HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/201212/1/2012 IRoad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Follow-up for Connie Violations Status Update for search Southold Rose Follow-up landmark possible violation? verified landmark Southold Kelleher I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Pat and Mike possible violation? verified landmark Southold Kelleher Lori Hulse (TA) Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Mike Verity Boats Discussion at TB n/a n/a Public Filing Disapproval App Questions Mattituck Hughes I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Public Questions Pothole repair forwarded to highway n/a n/a 12/2/2012 IPhone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Public Complaint Property Maintenance Scheduled Inspection Mattituck Theresa Drive Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) possible violation? verified landmark Southold Kelleher Defendnet Use Possible Violations Peconic Kruk I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Pat and Mike possible violation? verified landmark Southold Kelleher Pat New landmark application verified landmark n/a n/a Lori ZBA Violations n/a n/a n/a I IEmail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name To commissioners LPC violation verified landmark Southold Kelleher I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Landmark minutes Jan Meeting prepared and sent n/a n/a I 2/3/2012 IRoad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Complaint Investigation Property Maintenance? Talk to Michael Mattituck Thompson Complaint Investigation Unsafe Building? Couldn't find house Southold Romano I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Call for Mike n/a transferred n/a n/a Call for Mike n/a transferred n/a n/a Public: Complanant Open Investigation Unfounded Mattituck Thompson I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Mike Open Investigation Unfounded Mattituck Thompson I IEmail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Christine (Accounting) Health Insurance n/a n/a n/a To commissioners LPC violation verified landmark Southold Kelleher To commissioners LPC violation verified landmark Southold Kelleher 2/4/2012 Weekend 2/5/2012 Weekend 2/6/2012 Paperwork Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Zoning Inspector Report Prep n/a n/a n/a n/a IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Lori Open Investigations Updates n/a n/a Lori Paperwork Affidavits n/a n/a Don Dzenkowski (Bay Constible) Open Complaint Investigating East Marion Garritiano Public: Questions Multiple Properties Answered n/a n/a Public: Questions RoW & Multiple Code Issues Answered n/a n/a IRoad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Complaint Investigation Property Maintenance? Talk to Michael Mattituck Thompson Complaint Investigation Follow-Up Investigation Follow-Up Investigation Follow-Up Investigation for Sandy IPh°ne Mel (Landmark) Jim (Landmark) 2/7/2012 IPaperwork Close Case File Close Case File IPh°ne Public: Smoke Detector Questions Public: Permit Staus Public: For Kimball Public: For Mike Mel (Landmark) Jim G. (Landmark) I Meetings Lori Mike and Pat Mike Lori 2/8/2012 IMeetings Mike Lori Defendant IPh°ne Applicant: Questions Public: Questions IPaperw°rk Awards Letter Awards Letter 2/9/2012 IMeetings Mike Martin (TA) Lori Lori & Mike Lori & Jim Bunchuck Mike IPaperw°rk Complaint File Created Complaint Created and Notice Sent IPh°ne Public Questions Public Questions 2/10/2012 lOft 2/11/2012 IWeekend I Use/Noise etc. Property Maintenance Property Maintenance Hole in yard? INature Meeting Meeting INature Unsafe Building Multiple Violations INature Answered Referred to Pat Transferred Transferred Open Violations: Landmark Open Issues: Landmark INature Open Investigations Use Questions Open Cases OpenComplaint INature Munict¥ Issues Hearing Prep Open Violations INature Answered MI Zoning INature Landmark Landmark INature Open Complaints Vineyard Violation Vineyard Violation Possible new violations Possible new violations Farmers Market Questions INature INature Farmers Market Questions Rental Issues Unfounded: Vacated by SCHD East