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TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809
Appeal No. 3576
Application Dated November 3, ]986
Charles R. Cuddy, Esq.
108 East Main Street,
Riverhead, NY 11901
as Attorney
Box 279
At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on November 20, ]986,
the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken
on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property
New York Town Law, Section 280-a
[ ] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance
Article , Section
[ ] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance
Article , Section
[X] Request for Withdrawal of Appeal No. 3393
Application of BARBARA D. SCHRIEVER to withdraw Variance condi-
tionally approved under Appeal No. 3393 on September 26, 1985, and to
reinstate in full the 1969 Variance conditionally approved under
Appeal No. 1260, permitting the use of a 5,600 sq. ft. existing
building for storage and repair of contractor's machinery and equip-
ment. Location of Property: West Side of Tabor Road, Orient, NY;
County Tax Map District 1000, Section 18, Block 05, Lot 12. "B-Light"
Business Zoning District.
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on Novem-
ber 20, 1986 in the Matter of the Application of BARBARA D.
SCHRIEVER under Appeal No. 3576; and
WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard
were heard and their testimony recorded; and
WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and
documentation submitted concerning this application; and
WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are
familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and
the surrounding areas; and
WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact:
1. By this application, appellant requests a withdrawal of
the conditional variance rendered by this Board under Appeal
No. 3393 on September 26, 1985, in which woodworking and metal
shop and artist studio, without residential use, was permitted,
and automatically terminating the 1969 conditional variance
rendered under Appeal No. 1260 upon a transfer or conveyance
of the subject premises, or occupancy of the proposed wood-
working/metal shop and artist studio uses.
2. The premises in question is situate along the west side
of Tabor Road commencing at a point approximately 115 feet south
of the Main Road (State Route 25) containing an area of .528
DATED: November 20, 1986.
Fozn~ ZB4 (rev. 12/81)
Page 2 Appeal No. 3576
Decision Rendered November 20, 1986
acreage, lot width [frontage] along Tabor Road of 123 feet, and
average lot depth of 187.24 feet. Properties to the north and
west of this parcel are zoned "A-Residential and Agricultural";
property adjoining this parcel along the south property line is
also zoned "B-Light" Business. Properties along the east side
of Tabor Road are zoned "A-Residential and Agricultural."
3. The building as exists contains an area of 6,903 sq.
ft. on the first floor and an area of 1,500± sq. ft. on the
second floor. The subject building is shown on survey as
amended August 27, 1985 prepared by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C. to
be set back 22 feet from the front (east) property line along
Tabor Road [at its closest point], 15 feet from the south
property line along property now or formerly of William
Schriever, and 19 feet from the north side property line.
Town records show that the setback of the entire structure as
exists is 50 feet from the rear (west) property line along land
now or formerly of Tabor.
4. The variance conditionally approved June 12, 1969 under
Appeal No. 1260 permitted the use of a 5,600 sq. ft. existing
building for storage and repair of contractor's machinery and
equipment. The 5,600 sq. ft. building (without addition) is
more particularly shown on survey amended August 27, 1985
prepared by VanTuyl & Son (submitted with this application).
Subsequent to the 1969 variance, the subject premises was
rezoned by the Southold Town Board from "A-Residential and
Agricultural" to "B-Light" Business. Under the "B-Light" Busi-
ness zoning regulations, such use is not a permitted use.
5. The variance conditionally approved September 26, 1985
under Appeal No. 3393 permitted the use of the entire 6,903+
sq. ft. first floor area for small-scale fabricating without
heavy manufacturing of machinery or equipment, a mail-order
business, office areas, and manufacture of parts for portable
saw mills, in conjunction with an artist studio. This variance
did not permit residential use and called for the immediate
termination of the 1969 use variance upon a transfer or
conveyance of the property, or occupancy of the uses herein,
whichever occurred first. Upon information and belief, there
has been no transfer or conveyance of the subject premises.
6. It is the position of the applicant/property owner
at this time to continue the use of the premises in accordance
with the 1969 Variance under Appeal No. 1260, with or without
a conveyance of the land, rather than allow same to be auto-
matically terminated with a conveyance as stipulated by this
Board's 1985 decision (Appeal No. 3393). The subject premises
was never occupied for those uses permitted under Appeal
No. 3393.
7. It is the understanding of this Board that the use
of the premises (as conditionally permitted in 1969) has
not been discontinued and has not lapsed. Since there has
been no transfer or conveyance of the subject property,
the use of the 5,600 sq. ft. building for storage and repair
of contractor's machinery and equipment is still in full
force and effect. This Board does not, however, recognize
any other additional use, and hereby limits the property in
question to the "storage and repair of contractor's machinery
and equipment" and not in conjunction with any other use
which may be compatible under the proposed or current
zoning regulations (unless approval for such change or
addition is obtained after formal application to this Board,
or the 1969 use variance is withdrawn and terminated in
its entirety).
Page 3 - Appeal No. 3576
Decision Rendered November 20,
1 986
8. For the record, it is noted that the proposed Master
Plan under review currently depicts the subject premises to
be rezoned to "B" General Business, which lists under Article
X, Section lO0-101(A), "Permitted Uses," at subsection [4]
"...building...contractors' businesses or yards... "
Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by
Mr. Sawicki, it was
RESOLVED, to APPROVE the request under Appeal No. 3576
in the Matter of the Application of BARBARA D. SCHRIEVER
withdrawing the variance conditionally rendered under
Appeal No. 3393 September 26, 1985, and reinstating the
variance conditionally approved under Appeal No. 1260
June 12, 1969, to allow the sole use of the subject 5,620
sq. ft. building for storage and repair of contractor's
machinery and equipment.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis,
Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly
November 25, 1986
TILE. SOUTiiOLD S :~' ~.i C:-Lilll
DATE z/-~t ~f.. ~-..-,.~
Town Clerk, Town