HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/2011W E B I N A R D E C E M 13 E R 1 q, 2 0 11 Dave Lowry NYS Archives Applying for an LGRMIF Shared Services Grant Public Screen Define Shared Services Explain their Advantages Provide Examples of Projects Show How to Write a Winning Application Agenda Shared services grants ~,~ Two or more local governments ~, Cooperating on a grants project To develop a ~rmanent p~ arrangement To solve a shared records management problem What is a Shared Services Grant? More money: up to $150,000 More likely to be funded: a priority Permanent solution Advantages of Shared Services Grants Network of support Economies of scale Service Provider Model Example: BOCES provides scanning and digital retrieval services for a group of school districts Shared Responsibilities Model ~ Example: Group of towns and villages share an inactive records storage facility Shared Services Project Arrangements Include many or few governments Request modest or substantial funding Include multiple types of local governments Shared Services Grants May · Be in any grant categop! Implement web-based ECM ,~ County manages and maintains system ~ Towns pay annual fee to use Use grant funds to ~ Pay for hardware, software, and training ~ Convert town records into digital images Sample Project I Implement records center software A group of small towns One town hosts Each pays a small maintenance fee Don't need to share a facility Sample Project II Town of Hamburg Saratoga County Putnam County Real-Life Examples Demonstrate Need for the project Financial & admin strative advantages Mutual benefits ~,~ Baseline information about participants Full participation and support of participants Requirements for Cooperative and Shared Services Applications Must Result in permanent, positive programmatic change Be sustainable Show all participants are committed to supporting project results Iongterm Further Requirements for a Shared Services Grant Inter-municipal agreement (IMA) Board resolutions Written policies and procedures Fee structure Dedicated staffing Ways to Demonstrate Sustainability The Nassau BOCES Enterprise Content Management for Component School Districts Writing a Winning Application: Samples from a Funded Application Focus on student records and personnel files Many resources used updating & accessing records Records often misfiled Requests for records cannot be satisfied efficiently Records take up already limited storage space Records are often damaged or lost Paper records are stored in a poor environment Writing A Winning Application: Need for the Project Implementation Costs (per district)/~,~__, ~ As an individual ~:: As a shared servi~s partner: $7,500 Annual Maintenance Costs ~ As an individual implementation: $20,500 As a shared se~ices partner: $8,500 Writing a Winning Application: Financial and administrative advantag Retrieval Per Day 15 10 Averaae Minutes 15 5 Hours Rate ~ Per Hour 3.75 $30.00 1.25 $30.00 0.83 $30.00 2.50 $30.00 Cost Cost Cost Per Day Per Month Per Year $ $22475.00 $:37.50 $825.00 $9,900.00 $25.00 $550.00 $6,600.00 $75.00 $1,650.00 $19,800.00 55 35 8.33 $30,00 $250.00 $5,500.00 Writing a Winning Application: Clear financial and administrative adv; Cost savings Better retrieval Adheren~ to ED-1 Schedule Disaster management Less pape records storage needed Avoiding health risks Writing a Winning Application: Mutual Benefits Letter of intent from each participant Interest in cooperating Advantages to their school district Intent to continue program into the future Writing a Winning Application: Full participation and support of parti~ · BOCES fee structure Existing relationships with the districts Existing fee payment mechanism Annual maintenance fee Agreement from districts to the arrangement/ Writing a Winning Application: Proving Sustainability Are a top priority for the Archives More likely to be funded Provide cost-effective, permanent solutions to records mgmt problems Summary on Shared Services Grants You should set up your egrants account now You can't apply for another application You should start now! You should keep in contact with all participants You should keep in contact with your ~,~RAO Helpful Hints and Reminders Online Survey You will receive an email with a link Link will take you to an online survey Please complete & let us know what you think What Did You Think? Please submit your questions now Questions?