HomeMy WebLinkAbout2nd Half01/20/2012 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page 1 July 01, 2011 - December 31, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share A.2770.10 AGENCY & TRUST BANK Credit Card Agency & Trust T1 FISW Fishers Island Sewer District SS2.2130,00 INTEREST interest Now Account PART B.1225,00 B.1255.00 B.1255.10 B.1560.00 B,1601.10 B,1601.20 B.2110~10 B.2590.10 Building Department Fees Certified Death Trans, House Trailer Permits Peddling Special Events Fee Studies, Reports & Misc Maps FI Mooring Permit returned check 1 -60.00 Sub-Total: -$60.00 Unclassified 1 35.06 Sub-Total: $35.06 Tree Book - Retail 7 55.99 Tree Book - Retail 1 8.29 Sub-Total: $64.28 credit for deposit slips 1 -16.00 Sub-Total: -$16.00 4/29/11 credit card fee 1 -29.05 7/1/11 credit 1 -66.45 7/22/11 credit card fee 1 -62.95 7/29/11 credit card fee 1 -61.40 7/2912011 credit card fees 1 -57.48 7/8/11 credit 1 -102.95 7/8/11 credit card 1 -9,95 8/12/11 credit card fee 1 -67.43 8/19/11 credit card fee 1 -72.11 8/26/11 credit card fee 1 -80.25 8/5/11 credit card fee 2 -92.28 9/2/11 credit card fee 2 -72.25 9/9/11 credit card fee 1 -75,37 Sewer District Sewer District Interest NOW Account Sub-Total: -$849.92 31 12,337.50 19 6,300.00 Sub-Total: $18,637.50 6 65,39 Sub-Totah $65.39 Permits 2 30.00 Yard Sale Permits 11 165.00 Yard Sale Permits 19 285.00 Study Cd 1 1.00 Building Permit Fees 28 123,128,85 Birth Trans. 5 50.00 Death Trans. 402 4,020.00 Public Events 2 150.00 ZBA Application Fees 20 18,000.00 House Trailer Permit 6 600.00 Application Fees 31 140,838.10 Death Trans. 384 3,810.00 Death Trans, - Genealogical 3 33.00 House Trailer Permit 15 1,500,00 Permit - Year 2 400.00 Event Fee 2 200.00 Study Cd 5 5.00 0'1/20/2012 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page 2 July 01, 2011 - December 31, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share PT-HIGHWAY SR.2650.10 Yard Sale Permits 302 4,530.00 Zoning Board Application Fees 34 21,250.00 Sub-Total: $318,995,95 DB.2590.00 Excavation Permits 12 2,020.00 Highway Excavation Permits 13 2,220.00 8/!0/! ! credit cash Deposit Correction should be 24.95 1 Sub-Total: Sub-Total: $4,240.00 ! -! ! .25 -55.00 -$66.25 6/30/11 free 7/1/11 free 7/10111 free 7/11/11 free 7/12/11 free 7/13/11 free 7/14/11 free 7/15/11 free 7/16/11 free 7/17/11 free 7/18/11 free 7/19/11 free 7/2/11 free 7/21/11 free 7/23/11 free 7/24/11 free 7/25/11 free 7/27/11 free 7/28/11 free 7/29/11 free 7/3/11 free 7/30/11 free 7/31/11 free 7/5/11 free 7/6/11 free 7/7/11 free 7/8/11 free 7/9/11 free 8/1/11 free 8/11/11 free 8/13/11 free 8/18/11 free 8/2/11 free 8/20/11 free 8/3/11 free 8/4/11 free 8/5/11 free -15.00 -30.00 -58.75 -22.50 -I5.00 -28.75 -15.00 -37.50 -15.00 -13.75 -7.50 -7.50 -30.00 -7.50 -22.50 -15.00 -22.50 -7.50 -7.50 -7.50 -15.00 -22.50 -6.25 -22.50 -22.50 -22.50 -22.50 -7.50 -22.50 -7.50 -15.00 -7.50 -7.50 -30,00 -7150 -7.50 -15.00 01120/2012 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page 3 July 01, 2011 - December 31, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a tull and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by [aw. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share SV~vlD 8/6/11 free 1 -6.25 8/8/11 free 1 -15.00 credit 7/13/11 1 -188.50 Sub-Total: -$857.25 sr.2130.00 overpay tipping 1 -10,306.56 SR.2130.10 3 -47.14 SR.2590.20 Commemial 1 -120.00 Solid Waste Management Tipping Fee Deposit 76 380,606.41 District Tipping Interest 68 31701.06 SR.2130.00 Payments of Account 20 74,886.43 Tipping Fee Deposit 39 217,720.30 Tipping Interest 21 1,212.45 SR.2130.10 C G - Commercial 55 17,064.88 G R - Grass 80 1,448.20 T Tires 54 1,912.00 SR.2130.20 G R B - Grass Bagged 1 32.50 Propane Tanks - Used 72 144.00 R Rubbish 179 77,881.70 Refrigerants (appl) 215 4,300.00 SR.2130.30 C- C D Community