HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntting, Dr. Jonathan G. Scrapbook Vol. 06 7On May 20, 1812, the first Olympic was they Zvantod-tno ttioat•o wlttlout teles nanir>, to Roller's Thejtltre in 1�-,7 7,there beeame tthr� Fj YORK S 1HR13..LR RES`.' His lectllro room saw most of the plays of thr+ Madison Square,tlirin Hoyt,'s,and now i� :raill i. opened, to change its name in 1813 to the da,v and had a reg•ul�s,r coiripan,,• attached to it the Madison tiqu ere. It was famous rn s Commonwealth,and to close in January.1814. as r,;all as a dra-i,-clst, having a double strine,which worked u1 and Ll-$T 033' PLACES Olt' diliUrSE111C7�NT It had been a circus before it became a theatre. On Feb.0.1844,Pahno's Opera House op(4ned clown like a durnb-vaiter; the inventor,.lames its doors; four rears later,on July 10,1848,it Steele Mackaye,intended to do away with the FROM 273A TO 189-9. To take its place, however, another theatre became Burton's Theatre: it,was called the entr'actes, but he found that noople liked opened its doors,the Anthony Street Theatre. Clambers Street Theatre at one time,perhaps entr'actes.so, though the stage is used still. It was in Anthony street, now Worth, just Unofficially. Tile building of the Flmeriean the waits between the acts are no shorter than 1 int Begins with the "Play)aouBe°' and»rude off Broadway, and had its first perform- News Company, in Chambers street, is on they are at other theatres. its site, On Dec. 23 of the same year that saw the' with the New York-Some Famous Thea- ance on July 6, 1814. There, the Park On May 5,1.84 5,the Bowery Circus changed I Fifth Avenue Opera House open, 1865.Lucy' being burned, Edmund Kean made his first its name to the Bow(l6 Theatre,the real L'ow- Rushton came to town from Londonand looked ire• a.nd Others That Exist Merely by ery having been burned clown Just two wooks for a theatre. She could not find one,but dia appearance in America in 1820. The Anthony earlier. find a church just vacated by its congregation. Name.and Not by Mllc11 of That-How Street was burned,and never rebuilt,on July The Broadway at Walker street having This was the Church of the Messiah,a Tlnita- Theatres Have Changed Their Names. 6,1824. The City Theatre was the flrstBerke- closed, a new Broadway, the seeond, was rinn church, of which the Rev. Dr. Osborne opened on Sept.27,1847,at a point between Was pastor. Tlie people of his flock held moved T ley Lyceum,as it was opened for an amateur ,up to the famous-beefsteak"church at fourth How many n®w Yorkers of this day who theatre on July 2,1822,and closed on June 13, closed on April 2o1v859r Worth streets,it was avenue and Twentieth street. Miss Rushton know the phrase, 'Flake me up when Kirby 1823, It stood at 15 Warren street,and was in On Nov.25 of that same year,1847,Clio Astor took the old building,hired the right persons, cries,"know where it origi;rated?Most of them the second story. Place Opera House was opened, to become,and on Dec.23, just three weeks after she had famous a year and a,half later as tho scene of'got Possesr,iOu, opened with the "School for will say that it came from the Bowery Theatre, The Broadway Circus,between Howard and the Forrest-hlacread y riot .when severat score Scandal." The theatre was called Lucv Rush- for to the average New Yorker there was but people lost their livc^s, n 1.8 2 the Opera ton s:aftertbnt it was tho Now York Theatre{ one theatre in the old city,the Bowery. But Grand streets,was used as a heatre during the yellow fever scare in 1822: so was the ''House beeame the New Yorktlieatrcl; and in and the Waverley,then Kelly andLeon,s:then the average New Yorker will be wrong,for the: 1854 the Alercantile.Library Association borrellt Lina Vdwin s;then Belly and Leon s again. It Mount Pitt Cirous at Grand street and East the _ was burned in Novemt�or,1872. Thor,three Bplace and built the theatre over into Clin owery wasn't the only theatre in the old city. Broadway. ton Hall, weeks after he had been bhlrnecl out at the Fifth and it wasn't at the Bowery that Hudson Kirby In 1848 there was a Greenwich Street Thea- Avenue in Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Daly The Chatham Garden, later the Pavilion tre in tho city. The police knew more about opened the theatre as the Nezv Fifth.,,venue. caused the famous sayin;�to originate. ; ;`Theatre,stood from 1823 to 1832 in Chatham the place.in later years,than the historian of After his departure it was empty fora time., Anthony Aston, prior to 1732, had acted in New York; but what he acted and street, now Park- row, between Duane and Tjheatre for York time.andIwas clossd called bout 29, 1881 fid'opened as tile°New Theat e �vliore are unknown, Just about as troch is Pearl streets. It soon lost its vogue,and after twenty-flys years ago. It was about on a par!Comigne. They burned out in December, 1 many names became a church. Then Castle with Jack's place only it was not on Broadway,i 1884.and the ax-church since ex-theatre eras known of the first theatre in the City. Garden was opened for performances, the- On Oct.15.1850,John Brougham opnned his;rebuilt as the Old London Street. As far back as 1732 there was a playhouse Lyceum on Broadway.near 13roome street: on In 186(;,on Afav `ase, the Theatre Fran,,ais; somewhere in the city,though no one knows ntrical and musical, and in 1825, on July 4, sept,8,1852,this became Wfl.11ael.'s first thea-• was opened in WoGt Fonrteenth street. It K as; Gen. Sandford opened the Lafayette AmphI- tre,keeping that name until 11Tav ]1, 18e, ; to he the scone of French plays,and at RrSt'i �vlieze It wag. It-4as lII a building owned by theatre, afterward the Lafayette Theatre,tai ;it became the (third)Broadway in 14(37,to re_ siheh plays were produced there. i3nt others tlle estate of the Hon. Rip Van Dam, and no main so until April 28,1869,when it went the than French players came;the theatre was not one knows what performances were given Laurens street. The General was a great way of most theatres. wholly successful. and in 1872, under the circus man and built his theatre Ro that lie In 1852 a theatre named Whito's was opened management of Charles Feehter,the Francais .there. Therefore,except for the name of the in this city, to eloso as the St. Charles;oil beeame the L`>eoum. 'Phan in time the many-I thin,q,as the man said who worked his way on could have horses or Hamlets on its stage. March 11,18515,it was sold rpt auction. invontionod'Mr.John Have-rly took it,and called the canalboat and found himself -valkingbyHis theatre was the finest in the city and stood. Om the site of Trifler's Hall, in Broadway it Haverly'.s Fourteenth Street Theatre, and' until it was burned down on April 11,1.824), opposite Bond street. the Metropolitan Then- finally it became the Fourteenth Street,a name the tow-mules,there might as well have been tre was opened Sept.18, 1.854: a year later it it still retains. e�*liars St.Alphonsus s church stands now.in In 18(36 the Terrace Garden was opened by, �.no playhouse. So we will drop that and go to became the first of Labra. Keene'.-, theatres; the Kip street theatre. This was in KIP,now roost Broadway. then it was Burton's New Theatre, and finally Theodore Tkomas as a high-class music gar- On Oct.23,1826,the third famous theatre of becamo the 11,ffitor Garden: As the Winter don: later ..he theatre was built alongside, Nassau street,,between Jolin street and Maiden Gardeli it housed the famous porfor.m ranee of where German operas incl plays are still pro-f lane. It was opened on March 5, 1750, with the city,and the most famous of them all,was ••Julius C msar"in Novomber.1.804, when ,Ttl- duced. opened-the Now York. soon to be called the nius Bruthls. Edwin and Johlr Willes 13ooth Old John Banvard,with the memories of hissI "Rielhard III." Three gears later,on Sept.17, American, and not long thereafter to become played Chssius,Brutus and iYarc A-ntorw; and panorama 04 the Mississippi not too old,bt iLt 1753,another theatre on the east side of Nas- r 1 I3nntll'S Z�a11?let in 18(14-6G, during its farhaus it theatre at Broadway and Thirdeth street emu street,at ghat is now 64-e6 Nassau accost, th( Bowery. For fifty years every famous ac- 100-night run. It n*aG burned March 23,1Rt1 i. which iu 1868 he called Baalyard's kfuseum: lis t" for on the American stage.almost without ex- The Aendemy of Alfusic was ripened on Oct. Wood as he did regularly. Then Goorl�ol_ ,was opened Lb,rLewis Hallam and his company, caption, trod the Bowery's stage. It is the 2. 1.6:54; burned May 21, 1866: rebuilt 7eb, called it Wood's Museum,and had zl•rtK-, . lror Virginia. The next year Mr. Hallam 18(17.it seder stances. works and Cardiff giants and enormous fish k produced, "for. the first timT e in America," cellose theatre in the city,and now,in strange ,anraiNPene oponecl ber second theatre at with wings,rend a "lectorium"for those Pitt hands, its auditorium ringing with a strange 3;2,3-r,_i4 }3rna.dwav, near Bleecl.er streflt. nn cons wbo diel not like the name theatre,but,. "Romea ani. Juliet." Other Shakespearean tongue,it is the Thalia, and holds Jiddish ac- Nov,18, .537:on Oct.8,1803, it became the like the blue-ribbon Irishman,wanted"some plays were produced there, "Ring Lear," tors end Jiddesh audiences. Olympic. As Misslleeno'sitwas famoths. Thercl t Fmperince tt�rink of.dlh consistincy an sti th *'Othello" (played first in the older theatre), Sothern made his hit as Lome Thut)-par v,and;o, whiskey. AFtPr Wooer 11nishod its career To dwell on the theatres of New York even as Riiss I�eenP played in t;he "Sea of Iec" Ind on Broadway George Edgar tool; the zilaee, and the comedies of Congreve, Cibber and their importance entitles them to be treated'the ".'even tiisters," and made fame incl eallin it the Broadway; there he anted` Bing others. would take too long, but here is a list of them, oney,which former she has kept even to this Lear and other Shakespearean plays, and a In 1758 another theatre was opened, mday, whiclh latter she lost speodily. As the German actress came over and appeared as! with occasional notes on their history: Olympic the theatre is remembored ebiPfly ns;Alessalma in a r~toriously tragic play of that this time in front street, between Old and In 1326 the Sans Soncl Gardens were opened the original home of "llumpty Dumpty,"with .lame. In 1870 fir. Daly took possess]on, Coenties slips;and in 1761 came the the. at Broadway and Prince street. Dater they be- the inirnita ble Gsorgo Fox,one of tela best and chmiged its nalhl0,and managed it until his re-, in Chappel street,where Temple Court now is, most artistte of American actors, cent death.' Chappel, or Chapel,street being the old name came Niblo s Gardens,and from Oct.31,1839, In 1.858 there was a garden at 201 Bowery Away over on the Eighth avenue Mr.Pike of to March 24,1894,wore Niblo's Theatre, At callocl 13opn1's:later it became the Volks Gar- Cllica�o opened ii thaa,rre built for him by Jini, for Beekman street. It was In this theatre,on Niblo's ilio Ravels appeared.not for the first ten;in 1865 Mr.Antonio Pastor opened it as Disk-Pike's Opera House, It did not go and Nov.17,17131,that "Hamlet"was played first time in this country,but for their most famous his opera house,and on Sept;.3,].fi,83,the Pan- he,}e irl+;t•ieTF.en Fisk into ilu the general rrner to 1 end plc s Theatre was opnned,to become a Yiddish in this country, performances. There,too,the"Black Crook" theatre sixteen years later. Forty years al;•o, ilnallq,in the early Seventies,the place became; The first famous theatre in tile city was the whon Hos'in'g place was running,there was a, the Grand Opera Iiou•e, Opern,more or less was given first, and,as most persons forget, nd,has b:(n hung in the place. {John Street,opened on Dec.7,1767. It stood theatre Francois oil Broadwny, almost ePpo- gra "Evangeline"first saw the light in 1874. A site Niblo's Garden; but it has passed,and left an Brvant,who came to town frst in 13357' ,just east of Broadway,and during the occupa- 'lady remembers the,original"Black Crook"as no trace at liecha.nics'Hall,472 Broadway,returned in tion of the city by the British was the scene ofThe New Bowery opener.its doors on Sept.5, 1,1.)'68 and opened in a hall under the new Tim- a"most beautiful performance." that is not 1859 It stood on the west side of the Bowery, n'any Hall, in :Fourteenth street,which he 3nany amateur performances by the officers of its ordinary reputation,however. between Canal acid Mester streets,and was a'cctllecl Bryant s N+iw Biinetrel Hall. He stover{ the garrison and their friends. Major Anclr6 1,11© 1lichmoncl Hill Theatre was opnned rat vera audacious theft of the old I3ozz cry's rami', there until18VO,wlhen lie went to Twenty-third' placed there,and ethers less fatuous than he, 1rar.ick and Charlton streets on Nov.14,1831, for it happenerl that the old place had not rat street. After him Adolph Neuendorft si U In October.1785,after the British had depart- It becarne Miss Nelson's Theatre in 1837, erv,thnwover wias ken•nod oil Dec81,8 l866ori tomplace Pastor took it.tan 1 still has it. then An ed,the theatre reopened with a play called the Mrs.Hamblin's in 1839,the Tivoli Gardens in (till Sept. 25, 1801, tllc. second Wallack s The only theatre opened in 1869 was the Countess of Salisbury," the first play pro- 1840,the New fork Opera House in 1847,and Theatre was opened,at 13rc,adway and Thir- most famous in the history of the American duced under the flag of the United y pro. teenth street. This was the most farssous of stage and managed by the leading actor on -vas demolished in 184). It was the country the three theatres that have borne the name of that stage-Booth's Theatre, opener{ frith The John Street,Thoa,tre was closed with the seat of Aaron INirr,whither Burr had gone Walhck, On its stage t4he old 'Wall;ick madc, 'Romeo and Juliet" on Feb. :l, 1869 and performance on Jan. 13, 1798. "Hall Colum- ;after killing Hamilton. In 1832 it became the his lastappearanee; Charles ATattlhews.played closed with the same Play on Apri130,188.3- bis" was peeved for the first time at this there as one of the company;Dion I.,nlcieault, only fourteen years old,but a famous theatre temporary home in this city of Italian opera. Henry Montague and oche; f•amons netorS inspite of its short life. Edwin Adams and theatre,to honor of Washington. Iii 1`3;3.3,at the southwest corner of Leonard formed its company,and the tbeatru -Vas the Lawrence Barrett were in the company there After the John Street Theatre opened, no -and Church streets, the Opera House was home of the hest acting and 7best mars in the and played special plays on Saturdnv nights, other theatre was built until 1.795),when Rick- country. In 1881 the third 1�allael.s was built, when Booth res?ted-.and later Adelaide Neilson,opened. On Jan.`28. 1836,it became the Na- and in 1882, after the company had moved acted there, and McCullouglh and Biodjeska. ett s circus, in Greenwich stroet,was turned tional Theatre, and was burned as such (�a away,the theatre became the Germania Thea-'It was the finest:and .lest arranged theatre in Into a theatre,to be,called,in 1757,the Green- pixy 28 1311 tre for a year or so. The Germania had what the country while it stood. vich Street. This place was burned on Dec, was said to be one of the best German eom- In 1870 Dan Bryant opined his second opera 37, 1739. Then, in 1798, the original Park The Franklin 1.heatro was Opened on Sept.3 panies anywhere,and many a famous German house in Twenty-third street, just west of 18,35. In 1840 it-was .las called Hills Theatre On plaver went there as cast. In 1883, however, Sixtll avenne. Tho Place lhecahne Roster & Theatro was opened, where the Syndleate or Aclolplh Neuendorff,its manager,had to retire Bial's in 1$78, and was at first a music hall, Park Row building• stands now,at 21-25 Park Broadway in 1837 the secoud•City Theatre was from business,because art and money didn't where m,isic of a.high class was to be heard. opened. It stood opposite St.Pauls Church and agree,and the theatre became what it has been Williehni and Be+menyi were.heard there first I row. This famous theatre ran back to Theatre never attained any great fame. On the east side since,Mlle Star. As the Star it sheltered famous On Sent.11,1871,the Union Square Theatre €rlley,wlhich still exists as the only memorial players,too. Irving macre his first appearance was opened as a.Nmi-lety house: it become a of Broadway, near tiff alker street, the first in America there,and tho best stars of the theatre about a rear Inter. It is ly, the on •tha e ; of the once famous playhouse. So in London .,roadway Theatre was opened onAug. '_'9, country enjoyed the conveniences that Mr. t.re of its age in tlhe city that has kept its orlgi- Playhouse Yard still stands to show where one - - - -- Wallace. had placed there. Finally,it became nal name, The St. James's Theatre in West of the Shakespearean theatres stood. The 1-337,and at 442 Broadway on Sept.13 of the a yoputar price house,and is so now. Twenty-eighth street was opened on Oct.23, Fark, burned down and rebuilt in 1820-21., same year, 1837, the second OlYmpic Was n 185_,2 Woods Museum was opened at 51.4 1872.anti closed oil.larch 30. 1873.%On Dec.. vra,s burned a second time on Dec.1E,1848, opened. A little later it became illitchell's Broadway; later it became the first Theatre 3,1873.111r.Daly made it his third Fifth Avenuo Comrque,in 1870.and there Harrigan and Hart Theat/•e, and, t1imigh lie left it in 1877, tho and was never rebuilt. At tike Pari. all the ,Olympic. made their debut in New York as managers, name the gave.it still clings to'i t. famous actors of thra time appeared, when On Sept.21,1839,the Chatham Theatre was The Turn Halle had been used as a German In 1873 only the,F Bale Theatre was opened they could gat there,and its history is that of opened to the public. It was destined to be theatre in 1860• in 1862 the c'tilt Theotre in the city:it was at Broadway or rather Sixth the scene of F.irbY's triirnlplis. There on Nov. ucceeded it,and In 1864,on til't.6,the New avenue and T hirty-third street. Josh Hartrall .he Now I'orl.stage for many years. >tadt wag opened on the Bowery. In 1880 it at first, and Ila([ an enormous gilt eagle oll In 1799 a.theatre was opene d at 242 Water 1G,1840,lie produced his own play, "The Car- it became the Windsor: was burned once and tho front,over the.(leor. The name Standard qtr©et, but regular plays seem not to have pentor of Rouen,"in which lee played the part rebuilt, and now is one of the chief 5.iddish was given to the house,and after twenty years theatres Ila the city, of tlhnt name it was called the Manhattan,the Been given, merely "medleys." On Jt>dy 3, of Xarteau, Then and there grow up tl,e Pa- A theatre with names and to spare was ser'nnd theatre in the city to have that name. 1901,the Mount Verson Gardens, at Leonard mous sarin$, one of the fozv sayings of the opened on Nov. 30, 18(35, in Twenty-fourth.•'Pinafnro"was sung first at the fitanclard, street and Broadway, were opened as a sum- World that has a distinctly local habitation street, dust west of and me it tngy ohi�eFifth, rhle will(']'Atifor ons thyle ent into tilethea rical buci- and name: "Wake me up when I�irbv dies." Avenue AvenueHotel. Op At Hous©:soon afterward it nPss in 1874•,and built the Park ' '• finer theatr©,being comfortably out of town, rhear.re a�. rtnd on Marell i,1804, the Grove Street The- J.Hudson Kirby was only 20 Years old then, was called for�.times the Fifth Aven 7io Theatre. Twenty-second street and Broadway.Ho failed, metre was opened in Grove,now B[adison street, and lie died really when not quite 40 in Lou- Then,onJan. ougha1m'fl.JThe�re ug but James do vn int1882,just.a weet its k h fore Mrs Lanrgtrti � e,ast of Catharine strect. It was closed on Juno don,none of This earliest admirers near atm. Fisk. Jr., took it ai-,q from him on was to have made It ordurbutthere. Mr.Wallnek _1:0, 1805, Near where Cooper Union stands In 1842 that prince of humbugs, Phineas T. April 3, 1870. On April 5 it resumed Rent Ills company on the road.and let Bars. Barnum,opened his Moral Lecture Roonl. Hls the tname of the Fifth Avonu(. Theatre,Langtry use This ]louse ill which to make hor •eh�ere the Vauaha.l!(larders,which had asoul- under Mr.Daly's direction,whi(,h ended only d6but. Vier tlueatro. Opened in 1.80(3.the"neat salon:_;, musenm was at Broadway and Ali r)street and when the tlheatro was burned down,on Jan.1. In 1874 the Srn,;Franciseo Minstrels opened I0AR Ar h%.,i,•�-HA,,,,,r nann��■ Q.cern i„„1.;- was fillF'd daily by,Scrod 1lersonri who h hit(-. elle,�cjl;3 On Dec.23 of that year if Inepaalt'_ilinnj0_th Ir +econd house in thio eitv. -n+ tAQq Twfeilatv4nlnth sttreat. ''�'bin ilaW Of the wero don the houtto ehnnued Its a,":It wit l�eta natural tunes►,for that matter. baT orhat►a this 31srt Is rrut eomplet�tr. but It ill nParl)•An. Hnv. / r° g�riy's atrrady, tho(NimptIv.thn �Tf>� rnnrly. Ik7ekata.t`tter's.the Onlety.21torrtnanit' ollar's 1A11It+p 'tKeJacRte laraest's. tile+ anvoy, thn 30411,tr anti l acini i In 1875 tho Third Avannn Vwixtre wnR Veil t hib ned at Third avenue and Thirts--tlritt-it re�•t.. lrllllasa ; bronnto tho Attrerloryi 'Thratrn later.thert Measurerl-Inents ocience f, Aprillei, rindIn 184.5 return-1 its its first kfittalnle More vlrr•triefty tea++ ii-od frill thn drat r it �itti.p in lIxtiting�t_thoat:roti In tlds44 ity• Tlrre►re: ,n �r ,••� I atrltt alrl�ts later.irk 1978.a farkinusr Iittln place was, BEYOND TWE .i�t.��lllGE f. F OUR SENSES liteod--thoThentres 13ri.hton,wherw'tho I11jou` "a rtifa. it, wnn intended to he nn Arnariean "(ler- atllsill s' �1'►an Hold's,"and innr,etions rrttiyy were pflven ihere with none nt the arirolftipask of tho nrlic. BY ("ARI, SNY'lDb:lt, tnnl. 8r, in 1tt' 970 Air. Wood Melte Imok and 1�e , cf a' Hart d tho n n o ood'R Flron wraay Tbt►atr*. la :and ti>eri its 0"I the present nntnsr was cis- j 1gAA" :�FV4'TC1i1t' tatraat loot nX("rt- not know tient twoentlt+ of >a wire dile le d d aaeetziti E�i iis►rl to It and the thontro hot-nitre famous,' + its bid- g .I)Ixoty played "Adonis`' ther" for two retara 1� ilii• itn(ifat lkitva"rful �°aiiitaia of ktia in a alt or a�1t1 waterf#e�ileraatt�at a t'tIr- ,A lAt:1t Mr.Abo lo.h1vineahuxnm datigh- lttti►N11 ttinalittle' err+Stld'iitXhrl a1Tge of la O uB U#f#'t'1111}tXklttrXltXt( t1ld t1�explain tlX workinglit: two- f, but so un(>tr ter who t otrahtN o,r*mitt d net.robitilt a Homan +� l i1 }ltttf rti o- (,'ttthtiiin Phurrh in l:lsatith ntroot,anti rolled It •. Si xforhintttelf. Aft+r Mille, for mo*t drat mann- theories and surltti et have been verified Not ki#t+i ing that an vibrating piece t+rfr tfluso+►+ ir.rl. t ti the tFlal,It StriLs mti tiro in aaf surprising tett some of them so late of hart} rtil)lal'r (,tilt uil+le�r proper Lvv— lttaatrtl- +�. irnttay t r•trt 1.ths�tr tire► l':t�hth f'rtrt�pt.then I 1� �+ » Poole"++Now ametly and then thn Oftrittnnita as lanai "arta r. lies artot~k of inforiiXatlenii ellti(ittra, t°Tilly the, t"llurite''tt�r of fin elt�f^ of our The Nntfnnrd in tit Wprr. droll tlt it 109ke-i 1'itlt- w%If It ntix t havo sto front hipb ro the flond. must have wellnigh exhausted they p(Xit�ii- t riraal current its its vicinity, Newton . was nrrnr rpttllr in IRWI:It teas li►tar tett+; bilifiea of hit; tin Yet could he return would 1114' ll't 10(1 as a Hottentot if IttIe' r t ltntamnnfita y« On Sna,T 18142.flip thlr'tl waltae_IiAIleatre iX(XVit, tk'lir�iX atyal►r('ei a t'e�ilttiry #XtX(1 to litllf islet in front c,f a telephone. 1' las am, :sir T mast umnod at t3i'+SsidwlfY aft+i Til tlatlt tar4J1 1Xlinac-lf li t+il 1Htrart ' Ti fif the t trout with The tjt•hr+..al fnr r+rnndat. T have goiltt by, ht mould 1 tt Cunard liT�i(.r, rind two hu.n 'a+ trinat famous thina ntK)tlt it Smut Alr'u.Tatnastrar M i#1--slid teat krldbut.when tho homo rtunnany nst tient on, Tiltist 1+lizzl('fl told ignorant ninit. dred milt-tiltatsear were tihown the instru- the road hurriedly. It I*Pnme Pultnor'st In +. "tint, to I ky,but rottlrnof to its owit tinmew of Wal- s f light, of of tho nature (+f c*tlilgttllutnit-ating with the land it would ewton laid the foundittinns of tho menta of Marennl s wirelcso tt�r ra rh. . '+t fill lhi(7. �t et It{r*tint At��rrla tatrti the LXX(', f'far, t'nstfnw� +a►fe (t�'at�+neltl to 'i(#iy. �*ha littler hetet all irtit�( is Iaern from thn!treat tate+horns of light oporn and light,, that it eta >�iiiXlrly a ftrrtiX of (•l(•r- lfeatwee� ltiiri as blankly g1nlcpiiXg as it dues �., r'Tar4Vft�a+tst ix.rlitan Opern Nouse was built In trielt,y, he had no idea. Ili,; knobivilge a yokel itow.anzit. # ��� Tito 1. 2, rai'aitirtl i. of e>lectririty and trXaiiiXe►tia�iii 'C?t'afX+t, nr�t't�s- ueh lino be€i1 the >t;clvatXt*c (t{ five or . .�, At Broadway and tt'orty.ilr+tt street. in Iwtt."i, » ;trrt. lit+ llc#(1 six tneru of Til, (� halve, literally, lint if►ns tri t, liar estropolitan Atnarair war of enotd. inter to sarily, of the t't t1'eogre l�►ts� .• beeosme tho t^,,l(isinopoh ,nnd. after robuild- light (if Incl. t e Broadwhy TiI11-KI' fin ml Morow no idea of than action of light ott certain merely 111.w tools, but rya w semi, Every' altelrf gPhureh in��'f►Rt Twent>r-third threat metallic salts, an if he were athown a pho- new instrtiineilt, erpry now diwover;y in lig-4ent. tnrtnrinaTe srltt r►reef! oat intern fat tit tp oct .ograph, 01.t31tt' i.w• Into �e Tprnpla.'" in wrench to plan' hiss 1'aatliOn ala}. 'l(w'r l till►�interrupted ilii tear- t ht? would isnot' no ilr�tirsn of how e►xperlailt'i1ta1 t�Xa@aXOP, rsaprrlta either , i . • . it tai It lo-came tho Twonty-ttllnl Strout 'i estrn it V4f1iP1 nnatlr.. l lt� 1i@e►xxi>� lei have lain >t< �rra>nt wi(leiltiti� ref eauar ctrX�iti>ial nix ' nrte-r re butititn land tttgn r-)ntw a Taco Novi, div ftrat to study the a eet of at glaiw son�t�i( or the creation of new oXutm The atrlt� cif k Pnrk was Tru t in 1�:1 at roadway ars TbIrty-fifth a.tret-t, tiartlp out of the %tones pricin ultts#X i# twain of light; he was last four or five yearn haavo offereda nuteri- f wked in 13wth'a Thonfre•,t otnoltnhed that; oar. alt# ISII't11 o. It for It timo was tho NowRISE ne;A"mI ISO � lsrae'tic�ally the inventor rsf thus oiyx-(itro- ber r►f ls('ntat.ifull extainlileat<. We Lna11y se- theirwhiia Harrigan all i Tiara. lasit .seope+. "Y'et lie" wrs111t1 probably halve re- loot ono of it tspeciaall import. 1114 ghafin�csnjotze: far.tut isrnowtaid rilX re. t 't'ilf+ rrw� airs mittttsw.ist*arthe Hartrl arded a lean ate c l(itll t sift whir shoult tient is, ant few ilXoxlt.lntt thrtstl�}I �y Theatre.wax oi'letalr it li�84. . • 1 1 F.airl � in 1i , i The l.l�soum wrw t► rthd �n lW1�'st is Igen. tell him that thin aimple tievive wtrtaltl after I"rofemor Ro�entizen's ainazintt atn- 7 Ainbt-ras; now this rwfne ltrt� The trf►,on oileo tiny tell us what the suit is made nuunoentent of the erformaine of the to kwm r t't rtrtt'r%of alt mnot nreotten itoII I srtrf fl ilei „art: the sit(,#of the ea fe �ntin Irrft►Ic oil,bund- (aid measure the s . rays Professor N-0(luerol of the Nat-itae, lout i 1 Fw, a� time In ltiS4 11arepri 111411.settr�>.F tit o (Jr.f, � of lien inc�lt Y n ci tlttrr rttr'f+et and'i"?rtrl ovat�,i,re,,trait the�rsr - distant statr14, wound reveal to us new urn] ltu$tory Museum in Parris, followed * villa Vituditvilla 'Tbaatra., "t'M H4rIortl C3it(rra �f a title Howto wean built in 1. .tint► rat o� thea l�. kindly of matter, new Ptubstant'('t( tf f whosewith another of an even more puzzlin, atar+►traiti hotXsia<(st. It was totlrawe+d n n sear . io sense l�aaptolxirhous to ltwa also fol tlttt # are r D exigtence no one had dr anied twfore, nature. Studying tilt nf'tion of the Ralts ,. Itirri+inn's opltmeti Oil A rel 4.1 x1,at 21i1:i and perhaps [� ct/�c f 1 pa �ivee us a clew to the origin of ;rt rare and very li(�aty",ti• mineral, urunX^ first nva•nilt+. an ftalinn thentra want opened � dcwree, i for the tlrttt.time in the eltty. of worlds. uin, Professor or �uearel obw.rve(1 that µ t«Thtn�Borkele 'um('17 ty y Lyin t fled chiefly Tali Lama- �t'tl'e+wton (lid not know of any relation those subAtances give riff an in i4ible tvsl.t rsxstlnatt in 1.it Ft. lot op an t n art electrified b(t(ly and a load- radiation, which, like the Roentxen raN's, tilts e(�r- "t ver- There r�wirer C}tyrml;ii(s t"nr�d in than tiny tri ttt+e' 1144rt, just as there+ had boon monlewhare Ill s►t(ttie' 1 any tt rr�it noJthol vf.th n Itlaittrtl0irnivIetstt as + be diel ticit klawww of such a�X thitttz trn eraaera metals and other boalies opaque alt heal- wan ot�nee ireOn l�Wetst �t lrtr•-tnurth wtretot 1,y an c�le�e:trirtll t�urr(»eat; aiilltl if hit were in lilzht., as well as glass and (oilier lentils- ttsyehi� (istr�tlr i3aa� ora e» e n noon anti rooms shown as cominon Morse tell", ph in-' paarent subaatanew. totes ltn- aws sta dI tilt s. In IWI ttrrtxt theatres 01keknetd— 0i Jan. '23—,tho Auiprl- strulnent, acid told that a eurretlt gvnt Tei now radiations affect now, of i[tC� 21 ii- 640r.on y:H d€Rifice tion ei the pineos of round a piee�e of ttoft iron ninkeg thi-4 is nur primal sent. lor- 'hnugh, in follow- theatrical amuorsrn(wnt hravo haen opened in K , and pulls down >n key, and tlult inn up 1�("tquerel's diseoverv, M. ai tl (c tills elty,aim fallow w I t)erinl Musle Mali tt o 11111 inti a men- jwober eppiield� y 1914lin -,Proctor's Plea oto this cyan 1w done at n di�ontive of tbou- Madame ame* C carie have latterly fouled radio- sa. lightly ?+uov, '1t5, li*l.ti)':into`}?turray Bill.(hot.lti.1411(i: sands of mile's, hell would not tins or+taiid Xtt'eve minerids. from plteliblendea, t;'lliell lent Sol- j!). t.21. 7:tho Pewt+y.on tient, what ;floe were ttnlkiliv tllww,tll, 111- (lit! give (►ff a ri4il)le* light. those discovered " another Tianinier thrill theatre ren Tl�arr.It i2, and tho Now York. tin A�sx1124 of this yeaxr. 't'ht» list mhnt>wm that iiinotT-thretrs thtsatreA hist"," been built to this Pity fn 170 years,not nt,tintlrrK those rolitilitrin the rtftosof fortner 11(,tNKST OLD "t'k,ty. . . pit vom of urnuat+ttient. I hr+ list, howevats'. 4. If T do but aunt whrsd a ('eft thou hit scen mn not by ubsrr lut iy eomplrte, The his t , .. , torten 'ur the N**Vork 4fai o ttro ineoru- 1. 0! dont htirt the Clog, la(mr }lt�ne'4t old Tray; HU 9cyc I)s It)Says cr Minter what i*x it y(atT me=noel? plete+. and datest and iota eo4 art* omit. I; What oo(i will it (1(1 thr(� to drive tuna awn ? �l�' _ ,i�l ata:+� alld (1111v ILI.e t.ricil." • tett. An intw�rr+sttin� fw7ttturtt tat' this least is t.l►n �, , � a soarelty of distinctly I(waf car eynn Anwrlean Kind 11"Ilge is.justly }li$ riPmt; , na nion Them have,boan throo Park.thontroM. Anti see, tt 1wrl f i 11►.-mv ilny hat over the Palo, Ilve tlfy t,laP.five Ilroadwayo.and atmtrrt i,t> Rdmt'Tl#ber Blew f,lithful, Ito is to his rh(u•oe, Ile Ccltc�hcs it llarlo and r..r►lxtcls wagging in his e�lil theatje in the city has 1(c�lrt it14original nntite. t 1, g , Thn Ilnfon HrluRfle,wt,rald above,has had Its inti barks at tliF� rcn�u� when lila scat bilin at large, And lays it down close by my side. narrio longer than tiny othr.r theatre In tntvlt, Aud guards us by day and by night. and it wttn built only tw etity•-t+ltiht yours nan. AlmoAt every--ahnnsrx of in ararrlromont tlrut . 'l'll(1n he�nest (,1(1 'I'r.n 1(t isles sleep at hi brotlrxht a elrttn a of name,whieli Im a Oty,him- cy '1'}un1 }1 thrall b wind h r Will rote tl t to it lT1FtiX y' 1 3 rwz5e, lorlettlly sTronk nix. f+erlsurw14 there may b"a w• � i Y ' y� � l � �W1lilt;kid cin frolli hills learn to endeavor P change In i fiat enstom i ratlmer`s hair+ five-orn0 And Tray in a dog, let, hihtn grow as 1w (,all, lx'car to lease, 'a1�'(ailank s tt(gniri •in,i if est rw•nbonnMv r crlttlu obey Ille with spirit and,'Joy: tttr>t llrrir'K Sti Baa 1,. 1,,ply's for years to c�amo. ��,Grrl(.'.ilnbor, my good little lad, t)r t�ltit� tut; shall lillta (tubal w�f�uld �rir:v(�t rile to sa>`y,) _. ,�. _ ,. t)ri t lacy ni Side. c}off that is lncarlcst, and filethlil} Fltul nnil(l, "1'halt .i6(.bar(1's 11() better thwi honest tilt.! Tray, "Teo I undr.rstand you to may that you believe in Is riot only better than 1's a bad child, And fl 11rliL(; sins more sense Llnatl � boy. ghost-5?YaAsuh" answered the old colorad man. "I 'But better than men who al'(' tfa:1C1. b'ltaves In'rnr. I Dean'say dor 114 any atech things ...•�__ _-1.11_1_ ._.___.__ da tdar isn'any necessity of comin'of laroun,an,con• :1. if thou art at boy, and 'Tay is but cat boalst, k It7.t)a�X7Cab�ist�Xlf7,. vincin'me on de subiee'.",—Ti'aah(ngton.star. l think It should tvalc h tulle rile lesson at loast; "Who Is that fright over there In the. salmon colored dress'" Tory Fstt,igri►i i.l{a',•. [llon olight to ar.t better than he! •Ary slater." "Have yotr been rending.u'►y of thr•5e artlala>s ora Aald 11, Wit-flout reason or iIn(l,--illelnt of sell?its, 'Ivo. no. Ali--i didn't mean her—All—ah-1 'WhyMen Don't Go to C luirclo'" "No;one might as w<•Il go to(•laurch and be dein, Tal doles as the bid hiiii Find gives no ofb,;ilce' mnattt t'soy i next to her." Y , � "Phrlt'sntywife." ttfthlL." ('hicaOnitrcorrf Tr rrI`l. How diligent Richard should be. "Do yola think Parker will be, elected?'--Clorr,- Wait Plain Dev'rr. i ,tt it► i atia Tw1=ntr-itill th sit n.(.t. lvhell histo♦ therrf IM008 on.e r 9,orkadby Becquerel do nut. 11111(,y afford ilo t11a perfovtiiig rof th(I ill icrowt•oClo; it open iventor, . away Nr appreciable heat; they arouse no sensa- ed up to marl whole new r,•a111I1y, of which . 00 lend the earth while you count one. l:t is at least ten thoustinil times as riensi- � "°('t'ir'�= tions of touch' taste' sound, or smell. we have realised as yet wily ter. brat � '' i4 nAt? . A n(,,rve wave travels only about a bun- Live as the eye or the ear. But even this toshor IIow, then, may we become aware that fruits. Without the telescope, the arra- Their feet per second, so that if you are astonishing performance is far surll:l„ed r that they exist I Solely by means of our new era, and the speatrosoope�, astroncany . donate senses. They impress a photographic would have remained where it was left five feet high, and can count ten in one by the exquisitely sensitive cohererS, ,li- ner one plate, one of the most useful of our ac- by Ptolemy. , 1;econd, the sensation Of your foot being Covered by ProfessorIiranly of Paris, 'Wilir Aarply pricked can only travel up to by which the Hertz waves of w i rl'loss . 1);1, quired weapons; they will discharge an , One of the earliest steps toward a ra- i the brain and the response thereto travel telegraphy are caught in their )ii1sin�s o-l: h electroscope, which serves us for a tional psychology lay in Webvr s clic- C I ”' lilrol,u knack again in the time you are counting through space. nitas lacking electrical sense; they are twist- covert' of the curious litnitatiorltt of our I , rirrnt eel and turned by a senses. There seems to be fl rlrrel�liolej . one, that is, a distance of ten feet. The The range of impressions which We fret Aartor' , pushed or pulled, . 1 filiniliar phrase "quick as a thought" from lifting ars object in the hand sovini ae "tea magnet, which supplies our absent mag- of sensation,--that we knew will of 014; does not mean ver much, ,As things go rather s lall. An ordinarycliernist's bal- ("d T,ue netic sense; they produce a variety of a body must have a certain Weight ore et y r� clock f uwadays, slow as a thought would go auce is about twenty million time g as 1d i=ec> chemical effects color glass, generate we can appreciate its existence by lift- ' !011TII ozone, make the air and other gases good ing it. But what Weber found was that better. sensitive. It will weigh down t0 the tic=o- •°1r•r1t conductors of electricity, and even trans- there is a kind of a "di$eren('Kr-thresh- Such are the general, conditions of hundredth port of a milligram. T�irral port large quantities. of the latter from old" as well. If, for example, the nervous or `c mental" action. The same Wherever we turn we shall firitl ileatru- ,�ytio point to point themselves; for these "ra- smallest difference in weight we may de- ieta)r'ruw limitations are true of especial meats which surpass each and all ofour NoNv „ = organs. senses in a most humiliating way, �1 ith- f in 1)e'r diations are clearly matter, and not teat with the hand is, say',between twelve The eye and the ear have long been re- out there, we should know very little of merely a new form of ether vibrations and thirteen ounces, we ma v appreciate ,garcled as marvels of mechanism quite the world about ills. Lacking thelia, .air entre like light. Finally, a way has been found the difference between dt ubit, t4i(w Tarin l to weigh and count these particles, com- weights, but not between t�tonly*-four and the most wonderful things in the world. Isaac Newton knew very little of tris rjtt,_ But compared with the implements of a world about him. But with them—and helatr pute their speed, likewise their electrical twenty-five, or twenty-five ltutl twenty-six present-day laboratory, the sensitiveness this is it capital pointr--eve have cuing to 2. ,1a capacity, and other of their physical ounces. With a machine—a pair of r tllo of all human organs wine gross enough. know a great ileal. We have come, fox ,ime i;17r properties are known, scales, for example--we fled r►o such ® plater, coupled witha one thing, to seseethat our senses divaus ok ft, iia short, in four or five years we have limitation. photographic Street.a, learned to know almost as much of these Before a given sensation, whe't:her of telescope, will reveal ills presence of mill- repe7rie only of a comparatively small light or heat, iuiis of stare whose light does not affect number of comparaiively p s stimuli, vas 1111 substances which lie out of the reach of touch or smell, tt?ixtc or ' Here is a small set of propositions to ss r11n!�i � the .retina in the least„ The, microscope, p po hilt at') our natural senses as though we could sound, can affect our organs of perrep- tor, with its revelations of the world of which I fancy there oan, in the light of ys arca lit taste and see and handle them. tion,it must gain a certain intensity,and ' .the infinitely small tells us hove crude, present knowledge, be very little tlisscnt 1 sntorlas Yet their existence even was not so between varying degrees of this inten- t, atter all,is this most delicate of the senses. Y. Sensation, torr Cll(ithought, or coniu.;lousnese birtlM-h much as suspected until we had come to city of sensation we can, by natural Indeed, we may liken it to 'a piano cannot be clemaustxated except as it i 's klusf•t1, devise and use instruments and processes means, measure only proportionate qutan• . p Thou( whero only a single oetave, towards the associated with the physical substance of and ha unknown to Sir Isaac Newton's age. tities, or tho o Until the development of the sciences of This limit of capabilities seems to be, 111ill�lle, sounds. Frani the ultra violet the brain and the nerves. for olit p Il, the lowest reaches of the spectrum is a 2. This nerve substance is the sole t'tath lo tltnatr. • chemistry and electricity and magnetism at least with regard to primitive sensa- wautl;d` „ riu,izc�of some nine octaves of light vibra- of the mind—it is t.hc mind, incl an (yx- ley all,Int, and photography and the physics of tions, rigidly set. Thos, for example, if hcid iitt3 t ions, of which save for our new me- terror stimulus can only reach us through vol: the molecules, Becquerel's discovery would a sensation occurs rapidly, as when a ' ho vested' ehilinical oene%, we should never have the known organs of sense. n illays. have been impossible. note is struck more than ten or eleven ilc'eu conscious of but one. 8, While,On the one liarlcl,we now krlr)ty , ol, here is no isolated instance. Hertz's times a second, it appears to us vontinu- The ear hears little of what is going on a treat number of stimuli which tlt� ,'I.)t ok urn«s discovery of electric waves, which reveal- ous. •A series of dots lees triad a thou- . It until around us. By means of a microphone affect any of the organs of sc�ll.s(y, blit ed the identity of light and electricity, eandth of an inch apart appears t0 us as i! A the tread of a fl sounds like the tramp do affect various instruments, there are 1r'�`�i1i ri and made possible Marconi's telegraphy; a continuous line. These limits app(►.ar to of cavalry. Our beat sense as very vague; no stirnuli knaurre which affect the sense lid not Teela's marvellous performances with be fixed in the nature of nervous action we acid a variation of at least one-fifth organs which ctxnrtol he marls to affect fillildill elncral high-frequency currents; Professor itself, because, for exam le, although we ,p of a degree on a thermometer to realize xome instrument in a far greater degree. nturcl' Roentgen's find of the S rays; Simon's can by mechanical means produce.a mus- any difference in temperature, Professor It is only by means of these instnim,nts `u ars' observation that an ordinary electric aro cervi contraction of much Erecter fie- Lang'ley's little bolometer will note the that we arrive at any precision and cer- waY,re can be made to talk like a telephone, sing quency, we cannot count out load more difference of a millionth of a degree, It tainty. like a bird, and be used for wireless tele- than ten, or eleven a secrond• and this is �`'I�r• w k` is fir, hundred thousand timesas sense- 4. If spirits,thought-waves, silent ht1al- o'1,1y e>y phoning--all these marvels of the last ten equally true if we try to count silently. f five >xs our skin. A galvanometer w 11,, Ings,or any other of the so-called psychic „d,,,, years were due to the steady advftce of It is the limit of speed of meatal action. ill,�l th electrical science. They were inevi- The rate at which a sensation travels foci `ts finger at the current generated manifestations can iriiivancc+ human l)e- �J l w table not accidents. So Schleiden and along a nerve up to the brain or back R,simply by deforming a drop of mercury, ings, they can also influence delictate rt:a- f tho Aur ' of pressing it out from a sphere to the chines. Schwann's discovery that all living again is comparatively very slow. Uglit, 11 bodies, animal or vegetable, are made and electricity under ordinary cireuln- shape of an egg. The amount of work 5��1n the absence of such proofs, men, .l, t8f , done by a wink of the eye would. equal taal science land all its like are slightly Al�ri130, up of minute cells, and Pasteur's proof stance travel a hundred and eighty'-Hix . Palnolls t : ' a hundred billion of tho units marked on incongruous terms. They are not sel- -in Ad11111 of the unsuspected microbe, came with thousand mile per secondl (. igllt time; I),(, h',Alc? of a vary delicate instrument, enres; tbry tare lliit llrvanis. 110111 lady tnriny n on Ai1l'il th1 I'("Ill onlaido No soak rl`b 4 HAt AhOWS t.ilnt nirinty-throo ros and Blodieska. havit been built Ill this olty in 170yoars,not niml thoairlr in. (,C)lintinir Moon rehnilt nn ten Mine or 6n•11wr 1I0NEST ()LD '11ZAY. Iplac es of anllworuent. "T'hn list, h(iwovor, 4. If I do but jiist whistle, as ort.th()tT Bast seen, is Roconrl or1li'a ilia'x not WA almollitoly eolliplete. The his- , .. refit wept A;t iorles of t.h0 1�;ri ,York sta ci am irieonl- 1. C)! don't hint 1hG slag, boor lltarrest aril Tray; klc; at�erns ie) say, 'c llfustcr «leap is it you nee*1xr)? alylo xosit(-r .t plete, and dates and pIacca are onlit- What root) will it do three to drive hire away? �Iy I �>l.lr a�.,> .111t1 flirty are tric',l.'' t o miisfe hall, is the g �' J y Y twcl. A11 intorf+t{tin11�� fnai.nr•o of tea, lint � s to bo hoard. searaity of dIstinctly to al ,r even Air oriran Kind 11511 e is 'tlst) lets right; And sec ivhr�rl Y tluc)ty lay last over the paltj •nrd iherl•flrttl nomes. Bern havr bntln throe Park thontres , , Icrrlarc� Theatre °# live telynlvios.Go lirowliv+tys,and allylost ll(; Remember flow faithful lit; is to his charge, Ile fetches it back and conies iva r i.n Lis Glil 1: it bconmo ft t heatro ill thH city has knit 1tR ortional nam` , A the on lar than- Thu Union t`lio-vire,aW Bald allove,has hall Its And �ltrl{s at the rogtics when we set pial at lame, And lays it down close by my side. FJ Icept its clrigi- nali70 10118•r t-hall Itr1y oth wr t1watro til town. And guards lis by day and by night. icatro in 'SV'nat and it was built only twonty-r.ik;ht years ne„o• lied o Oct,23, Alnost, evory chnngo or r.rlltnat;oiriont has r. Tray,l' S. 1 Lin laancst c))rl .X r;ty, ]r,t hull sleep at his arse, 1 I Fi. t)n Dee, " i;ront:ht tL chan�e�of nnrrtc�,wh"'h ilia"Ity,"1"- 2. Thoti ill thou 1) and b Will grow ill) to a rmiti rrl l irf.h AvE)nuo iorieally `3i'�nnl:ilii:. 1'nrow)s thtrro may boa g � y �) g l �:�1Tlltlt; you f1'Otxi ]lllri lt1ur11 to t,led�a��ur' to �SI.CdSt' ',t In 1677, thn Change ill Owl elts:toin; I'alrnel's hay hor'-ornn A[ld r��i'ay is a Clog, let Lint grow as l)e cau, ,, � lvallaews arairl nor) it: Is r,asonahly c(rtairt And obey elle with spirit a11r1,)Oy: i•e wn.s oi)onelt that baly s will stay 11a1y's for years to corrte. It.elnernber, my good little, lad, Or else we shall find (what wotild grieve rue to say,) or rat,hor Sixth � . Josh Ilartrnn On the Said Side.- A (log that is leanest, and f•aiddol and rrlild, That Richarel's no beater than hoiwst old Tray, tis r,Tllt nails or Is not only better than is a bad chilel "t)o I understand you to say that you believe In y , .A-ilii ft lll'Ut(; ]71S r71C)rC St'.nSe t11ar1 a bay. lame Stande1rd Ghosts?" , s r twonty yoart, But better than Wien �VIIo are l)a(l. 11lanitattan,titrl "Yassuh' answered the old colored man. "I Aral. avo that rlall)(A. b'llevrs In'em. i doesn'say dar is any sech thin¢•s the E+tandnr,l, as♦;hoses:but I's desirous of lettin'it he on'erstood 3. If thou art a boy, and Tray is l)ut Ir bV'(I5t, 1E+iii1,l�AIxTA.SS1t1�, __- ,r esomin nt ol,,1• dat dar isn'any necessity of comin'aroun'an,con `hcat:ric'al lari�i- vincin'me on de sub3ec'."—Washington star. ] thlnit It Sleolllcl tt'ach t)eee Orle lesson -it, lealst, "tl'l,o iti that Tright over tilt:re !n the salmon ri; '.I'tlnarrn rtt Too F.Ltig1;)i.I.ig. Thou mi-lit to act letter than he,! col;rSdy1 fpr?• way.I-r;i Paile..11 rill was burm.' "Httee you been reading any of ake,e articles on h , "No, no. .1h--I didn't mean bei— h•—ah.-I e Mrs.Lancrtry _ ' .- Alul if, without reason or jeer mt nt a. selise, 'Z�'tly hien Don't Go to(h rich?"' n meant the one next to her." A. Mr.walln(•k ";�lo;one rnlght as well qq to churr.tt and be dune Tray sloes as we bid hint, and gives no of—lice, "'That's my�v1Pe." 1,an(1 let 1Tr, with,t."•-ciiicnpoRecord-Herald. How diligent Richard should be. "Do you think- Parker will be elected?"--CTare- :h to maks) liar - -- - --- _-. g land Plain l9Pa'Cr. nsf.rfils� oDnn.' z1 t_I3ro;r 14v1} n may . il_iI2, the lirst olym,oic they waTltHtl—t'lin rhnnr.... .-- ears after he married Miss Ruth II'Ll- i 1 + time dance was also a feature of the event. y ONE HUNDRED 1DARS OLD. Schools asacf 'feacliers==Il[ sey of Southampton. (She came to the fun being kept up until Late night. � McQuillan and his aged sister,, Mrs. John I have delayed this paper in the hope this village on a sloop, and on the pass- Thompson, who herself is past 90, led some of that I might complete a satisfactory age a swing of the boom knocked her the dances and showed their youthful guests hat overboard, which mishap led her to Nicholas McQuillan of Southold Town some of the old steps as danced when the cen- list of those worthy men and women remark, "I have come into the town aCelebrates His Passage of the tury was young. _ _ who have taught in our village schools.crownless bride.") Century Mark. --J'ANITARY 29 —especially in the public schools and at what in 181 t1 en called Samuel H. Landon dried the old Academy—and the years in house and is now called the Singley Greenport, L. I. January 1—This evening�._ which they taught; but T have not yet house—and for some years afterwards Nicholas McQuillan began his second century succeeded, nor do I know that I ever --his daughter Matilda (in. Hampton and celebrated the one hundredth anniversary lc shall. So I have decided to lay that Mulford) had a private school there. of his birth. He lives on the North road with t3 part of the matter on the table, and She afterwards taught in Cutchogue the family of Joseph Thompson, who owns a and for many years in New York. Ifer, neat litttle home in Southold township. The c offer what I had prepared in regard to brother Elijah was an esteemed school- old man is still hale and hearty and until ten h f` some of the select schools, and some of 'mate of mine. Henry T. King (m. �. years ago was able to perform his day's work ti the buildings in which they were kept Pliebe M. Tillinghast), who was r to William mentioned above, ha(. thd- at his loam, his trade being that of a weaver. 7E3 —and perhaps some other things. Nicholas McQuillan.was born on the banks of 11 lived in the same house perhaps about e Boyne, water,In 1828 and '29 a Mr. Farnsworth '32-5, thter, in th© City of Drogheda, Miss,Mary G. Grifl'ing (m. Ezekiel 'had a select school in Mrs. Jane � Ireland, on January 1, 1798, the year of the Irish rebellion. Bridget Wheylty, his sweet- tin F ranks's house, which stood on the Aldrich), besides teaching at some heart at school, became his wife when Nich •w south side of Main street just west of time in the public school, perhaps , b about '35 had a private school in the Maple avenue. (The well remained "Aunt Polly" Webb house which 14C till some ten years ago, when Will. stood just east of the present home of-tv Hull Wells built on that land. Mrs. ' Mrs. Evelina Cochran, and was (per- /� - haps about 1840) moved by Abner t): Franks died in 1846 and the property ' f , Wells to the North road and set on his, 1 ! 11 passed into the hands of Capt. Bent• land opposite:the eastern part of the WILL CARLETON. t;1 Wells; and the house was demolished Osborn-Tuthill-Voorhees-Thompson# Who Read a Poem speciauy written for the ti and some of the timbers went into the ]and, now belonging to Serg't Farley. -- ______ Occasion. small house different '_______•__ In that ll hlived, at difft The poem was as fol4aws: ti store which A. A. Goodliff—who mar- times and with their families,Joel Wood, Now while the bells of the steeples turn ric til ried Capt.W's daughter Margaret C.— and Michael Malone who worked the golden, built on the present site of D.T. Conk-, farm, and I know not how many oth- j f '; Now as'the year has waxed sacred and olden, In, lin's brick building.) Among the pit-i ers. (Mr. Wells had moved the house I And the new century clan-oan t clearer Flashes its headlights anot in lie himself lived—now the ther mile nearer, n w Ails were Miss Helen Case (m. Edward! And moments are nigh wagon house of Geo. G. Richmond who , When the fierce gongs a>ud the steam-arum- Hi itting), of Peconic, and her cousin 1 owns the farm—from the lot opposite!r ' 1 Sa pM ��+�I 1�`i'-b pets braying Nei Caroline L. Case (m. Semore the triumphs of Time are display- lden B. Case), the summer home of C. M. Post onI� ---- Once "i of Cutchogue, who boarded with "Un- Main street.) Miss Grifling's father, ,"� Ing,, Jared Griffing, built a house on his lot -Why does a feeling of sadness surround us, ' ele Jimmie" and "Aunt Joicie" Hor- (now owned by Michael Lucey) on the As when the blade of bereavement has found ton just across the way, where "Un- North road probably about 1836. "Un- 1 us? p! Not'because moments fall dead in their flying; 'cle" was keeping store. Miss Julia cle Hezzie" Jennings carted some of I Not that we know that a twelve-manth Is fir Landon, her sister Hannah (m. Henry. the brick for him. My father bought dying; of H. Wells), Wm. Mulford and his sister the house, moved it to Boisseau avenue , Never with tears is Time's havoc anointed; and built onto it; and there was his Years at their birth have their death days Frances were among those also in at- home till his death in 1869. It was al- appointed, til With never a sigh. Lc tendance, so my birthplace. The entire building r �nd�ri�s 2cQurL.>�v!v, No: we are grien'ed that a maiden of sweet- , In In 1830 Mr. Farnsworth toolk the was burned about three years ago, Who Celebrated the One xundre,dth Anniversary of Hds Birth Yesterday. Hess. Mrs. Hannah D. Ward being the own- Tull of fi'fe's vigor and joy and completeness, rc�r public school. The Rev. Wm. Fuller, Mrs. Later—that is, in 1847—my father olas was 24 years of age. He worked at his With 'the rich charms of young womanhood N( a young elan with a round face, light•bought of Miss Mary G. the land also— trade, acquired a competence and raised a laden, in hair and pink cheeks,was pastor of the always called the "Griffing lot"—and large family. In 1864, with his wife,he took We are aggieved that this fair, cowely maiden Presbyterian church olid was conduct- I have many times plowed over the passage for America on the good ship William At midnight must die. Ja y Tuff Scott sand settled in New York City. On remains of the cellar, which was al- When -the Old Year, for his death scene all ing revival services there. The teach- most opposite the house built b Orrin the death of his wife in 1578 he went to live ready, J11 pp y with his daughter, Mary, the wife of Denis tic er forbade the pupils to play on the L. Prince in 1855 and lately owned by Mullin, of Paradise Podnt, I,. I. Two years Creeps on the stage with steps slow and un- Int South side of the street lest they °should Isaac Remsen deceased. ago, on account of his extreme old age, the steady, When John F. Core was teaching venerable man abandoned all work and set- Praying the fall of the curtain to linger, 'th' disturb the meetings. Sidney M. Jen- Y g He Iv�ill lift up his'on-, 1tram:ulous finger T,lt his home school (Bay View), the twin tled himself to a comfortable existence, in To this maiden and cry, In Wings a lad of 14, and Charles Wright sons of N. Tuthill Hillock—James the hope of reaching the century mark of life. "Death now ril enter!but not for me only; ed, a boarding pupil, disobeyed; and the Madison and James Monroe—were on',Several of his children are still living, among:Yau pare to reuda ice?R,A40in3 1e00 Sv them Andrew, now 76 years old and living ini --- - - - - "'C teacher, in attempting to punish thein the list. The master was constantly ;New York Otty; Lawrence, aged 68,now living When Faitherbringing, T'in1e,'the wh'lte grave garments 'du was so cruel that his services soon Muzzled to tell one J. M. from the oth- at Arshamomol;ue, L. I.; Mary, now living at bringing, rPl, er J. M.; but fortunately 'he one day'Bridgeport, and James, 65 years old, of New Sharpens his scythe withtwelve strokes loud- ceased. One evening Miss Susan Case noticed that Madison had a patch on York City. He has twenty-seven grand chit- ly ringing, De. I dren and a large number of great grandehil- You with me must d'ie!" bia !(in. J. Hull Osborn) and her sister one of the knees of his trousers, and so g the Pamelia (m. Chas. C. Moore), daugh- bhe trouble Was over: patches are use-'dren, and many of them helped him to cele- 'then ng,the maid,with her azure,eyes seeixl- ful. The next da Monroe wore the b'rate the anniversary oZ his birth to-day. Not wiUh dismay,bwt with wonderment ters of Moses Case of Peconic, drove Y� Mr. McQuillan's memory is wonderfully re- Y, gleam- eth patched trousers, and the trouble broke ing, tentive and he scorns the use of eye glasses. Ask the world "Wb y?__ i to Southold to attend the meeting; out afresh. (I understand that Mr. " xntl and Sidney {above named kindly of- His only t�amp:aint is the knowledge that his Y?" Y Hallock owned the place late of Ed- -work at the doom is a thing of the past. He "Is it that far from stern Commerce's moil- V-ic i fered to tie the horse. But he put a ward Foga)•ty deceased, and about 1846,attributes his longevity in a measure to his Ing, 17, traded it Wlth Lewis Conklin for a I having some ei�gihty-two years ago dispensed I have built homes for the weary and toiling? Th slip noose around its neck, and widen farm in Mattituck. Mr. Conklin made j with the use of tobacco, which, he said, af- t fected his digestive organs until he became Windows have made where the welc�o�me- jpa• the meeting was out the horses breath twenty trades of this kind.) lamp glistened, arms l was also out. One of the long list of teachers in alarmed and abandoned the use of the weed. Music, for which the heart eagerly listened? =elftWith the exception of a slight trouble taus- Pleasures whose memory sweetened exist- Miss Miriam Vail (in. James B. our own district is said to have been ed by indigestion, the old man says he feels ence, «e Downs) was living with her mother decidedly careless of his attire. Oile fully as strong as he was thirty years ago. E'en in you city that frowned in the dls= ]Pla forenoon a miss who came rather late He spends much of his leisure time- in cut- tante? �)f and teaching a private school in 1830 Was asked for the cause of her tardi- 'ting carpet rags to be woven on the loom, Homes that let toil step to measures of light- E-.11 'in a house which stood near where is_ness, and her answer was, "I had to naw'handled by other members of tbe famlly. ness vc al now the tenant house of A. Case, Esq.'stay home to iron my brother's shirt- He says ''e was never intoxicated in"his life Hearths that made night bring a vision of nr_ ' and has always partaken sparingly The building was soon afterwards°bosom." At this, another miss, who of s^pir- brightness, i'tous liquors. He shaves himself every E'en down from the sky? atx I moved by Wm. King (in. Adeline Til- was standing near the teacher, said to Saturday afternoon and uisually attends mass lie+ Ilinghast and had daughters Jerusha'him very frankly, "You look as though on Sunda morning at St. Patrick's Church, If then the boon with such services mated, Sunday Is but to forfeit the homes I created, ,be ;and Phebe) to the North road ; and some one ought to stay home and iron Southold. During the long winter evenings In .that was his home till he sold to Henry for you.)" be frequently indulges in a game of forty- If as reward for in home-craft excelling, tre D. Glover perhaps about 1841 and But enough for this time. My next fivo with some olf his neighbors, who lave to I must be proffen, sadl-they' ' I d for a dwelling, gid, Then sadly I die! ,Qe' bought of Rensselaer Horton what is paper will go many, many years far-I drag in and spend a few'hours with'the ' 80 now the home of Mrs. Win. L. Bow-Cher back, and will be accompanied b "nxt.ured old man. He is of sma:2l frame and Is -It because,.witli expens�ixe devottion, bre marl. The former place, M. McCabe << M 5;:is now almost bent double as he walks. He I'have been hewing a path ito the ocean, << „ a cut of the old brick schoolhouse. says he hopes to live many years longer, but Where the coca -breeze your holt forehead Fez 'bought in the seventies, and a few B. T. P. is willing to trust to Providence. caresses, ;-td years ago he enlarged the house arid---March 30, 1904 __ _ The celebration given in his honor was in Where the ibroad billow ennobles and b.ewee ire modernized it. The latter was sold to A Horfleultil.•ral $In.t•. chargeof a committee composed of the follow- Whoever stands by? 9,st <<Uncle Martin„ Goldsmith, Mrs. ;='lint hope within your Barden plot— Ing: Thomas Cassidy,W. H. igen, J. an- Mine are �the coastswherethe multitudes Bowman's father, in February of 1853, its bloolu and fragrance bless the day; ohue, P. Carey, Mrs. R. Mawxell, Mrs. W. H. wander, erE Mr. King having died in the fall of the :arid, 1;Axile you're at it, plant a lot, Gagen, Mrs. J. H. Thompson and Miss Rose Out.,of the•dea'th-heated'thoraugnfaresyonder; v Cassidy. A splendid purse of money and Mine is the spray-dappled rocks' rugged r er previous year. The house—lately e« So you'll hay c hope to sive away. many valuable gifts were presented to the shelving; Ir d tensively enlarged and remodeled—was DeO.At Free Pre,a. centenarian by the invited guests_ An old _ built by Mr. Horton about 1816—two d 6 the sweet oands•whera•the children delV n'g; h O �Q the fierce storms .that the heat-god, !Is' isteering of the east, 'when 'thee 1011ck air is;ellear- ,e 19HIWILL TO CITY1 tt ing, '14 ing, wind's 10u4 and high! �eause Life with good deeds could employ h must cbe sum-Mon-ed and told to deatroy HAIL TO BUHOUGHJ�; Ig 4' UnJu&tly I die! Ne.� ebecause,to my arms safely creeping,, itld your dead, in their last solemn sleep- Thi ing? l *,� Brooklyn Citizens of Every in my tenderest care you have found J t•'pthem— '� •� I�'t1��, WIZ and lilies sad green tress around them, r ` 1� the near waters, whose shores had first Class Attend the Observance 40 't"dsupaandesmiled at the marble that Ts 1 t named them? .. SIS because'here, at my invitation, (4 '� f}p5 1,'l pu `req, ber the winsomest ones of the nation? �l�'RON� GREAT TO GREATER." , 5 N �22e, pray, why to my care did you lendAK 5 p A Ig them, �91iak*edYe R Y1,; hl �'a,s not to have life to defend them? _ J _ tlo;z�Y she who cares for the dead meekly lying, is to her death at the hands of the dying? , elecreed that for so'othi'ng their slum- Six of Brooklyn's Former Mayors Hold ' t be driven to Joining their numbers? an Immense Reception in Mayor Wurs- Then with them I diel - ter's Offices — Public Meeting in the FOlaQt t that the�iorld mi ahstcbe better erg - g be better and Common Council Chamber, at Which a St. Clair McKelway Delivers an Ora- `" _ �r�t ��causerof the domes I have gilded, �' tion Will Carleton Reads an Appro- '`�� .+ [ IoM Is,t the tern�ples to God that I budded? , +,,, ,.,•,,� N t c-h xt I kindled in nights dark and dreary, priate Poem and the Rev, Dr. Farrar h--fires to gladden the lost and the weary? Tb.�t- I placed in the captive's possession o and the Mayor Deliver Addresses. -- 'which could shatter his bands of op- Scenes in and Around the Municipal '°•�-.� Aresslon? 1 twat to groans of the fallen replying, Buildings When the Hour of Midnight '� Is rnade homes for the sick and the dying? t , •-� � i t hat death should be aid as a guerdon .Arrived..os tiho have borne the world'z heaviest urden? SUFFOLK G'UL.%.vTy P'0LCr:N'1'EEUS. If so be, I, r t LESSON XV. 'faking the news that who labors for others , I4%0.1' c--1ts the right to still dwell with hero '1110 following is :a description of 1,t flag TIIE LION AND TRE DUG. it brothers, In patience will die." 41pr'eserltecl to Cul. (lturlc:y's rec;itnertt lr}r flu' 0 Sixth &motorial (10111. The following is frollr 1• In the J OWPr Of London, wild beaSt.4 Of all 1,119r1�i 'T'he'n will Time, generous taker and giver, v P d ]Martel by the barks of the glitteringiiver, a E the N. Y. IVvrlcl : and all countries are kept for show. It is customary {�+l Q °° those who are unable t'o �a sixpence for a siwht of thr•;.tz And t this maiden his homage confessing, � - �� The flag, which is a magnificent one of its kin+I, was ,1 Y l b Takci -Iber white hand and speak words of ca- o n manufaottired by 1>all, L'lucic h Co. IL is of blue sill:, animals, t0 bring a dog Or Cat 1,0 be tlll'OwTil to the beast,,, x•essing. " a heavily fringed f. o o y eel with yellow. Uu the abrerse side are instead of money to the Beeper. Among others, a 11114° Dazag)E-ater, your glory shall know no abat- .� 0 0 the national colors, haudsu[nely painted. Above tile im`g' had caught up a pretty black spaniel in the streets awlil o colors, p:aintcd in old, is the inscription: had Iite�•- b 1 p Y 1 Tis soot your death, but new birth that is � «� �' r -h . vatting! i[nent, N. Y. V." liutow the e;r;;lc aro the words, 11e was accordingly thrown Into the cage of the great 1.,i<;rt. " I "sixth scgatorial District.,, on the reverse Nide are 2. Immediately the little animal trembled and shiv(--!N,l Wh '�t ix incg,ll Death, with such solemn mss- w o the State arms, also handsomely painte+i, wifil the leg- and crouched. He threw himself"on his bacll, put f'ot•t11 (Jf'teyi s better than what we call living, a o; ° end below them, "Pro.Ueo et Liberta,te." The stall' is 1T1StCX2->r ever keeps turning its pages: o a You , of stained rnal)le, surmounted with 1,t Phlen eagle. In his tongue, and held up his paws in a supplicating marllrr`t'l ulc1 not stand in the march of the agesv the center of the surf is:a silver plate, with the follow- as an aclZnocZled--ement of superior power, and pi-ayili Or Progress defy! p._ _ ing inscription: "To the 127th Regiment,Colonel Gar- for mer y. In the meantime the lion instead of clevour- Thtaurs -nd�s of cities have stood �i:n my seeing, ncy,by the Comtnittce of the Six Senatorial District." ' ' Neter 1a onehad mare right to its being; a a rile flag was much admired, and the manufrcturcrs ing it instantly, as was his custbrn, beheld it with an eye Mona its- my heart has e'.er clambered above .n H �, highly complimented.• of CUrIOUS inspection. yo+u; i j The Committee, proceeded to Statelu Islarid, where 3. He turned it over first with one paw then with Ill., moth tell your faults and your virtues I love o the flag was presented, in behalf of the Cumt'tittee' by Other,slnellecl it,and seemed desirous of Courtin-fi.ir'tlrc r E' you• o x-Governor(Alinshouse)_smith, and received, in lie This; to not death; though a fife-4in.k be v U half of the regiment,by Colonel Gurney and 1,icut.Col- accjuaiutailCe with it. 'rlle Beeper on seeing this,brour hl Dj-°'ken' � oriel 4Vooclford, who tnn�lc suitable raddresses. r , j5D,all your sweet name forever be o ,. 1,r large mess of his own family dinner; but the lion uttr r- Mill, a.4 ? v The"Alonitors" lett their camp at Staten Island for Iy refused to eat, keeping his eye fixed on the doh;, atld `T'hi's i� n+at death, but a second crea'tiicm; O � �, the Heat of war on,on Wednesday afternoon lust,per New York Is r '� � boat via Elizabethport. The N. 1'. lVorld:jays: appal'ciltly inviting ilial to be his taster. ;re,atE.'tc- your new incarnation! � a © no corse; fit for tears or for pity; ° En '� "They number.)70 mein, and form one of the l,etit 4• At length, the little animal's fears being somewira ,roll � the soul of the a i � � d � �.c �,©rr [�a e grant earning city. U j " i cotirm:rads that h ave loft the state. Stewart I,1Yood- abated ant:l his appetite quickened by the srnell of Cllr; rVhaID ever shall shine your pos#;tion— y ford is the lieutenant-colonel, rrnd is hi;;l►ly Irapultar a- ' , B ,and grander than ever your mis�sirrn! o°�^ _0.i mon the niers." victual;, Ire al)h;•onched slowly,and with trembling began t}tv ,y�r•yth the gems of your home-Feasted �o to cat. The lion advanced n•e.,nf.l and be-yin to partalw Rlcl, 1,pThgands, - y The following are the officers of Co. 1I. Y t�' 1 ' w .x.1,11 make glorious this cluster of isI- 'o C:aptairt,Oliver L Vail; 1st Lieut , Zebulon 1( 13roav- wit li rn, incl they fnish('d tlieli' mea] very lovingly t You �' Id's. o" " er• 2d Licu t. I t eel� } r, h i f�° " A o o al �'t,John J Riddell; Ido., ge,ther. with a city of toilers a.nd wages j _ o ,I;�mes 11 Young;3d do.,Benj It Penny;4th do ,George 5, Fro ii this da the strictest friendship commenced t`roR' khan ever was known tis ptust ages; w _ Q 13 Reeve;uttr Flu.,David'1'Lo[rl:lirr lot Corporal, Dora• y til Babe ever shall rile!" G betweell then• a friendship consisting of all possible of m _ o .. do N booth; 2d do.,Jesse G Case; 3cl do., Ed F hunt- b 1 An = t"1 4_th du,, fectlon and tenderness on the part of the lion, and t1w - -_ _ g; I1 0 Horton;5th do.,Thci's.E Reeve; 6th , Pttorrri.sY.- ltr ]843 1+; -I'rc'sidc'nt It it'tin da.,Chatham Corwitl: 7th do., Benj 11 Terry; Sth do., utmost confidence and boldness on the part of the c[o Y 1n Buren visited —Dayton.' �Vltile rifling ill George L Latham. Wagoner, Frank Ii Goldsmitil insomuch, that he would la himself down to sleep bc- €a Cttr't'itlzie with tilt'ee citizens of tills ►1trC't' The following persons have enli5tecl in this village,in Y ] 1 ' Capt. ,Mulford's co,, in:a+ldition to the list we puhliyhed tween the paws and under the very haws Of his ter'riblti :�11 Cr ��*flog are Still living, t;lte cnriversation laet, A,eek.: Dan'1 L Ilanlinond, Will: Wiggins,Francis companion. I:Ur ad upon the campai-ii of 18-40 and the AlcGuirk. G, A gentleman who had last the do-and had adver- ralizing seenos durlhrg it, S:till Itir. �:in Tup, POINT of I.fli i'1 icH c r;.—.�. dernncr otic b b 3 will nc+t dc,sf,ruy c1r eccliange th113 points crit the diilererrce be- ti-sed jed}a reward of two guineas to the finder, at lengt.11 c,ouutry. It will receiver' frons thorn j ,'-;t :is trveerr an Abciiitiuiri_-t and rt repel : George',utv,r, Rome did. But 1 will tell roll what will ru- -The n Iierjry Ai ilalloci;, Arthur �r i'ull,usG� ' 3 'Ihd diflercnce bet,veen an abolitionist and , t)livcrE rail, in us all—THE Pilkl s,rifool) ; cruel if ,r a rebel is, that a,ril,el watrts to set up "I nary They went to Now`Fork on Biond:ry, were inspected Wire h, he eery old, I Will sec it." Ile was them G_,)* tttilent, stud-tire Abolitioni,3t«autS LO up- (n)l passing but four not enumerated above),paid their :siert Years old brief died the ot.lier day ,at, bounties ane ea i diS[nissed on furlough. At n nreet.ing held Y 9' asci ail old Utie• that evening they elected their officers as follows:Cap- IafitY Did lie live to ser: it? -D�iylo,t Ent- The democrat., are for the old (�lovernment. taiu--S. I,.iYoo„;.oRn• lst Lieut..---t►,,<<•}:rt E. vsrr.; tri - ---- -- - -- - -- _ ---- - -- 2d laieuC--ZF:nvr.on 11'. Bitowr:K. The eanip for their ® ® MOLASSES.e nTt 11'. Davis has is ted a pr•Ocl,,trnatlon 5Ct- reg't is located, we believe,oil Staten Island. It is r•e1- thi- �gpart Thursday, the 181,11 iWIt., 111,3 .a +f ly mored that lir, Woodfo[d has been commissioned as UST received, it fine article of New Orleans llolassee, � f �'+ Lieut.Colonel of the regiment. eJ at the Southold Family �,-ihply store. of _I11:aI-11js `rvir g fair the t<rlrrnplr c,1, thi, c.c;isft"ii- -,�- _. .��._---__-_- 421f 1. ALLLIt'P iVELI,S, Agent. eratt°s a, lti+ h111onc1 aliti _— June 4[h, 1962 -- -- !g YA16w, -- 11. 11Aa111gra► �... .- ,LL v nnifr�a iron-v A riinTfi n.. 111'.,', 11A 10111 n-- ,,, )l(lilt 11.,lI'1'C U I3I�1�1�1.E K It�II�ICIN D, one and the same? This systotn 6r 1111S'c11rc- 'I�ItC I ' ' sentation has g one far CllClll h. ,, AVC were whipped at Gaines' -Mills, As there seven; to Lc, Much l)uPulaar iglr(lr- li;l'JRI''If AND I\TERI:STINTU PARTICULARS OL' 'rflli r., , ed � �s' L111-I '"MCC R!Mpectlll+" t e va rio us lltllnts 'ill cillillco.-• h,FTREAT. our army a rabble. 'Tile cavalry appeared Linn with tht�tll'aLtt, wV(' I'e11111)ll Il the til}i(1wv111tr I rtlncl from. rc. l'ricate Lc•t.er.) !on onr rir'•lit and appeared arl\ious, to clharge f Addraft, k'illhuuH s order (.';. n , section cl If.eautsow'S t,Al,utNc, �":t., July h^, 1Se'�. �, on tilt ullilf;'e in tint rear. They could! have !'ti•st—In ascertaining the nidal er of raletn to tie drAft- OR.\I.I;. : Li olg,,,r to nntlerstaii(1 what fol- I done it easi}'y. 'Then tltc� whi)1t �trnly wools] ,eel it, the several counties, they will he olmrged will! lows, lot u1e ht•cnlisc a little. Uut• gnus were halve peen ruilled, and the Southern Confed- tt1e11.,luutas of the whole force to be ralsed,and credit. 1)1. ed in .ti lice along' the brnwv of.► -e)ntio ill eracy ai fixed fact'. It was t►e most critical 'c(i with the aggregate number ralyed since ,Tiny =l, (•liu:ation, and ovure ab()rlt trtl feet; 11I'diCT 111ouiCllt of file battle or the wn1. A. beaten 18G2,both for the old r[:t;inlilats and the enceview, null the draft. in each county will tic for the di oreuco. In or- o than t}le level space ill front. Iicftlre tilt; ar•tny: a bridge and morass in the('Car, a staanl tier to equalize between tURnS,the Setiainrial District k batteries on the right, `1'ils a large field! cuv- pedO, atddl to flint a charge by three thon5alld Committees are directed to apportion Any deficiency a. d creel with rass ,it bushes, aL foot or cigllteeu cavalry on the bridge, and tiny 011e n10,y see rising in the several counties of thoirrespective clistriotb tc ind:hes higLl. On tlu� left wva, t corn field, ' the terrible result. To Col. Rerdan is due 'among the towns by ascertaining the proportion of Glich o with the curl! agent as high ass the }.)ashes. — the most of file credit of saving the army.— town of the quota of the county, and charging (bears tl It was abollt twenty, hundred ft'('t to tile!Rall)'Ill� ti-10 111en, forming a imcleus, lie be_ nwulliith the difference between snot) proportion ertd the B nutnber actually raiycd in each. Having nace�tJaitJerl wvoUds in front, an(I on the ri lit file woods gan.to inspire tile, men with the ideas that, all the deficiency of each town the committee will alattllalout C tall Ur011lid nearer 1.11' a1111S aL little, wia8 !tot lost. Still they wavered!. Ofrce'1'3 aglist of the sank,certified by their rtecretary oreltair- 1'he rebel army Ilrado two a.ttalel:s, ane from 1 and nlen were forced ill the raa11;5, other;, rnan,one copy of which will he filed in thiti office,and IT, the right and one from the left ; both were 1 assured by the Colonel, assisted ]tial ill i llo 0°0 with silo colntuisrlioner of rank county,at least(!attar (1413s before a drn i't is made. No greater nutnber of raen 'w r'(Iually determined and fierce, but the ogle oil terrible Stra glc, not to wvin t}1e slay, bat,save he drafted in any town than yhall equal the doltiel- ' ;.Eic right wvas by far t�te shortest, but tyle the arilly, At IvIlo-th elevell liui ; ware forin- icney of such town on its quutll.on the whole force to be A Illost. lllar"llificent.• After driving in onr Sidi'- ed, and at this Critical juncture the caw aih y raised. To enable the conlrnissioners to conipl,y with ntishers ut► the ri;ht, (Company E, frons the appeared on our right. They had not See it this proviwion they will enure to-he writt8nl or printed o❑ the ballots, in addition to the nntne, the town in ti New lIanlpsllire Sharps.hooters,) the rebels ()IIc rout, and sllplp scdl file line, ruere ruin- wvhich the person resides, and whenever the number of of shelled ir, terribly. For all hour it was hell forcements. They were not, (locidetl, anti names drawn for any town shall equal the deficiency of ti, lt,rsoniiicicl ; but,to one who has never been appeared. to Ile calculatill the, chance:,. Oil such town they will reject all Wlolsdrawu sulmc}uenit- tt ti reader firs: of batteries, shooting these most Jtheir decision depended the mate of evCry ly representing residents of such towwl, tl ilifernal of all ��cnitrivallces, shells, it is an'thing. Gal. Berdain Seem; this, ordered all Tile I'eEllin;; �g ai11st draftin;; is so strrrttg nc iitler waste of time to attempt to convey a aid to the rear all( f;allopcil up antlounciug aIld gencrid that it is believed the government tb l e;lliLillg sense of what the words "being that Riclunondl was taken. He slid so, and will postpolle it. Ill some of the Stutes the r ti!1elled Il mean All at once the bombarding the efroct wars magical. 'The men cheered, Governorm have (Iona sty ltlrestdY, by perulitts- Ia and an omiiimis silt ace enstledl. Froin (lags were waved, and the cavalry thinking ion, and it is announced that Carla•, 'titlt•,gam 17 esl)erience we knew what was coming, and our whole army was there, halted, and we will postpone it in our State till the 1,thy iF Ba ill ions} W"Led at the woods to see frolil were saved. Whell 'tll(,y afterward learned not lon er. Various reasons etre assigned for �►+ what pollit tht�y wvollld emerge. Every nerve frons prisoners the real state of the case, their this step! []tit the are satisried'that thew follow- ..t Zvas braced for the coining ]land to hand mortification was e�:cossive. G1-11, _)-forell ing from at Washin-Con em-rexpondout's sf►ro�- p' tl:�aclly strnr Eta. In :t illollielit, as it were, �thauhed Col. Berdan, and gave ilii► the credit ,!dations is not far wrong :-- pl tl i;•wvoods oil the right were filled with a Iof haiin. saved! the trrmy, a5 he,.indeed had! 'The,7uestion of eztendlia6 tile time far rolu#ttieeritwg •' l0 illa"s of huniau beings, and in another�dtone. � is becoming one of vast political importance, In refer. [tr 111dnuent. a .Orl) steady line advanccdl firnll It wens the; turnill�� to.illt. Cencral5 ill file ence to the effect upon the approaching ConErMivvu�►t of Y 1 elections. It is alleged that in man i4tat,"fhe sff�t,r n.l d}uickly alto file ol)en space. (Nils( 't)r,1,i:"�)uld not 11aw•e seed it. Luckily Gal. g Y rl:(ciu ! What lluldliess ! Infantry charging I;erd:111 was equal to the cnicr-Unc � It i3 of the radicals to pervert the war for rho Union into one r th I , y for abolition have induced nearly all the dettp worts to t;Cc irllnletlse batteries at a dktaiwo of half a.mile impossible to portray the., effort required to hold back from volunwering under the recent;oAtt,nud In. r1f'd'r a level platin raked by nearly forty Can- stop the title of ten thousand rutreating men. fears are entertained that the delay of the draft,under eryt r1,,it. 'Throwing aside all ;lid fr•oin their owll'�',III call only Comprehend that it was (lone, existing aircumstarlees,well! imperil the election of zti. fol t:rnnon and cavall;v, thd�y desperately formed i,he d'ar<llly char;;e ttvcrtcd, l:llc bridge kept, public toabe the came ninnyis ill (alga alarm�gcontested cxtent inahrsnnrly�r�A ht (311 :111 Open Malin and. pitted themselves aL- t"c in 1 plain, l noel tlie' arnl} ,tv(�rl. __.-.. ala and to a goad rnr►ny wi'ctltorn dlatricta. For tltfa. ::;:(.dist infantry, Caliaon, and cavalry. It was reason the immediate resort to the drafting p+rocen 3f sublime—and fol'(,etful of all else save their The SI)IM of Abolitionism strongly insieted upon. in boundless courage and daring, I swung n1y'has recently been iilastrated in Wisconsin in The new enrollment will not, be ready be. ti( Irt.t :i.ud eht?(eredl till the tears ran from lily a manner so siil gnal that the country ought, to fore the middle of Sept. I11 this County we til t'�'``', tale warning. In Green Co., -tlle abolitioih- learn that Judge Saiirii wvill prohabi�' be they TEar; Il.or1.k:nt they hove in si-lit twelve , In t'.tr,Ot ons noel 'orzr lari'e howeitzers begun'id happ(n to predominate, and with file rftb- uomthliasionet, b 7 b id intolerance wE1 ich,Inarl:ti the set, they dey= ed the 4r( -Jful wvofic of death and destruction ; telmined to fc]cc (.vt 1�body utas�t„re(,lnr, wvt1,}t The I resltcieiiLt to Gre e.lie.:ly, Greetizt„ �a1( ••ovored wl-ith last, whole companies, as it thein to take the oath of allegiance or quit thecoun-- The Prosident has been writing a Id tt(�r to dr -';ere, ;;oillg down at everyr discliarge, tilt ty? `I'liey formed a-Vi,-ilance Committee 11%11 1a trreeley, it) relI - to the potitinn w e reflerrecl �0 ,sullen plal:yillg quicker 'alad fa.s�t-1;, still thd•y proceeded to carry it otit, mobbin; and lynch_ to last Week. tVliile it irw clolllltlen� i1 rcq,rl bis t_tser? 111; tl!(=it '.altteredl raLllk;y, gale!advanced ing inoffensive citizens who wvoald nut conforrrl spectacle to see the I'teHiclrltt: (11' iL t'cut ltll- th, irtlIce .111(1 I" ruler into tll,at atw^ful are of cel'- to their impudent dlemands, !!lith tile. Govern- tiol:l ri�ut ill twain b�' his elvotitm, Sto opitlK in FOtt ::till d(ea,tll ; shot ana d shell, cnistt.r and gra',pe oy!tad to interpose and en ` 11C,force a peace. the Illidst of Unparalleled calamitieses tt.)address Ott :Iid1w1"ed IL!E'llJ d.C)wzlP,, yet., lrrrly, a.3 E %CI' c.](l. doings of thif4 'infernall cl'CW �1'el'C SUCK t}Ialt an aV()Wetl ('rlt'nl�' eJf tilt: '�{� flflltttlll alai It fint tie vetel•Lois of Napoluon, f1loy advanced and Mle could seatreely credit them, did they not is," and Who nasi j11st; arratiwile(l {lilt) for rle'g. w1.1, :iltore,l uot. Already the_rernna,tlt llaLdl teat!!- coni:attested by unimpeachable proofs. Acre lett of dut:yJ it, il; Yet writtit,Y ilig tel find at !toil. ­d sr, uea l-that the loud!, ,cloiar toner of the are samples :— itivo assill Lit(:( that he Means fo st€tth(l ()n(.,on. 'Ib t'lC�'(� doulrl be dl!strnotly' L'(' rd, gilt! fLl' �•��*hd �,a _ _- _ -_ ....._ n the Greene county rebels were l;;nchinn all uorvativc b'l't)IllltfJ atltlalHt, for tile; ploselit d ro• }-)`ltteries seemol oollled. ThollSalld1S were old man of seventy 3•ears, a Air Ste-yes, front IilinolH, 'There the surface l()OI{s a0 ialll'1 It ilfaty be (111^ V11 killed], but hlind?re,.ls survived!. The guns happened to be present, who expostulated ngninet sucil gracious til pry tvitljijl ; Lot thin wv{iOit bit�E- °f were duonledl, I held! mwhen breath, hen lo,l ungodly'treatment, when the Greene county traitors r seized him, locked hien over night in jail anti then rode Hess of (areele'y ghati'itly r('l�rlkillg dic 1'toml- Pl, 1'1 '111;fl'onl (!Edict (ilei!' faces ]11 file 1011 ' r�'1'aS3 ' of a him out of town on a rail. We are iufornled theft bis (lent and the I'reziulent feltivitil him a s F: Came a volley from our-,allanit nien, who ilk victim happened to be a republican,and as coon.as tha "Deal' �Il',)' !las a .11riotls it' 1101 Hitiigter ali. vr-a to that tittle had laid concealed ill a.little ra- black hearted rascals found it out they attempted to a pect, We t,•ive the vita,! an Ville) or rather ditch. Flesh an,l blood could pologize, = pailHaL�(!a (l,f itis but he says he has seen enough of Grt.eJlc , count.y Republicanism. td.r and italicise file pull of if, :-- fat stand 11() More. They larr)1.:e and fled!, and ossa "One of the victims of this diabolical mob is old Air. "MY Pa,ra1T►otill t Olj,JeOt in this struggle is slit Rittenhouse,one of the oldest and most respectable cit- T men lily down t�•aill wl'llile the terrible eaunou tb( p to save, the Union, and is not either to sa v(!Or hurled destrtcctiorl into til(, flt'eirlg mass.— i7ens of(xreene county. to show this to be tilt opinion, str 'Tllree follrtlls cf,that brlgattle wver•e left on the of ilia honest neiollbors, we cite tltc frtct,that for ninf 1 destroy slavery. If I cotild save the I.lrlion slid :1l! I have relate(.! clic! not r)criip}� years he wvas the County i,Jerk of that.county,ar'.ti ll m,with the freeinn qtly alalrr. I wvoulti d(1 it bet field, 1 reprebent! , and 181 more than toil minutes. It most be confess 'd it in(Josh t,rancbea nf'the Let;i��laturr�r l;d��of I ental( serve it by freeing I+e is a Dernucrat,and does not helieve the nigger to be' y. bald l/ec slrtl•ts (u}p,yicj Sir do if. And if l cuulcl Have it I) frC.t�i11rr Cd that(leis'di�Cil�.ilte egtla,ls our,, if it is not of more importaace than t)11H C AlOIJ. 1'1119 is his ons I, S ri !ic►tllf Me } ,an Ieaving other,alone., I Would also dt)that." ane 1 cr)nle. superior, gild! braver !nen (lino their officers Ltri do not live. This tatill: about the rebels not., _ (ns floliting is played out. 'In fact, the vdiole ,&'lire ]caro that slid, Pecortic and tt 'air- Press ed for Ikiomey. 1 J• 5 The Grecian conqueror looked down at the tarp. G, N�OrtII has beell hnnlLeggutl with stul)endons 'dlauk Hotel"; in this village, Lre adx)ut, to be bung lean of countless lntiuotls. f:tlsh}loocl8+�oueelnin tlfe South. 1VILy'slloulc7 I(.ud(�rc'dl to the. �;Ovet urur'tlt fol husl.)itads. "Bring in the heated Irons,"he 4atd. aerthey - - "May I aslr their purposes^ thr t r•e Il Jt — _________---_..._._ the' not fludit"Is veil._"s woe ii _-_-------- Phalanx Inquired, ctal)tnln of the "You may." replied the conqueror. to Iron out tilt Crwsu9,"--('leaeluald I�l¢rn!)rufPr)ry - ° Amon,,- ill,, arrest:, (,f distill hitched i)olll►- LI'paraonsindMedto WH.H.W'k"I, whetbt►rurt u,,,lY y ' lir book a000unt the requeswd to make papt0l0,lrt u°,y?r Republican Watchman. trots l: Itsu(le, arr tions of I.I(itt. Ju Shutt I'll,',..Illy. 'the not'..4 d Buck awcoudta ure in 41c hasty of Josoph It.C(oldwtt ill,fur uettluluetlu A11(•It, ilwill i.l. c,t'Congressfrom tilt- 9th diy- Southold,Huy W.i :{,?. (,ItF;I}tiYU1t1', SI1.I''!'F:ktitl;It 31, 1�t;d. I riot r►f l l l i u,'is 1 , A I.Wa'PT At,RlMVrJ0?.J, add,(,, inky, of tilt- saint ,f(►�l':t'll ti (;r+I,I,S)fIT1i,� 1rittlt,nA+�of 1�r lir,rterrsf►r. It. Olds. candidate for ("()It- 11M I. 1114It,rh', l Wm. It%Volla HOR..'1T10 'SF.I"NI()URI cal► ONVInA. i;l'(`,N 111 tilt, l';tirlield dist. (if Ohio t Ctlit'f or C! - 1,►eut0► M rlanes.rror, ,111 itic;c +,f' OIL; ' U(mrt t,!'Marylauei ,--- �� ►_ �,�(', DAVID It. .[{LO YD -JON S# op Qrduyms. trr►Its"ill v,rli,ery oti�•r for pn1N f tali ttt,tr., ,� Ilv+(•t.tutat ranal C?r►mt»tasioner, 11.1111 Ilr,n C'll:lrlf,�r( 1,clefail ulcll,llia,milk 1- tl"WAr«utt'l tint 4111,tineu,unit f tts•t•c.tut 1"strut,lathe the l;tte 1lttl,. Cha'$�er�fil, (ittt�of flat~lc•ttd•. t•l i,,nr s,"itlt(,la, latr7 t1i,, 17t'ut►rrt of t1'rrl. It. %vtitr'. ''VAI. J. SKl?�ilJ1i'R. ;' i' tits t >ttt:try. Ii+ ,idr el tltt amity Alas Cha r+ea<'k "W"" ll h.►Is• T Irt+r �r n Ill tltt:'u (, +. , "C U. f. tt•rt•ore few.if t,n�•, y autitt►r tN btstttr Ltl.iut italt►t s1:I,►ne in the vaunt Ut tint , P! Pri,fonk trC iilf,>ci„r rl,ilr ltsa$t� Leen neivetl by dt�t�&lty' ��:thu'it Ids IA t,l the fiat;r UAIlt �, t*� 14,(IIII) .7, �Cl�I�,4�, s ttl,tt►,,. 1 Yt t�d�4n tar.�ntr.of tisa lliOtt stlul hurri(tt (,11' t1) tilt+A for ”",Butte Clerk'of Crntrt q Alrtpetrfs, A l4c tiro 1{M"A 404 LOT fortrleri v ownt-d%Ilk)ootap(ed by •I,,I; , , ., PI'i:�ullt,r8"-- •(,ttfinUII,A spords and tmiliuous t.441`08 .111nt1 A.c�omililt,in the village at t3uutlsuldi. 1.11I;(,Ii. k A- 1, - which ht�t ill to lcl�eJ►vue4 ill ttho �#' -Soul how,M4y 111,1.61. - lA1�AIR11►t1 ,. t,r� �8:1Y a(ilti+, 1!( (ultldlll a tllltttitir,Jtl How, rtf3t Ai«l1k;RT ALRERTIRON —` rut MAI. Y. i ITH31\. '� A�(l�udt•tt(•f ' ► ►, V_ r has been tirre>ttt,(!, hitt ►I1cl hss ►. t+ 11'tn 1l rt�Ilr, S �)ec i s.1 l Town n M Cil✓t.;1 tl I. It'Ile, t1ev,►tt141 (,f ,1t:1 l i:lst3,,:, G'y r,• ► 1►riur.il1lt s ,�f lyettlaLrut:• N�� e��'�� f~' � �°'1 )�`f�, rl,tuFu►artnlritaatx of file town of bouthold aro,tlurtitc-I WJJA �dated ;111t1 Whic.11 J,c(:Kst)ty 41I �,�Ill $rig- grt 1111��11Wd village-, qua nfinf'rtt 11t:ril til` t�►ilcaarinl flay t, . ...� tai.+ tlyCl lltld tea It,Curttl tl,u 1lttt" t.� '►Iii Sept_ 2c1 l/w+AM711l,v, �Y ht, llfit( :1 l rc;ltttr> E rlty t of t r rrrtllitll t,Still the I►eblic�its gettrro l t t ha l t!1�aa.>I' Md.to 14ke Into oulisidervillna•the propriety at alit h(,u,)r:tl,lt• 11:111) „t' 1►(►litic;il lit: lilts returned, after nit nbsellee of tilt-cc %"31-ts 'furkher autlaat to Mae the rtsluireJ numbor at volua- fol. lilt ()fit(.,. (-114 two Malt :tclltt•rit4,•(rlt6.ir.liff�� Iterm in this towu. hmp, l (^ :11it1 ;t li:tif, ttttd csptd39P41 his ltuxiut�la rl riu, t)1ti>rfl , .itllllN 0. 111 CLANU,Sopervisur. Who (,1' ;til tlt�'a(' llsife �'r.t 1„ , 11 ,tttt*t tllili �e l}e& to meet Ili$old frivild,t null ra�tr-01PI's. , flrernpnrt,Aug 27, 1862 1 y IiI :s its rrntlitlt�Ks to inl�l,iy El,eut e�ilh tltiti lit-ti. Paitiuulu uest to Olen mem► •--Theater mtia a rainglo :t,'t ( I,tt 4•,l ,Ir�stllrnt flint T Cwt cit! in tilt' line of �q„„ � ��' anybody lialli(t a$4 le iu(lir itlultl rr»trtic�ktl of at the srvertssl cfi ulrchts through lit titetown willcollfei* tile ieu.yt ufli:r() t (lOckS4 1l`att'hest Jewelry, Vatic), I.tuotN. a frivor otat Wo undersigned,and do OA imi mt,lwtpublic hcd t rltt l rt�ftd ashnme}'til e, i11 tint•tttcit;t rr;lt;trual,lr t,;it-vs. Ile hiss tt.u(lo sa'rvitfe by ro rdiux tilee ol'bovu uut:ae frtjal their pulpitis truth its, l.11<cf, Il,ty ttyntf+trf t)f �vht�lt'tttlilc! atrk*at�t oa"iUndtiy ua�tt,31st. J 0 IRIMANV. ° y •„ • �, tt►t+ltl�ltt'e�lytr � , lir.al�Ilan►vtllfl �j h itla t)uxt ifut4rtiti� ht1u:<t•rie i___ is only ititen(Itd tr, lntitni(Imt(% cr le � tct any At.ylo et-'il 111, ll More- "t,oh `A, id 04i,,, lf; snid W lluve av_ U terrorize OW r tt{tl"Mity alicl than men or-t sue►its ttild vase tliettt to order at 'C�1ttilr°�rliv(-,(t Ims. c•l�lti'-d that ;tlhvr tett,, isLur t'", t t li*b t�f�tr►on daring anti the mils Itlal.illt.r the arrent's kiiow 'I;ihle rit,t•s; and every' other lit ti hl his liar t'ttr. litiv,LtfJ tir>fr,lit ca(tl Ic>tttut� lti* Gt►r lit I perfectly wail t.h;4t. thr'ir vi(tilrlrs .trr t tlt.irtalti' ni llf'tl it, the CiAftlf" n.)nnitt~r. the ra >t is and if found witixmt,it is lk tnlloccent of .111Y legal vrilul., 1't"bether thea �-�"' ('Ivvkq, Wntelielt, Jewelry, AecoM rl is, 'abig t„ 4 P4 i6 OU4,0 in Mil itnry Vorvl+ee`14,►9- reekleaitstics,; iditol c'orild taffy flagrantly tett Music Cont milli s Wilt tail kialtis of of{ti- i11 t��t:rl tyle a Y , l l 1 +ruff. 11 further lar fiutl httl,lW, ttllirli(at1 flt delittttc•r, is (Un- cal Instruments repaired mel vt�strr>tlltt'cl, htl 11;1' tial that t,li�a�to be form rale thron�- l�at,il,l(• With tifltt joal„uK vigilt,"Ice„f tt�icard most.renrsonable{'i±rins, rs7lrl dune.when ,rr.r,r"rs1, ollt.the t•c,illltr ' 1 y' preachers beilNg ex- t'or thoil, hh rfios wilit'll 1111,1 bettit tho hoatit' (Ireetiliort, t.)(-t vi, Is5s, t.itil,t t'r its it. rtltd illy' 1;t', ,grit�' (,i' ill .�rllrriu:tll l:,t�„l,hi, it it 4LON , to Jilligo. ;;tiMllER MMAN(;1:1t1.:Y'I` ronlrnelicln AWiriil0lA,lKwj Postpo���"Inf ll L. it- 7'ilr'U 21110JU011 7'1,sl IA'.ti 1,111. , 13J�'7'li'1��ls.lt T a meetin of the niernbors of the Universalist Soo- 14) I>i; cif NEW 2'o h: AND 1,11.1!•h'MPORr. ' � 2 tilxg tiueiety,held Ault;ttptt..lmt., lgt3.dr it Was you want Wray of taw articles nnuietl l,alow you eau got O(�'And aib•r Tw;Itttr,Ay,Aptili inti►,1841,,the”truiuw will Ittawutv*d, That Ins ympathy with the ninny rsn,l heatrls thein lit the "Tlc.'.UNI ERGO A": Llruu uH rollowil Fish(.lunno,or Peruvian Clunuo, or Ptah hooks, or 'll'rtalnit going wort I and our gr t Nat in our vif ity,itge and eetti vicinity,(caused to Roun(i clams,, 01. Well Iluokets, lir Teta Vent Notions, Lelive tirt►enpurt for Iluutrr's F't,lut at 1•:10 a lit,a 2.411 m. by t,ur gretat Natiannl Ottlainity,)wa ',Deni it proper lu or I'ateut Jews Ilarps, lir Pork for nix cents, or F'ieh 1 al,huitk I. 6 08 A u,A 3AG Y U. poMtpane our F'eetival indesniteiy. (" 1•'armingdslle " +t 6:6.1 a 7.30 A lit, 1:58 By order or the President. 1.iuen,or Butter„t ts,xteetl uta.,or ic'1aur,or 13rantlara. Southold, August nth,1tNl'.'. (111! OH!! 011!!1 a 516 PA l; A u,R '( `d It i.0 A lh P X. I thought. t stiuul(i break lite Constitution aIaul�hin „ Il ,ltl" ." r;:20.7;2 ;;,.1, f'0"tIllo q Primary Aileelilt g. file other day,wh(�n they nines',theeJack for th(tetean). ettte , bone Great, agony to get oil'rroul it; but off went the �( lumsticti (( +� l:dA P x Tile Uttbllt►car stns clad oatrser►alive vuterft of the tgvtli 7:f x),null 13y•i,nwa whet, 1 naw those Knives Alia 1ti,H:03 t R12 A u, of t•k,uthulel,aro rt ttistoil to meat at tilt ligtue of J. W' ;i:29 ttb:$1tt'u lluntttul;in Forks for eating soup; they nre patent tau. Will you F'rciitl►tTraln lauvpst;rerntiort, :idrut Old Wilit►ge; Ott Wl"W"I SDAV, the 3,11 Galt A AL day of September,at 2 1-1 ,1i , to choose G 4elegates to titot►ftnll see Owni. They are juettthe thing for Pia Nlca Wra.11t(« guilig !(:Hatt nuts Chowder I'nrties.. -ConIH null tse()thein do. Lvare James 1.1111►,N folk,atit..Wl A as a.1t:30 r x,�r(;rr.oll. It DistrictrConventiun at (Ireeli sort; Ill,%dtllegatem to J. 0.Cf1A1vIE'f.IIY, port. a County t.utrvegti.0n at Riverhread,to tuftinute contli- Urecupurt,July 30, 123(42. 't 'd "' 6,M)F'm for lletisptltcad 1.1111am fur County ott eery; And n1so G d,elegstles to aft r - at '" (` „ 214(h)Ill.a 4,30plafor t4yo-s,, A",embly 1l("trict(..'.utivelition at P3verlrrn,l, to uatrtitt• SOU I'I O LD K W.axh.Alttitd,Su,p't. 11tH t1 elintlitlr(tu fur Member of Assembly. The etetlMr Nlritter Lily, for(lravapurt,w,lt coutius,v to TOMAS g, LES'I'Sit,l Family Supply Sore, .rsOnat•rt with the Mail fruit. WILUAM (),BETTS ' „y lUl.. y _, .#n..� lrlFl.'Y T. CdILLIM. (N addition to tlio extenaivr► ,stuck kept tit thin well FARE REDUCED. IIF;�lttl' A IIUL1ll�ii,1 iktluwta catul,li,thment,c-in l,u found F;x(:rnSION TlVt(RT•r will l,t••ul(1 from s;rver,purl Sown . ♦ 1 . To rte 20rtltar•of the H:�oktyn l�asle: 131�(.ilt I'�1{'1: FAMILY 1 SOAI' old,Ilermi4age,CutolluKut+awl 1�tattituck to lluotertt Point c'a.n you ltrfurm)xwr readers which is the latime4 , sind return at$3 00 from rtat•h of the nbwpe rtt,ui('nr(. AIHo ts,,,se over ite.ttrd on eaa•tt(? y y at Hunters t'oint far above,named placeil at,tome rates,goadl AZ4Wor•�rlle i�Xploalon if thea � f • t, tl►e lx,x at Cie; t, the lb 70. Croat �oPcaaru of „ for outs work frt,ul ditto. Ial,ICKE � 4AN +,. ,_ 1tirtijm a, In ila. FCa1st Indies, Is the loudest ��l 1 1 jai AIZI SOAP? r ncl,►e of W111rh we have any nccom. 'nI6 little that irs usually sulci flit'Kc, for 3. ,et It ( 1L:lUt'd' Inland of jira.imooa Ilea fn the Strait% of slincia, BUCKEYE, , rr, or v o uriteef-H is ;.iait tt, I)(• Illy; week 08 lx4ween $urrrwir•a, and Java. C)rr AlJgtsat 27, Isn. BUCK 1'1YE SI ARCA, 1 ! i tl,ttre wtt, a tris„ren ,r tlrtlttl11 lisite f./!'(:I1 c,rtl,•t'l+sl f4tld, IIt1l,'y`l it,tit- (k,lls srru tlon, wl,lch r,hlvered 4 Ib.( for:,,,,u; 8c single lb; mid all tither merchandise 1 tl„► lrl:,o(I to frsa,rtencn. 1`hu axsllcrtlorrrr were iso tl,`At hi furnished by the People's Provision Co. 41,�M4 wiII h(' Ill 11('X1, �`('(lfl('4t1711'. 1)1':ttlt•ll L•luut ttrat to the clttxe11e of T3at(1v1rs, 1,InetY-T',rur J. ALBERT IVF;LL'3, A 't, `hut II ;�( t 11(, h()Ilrtl lr"., :11{tl ;lt'(� 1);t.l(1 S I t a 11111,;:, til-vtw.nt, therY sounded lute (lie dlacharge of �- 13 rtrtltlerY lot the streets of the city and the ,lullih, �>ltlttt (,lllril('t ry 1�( t. 4 l.S, :titrl l;tr�:;(I r(,uld not sleep in titeir beds. AR. t.'trrinlou,oUle in NATURAL RE:rri;r,---A fall blooded nc'�rc►way- �)(,ul►ti,x. (. wilig. to tl,t: fact that. so rtti(tl�' auvu, lti;5 m11(aa sway, tors nolaes tv(:re glaze ch. tTll;ln ]LI Hilts town l);tA fL r:}tllcl rir,tiY Hl}L Wt'f'.kt ,t'()111'�'(,Utft; lt1[ I, ((l illil ,Ili t,:,►, are v.xvillpt, 111119 of great fE'unra, anxi the arrthoritJry ficixt out old which if4 w'li.i-1 , has tulle eyes and Niro i'dif buds to ascertain 1f there were a11y ships Jn d:st. I,ir. It Is su•I ot~od to be the n :t s ,41d t-vil, the fltlilll)(' al l,r;,lt':ttt(�tl tiredolil tress, 7th(► eu1111ds reache,l M&i,'rtssa0, !n Oelebc,s, 11, [p ttllt'ltl rr;httllt 1..; r('tltic.t,1 ft) ;a 1t,1�' ti;;lsrt', ;told tilt- 1'i't111irCt,( a dJstanco of goo rrlllsil. and two stearners were of the Fitron Ab(illtion, 1()yal., b12iek, gnioll ,fig,)ta will talo. porlml,.; (,Ill.' ill evi-t•1' thrt,t, -.— dlapn,tohad to 10to if hell? was needed by nhlpy ilk selitirnent which pervade:-; this lilarc...--1" 'cairz- ii(•ut.c l �cll+, hut( ;trl�' ilt(:lilt;tti(1u fur tllrs dazi;er. zaven Illlt'c-6t 4ustralia the ex1goslone( were heard. On the Victorlrl. 1'lalns, 1,,00 rnilest field Gazelle. ,(,ul , an( cirr.nnisfallc� of "'luriolls tear's '�`�' l l 1 � dlxtant, the sliey.ht.*rd>q avert: startled by a(yund;! A gentleman informs uM tletit ne rof!s occupi- tiht,uld v(dilliteel. at olice. lila the dlsr:,hargeti cot heavy artamery, The nnu dura ejected I)y the volcano was curried all rounQ ed the front seats Ili the M. .11. churell lit.'fat.ti Wm. H. 'ferry and son Israel want 1110 s•lvbe and produced brilliant sunsets at many, tuck on Sunday evening, and:I;�ttin orl Monday to New York last Friday to have an IxAms disti nt from each cnc'her. eveltil-ig at the Presbytc•ri;in r Isurt lt. We sup_ operation performed on the latter for 611lark! The herald angels sing deafness. The operation was success- Beecham's Pills are just the thing. pose it y not i follow llnt that ;Ion;+lr;roma- fully performed by Dr. A. Sturmdorf Peace on earth and inercy mild: tlon may* r�oorl it,llnw. Two for man and one for child.,' and the patient is doing nicely and will _ _ soon be able to return home. tr^%s•i ilrr MTV-" ►mr.rresc_:_ THE LITTLE FISI.1. NEW-FANGLED SCHOOL& h'ar the iVittc'iri,altn• 1_11 Dear mother," Said `t little Fisl1 From The Owl, � 11 fray, is trot that a fly? "They taught him how to hemstitch, and tlx� `I'm eery hungry,—and I wish taught him how to sing, I was walking by this fences, I And how to make a basket out of variegated With tin ever•list'Itiug ear, , 'You'd let rile go and try." string, � Wlien a sound regaled my setlses `�Sweet innocent!" the mother cried, Aad how to told a paper so he wouldret hurt �, o' ; I++'rule little It ulnpeteer• (Aid started frorn her nook,) his bat to Beetle, but he b c, '�That seeniing fly is made to hide couldn't It was]aid among t11c grasses, T111{t delicious elfin sound, Tlie sharpness of the hook." do a awn. o And the i7uldeu Moll,]ll HPI9Fe3, , k 13olit their yellow iteakla 111.01111,1. eI 2. Now, (as I've heard) this little Trout';"�'�� ta>zght him haw to mold the head ad P4 � 1 tv tll�linces wets tlsc' 1lriltt' WaS ottne,and foolish too' ; Hercules in clay, m 4- i_ift 1.epettted, thickly laili y ' :And how to tell the diff'rence twist the bluebird 4) ' And so he thought be'd venture out, and the Jay, •� t' :'lull til alders towerini;h i;>Iler H u> 40 1'01'111cll its 1)lluy p,tlisalfe. T ° if it were t1ue. And how to sketch a horde to a little pleturs- 1 C3 SL's frame, a d, 1 llow contentedly the cricket And round about the bait he played, But strangely they forgot to teach hila 0 0 a y a y 71 allos 1115 music-ninUn T will,, p y how to d 0 27 u N b O O C flow duntnt•clly ores hies wicket•, With many a longing look, �, spell his \Tien lie sallies out to sing ! And, L1 Dear tile," to himself lie said, names I'm sure that's not It hook." "Now, Bertie's pa was cranky, and he went 1v'o jingling rhytna euculubr.rs one da' to find k nis vivacity 0i'soil;;; a.r a A No slow aril laz)•numbers 3. 11 I can but give one little bite," What 'twas they did that made his son ee backward in his mind. Ural, his oltoruses aloud. Thougbt he, 11 and so I will don't want Beetle wrecked,' he cried, his tem --�- ✓"- So on lie went when, lol it quite per far from cool— lle yol.es no tilnill vet•sey ' 'I want him educated!' so he tl 'I`ll lncte.r;tittle curt tune $tuck`through his little gill, tools: him LOD tl 110 rides 110 stttl'ry courses, And as 1'le taint and fainter grew) out of Z .Sor attempt,9 to cunrt the toot u. With liollotiv voice lie cried— _ schoavo � -� � �y o tl Withnlit' selfish Innti{•t) 11 bear mother! had I minded you, 'SELLING SAFES IN BALTIMORE.' bo [ a I n.-y a�.o ] ills vilnilalnce to cheer, Robert M. McLane, the Mayor of Baltimore,, nob m ., Ti Itis 111]nwi('l•I`y is Votive, I $liOUld not now Have deed." ° « H said the other day: 'tl '1'0 tl]e h1111111111 u1 the}'car• •��swer--�rhere is a poem entitled tho ='� o�•�a v'as Shadows," which was written by Pauline J "Naturally,Naturally, since our devastating I fire, the o a y daughter of a chief ct Mo11aRk indiails of 131, salesmen 'of safes have been doing a rushing o w o ° C. till{9 ttn�alld {i'at'nl cilli CU7.j>, rola, Onat,, whicril is in all __.. *� no q lu 11Is little I,;trlot 1lotrtc, Probability the omo business Here. h N » Q no Quir�ed for. It is as follows: n- bo u o °b 1' 11 i t11 it, roof of inlliun Posey, "I ain told that two safe salesmen, represent- v•d p ti ff{! ,end a thistle fur its do]ale! I am salling.to t11e leeward, `" m Where the curnent runs to seawaxd trig rival firms, called simultaneously.on a.bust- .. (4 ! 1 be tl cries-et, Whe Bothe Q� s "' r Hess man one morning last week. The first ;s,2 a 11 1 would lee ins• rive grasses v 14 1 coltl,i blit ha{•e Illy way, Brush my Peddle as it passes salesman said: r r.q- o, d ,°, Witlt ,111 iudelteu,lel]t ticket To and tro. "'To demonstrate the quality of our safes, it °� �, x �' 1'u 5in;y 1,y Ilii lit or day. On the ashore the heat 1s shaking, is our custom to put a cat in one of them., to -- - - 1P All the golden bands a-waking Like :u1 allchoritc ve(Ilwstered, In the cove; lock it, to build a great fire around it, and to m And the quaint sandpiper, winging leave it in the flames for twenty-four hour& At Et 1 t Ault 1-I l live i n su l i lull - I) O'er the shallows, ceases sin _ o Au,l ,swain no lonet 1e�lterell gimg d 1 When I move. the end of the twenty-four hours we open the 0�1th ;t ie,l•l,.l au cv]lr:_c an,] rud{�, o � �.1 safe and the cat leaps out, unharmed.' ° I or y l On the water's idle pillow it P-c I {cvltl,l t7ic ntn�n,� tllo ,l;tiyics, Sleeps the overliangi�ij tviilow, "'Wonderfull'said the merchant_ `Wonderfuir �'° h ° • In Ill :y Fres3-hi,llleu cell, Green and eooi; o o $ ° "The second salesman spoke up. o y Od a "' 3r }' I '('hero the rus4les lift their burnl,®ha� a �..v as 14'11 i bot, 111 c! I,t ti9t.vn lig 1!I f 111;t!sllcj, 07al head]from cut the tarnished �"'W* o m put i cat In a_Safe Of 011rs,' hie `�� n� " °,bA ' Av 1 tial,o, the earth 1',trewell. $ , 0 T. Emerald z�oal. - m�' a°�n 4 a SIC 1 I said, `and kept it surrounded with fire for a „ W v °a a o [Irt 1] 1 1', tiul,te!ilbl'r G, l li� where the very water slv¢n�ter3, r• week. At the end of the week what condition Q o jO o c o, Yl Water lil'les grow in numbers, Pyre and Q no TRE AI0USE'S PETITION. pale ,; do you suppose the cat was in?' o a�t,g All the ,n-orninl; they ham rested, Amber crowned and pearly crested-ft 'r "'Dead?' said the merchant. �°a o o 4'�+ t 1. 0 blear a pensive prisoners prayer, Fair end frail. "'Yes, dead,' said the salesman. 'But do.you a �0 y c ti For liberty that sighs; Here, iml)ossIble romatlees, know how it died?' Indefinable s4vret fastcles, rr. And never let thine ear be shut Cluster ro-wid. J.. ^ �° ° °N s�.NO. How�' � aj �' � a$ t'1 Against the wretch's cilesl But they do not War the sweetness - Of this still Selrtember fleetness "'It froze t0 death.'^ E E+ 1,c E+ a N ' For here forlorn and sad I sit IV'lth a soanrl, A CURIOUS DESCRIPTION. — --- -- - ~ n w Ti I can scarce discern the meets Within the wiry rate; m John S. Sar painter, y y ,er y � Of the shore aria stream re�trea�ll•Ig, gent, the noted &inter was saying And tremble at the approachnlb morn, For thelaggardrel elver, dozing, that the late Dr. Evans, the American dentist a Which brings impending fate. only wutkes from Its reposing of Paris, had once shown him all his curios. ".4 �, w Wlti-ere 1 dont. Qui o ' IC e'er thy breast with fieedoln glow'd "Among these curios," said Mr. Sargent, a o be 1P+ , where the river mt5ts are ricin til p 5 ) All the follage baptizibi,g there was a letter that amused me greatly. .� &�' °' ° 0 b And spurned a t r�ult s chain �� .. With their sura Dr. Evans had received the letter in his youth -,,O „ ,� 1 Let not tlly StrOng Oppressive force, There the sun gleams star and falztob • � ° °�o 1L tree-born mouse detain. with a sh'aaa{v Soft and saintly in America. It was from a young farmer of 0 z a o 0.1 a In its ray. t 1 Vermont who wanted a set of false teeth made 4 a bb d s a at And the perflrrne of some burning Tlie scattered °1ea111ngS Of a feast Farr oft bru.iMrood, ever turning and sent to him. He wrote for the teeth in .0 w iT1 ^" b 1'o exhale; Idly frugal meals supply; x ll its smoky fragrance, dying, Some SUCK way as this: � a w�Y � ,`�o , ' Hilt, if thine unrelentill�'heart In the arms of evening lying, "'My ,,mouth is three inches acrost, five- � ad 0, E��v � ], There I sail. That slender boon deny, eighth inches threw the jaw. Some hummocky 0 a N w ° a p . MY canoe is growing lazy, C1 in-��v F T-c The cheerful light, the vital ail', In the atmosphere so liezy, on the edge. Shaped like a hoss chew, toe r °- b ZVIiiie I dream; t'" F a Q o ° o p v forced. If you want me to be more particular o F'I Are blessin°S «1Clel�7 gl�ell; FIalf LI slumber I am glil 31111± 1 b Elastw•ard, indistinctly glieu:g I shall have to come thar.' ' Let Nature's coinilloners enjoy - Down the stream. -.-- / The common gifts of heaven. Brother .Artists. q And if Zve whisIced flim to the top on his last vtslt to America, Paderewski, the C 7 o The well-taught p11llOSOli1]tL' 111tH[ Ill the electric car eminent pianist and composer, was introduced. U. , a a 0d 4 To all, compassion gives; I'll bet he'd be a-Yellin': "Stop! somewhat against his will, to a man of little apps- �� � a� m`'d "c a �} ) I lot5t my breath down t12ar!" rent culture who professed great interest In muslo a o v ai Casts I'OUnd the �vorlcl till equal e`e and much intimacy with its finer phases. k h ° t3 "it"e artists you know, Mr. Paderewski." ha r�[ ��U�y And feels for all that lives -----'An'An'if we told him lie could talk: remarried,"have our moods and tastes in common, c� c o �a P la Whktt George Would Tho. To Boston town by wire, wllicb the ordinary man Is Incapable of under- 0 `� 1 � �� a I'll bet he'd throw the 'phone at US standing or sympathizing with ]'ou, DIr. Pad- ,s~ L o° c - ° Q f' If Daddy George could only collas An' say: "I like a liar" erenski, Pad- have instrument, to which your =r 3 life Is a devotion, and I have mine. I rejoice in d - To visit us to-day, o -- c I'll bet 'at he'd be startled some Y you as a brother artist." 0 �; o c An' hev some things to say. And when he'd seep the trolley cars "And what," lnquIred the great virtuoso, with +� �°�v��� o o ��d �C h An alltO,S' 1'lirinln I'011i1d, desperate politeness,"'..3 your instrument,Mr.—? i.4 o -• c y 2# A _;° >1 "The mandolln, sir," was the proud response.— � ��0 0` �.G T With nae hoss hitched on to 'em p - a I 4 He'd view the s]l.y,crapers askanct3 y I3arper's Week.rr1 __ •- K .° b b=• '.gyp And in a.rniielnent say: To yank 'ein 'long the ground, - — o a, "tiVo didn't like to climb sic:h stairs Disliked the Suggestion. y a u t °.8* ^a t a F• IT bet lied say: I must be late Jorh',*.ls—illy dear, I wish you wouldn't slug 4 = O •^ °' 0 °'•,._ Er them thar in my day." x- - =o A- ettin' here—you win;" that song about"Falling Detv." �y 1;-A --�--- ---- -- t bars.Jorkins—t�'hy not? y° 0�:� An, then he'd,just, curl up right there � ��� � � � f11�1 Jorl,-ins—It reminds me too irucli of the house a I c. sof An, go an, die a°nint rent.—London Tit--Bits,---- - — s o 4 c,•v ,� Which finished his task first? How did the savages treat the _a THE FAITHFUL DOG. r° Poor man? How the rich man? What did the poor man do, that pleased the savages very much?? What the rich man lees l. During the midsummer holydays, George Manson compelled to do for the poor n7an. After spending some was invited to Oswald hall,in Wiltshire, the residence months in that manner, where were those two men carried? What sentence did the magistrate pass on the rich man? Diel of a gentleman well acquainted with George's father. He ]Did the poor man accept the fortune offered him? What by had promised to write very frequently to his sister Ma- was the only thing he required of the ricli man? Having Iain ria,and the following is one of the letters that she received learned wisdom by his Ipisfortunes�what was the rich rrian's that from hill).--,, You have probably been expecting to llear cc.>luluct, during the rest of tris lifi. b from me for. some days, my dear sister,and I should not d� have deferred writing had not a remarkable circumstance ther occupied my attention. The particulars are interesting, two and you may find amusement in reading them. LESSON LVIII. ai a 2. «Mr. Oswald has a very large Newfoundland doh;, heir named Rover, who is a favorite with the whole family. THE POISON •cltt:E. heir He suffers the young children to ride upon his back,and 1-. This destructive tree, which grows in the Island and will stand perfectly still while they mount. He is very d of,Java, is called by the natives the Bolton Upas. The Ile clever at carrying a basket or a parcel, and I am told, will e accounts of hatuuralists respecting this tree, have been so 'ond hold a lantern very well, always taking care t.o wait till s deeply tinged with the marvellous, that the whole narra- ow, his master has got over a stile,or passed through a gate. ' tion has been considered, by the; generality of readers, ;1 m uve Indeed, he is so fond of his master that he sees uneasy s as an ingenious fiction. I must acknowledge, says the the:' when he perceives lie is going out, and will fetch bis.hat e writer of the following account, that I long doubted the and gloves on being ordered. One day last week, this a existence of this tree, until a stricter inquiry convinced h's gentleman left hone on some business, whirl) obliged }� me of'ny error. dis- him to travel to Devizes, a town nearly thirty miles a �. I shall only relate simple, unadorned facts,of which "till- from this place, and Rover was forbidden to follow. e I have been an eve witness, and the utmost confidence :;uty The dog howled and was uneasy the whole day; towards '1 may be placed in the fidelity of the account. In the year ppy evening, when Charles Oswald went in search of him he i 1774, I was stationed at Batavia, as a surgeon, in the list was no where to be found. I service of the Dutch cast India Company. During my , 3. 11 At midnight I was awakened by the loud bark- residence there, I received several different accounts of ..re- Ing of a dog, wl)o was scratching violently at the brill the Bohon Upas, aur.the violent effects of itsoison- all I"" door. The creature seemed in great distress, and as I . of which seemed so incredible, that my curiosity was "" thought, was using every nleaus in his power to obtain an s excited to the highest degree. win entrance. Sul)posing it was Rover, I wondered lie did s 3. I therefore resolved to investigate the subject Niel, not seek his usual shelter at night, and I continued to thoroughly, - and to trust only to my own observation. In ;ed listen for sometime. The agony of the creature seem- ; consequence of this resolution,I applied to the Governor ed to increase. I aros© and called the footman. We (.general, for a pass to travel through the country: My It- went together and opened the door. Rover rushed in, , req'unst was granted,and having l)rocutred every informs- de- barking, howling, and crouching at our feet. Hsi then I -ze; I' ran away,returned whining,, and again rushed forwards. ANNA AND ISAIIEL. us t. "The noise. alarmed Mrs. Oswald, who caller.) to 1. Anna had many virtues,—so had Bell;— o learn the cause. When she came down stairs the poor dog redoubled his cries, and a third time ran 1i•orn Cousins they were, and loved each other well: the door.—'The dog,' said she, 'evidently entreats us But Anna was a quiet, gentle child, to follow flim. He has been absent a long time; I i)n- Good-humored, modest, affable and mild; aguned, in the evening, that lie had followed his master. While Bell, though sensible and kind at heart, I now believe lie did so, and that 1)e is returned in agony Would sometimes into sudden anger start; to tell us some accident has happened to him. The an- And when by such unseemly passions tost, imal is sufficiently sagacious to do this, Iain well per Her better qualities were almost lost:-- suaded.' Often with tears, would Isabella say, 5. " So saying, Mrs. Oswald ordered the carriage; cc Oh, cousin, shall I ever see the day, immediately, and, attended by the men-servants and my- To be by all admired and loved, like you - Grump, Pa.; Zlm, Alii 11. if; Ill.;�L .,dr . Who are so very good, and modest,too? " Yello-%vdirt,Ga.;Yellowjacket,Idaho,Rideout, Fla.;Gurnlog, eta.;Blue Eye, Mo.; Goodwill, 2. A parrot, that could speak, was one clay given s. D.; Gooseberry, care.; 6roochland, %a.; Goo, Ky.; Red Key, Ind; Grip, Pa,; wtttice- 7o Anna White:—A few words it could say,— chalk, Pa.; You Bet, cal.; Good Thunder, --- Such as 'Good day,' 'Good. night,'—and q How Minn.; Maidstone, vt.; Congruity, Pix.; Baca d'ye do? ' Axe,Mich.;Two Jolms,Md.;Rabbit;Bash,Xy.; Bat Cave,N.C.;Goodi%-ine,.M.,.liappy Creek And sometimes cry out, pertly, I that's not true! va.: Nut, Flit.; Bigbug, Ariz.; Big Moses, So once, when at the door the cage was hung, w. Ila.; Nix, S. C.,mice, lvzich.; Love, Va:,; A fashionable lady called and ruing: Abiquin, N.X;Chinese Camp, Cal.:Bonnet, . S. C.;Poverty]:Illi,S. C,;Red Birch,Ky.;Job, Poll smirked and fluttered, and said, 'How d'ye do?' Mo.; Loveless, Ala.; Max, La..; Iia.t, va.; 14 My mistress not at home,"said Jelin—said Polly Red Apple, Ala,. Two Licks, Pa.; •Twitty, 'that '5 not true.) N. C.; Yellolvtlous©, Fla.; Yeiloly Rabbit, ' Miss % Crane Eater, G a.;Toutglit, Ga.; Blue Now Anna loved the bird, and never would y Jacket,I.T.;Charlie 1Iopo, vqr. humanity Let any other person give her food. tel strong These are found in Tennessee: Peeled last. I Chestnut, Sewanee, Ha,tinuicer, Clluckaluek, t does it Young Blood, Yell, Bonecave, Chimneytop, 3. It chanced that Isabel was taken ill, Goodbye, Tiinglieitich, Bulls trap, Dickey, And every day grew worse, and worse until Ing these Mug,A.B.C.,Barefoot,l ild noose; and these Her parents feared, at last, that she would die; hen once In 'Texas: Coars, Baby Read, Cat Suring, i shore.— Lovelady.Beaulciss,Bigfoot,Mud and Cash. Then Anna went to see her constantly; Others are: Sunday, Munroe 001111tp,Ala.; And when she was much better, almost well, Jalr1, MiC114 Sideburn, Va.;Birds Nest, va.; Still she neglected not her Isabel: Tule, ern.; Marked Tree, Arai; Jaekcajones, g I lel friend Ark.-Jamboree, ley.;Coltsneck, N. J.;Zirio, But to cheer her, during many tedious hours— de South- Ark.:* imo.:rlardpan,Pa.;Sugar Bush,wis, She reach—and told her stories,—brought her flow-iuntting H. H. Huntting attended the annual' ers,— seting of meeting of the State Savings Bank Collected shells, and pictures,—dresses] her doll, Assoeia- Association at New York City on And then at last she gave her pretty Poll. i Thurs Thursday. He was accompanied by 'd by D r. Dr. J. G. Huntting, who we fear 4. Ah, how delighted was the sick girl then, ar found found more to interest him in Keith's She thanked her friend again, and yet again, I Keith's than he slid in the doings of the asso- Promised that Poll her favorite pet should be, ►f the as- ciation. OMPT tion, I set out on my expedition. I had obtained a • THE FAITHFUL DOG, recommendation floel an old Malayan priest, to anc)t.11er effluvia horn elle tree 111ay beblrr)lvu .lore t.hrm. They e M , George dal sr of the same order, tvho lives oil the nearest;habitable spc)t are told, also,to travel with i.he utmost despatch,as that h3 was invited��I. Durill+'t to Oswald hall in dsumine'r boWiltshire the resin to the tree,which is about fifteen.or sixteen miles distant. tire Drily nncethod of insuring a safe rettirri. l i 8. Tile criminals are then sent to the,house of the old of a gentlennarit ell acquainted with George's father. 4. The tree is surrounded an all sides, by a circle (if flat. 1:)l•ollliseu , write very frequently to his sister t high hills and mountains; and the;country round it,' thQ priest., to which place= they are con-iluouly at.t.eended 1►v their friends and relations. Ifere, the generally r retrlalicl ria, and the Poll wing is one of the letters that she rec t ".� rli<tslncc� of ten of twelve miles from the tree, is entire Y g:. y f)r)rr11)itn. ouhave probably been expecting to ro baI►'yen. Not: a tree, or a shrub, or even the least pliant some) days, tvaith, for a favorable) breeze. During that 1 Y 1 g ,. or brass, is to be seen. I madce a circuit round this time, the pries.: lWel,:a'cs th(!I.l for their fixture fate, by from nue 1c►c. 1 ire clays, my dear sister, and I shou u dangerous spot,at a distance of about eighteen Iniles.fl•oin prayers and admonitions. Wile" the hoar of their dee-- have de,furrt :: citing had not a remarkable circum: r u parture arrives, the priest puts oil the',) it long leather ovenIpied ruy i tendon. The particulars are intere ,� � •� � il7C� centre, tend I fot-mei the. *lSpl'.C't ofthe C:011lltl'y, t:)11 It}I � f111d 011 lila fid amusement in reading thele. - sides equally dr(mry. I now repaired to the boll�e c,f cal), which conies clown its iter as their breasts, with two Y Y g classes befi)re their eyes, and also provides them with a x m the priest, to whole I lead a letter of reconlmendatioil. g Y--, �► �' -� 7 9 r , pair of]rather glover;. 2. i�Mr. Osv dd has a very large Newfoundland i Y c s). Froin him I hich.cl Is, ol►pre of his reside.ncc, le g, The• are then conducted b the priest *Incl their named Rover, i leo is a favorite with the whole fan ii d �� this dismal spot—which NN.Is, to p1•c�:)tu•e for eternity thlt 3 .. Y priest, a a� souls of those who fe)r rfi[li�ero�l)t crlrnes arc sentencedfriends find relations, about two or three miles oil their He,suffers the y ung children to ride upon his back, ' ' J �� Here tho, Driest reheats his instructtions rn1d will stand perfect y still while they mount. He is ' •d o � r l�lll'Ile• '. � , J to a1��p1•uach elle tree, tend procure,the poison. Alis ltoi- ,tells there where they are to look for the tree.). He clever at currying a basket or a parcel,and I aln told, son Is a frail that issues out between the bark and the shows t.11cenl a filll w}�lu•h they aro to ascend and Etc,`ond hold a lantern ve' well always taking care to wail p I tree itself; and into this are dipped the poilits of all ) y Y , b°x their warlike inst.rllnnents• It is of high value and )ro- which they will fiat( a rivulet, which they are to follow, his master has gc over a stile,or passed through a U E w a ' duces a considerable revenue to the Ent Emperor. Nlltle- leading directly to) the 11pas'free. They'now takes leave.) Indeed, lie is so and of his master that he seems un 1 of each other; and '11114],t n.r 'c=t s fur their success tllt� wllt`rl lie )erceiv s lie is going out and will fetch hi; � factors, condemnee. to death, are the only persons who 1 } ) l g g , �- procure this poisoll; and this only chance they have of criminal; hasten away. „_ and glovc)s on 6ng ordered. One day last week, saving their lives. 10. The wort.11y priest assured me, that during his gentleman left 6 ale on some business, which obi J6. After sentence:, of cica.th is pronounced upon t.hl.ill residence there lin ll1)tt;u•e}s of t.11irt,y years, he lla( dis- hire to travel to Devizes, it town nearly thirty n � ' by t]'ie judge, they Iuc a5kc d in court, «heiher alley trill missed upwards of seven Inuldred criminals ill the .elle- from this place- and Rover was forbidden to fol: a , c , W = G W die by the hands of the executionr�.r,or whether they will nen I have described; and 1.1iat scarcely two,out of twenty The clog llottrled tr►d was uneasy the whole day; tow fro to the Upas Tree. for a box of poison? They roil- returned. He showed me a catalogue of tell the unhapt)y evening, when. C':Iarles Oswald went in search of hir be of"'� SUII';rers Ivith tlleir respective offences; arid also a list was no where to )e found. r c n1or1ly.prefer the latter proposal, as there is not only some ' chance ofpreserving their lives halt t.l o a certai.liy,, lit of triose who lead returned in safeet.y. 3. 44 At. midni hL I was awakened by the loud I e m q V ' 11. I was )resent at some,of these lrlelanc•hol c.c.rc.- Ing of a do NN h, was scratching violently at the Y o q o case of a stere) retlrl•11, that a provision will be made for l � � y S' ' ' �1 tlleln in filtnre by rho crrlperor. 'C'hc+y arc'also pe�rnl�tthcl monies,and desired diflcrent criminals to brie;; with tlleln door. The erc� are seemed in great distress, and to ask a ftivor from thea einperor, whin. is gcneralI3 •f•a s�)lrle 1)1(1(,(,s of the wood, or ,, shall branch, or solne� thought, was lisil;every means in his power to obtai �, , y .ralltccl. leaves of this wonclt)rfill tree). I have alio givell therll entrance. Stipp sing it vvas Rover, I wondered he �- a o Irl 111 r nature and commonly t' l, � a `,� '7. They *u•e then provided with a silver or tortoise silk cords to 1rlterlsure� the thir.knrss of the acct. I nr.�vicer not seek his a ia-, shelter at night, and I continue) "• „ °�A shell box, ill trhirh they are to fell ihc) poi�onoll5 Blurt, could l►ro ollree more thrid two rh•y leaves, that Nverce picked listen for soinuti 1e. The agony of the creature se x 1 y eel to leer(.)se arose and called the footman. It x and arca properly iust n ictced h0W to l.►i•ocFeed ill their c iu- u ) 1.). one, I rind ••n his fIli . �.. ° rcirous expedition. Among other particulars, they Ira f�• All I cc)Illtl la al'Ir of hilt) cone•el,uiirrg the trcli it- went together nr I opened the door. Rover rushee f self, AN"is that it stood ort the; border of a rivulet as de- barking, howlin and crouching at our feet Hai t � directed to go towards the tree bc�li.)rc� the: tylia., that aha , l;, `;. feet. y priest; that it was of*t middling size; curl away,retur.it,I whining, andagainrushed forwar Y � .. � � � scribed � the cold )ric,�V__ ._-..-- ___ 4. 44The nc)i.�: alarmed Mrs. Oswald, who cane AlvivA AND ISAT3GL. us to learn the (-,Ease. When she came down stairs � oit o .0- ".0 1. Annahad many virtues,.—so hadBell,— Door dog recloub:l d his cries, and a third time ran I e "1 1 E d..:1 - : Cousins they were, and loved each other well: the door.---cThe=clog,' said she, 'evidently entreat, c'L p 6.•C C X3 Q 0 xi But Anna was a quiet gentle child to follow him. I e has been absent a long time; I o I Gloo)d-hu►rlored, modest,aflable and mild; aginred, in lJle c�v�ding, that lie had followed his ma: I note believe he id so, and that he is returned in ag o While Bell, t.}lou"ll sensible and kind at heart, ,u A �, ;, W T to tell us some ac iclenthas happened to him. The d b �V 011101 sometimes into sudden anger start; inial is sufficient.] sagacious to do this, I ale well t Arid when by such unseemly passions tort, , v to- suaded. �^ a if t-n,Metter qualities werce almost lost:— s e. f 5. 44 So sayin , Airs. Oswald ordered the carr Often with tears, would Isabella say, -" 44 Oh, cousin, shall I ever see the day, imrrlediately,and:attended by the men-servants and To be by all acmirud and loved, like you (_urrip, I,&,: ltti), 19inn.; 7.,if, Ill.;Nero, KY.; stv Who are so very good, and modest, too?" ; Yrallowdirt,eta.;V awoaolcet,ldaho;Ricteout, Y t Fla.;Gu.rnlog, cu. I3lue 1 are, no.;Goodwill, �� 8, U.; Gooes4 bhvr *, Ore.; Gooel)lauci, vaL.; v e ► t A parrot that axile. speak, tuns on( c.la given , d to parrot, p S Crew, Ky.; Mari k ✓, Ind; Grip, I a.; Walke- . Y. A o"? o o p To Anna �4'�rllitt:----A few words it. could say,— ohat.lk. Pa., You let, Cal,; flood Thunder. th `q ,4 w a v,v l SLiC11 *1S 4 Good day,'„_,_1(loud iiight,'—arid 4 HOW Minn.: 11Ir�lcistoa)Ir Pt.; Congruity, Pa., $1e1 Of O ; o°5 w r a , ? , Axe,Mich.;1,w o J, any,Md.;Rabbit Hash,Icy.: �.. � a 5Y I3t�t Cave,N.t:'.;c, ocisvine,,Ill.;Htt.Al�y Creel, dei �, r � � asa In N � And sometimes cry out, pertly, 4 that's not, true!' Va.; Nut, Fla.; it;bug, Ariz.. Big Moses, So once, when at the door the cage was hung, tv. taal•; Nix, S. ; Fico, �Iicl).; Love, Va.-; o i A fashionable fatly called and rung: Abiquin, X, AT. meso Carn Cal.;Bonnet, A. 4 8 C.;Povroty thl S.G.;Red Bird,Ky.;Jots, Poll smirked rule]fluttered, and said 'flow d'ye do?' talo.; Loveless A .; Ajax, La,.; Hat, Va.; k o o y oe p y v 44 My easiness not at borne,"said John—said Polly— Red Aw)le, Ate.'. t'Wo Liths, Pa.; TwittY. 4a o , r N. C'.; Y ello�vhc) e, Pa.; Yolloty Rabbit, ar 2 ° o - 4 that: 's not true.' – `. humarit;y Truss., t-rartte Eaw i ray.; Toulght, Ga.; Blue Now Anna loved the bird, and. never would Jacket,I.T,,Char, -I:I01)0. Va. Let any other person give]:ler foot]. ,el strong These axe fou, in Tennessee: Peeled • 00o u last. I Cbestnut, seNvatr,, Itatmaker, Cl)uekaluck, v V ! 