HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/2012 Town of Southold
Housing advisory commisSion
January 11, 2012
Present: Frederick Andrews, Beth Motschenbacher, Rona Smith, Michael Herbert, Daniel
Sarnowski, Leroy Heiliger, John ¥iteritti, Jeanne Kelley and Phillip Beltz. Excused: John Yahey.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of December 14, 2011 were approved.
Update of Resale of Cottaqes: A contract has been signed by the buyer and seller.
Comprehensive Plan-Housinq Chapter: The draft chapter was reviewed and slightly amended
by the Comprehensive Plan team. Phillip will incorporate changes and send back for team review.
Developin,q Goals and Objectives for 2012: Review and discussion of proposed goals as noted
below. To be finalized and prioritized along with developing a timeline at the next mtg.
Finalize Housing Chapter, participate in public meetings, review changes, etc
Planning and execution of housing resource forum
Continue review of resale formulas (see John Vahey note below):
· Make adjustment o{ price with re{erence to median income
o Continue advertisements and outreach strategies to increase participation of names
of households seeking housing on Housing Registry
Set 2012 income guidelines and maximum rental and sales amounts
Develop, disseminate and evaluate housing questionnaire to assess housing needs
of residents
Formalize request for CDBG funding to be utilized towards development of
affordable apartments, addressing blight, etc. in 2013
Develop and disseminate housing and human services directory
Work with Suffolk County to further partnership with Habitat for Humanity to acquire
and rehabilitate individual parcels through the 72H program
o Explore and research infrastructure improvements
· Planning Suggestions for Housing Resource Forum-Presenters and topics suggested--to
be further discussed. Southold High School was suggested venue with mid-April date.
Distribution: Boston Globe 11.20.11, NY Times 01.01.12, Newsday 01.09.12
Next Meetinq Date: February 08, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Phillip Beltz