HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/2011 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MS4 COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Minutes of April t 9, 2011 Present: Supervisor Scott A. Russell, Councilman Albert Krupski, Jr., Councilman Vincent Orlando, Trustee John Bredemeyer, Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town Attorney, James Richter, Engineering Inspector, and John Sepenoski, Technical Coordinator I1. Excused: Mark Terry, Principal Planner. Committee Purpose/Mission and Secretarial Assistance: The purpose/mission of the Committee is to: · Monitor and evaluate the Town's compliance with the New York State Phase II Stormwater Permit (GP-0-10-002). · Coordinate Public Outreach and Technical Assistance for the Town. · Work with pertinent State and Federal agencies to obtain/share information on the Phase II permit and compliance. · Report and make recommendations to the Town Board regarding MS4 Programs and Compliance issues. Secretarial Assistance: The Town Attorney's Office (Lynne Krauza) will provide secretarial assistance to the Committee at this time. Standard Meetings Time/Date: The Committee will be meeting every other week on Wednesdays at 11:00 am in the Annex Board Room if it is available. The next meetings are scheduled for May 4, 2011 and May 25, 2011. Once the Town submits its Annual Report to the DEC, the Committee may decide to meet less frequently. Priorities and Target Dates: a. One priority is the Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP): · Ideally, this document will be presented to the Town Board at the April 26, 2011 meeting. Jen will request that the SWMPP be placed on the Town Board agenda for a Work Session discussion. · Once the Town Board is presented with the document, it can be posted on the Town's website. · Jamie will provide a copy of the MCM 4 and 5 discussions to the Committee members by Friday, April 22, and Committee members will send him comments by Monday, April 25 (if possible). If more time is needed, the Committee will then present the SWMPP at the May 10, 2011 meeting. Another priority that requires attention is the Annual Report. · The public presentation on the Annual Report will be noticed for May 10. At that time, the Town will hold a public meeting and present the Annual Report to the pubic for comment. The Town Board will adopt a notice resolution at the April 26, 2011 meeting, if required. · John and Jamie will work on a draft of the Report to present to the Committee at its next meeting on May 4, 2011. reporting requirements. Jen offered to assist in this effort, if needed. Discussion of MCMs: Regarding MCM 1, there was a concern raised about naming water bodies required by the State regulations and flexibility. The Committee agreed that naming specific water bodies would not prohibit the Town from undertaking projects on other Town water bodies that are not regulated to date. However, the Committee acknowledged that the Town would be required to address water quality issues in listed water bodies. The Committee agreed that MCMs 1, 2, 3 and 6 could be presented to the Town Board at its next meeting. Bud.qet: The Committee will inquire as to when the Stormwater Bond that was placed in the budget will be activated. The Supervisor will discuss this with John Cushman. The Committee also discussed monies that would be required to complete projects at Budds Pond (the Town will complete in-house) and Long Creek and Yennecott (may have to bid out). Finally, the Committee discussed the issue of funding for water quality testing. The modeling for this testing has already been completed in certain instances. The Committee will set up a protocol, which will include how often the testing will be performed (quarterly, biannually) and DNA testing which may be performed by Cornell. The Committee also discussed utilizing the CAC to survey activities near creeks. Water quality testing may require a baseline, i.e., a typical creek, and this should be coordinated with other East End communities that are similarly situated. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. in the Annex Board Room Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Andaloro