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Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Records Management Officer
Marriage Officer
December 8,2011
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ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which were adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on December 6, 2011
CONSTRUCTION" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE §52-10 Building Permit fees (Solar)
Please add this text to the Riverhead, New York Code Book.
If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecehio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm at
Ext. 260
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue ~ Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 ~ Fax (631)208-4034
Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Records Management Officer
Marriage Officer
December 8, 2011
We would appreciate your signing this letter acka~owledging receipt of this Resolution and returning it to the
Office of the Riverhead Town Clerk. (Resolution# 886 £rom Town Board Meeting 12.6.1 l)
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue ~ Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 ~ Fax (63t)208-4034
Resolution # 886
§52-10 Building permit fees (Solar)
Councilwoman Giglio offered the following resolution,
which was seconded by Councilman Dunleavy
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to
hear all interested persons to consider a local law amending Chapter 52 entitled
"Building Construction" of the Riverhead Town Code; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 15th day of November, 2011 at 7:05
o'clock p.m. at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the
date, time and place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard
were heard.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law amending Chapter 52
entitled "Building Construction" of the Riverhead Town Code be and is hereby adopted
as specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish the
attached notice of adoption once in the News Review, the official newspaper, and to
post same on the signboard at Town Hall; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of
this resolution from the electrOnic storage device, and if needed, a certified copy of
same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk.
Giglio [~Yes r-]No Gabdelsen [~Yes E]No
Wooten []Yes I--]No Dunleavy [~Yes r-]No
Waiter [~Yes
The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted
Z:Prudenti\RESOLUTIONS\I 2-6-11 Adopt Amendments to Chap.52 Building Permit Fe~-Solar
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted a local
law amending Chapter 52 entitled "Building Construction", of the Riverhead Town Code
at its regular meeting held on December 6, 2011. Be it enacted by the Town Board of
the Town of Riverhead as follows:
§52-10. Building permit fees.
F. Residential or commemial energy conservation devices.
(1) Residential or commemial energy conservation devices constructed or installed in or
upon a structure which qualify for any federal, state or local tax exemption, tax credit or
tax rebate, including, but not limited to, solar panels: a fiat fee of $150, except for the
residential fee for solar installations that meet the "Fast Track" requirements set forth
below shall be $50:
(a) An applicant shall meet the cdteria and submit the information and
documentation listed below to be eligible for the "Fast Track" reduced fee and
expedited review (14 days):
[1] The proposed solar installation shall be on a residential building or legal
accessory structure.
f21 The proposed solar installation shall be on a roof with a single layer of roof
[3] The proposed solar installation shall be flush-mounted parallel to the roof
surface and no more than 6" above the surface.
[4] The proposed solar installation shall have an 18" clearing at the roof ridge
and an 18" clearing path to the ridge.
[5] The proPOsed solar installation shall create a roof load of no more than 5
pounds per square foot for photovoltaic (PV) and 6 pounds per square foot
for residential solar hot water (RSHW).
[6] The applicant must retain services for installation by a pm-screened
contractor (See Fast Track Application Terms and Conditions).
Z:Prudenti\RESOLUTIONS\I2-6-11 Adopt A~nendments to Chap.52 Building Permit Fees-Solar
[7] The proposed device, i.e. PV panels, must have certified by a nationally-
recognized testing laboratory as meeting the requirements of the
Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Standard 1703 and inverters must be on a list
of NYS Public Service Commission type-tested inverters which are tested
by UL or other nationally-recognized laboratories to conform with UL 1741:
(See Solar Ener.qy System Fast Track Permit Application Requirements
[81 The proposed application must utilize RSHW equipment that has been
certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation under its OG-100
standard for solar collectors: (See Solar Ener~qy System Fast Track Permit
Application Requirements Checklist").
[9] To the extent the application requires or includes use of other equipment
such as modules, combiner boxes and a mounting system all equipment and
systems must be approved for public use as described in the "Solar Ener.qy
System Fast Track Permit Application Requirements Checklist" and be in
full compliance with all current National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.
[10] Applicants subject to review by Landmarks Preservation or
Architectural Review Board are not eligible for the "Fast Track" program.
(b) Applicant must submit the uniform "Solar Energy System Fast Track Permit
Application" for standard installations.
(c) Application must be complete and include a Professional Engineer or
Registered Architect certified drawing of panel location and layout.
[1] A Professional Enqineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA) - certified
drawinq (hand-drawn or better) of the solar panel location and layout on
the roof as well as an equipment location diagram and a one line
electrical diagram are required.
[2] APE or RA is required to certify the load bearinq and wind load
sufficiency of the proposed solar installation.
(d) Applicant shall submit three (3) sets of plans which include:
[1] Cover Sheet must include the following: (a) Project address, map, section,
block and lot # of the property; (b) Owner's name, address, phone number, (c)
Name, address and phone number of the person preparing the plans;
[2] Sheet index indicating each sheet title and number;
[3] Legend for symbols, abbreviations and notations used in the drawings;
Z:Pradenti\RESOLUTIONS\I 2-6-11 Adopt Amendments to Chap.52 Building Permit Fees-Solar
[4] Configuration diagrams prepared by a Professional En,qineer or Registered
Architect which are sketched (hand-drawn or better) as follows:
i. Roof Diaqram - depicting modules or collectors and racking
configuration on designated surface(s) to scale and dimensioned. The
diagram should include any 18" clearance/access required as noted in
the Fast Track Permit Requirements Checklist cdteda
ii. Equipment Location Dia,qram - indicatin,q the location(s) of the (1)
modules or collectors; (2) main electrical service; (3) inverter(s); (4) the
location of all equipment disconnects on the outside of the structure (i.e.
