HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Board Charges/Duties RESOLVED that is is the policy of [he Town Board to maintain County Route 48 largely as an express route to expedite the movement of large numbers of vehicles: through the Town in a safe anc~ efficient manner and through an area with attractive landscapes. 31 ,- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans. Councllwornan Olive. Counc!iman Townsend. Councilwoman Hussie. Councilman Lizewski, Supervisor Wlckham. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 32 .~ Moved by Councilwoman Olive. seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was ~[ESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates a ,Saper, Visor'S Parks and Recreation Committee. and appoints the following ndiViduals: te .said, committee, effective immediately: Supervisor Wickham, Councilman Joseph ~J, Lizewski. Town Trustee Peter ~Venczel. Re~reation Superv|gor Kenneth, P~eeves. Director of Program Evaluation, James, McMahon. Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor Lauren Grant; they to ser~e on said commie:tee without compensation. 32.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Olive. Councilman Tewnsene. Councilwoman Hussie. Councilman Lizewski. Suporvisar Wickham. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: The next two resolutions, thirty-two and thlrt¥-four; have been withdrawn. I Res&lutlons releasing Roy A. Schelin from a~lreeme{qt to,remove and dispose of construction and demolition debris. and engag n~ another ~cantractor. ) 35.- Moved by Councilwoman Hussie. seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED t~at the T~wn Board ,of the Towd of' Southolt~ hereby authorizes the fol:C~wlnf~i;~lg~)P,' Bud,qat 'modification to the General Fund ~ Pert~ ~ ~ transfer donated funds for D.A.R.E. items: To.~ Rev~n uas:ke~an u~si~ ' ~2~0~:,~ frs g Dlanatlons $ 390.25 Apfi~op~| ,aliens: Ba~J57L~l'~i~._V, enile Aide Bureau. Contractual Expenses $ 390.25 35.-Vale o~h.~e!'~T~own Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Olive, Co~nc~ltaa~l ~i. Tqw~send, Counc]lwoman HussJe. Councilman Lizews~<i, SuperviSor ,,Wt,ckl~ pin. This resolution was duly ADOPTED, SUPERVISOR ~ICKHAM: A motion has been made to recess the adoption of resotut,~ona to allow time for two public hearings. Moved by Counciiwoman Olive. seconded by Councilwoman Hussie. it was RESOLVED . tht~,~" a ;recess be called at this time. 8:00 P.M.. for the purpose of holdlt~g~publlc hearings. Vote of the~ Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans. Councilwo~nan Olive. Coun~ilinan Td~Vnsend. Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski. SuperVisor Wickham. This resolufion~ wes duly ADOPTED. MEETINf3 RECONVENEDr AT 8:55 P.M. SUPERVISOR WlC~CHAM: We can resume the resolutions, that we left on before; We up to Resolution Number 36. 36.- Moved by Justice Evans. seconded by Super-visor Wickham. WHEREAS, the residents of Fishera Island are interested in developing a harbor:management plan for all Island harbors and Town waters adjacent to Fishersqsland, including the assignment of mooring and anchorage areas; and WHEREAS, sixteen 116) Fishers Island organizations and associations have delegated representatives to form a committee for these purposes; and WHEREAS. the harbor management plan prepared by said committee could be used by [he Town Boagd as the Fishers Island addendum i~ the preparation of the .Local Waterfront Revitallzation Plan for the Town of Southo~d~ NOW, TkIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED. that the Town Board of the Town of Southold ,does hereby create a Fishers island Harbor Committee, for the purpose of preparing for recommendation to the Town. a Fishers island Harbor Managemen~ Plan~ and -MAY 3, 199~ 281 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the following organizations anc~ associations shall have delegates representing them on this c~,,.,,ittee: The Fishers Island Civic Association. the Fishers Island Yacht Club. the Fishers island Lobstermen's Association. Pirata~s Cove Vlarine. the Fishe~.s Isl.and Conservancy.. Island Peoplets Project. the Fishers Island [~ire Depe~'~rnent. the Hay'Harbor Property Owners Association. Goose Isiand~. one aquac,~lturist, two West Hal;hot property owners and one Hay'Harbor property, owner, BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each of' the above listed organtzatisns and associations h~aYe delqgsted the following Jndi¥idueis to represent them on the. Fishers~ Island Harbor Committee for the term of lone year beginning May la,th. 199q Fishers I'sland Ciwc Association Leslie O. Goss Fishers Island Yacht Club Frank Bohlen Fishers Island Lobstermen~s Association Tom Doyen Pirate~J 'C~ve Ma~ine Reynolds duPont. Jr. Fishers S and Cdnservancy Cynthia Estabrooks Island people s Frojeot Cindy Gillan Fishers l~slahd Flt. e Department Steve Mallnowski David C. Patterson Harris Parsons, Sr. ~pany William C, 'Ridgeway. Reynolds duPont. Jr. Owners Association William C, Rldgeway Steve Malinowski roper~¥ Owner Elbert M. Burr, Jr. r6perty. Owner Scudder Sinclair ' Owner David R. Wilmerding. Jr. RESOLVED. that the Fishers island Bay constables and Justice shall serve as Ex-Officio members Harbor Committee. 36.- Hate Ayes: Justice Evans. Councilwoman Olive. Supervisor Wickham. No: Councilwoman Hussie. This y ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: We'll take up resolution number 38 first before 37. because 37 really is contingent upon 38. 38.- Moved by Councilman Townsend. seconded by Justice Evans. WHERE. A~. there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. on the 5lb.:day of April. 199q. a Local Law entitled, ~A Local Law in Reiatlon to. R;&cyclabies": and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing on this Local Law on the 19th day. of April, 199[~, at which time a nterested person were given an opportt~nity to be'heard thereon; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that-the Town Board hereby enacts Local Law No. 6 - 199t~, which rasd~ as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. § - 199~ A Local Law in Relation to Recyciables BE IT ENACTED. by the Town Board of the Town of Southoid as follows: I. Chapter' lis [Ga~'bage. Rubbish ~ Refuse) of the Code of the Town of Sou~.hol~d,ls hereby amended as follows: 1. SedticJn ~8-1 Definitions s hereby amended to read as follows: RECY)CE.ABLE. MUNICIPAL Any can. glassL or plastic container or corrugated cardboard or newspaper as defined in this section REC¥CI~ABLE, OTHER - All waste which can be recycled, other' thah mqni~ipal recyclablas. 2. Se~i~n 48-3?) Is' hereby added to read as follows: .L~ All mUmcipal recyctal~l'es must be deposited in the qppriopriate location of the disposal area owned by the Town of Southold. II, This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. * ' Underscore represents additions. 38.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans. Councilwoman Olive. Councilman Townsend. Supervisor Wickham. No: Councilwoman Hussie. Councilman Lizewski. This resolution was duly ADOPTED.