HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-74.-1-44.1 PBCONXO ~NOLLS Covenants and Restrictions 10 All of the premises hereinabove described shall be known and designated as residential plots. 2. No structlre ~hall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height. No dwelling shall be erected, placed or pea,ted to remain · on any lot unless it has an enclosed garage, attached or unattached, for not less than one (1) car, and all such garages and accessory buildings must conform in architec- tural exterior design w~th the dwelling. ~o No dwelling, having a ground floor area of one thousand hundred square feet (1,200 sq. ft.) for a ranch home exclusive of open porches and.garage and one thousand square feet (1,000 sq. fro) on the first floor of a one and one half or two story dwelling, shall be erected, placed or permitted to remain on any lot. · 4. No dwelling shall be placed,'~erected or permitted w~tl~tn sixty feet of the front line nor ~wenty-five feet frol any side line. $. No trade or business of any kind shall be advertised from or transacted on the premises, except that th~s cove- nan, shall not prevent a lawyer, accountant, physician, dentist, podiatrist, chiropractor, chiropodist, optometrist, or any other member of the medical, dental, accounting.~gai or allied occupation or profession from carrying on his occupation or profession on said premises provided such person also resides on said premises° 6o No signs of any kind shall be displayed to public view on any lot, except that one sign of not more than one (1) foot square, upon which shall be inscribed the name, and occupation or profession of the occupant of the premise~, and signs used by the builder to advertise his property during the construction and sales period, shall be permitt~d. 7°. No animals, livestock orpoultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or maintained on any lot, except for dogs, cats, or other household pets, provided they are not raised bred, or maintained for any com~ercial purposes. ~r NO lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping _~_ound rubbish, trash, or garbage. All rubbish, trash garbage shall be kept in closed sanitary containers, which containers shall be kept out of the public view and in the rear of the premAses. :~ No building, Wall, pier or any other structure shall erected, altered, or moved onto any lot, nor shall any preliminary grading to any portion of any lot be done. without prior written approval of the Declarant, his heirs, and assigns. No mobile homes will be approved. 10. NO fence, wall or hedge shall be permitted within sixty feet from the front line (set back) and ten feet .from amy of the other property lines. 11. NO. clothesline, or other such clothes drying imple- ments, shall be maintained other than in the rear yard area of the premises. 12. No more than fifty (50) percent of the existing trees on a lot mw/ be removed without the prior wElt,es approv~.l of the Declarant, his heirs and aSsigns. 13. NO major 'external construction on any structure on the premises shall be permitted on Sundays. 14. All lots shall be subject to an annual charge in such an amount as will be fixed by the Declarant. his heirs and ~ss$sms, not however exceeding in any year the ~um of fifty 30) dollars per lot, for the purpose off maintaxning and improving the area, signs, entrances, rights of Ways and pa~k area. The assigns of the Declarant may include a property owner*s association that may hereafter be organized for the pulp, se referred to in this paragraph, and in c~e such association is organized, the sums provided for in this paragraph shall be payable to such association. Such cha~ges shall be payable by the owners of each lot. their heirs, and assigns, on the Pits, day of May in each m~d every year. and the lot owner by the acceptance of the deed to any such lot shall vest in the Declarant, his heirs and assigns, the right and power to bring all actions against the owner of any such lot for the collection of such charges. 13. The Declarant, for himself, his heirs and assigns, agrees that, upon formation of an association of owners of a majority of the lots, title to the park, signs, and improvements at the entrances shall be conveyed to said association, on condition that the aSsociation maintains the park. signs and improv~aemts at the entrances. 