HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/2011 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD MS4 COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Minutes of July 11, 2011 P~resent.- Supervisor Scott Russell, Town Councilman Vincent Odando, Town Councilman Al Krupski, Trustee John Bredemeyer, Jennifer Andaloro, ATA, Jamie Richter, Engineering Inspector, John Sepenoski, Technical Coordinator II, and Mark Terry, Principal Planner. I. Approved minutes from May 25, 2011. II. Budget Update - Jamie, John and Jennifer relayed to the Committee certain developments on the bonding issue. Firstly, the Town may not have the financial capacity to bond stormwater projects this year, in light of revenues, other priority expenses and the new 2% budget cap instituted by the State. Ad(~itionally, there were certain items in the budget, i.e_.~, materials, equipment, genetic testing that are not considered capital projects and cannot legally be bonded. However, there is presently approximately $50,000 available for stormwater projects in the budget, which can possibly fund two projects this year. However, it was again mentioned that some of these expenditures can be reimbursed through grants. Depending on whether the work is being performed in house or by outside contractors, some of the grant contract terms may need to be changed. Mark, Jamie and John will coordinate. However, a threshold issue is a determination of whether the work will be done in-house. The Committee has asked that this matter be placed on the next Town Board agenda for discussion with Pete Harris. II1. Priority Issues for 2011-2012: a. Existing Illicit Discharges: Jamie provided a form for noticing property owners that have illicit discharges, which the Committee reviewed and approved. Discovering additional illicit discharges: The Committee discussed the importance of the Police Department and the Zoning Inspector in the enforcement of this Code. The Conservation Advisory Counsel, Land Preservation Committee, Building Inspectors, Assessors, Zoning Board of Appeals, Department of Public Works, Planning Board/Department and Board of Trustees will all be crucial participants in the identification and reporting of illicit discharges. Jamie stressed the importance of training these Boards/Commissions/employees to detect illicit discharges. The Committee will send a memo to each involved