HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/2012 March, 2012 MONTHLY REPORT 3/1/2012 Email Multiple recipients Scott Russell IPh°ne Public: Questions Jim Grathwohl (LPC) Jim Grathwohl (LPC): Call back IRead Investigation Follow Up Inspection: Per Scott Summons Service: Collection: TA 3/2/2012 IMeetings Jen (TA) Mike and Lori IPh°ne Supervisor Russell Public: Questions Complainant Defendant IRead Investigation Investigation Scott Russell's Office IEmail Scott Russell Scott Russell Multiple recipients IPaperw°rk Complaint File Created DAMON RALLIS Nature special events permits Open permit INature Egg Sales on Ag Property Intern Update Intern Update INature property maintenance as built structure Collections INature Policy Issues property maintenance INature Property Maintenance Code Violation Notice Property Maintenance Collections Case: Dump INature property maintenance unsafe building property maintenance code INature property maintenance property maintenance carter issues INature property maintenance ZONING INSPECTOR Status Meeting Update IStatus Answered Update on mtg. Update on mtg. IStatus New Complaint Closed Case: New Complaint Unable to serve IStatus n/a NEW complaint: Sup's ofc IStatus Multiple Properties Issued in ERROR Open Complaint Will pay nxt week IStatus NEW complaint: Sup's ofc new complaint: BD delievered IStatus NEW complaint: Sup's ofc code copies Code questions IStatus NEW complaint: Sup's ofc Town n/a Southold ITown Orient n/a n/a ITown Greenport Mattituck Southold ITown n/a Mattituck ITown n/a New Suffolk Southold Southold ITewn Mattituck Greenport n/a ITown Mattituck n/a n/a ITewn Mattituck BUILDING DEPT. Property Owner Name n/a P, iemer I Property Owner Name I Bunderchuck n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I Flint Street Raccoon Road $ietta I Property Owner Name I n/a Matt. Devl. Corp. I Property Owner Name I n/a n/a Bustamente Sietta I Property Owner Name I Matt. Devl. Corp. Tuthill n/a I Property Owner Name I Matt. Devl. Corp. n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I Matt. Devl. Corp. MS4 3/3/2012 Weekend 3/4/2012 Weekend 3/5/2012 Paperwork Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Complaint File Created Chicken Coop NEW complaint: Sup's ofc Mattituck Violation Created & Sent Chicken Coop NEW complaint: Sup's ofc Mattituck Certificate of Completion Landmark Project Done Cutchogue Insurance Info to Christine Accounting n/a n/a I Phone I Nature IStatus ITown Public: Questions Rooster Noise Unfounded Southold Public: Complaint Property Maintenance New Complaint Cutchogue Lori: TA Today's Court Cases n/a n/a Questions: Dirtbikes Dirtbikes Forwarded to pd Southold Questions: Open ZBA Application ZBA Issues Transferred to ZBA n/a Animal Control Issue Dog at Large Forwarded to Animal Control Southold Collections Case: TA Collections Paying today Southold I Meetings I Nature IStatus ITown Mike: Questions Property Maintenance New Complaint Cutchogue Mike Open Violations n/a n/a Reimer Reimer Freddys House (Heston) n/a I Property Owner Name I Unknown Owner Grimm (Oregon Rd) n/a Unknown Owner n/a Olsen (next door) Sietta I Property Owner Name I Grimm (Oregon Rd) n/a Martin and Lori (TA) Yellow Bag Questions Lori (TA) Open Violations Jim Bunchuck Yellow Bag Questions I IEmail INature Multiple recipients Yellow Bag Questions 131612012 IMeetings INature Mike Open Violations Mike & Pat Zoning Issues Lori and Jen MS4 Enforcement Lori Yellow Bag Enforcement Lori Collections Case: TA I IR°ad INature Follow-up: Per Lori (TA) property maintenance Investigation use Investigation use I IPh°ne INature Lori Yellow Bag Enforcement Public: Complaint Property Maintenance Public: Permit Questions Forwarded to Pat I 3/7/2012 IPaperwork INature Meeting Prep Yellow Bag Enforcement Notice Creation Yellow Bag Enforcement I IPh°ne INature Lori Yellow Bag Enforcement Lori Meeting Prep Lori Yellow Bag Enforcement Mike Jen (TA) Questions I IMeetings INature Scott, Martin, Lori, Jim Yellow Bag Enforcement Public: Zoning Questions Answered Lori, Jim Yellow Bag Enforcement Jen (TA) Questions Open Permit I 3/8/2012 IPhone INature Public Ongoing Complaint Public Ongoing Complaint Defendent Ongoing Complaint I IMeetings INature Mike Open Violations Multiple People special events permits I IPaperw°rk INature Notice Changes: Per Lori (TA) Yellow Bag Enforcement Notice Letter Signatures