HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12679 P 441SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T1~e of Instrument: DEED Number of Pages: 4 Receipt N--~er : 11-0136691 'I'RANSFEP. /'AX NUMBS-R: 11-09695 District: 1001 Deed A~o~t: Re,.orded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 005.00 02.00 BXP~IINED ~ CBARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-$TATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $ $. 00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 11-09695 THIS PAGE KS A PA~T OF THR INSTR~NT THIS IS NO~ A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/15/2011 10:05:27 AM D00012679 441 Lot: 002.000 $20.00 915.o0 $125.00 90.00 930.00 90.00 9230.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Number of pag~ ..7_ This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. RECO,~ED 2011 D,c 15 10:05:27 gM JUDITH ~, P/~RLE CLERK OF SU~OLK COU~? L ~000~267~ P DT~ 1 Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp [ Recording / Filing Stamps Page I Filing Fee ~ __ Handling Notation EA-$2 I? (County) EA-5217 (State) ['~ __ Comm, of Ed. 5. 00 e/c~,ir~d Copy.. 4[Di~ I ! i _ 11027107 lool oosoo o:~oo 002000 Real Pmi /'~P T 5',"~ Considerat/on ~o~t $ Agem ~P ~ Due $ __ %fifica 6 I ~fid~ions~i~h~e~le~s List ~ Ow~ M~ng Ad. ss I ~CO~ & ~T~ ~: V~mt ~d I M~l to: JudRh A. P~cae, $u~olk Goun~ Cle~ [ 71 Title Com~n~ ~orm~on ] ~0 ~mer Dnve, Ri~mead, NY 11901 I co.~ I ~.suffolk~un~ny.gov/c~ I S olk Couat R ordin & 'Endorsement Page ~is p~e f~ ~of~e a~d ~ m~ b~: (SP~ ~E OF ~S~~ s~m co~, ~ Yo~. Mortgage Amt. l. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecYAsait. Sub Total Spec. tAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX  D ual Town __ Dual County Held for Appoimrnen/~_~ .' Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two _ ~ family dwelling only. Sub Total ~ ................. YF3__ or NO appropriate tax CONS~T ~UR ~ BEF0~ ~GN~G THiS ]N~RUM~--~ ]N~UM~T S~OULD BE US~ BY ~G~ ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, made ~e ~ ~ay of D~c~mbet, in the year 20] I BE~EEN T~OMAg ~AMO~TO, ~stdieg at 4 Valley Ro~, ~ymse~ NY I 1791 p~ of the fl~t ~, ~d JUDITH SON~O~TO, residing al 4 Vall~ Roa~, S~osset, NY I ~ 791 ~ oft~ ~ond p~ WITN~SETH, ~at ~ p~ of~e fi~ ~, in c~sid~o~ of ~d by ~e ~ of the ~cond p~, does h~ ~t ~d mle~e ~1o the ~ of ~e second p~ ~e hein or suc~sso~ ~d ~si~s of~hc ~ of~e ~con~ ~ fomv~, A~ I~ ~in plol, piece or ~mel of I~, ~h ~e ~ildin~ ~d im~ th~ c~d, strafe. I~ng ~d being in ~ S~ R~chod Sch~le A Said Prgmises also being known as 145 Central Avenue, Gre~npart, NY ] 1944 Being intemied to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed dated 8/26/10 and r~corded 11/9/1! in Libor D00012fi36, PAGE 769 TOGETHER with all right, title and imemst, if any, of the party of the firs! part tn and to any mots ~ roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and righ~ of the party of tho first pan in and 1o said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises heroin granted unto the ~ of the second part, the heirs or successon and assigns of the pony of the second part forever. AND thc party oflhe firsl part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises bare been eecumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 12. of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first p~r~ will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to wceive such con$identtion ~s a ~rust fund 1o be applied first fe~ the purpose of paying thc cost of the improvement and will apply ~ same first Io thc payment of the cos~ of the improvement before using any pan of fl-,e toutl of thc same for any o~her pu~nsc. Thc word "p~' shall be construed as if it mad "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so n:quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly ex~~t~en' IN PRETENCE OF: ~t~w C~'_~..2_ ._~ . ~ · · · ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAICgN I/~ NEW YORK STATE State of Ncw.