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SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 53095 MAJN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTROLD, NY 11971 THE EIRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAiN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 50-666~14 10/7/2011 1736 PAY tO THE NYS Agriculture & Markets i $ *'76.0'0 ORDER OF DOLLARS 9/11 dogs "'OD i, ? 05000 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-o~ 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDGEHAM PTON NATIONAL BANK 1 737 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 10/7/20 t I PAY TO THE NYS Department of Health ORDER OF j $ **495.00 Four Hundred Nines-Five md ****************************************************************************************** DOLLARS 9/11 ,' O O ~, ? ~ ?"' I.'D a & hO & r- r~ ?,'- O SOOD i, S I, r~ r~,. SOUTHOLDTOWN CLERK o3-ol 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5(~666/214 10/7/2011 1738 PAY TO THE Supervisor Scott A. Russell ORDER OF J ~ *'271,05075 DOLL^RS 9/11 receipts "'DOi?tP."' iiOBi[.Or=r=r=?l: 05000 From: 9/1/2011 TO: 9/30/2011 DOG LICENSE MONT~hY REPORT 10/04/2011 Suffolk 47 Send Copy TO: Animal Population Control Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold 10 LICENSE TYPES ~ 1. Spay/Neuter 52 52 2. Unspay/Unneuter 8 8 8 Unspayed Spayed Statutor~ Fee Statutory Fee Local Fee (D) Late Penalty (E) Spa~ed Fee (F) Unspayed Fee (G} (B) (C) NO FEE 0.00 0.00 @ 10.00 520.00 0 ~ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 52.00 NO FEE @ 0.00 0.00 NO FEE @ 15.00 120.00 0 @ 0.00 0.00 NO FEE ~ 3.00 24.00 3. Exemption 0 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 4. Purebred (1-10) 0 0 0 @ 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 ~ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 5. Purebred (11-25) 0 0 0 @ 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 6. Purebred (26+) 0 0 0 @ 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 7. TOTALS 60 60 8 $0.00 $0.00 $640.00 $0.00 $52.00 $24.00 P~EPLACEME~T A~D PUREBRED Colu~uq H Column I (Local) Colunln J (Statutory) TAG OP~ERS PROCESSED # Each Tag Fees Tag Fees 8. Replacement Tags 0 0.00 0.00 9. Purebred Tags 0 0.00 0.00 10. TOTALS 0 $0.00 $0.00 DISBURSEMENTS (to T.C.V.) (to County) (to Animal Population Control) 12. Local% of 7B + 7C $0.00 15. Stat% of 7B + 7C $0.00 13. Local% of 7D + 7E + 10I $640.00 16. Stat% of 10J $0.00 14. Total .... $~4--6.%%- 17. Total Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses ........................ Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ................ 18. 100% of 7F + 7G $76.00 $0.00 $76.00 LICENSE SUMMARY 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 2. Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses: 3. Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses): 4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 5. Total of Lines 1-3: 0 45 0 60 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Empire State Plaza - Coming Tower Bureau of Accounts Management - Revenue Unit - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-0016 Monthly Report of Marriage Licenses Issued SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. / September 2011 $ City or Town of Southold Check # DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE County of Suffolk Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2003, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage iicense issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 81 to 102 inclusive. (If ONE license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Elizabeth A. Neville Department of Health Signature of City or Town Clerk Date Mailing~lre~s -v Amount of remittance with this report P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 $ 495.00 E-mail Address Phone Eneville~town.southold.ny.us (631) 765-1800 THIS MONTHLY REPORI OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STALE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR EACH MONIH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance ora marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number I at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any &the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (09/2004) INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 53% DOG LICENSE WHOLE TOWN PART TOWN HIGHWAY FI SEWER SWMD WASTE WATER TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 9,238.09 0.00 9,238.09 48,121.57 860.00 5,831.25 206,946.21 120.00 271,117.12 WHOLE 0.479 PART 2.496 HIGHWAY 0.045 FI SEWER 0.302 SVVM D 10.732 WASTE WATER 0.006 TOTAL 14.060 NON LOCAL REVENUES & MISC. AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 1.57 TOTAL OF DISTS 0.00 Sand & Gravel 14.06 0.00 TOTAL NON-LOCAL 0.00 REVENUES 5,402.17 495.00 0.00 0.00 5,912.80 September 11 271,117.12 0.00 5,912.80 277,029.92 Page 17 10/04~2011 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 1 ~ September 01, 2011 - September 30, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qt¥ Local Share Credit Card FISW INTEREST PART PT-HIGHWAY SWMD Fishers Island Sewer District Interest Now Account Building Department Fees Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Studies, Reports & Misc Maps Yard Sale Zoning Board Highway Excavation Solid Waste Management District SR.2130.10 SR.213Q20 SR.2130.30 SR,2130.40 SR.213Q50 SR.2130.60 SR,213Q90 SR259Q10 9/2/11 credit card fee 2 -72.25 9/9/11 credit card fee 1 -75.37 Sewer District Interest NOW Account Sub-Total: -$147.62 18 5,831.25 Sub-Total: $6,831.25 1 14.06 Sub-Total: $14.06 Application Fees 9 40,243.57 Death Trans. 198 1,980.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 House Trailer Permit 3 300.00 Study Cd 2 2.00 Permits 69 1,035.00 Application Fees 6 4,550.00 Permits Sub-Total: $48,121.57 5 860.00 Sub-Total: $860.00 Tipping Fee Deposit 20 109,204.86 Tipping Interest 18 1,302.97 C G - Commercial 12 3,670.85 G R - Grass 19 258.70 T Tires 8 326.00 G R B - Grass Bagged 1 32.50 Propane Tanks - Used 3 6.00 R Rubbish 29 12,411.10 Refrigerants (appl) 39 780.00 C- C D Community C & D 1 3.90 C Construction/demolition 29 10,660.80 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 10 469.70 Cc&d Clean Lumber 1 5.40 Bags - On Account 13 34,473.98 Bags- Retail- Large 228 513.00 Bags - Retail- Medium 120 180.00 Bags - Retail - Small 75 56.25 Bags - Vending Machine 38 6,943.95 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) 3 90.00 CS60 (Comm Contract $60) 1 60.00 Residential Single Entry 2 500.00 Resse (resid. Single Entry) 84 420.00 Bags - Leaf 60 28.20 Bags - Wholesale Leaf 660 237.60 2 year - 2011 40 1,200.00 2 year - 2011 Add'l 5 75.00 2010 Add'l 2 Year 7 105.00 1010412011 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 2 September 01, 2011 - September 30, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qt¥ Local Share WHOLE SR.2590.20 SR.2650.00 SR.2650.10 SR8160.4.500.500 Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Licensing Dog Redemption - 1 st Dog Redemptions - 3+ Filming Fishers Island Mooring Permits Historical Items Landowner Marriage License Photocopies Shellfish Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit-VOIDED 2010-11 Additional Permit 2011-12 First Permit Sale Of Recyclables Delivery F Free Mulch Mixed Leaf Mulch Out 0 M M Outgoing Mixed Outgoing Leaf Mulch SWC (Screened Wood Chips) UWC (Unscreened Wood Chips) Credit Card Fee 2 50.00 41 0.00 2 0.00 1 30.00 1 120.00 7 16,225.53 1 150.00 12 -111.25 1 79.20 1 30.00 23 1,055.45 43 5,553.51 1 33.75 4 -138.12 Sub-Total: $207,093.83 2011 Fines 23 2,300.00 initial 14 350.00 Renewals 2010 10 100.00 Renewals 2011 132 1,320.00 Beach Daily 63 1,560.00 Guest 1 30.00 Lessee 1 30.00 Non-Resident Seasonal 2 300.00 Replacement Sticker 13 0.00 Resident 45 270.00 Voided Sticker 4 Q00 Bingo Proceeds 4 32.47 Marriage Trans. 6 60.00 Conservation (DECALS) 22 314.83 Fee Reimbursement 1 15.00 Female, Spayed 35 350.00 Female, Unspayed 1 15.00 Male, Neutered 17 170.00 Male, Unneutered 7 105.00 Dog Redemption - 1st 5 50.00 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 1 35.00 Beach Permits 1 10.00 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 1 510.00 "Houses" Hard Cover - Retail 1 9.21 "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 2 4.60 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 2 2.30 Southold Deer Management 67 650.00 Southold Deer Nuisance Permit 6 0.00 Marriage License 22 385.00 Photocopies 88 138.68 Free - Non-Commer. 5 0.00 Replacement 2 0.00 10104/201'1 , Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page September 01,2011 - September 30, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share VWVDD Wastewater Disposal District Resid. - Non-Comm. 9 45.00 Voided 1 0.00 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Sub-Total: $9,162.09 12 120.00 Sub-Total: $120.00 Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Total State, County & Local Revenues: Total Local Shares Remitted: Agency & Trust, Sales Tax 0.18 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax 1.39 NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 76~00 NYS Environmental Conservation 5~402.17 NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 498.00 $277,029.92 Total Non-Local Revenues: $5,974.74 $271,055.18 Eiizabeth A. Nevirle being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. SoutholdTown Supervisor Date ~/)Southold'Town Clerk /Da~e/ ' f IQ/04/2011, Page: I Cash Category Alarm Fees Beach Permits Building Dept. Fees Cedification, Death Certification, Marriage Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Licenses Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report September 01,2011 - September 30, 2011 Sub-Category Account # Credit Card Account # Credit Card Original Original Original Original Renewal Renewal Qty Description Amount 2 9/2/11 credit card fee 1 9/9/11 credit card fee -72.25 -75.37 3 Category Sub-Total... 