4 Young Blood, To; Bone.cave, Ghimneytop, 3, It chanced that ls�►bel was tal�en ill, t do©s it 000(ib-,e, wagh¢;. i-b, Bulls Gap, Diol.ev, Ariel every day .;rete tto,rr�e, and worse until ing these ;ijt(g,A,B.C.,Brtr sot,Wild Goose:and thes© r �' hen onlc,e in I'extas�: Coats, 3aby Head, Cat spring, - j T Ilei parents faunae., at last, that she �vaulcl die; LoveladBifefoot,Mud and Cash, C1 4L. Then Anila tient to see her constantly; shore. Othaerg are: stu, iy, i4iunroe county,Ala.;, c ❑ �'- j" i K c a And when she was nrtucll better•, all-nost well, .TArn, alileh; stela.:, 1-1, 9s.; girds Nest. Va.; Mule, oro.; 1/l.nrI; Tree,Ark; Jackajones, ". r Still she, neglected not,bei' Isabel: )d I.•lead !�.rlc.;J�ti7bgree. I' ; Coltsueck, N. J.;Zino, W -b o a ) k } lel r�o i th. Ark.:zig,mo.:liar jun,Pa.:.Sugar Bush,wis. �. - I;ut to chc,e9r her, clurin irlall r tedious hours-- v °=' a G. She read­--and tide. her stories,--brought her flow-iuntting 11. H. Huntt 1, attended the annual' -a ti b ~a ',o a e,ra;,_- toting of ,nesting of thf State Savings Bank Associa– ti (.'inletted slieells, and pictures,----stressed her doll, assoclritic�l� at; few York City on v a�yL And thorn ret last she gave her pretty Poll. i Thurs- ?Thursday. W vas accompanied by d � � �. ,dl)yI)r•. Q; Z ri . 1 Dr•. J. c:', Ia„i ting, who we fear yC pec � " -� arfounc . .Alt., how de igrhted was, thn sick girl ilien, , four)cl inor� to i;, gest him in Keith's lrc; alt;;.Cly eetl 1)rl' friend ,1�'a►n al]Cl +e't again, thaii he t1w ,,, !.,I doings of the asSo a P s= s o Z aput. ------- of the as- E'rornised that Poll leer lilt cn Itce shc)(11d Wlik-4i ft►tished his i s' first? 11mv did tile savages treat the TIM. FAITHFUL DOC. 7 1 11 0 1 'r elan? flow the 1101 main? !i'hast,(lid the pool.mall do, lies thart pleased the savap,-e,;very much What was the rich rnan it is I. lliu iliq the miclstirni- er ltoly�days, George Manson rOtlipellvd to do for the poor ivautr After spending smne was iuvitVd to Oswald hall,in �ti'iftshire, the reside"we mons lt'•in that manurr, 1'here Nvere those iw'o men carried? of a gentleman wt,:11 ac quaintud with George's farther. lie Mat senteiwo did t-hey magristrate pass on file rich rnan? 0141 hadprc,niise�ci to write vary fic�cltletidy tel his sister Ma- Did tilt, lmnine iir.relat the 1'urtntte ull�re�d him? Wtutt liv was the only thing lie- re(liiired of thio rirlr Hunt? Having �tatrr ria, and the followingis one ofthe letters thattshe recti lv-ed seamed ~k,isilmil.by his thirst) t tmor,, %%lint evils tic,rich ma.n'sthat front him.--11 You have probably been cAxpcc-,ting to blear auu�.lir, I, (1116111F tilt- rest offlis lile? b from me for some days, my dm- sister,mid 1 should rr(at de- ha.vo. deferred writing had not a remarkable circurllstance -- - then oc•etipied my attention. The particulars are biteresting, Wo a lid you may find amusement in reading therzr. self, she set off. Meimwhile.ll.over watched our move- ments,continually repeated his former actions, and when the carriage drove off, lie scampered before, taking the 0swald's hold were not nangerotls;alai the surgeon hav- 1, rr road to Devizes, continually running forward, and turn- ing dressed 1henl, gave permission for hire to be carried of Java,,, ing to see whetlivr we followed. We travelled thus slowly home. I should tell you, that poor Rover, by the necomit more than teu miles, rind were approaching a small town, cure of the servants, who gave, him food and water, was dec1)1y when the dog turned(town a narrow lane,and the coach- ready to return with us,and lie was put into the coach." tiolt ha;rnan sto}►pud fir liu•tl►er ordc;l-s. 9. <<Wlien Mr. Oswald could speak, he inlbi-med us as au ie (i. 114gain Rover became importunate with his cries; that lie had stopped to bait his hors( at the town, where writer O}e barked, if l.iossiblo,more loudly than ever. Ile sprang, tie was overtaken by Rover, and had rambled down a exiA(mir tilt to the coach door, wil'to prevail oil his mistress to lane that terminated in a wood; here lie wa s altta.cked by rrti:or u; proceed. astiflcr nle, (Madam" timid the footman, who a f(-Ilo%v Ariiied with al cudgel, who aimed at blow at hills I a wits on horseback, 'to talar. (nice of the (carriage laillps which he parrie(I with his whip: a Second aim wasmore 1 hay c and follow River. I a ill (1,11110, for something Successful, and lira was struck to the growl: several outs,hc, is the matter.' 1 heard the c'o.,whutatt say Softly, 'So more blows Billowed, when suddenly ]Rover new upon aiu 1, Torts, though I was mn.d to lie.' called up about a the ruffian. Mr. Oswald then became serisele ss, and tic rvir� whitrr; hitt our nlistruss never has tvhirn5, I forgot that.' diel Trot. recover till lie found llilriself'in the cottage. r0sideiw Mrs. Oswald, who maintained her self-possession,though 10. <<The caresses and kiridness than flie children lav- t.he Bol►pervel,i:bly much agitated, aih^r considering a few rain- ►shod upon this sagacious auiimal, you can easily imalgiile. of 11hic;tilt's Consented to it](-. }proposal, and ordered the coach- Rover, having quite recovered, stations; himself'by his v%(-iteld rtiani to aicconilmny him. 111a5ter, as lie, rusts orf the sola; and licks the, hand or Itis 3. I 7. 11 Day wns now beginningto I)re?ak. I smv at some 1111.satte.'ss, who can scarcely couceail lwr tears,as she oe- thorcam-4 distance a fittlo cottage, and could perceive the footman calsionallly parts his head. Mr. Oswald is almost well; ( =.in r(lii stop th(�rr, and disl�nount. Dover, however, carne backI only wait:to see hi1i1 perfectly so, to fix. the day of rov ilrucl'al, to us, Ill(-, coach now drove hastily forward, and the return. Farewell, roy dear Maria," adde-d George, 1'!wt poor creature, exImustod by his eflbrts, lull clown at the ill vo►ic•.lu(liny Ills letter, 'c will you not, jc,in with rile in o1' Mrs. lc:►viusr this; lilithtill dol; ? Yours aff'oo,tionrit.ely, tMrs. Oswald, as she s f�u°ang; froth i.he carriage, ;, and }ratted hint ca►t the; head. On a llt.e;ring the 11causc we G I:oI3G E ANSON. " found Xlr, Os��alis laid on ai Wretched bod,almost sense- loss, and a poor eal(l woman watching beside fort►. 14 o NrAill'ES OF TOWNS. Colt lcuc,w us. The wnnl=111 informed its that the gentleman But had beers discovered by her sort, as he returned from 131rd 3n. Hau'rld, if aX Off, 'Yost. (_of work in tho ovcnint,, at the emnince of a little,wood;that Bet, Why Not tali-d Others. ho was much wounded about the head, and was bleeding The Washingtou star liar4 (culled from the tearribl5. I�oratral Uixide a list of some t)f the cr.iriou�s ( named post otTlc ea. Here are€t fo%v Ari( 8. 't Ilavim, obtained as.ai,staiwe, they brought hits Till), Pic: Robbers' Roost, 1. T.: 13ird in II home'. to her 11(itt;,e, amid had sent for a surgeon,who was Banti, Pia;1,ainedeer, Moat.; Yopoorir, Ina.;wliyr. Not, Ky.; .Hat Off, Ga,.; Sopohomy. absent 1ro1n home and wars not yet.re ttirue�ti. While she Fla.;Jiigtown, N. c.:Seven Stars,Pa.;Fear- vas vass`;peaking,the surgeon at"rlvr.(l. 'rhu wounds on Mr. pot, Ilei .(..;Judytown, V. Va.; Pig, Ry,; (lood- •---- -- night,Kv.;ItAd FG►Ula �V. �'rt..;Il(�(i I.,i�::k,1�Liss,a To to ty at aclrmired €tilcI ovr7, like you this-ap, Pa.; Zlin, Minn.: Zit, 111.;Hero, Ky,: �V ho al is So Very good, and modest,too? Yellowdirt,Ga.;Yellow,lacktt,Idaho;Rideout, Fla.;Citimlog. (,',a.; 131110 byre, MO.:cloodwill, S A parrot, that ('(llllcl speak, it'elS OTIe day' rve11 S. U.; Goo.icberry', Ore.; Goacliliarid, Vit,; 2. 1 p g t_1ee, KY.; Rea Keir, Ind; orbs, Pa,: walku- To Anna. few words it could say,— chalk, Pa.; You Bet, Cal.; Good Thunder, Such as I Good rials,'---c good night,'—and 6 How Minn.: Maidstone, vt.; con.gruftl', Pei.; Bad Axe,Nlioh.;Two Johns,Md.;Rabbit:Hash,Ky.; d'ye CIO?' N. C'.;Goodivinea.III.:thi pp y C'reHk Bat e,ra'ce,N. . And Sometimes ('Ty Cnit,, pertly, t that's slot true!' Va.: Nut;, bila.; -Digbirg, A.ri:r.; Big Moses. So (aCice, when at the door the cage was bung, W. Va.; Nix, S. C.; Dice, Ir!Iieh.; Love, Va:,, Abiquila, N. M.;clline.w cmi)p, Cal.;Borillet, A fashionable lady called and rung: S.c.;11ovort:y Hill,S.C,;Red Bird,Ky.;Joh, Poll smirkct(1 and fluttered,aizd said, `How Wye do? A-ro.; moveless, Ala.; Ajax, La..; Haat, Va..; cc My mistress not at borne,"said John--said Polly--- Iled Apple, Ala..; :rwo Lick!o. Pry.: Twitty, r 1V, C.; Yellowhouse, Pa.; Yellow Rabbit, �than: 's not true.' humanity Mi`'s.; Crane Eater, (ata,.:To,iiglit, Ua.; Blue Now Anna loved the Hirci, and never would Y Jaoket,I. I.;Charlie Hopo, Va. Let any other person give her food. tel strong These are found in Temiessee: T'eeled last. I C%liestriut, Smvanae, Hatr,aaker, Cliuckaluck, tsloes it Young Blood, Yell, Bonecave, chimie:vtop, 3. It chanced that Isabel was taken ill, Ooodbyo, Iliaghealth, BuliM 0 an, Dickey, And every clay 2-rev, w()rse, grid wore ulitil ing these Alutr,A.B3 C„Barefoot,Wild(ramie: and these hen once Ili `,exaas: coats, Baby Bead, Cat daring, Her pare_Irits feared, at last, that she would (:lie; Love�ladyr,Beaukiss,13ieout,mold aria uuli. Then finita. 14'('tlt to see lie" c(ril:l:atttly'; shores..-_. Others are: S11nd,•ty, )4ltinr•on fSt3ltilty, Alm,; .And when she was much better, almost cwull, .1anl, &lieu;Sideburn, Va.; Birds hest, Vii.; } kiwe, ores.; marl;e�d Treo,Ark, ,Iackajelnes, `Mill she neglected not her Isabel: )d trr(�n(i li1•L.; J7liYiial)rea, ri,V.;Cnl#necl, r J.; Ziuo, .bout i.c) (,pees her. dering numy tedi0 i s [tours-.-.. lee +otT til- y,r'1:.;lig,ll7o.;.Hr3rdtaei.n,Ra t iz ar°Bush.`��`is. She reat(t----and told her stories,._-hrou.;ht hest° floIV-3.uutt,i 11g H. 1T. lltlritt,ing attended the annual leting of ineeci - of' thi, 1111tiiv Savings Lank Collected shells, am l pirtul'es,-- clre ,r if heir doll, Assoeia– tat.iuri at Now York City on And t..Ii(ytt at lastslle n ave her pretty .'c.Pll. t 'I"ltrlr4�. 1,11111% lac..'. lIe_i was c'7•ccollipanied by A by Dr. 1).•% J. (r. ilmitt,ing, who we fear 4., All, how delighted Nva", the sick girl ahem, al,r t'ciun;i found mere. tao inte�re•st him its I�e;it,Ws i Keith'I She thatiked her friend and yet a.}.ain, ►l tlrti as- thatl? he did all t1w di iill;'s of the. casso- YI'c,nrised that la(}Il lira favorite pct sliniild be, Lhlt..iun. "ItT'!1i"4'�iCry Im 7l'T 1't71T�11C°� n.. •nr.... nn �o�n at._ .,_ .-,. _ :, •.,, .:: � � _ [7 EfFFEL TbYYER.992.T COLOG.IyE CArJJEZ7)?A4,569FT: C'HEOF3 PYRAMID,449.'7'. ,a n`. iia r�rir ,. 1 'ER r t� �'• arq � �0 rr���'r P ��\ �1 1l't;� t�+) ♦ 1�^ i1 �, \( \..',�v,•��(_�t:ST}g\3... :\r}�.�Q.•S�`tt�`.y\(\�,`,, ` ,1�' -,•'L:}�, 11,.,'�. •�,1• • � tp od1:. :l' � �••r 'ia.�W�.. , yPL''�� `( tj3 �11, r t'1•t. pp�,'� !�:[....,.r '.It\,•� � _ �. ,iy .i,•w\:1¢ ;t Vw'h,: 5 -,7x , •il' ,'°� tisk; l..,ls �i- ,7. , ;t,'.' 1r•' t. ,- -r.,\ (, \�:t ♦ :,iS tri' ..,}.,FJ p .~ P'P".;P r :-. L Y •,�,` ` I•i (.fl'�' �.1t. Mw 1 I f 1 -fF-� i .�` � t` R � 'r ':3 ��:f� ;.,i 1� .:,* 5;.. jr 1 �_ .,r:: \9��', 7 > '�.-r� Y '',lvrr }i'P 4` �g t• .:Fi� i N`i, �... !! �r\.,: Q 1 ,4�;,.t -`!`4 r �`!? ,: ., ,'ir:7•t s -,t �1�, ,,.,y. :175 t a ;�'`� :a (.•Mj:` `\,,::':.�"� :�Cc,. �� t (:; Iran .; ;f:. r �• r ...,t,.. ..ri��\(::. };. i.. .,• iii'•.. ,.T. Z h •ate-:: �ri►3.. s ti ,.e fi ,Jp,.,,� .�� 4'`� .'l',1 N,'.. 4�''t' J,SJS•,�� 1�.,,v'{1„^i4 f'.". l.: .t.< j•. ,1��. ,. 'rc C - •'�.> >>;••.' •.:t,.\t��a"�`' , w..,, A}:,1 :, i rn. :f (j,':�'�' r •:.\• u�1 2. -a w.:«..F..,«..s _.r..:.+m, ,�,.wr,...,. .�.. ,� �.(,...:..�.-':r•,..V ..:,-.:.,..,.,,.,, \f:5 ,:'.. ::,: .. ..\ a rw 1�(,,^',+•1t[F 4:.i`(�{` .�''� '� w.,.,. .,.''Y'.. S:. %�: ....�), •awa.,�,>r. -.r.:i`�•c. '.( .,•,w;r?;:. ;,fi �{t�' .\�,, �` a,l j:( ,.• y)', �`C: tir7.` tw"'�1«��', -, ,gyp• a 4• a K ,t �: 41.:x: r ":,1J7. \ (:; «?..•..•+-, .,i, r z t. 1.'I vq a tr+. a: F \ t t' ' 1 a Y 'SSI y a1 S 9� i Y.\ .�i' fir' �\�. .t,� %�1 ' � s F: rte: ,: .t Sgj} b L ...a,_, r:v , , l:' e t o, .1. gg "s:, Y��, � 1, )` f r t' l i, �{ ayy ,.P(,,,, :..p tjt,y ( .\ .a•. 'r4`w,:��� ', { *".::5 r r\jL..-. , y.t';'d� �...,... �'-.. L� ... ... ... ti ; '; _ g;, �vJl'lzis -i�' i5'!d' J7' IB' i�'�zo111�x'3• ^� 1�1Sr 26' 27 28' 29'30' 31• 32. 334• 353&• 3738 • � 2 C'UTIF�LET�' TALL, BUILDIl�TGS of 7�TF' S�1loD• C) From. the Illustrirte Zeitung. .... Zy f 3ki1 :i0 {';ithl drnl at Linz. .................... ;jos _ X44 3I Old Iatlthnu L'erlln. 'Iu ' iE1 l�,i, Tlerlln C'athetirttl. ............ ......... 4f12 1�ci.�lrl-i'lnrencr Catht dxu3. •..i. t"i t - Peil^r'a Ilolnc.. ;,12 cC2—.twutnf`rp Cathedral . ,I` ]1-I'ritt,.'tattir l ti,ttr`.,� UhnL,:t ISetlin. t.,•1� !3^ t�rl,,•tar C.tthotCrn! h",,., a:;—Iriralct230 a Trnn•rr, sevillr-......... ' ^nR l' I'17rt,r.;�t'hut,dt, �.t late t^hut uvt;tlrtn,, a`ti,It 1�,rtc 1,t+nrg,.,:..,,.•,. 1 r;•ii,tu, u.hiu�'t„nlLutrnmt>nt f \fin trr„ ! ? 1:;u 34—Palace. Rerl'1tt ,,t 1 I In('Itllrirnsatrtle., Berlin "73 ;1"i •alt. I'ntrl., IF�Rdall.. a)� M:111-1--St. '('i nt e':, lksrllit tl��'i5—,•l int>lli 'i'trn e`r, itc,logue.. 4' l;:rf la,nr,•:, rtS_-A'As. ............... man I,1 I'h(l.All�lpllta x'.111' II;rll.............•.,,. +I,I'� i-T']ttt (';ttllt�clt.tl u'�3 '[fr-\e(ti ltalhhaus, 1al..: ...... 1�1 J1 ur it, I::•t T iu............. ;[;r,.) ti-.1Tnrlr•nkircl,l, lin.....,............. ........,. .'ra7 8i-1lcc.hlit't C';tt.he(lral 1i7 i 1 I+r', Y7 latiorunl 'Nhl trtrnt. Tnri'n. .. :?fl aR—Ridsr".l trret, Colr>t ne Cathedral.'...... tt'L1 \9,l li I F, L1,l^:r° •try, 1, �[r i,hnl,C ltht>dritl' :111G ri liuiyt•r R`filtr Int (.'.hu•rr h, Ticriln. 4,4I YE tr ,r' I;c r11n..............•,...... _U'1 I:(t .tit. �tErgiltett s, \Tienna..,.,,..,...,...,.. •14ti av—ltathhnus, Vienna --- — --- -- ti ! nkl:rut+•I,i ll,a ,>. 1 ,•ilia ... . �—-- ' t!:P U-t t�ull,ntlll• vt 1 (`mmlt r ... t"?,^,I1'I �lege�saale. I2erlln....... --_�-_=__--- -— -- _ Sagacious snencse. e1 Gni O HO'f�f +`i h�i J l �� He said he had"nothing to saP"; ' We heard S And prontach eord, ored to welsh �+ Ode ^dicated to Exp-mition Each word, adv/ �I For,we said to ourselves,when a man sags that pYou may know there is something beneath his ha,t— b: •!And the others,who thought that we had It pat, +' Concurred. ti HYMN OF THE W EST+ , +, To questions an public a.tTatra nt A. Ile sighed. et [13y Edmund Clarence Stedman. Kusic b y Professor John X. Prune of Harvard U n'iversity.] � And,rousing our wonderiag stares, In I'ourefi tl,rough the gateways of the North jj Replied: (1'1'hOt2, -% $lose glorious orbs on high ♦ I have nothing to say,"and we knew right then Thy lnibhty rivers join their tide, the earth 11 Tth splendor round, B And On iliy o >lI1},rs Of ni01'n Sent forth That at last there had arisen a leader of men. T {� J''rttltl (7i.lt: Thy Secret pl.li.'e draw nigh He could say it,and scribble it down with his pert Their< c�t�rts find tenipj(.+s of this ;roiin(i: Their mists the far-off 1lea.ks divide. .0 Beside. t', J;ternal Light,40 � Thee unsealed, Andso In the fulness of time rc Ia`ill with Thy might The mountains yield He grew t,1 Ores t1fat the wealth of Ophi.r shame, To something quite near the sublime— that(jollies that in Thy purpose grey end gems enwrought of seven-hued Name. It's true. ;�ilii lift 1] Datlon'b heart allewi For,sus all o1 us said,when a man conceals or i ,�,111)L1 olid)pa'thirfry here, Lo, through what years the soil hath lain Ills views and opinions,the last reveals I1111111i13C That the deepest conviction and strength he feels I' +- 1",t Thine own time to Five increase— Clear through. ti mt,•. •� ;•� '1'0 �lio's'�- ilio Illlirct�ls Uod hath vrrou� ii' 'rhy 17eOple's chief and seer The greater and the lesser grain, UP 11 ith that prophetic thought, The ripening troll, the myriad fleece) + FIo�vever,at last camp a day ill I.oOlrecl I Thy creatures graze Mien we tli �3ratle Tillie 11111`011 APllOillteil ways; Asked: "N%'hy have You nothlnt;to say?" The fateful scroll' League after league across tile, land Then he :111x1 c,gxll�ire unto L reedoiu gave with IntTenloua air,in an innocent wa1 eloudiand bei-ht to tropic Rave. The ceaseless herds obey T'hy hand, said: "The Questions you asked found mY grits all &t 14 i C►lll'1 straS, l:,fT'11011, R'hOSe ills)) aT'CI1R'a.y5 shine rnost clear And the best thing to say was I'd nothing to say, V Alcove the plenteorts Western plain, 1 ou see." at r Thin(,ancient tribes from round the sphere There's wisdom in well devised blinks 7-:o breathe its tluicicening air are fain; ----% or scowl. And smiles the sun Q (\obodY expects that the sphinx t — To see lurlde one 1v111 howl,) e lTheir brood throughout I+earth's greenest space, And the safety otstlence Is that it's a gauge 10 '�? Lame)of the new,and lordlier race! �Considrrr�d assure from the earnest age— For example,remember that wldelY lmow'n sage �, _�1-�L/♦ti!->-i�f-til�''��r.�•+K7��+V-i��j�• a • • • • s • ♦ • ♦ a • ♦ • �• • �. • • • ♦ • �._—.. - rnF �l�-r�+�+dl C+O+d�-�-O+�J-i•�J+O-kO G+d+J'f'�+O' +•;�-t_Q-fe.^,_<1•F@+G+-C�+�J+• �. The owl. —Chtaaoo Tribune. aim i the D-n io JUDGE APPROVES z and A A FEW NOTES ABOUT THE THEATRE i sha GAMES ON SUNDAY coloris �'��� - • AND ITS DECORATIONS. inlet ►' Mage Discharges Ball Players and Sa% ases, There Are. Man Worse Ways 4-'ART NOUVEAU. The New Amsterdam Theatre has been aptly styled by art :ffort Y t' `` critics -The Grandest in the World." Nothing about the > art of Endangering Morals. theatre is of an ephemeral nature. In its construction—all iron, stone, sculpture, mural decorations and plastic work— everything has been designed and executed with an eye to last POLICE SEVERELY SCORER permanency. The theory of !'Art Nouveau (the new art), who __ - �; which found its first and crystallized expression in the Paris es of NE' Judge Gaylene ordered the discharge�,•� Exposition of l goo, has been typified here for the first time;n s the terday,in the Supreme,Court,'Brooklyn, ,+r this country on a large scale. Heretofore, most of the work pure ?xs, the;ball,p.layE�r., arrested Sunday,Apt-11�{ done for the new art movement, while important, has been ture, ;5es at Waslrin,wtorl, Park, and; declared 1Is scattered. Painting, sculpture, decoration—a -bit here and A 18 ,rht tllel'e;:ire many ways in which the:mor.01 there—but no combined example of the great possibilities by i the is o1' the community may ;be endanp,;,•r,•,i concerted efforts in every line. The New Amsterdam is there- gure file-Otho thin d>y witnessing what lie t,•rni., fore, the first concrete evidence of !'Art Nouveau, and as such' re of Y's'"hasefball, �vif and other Innocent ilea alth will attract the attention of artists and connoisseurs the world 'alse4 "7ut.ul ganle;-•„ over. 3ririg the _calthfc, ina those wh , o ,ppose what ]h a ge,,c,ally known,Is ",the.Icontin,enlal k3tle< f thePnt bath, Jucl e C11ll takes the,stand dist! THE FACADE, The large group of statues. over the main entrance of the i the, of;;tl,e bo;vti and yot,ng m'en �vlvo sc<Lrt:ely ,:­ theatre exemplifies the general theme of the decorations nhe sun six clans in file week are entlu� l George Gray Barnard. within and without. The group is b George Gray Barnard, Sss'to Satnday recreation, anti cites tale iii I, +. g P y 1 and ses tion in 131•oolil;ylZ ten years ago, tivht>t, list one of the greatest of American sculptors and a pioneer of i the ier.'pohcc, ct,aseci erect clubbed ago, heain(l +n w " the !'Art Nouveau idea. The subject is the Stage. Drama is ol ion 'for i1lt,yin+d b-ase'ball on the outskirts of t;,r represented by a heroic size figure in the centre of the group, a led' ed city, but made•no efEol-,t. to sul)press dot u+•• W110, lile'halls and other places of evil repute, mask in, one hand, a mirror in the other. The face of the nese- Ale Nio c1 mpla4nt. was made die the pet> r c+ figure is absolutely expressionless. The idea meant to be lett cca5e by any citizen that the repose and ,., ; ligions li!herty of Che com,niunity or i�st,tura conveyed is that the actor is but the vehicle of the emotions 1 y oung; or_ se 1 tiverc irlterrul>ter7," the :Judge ate- called up by the part he plays. His own personality is re- twocat, "Tile arrc sts were.voluntarily made by t l,• pressed. A draped baldachin above Drama represents the ted police, an,d the trnfaam thou ,s:woial tt, t,, e thew re_ a cthtain of holtcv only. His ar_tfons +rt,,: Stage, and from the feet of the figure stretch entwined gar- be.to be in (lefiance of iiie clecisions or court:. No, sets,himself above the law; ., lands of flowers and fruit, among which may be seen disport- on i thin;; grown very Common�witli the poll, ing the dim•creatures of folk-lore and fairy-tale. Pierrot on in this eity o� late y ears aired of wiii-it ' O the 1.11, ,there�eema no sign oY<tha:tFmeut 13y fh r.,• doehernbidding; Cupid,the he other,glides tl througheady afro, Y are el- `�ic��be controliresred dally o��tili,arges�xiii. g' P g .d in red over el.nd +,v+�� ',thecot.0 is 'ht:a�c> dec+l � a tambourine at his feet, a warriors helmet in his arms. A The legate a+, not co,rdE0Ideta tt: ;trey criminal oer harp hangs in the foliage by his side, and thus he represents The ins+ren cannot l,< too ortc n-alit to tho 4t wa. the gay and happy spirit of Comedy. To the right and left of and on,!M110< , cult the police tha� our government, ,ok' the composition stand a knight and his lady. The knights a; all rree hovernn,ents, 1 t gay crnmenl •, diS- >s.l laws quad not oY mea. '!''hose who ,tt.0 n sword is entwined with flowers, and a falcon is perched rlpon jewel b" into one of men aard not of Jaws are in,tt it. Cupid has his helmet. In his hand is a lily. The maiden >are's D dringol'ot,ti t,, snci+sty than any other t:i:, holds a scroll and distaff. and or law'iare ake,s or an otiier Lir, ltl c ,It combined, They 'would destroy our . TH E KEYSTO N E Beneath this group is the keystone of the building in bold tem of yon"vk,er 'r,t and 5olail for' on g P Y g alb,tr:try po«'er and uialuwt'ullorc+ .AND ACCESSORI ES.relief. Garlands of oak, ivy and laurel, surround a Florentine l cii,em it not at rtu +out idc� ctr Very judicial olliee ilei add 7c. w'ha't L ha.er Grendellis & Ricci. shield, on which is carved the escutcheon of the theatre. To n are 0 judi i ,aid that it is,rac.ticauy- the Miss Enid Yandell. the right and left of the portal are columns of yellow Sicilian ;fire_ i,raou, sentilli0ilt of (lie veii�;otas and ,;, marble, foliated in gray and white and belted with bronze. rc 11>>=• nr ogle of the comnitinity the i g Y With is for ljr•tter foe ounrglown Ixr15 and yw :. The caps are also bronze, modeled by Miss Enid Yandell. ���+'rl «hr, have do v; rown ork indoors till ' ttivek for a livill - to go into the tieldi, �•' .*:- They support heads typifying the several ages of the drama. The ees• S,trtd.ay+tfteine,ou, after attending char Higher up on the far�ade are three groups representing the :rieze and partictpate in or w iti c-sa good, cloy; - it 11ca1thf6l hysical cxeruse than t:„ r Dance,Declamation,and Song. The facade rises 15o feet,and retire p is treated as a tower, in vertical lines. The color of the build- g driven mote icl i d n e garden.,;, ce u,kl,+E N'eVp• 1,11 Lr.e�:, poollt:,oms ullti woke places _. ing is warm gray. The roof is peaked, tiled in red, and sur- idin there is no i'r'e tlyuap to :�t,r n,11 tel t+,- Drama and Music holding shield a se � 'tern c''I ob olch 5t,ttntC mounted by two figures r„l,nst lb. s , . hldia � ol,tninn r�cel�tt those 'who rel, the l.,oll+••'. silhouetted against the sky. I•lathcrs and motliers would nruc•li rallw• lcnaw that their grown sons ain re at .t ti` ill i 6=17-11 UT r7e of golf balm on Sunday afternoon Uwit for the creation of "Banc Tim" by John He 11 wrestle big not. [o bight in Bell, 7JY1eC)11 1Lertlble �©la]1Ch01 y Or riiy n:imr+':, trot. Ttlmnn Joy! not know whel't> they lac y Hay. The poem is introducecl by a bracketed— --- - _ _-- -.._ _ ----__--- 1 he ball player.discllirgecl ev:re 1+lEv u, The pessimist looked on the weather map paragraph. [Remarks of Sergeant Tilmon Joy The Time, of BUSS. Poulc, Vnilik Roth. and Frederick l tel. And a mournful slZh sighed he; to the ti'Vhito 144au's Committee-of Spunky - --------�"—�-"`-"� For he was a most unhappy chap. Poillt, 111.], and is aS Follows: Shovelling Coal, The tnunlcey married the baboon's sister, Unhappy as could be. Shovelling coal Smac]•:'cl ' his life• and then he hiss',i lier; d I reckon I git your rift gents— He kiss,d so liard he rais'd a blister, : All the winger—BlesA ZCIy aaet[l� she �;t up a yell. Thc• btulesniltd 5tuc1, on soiree court plaster, This is a white man's country; At the roaring furnace door, it stuck so f1,t it couldn't stick Paster, He sang both sad and slow: You're dimacrats, you say; "In February the shish we nirnt And whereas, and seein', and wherefore, Shovelling some, then shovelling*woM Surely 'ttivn5 a :ad disaster, .And In March the chill winds blow. The times bein' all out o' j'int, Shovellilig coal from break of day But it soon got well. The nigger has got to nosey From the limits o' Svunky Pint. Hands all blistered,hair turned gray. What do,you think the bride v.as tlress'd In? "In April come the mud and rltn Temperature at ten below, white ^ache i'cil and a gluit glee, breastpin. AtYd in'May the rain and mud, p .. Red Icicl ehoes, she t`'as clu,te interesting, I;es reason the thing a minute: Piercing wind and lots of snovr. ti supe was ciulte a belle. In June the heat bids men complain: I'm an old-fashioned dimocrat, too, The bridegl'oonl sW61'ri With a blue shirt colpo•, July still fires the blood. 'Though I laid my uolitics out o' the �vay Shovelling Goal, :Black ellk stc,eii tiiat cast a dollar, For to keep till the war leas through. Shovelling cold, Large falee whiskerQ• the fashion to follow, p But I voteasIack here,usecl to cic Ilowin' Shoff elite ,.611ovellin , showellin Go�.` He cut a lionstruus swell. "SeptemYtCr humidly de ressed; g b g October threatens chill; Though it gravels rete like the devil to train \T'nat to you think they hail for su)per? November's climate,all unblessed, Along o' -fell fools as you. Black cyecl peas arld bread and i-PU[ter; That threat doth soon fulfil. Sawi'.yig wood, Duck in the duck rouse ell in a flutter, Novy, clog mSady cats if I kin see ,, Pi lcled oyster ton, In all the light of day, wing wood, chestnuts raw amt l,oii ei and roasted, "And in Derember'a,r severe what you've got.to do with the question +Goriy,butthe sun feel&goodf Apples sliced and onions toasted, our aches and pains we nurse; El Tim shill go or stay. Music in the career pcstcd, And then we start another Bear And furrier than that, I give notice, Ra,llny'breezes gently blow, ii aiting for the cue. Whleh probably is worse." Ef one of you tetches the boy. Blue above and green below', 1, .ou ihinlc �;its the tulle they fl, ta`' p ___-ri`ashen nn St,za.He kin check his trunks to a warmer clime Take a,stroll:laid have a 100111 hat " --`_ Than he'll find in Illanoy. "Tile Dtunhen c1t'm srnuctirn e, "Jim .dill KeC 1.11 At,the minrtows in the brook, Tails in the 1�a1 1n1 :onie of pineli'd. uo, P c:au e they were tc,cr l::ng. Priscilla has b golfing snit Why, blame your hearts, jest hear me! At the robin b hitt nest You know that ungodly clay Y «'hat do yule think tl c.e had for i fld�ile? ��`lth which she now cajoles, '"Then our left -truclt Vicksburg Heights, :,a.rc frig wooCl--,Tyr This is bestl •1n olcl ljnnj,,, wit11 a Bolt+ in the riicldie, How ripped and torn and tattered we lay. A t-aillb t 1111• ina,le out of a i l,laie, Anel in her daddy's bank account ;o£Lv'iri Wood, the ens of nil' sena. • When the rest retreated I stayed behind, �' :1n that's it made just eighteen holes. _ -- -- —Puck. With a rib ocavedi in anita lez on a strike, Sawing WOOCI, I sprawleel on that c ursecl balcec. Saving uot_hing—saw ing wood» _. ---- THE VESTIBULE. The floor of the vestibule and lobbies is inlaid with anti Sqae FOLK LORE AND "SHE AUDITORIUM In the whole treatment of this 1tlatritnotll interior the aini cathedral tiling pf small squares, made in the a,nd method,and, AND BOXES. has been. to produce a pastel efTect, and this has been the FANTASY PANELS. in color a sage green. Friezes and panels everywhere record St.John Issing. historical fact or demonstrate poetical suggestion. One of tl:e F. Richard Anderson. touchstone of all the decorations in the auditorium,including first things to greet the eye upon entering is the work of Fritz Newmark. draperies, plastic work and mural decorations. The design of St. John Issing. These are companion panels, entitled " folk Max Newmark. the plastic ornamentation wasexecuted bytheIviessrs. Fritz and Lore" and "Fantasy." Max Newmark, and modeled by St. John Issing. Each of the twelve boxes, and its draperies and furnishings, represents a THE FRIEZES The long frieze in the lobby illustrates the Shakespearean flower, and will be known by the name of that particular IN THE LOBBY. and Wagnerian drama. There are twelve panels by Perry flower, instead of by a letter; for instance, there is a violet R. Hinton Perry, five Shakespearean—Macbeth and the Witches,the Rattle of box, a heliotrope box, and a buttercup, box, etc. The stage Bosworth Field, Hamlet and his Father's Ghost, Rosalind in curtain will represent a composite of the boxes. In all cases, the Forest of Arden spying on the lovelorn Orlando, and the workmanship of this interior is hand work, and an effort �r- Titania and Bottom in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," has been made to make it the highest form of decorative art There are also five Wagnerian panels expressive of the cycle on this continent. of Wagner's tetralogy running thus from the left: first, MURAL Immediate) over the proscenium arch is seen the last Aldricht's advent in the Lair of the Rhine Maidens wresting DECORATIONS great work of the late Robert Blum and A. B. Wenzel,who from them the Mystic gold; second, Siegfried's battle with OVER THE the Dragon,while I3runnhilde sleeps in the distant fiery moon- PROSCENIUM have given their dine and study to these magnificent pieces of NE tain; third, the Awakening of Brunnhilde by Siegfried s kiss; mural decorations for the past eighteen months, and it is the fourth, the Death of Siegfried; fifth, the Fulfillment of the Robert Blum• opinion of artists in this country that this is the finest pure Curse. Then there is a panel typifying the Greek Drama for A.B.Wenzel. mural decoration in America, The Blunt-Wenzel picture, the south frieze; and a Faust panel forms the frieze of the typifying the Dralrta, covers an arch 45 feet in length and i$ bht north side. feet high, and is flanked on either side by a panel from the iA brushes of the sante artists, 14 by 18 feet. The winged figure the THE FOYER. The foyer is surmounted by a leaded glass dome, the design of Poetry is seated in the centre.; at the right is the figure of y'-1 Hugh Tallant. representing •,The Soni; of the Flowers." Here are three Truth—whose foot crushes the snake---entwined heart of False the R. Hinton Perry. remarkable panels in relief. The side walls are covered by hood. At the left is the: hooded figure of,Tradition bearing i �1 two heroic bas-relief pieces by R. H. Perry, illustrating the the scroll. Immediately below her, ,seated at the foot of the wrat old and new cities of New Amsterdam, entitled "New Amster. pedestal, is the figure of the Jester,and at the left of him the „r dam" and -New I'prk." The third in this r.cna is a panel Lion and Love. At their feet,lying prone, is Melancholy. ims Of "Progress," by Hugh Tallant. One of Perry's panels tells In the left side of the composition the Supernatural and seq the story of the sleepy old town in the New Netherhands,and Superstitious are represented by the fairies, the Babes in the Ler• the other represents the epitome of modern life in this great Woods,and the enchanted deer, loll metropolis:, full of the hurry and nervous energy and strain of At the right of tile; pedestal the King kneels to Death, who xlle the New World. takes his crown from his head. Chivalry,the knight on horse- THE is being crowned with a laurel wreath. ►en THE PROMENADE The entrance to the auditorium is made through the prom- In the lower right-hand corner is Fi.camance—the young r,r_ FOYER. enade foyer, from which staircases of rare CiesPf;=n lead off to In rescuing t11e Princess from the Dragon. The two oh, Basso*. the balcony. These are of Cremo hlary-land mar;,le, veined figures in profile at the extreme top of the canvas are the.. C d I Grendellis&.Ricci. with green-glazed terra-cotta. The balustrades, modeled in Greek gilds of Poetry<Pnd Sang, be the round, present masses of vines and flowers,with animals on: passing between the rails, designed by Basspe and executed AMSTERDAM Two grand staircases lead from the grand promenade to the 111, by Grendellis & Ricci. At the southerly end of this prom- ROOM. Amsterdam room and the ladies' retiring room. They are enade, nearest Forty-first Street, is "The Sylvan. Panel," by made of finest terra-cotta, with a. porcelain finish, toned in and : Issing. with the general color scheme of the entire auditorium, The GENERAL To the left of the promenade foyer is the general reception balustrade rails are in f;reen-gl�azedsand blast terra-cotta. The tom.; RECEPTION ROOM room. The color scheme of this room is a rich green, with STAIRWAYS. balustrade newels and rail are modeled in the full round, and on Henry B. Herts, deep tones of lacquered aluminum. The frieze is illuminated Miss Ostertag represent well-known animals of fairy tale and folk-lore, dis- aK raerStrunz. in gold and deep tone colors, as a harmonious frame for the porting amongst vines and flowers. The heads oil the newel Fzt1�!j FR.r z Petr , posts represent characters from Shakespeare—Shakespeare's r• decorations of Mr. Peixotto, which consist of two urge "As You Like It," A Midsummer Night's Dream," and G. D. M.Peixotto. lunettes symbolical of 11 Inspiration" and "Creation," both "The Tempest." very elaborately and ornately treated. The fireplace is of Caen stone and Irish marble. In this room will be found FRIEZE The Amsterdam smoking and lounging room is very thirty-eight heads of famous 11 Loves of Historical Drama," DECORATIONS. unique. The columns supporting the dome in this room are and the busts of Shakespeare, and Virgil,and Homer. On the Simmons. in Caen stone and the floor of Welsh quarry tile. The fire- right dnd left of the reception room, just as you leave it to Peixotto. places are of Caen stone, gray washed brick, and inlaid with enter the promenade, are two marble fountains ornamented R.W. Finn. Cluny tile. The wainscoting is of Flemish oak in nutbrown with panels of mosaic. This promenade brings you to the tone. The upholstering is in rich Spanish leather. The grand auditorium of the theatre proper. Here again the color Simmons and Finn. mural decorations are by Simmons and J. W. Finn, the frieze scheme is of a delicate green throughout,relieved by shades being made 1Pp of a series of historic decorations, representing of mother-of-pearl and mauve,with draperies of silk velour, the principal events and epochs in the development of New j embroidered in cloth of gold and colored silks; designed by York from the old city of New Amsterdam, from the landing F. Richard Anderson. of Henry Hudson to its present date. Sul Mill, I �-rr rrircr� r nn ren i,n night never have, lxeen heard of furt.ber but Put of Ura.' � ..nU ft t li4' ;"hr. Piri 14P,11 syrftHtle• his h,! h fir-!;it.;lLr in hill, r.5lgtu=d. Uf�T�b�H 11�elitmtthal�r "or the, crrmt.ion of "Banty Tien" by John air r!!y al;!rn rin! T111u"rrt Joy!Atld,roi�s111gariu rw<pndering ;mrea, r Hay. The poem is introduced by a lar;ekoeil ,> �C The pesatmtat looked on the weather ma:p paragraph f RePnarks of Sergeant Tilmon Joy The Time of 131183• R.eplted: "I have nothing to sav,'"and wr.knew right then farad a moitrnPlae ERtl roti toed he: to the LV 1litca Man's Committee of Spunky For he weal a most t!ntiappy chap .Point, 111.], and is as follows. Shovelling coal, T' <, ""1:b#3t,Ant.titPra had arisexl a:soder of men. .'! 13e Doul))say It,}1II11 til',L1uVly.r uvrraa.rau.....0 r B'YT1Ya�lnY 8?i could 1)k.. ..,_.. �la .+n AI. ,..,.� _ .- Shovelling ro€t, 5 -it -,Ill. �lrilt s ar 1 + P r---fill na " AI 3ir_sitle. - ; You 'low isle ut,y 1 t.it .A . � rc�rr,n'rw Prn inn ti nH f." .._..... _ .._:.. . THEN FOLK THE LADIES FAN'tBOUDOIR. The vestibule to the Acllsterdam rot�ln is decorated with •„� _._. St.J panel,illustrating the sailing of the first Robert Fulton stearg. Miss B.Ontertag boat on the Hudson River, IT Miss B.Ostertag, 'rhe ladiej I retiring room is decorated throughout in the tones of tilt~tea ruse. The decorations and carving consist of crarlventic►rlatlired f roses, their leaves and sterns entwined. The neural decoration THE e is by I-aeixotto,and this, together with the draperies, eiec;tric- �` IN T - light fixtures, all 1lrlrnaonize with the general calor sclietile.Af R. Hthe room. The furniture is all of satin wools. The ceiling represents a large rose, and on its delicate-tinted laet.als are painted figures illustrating tile live senses and x group of: Jupiter, Ganymede and Eros. YG r THE CONSTRUCTION It will be readily noticed that posts have been entirely ex- cluded The balconies are sustained by huge r..ant` ` which extend under the flooring's,and thug; there is nisi 1lnein- terrupted lisle of sight its the entire hour 1 e. I t i- s :t note�v,li th fact that the entire proscenium arch can be:seen from the rear TF *� t 1S• , z,.r rot~of seats on every floor, a task never before acCO!"llplislled �, mit t' '�,� • in theatre construction, �, ° The bt)xes,too,have been constructed in such a way that they do not interfere with the line of ' and the side aisle seats are as desirable as those it, the centre.i 'COMFORTIw l TH Everything in the structuret,l�t has been fireproofed, ars d the a Halt AND SAFETY additional precaution was taken to surround the auditoriunis with two walls, with a space of flf'teen feet between, carr in r and R” Lire g•:Illeries. y � .°`i ventilation,eo1f remarkablefthetidi enc`es i safe-guarded KYl.i,[. I1I,1,1. I I'H1: 11 UGC ()I, "*m s safe • - _ _�:`� I.1. li W N ' 1' lir by Systc.111s t3f tg,�'�'LF.S." t•it)a' o r that the air of the theatre Is rt�ln- cunt pletely changed every twf1 ulillutes. It is drawn in front 1111' a p� p� � outsidC to a large stir-chanibe,r, where it is strained through " " *t 4 awM ht Silk and wrrSlled Lt'Itll ittlll)1 1111 sprays Y�f Writer, r Who ,gently warmed by steam-coils, �y and ares eeted through ducts to all parts of the 1 theatre. In warns w"ther the air is cooled bya S1n11a11rU- c,tz t T 1111 d y k 411 1 cess. Aftcl beinglas ed ill the theatl'c> the air is drawn Out:Ind ll,t y i 1 1S i t t r �� expelled frolu the building, se, that none 111t�tr of the audience $nd t breathes the sante stir twice. Dirt and dust In the theatre lir All rlF: 1 et B 'absorbed and expelled througl) tilt° agency of a vac.ultnl le.rlai k ,t ; Gr tial, of cleaning. �r t THEE STAGE rtlr2li; On the stage everything N,operated at the toue h c)f`ren tyler. the 1 the tric button. The scenery is heavier and consequently ""wieldy t q y I lore Th( y hien that of the old fasliinned theatre. Itis rnanip� June 1 § t 1 3 ulated by electric:. illotors, 1t'hich the stage manager 111ay CCJ<1- c ht '1 Ktfn', {r O trot frc.)I11 his station in the.win r5. And thus till waits laetrvc:�en tc'•l r° 1 - tile;acts will be :shortened, The stage itself is really.t sticces- VI.2,2•Z3' ^ 14,25' z6' 27. .,28 ' R Sion of elevator,;,any one of which can be raised or lowered L BUILDl1y'G5 O.�'.?�.F'�G ':�,�:_, � � at a rnt:dnlent's notice. 'I'huw a�'t•hlate scene call be disposed of � th•ta instantly. carts R• T h,'a ",-t1'�(t_...l�eriin Calheilrxi................ .... G• a'�1'Cllitf'C'tS---I11@SCS, Harts and Ta1s�2Tt llant. ............ .. General C ont.ractors--Cee)„1,I tlllt�r C.'onstz lection C ompazlyLord! 4, >,—t Mo nt t atlietlt tl ... ) And Sn� t� trhin lett 'Monunli•nt ......... Electrical Equipment by 11. Bassin . (' Co. 'i '1 lut'ttlt,i,n,uute, Il+rlln ,,Iti ?r \tiro,lit l:r;t rr, 13010 nr........, Plastic Work by W. 13, t .brothers. "t, t'a,-r]m liatltedral ... .. McNulty t4'he Till It •Decorations b W. I. Nelsc.)II �,tUOu.tl Uusenw 'Putin ... .... y 2 1 '� Ku1rr NV 1111('111i Clntach l,rtlin. Thaal. 'al ' �tevl n S. vlenll t Draperies and Cat-pets by Arnold & Constable Company. Thrf - Furniture by Herts Brothers. ~- ' --- But h Lowy Ornamental Woodwork by Batavia and New York Wood- The rt An ,3 y�l-�m•�w*w+vv ,•�•e� + +- +-v�l•�+a •• •+; ;� working Company. IThou (YlTi SKINNER, .bill: hu s Who, with Atla 1;eL.tn, ie new starring in tiiu 5r,sltlt Cvlta Till lila Exp0mition, iu 51tui;wp•.:uistn ;uul �st:uulttrd IIlia 1 Answe,r_­Tlic stiary lipoll *hit-h thIe poc�rit 8v, nil I of `Banty Titrl” Is bused was the Indict- 'unci Ile+ t.ri + t. nient of General Jrllln O. 11alnwr fur brim,- A nd • r; _ To,questions on ptit7ltr.affair�l inky to nogro 4(wv:alit 11110 1111nois, Thr rase you ni ( 1righl ne\er have boon board of furt_itei ttlTt. E?ut. `•` He sight,d' for 111(;t Ic:,At-fon of "`IInnt� Tim" by .Ioh►1 Fhli 2t� Mine, of Harvard University.] t aE�]'fblrkl<f� iC 71I1�lIG7 r E And,roustrlgourwoudering6t&rC,y. fifty'. I11t: 17otnt is lntroc2uceci by a hrttitlsttrtI 'ugh the gateways of the Nort c Rettlirci: I'h<^Vessilrzlatlnnkt:dontileIveathcardnap paragraph l.Relllarks of Sergeant Tilmon Jc.Iy ty rivers join their tide, ":i have nothing tosax,­and we knew right,then Banti a nlournfni ii h sirrhe(I hn: to 1 hex 'Whit o Mall's C!,om 11 ttee of spunlly wings Of torn Sent forth �That at last there had arisen a leader of u,en. For he waa: f� ,tibule to the Amsterdam room is decorated with a strating the sailing of thel!first Robert Fulton stearn_ JUDGE he Hudson River, by Misil B.Ostertag. The ladies' APPROVES� !om is decorated throughiout in the tones of the tea decorations and carving d,'onsist of conventionalized ` " ' rleaves and stems entwinoid. The mural decoration GAMESON SUNDAY ' Otto, and this, together with the draperies, electric- "tTO CL909 M03HIS �rY i res, all harmonize with thus general color scheme of The furniture is all of,,,satir wood. The ceiling l.li1.L,[},u-1,t'S Ball Players ailtl sati•s 1 a large rose, and on its delicate-tinted petals are I Young Actresses in "The Two Or- FhIl o Arty Wiry Worst' "`a y' 1 gores illustrating the fivit senses land 2t group of w tnynlede and Eros. phans" Clive Her a Vase at e readily noticed that posts have been entirely ex- -- *- �--- i Final Matinee. s Che 'balconies are sustaid�ed by hug's cantilevers, i - 1't tf.l('F" ISEvf-lzl�IA S(:'c m'L:l) :lid under the floorings, a>jtd thus there is not an in- �« " ine of sight in the entire tvise. It is a noteworthy THEN SHE KISSES EACH ONE ie entire proscenium arch can be seen from the rear ilial; 1 +1i+yn'tpr'ardt�rHd the cllst.hrlrg( �,.,�_ is on every floor, a task n-'ver before accomplished ~' « t,t lati, In lips'lultrr^n1c,t'a111t, firrxrDklti n, (at' construction. The boxes,~foo,have been canstruc ted 'lrhea.t.l'r,s afro faArly wood baroinieters, t i:e ho ll I,itl yk r.4 +'rt 1 tt�(.1 Sunday, "al'lrl[ ;oi, and the fact that four Rraadwa.y* lie>•t-iseyp Nu k, ands deelkirf-A th 1; vay that they do not interfere with the line of sight, el(wexi their(Iotir:s for tlio soascini last.n1j;ht. 111.1, lrr rrtalllS• ' wvotti ill which the inorat.,4 le aisle seats are as desirat le as those in the centre. In pra(vt el'imit li .dolt warm weather Is ,"f Ill,- e'u.il+rnu111ty ina.N, !bv ojitktnger(-ti' alliout e3llo. 'i"Il Iltlllnem that eloPsed, are thr '1i it 't 11'Ir, 1h.v wltlrr•y�+ing waist lie I. rill's 'Ing in the structure has been fireproofed, and the New l,ycetinl, the Harald S(juttlre, i)a,ly'a " '+1i1, )1'1 atn(1 otllt•r t13111oowit .tusl precaution was taken to kurrrund the auditoriums and the Yrin,•,'sB, I1w;I104111 ,alts, with a space of fifteett'1 feet between, carrying "The run of "The Two ciirphans' at th(+ tllua,:, who ;cr,fruMe wli;,.t Is. ;$• K1 lil,l": IIEL1,EW IN '1 IIF, `1'1'1'i,l': Rll/.Is (q. Now Aitimterdaill wa-s kiltgo br(Dllgl'it. In a 1''''t,t';fll itll,)Vt'll :► `lhf3'Colitlititniail !'ab_ fort of the audiences is sa e-guarded by systems of 'ke11 l!1, _ vlome last nlKht. \It Intelresilinkx incident ba It,— .l tillp;6- tR;tyitor takes tile'•-trtaall(i till,f connecttetl w-itll i1. waia the 1?rhteiltla.#lain rDf Lh( I,,,, ; ,,ntf :,t;tiill; nll'il :vitt, Mr_aa1,(ly ,� remarkable in that the 94,r Of the theatre is corn. t h, :111 t� (],tt':t til ]lilt ivea It Ire fend].](1t. urged every two minutes., It is dravlrn in from the ia, bmititiful },)r(inze, find vonevtttln g•laam vaxse to Mlss C'ln.r,�Morris by the ai(�tre"es t,i.t 1•I-,•cuttul,, .anti rhes 1110 'Ail It t.. a large air-chamber, when^. it is strained through l,(rll ill ll,•(ttdil'.vil t(t1 vial' ago 1Nilt'll 111(• Who ailiwnr lit tliv priaori seesne �lth leer, 1.)Olit•, r'h r�t•,i :ilrtt r ilirli�cd Tito "; ivid, �In,•Il ]stied 4Vit11 fountain sprays of writer,gently warii ed They 111tvildod to inalto the prl tlttt.tlon rur ilia ,iia), basolmll On fila outwllCII'LF Of Ill oils, and projected througl ]duets to all parts of the on the stage, iDut M}9s Alorrls haplleneil r'It�� 1,11i� nt:+tit��t11p Cff"Pt to dillire, 1 warm weather the air is cooled by a similar prig- it) walk pito their drossllrg 1100M wh[1(' titio,r p'latce•at of wi•il roputi" alley wc;-o tilling the vase with oweet peer �'" --inisla4:it was rnuile. jr, flit l,r.r�rrlt r being used in the theatre alae air is drawn fiat and l)tueDnle, go the 1)re,santattan tai11H off. tiasn ( ltarty citixerl th11t't11r�re1�(xtte iln�t r( om the building, so that none of the audienre a' ,lull tllElrn, li gi1)u�11111el-ty orf The etrar473,1It11ey or 111' win- eMlsi4 leabe] Garri�ton, Win 1q Mitis Mor- n"'1t it(•tw int rrr ugDt�ti, tho J'llttg'(: xzly,4. same air twice. Dirt a l+d dust lrI the theatre are r p' un�derotady, arthral; a nomt littip speeoli, ,"�'iit•Arra sls Were vtAunteirily rnadc-}D,v 111k- id expelled through the s ellcy of a vacullIli r,v5- M1tla 111"clrrli� tha.nit(d thein nitrl lclarleLl 1volice, :lilt] t:lie tivori'uttle.ii is etw(ir�n to by e1i Otte, It.was u. tl)ilvhia;c little c�ere•i`l`''tliaitl Nor l,ulit•e only. 114.9 fwt1}olls See m ring. nv" for this will in ail pr(llra.bllity be to I+( It, ri(tlalnce, ,At the oe olk--orin of uur ppear on 1r1at Cline Rills( Murria vvill a '`t)i,rt( Flt -sets•1i1-aiself ejbovc� the law: ;e ii tags everything is operate(1 at the touch of ail elec- t+ttijYe. thing Kltlwtl vf,iry ocdnnitar'1'wltfi ttte w)ilcv The scenery is heavier and consequently more Ila'dollarN wet•(+ Xis.Faes;Gn-orglal,Ra1ld:an '1i 111!s r'iti ()f late 1'011171+, .111d off w1Di1•r11 let i3t.c cher Elizatbeth 131arkeley, Sell-' '1 h(t es saovnis not) 8411 O1-abetometit�' tl iiwoo!; tan that of the old-fashions d theatre. It is manip- ' t„,intrta the Dolts. aviet1 ailai w().ixi�n !T-Wade �i�*turd, Sterling Ielli it l i�,T+>I- :t i• 111+ig lr•ros1etl dally oil elloar es�°hlrlt :lectric motors,which the l�tag'e manager may con_ Hallie �,>wat:rd, Isabel k.1g'rt�txi()i,t i1 n(1 ,,• t,1 c•1,111 t;4 ti.tv'e divitled veer kaolin over s station in the wings. An(' thus the whits between 110 its Rlenien, 1191l1all til) tint eernsltttute Pny' tr lmin-ai (Au. •ho lnc.i(lrlrit xnr��t9e the stage, xnrknit,�r.r ft•1tt•,• 1 be shortened. The stage itself is really a suc_ces- lotim, as it occurrett ;plat whelp "IdAl t1s4 "I'.t k1 nnrpt.It„tctonoftenof "Id-tothat.ti wilt) ators,any one of which c in be raised or lowered r"rir� and till young•Rr(rixlen wp.re?('111iit 4111 1`1111• ilia polint+ that t dill gone rntlle•tlt. Iifi ft's notice. Thus a whole I'icene can be disposed of 1 ot;tvge. In can:seque�nloe bhere wits 1., 111 live �,(,y't•rnnittnt�. Is 4got.r•rnirlr-ut 1.0•f. ttalli wait of tthree or fournainlI stage =Lriage*r forgave It who'll 1,t 1:1aik; incl 1 ul tat ill(,-1, 1 hrrxa� w110 1111,11 it rne,d iliv.,lai4iQ, 1111 r lilt(, 411, Isle ri ,111(] 111) of 1c11L at 1[t nl,ai(t _-_.--_ ditngt-n rt t to ill tr: ally olh t +t t :s--Messrs. Herts and Talli;nt. Lord! how the hot :sun went for ua, or 111 to ,n o-:16rrs to .dl other Iltu iu t'Okl,rr ,on tractors—Geo.A.Fuller Construction Company' And br'116d anti blisteredd!wid burne1•,rllihined. 'rally lire-mitt dr•r;trlty (1111• s,;t_° Elm the rebel bullrta whizzed round us foul (11' anal µilb�tli7itr; nftt:� uP Equipment by H. BissinglA Co. When a cuss in ht.s ileatli gri11 turned! (ritru tri I01W(T<1101 urll.lw•t'cil Pinrr. Till lona; toa'ar(1 duHk I seen it thing I (11-f,111 it u(,l ::1 all wit'.-Id�. .If lu> ork by W. B. McNulty Brothers. 1 Couldn't heliel.f for la tsllell; That nigger•-Ali(at nin -was a ernwlin' to me r1�,t+lit a,l;li�lliitil•,1llttit�lI"!; p a(dd lo.1i'villly Lhlt+yIIII'n� >riS by W. P. )�e1SOn CO. '1'IirutitXll Ihat tbt•Irr(lnl', krldt-1311aat9 hr,11! ' i and Carpets by Arnold &Constable Company. 117i(,ti 6t,111111wilt (if the religitru4 ;-Illd t:; d by Herts Brothers. The robeiis seen will Its tutcic as mr, f1:ala t> tll;le of tl1( ron'Irnuretty' lhlt it tai Woodwork by Batavia and New York Woofs- Anti tho tiullets 1) z✓r+( Ithe breve; 1,, 1 ii 1) f1(t ft,l affil t;rlDwn 1prr}x:7nt) yvuu;' Elul IleJumped rnr lilt, ;allyl shmrlvjortrd tne, Ilion who 1i:14'(, Ill, work Indtotws ;iii lilt, mpany. Tlinus'h a. shot hr(aigm hill, once to hlt3 knees. " 11: I'llr a( living to )tiro Into lift° lit Id-s ml (ITIS SKINNER, Bill ho staggerercl tit, and Ipiwkefl ilie oty, ;-4:1mlav iftenifion, after ottetttiing t•11(u•1•lt, With a (dozen ouilihlos aui+l fatlla, alit! it.lttli-il,ao Ill 01' witi(;ypq good, ,lov;tt- \1'In,, with Ad;, koh:nt, is rnny starring in dw `„n1111 Till rttaf(l in ;,ur finv:, lw Ilrtaplied us both, lu,, la :1Jillful i'>h,y+xta�Il (•tii•t'ri t1a 1.11.ti1 lit, be in tib;tl slr,�eri.tn and n1;111(1;ti 1 111n�•;. Ills black hubs rlcir!led mitt, halls, frl'e'e�n b1s1e",;l41 1tu dale .ta gHriiollN, dritrttilig I11;ace s. ltol lroolliw aauei i4rlt'rta ill:l(1 y, ;an(l Anbivr,l•^Thostory upon ylhltll thy.'. 1)0(?111 So, Illy g,entl( ,t.:,llf't, thel''N iily allswer, 1111,V( 1:17 1710 ow, 'tl'yltl;r{'. to Atil• up ally ,lip- Anal het, itay1 l;luity 'I,inl; tit Ure' 1117 ul.).1:1410( st;11116µ a? of "Banty `bill]” is baawe(l Aid:; th(' Indlet. 11 t, t.rllnll,t'1i 11r;Lt:l1•:� :,t',• ft72' Int` that da.�". tr1)litl(lil I�X. ;,Il. f�'Et'Il1til iltai --- I110lit of (Ionesral John A9. ['atlriivr for brin'�- a all lour, 'Will) rul(� t,iir- 11(tl(I. And 1'n1 rant. F;nin lln.l( Ind; a nogro morvant into ]]Boot:a. Tho (:O.:,r 'loll way teznlnot till ill( r111(r, glint(, horns, l+':ukhra:, nt11t iitr,tltt�r;i Would are :I1)t111 rr;:10it 111±C1'I' have ht-oll h(+ar(l of 1`110hepr blit. 13111. of 1,1in r1f roti letr.ltt•r, tilt l,oi•, 1+!'1rtt14 111;11 1ha��]' �?1'(1Atill [)til 1t'E' rt'1 a �lttlll fir-II Nvra:;tl1• hie,hns1h I—nigh) til ]atoll, ul pflf #;:rule ;in +1irlll ty aftµrnooll. Omit ll c-,ont�17(':1'fLb10 2V10a11c•f-1OJ-1()Jtot' Ihts cLettitrtu t7t "llktltt„ 1'ti"(i" b,y .1o11t1 lir my :t;,m ; n��, i'9lnultl .1,,� tint kim w 4ihort llta� tri•.•' ' Rity. Ills poont, is liltroduct•(1 by rl lriaolt:(ote,tl Tit(•]avail Frirtyrt, dit�tlrlrrNt1 t4 1'P t':r1w.uii The pesrllnist looked on the weather ninp partat t'alllll [Itr.nitil'lt Cit Sri!;('out 'Tlliiton Joy 'I`�Yf' '�I.tlf" +f t Bliew. I'1,111 I'1 , I k I CI,I it si:Itlk- And a mournful Nlkh sighed hn: to 'the tvlatm Alan's Committee of Spunky �, �u(,ni(tay� rt,itr1^1c,d (be bkii,oans �1r�r, � r,I1'or lie,wwy a host unhappy rhap. T'o11a1 [il,I, antl Ilii ab folloAvs: Shovelling coal,v Ti+ Uliliapvy as could ibis. Shovelling c1Atal, vntrark rl iris 1!l,s.ahtl then h,, ilia, dl fir-1,, 1 1Prhon �I ,,,it you: drill 91.111»•- H(; kim'd mo htard r he rait'J a blir;tc , "It,Januarc'we're frozen twit," loll '11,ry 1110 i),,y lihRll t -;lay; MI tho winter•---i:31eas my armll slit set up '1. yell, Tlii is ;t trh!tr ln.ut's ruuulry; At the. roaring furnace door, flay hridesnialid stack on minim court idatste�r, fie sang both said and slow: nu're 1linlr,rt,tt y(iu xray; it ��tn,k :(, f,t�°!t- it 1 ntildn t stick rast(rr, "III f ebruary the sltl:•h we hilt And wiietr;ts. wi,i rr(•in', anti wherefore, 8ltovellinr E1o11le�, then sho•�TOull'g I2'it9m Anel In March the chili winds blow. Thr: times lir•in' all out o' ;i'hlt, Isbovelling coal fx•am break e3fr a.oi' i 1:i i' wit t. it r ll• Thr. nigI:.w hnl: fi",t. to li1m"ey From t111 Iitlllt;', u' Spunky Milt. ]lands till blistered,hair tl]�'norl gra-v,, 11 1i,1 l ���t1 ti,i:llr. 1111 hi'i l( V'n t ,Iry. '171 in" "in April come the nand and r"in r r( 1 Ilii 1 ! 11 tIR3a })I i l'empei1'tLtUl'C tat,ten bolt�w', I ? L,• , . rl lilt tat,rrvtIri to, i And In Alar the rain and mud, y' te;l;,(,u the thing a tninutls: 111 dune the heat bids men complain: Fill all old-fa5hn loued rlinlocrat, tun, Ieprctlni wind ttIiCl lots ref snow, utl ;i n,Ile. 1 ,July still fires alta blood. Though 1 laid n7,y politics out n' ills Aya1 `"hovolling coal, i , 1 111•li alit .<I 1IiaaI c,'tt a lhtllar, ]''lir to kreP till. the yy'ar wag through. (t7"1lovepll'ing voaL I filar: t,l r lytta ':r,•rts tlua ra"hinn to follow, 'septenlb&humidly,(ie.pr,-sy(td; To vr11(! tr., 1 u-sell to ,111, 81lo-V 9111119, l3 1 111 .a a)un,trnue ,,yvt ll. 'Bill. I rrnlit brick ht 1e, atllmVIII, hoi;e�llin>�', �il•tov+�llxln�� � October threatens chill; Though it gilivols ilia, !llw th- ,lovil t1-, train u1 1 f!lin1; th1-V 1u1.11 f`r November's ciliate,ail unblessed, .•Mull, O' Fdrll fools id; yeti' 1_,7::.•1: 1 !t.(t:; ,.ti l,1 1,1'„17 j 111'1+1 ]till i l'I': "tarot threat doth socia[milt. .44awirig ;vi,.)d, inlcl,; u7 t'.t,• ,Il1ck 1:11,1 a all in a llul tc-r, Now, dog IUF eat5 1f I kin :.re lal4711 titiC1+7d, 1 1(1 11 uistrt too, ";1ud In Derembor a r w'e°T+� 111 all the 11ghi of day, g 1,yin 1 S lacy ori li'll'erli lnd lonste,d, PVhnt yrin't( glia to (I'1 latah tkle (luuytio[1 i�I011y.,bu�t,h!3 t]C1ft9(t1Ey¢;oadl 1I 11� 'i .Id 1lli'31:; our ache.,;and pains we il'.Ifsel F.I Tink �llill ,n ,1i :tnl 1 ltliall l>.163ej„r'1t3 eptly blovD , i,1.�t�' lit IL, k-1,1101, sill,--:11. And then we,startrinuLIitr,,ji,'%%r A1111 t'nr'-lea tit, Ovit, 1 give, llotk�ol S fell illt:tl•+• whic.b}irab:ihly is worse." Of 1lllu Of ':rill act,h,�; the hilt. }thin tl.l7ovo and green below. —•11'(rYI+. Tit, lain tha,ii Ills ttuult:, !<t :1 ytarltler rlirri`'' 1''t•1t(9 r1. til°Oil tt,rld.lltLg"' a 1Cital/a �ti'!1'It �!1 sou thinly Avit.s the tune they dancrrl to: Shy'% Than he'll fintt ill Iilaen(o. f h,> U17t liven 11'01." soniclhne(; "Jim 1:, " 31 Al tlat`nii11r1otivsintslit,lrortob", '1'aiL, I" th;., yti7i 'anal ilnle gut i7inc11'd, toil, C4'lly, blanc: your h(lrls. .!"f-t 11"r11• nw! 'C",atzr, till;; were tui. Lan,. nisrin a has a r~olfing.snit Ynu linnyv that w t1,i15' 11:1y At;t.lio robin by Kiri neat, i1'lln;, 11n y,il., ilrini; i15ey Itad for a firLll= With which she now eajole:;. 'When our it fI. .Itru,1: 1'it1,:Ihilrf Ii,•i;ht.. jai 11-11111!,�6Cit?(.i-.(�f}rt`l'11ir31` l'le�� in r,l,i i,nt .,, c,,itt1 it hely In tho nlicidi(•. Iitiw t'ippid allyl tarn .nl,l 1; y la �. t;'nnV,tll,in:• mcrlle lit al'ii. r111,11o" g And in her daddy's halntr account �7tiiyil",6Y'tV00d, It uladefustrilrht:eenhnles. _ when the rust r0rulit-od i iay''d ir,hina, A11.1 1hat's thr cnd of my Fong. Pttr.`k. Fur raisons mlili- nt til ill, a r _.----- - ----__ _ � ,.7,iVsritl� i'V(De11!{, 1ti'lUi ti til,catcd in and 1 I rill It six iltc, *;ii.ylflf I11.1t11Yrlla int.A(riilt; i5'l)e7t, I sprr_lOed can thllt ,•tIrF ,1 WWF i a� F a�vroo>ara� C, ew Wmsterdatn Theatre c :� ;.�xJ : 1 A f.t; d p 1� -a,: W yd•, 1 42d Street, west of Broadway. v �w (0 0 �' a 4 i n K � v�'o w be tt L-qW ., ERL.4,VGER. � _ _ Managers. H w Cd„ b c q s. { The New fimsterdaln Theatre Planned and Designed by A. L. Erlanger and � 1 F � � �°' 'C �r,t brchitec . �V a vS t ° F.Richard Rnderson,and executed by Herts and Tallant, N �O J + O A0 — � y WEEIC COMMENCING MOND-4Y EVENING, MAY 9, 1904. o c � �b �, ✓ ��o�� C • y CU /�? 0 i C tll tL cOd� L r'I ~ 5.5 MA TINESS WEDNESDA Y AND SA TURDA Y. w .. _ d~ 0 141 yy �1 d Cd a O _ �,r. a� F. LAST WEEK. rd o cd A v W V. o o .`� Ca � a�sa41-- s A REVIVAL OF O - u, x a 3 v°' 7 o i. ' aA G w Cd .a4e� T H Two ORPHANS � � A 5 r 0r-L A Acts Seven Tableaux, 7 U 0 Cd ° "` a A Romantic Play, in Four Act v In 0 a � ,d C1 x u v v Z b By ADOLF D'ENNERY and EUGENE CORMON. W 0 "m d ti o a o 9 The Original Union Square Theatre Version was made by Hart Jackson, Esq., w V 0 e c w 1 for A.M. Palmer, and is played by arrangement with M °d N 1 O EH d t Kate Claxton, its present owner. ¢� :a U a ;'N vi t ,4 W an A Q es z UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. M. PALMER. z G�, :^ F a m c t s. Stage Management of WILLIAM SEYMOUR, -I�=7�o� { I E.LL brm 4) m a N c N do H oCdq N a. y } CAST OF CHARAC ' x Z C' CHEVALIER MAURICE DErl VAUDREY................ ......•...KYRLE BELLEW „p�Q- ai c in a .1 COUNT DE LINIERES,Minister of Police....6.0..............FREDERICK PERRY - a. p�?° PICARD, Valet to the Chevalier.,.....................,I......•...E. M. H OLLAND Her Secret° .CHARLES WARNER JACQUES FROCHARD, an outlaw........................... SHE. 1 =PIERRE FROCHARD, the cripple,his brother......................JAMES O'NEILL How did you know I loved you, JAMESON LEE FINNEY MARQUIS DE PRESLES.................................. How did you darn to speak'? DOCTOR OF THE HOSPITALS, St. Louis and La Sal 6tri6re....FRANK ROBERTS v.ti.; µ Was it my blush that told you? p :<` Ste,as my arms enfold you, M. DE MATELY......... ...................... STANLEY JESSUP It mantles my dimpled cheek! M. D'ESTREES (with song). .STANLEY HAWKINS `` '' How did you guess my secret, ...... .......................... <:a?::•c 3; •.,'sy' ....R. PATON GIBBS found me ,:,, How did you dare that night, .MARTIN, Citizen of Paris................................. ... When,behind the palms,you t t 'O S. STEVENS . •. GE :;;r: :.:• To put your arms around me - ' :'i;.: n m whether you might? ANTOINE.................... - �:.t:: Neveraskt g e e f LAFLEUR,in the service of the Marquis De Presles................FRANK CONNOR ....., .....BASIL WEST HE. ;:>. C _ CER OF THE GUARD.......•.• ��• z ;. �,# I might have guessed by your blushes, OFFICER �;., .......HENRYH ADFI ELD =?<`'s :: Orthe took that was In your eyes, f' CHIEF CLERK IN THE MINISTRY OF POLICE... J �:.;.. ' .• � '�gs"`•" �I might have known by your sighing i FOOTMAN TO THE COUNTESS DE LINIERES...... ,,..ALFRED JAMES That ht havert for ylove was crying, LOUISE..., ,_ __GRACE.GRACE GEORGE If I had been worldly wise; HENRIETTE........... The Two Orphans, MARGARET ILLINGTON But wasn't compelled to guess it, ..... -ANNIE IRISH And needed no courage to dare; 3 COUNTESS DE LINIERES...... ...• •.••• ••• - •••• •1 learned from your dear little brother t LA FROCHARD, Mother of Pierre and Jacques.. ELITA PROCTOR OTIS What yoti had confessed to your mother 1' .CLARA BLANDICK BeforeZ encountered you there. t MARIANNE, an outcast........ . .... ............• .. -•- — d Herat .:r ::•.� —Chicago CLARA MORRIS x. SISTER GENEVIEVE,Matron of La SalpBtri�re......•.•••••••••••- 60 ..........................................I..... A Cause o Song. :;:fit. T 7ULIE. ........MONA HARRISON f I hasn- got a dollar e - ,,,,,,.,,.,...MIGNON BERANGER `' As I goes alone,the,street. .. FLORETTE........... .. _ d CORA......... ............ ........• ..• •• .• ....CORINNE PARKER I Isn't apprehensive .� Of a burglar I might meet. 9` SISTER THERESE..........................I...................•LUCY 1\ZILLIK EN I hasn'got no business p, Soldiers,Guards, Ladies and Gentlemen, Prisoners, Nuns, etc. r �x roh to fill my soul w•lf doubt: LILA I hasn'got a dollar-- h Y s� 'r'�L__.__._`___..__—.` An'dat's what I's singin''bout. - ProBramme continued on second prxge following. �� ' # �s Y Oh,de summer brings de haystack K z An'de winter brings de snow. is g r I sometimes has a quarter, But I seldom has much mo'. The trusts dey couldn't skeer me; St 1 SYNOPSIS OF SC . �� ��� I'll nebber gitdo de gout— SYNOPSIS_ '� �� , ��I hasn'got a dollar-- T An'dat's-hat I's singin''bout. I, ACT I.—TA$LEAU 1----;-The Place Pont Neuf, with a view of the Seine and Notre Washington star, rlDame in the distance. TABLE Au 2—The illuminated gardens and chateau of the Marquis 'd �' m a; De Presles at Bel-Air. o ACT IL—TABLEAU 1—Private apartments of the Count De Linieres. F„H ` P' TABLEAU 2—The Place St. Su in a snowstorm, with the steps and c 0 m v facade of the church. Q bt o, �"�' Ul d p 3 tt ACT III.—TABI[Au 1—Ilenriette's home. �� o ti TABLEAU 2—Courtyard of the Prison of La SaltpBtri&e. O a b I�; th B•- tl ACT IV.—The home of the Frochards in the old boat-house on the bank of the V11c x k 5 beine. b! s The Original Music, composed by HENRY TISSINGTON. -9 t, �auN��, �iCe�ler4' by KIC ARD �'IAIt�TON. Costumesby VAN HORN and Miss FENhbFt. �•- � ti O O O Wigs by HFIPNftRx. O a v�o The Estey Oman used in Act 4)j kG e4 �sd � II. AIABEL GILMAN, zo APPEAR IN GRAND OPERA. a bo. n 0 a°- c t Ind' s+` tor- Is THEO. MOSS, Proprietor and Manager, .6 CHARLIts BuRxnAm, Acting Manager. 1852-61 sr ANNUAL SEASON-1 903-4 iW [MENCINGi MONDAY EVENING, MAY 9. 1904. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday,at 2.15. it t1 HENRY W. SAVAGE offers 3 is IGE ADE'S QUAINT COMEDY, ' l6 0 y C unt, hair an » VAST OF CHARACTERS. 4 JIM HACKLER, County Chairman.......MAC LYN ARBUCKLE ,ER, his junior partner in the law l,usiness......EARLE BROWNE sition candidate lar State's Attorney ....... ..CHAS FISHER Brinicing the love•ro togethAer, In "Thr county Cihntr:nan." ditor of "The Patriot".,.»..„...,.,.............• FRED BOCK -'rX'L 1_r,editor of "The Banner............... HARRY HOLMAN ,� JUPI'T'ER P TTAWAY, manager of the4fe and drum corps.....GEORGE RICKET'l'S v SASSAFRAS LIVINGSTON, the local touch of co;or.........WILLIS P. SWEATNAhI Faha JEFFERSON BRISUCIE,a store-box orator ... .............ED. CHAPMAN Nos.-_ VolUNCLE ECK MILLBURY,an old settler........ .................. . W. J. GROSS w aVANCE J IMMISON, the store-keeper.............,,. .•.,,,.,,-J. SYDNEY MACY JOE WHTTTAKER, a windmill agent............. ,....,.. E. R. PHILLIPS M CAL BARCUS, the station agent .. ... ........................CLAUDE C. BOYER "CHUB" TOLLIVER, the smart boy.... ...................... FRED SANTLEY { s AMOS WHITNEY...,..... .. ...»•........ROY RICHARDS. t CLARE OVERT ON....... ,,. Members of the fife ,,.....w..HOWARD CUYLER DAWSON MONTGOMERY... and drum corps .. JOHN J. MEEHAN s LUCY RIGBY, daughter of Elias Rigby.......»..»..,.,»..........MIRIA.M NESBITT' � MRS. ELIAS RIGBY....................... ........ .,.....CHRISTINE BLESSING MRS. JEFFERSON BRISCOE,who keeps the boarding house...... ROSE BEALIDET LORENA WATKINS,the milliner ................. GRACE FISHIER t CHICK" ELZEY, an orphan,employed at the boarding house.....ANNA I3UCKLEY �- TILLY........................... ...... NINA AINSCOE School children, town girls representing the States, members of the Antioch Glet: Club,the Antioch Martial Band, Campaign Paraders, Townspeople, etc. al A SYNOPSIS. ACT I"--August---In front of Dirt mison's ktor . 'Q tin 'Street, Anti.w.h, the day of the onvent:on. ' ACT II.---September--The Court House Grove. The r.®fie nine Of the campaign. ' ° a ACT Ill October--liarkler's lav office, four rlat s twfrrre elccl'on. ACT IV."—November--The Town Ball„n election dight. Getting the returns. tY• i The time of the l lays, in the early Eighties. Incidental music, of the same period. S:aged by GEORGE MAltMN, General Stage Director for IIenry W, Savage. Scenery painted by Walter Burridge. Electrical Effects by Sani'l B. Budd. Meehan! C261 Effecti by Thos. 'T'ipping. Properties, oy Win. B. Young, Floral .Effects by L,J, Borrenski Company. Uniforms by E. A• Armstrong Manufacturing Company. FOR IJ14,NRY W. SAVAGE. Edward A, Braden..............................,.............................................� .... Manaer r L. KeeneRepresentative...................................................................................... N' J Sidney 14.tcy.....................'.......................................... ............. Staee Manager Harry Batty. ... ... ,*,., .,,. ... ... ..Stage CarUenter Wm.H.Seigrran� .Electrician Arthur Isler .....�................�.........�....,....... �.......................'..» •Proprrty Man Mrs.Ella Stu.:t>r...........................................................................Wardrobe Idistress DIUSIC PROG RABIRIE. OVERTURE: "Grand;,,merican Fantasia ... .. .......................Bendix ...................... I Introduc tion; 2 ''Maryland, My Maryland 8 "Oid Zip Coon"; 4 "Iiunitie Eloise"; 6 ''Dixey";(S "Carry Me Back to Ole Vargntny'1 7 "Old Dan Tacker";8"Arkansas Trav- der";9"Sear Spangled Banner." As Tier¢Hrtclaler in"The Count Chairman,"a comedy drama h George e Ade now playing in I3f TWEEY ACTS 1,and II.: MACKL1 N ARl3UCKLI~ -.Bra In ,r ".,lull!, .,n Guard Surprise Party.............. .. ..............r,.,r., Y Y Y e f; ! Y. g .. . ... ... the Studebaker'Theatre,Chicago, Xylophone Solo,Mx.En.KING. 5 aw BETWEEN ACTS II.and III _ --.-- Medlev—"The Skidmore Guard.......................».................................r...........Braham f _ E T oCTS 11I.and 1 V.. ETWE Catl+n _. 5el coon w .... ... ... .. .. ... „- 1 i:.troduction: 2 'Valk-around and Jig; 3 Wdrz;�4"�Prett/as a Picture";5"Scotch Strath- cpey";G"Ye Merry Birds";7 Polka;8"How Nair Tnuu Art";9"Champagne Galop," w MR.DAVID BRAHAM,Musical Director. 5Sbr o,n B v a10 O C•'" ° o w MRS. THEO. MOSS, Proprietor and Manager. a v a '� CHARLES BURNHAM, Acting Manager. o y m m v 1852-51 sr ANNUAL SEASON-1903-4 'O u cd tY �'.td p v.„ .✓ 0'.. ),q° n°`�i ° u It WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1904. erg N o a ° .�'. Evenings at 8.20. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at`x.15• tt a 't f b may° o ii, -.!j �o�P w Q ' v HENRY W. SAVAGE offers ' of✓ .7 r+ y � - oma �u- GEORGE ADE'S QUAINT COMEDY, h ��b� o a u°q vcaiG� ? Mp o °' r p p O w N O C to N td tr G t L, fd y� a w O (� 'ip -01-0 afz­ V p N V] N N.+ w Q' y„ L7 "1 v C A y td 0 0(A q m 3 idThe count Chairffldfl q(o U a p „taa n c a if o "� c o 00�r, q °� > CAST OF CHARACTERS. u•9 o,� a°' o'd" 'd .,., THE HONORABLE JIM H.ACKLER, County Chairman.......MACLYN ARBUCKLE 2,3 a ° H :� TILLFORD WHEELER, his junior partner in the law business......EARLE BROWNE Tl'ornton in the new eomed, "�" A�°' awupt " ` ru ELIAS RIGBY opposition candidate for State's Attorney .....-....CHAS FISHER encs W�a°' °'mot tars Mad." I �+ P a 0" °iu RILEY CLEAVER editor of "The Patriot.............................. FRED BOCK a o •• v WILSON PREWITT, editor of "The Banner"............. HARRY HOLMAN W o u w o.y JUPITER PETTAWAY, manager of the.fife and drum corps.....GEORGE RICKETTS, SASSAFRAS LIVINGSTON, the local touch of co.or.........WILLIS P. SWEATNAM FVr4 JOU oIn Cd ro. r JEFFERSON BRIS(,OE, a store-box orator ... .............ED. CHAPMAN d E�cpiW yw UNCLE ECK MILLBURY, an old settler........ ..t..... ....... . W. J. GROSS u a c VANCE JIMMISON, the store-keeper.... :::...:...J. SYDNEY MACY o aa° p. JOE WHITTAKER, a windmill agent.... E. R. PHILLIPS - -_._ CAL BARCUS, the station agent .. ... ........................CLAUDE C. BOYER "CHUB" TOLLIVER, the smart boy.... ...................... FRED SANTLEY AMOS WHITNEY......... .............ROY RICHARD& CLABE OVERTON....... .,, Members of the He ..,.. HOWARD CUYLER and drum corps DAWSON MONTGOMERY... .. JOHN J. MEEHAN, LUCY RIGBY, daughter of Elias Rigby...........................MIRIAM NESBITT MRS. ELIAS RIGBY................................ .......CHRISTINE BLESSING MRS. JEFFERSON BRISCOE, who keeps the boarding house...... ROSE BEAUDET LORENA WATKINS,the milliner ..............................GRACE FISHER "CHICK" ELZEY,an orphan,employed at the boarding house.....ANNA BUCKLEY TILLY...................................... ...... NINA AINSCOE School children, town girls representing the States, members of the Antioch Glee Club, the Antioch Martial Band, Campaign Paraders, Townspeople, etc. w A SYNOPSIS,. ACT I.—August—In front of Jimmison's stor Alain Street, Antioch. the dar of the convention, ACT II.—September—The Court House Grove. The opening of the campaign, ACT I I I.—October—Hackler's law office, four days before election. h ACT IV.—November—The Town Hall on election night. Getting the returns. The time of the l lay, in the early Eighties. Incidental music,of the same period. S.aged by GEORGE MARION, General Stage Director for Henry W. Savage. Scenery painted by Walter Burridge. Electrical Effects by Sam'l B. Budd. iVlechani cal Effects by Thos. Tipping. Properties t)y Wm. B. Young. Floral Effects by L. J, Borgenski Company. Uniforms by E. A. Armstrong Manufacturing Company, FOR HENRY W. SAVAGE. Edward A.Braden........................................................................... .. Manager L.Keene. ................................................... .Representadwe J.Sidney M icy.................................... ......................................... Staee Manager " Harry Batty........................ ....................Stage Carpenter Wm.H.Seigman....................... ...................................................... .Electrician Arthur Isler .Property Ma.n Mrs.Ella Stu_9or...........................................................................Wardrobe Mistreat MUSIC I",R.OG"AfURKE. OVERTURE: "Grand hmerican Fantasia....... ... :...... . .. . .... .. ..Bendix 1 Introduction; 2 `'Maryland,��My Maryland" �8"Old Zip Coon'; 4 BJnnie Eloise"; 3 "Dixey";6 "Carry Me Back to Ole Varginny'1 7 "Old Dan Tucker";8 "Arkansas Trav- eler";9"Star Spangled Banner." MACKLYN ARBUCKLE BETWEEN ACTS I.and II.: "..lulti.1q,n Guard Surprise Party" ...... ...........Braham................................... ............. As Jinn Hacltler in The County Chairman,"a comedy drama by George Ade,now playing in Xylophone Solo,Mr:.ED.KING. the Studebaker Theatre,Chicago. BETWEEN ACTS II.and III r Medlev—"The Skidmore Guard"........................................ .........................Braham BETWEEN ACTS 111.and 1V, Sel ction Two. ...Catlin 1 ...troduction: 2 Walk-around and jig; 3�W t lrz;�4�"Pretty as a Picture";5"Scotch Strath- spey";6"Ye Merry Birds";7 Polka;8"How Fair Tnuu Art";9"Champa.-ne Galop." ____ MR.DAVID BRAHAM,Musical Director. ' v f 4 a; NEW MAL ' , q C) rr 0 61, Theatre of Varieties OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN, - - - - — — — — MANAGER I — — — — BUSINESS MANAGER ty WM. HAMMERSTEIN, _ f WAC IC COMMEN-CING XONDAY MATINEE, MAY 9, 190 t r ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM1dIE EACH WEEK. For Nest Week's Proeramme See Forward Page. ,Ill Every Evening at 8.15, - - Prices, 2 ic., 50c., 750., $1.00 - Daily Matinees at 2.15, - - Prices, 25c. and 50c. 1 .JYO?'ICE.—WT THE MATINEES smoking only per t mitted in the boxes. Those desiring can exchange their t sews at the box office. Copyright,1902,by Byron. � � ETIiEL ISARRYhiORE AT HOME. t 1 WARTENBURG BROTHERS Novelty Pedestrian Jugglers. t I ^, JOHN and BERTHA GLEESON Expert Dancers (assisted by Mr. Fred. Houlihan). DOLAN and LENHARR ' In "The High-toned Burglar. �. H " NORA BAYES t Comedienne. SNYDER and BUCKLEY y Musical Comedians, j Re-engagement and Last Appearances this Season of Y COLE and JOHNSON 1 Authors, Singers and Comedians. s e ED. REYNARD Ventriloquial Novelty. ' t Reappearance in Vaudeville of tha H E]CSI G L E R SISTERSc�eor�e a de's ,erect photo, by On." 1ffeIntoAh. ,W (Late of Weber and Fields.) z°aan . � From the bj'ashlnptorz Star. it 'Tain't no use complainin' 'cause the frost is in' the air - 7 `� And there ain't no birds a First Time Here this Season of anywhere; singin'in the treetops 7 ;These modern institutions that the landlords all McINT YRE and HEATH protide - r Have sweet and soofhin'comforts,it will hardly' >; In the Famous Georgia Minstrels. be denied. Tlicre's a.radiator boomin'with a warmth that's soft and mild t .And an easy chair in waitin' when there's time to, be beguiled. a 'rhe north wind shakes the shutters, then dis- Yp 1VI A.C1'�R�C'S DOG AND MONKEY CIRCUS couraged passes by, For loarrn'in December's jest as good as in July. a ' The cllyfolks in summer to the faun conic trooptn' i down 11 N R W V I T�$GR A P H I C VIEWS An'when old wIntcr's here It looks right good to mein town; t I miss the clouds a driftin 'er the distant sky. ' e so blue. But the paper on the ceiling has a mighty pleasant' CAFE IN FOYER—REAR OF BALCONY. true. And the window,when the climate has set in for _ snowin'hard. Is the frame around a picture prettier than a 1 rnailin' card; 'And life seems kind and peaceful as I notice,with a,sigh, n —That loafln'in December's jest as good as in July. Ft a, e. for 1 • � a i a9c R, E. M. HOLLAND Grace George and Margaret Illington in "The Two Orphans" l „ .Ac Piro f)ralt«tts tutll berevived�revivedtv4th, and all-star cost ort. A1urfrh �eN (it 11tH �V't+u� �1.nrMlf�rdrr�nr '1']rf•rrlrr� vrrrder the direction of Aft,. A. Al'. I'rz.ltncr, tn�to Iran charge of the original production of the plaay�y/ thirty years aqo. Thr ef,- contlrani s will close their present oigatle- mot,te to enable their stars to appear in this production. Mr. Kyrle 13ellcut Brill learn :, ltatllex" to play the Part of the 1' Clicraller Alaurice de Vaudrey11; Miss Grace George svill leave 11 Pretty Peggy 11 to play 11 hoirisc," one of the orphans; arid ('l)tarlrs 11'arwrr Brill lcare 11 Drink 11 to talce the part of 11 Jacques Frochard," the outla•tn, Margaret Illi»ltlon trill play the second orphan, It 17ertrirllf;"' attd ot,rrr - rGles if-ill, be taken by tach. zrell-knourn players as Annie Irtxh, Rlitrr Praetor OUR, r'Irr.rrt Norris, A. .r11. llnllattd, void .!aures O'Neill ' t Al f' �• j Grace George and Margaret Illington Frederick Perry and Kyrle Bellew "The Two Orphans'-' at the New Amsterdam D'L'nnery and Cor7noll's famous melodrama, "The Tivo Orphans," have come to Paris from Normandy to ntiakc their home '1vith an i:s bci.ng played at the Nezv ilrrt•stcrdantTheatre by a remarkable aged relative. He fails to rn,eet the coach on its arrival, and while cast, including Kyrle Bellew and Clara Dorris. There are prob- the two girls arc ivaiting for him they are set upon by ruffians, ably few ihca'tre-goers wilco are not familiar with the story of who seize "Henriette" and carry her off to the hone of the' un- `The Two O'rphari,," but at?,indication of the plot may serve to re- scrupulous 11 Marquis cle Presles." Ube actiolb is based upon the call it more clearly. The two orphaits, `1 Henriette" and "Louise," adventures of the tiro or7ilta��s, 11.11,0 are fitaally hci,ppi,ly united X111 -- MKIeh,V &iLIAa&tAth, IAbis our Language. 1(+ tlue plolitor of the Smell lyn S�ne UI4 5coptte �-_ n�.�t,. euorn a»Ian rn,,�r,n.in stout ic. c ntu you guide nue to 110 finding, of w"10. 1 .- tappc: r is an interesting pot-in 'willoll cu tt(ills I am TEMPERATURE-Conti2i,ued. th ter- lines: lovers her( Itcrte ct}i ink bra le Io stet, -- -- AEd Voir isrl to meet again; 10 II l flee•.v came no snore, ))ut still 1 think of them." I will TEMPERATURE-Continued, 11?ttvi n?Itdo a ;nod honest lutitut for this, and stn r.onulrell«c7 tgttin W hetalte myself to arty old An( Date. fricncl tit: } al,1e• II. L. N. Answor-In searching for the lines as 1876• TEMPERATURE. cluntcd you may have been inisled, as they;I will_� I Sept. 1 Date. Otte •parts of t',vo distinct verses. They be- I p P 2 F The following is a statement of the maximum and minimum temperature,as recorded a e tong to a poem by Graham R. Ton ion of 8 'R Signal Service Observatory,l�`etiv York: London, England, the title of vvlli(' is "The He or 4-- ��alle� of the T11orn," Here i5 the poetli: tiig Shay 1.. 53 39 - �r1877. I 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884• 1885- l.toivn a laleak Norge where neighburin:; 11�13tfi 6 2.. 61 41 187(!. -- 7 3.. 53 44 p divide" 4.. 53 41 Date. `a p q 1 strayed Clone one quiet atituu3n figs, R Oh,y' 9 5.. G3 49 _ lletween the long' hills tittetching fife ttnd wide, Ext, 10 6.. 72 4£ r --- dost desolate and gray. 7.. 83 fit - t r _ i I Will, 12 8-. 79 OFJan. 1.. 5G 7 2r 10 36 I8� 30 25 42 31 21 4 83 22 37 30 36 34 58 27 t 1 No nettid copse, no populous ttnderwooil 15 13 1inc1( fait thit dEsert pule and temlaBst-warn, �,0 18 fl.. G7 5..4 '1 2.. G4 18 283 8 1� 31 2 3�_ 45 3 85 15 31 14 39 27 27 19 la 24 12 I'll( ali One in twisted, «llti l sc-stood urged thorn. i 11.. G8 47 4.. 39 27 20 6 4G 151 15 26 7 51 88 30 25 27 is 9 82 15 20 2IS 10 40 2 13 29 19 c To thi 16 13.. 63 4( fi.. 46 2 33 15 25 j5 80 16 47 86 1 26 14 58 39 31 81 42 28 30 18 18 25 30 10 56 3 :i I)r�atlt-in-Line fife very seal and sign, �t«-i ibis`s own self;" I saui "is here; To 1 17 14.. G5 9- 7.. 41 27 45 83 21 11 21 19 49 30 40 29 41 33 37 28 24 7 55 37 ! i '4rtat !r5nlation r:un cotnttit(. with thine? 19 15.. 66 5( 8.. 46 27 40 25 29 10 88 22 50 84 31 19 45 34 35 28 42 18 .5 34 't What sulituile so drear? To the 26 16.. 60 4. fl„ 54 4 28 13 41 23 89 27 43 87 31 19 50 37 29 18 47 25 52 37 17.. Fi5 4Q 10.. 1 39 30 54 6 81 14 44 33 28 20 54 34 42 29 46 33 20 11 32 21 46 25 L t'tr:we:lr s and fiuitle:;s, beaten by the blast, Ani 2 18.. 61 4: 11.. 27 3 33 15 45 85 81 17 53 a430 19 44 85 2G 44 32 24 18 30 22 GO 6 lirn_•tt ul e.vcry ji,y, loon, tnruuerl icer}; 23 19.. 76 5 12.. 3'L 14 85 22 50 89 241 24 t'h_u art grown 01•'1 In grief. get sure, at fust, 20.- 70 51 13.. 25 19 31 17 45 82 35 28 35 22 42 21 42 33 36 12 36 21 39 26 Death's wind shall . Cher thee a is fife . 35 17 40 13 43 81 39 21 45 33 21 2F 21.. 80 N 14.. 30 19 31 16 49 87 37 24 b 1` A.turt as t ]higered t:tere a while., and drea.n3ed It 1 2( 22•. 79 Gi 15.. 39 11 32 20 42 85 26 1G 41 27 20 11 39 2G 31 18 37 18 40 29 Z !?int clag d erect full of idle fantasies, 23.. 04 4i 16.. 49 14 46 29 87 18 25 18 48 29 29 12 4c 38 29 J.3 21 13 40 30 t i lu:v voice tns`tiereit me-or so tt scennccl- The fi 24.. G7 4i 17.. 49 1G 32 23 33 18 27 19 38 27 44 25 40 23 40 26 26 8 50 20 t :i murmur on the bre zc. 2S 25.. 76 53. 18.. 56 2 86 28 41 30 40 22 47 39 35 22 35 20 42 32 40 25 23 17 28 25 20 Anr, 8( 26.. 67 5n 19.. 58 8 4A 2G 4ti 26 82 21 50 38 35 25 48 30 26 13 30 27 .cy" sighed the voice front out the barren.I 27.. 78 51 20.. 45 6 45 33 49 34 24 11 46 38 41 24 36 25 38 28 r thorn, Avera 28.. 79 5i 21.. 42 15 38 23 50 41 27 5 48 31 38 27 44 32 44 23 33 8 3IS 9 .0 16 t `"Content `life.Itand Ili xndylin llithnINr ely borne 10 fa.--- 80.. 0 51 23.. 44. 18 36 22 42 14 43 6 51 37 33 2'32 23 49 37 49 22 151 128 36 27 16 16 1 16 13 39 27 27 22 10 l cair.i.5 m5 t Isere, hl this quiet spot. On1 81.. 63 41 24.. 41 18 8 12 82 11 37 24 43 34 38 20 16-1 81 G 40 13 37 Leaps 25.. 35 16 27 10 49 28 47 28 41 30 20 15 38 8 31 2.2 0 15 40 32 29 19 30 13 32 cuff will ale lark sing; oft the Iiaild'west wind Average 67!,1351 26.. 34 14 35 17 51 89 00 14 30 15 58 351 7 26 14 48 36 34 26 32 18 I7 Il-Ing ring neat the <iticmn eeuthhut; of the sett; The 27„ 42 11 50 25 44 32 r-rften the great clouds, white and putyle-lined, 8•, 4! 22 38 27 42 16 50 36 G4 40 22 10 38 32 38 3.3 34 22 31 8 Go wandering over Inc. 46 26 `>7 1G 36 19 39 33 34 26 18 4 26., 54 20 47 25 31 18 44 80 49 23 25 16 30 16 45 33 36 1fl 30 14 "AU the tont;summer, at the twilight hour, Your Date 80,. 88 19 49 30 85 21 48 20 -- 81.. 85 28 47 27 33 22 89 25 50 37 32 24 32 23 46 34 41 35 40 28 I fe,-} the benediction of the clew; i Eve - 35;,;19;; 3723'-'3 33321a 419I 3720'/a 1 cv:ttch the great moon like a golden flower _ 1876 .Average 43} 155® 35 19X 4.0 21.1 M 19/a 4GY43W4 Grow, in the dusky blue. And i Oct. "'I'lto never springtime findeth me arrayed For 1 Date. In snow-white glory as my kinsfolk be, i The sheep have siueItoii 'neath my scanty shade, ! 1 6 1877. 1878. 1879. I 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883• 1884. 188r,` I A,,d srnal€ birds built in Inc. I Will `Jame 1.. 73 41 I d p 4 2.- 7 6 'S( Date. I "t�nce, long ago, how long 1 cin forget, Ani t� pd q 3.. $0 G] But ay, many moon n n of sun a rl many, a md rain, l I Two lovers here beneath my branches niet, Wborr 1 4.. 83 6f '� rn - nd vowed to meet again. 11 5.. 13 6S -- 28 52 35 33 22 82 17 39 13 26 6 39 27 81 21 40 20 36 19 And 1', 6.. 70 5(Feb. 1.. 42 i "They crtnne no more, but still L think of them 1S 7.. 75 54 2.. 43 13 51 S6 al 10 87 39 35 13 26 13 86 20 22 5 39 29 10 10 42-1 41 26 27 15 45 26 28 11 36 18 20 11 diver Iinr1 o'i.r, so blithe they were and young, t 1l 8.. 83 K 8.. 27 20 44 34 94 14 39 27 86 24 29, 10 24 17 56 32 37 29 25 '-+ 4 %net sigh tite narne He cat'verd upon Illy stent, I And 1<. 9.. 82 65 4.. 31 g ']'lie match of song she sung. 10.. 86 69 $.. 29 11 42 30 44 21 36 27 30 17 33 13 36 18 84 26 461 43 29 4 27 88 27 And 11 12.. G9 67 29 41 24 38 62 7.. 34 11 44 49 31 4G 28 47 28 40 2G 40, 26 44 50 27 35 20 :37 22 45 1 51 37 30 17 "I feel fhc sltarinw of the wild swan w wings, 1 I hoar Cite murmur of the he fiber-bce9: And tl 1( 18.. 74 61 8.. 47 33 45 30 40 33 37 28 34 20 41 27 40 37 33 25 39 31 36 20 �I doss are t Ielt untie store of l3Leasant things Com 11 I.C. 77 G3 9.. 45 32 45 23 48 36 36 25 31 16 40 82 40 32 38 22 45 26 39 29 47 37 23 And haps>y iuueanuries." 2( 15.. 78 60 10 50 38 44 27 45 34 33 18 84 12 52 30 45 28 37 25 2�4!j 42 43 33 14 IO ah ] T will 16.. 71 60 11.. 50 35 52 29 35 19 47 29 48 27 ,w c_rft !Itr?r I soaniltrrl yon 10yrinth forlorn 2: 33 24 54 35 31 20 c'rf ),urrcn states an.I stony gorges liner. 2; 17.. 76 G3 12.. 53 41 5� 27 33 17 47 33 534 21 40 26 8 38 53 36 47 32 42 26 41 32 24 ' But t:h;tt vegite�sterrrl galley of tine thorn, end 2! 19.. 80 67 14.. 45 35 45 14 41 29 25 14 >a 38 0 20 52 41 4-2 29 34 2i 59 85 28 18 j I fi>und'it nivernui:e. _ 2 5 36 32 38 24 35 20 _ - Where 21 20.. 76 66 15.. 58 34 45 23 88 24 24 8 39 32 32 20 54 4 « iglltl5 gut.» -- And 21 21.. 77 65 16.. 37 27 48 82 44 30 32 17 50 30 40 28 98 40 42 31 34 20 525 1 25 _ 22,. 76 59 18.. 35 27 3G 21 40 19 31 27 62 43 42 27 34 20 40 23 54 89 54 37 36 25 52 29 49 39 41 32 28 14 .� A uxz4conrAi«DAY nangsottY. � 23.. 80 6017 10 !'he sentry challenged at the open gate Idol 21 24.. 80 65 AD_ 46 20 38 22 36 13 31 21 44 23 44 26 51 34 36 28 61 25 82 39 21 37 21 44 36 22 him b* because the hour was late: T 31 25.. 87 69 20._ 40 29 36 1$ 41 25 34 13 35 26 42 30 40 34 34 28 44 22 12 ,1 ha passed 1. hay, d 81 26.. 92 70 .21.. 37 24 49 28 50 37 27 13 37 "Haiti Who goes there?" "A friend." "All's not 27.. 90 71 :22... 41 28 58 33 43 35 29 11 42 30 4-4 30 39 28 3G 44 29 41 28 28 17 26 14 r, well. Though Avera 28.. 89 73 23.. 34 10 49 33 48 35 41 20 44 2t3 18 35 22 34 17 29 17 28 14 " "A friend, ofd mate." A friend's farewell, the 29.. 75 72 2>.. 24 7 38 80 44 3G 33 �23 46 PS0 4H M22 And I had passed the trate: And lI0T_-an--gV 30.. 87 7Q 26.. 37 24 41 31 42 8 37 14 44 83 42 33 49 27 56 42 8 15 44 28 38 25 39 334 17 40 23 4 7 32 40 333 31 40 26 `- And then the,long,last notes were shed, desire 62 32 28 17 42 33 35 20 27.. 32 2G 46 30 57 33 40 17 05 45 42 27 1'lte slirtlly clarion's echoes dead: To see your sac Average 79 (i3 28 9 2G 48 32 5G 35 31 12 6 48 57 35 47 3G 39 25 1 16 44 30 ' 64 47 1 2_ }: And sounded sadly as I stood without steps ntglm 29_. 39 25 2 ! t: Those last,sad notes of a.11: "Lights out." 22,1;f37au25'�i 42}�27%� 31;;;16 t "bights out." Average 40 24/ 45 28 42 26 84;�21� 41r'V4 37 You're young and buoyant, aN ,fNt. beckons yeah her hands. Farewell, companions. ZVe have,side by side, And life spreads out a waveless sea that laps u' eye; Watched hlst'ry's lengthened shadows past us tropic strands; +,fid awful smell and anguish'd Yell,a`c�Itlie Ghost. glide, The world Is all before your face,but let your mem- whizzes by! The Campaign at Present.W� V And worn the blue,and laughed at pain, oriel turn t From the Baltimore .American. in Z And mans a year has died. To here fond hearts still cherish you and losing Suppose,I stroll up through the Park on a delicious The campaign yet is young,dear heart, „A ri .And toll and hardship have we borne., bosouis yearn. day, And don't amount to much: a And,followed where the breathe a little owne,and to watch the sclulrrals A lot of folks who think they're smart flair has irone; To But all the echoes answering round about Are tellins'how the thing should start- But m+tt.er what your duties are nor what goer, at play; The world is full of such. Iiave bidden you to sleep: "Lights out." plane in life, I hie me by a bosky dell,with asphalt wader foot, "f "I.dghts out•" -there's never been a time they not assume your ---That final touch to Nature,'s work our Park Boards And sonic alleged authorities .• inari of strife; alwa3's put-- Are figuring majorities. And never more for me the bay'net's flash, And shrunken shoulders, trembling hands, and But if I start I cross a road,back to the woods I fly; The campaign yet is young my dear, C_ The trumpet's summons. Oh, the crumbling ash forms racked by disease, With tuneless toot a brainless brute drives his F+pd � And no one knows a thing Of life is hope's fruition:fall Would bravely dare the grave to bring to you the Devil b;'. About lust how 'twitl go this year- The withered friendships,and they all pearl of peace. �'IlA mystery's as deep, sear, •.; s As€n the earl Erre sleeping. Day by day yes,snap your fingers at tnY tale, and talk ab, Y spring. The fabrics of our lives decay, So don't forget the old folks, boys--they've not D.T.'s, Yet in a few localities And change unseen,and melt away- forgotten you: Tpu,who in some sequestered spot are sitting at l They're figuring pluralities. 4 t Aye,Perish like thio accents of a call, Though years Have passed since you were home,the tour ease; IThe campaI n e t j.,lke martial warnings from Life's grim redoubt old hearts still are true; But we are Metropolitan,with all that word u implies, The deensuspense we'll feel d Oh, Lille those'last notes of all: "Lights out." And write i inetn now and then to bring the light And if our life looks more than sweet to 3 our bucolic Tlntll our tams are nalow "Lights out." Into their eyes, eyes. Or else we're eatinx heaps of crow -John R.Rathom,ill Chicago Recrord4ferald. And mij.lrr ttie %rorld Flow once again and bluer you simply show you're not In touch with this dc- And hearing vothers spiel! b - ------ ---- --------- glc+attt tete sties: lIg]ttful town, Tet some,with terse vocabulary, ] LUX-tis D115play. _ --Tennessee FarnW Where automobiles chase You up so they can run Are making statements ta,billary. 19 "Don't you think. the Sinithers are very purse. you down. The campalQri S,-et is young, Is young; 1-1 proud people?"said one woman. it's anr'bodv's race; "l,SreIl,"answered the otbor,"I have noticed that How He Got It. " ear. Wevet may hear a triumph sung when any of then}Carders beet it's done In such a 13inks- Queer that Charley Itfohter could acquire "Tell me Khat you cat and I'll tell you what you By many a gloating foeman's tongue- loud tone of voice that everybody in the store can't slich an automobile face. He never drives his are,"said the.seer. The Judge may get the place! f?: The man told him what hie ate. �r help hearing 1t.'--IVashtnpiptt Star. It�aotiine Aver eight miles an hour. Yet R•hT should we have blur:s.when all --- ---.---._.--- „You're a.blanked foot!"void the seer. Have figured we can't lase at all? Jinks-�-I kno'Cs,but he got it when pts first month's _ bill for the repairs came In.-C:tnciri;raati Commercial "il`ouderful! Wonderful'" eaelnimed the nian.- Tribune, m -- U.ur j ti,ugua-ge. Southold Lecture Association ,T,,:,_ v.Vr A nan rsnvht,9n a.A10111t•11. .. ., � A sf..tl y,tw p.a!Yt hf7fY y- 9—Continued. l tit._.�. i . . t..,.. �...,,.., „r .,,,t;.,�.•�'� "(.l:t,-7 " caul i1,'Tt• Pnitfi» ERATURE—Continued. TWAl"1L14A Tl.AL-410RU>ewd. i79. 1880. -I 1881. 1882. 1883. 11384, 1885 _ d ArA� dq 1l'W�j !M:l1 t 1�; +!110!1, !!190, I.. 11010, I M. low. ISM. 18FA. IRM. F Fi F Fl � F1 � 19 � l�1 � - n:� air.., y sa�.���. ...-•._-� � k � q,4 5.9 84 54 48 82 45 54 41 65 51 ai^41 7� 40 70 47 63 47 54 88 65 44 82 50 60 42 40 76 63 61 47 56 86 66 47 67 49 54 40 4 8 46 78 54 58 48 67 44 74 49 1)4 6.9 56 41 �, A.4 au (: !� l0 48 N ad b4 4p 4a Ala !ii 6 47 84 58 69 54 58 45 80 47 66 4(3 67 48 50 89 f!,. I s 110 i a! a16 4. 81 4! 81 45 00 so 1� 07 40 Is a 05 17 40 29 58 81 53 58 45 51 41 88 48 60 48 58 45 8., all !;r "al M 44 Mt A0 84 °a 07 01' a0 41 so 08 is 40 24 48 60 61 61 50 57 4;d 64 65 49 46 W 44 4,. 40 $1 80 61 46 *1 4A 811 N 40 8a A0 18 011 18 6o 84 47 88 51 78 47 66 48 8.1 58 61 44 Std 45 6„ 51 a 1 W 0a 47 1M 44 a4 70 40 40 AO Aa 07 to � 1� e9 Be 49 82 54 76 52 76 47 69 49 61 45 54 d:i 0., fl0 ;86 iltl 1111 a!8 b 40 40 4a a1 80 ffi 10 4a fdA 40 20 49 88 83 81 58 84 iii 67 46 a0 50 58 4?3 �} t d0 Ara 1>b 44 a0 80 4! 64 58 IIT 47 110 40 15 a7 08 84 80 47 82 68 86 61 50 48 68 57 67 49 50 48 fig., 414 a4 00 >1E 40 b1 116 A0 80 01 6 87 80 84 18 47 72 59 98 71 45 41 64 47 67 46 59 44 0„ A0 !b `00 011 0!1 44 00 a0 M 44 ad1 a! 5a S'1 ]8 8s0 J� 88 14 58 61 49 72 57 51 40 6td 48 68 49 tS88 4tc t0„ 47 ad to 10 a » as * >» � 40 At O1 41 0 ala f16 $7 Idc► 57 BO 47 70 64 50 44 5F1 45 68 49 68 4ti !! 40 8�l aA MI 00 41 40 45 a4 80 08 40 fats 82 18 57 67 48 r7 54 59 46 73 48 70 50 85 64 10„ fff4 8i? M 46 % 4A #i I Ob lie 00 41 9A 1$ j 61 76 51 66 65 65 48 68 50 68 52 75 .53 l8. 46 80 16 A11 4A 8a 40 a0 4a N iii 81) 40 88 80 30 61 86 59 55 49 65 47 70 48 64 45 05 40 14 116 19 00 A0 80 18T 4T a0 a6 !III at AO 4f8 87 >8 A6 t 59 76 55 56 45 50 41 74 47 71 49 69 47 15,, 40 10 a6 p 4A 10I 40 01 80 N4 00 48 84 40 82 61 68 52 58 48 54 41 78 52 74 55 82 56 16,1 alt � 64 44 40 01 04 sae � 2D 8D al ffi1 0p 61 76 65 60 51 66 47 68 6,2 78 55 74 60 ifi. � !11 N 40 � 41 � 01 46 as q0 >� 48 � riA t09 07 11 62 79 63 64 52 78 47 64 58 84 67 68 51 .. 81 is so as 40 i11' >Id 41 68 a4 80 a8 At 80 29 14 65 .72 59 70 65 78 47 64 55 88 64 64 61 l0.. 1k) 0 as 40 *) 41 al 41 Oa a4 4a 41i AB i17 14 60 77 81 69 65 65 51 61 50 80 05 W 52 .. 10 i17 410 101 40 � 40 84 44 a0 40 40 06 44 87 00 9 48 82 64 69 55 67 42 72 50 84 64 64 65 In is $1 4T a! 4T 4! >� 41 Ib 44 80 84 IS Ill 87 Oa 6 58 94 67 78 56 67 48 77 64 82 61 64 54 1* 40 0 IAa p M eu a1! 4a 811 a0 84 18 6H Iib 28 ll 58 92 72 72 61 60 47 80 58 66 64 82 67 1119 40 f1! 4 0 b7 80 4/ 1118 d a!► 40 1111 86 011 48 841 09 17 # 62 92 71 84 71 80 47 74 62 78 56 77 64 81 40 f0 1X1 M � � � � 48 $4 � 00 4q 07 till 41 88 16 65 86 68 77 61 74 55 72 68 68 50 72 64 'tf a0 a0 Is � 16 46 � 110 40 07 51 41 46 ao 58 75 60 80 68 71 57 78 61 54 42 06 52 an 40 W so 47 M � 8! 46 !� AA1 A4 n�11 41 4b 1l6 59 70 58 84 54 67 52 71 57 56 42 64 51 A40 84 64 4 so A8 41 40 as 14~11 45 54 82 59 78 68 85 88 74 57 74 58 111 46 70 56 al Aa 80 41 80 68 89 54 84 nit A0 a as 87' as at 48 >d41 4$ 2R X58% 75%56Ni 69%53�I111%459 a8A51 x1%61 4}�i48,';; � � 60 of. 148 N ab A11 40 40 1!1 IM1 �44 31 140 84 �6 41" tD6 6A 84 ltv�'ue OWN �� eR wt #�� 4e11eA11 �4Tl1, +ul �c 441it8IIli i�9M 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1888. 1884. 18(35. 1M;A- IK7. INN. We. too. sm. � laM. �. INS. 1884. 1W. 1 71 85 61 78 64 72 66 76 57 66 50 78 56 1 68 64 48 70 57 69 52 71 46 74 51 73 68 -- ------ 1 59 70 64 59 51 72 54 69 49 86 50 72 55 -- 60 73 56 68 48 75 57 81 60 87 65 71 56 A,nil 1.. 41I 116 40 81 80 40 as 0T 0 4� 40 80 48 06 61 88 0 46 ,. I 82 71 59 74 58 66 55 88 66 82 65 82 65 I It , 48 00 04 87 08 411 44 84 40 � 110 " 41 45 80 41p 8A (� 84 I 55 78 81 70 54 72 64 87 71 80 02 77 63 44 41 � al A41 19111 $4 4t1 M A8 58 a 54 so 49 1 47 85 63 68 51 79 55 85 67 81 64 77 66 4,. of as 80 Dat 41 � � � � � � 4l0 go 40 45 as riat 80 a' L 64 70 57 78 66 80 61 80 66 85 65 80 69 8., 86 36 N at Im W 40 ffi 110 80 4T 8R 68 89' 1 58 72 54 66 58 79 68 77 65 78 63 67 52 (i,. so 00 41 40 Orris nr hilr+le�r Ue�nrtirvr !n "The Two l 60 73 58 58 48 72 60 86 65 71 69 72 68 7.. SI' A41 117 118 48 00 as 4 111 as a 45 al as 01,1 811 As 87 1 67 76 61 64 50 77 58 84 76 62 55 75 66 0„ 40 be al W 44 84 U # alb > 00 '111 lit 118 d4 ped 48 26 Qrpiniarr.•' 66 89 68 68 67 71 67 80 62 76 56 75 68 0„ 46 00 IMI 80 48 W 87 40 A4 � bt1 40 � 40 44 87 48 81 1 65 85 66 65 54 74 56 85 65 69 57 76 58 lo" W al W a8 411 As A0 � M 4t � so � 111 86 4t1 81 1 60 78 65 64 58 76 55 74 58 65 54 89 65 it .I as Al a6 80 48 %7 W to 4o 2 4A 97 56 48 4! alp 48 4a Ia 40 44 a 80 44 88 � 1 65 69 60 79 60 74 58 75 59 68 49 81 64 1 1 06 48 56 40 80 47 80 62 72 58 'i? 65 82 C8 71 58 82 60 91 64 a i't,. W 46 A4) 1l4I Q8 414 36 Is 41 86 U so � '� isa 4a 48 a8 ..V I E V E .A,N D HER G r j� r 57 83 5fl 85 57 81 35 78 81 90 65 76 01 1,t„ 4a W W a4 46 54 41 7� 40 40 aT Aa 4b 116 GIRI, j 2 53 86 62 83 59 82 68 67 62 88 64 81 57 Ia., 01 4'1' d7 88 06 411 50 til 700 34 06 4A � 0 � 41 11 47 41 >� 56 82 63 85 64 88 65 81 62 88 62 81 (10 ! 57 A41 44fl 4! 5 44 54 a? AN INTERVII, 2 65 87 64 77 66 74 59 80 68 88 69 84 61 18.. AS 46 a 0T 6 1 40 40 41 r 44 � 44 65 43 61 46 51 44 64 87 W 1VIT1I 3 59 87 65 75 58 75 60 77 64 92 69 80 62 17 4a al 411 411 +!! � � 51 44 �) #7 Til 40 1111E 41B 611 411 r 59 74 65 88 53 79 59 81 611 89 74 83 64 is•• 40 87 '81 411 4! 1I? 40 50 6A, 4111 61 41 Clara Morris Z BO 80 80 78 67 82 64 85 85 76 80 72 47 40 06 45 54 1°" da �1 5 66 92 68 74 58 88 68 88 67 88 65 80 6fl !1141•• be 84 to 40 08 A0 117 89 p � A0 � A0 6 4>S W 48 70 48 B 66 90 73 73 59 91 72 77 86 88 06 80 01 Al•• Aal 110 76 6t1 ) 411 04 117 A0 41 Its, 40 0 0 411 713 48 ,�!.. 6� , 40 04 t1 40 411 112 47 as Gcrfevieve tyle 2 64 90 78 74 61 87 68 72 67 64 54 77 64 fia„ 4p 48 77 41 AA 06 40 TO 44 le aff@Ct1011 and devotion Of 1111` 84.. 56 44 81 48 6111 46 07 40 4s 76 N 117 411 84 56 447 r 1 iia 9 69 89 70 86 69 82 66 68 63 78 57 78 84 4! as al aD A6 as 46 1M 4 58 a4 a0 4d a6 dt ► 70 48 e upon the Who are m girls? ,UVI1 the B 71 90 72 88 BO 81 88 80 64 77 59 74 87 y 1 67 89 71 88 88 79 87 80 68 78 00 82 60 I*_ l!0 41 1'la 61 �0 15 8 16 117 � Sr� '� 41� 4) al 86 50 ba 44 tTce Of SIX 0 �' Y 2 s4 84 "r2 7fl 86 75 62 82 64 79 62 73 54) a0 Aa ao 4111 46 64 44 00 40 a1 at 418 a1 81 40 W '� � 4! Yung Prisoners of the French R ',N.. 00 W Aa 46 Ala a! ea 46 as 4't 611 46 550 8S6 � 40 " awn Ingo melo- story, over which .Sister Ge9ze7�ie2 7Y,,61%1_80V_262%, 72 58 775 60% 78'x,68 78„(10_ 77?e59� w.. 110 48 04 44 00 40 al' � 46 A0 all 01 40 SO.. all er 411 6! 40 7g as 110 40 46 4A 64 49 Aa � � au 7 '�- leas ]�ee11 skies. These girls are as real to __ erience in their narrows and mtsfortunen as ten Nature and soiree passing girl have each bars, A�•v Ii i36% Ar1Y(MI0% Nit! � ON a,A0 10641 towed a smile; y throughsPiritUal motherhood of Sul s then,alas—as I am blithe—a,horror mentos my eye; d awful smell and anguish'd yell,a White Choat 1tt rr. 4�r)itrt t])'ArCI near a PETER F. DAILEY whizzes by! 1. England. The CaTnpellrn at Present. � "111, Ilr�r+ a ppose I stroll up thxou{Ih the Park on a delicious ' Prom the nallimore American. 1'",nr truntnn clwaa�-h day, The campaign yet In young,clear heart, wa4 fired, And don't amount o AV!.,.(, hued In a,ltou.{e, breathe a little ozone,and to watch the squirreA lot of folks who think they're to Kmart Whero hc�1A Was not,hireli, at play: '>✓ tIf thu ol(1 h Art-telltntr!tow thr,thing should start•--• Her lar,!.tsr�rcirt c.lz, erirlil trc+r,; � o c2 to me,by a bosky dell,with asphalt under foot, The world Is full of such. C)Ptlr frlQrdla, l nrrt going a, -� � � rtertr o1r1 r7aor.5tept t!!t, hat final tourhtoNature„'swork our Park Boards ltihr.rr ♦vxrs114n>ti•tliri't li<,ne d E, — $_4 ort the 1lrrrtsti, always put-- And some alleged authorities1n,1 t if I start to cross a road,hack to the woods I }1y; I Are flpuring majorities. 'Nor swooping,1101' tier, tan!,oln nttci I roc+tti 411 y,; halt and lases. th t•unelew toot a,brainless brute drtves his Red The campalun yet Is young,my dear, 130 everythiliq thht't' is G 4-4 � And the.Cows we saint;n Devil byl And no one known;a thingsf II.xunl ly fc1 rny ticinllra. � o� 4+t c slug spcdl About ju.8t how'twill iro this ear-- ' ✓- 1, :,4 Ob,t;ttc 5t1�r<+d ;pot is ha v, clrttd I'or 1�lletl thr�� cion 1. c,t1 •,a The mythe early y drip, .fear. 'T'hero's nc7� ;I<;)ain„dkt,l , a a � �� 'tib And threchot;vortile 1 s,snap Your lingers at my tale, and talk abou As 1n the,early aprina. LL o o�'` ung lit old ret D.T.'s, 1'Il bel whorr'laud ;,,It icrn ! U, who In some sequestered spot aro sitting at i'at in a tear looallttes Witt Hlt�lly•{ Irr< 1 in:;itllr; +� a �b 14frrnr,rir•r Lhrnn�, Ttle They're fiQurinq pluralities. Taut, ll:lvillt; no t•r,il-,i, tirour ease: ,,,o '' � ;.�,•+� ' M p.a1n!tale Sound r(�I t wp are Metropolitan,with all that word.Implies, IThe Rn yet Is young,and ph, 1.'ll qr t (1�;;1r ref 1:110>itlF,�rIq +' cti to holy,sorrow's earls; tart camnai �, rn ;� o fou,lt ntttfrlrf d if our life looks more than sweet to your bucolic flhn dean eu,lpensn we'll'feel Don't, n1o;ll'11 1-O,. 1114+ t1r,tP, �' m x; `a-+ 1'ctr the,music+hushed nn eyes, Tinel our'aeon are heti Don't rrl(narrl .fc>r ole r�„r; v ;� o �' u round Out door Or else we're eatin>r heaps of crow C.� Anil the tolutprints thati u simply show you're not in touch with this etc- And hoartnlr t'nt•hers spirit I'nl going to(14� tlo;llinl,• � � 't7 � iI,.�tlt forrvcr,nore, ltglltfM town, For ever rind aver•,'” �' >r _^. As tltrrnit;ll bl!ndinf,m fere automobiles chase you up so they can run Vet some.,with terse vorahnlarY, a••o,•, �,� -+-� '1'utv,•trti the old hon Are making statcntenta tabulary, -- _�.._._ _ -Pha.lacfclphicx Etenino 13ullelin. You down. - - --- ----- Wm. FI. Terry is making a fine, o 0 b Br c '..f O U Cd -_.___...-�.- SeOT, Tice ramhalKn yet is young,ig young; , Tt's anvbody'g rare; roomy hall over his place of business, y Qy He was bred>n old F;sop 'Telt IIIc what you cat and I'll tell you what you �t'P Yet rosy hear a triumph sttnrr ' " CS said t.hc seer. By many 8,gloatlnq fowma.n•a tongue— which W111 be fitted Up 11111 splendid I P'a'- '� else to do; l'he man told him what he ate, '(fie.lttdgc may get the plant-! `- Iie's been sought by all You're a blanked Pool!”said the seer. Tet ivhv should we have binrx.when all Style and be occulA1211 by S011thold word or two; R'onderfull Wonderful!,,exclaimed the ratan.— Hal°fizured we can't lase At a117 Lodge., I, Q, Q. F. �[��—/9a�- � He was bred to ol( 4) _. (E'en the Da, mo quit And he wouldn't say a that rattle you? ( utas Li;t.uI�al ©. Old sceptic• evu�n a n,nn rA.tt Qlt t,in 0.l3lnitir To the I]ditor of tile. Brookl;n I, gle: d Ile Ol ,_. . _ I ('au you guide ole to the finding AlL' that I __. vt,plio:e l� can interesting po111 tt•hi,•h c nt.ains I am TEMPERATURE-Carttirtued. ts those lines: - "1wn Icwers here beLleath my branches met, To And vov;cd Lo meet again; 'They carne n, inoi'e, but still 1 think of them." I will TEMPERATURE-Contit2ued. - 1 hate nl•ade a gnotl honest hunt for this,. and - an c0njljeii,,3 main to betake myself to my old Ali( Date. I883. 1l3lii, 1t1(ilS. friend theEU gIe• 1I. L. N. -I 18$0. I 1881. I 1882. _- 1$76. 1$77. I 18x8. 1$79. _ Answer-In searching for the lines as I will_- - __ tt tow' quoted you may have been misled, as they __ Sept. 1 Date. � � are parts of two distinct1 verses. They be- p 2 long to a poem by Graham R. Tonison of 8 He or - 6 45 51 41 05 51 61~41 title of which is The - , 54 48 2 the t 4- 34 ��) ! London, England, 1.. 53 34 59 46 62 47 a7 44 58 ! j Valley of the Thorn." Here is the poeni: trig 5May 2.. 61 41 52 4.2. 73 50 50 40 70 47 63 47 51 86 06 44 67 5(l 60 E Down a blealc gorge r,h%re Doighburin5 bights 3.. 53 44 58 36 81 57 59 40 76 53 61 47 56 86 00 47 67 49 40 XJ1. t., •r,{ divide. 4.. 53 41 60 45 79 62 58 46 78 54 58 43 67 44 74 46 64 tib 56 41 41 1 ' I strayed alone one quiet, autumn day, Oh,y 8 5.. G3 44 58 45 62 53 70 53 69 54 5$ 45 00 47 50 40 07 48 66 80 '61 1 Between the lona;hills stretching far and wide, 9 6,1 M 49 46 56 44 >t,» �1ost desolate and gray. Eat 10 G.. 72 49 62 46 68 4$ G7 68 81 53 56 45 51 41 68 48 00 46 58 '� ! 7.. 83 60 o5 43 G2 58 63 48 60 51 61 50 57 4•� 1 ;�, netted copse, aro populous underwood j I Will 12 8.. 79 64 58 48 74 58 70 47 66 61 73 47 56 48 $1 58 61 44 52 -15 a• b� 1 :Made fair that desert pale and tempest-worn, ' 9.. 67 55 54 45 60. G4 G7 49 $2 54 "r(i 52 76 47 09 40 61 50.In 59 948 44 50 11 �.. i)�1 1 3 To 13 10.. G4 G1 52 44 66 49 65 49 83 63 81 58 64 49 69 57 146 0107 60 48 4t ItiL lint sulitiry in tine valley stood 14 r one twisted, wind-scourged thorn. 15 11.. G3 47 58 42 G4 44 G3 47 82 63 88 61 50 413 12.. 60 52 62 47 55 41 69 47 72 59 03 71 45 41 04 47 68 46 59 48 t To thl 16 13.. 63 40 G8 46 56 41 77 58 61 49 72 G7 51 40 02 48 08 49 1i8 48 •l1t Death-in-Life tlje Very seal and sign, 17 Illi.» oterilita.•s own self, I said, "}s here; Tot 18 14.. 05 45 74 50 56 41 73 57 60 47 70 G4 50 44 50 45 08 40 08 48 1t.. ' ! 'Midi dc,e,lation can compare with thine' 19 15.. G6 50 80 53 G1 4G 72 57 67 43 77 64 69 40 78 Oki 70 50 li6 54 S what solitude so Area r'. Toth! 2Q 16.. 60 48 80 59 67 49 75 61 78 51 60 G5 05 48 (i8 50 613 52 i 5 88 17.. 55 46 84 59 66 52 72 61 86 69 65 49 65 47 70 43 611 45 05 90 14„ 110 7 r 1 ttierless and fruitless, beaten by the blast, AnG 21 18.. G1 49 85 69 70 49 74 59 76 55 56 45 5(i 41 74 47 n 49 69 97 .. of 1 I:ecttt ul every iota•, Boor, tortured tree; 19.. 76 54 90 66 72 51 71 61 63 52 58 48 54 41 78 52 74 65 74 56 at N„ till E 'I'll,, art grown ol•i in grief, yet sure., at last, 00 Death's wind shall wither thee:" Is the 24 20•• 70 53 $6 62 56 49 71 61 76 65 60 51 68 47 68 G2 r73 55 74 50 2G 21.. 80 53 69 60 73 50 77 62 79 63 84 52 78 47 64 58 8.1 67 W 61 so U t nd as I tingere:l t leve a while, and dreamed It i 2@ 22-. 79 62 77 54 65 53 71 55 72 5fl 70 55 65 47 64 55 813 64 65 51i -tint day dtorp'l full of while, f;:tntasies, 2'r 23.. 64 47 68 53 75 48 66 50 77 61 89 55 65 51 61 50 $0 01 66 52 �' I* t Dim voif:e ansty.r u m f Id so it secmcrt- 'The S 2E 24.. 67 47 54 42 G3 G2 72 48 82 64 69 56 57 42 72 50 84 01 64 65 u11 A murmur d lite breeze. 2f 25.. 76 53 I62 45 72 56 72 58 94 67 73 56 57 48 77 54 82 61 64 54 �73 65 77 04f` 1 t Ant % 26.. 67 52 63 49 79 61 73 58 92 72 72 51 60 47 80 G8 06 64 82 5741111 sighed the voice from out the barren Avera 28.. 79 57 70 47 74 60 77 55 86 68 5 51 75 59 64 52 92 71 77 61 14 571 60 r) 72 68 68 5l)74 62 0 2 t thorn, No fa. . 47 74 55 77 G8 75 GO 80 G8 71 57 78 01 G4 4N' 89 � t •'Content am I and happy in my lot; Z9.. $0 G2 77 �„ � I Fnir.i my life to me and blithely borne Onl- 80.. 70 63 s9 55 64 54 75 5fl 70 G8 $4 54 67 52 r1 57 56 42 64 51 �'. Here. in this quiet al,ot• 31.. 68 49 84 60 56 52 86 59 78 68 85 6$ 74 G7 74 58 61 98 70 56 `_ 61 40 1 64 t " Ifs will the. lark sing;oft the mild 'test wind 40 Leaps a 66 5034 6G51 I67;a53� 7534510 8'', 093f,G3�161�445s 68161 07iti51 6`'13i48{i } Average 6750,, --_� , Ib t ring near the solemn soothing of the sea: 1. The (),ten the great clouds, white and purple-lined, 4+4 Gu wandering over me. h "91l the long rummer, at the twilight hour, your Date I feel the benediction of the dew; , Evt 1884. 1884' ltitiG, 1 watch the grt•at moon like a golden flower _ 1876. 1877, • 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882, _ Grow, in the dusky blue. � And I Uct. : - Date. ! 1 1 "Tho never springtide findeth me arrayed For In snow-white glory as my kinsfolk be, The sheep have sheltered 'heath my scanty shade, lige. 1 _1nd small birds built in me. I will -- 4 1 June 1.. 73 49 85 63 62 53 89 71 $5 61 78 04 72 56 70 67 06 60 78 613 + - "Once, long aan. batt' long I do forget, And 2.. 76 56 88 61 65 5G 86 68 64 48 70 57 69 52 i'1 48 74 61 73 C,ti I) I But many, many a ninon of sun and rain, ! 1 8.. 80 61 85 66 67 56 69 59 70 54 59 51 72 54 89 40 88 60 71 65 Two.lovers herr:beneath my branches met, Wberi i 4.. 83 66 81 66 70 54 72 60 73 56 68 48 76 67 81 66 87 65 71 55 Aye t. +tit W 11 I Anel vowed to meet again. And 11 5.. 73 62 73 64 76 40 79 62 71 59 74 58 66 55 88 60 lit 65 82 65 t! 411 � � 1; 6.. 70 58 G7 Gi 68 47 79 55 r8 61 70 54 72 54 8"i 1 So G2 77 58 >i IM t *They r•ttnte no Inure• but still I think of them 11 7.. 75 54 70 60 65 51 66 47 85 63 68 61 79 55 86 67 81 64 77 69 d. I46 t ever an,i o'er, so blithe they were and young, 1i 8.. 83 Go 77 Go 62 55 74 54 70 57 78 66 80 61 8o 06 $5 65 ki0 5i) And s9gh the, name He carted upon my stem, I And-t 1< g•• $2 85 7G 82 71 57 72 58 72 54 66 58 79 68 t7 06 78 08 li7 52 b.. Ib 3 The snatch of song She sung. V 10.. 85 64 77 63 60 51 84 60 s8 58 68 48 72 58 86 66 71 59 72 66 i• � � 1 And 11.. 83 67 69 58 62 49 83 67 76 61 64 60 77 ri$ 84 78 0z 66 76 50 N 1 t "I Cr PI the =ht Inv' of the wlhi s-wall's -wings, I 1! r 1 12.. 69 G2 71 55 70 G2 79 fib 89 68 GS 57 71 57 80 62 75 65 76 58 g•' >q 1 I heat tll: murmur of the heather h,ee9; And tl 11 13.. 74 64 74 59 75 54 79 65 85 6G 65 54 74 56 85 05 69 57 70 5li Illy days ate sk h with store of l.ticasant things II•• 11< i Ind happy memories." Com 1S 14.. 77 G3 80 61 77 57 74 GO 78 G5 G4 58 76 55 74 68 65 64 lig 06 ' 2( 15.. 78 60 88 63 77 57 83 65 69 60 7k 60 74 58 75 59 68 49 81 64 1$. 09 T will 18:. 71 80 75 G5 77 60 79 62 72 58 72 65 82 G6 71 68 82 50 91 64 it.. 00 45 1 Uft have I searched yon labyrinth frArlorn 2. t4.. 40 415 1 of harrr_n slopes and stony gorges ]tour, 2; 17.. 76 63 82 65 75 G3 G9 57 83 69 85 57 81 65 73 61 90 65 76 61 IS . 47 1 But chat se4uesterrri valley of the thorn, and 2; 18.. 75 67 79 64 "r0 60 72 53 80 G2 85 64 82 68 81 62 88 64 81 57 11l., 10 46 1 l0 1� I found it nevermore. 2A 19.. 80 67 89 65 80 57 70 56 $2 G3 85 fi4 83 00 81 62 88 62 81 li0 t ---. ------------ --------- "Ligh�ts mut." Where, 2! 20•• 76 66 74 62 82 61 72 55 87 64 77 65 74 50 80 68 88 89 84 61 !i � 21 21.. 77 65 75 57 75 62 76 59 87 65 75 58 75 60 "r7 64 02 69 80 (3)3 lil.. 40 W i• And 22,• 76 59 71 59 69 64 67 59 74 65 68 63 79 59 81 66 89 74 M 64 so t A MEMORIAL DAT MRAIOST. -- 21' . IND.. $4 21 2.3.. 80 60 69 53 72 59 82 60 80 GO 73 57 82 64 85 65 7 6 60 72 3Y1 I Tile sentry challenged at the open gate Doi 2i 24.. 80 65 78 54 72 60 85 66 92 68 74 53 88 68 83 67 83 65 80 69 .. 48 l "st'ho passed him by, because the hour was late: 31 25.. 87 69 84 64 78 63 79 65 90 73 73 59 91 72 77 66 83 65 $0 61 to.. ( 4{) "Halt) Who goes there'•' "A friend." "All's A'a°' d 81 26.. 92 70 87 66 83 84 82 64 90 73 74 81 87 68 72 67 04 64 78 64 {� C not 27.. 90 71 73 62 87 65 79 69 89 70 66 59 82 Gfi 68 68 78 57 78 84 yl„ 44 • well." Though Avera 28.. 89 73 71 60 86 70 88 71 90 72 88 60 81 66 80 64 77 59 74 67 S.. 48 41 "A friend, old mate." A friend's farewell, the 29.. "r5 72 72 59 86 72 81 67 89 71 88 68 79 6"f 80 68 78 (l0 82 60 �„ � so And I had passed the(tate; And notices-� 30.. 87 70 77 60_ 82 68 82 64 84 72 "r9 66 75 62 82 64 70 62 713 5t1J- And then the long,last notes were shed, desire W it s s v ,7 46 _ The shrilly clarion's echoes dead Average 79 63X t534G13 73158,E 77;081 80162/ 72 58 77,A60,4 783408 7B;G0� 77,Ali9 gyp„ f t TO Sf'e your fac And sounded sadly as I stood without steps nlghe - It Those last,sad notes of all; "Lights out." When Nature and some passing girl have each beg- AadIl (. "Lights out," You're young and buoyant, and for you Hope itowed a smile; 4 o beckons with her hands. T1s then,alas-ats I am blithe-a horror mesas my .� e Farewell, companions. e have,sidened shadows s side,past us And life spreads out a waveless sea that laps bu eye; it Watched hlst'ry's lengthhetropic strands; Mid awful smell and anguish'd yell,it White Ghost P glide. The world is all before your face,but let your mem- whizzes byl And worn the blue,and laughed at pain. ories turnThe C%wnpntxn at Prmin+tt, 1 And many a year has died. To where fond hearts still cherish you and loving Guppnse.I stroll up through the Park on a delicious 1 Frant the naltimare Amerr:(W13. And toil and hardship have we borne, bosoms y earn. day, The eampatgn yet in young,dear heart, I And followed where the flag has gone; And dun't amount to much: I But all the echoes answering round about i' T'o breathe a little ozone,and to watch the squirrels A lot of folks who think tltey'ro i�mAri No matter what your duties are nor what your: at play: Are te.11111a how the thing should inert-- f. Have bidden you to sleep: "Lights out." place in life, I hie me by a bosky dell,with asphalt under foot, The world Is full of sue-b. "Lights out." There's never been a time they'd not assume your' --That final touch to Nature.'s work our Park Boards alnays put And some a.11eaed authoritles load oY strife: , r 1 Are figuring majorities. And never more far me the baa net's Rash, tad shrunken shoulders, trembling hands, and But 1f I start to cross a road,back to the woods I fly; j e o The trumpet's summons. On. the crumbling ash forms racked by disease, I with tuneless toot a brainless brute drives b1s Red The campalan yet Iii younir,my dear, 3 Of life Is hope's fruition;fall Would bravely dare the grave to bring to you the Devil by! And no one known a.thtnsqr v The withered friendships,and they allAbout,lust how'twill go thh pearl of peace. The mystery'.'-n.4 delm T fearyear~ f s sire sleeping. bay by day Yes,snap your finger.at,my tale, and talk abou As to the early aprinjr. f The fabrics of our lives decay, So don't forget tine old folks, boys-they've not D.T.'s. tr And change unseen,and melt away- . forgotten you: You, who In some sequestered spot are atttlntr at 'Vet to a few localities r Though years have passed since youwere home,the b figuring pluralities. Aye,Perish like the accents of a call, They're 11 urin your ease; j ibe martial warnings from Life's grim redoubt old hearts stlil are true; But we are Metropolitan,with all that word implies, The campaign yet 1s youllir.and Oh. Like those last notes of all: "Lights out," And write them noir and then to bring the light And if our life looks more than sweet to your bucolic ITThe de 1'accrrsare n tim �well feel 's Lights out." Into the[*eyes, nl eyes, Or else weir.catlnfr lirapss of crow b -John R.Rathont,in Chicago Record-flerad4. And make-the world glow once again and bluer You simply show you're not in touch witn thk,do- And hearina t'others mmlrll T ------- ------- --- gleam the shies: ltghtfut town, D11tii]LI�.O:t15 Display. --Tennessee Par inas: Yet s;mnr,with terse vos°ahtalarv, F '"Don't you think- the Smithers are very purse- -- ---- -Where automobiles ohme you up so they can run Are making n g statements tablilary. YOU dotvtt. .--.Z{ss proud people?"said one woman. � tl "it ell." The campaign yet 13 young,fs young: answered the other,"I have noticed that HOW He Got It. 'Seer. Tt;s atlybndv'ts rare: a when any of them orders beef it's done in such a Binks-Queer that Charley Mohter could acquire "'Pell me what you eat at+d ,If tell you what you IV(-yet may tree*a triumph Ruga {' loud tone of voice that everybody tn the store can't such an automobile face. He never drives his are,"said the seer. By malty a cloating itrrman'a tonsgtae- ! help hearing it.'-Washington Star. 'Fite,tudga may art the piat•r! machine over eight tulles an hour. Thr,man told him vthat he ate. Jinks-,-I know,but he got 1t when his first month's "You're a blanked fool!"sold the seer. Tot R•hv should wr have blurs,whrn all rnt� bill for the repairs came in.-•Ctnctnnatd Cotnnterciad "Wouderfull Wonderful!"exclaimed the man.- Have figured we rant Insse at a)l' for Tr0urre. -- t Ike �a wm PHOpric, M^our Lauguage[u. allyall id o yh uluIDnssl n1 R g Ia. t On Rndlnt f Y1Imf 1 �. u........ n r uu rt-.. . ., ...1..,. [ ...•t..,..?'• a/•1-,1..1 .. caul Mr Palmer "lhic is all _ V Ta,lu'ramTnlu: c tanwd. :qui I 1870. 1107 1840. IA7U I119I. 1971. 19@ IWA. last. 1886. 'I 'MMPIORATURF,-Cnhttnued. r dm Irnln. ,gg % ,g yqt ,9 yg y ,g y p 19 79 ]E 7A I 7A !a !� 71 7� 5d I7� T7 IRM I 1%e. Ift. IBM. I ]881. I IBea-I 1888. ]NH ]X86. +'. - 4.:In.�.. W W W N as 70 86 W ^O N W % 88 % T7 W 711 W 7fl 61 11nLe, 58 ?l 76 ai '9 71 7A k I I % % %9 0' 9 . 711 N 79 N R5 71 W Oa 71 06 'i8 W tr W all W 76 61 % M laid. IBM. b.. ii % W 66 PR 71 7a % W % 77 N 7P W 1 W W W /0 W _- -I _--_- .,I. I . . C. 77 17 7T s7 73 05 P1 W OR 71 N al Rte W TU bA � W 7a 61 8 70 66 7d N 70 W 74 W 91 TS N1 W W N 79 011 81 08 70 W JWY 1.. IB 71 PT W W % M N W OB W M W N 78 Btl W 68 ro 61 W y g y g 7a 7P W 70 N % 79 79 N a.. N Ta 7Y W 87 W BI 89 79 A5 N Of 71 59 W 6A W 70 70 M18 Ak 71 A0 fl 0.. 74 67 74 88 7b lb 70 W 97 68 Ad N 71 AB % 70 W 71 T v0 tib 8.. 9t 78 ro W W 7 0 In ds as W W W 79 0.5 W W N 77 W 7 70 ro 88 c 1.. m Be N 66 ^I Ad i9 W '9 W RDI. I ; •111.r 9.. ro W W a 7L' 47 T4 W % W W 68 "t W iG W RO W 91 69 d.. W 7a sl W 91 71 B9 71 % 08 PS 08 T4 W W 7fl 81 R 47 8! M 9.. 78 W 70 47 6 69 71 05 N W TB M 70 W M W 41 59 NI M 6.. W 7 N W 91 70 ro 01 W N 81 09 N 49 as 71 77 07 at M 45 77 4tl W n[ I'xe 10.. BB W 79 60 TO 01 711 W % Ofl 77 % 71 68 1 W 47 N 78 W 65 0.. fay TO W N W ro 71 W 80 W N 70 T9 6T W ro fll M 711 05 . 18 MI E4 1 ,tie nnn-rwnna I r,.11t L. 41 N 78 AI 82 07 79 69 h0 T7 W N W 'M fie % 71 W hA 7.. X1 W 9A 80 BH s7 71 W W TO W 06 7M N W 76 70 W 79 01 ,1111 lA W Ss tn_ra..•arss nnn t,m 19.. W 67 7 N 7 67 N W hA ro L1 8 67 81 M 81 N 70 65 ° 8.. as Ad W N W 87 W N 89 71 To W 81 N ro W 7T W % N 88 16 W 86 aRK Dort lura• ]B.. 70 57 78 Al T W N W 'N BA 78 W W Of W 71 W i8 47 I 8.. N 77 85 W W % M % % W ro W B6 a0 70 6P 7Y W sl A7 48 UU b W ....i 'r•' shoed 'lu 14.. TI N W W 7e 67 M 67 ro W T 47 ? M 79 O4 06 W IW BI 10.. M 70 84 06 W 67 R 87 91 7Y 7a W % N ro W W tl8 W 70 87 Y8 M W I I 'I tn.ev I.l erourgrvl Inn n' 14.. 1 al 77 67 M1d W U a8 N N ro 67 3 W al W T1 fid N8 W 11.. W 79 84 70 N 70 84 W W 71 N1 86 W A as 6d W W 84 no e 10.. W 611 W W 1 54 70 118 79 t16 W W 7T 6a ro 06 79 W A AR 19.. 1I� 71 BD 07 78 W BB N W 6N 7J W 80 7n W M 91 A7 rU W % 80 M IN t nth h I.Itn it, t ry av,l end elf n, Te lot 17.. 71 he 77 W ro W � 60 ro W N W 77 W ro 81 W W 7U M 19.. M ro PM1 06 W W 79 Ate 88 73 85 W W 70 T9 A9 8a W ?a N 80 25 N t5t A9 20 ]4 It, a'1 ,. f 1 'ul, In Lem % u 1 Tot 18.. t3 N 71 W al W 1 D6 $A W 82 W 91 68 67 44 77pp 0a ro 66 14.. W TO W W W d6 W IW W 71 88 71 tl1 N W W ro tll ',n 68 49 98 N la .. rn yllh thlnux 10.. ri a8 W M W % 79 W W W % at W AT 70 67 91 As W W 111 16.. flA 78 W OB N % N 68 W 71 M % W % e4 W 71 W 81 65 a1 41 49 18 p- t •.roar. Toth+ 20.. 70 W 08 W 82 61 11 ad 77 68 a8 61 W TO al 69 7l % ro 68 18.. 8T 71 85 N 75 N 04 70 97 71 N 08 78 05 80 68 76 W a8 68 1 :ni r,:1 1 Ixetrn by the n1usL 91.. % % 67 W ro 65 68 W 77 06 74 01 2 07 70 de W ht 6P W 17.. W 6699 W 71 70 95 79 W re To 91 W 77 % 83 71 74 W N 74 40 86 89 10 ..l I: , at'n, l I'll, Ant 9Y.. 01 M Td J7 09 BM1 N 61 N W 7Y aB R et W W 78 W % 55 lP.. Ntl 79 Bf W W 71 tll N 81 % 71 57 W 70 81 N ro Be W 74 49 87 W W \ vi•I tn.ended. >wl urn vt Inst: a8,. 05 54 78 N W 49 1 W 67 61 88 s9 W a1 ail am 76 6" 61 45 IU.. 96 ro Ti 70 W TO 1A 0t tM N W 67 114 00 7T W Ts W a1 61 J6 W W 89 :rlli A what ahull whhrr Ih /I W 81 W 18 la til.. >w.. W 60 78 W W W 71 al % N W N T9 td % W 75 M % 411 >b.. W T4 ro N 81 70 ro W 7U % Na Ut Nil .1 7d N ro N W N W W M 11 1 ,•1 •; ,i.i'. .d d „ 9D.. 70 N 77 47 78 N W 40 78 N Or W 05 W W W .0 6A 78 W 91.. IU ro ro 70 81 71 ro N 70 N tl14 IW W W N N 85 al 90 78 61 tlG tB 11 1. L Q4.. N W 77 W 77 ON W W 3 N W W W m N I4 7Y W Tl 55 N.. W N W N to W W 06 74 W W N 7U W W 7U 86 M as 76 44 W 97 19 a7.. N 45 ro 03 W 611 05 W i8 h3 81 N 06 66 W d8 W W N a0 >n.. W as BI % ae N 89 as 74 All W N tl6 OS RA 7A BD W 88 71 W % ,W 0 1 n•,r i@.. W ten ro W 05 46 W 61 ?1 67 111 W 67 W 79 OD 91 W 111 9/.. ro W ItT 71 a1 06 M 70 ro % N8 a9 W W ro W W As Ot 7a 48 87 N 0 u W.. ro 411 7h N 60 61 W 66 % 69 ro W Oa 4fl W W l@ W T8 al W.. Til W W ad 91 el, TT tl6 B4 W 91 16 W 71 W Bb ro W W T8 !119 86 98 11 W.. O1 69 77 68 70 W 70 % 09 d0 N W 71 RI N W TR M % 08 W.. ro W U8 71 Rl d ro N W OR RI 9X N 7A W W T4 N W 70 40 89 W 17 Qf.. 77 68 H8 % w 71 W % W W 78 al N ro W W 71 N W W N 45 W to Lcw M. f , Arrr.tgr 78!GfaX 74!G54K 76 W56 7096%ef 787iWX BOIdNts 14%61)1170X50 79 Out T9;SWX 9a.. N W 7Yl W W 88 70 ro N W N N ro W W 71 ds W W W Il 98 W ::n n go.. 14 AT PN 70 TB 08 71 77 W Ti N W 71 ro s6 74 Be 81 711 y I n• 1. 1 I - - W.. ^5 65 14 TO W N de 79 W 6B 70 as 86 W 75 60 74 67 al 711 al 41 40 ail l'H E LAST JOINT 4 P p l q I. 1 It Ml i St . 07 al 81 70 W O1 89 79 84 114 74 61 70 08 70 54as 45 54 As 78 W 81 01 08 W 04 M I u,. II . , la•I imps - _--_- _ 41 ea 09 97 MT - -_____ - __.. _ --_--- Alamo ffil{W1( allies 1plf%XIN3d44X 84S(ABX W91MX 99yGWX BiIL46t4lroXNX Iet1a7 48 Be b48 e 41 FIELDS 1 11.1 t'he __- _ 1RG'7. 1878. 1878. IIBn. 1811. 1840 1888 1HN4. 1818. 6T 36 37 W 411 S 00 K COM PA rte v' ar iHc ------.- wxWX %x94}1 ; r'nnr ante. ,r1� �n ,late: pQ .I%I. ,tat. ,^p� pp .1%t. rpt ----- -- -- --- n - 1Ill I 1:.111 I 1 aI .Z A X A TI i0 A i! i6 r .h 1r1 1 �t ,,. TERRA 1 u . 1 nn1 118 u t n h. •r rice IB^8, 1877. IM. 11179 1919. 18Bh light. IBM. 18&1. I IAa6. - I-- - ---"- TRE . In nr to PV Mut. '. .SHA 1 art. 1 .'.til 45 74 07 W 111 W N M W 07 79 57 a1 49 M N 78 00 Dnto. J ,1 tf e 11.11.91111. An lrtn n1r.an ry.d Par 1� 45 7h W 8 W W W OB 41 r6 W ro 59 a 61 78 h9 N to ,g y a .g .E Y ,9 t� , 190.1. faW. tttn ahoy ae ra km f lh b, til 46 74 W 18 N a5 dl 67 M N W W N U5 48 68 W 74 W 7d •� % % 'Ua AA In Irl _- A!vr,AGEMEN'f do.{I1 L. 191 W 70 67 74 58 n W T W 78 40 W W 66 41 01 A8 71 51 -._ -_ ---------' •. 7 will G 6.'i W W 49 70 68 77 W Ol W 55 84 4 W 110 89 PI N N W 1.. PI 01 7D OB '1 M W B9 W W W N T Ail W 611 70 N NI 711 _ COMMENCINr, U.. 76 a8 W W N W 74 W % 61 0l 86 IB W 57 48 81 69 W 44 Apo' 9.- ro 64 70 00 95 65 W 79 W 67 91 W 74 W T9 W ro Oil N U ,gg 1 " .Ann 7. AA 46 0a 44 U6 48 6O 68 N 46 70 40 7 a W % 46 7a W ad 40 a.. 76 W N W 88 N aY 7a 78 W 88 07 W 66 W W T) W TT W 01 AY 1 6 T H 80 W a1 % N 75 W W 40 70 55 5 68 76 41 W W M 41 4., 76 65 Rd 117 85 W 88 AS 78 W ID 71 88 W 74 W ro W N U8 s]80 N 46 p'bu, 9.. N A7 TO 57 77 55 N An 09 W 70 56 74 W N 88 66 48 W 40 5.. 8A % W M 78 N 84 ON 77 69 91 TO 06 N 70 W 7A IB RI at � � � W .Ing in 4 49 % N % 61 ro W 71 W W 45 70 67 78 81 65 49 116 44 a.. 87 % 84 al 79 W 00 74 78 W N ^1 of 70 77 61 at W 79 al 48 85 W 88 I .. 11.. W JD N W W 4a 65 W 79 W 57 88 W 48 01 66 71 ad 1 51 W 70 N ro N 63 77 67 W 60 79 W 87 71 81 W 71 M `U A8 49 W W 34 - ' 'ONS MAY HE 12.. W 85 TO 47 W 49 78 W 75 08 W 45 05 46 W 57 4 IW 58 47 X.. 80 70 07 W 84 67 W 07 M 64 N 00 W 70 79 64 80 N 75 a1 45 84 51 W TER THURSDAY t7. 1 .1nA t 18.. a8 80 a,' 47 N 48 79 61 N 40 79 64 N. W N W 76 W N 49 R•• W 71 T9 71 W W 70 N 80 OR 02 W 84 70 W W TI N 76 m 47 82 EA 87 erre MAIL ORDERS, 14.. W 44 W 47 N 48 7a 58 64 45 N a 77 61 W 55 67 44 W 55 ) t0.. 89 W 85 W 78 70 76 N4 % 67 99 W N 70 ro 07 70 W W 6711 55 89 M19 A7 n[ abler Al'on"lnve In "The Two ICES. WILL BE I W W W 7 AT M1 61 M 78 N t O ELATION 48 T: 48 N 41 72 51 47 Be M s8 9 90 % ro 68 78 O8 27 Thane." f \nd ifi.. W NI 79 66 74 M W 11.. W OU a9 W f ..I Is.. iU A9 76 W 74 W 74 W 7 W 6a al W W W Be 61 W 56 49 18 ' 85 70 86 % W 97 as 65 78 OT 9A m 74 % gl 0.t 71 W ad 71 W 87 48 827 1 +.nn a 17 . Sa A11 W 49 75 W 74 06 IW 48 W W 67 til M eN % W W 710 ! 10 . M U W W 91 % 79 63 80 N W ai 84 W M N 81 N M 78 61 W 45 61 117 16 ro W W 61 7B M 71 W fib 40 % H 6t N 14.. W 71 9a U7 81 % 89 67 ro M 79 81 81 09 70 Of l8 N NI 70 5W1 40 44 all 'Scl Lu N 1 ,'gym 19.. 68 40 % Ni 41 4a 08 4a 61 AO BW1 (illhe teas W n 71 9 67 68 fA 16.. D 71 14 N 76 68 74 6T TJ U9 79 al 86 79 1 6A W N 70 50 E V I E V ail u a9 a m 4. as as mal r : le.. ea :9 ro a7 n W e9 ae r4 as ra hl 7a 79 en W ro s7 9l W W W as W E AN 9o.. tl] W 48 tee N D HER R I w11! 91.. N M IB 41 70 40 1 49 81 41 X) 40 59 ten 48 40 7a 61 M 45 17.. W % 81 W W W 77 W 74 58 67 85 87 71 ro 59 178 W Te N GIRLS 98., N W W 4O 7A 48 W W W W M 44 W 46 51 88 78 50 W 40 18.. T7 66 dl W 88 71 70 W 79 61 08 55 78 67 89 IB 01 % 84 ail W 41 48 W 11 ii Aod Q0„ p0 W O7 40 W M ro W W 4N (8 W as W 47 LL 07 N W 40 1 19.. 7n W R7 110 Pl Al 9D al TO 04 79 W 79 W 88 67 W 7O s8 a5 a8 48 41 W AN INTERVIEW WITH r e`' n, Rh M.. W a8 N 48 M 45 rs 85 DZ % % M W 48 W W 4P W 68 N 00.. tY1 04 % ON N W 75 M Ba as 81 09 79 W W 68 N 0 N 71 47 07 87 * ' 111 116.. W W O8 61 05 44 W RA N AB W 61 W 44 % 40 N 85 W W 71„ fl M tll 7O 88 W 77 N 91 7o tl0 45 81 W W 7Y M ro 78 a5 511 43 50 87 t!' 44Ligb'Gt Otlt..r4 A 96.. 58 W W 40 04 44 W 89 In � . % 49 70 48 59 48 OF 82 41 44 ! Its:: 78 a5 61 N 74 41 M W 08 71 fill M 70 N 81 7U M W W 78 M 4a W 48 Clara Morris 7 Y7.. 40 W atl W dl M f4 •10 W 4l W Be M 40 66 48 m 49 66 47 W„ 80 06 86 al 76 N M W BR ON PR W 70 04 % W Y9 67 7i 70 ail 45 Ai 41 - j G.. ro W W TU rte W ro W eo 7a a5 N 85 tl8 PA 68 4 61 W 67 W 97 70 42 A xta(anut.DAT pSYORT. pg„ d8 flay 66 4U m W W 47 ted 91 W W RT 46 115 49 61 W 6a fA 63 46 ro dtl \ . - eaeutry rhAROnted et tui open tarn D01 98.. 11 8{ N 6A 64 N 6/ 46 51 48 N 58 W t10 N W 4O 48 W M 90., Pf N W 79 '9 M 71 49 86 06 74 W 81 e4 81 68 UN aN 79 f9 011 W lB W DeAartd III a by. Durso. the hour war late; W.. ae 86 0] d9 N 46 68 M W no W W At 56 04 W 61 99 W 811 I a0,• s9 O7 W 0 7!1 W Otl OO ro W al W ro % 81 01 T9 W % ba 68 W 01 00 Gft1f2'ff7le the affection and devotion of my girls. a1Ll tvho IYnx. A At. 140 91 0A 4I GB W 18 N W 41 W W 61 A9 nil 41 40 4R 59 84 T9 OR 73 58 77 69 78 O1 TO 00 W W Q5 61 Qoen Warol" "A friend." "AII'e An, __ ___ __ _ _ Ei.. 77 01 W % 77 Ol W 47 73 68 well," 1tm,rp .1vlrat 11.Y hdlg 6 aA- W3,4U}y Olt>f68Y 0.9 9US Otl W W582'3 al MGt_'65 iWy, k ' 211.. 79 67 R9 W 70 W 7N 67 W d6 W Al T4 a0 4�d W T7 0 QI 98 7a as 'e upon the Who are Ill}' girls? Why, they are the blend. old mate." A frlrod's tarerNl, toe - I-- - � 62 4 W.. 7U N 0a 79 76 OS N W yi Un W W 111 W 69 40 M 43 nce Of six I -43Rd I hatl Ilaheed tUe este: W.. 85 W 84 1 81 W 82 68 71 a9 lV W TN IN) 2 in Yn 06 '1 an W 45 W W young prisoners of the French Reform- g 1 ins then a atwore[Red. And n lap al ong Vepua t puller m 81.. 81 07 N is ro 87 85 00 T4 W 09 65 7O W NI al W W ai W M 40 W 40 Udall n)elo- atony, over which Sister . 7,81 57 •Lu A; 115 GerlfTllf71f pie- t� desire non nwnt, 'I - pp W 711 - 9a1pRF:RAJ365x 79?,NJQ 7v a5{ 7exdi has been sides. These girls are as real to me in '1'be ahrlltY narlon'r ertnora dead: To soe your Innen once.,.to and baa�Thur feel. owl wenn It.eema W me that life to tery %Wl W 14 AverWlP "' 19a13A78/ 7DX6bX btjf 78 39 70 lerienCe In g P :baa. G And hounded redlY a I stand without atelia partner. wblle: - _ T Tbann tale;And nota Of '7,I[ba out.- uN telt; WyR9S 6/ ffi1 M1459WS11 05'y4n$ RllyWsl their sorrows and mlSfOrtLIDCS as 1S the I When Natant and mor.allot gen nATe anon bot ��Aea.tego�WxanX�n7ya.4o�, w r�4d al1;aN;sl• 111 through spiritual motherhood of Sister Gette- 5 " 'L1[ba out. You're Young onow and bnnyant. and tm ,0a Repel en.a osour: ..._ ^ hMkona with Ler 11a.uda, Ta,pen,eiM-tie 1 am bUMe-a horror OIOK - 1 s FanwNl. onmpsnlsps- We have.rids by tlAe. 1T1011e Ej1I '%` J•--..:__ _ -i' r."n. Vf*Wbed hist'rya lengthened AlMdowa Pat w And mp astmd out a wnvelae nes lMt]spa DD .IMI - _ tnMn atrandA: NIA awpll smell and enR'9ab'd yeR,a 38hga The fullmt mg is til A elmroh5'ard near ' Aldo. The rand Man befdn aur tare,but let I'r I.:n F „ y year mem. wDI4W Lr! PlymtuLh, Enddud. o..n.. man And won The alae,end Ihn1hM at Daln once turn 7be Onmpaltn et 1'rtwapt. J�1-"• I 1 AAA map,a rear b t diad. To where food hrefW 11111 eheriah yw sod loom � ' Pram the II lllroll"AmArlmn. •Ilwbpro Ilan a yi W S,NMI wApptMs T atoll tip WnuRb We Part on n dNlvlew Wla tltrlY7t WAS,ti1Yf4. Th And loll and wed Whom the U has Dome, bPeama 3'eam. day. 9 41ld dpNra yea 11 nt-to u d. Dean, II III devil In a I; ,tun followed when the MR bra fml0; l od don't oma lot en much: hpfwt - -- tn bMY We•little OdOnn,and<o toiled Tha p9hfpk \hat of fake who think thea"re loan W4tore 71eiP,T'lpd'huL.tllrerl. TE y I. 'n rt ed*,Fw i TMntinq,+rn�.^--- r Flus all the Aiwa pnnwetlnt round afoot No matter what goer duties an nor what Imar1 at play: A"lellinr how the thingp almuld'Man ae 'O 1 d of the oln home 114YA! AM f wapdrou4 upm roar bunk' I blood., yon to deop: 'Lltnb On{.` Tan World la foul or auOU. Her Months na dih c wronr, O el a Dr4r ulo Aon w 1 to tae sDienil d. VHO "Llfbta a t. plane le Ilan. 1 1 ilk ma Al whelp)•Nal with work t Peak Saps rr:1 piN g0iag 41 m'G hr p OA.lbe pray r .