HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/2005 SOUTHOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE dune 23. 2005 The ARC met at the Town Hall Annex at 3:00 p.m. Members present were: Glynis Berry, Architect Ural Talgat, Architect Herbert Ernest, Southold Sanford Hanauer, Mattituck Nicholas J. Planamento, $outhold Ronald McGreevy, Mattituck Robert Keith, Mattituck Howard Meinke, Cutchogue (A Landmarks Preservation member to succeed Herbert Adler will be named shortly). Also present were Mrs. Jerilyn Woodhouse, Chairman of Planning Board as well as Bruno Semon and Victor L'Eplattenier of the Planning Board Staff. Present at 4:00 p.m. when applications were undertaken were Martin Kosmynka for North Fork Self Storage, Mr. And Mrs. Lee Beninati for Whitaker House, Patricia Moore for the Moore Law Office, Henry and Stephanie Bremer for Bremer's Deli, Ronnie Hill for Cutchogue Business Center, La Panache and (with Brett Kiehl) for BCB Realty Holding Company, John Romanelli for Burt's Reliable, Michael Catapano for the Catapano Dairy Farm as well as Arthur Foster and Brownell Johnston for Artco Drainage Corp. The Committee devoted the first hour to reorganizing. Glynis Berry and Ural Talgat were welcomed as architectural members who have agreed to serve on an interim basis until December 31,2005. Sanford Hanauer and Robert Keith were elected Co-Chairman, the latter to serve on an interim basis until December 31. The Committee then discussed the desirability of providing design guidelines for the structures planned for the Industrial Subdivision approved for the intersection of Depot Lane and the North Road. These will be the first industrial buildings to be considered in a common setting. Also the location is on a Scenic Byway. In its commitment to the Scenic Byway Advisory Board, the Town indicated that it would "Define and encourage (through a combination of controls and incentives) development standards for development that maintain priority views and vistas." The architects on the Committee were asked to develop recommendations of color ranges for sidewalls, roofs and trim, the siting and lighting of signage, fencing, exterior lighting and roof lines, the latter to suggest the lines of local the farm barns. We will ask for a meeting with the Planning Board once this proposal has been thought through, MOVED by Howard Meinke and seconded by Sanford Hanauer, it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 25, 2005. NORTtt FORK SELF STOI~LAGE (County Road 48, 370 feet east of Depot Lane - Cutchogue) SCTM# 1000-96-1-1.4 The applicant described 5 metal build/ngs totaling 38,000 sq. fl. on tlu'ee acres. The roofs, sidewalls, and garage doors will be Evergl'een ;vith Classic Beige trim. Am office is planned in the northwest corner of the widest building, #3. Black vinyl cha'm link fence will be used except near the entrance gate. The Committee first thanks thc applicant for the considerable effort made to improve upon the design of the ~pical steel self-storage facility. Then after extensive discussion and to hnprove the project further it was MOVED by Robert Keitb and seconded by Howard Me'rake to TABLE the application to request consideration of the following: !. Move the southerly fence to a line 95' fi'om the Noah Road and remaining parallel to it, this to shield the fence in the plantings, 2.Teiminatc and return the easterly fence to the noaheast and southeast comers of builffmg #3 and pro'~Sde gates in the return sections to allow Fire Depart access behind the building. 3. Divide building #5 into two sections with a 20' separation to relieve the long expanse of the building. 4. 1V~ the building lightm= on the South end of all 5 buildings to post mounted fixtures, say( 1T~lfigh located al the buffer and directed inward. 5.Su'b~stitute a ground sign, gI'ound lit at the entrance. 6.Remove the lighting from the building mounted sign facing the North Road. 7.Move the garage doors lacing North or South at both comers of build'rags 2,3 and 4 to face East or West. 8. If possible, use a color for the build'mg trim and the office to a shade closer to that shown in the elevations. 9.Provide catalogue cuts of the storage doors and post mounted lighting and architectural fence at the entrance ;also please show locations of vents, exterior air and heating units. Vote of the Cormnittee: Ayes ,MI, WHITAKER HOUSE (Ma'm Road - Southold) SCTM#1000-61-1-5 MOVED by Howard Meinke and seconded by Robea Kcith, it was RESOLVED to ACCEPT FULFILLMENT of thc conditions set forth at the meeting of March 3, 2005. The applicant was referred to the Town Code for information about f~tne l'nxfits on exterior lights. Vote oftheCommittee: Ayes afl. Apphcants arc reminded that deviations t?om approved drawings without the review and approval of the Architectural Rex~Sew Committee will cause recission of the original approval and may negatively impact securing the Certificate of Occupancy. BREMER'S DEli (Mare Road - Marttituck) SCTM#1000-142-2-22) Moved by Howard Meinke and seconded by Sanford Hanauer, it was RESOLVED to ACCEPT the of the CONDITIONS set lbrth hi the meefmg of March 3, 2005. except that the agreed lattice screening will required to shield the air conditioning milt. Vote of the Committee: Ayes all. Applicants are reminded that deviations fi'om approved drawings without the review