Marion Garritiano Case Closed: Remediated East Marion McCarthy Ongoing Complaints: Greenport Hughes Unfounded: Not a violation Mattituck Thompson IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Building Demolished Southold Palmieri Permits Renewed Southold Preston IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Updates n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Updates n/a n/a IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a Unsafe Building Vio Cutchogue Jacobs Open Complaint Mattituck Goodwin IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Draft for mtg Greenport Brecknock Hall Draft for mtg Orient Cohen IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a New Complaint Laurel Laurel Lake Vineyards New Complaint Laurel Laurel Lake Vineyards Permit revokation n/a Go Green Permit revokation n/a Go Green Public Questions New Suffolk New Suffolk Pres Fund IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name New Complaint Laurel Laurel Lake Vineyards New Complaint Laurel Laurel Lake Vineyards IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Public Questions New Suffolk New Suffolk Pres Fund Answered n/a n/a 2/12/2012 Weekend 2/13/2012 Email Bill Ruland Ruthanne (Supervisor's Office) Linda Cooper (TC) Linda Cooper (TC) Landmark Meeting Items I IMeetings Mike Lori Lori/Defendant Defendant I IPh°ne Defendant Public Questions I IPaperw°rk Landmark Meeting Prep 1 2/14/2012 IEmail Lucielle (ZBA) Jim McMahon Linda Cooper (TC) I IMeetings Unsafe Hearing (TB) Lori and Mike Lori Mike Half Day: Left 11:30 a.m. 2/15/2012 Email Jim McMahon LPC Jim McMahon Scott Russell I IPh°ne Ruthanne (Supervisors) Lori Mike Complainant Benja Schwartz Lori Benja Schwartz Jim Bunchuck I IMeetings Lori Public Vineyard 48 I IR°ad Follow-Up Investigation Nature Open Complaints: Boat in Road Unsafe Building Hearing Unsafe Building Hearing Carters Permits to LPC INature Open Complaint Open Violations Court Conference Winery Violation INature Winery Violation Meeting Schedule INature n/a INature Updates on Violation (ZBA) Unsafe Building Carter Permit INature Unsafe Building Hearing Unsafe Building Hearing Unsafe Building Hearing Noise Complaint Nature Boat at Road End Landmark Intern Resolution Unsafe Building Landmark Intern Resolution INature Landmark Intern Resolution Multiple Violations Boat at Road End Boat at Road End Unknown Multiple Violations Construction without Permit Open Issues INature Multiple Violations CO Questions ZBA Application INature Property Maintenance? Status Ongoing Confirmed Confirmed n/a n/a IStatus Follow Up n/a Open Violation Open Violation IStatus Open Violation Scheduled for Thursday IStatus n/a Istatus Updated Photos etc. at his request No Objections IStatus Passed Passed Resolution Language Gary Handled - Was out there Status Update: DPW!!!! Tabled Scope of Work Update IStatus Tabled Update Update: DPW!!!! Update: DPW!!!! Called Back Update Unfounded open complaint IStatus Update Answered Updated Files IStatus New Investigation Town Mattituck Cutchogue Cutchogue n/a n/a ITown Cutchogue n/a Mattituck Laurel ITown Laurel Orient ITown n/a ITown Mattituck Cutchogue Mattituck ITown Cutchogue Cutchogue Cutchogue Cutchogue Town Southold n/a Cutchogue n/a ITown n/a n/a Southold Southold n/a n/a Cutchogue n/a ITown n/a n/a Cucthogue ITown Mattituck Property Owner Name Matthews Jacobs Jacobs n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name Vineyard 48 n/a Burden Laurel Lake Vineyards IProperty Owner Name Laurel Lake Vineyards Constant IProperty Owner Name n/a IProperty Owner Name Burden Jacobs EE Ecology IProperty Owner Name Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Shwartz Property Owner Name Town Road n/a Jacobs n/a IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a Town Road Town Road n/a n/a Leary Go Green IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a Vineyard 48 IProperty Owner Name Matthews Follow-Up Investigation Use Apartment? Mattituck Bale Complaint Investigation Dumping Forwarded to McMahon Southold Grove/Maple 12/~6/20~21Emai, INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Multiple recipients Use Violations Updates Cucthogue