~.rk, Counly ofSUFFOLIC, s~: On de ] ~ day of I~ccmber [11 the ye~ 201 I, before n~, thc undemigned, pemooa]ly appeared THOMAS INNAMORATO · personally known to mc or prowd tv me o~ the basis of safisfac'~ry cvldmcc m ~c individu~(s) who~ ~s} is (~) su~ ~ ~ wi~in ingmmem ~d ac~owl~ to me ~ h~ e~ ~c ~e in hi~rl~ir ~il~i~), ~ tha~ by ~on ~n ~h~fofw~icb thc indivi~a~s) a~cd, ~d ~ ~ d. ~MORE Ho. 45~3~- Suffolk ACKNO'WI, EDGEMI~NT BY StlB$CRIBING WITNFBS TAKEN IN N~"W YORK STAT~ State of New Yo~k, County of , ~: On the day of in the year , befor~ mc, th,, uadcrsiF, n~l, a Nolary Public in and for said Stere, personally ~d , thc subscribir~, ~vimess TO the foregoing instrument, whh whom I am persen~lly acqu~nted, w~o, being by mc duly sworn, did depas~ end say tim/hdshc/they reside(s) in t~at he/s~e/thoy know(s) to be Ibc indivMua] de~,cribed in end who c×cc-t~d ~ foregoing instrument; that saki subscribing witne~ was present and saw said execute thc same and th= said w~tnes$ at the same time subscrihed his/her/their aameCs) as a witness thereto ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York, Co~mty e f SUFFOLK. On t~ day et' in thc yea~ 201 t, before me, thc undexsig~ed, personally appeared · perSOnally known to mc or proved to mc on l~c basis of' satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose n~=(s) is {are) subscn'bcd [o tM: withi~ insttu=nenl: and ac]utow[edged TO mc thst he/she/they c~ccuted the same tn hirJhcr/Thoi~' capacity(les), and th~ by his/herltteir signaturE(s) ce the instrument, thc individual(s), or thc person -,pon beha. lf et-which the individunl(~) insb-umcnL ACKNOWLEDG EM ENT TA KEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *State of , Cotmtyof , ss: *(Or insc~t District of Columbia, TerrJlory, Possession or Foreign County) O~ tl~ da~ of in the year , brgor~ me undersigned personally appeared the Pcrsonatly known to mc or proved to mc on 1~¢ basis of zaUst'ectory =vMenee Io bc thc individuai(a} w~ose name[s) is (ate) subscribed TO within insmunent and acYatowlcd~cd to =nc that he/she/they ~,ecuted the same in hls/]terttheir capacity(its), that by his/her/~heir sig;natun~($) on the insb'um~L, the individual(s) or thc ~rmn upon behalf of which individual(s) acted, executed thc instrument, and that sacb individual ma.kg such appearance before thc undersigned in the (add the ci~ or political suMivisien and lfl¢ slate or counby Dr other place thc nckaowledgcmenl was taken), Title No. Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants ININAMORATO TO $ONI~.-INNAMORATO DISTRIBUTED BY YOUIt T~TLE EXPERTS The Judicial Trtle Insurance Agency LLC 800-2BI-TITLE (8488} FAX: 800-FAX-9396 SECTION: BLOCK: LOT: 002000 COUNTY OR TOWN: Suffolk RETURN BY MAIL TO: DENNIS CYDOHERTY JRt, ATTORNEY AT L~W 25 CANDEE AVENUE SAYVILLE, NEW YORK LI7~2 SCHEDULE A (Description) AIl~rminplot, pi~corpar~eloffland, situate, lyin§~dbeing i~ the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Central Avenue distant 400.83 feet easterly from the intersection of the southerly side of Central Avenue with the easterly side of Carpenter Street said point also being the northeasterly corner of the land now or formerly of Boken; and RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Central Avenue north 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds east 47.50 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Fey; % RUNNING .THENCE along said Land south 14 d~grees 42 minutes 30 seconds eas~ i23.1Z feet to a point and land. now or formerly of Marshall; RUNNING THENCE along said land and land now or formerly of Marell south 75 degrees 39 minutes 00 se~conds west 47.20 feet to land now or formerly of Boken; RUNNING THENCE along said land north 14 degcees 50 minutes 40 seconds west 123.19 feet to the southerly side of Central Avenue at the high point or place of B£GIN~ING. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY ~ WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCT'IONS: http:#www.orpt~'~.ny.u~ m PHONE (51B) 474-645~ F~ COU. TY U.E O.,Y Cl. ~ C,~ ~ ~,--/ ,3 ,~, 6, { I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT =__..__, I ~,~,'~, ~ I , ~t,I I, ..._ PROP~RI'Y INFORMAliON I Nllll Q,mek 1Ii Immm. [mMm~ m tl~4' ml~l{~. L OwMt~lp ~ Im Cmmdm, l.14.m [] & },~ Cmu. v~m mt Vmmt Umd [] lt~' I~ U3~fmd ~MiRi" Jn -46'~"IM~J DIm~ [] thl I~M p['~lMdy In Ir1 m Ag14=dumt [Yu'di=t 1L Brim d 1Mm ! Trnmhr t I / t i'2J)~/ l~l ~A T~( Idlp idlllltd t M W [J lm k~ blk WlCh M l~ MW BUYER'S Al'l'Ol~lt~ I NEW YORK STATE COPY