C & D 4 21.00 C Construction/demolition 179 62,754.00 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 56 2,238.60 Cc&d Clean Lumber 7 49.20 SR.2130.40 Bags - On Account 69 217,743.53 Bags - Retail- Large 807 1,815.75 Bags - Retail- Medium 1220 1,830.00 Bags - Retail - Small 420 315.00 Bags - Vending Machine 230 42,723.27 Bags - Wholesale - Large 8 1,603.84 Bags - VVholesale - Medium 2 675.00 SR.2130.50 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) 36 1,080.00 CS60 (Comm Contract $60) 1 60.00 SR.2130.60 Residential Single Entry 12 3,000.00 Resse (resid. Single Entry) 924 4,610.00 SR.2130.70 Br- Brush 109 22,759.70 L A Landclearing 3 157.20 SR.2130.90 Bags - Leaf 275 129.25 Bags - VVholesale Leaf 6122 2,943.29 SR.2401.00 Interest Payments on Account 13 530.34 SR.2590.10 2 year - 2011 318 9,534.00 2 year - 2011 Add'l 37 555.00 2010 2 Year 1 30.00 2010 Add'l 2 Year 63 945.00 2012 - 2 year 865 25,950.00 2012 - Add'l 2 year 193 2,895.00 Disposal Permit - Guest 22 550.00 01/20/2012 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page July 01, 2011 - December 31, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. 4 Accountf¢ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share WHOLE Disposal Permit - Lessee 17 425.00 Disposal Permit- Non Resident 1 50.00 Disposal Permit- Replace 241 0.00 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 19 0.00 SR.2590.20 2010-11 Additional Permit 9 270.00 2011-12 Add'l Permit 12 360.00 2011-12 First Permit 10 1,200~00 2012 Carter Additional 10 600.00 SR.2650.00 Sale Of Recyclables 37 79,199.69 SR.2650.10 Delivery 5 3,075.00 F Free Mulch 39 -356.75 Mixed Leaf Mulch Out 1 79.20 O M M Outgoing Mixed 2 40.80 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 218 35,434.27 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 260 34,089.53 UWC (Unscreened Wood Chips) 1 33.75 SR.8160.4.500,500 Credit Card Fee 14 -399.11 SR8160.4.500.500 Credit Card Fee 6 -209.20 2006 Fines A.1255.10 A.1255.20 A.1255.30 A.1269.10 A.1410.4.100.100 A.1670.4.600.400 A.2116.10 A.2116.20 A,2540.10 A.2544.10 Sub-Totah $1,332,664.38 CC Settlement not balanced 1 40.35 Counterfeit Bill 1 -20.00 Deposit Correction 1 7.20 Deposit Slip Reversal 1 16.00 2006 Fines 1 100.00 Marriage License 29 507.50 Marriage Trans. 26 260.00 CD copy 1 f1.84 Photocopies 464 811.75 Check Charge 4 80.00 "Houses" Hard Cover- Retail 4 36.84 "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 4 18.40 Landmark Register 3 6.44 Bank Fees 1 85.98 Postage 1 0.44 Initial 28 700.00 Renewals 2010 6 60.00 Renewals 2011 194 1,940,00 Renewals 2012 21 210.00 2009 Fines 1 100.00 2011 Fines 87 8,700.00 Bingo Proceeds 6 31.65 Female, Spayed 185 1,850.00 Female, Unspayed 8 120.00 Male, Neutered 155 1,550.00 Male, Unneutered 22 330.00 Replacement Tags 4 12.00 01/20/20'12 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page 5 July 01, 20'1'1 - December 31, 20'1'1 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certi~ that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share A,2544.20 Dog Redemption - 2nd 3 60.00 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 1 30.00 A.2590.10 Commercial 31 1,550.00 Free - Non-Commer. 103 0.00 Non-resident 1 50.00 Replacement 6 0.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 98 490.00 A,2590.20 Guest 4 120.00 Lessee 1 30.00 Replacement Sticker 12 0.00 Resident 699 4,182.00 Voided Sticker 8 0.00 A.2590.30 A.2590.30 14 27.72 A.2590.60 Landowner Fees 37 37.00 A.2650 Used Equipment - VVhole Town 1 2,385.74 A2544.20 Dog Redemption - 1st 1 10.00 A2590.20 Non-Resident Seasonal 2 300.00 Alarm Fees 2009 Renewals 3 30.00 2010 Fines 2 200.00 2011 Fines 85 8,500.00 Initial 53 1,325.00 Renewals 2010 31 310.00 Renewals 2011 469 4,890.00 Renewals 2012 2 20.00 B.2655.00 Zoning Map - Large 1 40.00 Bank Fees Bank Fees 2 16.70 Beach Permits Beach AttendantJlifeguards 7 0,00 Beach Daily 668 16,660.00 Guest 285 8,550.00 Lessee 188 5,640.00 Motel 40 800.00 Non-Resident Seasonal 34 5,100.00 Replacement Sticker 108 0.00 Resident 2188 13,128.00 Sticker Missing 2 0.00 Voided Sticker 41 0.00 Bell Jar License Bell Jar License 1 10.00 Bingo License Bingo Licenses 49 367.50 Bingo proceeds Bingo Proceeds 14 105.65 Certified Marriage Trans. Marriage Trans. 