HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12676 P 493[111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Ty~e of Instrument: DEED Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 11-0124492 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 11-07396 District: lOC0 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 126.00 03.00 $0.00 Received ~he Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 Ce=t. Copies Transfer tu $20 O0 $$ oo Ss oo Ss oo $0 oo $0 oo TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 11-07396 NO Handling NO NYS SRCHG NO EA-STATE NO Not&tion NO RPT NO Co~m. Pres Fees Paid THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE CountFCle~k, Suffolk County 11/14/2011 02:12:14 PM D00012676 493 Lot: 007. 003 $20 O0 Sis oo $125 oo $o oo Sso oo $o oo $225 oo Exempt NO NO NO NO This document will be public re;ord. Please remove ali Social Seourlty Numbers prior to recolding. [-landLin8 Notation 4 ]Dist. tDDO ~ub Total Tax Service 3LLDITH fl, P~gflkg ~E~ OF $~FFOL~ COUNTY L ~0~12676 P 49~ DT~ ~ i-0~96 6 .R~n.~ / FdlnE Sh?u.p- 15. Sub Total YES~ o~ NO~ '~ I I~ NO, s~e ~ tax clause on 11024217 lOOO :~26oo osoo oo?oo3 Mansion Tax family dwelling only, ail to. Ju~,., A. Pas~ale, Suffolk County Clerk [? 310 Center Ddve, Rlverhead, NY 11g01 Ico Na~e www. suffol kcou ntyny, gov/cle rk __' . IPa'~ ,'~ ~9~ ' Suffolk Coun Recording & Endorsement P ge This pa.sc: ~onm pan of th~ a~ch~t ,~ ~'l:~ mad~ by: (SrBcu~' ~ ON I~S~~ Thc SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Ia the TOWN of List Property Ownc~ Mailing Address -- Executors De*t-- 1~4f. vr~leal or Ccrperali~ (s&~lb Jltw] THIS INDENTURE, ma~ the .~' day of O c_-"v-. , in the year BETWEEN Marie Macri, residing at 240 Jefferson Avenue, Minoola, New York 1050 l, as ~¢¢utor of the Last Will and Testament of Agatha Meegello ~t/k/a Ida Mongello, leto of 240 Jefferson Avenue, Mineola, New York 1050 !, dee&a~ed, party 0fthe first part, and Marie Macri, mskting at 240 Jeffersoa Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 and Constance Albane~e, resi~ding at 196 New York Avenue, Smithtown, New York ! 1787, each as to an undivided (I/2) one halt* interesl, party of the s~cond part, %~.l~'r.' J~=it~'~ .01't WlTNESSETH, that the party of the first pall to whom Letters Testamentary were issued by the Surrogate's Court of the Slate of'New York for the County of Nassau on October 15, 200g,and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testanaem, and in car~ideration of ~ dollars, paid by the party of thc s~cond pan, dee~ hereby grant an~ release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns oftbe patty of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying ~d being in the See Attached Schedule A ' BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to thc grantor(s) herein by deed' dated 10/3/1990 and recorded 10/10/1991 in Liber 1135t page 348. SAID PREMISES BEING KNOWN AS AND BY 900 Wells Road, Matfimck, New York. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any street~ and roads abutting the above-described premises to the c~ter lines thereof; TOOETHER with the appurtenances, and al~o all thc estate which the said decedent had al the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the par~ of the first pan has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether inclividually, or by virtue of said will or olherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises heteln granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the pa~y of 1he first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, excepl as aforeseld. AND the par~ of the first part, in compliance with Section t3 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the tn'st pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such as attast fund to be applied firsl for the propose of paying the co~t of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cosl of the improvement before using any part of the telal of thc same for any other purpose. The word "prosy" shall be constrted as if ii re~ '~arties" whenever the sense of this indenture so r~luires. IN ~qITNESS IR~I-IEREOF~ the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed ~he day and y~ar first above written. ]/4 PRESENCE OF: ACKNOWt. EDGEMKNT TAKE.N IN NEW YORK STATE Sta~ of New York, County of ~.