23 2011 Fines 14 Initial 10 Renewals 2010 132 Renewals 2011 4147.62 2,300,00 35000 100.00 1,32000 179 Category Sub-Total... $4,070.00 63 Beach Daily 1,550.00 1 Guest 30.00 1 Lessee 30.00 2 Non-Resident Seasonal 300.00 13 Replacement Sticker 0.00 45 Resident 270.00 4 Voided Sticker 0.00 129 Category Sub-Total... $2,190.00 9 Application Fees 40,24357 9 Category Sub-Total... $40,243.67 198 Death Trans. 1,980.00 I Death Trans. - Genealogical 11.00 199 Category Sub-Total... $1,991.00 6 Marriage Trans. 60.00 6 Category Sub-Total... $60.00 22 Conservation (DECALS) 5,717.00 22 Category Sub-Total... $5,717.00 1 Fee Reimbursement 15.00 '1 Category Sub-Total... 9 Female, Spayed 1 Female, Unspayed 3 Male, Neutered 2 Male, Unneutered $15.00 99.00 18.00 33.00 36.00 15 Category Sub-Total... 26 Female, Spayed 14 Male, Neutered $186.00 28600 154.00 Iq/04/2011, Page: 2 Caah Cate.qory Filming Fishem Island Mooring Permits Fishem Island Sewer Distd~ Highway Excavation Historical Items House Trailer Permits Interest Now Account Landowner Misc. Cash Racing And Wagering Redemptions Shellfish Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report September 01,2011 - September 30, 2011 Sub-Category Renewal Bingo Amount Qty Description 5 Male, Unneutered 90.00 46 Category Sub-Total... $530.00 I Beach Permits lQ00 1 Category Sub-Total... $10.00 1 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 51Q00 I Category Sub-Total... $510.00 18 Sewer District 5,831.25 18 Category Sub-Total... $5,831.25 5 Permits 860.00 6 Category Sub-Total... $860.00 1 "Houses" Hard Cover- Retail 10,00 2 "Houses" Soft Cover- Retail 5.00 2 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 2.50 6 Category Sub-Total... $17.50 3 House Trailer Permit 300.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $300.00 1 Interest NOWAccount 14.06 1 Category Sub-Total... $14.06 67 Southold Deer Management 65000 6 Southold Deer Nuisance Permit 0.00 73 Category Sub-Total... $650.00 88 Photocopies 138.68 2 StudyCd 2 18 90 Category Sub-Total... $140.86 4 Bingo Proceeds 3247 4 Category Sub-Total... $32.47 5 Dog Redemption - 1st 50.00 1 Dog Redemptions- 3+ 35.00 6 Category Sub-Total... 5 Free- Non-Commer 2 Replacement 9 Resid. - Non-Comm. 1 Voided $88.00 Q00 0.00 45.00 Q00 17 Category Sub-Total,.. $45.00 0/04/20 Cash Category Solid Waste Management District Sub-Category Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report September 01,2011 - September 30,2011 Qty Description 40 2 year-2011 5 2 year-2011 Add'l 7 2010 Add'l 2 Year 1 2010-11 Additional Permit 1 2011-12 First Permit 60 Bags- Leaf 13 Bags - On Account 228 Bags - Retail - Large 120 Bags - Retail - Medium 75 Bags - Retail - Small 38 Bags - Vending Machine 660 Bags - Wholesale Leaf 1 C- C D Community C & D 29 C Construction/demolition 12 C G - Commercial 10 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 1 Cc&d Clean Lumber 4 Credit Card Fee 3 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) 1 CS60 (Comm Contract $60) 1 Delivery 2 Disposal Permit- Guest 41 Disposal Permit- Replace 2 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 12 F Free Mulch 19 GE-Grass 1 G R B - Grass Bagged 1 Mixed Leaf Mulch Out 10 M M Outgoing Mixed 23 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 3 Propane Tanks - Used 29 R Rubbish 39 Refrigerants (appl) Page: 3 Amount 1,200,00 75.00 10500 30.00 120,00 28,20 34,473.98 513,00 18000 56.25 6,94395 237.60 3.90 10,660.80 3,67085 469,70 5.40 -13812 90.00 60.00 150.00 50.00 000 0.00 -111.25 258.70 32.50 79.20 30.00 1,055.45 6.00 12,41110 780.00 10,/04/2011~ Page: 4 Cash Category Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report September 01,2011 - September 30, 2011 Vital Statistics Marriage Wastewater Disposal District Yard Sale Zoning Board Of Appeals Sub-Category Payment Method Received Thru CASH $75,733.32 BANK CHECK $201,226.6(~ COUNTER $226,615.60 CREDIT CARD $40.00 MAIL $7,416,25 DEBIT CARD $30.00 OFFICE $41,738.07 Qty Description Amount 2 Residential Single Entry 50000 84 Resse (resid Single Entry) 42000 7 Sale Of Recyclables 16,225.53 43 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 5,553.51 8 T Tires 326.00 20 Tipping Fee Deposit 109,204.86 18 Tipping Interest 1,302.97 1 UWC (Unscreened Wood Chips) 33.75 1666 Category Sub-Total... $207,093.83 22 Marriage License 880.00 22 Category Sub-Total... $880.00 12 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. 