HomeMy WebLinkAbout230 ILK TIMES. FRIDAY. OCTOBE., 1959 .\ mGAL NOTICE lnMA for -,--' I ' uvu , peu~lOn to reduce Notice of Heartnr frontage and sell as a single 10 .' Pursuant to Section 267 of the property located on p,lvate Road, 1 '!Town Law and the provIsIons of! off Island View Lane, Greenport, f ss: 1 the Amended Building Zone OrdIn-' New York. Lot No. 12 on map of J ; anee of the Town of Southold, Suf-! property of Frank Horn, Greenport, (I' . . . folk county, New York, PUblici New York. . _..:..L~..\..,...,....,..,.............., bemg duly Sworn, . hearings will be held by the ZOn- 8:00 P. M. (E.D.8.T.), upon ap- . . ling Board of AppeaLs for the Town plication of Jack J. Levin, Sound nnter and publisher of the SUFFOLK of Southold, at the Town Clerk's I View Avenue, Southold, New YO,k . . . . , Office, M&In ROad. Southold. New i for a special exception In accord~ oJished a.t Greenport, m sald county; York, on October 22 1959 on the ance with the Zoning Ordinance h' h th d . . d . foll?wlng appeals; , i f:tlele m, Sectlon 300, Sub6eetlo~ W lC e annexe IS a. pnnte copy. 7.30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), upon ap- ,for P8,1'Il11ss10n to erect and he said Suffolk Times once in each plication ot Frank E. Horn, Island: maintain dIrectlonal advertIsIng y~~ ~~~n~:~~:~r:"~~e Y;t~! ~~~~ s~~~~=~~~ ok~~~~~:m.....m.......m....Lf..\,.,...,....:..................... week\ the Zoning ordlna.nce, Article III, (Rot ute 25), Arshamomoque, Green-I' on the ..m......<::b..,...i:,:",:..,:.,..".{L~............... Section 303. and article X Section 'por . New York. --, 1ooOA. for permll;slon U; reduce 8:30 P. M. (E.D.5.T.). upon ap_'.m.....".... 19!:i.,./.... . frontage and sell as a single lot pllcatlon of Sunrise COach Lines :",- -~ -"" ,~.,\. 'we '''' property located on ~Ivate Roasl Inc., south side Front street i,.....:>.~.~.'..".m...,........,.\_C'.J2l",,^m.........."'"'''' off Island View Lane, Greenport: Greenport, New York, for a speelai I J . J . New York, Lot No. Lot No. 9 on exception In IICcordance with the .......................1 map of property of Frank Horn, Zoning Ordinance. Article IV, Sec- 19" .:;-- Jr Greenport, New York. I tlon 400, Subsection 9, for pennls- ...... ... .~..... 7:40 P. M. (E.D.8.T.), upon ap. slon to use property on the north ........L:....... ~;~~tl~~n~~ :~~~~~~~~~ ~~~:. ~~~~a~~o~u:e~~~d ~~~~~~~I r............._........._..................................................... for a variance in accordance with Itles for ....me. the Zoning Ordinance, ArtIcle m. Any person desiring to be heard Sectlon 303, and article X, Section on the above applications shoull I 1000A, for ,permll;slon to reduce appear at the time and plllCe abov9 frontage and seIl as a single lot specified. property located on Private Road, DATED; octobe,r 8. 1959, oU IsTand View Lane. Greenport ' By ..order of the Southold Town New York. Lot No. 10 on map ~f. Board of Appeals. ltOl property of Frank Horn, Greenpr/t, ' New York. i 7;50 P. M. (E,D.8.T.l, upon ap.' plication of Frank E. Horn. Island View Lane, Greenport, New York. for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, _Sectlon 303, and article X, SectlOl . ;4l'A:-lLEY S. (:ORW!N ~~OTAR,( PUBliC. ~l~~e ~;f fJ::":: York Residin~ j 1 ~l.l, ;'", : ':-.~ttlty cn,s. Ko. 5:!.-::ti26 :':10 Commission Expires :\L.lrch30, 1960 . FORM NO. 3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ,....23.0.........,........,................................... Date .....................~.1;g~~...~................19.J9.. To .Kr.,....!';I,".~..~9~~.., ......., ......., ....... ........ ..... .Island. ,View..Lane, ........ ..... ........ ........ .... .<meenpor.t,..Be.w. . York.... ....... ........ ........ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .......................Q~:!;9~~;r...~.......... 19..f.9.. sell 8S single lot w/dwel11ng for permit to ~ ..........................................at the premises located at .P.v.tL.:a9.?4...9t.f....:t!31and .. .Vie.w.. Lane.,... G.