HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/14/2012 Town of Southold
Housing advisory commisSion
March 14, 2012
Present: Rona Smith, John Vahey, Frederick Andrews, Beth Motschenbacher, Michael Herbert, Daniel
Sarnowski, Leroy Heiliger, John Viteritti and Phillip Beltz. Excused: Jeanne Kelley.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of February 05, 20'12 were approved.
Update of Resale of Cottaqes: Closing scheduled for March '16th.
Comprehensive Plan-Housinq Chapter: Discussion of some of the comments from the public that will be
incorporated into the chapter upon approval by the Town Board.
Housinq Resource Forum: Southold School still has not approved use of their facilities for possible April
forum. Instead of an April forum it was agreed that HAC will sponsor event highlighting how to create
accessory apartments from existing structures that will feature the assessors, banks, education of landlord
and tenant.., possibly Family Service League co-housing program, etc. To be further discussed.
Developin,q "Garden Apts." Hi,qher Density: Tabled for a special meeting that will be held on April 2nd at
2:30 p.m. with Planning department staff in the Annex conference room.
Role of Town in Development of Affordable Housinq/Role of HAC: The Town has very limited resources
towards supporting affordable housing. In 2004 when the Town created the Housing Fund with the
appointment of the Housing Advisory Commission it was envisioned that funding would be in derived from
developer payments into the Fund as a way to comply with the then new Inclusionary Zoning requirement.
However, there have been no new developments since 2004 and no payments into the hypothetical fund. In
addition, due to the economic decline external resources are significantly diminished compared to the past
and public sentiment has also waned, unlike sentiment towards preservation of land. The role of the HAC is
advisory to the Town Board to assist their efforts towards creating affordable housing opportunities (e.g. the
accessory apartment recommendation was borne out of the HAC.)
HAC Vacancy: The Town Board will attempt to fill the vacancy of HAC (one member) as there is an
advertisement seeking volunteers for all Town committees.
New Town Website/HAC and Housinq Pa,qe: Discussion of new website and program content is due
beginning of April. Phillip will design page under "housing' that will include HAC function and membership.
Next Meetin,q Date: April 11, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Phillip Beltz