HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan of Operation 1986 PLAN OF OPERATION FOR THE FISHERS ISLAND WASTEWATER FACILITIES SEPTEMBER 1986 A.Ro LOMBARDI ASSOCIATES, 25 Terrace Drive Vernon, CT 06066 203-872-2703 INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ONTENTS IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE STAFFING AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION EMERGENCY OPERATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL OPERATIONS BUDGET PAGE 2 4 5 6 7 8 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE DATE August 12, 1985 December 15, 1985 May 1986 July 1986 ACTION Start construction of Implement new sewer use Fiscal Year 1986 considerations. wastewater facilities. ordinance. pre-start-up budget and monitoring and cleaning consideration for Superintendent begins duties. Draft of Operations and Maintenance Manual completed. Draft of User Charge System completed. Schedule of testing completed. Contracts for monitoring completed. Fiscal Year 1986 budget initial operation. Brief Superintendent on responsibilities end methodology in performing their functions including emergency procedures. Operation and Maintenance Manual approved submitted. including of all Plan of operation emergency procedures. Begin as-built Complete wet equipment. Construction of completed. As-built plans Treatment facility plans. and dry testing treatment completed and approved. goes on line. facility 2 October 1986 MaF 1987 Review treatment effectiveness. efficiency and Review employee effectiveness and update training if needed. Update Operation and Maintenance Manual if needed. Complete first annual treatment Operations and Maintenance Report. system STAFFING AND TRAINING A Fishers Island Sewer District (FISD) has been established and will serve as a central body of control for the new treatment facility. A firm will be contracted to act as Superintendent. The Superintendent will represent the FISD and serve ss Chief Operator of the treatment facility. The Superintendent will be responsible for periodic maintenance of the facility as scheduled by the Operations and Maintenance Manual (0 & M Manual), end will be on call for twenty-four (24) hour emergency service. The Gada Construc- tion Co. will be hired to act as Superintendent. In order to assure adequate time for familiarization with the new facility and to adequately prepare for start-up procedures, the Superintendent will be required to be hired on or before the fifty (50%) percent completion date. TraininR will consist of a briefing of the Superintendent on the functions of each particular unit of the treatment facility. Because the Superintendent will be hired prior to completion of the project, training will include field visits to inspect the construction of each unit of the facility, paying particular attention to the control and safety features of each unit. The Superintendent should also become familiar with each section of the Plan of Operation and the 0 & M Manual. 4 ADMINISTRATION The size of the sewaRe treatment facility does not lend itself to maintainin~ a full time office or administration. Therefore, administration of the wastewater treatment facility will be per- formed by the firm actin~ as Superintendent. The duties to be performed by the administration are described in Section 2 of the 0 & M Manual. The responsibilities associated with these tasks will lie with the Gada Construction Co. and the FISD as defined in Section 1 and Section 2 of the 0 & M manual. EMERGENCY OPERATION Due to the size and type of this sewage disposal facility, the system is not expected to have major operating problems. SafeRuards such as hiRh level and low level water alarms and a standby Renerator are provided at the pump station and adjustable wier gates are provided at the septic tanks and distribution boxes. A more specific discussion of the emergency operation is presented in Section 4 of the 0 & M Manual. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The 0 & M Manual should be formulated according to schedule: a) Drafted December 15, 1985 b) Final September, 1986 c) Approved September, 1986 d) Updated based on past year's experience May, 1987 the following OPERATIONS BUDGET This facility is scheduled to be~in operation in May, 1986. The hirinR and training of personnel should begin by December, 1985. Money for this pre-operation budget and start-up budRet has been provided by the Fishers Island Development Corporation (FIDC0). FIDCO has also paid for the Town's share of the construction cost. The State of New York contributed seven and a half (7.5%) percent and a federal Rrant financed the remaininR eiRhtv-five (85%) percent of the construction cost. FIDCO will be reimbursed for its initial costs by monev collected from the system users by the ¥ISD after operation of the facility has begun. This money will be collected in the form of sewer rents imposed on the user by the FISD. In addition to coverinR the initial costs, the rent will be collected to pay for operation and maintenance costs incurred over the life of the facility, includinR administration, repairs, parts replacement, utilities, trainin~ and maintenance fees.The operating budRet should be updated annuallv to maintain adequate funding and sewer rents should be changed in an equitable fashion to the users. A detailed summary of the Total Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs is found on pa~es 10 and 11. The suRRested user charRe is found at the bottom of pare 11 8 FISHERS ISLAND WASTEWATER SYSTEM ANNUAL OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT COSTS JULY 31, 1986, (REV. SEPTEMBER 2, 1986) 1. OPERATION A. ET~CTRICAL (See computation below) = $ 850.00 B. OIL (2gph x 1/2 hr x 52 weeks + 30 hfs) x $1.75/gal. = 143.50 C. PHONE (ALARMS) $32/mo. x 12 mos. = 384.00 D. SEPTAGE PUMPING once/3 year x 30,000 gal. - 2,500 gal/.load x $200/load = 800.00 E. ANTI-FREEZE 2 gal/year x $5/gal = 10.00 F. OIL & FILTER $25/each x I/year = 25.00 G. AIR FILTER $25/each x I/year 25.00 H. CLEAN WET WELL 4 times/year x $60 240.00 I. MISCELLANEOUS = ~ 150.OO TOTAL ANNUAL OPERATION COST = $2,627.00 ELECTRICAL = is weighted to include decreasing rate structure and demand charge. DETERMINE: ELECTRICAL ENERGY COSTS GIVEN: Average daily flow = 20,000 gallons TDH = 40 feet Input per certified pump curve = 3.75 KW Eff. = 0.85 Pump Capacity = 180 gpm ELECTRICAL RATE STRUCTURE 0-12 kwhr = $4.82 12-300 kwhr = O.1517/kw 300 kwhr + = $O.1122/kwhr Demand = $10.54/mo. MONTHY COST ESTIMATE kwhr/month = 20,000 ~al/day = 111.11 min./day = 1.85 hr/day + 1 hr allowance* 180 gpm 2.85 hr/day - 0.85 eff. = 3.35 hr/day x 3.75 kw = 12.56 kwhr/day 12.56 kwhr/day x 30 day/mo. = 376.8 kwhr/mo (say 377) = $4.82 + 288 kwhr x $.1517/kwhr + 77 X $0.112/kwhr = $4.82 + $43.69 + $8.62 + $10.54 = $67.70/mo. * Allowance for loss of efficiency during starting and stopping of the pumps. 9 YEARLY COST ESTIMATE II. $67.60/mo. x 12 mo. = $812.40 Weekly Check Of System Alarms Say $850.00 ($37.60 allowance) 1/2 hr/week x 52 weeks x $30/hour = $ 780.00 2 hr/each x 20/yr x #30/hour Miscellaneous (10 hours) Clean wet well surface with scavenger truck 3 x 100 = TOTAL ~d~NUAL MAINTENAI~CE COST III. PUMP/GENERATOR REPLACE~NT NOTE: Pumps & Generator = $25,000 present worth for i = 8% (discount rate) n = 15 years (replacement period) A/P = 0.1168 Annual Cost = $25,000 (0.1168) = $2,920.00 TOTAL ANNUAL REPLACEMENT COST TOTAL ANNUAL OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT COSTS 1,200.00 300.00 300.00 $ 2,600.00 = $ 2,920.00 8,147.00 Major service items for the first 18 months after start-up are the responsibility of the contractor. (See 4-9 of the construction contract) = $ 1,853.00 INSURANCE AND ENGINEERING CONSULTATION ALLOWANCE = $10,000.00 IV. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST (Say $150/unit/year) $10,O00/year , 67 units = 149.25 10