~~.e.nP.g~""" .~.X.,..... smm Mapl7.QP..9.f.r..r.~...U9~~ Block .................... ........................ Lot ...;L.?.................................... is r_....o........~..... disapproved on the lollowi ng grounds .~J).~~f.~.~~~'P-~..!.:r.9A~~,g!!!......... .. !M!-4.. .~~~. .!n... S\;::!;:.9.~.~~C.fi.. .14.1;;t!,. .Af.t.:!:q.+.~. ..;I;,+,;!;.. ..1?~;:::!;J9!?'..3.Q3.,.. .~~.. .~~~.~~..~, . .Sect1.on. ~aoOA. .ClE. . the ..BuUd1n&. .ZGlle. ..Ord1nan~e.. .01... the.. :row.. .Qf.. .Sp.yt.l:tpld. ...". ................. ,-........,.......,. .....,.. ....... ......... ........ ..... ...... ........ ............ -..,........... ...... .....,.. ....... ........ .......... fl '1,.. .'f(j~..J'- ( t.....~ lj\...,........_ '\ ................................................................................ Building Inspector Howard M. Terry . . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO....2.:?O DATE ...9!1.t.<?~.~.:r;..9.)..9.59 TO THE ZONING. BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) .......f.::~~..~l~::!:........................... ............of ...... .......I.~~~.~;~..y.~~\~..~,~~ ........ ....................... Nome of Appellant Street and Number ..............................~:r:!'!!'!~P.<?:r:~............................................. Municipality THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO.......~................. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO N v .......f..:::.:......... HEREBY APPEAL TO State DATED OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON' October 6 1959 ) ( ) (XX) Frank Horn ........................................................................................ Nome of Applicant for permit .........;J; ~;w,m1..nil:l!.. !'imil. ........... Q:r:."~))P.9:r:t,..... )J., X". ........................................ Street and Number Municipal ity State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY of Perm:i.ssion to sell as single lot with d\7elling 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY..P.v.t..a(,a.d..Qf.f..lahnQ...V.:..Iffl..Jj;mll....!';\!!..r:;I,~j;..................... Street Use District on Zoning Mop ....J!-:.9P!'!!-:~y...<?;f]:r:I:!!!.LI!,~.:r;!!............................... GreEmpart, !;.Y. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article III section 303 and Art X Section lOOOA 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (XJIl A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Low Chap. 62 COns. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A prevbus appeal m) (has not) been mode with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ) request far a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 QCOl A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that: I wish to sell as single lot pa rt of my property now having t-qo dVlelJings which have existed for many years as they are now. ':'r.is application refferreE to property shown as lot # 12 on map of my property. (Continue on other side) .} Form ZBl . . REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP becou>e The buildings were built several years before the zoning ordinance was adopted and have been occupied continiously by summer residents. There is no way of enlarging the lots. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shored by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because: This is the last of the property I own in this location, to be denied permision to divide this land would be a unique hardship. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT becouse: The buildings have existed several years in this location and usee] for residential purposes in a residential area. The proposed use by the purchaser would continue the same as before and not change the area in any way. , STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Suffolk ) ) ) ss ....................