Yellow Bag Enforcement 131912012 IPhone INature Public: Questions Landmark Homes Complaint (Bob Scott- Anonymous) Drit Bike Track? Defendent Ongoing Complaint Applicant Application Questions n/a n/a n/a IStatus n/a IStatus n/a n/a n/a n/a Successful: Paid IStatus boat not moved follow up New Complaint: Unfounded Istatus n/a Now Complaint New Application IStatus n/a Being Reviewed by TA IStatus n/a n/a n/a Open ~ermit Istatus Enforce Bag Issue n/a Plan Violation? Forwarded to Mike IStatus Open Violation Open Violation Open Violation Istatus n/a n/a Istatus Being Reviewed by IA Signed IStatusAnswered New Complaint Open Violation Open Application n/a n/a n/a ITown n/a ITown n/a n/a n/a n/a Southold ITown Mattituck Mattituck Cutchogue ITown n/a Greenport ITown n/a n/a ITown n/a n/a n/a Southold ITown n/a n/a n/a Southold ITown Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck ITown n/a n/a ITown n/a n/a ITown n/a Orient Mattituck Mattituck n/a n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I n/a IProperty Owner Name I n/a n/a n/a n/a Sietta IF'roperty Owner Name I Matthews Bale Grimm (Oregon Rd) I Property Owner Name I n/a Bebe Drive (look up) Mazzaferro I Property Owner Name I n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name I n/a n/a n/a Zang I Property Owner Name I n/a n/a n/a Zang I Property Owner Name I Murray Murray Murray I Property Owner Name I n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name I n/a n/a IF'roperty Owner Name I n/a Ezaire Farms Murray Hughes IPaperwork INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Violation Created and Sent Unsafe Building Sent Greenport Tuthill I ee.n IS a us I own Owne ame I Jerry (ZBA): Questions Open Complaint Open Complaint Mattituck Reimer Lori (TA) Ongoing Complaint Open Violation Mattituck Murray IResearch INature IStatus ITown I Property Owner Name I Dirt Bike Track Drit Bike Track? New Complaint Orient Ezaire Farms 3/10/2012 Weekend 3/11/2012 Weekend 3/12/2012 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Defendent Chicken Coop New Complaint: Insp. Set Mattituck Reimer Carter: Peconic Pick up? Carter Letter Questions n/a Peconic Pickup Public: Questions Horses Answered n/a n/a Chief Flatley Squatter Open Investigation Mattituck Murray Chief Flatley Squatter Open Investigation Mattituck Murray Public: Questions Rental Issues Answered n/a n/a Defendant Squatter Open Investigation Mattituck Murray Complainant Property Maintenance Open Complaints Mattituck Merringer Melony - Land Preservation Drit Bike Track? New Complaint Orient Ezaire Farms I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown I Property Owner Name I Violation Created and Sent property Maintenance Open Complaint $outhold Bustamente I IR°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation Unregistered Vehicles Verified New Complaint East Marion Doucett? Investigation Unregistered Vehicles Unfounded: New Complaint Southold Cook Investigation Jetski/Boat Safety Hazard Unfounded: New Complaint Southold Doroski 13/13/20121Phone INature Istatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Public Questions ? ? Southold Finazzo Public Questions Dogs: Pit Bulls Forwarded to Gillian n/a n/a Hudson City Representative Sign at Mattituck Site Sending Official Letter Mattituck Moony (Hudson City)_ I IR°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation Property Maintenance Verified New Complaint Mattituck Mealy Investigation Property Maintenance New Complaint: Unfounded Mattituck Merringer Stacey: TC Landmark Stuff for Intern n/a n/a n/a I IMeeting INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Lori (TA) Ongoing Complaints Open Violations n/a n/a I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Filing n/a n/a n/a n/a Ticket Creation Fire Alarm Permit Requried Per Town Attorney Southold DeLynn Letter to Hudson City Sign at Mattituck Site Letter Sent Mattituck Moony (Hudson City)_ Landmark Stuff for Intern n/a n/a n/a n/a I IEmail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Newsday Answers to Blight Questions Answered n/a n/a 13/14/20121Phone INature Istatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Public Complaints Property Maintenance Complaint Greenport Linnett Street Public Complaints Boat and Vehicles Complaint Mattituck Browers Woods Area Public Questions Noise Ordinance Answered n/a n/a Jim Garretson (LPC) Meeting