HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2012 Town of Southold
Housing advisory commisSion
April 11, 2012
Present: Frederick Andrews, Eric Dantes, Michael Herbert, LeRoy Heyliger, Jeanne Kelley, Beth
Motschenbacher, Daniel Sarnowski, Rona Smith, John Yahey and John ¥iterltti
Welcome of New Member, Eric Dantes:
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of March 14, 2012 were approved.
Resale of Cottaqes: House closed on March 16th. There is a possibility that one or two
additional homes will become available for resale.
Comprehensive Plan-Housinq Chapter: Final revisions were made and the amended
chapter appears on the Town's website.
Housinq Resource Forum: A forum on developing affordable apartments from
accessory structures will be held in late June at the Peconic Lane Community Ctr. to
feature the following topics:
· Overview of the legislation - Town Attorney, Supervisor
· Tax assessment implications - Town Assessors
· Costs of renovation and construction - John Vahey, Eric Dantes
· Selection of tenants-income qualifications-Housing Registry--Phillip?
· Landlord and tenant relations--Michael Herbert, John Viteritti, Eric Dantes
· Questions and answers
· Possibly have a"moderator"
· Other ideas???
Be prepared to volunteer for
To be further developed and finalized at the next meeting.
some aspect of the forum.
Cluster (Hiqher Density) Housinq: As follow up to the meeting with the planning
department at the Annex. Fred stated that the meeting provided encouragement because
of all the work that had been previously done to support affordable housing. In an effort to
build momentum around the idea, it was agreed that the next meeting will be primarily
devoted to the HAC articulating what they perceive to be a priority for affordable housing in
light of the newly developed Comprehensive Plan (e.g. apartments, senior condos, etc.)
Nitrex Presentation: Rona, Fred and Dan attended presentation held by the Planning
Board. Dan provided handouts of his interpretation of the presentation. This type of
system is important and possibly necessary to support the concept of higher density
housing. Some concern was expressed because it has not been tested in New York and
Suffolk County has not fully embraced it. Rona commented that it should be welcomed
with caution as one would not want it to "backfire." Phillip will check with the Suffolk
County to see if Health Dept would allow greater density with Nitrex system.
Consumer Price Index: Phillip noted that in calculation of possible resale he observed a
major spike of CPI due to rising fuel costs and this will impact affordability. Affordable
Housing District legislation requires utilization of CPI. John Vahey had suggested utilizing
another index that will reflect rise of median income. In the interim Phillip suggested
utilizing the CPI with average of two indexes (housing and cost of living) that brings down
the resale cost unlike solely utilizing the cost of living. He will consult with the Town
Distribution: Newsday 04.04.12 and CNN Money 03.27.12
Next Meetinq Date: May 9,2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the Peconic Lane Community Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Phillip Beltz