� �n;:n Tke old- , Tharob never l.en n poo they'd not aname year -Thal 9n.Y louub n Nunrr'n wort our lMd RAaN[ W Ithi Wilt daA n the IPlaa. eIa ke' And Homo cllr[ml nutheHtln t- WBme y�y' tnmUnlTpW aha Man+ ..,:•nx tl pelt LW of aroma eta Obs IwyO of etriln: alweva Dut- -Yat wt7, plt!•Q,-aOr;Agk`IAR' ''O It and a.r: wfiNt J I An dguring M.DrUlea. Po. Y GS'. ,and Mr pap n Aad never more for me lila bey'net•a Cash. Avd aAronken shoutdera, tmm�llut h4ntlA Wd! But 111 sten v,crus a road,bank to till wattle I Ay;�• 4M. Irl 1 rumpet'n sumumm. on, Ills aNmbllag sob forma mcgad by dleeans, With nmcle"tont a uulnlest unite drfiror his ed The campaign Yet In Voting,my deer. .bot Ove77thihlf there 11 C O , .3l d alt[sour W4 mug Alto Ohsntr.. ..r Aad brNthalt m Invnettoe Dut .pard matte �) ill Ilia m hope Prolan:fail 111 And no one know.a Mm b ev.MaI[spell mmgi►ad ant. P W Id futilely darn the Qrave to bring to you the: Devil by; [[ ;7:eM(tLlrm lot wleDM. �' ya 0 Oh lh Am apuNs Indicte1 else Y the.Ahmed Iorud,nirm and IhaY ell - A 4LJUat how to th1.year- ti As mm pearl of pease e m�(r�ry'n m deep.l tear, T,�'When the) don't dd'._ ,p tf dead '1114 good- tm)m are [Mot. lop We toll 11 Am Nedpinr. Lay' by der 'r" - i kbe T't1.dM1!n)lb unship � O \ And Mo could,df 1100111% he0nd posh ��aq.r Yn.HMV enur OnRen a .ny' oak. and IaIM plan Ae m Bm'IY aPTing. 1 tf4a4etl lung In old lidos O66'el The M,,kV! ypllea of`home mode^will,tilt f 'fur fen'Ira of our Ilvm tleeq. 1 don't target the old folks, bele-thty'r, a D.7'r, -191 n0 Y hOre loud.PnthoinF !_ p, I of iafi lntreonl Aad rhanYr (last•en,and mall away- `l' Initiated tolub r.",who In enme H enalrt a Schur're 1(Iw IOnalltn[ WGII :,Iwp)'n Iltt ThuQtny� �}�; •� . rinn,un mA T71d pNaYl.p awolPn[ IIII It10 Toa Placa Of broad e1M bntnr teal wbaWp i�- t,, A}n,Pe'I•b Ilk.Mn n•ecnla o1 a rN1, a r d loot as Mllipg Y TgOY}6 fUrmt PlunUtlee. Ii 4 tMD z span 3euroftpnita®ed alnee yepwere home. Your sew: But. hollow no %of,. to . "117 "n astbp :mlet; hood boon 1-Ike ranrtlal warnings from LRe•e grim metal old bra frkolt an Into; Rut we an MM.ropnlD4a,with all test word Im911er. !Thi eamp4lgn yN la yronn¢.MIA Oh. I'fl tet oder[of the elnaln Y, 'O 117 Holy a(wpnw'4 AIT' "Oleg train I he bleseerl Abu Alled the void thAO demoted In Me At Like `hone last nates of at "Llahb out." And want �-ppw and Men to bring the hold Andlfuuriafe lecke Inns ntanawad to yourtum0a ' The Aern 6ugpen.a well feel DOWL rdmT, for me tbw,R g! �} 1_P L t4W¢plul a gd',RQ6 vauUhc A, f�r 1'enhn And, .btu urlsa faWyl yea wen m fmf s' "Wthte out.' 1170 1Y Veto.-it 11141"l IIrow I'miIngturth Ar.FherInr: JS to �r7T` NMl Into�r�w�.;r5✓- A rYta, �_K, -John R_Hethvna In L'htenpo lb_esM-!brad And rid glow once again and bluer ynu aim a show you'll not]n Want,woth this do, And hearin vothrry I ad{RO'ilitl , 'have rn e.• the 1 Who Dema-made bread wu tenth{Ia ups - - RI4em 7DI7 aYd4q h ptful town. D y For over pard rag � �.ffi y^'. 'r a an you' Deal' Ltlx11r10tus Display. _rw MMs4 pe N: f ret enme.auto ten.vonabularv, .'^ tt .S J I'rl AI�.La u 4W wn cx:, ___ _ - peen Automoblirt.aha.m Youu wMe pan run Are makln 84dr.menla Wbulnry. eUs4 -----^'_f5- $upi Nglklat, C mad 'o IWrNmD was alwga5akx.And Its mpg,trA4 "Don't you thinktheamttkers are vers punrt t - _ 'L,�..,_ns _�_ h, �, w p 1 ' Id._ i1'. ,. 1'.rn-,r Yaure ume awed mSnJtn It(but ni nnn sown. -Lt({.,_. cc G n proud DOODIewred Pan wanton. Then an,lonyet Is young.Ir Young: 1 17 IL Terry is 7rialCltlg 41' sid, '$p B7'IxI. anmodl. ,warWN[ "1rNl:"answered the other,`[Uarr notlOeq That IIS W $C (iOt It. Beer. It•e ,may u. n are . h• n4 of Theo =Lknt march 4lf Dr9w a buHr o1v A' when auY of them wean beef It's 40M In slob 4 .TAR aur what Wenn;nYa.sar n,Hlum Pfi Rung 'DYOP his place Ori 101t01E6�p E-Lo-ii ,Haw 'coed o old lgOpltp. wbrr. .I:: :.e vvrht such obit[LMey,so nm rdr ve& his you rat laid 171 toll you runt you p).man n Inning tem" fonroe- ,...0 E f 3 m Nee Wed.. Ida mea'"' d1 IortQ lose OS agl0e Mu everl4mdYln Ina Aten em't euoh m automobile feta. Tfe nevni drlwe hl, are."nnlq thv neer. TDA Judgv.may get Lot ro,"l If '!er+l .-w91 110 fitted top ln. ".�agTy)y 1 -- -- god Mss somfid,b7 60 rayprten ,'1„ n, nsr a I The 4600.mMe bp/.So longer Cacao 66'' 11 hNp'lmeratt It:•-IVOAaMYton Sfv. _Mbbme over eight miles m hour. '1 he men told nim what he all. I1L, I111d.110 a4'a/i111yyy1 q0.�t11Q111 "I pp tJsp• bulb[lar- W wb tAst - - - - - - Jlpka-•I knew,but he Irmit when ills Orta arca M'S? "you'll,4 hankod load"sald the weer. H Mfr ehtntA web6rti ltiurn.When all . �t�1� '4lj(g-bYd6 UtQ. A tS�S 3nlYf SQ W, ,( .r�we.d oftMwRRtO \, ^q'Owlerrul! Munderinl!"reel Ahmed MO man Agnelli ort ran'LIOw+M all• - 1: 0_Q_F_ � p "+w lam Mail M[I fDr We mDa1.R tl411ur Int.-Afdoklnolf Callmarcbt% _ Lot _.__.- - �4p�pn to r We -_ tea syn haled 1=a Of r;god aW4 ,w n - ygot ,n. u,e ett xopd<. : our LauffYSt4A. ; ... _ - . New.we"a man au[OEna"own. g00t1101d•Lt6t01'0` A880g18`100 .. utt.l L r n 11-! n ul a' dnv kould I wetted Dina You WOMaO he'd cat h➢.MOFA- .. .. -.., ..,•-. •.f ,,.x,.,,.p i l n 1 slid Tvtr f 11111Pr II 1 t n'• I 1 i, " :. rl,•,. throdtb the MIN elbhtlY pim[n TEMPP:B.AT1JR4'' l.'ord/sued.. "-1'"' uc Ic nl,mole wttf.. {ride In s O""A Drove And-nape.nor even fuel 4 elegant 't l:•., r m r. , 1 .,. I'll i. Avothe1 thing: OUPPom,although „ - u• all : F h,,-l,l )' r n r 'h the rlourLr and IncVale. �- '+ v: rah, t Ile pushed Nle Pali mastbnaeq through, 1(if6 Ilii T. 1878. 1M. I van. , ]9D. 1881. I 1&WY. ' tad it. I ru 'n l adv dote,and the l-ted of IlaVol,all he'd have A shouth —'—.—--I--— r f. -TOI ill 1 16 1 1 \ / PIPnm LIneC. , - - nl. Oil An,wvr In b.nl'Clllul; f01' Ill Ih tl' ,6: Il Irl 1 {,VIII Ip nam a eUddeh Lnm Peri IIIoY[A? � �_I - ----t j quoted YOU rnny I:o L n u,lal +' ihrr 1 In I vk"IIII• tem.evherunfold In rot'boyril, _ -- .Fli—+AJ 891 mA I !ur Tbeu Nke a man who would at el[ht _ _ __— --- - r UYe .purls Ot raft dl li r,.r.e. Ih" Ir- I pl- :, no' Im h.is h•n n. with n murmur of Oe henee m home Ideal"19114 ,Nov, l.. IW 47 I5T 49 10 ffi •0 84 'S4 90 60 1111 ^J W 61 49 .D7 43 lig 85 tong to r Iaont Iv trahv al R. I nun ofIll.,!,,.t Ile mule not wknebwU'trvl[ht-- 9 "8 DU dA IB An 87 44 8 1:5 W W 69 61 ffi d7 87 60 49 58 4$ 9 iAR4. I 1f1g5. Lon d a 11 1 u0und, III I f I. of w-0l h 1' 'rl,, If. t ,hod 11 r ill's:I Store.EVu 11th tent. The bet express bol roan that ael[ht' 8.. 411 48 50 89 61 38 40 81 A7 40 61 40 51 84 61 ffi 65 88 W 88 Valley )f th, 9'hori 11 t le II. I m' yrl:f 4 , AO 43 151 85 47 W 39 W 01 47 49 88 6U W 60 W 59 45 Sl 41 76 Ad D Rx' hl alter I'•:I In m) drrnma: and he dlr4 m F114 IntlIN00on known rap howdel 5•. A7 66 yy gy W W 61 66 5T W Jtl ffi d6 4i 6l 80 05 4M1 74 01 9 8 Noun faint.de y-ou aupDnse he'd awonndl 0.. D4 AB 50 Be 41 IPI 44 80 M M l0 47 48 89 68 48 44 Aft 67 W 70 6B k 7A 1 llvl I Of din you tbink aa'd worn YP[rodndn 7.. 65 49 DD 89 46 8a M ffi W Iq a W 47 41 W W 47 9I 1X1 W lg U4 •-- [R D•tM �I I i1.11d l+1 ': p i On Y I I i tend ou bnolm.the bmka that hon DS Width w have the MliM d P¢Lund) A_ M 4 154 44 - W 89 168 W 55 8R &1 W 70 4l M 88 66 87 65 65 BI ffi 31 6 47 81 retma•:D tl I 1 hH t I a I" sed Phis. 'FII nu N-.' D.. 60 49 TO 56 d8 80 i4 61 dl i0 atl 55 Ol 48 to AO 47 an 56 45 78 As 25 17 40 W ns ?Inv. d.e•-1 de , t a F at tlh D of an nbavnct truth nnA mu' [R.Mxeaouw parte•,1 of nnf¢: \nut.hike u Iamb led to the nbu[hts r-- 1U.. 47 40 56 ffi W W 116 54 50 46 M ea M 9s 50 50 68 0Pi Rt 4fl 77 115 W ]fl W 14 I N.: sour I t •" Y t !.,. 1 r i t rill r,1 eel. h tor, nl tttr•room who nhugs 4s Hxa Oe the twat Agnate far laughter! 11.. 47 88 48 84 M 88 55 47 66 61 54 W 01 68 0 47 55 AS An 45 tll 89 t0 W N7 66 W 18(17 IA 15 60 84 pRK Ned• r Ir ❑ I i I I t i_u l:. ,acro. hr drhry '10 49 Ill do Hw §�lu y u r v;u I 1 711 tint,111101.h Inllnite Inrn and the Ged alas,, or ebould Msob.as told mmbsaYgbur. IB M 4 157 4 M W 78 50 18 54 88 58 45 73 47 55 An 60 41 10 40 N ffid 54 88 IPI W A6 To 48 110 W W sit. wl«Pd. 1 nuxd a - u. 'sit InA nu MdtUoth him oa melougnenauthtnrl 14.. A9 44 60 S9 4B 86 IW d7 W 8A 68 W b ffi I47 W 61 W 69 W µl t0 8i YB 84 ffi (� And abould s Mart-law person Plead 15.. 46 W 64 44 49 89 70 5S 44 88 48 811 61 BIS W flit a 41 M 88 111 64 87 841 B4 18 �C •,ll tiemhb io Lit,, II u q xtfl el d end. To shot Ic1 urfm EIADVe God whin cobs the mean, O,as to battle toy his bead? 1A., AO 98 164 54 Al 97 A9 48 49 84 48 88 N im 84 19 56 48 45 89 78 IW 83 26 88 A dnerllly r, " 9r t m n rl-: m 111 d - re or mining,when You strike a lead, 17. 1 49 Sir 61 48 60 43 OU 18 Al 80 AS W W 8n W 09 60 49 AS 87 75 68 ffi 05 IIT YO honor a IeuP.O 'nn Eu las I'll L4tEF:-! To th.t Intel I Im V Poet who roevhro the low what portion of the ort hl he'll I IA.. 48 87 161 84 48 48 49 8r 48 97 9D 51 4L 80 150 81 89 81 57 UII µt 6R 18 89 8Y 16 Nhw. ultnM 'it"ll: .Ire. IB..I 46 W 44 8[ 57 48 40 8d 88 W W. 47 80 W 57 fly N W W 85 4X 6H 60 41 48 18 loth.\¢ arrwlov res eha unrltl wilhngarnledt t rr. a. r s anA in ill r b r rl ' b+1x6 sf wand rtnl hours, a!Ael Iron)this theme i must year. W.. 47 49 48 98 50 48 ffi W W 91 46 811 44 47 1613 W 44 84 46 89 1, ,4 •S 86 A0 ]0 { And h••IAn In ti In hnnA Ilia tLrmAn the nntlanmlca 1 91.. 61 d0 41 W 68 da W 19 88 W de ffi 45 W W W d8 811 49 716 116 ^4 98 87 W W Le,,:lt . ) t::.. tlruil rd t 'rho')rou IMYehm PLItNr teat. I W.. 48 W W ffi A5 W ffi al all 14 44 80 47 >CB 08 54 58 84 45 86 W IW 46 84 W W Il,at ;ut §f tw1 Al bud 1 or90 t •...... ,f Iaut, Of Imp' Anti let the MUan pall-nouns hese 1 Drain wind /mi Phht a n la the arlth nI the rdnol tin alnmle and arrow an >B.. dN ffi 59 /i JT 41 DD 81 W IB 4 8d 60 ffi M DB O7 4A 47 IliSB On IW AD I W 't`he tattered remnants to the rear, y4., 44 84 50 N A4 B7 49 W ffi IT 4l l7l 4t 87 At db ffi 94 44 86 1x1 A 50 W W 11 lltls? .\h w<IJ. {'tete what 1'vT snW RO I<A+sn{mora 10.. 45 1 AO M N 49 89 >16 94 1 B5 f� 49 85 61 48 40 87 d4 W 118 7fi 61 116 P(I 11 1-d xn 1 IInC I tsr "On"inn I ) -1:•d II in anally ro narrow• se Saurn wbe daub and To nW(Mj make your'Idle noun: go 15 9d D7 61 A7 l0 8i W W 48 f9 8? W 47 M) 49 80 An &5 Ni 1 48 ]4 m 'A"'i"m 19,11 f In- seal i I pluatrr 11th o),w �44p 1 -\ Lew v r ,1 m r a , n nr,en I- THo ¢binLa• mlrnmr of hrevmh the ahaUowl' mgr. to last,lie elblert na1Y-�oorn'- W.. 89 W 64 4B 37 88 4B D6 86 W 160 86 W 88 4t1 87 48 yB Al 88 µl •� 44 87 W 9 I t mu mor v,n la t I I. tern el b,l', 'rhla wnntlroue Oelangni•en ut pool >6.. 48 89 M18 48 117 W 68 48 83 3a 47 N1 ffi 96 47 ffi 50 40 4y >m pa fry, 4N 87 yR 8 _ And Mm im Ifo dnrN de«P rlalnn,If It,rete to be -DMrlmare Newt_ 2, 41 W 47 84 % W 57 89 46 BY 61 4 58 8T 86 9a 47 84 4A Sl pp 7g 5U ffi 88 11 "Say, eleMd the vL:, from out tun ben„n' Iramxdnhb llm_ - - - At 8A 11 4 W 48 51 88 W 57 W IW B7 W 46 46 81 W 81 48 85 Al 0.y 49 N8 W 17 LEW M. FIELDS thnrr Tho Dark NIATWIt'9601. 64 441 A 88 00 18 optsm m 1 O+d hullo In fav IA. Sit IMeh I bnYl aTahei you,no tact to free",Vote y Av 66!4813415tJf80t6 5t R7•i w6kWYx 4ASi8D9i 5a1tfW# 4By4ffi141 81 8PS4 5DS4ffiA� a84t811� 84 41 446 W 1' From the Lst Ann,111 Hero!1 I eraRu l Palr.lr my lit. to 1nf ..I ll 11 y 1e,.'V, sAter6; _ THE LA`. 1 PINT APPEARANCE OF t hero. In tilt. quiet rl I Old,the audio.yon Vaught me to weld In the Arm 11 this b the xnU¢of th awn Who'll tlnlnrll µl 4 M 45 54 84 l; of poOlh AIIdaYhtarol mlideak; -- — W W 54 RI �� "Un will the lurk slug ft the n,ilJ Peet elan' lxma m mY bxnd Uke the Another award of nine- Who,"i-eltarm`ovcr n Ly I, mmaglit - ___ NIMtlf 61 W ffi C7 ,.l FIELDS Ibµu7 n ar 1hu mlemn wcllving of th,. rn 1 Ven hundr<U Pram. Asnurna@a altou¢Nta'luu. ----- f8 9y 48 88 ulttgl eb. great aoudw .1111 n and mlrplu-Iln,a. The award of the Lith Ood'.aeawA,0 FuAAA* ",a hit ell"And 1110 xunon"a are ant for mm, - - IT 81 AS 84 1711 wo Mrrmg ovcr ale, what 1"truth, T6a ak9 amore hrxrsel 1ar6. III 187tt lµ70. i lNlo,_I lival_ ]flied. 1888_ INBI. 18X6. AIR STOCK COMPANY AT T'R E 1lThI arldtn trindx'mid glen N6ding sheet, 14S(ffi35 R7SJWj{ a Your Nurbter as 4Uhed man brats than ser 'rlamu[b W at lho dill,dull day' - --- "All llln Itn6 Patten'. rot the 11'ulglst Maur. i. waN lemed arllb arynNa. Y Ute' I i4 d q •9 ,� TERDAM [ ftled the 1 nrdllthin of the d.w; �' 8ealInksot the an when bUhendew"rn hard, ?9 777111 R $ 19 Imo' I watch tl- gnat team Ilk,. n mWrn nnwm Bref you Pap new mttery.end tarp she 010 t0 --.— _- 1�' Crow. hr rho D, like Glut. I the wail: III from like t�b bolt'if Steel: - --_ _---48—PA _-41-11-141 _— __ . And marc Mao blood b Iat la sbe weary A A of lir tio,v. t tl , I. 1 v hW olhn Ilmbn made TRE e Paean: (molt II n t n i w 't -I' U,w. 1.. 91 1.t 8_ 9 49 ffi 4A 11 41 W 1 A8 43 49 98 W W 48 89 W 68 •Tho na er corkatide 6ndelll ter arrnY'd Pa(croedr are many: but(kit u One.and mA 110 ihl tit" 1 1 11,1,1 his oa'n y-. W 18 ffi W 58 85 58 88 41 8R 61 W 48 9:9 44 8/ 41 88 46 88 1884, 1895. 1 NGAGEId i I. 10 at story W my k11wfolk tel {blas lh.m xll. In 1, r �lt u I -In - 8.. W W 80 87 48 BB 65 W •40 81 '411 87 W 18 ffi 95 44 88 45 88 __ Tlin.:aheop bmca eheltb0d 'Hath my ncontl',hada 'til,-n a 01,1i"111011 Ihnl Aeloquel antes J l7 W 42 80 48 Ap A9 40 48 W 41 80 89 1A 45 W R 89 dT A7 �DMMF.Nt-I:: And small bled, built In me. I will W bank to MY home end look at thew "Ia '•In Is Lim nal o> t tut 6.. dl W 69 40 ffi 80 47 88 611 W IU 17 48 7U W 88 1,64 tlll ti4 18 bowery, 0.. W 94 48 88 40 W 50 41 W W 47 86 58 40 52 88 58 W 85 Y8 1 ffi 76 AY 16 T H '•inflow. June ago,.How lona 1 do burger, And hmr from the.&"Ill.cable the sweet old Vie ill t u) r 1•.r it i xhl brawn y,- 48 06 40 118 4t 90 36 45 30 W 45 87 46 15 51 86 l0 40 80 15 T7 as AU - Hut an" , many a men of aOn sad Nth, hvmytr in He t \ 1 Ii +IIx R M- Then,IDIN hel'e.italeatk my Atwnuhrn met, WIlare Chrlat AnWs nut Bos arms IP the quiet"an. y1r thu t ft t1 dn>'s u r h I'1 I•n bnwhftl. 8.. >p 17 46 Al- 88 88 56 44 87 16 W 61 B5 11 W 4N 88 86 ]4 p4A 66 SI 88 61 46 g AHA vawe8 {o.meet again. inrt huaru, ,wA sit h - II ,: ft > m 1 r k; 0.. W 8 :IR 80 4S 81 I be W 96 14 'JB 89 W ]A AT a8 W 84 W ffi ITS 61 W 9A 5y 84 And the hoar of the ohaPel pnrvhm broads Op the 1{.thlnLa w 01- Ir Ina t ),Intl:.111( 16.. 18-8 41 88 69 45 56 W 17 lU 41 an S7 '9T AT IB 40 89 W 88 170 68 t3 ffi OR 88 '"191ry eaten nn more. tNl atilt 1 tAlnk rot {hem pone<ful bee. tell Pn Itl 1 rd o1 (Irl 1 11.. 01 la 47 a8 44 88 5o 48 94 D iffi 3A W 81 W Ai W 87 8N W .i7, 5f I4 W 60 R4 IEA UR kr. Pv ,and err, en h1Ohe th^r wrrr and Soong, '1'hgn re w ,r nvalitV aw Ilab Uy fun:l 11.. 89 10 54 ea W B4 H 8U W W 44 W S7 98 46 ffi 48 84 48 ffi 70 51 15 85 51 BD TCR L OADE S Aad tegh.ehe name Hr 'nrsed alma nut naw, I And there 1 aliail hear mem Denying the deep old q'b:.1 n llolned In tjo-nu&("I'df'k. Ia.. 40 A) 66 87 41 81 119 98 41 81 160 40 48 30 49 81 88 M N W 181 65 47 89 a8 87 orri. MAIL ORDERS Tiw «nal h of rung SIO, um:n. 1 them Pms«ra, 14.. 49 W W 89 W 81 44 80 48 81 66 44 4 W 68 49 85 17 69 88 184 71 5A a9 63 87 Nblsr Oxnevleve In ••Tho Tsvo ICES,A WELL Rt fe¢ And ther< Ishalt me.once more, the tend Old Omnu In lir lt••Id,rvuh tN.hn or rlieglt. 16'. 42 32 61 89 41 88 147 ffi 45 a4 ,44 W 80 ffi 48 18 M 84 W W -'R/ 1 54 W 64 8U OrPhnna^ t ATTENTION -� "t.teal 1Ef el mlo¢v of tL= olid shoe n'. wl gr. fnitA steles-seC ,r, site l lull a Iu1w 10.. 4 5 58 49 ffi 85 M W aD 9D M W W I9 W ]I Jit ✓ly 4A 8y48 27 ° "`- 1Mar Hie mnnnor f II h vxt Vetie, thou; 'Aad 4hr aloe nuc a1d 11aAe m thNr tuna seHe 6w ,Senn f m ) F l h rod.d lob 17.. 10 8 58 8B 87 M /5 81 89 W ''m 3B ffi W I)B /0 W W W 9! 184 TO S7 86 HI �7 My data An ,7th wish of r uO..aw, Ill Re •00 a blind man hears.- L.:, tl r t ...l i u A. t8.. 87 it 49 81 85 L7 81 MI 83 y0 AO 83 39 &A W 15 W 18 41 &t 46 66 65 W all N 48 44 98 v3� LILLIAN RUSSELL 1 And h 1rY mrmorke' �. GbmeunMNn.YsweeTlandIwillal.MeDAR tl:rn n rl -l0 1_ N.. 4nM1 10.. M 10 49 84 M 8d '85 AO ffi 4) fi0 ffi aN SN 4 9A IIT 1 J9 95 EVIEV 11uf lu In w. r4, , l,! W.. 97 10 61 W 84 W 141 91 &a W 48 N 87 8y W 8D IR 1 ffi W NI fA 311 W 46 W. E AND HER GIRLS - 1 I OIL Nova l u3lyd son 1 IJrtnth•f rt,h 'f will on hgak aad baUevA lin the Aap 014 bullish You wr.l r r ( )dv I' the 1'prx an.l•:uv ft.. yp 18 41 81 48 W AS 18 88 W 148 W 88 a1 89 24 n0 11 48 35 Of m69 dt ,Ig Ad or mrT<n 1 I`« ah•1 of I Add -h d o l 1 1 1 Lu 844 n1 ,u.nurl•ra •n till rni Il,o lit•,n, And o•ePav t ewmi'did prnYery that l learned al 99.• 8n 15 51 ffi JB 17 e9 18 ffi 99 '54 W. aB ffi W 18 1 4d ✓38 411 84 n y motApaeSW P$04 88 Ifs a8 d7 47 Iq 1 f t t:1. m n --;Where Inn Wbl)at colla IN pueae thro'tne breath. 1nu1 r ':i I i I .r. ) man, n8.. 89 19 47 89 81 7T 41 84 48 10 157 81 4s 87 14 4 186 W 65 Of f 1W D 5 A7 AN INTERVIEW WITH , 5," l lu Ihl;1111' YA.. W 16 t0 W 81 18 41 81 8T W 89 95 W 84 >!8 B Y7 W 61 81 ary "Lights �t •v._ lets mourn -sMea, 1 ,;r I t I . r r rod 'I •ort in allot. M.. 97 18 47 89 W 18 41 W 8A el 1.45 W dd B4 84 iM 9f lA 88 ffi 511 ffi W W 04 48 8T AOtl the du til&evemils hymn anllowa the Prat- 1,1 c -. 1 th. Irlil. 96 Ih 98 115 85 84 18 95 18 85 W 48 86 48 84 88 W W 16 W 18 � Ta 61 Clara n'Iprr1$ , ��'11 ♦ Ile%nxul.Par%lvoaT. tW sea.. _ - _--_171�9R[q 71grLR.- 'Rolan I m d,a III: -unto ear holm 8f.. W W fib 87 89 W Y8 1Y 4 PN :0 47 40 Aa 47 Rl ffi 18 ffi ]9 _ (( iP,(la nentryaha9ee[adae4hn a0W[stn • I 11 rl 'rd 111 9R . 80 10 56 85 W I'1 W W E3 11 60 44 W W W W R7 eD W ffi 69 / 1 Don't IAOPgeI; the 0141 FOtke, 'IIt'wx uW 1 ,t left n' J I,feel W.. W 98 61 87 88 'Ia J8 84 1s A M1a N 88 yb D7 Bl 41 1D Je 7{9 67 00 passed him by, beieune the hour was late: Ne)•, don't gorget ane old folks, nota-tnayve Ibt6 retest In btu ❑t'4 In Y. ,9p., B9 yl 8a Bu W 90 10 W 4-A 'All 4 W y8 '1'I a 63 fl8 40 W 6r, fel 3R 4d Ba 60 " GP7iQ'ULf7Je f}t8 affection my girls. r r f tl Who gear Iheret" -A send.•• "Aire - - _ I l rbl4Lda. 91.. 81 15 88 ffi IA 18 84 W 18-5 87 95 88 99 80 80 60 4A 6l 87 dl M ze tl On the Who are ❑I a'lffs de n Of _ AB q 71 sS VOtIO not forgotten ran: - - - - - -- -_— —' -- —I' ---- --- --yD 7o Ise 61 4D 7g 6s p e Y g p Why, they arm the ' '1�4 wN➢." g Y y s. 40 - 47 W K W_D 8 41ti 5 08 MI 48 5a 49 :ace of six young prisoners of the French Reform- ' i. f� Tllrnt n win assets PdareA true.; you wart, nom MRRAatI Li ! Average SfiWl4 3a'817i eB6i Iii 14yffi ffi4i11 d7S86K 'ABJ499 40S96t$ dl •A blend, old mate.• A sro0'a farewell. {pro Old hearty nlll nn thin; 1I on some sopa'afle(vann 1 Like a Iistb JatiaF B8 ffi 48 W 44 Iman Melo- '.-And 1 had Passed the gate; M, 'r L-0•'-' q4'-88-T78 Si R'f'OAS. Nt 48 51 40 1, story, over which And not as aealn[ Psoras hr Irony havan'1 tbo. Alon[both hat,,,,, estrees beau mAnda Aid i_ --- z e girl Sister Genevieve io re- The. lite long.l»at paten wery s6eC' oralro beth hnun6 -- .m by�7p�{ �y} fg!igq,!i 8➢X 1wSli T6,i1i8;4 Ta 6Aa 7as:a n N ffi ffi has been sides. These girls are as real to me in a .� Phu shrilly eleadn's echoes dead: To nee yP111 fnoes ones again Wd hm>:ywr foot-' Joe&when Itatom0 to me that lite every balwa k, Avern91,Ni " I843dO79f K n p/li ,e W 70 4y _ And sounded Badly as t awed without II«put,labor. while; - --- ---- )erlence In their sorrows and nllBfOrtltnes as 1S the ' •� THAK Ia�t.and solea UI all; "Lights ont.- When Nettles and home �A. 1646i8a1i�6764811`. 10!445% A4NAA3i i+I vil;i',?J)!48851 M 811 fi46kfl6J{ 543{48% eBlde9y� through-pegAebg Ctrl here sept ve age nn 5 Irl 6 "Elena telt'^ You're young Sod internal, and for y P p foal motherhood Of StSt I Gene - You're yW Hope: tow rod a amlle: i, bw•Xuan with her nnada. Ta Wlen.MOO-I's 1 em b8me--e horror meso pipMIA •-,,-- t ,,,,, a-111 Pa knell rb t-tra l e. Ice hrtl'S sloe by»IAB, And life spreads out a ovalma sea that lum bu oro: FAQ -- ---• al' ! WakAed Iq0»t'R"s lengthened ebsduwe Dun Pu 'Until.,AyandA; bid awfut smell and augalaWd rail,a W101e.401wsi The following Ya In- n churcliI Deni' w PI ru• ' gild.. Theworld In all before Your mite,but tatyear mem• whln'e hVI Pl3mollth, FrOrNed. F. D41LLY .l And worn the blue,and laughed at palm ane$turn The Campxitn at Presmt. N T. K ELL v And many n Year has died. TO where land harts sail cEednb yov Bad tovio by I ' lMrx Ifce n pAOY umnnn [ ppOm I stroll Op throllth me park on A dalloleua Prom the D,411..nre Agh,,brn. 4YAD clWayd R'IU rl And 0M1 dud twrdnhlp hove Wn borne• hPhonla Yearn. day -Tae eammtlRe yet L,FOODS.'lose hon, 7'sll. And.followed where the nor INa gone; To brange a Utwe omni.and ter rnkh'lke ukrvb 'tad eln't Amount 1O much: Wild Road In A 110nao --- 8114 w0 the enh,xw ennwedn[ rmmA nbaat No matter whit W A lot it ralkn who think Lh.V'ra amen WAOre lielp.v(il,'pint ttlred, 'n your duum am nor wast yowl of play: - Att telling haw the tiling nboldd start- - "q �C+ i. m Or I.m old home it Vol T And foody wit wondN 11164,that have bayed Hove hidden rou to Arep; -Llghta qui.• )list JAnr irpvtla PL ourtAl ate; p 6 w ud Ln fun Phan In Alto. 1 hoe me UY a poet'deli,wltu aaPAan undo[toot, Thr.odd le full of each. R a. .3 0-•• "IJghb out' :7Lmi en.rnr U<ue a urns the>^tl not aseume yodel --TTu 5nal Louan m Natnn'a workout FW BoaMa 'I9l8k-fff0PJ9; I6NL gnlde g+ ay Pi Rlt _ Pt nr olrl dnolam P: Oh,lAc prnneepof the chllAron The id 4m read woo aplMdW, win the .hive And ham,Stegall uuthonth, i WhtrO a• 1p •y, on llw a+raay. old-le: une4 ltfimK InnA of.safe always m- sell 4I'ulh't dont, E7 at Qi 0 \rod 1. 1 r P Aro 6tudng mnlurlllen. 3 qge nl u,H ttpd the ydeuCaa 04 IAC lsughing 1s acid me nnlm of Ypta*[f'gd the [torr of tht And nes'ennorx for moth<baY'nat'n 5aak. And ah Nukrn ehonidCn, rnembllnt 4ned0. aOdl aid nlnNp bcrouaroad.hsek to lha4rggdsl dT Nor r,wA6pi fig,-nor aewldg: 7.8 lad mlA laA, wit .1 The teompw a enmminn. On. the onimbling ala famIs rocked h)'dl",nae. Orin,xunelnm loot a brassies,brute drhaa Ab Red The Campaign Yet b)'ming.my dealt. BUt eterytbipg 1hirre In a C .\rod in,,wawa we man=6 wanted M the Loma of Ano br.nthed rn InVWattdaitr would mala you' Of life I"haPr's frtlnkmi fall R'upht pmvell'dare the Crate to bring to you the' ))evil by: And no one know.n thin ,$x501.13 to in, wlabbn, _ r• >� r".A j spsrU come full eat. Th"whuered trl<ndald a.end they ell 'i'- Abntri lost llnw'swill gN fee y'aaT'- my ', O. On,Ru nntrl spot is hetinted with the there At tit« D :1-pearl al pence. he mystery a,dMD.i test. A'ar when ghat' don't,ell'. y d` tlmd Tye good Old tlmm are Nlq.,4!n6 the good old Are sleeping. Day M•dayrulthrmhon Ol IBC try. - The mhMcs rr[ aur Ilven um Yes-erten Your edgers et ml' late. and IYk alou AlAa la the early spring. TA6rn'e no v-nch4nu YlblAee. U. ,,d, g C. v� Slu In old areas'rbtyat bread le easel ay 'don't forget the aid tolls, boyo-11I not 1).T.•& I'll he wllur'IQud ant4mos 6 P 1 g Tnn to it c n.rll,'o n!'Nnmagj1D61�11h h me arsba And change unseen,odd met, Away- :Aarimtiep E Yet in a few larontlra ll'lll Hina be• 0. of lam 1., ...al yllp Ynu, who In"'in' alma aha 4nHp[44 They're A urla l - 1-B Hrlgl" 4 110 hie VA IweA V. SS a 4 g The relief: Is awcllnR(111 uu: The piece or t read aua koat 4Di wu each a bey- .Ilio. martua ,&Iowa from at anUh g Rllaretlatu' .3 1 PP4l1�4y0aR DDDDPaeaad oma Tauwefe born a,the yam fav; Bull hnv111t rod vb.hi TJ'-'aha anhtsn iaund feller: howl 1wn Like these not, 'into- from Liteb grim rnloubt . 4dd narp(i Il aN(rye: Rite waery%etmpOli,an.with all that ward lmDBea 1 eramalRn yet 14pe.w,young.and eh. ; - 1'li gel ti14dC Of tA,kin inn *' 9 1{olY aaqupwap dd Wa weilieR freta Nq;6 h7etr_ari And Nled the vOIU ,Dat alaBlored N No btmgry Like 'Inoue last ante-. of all: L1 hta nut.•' 'roe elms 9 _� 1 / tot M' I afternoon. S .\nd'wdtn l9gpt Pnw nod sten {n ban[ sae llthy and if aur life boka mon thauulrep to your bOColk ,.Are sit tne, feel DnA't mipm for hip unw, s. Fqr aha qfl Q mtemY anoLhe for the YMccn AM. n. Lucd0e0 inner, You Pero at for sap "hlRhtn nut^ tlit.tq>aliogiq. T1mU our mora nn nebw Don't Inn 4Pj q 9 rT+ - Mad q ape, a 1 Im. WI eYeb• Or elm w1':r attar Itee n urL tat n1P e1'r!r; Vi �' p w -,John fa.Bono 1,nrI In,IV,itourA Versed. And mg a1n Warld gmw ones again and Nie( Pn f crow �,N IsAAA NI" �� e�Ye lka 1vAm home matic hraW hop 6osung In the[ra,rR' _.. _. You pissVlY show You're not m touch rwm N6 dp• And b.brine t'athurn splen 4'm Rnhge 19 d0 frothing w '+°i-- „•l._ no Your piece] flown ohs'Mliag' 11Rino bila, For ever anIItillLuxurious Display.are v -Tsnrne'um Paean. Yet elan,,g St terse is trinf ar - - Ima h ar j „ H , , - ------ - RLm'c nutanmbllea aAam 9oq up oo they aw run 1Y cm mit was aloe a Wd IU rru_v.eu uaeA - �---- An making statements tMndnrr. +.a.�,�.___ !s6$adedDMa$aaR'ae BrriJNf& "Amt"( ph' IMnn till w.macw are vRry puna- - - - you down. �.J(y_„ .,,. w p ' - - - -- the antpnlwu yell - .-d, Your gn�the,",IA 0 make 11 lbutT Ur,.let nags. 'Proud ll'ansh "ed alta woman. - - - - a fodng•le YnunC )� teed,. "POU,"at the ataeaha(."1 have noticed that IioW He Got It. 6(wT. N's gmay time Ince: c lyero mmar'm dl Dro[«¢oe Aurae'u.v rneyfagy; 1'Aea spy at them afuaN bee[ try done to WAA x - Blbke-num:ihst(Latey Monne could"agelm "Tell Ile what You sal And I'll tell you .Bet roll we gi!1 i11e9 bar a IrinmTh Dont - tl-1 DfA'- r , '.WY'mAl a starting I1g�r _ u land Woe at volae t5al sveq'bodS+m the egos eaa't an,"raW Uw seer. 9 4 oaf rot fm:man'r lingua- ' i�,.S } Web aA aummohlls lett. Ba a.,or dittos ata Thedmlge Indy wet th.Ulaer! tt ', i _ pg,-. - l y yd4.t c The _ n. l jr brad longe(4Nlkl the aPpk HND heaidag Ii."-iPa4hlnPmn SWr. _ -mmhlga am eight mita W bout. The men odd h1m a bar fir ale � '. n - Anks--tionow.but hegotlt When his am mmthW, -Yav'rra AbnkrM Mrd"shad inr"roc Sm xhrwhrnad our bar«bins,when all ' 1 ')9q tytltlO �•�- 1 _ I 'c , bot "imp 391.for the"Dam dsaw In.�yy9at/lnarf Cmamentd: "I\oudrrtan l\'and full raelulmM Ina mm�_Navn netlred we an'l lam nl"lb ' ,dy,{. Q, Q, - t I Assn n,;-:F jjpg gIO Wp,W m [Oa 1 a,I.! ___- _. _ ... g^ a _... .IARA�1. _ r P '!_m YI KA -.____ _ _ f"'._ I8'Ap 4}m Pklnly'«q iO gAil6lt tp � Ib A18Rd'} 4 ubttL 874} tan'1 - / His Roma�rioe Southold Lectore Association A bf.anninn airl nner,,rased my war. (Tara " caul Mr Pnlmpr "this is n11 r. ' I I CR D AM t �. r•j RC C # ER,MANA09PRO #s aRK � N 1 J' t_ LLW M. F+ELDS E THE LAST JOINT APPEARANCE OV t AI11 FIELDS t AR STOCK COMPANY AT THL TERDAM T R COMMF?NC1NG r r. 'IONS MAY BE TER THURSDAY MAIL ORDERS, Clara Morris as Sister Genevieve in "The Two ICES, 1NILL BE - 1Z- Orphans." L A T T E NTI O,N LILLIAN RUSSELL SISTER GENEVIEVE AND HER GIRLS AN INTERVIEW WITH Clara Morris ! Y new role of Sister Genevieve the affection and devotion of my girls. C and my reappearance upon the Who are n-ly girls? Why, they are the stage after an absence of six young prisoners of the French Reform- 5 1 years in that wonderfully human melo- atory, over which Sister Genevieve pre- drama, "The Two Orphans," has been sides. These girls are as real to me in e a unique and touching experience in their sorrows and misfortunes as is the i' many ways, but more especially through spirit-v;_jj motherhood of Sister Gene- dear to mel USS MAIIEt. FENTl7N } •A C uriotis Lpit�tp'1�. .��.__._.._ _ Has. . The following is In a churchyard near PETER F. DAILEY F Plytnoutli, England; JUHN T. KLL.L, "Itere lies a poor wonian AN"ho t,Iways -wins tiled, _ Wh(l lived .in a,11ouso s;a Where help utas not hired. � � � � 0j � �Of the old home day's! � �ilig � � And !cods ivtth wondrous tttlen. that' " Her last,wsoi ds on earth -%Ve a; o to sudden Tame- 'Deur friends, 1 an7 going aiP Q1 .clear old doorstep! Oli,the pranres of tlir eltll(ireri The old-time bread was splendid, with the ,0 $_4on ties grass, old-fashloned name; Wherewva iliinb,�ain't done, o CL'i Incl the gti.nbol•: tend the: dances of the,laughing It held the balm of summer and the glory 41 Nor sweeping,nor sewing: ^C7 lad and lass. wheat But everything thele is p And t1w songs we sang and chanted as the!tours of And breathed an invitation that would, rnaien ¢• i]p O evcning sp(.,,d! come and cat. Ex roily to my wjsljC,�, '4- C) >~ � Ott,the sac rem spot is haunted Mill the faces of the For when they cion i, (wil! u) O dcld The good old bines are geriniC, and the Zcb s. "O ��nt:l the c,alloey of the lads bread la vonel There's no w=;n l7rliti ciintir G.t„ o Sung lit old home:days! r u C } The thick cut sure of"porno made"with the w I'll be w4here.oud tntltetii; of lain thereon! 11"01. ttlway-ts be rtii in'y; e +gyp Memories throng The heart is swcilSng till the The piece of bread,and butter thatwtw9auotx a � a �,r-' iM liain'tas found ie llef; hood boon But, having no t Oii F :Holy sorrow's pearls 'ire welling from the blessed And filled the void that clamored in the httn I'll get.t letir of the ntil„in,; y cn r, fount of grler afternoon! ` " Don't mourn for tete noww, c `�`� Fall-tits music ttu,shed and vanished. for the voices And, 0, Lucullan fancy! You were at for (((��� round relic dicer late '< Don't mourn for me ever; � � O � �H anti fhe tootlarints that, have vanished from the When home-made broad was floating in the f:r`ek 90 I'm going to do nothing ppith forevermore., on your platin Ir y -As tlirout,h blinding.mists we gale For ever and ever.'„ E-+ = z +, ladelpAia Evening Bulletin. i-' ^o Towvard the old home day-sl Its crumb was xlway s fla,;y,and Its cnist,cwra,�rJr• W. A. CR Its w .�. lak'�p o bA -- - ------ - burned; Wm. H. Terry is making a fine, 9 i~ m Brod. Your mother used to malre,it(hut your eilster O O learned). roomy hall over his place of business a y He wvas bred in old F.sopus, where there's nothing The constant march o1 progreav hurls our chtrtmpy��,-� H t✓' else to do; things afar- which will be fitted up In splendid -- - Ife's been sought by all reporters ,lust to say a The home-made bread no longer flanks the j )nutter jar— No or t,wo; style and 1)e OCCu 1 d by SOl1tri01d Ivo wore the tang of apices tempo that vonaeti,2,4 Lodge, j, Q, 0 p`/9��- He was bred In old Fsopus Brood Is spread (E'en the name quite fr_tled to stop us), Atop a tetnptllilc portion of the good old-Ta3tt1rnr3, bL And lie wouldn't say a word, and now doesn't that rattle you7 -Baltimore World. Southold Lecture Association UUr .Lauguage. A atnstgtne a 11 , _ - .,.,;.r- �.� 1' 'I�c..vr wornA mon ra31n'h t.in H,SIOII LTII. it "Clara)" said Mr. I » mother has )lolllised to la it in m "filly, what—what piece of acfiillg? they 1 Y Y I asked. wrong—this is antag PERATURE—Continued. vieve. "Dear, dear Miss Morris, said to me on the opening night, when I coffin." ' "Your manner of vowing to all audi- ditions of the role. TEMPERATURE—Contig told them how pleased I was with their Another, evening some kind friend ence when you are recalled. Each time by years of discipline acting, "it isn't acting; it's the real sent mea huge satin box filled with it is a little different, and at the last it way as an ordinary v TOthing. We love you just as much now candies. Now, my candy-eating days seems as though you were ovcrcome Vernon, who created as when the curtain is up and the audi- Have long since keine by. On the in- with emotion. . That way you have of stood it this way. Wing is a statement of tkle ence is watching us--it isn't a question stant I thought of the treat it would be throwing out your two arms as though vieve was repressed eObservatory,New York" for illy prison children who were still of our salary. There l you were drawing ills whole htnlscful of never forgot ills digs ls7 s. 11878. 1s: I recall an indignation meeting these at the sweet-tooth alae, I scribbled a very people to your vc.l y heart is a �rUucl lilt cratioll." foolish, affectionate and none too wise few words, "Sister Genevieve sends this Palmer) _ of business! �1. 111. I lI children held in rely behalf because of box of cantly to those of her girls who Tllell T am afraid I blazed at that wog- C;erlcz'rc'z'c will forget a little incident that took place at one are good and have obeyed all the rules. thy manager in a way to terrify Mill. consecration. She is Endorsed b Clara Morris." �- �� >> 7 25 10 86 18 so Sir, that isn't bt15111e5S, I replied ata because she is a woes a 2a 28 18 37 24 9 81 s of the rehearsals. I was repeating the Y g white heat. Clara Morris is a woman 1 f she llachl t been v After the performance that evening �( � ' lines of the climax of the act, and was P '9 27 20 6 46 15 26 some one tapped timidly at door. It i0 .20 26 7 34 21 W somewhat carried away by my emo- Pl Y Y as well as an actress. She doesn't play have fallen—she woul i6 22 33 15 25 15 » was one of the girls the one I knew least i1 F 45 33 21 11 tions. Ah, doctor, my first lie! I cried emotions--she feels them. You can't herself. It is the pict 6 24 20 25 20 1100 a impulsively. "Incorrect Miss Morris," of all. She was noted for her timidity fool an audience and if my heart didn't fur touching weakne: S4 6 81 14 said the stage managers on the instant; sill silence. She lead never addressed go out to every heart in that house you audience to feet and "leave out that `ah."' "Thank you," I a word to me, or to anyone else, and don't suppose that crowd of humanity Vernon is Ida Vcrnor a219 a 17 54°5 9 indeed this shyness--almost sulk was a r" Genevieve.' so 19 31 16 49 s7 a; said, according to my habit when called � Y-" would rise tip and shout? No, sir-cc. just Sister Gelrc z icvc. B9 11 3`)., 20 42 a5 P so characteristic that in the scene she I recall seeing a young and talented after tlic curtain 49 14 46 29 37 18 down, and .I repeated the lines without Was allowed to sit apart moodily 49 16 82 28 33 18 " �� dti " » the ah, and went on with my act. I Y ' a actress play Ca�raillc. Strange to say, opening night Mr. P� 56 2 36 23 41 so part of the picture. I was more than . " noticed that the girls were in a terrible 1 P it was ills first time I had ever seen Clara, it's the same c 5s 3 40 26 45 26 3 a little surprised to discover her stand- "Camille" from the "front," The young You are as self-willed 45 6 45 38 49 84 42 15 3s 23 5o 41 state of agitation, but gave it no thought. 34 25 32 49 37 in on tltc� threshold of m door, her 44 18 36 22 42 14 When we were released they crowded checks crimson, her eyes sparkling, woman had unusual cleverness and teal- ever. This is the fir 41 18 28 12 32 11 3 around me in a frenzy of indignation. Y P g' perament. I joined in the burst of en- this sort of an apolog 35 16 27 10 49 28 ,1 "Oh, Miss Morris, its mine its mine! 34 14 85 17 51 39 30' "The idea--the shame of it. How could � thusiastic applause that called her before Yes, I hope to rel 42 11 50 25 44 32 39; `Thank you'i'" It came to ole 1" she Called out breath- the curtain hilt ills lel returned our z.'IC2.'e ti5t as long a5 47 22 38 27 42 16 5 you? Why did you say, Y '� rood ever Comes Iii g ��' Two 54 20 47 25 31 1s I was unable to understand it all for a lessly� Nothing b �� y recognition in so weary, so grudgingly plays Che 1 wo Orp 35 2a a47 V 2-2 3 moment, until it came out that "Cl4ra way► she coritintircl excitedly, so when a manner that on the instant ray interest to earn the money. 431538 35 19 40 24 Morris" being called down,by a mere the girls deckled to draw lots for the in her dropped down to freezing point big, unreasonable wisl stage manager was too awful to be true. satin box I just ran into a dark corner and my ire to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. out the remainder of i I laughed so merrily over their out- and told Gori that I loved you just as After repeated calls she finally bestowed old home on the Hu 18r6, 1877. 1878. I burst of fury that it shamed them into much as the others, although I can't a sad, haughty smile upon her perspir- is much too large a a quieter frame of mind. I didn't let show it; and I said I'd never, never ask ing admirers. Then and there I decided under illy present i them see the tears in my eyes. Some brim for another favor if He'd let me that this very anemic young lady hadn't would be inuch more 2s 52 35 i3 22 how or other it was a bit of unreason- get the box; and I drew the letter `A,' a big enough soul to rise to the heights and hove into a sma and its mine--and I'm so happyl" of histrionic art. Genius is a consuminglove ever inch of th 43 1s 4 s9 a io ableness that touched me. It was irresistibl pathetic. I took Y 31 20 49 34 44 14 A few evenings later Mr. Morisini, Y P fire--not a chunk of ice. every tree; I love ever 29 11 42 30 44 21 cl the child in m arms and just sobbed. • a4 11 44 29 41 24 the banker, sent me a basket of ex itis- Y a My good friend, Mr. A. M. Palmer, springs up in the grass 49 31 46 28 47 2s The audience lead called and recalled 47 s3 45 so 4o a3 ite roses from his hothouse. I presented and I had a heated discussion, by the burial ground is plant me that evening, and I was .111 broken �0 3s � � qs s4 one of the long-stemmed beauties to each g way, over my interpretation of the Yale valley; the field at the 50 35 52 29 35 19 of the Els. There were just enough to up with the joy and surprise of being of Sister Genevieve. When at the elf- is blue with violets i 53 41 52 27 83 17 1 g still remembered so kindly. So I was max the nun cries out hysterically, "I planted them. When 57 36 30 15 30 15 o around, with an extra large one left Y Y: 45 35 45 14 41 29 g ready for a good cry. have told my first lie"---it is my idea lace it at once b < 53 34 45 23 3s 2�1 over for myself. I had forgotten all P Y 37 27 48 32 44 30 After the ovation of the first evening, that this mordent is the culmination of a have known many, ma 34 26 45 24 48 33 about the incident, when, toward the y terrible tragedy---she has perjured her husband and I. We 35 27 36 21 46 10 when I was almost stunned b the the soul she is lost the nun becomes a wo- horses and carriages, w ,. 46 26 38 22 36 .13 �close of the week, they came to my room thusiasm of the rest crowd in the - _ 40 37 2244 49 2s 5o a5 and showed me, each one, her rose as great g house, one of the managers came to ins .-� mangy in the horror of it and loses cons- our servants, but our g ._ 34 10 49 a 4488 s fresh and beautiful as ever. They had with outstretched hands. "Miss Morris, plete control of herself as she gazes upon had the best of care. 4 14 44 33 42 W gone to the expense of having it pre- my congratulations. That w�ls just as" the murder of her soul's salvation. She I recall the first time 37 24 41 31 42 2s served by some process. "It will last fine apiece of acting' as I've ever seen becomes a wretched shakin sobbin vividly as though i� 32 26 46 30 57 83 P > g� g as Y g 33 26 48 32 56 35 forever," said one girl, kissing me softly, you do, and I've been your staunch ad- woman, although it is a lifetin 39 25 l and then she d " 11"PrA ncc,,.nr;nae ge 4a 24% 45 28 42 26 ' Su rlct!.r to uic:! _ _.. _.-- -_._ _ (Ci.lrloxis Epitiap 1. t laps u' eye: The following is In n t-hurchyrlyd riear, • Mid awful smell and anguish'd yell,a White Ghost Plymouth, linglalid: PETER F. I]AILEY our mem- whizzes by! The CmulDattcn at Present.— "Hor•e+ lien(a poor wontan nd loving Suppose I stroll up through the Park on a delicious ' From the naltimore American. 1V4o always w,cti Cited, y day, l'he campalgn yet 19 young,dear heart. lived in n hou,;e Ancl don't amount to much: where-bely,wa—i not,lcireil. -cs 1(1 VD o To breathe a little ozone,and to watch the squirrels A lot of folks who think they're smart (v p �+ Her l;tr,r.*ords on c al•tli Gregg: a, vhat yours at play: Are telling how thc;thing should start-- "" X: P, ~0 Dear old-loo T.hue me by a bosky dell,with asphalt under foot, The world is full of such, 'T)ehr friends i nit going v m cd (.1n the come your --That.final touch to Nature's work our Park Boards �Vherrl n a5ltitt�,ui n'G tlonri, E M N.�+' ln(1 the+ gar And some a.11eger,I authorities Nor swebl,>hiq,nor.9owing: � lad an always put— i Are figuring majorities. w Lnds, end But if I start to cross a road,back.to the woods I fly; Rift everything (hero is � p �� And th+ cane The campaign yet is young,my dear, �+ tug p (S eniu With tuneless toot a braJnless brute drives his Red Exactly to my wi�:)c(e� w � _� .,., ;� (?h,the S.Lcrr And no one knowH a thing For a]ten tich\" dolt"I. r, o C1- dead .o you the Devil byi About roust how'twill go this year— The mystery's as c10%T fear, Thero',. n(� t;l,in clir;li �" o •,�C t An 1t o ec Yes,snap your fingers at my tale, and talk abou As in the early spring. I'll he N't-her(-i3Oud Gaff hones - (cy've not A.T.'s, W01 "dways he r'ruf�'iicz!; �, a,C� MnrYcurir,F flu Yct,to a few localities v C/� - y,; '.,M lain h, You,who in some sequestered spot are sitting at They're figuring pluralities. But, t.cving n) voi o 41 cut 11oly sorr-oW home,the. your ease: I'll get c1Qat of the Sill gin g But we are Metropolitan,with all that word implies, The aamAaign yet is young.and Oh, Don't mourn foo* rrce� n��w, j' `' V 1�nr the rnusl The deen suspense we'll feel a w round the light And if our life looks more,than sweet to your bucolic TTnttl our faros are n.ctlow " '� `� T�on't r►luttrn for ct,c ev(jr; °J o �,-i loaf ,.h( goo eyes, Or else we're eating heaps Of crow I'rr1 going to do nog hint; v •-O dy pLtii 1 and bluer You simply show you're not in touch with this de- And hearing vothers spirit o >~ y As titrnuc;l For ever and ever.p ,t~ r ,, Toiv;ird 1ig11tfu1 town, Yet some,with terse vocabulary, _�.-_ —eMar�clphia Euenirto Bulletin, c-' q ai Parma_Where automobiles chase you up so they can run _.__ ___.._____--__�_ ,, .-_- Are making statements tabtrlary. by o bo you down. --- - -- >sc��-: Wm. H. Terry is making a fineTbin , o o rij yet Is —V—--- ha We ve may a ria triumph7si n Is young-, Wh h will be f tied U in c Mend id I a v �' �' IIe's sheen Csa Id acquiro beer. pit's an�-body's ranck: y hall'over his lace of business a) �, d "Tell me what You cat trod I'll tell you what you K ~- -- g g fo ma tongue A r word -t irlves his are,"said the seer. Phe.Judge may get the piaoel style and be oceU 1 d by So Utb)ld The marl told him khat he ate. He was Yet whr should web n blue4,when all Lodge, L 0. Q. . 50717 04- st month's "You're a.blankeri foal!"said the seer. __ , _ _c �, __�_.-_...._�-_ -_ (E,ell t,l Have figured we rani]nsr at a.11? - ommerctal \Wonderful! tPonderfull" eaclalmed the man.——__---- _. _ ._. � And he tvou: PatcJ:,_ that ratL Soutlullcl-Lecture Association His >€ornsnee. NA at,.nnine girl nw.nrna"Ael my way. "'Why, what—what piece of acting?" "Clara," said Mr. Palincr, "this is all �mised to lay it in my; I asked. wrong—this is antagonistic to the tra- "Your manner of bowing to an audi- ditions of the rale. A nun consecrated Ling some kind friend once when you are recalled. Each tinlc by years of discipline would never give e satin box filled with it is a little different, and at the last it way as an ordinary woman. Now, Ida my candy-eating days seems as thou h you were overcome Vernon who crcitcd Clic rale under- Keine by. On the in- with emotion, .though way you have of stood it this way. Her Sister Gene- of the treat it would be throwing out your two arms as though vieve was repressed to the end—she 40 children, wll,a «i're still you were drawing the whole houseful of never forgot the dignity of her conse- KROAM $0 ot11< al;c'. I srril,l)l�'rl a people to your very heart is a good bit cration." ,,,� �7 ter Genevieve sends this " " y « tR,M�n�pt�• M of business! A. Al. I Palmer,"almerI replied, my Sister t� those ()f her girls who Then I am afraid I blazed at that wor- Genevieve will forget the dignity of her ave Uht'v t'(.1 all the rules, thy manager in a way to terrify him. consecration. She is going to forget it, era Morris," "Sir, that isn't business," I replied at a because she is a weak human woman. rforniance that evening white heat. "Clara Morris is a woman If she hadn't been weak she wouldn't I timidly at my door. It as well as an actress. She doesn't play have fallen--she wouldn't have perjured Orls, the one I knew least emotions—she feels them. You can't herself. It is the picture of this beauti- is noted for her timidity fool an audience, and if my heart didn't ful touching weakness that I want the she had never addressed go out to every heart in that house you audience to feet and appreciate, Ida or to an one else, and don't suppose that crowd of humanity Vernon is Ida Vernon. Clara Morris is Hess—almost sulky--was would rise tip and shout? No, sir-ee!" just Sister Genevieve." c that in the scene she I recall seeing a young and talented After the curtain went down on the I sit apart moodily as a actress play "Camille." Strange to say, opening alight Mr. Palmer carne to me. �- `" nn. FiEL°� :til re. I was more than it was the first time I had ever seen "Clara, it's the same old story with you. k T H E: i-A s T JOINT A F P E:A R A N C E OF �d to discover her stand- "Camille" from the "front." The young You are as self-willed—and as right—as -eshoid of my doer, her woman had unusual cleverness and tem- ever. This is the first time I've made ]FIELDS n, her eyes sparkling, perament. I joined in the burst of en- this sort of an apology to you." rris, it's mins:`, it's mine! thusiastic applause that called her before Yes, I hope to remain Sister Gene- a ' s a o K COMPANY AT THE: 1" she called out breath- the curtain, but the girl returned our vieve just as long as the star company TLRDAM ng good ever comes my recognition in so wear sogrudginglylas "The Two Orphans." I am lad inued excitedly, "sc, when � Y� plays P g TRE Y� a manner that on the instant my interest to earn the money, I have one great, eel to draw lets for the in her dropped down to freezing point big, unreasonable wish. I want to live F NGAGFMENT 3t ran into a dark corner and my ire to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. out the remainder of my life in my dear ctaMMF•NCING that I loved you just as After repeated calls she finally bestowed old home on the Hudson. I know it AY 1 6TH ethers, although I can't a sad, haughty smiIle upon her perspir- is much too large and too expensive said I'd never, never ask illg admirers. Then and there T decided under my present circumstances. It Ier favor if I I e'd let me that this very anemic young lady hadn't would be much more sensible to sell it I O R r H u�s DBE ,nd I drew the letter 'A,' a big enough soul to rise to the heights and move into a smaller place. But I MAIL ORDERS, BE and I'm so happy I" of histrionic art. Genius is a consuming love every inch of the ground. I love 1�EA r EINTIC ;istibly pathetic. I took fire—not a chunk of ice. every tree; I love every wild flower that I arms and just sobbed. LILLIAN RUSSELL y j My good friend, Mr. A. M. Palmer, springs up in the grass. My little dogs had called and recalled and I had a heated discussion, by the burial ground is planted in lilies-of-the- il;, and I was all broken way, over my interpretation of the rale valley; the field at the back of the house - ny and surprise of being of Sister Genevieve. When at the cli- is b;ue with violets in the spring. I ed so kindly. So I was max the nun cries out hysterically, , "I planted them. When a tree dies I re- ed cry. have told my first lie"--it is my idea lace it at once by another. Ah, we 'ation of the first evening, that this moment is the culmination of a have known many, many privations, my Imost stunned by the en- terrible tragedy--she has perjured her husband and I. We have sold our the great crowd in the soul, she is lost, the nun becomes a wo- horses and carriages, we have sent away40 the managers came to me man in the horror of it and loses coni- our servants, but our garden has always Ied hands. "Mise Morris, plete control of herself as she gazes upon had the best of care. ttions. That was just as the murder of her soul's salvation. She I recall the first time I saw the place f acting as I've ever seen becomes a wretched, shaking, sobbing as vividly as though it were yesterday, i 've been your staunch ad- woman, although it is a lifetime away. It was so dear to mel • , _.-_. ML CHAS. T. RGSS MA13EL PENTON ' A ('.-talions Fpit€ttlll. The following is In a chtirehyard near � PETER F. DAILEY JOHN T. KELLY Plymouth, l;ngland. "lWre lief a poor w ontnn A.,ho r.lways was (it-Oct, wl,rr lived in at hourio `�'! Where help was not.hired, 7o A p r v w tile,,old flume daysl UpiIII(I Mirk h And food�l with wondrous titles,that,„avz le li.or law.w r rrla on erirth weirs.; ;, to Sudden fame_- 'rla fr Qrd-s n nxti �oinks � � X D 0 Dear olrl door.%tep1 ()h,tits ftranr"of tier c,hlidren The old-time broad was ,;plendld, with the Same T. >~ on life rwtin, old-faihtoned name; Where wafhin(S!ain't Bono, ell Ix � :tmd thrt icam��olr; and the, danerx of the lalrgitlnf; Et held the belie,of surnnuer and the glory c1 ties :tor sweeping,nor sowing: � -d � yc � lar]and lass. wheat And the :sonar. we sang and chanted as the hours of And br«sathed an Invitation that would make you But everything there if � o C� come and eat. t~ tu, � c�r ning'spc;dl L;xttetly to m wisher;, u v C)h,the s leer d Spot Is hanntc(i with the faces of the, 'r '^ v� de net The good old tlines a.re tgcln;x, anct the good ole! For when they dolt's, otic e� A � ar 1� bread is aonei ,r S " F b ,1n�1 the echos e of tlu lays 1 I leers'"no v;iltillill:+cilc;ftr u„ al p ^" •In old honer d.t�•sl The thtek cuts tea of"horne mode"Willi the wealth ..ung, I'il be where loll(ttllthr�niSS � � � 1 piece Tum readopt s. 4-J� 14fcrnrrner Ihrnnf;. 1'he heart Is swctllnt; till the The place of hisses( Sled butter that wa�such aboy- Will talwayri bo Tifiging, v ,; rifle lots ioullrl relief: hood boort Bili, having; no voice, cd o�M holy snrrnw'n pearls are, welling from the.blesser] And filled the vold that clamored ill the hung ry 4-1 I'll tact r fear cr( Ili<a tiirtaing m 2 0 fou,tt of grlor afternoont i' Don't mourn for ho ltigi o. ¢ `s'' For the neuslr hti5led and v.anishod,for the volccs And, ,1,urullan falleyl You were At for any te ro ti rotted!the: door i Don't.mourn for tllo ewer; � M o r-r 1nr1 the fcotprints thin, have, vanished from the When home-made broad wa.9 floating in the gravy YAill going to do nothing '� cd ),ttli forvvf,rinorc, on your plata! -� r~ �\s t�rrenit*h htinclina tvlsts we gar: For ever and.ever.'" H c3 the, Old home days 1 . Its crtrbu nod,11w to melee it(but 8 1111-4Y,and �o ra{st was urger +� _ ltit'. .1.Caorxur. ^,_•. -I'hlla_ctc1L)eta Euenint7 Bullelin. bO o 1'al.tru _ Your mother used o y ster never Wm. H. Terry making a fine, 01 o o a; �, Ca Your learned). y g g He tvas bred in old Esopus, where there's nothing' The constant march of progreae hurls our cherishes! roomy hall over his place of business ! `� � a -:-J Q) r Cd r•� ;' else to do; things afar-- I _. The ho atter1Jar tread no lonl�er IIanlry tits aPpi•. 1 splendid _ _____.__...___ lie's been sought by all reporters Just to say a which will be fitted u� In .. )lc.ndid I batter�ttr— style and be occu Jl d by Southold j word or two; No more the tang of apteas tells tbat sometltiug, D /9o4- He was bred In old Fsopus u :4pread Lodge, I. Q. 0. F, (E'en the Same quite falled to atop us), Atop at tempting portion of the good old fashion And ho wouldn't say a word, and now doesn't that rattle you? �_�—Baltimore Ti'nrld. coptio. uu.r j.,a,ttgrtag'e. ta Solifllold Lecture Association a man ra.,,wilt T �• A meeting dor tele purpose Of 01'�gil,nll- - a hot, sultry clay in summer. Our buggy pink ,lawn dress, Elute a trona of little TEMPERATURE—co�atiltued. vlEing a Lecture Association was held at had broken clown, and I remember we c1Ul,s ran yelping down the drive to meet Belmont Hall last Thursday evening. sai went trudging through hf oc gen miles, seemed Inc. a I fell upon my knees and opened y TEMPERATURE-Contig r . J. N. Hallack was elected chairman, --~------ -- tol to me, o� g, y y rtes. The dogs rushed into them, , „ and F. T, Wells secretary of the meet- act r,Where is the house, I kept inquiring covering my face with kisses. 'Then and ing• It was voted to form an assoei- 676. 'TEF thi of every passer-Uy. "You arc at the there I held the dogs and place close to ation and that it be collate the Southold -- as lace now, was the invarible answer. my heart. It was home, and home it has t The following is a statement of the mf eni place Lecture Association. The .following Signal Service Observatory,New York.34 Of. I'OIlOW the stone fence lentil you cOmC been ever sltiCe, fc'W Short Fears officers were chosen: .Pres., F. T. to the il'oll gates. roldow the stone inc)re and Clara Morris will have passed Wells; Vice Pres,, J. N. I'Iallock; Sec., 4411 1876. 11977. I�1978. 187 fence! It seemed endless. Finally the away—these few years she wants to Rev. Wm. H. Murray; Treas., S. 41 Date. I foe iron gates came in sight. I entered. pass at home. That best explains wilyLester Albertson, It was voted that 449 P, rq , ° chi Never shall I forget the sweep of cool, now, even though somewhat tirccl and ;the Executive Committee consist of the Minn. 1=�a 7 10 36 1$ so a 1 green lawns, the shadows of great trees, travel-worn, she is glad to be Sister officers and three additional members, 51 2.. 64 18 128 18 37 24 S2 of the tinkling of water and twittering of C:enm*eve of the french Reforirlator viz., Horace Kin C. L. Sanford and 51 3.. 5(3 23 28 9 31 9 9 line � Y' g' sa 4:: no 20 220 a s6 15 2a song birds that greeted my jaded eyes .cilia is glad that her Clear girls are help_ Dr. J. G. Huntting. F. T. Wells 4(! 6.. 46 22 33 15 25 15 { sol' and ears. It was a vision of Paradise. 'ing' her to end her life in her beloved reported that there was about $60 in I 4S 7.. 41 27 45 83 21 11 21 1101 As I approached the hoose, leaning11 on home. I want my girls to know this, It the Bank, which was left after paying, I 0 8.. 46 27 40 25 29 10 38 pp P expenses o'f'the course last winter, and �e 10:: � s s18 i4 � 22 zs • iml my husband's arm, the door opened. will bring some joy to their loving 4� 11.. 27 3 33 15 45 85 31 sail My mother came out with a smile in a hearts. ,he willingly turned it over to the 1 54 12.. 31 14 35 22 50 89 29 r`l e. 1 M 13.. 25 19 31 17 45 32 35 association. 1 514 14.. 30 19 31 16 49 37 87 Sal( It lei eloped that all who favor and 1 6� 15.. 39 11 32 20 42 35 26 ` are interested in a good course o� _ 1 4, 16.. 49 14 82 29 87 18 25 he entertainments will be willing to takes --_... ' 4i 17.. 49 16 32 28 33 18 27 1 5 18.. 56 2 36 23 41 30 40 " 5F 19.. 58 8 40 26 45 26 32 not tickets when called upon by the com J ; 3 51 20.. 41'1 5 45 88 49 84 23 mittee. It is proposed to give a course M�■•°.� 5i 21.. 42 15 38 28 50 41 27 Stai GS 22.. 34 25 32 23 49 37 49 of:1iX (!TItC'rt'intnel"ltt3 for:�1.7 t a tickc't. 5z 23.. 44 19 86 22 42 14 49 Wl' 3 41 24.. 41 18 28 12 32 11 37 aro _.�.vst,t,_!11��f li+'. T. W 1•:l.i.;�, Sec. 25.. 35 16 27 10 49 28 4r _ 'l'he ITInck4lsnce41lltted Grn.nduaatr. rw( 26.. 34 14 85 17 51 89 30 "Tl y . 4 _.. 27.. 42 11 50 25 44 32 39 -: Prom tern 1,09 A7tpeles 11'rrald, AND T 2$.. 47 22 38 27 42 16 50 you , Can'I you slint your eyes and sera thrnl-- 29.. 54 20 47 25 31 13 44 I u Dear old souls of long ag•o7 � 30.. 38 19 49 30 35 21 48 t ;,�, .,„ i�vct,t gratidnaothers,art we isnew thenz ., '�1 81.. 3,5 23 4, 27 83 22 39 mol p When life's tide wax at 1t,,4 lto%v, (,area Old rnotbers of this premont+--- 1876 Average 4315;;, 35 19� 40 24.,' 331 Mo A: Bteas theist,every one,I ccay, Y With their tc nder,dints-vearrd fares -- Sta€ �* r •'� And direr hal rbest rewn with,Kral-: Rut � if.I could go ira(•k thirty--forty years rz};u and 1876• 1877. 1878. f ; ` r � - �► ar,aid black—lave-3111tted gran<Iznai It Avonid be — --- bur �. ,. 't r._ 1 7)c; a treat to mel e Date. 0 61 q a q '�,i�'� , Dim old eyras and brash-!sowed glatssen, 3 6C , � � thea 8unkr.n oheekv and n(ir,lemons asirin, 8 6� — �---_- — �� BlR two-handled, blaclt w trlc I) mket 0 513 Feb. 1., 42 28 52 35 33 22 32 hove 1 / �„' ' ' 'f 1'hatt��htry took their °knittle",In... �, a "Ilrcalr4`u,4t ?;bawls' ut un "tllreo-oorner(td,^ 5 2.. 43 18 51 89 35 13 6 3 (30 H.. 27 8 44 36 31 10 87 able �/ `y am� ( "Mat"suabonnct,rind a peer 2 65 4.. 31 20 49 84 44 14 89 �' ( `\�� , Of old,huahlonod black lace"]ta.lf-handa,, ""J A t _ ..r<- a�ing gnarled r,1d firzuers bar(,-.- 8 G9 5.. 29 11 42 30 44 21 36 ► Alt,If 1 could get back thirty--forty years ago and 3 67 13.. 34 11 44 29 41 24 38 the ' 9 62 7.. 49 31 46 28 47 28 40 '~ ` vee W ;� r +'�` G4:- ;' , t near. old bla l to Ine-lnittc:d grandmas ft veouid 4 64 $.. 47 33 45 30 40 33 37 lie I `ti•� be a bctuu to zne•1 7 68 9.. 45 82 45 23 48 36 36 + i 8 60 10 . 60 38 44 27 45 34 33 one �!^► „ 1 GO 11.. 50 35 52 29 35 19 47 la,. Rn1whics hl and brown aud---ugly? '8 63 12.. 53 41 52 27 33 17 47 of .•;d ;t ": (cowl Porhl( that I,should sa�, Hands doformed lty taylra of beauty--- 5 67 13.. 57 36 30 15 80 15 42 go ., J � � r Hall&that l,.ld th(,Ir dead away 1O 67 14.. 45 35 45 14 41 29 25 ,, �� Thouk,*h they(`raved more years 01 service '6 66 15.. 53 34 45 23 38 24 2-4 ovel �. Clod forbld that these should be 7 65 16.. 37 27 48 32 44 30 3"' 1 Aught but beauty's very(svrncc. 16 69 17.. 34 26 45 24 48 33 33 abo} Soul of ya,-redness to rnrf C),1f 1 could only get back thirty years or so,I kzzo%v SD 0 65 19._ 46 26 388 60 18.. 35 27 821 90 19 `31 22 36 13 31 C10S, I'd seek first ilio lace-mitt irrandnzas of the dear, t" 37 69 20._ 40 29 36 18 41 25 34 dead long agol 12 70 .21_. 37 24 49 28 50 37 27 and (' 10 71 :22... 41 23 58 33 43 35 24 Crude,unlettered,bent with tolling', 19 73 23._ 34 10 49 33 48 35 41 fres Blunt,unskilled In tricks of speech a 15 72 24.. 24 7 38 30 44 86 33Yet as Rood its(fold of Ophlr, 3r" 70 25._ 37 14 44 88 42 33 30 gon, Fit forevermore to teach All their dau Inters by ia exam i , 26.- 37 24 41 31 42 28 49 sery what the muther-heart should know 19 63 27.. 32 26 46 30 57 33 40 Invplrattons.to desvotlon, 28.. 33 26 48 32 56 35 31 fore lacar old souls-of long afCol --, 29.. 99 25 and Let nie talrr,the whole world wltb Ino on Illy back- ward trip to seo ; 13105sad, black lace-mltted graedm,as that are,utile J' t, an, Average 40 24/ 45 28 42 26 so Flea,r to ine 1 .rf t Bless sea that laps u eye; A C!ta t•lc.)tit T�' ait,ll)11. ' face,but tet your mem- Mid awful smell and M3 The following islet €} (i,tta,1tJ•nrcl hear ` F't. whizzes bye The Campotgn at Pros' Ply snots t l,z, 1'.n gla n(d: nt.-" f lkere IIeN a 110011 Womansh ;heriyou and loving Suppose I stroll up through the Park on a delicious From the rlaltimore Americrztz. �'kao rlHnyrl was tiTeal day, The campalgn yet Is young,dear heart, tYi:r I[vecj in a ill txl, Anel don't amount to much; To breathe a little ozone,a•nd to watch the squirrels P sv a s❑+7f hired, as are nor what A lot of folks who think they're;smart 1 �4hero help Sour e play: Are tewor how the thing should start-- Icier Jaw,*oras nil 4 iarth wen,, � o I hie me by a bosky dell,with asphalt under foot, '1'hc world las full of such. 'T)p'ttr.ff'1(�nclas, .T earl °•� CJ hey'd not assume your, -That final tourb to Nature's work our Park Boards hoirf v m always put-- And some alleged authorttics Where waahllirig idn't done, � � trembling hands, and Are ilgurin,g maJoritics• !Nor sweopit)g,not'howler.,; ^o But if T start to cross a road,hark to the vaood9 l fly; But evaryl.tt in g there iw With tuneless toot a brainless brute drives his Red The campaign yet Is young,my dear, For when t.hr� � 7e to bring to you the Devil byl And Ito one knows a thinT VXa.c�t.ly too rrty ;.4�s i lt,ar ta4 0� About Just how'twill an th li year-- °J r v The mystery'.y as dein,T tear, � ciolt'1 nt, C Yes,snap your fingers at my tale, and talk abou As In the early spring. There's no t�tt5hira d%hhr a. lits, boys-they've not D.T,•s I'll lie cclierr:lrtt,rl;Inf.henv; i You, who in some sequestered spot are sitting at Yet In a few localities Will :Iwayr, I„ litre;itrtt; s ; � � �a ice you were home,the They're figuring pluralities. your 13ut, htwiner r,rt But we are Metropolitan,with all that word Impllev, The campalgn yet Is younrr,and 011, 1'il got v l(:•ar err t.lre niaar in f; �, o hien to bring the light The deco suspense we'll feel L)rrtl't,nroUrn f+,r leer unn, y ,fn `''' And 11 our lite looks more than sweet to your bucolic 'TT our faces are aglow eyes, Or else we're canner heals of crow Don't, rnuttz•X1 Piet• Ill(, ovor; a o " '�{ once again and bluer You simply show you're not In touch with this de- And hearing t'others splrli I'tzl going to'do no;ltitlt; '� lightful town, --TcranesseeF_a_rnw. For ever nand ever,'" �, � � iu -.--Dt here automobiles ohaae you up so they can run Yet conte,with terse vocrthulary, Are making statements tabtalarp, Philacicdvltra Euerainp Bulletin. 4-' _�- yo own. — t16_-- Wm. H. (`err bL o "rot It. - The campalgn yet is young,is youttg; y 19 rllaking a fine >~ hi Seer. it's anybody's rar:t: g roomy hall'over his place of busines.s, ! `� 0 :� v Mohter could acquire "Tell me what you cat aasd I'll tela you what:on 11rP Yet may hear a trtttmph sen Fie never dries his arc,"solei the veer. By many a.gloating roeman',v tongue- W11iCh will be fitted U) in i'he Judge ma, qct the place! 1 splendid - - ... hour, The than told him what hr ate. Style and 1Jt3 OCCU 1 d by Southoldwheel his first month's 'You're a blanked fool!"sald the seer. 'Vet why shooed'we have blue,v.-hen all Cincinnati Commercial 'ti'ouderfull Wonderful!"exclaimed the man.- Have flZured1 't Lodge, I,__--'-o, I+, 90-1-q#4- - --------.--- ('tick. _ s-r'can't lr,�(,at oily -___�--t--- __ Southold Lecture Associatioll "its • A 4*11Anl­ �Ifl nn.-.,nasneel rnv w". A meeting for the,purpose Of organi7l, and a troop of little ing a Lecture Association was held at r down the drive to meet Belmont Hall last Thursday evening. ;i my knees aild opened J. N. Hallock was elected chairman, dogs rushed into them, and F. T. Wells secretary of the meet- e with kisses. Then and ing. It was voted to form an associ- '' dogs and place close to ation and that it be called the Southold as home, and home it has Lecture Association. The following e. A few short years officers were chosen: Pres., F. T. 41 Morris will have piassed Wells; Vice Pres., J. N. Hallock; See., 1 NEW AMSTERDAM !w years she wants to Rev. Win. H. Murray; Treas., 03 That best explains why Lester Albertson. It was voted that KLAW& ERLANGER.M^mA91tRe to: NEW YORK ,jglj soniewhat tired and the Executive Committee consist of the ie is glad to be Sister officers and three additional members, he French Reformatory. viz., Horace King, C. L. Sanford and M '000 t her dear girls are help- Dr. J. G. Huntting. F. T. Wells reported that there was about $60 in her life in her beloved env girls to know this. It the Bank, which was left after paying i. expenses of the course last winter, an(l lie jov to their loving he willingly turned it over to the association. It is hoped that all who favor and are interested in a good course of entertainments will be willing to take JOSEPH M. WEBFI? LLw M. FIFL0S tickets when called upon by the com- MasnRs KLAW & EIRL-ANGER ANNOUNCE THE LAST JOINT APPEARANCE OF mittee. It is proposed to give a course, of six e ts for$1.75a ticket. ritertainmen _jv�10/049P-F. T. WEBER.. 49 FIELDS The 11la0,k-TAIoe_'.R)11tted Grandmas, -�00K COMPANY AT THL AND THEIR FAMOUS AL- L -STAR S 11'rovi the Los Angeles Herald. cawt you 8tint,your eyes lind:iee them— Dear old tiouls of long ago? NEW 9MJTERbAM sweet Krand nlothe rt;,as we knew then' Jer %Vlica life's title was at Its Ilotv; - THEATRE - (;ood old mothers of tho )rennnt— Bless them,every one,I say, FORA*AREWFI-L. I-NC;AGEMENT with their tender.tline,scared races And their hair betstrewn with xray: OF TWO WFEKS. COMMFNC-INC, But if I could go bacit thirty—forty years agu and MONDAY Dear,old black-lace-mitted grandtlia-i it would Ile EVENING MAY 16TH a treat to nict i D)m old eyet,and brass-bowed glasses, Sunkeu obeeks and parchment skin. SEAT RESERVATIONS MAY SE lila, two-handlod, black w,)rk basket MADE ON OR AFTER THURSDAY That4hey took their"knittin'"In_- OF THIS WEEK. MAIL ORDERS, urcakTast shawlt" put on "three-cornered," 40 WITH REMITTANCES, WILL 13F "nkat"sunbonnet,and it pair Of old-W.,hionod black lace"half-hands" GIVEN SPECIAL ATT ENTIO.N • );raving gnarled old 1111rers bare-.- k Ali,If I could go back thirty---forty years ago and Louis MANN LILLIAN RUSSELL See Dear, old black-lace-mItted grandmas It Would be a boon to incl Knuckles big and brown and—ugly? God forbid that 1,should says Hands deformed by tasks of lfijnds that Iald their dead away 11iougli they Braved more years of service Cod forbid that these should bo T Aught but beauty's very essence, 1fouj of sacredness to met If I could 01111,goblack thirty years or so,I know i I'd seek first the lace-mitt grandmas of the dear, dead 10119 agOl AF 41P ('rude,unlettered,bent with toillag. Blunt,unskilled In tricks of speech Yet as good its gold of Ophir, Fit foreverinore to teach All their daughters by example. What the ukuther-heart should know Inspirations.to devotion, ].)car old souls'of long agol Let nie take the whole world with me on my back... ward trip to seo Blexsed, black-lave-niltted grandmas that are ,4111 so dear to met CHAS. T. Ross MABEL FENI ON ,A Curforts Fpltapb. The f(jI)o-sving is In a clitirchyard near PETER F. DAILEY JuFIN T, K1-j.i_, Plymouth, Englarid "livre lire fi, poor %vontan Wbo 'Aways tired, lvhf;lived ill lt holls" All(I YOUTf 1jrt 1(,I.( with wondrous titles, that have leaped I o7 Whert!11(41-P was not•11ire.(1. Of the I c ysl And foods to sudden famo- 0 cd Id, with the wl-00 Her hurt,*9rds on (!f1r,th woj­: Q) �Z e prancr,,;of 761,1111dren The old-time bread was splendid, Q) 19 > 0Z f)ejj,oI(liloor.slepl 011-th old-fa.-ibloned name; 'Denr fitends, T ani going Cn .- ;� (Q)OV, T imd the glory of tlis �14 a) 11 dajj(,-p.9 of th(�lauglilnrz It held the balm of summer And th. wheat donn, Cd P Nor sweeping,nor sowilw: 0 't �: lad and 111.v3, and chanted as the liouns of And breathed an InvLtatloa that wmild intilro vote 94-4 tO And tlll�sonr�,' coine and.eat. Bill. everything thoro is 0 Mltlllllig spedl ted with the f4c('s or the E'Xaetly to 1-1.ly witsho,;, (U 4-3 Ob,the�saf-rodspot is hall" Ing, and tile KDOCI, old The good old times Are 90 deadbread Is gonel j,'or whesn they dou'! o;il of the lays Ill Made'W t1h the wealth There's no v,,a,J,i ll�,diti a) y'91 Tho thlolc cut.9114'C'of`110mc ho!z. Ili lid lionle da of)arn thereont -4-) that was such A[)of- I'll bo where Ioud alithoni.,1- P4 Nw(-Iflrl;� tlII the The piece of bread and butter 0) 41 Cs IvIcinorie.s lbrotir. Witt "llway,4 h(! I-ifig,111'r; ill ij;ls fotind relief: hood boon co Ila � )? 7 ljoly� from the Mcsstd And filled tho void that clamored In the lilillr, Bill, 1mviniz no Cd Ill,() welling ternoon? 4-� 0 1 nf U) fou'l I' )f grlef (..,yt You were ftt for any Far Hil!11111sif.)-jusiied and varilshod. for the voices And, 0, l,ucullaa Tax) *2) Z C) Don't mo-urn for ow no\v, = b bread wA.-j 11outIviff In the J�ravy rour)(1 the (1001' home-made�,Oljjshfd from the: When horne-i Don't mourn for ino evor; 0 iow,prhitrs t'll" on your plat(d tn U yell fornvc-I'llore. l'in going to do iiWhing X cu As diromdi t)ljnd)nf,,nilsts we Ka4f, For ever and ever.' 1-- Il 4-1 'ov;jird the old !ionic day.51 Its crumb was rtlwar 5 flml;y,and Its crust,wi4,4 never 4-J bV. A. Cftor-rVr, burned; _Pkiladrdphia Evenino Bulletin. r, it(but your sister never 41 ho 6 d Your mother used to M8118 0 Bred. learned). fine, CZ1 h 0 Cd — *'*Win. H. Terry is making a 0 0 4-� r. there's nothing The constant niarch of progrc&v hurls our cherls 0 4 iE c) Cd — Ile w&,�bred Ili old Esopns, where roomy hall over his place of business, 0) W C11 titings afar— er Ranks the aPPIl! Cd ;_4 V IZ: else to do; reporters lust to say a The horne-inade bread no loat; which will be fitted up in splendid I ife's been sought by all rCP butter err— No more the tang Of SPICN; tells that sonletillug, word or two; good is -tprertd style and be occupi d b Southold _fashlona4� x y I-le was bred In old F Atop a te-nipLing portloa of the good old Lodge, I. 0 (E'en the name quite failed to stop brimdf —------------- And he wouldn't say a word, and ow doean t that rattle You? —Balum,onre T'llorld �Y THE TEMPERATURE FOR 1886. `Y THE TEMPERATURE FOR 1888. The following h3 E,statement of the maximum and minimum temperature,as recorded at the 1j SiguaY'�at oryay,New York: ,New York. The following is a statement of nraximun,an Signal Servlud Ubsd nunimun;temperature,as recorded at the Signal I Service Observatory,120 BroadwCity. I 'Mar. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. I Feb. Se t. Oct. Nov. Dec. _ l _ Jan. Feb. ItZ�ar. April. 'Tay. June. � July. I Aug. p de d A ! 1 45 86 80 23 19 7 55 46 58 42 75 57 75 60 79 69 72 59 68 46 67 46 46 33 2 49 32 80 1.5 25 10 5241 65 48 69 55 76 61 83 65 72 57 57 42 73 51, 37 17 8 45 87 13 8fl 18 52 35 81 47 70 60 90 G4 '71 57 77 59 62 46 70 51 28 17 1 53 29 35 17 44 29 5$ 37 57 49 79 57 73 59 8fi 71 83 69 61 45 70 46 44 34 4 irl 4() 18 2 44 2$ 39 29 71 50 70 63 0 68 75 58 70 58 71 48 64 48 26 18 2 54 28 38 24 39 29 63 40 53 44 "10 55 75 58 86 G3 84 64i 68 51 72 52 47 31 5 51 84 12 1 4p 25 38 32 79 57 68 55 80 64 86 62 73 61 69 53 62 44 25 14 3 36 27 43 23 41 20 52 31 "53 42 70 52 80 58 87 67 81 65 51 39 64 50 42 38 6 89 15 87 20 43 27 4434 69 53 74 54 85 65 72 61 72 64 M 53 62 48 31 21 4 85 25 45 26 25 15 53 37 53 45 75 53 83 62 91 68 79 63 60 38 62 43 50 34 62 43 42 32 11 7 25 12 30 17 45 22 48 39 66 52 69 59 90 65 68 61 80 67 72 55 54 80 23 5 36 24 46 38 20 6 3q 22 39 $8 26 12 62 47 G9 58 87 60 86 69 7 25 14 $7 72 8 52 65 552 39 7250 82 57 87 66 87 71 83 64 69 5 G8 5 50 29 8 29 11 4p 28 41 30 47,'3.2 55 49 80 60 88 75 81 60 82 68 70 52 46 ' r. r. 61 51 63 5`2 43 2, ` 4U 30 68 84 72 50 75 57 82 G$ 83 84 73 69 82 58 51 31 45 2a 7 43 24 39 24 34 19 55 40 �4,4 83 63 90 66 84 69 68 51 61 45 58 45 61 36 9 2(3 11 65 29 1q 1fi 10 4a 131 44 26 68 48 61 52 78 57 80 61 79 03 84 69 78 58 58 42 46 29 1 8 44 29 44 2G 40 24 4=1 30 65 51 90 59 83 65 13 71 81 67 46 39 71 .48 44 37 11 18 8 88 $3 48 26 5540 57 48 88 64 $4 66 85 69 82 G9 74 60 G3 46 54 30 i 9 84 27 27 12 45 25 50 31 ry451 79 �r 76 64 93 71 72 67 56 SCI 65 60 44 34 12 14 3 48 $d 40 34 59 39 55 48 76 62 75 61 85 72 78 6`2 81 56 49 43 44 39 10 40 30 16 8 50 29 46 36 ,6 GO �8 v8 79 G. 84 66 81 6G 52 39 55 44 43 38 - 18 20 4 51 37 47 85 6549 54 48 67 59 76 61 82 70 69 57 72 60 52 31 42 37 11 84 19 35 16 46 84 55 43 71 58 79 62 87 62 B5 66 !8 61 58 47 55 37 3G 29 i 14 28 10 532 d4 47 30 G9 95 G4 47 64 66 18 G5 85 70 75 57 64 58 50 31 42 34 12 27 14 32 22 35 11 50 40 �1 55 80 5v 79 G1 78 64 88 57 48 55 39 15 89 15 138 4G 34 61 42 58 47 71 6 78 67 80 63 75 G8 68 fit 50 35 40 `23 13 48 19 46 22 23 5 48 29 65 Ts 7 6 57 77 55 75 65 7 5 59 2 46 58 42 27 6 16 85 2n 89 24 63 30 50 89 fi7 50 7G 57 74 6G r76 G2 73 65 50 41 46 35 25 18 14 42 29 48 28 41 13 55 40 67�� 83 58 84 63 &3 G1 84 66 78 54 56 74 50 61 41 57 50 87 .20 17 88 28 81 14l 53 82 58 41 68 46 82 65 84 66 81 69 84 69 52 84 59 40 30 14 I 15 40 29 40 6 41 81 �a 3ry r�45 85 6g 81 64 96 66 73 8 65 47 59 44 51 30 1 18 82 20 49 24 52 34 60 42 (58 46 74 60 83 69 72 64 77 G4 68 46 64 41 44 29 16 33 16 19 3 48 34 5G 3! 4 r 59 50 45 36 56 44 19 45 28 46 $4 47 36 78 44 62 52 76 G5 79 63 74 62 73 61 58 52 43 36 39 31 ! 17 35 15 43 17 41 25 5G 3G 64 41 8i 67 78 6G 88 7e r'S 88 58 44 48 31 39 83 ' 29 44 87 14 40 32 67 49 65 58 78 57 81 63 74 62 "r1 55 65 55 55 35 40 30 ! 18 35 19 44 33 37 �� U1 40 5 42 71 48 82 66 5 65 82 71 80 62 57 40 56 38 32 21 ] 21 45 29 81 12 45 35 66 45 77 56 75 61 73 64 74 60 66 50 85 49 54 39 41 26 19 25 19 43 31 45 r t 59 47 48 36 E9 16 2 43 34 40 26 46 35 84 5,5 78 58 70 59 87 62 74 59 60 51 i1 46 54 39 43 32 20 2'i iG 55 36 51 36 49 40 67 50 J1 82 713 66 87 65 76 6146 39 315 24 23 31 12 41 2f3 39 2$ 83 51 86 62 68 59 83 Fro 77 G1 73 58 71 50 60 44 43 35 21 20 5 50 40 55 38 49 36 70 46 90 65 80 66 75 61 G 62 57 35 40 29 26 9 i wi 15 10 41 21 43 24 83 56 72 59 69 57 79 64 �(7 G2 72 53 59 43 64 41 54 40 22 19 2 47 30 41 28 58 34 I3 51 91 86 81 67 74 61 5 aG 56 43 35 78 34 21 2"a 31 14 47 213 58 34 57 48 63 5D 76 60 76 65 81 G8 68 60 71 48 42 30 50 24 23 22 11 44 30 30 16 54 42 62 51 Sri 74 89 10 76 Sit (i7 56 50 28 78 5.5 { 26 45 81 46 1i3 56 45 68 46 59 45 77 61 80 67 86 G6 78 63 63 51 40 31 34 23 24 24 12 51 34 30 15 50 87 Gi152 93 �1 87 i0 84 60 65 42 85 63 419 40 28 53 84 27 37 33 fill) t3 48 33 54 46 63 48 79 62 80 70 t34 G7 84 G7 53 47 40 29 40 i37 25 34 7 46 35 38 19 �1 33 �tb.iv J3 n9 86 G5 54 88 63 81 52 (i2 4$ 44 2$ 56 39 28 41 84 29 12 52 34 70 44 75 52 79 60 89 69 88 77 8G G9 55 45 46 30 24 27 24 1g 4031 44 z f8 48 ire 5a $1 65 80 fi7 86 67 75 Sri 59 47 49 40 55 39 i 29 42 3 i 43 85 57 4fi 73 56 81 60 68 70 84 71 5 58 55 50 5D `38 J 18 f33 44 47 35 41 33 . t 80 8)8 `d0 ., 4Pi 35. 5542 80 57 74 64 89 73 78 71 71 56 55 48 53 42 25 19 28 13 6 23 1() 15 3G 8g 5. G7 52 77 53 ' 85 6# i 54 63 51 l 81 $4 2(1 r 29 '3 9 35 19 45 9 84 59 R;�SG 69 52 81 62 &3 55 58 46 54 4`2 44 38 42 30 1 .. Pi0 43 78 64 -83 00 7a 68 56 46 -- 34 21 80 30 21 58 35 72 53 7N 63 79 57 61 62 86 G1 60 41 49 40 51 38 r 30 31 33 27' 63 40 iv 6,', 85 66 85 65 61 37 42 37 { �1v' e. Av' c�. Av'ge. A'vge Av'l;e. Av'ge. Av'ge. Av'ge. AV' e. Av'geµ Av,ge. Av'ge. -------- -- 85 `1 is 87 j4 1% 45 29'ytr G042y� 67 51 733f,58 81 65 r 79('i4�G 74%f i Ii�y 4J;a•i4;s38r? $ _- m , 11 2'` - � 82 64 184 65 74 58 59 44 154 40 ` 43 29 _ t -_ 33 1J 40 4 41 57 39 167:i1 82 6 I E THE TEMPERATURE FOR x88'7. The followip is a statement of the maximum and minimum temperature,as recorded% THE TEMPERATURE'FOR 1889. Signal Service Msexwatory,New York. The mean temperature for the year was 51.9. from the s of Jan. FeU. 11aL•. April. �may.1 June, July. I Aug. Sept. Oct. I Nov. Dec Broadway,New York minimum Sergeant E.B temperatures Observerdin Charge. States Signal Office,120 A w d ci Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. i 1 36 28 33 ,'?5 `?$ 20 38 30 73 47 71 51 90 68 88 72 75 61 65 59 54 38 28 12 +� F1 q c� p ci ri A 2 23 11 28 21 46 `25 42 31 70 55 74 62 89 69 85 72 78 59 70 59 58 35 .$8 20 —— --------- -- 3 W 7 38 2f3 45 30 5;S 34 67 51 75 59 86 69 84 70 74 62 70 57 67 44 50 35 I 4 31 12 83 :213 39 29 71 43 7953 81 58 $6 70 80 69 77 156i'0 54 67 45 47 37' 1 46 36 37 24 48 31 44 86 59 43 73 61 76 fib 83 71 r7 (i8 733 49 62 51 50 33 58 61 47 44 29 5 371 26 15-1 33 22 58 30 72 57 63 55 74 69 36 r 79 69 81 61 63 50 47 34 52 37 2 42 33 38 � 46 � 5507 40 58 40 74' 56 81 69 82 74 82 61 66 45 65 51 52 26 G 36 ).xl all 22 34 27 46 26 63 53 C4 55 80 68 86 73 77 60 fib 51 59 34 47 30 3 46 36 435943t 24 13 57 80 62 68 83 62 66 52 59 e 7 31 `^1 4030 42 50 3? 51 33 515 49 5J 35 62 49 77 57 ag 71 76 05 61 93 73 77 62 74 2 16 67 78. 59 6554 1 44 52 41 5 44 39 50 29 4$ 37 50 35 79 50 71 61 80 62 7i 66 82 64 62 42 46 42 43 19 N i 8 28 1 N w l 9 2a 15 41 34 44 31 62 80 72 54 86 64 83 71 78 64 72 ",7 7(i 62 52 34 54 35 G 44 37 20 15 4$ 37 51 87 79 61 88 53 86 64 79 62 79 61 77 65 54 44 54 70 61 58 51 38 448 31 4 33 1 11 20 10 M .41 36 25 80 56 88 57 73 54 82 67 80 70 66 55 (i8 49 41 34 56 52 8 50 36 34 15 40 81 8 41 68 48 79 2 88 69 77 60 74 65 53 0 54 46 53 39 4 12 35 9 44' ;:1 45 23 58 42 $0 82 77 5G 89 68 87 68 63 58 54 41 44 35 54 42 9 56 36 42 27 88 29 67 40 82 53 84 67 84 71 78 65 76 66 59 40 61 46 60 52 f' 16 43 ;d8 ;,'9 17 48 32 48 40 73 52 87 58 92 71 75 65 66 57 64 45 51 37 47 34 10 53 86 38 24 88 2J 65 41 87 61 68 68 73 67 80 68 78 60 62 47 52 48 48 40 j 14 42 33 3'i 1j) 49 25 80 42 W3 52 70 56 81 68 71 B 58 6G 54 64 7 e15 56 37 49 34 11 40 38 56 46 44 39 12 41 32 32 24 54 30 68 52 72 57 0 62 86 70 76 37 28 43 2956 0 63 68 52 82 44 52 37 15 40 20 44 32 33 17 53 43 39 i 1G 8fi 24 48 85 33 23 57 42 69 53 80 53 94 68 80 66 67 55 59 41 54 42 45 31 18 4a 30 22 14 62 38 57 44 70 53 "r7 58 83 68 80 60 73 83 52 46 55 48 60 17 42 32 48 3 Z 87 22. 50 37 70 54 90 68 91 74 84 87 67 48 68 48 GO 93 38 29 l4 42 32 30 12 4$ 39 57 34 75 56 84 65 85 69 80 68 i8 88 46 42 44 32 32 21 50 36 25 A is as 19 26. 6 564,3 3a 44 25 46 47. 33" 50 31 80 5" 75 02 78 58 78 6o R5 67 76 56 58 50 84 71 68 52 70 56 54 37 40 33 36 36 1 16 54 30 9. 25 55 37 56 36 76 59 88 fib 79 f30 77 60 82 68 7t 60 76 58 78 68 8 44 39 27 45 27 20 39 ;21 45 2'.? 4g 33 5G 36 84 G9 $4 62 &) 66 76 88 !0 58 58 48 43 29 45 26 17 58 43 45 36 43 87 56 42 80 62 63 66 84 62 76 61 84 71 65 42 45 27 45 36 t. 2l 50 fit 37 2t, 49 34 G3 10 6.4 82 80 6G 73 67 80 82 74 56 63 45 50 25 45 35. 18 48 39 40 36 50 38 63 50 79 59 69 60 83 62 74 60 69 ti0 62 50 49 39 96 39 i 22 15 .3u 42 34 66 43 76 57 80 67 82 11 83 68 68 62 54 38 50 31 37 22 19 81 24 31 2G 48 41 77 52 70 59 72 55 82 68 80 62 63 52 fib 47 56 44 57 42 1 23 8$ 34 ;15 2r) 35 27 58 45 77$1 $9 f34 83 72 82 87 64 50 57 36 52 36 33 19 20 40 17 31 21 40 36 70 48 71 83 83 84 84 70 84 GS 64 51 70 54 55 4+3 54 i36 24 54 38 49 32 47 26 63 48 7664 80 fit 78 71 75 G7 56 44 65 49 54 40 35 26 21 38 32 36 19 40 33 80 52 78 61 83 64 82 67 90 71 65 53 60 42 53 41 51 43 i 25 46 28 3r> 20r 48 36 56 45 85 62 78 64 84 73 74 61 58 41 49 43 53 44 36 24 22 37 27 37 30 57 36 57 43 fi7 50 77 68 84 68 84 71 59 47 56 38 53 44 54 35 26 47 21 80 `�'-3 40 31 58 42 7661 81. 63 90 i2 71 57 61 45 52 37 67 45 33 23 23 43 25 16 8 62 38 56 37 65 48 74 57 84 68 75 rib 69 47 44 35 53 48 47 40 27 28 13 88 :�2 40 24 64 `)4 7256 &l 64 87 72 72 55 66 46 56 45 66 48 39 27 24 44 32 19 2 62 41 68 46 73 48 75 60 79 65 78 67 66 54 4G 37 52 42 65 43 52 88 53 83 E 48 32 57 49 63 54 79 84 85 72 72 56 G2 52 57 r, 61 82 46 29 25 49 38 31 15 58 44 46 58 4G 80 64 78 62 73 62 75 61 58 52 74 59 79 60 79 64 418 65 63 54 52 47 46 34 `G3 45 " .28 50 %) 20 1.r 83 2'2. 57 45 63 51 89 64 87 73' 75 57 68 58 63 48 39 25 33 14 � 26 45 30 34 17 47 27 63 29 fH3 d8 3G 16 57 44 G7 54 89 68 8fi 74 75 5fl 65 fit 54 37 35 23 26 16 27142 37 87 27 54 36 59 48 54 46 83 67 74 65 73 59 60 49 61 52 58 37 41 34 r' 30 42 31 42 8�? .' `1A _ 63 C�(i 90 75 74 57 .. 63 32 29 15 1 28 37 32 189 30 52 37 60 49 69 48 85 89 79 64 74 56 63 46 59 50 56 40 50 34 29.27 22 54 32 62 50 fi5 44 85.70 88 70 74 58 66 45 51 45 37 80 54 34 `Y Av'Re. Av'ge.I Av'gj. A'vgel AV'ge. Av'ge. rAry'ge. Av'ge. Av'g�7 137 e 4 v+g44 3© 48 3038 19 1 42 40 � b9 44 73 60 78 77 86 77 66 83 66 70 82 61 74 59 446 3 36 27 31 825 2 +>�s417 .57 '3'J���iltio177y�60 8 z70 l8�65 70 5t+ Ei3 4 l _ --r48 $7 t32 34 2135 60 43 71 53 78 62 81 66 79 64 72 60 59 53 41 49 34 Lay Of the Strap-HMnger. Spring Fever, g 0. When I get inside a,car, «'if?in tatltrtim4-- i" There's ae�very often to M&T do Hn11Se 1113sF't; r ere'slness and rrral-e me blue, Beat:in Carpets Happ7 C I-T Y R A I L R O A D S. For I never get—do you?— Since rill y��,3���t; e I'm an unluebs Chap. Picked tip dinners, �• —_-- — -- AnY seat—there are a few— C Ak yr• Date of Grant by Ito• So I hang upon a strap. the Common ROUTE. �f of President of Company.; . Oh,It's straps.straps,strapx -Cook a kickin', r Name of(,anil') n3 Council. Cars. Cone, shove along the leathers CToitr' t4 cltlit•; _____ ----- And it's straps, straps, straps •'• Baby squ,aaltl', E rota the Astor 11ouse,along the Park,through 1 jolting on together. Dose o' squills, cPark roxv,Centre,Brootne street,Bowery,a.ucl i 13 Geo.Schuyler. Dangling and wabblins about, falling in lAdlaW Tired$eelin.', 7 N.Y.and llarletn B .��. Dec. 2.,18 1 t L onrth avenue to Twenty-seventh street,frDlir } y laps, Plumbers' bills*; e thence with large cars to Harlem river........ J An elbow in my neclt.air shirt front is a wraox- t (Permission giv Oh, it's straps. straps, straps,straps,strapal Boners all achin', f t Icnn It. R, to Iltirlem rail road,from corner New York incl Si tz eb cn by the llar On that portion of the route oft For a nickel is the price, ggrip, N.Y.&New Ii,LveLz �'1'''� `} er of Centre and j.... Robert L. Schuyler. And you pas It with a groan, .Think ye'd better ' t run upon their Canal streets to the l arlctn river ............ S(nce the car is cold as lee Tal P a trig; t, l tracks........ And your Joy's forever Newts ( Front eorner of Cb-ambers and Hudson streets, 1 Crain fisl7ln— I E Riding' in the frigid zone, 1T s _... VI a 6 1847 tltrongh lluclson,Can Ll,and West streets to the E.D.Mor au. Ting a-ding 1ludsott[liver I y Tenth avenue,thonce to the SpuytetL IJevil'ti g l put on nay thinking cap l: .................. .............. ... C'ot spring fever, - creek.. ) , lt'hiie I clatter like a bone. r 1? � i G roru cor.B:Lrcla. :and Church,through Church and Ilanai g frorn that giddy strap. Sure t;hin�`__—._ F E Ch rtubers streets West Broaclrvay,Canal,Va- i Oh.it's straps,straps,straps r ittlt A.ver7n� lt•. •• .fatly 30,1851! rick,Carmine streets,and the Sixth avenuo to 43 ,James L.Libby. f, In every kind of weather l Forty-fourth. street, returning by the same ; And it's straps,straps,straps t3 l Jolting on together. route,with a 5ulglc track through College place - i f corn coruerl3arcl�y stars c1lurch,thronl,h Church, l j If we stand this sort of thing we're SoitAts, pie- s' Chanrbet�street,West 13roadAv C rn.,l,11uc1- heads, vaPs, July 30 1801 aon strret5 zucl the Eighth at a,nue to 1'tfty-ninth ff } 00 Flung up ince canvase3 hams and breathing t„ i:ii,�hth zl.venue, ��• r ' 1 street, returning by the s:r.me route, with ai soulful ---s ae. single track throw h(.ollenc >la'ce............ ) On the straps, straps. straps,straps.straps: t g g a T --- -d'hi.ew Auily x surf.. for 0, '" - Ti_ TEMPERATURES FOR x892. TEMPERATURES FOR t8go, Maximum arra minimum temperatures from the records of the United States Signal Service 120 Maximum and minimum temperatures frons the l records of the United States Weather Bureau, p !; � 1PA Broadway,New York,Sergeant E.B.Dunn,Local Forecast Official. ' Broadway,Neto York City,Sergeant F.B.Dunn,Observer in Charge. -Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug, Sept. Oct. I Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April, Hay. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.`s Dec. V. 1 52 29 47 30 49 82 46 '80 79 56 81 60 86 67 89 70 75 56 74 M 51 87 35 1 46^28 41 81 34 82 52 815 68 44 85 66 67 60 77 (15 70 f32 76 M 60 43 36 20 40 2 65 51 40 80 27 20 54 81 62 42 82 60 80 72 84 71 77 M 69 60 57 44 80 $4 2 59 47 42 87 27 28 (16 42 81 56 84 66 76 00 72 05 71 52 60 48 56 50 4,131 41 8 47 38 48 87 85 16 65 37 62 46 78 60 77 60 78 70 88 62 70 64 51 42 54 117 31 :12 25 42 84 36 7x"2 773 53 67 47 79 01 84 66 84 64 76 57 65. 48 66 W 49 88 36 4 44 28 56 42 44 25 61 52 68 55 88 62 81 69 80 78 .84 05 74 62 45 87 89 •430, 1 27 20 40 Ifo 45 10 79 00 70 45 65 68 74 60 87 (38 78 50 71 56 54 48 87 34 38 5 52 86 69 40 40 82 52 89 77 56 89 65 78 67 89 74 86 06 71 58 60 38 44 k 5 :N 22 81 N 80 1.11 70 Sid OH GO 75 68 76 tib 82 67 131 157 58 48 80 a8 87 80= 87 6 61 48 88 29 27 21 56 86 72 55 80 62 130 60 86 74 82 71 59 54 64 43 46 7 (I :it 24 34 13 40 82 71 N 04 50 82 11.1 78 60 84 68 i2 62 69 89 48 31 42)1,82:; 7 54 45 57 17 81 6 68 48 63 49 81 61 84 05 84 70 78 70 58 61 63 46 86 k 7 31 22 37 24 M 81 (10 48 6x3 48 76 0143 78 Pill 8O 68 ,71 53 70 46 (15 38 45 M 78 55 95 70 77 70 76 66 64 48 71 51 19 8 48 87 00 83 82 15 56 41 a2 40 28 1t s :125 1(3 51 84 41 86 69 41) 0l) 42 (11'3 56 KI (3.2 G15 80 68 71 58 7.4 59 51 58 8€) � 9 41 24 88 29 37 19 48 40 68 44 80 58 88 00 78 09 80 04 65 45 57 46 87 21i 9 M, `25 44 85 52 86 X40 38 7" 41) 78 tit 77 lit 93 72 6.4 59 60 52 41 13.4 44 37 �22, 10 40 29 88 22 49 28 52 44 72 57 80 62 72 56 88 68 70 62 74 48 68 48 44 2(4 10 1V 19 40 26 52 97 48 81 70 49 M 64 86 64 88 tib 7.4 60 61 48 45 31 40 86 88 11 45 24 41 "27 51 89 M 37 65 47 80 64 75 60 72 58 78 60 64 57 48 88 58 8411 352 2,5 39 88 32 21 45 0 (17 51 7) 57 80 (I 92 71 70 W 69 46 44 31 40 32 16 ` 12 (i7 88 51 36 71 44 60 42 67 46 74 63 82 62 75 63 80 (4 56 51 47 87 89 ) 12 31 29 29 20 42 22 46 N OH 53 84 (10 00 68 M 71 74 60 69 52 42 3.3 as A) 18 65 47 52 32 65 50 81 44 66 49 74 55 68 61 72 62 82 72 58 46 56 89 81 1 18 63 35 26 12 81 28 54 34 0() 58 91 68 02 70 75 W i2 (31 66 52 47 M 4)3 82 14 42 82 56 87 44 39 72 50 80 58 74 62 78 62 82 64 66 62 (f3 53 61 41 44 28 14 112 46 48 IS 29 19 48 36 56 49 91 (10 H5 71 77 62 78 68 70 58 60 40 46 U 15 50 82 47 40 45 33 57 48 70 62 69 62 89 08 83 65 75 60 (17 48 57 45 42 38 115 :31 26 47 U 81 10 52 82 72 131 82 07 00 70 se (3G 7a 56 74 65 58 48 43 86 16 54 32 40 22 32 23 60 41 77 55 74 61 94 70 78 04 76 60 73 51 56 49 88 25 1127 18 28 18 83 10 150 85 711 61 N 00 76 438 84 66 75 56 10 56 (12 53 41 82 17 36 21 52 33 40 22 63 40 69 48 74 61 92 71 86 69 72 01 67 51 65 46 42 82 X17 31 16 26 18 85 10 50 85 76 b6 H8 M 77 15"3 77 67 72 59 623 54 63 45 46 M 18 43 80 69 39 53 84 60 43 68 51 84 M 77 68 75 66 76 60 68 49 57 48 44 82 18 49 25" 49 18 82 23 50 40 78 68 (4 60 88 11() 89 68 78 60 64 54 62 42 ;is 80 19 49 31 40 83 88 28 52 80 70 53 83 66 76 61 78 67 70 50 64 47 58 44 28 20 '10 43 25 40 28 84 21 55 30 5ti 46 Ef3 58 88 62' 86 71 43 60 69 64 50 87 89 W 20 57 42 44 20 49 27 60 40 69 56 75 60 70 50 82 66 78 60 64 49 44 86 89 47 %0 10 10 89 M 85 526 (12 42 50 -93 85 72 84 60 88 70 65 52 56 50 44 85 89 25 21 45 37 29 17 54 42 70 45 '68 50 73 60 77 57 78 07 68 52 59 45 46 32 42 82 21 31 8 .40 34 80 20 453 48 60 48 86 70 W 61 82 70 70 54 62 62 49 85 81 19 22 27 18 35 TI 49 44 65 48 66 50 74 57 79 60 79 69 69 58 58 43 51 89 48 87 4) 30 20 41 86 40 29 157 41 57 41 til 78 80 65 88 05 68 (3(l 65 45 40 35 81 Y1 23 82 15 48 27 43 35 71 45 68 50 71 62 77 62 72 58 77 58 58 47 44 84 51 84 �!3 41 30 42 873 51 88 62 40 62 48 (63 06 86 64 80 06 74 6G 6'1 C)2 32 25 25 18 24 88 26 48 89 46 29 73 52 73 54 81 (its 76 67 04 51 62 58 55 44 47 80 85 26 24 :18 25 89 32 415 84 (13 40 M 46 80 05 86 68 78 60 7G 65 52 13 88 20.4 253 9 25 43 24 50 41 51 88 50 44 61 62 88 (39 77 69 75 57 67 48 64 48 03 41 28 20 2;5 46 33 42 8.1 46 M 60 W 74 53 79 68 9.4 74 8.3 70 81 60 52 30 30 29 2216 26 50 30 69 42 55 43 50 41 68 54 88 70 85 71 70 04 70 56 54 45 46 84 82 14 26 14 10 48 M M 40 61 88 .3t) 00 81 54 I)G 74 66 62 70 01 54 48 87 29 20 10 27 53 36 50 38 50 37 57 40 75 60 74 68 82 69 80 68 07 50 55 48 81 24 80 a'K '7 `21 8 88 80 42 88 tis 44 GN H 75 06 02 77 69 59 68 51 55 89 40 27 20 10 28 84 25 60 40 43 86 02 45 71 56 82 63 87 70 80 0d 60 46 51 40 87 18 29 14 'V 36 111 '•0 21 50 86 62 4+5 60 N3 7.5 68 94 74 U 59 71) 55 50 41 41 86 22 13 " 29 48 28 40 33 134 46 73 55 78 65 78 67 82 63 02 48 58 44 44 28 84 13 `29 49 80 86 27 48 86 60 46 VI 54 till M 16 78 74 64 07 56 54 46 34 8.2 `20.18 30 48 88 44 81 67 45 69 53 84 64 88 70 76 02 71 51 52 42 48 85 80 18 80 39 93 54 81 86 40 72 60 85 07 84 78 75 67 76 51 51 45 34 27 84 18 31 48 33 45 32 80 64 01 74 68 56 56 88 82 21 81 39 80 Na 37 80 58 69 00 88 70 56 49 31 18 I- �w a3 -•18 32 44 31 60 42 69 52 7fl 62 81 00 79 00 74 00 0`L 49 53 80 38 2 t 37 21 30 1!7 41 " :58 472 6ff 51 80 64 84 06 Ti 117 178 b8 08 48 48 87- 37 26 r �f i • _4444.. � :. TEMPERATURES FOR Iggl. TE1ViPfiR;AT,URE5 FOR x893. Maximum and minimunn ternperatureg f pi the retards of the United States Weather Bureau, 111D.Broadwa,New York,Sergeant E.B,Dunfi,L6ca1.Voreeast Official. Yfaxintum and tniuinttxrtl ternr,-rtrtrnroti frotrn.tl>4 4.f IItc•17n3tr it States Weather Bureat _ - tl 1..t.cc�i t ttlu utl. ----- � Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. .Guns. I July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1�'0 Broadway,New York City,5c r to 4 1.I1 lrcutr.r, I�u, __._._...-. .._�,....w. ....._,........._...„, I ,) Jan. Feb. I Mar, J April. May. June:. I July. Aug. I Seltt. � (let. I Nrty, 1).c. ---- _. A r I A � p21 F '� '�_ '� __ 'y �` 1 52 27 34 26 40 80 _i0 4q- 47 44 08 54 PA 62 88 67 "r$ l32 l38 45 56$8 GO 36 1 44 «?1 50 86 W 10 46 8G 77 02 77 55 70 59 81 x58 �78 00 60 54 v53 48 41 24 2 41 85 .46 82 88 28 4x3 38 08 U 68 58 80 05 8.4 (16 78 58 71 51 6243 85 25 2 60 44) 46 87 24 9 46 84 70 52 88 62 66 59 77 65 81 60 71 M 47 37 44 31 8 32 20 42 30 88 20 57 38 46 44 75 57 80 63 84 65 68 61 72 55 62 49 4728 1 8 31 20 54 86 a4 1,9 47 88 (32 51 85 67 7 3 00 75 62 78 05 81 0f l 48 84 x10 88 4 `25 14 80 13 731 27 7l) 46 55 48 75 00 78 08 74 6(f 75 56 59 5-1 44 89 80`d0 4 25 16 25 18 42 80 44 32 66 48 66 50 77 00 7,t 00' 82 65 88 64 45 29 59 44 5 26 17 22 4 26 14 00 40 01 46 01 65 84 04 88 66 80 61 72 55 48 80 3021 5 32 21 35 18 a4 22 48 28 49 3S 70 53 78 60 74 .08 71 63 88 111 48 86 58 81): 6 :29 19 44 18 88 20 46 34 61 49 88 (19 81 66 84 69 76 67 67 57 62 41 4022 0 38 18 48 3U 86 21 44 82 52 38 66 58 78 5l) i i fib 79 65 (3'l 5() 18 84 58 39 7 28 12 415 25 88 28 •40 8;2 M 46 78 60 88 69 80 59 79 68 i'2 60 49 48 4280 7 82 19 x38 32 48 29 41 32 61 30 00 51 78 1% 8(3 (35 74 (36 58 51 55 80 55 88 8 f25 16 26 14 50 81 62 37 05 48 7(; f30 86 88 85 04 60 5!) ?2 58 5046 92 4'7 8 86 20 37 83 42 82 50 33 07 48 78 53 (10 58 88 71 09 (31 05 52 57 42 41 88 9 87 16 39 19 4G 'i5 55 45 70 49 i6 (3(l f10 70 89 7075 59 78 5a 55 40 4$38 1) r 18 40 28 W 33 53 84 82 54 80 58 74 58 79 70 72 54 62 48 57 48 50 84 11 21 5 54 U 89 84 48 89 72 48 87 59 x30 68 87 71 77 60 70 54 44 87 45 35 10 4 2(f 46 86 46 35 45 42 84,*64 82 59 81 61 04 74 75 50 01 49 57 48 154 38 15 1 41 34 47 83 57 38 79 G4 88 71 81 61 88 60 (16 58 (30 50 55 811 31 27 11 52 35 38 27 54 34 55 42 8.1 61 84 61 77 62 98 76 75 61 63 45 03 53 52 81) 12 17 9 86 27 50 88 N 80 78 56 72 62 84 67 00 70 69 56 72 5.3 50 80 49 27 12 43 37 45 31 48 40 rz 45 62 52 $6 05 82 (30 89 72 77 64 48 8) 62 44 46 86• 18 16 9 85 80 52 80 50 44 60 52 70 00 N0 72 77 08 72 69 7O 56 6046 23 14 18 84 28 45 34 55 38 65 4.1 71 47 88 61 88 (k4 84 (35 78 64 49 45 58 41 52 80 14 18 8 48 81 52 88 01 50 02 52 76 63 76 64 77 58 78 64 76 60 5044 33 13 14 41 26 3.3 25 36 27 70 48 75 52 85 64 84 71 80 (17 71 63 (L5 47 52 al) 57 41 15 21 12 61 86 40 27 50 40 74 51 84 66 80 67 85 03 77 68 57 49 42 84 43 25 15 88 26 41 18 30 20 78 47 00 50 94 60 lig "x12 81 (',4 72 57 60 55 48 86 G4 88 16 12 1 49 86 80 17 68 80 00 56 67 62 Q 69 88 68 i'3 62 50 44 40 28 0a 39 10 36 80 55 36 51 80 66 45 6a 50 98 72 82 70 80 63 78 68 82 45 61 41 54 88 17 18 5 W 10 87 W 51 88 00 54 64 54 89 % 88 70 67 50 06 88 58 82 87.33 17 85 25 61 40 40 19 69 48 58 39 92 67 83 66 $5 66 79 58 61 48 (34 739 26 15 18 2?•2 8 80 16 44 25 59 40 62 50 85 61 91 69 &3 67 69 54 67 48 5742 38 27 18 36 27 56 87 51 80 77 50 70 46 57 56 76 66 76 (38 x"1 65 58'51 85 728 84 14 19 27 15 87 21 37 23 58 41 62 48 01 72 85 70 79 66 84 61 50 50 42 85 41 % 19 38 2:3 38 27 47 &1 80 60 63 52 00 54 82 09 78 05 80 69 58 50 44 24 4a 25; 20 24 17 14 00 45 80 40 85 72 48 96 72 85 66 70 64 74 64 (14 48 41 82 29 24 20 39 24 40 26 42 33 70 63 70 51 74 58 78 69 80 68 74 (38 60 49 62 83 41 32; 21 28 10 xM 8 50 87 60 M 85 62 92 74 85 65 76 66 72 64 68 50 6081 44 24 21 45 31 46 31 40 33 60 46 78 61 70 62 134 (37 84 72 85 01 (3)3 47 55 40 50 39 22 29 12 88 2`2 46 36 52 44 82 8.4 75 65 89 68 81 W 81 66 68 57 5748 47 36 22 , 2 «, 28 34 23 88 21 85 30 58 80 86 64 72 61 79 69 74 66 73 61 63 5x1 4839 5;2 43 ti� i9 3c 45 84 ,50 87 �74 48 82 U• 84 (38 81 04 80 7ti 83 (3(i 50 38 57 4fl b2 86', 23 45 34 39 27 54 42 72 60 67 55 89 (f8 79 (17 79 70 83 64 50 80 62 54 68 45 24 41 29 88 29 61 81 58 41 71 57 80 60 77 bG 78 60 72 54 72 59 8881 53 89 24 52 36 59 35 60 43 .67 62 00 51 79 0.3 78 70 97 70 82 65 M 41 50 42 51 43 25 44 30 42 25 58 41 55 44 77 53 75 59 86 62 93 60 74 64 62 52 4821, 58 42 ; $ ` 25 87 32 (i1 60 54 40 55 42 70 53 88 63 80 67 82 71 81 (34 55 88 5x0 34 47 48 26 40 25 34 25 47 84 55 86 (35 56 69 G5 93 70 87 72 b7 48 fib 48 88 26 32 28 20 40 27 40 31 44 28 64 39 71 61 88 7 4 76 x12 76 67 8.5 67 (33 45 52 38 59 44 27 85 30 39 2•'3 42 82 40 30 57 51 67 56 77 66 86 7 2 57 60 70 fa 48 2!) 37 111 I 27 52'34 80 24 39 32 77 51 65 52 71 57 74 61 85 70 72 (35 49 4() 53 38 8682, 28 31 23 34 22 88 27 07 4.5 66 52 67 56 8.2 61 85 72 07 46 60 50 55 44 44 30 28 47 38 48 20 49 36 08 54 67 51 78 5,7 78 62 82 72 82 67 46 84 55 85 42 2i 29 44 20 44 22 56 52 03 53 76 50 78 6G 82 71 57 40 49 40 57 3, 54 39 29 42 80 54 85 G2 40 G7 557 4 (i4 7x3 65 72 G8 82 68 59 35 24 19 ..04 21+^ 80 )37 3U 58 26 50 40 l''ti 51 fl2 00 84 69 79 61 00 45 46 36 514.4 315 27 30 48 3x1 ........ fit. 40 77 50 71 G7 70 (f1 71 63 65 67 66 545 [kt 42 2f) 10. 31 39 29 58 88 72 G5 86 09 77 0U 48 34 36 20 31 43 36 46 237 170 55 7:5 58 07 69 09 40 q `HJ 17 16 %3 48 '80 ,i5 41 Ii15 G«3. 77 (32 88 00 82 6U 72 57 G5 G(1 b0 a8 41 ft c._ _ 41 Ft 44 4 t iCr! 131 61 413 (i8 51 78 til 78 (34 x30 (f7 77 6 3 6t2 � 31 Oat a ' ✓ _�__i In reference to ilio old Church of the Mes:4lah - ria^rF !•on Broadway, Col. T. Allston Brown writes: ) h+���a��r�e�-� ►++►w��l�sd sion+►�-�s♦s�s�4�+++s��'�+�►++�1«��+ "Vour answer was not correct. The build Ili I wonderJn what distant place r wa.s formerly known as the(..hurch of the Nfessiall sweet .rinn_e Ftoonev"stl)l 1„ heard, anti was built In 1839. It wall afterward called It here 'Dal;;y.Hell"lltts hid her face, the Allreneaum, Broadway Athenwirn. Lucy Wbe.re "Doris" tells of hope deferrecil r Most Fa- �'}� Words- 4 Ru,shton's New York Theatre, Worrell Sisters' If st1I1 some tender eborci is stirred Lincoln S �mous' Theatre, Globe 'Theatre Nixon's Anlpiritheatro, I,y. ^IIenrfetta,"blithe and gay, Broadway Tb Day's New Fifth Avenue F + Theatre, Daly's Broadway Tbeatre• I•'ox's Broad- Who never at n feri.Rd deniurred?-- way Theatre, (3lobe 'Theatre, Heller's Wonder, wirer®are the songs of yesterday? Wood's Thc+tatre, Nell Bryant's Opera House, ` liths Speech orn.the Field of 4ettS'cb"1*9- National Theatre, Globe Theatre (a second t.hne), If, to some dusky, moonlit space, + •'pmir.scoro and seven yosrs ago our Cather;;brought forth upon thi,-; r:cmdrient. a Now t''orl. Circus, Broadway Novelty Theatre, '•p Promise,Ase"Is gently purred New Theatre Comique, London ;;treat, Bunnell's rtrty rra.tiou,cunt«,ivod in,liherty anti dedicated, to the Dropositi(m that, all men are Museum and finally a fistlo arena. Hope chr,Del By some old tnhhy, whose embrace cren.ted ectual. Now w4i are erlgaged ittt roa.t,civil war, testing,whether that nation was formerly a church and was on the east stile of t1'as never aglre(i n heart to gird? ` g �Broadway� just below where the Cfhureb of the And,with barbaric accent;slurred, or ani' ttttiiort ,yo r nnc slur>d and ,yo dedicated ran ion; endure. JVe are 111011 upon a +Rlessialt was located. It was afterward called In some strange country, far away• great battlefield of th`t.(. tear. 'We lilLvo cetme tri dedicate?a portion of tlt;tt field a.� a I)onaldsons OP ra Iiousc,Acnd my of Mlnkstrels,' If'TommyAtklns'a"eauHe fsspurred'?- })roadwav Academy of Music, Theatre Comlque,, It k rrItog(7 pit+r a' for l:hc2se tubo here gave their ]lees thtat: the nation might live. `'fixe Nfeddah, Blitz's Nety Hall, Keely and Leon's' Where aro the songs of yesterday? ♦ V r li'. i� alLctgc�t.her fittrng ttncl proper that we should drl tlals. F3trt. in a.Itlrf;"c�r 5en:4e tvc Ivlinl.�;trc1 Ilan, \ravcrlc:;* Theatre, and tuns de-[ cannot rladicatc,, We cannot consecrate,wo c.>rnnot ballots t0i4 'round. The hravo �stroyed b;✓fire Nov.28.1872.--___.__ _,_._...__�`arid where lives in Its ancient grace, g> t ) ' COLLEGE BnS'S. "Love's Old Sweet Song,"by'I'lnre iinblurredi mon, living and dc-id, who stru t,led here have conseoratwl it. f;tr shave nuc 2owet' � X UN nlr T]�IF. CnI� Zt'ltrre cines"Ben 13n1t"his thoughts retrace to nAd or detra(A. 7'110 world will little note, nor long rerneinbc+r, what we,.4ay here, 'Ib feed on sorrow's whey and curer? lint. it can 11ove•r forest what they did hire. ft is for lis, 11tc living',rtrther to he di,!di- � thew He Won Her. Does "Only Me"still bet;a word, cated here,to ill+.•ttntirt3shed work which they h the thus; far lio trobl.v c; rrir(1 nit.' 7t � Zea cream he bought his darling, kIav"Golden Hair"Yet turned to gra}, is t•at.her fqT us to bre here dedicated to the grc;at i:ask rem<tiniu hel'rrre u;, til,�t frutn t And she ate and ate and ate: Does"Nancy"mourn her vanished bird?- V i:ltrre honorrci dead we take increased devotion to the cense for whf4 h they gavrt 4 Till at last her heart she gave hint., tibhere lire the SorMA of yesterday? the it4:t;full mc'astu e of d,rwotion, that we here highl re.sctivr that ttu_,,r, dead stu111 b To make room.for one more plate. x�rvos, not. ilr+ e died in v ire; that: thi;s nation,under God, shall have a nets birth of. free- e lYnrttarrl Lampoon. Princes,whose loSalGl'has erred ■ dairt. ;,rid tlt,7.t the govornmcnt of the people, 1:4y' the peoplc� and for the pr:ople shall � `fo these,who worn•In till-it the ba.)­ don't. + "i'would Ile 'Vlore Uneasy Wltholit It. The, ssd, the joyful, the absurd- [r not i,eri•h fi-utn off tLe earth." 4. 4 Uneasy lies the,tooth that wears a crown. 11'here are the song's of i est.erday" �_�,,� : .. _..,�..e a_s�-t_+_*�-e�_�,-w�_�e.���e�*_�-e;•���-�t..�-.:3rd.���d-e-s+_�-� o.+-e -+►-s••s�e " ,: --- 1896. DAILY MAXIMUM AN, LII�IMUM 'X'EMP RATURE FOR, TE1IAPERATURES AND RAINFALL FOR 1894. ~ ,. . 'lis A119. A, - Jan. Feb. liar, April. f 5"• r E Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. ! May. June:. July--Aug- -- Date. -N Lg r�. 'iyi r+. Pi C+i ♦�i P ii I�r �'B io i a A _ txl f NA•00 771 db 4K 54 48 SS Al - - t1 _ 40 211 48 84 58 1'" 3$ i� 415 80 24 21 911. 132 46 6D tial i A0 8Q 86 70 0, 1 �( 58 27 61 49 78 50 62 49 87 68 84 66 84 62 73 53 59 42 42 82 �!! 85 63 74 54 69 46 3..,..... 44 7 33 4 9 11) 139 ' 1 %.'�41 27 33 21 C�4 36 46 94 88 80 70 52 87 771 83 710 86 6J 0 64 75 57 68 50 ¢O 36 2. 44 "N i n 17 3f) 8 57 f 75 iIgo or 71 54 V lii 441 67 i! 4Y ta' + 4.. ..... 21 15 3.1 „6 tib so ty! 81 46 80 44 30 49 40 44 25 73 52 4'2.54 8$ 5........ 16 7 86 81 8l1 14 46 30 50 1 4,44 36 33 24 5.3 34 56 37 60 48 78 60 85 81 69 76 84 66 66 58 53 37 47 27 1 5�4$ 41 25 14 7 59 37 57 45 67 48 68 52 6....... 10 8 56 3;1 40 24 42 82 fS4! 47 77 50 all IN 77 64 � 47 0 44 " 48 46 85 49 311 7. . 18 8 42 34 'S1 133 81 28 5A ^f5 711 57 Z"7 1� 6)41 86+38 17 69 47 48 37 76 50 58 50 78 66 84 61 74 68 6, 8 17 4 48 31 37 28 44 2!) 08 44 7i Qtl 1 41 :34 45 30 60 411 50 83 ib 60 67 48 79 64 87 65 52 61 83 47 45 31 49 9.... ... 26 12 84 2h 37 '26 48 68 01 5A 78 Ht '6 Itti 410 SM I 81 87 52 3ti 48 37 41 33 76 58 74 50 69 58 90 65 78 69 71 56 42 36 52 41 27 138 2♦3 13 $5 111 71 78 1413 do pi � an` ✓111 411 Ol 91 84 25 39 33 47 3, b0 30 76 56 77 57 r73 fi0 88 72 85 68 66 53 39 32 45 85 10........ 29 16 98 ` 1 84 27 49 34 51 3, 48 36 70 53 83 62 80 58 80 61 94 7`Z 60 49 47 34 38 31 11.... ... 82 20 30 2tS 134 24 48 35 N9 tl0 74 55 M6 74' 'Sbl 7'E 7 67 12 45 28 42 34 51 39 36 $2 ti3 49 90 68 84 62 80 64 73 59 61 49 41 32 39 31 12........ 38 21 131 19 28 19 64 43 MI 60 78 4K1 AB 70 1W 7y 54 12 29 24 80 82 52 42 40 82 74 49 83 69 86 67 73 64 15 57 62 44 43 28 57 38 13....... 32 26 45 24 8 75 42 10 57 58 57 117 71 1 W i-4 7A tll 6u 44 ��' 13 20 22 18 38 55 3r" 82 55 68 57 93 74 80 61 76 66 52 45 554 33 47 40 0 38 50 39 14......-. 81 22 4] 26 80 14 71S 59 64 5b 61 611 N5 71 till 7ti 71 tSrt 6S t 141 42 28 29 16 45 38 59 89 89 53 76 56 88 6 16...... 28 22 52 � 311 21 76 68 8I< 57 73 31 88 71 i iJ 711 71! 64 of 47' 15I $ 81 87 2j 42 27 61 40 70 47 79 56 85 M 84 64 85 68 ` 89 54 37 60 42 59 4b 54 41 16...... 84.17 42 5 34 2tS 85 62 80 611 69 ii f18 T !lY 1 74 Oi 47 4 8 65 118 52 84 82 67 iStl 75 5f1 i 4 6l! 72 !10 # 7a 161 47 -M 27 13 58 32 68 42 73 52 85 80 80 67 78 68 84 6� 40 17........ 36 27 12 6 3� 27 111 75 8tl 78 57 ?4 A! 4f1 4>f AO 1i 84 28 44 11 58 40 60 44 68 56 89 68 86 68 83 62 78 67 71 52 r58 42 66 18........ 3 9 81 27 « 90 .6 4N) 52 135 66 74 j ]9........ 82 2fl 39 16. 53 .33 81 00 81 60 f32 96 78 114 ITS Di} #1! b7 M1 48 26 49 38 B2 41 b8 48 73 G4 88 71 88 68 81 64 70 66 64 46 43 35 42 33bT18 44 35 42 1555 67 46 64 47 70 56 86 69 90 69 83 69 74 66 72 49 46 28 49 32 20........ 88 27 1.9 10 41 22 73 01 1 61 52 kli4 6R 1e1 tt6 41 66 1111 04 46 34 26 42 34 58 40 61 48 65 53 83 68 94 71 78 66 80 fife 70 49 41 21 50 38 21 ....... 36 27 21. 11 39 " 78 40 55 51 86 70 111 9'0 ! (1l 4or 11 411 , .' 21 87 80 41 3U 50 4s3 73 52 57 50 84 67 92 ,2 74 60 82 62 63 53 54 34 53 35 22.,,...., 81) 132 84 14 47 33! 54 45 76 58 i 87 ou Nf! Qfl1��'4� on 0 fm M 4B �' ►" 22 53 34 V M 65 45 60 46 53 46 90 69 tib 82 80 55 85 64 58 53 54 37 i2 37 35 27 1,1 27 I11i 19 1 69 48 78 5 72 1171 1 4 r ' t� 4 29 18 160 46 00 51 66 68, j 28 42 85 29 18 58 38 62 52 71 51 94 70 71 f4 89 63 80 fit 58 50 56 42 30 24 24........ 42 80 49 84 24 58 37 11 4 50 33 60 47 58 54 83 82 81 63 88 64 73 62 58 "al 60 38 43 21 5 ... 47 '1$ 34 18 58 21 52 41 8 55 .1� 64 776 54 `0 r 9 ' µ 47: I � 7'ti t91T 21ij$0 L'4 y 21 1 47 88 65 4 7 68 52 "r 5 59 92 67 85 6B fi5 53 52 47 43 34 47 30 2 f 48 .38 2G 13 �7 1x 582 ]7 38 18 34 26 7 3 46 88 b5 87 66 92 72 79 68 61 46 56 46 42 31 32 24 27 33 '�5 11 20 32 1r13 62 •tU 1 6ff 7�B +" Q7 4 7u i tt 89 r 3g 21 2 20 ry6 50,^r1 r 85 72 89 69 77 61 65 54 67 49 58 96 41 16 ` u 611 i 2f3{34 2n 47 28 44 24 1 �1 55 j:r1 b5`87 69 98 73 82 82 69 58 62 51 39 28 20 12 28........ 37 28 50 31' 4� 27 51 `IO � Eg 1 + 1 1 29..,.. .. 40 2fl 54 46 68 3FJ 'tS5 47 70 78 7>♦ t1H' 1313 dot 113 . 40 1 2Q 88 -. 44 35 6.3 48 68 44 81 66 94 76 80 60 76 63 61 55 82 23 20 07 .. .4^1 Q3 50 32 64 45 66 52 85 6fl 89. 72 85 65 68 58 55 513 38 25 33 25 30...... 40 83 68 85 54 48 h5 68 1l 4" a do1 61 f!�S s Y 31... 39 24 6« 44 1 60 50 90 71 84 61 G _ _ 61 d6 -- --- __ - - _ .� .._ _.- --- -------- -- Aleau. 33 22 88 'At) s',a ,8 42 -7" .55 74 59 Q 6? Illi t)a i ri 8+i t` �1t 1 i) 86 23 53 36 53 41 89 52 60 62 85 67 82 64 77 63 64 50 49 35 43 30 DAILY IMAXIMUM1 AND MINIMUM TEMFERA'TURg FOR 1897- ) _._ Suppiiea by the U.S.Weather Bureau,New York Statkai.�Rmartwsr. i TEMPERATURES AND RAINFALL FOR 1895• Jan, Feb, Mar, April. May. June, July. Aug. Date. .�. - _ Jan, Feb. 1 Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. I Nov. Dec. li � � € Date. - - - 1....,. 35 27 85 21 86 10 60 84 60 50- 59 48 80 66 78 m 7)4 611 I 46! M a1-as 441 a i 14 N � �' E?+ H p 2...... 49 35 85 27 54 86 64 86 57 50 67 4A 8'i 67 112 611!74 =tM 4t `164 iN r' i iy d p A 5' p �a p 4...., 42 37 84 25 55 86 51 87 57 48 74 56 813 66 811 70 77 El iw 44 40 . 52 42 38 23 37 29 413 85 61 45 81 84 76 65 B4 Ell 411 614 rflt 48 a 5...... 54 38 36 30 44 81 69 42 64 46 78 58 83f 07 70 63 78 tip 1•••.• '•i 27 16 40 18 63 4:3 42 86 61 49 95 7' 77 65 72 56 71 55 60 42 52 40 45 06,,,,,, 38 ,d.5 45 81 48 80 69 48 74 54 08 55 k18 be 79 Ai He as � is! 2...... • 33 18 32 25 38 31 48 87 59 U 94 76 76 62 76 61 72 65' 66 46 39 34 56 41 7,,•,,, 39 23 45 38 81. 22 56 42 67 50 68 59 80 70 140 06 78 117 OAb! Y 8••••'•• 85 22 23 12 40 24 45 31 72 46 94 61 79 62 77 63 75 55 71 50 55 33 31 22 8,,,•,, 34 25 48 82 38 28 56 42 68 44 N 51 W 66 77 67 411 tit! tI 41 4.. ••... 88 21 33 20 49 28 48 32 72 54 135 56 70 60 77 62 76 61 65 52 57 42 33 18 g 38 20 89 82 42 81 46 41 69 47 57 52 84 121 7A 66 �1 � R � !1! 64 66 45 60 45 0 45 31 17 30 54 4U 13 3 581 33 48 87 88 �2 52 67 85.68 K 68 59 82 62 74 64 68 4fl 65 44 40 5 1g 82 12 27 58 89 49 40 70 57 66 54 89 A) 73 07 20 50 40 60 88 70 M 81 N 80 7'0 7A 9b 11FF11 '� 00 04 4�4 !�a 60 40 t••••••• `5 47 3t 64 48 74 fi0 78 63 81 69 r8 65 lib 49 60 47 31 3 84 52 86 71 54 77 58 80 87 8U 67 0 as 0o 66 4l ,t0 40 7...,... 8 •••-.•• 44 32 6 zero 46 38 54 40 78 61 75 56 75 65 84 69 84 66 56 46 70 53 41 3.1 13,..,,, 2, 11 81 20 48 30 60 40 64 67 71 61 'ld Ott 75 as at 0 44 88�4� 1X1 + 9.... ... 34 30 17 2 38 30 66 48 188 64 7, 60 87 69 87 70 82 62 48 39 72 58 33 26 14 30 24 38 19 39 26 66 45 68 64 77 G13 84 Ail 79 E4 441 614 44 f 66 411 1 11)........ 38 80 23 14 54 31 51 41 186 68 75 60 76 65 .85 70 84 70 54 35 48 87 30 20 15 32 26 41 32 40 29 59 44 70 53 R) 59 1131 64 lei 78 'I"$ Gil � 8# as 40 11.... ... 55 37 34 19 34 29 49 80 77 66 75 62 69 60 87 75 87 68 59 41 41 33 29 24 16,,.... 43 30 40 31 31 2.2 58 39 61 M 81) 61 84 71 SA 63 79 � 1Mf Od � 461 i 1..........I 44 38 35'17 37 8l1 44 36 51 44 74 61 78 58 86 68 93 71 64 56 41 39 23 16 17..,.,, 46 82 46 h0 45 17 54 44 71 62 70 Bf1 82 71 'lA 64 77 611 47 44 40 Al AA 4! ' 11 13 •• ,45 11 30 21 48 8`Z 53 41 68 38 76 62 76 61 83 72 71 62 62 55 47 134 25 13 rline 14...... 32 10 35 21 43 27 54 44 50 44 83 64 76 59 8(i 68 62 52 82 50 40 40 37 17 18'" 50 21 47 36, 4U 8a 64 4U 71 58 77 57 't:3 671 'R M (1'l 80 66 4d 40 r I5...,.,.. 45 21 313 22 26 18 50 40 55 43 80 68 70 61 86 69 64 45 57 42 52 45 48 28 1A ..... 21 9 36 29 >li0 39 07 81 72 56 77 68 79 641 115 40 117 661 40 M 20...... 40 12 37 26 4.t 38 4,2. 24 67 64 78 57 79 66l 75 48 Ell 49 Gil 41 1G...... 39 34 37 21 35 23 50 41 60 44 72 62 V,4 62 85 70 70 52 56 39 51 41 45 31 21 •„ 47,87 53 82 4S"1 86 51 33, 712 49 N 60 74 08 75 EA "130 45 00 (l4 061 17........1 89 27 42 24 39 22 53 40 60 44 73 57 80 66 80 72 78 610 58 49 49 42 42 28 " 18•••••. .'84 ? 46 25 44 211 56 89 57 44 77 fit 84 fib •83 70 79 61 59 41 58 39 49 34 22"' 42 82 40 3ti 64 42 68 41 66 4, 73 5r 84 Il9. 76 � lip 011 5i !X{ d6t ll� � ` 19........I �r r ti)3...... $7 22 45 82 61 40 62 48 62 6k 78 59 84 6 641 aY 618 !j0 M 4El #1 1 i 82 a 47 211 42 129 68 42 50 45 82 83 6 66 78 68 77 f3a Gt 46 58 45 58 40 N4....., 24 10 30 26 48'86 69 51 71 56 78 64 711 72 E2 E4 6w1 a * a 111 � tl .t 84 16 88 26 41 2" 68 45 65 46 83 65 8i 66 75' 58 87 84 48 39 49 34 58 46 15 5 42 30 39 88 -71 54 69 51 86 85 82 Ili 74 61S 111 06 40 1is lif l 21 42 29 44 80 41 26 58 41 51 46 73 64 89 711 74 62 97 75 48 37 35 27 57 49 58 M •.....144 31 :30 22 44 26 57 42 63 42 74 64 88 69 69 55 96 7 r, 26...... 24 6 19 22 41 30 04 46 fib 60 7PA 75 64722 51) 76 t 58 38 50 24 50 39 .�,...... 27 1 fi 17 41 28 44 88 66 97 '33•••••.•• 8~' 24 31 16 48 31 68 4? 78 48 78 65 81 72 83 62 95 75 56 46 61 43 55 39 ! 24•• ••••• 26 15 30 15 48 33 56 41 76 54 80 65 79 64 88 69 75 61 53 35 49 41 49 44 24 14 81 18 48 81 172 48 69 C>5 74 6l'f 6tl 8p 417 It .� 34 16 44 2f, 53 36 82 51 67 56 78 66 79 65 82 66 71 60 61 40 52 38 50 42 29,...:. 82 14 $a 74 44 68 51: 80 i!!! 411 Q1 78 60 7'0 • 4... 80 ,26 48 35 7 A 61 r 2 56 7 64 80 63 80 67 87 67 54 39 65 50 56 42 54 $8 72 60 85 67 711 611 t{1 4fi1 7E 1161 6M >M iY 414 55 2r „ _ 58 R8 67 711 Eli .. ..' •. ,411 1r t 27.•.......130 24 •18 21 44 06 68 46 68 56 66 61 r 9 66 77 69 71 61 64 47 46 3r 43 85 a.••••. 30.16. r 4 71 54 65 w - -F �..... .. 27 19 48 Si 42 8J 52 45 70 51 74 82 77 64 87 67 66 52 85 46. 47 34 41 32 Mean.. 36 23 38 N1 46 32 57 41 67 62 "i9 544 1 79 66 77 1414 711 1111 111 dS 6111 611 41 80 Z•••.. .. 28 16 ,. .. 47 29 49 40 82 56 76 66 88 63 90 72 72 61 49 3ti 50 38 40 3Q -- -- -«-- -- I', 34 18 .. .. 46 3t; 59 45 84 68 175 67 78 64 77 67 60 44 47 34 48 38 55 355 T11O � ]7�y Way. 7rY • ",do Cakes of lee. 47{) 2« 54 26 95 6, 71 55 77 64 60 89 57 313 I' - if you would Death's Insistent claim In June, when firat the Hutt gain buoy w14111 kh 1 mean.. 37 23 I Z) 18 44 29 55 41 68 51 �77 63 78 64 81 66 78 62 59 44 52 39 43 31 With calm assurance,bilk, rays, and summer's ,just begun and et*W art bolt A doctor--IvienchnikofY by name..- the days, the lcepgatt corrrrth 'rrytrrtrl aaA lftdeyA G Says "Live on curdled mllkl" to our bliss by.givIng,pound for pound.a rak*of GREAT HEIGHTS. ��0� For such a diet,he aMrmr. ice like this: CHUMEYB. Cathedral,Florence........................ 390.5 Successful war will wage 4 Townsend's,Glasgow,Scotland........ ... 47.4 Cathedral,Magdeburg..................... 339.9 Upon that latest thing to germs-- i I St.Rollos, ........... 455,5 Cathedral,Milan........................... 438 The microbe of old ages aluspr t's,Liverpool,England............. 406 Cathedral,Petersburg..................... 363 t h But N%.h�n the dog days t lSn.and slitting,►4,A*tin• 6:: oris,Edin h S'cotland.......... 341.5 Leaning Tower,Pisa... .......... ........ 188 New England Gasesus chc e Iain savants that's true � � StrNicholashHambur..................... 473 Is heat our frames torments 1tga4tt.1l rtrrt`irrihtare rtrrtlt Co,,, oaten.....•........ 230 � VChtch certain savants vow- ; * n St.Mark's,Venice......................... 328 beat what atrtuise rrawa�utClr of t►+t{'we the 4,teuuft Steam Heating Co.,New York............. .20 something neither strange nor now 1 COLUMNS. g................... doth confem in darin4 us to Barra whit b4U lists St.Paul's London........................ 355.1 Provided by the cow; . 't Petersburg................. 175 St.Stephen's,Vienna.................... But though most men would fortunes givh small or lcsr�. alesanler,St.Petersb .. 443.8 . 1 Bunker Hill,Mass.......................... 221 Strasburg.................................. 486 Could they exist for aye, c L`ity,London......... ..................... 202 Utrecht.................................... 464 July,Paris................... ... 157 Votive Church,Vienna.............. , &., est,too,would rather dtc than live 3 .Napoleon,Paris ... .. ........ .. 132 .... 314.9 on endless curds and wheyl But when the chid ret ixli romps bt�etdp4 4'of -Nelsonnd.lonX after we c Ne nes,London........................... 171 irises. 325 �$a of the-Woade7l onlnldli111`�alnd�tanned the Iceman have choet bolo res , I" 3 Cathedral New York........ 4vib+h41!!'llalr� Place Vendome Paris...................... 186 Cathedral Strasburg 465.9 a chunk that we note waa.tdlolt aan aimed. j Pompey's Pillar,Egypt.................... 114 Grace Church,New York.................. 216 The years, the swiftly passing years, trunk: a t Trajan,Rome.............................. 145 Washington,\tiashington............ ... 592 Freiburg..........................•........ 410 Tiring changes that we scarcely sea; . Salisbury................................... 450 The child becomes a man, all mel + t Fork,London.............................. 138 St.John s,New York...................... 210 1 Towmis AND DOMES, St.Paul's,New York...................... 200 The downy softness disappears t Babel . ••••. .••..•.......................1 680 St.Mary's,Lubeck........................ 404 From where his cheeks were wet with tears Balbec..................................... 500 St.Peter's,Rome.......................... 469.5 But yester morn,It seems,and we Capitol,Washington....................... 287.5 Trinity Church,New York................. 286 That lately gambolled carelessly Cathedral,Antwerp............ 404.8 Balustrade of Notre Dame Paris.......... 216 Have grizzled gambolled above our oars. r -A/t11Rr1ilktl.19YTMgI, Cathedral,Cologne................I....... 524.9 Towers of Notre Dame,Paris.............. 232.9 �t1E' .I'4l�tlll$ .#t IK!!"s>rI lG. Cathedral,Cremona......:...... .......... 392 Hotel des Invalides,Paris.................. 344 t`I'Ire fellowin t Cathedral,Escurial... 200 Holy Trinity,Brooklyn... 275 So, as we change, the all too brief by a tit"To bpd albedo ballad to o4mt116Q 4 __. __--_- _ _ And fleeting years leave little more poet,) r A Sunday School is to be orcranized ill "'ti3o ltutetflpinns h+ev rnovad away A.ileie'lLf, but It GrJc Than change to mark what was before. And took kkinso doitatJeetslrr, n ;.he Universbdist Church at 10 o'cloel: Where 1s the wooden Indian chief A Peebles(about to be operaied upon for appends- n' I !Llai cracked a saille slate thea r Sunday iii(3riiiir . At 11 o'clock 111. That used to hold Virglua leaf c1Us) -Doctor,before you bel,in 1 you nould tOr It hardlyenirly. Conklin will preach Oii"Lossonq of Life send and have our pastor, the Nev. Air. Isiunk, In front of each tobaccts store? i Cost walk on btustath tho stare 1 from the Month of Aucrilst." The sub come over. -Chicago Record-Herald, Ari yeas,an'yartrtt,ail'yiwttr>e `s is Dr.t3>s-I'd like in be opened alta ut-a.� - -- --- -- - _- '1`o i sect for the everiitrg will be "11 Univer lir.5aeveni-Certainly,,tf you evtstr It,brie--ah. ieea line n'spy it. 14to&06 or Slav,,ry." alible.class to-light. t Au'')i1i,my hand In borp,- __._� _ --.Afdim� JnytlMwL. TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION, 1898. ' THE WEATHER, x9clo. 90 Compiled by E.H.Emery,Local Forecaster,1(x1 13r[>adway.Manhattan. Jan. Feb. War. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. -- ---- -- ---------_ _ _. _..... Date. two- - --- Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. ,July. Aug. Sept, ()ot. ( tit«. Date, N $ �?4 H �4 €:` � 114o �4 yiypa �a 1�R b 1...... 33 14 28 12 40 24 45 82 69 50 78 60 93 70 79 72 92 74 79 59 54 43 41 87 2...... 25 10 15 5 88 27 48 82 ,1 47 70 58 83 71 FA 71 90 75 77 62 63 45 43 85 1...... 2;2 16 16 8 53 88 fS4 83 71) 51 AC) fib 7!5 58 fit 7() tf8 72 70 l45 3...... 33 16 18 10 41 32 34 26 48 44 73 58 99 70 $0 74 94 75 76 62 58 46 42 40 2...... 26 14 M 7 88 2, 57 41 68 51 8.2 (17 78 61 7!) 68 82 7•: 78 61 71 4431'1 4...... 31 14 W 11 37 32 46 27 51 43 66 57 91 71 85 71 88 76 80 69 59 42 42 41 3..,.., 29 19 32 18 39 29 50 39 76 45 5,5 03 5,7 04 431 (333 HS 71:1 til 541 At 17 _ 5...... 42 2.5 40 26 4.9 81 40 25 51 46 69 56 77 67 81 65 85 74 78 69 60 49 43 42 4...... 34 19 48 81 46 81 52 35 59 48 69 5H 91 71 78 0(1 H(5, 7✓1 IT,") tI5 f"51 40 6...... 43 3187 29 46 30 39 2.5 56 44 72 56 72 64 8:3 68 8.5 74 72 57 .(30 44 40 38 5.,.... 42 28 47 27 45 29 51 33 57 42 74 56 H4 (39 70 112 81 70 TO 65 M 40 7...... 42 34'42 25 40 34 44 27 56 46 75 55 74 62 84 69 85 c1:3 63 53 55 38 41 86 6....,. 44 86 43 25 55 29 64 46 70 46 79 (ill fill 70 01 6d 90 73 77 62 IM '" 8...... 45 83 43 83 47 86 57 35 55 88 80 62 82 63 86 73 74 60 65 SR 58 40 34 41 7...... 45 29 41. 8<5 55 80 62 41 62 44 72 Ill 9d I 4)5 75 H5 74 117 (•0 (H) 47" 40 9...... 41 82 43 33 52 85 55 41 62 43 84 65 78 67 80 72 74 60 69 52 60 46 31 27 1(F B...... 42 16 48 87 36 20 54 86 70 48 81 118 87 72 N I 74 7H oil IN (52 49 10...... 41 82 60 85,1 56 3$ c9 4•,2 55 44 n 7 60 75 63 '14 (f4 75 59 60 40 01 50 $13 31 9•,,,,, $2 16 52 81 46 30 44 82 70 41 H`2 BU 78 67 95 74 HIS (19 0k3 118 � 49 11...... 39 35 45 8 52 37 54 42 60 47 r4 58 172 59 70 64 71 52 69 60 59 37 85 331 10...... 44 29 84) 28 44) 85 40 29 fib 88 71 (9) 711 (f3 04 76 HI (10 157 48 48 12...... 46 86 AW 51 3J 60 46 66 47 62 50 86 66 70 61 74 65 a0 55 68 52 47 83 330 33 11•,•,,, ,m 25 43 82 85 20 58 80 55 44 82 00 84 (5,7 495 78 Hn 7' ISN 40 1461 711 13...... 54 8G 47 3? 59 48 68 48 68 55 87 71 68 57 78 68 68 5H 60 4, 4�' 86 29 20 12...... 45 28 411 87 81 12 48 89 07 50 88 68 87 68 95 67 H5 (18 61) 57 47 14...... 41 3:3 42 35 54 39 53 43 68 5o &,) 68 80 65 76 67 74 56 61 51 fi4 44 80 14 � r ` r 13...... -5 .25 58 37 36 30 48 40 86 55 70 05 80 (35 77 70 i r (34 IN (411 [S2 15...... 43 84 30 32 44 34 46 40 58 51 76 68 S)0 69 78 66 70 62 57 44 52 87 87 26 14...... 88 28 40 30 42 25 52 40 88 (',4 81 03 84 (114 !82 65 811 04 0a2 h8 47 PW 16...... 39 32 35 16 44 8li 67 42 58 51 fi(3 58 87 70 80 67 79 65 56 44 50 36 45 86 15....., 43 32 50 34 25 19 62 40 89 70 7 7 04 tlt 67 79 71 73 64 713 158 44 17...... 32 24 37 18 66 41 74 50 68 53 72 60 80 69 86 70 84 (35 60 42 50 44 48 41 1(l...... 48 84 34 23 33 24 (34 47 713 55 71r (12 4)8 72 84 74 74 61 713 44 18....... 39 24 38 26 57 41 64 50 70 50 68 59 78 69 85 70 85 fib 58 40 53 44 42 87 17...... 42 34 30 22 28 12 55 49 67 fro 66 5H 414 75 81 71 044 84 53 117 46 19...... 87 29 39 34 69 44 50 40 76 &1 71 63 80 70 80 69 82 63 69 51 53 45 41 89 18•••,,, 45 85 % 17 95 10 60 51 75 58 74 58 S4 7(1 79 70 69 5.'3 08 42 457 46 20...... 48 83 38 84 (34 46 56 89 86 65 73 58 84 68 76 63 03 55 68 50 51 42 44 42 19.... 55 40 26 14 49 35 71 57 66 5`a 7 5 61 86 (S,'5, tiAl 00 65 (533 67 43 21...... 45 36 41 34 46 84 54 41 08 52 67 57 87 72 82 65 (5,8 51 62 53 50 39 .. .. 20,,,,,, 56 47 35 20 48 88 87 52 BH 51 80 60 88 5,2 78 ('17 UH (to 158 42 68 W ' 07 54 22...... 88 33 40 35 41 37 61 43 60 52 69 54 "!8 68 83 67 65 53 69 44 53 43 • 21...... 48 80 42 28 88 28 64 53 64 5o 86 (13 H4 7 2 772 (10 7 0 05 08 415 -,1 4 H 23...... 55 37 41 82 56 4t) 70 53 58 53 73 53 72 65 86 70 74 64 61 42 50 38 •• •. 22...... 49 31 52 37 45 27 68 51 75 52 85 67 H5 (18 76 67 71 01 71 58 I1 50 44 � t 24...... 87 31 44 30 42 88 65 51 70 55 83 59 78 65 88 71 73 52 64 4:3 38 30 2M...... 52 37 43 34 58 86 62 50 79 58 78 68 84 71 8( (f3 60 58 715 68I (11 41ait 25...... 39 26 40 32 53 37 50 43 61 53 89 68 74 66 82 72 59 49 64 49 87 29 .. .. ;24...... 40 28 47 34 41 28 72 50 78 02 80 62 H,4 72 81 7) 74 50 ^; (14 f 44 411 y 26...... 89 27 36 25 52 37 50 41 56 .53 89 72 ; 80 70 78 67 c 3 58 (15 49 87 25 2.5.,,,,. 44 34 45 8 43 24 67 45 6, 54 88 70 80 71 HH 712 73 410 ti+1 tS(1 II, 411 ^�1! 27...... 36 25 40 20 47 41 48 39 61 52 79 69 77 70 74 63 68 fig 56 42 28 1.'5 26...... 39 15 20 9 11 32 69 48 63 51 84 70 74 6H 91 7(1 H1 (5,4 (f4 bg j 49 4 1 28...... 25 16 38 233 48 42 41 37 67 55 79 (14 82 70 71 60 74 54 5.> 38 41 27 .. 27...... 27 14 19 4 47 83 60 45 74 54 91 70 82 M 91 74 78 (Ni 67 1IS759 1fit5(1 id's •' 29...... 25 13 50 43 49 37 88 5.5 79 fib 88 78 75 66 74 58 54 45 4b 29 .. 28...... 89 26 40 17 42 82 02 48 63 52 90 70 88 !S8 80 78 70 flit 01 57� 5,'S A.3 80,..... 19 5 .. 52 39 67 47 74 56 86• 66 89 74 84 70 76 58 54 44 43 28 .. .. 20...... 84 14 44 83 00 45 64 50 H7 07( ti+l 0H H*j 7$ (5,0 0S 05,3 150 5'3 3I...... 38 11 46 35 74 52 .. .. 87 72 90 71 56 43 .. 30...... 86 11 44 88 75 54 71 51 76 110 76 08 8-1 78 0H 04 04 151 f 48 3W — - 31...... 88 10 48 82 88 (5,4 8'3 IIH 89 71 154 15l 4 �^ Means. 38 26 89 27 50 37 54 4U 63 50 76 61 181 G7 80 68 76 61 65 51 51 38 .. _..__ _____A __._.... .. ._._. <. r ------ a-- Preci . 4.18 5 1 � „ • i 5,.55 P 6 8.18 �.Ilf, I 4.fi., 3..t,i 4..3.3 2.1111 310 _ ' TEMPERATURE AN' 4 76 3.1 9 77 0S 07 5,') (54 _I, ; Preci 3. a" 2_ 8.23i�- 1.28 } 1.28 0x4 5.00 Mean.. 40 Zfi 99 24 42 28 59 48 70 52 79 04 F;4 fiH 45,44 70 D PRECIPITATION OF f8 r FATHER REPORT '''t9ox <17 -V"-S ----- 'l i AeatarAlovieattem'pe�aturesdaily,withnl(ianforj»aouthantlti,trtl,,to,titltld'[}rr.•il,Sttt(=>t,, ? " Jan. Feb. Mar.. Ancil. May.. June. Jany. Aug. '6ept. Oct. Nov. Dec. __.., __ ._�_�• .— � �. J�(tIy Aug �f�l � c 1at �tom_. ,Jan Fel) April May. June. Date. i Date. 9 W .. � �( � _ Ipr 1...... 17 7 24 11 50 32 45 84 80 56 84 66 77 59 82 65 80 69 54 42 6.2 50 58 48 1...... 4N'80 2:117 45 24 50 37 04 4U 67 53 9R 80 M) 0H 74'08 till "8- 2...... -2...... 18 5 31 12 43 35 38 33 82 62 83 66 81 61 80 63 74 59 53,,..P9 55 41 54 48 81 25 29 17 47 38 50 86 56 44 64 54 99 M 8.2 IS4 71 08 75 57 6U 47 1W rd�0 3...... 81 15 88 26 46 83 44 31 66 47 80 60 87 65 85 65 81 68 54 887 54 36 59 8...... 25 15 83 28 41 24 49 89 49 50 71 54 94 78 M1 70 78 1% 08 !S1 a 441 i 4...... 50 31 41 27 41 35 48 31 68 46 80 65 83 69 79 71 73 63 64 42 54 42 48 88 4...... 84 17 33 27 50 85 45 40 M 47 81 156 H6 73 77 ()(1 82 1% 59 46 &1 r2 'c...... 56 40 30 25 52 34 46 31 66 46 89 64 80 70 91 70 71 60 68 47 54 37 87 80 5..,.... 88 W 27 19 41 2() 51 41 76 40 81 60 4)o 711 88 (15 84 fig llti 4h 47 41 6...... 43 30 80 24 44 35 50 32 66 46 97 72 80 68 83 70 82 63 64 55 52 40 88 28 6,...,. 84 20 24 1(1 20 12 47 43 02 46 H15 00 82 72 88 03 81 71 0 40 Ola So rr SS 7...... 35 23 30 23 35 28 45 36 70 54 93 65 85 69 81 65 71 57 65 50 53 38 36 22 7...... 42 31 25 16 34 14 51 44 71 47 76 62 84 70 811 12 W 7(1 59 42 ISO g; 167- 0& 8...... 33 22 32 15 42 29 54 43 68 53 91 60 82 68 77 61 84 6.4 60 52 56 41 48 80 8...... 89 29 28 17 47 29 49 42 69 55 67 57 77 (f8 87 6r 7.1 111 06 47{ 15,-4 43 b 9...... 40 29 15 *3 40 29 49 87 75 55 78 66 78 64 80 60 77 65 62 52 59 43 87 28 9...... 48 87 25 10 49 46 49 40 59 53 71 b•4 741 67 813 70 'r4 50 08 61 J 51 ap 10...... 28 10 6 *6 45 34 53 34 70 51 74 63 85 65 78 66 72 59 66 54 60 45 44 26;10...... 40 87 27 17 46 85 50 42 59 51 70 5,K H0 69 88 72 id 0() 72 5t3 44 88 11...... 20 5 10 *6 49 34 fit 37 65 50 72 59 84 67 79 66 71 61 67 54 58 41 60 42111...... 8^3 85 84 00 53 811 59 48 68 51 79 oo 85 (1H 8H 78 K() 67 78 61 47 at 12...... 31 11 6 2 64 42 58 39 82 55 72 62 79 62 80 65 76 58 78 57 411 30 59 49 13,,,,,, 42 84 80 22 44 34 61 48 7.3 57 H<`5 67 78 M 78 71 79 07 ti9 157 158 41 13...... 40 25 10 4 47 87 66 48 68 57 76 65 82 65 85 69 74 57 71 58 4.. 9 57 40 j 1:3...... 85 W 1-12 1,2 42 33 00 44 68 49 80 67 7(1 66 H2 (G5, 71) 67 70 (38 11 14...... 42 33 28 7 42 32 64 52 68 50 88 69 80 66 75 67 65 53 68 58 41 32 45 35�14...... 315, 26 2555, 1,3 4H M 54 44 (38 15() 81 64 H2 (it) 76 09 78 (15 (18 (1.4 5,411 *S (pt7( 15...... 47 87 29 9 42 34 63 51 69 51 88 72 83 66 76 62 70 50 72 57 47 86 15...... 43 84 87. 23 89 85 52 42 72 53 73 58 85 71 79 7o K5 7,o (5,4 5() 40 yA 16...... 47 38 36 21 46 32 53 38 61 50 75 59 84 70 77 (12 69 57 65 58 54 43 16...... 58 34 89 7511 38 31 55 39 74 55 72 57 87 74 (3(5, 71 82 (18 [ 45,1 45 17...... 53 35 44 34 40 27 60 87 66 48 78 55, 85 72 89 03 WO 55 71 81 50 89 17...... 47 82 89 28 42 25 63 44 71 57 77 66 H5 74 H0 74 79 02 (H 4fl 4[1 86t! 'la 18...... 41 22 42 31 48 32 63 47 56 51 78 62 83 69 8266 z 58 79 64 56 4;S .. 18...... 8�' 16 40 28 52 34 40 40 59 52 7(1 159 89 7$. 76 71 435 57 51 40 49 81 4w'I+ 5,1 19...... 39 17 43 33 52 34 68 47 58 50 82 62 85 65 F3 72 76 63 74 60 55 49 5• • 19...... 26 5 441 241 )r3 34 49 41 55 $2 78 15,(1 H9 5,5 755 (5,H (.15 50 06 44 84) 00 IV* 2o...... 42 23 48 35 39 24 53 42 63 50 81 67 77 65 86 7t 77 61 63 45 49 38 20...... 28 4 82 22 46 a W 41 56 50 73 62 86 (5,8 W 68 61 58 5(5 44 $0 21...... 40 29 50 40 34 20 52 42 64 51 81 64 83 66 89 70 68 56 49 89 49 85 * -I& �` 22...... 48 34 50 38 43 34 56 41 66 52 74 60 87 70 87 70 71 52 51 86 56 40 21,..... 47 32 28 21 fit 41 55 49 6H 51 78 (f8 01 71 4 74 71 58 01 44 44 VA �+M �7>< •, 2z...... 42 82 29 20 47 35 60 47 fi:4 151 H4 6(5, 110 74 84 74 71 4443 70 45, 1 44 734# �iflk " 23...,.. 89 82 45 84 45 84 70 42 61 53 72 60 70 62 84 70 69 57 64 48 52 40o r .. 23...... �6 20 24 16 a0 SB 54 45 80 (5,0 85 71 90 78 84 76 74 5H 715 54 24...... 48 34 35 27 44 32 64 49 71 53 85 65 72 60 82 69 68 60 63 56 48 85 • 1*47 W 4 4 25...... 38 29 39 23 87 80 71 48 71 51 7'8 66 76 61 77 69 72'' 67 65 55 45 38 24...... d8 31 26 10 47 89 52 46 59 59 87 6H 80 75 853 69 H1 58 (5,6 •42 47 131? t 43 • 2;5,...... 42 89 339 20 50 4@ 55 48 59 5(1 88 71 HO 07 H0 09 06 513 52 8H 44 1Y' 26...... 48 29 42 29 40 29 77 57 73 51 83 64 86 69 79 69 -72 55 69 55 46 34 26...... 36 25 42 27 47 38 63 48 54 50 90 70 71 66 80 ''0 (36 50 (11 41 � 24 4 l27...... 43 16 49 38 45 26 66 50 73 53 82 65 90 72 75 67 63 46 73 58 48 85 . 27,..... 35 23 28 22 51 40 6(1 45 60 5l) 92 78 8f) 64 (5,8 71 69 ilii (5,0 +47 !$ 28...... 27 13 40 28 43 34 60 45 84 60 "r B 65 81 69 81 64 66 49 70 55 48 39 . 28..•.•• 3 21 27 16 40 82 08 4 7 67 :ii(3 94 74 70 69 80 (30 7.4 69 5 t 5() 29...... 32 18 41 32 66 46 65 56 76 60 79 70 78 65 70 59 65 53 58 38 29......E 30 22 at 1e ' 3o...... 34 19 .. .. 52 32 72 51 79 55 r 8 61 78 66 77 64 61 47 01 47 55 42 c ,, 41 82 1$ 48 50 52 92 7 4 98 69 81 (3N 77 6H 51!1 47 81 81 " i yg_,• ..,80...... S1 Z2 .. .. 38 31 80 54 t34 52 31...... 28 19 56 40 82 66 .. 82 64 76 67 .. .. 57 51 97 77 92 fit) ill 60 79 158 15St 47 135 81 �•• 31.,.... 31 :22 .. .. 49 82 ' .. .. 65 G5 ,. .. KU ()1) 1� (141 b2 •� _ y-_---- -_ _ _._. i Means. 88 24 33 21 45 32 G8 42 69 53 81 64 81 66 81 66 72 58 65 m, 52 39 D1;ean.. 37 26 31 20 4G 82 56 48 6:5 f5,,,' 80 08 kt5 71 "'o 76­4' (14 •1 Qt3 32!5 x` "" Pecip. 4.08 5.411 6,78 1.23 1.14 1.83 6.20 3.90 1 5.89 2.().5 2.1_3 Precip. 2.07 0.86 (5,,18 8.82 7.1 0.94 5.41 6.HH 2.38 2.21:1 1.81 Below zero. -_ ---- ------_T_ __ He'q All Ri�•ht. The "Glad" flan[). The Amateur 1 hilosopher. Xve've puzzled over problems In our wooden- - ~V--~ When be goes about campaigning, What's the use repining, headed way, People's votes and good will..gaining, Though you're sick and sad, Tire people old and gray; EDWARD"VILCROWK Vocal chords and larynx straining, While ,your rival's dining We've done our begt to solve them,but,of eourae, � Tiring the tracheal sheath, And Is well and glad? with falling Sight l`I (sir � tiVho k --•--- ---- •--- � �� One risk he will not be taking, knows what to-tltorrow It�is Lard to sec the light. Mindful of his muscles aching. May have piled in store? We find 'enz still perplextrtg, wltich 1s owing, 1 r�� �������������� He will cut out the handshaking- Sh,OW.