HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT 2011 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM PERMITTEE NAME FACILITY NAME FISHERS ISLAND WWTF SOUTHOLD I NYSDEC SPDES REGION NUMBER 01 NY0199214 Section 1 - Flow: Compare the annual average flow to the flow limit in the permit: For WWTFs monitoring monthly average flow, calculate the annual average flow by averaging the 12 monthly average flows for 201 l. For WWTFs monitoring quarterly average flow, calculate the annual average flow by averaging the 4 quarterly flows for 2011. For WWTFs monitoring semiannual flow, calculate the annual average flow by averaging the 2 semiannual measurements for 2011. For WWTFs monitoring annual average flow or 12 month rolling average flow, use the annual average flow calculated for 2011. Year-round value Season 2 (or Season 1) (if applicable) Indicate dates that seasonal limits apply: a. What was the actual aunual average flow, using the appropriate method above? 0.01 l b. What is the design flow of the WWTF? 0. 020 c. What is 95% of the design flow of the WWTF? (multiply line lb by 0.95) 0.019 MGD MGD MGD d. Did the annual average flow exceed 95% of the design flow? (Is line la greater than line lc?) I I Yes IXI No If the answer to Id above is e3t~, a Flow Management Plan must be prepared in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(1) and be submitted to the Regional Water Engineer no later than August 1~ 2012. Has a Flow Management Plan been submitted to NYSDEC? [~ Yes ~ No If yes, date submitted: Section 2 - Loadings: Compare the design BOD and TSS influent loadings to the actual BOD and TSS loadings: For WWTFs monitoring monthly average loadings, use the actual loadings as reported on your DMRs during calendar year 2011. For WWTFs monitoring quarterly, semiannual, or annual loadings, calculate the aet~al loadings by averaging the loadings as reported during calendar year 2011. For WWTFs that have no influent monitoring requirements please check this box and proceed to section 4: [~ Year-round value Season 2 (or Season 1) (if applicable) a. The Design influent loading for BOD (or CBOD if applicable) is: b. The Design influent loading for Total Suspended Solids is: lbs/d lbs/d - Continued on other side of form - c. For WWTFs monitoring monthly loadings: Was design exceeded for any eight months? c. For WWTFs monitoring quarterly_loadings: Was design exceeded for any three quarters? c. For VffWTFs monitoring semiannual loadings: Was design exceeded for both semiannual periods? c. For WWTFs monitoring annual loadings: Was design exceeded for the annual period? NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WWTF DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT 2011 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM Page 2 of 2 Section 2. Loadings (continued): Answer question 2c for the MOST FREQUENT monitoring period required by the permit. Only ONE BOX should be checked for question 2c. Using the WWTF operational data submitted on the DMRs for 2011, determine whether the actual influent loading for either BOD (or CBOD) or TSS exceeded the design infiuent loading (fi.om 2a and 2b) for the time periods listed below. ~Yes~ No [---~ Yes~ No ~--]Yes~'] No ~-'~Yes~"~ No If the answer to 2c is Yes, a Plan for Future Growth must be submitted to the Regional Water Engineer in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(2) no later than August 1~ 2012. For all permlttees: d. Has a Plan for Future Growth been to NYSDEC? II Yes I I No If yes, date submitted: e. Has the WWTF discharge exceeded the SPDES permit effluent limit for BOD, CBOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand or Total Suspended Solids for any four or more months during two consecutive calendar quarters, or (for facilities with quarterly monitoring) for two consecutive quarters? ~] Yes ~ No Section 3 - Implementation of Plan for Future Growth and Sewer MoratOrium: If the answers to BOTH 2c and 2e are ~ the permittee must begin implementation of the Plan for Future Growth and immediately cease the approval of further sewer connections to the WWTF in accordance with 6 NYCRR 750-2.9(c)(3). Section 4 - Additional Information: a. Is the WWTF currently under an Order on Consent to address flow and/or loading concerns? b. Are additional comments and explanations attached to this form? ['~ Yes [-~ No Certiflcotion Statement '7 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submtitecL Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Print Name: __~_~ ~ ~ O~ Tire: Signature: __~ Date: This form must be signed by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the permittee AFCForm-2011-2 NEW YOKK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the attached form in accordance with the instructions below. If you have questions regarding the informat/on or calculations required to complete this form, please contact the Regional Water Engineer at the NYSDEC regional office listed below or identified on the RECORDING, REPORTING