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Town of Sonthold Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 4/13/2012 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 35534 Date: 4/13/2012 THIS CERTIFIES that the building Location of Property: SCTM #: 473889 Subdivision: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1855 COX LA CUTCHOGUE, Sec/Block/Lot: 96.-3-7.4 Filed Map No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore 10/30/2009 pursuant to which Building Permit No. was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: one family dwelling with covered entries as applied for. Lot No. ~ed in this officed dated 35118 dated 10/30/2009 The certificate is issued to ROBERT & TERRI GLOVER (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 8/23/10 R10-07-0104 12/1/09 3021050 2/26/09 ~S°utl~°ld Plumbing J'~ ~/~"~& ~eating Au~h6J~e~gnatu~e FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERb~IT NO. 35118 Z Date OCTOBER 30, 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: ROBERT & TERRI GLOVER 5 CASEY COURT NANUET,NY 10954 for : CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED.REPLACES EXPIRED BP # 33453 at premises located at County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 096 pursuant to application dated OCTOBER Building Inspector to expire on APRIL 1855 COX LA CUTCHOGUE Block 0003 Lot No. 007.004 30, 2009 and approved by the 30, 2011. Fee $ 1,350.40 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 (THIS FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 33453 Z Date OCTOBER 9, 2007 Permission is hereby granted to: LEANDER B JR GLOVER 815 COX LANE CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 for : CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 1855 COX LA County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 096 pursuant to application dated OCTOBER CUTCHOGUE Block 0003 Lot No. 007.004 9, 2007 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on APRIL // , 2~ Fee $ 1,350.40 ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 ~orm No. 6 ~0~ OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 7654802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF occUPANcy This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey 0f property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage4isposal (S_9 form). 3. Approval of electrieal installation from Board 0 f Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying thai the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, m~iltiple reaidenees and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6, Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and:unusufil natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $50.00, Additions to dwelling $50.00, Alterations to dwelling $50.00, · Swimming pool $50.00, Accessory building $50.00, Additions to accessory building $50.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certifieat~ ofOceupancy - $50.00 · 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. New COnstruction: ~'/Old or Pre-existing Building: Location of Property: __ House No. Streei - Owner or Owners of Property: - Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Q ~:, Subdivision PermitNo. '~}t ~ .DateofPermit. Health DepL Approval: (check one) Block Filed Map. Applicant: Underwriters Approval: Hamlet Planning Board Approval: Request for: Foe Submitted: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: (check one) Aoolicant Sienature BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET ~ NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by JIM SAGE ELEC. INC ROBERT GLOVER PO BOX 38 1855 COX LANE GREENPORT, NY 11944-0038, CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Located at 1855 COX LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Application Number: 3021050 Certificate Number: 3O21050 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: 0 BDC: ns11 Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Basement, Outside, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the26th Day of Febr.ary, 2009. Name QTY Rathe Rating Circuits T2Lp~ Appliances and Accessories Furnace I 0 Oil Pump Motor 1 0 1 H.P Miscellaneous modular house-could not locate NY State approval sticker Service Service Disconnect: 1 200 cb ServicelPhase3w Service Rating200Amperes Wiring And Devices Fixture 4 0 Incandescent Receptacle 1 0 GFCI Switch ~=~ Gen, Purpose JUN 2 9 2010 seal BLDG. DEPI. 1 of l TOWN OF SOUTHOLO This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. Jr. ZJ~ c41.3 CERTIFICATION Building Permit No. ~ ~ 1 ~ ~' (Ple~nt) lead. I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% Sworn to before me this dayof~, 20 14 Notary Public, % cr-~-r}.L County Notary Public.State of New Yor,~ No. 01BU6185050 Qualified in Suffolk County Commiss on [x~ires Aori 14 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [~FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE /'~- ~ - ~' ~ INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-t 802 INSPECTION ] FOUNDATION 1ST /~ FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]ROUGH PLBG. FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]INSULATION FRAMING ~,~_ ..__. . ..__j [ ]FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION REMARKS: ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION INSPECTOR DATE 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESI~N~ CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS-'~_~~~/~h~E_ .~ l t.,~ ~ ~' ~ '; ' '" ' ' - ~ ' ' ' DATE ~// / ,/L~ INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]~ATIoN [ ] FRAMING/STRAPPING ['"] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FInE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROU/GH)~ /// [ ]~ELE~CTRICAL (FINAL) REM~ ~ DATE ~INSPECTOR ~~ COMmOn, TS F~!,D INSPECTION REPORT ROUGH F~G & pL~G ~S~ATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined Approved Disapproved a/c PERMIT NO. ,c~3~:>~-:::~ Expiration ,20__ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Mail to: (~..~o 6~d.l~'L~c.~'~td~..~ q~/(,~ /..~, ~t,,7'cy..~o.,O Or-- .-q'oJrn-mc.o APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ,20__ INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on promises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Cextificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Build~g Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or or alterations or for ~moval or demolition aa herein described. The Regulations, for the construction of buildings applicant agrees to comply with all ~ authorized inspectors on State whether code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit inspections. ( lieam or name, ifa coipomtion) (Mailing address of applicant) general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Name of owner of If applicant is a officer 1 or latest deed) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. /~6 0 v c.,x Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Subdivision cf/, Hamlet ~ Block ,.~ Lot~ '~.-it. ., Filed Map No ...... Lot : , State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy x~,o/oc~' ~,,,t.~ Oooc~,,o(. b. Intended use and occupancy ~ ,c~oo~c.~tc ,C,.~x, cc- ?~t~ff, Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building ~- Repair Removal Demolition ~*'~_-- Addition Other Work Estimated Cost If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars Fee Alteration (Descripfon) (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor / If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear .Depth Height Number of Stories I A_vj c:r. ro,o ~q~, co_ Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stodes Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ~,O 7 ~ ~ n Rear o0 '7 t b q .Depth ~ Height ~ ~ t _ ] '~/ It. * Number of Stories ,~ · Size of lot: Front ]l ~ ' Rear ~ I g~ ~ Depth t~OOD I O. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 1. Zone or use district in whi(ih premises are situated 2. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 3. Will lot be re-graded? YES ~,, NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES NO 4. Nemes ofOwner ofpremises [2o~'z~ (.,coast,_ Address g-Tg--¢or~ ~ ~ PhoneNo. 0°q-3-- 3~6 - z'~9 *"- Name ofArchiteet ,~'rc-do t~4-/ Address .~oJ,~,-~.~) PhoneNo Name of Contractor L-.,W o.~.~ ,~o~uc,x/~- Address 5 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO _ * 1F YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERM1TS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO ~ * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 6. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 7. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. TATE OF NEW YORK) ~OUNTY O~X) f'~) 0~: S-'O~cO~ 7ffZ,1,i6i6¥o being duly sworn, d~ses ~d says ~at (s)he is ~e applic~t ~me ofifidihd~ sing contact) above S)He is ~e (Con, actor, Agar, Co,orate Office, etc.) ,f said own~ or ownem, ~d is d~y autho~ to ~om or ~ve p~omed ~e s~d work ~d to ~e ~d file ~s a~limfio~ hat all statments ~nmin~ ~ ~s application ~ ~e to effomed in the ma~ s~ fo~h in ~e applimtion filed ~erewith. ;wo~ ~b~efore me this-~ ~llYt"~ dayof Notaxa:~lic MELANIE DOROSK] NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yak No. 01D04634870 Coallfied in Suffol~ County Commission F~ires Septemba' 30, 20 0'3 ure of Applicant Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM PROPERTY LOCATION: S.C.T.M. #: THE FOLLOWING ACTION8 MAY REQUIRE THE SUBMI881ON OF A STORM-WATER, GRADING; DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Item Number: (NOTE: A Check Mark (~) for each Question is Required for a Complete Application) Yes No 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Will this Project Retain All Storm-Water Run-Off Generated by a Two (2") Inch Rainfall on Site? (This item will include all mn-off created by site cleadng and/or construction activities as well as all Site Improvements and the permanent creation of impervious surfaces,) Does the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed Drainage Structures Indicating Size & Location? This Item shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and Slopes Controlling Surface Wated=low! Will this Project Require any Land Filling, Grading or Excavation where there is a change to the Natural Existing Grade Involving more than 200 Cubic Yards of Matedal within any Parcel? Will this Application Require Land Disturbing Activities Encompassing an Area in Excess of Five Thousand (5,000) Square Feet of Ground Surface? Is there a Natural Water Course Running through the Site? Is this Project within the Trustees jurisdiction or within One Hundred (100') feet of a Wetland or Beach? Will there be Site preparation on Existing Grade Slopes which Exceed Fifteen (15)feet of VeKical Rise to One Hundred (100') of Horizontal Distance? Will Driveways, Parking Areas or other Impervious Surfaces be Sloped to Direct Storm-Water Run-Off into and/or in the direction of a Town right-of-way? Will this Project Require the Placement of Material, Rerr~val of Vegetation and/or the Construction of any Item Within the Town Right-of-Way or Road Shoulder Area? ('l'his item will NOT include the Installation of Driveway Aprons,) Will this Project Require Site Preparation within the One Hundred (100) Year Floodplain of any Watercourse? r:'] I-2/ [2]_/ [2]¥ NOTE: If Any Answer to Questions One through Nine is Answered with a Check Mark in the Sox, a Storm-Watar, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is Required and Must be Submitted for Review Prior to Issuance of Any Building Permit EXEMPTION: Ye__s Does this project meet the minimum standards for classification as an Agricultural Project? Note: If You Answered Yes to this Question, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is NOT Requiredl -- -- STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ......~.0..~....~...~...~ ............SS That I .............. IJ.t...Coq.. .............................. being duly swom, deposes and says that he/she is the applicant for Permit, (Name of individual signing Document) And that he/she is the .............................................. ~....~ .................................................................................................. (Owner, Contractor, Agent, Coq~rate Officer, etc.) Owner and/or representative of the Owner of Owner's, and is duly authorized to perforn~ or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the applica6on filed herewith. Sworn to before~e this; ............ ~:Z'73~....~ .................. day of .......%d..L/~..' ......... ; ................ 20.D.. ] Notary Public: ...I t;~gnalurqm FoRm - 06t07 ....... io%7 Oli h%' ...... // flgalifi~i in Suffolk C0tintv., tammsi0n L~ir~ 8~pt~nh~ gO, &O1 * STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE 41 STATE STREET ALBANY, NY 12231-0001 GOVERNOR Ms. Renee Moist Director of Engineering Apex Homes Inc. 247 US Highway 522 North Middleburg, PA 17842 Dear Ms. Moist: February 7, 2007 RE: RENEWAL M 1168-02-074 System approval - CONDITIONAL In reference to your written request dated February 2, 2007, your original approval dated February 25, 2003 to construct Factory ManufactUred Detached One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Multiple Single-Family Dwellings (Townhouses) System of Models is Factory Manufactured Building Approval designated M 1168-02-074 , as authorized under 19 NYCRR 1209. This approval will remain in effect until February 25, 2009 unless sooner revoked, and is subject to renewal thereafter. Buildings manufactured under this approval are limited to installation on sites meeting the following criteria: 1. The Seismic Design Category as determined by geographic location and soil Site Class is limited as follows: 1.a. Seismic Design Category A, B, C for Detached One- and Two- Family Dwellings. l.b. Seismic Design Category A or B for Multiple-Family Dwellings (Townhouses). 2. The basic wind speed of a locality is no more than 120 mph. 3. The ground snow load is not more than 85 psf. 4. Calculations for snow drifting on lower roofs & sliding snow loading must be explicitly addressed for each individual plan submission. Tabular loading values within the system (snow drift chart) must be specified for each individual submission. The plan submission must include engineering data for structural members which will address the increased loading within the drift area. Supplemental Conditions of Approval In addition, ~he conditions under which system approval is granted are: 1.The manufacturer is to submit to the Division a duplicate of the permit set for each dwelling to be installed in New York State. Each permit set is to be sealed and signed by an architect or engineer registered in New York State and is to bear that architect or engineer's certification that "the plans and specifications of the permit set are derived from and consistent with the plans and specifications assoeiated with this approval on file with the Division and this conditional approval letter." The certifying architect or engineer may not be affiliated or as,sociated with the manufacturer's quality assurance agency. The following are specific requirements regarding the contents of the permit set. · 1.1. A set of drawings comprising at a minimum: WWW.DOS.STATE.NY.US · E-MAIL:INFO~DOS.STATE.NY.U$ ~vis. ~enee Moist February 7, 2007 Page 2 of 2 1.1.1 Cover Sheet which contains information on: - Project location - Design criteria: listing of applicable design loads such as Ground Snow Load, Seismic Design Category, Wind Speed, Live Loads, Dead Loads, etc. -Applicable building codes and design specifications - Energy code information: statement by professional of compliance with Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State, 2002 Edition. Method of Compliance and pertinent dOCUmentation shall be provided. - Occupancy classification - Construction type classification - General notes - Index of drawings ' Manufacturer,s title block ~ Certification, by design professional, of derivation from approved system set and this conditional approval letter 1. 1.2 Elevations drawings 1.1.3 FlOor plans which convey the information on: - Required and provided light, vantilatinn, egress, window and door schedules " ~ Unambiguous identification ofstructura! members - Smoke detectors and GFCI Interrupt protection 1.1.4 Foundation plan 1.1.5 Building cross section with information on: - Building integration (module Connections) details - Location of required fire stopping - Roof truss bracing and structural connections I. 1.6 Roof system - Special requirements addressed (such as sliding, Conditions) drifting or unbalanced snow load 1.1.7 Non-typical details (such as prow roof, cant/laver beams, etc.) 1.2 SUmmary of references to system for selection of structural members. 1.3.Each page of drawings and calculations should be signed, sealed, and dated by New York State registered design professional. 2. The manufacturer will submit a weekly report SUmmarizing (listing) all permit sets with information about project location, production serial number, and NYS insignia number. 3.The manufacturer will promptly address the deficiencies of submittals. 4. The system conditional approval is of the Uniform Code. subject to termination upon evaluation of Compliance with the provisions 5. The Division will conduct qua/it c · above conditions and wi *~ Y..ontrol review of permit s · reported to A-~-. ,- th ~-~ provisions of the Res 'd, - i~i r, et submittals to evaluate corn 1' ' },es hOmes, Inc. and are to be ....... t~.,e.,t .... ode of New York .ct ..... p. lance w~th the ~-,anpuyaaaressed .... *- oenclencies will be The approval is indicated by the New York State Department of State "Stamp of Approval" placed on originally approved set of plans and by this qualifying letter dated February 7, 2007. A copy of this letter shall accompany each set of plans submitted for a building permit and be deemed a duplicate original, the cc: Mr. R/chard Wanner, P.E., PFS Corporation File 02-074CALR2.wpd Ronald E. P/ester, R.A. Director Division of Code Enforcement and Administration [~Corporate Office 1000 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 201 P.O. Box 487 Williamsport~ PA 17703-0487 Phone: (570) 323-6603 Fax: (570) 323-9902 fax TO East End Construction Services 150 Waterview Drive Southold, NY 11971 [-]Spoke Office 24 West Main Stzeet, Suite A P.O. Box 32 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Phone: (570) 38%6680 Fax: (570) 387-8050 [-]Spoke Office 22 North Market Street Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Phone: (570) 374-5700 Fax: (570) 374-5703 r-]Spoke Office 34 Denison Parkway West P.O. Box 100 Corning, NY 14830 Phone: (607) 936-7076 Fax: (607) 936-7086 D.