Confirmation Confirmed n/a n/a I IMeeting Lori (TA) Martin & Lori Martin Martin Attorney for Defendant I I Investigation Investigation Investigation I IPaperw°rk Violation Created and Sent Violation Created and Sent 1 3/15/2012 IPhone Public: Homeowners Association Public: Inspection Questions Public: Drainage Questions Public: Rental Questions Public:Zoning Questions Public: Property Questions Jim Grathwohl LPC Doug Constant LPC I IMeeting LPC Members/Intern I IR°ad Investigation I IPaperw°rk Site Location I IEmail Scott Russell J 3/16/2012 JPaperwork Violation Notice Created/Sent Violation Notice Created/Sent Violation Notice Created/Sent I IR°ad Investigation Investigation Investigation Investigation Investigation I IPh°ne Sign Questions: Public Defendent Questions: Public Defendant Attorney Questions: Public Complanant INature Ongoing Complaints Open Case Road Issue Road Issue Use Issues INature Camper in Front Yard Boat in Front Yard Boat in Front Yard INature Boat in Front Yard Boat in Front Yard INature Camper in Front Yard For George For Jamie n/a n/a n/a Meeting Meeting INature Training etc. INature Fence? INature Wrong Tax Map INature Ongoing Complaints INature Multiple Violations Unregistered Vehicles Fence Height INature Trash/Boat Storage Trash Trash Trash/Junk Fence Height INatureQuestions Squatter: Unsafe Building Carter Questions Use LI Uses property Maintenance IStatus Open Violations Court Case ? ? Open Violations IStatus Ongoing New Complaint New Complaint IStatus New Complaint New Complaint IStatus Ongoing n/a n/a Answered Answered Answered Updates Updates IStatus Training IStatus Can't Find Property IStatus n/a IStatus Unfounded IStatus New Complaint New Complaint Open Complaints IStatus New Complaint New Complaint: Unfounded New Complaint: Unfounded Open Complaints Open Complaints IStatusAnswered Open Investigation Answered Meeting Set Up Answered Update ITown n/a MattJtuck n/a n/a Cutchogue ITown Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck ITown Mattituck Mattituck ITown Mattituck n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ITown n/a ITown Cucthogue ITown Cuctchogue ITown Mattituck ITown Mattituck East Marion Cutchogue ITown Greenport Greenport Greenport Greenport Cutchogue ITown n/a Mattituck Westhampton Cutchogue Cutchogue Southold IProperty Owner Name n/a Sherwood House n/a Carpenter Road? Vineyard 48 I Property Owner Name I MerrJnger Wigley-Watson DeCunzolo I Property Owner Name I Wigley-Watson DeCunzolo I Property Owner Name I MerrJnger n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I n/a IProperty Owner Name I I Property Owner Name I GulmJ I Property Owner Name I ReJmer IProperty Owner Name I Mealy Gabel Gulmi/Braver I Property Owner Name I Crenshaw Dinizio Villareal Hughes Gulmi/Braver I Property Owner Name I n/a Murray Detail Carting Vineyard 48 Commerce Park Bustamente 3/17/2012 Weekend 3/18/2012 Weekend 3/19/2012 Paperwork Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Draft Minutes Meeting Agenda Exempt Permit Document: Landmark Admin Permit Document: Landmark Application File Prep I IMeeting Lori/Defendant Attorney Lori Mike I IPh°ne Jim Bunchuck 1 3/20/2012 IEmail Jim Mcmahon Martin Finnigan I IPh°ne Jim Bunchuck Public: Permit Questions Public: Permit Questions (2nd call) Public: Complaints Public: Permit Questions I IPaperw°rk Violation Notice Created/Sent I IMeeting Mark Tweedie Landmark Meeting 1 3/21/2012 IPhone Public: Questions Lori (TA) Lori (TA) Christine (Accounting) Mark Tweedie Jim Grathwohl IRon Butkovich (Hudson City) Martin (TA) I IR°ad Site Inspection (with defendant attorney) I IEmail Applicant Architect Martin (TA) I IMeeting Public: Questions Public: Questions I IPaperw°rk Landmark Completed and Distributed n/a n/a Landmark Completed and Distributed n/a n/a Hallock Building Orient Exempt: Paperwork Complete Orient Orient Historical Society Village House Orient Admin Paperwork Complete Orient Orient Historical Society Open Application: New Plans Vote on Tuesday Orient Fowler INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Conference Call Lieu of Court Updates n/a Fischer (Go Green) Open Violations Updates n/a n/a Open Violations Updates n/a n/a INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Yellow Bag/Updates on Go Green Updates n/a n/a INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Unsafe Building Updates Cucthogue