AND MONITORING page of your SPDES Permit. Section 1 - Flow: Compare the annual average flow to the flow limit in the permit: All flow calculations must be based on totni flow. For wastewater ~'eatment facilities (WWTF) with one monthlv average flow limit, calculate the average annual flow by averaging the 12 monthly average flows reported on the monthly DMRs for calendar year 2011. For WWTFs monitoring quarterly average flow, calculate the average annual flow by averaging the 4 quarterly flows for 2011. For WWTFs monitoring semi-annual flow, calculate the average annual flow by averaging the 2 semi-ennual measurements for 2011. For WWTFs monitoring annual average flow or 12 month rolling average flow, use the annual average flow calculated for 2011. For WWTFs with seasonal flow limits, calculate the average flow for each of the seasonal flow limits based on the data collected during calendar year 2011, and include the dates used for the seasonal flow rate calculations in the spaces provided. For example, if the facility has seasonal limits that apply from May through October, Season I would be the average flow from May through October, while Season 2 would be the average flow from January through April and November through December. If either of the seasonal calcolations exceeds 95% of the design flow, the "Yes" box for question ld must be ebecked and a Flow Management Plan must be prepared in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(1) and submitted to the Regional Water Engineer no later than August l, 2012. Ifa Flow Management Plan has been previously submitted to NYSDEC, check "Yes" for question le and pmvida the date the plan was submitted. The design flow of the WWTF shall be in accordance with that listed in the most recent design documents or treatment plant rating submitted to and approved by this Department. If the design flow for the WWTF is unknown, the design flow should be estimated using the "Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 2004 Edition" (Ten States Standards), which can be ordered from Health Education Services at: http://wwW.healthresearch.org/store The requirements for the flow management plan contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(1) van be found on the NYSDEC websita at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/4584.html Section 2 - Loadines: Compare the deslun BOD and TSS lnfluent Ioadlnes to the actual BOD and TSS Ioadinus: The design influent loadings are not included on the preprinted DlVffi. These numbers may be found in the WWTF's engineering design documents, O&M plans, or in more recent engineering reports if the WWTF has had a recent upgrade. Use the most recent design loadings data avaiinble for pmpuses of this calculation. If you cannot locate the WWTF's design im'luunt loadings criteria, please contact the wW'rF's design engineer. If the design loadings for the WW'rF facility are unknown, the loadings should be estimatedusing the "Recommended Standards for Westewater Fac/lities, 2004 Edition" (Ten States Standards), which can be ordered from Health Educatiun Services at: http://www, healthresearch.org/store If the WWTF nses Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BED) as a measure of treatment system performance, use BeD loadings in the calculation ofinfluant loadings. If the facility useg CBOD as a measure of treatment system performance, nse CBOD loadings in these calculations. If no influent monitoring is required, check the box under Section 2 and proceed to Section 4. To calculate the actual influent loadings in lbs/day, WWTFs that perform daily sampling should multiply the average monthly coacentralion on the DMR (in mg/l) by the average monthly flow (in MGD) and a conversion factor of 8.34. For WWTFs with less than daily sampling, i.e., monthly~ weekly, etc., the daily flow from the WWTF on the date that the Sample was collected shall be used to determine the loadings. These individual daily loadings should be averaged for the monthly actual influont loading. For WWTFs monitoring quarterly, semiannual, or annual loadings, calculate the actual loadings by averaging the loadings as reported during calendar year 2011. If either of the seasonal calculations exceeds the design loading, the "Yeg" box for question 2C must be checked. Should the actual influent loading for either BeD (or CBOD) or TSS exceed the design influant loading, an explanation for these exceedaaces may be submitted with the completed form. Ifa written explanation is attached, chock the "Yes" box for question 4b. Ifa Plan for Future Growth was previously submitted to NYSDEC, indicate the date that the plan was submitted in question 2d. The requirements for the plan for future growth contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(cX2) can be found on the NYsDEC website at: http://www.dec.n¥.gov/regs/4584.html Section 3 - Implementation of Plan for Future Growth and Sewer Moratorium: Review the WWTF's DMRs to determine whether the discharge from the WWTF has exceeded the SPDES permit effluent limit for BOD, CBOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand (including 28 day BOD), or Total Suspended Solids for any four or more months during two consecutive calendar quarters during 2011. If the answer to this question is "Yes", an immediate moratorium on additional sewer connections shall be imposed and the approval of sewer connections to the WWTF must cease immediately. The requirements for the sewer connection moratorium contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(3) can be found on the NYSDEC website at: http://ww~'.dec.ny.