� He may sit in sorrow, expect• Simply bow and show his teeth, You may sigh no more. To aur weakened intellect. Though it?nay occasion scandal We are hopele,5sly old fashioned and completely During, the Ccrirl-1i•C)17 y. We the use ofsighing out of date To the too effusive vandal When your efforts fall? To the yot[thfiil graduate. Who would make a were pump-handle Deep on bravely trying, Of the Presidential"right"; 'hough you're gaunt and pale. We've grubbed and dug, perspiring, In the com- BRILLIANT 1r T r ,�� , Thou(;h he seldom shuns a tussle Even as you sadly cion,ugi5-dirt, BRILLIANT DAY �yldj�� �� ���, �'� .And delights In"hump"and "hustle," Drink the bitter brew In oilrm)etent flannel shirt; Yet he wants to save his muscle Fortune may be gladly Its slceer.5 1-ollod to the elbow.we've been careless ---- For another sort of fight. Hurrying to you. u5,the scll Intile ardor ofour toll. Ct'C)Wd5 .��tand `or Flo�irs � � zt� 4 He must be a little wary What's the use of yearning - A[dultF,unscientific, rough-and-tumble light gve'vti* �` rr 7' Of phalanges and lunare. To be rich or great? fought— While t� f`j`"et t[11n,. .. G ., P ge Wh11e discomforts military By a single turning "�`ot at all the h1g'har thought, ,.:�° ATever could elicit groans, Of the wheel of fate It's nc,t at all SUT-Drlsinbr that.t•e've been unfortu And while he is loath to vex us-- You may rise up splendid_ nate Loves us all from Maine to Texas- Wealthy, too, and proud, To the youthful graduate. � +' Still there's his tympanic plexus All your troubles elided, ID[ZAIng See]le In 11'e,f:[nlnst.[a: 5 And his metacarpal bones. Envied by the crowd. Jti:t w.•,.tch kill, nn the phitform and .lust listrci 1) (lc lic. .. 117)en the d.'t t)ri'.t) Is 8°1,t f•rrt ()6a t l!z,. So while round the circle swinging, What's the use forgetting Or f5,erllap,,;1t is.,sltr- , Gems of oratory 111uging, Such Brealrs tr,tt srncct ;nrd, a£ttl.sdotn born theot'c['[�11;ta 5 IIl6:L[1- 6911QL[•1,(yl►t�(Y e'�•e•z°r�. . ch great truths as these? pa,prr There will be no more hand'wringing, Why sit crushed ar.1 fretting? In big:baud• Vert No more sprahiing,of the wrist. Rise b1 cestaslesi It is then A> understand No more arnica and rubbing. Why those rueful glances? Hort-be oilifutly simplc;art,,tile.things that puzzled `3elf-possesse(1, but the :fir[+d)i)lt;lr<�a1 y It's not nteant for slight or situbbing, Cheer up. O my so:t, lis• of Canterbury's A„lta.l,ion and �>♦'[�te,1c But if you'd avuld a drubbing In a billion chances ()ver which the fret and fuss: resi)f;et our Teddy's fist: Alaybe you'll hay(, nno. --well, he'll shote improvetnertt over us, at mess Noticeable—Green 41yo (l"ro«&rs.[I _. --Chfcupo DaUi1 Il lVews. -G'la,cezg0 Itecarrd-Flerald. any rate, -91to�Vs It[11• aPl)fat(! fi :rbecsr il)fr — So whyguy lite graduate? News. Ring's,' Recovery ani)1110 Day's lli)v[-r)t;y_ WEATHER REPORT FOR l9il3. 1. WEATHER REPORT O F l Tr�trl►1 I[ODWY P1�e91'IPil6abkAL Hilltlt~st aryd I�+west T161nP$1" 11r1 Iltitiy,wrath M+awn Mt 3[a0111ua am .� --— -- ro. ratures Daily,with Mean Por Months and Total Monthly Precipfsp on, Dea• � ..., - _ u • ),1':}_ lilut ._. a !' Highest and Lowest Tempe __—_-- —Sept, Oct Mar. April. May. June. July. —Au-- Jau. k'rb. _ ANrtl ]lam• 3>: f eU. _ Jan. 1 Date. �' C` w 5 �a Ja d �4 bb 1Mr 7• 70 M um uv 58 48 • _ 08 00 ttv 75 s ON 78 16 4Y 411 111 27 12 85 28 63 8? 42 88 65 47 82 59 83 6� B72 56 76 61 d 69 72 71 69 B 69 58 68y 98 '� yt,,... Y4�' �y b �) bb 1$! 71 7! !I� Ai 1MI M ai 1 t 1W V i 2...., 36 18 88 30 51 114 ti0 611 ?$ 6Q 1K1 OH " 66 78 sb 1d alt 1!Q fA0 36 15 30 15 43 33 43 38 54 49 89 68 883 673 6v 785 60 7 87 68 56 64 110 61 49 8 20 4. .... 40 88 $1 IN so 06 " 78 00 to {${°im $! 711 tlD M 19 41 80 23 12 20 13 39 33 46 36 58 48 84 67 8a G9 82 67 77 62 64 6rl 64 66 36 �, 1 $a 8$ as a4 14 �6 6u 7f1 fa 49 !w 66 1114 _ 5.,.... 33 15 18 11 37 27 63 37 r 8„••.. 4p 11 aB 411! 97 511 98 dl1 Tif $1 Tl 611 (u' so 41 b!1 1 31i 8•••••• 40 24 ` 13 437 27 55 42 70 55 76 57 745 8 45 40 73 54 77 62 75 66(49 84 764 77 64 68 64 59 44 V 0 79 6G IS4 68 50 89 8 15 7...... 4 0 lilt 89 $0 47 88 '11fi1 a9 � � 41 7•,,.,, 38 32 35 21 8 ,, $4 19 414 61 5A 40 a$ 417 as 04 74 5q IK1 S 9 g, ,,,, 38 31 26 14 46 39 47 41 71 8 77 67 88 89 61as41 IV g,,,... 111 ]4 86 $2 b7 90 418 1q q6 4, 44 9,..... 86 28 38 15 50 39 50 39 d6 39 47 41 6 88 74 56 79 66 81 68 74 58 63 60 50 40 69 70 57 57 0 65 48 8460 81 10.,.... 114 14 48 80 411 46 80 410 6 48 10•••••• 40 29 31 8 11......,441 111 49 89 51 41 q6 5� 41 11, ,,,, 36 25 25 16 60 38 63 43 56 43 70 57 81 61 88 44 u 40 53 41 85 58 89 68 82 66 74 67 71 58 7 8 58 64 48 Sll 1H 12 71t9 H 5 a 911 !SN 41 4/ a4 tli 01 7b M �t it1g8 7; 41 12.,.... 30 20 30 19 88 45 57 44 62 46 SG 56 82 63 73 62 74 82 68 66 62 49 39 18,,,,,• 911 N 157 41 00 46 7s 00 " 1!1 75i : A4 a b0 4l 8, .37 13...... 23 18 29 49 33 48 41 66 49 79 66 90 67 78 668 6 6600 20 49 N 46 28 45 8 50 86 14 I t4 „ �r 13 42 86' Ot 4$ , 6(# 00 7x IMI f16 4W 415 9. 34 14,,,,,, 31 1G 46 87 58 98 87 48 79 64 86 61 78 69 58 66 46 62 61 54 86 1$...... 1:1 S5 81 21 bb 4W 4 + b7 71 a? 71 1K1 77 00 00 10 48 34 15...... 40 26 37 21 18 41 81 84 '1S 48 80 47 11 10 ,,,,, 40 28 36 26 52 41 58 40 7i 49 75 68 75 62 71 61 6tS 68 65 48 64 48 40 81 1 bt b11 7t IM R1 �` 69 1 0 32 25 58 48 58 41 76 54 75 58 64 62 7799 56 70 58 62 45 54 47 89 i? # a 6$ $D f48 75 88 $4 a4 7q 89 48 12>� .9 ;i...... 23 16 55 41 72 60 So 58 86 74 1 68 61 58 46 4$ 89iH $$ )$ 1t3 b b? 4n M 711 111 !41 416 81� IM► 44 13�3G 18...... 45 21 29 22 43 28 67 141 4, 19„•,•• 35 21 2g 15 32 21 54 41 61 55 78 68 77 68 88 88 88 8 111,,,•„ 2(1 11 lb A 6a 40 01 8' 25 56 38 70 47 65 53 78 81 80 66 75 64 68 63 58 44 68 47 64 89 '4p..••.. 8+1 19 21 9 05 51 f� 1tl 1p 97 $1 78 fs4, 714 06 M ab so 61 z St V at 1b14d 'A...... 9 32 332 17 44 31 57 43 62 56 78 68 35 66 77 64 75 68 65 $8 67 4b 46 89 W 48 M5 67 � bt � 06 18 � ?1 80 U b1 41 08 0 10 16 47 .1...... 30 63 39 84 55 75 53 73 59 82 8? 75 (90 7(1 69 57 40 63 47 54 48 ul...... 4N 8t1 tili 1K► 1111 51 $0 48 .k'15 1K1 ?� 11U q6 71 1$1 7U 64 OG 11 ` St !lr 410 86 a 9 86 35 81 65 75 56 77 68 64 47 47 Ofd 44 28 L,!j...... 41) 84 71.9 611 Pit 45 57 #1 M6 $1 661 68 go 68 "•48 � � 06 48�41 06 67' 96 17 34 2 ...... 4 60 72 55 '9 19 4111 lift $0 415 84 iM 43 �3...... 40 31 38 25 63 44 82 60 88 �p 19,44 �1...... 40 29 40 6 55 43 63 47 53 35 59 45 84 71 82 64 4 6 70 65 77 82 6fl 61 66 61 61 98 8$ ld6 ,��....., 24 11S 44 $1 65 1St 111 4F1 lit 11 611 1V1 !He do to as 0 150� A7';14' M 1t1 8q 6U tp' 144 � 4t fd5...... 97 99 8H 95 111 40 do al 67 so be 78 O6 91 7D ab 60 17 ' 60 to 84 �7 2(1 W „a...... 39 ou 21 37 26.....• 45 33 47 40 54 88 72 50 78 62 ?6 62 71 66 81 63 68 67 69 46 48 41 29 1 119,..... 8t Iii 44 10 bt 10 b? 40 as � � � ?a Ati 4q1 St � 0 It bl 2.2 gg 27..,... 48 26 62 39 52 89 60 52 64 51 75 59 74 86 82 84 72 88 69 67 49 40 28 19 V...... 89 lilt h2 8!1 W 44 N � ?7i at 77 00 4s 4n 4t1!� � .• •' 42 28,,,•,. 26 14 54 43 63 42 71 47 53 47 78 62 87 66 77 6(S 8fl BU 68 4d 90 8$ 80 1$ 8 $1 09 d7 W 40 TO 611 71 011 9D as . 68 47 60 63 66 41 70 GS 84 71 78 06 7y 68 48 88 48 82 4q ,. ai 69 460 f81 1N 24 58 29,,,,.. 19 15 60 48 75 52 79 53 72 57 78 71 79 64 78 64 53 85 46 84 87 80 81 1 r $i Beso s6 917 M 49 i>i4 .. 2a 3(1 90..,,.. 24 19 48 88 71 58 82 72 H8 67 _ —. 59 _�. 8U 47 1 !� a6� ,. r T '�aY]• 'f3 32 31...... 28 k9 ___— `'+' Li { ..tf3,161� .q.M 9.41 f►ttt b.Yd c�an.. 13't 2i 4tI 'G4 4► 911 4b 00 tni tl6 Sl8 68 W 48 118 .. .. ' Dlean.. 36 23 84 23 51 87 58 44 68 52 77 60 81 G6 79 64 72 80 86 $0 66 44 88 lia181, lt.5if q.9q 34 preeip, 2.28 5.78 4.32 8.51 1.23 5_91 3.12 3.29 8.69 6.(16 1.19 6• rerip.1 11.4W { 1.86 _>1,m 39 38 1 WEATHER REPORT FOR 1904. 1 WHA,�,RgR REPORT FOR 1905. 31 41highest and Lowest Temperatures Daily,with Mean for Months and Total Month! Preotp ' iy�wltti 314•wrr 1•r'14c,11111r*JulIrl Ti”T*"Ygalfdlly 1'a�•cilptfntlnn. Se t, Oct, Nov. o Dec. 131h; and I• .�.. r Jan. Feb. Mar. April. Mag. June. July. Auk. p — 1:'rl,, IICl6a'.� Ap ,lu►a�+. 3u1y_ ,Ault. k1~"4. Ki -- �— ' p 5 ;tall. p s19 W Date. P N Date, ) a ^' 67 64 59 87 116 9fl p j �t _ _ 1, 36 24 81 11 83 3U 44 87 69 53 61 66 83 69 8�i 71 pr IF 76 67T41 43 42 62 47 73 53 74 GO 81 66 81 70 58 47 59 48 82 27 1....., 15.d 1!11 2r 16 181 91 !t8 4 r 58 916 $6 11'11 66 06 28 11 83 6 40 231 51 42 62 48 73 55 76 63 75 09 81 68 6 544 66 48 81 7d5 fd...... 4�1 ml£9 � ]V 81 111 813 � a0 481 � � � ?v art` "11 '' bitt as ] 6 61 i 8....., 12 4 30 14 bl 73 08 73 61 54 00 57 , )...... 11 1 18 15 25 18 50 27 68 49 80 G4 80 68 r8 68 8U 85 60 6...... 13 4 35 16 31 17 62 38 76 50 88 64 90 71 77 71 72 61 67 61 61 d4 11$ 21 S..• ]fi 1$ fi 8:3 81141 61 419 $1 41 q8 7N 67 11 74 64 ?U (� 8J! bs �1 se _ Date. 1 r 9 59 45 75 54 87 65 85 71 84 70 68 67 61 45 44 8(S &Y ft11 4....., IH 11 fdl it) 4$ � 5t3 � � 61 � � � � � 74 � � as ` � � 35 27 t 6...... 23 4� 3d 40 2 g 7...... 30 22 5i 41 50 88 63 44 71 52 82 65 79 71 85 7U r 1 68 G8 40 47 86 80 27 6,••• 1S 1 Oq 1►1 ll ( IN1 70 78 !MN $1 613 4191 84 48 71 56 77 G4 76 66 i 9 64 78 GO 82 45 50 8G 40 Z 8 8 $ ..• 47 b4 I 888 99 85 80 5[1 41 06 � 11 71 61N OG 7a as 61 64 U 44 4 6 � k, 5...... 34 2tf 46 18 60 40 62 "1 78 so 91` 41 ril 1111 111 87 9,,..., 34 24 18 10 41 27 55 42 78 59 64 53 79 66 78 63 68 G9 (14 aK 47 41 7at 0 M 11 89 88 45 10...... 82 21 26 7 37 24 55 47 67 51 67 53 71 87 80 85 6ff 68 74 58 46 41 22 14 8,....• 86 96 8 $4 45 83 7`1 � � 81 69 0 91) •� 711 01 Olt 60 , 49 all 410 95 1••••• .. 11,....: 3 t 21 27 i t 36 27 51 4:1 70 53 79 52 82 88 86 62 84 � 81 41 48 82 86 19 l0.,,... 81 � � � � !iH � � � � � � 111 7'f as '1111 � '49 88 40 95 � 60 � 84` 12...... 37 25 25 10 34 22 56 44 73 45 73 BO 82 68 42 416 1S1 #1 81 4� ♦4 85 7t � 86 44 86 81 aq trA 3 ... li,,,,,. 40 33 30 13 3G 25 45 35 78 5G 63 57 75 64 76 65 73 (f3 52 40 43 34 29 18 ll...... $3 94 49 18 $? 81 0 85 46 01 85 77 $4 74 78 &A 41 64 86 Ott SU 4.. .... 14,,;,,, 35 2G 34 24 33 26 44 30 69 53 85 56 BO G2 8U 65 76 lS3 68 48 40 88 2b 14 Ht..,. 40 86 91 410) W 5 15...... 29 22 29 11 39 28 62 8G 61 52 71 55 81 65 82 6 5 70 61 67 92 48 86 18...... 4l St 81 12 8S t18 114 415 6$ 54 197 09 11 71 19 14 1 36 23 46 33 61 45 78 61' 84 f2 88(41 02 68 58 77 58 8"x0 82 42 fl 80 i 16...... iib 18 25 10 80 fl$ at 98 So 71 by � � to � 79 81 01 ®1 78 dd 47 !d all V 33 14 20 4 40 20 50 29 8'l 53 r4 61 84 18...... 16 1 20 10 43 31 53 89 68 54 84 G1 88 G8 78 67 80 83 78 61 89 29 16..,... fi7 19 17 4 4$ 44 88 bl 96 75 0 � 11 64 54 41'1 4f3 811 � 6 ; 4 88 17 4? 79$ 418 $1 55 49 No 61 qa 1v .V OO " W � 56 61 40 46 1111 j!q.....: 14 t 2G 18 50 34 64 31 65 55 80 G8 93 72 74 GO 77 66 84 aft 50 88 1?...... 8", L16 49 3i 38 25 70 53 84 66 84 74 81 65 72 65 66 58 G5 44 18...... 40 )A3 t18 1e1 01 $$ 4A Oi 4 9or go 0 11 44 W as 89 al04 74 ?1 1:....: 27 9 3N 48 1,"" 21....., 33 27 45 22 44 31 G5 36 78 51 79 63 78 G8 83 68 55 40 58 A9 5 8 go ,..,. 49 $$ 85 2K 414 83 ?0$ a6 06 40 '� bl � O1 � 9/ 4 0 e 48 48 W 84 41 1�.,.,.,.. 2 48 61 #u Dai 84 49 48 1.i...,... z•••••• 54 31 48 33 43 3a 55 35 7 14 23.,.... 55 39 47 80 54 41 56 40 74 GO 75 59 74 (f(1 76 66 61 47 64 48 G1 41 21...... 89 83 431 8i 87 24...... 39 8 45 28 M 41 55 45 85 64 76 58 G7 14 80 61 71 54 52 41 46 90 29..,... 40 t~> Ad Sd1J 44 82 a0 4l 770 88 10 111 a6 84 28 46 84 54 4271 14 to � 29 141 28 12 59 38 r8 49 82 6, 91 64 75 70 83 64 74 02 82 61 47 42 82 to go 4G 89 Al 24...... 2i 20 41 71 96 49 84 W 42 00 48 U 0 7! 06 � 41 67 10 a4 41 all 611 4? 41) 15..••.... 7"d 96 t,A 111 afi 011 46 N 4$ 4111 91 � 16....., 7' xR Oi "Ts 9a (M 41 88 48 6t+ 411i !t1 211 17........1 26......I 37 2'3 27 11 64 38 61 45 88 66 92 74 77 48 61 46 00 80 t I •r7..,... 31 17 31 22 41 32 49 93 78 59 82 fib 80 66 70 57 71 64 47 87 34 25 `TSS.,.... 1l$ F3 40 Sd t 88 41 9$ 00 ?1 So IM 18........ 27U 54 79........j 2S••••••. 5 13 39 29 37 29 651 43 1 9d 77 58 81 63 56 73 66 89 66 82 60 66 76 1 70 69 67 41 0 8 61 47 36 27 24 87...... 26 11 26 14 1 80 19 65 50 40 49 77 61 70 56?$ 86 134 66 M 24 55 48 70 51 61 774 D 6? go W 1 8 47 81�69 g 6 29...... 26 21 41 33 44 27 bN 47 61t 88 all 8�4 " 'ill........ 130,,,,,, 31 22 1 46 32 63 62 7r 62 80 72 77 65 74 62 '78 68 49 89 5L 88 28...... 81 16 88 1d4 78 00 80 42 86 66 59 „ „ 85 70 75 64 05 04 46 88 29,. 21 18 14 44 49 49 77 00 at 61 U 71 78 00 84 04 11 40 50 19 r........ 31...... 81 18 --- .. __-—.-. .. r 80. .,� 26 18 6a 48 $H 473 ?i�1 � � � ++5 98 AO 1!# � 811 a57 t � OV 19 :�3,....... Means.!30 18 133 17 143 80 54 39 72 65 77 61 80 67 7A 65 72 5J (90 46 47 88 81 24 15 08 46 24....••• --" �— WEATHER REPORT FOR 1906.9 Vleatls. 83 1d1 47`1111 tS Es`at1 �1 '(W ?O A6 - 5th 51 a 1 15 .........�.^-"" t3........ Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. WEATHER REPORT FOR x907• + 27 ? ........I29 aily hlaxlrrlun► unit Minitnuln Tr rojorbsuraw f"r tlrrut�r 1`«aw York. Jan Feb. Mar. April Mag' June. JulJly. dug. Sept.Se tOct. 80... % 4 9 % 5 1 J:�n. c,l,. aul A ria4►t, ee- ov, 31 Date. p m �. �. 1 i �.l nab-1 X z" e k 5 p 5 g as H Date •, �`bC i� g __ r r, Nov. leo. 77 72 72 61 61 49 47 85 48 82 - 3leau., 1...... � 29 40 3a 33 17 48 31 72 54 81 80 79 87 P 2...... 86 29 37 7 39 8U 47.32 67 55 88 68 84 67 73 67 76 59 67 GG 59 85 83 23-1,.,..•••.,.,..i i�... p !38 so. ly ob 74 64 as to so 49 3...... 43 32 22 6 54 34 53 32 66 64 78 62 86 71 74 68 82 66 fig 60 88 38 40 16 42 37,42, 34 45 A 46 7f16 154 46 00 !iU 44 34 4.,..,. 59 41 41 22 54 35 67 88 G5 52 79 61 83 71 86 72 72 62 88 69 64 48 2x1 10 "1•••••••"•''•' 47 37 739 19 2g 87 68 82 b6 434 51 41 >� $4 � � � � 13 p 51 44 111, 5...... 41 34 38 18 42 32 59 47 74 54 84 64 78 67 00 73 71 58 71 62 58 36 40 24 1""""""'1 hg g7'll 1B 91 30(b8 118 64 41 70 55 / Bi 1` 64 41 111 6...... 99 30 18 5 40 2G 58 40 86 55 88 68 76 83 98 74 79 59 71 G4 5G 89 66 87 - • ...I ig gb k:%1 19 Aa 31 06 84 67 811 IC/ d1 61 ail 11i 18 ><3 711 � 6p ToRn°encl's 7 828 28 10 46 34 51 36 59 49 78 GO 77 G1 87 70 85 68 67 48 64 89 61 11 8 ,147 216 18 11 85 90 4!i al 56 47 16 bfi 66 11 41T b6 41 40 8,..... 30 21 35 20 47 36 55 41 80 44 68 G7 78 84 82 72 99 68 60 43 50 88 24 10 7 ,,,,,,,,,, 62 46 Z3 11 81 18 41 86 51 61 06 58 a16 tIM i4 71 71 $3 771 BT 5a 4ti 4$ St.Rollt�;I y 27 13 36 29 50 39 48 38 56 44 85 61 7 7 64 80 70 88 65 74 48 52 40 81 24 b.,,,,,,,,, 673 42 311 1>i 44 22 44 16 64 4.9 70 6M aY pa 41 70 73 06 ?Z 44 U 40 67 MU R t*s:, 70...... 32 13 31 zo 43 33 59 44 49 41 86 64 89 64 75 68 90 71 G6 45 65 48 89 28 0............. 43 12 3t i8 88y 25 4U 8:1 b7 48 64 11b ?U 7L BY 74 60 W 41 411 66 49 411 52 New Engtan 11.,.,,• 42 22 288 16 44 81 56 44 58 40 76 62 81 68 84 70 80 70 47 89 49 39 41 21 16.............« 36 7 t Sri 113 /W :5 91 114 73 411 40 !14 61 Ml 411111 1w4 4$ 644 84 50 719 50 Steam Head 12•••••• 46 37 37 24 43 28 59 45 71 46 71 52 81 65 84 74 81 70 52 87 44 88 82 15 11.............. 44 7i1 736 6 41 26 6S 34 61 34 ee91 s $I JS 74 $0 58 41 911 116 X16 13...... 38 33 48 36 81 25 54 42 83 60 72 58 81 66 78 66 83 71 55 42 41 84 40 2911'......•. 46 8b 16 1 40 719 60 8q fr71 36 he h Tiw 1M1 4i4 44 >8 37 14...... 86 33 53 30 32 27 55 43 70 54 76 61 85 G7 83 64 78 66 62 44 41 88 41 87 11•••••••••••••• 42 7100 Zl 0 47 Z) 4g 811 0 41 tl11 15...... 44 8l 30 15 31 25 60 61 64 51 63 85 81 88 82 66 71 60 89 62 40 83 57 4114 41 88 44 , 64 88 716 871 J9 � n v Irl 61 81 471 � 34 t6 9lesun9er,« 16.............. A 1 2b 86 2;. 46 56 44 84 U 50 M 56 711 $i 7M Bl hu 61 5T 413 34 8Y )3rml:er Hill, 16...... 46 37 33 15 36 23 58 46 81 51 71 64 82 66 80 64 68 54 69 56 42 83 49 8416„•,•.,„ 26 7fi 141 A 49 36 60 88 i4 50 06 11 $1 M 77 Bi 1111 $6 64 0 $ 39 City,Londor 17......1 88 31 37 24 32 23 68 41 80 67 7 7 65 88 71 82 70 73 60 58 53 51 88 88 84 17••.•...••..••. 13 139 15 59 36 47 37 61 U 86 dl 0 74 79 111 16 I1 07 60 47 X Jufv,Paris..18•••••• 44 81 35 30 24 20 73 50 86 65 71 63 86 72 81 69 85 62 62 53 64 47 84 21 1$ 34 'll T' 11 4 7 •t7 48 37 76 43 84 16 0 74'M 71 72 50 1a 47 416 81 �apolaou,l',19...... 41 37 43 31 35 27 71 51 86 59 71 60 87 71 83 72 88 71 72 59 62 66 81 17 19 40 3x 4'L 28 40 8s 41 36 77 671 1 60 00 a6 73 1'7 66 64 67 571 41 64 41 8d Nelson's,Du .,.... 48 35 51 84 35 29 66 47 73 54 79 65 82 71 85 72 79 74 67 59 58 53 64 81 20.............. 66 19 18 32 44 7'8 98 84 al 47 17ti d3 00 Ib 11 11 72 be 54 4is N1 4$ 39 is Nelson's,Lo 21...... 55 44 59 44 36 23 73 51 65 49 78 63 80 68 78 74 85 72 60 55 53 47 44 88 21.............. 32 19 32 18 49 60 62 32 67 41 83 64 63 06 64 14i 15 $6 41 U 64 40 9i1 place tendo=- 61 45 51 38 39 25 60 48 65 54 •82 64 87 70 85 73 76 65 59 54 57 44 "`_......•........ 718 11 2,1 1 64 Al 611 40 16 471 67 11 111 OB 76 16 77 60 80 41 6$ 49 .: Pompey's Pi 213:::::: 6 46 45 3:3 25 17 50 37 70 52 78 67 83 73 86 71 78 65 67 55 46 89 23............... 13 b 19 7 1 76 60 58 44 6$ 43 !•3 Y3 16 6$ ?3 64 60 41 53 438 .. + Trajan,Rom 24...... 46 83 49 35 31 16 53 37 88 56 80 66 i6 70 78 66 67 57 61 56 44 88 :'4............... 14 0 714 12 46 87 68 44 a? 61 71 $4 79 66 tl 11 61 64 5i Y7 41 flt .. Washington,25...... 33 25 48 38 38 24 62 45 82 61 80 65 81 66 72 63 66 54 67 54 51 34 6••••••••••••••• 34 14 37 19 46 113 78 47 1q 50 89 a1 p 70 tt 6a 66 61 1Nt >p 44 116 .. Fork,Loudc 28•••••• 35 26 41 23 48 82 67 42 80 62 "(9 66 78 65 79 GG 71 58 61 48 53 40 �6••••••••••••••. 34 18 r.8 14 64 B. 71 51 L 1 48 30 61 1111 $7 14 $1 6f 46 61 41 4S 14 +• 27...... 45 81 83 24 65 46 72 46 74 65 85 68 80 66 81 72 71 65 65 50 66 44 • '21••••••• ••••• 'l6 16 311 17 68 42 68 46 Fi? 46 T5 11 111 13 71 60 12 9a 61 44 44 37 .« 28...... 49 37 24 14 50 39 68 50 65 49 89 68 81 69 77 69 71 62 56 47 44 89 21 120 15 19 11 61 43 5t 43 60 44 83 11.11 01 66 1 $t 40 511 60 al 6: 41 Babel...... .• l9.............. 29 17 72 6Ir 6.'r 47 60 46 72 41 13 44 4ai b!1 e2 h4 6i 46 44 86 .. Balbec..... 2`•)....'.. 39 28 49 35 65 50 70 47 90 67 82 70 77 68 70 68 47 42 40 27 ..29....... 35 23 .. .. 68 60 86 48 71 48 71 61 1� 64 74 by 18 63 40 40 43 38 .. Capitol,W M 80...... 49 34 46 42 74 53 69 50 03 70 84 72 84 70 71 55 55 43 46 27 31„•.......•... 30 16 .. 6.^, 42 .. .. 63 62 .. bd 66 74 4U .. .. 61 >!$ .. .+ .. Cathedral, 81...... 47 38 46 M 70 58 84 71 80 70 51 41 �� -- Cathedral,'C Means. 48 32 88 24 41 29 GO 43 70 53 80 84 82 68 Bl 69 77 64 �2 50 51 39 •• ,• IY cans,......•.I ,{J 26 32 1? 48 34 62 8R BZ 48 71 f 1x7 67 ?1 6B 74 $1 00 916 a0 4b .. Cathedral,Cr Cathedral,E _. A Sul the U3 T, iunda Cunklin frons t h, j ect for u1 51a'•F., WEATHER REPORT FOR 1908. Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. WEATHER REPORT FOR 5909. Jan. I Feb. I Mar. I April.I May. I June. I July. I Aug. I Sept.I Oct. I Nov. I Dec. Dail+ Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. t Date. 9 9 9 E 9 9 phi I i I I I Jan. Feb. I Mar. I April. May. June. July. i A 5 ` I �� p rE 69 p _p I p D�4 p d p r p Date. +� I + I I use I dept. I Qct. I Nov. Dec.i 1.. I p i ty I P� t. _ S4 ?� N . X p N b 114 ty I p 40 34 47 21 31 23 b5 41 60 42 72 60 84 69 1 ?8 69 77 64 1 66 57 45 38 164 40.1.............. 30 25 20 5 39 22 b6 38 61 42 77 63 88 G8 77 70 76 d I GO 62 p ty i' 2.,...... 38 32 26 14 140 31 154 33 63 41 177 57 1 87 71 84 65 S1 62 169 47 49 36 40 24 66 815 65 72 58 60 44 40 3 '•••••••• 37 28 27 13 139 29 36 30 59 40 72 56 I 84 79 83 68 70 56 66 44 58 40 34 23 3............... 43 33 31 25 44 32 47 4 36 23 35 16 49 39 652 51 42 77 62 79 62 78 66 7g 5 51 44 2 ' 4 •••••••••• 3 27 19 4 36 26 36 27 61 46 78 69 84 73 91 72 73 68 70 63 60 29 44 31 4.............. 52 39. 33 26 33 28 60 38 62 47 69 58 73 71 81 67 71 52 59 .......••..•, 1 6••••.,.....•,. 38 16 31 1 38 24 44 27 63 46 ` 75 58 88 75 89 73 74 60 65 b4 41 27 41 2? 5.............. 67 44 33 32 30 21 57 93 66 50 G6 60 65 51 41 36i 6 63 51 60 61 40 36+ 9 6••••••••••••... 32 16 38 29 37 31 65 41 b6 45 1 72 57 93 74 82 71 67 61 69 51 48 35 36 23 6.............. b3 2fi 54 37 36 22 65 47 80 58 78 b9 79 G1 76 64 71 b58 69 68 77 76 " 71 63 5B 58 45 44 341 6 7 ••••••••.. 51 28 29 22 47 34 71 49 61 45 78 56 92 76 77 70 76 61 67 55 53 41 57 34 7.............. 26 19 39 33 43 32 75 51 74 53 78 59 S2 64 86 66 74 5G 74 54 49 68 52 49 40 bl 37' (i I 8•••......•••. 41 35 22 6 44 34 66 47 55 46 84 64 $2 67 80 66 74 b8 70 69 55 47 36 29f 8..,......'..... 29 18 4b 32 44 34 58 4G 67 63 68 58 86 61 91 70 73 62 75 9 1 �•••••••••...... 36 23 22 6 41 26 60 39 68 48 83 64 78 62 74 68 78 58 69 59 60 42 36 27 9•..........,.. 90 l8 39 29 41 36 51 36 GO 49 b8 66 ?6 60 93 73 7S 62 73 58 56 42 50 35i' (S 10.............. 30 17 29 11 38 23 53 38 54 43 84 65 77 66 82 5 58 42 43 11.............. 41 27 141 19 54 31 63 40 81 48 72 63 82 65 83 68 81 61 69 58 57 44 42 31;11••••:........, 51 36 34 'l7 43 32 46 24 63 50 72 6S 79 60 78 61 30 20~ 65 77 61 66 62 58 60 32 20 10••............ 39 34 G8 33 66 38 41 31 71 53 62 b5 76 60 83 65 69 65 74 56 53 41 31 2 r 5 12.............. 49 41 38 28 59 40• 53 36 S1 64 78 61 93 70 83 67 78 67 68 44 44 36 42 30 2 I 13.............. 45 36 43 34 57 43 59 40 85 62 81 62 90 74 90 73 77 67 59 43 43 33 34 27;13•••.....,..... 4g 22 17 41 24 44 28 55 36 73 48 81 68 85 G7 79 62 69 64 71 59 61 44 35 26' %7 49 74 49 32 , 14.............. 36 27 48 36 55 44 62 36 67 52 84 66 $8 69 90 75 77 63 66 45 40 31 42 28114••••••........ 34 24 49 37 60 36 64 47' 874 54 3 63 84 66 84 70 75 64 79 62 58 39 56 49 52 31i '1 15.............. 42 27 56 40 56 44 69 40 64 49 74 60 79 65 85 75 68 57 77 52 36 29 46 38 15•••••...,..... 44 31 43 37 41 33 60 0 44 39 64 43 81 66 76 64 84 71 173 63 73 66- b8 49 57 9 65 45 52 3I 8 16.............. 40 24 40 31 62 30 59 36 65 49 74 56 80 62 81 68 73 54 83 60 42 28 45 38,16.......... 33 18 45 35 43 32 L9 42 73 58 77 69 84 71 G8 62 73 64 5`L 6 17.............. 36 22 32 24 40 28 47 34 75 54 1 72 57 82 65 76 67 78 63 84 62 39 30 38 '9, 8 j 1 34. 18............... 39 29 130 20 39 34 58 38 76 59 74 60 90 72 82 72 80 62 82 63 45 36 40 291 26 61 4 b4 44 37 17,..•...,,,,,,, 33 24 90 29 43 28 By 45 64 64 T4 60 84 69 64 b9 78 67 53 40 59 38 37 2tI, 19.............. 40 31 46 29 48 33 67 46 68 b7 80 60 $9 74 84 67 83 64 74 b5 50 38 36 26 19••••••........ 27 17 G3 38 44 31 SO 49 65 53 67 60 83 gj- 72 59 73 62 65 56 74 63 73 61 83 64 68 66 47 41 38 30 34 25 20,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 27 34 23 36 28 56 41 63 57 87 69 85 68 75 65 66 60 66 47 62 39 39 31,x•••••...,...,. 90 22 ` 21.. .... 53 39 35 22 41 25 61 34 69 57 87 70 74 68 177 60 70 60 56 46 46 35 42 31' 6, 41 43 32 65 43 57 50 83 60 81 60 85 68 68 56 43 30 30 ..1+1 ��� 58 40 29 20 22•••••••••••••. 53 36 32 20 10 32 66 42 66 60 86 74 86 68 76 68 74 60 60 47 50 34 36 24 22•••••••....... 52 31 47 37 36 26 67 44 54 47 91 ?2 79 66 ?3 60 73 63 62 60 60 48 37 45 29 49 43 58 48 90 66 80 64 76 64 71 59 .58 42 61 44 31 19 1'3 23••••••••••....• 40 29 31 17 60 44 78 55 74 60 83 70 86 73 76 66 74 64 64 54 53 40 30 23 24............... 29 19 31 19 58 46 67 50 85 60 93 68 84 71 74 63 75 64 70 61 b8 48 38' 23' 96 40 47 39 46 30 59 34 72 G� 990 ? 68 65 82 5 30 26 iii 25.............. 31 17 36 25 46 29 65 48 77 59 86 69 80 89 73 60 80 66 70 64 59 61 41 86 24 """ 48 37 54 40 52 34 52 9 61 78 69 53 48 62 36 39 28;, Z5 26•••••••••••••• 44 26 46 33 64 38 79 58 83 69 80 67' 77 66 60 66 73 65 70 6 62 62 41 83 25 52 34 45 24 54 36 68 39 73 59 92 68 80 64 87 68 69 64 52 40 3300 40 33f Z& t 27.............. 46 23 44 30 75 56 67 54 86 69 83 63 83 68 68 66 73 63 66 60 69 44 39 31' 6 "'• 42 33 35 20 40 35 68 46 68 54 55 3 51 90 72 84 62 84 44 32 45 32 7 44 64 58 8 670 64 5b 62 42 47 34 34 3 ;:1 28•••••••••..... 37 22 30 20 66 50 72 55 84 b6 84 64 88 70 71 56 74 67 64 54 50 41 40 82'28.............. 36 27 41 29 50 38 64 42 76 59 85 7 84 67 83 7069 84 68 80 68 64 53 51 40 52 37 32 28 33 29...... 37 11 33 18 64 37 67 55 71 56 87 68 80 70 72 56 68 56 60 52 50 39 46 32 r 64 47 49 36 2g ,23 q 7 30.............. 16 6 46 42 49 36 66 56 70 64 85 72 83 70 77 57 65 53 67 42 61 48 49 35 29.•...,.•""" 35 26 47 35 42 35 72 60 88 74 84 67 83 69 68 48 42 36 46 3b 31 20 31.............. 22 4 30 36 23 545 34 3 38 47 40 79 60 8v 68 92 76 73 62 68 56 53 35 42 32 26 7 .. 83 66 .. .. 84 69 80 62 .. .. 47 38 46 80 31 ••••••••••.. 26 13 Tleang..... 39 82 68 84 72 72 61 67 43 25 35 21 WEATHER REPORT FOR61910,66 74 61 66 63 51 39 "�Me?8_%••:., 40 27 34 31 45 32 57 42 68 53 78 63 81 66 7A 64 79 RCI Rn nv I KA Al I ,7 0�' WEATHER REPORT FOR 1911. g Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. I Jan. I Feb. I Mar. A ril I May. I June. July. I Aug. Se t. I Oct. Nov I Dec.' I Jan. 1 Feb. I Mar, I Aprii.I May. {June. I July, I Aug, I Sept:I_Oct. I Nov. I Dec, ) Date. I I14 d p I w f f Date p N p N ty N p l�a I a a i k "p _ N p d d l p X � ly k 1••••-......•.. 37 17 34 24 49 40 62 46 66 68 61 48 86 74 80 63 71 68 82 61 61 95 39 29 54 48 43 20 140 32 38 24 67 40 80 61 94 70 79 69 81 64 G1 48 79 32 44 33!�. -_ 2 46 37 41 28 42 38 69 44 58 48 61 51 88 74 80 66 76 63 67 63 65 61 31 26 1, ,,: 49 25 35 24 39 25 40 29 69 54 74 6_ 84 6S 86 71 76 6G 61 u0 59 39 41 30.', 3.............. 39 31 45 34 47 30 62 50 70 51 66 57 86 74 84 69 71 66 69 55 61 39 36 26 """"""" =- 3 64 31 3S 1b 47 31 42 28 62 36 68 G2 98 78 75 66 81 67 60 48 47 30 44 33'' 4•••••••••..... 31 5 39 28 49 36 67 49 59 48 69 60 84 73 83 69 81 69 76 64 46 39 35 28 5 """""' 31 16 46 36 37 28 39 36 54 39 74 61 93 75 72 66 73 59 72 56 47 34 36 19' 5.............. 36 5 35 22 54 38 77 51 60 44 62 52 83 68 79 67 S6 70 82 67 60 41 33 25 5........"' 28 16 38 19 34 22 58 38 60 A 63 66 92 75 78 66 75 63 68 48 54 41 39 1$ 6.............. 39 33 22 3 54 39 76 51 63 45 75 57 85 63 82 64 90 71 83 68 48 26 29 22 6""""' 39 20 27 17 39 26 68 53 67 46 66 66 92 74 82 68 83 68 59 46 6G 44 48 W1 7.............. 39 25 20 2 48 35 69 37 69 47 G9 66 80 66 80 65 81 69 73 53 44 32 30 20 7 43 80 30 26 32 22 63 42 76 52 69 57 87 71 7G 69 74 62 67 94 61 47 56 37j 141 8.............. 28 19 40 20 41 33 48 34 62 54 75 52 6 75 67 90 71 79 68 76 63 b9 vl 40 34 34 22 28 9••••••••...... 32 24 40 33• r 8.•,,....,•..., 46 36 34 26 42 24 48 37 71 53 75 68 77 67 77 67 69 61 5B 41 62 42 58 42:d 40 10••• ••••••••.. 30 17 38 27 37 30 58 43 69 56 61 65 92 75 74 66 70 59 62 91 73 75 66 80 63 64 49 63 46 26 16 10""""...... 4L 7 35 29 49 37 54 37 81 62 84 63 95 76 88 69 82 62 69 57 50 45 b8 45 50 35 27 9*****,****.... 43 29 35 29 48 31 45 34 63 50 83 61 88 68 83 70 68 60 67 44 50 42 51 41 1 11.............. 31 16 27 18 44 30 59 42 64 55 58 54 89 73 81 64 72 G1 75 49 47 34 24 16 ' Y 7 12.............. 35 27 34 26 46 35 67 44 64 51 63 66 86 72 83 66 72 62 67 46 40 32 26 16 11 "' 42 84 35 25 48 30 51 40 80 G3 S3 G4 95 77 92 71 7G S6 60 54 60 41 58 43 '1ij 13.............. 38 28 31 22 51 34 65 38 63 48 72 69 88 73 82 68 79 63 65 41 43 32 30 16 12 "" 46 34 46 29 4T 35 49 39 34 66 74 64 S6 74 78 G6 81 5G 68 E3 68 32 60 51 134 14,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 22 35 22 41 28 68 40 68 47 82 60 86 69 82 66 69 59 74 48 43 34 36 22 13 ..' 43 36 43 39 47 41 54 38 80 59 73 68 SG 71 75 67 61 60 63 4G 34 24 67 3G 15...•,,,,,,,,,. 32 22 43 33 39 25 74 53 60 44 78 63 90 67 79 72 72 64 66 59 43 34 41 141 19 .•..' 43 3S 41 2G 46 37 b7 47 68 53 73 G2 77 G6 86 66 G3 48 63 4G 3? 25 45 E4 3 16,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 18 49 41 60 29 60 46 68 60 69 62 91 71 80 68 72 67 77 67 41 36 20 g ., """ 44 30 28 19 64 25 58 48 66 G2 74 59 79 63 84 68 G4 66 62 53 44 31 44 38' ,> 17.............. 39 22 42 32 43 28 60 42 70 60 72 62 81 84 76 65 71 66 68 64 44 37 27 1202:1816 ...... 30 16 37 15 25 16 50 34 77 58 73 52 80 69 83 68 76 62 69 53 41 26 49 40'` '18,,,,,,,,,,,,,; 61 36 37 19 44 24 57 b0 68 62 82 60 73 67 74 64 79 66 72 66 45 35 41 19 28 17 40 29 37 21 GO 24 6G 54 72 54 74 68 88 71 78 63 60 65 43 26 45 251 19 .......... 41 32 27 15 50 36 61 48 74 54 87 64 78 66 81 68 69 55 73 56 43 3. 41 31 .....•. 31 18 45 35 49 35 G7 35 83 66 71 S1 79 63 SO 63 74 GO 63 68 56 39 38 31 "i' 20*::: 46 46 30 40 23 62 42 . 38 34 35 27 41 33 59 48 77 61 S1 62 90 64 75 60 78 5S 6G 6S 42 34 37 25 .............. 8:) 121 ••• 68 43 74 60 84 69 79 64 77 64 74 54 G9 63 41 29 36 24„0"""""" 4'3 31 28 22 63 34 62 40 72 58 S5 6G 84 66 76 58 S1 64 61 56 48 31 37 22; 2i 51 40 47 40 52 40 60 48 77 59 90 70 82 65 79 63 79 65 63 49 47 33 24 17.,1'•............ 44 35 27 16 48 38 55 43 78 60 74 59 78 63 80 62 71 63 59 54 43 30 40 30' 10 22••••••••...... 51 35 43 32 59 35 70 49 65 67 88 71 82 64 78 66 68 58 57 48 48 39 28 14„� 36 28 33 16 67 42 47 40 84 61 82 61 78 64 76 64 78 67 63 57 23..,..••.,,,,,, 40 32 39 19 61 44 68 53 63 56 91 72 89 71 80 67 70 66 66 45 98 3G . 37 28 ~� 27 2...•.......... 34 25 30 19 42 25 51 38 82 55 84 65 80 64 S7 63 73 6, 65 51 48 2S G2 33 24••••••••••••.. 45 32 25 15 65 40 b7 60 81 68 84 68 94 74 82 67 73 65 66 44 62 39 •• '4........•••••• 40 26 40 27 32 19 64 41 G3 53 72 57 85 70 75 60 76 60 60 4S 49 37 40 36 i 25.............. 40 29 26 16 77 52 65 60 71 63 76 62 91 78 85 70 77 G6 63 47 47 39 Z9 26•••••••••.••.. 36 24 40 22 63 45 65 51 73 60 76 60 S6 71 77 61 80 66 63 43 47 36 ••�' """ 4G 26 47 31 38 21 70 49 74 54 69 62 74 65 69 59 83 67 67 48 S9 29 45 33 ` 8i ••••••••. 65 48 63 63 80 63 88 72 73 57 78 67 71 50 46 34 2 •'2G•••••......... 42 36 66 39 53 32 63 46 73 57 72 62 79 62 76 63 74 56 62 49 44 32 44 33 3'i '28.............. 40 32 b9 49 64 43 60 48 77 62 81 67 86 ?S 73 61 76 61 52 40 46 36 ••..7 49 37 51 29 55 45 69 49 75 59 82 66 76 GG 73 68 G3 53 5S 44 50 34 51 32 41 129.............. 42 28 28•••••••••••••. G2 37 29 93 47 35 75 52 78 59 89 67 71 62 S3 69 66 54 51 39 58 47 32 23 78 50 52 44 81 61 85 68 88 68 75 65 70 56 49 36 40 37 29...••'••'••••• 41 34 49 32 78 54 79 50 79 64 84 64 76 69 63 53 53 39 b4 33 3G 23 _ 43 '30.............. 39 26 78 49 79 46 75 56 90 72 85 69 75 63 69 68 45 32 39 32 30" "' 46 22 50 39 65 51 SO 65 S1 61 82 69 63 G4 63 48 6G 44 38 29 36 25 40 31.............. 39 30 63 45 62 62 80 65 76 64 55 39 31.., .I 29 18 43 35 66 60 86 68 64 55 61 50 37 29 20 Mean 33 26 37 25 52 37 62 45 67 62 75 60 j 85� 70 7S 65 j 75 61 165 50 46 36 Mean..........11.1 28.4,37.5 25.2 44.5 30.61,5.5.6 40.8172.3 64.8 76.0 60.61$3 6 65.4175 G r.;.Of73.6 59.0+81.?49.6;18.5 34.4145.5 3� 2 �_. sil WEATHER REPORT FOR 1912. -`-- WEATHER REPORT FOR 1913. 34 Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. D'lily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Greater New York. I Jan. I Feb. I Mar. I April.1 May. I .Tune I July. I Aug I Sept I Oct. I Nov. I Deo Jan_ Feb. I Mar. I April. May. Date. �ds - J J Date ,� Yu e. y A g. S t. I Oct. I Nov. I Dec. tn u_ u e P!---4320 1C 1 d I p � M2 1 167 39 68 66 67 1 62 4b 165 61 41 35 Y•••...... 60 39 -4-4-38-5--4-b4 41 7G 46 79 60 91 68 75 65 181 68 63 57 49 32 48 37 39 26 38 24 27 15 49 37 75 49 86 87 79 61 77 61 I G9 61 60 43 60 35 60 45 r } 3.............. 35 28 28 17 29 1.3 41 27 •• �1 38 28 16 142 22 i 56 39 I S7 66 77 64 93 74 Sb 69 S3 68 70 54 55 36 151 44 4.............. 34 2 70 52 80 6? 83 63 73 67 68 61 69 49 44 31 62 41 """ 67 29 39 28 43 21 I ba 42 183 68 73 59 86 68 90 69 83 70 64 b5 58 42 58 38 I 6 28 8 225 9 26 16 70 38 54 4 6 11 33 21 48 27 65 62 80 65 85 8G 75 57 79 65 76 b7 52 35 49 33 4 "' 37 3l 36 25 48 38 1 62 4`2 1 76 58 7$ 65 S4 68 79 67 S4 69 G8 56 5G 45 47 33 6 74 62 81 67 74 58 80 a6.............. 15 5 31 15 32 20 74 53 64 48 67 59 83 65 75 59 85 70 7? 61 661 42 51 44 6 60 63 47.5••...• •' 40 30 27 21 50 35 56 42 69 54 76 67 89 69 7S S4 70 62 75 56 55 38 52 43 7„ 21 7 35 18 46 6......... 56 39 24 15 44 15 44 35 81 60 70 58 88 70 78 66 70 62 71 62 63 40 54 43 31 70 3$ 54 49 67 55 84 69 77 61 82 67 79 53 64 58 48 35;7••••--••• 56 40 26 '13 20 12 44 32 71 54 80 58 76 57 SO fib 74 S6 67 62 164 46 54 46 1 S 46 11 31 16 42 34 38 30 55 47 66 50 93 70 73 64 84 66 59 49 62 47 44 29. 5 `9...........••• 46 10 27 11 45 27 60 30 64 g•••••-••• 63 24 32 19 34 13 49 32 64 51 66 49 79 62 79 61 85 68 67 62 62 50 48 26 I0.............. 21 7 11-2 50 70 61 93 75 74 67 85 68 63 61 52 41 30 17 9......... 29 18 32 22 61 32 46 32 6;i 49 61 47 77 66 S3 G7 68 57 72 64 63 43 140 27 3 82` 1112 23 12 34 23 56 39 71 50 74 54 91 74 76 68 88 68 78 b6 53 39 44 28 7 14 54 38 47 35 53 39 70 49 82 66 92 71 66 52 74 62 1 45 32 144 28 21-1 40 22 10••-••••.. 39 27 2 �� 1.••..,.,,,,,,, 23 5 21 10 50 29 58 37 68 66 81 60 89 72 S2 68 88 66 69 61 64 45 45 3811......... 54 36 39 18 46 38 65 39 55 36 76 52 79 61 75 GO 67 53 67 62 190 28 i 35 20 1 '28 3.............. 11- 52 42 65 3 31 16 61 33 48 4) 68 46 71 68 75 70 86 70 73 59 69 54 62 50 30 1813......... 28 20 26 10 50 40 57 50 66 49 0 56 86 67 71 65 68 b56 64 53 32 1 46 19 4 5S 47 56 41 155 38 L 26( 14"•" 16 1 31 16 46 34 4S 40 G3 44 63 b4 85 71 87 71 73 G4 62 52 67 46 42 2714........, 37 24 3G 17 63 43 53 b0 71 64 89 69 79 68 74 64 611 2 47 63 42 56 38 1 53 405 l 19> 5......... 38 13 38 24 60 37 65 42 59 51 61 64 84 71 84 69 79 68 66 46 48 38 50 3315....,.... 43 28 149 27 62 53 1 55 48 1 60 54 79 64 80 63 7G 64 64 4S 63 1 271' 1G.............. 16 1 41 31 61 37 � � i 31 17.............. 2 74 64 6 60 66 b8 91 70 75 62 76 62 61 40 44 35 47 3716.........1 4'i 38 50 32 6�P 34 b3 44 1 78 53 91 65 Sl 63 S3 64 64 52 SS 47 43 35 52 43 3G 1 46 33 49 32i- 3 36, 19...., , oy 11 46 31 51 35 65 44 66 63 S4 62 9 69 73 G3 73 57 65 44 47 33 48 3411......... 59 45 40 22 38 28 63 4•i 54 47 87 69 82 63 81 6S 73 59 68 50 47 35 48 36" 3 Olt 47 29 43 33 60 42 63 42 71 60 78 61 79 70 82 65 72 64 69 60 40 33 52 453 8.........1 56 42 3G ]7 44 29�62 43 56 37 56 33 167 47 73 60 82 63 91 72 76 62 62 b3 59 38 1 47 36 11....'••••• ... b2 22 44 34 54 40 52 42 77 5G 70 057 I?6 64 S2 68 174 64 67 54 49 31 54 3119....,,.,, 44 35 43 22 59 37 67 41 65 53 69 69 S7 71 SO 65 63 57 61 63 163 b0 37 24 7 64; �0....,..,. 26 15 48 35 54 33 r 0 94 61 6 9 3Z 21.............. 34 22 50 35 33 22 67 39 6S 5u 78 60 73 60 81 68 74 61 62 48 159 42 1 43 3020......•.. 5 26 2+> 60 43 84 61 SO 63 75 6S 78 68 G6 55 60 51 1 65 45 1 45 31 21......... 50 28 60 47 64 47 58 35 61 34 65 54 81 65 8? 64 72 S3 71 65 63 46 1 70 64 48 1 62 52 49 i7 7 24 :; ...."""' 40 27 b1 21 35 22 68 48 G4 49 79 63 80 64 S3 69 62 54 S5 54 61 49 38 2922......... 91 n I r S 33 2-i.............. 4120 54 30 39 31 66 93 81 62 86 67 73 61 77 62 66 62 57 49 53 35 32 27 2 26 54 40 59 3 66 43 73 040 4 SO 65 84 67 74 62 69 55 53 38 161 51 43 35 9 3557 44 72 60 78 66 75 58 78 3•••...... 60 34 47 20 48 29 71 51 r > 79 2° 26 15 58 36 40 25 G2 45 76 63 81 66 80 61 86 67 62 55 66 47 42 34 40 2425.... .17 40 8 54 1 r6 54 78 5a 77 64 S� 6S 80 67 67 47 67 45 1 69 47 1 50 35 0 33 2G., 3 2424...• 50 39 37 17 73 58 79 55 179 52 84 60 78 65 78 60 7" 662 64 6 67 54 0 M 1 49 �3$a' 7 32 "•• 23 13 58 34 40 23 60 4S 71 2i 27 12 41 24 56 39 66 48 77 56 84 68 80 63 89 72 68 55 62 48 43 37 43 26 26,,,,,,,,, 53 37 39 17 70 52 65 61 69 52 73 69 g r 9 149 36 1 43 36 6 30 2S.•....,. , 26 8 37 22 59 41 60 37 SO �g 77 61(77 63 176 59 161 53 163 44 44 33 42 34 7 65 77 60 75 58 63 55 53 39 1 43 24 6 2S 29,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 21 32 21 65 44 r 2?••••••••• 45 28 1 52 39 65 32 164 53 '58 49 84 64 81 66 79 69 67 65 165 50 139 33 131 2i .S 24 S1 61 SO 61 G9 56 65'49 G6 48 33 29 34 29 28 „ gg 25 1 60 36 1 43 27 164 51 155 48 84 71 81 68 S2 64 66 51 70 66 148 36 1 34 19 30.,,,,,,, . 33 26 52 3S 76 G3 93 69 84 6S 74 59 64 45 61 49 40 27 42 28 29,, 40 2S 44 32 I G3 49 67 53 82 66 SS 71 179 68 72 55 65 66 47 36 39 23 !2 33 31,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 23 66 37 47 39 76 53 7fi 61 S2 65 69 54 59 39 71 45 49 32 61 39 73 51 76 63 65 53 59 44 51 38 30„....... 48 30 57 40 63 44 74 53 83 65 195 74 I S1 66 170 57 66 41 144 39 141• 26 Mean 31.515.5136.120.7 44.5 29.2 57.4 40.5 68.9 52,5 76.3 60.6 51.6 66.3 77.8 63.6 72.5 59.3 66.160.9 53.340.0. .. _ _ 31•• . 59 43 64 45 1 78 58 85 70 83 68 46 35 1 36 27 _ Mean.....47`8 32.3 39_3 22.6 52.6 35.415$.4 43.: 68.4 51.9 77.9 60.4183_3 66.6179.9 65V5171.2 57_9 64.1 5L.'lIG3.8 40,0145.6 32.dj Nil ..r j f r Alk ,,r•ol - - HOME EVENTS. ',Y O i HOME EVENTS. /�"`�/ JextlltEdt 1.Dedication of Morrmon temple et 5t.George,Utah;ten dnyV snow blockade on Parifnc R,R.,raised;R.-Cnsn h / troller(jail+dolly releasers;(toward,negro,arrested fit Rochester for rape. 2.Brigham Young nrrested;riotous attempt to 1y'nalr proclamation of lho emancipation of American slaves, 2. Theodore Tilton retires tbu nogA owned at Rochester,military called out;Ku Klux outragus at Franlditrt,Ky.;tri tele murder of the Billings fatted lY st l l T-e::uwm 1.Ei;,tthnnniverssryof•theP ,vas philanthropist,strickenwithparalysis;hazingofcadetsfit Wept tilenogv4 e,r it. 4.Howard convicted find sentenced to 20 years intprdsoninent;Kelly the Buffalo utnrdererts runtwncrd B�-c'itt tine Brooklyn Uniop. 3.Lewix..Ja'Pit" the,not[-s1.a on lenea, 5P The cortex onde ce upon the removal of Minister m Doric o carts, p i oerilnnile,tahnp;isonmentfrlife. 5.Sale of New York Printinglo.'s('lnmm.tny)ostabldshment;arrival of for Cuts ,riva- 1 o3itt. 4.SauatorSwn;I r calls Jur tltai l cheuctk, 6.Darin robbery.of ilia'American Merchants Union teelNiArldty"at Lharleston,S.C. 6.James Tisk,Jr.,shot b F,Iward S.Stokes it Grand Central Hotel,New Y++rlr Gndnn IOtle'called for l ,t e, at rattg'rNt41�n of Congres�ma S g. y } y ]r Coumnencanrent of a week of seamier.weather,the thermometer ranging from PaelfltrrRhdtxtiAd again blockaded b snow. 7.Rev.Gdorge lI.Hepworth,of Naw Ynrk,publdel}renounces Uui tariaulAtrr' death lit as car nn tltq_+T.1;:C.R I:.Nle s�iliany. 8. y n' convention Edward H.ltnlloff convicted of murder; release of 1. C. of�at, -isk. 8.Bricklayers'National Union fit Albany;Eric And Susgneh:wna Railra.ad salt discontinued.',-9.Eartltrlunke t}�Gtr degrees• 10:,A Lar call vairyma s g g', sli 1 Saw IIstnpshire; ]1l.tvor HAI of New York temporarily vacates Itis o[li.m 10,first bloodshM in Louisiana '411 wk)kt ora tiie.Ai,". penitentury...12.Trial of Dr.Lanaban,agent of the Ai.L+'.Book Concerts d S. ; neat:e app mold , h �••. ullnfC sentcuced lienal Ben.1Vade,,,A,D.tVhite.nud S.G.Iluwo appointed .goik4IY�,.111.Meeting of Indian bommissdoners fit Washington;tornado in Arkansas;Congress accept Roger W1111anti'stator '1�Lrttt[ot1:p1 Italian mily in Nety lo[k, R r .L.McGill burned�fil't lives lost;arrest of Filkins,tit,,Albany 4n Stieda+Inland, 12.Can.Jordan,Cuban fillibuster,limiombly discharged by the U.S.c.turt,New yrk; H,)n• Clarlos{3. scan&ttt.tasi ja..ers to San rlomdngo. I4.T le\Lssissippi stuamo Il' T - tore of the San Domingo commissioners for that island. 18,'National coruentdnn fit hbltt&�p'llulnted Commissioner to revise the Statutes of the State;powrlar explosions at Cudnr Point and R�ri1rAt8,btzt• 13. -?-j rm;s,rkkZber,on susltietots, 17.)lepar n itutim. 18.Arrival o!lite Fenian exits U Donovan Rnsan.fit New r;vet t Lawrance frozen uvr at Ogdensburg fur the third time this a ntury, 14.Publication of the Tisk-Wilttstiald corro- ls:11:t.14 ppt w to ee ore»rehgtuus,tyrtandment to the co st t i"It I - I t glow r fill throughout the Atlantic slats. 2S.The stanmar W.R.Arthur blown up on the 141ississtppi river dan'rx: 16.Constitutionality of legal tender acts,tllnned by the U.S.Supreme Court; Sttntnr Spinner's tpeaeh, on lllyi1 sf 1 e3. k_ .d.Glen da,in Sanate;return of Ynle Rocky Mormtait exploring expedition I excitement in Chicago over fire llmits•l-Stokes indicted 1►t3:-s5rett,lixea}este 3 Filkins)?lends not guilty to the Albany Express robbery. tunlerof Fisk, 1G.Arrh fit of Jnp+mese Embassy fit San I risuc[sao;mauling of State Military Association A11 lk4b+tryi w 1 s�uy,r yav 1 E}]esaFilki teal of Rev.Charl_s E.Chaneyy of Chicago,begun• 2.Dr.Gallnntdne of Cleveland,0.son- r Pf, Y•' + t `., t far manslaughter. G.Terrible disaster at New IIambo.gh on the Hudson River Railroad- detic Grand)Lodgc ort•anized in Utah, 17.H.H.Hall shut lend in a UEiba street ear by Mrs.McCarty;AnNalu4 EltrunnnlNrs ars „ ttlrlt ri-1 Let ten yiaw..tutpp"rdu uwci t 6 g I Y .A,R.,Der of New York,at New York City•the Franklin statue unveiled ill Printing House Square,New YANk I MATOr!'inti t '� xty-our,erdynslalllad. 7.1'It rnvestig.(dug conunittn on the'Vest Point hazing snail report; Rev.Charles E.(bane I l the president recognizes LiteGerman empira. 3•Jobn L.Lewis mad Hpctio G.War- •e t3;lytlnas his ofifcial dutnes;annual meeting od Now York State Temperance Society,at Troy, 18,Military It of the. c xt vi,,;tadirina ends j:ud to be suspended l ) 6 Sm, discontinued;Vurmnnt Dairymen's Assoclatlon at Refined. 19.Foster,carhook murderer,ras itd nrsRll}'eb•!0- 4U. p itkt vlect i.rwviots of the University or Nevv lurk. 9.The president appotumberlandieMd n Ill 1JnluttMnrtinNfor rn to,taI BaIt19 do of Cherokee,Choctaw nna Creek Indians interview the Presidont. 2d.Rev.Dr:Thnrnpvon Installed paaior of Chrisi ,[ti }s'l. l;ai1una,yuyat}ou. lOr Execut[mt of John lioyvnrd,for warder,«t C S stet •t iter for intanUcide at 14lnrlboro,Aid. 13.Leonard Choat,the Neyvburyport�Nass., ra`bttyt, sl- Ch New York;J.shwa N.Bradley,Episcopal olergyrnatt renounuea Prntestnntism. 22:tYa s and llfeans flonisnitlaa ar gtld.ltittr} VA t l �-Dre"- ,iitaa for XL- 10 Twenty Infanticide,, Marlb anniversary of the admission of Texas to the Union. 20,The Dislt i tot i r n,Seoy,Boutwell a s ndioate fie•otintione;mull ar of�Ivl❑Von Pnuowltx by Frederick S naffur at Dwight 1tL 2n. �1.1t�1' n^ p g. 6 F uglisi;denied Civil Rights at St,I,Duds,Mo.;first of tela Westfield explosion canes decided Against tela nom n ; :l zttt lila erected"luta n Tarr[torv. N.Culmination of the great coal)'amine in New York. 27. 0 en[n session Of tela'hu*do•" �, R' I p�fy ntAr- " t3 Lim nisi hi it ctnutory.iss! . 23.Repeal of the duty on coal by the house of reprnsantntives. rl brBearetnry of Navy,Robeson;mysterious street car murder in Brooklyn-Juhn 13.Pannrmo the victim;tit*X" .s.tlrnt t"qp t Menne nt St.Lords,Mo.; Dr,tan lloesen,of Albany,In n fit of delirium tremens,kills lila wife. Levee Nes York 24,bars,Wharton nagrltted of poisoning Gen.Ketchum;first snow storm in New Orleans foil •owls {�s S Zernhc herr ar unit at New York. J5.Flllallts pleads guilty to the bleruluurts Union ax ansa rob- S l is .dat�,u T�Sornus,t colored murderer,w 1 Dr.E.G.Robinson alerted President of Brawn nivarelty;first train tiros•h Lha Slnntvangnnk tuune.l,N:Y:-'Nle a•it,it.i 1 h• cud to tweet ears impristtme.ut at Clinton. I6.Sharp controversy bctwe@n SposkestJllahna and Statedeetle hledicfil Society fit Alban 28.Revival of the Jamul will case,Neer York;heaviest snow storm In Giaer¢,In ante id AlbaJv,nudes srnten 7) q • C�- t u o the house nt re ears i imprisonment 21.South Carolina calls upon the president l'ortroops f petasn o!'1ltO Alabddts Cor ten yr�nrs;ten persons killed and wounded b•railroad casualty at Yorkville,Alabama. 26.Exeoutlan'tYf Butts, t t>c sz:7],offer on the tel or.f 1 :e m missioners to Key t4'est. n_4.The 1wesident tissues a proclamation against tlne,ku-kluxu]Llan, W.Senator ,n'deter or"PLO'Billeted,at Newark,N.J.;National Prison Reform Convention,New York;the executinte nP'Drk Menrli' st it iulugo m g o0Z AtLeavenwneth,Kan.,sue ended;murder of George W.Watson In Brooklyn b Fanny 1•lyde, 27.Caleb Cuandna'•marts to `Lt oar is grentspeecb or,the San Domingo treaty;arrival of the San Domingo rommissienura at Washington. pp yy 0140 41st Goneva Conference. 28.Grand Dake.Alexis visits Benton Mission 8uniav School at St.Y.-I.•n,uukidd..P N adestal �Udai�rSflnternattonnl Society (n Nnw V, Ir nu e...,..-- aglr:ita- �,,qd library Association A n Old Tale In RJIYxnc' p e cased of pnolsofi ing 11or furmu rho band,Peter place on the retired t impted suicide ol21. tDr Commencement T.Halmboldl at Long Branch. 22.of Mrs. - !at fJbt- A goodly number Illet at Belm 011l It Was a little yC11UW pill) Id Fallows convention at Uttar, rant fire at Ithaca,N.Y ;murder of T.A.Rowlands,at a plcn[c at tCTtica. 28.Tnntmnnq 1'n,,►ix "l' t0 hear the', C11aL loved to balk al.night. :y and county_R submittedtothe supervisors and aldermen of New York;ejectment stilt begun against the Now York esrtucedy. } Hall last Saturday evening In waking 110nCst pCUp1e lip oras,I tine yanimanyring;Italian convention at New York;great Ili New iia irk;fit Saratoga ufloubn r'Hrial-ac>'and }killed. Fordham Esq., k[ongfelllow, Helnbold wins, 26,Celebration of Italian unity in New York; and of the 13ufi'tnbarger trial-Ac uilCtal C "> •3 address by Herbert L. tel r Ile seemed to take delight. Mrs.Calhoun 28.Class of snitscrlpork;t the now 6 per cant U.S.loan;yellow(aarid ver bwestEreaka out in Chsuicid n, o trunk tragedy ke Int Auburn Sante pr[so»�rri2Te Exp Explosion ncnf tile eidentsteamboatabeennn Wave atMeIle Ala afiftydcasualties. 3nxrnh, of Greenport and New York and t0 i rent floods[u the Hudson river. 31.Bishopt�VhiCghouse of Illinois, hnpter alai just before the$un arose d rhe Howe Fnmlly ramdon at Franuin�han Masa,I g ark un form a Library Association. Rev.Wm. n Th es^letter on the Chaney baso;Uov.liofiman dnclinea t Interfere In the case of Health Groin Carob ban,of Nuty ti rk. Dasa y He tool{a breathing spell, Ssrlies I e to4.Great anti-clay case ranee-meating 1n New York city. 5.Escapa of a convict from the Albany ptiltn linty; H. Murray presided and J. N. to Halloek And then(you'll doubt th 1f3,15nPI10ScI a flrEL ands Gun.Pillsbury's ettfiperTPc'pQnof Lba assoclnL on oaf Lha nion mrtny of the Potomac artillethe courte for all rynatiI ort on Adnmeinst theeTereatmgafn yhrs W. l am Lan wta 7 the Tammany ofl�ciale fit Now + 3� He barked all day as well, dttie band�. --. ,._•...^-n11 ..recorded. urk city Avery at Creskill,N.J.;National Turf Association afCincinnati. S.American Fish Culturlst'Convention tit Albany•Nnti"Al The address by Mr. Fordham on The The owner of the wretched whelp Y. lel,Council of the Junior Order of United American Alechatics fit Baltimore;Hoax's educational bill passed the House of it"prosrnta. till11'otll[1 lie]{the Same full sore, ,,ttt,,i dlsvbarged;Ala or Hant oil nle NelwoYork,arrari slid rcific lgr ed Ands balled. 0.Fre�lerlak rsons iS)'itiffururLd,the Dvv�lelitrd's grandIll.,m murderer,jury,ntenord York, W Immortality of Letters was a finished But licking only made him yell') pmctio eighteen years imprisonment. 12.Powder mill explosion at Westfield Mase,;railroad colllaTon at Mitchell,Ind. ls. Nqw ane3 scholarly production and was well And hour(stead bark the more. n sup'York Stato Homeopathic Medical Soclety At Albany; ILMUsh-Amerloan Mixed Commission tit Washin ton adjourn to Marais 20th; I nster; locomotive explosion near Susquehanna Depot,Erle Railroad-three persons killed;terrible snow storm In Minnesota--mrcnv :u nL Ss(p'anions perish. 14,Great religious revival At LeAvenworth,Ks. 16.Bloodtee dnol between ex-Spanker(:Altar and Clrist ail worthy of the reputation he won at And ,et he would not drown the tyke-',ntlnau Police Badger,of New Orleans;collison ofheight,trains on Iron Mountain Railroad,Mo, unit the Comelevfllr Rnllroad I'A, colice and later at the Bar. The rted; 16.Execution of..Bnnkhout Sleepy Hollow murderer;elrposr of Mounts corruptions at Salt Lake City;the Table horse"ltirhn- g He Was too blamed 1111111ane-^ ecus cr bold 11 disabled at Mobile Ial i Los Angeles,CAI.,Assassins Acquitted without trial. 17.Disastrous break of an file gor�fr [n qumpc Ohio river. 1S.One of Ilia 1.os Anfinles,Cnl.,assassins convicted of mnnslAughter. 19.Snow hlouhndo of tha Union mit II:• 1cirlClness of Mr. Fordham m donating And shooting,nOISOri and the IIICC, plghta Rnllroad raised;nacldentat Port Lick onion,oil Delaware,Lackawanna Railroad,Utica Division;William Foster,car-h•)tsk They went af,;ainst tile.grain, rosidet murderer,again sentenced to death Alarch 2M;completion of ra'lroad bridge over Missouri river At Councll Bluffs, lowa. 91. his services was greatly appreciated by (good Awidant on Lite Baltimore And Ohio railroad-ole man killer(. 22.The Now York Central Rnllroad scrip dividend rasa -rest o doetrlerh 24.Aaetdent on the Cincinnati and Louisville rallroAd-two killed and fifty-two wounded;arrest of tine Whsd- cvur people. It is very seldom that We At last,with gentle,kindly care ,a firstnor Locks,Conn,,nmrderara At Vanwart,Ohio, 25.Murder of Daniel I{ramerand wife fit Schuylkill county,Pr„ 16, Arrival of That yellow pup he bound, S.Coa Japanese Embassy At Chicago;trial of Alayor Hall commenced. 27.Dr.Vanderpool appointed Health Odlear of Now York,vice have the privilege of listening to an as a{,fie t Carnochan. Or"tied,'perhaps I should say,where (ew Yr At Anon. 1.Government rept t Lord Granville's note on Alabama claims agreed.pen. 2.Stokes'prallminary trial can. g An cello did resound. nd Neclnded-the Indictment sustained. 4,Formal reception of the Japanese l+7nubasey by the Presldmut. 6.Mrst meeting at 111if fin- able, eloquent and uplifting address as � Ip,, ppnchadelphifi of American Centennial Commis doy;roslgnation of Surveyor Longstreet.New Orleans, 6.Japanese Enibnssy visit that given here Saturday evening. 1c11,.Congreas; Artillery Association,Army of ilia Potomac,Annual meeting at Providence,R.h; Senate it of solos Ile left him there with food Supplied OcTooFnrins, 7.New York Central ratlrond aerident near Buffalo;Otiorge-NVIIIImn Purdy,insane,attempt to murder his two After the address the Southold Free rind water he could drink. 'oung sisters;sudden reappearance of Andy Garvey In New York. 8.Garvey reveals Temnnany frauds ht hit testimeny in ettle of pp.((favor Hall;Twos(]And Connolly disappear;railroad Accident near Springfiuld,Maso.- twe)ve)persons wounded;brutal rstitnivr �aibrar Association was formed and a"Now bars{,you little beast,"he cried;,itchfi,of McNeal at shot b>'City,Ky. 9.Leonard Marquardt,a epirlrualinEt,murder&his wife And three children. 11.overt4row Or y "I ou've]net,your match,I think." ]avid Lite Eric ring. 12.Jay Gadd resigns the Presidency of Erle;Sainuel Fnqne murders his wile and commit sulcide fit Gfr,,n. constitution recommended by the State a 0"bush,N.Y. 13.International demonstration in Now York. 14.Revolt in Missouri penitentialy suppressed•jail delivery at i�lo Palmyra hllnsotri. 15.Repeal of the Erie classification net by New York Assembly;discharge of&Ira,Butt,tits Alleged nocrtnt- Some little time did he allow: Idrilp<plire of i r.llfedllmtt,at Leavenworth,Kansas. 16.Ex-C411iAor Murphy testifies in Custom House hivest[gntton,acolrlrnt on was adopted. It Was Voted to have be t the Boston 6r,Albany railroad-twenty persons Injured;disagreement of the jury in the,lumen will case. 17.Despperate A hL nine trustees four of Whom shall be A weel;Was past and gone 'nrti with n negro murderer near Memphis,Tenn.;opening of navigation on ilia Hudson. 18.St.Patrick's Day cele hrAtioit; boiler When be returned t0 find out ho%V Nisei explosion at Cincinnati,Ohio-two man end three children killed. 20.Resignation of Judge Waterbury,Co amissloner to ,Vflsc revise the statutes of New York State. 21.Arrival fit New York of Admiral Polo,new Spanish Minister•severe suow storatt In the pastors of the Universalist,Catholic, Tile pup was getting on. nterr northern Now York,railroads blockaded several days;investigation of the chnrgea against Secretary o� I y Robeson, com. + narti numbed. 22.Boller exploslou at'Preston,N.J.;lltormon prisoners Bril horn Young,ate. remove l't Camp Douglass. la. .Presbyterian.and Methodist churches. The up,he found,was barking;still 'Oulu Boller explosion at Jersey City;severe snow storm to Maine,Inpeneliment of Judge Lunas Ipy Mfssourl Legislature. 25o Now P oke York voucher thieves released on ball. 26.Rnllroad Ticket Agonts'Convention at Louisville,Ky.;great earthquake in Call. A nominating committee, appointed by V,'lth unabated force, (honforuin--twenty.thraepersons]tilledAtLonePlne. 27.Los Angeles,Cal.,asmssinsconvictedofmanslaughter-suntenclod to two the chairman will report as to the But cello,sounding from the lull, lame years Imprisonment.'28.Stacy of execution ranted Marlow,the Mavevilln,N.Y.,innralarer;conclusion of Lha Investigation of .011th the charges ngahnat Jndgo Barnard. 29,Third Congregational Church of time Franciace,votes to Admit Chinese converta to mtrsrt- wIIS very faint and hoarse. ?4•!brshlp;repeal of elinrter ot'Southrn Improvenont Company by Ponta lvnnta Lolslnture;marder of Patrick Quinn at LSnuquolt, other five trustees at an adjourned -chara.00 NGe E N I{lrgatnn and Ronduut�'pinna,editor Naw York Sun,arrusLad 1'or libel,at Bit tiunura;city of Kingston fomnded by the utilon rneeting to be held at Belmont Hall lire`� Bet! 'toll, APRhundred Indictments1.Toado found St. outs AZalnat Dutceat Heinrich 11 the.New Mnn.h Public Debt statement to'ten years Imprisonment i ono E2 ofg nt-$15,000,000 decreaan. 2, Saturday evening, July 2, at 8 o'clock. +�Ulyd and a bottle arc floc, joint Death of Prof.S.F.B.)•Ione at Now'York. 3.Final interment of Gen.Anderson;resignation of U.S.Comptroller Hulburd; xceid Fifteenth Amendment celebration. 4.Carl Vogt,the Bolgiau murderer,committed for trial,New York, 5.Funeral of 1Xrof. The trustees will have full charge Of And I doll't sheer at lobsters and wine; coun Morse;railrond accident at Brighton,IIL;political riot at Columbia,S.C. 6.Severest storm of season m Wyomlyg TurriLory; hilt In w111tCr-illy C,akC61 edy,release oflit,ookup Evans Abortionist,on ball. 8.Mining accident at Scranton;Pa.-one man killed;tornado at Brrwns- 1 the library, elect their own officers, arg ville,Texas. 9.Tanto National Brink cunapirncy,Now York;Michigan aoldferd moumnent at Detroit unveiled;aucLlun talc It's the buckwheat Cakes rho of Union Hotel,Sarntoga, 10.WighAnu Youngtw-electedl'resident of the Mormon Church;accident.on the Alldlond railroad at ;J appoint committees etc. pax Iiuckansnck New Jersey-one mars killed;Praf.Pit 1 A.Chudbourneelected President of Wdllinars Collo o If.Split iia tti a PP ' And tell>,maple syrup for mines L 1 And Means 6ommlttoe on thernrdff quaation;explosl. d of steamer Oceanus in the Mississippi river-sixty lives lost•exploolon 0 A friend of the library said that fol-_ ___„-__ Cleveland Leadest,tk tug Davenport near Jersey City-three lives ILIA. 12.Snow slides In Little Cnttonwood,Utah. 14,Writer shout In Dacotb. i , [ bel Seyerlth Anniversary of nsstisdnation of Linooln;Chas.A.Dram indicted for libel at Baltimore;discovery fit the Lloyd rioloon twery $100 raised by the people he A Toast. N ease fit Leesburg,Va,;Unitad States Supremo Court dacidae L h District Courts tllegniI-constituted. 16.hire.Sherman t,o ,p (if t!mitten as poisoner,and Irnnn�y•l[yde,Brooklyn,rnnrdare,s,an ligand for trial l Natt ono Sunday School convention at Indian- ,s t,V�llld give an additional$25 and when Here's t0 the'stork, tel apolls;enrthquaha shock in 1Viissinsippl;Mnren memorial nteutings;arrival of I athar Gavazzl At New fork. 18.Itailrorsd st asri- ' Inn dent at(7rystAl Springs,Dilssissl�pf;arrival at Snn Francisco oC Yoshada,Vica i4Ilnister of Finnnce Japrin;tornado in F lith A most valuable bird, the chairman asked if anyone wished to', (tui Cnrolha. 19.1'arrlbla conflict petwecn United Stats ufilbinls and desperadoes fit Talar a nt Indian�IAugusy. 20,lts,Jhr.piC�a x :1 That inhabits the reside CC districts. Sp,in Tennessee. 21.The jury in Hydu munlor trl«I rllangree, 22.Now trial grnutad Fur�'nul Sbooppn August 2u;Jolut J.7{nr,x arr appn[nted Comptroller of Currency;n keeper in Auburn State prison stabbad by A runvict;Funny Iiyde admitted to basal; loco i duplicate licate that offer, J. C. Eustaee said Ile don,t sing any tunes, motive ex lesion at Pnrkesbnr 1V.Vn.-throe ercona ldllerl. 4.Executlnn of John Cooper yluvolnnd Ghia. 25. 1 tousr of ] 1� Ing I G, P 2 P [% , Nor%iald any plumes, Dr Representatives adopts lite Ipunard resolution. 48.Five persons burned to depth fit ScotlAnd,Albany county, 47, oyer and -- that he Would. A vote of thanks WdS But he hei*;a out the vital statistics. Y y � Young;reign il& of l Bounty-,Mo.11 tw,feetiof eno fepllkfn LIE et Gottonw orl,Utah;rmnssaeref of n9am n rind]l0awom nnraudrh[ldron terror lndla>sa at extended to Mr. Eustaee for the use of y -portiand()rCQ011fe1lay I;gay trd's Wells,Texas. 30.Release of Brigham Youtng cud other prisoners In Utah;fall of collisenm fit Boston. {p,t, 11f ay. 1.11leehnrllet Quadrennial Gone OonfI, -at Brooklyn;11fcCarty marder trial at Utica,mad Scutt Chnrest nastier Belmont Hall for this meeting and all Won't Worry About Tt. Ip,trial at htartford,Conn. 6.Forest fires at South A1Aritan,Pa. 8.National encampment G.A.R.,Cleveland,0.;General t:oriter- of euro Africnn 1f,E.Church at Nashville,Tenn.; t vAlry corps,Army of Potomac,reunion at Cleveland,0. 9.Amerlmn Hlbist subsequent meetings of the association,i A girl named Luella Barnett In,Societe anniversary, 10.'Columebcement of et"ht hour,, ours strike(n !1 g }• 6 ' 1SevvYork;"Startle"trots one mile in 1:191-4; murder of and also to Mr. Fordham for his ad- was wond'ring why rain should be Wet, sc)Peter P. Ray In Renssadaor county; snow storm fn Utah, 11,Disastrous fires in Ulster,Sullivan,Delaware and 1lroorne 11 alp Said she: "V+'IndS that bIOW no counties, 12.Anniversary Presbyterlan Board of Foreign Misslon;conal break at Big Nose,nenr Rochester;opening of the ,el S:unit Ste.Marie canal. 13.Buttnlo harbor blockaded byice;miners'scribes In NIlcbignn. 14.The President subrnitt proposed Ka dress. The meeting then adjourned should dry It,you know, ri,new article to Washington Treaty to ilio Senate. 15.Publication of Alnbatna correspondunee to date. 16,Presbyterian Ovnern) 14, L' over It I shall not fret." tit Assembly,Detroit,Mich.;Gouornl Synod Reformed Presbytery,Brooklyn,N.Y.;General Assembly Cumbarinnd Presbyterd,a,at �tUl, until Saturday evening of this week. 1?vinsviile ind.;General Assembly Presbyterian Church South,at Richnsand. 17,Associated Prose Meeting at New York 1 --Kansa3 City T1-acquittal off Mra,XlcCarty At Uten. 20.Exciting debate in M.E.Gepernl Conferenco over Booh Conrrn troubles; Biglisle-Caul- Ilr - ter four-oared Tont rnru at Phlladalphla;Biglln won. 21,Election of Bishops of M.E.General Conference;Haws frnut Llvlsit. att Southold Lecture Course A Common Falling. stops received. 21.Secretary Robeson exonerated from Dana's charges;Impeachment of Judge linrnard-meeting of tire,c,rurt fit Albany. 23.Shakespeare monument nnvolled,Now York. 24.Ordinnllon of new llduthodlet Bishops;and Aculdont by fat[ At a meeting of the Executive Com- "If that was a child of rnino I guess, orbridge fit Ithaca,N.Y. 25.'tornado In hlorgan County,Mo. 26.The Senate amends supplementary article to '.Treaty of Witsh'inglon. 27.Ex ilosion of tug Epsilon Ili New'York harbor-sixteen lives lost;aeronaut Atkins killed At Decatur+Treat!T c g Good Mrs,Smithers Would sa.y, 28.National Baptist duentional Convention New York. 29.A ricultual Con"rest at St.Louts. 30.Decoration da Cj rnittee of the Southold Lecture Asso-:„ P g y. + I I'd Put the 1100r thing In a decent drC9!3• Juave. 1.Suicide of ASAn Frnlick At Auburn;Lite season opens at Saratoga. a.1llethodlst Quadrennial Canferuu+=e ad carne df�pr sine dle•Giwemnr Hoffman Implicated In Tanunaity fraud,;nsaasafnntion of Captain Colvocoresses at Bridgeport,Conri, Ciation Wednesday evening, it was I I'd teach it manners and usefulness; „ its t •, y g formed�hurch Synod,Brooklyn. 7.Arrest of Dr. Imnahan,M.E.Agana,New York;depth of the elephant 12,amro a,at I'd tall{t0 It more and spank It less; Chieaago. 8.Relonse of pr.Lnnahan on bail;hurricane in Ohio-fifty persons Injured. 9.Cuban expedition from New Ver 1�t1 thought best to change three of the rd raise it a different way." 10.Workingmen's parade in Now Yurk. 11.P rosident Grant and fondly go to Lang Branch;steamer Kingston bur.a on La s. 1J Ontario. 14.Young Man'&Christian Assacfntinn lnturnutonal Convention at Lowell,T'Insa.;10th National SAngarfaat L ri umbers and employ all of the talent I(she always adopts quite a critical tone, U1.1) tof the Star Lyceum Bureau. The 13u1 hasn't a chick or child of her own.) NOMMITTwhen at last t e war wasone, a spa l- 1 PI less grandchild urged, From the Japanese. olxl course will be as follows: /`�4 "«then horse and foot and navy in one'lightened "I r I was runnin'this Government,- From the Athenwuns, int Nov. 9. Dr. A. A. Willits on "Sun- Old Henry willlams would say (nob was merged. nflt; When things the Japs had clamored for they go4�. Among the fledglings „ "`I'd show'em,'at I was President; with Interest, of the nightingale y -hire. I'd bust them trusts to a large extent; And all Manchuria became'the yellow peril's'nest, the cuckoo hath his birth; 1t- 1 " Nov. 30. Thespian Dramatic Co. I'd show some good for the money spent; 11'hen Nick had figured up and found that he was alone is he; I'd run it a different down and out, nor like his father singeth, �, Dec. 28. J. Williams Macy and Chas. way." with all his splendid army turned Into a graceless nor like,his mother; (And Henry might spare the time,no doubt, rout"---- he soareth hill, and flleth I,(1 Taggert. For lately the Sheriff sold Henry out.) "`shut up,you kldovltch!"snapped he, to the moor side �"Y "It Was a Russian vlctoroe." amid the white flowered bush ea, Jeb. 18. Col.New ork�Arti?ts.Ham on --- __ and with his'sing')ng f 1 I* 1 If We Were w some one else's place Three Of a 10.n d, the welkin all resoundeth- r r y lli �' (lou know that is What we all say), the orange blossoms ,Snollygoster in Politics." We'd do all their duties with ease and grace; Rebecca-Fou see, I suet Martha, and she is so he rendeth as he singeth. We'd set'ein an unexampled pace hard to get away from. and all,day long Mar. 29. Mendelssohn Male nidal- _ his Song I harken l Q (It's almost a pity it's not the case), sag rc 1[111 abo10W llony! I've heard her say the gladly. and bribe him would I 1:r>r tette, we'd fill It a different way. Rebecca-lt ell, that beats everything. I've neer far away to fly. 11 --- --`_- (In spite of this fact,people often will tell but In my garden Us we don't run our awn affairs any too well,) heard her say it about you too.-Cffarfnn0ti rant- anion tho orange blossoms 11' to s t and sin -Chicago New Inercfal-Tribuf7l, g for ever! .------.. - � _ s1.of HoNTR EVENTS. /.{r'';1'3 .- J,LWss*JT 1.Dedication of Mormon temple at St.George,Utah;tan,nye+naw blockade on Pacific R.R„raised;Ex-Comp- NOTE.-All the revenue we et from buntingi8 1-7r-it i8 however,a consolation 1 rlcan slaves. 2. Tlnooaore Tilton retires troller olly released;Howard,negro,arrested at Ilse raster for rape. V.Drlghnrn Young Arrested;riotous Attempt to lynch tel,°nNs Jward ret Rochester,military called out;K°Klux outrages at Frankfort,Ky.I Irl ae murder of the Billings randly AA A that General Bu or is the chic?proprietor of talc only guutiiit*factory ill the country,whicl n with paralysis;hazing of cadets at west W{ndaow, 's,Conti, 4.Hownrd convicted and sentenced to 90 years Imprisonment i Kelly the Duffala murderer's sentence to divide;between zoo to 300 per cent profit on it13 capital annually. All tits revenuo ll�e call( sppondm,ce upon the renrnval of Minister ,ammo( toitmprisonment for Ilia. b.Sale of Now York Printingg Co.'s(t"trrrnany)establlahma»t;arrival of tits oubna trrI- Alcop erns in 1870 Was .4974,26, Oil the other hand,the iron manllfact{lrers 111110 r0 j l,bary of tha'Amorrcan Merchants'Union teerlrinridf6att Charleston,S.0. 6,James Fisk,Jr„shot b•E ward S.Stokes At(Iniad Central Hotel,New-Y+,rk;beton y Alec c about$1,500,000 extern profit oil this article which may console tits thirt thirty-nine n]itli er weather,the thermometer rnngu!R born I pnol11oiltM14•sdd agnfn blockaded by snow. 7.Ray.George IT.Hspwarth,f Now York,publicly renomt,oa Ualtar�lnn•dente 8l]mCCs. I11 rS o IVa CO11CCrCd o So duties OI; which ay o sol manufacturers, If convicted of murder; release of T.C. uf,js$ , 8,Bricklayers National Union at Albany;Evils And Sus ushanna Miciratd stilt discontinued.-i%Pr4ACartisquske A 7' $97 7• lfacturer8 }Vito h Book Concent begrur•great anti-catholic lsy .lt7ew Fiampahire; Atavor Milt of Now York temporarily vacate+ hit or1l:e. 10.First bloodshid dp Leutsinna monopoly of this article,cleared a quarter of it million dollars,because they were p'rotecte, 1,D. White and S.6.Rowe ap toluted A� t71,MeotlnR of Indian Gommissloners At Washin;lWn;tornndo In Arksnsn+i(7ongress twoepU Roger tVVlillaans'stat," A cent. fly lives lost;arrest of Fllklris,the AlbAny tern clan tshtnd. 12.clan.Jortl:cin,Cubnn dllibostor,i,ouor ably dlsoharge,l by the 11.S.wxirt,New York t Pinq,Oil rlas(i, that island. 18: National convention at t,bias eglfointed Commissioner to revise tion statutes or the 'it, ;pawdtr explosions ret c edar Paint ane Rieklilnd,Me, ld.' 1 / 9-/-/,/r a Fenian exile,O,I)onovan Rossa•at New rivet i L"wraneo frozen over ret OX(lesisbarg for the third time t ae century. 14.Publication or the Fisk-fftlisfield corre- 111; / /� Arthur blown tip on tha Miaissippl river- drnl'a 1-16.Constitutionality of log'al tender Rats apinned by the U.S.Supreme Court•tl+nntor Stunner's awls o"Civil r ( (J 1/ ,to,in Seance;return of Yale Rocky Mountain exploring expedition 1 excitement In Ch{oago over fire Ifnatel#takes Indicted Ba Raja �L tel bL'IYt5. 2.Dr.Galla,tine,of Cleveland,O.,Ren- iirrderof Fisk, 16.Arrival of Japanese Embassy,at Salt Franclam;moetlns;of Stats A'Itliaary Association hilOAA"i N,Y,- t a Utica aLreat am EC ,tnburl;h on Lie Hudson River Rnilrontl- ,bnlcGrarrd Lodge organlserl In Utah. 17.1L H.Hall abut den Inby hfn.MaCnrly;Amt(tFtl tiataampman Zb,iS7a-)dont Cenis tunnel camplOtCd. 1uarClL 2,-Ilntltications eSchan�,C$Of tel;;; ig nllafr,report 1 Rev.Chnrl,s b,•,Cheney ,A.R,,I)a t,of New York,at Now York City;the Franklin statue unvallml lit Printinit thus Square,New Y,Jk I Slotyar flail I3tr Dec. 23,-Yrllll assasHinated tit Madrid. ty of peace between(larman a..8,Jolrn L.yawls and Horatio(a.War- .64"Um40 his official(littlest annual moetingg or New York Mate Tompernno+So"isty,at Troy. l8.Military! vision or the ' .DeC.3r.-Triumphal entryof King y and 1i'ran norlcan high cnnrniissioners on tis flatiorlev. 9du6p discontinued;Venuont D:arym"A's A.snelntion at Rutland. 111.Faster,carh•wk murderer,resited u Feb,90, 90, b�iCt01 �'n70.- Mflrest t-UIsillin ton, of 11 Orly-SCCUn I,:N ; of John Nlartbi,for ralut,a ItIslti, Dee atibtt of Cherokee,Chootnw And Crook Indiana Interview tiro Prettidont, Y1.Rev.lar.Thomp,nn nstalled+�"tor of Christ i 11ue1 into Roma. hrese tit Watshiu rton, rte,the Newburyport,Alnsa,t r4�bnr�r a+n- Clth New York;d.shwa N.Drndluy,Xplacoput olarlfymnu renounces ProtritAtIl . Y,1.Ways And MilI C+irUnitte+ .Tall. r8�r.-Prince Amadeus of Italy entered xClmfl ro.-hide of the Commonte in Ioarls8 xas to the Union, 20.7'he J)4lrict. Cul- r°i,pt, qn g„py,Bnutwell's ayntiI scogatiationa;mile,or of�lvin Von Panowitx by Frederick Shaffer At Ipvvight ill. 9:1, B1 Ma�rid;took the oath as Kinkr of,14pain. public bllildill 115 seized, rl'!]ial'B's rUVCI 'ork, 17. Operabng.sessica of the 49910- FroAl'bourlan dented Civil Rights at St,Louis,Mo.;fir,t of the Westfield explosion aAas,acid+d*ifaln$t the bnmpn4 ;mer• I;i fart. .-Bombardment of southern forts of Pa- abandoned tho city, f' resuntatives. , •+,• rl l arfieeRetitr of Nag,Robeson;mysterious street car murder in Brooklyn-John 11.PAaormn the vlctl,q;tba a an dant >t° �! ' 1 rI15 y the Germans hegnn. r, n tit of delirium tremens,k1Be hb wife. iunra►N+w Yor 94. ra,Wharton anqultted of fftolsnalnq f9ea.Kefsrhnun 1 Nat straw storm In New Orleans for yyoars;Rev, lyaf"C�t r3-Tile tl'eaty Concldldcd by the ally to the Alarehnnts'Uatpn easpraw rob- pr g,(p,Robinson civets,Prrsldent of drawn University 1 first train throarth the flhawutgnnk tunnel,N.Y. 8t(),it,R:9 .Ian,ro-rr.-Bnttlo of Lo Mans. (3ermana nncicr reuse of Ilio ewers at London on the 8 el y P stat, Iectic Medical Societe at Albany. 26.R+vlvAl of the Jumel will execs Tiimv York i he8avtrst anew ,to ear In And + a B1 Prince Frederick Charles defeated French{in- question,tivab signed. It abrerrittea the 1 )controversy bptwuar7 Speaker B1Alun turd �u y , q upon the prealdenl I'ur troops t return o1 tit, AIaLRdra for tans j�rars;to persons killed and wounded by rAllrnRd aAannt at Yorkvltla,Alabama. 48.E oV Ilona, ": (1(r Cttanzy. , h ore against Use hu-Murrklun. 1d.7..Senator murderer of"Pa 'Halated,at Newark,N.J.i National Priona Reform Ganveation Now York;the axeoutlorltor-nr,Niendi- I Ca .Ian.ix.-President (.leant a 0111 t 01115 on tbo adIllission of foreign men. Assiouers at W azhh)glen, Rot{,At IAI%Venwcwth,Kan.,susppeended;murder of laaorge W.Watson In Brookiva i aany Hyde, 27.Caleb Coghill atarls to I Cl PP ted a COnlmi8- Into the Dardanelles Anc113ospharns. ___ joffr the Claaevn Conferee°/. 98.Grand Duke Aierar vt►!W Suntan kllarlaid Sun v Sehood at fit,fnulot-m-er=!r Fedarnl Sion to visit Santo Doi nifl roe a. t'ohhe�!It1lfXnternstionai Society In_N_Mw Ye__ ,..�+p '_:--• -- die llEn• Cl; Jan.r4.-Stoamar T. L,McGill bttrna(1 oil the begun. of Paris by the ver15aille. d Tale "xl. I�laymC*. r Mlsslssip i]River; 58 lives last. 11141001 2o.-The FrenchAssembIy remove •is from mWrl of Sing Singgller famtnrhab*od,later Butt nbaon"r;attempted soled°of Det.1nd�T.1{rlmboldt atlLong Branch. 99. at Glu- a 28.T*aunan I'A.,d: C .Ian. 1 Goul'erenca of Great Powers on Eas- Bordeaux to Versailles. elect suit begun ngsdnst the Now Yory eataels tern question assemble at London. Lord 11Ia9ch so.-Es-Em ever Napoleon nrrIl rg 11+ k f 7' t,t1C yellow pup d lrellowpoisoning canvnntlon at l tine 1 gnat Nva at Itlnuaa,N.Y•;murder of T.A.Rowland+at a pi Ata at tetra ved to hark at night.. y,utd count accoutitssubmllted to the su;wrvlsors Rad oldrrmaureo�Nfour new plla exae'ol aaMtoga twee""'Holml,old"and i kills. - I Granville presided. y _ Chiselhurlat,England, 1g hUnest people up Ines,by the TX'mmuny rhtll„i Italian convention at N+w Yet a i g Y agl'e low, Iiclirabold wire, 96.Celebration of Italian unit In New York 1 end r brooks$tout In Ch treat-n,8-lC-; rao G Jot'Emperor of Glermnl of accts ted title 1]Iclre7c,=,_Marrittige in England of the Pr red to take alight, &Ira,Calhoun 26.Close otsubsariptlous to the new b per w»t Cl.S.loan;Mallow f°rsr breaks out In Charleston,13 C.; own e p I.Otlise and Ilia Mni'gtiis of Lorne. Y I vi' Jana.r9.-Battle of St.Quentin. Germans,under 31arelt a4.Proclamation b President i n lruak trxged�takes place In Naw ork;terrible railroad accidents at ltevrrr M*ae�anJ Wdipart,1'l);outside of Chat. t trip y - t Mobb h► at t►liur,ta, aplar , 1 General Goebel), defeated Frenell Arnly of the warning the South-Carolina Kti-KIIIX ,;tru,a life pr aonur In Auburn State prfaon. 27.Explosion floods a the liteudson ere o81.aAdsbnpla Ala.--Attp aaresttle, arnh, 1) "I'lta IIowa family reunion atIrrouted barn Mesa.;if*a North,under GenetalFaidllerbe;15,000 Frenc)1 "(lilt)eisc and retire to their respective 1 before the sun arose tato tsar (a breathing ltcnell, ,blights•letter an Great unit carr p calls In ;a ►goat y Sri Now York aitp bre AC4 Ps of a aonrlat hat�n Car A1lai»y es Ta i r7; da,n I killed,wounded,and prisoners. j oxta'vatns +a sit rinteadenrq. tel. App}Inatlon moats to the courts for as it>juatilF Fort the v'atnmanY rda�ar, I)I ,7u91,so. Sortie of General Dllcrot WI r 000 within twel7ty days." (you'll doubt this.I suppose) is Zr,t corder Gen.P!llsbury p+ 1 oo arch zy, ,Senator Sumner donounced the (ed all day as well, iriala of New York nIt�;annual meatlnp;of the aasoalati°n of tea army or 4I° likes tile, I sty,at F°rtAtltams_;sevanst(tea+ d,a w. � Alen front Fort Mont ValeriellParis heaylly the 4 of N w Like Ere 1" Will trots one mile In 4117 a Milwaukee,Wb. 7.'b+I'amttua o a1s of Naw 171 >•r.1,15�1 , DOlrilllgo Job, >rk ulGy a otned ".riots rta•olilent pa Loutsv,lte and Naahvllls rallraad. 9.Revival of Coe, oflss°#Arab dlYAlniity of Hndw", , �;,_ �, y i�, ii robbr arTanmoa vaur rnihvaatbr retrench -ford IVOn, nlrAinst Cnmbridg the wretched whet ;.Y. 1U.BGtbo Whitehouse of Illinois,visite C:hrUt's Cburah Gblusgo(AIr.Cbway a) % y ':r of h p t oe Now York otter;brutal murder of a brother stood sister al Joh»1i I" aE Mtdwayi Icy. 11.Edam �t ,- I utile,Dfa. lA 't>+rsibl+mlJnl�lht rallraad aacldsnt Haar il1'ryeflj N.J.1 roplarkat le hannmaua on Take nnlnrlo. 14.Six IaCC• p ter meat In the>t 'It of ,rrsoa►killed ArIA vight wouudwt by fell of a furpgghalalck at West 4on►liocton,,ka.;explosion of a staambaAl boiler AE Mc(4regor, aVy repulse of the Conlml mptratler a uln , r M 1I of J°]ut W.Taff- r>f, love►~-tis ktlla 1 nsd israap wouadad. I6,tiarlawt riWrnrs In Now York,Cenrw<.tluut and Rhode!stand;close of the Y.Ni.C. al 4- U011C1A1 GlldtaVO F10 lick the lama lull core, alttaa,,the Wurd craw viatals i Ml►5°r 13a11,of Now York,salla on Cnmytruitrr Coannli b Ig Only made#1111 yelp juticti,u carr commenced in ew York I+rt'pp�lpslon of a sWaut baltrr at Y4+wburypO h, Ha,A d ty��U.W. av nNiu Infiats New 11,- tro mote order de rtmer.t Of the Now York tost•o1Ns 18nlnf°Ikrle of the 1'a�roruwy�ilpa;�7i,]Naattt,�t, 7.in. �l "q��al'son,111�i 4 killed OWN wounded+r 8�t"rot Session of few Yu knlSUataf4anrnt -Boston�d,�lecal'rindls.nno rileCnrrMiI wl and bark the more. ;n,auP't of Y pa yank. 14.Chew et this,lllinpia dlawwn isaars(atipn{Jadge Iternar.l _-,svvn �rd forttkrll, 19.Now York 1ItaW Suudoy Witrol T+w:bere'CoRyou Lion ret Norwich;"Uuidelnith gild,"makes t;18ll 4,bast ort of the Santo Domingo Col castori opening of tine new State normal school av�,nuN Imo, 'k.i Y ppaatfsr i's al Saratoga fatal explosion of Union torpent o'Brylon's 1n'nr"'f Now York Un waved ,7ai"lsunos nstroL Sal.Boiler 1a lw q ' cal e a Inst the Union td y ring,New York;)�raeldent Vanderblit at lbs tlteesa Inland fart stn la- 1 + lima an record`on M itic Par Baotou•National Illelslon ecru of Tern rnnoe at Chico o•billllant inotat r at San Frnnctecn, 20, t0 Congress Uy the Presiden �ntlnua$the 1t>f un rti°Hist)tusaaawelg;ata�yof prx,"odl grult•d In the c$ae of buc,Gboat,tko mord+ver i sr.mitrel' ezplaa a At()hlo t3trte Prls,n 2u prisanera wounded. t2.Collision of rail-3 11pn8C concnrre]lt reeolnti( o would not drown the tyke cte•d;lndlcLmontof t11+Abo Y sl,nrrs t w 1l) N.Y. Ili) 8 Aadrew H.(bean appa need deputy attflptlr gainalar 1prw k city anramt auwntien road thins at Cnnaslisvllk,U,-twenty killeal and wonadad. 9b. Cupno,tlavt usury laws rap,ulwl• 26.Cautinenremuut ret III committee to invest 3 too blamed humane- retia create$a riot At In t gr Y"rlr; Union Cell brown University,University of VI t R , at Please,Ner. 17.fitalo piisaa dsllvoy sE Carsrm Nero Intparaatlan»alasf61111 Lion 1 nrrsa of the reprahta of A C n At C+ntewrlll+,rAto, 47.('a,mmaams ret at Is»rllEo„Ga}lvnJe IEatgs Cit11"q"•hnfasuorts hu KIu:outrA eon Iiay.Thos,Cnllnhnn duirs liras passed h ting,pa1SOn and the 111tC, gguunpowder o In of the liulflal � R r Yraciva n J CarnaU Univonhies•,trial oCJude 1 rSndln be un ret• 1 y the E( urvilU tem lar of the United Statas at IWItlAor+1 pSh. tg r,m of tines y Y' 4 p" p pp c ha anentrault of fipvin rid,l(l.; Un,vereslld acral (aoanrraaW°In ooaimittw N1teVParlthtit I tri Isivinhat Newf°Mork.°fttl.aConvi tion of Afar L'lann,Indin,�itt i urdori"sol execution of J*h,naArnra all�kansack N. tree C011618tCd Of y Senators n rent against the, grain. rosldent L(nocan tet 4 f good tatmplara,Stale n Naw York,at Bing 11,1111 I 20,Nlaeting of tiro klnX esb g t1 1vi)nla 1 Yr r i t1Vt;8, ban of the voucher►In the comptroller a office Now ark- 2t.Chinese a»rltswy DO. lrrnus+i+aIt IA 4 City Perk i fc-A y m JULY.r. 29. tion aur e Ar y o heated farm. 30,Arrival".lNa band to attend ncetun d Antilo, tel-miners'riots at Scranton P 1 CRTC rreat of the rob Y r Ile kind impaneled to Callrarnis 99.Warrente rissaed air{ire arrest or Brlghem nna,at tks}t Lok i Cit ,Uta. I" JULY. 8.Reunion of test Univ rs l 1*41 as 11 Now York, a,nro of al Independence dance uud uard L nd ;,a1ngla of ldeat on , nth gen Y l), Soulhdrle rallreocl;ahtw of Uairareal 1'e$c+Jubllra, s,Dnpnrtttra of ICngliatt llrnpndfar l>'uard based fur Fttritlrud l,unti ed ge Nut colored jury p ,n 'Judge MoCuan, 6.Two man lynched nit Seihas Ohio *treat of rtralors of CAlhthan oulra a st Contr,ville,Mo,;Cubnn �11oW pllp he bound, b.Commencement of ter'kk#i1�Y1nn onthe anal commercialnaonvontloi 1delUq�a ii Naw idem too taW{Iklr apvn�varriaNir�o � ppere �� tl'IIl0.11 CaCC C01C1)1'atiUll in lnbn,commiwlan,at W idor explosion at Newbp ,N.Y. 47.Itpase° dloaesap arnvaa an,at Albanyrz prlralrer,P{an+sr,rspWred aA hod+GIanJ.9.rrnn Wjnrkars'Elq it-Iieur Lesi;,pis In Naw York dlet,nudaa-tcnnlnatlnn ret greet I11i8tIC0 ISl�ffa�ned at Washingto perhapH I should say,where tar fp,Fnaensl pf raw acriblur,at New Yank ji�thestrike;Innuguratlnn of tion+tai Uhamberinln 1'raelel"nt of Bowdoln Collog". 1 Troubles In Yu ra countyS Ark. lI,Cornuruuce• 11]](1 th015Ullth-Am01' t taw York flair spans at ILoaha i terriNo pperw 1 r r J°#»ldaxwrU. fIO. Bishop nt�nen anent at Uuly+Alt of V+haout,Yaln,Anrhsnt,'1'rlully and }3oWdaia Collages;railrcAd ncaldo it st W'I,ito Sulphur liprings,bV, 1Cu L rept D did resOulld. lad Now York 1 dlsastrous Nr+$In the wrwd In 1Mttaelt�taana�drtrrd at Darhamvtlls! N.Y, br y Ile Indian chief I.hise makes;waca; ,i,r)ve$t New York terrible balloon oaaualty at Naol! Ind. graf VIA.-terra killed,six wounded. 19.Ca1110icu on Pnuhnnrlla rallron,l;tin McLaughlin trn;fudy at Rochester, I3.Stakes,Crhrlrucie, i i 's cllvalne and Rev.Dr.I•low$tu, Baan of Chester,Eng., to fair a Altlsa o i$ri0 awnrlased--ur dl p 11 11 a i unet(e,n*gainst tbeTammany oNiclalahl)T(rwYork toodlbad�,tilt+► n »sill 1nr or th "-Lon fallow"Ill �rnll+wee red Sur"t'np�a,Ntbtil�rArrgun eat 1)arUre S�B1tr,n u13Courtrof rTwoadt anJp(enintliy's a Dnal.tll7 dIr�Enjat lLsnicres 1Vns(lisaBtrOlin t11erC with food SuppllCd Ocrc,nxa 9.The Fol y nj i taatt 6tstilMr°TAS 1 arrival ct the bisbo a utckt dent Guardia arCwta.was visits tits Urrltwd Mats, l8.W"sloyau Utilvorslty and Hobart Collegacorumanau dents•arrival of, tH. n Iter he could drltlk. ounq arraLad on crlm nal chargee at SoIE I►ke rltq,Utah;attemTsmut pted Jail ndiamty u g t.B.C.F.M.at fiatrm.Mass.;Agricultural a"'"gre�41ad Nitls+*n+an board RlBw+dlah rags'° +d Naw Ynrk; ars+si of ate Ane do Nauiljrs,Fr.unk Minister to tlultea 8tnta� 19.Collision,f taliroa}I lrnl"a at Pittsford,N.Y.-tltraa killed,twelve r���I 155 e1,e7rii11Cnt I1tlVllrla7l Ck,you little beast," he..cried' ;,it;;hHeld,Fens lend,at ew York pilar clic Utah deettuatlon b'flr+of lb*Stttgl b11 ►(►1witowt4rd,N.Y. 4,Up" wonndod; riKatutmtlon of New York Staid,Uillors Home. 20.The outlaw Phomas bowery(of Swami)Angel Imtd)In North 1 t papal Inlullihlhty,ex e met your lilt{LC}l,I think." :)*via It.Wells.Mormon Inn orallSaira�I eatlau at tnoroi tion I y fit Itall at N!.Yosa I�"�It -�`a�k Chsrollna,kllWd. 91.Cal"bralion of Swla inda;eudaner In N"w York i nslarold No.114'4 l7urda+'r discovers, *t Lllchtiela 11y the Pope. ( Y n aur• n of the I'rotestaat Episonp*t trlonnitt sun "I" y gg 7.Tisa ffre 1n Chile 8.The gross flea la C#Tango irreales out lesh. I1.7%110 chi �y 00su 10• rue detnte��lt f,�94,Oollop rlcr Attn At Spry gge1d,Musst. �llddlelolu lrwinio[re Irman rpcu23, mAi`�e t,ntheorinitle eltyejllinrqulca die'VCC ill 1VCw-Ol ICans broken, 1lW pollee rnurt. ° ° Atn»Atsn,D(Ipil.,1'bi,telt°mow K 1t, luaui�ty Prwtdaai Nosh y Noalllce ata bis aredentials as Allu{star of Franco at WAahin ton. 26,Waterville 6olle o coinrnancoment. 26.Disastrous t1f 1110 ally]iltllldtttrel. le time did he allow: t vigils hire of the city dastrayed,los4 II>lOOr000, 3 Nu g R bit trent of Dr.Mad apttltrtt emunlero Ruthootnsaeu(>•d at I.ea r la 1n1]c Anc1 cantle l)'Isay,nen was past and gone �'arter of YA1°coli a 1 return of Wm.H.Seward to Anbe N•Y.;forest Nies of Mlabigsa emrunuw 711, barest Ned tp will stern aE ew York and vinlnity. 27.Da tartare of Genian bond, 29.Injunction Against Rev,Air:Chaney,Chicago,denied; 1 o➢a continua, 1J,Great flood In the P°nalsrmt rivorn Mr.i t -0 hold�afl�at�ovid ;CsmpolitrallN w York a Rat.Jaw*$Roosevelt U*On. 30.Adel tit iia altmrolntad ni IdRo nae Catholic Archbishopad-fifteen killed ofsnlUinare1 Rovedan estt01bbone Cl al1(1 carried by Ilia �`UTF3t returned to find out hoW iclI,a 1,Now �'11,-,,nn,","t'l'nt'.'rtMf,,rd,t%t. tea.Cines•f the 9uNklp la�leranattota7°Scklbiti Posts 10.Coraarr Nfo 1 ; R Il.ItoHSCl chosen Minister Of all p t _ y P lYltS getting OI1. Lernntinnal yacht race at Now York I,far the Queen's o�p, th<',1iro1lPtarei sbrytoriaso Synod a»tfN ttS�b odA,dtl t"dktt:` tart A6 Rr"haatieedr N A Y. Sheol tryslof sate trts d lip.1s3,"Brun ilda,p"1 y Prof. el s,of Litlif tild Ob rvatory,tluunfituu niGol� G41i flit emoted st Still, 1 woad I N t1 3 GOI]]I11line." s ouartbrt law declared by the ttn�rnddeat in Ala°counties t3oa i to M ,�R„r,1St, T Auuusr. 1,llmnn"Ipotlon day celebration. 2,Exeectton of Clmrles hfarlow pt Mayville,N,Y.,f,r rnitrder of Willinm Mach- Supreme Court,decided In i i`ommittea of So"t 1S.Cpngren of the Iron nmW"la New Murk, l9.A�asa Jebuwn a Alornrtin�hN� R, yy 6l)gdna' _ hC found,waS barking still aka alt 20.I'reddent 6rent vigils Portland Mo. Sl,Foveate Ayw break Pial a! ) q Y 1 NOW York levet flea In G+atrtil and�l'eataM+N r'a ro`rk' a r°bdt,d S st l re► University DCmAvnr etloa�State NawrX rk»loAllnatlon+lwe mins YlF,clrao»soI�mlrnna,At,tRalui tit C.'Ilya innenra.a7,nrilcride a t'1tI1L70]lallty of till: Legal '1'c nabated force, V[ham4tson, artor of Tsbernracle church, eldt lktlor loan) C9 9111aynt,A'liller, Davin 1 pp ]I h R , [ t , ::iatnefile st lhiNalo far murder. 28.Thn last of the ntanlatlntsl t twee at New Y,tmk-the res ,eoteneeA to be on Mobile and Olao Itnllnrrd-9 killed,b wounded;araldant on 1Vnelern Maryland RM1ilroad-14 Injured; )afnn College of sounding from the 111.11, nWesternNewYork,PennsylvaniaAndWisconsin;Ke y,themne,ler+refiC+aesuf t I fP"1i A"Oniturecc OttAanc"nen6 10.ne rturebfleaFrenchband;alli►loaofthe8,0800rBristolinLon IelandSound. 12.Arrest onginills alllrinatiVC: tI1CC �ontlnve i } fir 0. R it faint and hoarse. 9a.Tweet-fltth annual meeting of Wa Au,arittiun Ailsslcn*ry AsrealsNnn;tamable masaaar°of Chtlfemtm at 1 os An weM tion t g r i q CitiCo6 Nelsarl,C1lflor(l, all(1 7 y y b 2b.Annual me+tlag or the American llllrta Union In Naw York{tSareat Ars 4l)Cedlfarnla 9b. B, Wing, TeMble stormz to a nth»"aLLrn NawoXark stein"I Ilinnvllleoh rued nt�oa rt 16tlipos lost,86 mlasing.rnj Ili lit Boston. Nliu- -Chlfa lira�q a white mo. er mono la Ia of aha Frsaklin stoats 1»New York j grtrsl rd rjx Coniad salrfaad on It E fiot,ltor of g- of t accldrnt on tlle.DnlAware T n(dcawaa 17 area Western Raliroad-throe men dun erousl wounde 00LAW, 713.Twsl,rd nrr+tted I I ys _ ._ aha Fplaaappat triennial aonvrntion;aorp y g pt the add on Alban *red Sl) uehnunn llailrnad-Nva ,orsnni In orad. 17.Tho Item'Iarooke Ira td on NIfaslasl�I river. ]8.Rob-J e, • Stokes,of 7 rnnesaee,for defrauding the govarnmlm I riot at Oak ,tt Minn. 91.Wm• �a 1 side X011 �C p{ es CookdtwldedsgstlastBrigs*teaYoangst tlatks#ty{ ptoI- of Third NoUo,I0 batik,I1I "tor"t{RtN),OOC. ' Judge(IeorX+G.Bnrnata pronomtced guilty;removed and din unlifled�)CIlleallofSwediefi.alldNOrwa` 2 000,000 b*Il;Wm.Ise,Evarte appointed counsel crib*UnlWat Stotd before l a tributifla,Brigha at Geneva E fI»al 0 U41,» rypm 2s°ldtn pfNass 20 Penns Ivarla State Tuaaheri Auacintion i'lniladal nhla ururnor of the Units from pal Hutton,Knnens d a battle are flue, o ret taysatt tla oommittes in New York•the claim M a„H*skins vtonvioted I r y, , 1 g Now York; for Mo sit 1{1.t►11e sw dt/a"vrtrrd i wlrsL ,rn;I at Chltmgn, 91.Amerlaan Aaspcintian far th,Advaricemupt of Seiouce at Dubuque,lows. 22,Aslerol`J ash Q1-aoVCrnOr of 1 I.Lbi11111 ccldent on lira Contrat 1'aclfla 12a11rooa. 9ttl.President(3raat issues o prw.Iataalaon for i natlaral thea 1 sank tail 'i Na,Tot, AlsxsEu, aI.'.era ret Llt;hfiald Observatory Ilamiltan C+�Iing+New York. 2Y.Twenty-flee axcuratoniske etrucic by r 1't S1leer at lobsters and wine; ounsel O'Gorman brings stilt"ifta»st the Tammany ring,N i A4 il 11 ,Mal Middletown,Coal). 26.Five wmm�s killed it n locomotive,at fiAonn Penn.;full of a railroad hr(d a.n Baltimore.ire 1t appeals to the U.l3.sit trcme court•the abortioalat Roseuowel6 oonvltNd at New York;the sttaoter 1)srq►' aallld in winter-rily salted Yr PP°" 1 lusty, sural,-taco�1 W,000. 49.Mrs,Muth arrasttl at Leeveu►worih,Kan.,tar°eta lt tr 1l)the WNW*of Inas !iron R , i Y , , g - __._ _. es tonal fpsuratee coavtmtlan trajourns;centennial a niversary of the Pkaladsr iac�an rlhp hlpsaw*14,d w tilt*A N7*tlO Penn.Young0.ASevere storm n Little Ontario. 30 Wrack onfnstea tic Melts ofl Watch Bill,It.I.-o twenty-twoS lives loat 81.Riots Rustook the buckwheat eek .rho nate y, y Ode t�a Fly. na)]c syrup for mine! A r"tt; Mai or Wellso t fatal lbolller explosion fiG I.oulj,Ata X91 Char p'Coaar b1�ahes a lattev tw As Ntdtt of the IA:Ptki retial Ark.,renewed;County Cl+rlt lllakox killed. 1 B,C.,of t hflad+lp pit 7Gu ro$tenrle the'1'nmma»1. awlndlare laying Of the Arg aurae pf tba New York tower of tis+ t river' parrAsraas 1. Aealdant on Long island ltnilronrl-flue pavane killed. S. Accident on the Mob:te and Ohio Railroad. -Gle.teltin(t X.Cltct ,rt attorney-gqeeneral top (v n N}ans{irldt Natal},pt}+rrxplpdon ttTlopa Coerce,N.Y. Ii:'Collision of freight trains on Eennsylvanis Central Railroad-one Mori killed;collision of railroad Wins pt Indept•ndence,ingfr of evorythinir tormentlr. to Jim.F1,k!jr.,Arrested at the Inztan supplementary tharksglvla praclontatfon;--OML-lila of the mitit*rr deiwrtmontj -flee killed,taanty pit let waeudati. 8,Ii xrnuntion of Patrick Mnrrisaey,aha nunlrf,ide,at linit'nlo, I.Aagtdtlnl of Dr. rid little aggraVating fly, A Toast. Novxsrnxn 1.Oov.Ifoa'man issues a supe y y of 1Plaltn• ash a oil w isnd trial for murder of Mlle Stelneekis arrest of Bill F(irrostr,sit oacd Nathan mord,rer. 9.Smash n Alred forward lad] La of the country. 2.MAss meeting of the Commltteo of Savonap"in�Ourclt oaiv+vlagd atan of Rothantar. 1..�of tits Wary laws a h°P+nsiwylrsai"Railroad�thirta,n Injured. ]U,5tenuiba-it explasioni at New York and Richwond,Va.-five killed l),(1 gladly t11C 31I 1 tork dolphin undor charge,of fraud. 8.(i+rnena council of the Luth g�p� :'S t0 tl C S nn edl rs b ci ache Indiana near Wiakanbar�r,Aria I9.Arrlrat pf the 1 1vessel tof»tit+ ret V wtXprk.r fs proargai entered in this case of Dr.Medlicott,at Leavenworth,Knnsias. 11.Iron manufacturers'convention that tau,provoking Creature, in GeerlrlR. 9.Mnss*cx+of singe} ggua Y p itlnn as AnaAHI lttr tine Uw Boller explaabra At CinciunaLl-seven lives lost;Indian mnssncr""t Hughes'Rancho,Arizona, lir.Delega- est enhlabla bird, :tuasiAn anent squ$aron at New York. 73•Hon.Caleb Gusblaqq r+s$i,no his pw h+Catholic troubles at lludwn N.Y.t�eotnvnetr+d; tele abolen tktpp_�1 rankEin tion-of instils Indian,reach fanlilngton;del"gntlon of vntenrn soldlrs mesh,,in Il;nithncrv. 17.Unhvrsnllst general convert. Out tile Coming of the flowers lablts the reside CC districts. S*nisi-American claims; Inveatigatlon oft oubal council at(iberlia,4J•7 aha veloatty of tilt rrlad alt III L.Wash - lien tit Olinclnuatf. 18.Corner state Inyinq,Stat Insane Asylum,Buffalo, 19.Defalcation of Jatnes J.Johnson,Chief of Starip attive►at Now York. 18.Nle+ting of the nstlonal Coagregat era,cone-c3hctman ti; -I Lb Grant for tb"S Tv e i of Division anb•trsaaary,New York,$)U)t100. 90.Internatlonnl binr,)rbilats and Iilacksmilh 7 con ooitionl1 llmiip r 1.Exple• d to feel poetle'bout the Spr ten t sing any tunas, ingboir Ito tulles per hour,the grestest on record. 11.Dr$t , rn}tspy 'ion of the to 1 aasafc In Now York hnrlror-three Injured; Huntress trots throe miles In 11 1-4 n Prospect'P Park,beating are You with all your teasing ,i field any plumes, Dr.hewer pastor of Christ church Now York• ArthurrnXyy. 1 + w to Pit-,sConviictedd Of uon trow N+�•1e��r��j ypttrdat�*rs 'Uatahman tri tame 11 1.4 sarmnda 24.Snow At llolann,Notation; Irish-negro riot ret PatanDorg,N.J. !3, Forrester , ret ilia Union Trust Company',oaten In New York i Int,U John I.ee,a rnurd°ear exsrnrtad at Aiontr+at. tai, +e acquitted of murder of Mr. Nathan[ Now York• Rubnnstlu�s first concert In.New York; National Council of Amerirnnn my farlCleS Into air take wing sI out the Vital statisticsof the Park fanny ea Charloilown Ind.,►yylacbcd bp* r 19.AachedLittlin('irwdDukeAlexisatNowlfark. 20.FailvnalbalfadessaTaatmaay s Meuhail,n,New York. 14.Suldtara monument +dicatuant Illtstleld,Nlnss.;etonulbontnuun rouvnntlnn,.Claveland,Ohio. -Portland Oregonlcila•in At tie Oberlin univeraltvi W. n Amatfenaa MAI;J a Atarrlstrn Waits,of fib, *INr4ylnt<'l 16.D°olsita defeat of Apache Indiana b Colonel Macon,in Arizona, 96.Six jmreons burned to dentis lit the Ohfc Stat Insane tried to S1Cr.,p at early morn, _.__.__ ._-_..-______..- _.__._ - 3 g Yark cit•. 21.'ltecrption of the Grund Duko Alaxl%o yd�r q banks In Naw y t tate}*lit of Ike M.E-Church at Salt l wkr ellylolu on h, 1, 'Tito s Star City Asylunn Newburg. 97.Pardon of York°a and Mercer by Governor Hoary,of Ionusvly"nia;E(inimd Yates'first lecture fn Nsw E and all your i)rOthP.rs slllll]1 t �UrT AUOUt I7f. Li,y,.counael of the Geneva irlbunnl I twrnar yy g ,tas"rntatiop of the Grand Dnk.At"]cta to 1'ra,ld°nt ti rapt; Yolk I]lunstlm,s q*ln on lank+Alia#igen, 99.Colonel Atckenzle's fight with lndlAns oil North Fork,lied river. 50,Indian Worry Now London burned ret Norwich,Gt. twont lteeztust. oJ•1 t#onto scholsn treats a dlaturls»ie At a pultilc eouball with lfotants and Dlq Tree st lit.Louls1 expiration of lite stamp duty Cn dneunseuts;Laura Fair ncquiLled ret San Frau.'I chased"your sisters and yoi itmed Luella Barnett otN laving of the coruarvalone at the new capital of awa at Des Moine,. 9a. lJN , Melly blitzing, sett(tp0[1 my nC Point, The Rcsslan minister At WashSngtan,Ai,Catseary,"'loved; arrest tett e17.Forty Ca holic ulrao of tow rautvlvr or Ambien tt it Po New York State bale cad-ret Arrival Ir America of George debet old, nd'rin why rain should be wet, School At hunters I hint,L,I. 28• t n West, 48.The VAL snow storm oontinnrs, 9T. Forty C.ntticllc Irk i Kata. 1. sting A. II P"tnrvylvanln Cel4ave,Conti. olg engineer nod al Stat k111ud;debut of lobe.nn Lucca to New g Y gr „ nail of New York; terrible now storm tlnroug�taut h hurricane Off(*to Breton. 29.The Miwdsdl,pl$red Hudson York t annual rteittng U B.G,F.M,at Naw Haven,Gunny sigh ever,annnnl State Fair, us, 1110. .F 2.'1'wnnlyth[rd lay upon the?.able etVPety ;lie: Winds that blow sch(3111 1ure ez ]led from a pubB(+chest at hunter s 1 cite?,I I. her Now o Thanksgiving as ax•Cnniptrallar Connolly,01 New ork,Incarcersated in Ludlow street 141I;0111• Ce»iferoovio of rrMormons,half,LAke CCity. 7,Co ner•stnehn u of Miles Standish monumu Columbus, Daxbn y,hfai�,;civil se-second.1 rvice)t1Y sill.Your"weather ey0""of Id dry It,you know, rivura closed 1 ice. 8 qhs gd q y 1 1 examination In New York aastoin house, 8,New York State Grand Comrnturnlry Nulghts'roinpinr,Naravleh,N.Y.,annual Unum►t.rtn to ibe\Vest, iz conclave. 9.(iovsraor Scott of South CnrolluA,Rues Now York'1'riban,for libel•rece ion of the olficlal decision orthe Geneve ri Cruel mltlice all your own, ver It I Shall not ire?." �e�„ , pt Kansas City Ti tlterP,VfrnA alt eA UX Ill fart tv(;call Ria t'ilire I 'tribunal at W"ibintrty"1 arrival of P,oMI.Frntlde and Tyndall at Now YorkI riot at Oacaola,Ark,10.ernsbrterian hos1dtal)Cli your youngest son Into 111) - - r earth; Thoughts that we tlilnlc: ; aponed 1» New Yorkk. 11.Avetiont on Padamah and Ellubatlitownrullroad-twenty injured.;eight of Torn rieldc,ex-'am- Lbm271.( 1' At Vafangow they did the same--•-'twat there, as I Tbo I(rlowledge of one thing, isany Aesaroblyyrnan;d"nth of 1Vllllam 1I.Seward, 19.Six pereotu klllod at 6t.Lculs,Mo.,by Iona;rlotilq;ret OaL!Mln,Ark•e,-is still as any mouse, >is I afl n g. 13,Asea ldriatien tit Charles Lone at life own house nt Dorchester, ;Accdeoton Central Pattie roll road,atTrackee,Cal.,three recall. HowitI!a missing )ating In'your power of torture That Llucle Hllojaekovltch wa 11AttClled alnst itvez tort 14.b'tnn+rAi ssrylcd or ex.8ecrntary SewArd,rat Auburn;Waterford I1u,k robbed of f64nU,n0(1;Ions of the fir"pilin I;wild a 01111,of mile,I guess," g Na savant has told itosv 1 no In B*tin on Little Mlnbigan,18.Now York State Congr,ItAlional Aeaocintton,Rochooter.16."('aoldamith Studd"wins encu wiili y sing your scorn of helpless n a wall. To sterilizo kissing t MTs,tSmlthers would say, C Otrcidvnt"$t tincraaantn,(;,a. NR(lonnl Boars rel' fenaW tri New York;Maryland State Fair. 17.Fourth wuiunl reunion, C t1 walk lvitli friends amid my At Liaotun and otdlorwheres tic. horded you like _ -w. ,�,._- , 92.Arc.idouL,on Eastern rail• III the poor thing Ill a decent dress; Sheep,(i Y t oalsly of Anny and o.-Love lit New York, 11.Nallonhl Straw:men Con otirl, o Ncw Ycrk. p, cad,aL 5aubrrwk No.-twelve In'vred and four killed a the Steamshiplllesourl,huruud ret sun-over reveutv'licea to=t. 2:;. :h it manners and usefulness; And made you do a Putnam stunt by acrambllna we+d arrested uud ballad•tecond'itrial of Mayor Ball began;e faoutIcy breaks out to New York;JN 1, baltarlan C( - with flying at you round the.rl r to It more and spank It less; down a steep•"" ce,Basten. 94.Orgo,nisitlon of tha Toled4t,Obio,Univesity of Arts and Trade;decision of the San Juan boundary question;rl once more you're Standing of "Cart you dispute the Czar?"cried he. nyention of tea(ienerdl Chriatinn Society,Louisville,Ky..16,Corner-sl000 laying of first 1-fomeopatbic Insane Asylum f,tie blowl Allt there you're off z LI9e It a different way." tnrrlea at Middletown,N.Y. 18.New rnlneral spring dlecrivered at Avon,N.Y: 29.President troclaim►diaerf nh,nting "Bach was a Russian victorlI tel",on French lurportations, J0,American Iatisatnnry Association at Ructa,,Wis.;"Lucy"heats'i Occident"at A!ameda, f your harem nibbling at my tc I.- ways adopts quite a critical tone, tn't a chick or child of her own.) "But whin at last the war was done," that spell- 1 1.1 0 1vaY to catch,you that I Fuel less grandchild urged, From the Japanese. i And lot a blt(tme to make even angels Nv is nlnn)n'this Government," When horse and foot and navy In one!rightrined From !hl) Athenmftm• ---- --- Thain l In all lily pride of strength and p. Alin was inergeJap d' Can't smother you and get tet little sl }envy Williams would say When things the Jags had clamored for they got, Among the Aedgitnlza .___. _...____-,_-__._.. 7W'em'atIwasPresident; with Interest, of the nightingale oKstLr in an English school tho Mti�i�fi%lO�t1;setts •--- Tll('2'E' And all Manchurla became'the yellow peril's'nest, the cuckoo hath 1]Is birth; teacher was so t them trusts 1.o a largo extent; pleased si>ith Ills class that he,Said A some good for the money silent; When Nick had figured up and found that he was alone is be; y question they liked. >Cd IICTt�. they could ask him an r dawn and out, nor like Ilt4i fathtsrther: ll, o. Seelnkt ane 1 lovec ltl1If L,awYer--I believe you we 1l)it a different way." With all its splendid army turned luta a graceless nor like.his mother: � Some were asked and replied t enry might spare the time,no doubt, rout"-..-- he soareth 111tth. and Math r. little fellow In deep thought, the teacber asked llr r of the Legislature a year or tivo ago,n sly the Sheriff sold Henry out.) "`]ilut up,you kldavttah!"snapped be, to the moor side ) hen for a question. The boy answered, with a "t)uusel for tits Defe_I)ce-I bug yeti It was a Russian victorce." amid the white Bowored bushes, grave face; judgment. __.__._ .._ _..._ ____. and with its s111Ring it "P-please,s(r, if you was in a soft Inu(iheaD up 'ere In some one else's place ., Y, , - the welkin all resoundeth- ' 1 ht W-noir--I.do not think it eon7peten �.��1.f.(, <)� SL 711.210. to your neck• and 1 was to throw a brick at you 1 g know that le what we all say), the orange blossoms (1[tn the jury"by rr.•lcrencc to evil doings t all their duties with ease and graca. P•ebecca-•You see. 1 met Martha, and she is so he rendeth an ho singetll, head,would you duck?" or two at,i•;o. it'em an unexampled pace hard to get away from. and al I,day long The anslyer is not recorded.•-Tit-alts. PrUseciitlng� f,awyer [tut, sour 1-ion Rachel--How forsuy! I've heard her say the his eons I harken gladly. ___---,-----,------ not ashamed of lits puhJlc Service. nowt a pity It's not tell( Case)t• and bribe him would I Irlit,llvrl(n --in tilat Case it is evident fill It a different way. . same thing aII you. ne'er far away to fly, not morallt r(esp0osIb1e. Pass oil to the i e of this fact,people often will tell Rebecca-Well, that beats everything. i've, but In my garden Ilon,pteas(' -B0-itvrl Transcript, on't run our own affairs any too well,) heard her say It about you too, -CirrcinnaU f'crrt- among the orange blossoms -`!_- --------- _ -Chfpapu News:-mercfad-Trfb'un to alt and sing for over! ---77- _-_._.._ m,niss:.: r df 17.el HOME EVENTS. /ff,3 4 . ' ROME EVENTS. /5("( JAretrJldtY 1.Dedicatloh of Mormon temple at St,George,Utah;inn fiat'•''anew blockade on Pacific.R.R.,raised;Ex•Comp- ( I / !roller Cbndoliy ralensad;lIoward,negro,arrested at Rochester for rape. 2.Brigham Young arrested;riotous Attempt to lyn- rnclamation of rho emnncippaatient of American slaves, 2. Theodore Tilton retires the negNd 1lward at Roahostor,military cnllad out;Ku Klux outrages fit FrnnkGnrt,Ky.I trlula murdar of the Billings finally to JANUARY 1.Eigllti,l,pnnlgersary of the proclamation anti-slaver philanthropist stricken with paralysis;hazing of cadets tit%N'eat WindsoM' ke Conn. 4,Howard convicted and sentenced to 20 yours Imprleomnent;Knl y the Buffalo tmnrdarerN sontonee !rout t11e,13rooklyn U,ntipq..,,,3,Lewla Sn{{,pan,t Y 1 cnnlntl6e to'ilriprlenwnent for life. 6.Sala of NNw York Printing Co.'s(famrnmy)aatthllahmant;arrival or lila Clrbnn ,rl+vt- Senator, i lc.r4A alurl+{pa;SunDomingo correslwndence, 5.T�te cor;es[[,onduucu upon leo removal of Minister P�iul. 4 41:, n oaCou�cssulal S hauolr. 6.Dnring,robLary,of Lha'Amarical AIerchrutW;'Union tear lrlortdel'att Charleston,S.C. 8.James Fisk,Jr.,shot by Edward S.Stokes.at('!rand Central Ileal,Now York; Alan I AFplley called for h' M ate•,.rill!!','}�}Iq Coumutuaament of n weak of summer waateer,the thermomoter ranging trout Peel$arRhl4roalad Again blockaded b snow. 7.Ray.(4aorgn i.Hepworth,af Nury Ynrk,publicly rano otsti all..UnItafill, R:r•dance y +Ekflrt•as.car on ill r, Qe '+ tpt'?��ltinY' 8'❑ cm nt Utica Echrnrd II.Rullolr convicted nl'murdar; release of T.C. i of AAs.I'Isk. 8.DO kinvers National Union at Albany;Eela Alla St1Agl1a11aItnA ft:dlrasd ant di%continued. 4r E.rt{utunka Jan. aq u n s convention I 2U tipp 4U aaESa a 1 rlcnn)�,1TY l7 2 Trial ti Dr.Lanahan,agent of the 111 E.Book Concern begun;great ant!catholic fsffoyg•:I,j.JlTew ILtmpahira; bi Ivor H.ttl of Now York tampornrtly vacates ilia aIB:a. lU.L'trtE bluodehdd Int Lnui lana C44Llrcgtti[[}im theiAifinn,,penttenttarl 1 sentenced lions.Ban.VVnd.,,A.D.White and S.G.llawo appWlutell ley;Ali.Mooting of Indian Commisslonars nt Washington;tornado In Arkansas•Cangrasa nacapte RoXer W III ami'status I cal•hint a l tall,4ity�git'in New Ydrk; Rullolf sena p r Jbtl(. i p i sten ced'P.L.AIc6t11 Lurued-filt lives lost;arrest of Filkins,the Albany m T Malts land, 12.Gen..lord:w,Coban flllibosler,hauorsbly diauhnZA.I.by tho 1.H.^ourt,:Ydw York;Man.Cli,irins G, 1 :comull 1 tit to$an Dqm,�irigr, �4,.`Iha Missies I p d p1 artura of lea Sats Domingo commisdoners for that ialnnul, i8:National couaeton nt l,bin6w'�,llulnteIf Commissioner to revise too Statutes of lila Htato;pow dr explosions at Cudar Point Ana Iti.oklmod,ALu. 13. R T:x�rl'mt_T, ,1gr,ynll sono go ,17;,Y1ep t to tea Safi D tution. 19.Arrival of sea Fenian agile O'Donovan Rosea.�xt Now rivef"t5t�.Lawreuca frozen over at Ogdensburg for the third time t tis e:ntury. 1•t.Publication of lira Flok-MAnaHald emrre- 1'l�lgaap;aaltiiaA:>al{I{lout nfnohdunun e 6 levy atom!!(06;'a!lout the Atlantic states. 28,The steamer W.R.Arthur Mown upoil'D the an Roseft river- detltei,It Constitutionality of legal tender Acts affirmed by the U.S.Supreme Court; Senator Suutner's spasaaolt on CI rid �i A„ ,Perk; g14,Grenl st g ,to;in Baaata;return of Yale Rocky Nimuttnin exploring expedition;axcltnlnaul is Chicago over fire Ifnilta l Stakes Indicted e^�sY 6Sr 1'l,llfi s,lgst i rUklna,pplends not gulity to the Albany Express robber a ins ioAl trial of Rev.Charles E.Chaceyy of Chiatgo,ba;»n. 2.Dr.Gallantine,of Cleveland,O.,men- yitrde'of frisk. 16.Arrival oFJnpnnese I.mbna%y aE Snin Francisco 1 mantlnq o State Military Association Mr[4ibnnyr N.Y.; _t 1`$p 'nY`ln }%_ti malaise•titer. 8.Teri tile disaster nt New Ilambm•gh on tllo Hudson River Railroad- {o[;rand Lodge organized to Utah, li.Ii.H.HAII shat dead In a Utica elraat troy by bin.Mr,Curty;Aneluhl Ftnuampmant qr t :ten to leu y.PrA_titpprli eat for 6,er. 6lTe ml the West Point hazing t(hdr•report; Rev.Charles L.Cheney ,A,R,J�n,t.of New York,at Now York City•_lea Franklin status tmvallad lu Printing hlnuw Square,New York t Mayor Ifnll 36 n h i twaoty,pnn,Bgritq .l} lP�i, 1.17 o cnvastlgn6luy nd•d tea 1,commitleat ttee orveogiizae Lha German empire. 3.John L.1 wis and Flnrntlo G.1Vnr- e i his olflclnl duties 1 Annual meeting or Naw York State Tomperanod Society,tit Troy, 18.A'fllltary'-Uirtiion of the 41 r ?cps) tgcli nd�enlgtijeitd i011o suspu v j } t•u Neu•lurk, 9.The pelzea ti t appoints tee ire. cmh high c n inllssloners on the f abarles. 3uuth dleaontlnuad;Varnhont Dalrymen's Aasocintlon at itut.laud. 1 Foster,carhnok mnnfarer,respite,d urrtll Feb,20. 20. 46 30;i 7nth nyplyTtl'Bq}a It(a Univnry y L at Cuniberlunrl Aid. of John Alartln,for rn7w,at Balti- , l6h of Chernkco,Choctaw And Crank Indiana interview the President. 41.Rev.llr:'rhmnpAun 1natAllad pnetnrof Christ 44 36 i a _ ❑(si p opus,.104 Execution of Juhn lfownrd,for,lnurd 3.Leonard Choate idle Newhury llrt;Mass.,lira-buj„son• Ch� •N'aw York;.I shun N.Brndlny,Episcopal olorgymnu reuounues ProtestAnUam• 43, Ways mad Howie Oonunittoa 1114x, ;.,prld,j'1.ntyVVmiler,for tnF.mlwlder nt Marlboro,Md, , pp 48 11 r fu. 16:Twenty-flltit nuulversary of the ndmissiol of Texas W the Union. 4U.'1'ha I)IslrlctoJ Cul• rapis_,F•ppn Soot'.BWutwell's sy}ndicate negotiations;murder of a We Von PnnowfEx by Frederick ShnILI ; Dwtglntt Iii. Y3, Lauc ;tq P4 gi,pritpn fo 1f 2 i g, g re 8(bbu�lAss denied Civil Rights at St.Londe,Mo.;first of ten Wualfteicl axplaelot Asses decided against the bum ,mar- 41 365 teue tit nractn ditto n 3 errtUrr}}'. 3.Cull:riinatiot of the Brent coal)'amine in New fork, 27, O tenet session of tea Ae,lo• dd pn 34t ' i t i-h commisslon, 08.Repeal of the duty on coal by the Louse of reprewiltutives. rldf�b'br✓�1)aratnrqq of Navy,Robeson;mysterious street car murder in Brooklyn-John B,Pannrmo the vlulltq;bile Ra an Hvot 41 t Auvamic,Ip a t} fa , Jones,New York. 24.Mrs.Wharton acquitted or poisoning Gen.Ketchum;first allow otorul to New Orlsnnx for)-*site;Iter. 3 ,-rt' 1V+'11.rrtlia hurricane at St.Lo its,Mo.; Dr.Vat Iloescn,of Albany,guilt lit tiletAfer hanta'mUnion,ex�rale viol- 7 .. n Tuom(+s*colored umrderer,axcruted at New York. J5.F'llkithe pit guilty p Dr,E.'(7•Robinson alrctud President of Brown University 1 tint train lhroutrli the Shnwangunk tunnel,N.1F, O.R.It,i d I 1 34 251x' 1Pt' ` k ' to cod to twenty ^ora tmprieonnu:gt nt C1I1tm, 16,Sharp controversy h4weau Spvetkor.lilalles and to�s1 tEofeitla Medical Society At Albanq. 28.Revival of the Jumnl will cape, use Ynrk;hoariest snow 'torgt In tieor(Iin oh I leery n} lbnry,tend Ill set n 3 Pa r Alidhfdls for ton ;ore;ten persons killed and wdnnaad by rallr^n F casualty at Yorkville,Alabama, 40.1Exemutlolf"orf Botu, I " l sarin! ttfler ooh lea floor of the huuse of representntiVes. 1.South Carolina Ballleos,nlnetrtite lou-kluaaklua. 21 5 uatlor y t 45 I1`ii ss%o cmnmissioners to Key West. 2•i.The nesidenl issues n proclamationg erer of 1 et ldnlstai,at Newark,N.J.;NatlAnu Priaan Rafurtu Convention Now York;the axeaullotS^of DK Muudl- ` Y4` Slant 's grunt'I ace ou the Snn Domingo treaty;nr'ival of the San Domingo comuilsstoners tit V5'nshington. tit Lenrenwalh,Knn.,swpeudad;murdar of George W.Wnlsnn In Brooklyn by�nnny Hyde, 47.Caleb Qgahing Marts to 1 3b �0 oih'tile Geneva Conference. 8.Grand Dnke Alexia visit*Benton Mission Sunday School At St.Louts;ineepin or Flat rAI •- -•------ 29,Stakes Arraigned And trial commenced•to i ZB -(o0ncil'bf International tiring o Now York. gn , cal Railroad casualty Engle Stu- T -..•_ S,ta- --7-7;-- --.--•- ---- coir,ry 00.Tcrrlbls suffering from extreme Hold,and loss of Iil'a reported from the Northwest, 81.National uotvdtttYon at CIh- 1 42 31- clnnaEl,to secure n religious amendment to the If.S.Constilullon. Arsil.6.Rulloff n second time sentenced to be hung at Binghamton;repot oof ttit`SanmDomivaoes minis commissioners t lb1hil ed, ,'Viatleglijiiv. 1.Connelly's bondsmen justify;clileago Alderman convicted of bribery railroad accident nE ILodrpprt;Pa.,fix i 47 38 P • 1fiFlttd and Weis wounded•horrible wife murder at Rich and Ky.,by John$lough i rlq�tcs of nagroas first allowed In Kantuek tile Its f 34 2B wish n message from the prneident,to the United HGuax senate, 7.M cud, Avith ed b•fare;cool riots nt Scranton,Pa.; exaautlon of.Andros Drentmestwr,the wife murdvror',at Llma,t),; Knacker con- John Slough,wil'o murderer,lynched at RIZ.Onnd,ky,i tragedy at Little Rook,Popo seamy,Ark.-two'Men kills. 3 43 26 destroyed by fi murder in l riot at count}>,N.X.; brutal Assault upon Iiontu Smith M. .W eti cby Jatmul I vin g Wer maseltcuuo $w 'Ware ludlctnwnts against Tammany robbers;charges prasentod to Naw York Legislature against Judgee llaroard'arid Carvtoo. ) 44 35 chamber lit Albany, 9.A[oses Terwilliger strangles his aged mother tit Sh gu , Y P ;,'Show slides hl U/nil,unsay lives lost, 6.Five powder incl!'of the A[Iaml Powder Company,at Yellow$pr1%ty'a.,1% tip y n cant in New Yolk. 21.Great crevasse nt L'ouuat Cerro,on tea Midisi pl river, 26,Conclusion of the labors of ilia joint -nt iia men killed I armit of Harry Genet and Tom Flolds for complielty lit Tammany robborles;indictment of Al yar Nall I trial I 34 fi p g WFJA,Guylnr b the Brooklyn Prvebytury Por alfowing hflas Smlla�to prenuh In els pulpit;datlUla murder and antulAn at ilaxrah, 1 37 30 igli commission;conviction of Lnurm fair of the murder of Crittenden at,an Frnnabco;nssnxdnation it Avory U:Peluso yy L f 1 h1 New York. 27.Taace N.Ruth poisoned at Lawrence,Kan, 8,Break In iha Erie^anal at the Ox Buw,nnarl'uirport. 2U. Con's.;by M'illitint Irving;*Rev.Pe or Cartwright,o Illinois,stricken with i 1tralyt s, 6.Aiinuni Convocation or t'lrand Chapter Z 53 84 lit New of 91,18,Tyndale nl Springfield,111. lt$yl<I Arch Ataxoms,S.N.Y.,at Albany;meeting or New 1 ork State Medical Society Albany;close of Dr,Cuv1 ",ansa,-- g 42 '�-i MAY 1.Garman ppenes celebration throughout the United Slates. 23.The joint high commission rosumes Its'salons I Rev. a no c^nse for censors;11 obsequies of General Anderson At Fortress Monroe;meeting of Amorfean publishlRs Ih Maw York^n 4 42 3i t C.N.Cheney glace t on trill beanie nn throughout til court at Chicago for eontumary. 4,Sentence of deposition of Rev,C,Tl. ;,;opyrlght question I railroad aceldent At Alton 111.-tally killed,eight wounded I Marlow,the Jsnnestowst N.'Y.,i nrdo;er, 5 30 ti 1, Cheney from t�1e mhtistary pronounced by the court. 6.Mass meeting of miners at Hyde Park,I a,j tituy refuse tea terms of pk ncad to be httnf�Alarah 49th. i.Alvord's d�addlenoy bill lutrodnoid Ill Now York Arsumbly(Jaoob 8rb�tllled by Juhn W. ff 32 7 i resumption of work pproposed by the operators; Westin co cl udec n walk of 2W!Alin*at St.Louis, Jn„n 40 hnun,50 enemas' - r ;cud 45 seconds, 7.'1'he town of Fn>undna,PA-,destroyed b'`p•it re; nnnlversarles of tit American Iloma Missionary aocrlaty and a 39 ,25 the American Feinale Guardian Socfoty.atNew York. 8. Ills joint high eomminloners alga the treaty of Washington; aonf- -Avery At Creekill,N.J.•National Turf Association atOncinnatl. 8.American Fish CulturbV Convention at Albany;National 8 34 ,`-?i) veranry of the Scamen's Friend Society m Now York;disastrous lire At\4'llmingteal Dol, 0, Auulveronrles of the Amart, Council of the Junior Orr;er of United American Mechanics At Baltimore r HoAV's educational bill paneled the House of Reprosanta. 9 3f3 and Foreign Christian Union,the Howard Mission And Reform League,Ill Naw York. 10.National convention ol'thu(r.A.R-; thus• 11.Areldent on tate Missouri And PAWlflc Rallrowl-twentypersons ItyJared Judge Ilerlrnrd'a and a New York national pence coneantion;American wotnnn s suffrage,cinvantion at New York. 11.1 fret Imbllcalloa of the treaty of Wash. discharged;Ainpor Ilnll,Now York,arraigned And ballad. 10.F�adarluk Shad4t;the Dwight,IIL,gmurdejerr, entanoad to 'Q 38 $' i»gtnn by the New York Tribune;the coal troubles u1 Sehuylklll county,lilt aettlad; can rersaries of aha American Bible folghteon years'Imprisonment. 12.Powder mlll expiation at Westfield Mnsa,l railroad cattle on at Mitaholl,laid. 1N,Ne�w '1' 4.11 27 Society,American Congregational Upton slid National Temperance Houinty at law York;reunlnn of lila ninth army corpa at I York Stato Hotoeormtldn Medical Society at Albany Briltah•Amerloan Mixed Cementation at Washington arUnurn to Afnrdb 20tFt; --,r'' Boston, 12.The Ox Bow break in flit.,Erie canal repaired;aha.o s eunio alit B is a co s,Re Reunion Iof the n Society lett ilia l locomotive explosion near Susquehanna Depot,Erie Railroad-three persons killed;terrible%flow stoma In Alimwsota--many t) premature publication of the treaty of Washington; fifth ane carpo reunion lit atedon. 18.I.Meati of the SInare of aha )ppenone perish. 14.Grant religious revival at Leavenworth,Ks. 16,Bloodless dual between ex-Sl'takar Carter and Chief of ! y Poitre Bndgnr,or New Orleans;collision or freight trAea on treat Mountain Railroad,Mo, and the ltaitaelarlt* Railroad l'n, Army of the Potomac at Boston. 17.Annual meeting of A10 New York Rams sell staled press. ]d.1 for coq o1 leo ftit s tartan general assembly tit Chicago;the Tribune's Washington correspondanb Ramsdell and Welts aril oleo far con �d of thn'annte; !J8.Exacutlon of.Bnrkhout Slaspy Hollow murderer;1 aitpdsa of hfonnon onrritp/inns nt 8n�t Lake City i the root bone"Iivtm- axecutlon of Edward lI.Rullaff n!Binghnmlolu,N.Y. 24, The trInl of Wm.Foster far the murder of Av ).I'»mnnl•aon- f bald"disabled at Mablln ttla.I hos Angeles,Cal.,assassins nryuitted without trial, 17.DJsnalreus break or an Sce gorge ht ilia At New York; resumption of coal mining operations n ll'hanlnto untiinnhX.IN TG.A+ ak Statia le Ion copranu�nt tWasll h li Ohlo river. IN.One of ilia Lae An ules,Cal.,aun•shn convicted of mnuslaughter. 19,Snow blockAde of the Union Pacific Utica. 23. Vico-President Colfax attacked with vertigo. Railroad raised I nr•cident at Port Dickspacn,os Delaware,Laekawnnrm Railroad,Utica Division;William Foster,car-hook d" iogton;ratification of the treaty of Vl'nahhtgtcn by Lhe .S.emits Ly a vole of bt)nye*to 14 ndvirces r Avery of Minister murderer,ngaln Bente ced to death March 22d I completion of rn lroitd bridge over Mlrt%onri river At Council WON Iowa. 2L Schenck And the British commissioners for Lngland. 16. Conviction of M'm.Foster to for the murdar of Ave D.a mining I Aar.idant on the Bnithoure and Ohio rallrond-ona man killed. 22,The Now York Central Railroad scrip dividend case 26,Execution of the murderer Charles Eacker at Funds; Wm,Yoder tnntnncod to ho hung July 14. 47.'sirloin wining decided. 23.Acoldunt on the Clnaltinati and Loulsville railroad-two klilad and fifty-two wounded;arrest of the Wbid- disaster at Pittston,Pa. 30,Decoration day. 'dr Lock%Conn.,murderers At Vanwort,Ohio. 46.Afurdar of 1)anlrl Kramer,and wife at SohuylkUl county,1'a. 26.Arrival of Junx 2.Rev:Charles T,Cheney of Chicago formally dowsed train tno'eptsenpnl ministry by Bishop Whitehanie of Illinois; 1 1 dis uNz 2 eyRev' iu Illinois. 3, )epnrturo.of knlf'hN iomFFt�ar for E»ropo;great flood at New Orleans. 7.Ant mannle con- Jnpane%e Mtnbasay At Chicago;aria)of,Mayor IlAll commenced. 27.Dr.Vanderpool Appoiutal Ilealth Ofllear of Now York,vice venllon at Worcester,Mass.;the grand Lodge y.at A.NI.Stato of NWw Ynrk coavenes At Albany, 10.Capt.I•Iall's amt!^exile- Cxrnochnn. dition leaves Washington;the Aforse statue In Central lark,New York,unvelled. 12,NathinAl M.Is.comp moathtg at Salt I MAitoe. 1.Government reply to Lord Granvllle's note on Alabama claims agreed upon. 4.Stokes'preliminary trial con. )ate. LAIu:cit•Utnh.: 13.Hon.John Ai,Fraueis,ndnl'tnr to Greece leaves for hi'post; the New York State Sunday selunol eludod•-the Indictment smstnlne. 4.Formal reception of the JApanose Ennbmssy by the Prw%Idant. 6.First meeting at Phila. teachers'convention At i n.Job Gov.cls,nanvatoes tea Midland railroad bill; ux Cnngressnan C.C. Bowen,of South �:delphla of American Cottorudnl Comndaloy;ren guntfan of Surveyor Longstreet.New Orleans. 6.Japanese Enubnsmy visit g;• Cnngroa; Artillery Asioe•!ntlon,Army of ilia Potoamo,annual moutinlpec at Prov!danee,R.I.; Senate{nvestlgation of axion Carolina,sentenced to two years'Imprisonment In Albany penitentiary for bigamy Weston walks 114 mUr'In 96 boon sari 45 "of arras. 7.Now'York Central railroad nreident erer Huflalo•Goorge"Willimn Purdy,Intense,Attempts to murder his two oleates. 15.Grunt Indian council fit Udtmulgee,Ind.�. tine Buttal^Express Milne burned. 16, C.L.Vailandlghmn tuel- at%furs suddrn ren tenrnnce of And C4nrvx In Now York, !{.Garvey reveals Tammany baud%in his testimony In apse of dentally shot;�txecutios ofAllko Ferguson,murderor,at Itftnen. 17.Bank rubbery at Gloversville,N.Y.I death of VAllnndlq, h:uu. 28.Dr.Connollyo of New York,murders hit two children and commits wiclde, 18, New trial of Dr.Lanahan before Afuycr Hall;Twear]ttnd Connolly rlieuppear Yrnllrond acradnnt Hoar 311ringfluld,btAsa.�tw*lvn ry^raans wounded i brutal murder the At. E.Book committee; national lnuslenl convention at Philadelphia. 4U.National,mnxlcQ congress at IJwtan. 21. of,IcNenl At Shelby City,Ky. 9.Leonard Marquardt,a spiriraahx,mnrdaro els wipe and three children. 11.Crvnrf).irow of I New York State editorial nanvontion tit Sarntofit. 22.George William Curtis nlipaintod civil service commissioner and acxepb; the Erie ring. 12.Jay Gould resigns cite Presidency of Erta J Samuel Fngne tnunlnrA ilia wife cul commits'elide at Green- •'•'' Cornell university commencement;miner*'strike and rbpd In California. 23.Joseph hlstener,the wife•umrdarer,sentenced to !bush,N.Y, 16,International demonstration In New York. 14.Revolt In Missouri penitentimioupl!raesod t Jail delivery tit •'••'' be hanged August 11. 24•The corner-atone at the new tntpltol at Albany told; Assistant Agent Lanahan doposed by the M.R. I Palmyra,Alleeonrl. 15,iiepmnl of aha Ttrlx rlassifirntlan Aad It'Now York A'sarnllly;discharge of Ire.Ruth,aha Alleged n000m• • •••• o hangs e. 25.t 11tivnl of oke Northwestern Stnngerbund 1n Now York, 4U.The hbhnirs or the M. Tl.church non-concur in plica of Dr.Medllcott,At Leavenworth,Kansas. 16.Ex-Collector Murphy to tIfles In Custom(louse investigation,accident on he deposition of Lr.Lanahan;outbreak of the Doutwell-I'lewAnton unrrml. 21,Ill,h.N.Potter elected hesitant of Union l the IInrtnn A Albany rntilrnnd-twenty parsons Injured;dbngrnetnttnt o aha jury ill the Jamal will rune. 17,1)oappmerate 11 lit odlege, 28,Reslgnation of tho lion,Floraco Capron,commissioner of agriculture; 1U3d commencement sit Brown unit with n negro nurdarar near Aiemphis,Tann,;opening of uavigntlmn on the diad*on, IS.fit.Patrick's Day celebration;boiler •"' "ommancemants at Harvard,Uuton,Cohtmbia,Rochester and Lewisburg collages. 2'J.Lewis 13,Dauggdna(colored)nPlwhdell explosion at Clnclmmli,Ohio-two men end throe ehlldwo killed. 20.Redpimtlon of Judge Waterbury,Cotnniltsloner to '''"' .� ember of the Territorial legislative council of the D[strlet of Columbia. J0.Fiat rumors of Impending trouble lwtwaot lila revise the atAGrtos of New York Slate. 21.Arrival At New York of Admiral Polo,now S}mnlslu Mlnlstar savers snow atartn In northern Now York,railroads blockaded savoral days;investigation of the c)tArga against Serrotnry off Navy Robeson coin. •••••• a ish and Orangemen of New York. nulucad. 22.!!Wiley ax loslnu at Treutnn N,J. Morrnun rimnurs Brigham Youn ak. area at to Uam 1)d»1 ,. Juev l Milhnry gntherings In LJlnh forbidden p ex-3enntor Grimes relurna amen EurW}ss i Q.C. JSowen pardona,l by-the p r 1 P gr i p Bass• 23• esideat 2. Pet IInlstead murdered at Newark,N.J. 8.San Fmnclrro relehrntas the'ope•a juhllee, 4 Celebration of B^filar explosion At Jurtav!city;savaro anew storm In MaI1a i Impenc unapt of Judge urns,y Missouri Legis acnes. 26.Now •..•` 7 merican independence. 6.Ex of Airs.Sharman,tee Connaouout murderess of three hunbauds and two children. 7, fork voucher thieves relilnsod al hall. 99,Railroad Ticket AgtniIA Convention at Louisville,Ky.;groat earthquake In Call. •.. " Qlcloue Indep Independence. ution of Naval Officer A.H,Iafihp of New York;annual raunlnn of the Horloty of til*Army and Novq of the fornix-twenty-threo parsans killed at Lana Pine, 47.Los Angeles,Cal.,Assassins convicted of rnandatghter-sentenced to two If, 8.honorable acquittal of Na•nl 11.I Lal�in dlsrhnr{'o of C.C.Buwnn from ten Albany pmtfuruthiry. 9. Tmrrlbla )'ears Inprlsonment. '18.Stray of execution granted Marlow,the Mayysvllle,N.Y.,Murderer I conclusion of lite Investigation of • ., ren in Ohio. 10.Municipal order Issued lit New YoA forbidding the Orange celebration,a riot anticipatud; meets at'the the barites agaht%t Jndgn Barnard. 49.Third Onnlzrbgatnnnl Churoh of an Nrandrrti votes to admit Chinese converts to mom- 4 iniss!on on steam canal navigation at Albany;Jeff.Davie detected in fivrants dolictu in n sleeping cur. 11. Prof.Noah 1>erahip;repeal Of charter of loutharn Jmpr^vam•unt Campnny by Pemu�lvunia LuggFalntura; murder oP 1'atrtck Quinn at Smugudt, •..'•'• A -ter elected president of Ynla college;ex-Gov.Chamberlain,of AJnlne,elected president of llowdoln college; llufrh I11nIr New York. 811.Charles A,Duna,editor Now York Sun,nrroatod for libel,at Balthouro;city of Kingston fuuuded by the union "" 41 t•'gshy elected president of willinm and Mnrqq collegge•Prof.H.All.B»ckbent elected resident of the university of Vermont. of Ktngstun and rnadoul. ••••• 31 Gov.Hoflmnn issues n proclmnntlon permitting tlne�Oronge celebration In New Yarkp;a rant ilea ensues in welch'averal APRIL. 1.Tornado n!St.Louts Mo,;<e Dutch Heinrich"iha Now York bnrltlar,sentenced to ten years Imprisonment I ops ... 3( diad rioters and others are killed Rud wounded. 13.Conunenconnenq at Xale,Amhurst nal tiabart colleg„s• severe start" hundred Indictments found for franrt against gavarnment In Now York t AJarnh Public Debt statement- !)16,000,h0rt decrease. 4. t,Louis,Mo.;convention of the raptthll ane pre**of Louisiana at New Orlar%"A. 14. Ittdd on illiolt whlaky dbtlllorx!p Dentis or Prot.S.F.B.Morse at New York. 3.Final hitermat of(lap.Anderson I resignation of U.S•Comptroller Il ilhnrd; 3" klyn, 16,Revival or the episcopal troubles In,Chicago;tornado at New York. 17.F itoerAls of the victims of the New l Fifteenth Amendment celebration, 4,Curd Voqt,the Boiginii murderer,committed for trial,New York. 6.Funeral Af Prof. "••"• 3^ rlatA;Indictment of the Tribune reporters at VVesbhtgton for contempt^Ir^agras. 18.Sale of the Raymond shares In I Morse;railroad accident at Brighton,I11.;Politool riot At Colurnbla,H.C. 6.Severest dorm of seasan in Wyomipg Territory; ' 3 ew York Times-Irish riot at Nmnuet N.Y-fearful storms la Iowa nod Tennessee. I9,Reunion of the arty of the James rnleasn of Lodknp Evans nbnrtionlat,on ball. 8•AIiuinq accident at Scranton,Ya.-one man klJlwl i tornado at Browns- ••••••, aw York;Gov.(loth inn denounced by an Irish Catholic mass mdating In Now York;State enetunptnontof the G.A.R•At 1 vile,Texas. 9.Tonth Nntfanal Bonk consplrncy,Now York;Michigan soldiers'monument at Dotrolt onvatlod;auutlon sale ': vn N.Y.•the Ulster count murderer Baekbout sentenced to be hue Sept.1, 20,Cotmnenvoll onls At Hamilton college of Union Ilate),Snrntoga. lo,Brigham l'oungre•elected President or the Monson Chorelf i aceldent an the Alldland ralJromd at ,`a cal,an university;earthquake in Dutc•hoss county,N.Y.; terriblegsto�m In Sullivan countyy,N.Y.• Truckee,Cal,, Htwkenaack,Now Jersey-one inan killed;Prof.P-+1 A.Chadbourne sleet"President of WpBAtus College. it,Split In Way! ""' $� yed by fire. 21.Tonth Anniversary of the battle of Bull Ran I Inglexldo rugatta At Sprhtgfiehl,Ain*a.,1111hentt wine Lha and Manna Committee on the TntlfPquestlan;sapid'! ,of stanmar Oceanus In the Mlaslsal�iF,l river-%lacy 1)r*s los!;explalnn o ••'*••• �T IAmlla race In sixteen minutes,forty-six and one-half seconds,ilia flisteet tlmo of rovord. 2R Terrible powder explo*lon and tug Davenport near Janet'City-throe liven lost. 14.Snow slides In Little C'"ttonwno+l,Utah. 14. Water spout In Irxuotnh, Lii. •-•••• , 34 int the Washington arsennl;Departura of Sir Edward Thornton for England first bola ofnew cotton received At Galveston, Seventh anniversary o,Amos%'{nation of Lincoln;Chat.A.Dan indicted for libel at Baltimore;dblwvary of the Lloyd iwlsdnt�q g name nt Leexbur Va,;United State'Sn renin Court dacidas t. h DhtrlctConrls Idle II constituted. 1tl.Airs, ill;publication of Gen.McQuade's letter on the Orange riot In New York•fl ret exposure orTamntauy robberies In the New q, p Sharman cont• •, ! •t„ e`Whines. 24.Departure of Prof.C.F.Ilartt for Braxll;coroner's Inquest au this victims of the Now York riot;miner%'riot milted ne ppoisoner,Rud Fenn}}•Ilyda,Brooklyn,mnrdleua,a dglred far lila!i National Sunday School convocation At Indfan- VV t' dor,Col.;earthquake At CAlro,111. 25,Dapnrture of Prof.Edward North,of Hamilton coltoga,for/mous I Prof.C.If. Aeolis;enrtlulnaha'hnuk In Altsaln(ppl;Aforan melnorial moalinge;Aire al dP Father GavAul at-Now York. 18,Rallroal*eel- " ra,of Hamilton college,discovers n new asteroid,the 11411; third annual a,nventlna of the American phflologicaf dent nt Crystal Hering',bllesixnlrpl;arrival nt Han Frnnrlaao of Yoehmla,Vloe A]inliter of Flmmw Jappan I tornsdo In South •• •••• 2R tl1 sat N1a'r Haven Ct.• tweet••sixth spatial convention of the Stain fenrh*rs'nssoclntion'at.Lock rt,N.Y.; Express (+arolinn. 19.Terrible annfllul polwaen United Slalas ofilulnla and til^xprradaes at Talnqunh,Indian �erritary. 20.N.Arth uakd y Ise In'I en»easee. 21.Tha llr in Hyde murdar trial dlan eo. 44.Naw tical anted for Paul Shoe a Au tat 4d q ... 34 g'.;tSt.Louts,Mo. 26.Terrible accident on the Toledo,Wabash mild Western railroad;'two men carried over Ningara I Y Rr tin pp fn I John t] K.nax ,•, ••• ng Ll 87.The murderer Zelgenmeyer sentenced to the Illinois State prison tar lire 1 double honaldsle at Lundox,Wayne county, nppafntnd Camplrollar of Curranuyy;A kneper in Auburn StnW Arbon atnbUad by s convict Fannyy f�yda admitted to ball;loco _ I taro of car thieves at Port Jervis N.Y, 28.AlurderNrs hot et Benham 1 dans and Prince George count}} VA;ter• motive uxploslon nt I arkxtburg,\V',Va.-three parsons killed. 24.JExrmtlnn of John Cooper Glovaland,Ohl*. 2b.halts or at Omuba,Nob. 29.A prominent Shenker absconds from New Lebollon�Ct.;bond robbery at Afedina,O.� 6o.Ex- Representatives adopts the I-It and resolution. 48.Five ppersons burned to death at Scotland,Albany county. 47.Oyer and )an,.`� ;;;• t Torminer bill passe*the Naw York Assembly 1 cldae of 11ta Mormon conference by Brdgham Young;reign of terror in Cess I !the steturlboat'"estfield at New York,1W killed and 2U0 wounded. rouht,Mo.•twr feet of allow fail In Little Cotonwoorl l.ltih mnt%ncro of 9 man and 10 womonn and clAldna b lndlanx ut f, 1,Reception of Lite new German and Netherland mlnlelors at Washington;the Savior free love And murder tragedy y + + i Y enclose. 4.Imm�guratinn of Preddant N.IF.Auckhnm,of the untverdty of Vermont; Icor. Ih.Colt declines the iIowar I's Wells,'Texts. 