HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/26/2012JAMES C. McMAHON Chairman Telephone (631) 765-1283 Ext. 235 Fax (631) 765-9015 Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES March 26, 2012 6:30 P.M. Annex, Conference Room A meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee was held Monday, March 26, 2012 at the Annex, Conference Room, Main Road, Southold. Present were: James McMahon, Chairman Councilman Christopher Talbot, Member Vincent Orlando, Guest Carlos Gonzalez, Member Councilman A1 Krupski, Deputy Supervisor Ken Reeves, Member Bill Hayes, Guest Mr. Gatto, Guest Jeff Standish, Member Nancy Foote, Secretary Call to order Chairman Jim McMahon called the meeting to order at 6:33 P.M. Discussion I. Baseball Fields The committee discussed field usage for T-Ball, Little League and Baseball. Discussion followed with possible additional venues for use including NE corner of Laurel fields, the Yacht Club field is a 75' field that could go back to a 50'- 60' field and there is the 90' field on Aldrich Lane that could be recovered with the Mattituck Park District. A1 Krupski added the concept of previously discussed sharing of field with the local school districts. When meeting with the schools, Mattituck offered use of their fields and Southold offered summer use of their fields. Al posed the question to the committee in reference to the declining enrollment in the schools, then what? Chris Talbot thought that developing another field may not be worth it since area schools have shrinking enrollments and with in 5 years we won't need the additional space. Al suggested setting up another meeting with the school districts. Jeff Standish added that Greenport offered use of their fields but commuting for the groups is an issue. Chris Talbot said the baseball groups are open to using the fields for games but they are not interested in traveling 3 days a week to Greenport for practice. Jeff' informed the committee that there is no Little League in Greenport. Enrollment is not the issue; it's that the parents don't want to coach. Chris added that Southold has travel and Little League and kids can play either or. Jeff Standish thought older kids are not doing this and that parents are thinking it's too much for the kids. Bill Hayes believes parents want their kids to play every venue. The Mattituck Park District is trying to satisfy both ends and there is no cooperation among the group. Chris Talbot suggested they invite the travel team out to play our Little League. Further discussion included the early warm weather and the need to mow grass and open park bathrooms earlier. II. Peconic Community Center - Jim McMahon reported on the recent work being done at PCC. The work being done in the 4th room includes: replace and finish all woodwork, grind down and stain stage floor, paint, and carpet to be installed. Bill Hayes wanted to know if the PCC had a kitchen and Jeff Standish informed the committee that there is no kitchen and food is not allowed in the building. Vinnie Orlando asked if the building is handicap accessible yet. Jim informed the group that the Town was waiting for the release of HUD monies for theramp. A1Krupskithought the Town had allotted for the project. III. Hockey Rink Jeff Standish reported that the surf:ace of the hockey rink continues to deteriorate, it's in bad shape and is not going to last.. Jim Bloss, the installer of the surf:ace is coming to take a look at the rink.. DPW will fix where the water drains out and Tim Abrams will fix the scoreboard. There is no electric but LIPA is coming to take a look at it. Jim McMahon thinks the surf:ace is worse now, no one seem to know what to do and Vinnie Orlando believes we can't keep patching it. The rink is approximately 15 years old and Jeff believes it has been resurfhced 2 3 times at $15,000.00 each time. The surf:ace is not seen as a hazard but it needs to be addressed. The material is like a latex, puts on a smooth surface but doesn't bind. The thought is that the EPA has removed materials that make the products work. Bill Hayes thought a sports court could be researched. Jeff thought a sports court could be about $120,000.00 IV. Bittner Property Jim McMahon reported that Laura Klahre and John Sepnoski laid out the trail and is shooting for Earth Day for the property opening. Laura is seeking Town Board approval for the proposed trail plan. LIPA is coming to remove poles. Chris Talbot inquired to whether park benches have been installed and was told by Jim that they are built but not installed to date. Jeff Standish added that the bike rack is ordered. Vinnie asked if there were still boulders at Town Beach. Boulders are going to be used at Goldsmiths. Transportation of the boulders was discussed with Jeff suggesting putting sand in the bed of the truck before transporting. V. Strawberry Fields - Jeff' Standish reported to the committee that the garbage at Strawberry Fields is an issue. The garbage is everywhere including trash, empty water bottles and such. Jim McMahon added that the bickering over the use of fields by the adult leagues has got to stop, it's ridiculous. Carlos Gonzalez told the committee that he is trying his best to keep this to a minimum. Bill Hayes asked the committee about using the field with portable lights that they would bring in and possibly having storage shed installed. Jim told him it is up to the Town Board. Bill is concerned with all the "up west" vandalism that seems to be heading east. Jeff Standish suggested finding a spot and bringing it to the Town Board for approval. Bill is looking to solicit funds to buy the container. Jeff thought the Lions Club was going to build something but it hasn't happened. Carlos asked if he could get an additional soccer net for the ladies and children for kicking and "playing" around. Bill offered a net for use. Discussion following with the possibility ofrehabbing the fields. Jeff explained that the fields do not get a chance to rest so it is impossible for anything to grow. The Strawberry Festival is equally as damaging to the fields. The football field looks nice but it has time off from play. Strawberry Fields never gets a break. Soccer, lacrosse and the adult soccer leagues are tough on the grass. Bill wanted to know if it was possible to give the field a rest and Jeff told him they would not be able to play there next year if this was the case. Bill thinks his teams are already being pushed out and that the programs are 2 busting at the seams. Discussion continued with the possibilities of additional properties the Town could purchase for active use. Bill asked about the property across from Wendy's Deli but Vinnie explained this property was purchased for passive recreation and cannot be used for athletics. Other ideas were properties on Depot Lane in Cutchogue and Bill Zebroski's land on Route 48 by the horse farm. Ken Reeves thought it would be a good idea to reapproach Bill Zebroski about selling his property. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. The next committee meeting was not scheduled at this time. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Foote parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee Secretary