~ 6/7/2007 I JoB.o 6314-011-129 D.T~ 50 I ,.*sE.o 129 Permit Sets: Apex Homes, Inc. WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Pdnts [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] Other COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 13828 ResCheck - East End Construction 3 13828 NY Permit Set w/Subset & ResCheck - East End Construction 1 13828 Calculations - East End Construction THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For Approval [] Foryour use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE. [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Reviewed [] Resubmit __ [] Submit__ [] Return [] Other copies for approval copies for distribution corrected pdnts [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO File SIGNED Brian Regan If enclosures are not as notad, kindly notify us at once. Robert Glover 1855 Cox La. Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: BP#33453, issued 10/09/07 Dear Mr. Verity: I am writing to you to request a six (6) month extension for my building permit from the Town of Southold Building Dept. Thank you for your continuing assistance. R. Glover cc: file APR - 2 2009 BLDG. OEPI. TOWN OF SOUTHOLO Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone (63 I) 765- 1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF ISOUTItOLD October 20th, 2009 Robert & Terri Glover 5 Casey Ct. Nanuet, N.Y. 10954 RE: 1855 Cox Lone (New Dwelling) SCTM: # 1000-96.-3-7.4 FIRST NOTICE To Whom It gay Concern: Please be advised that your Building Permit # 33453 issued October 9th, 2007 hos expired. According to the Code of the Town of Southold, o Certificate of Occuponcy must be issued before the use of the structure. To renew your Building Permit's, pleose submit a fee of $1350.40: at that time we con Schedule an inspection by one of our Building Inspector's. If you have any questions, please call us at 765-1802. Respectfully, SOUTHOLD TOWN BUILDING DEPT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631 ) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 July 1,2011 Rober & Terri Glover 5 Casey Ct Nanuet, NY 10954 Re: 1855 Cox Ln., Cutchogue BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TWO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Items Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. A fee of 50.00. __ Final Health Department Approval. __ Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 411184) __ Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees #765-1892) __ Final Planning Board Approval. __ Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. __ Final Landmark Preservation approval. BUILDING PERMIT: 35118 - New Dwelling Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box I 179 Southold, NY I 1971-0959 Telephone (631 ) 765-18{)2 Fax (631 ) 765-9502 Janua~ 31,2012 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Robert & Terri Glover 5 Casey Ct Nanuet, NY 10954 Re: 1855 Cox Ln, Cutchogue TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Item(s) Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING CHECKED ITEMS SO WE MAY ISSUE YOUR CIO AND CLOSE OUT THIS FILE. / Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. Final Health Department Approval. __ Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) __ Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees #765-1892) __ Final Planning Board Approval. __ Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. - Bob Fisher __ Final Landmark Preservation approval. BUILDING PERMIT: 35118 - New Dwelling SURVEY OF LOT 2 SUBDMSION OF PROPERTY CLUSTERED SET- OFF LEANDER B. GLOVER MAP FILED IN THE OFFICE OF: THE CLERK OF ,.~t,IFFOLK (,,OUNTT A~ FILE NO. 11~4q TOWN OF SOUTHO~.n SUFFO~.K COUNTY, NEW YORK .~JFFOLK COUNTY TAX # I000 - q6 - ~, - -'i.4 ~URVE¥ DATIE: O6-2~-2OO-/,O<::I-2-/-2OO-/ PCAJN~ATION LOC. O5-12-2OO~ M^¥ 5 '~'/~ CERTIFIF:D TO, ROE~ERT CLOVER T~RRI ~LOVER NOTES: ~ANITAR¥ AND !/~-LL !.~Et:2JE INSTALLED TO COhdPL¥ ~IITH t:~E<2~t)I~:;:'JEMENT~ P~ ~DIVI~ION A~OV~ AND ~TH GONFO~H TO G~NT ~TA~A~ FOR ~IN~LE FAHIL~ ~I~NCE~ ~ITH UP TO 4 ~D~OOH~. 4" ~1~ LINE TO ~IG TANK ~ILL ~ ~PLAGED, AND INdUCeD BY ~.O.D.H.~. ~ON INDT~LATION. ~BDIVI~ION AP~OVAL ~D GAIN~ U~E~ ~.O.D.H.~. ~. ~ DIO - OI - 0004 TOPO LINE~ REFERENCE C, OUNT¥ TOPO MAPS P~OPO~ED DRY P, IELL,~ 8~' DIAMETER 5 FOOT DEEP TO CONTAIN 2" OF RAINFALL ARJEA = 4~.,561 ~.F. OR 1.0000 Acres ®F~..APHIC -~C, ALE I"= 50' DRYP~IELL CALCULATION~ 21OO 5J=. X .17 = 35J C.F. ROOF VOLUHE I0' DEEP ¢' DIA. DRY~I-=LL = 429 C.F. JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 R1VERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\\Compaqserver\pros\07\07-197c.pro SURVEY OF LOT 2 SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY CLUSTERF. D SET- OFF HAP FILEI~ IN ~ OF:F:IC, E OF THE OF: ,'50F:F:OLK COUNTY A~ FILE NO. IID4q TOWN OF SOUTHO~.n SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK .G0t=DOLK. C.,OUNTY TAX # IOOO - q~' - ~ - -1.4 .6URVEY DATE, TEST HOLE HcI~ONALD ®EOSOIENOE gO TEST HOLE AS SHOHN ON FILED FiAP / ¥/?, .~ANITAR¥ AND I, qF:l I ~ INSTAl I i=r) TO C4N,4PL¥ I,',IITH REdtUIREI,,tL=NT~ r-OR .GU~PlVI.GION A~-'T,cOVAL ANP IDOTH CxDNr-oRI,4 TO ~ .~TANDAR.I;~ FOR..GIN~LE FAHILY R.E~IIDENGE~ I, qlTH UP TO 4 B, EDt:~:X::~.,~. 4-" .GL=F~IC. LINE TO .GEt::~IG TANK. I'qlLL 5.C,.ID.H.5. UPON II'~,TALLATION. .GU~DIVISION ~ 5AINED UNDER 5.G.D.H.5. REF. # 510 - OI - 0004 TOPO LIhE5 REFE'EB, IDE C, OUNTY TOPO HAP5 FROP~ DRY I'f_.LL5 ¢' DIAIHET'ER 5 FOOT DJE[P TO CONTAIN 2" OF RAIN~ALL AREA = ~P-~,PH I C ~ALE I"= N DR¥1NELL GALGULATION5 2100 5.F. X .I-t = DDt E..F. ROOF VOLUPIE I0' PEEP 5' PlA. DRYI~IELL = 42D O.F. S C, ERTIFIE~ TO: RC~D~T 6LC~-R ~l ~L(TY~R JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 F..,a~qT blAIN STR ~s-c. r N.Y.S.l.lC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\V?.ompaqservei6pro~VYTX07-197.pro SURVEY OF LOT 2 SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY CLUSTERED SET- OFF MAP FILEP IN THE OFFIGE OF THE GLERK OF E:~UFt=OLK. C, OUNT'¢ A~ FlEE NO. 11~,4.q CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHO~r~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK .5UFFOLK CZ)UNY( TAX # IOOO - ct6 - ~, - "1.4 5t)EVEY [:)ATE.- O,t~-23-2OO"/ TEST HOLE ~c[:)ONALP ®EOSC. IENCE 90 0 TEST HOLE: AS SHO~N ON FILEP i~AP SANITARY AND I,'flFI I ~ IN~TALI Ff'~ TO C, OMPL"Y I, NITH REG~IREMENTS, FOP....E:~'~D'IVI~ION A~AL AND [~gTH C, ONt=O~M TO ~NT $TANDARP~ FOt~. .~IN~LE FAMILY t~4ESIPENC, E-~ I~IITH UP TO 4 BE[:>RO01¢~. 4" ~tO LI~ TO ~lO TA~ ~ILL ~ ~LAGED, A~ I~O~P BY 5.O~.H.5. ~ON I~T~TION. ~DIVIDION A~ ~5 6AI~P ~ER 5.0~.H.5. ~. ~ 510 - Ol - ~4 TOPO LINE5 REFERENC. E ¢'lh' TOPO MAF5 AREA = 4~,561 5.F. OP-. 1.0000 A~res ~P. APHIC, SC, ALE I"= 50' N C, EI~.TIFIEI~ TO, I~:>BERT t~LOVER TEt~..~I 5LOVER >4c~I ,, ~%~ ,? -,-,~,'Tm:~..T;,,~F..~;T OF H~LTH SERVICES ~ER~',{,T gOR .~.PP {OVAL OF COf~STRUC~IOH FOR A DATE-~r~'cxr'~:r'" , -., , ~IEE8 ~REE YE~S FROM DATE CF APPROVAL JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\W. ompaqserveCxorosq)7~07-197.pro SURVEY OF LOT 2 SUBDMSION OF PROPERTY CLUSTERRD SET- OFF LOt ~ t:~EFER TO "EIJ~DIVISION OF: ~PER'I-Y CLU~'I"~-RED SET-OFF F=I2.EPARED FOR LEANDER ~LOYER" HAP FILED IN TIlE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF: EOFFOLK COUNTY AS FILE NO, II~M-q ROBERT CLOVER CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOI.D SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SANITARY AND ~LL I, NERE IN~TALI Fr') TO COMPLY WITH t:;;%E~UIREMENTS FC:~ E~Jt~,DIVISION A~ A~ ~TH ~NFORH TO ~NT 5TA~A~ F~ 51NeLE FAMILY ~I~NC~ ~ITH UP TO 4 ~. 4" ~IC LINE TO ~lC TANK ~ILL ~ ~PL~ED, A~ IN~O~P DY ~.O~,H.~. ~ON I~T~LATION, ~IVI~ION A~V~ ~ GAI~D ~R D,O~,H,D, ~, ~ ~10 - OI - O~4 TOPO LINES REFERENCE ~TT TOFO MAF~ PROPC:~ED DRY k'qELLS 8' DIAMETER 5 FOOT DEEP TO CONTAIN 2" OF RAINFALL, MINIMUM .20' FROM E~PTIC AREA = 4D,~:~I S.F. ~ 1.0000 Acres ®RAPHIC, SCALE I"= 50' N RIO-O?- 010~ S CERTIFIED TO: ROE~RT 6LOVER TEt~I OLOVER NOV SUFF. CO. H~ TH //,?~.*"_- _'",~N* % JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST ~ S~T N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 ~, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\\Compaqserver~pros\07\07-197c.pm REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Compliance Certificate Project Title: Qn-13828 / Glover #2 / Custom 2 Story Report Date: 05/16/07 Data filename: \~Engineering\y\REScheck/A13828.rck Energy Code: Location: Construction Type: Heating Type: Glazing Area Percentage: Heating Degree Days: Construction Site: Cutchogue, NY 11935 New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Suffolk County, New York Detached I or 2 Family Non-Electric 15% 57'50 Owner/Agent: East End Construction Services, Inc, 150 Waterview Ddve Southold, NY 11971 DesignedContractor: Apex Homes, Inc. 7172 Route 522 Middleburg, PA 17842 Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss: Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c.: Window 1: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low-E: Door 1: Solid: Door 2: Solid: Door 3: Glass: Floor'1: Ali-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space: 1300 30.0 0.0 46 2793 19.0 0.0 141 3O3 0.340 103 22 0.160 4 20 0.280 6 103 0.290 30 1300 19.0 0,0 61 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page, they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowiedge, belief, and professional judgment, such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. Name - Title Signature ~ Date Qn-13828 / Glover #2 / Custom 2 Story Page I of 1 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHA! MEET THE REQUIREME,',~TS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICA~ REQUIRED COMPLY W~TH ALL CC, DES OF NEW YORK STA F'j & TOWN CODES AS REQUIRED ANC' '~- , ! ~ONS OF APPROVED AS NOTED ~ / / DATE:. (~__ ~.~.~ B.p.# ,,~c~_:7~ / /. NOTIFY BUILDING DEFARTMENT AT ~ ~ 765-1802 8AM TO 4 PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1.FOUNDATION . TWO REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH . FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSU~TION 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. kY.S D~ OCCUPANCY OR USE IS UNLAWFUL WITHOUT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATION OF' NAILING & CONNECTIONS REQUIRED. PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING WASTE & WATER LINES NEED TESTING BEFORE COVERING PLUMBER CERTIFICATION ON LEAD CONTENT BEFORE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SOLDER USED IN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CANNOT EXCEED 2/10 OF 1% LEAD. EO00 ZO, _ X' COMPLY WITH CHAPTER "46" FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. DO NOT PROCEED WITH FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY OF FOUNDATION LOCATION HAS BEEN APPROVED, WIND ANALYSIS, SHEAR WALL DESIGN AND MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS East End Construction Services Inc. / Glover #2 QN-13828/NY Cutchogue, NY Prepared for APEX HOMES, INC. 7172 Route 552 Middleburg, PA 17842 Prepared by LARSON DESIGN GROUP 1000 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 201 Williamsport, PA 17701 Project No. 6314-011-129 Phase 129 June 2007 I I I Gregory J. Moser, PE Plans, maps, specifications, studies, and reports not containing a red ink seal imprint accompanied by an original signature by the licensed prefessional may have peen fraudulently altered and shall not be considered an original copy. All information should be disregarded unless verified by the professional whose signature appears above. Copyright Protected 2007. Lareon Design Group. Larson Design Group I Your Vision. Made Reel. I JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors SHEETNO General Notes 1 OF 1 An employee owned oompany CALCULATED BY BCR CATE 6/4/2007 Re Box 487 williamsport. PA 17701 CHECKEC BY CATE TEL570.323.6603 'rOLL FREE 877.323.6603 FAX 570.323.9902 ~ .......................... SCALE General Notes: i i ] The attached calculations have been prepared to satisfy State of New York Department of State requirements pertinent to approval for manufacture of modular construction within 110 to 120 mph wind zones, in accordance with the Residential Code of New York State. The calculations are prepared to specifically comply with the nine (9) items of information required by the Department of State memo issued on January 7, 2004. The attached calculations have been developed under the direction of and reviewed by an engineer registered to practice in the State of New York. Appropriate calculations and drawings have been sealed by the registered engineer. I I I I ' I ! , Your Vision. Mode Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company Sox 487 Williamspod, PA 17701 TEL570.323.6603 TOLL FffiEE 877.323.6603 FAX 570.323.9902 Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY BCE DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 6/4/2007 Table of Contents i I ' I General Notes Sheet 1 iMain House Summary [~ Sheet 1 thru 4 !Engineered Design - Main House Calculations Sheet 1 thru 23 iRoof System Connections Sheet 1 thru 27 I Miscellaneous Beam Connections Sheet I thru 2 I Your vision. Made Rear. J JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors Art employee owned company SHEET NO Summary Sheet 1 oF 4 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 PO Box 487 Wiliiamsport, PA 17701 ~.Jt~_~ - DATE /~¢ / TEL570.3236603 TOLL FF~EE 877 3236603 PAX 5703239902 CHECKED BY /~ ¢ ? SCALE - Main House - 2 Story I Summary ~ - The following information is provided as a summary of the calculations. The summary is intended to address the minimum requirements listed in the January 7, 2004 letter to the Factory __ Manufactured Home Producers. ...... Methodology ..... ~ - This home is designed using engineered design methods accepted 5y the Residential Code of New York State (2002) and the Wood Frame Construction Manual - SBC High Wind Edition (1995). Second Floor Forces, Connections, and Fasteners ~_ Location Force Connection Fasteners Required Ref Quantity Main House: Roof to 2nd USP Structural Connector Story Wall, Within 6' 0" of 428 plf RS200 (Clear Span + 19") (22) 10d nails Sheet Domer - Rafter to Stud ~- @ 32" o.c. ~ (11 in each stud) 7 (ever,./other stud) ~ USP Structural Connector c Main House: Roof to 2nd o = Stow Wall, Not within 6' 0" 300 plf RS200 (Clear Span + 19") (22) 10d nails Sheet o @ 48" o.c. (11 in each stud) 7 o~ ~f Corner - Rafter to Stud ~' ~'" c (every third stud) = o USP Structural Connector 0 Main House: 2nd to 1st ~ Story Wall, Within 6' 0" of 362 plf RS200 (Clear Span + 19") (22) 10d nails Sheet @ 32" o.c. ~ (11 in each stud) 14 ~' Corner - Stud to Stud ~ / (every other stud) USP Structural Connector Main House: 2nd to 1st Story Wall, Not within 6' 0" 234 plf RS200 (Clear Span + 19") (22) 10d nails Sheet @ 48" o.c. (11 in each stud) 14 of Corner- Stud to Stud (ever,,/third stud/ '~ , !An equal or better connection device may be substituted for any connection device listed. ! ! Your Vision. Made Eeal. ] JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company SHEET NO. Summary Sheet 2 OF 4 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 RO. Box 487 Wiliiacqspod. PA ,7701 CHECKED BY DATE (~ t~ TILL570.323 6603 TOLL FREE 877.3236603 FAX 570.323.9902 ~ -.. ~'Tt SCALE Location Force Sheathing Connection Reference 233 plf 0.131 x 2.5" @ 6' c.c. panel Main House: Roof (Shear) 84 plf 7/16" OSB w/Blocking edge nailing and 6" c.c. at Sheet 6 (Suction) intermediate supports 0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 6" c.c. Main House: Wall (Non- 50 plf panel edge nailing and 12" 7/16" OSB Sheet 12 Shearwall) (Suction) c.c. at intermediate supports 0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 6" c.c. 268 plf Vlain House: Floor (Shear) 19/32" OSB w/Blocking edge nailing and 6" c.c. at Sheet 16 intermediate supports Location Force Connection Fasteners Required Ref Quantity Main House: 2nd Story USP Coiled Strap (74) 10d nails Sheet ~lodule to 1st Story Module 3576 lb CMSTC16 (37 in each stud) 13.1 Front & Rear Main House: 2nd Story USP Coiled Strap (74) 10d nails Sheet Module to 1st Story Module 2576 lb CMSTC16 (37 in each stud) 13.1 Left & Right Location Force Exterior Panel Interior Panel Reference 7/16"OSB w/8dnails @ 1/2"GWB w/1 1/4"TypeS Main House: 2nd StoW 340 plf 6" c.c. panel edge nailing or W #6 drywall screws @ Sheet 8 Wall - Front and Rear 4" o~c. panel edge Main House: 2nd Story 77 plf 7/16" OSB w/8d nails @ N/A Sheet 10 Wall - Left and Right 6" c.c. panel edge nailing Location Force Connection Fasteners Required Ref Quantity Main House: 2nd Story 233 plf 16d toenails @ 6' o,c. N/A Sheet Module to 1st Story Module 15 lan equal or better connection device may be substituted for any connection device listed. ! ! I Your V~sion. Made Reel I JOB Apex Homes, Inc, QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company SHEET NO. Summary Sheet 3 OF 4 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Re SO× 487 Williamspod, PA ~ 7701 / ~ [ TEL570.3236603 TOLL FREE 877.323.6603 FAX 570.323.9902 CHECKED BY ~ DATE ~ ¢~ SCALE Fir t Floor Forces, Connections, and Fasteners I Location Force Connection Fasteners Required Ref Quantity ~lain House: 1st Story Simpson Strong-Tie (13) 10d nails into stud, VIodule to Foundation, Connector MSTAM36 and (8) 1/4 x 2 1/4 Titan Sheet 296 plf ~/ithin 6'-0" of Corner - @ 48" c.c. masonry screws in 22 ,Stud to Masonry/Concrete (every third stud) foundation wall Main House: 1st Story Simpson Strong-Tie (13) 10d nails into stud, Module to Foundation, Not 168 plf Connector MSTAM36 and {8) 1/4 x 2 1/4 Titan Sheet within 6'-0" of Corner - Stud @ 48" c.c. masonry screws in 22 to Masonry/Concrete (every third stud/ foundation wall Location Force Exterior Panel Interior Panel Reference Main House: 1st Story Wall 7/16" OSB w/8d nails @ 7/16" OSB w/8d nails @ Front 857 plf Sheet 17.1 3" c.c. panel edge nailing 3' c.c. panel edge nailing Main House: 1st StoryWall paneledgenai,ng. Framir~isSYP#2 paneledgenailing. FramingisSYP#2 Rear 2386 plf and @ adjoining panel edges sha, be and @ adioining panel edges sha, be Sheet 17.2 3" nominal wide (min) w/staggered 3" nominal w~de (min) w/staggered Main House: 1st Story Wall. 7/16" OSB w/8d nails @ 199 plf N/A Sheet 19 Left & Right 6" c.c. panel edge nailing Location Force Connection Fasteners Required Ref Quantity ~lain House: 1st Story (4) l" dia. ~olts in 2"x6' Ouad Stud and !Shearwall to Foundation 1340 USP Holddown TDX14 ¢) 1' dia. Anchor BO, w/12' min. Shoe Wall - Front embed. In Concrete OR 15' min. 21.1 Main House: 1st Story (2) 3/4' di~. Bolts in 2"x6" Double Stud Shearwall to Foundation 2898 II; USP Holddown TDX5 and (1) 3/4' dia. Anchor BO, w/12" rain Sheet Wall - Left & Right embed. In Concrete OR 15" min. 21.1 Main House: 1 st Story (4) 1 · dia BOlts in 2"x6' Quad Stud an¢ Shearwall to Foundation -~1924 II (2) USP Holddown TDX14 ¢) ~" dia. Anchor BO, w/~2' m~n. Sheet Wall - Rear embed' In Co,crete OR 15' min. 21.2 __ Main House: 1st Story (2) 3/4'dia. Bolts in 2'x6" Doub~e Stud Shearwall to Foundation 3576 lb USP Holddown TDX5 and (1) 3/4" dia. Anchor Bo, w/12" rain Sheet -- embed. In Concrete OR 15" min. 13.2 Wall - Rear @ Mating Wall embed. In Masonry iA n equal or better connection device may be substituted for any connection device listed· r I I I Your Vision. Made Reel. I JOB Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company SHEET NO CALCULATED BY RO. Box 487 Williamsport, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 877 323 S603 FA~( 570.323 9902 CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Summary Sheet 4 OF 4 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 ~:~ DATE ~ / ~/ 0 ? First Floor Forces, Connections, and Fastenem ~ Location Force Connection Fasteners Required Ref Quantity Main House: 1st Story USP Lateral Plate Tie MP4F (6) 8d nails in perimeter Module to Sill Plate - Front 501 plf Type I Installation band and (6) 8d nails in sill Sheet 23.1 and Rear @ 16" o.c. / plate Main House: Sill Plate to 1/2" dia. Anchor Blolts @ 1.5' Foundation - Front and 501/elf o.c. w/12" min. embed. In Sheet Rear 23.1 Concrete OR 15" min. embed. N/A In Masonry / Main House: 1st Story Module to Sill Plate - Left 129 plf 16d toenails @ 6" o.c. N/A Sheet 23.2 and Right / 1/2" dia. Anchor Blolts @ 4' o.c. Main House: Sill Plate to w/12" rain, embed. In Concrete Sheet Foundation - Left and Right 129 plf OR 15" min. embed. I,.