30.Rdlease of Brighan Yonuq old nthnr prisoners In Utn10;fell of collisauus al BWaldlb ofllobart college;government investignton of the Westfield disn for beg{�un; the postmaster tit Fnirvleve 1'n., AJAv. 1.Methodist Quadrennial General CWnferenre at IJrnoklyn i McCarty murdar trial nt Ut1rn,and hloatt-Cherrutmurdnr B or robbingthe malls, 4,The Tammany ring demands Investigation. b.Eighteenth Turnerfeat of the United Mates trial at Hartford,Conn. 6.Forest t res at South Mnrllai,Pa. 8.Dintunal eneAml,nha»t G.A.R.,Cievolnnd,U,I l.ono'at ConPer- Y N 1.Labor Union congress At Sb Loul'Din. B.Internal enc^African AL E.Church tit Nashville,Tonn,;davalry cons,Arnty of I'atomaas reumion at CJevaland,O. 8.Amorlunn 131b1n S is I consolidation of German consulates In ase York city. fat , i Soclat•nnnh•erenrv. ]U.'Conitnaficemnnt of al ht hours'err ka In �' " GWmmia!dner Pleasanton ens ended and J.W.Douglass appointed M the office. 9.Invest! tlon of the Buffenbarger 3 g I�ew York I Startle erob ane mil*In 9118 1 4;murdar of bass tit Coulon,O. 10.Negotiations for lila disposal of ten nntlanal Lean rnnrummnted. Is. 'era4ble exhlo*Ion of tire oumtler. 174Y AnalRvarsnrya Probyyt terinn allow Bear d of Forelgru Mtsalnn I)hnal Urankr nL IBI UNir,nealrvARoch)ast,r a o oust lJaf tku �wnsend's, a coal mine Fit Pittston,1'n. 14,The new national loan withdrxwn,lit pert,from the mnrkot;exploslnn of ilia steamer Sault Sto.Maria canal. 18,Buffalo harbor blockaded le"Ice•miner i'strikes in Miadhl aqm. 14.Tba Preeldent eubtnits gin clad Rollos, Ice Chautauqua. 15.Walter F otos centennial an attyCnthollo lecturer mobbed at pgdenxburg N.Y. 76•Con- new article to Washington Trent to the Senate, 16•Pt IcAton of Alabama corree dunce to date. 16.Prosb terinnp(4 ndrnl t16pr t'S L, d ho town of M hu:hester Conn.;ilia Stalin Islam!Ferryy Company declared responsible far the W ds/liald disaster by the AAsembly,Detroit,Mich.;Gooeral Synod Reformed Presbytery,Brooklyn,N.Y,I General Asermbly Cumberland Prosbytorles,at its R orkB,I u ttry 17.Dodlcntfon olf Iia sits a,lila proposed AI!Ica 9landlslt monument at I.)uxlpury,Ainix.; earupa of twelve aunt Evansville. in(] ;General Aseeinbly Presby'tarlan Church Routh,At Rlchi nond, 17.A*soolated Press Meeting at Now York; acqultt l ol`Sir*.McCnrty at Utlen. 20.10ir icing debate In M.E•Ganoral Conference over Dook Concern trouble%; BiKI!n-Coul- eur Englant - ter four•oared boat race nt Phlhulolphia;Blglln won. 21.Election of Bishops of M.E.General Conference;news from Living- Ram Heath! • .lona received, 21•Sacrotary Robeaot exonerated from Dana's charges;hrgpeachtnent of Judge Barnard-mottling of the court nt Albany. 43.Shnkeepcare momumant navallod,New York, 2f,Ordination of now Mothodlat fllsbops;sad mccld,:nt by fall no,I geese," ol'brldge at Itheed,N.Y. 26.Tornado in Aioraai County,Mo. 26.The Sonata amends supplementary article to Treaty of lesander,S At a meeting OfNo tVnshingtoo . 27.Explosion of tug Xpailon in New York harbor-sixteen lived lost'avronaut Atkinx killed at Decatur,Ala. Good Mrs.Smithers would gay, 28,National Baptist L ducntbunl Convention,New York. 29.Agricultural Congrose At St.Louis. 30.Docarattot day. unker Hill, mittee of the Southold Lecture A8S0-1"I'd put the poor thing In a decent dres!e; JUNE. 1.Suicide of Adan Fralick at Auburn;the season opens at Saratoga. k,AlolhotIM l�uadra....lal Conforanito nd Warne try,London sine file•11overnor Hofrmnru Imptcnted In In....utany,,mud,,assa'dnntlon or captain Colvadorsneo At Brldf.oport,Conn. 5•Re- dly,Paris.. eiation Wednesday evening, It was,I'd teach it manners and usefulness; formed i;imrch Synod,Brooklyn. 7.Arrest of Dr. Lannhan,At,E.Agent,Now Yorkt death of tea elephant!'!cameo"At ea OleOn,Po I'd talk to It more and spank it less' Chicago. 8.Release of Dr,Lnnnlinn on buil;hurricane in Ohio--fifty persons injurer(. 9.Cuban expedition from Now Ver . on's Del thought best to change three Of the I'd raise 1t a dlffClerlt way." 10•Workinemun's parade in Now York. it.President(:rant mild i'audly go to!ung Branch I nldamrr IChtgxton burned on l nil r + y'„ I Ontario. 1'.Young Mass's Chrlatiau Amwrialion International Canvontion at Lowell,Nixon.;loth National SAngerfaat at S elson s,Loi numbers and employ all of the talent (she always adopts quite a critical tone, mels Pil of the Star Lyceum Bureau. The ace Vendoinut hasn't a chick or child of her own.) "riot When at last the \ver was c one, spell- �� ajan Ron1 y less grandchild urged, From the Japanese, Iashingtou, course will be as follows: � l Q� "If I was rennin'this Government," "SVilen horse and foot and navy In one'rlghtoned Glob was mcrf;ed. From the Alhertwum. ork,Londe Nov. 9. Dr. A. A. Willits On as Sun- Old Henry IVIIIlams would say when things the Japs had clamored for they got, Among the fledglings "I'd show'em'at I was President; with Interest, Of tine nightingale r �' Lbe1....... shine." 1'd bust them trusts to a large extent; And all Manchuria became'the yellow peril's'nest, the ouekoo hath his birth; Llbee...... When N1ck had figured up and found that he was alone Is he; tpitol,tiaras Nov. 30. Thespian Dramatic Co. rd show some good for the money spent; clown anti out, nor like his!father slnileth, tthedral,A Dec. 28. J. Williams Macy and Chas. I'd run It a different way." With all 1118 splendid army turned Into a graceless nor Ilke,his mother; LthedraP C (.end Henry Might spare the time,no doubt, rout"---•--- he soareth hllrll, and flleth r.y For lately the Sheriff sold Henry out.) Shut 111) you kidovttcht"snapped he, to the moor side ) tthedral,C1 Taggert. Russlan victorce." amld the white flowered bushes, ' p `_-_.._'It was a .-_. _..___ _ _ . _._- ._____..-_ and with his'singing rr tthedrat,L Jan. 18. New York Artists. ----- A Sul If we were In some one else's lace Tllfr.ee of tL 10,u d. the welkin all resourldeth-- Feb. 8. COI. H. W. J. Ham on , (You know that Is what we all say), the oranlre blossomR the ITIJI .a r, 'Clre'd do all their duties With ease and grace; Rehccea--You see. 1 met Martha, and she Is so ' he rendeth as he singeth. ti undo,- Snollygoster in Politics. We'd set'ern an unexampled pace Ila rd to get away from. and all,day long y Conhl Mar. 29. Mendelssohn Male Quar- (It's almost a pity it's not the case); Rachel---How flinl'Y! I've heard her say the hinnd bribe limen aid lI We'd 1111 It a different way same thing about you. ne'er far away to Ay. tl'OILl t h tette._________.__----- ------------- --- (In spite of this fact,people often will tell Rebecca-Drell, that beats everything. I've , but In my garden jest for•t -Us vre don't rule our own affairs any too well,) heard her say It about you too.--0nrtnnott Corn- aeon the orange blossoms ';;til Sllhs'e ,__ ChlCapv New;i_?rlrrclrri TrlUtut..• _ �` to Sit and sing for ever! �>3txloT +� at jet trldwr btwtrwfRRttr soo lra 30o i t o itWN"J& n+aQtl1 the Itttd tia111M t t t�elut i tww. �atslaves In i�bruit tis a 1�. t �,or jj9e 11 bv7et• tltn saEbeT'haw1#ta+rri#w,stile etald t dt.11raattt�a wattfbl�at +a4a«+r►it b t i +t tbirtX« In tl 011 N0406MM Ejts+gwdottR Ca as L,i tar nt•tJ�- wtautlaa,arat, u rural,wa `+ 1MtrtoTJb two alar braaratit; 11Mututltrtattes+wtr wba intra �� the �fi�►te+>� rAer� �a't•rt►r[r txa tea txx oopolr of tltlas arrtlrlY,sai�wlMap�lar gwrt�twMr erg a tem�. 114wy wri)rro�aT �� as tttpwt'd�add 04 a ttW In dry rant. 0a a. u a paa,a,w ate., stating win.ta t�•�11rra1Jt at t,,,r •lrrwd IM21y,F.iY. t1u+ t, RaYd latatadtrltaoal . —Count.Yta41 .t. ltc► ItMtt~r+•llutt �' r [}at.sr-- !! rrvtawostit Pae- perrarlRt, enasa6tlral by C:_a,attt 1.CiRorb of �. t wrO sthe rld1wsu l WWII Aaarlrwtw+r _ w��10 slut+ AW. t,9.---Itr Chart+4 W,ttliks t tt t7asa.sai, t eastt Ctrrwt6 tuttttnt r�[stfa tlPattTtalt w>r.:?>� slalltloww #a"111010 tArr, �fi 1n Uta ttratmb at Con tc�vuitli• t+tt. - rltlY Rt�t#PstMlYttttl[t MCYtttrlt t�j ta" I, ltN�$ �� " tlf1�CaRttiN a#1"tMlttl I Dad.%t,—Vr1u t1 so"or XIng 4 k,t�C11M'Niter 1tt� +C+ il( Rt At UU47 If tin RAY w+ ak►a +e1 lira in i � tt th U� Usk4 1i a irld.t"Hi." aq O ej +Mpt101'� — MIt11ti �tt11 llellI• Ivor,t„ i7bt WAI , 43 xQW-'J J ttmrt ti err awo#titser7t lbet,a at ,�--�Mt Ott y-�ts1Rp� r rmtr+• So ��u a�t" I�•r Allow,va, .�a�at+ to ltt.— >1eadM" atter � IsIIIar1w lftark, uArpoof Wo#�nrtie+t Now C 14or CtY laYtrdap +L�tlaln+6 tin• 60 tM6t;ila)ar MOP.eat $aa0 or t.itrat t4rtaad titatka Aloscte Y!'rttt.tit, l�#tllt and a atailtttntr i t�urnatl to'�ir'twtt W of�bar the p"Io of a%rt1t,� at Now- V swim to TbIt tlwnint�, l'Rr itt sta^ip r#a ao►+roo tR w111wot rd, > 'r Yt�—nit�eRtY at t ft of+N1R"born to Jany t —• iatltrnnnr�1'. 1.. bttt+4ad eft t lileaa etdfalat Favor. go lives sire. It Altlimblr Ta#ouf d flvus rAr kind. Jctrt t7.-- t"mtatr0a►t�tr trf tiraRt Isrrtx6cstf wrwr• t tr #rt WOW ,h, 41O &a lts� hlllalsttiaslrs TWO questionWrn 0 'row fit W1 of�nf�PrttlirlR at sm. l.ar'rd gawp sertrod twit � ws01 *uaa��� �`x:rt" 1f Rt�rtwtad Ira a rpt aa^ottla otl title t of tl1#r kltt#waatrs ,art tft+td aryl!atolft'• • • ss t r•raa.undw Amir or W libe ,R_ �.sura!H'"axo+td- 2fawt'til,tt i s SA00� �♦ ftmiew"4 for*0 � � t�tMl�lrnia a jun.Iam-- �with daa lbe tieh t ; "WIt"0 stad•�te. fa► e,ntt►wY l atrt,► t l is Y 1b PTaI; bl'attllr 1"nNar apt . �I.-. +c>latttr xupadtYr 10 tooth llaw~tt� >It#M►Itl Iwr ial4 rrlteriit t ywr�c_ l+ t tttrrx� ;u . JPW S ttFRYtwtr, untold t�ltmt W ,as. t try .'fart,40t l el. r'a"*AW rtr+ ,Id"'aft J t �hwt sA 0X1106 arrIgm is New-yeirk. p41 bow-eit+a,a� tip. � I was tits of tho C"�,urs ou"0&mutrd etll tnrwUast, .11drw.r:t.-pawriatkrR ofOW46 vI Thwxltn,ld1tata j.-=1" d04 at tlae � �` tM!!1.atw t;1� � �us* barn Atte•I t Ttataaf J #� ltt sat I+tris 17, �. 11trltwttter i1`�tanatrsea. rrlflt �_ tJua►fatvst lrlttaswnetut arMtartP a'OrrR. tja�ta e,f C1 Cttt, x+ tho ieitato DatAttt o t°watTntwrtr �t�ttiwatt at nth o�� 1,y,�iTlawrt, +� ii�t �f 1I� Mari 11#6tt tit olaatSA�t t3Rrt>jtwttat. twewal► `atnw�awilw r iihtw Cltwr�eawtittrrwi. ./art.s taart.+rttt<�st+ti trr this t'i+saTttoata, in # st 1r�A, W i1 lr n It1r 16s�tu t vo. Jata a: ftrr ttr* r-t+itioattx,a+w tit l�lrlat "�� ate +UAt,s .s -.tteYar oy, liow.-tat A i t000lrwtlwt kv tttratrW;tatk at>s +rlrltt I _ Cbs+ t� ! 'liltr i! 1' 111411"F&WO. e _ attaet a tCu wrarrr+aaPw oft!. , I �t rsf t: at b a la 00C�VAk*ba , satlllsrr b t.otwt ltt*aswaxttak a� dVtsatflorril at `1"IIRt6 rrwrid,spt lrw�Ya, stwtrwt•, YW.t.-•11WU ts. YvIIo w.Ir�rsW4 In tha rit t+r�e��ltx+t rf tomar Itw I�satb t�lwY�rllua, of��.daarwtt't ytttt[t ift People' q � IAar.t i��r�it11 a t1�'P �aatf+ITt� drivl a+�a ataxy lytta rrt;Ir. I'Yt. � Or tslYta>l0*46 WrYwriew Iq tho iatltattt A004 sttlr�fit 0 this W t . w a atatia14114u of liho 416140% d�t+w.1'b to titls., Bra«t. tu#wl BoUrbsUl`s ta*Army aafthe � ia. Ct"�r�rr ra,p := 1�r At. Orli. to I�M1et1 to [+Gtra[o• t' �1 I dirt tarsd Into switatarientt. I ant tba aws. rtarna+i au �ati�afx6 bo• �tir;+aa a tiw arMr• 44 Itw�-V�iliaat X.'I*ww�t wt .aYd as It IA PW,A.- tet Hii l Valil od aaalthe"th�na,palrtkrt, awl OW'' 1Nt! at(0444; r�rl l by Jud,tatr- atit OW- of U.'l"i M4 atr"tsael is ata+dTt1 � rlll►a.�.--I� t+e twrtwrdted oQ' t_.v ttlrr st AattYl 100 Was dt+eturer ss to nett,� �ItnwTrtw of btaslf nsai+ataara#, tiff uoitt,by �rtbu�t i9gttattatat p6t�rrtir of tier 1 , C ►a lila iii ttapo y s�atD a. Csla6t°ierr II't-.401W tort lsawf ul ilso 1t'rtr.t{..-- Mtti►a�at ti�eioC�r I{s Ho+r Xcstlt, ftt ib+rtr sxt I rlt trtatatt*h Iqr ltt Itl�rI ettnitatat IAatwrarriRst titear Mttea t•�il > i taYu t tba attatcvYtytl �t�trswtanYtswtlittr > ahsassiatttate r.» .. i�RVtRI ttallailttalitt.r,tattaxatle• w Trost& Atutaartblr toot st l� � *4&W f ettatt laTrilpla.. Rrsd UN WAY. Y. ansa. PMof COY itYtt ltnd AM It 11614 life*#we�by tiro Toro#-w ,ty,--Th rr�a elooAd f!btcd ltarmove tat the . t 14 not hito via nti►th&k be rmraiiwiapastl ISr,rttt9wsltYOp at rtwarla. �lad altayral v titwta.tt w If I,g*'0i,,ilapalr. ralth and ae6trt do"t ,an Its aevt+r ilia the(rush I�"o, aa1,-�ltrwlltttlattrla a •trer4i ref , INC ?rad ftrrW by tjjo it 04404 biwk to fratmoolrt by The Seeaito+Q+t+Itw- t'tratst �y tutu� 6c Ytat+r. lam?.>3oirr►al s aartttn tN#ttlttt+ta a1 w riot If 'to ga pe wVttwr bank AWTttat that)*am It not lair rtt"titatt attmt, XMIles. a+ Baca and a part at 14mbo ended t1�6 l"+�Ad Comm"[", Abate iii�d of ttRtt�io6tt�•-i�tlawartet )to tttt�t.mit tart.ltr Wit. >etrso C#atrsrsxay. .ldtyir r.>r-U.fl. ('elan d+e1�ed is Akwar it"d idl etaut�tat unit Aar+r Ili r frd„ $7.-�r 01ta 111 b t'r)ttrnlltlrl+aa Ott the AIahR- oOii ilio ter Of lira E, tl 'T. a^ 'I"Altt would brWC dowlt int Itswtwwwe at d it*"Sol treat!jvtd of leatw I mai and oth;,r Itr�tltrh-Autavkett etaiunta betdt�t A", d>awrtle" "W ast„titttim. 1*04< ata vii small Ataa�arknrMMrtlRi krrier�tTs awns aast�tsY. algredt,tltt IYI t1" ii 1p Iiia afo>Irtaat9tre t tbtt t Plat• 1040*Ota*arts h for o atW eyed to tYkmm—• 1110 64au"neaw are awr,wyaaTtttitaMw fatllatrsouu MU Yr.-�ICtwtr,�attd xtl'1'awrie#1�►� It Itola�, Ips,,ted tr'f6ttl �'bea,t xhoetid tinruMetaw nt tlitt basis.+ub3+;�w ariny. ai ���!• 'lYltts IYAt Iliad thus fa►flRbtat+trrYf ter"k'1M�1Lii, lei ttct tY.tTpp.1 ox�".H,IsxtrY6t:,r in :tm ­--at" , "4aryl tbetr babes alt*%hot hPA06 61 , craw raf tltrtr t of;t••xar rst++ t'sYtnatsts+tr,namrtr #lbrtlgrlaMa( a I�t,tp+rat ra(11NsAdatJt r tt+ , 110141-10 t�MT� OOL droll ngk4ftm of eiatr tralalW- I would deist.iri1hallttr burlb►rre taY K Y+�rs a:t,In 1:Ytpiasattt,Jultr .� tttxacarbrYtttt, rant atlr. a�i4 #Sf*A"ftAt� ?~lit It"ao vurpttatrt tet 4^,lodvo+ autiqu limltts,�r cSn IYutYa,tt1+►turlaa twat arrtnwn.�WipoCa p. JWkii d., ata•3mminf' of !�. Aut001t.tartt ar Iwirlt sraar#. lint tr i,•-#fit fltta�tt ra *ark,Jett,6, ]IlalYllr,ljvc€ St. etnawaia .�n4 tro 1t Is tm*krtt%wtstrr ...ter....:, belt rt0s4 terra Rtrt�m �ha t ?be". W# Rtr+rr.i1 That he%%Ill am iftila�ltirtMe. --ar r"IYr tcAI*switu#ittlito 1'> by mita taratth.entitl+trat tq"oer a agar. IftA l"r rAfte 17`Sil'1,X A tlterta"Ad Pluto he Wit!tgrltu b !Tate Iklorwa,1','in Lippitoraws.is powerrul its avisly It,awita,,Iasaaa�, Yt9a tss:ttt Yaltb Yturei at rxYast.sl'eatrta'1Rts U111*081 In artAa[Attlnat pootry.. Flats at rtttna#rf of aw®tptfattatt toTrm+aRtfAW, � � �� a�naiibCl#tt�19N1 • ".iatd t V 1 vlatryaarl to tat�hxurs omw Atltd maim wel e a sari of blea IYY the hrasrt of the ttr You tterrtd ttltia3 atalfr#w'srtlats6 fly. e*lttle I latalrtwd f+n,rwa rd iltwdfr to Wit s An irnet � to ftrtnl►r rata[Aruuslm4+ of to I+ttYiClr+d wtart�t! �1'k"tt�t:lfi� ��` t111t. t'3�ut11- brro tike ra tit i twftrrr ma x tsrtarrtats I tt vrftistrttprast.lmvo rroatut°w,titresbEby,And nrtrt.atl atttrrxt, t raved"soot 1.11141 t�rttttaaw;t of am 11AMintarra. rTkl �.#ltrfil",� a�►stlaut-laA#l�tt7 1a�a1t hold at s v".trrfextittY^taa+.'who1pYr+rr�rr istrx 440t, p Y�+ HoltYlumt, Hall arta Haturx� evt�rlln . t 01w" w:,rrAIrt of lata. real trivid go loot t %ow 0*Pft lr � r4 ".ttrauxaY asttsi +•rwierrYn and .rasnbru it astataod. etNi out 1lartta RM you aRtlit tit#raur tolti t"ns po w writ. :Tbv nominating t•ofninittatt#t rVCoCM0jW. And niraaxty•wnlfle$Wt NMI.anabawt.rtart [ wax alone. "d an tray Isswiseat total at take winif. trtl that the Marti of �'t"tlttta I'm"lar't lair be et vw en(mot, stVtcttn tril like a fog, ifs ttr swept hy"like two". `t'o."y t 100d to Ott www.?*WU naartt. Tau uni$#n a d,of alraurrttx„WA I Du you a ind atft rout ttt�tvn Yaaust"pow. llrlC'� frum nin# to 61Ctvalnl &til ranrw't r,oiift trs ally drat main w+r04 Us. "It Wait 1,rrttet7 aattatYttly cwlysxtt6. UW blotted !a+°ltanrr advotttle 1 abaa.Ttd"youir atlawttttaa+trd few W1h6 the following, fiwWlW grin I' ta'ara�Nwttyt, atr�1 tt. Aew mt �r la You, rtwy burwXtaot,arra UP"suit*A**' errs nmt�r>nbom- RoV. �,m. It. Mur- 11.tt.r.°3�.ir1�' .111t k. And oar of the baaittr vs'aw'lartuw. &n4 toe otbrs' - ►,r,it WA* rain. in rein I toy u"A IIW ati tr**"tomy,y, Rev. Fiahor ii.thew`o, Rev. I'tt. I&M tirod of the news from Axis; you litfhtiy lip.tour»writ Wer*" an". W48%. lyra r�etUV&Utlott tAiitxrt "TWO 411T) 1ltltttw hung tit thr Amiltm, t+.r.r►ct 4r1,1 .Tats!otitis A Drtttrl tYtslr#all Y*Att MM. H. Lkil d. Rev, A. S. I�l�y anti I raartt [tat for rosrtaip of alilut>r ma chtw—W nitsty atphely* vatrss k6o tt voter younste"we arta,or Iwrrtw• Prin. Rev. F. & DoGola�ka, ex e�t�ido, Nor r*porru of that primo of,akwkra, Anti Yny noul+uanit as 1 roar I,ttwm. Icer I know lbr-tr ��r vitpttit�of tliul� t3�li'!t, Prof. A. P. Utvv me IAA whiter'#pa"r I tray to 11*"rwtllt as a nY#natal . oa'era tilt,tatt and`I'a+swraw. And laxats•"0 me YrritAls 1 perno atilt,pfe,i,tlrYtr In your WWWrof torwro ri". S111'l61, IL H. kltitttting, J, C. �etttt ACO, With A fond r*rm the pAge that n lard way ay W"!arta twhlnd Yate. t orkwar4 t distmi You taautlly Stix your Aheorn of hoirtit%U nrtaaw, , With than IC"I alit tweawtber u rs, not Ca; And to ke a walk with ft'a do amid my hair. Henry Terry, Thomas Farley, f tsrstt Upon drill Portal.attd my haaar•t hrtrrtkar with I'm w*k wttbr Aying at,you round tho room, 000- l";• J€!P211t 99, ChUS. l.. Sit-rlfprd, Lean, rine to read of the sltatistir the blow. :%It.trawl onve morr:rr,Ya'ro ntat.ttdIrur nn Yny at*A*. Ju stive Jame Lowlit Cast!, L. W. Korn t'1•barre the rtvvr ie fr'olzen tight, Jtwarst for ons blawl MI Item you*re oft awaalo. And this traattaa than t tulda•t Cei into tslw n "firuttuid,wid tileedtnig, arra bll d vd• 1 ftYrml the And tsl (Warr h&rrin ottthiibit 6t my t+cwA! and J. N. Dir-lit+mfl The linard will Pevatuaaa of the ttrlow laatatit night; halve to "love m"t for organizutlon At the oMee Of To drink of Wwm pr+raertc trig" I tYtww4d, thrcrusth the dr nditti doorweV 't`1ta+u !YY no 11,110 r taro Oaten!react rant i know. „ Indlicnaantly I rotuse. B�►tYtt illi a Ilaettta►to rttakA rr rrr 44COIN rcresrtr, alillttlice Jftue L. t,aawrt, ,otltholtl, tit} , Paper anti the a'tthr.r Rleir~ swtt+m I.trVa°." talo'ar YtYrt IA,at vvlut,rYrat 'fhati[to all Yty)'firtdr of a3r�YYatts and pxawar. $1ttufflay, July 9, at ,'l 1;w, ni. Several ti'rth ttrr. 9004 mrd w l"Ither trwit, life 44tlt(*Atlollr �tt.awtst't.aartto�ltei sett#turd get It tial##101,Pi -. Iyra 1H Ivti,�fr�er. arra At awa t i a`an in Y t Itnt �IY�"II,tIt rAttthil F1 et lltifrtttlt fl, atlas Int>I`ltl l re t 'tc1 Ira tFtr ... .._ ttte Ott 1ti t t�a l fta•t•t. �y r� AxfXare. lr s" It a �.Ya'IltK PrOrrt thr `.ovh r 6 Ruta t1t>tit h+►Bald s r•lilt ,7ryt�rra tt. they could runt him any que4stion thoy liked. st.btn(tm• tll�tltltill�r�l'+Ct�tlat]�ti.tttt,� a tjftf3t'ttlll arl +t. tt dR7r±En"t rny' try iof o'r rafl't'tr r, l�c,rran were atkrti attci z0rstiett tor. See$aIr oa#r Iropew�uti»y fawryer_-t belitive you strrt0 w YYanttY- �aetlit�til"fIIN llt�#t(1("ltti:ltitl. ltlstttlwf tfl� �r�rl b tarp}i en%t%yttisrinYri*as��rnwht" little fellow In deep theYught, then tnaollvr "It'd ber,at the I,e!►ulsture a vetr or twosgo,Mr.111ark«" r)+t�.trvh Ytw rcer-,itrfut To+lrr 1)11 bIYYY fair a etucatio.n. `l'tt+r lyra!' attYaworitd T+►2ttt Colg#mtl fur t1w Dolotwo—1 taek 3•eYtfr` 1tonor`s l� r cent of the 1?IeTX ber't♦lwl Y it. is i"aitriY, whwi he, rri}+llrr•s, l 1m 1kit+ WW l t Q#]1110 tl l'ii, f .ki VIM �+i+rTt�llti+tit rt r.P' r+ur krait'. Crave fmwe- O l o nt• to};Cart'. "d'xrlrat«'r qtr. If reYu eras 1tY+► swnft Ynudltratt Yap 't'h�t taarh�-1 do not ttatnit ttruwrttfiYatrnt to "r,rwrrrti,f. 1i?I-par ,010 Il,tra"rg T,ttclag tit 9t 1Y A tYYR'rP. to "our Tterk and 1 war t� thrnov a tYrteic iti l•oa,r ' !�b'i►reTar+aoe f�*vii 11#ILOf A r-clot �1"t'illf47t'j'tTT. brad.would you duck?" or two 1 t ntt thr tithe-r l,m)d.v air t r� 'Tkie+amwe•r Is not recorded.--7`tt }lyra, �� � tAwy'er But. Yater Honor, ban t t 4r yw- tear tadlc i�r+nrsrt r t i��}es t}�,r* w.._.-.- rRtatR6btitttb raflYtAtrwrtafiaaa+RrVt`r, tit+,l tlti s, C'r:vrirti ]i""I 11it tit.-iii Like hrnm hinted prlaty, a 'f'43at ftI104 -iY7r ttte.t�IL rix lrVaridtlAfr 1r"ll avert I�+ 'lt'itlie wT rtrr>i�t lnt�,tr11 ret +t lint Ynnrsalinjr Ittsil7le• tett tC�t +Q IIY #t'at4R I'r,r any party !k,rbin't rorine,it to rlrr :rit'irr•. +iirYt. rl.,tAt•.^-.�.c3Xlrrn yrnwvrtstrM, That will par. }tort lY era _ ori tc�,5rc ��tt'rrrhfTway(rrlt .�atar. Ther i;r•a•t,rr a�t.,Ia r,ag r•r is F _ _ .., ;*rra�•h4 a•be nt rlrt toot err•- R Xi Jrtrologn for 11 . y +9 am JMi11- +�C t�11 tltrrltic,�a� ut the AAA racbis,'l�awat 91 iniaterof romlyn AQalm Clean.04mr.t.. aa4wft 1.lwIo&mtf,lsrort,br at iwra�tasnttac,ptw tivltt. J,1,u1►llaaal.New tlelorwas, of +a>. rin-•+ +i it EAMW4 1l'Nr°vtWt.3rt Wst+Rrrror►deft - Alfortt, Henry 11 i.t.,ttwj Umn of L:antorbury Wilk+nlitut,ugh,Earl ult kSt j a�taVievMy u(ladle. 1M !w► M� br theftillxxry ttatlttsr,latadon.Jan.to. IEM&st, xatti 04,1111mvet,Orlpadtw-Umartl 8 •. d+►s,)e�rbloresr•a,trra til tbta Tres, a '�" �A 11�a rr1t iloo trip. n =4rR. i�std. V*'qmV4 Ito 46 V. rrl+ar lhtartr c►Mtt.t 1. Maar, 1twrte nws kaaalt lraMm$�f the xetbigo. 4 sa. �*p#ttoz►ltxl�,�vstth. tiuslxra, Commantat VW04 � pwa refer Jttt 'be►zttel mss.lW,)camp>war, i'�reda, 1+ r►t ��� ten. i!t tlttt�,lst fir,11.1, II,D.. aatltwlt4Mril1 !!Myra i �aotaa Irtpatwttlr«t. t!x- 111n r . .ttw•l yawteaxW6 Uiltallaid tlytr t;m f�et]0 tit X►,(1 Aug 114bt�gu,Chxrlwi,(eti•)wxltittatatatlelall,1..utarJrsn.� flc by�i ta�slarat st!!w i lattiar�wakar. Baker Cry.,Crt+x t HiRhtlp JYnlhxrdiRt Klrlrra t =U yti Lrra►lont#1tM e1M.. 4 # ►11. i pq!�It�tx' t'ors+natrd,iK,111.,Ili.0.i. 1l+�ipa OWN l riliaas atasllrnr, t+*awr ; lei M ttltlas arw ytrRarswtatt�r> lleaitioy lttttirrt,t ,l publWitar ium:l tutor.Lou, k1pleb, y, • � �f a(iliwt�'�,g,(X. adOit,l�t,pt. r:, 1 ,tt,lbat la'.1M �- i!.1�,a �lltw tlrwp Wayo, tont (t.4.) alaaait"au, 111aa7lta„ . ti.b JIL,tttR),1aeat/.h, Ssilttf tt,t ttir4IttaArlllu J13�J��tr��•.tr��rrt10% air «Tuba Fart, { l"luld-Rat" latrult.AprU a. � ,'Ile c It arm�r,Lo Wray, i Mata r.(t)_t Gotbor Gatwdka wsrtU4 e�+toNwii�as T rftseata ��' �� u� 601 reltr ilttxtren t')tarinr,(�i raoalt�J►aall ata xwvlk 1t.t I r'q,Allect,t )au �F►it,0.a. tlibSatker,abaN by tM+l K�eaaawNatl�wl� rlal A kUT'Plimbts. �. - r.ttl`oti Is. mar &. a,�-� "1110! a a0W%Aw ��►" 1 bow lea t t�r�,�,tilE1 c'h+ttlktat•$oltl. ( i. Rohr� 110.';.til)aatlwr r,td lrtattaiA, lht► ea+rs�tllaR! arrltlww do arlt)y t'Jf a TWO' d'larlt, !`gado"yl►..��, T#lr or x(. �rlintoh �f t Vista-Opal attbsa+a�; Anti 111, q Z t. (7s,) abt,r e!• t s- «y A 1►l�yt et Mart t.ta . son-Opal 1I., (61.) reruatd SnJt r, floury flea hell � �1M i0atd��I�Mt NE�:� �t t lax, fox-dlaatastast to NkisingYsy Ga tsaraatt, iuls"W.Uowb, txi,.l tide► �� i3dth JM. ., oaf T1iftlsArtw . C't>VWGJ+o n s I teraattstitra In t,lnugr©atrt llr M way,11� �+0au.alrr�r «�� �11�� 1't tt. Rats. attrlettqts•Jtw.to. a. <�.� ft 0410,1000 4010 Jlt�awrt has, yt41 ah walibbtuwp efr 1tSrits,rltLoy (ah1 IlrltwtttNM��M•• Ijtr it l n R �t'aa.po,"Y s� is 1>rt�' * as I)xvts.Tha �°I ibrttlaAasatF a +rRiiltiaWirwtlwt„ M aa. aalldaJllar�J 1� Ott{° 1#na,Nov.a, � tll..ls., Ia :#+tit d 00L s �ItCrtls�tal(7+tta�ls 'tit !)n(�tspxxin. A aflltitgnM (daunt,taaatbcwl, �' s rSarlat)(Mt Irf'attlt► ill' all IV* is" ttattt®0.a.tiw#titerltelwl to ltls>r, 01:11 tN"to 4.1lh,06 � �+or+rb6t Jaatrla&ral by Wa Kuek C#ittrles ,(yt)gttrallrt,Ant,atq, the Wtel cw t t1, t tAelttr Wtait Is 'N Pads,W� `I�rtaif.�ar I100rr. tat.) • +t th7" � a� � ��� itsllir+rrr ,r,0. D0114 a IU401k, ,ua#s,{afA, llastoutupint ltttsaltrr. fate �lpsa ta11. ►a•�t - W MAY tut � trait-klr tAAi► 1��t1�aa1 IIl+ltknt. Uat wttr rtn�.ls,arlttt'ttlltna!»t,1"arils.A a A tt. t1R,s +�� A uwtett,ft!Inrwt mite at p. fit 1tI rm, fes,! da4go or huptattru VoaM. May !Mur,l + uR +hMa+I� 110.t11 ttvapr► iba ly`lattfyt# c�toar. #�.,I,lttaatr4 4w.;, reel W .JKt #;n1ua� Mi� a waiMlttT woad tld,t Iklt pans• la a !la M, n Au sttl (64 malltouisttelalt and , .y thx•ta. aM aAttaltlgeestat"y'tttwtt �yvaatsex, tattttapat �n, ayt ea, # it. xVW I')ambro r tw Cgrw.)Sarttlatttr.!'R'a9•e A I a . t.,. •�1pte R4,� ttrt tt►at+rrd kll Jkrdtbrct�trraki�,+t' ( �,1 p rwi# rvNit t� Seta,L(d#~lug tba array O C%onanatsaa, Vieo�atod ai tM: +� 1St ► etri!)l I Perla,lata Kia lrwptry,6rlu,)tualtaittlwt, wwou"t M4. � 1)onalso a ita4MW Jarkoml,(,t,)Candlalato lktr IAlttd4111 .Ari tw. wrlprlr a ilartr►1+rttcwtoaatUsl+. qua 3is Meta-1'rwatdant lou thew rillutterte lirha}t to 2291il, 1'nplasarw.>,c1a�s frttaslyrb.(tij.1 Cdtaaataartt otalew + tltaull taaw D1 �fAttawl arattaretdrirt at tlwM iktgar,arttnrl berttf-t>atr.r at ax!kiln#tttarr to 1'rutratlx, auiplils,Jtltaa ab tttatat,tbpt, awl. l+ Me11 rat 11l'a1l�ill. ar4 III totabwty e, 1"13111 ut, jwy W."tltrww.4a A.(M.r. ,Trl„pal1, Josiah. (f�1 �0 V,10 X MW atl.�err 160 artrs t*411e1 alt AS, 0.a-+i��r,1 Seer tem hum t� +�atrapwrrl- Pmlt, taetl+ra in Coa4r11rta t�Ir N ttlliRatnatlth r 1!�rs• eartit< Win►.ow-Yorit, J+l..t.,April 6. 1AKrud T.��Itrallsotitet t► •t r a0.lt�o f� 'Awu►+t� C'�+t 1ys�lR+ke�rl rtWtll, t a:� -116lM+1180 tail'Ata ws as 1"atra�t�t!ct( Jttt�tAou,Jaxtmtt t rtSd lCrtatettiittl e0.••��uttray ,"' rRttel, I YI! Jia►>twt trifrett rtw>t �ppy_ *�a ftt#lre tt tsttdwrtl�at lam at�.� ttaa.tyt" ►1[beiw#an,tM.a i►u*u11� rr ,, t ow'I Jt'a,,flaaa,all! a ttw Yew.a)atsir.7betllr1n► %,- 1 blud Milo taapl lot, at Now•sicastw ark, 10 L sty t o tllii soeo tM o#tit Via• mrtaar Tttu+msalF �lt,arn�aJtiaa,►d. F+rlt g. to.R Our null 1�t ate Ata llll�1,06ya"L t atlLttan' bw M( ) •atA aor.(Ja raaa .r fUZOWWWPI, lart� t of _ Mwty TV04%,A,and I 1• ,in e e a" ON, 1ra., �1'19riat 0.A!tw'i ii'arlarrtttt.14tx*Ialawd As .itttaN 7, llirrntatRLMMul J+. (rit)t#ia1 Eftural,Sall. �a,e 09L a, � � ,e a!�' 1. tl q��t R11tr ili�!< (7kr111a eaitaxl at marry, .ail. ,(.'1tsSaaod T.,a. �tr1 Rib 6XIVU 14trJaRmt I.li ruaod-+fiatrer• ., ttao t . i iaillrr t�awmratl , esE'11", i*+nr1t, na JArite ttlsh atrbay, Xlao.K. tt 0 l.l.311 � al tldttaltr.�.. t�itaed:t 31�pw Say t+�tlrtlt } ticltaaltrt t )Ctrmtt►arw c April. aMk � Jbt s-••+ it ,ad ►x �. lu t is ►'S Masa ataatt at l,ilaaalaattt+r, t3att+16dssr, E'�tarkrr, pttlttlsttor, N+t►ll�Mt'- ityy 0.a+. MAU' y�.at• WillLat aletptyured*rtf•"Thar !liytwa(II, JtRly i li1[att,wtd ttNtt p—butts■ alrysl Itllt tei++t�nlatd 11asr 1 KrwtdaiatJ L,� - arum [r atatay°.+i1r41#r.ow 0.f tho Ounfotiersto vu"M= ' nihal seri apt bws tardwi ata4111#ttrr*V1 to x1ltet1t�t d 1x61-1y,In Xi �d,July to Itt+tcb ttr A!Iitaiti 'tt*Xia►a 1s.s trrur'prttat to u«yaare•, KirtitJt,Starklu ham,1tlaitur al to and autlquarlan, Wia�p, s�at.•S�SrSr>tlnt nt A It>r�; l.1iS"at ;Ma" 1rsw+tt--thio t ter ��,tt .Arta!yrra It 1ra ttRtitrtorat►ler :�rsrw•ltrric,etrtti,l0., Ji�+aitllw,Ur•+C,t►. ._ �,..........,.. !I'tao'�►.- 't"bttt tit`nt3l rrs trS11�t�'r#1a�. batt � also is u1sw hol-,*41 Tttwr�r. tans '1'!ir- [etllnttinat Ilttriar TK*m by, N.114 Idrawab. writNiMtt 0"t411 a VIP, pralStt, r-o,alias 001"Ia1i, A shm"Ped l 10"ria W�it I'limlarb► '•rite Docirtwny,'•to t,tlpptxrva,x.to powerful its a water te tl4att11,Jttttt,Joao 7y, alai+ rata with hurh ay r"41 of ttttnloiwtrt. unttnusll in taalrax�ino you tlwirllstnget salt a«'eryteltaat t aasatlgg. a son�� you berm!!alta►w rr�r'fouli a thy, ry AJ�>xt>1��stles Aad rt&ko Slott fauwl of bw "!n thti heart ret aha ! srary+atl to the,brwrrt t` to I look 14 terwalr+d lltat4lr to taut sumfoor atrmr of old Arsatrtlasa. �t 0.r tatnttlyd' wood. . tia�l!1�d,lotas'tla+rl m��tirt� ttf t.hti� �,cttlt.�!= !n f Artd thery like a drrarp. Waif" rna+ x drIlmi eye t tortlm that M+tt.t v"t rMal,urv."Mid be by, // al' 1�ihr, A.,tfatW1111tiOn ttirltae hold At ,lyral wo,otratmyartr.Who know loaf tattrit, rnrtal tttatatl. l rxrerd attt►at tbo aatrlitaas tat tlsia AS««rar I'll inxint �J( on gntt!!"tbg 11vttlrii. t"aas•trarx:trtt atr+s as nrattt dt rtralt, Ats+I triat�tl to ft'.•t pO�p`llrp"beitri Spat t�rtnttnit; � � "Strange and notemn neer! Aambre it surPoaf_.01 but be"art you 1ta0b all yaur ttatAng pq+Nl€rat. J%4'110"101111ting t'+t�ilyltl"littif.0 r` ;�rrttttt'virid- A04 attr"•alna pet tytatt.tubatltraft i wax alone; Aad all tar tiraales town all tatty watt!;., od tlflltt theMani of Trujitees bo From aanylbinit tea'slap**a tato. ltlyaWry(tell like a foR, fear swarpt by!hates ma go, To,"y tOod to ttlovp st aarx y nom. Youttitdertlaitad.area u wit,tW 1 "IL wan baltrd strongly abnvo, anal Wim t,elrtw that you Wild till your brsrtaartut 40"a�rPog*. brcrvarl�rd from l inti to f 'rl WW 1Vt #1 mom tai XAY the of&A WOU14 M. altaaln, Aud white I obso ltdk'your o6ittt&Myws r awyta.« r 0 0.i hitt od tl! Pall.u>➢vvitl , who were 4liaoaak+Jtl.ww And one of the hcatta w4m Sorrow. atad the *Ili" !'oatt,toartl#>F bia.ataeinlr.ctrl!ta�pl tialr,iaseari Marl rrlumtPel•at: ROV. WM. It. Mor. batt watt rain. In Stat!."J toy tl iii.labla.wra+artrll Illy, at OV. FAthor 1�Jltthc-W#, Iter. Wrn. I ant ttttwd of tho a(tom Aatt. You ltgathe ly x1p.your-weather a�l► -on oma. ! wtl:ns no "awenl004 ta*,s; "I'wu dint lichttt hranrc In 1hr chat,I4n%. 04o irrl wtr,i And urt'th i hens!11fa111t&4A your atWatt H. Lloyd, Rev. A. R. r'tt 4:rt'y acid l CAn not for*e dwro Of llylate machine* mlxty slote•r s, You kno k your youndt'rat fan 4810 bol►traatl• Pr in. Rov. F. E, DoGel6ko, Sax o lo, Nor rt,po�rw rpt 00 � tri alopliae, And my WUI:�e►t=k sal t aapr tlaetart,for t kate«r they yi�We,far the+(1. ���e r'F!�(,, ,�R �. C Iry me latah lwtitwr',ai paper were lrlutxi arts)'!'pairs, 1 try to 111 at►g it a►a1 any ita+ittase. And leave talo +rrltrlo 1 tw itse stet.�la*atttnlf tat Your 0.)m of�ttilm+a1 an. � r�. 1.1. Hint, J. C, Eusltace With a tnttil r0rr the + You ksatdiy adtrltr Your tt art3 tet brdpla+aat 1rlaal. a ► : liter new . east "1'iic way worst IUrtt br)tltid rriw, tat1R tawartl J rJttrma (.stiit,I. Henry `erry, �'}Iomam Parley, With tYtai RGtid aid +srratttrr news. not tort: .fns!talcs a rsaltt ta'IFb tfi+oatats amid teal+bxJr, , 1 brat upon tho portal. nerd titr hfmrt h-roke rwab I•lrt wsM with dying alt you n0.u"4 hist morn, Geo. 1t. Jepnings, Ch", i0.. Sianf rd, LOSVO rale to read at the skatitly the, blow, Ali,itowwl ern"rimers you're*Uutdlrss an rate*oft, Justice JWtttt Lawns CI axe, L. W. ktttm 'Whore the river Is frAaso tight. ,tu*t torr oaa baoewl Apt tlwrw roirre off agaatst. Marti will Atari tate traitast thtti ea4jdkn•1 flet Into town "Hrulat,d,and blcccllrlaC, clad trlintlrtl. t rar+cncl tier And haall y;iur harem alb ithe at trey toe*! t�tltl J. N. llit�Ict�ritlm. Itracattattt of the arrow ta,+tt uI rlit; holt+t to nave tT�t.for organization at the office of To think of tbaso preitent trIfle+t ! juvotrrrt rht'crulih the elrptadYtil tlutrl Sri• 'd"bete tit Ito way to Web you that I know, , IrttElprttaAotllr ! rarttaae, .freer this otbor i+ldr wm l.ovel" And tort a0.1110011t*10 rnak1�erirn atrigrta wrrt r, JUlltlrt? ,rC►atatat ,,, Ce,,alt e, SoUthold, on Give rite 101. winters hypes• TIimT t!la all my'hrlde of airength and po*rir, 'f!bray', ;Tilly 9, at 3 p, Tit. Several With thtc e 00d Old wetithar n*rx. (�uE'xl�t�r�ln, �,,,t�'itat't►aasa�*r you alit! g„<t allttla arlaetpl R � lt+�ra�aaclrrrrr•"+ear, At an examination !n an aiaalllarlt ter minae cllstri�m �ptere l�ado Irl the teat'hV1'was+tt rrleit*Cd with Iota •harm tlttt ",1r1llt'i�tt"t.:I.t'lt t,t•a - 1fit t ru. Sha:.' being XA.a,"tlrrxr0.r•t•tlJXn ,I.grrrrr,rt: they could tusk lite art® alanx that be saki r .t,liattltutlnll, Lhil principal rtnas 1�rarer Y gttrdtion they liked. * t'"!'t+andts that TfUlrt�l(rt't�nl�t3t�tltitta�d Jlilrit't111'1 of it !t dtle t l�►►S•Y in JYIt•e nkr1t•It-r, :i wo were alkod and replied to, atieing twos, !r�ro1w,otins>!.awryrr--I t lltr4a+lrat'u rrsla a anarri• Althoutth It trrbt,you ltttla tlrr>trc°pta little fellow In deep thrrAtg?t;. tlaa tttaarshat tx+r at the I.+0. 11r1alture s)err Or two ,.. Meeting of the(tt3At1(.iation, Instea(I tet• }',ar a who ret_.;it r•pldt,att nr•rratr+ hlni for rt a ucattlpn, Waked R SCO, DIark, t0.;r•.t1•r,tlt ass rrtttrtfttl hM h.*rrrrr°bt. i 'I'be boy ainswered. wltt, a rotaasef torr the ltrtrttc'c—•1 bet your flonoa',* per cont of the r)tt'1T11:)c't"l!hip, it !it U111r,s.wbi- he re�a+tirt'w tttttr itriP. grave hwe: )►td9111lantt• Vim 10.11 hint Whitt. Ise 17�"7rrtt.%tri liter. "l'-vlease' dr. If You rrtt.+z lir a anrt p p TO"14%ch l do gaff think t3�O 3t !�fifteen lrir°Jtltrt�t:�b, �!�"J lir ijiei�+ll tl1trtivN h1.w dwr.)s r'rtrntr=.rytrl, mudtiws it mpittent to reJu irtrt tt•tPttrr rnldly°.�R'fth 0.r rr1t1^0.r. ter S-aur task and 1 want to th.rowtr& brick At y°arty dhw the jury try reftrteare tel t0. if dptnsti of a yo*r head.would you duck?" 9W two �tri)ttairf t A`, l f.r,t7 titrr,rdrPr tfrrr,ri.�n+t Ir4 1'17e a4tL3t9eZ Is ttpt rr�cardtltl,-- X;-BXIs. M_^ >o� �of h p hat blie )�Ovit9t"rlt thathy !a �l.litt!lft�ta�„ebAttlit[attp)r, rlr�tr t�tiitrtC.p rsrtt�rc�'tr�thr Jt�r�irr, what) "o tit*Irl mt, y�� het lR t'4 tt rrfrit exp!-rriln.r.yell tin, rrcr>t tr'a rtrtilje. iataart on to the+nt xl tttlaa* Vter any pan), Rn rlirtl'f 1',rrr5f!•tt to trli'P,rttt\JI>r ►d, rex:rrtt 7 rr�rrrcrfDX. ')tat will pay. For.1f;iru tin.,'."otr•rr lrv�irtrtrl'to tics a �-ti'arXa9nuXr,►t leer. Thnt t,0.wim rots if erne•,-I, 1 tvr+r f'tl a0.,err mrrl�t i.,hr, r Jan, AArittsh trading expedition was spur- Apr1194. Tha'I`uR°ic*oaptuteretimrtnutrQ" "'� Central Africa. Baty afteraeamiruinary battle in?AIluuua 1f"hu++. -- dosed by the King of Beulu, 27.Iu New York, Frederick Ali tus porter Jan,lU, C cunt MumvletTwasapp Aprf197, Ilfemoriat servioed at the dart flop of January. Barnard,ex-Pr Columbia College a ed 80. Minister of Foreign Alois. '�rnthe the Crew tomb of Cionetxl®rant at!+taw yo w+n a j� 29.In New York,David G. Croly,well known Jan. 11, A treaty of arbitration bet accompanied by a grnat snllltarY and tsavAl dka 1.In Carthage,Mo.,Col.John 0.Dent,Ameri journalist,aged 66• William H.Barnum, '[Jutted states and(treat Britain was signed at p1�• ed 73. 80.At Lime Rock,Conn., Washln8gton by secretary Olney and.Ambassador April 98, A flood a.t tJnWria, C>;Itia., dtwwtre�d can soldier,aged F,R.S., I a shin ate, a large number of people 4.James Orchard Halliwell Phillips, Chairman of the National Democratic Com- Conference April W �he I�st0esded txt1RItrte� 1a [trt+s+c+e Shakspearean biographer,aged 68. mittee,aged 71---In Paris,Carl Rosa,well known Jan. 19. The National Monetary Lha Ii<rtlli nsloiw N.J. Alec.T.McGill,D.D•, Ragan opera manager,aged 47. met at Indianapolis,Ind. resigned,an whit i " In Princeton try. LL.D.,American t'heolograDnmaa Norske,cele- May. Jan.19. J.Plerpont Morgnn ppresented$1,000,• �raA txAsta- 17.In Munich,Bavaria, o0o to the New York Lying-In IiospiUO. April 90, The 1o�01 the AJ the A� brated sopprano. , Jan.l& The Spanish gunboat Itelampago was femb from Isritiatt pcassMtst ` 18-On Staten Island,Brig,-Gen.Ronald Slidell U.S. aged Orlando,,Fla. Gen.Wm.Selby Harvey, destroyed by Cuban torpedoes Ambassador at 1.eodon. a mackenzie,U.S.A•,aged;8. lolo ist and 13 In New York,Washington Irving Welling- Jan 98 A convention to promote eoant de- ISM d June. The Cissas '► •t 211.Wilhelm Schott, German p g ton Bishop,"mind reader,"aged 34. fences and harbor improvement was held at Taus- Ma 1, The ,� Qetttattnial p xptlsttkop - i ethnIaL ologist. Italian orator and 16. In New York,Alien Thorndike Rice,U.S. pa,Fla, y .15 i 21.Alessandro Gavazzi, Minister to Russia,a ed 86. Feb. 2. The Pennsylvania State Capitol at was formally ape ;'7 patriot,aged 80. French 17. Munich Queen Mary of Bavaria,aged 04. Harrisburg was burned. May 9. Co of th a j7olver"I poaw'Union i :;0 N3,In Paris, 9lexandre CabadeI, 24,In Boston Laura Bridgman,famous blind p lend at Walnftort' -(.. 2A painter, aged 6b. Feb. A. A Greek squadron arrived at s Pro, 1 fie, dewtrored p stun R. Cazaurtr,xn, deaf mute,aged 60. Crete, The union of greeds and Crete war+prcr•� MAY S. A Are at. Pittsburgh, , 41 27.In New York, Augu claltned aG Ilale a ru +rt valued at t�3,t10U,000 RA author and playwright,aged 68. ,the June. p p iK y U. 29.In Allentown, Pa. Jose h Young, g In Chicago, Leonard Swett well know-r Feb,8-11. UnItell Staten naval vessels executed May S. Foroclonuro ad*wpf the A�_ tla Learned Weaver, aged 78. a sbam blockade of Cbarlostou,K C. 1'ar.1Ac ltallroad Wok place s,4 t7Nllup, .-RAS. 30.In Baden,Austria,the Crown Prince Ru- lawyer,a ed G3. Feb.9. The bill to regulate Immigration was May 4, By then burning Of 1►alu4rlt �lM - dolph,heir to the Austrian throne,aged 30. 17.In Boston, John Gibbs Gilbert,Yf�am{ous xAsed by the LJ,p Iiouae of IZc+preeerrlatives,917 Rue jean oonjon, 1'44% some �pe! 31.In Brooklyn,John Locke, "the Southern American actor,aged 79.-In Auburn, ev. q 87, It was vetoed by the President, Mostly of the French arletooarft X,ltttat Lbdtt'r�^ " Gael,"an Irish poet and journalist,aged 41. William Hosmer, anti slavery and tempemnoe•i Feb, 30, The electoral. vote was counted by MaY 15 The Cfnftosd f3tatesr Pk+nsats rejeatMt the ,i agitator,aged M. Congress, and McKinley and Hobart formally treaty of arbliradun with Guest Britaln. �. February. 25.Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes,wife Of ex•Presl chosen President and Vice-Presid ut, Lablit+e of Trio ty y' dent Hayes,aged 5fi, May& The hi-con1*1111 31,r "Cilli y Feb.10. The Bradley Martin fancy-dress ball Churns,Now York.was cat ed, 4.In New York,Mrs.Mau H.Fiske,( yy 26.At Donegal,Pa,,Simon Cameron, Amari at the Hotel Waldorf,lr ow York,took place. May 8, The Turks oeonpled•moa sf�tvt a. :i Gusher"),an American author and pplaywright. can statesman, aged 90.-At Malden, Maar,, Feb � ��nnnrgepts at Canes,Crete, were battle, ` 7.In Rome, Cardinal Miecislas I alka Ledo- PCO,Loring Brown American painter,a1p�r1 ,t5. bombarded y e fleet of the powers. cho In formerly Primate of Poland aged 66. 28.In Paris Carlotta Patti famous s0�nano, Mat 1. The Preneb iina�ehip'Niles, it•t i1,In Rome, Cardinal John Baptiste Pietra, aged 49.-In Lynn,Mass.,Maria 141itchell,Amrrd t Fred from the Turks by the'G eekkttr0000ps.was � a 1 or fimany IIvetµme o llattersa,with, aged 76, can astronomer and mathematician,aged 71, Feb. 92. The new Corcoran Art Glttrtlery at 12.In New York,John C.Dalton,M.D.,Press- Washington was opened W the public. Maj'8+ Yolo was ooatpied by tgeTnrltdatlt aririY. dent of the N.Y.College of Physicians and Sur- July. Feb.28 The powers ordered QteeoO to with- May lU. Tiro BrtilMtsis KxAoKatton wens apo+tse+d g gaons aged 63. 1.In New Haven, Conn„ Theodore Dwigjrt May 10, Tito United Pirates SuprIM tot ds- 15.in Nashville,Tenn. Holland N.HeTyeierel Woolsey,ex-President of Yale College,aged 88. draw from Crete• cldtKI t br*Hold lr,r=r pwt�llit case lit!at►cr'a�the Roll 17 one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopa 6 In New Haven George H. S atrotuf, ex- 24March 1. Japan adopted a gold standu(L Telephone Company. ' Church South,aged 65. president of the N. , N.I-I.&It.R.R.,aged 00. March 2. The Lord Mayor of Loo4on 1::l a ploy 1L. The regwentativea of Lias+ M In' 20.In Boston,Justin Jones,an old time edito 10.At Glen Cove,L.L,Samuel Latham Mitchell banquet to the retiring United States Ambassador trrventtct 1a the 7"urko-Urark war. � a+"• 20 and publisher,aged 74. Barlow,jurist aged fib. Bayard. I ryrptod their trrms still ordered ells►witlidrawai Of 22.in Washington,D. C., Francis Wharton, + LL.D.,Solicitor of State Department,aged 68. 14.In Wellsville,N.Y.,Asahel N.Colo,Amari- March 4, William MaRlnley was Inaugurated her tort'�ss 'root Grata. S President of the United 8tatas. " can editor and agriculturist,aged 68. Mayifl. 1'he a►(if ith (Itiv sttalti,wa t the a= 117larci►. 17.In Parma,Italy,Antonio Bottesini,famous March 4. By the explosion at �as i�ns at t<ylvatiilt tkw•te+ty cat Lha fMmrhsnatt wrtsr uuvtaiit►ti y contra-bassist,aged 6f,. Boylston and Tremout streets,Bosiaau,fifty per- titer 11n.Nisbet at l'tsltaaiaiphta astsecf extenutvr 5.In New York,Miss Mary L.Booth,editor of 20,In Princeton,N.J.,Alexander Johnston, sons were killed and injured. oerrn)anlrs, Hal Is Bazar. Professor of Political Economy in College of Now March 1. Queen Ranavalons III.of M ar ' 1& fustier agreed to an a`rmiattas with 6.In Boston, Sidney Bartlett,well known Jessey,aged 40. was exiled by the French oonquerom of the d. �ay 1p Ow,%r Wildo wle, lased from r'tieala lawyer,aged 90. 31.In Edinburgh,Rev.Horatio Bonar,author March 9L The blockade of(,`rete by the fleets Of r o+rvllrg s two YOM'et .. 7.In Philadelphia,Isaiah V.Williamson,mill- and divine,aged 88. the powers began. MAY 8I, A r�ya"nr Wh wm tps1by tel ionaire and philanthropist,aged 87. March 99, A tornado at Arlington,OIL.,rarls,al hetwet+ti meaitaer>t O the United-1" 1117 a Oi S.In New York,Capt.John Ericsson,inventor August, the death of eight school children, italrrw!tontauves and BritWr hoists of t c: l and scientist aged 86. 1,Col. Evaristp Carazo,President Nicaragua, March 98. Emperor William unveiled a stator° Junet Tia In rnatiunol f'aapratetrlaf t 12.In Was'hin n,Admiral John Lee Davis, 8 In Philadelphia, Commodore William E, of bis grandfather on the oentenA,ry of the lattor once at PhliN was upottod,linea I' at• 1 U.S,N.(retired,aged 64. pp aged 57, at Berlin. Ju A. 1 of 17oolu*tw at tlrbet>et,r t• wee 14.In London, Sydney Smith,English pianist Fitzhugh,U.S.A., g flrc upon b Utd tolo, t3a aur! out rw,tin klilr¢� and composer, born 1840.-In Parrs, Henrico 4.Rev. Dr. George Zabriskie Gray Dean of March 25. There war fightin near Malaxa, and composer, famous tenor. the Protestant Episcoppal Theological Sehaol, Crete,between the Christlarrs anti 4`urkn, June U. The I�• duct ttae :+ta+rtivtris red Edersheim Jewish Cambridge,Mass.,aged 51. March 9ti The massacre of 7W Armenians at Centennial Rx L . 16.In England,Dr.Alf 6. Na les Cardinal RTilliam Massada aged f40. Takat,in Anatolia,was re orted. Jtuto l Ir�tt.kerin Cad>tasf ttadladNsttCo d - Commentator on the Scriptures,aged 64, p March 27, Uenerai Ruta Rivera,thr+Coban coni- malty l vas pit y. 21.Count Peter SchouvaloffI Russian diplomat, 7.Benedetto Cairoli,Italian statesman,aged mander,was captured by the Spaniards Jgne Ii, mb wtte+axpioQmd tt+¢e rLf>s+aare s aged 61. 64. March 90. A cyclone at(.'handler„Okla.,killed of President aura a Itrywc 8 22.In Washington,D. C.,Stanley Matthews, 8,Gen.H.Dupont American soldier,ager! 77. thirty-live peeplo and injured manyp. June 14. The Vsansraunfa mndasry '[matyy be- s ' Associate Justice of the U.S.Supreme Court, 12,In Herrnhut,�;ermany,Rev.Wm. Henry March 80. Tlplore as desultory Ilglrtin on tno towee�Q�Britain and Vaaatrttela was rt►t411wli a Rice senior Bishop of the Moravia%Church In the frontier of Macedonia,between Turks and creek'atWashingtaru+ ed 65. ' p June18. Imml r mt buihiin to on )lits IaIN W, 2 United States,aged 68.-Dr.Alexander B.Mott adventurers. N w York bartxlr,were destroyed by Aa b7.John Bright,Englishoratorandstatesman, R ' A rilb. TheCongrematVenezuelaratifiedtho, �w 4 aged 78• famous surgeon,aged 62. 'bounds arbiLmtivn treaty with(treat Britain. ane K Princ*Lon lJolvettaltY cxxt:rr+d tbo g31.Frederick Hawley,English Shake earean 15.In New Haven, Elias Loomis, LL,D., d o c LI ll. out 0i'vehr,fsd. t' 4 scholar,aged 62:-In Boston Jacob Sleeper,a Munson Professor of Natural IIistoryand Astron- five lives and$11,(0,000 In pr operlyy,,onn.,uestroytad June K Gt tba emal°bral widely known philanthropist,aged 87, omy at Yale,aged 78. April A. At the bisalt(totg dm►tt Of ar at of liar jubftee,w tttrtgt rvad tlifrnietlaut hit 28.George Fawcett Rowe, actor and plan- Ang etnpiret services, were ad at iii Rut,* April. wri ht aged 65. fit. amJ.flle,Br a a.,from Which WW ��. , P g , i3 William J.Bryan and iMto peep 1.In London,William Henry Monk,Mus.Doc., September. A ril9. Pernflus ndstdthe coinage of silver. Engla 93 rash naval tMstew tlaear f'.uta►ntcNitlt, English composer and organist,aged 67. p � Rtirlaod In laonnraf the Clcreen'M,}Ur,t14x+. g p g g 5.Maurice Dudevaut Sand, son of Mine, April9, Mayor Strong vetoed't�teGrelIkOrNew Jung 1K The Pati-AnItlivan c„nte,veo m of 2.Es-Judge Alexander McCue,Assistant U.S. Georgeo Sand,French painter and pian of letters, York Charter bill. Church®t 8r�d�atrA 1s.lrtera+'l'al t'tagr'g"t�grsbet Treasurer at New York. a JAmbeth, nd. Forty•fl 4"writasss aged 66. Aril 18. The Ciro r New York Charter was 6.In London the Duchess of Cambridge,aunt , p , hope were t. ... , g+ U.In Cottage City Mass., Gen, Rodney G. passed by the New York Ktate Senate,n+twlth- ulJ'9 tnttleret in PPnnXy'Irarrla„Qhkh A" of Queen Victoria,aged 9�. Ward,soldier and po ittician aged 52. :,tanding Mayor Strong's veto,by a vote of 84 to lU, Vt niawenton xtrikn, S.In London, Sir Frederick Arthur Gore 11.In New York,Samuel ul'van Cog,author the Assembly havlug previously passed it 108 to 89. July IL Iters Ands,With two pilin Ouseley,English composer,aged 64. and statesman,aged 65. April 16. Cashier Stickney,of the Somersworth started In A ballool�l fracas tb laiastrl, of f 19.In Newton,plass., Rev,Bradford Kinney 14.In Paris,Numa F,le Coulanges, French (N.H.)bank,was murdered by robbers and bank for the discovery of tit atilt Pierce,I).D. Methodist Episcopal preacher and Jul ue F� A. Legere ' t writer,aged i 0, historian,aged.,9. money was carried ell was unv ill H meat April 17. War was declared by Turkey against Ju yf19 � s ratk►n wn ai- .18.In Jamaica Plain,Mass.,Dr.Louis Maas, _ 19.In London, William Allingham, British Greece. vete t thsr rd ver pianist and composer,aged 37. poet. Aprii 1& The Greek Legislative Att wipbly de- quaafon, Andrews fes Tlae res.• 23.In London,Willie Collins,famous novelist, 23.In New York,James Alexander Ruthven, clared its acceptance of the war with Turkey. egnattun was s lad. d 04.-In Lucerne,Switzerland Samuel A.Alli- lawyer,aged 68, Jul IK G lido y ed ped " norms' �= + y g April 99. An attempt was made toaaeasrinate t bone,American scholar and librarian,aged 72. 25.George Hunt Pendleton,American states gingI3tunbertoi Italy at Rome. .T " 24.At Charlotte, N. 0,,Gen. Daniel Harvel" man,agged 64. JtrlyBo, great Britain cancelled iia oomtnerafal x�Cr+e-i>L 'i'hem wtw pa Hill, famous Confederate lighter in the Civil 29. In London, Martin Farquhar Tupper, treaty with the German Zotiveroln. KwrotAry Rho Ns- War,aged67. poet and prose writer,aged 79, Aug 5and6.Atidal wave destroyed m.anytowns Fore!ignMinl�4vM•'t�lsvhritag iylf ss• 26.At Wimbledon,England,Eliza Cook,cele- and thousands of lives on the coast of Japan. Oun, 87, g December. Oat It A hurrica"in the t4tnuth Yaofl 000111�s brated poet,a&ed 72. 2, In New York, Samuel Wilkeson,journalist Aug.8. tienorCanovan,l rimo Wnisterof dpolti, Jeff ria Massy tbousaud lives+ 211.Gen.Louis L6on Cdsar Faidherbe,French and financier,aged 72, was assassinated b an Anarchist. soldier,aged 71. Aug.8-11. The by still Empress of Ger- Cat *A47 0101tvitle,W.V ,band 4a 6. Jefferson Davis ex-President of the South- many visited Itussi as urNrtM of the nation, ocnna.A 29.In St, Paul, Minn., General Samuel D. ern Confederacy,aged 8I.-In Cannes,France, Au 9 'Mie Ando-Fgyptlarr army captured Uat,� ssf s Sturgis,U.S.A.,aged 68. /Q Gen.Francis Winthrop Palfrey,American his• Abu-Iiurnld on the Nllo (fin October. ! V�� torian,abed 58.-In New York,Gen,Israel Vog Arg.il. "sibs surrender of titn King of Ronin, thirty- end's hi__rty-end'g 'y des,soldier aged 76. Central Africa,to the British was announced. tact+9Gft tavcrprt. box 7. In Altoona Pa. Rt. Rev. John Tui Ain 14. The Cuban lusurgents dd1feated then of the Hanaaga ocrrttis�t#ar 1 t s;I 3,Theodore Georges Gaston Melingue,French gg,re fig»plaids at�`lestorla do lea Tuutw,capturing tela drivl out on. The Oordmi lgb• �i painter,aged 49. tired Roman Catholic Bishopp of Pittsburg agori WH,� arks,: 6.At Bryn Mawr,Pa.,Rt.Rev.Thomas Hub- 69,-In Paris,Jules Fleury-Husson,Franc i cdra- ngtan. Aug.15, Prince Ilonr of Orteabs and the gaunt Oct n jta taryt �p� meq . g bard Vail,D.D., LL.D.,Protestant Episcopal matist, a ed 88.-in Detroit, Mich., henry S. of'Turin fuugnt a duel w th. rwor.Is as+!►r a'1r, fie ,tires tit �r+r,d rlw at to 1[uttl 1 Heats Bishop of Kansas,aged 76. Frieae,LL.D.,Professor of Latin Literature and I!loth were wounded. 91. �p erit0 �n�pas w tol c11,7 1 14.In Paris,H.B.Far•nie,well known Eng- Dean of the University of Michigan,a ed 62, Aug.90, W heat touchod the dollar mark at the dodto ted W orleooe at IAtka ClenanrN #1st c lisp librettist,aged 54. 10,In Brooklyn,Oliver Johnson,abolitionist'Produce Exchange,New York,and went above. (tat,54, A a eatpra tt,train on the litadeetsor tettAr( ler,. l5.In London Sir Daniel Gooch eminent and journalist,aged 80. Aug.28.27. President Faure,of France visited 7WroW ran into Lbs now ctarrtlmnso ast�l rHil1, ' 12.Robert Brownin poet, f?tt. Petersburg and was ontartained with Nu- tow op rtionsWara� • Eu fish engineer,aged 74, p t,aged 77.-Edward � ° it �°1 1 iu Norristown, Pa., Gen.John F. Harr Bradley,"Cuthbert Bed'e,"English poet,aged 02,M thuslasm. Uo A skin watt born to r.anti 31f m 0ruvor ranft,ex-Governor of Pe lvania ed 59. 13.The Marquis do Caux former husband of Ang 96 Prott+[dent Borda, of 1]ntituuy+ w'aff Cleveland a 11ti i!# ,on,i; nnsY +ag + assassinated ploiatievidoto, Clot iY. anryn� scu#dssttir at Hary 's Du 19.Lisbon,Luis I.,King of Portugal,aged 51, Adelina Patti the singer. York. i 15.In San Praucisco Karl Formes ugg 7 was reported that a treaty offensive 's,Lo 21.In Pari,,Dr.Philippe Ricard, celebrated + + Lamentsrhigned dlefemsivo between Russia and France war Nov.0. An wansasadesAltiadaJan in, basso,aged t 9. to aswmginate t Benda French surgeon,aged 80. g at S�Petersburg t1rLs day. 24.Ensile Au ler,French dramatist, 18.In Saratoga N.Y. Oliver L,Barbour tom- Nov.& A rola trsfls In Bab ag g liar of law reports,aged 79.-In Bcrlln Freder- & A railroad wreck on the Santa FG Iiatl- f3ettwile a p at y,Irrpr vas 25.In Calumbus,0., Lec Lesgrrereaux,bots p g , d!, near Emporia, Kan•, killed and injured iJ M#t�tnisi end alseontolo st,a ed 83, rek Wilhelm Benjamin von Giesbrocht the Ger- rt n on g man historian a ed 75. Yl�rsons.• c e ni Kt � � oto. 10 u!!��� acrlumta In ilea Londe 30.In New York, r.Isaac E.Taylor,eminent g Fiept.30. Coal-mine strikers were tired upon Mafdan Val , noyr��fr+odt dt of Iad* islet � physician,aged 77. 21,In Paris, Ernest Auguste Eugene Havet, and killed by deputy sheritlin at Hwrleton,Pa. with astwete g I French elocutionist and writer,aged 76, 1pst,IL The coal-miners' strike 1n Pennsp1, WN Y1� A��Tai+% It1lopa � November. 23.In Atlanta, Ga,,Henry Woodfen Grady, vunra, Ohio,and Wast Virginia was ended by, torrthe editor and orator,aged 39. 1" 1.In Warmbrunn, Silesia, Adolph Henselt, compromise, 27.In Presbur un a17 Count Ale s Iia Sept.14. The Hawaiian Senate ratified unsnl- Nov.�1, 1 eti�►ii�tt�at iral,A famous pianist and composer,aged 75, rolyi de Nagy,Austrian statesman aged 64, mount a treaty of annexation to iiia tJultud ado ted b rite Y salt 12•In Cambridge,Mass.,Charles Dean,author g y p y, sal;C and historian aged 75. 30.In Brooklyn,Henry M011enhauer,violinist, btates. NOV.I& he en pa t e t titrate flit. 16.In London,Sir Samuel Morton Peto rail- aged 64. beet,lb. An attempptwus made to kill Fre@s14ent buster UmpetiWr Was below-d try f el,tatt►•tiou• 'sal,1 + 31.Dr,William Weston Patton es,Harvard, I)tarz, of Mexico- Tbs assailant was hacked to oral Blanco. road builder and financier,aged 70. ' pieces byya mob. Nov.lit, 4�9; �the a qu ar'tat L Su -.- ----- _,.__� __ University,Washington,aged 68. Sept lei The Duchess of Marlborough,formerly of I.crndoo L?n Miss Alice Wheeler has gone toZ. P• Wilson, of Port Chester,N. Y. t Q°sute116V�audge�rhbelrct,w ve blvrt taere flg Wr� on s o�evral at th4;Wftatntaar fin, nda3 Boston to spend two months with Rev. nephew of the late Israel Peck of this t i��er oAfghanistan between the uritiah and tnt;ton slimms w blobst ai I kit: -,...., ..,.. err the IlCis WW Ll, t t and Mrs. Abram Conklin. �!/4a village, has returned from a visit to. p treaty o�reacs between T ur ey ane (ever,of which ware '� j Greece was signed at ConstatntinoAle, were In New Orleans, r owt,� for _ ___.__.__�_ _____`Southold relatives. C�c,� /`jF s. senor sagastat,Liberal,formed a new paaentsdied. ___L_-,_.__._L_-._._ Oct.t3panfshministry. Nov.l9. The.t uatxtac Ministry ras NiiW Slat-, Oct,2, The new Spanish ministry ordered the disorders in the Itstlobilmt.b., recall of Caen.Weyler from Cuba and appointed I DOM 19. Tile inoWpr of Visidds+trt AtOW1114-) en Blanco Ca taln-General, died at Can ton,0. r' .lsa ti t'rfor Itw oto b+rwtru t ce rb 1)f 11 _ 1 11 l r r1 rival olmitaartt+l for!Fess thran,r. �apb. �: a ..� Jaa.t, L W4 varoon of X441 aelve1 the tYlaaayer�s.ity ai fadlit. a p ;lea!& r" t orstmamed wilith jad byrstt- Via. TIRO t't!t!,Ar+aaa'(Itwdrr 'Et.. M.. �. t urJ tfrlt!«R tta.apw ,. lma.il. t(ranael wtvok s1 Wart LPu»ttte4i.J11,r1.i r !ta L 1a R+tlt rtl. N f a0 Ute 1'Mlil+w lfrvf atre+dised m/W►dI r;�ar tw+at1�,�s►rrrrl" "Ve loop de•d.lltty keaatly!eitiowd. it ='.M mlatlalitbtls, trlls r1a1/mr1•tMad Ytl t j 1 atitrrt r-1"> r+ra," Ja11. !d. Csouarlr-rletyaral bis an rrpatMd li•aa►a1M4 11i«+ao+R trfigtlsard ltlwad+aR airdatx+rlliaetin sit trE artfp«s, NA the veriWrt111 tt( a0rr1 item Irmiearo tf�m 1Taa irtli- A1mt,»' L9 Mark* I Iitb wam J14 , o+►wtrnRd Itro dtrtrt„r ♦ �{i. NEW llllmir al•rmatt,t,liljp Tawtrlt•lF brie tt4(titt t3,rgttttlttwmi�lttwhtmsre 1rFtR wL fljlw teNrtrlw«d.tl tlartarlsttrrtl } } tot.tt.iratrtkw�fiafldrte►s t April gym, p,jrwelateaod Ikab«. ,.ir am,U.13 bis.X rr� f�ebt MIA"mom Lbv Jul- 1. ltarmilt, the kidemo�. rad big ttome*-1 der of l"[aatrwi�rti i.woo Wiese"tweabbo- t�Mer on Willow M -1+•a•+tiler• rant!to Iplt uqk) r, to lk wo Ulmer rttattta 494 aid Mootoa"A W 1111- t�tt�t1� Irr�l�rt . ! j, as 4.110 aid rr w t4ttrrtr+�# .Tats. is. AJo tiattltt'lod Darns fit`- Jud 1+1. �# 41mdrr publi, Um ir�ivou aP�is 11IINwi� 114fost, Xspor-ft. its ,I,"'11114 HAPS•,a" rtrom a lstap, N;m%X, ��l' A"hm T. llatitslr was Showa p *► * 1�am r ',r1 t. 1?eb.1. luaa A +ram raised at tlwltl► W Tale U4isit-1 w. dto it, �.1 to Afar to tsar latartfr+r«a aei.d by A 'On, 4' att Veit [altbf aw t�r� (it�r4pdtr Tausels, of ►ha M'apYta ool R� IM+runt IKP% r1 of tboTS. Wit alk ill"1 Nl}tj allt�rwr.ra ul'llow r. Atm i'4. �•►*. 'trM 'M ttrM. piMltla tis (bOt►arAOr. ✓+11111I1 0(a torr+nark to r Anototlt woo 1ft...kl Wait 11•,Pslo" Al�b alr to the dukedom a( at .ar ataa� 11.0 raf4fi este ra4a. A;.rH iy. Nlrau.at,tistt d 1+tt.1}p. lt•a,,<eki,a tl.aat 1hMrrr.rA 1..1A`arrA t.rra rafww•yw*t'ttt ial'ofRtutg and th,t it. t«d. do tliAr 1tt1 tat► u' oma t+JaaAk4h.t•yr.,tR +totlfpw +Atrtiaptlea Tito 1. � rrreBlab. !. ���etat volar 1Ma s r !40+49. to t*.r„.:r4 w••"tit!1(060OU1 i!e Tito a laeradod for alit pratrs Ilia(_ltrr 4. v t loo 0owt•• [bad 1a 'tar tiwttttod wall aI w 3rr", 1,111hr-flow—to.ifaw fl o%*We p.ommow stn �` at,is" W.��' - aa3 ,ataltlal had rea.ttptlNio d►arnr,w trwti aewit. I�r►.7otlr ,>l, tt.rAlio•►tuw,44Itc,i ta,* rot,.in. The Peairidtr"atilaall mile f'naaoe Trm(t4,i jaw it of thmalkis 400Wo4 t«, ',97,41'C001010111 t+rtittew••r rived u. TMr►(euf�tlrN"R It k��laaaar Y,7Rrj�� ,.,C t �tp. rMlsM'.f r lwlrlt iltiOR o�X11•i�,int• !i J�•ae'in'trM tw Nt b!`th■r a-.,e..,µ,p,rt_ Fob.10. Yl (o Brook Its Xfovtr Yard t1+wtro rod , R fa t ttad"Im*vets tlso a .4 flomme t r�tM'! wi iMff A.�t i 1 Uilq worm tt Iba �df t v �Pa�ticae�oJriR craw orm i't� .alit ,�IwtlMwift tis► Ny t. falAt�rMM r► i u the ttajo, t„�jbrr;114. Ptwift#ittl�ai saw.rl►m+d Mad- b IM ei lwWt: nor, °P ware .t 446,St. i 11 t. !*,rr9 ,j Mob.is. M.11 si ito iaottbet wism tlslewlied f'rmoidtatt hart� aw Im 0400 foo4w.060 t'tr+t . Wlwi. �� TM t/rw i'atme,ltlo fltrAri•ilailt}iia r l*tu.yi+datpNtni4 1r1nlaitti,r4 errlritlin Utt• lis �raebe WM aitrtit.rwt.rirrat iplrwt rayl ttrw a it r tlrlron,iNityttt,t J iMtira M FI►ra �r av'1 rtrlgtiitlrtr•W. a=, to 1411rarrls wr ttr- f ls t 1"tare 40,A1 UmMeywa lime",Almoa4 tweip «i lhytwJrae:. QrttOm t, hutsio�t�ax.ta t INP4 lis a yytp► arwb Falai, f Tb !"blit nt!tarns"W«s•rtt tb„qt too, Feb.9if1. td•vl,ttrd ! r Maliaartu war rrrwt.d rise 1 is �fN`rr,..r0.4rt. �eMtr.q, A bow +rive tbtwt�d/r ttaflr.raft tI pr ttnw.•at 44»l uisg.t iho agatder o Idtw. mlm.# AdilttaM to 11ItNr Part. �iflllrr++ii tis w t. DyyaMtlar p k lay. afire, 14 'rrtaytdaetrt artt t*rt Its N►,tt,btttlrt lift wtit Ant WilleMrrt 11ts tb t. i4. wd AAiatir in. 1mlo � •'' �"f"- 80, Uporob 1. The 11s�(aata Mitlletrr rmrllg44 t0 1*9*wtoril 11 . 1 two ttrtia��t,+�,s..` rlJd ii7�hhoAmmrRLAuse.look how'it V1(aa.Im .i a +tis wle. +•a kith. h Mrrab 1. Itt,oit"Wr 1,aht•aaw was wtawlta# OR ar lis AArfltt Itm■►,ilarr. .#'t1Y.a�. sari tle•.•ra ii to r ll001ttab {.hart 79110ear 1�fa 1raMt l+trl. Joao 111• lowmir 16114mr Itt,aRw' 4,aatGaeititwT.vla t+i! me i�{. 1, "r fatwfto..(t it►M.+Nr vtrlitell0t1 litarvb rhir• twfireed Mi 'a doisaawt�Jw a rrsM, �ttltrar isamrlp of Ilan Fina ism a aavml RattE of ` 1Ms• b�auftlydirtlrei 1 '. 'ailed eiiarlerlt tiupa►aWt+(`uaf tsl.t $ !'I mpur�at like r#ttra wi0 tRiti paatlift ! tpllt( ktalob A. katal p,wdor m at sr Took 1 .IMM wialalM d a T” +rtliw F a blow"ap trNtb rlmf�i � t j r �a��af tAaa �rflwti.N�iwtrat,gd"li�+i Yard. "d of �.A* pp,�''i,p,•+7t�M«,t r.- • ie.I mo tK 1►+Ai el, E itettorf 1lkfarA, rraN rlaalad i tllirfpitMt tm t`ttr, I. rlaarr 101,I tM. t1a 1,14• r e twi anu am llrail0r. �'i ag 7tarayiq�R at tafaewrd ittitr layf,«Thad tri w Jar011�t. ftMtasi ti+a+Ueii d tltarteia« it4, flirt Itfiettril Ilttt tt,.{t o f l t 1rt�'k" «pored fir 1 vo't, a1 '!►!lass tort aatrr4tr)rr ttitlal tb#• \ , tk.rt 'tappot ,� i tarula0.rM tR btrrtA li, Wtttdrert flOWLlifarW TVWbr,wartl6610aed. .tawq'll0, NtirrliA4 000 Vial!f1com to ttslw b9*4 �!'a4. rr�Ohio.�a �tR#wuw►err lurtaattr ewrcatrrt ��ty�« it.bra tllR.drtew,�t,et.mdf�a l"►etu>•.. is tib great!sats at lite. room wlttt 4 ' liitntb it. Tb1+f,1Mlalso or"sib tb• ,la..ilr�. � t eltrrll ilitutd:wl ii+�ylr„irMMtt '�>� avy travawtwlawa 1W%Ae+ torAt to #�lk liltllraalatome lit 114yf1�J+ uolrr to pfemod'.4 frosty or lr+ao+ ftv(t+rara i>rt+rri. alis ttw 1�'w1a *+r•r . kr Era siataftrl+ai�taa ttr .. ­ o il+tw.hRt tis c'wr.R.i,r �,.'!'ewe ttrt[Wr rrrtt, l yr„r.rd�,, 84,4mr rials r... �t�yj� MAM&�, tl�rti t iatte.rt„twd 1W11r tprrNl Iris Atttpplis its taMrtrrii. ka rf'e"wtrrtrrtfwt ,. 1'ba n��/a1 1> l to R+ ogvl rr.dpR `flti Y.r lupi t 4t Of b W trtwi«imi►ael0W, tris iff �sttq rlrv.trw:t(wt aM Nkar4w>ittitrytt i W to relrrtwltf+na t.a ttaa Rt. !tw t►. aar+wMo1 Dir it11r4rrtir k1,t1 ''. f ttrglt L alitru M. wt►a aaaart�Mioli �Art(a►iraarl Cl 111. '111 _ as M1pMW stR11e1ios al iNvolimmomomp W, bwft- Sol, W, i "(aiea rmriI +yi e,t�,i rrt.rlil"t go Insist an .uasr f+tae"td illdW"%V. U , r������� " y.,�wlpv�l�e*" ON� "mosit sod` VPe.rl,t�y atlarvaatrtf ttr "•e 4kol Il1MMit'. M rg t��' +ars�• B�IMt�li of Oft"t�►dlrt�t+f;Ittallitatrb � �m� Ella ��t .1lllV"I't t Dap morrsts•al-64 t k"OU r . It. iwrt!ir>r fir 1. pill.*40wYt►rti.ori'til *wiir a( Idrta cr o-ONil, +`teaApr"it. AtkitoliaO 444 r•"rI 1` M tfrrrtra Ma,Ai+.w tris + >r_t tilidMrNr1(fAM r'rrrttttwr f 4rrlry 040 An rout!for dihni'fror4*•by Idit"dttm Hi t aaritr , Rrmiih mW turn AttlayrlaMR41 + it Alf) ► a is Mt tr,�trtrrfra J Ask xis(Hof- ltwyrria.t+taa�R bran a1 L C]afrsa lalill r t J*Ait�lr 11 Ile r 111►da►'a'N b +R.ir r iM u 1w• r' Nr7a 4els.,tt'!�01stns rani eat liiarwl� Amrina Mrtllaos ivola.laatu truss!April A. tiarrisaie rrtN4111•ar 1C 't wWortt(!f.Jr. J t it}Ml:.f_ L� � ttM! ~ ami!Kim Y ruts taitr rt 0 111. t I�r fiRtw�. Aw�ttttlt Ap�l1 i, �a4sl Maw wt tw«�t Ar•i .fir _ w as D wit t•.rtMvi 44 ytttttw ltt tlra t••turNd Apdal,wm In Now'l(nrlti,rtrrorr! itaa � �sA.ti�at►a+R aiI A • „s c.,..rfr � • wwb trrr:..ar- tray. � th11 lot ills�rR�Ytra .. � ,,� y ar,tiA tjralq ftaf ,�1tMtet.. tt AC l It. ""It1I0 tl{tr.`f. ciy 1111,rNa omom �od 11tlt1ak J+rl t`Ifp irs«.q+rw► oras i pprryl �i� f.• 1C, Vmgiiwrbilt,rta 1r tLrtaAfartt.e„3 • traM 141! tlwvmltrarrtal•+tsata lY.rlt• ,l =1 Apiril Ill. ltemnl wMt! I r rt) iMtaRr+lllsltuo fltw L win atrno aft 4;*Vo. srr irk `�.+r itw.e +Mt wa'a i,Aprirafy.l x- a alar to tau: !'.° all r't.r.,tf .41 111 q c*kT"h M trt�+liRl�rr1PiKif1iMlal�r rrktrwlAiM'�"wall W laMe147• Alrrrljfd 0114rcat g/pM1lilMlrtYi111 i„11o1r ' ly)b"tt atilt yt . 1Kqultttd of • otsa,ra« to vols 1Ni W �� � 1�' afsa,te«,r, f ,i t l t, 1.X. togNia+rr. tetArA lstKciraOuted a! Ia1r.;t „ yar�woair tis.tiRp.,r 1„+r►sR�i• ttfaM p.twaerE,'#t.Y, fruaa«ia(w' xmtar in. _ ,1 •, ,o ll try at f1Ai ftle,rRraril(1+.110.4 I mis attrE is aft—Aly it, (aaat�a"te:('A t ia�t amt kl a Rdarktr to 1w la1�M' s�i , a�qty by a els= a vola J Cletrr a a artutrltrt or A[t. 1iyr, �,atrr�t . h+1 vol" «ani rttsrrw.t 1s,tar.rttt+►.'Nrt.a.,nrhrwwt ,�` *+, A A T4 ,a� the ner"04 0404 of M troll els kr waatk"'tt..,etkrw'%, tis .. N. lh►7i tar A gift lr.���t ore ,:. ti�tA�� tnlair.lt,t i t;(1 w•a it k aliills Irl Gist(tis iw lvaa awvt.M.tattdttt fr* r�M M rf �wfr Nk+ "r'�"t t d�ilYtartur► tri tli�t • t1..it ., 43.4 {,gl4:tl,i Mal#+::+►R' .. t >f.i?R. _,..,.y�,..= - .a.,.wr... ....,...�.,.ow,.:..,.. tt ii 1<M1t#+►{rJ ill' r v AIa+ ,fAl. ]ii►rr'Ittettt tri lir fir,rlaaato A.Aloom,R&rift A �-� /a � ��t-ri.,a+!-h �;.d t,'e :_.a�,tJ-a* ���ranitttlrt�MtlF^' IRaraar•we1rAVINL� "�f�rRtM lettnttarl,r� a+trpRNltipt Nri.i.tl► at •+rt,y lumt at Wellnwioh, Y. z 9 rtwlttwt 1"r. tt.t. ?alit A tar• Us ti nctrr��t U1lovm " Clamor d Alwam- 4 1l<r ;",.r �t i:: �, t 8*w1+ln. i. �/►lrtyt littwfr rtt,.lt,f'alr+r•l1y at l'st, Idol txaarl dos rcay+oil falai PtryMlEt, a}lt 7 t kali:. taF.rtJa wr. r r aar„rt.sr«t lRa*e. /l t^ ,wiw►r.lstlA, 11111,E!. h ltritaa 1,.�aktinr�t r••,r�a++t -1� li. �'xi"e n+r�Cteia gas .E► .a��1.:, _« r.r� 1 t+ tryf t.+Y+II.r%t..r tW' a. RarwtRitrrrtpt�ttrapa Vn ft*i'Wsomp toll I.,Mgs litarr.rlt P.lrtRrtsr drwd wdlYlkHrw trM4atrrf�MrRard fyratar itrarJr t itbf N:�rsitU�r 1«ttwda lti Ilrpi !May f. tliti"nicarrialitloom kmsmotael4a saw trt art.t=a,,tY.,::r w' +� Ela r"„+mitt! r! t f � Ta al 441#1trMaal irtt itt,r 1t,Rttd+rjt tta!I ' rF ��c' � r r nittr,t aMw;r l r.''+r ' s t it loosely ttrMlR ltrrri.,Tom• •;iFi: ` waNV, •d'P-stooisoo �M rut`!tart! wriA Mnvr.{:lr.! r,r•d; seta r tixa killod and afloat ttfty falutwd. t t pito';;,'i r,i. : bwatiM.etttA alflyt.i,r+rnlRrr at tywi.tat t +a t. t'Marlw►IMln.wtraE i'Rn►atl dIeR1 at rtmbtor,, iNmy !!. f ortrra A. Drill S o4A 4, Am ii A%A, y., Y 74al+rrt, ' tires. dmtaatar t m �aF'rotwotittt Ilrr,aortgra,l pt teal hu•,t f _ AM •vrMt1rNt r A,4pW lal�t lrarraltvr aa/ Ills tlstear as4 •►*t tm kirthqua�.ls."A.st!.am rrrnrf�pq� Xttmay,16. 7ubsorookttrla t ou:(ro+. at 1�ttrflq"psw. a. t ”.f r, t•t .r #.t i s " kir t'ftrre 4t Mi d 0t. flat 1+ fkUltpe Dr ut•i••aro tr.ir,rr rralyd i rt4t C4 i fie,+Maa+tnu•awia, ft INy�A optk"bti .M ofit""kgad of guilt how It"' �1M. Anbmrsf >halfraur trmolopp•ir,t•+d Trial.lfafajl-I Ohio ft,.*1rad1r1A1 MatItT11►11 ori (!htana/aq aria Mewl �,,. „, I,�r•., ,A IRS of ietuttivr/rt. lltitylsattrta atietNa that,lttrt)a4ta+rsraattkaworW'e trRMlttylrtAlsrreaifrl i,tllitmrXatt,f cirr, b*low. t tris. Irf, Tito •IYytisivatrl Hr w:twr;tom+, •,-..d+�' � err p•„lrt:n 1. pial alit �+a4 r1ra11dired tttt.R•rtM>w of dtRtFlrA1 Irm+f w ff til 1 r+a•tlttul it t e,•aa ld.alalia anl Iriyat�ttr9,s*Iitf tlA/orf - t..i �bt Y • -f-`itis t .,ci� �'- t'1�1�t',rer;i+ r'.Rrtl t7�plg1« 1iltliaiaMi/"� l� 4•' itlst.kl. �.IIR�'aRrapia4bt 1MP�Itd t ► me L ori A! wliR. ore» 4R vo asnrrk. 'M 1,a:. !:t{..t.tl# ff9t+l+ ' ttll�k os$ it. M,�„Atoot.i of Jam” ft%m..,t Iomm.t! at'�iy��t rt. Fv.tawlfr ta•.,nanmal at A li� ,+fi K t,.rni.,5ear} mty Aj 1ty"rttttit�r f { °SSit w, .i� 01,44' tt. Anoiftttrdl8.4 lot T►I�fr� .fit a t4, + 1lviattilirb.r+ w! llldtyw tar 1tr►.leeks t,ftlpetlr R +►ytrta��t�rX rTiltll,iarflf _ su!• �i z !w t1,rr.et...wt,.aor+l _�3} j,_ Rwes,liw t r1 rrtlat 1 r,lj.au. x 1.6. , 1 tom' srrirettS«ra levo."141 x t.r a l+Mf'.t«rareca.RVd �i itlN t!•rlrn iMt{4""04404 �r >> ala " .aRt ¢ uf� R` �' aM tis.# A r.rTnd oartt ar+a«+gl rtt tJrF P rtlttrt t1•Iramrrllsalt oft*4 aCFttM M Ehaa ,h` 14 1:, sRf r A Kummer I nr t ti�rrl, i"ter ', :... .►r r t))ltt' - r ° .t ° _,.2. ' �►p. (�ttata►artttlP•�(tri. �rai+yll.*t au(1'aFtltyittrrt� �h aril L'el1i'l at',i�bpuatrt afc�kf;lwt' ,,s f ' art trh T t�t{ir3 �►1[e b t i'bl+ter ret►c.rtotnrnrtal N ttr.rr,ItrltrM.. °t aMt1 h'1 Vitt of tbn t1Ne+lratl Ybr ''RY talftlo'oiboolt liar Itarbou 111 rrra. T '"boll. at,""was MR ompol 141 VJO*th' . Italy yt 4, d1,+ _,,P..ra,l r, Tb1'Ir'rw t1N hitt'about r'alitr titgy. tlt�et►ibw+rrad at"1 r1►twr.p pR' •Austttw sari tAly rt*t rt!tis asst a t i tt�.,, a,, r+h,�r,•f nttr.. Aft`111ti►trtl(e AtlNNttir 4110. f tWirrrdliM 4 AIa.Y,the atur•lver e/1'lalirilRa N'a►datt. 1tr lttfrarkstt eft .lttpap tt.•trtwe.1 rngttr+j' Ap C'tttrlatrtr Ir!{r0t1 1i`al'+ • t+1i41 • ia} ttJ�h r ., Att'It"e,PIP44tileit ter ffto tobout'Met lyA" +W4ttl! ba!'ark E'layttr. fru•!°otM.+xrt• Th?areM�w000r Be", +uu, Ikttl.s tw•+1��It With tbtdr traatit yai 4A,iftep'tfirt koop. � A'tiarl if A wriot r+ra tlia W"poo n Xgv1h•ttwt.11as� 1t•,t�.a. It:la"Atut miner t►i t�iivat tlnslatra T4.tpk,. ` 'h i 110' •;- a ore 1�tHttrfe t1YsNat all 1 it..ir,•wi R �tpd Most M.rtltftteel*4 ye"rpir, 1 rrtrwoa,t vrrt/au e�•+trarirtt.rlrip". r r li',t��,,t,�A� rIll, ! e Mian trttr switr de11!atand(t1' lo,ra.{, 11a Sew-York t'rrrtrytury M.4ttit(m.t 1tl x, A4 lite(tbatllaglR f7stlf w tpa,ltd!alas.1°pl lltr llrilgtr(#hMiatX. Z S ..:1rJt>ftr4}Fri'Ita ,a , " !lliatlw 1 Idl sat iii!t�tit4Wat gtRltaOp. ,AA aart,at Try, i1a,Rrr wtw i sMor,i.*lrtrgrttomt f"h'lllttata.� r►,.v.r< tqr+•+i=lett!.Y'.tnaa-.-,1 t,n:r'I,ritt.ekt t'uttlt•r,ld".Iltlfa tt"a' ! l4yri.ss yp�pV*As t.,.vpr,.Kltye„tf"WO'od fist PfIlbl. 1.+f rs1 tlrtVtll N,1tI rll+titl,y,e.i Slcr tSfysifi+rze 1'.,r:rr.rtr. . Ji is,t 4 i1`.• !+ ► 111,1+,•.f The full ar flat 114%,at,Arrre+aaamq partrk, !ftrr. i• !flab Jyrle,��p aS 1Y81t.t�lr,Wxt.vi t,ia iifl1,•ity t° r Jta'f tlrlt�il the ttMftt'rth Nl►r+R'tTlrtM Niag,t.4, Ao Twtraf„i+trs l.eyistaature r'+�uad to rlwrtWt� r• of the hoa+ri•Iret+N*Tope. ttrr ry+r..lgt 'pope ayptmrlr. �tal. Ataetrr,rtnl TtaaaKdtat( In httptx .,ly d'acMrtrll,� t” l Aa'1 tirrtt4 ttty aril►!4'It�tlQr t>It0 ltlrlit»1n'iltt ' t• "1av awwtaty u(Uryortwor wor evia rallied ,f urkk. m at&•0114. NOV. #r►rulu€irm 14 I1ita Iov jt4ttuiro eaut,wat +r a, r To t'f11'11 tAratln,l ttt`ithfRss: =t.t.�. sett stir f!ltflltur tf+.vrrrtatr atwo.rtr,w,r(aitarti f rrt ,J►3'r'r•ttrlatot 1'trrtwtr+¢. • 1•r/r,�1 rrt 1 1N11e+Y trrarratttc#It, p, Tt mtte,t,lrf rre•r,1i a ltttttt:l4lu!tt 1+•g ,: ttlwt,,. AD'the efkttrts aa'ImCa will rblrsr loss. #fie y at ,: _ r---r r• : 1'1opL Att wA,blumi a to Awn PAwwlt,r dekt•iy#4 1'+wit to liar.1Yr.df, rr _Wi A Rttlr,iAllpttfiitta+ ll1f. tils" sats ilraaa. bloc. ¢ ettnt,rtnl an davi, i+ittw-1 gwk. r +. t `t'h'is iliMi V that.R him" iltp! t. N.cli vet,the midor"h111s.1 a I.ailreram, wont tW i1t prh.lu„ Por 11 f"I"min. to�lyi�aat�a, No.4. a Tlttrrttrtl latrintlo ail emNt+'tti. lac cltii ah t�tPr OiA trlitclt tttntrlt. at r'it1. mozoal of tri r"'Aelr^nt OrvVy',(if Fina,la, t„ b uatar 4.111 haft'-Vorit.11ry exptndlttgA' r ` r W110, 01411teMr,Woo t•tttetr,r U tet d ebb amv,rl fat+Iw l,ritittad at 'lrlitytane arrri Loan. Ivry' t+lft(rl: !lass 11004*Il:ookflg Ally aafrbri rpt.ilk AIVa 4rr,Rrnrrl a.crvo lmople. RIM it. T1*ataraiaitrnl Dilf•rit, aplailutmI 1f Altr atete11yt1t`trB lltan asap.!. ,.•r»I,!8 r woo mueL a atopy ttorAumral armttatwait„r F. sr1,,, laCaRr irarrlllt'altrltad Nbm"PtfAl brtl qt hrrrrtw i1t l'•✓tM Elft 0 flMltil laths.14• k ratite brvk4 ad'diplr trtatla milatlem4 a rr,=.el Gee e?� +t ttintlaltiemaIalett.,1i[rlbkl4. r x e.14. !r koMKeapptritstwd (:trlfroGtut li I4t(xtat< •,(+cxaaxeawt atter q� .rS. I�tlwart!Aa(,'�it•}ri volar urrltrr rto 1w .i. ",,t'Irtp :r►C r :F er•w.•a»tN�1,It, I bairitAttrdlowd the t�ll�E"*,yet. !!Asst,l VOL, t,y,idwitt 1ielttt.,c9Fpy rat r•hlltr. coin. Ill. "tha ptr+rt Whittter ,rultibrY��' }� n. t�. t�,,., iffy rriayrbe I'm tu4ossy'a dales. bli gaid am ado r Y t' y t tI illb-K a.r fv a,t , Mut!t Mlt+asli flEr tart ;te, Tka now 1/f&!tt t7k.lwbottto �' + _ y t 1 . ,t 1achit tYathrold ffmat'ttlt'op �t lv ('� M ►t� "� v• '-n,l t i•tf 4 t7 lT IYa .as .{r.R bllA �r4W 7►+rM' ,11 ' , :r fAkfAthk ,1 9 :W %r lwpimyahaa W aA-&:rte; _ - rk ,John l,ia. -. aged 12. donald,,Canadiauanada Premiert aged 75. Alexander Mai traveler, Brussels,eGeneral Georges Ernest Jean American novelist and eric Upham, well known _. 1o. In Rome,Rev. Father Carlo Maria Cu c, January. minister,aged 91. 1 In London, Alexander `V'illiaa Kinglake, 21.In Washington,Joseph E.Johnston, Con- the�dInxLandon(lSiralP Prescott G. `Bart.0. Marie Boulanger,mit 1b soldier,aged 55. the historian,aged 79.--In Paris,Alphonse Pey federate genera,aged 83. 6,In Stuttgart, Kin Karl of Wurtemburg, rat,French author and senator,aged 78• 22, In Albany,Brevet-Major Elijah R. Wells, F.R.S.,famous English sur eon.h Ewing Me- g Jan. 2,In tilauchester,N.A.,lion• Daniel Clarke, age 58. 21.In Indianapolis,Ind., JJ l� g aged iiJI d England, Rt. Hon. William Henry U.S.A„ Donald,American senator,aged 72, Smtth,leader of the House of Commons,aged 60. Judge of the United States District Court for N3 In Elmira, N. Y., ex-Governor Lucius ; In Bri hton,Eng.,Charles Stewart Parnell, -- New Hampshire,aged 81. 24.Prof.W.E.Weber,German electrical scien- Robinson, statesman and lawyer, aged 80.-In Irish agita�or and parliamentarian, aged 45.- lbbott American g fist,aged 88. 5.In Salt Lake Ctt�,Emma-Abbott, New York,Mrs.Vineeuza Botta,authoress,aged Jnly. In Queenstotivn,Sir John Pope Hennessey,M.P.,' j` prima donna,aged 3.. British statesman,aged 57. -a 8.In Liverpool,Owen Thomas,M.D. F.R.S., 026.,fit Brown's Mills, N.J•, P. W. Sheafer, 2 In Moscow,Prince Dolgoroukof-f, Russian 15. In Berlin,Count Ludwig von Arco Valley, A' physician,aged'S.-In Paris,Nicholas,Duke of sell-known mining engineer,aged 71. German minister to the United States,aged 56, - -I i Lone aged 48, 29, In New Orleans, ex-Governor John Mc- statesman iialHamlin,American statesman,sen- - 7 Jriinzs"�arton-man of letters, aged 63.--' 36 7.Ill Boston,Judge Charles Devens,jurist,sol Enery, of Louisiana, a ed 67.-In New York, In Providence,R.I.,Prof.John Larkin Lincoln, 41 �';I dier and orator,aged 70. m Taubert, Rev. Howard Crosby, ED., scholar, preacher aged gid ex-Vice-President of the United States, of Brown University,aged 74. 46 i" $.In Berlin,Karl Gottfried lVilhel and reformer,aged(i4. 12, In Boston,Edward Burgess,famous yacht 20,In Washin ton, Return J.Meigs,clerk of 44 :3f German composer and conductor,aged"+)• K0. In New York,the Rev,John Emory Cook- ;designer a ed 43. 46 j 12.In Poughkeepsie,N.Y.,Jesse park Batter- man,well-known minister,aged 52. g , the Court of the District of Columbia,aged 90.- 41 „� shall,Ph. D.,F. �. S.,chemist of the United 31.In Chicago,R.M.Hatfield.D,D.,Methodist j 18. In bakland,Md.,Gen. Benjamin Franklin Don Fernando Guzman, ex 41 of Nica- minister and author,aged 7 9.-In London, Earl Kelley,aged 84. ra a. 41 •• States Laboratory,aget140om�alist and author, r 23.In New York,Rev.C C.Goss,well-known 24.In Minneappolis,Minn.,the Rev.O.H.Tif-f 37 l 13.Charles S.Conk j ' Granville English statesman,aged i5, Methodist preacher,aged M. fan D.D., tivell-known Methodist minister. 34 aged 70. April. 25.In New York,Richard S. Newcomb, well- y November. 34 16.In Paris,Leo Delibes, Trench composer, � ! >tI known lawyer,aged 4P. 45 Ewed 54, 1. In Brooklyn, Rev,Samuel T. Spear D.D., I 27 In Waterbury,Vt., ex-Governor Paul Dili- 3,In New York Mgr.Thomas Preston,Vicar-'I 29 2 17,in tiVasbington, George Bancroft,Ameri- Presbyterian Minister and author,78. ingham a ad 91. General of tyre Diocese af,New York. �'+' can historian,aged 90. 2. In Washin ton,General Albert Pilry,Gxand 29.in Evanston,Ill.. Daniel P.Kfdeler,D.D., 12.Don Piatt,American author and journal- 36 - 42 '2: 20.In San Francisco, Kalakaua,King of the Commander oe Scottish Rite Masonry ui the ist,aged 72. 4g tl Sandwich Islands aged 55. United States aged 81.---In Paris, Augustin 'LL.D.,Methodist minister and educator,aged 17.In Brooklyn,Rear-Admiral George H.Coo 48 a' �3.In Brussels,'Prince Baudotu,heir-apparent Thomas Pout'er-Qtiertier,French politico econo- .75• til[�nKt, er,U.S.N.,retired,aged 70. 34 '�z to the throne of Belgium,aged 28. mist aged 7 , famous actor and i ' 43 �'+ 24.In Hobolten,N.J., Harvey B. Dodworth, 7, in New York, Rev, Edward Dori- Griffin I 6,In Paris Hemy Litol�, well-known tom- comedian. J. Florence, _ 44 bttndmaster and con[luator aged 68. Prime, minister and author.-In Bridgeport, 'poser,aged 7 . 23, In Indiana olis Alvin P.Hovey, Governor 34 a 27,Iu Rondout•, N. Y., Jervis McEntee, Conn,Phsneas Taylor Barnum,veteran shave- g, In Asheville,N. C.,Allen Gilman Bigelow, p 37 :iii American landscape painter,,aged G2, man,aged 81. author,poet and musician,aged 37. of Indiana,aged 70. p In Rt.Hon.Edward Robert Bulwer 53 3- 23,In Havana, Senior Felipe Poey y Aloy, 12 In Boston, Eben Touri6e, founder of the 9.In New York,William T. Croasclale, Amer- Luton,Earliof Lytton,"Owen Meredith,"Brit- 42 Spanish naturalist,agged 92 Boston Conservatory of Music.--Edmond de icon journalist,aged 56. the 58 7; 29.Ill New York,VPilliani Windom,Secretary pressens�,French Protestant pastor and author, the Air bcean it tlCampbell, i dis Ep S o�alChur$h hops of islx diplomat and poet,aged(30. 30 aged 87. Deccruber. of Treasury of the United States,aged G3. 32 30,In London, Charles Bradlaugh, English 13. In St. Augustine, Fla., Bishop Williaxrr 12,InBoston,James Russel Lowell,American 2 in Boston,Rev.Samuel Adams Devens,Uni- reformer,aged 57. Gillmore,Roman Catholic prelate, aged 6(i.-- poet and author, aged 72.-In Poland Springs, tarian clergyman,aged 83. 34 31.Ill Paris, Jean Louis Ernst bleissonier, }} founder of.the New York gy g i In Neponsett, 3iass., Hiram W Blanchard, ivle„ George Jones, 4. In Paris,Dom Pedro,es emperor of Brazil, 38 French painter,aged 77• abolitionist,aged 80.-In Washington,Frank B. Times,n aged 79 Auguste Vitu, French dramatic aged 66. l Febrxxaxrs. Spinola,congressman, 8.Rt.Rev.John N.Galleher, Protestant Epss 141 2i 8.In New York,Waldo Hutchins,well-known 15. In Brooklyn, William a Murtha well- critic,aged d 14, In London,William Gorman Wills,English Louis Paulsen famous chess- copal Bishop of Louisiana,aged 52. f r) t lawyer and man of affairs,aged 68, known politician and man of nrairs,aged D. ay In London, , 10.In New York,James Redpath, journalist 20.In Clintou,N.Y.,Rev Henry Darling,D.D., player,aged 5r"• and manager of lectures,aged 5i• LL.D.,President of Ban-till College,aged 88= 24 In London,en Hon.Henry Cecil Raikes,M. dramatist,aged 6Fla. A.P. K. Safford ex-Gov- at Yale,ageel 67. 27.In Tachau, Bohemia,Marie Taglioni,cele- ernor of Guilford, aged.,Daniel Hand American 13.In Washington,David D,Porter, Admiral In Yale,Jaynes K. Thatcher,Prof.of Physiology P.,Postmaster-General of Great Britain,aged•�•3• nu.n G riz Tarpon, Fla., Couu., , ' U.S,N.,aged?,• 22.In St. Germain, France, Henri Michel brated dancer,a d 58. philanthropist,aged 90. 14.In New York,li'illia .Tecumseh Sherman, Antoine Chapu.French:sculptor,aged 57. 29.In London,Thos.Tart-Pratt,M.D.,F.R.S.,'. 18 in New Br,i hton, S. I., Rear-Admiral General U.S.A.,aged 71. 19.In Ann Arbor,Mich.,Alexander Wluchell, �',Tn Berlin ielrnuth Kai L Bernhard Count noted American physician in EOlinurope,.aged 5z Zo In Washington, Preston B. Plumb, U. S. Professor of Geology and Paleontology at Ann von 5Ext e, rTa fan fie of Samoa.-In aged n Brook- Baptist st min st31.In erRand editor,`g d 15. ad,D.D Senator f omThomas sKansas,app.53.fired,aged 69.• o isbor University,a ed CO. September. 21.in England, Wxllialn Cavendish, seventh' 22,Admiral L.H.Pinzon*Alvarez,Comrnand- lyre Rev. D Thomas J. Conant, well puke of Devonshire,aged 83. ate. __ er-in-Chief of the Spanish Navy; biblical scholar,agec189. 1. In Chicago,Rev.J.B.L.Soule,D.D.,Ph.D., 27.In Paris, Fortund du Boisgobey, French DIay. American educator,editor and preacher. as r-Elkton, Md..er John A. J.Creswell,Post- i novelist,a ed 88. 28 In Paris Carlo A. Chizzola, famous oper- t 48.InashinKton,George Hearst,Senator of eminent Vphysicratn ntiged'7g oho Frederick AIsY, idem of theF each Republic aged 78.ul Jules �'In 1pii,s, twig rem rensario,xaged 60rant,aged 63. the United States,aged;0., 2,Ferdinand Gregorovnrs, German poet and Major Jonas M. Bundy, American journalist, Nc p t.Rev.John Loughlin,D.D., aged 55. ). In Brooklyn,R g ••• •• S '11arc historian,aged 70, In c I 31. In London,Prince Victor Hohenlohe,aged •: < 1.In-New York,Jackson S. Schultz,roan of l4.In n Newp fist,a gI C GO les Pratt,millionaire and icy lawyer historian and inventor,aged 8. e1 Roman Catholic Bishop of Brooklyn,aged'!4. k affairs,aged 7G. p 14. At sea Jos.F.Knapp,well-known Brook- 1 87.-The Rt.Rev.Samuel Adjai Crowsher,D.D., 5.In Newton, class.,Robert Carter Pitman, 5.Most Itev, W,I,,am Connor Magee, D. 11•+ 1 te, aged 59, Bishop of the Niger Territory in Africa,aged 70. senior Associate Justice of the Superior Court Archbishop of York,aged 69. Yui in ex-Supt f Police of env York, aged G5. oP Massachusetts,aged G6. I6, i1I.Jaer Bratiauo, Roumanian statesman, 15. InLoudon Sir John Steell,R.S.A.,British inIgo'Keyport,4N.-J+, George Washington .5.- 9.In 8oetseton, Rev. Benjamin -1. Paddock, aged"r8.-In Watertown,S.Dak.,John Banvard, sculptor,ageYork,Col.Frederick Augustus B LE.W DOCNKSTADER. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Rlassachusetts, American painter,aged 75. �; �t. Inn pain o,Cal.,Alfonso Taft,statesman lzling,brother of Roscoe Conkling, aged 75.=In y ;,•;;;I aged 62, What is it rc•e love more than life, fear more _ Rochester N.Y. Gen.Isaac F.Quimby;Axneri- t 10.In Tokio, Japan, John F. Swift,United HenryShelton[Sanford,e United Stattes'min'- ca2soIieNrewpeort, R I William L. Scott, ex- !;than death? The rich reran wants it, the poor„ States Minister to Japan,aged 5Z. man's rot it, the raiser sneuds it, the spend- 4 14.In Berlin, Luchvig indthorst,Prussian isterr IorBelgium, ged Gil. ssman. Leonidas C. Congressman,aged 62. statesman,aged 8p, 21. In Nashville, Washington Curran Whit. 6 thrift leaves it. and when we die we take it i •" 15.In London,Sir Joseph William Bazalgette, Houk,aged 54• Rev.H.T.Van Dyke,D.D„ thorne, United States senator for Tennessee, with us to our mares. British engineer,aged i 1. �G. In Brooklyn, aged 65. + You give it up? The answer is NOTHING., •, lfi.In-New York John R Brady, one of the Presbyterian minister,aged 68. g , i We love nothing: mor n life; ewe fear noth Supreme Court Judges of the State of\ew 2"r.aoseph Roumanillo, Provencal poet,aged Moorehouse,yorrMissouri,ageGclovfiernor Albert P. ....... York,a.eA ch man wants d 69. 7" ,,,,,, 8 19 In env York, C�tarles Porter Kimball,es 3i', In New York, Fordyce Barker,M,D.,fa- aid,D 25. nD.aaged 83,R In New Yok,Henry Kiddle, a ckinson Burch- n rgm e{e Door than we dmau as nothing_the miser • , . 4 United States consul at Stuttgart,aged 65.-In mous physician. author and educator,aged 67. spends nothing, the epeudt-hrift leaves nothing, ......• 4 Boston,AlexanderYoung, Taverner, American dune. 27. In Princeton, Rev: Dr, Caspar Wistar and when we die we take nothing to our graves_ 3, 4 author and joru'nali�st,aged 53. g , Professor -- �- %V.In New York,Lawrence Barrett,tragedian, 3. Benson J. Lossing,famous American his-"G eek aictonfCollege,�aged 60.-In New1 - "� , aged5...-In Fair Haven illasS.,ttie Rev. Fred- torian. --- ; ��_"-��_ ' The li'areh a 6uecess. "••"' A Sea-LoTer. Mrs. President, Ladies' Society and When father built the veranda Forty Years Married. She said: "Oh,I long and yearn,this year, Friends' He kicked about the expense, ;; But ma,she said: 3 sSOUTHOLD, June 25.-On Wednesday eve- For the sea-my own blue sear When you were here the other night "Don't mind it.Ed- nin5 about seventy relatives and friends of 11'l�nd acanr1 and'with no one near, tnus�e,and-be tree, I had not much to arty, Don't think of dollars and cents." Dr. and Mrs. J. C7• Huntting assembled at their Pleasant dome to celebrate tThe oaffair t long to 11a where the billows roll. For you came in so sudd©n like That autumn Clara was married. -- - - anniverSarY of their v ciddin.g• couple, and And the white guns sklni and dart- you took my breath awaY. It made pa glad as could be, was asurprise to the happy Yes:that alone is life to the soul And left my think tank empty, and rag would 3tntle was so well planned and carriers out that And peace to the tired heartl" the house was taken by storm, almost be- And illy mind a vacant space, Most all the while. fore thry occupants were aware of 'what was "1'm proud of that porch," said she. wnsend's. happening. A general good time folio-*ed, She went-and satin a sWaytng.phair Have for a lonesome thought or two Rollos, - as is always the case when the genial doe- On a wide veranda's spaeo y That roamed about the piece. Last summer both Bello and Amp is rlxt's,I for is host. The bride and groom were pre- pnci she�azcd and gazed,at Ilio wonisn there. (Could race for the porch at night, spr irks, seated with a beautiful picture, the gift of pod she never once turned her face But now in this inspiring calm And all the rest w En Ian the company. They also received a present From the chic creattona,'and costumes fine-- That carne after the storm, Of us thought best Mm Beat of a pair of tiny dolls,dressed alike. During Then,back to her home,with a sigh I find my ideas lining up To stay indoors,out of sight. the evening a party of young,"people. sere- O}1xearts content "it was lust divlael With some regard to form; elan ler, naded with fire craelters and tin horns. Re- And With the help of ProVidence, But Belle ran foster than Amy- inkerHill. freshments were served at 10:30 and soon Oli,that glorious sea and abyl" -yuck. She got her man In July*; after the party broke up, wishing the genial -- - ---- On whom I may rely, •v,Londo pate many more years of domestic bliss. Forty Years Married And I'll commend ly,Paris. r ------__ _.-_-- - ---_ To tell yore Part of what I feel, That porch to send ppoon s, I' Last Wednesday was the fortieth At the time of its occurrence, brief Itli now proceed to try. A bachelor's oath sky high. Lson's,Dr Isou's,Lc anniversary of the marriage of Dr. and notice was given in these columns, of I thank you all sincerely 'Last Sunday Amy Informed us ice Vend[ mpey's P, Mrs. J. G. Huntting, and a large a surprise visit given to Dr. and Mrs, For rexneiube art the day That she had told Jtixlrily'`Yes," xjan,Ron Vixen we two started hand in hand And now us three, ishington company of relatives and friends J. G.J--Iuntting, on June 23, in honor To walk.lifers,great highway: lea,ma gird me, rk,Lond planned to make them a big surprise on o f the fortieth anniversary of their And for your words of sympathy, Can get on tki�t Borah,z gClev la And tears that would not Sow, -Cleveland Loader•. bel...... that occasion, and it was a genuine sur- marriage, by the Ladies' Societyand. 1)iaintereetednes.. [bee to'rya prise. A most ha time was had ppy r the congregation of the Universalist As you referred to that event pro„,the w e-it a ne star. thedral,. Of forty Years ago• thedral,i and as a mark of their love and esteem church, It was a very happy Taber,Tones is a curious kind, :hedral,c .for the worthy couple a beautiful memorable occasion. Though truly And for your testimonial As brave on�>�ui ftafty an[i night°find: :hedral,1 Of friendship and esteem. An'is willin'to back his talk with fight, picture was presented. The wish of all "surprised," the bride and groom ,pis sweet,sometimes to lx ti'e the proof Polities is his special lay- A SL' - You've rot,to be.careful what you say, the LFn was that they might be present at the were not too overcome,to entertaill the That friends are what they seem, 'rause he'll face all clanger,however gi'cat, olden weddin of the genial couple, inimitable, A standin'up Nur his candidate. 5und.t, � g - - company in their own, And when you went away that night eel,kl; Parini`. cordial way. Later the Doctor wrote Anel,left us in the hall, They cheat hlm whenever lie buys a ho5z, We felt like saying right out loud, An'he never comMalrts about the loss: from t' A Mexican ntald named cI'alnla. the following verses, which.were sent „God bless you,one and all," He never Scolds'cause he bas to pay ject for in bravado atterniited to fool a Tno much fur lila bin'frons day s day. Sia;' Travelling ,nan i to the President of the Ladies' Society, „Nlgh-to'r J. G. gIIivmTiricl H tasn'ct.it's trite.as his wife wn affai He isn't much B'oa`r In h15 own alTatrs; - - Icy the name or TfaGann. and. read at its next meeting Southold,June 21,1904 But he's ready to dare most,any fate --------- -------- Arstandin'up fur lila candidate. how she's sirs. �leCxann. .Poor C'houral ____._____._._.._.---------- _ -Puck, -- Nettle D that Acta. 1•'r l) ,./ orri the rniiEr boat:. AX AABUx`t91d"1,il9. _ j/ - A mcrtnald&at on a moss-l�owrrsed rook, 1 # Ct --a1"ha tta ern to (t -(l?+�._f err, Mehr hot for the belle of the sobbing hex? aiinay..taxnna 1i ra7).Iawvnr.)sat«kill.N.X.r)rsc,+kiidawiok Fleecy (Q7), tvrittrr on Irlsiloncrpliy, Pr<a- y Z(11 aitarealll�+rt-1 She tilp ed a kiss at a labberwook, "` - Arid - She s read(ser tail in Oct. fee a-th Roll ov* 11,10 . front y 103 surgaan, ; _ And the 31rnlhaeai spray In a prize V& __ --._ __ �- �ihu ilaatha+d a stnlle at a circling auk On her tresses-of filigree. p akt,pralL Unlver.• bd 41tip Ittrirtlrah Alar)., Mouk'a �,f vuluira- :,m q heti errant to the!rock's Adm bora, WOO A011 Of 1900. Loindon :ittitt heal icer the etude c)i the Aad ata was^e! �tri Mill«. And he await)around with Aquatic gruce haws. r#rani. And a ward with the Maid did crave. I Age at death a given in Attan(lr rice. She amlled through the spline on her girllsb fess*e, parentheses; rr+oation,place,cause-And time Of doatth whan known follow. spy. I}rnwry� And her brown eyes ftoogled to At the euxr, Ap"a"rt,Prince of liasxrtn chemist, Kr�a(I'r Arid rhe adid an the,rock'to snake a plat,) � r (Nb), Dresden,Uarneany, (luseret,(;u,rtrrTo Pau For the prlitco from x sural cave. arr.(cionk bept.Ia. It ox and Amoriean to ItAly, sena• tura were. Atcl)or,11+r110(80),a,otre Warren,I'a, Fara1A die. (}luafw th"Val,viontbarort tite Faris()an)mun«,Aug,zk Adiford r,�.tiept,I8; "" tr, , Arid" (66),rAa Waoturer, Perth. Hoot- nt IV--yn1, ()lir xrrn rltrtrrleal her nraly waist, Witt.Irob.It. t7,B,A,, nrahrwt„r. :,#inti hot for the gall that the follo%,hadl Arityllr litrkr ot",tjourzo Douglas Oampl, 11(71). Ouchran, flworl(e ((31), ,Bear-.Admiral V.t3, pl, Akirk o 'to Oaks. Arad thr).alt of her U lir old baldly taste 1,b"un,h:rtatiarati,hopt.24, July 1(# , ow York Attd aald It was not halt trail. Averell,'Will trin W,ffi7),Ilrlaaatlirr-l]annaral u,14, (krriraan,Jolts, C?aptsin (86),Politica! d " I a told her a sweeter citta never raced A.,in tho t)+ail War r''at,,y, I"t0u,MA"..heart disonse,April C. eeonaaifrt, �Doud- ouhantar- The ashr}i-cranked balls of the VdItaea waste ilaosin. 'homerless (rid), lawyer And politician, hlau, Bily (W),contralto slugor, 13tamior(1, ++47-elx. No maid more lovely rill maid more chasto lttrt)iserter,. "' paiumoula,April a. U. ,N.,(,sirdar,• �bxrtar!"w, From`!a'risco to iQlyrlad. ''i,Y.,norv.aua prostration, an.?2 ()oaatahta, James AK. (fI6)r merotiaAt, Now Park Ul. Rut,&w Malv..ru ltarnard, henry(89.),+rdueatur tint U S.(latumin- Oily, May 11 .I I3ritleh sicurargtZin"Uou,liartfur,l,Ut.,old asn,July ti, Opok, 0larecnov (72). art critic and author,Naar 4a I* of IIs pg tini for }�the t her shapely tall, ilearuarr,(7haariwt U.Oil),lawyer, Now York city, York city Juno 4, (Senator toe flet- .'Ytti((ilei for rite flnttererr's pr"ignalrtt llpasl bract dirs?rtaw,Iiiw.�e.� tk,wardin � ;dirc►aaei Admired the hue of each atrmorin scall 6barlera O 141trien 4a) Vnrfraes- foroam her neck to Wer talI•t111'a3 t ra. Beard, William U.(76). painter,Now York Vit reran ( inttrnatlst, Itich- P Y. d.iia. July ti, aQ. tier errs wart,flus Ueltlid an Iiera'a"aalo, Apoplexy.Fob,7t), (k,a,,laoub I'1,(T7)r rotary of the Interior under 114 Il. rat Cedar Her terth did the non-pearl's Witting pa!v. 110sohatr,0harler(rib),olrr�rman(brothearof Henry r'r°°,.1gut tirant,Obvr}in,D.,Aug,4. aairslppl,reflected. Iler!1 s were eat pure ass the asered grail•.. Wast# ochor),lravorhi ,Mass„April dl. ('ratio,tstephou(8(t,),author,lgadenwellrr,Crerntaa�, �' -k• I wisoatift :inti their neplar aga.itt he Alps. It..noher,111012111,411Kill',i+.*nt(76),clvrx yruan(brothor oonoutat)tle,ri.Juna 0„ I ola�y to It is ! all C1ar►>� cit Henry Ward B000lter) hltuim, N.Y. March Oravath. Xraxtux AI. (fill, educator. a3t,C)hat�te is* f `I'ite maiden lichened aft mxletef)S will. 14 Mira,&pt•6 � air York. I,I, lull $tip Stria hol for the Carr of tilts trustful Bove! tlebren,lr Adol phu« J.F.(a1).oloratymmin. Brook- Cirx,Jarpar V.(77), artist, Hut(ulaitr-on-1#nd• e•Nei,7 lxard by 1 :'flit sweet Ia the taste of th":templer'n pill lin.N V.13rfxitt's disaikoo.May 39, sws.lV Y, .lune Js, of outnite luniiorrr"s-h lt«oedrtti. Ckxwt Vittra+"pt de �Oulb tarn hn- ll'ht,n raasod with sugartxi lavri (eri), dtpl"amatial, sutra, rvici 1t.(70), est-�Att'reaterArttl.Jatlfa7r. diaeaarrr, r-ir tickled her car with aafa•itull s clgrtll- Nrie,Prance,March 2s. fl�elbtt. grip Afar 1, tistam, d tkartraatwt. .1o«npq 1, t'. t7xi lincarntarr nt the Onah ttg,1rarak�)~l.(i8 r,t.thacslot[tat, PVatrli ndar (t,8), icer Ia rinth. Alit* ui!word slit sena so sharp of AhT#tl- Aoadervy of tielarlov,Poria.PrAuty,April s. Dy a hemorrhaxii,April 131, �' ( �•ryvilln Anes tits words to front txtrab vrc+ro of sweeter (rill lticlwrall.John(tan).Probiteitioncamildato fear f-ro l- Dalyr ladaraur (clic), Montana financier and at the ;1411141111 of Than a rslt:iott} lratti nitova, dant In Ion obloo,MI.,heart tatinre, t111; llrw York(7oty llrlarht'r direaaaaa,1Povp t�, r ]cork, April t. firer Bingham .loan ,A.186). ox-Minrstor to Japan, Valy,wiiirain 1a,(a), out4lirr In Otxigre% I'I1.1i.A., rigout ado Jlut a riot forie*r me°r that buttes ane"a4a, CJadls,�►.,dahllite,Maroh ift, frvoi 1Vrw J+srary,rtaar I Away,1t, it,, wraesaic Flln stat for the flirt that boater fel 1114ekworop H111lasu"d 1?. (71S novell4" p oisonins Juiy 8l, ' Wavah- ,tni3 the rn� stn,dived to this waters rlawrr, � 4 lYoapr- L.erry,N. ,ednri�)ka- eion,�lana,Jan.ill. Davis' tsharlt}� ("Alvine, etxy,t�a'n�t it a bl+uortiin':cont 1•. Joartltr )(!la), actor, laumor Aral he sw4ni assay with his new foUad rlwar, lilarsohard,(ieorpx 1t,(alt)), railrnud Yusn aci(or now l ittrlxurgit,I'A.,porltalnatis an,, throat lsaralvois tea4lor (a dation of And the mold on the rock shall a brio Xear. York(xite,Mt.it. ' March 1. � Union. i And she dug hint wrorda from hor Woo ad rnr lftY��sc},Bell*(871 ,Woman hpy"it,tit* Uivil War. MnY� (Jumbmao 1J* tom). C1,K. Swintor from vr, 1°Ia>Et,_ Inst- Alurfreea» W1111 the point of her dorsal fin. Ki rna,Wis.,June 14. >K� 138, Pani, lyd'tin., blood polsoning, 11rown4 Harold (NaC), uaplta}lat, New York C1#!y, Nov.37. )ad tnau- flet. rt(liWon. rLlone.est Litt+innws• t+irlts"is�Ir�and�rr4eumoulat.May Ia bitten,Pere Henri(601 preactior and author.Tats- June Ili. ax wish �I1hlines l- Ctotsre I ruck etas etre, 111,91N,silo* Niopolas (3p) millionaire atati_plilt- lours,>f'rAner.apoplexy,Marrh is. ch, t)t., brei((bra# for E� Iril+s tris cot the�,listi.r! dathipt ,Now York(lite,typhold favor,Mier L Dorr, Robert A. IC, ((44), editor of the .trail apd rpturecl d'art Hud- Arid s r sold t churnples"ver nirrg1rI:,1rr' Mirl b eery tl.tft),ex-(k trr(tr,«uraatr, V. - -kopr*ter,N«w York CJ Virriuia, That ICuy wars It bloomin'txhel #rate N' A lir.IH"ritonitir,not.'37, 9lnrsheatar. 'phew flee Just as good morfcllows in the non burr, a►tier Buga6) Drew,Clear r P ).rx-CJor«i•nrtr cit ack- railcar") Byer were raught,note you hear ricer Jam� ( laurnc►listA. Naz�tord. M. astavilir.l�la.,firpt X Florida,' 3#),Boric- i �stt.yabwra. but r beautiful hall with ax full trro%,n () f: Burton,fair rfradsrick W.(84).flutist l cnarra Dun.Robert C1.,(74) founder of Dom's Ii1'ot ntilit 'I1tat raool 4t, v ilii a its _.. .,r! land March 1d k t#rkrht -1;tuart,- �otmi,C.haw 1t,ork Qt,y,11vor 41"citPolitical ;rortvenor �at'� botion for ? DtrtilEar, arlw le. 70), a oak I #•Waunct 13+i�t,�±t,r;ftr.r suis of John P tri s "rl+re ItateFsent 1lffaasl"s)lla►ttae. i (lk4l,Ayrshire+.)�orstland,Oct.0. a jt, st Harvard L14aiverirlty, (7Atltirr 41, '► VeA °r With g'ar'b uncouth and grimed far+)markod � ()awarya. hir Uotl*riok (78) New York ph pp#nat Mads"" su 29, 4tor troapx rt-Hrmino userahant,Lattcirut,Sugl 4 dobtiit lot.air, Dunlap Reber t a!)) h J�ty illaaaay s furrovrexl line: � y, S at nuuaAnfxotnrar,1Wrtw Rork sir#,ItJtyt �, (,r:tnka,• With tear and Sigh and moan bre said, Gw.twttlaofr�lktaM11nes4 data*Marshal(ati),statrarAan i Chty.64rt f4i uro.Aug,g, 04%tv arid aroidiee.Ban tle+baatfata H,a vsty. I'llontaa (0), rnrnerala i "Aly name is(lbridtlaul Klein. C in,�tepprrt Vii, K et and metal- t aautiror, r. 0a n sees Cardinal 1.,di(Nil,lttahop of llarcuua.Vd- uraest (Oolnrubia Sohowt of Mi�nea), Now Y�ark h 1)816 volosu- rcma,ftalr, March it. 01ty.Ja,".111„ klabarna, i1a1. "I was an ftataddr butehor,air, ft Oatlt"tntrn t'rrne Ie li (7tr1, partr8it paalntrr, Now. Radieaott, 1lliam V,(IM),Savrotarr of Wax under itordar- tnppA11etn York 01ty,May l'rerridfln( U1e3vsrlatnd.Baettsti.ltlatata Iter many happy yo+►nt: MAY ,. plim nsaowi.ew, siorter of i A false love siaughtered my fond bepon t7httt;rr>d1rn,i,uoieis l3 (7d)t rx-114slat'.rr of the 'Xpoo. Sydney P. } ;R,o ,ntatlre in Cktri �Ight'p Ii ?kms 31sK�a- 'l'reaasure,rlurlingtca, t,cholera txtcar Y r SO,pray excuse these stt,ecrnt ZL bels.July from )r inia, Arch ip art�MM U, Post- Christian ;tit Pillow. Christian Victor, Of bolrleswix-dolatrin, Prince Nvard, 011 rl x a.((71) educator,bean of liar- and,odu- taihis. -oh. fickle Kette Dinkeispioll (33), sort of Prtaci s (Mri«tiar) of alae Briti«h�Yah'Divinity ivi it (7e3),artist, ubrid ne.'Maes.. (:)est.IT, ,17• 11 to Borth. J Why for you did I yearns royal frtnilr, PrOtOria. 15oltrth A,friva, outrrro Bnglaand,Au(r. tuati, o„ p141pea1l, WI1y give to you tarp freak heart, and Laver.C3et,de Pxir*hltd, rloraorJ.(7N), rehank Bhadkbridge, Ian, Now ail River. I tlbureh. Hrederiak R.(74), lalutapape palntar,:Vow Maw.,.liana 11. + wa« .te- Bakskewers in return? Ynrk O`,ti ,April 7, T'atart4trt, rile lienee (eta), AdtAlrrlll of the fttris 'I I fihomaid trowed she'd marry m�►eBith, vormark i Lewis r(}W ( atw.CillelJgttttoailman (90), founder of iaat Prewr Py Navy,rk Uni- Alndarh les imUaroNiat 00 wronmdout. T,on. Naterhwx, a Ari,, ttayl- dA ter sraarra ed lYy i �4rr xq pflrn r Is, �Id Ilnrbor. InSatuatead I# Lha time C)lsrlW�t �MAO., slave trade c.}term -------Ki flow brlaket soenaad to fleol 1111,li I„irra(rt litib a .irgarar efactttsrvr, It"at�als I(ri«drrfOh .John ftt5), ClararrarrAwrrioati I nallst,Weer York City,A3aroh 1. i)ut she proved false. Oar dalr she wrot*- It wad no tenderline- _ "'I love the baker,"I am Frankturwr oven is.Kiehl "`I liver lone for hien,end ot,! Staternrtrt o f torr Pabtr of Decal and hersn7vil Estate is the City and He finds his knead to me, 'the Song of the Favernent. C'wtiay oJ' Not, York,with the. un(nunt raixed by 71i.x, f)^om the year I never sausage love As 11181 They took u little gravid, 1°''26 to IS52,both im-lusive. He suets)ere to a Ti" And they took a little tar, "I rend.then orled.'Arse's tonguo nit deem With various Ingredients A viper have I nursedl' Importod frout afar. I t"nttt• � rnan,,.r Vnr11er.11' TOO vnitle A,n,amt. ole,sir,of all bad Cute I've had, They hammered it and rolled it, ` 1(,ni r.cnrn. I trrnEYni t,"4ntr, hent „nd!e,e,nnr. [tn(m•ti by'('nr. And When they went away � +..___ '1'Itat was Lha very wUrstt �.. Thy tiaid they had a Pavement IK)O $6 404,0 ei1 X112 1:31,9"1 1117 2:314,r1k1 3'3:3,7P)�s �+9 One thought ra y,allowded in tnY bzatn-- Tlint Would last for nian a(la , I4.!r...... U1,617,770 :w,5!11,1.Mt 112,211,026 1:37,69'2 0'„ 1 Your pity,pray,allow-- y 9 I4)j....,. ;7,139,eihc) :36 47A,fiu:f 11 1 fl l!1 :113 •1N+s,VA 7`2 Where my poor head she fondled once, J3t1(t they rarlle with picks lied l3llltote Is"'). • 71),130,1,30 :3 5,672,6 36 111 '311:3 thio, 5()7,107 21 His hendchat"pressing now°! it 14ar),,,,, S7,0;3,5' +a 66;3,5 6) :37(i41,!l:;s 125,28S,51.14 509,178 •14 IS:11 1...... 95,591,:i,35 •l l e)lil i,I!)1 1'37,660,;529 5(;2,J O1 m Then paused the uncouth butcher man, To lay a water main; i 81.32....., llll,llil),fi0:r 4!►,r 11,72:3 1 11,9112;2.� t;b<s,3'3:r 71 And fierce his eyes did glare; Arid their they called the workmen 1 I S 3.3 ...... 114,121,566 52,44i,971; 1(163•191,:)1:? 971,8(15 (if ,.And closing tight 11is brawny net, TO put it up tiOIue more, 1531 ..... 123 219,24(1 63,290,2:,11 14(;,.51H..)I1 8+35,605 T) Right furiously he aware. And t lion they put it bark main Ili 3:)...... 1,13,732,42-55 71,991,27$ 218,72:3,70:3 965,602 94 "False Katie DInkesloploU"he oxied. Just Where It wits before. 14:36......' 2,3I 712,302 7-5,75S,617 309,500,920 1,06;1,1"30 11 I'll haunch ye ilii I diel r 14:37...... 1.)6,1.)O,Ifi!) 67,:.,.)7,2.11 263,747,.3•x0 1,` 1.1,972 15 They took it U for Conduits i 14,3'(...... 191.5 131359 bt►,(i09 5112 261 152,9 it 1 1`3(1,!c But caddie be my lonely loll" r r c 4 t ''•�' 7.3,920,,"5)� c„ e , )13�,3 To run the telephone, 1H3) 1.1n,►1(1,131 2r0 46),019 1,3,2 826 ,r "Pork Ghriatlan Klein t"quoth t, l ' t y 14.11} ... .1h7,221,71-1 6t,011,41►I 252,2;13,5 15 1,3t,1,4 35 29 And then they put it back agairlr r a, Z531,194,!)20 , Tine good maul dried his tearful eye!, ,A s har(.l ti,h any Stone, 1411...... 1t;6 3 r0,,1#ri fi l,'31:3,.)7� 1,:,,11,1.3(1 (i5 Atid said,"It's book boar taut,• Tile took it up for wires 1.41'2....., 176 us1:3,0!)2 61,�92,55f) 237,805,65 1 2,1):;1,:362 (>(i .. y IS ..... 1(i f 9:t,8:31.1 fit x7:3,7'5 229,229,079 1 717 516,9 "Oh,sirl Oh,could Yon favor tno r i i 1G food rile ectric3 light, 171,937,591' t 552 > "� 5 -I3olo¢natulCtricadiinest" � r 2611 .... 61,74),5.r� 236,7:,7,143 l )�6,51H ,x6 ED MOM Arid then they put it� back agaill, 141> ,,.. 177,207,990 (i2 757,527 23.1,995,517 2,096,1191 18 Which was rio Vlore than rii;ht. 164(1...... 14:1,13ti,Cx 1 (11,471,470 211,r).>2 004 '2 520,140 71 (lis i'!t)t1•)t("lel'. 1617...... 157 311,36(1 �!.),4:37,913 217,15:3,'299 2,641,776:30 Ali Irt hrna,u was cher 011 the paveinent's ftlll Of furrows* 181'3 19:3,029,07(1 (il lfil•117 254,193,523 2,7141510 Lea• ri ed with a petty ofienve. .' ,l r 1419...... 197,741,01!) 5^�,li 1,224 25(1,197,14:3 3'005,7(12 52- It You any one. it,) court who will Vourl'r, Prrr _. shore are )lets.108 ev13r wh(3re; your goad Cha-ravter?" m1 o tt z Vou'd like to rill`upoll it, 1850..... 207,1 12,576 78,919,240 286,061,816 3 a`30,U5 5 11'2 4 t,1 rl thr�,lt 1 e�. 1851..... 2'27,015,856 9.3,095,001 320,110,857 2 924 155 !a1 "Yes,sore lucre is ilio.clrlt•f cr)n.atnhie,x>rsncicr," But it's seldollt that you dare. 18:12•..,, :3Ei3,Z7$,3ti1 9^s,490,042 351,7(i8,tl`�)6 � t..; U,.:rll Us, rtnr3�m (318 Yat. lt':•3 a very ha,ndsonle Pavement, Thee edict c'dnt3table �t':),�; antazrrl. "fit"h!.-, j-rncr Honor.I dont nve:n Itnou•the man,"protc-sn t1 h,•. r,A credit to tile'tOWII; "Nava, sorr brake iii Yat. "I have lived in ahs'. l lley're always d3Ri;ir1'Of it up he.tvas kiml-b.ou.rted,and his sympa.thi"were borough for nearly twersty vears,atn+1 tr Ht,+ (,wt,f , (,no r•:14ihr st•in-ed for a.r,ru,c,cs;irul chauffeur.--- consta Ie d"sn't know sear yet,tan's that u chLia!- _. ()1'putt1I1 Of it clown. ter far , ' ��A"" r_,it-B+ita_.4._ A Song of the Sea. From the Denver Post. An. A sol •ante. Answer- Olney, svi er- `-- Olney,James B. (67),Iswyor,Uatskill,N.Y.,Dee, ,Sidgwiciz,Henry 462), wri 104 -Death -Boll o f 1900 ill - feasor at the University ------ - ---_ Ottendorfor,Oswald (14),proprietor and editor of Aug,29, Jones, Patrick 1I. (70),lewder and politictan Ythe Stoats-Zeitung, Now York Oity, cerebro- Simpsou, Sir Henry (5P Fullerton,William(83), lawyer, Newburgh,N,Y. postmaster of New York,Port Rlohnicnd,N e1` spinal disease,Dee,15, Datchet, England,drov March 15. Wash- July 23 ,� Osman Pasha (Ghazi Osman Nubar Pasha)(68), Smart,Jaynes H.(59),Pre Gear,John H.(75),U.S.Senator from Iowa, Joubert I'IetrnA Jacobus 6g)� $0er Turkish soldier and statesman, Constantinople, city,Lafayette,Ind„Fel - ington,D,C.,heart failure,July 14, cot,,. Turkey,April 4, Gerard,James W. (78), lawyer and author,New mandan Pretoria, South A riea, peritonitis, Palmer, John M. (83), soldier and statesman, Smith,Jt ly31Ballard (51), joua York City,hemorrhage of the brain,Jan,28. March 27, ( + , Springfield,Ill.,heart disease,Sept,25, Smyth, Charles Piazzi (I Gibson, Maryland,Charles H.aston,Md.,1ited states Mar h 31. Senator Kcisco,Cal.,eAut 13rd 43) astronomer,San Park,Edwards A.(91),theologian,Andover Semi- England,Feb,21. _ Gilbert,Mahlon N.(52), Bishop Coadjutor of the Keeley, Leslie i�. (68) invontor of tlto " • nary, Andover,Mass.,June 4, Smyth,Frederick(68),No Cure, Los An oleo, liFeler Perkins,Mary Footo Beecher(94),sister of Henry City,N.J.,pnoutnonra, . p, E. Diocese of Minnesota, ,St. Paul, Minn., Key,David Mc o,Cal„hoart dis(,ase NI).21,' Phelps Beecher,Hartford,Ct„March 14, Squibb, Edward R. (81), March 2, K.(76) ex-U,K,Senator from Tun. 1 helps Edward J. (78), jurist, diplomatist, Brooklyn N.Y„heart d ! Gladstone, Catherine (88), widow of William E. nesseo, ex-Postmastor-Goneral, Ch,ittanooga, New haven,Ot„pneumonia,March 9, Stallo, Sohn B, 76), ex-1 Gladstone,Hawarden,Wales,June 14. Tenn.,Feb.3. Philip, John W, (59), hear-Admiral U. S, N., Jan.6, Goebel William (44), Governor of Kentucky, King,John Alsop(83),Prosident of the Alwj.ork Brooklyn, N.Y„heart failure,June 30, Stanton,Thaddeus H„Bri Green i fort,Henry Wftssas i aced,hief JU1).3. of the Su- Histo ical Society,Now York City, pnomnenia, Filar, Gregorio Del, Filipino General, Luzon, Omaha,iNeb.,Jan,23, Fob,1. Stoinitz, William (63), cl preme Court of Pennsylvania,Aug.16. Kinney,Thomas T,(79), J'rwictor of Ilia 1�,;.norh Porter,John Addison(44),journalist,ex-secretary City, parcels,Aug,12. Green,William H.(75), Presbyterian divine and Advertiser,Nowark,N. aa,2, to President McKinley,intestinml disorder,Put- Steevens, George W. 30) Put- educator,Princeton,N.J.,Feb,le. Loeoli,Edward O,(50),banker,ex-Dhector of the nam,Ct„Dec.14, ant,South Africa . (305 Greene, Samuel Dana, Schenectady, N. Y., Mint,New York City, appendluitis,hiayi, Pryor, Luke(8o), ex-United States Senator from Stembel, Roger N,(90), drowned,Jan,8, Leggo,Col, Henry 011ftrles (48), Bri'tisil soldier, Alabama,Athens,Ala.,Aug.5, retired,Now York City, Grosvenor, William M. (65), journalist, Engle- killed in battle in Strath Africa,Dec,l;i, Pullman, Royal I3,(74), Universalist clergyman, Stewart,Sir Donald M.(77 1 wood,N.J„Bright's disease,July 20, l:ewelling,Lorenzo D,(fi4),ez-Governor of Kansas, Baltimore,Md.,Aug,26, Army,Algiers,Africa,D Grove,Sir George, ex-Director of the Royal Col- Arkansas City,Kan.,heart failure,Sept,, Purple, Samuel Smith(78), physician, New York Stockton, John P.(74), o) lege of Music,London,England,May 29. Liebknocht, Wilholm (74), statesman, eocialist, City,heart disease,Sept,29, from New Jersey, ,New Hamlin,Cyrus (89), educator,formerly President Berlin,Germany,Aug,(l, Queensberry,Marquis of,John Sholto Douglas(56), Jan.22. d of Robert College, Constantinople, Portland, Liscum,Emerson If. (59),Colonel U, S.A TieSir William(61),sl:n_ London,England,Feb,1, Stokes Me.,Aug,8 Tsim Ohina,killed in battle,July 13, Rademacher, Joseph (60), R. C, Bishop of Fort Stono,'John M.(70), ex-G i1 Hammond, William A. (72), ex-Surgeon-Goneral Lockhart, Sir William S,A,(59),Canuttrinrler-in- Wayne,Fort Wayne,Ind.,Jan,12, Holly Springs,Miss.,ory of the Army, Washington, D.C., heart disease, Ohief of the British Army in India, Calcutta, Ramsdell, George A. (66), ex-Governor of Now Storrs,Itichard S.(79) Jan.5. March 18. Hampshire,Nashua,N.H.,apoplexy,Nov,16, man and author,Brookly 't Harmer,Alfred C,(75),Representative in Congress Lothian, Marquis of, 130110mberg 110110 Kerr. Reeves,John Sims (78), tenor singer, Worthing, Strong, William L.(74), c t% from Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa,. kidney (f,7),antiquarian,London,England,Dari,17, England, bronchitis,Oct,25, merchant New York Cit trouble,March 6. Mack, John W. (52), inouranue jaurnulist, New "Rico,Dan"[Daniel McLaren](77),circus clown, merchant, ,Ne Arthur Hayden, Horace J.(60)'Second Vice-Prosident of York City,typhoid fever,Nov,25. Long Branch,N,J,Feb,22, opera music, London, E the New York Central Railroad,Now York City, Malilard, i3onry (84),confectioner,Paris,Prunno, .Richardson,Abby Sage(63),author an$dramatist, Nov.22. Li- tocidental fail,Dec,6, March 2, RomD Rollie,Italy,pneumonia, eo.5. Teck,Duke of,Francis-Pa Hazen,Henry Allen(50), "Weather Man,"Wash- Marouil,Do Villobuis,soldier(sorved with Beer.,), Rid h,John C,(60),historian, Now York City, white Lodge,Surrey,En ington,D.O„accident,Jan,23. South Africa,April 6, debility,July 3i. Thompson Richard W. u Healy,James A.(70),R.C.Bishop of Mains,Port- lllnrtlnc+au, .i>k11111eY (96),Unitarian theologiaq Rogers,Sltorinan S. (70),lawyer, Santa Barbara, Navy,Torre Haute,Ind, 5- land,Me.,dyspepsia,Aug,5, London England,Jan,1'3. O"I"cerebral meningitis,March 23, Navy, Zealous B. (81), ., Hearses,Henry J.(60), editor,New Orleans,La„ Mather 'I�rederiok(87),fish oulturist,Lake Nchn• ILuskin,John (81),art arida, author, England, retired,March 21. ih Oct.31, garnaIn,Wis.,Feb•14, Jan,20. Villard,Henry (65),cal Hennessy, John (77), R. C. Archbishop of Du- Mabry, Dabney Ii,(78), ex-Oonfedorato general Itnssell Charles(Baron Russell of Killowen), Y.,apoplexy,Nov.1'l, v rtry, Dubuque,Ia.,March 4 Peoria,ill„Jan.11, Lord Chief Justice of England (67), London, Von Ketteler, Baron G 73Rich, William Wirt(69),historian and lawyer, Mayo, Edwin (30), actor, Quebec, Onna(la,heart England, gastritis, Aug, 10, China,Peking,aesassinal Richmond,Va.,Dec.5. disease Feb.19, Warner,Charles Dud in t Sawyer,Wisconsin, , l ober -mer States Senator , Hesse, Henry, Prince of (62), soldier, Munich, Mayo,William K.(78),(Jmiimo(loro IJ.S,N,,tiYaefy from ZViscansin, lumbar iuorahant, Oshkosh, ford,Ct.,heart trouble, Bavaria,Sept.16. ington,I),O„April fl, Wis.,March 29. Webb,H.Walter 48),linai 'til Hill,Nathaniel P.debility,Aug.ex-US.Senator, Denver, Mazella,Cardinal l.1am1110(67),Bishop of pales. Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of, Alfred Ernest Col.,general debility,Aug,22. tri", Rollie Italy,March 26, Albert 56),second Bon of ager,Scarborough, N.Y. ( Qnoon Victoria,Duke S. ;Hoadley,Charles J.472),librarian and antiquarian, MoOlernand, .�fohn A,(88),lawyer, Major-(,onoral of Edinburgh,Coburg,Germany,paralysis of the Wells, id fever, , (o 15 A Hartford,Ot.,debility,Oct,19, in the Civil War,Sprinilfiold,Ill,,debility,Sept, heart,July 30. typhoid fever,Juno 15. th. Hosmer, George H. (42), professional oarsman, 20. Wells, Henry H. `77), ex Sayre,Lewis A, (80),physician and surgeon,New Palmyra,N.Y.,Fob,12. Boston,Mass.,consumption,Aug.22- MoOlurg,Joseph W.(82),ex-Governor of hlissinrl, York City,debility,Sept.21, St- Hovey, Richard (36), poet and dramatist,Wash- Lebanon,Mo„hemorrhap of the stomach,Der„2. Schleswig-Holstein,Dowager Duchess of,Adelaide Wellington,Duke of,Fleur ington,D.C.,Feb.24, McGill,Alexander T,(67),�urist,OliancollorefNow Victoria, mother of the r DuchEmpresess of Gormand, shire,England,,.June 8. Hoyt, Charles H.(40), playwright, Charlestown, Jersoy,Jorsey City,N.,.,April 21, Dresden,Germany,pleurisy,Jan 2fi, Westminster, Duke of, I ei N.H.,Nov.22. McGlynn, Edward (83),It. C, clergyman and re. Schnadhorst,Frances (60),organizer for the Lib- (75),London'England,pi Hubbell,Jay A.(71), Judge and ea-Congressman, former, Newburgh, N, Y., Bright's diseas', oral party,London, E ugland,Jan,3, Wilde, Oscar(46),author, Houghton,Mich.,Oct.13. Jan. 7. gitis,Nov. 30. Hifinbert,King of Italy,Monza, Italy, assassin- McNair,Frederick V.(61),Rear-Admiral U,S,N., Schuyler,Anthony(85),p,E. clergyman, Orange, Willoy, Waitnian T.(89), e(1� ated,July 30 N.J„heart failure,Nov,2`2. West Virginia,Washington,D.G.,apoplexy,Nov.28, Morgant D., ': Humphreys,Frederick(84),homoeopathic physician Miner, Henry C, (58), theatrical rnanag(jr, New Scott,Robert Kingston c74), ox-Governor of South May 2. 70 and manufacturer,Monmouth Beach,N.J„July 9. York City Feb.2'2. Carolina,Napoleon,O;,Aug.10, Willis, Richard Storrs (8 i11- Hunter, John W (93), ex-Mayor of Brooklyn Mivart,St,490 a(73),scientist,England,April 1, Sewall,Arthur(65),shipbuilder, Democratic can- Detroit,Mich.,bray 7. Brooklyn,N.Y„April 17. Moody,DW 1 11 (63) evangelist,Last North- didato for Vice-president in 1896 Bath, Me„ (85) P p 1t .. , g , � � Wilmer,Richard H. , Huntington, Collis P.(79).railroad magnate, field,Mass„Doo,22 1899, apoplexy, Sept,5. Spring Hill,Ala.,June 1+ financier,Pine Knot Lodge,N.Y.,heart diseaso, Morris,Felix,actor.Row York City,F91),13, Sharpe,George H. (72), Brigadier-Gonoral in the Wilson, George W. (57), are' Aug,13, Mueller, Friedrich blax(77),Oriontaliat,01• Civil War,politician,New York City,Jan,14, Internal Revenue, Wasl ford,England,liver disease,Oct,28. Sheerman, Thomas G. (66), lawyor and political disease,Nov.27. Ingalls,John N. (67),ronc S.Senator from Kansas, economist, Brooklyn, N, Y., Bright's disease, ZViison, William nor Las Vegas,N,M.,bronchitis,Aug,16. Mulhall, Michael J, (64), statietioian, Lyng".and master-General under Pr id- Irby,John L.M,(56),ex-U.S.Senator from South Deo'13, Sept,29, eater,Lexington,Va.,Jul it Carolina,Laurens,S.C.,Dec,9, Mullen,Tobias(82),R.(), Bishop,Erie,Pa.,para!• Sherman, Y 01111 (77), statesman, Secretary of Wise,Isaac M•(81),Jewish 6. Irons,Martin (68},ex-labor agitator, Buneeville dais,April l2, the Treasury under Prosident Hayes,Secretary of paralysis,Marsh 2J Tex.,Nov.17, ltluitic,para Allsis,M y ((i6), painter, Bonn Dor- State under President McI£inley, Washington, Wood, ]Benjamin(80), odic+ ts' Jacobins, Cardinal Dicer Dominica Maria many,paralysis,May 1, D.O.,debility,Oct,22, York City,debility,Feb. th Muraviefi' (Doul(K5),Russian linnohlinister, Sicard,Montgomery (64} Rear-A(mfrs! U. S,N„ York,Zobulom ex-Confede (63),R.C.prelate,Rome,Italy,Feb,1. retired, Westernvilfe, N,Y,,apoplexy,Sept,14, Miss.,Aug.5. St,Petors�>urg,appoplexyy,<luuu 21. nes. Joinville de, Prince Francois Ferdinand Louis Nfetzsohe, Frodoriok William (56), pltiloaopher, ser Marie d'Orleana(82),last surviving son of King Weimar,Germany,Aug,25. )778,. ee,. 29-Ent;.cap Uro ;Savannah. - 1807, J-lincs--2T=U; ag Louis Philippe, Paris, b'ranee,pneumonia,June Oldenburg, Grand !Juke of Nicholas irrederiC6 1779,July 16-Am.defeated Eng,at Stony Point. 73,M,S.heal 17, Peter(73),Oldenburg,Germany,June 13, 1779, Se)t. 23-PaulJ ones defeated Eng,squadron,I 1808, Jan, 1-Pr ' ` 1 1779, Oct. 8-9-Eng.defeated Am.at Savannnh• tivH, - I Statement, of the Value of Rea "'I liver lone for and 01:' The Song of the PavementY T He finds his kneadead In me. . County of New 1 ork,with th I never sausage love as hist They took a little gravel. 1826 to 1832,both inclusive. He suets me to a TI' And they took a little tar, "I read,then cried,'She's tongue me deepl With various ingredients A viper have I nursed!' Imported froul afar, pate value of v Oh,sir,of all bad cuts I've had, They iammred it and rolled it, Itunl 1 aue(e. I'urdot e' That was the very wurstl And when they went away "one thought is branded in my brain- They said they had a pavetuent 1826..••.. x;6.1,804,05 0 x;42; t. That would last for Alan a day. 1S27...... 72,617,770 39,. Your pity,pray,allow- y y 1828...... -77,139,80) 3f,I Where my poor head she fondled once, But they came With picks and smote 18'29.;.... 76130430 35,1 His headcheese pressing novel" it 1830...... 87,603,5S0 37,( Then paused the uncouth butcher man, To lay a Water!vain' 183 •.•.•• 95,60,605 41,5 ' l 183'2...... 10-.1 1 Ei0 605 40,', And-fierce his eyes aid Mare: And then they called the workmen 1s33...,.. 114;121;566 52,) And closing tight his brawny Het. To put it up some more; 1534...... 123,249,250 63,1 Right furiously he sware: 1835......... 143,7532,425 7-1,i And then they put it back again "False Katie Dinkeisplell"he crit i, .just where It Was before. i 1836•••••• 233,742,31)3 75, 11 "I'll haunch ye till I diel I 1837•••••• 1)}(5,450,109 Eri,: But saddle be my lonely lotl" They took it up for conduits I IS38...... 19-1,543,359 (i9,( "Pork Christian Klein l"goat( I. un p To rthe telephone, j 18+39...... 196,940,134 73,f And then they put it back again 11340...... 187,221,714 65,0 The good man dried his tearful eyes, As hard as an stone, i 1,144J....... 186,350,948 64,E And said,"It's bock boor time; They y IS42..,... 176,513,092 61,2 coder, lied took it up for wires I 1813,..... 16-1 9:55,314- 64,2 "Oh,strl Oh,could you favor me i - •Bolegnai>ag me a cllniei., To feed the 1ect1•tc light, 1844...... 171,9;37,591 64,7 ED MOTT- And then they puff it back again, 1815...... 177,207,990 62,7 Which was no more than right. 1846,..... 183,150,534 61,4 I-#1�-Chn,ra,eter. ---- 1�-i7...... lir 31 ,386 59,s :kn Irishman Was charged With a petty otTenee. 011,the pavement's full of furrows; 1815-..... 193,029,076 61,1p a There are patches everywhere; 1849...... 197,7-11,919 5S,4 "llaz c ort a:nY one In court Soho will couch for , 1850...... 207,142,576 75,9 your good eharaeter',"quc'rlod the Judge. You'd like to ride upon 1t, 1S5I...... 227,015,3:56 93,0! rear, "Yee,sorr:there is th(',chief constable,yonder," But it's seldom that you dare. 1852..... 253,275,384 9S,4 ans�v rea,ch Vat. It's a very handsome pari*enlent, The, chief constable ��as amazed. "� ht, vnur _ _. Finney.i clan t rve,n itiaotic the man,"prntesfed li(•. AcreClit t0 the tOWll; -- Koss, �ou-. sorr" brol.e ,u Pat, "I have I1ved in the r lie"was kind-beartee borough for nearly t�v?ntj scary,suet if On chief They re always digin'of it up (,an rxsilt-stlrl'ecl fE' eenstable(10('Sn't know t]lE yet,L3n't that a charas-__ 'Of 1t CIOWn, ter for yez?. ��pUttin grit-Bits -- A Song of the Sea. � Penn,thr Denver Post. _ VDttr (reltttlrito 4f 1urrical, 1 An. A.s urFatnc i(,t�)' (:tc� =�11���•�1-Thu, nn�.,n #o �lilcl,_.tl,n 14981.1(141, t Centuries of �=1 mericu. l,0' `•104 A .. _. __ -... _ )) - - 1'uitt ohrouuk,Kiaul(latery,,taken ttloonaeatturi with Ibe Iiaittln Uaalreiutar ut fife It,:lauhlj,_ d �/'O7.cr Centuries Of A7�28r2CQt. 107 wurt,deu ('I`Aio wo r.n As.aisNaa for ltit)N)ntid the"Ilitettary cat la Khlp In that ilulted �ltatera 1'1 + Haller 1775 to 190011(THE Wort.1,n ALMANAC for 111()()),will =a 00MI)Mhouslve outline pt ivy fn n, 10. Mar, history from the discovery of Arnerics to the close of the alnetoanth am Ut'lonul 11758,July 5-15,000 Now England troops om- 1780, April 3-Am.boats took Eng. armed ehi Glear, Abbreviations: Am.,Ameri n;Conf. Confect rate d , .,I4r1at1atu(urs): barked on Lake Chain lain for Canada. Blaakenake. p ltUhurg ingt llsh;est.,established;ft, fart;H, U.S.,VISMajoeity'r jld.,t kt 2F.A.,North A,nerie,; 1.158,Jixly p6-8--Fng. defeated French near Lake 1780, April 14-Eng. defeated Ain. at Monk's ,P t;ulwn: Cierar Nat.,1Vatio lata;U,13.i',,United idtaatre privateer•U IIaltttld kl;tlr Oharn lain. Yor Prepared for Tun Wc)ttz.n Al,eanmtwc by Id ar tllawuau atrslay,A, , uuttinrot"`A Higt„typf 1758,July 27-Eng.captured Louisburg, 1780, May 12-Eng,took Charleston, (11ronbsoi the United t3tatee Navy, A 13lxtory of merriCan Pr•Ivatiteers, I�ettuln11"naca of 1158,Aug. 27--Eng.took Tat.Frontenac. 1180,May 15-Eng.defeatecl Am.at Waxhawe. rl Mills fron Navy,"etG the Ulrl 1758,Sept. 14-Fronah and Ind.defeated Eng. at 1780 Aug. 16-Elag.defeated Am.at Camden. rleane<. U P.l of DII3COYIfRI1�S AND C,IUI.ONIZA't'IUN. 1471. AptII -•flarolina damanda,!x"n,• Ft.DuqueFine. 1790, Oct. 2-Major Andre exeovted as a any. •� sal calf+- 1759, Sept. 14--Eng.defeated French near Quebec. 1780, Oct. 7-Am. defeated Eng, at King's I)rowry' Mar 1492,Oct. 12--•Ooiumaua thus.the New World. mwttt, 1759,$opt. 17-(?ueboo surrendered to the En I;C41ads 1483,Sept.!31ti-•Oo)nmburr sailed dot raocrttri voyrA'a. 14473, Aug. 7-•,Dutch r�;rrtunu!New y,.,,k If g. Mountain,N.(7. tura wn Gila. 1491,May 10-•-Amorigo Yeapuoai aalla+t on first 1874, March --•ynakees bongill half of'Now,)n,_ �1760,June 27- ng, defeated Ind. at Orow's 1781,Jan. 17-Ain.defeated EarR.at Cowpens. voyage, rn Creek, Tonn• 1781,March 15-Eng. defeated Am. at Guilford rat Rayti Clor,bt 1760, ... . -First settlement in Vermont. CourtY-Ho ase. nolRoy a Fra 1497,June 24-(Jabot ilio.N.A.Continent. 1474,.su y -Naar Yeuk rwG,twd tet l ice, 1703, March 9-I'arlinn�uutdeoi,iad to taxAmorica. 1781, Apail 25-Eng. defeated Ara. at FIobkirk's Greer. 1497"bog 2--John sad Sabastlau Cabot sallod t.roat�, 171;3, May 7-1'arli ao a Ind.war began. Tiill, airOalrt Dial on Bret voyapro. 1876,duly •--Ind. wre Ixirahe""(out in'1'n ):,r• 1763, piny 16-Ind. nrassaored Rag. in Ft. San- 1781, May 28-•--U. S. S. Alliaaoe defeated Eng, leac,seion Croon 1498,May BU--Ckiluiubus sailed on third rdya8e, 1415, Aa 2-Iirvektlalri, IliaeO., d++sr)„),,i dusky. squadron. dahan4oa edw 1502,May 8-(lo os doe stilled d oa Florida.itatvoyage, iii+ y 1763 July 31--Ind.repulsed sortlo at Detroit, 1181, June 18-Eng- defeated Am, at Ninety-six, (i}reeq 1513,Marsh 27-Ponce du Loon ilio. lor1476,t3st+t. 1---lad. bnsanr!t)aars4w►!d,ai � taattnrisr dro, 159A ... -Gomez explored Now England left Fol,, to-King Philip hurii"d l,snetol"r, 176'3,Nov. ;1-Prance by secret treaty ceder!all 1781, Sept. 6---.Nng.defeated Am.at New London. (3rosv coast. Maaa. Louisiana wort of the mississippi to Spain. 1781, Sept. 8--Am. defeated .Eng, tit Eutaw Malver WOO 1529, Oct. 30-Cabema ala Vada din. 1141 ataailrpl 1874.April lClax 1'(1119 Mai,est 1111,•13 11164,April 5-Parliamont laid now taxes on Springs, (boyo River, 1074 April W-Vdllgiale,secured*itn�t,1. I America. 1781, Oct. 19-Surrender of Yorktown to Paolfi logo 1634, ...... -Spaniards explored California. 1074, flopt. Rabellitn.in Vlrlriata bac 1764, ---I3roWn University founded. 1782,Nov 30-Proliininary articles of peace set- 1584,Aug. -••-OarWar ilia, mouth of the tat. Iota.Coe, 1-•iioeou died shat nabalum 1171i5,March 2--1'arlianient enacted that Stamp act. tied at Paris. Mnrfraoa I3olil IAwronoe. 1677.Jan, 20--wiltials Lrattuaaaad,of 1765, Out. 7-First Am. Congress met in Now 1783,Sept. 15-Independence of the U. S. so- Me. 1641,May 25-Da!foto crossed the Mississippi. was hara8sd. York. knowledged, at i7eda furor 158A Aug. 28-v Drake took Spanish in Florida. 1417,Kept, 11--Tint law aptsinst If 1766,March 18-Parliament repealed Stamp act. 1783, Nov. 3-U. S. Army peaceably disbanded• q 1767,March 15-Andrew Jackson born. 1783, Nov. 26--British ovacuated Neve York. nlisoatin of n 1601,Aug. 17-1Pirat Hug. oolaay, month uC the lat. u(y-,F)eei-LI Balla axpluradlf►,te 1798,Sept. 28.-Eng.troops reaohed Boston. 1783 Doo. 4-Washington bade farewell to hie Kontsabeo,MaIao. 1001, Meatal! 8•-C7i;srlaa TI. Erwlyd 17119,Oct. l8-Ata.issued Appeal to the World. officers. Jan ,. ,. alt C7on; Iiarua 1604, • -Annapolis,exN.ll.,fdtiaapo ea rriliaa. 1770,ATarch 5--'Phe Boston"Mirasacre." WARS WITH FRANCE AND TRIPOLI, Bull Ru imr 1605,May 14•--woytuautli explored tJapa Cull. l4AlI, April t3--I.a!elle tacit lama 1770 April 12--Parl)arnent reruoveci all tares ox- 1785.July 25-'1 he Maria of Boston, seized 1, trot 1607.May 13--Jameatown,Va. founded. 14119, Oct. 117-.,.pontt lsaailed at New (las Copt oil ton. Algorianr and crow enelav©d. y lucui'csrds I ayd, 1809.Sept. 4-Iianry Iiuclaon dna.Hudson River. if Juana --1?ane twngLt law!of lad, `1,71,Ilfiaruh 1a •'Its gnlatcrs"' In North Carralina 1786,Dao. 16-lhay'e rebellion of six iisunthe l,o- tiie 1614, ...... -John Smith explored coact Maine, Idek Dec. 20--Andew appointed ti w••r,+dr,t't n" by Ktu a#rue s Iiazi1617, -Dutch made first sot0loviont in Now England. g' P un, tietam. o New Jorso less(, July < All ooloollee tram Idalryl 1;72,June 10-Destruotion of thoaar,pe. 1787, �ay 14—Constitutional Clonvention met is 177:1 Dee, lei Pho Jsaston"Tea Party." Indopendonce Ball,Philadelphia. -ryvil I t 1617, •. - itLiam and Mary t Allo founded, KAug. ala wore people d fax h. car, 1774,June 1-Bostrn'"fort 1,3111"operative. 1781,Sept, 17-CJonstitution drafted, xriu�nbll c Ileal! 1619,July..30�-1r'itatAraOaubly wet is JM+nsat+Pwu. 1N1i, tt . 111 t+'fr,r ypaaw�pie ware+haaseQ l !ant 1619, Aug. ---First negro slaver lauded s1 dames•• obcootta ser•"witob"iat►." 1774,Sept 5.-Colonial Congmes at Philadelphia. 1789, March 4---First Congress mot in New York. i Hearty town, 1701.Kay V Y111"s4ir.+a of C7st e. , i THE h 1 RIJOULN FOR INDEPENDENCE. 1769, April 30--•Washington inaugurated first „gton ad pet IM. ••• --Jamos 1. granted Rug. settlors 1701,ii[[a1 0 Yale Uniwat.il.y tuniietlad`; 1775, April 10-Battle of Lexington. President, Bean; patent for all Now England. 17114„Il aka, -Lul. And FteauN +r d.tro 1776 April 21-•-Action at(Jonourd; Eng.retreat. 1190. July 16--Seat of(4overnment fixed at Wns11- •odericka b„ 1620, Ivor. 11 Mayllawer anchored within Gapes /laid. 1771),May Its--Am.oalit fired Ticonderoga. Ington,D.0. q Item fid• 1700.Jan. 17--110n,iaanin Vrtankiia tarn In 1 1775, play 10--Seoond Continental Congress at 17fl0,Aug. 20-Wayne defeated Ind, on Maumee lu 1620.Dao, 22 Plymouth,Maas.,founded. 17181,A . 314-Fronaih and Ind.d0atrafaa I Philadolphia. lover, cation o I3e0a4 1021,July 24--Virst written ooaatit fflon Rreatotl hist,]stash,. 1175,June 15 Washington appointed Cornman- 1791,March 4-Vermont admitted into the Union. Isar to Virginia. 1710,SOP4. 4-1Y[tealealprpiroraparly dor-In-Chlef, 1797, March 4--Job,) Adams inaugurated Presi- Murfrees Hill,) 1821,004. 11--Dutol+ got trailing "140etnso" for torfor Louisiana. 1775,June 17-Battle of BunkorHill. dent. Cjol: New York. 1753,F«b. --0lielithorpo arrived in 0 1775, O-:t. 113 lioginuinu of our navy. 1798,April 30-Navy Department established, rt(Abson gQ o4 102'2,Aug. 10-Maine granted tui Nilsson and i 0.0. j 1775, Nov. M IT.S,Aladno Corps established. 1799,July 7-Cfongross abrogated treaties with ()lr.anoel met C4eorgos. 1740, Aug. Ogalthorpe ►►Iuly be4I 1775, Ir,•r. 31 Ain.rope coilat Gtaiobt,o. France. Hohn; 1028,Jaaa 21-17nited Netherland Co.organitlaal. Augustine. 17 76, 11IAN1.1 17--British ovaouated Boston. 1799,Nov. 20-U. S.S.Retaliation was captured port Hud Ik 1(1'24, . Virxiais became a royal colony. 174% July iK---R raialsh*or*rouloedatltt, 1776,duns 13-'Pho'ryrannioide oal)tured the Dis- bq Frenoh, Hovel 84,1084 to IBM, -ILU.settled at Hartford. 171:1. April x.-Theruaa JoNvilmn bum. batch. 17981 Nov, 10-British forcibly irulrreesed sailors Ineheater in 18March 26---Oolonyy of Maryland art. 1144„July 4-I'auaa 00410 treaty 1776,Junu 18--Ani. repulsed Iing. fleet at Ft. from U.S,S,Baltimore. .1tysl)urg Il„yt 1880, ...... -,11rovidanoe founder!. Nations. Muultrio,h.O. 1799,Feb. 3-U.S.S.sank French privateer, N, 1110. ...... --Harvard Oolloga founded. 174 �lqrv-Dent.-Wuhlnartian's}armmy to 1776,July 4--Declaration of Indopondonee, 1799,Feb. 9•-•-Uonetollation captured insurgent. ;Wagner linbf I1d1. --003tinootiout warned a;aivat I's- Itisor, 1770, Aug 27--Am. defeated at Battle of Long 1799, Dec. 14--Washington died at Mt,Vernon, 88888 ucrrl�Ind. Island. 1800 Fell. 2-0onstellatiun engaged the Yen- a ction fol I1,) Q t7U. Mar vill--WashlaJtican defaa0ad 1776 Sept. 1!14+11 107, ..• --Negro slaves Imported into Now � Ind.,Ch�al.Meadow. , . pt. 16-Battle of Harlem Plains. oance. rt-Tlouse sated Iiugiaad. 1764,June 10--Uunerood of taitonlata ait 1776, Oct, 26-Battle of white Plains. 1800,too 4,,c,,*1--Spain ceded Louleiana to Frauee. i'hiaka: Muni 1639, .. -0ounactiont ado Cjousub , I I71a4, volurnbia(3011080 faun 1776, Nov. 22--l'7. 8, H. Leo engaged Ung. ship, 1801,Feb- 3 honate ratified treaty with France. and 1448' May��3o-•New unglana oolop}ai uulte 1750, 'Iluba000 ir�aaads a 10;01 1776, Nov. -Continental Naval Board estab- 1801,March 4--'Phomas Jefforson was inaugurated Hunte 1048,Sept. ?--John WinthtxMpwasNsawd"Proal- Virginia. !14(48• President. t. I3resr dant of Now Ragland. 1760.,Jul �,Itraddtwk was dofoated bt f 1776, Doc. 25-Am.defeated Brig.at Trenton. 