HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/2012JAMES C. McMAHON Chairman Telephone (631) 765-1283 Ext. 235 Fax (631) 765-9015 Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES January 24, 2012 6:30 P.M. Town Hall, Conference Room A meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee was held Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at the Town Hall, Meeting Room, Main Road, Southold. Present were: James McMahon, Chairman Philip Beltz, Deputy Supervisor Councilman Christopher Talbot, Member Vincent Orlando, Guest John Betsch, Member Nicholas Deegan, Member Carlos Gonzalez, Member Jeff Standish, Member Ed Gato, Guest Nancy Foote, Secretary Call to order Chairman Jim McMahon called the meeting to order at 6:33 P.M. Discussion I. Line of Duty Death Memorial Councilman Christopher Talbot presented to the committee a proposal submitted by Southold Fire Department for a memorial for local fire fighters who died in the line of duty. The committee reviewed sketches for memorial to surround existing 9/11 memorial at Cochran Park. Packet contained drawings and sectional views for plaza with benches, planting area, brick columns and wall. 9/11 Memorial was donated to the Town by James Miller and is now property of Southold Town. Discussion followed for color of pavers or stamped concrete that would foot the area. Nick Deegan wanted to know if bathrooms could be installed at the park but was informed that there is no water hookup. Also discussed was possible concrete walls vs. brick for cost reasons, with Town approval. Board wants Park and Recreation committee's feedback. The committee believes this project would be a beautiful addition to the 9/11 memorial and supports the idea. II. Shared Field and Facility Use - Philip Beltz reported to the committee the outcome of the fall meeting with local schools and park district. The meeting brought about the idea to have schools, park districts and the Town to inventory their fields and venues so they all could be looked at for future use. The program would be for fields and building use. It's a program that can benefit all residents. Philip thought the committee could support these goals and take on the project. He does not want to see the idea lose momentum. Jeff' Standish, who attended the fall meeting, believed that not all schools were on board. Nick Deegan informed the committee that Mattituck Park District would be willing to share a 90' baseball field. Jeff Standish thought this would be a plus since Cochran Park is the only 90' in the Town. Travel teams use the 90' fields. Park districts have policies in place that refuses field use if not enough players are local residents (at least 40%). Town doesn't charge residents unless the program is for profit. John Betsch questioned the committee on why other players would be playing on their fields if the district residents pay for these parks themselves. Jeff Standish pointed out that Founders Landing is a building owned by the Southold Park District that does not require that 40% attendees be residents. Chris Talbot commented that he thought the Mattituck Park District gave back a lot with the Bay Ave field. Nick informed the committee that the agreement with the school for this field expired in 2003 and was never renewed. Regardless of setbacks Philip would like to see the program proceed and see how much can be shared to benefit everyone. John Betsch added that he thought accountability needed to be monitored. Chris thought no more than 4 "out oftowners" would be appropriate. Jeff Standish commented that there are no fields at Town Parks available. Town presently has soccer, lacrosse and baseball. Nick said the park district has the 75' ball field at the yacht club but Little League would like to turn it into a 65' field. Jim McMahon suggests that Ken Reeve should touch base with area schools and Park Districts. III. Peconic Community Center - Jim McMahon reported that the renovation of the 4th room at the PCC is underway. In roughly a week a lot of work has been done. Discussion followed on whether to install a rail at the entrance. Jim believes the elder visitors look for a rail for guidance and stability. Chris Talbot thought it was a good idea and Jim suggested installing one on the ramp side of the building. Jim reported that the ramp and landing money was totally recaptured in the grant money. He also discussed installation of ceiling fans to draw down the heat. Philip Beltz commented that it can be cold in the building. Jim explained that Tim Abrams is also installing a new light and this work should be done by mid February. Ken Reeves sent January's calendar for PCC. Building is being used almost daily. Town is getting positive feedback on the building. Philip would like to see connectivity of the Recreation Center and the PCC, making it a campus. Jim reported that the fence between the two buildings is now down and he would speak to Jeff Standish about installing plantings and a walkway. IV. Strawberry Festival 2012 Jim McMahon reported to the Committee that the Lion's Club, who holds the annual Strawberry Festival at Strawberry Fields has contracted a new vendor to host this year's affair. The concern with the new vendor is that they are an out of region outfit that will come and set up housing and such for employees on the carnival site. Their plan is to also include additional larger rides and the committee's concern is for the wear and tear on the grass and fields. John Betsch reminded the committee that the Town deals with the Lion's and the Lion's deal with the vendor. He also stated that the Town issues the permit and should be asking a lot of questions. Jim posed the question to the committee as to how big does the Town want this festival get? At what point does the Town step in? Philip Beltz suggested referring to Town Code for guidance. Chris Talbot wanted to know if there was a site plan in use for this purpose. Jim responded that Peter Harris gets one where parking is going to be with overflow parking onto Field B. Chris suggests the Town should see how this year goes and it's too much for the ground and community to handle, approach the Lion's Club about it for 2013, also compare site plans year to year. Nick Deegan added that parking will be 2 compromised if there are a lot of trailers parked. Vinnie Orlando reminded the committee that Lion's will "ante up" where needed. Jim agreed and told the committee that the Lion's Club donated money for improvements to the football field. The field was overseeded and fertilized. It looks great. V. McCabes Beach Jim reported to the committee that the new guardrail has been installed. John Betsch asked if the beach would be replenished and ifa replanting would take place. He offered to help out. Jim suggested the planting would be a great Boy Scout project. Goldsmiths needs replanting attention as well. VI. Roller Park In regard to payment of resurfhcing work done at the Roller Rink, Chris Talbot suggested that the vendor sign a contract for 5 years to make any repairs that need to be made since the work began to bubble soon after installation. Jim suggested a Memorandum of Understanding. VII. Bittner- Jim informed the committee that Suffolk County chipped in for the second half of grass planting and did the installation work. At Goldsmiths the excavator pushed the cistern into the 6' hole but it has since reappeared, totally exposed again. The area had already been dredged and material was dumped there as well as at the Bittner blufl~ Jim believes the high tide exposed the cistern. VIII. Beach Renourishment Scott Hilary at the Suffolk County DPW was sent a copy of the resolution for beach renourishment at Klipp Park. Dave Burger is our liaison with Suffolk County. Bob Ghosio will be emailing the Supervisor to contact the head of SCDPW. The email will be sent to Ed Romaine as well. Klipp Park is getting shorter and shorter. The Town would like to see a nourishment project done at Klipp similar to the one done at Meschutt Beach in Southampton Town. IX. Dog Park Usage at the new improved Dog Park is up. The size of the park has been doubled. The worthwhile investment has had many compliments and a local company donated 5 large trees which have been installed. X. Laurel Lake Grant for Laurel Lake project was in the amount of $97,500. The Town spent $65,000. Tracey from State Park adjusted the budget so that we can voucher for and get back the difference of $35,000. Laura Klahre is currently working on the Bittner project but her next focus will be Laurel Lake and redefining the trails. There is 17 miles of trails that could be refurbished and with an easement it can easily ring the lake. Chris Talbot suggesting using the $35,000 for the pavilion. Jim suggested the need for a use plan and thought possibly Laura could put one together. Vinnie Orlando would like to see barn doors put on the pavilion to finish it up and keep the birds out. Jim informed the committee that Land Preservation has met many times on this matter and he would like to see the doors put up too since the Town spent the money to salvage the building. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM. The next committee meeting was not scheduled at this time. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Foote Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee Secretary