HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS OF MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 10, 2012 John Acquaro 2539 Ocean Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Dear Mr. Acquaro: The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting held on January 31, 2012, granted permission to the New York Organ Donor Network to hold its North Shore Bike Tour on Sunday, May 20, 2012. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed with provisions for the event listed that must followed. An insurance policy naming the Town of Southold as additionally insured has been filed with this office. Please contact Chief Martin Flatley at the Police Department, as soon as possible, to coordinate traffic control. If you have any questions please contact me at the Town Clerk's office at 631-765-1800. Good Luck with your event. Sincerely, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk enc Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of January 31, 2012 RESOLUTION 2012-121 ADOPTED Item # 5.14 DOC ID: 7563 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2012-121 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 3!, 20!2: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to New York Organ Donor Network (NYODN) to hold a 35 mile North Shore Bike Tour fundraiser to begin at Osprey Dominion Winery in Peconic, ride to Orient Point and back to the winery on Sunday~ May 20, 2012 beginning at 9:00 AM, Provided: 1. They file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured 2. Contact Chief Flatley upon receipt of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control. 3. No permanent markings be placed on town, county or state roads or property for the event 4. Any road markings or signs for the event be removed within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the event. All fees shall be waived. Support is for this year only, as the Southold Town Board continues to evaluate the use of town roads. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman AYES: Ruland, Talbot, Doherty, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell Generated February 1, 2012 Page 27 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS OF MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.north fork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: Date: Chief Martin Flatley Lynda M. Rudder, Deputy Town Clerk New York Organ Donor Network January 11, 2012 Transmitted is request of the NY Organ Donor Network to hold its North Shore Bike Tour 2012. Please review this request and send me your recommendations in writing or email. Thank you. Jan. 11.2012 09:25 AM John AcqUaro 63152@6615 ~f/~~ ~~ ~' NewYork BIKE TOUR Organ Donor Netw rk Nlalr 20th, 2012 PAGE. 2/ 3 0 ,,S p i~-IL¥ ' .S DC)MtN'ICl,\, Come join us and raise awareness lot Organ donation & transDlantation on a beantiM ride down lhe scenic north l~ork of Long Island out to Orient point! C~clists gl' all levels olexperience are encouraged to ride with us and help our e~lorts to raise awareness for organ donation! For More Inlormation/llegistration Visit: http://www.aclive.com/c~dm!l/peconic-n~/north-shore-bike-tour-2012 Where: - lte~istration and starting line will be at Ospre~'a Dominion ¥inevard. When: - 5/20/12 7:30 lift rejislration begins, 9:00 tim race What - ltiders will begin with a 35 mile "out and back" Irip to Imm Osprey's Dominion Vineyard to Orient point and backl llider's may also choose to ride only the 17 5 mile out portion and receive a ride back to th.e vine~d. ~an.li.2012 09:26 A~4 John Acquaro 6315886615 PAGE. 3/ 3 LONG ISLAND STATE PARK REGION Application for Park Use Permit ...... APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED NOT LESS THAN 10 DAYS PRIOR TO USE DATE Fi~l out and moji to'. J' Par~ Use Permit, Long Island Sta~ park., I PO B~x 247, Babylon, NY 11702 Applicafion$ MUST BE accompanied by a legal-size, stamped, self-addressed envelope, NAME OF PARK 1st choice: ,~/~,4./7- ~/~ DATE REQUESTED: 1st choice:~~ REQUESTED: 2nd choice: 2nd choice: 3rd choice: 3rd choice: ........................... 1. FACILITIES REQUESTED. ~/~ ~,~ {Although eve~ effo~ will be made to honor toques;s, we cannot guarantee aveilabiliW of specific facllltie~locations.) 