~ N/A 23.2 / Masonry © 2007 Larson Design Group An equal or better connection device may be substituted for any connection device listed. Re Box 487 WJlliamspor~, PA 17701 TEL570.323.6603 TOLL FREE 877.323 6603 FA;( 570.323 9902 JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO 1 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHEOKEDBY ~'~ DATE ~/S]~ SCALE Wind Analysis and Shearwall Des ,qn Main House Desiqn Criteria Codes: Residentia~ Code of New York State (2002) Wood Frame Construction Manual -SBC H~gh Wind Edition (1995) Buildinq Description: 2 ¢Story Modular -wood frame construction Occupancy Classification: Detached Single-Family Dwelling Use Group: Detached Single-Family Dwelling Location: Cutchogue. Suffolk County, NY Desiqn Loads: Basic Wind Speed V3 = 120 mph (3 second gusT) RCNYS (2002) Figure R301.2(4) VFM -~ 100 mph (fastest mile wind speed) RCNYS (2002) Table R301.2.1.3 Per RCNYS (2002) R301.2.1.1 and R602.10,10. Engineered Design in accordance with the AF&PA Wood Frame Construction Manual -SBC High Wind Edition (1995) is permitted for basic wind speeds greater than or equal to 110 mph (3 second gust) Basic Snow Loads Ground Snow Load pg = 45 psf RCNYS (2002) Figure R301.2(5) Seismic Design Category = B Per section R301.2.2 [RCNYS 2002), [ne seismic erovis~ons of the code apply to buildings constructed in Seismic Design Categories C. D1 and D2. except one and two-family dwellings located in Category C. Therefore. only wind design provis~ons have been applied to this home. I I V°ur Vision. ~'¢'~ade ReoJ I JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company SHEET NO 2 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 SCALE RO Box 487 WillJamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323 6603 TOLL FREE 877 323.6603 FAX 570.3239902 Main House - Two Story APPLIOABIDTY: iThe following table is to determine whether the building geometry is within the applicability limitations of the WFCM - 1995 SBC High Wind Edition, Engineered Design, Section 2.1.3 Secbon; Limitations Attribute , Desiqn Values ROOF SYSTEMS I~ , ! Mean Roof Height 33' maximum 24 ft. OK Rafter/Truss Span (Horizontal Projection) 26' maximum 13.75 ft. ,~- O_~K ~ Rafter Spacing I 24" maximum 16 in. ¢-' i O_..~K I Eave Overhang Length i Max of 2' or rafter length/3 0.83 ; I i Rake Overhang Length Roof Slope i -I 13.75 ft. rafter length Zj Max of 2' or purlin span/2 0.83 Irt. !O.~K purlin span N/A ft. 121:12 maximum i I 7:12i ,/ O~K; i iR°°fDiaphragmAspectRati° ! i 4i:1 maximum : Wall Length Parallel to Ridge (L) =! 46 .ft. ,-' I 1.67i O~K Wall Length Perpendicular to Ridge (B) = 27.5 I ! f i L/B= WALL SYSTEMS Max Loadbearing Wall Height i i ~ 10' maximum ~ Max Non-Loadbearing Wall Height '20' maximum I iWall Stud Spacing i ' 24" c.c. maximum , ! Shearwall Line Offset I !4' maximum ! i I i Joist depth maximum ;4d Shearw II Story Offset ___ I , , i ~ ' ' 9.25 ' ~ I ! I i id-- i i iShearwall Segment Aspect Ratio ~ , Shearwall height]3 5 minimum I i i ! I r I ! H=i 9.00 ft. i 9 ft. ,/ IO.._~K; 9 ,ft. O~K 16 'in. OKi 0 I' i OK 0 ~in. O__~K 2.57 OK .Loo. SYSTEMS IX ~ ,' i i Joist Span ~! i ' I 126' maximum ' 13.75 ft. ,/ OK ~ I ~ : i 16 iJoist Spacing i : I 24" ; _ I ' I ~ o.c. maximum I,i ,!Cantilevers/Setback - Suppoding I joist depth d = 9.25 in. Ioadbearing walls or shearwalls i i !Cantilevers - Supporting ! ~ :extra Icad, 4d =: i 37 in. N/A max length = Joist span/4 = 134 I in. in, OK non-loadbearing wall nonshearwall ~ L = 13.75 ft. Vertical Floor Offset dmax= i I ,in', N/A ft. N/A ' ~n. Floor Diaphragm Aspect Ratio i,! ,: 4':1 maximum Wall Length Parallel to Ridge (L) =; 46 ft. Wall Length Perpendicular to Ridge (B) = 30 ft. L / B = 1.53 'O._~K Floor Diaphragm Openings MEn of 12' or 0.5'(L1 or L2) = 12 ft. , ~ max opening = 10.5 ft. '/ O__~K : This home does meet the applicability requirements RO Box 487 Williomsport, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 877 323 6603 FAX 570323 9902 Main House :- Two Stow JOB SHEET NO CALCULATEDBY CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Hemes, Inc. QN-13828/NY 3 OF 23 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 ~-¢~ DATE Constants Constants for Wood Type Spruce-Pine-Fir Stud Specific Gravity : !G = 0.42 ~ !C - Load Duration Factor , D - 1.6 ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 2.3.2 Size Factor ( 2x6 stud in tension ) i iCc = 1 ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) 4.3.2 Size Factor ( 2x4 stud in tension ) i I CF = 1.1 , , ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) 4.3.2 Nominal Tensile Stress I ! ~ t - 350 'psi ' ,ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 4A Typical Thickness of Wood Members I it~ = ~_ 1.5 in. Fastener Constants for Sliding ~ [ I i I ! Nominal Lateral Capacity for 3/4" dia. Bolt in Single Shear Parallel to the Grain Nominal Lateral Capacity for 5/8" dia. Bolt in Single Shear Parallel to the Grain Nominal Lateral Capacity for 1/2" dia. 1140 lb Nails in Single Shear Toe-Nail Factor i,,I i 820 ~lb 570 , lb ANSI /AF&PA NDS (1997)Table 8.2E ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 8.2E ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 8.2E : Bolt in Single Shear Parallel to the Grain Nominal Lateral Capacity of 16d I iz = i 88 lb ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 12.3A I ! ~ , ! iC,¢= 0.831 ~ iCd = 1.00 Nail Penetration Depth Factor Nail Fastening Module to Module 0.62 ' i : : i Toe-Nail Penetration Depth Factor Nail Fastening Module to Sill Plate , i ,g Constants Roof Sheathing is 7/16 in. OSB with 8d nails !Diameter of Nails 'ANSI /AF&PA NDS (1997) 12.3.7 ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 2.3.2 ANSI /AF&PA NDS (1997) 12.3.4 (Assumes 1" Penetration) , I D=i , 0.131 in. i Length of Nails ! iil i L = ~ ~ 2.5 in. i =I iThickness of 7/16 in. OSB Sheathing t = 0.4375 in. Nominal Nail Withdrawal Design Value W = i 21 lb / in. Wall Sheathing is 7/16" OSB with 8d nails Diameter of Nails D= 0.131 in. Length of Nails ! L= 2.5 in. Thickness of 7/16 in. OSB Sheathing t = ~ 0.4375 in. Nominal Nail Withdrawal Design Value W = 21 lb / in. House Box 487 \N'ifiiamsport, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 8773236603 FAX 570.323 9902 - Roof JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO 4 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY '~ DATE /~'/3/~ SCALE Roof Shear Desiqn WFCM - SBC f1995) 2.2.2 Roof Diaphragm Lateral Load WFCM - SBC ¢1995) Table 2.5B Table 2.5C Perpendicular Roof SPan (ft.) Wroof (plf) 24 260 27.50 ~-- 279 36 Parallel to Ridge 1t Wroof (plf) 170 179 325 200 nteroolation Permitted Dy 2.1.4 Wall Height = 8 ,/ ft. < 10 ft. :Table 2.5B/C Footnote 2 N / A Increased Peroendicular Roof Diaphragm Load = N / A Increased Parallel Roof Diaphragm Load = N/A Mean Roof Height = 24 ft. > 15 iff Table 2.5B/C Footnote 3 N / A Reduced Perpendicular Roof Diaphragm Load = N/A Reduced Par~-~'l Roof Diaohragm Load = N/A Total Shear Capacity Requirement Wind Perpendicular to Ridge L= 46.00 ft. ~/ Wroof = 279 plf Vroof = Wroof x L= 12832 lb Wind Parallel to Ridge B = 27.50 fir Wroof = 179 plf Vroaf = Wroof X B= 4916 lb Box a87 Wil]iamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323 6603 TOLL FREE 877.3236603 WAX 570 323,9902 Main House - Roof JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO 5 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ~,2. DATE /'~¢/~ !~'7 SCALE Sheathinq Connections WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.5 Design Roof Sheathing Connection to Resist Suction Loads and Transfer Shear Loads I Suction Pressure from Wind i WFCM - SBC (1995) Table 2.4A Perimeter Edge Zone = 62.7 psfI I IntedorZone= ; 35.6 psfi , I ~ Mean Roof Height = 24 ft. > 15 ,ft. ;Table 2.4A Footnote 2 N / A ' Reduced Perimeter Suction Pressure = Reduced interior Suction Pressure = ! I N / A i Perimeter Edge Zone Width ~Minimum Building Dimension = I 27.5 'Z = 10% Minimum Building Dimension = But not less than 3 ;N/Al Unit Suction Load from W nd w th 16 in. o.c Rafter Spacing 2.75 iff. ,Table 2.4A Footnote 1 I : Perimeter Edge Zone = ' 62.7 ,psf, x 1.33 ft. - [ 8 plf i ~ nterorZone= 35.6 psf xI 1.33 fi. = ~ 47 'Pfl I i ' i I i I i , I i I · · · ' i i ! ! I Unit Shear Capacity Requirement i I i i i , , I ~ ~ i I I I Vroof = 12832 B = 27.5 fi.. iv = Vr~/2 B = 233 ~plf !Ref. Sheet 4 JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Main House - Roof I : Sheathinq Connections (cont'd) iWFCM - SBC (1995)2.2.5 Design Roof Sheathing Connection to Resist Suction Loads and Transfer Shear Loads Allowable Nail Withdrawal Design Value,i i'i .... i ! W'=WCD= i 34 lb/in. :___i __ANSI/AF&PANDS(1997) Table7.3.l Length of Na Penetraton , ' ; ! I I i I i Lp=L-t= 2.063 jn. ~ I , = ~ i Withdrawal Capacity per Nail = W' LP = 69 ,=b I i I I ~ ' ; I I ' ' ' ' i , i I I Required Suction Load Capacity ~ i I ~ i ' ' ' ' ' i ! ' I i ' ' ' ' i ' i ' i ' ' , ~ i ~ i Perimeter Edge Zone = ~ 84 plf ~Ref. Sheet 5 i , , , J ~ i I ~ I i ~ ~_,i ,,[nteri°rZ°ne= J 47 plf ~1 il ~ .Sh et5 ~ail Spacing (in.) ! ~Withdrawal Capacity (pi0 , ~ , , i ~ I , 6 139 ;<==Use8dna sat6 noc at nte~edatesuppo~s 4 ~ 208 ~ 3 = , 277 J = ~ I , ! I ~ I ~ Shear Capacity for Diaphragm Assembly~ ~ ~ ,~i ,, , ,, :, _1 : i ~ Assume Typl~l Roof Sheathing Is 7/16 ~n. OSB w~th 8d nads ~ i , ~ : , :at 6 c.c. panel edge and 6 c.c. at intermediate suppoAs (Blocked) ,, = ~, = ~ I i ~ I I I ~ ' i' , ~ iTabulated Value = 220 plf i = i ~ ........ _.~ ~ ~v~ = t40 ' i 220 See Supplement lable 2C Footnote : : i = ~ 308 plf~ > 233 plfi o~ i , i I ' i ' I i ' ' ' i Your Vision. Made Real. ] Architects Eh§infers Surveyors An employee owned company PO. Box 487 Williamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323 6633 TOLL FREE 877.323 6603 FAX 570,323 9902 Main House i ' Roof Joe Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO 7 OF CALCULATED BY BCR DATE CHECKED BY ~ DATE SCALE 23 6/1/2007 Uplift Connections WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.3 I ~ 2 Story Building, 7:121Roof, 8 ft. Wall = ~ I 10 )sf I Roof/Ceiling AssemblTM Dead Load = Unit Uplift Load~_ , i Span (ft.) i Load (piO 24 I , 382 , 27.5 I ] 428 , ~ 540 Mean Roof Height= 24 ft. > Reduced Unit Uplift Load = N/A :Building Width = i 27.5 ft. ' < i 30 Ref. Append. # iWFCM - SBC (1995) Table 2.2A ¥ Inter )elation Permitted by 2.1.4 ift' ! I ' I Roof to 2nd Story Wall Connection Load ft. of Corners = I i 428 Not within i Roof to ~ ' Allowable Load = 1430 "lb Table2;2AFootnote6d~esnotapply :iii See Table 2.2A Footnote 7 'Within; 6J 6 ft. of Corners = 0.70 428 2nd Stow Wall Connection (Truss / Rafter to Stud) Connector: USP Structural Connecter RS200 ( Clear Span + 18" wi (22) 1Od nails ( 11 at each end ). (Note: Rafters and studs at 16 ~' ~n. o.c. per Plans) 300 Req'd Uplift Maximum Provided Load Spacing I Spacing Within 6 ift. of Corners 428 plf 40 in. 32 in. Not within 6 ift. of Corners 300 plf 57 ,in. 48 in. Your Vision, &4ode ~.eol, ] Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company Re. Box 487 Williamsport, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE $77323 6603 FAX 570.3239902 Larson Desig" Group - Second Story . ~ JOB SHEET NO CALCULATEDBY CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes Inc. QN-13828/NY 8 oF 23 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Shearwal Desi.qn ~ WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.2 WFCM - SBC (1995) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements WFCM - SBC (1995) Table 2.5A Story Building, 7:12 Roof, 8 ft. Wall i Wind Perpendicular to Ridge - 2nd Story Wall - Front and Rear B !h-om = Wall Length Available for Full Height Sheathing I I 27.5-34.5/12'2 : ' = 21.8 ft. I I I 27.5-34.5/12'3 ¢ IShearwall Unit Shear Capacity I = 18.9 Ref. Sheet 4 I ~ I Ref. Sheet 4 : i V~ll~o.t ;=Vroof/2Bi~ont = Vlwallrear ;=Vroof/2Blre~ i= 295 plf 340 plf ] Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly I I ; WFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B .7/16" OSB w/0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 6" o.c. panel edge nailing (exterior) Tabulated Value = 230 %=140* I 230 =i 322 iplfI SeeSuppementTabe BFootnote 1/2" GWB w/1 1/4"Type S or W#6 drywall screws @ 4" o.c. panel edge (interior) ............. (Comparable to 5d Cooler Nails in accordance with BCNYS (2002) Tbl. 2306.4.5) ;Total Shear Capacity ' i : I vs = 322 'plf + 125 plf = 447 plf > 340 :plf OK Minimum Length to Resist Shear Force for Type I Wall Design Lmin = Vroof / 2 VS = ! 14.4 ft. '/our Vision. repose Reol. ] Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned compopy PO. Box 487 Wil]iamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323.6603 TOLL FREE 877323.6603 FAX 570.323.9902 Main House - Second Story JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO. 9 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ~.~- DATE ~/--~[¢~ SCALE WFCM - SBC (1995) Shearwall Desiqn (cont'd) , ' i Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements i I ~ I 2 Story Building, 7:12 Roof, 8 ft. Wall Wind Perpendicular to Ridge - 2nd Story Wall Front and Rear Percent Full Height Sheathing ! °/°ifront = (i 21.8 27.5 )'100 = 79 ~ i I i 27.5 )'100 = 69 iMax~mum Unrestrained Opening Height H, , = i 64.25 in. ;¢' ~ ! 64.25 in. / I 5.35 Ft, 5.35 ;Ft. Type II Length Increase Factor 5.33 0.77 ;WFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B 5.35 6.67 0.69 i 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.77 ~ 5.33 5.35 8.671 0.71 ~ ~ , Interpolation Permitted 0.76 0.76 0.77 %\H %\H 170 2nd Story Wall 0.76 F;fr°nt = i 0.82 inter ~olation Permitted F;rear , = 0.76 ft. < 21.8 ft. 0.63 I 0.68 0.69 L = Lmin + Type II Length Increase Factor! ~ I Lfront = i 14.4 ft. + 0.82 : = 17.4 O__K~ Lr.ar = i 14.4 ft. + 0.76 = 18.8 ft. < 18.9 ft. O___~KI Type II (perforated) walls may be used at each shear wall line Box 487 Williamsport, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 877.3236603 FAX 570.3239902 House ,- Second StoW JOB SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY 10 OF 23 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Shear~vall Desi.qn (cont'd) WFCM - SBC (1995) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements WFCM - SBC (1995) Table 2.5A Ref. Sheet 4 Ref. Sheet 4 2 Story Building, j 7:12 Roof, 8 ft. Wall Wind Parallel to Ridge - 2nd Story Wall - Left and Right I L'left ' = fight Wall Length Available for Full Height Sheathing 46-34.5/12'4-30.5/12 ¢/ 46-30.5/12-3-37/24 I ~Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity I i I i ~: ? e~ =Vroof/2L ~e. 77 plf ! = 32.0 ft. = 38.9 ft. i I ! Viwallright j=Vroof/2L right I Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly ' 63 plf ! WFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B j7/16" OSB w/0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 6" o.c. panel edge ITabulatedValue= i 230 !plf I j ;%=1.40* 230 : = 322 I I i , I ' i I nailing (exterior)i i I i I See Supplement Table 3B Footnote i '~, ........ ~.v. ~.~,,~,' cd.~c (interior) ~ !/r- ...... ~,~ *~ ~,4 ,-,~, k~a.; ...... ,4 .......;*~, c~-k~ve/or,no', TR~ 239e.4.5) I ! plf ' i VS=' 0 i Total Shear Capacity 322 plf , Minimum Length to Resist Shear Force for Type I Wall Design Lmn=Vroof/2Vs= 7.6 ,Irt' + 0 plf i = i 322 plf > 77 !OK! RO. Box 487 WilliamsporL, PA 17701 TEL570.32S 6603 TOLL FREE 877 323.6603 F&X 570.3239902 Larsor~ Desgn Group Main House - Second Story JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY BCR CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY OF 23 DATE 6/1/2007 DATE ¢-~[~¢O? Shearwall Design (cont'd) WFCM - SBC (1995) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements Story Building, 7:12 Roof, 8 ft. Wall i Wind Parallel to Ridge - 2nd Story Wall - Left and Right ~P_ercent Full Height Sheathing I , 'Maximum Unrestrained Opening Height Hlleft = I 64.25 in. I , : Hlright = ] 36.25 In. ~ I i iType ]1 Length Increase Factor ia__ i i%\H 5.33 5.35 ,I I~o o.71 '169 0.76 0.76 , !~o 0.77 i ; i i i%\H 90 1.00 i 94I 1.00 0.99 : I I 100! 1.00 I ~ I 2nd Story Wall 32.0 i+ 46 )'100= 38.9 + 41.458)'100 5.35 Ft. ~ I 3.02 Ft. 69 ,/ 94 WFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B 6.67 0.63 ; I 0.68 Interpolation Permitted 0.69 ' I 0.95 0.97 0.76 Interpolation Permitted 1.00 ' ! 0.99 i ; F right = I ;L = Lmin + Type II Length Increase Factor ; : I ~ i , Lileff ft. + 0.76 = ! 10.0 ; ft. < 32.0 ft. O~K 38.9 'ft. O._.~Ki Lrightft. + 0.99 :I 7.7 !ft- <J Type II (perforated) walls may be used at each shear wall line JOE Apex Hemes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors SHEETNO 12 OF 23 An employee owned company CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 PO Box 487 Vv'illiamsport, PA 17701 CHECKED BY ~ ~ DATE '~¢ / -~ / D-'~ TEL570.323 6603 TOLL FREE 877.3236603 FAX 570.3239902 SCALE Main House - Second Story ~ ! Sheathin.q Connections ........... ~ ....................... W_F.~CM__-_SBC (1995) 2.2.~5 I Design Wail Sheathing Connection to Resist Suction Loads , - Table 2.4B Suction Pressure from Wind i WFCM SEC (1995) ' ' , Edge Zone= 37.2 psfl ' I ~ , __.