NC disconnect); (5) any interior equipment locations
iii One line standard electrical diagram
[51 A new property survey is not required, but if the solar energy system is
proposed for an accessory structure on the residential property, the
property owner will have to provide an existing survey and demonstrate
that the accessory structure is legal.
(e) After approval of an application for solar panel construction and/or installation,
applicant shall be required to affix a warning label on all utility meters and at any
Alternating Current (AC) disconnect switch indicating that there is an operatinq
solar electric co-,qeneration system on site.
(f) The Town must create and keep a registry by address of all residential and
commercial energy devices, including solar installations.
· Underline represents addition(s)
Dated: Riverhead, New York
December 6, 2011
Z:Prudenti\RESOLUT1ONS\12-6-11 Adopt Amendments to Chap.52 Building Permit Fees-Solar
Town of Riverhead
Local Law# ~-~n~ ~
§52-10. Building permit fees.
F. Residential or commercial energy conservation devices.
(1) Residential or commercial energy conservation devices constructed or installed in or
upon a structure which qualify for any federal, state or local tax exemption, tax credit or
tax rebate, including, but not limited to, solar panels: a flat fee of $150, except for the
residential fee for solar installations that meet the "Fast Track" requirements set forth
below shall be $50:
(a) An applicant shall meet the criteria and submit the information and
documentation listed below to be eligible for the "Fast Track" reduced fee and
expedited review (14 days):
[1] The proposed solar installation shall be on a residential building or legal
accessory structure.
[2] The proposed solar installation shall be on a roof with a single layer of roof
[3] The proposed solar installation shall be flush-mounted parallel to the roof
surface and no more than 6" above the surface.
[4] The proposed solar installation shall have an 18" clearing atthe roof ridge
and an 18' cleadng path to the ridge.
[5] The proposed solar installation shall create a roof load of no more than 5
pounds per square foot for photovoltaic (PV) and 6 pounds per square foot
for residential solar hot water (RSHW).
[6] The applicant must retain services for installation by a pre-screened
contractor (See Fast Track Application Terms and Conditions).
[7] The proposed device, i.e. PV panels, must have certified by a nationally-
recognized testing laboratory as meeting the requirements of the
Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Standard 1703 and inverters must be on a list
of NYS Public Service Commission type-tested inverters which are tested
by UL or other nationally-recegnized laboratories to conform with UL 1741:
(See Solar Energy System Fast Track Permit Application Requirements
[8] The proposed application must utilize RSHW equipment that has been
certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation under its OG-100
standard for solar collectors: (See Solar Energy System Fast Track Permit
Application Requirements Checklist'').
[9] To the extent the application requires or includes use of other equipment
such as modules, combiner boxes and a mounting system all equipment and
systems must be approved for public use as described in the "Solar Energy
System Fast Track Permit Application Requirements Checklist" and be in
full compliance with all current National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.
[10] Applicants subject to review by Landmarks Preservation or
Architectural Review Board are not eligible for the "Fast Track" program.
(b) Applicant must submit the uniform "Solar Energy System Fast Track Permit
Application" for standard installations.
(c) Application must be complete and include a Professional Engineer or
Registered Architect certified drawing of panel location and layout.
[1] A Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA) - certified
drawing (hand-drawn or better) of the solar panel location and layout on
the roof as well as an equipment location diagram and a one line
electrical diagram are required.
[2] APE or RA is required to certify the load bearing and wind load
sufficiency of the proposed solar installation.
(d) Applicant shall submit three (3) sets of plans which include:
[1] Cover Sheet must include the following: (a) Project address, map, section,
block and lot# of the property; (b) Owner's name, address, phone number, (c)
Name, address and phone number of the person preparing the plans;
[2] Sheet index indicating each sheet title and number;
[3] Legend for symbols, abbreviations and notations used in the drawings;
[4] Configuration diagrams prepared by a Professional Engineer or Registered
Amhitect which are sketched (hand-drawn or better) as follows:
i. Roof Diagram - depicting modules or collectors and racking
configuration on designated surface(s) to scale and dimensioned. The
diagram should include any 18" clearance/access required as noted in
the Fast Track Permit Requirements Checklist criteria
ii. Equipment Location Diagram - indicating the location(s) of the (1)
modules or collectors; (2) main electrical service; (3) inverter(s); (4) the
location of all equipment disconnects on the outside of the structure (i.e.
A/C disconnect); (5) any interior equipment locations
iii One line standard electrical diagram
[5] A new property survey is not required, but if the solar energy system
proposed for an accessory structure on the residential property, the
property owner will have to provide an existing survey and demonstrate
that the accessory structure is legal.
(e) After approval of an application for solar panel construction and/or installation,
applicant shall be required to affix a warning label on all utility meters and at any
Alternating Current (AC) disconnect switch indicating that there is an operating
solar electric co-generation system on site.
(f) The Town must create and keep a registry by address of all residential and
commemial energy devices, including solar installations.