1801,April 15-Tunis sent raltimature to U.t3, )00 volae,• --First public school oat. In flow, an Intl. 11777,Jan. 3-Am.defeated Eng.at Prinoeton, 1801,May 14-'T`ripolt dismissed U.S.Consul. X­Until l6ib, Rnsland• 1769,ttept. -Fronali Anel Itul.defeated 1777,June 14--United!States flag adopted. 1801,May 20-)squadron of Observation was order- Lappabom Ana,, IN4„ July --C)laybome's rohallion In Maryland. Ft.Rdw". f 1777, Aug. 6-Am.defuntad at Ft.Schuyler. ed to Mediterranean. Aug 1660.July maaaaehnaatts ex llwl 17'77, Aug, 16-Ain.defeated Em at Bennington 1801,Aug. 1-Mixter rise captured the Tripoli. +ysl)urg, pa Clttakera. Itay.July it3- tial aP d.dvfo4 1777, . g 1803,Doc. 20--U.b, yt IJhatta Inga11 1400.Adaroh 1n•-•Ifit�it Mar�r 1a►ad AaraOtttl,ly. 1767,July 90...�yRotl�oh air{el incl. dafaa � Sept.pt. 11_•I+.ng.defeated Ain.at I3randywiue. bought Louisiana for X12,000,- I.as 1083, Juane 23--Uharlaas II. gave Now Jorssy to near Ft.&heard. 1 1777, Sept. 19--Am.defeated Barg,at titillwater. 000. 1777, Oct. ---Inial,defeated Ani,at Clerusantown, 1804, Feb. 16-Decatur recaptured Philadelphia. 'Tt,Pillow. Irby., Duke of York. 1761,Jul 27'-lf9ntra14lin tteaohad Lou on is Scnth• (lar( 1641st Nov. -Connecticut r000lwd its oUrter, pill 48alai. 1777, Oct. 7 Aur, dofcatod Tang, ut Burries 1804,Aug.3-29-A m,gunboats attacked Tripoli, Trans; 1684, Kept, li--Rug.captured New York. 1167, Auir. >ik 1`ranoh and Ind.tack Ft. Hoighte,N.V. 1.805, April 27-Am,eapturedDorne,Tripolf. 'Pox. 1604, May 98---First afAruiambl o!ItawJorsaytooi. }leery. 1777, Oot, 17 liurgoyno surrendered at Saratoga. °1805,°June 3-Treaty of peace madewith Tripoli, td Itivcr, 1777, Oct. 2L Am,defeated I.ng.at Iced Bank. 1905,Aug. 2-Treaty matte with Tunis. u was de' 1et� July 21-Y.rwka'a oonlit tatlost tar Uraoltaa 1 Jan. Ain 1777 Dec. 7---Battlo of t)hostnut Ilill,Pa. SECOND WAIT WITIT(1RIrAT BRITAIN. .latra i ' a 7i& - Privateer took Nr tom)' 1778, Feb, 6--Alliance formed with France. 1806,April 2b-H, M, S. Leander fired on Am, "S�ttsyl• Joinr `-"" " "'" 1778,June 28•-Am.defeated Erig.at Aionmouth. fishermen off Sandy Book. Ma o art Germany A erg, 1779,Dec, 29-Hug.captured Savannah. 1807, ,?one 22-U,S S.Uhespeako was captured by 4d Harbor. 1lr7oglia I'hillppe, !'aria, brasses,paeuilauls,Juna ()Idaabwt. (Trams bake ot, wt 1719,July 16--Arn,defeated Brig,ai Stony Point, I.I.M.S.Leopold, I'et�Mr/711),01doubur8,G{11t77pait]ya,al� 1779, Sept. 23-Pafall)onesduPoated,Exagg.squadron. 18119, Jan. 1-._Prahibition of slave trade opera- 17t .----f= 0, (.let. 8-9 ling.dofented Atn.a.t Savaurvalr, five "•I liver lone for him,and o}: The SOT1 Of the p&VBri18I1$, Statement- of the Vrstu.e of I?rel n.ncl Pe7•sonal-Eslet.te in the City and He finds his knead In nlrb. g Cal.tlitll of Ncln 1'orle,will,the (z.)tultt)it rrtisecl by Tax,frond the yeczl' I never sausage love as hist They took a little gravel, 1826 to 1852,Goth iachisive. He suets me to a Tl' And they took It little tar, "I read,then cried,'She's tongue me deep) With various Ingredients A viper have T nursedl' Imported from afar. Thalc of vnluo„f Tutnl V111110 Amount Oh,sir,of all bad cuts I've had, They hammered it and rolled it, Ru0ral10 !canto,. 1'urn+nial!:,tuft. Roel ❑rad 1.'uraimnl. P,nia.xl Ly'Inz. That was the very wurstl And when they went away "One thought is branded in my brain-- They said they had a pavement I 1$2(1...... $64,80:4,050 x;12,431,931 $107,235,981 $333,758 89 That would last for loan a da 1)127....'. 72,617,770 39,591 15(1 112,211,9'26 4:37,69'2 f)2 Your pity,pray,allow- y y 1528...... 77,139,880 36,879,653 114,019,533 185,751 72 Where my poor head she!codicil once, But they came with picks and elllote 1829•:•.• 7(1,1:30,430 `35,0372,6311 111,803,06 507,107 244 His headcheese pressing nowt" it 1(130..... 87,603,580 37(189,938 125,244,518 509,178 44 Then paused the uncouth butcher man' ,To lay a water main' I 1',:31...... 95,591,335 11 966,194 137,560,529 562,104 05 1533...... 101,160,(105 40,7.11,723 14-1,902,328 (1(15,4385 7E4 And-nerce his eyes aid Aare; And then they called the workmen 183;3,..... 114,124,560' 52,366,976 166,491,542 971,865 61 And closing tight his brawny flet, Totut it up some more; 1`131...... 123,`249,280 63,24)9,231 1S6,548,511. 835,605 '19 Right furiously he aware: And Men they put it back again 1835...... 1 l 3,732,125 71,991,278 2181,72:3,703 965,6102 94 "False Katie Dlnkelsplell"he erica, Just where it was before. 1836...... 233,742,3113 75,758,617 300,500,920 1,OS5,1,10 4.1 1837...... 196,450,109 67,297,241 26:3,747,350 1,29.4,972. 1.5 "I'ii haunch ye till I diel They took it up for conduits 1.536...... 194,543,3159 69,609,5,92 26.1,152,941 1,9136,993 73 But saddle be my lonely lott" 1 To run the telephone, 18:39...... 1 Jli,9.40,1:34 73,920,385 270,8(19,019 1,1352,826 51 ".Pork Christian Klein t"quoth i. 'it back And then they put sin 18-40...... 187,221,744 65,011, X301 252,2:33,515 1,35.4,835 29 again g' 1116,3350,948 (1.4,813,972 251,19.1,910 1,394,136 65 The good Haan dried his tearful eyeaa, i As Hard a8 any stone. 1819,•„„ 176,513,002 (11,292 559 237,805 1151 2,031,352(36 And said,.'It's bock beer time: They took it up for wiles 1,943,.... 1(34,955,314 64,273,765 229,229,079 1,747,516 59 "Oh,strl Oh,could you favor me' To feed the'lectric light, 1844...... 171,937,591 64,789,5-52 236,727,14:3 1,9,�y,81S 56 Holognataing me a d1nle2' En Moa•r. And ellen they put it back again, 1815...... 177,207,990 62,787,527 2:39,9913,517 2,098,191 1S Which was no more than right.�r 1$•4Ei...... 183,48(1,531 61,471.,170 219,95'2,D04 '2,520,146 7I. - lliti ChfL1,ELt�t(+7,. , 1847...... 187,215,386 59,8:37,91:3 247,1(,3,299 2,55I,776 130 Oilthe pavements full of furrows; 1818...... 193,0),076 61,164,447 X4,1)3,523 2,71,,510 • , n ]rishm an��tat Charged with a petty offence. r , "ilav o you 'tn,y one in <;ourt tvhcr wlil veer,( ft,r there are,patches everywhere; 18-19...... 197 741,919 55,155,224 250i,19/,.I=13 3,005 162 5? 1850..... 207,142,576 78,919,240 286,061,816 3,230,035 02 year gored rlror rete+r?"ctu0rif,,d the Judgge• �Ou'd lilie to ride upon it, 1.$�1..... 227,01.5,55(i. 93,095,001 :320,17.0 857 2,9'21,95:) 91 1'e,s,sorra there is th(•,chlct conhtable Sonde r," But it's seldom that you Clare. 1$52...... 227,278, 56 9, .5,012 351,168,8426 3,390,511 05 answered Pat. it's a very handsome pavement, The chief eonstablr Was amazed. �tiht, your - Tinrror.T don't even Itnow th,+man,"protested he. A C1'e(lit t0 the town; - -- - o "No-s sorr," brolre ill,Flat. "I have lived In the They're always digitin'of it up lie was liulci-!seer#ed,.roof his }nlpHtltiea�c.rn borough for nearly twer)ty nears,and if the cbtef , too easily stirred for a sileep-t;ful c•11at.uffYur.-- eonstoble doesn't know nie yet.Isn't that a charao..__Or puttin Of it Clown. to for yeL Tut-Buts --- ------ T.o.tva Topics._._____._------- �,_---__---- I L A.Song of the Son. JF01tv (truturfro of AntericaAn Assurance. , wer-Tho tinpiTi tn l'ou-2. 067101ries of America. J, 104 108 FOUr COWUrieg Of Amerit-fi. 109 THIS (THE We---- 195:1,March 4--FranklinPioroo inaugurated. 1862, March 11--MoOlollan ruJiuvad its Commander- Pullet 1776 to�ISM Doo. 29-Androw Jobuson be=. I" Oct. ;it avininals War ended. 1853,July 14-Crystal Palace opened in New in-Oldef. Mar history rl 1809, Feb, 4 Non-intoracturne act with Ent. and IND. April 10--Ate,t•ouk woven African At& York. 1862, April 7-Nat.captured Island No.in. Gear, Abbrli Franotf, Im Oct 14--spalu t;-d"t I 101"ri'la tc 1854,Jan. 9-Astor Library opened in Now York, 1862, April 7-Nat, defeated Conf,tit Pittsburgh ingi lisp;est.,1809, Feb. 12--Abraham Lincoln born, 18161I ...... -XIii"al of tit" Ails 1854,March 23-Troaty between U.S.tend japan. Landing. Gorar Nat.,N iW9, March 4--James Madison insuguiatted. 1866,May 21-(Jsptnre and sack of Lawrence, 1962, April 16-Slavery In the District,of Coluni- Yor le,��1811, Nov. 11-Gam. 11arrisou defeated Ind. at I= bApri I 01-U.8,Or4ut Ikutu At PAL P Kan.,by Pro-Slavery party. Iiia abolished, Unit 0 L% Gibso the U11 t, Tippecanoe. IM 1-The Monro o Ihmtrino War 1867, Aug. --Oommorci at panic In New York. I9132, April 20--Nat,defeated 00af.at Solicit Millm, fro Navy,I 1 1 1812, April 8--Louisiana admit told into,Union. PAC Nov. 12-Ain,salrad Fox& 18r)8,Aug --Atlantio telegraph completed. 1802, April 23 -Farragut enptured Now Orleatim. GiA DIS4 1812,June is-War declared against Riser. lea March I_J Adismis ista urate(],110 1858,Sept. 18-Masonoro at Mt,Meadown,Utah. 1862, Mlt� 10---Nat.onptured Fil,Pillow. -Eno,dofoatod Ain.at Brownstown, Ia^ May 2g vos"Iss I Or 1859,June 26--Oommodore Tattnall ammisted]ting. 1862, May 15--Conf, defeated Nat, At Drowry'm 1492,Oct 1812. Aug, 4 jjl�Adasm tan Mal 1493,Be; yanads. 111116,June 17-1-aft"ttaa"tte,146 at Poilto forte,Obilla. At altar Bluff. Gladi 1491,May 1912, Aug, 13 U.S.S. Essex oapturad H M.B. cation. Tim CIT11.WAR. 1802, May 15-Department of Agriculturn wits Glq voy. Alert. IIW JulY "ohn Adams And Thoin" i. Goeb, 19--U.8.8.took the ILK5.0norriaze. died. 1,960, Feb, 27 tAnooln'N Union speech at Oooper 1862, May Ti-Conf,defeated Nat.at Front Royal, 1497 Jun 1812, Aug. I H59,Oct. 16--John Brown seized llarl)er'a Ferry. Fra 0 1812 Oct. 4-Am.dofoatod Ung.at Osdausbuylill March 4-Androw Jaekgon I A 1497,All 4vj* 1,W. Union, New York. 1862, May 25-Conf,defeated Nat,at Winoliestor. Grew 1812'0 Oat 13-Aus.dofeatod Nag,at Queenstown St.July 4--Nath of James t,I,17J, 0111 alir". 1862, May 31-Battle of Seven Pines or Fair 04kti, pro 1498 AIP4 1812, Oat. Is IT.S.S.Waiip took IL X J-J.ft1WII0: 101.1. Foo. ?-Ant,took Quailk 1860,Juno 23-The Great Eastern arrived in New 1862, Juno 113­0onf.dafouted Nat. tit Secomsiou- Gi.`81 1502'Mq 1812, Oot. 25 U.8:8.Unlwt bt-stsii too M.B. IM2. April 11 Stank Hawk War be Una, 6 York. 3 Ville. I - M 1860,Cot, -Prince of Wales visited Wttxliirtg- G edl miloodollilm. IRA .... -=a4mrstat tan Ia. ton, 1862,Jun 26-Nat.defeatod Conf.'t Mechanics- 1513,MAV J 0 It 1525, ..4 --U.S.S. 0onstitutiou took It M.& 11W April S Ville, root 1812, Doo. 29 _t4lallsaill I, IAOO, Doe. 20-South Carolina saceded. West, 1862,Juno 28-Farragut ran Vicksburg's batteries, drd 0044 Java. IM July voloo 1861,.tan. 6-Conf, fired on Star of the Gros' 1528, 1813, Fob. 2t--..U. S, ki. Hornet took H. U. & ad" Oct Rank, Oharleston. 1862, July 1-Nat, defeated Conf, at Malvern G wo Ril Pa"ook. Nov- 10-6=911 VAT'011114 ItANOR41 ordin 1861,jail. 7 -Conf.seized Pensacola. Hill, 'rof 1813, May 5.-Am,defeated Enir.46 rt.Melon, 1534, 1861,Jan, 0-Mis8issippi.seceded. 1862, July 1-Railroad and telegraph to Pacith, leg 15U.Aug IsI3, May 29-Am. defeated Enjc, at dAukatt's IM&pt, transfe"od the 1861, Jan. 10-Florida seceded. Approved, Hain La,4 llnrbor, funds to Iftal limits,Its, 1861,Jan. 11-Alabama seceded. 1802, July 13-Nat. defeated Conf, At Mnrfroom- of 1641 Mai 1813, Juno 1-11, M. S. 8hautiou took V. 8, IL Me,Dvil. fire in Now york. 1861,Jan. 19-Goorgis seceded. ljoro. Ate 15N A Olivospoako. 1036. -•• debt paid Off. 1861,Jan. 21-Kansas admitted to the Union 1862, Aug, 9-Conf. defeated Nat. at Cedar a 1601 1813, Juno 6-Rug.defeated Ain.at titou&Ureek. -Texans jifftiat'ad volicang th H el I A, 1930. April 21 Mountain, 0 1813, Aug. 14-11. M, 8. Pelican took N. a. 1801,Jan. 26---Louttilana ancteded. 1861,Feb. I--,rox at,oveodad. 1862,Ang. 26-Linoolu'n declaration confiscating Jai 16041, Argun, I KN,June is Death nt Jamas U- 111111110A. 18111,March 2--Morrill Tariff bill was passed xoporty and emancipating slaves of all Conf. Ilarn 1813, Sept. 5--U.& S. Enterprise took It.M.8. tax M Is 0#114tvad sutlJor t1indF3 in ArUIS aft0THiXty(lays. frq, 1605'M Boxer, 1"4 WilkW#Z,' 18:;1,March 4--Lincoln waR inanwirtitud. 1607.Ma =1000. 18;1.March]*.� -Southern Conimizibioners not ro- 1862, Aug, 30-Conf. defeated Nat, at Ball Win troll IH13, Slept. In-Am.dofoat*4 Britinh squadron on 1887, ...... (second defeat). 1609 Be IAko Uri". -Ttlis 101416141th perfatited bruaft calved by Lincoln. 1614: . 1887,Jan It Boost* molutloa 1 1811,April 4--Slavery abolished In District of 1862, Sept, 14-000. defeated Nat.Pit,ftfunifordt4- jell. . 1813, hkopt, 28-Am.defeated British squadron on Jadi"*a maded from the 00114 Columbia. Ville. 09 TAko Outarlo. 0 records, A 1862, Sept. 17-Nat,defeated Conf,at,Antietam. 4 IlanN 0-Am�defeated Ind.at Talladega. law.I)OV. 20 Owlln*burnad IAQ,Apri 1 7-Treaty with Eng.suppresming slave Im.Juno 17 t Western rat trado. 186-1, Oct, 4---Nat.defeated(Jorif,at Corfritb. I014, MAruh go-V.8.S.rAsuz wast taken Iq Phoilbe York. i DIU. April 10--Lincoln proclaimed blockade of 1862, 00t. H.-Nat,defeated 0onf.at Perryville ""I, No,. 4 and Cherish. 1862, Nov. 6-.MoOlo Ilan re lievoct of command, la 1619,A lKa.Ott. Am- hanks sualmuded Rounding States. of to 1814, April 20 U. 8, N, Peacock took 11. M. 8. M001.07 1861,April 13-Ft.guintor mitrronderod. Arrny of Potointio, Pon 1620# I`.Ijurvior. 1841,April 4 lit"Ididont lilirriso I in d1nd 18131 April 16--Lincoln vallod for 75,(M volim- 186% Nov. 17-Hug. Minister at Washington ad- v 6--Am.dofeated Eng.at Omwogo, 1041, bowing 1:14,0111441 toors, vised foreign Mediation. IH14, M to is p�' IT$ 1'1o'4 1620 Nor 1814-Jt's'" t&H U.S.8, WASP took It. M.K Hein- 1861,April 18-Conf.took Harpflr's Furry. 1892, Dec. 1:1, Conf.defeated Nat,at Fredericka- bt 1 00 deter --Nat.attacked by mot)in Daltimoro. 01 16 "WA 0046 Thuui#A Jones lies 1861,April 19 burg. 1 1 20,De 1814,July $---Am.defeated Eno,at Chippewa.I ! toroy,Val. 18111,May 13-Quoun Victuria lirocinimed neu- 1.863, Jan. I-Lincoln issued proclamation of He t 1621, 1814,July 25-Am. defeated 19tim. at Landy a Is% yeb. W-Wllli&m OR trality to IK later bon, %4 1961,June mancipation. B THIC WAII. VVITII NEX100. iO-France proclaftnednentrality, 18(;,*1, 4f,an, 2---Nat, defeated Conf. at Murfrooa- 1621,CO1814,Aug. 16--A�=defeattut Ung.At Ft. Rritt. 1861,July 4.-Lincoln called for 600,000 vol- ))are, Hit 1414,Auir. 24-Us.defeated Am.At Hindenstourg. 100. March S-Viorldr,&dMI&Q to the 0 unteers. 19A May 1--Nat.defeated Conf,at Port Gibson. Ho 164 A 1814, Sept. I K Wasp stink H.Al.fi.Avon. IW. March 4-JAUM*L Polk insuplarmtoil. 1881,Jnly 4-Lincoln oalh!d special session of 1863, May 4-Cont. defeated Nat. tit ("banoel- (40 IN14,Sept. 11•••Atit.dol"tod Ung. at Plattaburg. 100,Jnno 8-D#4thofAa4rowJ&ckxon4tNsSh, Congress, 10THville. H villa.Tenn, HOG 16A Ju 1814, Sopt. 11­-Atts, fleet; defeated Rug, flopt on ISM &POUIL 1861,July 17--Congress grunted war loan, $%0,- 1863, they 27 Conf. defeated Nat. at Port Hud- 11, 1624 inks Champlain. Oct 10 Naval Acsd#My At Ann 000,000. son. Hov 1634 1 to i- 1#414, Salt. 14 ­HtAr-8p&aSlsd B4uu*r,, cant- expound. 1861,July 17-Grant appointed Colonel 21st Ill. 1863, Juno 16-Conf.defeated Nat,at Winchester. I&U, Me poset.l. 106.Dec, 20 Toliad e4alittod to the Union. volunteers. 1803, July 3-Nat.defoAted Conf, at Outtysburg. INK APril 24 V.8 dectilmd war against Nelloo, inj So N. r.. is A Is Julis Idl, 110y low, 1814,S 17 Ain.dotoatad Fran.at Vt.zr* IM,July 21-Conf.defented Nat,at Bill I Run. 1803, July 4-Nat.captured Vicksburg, N. ISK imus out. 24- Treaty of(1hout signed. ISK may It Atm. defeated 1dsx1e*ns at ItAlo 1801, Aug, 20-McOlellan commanded Army of 1863, July 13-Draft riots in Now York, I, MIA Itw, Potomac. 1863, July 18--Conf,defoated Nat,at Ft.Wanner, ab lot$TO UWS 1047, Poll. T! kin.4oloatod UtzloAnil At Bung# 1861,Aug. ;ll-Fremont emancipated slaves in 1863, July 30--fAncoln procliditiod protection for IIs qu 1815,Jan. N--Rattle of Now Oritiatow, Vista 111411 1037, 1816,Jan. I&--Eno.w4usdrou took U.8,a prori- 1(147, March 2M %,lirs(Iruit ItIrrentig"d to A Missouri, colored soldiera. M. 1861,Oct, 21--Conf,defeated Nat,at Ball's Bluff, 1 Mi. Aug. 1--Battle of Oulpeptir Court-Hou.4" a LIN dent, 111147. APTII IN Ain. dofaftilsd Usticans At Nm' 109, 1816,Feb. 7 Natal Board satAbl ishad. 1861,Cot, 31-MoOlellan was made Oorninandur- IHM, Supt. 20-0onf. defeated Nat. at miuka- llurq M In-Chief, mauga. an 1815, Fob. 20-The Constitution took t4rnp And IS&I, airy, 15-Am.deffistad MaxleansilatpuettI6. 1861,Nov. 7--Nat,defeated Conf,at Belmont, 1863, Oct. 14.--Bttttloxtl3rititovv8tatioii. 1"%gap Levant. 1047, All& til-Arlt,defeated Mealcaun At M#n. 18111,Nov, 8--Conf, commissioners taken from 1863, Oct. 16-Lincoln called for 30,000 voltin- Hunt dent IRIS,Feb. 23-War declared agaIlsso Al 9tors. base*. IY B" MI ... 181,k Marah 23--1I.S,S.Hornet took H. ,lei, Poss- uAt.sopt. 9-Atte.del" the Trent. teers, Ills" Rul Dol Pay. led Me%caut at Malian 1862,Jan. I-Govornment suspended sponte pay- 1.863, Nov. 7--Nat.defeated 0onf. at Rappalmn- fint I6K Ju 1816, onts Ll--Am. took Algerian frigate M&_ Wy, Mont. nook Station. All, .1 13-Am.defeated Xoxicatia At ajpjil� Jul shoudis, 1862,Jan. 18-Death of John Tyler, Richmond, 1803, Nov. 19-Lincoln's nddroon at Gettyshurg. fat Va. 1863, Nov. 26--Nat. defeated Conf. at Clhatf,ti- In low IM4 1015.Juno SO-U. 8, S. Peacock took H. M, K --Am.entered LA*Angeltwo. I J, 140 1663, Jun 1862,Feb. 2-Grant Assumed command went of nooga. Lrby, Du Nautilus. Fob. 1-11"04,00 l4twom U.3 and Motloo Tennessee, 1864, April 12defentod Nat..at Ft,Pillow, 0&1 1668, Nor 1815, Juno 80-Ara, somed. indemnity train 18=44 -0614 discovered in CAh forulk 1862,Feb. 8-Nat,captured Roanoke Island, �6 1, April 19-The A.Iboniarlo Flnnk t,110 8011ill- I Algiers. 190. March "m Taylor inaugurated PrsWm*,. 1862,Fob. '15--Nat.captured.Ft.Donolson, flat(]. Trans 16K SOPbo 1816,July *-Am,secured treaty and Indemnity Mairch 31-1m4th at John a uAlboun. 1862,Feb. 76-Congress(teefared greenbacks to be 864 April 26--Nat.defea tod Qonf.at Red River, Tai from Tunis. IM 1815, Aug. 6--Arn.socturad trusty And ludownity ton, in May Z. Ju 111-President Taylor diod in oflii, legal tender. I y 5-Tho iroziolAd Albemarle was de- 11.July 1862,March 8-Morrima0 destroyed wooden ships stroyed. signi -Ftlaillvo Move bill teased. from Tripoli. 11161. Junt# 2R_D*4Lh of 119ary Clxy. in Hain ton Roads. Jaffa 1811 March 4-Jolene Mourns Inaugurat4ol, p 1864, May 7--Battle of the Wildornese, MI.July d ritt4asiou of Capitol llaillli!t:k, 1862,March 8-Nat.defeated Conf,at Pea Ridge, 1864,May II-Nat, defeated Oonf. at Spottsyl- 1417: Nov. 20 War with the Nulinato ludisoo Kam 1862,March 9-Monitor defeated Merrimac in VftniA, Louis 1,111hp began. 1862_" I'M Is expedition to,lavmri, Hampton Roads, 1864, June 3-Conf,defeated Natti At Cold Harbor, ISIS, Aus, 24-0vittva foundation of tho Clapstoi Irsl ()eft� U, MaNf Daut.1 Web*Wr,lWoli. At ashington laid. field,?A&** And equiffy'-certain That rich men would walk. T 41 liver lone for him.and ol,IS'tatement (�f the Value of Real rendPcjl-soyt(il EsItite in theCity and He finds his knead In me. The Song of the Pavement. County of New York,with the amotolt relised by Tletx,from the year I never sausage love as hist They took a little gravel, 1826 to IS-52,both inchlsive. He suets me to a Tl' And they took a little tar, "I read,then cried,',She's tongue me deepi With various ingredients A viper have I nursedl' Imported frota afar. Date. Witte of Value rd' Totill value Arnotint oh,sir,of all bad cuts I've had, They hammered it and rolled it, Iteal Estate. II.rawial Eatitta. 11011.1 and Iviouritil. Raised by'J'ar. That was the very,%vurstlAnd when they went away '31,931 X107,235,1151, $383,758 89 They said they had a pavement 1826...... 804,050 $42,4. "One thought Is branded In my brain- That would last for many a(lay. 1827...... 72,617,770`!, '39,1;9&1,156 112,211,920 437,692 02 Your pity,-pray,allow-- 1825...... -77,139,880 86,87916,53 114,019,5:33 185,751 72 Where my poor head she fondled once, Bat they came with picks and smote IS29.,.... 7(3,130,4:30 135,672,636 111,`30 3,offf; 507,107 24 � Ills headcheese presolnir novel" it 1830...... 87,603,580 i7,6'1,938 125,288,518 509,178 44 Then paused the uncouth butcher man, To lay a water main; 1831..,•,. 95,59-1,335 41,966,194 137,560,529 5162,104 05 104,160,605 40,741,723 14-1,902,32S 665,385 7-1 And-flerce his eyes did glare; And then they called the workmen ...... 3...... 1]4,'2-1,566 52,366,976 16 6,49 1,5542 971,865 61 183 '1 And closing tight his brawny flat, To put it up some more; IS34...... 123,249,280 63,299,23 1 186,519 511. 835,6()5 49 Right furiously he,ware: And then they put it back again 1 1835...... 143,732,425 7.1,991,278 218,723,703 965,602 9 t Jt hIt before. 1836 3 ...... 2:3 ,742,303 75,708,617 309,200,920 1,085,1:10 -14 False Katie Dinkelsploll"he cried, uswere was 18:37,..... 19(1,450,109'i) 67,297241 263,747,350 1,244L,f)72 1:5 ..I'll haunch ye 1,111 1 diel They took it up for conduits 1838...... 104.54-1,359 69,609,5S2 264,152,9 11 1,486,9$M 73 But saddle be my lonely lotl" To ran the telephone, 18319...... 19619�10,13-1 73,920,885 270,869,0 19 1,352.826 51. "Pork Christian Klein III quoth 1. And then they put it back again 1840...... IS7,221,711-1 2552,233,515 1,854,S35 29 -194,1,31; 65) (j4,843,972 251,19-1,920 1,� 5 As hard as any stone. The good man dried his tearful eye��, 1812...... 176,513,092 61,292,559 237,805,651 2,031,382 66 And said,"It's bock beer time: They took it up for wires i 1313,..... 161,955,314 64,273,765 229,229,079 1,747,516 til} "Oh,sirl Oh,could.you favor me To feed the'lectrie light, 1844...... 171,937,591 G1,7S9,552 236,727,143 1,985,813 5f3 -Bolognaiug zac a thiel" r And then they put it back again, 177,207,990 62,787,527 239,995,517 2,096,191 JS ED Mow Which was no more than right. 134G...... IS3,4SO 534 61,471,470 244,952,004 12,520,146 71 1-1 iS C/hftra.c_IteL1­. 1847...... 187,'.315:386 59,S37,913 2z]7,153 299 2,5SI,776 30 Oh, the pavement's full of furrows; 1318...... 193,029,076 61,164,4-17 254,193:523 2,71.!_),510 255 An Irlshimin wt,,,,(�Jirl.rgejl With a petty Offrnce. 197 741,919 5S,455,224 236 197,143 3,005,762 i2 "I lave you any olle, jyj court wbo will voliell for, There are.patches evf3rywhere; 1849...... You'd like to ride upon it, 1850...... 2071,142,576 78,919,240 286:061,816 3,230,085 02 your good eliarax-tor!"q'ti1ri(!d theJudge 185l...... 227 015,856 93,095,0()l 320,110,857 2,924,A55 91 ,Y But il-18 seldom that you dare. 1852...... 253 278,38.1 93,490,042 351,768,426 3,380,511 05 es.sorr:tliere U�tLW lkli.-f com9tabit!,yonder,"'! allswerea Pat. litilazed. "Why. Your' Tb�,, ebtef constable, W, It's a very handsome pavement, Pinner.7 flon't oven know theman"protested bf-. A credit to the town; ­Noiv, sorr." broke in'PaL. "I ilavre lived In the They're always diggin'of it-up lie,was land-hearted,and Ilia SYT11PNfhi", were borough for IlearlY twenty Years,and If the clitef t(-)() (%asily stirred for a Sliecf,ssful Cliauffetlr,- constable doesn't i�.riow n ye Or puttin'of it down. ter for yez? -Bit _t.WU*t that a chamc- _Tqwn Topics. A Song of the+Sea, 1••rwn tete Denver I'aaa. An AF X111 X fL CItQt?t. Answer. The poem to whieh tls� v�+raln_ 10 h'e.)�t' ("eytt2cri,es or rrt,e 7'iCCY. SttrnnieCe ptniw iip ag'ln'; Ing linem belong was Written by the Rev. 108 - - - - - _-_- I-lenr It sweet circ Jaw Dr, kranls i . Gaingallrltts, now of Chicago, Ti: - 1895, April lu-C'•am urs landed in Cuba as tla,taiga; 1864,June 6-Nat.defeated Conf.at Piedmont. T--.. �--- --- - - - Ili de mtarmur of si(.Vyit1' �aTl[l Its title is "Tile'. Two R�tlllnchr8,' IL wftit3 775 t'> 1808, 1864,June 19-The 7goarsargxr yank the Alabmuia. General, p 1 An'whah tie waters now. published in t h4i Christian Union yours ago. unto 1809, 1 1864,Juno 30---Nat.clofeated Conf,at Petersburg;,11896, Ian, i'i--Campos resigned; succeeded ty I?e ro'bin's stv'ing#tg'in de trey 1"his' 13 lllt> lSrlt'11I TA 1» I 1864, slily 10--Nat,defeated t:bnt.at Chattahuo- Weyler. I An'llstrnln'clotty, an'long, at. Fit: x800, 1 rsheo. 189 A 1$. A runner• ran two)' frvlT the morn, Tat., " 1809, A 11161, July 22--'hood margo his first sortie at trade 6-LT.S.warned6painvf injury to Am;{ A-waltin'foh to catch de key Anel, la�aving 1whirY+l hint the dawn, neva•-born, he 1811, F Atlanta. 1896,Oct. 21-Weyler's coneentraition rider An'jive de general song. l3eheld tine world .,.H lu 1,ir�s,:,d along, 7 1864 (k t. 28--Battle of Fair Oaks. iesuod. And told what Ire hol)r-d ht Iris moril ug song. `a :a 1812, 1.9e:•1. Nov, 14-8herman began his march through 1897,March 4--William Melirlle 181'x,J Gleorgia, Yinaugur�ted. Oil. b'tlss Lindy, "T sing of ihr irrrat in tltr- daisy's ey(a, 492,E 1812. A I 1 ul, .lieu, 16-Nat,defeated Conf,tit.Nasl,ville, WAR WITH HPAIN, � Don't yon wasp nor sigh, Wbleh d,,hr-r, lt�r•!f iti 17:11! nikht. beans 1J�3', 493,x, 1864, Deo, '25-Nat,defeated at Ft.Fislier, 1897, Oct. 6-Weyler recalled; succeeded by� neca(isr You er•,day's gtvinr*tr-r be which the Itla� oil 1101t Alan kiwi awfly. Blanco, 497, 1812, i 186,Jun. 2-Con rens lbolis+'t,Fisher. A noneert toy an'by. Again and a:;uin, as o vaeb yesterday." f 18u.i,.!+'u t,. 1�. C,'ungress abohylSeri slavery. 1898,Jan. S.b-144aino entered I�Iavarra Hart.ar. 497, 1812, .4 1859, April I—_Nat,defoated Conf,at F'ivo Forks, 1898, Feb. 15--The Maine was destroyedit} Ile: thongtit to sr-e, the dowdi°op hunk, 197, 1812, C 1865, April 2--Nat.defeated Conf,atPetersbui Spaniards. Oil,denteamboatwhlstle'rshlowlu' And miry„rr',1 tics slt�, the Elnwrrs smelts. 181'2, C 18135,April 3--Uon},evacuated Richmond, U98 March 11--Mobilization of army began. Ail' de engine ting de bell, Ile thotigbi: to s a tr�h tho liglit tit itis buoys, I9m, 1812, C I 1 65, April 9--Lee surrendered at Appomattox. 1898, March 21.-Court Yonurl iYlninu destroyed iron Ari' vwhah cis conntrs*'rt seen' Air It rladr,= i hat tear ill a gulden kits. i02 1812, C 118G5,April 14-PrusidentLinoolnwasassas8ivate(d, outsidn, Is rno'dal,I kin tell. 113, 5 1865,ApriI Iii-Nat, defeated Cunt,at Columbus, 1898,March 21-0regon sailed from San Vraueiacu. Lilt before hire rrrtt his slra lgw, }'rorn i25, 181'1., 1 Ala., 1898, April 7-1+'oreign mprosentatives nrgeti !tut wben de breeze Its titray in' il�rl Ire luilli r# hIs bat.k art t)) rising oxeye; l 1865, April 26-War ended, peaUe• Frum de starts across de,wood, W1 dery and tiubvr'r ,acne tlrw phantom Flim ;28, 1813, If , 1898, .tioul 13--Tho doolarnd for intorven- lily..will listen to de nluyln' C.nvering then, nith the h+litoty of bine, 1865 1'O IR,4. tion, 1813, 18(;5, July 20-Southern war prisoners released. 1898, April 20-McKinley sent ultimatum to9pain. f Ali'be Ne•lin'rrelty good. 1813, M 1'365,Nov, 2-National thunksgivingfor peace, 1898, April 21--Minister Woodford reooived his Thr-n bar kllevr and be kelt that the $Joico ht: east J 1865,Dec, 1-Habeas Corpus act restored, passport, OL, ',v1Sss J,#nd1. Hard thy:+ start, and would run rutuld (.lie 're•i)rld 41, :1813, .1 1866, .April 3--Civil`liar declared ended, 1898, April 23-Call for 125,000 voluntoors, Don't you weep.I gays. its fast 86, ( 18136, Jnly 27-Atlantic cable completed, 1898, April 23-Sampson blockaded I3avana. Ail lrinimell'; and, 81) long ns he ran Prom the moral 8 1813, J 18"t• May G--13111 for Southern reconstruction 1808,April 25-Con rest# dculart)d war ex atlge y nu'Il have a Invitation ,iv;ay, passed over veto. front Apt i1 20,g When de muNic sta,hts to play. I-1c must look throiigli the siifidow which tlitrlille,l 7813, ' 1867, Out, 9 •A.Itska purchased of Ruasia for' 1898,April 27-'I)0wey sailed for Manila. 04, $ 200,000 FCnsFc£n tntt,4lnr. lite clary. D5,. 1873,6 1898,1AIny 1-Dewey destroyed tapani,adl flocs at A Welcome. TI, D7, 18(18, :1 Fol), 24-Rutcn,olr•titatives impeached Presi- Manila. dentJohuyuu• 18'38, Mn. 8 A riinnPr ran Swiftly tirwarrl tits, miwn; ]9, 1813, `Jc Y 18-Cerveruruauhod t9rlutia o, i Pt-orn th.e Wasfi£ritgton.,'t,•rr. 1In uaav thy' arms of tI2,' clan n, nr tv burn, I4 L ISN'July 4-Genrtral amnesty(with exceptions) 1898,May 25---Oroguu arrived at Jupiter Inlet, I Nn inorr_Congrp", I4rhel.i the vvt)rlrl an Irr l.,soeeci ttlnri8, issued, Fla. No more speech,17, 1813, Sa 1,x;9, Feb. 21-Generetl Suffrage bill passed, 1898,iAlay 25-First expee.litiou sailed for Pltilip-' p And told what he dreamed fry Ills nlor-nllig song: L iBxiU,Dlaaruh 4-c;rant in&u orated, 'vo more opera, I7, 1813, N 1r 19, July14 liofuildit, g pines' No more screech, 19, 1814, M to public debt began. 1898, Julie 3-Hubson sunk the ltferrimew. \n more party '"T sing of the aching reel aond its wtie, 9 a. 1871, Oct, 8-11 Croat fire in chioagu, 1898,June 14-Army sailed for 5antiagu, That Twist Rhrrttor its lift to sprit! artd Rro-,v; 1871,Nov, ,_. No more ball, g srvtar-t I)uti, as tv`[th trav ail I,rtt; 1A14 •A ) Ediso fico f Boston. 1898, June 2 Arnay landed at I)aiylliri„ o f the rough, 0, 1, I8r2, Oct. f"f,sou pnrtected the electric light, 1808, Turco '2;(--Spanish defeated at Las Guasimas, tri 111 next Ions About tial i)loona in the: argent u;r)rn." 1813, et. 31 -flee Vir inius was seized b 5 are- 1898, Jul I-Ani,dofeated Spaniards,LICano•, fill neat fall: 181•!, Al g Y p y ' 3 1;n more, nranchig auto, 1898 y Chorus irl, ITo thotmlit: to sl) dream, 1821, J i ,Jul• 1-3-Ant,tit asked w;an Juan, d 1874,.Apitl 2'3-Great vetoed Inflation bill sett 1898,July 3-Garvura's squadron destroyed at g � 1)t�>J+'e't n rlt'ca de clarad forapeeic puyineut, Santiago. l\n more spangles, Berri In tho re#„ht, orb the morning's gleamy: 0, 1814,Ji t3• No more curl, That the: night. hotild feast ort the g;luwing day, 1, 1814, Js 1.876,May 10-Ueutenurul Exposition tit Phil&- 1898,July 6-Hawaii annexed to tho U,S. No more dress coat As he rayl .�u swift hen brit htvtiing way. 11 dolphin opoued, 1898, July 8-Uamara abandoned voyage to All severe- 1, 1814, A 1876,Nov. 10-0ententlial Exposition o'oi ed. Juanita, Let's ttirc thanks 1814,A 1877, ...... -invention of the tulephoue:. 1898, July 1`2-Aar,captured Santiago, � That stimnieks near. And belijnil hint la;v his shredow•, born 187'1, -Edisou invented thea ,lrono ra 11. 1898,July 21---Cten, :i4tiloat landed in Porto Rico, " When lu• turned his face to the rising nlurn; 2, 1814, St 1 tz P 1878, Oct, 20-F'irat conviction of Mormonn'I th,, riuivoring down Ire' ft)und alone 1814, 5 I ly rtltry• pu_ 1898,Pel 27-Commodore Davisvis captured Pone,,, BY the ochilig vee(I so lat'ly s5wit; 3, 1814, ti 1x179,Jan. 1 'Greenbacks to be paid Ili coin. 1898,July 31-MacArthur'8 force reaelrod Philip- j Conceit. 4, L IMI, July 2--PresidentUarfieldshotbyGuitcnu, i>iues, .And tilt light-heaimR stgod bi the. puri ne=w-blown, Ito 1814, tit From thR ,tinrnert+ilde Journal. And hr saw how nosh wwiet, eeleetital tone 1 u 1881, ii•t,t. P6-Prosidenl Garfield died at Riberoti, 1898,Oct, 18---Are,flag over flan Juan,11,lt, I don't like the conceited man'. 3, 1814 S, 1882Allay 6 Chinese Immigration limited, 1898,Dec, 10--Troaty of.Peace signud at Paris, His self sufllennt airs '"'ns %N r•it on the Pei)r•e of 00K worid or ours, 3, 1814, U 18s+3, :Ia roh 3-better posta;;e reduced to 2 cents, 1899-1900, .A rouse In me a keels desire Ir. th< nie;lri, to be rttn� in #t8 morning ltceur?. 8 1' 5,.r ly 23 '1)oatbuthrunt,14[t,,74Tc(,rel;lir,IV,Y, 1,49:1, Jau. 1--Spaniards evacuated CubA. To Idol,hint down the stalrs. 188 Uu .815, J , v, 10-Pau-American I-poeition in New 18911,Feb. 4--Aur, defeated Filipiuu Attack en Lt stirs me up to see him pose, ! " '1 . Otleanso Manila. Eo 1815, J, 1886, Oet, 26-45tatuo of Liberty unveiled, New , And hotel his head so 1111;h, i lul`g4'lyr attended�eri1CCYctLic', 1T1Ci t- d York 1899,Fell. 6-honatu ratitfed peace troaty, When ev-erybod!,- knows that lie's 1, 1815, F u~;7 11' 1899,Alarch 2_Rank of Admiral ostabiiahtd, j Not half so smart ars I! 'ing was held at Belmant 1~la�ll last 11'ri- 3, Al11 1 atltiw, 4 Interstate f'uuirnetce Lill became 1899,March 3-Naval Per'soiuwl bill Lmss,:tt. 1815, 1. t'tie) L 1 .t?, a laws 17-Contouuial of adoption of UonaGi- 1899,.April 1-Am,naval Uhieora killed at Apia, 11e'ssuch a priggish,puffed-u1.),gain. day eVeTling, when ad(lressc�s were made dei I81b,lilt t.ution celebrated in Philadelphia, (9anil , ( t�ntisttmnttite egotist! , , ' •• 1:316, M i 4:� p 1800,April 11-l rersident s pror.lamatien of p+rlca, I'm sura, df he should (lie t.o-dal,- i by Congressman Townsend Scudder and ilius 11-14 (;rest blizzard, Ell 1889, May 18-PcAe.,i Conference, Inert tit, The He never would he. nri;ssesd. , f; asy 15-1b-U, S.t '1'rentun, Vandalia, and 4k lig'shoilld lit;,trut and put nn alts, Senator Edwin BailEy, Jr. Justice Jul yIS,.l i I Hague. Jul Nipitc wrecked at Apia, 1898,June 16 Anglo-Venezuelan Cotuuliserion 1'or every one to lee, sl 1 89,April 2:3--Uklallunru u;ened for sottlerneut, inot. When everybody knows iha# I (Jesse Lewis Case presided, and music Ala 1915, 11 12'x0, Apt Ally 1-(.Jt+ratelurist of Washington's first 1890,Sept.29-30-Wolcome to Dewey ill New'fork. Am 0,0ec as sena n a5 lie', Jur inaugiirali„tl,New Yet-],. Was furnished bthe Green ort Cornet Du N 18.99,Ont, 3--Tho'Verre;.uelan award was mato, n� � � 1815,Jr t �rtly 1 Iuternatlr•nat copyrights law. 1899, Oct, 1Z--Alaskan boundary temporarily ( M-"- Not A! )t J0 ti•p t. 3U- Aloliiulr y'l'r,riif bill passed Con- settled I Band. � n1 Sep• 1815,Jt. tress, Wishes. _- _ Ma; 1899,Noy. 8--Eng,relinquished territorial claim' I1 wishes Tvere ltnrseG J. E. Howell!las l,ul'1'h<l�ied x110 MC- Jul fr 1fi91, (yet. 16-1 hilians assaulted Ain,sailors at 1n Samoa, 1.815,Ar Vailparaiso, 1899 Dw. a--Samoan treat signed, 15"hut things would hit cAve. s fr 1,3, Y + g iii Lure place on Bay Ave. Mr. Howell 1817, 741 l AA orld s (.%ulurubian Exposition, 18x19 Dec. 19-Can,Lawton killed at ban Mateo, Quite.certain the•prospeel Chicago, That beggars wolald tide. is to he? Congratulated Ail Securing One 1899, 1)ea, 18--Lit,uG,Ciillulero escaped from 1+'�1�- i( 1817,Nt 1894,Feb, LT,S.S.Kearsarge lust on Hi,nrndor ) [IUUa 111 1^ ' Lr henf• 1890 Dec.. 28--Burial of Maines victims at Ar I of the most desirable places in the 1418, Alt:11896,Feb, 6--Insurrection in Cuba began. lin tom ! 1f tg ish( t4 r.re atitofi. at' g 'Flag it,r le sr to talk, village. hn--f r �` And egttaillc certainBut she Prriv'ed asa. tine day she wrote-4 That rich men would vrall. It was no tenderllne - _ I love the bakor,and I ai'r. 1'`rankrurter own It,Kletal Tender-Hearted.Aittomo'hilist, 'I liver 1:TLP,for hien,and rt YIe The auton�iobilist watolied Itis Victim writil- finds lila knead Sn tttt. I never sa.us tge lore ab Iris, ing in the trttld with llneoil.ealed disgu:t•. He suet�9 Inc to alit' "V4'hv in lalaarr�s didn't, YOU get oat of ills .4 Statenicitt of I•i1117(rtiott of 1-17•operty i7t the City and County of New way?" lie demanded.aat`,last,in totter of f,Aa,,v_ "I raid,then cried,'She's to York,front 1505 to 1525,both inclusive. f)erirti(tn. A viper have i nursed!' _SS __ "Tell-Till Yory sorry. 1 hope.i hatfen't�sari- That was the very, Date. 1`nlanti„n. Citi alld -state Tax. r,aal City Dollars. t1tni, dolefully feeling I"ir;b quavered logs.t11E3 vlt'.s oh, to I've 1 -_- - iv eniell tv'itrsti � I cling;11i�:brol{x�n ]e�gw. c„ta,iF ax. Well. You have," mi nlslained tllc3 a.iiforn i- --..--- Cine thought i9 branded n a`-_ - , Your pity,liras.allow- 50 1)itta?Fly. '°dere,� a xrptit rplotalt of Where my poor heat.she tot]805.. $25,(145,,8(17 x;127,94 S7 ...,...... 50 per 100 your gore on Flt W itatn)a, art((a,whole taunc:il taf r , '413k tc, your horrid hair fto w plunij) into lily face, ,it`1 headcheese pressing IIIS06. >6 529,630 12'7 814 x17 ,....... 1807.. 21,9ri9,95ai 129,155 O9 ........... 152 " u C gh:,. Then paused the uncouth 1)ur180g„ 25,1'1`8,72(}1 1.3S19S4 1S,,+...,+.,,,.,..,,....... 55 rc "1 hope vnii will forgive rale," be.grged the .Aud-fierce his eyes(lid glarl809.. 24 732,2(17 139,027 391.........+. 1 victittl,apt well as he cauid go p on account Of Anri closing tight'its hvawn11S10,+ 25,4x(1,370 129,727 151,........... r)I « his-,ina hed rias. Right furiously he aware: IS11.. 26,04.x,730 176 978 251,.......... .......... ( cell "I'll lits httaiged if'i will,'*declared the wlto.. 1x12,. 6,2.15,040 17.1,92(1 17 .. ...... 167 " 1ur�bilist,rttvttlC7Alt. "1:oti ))eeapls put els las all "False Tirvtle Dinkelgplell"helgl'3.. �7,(i iO?311 171,12(1 9.11........... u "I'll haunch ye till I diet LtiI4,. ~2,9(11;`17 214,225 091......... ... ..126 cc ,oras (of tro)lblo and annoyance,and thea ex- Butsz.ddlebetnslonelyiotl Iy15., 81,63(1,(142 197,913 2Si $163,372 OSI•%361,285 16144.E rc pe<:t Iia i.o oc)nrlonta it ,just heeaiilsta y0i.1 at:31C tis -Pork Christian Ficin 1"qu1`eI(3.. 82,074,200 IS0,653 9.11 163,1-18 501 31I,S02 4.1"12 cc t.u. k pretty stale o societY-,I ei's Iare," 7S,4N5,73. lU)7`20 44� 1,7,591 271 371,311 7147 cc "Olt plc'za,e do, please forgive erre," waile(I 7i,e good man itrteci his tea Ibl 8+. r',I1,2)1,091 `?)5,7.10 79 4 25'1 0111 33.)91)'1 188 f2 , c, the Vio-fill). fixing fhe eyo tllaat. was Ipft illi- Anti said.'"It's hock beer til�l'1, 74 113,1161 210,140 21� 7(1,113 G1 329,253 Sy.41 l ,'Oh-girl Oh,canld You favur]h20, 69,5311 7i,; 270 3fi1 19 h9 1x30 75 339 591 94'49 cc I,lorin8lt' ripen tilt>• other's faacr�. `Pica p, irlca#xagna#uftmeadInl(ti" t 2]+. '14 2`315,040 299,330 301 w,2S5 07 367,715 37�491r " pectase, l vc,t.t hatt�t* any lrtintanit3, far;ice >ti9 14• 374 397 75'.52 " n)e•" 1 >?. 71,2h9 13-1 309105 61 ,t,i, c r2' I Ne rt�r,''' ae.erted the atut�oinobilist, poli t ' r 1' ,755 16959 " r 1�''3. 70,940`20 311 1.1 3(i 7i) 140 0i i oc His 11th1lia`C['1'lti,-1+ ;1'3.0,5(r,(i `153;329 `4)j 11037 44 314,567 73,17.. tllely. ±,n 1rt�hlly' -- k 1 with u 1 i- cl),1.1.11i ,36,'36`+ F2i 00,i8O 03'. 3+7,448 S5138j " it's tile I tr.t tPir . of a drilig male,` n tvns+•iter t-+ .• S'a ).. 101 1 -.- =>=~r - 1.!i--'- IiJIII:l;•, aas the death-rattle - -------- t,a�lrxui ttrt! "11tavr. y-s)tt €in}• or+c in er>tlrt ache-------'`"----�- o'.trgonrl ril9rier,t' rittr'rird tlte,Tr aotinded its i)i. Ihrr>tt "Yes.sora til(_( .,ilii•yld+_f conal "(ill, well, 1 ll t"+)1'L. give yogi, the b: blit don't an.svverea Pat. The ebief cow..,ablr IN;- anlazedt lot it happen r t), tc>I=1tt,tl 14f,alttnrtl51.i1- Tionor.1 dont+Vi'll ,nr„� til+ loan."1l irt, Is]+r 1 r(e,l Jr ..g achino::Col'a.f'ter all. ?ole. ,err hrnl" ill T Rt. I hat -17tre a wtb5'>8 I O 1 til) lie vyatcktlt(I-!r ,rt +i a'ld ilia�Znirat+thi"were horotigh frri iwarl)' t 5 V att4 t drS,atnd ,a`li(1 too PH dly`-tirro e! f.,i `•11+'lt`'t^!til C`1f13t.iff-ur'- nrist?)bI denary i 1r',m IM",. t,t'+tr t tltzt a ch;rak'_ Or ptittill'(if it 11C1wn. - A Timen Fe for 1lzessengcr Roti 14 It was an American tdea, of eour5c. The firm er THE WORLD'S NECROLOGY, 1885. was called "The Quick Return Bfor all inter- i t Jran>faar 15. In Toledo,O.,Daniel Ross Locke i"Petrel- Company." 1n reply to it requcsG for an intrr- r. Y. „ ewe Vesuvius Nasby"), American humorist, N•lew, the ntanagcr, Air, Ulysses lie Russel, wrote =i 1.Joel Parker, "War Governor of New born 1833. shat he courted publielty,and would be pleased to 1 Jersey,born 1816• 19.In Rome, Count Luigi Corti, Italian cc me tit Smart's bullclltlg.s, So I presented my- 2 3.Geu.Edmund.B.Alexander,U.S.A.(retired), diplomat,born 1826. tielf and the manager explained to me hiss systcnl, born 1802. ;_)0.In Leipsic, Prof. Heinrich Leberecht li,Henri Herz,European pianist,born 1806. "You. see," said Air. Hussel, "time is money. 1 Fleischer,German linguist,born 1801. 9.Bonamy Price, M.A.,Professor of Political 21,In Providence, It.L, George H. Corliss, i had long been exercised over the amotull;o P time Q Economy in Oxford University,born 1808. famous American machinist,born 1820, wasted by the average errand lad with his]oiter- �. 10.In Paris,Gustave Maquet,French novelist 23.In New York City, J. E. Develin, well- Ing wavy, One day the idea flashed across my and dramatist,born 1813. known lawyer,born 1821. trunci, like an inspiration, why not a time fuse for 12.Dr.Samuel A.Purdy,American physician, 24 c In Washington, William W. Corcoran, F bora 1811. American banker and philanthropist,born 1798. errand lads?" 26.Ex-Judge Joseph Neilson, well-known "Ah,why not?"I said. "lied how does It tvorlct" j- Tffarchi. ,It is sbnpllc!ty ltselr. A message has to be lawyer and jurrst,born1812. i x39.Rear-Admiral Clark H. Wells, U.S.N. � f (retired),born 1822. 4.Amos Bronson Alcott, American author carried,say,to Pall Mall. To get there and back: 30.Asa Gray,American botanist,born 1810. and philosopher,born 1800, should take forty nl(nutes. 'cry (yell. i rill f 6.Louisa May Alcott, American authoress, one or my boys,give him t;lie letter,attach tile fuse February. born 1832. to him, and set it to go ofr in forty-one minutes' t 2 In Roane,Mary Howitt,distinguished Eng- 8. In Charleston,Gen,David Hunter Strother, time. 1 alone possess the key which will detach lisp authoress,barn about 160-1. American author(`'Porte-Crayon ),born 18111• the fuse. The lad is back,as a rule,In thirty niln- c S.Prof.Charles Linden,American naturalist, 9. In Berlin, Emperor William of Germany, utes." born 1838. born 1797. " 1 4.Sir Henry James Sumner Maine, English 11.Henry Bergh,philanthropist,born 1823. "I noticothatyou say•as a rule.' What happens jwist,born 1822. 12.Josiah B.Plumb,Speaker of the Canadian if the boy exceeds the forty minutes]Imit 1 8,A.J.H.way,American artist,born 1826. Senate,born 1816. "I should have thought that would have bhen 8 In `vaterbui- , Conn., Stephen Joseph 23.In Washington, Morrison Remich Waite, obvious. when the forty-one rninutcs have clap:ced 1 Meany,Irish agitator,born 1824. Chief Justice of the United States,born 1810. there Is a loud report, and a voilume.of smoke, ------- and th,, meellaulead attachment clank to the 41 -)3.In Rome, John Rollin Tilton, American 15.Sir John Henry Brand, President of the ground." 'i landscape painter,born 1833, Orange Free State,born 18�Lti. "And file boy?" Commodore R.B.Hitchcock.,U.S.N.,born 17.In Paris, Antoine Etex, French sculptor, "The boy,if lie has been a pretty egood boy,Is In _ 1803 painter,engraver and architect,born 1806. r 24.In weisbaden,Germany,John T.Hoffman, 20. Rev.Edward Payson Roe,American nov- Iaysluni. if not"---- ex-Governor of New York,baro 1828. elist,born 1838. "But surely the public, with Its humanitarian 1 25.Joseph W.Drexel,American banker and 22.In New London,Conn.,Lieut.-Col. Walter views,cries out against,this?" x philanthropist,born 1830. McFarland U.S.A.,born 1838. "Not a bit of It. Since the Prince of wales ut- M.Barghash Bin Said, Sultan of Zanzibar, 23.CourdaudtPalmer,well-Imownpublic man, tered the warning words: 1Vake up, T nl�land; 7d bili 113.35. born 1842. 'the British public has been only too eager to lni- 9 27.In Dublin, Edmund Dwyer Gray,Member 28.Thomas Carney,"War Governor"of Texas, l of the Irish Parliamentary party,born 1844. born 1824. prove Its commerelal methods. i?reuse me one ;.In Savannah,Ga,William Dorsheimer,ex- 30.In Middletown, N, Y., Bartley Campbell, mlaute,"said the manager,as one of#is lads came Lieut.-Governor of New York,ex-Congressman, American dramatist,born 1843. running in. B.ct had gray halt,,like ail of them. and ex-United States District Attorney, born auenst. ,I,m In good time,alert 17 .1 ran all the tvay," 1832. said the little fellow. April. 5.At Nonquitt, Mass., General Philip Henry Sheridan,General of the United States Army, "You have ten minutes.to spare,"said the man- 1.In Stuttgart, Dr. Emil Bessels, famous born 1831. ager, as he patted the boy's head and unlocked Arctic explorer,born 1847. 7,In Cheyenne, Wyoming, Wni. Pleator the fuse,which he threw Into a big tank of water - 4.In Philadelphia,Benj.Harris Brewster,ex- David e,well-known comedian,born 1814, at the back of the office. Attorney-General of the U.S.,born 1816. 11.Richard S.Spofford,New England lawyer 5.In New York,Jacob Sharp,street-railroad and orator,born 1832. 'And now, air?' Ire said, ask w tr to me. + magnate,born 1817. 12.In Sharon, Conn.,Lawrence Roscoe Jer- "Ulf,I was only going to ask whether you lora 7.In Brooklyn,face. Quincy Adams Gillmore, oine,well-known wit and club man,born 1820, many lads." U.S.A.,celebrated engineer,born 18;x.8. 14.In Monterey, Cal.,Chas.Crocker,million- "No. not many. Un.ihe average, a couple 4 16, Matthew Arnold,English poet and critic, afire and railroad magnate,born 1822. month, I should say. foil see,when we,lose ono born 1822. Rev.James Ported;D.D.,well-known 20.In Rochester, N.Y.,Seth Green, famous it makes all the others more eapeditlpus." Methodist minister,born 1808. American fish culturist,born 1817. "Anti what about the rmlatives of the boys who 17. Roscoe Conkling, statesman and lawyer, 21.In London Rt.Rev.Samuel Smith Harris, , barn IkN.-In Brooklyn, Ephraim George P.E.Bishop of Michigau,born 1845. explode? Don't they even make a fusel' Squier,American author and archaeologist,born 24,In New York,Mrs.Anne Seguin,famous "Oh, they give us very dlttic trouble,very little VIM opera singer,born in London,1814. trouble. 3'ou know the average boy? The average 17. Cornelius Rea Agnew,eminent eye and ear 25.RudolRh Julius Emmanuel Clausius,Ger- relative is only too glad to be rid of him. Some- specialist.--J.R.G.Hazzard,literary and musi- manphysicist and author, times, however, a father will come around and cal critic,born 1836. 27.Philip Henry Gosse, English naturalist, threaten to make trouble. 1n a ease like that 2.2. Pear-Admiral Charles Stewart Boggs,U. born 1810. S.N.(retired),born 1811. Septe>tuber. 1 give him 10s.compensation,and he thinks he has 26. airs.Clemente Sophia Harned Lozier,M. 'bested me. But, as a rule, in engaging a boy. D.,well-Imown physician,born 1813. 6.John Lester Wallack,American actor,born I insist on leis being an orphan. Now"- 1sls. At this moment a youth came tearing toward(. 1way. 12.In New Fork Richard A.Proctor,famous 1.Demas Barnes,well-known publisher,born astronomer,born 1337, its,with scarlet face, streaming with perspiration. 18201. 21.Iu Boston,William Warren,famous Ameri- his eyes almost starting' out of lila head. "I've S. Prof.Leone Levi,F.S.A.,economic writer, call comedian, only six seeoudst"lie yelled,as he rushed'%luto the born 1821, `22. Gustav Rudolph Clarence Boulanger, oflt,c. 18. In New York, Rev.W. F.Morgan,D.D., French painter,born 1824. As quick as Ilght•nlnIr my friend seized him famous P.E.minister,born 1817. 23,In Madrid, Marshal Baziane, French sol- and flung him bodily Into the water tank,and tele 20. On Staten Island, Rev. Francis Maer- Bier,born 1811. sebalek lily,D.D., well-known minister of the 30.Baron Mortimer Sackville West, British beat second there was a hissing sound, followed Reformed Church,born 1807. diplomat,born 1820. by a cascade of water, and the lad crawled out. a miserable spectacle, Julie. October. "That'll teach you, perhaps, not to watch dog 5.In London, Frederick Mortimer Vokes, 1.In Boston, James P. Magee, well-known fights,"said 10 r.Hussel.-London Punch. comic actor and pantomimist,born 1848. business man. 8.Rev.James Freeman Clarke, famous Uni- 4.At sea,Captain Gleadell,of the White Star1 tarian ruinister,born 1810. steamer Germanic, well-known commander, Treasurer H. H. Huntting, of the 10.In Ireland, Rt. Hou. Col.Bing-Harmau, born 183,2. Southold Savings Bank, and his neph- Parliament ry Under Secretary for Ireland,born 13.In Nanticoke, Pa.,Rev. D. C. Olmstead, , 1a:In Berlin,Frederick William III. Emperor venerable M.E.minister,born 1s:,26. ew, Milton R. Terry, returned on Sat- 15. 16. In Chicago, Long John Wentworth, of Germany,born 1831. American lawyer and politician,born 1815, urday from a two weeks' vacation i 16. In Groton,Conn.,Capt.Sidney 0.Budding- 25,In Brooklyn,John Englis,noted American ton.American Arctic explorer. shipbuilder,born 1806, pleasantly spent in Nova Scotia. They 2(J. In Brooklyn, John A'. Bulkley, ex-Asso- 26,In Hagerstown,Md.,ex-Governor and ex- are enthusiastic over the scenery and elate Superintendent of Schools,born 1802. U.S.Senator win.T.Hamilton,born 1808, climate of the land of the "Bluenoses" 21. In London,J.H.Zukertort,famous chess 27.Iu Pou�,•hkeepsie,John Guy Vtissar,nephew Inlayer,burn 184`_'• of Matthey Vassar,born 1811. and the kind reception accorded visitors 25. In Rhode Island,Hou. Rowland Gibson p Hazard,financier.litterateur and mathematician, November. f rom "The States"-especially of born 1802.-Sidney Howard Gay) American 1. In New York,Napoleon L.Thieblin,soldier, journalist,born 1814. author and editor,born 19.34. Digby and their good treatment there -la 29. On Long Island, Francis Henry Temple 9. Heinrich IV.Bamberger,distinguished at the hands of mine host Throop of Bellew,American artist and caricaturist, born trian hy sician,born 1822, ' 18;7,-Gen. G.B. McIntosh, U. S.A. (retired), 14. It of Bavaria,born 1808. the Hotel Manhattan, and Capt.O'Neil born 18:8• 17.Charles H. Baldwin Rear-Admiral U. S. , J tzly N.,born 18!2, of the good yacht "Forget-me-not. Forget-me-not. 6.In Jersey City,Rabt..Gilchrist,ex-Attorney- 18.Nikolaus Delius,German philologist,born Huntting says that if Longfellow had General of'-%,'eiv Jersey,born 1825, 1807. 7.In New York Rev.Cavarly Middleton,S.T. 23.In New Orleans,H.D.Schmidt,AI.D.,tete taken the drive through the Gaspe- D.,Archdeacon of the Diocese of Long Island, distinguished pathologist, neaux Valle and Grand Pri with driver born 11 .Ili Brooklyn,Gen,Jesse C.Smith,American l[lecembcr. Smith of the local livery at Walfoillo Soldier, born 1608.-Dr.A.Y. V. Garnett, well- 2. Joseph Perry I3olbrook,_liuerican musician, known Washington physician,born 1S2o. born 1821. he could have obtained many points in The new engine for Protection En- The first lecture of the Southold, regard to Evangeline and her people, --- - - - • �which he failed to get. 19 p i-f' gine Co. arrived Monday. It weighs Lecture Course took place Wednesday! A Terrific Storm 2250 lbs., the wood work is trimmed in evening, when Dr. A. A. Willitts gave One of the worst storms that ever I white, and it is certainly a beauty. A his celebrated lecture on "Sunshine." visited this section began early Thurs- 1, large number of men can work at the Dr. Willitts has a charming person-!day morning. The wind blew a gale 3 pumps, and we believe the new addi ality, and he gave a charming address. and the rain fell in torrents. The r� tion to the Fire Department is capable It is an address that will do good, and roads were littered with branches and of doingexcellent work. one is the better for hearing it. We man large trees were uprooted. 1 />t g Y g p 1 think every person in the hall left with,Telegraph and tele hone poles and wires :A the determination to shed, more sun- are down. a shine on life's pathway.�W-� acute) 9R011 of 1896. A 0"dastb Is given In peroutheeeni.ucation,pleas,twuw,and U..of deal:h wArn hn Pemy A.,oanlo and tbsatrimd mem awnfollow, DHdTII ROLL OF 1Hp[)-(huge+sped, - '- YmkORy heartdlaaa Get 1t. Otakerill1,John A(61).joOro.int,Oaim,Aft", Avpttp e, apoplexyy.A""Ih Fh,,,O Ch¢riw'1'huove(fa).Fresh°Clem WJu11>>1lLq1, (da�.IS. Now York Vvlvo. Ova' Om lhavue Jm,lx ( a4 Nwdra wail vine 1°v,New Fmkk,,Apprdil m. N.J.,DIe> A11°mO°" (TE)• bwknr, ICnSleaml, Bowitr, Loronm N. (M, vpernewla, West pt n Merril,President of aslto gamva, AvaErlen Arohduke,VI- Coles orengo,N.J.,Pnrniyele AeA 4 fa Yeµ3L 4 1GIoISh II Uo)ex-0ou(mlraw ¢even) PE. John 4 (!A},Q-Member°t °moor,Al A e.tin,Vn.,Jul>9q Ar°ro..I'AH°bortI BRW. 8Hew Ymk oottoe rmnn:Qen fbnereea v+lll- davph Walther ou;hart bi (breit�Akille(gyp.Id..t and Bvmolve, Nota lawyoramlpltitns. 0,e•ala Jan.[ aIIX Nor.$ IT•hk Jm.er Wrt,e. r on 01 by a°oldon4 Autbup Ifnllor, Andrew 5.(m),hoe[,Iwitvelrl sad rote. p k O�Derld]i(Rh ex•Gurnewrnt M/abin°a, • -Uovorama[Rmsaa Oa4 Arthur Olnrvlald(PI),AlahoDP.R Dfw.�n vologb4 neer nida°wpnd, N,J., heat dissssa J m.N.Y.,AW[H. rYurR (& vwetama eml m,E, °t Woatvrn Nnw York,fllitsn Apringa H.Y.,mo- M��.,ry l ansa Oaoraa W(oil.eGtamn4 AmE U.F:Aev- a Bitpoll- rouedye la.JulYm, Ferner,Wnllnm Han,(pt) UvlGrlan of *tft bra ne,Iowa July YA VVnnpp amY- plMmsm[owe Da 1 Ill Saw W(79). Paster,mnmbnr fhaln,Wlllinm ll. Ili),M.O.,Wrhingtoq ll O., m il.d.1phis, mer•dmGaf ltarrud no,':r,,. olJjksaL.J�tl 16x11 l:nvon,w�i dvadla alar Imd.Me, Ronal Hob,lel. PWI+d°IPAIa Pa,.Im[p, .Tay' tunolt Avn .."I. pal U. Crla Charles Frederick (✓11, eGtsaow eellmbortl Luis(6b).CaMiasl,)Lama M"j 7, Mldm„JY°00 (m), relined Pnw,tla4 Lntmi; Deeds[eba,,OOao,Y., ex-SPn�e of the U.JL Ones,it&R&RUSTI ,.•_ Osrrnt;Robert(Illi,ez-Pm-.1 R of the tl.lti. J -B-goo.m' petames M.(!1),rx-BLember of Ua ALIe Ga.,heart dfaesso,OuG 0r, mum and Ohio Rell rat,Dn•r V,uk,Md.,Jniy a Sea "•]IG:°q' Praeidont of the TheaosPAloal lssldm4 Alma MlaLL.hosrt t°Itvrgad ¢I Oro �.AA WnR;,, 240h°Im(N) mml G•GIIq AiNisrd A. (X!),ur-t;onrudorato Oeanrel, �A o µow Ynrk,Feb. aR M.,A r of•'Rathlmn Mevaurvea t nsnv d Aomiml Mertmen, and Olvil Wet; U.a.Umad-JOe�°°arUal y o°/ede4 ��atyl� U.(M)LI and ublRu ev- t"vaL Mu, dt�.ffi °'•Poub Meant Pogo,Ark n,& haoeha 1er17avanl,Nov Yor ; Orown iter Jee°Ph Anbor(n),diplmm�4 JoptyL O0HLI10q kms-dealsµHmR fDE). Pnf°rmt dlPlo- ri11t,��Gr HDLuhani �. a Sea ll. Intt,,°atlior,Av[Isod,JuIY w m• Mumeh auRnatloq Ayr t:e. ,Iy. Jmaph(6C,no-busn,An1¢laud,Jna Da11 Aifred A, !b), hoGl nprlet°r,Roth- Gibbo Jnlm ntn Ddlye,or-)µ•Deal.O.B.A.res nausjdWea ° thou i (0a)'}ordmrRAmhbkhop vvnp pp yy Doom o! et Lmis, Aa Luna Hold HOT et N.Y„fs1l(rnno•vtspv,$ ti Aal Limo.,Aid,,Feb.U. 8filvA,aa John W. .A. ,ASm AnamG(&),Fravehewlytm,Frmw, D•HOT AlrGour,.Y,F.Webb (7pL suWo°L Asw OlInt. Doruard (BBh va ual.k (!I),sz-Member of Unnpyq Primo° Hae Nooppivvd,Joe.1L S N.Y.,J..10. flaoyahale, Lbeno4 Pte,taus M. (>K), bmbrul of Pnm- Dania (18 ex-AU= mal of E,m Gnbbadd,Air Jeff"(so)beaker,L.hllanfhropk4 New Thom.,Wallam CRX seldom,lemur of I"ed,ou Med British°nd°o, Goo(odent°glptaa WII Lenton.J.1. Y�Jsa 6 aft U."3eor.J.A. Ue Grbn fav anuria°•--' H.b.is GDW..Govrttelinwn dd S I+ rot Maa°o(OU),thrdinal.One. •• n Msr°II (Lr).Hmneior,Hew Far m, Coon Un (6IA vrtl°t sed °alar ( ).weenie AakGoEBno- GII [},���A°pb L7. k Lurks Now Yor kk,,Pa. R.April ld mbar of the 84%6, lmtltnG.ma Ws•X- °0°m'-""t¢ly1d. Gnt14(a1L lkmlla4 vek Y Dalenq Colum6.0 (in), ]..Yet. onthougtar M °glO°'D.G, Now o.mg.(te) all Eimmin,nnrad Jou 1 4 .melaM, l4e mterlm Lb Hovn Ohiq Ooh gt Gould.Henlrtm Wo Hew 1(mt m®Inaltia Jnl>t. Pmeden; ��� T gTob d ��� Leta,F4en J(64).liz-M° MIL artyeL avd lvnnsr,Ghlo•no, BnDDyfhµ$Daae�l[hE Hon.dopgo(M).Jurb4 R.O." W-v. "t H4.Nrd UntyonitY.t+nmbri la�U mher of O°opw,Ohl. beaker,Pow York•par°beb of for ° °d®a°la(07)'"°°°f Gho n° W;wrlGr (7rmi°I I4 GI°esppa marls(Fj),OaNmy,item s a4 bra h«r a-;avnrnur of Debate oFWJn �°kssee'$° Jul j0,f Ln"Is, Aensinebv, hbalmd. paralyv,0. Jw,a 4 TL try,Bl�uob E;it�,A rRw Ivbklei aod[oad. Now York beaker,Lone;Hem.. Dir flnmlltov Mb+*In1t Thmn N(;y)kt s ' a GGvv "�Lj!� Job Buol.h- .A0. enror Phtlsdal 6. i h( A m1IIImWm toenotw 8tWo8v:-. Lvwe1k84r..P 1Ya rap 6.M M' art mp�r�i�t(i�j�odnaGr To a Aeahm L, ao-Uoromm of Wart vin Dnbge IOWA,p4Ah O°rt dkaew A�rl16a Gaon.Bir lam rt(e6A u1wWa II�' swrele e:- side.Farkmbata W.Va•April At 1 fml, tis Hrmika4" d0a ARRA,y req leen- O 0.Wm:nlneiomr u[Patevfl Olmafsud. Hdwre,q.Bemu`V(os-PrmvlonE of lAn Pgvltabin °btbee,tismllloq 8l. Penln:a A W.1l. Gylden•.john dn[psEm augo f6C, utaaemuer, Life uoe V Non Yor Hqa DMwarw, duan T. (!a), outiclw, Psewleva a Ins Bwedeq iron•10, L ��n,tllr I+rv•drrlrk(m),Veivtar,Pani-: kk,, fyl.Yub.18. 8"iq bask E. ]ism d tkp Au>el ADW a nR.Raglunrl.Jaa 36. °mH O8a. (m Asher of Tµ•lata Dou,Uhsrlem,(hlof Jmtir of rho A. in.0, A Proud$sR.w":°PIIew 1Furlr°fdSHhon gprltnpla Thema IN), conm,lig,,W°et ElempG P+e",W lv,X.Y•.hes tal•Ilueo.HoA.4C. °J Ncw IJerapa8lra Aoltinq+tnrd,N.u,. vaal>.la Proud sales Mar0. p+r� 4of hone.N.�pt.7a °•Al"1 6'f1,caWlae Rennase)bene, ldnrah P. 11-141A. (TE),llinaem TE, '+r1.,ap -2mt k>.Yria°n. N.J.Arthus 0. E X Ohl alba,Aug. ) Adtm of 2m- Y Auriaq MhtiaGr of� a$�Osw.•1io.aJtyp/a f.(Yh enAoon,C of ezymnanl°tllmr of(�� ee�o Bn mnd°rwrlter, nes•M• mO�±��Ae.VuL 'i�4wnrJ dw, N°w ask, ep,wndlaltb, LII. Jsa 91. '""'OlrLl Wv,DewvaJn Grovv, . �!�!n�Jmoph Wrlq�m),of lff-TPO A Ileo_ GM a o, av Ilsowal,kllledit Ila 111urull qqOO ff �$g•'a�^rqv'�^e�"' blW'e H o lGSg���ypfas,nm�,,d�...�77...�LyGGG�snpnnn�,��� s1p}pmyttile Frederick N,(6C,"mtd oy Australian mlhaaf•'R L,C�• =,(Mheh"rlUet•vd novolie4 : Loe LlanH�Mls IIA (nA pnbFLhuey[Lnnrysad, J oxavdor fm).mention,Anmlmd,l 8a[Ia d,Nov.yk A nud>.Almon A.(OFA J°dye d'i°qua.od.fl f $mr ( I 4 � U, W. editor of Alrk,part and Erin,ov,rt for Nebraska United[tarn Dln m,Wd4.Of' •o ¢tlo and tjonoiul Grlah" G°�yp wn :r of orate Iiv[x oorelbt, °Els ,N.J,wmunlrtlon,MaY I L -.1noa,anwrt Loads()). r Slid Out td MI a b'.�fornd,J...a1 ���� µ/Dim Iowa Jam ail Coin Jtalo (M), tenor, nee Yerma Frena,lGpt 48 f A Gmr and wmpwmr, edmd4 l}ek D. ( 1 abllela; F.e ren U, '� F de Ick, Mg,,ar,rd4 aY Y. °r' Do,eq Geoyp 8hara yd nae AEtiom D. D Rlapo (spa NtlllMi.1 Jal�g4 i aui nG' tkFgPlulmep, UEto ffMi,a-Prurbn Mbfatnr of nev p flommlWnoee of no Ffnenpq ellq Mpy 1T. J. Goott>�Lupr•non of ew J°n°y.Newerµ•N. APkwWI vm4 nopY4 Oxfan[,G•,..I+n.72 Leese ( N p°AGalm"rad-jorie4 i i oon)Themes L.(g61.IDdgadl,rvOan...1.U.RA, ae,mao Alvx (ail vtayloiaq war Sala- AIS q dd bevy ..Jens nEirad,"IHashlmGu, Ivry.Meeh u �etoq Wyeft(+i nlu;Nowarl,IL L.Jan°!. manes,N.Y.,haartr�"', .11. Prank (�dk s[op Sa¢Ibb,Wlnbm4 urn il).or- eud °Ga Jtn/n Detxean Lenrr':. Cop,mn��, Arthur mien•D pbmia goalwd,upon f0. Inw a, y ( Member ef(bu. alaka-lend• A°mth, Wj1Aeh¢i°a W,Ikom(m), Mn�Jemr g 1 trioal mans[, An IPES, . ogor�v Ytwl Armand) Hraas, r Devkor, U.mw1•Gu a°vdid w toe Ire,Ywk enol°[ Inedse, ` r,. elpysuixt, titer W UO. Vlo°•Pro�ideaE to ItwD,ludlamalla Ind. Fah.1. nlory.Aug.d. Y New Ynrk,umpr°s elle• OpGYq Dwrtllals,MetoB y, out Yata1[ndJfahsmlfnuw, Awimr, 17mmne(m), lewyer ez-pnnerol afkmr ar Elnekl° GnLllanme !I Ghambalsiq John fEE) heel o drter,aporb y°Olvil tvnr,Now York,oWl°.oar amldent,Jan. Feb.lE, y Thoma 1[(�,erue4 MLitoa Mass„ oq Jpq 1181, Archbiab°p Y yyteo_pPrr(( w�tan.n¢ « ,oq��ms�n6g16e N. }martdbS,sa Amr.W. lr°leohliq Lalw/6U.oz-0ovanw of wlaopvin, 1llembr Dornv ataarlm• (61), emnola, ivfa, bH"g4bepyo° MmyMfAmt)uA- L:r,l°a Btavrtt r'erda.(1ltA to Nov:lq tiny of the ox-Aumr°IOB7ne of Om civil W. "Out,Wb., Ay'r1121 rop64 PmebveH,HmreR.Xner{dlmaaa Nip"° pmfaesor a1 Wr RI°a)(lits he¢ref¢fe Mny O. Awl Jon hive A46SOR7Haet s,April al Charles L Ambdvke o/Avah7a (m), h<b I+Dice Alp o° ('Nly ex-Gnr°nur of Miohl ¢n, n (TEh met^ea, widow of Jobe R payy pliva w tAe Ehraaa of the amVim,V(°nn4 Am.Arbor Job. one 1& p Auey.(iailYwoed,N.J„°°neer,JV IY?L +A�amlyake��B!),.yAfonrtee, I•meidnvt u( MUharlior,Allo Fallawa Joha IL(6o DbtryaE Attma1 of Pev Iduiw 1 °j a�bao (Xn)• r:en4 mreW4 4� �Jemy Il( [aein7.>9. An,lrrlm (70),Nnw Yvek, Mmabr,Udvnvo, Yark GlW.wato4Now Yyork,.,vwrof Amalnmaoh, f°Op"""' +• oro Latif main, nsrau o.Ane.RD. Uua t. Mauston, Jo juries ex-Mnml:ar d ra lone°.III,Hup4 Ohaaamm,JoaepA J. 1'roeld+utor Libel Moo- Go fi (Q. poe4 axle 9oo1a11 j nH elsMI L a NorYre T6emnu W, (So oz-invest Astw 1[°0 OOrrkR°1°rm' Avrll 9E, V ILII m v o�°h A°ob.. mpi neident of Lhe Sovate,Or°aA L'avoq Voluvtaar 8,IN rc Da Mh def nes tbs old New York �j t sen Jntnty(n).Pmfweor of Hary 811vX.,appeeplexi,rkf.t4. partotov4\aw YarF,Rp,4 (Y), •amort nhemin; New Yar • Uit).Dc+lo4 ADP[.Il. Mold,NeM loura¢Ilat eutbn,Amelalq Aawsll, dlwer o'Hong(✓H),eaten. Cincinmt(. Om4 Loam hMga N°y'g' (11 OrwGs(mI.ex-Ma>or et Josey Clty, pupmv°ala,bit If. Mane tl, t4 (!0), pnAllsp°r, Mne )illi,N.Y.,;I Pmv ,MnrtaBlr 3inpartO'Drin°.Vlw-AdmiralUnit- q[ Mr Thomoa(18) nlLorW^T'om IIrnwmy Xadl ( ),[4Buala 0.(fg),anEbm,Menh 1 bin Nnrl,ytmaho Mart. Aohwl DNa Ar11agXhGa 1G[ qd.MereX n HI sem•� g°r. I"m" aoonornio4 aathae, For the CzfBr. --- -- - -.__ HvnR Aland WIIBam tWl, m assume.Feb. Bgy B. ( elver, No end. NeM"M Duke or_Primo° Lon, eakess N r d re led the f�u Tiv Home, Thank Goodnemst Hard•PrenkILA,(M),],eye, pvLlide4 ToMq 741lslivisk Aephsel d'orlaam-Val. Va uillea And Ino the Auailm troops Darting August A aplendia enation, - _ K I'd land upon the Jsanese Surroundtnga select and rMnod, Hope. Ant bye} N Jlmeov eau Sty ver n power to With loud, Idumphent whoops. That Is onlr a Step tram the stelae lend. I'd and complaints dna....... Caavdglenna and Caption eombinM� I'm of" paella Iwpr14l tum: Or met egreA,loua°lips- Ave My cloud,all have a Sliver halon. TO Sea him In the rite¢Immar eey,env would Rey' This hlon•ing all o(omenra R IPmm b delightfully shy: 1 :Malt a she ahauld try.to leuea That be.16 egmmov Parterre. was a tymr"1 4BEA 1'ho rNiinge Olc untablr biro. 'Phut nulla rill U.",him(n.:n rrVbdnp. IW, And g up of everything While the Predurld of pwrow And dairy And -,file blowing up of everything Aly nalimk hal nm pTo eery m ThayP Jeer A 4li amhrole and his old weoL ' BY cal Gee near and fns A hauml(ul sbla suDPh+ That do:•nn•t aeras An arra n:vnl-.- OtlmgMl ha; It I were Ro Ve mwln, And yet 1 ran camrivr a c,I, The eatpot ball be oaMm, bey would per,algal' Commanding for the Umar. AB the trulb 4 delelma pstoredna And hope the man will rt•^ dent at that. - .r A thenow and aorto. E °bra y + HG:res"pb-*aid quite struse In,. este Its d A With Ibn veg'day form a proremIf I Imps mar Int<M rook will n n,V Lw,OL It 1 were L(Wopslkln Ano tranp day by dry b the dooc IV.liked Lha lent, bot°odd n keep her. And Ormd nuke Boris came 1 hone that leas for ice well Tt1ar'd ogtW b euro hien 'ruApar.•u thrY oaa n Aa tar velµ, IL b e.em a" Na rhwer pea. I {vllh all his tCry of henunt That grotra when N°Aldansyt gena+- I hope Inns Qade[enlds.111 ¢r,rhr°pe. �y Nt°g. 1 e.#,np Wouldn't Cry Lout"&emend" And, indeed, there is not Lhe laud over, I nape the"'newer ell Im"no". TW tYppbGY4e'I treadtgg+m an vafamilbrYrogad. I'd Cpmp Nem In a cnnyna A "pot more destrvine of praao I fin""robe In par le co na NA But L*k In division musty,why, he neige the,', To lure it.Japs&loam 1 lisp' the tolkn next four will glad Wetaid. DY dent utbpnnty'swlsbonk Now for any one e,ddng enjoym at I Tani maims we danyhter, Horning, '7". 'rid►book were In Jlnont Yno'd .'prsse)4rl 'I .lad smllu paddmtheoneny Ones Gbi4 Smuaemeat or mat him Taub: Teen,Wh,n ct got the memY Frnm we nine a1 nx°athi a L°aL ops s.ansae 1 prepared - No a the slatetor: pis )udyneat nuns one hyla' Ip wouldtMtAdo AAg thin g mnlnrmeeR 1 hope the Aveda will soon hn spr..,igng. Hsy eballum.of to.ommdy board, end wboq TGIa hon"° b undnUhtedlP Qeat I hope that Shortly 111 Pn spawn mGbreto AaY wound 1 do a thing to them: This °ttm°dene°Is thorough and ssrlr. To take.° Iv Ob,not aAtngle wing. P taunt hill outivr The Fourth,N an ool anywtug,h,aperb Y 'rho Grmb aro whatever Yon Plaew 1 hope Pm6pnilR Will ale b H I were Rvrupakln And na the to IG auutbFee Y of Sema. it a Oady-- 1 hope my erodlers amn't man!ng. A elusPI o< rat , ) And You were tor.lapn0. --1_11¢µ' For throe b much In whet I Sep promlymn. ma's ai w,r"Iq the ty to y, Tkw On's LAVA*. 81a.mSIOug then to 1'd draw to round by Fgnghumeehmg They' BHjr.. About Age eonslsut )ray of hnpinr. +yen;ledsdd. And on to toaiagahap. _ .Asn o"Ver'. Hay net mush 1, u IV harry bevtt to NmlahleolYng, Whos"NJOri xmlimmua1keat Big what - _-- __ - - t [ IM sari .hero De IonW a At warmsh h unto 1'd oto Who ady[JanmletNtddonpla ole? - To Inspect Library But hero fo Jlmam serener ee runs Lee w1B�_; And from Bmlinkmhun p WttO s taut Dm Mi meg°°DWI,a,,(of The QdiAlniAt.TatlGn Committee Of '•M°O' t'hkapl WANomemQj-d4 4bIdj.op. 1 'the Sgathnld Free Library extend a Watt �t-ni r n•� Bongs; bad.as lou turned about guns :Who Ntre the Bleak°ill-treat bha c,nV, ra Aad.ea en turned shoo; 'CordlAl invitation til.the public to visit Watt W[rmin tip.• ,.fin get of IN ahem yen fel of alphabem T Aoblusw masa trust faaae tooR1 i p tWntrlbutoe t0 tl: f' c. r' And Put mann man to rout. 1'40 Ngwaiah Bulla°°°bed toolil and iiaspect Be quarters, equipment nnJ ) r the to TASAY• "The aditnr w Ll, i 1: l nsy chdr ,, bool(A,Friday and nttemooiw, his,pipe on his pal,,:, : 1 an. A hyo: It t ware 4 rd Eke Who klnwg thg maatheP"hotrod ell seat from 2 to.5, and evening, f,,m 6 until And you n dghdn[JSP, Who aver ilia tans Wer,, ,I r. , . Iii,s hnaq_ . FQ road you ehrmlIn n moon Wo Paen Who Iom frou' man q'enho Ro t Abet Let j` 9. Some one HHi31'be in ntten[IIm+Ie to and his feet wen„nxn• 1 r:d he trNtg� And catoa You In a hap. 111fµpellraveuT faun Std slut tJtkG the names of all who defltee to both end.and awoot, i•rl:tin the attae You'll be In such m ewfui Tom' 1 Norneaelabrot mem ).anew I)uGks. At the Itnard meetin around Big feet, for ii. bud no - + ToTo nod FPoole tee address. t p�`qty W,fit leitsae gtoutt Monday Dlg9tt 13aa1 arrnngementa as to �%wed hsteeet.lh� rte'.°w ttdet,Ofu ty last aa. sou deli[ of wham t o are a Part! days and'hGur[ will be. triads a "16tH,dared mdhom as rambstI That, � BIIr) .tile wa64hp auWWdeo. II •ba,i eateq tl� anP the weal^ -- - �- '�+ Library oPate�t for loflning boo AtVVI, l(owg�dt�the gun.: Ito hndlni{•' H1 wet06umPnE4na _ -_, Gommoalifps far w" Of, t A UMW and r hilt hal M and th vOlim 8119fnaoP AueA'swa i tli'. i'a.) TelrgyopA. of-189 6. - -- -- ... . UL+'ATII ROLL Olt, ---- Nelson Thomas II, 76),ex- .Ii�(Iro7'f� o f .Jfrt'(:11&qi „I# -__�_.____�_ 1a�•e strenuously r)bject'cl try the.rosy*golnrr- ( Minister to C7hili acid t�arony,Napoleon(78),Photographer,New Murk, t Mexico,fierro Wants,Ind.,March 14. heart disease,Nov.9. _ - -- - __.� s Newton Halbert A. (6tt), mathematicia Near itaYd 0f tit(.*nlajarlty rat Si'eytcrn dnrgf fists,"sam Haven,U>t,,Aug.12, n' ynY,Jc,ttn I;salttiRtc I.eou 7q),statesman, o- ;n,elesx by fire it1 Boston;20 aerc=a)yurned ova t-he drtlnittaer, "?salt than fa* I dnri't•acr.m to 11rt,.e litical ccollomisst,Parts,April 21. p 1 id 177 buildings destruylA, North,John`i'hontas{53),millionaire ltriner the Schuyler,Alontgoniory 82 1,; iseo al tiler than tlt.y 21. ].mile Ilenry,Anarr'hIat,was heheadrl made much of an irnfaresaic ti can thettl. I was 11i a l ••Nitrate Ding,"London,heart disease,May lis St.Louis,Alo.,March 19.( ), P P 9-y Paries. ysrrn_t,lT tctwu Ia,St Incintll,and feeling a.X'ulrrh,I went Novelle, Joseph Alfred (86), arltrsio Publisher, f3cott,John(74),lawyer,ox-Uuiksd f3tates Senator 1. sttly:1'S tiix A71archisf.a were exc out;td iu ]3zi to the Brut store' a11d got s,orne cfuittltl(:czapsul('.�. scientist,Genoa Italy,July 17. �� fron.Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pa„Nov.30. uu.t,,p.-;ix ;An hour after talell1k't.hem I went to bed,and It wtt-4 Nye,I;r}gar Wilson (4,>) Bill Nye, humorist, Scott-Siddons,Mary Prances,actress,Paris,Nov. I t1utJtltu ulXv�rutnettt tree�tirvsist ti slain cls author,journalist,Ashovillo,N,(i PA.22. 19 about midnight wherl I wassaroused by the landlord. Oldenburg, ]Elizabeth, (fraud Buehess of (70), Shafer,Ira 65),latitle 8. President e'Iceveland sighed tile No,,who asked: Germany,Feb.2. ( oyer,Highland,N.Y,,Nov.N30.I rk and Neiv Jersey'lirkdrto bill. Shakespeare, Josoph (58), ox-Mayor of New um 9. President Gonzalo, of Paraguay,w '.Stranifer,are you feelin'a.11 right?' O'Sullivan,Jeremiah,R, O. Bishop of Mobilo, Orlcans,Jan.2;3. o4ed and I,twiished, �'es,pretty ivD1I,'I replied, Ala.,Aug,10. Shaw,Flijah 76),founder of Shaw University, j (11- 11. Prendergast, the- amas�sfil of illi , Pa more,Lufgf(89),meteorologist,(7),Po Italn,Sept 1(.1, Raleigh,N.0.,Wales,Mass.,Jan.29. rison,wait hanged Ili Chico,I it. ) "leo horrible pdo y aur ncrthln'?' Patanore,Coven ry IC,D.(73),poet,Lytnington, Sltoltabarger, Sanutol 78), . Washington, ( lune 15. Two hundred ruiners were killed "Aro, But you t.vk?'• }ngland,Nov.26, y do Park,John Duane(77), ex--Chief Justice of Con- g hirers Sheridan, u ae A.6(5), general officer ithe trw lit,Silesia. "'I guess yrur'rl lrottrr rotnt+ docv±istaalT9. The rtecticut,Norwich OL.,in August. p tui,16 Erastels yVinlan was convicted of fe druggist says there's some mistake about then; Parker,henry 1,.(65),Professor emeritus,Dart- Civil iiClara Political76speaker, nttisior tanPFrankfurt-a��the-I ly'iu,' 4!w York City. u,,.lis A n at t'tu1st was made:to tu;sassiui l±ills. I want to tell you,though,that he's a Dow- .,College,died at Boston,Mass„Nov.7. Main,Mny 21, enit-r e Irkpi,of Italy, erful good feller, and uevcr pizens9 anybody ort Parkes,Sir Henry(81),stateslnttn,11x-Pretuietr of 1;illllnatl,11141-X(54),professor ofen inecrin Crnt:t 20. l+;rttstus N't'Itssau watt:s,entellevcl in:tin purpose" New South.'Wales,Now South Wales,April.26. at 7,afayette Uolluge,Tlasttsn,Pa.,April lb 9 €to five hurl tt lullf years in State prison 11 Payne,Rousso,opt.Qmiilionaira,ux-U.S.Senator, ~intoe,Jules;(82), Fronoh statesman anti air- en)rsequellily released on*30'(W11 ball. ' "'DIY hair began to curl before I wale cut of Seri," Olovobtnd,Ohio 9opt.9. tilos Franoe June S. Ant+21, 1ltauy Reasons it e rr_,killed b}an earl continued the drummer. "1 remembered that the Penner,SirJo�iu(80),submarine cable magnate. Stills, Clifford Steeley, jurist,President of the 1 al.Yokohama xnd_Tokio,,Iritp?>t,• dru(i gist sertnrd to aye careless In rervlutC nae,an€l England July 7. g Now Jersey Ciuoitniati.`l'tentou,N',J.,March 3, She gave las such a heap of chin whilo tiler calrsules had thus far hall no bad effect, Pot•ry,'1Vora,author,Piot,Dudley,Mass. May 13. , l.'ersla,Slaith tit'-Nasir-ed- (65),-(65),Klieran, Stuith,f ustavus W.(75),ox-Confoderato Major- That we can't very well refuse It diel not tape±the long,to Imagine that I had swal- Persia,assassinated. (loncral and Corps Conunander.New York,heart To nelp her_ .slie`s:.to pale and thin-- lowed trtn irrain,s of Morphine and was stood for a.,1 Pierson,Job(7'2), Presbyterian clergyman,Phil- drseaso,Juue 26. Poor little advertising h1 asci" excursion s0meu 1 ere, i tttrt€le it Iatnln.9 worst of olorist,Stanton,Mich„paralysis,1+'eb 3, Sit, .11 Russell, scenle artist, Grlenside Pa. K '' g Postlethwaite, IV 'NJ Professor U.S. Militaryct,nema of the Ion s.Nov.7. ' climbing Into nay clothes acid getting , F;u,'ay shed Borne pitying tears, g ng downstair,[ Academy,West Point,R.Y.,Jan,1U. Smit11,VVilliarnHenry 83),Journalist,ea-maua- and there I found tate druggist as calm as an old Pratt,Calvin E.(68),Now York jurist Rochester, iter of the Associated 1'(ress, Lake Foreat Ill., flay`1"Salla looked sae^ceding bete, Masa.,Aug.3. Shoe. Pneumonia,July 27. Arid.love exclalrned."I reeltori here's Pratt, Enoch (88), banker and merchant near SPullor Soraphim 1Ettgeno(61),journalist,states- A chance to lease the bunch tat oil I thiels I Put up Morphine for gtllnine for oltP Baltimore,Md.,Sept.11. ' man,ox-1�'Ifufster of Foreign Affairs,Dijon, +ranee, P y of three persons,' h€� rxplalnt�cl, 'arid so I esti(d Jul;,23. \N`e'il Sava to organize assets, around to sec 1f yvu were dc>r.d. Let ntc:look at t}io Z retstcrich, Joseph (84), geologist,England, I h�vD nu doubt that:ice can use g d+ Steinway,William,(80) Piano manufacture,rnib- bug,. June 23, lie-spirited citizen,New York City, typhoid fever, I C,►,uesada, Rafael de(81), Cuban statesman and � Atiotlter fii:vt-class Musa or two, , Nov.York, lJov30. So welcome, advertising musel" " Ily John, rnnu.` I yelled at hire, '}rut do yvu soldier,Randolph, Ann Dancer,June 6. Stetson, Job" (60), theatrical manager,Boston, Ina](0 a regular thin cif killing I3.ancicrlpli, Anson Davies Fitz (78), Publisher, Pncumoni Airri118, a tC K sontcbudy once s I West Hampton,Lony Island,July 6. a, Long years rolled lay,as authonq say, week with your uld drug.,'.' If 1.011 have.. polyvne4 Reinhart Charles Strenloy, artist, Bright's rile- Stevens,Phomas 11.(17),Rear-Admiral,U.S,N., And from a lass of timld mien ease,New�'onc� Aug,30. retired,}.tocltvillu,Mtl.,May 15. wtotvee, Itnrket .Heecher84), author of 'file strenouus little 1300111deray "'"I'hose aregliintne, stare enough,' }ie- Inter- Reinkens,Joseph Iiubert(75),Bishop,theologi- "Urrcio'I'unr's Cabin,'"Hartford,Uti,congestion of Has grotvu to be the hlu ae,9'queen; rttptrd, as lac ope:nt+d a capsule and tasted. 'You cal writer,Prussia,Jan.5. the krraiu,July 1. Rohlfs,Gerard(62),travolor and explorer,(lodes- And et•ery v et se You've ever seen can go back to bell,strarlger.' berg Prussia,June 3. 5tnrtevant,Thomas M, (96),veteran of the War In praise; of breakfast food or booze "'But I want to krrnw about this t111uq. R"hp of 18]2,liladison N.J.,Sept.26. Ili Biro,Thomas Antoine 1+ereiro(one Portuguese Talloyrand-Pe>rit;ord, Charles Angelique (74), Is fashioned 1n the great machine do you keep your morphine and g1tinine tilde by statesman,author,poet,Perttngal,Julia 15. :French diplomat,ii,ranco,march 1. Ren by the advertising Mosel Richards,Sir Frederick William(63),Admiral of '1'apPen ALraham B. 31,'iris?Politician,I+'ord- Side:. Why don't y~otx have y:vier wind'•-.-- the British Navy,Bath,En land Nov.16. - ••+ , y ham,N.Y.,paralyelis,01111 Jurist, 1 III Ilii±ieztskers �settttttet. kou are ell right ztrltl ?talcs na cause far corn- Richardson,William Attains 75), Chief justice '['ennyson, Lady IEuiiln,?video of 'I'annyaon,the r�'.1(' Pi t>k}€ll 1. plaint,' he Bald, As hes lighted x cigar and seetnrcY United States Court of Olaims,Washington,D.C., poet,nyrion,L congestion of the lungs,Aug.10. somewhat reIlevQct lta his not ed carpcor,Oct.19, Thompson, Wordsworth (56), painter, member I fI1' spitball it r. trnndrr,,, .,, Richmond,George(87),portrait painter,London, National A.undstny,Summit,N.I All .28, Ail excited rooter saint; Balt who}rot ails ttlarp}alnr°. I:asked. ]?larch 19, 'Pilgnur,Victor Oscar(52),sculi,tur, p_ "'Lung Stng, the Chintinian, pl(_yhAirly, and It's Ripley Philip(69),journalist NewYorlr,Bright's Vienna u o "t'l`hen you tl ink it's at y(,u'Leet, all right. 1t n'a r ii•iu'r hung ling rel old 13111 1?Ird- disease,,�au.25, ploxy,April 16. ft's ten feet.v1'crlrracl. Robinson,George Dexter(62) or-Member of Con- Tilley,Sit' Samuel Leonard(78),statesman, St, Sall, oriel It dcart't tuatte•r which, as the hoyta ars John,N.B,,Juno 25. going to hang Will of'vill i:a-nletra;f t -C'tttcrz grecs, ex-Governor of Maasauiluaetts, Springfield, , g Mass.,Feb.22. Thctanart,Charlew Leah;Ambrot,e(84),eom-I -I'lle spitball is so sl1p1 ere .lnurnai. Robinson,John M.(68),Chief Judge of the Court poser,France,Feb,12, It ,Inst slips anywizere; � of Appeals of Maryland,Azusa polis,;hid.,Jan.14. lro(:ken Joseph Hen t� I r1 (65),theatrical Manager, It slips up through the atntosplierm, , Rossi,T'rtieato(67),Italian actor,Pescara,Italy, Now YDrlc Juln7, He's notlrintl' ?flush to insole at +?;start yrotl zeas ktitrl June 4. .1'ruohn,V010'.Jules(81),['reuchGlmeral,(Iovornor:. Arid slldes clown through file air, benne In {lawn. Runyon, Theodore(73),United States Aiubassa- of Paris in 1870,Out.7, 1 His C.04t'S nut Irl the fal,sbloa-it's a htttternutty dor to Germany,Berlin,heart failure,Jan.27, `1'rntnbull, Lynam(83),jurist, ex-United States? "R'11et1 you thlnk it's'o,tiln¢ slow, Russell, Charles Theodore(80), lawyer, ,Boston, Senator,C�illoago Ill.,Juno 25, brown: .)list eas,r 11ke, asci slack, Pneumonia,Jan.16, '1'ylor,C+norge rf'alrner(86),I'resbytorian clergy- His trousers baler unserytnly and they ready made lttryrlell,VVillialin IEustil s(39),statesman,ex- mast,Lansingbtrrg,N.Y.,Jan.19. 7'hr darn thing Is sifllrl,• whizzing, were bought: Governor of Massachusetts,ht. Adelaide, Quebec, Van Colt,Joshua,M.(83),jurist,Brooklyn,N.Y',, Not '01711119--•9-01119 back! He doeal0't wear a nnt:ktle, as all wall drrr9esasd heart disease,July 16. Ana.13. peo- Ryan, Staphon Vincent 71), Ronian Catholic vandctrbil}-,Marla Louisa(78),widow of William ple ought: Bishopof Buffalo,Buffalo NS Y, April U. V"andarbilt, Scarborough-un-Iludson, N. Y,• `i Iten y°ts think It's gaing ftp, 1-119 hair Is soruewhat.jagKod in the matter r its , , geort , Nov.6, It ain't;It's c0ntlrl, ?salmon,William(lea),indust slirgcton and b'roo- i;down-- tri±tt, mason in the world,.England,May II. Verlaine,P4,111(51),poet,Paris,France,Jan.8. The'spitball snakes the batters say And ivtl€i, harbario wht�kers arra good �rt(1ttKb for Salvini, Alexander (35), actor, Florence, .Italy, A%`h1tue•,JoHillit l D.(77),geologist,professor Some ugly v orris and fro And filar,. consumption,Dec,15. at Ilarvart University,Cambridge,Masa.,Aug.19. New t)rieems 1'fmrs-Dernoeraf. I krtou yo1.t would not think It; It Is hard to under- . .... .._.�.,-..._.--...... _.__.-___...,�. �,,._..._..,...__. And led the Rrtssian troops Dtlring A11911.4t: A sPlendld location, - stand, I'd land upon the Japanese Surroundings select and .refined, }jC) )(^. But back In ,imson county he'9 a power In the. With loud, triutiophant whoops. That is only a .1tap from the station; I'm of a prDtty hopcfuI�turti: land. I'd end complaintmost egregious monotonous Cvn�`enlene a Bud€ctmfort'r,ntlrined• My clouds all have a stint r lintngr. To sae film In the city almost any oats ttould say Of most e9rip of v slops-- Every room Is delightfully airy: I1111111 it than should try to learn That be, 171 eomlrlon parlance, was s typtoal old This blowing up of aftic Drs, The celunKs are notably* high. Andblowing tip of Stilps, 'While the r That hope X111 keep hint from rclslatltrg• jay�- prcydncts of furrow and dairy R.ly tailor's bill has hist lunar bt They'd jeer at his umbrella and his old'wool,wide- And blowing.up of ev t.a tliing A bountiful table supply. That doesn't seem so very-tunny,- plyr4nimeQ hat; 131 critics near and far, And 'yet I can contrive a grill rbn carpet bag he varrea l , they would )tare their If I were 7iur,opatltin+ ;all the frult.R in dt'llclous suacesettin, And hope the tilrtu will fling at that. Commanding for the Czar. 1 9-e?,Ills snouc+y. mellow and sttrculent store. His speech would quite srnuatt them with its hinny With the veg'tables form a procession I hope our latest gook will stay. rural twang, If I were Kuropatkin And troop day by day to the door; We ilked the last,bat co11le}not keep hr r. They'd smile to see hint'? "rubber.'as they'all it in And Grand Duke l;utl, came As for milk, It. Is sweet as the clover 1 hope that less for ice we'll pay; their slang. With all his train of beZutk.s That grows wilere the Alderneys?Craze- I hope that beefsteaks will getcheaper The trouble Is he's treacttng'cin an unfamiliar around, I wouldn't cry out Sli intcl•' And, Indeed, there if; nett, the land over. I hope the weather will iniprotn'; But beck to ,,Tlm.yott rcttnty*,Why, h+3 makes;them. I'd camp them len a canyon. A spot more deserving of pralse, i hope a ralse In pay- I.,,coming; stand around. To lure the Japs along I hope the solus next door will 171ove--- _ By dint of beauty's witchcraft Now for any one, seektnR enjoym art, 1 can't endure the daughter's strttrraming, 3 es, 'tvaY hack there in .)Irtist9ra You'd appreciate And smile and dance and song. (:rood table, atntrsemeat or restt enemy Ills rani', Then,when I'd of the bast May a garden I prepared- Fre!rawn.s he el€st•astor;hl1,Iudknierrt runs the bank. tti y Prom the stress of exacting empioYrnenG I hop(+tite seeds will soon hes touting. Iio's chairman of the county board, and when they In that cntl'Ini;ring, 'I'hts house Is undoubtedly best. p Say,would I do a tlling to them? The attendance is thorough and steady: I hope that shortly I'll le :;pared re?€rF)retc Uh,not a single thing. Ce?sine a pleasant little outing. The 1'ollrtls, err almost any•-hitag, his speern Ls sliat- i, The terms are whatever you please; I hope Prosperity will stay; And fee name--though vasa );now It already-- Illy treat. If. I were Kuropatkin 1s home, in the County of Ease. _-pucl,.• I hope my creditor:s aren't inophig, A rltlxen of prominelleet. 110',s a?tgag,4In the lead. And you Avere for,la pan, For(here Is lnueh Ili what 1 say Thfey don't laugh at Ills Whiskers tltc_re In JIm,Son "They About the e•onetant joy of hoping, --pro. lrirtlesd. I'd draw you round by Fent;htrangehetpg . hey" Sf1�'`ei And on to Hiensingshan. �• ___ __ _ --Chicago 1'eute, 1-f e, n€,t nittcl) In Ilse city, where ire looks s ttitle Who says that Sinith must beat Ills wife? �t6 17-1, I'd hurry back to Hslchlaoling, wbo says Jones leads a double life? itlspect Library 30-•/fa _ At-Wangshinmen I'd stop rtilko sa'S that Brown makes parte`strif.et r Lilt.t tt is In AnIsou Minty he runs the whole nl&_ And front Shii}nkalhuo Ther. 1'he. AdlnirliPtration Conln)ittee of `lit tt" Chirupct Xevs. some syllables 1'd road. the Southold Free Libral;v extend a With these I'd do,thi(:load my guns lt�ho,says tate Flanks ill-treat the cook? � rr And,as you t.tt:alt±d about, cordial invitation to the public to visit Watt�ti lrreii,the sweat singer of GIlMar. That Robinson sutue trust funds 101sT, 1'et Shoot you full of.alphabets `That tNeWrIC11 had a crooked look•: and it1speet, its quarters, eelllipment and r''U11triCnitP9 t0 tai(? Ptzt�t�rnr��r(tl��CyttQtiFWei And put y,rnr Tien to rout. "The editor sat hi h%eAsy chair l Th(:y. books, I''1ldfl,,v tied S.tiurcl�tyr a:fternoolls �{ If I were Iiuropatktn ra r tli pipe ala lois aillrttrn haJr. A letup s Who knotiv,the tnaFt ft 4,,'w bound to;vin? from ' t0<D, arld t'1r�Cllnt;5 froln ti Until over]lig fife so fair,Diff b6 k w And you a fl9htin9 Jap. , tl _ 9M_ 1 ta'llo intuits t}tr nlsiu s5 lc,can't get in: :1. Some one will be IIT attendance, to ant.1 his fP.t•were,?Dare,. And he t�k�'1)�,ge I'd lead you through a mountain pass '4 ho ttells your e't�r,ry foul se•�id bt7 Arid camp seta Its trap. ,Mbit. take the names t�)f all who desire; to both �.lrl "t€lt1_sweet, 'A'hilo the alias died all S'cu'd be In such an sit t`eti foot, for Ile had, r; no food I his '�om(•ncla.ttrrat uaess t, borrow hooks. At the Board lneetint3• around Si Who save t r.-words th i t?tti�and sinart'1 shop to eat, and til': ground otL io.o 4*M 'Twould puzzle tilt' post Chive Who In'og±llto plies ter p;€?➢ 1V7o21d11.}r night; final al'I'aI7gE'IIl('llts sty to r ('crN,errxd tiv fats sleet. �caw,Wtin th10 V To find your Inst address. And yet of cthaau�'ou.tic a pay-1.7 days and hours Rill be made and the tt•,g8 tits rheas to dry? rle bad eatmi the�t€,wt�! 7`hus,dazed and Itot:s tie c+ombat, 'I l t y, s ou'd shriek,='Let's stop the wart" Puck. LibraryopenedFor loaning books. Find r;�5'Frllc}, c+.3 't 1s 1 , is tat; If I were Ifuropnttc[it, - --_ _-_-__ _ .._ , • alt'.ltfttln I ,t ,r t ;. � � I , ' t, r Commanding for the Czar. whiskers Fit t f i:. lle�t••ir_.�li h2'a fe7lrp f• ry 4°Gl�c(,7r.., + Answer-Tile only poem about a turtle �"% • z shell that we know of is that entitled "The �f V _ _____ _ __ ___ .__ �- =•' Empty Turtle Shell," written some time ago RecorIf of iEbento iu 189C A7 by C. C. Merritt for the Springfield (Mass.) Republican. It is follows: Jan.1. - C1'ould you sea what wit may come opened to _dPAJ.W of �'i.41pilrf-a t1v 1�� -' 1 In a lesson from the dumb? Jan 2 Alt,nnv mhnra II Talcs this structure; 'tis the shell Russia, b 10. GQC111YIe11 enient xf.Vautnr CnI1ePr..----- --� Of a turtle-mark it well; killed. Jan.25. The M 11,Joseph i See, it bears the deathless line i Jan.3. dianapolis. fila U! Nature gave in stroke design. Jan 7.7 Jan.26. Pres! calicos Shaped and figured as she saw yltha.sul Washingtonast 12. 'Phreent. OT, rI�TTT� YEAR g� 1��5� Use and beauty serve her law. for the rte svlvaa' _RE CORD 1 111E Jan,8. Jan.31. The c IFi Severe g Fine and broad the base she strung; burned. :chins!trade to 16 General i For the back an arch she sprung; Jan.9. the employers. codunc I Joined the two in flawless mold- i "s stTrentol aan,31. Silve 17, Arrivals Nature slips not hand or hold- claimed r'resentativesby a the 13i I Giving ample space as well Jan.10. Feb 1, Glean Depety DOlY1ESTie• Where the turtle once did dwell. and ne its China for the kit Centra 18. Confiner, January. February. Luynes w Feb.6. The R l9. A young 'Twas his shelter from the storm, et' Jan.12. vannah,Gla,,w killed 1 Home he loved and shield from harm; ]a se of a Feb.7. Trial o �, Four Pei 1, New York city suis four mayors within twelve 1. Oklahoma"boomers" organ;"zinc;ne�v esped- There he quickened, there he won !' Jan.13, began at Paris. 23• Dlftny cp hours; wreck of a German bark near Petrelta, 2• Attempt to assassinate O'Donovan Rosso by j Jay of life and light of sun, f: Governor Val.,flue lives lost. Mrs. Lucille Yseult Dudley,iu New York city, h the Esterha%Y 24. Conmter $oven hien t'rozen ca death near Niobrara,Neb.; 2 The village of iturlington, Obio, burned; a s And he felt the pulse did beat i Jan,15, fenced to one ye colleg( three persons drowned at Worcester Blass. council of Indians protest against the new Rustling wings and stirring feet t tion by fir fine 25,General 3,Arrival of Mule. Materna. in New fork;two Through the universe complete, Jan.15. W lite- ntt'n uttoinpt to rob a train in Maryland. land lease. i wowtded Feb.B. Presid 4. Cleveland visits Nety York city; an unusual Biding there in prized content, Itfty i �� Sixteen bays escape from the New Jersey Re- number crimes reported. While he slept or journey went, the llelaw assassinated. 26.Three n • Jan,15. Feb.S. The 1 town form School. 5. Five persons drowned near Wilderville,Oregon. But he left it, where I found it, 300 lives i Lome,reflecting 2? General 6, Gov. Clevelandy resigned and Lieut:(lou. Ilill 7• Railway wreck at Neto 1lrunawicLc, N..1.,two In the forest. Death had bound it l I\'ingpo Tt Feb.9. Ware lcnhtt Inaugurated' George Z.Erwin elected Speaker lives lost; bloody tight at L'arrizo Springs, There to idle, there decay- Jan,15. Janie, of the New Mork Assembly{)C,dward A.Perry Tex.,between rangers and Mexicans,a num- Turtle's house to spoil a prey. Toad disfis tailing a loss of$ vealle inaugurated Goveruar of Niortda;covert plea her killed, Jan.15. Feb.12. The ?n �tinti11lt killed by a tug explosion at Marshfield,Oregon. S. Six lfves lost in a collision near Creston,Ia. But the turtle-where is he killed in Veendam found 7, Meeting of leqtslttttuesinseverai States i soy tial lo. Great storms throughout fife United States; In the sphered infinity? e ' 3o. Mi Dii eight persona killed In Indiana. Did he slip his shell to find 1 Town,Af.out loss of life. van i ihousiufd colliers thrown out of work in l tiiri i Jan.16, Feb.i6. The sylvanta (lei).Grant declines aid. 12.Twenty Persons burned to death in a Philadel- lyiatt4r base, but lives the mind? eigt corpo was blown up in 8, '.Che Craig-�Ilelly congressional contest decided, hia,alms-house;five men die in a Chicago tVhere's the life that once had cheered it ' Newlork 7, Strike a Cratq awarded the seat Gov. Htirrison, of sewer• Ere the spoiler rudely seared It? worth of T Feb.17. Miss Z Chicago Connecticut,and Gov.Robinson,of Massachu- 14, The town of Alta,Utah, destroyed by an ova- Ah! the problem! Hear the moan Jan.20. the Woman s Cl curs setts,inaugurated. lanclie,sixteen lives lost. Heard in forest when alone! followed 71 in the city of Ne 3 riulcoin 9. Thomas F.Phelan stabbed by a Fenlon in New 15. One nian kills three others in a Mississippi fight. Jan.23. : Feb.26. Atted tifsfsLe• York. 10, Mardi-Gras festivities in New Orleans; the j Voice of wind! and tersely given. York,ha-0 ging of Greece. taint 12. An:;ry debate in the U.S.Senate uv°r the Sher !louse of Representatives defeated the Grant 'Earth for life, and earth is heaven." men and d jj retirement bill. Make it so, and know the worth; March 2 8enik illinoi man•Davis controversy;tornadoes fa Alabama Jan.25.'President of Bra' 4. Inde Fcel and t?eorgia. 17. The legislative appropriation bill ��ctasserl the Nature lives, in death or birth; inundated. Fall IIouse;coal mine ex losion at Wilkesbafre, She is kindly, she is just; the data' March 3. The 9ti'fkc+ 13. 'Lh earree ls Smit' Ohio; Sp r ke a>'r vi i-ant p �. Four Pe Pit.,one killed and thirteen injured; severe Hold her fealty, firmly trust; ! ' Jan.t viding for bienni 7r Foa Il pounced the Conunit,tees• cold weathor and many storms. Then in answer who can say accident n passed by the N 8, CEndol• ri 1 f, The(brant retirement bill pltssed tit© Sonnte; 18 .l.wo steamboats burned at Mernphi},Tenn. Nature dwells so far away Jan.26. vassed passed tb Crelis fears of bloodshed In hocking Valley 19. A vessel with all on board lost oil' Fort Morgan, That to see her ways sublime reconcile March 7. Chin p, Gnat st 15. i ailul•e of J, ,1,Cisco & Co.,blinkers, in Now in the Gulf of Mexico;large line in Philactel- Man must fly or gods must climb? reconthusii ninetyh 7. .ear 10, 1?'il'tet 4 York,liabilities over $3,000,ow; mysterious phla.two lives lost. Jan.26. March 9, Sher Ver re epfclentfc in Akron,Ohio. 20, Railway accident near Washington, five men She is of us, she is here, fjghn.2. ll. U,g,tp IG. ?lie Ohio river rising; heavy storms In the killed. J acquitted of the W(i st.,trains delayed and wins down. Fife's grand motor everywhere; an. 26. 13. k Ire in 21. Six persons killed by n gas explosion at�l ells- Dust to dust! But still to thrive theBritis Pa. perso 17.Fatal taiiway accident near Piqua, Ohio;live baro,Pa.; collision on the tiN'est Shore at Call- the an- That the browsing prlcket live; in his min March 3L 13. Charles persons frozen to loath in the Indian.Terri- aloliatdc N.Y., two men killed; disastrousif a Jan.28. serious damage, !tell t tory. fire in Philadelphia, seven persons killed; S ulle s thenano.creatures lives; plete annt April 3. Aval 14. Ti .01) I8.An insane hospital burned at Kankakee, Ill; snow slide near Leadviile, Cal.,eleven men That from turtle seeming fled 1{uchan, ka,caused the d 10. Jahn S. tiev°ate°ti live lost. killed. 50,000 c Attl *!,•Kit 19. Ettlu}f ea on Senator Anthony delivered in tits 32 U: S. Marshal Gosling killed by prisoners in all the t sages, dolthey eknow Jan.29. April 3. The 1 of til U.S.Setlate. Texas. wreck of Ohio River, bro Sarnt, 19. The Snllivfin ILYan light stopped is the first 21 Appropriation bills passed in Congress. Had the turtle soul or no? Ireland. drowning. lg,Fn-arat round;three persons killed by tate explosion ,y4 The Senate passed a bill authorizing the Presi- Quest the blooming flower to-day -Jan. . Aprii4. Thee ig,General of a lard tank at Sioux City,Iowa. dent to purehaso the Indian rights in the Ok- N�*here it flies so soon away? voted fort Briggs to the E 1u t,ite 20. U,S.Senators Cameron,Platt,Vance•Voorhees, labomallulds, Ask the propJhets, those who tell DepartineY tion for holy Ord 2q,1 xtrern Vest and Call re-electe,t; Wm. iia I,Rep+ 25, Four persons killed by an explosion at Iiountf, Bounds of heaven and hints of hell, Jan.30, 3l t;eq,ill. ]tell.,New York,and Jonathan Chace,Rep., Texas. Can they double reason's sight, Rio harbor Apri118. Gen. 22 Gen t; Ithode Isiand,elected U.S.Senators. 26• F•A.1Varren appointed Governor of Wyoming; Pierce the tomb to show the light? zilia.n war,Venezuela,was cessiv 2I, Ileru•y M. Telier elected U. S. Senator front riot in Plffladc•]pluu, Can they tell what fate may come i Admiral Iii gents. 23 pcatli o Colorado. 27More ntpropriation gills-pas serl in Congress. When this shell of life is numb? can- Jan.a ( April 20. The vetsat `L3. The Liberty bell started for New Orleans;five 28: C;enerat Grant suffering from an incurable can- dispute. was destroyed by 2g, The Wx1 inert killed at a dance at Atcika,Iud[uu 'Perri- cer. O ye -spirits! if such be, Jan.31. 20.Many d torv. March. Conscious of identity by the no April April 21. ytTar 2:1, The river steamer St.John burned in New York. Tell me, tell me if you know, Feb.2. and Spain. (For 37• Rallwa$� ,y.c A atornt Devastated Central West Virginia' V()0,000- 13e it yes or be it no, Inst. dextro}ver nology.) Zg, out,bre '6. Colonies forming in�Soutliern Kansas to invncle 2. President-elect Inve fire Albany, cleaves o Albafor 'When thu mortal toll is run calor Reef April 51 Chari Z,I Fltzhui- - Okhdtonfa, Lives a soul as lives the sun? Feb.3 I master-General ginln 27, A British schooner wrecked near Gloucester, 3 A numbeof important bills passed Congress; Ah! the answer, hidden deep- ter of Free Bass• the ch m ger againsVSlieriif Davidson dismissed, May 2,3. Bre destl' _ in the Soil + 28. Mysterious dlsnppearance of S.S.Conant of Ilar- Nature holds it, she will cep. Feb.6. loss of life,the 30. 1;,110 of} per's 1f'eekiv; heavy storms. 4. Grover Cleveland and Tang yi e Hendricks in- ~1ne po 3-T.mWj i P. McCrea asked "Waft.' Paris 31. Phror 9 May 7. China ye1•g,l 29. The Senate refuses to pass the Nicaraguan Grantaretirement rebill passe Ce_President the salt,.e winds,till I repeat,"under the title of"?lie Feb.13 demnity to Japan I treaty, Sailor Boy's farewell,"has always been attributed', shattered mal 8. Jap 130. Railway accident near Jersev City,many passen- 5. The Cabinet announced;n steamboat blown ul' to the late Commodore R.W. \4cade, L'.C.N. It Feb.14 :1 i gess injured; Gov. 061esby,of Illn>ols,lana- 6 Threat e killed inC atrttilroaclhree leaccident near will be found in "Naval Songs,' Pond 3 Co.,New answerekis pressed by the sr 2. Three 1) gusted, York. _ P. B. Turkey. 'May 18. The S 3•Terrillc 31• Explosion of natural gas in Pittsburg; three Grenada. Miss.; Gen. ]Black, of Illinois.np- sever _;,mss__-•-moi isan Lowder, Spain. persons burned to death in Altoona,Pa-;J.K. pointed Pension fie Ra lroad s;Reneral strike Joneselected U.S.Senator from ArkansuY. of Missouri Pacific Railroad employees;the 11110170 burSt wlies hile�lrinkingdy of tseldlitz porvder- _ ..I Called_.._, Called from tills world to her heavenly rest. -- Duston Po t,. She.9hould have waited till it effervesced." - ---- I oitisitIle Iles mill. To the Ecl!tor of the Brooklyn Eagle: "W B."-The poem in which Pension Com- $0 Told HIx11. d n ti Will you please to make some statement apper- missi=cr Eugene F. Ware is so much in- Last Wednesday afternoon a gray bearded man r c v w A-�r o taming to the origin of srcvings Banks? teresteci is entitled "Worth •While," and the on a bicycle,wheeling rapidly down Seventb street, W. 13, , encountered a loaded beer wagon at the corner of , ,, � i== � � 0 W author is Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The follow- o o _ Answer-Daniel Defoe may be said to ing is the entire poem,from which Mr.Ware's' Stark. The biker wanted to tura down Stark, and w" ° " °i have been the originator of the modern sav- favorite verse is taken: the teamster wanted to turn up Seventh. A collision a QJ t.o c 0 0 q- ings banks. The first of these was founded It Ls easy enough to be pleasant, resulted,from which the elderly hiker escaped with 0, 10 l- d Q at Jlamburg in 1778 soli at Berne in 1787, When life flows by like a sang, astonishing agility. H►s wheel was less fortunate, °,Lp a u' 5 f Z p y r file idea having been suggested by Daniel But the ma.n worth while is one who will smile, "sunt sustaining" be t t Pretrarrie and a hroughtbroken t his horses J e,° m Q WI-len everything goes dead wrong. m F c~ i�ef0e in 1697. Francis Masf�eres proposed For the test of the heart is trouble, In 1771 to confer upon the ratepayers of any And it always comes with the years, to a standstill,else It had gone worse for both bike `' A o English parish powers to receive and invest the smile that is worth the praises of earth andblker. i~ o o G -E ' savings and to grant deferred annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears. "Dot vos too bad!"exclaimed the driver,s�Tmpa- a bill to this effect failed to pass through It is easy enough to be prudent, thetically,as the wheelman gathered his damaged o v p a�1 ti o 0 a property from under the horso. �'� " c ° °.0 n Parliament. The first practical attempts y{;hen nothing tempts you to stray. g but that don't �'+.a �,p a w E were on a small and tentative scale. A NVben without or within no voice of sin "Tao bad! well,1 should say..o, children'o bank was started by Mrs. Priscilla Is luring your soul away: buy bicycles. Now what aro you going to do about o o G u i�.G a v n. �'akefi-id at Tottenham in 1798. The Rev But it's only a negative virtue it?" =� "' J. Smith, of Andover, with two friends, Until it is tried by fire, ,Vot vos I going to clo aboud it?" repeated the c_ P a' M ,Y b And filo life that is worth the honor on earth, a N o. I agreed in 1799 to receive small sums from Is the one that resists desire. driver in surprise. ;� a �, r a, b his parishioners during the summer to be "Yea,you were on the wrong side of the street. a � a I returned with a one-third bounty at Christ- By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, I was On the right hand side. If you'd been on the '-9 r; G a Who had no strength for the strife, Tight hand side,where the law says you belong"--- "'a alas, a liberal offer which was eagerly em- The world'$ highway is incumbered to-Cay, o v bay UracPd. The title of "fsthe^ of savings They make highway the sum of life. "Bud I vos op dor same side mit,you-Lf you vos ^ k banks" has been given, however, to the Rev. But the virtue that conquers passion, on der rightslde,Ivostoo• Dull st6re, "No,youwasn't.1�TowIwanttoknowwhatyou'rc Dim light; H. Duncan, of Rut.hwell, DttXrffriesshire, _1nd the sorrow that hides in a smile, Sr.otland, who establiolled a savings bank in It is these that are worth the homage on earth,.going to do about this, Deserted floor +" 1810 on so successful a basis that in four For we find them but once in a.while. "Vot vos I goin'to do"-the driver was now thor- DaY and night. g oughly roused.-"I will tell You-you chust go Py Business had, years it possessed an accumulated fund of "J. S."-The Iroquois Theater In Chicago I)obtq oppress, 1303. The.play hell and Sed out oaf inY way. Ged-ap!"---Fortland $5,800. Acts to eneoursge savings banks in cuss burned rd December 30, Oregonian._ ----- England and Ireland were passed in 1817 and of Iiluebeard was in progress when the . --- RcsFa gad, were extttnded to Scotland in. 1835. alarm of fire was sounded. About 700' The Frost Herald. Awful mess. -- - '-- lives were lost. The steamship Norge, of From the Washinotoia Star. New light, Ul-lexpec•ted. the Scandinavian-AmericanLine, which left Tdison mains; Copenhagen on June 22> -with 800 persons on' oh,itliss katydid,1 wisht you'd conte along. Store bright, "1'f you please,sir?" P I's weary of de locus'an'I's hungry fall soh song. Business gains. "Well,Jimmy?" board, bound for New Yorl., on the morning I wants to hear you talkin'.'bout de sister dot got of June 28 struck the islet of Rockall, about los' 33uyers comp, "kit grandmother,Sir"---- Busy store, "aha,your 4randttlotheri Go on,Jlnimy•" 230 miles off the West Coast of Scotland, .1-gain'no'th one Au(;us'day a-lookin'fah de cos'• Things hum, "Me grandtn rano ail'me ticio on'= - where she sank. About 700 persons wet e i wants to hear you pinin'an'a-callLn'of her name 'Cause I's Gamin' an, I's pinin' toh de good news More and ;pots•, "IV lint,and Your mother,tool Both very ill,eh?" lost. The Norge was 3,318 tons 340 feet long, es' de same. "Ne,, sir. itis grandmother art' no mother are 40 feet broad aid 25 feet deep J DP11.Mod bcsp, I's weary of de mock birds an' whip-poor-wills Success• in sight, gain'to the baseball gaTiie this aftertioon all' they fob sho', at Eros'in jes' a fety weeks Lays it to t ,,vant, me to.stay home au' talce care, of ntc little I want to ltea.r about dElectric Light, , r"Udder."-C!ereland Plain IJealrr, Anewitt'•- - .-.,_. ttlloli that we 'knar����tMR�tst�M+i't t►me ago Empty Turtle Sh011 fol(f 1 Naas. by G. C, Alarrltt for thin !!prlti9 --- - _ �,� Irrasir, ,i;r.publiaan. It 1a 1894. _ would as w at 11th t >p aunt. - _- •dumb in:a to ..... trrtrrTr Of �iatilta t fes bm wpm" to tttwNow Taft tf. i.,err prwnwr �r�w aa.�l r,► �►�tl a !.7'i►e body of sen,penal taken to Albany',u Iter a trrrtrr { Grp- 10. Cnturttettcemeat at Vassal,Go110Ke• it lay In stnttttt it, the CN►)ltnl l three tivy. N " of � I siY persons killed i,y it killed by a rulivoacl aceldt•nt fu ew JeYst+y. ,ivlMr..ka►itttt r.,atwntd revM�i.�' �' � - a� ,e Mi 11,.loseph 13.Forager nontirtat,ed for Governor by xt alw ills()hiu Rcpablicaus;• G The body of tion. Grunt lying!n elute In isle uua+.wriq a*►"„dtttd to i rii �' �, City 1Ia11,New York. 1ltaitltatl appxi �itax«r.t1 rt ass e,af .eq railroad accident at ch accident in Penh at Un+t its t 1a, Three sten killed by G.Thousands view the remains gf lien.Grant 4- Nevv Yurk, r � �"• sylvatlia. P, dn ltwrRata. wrttts++'W fie is 15, Severe Bales in the Nortb west, 7.A number uftniners killed by aeckll nit at Chen- ` lf. riErbtid,of NOW V01tt, at�at!wd '�!. �d�� in If,. (]eneral Grant rento-d to %,Unt 1,IacGregor; ter,N.Y,,and I,uzerue,1'a. A4al+rtAnt�ta(nwtrtra' ut the to Wo Wool ; A.V46r � or anwnr ncentent exorcises at several colleges+ 8,13urlal of lien.Chant in the Getttporary tunib sit fi;r,,t..,i suUiatr pelt troll,is►ttawistp 1'vawIL rwrtlArw�arr M tliYf. live I;iverslclePark,10,Olsitrretif<rllowthe h 00111, w,E►ue+sx. 17. Arrival In New Y, of the steamer Isere'v tt. services In til.t Tory held t1 rtilli telltlivc n lost.� t ,iirr:t(tnati th*,mesh t"+►1e111aa i,r�lri+tipw t ��aA�VG,, by a the Tiartholdl status on board;Chnuunev ltii. try t fire tn) ttneltester, ib A 1' luta tgitwr.par4taNily veto. M. erre I)epetn elected Pl'esldertt of the New yolk 9.y'i try tlx:.,trli►tad PrcawaXt>r eYi1 Qentralrailroad. , dust A�nrned jetzt('ltvteinn+ItinAllolw't , fN. Commeucentent at se vcral eollego A- 1 ti r►altttll tllita•ittetads({t Ulttio 0110*0 IS he R y,JL Young man at chincotuagul Etri�l himself- Il.T�ulvt� top E.tthe Prebidell t 11010 rnn a Wit"lnE;ta�tLake rltt rte At{ TA Ino iAih �rM{r 4a w 1 killed his mother,nweethea hint Y, N.Y, ttEtlob�aa�'""�' �, t11tIMMar rials 20.Four persons dvotytted:teur St,]?cul,i� on- ]leasant, N. y twir persotm h.vrt+a{8W white Muria 1O raaQar ia9d11• �� xis. 23.1Sany college eotnmenceniet1h. 'sift ►►rib C�t•tillur. Mit i �o azy 24.Csnintencemente tit Ilarvitr'd, Yale and othOr 12.Turunda at (arWnod, W'� v{mtdw.�� 0.flow. In killed, 1'ennnrlvunia lheenhiII n Stats 1(,n- a a colleges. a ement Uett+een ventiort°four pr•rsnuy glib d lu n inntliy pular J ami► wt . �r r r"�; y rit,itiprovinpl:end a at Vl'ddl►aveit Ind, 11'r; c loud lrnrst [rear err M4`=OrWat pwi,a,W Y. SL T"{wto t�tMr 25.General(Ira <Iciu+nett aIN,t`,Y.,1101 feet.or the New York ti 1411wal ftie t�,It.ta{It renis whites and APachr•s near Nrontereta.Arizona, Central rrrlh•nu+l trackoi washed ant, y�, cat�a! b r� L fifty Indiana and sixteen volutes Milled. ilarris �ArN qv aAF pa +tr+l MlMA or,,Three men killed by a boiler explrisleu at llards- 13, evetlty fantilirs ltsncict hotttrilettr by a flea Irl,«I rr tl,r Vtlivrr`wll1 e{ r� �• 'clin'lie 1 tcnvtt,I?v, N sey City,N.J. g Iii, Fourltersatis drowned on thn-?iinuon$ahela rlvrr xhP 1l,.puGEtCaiN p.ineittarrd 04 am >hMti f •Itf, , 27,Genesi Grant r else;• '�dvvnrd L Iledden fill- near}.'ittnburt,I'a• 1S'tsaatnrt►,and th►►{tilWAw"rx.bts Q. �' a c r My "�a ~i� ' Tare 1)ninted Collector nt the Part nC New ortM; 17.A earuPit hlr,w❑ up by c1y'natnitr, in I'14iladul• tyre i emoral l hr t'w F rs of$ Jantes P.Fish,the defaulter,sentt! for tai chin,six tern turn in.ittr v, 3Uhn q,♦t{tlp� tairiMd add �� P'►t"'"d* 1�1'""" The roars to State prison. eo t1e arrestsd, l I"the prtn0- crm�ratad t1Ml {fid p� w, "Pr, a mitt, sand ,1i I tinK in'Polecis Ohlo,ntnuY s l frtttrtttr iatric Mini la�t Ivatt{ar i%be Inst of � W wie►tr�l areivarra as t(.ltrMMll.1rM.. std►i r uttted of the assault ml,Osteons 1x3.John 0 1triou elected (hnir11111 o 3t1. D'lrs.llndVey aCq evittirr 9Utic('onuulttl e.of Nevw Y rnk. .1,iJ.V At abo4dr1iftleW �it1 art, tt+►+{s►. life L'rn1 1;0�9a, I%Fnnr Ynen loll led in a tulliNl+,u ll+fir('harleato►t, A l�Jritlsl i;6101 1110 !.�Of 1000 ltrt!�� �{wMrir�►iw The Julq• W.pet,lunoutltlrtrt c)C the Ana vii! liar Ad- u in in Clrvolari(I U, sociatlon in stifut o fieri N1•a1�11iiiui}rttnt�nritiuted �`iQv• i�frryilrwtt a+l hill 1 .a itYw of iiia► p [til l*+i, Miss 1. ittrIke among Iran al€ll•ltanrig �,►wr;ird J. of TO "I.Wallow to r5,10 i � Ititirw►+►ru_ Gi tt i.itn n s Cl for llnv ernor by the beniorirrtls e f Tnvv a; trrrrila{ ct•�►'*w�� 1,Tho i1*Id hila x'1 1 M {w+'���'*Y 2 Lhicogostrikers prevent the runnbrg of horns C;hnutrntllun, b of Ne cat's. emit i 3. Illalcolnr 1(ayresigtted ns11Fir gCevrnsot1�r P- rail it Ui�;�nrrtaT�uunviitiated'byt titotlnhio Polito• tl ll„int sat�r, jt+oaod�' a• � # ♦l4ll1 a1M1' t'( dtteix mrrnter-General,and At bf 2(1 Qov,Iteadly to H•tt !eece. polated In itis at Jndg,I'llyabert True, e { {a1 a dro ffi I>h fI. W;�► . Senit Illinois,altpolited itutrallyrto oh+cr cdt;(1111cago `21,NiarAincn i(llled try lir htninK ifl I.ntit)-d a, t t►�i►rt 1►rt F ru P161 of Bra, 4,In+iremlence y bt gl, ihrt'i yonrrK tvutnntt k111,.,11,yN tCuin;tllsa+tlrotlM + oto t*iit The shakers(1x:1101111 e,InYor FCsrtis0i1i Cveal eslnk4nuth Curtilivauildat ailu,futtrteeu �. °r � adbon It. !ilw�I/rts ++' bienni 0•Four persons burned to death En leag. iivr°s lura, the N 7.End of the streset ear strike ata(hotte(I for• by a; �, seed t 8'Col Tre.trlarer w tS.it 1'Qr�t,r1?rsylvaa iiellublico s. 2G• initttF ut Saratog Park Iter state ta Balt essU Cc,ttt• t���� �M 2G,Conrad Il rhy uunlinated for F1tat,e'Ireanttrrr try !l. � "low an"PUAW Chin 0,Great sialine In the Bast Rnd w+'st. I(ire]tc•pttbllraat ti()111. the ne year l0.Fifteen thousand Well Idle In the 6licltignn]nm- 21. "Viso 1ltI arrabee rect'lVe'l the �Ka1 Cfrlrtt{t{iitwi A rrtr iwi y Sher ver region, lnEttion for(lnvell I to lctwa, =[Ia►larrtilli, rwriil ars{ht► �y� t1AMi��t.ast w elfin; t Itt a rtttlx4rl raNrtillw►. tttN„tw,„j 1rr i s of the 1 ll.TJ;9.troops sent to Tndthree m ,,o root a C, qtr {r r lwsrtturrl(Mt t 12.Tj.S n Albany,N.1'„three men kltir d;eleven 20.1lr, Olive+r lP�ntlell IlaltUab celebrated hln tsav !a,d bails lttt persons drowned in],alcr Minnetonka,INUnn, slily 11x1h h rowel ya , 3I• 13.Charles l�rndnit Adorns chosen Pr'esldent urcor- 31. Tllosx ee erby stories tar d ap Capn Cattrrxs; S 14 a,tnage. j nell University, n(ileal Psuttt]fay,N.Y. September. ��' !l. de Mw 41"1011,1111 M.r+a Aval i 14.Three persona drowned t The 1`r.�(+.lutn a(Wofthip b{il p by%be • tprM. d the d Ia,John S.«ise all "d fi)v (lovernor I)y the ltntirttp:Ihaat vrflr mals. M• .x el VirginiaNlatiunult�i lucurtiorrat altoAssociationConvention ut 1 �uf'VanAarl'olrlcp�. g int rd f-I the Nryornina ;,Adptirrr tot ffNk talt� N1atME i er, aro of the ;1.FM3 Chinese rulnrrs tefdriv"' voatna BeavIL .Y«basad lire i Saratoga. lwi:r.hlWrld d�1lih • a irirt4 ►,{ I,- 1R 1 allure of Jobrt Rnach,the treat ship butldl+r, ler„and u lArlte tunibeC driven to rhe(illi,!try Ttfwe h vvltites. tr yv n. ilio scrrnn uC aaaprt lir Iaatbls+i aatbod 11wr The c 19.General Grunt finpro�inR;6is persons druwuerl tiTrnops sent to Roclt$1 ings,WYO., i'aristaa. Atbrrrr. the E in the l ohtnt river,I?:an, the Chinase troubles. t'�dwny as PM Its*L", ioly ord 20,1';xtreme hot weather. g,,The steanrer City of 13ulilile httrEu+rt rat Jatrre t• >S! IN Pttattat!irrtpix - Cien. 3l. Gen.Ci}Rnt ntnCft worse, town,N.Y. t, l�anilritd r., 1 ►1p+rlttl t 1h psi* b'�t'"rw"�e�� 6. I�2 Gel, utast dying; many deaths from the ex- �IIKt by a sant*aria..is P►ltts ita"1►i. �1. tt M h'' la,was 7. Convcntlon of tate Attu+ricata tint lul d(.tencn Ah• t,X slectlatle in itima. Iha s.ta+tbiir dtr.>'• 1 M �t91 eessive heat. tari►K+d iaspggai rwt liwutIrv.► t' Nalrltdtirfi 33. Dc tth of G+±n.Grant at Diount bluctlregor,unl- 8. Pret111)Itional3talr�tCo avet,tinn nt raYrncngs t dn~ �a n h, ta>,a to p�pt r�• � 0. The vernal mourthing, atructive floods in liansnn; Autl.Alonapoly M alt M ,ur: INGE sroyedby 25. The budY of(ion.I'xrant embalmed, Convention in Aibant`; islands nt 11'nslrutu- " l e i1. �Var ?ri.itlnny deaths front sun awan IIIe,New l'nrn i.I� at ErrrM [.++a fltalrl"wM llspdtl tx 1r M in, (For 2T.ltai[waY acctcleut at Suwanus,Gu.,®even lives flt'nr iittppersons kllll'rl.the vlilul(e destrn;r ct an+t I ((�xrr 't ituX + l I{. Inst. fl, 1T.Clay Bascom nonthutted for Ctovenior by'tlto {, rwpiiMa itMiiraio i s iQwrir i }i,()at ost.break Rmotrg Cleveland strikers• d lith=th+tt ta,ttlt e.f t'►tprlei 21. Chari �J.Fitzhugh Lee nonilnoted for Cioverngr of Vir- N4vv York l'rohtl)Itlonlst. I. 11t r.�not Ibtgis cam. General • alma by the Drtuocrats; Mnansvdls, N.Y., 10.TIinatell ThnmrtstJ.Il,nislop f)r Uov�r��,rl,Ktut�►, �. (t am st t10�1al �ft s 3. Bre de►troYcd by fire. fair tit Albany 1reKan. ". ,.t paint lM1di�hm ba b llstr +atM' ifs.the ter ?(),}:nd of the hlahoni»9 Vniley strike. Aw rrttf.i *ra*tatwa i►�aewe i. b CW Liberlat Illurder nn-I nutrxl;r)s by ntriklntY w,Mt livor torn by (Allue Mall iliso r{ w #. � at China 31.Three theta k111ect to the new aqueduct,New Il.Rev.bioses A.TInI,lcins nlrltolntrri ntitrist+'r t.r {!' tell, qi�1 York, miners• tri pftleth anntverna of the -rtoo Mrd"of C A. PMW br4atdltit to at 4�r►!M!� Nib y to Japan August. 12.`)'he two hunilred f B. Riotin founding of ConeOrd,INI Rss.,velrhratel, 11 tt in a at.l i 4 0400''��.. by the err 2.Three persons drowned at ti'k ilkesbarre,Pa, 1. Int"On tstNtt{it frit"m r c�01y.X.T,iB"� L w M t$, The S. 3•Terrifle stontl9 eansed wide-spread damage and 14,'rife Pune Gonestit.thr, xntrrrlttflonui cup race Mutowit WIT anal shim Ii. 1 �a1►�i#�� several deaths alma the Delaware river. - 4"M stab p N*aarar %rrtatst+4,tit T{pi„N1,I iN64 r�syr ins sttl,wR owl, brtrnrd, It ho w eittr,.ea *. i'aW Ari►fir w+a,rtirrrti - g eyes showed a brolos. r ♦r',ra�q..rsi , "1V.B."-The Poem In which Pension Coln- H TOIti ]HIM. H I Irl. . the Brooklyn state: Last Rodn"day afternoon a Kray bestded Mae ��� �� •��� to make some statement apper-ter stied i Eugene F. Wars is l much In- on a bicycle.•,wbeeling rapidly down Sevanth(tr6riret, 101 Igtn of savings banks2 terested is entitled "Worth While," and the W B• author is Ella Wheeler Wilcox, The follow- encountered a loaded beer wagon at the�'of 0 1 Defoe may be said to ing is the entire poem,from which Mr. Ware's Stark. Tile biker wanted to tura down Stark.and iginator of the modern sal- favorite verse is taken: r the tearnater wanted to turn up Seve!%M A001118164 p first of these was founded It is easy enough to be pleasant, resulted,from which tho elderly biker 6ttnapod with '► ��� L� 1778 and at Berne in 1787, when life flows by like a sons;, aatonishl.laQ agltlty, His wheel was to"fortunate, � �,� been suggestod by Daniel But the man worth while is one who will smile, •+attntaming"&bent frame andabrokenrim. ` Francis 14tasueres proposed When everything goes dead wrong. The teamster had promptly brought his 11161`09 M upon the ratepayers of any For the test of the]heart is trouble, 0 And it always comas with the years, to a dtand:ttlll,C►ao It had ttont3 vtiots®for boob tl~1kn. ►, overs to receive and 'invest fAnd the smile that 15 worth the Trra.ises of earth and biker, rant deferred annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears. "pot von too bads"exrlattnr!rl the sliver,rytt?Tia y Tect failed to poss through tituticallY,as the wbcaltna.n gathered hitt datutaased + e first practical attempt, It is easy enough to be prudent, property from under the horse. `Schen nothing tempts you to stray, ,11 and tentative scale. A When without, or within no voice of sin "Too ball "ell, I should day no,hilt thin don't vas started by iVIrs. Priscilla Is luring your soul away; buy bicycles. Now what arca you lralnt M da about ' ttenham in 1798. The Rev. But it's only a negative virtue lit" 4 tl v ° ik idover, with two friends, Until it is tried by fire, "Vot vris I going to(lo aboud 10"rep6lted this ,"r • (Y a j > ;o receive small soros from And the life that is worth the honor on earth, driver In surprise. Is the one that resists desire. p ^ during the summer to be "Yoe[,you were on the wrong aide of t#t0striat/1c '�� one-third bounty at Christ- By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, I w&5 on the right hand Eildr. 1f you'd beep on t1i4 � � t� p ��t ffer which wets eagerly errs- who lied no strength for the strife, right hand sldf,,where+the lase says you belon --+•, � V � �! le of "f•at.he_ of savings The world', highway is ineurnberecl to-c ay, "Bud I von ari der tsatrle$lue inl4 yeti-!f y(7tt vu i g They make up the sum of life. -_ .. given, however, to the Rev. But the virtue that conquers passion, on der right ride,I vas too." €1! Rutliwell, Dumfrlesshire, and the sorrow that hides in a smile. "No,you wasn't,Now T waist to know what you're tabliolted a savings bank in It is these that are worth the homage on earth, going to do about thiel," ',ssful a basis that in four For we find them but once in a while.. "Vot von I golu'to do"•--the driver wasnowiltor• �. pughly rou9ocl�-•"T vitt tell You-•yoU ehUffi do or „ sd an accumulated fund n[ "J. S." Tlae Iroquois Theater to Chicago encourage savings banks in was burned on December 30, 1903. The play hell and sed out oaf my way, God•apl"--Parttaptt 4 u alarm e fire was sounded. About n the oreponfan._ _ and were parsed in 1817 and of "I3luebeard" was in progress when ,,,_v. ....._- . r. i Scotland m 1835, ut 700` The Frost Herald« ittrt>llf . lives were lost. The steamship Norge, of 11expeeted• the Scandinavian-American Line, which left' From tttr. 14'nshtnpton Star. Now light Copenhagen on June 22, with 800 persons on I oil,Mim Katydid,I wisht you'd come along, a� �� board, bound for New York, on the morning,I's weary of do lacus' lk 1 d hungry s1s yh tt go beat T wants to hear you talktn''ileal,de aldtrtr dirt got er,sir"-- of June 28 struck the islet of Rockall, about los, idmotherl Go an,,ilnttny." 290 miles off the west coast of Scotlan(1, Again'no'th aur,Augur'day a-•lacikin'ich d+!ittstr', et ala'me another'---- where she sank. About 700 persons were T wants to hear you plain'an'a-eallin'of her natal, -nuhther,toot Iloth very Ill,eh?" lost, The Norge was 3,318 tons,340 feet long, 'Cause I's Pantht'an, I'•t profit'fob de good nrwn Xbm 004 ?' Srandniothcr aft'rue another aro 40 feet I_Oad_ana_25 feet deep,,--- Ies' do sante, all game this afternoon an' they i- - I's wM of lie moekin' birds an'whip-poor•willA home a.u' tal:Ce care of ntc little I want to hear about dAt Eras`In Ies'a icly ricks Tatiwrt �.'_ nrf t'flrirt tenter, wo'. :"tl tjA*, _- rte•- - �.. Answer-The only poem about a turtle shell that 'we know of is that entitled "The Empty Turtle Shell," written some time ago I� Df b81Yt� LIt 1894. �7 by C. C. Merritt for the Springfield (Mass.) y Republican. It is follows: 189 8. the Andre ninnu- _ Diiasissippt VY the Democrats',1 town Up by dyne- n house tLD�� D'£ Ebellto Litt u,, Apaches on the war-path. f Tacoma,Wyoming ivittld• went, at TuPpan, 'y ConTention met at In- Dray is. Battle-ship Alabama was launched at 16, The Yuman wins the second rut i and the cup; idred tte- Chester,Pa,,, Prohlbttion State Convention in Maryland, mite. Territoryout 0. istrr and !rived in May 19• William Ewart Gladstone died. 18. Tl Three kmen killed in the new ni[ituo's Apaches. 6, Cyciu Chineseduct, New 4. Tile at Daneerfi ld. ix icoives lost. a, ole of Hawaii,a t of the United States. May 21. Mayor Van WYck,of New York,re- , {tot L.S.cavalry in pursuit of Gerolers stint cinour ?. op lllshop O'Sullivan consecrated to Ii'+tshington. 8 The s steamer r lives lost;thirteen per kills vi up O'Sican State Conventioli at Saratoga, N. 9,The steamer Algoma wrecked ee Lake Sup P' >f the engineering or ma- moved the Great Britain Petites Comm; stoners. y,N.Y., d ended in the triumph of May 24, great Britain took possession of Wei- I'I ;live Chinamen lynched in Idaho, Hca at Ke rd un •p- Hui-Wei,China clan for Governor in New York; Civil Service 10.Four men killed by n fulling loss fig, by a :eaten in the House of Rep- May 28. Public funeral of Mr, Gladstone in 23, Ira Davenport received e resigndn destruct-t- burg,illtado In Alabama. 000 O(' tt of ilio rf 182 to 132. Westminster Abbey. ex., Connuissioper D.B.1±,aoisortpd hor8el a amauded indemnity from May 30. Commercial treaty with France was ive storms on the lakes and at sea,twenty-ne.-fide 13.Cottomantin a York.it CQe melt German missionaries. signed. lives 1 Tit;IIo11 re non lnnwiled ted by the New oal 11"{York 14.At`onchtidrenew York city p Catholic Cathedral at Sa- May 31. A new ministry formed in Italy by 24. Gov.D Marquis Rudini Democrats;death of Cloldsmith MuicL 17. Ilazlehnrst,Miss.,nearly deal I"P try tire, led. TUe New York Democrats noininate Roswell P. 18.Four persons burn to death in Philadelphia. rg, Pa �l �5 b the FrenchGiovernment June 1. The Trans-Mississippi and FlowerforLieut:Governor;prairie tires in Da- 19. Charles Unive sity s In President this e w asfound guilty of libeling tional Exposition opened at Omaha, kota. 20. Earthquake waves on the Pacific kyI O:dye per, tiro New martial, Feb. and sen- June 5. The Constitution of federated Australia 2g,Flower declined the nomination, sons burned to death at.Sandusky e Mo iprisonmentand ,000francs was defeated fu New South Wales. 2.•t. Chinese outrages in the north-west. London stock ' 29.Qen..Edvvaid V.Jones nominated fc State Committee, 21, Rh la vall of th` coll�enement ligase pritoin New tructiva attics, of Guatemala,was June 8 Ernest T. Hooley,the Governer Uy the Denrocta speculator,was declared a bankrupt. four negroes lynched in North Carolina. 23. Three lives lost in a Jo- of Spanish Mini ter De June 12. The Venezuelan revolution was ended 30,Dlassachusetts Republican State Convention OleTe- York city. tat Jo• ulster ed_ by the capture of General Hernandez. nominate Gov. Robinson; Chester S. Cole 26. A capsized schgooner found in Lake Erle with the ae President,Was P June 13. Anglo-I�rench convention relative to 28, Three men killed in the ne�v ac1 er,MO., New ell,fire d elected Chairman of the New York Republican crew missin fire at Pittsburgh,Pa,en- the Niger boon ary was signed. State Committee. York;battle with strikers at I3evirr,bio.,tltrco ncated Poo. men killed.' aterloo, xnd-America line steamer June 13. Toseph.Leiter's wheat speculations at October. 29, Vice-president Hendricks'body lying in discs at Chicago collapsed. Indianapolis, pon by n the English Channel with June I5. The House of Representatives passed 2, Dxplosion In a Pittsburgh iron factory, seven II Savannah, N. ., e- fes battle-ship Maine a joint resolution for the annexation of await, stroyed by tire;discovery of natural gee In the va per- llves lost;jfitn,Ilentit&Co.and 11.N.Smith 30. The business portion of ;d Sia It was passed by the Senate June 17. stock Urokers,failed,IialAii ties R3,nd;Otto. Potomac valley. arbor of Havana June 21. At the launching of the British battle- 4. Three Hien drowned off Staten Island;collision Ice Pn- ces E.Willard,President of ship Albion at Blackwall thirty-seven spectators of trains at Ames.Iowa,tour liver lost. December. `t an Temperance Union,died were drowned by the wrecking of a platform. 6.Mary Anderson arrived a New York. w York tr)r 7,MaryFredrick er Prince nominated for Governor by 1 The funeral of Tice-President, ITendrirks largely nR.9 trade t0 assassinate the June 24. Norwegian Arctic expedition on the the Democrats of MassaahnRetts; Cardinal lite- attended;mining ed In l to Ilxitotlrl, ointed Fram sailed from Christiania. Clo.,key ill;Rev. J. L. M. Curry appointed 2 Natural gas discovered in(;lcvelnnd. June 26. Clifton House at Niagara Falls de- Minister to Spain. 3. Six men killed by a tugboat explosion act file Tia Campos Salles was elected strayed by fire. s.Two firemen burned to death and Fran $1,0cisco. 0,000 loss East river• I occasioned by a fire in San Francisco. 5. Triple murder at Lynn Creek, �So•; ?six men law Tune 27. The Japanese Cabinet,under Premier St.Louis mob. drowned in the Ohio river. stitutional amendment pro- Ito,resigned. 0. Bloodshed by a n tt�Mr scionso of the Legislature was 10.Earthquake in Virginia;Flood Rock,near New 6 prairie tires in rens,jKansas- York,blown up by dynamite. 7,Opening ofCongress.JohnShcrman,ltehrlIKIH, 'ark Assembly. having pre- 3une28 The semi-centennial of Wisconsintis a 12 The St.Louis stalks continued. president of the Senate,ant' ,Toho f•l'arlir+la, thr,"a mate. State was celebrated at Milwaukee. Dem.,,.pecker of the 1101180; three Iudl+utrs � iserlPortArthnrtoRussiafor July 2-5. Chicago daily newspapers suspended 13. Election in Ohio, Joseph B. Foraker, Rep., aci1 f drowned at Bismarck Dakota' Ecru•1nt•n kffletl publication on account o astereotypers strike, 14, Ste()sell person,,, r. 0 death at Oakland,Cal. by a fulling shaft at Merritt's(`'outer,N.Y Partin and his deputies'were July C The French ocean steamer Ma Bour- 15,Funeral of Cardinal DicCloskoy in New York; 8, The President's message.sunt to ter at •ea. ed by Lar i the strikers at Latimer, gogne collided with the British ship Cromarty- Eianlan and Lee defeated Courtney and Conley 9 h+oar men killed by a cnvinR He at Ake un, y near shire sixty miles south of Sable Island,and 560 In a boat race near Albany,N.Y. lo, Serious mining riots In Milisourl anti I.ennMyl• +i by a irthquake in California did lives were last,including those of the captain and i6 Two murders in New York city. vanla. mostof the officers. 17.Twenty-two South Carollniansarrestedforlynch- 15. Fourteen persons killed by n railwayy aDunint tilrgn July 13. The Anglo-American League was trig. N J. eight near Anstelt Station,Senla.ator Intro �Y, TJaulal, hien iesin the Chilkoot Pass,Alas- organized in London. i8. Itnilway accident neac nieHackensack,filed ght Dem.,electer'U S.Senatut'irnrn Virginia. , lofoverlSUpersons. ersouskiiled; three men killed in a collision 16 A plat to assassinate twenty prenulnept Call- e atShawneetown,Ill.,on the July 19. Zola was convicted a second time of near 1i'est Anclover,N.II. fornians disaovered; five persan8 burnctl to killed libel,in Paris. 9, Four person!;burned to death in Chicago. death in Detroit,Mich, and many lives were lost by July 30. Prince Bismarck died atFtiedrichsrnh, na{I; 21,Dune explosion at Plymouth,Pa.,tour persons 17 Tit©presidential Succession bill p+iueut'by cite V. Prussia. killed;$everi persons killed by a bo iler eaplo- S.Senate. or of version of Rev.Dr.Charles A. ointment of George Nathaniel sion at Ridgeville,S.C. 18, Twenty-four men perished in a mine at Nantl• copal Church and his applica Aug. a The appointment the British Govern- 22• (11-ant memorial exercises in Boston. coke,Pa. Leg- was announced. Curzon as Viceroy of India, LeK` went,was atinounced. �, (treat Republican mass meeting in New Yolk. 19. An officer wounded and four prlvutea killed hq tagtiiu Crespo,ex-President of Aug.17. Great fires at Nizhnee-Novgorod, in "?4. 'Teemer defeated Ilanlan in a boat race at Pleas- hostiles in New Mexico, fled in battle with the incur- Russia,with loss of life. are Island,N.Y. 21. Congress adjourned for the holiday!cestui, 1 25. Civil Service Commissioner Thoman resigned. 22 Three Hien burled in a gravel pit in Clevatand, ersnq urgeon Tabernacle in London Aug.23. The United States and Canadian Joint 28, Ferdinand SVard found guilty, Ohio. High Commission met at Quebec. 30, Snow storms and floods in\irginia and Canada, 25. Three children hurtled to death in New York wrwt 1Te• Aug,27. The Czar's proposals for a unlTersal three lives lost;William E. Smith, of New city;a series of crimes by tnyaterloun mail• � M >gan between the United States ease conference were announced. York, appointed Assistant Secretary of the ants in Austin,'texas,vigilance catutuittoaa rents of the war see War Chro- P 3L Colonel Henry,of the French army Treasury. formed. Aug. d 31.Ferdinand Ward sentenced to State prison for 26. Seven of a life-saving crew lost near Nl•wport, s Emory Smith appointed Post committed suicide after confessingg that he forge ten years. R.I.;disastroug conflagration at Georgetuw"n, a letter to secure the conviction of GaptainDreyfus, Muss.,two men killed. Sept.1. Fashoda, on the White Nile was ! November. 27. Polish church riots J111),tralt,Mich. !salts 'riots in Italian cities caused occupied by Major Marchand and a French force. near Ops firing on the mobs. 1.Boiler explosion near Mamie City,Mich.,four 28•ACoeffeev111e,Ala.:chained up of Superrintendent Sept..2. Sir Herbert Kitchener, commanding lives lost. Ad the remainder of the war in- the Britisl•and Egyptian army in the Soudan,wou 2, Explosion of a boiler on a dredge at New Lon- McCall,of the New York insurance laeptrrl.