and approval of the ;M'chilectnral Re¥iew Committee will cause recission of the original approval and may negatively/mpact upon securing the Certificate of Occpancy. CUTCIIOGUE BUSINESS CENTER (Cox Lane and Oregon Road - Cutchogue)SCTM#1000-83-3-4-4.6 Moved by Ronald McGreevy and seconded by Sanford Hanaue~; it was RESOLVED to accept the information provided in FULFILLMENT of the CONI)ITIONS set forth at the meeting of August 3, 2004 It is recommended to the Planning Board that the e~crgreens to be planted in the buffer zone be at least 5' tall and be angled at 30 degrees where necessary, at the intersection of Cox Land and Oregon Road. Vote office Conumttee: Ayes all. Applicants are reminded that deviations from approved draw'rags withont the review and approval of file ga'clfitectural Review Conmfittee will cause rccission of the original approval and may- negatively impact upon securing the Certificate of Occupancy. BURT'S RELIABLE (1515 Youngs Avenue - Southold) SCTM#1000-96-1-1.4 The applicant described an addition conn¢cfmg t¢~-o existing build'rags on the North side of thc property, Ihe most westerly of the two buildings u/tit also be widened by 5'. Siding, roofing and trim will match the matcrials on the e:dsting build'rags. Moved by Howard Meinke, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the plan as submitted. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. Applicants are reminded that deviations from approved ch'awings without the review and approval of the Architectural Re'~iew Committee will cause recission of the original approval and ma), negatively impact upon securing the Certificate of Occupancy. CATAPANO DAIRY FARM (33705 North Road - Peconic) SCTM# 1000-74-2-12.2) Thc plans depict a 150 x 55 metal barn with 3/12 roof pitch, fight blue roof and gray sideswalls as well as a 100 sq. fi. farm stand. The barn is located well away from the road and screened fi'om the East. Moved by Robert Keith and by Glynis Berry,, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the APPLICATION with the CONDITION that the signage be submitted fi'om approval. Vote of the Conunittec: Ayes ~1. Applicants are reminded that deviations from approved drawings without the review and approval of the Architectural Rex4ew Committee will cause recission of the original approval and may- negatively impact upon securing the Certificate of Occupancy. LA PANACHE IZMR DESIGN (1100 Youngs Avenue - Southold) SCTM# 1000-60-2- 7.1) This beauty salon will be located in an existing house with no change to the exterior. Moved by Howard Meinke and seconded by Sanford Hanauer, it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application with the CONDITIONS that the signage and catalogue cuts of the exterior lighting f[xutres be submitted for approval. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. Aapplicants are reminded that de,~iations from approved drawings ~Sthout the re~,iew and approval of the Architectural Review Committee will cause recission of the original approval and may negatively impact upon securing the Cefffficate of Occupancy. ARTCO I)RAINAGE Commerce Drive and Corporate Drive - Cutchogue) SCTM# 1000-96-1-1.5 Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Ronald McCh'eex,y, it was RESOLVED to thank the Planning Board for referral of the applicaion but to acknowledge that there are no architectural elements upon which to conwaent. The Committee recommends that the Town plant screening on its landfill property along the easterly side of the Industgrial Park to shield the fence and buildings from the North Road and the actMfies to be dcxeloped on the capped landfill. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. BCB REALTY HOLDING CORPORATION (74825 Ma'm Road - Crreetmport) SCTM# 1000-45-4-8-3 This was a preliminary presentation of two buildings of' about 4,000 sq.ft, each. One bfffld'mg ~(dl be a bank and the other a medical office on the In;st floor wilh 3 apartments above. Because the decisionof the Zoning Board of Appeals may affect the design, the ARC ~vill delay a ~rther review until then. However, the Comnfittee endorses file design concepts and suggests that the exterior lighting pole be reduced to 12', that better pedestrian access be pro'~Sded from the apartments to the Main Road and that the height of the sign be reduced. HELLENIC SNACK BAR (Route 25 - East Marion) SCTM# 1000-35-2-14 Moved by Sanford Hanauer and seconded by Herbert Ernest, it was RESOLVED to TABI,E the application awaiting more complete plans with dimensions as well as floor plans and elevations that coincide and are keyed appropriately. The apphcaut is also asked to review the ARC checklist for missing items. Vote of the Committee: Ayes All. ALBERTSON M~M4INE (Mdm Road - Southold) SCTM# 1000-56-3-13.4) Moved by Robert Keith and seconded by Howard Meinke, it was RESOLVED to ACCEPT the architecutral changes in the ped'anent on the South elevation The conditions pertaining to signagc and exterior lighting remain outstanding. Voteof the Co~nmittee: Ayes all. Appficants are renfinded that deviations from approved ch'awings without the review and approval of the gxchitecmral Review Committee will cause recission of the original approval and may negatively impact upon securing the Certificate of Occupancy. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Robert Keith Secreta~'