~ov/regs/458~.htm! Section 4 - Additional Information: If the faedity is currently under a NYSDEC-issued Order on Consent that addresses flow end/or lOadings concerns, check the "Yes" box for question 4a. If additional comments or explanations are attached, check the "Yes" box for question 4b. Certification Statement: This form must be signed by the municipality's chief fiscal officer, such as the mayor, comptroller, tteusurer, city manager or ~hief financial officer. T~s person may differ from the person who signs the facility's DMR. Submittal Instructions: This form r~t be submitted by March 28~ 2012 to the NYSDEC Bureau of Water Compliance, 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233- 3506 and the R~gional Water Engineer at the address I~sted below or on thc RECORDING, REPORTING AND MONITORING page of your SPDES Permit. REGIONAL WATER ENGINEER CONTACT INFORMATION NYSDF-C ltagton~l Address: (Mail form to "Regional [FaterEngineer") Phone Number NYSDEC Region 1, SD'NY Stony Brook, 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 (631 ) 444-0405 N~ a~ Suffolk Counties NYSDEC Rogion 2, One Hunters Point Plaza, 47-40 21 st St, Long Island City, NY 11101-5407 (718)482-4933 Bro~.x. Kin~. N~w Yo~ ~ueem and Ric. hmond Coumies NYSD£C Region 3 Sub-Office, 100 Hillside Avo, Suite 1W White plnlnn. NY 10603 (845) 256-3000 Dutch.s, O~ang~, Pumas. Rockland, Sulliva~ Ulster ~ Westch~tex Coun~ NYSDEC Region 4. I 130 North Westoott Road., Schenectady, NY 12306-2014 (518) 357-2045 Albany, Columbia, D~lawa~, Gxv~ean, Montgomery, Ot~gn, Rcns.~aex, Schon~tody, and Schohatie Counties NYSDEC Region 5 Sub-Office, 232 Golf Course Road~ Warrensburg~ NY 1 ~885 (518) 897-1241 Clinton, ~ Franklin. FRIton, Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties NYSDEC Region 6, State Office Bldg.,317 Washington St., Watertown, NY 13601-224~ (315) 785-2513 H¢~n~r, left. son, Lewis, Oneida and St. Lame Counties NYSDEC .l~gi0n 7, 615 Erie Boulevard Wes[ SYraCuse, NY 13204-2400 (315) 426-7500 Broome, Cayuga. Chenango, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, Oswego, Tioga an~ Tompkins Couffties NYSDEC R~giun 8, 6274 East Avon-Lima Rd., Avon, NY 14414-9519 (585) 226-2466 Chemuag, Cnnxeaee, Livingston, Mon~e, Ont~in, Orle~aas, Smoca, S~huyle~, Steuben, Wayne and Yates Coun6~ NYSDEC Region 9, 2'70 Michigan Ave,, Buffalo, NY 14203-2999 (716) 851-7070 AIlegany, Catttuaugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara sad Wyomlng Counties AFCImt-2011-2 l'~'t ~50 -2.9 (c) POTW DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT (1) Flow Management Plan ti) Within 120 days of when the permittee determines in accordance with paragraph 4 of this subdivision that the annual average flow value for a calendar year.to a POTW has reached or exceeded 95 percent of that POTW's design flow, the permittee shall submit to the Regional Water Engineer a flow management plan to identify and implemenl reductions in hydraulic loading Io the POTW treatment plant or failing that, alSprovable engineering reports, plans and specifications and/or capital improvements as necessary to;stabilize annual average flows below the POTW treatment plant design flow. This plan shall be certified by a professional enginee~;~licensed to practice in the State of New York and endorsed by the chief fiscal officer of the municipality. The provisions of the plan may ~flect new efforts or may refer to existing, ongoing efforts. The flow management plan shall, at a minimum, include provisionS.for: (a) A statement to the effect that the permittee has the authority in all parts of the POTW service area to iml~emont o~ cause to be implemented the provisions of this subdivision or, if the permittee does not have such authority, a proposed'~aahedtfle~ not to exceed three years, to obtain such authority or a statement from the permittee's designhted legal representative thais;existing law precludes the pennittee~f~rom obtaining such-authorilyl- (b) An inventory of all known facilitieS/projects that have applied to connect to the sewer system and a determination if there is capacity for connection; (c) A schedule ofimplementatinn for all flow reduction measures identified herein; (d) A map delineating the service area as defined; and (e) A description of information that will be reported during implementation of the plen to the Regional Water Engineer and a schedule for such