~ L ; i Interior Zone = 31.8 psfl ! ~ : I I i Mean Roof Height = ~ 24 'ft. ! > 15 !ft I , , · i Table 2.4B Footnote 2 N/A I' ' I ' ' ' I i I i ,' I i' I I,, ~, Reduced Perimeter Suction Pressure = N/A ' I i ii i i I Reduced Interior Suction Pressure =I N/A i I i Edge Zone Width I , I i i i i i __, : , ~ I i , i I i I ~ --. ~--~ --.-~ ....... ; _ i ; _ Minimum Building Dimension = ~ 27.5 ,ft- i i! ,I -- I -- Z = 10% Minimum Building Dimension = 2.75 ft. j i I __.~. i i i 'But not less than 3 ,ft' I i i '~ ITable 2.4B Footnote 1 [ ! ! i , i , , , , , I i i Unit Suction Load from Wind withI 16 i in. o.c Stud Spacing i~ , i I ' ~- ' i ~ ' i i EdgeZone= i 37.2 ;psfi x 1.33 50 iplf : ' ' --Ii i i lntedorZone= ~ 31.8 psf x 1.33 ift. = 42 plf ' ' , , ! i I i , , __--_ i I I ;Allowable Nail Withdrawal Design Value, i ! i , ,' I i i =WCb= ~ ---- ilb/in. ' AN~SI/AF&PANDS(1997) Table7.3.1 , ! i = I i i 34 i : ' I I i i I I ; Length of Nail Penetration i i , ~ , ~-~--- i i , i i , , ,,, , ,, ! ' , ~ ! i :LE=L-t= 12.063 ~in.; : I ! i~- : i ! ; I : ~ I , I f ' ! i I ' ' I ' I I ' ! i I ! __ I i i Withdrawal Capacity per Nail = W' Lp = 69 'lb Nail Spacing (in.) Withdrawal Capacity (plf) i i ~ 121 ' i ! 69 == Use 8d nails at 12 in. c.c. at intermediate supports 6! ; 139 i I , 4 208 ' ! : ! ~ ~ 3 277 , , : I , Box 487 W'illiamspor~, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 877323 6603 FAX 570 323 9902 Main House - Second Stow JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY 13.1 OF 23 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Overturnin,q Connections WFCM- SEC I1995)2.2.4 Reauired Holddown Capacity T=vsxh WFCM - SEC (1995) Figure 2.2d @ 2nd Floor (2nd Story Module to 1st Stow Module) - Front and Rear , T= 447 plf x 8.0 ft. = 3576 lb Ref. Append. # .F Use USP Coiled Strap CMSTC16 w/(74)-10d nails in 2"x 8" Double Stud and end length of 29" il Ref. Append. # (4975 lb Allowable Load) @ 2nd Floor (2nd Stow Module to 1st StoW Module) - Left and Right T= 322 plf x 8.0 ft 2576 lb Use USP Coiled Strap CMSTC16 w/(74)-10d nails in 2"x 6" Double Stud gth and end len of 29" i __ i4975 lb Allowable Load) Check Tensde_ Strength of Studs to Transfer Overturning Loads Assume2x 6 in. Spruce-Pine-Fir Double Studs j ! I Net Area of Stud Max Bolt Dia.= 0.J_ J_~__#°fstuds= 2 A = stud quantity'(Wstud*Hstud- (fastener dia.+ o )*Wst.~-- 16.50 in2 Allowable Tensile Stress F~' = Ft CD CF = 560 psi ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 2.3.1 Allowable Tensile Load Pt' = Ft'A = 9240 b > 3576 lb OK [Your Vision. Mode Rea!. Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company PC) Box 487 WilliamsporL PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 8773236603 FAX 570.323 9962 Main House - Second Story Overturninq Connections JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO 13.2 OF 23 CALCUI-&TED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKEDBY ~- DATE ~/~/O? SCALE Required Holddown Capacity I : ; ; I iT = vs x h I I WFCM - SBC (1995) Figure 2.2d @ 2nd Floor (~,,d © .... ~A,,,4, ,,~ +^ ~ .......~ v,v. ~ ................. ~ ..4edele) - Rear @ 1 st Story Mating Wall WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.4 ;T=i 447 plf x 8.0 ft. l= !3576 lb Ref. Append. # '~ Use_ ~_S_P Holddown TDX5 w/(2) 3/4" dia. Bolts in 2"x6" Double Stud !and (1) 3/4" dia Anchor Bolt embedded 12" into Concrete Foundation 15" into Masonry in accordance with WFCM !(4480 lb x 0.86 Species Factor = 3853 lb Allowable Load)i '@ 2nd Floor (2nd Stow Module to 1st Stow Module) iT= l Plfj x ! i 0 ;lb ;Check Tensile Strength of Studs to Transfer Overturning Loads Assume 2 x 6 in. Spruce-Pine-Fir Double Studs ~ I Net Area of Stud ~ ' A = stud quantity*(Wstud*Hs~ud- (fastener dia.+ 1/8 )*W~tud) = ~ of studs =, 2 13.88 'in2 Allowable Tensile Load : , ,Pt' = Ft' A = i 7770 lb > 3576 lb Allowable Tensile Stress ; i i : ,I 'Ft' = Ft CD CF = 560 psii ANSI /AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 2.3.1 JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY t Your V]¢o2. Mode Real. I Architects En§ineers Surveyors An employee owned company Design Group RO. Box 487 Williamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323 6603 TaLl- FREE 877323.6603 FA× 570323 9932 SHEETNO 14 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ,~ ~ DATE ~ !~/ o~~ SCALE Main House F Second Stow ~ ~ Uplift Connections WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.3 . 2 :Stow Building, 7:12.Roof, 8 fi. Wall i 2nd Stow Wall to 1st Stow Wall Connection Load See Table 2.2A Footnote 2 Ref. Sheet 7 i .Within 6 ft. of Corners = 428 plf- 66 plf = 362 plf : ~ I I ~ i Notwithin : 6 ft. of Corners= , 300 plf- 66 plf = ~ 234 'plf i i2nd Stow Wall to 1st Stow Wall Connection (Stud to Stud) I ..... ~_ J _ i ' , I, i ' ' ' ' i[ i iI Connector: USP Structural Connector RS200 ( Clear Span + 18" ) I iw/(22) 10d nails ( 11 at each end )' J iRef'Append'# t ' i i ' ; J I ! I , , , I ..... i ] Ii Ii Allowable Load___ = J 1430 !lb,i I ,il I!' :! j Jl ' ....... : , ; (Note: Rafters and studs at J 16 'in. o.c. per Plans) ~ , ' Iii I ' J ' i I JJ~ J J iReq'dUplifti J Maximum Provided, ~ ~ ; I Spacing Spacing ~ i , ; Load i i ..... _.. ; iWithin i 6 ft. of Corners i , 362 plfi 47 in. I i 32 :~n. i Notwithin 6 .fl. of Corners j 234 plf I 73 in. i ~ 48 :in. . ' I I i i I ' ~ i ,' IT- ' , ' i ' i t JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY L Your Visiom t,Aode Real j Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owr~ed compeny Box 487 Vv'illiamspori, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 8773236603 FAX 570323.9902 SHEET NO. 15 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKEDSY ~c~ DATE ~/3/0~ SCALE Main House - Second Story , Slidin.q Connections ~ , Design 2nd Story Module to 1st Story Module Connection - Typical ' i ~ ~__~ Allowable Lateral Capacity of 16d Toenails in Single Shear i i I : : : I , ' ' ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 7.3.1 , _~ , iz = Z CD Cd Ct, = 117 ilb Required Lateral Capacity i vpe,p = (Vro~f) / (2 i 27.50 , ) = 233 i plf : ,Ref- Sheet 5 __=! i i ' ,i ,I J VparallelI ---- ;(Vroof ) / (2* I 46 ) = 53 plf . i ' .....I Design 2nd Story Module to tst Story Modulo Connection II iNail Spacing (in.) .... i Lateral Capacity (plf) ~ II i i; i I I Ii i i ___ Mil i i 234 <== Use16d nails at 6 in. o.c. ,i i . I I i [ !, I 1351 i i ' i ! i i i i i 467 i I ' I~ II , , ' ! ! i ! ~ ii' ~ I : i i ~ ~ __4 -.- ? i ' ' ' i , , [ Your Vis;on. ~¢'~ode Rea[ I JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors An empioyee owned company SHEET NO. 16 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 DHEOKED BY S~- DATE (¢/2 /~ ~ SCALE P.O. Box 487 \N'illiamsport PA 17701 TEL570.323.6603 TOLL FREE 877 323.6603 FAX 570.3239902 Larsom Desig'~ Grou¢ Main House - Second and First StoW , Floor Shear Connections WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.2 2 Story Building, 7:12iRoof, 9 ft. Wall, i i i Unit Lateral Load from Wind i WFCM - SBC (1995) Table 2.5B/C I Floor DiaphragmLoad Perpendicular to Ridge Parallel to Ridge 285 plf I 2O5 plf i < 10 iff' i SeeTable 2.5B Footnote 2 Increased Perpendicular Floor Diaphragm Load =,1.125 (Load) = 321 'plf , Il , Increased Parallel Floor Diaphragm Load = 1.125 (Load) = 231 plf I i Mean Roof Height = i > 15 ft. ~ i Reduced Perpendicular Floor Diaphragm Load = N / A ~ Reduced Parallel Floor Diaphragm Load = N / A Total Shear Capacity Requirement I iWind Perpendicular to Ridge I = i !L=! 46 i I V,oor=W0oorxL= !14749 lb ,v =Vf~¢,/(2*i 27.5 i):: 268 !p[f iv =V,~or/(2* 46 )= Wind Parallel to Ridge I B =i 30 iff' Vfloor = Wfloor X B: iAssume Typical Floor Diaphragm is 19/32 in. OSB with 8d nails at 6 in c.c. panel edge nailing, 6 in. c.c. at intermediate supports. (Blocked) Note: Use value from 15/32 in. line in WFCM Table for use w/ Sd nails Tabulated Value = 220 plf .% = 1.40' 220 i .SeeSupplementTable2C Footnote = 308 plf > 268 plf O.._~K ' 6919 lb i 75 plf Table 2.5B Footnote 3 N / A JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Re Box 487 V¢illiamspo~, PA 17701 TEL570 393.6603 TOLL FREE 877.3236603 FAX 570.3239902 Main House - First Stow SHEET NO 17.1 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKEDBY ~ DATE ~/~/2~ SCALE Shearwall Desitin WFCM - SBC (1995) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements WFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B 2 Story Building, 7:12 Roof, Wind Perpendicular to Ridge - 1st Story Wall 9 ft. Wall I iRef' Sheet 4, 16 Front and Rear iWall Length Available for Full Height Sheathing : _ i 13.75-34.5/12+2.56+2.66 ~ ! Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity I i i :=Vroof +Vfloor / 2B fro~t , j I ' Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly i ,' i I : 7/16 OSB w/0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 3" o.c. panel edge nailing (exterior)r I ' = 16.1 ft. i !7-1 I ¢ I ! ! Tabulated. Value= 450 !plf i ; L I ! I I :vs=140 ! 450 = I 630 :plf 857 plf i , I WFCM - SBC (lg95) Supplement Table 3B :See Supplement Table 3B Footnote 1 i7/16" OSB w/0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 3" o.c. panel edge nailing (interior) ~i Tabulated Value = 450 plf II i vs = 1.40' i 450 : 630 plf i See Supplement Table 3B Footnote 1 II i Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly : I ~__~_ vs = 630 plf + 630 plf = 1260 plf > 857 plf Minimum Length to Resist Shear Force for Type I Wall Design Lrnin = Vmof + V'~oor / 2 Vs = 10.9 ft. I Your V:sion, !~'~ode Real ] Architect~ Engineers employee owned company PO Box 487 Williamsport, PA 17701 TELST0.323 EEO3 TOLL FRBE 877.323 6603 FAX 570323 9902 La.-son ©esig'~ Group Main House [ - First StoW i ; JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEET NO 17.2 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ~.~ DATE SCALE Shearwall Desiqn WFCM ~ SBC (1995) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements WFCM ~ SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B 2 Story Building, i 71:12 Roof, 9 fi. Wall Wind Perpendicular to Ridge - 1st Story Wall - Front and Rear Wall Length Available for Full Height Sheathing i Ref. Sheet 4, 16 2.89*2 Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity I =Vroof +Vfloor / 2B ;rear, wall rear 2386 plf i 'il Shear Capacity ef Shearwall Assembly : ,WFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B i19/32" OSB w/.148 x 2.5" nails @ 2" o.c. panel edge nailing (exterior) , -- :--- i ~ Framing @ adjoinging panel edges shall be 3" nominal wide (min) w/staggered nails i Tabulated Value =i 870 plf vs = 1.40 * I 870 = 1218 'plf See Supplement Tab e 3B Footnote 1 ! 19/32" OSB w/.148 x 2.5" nails @ 2" o.c. panel edge nailing (interior) i i Framing @ adjoinging panel edges shall be 3" nominal wide (min) w/staggered nails Tabulated Value = 870 plf i ,! ,i ,vs=l.40* I 870 i = I 1218 plf i See Supplement Tab e 3B Footnote 1 : ! Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly vs! = ! 1218 plf; + 1218 plf = 2436 'plf i > 2386 OKi : I i Minimum Length to Resist Shear Force for Type I Wall Design I Lmin = Vroof + Vfloor / 2 vs = 5.7 ft. JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Architects Engineers Surveyors Arq employee owr~ed oompany PO Box 4S7 Wiliiamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323.6603 TOLL FF~E_E 8773236603 ~A× 5703239902 SHEET NO 18 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ~-- DATE ~'/S Main House - First Story I Shearwall Desi,cln (cont'd) ! WFCM - SBC (1995) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements 2 Story Building, 7:12 Roof, 9 ft. Wall i Wind Perpendicular to Ridge - 1st Story Wall i - Front and Rear i Percent Full Height Sheathing I : %fro,t =(, 16.1 %irear =( 5.8 Maximum Unrestrained Opening Height L 27.5 )'100 =, 59 ' i i 27.5 ,'100 = 21 Less than 25%, must front l = I 68.25 rear! =,i94'5 ' I i ype II Length Increase Factor ! i %\H 50 20! 21' 30' i 1st Story W~ll 4.50 i 5.69 0.80 j 0.63 j 0.73 0.83j ! 7.50 7.88 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.49 6.00 0.67 0.71 0,71 9.00 0.38 0.38 i 0.42 i i use Type I Wall Design 5.69 Ft. I ; WFCM - SEC (1995) Supplement Table 3B 7.88 ,Ft. i Interpolation Permitted , F!~onti = j0.73 i i Interpolation Permitted , F! =' 0.44 i irear iL = brain + Type II Length Increase Factoq : Lfront = 10.9 :ft. + 0.73 '= 15.0 ft. < 16.1 ,ft. :O__K L!rear = , 5.7 ft. + 0.44 J = 13.0 ft. ! > 5.8 ft. NGI Use Type I (segmented) shear walls for all locations marked NG I I RO Box 487 \N'illiamspo~, PA 177C1 TEL570.323 6603 TOLL FF~EE 877.323.6603 FAX 570.3239902 Main House - First Story JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY 19 OF 23 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Shearwall Desi.qn (cont'd) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.2 WFCM - SBC (1995) Table 2.5C Ref. Sheet 4, 16 ;Ref. Sheet 4, 16 : I ~ 2 Story Building, 7:12 Roof, 9 ftWall , i Wind Parallel to Ridge - 1st Story Wall L le~ Left and Right .Wail Length Available for Full Height Sheathing 46-34.5/12 *4-30.5/12 15-34.5/24-38/12+10-30.5/24+11.83-29/24 = 32.0 ft. 185 Ipif Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity i :wallleft =Vroof +Vfloor / 2L v[,.~ll~ight =Vroof+Vfloor/2L !rigr, t = I 199 ~plf 29.7 ' Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly ' [ iWFCM - SBC (1995) Supplement_ Table 3B ,7/16" OSB w/0.131 x 2.5" nails @ 6" o.c. panel edge nailing (exterior), ! ,~ ~'~,, ~.',t~ ,..~ ~ ! M" Type '~ '"' ""; '~ ~r;~''~" ........ ~ -!." c.c. ,,~,~.,I i I i : VS= 0 [ Shear Capacity of Shearwall Assembly I i 322 199 plf OK~ ' plf ' 322 plf ! + 0 = vs = plf > Minimum Length to Resist Shear Force for Type I Wall Design , Lmin = Vroof + V~oor / 2 Vs= 18.4 ft. I I Your V~sio~. McJ~e Real Architects Bngineers Surveyors An employee owned company PO. Box 487 williamspo~, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 877323.5603 FAX 570 3239902 Main House - First Story ,JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEETNO 20 Or 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ,,~ DATE ~j~/~? SCALE Shearwall Desi.qn (cont'd) Shearwall Unit Shear Capacity Requirements 2 Story Building, j 7:12 Roof, WFCM - SBC (1995) Wind Parallel to Ridge - 1st Story WallI - L~ft and Right Percent Full Height Sheathing ~ ~ il ~ .... °/o~=(j 32.0 -'-j 46 )'100= 69 ~ ~ I : ' J %!~ght =(J 29.7 + 46 ])'100= 65 !1st Story Wall, = 68.25 lin, 5.69 ;Ft. I ' _L J 82.5 ;in.i , ! _ , J ; iright! = ' 6.88 :Ft. Type II Length increase Factor j ! WFCM- SBC (1995) Supplement Table 3B i % \ H j 4.50 5.69 6.00 j j s0 0.83 0.71 ; : 69! 0.87 0.79 0.76~ i Interpolation Permitted I 0.87 I 0.77 i ' Fl ' ~ft = , 0.79 %\ H 6.00 6.88 7.50 J 0.71 0.63 ~ I, , i I _~ I __~ ,' 65Il 0.74 0.69 0.66 'Interpolation Permitted 70! i 0.77 0.69___i ,] F,nght = 0.69 , i I 1 st Story Wall i i ~ i I ~ I ~ I L = Lmin + Type II Length Increase Factor ' Lleft : 18.4 ft. + 0.79 [ = 23.4 ft. < 32.0 ft. O~K~ Ldght = ' 18.4 ff. + 0.69 i = 26.5 ff. < 29.7 ff. OK: Type II (perforated) walls may be used at each shear wall line i ! I [Your V~sion. Made Real Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company RO Box 487 WilliamsporL PA 17701 TEL570.323 6603 TOLL FREE 877 3236603 FAX 570.323 9902 Main House - First Stow JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY 21.1 BCR OF 23 DATE 6/1/2007 DATE i Overturnin.q Connections WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.4 : i ; , Required Holddown Capacity iT=VsX h i @ 1st Floor (1st Stow Module to Foundation) WFCM ~ SBC (1995) Figure 2.2d ;T= i i i i11340 lb I 1260 plf x 9.0 ft. i = i Use USP Holddown TDX14 w/(4) 1" dia. Bolts in 2"x6" Qued Stud Ref. Append. # '~ 'and (1) 1" dia. Anchor Bolt embedded 12" into Concrete Foundation I !!i iOR 15" int° Mas°nry in accerdance with wFCM 3'2'1'7' ' i- l ~ ~__ (14700 lb x 0.86 Species Factor: 12642 lb Allowable Load) · ~ @ 1st Floor (1st Story Module to Foundation) - Left & Right ~ ' ! ' i : i ' t l I T= 322 plf x 9.0 ft. = 2898 lb --' , , ' '; ' I i ' I , ' ,- Front Ref. Append. i Use USP Holddown TDX5 w/(2) 3/4" dia. Bolts in 2"x6" Double Stud L !and (1) 3/4" dia. Anchor Bolt embedded 12" into Concrete Foundation OR 15" into Masonry in accordance with WFCM ' (4480 lb x 0.86 Species Factor = 3853 lb Allowable Load)l Check Tens~ e Strength of Studs to Transfer Overturning Loads I i i i I I ! I ' i I ! Assume 2 x! 6 in. Spruce-Pine-Fir Quadruple Studsl ;Net Area of Stud ~ I : I ! l Max Bolt Dia. =!1 A = stud quantity*(Wsud*Hst.~ - (fastener dia.+ #of studs= 4 i !Allowable Tensile Stress l/8;)*Wstud) = 26.25 in2 Ft' = Ft CD CF =; 560 psi :ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 2.3.1 'Allowable Tensile Load , i I Pt'=Ft'ATM 14700 lb > 11340 lb OK: Your Vision. Made Real RO Box 487 Wiliiamsport, PA 17701 TEL570.323 6603 TOLL FREE 877.3236603 FAX 570.323 9902 Main House I - First Stow : Overturninq Connections JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY SHEETNO. 21.2 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ~'~'~'"' DATE SCALE WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.4 Re( uired Holddown Capacity I ' iT=vsxh :@ 1st Floor (1 st Stow Module to Foundation) ! - Rear ,it= 2136 plf : WFCM ~ SBC (1995) Figure 2.2d i I i i ~ ] x i 9.0 'ft. j = 21924~1b i Use USP Holddown (2) TDX14 w/(4) 1" dia. Bolts in 2"x6" Quad Stud Ref. Append. # ~ ~ ~ ' :and (1) 1" dia. Anchor Bolt embedded 12" into Concrete Foundation iOR 15" into Masonry in accordance with WFCM i 14700 I? x 0.86 Species Factor = 25284 !b Allowable Load) 1st Floor (1st Story Module to Foundation) -- !!!1 plf! x I 9.0 0 lb ; Check Tensile Strength of Studs to Transfer Overturning Loads !Assume 2 x 8 in. Spruce-Pine-Fir Quadruple Studs. NetAreaofStud ,ii: ; ! iMaxBot Da. =11 I ; ; !# of studs = 4 i A = stud quantity*(Wstud*Hstud- (fastener dia.+ 1/8~)*Wstud) = ; 'Allowable Tensile Stress i ! Ft' = Ft CD CF = i 672 psi , ;*Cf = 1.2 for 2x8 Stud Grade Allowable Tensile Load 38.25 in2 i I I .ANSI /AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 2.3.1 25704 lb I Pt'=Ft'A= > j 21924 lb O~K I , Your Vision. Made ReaJ. I PO Box 467 WillfamspDrt, PA 17701 TEL570.323.6603 TOLL FRFJ~ 8773236603 FAX 570.3239902 Main House - First Stow JOB Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY Uplift Connections 2 iStory Building, 7:12 Roof, SHEET NO 22 OF 23 CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/1/2007 CHECKED BY ~ DATE SCALE WFCM - SBC (1995) 2.2.3 9 ft. Wail i 1 st Stow Wall to Foundation Connection Load : See Table 2.2A Footnote 2 Ref. Sheet 7 i I ! Within 6 ft. of Corners = 428 plf- 2 (66 plf) = 296 , plf i___i__]. iNot within 6 ft. of Corners = 300 plf- 2 (66 plf) = 168 plf I , ~ 1st Story Wall to Foundation Connection (Stud to Masonry / Concrete ! _ Ref. Append. # I~ Connector: i Simpson Strong-Tie Connector MSTAM36 w/(8) 1/4 x 2 1/4 Titen i ,I masonry screws in foundation, and (13) 10d nails in stud. I ! I Allowable Load = i 1870 lb.