HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachments listLGRMIF Attachments Archiv~ Partnership Trust I Office of Cultural Education [ Online Catalog I Search I Home Page 1 ofl LGRMJ[ Initial Application Forms: Post-Grant Award Forms: Help ~' Ho ne I'tome Checklist Lr~ Checklist Attachments help List of Attachments Fhese are the documents that have been attached to this grant application. 21ick on the Document Name to download the document, or click Delete to remove the document from this Action Document Name Description Document Type Date _D_el el~e B~wnc Prot>osa [ l. 21. l 1.odl__' RFQ GIS Delete Implementation 20110129153257.pdf D, ]]Ca cu atiolofBowne Emolovee oete ........... [.D_~_le._t~:.I Reso Authorizin~ G 'anLApp cetion.doc ~ q~reation ofGl$ Steerimz Committee.doc Delet~e GIS UNA RenorLdoc FINAL.doc MAIL-IN EQRMS I~i~-M~F 50110131151457.vdf Delet~e Letters of Intent_21ll lilt 31213312.r, df Vendor Quotes & ~[Fonn_201102111084542.mlf 201 020 t 0831~02~d~' ,red Services Sprca_d_s_h_ee! 91' Implgj. gent0 ion application/pall 1323086 application/pall pplication/vnd.ms- 1232 xcel [;tPrPe~na t ion/oc t et- ~.1472 dication/pdf 4194688 ) 1/30/201 l 31/29/2011 ] elizabeth.neville q/31/2011 ] elizabeth.neville 50634 application/pdf bytes 1136972 spplication/pdf bytes [322981 ~pplicatiordpdf ] bytes ~ ]150634 ~pplication/pdf ~lbytes ~pplication/vnd.ms- 61952 ~xcel bytes 01/31/2011 elizabeth.neville 1102/01/2011 elizabeth.neville 02/01/2011 lelizabeth.neville [01/31/2011 elizabeth.nevill~ 0t/31/2011 elizabeth, nevilh Add an Attachment Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (5181 474-6926