~~...!1f.4'~..... Signture Sworn to this.................~~~.........................doy of ....................~~~~~~!...................1959 .........~..~J~.. JUDITH T. BDKEN N'ot~ty Pu'Tc, State of New Vl'Iry I"" ~_': ,.,.;::[,.1, Suffolk Coun,y / C.\lmmISSlon f.xpIH~_s Mare:h 30.L 1914 , ~... . . LEGAL NOTICE Rotice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings w111 be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals tl:r the Town of Southold, at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on October 22, 1959 on the follOWing appeals. 7130 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Frank E. Horn, Island View Lane, Greenport, New York, for a variance in aocordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article IIIl Section 303, and Article X, Section 10ODA, for permiss on to reduce frontage and sell as a single lot, property located on Private Road, oft ISland View Lane, Greenport, New York. Lot No. 9 on map of property of Frank Horn, Greenport, New York. 71~0 P.M. (g.D.S.T.), upon application of Frank E. Horn, Island View Lane, Greenport, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinanoe, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Section 1000A, for permission to reduce frontage and sell as a single lot, property located on Private Road, off Island View Lane, Greenport, New York. Lot No. 10 on map of property ot Frank Horn, Greenport, New York. 7150 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Frank E. Horn, Island View Lane, Greenpmrt, New York, tor a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Section 10ODA, for permiSSion to reduce frontage and sell as a single lot, property located on Private Road, otf Island View Lane, Greenport, New York. Lot No. 12 on map of property of Frank Horn, Greenport, New York. 8.00 P.M. (g.D.S.T.), upon application of Jack J. Levin, Sound View Avenue, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect and maintain directional advertising sign on the property of Adam peknnka, southeast side Main Road, (Route 25), Arshamomaque, Greenport, New York. BI30 P.11. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc., south side Front Street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accord- ance with the Zoning ordinancel Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permiss on to use property on the north side School Gtreet Extension for storage of buses and service facilities for same. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications shoulcJ a:'pear at the tL'Ile and place above specified. DATED 1 October 8, 1:159, By Order of the Southold Tovm Board of Appeals. ***** PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 16, 1959, AIID FORWARD AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION IM..'lEDIA'IELY TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS.L. c/o TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, N~W YORK. ~ .. . , Legal Notice -2- Copies mailed to the following on October 9, 19~9: The Suffolk Times The. Long Island Trave1er-Mattituck Watchman Frank E.. Horn Jack J. Levin Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc. SOMEONE SHOULD APPEAR AT THE HEARING. +---' _.." ", ,,- - - w '.'11 '.' - .t: ~.,_.. ~'. . >------------- August 17, 1960 Mr. Frank Horn Island View Lane Greenport, N.Y. Dear ~lrJ your inquiry as to the status of lot # 14 as shewn on your map by Otto VanTuyl dated June 24 1955 and revised Oct. 9, 1959, P1eas~be advised this lot is now considered as a single lot as a variance was granted by the Board of Appeals on lot I 12 on the easterly side and there is another owner on the westerly side of this parcel. Trusting th' above will be satisfactor to your needs. Yours truly I 40,,,,'J' /' Q ': ~ ".' B;ilding Inspector.