HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed ChangesProposed changes to the Supervisor's 2011 Tentative Budget OperatinR BudRet Appropriation j Number Appropriation Description Appropriations IB~-di~s & Grounds Equip. General General I Highway Fund Whole ! Fund Part I Fund Part To_wn _ i Town I Town j A.1620.2.100.400 ~arpe_t (1,500) IBu d ngs & Grounds Equip. A~1_62_0 .~ ._3_00.~2_0_0 _ _~ Tr u cks ............. 30,000 !Buildings & Grounds Equip. IA. 16202.500.200 ~ Cleaning Equipment (500) i iBuddmgs & Grounds Equip. IA. 1620.2500.250 A. 1620.2.500.400 PL~_we r E q~u i_p~e_[~_t ..................... (500!1 IBuildings & Grounds Equip. !Park Improvements (1,000) iBudd~ngs & Grounds Equip. IYard Maintenance Equipment (4,000) I !Buildings & Grounds C.E. A. 1620.2.500.700 ~_A.1620.4.100.100 Misc. Supplies (21500) ........... Buildings & Grounds C,E. A.1620.4.100.300 i J a n itori_'_a!.. S_~p p!i _e~ ........... (1,500)~ '.Buildings & Grounds C.E. : 1__620:4.400._20__0__ _.LPrope~ M_ainten~?e . (5,000) Publicity, C.E FA.6~10:4A00.~I0_0 .._ +Town Promoti_'_o_~ _C_o?m[_tt_e.e_ .... _(_1..9,0(~0) I !Trustees, C.E LA.6O9O.4.1OO. lOO s,,pp,es (6oo) !A,8090.4.100.200 ~P~ump Out Boat Gas & Oil (500)i : Commmlty Development, P.S. !A. 8660,1,100.100 rFull Time Regular Earnings 528 ---- }CFm-~ty-D~velo p meht~P~ A. 8660.1.100.200 /Fult Time Overtime Earnings (800)i iCommunity Development, C.E. ' JA.8660.4.400.700 Printing (1,500) J~ ....... Worke~-C~nsation~ i.***.904_0:_8.,_000.000~E_m. plp~yee Bene~fit_s_ ........ ~(22,000~) 400, 13,000 CDBG Solid FI Ferry Description Waste Diet Diet Reduce line to fund truck Add truck with plow, tow package Reduce line to fund truck Reduce line to fund truck Reduce line to fund truck Reduce line to fund truck Reduce line to fund truck Reduce line to fund truck [educe line to fund truck Reduce to 2011 appropriation amount Reduce to 2011 appropriation amount Reduce appropriation based on - prior year history Reduce from $10K for CDBG - administration edj Remove appropriation Remove appropriation Firm 2012 renewal quotation Proposed changes to the Supervisor's 2011 Tentative Budget Appropriation Number Appropriation Descflption Medical Insurance A.9060.8.000.000 Employee Benefits Planning, C.E. B.~8_0_20.4500.500 Plan ning_ C? Su_l_ta n.! community Development Year CD.8660.D.004.001 38 Administration Community Development Year CD.8660.D.004.003 38 Home Improvement Community Development Year CD.8660.D.004.004 38 Rbt Perry DayCare . Community Development Year !CD.8660.D.004.008 38 CAST , ! Community Development Year ~CD.8660.D.004.009 !38 PecCom Council ~ ~<~m~-unity Deveiopment Year ~D 86_6_0D.004~1_3_ 38 ~e_c C_o.m C_eqter i NYS Retirement 1SM9°1°'8'°°°'°°° IERS !Total Appropriation Adiuetmente General Fund Whole Town (79,272) General Fund Part Town Highway Fund Part Town CDBG Description Revise Empire Rates based Carriers Best Est[mate 9-11 memo (58,000) (5,000) i Reduce appropriation Reduce CD block grant Solid FI Ferry Waste Diet Blat (1,578) ........ ~ .... (8,803)i Reduce CD block grant - ' ~ Reduce CD block grant (911) (729) (729)~ (3,035) -: 5,000 (15,785) (7,000) 5,000 Reduce CD block grant Reduce CD block grant Reduce CD block grant (4,600) ! 13,000 Increase ERS appropriation ~ Revenues i .2 43.38 ue i ..... ...... (15,766ii SM 1760 20 Ferry Operations-Traffic [ - + i /Total Revenue Ad~uetmente i - -I (15,78 - I Reduce C~blo~'kgrant 5,000 ncraase Revenue- ........... ~Description ! 2012 Amount Windrow Turner , (450,000) (450,000) Capital BudRet Source ~ 2013 Amount D Source i i Remove item Fund