n/a Unsafe Building Updates Cucthogue n/a INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Yellow Bag/Updates on Go Green Updates n/a n/a Open Permit Answered Cutchogue Pugliese Open Permit Answered Cutchogue Pugliese New Complaints New Complaints Greenport Flint/Brown Questions about Permits Transferred to Pat n/a n/a INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Trash/Open Storage New Complaint Greenport Villareal INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Intern Training Landmark n/a n/a Monthly Meeting Meeting n/a n/a INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Landmark Application Open Application Orient Black Open Violations Open Violations n/a n/a Open Violations Open Violations n/a n/a Landmark Intern Paperwork n/a n/a Updates Land mark n/a n/a Updates Land mark n/a n/a Property Maintenance Open Violations Mattituck Hudson City Property Maintenance Updates Mattituck Hudson City INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Use: Open Violation Open Violation Cutchogue Vineyard 48 INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Landmark Update: Approved Orient Fowler Property Maintenance Updates Mattituck Hudson City INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Food Services Answered n/a n/a Use Regulations (HB) Answered n/a n/a INature Istatus IT°wn IPr°perty Owner Name I Certificate of Appropriateness Created Landamrks Approval Created Orient Fowler 13/22/20121Meeting INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Pat (BD) New landmark application permit application Orient n/a Pat (BD) Landamarks Approval Approved Orient Fowler Intern Land mark Done n/a n/a Scott Russell Landmark Intern Questions n/a n/a n/a I IR°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Fuel Update Fuel Gas Done n/a n/a Intern Training Landmark Done n/a n/a I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I File Update Landamarks Approval Approved Orient Fowler I IPh°ne INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Jim Grathwohl Landmark Application New Application Mattituck Ash Applicant Architect Landamarks Approval Approved Orient Fowler Public: Questions Property Maintenance Answered n/a n/a Applicant Architect Landamarks Application Questions Mattituck Ash Defendant Unsafe Building Updates Mattituck Murray Public: Inspection Inspection Scheduled for Monday n/a n/a Public For Connie Transferred to Connie n/a n/a Complanant Junkyard Unfounded: Upset: Calling Scott Mattituck Grimm (Oregon Rd) Complanant Property Maintenance New Complaint Mattituck Kopf 3/23/2012 Off 3/24/2012 Weekend 3/25/2012 Weekend 3/26/2012 Meeting Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Mike New Complaint: Clearing From Planning Mattituck Broidy Applicant Landmark Application New Application Orient ? I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Mailings Landmarks C of A, Awards Letters n/a n/a Appearance Ticket Creation Site Plan Violation Per Planning Mattituck Broidy Complaint File Created Site Plan Violation Per Planning Mattituck Broidy Criminal Complaint to TA Fire Alarm Renewal Ticket per TA Soutthold DeLynne Criminal Complaint to Court Fire Alarm Renewal Ticket per TA Soutthold DeLynne Criminal Complaint to File Fire Alarm Renewal Ticket per TA Soutthold DeLynne I IPh°ne INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Applicant Landmark Application New Application Orient Schroeder Questions Du m pste rs Answered n/a n/a I IR°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Investigation Property Maintenance No Complaint at this time Mattituck Kopf Complanant Investigation Property Maintenance New Complaint Mattituck Pane Complanant Investigation Multiple Violations New Complaint Mattituck Drake Complanant Investigation Multiple Violations New Complaint Mattituck Broidy I IEmail INature IStatus IT°wn IPr°party Owner Name I Brian (Planning) Complaint Update Mattituck Boridy 13/27/20121Phone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Highway Dept. Complaint Illicet Discharge New Complaint Mattituck Summitt Defendent Defendent Complainant Melissa (Planning) Jim (Landfill) Lori (TA) Public: Questions Defendent Public: BD Public: BD IEmail Martin (TA) Landmark Intern IPaperw°rk Complaint File Created Violation Created and Sent IMeeting Applicant Lori Mike = IPhone Jim (Landmark) Defendent Defendent (2nd call) Bank emergency contact