(S-P-F)i i J i , !___F__~___ Note: Rafters and studs at i 16 in. c.c. per Plans) i , I , Within Not within ft. of Corners , Req'd Uplift; Load i , 296 plfl J Maximum i Spacing 76 in. 134 lin. Provided Spacing 48 48 in. Main House - First StoW Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY 23.1 OF 23 BCR DATE 6/1/2007 Slidin,q Connections Required Lateral Capacity - Front and Rear Walks Required Lateral Capacity; ; Vperp = (Vroof+V,oor)/(2* 27.50 ) = 501 plf Ref. Sheet 4, 16 Vparallel ---- (Vroof+Vfloor) / (2'i 0 i ) = 0 plf Design 1st StoW Module to Sill Plate Connection i Allowable Lateral Capacity of 16d Toenails in Single Shear iZ' = Z CD Cd Ctn = 72 :lb :Nail Spacing (in.) iLateral Capacity (plo 6 145 ~i 3 I 290 ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 7.3.1 i<== Can not obtain required capacity with 16d toenail iUse USP Lateral Plate Tie MP4F Type 1 installation w/(6) 8d nails in Perimeter Band and (6) 8d nails in Sill Plate (725 lb Allowable Load) , i I i ! ~Tie Spacing (in.) , Lateral Capacity (plf) i 24 , 363 ;Ref. Append. # ~ 16 I 544 <== Use USP Lateral Plate Tie MP4F at 16 in. o.c I 12 ; : 725 1 8 i ~ I I Design Sill Plate to Foundation Connection Allowable Lateral Capacity for 1/2 in. dia. Bolt in Single Shear Parallel to the Grain , : I 912 'lb Z' = Z// CD= , ANSI / AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 7.3.1 Bolt Spacing (ft.) Lateral Capacity (plf) 4 : 228 3.5 261 ! I i 3 304 ' ' 2.5 365 i : i i 2 456 ~ 1~5 608 <== Use 1/2 in. dia. Anchor Bolts at 1.5 ft. o.c. I I ' CALCULATED BY BCR Apex Homes, Inc. QN-13828/NY OF 23 DATE 6/1/2007 Main House - First Story : i Slidin.q, Connections ' ,: i i = i Required Lateral Capacity - Left & Right Walls Required Lateral Capacity vp~, = (Vroof+V~oor) / (2*I 0.00 ) = 0 plf ! i Reft Sheet , I VParallel ---- (Vroof+Vfl°°r) / (2* 46 ) = 129 plf i i = Design 1st Story Module to Sill Plate Connection: I Allowable Lateral Capacity of 16d Toenails in Single Shear : I i Z' = Z CD Cd C~ = ~ 72 lb ~ ;ANSI/AF&PANDS(1997)TabIe7.3.1 I , , i L ' ' ' I ' ; ' ' i ! , ! ! ~ i , ! i , i Nail Spacing (in.) Lateral Capacity (piO ~ ~i~" ~ 46 ii i 217 145 , <== Use 16d nails at 6 in. o.c.i ~ i ~i'i ~ll ~ ~ i ' - ' I ' i'l : I !, , I ~ : ~ ' :~~ ' I '/ ~'" ~! '~ ''i '~ i ~''1' :' ~ , I ~ ~ i : , , i ~ , ~ , , , ~ ! i i ~ ' I i , ~ , ! I ~ , , , , , , : ',' , : i i , ~ i I ~ i , ~ ' ~ I ~ I ~ i I I = ~ ,~, I Design Sill Plate to Foundation Connection I ; ' ! ' ' i ' ' ' I : ' ~ ~ ; i Allowable Lateral Capacity for 1/2 in. dia. Bolt in Single Shear Parallel to the Grain i ' _~L~' ~' ~ :z' = zCf CD= 912 ;b ~ i ~ANSl/AF&PA NDS (1997) Table 7.3.1 I ~ I ~ i : I i I ' I ' , Bolt Spacing (fl.) Lateral Capacity (pio , 4 , i228 i<==Usel/2in. dia. Ancho~B_?~.~4fl. o.c. i 3.5 ~ I 261 , ~ , i; I! : ~ 3 i 304 : , i i ! 2.5 365 : , I I ~ 2 I 456 ~ ! ! i 1.5 i i i 6o8 i ' , Your Vision. Mode ReoL ] Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned company n Group Apex Homes QN-13828/NY SHEETNO. I OF C~ CALCULATED BY BCR DATE 6/4/2007 CHECKED BY ~:~_ DATE ~/~/-"7 SCALE 'Rafter Spacing = 16 [~n ~ I I ISnow Load (pg) psf .~ 1608.2 Roof Pitch = ~ J I I Dead Load = i0: psf ,-~ 1.3333 = 13.333 plf / Live Load 20; psf ,/ 1.3333 = 26.667 Snow Load Cs = i:00 (ASCE 7-98 Figure 7~2) I I I PS (balanced) = 0.7 * pg * Cs r i 31.5 psf 1.3333 42.0 plf P, (unbalanced) 1.5 * Ps / Ce 1.5 I * 31.5 psf 1.0 47.25 1.3333 63.0 !plf psf Convert Snow Load from Horizontal Projection to Sloping Load 13.892 'BalincedSiow, : 4~.0 ,If * 0.8~38 = 3~.3 plf / [ Unbalanced Snow = 63.0 plf * 0.8638 = 54.4 plf I I TABLE 1609.6.2.1 (4) - 1 $09.6.4,1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN TABLE 1609.6.2.1(4) HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT COEFFICIENTSa MEAN ROOF EXPOSURE (feet) B C D 35 1.05 ] .45 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 1.74 45 1.12 1.53 1.78 55 1.19 l.59 1.84 i I I I I I I I I I I I I i I For SI: I feot = 304.8 mm. a. All table values shall be adjusted for other exposures and hgights by multiplying by the above coefficients. 1609.6 SLmplified provisions for low-rise buildings. 1609.6.1 Scope. The procedures in Section 1609.6 shall be used for determinfng and applying wind pressures in the design of simple diaphragm buiJtdings with flat, gabled and hipped roofs and having a mean roof height not exceeding the least horizontal dimension or 60 feet (18 288 mm), whichever is less, subject to the fo[lowing 1Lmitafions: The pmvisions of Section 1609.6 shall not apply to buildings sited on the upper half of an isolated hill or escarpment meeting all the following conditions: 1.The hill or escarpment is 60 feet (18 288 mm) or higher if located in Exposure B or 30 feet (9144 mm) or higher if located in Exposure C. 2. The maximum average slope of the hill exceeds I0 percent. 3. The hill or escarpment is unobstructed upwind by other such topographic features for a distance from the high point of 50 times the height of the h/il or 1 mile (1.61 k_m), whichever is less. 1609.6.2 Wind pressures. 1609.6.2.1 Load determination. Structural mem- bers, cladding, fastener~ and systems providing for the stractoral integrity of the building shall be designed for the loads from Tables 1609.6.2.1(1), 1609.6.2.1(2) and 1609.6.2.1(3) using Figure 1609, multiplied by the appropriate height and exposure coefficient from Table 1609.6.2.1(4) and importance factor from Table 1604.5. 1609.6.292 Load case. Members that act as both part of the main windforce-resisting system and as com- ponents and cladding shall be designed for each sep- arate load case. 1609.6.3 Edge strips and end zones. The width of edge strips (a) shall be 10 percent of the least horizontal dimension or 40 percent of the cave height, whichever is less but not less than either 4 pement of the least hori- zontal dimension or 3 feet (914 mm). End zones as shown in Figure 1609.6.(1) shall be twice the width of the edge strip (a). 1609.6.4 Main windforce-resisting system (M3rq'FRS). All elements and connections of the MWFRS shall be designed for vertical and horizontal loads based on the combined leeward and windward wall pressures and roof pressures determined from Table 1609.6.2.1(1). Pressures shall be applied in accordance with the load- ing diagrams shown in Figure 1609.6(3) to the end zone and interior zone as shown in Figure 1609.6(1). The building shall be designed for all wind directions. For buildings having flat roofs a ridge line normal to the wind direction shall be assumed at the mid-length dimension of the roof for all directions considered. Each corner shall be considered in turn as the windward cor- ner. 1609.6.4.1 Overhang loads. The pressures to be used for the effects of roof overhangs on MWFRS shall be taken from Table 1609.6.2.1(1) and includes the effect of the wind on both the bottom and top sur- faces. 306 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 0 0 0 TABLE 1609.6.2.1(2) COMPONENT AND CLADDING LOADS FOR A BUILDING WITH A MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATED IN EXPOSURE Da For SI: I fool = 304~8 nm~, I mile per hour = 0.44 m/s, I degree = 0.01745 tad. For effective areas between those given above the load is permitted to be [nten~olated; otherwise, use the load associated with the lower effective area. Monday, June 04, 2007~ PAGE NO. 1 09:08 AM I I I STA~.Pro Version 2006 Bld 1004.US Proprietary Program of Research Engineers, Intl. Date= JUN 4, 2007 Time= 9: 0:54 * USER ID: Larson Design ~roup, Inc * 2. START JOB INFORMATION 3. JOB NAME QN-13828/NY I 4. JOB CLIENT APEX HOMES, INC. 5. JOB NO 6314-011-126 6. ENGINEER NAME BCR 7. ENGINEER DATE 4-JUNE-07 I 8. END JOB INFORMATION 9. INPUT WIDT~ 79 10. L~NIT INCHES POLSTD 11. JOINT COORDINATES 13. · 1 0 0 0; 2 125.75 0 0; 3 175.5 0 0; 4 225.25 0 0; 5 351 0 0; 6 125.75 73.375 0 7 136 79.25 0; 5 147.375 86 0; 9 175.5 102.375 0; 10 203.675 86 0 · 11 215 79.25 0; 12 225.25 73.375 0 MEMBER INCIDENCES IL: \Strucr Eng Gr©up\Projects\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\s~aad\7122B.anl Page 1 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, -- PAGE NO. 2 09:08 AM 41. 8 9 13 14 TABLE ST SPFR_N2_2X4 42. 15 TABLE ST SPFR N2 2X6 43. 5 TO 7 10 TO 12 TJ%BLE ST SPFR_N2_2X8 44. 1 TO 4 TABLE ST SOPN N2 2X12 45. CONSTANTS 46. MATERIAL SPFR_N2_2X4 MEMB 8 9 13 14 47. MATERIAL SPFR_N2_2X6 MEMB 15 48. MATERIAL SPFR_N2_2X8 MEMB 5 TO 7 10 TO 12 49. MATERIAL SOPN_N2_2X12 MEMB 1 TO 4 50. MEMBER TRUSS 51. 13 TO 15 52. MEMBER RELEASE 53. 2 7 8 12 END MZ 54. 5 10 START MZ 55. SUPPORTS 56. 3 PINNED 57. 1 5 FIXED BUT FX MZ 58. UNIT FEET POUND 59. LOAD 1 DEA/D 60. MEMBER LOAD 61. 1 TO 12 UNI GY -13.33 62. LOAD 2 LIVE - ATTIC STOP, AGE 63. MEMBER LOAD 64. 1 TO 4 UNI GY -26.67 65. LOAD 3 BALANCED SNOW (45=PG) 66. MEMBER LOAD 67. 5 TO 12 UNI GY -36.3 ~ 68. LOAD 4 UNBALANCED SNOW LOAD 69. MEMBER LOAD 70. 5 TO 8 UNI GY -54.4 / 71. LOAD 5 120 MPE WIND {SUCTION) 72. MEMBER LOAD 73. 5 TO 12 UNI GY 54.4 w~ 74. LOA/D 6 120 MPH WIND {POS PRESSURE) 75. MEMBER LOAD 76. 5 TO 12 ~3NI GY -42.6 77. LOAD COMB 100 D+L+S+W (B~J=ANCED, POS PRESSURE) 79. LOAD COMB 101 D+L+S+W {UNBALJ~NCED, POS PRESSL~E) 81. LOAD COMB 102 0.6D+W 83. UNIT INCHES POUND 84. PERFORM ANALYSIS 5: \Struct Eng Group\Projects\6314-OlO -01i Apex\13828\staad\71228.anl Page 2 of 19 Mondayl June 04, 2007, PAGE NO. 3 09:08 AM I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROBLEM STATISTICS NIIMBER OF JOINTS/MEMBER+ELEME~S/SUPPORTS = 12/ 15/ 3 ORIGINAL/FINAL BA/~D-WIDTB= 8/ 3/ 12 DOF TOTAL PRIMJ~RY LOA/) CASES = 6, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 32 SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX = 1 DOUBLE KILO-WORDS REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE 12.0/ 67050.7 MB 85. LOAD LIST 1 100 TO 102 86. PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL i:~S~ruc~ Eng Group\Projec~s\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\staad\T122S.anl Page 3 of 19 7 Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i MEMBER INFOR/4ATION JOINT (INCH) (DEG) 1 1 2 125.750 0.00 2 2 3 49.750 0.00 000000000001 3 3 4 49.750 0.00 4 4 5 125.750 0.00 5 1 6 145.592 0.00 000001000000 6 6 7 11.814 0.00 7 7 8 13.227 0.00 000000000001 8 8 9 32.545 0.00 000000000001 12 12 5 145.592 0.00 000000000001 13 2 6 73.375 TRUSS ************ END OF DATA FROM INTEP~NAL STOP, AGE 87. PRINT MAXFORCE ENVELOPE ALL -- PAGE NO. i,:~S~rucc Eng Group\Projects\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\s~aad\71228.an2 Page 4 of 19 STAAD PLANE Monday, June 04, 2007, PAGE NO. 5 % 09:08 ! ! MEMBER FORCE EbIVELOPE ALL UNITS ~E POUN INCH AND MIN FORCE VALUES AMONGST ALL SECTION LOCATIONS FY/ DIST LD MZ/ DIST LD FZ DIST LD MY DIST LD FX DIST LD MAX 338.89 0.00 101 9207.37 125.75 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 335.88 C 0.00 102 MIN -115.13 125.75 102 -20652.78 125.75 101 0.00 125.75 102 0.00 125.75 102 1038.03 T 125.75 100 MAX 201.65 0.00 102 9207.37 0.00 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 335.88 C 0.00 102 MIN -484.23 49.75 101 -20652.78 0.00 101 0.00 49.75 102 0.00 49.75 102 1038.03 T 49.75 100 MAX 366.35 0.00 100 9197.37 49.75 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 335.88 C 0.00 102 MIN -201.45 48.75 102 -14788.26 49.75 100 0.00 49.75 102 0.00 49.75 102 1038.03 T 49.75 100 MAX 125.27 0.00 101 9197.37 0.00 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 335.88 C 0.00 102 MIN -292.25 125.75 100 -15373.83 20.96 100 0.00 125.75 102 0.00 125.75 102 1038.03 T 125.75 100 MA/f 453.53 0.00 101 8314.89 72.80 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 1428.88 C 0.00 100 MIN -448.51 145.59 101 -16599.13 72.80 101 0.00 145.59 102 0.00 145.59 102 526.46 T 0.00 102 MAX 13.38 11.81 102 1847.92 11.81 101 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 1073.68 C 0.00 100 MIN -276.12 11.81 100 -1344.92 0.00 100 0.00 11.81 102 0.00 11.81 102 402.19 T 0.00 102 MAX 180.51 0.00 101 1847.92 0.00 101 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 286.66 C 0.00 100 MIN -97.06 0.00 102 -992.87 0.00 102 0.00 13.23 102 0.00 13.23 102 183.46 T 0.00 102 MAX 100.88 0.00 101 442.42 16.27 102 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 1 245.18 C 0.00 100 MIN -100.88 32.54 101 -820.74 16.27 101 0.00 32.54 102 0.00 32.54 102 156.91 T 0.00 102 MAX 85.12 0.00 100 443.80 16.29 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 245.09 C 32.59 100 i: \Struct Eng Group\Projects\6314-020 -011 Apex\13828\staad\T1228.anl Page 5 of 19 STAAD PLANE -- PAGE NO. 6 Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 A34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIN -85.12 32.59 100 -693.45 16.29 100 0.00 32.59 102 0.00 32.59 102 156.85 T 32.59 10 ~ 96.53 13.18 102 1537.59 13.18 100 O.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 286.80 C 13.18 MIN -150.84 13.18 100 -984.03 13.18 102 0.00 13.18 102 0.00 13.18 102 183.55 T 13.18 11 MAX 311.35 0.00 101 1537.59 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 1073.53 C 11.81 MIN -13.55 0.00 102 -2497.67 11.81 101 0.00 11.81 102 0.00 11.81 102 402.09 T 11.81 12 MA~ 370.54 0.00 100 8320.30 72.80 102 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 1428.94 C 145.59 MIN -389.25 145.59 100 -14508.38 72.80 100 0.00 145.59 102 0.00 145.59 102 526.50 T 145.59 13 MAX 0.00 0.00 1 0,00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 335.62 C 0.00 MIN 0.00 73.38 102 0.00 73.38 102 0.00 73.38 102 0.00 73.38 102 316.78 T 73.38 14 MAX 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 MIN 0.00 73.38 102 0.00 73.38 102 0.00 73.38 102 0.00 73.38 102 316.50 T 73.38 15 MAX 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.O0 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 868.90 C O.00 MIN 0.00 79.00 102 0.00 79.00 102 0.00 79.00 102 0.00 79.00 102 227.64 T 79.00 88. PRINT MEMBER FORCE E~VELOPE FROM INTERRAL STORAGE ********** FORCES ALL 102 100 102 100 102 100 102 102 100 102 100 102 i: \Struc~ Eng Group\Projects\6314-OlO ~012 Apex\13828\s~aad\71228.anl Page 6 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 PAGE NO. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !1 I M~MBER LOAD JT AXIAL SHEAR-Y SHEAR-Z TORSION 1 1 -271.49 92.01 0.00 0.00 2 271.49 47.68 0.00 0.00 100 1 -1038.03 292.37 0.00 0.00 2 1038.03 56.92 0.00 0.00 101 1 -975.49 338.89 0.00 0.00 2 975.49 10.41 0.00 0.00 102 1 335.88 -31.31 0.00 0.00 2 -335.88 115.13 0.00 0.00 1 2 -271.49 -28.39 0.00 0.00 3 271.49 83.66 0.00 0.00 100 2 -1038.03 -228.47 0.00 0.00 3 1038.03 366.66 0.00 0.00 101 2 -975.49 -346.04 0.00 0.00 3 975.49 484.23 0.00 0.00 102 2 335.88 201.65 0.00 0.00 3 -335.88 -168.49 0.00 0.00 1 3 -271.49 83.60 0.00 0.00 4 271.49 -28.33 0.00 0.00 100 3 -1038.03 366.35 0.00 0.00 4 1038.03 -228.16 0.00 0.00 101 3 -975.49 193.92 0.00 0.00 4 975.49 -55.72 0.00 0.00 102 3 335.88 -168.29 0,00 0.00 4 -335.88 201.45 0.00 0.00 1 4 -271.49 47.70 0.00 0.00 5 271.49 91.99 0.00 0.00 100 4 -1038.03 57.05 0.00 0.00 5 1038.03 292.25 0.00 0.00 101 4 -975.49 125.27 0.00 0.00 5 878.48 224.03 0.00 0.00 102 4 335.88 115.05 0.00 0.00 5 -335.88 -31.23 0.00 0.00 1 1 357.97 74.80 0.00 0.00 6 -276.46 64.89 0.00 0.00 100 1 1428.88 389.13 0.00 0.00 6 -985.54 370.66 0.00 0.00 101 1 1394.05 453.53 0.00 0.00 6 -867.70 448.51 0.00 0.00 102 1 -526.46 -235.79 0.00 0.00 6 242.78 -250.47 0.00 0.00 MOM-Y MOM-Z 0.00 0.00 0.00 2787.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 14803.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 20652.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9207.37 0.00 -2787.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 -14803.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 -20652.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 9207.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2784.34 0,00 0.00 0.00 14758.26 0.00 0~00 0.00 6209.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9197.37 0.00 -2704.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 -14788.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6209.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 9197.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 721.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 1344.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 365.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 1068.88 I5: \STruc~ Eng Group\Pro3ects\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\scaad\71228.anl Page 7 of 1S I 5TAlkD PLAlgE -- PAGE NO. 8 Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SHEAR-Y SHEAR- Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 1 6 267.36 -79.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 -721.06 7 -260.84 90.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 -285.22 100 6 1073.68 -214.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1344.92 7 -1038.19 276.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1551.40 101 6 1038.05 -150.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 -365.63 7 -995.90 224.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1847.92 102 6 -402.19 -26.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1068.88 7 379.47 -13.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 992.87 1 7 52.70 27.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 285.22 8 -45.20 -15.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 7 286.66 151.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 1551.40 8 -245.88 -82.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 7 285.23 180.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 1847.92 8 -236.8t -98.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 7 -183.46 -97.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 -992.87 8 157.36 53.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 102 8 45.08 15,62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 -26.89 15.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 ----~45.1~C~ 84.97 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 9 -146.24 84.97.~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 235.98 ~~ER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 ~:.~-11 .52~ 100.88 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 8 t~ -54.38 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 9 93.59 -54.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 9 26.87 15.65 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 10 -45.06 15.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 9 146,15 85.12 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 lO ~ ,~;¢~_ . -24 09 85 ~2 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 lOl 9 8~.16 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 10 -208.06 53.