120.00 12 Category Sub-Total... $120.00 69 Permits 1,035.00 69 Category Sub-Total... $1,035.00 6 Application Fees 4,550.00 6 Category Sub-Total... $4,550.00 Grand Total ......................... $277,029.92 $1,260.00 Town of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 09/30/11 * * * RECEIPT * * * ReceiptS: 115098 Transaction(s): 1 1 Interest NOW Account Reference sept 2011 Subtotal $14.06 Cash Total Paid: $14.06 Name: Town, Clerk's Office P.o. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Clerk ID: LYNDAR Internal ID: sept 2011 10/04/2011 Town of Southold Proceeds Report For: All License Types Date Range: 09/01/2011 to 09/30/2011 Page: 1 License Type 2011:Bingo 2011-Bingo 2011-Bingo 2011-Bingo 2011-Bingo License # 4013 4013 4013 4013 4013 Organization Name Receipt Date Occasion Receipts Expenses Profits Cash American, Legion Post 803 09/06/2011 08/30/2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 American, Legion Post 803 09/06/2011 09/06/2011 $97500 $858.75 $11276 $3.49 American, Legion Post 803 09/16/2011 09/13/2011 $1,120.00 $858.75 $253.41 $7.84 American, Legion Post 803 09/21/2011 09/20/2011 $1,327.00 $86875 $444.50 $1375 American, Legion Post 803 09/28/2011 09/27/2011 $1,115,00 $868,75 $236.86 $7.39 Totals: $4,537.00 $3,455.00 $1,049.53 $32.47 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 4 . Previous Statement Transactions on TOWN CLERK *****5466 - $288,312.89 as of October O4, 2011 Check Date Number Description Debit Credit Balance 09/01/2011 DEPOSIT 530.65 343,866.12 09/01/2011 DEPOSIT 798.40 344,664.52 09/01/2011 DEPOSIT 8,195.23 352,859.75 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 78.00 352,937.75 09/01/20t 1 TRANS 09/02/2011 DEPOSIT 775.55 353,713.30 09/02/2011 DEPOSIT 882.40 354,595.70 09/02/2011 DEPOSIT 1,164.42 355,760.12 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 249.00 356,009.12 09/0212011 TRANS 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS 249.87 356,258.99 09/02/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 146.00 35§,404.99 09/03/2011 TRANS 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 1,070.55 357,475.54 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 1,260.00 358,735.54 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 1,460.40 360,195.94 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 2,395.30 362,591.24 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 2,908.38 365,499.62 USA TECHNOLOGIES 09022011EF 974.75 366,474.37 09/06/2011 642049 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 250.00 366,724.37 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 382.15 367,106.52 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 701.89 367,808.41 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 890.49 368,698.90 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 2,572.90 371,271.80 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 99.00 371,370.80 09/07/2011 TRANS 09/08/2011 DEPOSIT 322.84 371,693.64 09/08/2011 DEPOSIT 401.40 372,095.04 09/08/2011 DEPOSIT 1,786.25 373,881.29 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 157.00 374,038.29 09/08/2011 TRANS 09/09/2011 DEPOSIT 1,436.22 375,474.51 09/09/2011 DEPOSIT 3,655.00 379,129.51 09/09/2011 DEPOSIT 26,993.84 406,123.35 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 49.00 406,172.35 09/09/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 84.00 406,256.35 09/10/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 300.20 406,556.55 09/10/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 117.50 406,674.05 09/11/2011 TRANS 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 787.80 407,461.85 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,057.34 408,519.19 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,109.70 409,628.89 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,276.44 410,905.33 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,354.46 412,259.79 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,674.38 413,934.17 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 163.90 414,098.07 09/12/2011 TRANS USA TECHNOLOGIES 09092011EF 1,191.38 415,289.45 09/12/2011 643509 09/13/2011 DEPOSIT 734.63 416,024.08 09/13/2011 DEPOSIT 1,047.77 417,071.85 09/13/2011 DEPOSIT 1,593.50 418,665.35 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 203.00 418,868.35 09/13/2011 TRANS 09/13/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 