Vineyard 48 Jim Bunchuck Updates Updates n/a Go Green Jim McMahon Unsafe Building Updates Cutchogue Jacobs I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name research Open Violations n/a n/a n/a I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Jen (TA) Use Violations Updates Cucthogue Vineyard 48 Lori Multiple Violations Update n/a n/a Defendent Use Update Peconic Natural Images/Kruk Public: Questions Farmers Market Questions Not allowed in zone Mattituck The Plantage I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Lori Multiple Violations Update n/a n/a Mike Clearing Unfounded Mattituck E & C I IR°aa INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Investigation Clearing Unfounded Mattituck E & C 1 2/17/20121Email INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Landmark Memebers Upcoming Meeting n/a n/a n/a I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) Upcoming Meeting n/a n/a n/a Public: Questions Weddings at Cliffside??? Not permitted Greenport Cliffside Thank you call Dumping n/a Southold Grove/Maple Public: Questions ZBA Process Answered Cutchogue Vineyard 48 I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Connie Open Violations Closed: Remediated Cutchogue Frizolowski Counter: Public Electrical Inspection Forwarded to Roger n/a n/a Counter: Public Permit Questions Forwarded to Pat n/a n/a 2/18/2012 Weekend 2/19/2012 Weekend 2/20/2012 Code Training 2/2'1/20'12Code Training 2/22/20'12 Code Training 2/23/20'12 Off 2/24/20'12 Off 2/25/2012 Weekend 2/26/20'12 Weekend 2/27/2012 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Various Property Maintenance Code n/a n/a n/a Lori/Jim Bunderchuck Carters Permits n/a n/a n/a Public: Jim Best Lighting Complaint Under Investigation Cutchogue Satur Scott Russell Property Maintenance Under Investigation Cutchogue Kessler Public: Jim Best Lighting Complaint (2) Update Cutchogue Satur Heather Lanza Use Open Application Cutchogue Vineyard 48 IPhone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) Upcoming Meeting w/TB n/a n/a n/a Public Questions: Building Permit Public Questions: Building Permit Public Questions: Farmer's Market Bob Scott Trespassing Lori Farmers Market Questions Lori Property Maintenance Code Lori Open Violations Public Questions: Building Permits Public For Michael I IPaperw°rk INature Landmark Research for Jim G Upcoming Meeting:Intern I IMeetings INature Lori Open Violations 12/28/2012 IPhone INature Public Questions: Open Complaint Public Questions: Open Application Public Questions: Open Application Jim Garretson (LPC) Questions Jim Grathwohl (LPC) Intern Update Lori Open Violations I IEmail INature Jim Garretson (LPC) Questions Ethics Board Contact Info, I IMeetings INature Lori/Jim Bunchuck/Attorny for defendant Open Court Case Public Questions: Open Application I IR°ad INature Investigation road obstruction 12/29/2012 IPhone INature Defendant Open Violation I IMeetings INature Public: Porperty use For Sale Mike Use Issues I I"°aa INature Investigation property maintenance Lori/Jim Bunchuck/Attorny for complanant Open Court Case Follow Up Inspection Illegal Use I IPaperw°rk INature Close Case File Apartment removed Answered Answered Answered Couldn't help n/a n/a n/a Answered Transferred IStatus n/a Istatus n/a Istatus Answered Answered Answered n/a Update on mtg. Updates IStatus n/a n/a Istatus Open Court Case Answered IStatus Unfounded IStatus Reinispection request IStatus n/a n/a Istatus Open Violations Open Court Case Close Case IStatus Close Case Orient Perry East Marion McCarthy New Suffolk NS Waterfront Commission Greenport Pheasant Run n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a ITown IProperty Owner Name Southold Lake Drive Orient Orient Wharf Company Orient Orient Wharf Company n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a n/a ITown IProperty Owner Name n/a Go Green Orient Orient Wharf Company ITown IProperty Owner Name Mattituck Gill ITown IProperty Owner Name Greenport Garrido ITown IProperty Owner Name Mattituck Koch Mattituck Koch ITown IProperty Owner Name Southold Lake Drive n/a Go Green Greenport Garrido ITown IProperty Owner Name Greenport Garrido