HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/2011 Dec, 2011 MONTHLY REPORT 1/1/2011 Phone Complainant Complainant IMeetings Lauren (Trustees) Lauren (Trustees) IPaperw°rk Violation Notice Created/Sent 11/2/2011 IEmail Christine (Accounting) IPaperw°rk Complaint File Created/Sent Update Case File Close Case File Close Case File IR°ad Investigation Investigation Investigation Investigation IPh°ne Public: Questions Public: Questions ~/~/20~ IPhone Complainant Jamie Richter (Engineer) Complainant Public Complainant Don Feiler (LPC) I Investigation I PaperwOrk Filing Monthly Report Submitted Violation Notice Created/Sent Closed Case File IEmail Christine (Accounting) DAMON RALLIS Nature Patio/Grade Change Unsafe property Nature Patio/Grade Change Patio/Grade Change Nature Unsafe property Nature Landmark Intern Paperwork INature Uses Tresspassing on Town Land Boat in Front Yard unregistered vehicle INature Boat in Front Yard Tresspassing on Town Land Unsafe Building unregistered vehicle INature Unsafe Building Sign Questions INature Boats/Trailers Illicit Discharge Trailer Use Questions Follow up: Cars LPC Issues INature Boats/Trailers INature n/a Town Board- Zoning Insp. Report Occupancy without CO Illegal Dumping INature Landmark Intern Paperwork ZONING INSPECTOR I Status Town New Complaint: to trustees Mattituck New Complaint $outhold IStatus ITown New Complaint: to trustees Mattituck Update: Unfounded Mattituck IStatus ITown New Complaint $outhold IStatus ITown Updated n/a IStatus ITown New Complaint Mattituck Open Complaint East Marion Case Closed: Removed East Marion Case Closed: Removed Cutchogue IStatus ITown Open Complaint East Marion Open Complaint East Marion Open Violation Cutchogue Open Violation Cutchogue IStatus ITown Open Complaint: Update East Marion Answered n/a IStatus ITown Open Complaint: Update Mattituck New Complaint New Suffolk Open Complaint: Update Mattituck Answered $outhold Explained Unfounded Cutchogue Landmark Projects n/a IStatus ITown Open Complaint: Update Mattituck IStatus ITown n/a n/a created/sent n/a New Complaint $outhold Case Closed Cutchogue IStatus ITown Updated n/a BUILDING DEPT. Property Owner Name Kelly Pisano IProperty Owner Name Kelly Kelly IProperty Owner Name Gallagher IProperty Owner Name n/a IProperty Owner Name Grzegorczyk Kri kpa trick/H i I be rt Huettenmoser Lang IProperty Owner Name Huettenmoser Kri kpa trick/H i I be rt Jacobs Lang IProperty Owner Name Remi Trust n/a IProperty Owner Name White Eagle Area deFaymorea Gregory Stankovich First Street n/a IProperty Owner Name White Eagle Area IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a Gizzo Mallin IProperty Owner Name n/a MS4? 11/4/2011 Off 11/5/2011 Weekend 11/6/2011 Weekend 11/7/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Sandy (Supervisors) Property Maintenance Open Complaint Cutchogue Kestler Defendant Trailer in Front Yard Open Complaint Laural Gregory Complainant Trailer in Front Yard Open Complaint Laural Gregory Complainant Deer Fencing New Complaint n/a Unknown Defendant Occupancy without CO Open Complaint Southold Gizzo Complainant Defendant Rep Complainant IR°ad Investigation Summons Service 1/8/2011 Election Day Off 1/9/2011 Phone Defendant Rep Public Jim G. (Landmark) RE Agent Question Defendant 1 Defendant 2 Public: Town Code Website IPaperw°rk Violation Notice Created and Sent File Prep Landmarks IMeetings Lauren (Trustees) Public Questions Leslie (ZBA) Lauren (Trustees) Elizabeth (Trustees) IR°ad Investigation 1/10/20111Road Investigation Investigation IPh°ne Public Complaint Jim (Landmark) IMeetings Lori (TA) Defendant IPaperw°rk Landmark Prep Deer Fencing Kavagnaugh Deer Fencing Kavagnaugh Water Issues Kelly INature IProperty Owner Name Fence Height Kavagnaugh Collections (TA) Johnson Nature Property Owner Name Deer Fencing Kavagnaugh Questions: Septic n/a Updates for next meeting n/a CO Questions n/a Use Romond Use Romond Questions n/a INature IProperty Owner Name Illicit Discharge: Per Engineer de Faymorea Landmarks Fowler INature IProperty Owner Name Patio/Grade Change Kelly Specific Permit Questions n/a Special Events Vineyard 48 Clearing Kontokosta Use Romond INature IProperty Owner Name Use Romond INature IProperty Owner Name Use Romond Junk Grandinetti INature IProperty Owner Name Junk Grandinetti Issues: Awards Letters n/a INature IProperty Owner Name