~-.~ ~-~a~ ',J TAKEN iN NEW YORK ~STATE State of New York, County of , ss: On Iht day of in the year before me, the midetsilped, a Notary Public in and tot' sdd State, per'anally appea~t , the subscribing wimess to thc forgoing ifl~rume~L with whom I am p~rsonally a~quain~l, who, being by r~ duly swum, did dcpos~ and say that he/~hdthey resi,~e(s) in (irthe place or~teme i~ in a city, ~ lfle slreet and ~ number ifaay, theme; that he/sbe~W know(s) to be the individua] ~'scdbcd in and who cxccutcd thc foregoing instmmenl; thai said ~ub~r]bing wimes~ was present and saw said gxCCulC thc sara~, and th~ said wimess al the same ~imc subscribed his/~er/thcir name(s) as a w~tness ~heret~ ACKNOWLEDGEME~IT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE 5tat~ of New York, County of , ss: On ~h¢ day of in ~ho year b~on: mc, thc undersigned, parsonally appr. an~ , personally known ~o mc or proved m mc on the basis of satisf=ctory evidence to be thc indivkiual(s) whose p. amc(s) is (~rc) subscribed to thc within inslmment a~d acknowledged ro me that hdshdthey ex.uteri the ~ne in his~herttlmir ~tpa~ily(ies), and that by his~hor~hck sig~alurc(s) on th~ insuun~nt, the iMividual(s), orthc person upon b~halfof which thc individual(s) ac~d, thc instmmem. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *State of ~ County of , ss: *(Or inset DL~ria of Columbia, Territory, Pessession or Forcign Com~') On The d~y of in the yat , I~fore n~ the undo/dried per&onally appeare~ P~-sonally known to me or ptovcd to mc on the basis of satbfactoty cvi6cncg ~o be the individual(s) who~ narnc(s) is (arc) subscribed ~ thc w~thin instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed dm sm~e i~ his/her/~eir capacity(les), tba~ by hts/her/t~dr signature(s) on the instrument, ~ JndIHduaJ(s) ut the pe~on upon behaJfofwhtch the indMdual(s} acted, execuled lhe ir, strum~t, ~d that such ~dividual make tach appearance before tl~ undarsigned in (~d the city or political subdivision and the state or country or other piece the ar, lmowl~dgc~nt was taken). Executor's Deed Title No. ~ ~ ~) ~ {eX> Marie Mac~ as oxccutor of tho Last Will and T=stament of Agaflm Mongello a/k/a Ida Mongello , la'ce of 240 Jefferson Avenue, Mineola, New York 10501, dece~ed, TO Marie Macri and Constance Albane~e SECIION 126 BLOCK 03 LOT 007.003 $OLrI~OLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: MARCHESE & MAYNARD, LLP ROBIN S. MAYNARD, ESQ. 47 PLANDOME ROAD MANHASSET, NEW YORK 11030 _S..__C H E D U L E A ALL thai cerlain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erec[ed, situate, lying and being in lhe Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, at Laurel, boundedand described as follows; L EGINNING at a concrete monumem on lheF. a$terly line of Wells Road, 95.{}0 feel ortherly along said F, asierly line from the Northerly end of a curve connecting said (eriy 'line of Wells Road and the Nortlterly line of Mbo Drive; RUNNING THENCE from said polo{ of'beginning, North 69 delirees 13 minutes seconds East, 1Z5.00 feet {o a concrete monnment; RUNNING THENCE Soulh 20 {l_egrees 46 minutes 50 ~eeonds East, 120,00 feet to a concrete monument on the said Northerly line of Albo Drive; RUNNING THF_,NCE Along said Northerly line, South 69 degrees 13 minnies 10 seconds West, 100.00 feel; RUNNING THENCE Northwesterly on a curve to the rIp,~t, having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 39.27 feet to said Easterly line of Wells Road; RUNNING THENCE Along said Easterly line, North Z0 degree~ 4§ minnies 50 secnnds Wes{, 95.00 feet io a concrete monument being the point of BEGINNING. FOR CCX/NTY U~ OHL.Y C1. SWIg C~le PLF.~8~ TYPE OR ~RE88 FIRMLY ~HEN WRmN8 ON FOR~ IN~I~.UCTION5 (RP~t?4NB): ~ - Taxation and Finance J I I I L. I NEVI YORK ~I'ATE