HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/201211 January 20i2 Dave Lowry NYS Archives Tips for Writing a Successful LGRMIF Grant Welcome Our webinar starts at 10 AM · Set up your sound TOOLS AUDIO AUDIO SETUP WIZARD · Type in the chat box to send questions to the moderators or the padicipants · Webinar recording will begin at 10 Welcome Discuss application guidelines Pending Final Approval as of 11 January 2012 Review major changes Explain the application process Give tips for writing a winning application Today We Will... Feb 2012 Application Deadline · 25 June 2012 Scheduled notification of awards e/July 2012 Earliest date to start your project t 1June 2013 All budget a~endmentsdue e',,,,3,,_0 June 2013 End all work .......... Final reports due Important Dates e 31 JuLy 2013.. Individual Up to $75,000 Coo~ve Up to $100,000 Shared Services Up to Priority for funding Types of Grants Designated Shared Services grants a high priority ~:ltellum2.n' 'it,edulrecordin Eliminated limi Shared Sen/ices grants Added requirement that GIS applications include letter of cooperation from the respective county Eliminated requirement to submit three quotes If you demonstrate a vendor has been chosen using your ~,~, government's standard procurement procedures Major Changes Water meter reading projects Voice recording systems Creation of GIS data using Global Positioning System (GPS) units Business Process Analyses (BPAs) Any software application that does not manage records as its primary purpose Some Ineligible Projects Worth 75% of overall score Project Narrative Four parts ~, Statement of the problem (20 pts) ~. Intended results (15 pts) ~, Plan of ~v. Local Government support (10 pts) Only mt;lude i'he infOrniatiOr~ d~ked fD~ m fl~s sect ou Records N~'~ment (~,*,~r ~rn I0 ~arrative Section Disaster Management Inactive Records Historical Records Files Management Document Conversion and Access Geographic Information System~ ~~s Systems Project Categories Records Focus Adherence to Archives' Standards and Guidelines Increased Capacity Intent and Ability to Maintain Supporting Documentation General Category Requirements How will the project improve the management of records and information? Examples Address retention and disposition Base costs on records Address specific records issues Projects that merely ~mprove a business process eligible Records Focus What State Archives' standards and guidelines did you use to plan your project? Examples standards for digital images and microfilm guidelines provided in workshops and publications advice from State Archives staff 2. Adherence to Guidelines and Standards How will you develop or enhance the capacity of a RM program or system? LGRMIF funds do not support ongoing operational costs pay for records that have accumulated since the completion of a previously funded project pay for software and hardware upgrades cover payroll not directly associated with grant project redo a project funded under a previous grant 3. Increased Capacity How will you maintain project results and support records management when grant ends? Some examples provide ongoing staff trainin develop policies and procedures apply system-enforced business rules & audi*` *,rails 4. Intent and Ability to Maintain Submit documentation required by the specific project category Excel (.xls), PgE, ]PEG, BMP, or PNG 5. Supporting Documentation needs assessments floor plans and shelving layouts conservation treatment proposals Vendor Quote Form and detailed quotes Word Examples 20 points Describe the specific records problem (10 pts) Identify the records, departments involved, and previous related projects (5 pts) Explain why grant funding is essential (5 pts) I. Statement of the Problem Not so good The District currently has a problem with its student cumulative files. The files are overflowing and are a mess. Even./ time we receive a request for information from a file it takes a long time to locate it. Statement of the Problem Example I Much Better The. District currently store~ 620 ~~t of cumulaWe student records datih~-4¢eb'i,~959 t'e, the present and has run out of storage room~ records have never been culled and the files are so large it's difficult to pinp. oint the needed information. The .reco~ ar~orly ~ndexed and the District rece~vesL, tl:)'to ~2 j~equests eve~k for information from these flles."E takes a cleriC,45 rnlinutes to an hour to locate the dat.a requeste.d., thu'~,w~sting a large amount of staff t~me. Sometimes a recordcannot be located at all. Statement of the Problem Example 2 points Identify each intended result and the anticipated benefits (5 pts) Describe how the project will address the records problem (5 pts) Describe in detail how the project will improve local government services to the ~..,~_,p. ublic (5 points) II. Intended Results Statement of the Problem Intended Results Have 500 feet of unorganized records Many records have~ passed their retention period Takes one hour to a record Records are stored haphazardly in multiple locate Inventoried 500 cubic feet of records Approximately 240 cubic feet of obsolete records will be destroyed Will take i0 minutes to locate a record Records will be stored centrally and organized on 18-gauge steel shelving Intended Results Example points idea detailed outline and timeline of wo~ activities (15 pts) Address each of the General Category Requirements and the requirements of the specific project category and type (10 pts) Explain who will perform each project activity and k,,,,~list their qualifications (5 pts) III. Plan of Work Task D u raft o n Res ponsible Party Review and Two Weeks Project Director update scope of work Complete One Week Project Director Purchase Orders Assemble Two Weeks Project Team Reference Materials Plan of Work: Timeline Records Management Focus The project proposed for this grant is solely focused on improving RM for our agency. The overriding goal is to replace the existing DEP RRS in its entirety... Increased Capacitv The RM program at DEP is still growing. The new RRS will form the cornerstone of the program and will enable the program to greatly increase its capacity. Currently the P,M program is largely confined to storing records rather than truly managing records... Plan of Work: Category Requirements Examples Bad: "The town will follow all State Archives imaging standards." Good: "The town will follow all State Archives' imaging standards. All records will be scanned at 200 dp~ and a master copy saved as a Group IV uncompressed TIFF image..." Plan of Work State Archives' Standards 10 points Demonstrate contributions to this project (5 pts) Additional Funding, Staff Time, Allocation of Space, Purchase of Supplies Describe how this project and records management in general will be maintained (5 pts) Adopt a Records Law, Policies and Procedures, Annual Training, Support from Top Management, Funding for a ~,..,~. Maintenance Contract, Separate Budget Line for RM IV. Local Government Support Provide information where requested Address all category requirements directly For technical projects, demonstrate both RM and IT involvement Have someone else review the project narrative and budget ~,,~Make sure all parts fit together Writing Tips Nine budget codes Each code has eligible and ineligible expenses Each code has a budget table and narrative Populates Budget Summary (FS-20) Project Budget Salaries (2) Purchased Services (2) Supplies and Materials Travel Expenses Employee Benefits Minor Remodeling ~,..,~ Equipment Eligible Expenditures Budget Codes ~s~-3re~ A~rd F~rre~ Pro~:t Number, C 5~:0 - ]. - t'~i p'.-_,)a,:~ Yudget hd.~, SC SC So 25 points Justi~ all project expenditures, and demonstrate the proposed expenditures are reasonable Justifying the Project Budget Apply online Apply early Save often Write project and budget narratives offline Cut and paste text into eGrants Request electronic responses from vendors if you need help Tips for Using eGrants Read the grant application materials Familiarize yourself with eGrants Use the help menus in eGrants Read State Archives' publications Follow State Archives' standards Talk to your RAO often Asked lots of questions Tips and Reminders archgrantsC__.mail nysed.gov 8-474-6926 Grants Administration Unit Government Records Services Contact Us Don't Forget to Fill Out Your Evaluations (Check Your Inbox) Questions?