16. If any lot owner, his heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any of the Covenants herein, it she.tl be lawful for any other person or persons owning any real property situated in said subdivision, to prosecute any proceedings at law, or in equity against the persons violat- ing or attempting to violate any such covenant to prevent him or them from so doing~ or to recover damages or other relief for such violation, 17. Invalidation of any of these covenants by judgment OZ court order shall in no way affect any of the other provi- sions, which shall remain in full force and. effect. ,. 18. These covenants are to run with the land, shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after Which tt=e said cove- nants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years, unless an instrument is recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office signed by the then owners of a ~ajority of the lots designated on the said map, agreeing to change sa4d covenants in whole or in part, PECONIC KNOLLS, INC. ,PARCEL BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Laksview Avenue where the same is intersected by the Northeast corner of lands now or formerly of Elaine Axien, at the Northwesterly corner of the herein described premisesl ~unning thence along the Southerly side of Lake- view Avenue South 5~° 52' ~0" East 200.00 feet to lands now or formerly of Jose Gartdo. Thence along said lands South 28° 09' 50" West feet to lands now or formerly of Four Sails Realty, Inc. Thence along said last mentioned land the following ~wo courses and distanoest (1] thence North 5~O 52' ~0" West 2~ 6~ *--+ ,~ -~ - -- -f *~ *u wes~ 37.52 feet to land now or foar~erly of S/J/Waimey, thence along said last me~tioned land North 5~ 52' ~0" West 175.00 feet to land now or formerly 8f E~ain~ Axien. And thence along said last mentioned land, North 27 ~6 ~0 East 239.17 feet to the Southerly side of Lakeview Avenue at the point of BEGINNING. PARCEL II BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of a 20 foot Right-of-Way where the same is intersected by the Northwest corner of land now or formerly of Four Sales Realty Inc. said point or place of beginning being also dists~t 88~.60 feet Westerly as measured along a tie line bearing North 56¥ 2Z' 05# West which tie line connects the Northeast terminus of Henry~'s Lane with the Northeast corner of the herein de- scribed premises! running thence along land now or formerly of Four Sails Realty, Inc. South 27° $6' $0# West 2~3.?0 feet to land now or formerly, of C. P. F. Land Corp., thence along said last men N . , . tioned land _o.r~h 53. ~9._ 50 We~t ~75.52 feet to land now or formerly of Elaine axxen. An~ ~hence along said last mentioned land, North 27° ~6' $0" East 239.96 feet to the SOutherly side of a 20 foot Right-of-Waya~d thence along the Southerly side of a 20 foot Right-of-Way South 55" 52' $0" East ~75.00 feet to the poin~ or place of BEGINNING. (CONTINUED) ~ARCEL III BEGINNING at a point at the Southwesterly terminus of Henry's Lane where the same is intersected by the Northwest oor~er of subdivision "Peconic Homes, Section 2" Suffolk County File No. 5001! Funning thence along land on the aforementioned map, South 44o 50' 00" West 21~.32 feet to land now or formerly of C.P.F. Land Corp.., thence along said land the following two courses and distances, thence No h 4So 29' 00' West 355. 3 feet, (2)'thence No h 39' 50" West 446.4~ feet to land now or formerly of S. J. Waimey, thence along said last mentioned land and land now or formerly of J. Driscoll Noz~th 27° 46' 40' East 281.22 feet, thence along land now or formerly of Driscoll and land now or formerly of Jose Garrido, and land now or formerly of Andrea Carrill, and land now of William Blackham the following three courses and distances, (1) thence South 54° 52' 40" East 23.63 feet, (2) thence South 54° 52' 40" East 400.00 feet, (3) thence North 35° 07' 20" East 200.00 feet to the southerly map line of Subdivision "Map No. 2 of Peconic Shores" Suffolk County File No. 654, thence along said map line and the southerly map line of Subdivision'"Balley Park" Suffolk County File go. 1097, the following ~wo courses and dis- tances, ~1).South 54 52' 40" East 42~.99 feet, (2) thence South 42 24' 00# East 79.08 feet to land on the Subdivision "Peoonic Homes, Section 2# Suffolk County File No. 5001, thence along said last mentioned land South 44v 50' 00" West 299.98 feet to the Southwesterly ~srminus of Henry's Lane 'at the poin~ or place of BEGINNING.