Open Court Cases n/a Occupancy without CO Gizzo INature IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a New Complaint Cutchogue New Complaint Cutchogue Forwarded to Trustees Mattituck IStatus ITown New Complaint Cutchogue Failed Forward to PD Greenport Status ITown New Complaint Cutchogue Answered n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a New Complaint: From Trustees Southold New Complaint: From Trustees Southold Answered n/a IStatus ITown New Complaint New Suffolk Open Application Orient IStatus ITown New Complaint: to trustees Mattituck Answered n/a Open Complaint Cutchogue Open Complaint Greenport New Complaint: From Trustees Southold IStatus ITown New Complaint: From Trustees Southold IStatus ITown Stopped: Okay Southold New Complaint Greenport IStatus ITown New Complaint Greenport n/a n/a IStatus ITown n/a n/a Open Complaint: Update Southold IStatus ITown n/a n/a 11/11/2011 Veterans Day 11/12/2011 Weekend 11/13/2011 Weekend 11/14/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Complainant Unsafe Building Updates East Marion Remi Trust Public Multiple Questions Answered n/a n/a Public: Complaint Dumping New Complaint Cutchogue Peters Public: Complaint Hedge encroachment Unfounded: East Marion unknown Iimail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Property Rep Unsafe Building Updates East Marion Remi Trust IPaperwork INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Landmark Prep agenda minutes done n/a n/a IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Michael Open Complaint Michael Open Complaint Lt. Frank Kruszeski Open Complaint Lt. Frank Kruszeski Open Complaint Lori Open Court Case Paperw°rk INature FOIL Response Violation Report Violation Notice Created/Sent Dumping IRoad INature Investigation Construction without Permit Investigation Boat in ROW Investigation Use: Remediation Meetings INature Michael Open Complaints Melissa Spire Land Preservation Issue Ph°ne INature Complainant Trailer Location Complanant Construction without Permit Public: Questions Land Use Paperw°rk INature Memo Prepared and Sent Land Preservation Issue Landmark Meeting Prep n/a ~/~s/20~ IRoad INature Landmark C of A Created Landmark Meetings INature Jen New Property Maintenance Code Mike Open Complaints °aa INature Investigation Unsafe Building Investigation Construction w/o Permit Investigation Lighting Ph°ne INature Jen New Property Maintenance Code IPhone INature Defendant Fence Height Public Questions ZBA Decision Public Questions ZBA Decision: Planting Plan Meetings INature Public: Complaint Dumping: Junk Cars Mike and Lori Open Complaints "°aa INature Investigation ZBA Decision: Planting Plan Investigation Dumping: Junk Cars Paperw°rk INature BP File Update Work not done per ZBA 1/18/20111Meetings INature Connie Open Building Permit Issue Email INature Applicant Architect Landmark Project Ph°ne INature from Bob Fisher Update Updates Updates Update IStatus Done/No Violations New Complaint IStatus Unsure Open Complaint Open Court Case IStatus n/a Landmark Status Istatus Open Complaint Set Up Meeting Answered IStatus Landmark Status n/a Istatus Done Istatus n/a n/a Istatus New Complaint: Unfounded New Complaint: Unfounded New Complaint: Unfounded Istatus n/a Istatus Open Complaint Decision Rendered Investigating IStatus New Complaint n/a IStatus Investigating New Complaint IStatus New Complaint IStatus File Updated: Hold CO IStatus Update IStatus Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck ITown Laurel Cutchogue ITown East Marion Mattituck Mattituck ITown n/a Greenport ITown Laurel East Marion n/a ITown Greenport n/a ITown Orient ITown n/a n/a ITown East Marion East Marion Southold ITown n/a ITown Cutchogue East Marion Cutchogue ITown Southold n/a ITown Cutchogue Southold ITown Cutchogue ITown Cutchogue ITown Orient ITown n/a Cleary Matthews Matthews Smithen (Sherwood House) IProperty Owner Name I Half Hollow Nursery Peters IProperty Owner Name I Unknown Matthews Smithen (Sherwood House) IProperty Owner Name I n/a Manor Grive Carp, IProperty Owner Name I Gregory Unknown n/a IProperty Owner Name I Manor Grive Carp, n/a IProperty Owner Name I Rose IProperty Owner Name I n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name I Bentoncourt n/a Bishop IProperty Owner Name I n/a IProperty Owner Name I Cavagnaugh Gallagher Scheublien IProperty Owner Name I Unknown