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 9 ~[~-54.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 156.85 -54.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 10 45,23 -15.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 -82.73 27,73 0.00 0.00 0.00 -282.68 100 10 246.01 -82.41 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 15 -286.80 150.94 0.00 0.00 0,00 -1537.59 101 10 208.64 -50,86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 -234.11 93.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 -952.25 102 10 -157.44 52,74 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 11 183,55 -96.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 984,03 11 260.81 90.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 282.68 12 -267.34 -79.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 724.17 iE:\Struc~ Eng Group\Projects \6314 010 -012 Apex\13828\staad\ 71228.ani Page 8 of 19 STAAD PI~ANE -- PAGE NO. 9 Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMBER END FORCES STRUCTURE TYPE = PLANE ALL UI~ITS ARE -- POL~N INCE (LOCAL ) MEMBER LOAD JT kXIAL SHEAR-Y SHEAR- Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 100 11 1038.04 276.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 1537.59 12 -1073.53 -214.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 1361.84 101 11 945.91 311.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 952.25 12 -968.08 -272.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 2497.67 102 11 -379.37 -13.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 -984.03 12 402.09 -26.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 1058.04 1 12 276.47 64.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 -724.17 5 -357.98 74.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 12 985.61 370.54 0.00 0.00 O.OO -1361.84 5 -1428.94 389.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 12 1000.99 220.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 2497.67 5 -1277.85 254.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 12 -242.77 -250.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1058.04 5 526.50 -235.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2 -19,29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.O0 6 19.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 2 171.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 -171.55__~- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lol 2 ~ o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 6 -335.62~_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lO2 2 C-~.~-~ o.oo o.oo o.oo 0.00 0.00 6 316.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 4 -19.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 19.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 4 171.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 12 -171.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 4 -69.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 69.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 4 -316.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 316.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 7 240.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 -24~0.39 ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 7 ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 -868.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 7 822.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 -822.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 7 ~-~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 227.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IL:\Struct Eng Group\Pr©jecCs\6324-OlO -021 Apex\13828\staad\71229.an2 Page 9 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, -- PAGE NO. 10 09:08 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT 89. PRINT MEMBER STRESSES ALL i:\Struct Eng Group\Projec~s\6314-OlO -01i Apex\13828\s~aad\?1228.an2 Page 10 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 I STA. A/D PLANE -- PAGE NO. 11 I MEMBER STRESSES i ~ 24.0 C 0.0 21.7 45.7 8.4 0.0 ! S~ruc~ Eng GrouplProjects\6314-OlO ~021 Apex\13828\staad\71228.anl Page ll of 19 Monday, June 04, -- PAGE NO. 12 2007, 09:08 AM MEMBER STRESSES ALL UNITS ARE POUN/SQ INCH ~ i~:\Scruct Eng Group\Projecrs\6314-OlO -Oll Apex\13828\staad\71228.anl Page 12 of 19 STAAD PLANE -- PAGE NO. 13 Monday, June 04, 2007~ 09:05 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMBER STRESSES ALL UNITS ARE POUN/SQ INCH 1 ,0 25.4 C 0.0 55.1 80.5 6.0 1.00 32.9 C 0.0 0.0 32.9 6.9 0.0 100 ,0 90.6 C 0.0 103,6 194.2 34.1 0.0 1.00 131.3 C 0.0 0.0 131.3 35.8 0.0 101 .0 92.0 C 0.0 190.1 282.1 28.2 0.0 1.00 117.4 C 0.0 0.0 117.4 23.4 0.0 102 .0 22.3 T 0.0 80.5 102.8 23.0 0.0 1.00 48.4 T 0.0 0.0 48.4 21.7 0.0 1 .0 3.7 T 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 1.00 3.7 T 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.8 100 .0 32.7 C 0.0 0.0 32.7 0.0 0.0 1.00 32.7 C 0.0 0.0 32.7 0.0 0.0 101 .0 63.9 C 0.0 0.0 63.9 0.0 0.0 1.00 63.9 C 0.0 0.0 63.9 0.0 0.0 102 .0 60.3 T 0.0 0.0 60.3 0.0 8.0 1.00 60.3 T 0.0 0.0 60.3 0.0 0.0 1,80 3.7 T 0.0 0.8 3.7 0.0 0.0 100 .0 32.6 C 0.0 0.0 32.6 0.0 0.0 1.00 32.6 C 0.0 0.0 32.6 0.0 0.0 101 .0 13.2 T 0.0 0.0 15.2 0.0 0.0 1.00 13.2 T 0.0 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.0 102 .0 60.3 T 0.0 0.0 60.3 0.0 0.0 1.00 60.3 T 0.0 0.0 60.3 0.0 0.0 1 .0 29.1 C 0.0 0.0 29.1 0.0 0.0 1.00 29.1 C 0.0 0.0 29.1 0.0 100 .0 105.3 C 0.0 0.0 105.3 0.0 0.0 1.00 105.3 C 0.0 0.0 105.3 0.0 0.0 101 .0 99.7 C 0.0 0.0 99.7 0.0 0.0 1.00 99.7 C 0.0 0.0 99.7 0.0 0.0 102 .0 27.6 T 0.0 0.0 27.6 0.0 0.0 1.00 27.6 T 0.0 0.0 27.6 0.0 0.0 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT 90. PRINT JOINT DISPLACEMENTS ALL 5: \Struct Eng Group\Projects\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\s~aad\71228.anl Page 13 of 19 STAAD PLANE Monday, June 04, 2007, -- PAGE NO. 14 \q 09:08 I I I I I I I I I I JOINT DISPLACEMENT (INCH P. ADIARS) STRUCTURE TYPE = PLA/qE 1 1 -0.00176 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00079 100 -0.00675 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00300 101 -0.00634 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00377 102 0.00218 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00096 2 1 -0.00060 -0.03288 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00047 100 -0.00191 -0.14025 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00188 101 -0.00180 -0.18357 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00240 102 0.00062 0.06086 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00068 3 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000O0 -0.00076 100 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00327 101 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00176 102 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00146 4 1 0.00050 -0.03286 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00047 100 0.00191 -0.14013 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00188 101 0.00180 -0.07689 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00112 102 -0.00062 0.06079 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00068 5 1 0.00176 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00079 100 0.00675 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00300 101 0.00634 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00187 102 -0.00218 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00096 6 1 0.01380 -0.03269 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00213 100 0.06273 -0.14196 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00996 101 0.09022 -0.18692 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01077 102 -0.03092 0.06402 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00517 7 1 0.00084 -0.01049 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00217 100 0.00305 -0.03949 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00995 101 0.02624 -0.07689 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01065 102 -0.00083 0.01214 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00499 8 1 -0.01370 0.01392 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00103 100 -0.06357 0.07233 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00494 101 -0.04495 0.04263 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00399 102 0.03250 -0.04374 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00266 9 1 0.00004 -0.00999 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00066 100 0.00020 -0.03893 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00293 101 0.00020 -0.03648 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00381 102 -0.00010 0.01336 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00138 10 1 0.01378 0.01390 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00103 100 0.06385 0.07231 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00494 101 0.07222 0.08898 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00507 102 -0.03268 -0.04380 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00266 11 1 -0.00081 -0.01044 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00217 100 -0.00289 -0.03922 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00997 101 0.02062 0.00279 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00769 102 0.00073 0.01196 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00500 12 1 -0.01378 -0.03266 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00213 100 -0.06266 ~0,14184 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00997 101 -0.02534 -0.07589 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00755 102 0.03087 0.06395 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00518 i:\S~ruct Eng Group~Projec~s\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\sraad\71228.anl Page 14 of 19 \% Monday, June 04, 2007, 09:08 PAGE NO. 15 I !1 I I I i I I I I I I I I I ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT 91. PRINT SECTION MA~X DISPL ALL i:\Struct Eng Group\Projec~s\6314-OlO -021 Apex\13828\staad\71228.anl Page 15 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, PAGE NO. 16 09:08 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAX MEMBER SECTION DISPLACEMENTS UNIT= INCH FOR FPS AND CM FOR METRIC/SI SYSTEM MEMBER MAX DISP LOCATION LOAD L/DISPL 1 0.10408 73.35 101 1208 2 0.01226 20.73 101 4057 3 0.00899 29.02 100 5533 4 0.08319 52.40 100 1511 5 0.54783 72.80 101 265 6 0.00026 5.91 102 45963 7 0.00028 5.51 101 48006 8 0.01200 16.27 101 2711 9 0.01017 16.29 100 3205 10 0.00023 7.69 100 57917 11 0.00025 5.91 102 46428 12 0.49238 72.80 100 301 13 0.00000 0.00 1 0 14 0.00000 0.00 ~ 0 15 0.00000 0.00 1 0 **~**~****** END OF SECT DISPL RESULTS *********** 92. PRINT SUPPORT REACTION ALL i i,:\Struct Eng Group\Projec=s\6314-OlO -01i Apex\i3828\staad\71228.anl Page 16 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, PAGE NO. 17 09:08 AM ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPORT REACTIONS -UNIT POUN INCH STRUCTURE TYPE = PLkNE JOINT LOAD FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM E 3 1 0.00 167.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 733.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 0.00 678.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 -336.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 i 1 0.00 337.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 1348.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 0.00 1433.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 -500.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 1 0.00 337.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 1348.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 0.00 1087.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 0.00 -500.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT ************** 93. FINISH *********** END OF THE STAAD.Pro RUN *********** **** DATE= J~3N 4,2007 TIME= 9: 0:54 **** 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iL:\Struc~ Eng Group\Projects\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\s~aad\71228.anl Page 17 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007~ 09:08 AM PAGE NO. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For questions On STAA/D.Pro, please contact Research Engineers Offices at the following locations Telephone Email USA: +l (714)974-2500 support@reiusa.com CANADA +1 (905)632-4771 detech~odandetech.com CANA~DA +1 {604)629 6087 staad@dowco.com UK +44(1454)207-000 support@reel.co.uk FRANCE +33(0)1 64551084 support@reel.co.uk GERPL~NY +49/931/40469-71 info@reig.de NORWAY +47 67 57 21 30 staad@edr.no SINGAPORE +65 6225-6158 support@reiusa.com INDIA +91(033)2357-3575 support~calcutta.reiusa.com * JAPAN +81 (03)5952-6500 eng-eye~crc.co.jp CHINA +86(411)363-1983 support%reiasia.net THAILAND +66{0)2645-1018/19 support@thai.reiusa.com * North America support@reiusa.com Europe support%reel.co.uk Asia support~reiasia.net i~:\Struc~ Eng Gr©up\Projec~s\6314-OlO -011 Apex\13828\sgaad\71228.ani Page 18 of 19 Monday, June 04, 2007, -- PAGE NO. 19 09:08 AM Information about the key files in the current distribution IModification Date CRC Size (Bytes) File Name 12/05/2006 0x6a01 13303808 SProStaad.exe )9/19/2003 0x2fc0 00081970 CMesh.dll 10/25/2006 0x4601 02486272 clbSectionInterface.dll 01/23/2001 0xgb40 00073728 LoadGen.dll 09/25/2003 0x6340 00704512 MeshEngine.dll 09/22/2003 0xce00 00069632 ~h/adPlateEngine.dll 12/22/2005 0x4181 00094208 SurfMesh.dll 11/14/2006 0xbe41 00612352 AISCSections.mdb 06/13/2006 0xd4cl 01204224 AISCSectionsRCeco.mdb 01/05/2005 0x79cl 00319488 aiscsections all_editions.mdb 01/05/2005 0x4b81 01810432 aiscsteeljoists.mdb 01/05/2005 0xcacl 03651584 aitctimbersections.m~b 01/27/2005 0xeb01 00552960 aluminumsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xcd01 00163840 australiansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0x6a41 00229376 brltishsections.mdb 09/12/2006 0xf4c0 00466944 bscoldformedsections.mdJ0 06/28/2005 0x8201 00327680 butlercoldformedsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xabc0 00262144 canadiansections.mdb 05/31/2005 0xges1 00450560 canadiantimbersections.mdb 10/12/2006 0x5fcl 00532480 ChineseSections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xd6c0 00600064 dutchsections.mdb 10/18/2006 0x3340 00354304 EuropeanSections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xd301 00202752 frenchsections.mdb 181/05/2005 0xllc1 00233472 germansection$.mdb 01/05/2005 0x3c40 00264192 indiansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xd540 00180224 iscoldformedsections.mdb 03/23/2006 0xa080 00200704 japanesesections.mdb 11/08/2005 0x9081 00376832 Kingspancoldformedsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0~740 00174080 koreansections.mdb 12/01/2006 0xSfcl 00114688 lysaghtcoldformedsections.mdb 02/07/2005 0x9a00 00243712 mexicansteeltables.mdb 10/18/2006 0xdd41 00421888 RCecoColdFormedSections.mdb 02/03/2005 0x9640 00307200 r~ssiansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0x9081 00206848 southafricansections.mdb 01/06/2005 0x9341 00194560 spanishsections.mdb 10/18/2006 0xc581 00223232 uscoldformedsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xbac0 00149504 usersectionstemplate.mdb 01/20/2006 0xSe40 00159744 venezuelansections.mdb i>: \S~ruct Eng Group\Projects\6314-020 -011 Apex\13828\staad\71228.anl Page 19 of 19 '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 28'-0" Home 7:12 Pitch Client: Apex Homes Job Number: 6314-011 Date: 6/4/2007 Designer: BCR Checker: ~6 45 psf Ground Snow, 120 mph Wind Flip Rafter Connection Design: Length 32.59 in Connection Forces Rafter to Outer Module Truss: Compressive 245.18 lb '~ Tensile 156.91 lb v Shear 100.88 lb ~-~ Ridge to Ridge: Compressive 146.28 Ibc/ Tensile 93.53 Ibv Shear 73.71 lb STAAD Members 8 and 9 Refer to Apex Homes System Calculations Manual for Member Sizes Flip Rafter Connections: Flip Rafter to Outer Module Top Chord Rafter/Top Chord to Plate Shear Check: Fastener: 0.131x2 1/2" Nails Design Value: 53 pounds Duration Factor: 1,15 Toe Nail Factor: 0.83 Fastener Allowable: 50.5885 Fasteners Reauired: Chord to Plate: 2 nails Plate to Plate Shear Check: Design Value: 53 pounds Duration Factor: 1,15 Toe Nail Factor: 0.83 Fastener Allowable: 50.5885 Fasteners Required: Plate to Plate: 2 nails/truss bay Note: Axial Tensile forces will be resisted by the attachment cfa steel strap to the top chord and rafter, Tensile Check: 26ga. Strap Capacity: 645 pounds 22ga. Strap Capacity: 970 pounds Use 26 ga. Strap Fastener: 0.131x2 1/2" Nails Design Value: 48 pounds Duration Factor: 1.6 Fastener Allowable: 76.8 Fasteners Required: Strap to Chord: 3 nails Note: Nails required each side of the top chord/rafter joint. Min, Spacing = tOD = 1,25" Ridqe Connection Rafter / Top Chord to Plate Shear Check: Fastener: 0.131x2 1/2" Nails Design Value: 53 pounds Duration Factor: 1.15 End Nail Factor 0.67 Fastener Allowable: 40.8365 Fastenem Reeuired: Chord to Plate: 2 nails Plate to Plate Shear Check: Fastener: 0.131x2 1/2" Nails Design Value: 53 pounds Duration Factor: 1.15 Toe Nail Factor: 0.83 Fastener Allowable: 50.5885 Fasteners Required: Plate to Plate: 2 nails / truss bay Note: Axial Tensile forces will be resisted by the attachment of a steel strap from rafter to rafter. Tensile Check: 26ga. Strap Capacity: 22ga. Strap Capacity: 645 pounds 970 pounds Use26 ga. Strap Fastener: 0.131x2 1/2" Nails Design Value: 48 pounds Duration Factor: 1.6 Fastener Allowable: 76.8 Fasteners Reauired: Strap to Chord: 2 nails Note: Nails required each end of the strap 13828 REVconnections2.xls Flip Rafters ;,% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Flip Rafter to Outer Module Top Chord Alternate Connection #1: Model Number Fasteners To Flip Rafter Simpson LSTA15 (4) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA18 (5) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA21 (6) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA24 (7) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA30 (9) 10dx1 1/2 Use Simpson LSTA15. Ridge Connection Alternate Connection #1: Model Number Fasteners to Rafter/Truss Simpson LSTA15 (4) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA18 (5) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA21 (6) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson LSTA24 (7) tOdxl 1/2 Simpson LSTA30 (9) 10dx1 1/2 Use Simpson LSTA15. To Top Chord (4) 10dx1 1/2 (5) 10dx1 1/2 (6) 10dx1 1/2 (7) 10dx1 1/2 (9) 10dx1 1/2 To Studs (4) lOdxl 1/2 (5) lOdxl 1/2 (6) 10dx1 1/2 (7) 10dx1 1/2 (9) lOdxl 112 13828 REVconnections2.xls Client: Apex Homes Job Number: 6314-011 Date: 6/4/2007 Designer: BCR Checker: Allowable Uplift Load (pounds) 665 83O 1000 1165 1235 Allowable Upli~ Load (pounds) 665 83O 1000 1165 1235 Flip Rafters I I I I I I I I I !1 I I I I I I I 28'-0" Home 7:12 Pitch Client: Apex Homes Job Number: 6314-011 Date: 6/4/2007 Designer: BCR Checker: ~ ~,/¢./~?' 