HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12015 P 501000 ~ SECTION : 052.00 05.00 058,003 THIS INDENTURI~, made the ~ day of ~'aru~'y, 2C{30 . ,. , .. BETWEEN JAM[ ~: MELROSE, residing =t 6~ Robinson R~, Greenpo~, N~ Yo~ 11 ~ pa~ of the fi~t p~, and WARREN CO~NI, residing at 110 McCann Lane, Gmen~, N~ Yo~ 11 ~ pa~y ~ the s~n~l pa~ ~TNES~ETH, INit t~ pa~y of t~ first ~, in ~ns~deration ~ TEN and no/l~hs ($10,00) doll.s paid by the p~Ay of the sl~nd pa~, does ~re~y grant and release unto the pa~y of t~ se~nd pa~, the heirs or ALL the ~Aain ,:,lot, pie~ or pardi of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erect, situate, lying ~d bei~ in *,he SEE 'SCHEDULE A" ANNEXED HERETO AND ~ADE A PART HER~QF LOT 0 12 17 ~ TOGETHER wllh all dght. title and interest, if any. of the pa~y of the first p~ in and to any str~ls and roads abutting ~ a~ve descried ~emlses lo the ~nter li~s thereof; TOGETHER with the appu~enan~s and all the estate and ri;lhts ~ the pady of the first pa~ in and to ~id rremises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein {Fanted unto the ~Hy ~ the s~nd ~ ~e heirs or su~ssom and assigns of the aA of the se~d pa~ fl~rev~. ' P Y AND the pa~ o= the first pa~ ~venants that the pa~y of Ihe firs~ pa~ has not done or s~er~ an~hing ~ereby the said ixemises have ~n en~m~r~ in any way ~atever. ex,pt as ~ore~id. ~D the ~ ~ ~he flint ~. in ~mp~ian~ with Se~i~ 13 of the Li~ L~. ~venants that t~ ~ of I~ first pa~ will r~ve t~ ~nsideration for this ~nveyan~ and will hold the dght to re~ive s~ ~nsi~rati~ as a trust fund ~o I~ appli~ first for ~e purpose of paying the ~st ol the improvemenl and ~11 a~ly the same flint to the payment of the ~st of the improvement before using any ~ of the total of the ~me for any oth~ put,se. The wo-d "pa~ shall ~ ~nstmed as if it re~ "pa~ies" '~en ever the sense of this indenture ~ r~urres. IN WITNESS ~IEREOF. the pa~y of the first ~ has duly executed this de~ the day and year first above ~iEen. IN PRE~ENCE OF: ' ' SCHEDULE A - DESCRZPTZON AMENDED '12/29/~J9 ALL that certain plot, p~ace or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Acshamomoque, Town of Southold, seconds est a ong said and of Cassidy/, 209.70~; ~_~Of OA/ THENCE North 26 degrades t6 minutes East, 173.76 ,*eet; THENCE Nor~b 02 degr!~es 35 minutes 30 seconds East, 45.0 feet; THENCE South 63 degh.,es 05 minutes East, 1~]4.03 feet to the westerly side of Main Road - N.Y.S. Route 25 and the point or place :~f BEGINNING, The above described p'ernises being also known as Lot No. 3 on minor subdivision "MAD of the William Wickham Prooerty" Title Report ' 'i Ol PCO O TORRENS Serial # CertiScate # ~ior Cfi. ~ Page / Filing Fee Ilandling TP-584 EA-52 17 (Coumy) C~mm. o~ Reg. Copy ~her 2570~ REC~.IVED REA' FSTATE JAN 2 0 2001) Ti:~NSFERT~,{ SUFFOLK ..---- COUNTY 257~2 Deed ! Mortgage '[ax Stamp FEES C Real l'mperty Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. Section B lock Lot 1000 052.00 05.00 058.003 Inilials~ Safisfactions/Discharges/i;,eleases Lis/Property Owners Mailin RLCORD & RETURN 1'O: P.O. ~ 6~ ~tt~uck, ~ 1]~52 ~ Morlgage Ami. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spcc./AssiL Or Spec./Add. Commnnity Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 95,000.00 Due $ 400.00 x JAN 2 0 2000 'l'[) I'D C ~,,I,~,~ Ut, ~ ?,R~S~RVAI'VON FUND Suffolk ( This ~ge fonm part ,:,fthe attached JAMES MELROSE TO WARREN CORAZZINI Title Company Information Co. Name Title # Recording & Endorsement Page Deed (SPECIFY '['YPE OF INSTI~.I IMI':NT ) 'lhe premises herein is siltmted in SUFFOLK COU[~I'Y. NEW YORIC In the'rownsl~p of South,] d In the VILLAGE Greenpor~ or IIAMLET of made by: BOXES 5 'Il IRU 9 MUS'I BE TYPFJ) OR PRIN'IED IN III.ACK INK ONLY I'RIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OFREALPROPERTYSERVICES RP - 5217 FOR'COUNTY USE ONrY PROPER~ INFORMATION 1. Prope~ 67575 Locat[o~ STREET NUMBER STREET NAME 2. Buyer Name I Southold I Greenport I 11944 cn¥ OR TOWN VILLAGE ZIp CODE I Corazzini I Warren I 3. Tax Indicate where futura Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I I Address LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 4. Indicate the number of Assessment ~ Roll parcels t~ansf~red on the deed [ , , ] I # of Parcels OR I I Part of a Parcer Property I I x I I OR I , ,1 ,0 , 4 I (Only g Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply:. 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists [] 4B. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer [] 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided [] S. Seger I Melrose I s~es FIRST NAME LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: B ~_~ 2 or 3 Family Residential F ~ Commercial C ~ Residential Vacant Land G ~ Apartment D~ Non-Residential Vacant Land H[~ Entertainment/Amusement Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest 11. Sale Contract Date I / / '1 Month Day Year ,,. D.,. o,S.,.,,,...,., I / / I Month Day Year 13. Full Sale Price [ i i i , 9 i 5 i 0 , 0 i O, 0 r 0 [ (Full Bale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. In~cete the value of personal ~) property induded ~11 the sale r i ~ i i i r i 0 I- I Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium [] S. New Construction on Vacant Land [] 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District [] 1OB. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating [] that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer. A B C D E F G H I 16.¥earof~mentRollf~om I 9 9 J 17. Tetal Assessed Value (of ell percels Jn transfer) l wMch information taken ' Bale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale BeWveen Related Companies or Partners in Business One oftbd Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Governmdnt Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (SpecEy Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Betsveen Taxable Status and Sale Dates · Sale of Business is included in Sale Price ,~ther Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None ,B. Prop, .. r 3 , 3, 01_I I 19. Sch l Dietrist Name I Greenport I 20. Tex Map Identifier(s) / Roll Identifier(s) (ff more than four, attach sheet w~th additional identifier(s)) 1000-052 . 00-05 . 00-058. 003 I I I I I cer~ that aH of the items of ~formetion entered on {his form are true and correct (to the I~t of my knowledge and belief) ~nd 1 undersland that the making BUYER 110 ~Lane n~/ Greenport NY 11944 I SELLER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Goggins William LAST NAME FIR~ NAME (63~) 298-4200 ~ CO~ ~PHONE NUMBER