HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-54.-4-24 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jill Doherty, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: March 21, 2011 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit for JOHN F. BETSCH SCTM#1000-54-4-24 JOHN F. BETSCH requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit for the placement of rocks, approx. 36" dia., to be embedded into the embankment along the eroded area parallel to the shoreline. Located: 2325 North Sea Dr., Southold. SCTM#54-4-24 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Water[rant Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the below listed Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided that the followinR questions listed in 4.t, D, 5a. are adequately answered: 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. D. Use hard structural erosion protection measures for control of erosion only where: 2. Vegetative approaches to controlling erosion are not effective. This section of the shoreline is subject to frequent storm surges capable of eroding the vegetated bank/beach. 3. Enhancement of natural protective features would not prove practical in providing erosion protection. See above Construction of a hard structure is the only practical design consideration and is essential to protecting the principal use. The principal use is a private residential residence (not water dependent). The purpose of the proposed structure is to dissipate tidal and wave energy during storm events to minimize erosion of the beach seaward of the structure. The proposed hard structural erosion protection measures are: a. limited to the minimum scale necessary. The proposed structure is limited in design using natural stone. However, it is recommended that the Board assess. The len.qth of the structure including the returns (as proposed the structure is not measurable). How the break shown in the structure to allow access to the beach would respond to storm sur.qe. Whether the structure will be buried or exposed? If exposed, would the structure accelerate scourin.q of the soils in the area immediately seaward of the structure? What impacts (if any) would the proposed structure have on the Town Beach to the east of the property? What impacts (if any) would the hardeninn, of the shoreline on this lot would impact the neif~hbors Property to the west? Practical vegetative methods have been included in the project design and implementation. The action incorporates ex!sting vegetation atthe top of the proposed structure. The vegetation will assist in stabilizing soils landward of the proposed structure. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney /UlT 2325 North Sea Drive Southold, New York 11971 7 March 2011 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold 54375 Route 25 PO 1179 $outhold, New York 11971 Attached is a more detailed drawing/cross section of the proposed action as noted in, and is being submitted in support of application of 14 January 2011. While it is the same construction plan as was submitted, the drawing more clearly and definitively shows dimensions, MHW, distances to the revetment, and the planned returns to be built as part of the application. This same drawing was included in, and accepted by NYSDEC for their permit. Yours truly, n,/F Betsch 7a~c~ment as noted ~Z