n/a IProperty Owner Name I Scheublien 555 Clearview Lane IProperty Owner Name I Scheublien IProperty Owner Name I Scheublien IProperty Owner Name I Fowler IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Open Building Permit Issue File Updated: Hold CO Cutchogue Scheublien 11/19/2011 Weekend 11/20/2011 Weekend 11/21/2011 Off 11/22/2011 Half Day 11/22/2011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Applicant Architect IPhone Complanant Complanant IMeetings 7BA Lori Chris Talbot/Louisa Evans Public: Complaint Public: Questions 1/23/20111Email Applicant Architect Paperw°rk Close Case File Ph°ne Public Questions Public Questions Open Landmark Application Discussion Orient Fowler INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Construction without Permit Open Complaint Told Unfounded Greenport n/a Unknown - Return call n/a n/a n/a INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Open Court Case Has not applied $outhold Burden Open Court Case Has not applied to ZBA $outhold Burden Open Complaints Updates Fishers Island Coleman Planning Reuqirements? Researching Orient Brown House Landmark Answered Orient Blesch INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Landmark Project Update Orient Fowler INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Dumping Closed Complaint Cutchogue Baxter INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Beach Questions Forwarded to Trustees n/a n/a Trailer Storage Updates: Case Clo9sed Laurel Gregory 11/24/2011 Thanksgiving 11/25/2011 Thanksgiving 11/26/2011 Weekend 11/27/2011 Weekend 11/28/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Complanant Illegal Dumping New Complaint Cutchogue Harbor Cove Homeowners Defendant Open Complaints Scheduled Appointment Laurel Gregory Email INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Applicant Architect Landmark Project Changes Orient Rose Applicant Architect Landmark Project Changes Orient Rose Paperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I New complaint from Gary Unsafe building No notes or info... Southold Palmieri R°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation Illegal Dumping New Complaint Cutchogue Harbor Cove Homeowners Meetings INature Istatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Mike Unsafe building No notes or info.., from Gary Southold Palmieri Lori/Defendant Court Conference Case Closed - ACOD Mattituck Santillo Lori Court Conference No Show Southold LaFrinere Lori Court Conference No Show Mattituck Burden Lori Court Conference No Show n/a Go Green Lori/PD Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a 1/29/20111Phone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Noise Left Message n/a n/a Public Unknown - Return call Left Message n/a n/a Public/Applicant Landmark Project Updates n/a n/a Public Questions Uses n/a n/a n/a Meetings INature Istatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Training Noise Meters Paperw°rk INature Violation created and sent Illegal Dumping Close Case File Chicken Coop Redo Violation Notice Unsafe Building Redo Violation Notice Unsafe Building R°ad INature Investigation Trailers~Illegal Deck 1/30/20111Meetings INature Mike Ongoing Issues Lori Updates Mike & Lori Noise Ordinance seven eleven Sign Questions Martin & Lori Ongoing Issues R°ad INature Car Swap Per Accounting Inspection (with Mike) Possible Violations Inspection (with Mike) Unsafe Building Ph°ne INature Lori Construction without Permit Public Questions Public Questions Scott Russell Questions Public Questions n/a IStatus New Complaint Court Case Closed ACOD Open Complaint/Violation Open Complaint/Violation IStatus Open Complaint- CLOSED IStatus Ongoing Issues Forwarded to TA Office n/a n/a Forwarded to TA Office IStatus Done Confirmed Open Complaint IStatus Open Court Case Update Explained Status Forwarded to TA Office Answred Answered n/a ITown Cutchogue Mattituck East Marion Southold ITown Cutchogue ITown Laurel Mattituck n/a Southold Mattituck ITown Mattituck Greenport Greenport ITown Mattituck Cutchogue Mattituck Mattituck Southold n/a IProperty Owner Name I Harbor Cove Homeowners Santillo McCarthy Pisano IProperty Owner Name I Gregory IProperty Owner Name I Eagle's Nest Rivera n/a Seven eleven Rivera IProperty Owner Name I Lou's Service Osprey Nest Road Tuthill IProperty Owner Name I Burden Satur Rivera Rivera Bishop