reporting. (ii) The flow management plan required by subparagraph ti) of this paragraph shall also include provisions for implementation ofnny or all of the following that are necessary to stabilize influent flows below design floxys: (a) Water conservation measures to reduce customer usage by measures including but not limited to customer metering, meter calibration, retrofitting existing p!umbing fixtures with water conservation fixtures and revision of water rat~stm¢lures; (b) Reduction of infiltration and inflow through continuous measures including but not limited to sewel~ystera}m~el~g, evaluation and rehabili~atinn, removal of rOOf leaders and footing drains from separate sanitary suwer~ anti,iasC][allen'/of (c) Prevention of future sources of infiltration and inflow where feasible through meaaur~ including implementation of standards for Sewer installation and requiremen~ to provide for adequate (d) Measures to maximize sewer system and sewage treatment works capacity at a minimUm cost; and//~l~ · ~(e)- A-ppro(i~bl~ e~fi~i-neefi~-~r~--l~ an~T6/, plans and specifications to assure annUa]~(,~rag~ fi6ws do not exe~e~d-~05, l~rcent of the POTW treatment plant design flow. (fl Capital improvements hecessary to assure annual average flows do not exceed 95 percent.of the PO~ treatment plant design flow. ~iii) Within 90 days of submittul to the Regional Water Engineer of the plan required under subparagraphs ti) and (ii) of this paragraph, he permittee shall begin to implement the provisions of said program in accordance with the proposed schedule or cause the ~rovisions of said program to be implemented by another patly: iv) The Regional Water Engineer may object to the plan, or implementation of the plan, submitted in accordance with subparagraph i) and (ii) of this paragraph if the plan does not provide for substantive and effective measures to reduce hydraulic loading to the 'OTW. Within 90 days of recelpt of written notification from the Regional Water Engineer documenting the aspects o/' the plan thai mst be revised, the permittee shall submit a rex~ised plan that addresses the deparlmenl's objection(s). · {c} POTW DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT (2) Planning (i) Within 120 days of when the permittee determines tha! the actual infloent mass loading of Biochemical Oxygen Demand or Total Suspended Solids to a POTW has reached or exceeded the design influent loading for those parameters for any eight calendar months during a calendar year, the permittee shall submit a plan for future grovnh at the POTW. The plan shall include: (a) Provisions for obtaining any necessary funding; and Part 750 - 2, Page 61 Effective May 11, 2003 (b) Provisions for preparation and submission to the Regional Water Engineer of approvable engineet4ng repotta':an&or plans and specifications to provide for growth ofdischarge,s in the POTW service area. (c) A demonstration of the pormittee'a ability to impose a connection momlorium in any and all parts of the service area or, if the permittec does not have such authority, a proposed schedule, not to exceed three years, to obtain such autho~)~'e/r a statement from the permittee's designated legal representative that existing law precludes the permitt~ from el~lOiajllg such authority. ~ , . (ii) The Regional Water Engineer may object to the plan, or implementation of the plan, submitted in accordance with subparagraph (i) of this paragraph if the plan does not provide for substantive and effective measures ~ accommodate future growth of disuharges from the POTW service area. Within 90 days o£receipt of written notification from the Regional Water .Engineer d0cumenting, the~nspects of th? plan that must be revised, the pennittee shall submit an approvable, revised plan that addresses the department's~objec~ion(s). (iii) Within 90 days of submittal to the. Regional Water Engineer of the plan required under subparagraph 0) of th'is paragraph, the permittee shall begin to implement the plan Io obtain the authority required under clause '(c)' of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph. (3) Plan Implementation and Sewer Connection .Moratorium For POTWs that have exceeded the design influnnt loading criteria set for~ in paragraph (2} of this subdivision, within,91} days of when the permittee determines that, in accordance with the annual review required by paragraph (4) of this subdivision~ that the effluent discharge from a publicly owned trealment works has exceeded a SPDES permit limit for Biochemical, Ox,ygen~.~mand or Ultimate Oxygen Demand for any four or more mon~s during two consecutive calendar quarters, or a SPDEg permit limit for-.Total Suspended Solids fo~' any four or more months during two consecutive calendar quarters, the permitteo shall: (i) Begin to implement the plan developed in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subdivision or in accordance>with... subparagraph (i) of that paragraph; and (ii) Cease the further approval of sewer connections to the POTW.