- [loop 'lte�f a great victory over the Dervishes at Omdurmai., dap,Conn.,six men killed. meat. , in the street of Milan sup near Khartoum,which he occupied. 3,General election, Pennsylvania,Colorado,Mas- 29.Fatal boiler explosions at Alcrbllr,Ala.,mal Now ots- ny with great Ions of life. Sept. a Mme.Dreyfus appealed to the French sac'nisetts and Towa carried by the Republi- Providence, a.,six men killed; 4. cans, and Indiana, New York, Virginia and mea lost at sea. gaster Ministry assumed office in proadings in her hu band's casesion of s court-martial _ t_, . 9. Fatal fire at Syracuse,N.Y. neat morning his eyes showed a broes. -_Ilouston_Post. rhe shoo e ervtsced." -I otastv_itle Herald. tyn Eagle: "\y.B."-The poem in which Pension Com- He Told Hlzll._ ,�o a ;ome statement apper-missiODcr Eugene F. Ware is so much 1n- Last Wednesday afternoon a gray bearded man r o d� ��ti r o ivings banks? terestecl is entitled "Worth '"Th and the on a bicycle,wheeling rapidly down Seventh street. a ti, ed uj V' J T ',� • B. author is Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The follow- encountered a loaded beer wagon at the corner of d, ,,.r= o - o a Stark. The biker wanted to turn down Stark,and �' o a"14 may be said to ing is the entire poem,from which 1,1r.Fare's •, d - " of the modern sav- favorite verse is taken: , the teamster wanted to turn up Seventh.A collision -J�°�� a iN these was founded resulted,from which file elderly biker escaPOd with d is o It is easy enough to be pleasant, I at Berne in 1187, When life fiv; as by lilts a song, , •• ileastoutshlng agility.y. His 1rheal broken rite. was less fortunate, y v ❑ Y H uggersted by Daniel But the pian worth while is one who will smsustaining"a bent frame and a o r a v a y c llasueres proposed ']ten everything goes dead wrong. The teamster had prarttptly hraughC his horses 4. i y a, For tits test of the hurt is trouble, e ratepayers of any .end it always comes with the years, to a3 standstill.else had gone worse for both bike _ a•0 receive and invest And the smile that is worth the praises of earth and biker. ^ S rs v o o !!red annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears. "Dot vos too bad""exc'almed the driver,sSmpa ed to pass through thetically,as tits wheelman gathered his damaged 0 u W a M1 tactical attempts It is easy enough to be prudent, property from under the horse. I °; r + 6°e o 'a" P 'When nothing tempts you to stray, a :y y w- n ;entative scale, A When without or within no voice of sin "Too badl Well,I should say so, but that don't t, I.I.C , - ��• U - W, U ed by Mrs. Priscilla Is luring your soul away; bus bicyo'es, Now what are You going to do about e v Z 4 c u 1-,�c 0 b in 1798. The Rev. But it's only a negative virtue 1t?" �^: Anfirt°ter-- ' •` sllt�ll tllnt, vett kintTa► Of 10 that lslt#t2tlMd "Tbe suety"l'ttr*ie ;±t1C11,'" written *tithe tlm* •p _.., -_.__._ by G. C. Merritt for the Sprius6old (Ides•) ~ BxD�TI D b�ii;�F3 Lit 1894. _ --_ Republican. It ill follows: Ja>i L t �1 t �ilL 1898. _...:�. ianr«atpW t< � r1 up br +lre.� 11 lim, opened to C fl�'iJ flL t't, Ilparhea ern the War.P*th-nolc„ra td sivestip:Jan.21e,The l'uritatrr trinx thv&ter ntI ra mfr! n� wt t111ae#N attN1 vel�&Wo NNIINN Russia, b May 18. Battle-ship Alabama was launched at pre,hlbltitih Ar ate;�nrrle evetel urduel. �tt,er ����killed. Jan:26. The Monetary ConTention met at In• Chester,Pa., lit '1`11we Judi kt!!eu! !a the firer tW M . Jan.3. dianapolis. ye+rk' to prirsnlE nttlierrnlma'r Apetbaa, yi •I Jan 7.T Jan.26_ President Dole of Hawaii arrived in Mn�21 wal�or Van Wyck,doPoNone w eY ark,re- r 19.1,8,rdval�rpp t�lnMi`� alert40 Ad »e with a Sul the uest oto the l3nited'States. Republican Y'cY ice Colnma:sionere, a1, pl.itaia t)'i4allivrr�+t Tanvaiil rr tst itara/tr • -eNrrN ldrsl i 1 W auhington as t: moved til©I1cp { +' for the sit Itr.>nbtiaarr Ntat t M T«" _L __. 4 Jan.8.. Jan.3L The ctrilre of the engineering or ma- t dr r t t;rinaUt,a tet had in takari.tt tl a 40 A� MIS M � burned. .chinis;trade in England ended in the triumph of Hill-Wel,C iI Britain tank possession of Wei- "" lea ltarrrr�arrt t,c�tarot tt►c K++rp+r q 1 I ^ ' of so Jau.9. the ist tr Vera. a 14 v"1 "q.%, ear it,4,0W gnrt: 4't s 1p Mil +#�• 1 M! i1R fi at Trenton s an.31 Silver was beaten in the House of Rep- Westminster timinster Abbeyuneral of Mr. Gladstone in culuatrts■lixai'r II it ltatr►n tMgsat . �.t�twolaw+faak =&'" 8 46 i claimed r reaentatives by a vote of 182 to 132 Iva aturrrra<on t hr takrtt and at�lrto"t, rr a1h:i1► C 4t Jan.10. ail demanded indemnit from May 30. Commercial treaty with Prance was livers last.f„ctr tirKlt�!� t1wtiN 5 46 =I and Bente: Feb.o Cie killing Y signed. Raft t11M.6 Jan,nt China for the killing of German missionaries. � tlavII It. t!!!t ta•nnr+ilna�b 41 ;i May 81. Anew miuistry formed in Italy by t)rnu>sratK;t ratty OfLynesw Feb.6. TheRomanCatholic Cathedral at Sa- is RudinI. 9t, Thr\rtt York yrtVV�9�1 1p 111 tri DO. �'• qf�� {41 Jan.U. Vann"Gla.,was burned. June 1. The Trans-Mlsaisslp.i and Interna- Fit; Uf 4 lapse of a Feb,7. Trial of Zolaby the French Government p 3% viol t�*�09 raraee+r tMw p"s p„w /Mir 0 34 Jan.l& tional Exposition apeued at Om a,Neb. ke'id, #hr1 t1r►rrrinall(ni. t+Mw livened to h A fl Governor began at Paris. He was found gguuilty of libeling tb+1 nem, $ t MM i)w�I a #N ave !the Esterhazy court-martiianl, Fe an 3,000 francs June 6. The Constitution of federated Australia r,r� t hi �t Mme. E+/Nnl• It. l� Iib 1 45 a Jan,16. teuced to one year'simpris was defeated in New South Wales. >r,3ane�tHrrttiut►t�la*� ����i +ti 1ir11,taK±t q"weir MMM In i Irtt+wltt,tAt>ttit�rliwasi V rtlr�« 2 29r hJnaa 15 r fine June 8. Ernest T. ]iooley the London stock .at#vil,vrrraiAr b",slit itosna+t+00�ttnA. 4(36 'Feb.8, President Barrios, of Guatemala,was speculator,was declared a bankrupt. frrnr ira's,t,a•i+tt�:lir{In rirth oft�N , wounded r ,rs.lkloft tltrtr +sawn > �. A Ilrl►r,al Is(,este ltlnlr rHttl to r 51 4(3 - the DelaR assassinated. June 12. The Venezuelan revolution Was ended fist, a�„Mctan tell 1!Y fritttr is M The letter of Spanish Minister De by ilio capture of General Hernandez. to sruhratH flay, lt+"a.lttaart t t o p 6. d. rati'+1 t'}ialtrtliii T t the New k t Ace ra•�4. t b,+l bl the AWW A+ry xrs. low A 47 : Jan.1 Feb.8. r't urlt.trortit.Mltb�Mrl#M'►pl 11M*l .i�r,ti K ' l7 84 300 lives+Lome,reflectingonthe President,was,Pa-,a June 18. Anglo-French convention relative t.o Oil"`ommitt"• \ingpo TI Pa,en- the Niger boun ary was signed. 1 43 Jan,16. Feb.9. Warehouse fire at Pittsburgh, q„ctr(t1t14a1 1 lbttrNfla tt+r" r#it#M In 0640 19!,44 road dices tailing,aloss of$1,000,p00. June 18. Joseph Letter'a wheat speculations at lober. 0• ,it s Jan.16. Feb.12. The Holland-America line steamer Chicago collapsed. r.trp 1 lit, ♦.,, 34 „ Ilatp)osrtnn in a P11 r.0olfsrh Iron fact t��.tf iMsl+htslinsay, ti 87 killed in Veondam foundered in the English Channel with- June 16. The House of Representatives passed no"ow N"«al�utaset fit wtrr/u1 Ir4A Town,Af out loss of life a joint resolution for the annexation of Ilawali, lives levet,V6'111 llratIt 11 t a:an•t it •=OWIlh tnilt�. 3g qQ j Jan.16. Feb.16. The United States battle-ship Maine Iwas passed by the Senate June 17. awk brohmok tali-1.•lrat Asst"a 0,■art,tsttt• , eiJa corpo i, )1ltee rlre,trl"%I nit l4tairrt 1•laadi wrUWoN �} 58 1. was blown up in the harbor of Havana. June 21. At the launching of ilio British battle- nil ai dpi�y IT,r a fear lrv.rr ldtlt, New Vorb chi Albion tet T3liickwall thirty sevum spectators afrlvtNl to}fvrr 1+irk 8Q Feb.17. Miss Frances E.Willard,President of were drowned by the wrecking of a platform. a nunr; fart fix t�•.rwrrtanr M t +vattl►!r*A hag t worth of I �[ 1. 1Gb+ al Ti+tsi„1' Ytt 'h - Jan,2R. the Woman's Christian Temperance Union,died p t ,t'=nllna!Ml+r« t� htiwtr#6 '= followed b in the city of New York June 24 Norwegian Arctic expedition on the n. ll. t itrr7r apipapiwtad ratia11t1 ptMvW yl 1110 it%"` 2k3 3l Jan.23. Feb.26. Attemptwas shade to assasstaate the From sailed from G"hrlstiania. �wptr� til.38 'i York,hav Sin of Greece Ili0*4 inti to t4W W.606WM�t"°u tiwr King June 26. Clifton House at Niagara Falls de- 1o=1 tail iM 111 Awl 11,E wo h men and d March g Senior Cameos Sallee was elected stroyed by fire, t a Gre In ilea�• 1, � j Jan.26.' nt of Brazil. , 4.fMlti N11th sU► l 41 I inundated.Preside June a7, The Japanese Cabinet,under Premier 1 � Nrlr a,b+ F the conte March 3. The constitutional amendment pro- Ito,resigned. ti�tat �"wilt 11tw A. {r) 1 Jan.26. vlding for biennial sessions of the Legislature was 7 1 w w accident n passed by the New York Assemble,having pre- Jtine 28 The semi-centennial of Wisconsin tis a f��' qp d�pl'1>t err State was celebrated at Milwaukee app,. Rk,,,R 1•!Ms► Jan.26. viously passed the Senate. f Jowpb it. wPoo reconcile Drarch 7. China leased Port Arthurto Russiafor July cation oniacc.ountio a tstereotypers'strike. tai &a thusiasm ninety-nine years P OrA p lA. fa 0 041 Jan.26. hety-mi. years. Martin and his deputies'were July 4. The French ocean steamer La Bout- �� fight at Ja r w�wr�M J7 acquitted of the murderof the strikers at Latimer, go Collided with the SrSabl ship t`romarty pnt� � nv�rlrtri � � {� an.26. l a sh re sixty miles south of se of Island and and In A I>pi � Alit,Tt � r, rN�d theBritis lives were lost including those of the(ciptitln and 16,1"Into fids IIow f w in his min March 3L An earthquake in California did most of the oiheens. 17. twntil4we 6{ .r1++eEwl lbr b°0� El►. llrawfla�l � t a44 Jan-28, serious damage. _ July 18. The Anglo-American League was # A lAete anni organized in Louden. I I i✓i.iLal xry ►Near prkrtta�uclt" J' bt "f'1rt"a woo Date. i{.uchan, kk paused the death ofiover 16U persons s� Ebrtra-�sen ttl!lW in to�luoorl t+stwm.t Met '+iteral kit* Jul 18. Zola was convicted a second time of lf,ll, A. Nes �00>d to 511,0(No cattl irmatr�tt t Jan.29. Apri13. The levee at Shawneetown,Ill.,on the libel,fn Paris. 9<�rn4r {rt 4wth In Vhir,rso. wreck of Ohio River, broke and many lives were lost by July 80. Prince Iiismarek died at Friedrlcheruln, Meetlt,PC,N.s►r � Ireland. drowning. Yl.Dine klttArl hf r i,•,lrsef rrtpMb• It. Iatt<aattMMlt M1M tMt++ �Mslr ilii eland 0. Prussia. kitl+rd4aA1re1! t voted for f APri14 The conversion of Rev.Dr.Charles A. ointment of George Nathaniel rdarn tt . lit. isteea ptre11w11M INN 1tMwr"M XAr,tb De artmel Brigs to the Episcopal Church and his applicar Aug. a The app posh in tion for holy orders was announced Curzon as Viceroy of India,by Ilse British govern- in pp{aaRow T%06.rl 1+r�1f +ate %V40 to Jan.30. ment,was announced. t8. treat#ta^j i 14. /t Rio harbor April 18. Gen Joaquin Crespo,es-President of Aug.17. Great Ares at Nizhnoe-Novgorod, 1n aT 4l,'Isirtir"r i'"t !p w *1 �1 I~"W+� zllian war,Venezuela,was killed in battle with the incur- Russia,with loss of life. urst!alatr"i. ' •.•._• Admiral 13i gents Aug,23, Tho United States and Canadian Joint At&C'1v11 servire �tl+wtnrtrr�t+�llt i ��iItiP11 M gtr+ef�bt lam: Jan.31. 7 h8 pnr+llnasrd%'aN fuurki Aull disPute. Apri120. The Spurgeon Tabernacle in London High Commission met at Quebec. So, gnowv,atprtes,Arts!"?Tie in i�r annd t'�irwtit. �,��thl��,p ry� to+#w�lilt Mn ,,,.,•, 7 was destroyed by fire. Aug.27. The Czar's proposals for a uni7ersal } tlrrr+t vee bat;1t tit)aal�Stith, of akttwr s w ��M, 0*60 w au.31. York,a� nartax @1191w " d flip Ys e e r wtml+itllttR• ••. b the Ho April 2l. Tar began between the United States peace conference were announced. Fork. �r A eb.2, and Spam. (For events of the war seo War Chro- P Aug 3L Colonel Ilenry,of the French army, r1 Wad seetiltpid 0$too'Prt � .... ... destroyer oology.) math a eluted Post- committed suicide after confessingg that htj fargec� li, }`ur'llnnn' ill, �trrr�0g Ilfi.•wr Ilii 1 M+M +' M' • c Feb Reel Apri121.n�alrles Emory S pP a letter to secure the conviction of Captain Dreyfus tutu Y 1,:d 1s r rll{frNM t+1e1 "`f ter of Fre raster Gee Sept.1. Itashoda, on the White Nile was ave_ IwoAiser Itllwa . oft,oft0*4 bow F in the bolt Nay 2,S. Bread riots in Italian cities caused occupied by Major Marchand and a French itoree. I nor r" �• A #in1� � ' loss of life,the troops firing on the mobs. lkillrr ex piria!(,n He twr iTlaltile C1fi►�lllkh., f '�' p10��1Af ti� Feb,t;. 1 Sept.2. Sir Herbert Kitchener commanding 1« Iw�w ' '. Paris, 31ay 7, China paid the remainder of the war in- the Britisr and Egyptiatn army in the Soudan,won Awilillf xl its tn�1 A be)IW an a dt�o al l'tarw�, sll �t rill # •• ••• I Feb.13 1 demnity to Japan. a great victory over the Dervishes at Omdurm&i., 04 ep killed. 1100 9. shattered Feb.14 Mal g• Rioting in the streets of Milan sup near Khartoum,which he occupied. Rleft�oD. anaafyttrru 11tr p,Mr4• !.ftof MoEi+if"+t char .,.....• ens b,14l 1 pressed by the army with great loss of life. Sept.4. Mme,Dreyfus appealed to the French mr,httw,itx■,,,r ip+ilti can tlY the ,10611• i'l"V114ar+"Irs. • 41"°o 404 h �*" Turkey. 1tTay 18. The Bagasse Ministry assumed office in Government for a revision of the ccurt-martial r„nx,pyx+l !1wiiaas., ilei► of, irrtlnEa sr�i 1arN tail ill O"°` - Spain. proceedings in her husband s case. UI& - - And next morning his eyes showed a broes. 1 7 --. _ .-liouston_1391t, `ter r ori ..I "W. E."-The poem in which Pension Com- He Told l nth. "tirlirrllg-fir' ° To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: w f Will you piease to make some statement apper-missi(uler Eugene F. Ware is so much in- bast tiXedneasday afternoon a gr+sy bearded man taining to the origin of savings banks? terested is entitled "Worth While," and the on a bicycle,wheeling rapidly down Sevanth str"t, �� �� v W' B. author is Ella,Wheeler Wilcox. The follow- encountered a loaded beer wvagan at the oomer ni Answer-Daniel Defoe may be said to Ing is the entire poem,from which Mr,Ware's SWIr. The biker wanted to turn down Starit,And ' have been the originator of the modern sav- �„ „I 1#,. favorite verse is taken: ,� the tcametcx wanted to tram up Seventh. A ca131slnn ;ngs banks. The first of these was founded It is easy enough to be pleasant, resulted,from which the elderly biker escaped with at Hamburg in 1778 and at Berne In 1787, When life flows by like a song, astonishing agility. tits whael war lees fortunate. 1e the idea having been suggested by Daniel But the man worth while is one who will smile, „sustaining"&bentfratneand a broken rim. s rA Defog in 1697. Francis Masueres proposed When everything goes dead wrong. The teamster had promptly tmwght hats hrirsirs aE in 1771 to confer upon the ratepayers of any For the test of the heart is trouble,- ownSend" English parish powers to receive and invest And it always comes with the years, to a standatlll,clec it#litd gone war.xa sox both bike ! t.Rollos,' g And the smile that is worth the praises of earth (tQd111ker. r. savings and to grant deferred annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears, "Dot vos too Mull"excialmr+d this driver,sympa ►"+ o 1E s' as N ork, a bill to this effect failed to pass through thetiaally,6a the whce►man gatharrd lila dAniag+erl pt It is easy enough to be prudent, f eve Eugle Parliament, The first practical attempt13 Wellen nothing tempts you to stray, proporty from under thn horst., k. team Hee were on a shall and tentative scale. A When without or within no voice of sin "'too badl well,I Sliould may so,but that don't children'+7 bank was started by 'Ars. Priscilla Is luring your soul away; buy bicycles. Now what are you going to da Ab011t 1�'akefi_ld at Tottenham in 1798. The Rev. But it's only a negative virtue its" a unkerHi J. Smith, of Andover, with two friends, until it is tried by are, "Vot vnS I ole to(to aboud It?"rc ectad the S un Lond agreed in 1799 to receive small sums from And the life that is worth the honor on earth, going P �' It Is the one that resists desire. driver in surprise. «A a fly,Pari: his parishioners during the summer to be "Xan,you were on the wrong aide itt the sate*, y 1 ; a loon, returned with none-third bounty at Christ- By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, I wA.s on the right hand aide. It you'll been oil the $ A ppoo strifebelong" elson s,I Inas, a liberal offer which was eagerly egg- Who had no strength for the Tight hand aide,where the law Mys Volt --- w elson's,I The world'tr highway is incumbered tac:ay, r It ace stent braced. The title of "fsthe_ of savings They make up the sum of life, "Hud I vos Ari der a&met side Telt:Volt--lf Volt erne► ti 2 e w )znpey's banks" has been given, however, to the Rev. But the virtue that conquers passion, onderrlghtside,IVOM too." - •ajan,Rc H. Duncan, of Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire, _1nd the sorrow that hides in a smile, "No,you wasn't,Now IwWAtoi(nowwhat You're Dull 111161% ashingtc Scotland, who established a savings bank In It is these that are worth the homage on earth, going to do about this?" Mai Ilsbi' irk,Lon 1810 on s0 successful a basis that in foul` For we find them but once in a while, Ila11111t turd 1lo-ty -_�__ _ "Vot vas I goin'to do"•--the driver wait now thor, Day FA44 0101 .... yfars it possessed an accumulated fund. of "J, S."-The Iroquois Theater in Chicago oughly roused•-"l vlll tell you--you ahusa go py tbel Lbel $0,800. Acts to encourage savings banks in was burned on December 30, 1903. The play hall and ged out oat my way, Ccd.apl"-Pordan4 Suuirretrs bill Jbe,pi tot,W .England and Ireland were passed in 1817 and of "T3ltlebeard" was in progress when the Oregonian.. s 044, ' __.. .thedral, Were e?ttrnded to Scotland in 1835. _ aidrm of fire was sounded. About 700' The Prost Ilerald. AwfU1 , theriral' «UI10�:�C•Ctt'(1. the Scandinavian-American Liu P which�left'i Frorn theW40hinpl011Star. idea lloht. thedral lives were lost. The steamship Norge, of thedral' "If you please,sir:' Copenhagen on June 22, with 500 persons on'()h,Miss Katydid.I wisht you'd come along. 01140n atrtiaai, "Well,Jimnly?" board, bound for New York, on the morning I's weary of de lochs'an,1'n hungry fest yoh rang- ora brigm, , the 17 h1e grandmother,sir"--- of June 28 struck the islet of Rockall, about 1 rvat'los'�ls('ar you talkie bout do mister dot gat `ln Hund "Aba,'your gran(frnotherl Go on,,palmy." 290 miles off the west coast: of Scotland, A-goin'no'th one.August day a-lookin'foh de frog'. flues eatNe, Gunk "hie grandinothes an'me mother"--- where she sank. About 700 persons we)e ter tlrorss, "lt'hat,anti yvur mother,tool Path very 911,eh!" I wants to hear you pinin'nn'a•callin'of her narne T11%,"40 hush, frctul lost. The Norge was 3,318 tons,340 feet long, ,Cause 1.:s panne'an, 1's pinin'foh de good newt i 6to And lam. ", o, sir. Ile grandnnother an'hie mother arc 40 feet broad and 25 feet deep; les' de Sallie. ;ect fo, goin'to the;baseball game this afternoon an'thuw -_- I's weary of de niocidn' birds an' whlli-poor-wilts 1x0;04%1#4 sail Sia `' watit the to stay home au' talar, erase of me,little foil shot, iit+�ssA# , hrudder.'--Ctcretr.�iict l'lniri lJerticr. I want to hear about dat fro.;,In Jes'a few weeks lA„t�V qI 1,2 Ilio'. k•i*�'ttrt # 1 Answer-The only poem about a turtle shell that we know of is that entitled "The Empty Turtle Shell," written some time ago - �.i¢�1Q�� RECORD r ('i v r. . Merritt.for the Sprin;;field (Mass.). ��O�lYt�i in �894. 67 RECORD OF EVENTS IN 1898-Continued. �__---- all- 1- 14ta,nchester Ship Canal England was Feb.16. Forty German sailors were killed by a grri r r AIA B traffic. boiler explosion on the cruiser Brandenburgat Se t.b. The Democrats carried the Arkansas Oct.12. The German Emperor to Pa,lest�no* df ' p departed from Berlin on their visit to q w 1NNIM Ca•thollcs were massacred at Krosche, Kiel. State election Oct. 12. At Virden I11. the imlportatiO C, ., bY Cossack soldiers. NearlylUO persons Feb.20. John Y.McKane was sentenced to six Sept.6. Queen Wilhelmina,oftheNetherlands, negro miners to take the puce of strxlrera eau lsl� years'imprisonment for election frauds at Graves- became reigning monarch. billed s� 3- Fire in Toledo,O. caused$600,000loss. end,L.I. a riot,in which thirteen persons were - 7-illi.WORLD'S freebreadfund was opened Feb, 24, Many British sailors and marines were Sept.6 Vermont was carried by the Republi- twenty-five wounded. WVA n slid a subscription by Tar Wo$LD of 20,OOO loaves killed by native tribes on the West Coast of Africa. cans. Oct. 12. Senator Quay, of Pennsyij4a nig`ubllt> ' $tarviaig. Feb. t14. War in Honduras ended. The capital Sept 6, A Mohammedan outbreak in Crete was held for trial on the charge of misusing p �*kltl _World's Fair buildings in Chicago were cit (Tegucigalpa)ca itulated to the Nicaraguans. followed by massacres of Christians and a bom- funds. ir.�`�' d- Loss nearly$2,000,000. yeb. 28. Greater New York bill was si ned b Oct.12. The President visited the �~ � �*!!!�� F �I g Y bardmeut of Candia by the powers. O>�abA �,s trdp 0p" - The New Jersey Legislature organized the Governor. Sept,6. Conditions for the America's Cup race position. t1tS sun(W, °h ion, 1�T_J. with two Senates. Both parties March 1. Prudente Iforaes was elected Presi- in October,1999,were signed. Oct. 22, After a flattering reception by � ed aeco niifon as the onl•le body, dent of Brazil. left lad_ Anarchist Valliant was tried convicted March 2. Mr.Gladstone resigned as Prime Min- Sept,7. Li IIting Chang was dismissed from Sultan the German imperial party, Constan III�i1 'iitenced to death in Paris. aster of England. office to China. noplt for Jerusalem. rt It�i P 11- The Due d'LTzes and Mlle.Marie de March 3. Lord Rosebery appointed Premier of Se t.9. The Ocean House at Newport, R. L, Oct he The United States Supreme ad o r sac�IpbN- e8 were married in Paris. England, was burned. tided the Joint Traffic Association railrc #*ar.wMl++af led l `12- Wine men were drowned by the col- March 9. A British force of tbirt?gAr men favor of the Government and against the rrrf;il- Seppt.9-14. Strained relations in Crete between from � atop iwi' , O f fa foot bridge over Newtown Creek,I,I, was slain by Abor tribesmen in Assam,India. the'i`urks and the warships of the powers. roads. died `13; !Sicilian revolution was crushed by March 13. Labouchere's motion to abrogate the i. Sept.10. The Lm ress of Austria was assassi- Oct.29. Col,George E.Waring r eat troops. veto power of the House of Lords was adopted in low fever. "a"A� Q11�aU Information received of the destruc- the House of Commons. noted by an Anarch at at Geneva Oct.29. The French Court of Cassation decided 'Y:are oft famous Mosque of Damascus. March 13. War in Brazil ended by the final sur- I Sept.ll. A hurricane in the British West Indies to grant a new trial in the Dreyfus Case- ��to lf�it ` 1€i_ Thirteen persons were killed and many,render of the rebel forces to President Peixoto. destroyed much property and boo lives Oct.29. The German Emperor and ]l:mP� °ded by a collision near Hoboken,N.J.,on I March 14. President Peixoto,of Brazil,ex- 'j Sept.12. In the Maine State and Congressional entered Jerusalem. Willi the I'eluware Lackawanna and Western RR, i tended executive clemency to the Rio rebels. elections the Republicans were successful. Oct.31. u new French Ministry, under M•��" fie► Now 15. 3ait'ormaton w ag received of the loss of March lb. The Bland Coinage bill was passed by Sept,13. Lorenzo Snow was chosen President u was installed."! es C women and children) by fire in the'United States Senate by a vote of 44 to 31• of the Mormon Church to succeed.Wilford Wood- pay, ho Temple,China. March 17. Oxford University crew defeated the ruff,deceased. Nov.1. The captured Spanish crul�d It®fa ►ra Sixteen persons were killed by a rail- Cambridge University crew in the annual boat SepG 16. a balloon ascended from London at. Maria reresa, while being convoy' bap ris1 ■I difSaSter in the Province of Matanzas,Cuba. race on the Thames. I United States,was abandoned in a gale Ofr San` I-3-5. Two hundred and fifty blacks were March 21. New Jersey Senate deadlock ended, � taining an altitude of 27,600 feet. vador. [� �. T..do- t1 in battle by the Umzizi tribe near Cape the Suppreme Court having decided in favor of the Sept,17. The funeral of the Empress of Austria Nov.2. France agreed to witJ2draw fr0'rrl to t1W �br n, .Africa, RepP_ublicans. took place at Vienna. pretensions at Fashoda in the Soudan. a-11x. The Court of Appeals decided that for-I March 23. Eighteen persons were killed and Sept.20. General Kitchener took possession of Nov 7 An explosion by gas in the Capitol 04 Ve�" eorporatious could buy and sell real estate in.seven injured by explosion of dynamite at Stu- Fashoda,and raised the British flag over it,de- Washington wrecked the Supreme Court room A0. orlr State. The decision affected$25,000,000 1 tander,Spain, spite the presence of the French occupants. =h of property. I March 30. President Cleveland vetoed the Bland and library. n- 20. Jere,mie,Hayti,was destroyed by fire, bill. Sept.'Ll. The French Moister of War ordered Nov.S. General elections throughout t h Unitrm e s t T the.prosecution of Colonel Picquart,in connection States. A small Republican majority In the IIotllr�t *�aitel° 'ti�`ed by pillage and rioting. April 1. Louis Kossuth,the patriot,was buried with the Dreyfus case. of Representatives of the next Congress WE113 iM a-�_ Steamer Normannia returned to New in Budapest,Hungary. Funeral procession was P ata 1111 Og k, .hs.'vin met a tidal wave which injured 7 five miles long. Sept.22. The Emperor of China made afore ed cured. a.nd disabled the ship. April 2. Hundreds of men were killed and abdication In favor of the Dowager Empress. Nov.10. Race riots at Wilmington, W. Q r+-25_ The Cauca Valley,South America,was thousands were wounded in a battle at Bornu,in Sept. 22. Diplomatic relations between Italy Nov.12. The Earl of Minto took the oath Of 1111;4 ow Ldated, causing the most destructive flood of the Central Soudan. ` and Colombia were severed. office as Governor-General of Ca�nada- -'en tary- April4. A great Etre raged in Shanghai,China; Sept • Chile and Argentina agreed to submit Nov.17. President Dwight,of _.,aleTTniv+ere►It�'* 6 1WW n.25_ Bifteen persons were killed in a railroad over 1,000 buildings destroyed. their boundary dispute to arbitration,thus avert- resigned. IMIw Sen t near Samara,Russia. April 6. Eleven strikers were killed in a riot at n-26- ]Emperor William of Germany became Connelisville,Pa. iaig war. Nov.27.The battle-ship Wisconsin W1 laUI1Ch. ached to Prince Bismarck. Great popular en- AprIll0. President Cleveland issued the Behring Sept. 26, The alleged remains of Columbus at the Union Iron Works yard at San b raaaeEee�a. lli. p�lld ;Iasm in Berlin and elsewhere. Sea proclamation. were exhumed in Havana,preparatory to ship- Nov.29. The steamer Portland, bound frora • n_ 26- Corbett defeated Mitchell in a prize April19. The South Carolina Dispensary law'Was menttoSpain. Boston to Portland,hie., foundered in agSle a hwa „ aid by t>,t.Tgscksonville,Pia declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Sept.28. Ex-Ambassador Thomas F.Bayard Cape Cod,with a loss of 118 lives. ,pgwl. ►l�Mlf' n. 26- The Khedive of Egypt was forced by that State. died at Dedham,Mass. Dec.11. General Garcia,the Cuban leader, died td i British Government to restore British influence April 19. The Grand Duke of Hesse was mar- Sept.30. Col. John Hay became Secretary of in Washington. awr1dr, is ministr . ried to the Princess Victoria of Cobour};. Il-28. Information was received of the tom- April 20. One hundred and thirty-six thousand�: State. Dec.13. Sir William Vernon Ifarcourt restdd 00"t,, e annihilation by earthquake of the town of coal miners were ordered to strike for more wages ! Oct.4. The battle-shIp Illinois was launched the leadership of the Liberal party in]Engltdn(L ;r*4pl,r„ than, Persia;12,000 persons were killed and at Columbus Ohio. atDlewportNews,Va. Dec.18-19. The President and CQ.hinot attended !"Vol Ca 10 cattle destroyed. April20. The betrothal was announced of Grand Oct.6. The general convention of the Protest- the Peace Jubilee at Atlanta and visited Monte- tR*.a 10/tw•l " w4d •n. 29_ Twenty-five men were drowned by the Duke Nicholas,Czarewitch of Russia,to the Prin- ant Episcopal Church began at Washington. gomery,Savannah,and other Southern cities,re- Ac Ac of the bark Port Yarrock in Brandon Bay, cess Alix of Hesse. and. April 21. One thousand persons were drowned Oct.6. The Georgia State election resulted In ceiving great ovations. t h"411 i si_ 30_ New York State Senate unanimously in a rising of the Han River,China. overwhelming Democratic success over the Popu- Dec.15• Ex-Senator Calvin S.Brice died,in NO1r1' >d. for the resolution to investigate the Police Apri12. Two hundred and twenty-seven per- lists. York of pneumonia. ri. pbl a it '§ 00 r �artrrvent of New York City. sons were killed by an earthquake near Athens, pct,1L Turkey consented to evacuation of Dec.17. Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild died 8&4400 IEIli�3 o t 1,q. ;,11_30. The United States flag vas fired on in Greece. Crete by its troops. suddenly in London. harbor b the insurgents engaged in the Bra- April 24. Thirty-seven miners were killed at arm+; z a -%vrLr. Prompt satisfaction was exacted by Franklin,Washington. g� �E, , tss ii`lav�ladd. rtciirml Benham. April 29. Coxey s army invaded Washington, YLL1;1,arn �CL� LOl�. t 4 ,r:_:31- Ilussfa yielded to England in the Pamir D.C. Saute_ April 30. Fifty holiday-makers were drowned .President-William C.Lane Librarian of Harvard University,Cambridge,Mass. Vice-7't e8fderltr- F#4tr,,,66h4 rKk. an_ 31_ vVilgonTarlffbillandincome tax passed by a crowded pier giving way at Brohflov,Ron- C.W,Andrews John Crerar Ubrary Chicago John Thomson, Philadelphia Free Library; Katlic• wr,li•W �rrw( t.lie House of-Representatives. mania, erineL,Sharp,'UniversityofIllinoishbrary,Vrbana,Ili. Secretary-Henr�J.Carr, Scranton(Pv6) lil�� �°1 eb-2. U.S.warship Kearsarge,famous as the May8. Constitutional Convention met in Al- Public Library. Recorder-Helen E.Plaines,Library Journal, New York City. Treasurer-tinrdlo.4w troyer of the Alabama,was wrecked on Ron- bany,N.Y. and elected Jos.H.Choate Chairman. IL Jones,Salem(Mass.)Publio Library. •, .or eef. May9. Merida Egido,and several villages in The American Libri ry Association is a national body, organized in least co and Incorporated in +N►e►. 'eb-3 Information was received of the slaugh- Venezuela were destroyed by earthquake. About 1879. Its motto is: "The hest reading,for the largest number, at the least cost." ri'ho A cruet 1aticfn>� of �rerich troops by Africans near Timbuctoo, 11000 persons were killed, seeks In every practleable way to develop and strengthen the public library as an essential part of theasits :he f Soudan. Nfay 12. Torpedo boat Ericsson,the first war i American educational sy?tem. It therefore strives byboth individual effort and local organization tt► f1�ii eb_ 5_ Anarchist Vaillant was guillotined in vessel ever built on inland waters,was launched stimulate public interes'in establishing and improving libraries, and thereby bring the est r(.adluW "*01 Is. at Dubuque Is, within the reach of all. The present membership of the Association is over 800 in number,and W6pint• Al eb- 13 Thirteen miners were entombed in the May 13. lir.Talmage's Tabernacle in Brooklyn successive annual.meetings have been held in various places so as to accommodate all sections o.f tea ,tiered Gaylord mine,Plymouth,Pa. was destroyed by fire. United States and Canada, 'i eb_ 14- One hundred and twenty-five Armeni- May 14. Diplomatic relations between Brazil The next conference of the American Library Association,its twenty-first general meeting, to iZsCi! laiat• were killed and 340 wounded in riots at Y uzzat, and Portugal were broken off. be held at Atlanta,in May,1899. lied-_ May 16. Two thousand persons were made ^-Houston Post. a was chock-TU-11of fight,_ -------'Ani next morning his eyes showed a broes. She shoo lave va e t e ervescc d." -Louisrtlle HeTrrlct. the rl.tor of the Brooklyn Eagle: "W. B."-The Poem in which Pensioll Com- A@ Told tin H J 'i1I you please to make some statement apper-missioner Eugene F. Ware is so much in- Last Wednesday afternoon a gray bearded man rind to the origin of savings banks? terested is entitled "Worth While," and the on a bicycle,wheeling rapidly down Seventh street, ^'� $ v✓1? ee I= W. B• author is Ella,Wheeler Wilcox. The follow- encountered a loaded beer wagon at the corner of � ai +fl0� n s rover-Daniel Defoe may be said to ing is the entire poem,from which R7 r. Tare's Stark. The biker wanted to turn down Stark,anda d re lac en. the originator of the modern say- favorite verse is taken: , the teamster wanted to turn up Seventh.Acolllsion a��� •� �cc'd® c s i�az3lss. The first of these was founded It fs easy enough to be pleasant, resulted,from which the elderly biker escaped with y't '111:L nburg in 1778 and at Berne in 1737, When life flows by like a song, astonishing agility. HEs wheel was less fortunate, ,;r`�;�'� �� G� �n idea baying been Suggested by Daniel But the man worth while is one who will smile, "'sustaining"a bent frame and a brolren rim. :�o i� � a a u W a c \X'hen everything goes dead wrong. The teamster had promptly brought Itis horses r�- ,n 0 a; a of [cis la1 1697. Francis 11Fas;tires proposed For the test of the lieart is trouble, 4 !;1 irr confer upon the ratepayers of any And it always comes with the years, to a standstill,else it had gone)vorso for both bide u,d i N r a u a 7+ " "'� ° *' u ' c• ,411 s1,1 and biker.parish powers to receive and invest the smile that is worth the praises of earth i ri s and to grant deferred annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears. "Dot vos too bad!"exclaimed the driver,sympa- a w L gill to this effect failed to pass through thetically, as the wheelman gathered his damaged I o�j �u,a w W c Z v It is easy enough to be prudent, °' v _ Ci l�r ria e sat. The first practical attempts When nothing tempts You to stray. property item under the horse. _� ° , v°�. re oil a small and tentative scale. A When without or within no voice of sin "Too badi Well,I should say so,but that don't .F 0 1 w� y ra bank was started by Mrs. Priscilla Is luring Your soul away. buy bicycles. Now what are you going to do about G Q en' Ida ens' U G t c fi_ld at Tottenham in 1793. The Rev. But it's only a negative virtue its" .f, Z N r,a `� ' ' of Andover, with two friends, Until it is tried by are. SI3]l t.ll, And the life that is worth the honor on earth, "�'ot vos I going to do ahead!ti""repeated the a F 4 a.✓�. 0 b o�„d its 1799 to receive small sums from Is the one that resists desire. driver in surprise. t' r' P.'� b 0 s per-i.shioners during the summer to be •'Yes,you were on the wrong side,of the street. p o v a °� i tlTriecl with a one-third bounty at Christ- By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, I was on the right hand side, If you'd been on the s 7 S > �'F liberal offer which was eagerly em- Who had no strength for the strife, right hand side,where the late says you belong"- - " �, 3 - 4`' The title Of "Sithe' of savings The world's highway is in cumbered to-day, "Bud I vos oil der same side mit:you-if you vos o cr d- They make up the sum of life. K =' Inas been given, however, to the Rev. put the virtue that conquers passion, on der rightside,Ivostoo. Dull sft;re, �irracan, of Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire, And the sorrow that hides in a smile. "No.youwasn't.NowlwanttoknowwhatYou'7c Dim light; tl ncl, who Lstablicsihed a savings bank in 1t is these that are worth the homage on earth, going to do about this?" Derwrted flour Cl n S'o successful a basis that in four For we find them but once in,a while. "\rot vos I goin'to do"--the driver was now thor- Day and night. _- g oughly roused-"I wilt tell you-you chest go pv ...it possessed an accumulated fund Oi "J. me The Iroquois Theater in Chicago Business bad. 1p_ Acts to encoure e savings banks in was burned on December 30, 1903. The play hell and sed out oat my way. Gcd-ap!"-Portl¢nd Debts'oppress, Ila d and Ireland were passed in 1817 and of "Bluebeard" was in progress when the Oregonian. ._ _ ��_� __.-------.-- - Boss gad, ehtaended to Scotland in 1835. _ alarm of fire was sounded. About 700' '1'i>te Frost Herald. Awful W0;5, - - ---- lives were lost. The steamship Norge, of From tete lVashtngton Star. Nei Light, UIlexpeCted• the Scandinavian-American Line, which left Edison mains; oil please,sir?" Copenhagen on June 22, with 800 persons oil (-)b. is"weary of kliss def locus'fan T sthungry focome h yoh song. store bright, board, bound for New York, on the morning J wants to be you talkln'.'botit de sister dat got Business gains. .-oyell,Jimmy?" los' ,age frrandmotber,sir'= of June 28 struck the islet of Rockall, about Buyers come, Your 4raudmotherl Go or,,Jimeny•" 330 miles off the west coast Of Scotland, A-goin'no'th one Angus'day a-lookin'fob de Eros'. Bury store, Nie grandmother an'me mother where she sank_ About 700 persons were 7 wants to hear you pinin'an'a-cabin'of her name Thi orengs haul, 'tt,l�tit,and your mother,tool riotli very Ill,ell!" lost. The Norge was 3,318 tons,340 feet 1onb,_'Cause I's pantie' an'I's pinin' Soh de good news 11oA'e and more, 1�rr, Sir, hie graadmotlier art'me mother are 40 feet broad_agd 25 feet deep. jes'do same. Delighted bbsQ, to t,hc baseball sumo this afternoon au' thee' I's wears'of de mockin'birds an' whip-poor wills R fah sho', Success in sight, L't tale. io stay home an' take care of nw, little Lass it to nt I want to hear about dot iter'in yes'a Sew weeps nig'. Electric Light, e;'1cretarttll'iairtDealer. Answer-The only poem about a, tura shell that we know of is that entitled "TI ---..- _ ._.____ Empty Turtle Shell," written some time a! �tDrlf i �lElt�l� LTi X 894. !� 67 by C. C. Merritt for the SDrinefield (flaw 7 RECORD OF EVENTS IN 1898-ContinUed- _ Jan.L Manchester Ship Canal,England,was Feb.16. Forty German sailors were killed by a ffi opened to traffic boiler explosion on the cruiser Brandenburg at Sept.b. The Democrats carried the Arkansas Oct.12. The German Tim Jan.9. C'atholicts were massacred at Krosche, Kiel. State election. departed from Berlin on thel Russia, by Cossack soldiers. Nearly 100 persons Feb.20. John Y.MCKane was sentenced to sixSept.b. Queen Wilhelmina,of the Netherlands, Oct. 12. At Virden, Ill. killed. years imprisonment for election frauds at Graves- became reigning monarch. negro miners to take the pit Jan.E Fire in Toledo,O. caused%W,OOO Torg end,L.I. a riot in which thirteen pers Jan 7.TH>+WouLD's free bread fund wa-sopened Feb. 24. Many British sailors and marines were Sept.6. Vermont was carried by the Republi- twenty-five wounded. with a subw-,ription by THE WORLD of 20,000 loaves killed by native tribes on the West Coast of Africa. cans. Oct, 12. Senator CZuay, al for the starving. Feb. 24. War in Honduras ended. The capital Sept.6. A Mohamfinedan outbreak In Crete was held for trial at the o larg't Jan.8. World's Fair buildings in Chicago were city(Te cigalpa)capitulated to the Nicaraguans. followed by massacres of Christians and a bom- funds. burned Lags nearly$S,1100,t300. Feb. 28. Greater New York bill was signed by bardment of Candia by the powers. Oct 12. The President vial Jan.9. The New Jersey Legislature organized the Governor. Sept.6. Conditions for the America's Cup race at Trenton,N.J. with two Senates. Both parties March L Pradente Momes was elected Presi- position. chimed reeognitfon as the only legal body, dent of Brazil. in October,1899,were signed. rit: Jan.10.Anarchist Valliant was tried,convicted, March 2. Mr.Gladstone resigned as Prime Min- Sept.7. Ll Hung Chang was dismissed from Sultan Oct. 22. After a the German Imperial ffattettO and sentenced to death in Paris. aster of England. office to China. nople for Jerusalem. Jan.IL The Due d't'zes and Dille.Marie de March 3. Lord Rosebery appointed Premier of Sept.9. The Ocean house at Newport, R. L+ Oct.34. The United�tAtQ Lay nes were married in Paris England. �;�. was burned. Bided the Joint Trafile At1800011 Jan-21 Tine men were drowned by the cal- March 9. A British force of thirty ..t.r men Se t,9-14. Strained relations In Crete between favor of the Government a' yeses of afoot bridge over Newtown Creek,L.1. was slain by Abor tribesmen in Assam India . the:Parks and the warships of the powers. roads. Jan.13. Sicilian revolution was crushed by March 13. Labouchere's motion to arrogate the Government trorips. veto power of the House of Lords was adopted in Sept 10. The Empress of Austria was assassi- Oct.29. Col.(4eorge E. W Jan.I& Information received of the destruc- the house of Commons. nated by an Anarchist at Geneva. low fever. tabu by lire of the famous Mosque of Damascus March 13. War in Brazil ended by the$nal sur- f' Sept.11. A hurricane in the British West Indies Oct.29. The 'rench Court Jan.Ili. Thirteen persons were killed and many render of the rebel forces to President Peixoto. destroyed much property and 600 lives. to grant a new trial in the Lrl wounded by collision near Hoboken,N.J.,on 1 March 14. President Peixoto,of Brazil, ex- Oct.29. The derInan W11 Sept.12. In the Maine State and Congressional Use Delaware Lackawanna and Western RR, feuded executive clemency to the Rio rebels. i. entered Jerusalem. Jeu1.M Information was received of the loss of March lb. The Bland Coinage bill was passed U elections the Republicans were successful. g p Y Oct.81. A new]french Mil ' liras(women and children) by fire in the,United States Senate by a vote of 94 to 31. Sept.13. Lorenzo Snow was chosen President immWo Temple,China. March 17. Oxford University crew defeated the of the Mormon Church to succeed Wilford Wood- puy,was installed. JA.lb. Sixteen persons were killed by a rail- Cambridge University crew in the annual boat ruff,deceased. Nov.L The captured fSpi VW disaster in the Province of Matanzas Cuba race on the Thames. Sept,lb. A balloon ascended from London at- Maria Teresa while being Jan.,16, Two hundred and fifty blacks were: March 21. New Jersey Senate deadlock ended, talning an altitude of 27,500 feet. United States,was abandoned killed in battle by the Umzizi tribe near Cape the Supreme Court having decided in favor of the Sept.17. The funeral of the Empress of Austria vador. Town,Africa, Republicans. Nov.2. France agreed to Jaa.A The Court of Appeals decided that for- took place at Vienna. 1'rPea -arch 23. Eighteen persons were killed and I pretensions at Fashtada In tht sign eorpom lons could buy and sell real estate in seven injured by explosion of dynamite at San- Sept 20. General Kitchener took possession of Nov. 7. An explosion by A LlewYork State. The decision affected$25,000,000'tander,Spain. Fashoda,and raised the British flag over it,de- wvc Washington wrecked the S and library. � :Tiro.!0. Jeremie,Hayti,was destroyed by lire, bill. Sept.21. The French Minister of War ordered JW by pillage and rioting. I April 1. Louis Kossuth,the patriot,was burled the prosecution of Colonel Picquart,Sn connection Nov.8. General Clfic t1onR tt Jair.94. Steamer Normannia returned to New in Budapest,Hungary. Funeral procession was with the Dreyfus case. States. A small Republican r Tork,having met&Will wave, which injured 7 five miles long. ! of Representatives of the 110 aMn sad disabled the ship. Sept.22. The Emperor of China made a fore ed N< p April 2. Hundreds of men were killed and " abdication in favor of the Dowager Empress, cured. Jets.IL The eance valley,South America,was I thousands were wounded in a battle at Bornu in Nov.10. Race riots at Will i�aW,causing the most destructive flood of the Central Soudan. Sept. 22. Diplomatic relations between Italy Nov.12. The Narl of Mit A nl 4. A and Colombia were severed. ury. p. great fire raged in Shanghai,China; oilier as tlovernor-General of Jess.96� Fifteen persons were killed in a railroad over 1,1100 buildings destroyed. Sept.23. Chile and Argentina agreed to submit , 8001detat near Samara,Russia April 6. Eleven strikers were killed in a riot at Q their boundary dispute to arbitration thus avert- Nov.17, President Dwight Jam.18. Emperor William of German became I• resigned. rneancdied to Prince Bismarck. Great y Cc p 'IsvIlle,Pa ing war. populareu- AprilI!I President Clevelandissued the Behring Set 26. The alleged Nov.27.The battle-s111p W11 thngdaann in Berlin arid elsewhere. Sea proclamation. Sept, ged remains to Columbus at the Union Iron Works yar Jan. CUrb.tt defeated Mitchell in a were exhumed in Havana,preparatory to ship- tat7eckgonville,Fla. prize Apn119. The South Caro1Y the supreme Con tof meat to Spain. Nov.29. The steamer yyo declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Boston to Portland, Me. wt Jan.86. The Khedive of Egypt was forced by that State. Sept,28. Ex-Ambassador Thomas F. Bayard Cape Cad,with a lops of 1'1f3 11' the Brltlsh Government to restore British influence Apnl 19. The Grand Duke of Hesse was mar- I died at Dedham, Mass. Dec.11 General Gl of Y t I in his ariniInf5 Tied to the Princess Victoria of C obour. Sept.30. Col. John Hay became Secretary of in Washington Jan 28 Information was received of the con- April 20. One hundred and thirty-six thousand State. Doc.hi Sir William Ver'r1C annihilation by earthquake of the town of coal miners were ordered to strike for more wages Oct.4. The battle-ship Illinois was launched the lc.13 liip of thkl Liberal I U,Persia;12,000 penwus were killed and at Columbus Ohio. at Newport News Va cattle destroy ed Apri120. ;the betrothal was announced of Grand Dec.18-19. The President a an.89 Twenty-five men were drowned by the Duke Nicholas,Czarewitch of Russia,to the Iiia_ Oct.b. The general convention of the Protest- the Peace Jubilee at Atiantt vrm- ofthe hark Port Y arrack in Brandon Baylrdan& , cess Alix of Hesse. ant Episcopal Church began at Washington. gomery,Savannah,and oldie April 21. One thousand persons were drowned Oct,b. The Georgia State election resulted in ceiving great ovations, Jas.tie. New York State Senate unanimously in a rising of the Han River,China overwhelming Democratic success over the Popu- Dec.16. Ii a-Henator Calvin Total for the resolution to investigate the Police April 23. Two hundred and twenty-seven per- lists. York of pneumonia. ti at of New York City. sons were killed by an earthquake near Athens 80. Tbo United States flag was fired on in Greece. Oct,IL Turkey consented t,1 evacuation of Dec.17. Baron Ferdinand ld*harbor by the insurgents engaged in the Bra- April 24. Thirty-seven miners were killed at Crete by its troops, suddenly in London. a1%ft tear. Prompt satisfaction was exacted by Franklin,Washington. AJmlralllEu&da. April 29. Coxey s army invaded Washington, ��.��� 9(t��,��n ri71 �DCt I t��. Jen IL llua,sia yielded to England in thpate, e Pamir D.C. YL G 27 4 L b April 30. Fifty holiday-makers were drowned .Presidrnt-Willinin C.Lane Librarian of Harvard University,Cambridge,Mat JanAL WILgonTarifi'billand Income tax passed by a crowded pier giving way at Brohllov,Rou- C.W.Andrews John Crerar Library,Chicago John Thomson, PLtlarlc 1plsla F bytkue House of Representatives. mania erine L.Sharp,'University of Illinois Library,Orbana,Ill. .S'ecretary-I t cath J.C I�eb 3. U. war�rhlp Hearsarge,famous ag the May 8. Constitutional Convention met in Al- y rcado;q yerf f the Alabama,was wrecked on Ron- bany,N.Y. and,elected Jos.IL Choate Chairman. Public Library. IiMass.)P Helen ib Haines,Library Toic1'nat, New fork C[Cy. d4stRee May 9. Iv1'erida Egido,and several villages in Jones,Salem(Mass.)Public Library. Feb.8 Iufarmation was received of the zilaugh- Venezuela were destroyed by earthquake. About The American Library Association is a national body, organized in 11378, t ter of Frseneh troops by Africans near Timbuctoo, 11000 persons were killed. 1879. Its motto is: ``The hest reading,for the largest number, at the least cost. in the Srmdarr. �fap 12 Torpedo boat Ericsson the first war ; seeks in every practleable way to develop and strengthen the public library as an Feb,6- Anarchist Valliant was guillotined in vessel ever built do inland waters;was launched American educational system. It therefore strives by both individual ei'1'ort and i Paris at Dubuque Ia. stimulate public interes in establishing and improvingg libraries, and thereby hrl attere ltyloThirtto miners were entombed in the May 13. lir.Talmage's Tabernacle in Brooklyn within the reach of all. The present membership of the Association is over t.M Shattered Guylunl mine,Pl}} mouth,Pa was destroyed by fire. S successive annual meetings have been held in various places so as to accommodat Feb.14 One hun,l-d and twenty-five Armeni- May 14. Diplomatic relations between Brazil. United States and Canada. r SM were killed and 340 wounded in riots at Yuzzat, and Portugal were broken off. The next conference of the American Library Association,its twenty-first ge: Turkey. 11fay 15. Two thousandpersons were made be held at Atlanta,In May,1899. Sa r Post.-- She was cliocir fullof fight, - --�~ - -- .And neAt morning his eyes showed a broes. ---flo�uston post, She sh�nl have tvir cc Till It rtTc'r�<snect.' To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: "W. B."-The poem in which Pension Com- $0 Told H:Ili]. _ -L0eT erve e(J."tct. Will you plausa©to make same statement sport-miss7Ope1' Eugene F. Ware is so much in- Last Wednesday afternoon a gray w ��o y'„� '� a � tatntag to the origin ofiv lugs banks? terested is entitled "Worth While" and the g Y bearded man v' c W B, on a bicycle,wheeling rapidly down Seventh street, Pr 0 ° x +e aid to author is Ella Wheeler Wilcox, The follow- encountered a loaded beer wagon at the corner of °F a` s v tZ Answer-Daniel Defoe may be s ing is the entire poem,from which Mr.Ware's �� N,, o v �a � have been the originator of the modern sav- Stark. The biker wanted to turn down Stark,and ;� d , t a $ . ON >~ favorite verse is taken: , the teamster wanted to turn up Seventh.A collision 6�''� `a b hair banks. The first of these was founded p b tti o zy o It is easy enough to be pleasant, resulted,from which the elderly biker escaped with Q, a'd 4t Hamburg in 177$ and at Berne in 1787, When life flows by like a song, N �,a ie illus idea having been suggested by Daniel But the man worth while is one who will smile, astonishing agility. His wheel was•loss fortunate, IL ` °� rl Defoe in 1697. Francis Masseres proposed When everything goes dead wrong. "sustaining"a bent frameand a broken rim. �.'� o�� a u;Z In 1771 to confer upon the ratepayers of an For the test of the heart is trouble, The teamster had promptly brought his horses tb English parish powers to receive and invest And d It always ley thcomesIs w with th the praises of earth to aand standstill.else It had gone worse for both bike � �� ri-! savings and to grant deferred annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears. �, o- � � w C,o s a i1i11 to this effect failed to "Dot vos too bad!"exclaimed the drtver,sympa- puss through thetically,as the wheelman gathered his damaged U o jXa.rliume. The first practical ,ittemptG it is easy enough to be prudent, '+71'ere on a small and tentative scale. A When nothing tempts you to stray, property from under the horse. � r a a " a o When without or within no voice of sin "Too ball Well,I should say so,but that don't ; o`p� » n rq +"1lildre�n'tg bank was started by Sirs. Priscilla Is luring your said away; buy bicycles. Now what are You going to do about y " W:° `=- 'r1,"" 'i�'aketi_Id at Tottenham in 1798. The Rev. But it's only a negative virtue LLr J. Smith, of Andover, with two friends Until it is tried by fliv, It?" �''' o , a a; t7 •, h agreed in 1799 to receive small sums from And the life that is worth the honor on earth, "Vot vos I going to do aboud it?"repeated the �7 a 2 v� a ��,'H ,� `•w n s Is the one that resists desire. driver In surprise. N , Z a• g G q p tl his parishioners during the summer to be > »- ,r returned with a one-third bounty at Christ- By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, "Yes.You were on the wrong side of the street. n� 6k a I was on the right hand side. if you'd been on the to P a a t0 >R1t11s. a liberal offer which was eagerly em_ Who had no strength for the strife, � c g The world', highway is incumbered to-fay, right hand side,where the law sa,Ys you belong"--- = H I„✓ rt1 4 $raged. The title of 'fathe, of savin s banks" has been given, however, to the Rev. They make up the sum of life. "Bud I vos on der same side mit.You-if you vos o U. oa w it Y, g But the virtue that conquers on der right side,I vos too _ Duncan. of Ruthtrell, Dumfriesshire, And the sorrow that hides in a smile, "No.you wasn't,Now Twant to know what you're Dull stt,r'e,-i y Srotland, who estebliOned a savings bank in It is these that are worth the homage on earth, Wil going to do about this?" m light; lfilp ta'S1. s0 successful a bads that 1n four For ti•e find them but once in a while. Drirx.rteel floor - -- --- -- --- "Vet vos I goin'to do"-the driver was now thor- Dar and night. yrtars it possessed an accumulated fund of J. S."-The Iroquois Theater in Chicago oughly roused-"I viii tell you-you chust go py S�,8t14. Acts to encourage savings banks in was burned on December 30, 1903. The play hell and ged out oof my way. Gcd-apl'-Portland B17siness bad. England and Ireland were passed in 1817 and of "IBuebeard" was in progress when the Oregonian. Debts oppress, [ ]_►'+s_ra__&_'xt!nd_e_d_to Scotland in 1835_. alarm of fire was sounded. About 700' -� Bore ttad, 4 Unexpected. ` the Scandinavian-American Line, which left; The Frost Herald. Awful mess. y � � lives were lost. The steamship Norge, of From.the Washplptorc Star. Nein ilght, f "Willa please sir:" Copenhagen on June 22, with 800 persons on'Oh.Miss Katydid,I wlsht you'd come along. Mdison mains; -Well.Jimmy?" board, bound for New York, on the morning I's weary of de locus'an'1's hungry fob Yoh song•. Store bright, "Me grandmother,air"-- of June 28 struck the islet of Rockall, about T wants to hear you talkin','bout de sister dat got Businetis gains. your t;rand'ltlotheri co or,,ilmmy." 2 ' ' 'los' 90 miles off the west coast of Scotland, A-goinnoth one Augusday a-lookin'fob de fros'. lluYexs cant., "Ale gratldinotlin an'me mother"•- where she sank. About 700 persons were Tlusy store, "WhM.&W Your mother,tool Both very ill,eh?" lost. The Norge was 3,318 tons, 340 feet lonb i wants to hear you pinin'an'a-callin'of her name Tiliggs hum, grandmotlrer an'me mother are -- Cause I's pantin' an' I's pinta' fob de good news Sore and more. 'to the baseball game this afteruoon an'they 40 feet broad_a11�1�5 feet deep. jes' de same. I's weary of de mockln' birds an' whip-poor-vrills Delighted Sant, to stay Same au' take care o[ me little foh sho', Success in sight, not Plain Denier, I want to hear about dat fros'in jes'a few weeks La;t's it to Electric Light. 1� Answer-The only poem about a turtle F�----� - ----- shell that we know of is that entitled "The Actt*ser-There 'was a poem in Sar geant's "Standard FiCth Reader," by Xiss W--Coutimtcd. 68 I,,eco7-cl ��' L+•ve�zts iia Ib�.��c -G7 _ on•tz9z'acecl. Caroline A, ,Briggs, entitled "When I andcrony,Napoleon(76),photographer,New Yorl --- -- Old." It is is follows: rt-disease,Nov.9. homeless by fire In Boston;20acres,burned over July 27. The French Senate passed an A When T ani old-(and, oli! how soon 4ay,Jean Baptiste Leon(70),statesman,P, and 177 buildings destroyed. Anarchist bill by a vote of 205 to 36. Will life's sweet tnornin"- yield to noon cal economist,Paris,April 21. � May21. Emile Ileary,Anarchist,was beheaded July 27. War was declared between Japan 4. :1.nd noon's; broad, fervid earnest ligltt,� chuylor,Montgomery(82),Episcopal olorgyma I in Paris, China,KingofCoreawasheld aprisoner byJal ]3(-, shaded in the solemn night! Louis,Mo.,March 19. May 21. Six Anarchists were exeouted in Bar- July28, (Treat Ares in Wisconsin. Many i rcott,John(74),lawyer,ea-United States Senal Celona,Spain, sons were killed. 'rill like a story well nigh told Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pa.,Nov,30. June B. Six hundred men were stain in the de-. Aug.1. Disastrous fire inChicago.Three mil will seem my life when I ac:t old) mcott-Siddons,Mary Frances,actress,Paris,N feat of the Government troops in Salvador, dollars'worth of property was destroyed. I Jude 8. President Cleveland signed the New Aug.9. The Hawaiian Republic was offlei t When I am oid, thin; breezy earth hafer,Ira(65),lawyer,highland,N.Y..Nov. York and New Jersey Bridge bill, recognized by the U.S.Government:. Will loge for me its voice of niirth; irakespeare, Joseph (58), ex-Mayor of r June9. President Gonzales, ofParaguay,was Aug. 13. Sixty-eight factories closed at rhe ct rams will have an undertone eans Jan.23. deposed and banished. River, Mass. .More than 22,000 men made i' ()i ,adnesfi not by right their own; haw,Elijah(76),founder of Shaw Univen June 13, Prendergast, the assassin of Mayor thereby. 1 nd apt t ng's ,Sweet power. in, ,,a in unfold, loigh,N- C-,Wales,Mass.,Jan.29, Harrison,was hanged in Chicago,Ill. Aug.16. Santo the assassin of President Car lta rosy Charms--when l aril'old. hetlabarger, Samuel (78), jurist, Washingtc Tune 15. Two hundred miners were killed at was beheaded in Lyons. i Katwin,Silesia, Aug 26. One thousand people werekilled 1 ti�'iten T am old I shall not care eral debility,Aug.6, J une to .Erastm Wiman was convicted of for- storm along the Sea of Azov,Russia. heridan, Georg®A.(5G), general officer in ge,•y In York City. Aug.27. New Tariff bill became a law wit] To deck with flowers my faded hair; Il War,political speaker,Hampton,Va.,Oaf Jnuel.'An attempt was made to assassinate PresidentCleveland's signature. 'Twill be no vain desire of to ine hum&nn,()lar&(76),musician,Frankfort-on- Premier Crisps,of Italy Aug.28. United States Congress adjourned. In rich and costly dress to shine; in,May 21. ;luno 20. Erastus Wiman was sentenced in IsTew Aug.31. Great fire raged among:dower-boat Bright jewels and the brightest -old. illiman Justus M.(54),professor of engine( Turk to five and a half years in State prison,and Canton River, China. One thousand nal Will e"hartTn ino na.ught when I ani old. afayet0 College,EiLston,Pa.,April 16, was subsequently released on$30 000 inion JFrench bailperished. statesman art nley(82), 1une21, Many persons were ked byan earth- Sept.1. Police Captains Cross and Devery i 'Wiles I ant old my friends will be - - T+'rr,.,,nA..1 0 8, clnake at Yokohama and Tokio,Japan. dismissed in disgrace from the police force in I Old and infirm and bo%ved, Ilk(, me; a June 23. The Duchess of York gave birth to a York City as aresult of the investigation b5 {)r else-(their bodies 'nc-atil the-sod, n �`�Za� ''"'�� 'F��0r0XL�i�,r boy. Lexow Committee. `their spirits divelling sore with God)- Ilzahad a,little lamb, r`,. WJune23. About 260 miners were killed in Cardiff, Sept,2. Awful conflagration at Hinckley „' he old church bell will long have tolled other towns in Minnesota. Over boo people _above the rest-when I ant old. But riot an ordtaary June 24. Forty-two persons were drowned off fished. 47r common slteeplet,but ashan3 Sandy ,look, i'. J.,by foundering of tugboat Sept.4. Twelve thousand tailors struck in k Nichol. York City against the task-work system. 'Vl'helt i am old I'd rather bend of that•possessockobya,Mary. g Juue 24. President Carnot,of France,was assay- Sept.7. Captain Stephenson;of the New I Thus sadly o'er each buried friend sinated while, driving through. the streets of police force,was dismissed for accepting bribe Than see them lose the earnest troth It Bellowed her-a Tunny thingT IJ oras• Sept.16. Great battle at Ping Yank betweer That marks the friendship of our.youth; June 2b, Boycott was declared by the American Chinese and Japanese forces;16,000 Chinese tr Twill ite so sad to have them eolrl It kept quite close her heels on, Railway Union against the Pullman Palace Car were killed,wounded,and captured. Japa Or strange to me-when 1 am old. ]3ut then she drew It:with a string, Cc whicli resulted in g•the stoppinof railroad losses weretrifling. This lamb,you se6had wheels on,, trAc in the West and affected nearly 50,000 miles Oct.1. Dr.Oliver Wendell Holmes died in W,hell I atn old-oh, flow it seems of railroads. ton,Mass. T.ilce the wild lunacy of dre.antS, She did not take It to the schools Juue 27. M. Casimir-Perier was elected Presi- Oct. 17. Ohio troops fired on a mob w To p!eturo in prophetic rhyme, dent of France. attempted to capture a young negro for the That dim, fair distant, shadowy time- To make this children merry. June 28. Yale-Harvard boat race at New Lon- pose of 1chinghim. Three men were shot So distalit that it seems o'er bold Tor.,being made of-woo.,,and wool,,./" don,Cfonn.,,vas won by Yale. Oct. 26, Chancellor Von Caprivi,of Germ Even to say, '•When I ani old." It was not funnywer'y. June 29. Proofs of armor-plate frauds were ob- resigned. tained by the U. S.Government implicating the Nov. 1. Alexander III., Emperor of Ru When I am old?-Perhaps eras then Carnegie Company, died. Whenfrau haunts of men; Quite unemotional,Indeed. June 80. Corea declared its independence of Nov,1. One hundred and thirty-four per I shall be missed Perhaps any dwell fr will he found Nothing distressed or pleased it, China and invoked Japanese aid, were drowned by the wreck of the steamer" Bene:ittt the green and quiet mciuncl; Although,like lambs of other breed, July The United States Court issued an in- ora junction to N3a off the New Zealand coast. lov.1. The new"serum cure"(Anti-Tor :ply tia.ine by stranger lia.nds enrolled , , It bleated when you squeezed It. trains by striprevent interference with railroad kers, for diphtheria was announced by Dr. Roup Among the dead--ere I am old, July2. Information received of the defeat of Paris. She left the toy at home; I a m Corean Government troops by the insurgents. Nov.2. Nicholas II. proclaimed Empero Eno I am old?-that time is.now, July 3. "Bat"Shea was found guilty of murder Russia. ,• Convinced that this was wise;a in the first degree g b l�br youth sits lightly on my brow; � gr eforhavin kiliedRo ertRossin Nov.2. Earthquake inMexico atVeraCru2 D•ly Blobs are firm anti strong and free, ,(Strict teacher would have swiped the lantbD Troy,N. .,at a city election. ad'acent States. bile hath a thnu,�and charms for ine; And,likely,lammed Eliza. JulyC The Hawaiian Republic was proclaimed. =6. Earthquake in Guatemala. Several' (,harms that will lon.- their intluence hold �r," July 4. War imminent between Japan and lost. --Chicago News; my heart-ere I am old. China,Japan having insisted on needed reforms Nov.16. Over 6 000 Armenian Christians l ithin -----____-_.--- �.-_.---__ Father Vexed. to Corea. massacred by TurKs in Kurdistan. Ere 1 ant old, oh, let the give July 4, Nearly 200 persons were drowned by a Nov.1& Severe earthquake occurred in So R,r life hi learning how to live! "Do ashes come from Asheville?" ferry-boat accident at Budapest,Hungary. ern Italy and Sicily. Many lives lost. Then shall I meet with ,willing heart Asked Sam of Pa one day, Julys. American yacht Vigilantwas outsalled Nov.21. Awful massacre of Chinese by by the English yacht Britannia. The Valkyrie Japanese troops at Port Arthur. 135• God's sweet peace-when.I am.old, "Oh,goodnessl What n question!" was sunk by the SaLtanita. ov.24. National Shoe and Leather Ban An Carly summons to depart. Said Pa. "Child,ren and play." July 6. Six World's Fair buildings were burned New York was robbed of$354,000 by Bookke Or find my lengthened days consoled at Chicago, Samuel C.Seely,the thefts extending over n _ _ ___. --- -------. ,------- Ju1y6. U.S.Deputy Marshals at Kensington, Years. ' en confession. '"Do tin Cans come from Kansas?" dear Chic o,Ill., fired on strikers, killing two Dec.9. New treaty between the United S1 Asked little Sammy next, hien and inTuring others. Much railroad property and Japan was proclaimed. "Hew did you cometo make the acquaintance 'Son,that will do,"Pa answered; burned by mobs in Chicago. Dec.10. Financial panic in Newfoundland. July 10. Constantinople was shaken by earth- entire business interests of the colony paraly that led up to marriage with your wife?" Poor Pa was getting veaed, i quake;over 1,o0opersons killed. The Government resigned. "It was highly ronte,rttlo." July 13.American Railway Union strike was de- Dec.10. Z.R.Brockway,Superintendent of "Yes?" "Do quinces came from (luinoy?" clared WE mira,Reformatory charged with cruelty,was "Yes; she had inadvertently remained on a rock Then came from little Sant. Jul 16. Many negro miners fu Alabama were held by Governor Flower. g tide cut her off Slaugghtered es strikers. Dec,12. Police Captain Stephenson, of at the seashore until the risin "Oh,I don't know,"yelled Sather. July17. President Cleveland signed the Enabling York,was convicted of accepting a bribe. from shore." And I don'tive a-rap. act,making Utah a State. Dec.12. Sir John Thompson,Premier of Can g July 23. Senator Gorman assailed President died suddenly while a guest of Queen Viet "A dangerous situation." _ -Kansas Cf[y Times. Cleveland in a speech impugning the President's and Mackenzie Bowell was appointed in his sl "Indeed,yes. I saw her from afar olT and ap- --- -- - -- - - honor. Dec.14. Police Captain Creeden,of New Y proaehed In my boat unseen;she was crying with �1 f Jul 26. Captain of New York Y p City,was Confessed to having,paid$15,000 for the espial Iter face fn her hands, and as I approached the'She gave him sonic inoney for shoes dismissed from the police force for neglect of duty Dee,14. E.V.Debswassentenced to sixmoi And the wretch went and ent it for boes• and for accepting money to"protect a disorderly imprisonment for contempt of court duriuk rocit I heard her sob: '�1rn I to get no succor?'" P "A "And you were tier sucker?" When he came home that night hoose, great railroad strike. "t��5._'--Houaton Post. She was chock full of.tight, And neat morning hls eyes showed a broes. Houston_PoAt.. E To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: "W. B."-The Poem in which Pension Com- He Told f 1. _____ _-F.outstflte IiErrrid. Last Wednesday afternoon a gray bearded man d a d c d`a -0 m Will You please to make some statement agger-L1lissi0iler Eugene F. Ware is so much in- q o 01 a taining to the origin of ea.vings banks? terested is entitled "Worth While," and the on a bicycle,wheeling rapidly down Seventh street, : �, �,Er;y �U ,01V n Er W' B. author is Ella'Wheeler Wilcox. The follow- encountered a loaded beer wagon at the corner of V'.s, Answer-Daniel Defoe may be said to ing is the entire poem,from which Mr,Fare's Stark. The biker wanted to turn down Stark,and ; o have been the originator of the modern sav- favorite verse is taken: t the teamster wanted to turn up Seventh. Acollision Ings banks. 'rhe first of these was founded It is easy enough to be pleasant, resulted,from which the elderly biker escaped with16 c ,� �•a o ,It Hamburg in 1778 and at Berne in 1787, When life Rows by like a song, astonishing agility. lits wheel was less fortunate, X a: m o to c ro the idea having been suggested by Daniel But the pian worth while is one who will smile, .,sustaining"a bent frame and a broken rim, a a m L c When everything goes dead wrong. o -• "" !Defoe ill 1697. Francis Maseeres proposed The teamster had promptly brought his horses u h m in 1771 to confer upon the ratepayers of any For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always comes with the years, to rti standstill.else it had Bono worse for both bike ,r v i� " O Y a o English Parish power3 to receive and invest'And the smile that is worth the praises of earth and biker. „ e S u " r,• savings and to grant deferred annuities, but Is the smile that shines through tears. "Dot Vos too bad!"exclaimed the driver,sFmpa- + o c a" y� a bill to this effect failed to piss through thetically, as the wheclman gathered hL%damaged tT o al N w :. Parliament. The first practical attempts It is easy enough to be prudent, property from under the horse. it: . a c o a a: c, When nothing tempts you to stray, d;•- ;: �ry e'"' �- a E ZZ were Oil a small and tentative scale, A -When without or within no voice of sin "Too ball Well, I should say so,but that don't y G,. �.�. a to x ellildren'o bank was started by Mrs. Priscilla Is luring your soul away; buy bicycles. Now what are you going to do about � c,q �:: ��akefi_id at Tottenham in 1798. The Rev. But it's only a. negative virtue it?" a � Until it is tried by fire, " m"'^w J. Slnitl1, of. Andover, with two friends, ••Vet vos I going to do aboud it:'"repeated the a N � Y agreed in 1799 to 1'eceive small sums from And the life that is worth the honor on earth, driver insurprise. �' # ,c°:C, Is the one that resists desire. a q~' "•a a"° his parishioners during the summer to be "Yes, you were on the wrong side of the street. ,„a „ a v G returned with a one-third bounty at Christ- By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, I was on the right hand side, If you'd been on the 'a c alae, a liberal offer t5']]iCh was eagerly em- Who had no strength for the strife, right hand side,where the law says you belong"- braced. The title; of "Bathe_• of savings The world'$ highway is incf life. d to-Cay, "Bud I vos an der same side mit.you-if you vas �fc ° a=a� '-��'3 They snake up the sum of life. banks° has been given, however, to the Rev. But the virtue that conquers passion, on derTlghwasnt side.t.'Nowos o." Dull st6re, N. Duncan, of Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire, .find the sorrow that hides in a smile, "No.You Noivlwanttoknowwha'you'rc Dim light; Srntland, e'ho eslablished a Savings bank 1n It is these that are worth the homage on earth, going to do about this?" Deetrted floor 1810 on so successful a basis that in four For we find them but once in a while. "Vot vos I goln'to do"-the driver wasnowthor- Day and night, years it possessed an accumulated fund of "J. S."-The Iro{luois Theater in Chicago oughly roused-"T viii tell you-You� usb go pi T3ustness bad. 35,800, Acts to encoursage, savings banks in was burned on December 30, 1903. The play hell and Bed out oaf my way. Gcd-ap."-Portl¢nd Debts oppress, England and Ireland were pasiged in 1817 and of "Bluebeard" was in progress when the oregortwn,_ _ _ _---____-- Bose sad, were extowded to Scotland in 1835. alarm of fire was sounded. About 700The Frost Herald. Awful mess. ----- -�-- lives were lost. The steamship Norge, of Frena the Tl'nsntnpton star. New light, Unexpected. the Scandinavian-American Line, which left� 1:dison mains; if yell please,sir?" Copenhagen on June 22, with 800 persons on Oh,Miss isf del,1 wish'you'd come along. store bright, I's,weary of de loots'an'I's hungry toll yr d song. Business gains. Jimmy?" board, bound for New York, on the morning I wants to hear you talk 'bout de sister dot got grandmotlTrr, sir"--- of June 28 struck the islet Of Rockall, about los' Buyers come, "aha.your grancrtnotliert Go on,.Ilillnly." 290 !Hiles off the ivest coast of Scotland, A-1;013'no'th one Augus'day a-lookin'foh de Eros'. Pause store, "Me grandmother an'ntc mother"-- where she sank. About 700 persons were T wants to(tear you pinto'an,a-callin'of her name Things hum, "What,and your.ntotber.,tool Dotlivery 111.,ell?" 'lost. The Norge was 3,318 tons,340 feet lop , •Cause I's pantin' an' 1's pinin' fob cle.good news -Niore and more. "Ivo, s1r. h4o grandn1other an'the mother are 40_feet broad_aud_95 feet deep_---r arNic-sde same. DPlighted boss-, - ---� I's weary of de mocl.tn'birds an' whip-poor-wills success in sf;ht, troin'to the baseball gamo this afternoon an' they i0h rho', Lays it to ""a"" me to stay h()nte au' take care of ntc: little' I want to hear about dat fros'in jes' a fete weeks Electric Light. brudder. (Gc2etaa}•ct t'latip Dealer. stn'. • r•:tn++ATtrp e r, lri7RnNnr,tl(1v ()A' 1!)(tJ__�nrttintced. �¢FCt�jDIZ Of 1902. .got.�',., n..,•, .. _.a... Ise 133 nage.r'_$6a,, 1 murderers die.-House passes ter bill.-•-Pati-American congress r a r of 08, ton made for receiver for in-11,11ass„ itlgiun Civil Age at death In given in parentheses; vocation,place,coos),and time of death when known follow. .e company, Cllicago, ed + lent Pebruary. arae, I'lvriw .i1 Roman Abel,Sir Frederick A (76), British chemist,Lon- Collis Charles II.T,(64),soldier,lawyer,politician at' iv(�eyc Of don,Eng.,So;,t.8, t'nct, treaty signed. Not sail in ,ta- Acton,Baron (Rt,Hon.Sir John Dalbarg-Acton) Ccrrrlstan{al lIlia A,,afan opr,ration,May 11. Jot., Waterbury,persons C killed burns;ur ` C•., Nov. (BH),historian,Torgensee,Bavaria,Juno 1p, May 26 (57), painter, Faris, France, joy Jam- •r i„tI. tts, Adams, Ullarlus K. (67), educator, ox-President Cooper,Thomas S,(99), fainter, oldest mom of Illy, r, ncler t and In rhe burning of a �1t, > �h29, Brat 'I)' n8asol ty of Wisconsin,IZgdlands,Cal.,Bright's the Royal Academ I arbledown,Ro Feb, t.L, :err at dlseasu July 26. g..Ieb . se oo n) rI'r;t6 ;on, ,c-rc>trt,ry ut' Agnew, rDanlol (92), ex-Ohfof Justice of the f Umbo fol'Art ielel��.1 (Au Rot is ((62) Roman � any organized oll Hale t (lovornor• fluprome Court of Pennsylvania, Beaver Pa. (Jit N A., Bolded n !n a C'hicngo 1p ' `t it h tjirll :!1, March 9. , y,pnounlollia,MAY5. ase, Jolted ,.E•Ir. COX. Walter S. (76), tWashington, (• mister of )JducFr- gtrs or of 11Ied Ylalid Hu_ Albert, 1{lots oI” Saxony (74), Dresden, Ger .June 26, Jurist, D. C•. soft I114r, many,Juno lo. 11st, ad the n ill tor, Craig, William(42),President Roosevelt's Secret nds to erty In the bual- dl- ulirll "Alexander,Mrs."(A� nnio Alexander Hector)(77), Service bodyguard,PittafieA Mass.,trolley oar ng, rna.-Eleven lives „lots. Ig- am (�, ?�„ novelist,London,Rug.,July 10. accident,Sept,3, orated , r rY of Notts- Allen. ., John J.,Arnerionn railroad and steamship Croko. Thomas fir, (78),Roman UatholiC Aroh- St, Louis. Y Irfoll, ire- ,aitrerrt, 71. manager,London,Rng.,Nov.26, ton IIt forced to mus- nical crn- hiahapp 0f Cashel Ireland,July 22 ter at esident, ,m , 'C;., Alaisi-Masolla, Gaetano (76), 1Zoman CJntll0lia Croly,.Jennie U,Cashel, June") (13),journalist crit, .Eike reports that ale rhu,tu_ dmirtrI•U. Cardinal,Itorne,Nov,22. and olubwomnn,Now York City,Dec.23,1901. .he in- polygamy,-Sell- ria as ill eta- h'ub. 10• Altguld,Jahn1?.(b6),ex-Ciovern)rOCIllinofr,Jalie Cummings,Amos.1.(64),jnurnnhst and Reprt,eon- Ve11, overn- lonal amendment (Jon_ lid- New-'Yprk, Ille cerebral hoal)rrhage,March 12, t, tative tri (;)",gross from Now York City,I3alti- lguratiun,-Great le' boort Ian,]- Andrews, Goorge P. (67), Jurist, New York Oity, 11,1- more, Md,, Bright's diauuwu and pneumonia, net, jd Into alliance,-Rival y,'rat I A., wife of apoplexy May24, May 2. mand- ght a battle. vo in f"r' hint Aho I3reof Aah ,Ent.& an 1 Sir EIIIs (68), publicist, Loll- (J henry S., Composer, Swampscott, Mass., tile Bible critic, re- m, qT 'Y,, till. us ausist-- d0n,Ifs�(g.,Jan 18. Dec.Ugo.6, tirch •.emala IY and the Meth- lvrrw d an, N. J„ Babcock,Ent. D.(81),New York banker,Lenox, Darilell, John (81), merchant, Now York Uity, 1• aomargarine bill. In. )r tit tris. Mase.,heart failure,Sept.14, March 6. ounoed Now + 76 Bailey, Philip J. (86), post, Nottingham, Rag., Davis,Noah(R3),Jurist,Now York,March 20. and trnwo nrrtoun n a at of preps Sept.6. Dean,J, Ward 86 12 lytine :1orilt rk, Jude Ti. Mars. ( ),genealogist,author,Medford, Cfor, isnot), hent 0. Barnwell, Robert W. (63), Pmtestnnt-Ia'pls0ol,nl ,Jan,22 >ersuna lapses over Lire till ,tl' of (?. c'rr(r:five f" Bishop of Alabama, `Selma,Ala„ appendicitis, De]110011, Jean (67), olitioal 000npmint, anther, bel,, on o! the Inter- ()hl4rr8cr, July 24 . and rat Iroud expert,Warsaw,Rtlew(n,Jan,6. United fation meets In Inter- Barrows,', Jelin Henry ro-p odnantor and 0largy- Do (irntYunreid, Reese C, ((43),RoprosentaUve in 1?nst ution to amend to q) of li#o of New- Beach, Oberlin,U.,planr0-pnetlm)nin,June 3, ()engross tram Texas, Wnshington,D.U„ apo- la, re- popular election �t_ �p of tr'tri, not reviser BMa}3,Miles(69),Jurist, York Uity,carbuncle, plsxy,Aug,2d, 1 I.nw proola- popular town, rlc, Jrin. 1fi• May l8. De Mu110,qustodlo,Brazilian Admiral and rov0lu- andreds parish, at (4?j' '>utr C�- Boardshoar,William M.(52),President Iowa State tionist,Tiarch 18. opal Loci in purchase treaty ed rietur in u, on- !t r:trt 0urt College An .6. Da Vlore. Aubrey Thomas, pout, London, Eng,, it of 41`10,on I.-House passes Pc�b. .3, Y3lerxtat t,Albert(71),landscape paintor, Now Jan,21, lo- rtrian rlfrr- an, York,Pal).18. Dillon,John A. (69),journalist, Bar Harbor, Me., -tile 'mpany Miss Ellen M. serve t,(:tts polit-• Brewatrmr,,James B. (83), carriage manufacturer pleurisy,Oct:,16, ng less ots break out at > , r-I ldltfate for Now York,March 9, D061,Jamas(98),actor,MYmontlt,Eng„Aug.29, ord- t) rr,si_ a 1.cic:epte.r, Brown, Georgq U. (33), novelist, London, Bng., Du Barail, Francois Oharlos(82), soldier, states- 'g Leo- s majority find- es early t17, `own ,' man,Pari, France,Jan,31, udu- and holds that of wall, New•--X'ork, Browns, Junius Henri, author, Jonrnaliat, 'Now Duf erin,I�rederiek,111argals or(76),ex-Clay- lumbus sed command at on ilii„f anll York,April 2, ornor-lleneral of Canada, ex-Viceroy of India all of sill Bruce, Saunders D. (77), turfman, writer, Now dtplalnatist,Clandbr,Ya,Ireland,Feb.12, A,7• ill the 'bitraticrn exeeu- in .sill,, aius 130;, author, t~i7, I - Federation holds ' York City,Jan.31, i1nl- famous ed Iwten tpf' n10'Perry), Br ant, John Howard 94) Dupont, Er1r(erla (6l), PC rllanufacturer, rrnxn , Iliruu ;P I'rinaeton,Ill..Jan 14( pnet and pallticinn, Jan,28. a,N, y, st, surrenders.- y lti. Bryton,Frederick,natorarRochester,N.V..April 14. D(60),cFrenlali writer,May 28. ("Henri Glroville") illy, ended �elttttlLawTc�nni+e� "- 'laud, lynx- I)r nnnt-hove Buck, Alfred E. (70), U. S. Minister to Japan, Earl, Robert M. (76), Jurist Ilerkimer, N. y,,, loll the gH bins- Y.,of)ct.rrur Tokio,Japan,apoplexy,Dec.4. paralysis,Dec.9. mco, fote treaty ex- �1_ wt,rI rat 243, Butlin, John (78), lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa., Eaton, Charles H. (50), Clergyman,Tryon, N.U. li other er Jour- 1hvlt, ty_ I'lttsl"rr( Aug.26, angina pectoris,April 14. 'ork, 1n of South Car- •oh Io. Idd., a.nd t, Landon. Butler,JunoSamuel(67),author and oompnser,T.ondon, E leston,Edward (66),author, Jones Look,Lake atonal debate,-- 'es (rt+_ c Ile-Eng„June a George,N.X„ He t3rlin lolanial ic1 Park Avenuereit: writer Butler William Allen (77). lawyer and writer, Rmre,!, Richard ti, (81), lawygr, Now Roehollo, South it;property loss, ad urk, March Yoniora,N.Y.,gastritis,Sept.9. N.Y.,Nov.23. Lon- rk. of Camilla Urso(Mrs. Lngres) (60), violinist, Now English,Thoulns Dunn (81), poet, Journalist, and man, n prase I in New York. y- m by ,areZ , York,Jan,21, ). de- marr:cgor statesman,Nowark,N.J.,April 1, New la Tun- Jurltsdletlon In ,r- n Itrrtrlcis- Cas m Gaetano(64) soldier and African exploror, 1$st0y,Julius 8,(67),organ manufacturer, Brnttle- Securities Co.- inter, 1t1, Raine,Italy,March 7. born,Vt., March 7. (ton ill,--Inaendlaries 1n 111.r Ren T.., regl- C Marshalaio, Sir Neville l) (R3), British Field IEyre,Charles (86),Roman Ontholfo Archbishop of � nsp Ltio assay offices.- n 1 fciarx, t(11ry g' C.l, Allen-- Mnmhnl,London,Eng„Pal).is. Gins ow,March 27, Bus- gat a dered at Welsh, lir Yn1- Ctlanning,William.E.(84),author,Ooncord,Maws„ Fair, 8harles L. (35), millionttirc, soar TEvreux, (•• at 4Q• inn& editor Dec.29 19(11. Frame,automobile aacident,Aug. 4, apo- ttutiotl, vers an eulogy 'p vtilis ills, Jud„ Clark, William, thread manufacturer, Hoar Ply- Fsehan,Patrink A.(73),Itolllan Catholfe Archbishop of the of Represent&- rntoM api- mouth,Eng„ .(80).aa.i rout,,Jung 3. of Chivago,Chicago,Ill.,apo lazy,July 12. p Ill., tuff 'n1 Jim- doll- Field,IL James C,(80),railrond man, Chicago, III,, I+'teld,R M.(ft7),mnnorur of tpie Egypt' ask house near at heart abetll R'l1-- Bright's.1isoase,Dec.8. 1 1�0atun Museum, Sept. 12 JanalOa Plain, Mass., Bright's disease,Nov,11. copal esentod e_ d80. Unit Clarke,Sir Andrew((78),statesman,engineer,Lon. Fife,Williarn, Sr. (79), yacht builder, Scotland, tares- ElltI _ patr-tlt don,Eng,,March 81. Jan.18, suppressed. ±y, 7 r lit pr etarn ane franyl exam,Pure a ti�rin s- Ark.,Oct.12. fluprNmg Court of lie,.July 7� _.._ 't 0 tvBrgs lin dll. tn, Kass., ir,raxCll of �. _ _ ,Conn., Manch 14. Kr -g g' psell and er• eking, Sidi All,I3o of 1`un{,(86),Tunis,Tullis,Juno 11. Willlama, William Il.(62),g"neral manager of the White signs Sigel, Franz(78), soldier, Jourualist, New York, American N„ws gntnpnny,Now York,,July 1.7. -President Aug.21. ?Ston, Houston dt usioai 'You Do? Singer,Isaao A. 66),sew' Winner,Roptimus(76) composer of the '•I4Ieojing landed cell near Sander- tai Sopt.25. ( rngTnaatrinamanufaoturer, Blvd"ballad,Philaa0phfa,Pa. Nov.23, izedthe on ]romIowed all day Young,Mr,,Eliza(90) natross, Kew York, result tariff bill. :ed _ Borg, Paul J. (62),ex-Representative in Congress of aooid0nt. � '&shin _ >t n bite, from Ohio and tobacco manufacturer. Middle- ?:-01111, 1"'.milc• (62), novelist, Paris, France, as- g pt7 rl�tf,t llo.totaketown,U„Maj21;, In orti wur,gettln'long phyxiation,Copt..29, rs bom- n United States n'night; -' Oct. 113. Genorul ral Mendoza,nt Puerto t Securities Co.-. tn•• 7011 tho't of your friends ozn, lite Venezn0lnu Deo.16. The Venezuelan GovernmHnt appealed rs revolutionist, was dofeatod; left 3,000 killed and through the United States for �d Jeer at you; wounded. arbitration of for Germany, ,r 1n a case like that. European claims, 3 in Mississippi Y sons drowned, .mm" so you'd dot RECORD OF EVENTS,1002-Continued. a• nt you'd give,1t up An'doggedly raw ashore, November. 2 cruet•-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- Miclarin''at fate wuz ng'In you so I.The great American steam liner New York, lits, in ('entrat Park, laid by Dr. Felix Adler.­ lt,was u,celP,9v to try no more; after undergoing repairs Ptrr a year, leaves IErlc� Morris Pike stabbed to death, without provoca- Basin, tion, by To maso Sanfaleti on a Brooklyn Cross- But y supposin'you tree a man on the bank 2. Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car, With some bass,say a dozen or two, Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn,-Birt11- 23. c neecration of the Russian Orthodox An'supposin'he'll sell'e(n to mi fur a song, day of the post Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L, I, Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh at., What do you'spose you'll(10? 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon building, during which John Daly and Wm, me- and ProteHtant E. 111shop Grafton, Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24. Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- Wouldn't you kind o'smile at him, overcome and suffocated to death, hital, South 13rook Iyn.-1l ampstead's new and An'ea'tfously look about, 9, Cheek Church, ort Pacillc st., Brooklyn, the, handsome post oftleo building opened for first y p your clothes y Before you reached dtc down.in drat in New York, dedicated---Corner-stone of time.-Residence of Paul E.Du Fere,686 St. Marks 7'o haul your wallet out* I4vangcilleal Lutheran church at Corona, L. I., pl,, entered while the family were downstairs lald,-Ilepail• shops of the lighterage department and robbed of $I,iio0 worth. 'Au'wouldn't you lower your voice to may, of the :Standard Oil Co., in IA lig Island City, to- 25. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "This,you know's.'twixt me an,you'•f tally destroyer) by fire; damal!;) $".:g5,000. 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Cath- Isn't that just th'tray you'd act? 10. Fire ori new Manhattan .I3rid u No, 2) dam- arine of Alexandria, 41st at. and bort Hamilton , aged structure $50,000--St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop McDonnell.-The new Isn't that what you'd do. izod, on Delrr•uw at. Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn L. D., 11. Explosion of gas In the cellar of 121 Avenuo opened. An'then when down thro'th'strect4 of the town C. Manhattan, injures forty persons.-Brooklyn 29• Supt, Wm. b'. Johnson, blind supt. of the your radmirin'friends,as they'd pass, Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the "*cold stop to congratulate you an'ask ay. and bortiet}t st., opened,-The now Chamber Board of Managers facing charges of grand and Of Commerce bullding, in Manhattan, dedicated Betty larceny.-Police raid Forresters' Hall at Fur th'secret of catching'bass, by Rev, Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President 19th at. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information Wouldn't you tell'em flvhtn'wuz,kind of a knack RO)aev(dt, ex-free. Cleveland, Mayor Low. that it was a pool room;patrons go free, but tele- 'At wuz only acquired by a few? 12. Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator Is captured. isn't that what you'd say nowt Sir Vincent Barrington and other distinguished 30. The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- forelgners call on Mayor Low.-Blind negro non ay., about 8 A. M„ was struck by British Isn't that what you'd do? preacher, W. F, Johnson, former manager of ship Boledieu. -_--National the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. — --` city him$6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1. pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop McDon- Proof Posit -N,e. fer accepted, nell, in the new church building, on Jay st.-Big Dante and Virgil were strolling through hell, 15. Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm. Cul- storm hits New 'York while crowds are without len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire. winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- i understand," sold the hlorentine, "that he 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new doned. has no fury Lilco a woman scorned." building, on Washington at., laid. 9, Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 "That is ver 20. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; years; appeals to char- some Just as m c true," lG„Virgil replied;"but they have schools.-Lord Hawke's team of English crick- stable societies that cannot be answered;many cari The coilcluston that the author of the "a ueld" eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand, lines tied up. -Ovation to Genl. Edward L. Wolineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Pollee Commissioner, re- acs Once a gentlemanly srtIcsnrrtn was,of course, Post, G. A. R,; addresses by Genl. King and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.-All ele- irresistible._-New QrlAzrl_s Tines-Delr:ocrat. others. vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. -- wer--rtie vuav ,c„<uuuturuo : that weat is Pig sot��G titled The ; y Turtle C, Nerr Fleh, Nichola+ (68) 1�apkor and Pr*.,cont of the J000tt, .Iantws !.Ilean. 1t New York len Acatery of the Ulpotnusti,Now turd),r+arrrty l;ltrlu�,�arC)a,Irniral CE 11 York(au,Loop iB. Kimbe it NERAL CHRONOLOGY + 1'atild you Ford. Pau Lelaester (87), author, Nrtty 1'or � r karl oty �celtp .' •ti_ Corttirc2aerf. n a lcers,,n k; Lontiwe (76).a " ., MIT_rr„„„c,„ QF ��()�_ aasaaslnate,d,May B, .,April 8 tateanian GENERAL v r{ j''” ” aloe this s, Forney, John II, t78), a adrrato Ma IClrutarrJ�r I,wwrn �#. (77),Ita,sr Adwiral CHRONOLOGY19c)2.�~-•.r--� „'' _, _ if a turtle t}r,nrrxl Jaakl+ogviti far` rt►tiied) Wirt Now U. ©� ea, it bea e�A1a. Sot 18, �+,lttnss, S.$ a, ' Foster, Mrs.,John A,. rise "�To mbs ,, K,ntr.(liwrttnos(tltt) gucrlagirt We.2 Jn»nary. lature g'a dstgel, IPnw Knawl ) 24 J901, 1. T. Estrada Palma el`utod first President of Pm mans itrc en burin murderers die,— York,Icrtb,2I, ilwip d>l(3, thrrnrrira) arena Cuba,— P , 23ouso passes r, hse a an Fawlnr, Jarr+ph :. Jy4. Y. paralyse+.♦psi}I4. iter,)3 k Robert Le I3aucly c,l' Prance offers SLUOO,Uof adluurns, sus hill.-1 ala-American Ise and b (87),D. EC, I3enxtor {rata H 11, `r,aderick Alirt•ra ca found ern Industrial school for brenchmen itt APPlicatlon congress a Ton de.V7rt/}rirrattr i l).f Wu I. (48 Chicago Univerait Dowie's "`Lion" made far receiver far Ir Francis d Assisi, ux-T{lab of hpra[zt (811), +lisrman�,aINTIO,t ;r or )� �nnaakrr, y, which offer is accepted.+ lace company. Cor re. Kplrw4l, Laabisno,Jerrrtrx A.(71), ,t stn,ri 1 iarc �fPsrir4 0f the H:v.erett-Mucnc• traction svndteate 'ins and Franca,A)rfl'1Q. Aa)tlnlast► l4ld r J pal Ilialio Parker, .lone L 72) (fin Nebrinury, 'e nr the b (,lallitudot,Thom" 0A).ole+clergyman and chat'-ratite ' py la.Berl,,j„. p. p ( 8tegatioaal ,ince the #rlstrn„tar,Now York Gtty,�r+art trcxt3rlr+ A �t"r'M'C7lrxrtar Gg1;)t civil englnkr and writer,London Ung,,Nov.29. Preacher Spalding. John P. (74), I3isho earn treaty signed. tt 'arta o sit Clantfnr•r, t3tturuul 13. (7g), English trouble, l t d”1►c+trt.IN, r ,Iieltrinnre Pn,ruaeefote,Lorrl--Julian Pauncefote i L+'ri<�.Pa., p of I)nnver, Col„ Waterbury. ('one,. barna; telae a Fuh,2{ ra, ry,ItMtrarrl l.(80),U+rptaln U. I3ritiah Ambaeaador to the United Staten,Wash; Seer,Gr+or+encu 8 ante,Marah 9, lee Governor rat titrxryr(7howit Ma 1 N..and or ington,D.0..gout and asthma,May 24. Speyer, g l0), banker Pranlc#vrt. Germany, persons killed in a k�. therta t11 Gil>t s, Jarlras X. A. (7!l) irtoatxtot of *(taxing+ Lrdorbetwolti Mi � g1 April 24. maotlin"it,ICalttllpe,V'a. Kori 21, isCstltdta ae""t"1)dn 11M)1, Pennoyer, Sylvester (71), ex-Governor of Orogon, S raguo Arnasa(74),lnanttfaotaror,Warwivk,R.I., ere at 'sc + (3illrsrt. Sir J1MO h !)1' +,hall,,yal 22 tJ 0), Uardiaai Portland,Uro. heart failure Ma 30, burning of a fit. was hl p ear (r ), aBticulttlral I.splik Naar*$ 1{'gd7;) ir,rlitiolan Stanlr)y,DavidS, omO Ire aUerntet, roglxrrd,Deo.U lila!, Porth,(;loarg®Drummond,Earl of Porth and Mal- au I l`4iyslr A I+envettgor fort(96),I+ob,28, redeye, Washington,74),Brig•adier-Ceneral U..cl.A. eoided any organized on i here he GiOdkfn,F:dwtn Isituvncre(71),oditor.Brixbazrt,Rum., iii:id#riiAla VP ' is 4' Polk, Rufus K, g D, U.. Br# 1 ' n In tt Chicago P ay of lit` hamorrhatt++or the brain.May 9d , Illiaarl(711).financier,n . from L,runs no in Oongroas S Miit roll lhlizaheth 8 tt a rl#aeaee, Juiced rad be � Grant,Julia,I)rfnt 78).wfriow of i A. trio bank of gini Iautl I.a x Oorernorof ylvania,March 4., res ustling Waelrirl�loth I). 17 Grant, Urbo'. ICr'ast x ' aticrn �'na,'luna26, Powell, John sr+s (tea' C;.,rutau�rWrtisuia) Haven,Me, SW't( )' geologist, anthropologist, Now York, Oady (t37), woman suffragist, ad rho ;ulster Of Lduca- h@art,if,r„xsn 17ru,11. tlrsusan�rOct.26. IdIng�Lrougg,Irati' iiurttrp (74), JttrJyt, tlaltau ', +Aiarab fel. r, 13erlio SOPt, ,Stevons, lienjrtmin I?', oda to t. r steer, >Eiolarrt )duras Power, Maurice J. 86, March 6, , bookseller, Surbiton,ELL erty in the busl- dl- Jurist,t1) laara;ysis,,liupt lit. $'ob. (70), ex-Gov, diabetes, ( ) Politician, New York rne.—Eleven lives 'hale he Groan,Edward(t(n),husband of Tf"tty Omen, Jkl« II arlirit A rear nP All, i3ept,8, Stockton, Frank urates St. Louis, �Ys at he 1 taws Falls, �'t, arch 1g Pruden,Oscar L. (69), Assistant. Secretary to the Stoddar b.lirabutt}x Ij(68), novelist' Waelrington C81}, Jrlellar t3nprame President,Waahingten,April 1g, D'C•,r>aralysis,Apr l20. it forced to sus- 'b f Haldrrnan,Walter N. (811 Jr rrlalist. T+artlrvttl LatiOb.,. % Rattrtzzi, Mmo, 721 d . author, New York, ter at e, n/t. (yhat)t+ri D, pneumonia,Aug. ,(79) esident. am acre to 1 Kv.,rnsulr ray aaaCt,lepay 18. ( journalist and writer,Paris, g.1• .eke reports that alt irtle'b hot I10.1l, t C,1) dtrectur of I+ranee,in ITebruary, Stokes,l,rn..iir Juhn ho in- T+lt wniitxrt(t�p1 .ra re atroual o}rt Ylror tri 'wtDIt are., Rawlinson,Gear e,Cation of Canterbury (773 I3r#lith en Irpr)lygtlm U114 nnthor Londfin. a rYlrursa lilaritnv .aitn Surrey, Nov.17. gtnuer,Ewoll, aceta- Y•—Sen- ria IA I,ratrrt r 0711 Ilaeanai,r, toriau,Canter!ury,En (90),hie- Stratum, Wil�ianr S. nal amendment it the tut Ilarot,tute, W& j84).ri4},rax. On, Zile,first 1sv'ocrtrxhe 1 July, FT•.Oct,Uot8. (64), rrrf)lfana re r[Cwattan.-Creat le- (( t atlifeitlarRte r�lrii,ar sn lldarlr Ilnr)rtgttrt, uNan a!the Ifs Rr•crrl TLoanaw Iiraelcett(63), ex-Speaker op Colo ad er'rrn s, iner, rd into the tsph(l artnt.^,+trian, ex•Qovo nr of f3auth (7te3alirta atyd 13ai6tiu !t(I , Taft, 1 11 C01 Sept.Snt14, alliance.--Rival Id he �ll� ex-Llnttn.l Statex l4@natrir, a, ,. m.r'coop",i t 1P, the+MIIso of Representatives,Washington,D.U., Siri,rumu Uulu tr of Vermont in li t a battle. atter bald d#anawr., A,til 11. CJolllrrtb! H.(. ltxxrt MsrrltlRnd I urtX)mia,Dec,7. C ) ()hi,+f Juatlee of the nary Ci, 7), Nraalden) � 22. Montpolior, March 'omala ibis critic, re- m, hero's IIamud fait+ I.ritantr.t. liultxn Of Zunxihar, ?,anxi.. Marchi it r jt�`r`NBg i r'i �i ark City, South�friaa,heart dis j �y and the Meth- 'e ti°te liar,earn y,.irr,,July Is. Itlaodes ('eel'.lolrn(49),statwsnran,Capo Town, Talmn,;q(�, T, Ile i l the Ilarkins, J)aule M. actor. tau 1r`ranoba t,)*n.N.Y..Aug. Spiritual Richmond. William E ea.sn,March 28, writer,'1'Va.nlrinwton DD 0 (70),cicrJrynran and ottnoed y Wounded pinlin ,n. ()a1, Mala r1st.IJJ at earn ln- I)r+r*.7• Else. �jlt�ierariia�p (41),sportsman, minstrol,Peb.22. ("$illy Emerson) (56), Tappon, Frederick 1), (73),'�i�ewumonfrr,�1PrI112, u•ner's mountain )ice of 11artet. F. 14ret (03), nnthor and tae q H Roach,Wilhanr N. (62) ex-United Status Senator Ilaoc,Willi�riJ.0 N'cb,2A, Yorlr A110112 3quarc, 'Uarth ! boriay 1?rex.,hrrrinrrlr T.MAYO.8, I t. Uarrt« IdgMll�as,teretes(841,lJuluet!Stats 3r,naGerfrntu from North Dakota,Sept,7. Tayl 1-11,lllntllodist P iscv )erouna lapses over ttre hn )ice 1t 1lnrt;u oodsxgau, lisrroh�Iriitnr,llJxrr„llpttuaaa,aif 1D Ro►)tains, Royal E, 76, Ya10 Alta Oaf.,14lrty 1A, P pal l;ishop, nn aP the Tnter- y, 1larrrzrrk, t 74 t, nxatr�irrr at)rl lattilanthzre. lileeedxs,itarulrik ill++rss(7Ik psintor a,Aug Torn Jt United lture li' pial,Now ti ark.hon rt dGiraw•,.lett.7. ( ) watch manufacturer, nplo, Asir ichard. Bart, cation meets In FyOrAtrxl,Aug, ,Ataater,latu, Boston,Mass.,July23, (76), J3ritisit East Patin to amend en e is kl Tirlrrrnth, Wil Trad to)). surx"ou, Itowr X''ork llfrynr, t,uc 4" Roe Francis A. (78). Roar-Admiral U. ;q. y Indian aflicial,Lc,ndan,1';nK. ilfnrch 17. la, ro- tr- l aid heli, (tiny,hnrirf.flare„++ Ildar lb hr'art rllfwas Door tJ.trterai, Ilrttettttls,Tlal(liunt, t�xahingtan,D.C,,Dec.28,19111. Nav Tlrayt+r,Jantr,a Il.(71), prof (76), pf Ttarvard Law 1 popular election ;l- ien to Hemphill, to 1. A err Aux,tl. Ruuss,(7harles l3,(66),merchant,New York, pneu- 'T I nal,tc,n tr Illy It aroola- rucaatan town, ((lul. faun.lar of tlrq Atlaula !flatgan.'I`t)%%InIn,t6,i)ret. tnorlia,March 3, AI, (72;, Pratnrttant E ;te itttrr anClotY, (l ors Atlanta,wri AUS.I7. A( l.'C).,lut J IP,� (7aarrrllaulonnrorIndian Road"11,Oharles1. 50),Re rese � l3i 1purcha perish. int to Tlway, olith,(„ A (70), writrwr of ygvrrgile lrrrrtkr, 1llraaruaaa/ (#++tar p' nrphrttir,Jelly J3, ( P ntative in C ongress Cbelthrotit Mississippi,issrpPi Jaokecan,Mies., eanuar tura,In I CBI Ad from Connecticut Danielson, (it., Bright s dis- Tiffany,(7trarN , 18. PtsaaPvf din ]--House H�se treaty ed t; In mum Weymouth,)^:torr.,tatraiyets,Igate, tt ' Jutattt(lutr"rel of passes Hepworth,(®..rx' It,(r0),elarsir srr9i tlniturl C�artftidrrato vtatans.New t)rvillo b e ansa Oct.23, s Ia C903, e fir n Now York,It rart failures,,t,run 1, r, is Itasca 1 Sol Smitll 64 actor, Was jowdiler,Irvint(tprt-on.the "mPany io- a: ( ), Ilurl,aun,N,Y„priournonia,F(1).] Mlss Ri!len M. f,'g g Hersh.NalsOn ti1>.Ju'll'ialtrt,NOW Yark,aae#deat, of T`n�+h 4010 (�).I'retri+last of fifevo April 28. gton, D. C„ TlrrgaY, Xrs, ("Ado, (:ray") (67)Saatrnas Ford- lig loss ots break out at to ar uqt to NovNdv. t0, ( �r,Now York,May 1). �TnstitnGo Ryor, Geon e 1tr, �barn,N,Y, Aug.•„7 . If July . I*, � M ..I.tltartt t70),rx-titwrwtar of t:er,gBrvaklyu),Nrayati�rig�tathateo�e Tisza, Kt,IFIun�nri(72)`Ilurrl titian statttsman,Btrda- at the. A. 3 aye tr)ttl, artrc,ru,tatrr, Frapae, Yaks Tt`orrcit,tj� o,ari,lyrai thragtj menta g Ldo- a majoolds find- ea rt r+uu July 4. ARrtnal(un', Nov.'l0. Y,Macuh l3. and holds that or 'w ultras Hitvhanok, Henry (73), lawyer. lit. Louis. )Ito., 3lfuud+t, Karat F (ilei, ttytteoalott4i�'Ndwl7 urti, Salrnon,Joshua S.(66),Reprosentative in Congress 'TissatyJn tic�rsair (40)'),nblishor.New York,Alo at lith the sed command at on at fro March 18, heart dixrxsit,Fat) 7. from Now JorsoY, Boonton, N.J, U b ") J.(66), Bron,painter,.A,rt, J •7• bitratiOn execu- ar as but Haadl,y,Onor"(7g),sx-Glovarnor,of U,h Mrrrr INiatrCBp), ngylaloiaglstw ISkrr ,arJnetl Pier, May 6. paralysis, Pon, Anson Judd R2 (Jlutncollor of the U famous Federation a raj I1 rite Watkins.N.Y.,Aug,2n. Mier, K .,Aug.8, Baan+Kon T varsity of the State Of)New York (!lens 1,' Uni- holds A this Ilat+, 1'r•c„r H rirl r, ttInitn IfA �apt+ia j � '1e ), a s T. (82), Rear-Admiral fir•.Juno l;s. tills,N, +runny, st, surrenders.— ed 1st frlSt>, eartaauad IJ, li, (uncal- II N.(retired),Washington,D,Q.he>marrlra o. Paul q. iartallY wounds 'e stat tlr' Muntulatr,IN J„Aug, . rc-Wwx aratrafautttrsr. fjnneral at Ciuxyagttil, Ecuador, May 6. g Vaa Cieef {t3lf), olorgynran,.Jersey(71ty, endue tel at L - 'la 7rrre It r; Ilnffrnnrr,]:lantana A, I)+on,7. YttJlcw lava, Saxo-Weimar,Edward,Prince and Iiritisll Field M J.,Ncv,26, 7�t,ol+irgyrzrxtt xad,etlu t,�it,r, lrfatrir, Frank tft3,novalI,,k Stn Irranoiaca,CniW Vi brut, Jeltan ileo+ os 82, ,en tiro awrence- cls k the ROusn'r Point,N.1'�,,,line 17. Marshal(79),London,Rug,,appendicitis Nov.16. Y2A, q ( ) Paintex.Paris,I+`+novo, unrirs 1laihri.ok, Msrtrn I,. (71), phyaiajttn a Pondlotin,C,)nt,illi, Schenk,Samuel L., embryologist,, author of 'Th,t •Jul in kill- fate treat a'';hie n the Now York,A I2 , Pultirehaw, 0"Acta.Ct„r"011ur("JQn11 Bryant") Determination of Box,,, g � 'V#alp,i�bort L,(77} soldier,engineer,Naw York 1 arbor y ex- !r Brooklyn, )' )(72).minatralclrrvanberg. Styria, Iroart isoase,Apr l 22 in of mouth Car- Joi 'roe Ilr,r,ker rfi„r,r((ta (8t), rnannlaatgntr, ixtltttalsn, Oablitrma�T'H uter 1tirB218protnaler,flat Springs, Aug.A18. alt n the Iiratt bora,V t„heart iti,rkxsti,Aaf� 8 Sohlauch, Lorenz (78), Carolina], Gross-Wardoin. Virclio tv, itudoif 81 atorial debate.-- ten t 1lnrtan.Alhert is[.(8A),itx-()lairrJcwttaeat TCRn Va..livitrtdisew,Nov.� Hungary.July 10. < ), pathologist, I3orlin, lolonial Irl Park Avenue .es (r Kap!,1. i Sept,b, South it;property loss, ad ++clay C)Y4 ,Jahn Y,8,((Yo fijosnary or rho.tinw fork Scholl, Aurolicn (69), author, journalist, and VHanover GeiRudolph(78), German statismnn, ye url Iicrnl(hton,.Ixmr,a f1,tdI),titin lnaurattrarr RYso>ht(liub,flew Yark„)an,)6, dramatist, Paris, France. after an operation, Lc asc(rrrts rVetrruont),NR�It+s,Italy,lMlxrrh 1. lrrtaxidr,rit @ Nrilll,Titrsh(t1N),m*,rc taut,:Vi,w Yc,rk,AJarnhl& April l6. Warren,Goorq,t W y'AAs'A' a press In New York. Y- .1 mo, t House,&I ward Ii,(Cel).Jourt)ails4 Yotruys,Tokio, thbLondon,iiliiaa it,•F(,(00).J!.A C 11"Ini-(lr,noral S udde rid or ce E118ha (63), author and editor, W o,t.eo lex f74), organist, oatnPosor,tya)y r. d P A Y.March IK, is gun_ jurisdiction !n !t th Japan,Dro,18,11101, If _�+ R. i ng., Iiriltht'a clissaso gad Selfridge Jan.11. Washington,Littleton Q,,journalist,Washington, Securities CO.— tate ren that Howe,ss.Sept Ir'.(74). lawyer. Now Yark,heart C)ttY,I~T'stAsrrl� Echbutir, P„1,rnaontntivs in (7on6rose q Thomas C). (90),Rear-Admiral U.S,N, D.U.,Nov.4, 111.—Tncendlariea 'ea rt dlrxasr,P1pt 2 (retired),Beaton Mass. Oot. lb. Wat•aan,John,J,(72) violinist and composer,j3os- court Ilutthre,Iluxh 1'rica r t8) tr+nu Vfr,rlutR. ire.,Ikiny da+cell �'illiarn 1. (66) U. S, Senator tram Wal,+s,Snier ' act tlxo assay afllces.— hd icittl hor and rafarmor, 1'slmnr, tlliao oton,Mass.,Aug.6. I ituti of dered at Welsh, turn 11 London,ICn)r.,Nuv,17, mate (47), rducatcr, i'arie, New J'orsey, Camden. N,'J., diabetes, Deo.27 n I� (77), mvroltant Now York a o- itution, ltiIn Jnnas,Frank(7U), brewer, Franca.Dna,d, 1901. plexi,Uev.2. , P the vers an eulogy N.II„Oct.� •wtpitalist, Portrmogtb, Partner T`i(ruixmltr lki. (843. Old Sha]or, Ira A. bleat. William I3. l .Tosrph, Jacob ti;i Iran+,j,rt,aooldont,may 28. yrnan, Now Or July 20. (40), civil engineer, Now York, cancer,Fab.16. ('C6)• minatrr,l, (hivago, x11., tont. op P. So tm m#ot l paral:41%July�, Jewteh rabbi, �Iew Yark, Paltntr,Pother(16),tuorohgut,Obloago,xU„$Q6rl ,Shephard.AloxaudorR.(67)ox-Govornorof the DisWhirthopof Virginia,ndiolr) P ys Egypt, ink house near at hear ffaiIa*,MAY 4. trirt of Columbia Baty r as,Mexico, eritonitis, BiPPlo, f n D (7A), Protestant Iisi9eopal , � ae�r�rw �. Sept.12. ' P P .,Junu 18 esented _ t'. Il• -. Sheppard, John L. (50) Representative in Con- (retired),New York.p)orin cnri G rr�ij¢U. British e taros r, lieti the hods ut S11au l,ust'dr r• •rr�;rest,fronz.Texas,Eure�ra S,tins Ark.,Ort.12. Wlllratrts, Marshall J. (66), (hist,� Iaatian bill. in, 14asa. I)frol while drinkworld t .Srltllh;+ v n y Sigel, i,BoyFranz of(78). sol dier,Tunis Tunis,.June 11. Williams,s, Witham I•I,(621, ,n uattoo of the, suppressed, Sigel, b'ranz , Sulareme Uuurt of Olrio,July 7. ,urea in d rt'otn lltls world to Irr'r heavenly teat. (78), soldier, journaliat Now Yark, K era!nrnnalrpr of rho 'White r�pwounded ani er, eking should httvr.�ti'altrd till It IV-Mcrease,” Aug.21• American News CornpenY,New York,July 17. titan, Hount ston rs union Singer,IsaaoA.(66),sowingmachinemanufaoturer, Winner,Septi mus(76),compOSorof thu "14luvkinl; ted near Sander- tel _ 1-via;r(14.11fr"I'l. Sept.26. Bird' ballad,Philadelphia,Pa„Nov, landed refs man ' t9 v a czNow Sarg, Paul J, 62Ox-RepresentativeYcnrni;,Mry.LIJza(9U), avtreas, Now 1'4rk, rpault ized rho tarllT bEll. .ed ( ), cccu in()Andreas of aaofdent, x■+e ' >~ ' from Ohio and tobacco manufacturer, Middle- lOf a I mile' 82 on ith:;trcel., � corner of ' ed ei •' ,is� town,O.,May 28, aching- � it a b ( ), novelist, Paris T "•41gns, to take r' phYxiatiAn,$apt..20, , rauoe, as- Portfolio.—Attar» In rtrs w task,and b" - °�'` CIO y Oot. 18. GonvrttI Mendoza, tho Venezuelan •'a born- n United States a'nig 1podlwllh c ' avormded,ist, WA doPoatod; left 3,000 killed and throe•h6't a Puerto i Securities CO,--- in rt d hThp Venezuelan Govornuion toll t.h ilOfls her�r c o I, �'y �4_. E+'p Visited Staten for arbitristlon appealed tip in Germany,pi wry I J t , a y ty 0 a , uro can claims. anon o1Ina c both bike be 1q �" sons drowned. Se you 14 ^� a r ,t i y RECORD OF EVENTS,11)02—Continued, at you'd gig >-( a O - o Nosreirnber. acs p . ('outer-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- I)eolaridn''atdfatc wim a.g% r r na a.ed r�r ie 4 't" a afteThe great Amctriean steam liner New Yorlt, frig, in Central 1'arlc, laid by Dr. 1+'ellx Ad damn cel "" undergoing repairs for Adler*, — T t7� 0 Basin. year, leaves Eric Monti b Pike stabbed to death, without larovoctl- It weer u,veless to try ten t ` p u 2. Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town carr 1antaso Sanfaletl on a Brooklyn Cross_ lint supposin'you see a in,,, last don't %{ xs M Universalist Church and Cha el, Brook! n,— w Consecration—Birth- With carne been,any a do o day of the y P Y Tilrth- n of the Russian Orthodox An'supposin'hr,'d sell'em do about ✓ '" Es G. •C poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St, o tae G a 8. Fire in the cellar of the 1\,'iehalas, 1n Ninety-seventh St.,^ ce w `'i- C building, during Now York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop T1k►rorr 1Vluat do,you'space you "t C'orrnack in tr ing to John Daly and Wm. Mc- enol ProteNtaat E. Tlishnp Drayton. eater! thee . trying to save the mailing lists, acorn 24• Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- Wouldn't you]rind o',gentle {Y u u +conte and suffocated to death, ,� Creek Church, an I'acitic at., Brooklyn, the pital, Sou Ih Brooklyn,-1-lemiistead's new and �Itt'ca'tlouslY look about, he tst,rnet, ' ! first in New York, handsome post t' declieated—Cornerof , g Opened for first I3rivre you rraohect swop dr en on the tie er l vang�ellcal Lutheran church a PI., a Reside"nee of Paul E. 86 St, Maric laid.—Repair sbopS of the II•rht�ra�r d cartlnent 1 entered while the family f, To haul your wallet out? R Of the Standard Oil Co, , and rubbed of $1 600 worth.. Y wore downstairs P you vc)rt ' 0 4 a - " tally destroyed b !n I,iang Island 1City, to- 25Loney Island' Beach badly damaged b .4rr'wouldn't you lower you p C,IrI�1 '� 10. F Y Elie; damage $�;G,000. 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St Cath "This,you knows, 'ttrlxt z fro on new Manhattan fridge (No, 2) dam- arhie of Alexandria, 41st at, and Fort Hamilton ,at You're Dalt lslt,ig aged structure $00,000.—St. A Isn't that just tIi'Yvay your Ulm 11(rht3 'zed, on Degraw St. gees' Lyceum organ- ParkwaY, laic! by Bishop McDonnell.--The new Isn't that what you'd dol Lactru*rted Aac>r4C 11. Explosion oP Labor Lyceum bui]dln8 In Brooklyn, L. L)., naw that- 1)sy earl tight Kgs in the cellar of 121 Avenue opened. Manhattan, injures forty persons,—Brooklyn 20 Suet• Wm, F An'then when down thro'th' sx to pr Public School No, 1:36, new build#n F. Johnson blind sept. of the -Pvrtlrrnr! ilve,btlaa had• g on fourth Howard Colorerl Orphan Asylum, and two of the Your adm#rin'frlendx,as s ay. and Fortieth St., opened.—The new Chamber 1)ebtA npptrtae, of Commerce building, #n Manhattan dedicated $card a e S atoll facing b esle�s' I3a11 at Fur th'nectar of catching by Rev, Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President Petty lateen g grand enc] )would,crop to congratulate y T1nAs sRA, Roosevelt, 19th at. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on Information Awful latae• ex-Free, Cleveland, Mayor Low, that it was a pool room; Wouldn't you tell'em flshtn' 12. Prince Henry of Pleas, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator is captured, S#r Patrons ga free, but tele- New light, Vincent I3arrin'tor. and other rlisting�ufshecl :4t wuz only acquired by tt 10ditott rnnlnx; foreigners call ant Mayor Low.—Blind negro JO �'hr about eB AW MCt wasdytrubkdpe at 3ri[ish IsTsntt tttttthwhat yor�d do? YAh:,ons. Stares bright, Preacher, W, F. g r dat got Bublrlass gains. Johnson, former manager of hip Doledieu. the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the y cit 1 $ y December. Y his 6,000 house to save his family name; of- I. Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop McDon- E;u}Arx romp ter acre t de true'. rated. Proof livay store, 15, Cedarmere. the former residence of Wm. CuJ_ nell, in the new church building, on Jay st.—Bi her name Tl)1tr8ar hurt. 9 Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire, winter fuel; all Work hits New alongltheiwaaterare without Dante and�'i)glt were stroll clod news ytnrn and More, b19. Ctorner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new dolled. "I understand," sold rite F' y g', on Washington St., laid. Front ,ban has no fury]ilio a wonzrtn sec >oor-wills Iaatl>7hted bane•, 0. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel tamineDdesp9�ate 5 Years; 8 deg, above zero; ".That is vr;ry true,"Virgil re] EiU,repae in night, schools.—Lord eonHawis team of English crick- itable societies that cannot be answered;many car Lava It try eters arrive here on their way Piteous appeals to char- sonic just :rs poOdl" w weeks —Ovation to Oenl. Edward L. , t0 New Zealand. lines tied up, Girt trlr.. I.IRht Post, t2olineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- 7tre co)rclusir)ir that t1)e nut G, A. R.; addresses by Geral. King and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903, I R-as arms a others. i All els- (_irresistlbls Nr;tn lOrlear s 2,1,71e -- _ _ locked by ice on the third rail, �----— _-----__ voted train b wer—The only poem about a turtle that we know of is that entitled "The I Turtle Fish, Nicholas (56), banker and Promident of the Jouott, James H,(74),hear-Admiral U.S.N GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 1902--Co�Ltinucd. C. Merril New York:ita„d Society of the (Jinoinnati Now tired),:candy Spring,Md Oct,1. (rG "- --- --'° York City,Sept.16, r O,atatesma GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF Igoe. ilican. It; Kirnirrrl(• Lnrl of .�ohn 76 oulrl yuti" Ford, Paul Leioaster (37), author, Now York, London, ang., April 8, 4 tris 1 a lesson assassinated,Miry 8, Kimberly, Lewis A. (72),Rear-Admiral i.S N January, and captured; both murderers die.—Hcuse passes ier — 'ake this a Forney, John H. (73), ex-Oonfellorate Major- (retired),West Newton,Mass„Jan,28. 1. T. Estrada Palma elected first President of Permanent census bill.—Pan-American congress r a or f a turtle General, .Joh Jacksonville,Ala„Sept 13, " King,Clarence(60),gaologisti Dec.24,1901, Cuba.—Robert Le Baudy of France offers $1,000,000 adjourns.—Application made for receiver for [n-11ai ee, it bee Poster,Mrs.John A„ the "Tombs Angel, New Knowles, Edwin (66),thtintrical rnanagor,]tool to found an industrial school for Frenchmen in Dowie's "tion" lace company, Chicago. ed Y--' �' ' Ivn N.V..nnralvsrs,Anril 14. _ faints gav, Foo Chicago University, which offer is accepted. - February, er hailed an . CCD�� �£ bf1Yf� ��>C ,902 —�� Affairs of the Everett-Moore traction syndicate 1. Central American peace treat at- Ise and b F YE V 6 G, placed in the hands of Cleveland bankers.—All y signed. N Jan, 1. Seth Low and other reform officials relating to solrnlarshins for Amerirm.n..,,,.__ Pied rre stoc ins Northern Pacific hail�%adl1er�, 2. Business section of Waterbury, Conn., burns; _ 'one and bilad eJan. loss, $2,61H1,000.—Eighty-flue Pei-sons killed in a y Da Gel Jan. - Securities Co.—Two New York theatres, Miner's Mexican mine disaster, b 'or the haul i� Postnit 4, Ten persons e oinerl thel! Ga Jan, ��� Of Or f't %��b�+ 4� l�rD��L'�� and Keith's, burned.—Nihilists at Kiev, Russia, perish on the burning of a St. ,Se )h 7ature, slip; 1 tel• . try to blow up Grand Duke Constantine's palace. Louis awning factory.2, Sir Ernest Cassel gives $200,000 to King Ed- 6• Railway Spring Steel Company organized on ip- eat, '.wing amu qi• Butler FIRST 868810N« ward of England to found a sanitarium Por con- $20,000,000 capital.—Gas explosion in a Ch(cago Where the r Jan TTrE prinaipal bills of a public nature whinll lee+came 1r�wA durina the lust r+ekrgiotl oP the I' house kills 13 persons. sOveiiW Cor! resH bt, itliil 1J lftl,, sumptives.—Steamer Walla Walla founders after ;eS ;er Gil of chi !3 fi o cv ent tale 1001,fire arma, July 1,1!102,were as follows: collision near Eureka, Cal.; 43 lives lost. � 6• M• Kamtcheff, Bulgarian Minister of Educa- lome his i o Jan Chapter 18.E An act to prevent the stale uP firrlarrue, uitltttu,curl lutoxt(otitis liquois in certain 4, At Republican legislative caucuses in Colum- tion, assassinated, a Icme he lq (io in No, islands u, the.1 tar iiia. [I•ebruary 14,li)(Pl] bus, O.. Foraker faction controls the Senate and n 9• Over $8,000,000 worth of property on the bust- di- .here he q k inure ('1111j,tr r'3.1. An oat for the relief of partten(Confederate soldlern)for property taken from them Hanna side carries the House.—Incorporation ass section in Paterson,N.J.,burns.—Eleven lives ani fey of life, Gr an. by the nttlitary fracas of the United states. (robrunry 17,10()"2J lost in burning of Em ,Ys tad he fell 1 �. Le Chnpi,r:1311. Ali oat to provide for a permanent C ensus Uillee. [March 0,1f)02,] papers of Carnegie Institution filed in Washington, sire Hotel, St. Louts. 2ustling ��i (gilt , —Panama Canal property and rights offered to 10. City Savings Bank of Detroit forced to sus- .nic and of pos ,tr r I J(1 Ari act tc+ p y I f a 1 p United States for $40,000,000.—Receiver appointed Pend by defalcation of its vice-president. rm 5. 31dinPbrough ei > Jan purposes. [March 8,1£14.12• lir uracil Lo iravlde revenue or the I hill� ins Islttucls,and for other for Crude Rubber Co.—British steamer Alfonso and 11. Ministerial Alliance of Salt Lake reports that ik shat aiding ie I G I ,Damn Mormons still roach and 3utilhellc•f# l Jan Chhuapter 600. An act to repeal war revenue taxation,and for othorpurposen, [Aprll 12,1002, AvieSpanrolr steamer Vilal; 19 ma sink after collision off ate passes resolution for constitutional amendment k a Co Is repos purr 1501. Atiarit to promote the efficiency of the Itovonrt0 Cuttt,r�ervlce. CAliril 12 1!10] A6ieVladmiruBogorasmRussiannethnologist of the changing date of presidential inauguration.—Great le- hen [n the fort 1 mend ()hapten b03. An act to pruvidu for the exteaHlun oP the aharttirs oP ukttlonal baults. [Apr[112 Jessup Siberian expedition, announces that he Britain and Japan conclude an alliance.—Rival There to icl lift for$4 1008.] lake front claimants in Chicago fight a battle. ve urtle's hq a Jan Chapter627. An ac,t to fktcillGtte tilt,pracitrement aC stittistfes of trade between the United Staley found racial connection between North American 12. prof. Charles W. Pearson, Bible critic, re- m, v.S Hk Tunn kind its nouaontlguoun territory. [April'10 18O'1,] Indians and Paleo-Asiatoes. signs from Northwestern University it But the tui a city. Chapter H40. A n act to refund tho amount or(tittles aid 1n Porto Itteo u,on arfieles inn 7. Imperial family re-enters Peking.—President y and the Meth- [n thepp } consents to review of the Schley case.—Fifteen °(gist church.—House passes the oleomargarine bill, in. N( props from the krr*vc r,il ilii(+s frr,rn April 11,1,3118 tt,Mu 1 1i100 to c(lufr+r urj+tdiatlon cw Chs noi1ef1 men perish on copper mine cave-in at Negaunee, `Six men killed and six mortally wounded in a at [did he ssl G Jan C'lalinH to tunics]udquu+rrt th(�rr•uri,and rouklnK an aj,propriatlort therefor. [April 20,it 010]Courtof Matter ba.11' IIf Mich• fight between officers and Lee Turners mountain rsti sucoe Uha�iter041. Anar.ttu(rrultllilt lilt r'rnnbig Into)and to regulato the residoneewithbrtheTJn(te 8. Two New York Central trains collide in New °utlaws near Middlesboro, Ky. PV,re t 's t11 t ,Tar, Fitates, is Terrltorlr,s,incl all territory midi-r iter jnri!+I !inti anti th(-District of Cliblutbin,of Chinesd York City tunnel, killing 17 osteons. 13. Santos-Dumont s balloon collapses over the hn A fAll!:re the sp; He truatr and persons of Chinese descant. [Aprll 20,1002.] I Ito Clltuc,,so 2.xr:itteion act, a 9. House passes Nicaragua canal bill.—Revolution sea near Monaco,—First convention of the Inter- ]the Pr 1 ton, Chapter78,1 An Act tc make ofvonrrtrgerinemill oflie.rIntl tatio I dafryprpdncbrsubjeettofill,, is breaks out in Paraguay; President Aceva., im- national Woman Suffrage Association meets in en ami voice in f Iii Nr,l of akiy Htate or Territory,or tho District of Colrrnredu,lrrtu which tht+yare Lrkutapprted,rLnrl toehant Washington.—House passes resolution to amend ir- ,p Voice °f w, 1 wns d Gl.e tax au olriorrlars;c+Atte ant to Impu ro a tax,prr,vldrr for the Inspoation,and regulate the nranufr,, prlsoned and deposed. the constitution by providing for popular election >t- Ia:arth fo> lIr Fel tttreaw sale,of certain Anlr Rre 10. Sydney Lascelles, alias "Lord Walter Beres- of senators.—Shamaka, a Trans-Caucasian town, Make its y pr t,ilig r and tt,kuru+lid an ku,t entitled."Au act definbig butter,also ford," arrested in Boston on a charge of swind- destroyed o. earthquake; many hundreds risk. (� 1 $8,pp( inipusing a tax upon anti r(+i;tilat,lu�t t1,r• n,anuraeture,sale, Importattull,and exportation of oleo. ling.—Euclid Av. Savings and Trust Co., Cleve- Pe rst Nature li He Fol rnargertrto,"kLlipruvk+rl August 2,1t8131f. [May fI,11JU5E.J 17. Senate ratifies Danish islands purchase treaty ed list She is kiiti ( the it Chapter 787. An act for tho relief of eltizekis of the T`rAnrh West Indies, [MkLy13 1002.] The land, assigns. and passes permanent census bill.—House passes l3olrl her? lin Nal ll:rartlti site ridlcastrr, 11. Crolcer resigns Tammany Hall leadership and war tax repeal bill. Then 1n al ( is succeeded by Nixon. 18. Macedonian bandits release Miss Ellen M. Io- aria kiiloi Chapter 7a2. 'l net tnaltinq a,fro,rlritlolis for tdrn diplotnntde and eonsulnrsorvicelit theItopu6l(o 13. T. P. Withers, former banker of Beaumont, Thatitod Ii� cane oP(;uba. [Mnv 1O,1411)2,] I i I Stone and Mme, Tsilka.—Strike riots break out at to 'rns Fol Chapter 1CNY3, Att list•nlrprr,trrlkttinlX tilt+reroiptn from the Hale and rllsposal nC public lands in Tex., arrested at Kansas City on a charge of Barcelona, Spain. es Man mita g( forgery.—Ten men killed by a mine explosion at D. President Roosevelt approves majority find- of tval I We01 st aart:aln r+tntr*x kturi I`crrlturir'K tri tttu cuust.ruetlou of irrlKatic,n works for the re OsRI atiea o Ile l]iritis, Dow, 1. T.—Forty-three miners imprisoned in a tugs of Schley court of inquiry and holds that She is of He the [.lune 17,1[102,] flooded pit at Breux. Austria, neither Sampson nor Schley exercised command at on Life's gra 1 (_'lkttptOl'1302, Ark aet to provide for the aonstrnetion of a canal connecting the waters of the 14. Whitelaw Reid appointed special ambassador the naval battle of Santiago.—Arbitration execu- nit f Dust to di Ile dram Atlantis ruin 1'ael$c rtr r*rills, [J 11ne,28,10(1.2,] '1'hri 1"IL111Lrtta 01,11 tl purchase,etc. to coronation of King Edward; Gen. James H. tive committee of National Civic Federation holds 3n Hitt Ifatrt he III v Chni,ter 130(3. An net ap lr„1,rlatinq til,•stern of Il3.000 it year for t.hn support and maintenance of Wilson army representative, and Capt. Charles E. its first meeting in New York. a' Fe lite`I'r ruuu„•nt lut.r rnntlouu t'onuuferk ou of tills CunKret(kea of NnvigrtWuu,ttud for other im'mses, Clark, navy gepresentative.—Foraker re-elected 20. Lee Turner, Kentucky feudist, surrenders.— ed Istoi Junri'lti I.f1U2, 1 i Senator from Ohio; Gorman elected from Mary- Police Judge Porter Walker mortally wounds Soulless C 1 Fe [ 1 e- Ian( TWas hat frog Ill Mme (.'ha�,kr r 13(IH. Ari act to prnvlrlr+it t�otirinisston�o,.Vonro Plans axfd designs for a ntontiment or Pl iii and McCreary from Kentucky.—George H. Banker Alfred Witherspoon in a duel at Lawrence- Call that, tic nlarlaril 10 to tho invknory ul Alwilh tlrt Lllreoln,Tato 1 remiQent of tite United Htstes, [June 28 1002, 1 ops, Chicago grain speculatorstraits. , again in Rnan- burg, Ky. cls briFo( (,hapl(r.1;310. An act to provide, for lila orr•etion,at Prederle.kshurg Va.,of the montlnientto ci15, Patmos#er-General Payne 21. Ratifications of Hay-Pauncefote treaty, ex- a_ allnl Had the l visit the rnrntor}of l)en.Iingl►1i,rr,r.Lvhirli was oris rr+ Y sworn in.—Kansas changed. er tout Quest the IIc of should be erects+rh [Junrr'lfi 10u',; d by Congress oil the Atli dayof Apr!1,1777,and City Southern train held up and robbed near Spiro, 22. Senatore Tillman and McLaurin of South Car- oh 11 here. W ] ' ] I. T. olina come to blows during a senatorial debate.— 'eS 11 Fe Chapter 1,11111 An tint til ts,and Ily to provide for s,te a(uly 1,wtratipn of th(i ailairn of ciyll govern- 16. Earthquake in the Mexican state of Guerrero Seventy-first Regiment Armory and Park Avenue Ask they tic calls markt to the I'hlllpptuu Islam+,and for o ►r•r lir r>ses, Ju] 1 1802,] ad F3°unds ql I p p S' , razes a town and destroys many lives. Hotel, New York,burn;17 lives lost;property loss, her Can they Ill, Stat and elsewherr8�.,ulld formotherrpuir s(uisitm. sikion of train robbery in ills Torritarles of the UnitedStntes 17. Pan-American conference adopts both cpm- $1,000,000. Pierce t 1; I 17 p [.Tiny 1 '1802,] pulsory, arbitrary and the Hague agreement. 23. Prince Henry of Prussia lands in New York. y- r. de Can they; I:Ic a al; Joint Ite*,iolutlorl No.4. Joint rNsofutlott to Pay the expenses of the,Itnited States(government of : exhlhit•tit tbo Nuot.lt Carollna 1ntc+Lntat,r+sand West Indlat,Fxposttfen In thr e.ity O Cliarloston,Comn 20• Attempt of Colombiansu revolutionists to land 24. U. S. Supreme Court denies Securities Co.—in When ilii E y a force near Panama results in a naval battle; case of Minnesota vs. Northern Securities C — 'r- into: IIc rend of(Jhrtrlr'stun,�;tktto or tiont.h('kerutbisl,during the years 1fH)1 arui 1fNY1. [,January 21,1902.] Gen. Alban killed and two ships sunk. Senate Passes Philippine tariff bili.—Incendiaries �n O Ye sol ( Fe Joint Itnsolntion N 11, Joint resolutlon authorizln�and requesting the Prostdent to extoud to 24. Treaty with Denmark--for purchase of Danish blow up six Cripple Creek (Col, assay Clic or wall tilt'(iovc•roment att(1 people of J•'rktnc(• and to tit©fautlil(+x o Marshal r e Iiechamhean incl Dfnrquly _ ) Y o es.— n3 fetor Conscious IIc Aliss de f,sfUYette,an Invitation to join the dov(arnment and ponpie of the Urt[tod states in the<ied!critienof plosion near si Oskaloosa,asbiiIowan kills 22men. ex- Have members of one family murdered at Welsh, in Tell y C heln the mo or r , 25. Andrew Carnegie gives $300,000 to Cooper 27. Secretary oP State Hay delivers an eulogy 1 a 13e it yes IIc y sten, [1llareb 21,1J(P,] aw Z�Tlicn til+ a Fe .In the ,pent-Office Apliroprintdon net,�,rovlalon was made for the permanent organization and Union, New York.—„4t St. Louis, William A. of William McKinley in the House of Represent&- mine Lives a I Iii Vrot effective administration of tilt rural free-dr+ivory nervlro, Strother, colored bathhouse attendant, confesses Lives. m Ah! the I dA t Congress was in Hesston 211 dktys,during which about 20,000 bilis and resolutions were offered, to murder of millionaire Alexander D. Cooper. 28. Avalanche buries miners' bunk house near .at hear _Nature k ,To; Mr Anransr the gnipoctant bilis before(ringrons this Reston which fkttletl to pass were the Cuban 27• Explosion at a tunnel shaft in New York Telluride. Col„ with 75 men. i ne po 1 sank reciprocity lull,IiktMock low-tarifT bill, army roorganizkttb:in trill providin�forageneral statT out(. kills six persons and partially wrecks New York •e- tapes Jol meat bill Fncvice bill, krl banking bill ah defining cunspdracies and Ilm Inglniunetiuns,I)epart• Central station, a hospital and two large hotels.— Murch. yy, ilei 13o i li jyfa pure of bill,popular bill, hill to uclttitt(l�rinhotna, Arizcrkta,slid Nciw Mexico to the Union as States, St. Louis grand jury begins to hand down briber r• Senate passes Hansbrough Irrigation bill, rn, Aliss, the late H tV Mitre food bill,papular electlun of Senators bill Hillr,ping subsldp bill,fourteeu rscipr( Ity treaties, indictments in franchise ordinance case, y 5. Servian revolutionary attempt suppressed. ill be found y rttcttonal rurrenav bill,restrictlou of drnsnIg,ratlon !till,ApyalkLetiian fere preserves bill,bill forthe 28. Santos-Dumont makes two trips over the ba 7• British Gen. Methuen defeated, wounded and er. eking nrl, tar improvement of tlic Mktrine Iiospitttl tiorv[ce,rho anti-trust bills national baukrnptcy law changes, at Monaco on his dirigible balloon.—Senate passes captured by Boers near Wynburg.—President signs I�Iti bill providing for the,national arhdtmtlait of or disputes,the�at olial mtiitia bW. the, permanent census bill.—Galveston, Houston & usica 'Iter(, Iles the+ two] the bill to create the Department of. Commerce and San Antonio passerifier train wrecked near Sander tel I1 ho burst wh1 Ma �"—"�— -- Labor.