45 psf Ground Snow, 120 mph Wind Kneewall Design: Kneewall Height: Max Compression: Max Tension: 73.38 inches 335.62 lb ~' 316.78 lb f Connection Forces Chord to Kneewall (Comp.) 335.62 lb Chord to Kneewall (Ten.) 316.78 lb STAAD Members 13 and 14 Refer to Apex Homes System Calculations Manual for Member Sizes Kneewall Connections: Note: Any connection provided by the truss manufacturer takes precedence over the connections described below, Eg. If the kneewall is fastened to the truss top chord with a hinge plate designed or specified by the truss manufacturer no further strapping is required. Top or Bottom Chord to Kneewall Kneewall to Plate Note: Axial Tensile forces will be resisted by the attachment of a steel strap to the kneewall stud and plate. Tensile Check: 26ga. Strap Capacity: 22ga. Strap Capacity: 20ga. Strap Capacity: 18ga. Strap Capacity: 637 pounds 958 pounds 1171 pounds 1524 pounds Use 26ga. Strap Fastener: 0.148# x 1 1/2" Nails (10d x 1 1/2") Design Value: 54,2 pounds Duration Factor: 1.6 Penetration: 1.48 inches Penetration Factor: 0.83 Fastener Allowable: 72.37 Fasteners Required: Strap to Chord: 5 nails Note: Nails required each end of steel strap 13828 REVconnections2.xls Kneewalls I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Client: Apex Homos Job Number: 6314-011 Date: 6/4/2007 Designer: BCR Checker: Note: Do no~t use the Plate to Chord or Kneewall to Plate connections described above in conjunction with the Simpson strap connections listed here. Model Number Fasteners to Rafter/Truss To Studs Simpson H2 (5) 8dx1 1/2 Simpson H2.5A {5) 8dx1 1/2 Simpson LTS12 (6) 10dx1 1/2 Simpson MTS12 (7) lOdxl 1/2 Simpson HTS16 (8) lOdxl 1/2 Use Simpson H2.5A. Allowable Uplift Load (pounds) (5) 8dx1 1/2 230 (5) 8dx1 1/2 365 (6) 10dx1 1/2 620 (7) 10dxt 1/2 730 (8) 10dx1 1/3 865 Alternate Connection #2: 2x Blocking to Rafter Shear Check: Fastener: 16dx3 1/2" Nails Design Value: 120 pounds Duration Factor: 1.15 Penetration Fector~ 0.77 Fastener Allowable: 106.48 Fasteners Required: Blocking to Rafter: 4 nails Note: Axial Tensile forces will be resisted by the attachment of a steel strap to the blocking and kneewall. Tensile Check: 26ga. Strap Capacity: 22ga. Strap Capacity: 20ga. Strap Capacity: 18ga. Strap Capacity: 664pounds 998 pounds 1171 pounds 1524 pounds Use 26ga. Strap Nail: 0.148" x 1 1/2" (10d x I 1/2") Design Value: 54.2 pounds Duration Factor: 1.6 Penetration: 1.48 inches Penetration Factor: 0.83 Fastener Allowable: 72.37 Fasteners Required: Strap to Chord: 5 nails Note: Nails required each end of steel strap 13828 REVconnections2.xls Kneewalls I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 28'-0" Home 7:12 Pitch Client: Apex Homes Job Number: 6314-011 Date: 6/4/2007 Designer: BCR~.. Checker: .,-~'J 6.. ¢~,/,~. =, ? 45 psf Ground Snow, 120 mph Wind Collar Tie Design: Collar Tie Length: 79.00 inches Max Compression: 868.9 lb ~. Max Tension: 227.64 lb ~ Connection Forces Top Chord to Collar Tie: Knee Wall To Collar Tie: 868.9 lb 868.9 lb STAAD Member16 Refer to Apex Homes System J Calculations Manual for I Member Sizes Collar Tie Connection: Fastener: 0.131x2 1/2" Nails Fastener Allowable: 53 pounds (single shear connection) Duration Factor: 1.15 Fasteners Required: Top Chord to Collar Tie: 15 nails Knee Wall To Collar Tie*: 15 nails (each side) *if applicable Reduce Truss Spacing or Use Alternate Fastener Alternate Fastener: 16d x 3 1/2" Common Nails Fastener Allowable: 122 pounds (single shear connection) Duration Factor: 1.15 Fasteners Required: Top Chord to Collar Tie: 7 nails Knee Wall To Collar Tie*: 7 nails (each side) 'if applicable Alternate Fastener: 30d x 4 1/2" Common Nails Fastener Allowable: 322 pounds (double shear connection) Duration Factor: 1.15 Fasteners Required: Knee Wall To Collar Tie ONLY': 3 nails *if applicable 13828 R EVconnections2.xls Collar Ties Larson Design Group I Your Vision Made Real I Architects Engineers Surveyors PO Box 467 WillJamspo~, PA 17701 TEL570 323 6603 TOLL FREE 8773236603 FAX 57,33239932 SHEET NO 1 OF CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Larson Design Group Your Vision Mode Real. Architects Engineers Surveyors An employee owned compaqy RO Box ~-87 Wiliiamspon, PA 17701 TEL570 323.6603 TOLL FREE 677 32366'33 FAX 570.323.9932 JOB ' t' ' SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE DATE Coiled strapping enables cut-to-length convenience for a variety of immediate job site needs. CMST - 3" wide strapping features diamond nail holes to provide nailing options and reduce wood splitting. CMSTC - 3" wide strapping is designed for high load conditions. Engineered to reduce wood splitting. RS - 11/4" wide strapping packaged in cartons containing 25-foot or longer coils. Materials: See char[ Finish: Gg0 galvanizing Options: RS150 is available in Tdple Zinc. To order, add TZto stock number, as in RS150-TZ. Codes: SBCCI, BOCA- NER 530, NER 564, & NER 608, FL817, FL821, FL822, L.A. City RR 25337 & RR 25357, DSA PA-076 installation: · Use all specified fasteners. See Product Notes, page 16. · For safety, always wear gloves when handling or cutting coiled strapping. · CMST installations: Install to a minimum 2 ply 2x edge. Increase nail spacing if wood begins to split. · Designer may specify alternate nailing schedules. Refer to Nail Soeciflcation table on Daoe 20 for nail shear values. Load values shall not exceed published allowable loads. Optional nails (wood ~hdnkage may to buckle outwand) Typical RS rim joist installation CMST similar End Length Cut o RS CMSTC16 CMST 1-8oo-328-5934 · www. USPconnectors.com II.~p Length of Bm~t in Vertical Member 6) ~c~ss~ec~m~ r~ .de~m'geoo[ ~f~e ~d0c~(moto nm load tests o[ devines connec~t t~ DF-L weed members and conside~ both the deilection of the ndlbown and Engineered for high capacity with minimum deflection and Iow eccentricity. Materials: 10 gauge Finish: USP primer ' J~CL Codes: SBCCI, BOCA- NER 564, FL817, L.A. City RR 25434 ~L Installation: · Use all specified fasteners. See Product Notes, oaoe 16 Typical UPHD8 · Place holdown over anchor bolt and drive screw's i~tto p~st installation ;h~gahntce~o~nnCuht°~ubr~)nlt nc~l~cf~?lgoe~iigh, snug to base, plus 1/3 ;o 1/2 additional tu'ms withe wrench To preventh loosening of g rig, use a locking nght or tighten a second nut over the first to lock nut i . · Holdown may be installed off of the plate with no load reduction s n place · Post may be shimmed provided the shim acts as a single unit with the post. Holdown fasteners specified shall not be considered to attach shim to post. Shim shall be a structura matedal equal or be~ter than the post material Consult a designer or an engineer of record for appropriate fastening of Shim. Alternate installations: · Drill hole in concrete or masonry and insert retrofit anchor ( .e. epoxy anchor) capable of resistin u lift ' · Place holdown over anchor bolt and drive screws into post. g p and latera! loading · '~ghten anchor bolt nuts finger tight snug to base, plus 2-3 additional turns with a wrench. To prevent loosening of the anchor nut during critical loading, use a locking nut or tighten a second nut over the first to lock nuts in lace. · Post may be shimmed provided the shim acts as a single unit with the post. Holdown fas~Pe~ners specified shall not be considered to attach shim to post. Shim shall be a structural material equal or better than the post material. Consult a designer or an engineer of record for appropriate fastening of shim. Dimensions ~ Fastener Schedule A owable Load 2. Divide total number of fasteners equally betw~n both straps. ~oisture barrier 3 Minimum f'c *s 2,500 psL [ not Shown (Typ.) 4. See instruction to the Designer page 15 for loads in Typical META Installed with TSS Typical Installation with two METAs MSTAM and MSTCM models are designed for wood to masonry applications, The MSTC series has countersunk nail slots for a lower nailing profile. Coined edges ensure safer handling. FINISH: Galvanized. Some products are available in stainless steel or Z-MAX; see Corrosion-Resistance, page 6-7. INSTALLATION; · Use ail specified fasteners. See General Notes. · Attach to grouted concrete block. CODES: See page 12 for Code Listing Key Chart. Typical MSTAM36 Installation Model Dimensions Fasteners (Total) ~ Allowable Tension Loa~s No. Ga I DF/SP SPFA, IF Code W L Nails CMU Concrete (133) (160) (-~) (160); Ref. MSTAM24 18 1,/, 2~ 9-10d 5-~Ax2~/4~tec 5-Y~f~Titen 146--~- 150~- 1270 t500 128 MSTAM361 t6 lv, 36 13-TOd 8-v, x2v4Titen 8-V,,xl¥,Titen I870 187'~-~1870 1870 ~TCM40I 16 3 ~40Y, 25-16dsinkers 14-Y~x2Y4Titen 14-Y4x1%Titen 4250 4250 3745 4250 151 Masonry Application ~ Ava/labia with additional co f/on Floor-to-Floor Clear Span Table Fasteners (Total) Allowable Tension SPF/HF Nails CMU Concrele See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. 2' Typ. MSTAM36 MSTCM40 40V." ~USP Embossed ?lat~ line guides placement M Typical MP_F installation I MP4F = 3" MP6F = 3314# 1~800'328'5934 ' www. USPconnector$.com MP4F = 1' MP_F AN/8c~8£~ NO II III I I II I I I I USE HIGH %/INS PACKAGE I I [I I''~1 LIVING/DINING RE]nM / ALL EXT. LOAD SEARING HDR'S: ~ITH SPAN OF 3'-7' ~E SPECIFICS. ALL REQUIRED JACK STUDS OR · NOTE: PLEASE VERIFY THE GRACE / SLOPS DF THE BUILDING LOT AS SHOWN ON ALL THE ELEVATIONS FOR ACCURACY, DUE TO VARYING STATE CODES AND REQUIREHCNTS, THE ACCURACY IS IMPERATIVE PRIOR TD THE COHPLETION 17'-8 3/4' KITCHEN AFt B'-9 3/4' LIVING ROOM 3/4' [] SEN % 199.28 SQ. FT. 15,94 LIGHT REQ'D 797 VENT REQ'D 3486 LIGHT PROV'D 15~48 VENT RRDV'D TYPICAL WlNDSW SCHEDULE WTND[3t,/ LABEL ROUGH OPENING ~BDEL NUMBER 9ESGRPTIDN 1 30 1/B" x 36 I/4" IDH3036 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN DOUBLE HUNG 5 34 1/~' x 68 1/4" IDH3468C INTEGRITY BY MARVIN DOUBLE HUNG-COTTAGE 30 1/8' x 48 1/4~ ITDHSO48 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN DOUBLE HUNG I ~9' x 16 1/4' ICATR3315 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN TRANSOM NDTES: 38BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A PROPERLY SIZED HEATING SYSTEM TO C[1VER A n5,000 BTU LOSS HEAT LOSS WAS CALCULATED USING R-19 FLOOR INSULATI[]N INTEGRITY WINDOWS-DPSO RATED 9'-0' CEILINGS (1ST STORY ONLY) 5, CLG BEAM @ LIV/DIN RM TO BE (4)1 1/2x18 M.L (SEC,5,PG.103) 10. 6. EXT HDR @ KITCHEN TO BE (3) 1 1/~x14 ML (SEC.5,PG.BB) i1 7. lB. 9. !4 ON-13888/NY Al,4 I I I I I ( SECT 4, PO ]00 ) AP ]8'-7 3/4' WALK-IN CLOSET 17'-] 3/4' 5'-2 3/4' CLOSET STUDY 4'-l Z Ell L TYPICAL WINDOW SCHEDULE V/INDOW LA3EL ROUGH OPENING MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION ] 30 1/~' x 36 i/4' IDH3036 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN DOUBLE HUNG 4 34 1/2~ x 64 1/4" IBH3464 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN DOUBLE HUNG 27 37' x 19 5/8' lAWN3719 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN A~/NING 3TES: ~ INTEGRITY ~INDOWS-DP50 RATED , 7/12 STORAGE RAFTER @ 16' O.C, 3. CLG BEAM @ BED ~1 TO BE (4) i 1/2x16 M.L. (SEC,4, PG.iO0) I !~I CLG BEAN e HALL TO BE (4) 1 1/2' x lB' NL. (SEC4~ PG 100) 6. 11. 7. 12. 8. 13, 9 14 i0 15 Al,5 (/9 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I. ...................... ~.~. .... :~ ............. ~ m~ L .......... B' MINIMUM CONCRETE WALLS , .% --Z-~ ............................... ~;: ............................... ON-!3828/NY ]TES~ FOR ADDITION INFORMATION SEE TYPICAL FOUNDATION DRAWING A15,16 OF THIS SET PERIMETER RAIL ATTACHED TO SILL WITH 16d NAILS AT 6' D.C. 3. ~ER FOOTINGS BASED UPON 2000 PS.~,..,,~,~O~/ASLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: ~500 M OR S TYPE MORTAR TO BE USED ~ ,~1~,~"~ FOUNDATION DRAWINGS ARE TO BE USED AS A GUIDE ONLY, APEX HOMES WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR INCORRECT FOUNDATIONS 6. MAX ANCHOR DOLT SPACING: 6'-0' O,C. (4'-0' OC. MAX IN AREAS WHERE WIND VELOCITY IS @ OR EXCEEDS 100 MPH) 7 WINDOWS OR VENTS (INSTALLED BY OTHERS) ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE 1/150 OF FLOOR AREA AS FREE VENTILATION AND SHALL BE LOCATED AS CLOSE TO CORNERS AS POSSIBLE 8, NOTES ON THIS PAGE TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES ON TYPICAL FOUNDATION DWG. A15/A16 I oJ Z ~- c/) <Z ~ Z I CO DRAWING INDEX DESIGN BASIS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, BELIEF, AND PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT, .~_k DESCRIPT]DN THESE PLANS (AND SPECIFICATIONS) ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE A~ :~VE~ SHEFT T~USSES: ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE, ~]8 OLND~IO~_ 75 PS: ~ETT~M CHORE ~EA3 ~E:~g IT IS A VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 145 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY A3 -[YPIZA~-E~A~DN$ 67 PS~ TOP ZHBR3 DEAD LDAD TO ALTER THE DRAWINGS IN ANY WAY TO CHANCE THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OR INTENT. ...... lC PSF ~DT~DN CHORD LIVE ~4 ]PTIDNPL ELEVATIONS 5 PSF BOTTOM CHORD DEAS LOAD IF A DRAWNG BEARING THE SEAL OF AN ENGINEER IS ALTERED, THE ALTERING ENGINEER AD LDDR PLAN M~ST~'R SHALL AFFIX HIS SEAL TO THE DRAWING WITH A NOTATION" ALTERED BY" FOLLOWED BY 3 ~DX WI2E RANCH 3-BOX WIDE TWO STORY ~6 LDD~ PLaN MASTER RAFTERS: HIS SIGNATURE, THE DATE OF SUCH ALTERATION, AND A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERATION. ........... SPACE RESERVED FOR THE NEW YORK STATE STAMP OF APPROVAL" ~ 'x. · . ., A~a 3~]] AS PER ASCE 7-9B Manufoc~urers No. M 1168 ~~U~u--~'~:~-~:" ~' ............. ~m,AuHED S:NSLE FAM:! v 3W~L~ iN5 :~3~SSED a~E FOR P SCRIOlNB AN~ DETA:LiNG T~E PRO~E~ USE OF ~UR MaN'UFaCTLJ~ED ~UI[ SINE, ..... DR mORCdES ETC } S~LL ~ ~v THE '6[N:RA[ C'INTRACIOR' ~LL NEIES ~ERTA]NING TO 'IN FI 1]', : THESE PLANS RE: [C TYPiCal DINENS]ONS LU'MOER ........ SND~ HADINE PER :NC]ViOL,AL SbOMl FTAL SkiLL ~E .OChZF: DN ~ (!NCLJi?IN: qqb INSPEC*:2N [:H[[:KL:St) BSL/DRP JAN O CRICKET ON-SITE R FRONT ELEVATION CRICKET 7i ON SITE OTHERS REAR ELEVATION x NOTE: PLEASE VERIFY THE GRADE / SLOPE OF THE BUILDING LOT NOTE: ACTUAL HOUSE MAY VARY FR~N ELEVATION ~N 138~8/NY JUN 0 7 1J]07 AL,2 N~TE, ACTUAL HOUSE MAY VARY FROM ELEVATIDN QN-i3828/NY NOTE: ACTUAL HOUSE NAY VARY FRBN ELEVATIDN C~ G BEPM e LiV!NG/DiNINO ROOM 17' 8 3/4' 30' a 7/B' , 8' 9 3/4' J I i6' 9 3/8' 314' 41 0 TYPICAL WJNDBW SCHEDULE 30 I/2" x 36 1/4" 34 1/2" x 68 1/4" 38 l/E" x 48 ~/~" 29" x 1G i/4" JUN 0 ? 2007 NilES BLJiLDmR iS RES~BNSiI~Lr IOR aROViDIN5 i PRBPERI Y SIZED HE'~TIN3 SYS-EM TO COVER a !!5,000 BTU ~7SS 4EaT BSS WAS Ca 2LLATFD USING e 3 IN--OBiIY WIND2WS b~SC 4 9' 9" CFI iNOS (iS~ GLORY FINLv) HEBEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION lDH3036 INTEGRITY Bv MARVIN DOUBLE HUNS IDH34688 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN BBLJBL_L HUNO-CBTTaGE ITOH3048 , iN:EORI1Y BY HARV:N DOLJ~k[ HUNO iOaTe3316 iNThOHI Y BY HANV[N I RSNSBH As ,4 bi PAN 14' I' ]8' 7 3/4' 3/4' )4 L~ 7YoiCAL ,/~N~E]~/ SCPlBDLJi. B W~NDOW~_AS~LI~' ~OUO~ OPENING i MFIDEL NLJMgE~ DESCRIPTION ] 30 1/2" x 35 1/4" DH~O36 INTEGRITY BY MARVIN DOUBLE HUNG 4 34 1/P' x 64 i/4" ]DH3464 HLJNE INTEGRITY W]NDBWS DPbO RATCO 7/!? STF,RAGE RA: 'ER ~ ]G' BE CL5 SLAM B BED ~1 TO $c (4) i ]/~xl6 M! (SEC4, ;5i09) C:5 SEAM 9 HAL ~0 }F (4) ] 1/2" x 1~' HL (SEC4, PO ~O0) 37" x 19 c/u I IAWN3719 iNTEGRITY ~Y MARVIN AWNiNS 8 13 9 14 I ~4¢ TE EPH~Ni .J~CKS ~ I (4) TV JACK I TDE F JUN 0 7 200? N3TFS: i ~ I 3EDRBRMS ARE ARC-FAU · 3 4 F--J [LEC DROPS NOTES: 1. ALL BEDROOMS ARE ARC-FAULT PROTECTED 3. 4. 5 AI,7 ]' O ] ] 0 ] ] 0 O i Ai ,8 fEcUNDATiON DRAWINGS ARE 10 BE USED AS A GUIDE 3SLY APEX HOMES WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY LiA~]L]'v BR ~ESPBNSZBi I[Y FO~ INCOrrECT FOUNDATIONS NBmLS: FOR ADDITION [NFORHATICN SEE TYPiCA' -OUNDATiON DRAWING A15,16 OF ~HIS SE] PLRiMLTER Rail AT-aCHE2 TO SilL WlT~ lad NAILS AT 6~ CC PIER FOO~!NGS BASED UP2N 20C8 PSF A_ BWaSLE SEI= BEARING PRESSUR? CENCR~L COMs~LSSIVE STTENOT¼ 3030 PSi ~ BRS TVmE vnRTA~ ~[i BL USE2 ~AX aNCHOR BOLT SPACING 5' 0~ /JO 64' O" OC MAX IN AREAS WHER~ WIND VELOCitY IS 6 OR EXCEEDS ]00 MPH) V/JN!}I WS _~R VLNIS {'.NSTA~/FC ~v ~THERS) ARE R-~U]RED TO o~OVIOE i/~50 OF FLOOR A~A ~S F~FE VENT]-AT]0N AN0 SHAL~ ~E LOCATED AS C DSC TO CBRNERS AS POSS]~~ NOTES EN THIS PAGE TAKE O~ECrDFNCF EVER NO,rS BN TYPICAL F UNDATiON CWO A]5/A]5 NETLS ? 4 TDX5 1DX5 1] 13 14 ]5 2007 DN ': ~i~,PS/Nv o ~ IT¥ z RANCH BI-LEVEL tLR SPLIT LEVEL TWO STORY OR T~WO STORY DUPLEX :X TYPICAL ELEVATIONS - IRC BSL/DRP J 18 JAN 05 Nm A2 RANCH/DUPLEX SPLIT LEVEL 3 BOX WIDE UNITS 3I-LEVEL REAR ELEV STORY OR T6/[3 STORY DUPLEX REAR ELEV REAR ELEV 3 BBX 6/IDE UNITS DEPARTMENT OF STATE CODEE DIVISION TYPICAL ELEVATIONS - IRC OPTIONAL PORCH ROOF OPTIONAL CARPORT OPTIONAL WINGED GABLE OPTIONAL DORMER VARY CAPE ROOF ELEVATION OPTIONAL GARAGE OPTIONAL ELEVATIONS - IRC AZ.L 8SL/DRP 18 JAN 03 F_zzzz ,, ,, , F,J(Z3 HOM£~c, INC. FLOOR PLAN MASTER - IRC APPLIANCE & MECH. EQUIP LOCATION IN TYP. CAPE AND IST STORY OF 2 STORY CRAWL SPACE MODELS CAPE AND iST STORY OF 2 STORY TWO FAMILY FiR PLAN (2ND STORY OF DWELLING OVER DWELLING) TYPICAL SECOND STORY / i /- ................................ TWO FAMILY FLR PLAN (1ST STORY OF DWELLING OVER DWELLING) TYPICAL CRAWLSPACE AND 2ND STORY DUPLEX FLOOR PLAN (LIVING UNIT OVER LIVING UNIT) FLOOR PLAN MASTER - IRC TYPICAL DUPLEX FLR, PLAN FIRST FL~nR OK THREE ]3{IX WIDE-TW{] STORY SEC[~ND FLBBR [DF THREE ]3E]X WIDE-TWO STBRY HOMES, /NC. FLOORPLAN MASTER - IRC ® ® 8 ® ® ® %-20 14-2 TYPICAL BATHROOM ELEVATIONS CFM ?0 LEDOEND -- HOMES, INC. BY, TYPICAL BATHROOMS - IRC rE-2 CONTINUATION DF PG. AS K-1 K-3 CONT:NUED CN PO. AIO I K-4 ® TYPICAL KITCHENS -iRC I~:,, ~,.. °~F' I~''' ~'' *'~ K-5 K-7 L- K-lO L .... _%~ K-15 ~ :IEI"EI J K-t3 14-2 TYPICAL KITCHENS - IRC BSL/I:iRP I~rE~8 JAN 03r~V' I~v6 NI) A1 GENERAL_ EL~CTRI.A_ h[~,~ 1 ALL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTED OR LABELED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY AND IN TYPICAL WIRIN~ TECHNIQUE FOR SUB-PANEL FEEDERS TYPICAL HYDRO-MASSAGE BATHTUB WIRING DIAGRAM DEPARTMENT OF STATE HOMES, /NC. MASTER. ELECTRICAL PLAN - iRC {]PT. LT. 8-3 I TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM ALUMINUM SIDING GROUNDING DETAIL .