\ . . CctobDr 6, 1959 HC'i7Cl.rC~_ Terry, 3ui1:5 ing Inspector TOJn Cler~'s C~fice ~'~ain St. SO:1ttold, !:.Y. Deer Sir; I mm a parcel of property or "h:,cn are ::'ocato::l trio dr;eJ.lin;;d Dhich I Dish to sell as iroividuul lots Dith ore dDell~pg o~ each. Adjoining thie parcel is a seperate lot \7h:1.ch ~7D.C 0016. severa: years ago, and adjoining this I O\7n another parcel ,lith tc;o dnellings, one of dlich I nish to sell as a sepera:te lot and "welling. This property is locat(oo Oil a priva~e read, rench,,<' fro::! Is]nnc Viee' Lane, Greenpo. t. 1lhe~o lots ""ro ntJ~lltereo ~'9, #10, & ii12 on Ell' nap. Lot 1, 9 woulD bve !l. front.ceo of apro:drr~e.tely 33 ft,o.nC: depth of aprozinately 225 ft; Lot ;()10 w0:11d have a fro:'J.t.ege of e]:'ro:dmo,tec.y 35 ft, and :icpth of about 225 ft; Lot if 12 a front.r,.go of acout 30 ft and depth of 200ft" Taeee :Cote arc bu5~ld:.rugr: have exister1 for rmny years as tt.C;! er0. ~;oald it be proper to sell them as ttey are r.OTI on single lots ? Your ansver "ilJ be apoTcc:ntcc. Yours truly 0. --" ~v .;- j, (~;p ~);c.. ,~,<!.-/ :/l!pP~ f{:;, /l> 5 y . . October 7, 1959 DF2GRJPTION: bran]{ Horn to ( Bungalow No.9) Besinning at an iron pipe set on the boundary Ji~e bet\feen land 0,::: Arlam :lekunka and l'lnd ccnv"Y0iJ or t.o be conveyed by the party of the first part to ( Ellngalow No. 10 ), said pipe bei::-lr' 3:;' ~"!"0':. northerly a1 em! said line frcrr! its intersection wi th <;he norU'u'rJ v line of lam1 of i'rancls M. Pitt; runnirw thPTICf' alnT):" ,. sa11 la...'1Q of Pektmlm, N.26053150"H.-'33.0 ::."e('t to '.In iron pipe; thence along other lam'). of said party c'::' the ~"j::'st part, three cou"!';;e!;, as rollows: (1) 111. rlJjlt anr1t's to thCl lant described cour:1e, N.63006110"E.-16.0 fef't to an iron pipo; thence (2) S.8b01.2IZ.-168.? feet to an iron ",4",~. 1."'-n'" n;' ,"'1.041:'1'4 134 ,'" ...-,-.... 4.~ ~n l.'rh!1 ~l'~h l'J..:Jo;;;;,. 1,j,'jA C",,, \,.J ~.,.,"'t-'.;} ;"'1.- .~).1 ....t:,~\I~'>-.J ::"-1. '".. ,,~,. .t;C set at thp edre of the cree; thence u,::rt'rl'<lr;sterly alon;; c:::oef!k 10 :.~eet, more or less, to an ire,;;. P:iP0~ th~YtlC~ along said lunn convcyod or to bs conveyed by thr: P:'l:r~;y of the f'irst na:rt to ( Bungalow No. 10 ), tb'N"" "'o"rN"" a" "'o1'ow~' (Ii" "'00')1. 1\.1 OO"~ ,"~,,~ "'0 .. J.~~',,-,~, '~'Fh.'''~ .......... ..L ,,;).. "', 6 J.',.'} ,(_'"t. it.-/ .I.t::..;I ,.....11'"";,..-.; ...." an iron p:l.pc; thflnCG (2) N.?';. 19'W.-l.1(;.O feei; to an iron,pipe; t~en?e 0) 8.63006110"'.\'.-16.0 .;.'cct to th0 point. of neg::cn...~lng. .Htp:hts of way, et(~,....sa.~e an No. 10 To :Frank J. McMann OttoW. Van t;:';lyl (i 8nn w < ~, I.l ~ c... r: ~ Ie .. (1\ :'> ~ I' I<! \) (1\ ~ f\ ~ ~ Z z ~ . 0 (', ~ -<. 1\ ro -I . . G\ '.::J o .f. I: -\ fl1 i WI {} -\ r :lI OM \A ri I) !l : tii In .{ r 0 ,.. ..1 (') ~~\ c~ "J, . ' fi _ " ::> c (, ? (f, ... I- f1I l> >:z ~.\ o Z ........... ~I Q ( is t~ ".. ,...,:" -\, ," --i.... - ~ ~~~- . c. , c'..:l ?_ ~: f.C. .{ ( .' ,~, -(...... r ."\ ....... ' __ ,t, '-<, fit l> i" "' i I t I .1 . / t~:;'\ \' ------~-_r-: ",,' ,-,-' ./ \.:l-J "-7"'/". .:;> / ._ ~~.,.. 'T' ~~ t"l () 2. r - , ~~ ..,1> (j'I \1 . o (111 o , 1) m~ )> 0 LA 8 fT1 v' ~{Il mO z -i . , '. -<7\. s' 0' , <\ 't .~ " '~L " . \ \ \ "" i ; i i Jo.,.;:. ~... ' . ...,.... .. Vii' /- /.........' ./ ""...Ie, ~f I"'" ~jr 4t I 't*' '17' ,_.~~ '''_'' dS...~/' __~" (II v::\" ""'- 0'1' -'ff .' I ~ ~L:::>." ! l ... ' ill ,,11, '....... E:..... .J> ~.,P~ .~eo .......,~ I ~. jO_ 1..Je: '-. 'J~' "i~~--- t~/l2 . --- J.~';. ~ '--. '~., ~~~N V -- __ '-..:..!"oIo 4 0 '..~. '. . f) TV (/ \T\ )--- ~ 1- }: , ~ i " I ~'1..~ I , 'r.... ,-,' I / ,./ .. "" _m-i i-~~~ ~ / ~ ~. ,,~ ",/ *// ; " .. I Y }~I , .. 0' ",' e'~ It. / \. dJ'.;I./ </ .. 'J!;:?;f(/ // \. .' ./."~ ", ). /,/ . / \/~:\ .//~ -r>> \ vi " '?<;- " ~ (, ' " L> v ,,"J.. ,,- '. \ ~ . " '. '>( \~ ___u '\ . ..,- -.,.--....... \ "".:> 1\ 1'; ::t- ... 'J ~ .2. ,., . 1< . // // /' I i r i I I .... } ,'i 2 --t- --____ I ~- ~ . ' i I J . .....-. . ------..