2. Is this a sponso~d Even~: Y~ It yes, ple~e list. ~~.._~.~ ~ (State Parks P~hibffs ~e dist~ution of F~sbee8, bum~r stickers and ce~ain s~p p~ducts) 4. Ty~ of A~NI~ (check all that apply) ..... / Wal~thons Religious Ceremonies Commercial A~ivl~ Trolley ShuEie ~-~Athietlc/Spo~ Environmenta Stud es ..... Wedding Photos ~her(please specie)* 5. NAMEOFORGANI~TION:~ ~m~ 6. NAME OF PERSON APPLYING: ~/~_~ ~ ADDRESS:_z~3~ ~/5~ ~ /~)~AYTIMEPHONE (~/~ ~ 7, PERMIT TO BE MA~LED TO:(;h~kone) organizafion__~ person In cha~e of outing 8. ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: 7 :~ AM ~ PM BEGINNING TIME OF EVENT: ~AM /,. ~M ENDING TIMES OF EVE~; AM J~ PM ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPA~URE: AM ~PM 9. A~ENDANCE: Total NO. of People/~ No. of Cars ~ No. of Buses_l_ No. of Truc~ ~ No, of Vans 10. Please a~ach full: Description of Activltles and Itlneraw ~ the Requested Day's Eve~. (U~n a~mval ~m ~ ~nage~ fees ~11 De ~te~in~d and ~pl~ will ~ notifi~) (SIGNATURE OFAPPLJCANT) (DATE) NOTE: iF YOU DO NOT RECEIVEPE~MJTSDAyS F~RIOR TO USE [DATE, CALL THE LONG ISLAND STATI~ PARK REGION PERMIT OFFICE FOR VERiFiCATION. (631-321-3515) Jan.17.2012 09:14 AM John Acquaro 6315~6615 PAGE. 1/ 1 ~ NEVk~0-1 OP ~D: A~E A¢ORD' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE =nrta,, ,m,wm AND ,,,~uuvY10NS OF SU~H pcu g~ UMIT~ IHO~M MAy. W~ IEEN AEI~JCED ~Y PNO CI. NMS. , .... C~ 1,~ ~1 ~ ~ ~, ~ ~., ~&M~i i A~N , , ~u~old Town Hall Jan.ll.2C12 09:25 AM John Acquaro 6315S86615 PAGE. 1/ 3 JOHN R. ACQUARO 2539 OCEAN AVE. RONKONKOMA N,Y, 11779 Phone Number 516-729-4651 Fax Number 631-588-663.5 Email jacquaro@aol.com Fax Transmittal Form Name: CC: Phone; Fax: Message: Number of Pages: Rudder, Lynda From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Flatley, Martin Tuesday, January 17, 2012 2:26 PM Rudder, Lynda Tomaszewski, Michelle RE: Special Permit I have no objections to this event being held, our only involvement has been to have an officer help the cyclists get out onto Rt. 25 at the start of the race for about 15 minutes, the cost is minimal. Do you need anything on paper? Martin Flatley Chief of Police Southold Town Police Department 41404 State Rt. 25 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 631-765-3115 ..... Original Message ..... From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:26 PM To: Tomaszewski, Michelle; Flatley, Martin Subject: Special Permit Please respond to this office Jan.ll.2012 10:36 AM John Acquaro 6315886615 PAGE. 1/ 2 JOHN R, ACQUARO 2539 OCEAN AVE. RONKONKOMA N,Y. '11779 Phone Number 516-729-4651 Fax Number 631-588-6615 Emall jacquaro~aol.corn Fax Transmittal Form CC: Phone: From: Date Sent: Number of Pages: Jan.ll.2012 10:36 AM John Acquaro 6315886615 PAGE. 2/ 2 My name is John ^cquaro, I'm a heart transplant recipient from Ronkor}koma, my family and I hold an annual charity bike ride on the beautiful north fork of L.I. This will be our third year doing this ride. Last year we had 450 participants from all over the tri state area. This year ware hoping to increase that number, we do this to raise awareness for the need for organ donation and to encourage people to sign the organ donor registry. In our area only '13% of our population are registered organ donors which puts us among the worst in the nation. If you need a heart transplant here you have a less than a 1% chance of surviving. There will be many people from the transplant community in attendance, This is a 35 mile out and back bike ride that starts at Osprey's Dominion in Peconic out to Orient State Park and back, Because we are supported by the town of Southold we will be inviting the tow~ supervisor. All proceeds from this bike ride will go tO the New York Organ Donor Network to support their public education program and try to increase the number of people enroll in the donor registry. 4 years ago my life was saved by the miracle of heart transplant and I do this to honor my donor and her family. Any one interested in participating can sign up on line at www. active.com keyword North Shore Bike Tour. Thank you for helping me with this very worthy cause. I have attached a copy of our flyer with all the Important info on it, you can also find it at www,donatelifeny.orq THANK YOU JOHN