Defendant Applicant Defendent Stacey: TC IEmail Michelle (Supervisors) IR°ad Complaint Follow Up Complanant Investigation Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation Meeting: Don Feiler (Landmark) Ongoing Investigation IPaperw°rk Close Complaint File Violation Notice Created and Sent Completed Complaint File 3/29/2012 IMeeting Mark (Landmark Intern) Stacy Illegal Sign Illegal Pool Noise Complaint (3 a.m.) ATV Complaint Carter Regulations Yellow Bag Energy Code Site Plan Violation Inspection request Permit price Questions INature Illegal Sign Time Sheets INature Trash Trash INature New landmark application Open Cases Open Cases INature Landmark Issues Use Issues Use Issues Unsafe Building CAC Complaint MS4 Landmark Application Ongoing Violations Landmark Data Entry INature Use Issues INature Trash Unregistered Vehicles Unsafe Building Trash CAC Complaint MS4 Landmark Issues Multiple Violations INature Trash Unregistered Vehicles CAC Complaint MS4 INature Inspection Prep Landmakr Files (for inspection) Updates Open Court Case Forwarded to Police Unfounded (per MS) Updates Updates Answered Per Planning Scheduled Answered IStatus Updates Info IStatus New Complaint New Complaint IStatus New Application Updates Updates IStatus Updates Will remove cars Will remove cars Will secure (go back 10 days) Spoke to owner Updates Ongoing Violations Landmark Intern project IStatus Complaint ]Status Trash Removed New Complaint New Complaint Go back nxt week Spoke to owner n/a Open Complaints IStatus Trash Removed New Complaint Spoke to owner IStatus n/a n/a Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Orient n/a n/a n/a Mattituck n/a n/a ITown Mattituck n/a ITown Mattituck Mattituck ITown Orient n/a n/a ITown n/a Mattituck Mattituck Greenport Southold Orient Mattituck n/a ITown Mattituck ITown Greenport Greenport Greenport Greenport Southold n/a Mattituck ITown Greenport Greenport Southold ITown n/a n/a Hudson City bruden n/a Ezaire Farms n/a n/a n/a Broidy n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I Hudson City n/a I Property Owner Name I Pane Pane I Property Owner Name I Wood/Kurman n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I n/a mattituck Car Wash mattituck Car Wash Mulvaney (forclosure) Moore Wood/Kurman Murray n/a I Property Owner Name I mattituck Car Wash I Property Owner Name I VJllareal Villareal Mulvaney (forclosure) Gross Moore n/a Bale I Property Owner Name I VJllareal Villareal Moore I Property Owner Name I n/a n/a Mike Mike Supervisor Russell Mark (Landmark Intern) Lori Email Landmark (Commissioners) Landmark (Commissioners) #2 Trustees Lori Paperw°rk Landmark Permit IEmail Multiple Recipiants Scott Russell Landmark Landmark #2 (reply) Meeting Mike Lori Public Questions Pat Noore R°ad Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Ph°ne Applicant Paperw°rk Criminal Complaint to TA Criminal Complaint to Court Criminal Complaint to File IWeekend Open Cases Unsafe Building Open Complaint Inspection Round Up Carter Issues INature New Application New Application Ongoing Issue Yellow Bag INature Administrative Permit INature Unsafe bldg/Boat Status Open Complaint New Application New Application INature Open Violations Open Violations Use Questions Open Violations INature Open Complaint Discharge Property Maintenance Property Maintenance INature Landmark Application INature Site Plan Violation Site Plan Violation Site Plan Violation I Updates Update Update n/a n/a IStatus Outline Outline n/a n/a IStatus Issued IStatus Status Update Request Unfounded Outline Outline IStatus Updates Updates Answered Updates IStatus Unfounded Unfounded Open Violations Open Complaint IStatus Updates IStatus Ticket per Planning Ticket per Planning Ticket per Planning I n/a Greenport Laurel n/a n/a Town Orient Orient Orient n/a Town Greenport Town n/a Mattituck Orient Orient Town n/a n/a n/a Cutchogue Town Mattituck Mattituck Southold Southold Town Orient Town Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck n/a Tuthill Gregory n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I Wood/Kurman Wood/Kurman Henry Go Green I Property Owner Name I VJllareal I Property Owner Name I n/a Gregory Mclntosh Mclntosh I Property Owner Name I n/a n/a n/a Vineyard 48 I Property Owner Name I Gregory 260 Summitt??? Bustamente Cook I Property Owner Name I Mclntosh I Property Owner Name I BroJdy Broidy Broidy I I Y