30 280.00 Marriage Trans, - Genealogical 2 22.00 Conservation (DECALS) Conservation (DECALS) 73 585.02 Court Filing Fee Reimbursement 1 15.00 Dog Adoptions Dog Adoptions 6 60.00 Dog Redemption - 1st Dog Redemption - 1st 21 210.00 Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemption - 2nd 3 60.00 Dog Redemptions - 3+ Dog Redemptions - 3+ 1 35.00 0t/20/2012 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page 6 July 01,201'1 - December 3'1, 20'11 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of aH fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share VWVDD Domestic Partnership Domestic Partnership 2 20.00 Euthanasia Euthanasia 2 0.00 Filming Application Fee- Non-Refund 1 100.00 Beach Permits 4 40.00 Daily Filming Permit 1 100.00 Fireworks Fireworks 1 100.00 Fishers Island Mooring Permits Fishers Island Mooring Permits 3 9,140.00 "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 8 31.60 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 6 6.60 Landmark Register 4 24.44 Posters 1 2.30 Landowner Southold Deer Management 70 680.00 Southold Deer Nuisance Permit 6 0.00 Void 2 0.00 Marriage License Marriage License 57 997.50 Ordinance Fees Zoning Map - Large 3 120,00 Photocopies Photocopies 320 650.68 Postage Postage 3 1.88 Returned Check Charge 2 40.00 She[irish Commercial 3 150,00 Free - Non-Commer. 136 0.00 Non-resident 23 1,150.00 Replacement 9 0.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 338 1,690.00 Voided 6 0.00 Special Events Remuneration Fee 2 886.46 Vending Machine Laminating 1 2.50 SS1.2130.00 Wastewater Disposal Distric[ Sub-Total: Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. 2 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. 37 Septic Permit - Construct. Non-resid. 3 Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. 1 $109,677.52 20.00 370.00 75.00 10.00 Sub-Total: $475,00 01/20/2012 Town Clerk Monthly Report Semi-Annual Report Page 7 July 01, 2011 - December 3'1, 20tl To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all foos and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Nevillo, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: $1,783,005.66 Total Local Shares Remitted: Agency & Trust, Sales Tax ......................................................... 0.45 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax .............................................................. 11.92 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) ............................................................. 10.35 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Tree Book) ............................................................... 4.85 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax ................................................................. 0.20 NYS Environmental Conservation .................................................. 11,418.26 NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License ............................ 1,935.00 State Share Of Bell Jar License .................................... 15.00 State Share Qf Bingo Licenses .................................................... 551.25 T1 - Sales Tax ....................................................... 7.98 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $1,797,390.92 Total Non-Local Revenues: $14,385.26 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. S6'bthold Town Supervisor r~,~Southold Date