410.78 419,279.13 https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBI_PBI 1961/Pbi 1961 .asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 Bri.dgehampton National.Bank Page 2 of 4 TRANS ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 09/13/2011 500027685 ON 9/13 AT 12:26 CONF# 1,033.75 418,245.38 400329656 09/14/2011 DFPOSIT 398.93 418,644.31 09/14/2011 DEPOSIT 537.98 419,182.29 09/14/2011 DEPOSIT 2,950.13 422,132.42 09/14/2011 DEPOSIT 6,680.60 428,813.02 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 157.00 428,970.02 09/14/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 533.60 429,503,62 09/14/2011 TRANS 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 520.00 430,023.62 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 933.98 430,957.60 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 1,065.47 432,023.07 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 1,434,66 433,457.73 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 30.00 433,487.73 09/15/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMFNTECH POS 60.70 433,548.43 09/15/2011 TRANS 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS 1,797.60 435,346.03 09/15/2011 TRANS 09/15/2011 INTERFST AT .0500 14.06 435,360.09 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 616.90 435,976.99 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 1,828.72 437,805.71 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 5,844.22 443,649.93 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 7,395.00 451,044.93 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 65.90 451,110.83 09/16/2011 TRANS 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS 125.00 451,235.83 09/16/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 315.00 451,550.83 09/16/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 60.00 451,610.83 09/17/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTFCH POS 191.35 451,802.18 09/17/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 167.40 451,969.58 09/18/2011 TRANS 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 489,90 452,459.48 09/19/2011 DFPOSIT 1,060.68 453,520.16 09/1g/2011 DEPOSIT 1,119.16 454,639.32 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 1,182.91 455,822.23 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 1,555.72 457,377.95 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 7,815.65 465,193.60 000431263244888 PAYMENTFCH POS 322.95 465,516.55 09/19/2011 TRANS USA TECHNOLOGIES 09162011EF 815.41 466,331.96 09/19/2011 645343 09/19/2011 1733 CHFCK 344,351.30 121,980.66 09/19/2011 1729 CHECK 495.00 121,485.66 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 250.00 121,735.66 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 594.50 122,330.16 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 956.18 123,286.34 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 10,284.28 133,570.62 000431264390888 PAYMENTFCH POS 30.00 133,600.52 09/20/2011 TRANS 000431263361880 PAYMFNTECH POS 85.00 133,685.62 09/20/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 174.40 133,860.02 09/20/2011 TRANS 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 835.10 134,695.12 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 1,413.46 136,108.58 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 2,281.89 138,390.47 09/21/2011 DFPOSIT 3,970.85 142,381.32 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 196.70 142,558.02 09/21/2011 TRANS https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBi_PBi 1961/Pbi1961 ,asp?WCi=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle.,. 10/4/2011 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 3 of 4 09/21/2011 1734 CHECK .34 142,557.68 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 1,400.78 143,958.46 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 1,824.33 145,782.79 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 1,856.75 147,639.54 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 7,458.16 155,097.70 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 128.30 155,226.00 09/22/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 158.00 155,384.00 09/2212011 TRANS 09/23/2011 DEPOSIT 85.50 155,469.50 09/23/2011 DEPOSIT 800.18 156,269.68 09/23/2011 DEPOSIT 4,569.00 160,838.68 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 180.10 161,018.78 09/23/2011 TRANS 09/23/2011 1731 CHECK 80.00 160,938.78 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 123.40 161,062.18 09/24/2011 TRANS 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS 125.00 161,187.18 09/24/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 145.00 161,332.18 