~ZPEX ~t~,tcr/o~ MASTER ELECTRICAL PLAN - IRC L INSULATION WITN A MINIMUM TNICKNESS OF 1 1/~' SHALL BE INSTALLS3 ~ ON ANY SPACE HEATING DISTRIBUTION P~PING LOCATE9 OUTSIDE N TRUNK END TO END G COLLAR ~6' REGISTER SOOT X--TAPE AND STRAP FLEX TO SOOTS & COLLARS __ SEE CALC.S MANUEL 6' FLEX DUCT 6~x42~ OSD SHIPLOOS~,E 6'xi8' OSD INSTALLE TRUNK LINE TO CROSSOVER HVAC NOTES HVAC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS OVAL DUCT TO SUPPLY 2ND FLOOR BASEMENT MODEL CRAWL SPACE HOMES, I/¥C. : By, 8$L/ORP HVAC SHEET - IRC~ TRUNK END TO END TRUNK LTNE TO CROSSOVER OXYAL DUCT TO SUPPLY 2ND FLOOR HOM£~, INC. HVAC SHEET - IRC RANCH BI-LEV£L CAPE TWO FAMILY TWO STORY RANCH ~I-LEVEL CAPE TWO FAMILY TWO STORY TYPES OF SILL ANCHORS'. WING SECTION FOR S_ P~_IT LEVELS T's AND EXT, WALL IHT, COL, IHT, PIER TYPICAL FOOTING DETAIL DIA, SCREW FRONT VIEW 1/~' THICK __6'xG' COLUMN TOP PLATE. HOLE FOR 1/B TOP VIEW NOTES~ 1. B' CONCRETE BLOCK PILASTER REQD. WITH 10'-0' MAX, IF BACKFILL EXCEEDS 5'-0' ABOVE FINISHED CONDITIONS AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS, 8. CRAWL SPACE FOUNDATION REQUIRES AT MIN. AN 18'x84' ACCESS OPENING FOR VENTILATION i/3 DF 1% OF FLOOR AREA PROVIDED BY CROSS VENTS MADE INSECT & RODENT PROOF WITH SCREEN OR LOUVERS. MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN WOOD MEMBERS AND INTERIOR GROUND LEVEL IS lB" 3. WINDOWS OR VENTS (INSTALLED BY BUILDER) ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE 1/150 OF FLOOR AREA AS FREE VENTILATION AND SHALL BE LOCATED AS CLOSE TO CORNERS AS POSSIBLE 4 IF WINDOWS ARE iNSTALLED IN LOWER LEVEL OF BI-LEVEL UNITS, VENTS MAY NOT BE REQUIRED. CHECK LOCAL REQUIREMENTS, 5. PERIMETER RAIL ATTACHED TO SILL w/Od, NAILS 16' G.C, 6. FIRE SEPARATION WALLS IN DUPLEXES SHALL BE CONTINUOUS TO BASEMENT FLOOR (ON-SITE BY BUILDER). 7, APEX HOMES, INC, WILL NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY IF COLUMN SPACING BY BUILDER/OWNER EXCEEDS MAX. SPANS SHOWN ON LOLLY COLUMN SPACING TABLE, 8, LOCATION OF WASHER, DRYER. WATER HEATER, & FURNACE IN BASEMENT TO BE INSTALLED PER STATE & LOCAL CODES (OWNER/BUILDER RESPONSIBILITY) 9. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE PLACED SO AS TO NOT INTERFERE WITH FLOOR JOISTS 10, SIZES REFLECT WOOD TO WOOD DIMENSIONS OF UNITS ALLOWING SHEATHING AND SIDING TO OVERHANG FOUNDATION, IF 3/4' FOAM INSULATION IS USED, INCREASE THE FOUNDATION IN LENGTH AND WIDTH BY 1 1/8' TO MAINTAIN PROPER OVERHANG. THIS APPLIES TO ALL MODELS. 11, ON-SITE INSULATION IN FLOORS OR ON FOUNDATION WALLS AS REQUIRED TO BE BUILDER RESPONSIBILITY AND TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES 18. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE FLOOR JOISTS IS BUILDER/DEALER RESPONSIBILITY AND IS TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES. DETAILS ARE SUGGESTIVE ONLY, 13, BASEMENT COLUMNS SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ALL SPANS >5' FOR LOAD TRANSFERS 14. SMOKE DETECTOR TO BE LOCATED AT BOTTOM OF STAIRS, SMOKE DETECTORS IN BASEMENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDER TO PROVIDE AND iNSTALL <COIL WIRE BY FACTORY) ALL SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED AND WILL ALARM IF IT OR ANY OTHER DETECTOR GOES OFF 15, FOUNDATION DRAWINGS ARE RECOMMENDED ONLY, ACTUAL FOUNDATION DRA~INO MUST ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT. 1G. FIRE SEPARATION WALLS IN DUPLEXES SHALL BE CONTINUOUS TO BASEMENT FLOOR (ON-SITE BY BUILDER) /Ac. TYPICAL FOUNDATIONS - IRC ~}BX UNIT - Lc]_j - NOTES Foq ,o, ,°, ~ F~: SEE NOTE~ I SE[ NOTEI~ NOTES: 1, SEE CALCUALTIONS MANUAL SECTIONS ~4 THROUGH ~15 'FLOOR CENTER GIRDER' FOR MAXIMUM BASEMENT SUPPORT SPACING CASED ON GROUND SNOW LOAD, ROOF PITCH, MODULE WIDTHS AND TYPE OF STRUCTURE, 8. SEE INDIVIDUAL FLODRPLANS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COLUMNS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT CONCENTRATED LOADS FROM ABOVE, AS INDICATED BY AN ASTERISK (~). HOM£~, I_4/"C. TYPICAL FOUNDATIONS - IRC TYP TWO STORY CROSS SECTION NOTES: TYP IN LINE SPLIT LEVEL CROSS SECTION TYP. SPLIT LEVEL CROSS SECTION .~ PEX ~c~ TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS - IRC 3 THRU lB 2x4 SPF STUB KNEEWALL R-30 INSULATION TO 8x6 CONNECTION 2-10d NAILS OR EQUAL 8x2 LEDGER TO 2x6 CDNN SEE INDIVIDUAL RAFTER PLAN (CALCS MANUAL) OPT. 16/38 STURD-I-FLOOR 8×8 CEILING BEAM TO JOIST B-DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL MIN, 15'-9' MAX. 16'-0' MIN. 31'-6' MAX, 2×6 TO UPPER RAFTER CONNECTION DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL B×4 TO UPPER RAFTER CONNECTION DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL 2x6 TO LOWER RAFTER CONNECTION -- :2) DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL l×J (CONY) TO RAFTOR CONNECTION DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL KNEEWALL TO RAFTER CONN {TOP & BOTTOM) L 1/8' x i0' 26 GA. STL STRAP W/ (3) lOd NAILS OR EQUAL EACH END (ON-SITE) TOP & BOTTOH PLATE TO KNEEWALL CONNECTION (2> DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL MtCROLAM LEDGER TO JOIST CONNECTION DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL AT 6' O,C, 8'-0" MIN. 15'-9" MAX, DIA. BOLT GUSSET TO RAFTER CONNECTION (6) 6d -- ;ALV NAILS EA. SIDE STAGGERED OR EQUAL (ON SITE) (CONY) TO JOIST CONNECTION (3) DUO FAST 607 NAILS OR EQUAL TO JOIST CONNECTION EA. SiDE ATTIC STORAGE RAFTER SYSTEM REFERENCES: SECTION R803,2,2 TABLE 503,2,1 (1) RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE EWA ESO-gB, ARA ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTION GUIDE TABLE #24 MIN. (3) MEMBER MICROLAM UNDER KNEEWALL INSULATIOD OPT, TRANSVERSE CLEAR SPAN 8x6 CONT. TO RAFTER CONN {3) BUD FAST 607 NAILS OR OQUAL I/2' DIA. BOLT GUSSET TO RAFTER CONNECTION (6) 6d 60'-0' MAX. TRANSVERSE R{DBF RAFTER SYSTEM - STDEWALL DETAIL BBL RAFTER PERIMETER 8'-0' MIN. 17-9' MAX, TRANSVERSE R~EiF - ENDWALL ROOF SYSTEMS - IRC 24 WIDE 5/i2 RAFTER DROP-IN RIDGE BOARD VENTED NSTALLED INSULATION FOR ROOF VENTILATION TYP. 5/i2 RAFTER LAYOUT FOR UNITS OVER 11'-10' AND UP TO 15'-9" [N WIDTH 27 WIDE 5/12 RAFTER TOP PLATE 8x2 TYP 5/!2 RAFTER LAYOUT FOR UNITS UP TO II'-lO' WIDE -8x4 WINGED GABLE DETAIL SKYLIGHT FRAMING DETAILS BY, ~ ] -- ~-~££ /NC. ROOF SYSTEMS - IRC BSL/DRP 18 J~. os A28 ~-~r~ .... __~-~ ~ PROJECTING SECTIONS DETAIL - IRC CROSS SECTIrgN A-A [ · I ~ PEX HOMES,, INC. PROJECTING SECTIONS DETAIL - IRC CROSS SECTION (1ST & ~ND STORY) (1ST & ~ND STORY) SECTION "AA" 6'-5 3/4° SECTION "BO~ FLR. DETAIL SHOWING 3AY AND FIREPLACE AREA SUPPORTED BY FOUNDATION BELOW EXACT LOCATION VARY PER FLOOR PLAN 6'-5 3/4' , 3'-0' DETAIL SHOWING BAY AND FIREPLACE AREA CANTILEVERING ~UT OVER FOUNDATION BELOW DRAWINGS SHOWN FOR FRAMING ONLY. DIMENSIONS SHOWN WILL VARY DEPENDING ON UNIT WIDTHS AND BAY LAYOUTS, AS WELL SEE CALCULATION FOR CANTILE'¥£RS TYPICAL FRAMING DETAILS - IRC EXT, WALL CATHEDRAL TRUSS DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL 'E' STD, & CATH, ROOF BRG, MATING DETAIL 'F' LINE DETAILS DETAIL CRAWL · TYP. ONE STORY FLR GIRDER BRG, DETAIL 'G' SPACE FBUNDATI[DN WALL DETAIL ~D' NOTE: gEE SHEET 36.1 FOR EXPLANATIONS ON NOT-~D CRAWL PACE FFqUNDATION PIER BI-LEVEL BR SPLIT BVERHANG DFTAIL 'I' (STUD WALL) BI-LEVEL F1R SPLIT OVERHANG DETAIL 'I' (MASONARY WALL) TYPICAL SECTIONS & DETAILS - iRC DSL/ORP JA~ A $ 4- NOTE: SEE SHEE~ 36.1 FOR EXPLANATIONS ON NOTES STANDARD OVERHANG DETAIL BI-LEVEL ENTRY__ WALL DETAIL BI-LEVEL ENTRY WALL DETAIL 'L' TYP, GABEL END OVERHANG DETAIL "M' TYPICAL FLOOR FRAMING SPLIT LEVEL OFFSET DETAIL TYP \/ENTILAT~N D~TAI~. FIRESTOP MIN CHIMNEY PENETRATION DETAIL SECOND FLOOR MATING LINE TYPICAL SECOND FLOOR TYPICAL 'SECTIONS & DETAILS UPPER RAFTER TO INTERMEBIATE BEAN CONNECTION AND LO~ER RAFTER TD INTERMEDIATE BEAN CONNECTION ROOF PITCH I RAFTER SPACING 5/12 7/12 @ 24' O.C, NAIL SIZE & AMOUNT (6) IGd SINKERS PER RAFTER SPACE <7) 16d SINKERS PER RAFTER SPACE (2) iGd SINKERS PER RAFTER SPACE (3) 16d SINKERS PER RAFTER SPACE FOR GUSSET TO RAFTER HINGE BOLT ROOF PITCH RAFTER SPACING BOLT SIZE 5,7,9,12/t2 24' O,C, I/2' DIA. BOLT w/7D END DISTANCE (3,5") PLYWOOD GUSSET PLATES TO DE 1/2' EXPOSURE (TYPICAL) 1/2' DIA. BOLT TO HAVE A MIN, Fyk~ OF 45,000 PSI <GRADE 5) GUSSET PLATE TO RAFTER CONNECTION (ON-SITE) 12/12 ROOF PITCH ONLY - <6) 6d GALV, NAILS EACH SIDE - STAGGERED, RIDGE BEAM TO RIDGE BEAM FIELD CONNECTION 7/12 9/12 I HAX, SPACING RAFTER SPACING OF !6d SINKERS UPPER RAFTER TO RIDGE BEAM CONNECTION ROOF PITCH RAFTER SPACING ! NAIL SIZE & AMOUNT 5/12 ~ 24' O.C. (I) 16d SINKERS PER RAFTER 7/12 ~ 84" O.C, (2) I6d SINKERS PER RAFTER 9/12 ~ 84' O.C. (3) 16d SINKERS PER RAFTER 12/I2 / @ 24' O.C, (3) 16c~ SINKERS PER RAFTER FOR INTERNED[ATE BEAM CONNECTION FROM 2x6 TO 8x4 AND 2x6 TO 2x2 ROOF PITCH 5/12 7/12 9/12 I2/12 MAX, SPACING !AFTER SPACING OF 16d SINKERS GUSSET PLATE TO CEILING JOIST CONNECTION (EACH BIDE) ROOF PITCH I RAFTER BPACINO NAIL SIZE & AMOUNT 5/12 @ 24' O.C. (1I) 8d NAILS PER SIDE OF CLO JST 7/12 ~ 84' O,C, (12) 8d NAILS PER SIDE OF CLG dST 9/12 ~ 24' O.C. (I1) 8d NAILS PER SIDE OF CLG JST 12/18 @ 24' O.C <i0) 8d NAILS PER SlOE OF CLG JSI THIS DRAWING DEPICTS FASTENING24,F,OR A TYPICAL IS' mIDE (MAX BOX WIDTH 15'-9") MODULE, O.C. ROOF MEMBERS AND 90 MPH ~FIND ZONE AND INCLUDES ROOF CONNECTIONS ONLY. REFER TO CALCULATIONS MANUAL FOR OTHER SPACING AiVD ~IND ZONES. NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS REFER TO SECTIONS 28 AND 29 OF AP'EX CALCULATIONS MANUAL NOTE; REFER TO CALCULATIONS MANUAL APENDIX 'F' FOR CALCULATIONS SPECIFIC TO THIS PAGE TYP. 16' WIDE UNIT FASTENING - IRC JAN 05 ~ ~ ~ STANDARD OVERHANG DETAIL TYPICAL FLOOR FRAMING MIN CHIMNEY PENETRATION DETAIL Typ VENTILATION DETAIL SECOND FLOOR OVERHANG F/SMD FLOOR INTERSECTION DETAIL RDDF ANCHORAGE TO MATING WALL DETAIL REFORENCE NOTES i. ALUMINUM RIDGE VENT (OR GABLE END VENTS) 8, R-19 INSULATION W/ VAPOR BARRSER TOWARBS CONDITIONED SPACE~ INSTALLED ON-SITE/ OPT~ BY MANUF (~EE OWO 10~ ADDT'L STATE REQUIREMENTS SEE CALCULATIONS MANUAL BO. BOD~ ASPRAULT OF FIBERGLASS (CLASS C) SHINGLES OVER ~15 FELT 21, ~ 7/I6' OSD, EXPOSURE ~1, SPAN RATING 24/16 MAY BE USED ONLY WITH SUPPORTING ROOF - STRUCTURE @ 16' D.C. BB. APPROVED METAL JOIST HANGERS UR LEDGER BB. DOUBLE BAND JOIST SPF~2 TO MATCH SIZE OF LEDGER JOIST B4. DX4 SPF~B ~ 16' O.C, (OPT) SEE NOTE 40 25. 4 MEMBER CENTER FLR GIRDER W/SPLICES STAGGERED AND LOCATED AT 8' INCREMENTS IN COORDINATION W/COL. OR PIER SPACING BB. A l' AIR SPACE FOR VENTILATION IS REQ,D VIA AN INSULATION RETAINER INSTALLED BETWEEN TRUSSES (EVERY OTER TRUSS) 27 B OR ~ MEMBER SECBND FLR GIRDER W/SPLICES 4' O,C. EXCEPT AS RESTRICTED BY SPAN SCHEDULE B8 4-2X12 CLG GIRDERS W/SPLICES STAGGERED 4' O.C. EXCEPT AS RESTRICTED BY SPAN BCHEDULO 29. 5/8' BOLTS @ 8' O.C. (ON-SITE) 30. 2X6 SPF~B CLG JOISTS AT 16' 31, DBL. 2X12 SPF~2 BAND JOISTS W/SPLICES STAGGERED 4' MIN. 32 CRAWL SPACE FOUNDATION WALL (ON-BITE DY BUILDER) SEE FOUNDATION DETAIL 33. BASEMENT FOUNDATION WALL (ON-SITE BY BUILDER) SEE NOTE 32 54 16'X16' CRAWL SPACE FOUNDATION PIER (ON-SITE BY BUILDER) SEE FBUNDATION DETAIL 35, 2 PC. READER (SEE APPROPRIATE ROOF GIRDER SCHEDULE FOR SIZE) 36, B PCS. 1/2' PLY UR STROCTWOOD FILLER 37. DOUBLE 1/~'X1 1/2' COMPRESSION STRIP 38. WEDGE BLOCKING 39. BBL. 2X4 SPF STUD AT I6' O,C, MARRIGE WALL (STD) 2X3 BPFff2 AT 16' O.C, UR 2X4 5PF STUD AT ~4' O,C. (OPT) (SEE CALC. MANUAL) DBL. TOP PLATES (STD) REQ'D IF TRUSSES DO NOT ALLiGN W/STUDS 40, BX6 SRF STUD GRADE 16' O,C. (STD) (24' O,C, OPT) 41, EAVES FLASHING STRIP OF MINERAL SURFACED ROLL ROOF TO EXTEND TO A POINT OF 12' MIN, INSIDE THE INTERIOR WALL LINE ¢2, 1 1/~'x16'×26 GA, GALVINIZED STEEL STRAPS PLACED AT 48' O.C, REFERENCES: SECTION R803.2.2 TABLE 502,Bd (l) RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE EWA ESO-DB, APA ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTION GUIDE TABLE TWO STORY FIRST FLOOR TWO STORY BNO FLR OVERHANG CLG, ANCHORAGE TO BRG, WALL 2ND FLR TO iST FLR CONNECTION OPT, TRUSS TO WALL ANCHORAGE STD. EXT. WALL TO FLR ANCHOR /NC. TYPICAL SECTIONS & DETAILS - IRC A3 6.1 SECDND FLOOR MATING LINE I TypiCAL CEILING FRAMING DETAILS FUR 5/I8 THRU 18/18 RAFTER SYST~ WIDE TYPICAL FRAMING DETAILS - IRC APEX SERIES SIDEWALL FRAMING APEX SERIES ENDWALL FRAMING APEX SERIES MARRIAGE WALL FRAMED OPENINGS APEX SERIES ENDWALL FRAMED OPENINGS APEX SERIES INTERIOR WALL FRAMED OPENINGS APEX SERIES EXTERIOR CORNER WALL CONNECTION DETAIL END.ALL TOP PLATE OVERLAPS SIDE~ALL TOP PLATE FOR TIE IN ~~GANG NAIL PRPL3 TOP PLATO TO TOP PLATE 0XT WALL CONNECTION DETAIL APEX SERIES MARRIAGE WALL FRAMING APEX SERIES INTERIOR WALL FRAMING APEX SERIES SIDEWALL FRAMED OPENINGS APEX SERIES STRAPPING DETAILS APEX SERIES INT TO INT WALL CONNECTION DETAILS INT ~ALL TO INT ~ALL CONNECTION DETAIL APEX SERIES INT TO BEARING ~/ALL CONNECTION DETAILS TOP PLATE INT TO BEARING INT WALL TO 3OARING ~ALL FLOOR PLAN VT-E~' WALL SYSTEMS - iRC BSL/DRP JAN RiES '~/ALL FASTENING SCHEDULE ADHESIVES FASTENERS J-~C 'RAMING NAILS SN607 BSOO/BX EXT WALLS TO FLOOR UCRYL 700 TUBE SHEATHING TO STUD N B1 BAB iOM/CRTN EXT WALLS TO EXT WALLS ACCUCRYL 700 TUBE DRYWALL NAILS 138 AT BAN 50 LB/CRTN SHEATHING TO STUD CA-40-291B pARR 5927 ~t40 BLOCKING STAPLES P153AB IOOOO/BX DRYWALL TO S~OD (INT) MUR 8225-BH LAG BOLTS 5164HLP iO00/CRTN DRYWALL TO S~UD (EXT) DOW VERAMER 350 LB STRAPPING STAPLES PiSBAB iOOOO/BX NOTE: ALL BLOCKING IS 3/4 X I WRAPPING STICKS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ELECTRICAL BLOCKING TYPICAL APEX SERIES BLOCKING DETAILS WASHER BLOCKING CL OF VANITY VANITY BLOCKING STD TUB BLOCKING STD SHOWER BLOCKING KITCHEN BLOCKING 3x5 20GA. PRO STEEL PLATES REQD WHERE PIPES PENETRATE APEX SERIES pRfqIECTIVE STEEL PLATES STUDS OR PLATES AND ARE WITHIN I I/O' OF EITHER EDGE PLUMBING PIPES 4X14 1/2' 20GA. PROTECTIVE STEEL PLATES REQO WHERE WIRES PENETRATE pLATES PANEL BOXES AND ELECTRIC DROPS HOM££ INC. BY, BSL/DRP WALL SYSTEMS - IRC FOR LR-30 F.6, [NSUL 2×8 CLG, JSTS. _LR-se r.o. INSUL INSULATION VALUES ROOF / CEILING - VAULTED INSULATION VALUES FGR FLOORS 8x8 FLR, JSTS. 2x8 FLR, JSTS, INDIVIDUAL (DISCRETE) MODEL PLANS DERIVED FROM THE SYSTEM AND SUBMITTED TO LOCAL CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL IN CONNECTION WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A MECcheck REPORT (INCLUDING THE INSPECTION CHECKLIST) 2x8 CLG. JSTS, INSULATION VALUES FOR 1ST FUR, TB 2ND FLR. EXT. PERIHETER ALL DETAILS SHOWN ARE DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED THE RE(DUIREMENTS OF THE ENERGY CBNSERVATI[]N CONSTRUCTT~N CODE OF NEW YORK STATE NOTES~ I INSULATIF1N SCH£DULE ROOF/CEILING RDDF/CEILING 7/i6' OSB.~ i5~ FELT~ :B35~ SHINGLES U-O,035 [ ~-30--~ /- i/8' DRYWALL FLOOR 19/32' T&G OSB,~ %-2x8 FLR JOISTS 19/32' T&G U-O.040 %_R-I9 INSUL w/VD, ~-~x8 FLR JOISTS COMPRESSED WALLS Ox4 STUD VINYL SIDINGs/ 1/8' DRYWALL 1/8' R-MAX ORL ~x4 STUD 3/4' STYROFOAM U-0.054 7/iD' OSB.~ 1/2' DRYWALL 5/8' PLY Ti-II--- Ox4 STUD I/2' DRYWALL VINYL SIDING 8x6 STUD 03B. VD. U-0,053 VINYL SIDING~i i/2' DRYWALL I/~' R-MAX OR ,°x6 STUD i 3/4' STYROFOAM~_~ ~ R-19 INBUL. w/ VB. U-0.043 7/16" DSO.~ U-0.038 NOTE: FOR CALCULATIONS AND ADDITIONAL INSULATION OPTIONS SEE CALCULATIONS MANUAL. INFILTRATION INFILTRATION FACTORS ,667 IS REDUCTION FOR STORM PANEL AND/OR WEATHER STRIP AS FOR TABLE I PG. BiS ASHRAE Q'5 = .018 V(TI-Tn) AIR CHANGE ASHRAE 84.6(A) V = VOLUME TI-Tm = 72° - 0~' F = TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIAL BASE 1 AIR CHANGE = WINDOW OR DOOR 1 WALL ,OlSx,72xlx.667 -- .86 BTUH/SQ.FT 1 1/B AIR CHANGE = WINDOW OR DOOR ~ WALLS .OlOx.78xl.Bx,667 = 1.30 BTUH/SQ,FT 2 AIR CHANGE = WINDOW OR DOOR 3 WALLS O18x.7~xBx,667 = 1.73 BTUH/SQ.FT. INFILTRATION LOSS FOR DOORS AND WINDOWS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING, WINDOWS: 0.5 CFM/LF OF OPERABLE SASH CRACK SLIDING DOORS: 0.5 CFM/LF OF DOOR AREA SWINGING DOORS: .03 CFM/OF OF DOOR AREA MAXIMUM GLAZING PERCENTAGE SHALL NOT EXEED 15% OF THE TOTAL EXTERIOR WALL AREA · HANDBOOK OF FUNDAMENTALS INDIVIDUAL (DESCRETE) MODEL PLANS DERIVED FROM THE SYSTEM AND SUBMITTED TO LOCAL CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL IN C~NNECTION WITH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A MECcheck REPORT (INCLUDING THE INSPECTION CHECKLIST) SEE CALCULATIONS MANUAL APPENDIX 'D" FOR ADDITIONAL INFORNATION INSULATION VALUES -IRC BSt JAN 05 THE R£SIDENTtAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE SHALL BE REFERED TO HEREIN AS THE R,C. of FIELI] CONNECTION I~ET~EEN [ I LAV. BRAIN & VENT KIT SINK SUPPLY KIT SINK BRAIN & VENT ~AIN & VENT TYPICAL PLUMBING SCHEMATICS 10. CASEMENT tl. CASEMENT I3. DOUBLE HUNG 14, DOUBLE HUNG 15. DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG CODE' I ROUGH OPENING C45 DOW CW25-B~ CWi5~ 114 3/8'x60 3/8' 88 7/8'x60 3/8' 26 I/8'x53 1/4' 26 I/8'x57 1/4' T'W305¢ 18. D,H+ CIRCLE TOP CTNBO 86 1/8'×15 19, D,H. CIRCLE TOP CTN84 BO l/8'x17 3/4' CTNB8 34 1/8'xi9 3/4' CTN30 38 1/8'x81 3/4' CTCWI 28 7/8'xt7' 20. D,H. CIRCLE TOP Bi B.H. CIRCLE TOP DB, CSMNT CIRCLE TOPI 23. CASEMENT CN235 41 1/4'x41 3/8' 24 C,TOP/P!CTURE CTC3 OVER CP335 7B 3/8'x79 3/4' 85, ELIPTACLE ET6 72'x17 3/8' 86. OCTAGON NOT APPLICABLE AWNING AN3I I 36 I/8'xBI' · u-VALUES H & x,,/, ,¢iNDr-i,,v SCHEDULE 8¸9 .34 I .35 8. DOUBLE HUNG ,34 I .35 3, DOUBLE HUNG 3a 35 4 DOUBLE HUNG .34 ,35 5, DOUBLE HUNG 8856~ 34 3/8'x69 !/4' .34 35 6, B.H. PICTURE 18-4046-tB¢ 93 5/8'x57 !/4' .34 35 7 D.H, 45' BAY .34 34 B. CASEMENT BOW .34 34 9 CASEMENT PICTURE 2050 4W 94 7/8'×61 8050 QUAD~ 96'x60' .34 .34 10. CASEMENT 2435~ ,34 I1, CASEMENT 35 i2, DOUBLE HUNG ,35 13, DOUBLE HUNG 35 14 DOUBLE HUNG 35 15, DOUBLE HUNG ,35 16, DOUBLE HUNG ,35 2450" B9 t/4'xGO 8048 86 3/8'x53 1/4' 8046¢ B6 3/8'x57 1/4' B052c 26 3/8'x65 i/4' 3052' 38 3/8'x65 5/8' 35 17 DOUBLE HUNG 3056~ 38 3/8'x69 5/8' ,35 18, D.H. CIRCLE TOP FCH-4 86 3/8'x14 5/8' ,35 I9 D,M, CIRCLE TOP FCM-~ 30 3/8'x16 5/8' 35 81, D.N, CIRCLE TOP FCN-!O 38 3/8'xBO 5/8' ,34 88, CSMNT CIRCLE TOP FCH-5 ~9 1/4'xtB 5/8' .34 83. CASEMENT 1835 TWIN 41 3/4'x41 !/4' 35 24. C.TOP/PICTURE FCH-21 OVER 6053 73'x79 1/~' 6.381 i6,95 ~,871 !7 ¢9 0 8.7 N/A N/A 7.39 I S.S Ii1 37 I 33 37 I 33 08 37 08 ,37 .33 ,33 .33 ,33 .33 .33 .33 ,37 I 33 .33 .3t .il .34 N/A 34 DOOR SCHEgULE -u- I NOTES: ALL WINDOWS SHALL MEET OR EXCEE~ MINIMUM WIND PRESSURES AS PRESCRI3ED Sc~ ,iON Role, TABLE 8301,2(2) AND TABLE 830L2(3) OF THE RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE, ALL GLAZING IN HOMES ERECTED IN WIND BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS AS PRESCRIBED TN SECT!ON R301.&i.2 IN THE RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE (c) DENOTES EGRESS WINDOW (b) DENOTES (GRADE FLOOR ONLY) EGRESS WINDOW (c) DENOTES NEW YORK EGRESS WINDOW SEE CALCULATIONS MANUAL APPENDIX 'G' FOR WINDOW AND DOOR MANUFACTURERS' WIND PRESSURE TESTING AND COMPLIANCE. SEE CALCULATIONS MANUAL APPENDIX 'G' FOR WINDOW AND DOOR MANUFACTURERS' ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULES NOTE: SHINGLES TO HAVE 6 NAILS PER SHINGLE 1/16' DPT, TWE] STORY WOM£S, IlVC. 90 MPH, 100 MPH, 110 MPH ~/IND ZONE - FASTEST MILE A48 /4'.-9' 4~L ,% 6//5 /o t