HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1958 At a meeting of the Board of Coas~lssioner~ of the Flshel~ Island 6arbage and Rex~use District held on November 17~ 19%8. hAY~Oi~D Yhe foll~g ~ol~t~on was o~fer~d ~ved its adoption, seeo~ed ~ ~a~s Pi~ett, '~,I~;~ ~s b~rd by a ~solutl~ ~ereof d~ adop~d on October ~0~ I~%8 p~vided for the ~lpt ~f ~ealed bids for the Is~ Garbage a~ He~e District for a ~St sealed b~s ~ received published adverti~n~ the~for p~suant to ~w~ a~ '~]~AS zaLd bids we~ t~ a~ p~oe s~ei~ed in N~ ~EF~E ~ IT RESOLV~ ~at t~s b~r~ ~ a~ dete~ ~t the bid of Fishers lsla~ F~ I~.~ to eollee2~ re~ a~ dis~ of all of ~e gsrbage a~ rede in the Fishers Isl~ Garbage a~ Rede Distriet~ for a te~ of fi~ ~ars~ f~ Ja~ 1~ 1~ f~ the s~ of Eighteen ~a~ Seven H~ r~n~ ($18~.~) Do~a~ in accordance with t~ s~eifieatio~ ff~ of ag~emen~ and noti~ to bidders therefor~ is the l~est ~es~ib~ bider RESOLVED~ that the said b~ of the said Fishers ls~ Fa~ Ino,~ ~ and the sa~ is here~ aeeepted$ a~ B~OLVED ~at thia b~rd enter into a ~n~et with the said Fishers Is~ Fa~ I~.~ for the collection a~ dls~sal of garbage a~ ref~e in aeeo~anee wi~ ~e afo~said s~el~ea~o~ fo~ of ag~ement a~ n~tl~ to ~id~rs at the p~ ~ntia~d in said bid of the said Fishers of Ei~teen Thg~a~ Seven H~ ~n~ which contrast shall be in a ffox~a sat~sffactory to the attorney the dist~ict; that prior to the e~out~on of sa~d cont~eet~ t~e ~-,Irty-Se~n Tho~-a~ Fo~ ~m~red For~ ($~7t4~,~) Do!~ra aa security for the fai~ful ~rfo~n~ of said contraet. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a ~ote on roll call which resulted as follc~ml A~i:J~,I JA~ PIC~TT BA~Oi~ ~g~ MCC~ NO~ ~ The rezolution was thereupon duly declared adopted, ~arbage and Refu~e Distriot of the Town of $outhold in the said ~ount~ of ~uffolkt have co~pared the foregoing eopy of a resolutioz with the original resolution now on file in my orifice, whlah resolution was adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Osrbage and Refuse Distriet on the l?th day of November 19%8t and that the same is a Correct and true tran~eript of sueh original resolution and the whole thereof, I- I~0ARD OF COMMISSIOIqERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAI~D G~kRBAGE AND REFUSE DISTRICT P~SOLUTION DATED~ NOVEMBEK 17~ 19~8. J GRIFFING, SMITH, TASK£R AND LUNDBERG