09/24/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 35.00 161,367.18 09/25/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 275.20 161,642.38 09/25/2011 TRANS 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 200.48 161,842.86 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 618.30 162,461.16 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 638.00 163,099.16 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 790.20 163,889.36 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 938.94 164,828.30 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 1,145.70 165,974.00 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 11,016.85 176,990.85 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 18,214.41 195,205.26 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 119.10 195,324.36 09/26/2011 TRANS USA TECHNOLOGIES 09232011EF 524.09 195,848.45 09/26/2011 647984 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 793.93 196,642.38 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 2,151.92 198,794.30 09127/2011 DEPOSIT 4,362.59 203,156.89 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 11,060.15 214,217.04 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 36.00 214,253.04 09/27/2011 TRANS 000431283244888 PAYMENTECH POS 49.20 214,302.24 09/27/2011 TRANS 09/28/2011 DEPOSIT 818.60 215,120.84 09/28/2011 DEPOSIT 1,638.67 216,759.51 09/28/2011 DEPOSIT 2,290.75 219,050.26 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 291.70 219,341.96 09/28/2011 TRANS 09/29/2011 DEPOSIT 882.70 220,224.66 09/29/2011 DEPOSIT 7,133.49 227,358.15 09/29/2011 DEPOSIT 8,757.54 236,115.69 0912912011 DEPOSIT 32,228.16 268,343.85 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS 100.00 268,443.85 09/29/2011 TRANS 000431263244888PAYMENTECH POS 117.60 268,561.45 09/29/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 191.00 268,752.45 09/29/2011 TRANS 0913012011 DEPOSIT 888.93 269,641.38 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 1,930.75 271,572.13 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 2,128.96 273,701.09 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 2,828.66 276,529.75 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 206.00 276,735.75 09/30/2011 TRANS 09/30/2011 000431263244888PAYMENTECH POS 1,985.10 278,720.85 https://ns.bankbyweb.netJPBI_PBI 1961/Pbi1961 .asp?WCl=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 4 of 4 I TRANS I https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBl_PBI 1961/Pbi 1961 .asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 4 Previous Statement Transactions on TOWN CLERK *****5466 - $288,312.89 as of October 04, 2011 Check Date Number Description Debit Credit Balance 09/01/2011 DEPOSIT 530.65 343,866,12 09/01/2011 DEPOSIT 798.40 344,664.52 09/01/2011 DEPOSIT 8,195.23 352,859.75 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 78.00 352,937,75 09/01/2011 TRANS 09/02/2011 DEPOSIT 775.55 353,713.30 09/02/2011 DEPOSIT 882.40 354,595.70 09/02/2011 DEPOSIT 1,164.42 355,760.12 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 249.00 356,009.12 09/02/2011 TRANS 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS 249.87 356,258.99 09/02/2011 TRANS 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 09/03/2011 TRANS 146.00 356,404.99 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 1,070.55 357,475.54 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 1,260.00 358,735.54 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 1,460,40 360,195.94 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 2,395.30 362,591.24 09/06/2011 DEPOSIT 2,908.38 365,499.62 USA TECHNOLOGIES 09022011EF 974.75 366,474.37 09/06/2011 642049 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 250.00 366,724.37 09/0712011 DEPOSIT 382.15 367,106.52 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 701.89 367,808.41 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 890.49 368,698.90 09/07/2011 DEPOSIT 2,572.90 371,271.80 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 99.00 371,370.80 09/07/2011 TRANS 09/08/2011 DEPOSIT 322.84 '371,693.64 09/0812011 DEPOSIT 401.40 372,095.04 09/08/2011 DEPOSIT 1,786.25 373,881.29 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 157.00 374,038.29 09/08/2011 TRANS 09/09/2011 DEPOSIT 1,436.22 375,474.51 09/09/2011 DEPOSIT 3,655.00 379,129.51 09/09/2011 DEPOSIT 26,993.84 406,123.35 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 09/09/2011 TRANS 49.00 406,172.35 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS 84.00 406,256.35 09/10/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 300.20 406,556.55 09/10/2011 TRANS 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 