HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/2005 SOUTHOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE December 1,2005 The ARC met at the Town Hall at 4:00 p.m. Members present were Architects Glynis Berry and Ural Talgat, Co- Chairmen Sanford Hanauer and Robert Keith as well as Nicholas J, Planame,qto, Howard Meinke, Herbert Ernest and Ronald McGreevy. Also present were Victor L'Eplattenier and Bruno Semon of the Planning Board staff, as well as Myron and Donna Goldstein for ELI Kampgrounds and Ellen McNeitly of the Orient Association. Moved by t~loward Meinke and seconded by Ronald McGreevy, it was RESOI ,VI;D to .M'PROVE Iht MINUTES of thc mceling of September 6, 2005. Vole of the omm~ec: Ayes All. EI,I I,;AMPGROUNDS (North Road - Greenpotl.) SCTM#1000-40-3-5) :'diet learning of tiffs application to make legal an overflov,, o¢'ass parking l(>t it RESOI,VED t35.' l;lo~ard Meinkc and seconded by Sanfi~rd I lan:mcr Ir) ..\( 'CEI>T proposal as dra,,; r~ as there arc ti;,,~ archilcclur:.d aspects. l'hc Commillee docs reconunend to thc ?larufing Board Ih;it cc&irs be tlscd l)roxide the scrccning along the berm on thc Nodh Road side. lifts ~slcad ol deciduous plantings wlfich would not be effective in thc winter. Vote of thc Commitlcc: Ayes all. .:kpplicfmts arc ~cnhndcd thai dcxSatimis ii'om al)proved drawings without thc ~'¢x'ic~; and al)pro;al of thc Archileclural Rcxdexx Commiltcc ;xiH cause rccission ol th~ ,)~igin:d apln'o;al and may negatively ~pact upon securing the Ccrt~ic;~tc of ( )ccupzmc}. ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT (Route 25 - Orient) SCI'M;/ 1000-18-5~13.8 Semon focused himscll; 5loved by Robed Kcid~ and seconded by Herbert Ernest, it was RESOLVI.;1) I'.\BI ~l'; the APPLICATION awaiting elevations, colors, crc. of thc equipment she&, wlfich thc Comnfittec considcred to be sinecures to be reviewed. l'hc Commitlcc recommends 1o thc Planning Board and thc .kpl)liczmt d~at. in of thc proximity to thc ltistozdc District and Iht residential ar~a. thc cquipmcnl buildings amd tl~e tower bo movcd Ii'om die ccnlcr of an open ticld to a Iocaiion ac[jaccnt lo thc lirchousc. This and other steps could conceal Ihe tBz~cr. 'Iht Committee also noted th:ti [t~c antennae al thc ~op of thc pole deh'acls fi'om its disguise as ~ It:q) Vote o[ Iht Commiltcc: .Xves All. : I.'~LL()N BI., 1 [.[)lNG (32845 Main Road - Cutchogt.tcl 5-4.5 Moved by Ito,,,,ar( Memke and seconded by Nicholas Planamcnto. it was RESOLVEI) ~o TABI~E Ibc .M~pLICATION ax~mtmg a rcdrc~xxing oI thc ~esl available dcla/ls el thc si- Vote el th~ Comnuttcc:Aycs MAI'TIT[CE , ~, , · - COM1MO~NS Cxla 'iRe d at N¢'.v Suffo k A. venuc- M~milucki [(i00-114-11-17 "" ' Moved b,' Irai 1 al~2at and scconclcd by ltoward -Mcinlqc. TAIII.I,: I]c, .kPI)IAC VI'ION as incomplete, awailmg thc ilcms spccilicd checklist. iht Committee stJ~csls to thc Plannin~ Board and the ,~l)plic;ml thaL in consideialion o1 thc location on Iht Main Roac~near thc shnppm~ CClllCl, sh,)uld have a hmnlct ibcJin,, ,,List) thc lc caUion on a dangerous cal¥c cn~r:mcc ()~ New Suliblk Avenue. F'REMIL;M \\'INE GROUP (North Road al Cox Neck Lane - N,lalti lek ~(" 'X: 1000-121-6-I. [ ral T~ilgal recuscd hhnscl~. ,~icr rcxicwing an addition connecting thc t~o ~" ' · ~ ~ · . - c~stmg sl~ uctur~s and lcamm~g lhal ~hc male~Sals and colors would be matcl~g, it was moved by Herberl }'mcsi ~md sec(md 'd b5 Ronaid McGrcex,T to ~PROVE ll~e ,~PI,ICATION as submiHc& ,\pplicani,, m'c reminded lhat dcviali(ms Ii'om approved dr, x,,hm,~ ~ilhoL~l rcx~cx~ :lncl appr~>val of thc ,M'clfitccmral Commitlcc wiH cause recission al*proval :md may negatively iml)acl upon securing ~l~e ( c~ ~cate Robert \V. Kcilh Co-Chairman