09/11/2011 TRANS 117.50 406,674.05 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 787.80 407,461.85 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,057.34 408,519.19 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,109.70 409,628.89 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,276.44 410,905.33 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,354,46 412,259.79 09/12/2011 DEPOSIT 1,674.38 413,934.17 09/12/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 163.90 414,098,07 09112/2011 USA TECHNOLOGIES 09092011EF 643509 1,191.38 415,289.45 09/13/2011 DEPOSIT 734.63 416,024,08 09/13/2011 DEPOSIT 1,047.77 417,071,85 09/13/2011 DEPOSIT 1,593.50 418,665.35 09/13/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 203.00 418,868.35 09/13/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS 410.78 419,279.13 https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBI_PBI 1961/Pbi 1961 .asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 2 of 4 TRANS ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 09/13/2011 500027685 ON 9/13 AT 12:26 CONF# 1,033.75 418,245.38 400329656 09/14/2011 DEPOSIT 398.93 418,644.31 09/14/2011 DEPOSIT 537.98 419,182.29 09/1412011 DEPQSIT 2,950.13 422,132.42 09/14/2011 DEPOSIT 6,680.60 428,813.02 09/14/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 157.00 428,970.02 09/14/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 533.60 429,503.62 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 520.00 430,023.62 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 933.98 430,957.60 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 1,065.47 432,023.07 09/15/2011 DEPOSIT 1,434.66 433,457.73 09/15/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 30.00 433,487.73 09/15/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 60.70 433,548.43 09/15/2011 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 1,797.60 435,346.03 09/15/2011 INTEREST AT .0500 14.06 435,360.09 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 616.90 435,976.99 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 1,828.72 437,805.71 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 5,844.22 443,649.93 09/16/2011 DEPOSIT 7,395.00 451,044.93 09/16/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 65.90 451,110.83 09/16/2011 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 125.00 451,235.83 09/16/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 315.00 451,550.83 09/17/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 60.00 451,610.83 09/17/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 191.35 451,802.18 09/18/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 167.40 451,969.58 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 489.90 452,459.48 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 1,060.68 453,520.16 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 1,119.16 454,639.32 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 1,182.91 455,822.23 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 1,555.72 457,377.95 09/19/2011 DEPOSIT 7,815.65 465,193.60 09/19/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 322.95 465,516.55 09/19/2011 USA TECHNOLOGIES 09162011EF 645343 815.41 466,331.96 09/19/2011 1733 CHECK 344,351.30 121,980.66 09/19/2011 1729 CHECK 495.00 121,485.66 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 250.00 121,735.66 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 594.50 122,330.16 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 956.18 123,286.34 09/20/2011 DEPOSIT 10,284.28 133,570.62 09/20/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 30.00 133,600.62 09/20/2011 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 85.00 133,685.62 09/20/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 174.40 133,860.02 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 835.10 134,695.12 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 1,413.46 136,108.58 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 2,281.89 138,390.47 09/21/2011 DEPOSIT 3,970.85 142,361.32 09/21/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 196.70 142,558.02 https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBI_PBI 1961/Pbi1961 .asp?WCl=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 3 of 4 09/21/2011 1734 CHECK .34 142,557.68 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 1,400.78 143,958.46 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 1,824.33 145,782.79 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 1,856.75 147,639.54 09/22/2011 DEPOSIT 7,458.16 155,097.70 09/22/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 128.30 155,226.00 09/22/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 158.00 155,384.00 09/23/2011 DEPOSIT 85.50 155,469.50 09/23/2011 DEPOSIT 800.18 156,269.68 09/23/2011 DEPOSIT 4,569.00 160,838.68 09/23/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 180.10 161,018.78 09/23/2011 1731 CHECK 80.00 160,938.78 09/24/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 123.40 161,062.18 09/24/2011 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 125.00 161,187.18 09/24/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 145.00 161,332.18 09/25/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 35.00 161,367.18 09/25/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 275.20 161,642.38 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 200.48 161,842.86 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 618.30 162,461.16 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 638.00 163,099.16 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 790.20 163,889.36 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 938.94 164,828.30 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 1,145.70 165,974.00 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 11,016.85 176,990.85 09/26/2011 DEPOSIT 18,214.41 195,205.26 09/26/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 119.10 195,324.36 09/26/2011 USA TECHNOLOGIES 09232011EF 647984 524.09 195,848.45 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 793.93 196,642.38 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 2,151.92 198,794.30 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 4,362.59 203,156.89 09/27/2011 DEPOSIT 11,060.15 214,217.04 09/2712011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 36.00 214,253.04 09/27/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 49.20 214,302.24 09/28/2011 DEPOSIT 818.60 215,120.84 09/2812011 DEPOSIT 1,638.67 216,759.51 09/28/2011 DEPOSIT 2,290.75 219,050.26 09/28/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 291.70 219,341.96 09/29/2011 DEPOSIT 882.70 220,224.66 09/29/2011 DEPQSIT 7,133.49 227,358.15 09/29/2011 DEPOSIT 8,757.54 236,115.69 09/29/2011 DEPOSIT 32,228.16 268,343.85 09/29/2011 000431263361880 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 100.00 268,443.85 09/29/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 117.60 268,561.45 09/29/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 191.00 268,752.45 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 888.93 269,641.38 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 1,930.75 271,572.13 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 2,128.96 273,701.09 09/30/2011 DEPOSIT 2,828.66 276,529.75 09/30/2011 000431264390888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 206.00 276,735.75 09/30/2011 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH PQS 1,985.10 278,720.85 https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBI_PBI 1961/Pbi1961 .asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 · Bridgehampton National Bank Page 4 of 4 TRANS https//ns bankbyweb net/PBI_PBI 1961/Pbi 1961.asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=Show&Cycle... 10/4/2011 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 Transfer Confirmation Completed: 10/04/2011 12:26:00 PM EST Transfer From Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance ..... 5466 TOWN CLERK 5,646.91 282555.98 Transfer To Deposits I Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****7685 TOWN CLERK- CONS LICENSES OKI 5,646.91 5,646.91 400347063 https://ns.bankbyweb.net/PBI_PBI1961/Pbi1961.Asp?WCI=ExpressXfr&WCE=PFConfir... 10/4/2011 17/04/2011 Town of Southold DECALS Import Transaction Report September 01,2011 - September 30, 2011 Page: Date 09/01/2011 09/02/2011 09/06/2011 09/07/2011 09/08/2011 09/09/2011 09/12/2011 09/13/2011 09/14/2011 09/15/2011 09/16/2011 09/19/2011 09/20/2011 09/21/2011 09/22/2011 09/23/2011 09/26/2011 09/27/2011 09/28/2011 09/29/2011 09/30/2011 Agent Total Sales 128.00 258.00 32400 410.00 313~00 545.00 612.00 36200 223.00 499.00 108.00 232.00 47.00 334.00 28400 17200 1500 57.00 275.00 376.00 399.00 Less Commission 7.05 14.20 1785 22.59 17.24 30.00 33.71 19.93 12.29 27.47 5.94 12.76 2.59 18.39 1563 948 0.83 3.14 15.13 20.73 19.14 Net Due to Encon 120.95 243.80 306.15 387.41 295.76 515.00 578.29 342.07 210.71 471.53 102.06 219.24 44,41 31561 268.37 16252 14~17 53.86 259.87 35527 37986 UserlD CAROLH CAROLH BONNIED BONNIED BONNIED CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH BONNIED BONNIED CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH BONNIED BONNIED CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH BONNIED Report Totals: $5,973.00 $326.09 $5,646.91