—Dutch government, in behalf of Boers, son, Tex.; 13 lives lost. on Soup, makes overtures to Great Britain for peace. r� C'alleci froth lh� tr�• �''[� �Q**TTF S. President signs the Philippine tariff bill. .ed Ap Mbftr �U�¢ .Wl`LL 29. Dr. Daniel C. Gilman elected first President 10. Secretary of the Navy Long resigns, to take of a i She vhould hav Tax Cabinet will meetTue%daysand Fridays from 11 A.fit.until l r,R. lost Carnegieof a o ton tenemenWashington—Eleven lives effect May 1; 4loody accepts the fir. ars v house Y p portfolio.—Attor- St%natc)N and Itr•prerrentativo,4 will be recolved from 10 A.Df,to 12 m, excepting on Cabinet clays. 30.Biddle brothers, murderers, escape from conn- ney-General Knox tiles petition in United States a'nis r bearded roan 4 Visitors Ravin!;businena wait the President will be admitted from 12 tp 1 o'clock daily,exec tin t t at St. Paul against Northern Securities Co.— rn- Corr,t Seventh street, ' Cahinetdays<,no far kis public business will pormit, I'' P 6 y jail at Pittsburg with Warden Soffel's wife, Boston freight handlers strike. rs' td jcr The A.ast Doom will he Open daily,Suna s excepted,for the inspection of visitors,between the after overpowering guards.—House passes perman- 11. Prince Henry of Pussies sails for Germany. t tiro corner of a hours Of 10 A. at.anti.2 P.v. By direction of the President. 6leorge B.Cortelyou,Secretary. ant census bill. 12, Steamer Providence capsizes in Mississippi wy In a awn,y.task,and y. 31. Escaped Biddle brothers and Mrs. Soffel shot River near Lake Palmyra; 20 persons drowned. Case TO nth. A collision 1 ID ar escaped with a r .0.rJ a9 file 60 4. i at you'd g less fortunate, ,y ru w w p „ c a r 1.:l RECORD OF EVENTS,1902—Contin.2ted. An'doggedly row asho November. 23,<:urner-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- Deciarin''kit fate wuZ ag fight lr1�r horses ° rJ n i~ "t a, 1.The Ing, in Central Park, laid by Dr. Felix Adler.— it was useless to try nc kc for both biko 4 .0 u v 1' great American steam liner New York, a after undergoing repairs for Morris Pike stabbed to death, without provoca- But supposin'you see a n r ik G p year, leaves Erie Basin, tion, by Toniaso Sanfaletl on a Brooklyn Cross- driver,sympa- d co d ° 2, Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. with some bass,say a ed his damaged ill o W�� uc a °. ({; Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn.—Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox An'supposin'he'd sell'er �, :" a day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh st., what do you'spose yo, 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhorr but that don't ,•l.; °Cl tA o,-r; building, during which John Daly and Wm. Mc- and Protestant E. Bishop Grafton. Wouldn't,you kind o'sml ring to do about, r a G' o G, �y; c « Cormack, on trying to save the mailing lista, were 24. Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- d a y+ a overcome and suffocated to death, pital, South Brooklyn.—Hempstead's new and An'ca'tiously look allot r a 9. Greek Church, on Pacific st., Brooklyn, the handsome post office building opened for first Before you reached deep )T" '0 0 ?" repeated the P C~ F flrSt in New York, dedicated—Corner-stone of time.—Residence of Paul E. De Fere,686 St. Marks To haul your wallet,out IV rn m v to v~ Hp fir Evangelical Lutheran church at Corona, L, I., pl., entered while the family were downstairs de of the street. A a v G I laid.—Repair shops of the lighterage department and robbed of $1,500 worth. Au'wouldn't you lower y ru'd been on the p F �? ` } tally the destroyed b•Standard ilf3,e..a maoeng island City, to- 2,. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "Tilts,you knows,'twl K y g $26,000. 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Cath- Isn't that just th'way yo you boleti;'-- r, d w T 10. Fire on new Manhattan Bridge (No. 2) dam- arine of Alexandria, 41st Rt. and Fort Hamilton isn't that what you'd c you—if you visaged structure $00,000.—St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop McDonnell.—The new c ° I c � ized, on De,raw st. Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., now what you're Dull 'WITIo, 11. Explosion of gas An the cellar of 121 Avenue opened. An'then when down thro' Llint light; C, Manhattan, injures fort 29. Supt. Wm. F. Johnson, blind supt. of the y persons.—Brooklyn Your admlrin'friends, Dr Wirted floor Public School No. 136, new buildingon Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the Would stop to congratulal c was now tho r- Day and night, av, and Fortieth st., opened.—The new Chamber Board of Managers facing charges of grand and ✓ou chusl go pY of Commerce building, in Manhattan, dedicated petty larceny.—Police raid Forreslers' Hall at Furth secret of catohl, .d apt„—P4rtl¢nr1 Business had, by Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President 19th st. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information �l`ouldn't you tell'em fish Debts npprvis, Roosevelt, ex-Pres. Cleveland, Mayor Low. that it was a pool room; patrons go,free, but tele- 'At wuz only acquired b -- ---- 136str "ad, 12. Prince Henry'of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator is captured. Isn't that what you'd say Awful mess. n. :wSir Vincent Barringtoand other distinguished N. The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver Isn't that what you'd c 8• foreigners call on Mayor Low.—Blind negro non ay., about 8 A. M., was struck by British ship Boledoeu. Star. New iftrbI., preacher, W. P. Johnson, former manager of ----- -- ---- . Odison chains; the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. oma along Store bright, city his$6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1. Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop McDon- Pr OOf PC 7,ry fob yob song. 13ul3Aners gains. fer accepted. nell, in the new church building, on Jay st.—Big Dante and Virgil were si de sister dat got 15. Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm. Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand,” said th chin'foil de Pros'. IluyOrs comp, len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire. winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- has no fury litre a woman Fluty store, 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new dolled. - r Things hum, building, on Washington st., laid. 9. Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 years; 8 deg. above zero; That is Nk r1 true,"Vir1 b alldn'of her name More anti more, 20. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- i some just as ,00dl" fob de good news schools.—Lord Hawke's team of English crick- itabie societies that cannot be answered;many car The conclusion that till DPliglited boss•, eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand. lines tied up• ass once a gentternaniy st r' whip-poor-v✓llls Success in sight, —Ovation to Genl, Edward L. -Molineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- t jes'a few weeks Lays it to Post, G. A. R.; addresses by Genl. King and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.—All ale irresistible.—'t'ew Orleans 7 Electric Light.. others. vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail, only poem about a turtle now of is that entitled "Tho h - NERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 19 --Continued. Fish, Ni GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 19013-Continued. _ Now Y 9. House passes the anti-anarchy bill.-Burning 8. Strike against American Bridge Co. ordered. "im York C 14, Senate! ratifies The Vague convention tire- Company i'tcurpu'ated•--Tornado of a Chicago sanitarium wipes out 12 lives. 9. King Edward VII, of Great Britain crowned. 133 Ford, P »cribing rules of war. Glencoe, Tex., kill lnA ten persons. ton destroya 10. Dr. Patton resigns the presidency of Prince- 11. Justice Gt•ay of the United States Supreme assasai 17. Senate passes the shlplping bill.-Seven life 29. Danish Diet approves West Indies ton University and is succeeded by Professor Court retires and is succeeded by Judge Oliver ""-" Fornoy, savers and five seamen perish by the capsizing treaty providing that the inhabitants, ipurehase Wilson. Wendell Holmes,-Danish Landesthing elections a or of Goner of a lifeboat off Cape Coda seise, Consent to the sols of the islands, y plebs- 11. Colonel Lynch, Irish M. P., arrested in Lon. victory for the ministry and for sale of West In- lass., lerer, Faster, 1$, Republican House conference adopts the Sib- don on a charge of high treason,-House kills the dies to United States.-Organization of United 80. Tornado devastates Dacca and surrounding Corliss Pacific cable bill. u suss �' ley Cuban reciprocity compromise. towns In India; 416 lives lost,-Ten yyours States Shipbuilding Co. completed. seal, Fo 21. Senate passes the war revenue repeal bill and killed In a Philadelphia tohacca facing women 12. Deputies fire upon a crowd of strikers at Paw- 12. Intbrnational Harvester Company Incorporat- e the bill to protect the President. caused by a false alarm of lire. y Panic tucker R. I., with fatal result. d. N©w Teel in Fri 'l2. James Wilcox convicted at Elizabeth City, 13. House passes the irrigation bill. 13. American Bridge Company strike settled.- I e N. C., of the murder of Nell Cro,soy. May, 14.Bethlehem (Pa.) steel plant bought by the Japanese Island of Toroshima overtyhelmed by dam- "eil;u- Ga 24. Neely and Rathbone convicted of postal 1. Russian labor United States Shipbuilding Co. volcanic eruption; 150 lives lost. i p frauds in Havana. Peasantry from Moscow to 16. Temporary injunction against U. S. Steel Cor- 15. Powers turn over Tien-Tsin to the Chinese '-h 29, ver at Vladimir revolt. porar C'1a 2a. Vienna medical asatisftfes pranoUrlC@ Dr. �u- 1, Moro power crushed in the battle of Ba an,_ nenttby New Jersey Viceconversion Chancellor.rnmade perms- g16eFrank C. Andrews found guilty of misap- cop+al nitir I 126. Al cancer cure satisfactory, house Paasea antl-conspiracy and Cuban dt lo- ease, (xi' 26. Albert T. Patrick convicted in New York at P 17.Mayor Ames of Minnesota arrested on a bri- Plying funds of Detroit City Savings Bank, fi,at, X the murder of William M. Rice. ptotic and consular service bills bery charge. 17. Earthquake and landslide destroy 2 1' Cxi of 27, Congressional committc<a alilminted to Investi- lives lost in the burning of Laka enanache Japan. y 0 villages ger of taisocl 4. About I6 lives lo:tt In a waters P 18.Anarchists lead a mob attack upon silk in Trans-Caucasia, killing 700 persons. S Rate alleged bribery In Danlsh islands �purehase.- pout at Foss mills of Paterson, N. J. and (10 ltx Many hundreds killed In Hato at Ta-Ming-fu, and Cleary, Okla.-Santo Domingo surrenders to 1 20. Ten workmen killed by explosion of steel di- ;tuish rovolutionists. 9.Senate passes the Spooner substitute isthmian gesters at Wilmin ton, Del, 1 in China against levy of misttionary Indemnity tax. 5 Webb-Meyer syndicate embarrassment causes canal bill. 22. Parthgtiake at Tashkend, 'T'urkestan, destroys 'nras- (:r 29. Pour men killed on Black lie Creek, Kya, in 20. Illinois anti-trust law annulled in Chicago 1,000 lives, pion, ? v,; an attempt to capture Eph. Hatfield, who was ono failure of three New York brokerage houses.- by Judge Elbridge. 000 live Guidi a nical cru- the Western and of rite skirl. City of Baltimore sella the Western Maryland appointed Apostolic Delegate from 6. Railroad to the Fuller syndicate. y 22.Chinese cruiser Kai-Chi blows up in Yang-Tse the Pope to the Philippines.-Strike riots break Inca- 1 31. Explosion 1n a mine at Dayton, Tenn., kills 7. Eruption of La Soufriere volcano, St. Vincent out in Pennsylvania anthracite and West Virginia is its l;;r „ river, killing 150 men. 1 1 22 workmen. April. Island wipes out 2,000 lives. 23. At .Barnstable, Mass., Jane Tappan peon is ac- bituminous coal regions. Coll- re res $. 13t. Pierre, Martinique, destroyed by era quitted of murder. 30. Eruption oP Mont Pelee and tidal wave de- boart I. At Philadelphia, William Lane, colored, mar- Prion 24. Surgical operation on King Edward causes strOY 2,000 lives. y, at rn tiers his employer, Mrs. Ellen Furbush, and her of Mont Pelee; about 3&,000 persona perish on the island.-Novelist Naul Leicester Ford, New York, postponement of coronation. September. ve in r for li i'c, daughter, anti oat mIs another daughter.-Central murdered by his brother, Malcolm, who commits 26. Isthmian canal bill sent to the President.- 1, Excursion train wrecked near Birmingham, J.Y., Ilii 7' Pennsylvania coag miners strike, suicide. House passes Philippine civil government bill, Ala.; 30 killed, suss 2. ICfeveri Wheeling Councilmen indicted an bels- 28. DreiUund renewed.-Miss Jessie Morrison a at t 4 Cit a charges 9, United Mine Workers officials order anthra- 2. No choice for Governor in Vermont election. New o convicted at Eldorado, Kan, of second degree ' ire Cecil Rhodes' will, providing for American cite miners to suspend work pending popular vote 3. New comet discovered by Prof. Campbell at i on strike question.-Pres Sam of Haiti re- murder of Mrs. Olin Castle. Lick Observatory. tot is scholarships In Oxford University, and other re- tstice Il, sa markable benevolences made public.-Senate passes signs.-Oleomargarine act signed.-House passes 4. Norfolk & Western coal strike ends. went t , July. r h y r the oleomargarine bill.--Allied People's party of t•mnl us statehood bill, �.Pope confirms appointment of Rt, Rev, John �ff of lI+ t 10. United States government files in Federal 1. Congress passes finally the Philippine civil M, Farley to be Archbishop of New York. chs#il t the United States organized at Ildin villa,-Twelve Court at Chicago a bill In equity against government bill and adjourns sine die. 6. German hotels and a score of other buildings at Atlantic B pat the beef gunboat Panther sinks the Haitien scoop [i City burn; loss, $7s5U,000, combine. 2. Albert C. Latimer murdered in New York. gunboat Crete-a-Pferrot at Gonaives.-Wm, Bar- -p of that;, 1 wtu 11. Brazilian aeronaut Savro and his assistant 3. Harry Tracy, Oregon convict, escapes after tholin, murderer of his mother and his sweet- t ll+ 4, Macedonian revolutionlots Invade Turkey, killed 1n France b the Collapse oP their balloon, killing three men,-A Rock Island train held up heart, confesses his crime and commits suicide. l43), .sante- s iia Twenty-ane persons b killed and Glasgow, sgow, El in y and robbed near Midlothian, 111. 13. Many persons perish in Northern Pacific coast �t Ili r'g` an accident at a foot gall gams at Glasgow, Scat- --Revalutian breaks out In Haiti. land. 12. Explosions of oil tank cars at Sheraden, Pa„ 7• Chicago freight handlers strike. forest fires.-County jail at Butler, Pa., damaged lister lit zo i tit, 6. Steamer Camorta lost In cyclone off coast of near Pittsburg, kill 27 persons and injure 250 8, President Roosevelt proclaims general polio- by mob in vain attempt to lynch Jerry Bennett• others. cal amnesty and the establishment of civil ov- 15. Seventeen lives lost in Algoma mine explo- arian rder- t t India; 189 lives lost.-Will Reynolds, colored, shat ernment in the Philippines.-Trolley g serve IIT kt dead and burned at the stake at Tuscumbia, Ala., 1ti. Anthracite minerts vote to cat,tinue their PP Y collision at Sion near Bluefield W. Va. oft after shooting nine of a sheriff's posse. strike,--C ol, John Gaynor and Capt. W. D. Gloversville, N. Y., kills 15 persons. 16. Speaker Henderson declines renomination to 'rosi- 'i Clreeno, who forfeited ball at Savannah, arrested 10. Explosion of firedamp in Cambria Rolling Congr'ess.-Nicholas Fish, New York banker, dies early Ili lir 7, Mouse passes the Chinese ped by bill, at.Quebec, Mill mina near Johnstown, Pa., kills 112 men. from Injuries received in a saloon.-News of Iva 11, $. Manchurian cable nvention signed by Rands.ussia and � 12. Lake Shore'Twentieth Century train runs six Lieut. Peary's return from his Arctic expedition its of II, China.-1?seine cable finished to Fial Islands. 18, Report of the I resbyterian creed revision a tit 9, President Roosevelt publicly presents a sword committee presented to the General Assembly and miles at the rate of 90 miles an hour. reaches the United States. an of the Il; dr? to Maj. Micah J. Jenkins at Charleston, S. (`.- adopted on the 22d, 13. Lord Salisbury resigns the British premier- 17. Secretary of State Hay appeals to European nttie, Gins, King Leopold of Belgium mobbed by Brussels t7. King Alfonso proclaimed reigning sovereign ship and is succeeded by A.J. Balfour. Powers against persecution N Jews York, Roumania. �. of Spain.-Part of Lisbon destroyed by a confla- 14. Campanile of St. Mark's cathedral, Venice, 18. Mrs. Annie Pulitzer, New York, murdered tsto t j1 A, xaclalfets.•-National hardware and Metal Co. or. 1 p n, Iliatn ganlzed; capital, $120,000,000.-Miss Carrie M. Jen- gration,--Four whites and three negroes killed in falls, and thrown Mto a New Jersey canal, Vb est 'Virginia in an attempt to arrest Will 15. Gates' corn corner collapses. 19. Sverdrup's Norwegian polar expedition re- land, I1. Al nett murdered In Detroit by her music teacher, P turns.-New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals d' lyttas yt la 1'rof. Joseph M. Miller. Rk-hardson, colored, who perishes in a burning 16. Powder explosion in a mine at Park City, dissolves injunction against U. S. Steel Corpora- hing- II, W. Five men killed In a fight between otticers house. Utah, kills 35 men.-Twenty-Pour blocks in Guaya- rP tvicen and the Wright-Torn)leton band of outlaws, 18, Goliad, Tot•, almost destroyed by a tornado; quit, Ecuador, burn; loss, $3,000,000; many lives bon's stock conversion scheme.-Panic e a col- r IIS vi 1 ored church at Birmingham, Ala., where Booker jour- ticrtc x „f 11, Strikers and gendarmes fight a battle at 100 lives lost.-Anarchist plot to kill the King of destroyed. Charleroi, Belgium. Spain discovered. 17. Capsizing of a sail boat oPf New Hampshire T. Washington was speaking, kills 115 persons. ell 10, a leo persons,-Josh Anderson, white 23. Henry Phipps, jr,, of Pittsburg, contributes ire- cat°" d f.t, cafj 12. Maas Waller argWtted at Manila. 19, United States Steel Corporation stockholders coast drowns 14 $100,000 to Boer relief fund.-Vandalia Railroad 16, President Roosevelt, through Secretary Root, approve tits stock conversion scheme.-Gas ex- wife murderer, lynched at Owensboro, Ky.-Will- placed under a receiver. Lou- rl:. Il, ; orders tnvestlgatton of charges of barbarity al- plosion in Fraterville and Thistle coal mines, lam Odey, negro, burned at the stake at Clayton, 25 Cyclone and tidal wave ewes r bill a 10,red to have been committed by army officers in Tenn., kilt 217 persons.-Near Hastings, Fla.,Wm. Miss. p Sicily, destroy- C. de- y Austin kills his sweetheart, 4 others and himself. 20. Twelve lives destroyed in and near Baltimore Ing 520 lives. .s b ,ti 11+ a the Phidect. Gen Central rumen ero his ilnera' y 26. Resignation of Ambassador White to Ger- i ro strike sndetf.--•Glen. Mahar rurrsndera itis Flllpino 20• Ftepublir. a[ Cuba begins indepenc]ont exist- by a whirlwind. intoe Ili command.--M, Stpta In, Russian Minister of the enae with inauguration of President Palma,-Beef 21, Excursion steamer Primus wrecked in col- many causes general promotions among American tit', i combine temporarily enjoined, lisfon with a tug in the riy.yr Elbe, Germany; envoys to European capitals.-Warrants issued for Iegic w Interior,Se, aasasslnate ician, Y Y+ Ili 22. Explosion 1n tt mins at Ferrite, B. C., kills 60 persons drowned. arrest of Laura Biggar, Dr. C. C, Hendrick and t b ltii 16, Senate passes the Platt Chinese excittalan Samuel Stanton on a charge of cons ho bill.--Barracks at Managua, Nicaragua, blown up, lti0 men. 24. Two negro murderers of Chief of Police Wil- piracy w T, at Hi 24. Roehambeau statue in Washington unveiled, moth lynched at Womelsdorf, W. Va. connection with the Bennet will case in New was kllllnfl' 140 soldiers. t Vi 1"7. Presbyterian creed revision committee cam- -Mine strike ordered in Virginia and West Vir- 29. Several persons seriously or mortally wound- Jersey. Orleans street car strike be mioal ttl lit F pletelt Its r Gort. ginfft. ed in Republican primary riots in and near Cam- gins.-Tom ;,bra- cls don_ 19, J. P. Morgan affects a combination of ocean 27. Ohlle and Arhentina sl p g Clark, colored murderer, burned at the stake at sign a peace treaty.- den, N. J., including Jae Goddard, the u ilist. heart ,T+? jlaRouse passes the immigration bill, 30. Fatal mine strike riot breaks out at Shen- Corinth, :bliss. Httiente d o repeal rscitial ld bill to eflne(± 29, Secretary Shaw releases $30,000,000 bank re- 1 1+ _ 27 Shen- man .+amended to repeal dth'erential dot on refined 30. In a Memorial Day address at Arlington tem- andoah, Pa. taros- Jo y etery, President Roosevelt defends the arm in 31. One hundred and twenty lives destroyed by serve money to relieve the monetary stringency. _ ho sugar and passed,-Quezaltenango, Guatemala, y -Typhoon and tidal wave near Yokohama, Japan, Kass., 1- 1 destroyed b an earthquake. the Philippines. a mine gas explosion at Wallongong,Australia. I3 Y Y q destroy 600 lives. :.0 81. Boer leaders sign articles of surrender, end- 20.20, St,amer City of Pittsburg burns In Ohio Ing the South African war.-United Presbyterian August. 30. National Salt Co. placed under a receiver. aking, River above Cairo; 63 lives lost, General Assembly rejets the "New Covenant." 4. Sixteen convicts escape from prison at Nash- October. the tw 21. First Moro rebellion breaks out In Mindanao vibe; one killed, two recaptured. uaicai �rOiI 1. International Mercantile Marine Co., capital Taland.-John Da Rockefeller gives $1,1o0,o00 to the June• 6. Cuban Senate passes the loan bill.-Ambassa- whil So cause of education in the South. 1. Eruption of a Bolivian volcano destroys two dor White at Berlin resigns. Co.-Inde, succeeds the International Navigation iss��ed all da to tbi 25, harry Iloward acquitted of complicity in the villages and 75 lives. 6. Harry Tracy, fugitive outlaw,commits suicide with Independent Window Glass Co., organized murder o Gov. Goebel of Kentuelc with a capital of $,000,000, t a bite, I lute Y• 2.Republicans carry Oregon except for Governor, in the Lake Creek country, Wash.-United States 2 Fourteen persons killed by an explosion in Drs wuz gettin' 26. Fessenden's system of wireless telegraphy -Rioting breaks out between Chicago police and Cigar Company organized.-Fifteen workmen and Lawson mines, Wash. )'nlght; - successfully tested at Norfolk, Va., in presence of packing house strikers, trainmen killed in a railroad collision near Mar- 3. Conference at the White House between an - man government officials. 3, Senate passes the Philippine civil government shalltown, Iowa. thracite coal operators and United Mine Workers' 'ort tho't of yet; reef, 27. French ministry win general elections by re- bill. 7. Gas explosion in a mine near Trinidad, Col., ofiicfals ends in failure. id jeer at you; wr of dared majority. 5.Pope receives Governor Taft of Philippine Isl- kills 13 men. 4. R. M. Snyder convicted of municipal bribery 1n a case lilts t and 28. Oleomargarine and Chinese exclusion bills ands. se you'd dot' sent up to the Preoldent.-United States Copper 6. Combes organizes a French ministry. go There n0w."-P1af1ade1phia Press. felon RECORD OF EVENTS,1902-Continue - --_~- With Wal,we'll say at you'd give It up nate. ,y _T757 M d. An'doggedly row ashot'e, u w to rL ii J Declarin''at fate wuz aa'In you so arSPA `O ° bo ra us n? a November. Corner-stone of Ethical Culture schools build 0 .. U i a' 1.The great American steam liner New York, ing, in Central. Park, laid by Dr. Felix .idler.- It was useless to try no more; bilin t} - - �- .� '� c after undergoing repairs for a year, leaves Erie Morris Pike stabbed to death, without Ixovoca But,supposin'you see a man on the O„', t sa Basin, tion, by Toniaso Sanfaleti on a Brooklyn Cross ea S �. o 'N : 2, Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. With some bass,say a dozen or t p a til 1, +� Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn.-Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox An'supposin'he'd hell'em to vett ft aged U, o p°� b w F• e v. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh at., What do you'spore you'd do? 4 day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. v ra v �; so,, Gw C 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon don't x'i Q, o til 4 to a b_ building, during which John Daly and Wm. Me- and Protestant E. Bishop Grafton. kind o'smile at him, about, 1 r" t=�' d w f.�~; ' ° . Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24, Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- Wouldn't Jou e sM , � overcome and suffocated to death, pital, South Brook]yn.-I-lempstead's new and An'ca'tiously took about, 9. Greek Church, on Pacific st., Brooklyn, the handsome post office building opened for first Before you reached deep down In 3 a r first in New York, dedicated-Corner-stone of time.-.Residence of Paul E. De Fere,GSG St. Marks To haul your wallet out? idthi; 1;7 1 meq... t9 a Evangelical Lutheran church at Corona, L. I., Pl., entered while the family were downstairs k. flu'wouldn't you lower your voice 1 ;trent. °� °'d e �i�+ I laid.-Repair shops of the lighterage department and robbed sl nd B worth. �7.» ro w of the Standard Oil Co„ in Long Island City, to- 25. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm, "This,you knows.'tiviat me art' in rites = c. :-� 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Cath- Isr1't that just th'way you'd act; tally destroyed by fire; damage $E5,000, artne of Alexandria, 41st st. and Fort Bamilton Isn`t that what you'd do? g"•--- 6'. F r.q 10. Fire on new Manhattan Bridge (No. 2) dam- �u voa aged structure $50,000.-St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop McDonnell.-The new Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., iz11. x osion o st. opened. An'tiren when down thro'th'streets Dull ritiE,zs+, 11. Explosion of gas in the cellar of 121 Avenue 29. Supt. Wm. F. Johnson, blind supt.t• of the they'd 1 you're I)im light,, C. Manhattan, injures forty persons.-Brooklyn P Tour op to n'friends,as DAAerted floor Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the *cold stop to congratulate you an' vthor- Day and night. ay. and Fortieth st., opened.-The new Chamber Board a Managers facing charges er grand and go ply of Commerce building,pin Manhattan, dedicated petty larceny.-Police raid F`Orresters' Iia11 at Fut th'secret of catching base. oro ply 13uslness bad, by Rev, Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President 19th st, and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information Wouldn't You tell'em flshtn'wuz kt that it was a pool room;patrons go free, but tele- At wuz only acquired by a f tut Debts*oppretin. Roosevelt, ex-Pres. Cleveland, Mayor Low. Bods pati, 12. Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph Operator is captured. lsn`t that what you'd say note? Sir Vincent Barrington and other distinguished 30. The oid Newtown Creel: drawbridge at Ver- Isn't that what you'd do?. Awful meld. foreigners call on Mayor Low.-Blind negro non ay., about 8 A. M., was struck by British ti akton.ad preacher, W. F. Johnson, former manager of ------- ------ ------�-- Nr.w limbi, ship Boledieu, the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. 1Sroi t ritalna; , city his $6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1.Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop McDon- PY'oOR PoSit$�'E? .torn nersbright, h song. Bualnena .sines fee accepted. pelf, in the new church building, un Jay st.-Big Dante and Virgil were strolling th dat got 15. Cedarmere• the former residence of Wm, Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand," said the Florent ll kc,Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire. winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- has flar fluyErs carni nJ• l[G a tvoma;a scorned.:le fros'. Busy store. l19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new doped. That is vi rl W uc:,"1"trgli replied; Thinf;d hunt, building, on Washington st., laid. 9. Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 years; 8 deg. above zero; 1r name Mo1A and mat r, 30. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- some just as goodl" )d news Moro Hawke's team of English crick- itable societies that cannot be answered; many carI The conclusion that the.author of eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand. lines tied up.for-wills D"li>;hted hnsn, -Ovation to Genl. Edward L. Molineux by Grant 12. John Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- Gas one e a grrrGlemarly salesman u Stir.,r.esg In slght, Post, G. A. R.; addresses by Genl. Ki ng and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.---All ele irresistibleNe Orleans Times-Der. v weeks Lips it to others, vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. Eleetric Light. -, ---- -- -- ----- only poem ages} a` 18 GENERAL CHRONOLOGY C)i+' �) s that e C,u,ttirieced, - H in St.-Louis.-Circus elephant at N]jn1 Novgorod, 50 persons,-British steamer Elingate wrecked off Ffah,Ni Russia, runs amuck in the streets and kills 28 the Australian coast;96 persons missing,-premier New persons. Sagassioned a of Spain resigns, but is at once comn3is- beach ROIL of X90 ", 133 York 14. B, Entire Pennsylvania division of the. National stoned to form a new cabinet. Ford, p s 1 Guard ordered to the anthracite region. 11. New York Chamber of Commerce dedicated,- assasaf 17. S. General strike of French Coal miners ordered.- In New York, VIo]ineux acquitted of murder. ^??QQ^ � or of Forney, save General strike ordered in Switzerland.-Attempt to 14, Pennsylvania Railroad increases wa es 10 per UeCOrt o b�1tf ��t 9Q3. [ass,, Goners of a run cars in New Orleans provokes a riot in which cent. g oral, Footer, I 18. several persons are shot. 15. Attempt made to assassinate Kin Jan, i The Ger titin]es of the coronation Dunbar Apri130. Dedication of the Loui lana Purchase EIoar. 7' ley g, Interstate conference to consider the kills, li Belgium,-Persian town of Resht burns; at.Delhi,India,continued. Exposition$uildings at St.Louis took place with New Fo 21. Gita strike assembles in Detroit,-four men killed lives lost, Jan,17, The (;arinan imposing I the bi in a feud fight at Eldorado, Ark. 20. Gen. Herrera, g herded a Venezuelan as ganbaat Panther bony- Ma g ceremouiee. eIIator Fr: J 22. J 10. Crown Prince of Siam arrives in New York.- a treat of Columbian revolutionist, signs y 1. King Edward.was received,at Paris b Dam- 3 ent N. C., At Homestead, Pa., Charles Cawley, while de- y Peace.-Union and Sharon steel corn- ,3an.22- The Panaula Canal Treaty between the President Laubet and the French people, Y panics ennsolidate, May 8. The Russians reoocu ted file Province rZ an h29• Ga ,T 24. N mooted, kills his mother, brother and two staters, 21, Godfrey Hunter, Jr., s United States snot Colombia was signed, p I Poe frauds 11. Three masked men hold up soil rob a Pacific minister,Godfrey on oP the United States Jan,23. Col. Arthur T,ynch was found guilty of troops.Chang,Manchuria,with a large force of esman, copal p Cit William Fitzgerald at Guatemala high treason in England ih figlltin for the Boers, May L. A bill muzzlin the ease, g Y 1 J layski' Coast Ex noxa train near Lincoln, Neb, y.-Pope issues all g g press was oigned by N.C. Gi 26 13. .At a White House conference, anthracite the study of Scri noycand letter, uencouraging ndrob Jan,24. United States and Great Britain signed Governor Pennypacker,of Pennsylvania, ;er of operators, represented by J. 1 Morgan, agree to a Rock Island passenger*_ hold a and rob a treaty Providingfor a mixed commission to settle didate i the m arbitration with striking miners.-MM, de Brad- p ger train near Davenport, Ia. the Alaskan Bounary dispute, ins f tfie President of a(monument toth lay- Strat- and 22. Seventy million dollar• steel combine organ- 2 Gf of i 27, sky and Morin, French aeronauts, dashed to death ized In Austria, g Jan. 7. John D.Rockefeller's gift of 7,000,000 and Clarke,at Portland,Ore, a gate a bv- fall of their airship. 24. Strike riot breaks out in Havana, $ May 24. French and Spanish N.H' GI ]n Many to}>e used in research tuberculosis serum.was tiered the automobile race from Parra to d- �1nas- ] in China, 14. International Court of Arbitration decides 27, Four states quarantined for foot and mouth announced. discontinued; 6 persons had been killed and many i Ct the Pius fund case against Mexico.-Three aged disease.-Siam adopts the isor of Gr �• F; brothers named Leach, near Rochester, 0., at- gold standard, Jan.27. Fifty-two insane female injured. mica. an att 29. International Board of Arbitration decides the Patients were 5 tacked by six burglars; one brother kills three sealing burned to death at the Colney Latch Asylum,Lon- MaY 25. General Mannings British troops de- Plain_dilcn- G and of the, assailants and g controversy in favor of the United States don;England• feated the Mad MullM ill Somaliland, puts the others to flight.-Steamer and against Russia,-Steamers Charles Hebard and Feb. 13.• Great ;Britain, Gerrnanv, and Italy GI Ta 223wor C. B.-Lockwood founders in Lake Erle off Ashta- Bannockburn dashed to piecFs b May 28, The Presbyterian General Assembly ;©nater Con- J btaa; ten lives lost. Superior; 33 sailors lost. y a gale on Lake signed protocols providing for the settlement of the formally enacted amendments to the Confession of heart IL 16. Roosevelt's strike -arbitration commission Venezuelan controversy,at Washington, Faith. Feb,8. rep L At accepted by President Mitchell of the United 1. Con December. Feb. 14. The President signed the bill creating rrasaY30.laS. hardens,s(ta a of General Sherman Ler cor-ve in mel tiers h gress assembles.-Actor Harry Johnstone Department of Commerce ono Labor. clan ht Mine Workers, who calls a miners' convention the De Y• � 5' for. shoots and kills actress Kate Hazlett in Philo tug.19, g to consider it.-Prof. Pickering of Harvard tits- Feb. 19, The ' p Z Pennsy covers, in the total eclipse of the moon, conflrma- delphia. May 31. Over 200 ersone were drowned and 8,000 itician, point note of the European powers rendered homeless by floods at Topeka, Kan_; New 2' EI tion of his theory that the bright area in crater 2 Merger of malleable iron companies completed regarding Macedonian reforms was delivered to about property was destroyed. rnthro- ery ch Lirne is caused b hoar frost, in Detroit. p I $4,000,O003yorth of pro 3. Ce y 3. Cannon's bill to pay ex Feb.26-28. Protocols were signed June 1. Great loss of life and damage to pro 9. ustioa J• scholar 17. U. S. Packing Co, (beef combine)incorporated pensee of the Anthracite geed at Washington city from tornado at CUalnesville,Ga. in dis- in New Jersey.-Great but indecisive Venezuelan Strike Commission unanimously passes the house, for the settlement of tine French, Mexican,_and June b. President Roosevelt returned to Wash- 13 alio marka -Col. George W. Streeter and other Chicago lake Dutch claims against Venezuela. of of battle at La Victoria ends.-In New York Wm. C. g logien from his Western trip, 28. J the of front squatters convlieted of manslau H. true Turner shoots dead Albert Hamilton of Pittsburgp y ghter.-Epis- March 11. The Cuban Senate ratified the Reci- ' June 6, A cloudburst at Clifton, S, C.,resulted d pub-Pn a[ d the Un co al Synod of Springfield, Ill., votes in favor of procity Treaty with the United States, ton hotels and o i Mallard, glass bottle manufacturers, changing the denominational name to "Tho Ameri- in a loss of 50 lives and in darns a to ]E F Cit b and commits suicide. can Catholic Church of the United States,'-E Y was ratified by $3,500,000, g property to inated, Y March 17. Panama Canal Treat the caztent of was 4, M 18. Bridge over the Golden Horn, Constantino- x- a vote of 73 toy by the United States Senate, June 11. The Kin and (43), FI g ple, collapses; 100 lives lost. Plosion on the steamer Progreso in San Francisca assassinated at liel$rgrlde, l?�eternK ra civic were Iowa, 5. T harbor kills 11 men, March 19. The $8 an ace 19. J. Younger, former outlaw, commits suicide 4, Fourteen p Y Y Senate ratified the Cuban Reci- was proclaimed kin georgevitch mater H at Minneapolis. guests perish in Hotel Lincoln fire, rocit treat with aniendnients, I king'by the conspirators.who were land, p Chicago. 0. The het mainly army officers, p rer,St. the g 20, King Oscar of Sweden, as arbitrator, decides 8, Explosion of March 2 height of the Mississippi River at June ls, I he Servian National Assembly offered arias H• F the Samoan bombardment dams a case in favor gas in South tiVilltesbarre (Pa.) New Orleans, 19.8 feet, was the greatest ever the crown to Peter Karageorgevitcll and he ac- 5 Ind mine destroys 17 lives, esman, kill des, of Germany- 9. known. cepted,assuming the title of Peter I. rosi- H eau aft 21. Anthracite miners' convention accepts arbi- Combined British and German fleet seize the F tration by presidential commission and declares Venezuelan squadron at La Guayra. March 2b, Mr, Wyndham,Chief Secretary for June 15. Cloudburst at Reppner,Ore.;500 peo- '.k'Sol- H ll, 7-" 11. New Wooster (0.) universit Ireland,introduced the Irish Land Bill into the plc lost their lives; damage to property more than l3 We 8_ the strike off.-At a railroad camp near Pitts- Gated.-Nile dam at Assouan open y buildings dedI. House of Commons. $1,000,000. r,New r' Chi burg, Dr, 1✓llis A, Duncan of Louisville shootsed, March 26, The New YorkLegislature passed the June 21. The Textile an of H th 9, Bruce Head, contractor's chief bookkeeper.-Amer- bill for the$1o0,000,000 Canal Improvement, in Lowell hills at an end,the sttrikers lost$1 300,- v York, mitis, to loan Glucose annex factory, Chicago, burns with Cab and Baggage Transfer Rates, March 30, A strike of textile workers at Lowell. 000 in wages, II tine him 12 men. The legal rates of cab and coach fare are as i mag- )sten, F+ 22, Danish landesthin b tie vote, rejects the g began. June 22, The.District of Columbia Grand Jury Nov 7 J3 Avr sect g> Y j The (a carriage seating two persons inside be- April 1. President Roosevelt started on his indicted A.W.Machen,the Groff brothers and Mr, sno ^land gan West Indieo sale treaty.-Flammarion demon- in considered a cab, and one sectio p• Lorenz on the char ger, F g g more than ZYestern tri and Mrs, charge of conspiracy to de- g hair nett strates before a Paris audience, by experiment, two a coach): fraud the Government by postal frauds, the rotation of the earth. April 7. King Alexander of fieat L.Otintyy. rvia suspended June 22. Investigation was begun in matter of iashua, ,hing- bri; Prof.` 29. Northern Pacific p Cabs, by distance, one mile or less.,.....,....$0.50 ]i p 10. passenger train held u and Each additional half mile or any part thereof. 25 t A ril 9. The United States Court of A ton Nn J®d States S1lfpbuilding Company at Tren- 3awaii jour- vfs and th robbed and engineer killed near Bear Mouth, Mont, For any stop over five minutes, for every PIP- Glared the Northern Securities Company burns George White, a negro murderer, was , H 11. 25. Attorney-General Knox report$ to the Preai- teen minutes or fraction June 22. Geer '01110. 25 illegal. d at the stake in Wilmington,g pstead, -. (re- ofd Charle dent that the Panama Canal Co.'s title is valid.- Cabs, by time, for one hour or less............1,00 Del. If 12., At the Tuberculosis Congress in Berlin Prof. Koch Each additional half .tour or April 10, The Moro fort, at Bacalod, Philip- UnJune ited States arThedEtropean Squadron of the srmont. ,Lon- cai; part thereof.... 00 pines, was captured by a force under Ca tato a Kiel,and was received by F 15, maintains •his position regarding the non-trans- Coaches, by distance, one mile or part thereof.1.00 frrehin p H Sts, orde. ferability of animal tuberculosis•to man. Each additional half mile or part thereof,..... 50 g' the flerman Emperor. nqa lege 27. Cuba returns commercial treaty unratified and For stop over flue minutes in trip, for every April 14. EX-President Cleveland addressed a Wyo.,k lied over Zoo e a coal aline,Hoar Hanna, ralys1s, r de - H of the asks for better terms.-Gen, Uribe-Uribe, Colum- fifteen minute or fraction meeting in New York in the interests of Southern Jul I. Bulgaria appealed People. y inter, ""•' "• 40 udustriaP education. Y g H roa, strike' bion revolutionist Ieader, surrenders.-Catholic For coaches, by time, one hour or less........I.50 ipealed tothepowerstocom- F comm Church of the Philippines (independent)organized. Each additional half hour or part thereof.,., 75 April 19-20. Massacre of dews at Kishineff, Pet Tlarkey(to withdraw©d to from the frontlet Senator war! Interio 29. Vice Chancellor Emory of New Jersey again For line balls, one or two passengers, $2 for first Russia. ' two 9isease, ician, H h[ie T6. S enjoins the U. S. Steel Corporation's bond scheme, mile or less; each additional mile or part thereof April 20. Andrew Carnegie naval ettlodtations,and government of the Isle of Pines in Ooa- 'i•, at H bei bill._; this time on anew point. $1; each additional passenger, 50 cents. erect a Temple of Peace for rlieaHa$1'500 000 to July 4. Completion Torres - F killf 31. Last-section of British Imperial cable com- No hackman shall demand more than the legal Arbitration, Bus Court of P etion of the Pacific cable, Preai- mical pleted at Fiji Islands. rates of fare or charge for one stop not over five dent Roosevelt.sent the first message over to Gov H Vic I7 Apri121. Striking ernor Taft,of the Philippines. ss,New F pletec j November. minutes long in a single trip. No hack shall be tiered to return in workers in Pennsylvania or- another message arounthe world via cable,ttime heart J< den 18. J., driven by the time rate at a pace less than five grievances b pending adjustment of being 12 minutes. �, jour- J( 1. Mgr. Falconio, Apostolic Delegate to Canada, miles an hour. One piece of baggage, not over y a joint conciliation board. July 6, President Loubet was entertained in tates- J< san ariendE promoted to similar office at Washington. fifty Pounds in weight, shall be carried without April23. Tnskegee Institute.Alabama,received I']ngland. 7hurch he sugar i 3. Lebaudy's airship successfully tested in extra charge. Additional baggage shall be charged agiftof$600,000from Andrew Carnegie. July 16. Russia refused to receive or consider Mass.' destroy^France.-Laura Biggar surrenders to authorities for at the rate of 25 cents per piece. Apri127. King Edward beoarlle tile guest of Kin the Kishitteff petition from America, U.S.A. H 20. S a-t Freehold, N. J. All disputes as to distances and Pares can be Victor Emmanuel at iZome, July 20.Pope Leo XIII,died. eking, x to River 4. Republicans elect a majority of Congress and settled by Chief of Bureau of Licenses, Room 1, g City Hall, Manhattan, or by captain or sergeant April 27. The United States Supreme Court sus- were w21. receivEdward IrelandQueen Ale. n•John 2a F carry most of the Northern States.-Fireworks ex- tained the clause in the Alabarna Oonstitution dfa- July 21.The House of Oommons passed thearish nder )2 usical s th$ t Island. Plosion in New York City kills 15 men and boys,- of nearest police station. franchieing the neYroea. �t vrls cause Hale Johnson once Prohibition nominee for Vice land bill,by a vote of 31?to 30, om till SO 25 B President, shot dead by Harry Davis at Bogota, The equestrian statue of Major Gen. Henry War- "R'il yotl murder,Ill.-Alan G. Mason arrested in Boston on charges ner Slocum, erected by the State of New York on dn't got a bll ld have asked the nerwI 26 �? of assault and murder of young women, the battlefield of Gettysburg, was unveiled by Gov. 3' arrived summer boarder. �"Suppoa n h'shredders wu --- Slice 7, Ground broken for new Pennsylvania capitol. Odell Sept, 18, 1902. He was attended by his staff "I will If ye want me to," replied the station � An'it vcas a-corrin'nigh man gove 8. Reciprocity treaty with Newfoundland signed. and fifty survivors each of the N. Y. State regi- loung�•r, 9upposin' 'at then you the treat, 27.• A 9. All Bolivia proclaimed under a state of siege. ments belonging to the Twelfth and Twentieth "I shall have to ask you for explicit directions Who would laff and jeer ter of d 10. Earthquake at List, South Russia, entombs Army Corps. because I've never been there before." �What would you do In a c, and "Goshl I l.nOly thilt, xoom' yc're determined to What do you s'pose You lislon go there now '- Phfladrlphia Press. L with a wal,we'll say at you'd g•]v .nate" ,. RECORD OF EVENTS,1902•_-Continued. An'doggedly row ashore w V 1.The great American Ste rn liner New York, Ing, inCentralParof k tlaidlby Dr.eFelix.Adlr.build- It was useless to t .orae, � � � � ? '� o after under cin r • Morris Pike s a a ate lir.ag'it d bike �, c t _, c g g epairs for a ' But suln osinf you s ev no e �� year, leaves Erie stabbed to death, without provoc, pp see a ma Basin, tion, by Tonraso Sanfaleti on a Brooklyn Cross- S mpa- ►'" -- c - 2. Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' with some bass,say a dr ,� � town car. triaged 7 a-'�--�- +c 0 Universalist•Church and Chapel, Brooklyn,-Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox An'supposin'he'd sell'em day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh st., what do you'spose you' _ 8, Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon don't � c�; 3 r `!? r~ 4- ' building, during which John Daly and Wm, Me- and Protestant E. Dishop Grafton. Iyn3tidn't,you.find o'smile about y ~ `"c cA- x a,,tz-' L Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24• Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- N a �' Q c tri overcome and suffocated to death. pita., South Brooklyn.-Hempstead's new and An'ea'tlataslY look about ,ed the tF y = 9. Greek Church, on Pacific St., Brooklyn the handsome post office building opened for first Before you reached deep d first in New York, dedicated-Corner-stone of time.-Residebee of Paul E.De Fere,686 St. Marks To haul,your wallet out' tz-in `" w R �•C •C! 8�� Evangelical Lutheran church at Corona, L. I., Pl,, entered while the family were downstairs street. p La- i o I laid.-Repair shops of the lighterage department sad robbed of $1,000 worth. 4n'wouldn't you lower yeti s ?'~ ` i" ° •* i 25. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "This,you knows, 'twial on the _ x r1 o oP the Standard OiP Co., in Long Island City=, to- 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Cath- isn't that just th'way you » ` ;- p ? �; tally destroyed by fire; damage $:0,000. 7o °•- `' z c.c a �, ti w. 10. vire on new Manhattan Bridge (No. 2) dam- arilte of Alexandria, 41st St. and Fort Hamilton Isn't that what you'd de 'au N1082 4k = K;^ t,°» o _ = =: aged structure $50,000.-St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop McDonnell.-The new Dull aktere, ized, on Degraw St. Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., s you're 11. Explosion of gas in the cellar of 121 Avenue opened. An'then when down thro'tl Dim light; C. Manhattan, injures forty persons.-Brooklyn 29. Supt, Win. F. Johnson, blind suet, of the )-our admlrhi'friends,as Deserted floor Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the Would stop to congratulate W then- vas and night. ay. and Fortieth St., opened.-The new Chamber' Board of Managers facing charges of grand and stir th'secret of catohinf to pr B,ustness had of Commerce building, in Manhattan, dedicated petty larceny.-Police raid Forresters' Hall at 'vrtland pebtza oppress, by Rev, Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President 19th St. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information Wouldn't you tell'em iislitr Roosevelt, ex-Pres. C'''leveland, Mayor Low. that it was a pool rcoin; patrons go free, but tele- At wur.only acquired by ---"-- )3o1es sad, 12. Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator is captured. Isn't that what you'd say n Awful mess, Sir Vincent Barrington and other distinguished 30. The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- foreigners call on g g non ay., about 8 A. M., was struck b British isn't that what you'd de New light, Mayor Low.-Blind ne ro Y ship Boledieu, preacher, . Johnson, former manager of Edison mltlns; W. F the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers'to the December. 'roof PO; oh Song. stere bright city his$6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1.Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop :4lcDon- dat got Business gains, fer accepted. hell, in the new church building, on Jay st.-Big Dante and 171rgil were str Suytrs corns, la'. Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm, Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand," Bald the de fros'. Busy storeRoslyn, partially destroyed by fire. winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- has no fury- like a ti*oinatl e More 19, Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new cloned. "That Is ter name' amTliinre hum, building, on Washington st., laid. 9, Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 years; 8 deg, above zero; VirgIl and more. 30. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- sonie just as soodl" Thal[s cry true, rod nous schools.-Lord Hawke's team of English crick- stable societies that cannot be answered;many car DPlfrhtcd br.,s�, g The coitcitision that fife oor-wills eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand. Iines tied u Success in s]^tit, p' vi us once a gf ntienianfy rnl Lays it to � -Ovation to Genl, Edward L. •:vlolineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- 1 ;iv weeks Post, G. A. R.; addresses by Genl. King and signs his office to take effect Jan, 1, 1903.-All ole- tirresistible-Nem Orleans Ti Electric Light. others, vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. a.. tie w poem abou GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 190'2—Continued. Gv of is that e tri St.-Louis.—Circus elephant at Nijnt Novgorod, 60 persons,—Brltlsh steamer Elingate wrecked off`1l Fish,Nit Etussia, runs amuck in the streets and kills 28I the Australian coast; 96 persons mi. New Y, persons. �ne"ta of Snnin resigns, u g—Premier _Death 8011 of` 1908, 133 York C, 14. 6. Entire Per ^ RhV()RDS GI+ EVFNTS IN 1903—ewatan els at.once,comm scribin Guard ordered Ford, Ps or of assaso 17. S S. General July 23, The battle-ship King Edward VII. � - `--- ;t� �Q���� �rj�� jJ� 1903. [ass., Forney, savers General strf claimed at be the largest in {)ie world, war; ch�il8pt and LnJoseph r Chamberlain, ,aha It from tits Clone of a 1 r-un cars in launched at Devonport,England, g Ru•. oral, Footer, 18. R several per July 24. Serious decline of atool(s took place in British Ministry, Age at death is given in parentheses;vocation,place,cause,and time of death when known follow. ley 9. Intersta Nall Street i two failures were aunotrnoed. Sept,21. A speed of 114 tulles Fo 21, S of to strike July 24, The time est fertile ratification of the made on the Zosaou electric line,near Berionr war AlexanderL,KingofServis(27),Belgrade,assassin- Corbett,Henry W.176), ex-United States Senator New 7 lite bi i n a feud fig,., 8t. i`homas T rest between Denmark and the ated,June 11. Froin Oregon,March 31. Fr 22.J United States having expired,tits treaty wan dsati, dept PPeaTlitei the Norteirn heour8ties p�t�itiou Aing6on SeaBttle$WashU angina from Washing- Unz,Samuel(78),Protestant Episcopal clergyman,10. Crown Pri K for an a gyrosa, l en j N. C• At Homestead July 26. The battle-ship Kenrsarg•e coni leted case. Ga 24. N her loll p Sept. ang g a pectoris,Jan,28. Garden City,N.Y.,result of accident,July 2I. ;h 29. zreented, kills 7 long-distance run across the Atlantic, 2,885 Pt•26-Uct. 1. Chicago celebrated Anderson, E, .+,.Very {F70), lawyer, educator, New LtyrrY, Jabez L. .?1[. (78), soEdier, statesman, copal i po` frauds 11. Three m& miles, of a days r. hours,at tin average speed of dredth anniversary of its first settlemsntthe heti' Ardtrk,iiu a,f(81t),emusiCal conductor and composer, , Ge ,4 25• V Coast Express 13.1 knots per hour. Sept.3D. Sir Michael Herbert,British London,Eng..May 1, educator,ex-Minister to Spain,Asheville,N.C. ease, G# una 1 26.ki' 13. At a 'GN July 27. A guard and two officers at the Califor- dor to the United States,died in Switzetland�aeaa (73), Canadian uris Bright's disease,Feb.12. nia Penitentiary,Folsom were killed by thirteen Oct.1. Armour,Sir John D Curtis,James L. (83),American party candidate;er of f But them operators, rept prisoners.whoesca red. r Premier Balfour declared for protective t Men'- for President of the United States in 1888,Strat- ai.i'bitration wi 1 1 tariff for England, p bar the Alaska Boundary Comm,mmission,Jul 1 ford,Ct.,debility,Nov,12. and Gi of( 21• C SKy and Morin Aug, 4. Charles M. Schwab's rosignation as Oct,6. Arnold, Hicks (66), merchant, New York, pneu- Cutter,Charles A,(66), librarian,Walpole, N.H„ J gate a by fall of thea President of the United States Steel Trust tuns ac- returnedfifteenindictments eral rn the post���ed D°en monis,Jan.28. Arthur, Peter 115, (72), labor leader, Winnipeg, Sept.6, nrias- Many 14. Ilusfu d c partmentease.. Davenport,John I.(57),ea-Federal Supervisor of Gr in c China, the Pius fund Aug.Ang•4. Cardinal Guiseppe Sarco, patriarch of Oct,7. Prof,La.ragley's aeroplane airship failed Man.,heart failure, July 16. .Elections in New York City, Stamfoid, Ut„ ,nical J' 13x-others, name Venice,was chosen Pope to aneceed Leo XIII. He Oot,S. Ayer,Mrs. Harriet Hubbard (50),journalist,New an att t--eked by sit. assumed the title of Pius X; A oonimsrcia]treaty between the United York,pneumonia,Nov.26. Aug,25• b. States and Chula was signed. Bailey,(;serge F.(84),circus proprtotor,A'ew York Davis,Samuel H.(65),insurance journalist,Plain-duca- and of the assailants ane Aug.6. Andrew Uarneitie made a gift of g2,600_ Oct.9-11. Floods at ned. on,N., seal field,N.J.,]1Ia 1 J, 31. E G B Lockwo 000 to his native town of Dunfermline,Scotland, I.,damaged paralysis.ysis.Feb.19. Dawes, henry L (86), ex-United States Senator Cou- G� T 22 woe Au 6, Bul arlan insur a t.blow a the Gov- p Octrl6.to�ahmys HntT 11 nen'w�a0s acquitted, at Bain Alexander (85), metaphysician, educator, p heart 7. }�t la; ten lives g• g g Pin 16. Roosevelt ernor'spalaoeat'Keushevo,kinin 6ll'Pnrks, Aberdeen,Scotland,Sept.18. ' from llZaseachusetts,Pittsfield,Mass•,gri Feb.5. re L A Aug.7, Lieut.-(len,Nelson A,Miles issued an ad- Lexington, Do a end murdering of h s followers invaded Baker' John (81), ex-Representative in Congress Do Blowitz, Henri G.S.A.O. (11),newspaper cor- accepted byfrom Illinois,Belleville,Ill., respondent,Paris,France,apoplexy,Jan.18, ve in forkPfork dors Mine Workers dress to the army on the occasion of his retirement. New York. vaded Paralysis, March 1. Dieterictc,Friedrich(82),German scholar,Aug,19, Y enns to consider it Aug. , Coronation of Pius X., as Pope, took Barkhausen, Dr. Friedrich w. (71), head of the g Oct• 17. The Alaskan Boundary Tribunal (a Prussian Evangelical Church,Ang.3I, Divvsr,Patrick(58),ea-Police Justice, politician, Fit T 2 E covers, in the place at the Vatican, London decided in favor of the United States Beardslee,Lester A. (67),Rear-Admiral U.S.N. Nsiv York,pleuro-pneumonia,Jan.28. New s Ci cry c tion of his th Aug,10. More than 100 lives were lost in a die- all points except the Portland Canal. °II (retired),Augusta,Ua.,apoplexy,Nov.1D. Dodge,William E.(71),morohant•and philanthro- prce 3 C L erne is esus aster in the underground tunnel at Paris, Two Oct.18. Colombia proposed a now canal troat Belknap, George E. (71), Rear-Admiral U.S.N. Dist,Bar Harbor,die.,heart disease,Aug.9. astice J3 schola 17. U. S. Pat trains took fire from a defective dynamo,and the involving the payment of 25,000 000 b the United Do1p, John H. (68), artist,New York, heart dis- l3 sue➢ marka tri New Jerre Passengers were asphyxiated. States. y (retired),Keay,dry Fla.,apoplexy,April c, ease Sept 27 tff of Bell,Hilary t di dramatic and music critic, New Ji the o battle at La ' Aug,11, The Irish Land Bill passed the third Oct.20, Postmaster-General Payne ordered an a fork,heart disease,April 9. Dolph,John H.(69),Americas painter,Sept.28. H' trnl the U Turner shoots reading in the British Houso of Lords. investigation into the affair.of the Ne. ew 1 ort Post- Bernard (70), Vice-Admiral French Navy,Paris, Downing,George J.(84), negro caterer and pub-ornan ton hof els grid o J. D Aug•11-13. A West Indian hurricane destroyed UU�t 29. Rus.ian troop.entered Moukden. France,July 16. lioist,Newport,R.I.,July 21. )P of II $ City and commits $15,000000 in values and man lives. Bissell,Wilson S. (56), ex-Postmaster-General of Drage'Queen of Servia(36),Belgrade,assassinated, waA 4 M 18. Bridge c y Nov,I. The German historian Morurnsen died United States,BuaJo, N.Y., general debility, June 11. (43) Atig.14. Jeffries won in light with Corbett in Nov,3, The Republic of Panarna was proclaimed. Oct.6. Drake, Francis M. (73), ea-Governor of Iowa, H g li T pie, collapses a g 19. J. Youn ten rounds, Nov,3. George B.McClellan was elected Ilia Centreville,Iowa,diabetes,Nov.20. sister H $84 an ac Aug,15. Bulgaria sent a memorandum to the of Now York, y0f Blaine, Harriet B. S. (73), widow of James G, B land. at Minneapol g Blaine,Augusta.,Me.,July lb. Du Chaillu,Paul B.(65),author and explorer,St. the 6, S —'0'King O., pacers detailing outrages committed by in in Nov, 6, The United States Government recd. Blake,Charles D.(67),composer of Petersburg,Russia, c Macedonia. paralyse.,April g popular songs, p tl 30, erten H' Jr India; tY>:a Samoan Aug. ixed the independence of Panama. Brookline,Mass„Nov.23. Petersburg, Charles Gavan(87),British statesman, � r e• 17. The Colombian Senate rejected the Nov,8. Anoperation for the removal of a polypus Bliss, Eliphalet W. (67), manufacturer and in- rnsi- ki I1 dead o. Germany. Panama Canal Treaty. from the larynx way Performed on Ern r r Will. Brooklyn,N.Y.,heart disease,July 21. H can after 21. Anthrac Aug.19. The Russian squadron arrived in Turk- iam, y P po venter,Brook] I Dwight,John(84),manufacturer,Now York,sci- H 7 H tration by r ash waters. It was withdrawn at the urgent re- Nov 9. Congress met in extraordinary session Blouet,Paul, Mae O'Re11")(5b),author and sec- sties and paralysis,Nov.25. Lyall, H ti;'p the strike o g turer,Paris, France,May 24, Earle, Fordinaad P. (65), hotel proprietor,New E quest of Turkey Aug,20. York,Jau,1. an of China burg, Dr. I; to consider the Cuban Reciprocity Treaty. Blount,James H. (66),ex-Representative in Cen- Edson,Cyru.(46),New York physician,New York mitis, H tits % p Bruce Head, Aug. • In the yacht races for the America's 10, Wes y Gil,President of San Domingo, grass from Georgia,Paramount Commissioner to , to M !can Glucose OUP the Reliance won the first race this day,the Nov-tookrefugefrom the 1,Presid ni o in the German pneumonia,Dec.1, Hawaii under President Cleveland, Macon,Get., , H dee King 1 men. second on Aug.25 and third on Sept,3. Consulate. congestion of the lungs,March 8. IJlkins,William L. (71), financier,traction mag-Caton, F social' 22. Danish Aug.22 The Zionist Congress opened at Battle, Nov, 11. The Cuban Naval Station at Guanta- Boardman,George Dana (75), Baptist clergyman, nate,Philadelphia,Pa., blood poisoning,Nov.7. H Av, Switzerland. name was transterred to the United States. Atlantic City,N.J.,April 28. Ell8ler,John (82), actor and theatrical manager, 'land, F net tz West Indio• in n The Humbert Tamil t were convicted of Nov.16. Colombia sent protest to Great Britain Bolton, Henry C. (60), chemist, author,Wash New York,heart disease,Aug.21. nett strates befoi d g- En Engelmann, George J. 66), H nen Prof. the rotation .win ling,in Paris. against notion of the United rgtate8 re regarding ten,D.U.,Nov,19. N H.,pneumonia,Nov.26.gyneeologist,Nashua, hing- H bei 10 24. Norther' dieduR'22. Lord Salisbury,ez-Premier of England, Panama, g g Booth-Tucker, Mrs. Emma(43), Salvation Army and t robbed and e' Nov. 17. King Victor Emmanuel and leader,Dean Lake,railroad accident,Oct.29. Estee, Morris 111. (70), jurist, Honolulu,Hawaii Jour- 0 Aug.24. The Turks massacred all the women Helena were cordially received in England, Queen Boreing, Vincent(64),Representative in Congress effects of surgical operation,Oct.27. ' ch 10. H of Char] dint thatrtb, and children in twenty-two villages in the districts Farjeon, Benjamin L. (70), novelist, Hempstead, (re- ef Florins and Moriastir, Nov.lA, Secretary Flay and Mr,Buusu-Varilla, Bradly Ver a Rev,oGeor a G.pDexn oYr}Vest nen- Ing rupture of a blood vessel,July 23. B At the Tubes the Minister from Panama,signed a new Istlturiso star,London,Eng,,Ma>oh 12.E H cal 12 Au. 24. Lou DiI]on,a chestnut mare,trotted a Canal Treaty. g Farnham, Roswell (76), ea-Governor of Vermont, Lon- 15, maintains h Brannigan,Israel(69),silk manufacturer,Pater, Bradford,Vt.,Jan.6. H )? orders ferability of mile in two minutes,beating the world's cooped up Nov. 19. Hearing by the Senate committee on N.J„paralysis,Jan.S.Stir to that tiros, the nomination of Gen.Leonard Wood for Major. Brooks,Noah(73), author,Pasadena,On].,Aug.16, I serer, [+rederick SV.. Dean of Cantnrfrury r de, leged 2T. Cuba.re (72), clergyman,author,London,Eng.,paralysis, of , Ane.25, The British Royal Commissionprprissued General began, H the asks for bet yMarch 22. inter, of strike bian revolu a report condemning the lack of preparation.of Nov.19. 7`ho House of Representatives passed C1a.nterbury� Arebbisbop of—Frederick Tein- Farwell,Charles B.(80),ex-United States Senator ro13 e the army in 1900. pie—(82),London,Dec.23,1902, H comm CY>turch of tl Aug 26. Sam Parks, welkin delegate of the t e Cuban recipprocity bill byae Oto of 335i o21 the from Illinois, Lake Forest, I11., heart disease, ician, w Inters 29. Vice Cl Flouseamiths'Union,was convicted at New York of Panama Commissioners. Carlin,William Y.(76),Brigadier-General U.S.A. Sept•23. H Ali 16. enjoins the 1 extortion. lie was imprisoned at Sin Sing until Nov. 28. Grover Cleveland announced that 6e (retired),died on train near Livingston,Mont., Foorderer,Robert H.(43),Representative in Con- q•, at bei bill.— this time On He 1,and released on legal technicalities; con- would notaooeptarenomination forthsPreaidoncy, COct.4. gress from Pennsylvania,business man,Torres- bei kinin 31. Last se victed again on another charge,Nov,6, and im- Nov,28, Colombia offered free canal oonoossioa Champn a James er k (artist,May 1. dale,Pa, July 26. micas Vi '17. P plated at Fi prisoned, Chippendale, I`redertek (83), Philadelphia, Pa., Foley, John(69),manufacturer of gold pens,New H p118e J' Aug,29. Caleb Powers,former Seoretaryof State to the United States if latter will permit the sine Jan.23. York,Aug,22, heart de in Kentucky,was convicted and sentenced to death juN Nov.29.f Pain in ort on postal frauds was made nit Clal k,John B. (72),ex-Representative in Congress Forbes-Robertson, John,Sr. (81),art critic, jour- der steams 1. Mgr. Fs for complicity in the assassination of Governor ]ic h the President,who urged extension.io made pub- from dit. Rev.,Sept.7. naliat,London,Eng„Feb.25. tares- snn arcend promoted to Goebel. y ➢ Clark, Rt. Rev. Thomas March, Bishop of Rhode Foster, Randolph S. (81), Bishop M. E.Church Mon- JC lie sugar j 3_ Lebaud Sept.8. Reports of Turkish atrocities in of limitations for government employLs, Island(91),Middletown,R.L,Sept,7. Newton,Masa.,apoplexy,May I. Kass., dextro Trrnnce.—La astir were received. Mon- Dec. 1, The Dreyfus case was reopened is Olay, Cassius M•(93),statesman,White Hall,Ky., Franklin, William B.(80), Major-General U.S.A. ]H, 20. >3t Freehold Sept.8. The Federal Grand Jury indicted G.W. FDe�e2, Now Canal Treaty with the United Stele+ general debility,July 22. (retired),Hartford,Ct.,March 8. eking, t River 4. Republf avers,A.W Machan,and others in conneotion was ratified at Panama, Cooke,Samuel (88),Protestant Episcopal clergy- Fremont Jessie Renton (78),widow of Gen.John 21. carry most the Poet-Office,frauds, man,Stamford,at.,old age,Oqt,$8, C.Frer))qnt,Los;Angeles,Cal.,Deo.27,1902., osteal 'P tw Island Plorsion in Dec. 8. Horbort:spencer died, ray ir. -- --- - —�r , ..,.._. - htle cause it dale Johnson, o nee or ice - Hits So 25. President, shot dead by IlArry Davis at Bogota, The equestrian statue of Major Gen. Henry War- "Will you direct me to Farmer Skinner's house?" An'you hadn't got ri bit cce murd Ill--Alan G. Mason arrested in Boston on charges ner Slocum, erected by the State of New York on reeked the newly arrived summer hoarder. 26. of assault and murder of young women• the battlefield of Gettysburg, was unveiled by Gov, �'Supposin' th'shitdders wui succe i_ Ground broken for new Pennsylvania capitol. Odell Sept. 18, 1902• He was attended by)its staff "I will if ye want me to," replied the station An'it was a-comin'nighl :n gover S_ Reciprocity treaty with Newfoundland signed. and fifty survivors each of the N. Y. State regi- lounger. Supp°sin' "at thea you the {, 27, s_ All Bolivia proclaimed under a state of siege. ments belonging to the Twelfth and Twentieth "I shall have to ask you for explielt dlrectlops c Who would lafl and jeer )f dveed 2o. Earthquake at List, South Russia, entombs Army Corps. because I've never been t4ere before," ghat would you do In a ca og "Croshi I know the;.,seeln' e're determined to id sent up to the President.—Unfted States Copper 6.Comber organ z Y I hat do you s'posa Sou' in go there now.'—PhdadeZphia Press. , 11ral,we'll say at you'd giv, E7 RECORD OF EVENTS,1902—Continued. ee doggedly r waag 'ln s cr November. Cornet-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- D ke ✓ cv 1.The great American steam liner New York, ing, in Central. Park, laid by Dr. Felix Adler.— it was useless to try no n ca a o after undergoing repairs for a year, leaves Erie Morris Pike stabbed to death, without provoca- But supposln'you see a ma r- o Basin. tion, by Tonraso Sanfaleti on a Brooklyn Cross- With some bass,say a do ia- J c E * 2. Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. ed 7, o , ^P w�•-' rc y as:. a= Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn.—Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox An'supposin'he'd cell'ern I day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh st., what do you'spore you'( 5; o °= F= 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhori n't �' _ "' " a, building, during which John Daly and PVm. Mc- and Protestant E. Disbop Grafton. a- c o.- C� g, g tut " - I � .; s�,M v Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24. Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- Wouldn't you land o'smile. - ei � m G 0 overcome and suffocated to death. Pital, South Brooklyn.—Hempstead's new and An'ca'tiously look about, the 9. Greek Church, on Pacific st., Brooklyn, the handsome post office building opened for first Before you reached deep do - y d fit'SL in New York, dedicated—Corner-stone of time.—Residence of Paul E. De Fere, 686 St. Marks To haul your.wallet out? n.P" c� r m rr : Evangell_ at pl., entered while the familywere downstairs Au'wouldn't you lower you sPt• A° :n y u laid.—Repair shops of therfl hteragee department — a a G p and robbed of $1,ir00 worth, tho - t y [0�F of the Standard Oil Co., in Long Island City, to- 23. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "This.you knozv's,'tcvlat tally destroyed b• fire; dame a $:5,000. 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Cath- Isn't that,just th'way you' v°s o( a rc c H 10. Fire on newManhattanBridge (No. 2) dam- Grine of Alexandria, 41st st, and Fort Hamilton Isn't that what you'd do :� �: ir'ct a =f aged structure $50,000.—St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishap McDonnell.—The new Dull at0i e, ized, on Deprave st. Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., i're Dim light-, 11. Explosion of gas in the cellar of 121 Avenue °Dolled. An'theuwhen down titre'tit C. Manhattan, injures forty persons.—Brooklyn 29. Supt. Wm. F. Johnson, blind supt. of the Your admtrin'friends,as Detaerted flour Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the Would stop to congratulate tor- Day and rr],tela, ay. and Fortieth st., opened.—The new Chamber Board of Managers facing charges of grand and ptiof Commerce building, in Manhattan, dedicated Petty larceny.—Police raid F�orresters' Hall at Fur th'secret of catching Dpbt BS$ b3dg g' 19th st. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information 1Gouldn't You tell'em flshtn and R Rev. Dr, Horgan Dix; speeches by President that it was a pool room;patrons go free, but tele-nppress, Roosevelt, ex-Pres. Cleveland, Mayor Low. t '4twuz.only acquired by Boss sad' R12. Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator is captured• Isn't that what you'd say nc Awful mem _ Sir Vincent Barringtor. and other distinguished a. The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- Isn't that what you'd do' Heir light, foreigners call on Mayor Low.—Blind negro non ay., about 8 A. M., was struck by British Edison mr.tt- preacher, W. F. Johnson, former manager of ship Boledieu. ______ 'zs; the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. g' Bouslsiness on Storebright, cit nicDon- Proof Po-- tSalne. Y his$6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1. Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop L got for accepted. nell, in the new church building, on Jay st.—Big Dante and I'irgii ivere str( Buyc-rs corn ou 15• Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm. Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand," said the (ros'. Busy storms len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire, winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- has lie fury lilts is urornn,ii • T'nings hurl-1 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new dolled. lame building, on Washington st., laid. 9. Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 years; 8 deg. above zero; "That is veep true.,"Virgil i More an$ news building,20. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- sonie just as aoodl' Delighted hcY schools.—Lord Hawke's team of English crick- stable societies that cannot be answered;many car The conclusion that the a -wills Sucreesr it>< eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand. lines tied up. I sight, was once a gentlemanly sal( Lava it to —Ovation to Gerd. Edward L• •Molineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Police CotnmIssloner, re- lrreslstlbie.—R'c:u Vr1s:TnA Tu re- vee" Post G. A, R.; addresses by Gerd. King and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.—All ele- �.._ _ Lleetrlc Eight others. vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. Iv poem labo s•- tlec of is tllGENERAL CHRONOLOGFY OFin St.•Louis.—circus elephant at Nijni Novgorod, 150 persons,—British steamer Elingate wrecke�3 orf Fish, N!. iZu9sia, runs amuck fn the streets and kills 28 the Auat.rsli;in a t• or, Death Roll of r9�e4,Naw Y, persons,York C 6. Entire Pe French,Carlos(70),ex-Representative in Congress Johnston�Mrs.Harriet Lane(70),mistress of theFord, P. sGuard ordered -- from Connecticut, manufacturer, Seymour,Ct., White case in President Buchanastrn's ss Of t eassa 8_ General st heart disease,April 16. tration,July 3. savers Ju1;Garibaldi,Monotti(58),Italian ] Planquette,Robert(53),composer of"The Chimes Stetson,Alexander McO.(7(),former proprietor Forney„ General strike patriot,son of the Jones,Benjamin F., Sr. (79),steel manufacturer, of Normandy,"Paris, Jan.28, the Astor House, New York,Swampscott,Mae. Ganei�•� of a I run cars in N claim Liberator,Rome,dysentery,Aug.22. Republican National leader,Pittsburgh,Pa,nau- Playfair,William S.(67),British gynecologist,St. Sept.28. Several laune-G4tling,Richard J.(84), inventor of the Gatling ralgia of the stomach,May 19, g Andrew's,Scotland,Aug,13, Steuart, George H. (76), ex-Confederate Genera Foster,a i8. R person Jul; gun,New York,heart disease,Feb.26, Jones Richard L. 6l) former President of the ( ),manager of lecturers, Jersey near Annapolis,Md.,Nov,2'l. ley 9. Interstate Vl'a]1 (, Pond,James B. 65 Fo 21. S cite strike as: Jul!Gherardi, Bancroft (71), Hear-Admiral U.S.N. University of Alabama,Sept.12. City,N.J.,effects of surgical operation,June 21. Stoddard,Richard H.(78),poet.and essayist, Ne 1 the 1'ai in a feud filth' 13t: 7, (retired),Stratford,Ot.,diabetes,Dec.10. Jordan,Lonrad N.(72),banker,ax-Treasurer of the Procter.John R.(59),President of the U.S.Civil York,May 12. Fr 22. J YO_ Crown Pf Unite Gibbs,Frederick S.(68),New York politician,As- United States,New York City,prioual ia,Fab.26, Service Commission, Washington, D.C., heart Stokes,Sir beorgo G.fs4),British.educator, Uar 7 an N, C-• At Homestea Jul bury Park,N.J.,aneurism of the heart,Sept.21, Julius,Prince of Schloswit-Holstein(79),brother disease,Dec.12. bridge, Eng.,Feb.1. Ga 24, rnented, kills 1 Gibbs,Josiah Willard(64), educator,Now Haven, of the King of Denmark,Jugo 1. Pullman,James iii_ (67),Universalist clergyman, Swift, Gustavus F (63),packor,Chicago, March's i p frauds 11_ Three ml her 1R Ct.,heart disease,April 28. Kain,John J.(62),Roman Catholio Archbishop of Lynn,Mass.,apoplexy,Nov.22. Taylor, Frederick W. (50), Yratestant Episcop Ga ,J§ 2�. V miles Gilliland,Ezra T.(56),inventor,Pelham Manor,N. St.Louis,Baltimore,Mil. heart disease Oct,13, Purroy,Henry D.(55), Now York politician,Sara- Bishopof laysltil' toast Expresf 13.1>� Y Bright's disease,Mary 13. Kaetnar, Charles 87), Pr'inof al of the Lowell ' April 7 Quincy,Quincy,Ill„Bright's diseas ( -togs,N. Y„heart disawe,Auk.22. A; Gf Bu l6. _ 1j- At a Jul. Glaisher,James(94), meteorologist and aeronaut, (Masa,)School of$raotical Design,April 30. Ralph, Julian (50), author, press correspondent, Tetuan, Duke of(69),former Spanish Minister I the xn operators, re nig P� London,Eng.,Feb.8, Kellogg,Martin(7b),educator,San Francisoo,Csl„ 'Now York,Jan.20. Foreign Affairs,Feb.8. G1 of 27 CN, arbitration w prison' Godfrey,Daniel(71),British band leader,June 30. Aug•26, Ramsey,Alexander(88), ex-,Secretary of War, ex- Thomas, Samuel (62), promotor of railroad ax s ' gate Et by and Mori; Aug, Gonzales, N.G. (43), editor of The State,Colum- Klopp,Onno(81),historian,Vienna,Aug•9. Governor of Minnesota, ex-Senator, St. Paul, biisinoss enterprises,New York,Jan,11. Gc int Many by fall fall er the Presic) bia S.C.,assassinated,Jan.19. Lander, Mrs, Jean M. .Daveoiort 54), retired Minn•,debility and gout,April 22. Thomas, Theodore G. (71),gynecologist, Thoina l in China, 1`4 Ilusfutl cepted Gottheil,Dr,Gustav(76),Jewish rabbi,New York. actress,Aug. , p- the Pius fun g• Richards, De Forest(66), Governor of Wyoming, silica,Ga.,Feb.28. G: 29' brothers nair Ve Aug,ug, Pneumonia,April 15. Lathers,Riolinrd(82),orator and statesman New April 28. Thurstan,Hobert H.(64),eduoalor and mechanic C art tacked by si assuml Green,A>geiresv II.(83),public�spiritod citizen, York,Sept,17. Richmond and Gordon, Duke of (86)—Charles H, engineer, Ithaca,N.Y.,heart disease,Oct.25.- G of the -Father of Greater Now York, N@w York,as- Lecky'VVilliisni E.I3.(65),historian andstates- Gordon-Lennox—Gordon Oast to,Soot]and,Sopt.26. Tiodenian,Uhristopher G.(46), latt•yer and Arlua i J" 31. assailants an Aug. sassinated,Nov,13. man,Londe n,Buy.,heart disease,Oct.22. Rickey, Joseph K. (61), inventor of the "gin tor,New York,Aug.26. G? Tax 22 won G- 13,.Lockwc 000 to 1 Greene, Oharles E. (60), educator, University of Legouve, Gabriel J�'B. E.W. 96),dramatist and rickey,"New York,April 23. !'ensue, Thomas ff. (b8), Representative in Coi A F)z la; ten live Aur, Michigan,Oct.16. oldest momber of the FrenchAcadem,Paris, Rigby, Sir John 6 j gross from Oregon, Washigton, D. C.; hea 16. Rooseve] ornor's y (9), British unlet, London g , IL rep 1. A accepted by Aug. Guernsey, E bort (80), homoeopathic physician, France,March 14. July 26. failure, Jan.11. II fou dors Mine Worker dress ti New York City,Sept.19. Leland,Charles G.(4,11ansBreitman")(79),Amer- Robinson,Lewia W.(63),Rear-Admiral U.S.N.(re- Townsend, Martin I. (93), ox-Ropresentative i laugh Hadley,Henry H.(60),temperance promoter and icaa author and net,Florence Ltal Dlaicli 2, tired),Philadelphia,Pa.,Feb.16, Congre=ss from New York,lawyer, Troy, N.Y PPnnB t© consider I Aug, lecturer,Boulder,Cal.,consumption,Dec.2. Leo �Cltl.., PoPe Joachim Florence, Rome, Robson, Stuart(67), actor,New York, heart dia- March S. H, covers, in the 1 POP0, ease,April 29• Tracy,Mrs. Agnea R.—Agnes Etliel-actress,No 2, tion of his t] P ace a gall,Francis Bloodtood(76),Presbyterian clergy- Italy,pleuro-pneumonia,old ago,July 2U. Rease, ,rienry(48) originator of system of newe- r Ci cry c Aug. man Piattaburg,N.X,bronchitis,Oct.4. Leonard,Ahiel(b6),Protestant Episcopal Bishop of paper clippings,New York,apoplexy,June 3. Fork,heart disease,May 26. P 3 y.ir,ne U. taus: aster f Hamilton, Schuyler (83), soldier, engineer, New Utah and Nevada Salt Lake City,t hoid fever, Turney,Peter(76),ex-Governor and Chief Justi( 17. U. S. Pa trains yp Rowton,Baron—Montagu,William Lowry-Carry— of-Kentucky,Winchester,K�.,Oct.19, the York,March 1B. Dec.D3. (6b),private secretary to Lord Beaconsfield,Lon- Van Benthuysen,William(71),journalist, staff < lI su mark In New Jers+ passen2 Banbury,Robert W.(68),British statesman, Lon- Lev,,y,Jules(66),cornotist,(liiciigo,apoplexy,Nov.28 d battle at shoot g, ( K on,Eng.,Nov.9. HE WORLn,Brooklyn,N.Y.,June 19. H tri the o Turner shoot Aug. don,Eng.,pneumonia,April 28, Lon Eli 68),Bri ac}ier-Gonoral U,S.A (retired), the i1 j. reading Hare,Augustus J. d, (89), author, •London,Eng,, New York,surgical operation,Jan.5. Rumple,John N, W.(62), Representative in Con- Van hit n; EIerl>esrr.(71),Unrdinal,lieadof Roma II tog ho+els anti commits Aug. `Jan'22, Long,John G.(57),U,S,Consul-Gan©nal at Cairo grees from Iowa,Ohlcago,cancer,Jan.31. Catolic Church in England, Archbishop City Bri $15,00010 Harkness, William (66), Rear-Admiral U. S. N, Egypt,Dunbar Scotland,accident July 28, Russell John E.(69), statestuarn,Leicester,Mass., Westminster,June 19. H wage 4' Ie8-collapse; u retired),Jersey City,N.J.,typhoid fever,Feb.28, "Lyall, Edna" (Ada Ellen Bayly)(40),novelist, heart disease,Oct.27. Vaughn,Teresa (Dara. William H,tiiestayer) (43 C 5. T p g' Haskins, Charles W. (bl), accountant, educator, Feb,9. Russell,Leslie W.(63),jurist,New York,Feb.3.1, coerces,Worcester,Mass.,par,•sis,Oct.4, $84 an ac 19_ J. Youi7 ten row New York,pneumonia,Jan.9. Lyttleton Arthur Temple 51),Bishop of South- Sabin, Dwight M.'(59),ex-United States Senator Von Dalbrurcl.,Martin F.i1;(BG),Prussian Miuista H' If land. at 1VEinneapa Ang•1 Hastings,Daniel H.(54),ex-Govornor of Pennsyl- ampton,Eng.,Feb,20.P ( P from Minnesota, Dec,23,1902. of State,B+rlin,German Feb.I. the 6, S 20. King Of Powers vania,Bellefonte,Pa.,pleuro-pneumonia,Jan,9. "May, Phil" J,A,Sheppard) 39),English car. liagntesta Prtaxi�l+yrs:1ltitYo(76),Spanish states- Wan Dayan,Oa;rttt Franca»3'U6),Austro-lion aria lI India; >Q her Samoan. Maeedo Haworth,Joseph(48),aotor, Willoughby,O.,heart toonist,London,phthisis,Ang,6, roan, Madrid, bronchitis and gastric disease, diplomatist,tie t.3. ( g ki p p' Germany: Aug. p H dead Panama disease,Aug,28, McCollum,J. Brewster (71), Chief Justice of the'' Jan.5. Von Levetzow,Albert E.K.G.(76),formerly Prosi C& after 21_ Anthrac Aug 1 Headley,Phincas C. (8'l), elergyTaa and writer, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,Montrose,Pa„ l�ealisbury, HarquiN of-Robert Arthur Oecil— dent of the G-rrnau Reich.itat,Aug,12, H W 7, Ei tra.tion by 1 Lexington,Mass.,Jan,5. Oct.3, (73),statesman, ex-Prime Minister of England, Ward, Joshua (6.5), champion.oarsman,Cornwall g, the strike c lah waof Henley,William E.(64),poet and essayist,Woking, MoCook, Alexander MoD. (72), Major-General Hatfield House,Bright's disease,Aug.22. N.Y„Dec.22, China burg, Dr. E Eng.,heart failure following nephritis,July 12. U.S.A.(retired),Dayton,Ohio,paralysis,June]% Sanderson, Sibyl, Amorican prima-donna, Paris, Warren, E. Walpole(64), Episcopal clergyman e H th 9, p $ruse Head, Aug-%Herbert,Sir Michael H.(46),British diploinatist, McIver,Henry(76) Chief Justice of the Suprema Pneumonia,May 16. New York,VVildbad-Gastoin,Austria,peritonitie icaa Glucose Cup the Ambassador to the United States,Davos-Platz, Court of South Carolina,Charaw,S.C.,Jan,12, Savage,Richard H. (57), author, New York, acci- July 24. $ dro g AFto men, second< Switzerland,oonsumption.Sept.30. McKay, Gordon ({32), inventor, Newport, R. L, dent.Oct,11. Wash burn,'Henry S,(90),educator,.author,Boston social 22. Danish Switzer)Hewitt, Abram S. (81), statesman, Huaneior•, cancer of the stomach,Oct,19. Scott,Irving M, (66), shipbuilder (builder of the Muss'.Oct.1. ganiz West IndiesAug- hilanthropist, ex-Mayor of Now York, New Merriman,IleurySeton(Hugh Stowell Scott),nor- Oregon), San Francisco, Cal,, kidney trouble, Washburn,John D.(70),ex-Ministor toSwitzerland g nett strates befo; York,jaundice,Jan,l8. olist,London,Eng„appendicitis,Nov.19. April 28. April 4. M Prof, the rotation eiwinIii Hibbard,Ellery A.(77),ex-Representative in Con- Milburn,Wilham H,(SO),the blind chaplain of the! Seip,TheodoreL.(61),Presidentof MuhlenborgCol- Weston, Daniel Cone H bra 1p, 24. Norther died.ur 2 grass from New Hampshire,July 24. United States Sen ate,SantaBarbara,Cal.,April lo,: lego,Pa, Allentown,Pa.,apoplexy,Nov.29, ton,D.C..March 20e (88),clergyman,Washing H vi and.t robbed and a Aug-a Hells,Frederick W, (46),lawyer, member of the 1llomnir+eu, The (86), German histodita, Sherwood, Mary E. W. (BO), society leader and Wlie.ilar, Andrew C.("Nym (lrinkle'r)(70),jour of 25_ Attorne and chill Peace Conference at The Hague,Yonkers,N.Y., Oharlottenburg,Prussia,Nov.1, writer,New York,debility,Sept.13. nalist anti dramatic oritic,Monivy,N.4„Illarch lfl Charl dent that th heart failure.July 23. Moody,Jai es M. 45),Representative in Con reps, Shorthouse,Joseph H.(69),novelist„London,En Wheaton, Frank 70) Major-Goneral U.S.A. (re H ca] 12. At the Tube of Floris Howland,Gardiner G.(6A),general manager of the from North Carolina,Waynesville,N.C.,tenses- March 4, g tired),Washington,D.d.,June 18. 15. maintains 'h Awf.2 New York garald, New York, angina pectoris, tion of the lungs,Feb.5. Simmons, Sir John (82). British Field Marshal, WhiHtler,.fames A AfeNeil(69),painter,Lon mile in i May 9, London,Fe .14. don,Fns„July 17, H ag orders gerability ,r to that t Hurst,John F.(69),Methodist Episcopal Bishop, Morgan, Mass hFeb.)l,lsaper manufacturer, Spring-' Simonds,William E.(61),ox-U.S.Commissioner of White,Octavius A,(77), physician,Netiv York. de ata felted 27_ Cuba,re P p, H of the asks for bet Aug 2i Washington,D.C.,results of a stroke of paralysis, Morton,Dr.Thomas G,(68),surgeon,Philadelphia, Patents,Hartford,Ct.,March 14. bility,May 26. a report May 4. pia.,May 20, Smith, Charles H, (77) (`Bill Arp"), humorous 'Vi'hymper, Josiah W (90), water-color painter roa, strike bion revolu the arm Hutchins,Hiram 93),Baptist oler yman,Brookl n, Mowat,Sir Oliver(83),Lieutenant-Govornor of On- writer and lawyer, Atlanta,Ga.,Aug,24. London,Eng_,April 7, H comm Church of tl a ( P g y y inter 29, Vice Cl Aug. 2 N, Y., congestion of the lungs and bronchitis, tarso,Ottawa Out.,April 19. Smith,David(70),Rear-Admiral U.S.N.(retired), Wilcox, Robert W. (48), Hawaiian politician Houseem April 19_ May 27. H Mi 16. enjoins the 1 P Murphy Michael C).(62),politician, soldier,Iiow Sinith, Hamilton Lamphere (84), educator, New WildJules13Frank (60), Rear-Admiral II- S. N. a bill.— this time on Sept lox Ingersoll,Charles R,(82),ex-Governor of Connooti- York,disease of the stomach and heart failure, Lon fon,Ct„Aug,1: H be ki}]ln, 31_ Last sa sept.1,! cut,New Haven,Ct.,debility,Jan.26, March 4. sea,heart 'ailuro,Feb,6, Victed a;Ingersoll,Colin M.(84)ex-Reprosentative in Con- North,Edward 83),educator,professor of Greek, Smith, Mark (48), comic opera comedian, New Williains,George G.(77),Prosidentof the Chemica. Vi '17• E pleted at Fi ( York,Sept.20, s H pletee; Prisoned, grass from Connecticut,Sept:13. Hamilton College,Sept,13. p Ban.i, N•+w York,heart dfsetsse May 7. Aug,2€Jackson,William H.(68),ex-Confederate General, Olntstod,Frederick Law(81),landscape arolaiteet, Smith,William F.(80)("Baldy"Smith), Major- Wood, Thomas W, (80), artist, New York, hear den 18. J in Kentu horse brooder,Belle Meade,Tenn.,March 30. Waverly,Mass,,debility,Aug.28. General U.S. A., civil engineer, Philadelphia, dig care,April 14. Je steam 1. Mgr. F< for comp Jarrett,HenryC. (67), theatrical manager, Lon- Paris, Gaaton 64), French Feb.28, Worms.Henry da (Ritrcti Pirbright) (63}, states son aaienc7k promoted to g ( philologist, Paris, Sjencer,Herbert (83), philosopher, Brighton, man.acthorf London,En r.,Jan,9. Jt he sugar 3. Lebaud Goebel, don,Eng.,heart failure, Oct.15. Franca,pianola 6, Sept.8,Jesup, Henry G.(77), botanist, Dartmouth Col- Parocchi,Lucido Diary(70),Cardinal,Rome,heart Eng.,debility,Doe.a. !Wyman,Morrill(90),physician,Cambridge,Maes., destro France.—La astir wen lege,June 15. disease,Jan,16. Springer, William Al. (67), ex-Congressman, ex- Jan,30. H. 20, $-t Freehold, Sept.8,Johnson,Bradley T.(74),ex-Confederate General Phillipa, Samuel F, (79),ex-Solicitor-Goneral of jurist,Washington,D.C.,pneumonia,Dec.4. Yung-Lu,Chinese Oontroller of Finances, Peking tar River '4. Republi avers, lawyer,Rook Omtle.VA..Oct.6, the United.States,Washington,D.O„Nov.I8, Starkey, Thomas A. (84), Protestant Episcopal dropsy,April 10. b D 21, carry most i the Bishop of Newark,East Orange,N. J.,debility, Zumpe, Herman, German composer Aud musics two Islan Plosion in , aVy 17. director,Sept 4, ttk� M cause Hale Johnson, -- hitt Scut 25. President, shot dead by Harry Davis at Bogota The equestrian statue Major Ge_, Hen y i7a,r- Al murd Ill_—Alan G. Mason arrested in Boston on charges nor Slocum, erected by the Slate of New York on "Will sot]direct me to Falmer Skinner's house?" m,you hadn't got a 1 t e o}t assault and murder of asked the neowly arrived summer boarder. 26 . young women, the battlefield of Gettysburg, was unveiled by Gov. Supposin'th'shird.iters w succe 7_ 'Ground broker► for new Pennsylvania capitol. Odell Sept. 18, 1902. He was attended by his staff "I will if ye wa-nt ane to," replied the stat•lon An`it was a-roinln'nip I sever S_ Reciprocity treaty with Newfoundland signed. and fifty survivors each of the N. Y. State regi- loungrr. Supposln' 'at then you ti 27. S. A11 Bolivia proclaimed under a state of siege. ments belong!ng to the Twelfth and Twentieth "I shall have to ask you for explicit dlrectlops Who would lall and jee f dated 10. Earthquake at List, South Russia, entombs Army Corps. hecatise i've never been tl)exe before." 28. What would you do In a d p. .sent up to the 7"J" he States Copper 6.Combos organizes a "CToshl I know that,secin' yore deterrnlned to r What do you s'pose Yo n go there now,'—PhlladelPhia Preys, f e U Wal,well say'at you'd g c = ' � r"a RECORD OF EVENTS,1902—Continued. An'doggedly row asho e v '� v f" Z Noveiuber. 2;,Corner-stone of Ethical. Culture schools build- Declarin''at fate wuz alt' •� �. Y.The ins, in Central Park, laid by Dr, Felix Adler.— Ing, It was useless to try no ?U o after undeig undergoing airs for liner New York, fi �,: c p year, leaves D Morris Pike stabbed to death, without provoca,- But supposin'you see a n rs o r, Basin, tion, by Toniaso Sanfaletl on a Brooklyn Cross- With same bass,say rt s• J �; 2, 'Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. r$ �' ►3 „'Q 1} Cd: a°r-u• Universalist•Church and Chapel, Brooklyn,—Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox An'supposln'he'd sell'en p W. a >>- W • day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh at., What do you'spose your S. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon i t L �_' c� '' and Protestant E. Bishop Grafton, Wouldn't you hind o"smi k `�,- o �"L, building, during which John Daly and Wm. Me- and�. c �° c( , Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24, Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- a overcome and suffocated to death. pital, South Brooklyn.—Hempstead's new and An'ca'tlatisly look abet he + r g w �� �, 'r y + 9. Greek Church, on Pacifle st., Brooklyn, the handsome post office building opened for first Beforc you reached deep d .�: n r b 6 first in New York, dedicated—Corner-stone of time,—Residence of Paul E. De Fere, 686 St. Mark, To haul your wallet out Evangelical Lutheran church at Corona, L. L, pl., entered while the family were downstalra ,Au,wouldn't you lower yi rt• a =x v G laid.—Re pair shops of the lighterage department and robbed of $1,600 worth. he c e 11� , of the Standard Oil Co„ in Long Island City, to- 25. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "ThLs,you know's, 'twl tally destroyed by tire; damage $:5,000. 27. Corner-stene of the new Church of St, Cath- Isn't that just til'way yo 10. Fire on new :Manhattan Bridge (No. 2) dam- ariue of Alexandria, 41st st. and Fort Hamilton Isn't that what you'd i - + 0 = °3 aged structure $50,000.—St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop McDonnell.—The new T ized, on Degraw at. Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., Dull =tore• opened. :1n'then tahen down thro' 're 11. Explosion of gas in the cellar of 121 Avenue 29, Supt. Wm. F. Johnson, blind Supt, of the Dour admlrhi'friends,i L'lrn llg}t#;; C, Manhattan, injures forty persons.—Brooklyn Dei erted 2Ru��x Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the iI*ould stop to congratulal or- Day and Public ay. and Fortieth st., opened.—The new Chamber Board of Managers facing charges of grand and Fur th'seoret of catohb Py of Commerce building, in Manhattan, dedicated petty larceny.—Police raid Forresters' Hall at I Debts s to .d 19th at. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information �1'ouidn't You tell'0111 fish snei R Rev, Dr. Rlrea. Dix; speeches by President that it was a pool room; 'At•'wu,-only acquired b Debts opP>ress, Roosevelt, ex-Pres. Cleveland, Mayor Low. patrons go free, but tele- Boor gad' 12. Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rohit, graph operator is captured. isn't that what you'd say Awful mesas, Sir Vincent Barrington. and other distinguished J0• The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- isn't That what you'd c foreigners call on Mayor Low.—Blind negro noir ay., about 3 A, M., was struck by British NF,dd1 lonh m a t ris* preacher, W. F. Johnson, former manager of ship Boledieu. Store bright the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. Proof P( Deg on- go Business ,g,a-ins. fer accepted.his $ © house to save his family name; of- I.nell Pro-Cathedral new lfairchurch buildingened , onJayst.—Big Dante and Virgl!here sl gUi Buyers ec*T-Me� 15. Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm. Cut- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand,"said th ros'• Busy teto�r-,L len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire. winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- has no fury like a tonal; Things hurri 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new doned. ams building, on Washington at., laid. 9. Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 years; 8 deg. above zero; "That is vary true,"Vlrg1 sews More arisl `1Ye 20. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- some just as goodl" DPiighted v,,r a schools.—Lord Hawke's team of English crick- itable societies that cannot be answered;many car The cancluslau that thi wills Success ixa eters, arrive here on their way to New Zealand. lines tied up. gas once a geoll that t s+ —Ovation to Genl. Edward L. •Molineux by Grant 12.John N. Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- eeks Electric Post, G, A, R,; addresses by Gent. King and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.—All els- Irresistible.-1!'ew Orlez%)s 'Ie:11t. others vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. v poem abou Q turtle3 of is that GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF-};)f1N_Liciatti�l«cod. A in St-,Louis,-Circus elenhnnt :1 t Niini Nn,rvnrnil , eft , Fish,Nie R12.9sla, runs amuck it r New Ye persons. 13.1 Ilse Famous Old People of 1904. York C 14. 6. Entire Pe Fre �v C ��+`' r1 Ford, p; scribi Guard orderecc liQCO,'il JAL il�tJQTIt fit 1892. assasei, 17. S 8. General sl �pxx Forney, savers General strikf allium Gal JCL i)Q , f it_MTO U G 010 WOO I C Of 1904. Tho Gene of a 1 run cars in N claim Ii ,Tall.7• 1 ho Iiliedive of Egypt.died. I Aray 2. Deeming, the wholesale mil Foster,l� 18• several perso; Jul;Gal 4ae. (Age at the last birthday is given. The list was made up for January 1,19 Jan.r 1, The Duke of Clarence,cic1er sots of was convicted cl tet 11t lbont'nc Australia, 1 y ley 9. Interstate Lyall 91 104. Hiram Oro nk,last suivlving pensioner of the War of 1812, the Prince of Wales,died at Sandringham, executed May 23. ' Fo i 21. S cite strike ast Jul;Ght Jill). David Wark LL. D., Canadian Senator, oldest living legislator; Charles Henry Botith Itttt.14, Cardinal Mann€n dices, 1Iay 2. The Actors'Fund Fair lass olio Fr .T t e J snip CrowrBtgp $t' Gib 94, Admiral Ked'el R.N. Nldestlifeiusurancepoticy-holder. , J.ni.2g, Alice nal Itann a 14lemphis young Madison StJttare Garden,New-York. { Units bt ice lady,iiutrdered her friend, Freda. �4'ard,to the 3a '.Pile Ruditii ministry €n Italy i I east N- C•• At Homestea 91. Samuel Smiles, biographer. Y 5• y y Ga Jr 24. mented, kills Jul+ Gib 89. Baroness Burdett-Coutts. �trecn:t of that city. She was tried,and pro- ea, i poi frauds her 11 Cr. 88. Adolf Menzel,German painter. liolinced insane July 30• t May 12. Bridge across the Mississippi R 11_ Three m; ,Jan.2 Chile withdrew the ofronsive note b ,Merit this was Opened with ceremonies. Ge Ja 2;• V Coast Expresq 3.1 Gill 87, Daniel E3untingtou,painter Parke Godwin,Russell Sage.Josiah Crosby,of Maine. Miui-ilur i4tatta to the United Starter and a ole i4LAl r Alt lrimerican steamer laden ] un layski 13. _cit a ' July Y 86. KitZbll ,ChristianY.;GeorgeennitF� _€t Joseph Hooker, botanist; k,rastus Dow Palmer,sculptor,of rized for lite Valparaiso riots. p grain May the starving Russians arrived tet Gi B 26• oFerators, rel iia P Gla 11 Y + g Batts,R.A. ;, ' the m Operators. . L 95. Ea-`Secretary Boutwell, Bishop Watson,of East Carolina;ex-genator Reagan,of Texas, Tall..31. Spurgeon,the pulpit orator,died. May 18. A flood at Sioux'Cit Ia., t Gi of 27, Carbitration w prison God 84. General Longstreet,Duke of Cambridge,,fulla Ward Howe,Bishop Huutington. Feb.'r. The United States Supreme,Collrt de- great damage• y' c gate sky and Mori: Aug Got a3. John 7 enniel cartoonist; Florence Nightingale, Princess Mathticle Bonaparte,Susan B. gilded that James E.Boyd,Dem.,was legally gov-' May 2.3. The golden wedding of tlio I by fall Inter the Presid Anthony, Baron Strathcoma ernur of-,ebrask-a• kin and queen was celebrated. Gc in Many b� g I inj: China, 14_ Internet` cepted Got 82, Sir William U.Russell,Journalist;Sir Charles Tupper,Ristori,tragic actress;Mrs,G.H.Gilbert, Feb.2. Carlyle W. Harris was convicted In MA A mass-meeting tet Cooper j Gr 29the Pius fun Aug; lel J actress; Senator Pettus,of Alabama. New-York of murdering his wife by poison• NowYork, endorsed Rev Dr. Yarkhurst'i 1 an ate brothers ilei Venice Ur 81. EdwardEveTheodorerettale,Prof. Alfred f r dWilliamR. R. cWallace.Rev. Henry M. Field,Donald G. Dlitchellger. , Feb.8,he was sentencecl,to death. Node against vice. (7 anc� of the tacked by s3 salami ., 80 Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Prof, Goldwin Smith, ex-Speaker Grow,Rev.Dr.Robert Feb. The Hotel Ro :Il Nety-York vasa May 27. A cyclone destroyed two tom assailants an Aug; g 1 7 KausaN; 3z persons were killed, Gi Tac 223wo C 13 .Lockwt 000 to 1 Gra Collyer. - burned,with rest loss of�ife. hula; ten live Aug, 79. Professor Huggins,astronomer;Eastman Johnson, painter; ex-Vice-PresidautLevi P.111ortou Feb,8. William H. Beers resigned the presi- Ditty 3r. The Briggs heresy case 4vaN rel 16. Rooseve: ernor'd Oeorge Macdonald.novelist;Senator Morgan,Lord Kelvin,Professor Dort-mus. dency of the New-York Life Insurance Cont- eel by the The h General w sc m l H, rey 1, AlGue 78 Sir William Aitken,pathologist; Professor larch,philologist; ea-President Paul Kruger, m dors accepted by Aug.: N 77, Karl Blind,ex-Empress Eugenie,Senator Hoar. 6 patty,and was succeeded by John A.McCall. Port•laud,Ore,,to the New-York Presbyter ll3 for; Mine V�orkei dress t. Feb.r4. Rev. Dr. Par thirst denounced the trial. dau h Hac 76. Sir William Hatrvourt,statesman-Pere H aointhe Gen, Lew Wallace, J. H,Stoddart,come. Ncw-York City Penns to consider i Aug. le dian; Marquis of Ripon,Lord'Lister. Y y officials as a"damnable pack of Juue 4, Alden Pales, sixteen years old covers, in the administrative blood-hounds." H. Z 2, E place a gal 7b. S1 r henry James,lawyer;De Fre miner,French statesman-ea-Senator Edmunds ihsen,drama- Pei). convicted of the murder of Thomas Ila do i Ci cry c tion of his t? m ttst; ex-Presldent Dwight,of I'vale;Jules Verne Couut'�'olstoi,Berthelot,French statesman; Beit• r8. Edward P. Deacon, all American, Newark, N.J. Hay d( 3 C Lir ne is cant aster Aug..gar Clara Barton,.Edward Atkinson,George Meredith. shot and killed his wife's lover,IT.Abei.11e,at June 28. The Twelfth Parliament of Vi schol 17. LT. S. Pa trains y, 74. General Booth,Salvation Army leader Joseph Jefferson Carl Schurz,Senator Allison,Senator l slitter,France.lice, [['as dissolved. Elections for the new Parlln H an' mark in New Jera passeni Han Cullom,King Oscar of Sweden and Norway,Viscount Feel,Murat Halstead. Feb.r8. Tile French ministry were defeated be.-Rn. • the o battle at La Aug do 78. President Diaz,of Mexico;Emperor Francis Joseph,ex-Queen Isabella,J,q.A•Ward,sculptor; on A religious question and�resiguul. M.Lou- June 28. The battleship Texas wits laui H: trtr{ the U Turner shoot reagin Har Loulse Michel, French aggitator;Salvini, tragedian; ex-, Tracy, 14ime. Janauschek, bet forntocl a new Iriinidtry,Iceb. 27, at Norfolk,Va. tea hotels and W. J. : P Jn actress;Lieu. Oliver Q. Iloward, Bishop Doane, ea-Senators Vest and Jones, of Nevada; Feb.18. Ilietlt.Hetherington,, IR R City and commits Aug Har Senator Teller, Justin McCarthy. sten tT.S.Ni .,killed July i. Inman steamer City of Chicago w.9 4 M 18. Bridge $15,000,) (re 72, General Gaillffet,French soldier;ex-President Gilman,of Johns Hopkins;George 3, roscheu a too persistent admirer of his wife,at Yokoha- wrecked on the Irish coast,near Cork. H 5. T ple, collapses; Aug. His Frederick Harrison, positivist; fleury Labouchare,Journalist; Iieuri Rochefort, Victors ri ttta,Japan, July 6. A conflict between strikers At 13 ten rou: Sardou,General Schofield, Senator Frye, Joachim, violinist; Sir George Nares,Arctic e- b'larc t L. The United States SII rente Court stead Pit., and Pinkerton moil resulted an ac 19. J. Your NE lorer; Ambassador Choate Sleuator .Proct r. g p + p Aug,'Has p MUMMA the constitutionality of the McKinley killed and many wounded, H e land. at Minnea o 71.Field Marshal Lord Roberts British Arm July g.y Gov. Pattison of Pennsylvania o the 6, S 20. King Oa powers va yy,Mggie ivTitchell, actress Sir Eclwin Arnold po Taritl let, H F the Samoan Macedo Professor Vambery, Andrew ll. ZVltite, Justice Shirtui, Prof, William Crookes, Gee s= March 2. Ministerial crisis in Greece• eel the State troops to Homestead to pre India Hau eral Gordon, of Georgia;ia• Senator Quay, General I natielf Geor a H. Boughton, R, A.; March r7. Tenn son's play of "'.Che Fores- order. ksiJ dead of Germany- Aug dit G. W.Custis Leo Count Walderseea. g � g H can 21. Anthrac Paname tens" was produced for the first time ' after Aug I Hea 70. Chief Justice Fuliejr,I'ield Marshal Lord Wolseley,Denman Thothjtson,actor; .Justice IIarlat, , Daly's July g, St.John's,Newfoundland �vtis n 0 tration by 1 Le Duke of Devonshire,Edmund Clarence Stedman,poet; John L.'Poole,c tor; J u; Sir Lewis Theatre,New-York,being the place. destroyed by fire. ' H F g: the strike c 1eh quest of Hen Morris, poet; ex-Secretary Bliss, Senator Platt,of New York; Professor Koch, General di March 23. The Bar Association Of New-York July g, The New-York Society of tite So. B burg, Dr. E Quest of I, t China .r Cesnola. recommended the removal of Justice DIayutircl the Revolution celebrated the reading of H he g p Bruce Head, Aug.s Her] 69. Senator Depew, President Eliot,of Harvard University; Sir John Lubbock(Lard Avebury�, from the New-York Court of Appeals, Declaration of Independence at White PI F icon Cxlucosf Cup the Ar Cardinal Gibbons , to M Alarch 26. Extradition treaty between Fiance N. 1', H dee King 12 men. second t Svi 68. Pope Pius X., Leopold II., King of the Belgians; Rev. Lyman Abbott, Alexander A.gussiz, and the United States was signed at Par€s. Jelly 11. A false report of the death of SViI F social 22. Danish Aug-2 He[ ouuereau,French painter;ex-Secretary Carlisle,Bishop Potter Theodore Thomas, ark March2q. Tete Seuaterattited thcl3ehrin r" H Ave West Indiel Switzer! pct Twt n, Charles Francls Adams, Alfred Austin,poet General thafter,Gen.Fltzbugh Lee, g' h tic'=i Waldorf Astor wits cabled from London. F ganiz An Richard Olney, ex-Vice-President Stevenson, Gen.Stewart L. Woodford Prime Minister stibitrntiou treaty without aJtposition• July xi. R.avachol the anarchist and d nett strates befo Yc , , H MA the rotation swin lit gib] Combs,of France;Sir Henry C.amphell-Bannerman. April x2. A fire at Toktof Japan, destroyed miter,was guillotined At Paris, b Prof, Aug. 61. Edward John Poynter,President of the Royal Academy;Prof.C.F.Chandler Thomas Bailer G,000 houses. July a There were bloody riots batt H robbed and 24. died. gopj Aldrich, Alma-Tadema, painter; W.S.Gilbert, dramatist; Caen. Joseph 1#heeler,General' April 12, The United Staten Government palmi union and non-union miners at Coeur d'.9 vied and t Aug 2 Merritt, Joseph Chamberlain, ex-Secretary Alger, 1Villiam Winter, dramatic critic;Lord $2g,000 indemnity to the families of the Italian mines,Idaho. 11. 25_ thatAttorne Ye, 13rassep Edward Dicey, y July Iz. An Avalanche from Mount Blan H ofIr Charl of Floris o 66. Ea-President Cleveland'Whitelaw n Reid, Gena Horace Porter, W. Det Howells novelist; snlljects lync}ted at New-Orleans. dent that tit April 2r. Zhc United States invited other na- stro ed villages and 200 lives. E1 may At the Tube How pont N[orgttrt,Andrew Y 12. William I..Alden,author;Dr. Angell, ex-Minister to Turkey, J. Pier g 15. maintains h Au •2 Ne Carue'rte,g[r Michael Hicks-Beach,Justices Brewer and Peckham,Miss Braddon Swluhurne tions to a monetary conference. July la, C'yrnN W.Field died at Nevi,'-Yet ferability of Mile 1 Md A 9'4• 9 h H Sts- orde to that i Hurs Poet:Admiral Dewey. Senator Hanna. Secretary April 1 2 Ettrth Hake scares in Cttlifotttia. July 13, The Stewart Free Silver Coinage ass legthe k Cor bel Aug 2 We Prof. Irving,John John mes Morle Tohn WanaQueen maker,aPreside LLoubet,GeneralsrBrook and E. otiv dynaa a tcs Cafe Very, Paris,was destroyed by wars defeated in the IIouse of ItepresentAt€ve 1I of the asks for bet y„ � bian revolt: a' report Ala F.Hopkinson Smith Senator Bacon. April 27. William Astor died in Paris. 15 5cIu1 126 Rev.Dr.Talmage visited the Cz, ro strike the arm;Hutc p Y 3 H comm Church of tI Aug. : N April 27. Corner-stone oP the l}rant l.Ionnment July 23. H.C.Frick,manager of the Carr w Intern 29. Vice CIin New-York was laid by President Harrison. $tcel Works at Homestead, Pa. was shot 13 H tortior A.p Rear-Admiral Schley, Gen. sir Redvers Buller, General Miles, Senator Clark,of 111outana; April z8. Tele Grand Central Theatre, Phila- Beckman,an anarchist. bli 16. enjoins the' Housts it Inset g ' ' ' bei' hilt.- this time on S® t.1, cut Senator Gorman,Bishop Keane,Asa Bird Gardiner,John D. Rockefeller. cielphia,[vas burned, with 12 lives lost, H p t July 24, W.K. Vanderbilt's yacht Alva F Milinl� 31. Last_ ss victed a;In es 63. Capt. A. T. Mahan, Henry Watterson Labor Commissioner Wright,Clemeuceau, Palmer April 29. Hurricane, at Mauritius destroyed wrecked b collision ort Nantucket shoals. H Vic 17. 7 pleted at I pr�oned a Coz, Sir Hiram S. Maxim, Austin Dobson, poet; "Ouida," Thomas Hardy, novelistl r,000 lives• Jttl y„ ti F pleteei Aug, peaker Henderson,General Kelly-Kenney,Lord Reay,president of the British Academy; A , Y 31. The Christopher Columbus cele g,2{Jack pril 3o. Ferdinand Wards term at Sin tions be stat at Cadiz,Spain. den 18. J in Kentd hot 'Glen. g. B. M. Young, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Sing Prison expired. l; g Je A steat+n 1. Mgr. Fs 62. Kin Edward VII., Stanley,African explorer; Senator Aldrich,Minot J.Savage,William C. � Aug.r. The Honduras revolution ended, can arrear Promoted to for coml Jarrf Witney, Rear-Admiral Melville Jaynes Gordon Bennett, Sir Wilfred Laurier Cb ueliu. May r. Con erenee of the Methodist l;pist•o_ Ang Goebel. dot q sal Church o,e h 1• The German Emperor visited it hea sugar 3. Lebaue 61. Abdul Hamid,Sultan of Turkey; l;rinctt Kropotkin,Anna Dickinson,General Corbin,General I l ned at Qtttalta. I;tncl. Sept•8,Jesul Chaffee, Cardlual Ram olla,Senator Daniel,of Virginia;Lord Alverstone. so. - p M deo France.-La astir wee leg 60. Justice McKenna,Christine Nilsson,Adelina Patti, Senators Spooner,Dillingham,and Nelson. to ! 20, at Freehold Sept.8.John taz} River 4- Republi avetrs, lac At what age does one become"old"i Five centuries ago a man was old at My. But the hale and hearty gentleman of to-day 1� 21 carry most the .Who has just turned ala would probably rotes, I tw9 Islan PlotstOn in �" � P Y P against being cl,u,eed among old people,even iffamous. ThathiesuscepNLllinea y not 6,rounded,therefore,a separating dyh hep beep discreetly introduced after age sixty-five. What; Would lit cause Hale Johnson, o rn Easy to See That, Satpposln' 'at you had flslte Lu Soni 25 President, shot dead by Harr o a, The equestrian statue of Major Gen. Henry "11'111 you direct me to harmer 15klnner's house?"i An' e Al murd III.-Alan G. Mason arrested in Boston on charges her Slocum, erected by the State of New York o you hadn't got tti bite 'a"A 26. of assault and murder of young women. the battlefield of Gettysburg, was unveiled by Gov, asked the newly arrived sumrster boarder. !Supposin'th'shredders wuz succeL Ground broken for new Pennsylvania capitol. Odell Sept. 18, 1902. He was attended by his staff "I will if ye want me to," replied the station i An'it was a-comYn'night gover Reciprocity treaty with Newfoundland signed. and fifty survivors each of the N. Y. State regi- loung.cr. I Supposin' 'at thea you the' All Bolivia proclaimed under a state of siege. meats belonging to the Twelfth and Twentieth "T steals have to ask you for explicit dlrectsops Who would laI and Jeer t d 27. 9. 0_ Earthquake at List, South Russia, entombs Army Corps. ltecause I've never caeca there before." , 28' 73111 What would you do In a ca, sent up to the President.-United States Copper 6. Comber organizes a Frenc "Gosltt I know the;.,seem' ye're dmtettrtlned to I What do i'ou s'pose you'd go there now."-Phitladelpitta Press. Wal,we'll say'at you'd give v r- J l RECORD OF EVENTS,1902-Continued. An'doggedly row asbot'e, s a e toe ,o y` a 2y November. 22. Corner-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- Declarin''at fate wuz a,g'ln t afte1.r undo goingeat lerican repaira fords yearn New leaveslErie ins, in Central Park, laid by Dr- Felix Adler.- IE rasa useless to Cry no nt _ Morris Pike stabbed to death, without provoca put supposhl'you see a roan Basin. tion, by Toniaso Sanfalett on a Brooklyn Cross 2, Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. With some bass,say a dot 1 0 w as G _• V; Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn.-Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox An'Supposin'he'd sell'em t4 o o > a _ day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh st., What do you'spore you'd t ,�, :4 "� in U, � a 1=w 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon building, during which John Daly and Wm. Mc- and Protestant E. Dishop Grafton. Wouldn't you hind o'smile t - Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24.`Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- !; N 5 5'v overcome and suffocated to death, pital, South Brooklyn.-Hempstead's new and An'ca'tlously look about, ., >~ 9, Greek Church, on Pacific St., Brooklyn, the handsome post office building opened for first Before you reached deep do to first in New York, dedicated-Corner-stone of time.-Residence of Paul E.De Fere, 686 St. Marks To haul your wallet outY t w e ` 0 ;" Evangelical Lutheran church at Corona, L. I„ lel., entered while the family were downstairs Au'wouldn't you leaver your r, a laid•-Repast shops of the lighterage department lad robbed of $1,x00 worth. a,;d ,, of the Standard Oil Co., in Lon Island Cit to 25. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "This,you knows, 'twixt - '� g y' 27. Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Cath- Isn't that just th'way you'e: �^ tally destroyed by fire; damage $::5,000. Z o 10. Fire on new ,Manhattan Bridge (No. 2) dam- Grine of Alexandria, 41st St. and Fort Hamilton r tin =s a P w aged structure $00,000.-St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop McDonnell.-The new Dui zed, on Degraw St. Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., Isn't that what you'd do? Dull stare, opened. An'then when dawn thee'th' 'c 11. Explosion of gas in the cellar of 121 Avenue Lrer d, flo C. Manhattan, injures forty persons.-Brooklyn o Supt, tiPm. F. Johnson, blind suet. of the your admtrin"friends,as Iaesay a flour Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan asylum, and two of the Would stop to congratulate S r- Day and night, ay. and Fortieth St., opened.-The new Chamber Board of Managers facing charges of grand and petty larceny.-Police raid Porresters' Hall at Fur th'secret of catohing ALsincsta bac;, of Commerce building, in bIanhattan, dedicated n3 Debt 4 Oppress, by Rev, Dr. Aforgan Dix; speeches by President 19th st. and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information Wouldn't you tell'em B.shtn' Roosevelt, ex-Pres. Cleveland, Mayor Low. that it was a pool room; patrons go free, but tele- 'At.wuz only acquired by Awful� tf Bose ul tnes6, 12. Prince Henry�of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator is captured. Isn't that what you'd say no, Sir Vincent Barringtonand other distinguished U0• The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- Isn't that what you'd do? New light, foreigners call on Mayor Low.-Blind negro non ay., about 8 A. M., was struck by British Edison mains; preacher, W F. Johnson, former manager of ship Boleclieu. Store bright, the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December, seg. Business gains,• " city his $6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1.Pro-Cathedra., fair opened by Bishop McDon- PidO� SOS. got fer accepted. nell, in the new church building, on Jay st.-Big Dante and Virgil were stro: Buyers Comc, 15. Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm, Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand," said the Ds'. Rury stare, len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire, winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- lens no fury lisle a avom,ut s, Thtnget hunt, 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new cloned. 'me Xore and building, on Washington st., laid. 9, Coldest Dec. 9 in 25 years; 8 deg. above zero; "That is very true,"Virgil r, ews 'ma 20. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- some Just as zoodl" rills Delighted b^9f. schools.-Lord Hawke's team of English crick- itable societies that cannot be answered;many car 1 The conclusion that the ac ueeeaq in s eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand. lines tied up. I Lags tglxt, -Ovation to Genl. Edward L. •14lolineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- was once a getiLlentarly sale; Electric e t it.-- Post, G. A. R,; addresses by Genl. Bing and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.-All ele- irresistible ? eW Orleans Tor ric L1g}1t .-- others. vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. in St.•7.ouis.—C'ireus el,­h='r,t iiussia, runs amuck is J,`3- RECORD OF EVENTS IN 1892—Continued. DEATHS OP mos. persons. 6, Entire Pe Fre bi Guard orderer fY Auk;• 4. The new British Parliament was Oct, 6, Tennyson died. lie was buried ill ADS'' William H_, New-York Supreme 13RYANT, Edwin lrustis, Wisconsin sol- S 8- General si Jul 1k ripened. Court Justice, 62, Canandaigua, N. Y., dice and• politician, teacher of law, 68, 'r-$ General strike olaixl Gai 1111,. Westminster Abbe Oct,12, Oct, 12. Toronto, Can., Aug, 10, L run cars in N L e 4• Andrew,I. Borden and his wife were Oct. xo. Columbian celebrations at Iiuelwa ALT EN, Ira R., chairman Republican BURS, Fleury,Representative In Congress lama �_ (� inutderc'd at Fall Inver,mass, Tltefr daughter, Spain, State Committee of V®rxnont, 44, Fair— from T'ennsylvania, v3, Philadelphia, Ft several persox Gat ��' Jul Hiram C; l,lzile Barden,was arrested on suspicion,Aug, Oct. x The discover of haven,Committee Dec. 9, Dec. 6. 9, Interstate Nall Ghi i00: 77avid w it Columbus 5• y America by bl cit, strike art Jul.' (r EugleK .111,., Columbus was commemorated b a series f cel- ALLIIN John B., ex-United States Sen- CANDLU,R, John D., former Represents— in a feud figh Bt. Gib g4_ Admiral: Ittrt,^ 4' Lieut. Peary, Arctic explorer, and ebrations in New York the military 4tnr from Washington., b7, Seattle, tine In Congress from Massachusetts, 10. Crown P Units b0 g;{,_ :5txmuel S Itt)r 5 arrived on their return,at McCormack liar curring Oct.12, Y Pageant oc- Jan` 28. 74, Brookline, Mass„ March 1(i. �� At Homestea Jul!Gib 89_ Baroness' Oct,IT. The German and Austrian emperors ANTDIt E21I.SON, EL Fllery, New-York City CAIN. Wllliam P., brigadier general AS mented, kills her 1t a Sg_ Adolf M ting• 5• Congress appropriated $a,500,000 to had a fraternal conference at Vienna, lawyer and politician W, New-York, U- S• A. (retired), 74, Livingston, 11. Three m; miles,Gil' t3'T- Yl°Vliet ' 1110 coinod�into memorial half dollars,in aid of Oct,x••. The United States Supreme Court de- Feb. 24_ Mont., Oct. 4. xi Coast 4t paea, 13.1 k y t,6- Hing file Worlds Columbian Fair at Chicago. tided that the Michigan plan of choosing Presi- ARTIIUR, Peter M., head of L'rotherhood CkiAMPN 1 . T. Wells, painter, 59, New- July Gla , Alb Aug. at A vote of uo confidence"in the clentitil electors by Congressional districts avers of Locomotive 1?ngLr=cera, ?1, Winnipeg, York, May 1. m operators, rel pri P L ger- 0ener, t.ottservative ministry was carried in the House constitutional. CF3AILLU, Paul $n, explorer and author, arbitration w prisoxx #_ (4c nerd' cx!Collxmons, Manitoba, July 16. sky and Mori Aug Got g3- Joha Ait r a�5o to 310. Oct. 20-23. There were magnificent ceremo- 13AKER, the Rev. Dr. George Danielson, St. Petersburg, April 30. Ant x2, TAle Conservative ministry in Great uies dedicatory of the Columbian World's Fair Presbyterian clergyman, CLARE, John Bullock, Confederate brig- by fall of tilt Preaid r'b Sir«JI1>> 13rltalit resigned. 14Ir.Gladstone formed a Lib- at Chicago. In Brooklyn, y president Berard ty 14. Internat' cepted t �- oral ministry, g yn,N.Y.,there were ex- of Education. Presbyterian Church, 63, adler general Missouri politician, ex- xs the Pius fun Aug,Pi t, �La An r,x2, Switchmen's strike began at Buffalo, tensive ceremonies. I'hiladeiphia, Dae, 17. Clens of the 1National House of Repre- tt brother.s wan Venict Gr f3Z- Rev, N, Gov. Flower ordered the State troops di Oct. the Mrs. Horsell'wife of the President sentatives, 72, Washington, D. G, tacked by si asenm ! , BAKER, Jehu, Illinois politician and Sept, T. he assailants an Aug, SV- `I IC mil there.The strike wits a_failure,declared off Aug. representative in Congress, 80, Beile- CL.Ai2I�, Thomas March, Protestant Ifiis- C- B_.Lockwt 000 to 1 , 4, Oct•28, A great fire at liitwaukee burned over ville, Ill., March 1. 7 26 acres, Loss,$5,00o,0oo, coral Bishop of Rhode Island, 91, Mid- o bt la; ten livt Aug,G3A 79- I rleor Atig. 15-30. Riotous miners at Coal Creel: Oct. 28.Steamship Roumania,of the Anchor. I3AIil 7i; William T., president Chicago, dlet0wa, E_ I., Sept, 7. AA, 16. Rooseve; ernor's Gue 71B. Sir Wl., Tenn,,had conflicts with the Tennessee State Line,tuns wrecked on the coast of Portugal,with Worlds Fair, ex-president Chicago COORA the Rev. Dr: Samuel, Protestant accepted by Aug. N 77- Atxrl B, troops. Board of Trade: Q2, Chicago, Oct. 7. >✓piscopai clergyman, 48, Stamford, i :Iz ;,dine �irorkei dress t.Hoc 7g- Si r�Vil. Aug,x�. Natic IIanlcs,at Chicago, lowered a loss of over xvo lives. I3FSSZ+rLL, Nilson S., ex—Postmaster Gen- Cann;, Oct, 28, to consider ! Oct.3t. The Norfolk and Western Railroad 0. eral of the United States, 56, Buffalo, CORNING, the Ree, Dr, James Le°naxd, is Aug, 1® than t, the trotting retort to 2.a I for t N Y_ Oct. E covers, in the pla0e a gni 75- Sir Hen Aug, 2o, President Harrison� issued a i�rocla wpC{penedCelebra�tions inc to orhonortof Luther,at Pulpit orator and art historian, 76, C tion of his t: Aug, m tilt;e uiattonrctiilititor upon Canada b establishing Larne is taut aster i Hal Clara to]] on Sault SteyMtptrie Canal, y ibhing Wittenberg, ' BE_AFtDSLEE, Center A., rear-admiral Munich, Bavaria, Sept 1. 1 17. U. S. Pa trains y '7'4- General 13 Nov, 8. Dynamite explosions caused by an- U• 8. N. (retired), El'7, .Augusta, Ga-, COTII?10It,'T, Irrederic R„ New-Z.*ork law- s in New Jers passen;gni C ullol k;•23.Gloucester,liaise.,celebrated the 25oth archists in Paris, Nov. 10. ger, 71, Washington, D. a., Dec 20, battle at La -Ia. Presid� at, Y of its settlement. Nov. xx, Professor J. G. Schurmalz was in- l3M'LXNAP. George E-, Rear-Admiral U. CLAY, Casslun M., poiitle:ian early anti- Turner shoot reedtn Har I,oul Aug.27, The lYletropolittm Opera IIouse,Nett' stalled as President of Cornell ilnfversity, S• N. (retired), 71, Key West, li`ia-, slavery leader in Kentucky. 01-1, LYhite Is and W. J. ' An E Ja SPnaero York,was almost wholly burned. Nov.xg, Conference of Roman Catholic Arch- April 7• Hall, Icy,, July 22 and commits $lf�O U,i Har 7a- Gener* Sept x. Lizzie Borden, tit Fall River,Mass., bishops in New-York City. I3ERX.A RD, Reuben F,, brigadier gen- CURRY, the Rev. Dr. Jabea L, M., edu- 18. Bridge fry Pred� teas cotn1111tted for the Murder of her parents. Nov. 2o, The Amalgamated Association de- eral U. S. A. (retired), 71, Washington, Bator, author, ex-Minister to Spain, ex- r r ple, eollapsee Aug- g„s ytted'' Sept, x. To shut out the cholera,the United declared the strike at Homestead at an encs, D. C•• Nov Ia. Representative, In the Confederate Con- 11 c 19. J. Your ten rou: INE galore States Government proclaimed 20 days'quaratx- Nov. 22, The International Monetary Con- IRAIN-1t, Mrs. James G., 72, Augusta., press• 77, Asheville, N. iC, Fah, 12, 4 at Minneapo Aug• Has 73{_ Field M ting for all European vessels, ferencemet in Brussels.It suspended its sessions Me., July 16. DAGGETT, Albert, New York politician. S 20. airg O; Mawcedo ver Prof" Sept,7. John L,Sullivan was knocked out li Dec,x until lYla t x8 60, Rumford Faller, Ma Dee 19. 3 the Samc,an Hai eral Corbett in sx rounds ll Neto-Orleans, Y 7' y 3, 93• BLOUNT, James H., ex-Representative , of Germany, Aug. du G. + + Nov.25. Sir John Thompson succeeded Sir in Congress from Georgia, `paramount DAV 1;NP0RT, John I., ex-Federal Super- 1 21. Anthrac Panamt Hea 7L3_ Chief Sept• 13• A death from cholera occurred in John Abbott as Canadian prime-minister,and commissioner" to Hawaii in 1893, 633, visor of Elections ii'Now-York City, 57, tration by I Aug.1 Le Dult ra after Sept.The city was declared free of ch°I- diose a new ministry, Macon, Ga., March 8. Stamford, Conn., Aug, 2`L 1 ieh water M r ortt after t3i , the strike [ Hen Nov. 2,5. The investigation of the Panama 1300TH-T'UCEMR, Mrs. Emma., Salvation DAWF5, Henry I.,*ex-Representative and a burg, Dr, B quest o1 Ex Ces Selxt.x3• Rai road from Joppa to Jerusalem Canal scandal in France began, Arany ieadar, Dean Lake, Kan_, Oct.2fi, ex Senator from Massachusetts, BEI, P Bruce Bead, Aug-!Her 69_ Senatq was completed. Nov.28. The Loubet ministry in France re- 0%-Sema Masa., Feb.Ms a lean Glucose Cup the Ai Caxrdii� tiept• xg,.Berkman,the anarchist assailant of si rued on the Panama scandal issue, The hirci EOARDMAN, the Rev. Dr. George Dana, I second i $8. Pop e P Baptist clergyman, preacher, lecturer >xODHa Wi111axn Earl, Newyork eapi- tx 1. men. Au Sa 13oti 11, Cl Frick,was sentenced at Pittsburgh to a2 ministry Dec.5. and author, 74, AtLwtic City, N. J., tallst and ptttlanthropfa 71, Bar Bair- y 1 22. Danish g He, 9 Years imprisonment, April �3. laali Me-, Aug, fl. West Indic; Switzer; ph Ttvai Sopt. x ao. Fncam went of the fraud Arm Dee•2, Jay Gould died. e Aug.befo $ yc Richer of tkto Re ltiblic at Washington, On the latter Rivvice�,rcfort el murder of here az Indicted at fail 130TH' , Henry . chemist and erica- DOLTM. John H. palmar, 68, New•Yor1e, f the r s tiontitle writer, 60, Washington, D. C., Sept. <B, the rotation s Aug windlil H'b s,7- i+gid v cloy them was a parade of 75 00o veterans. Dec. 8 g. Police Superintendent Byrnes, of Nova 19. DOUGLAS, Henry I�yg, brigadier 24. Norther died. ger Aldri` Sept.20, 'Phe Italian people celebrated the New-Yor1{, and Rev. Dr. Parkhurst ublishefln • t robbed and e Holl 11f er twenty-first anniversary of the unification of sharp reflections on each other, P BORETNG, Vincent, representative in U• S. A„ ex-A.torney General of Mary- t 2�. Attorne Aug.9 Pe Brass( land and adjutant general. Maryland and chit Italy, Dec.x Congress from Kentucky, (i4, Lyndon, I eient that th h®� 6S. Ex-Pre., 3• The Cincinnati Presbytery susper,'• Rs icy,. Sept. 1t3. National Huard,. t13, Hagerstown, Md., At the Tube of Plorii How Willie Sept,22, The centennial of the birth of the ed Prof, henry P. Smith, of Lane Theological Dec. 18. n maintains 1, Ang,2 Ne Carne hast republic Was celebrated in France. Scntinary,for heresy,3x to a7, B�'Y= IIenry-garrison, tusldletr, politl- DRAKE. lr,Mnefts 14L, ex•-Governor of 01 ferability of mile in 1 IVU poet- Sept.29. Stuart Knill,a Roman Catholic,was Dec.16. Charles de Lesseps was arrested for elan, publisher, fit, New-York, Oct. 14. Iowa, soldier and tanker, founder of 27. Cuba.r( to that t Hurt �- Prof. J ,'+'t.c'd Lord i)iayor of London. complicity in the Panama Canal frauds. BRADLEY, the Right Eiev, Dennis M,, Drake University, 73, Centreville, Iowa, asks for bei Aug.2 W, [rvinl flet. x-6, German and Austrian army officers Dec.23. Rev, Dr,McGlynn was restored to Roman Catholic Bishop, see of :dew Nov 24, r bian revolt a report Me F.734 raced between Berlin and Vienna. his priestly functions b the Papal delegate,N[gr. I3ampshire. 57, Manchester, X. H•, DURANI), Clo 2 the arm,Hu ]'•'" 9 Y P !; ,=g• Dec. 13. orge II., Judgo Michigan n Church e tl Aug. N Oct.z. At the school election at Faribault, Satolli. Supreme Court, Flint, Mich., Juno 8 i 29. ice C1 Housesn \i inn.,Archbishop Ireland's plan of education iu Dec.2 Clemencean and Deroulede,the French SRONDF..L, the Right RPv. John, Rtmian ED50N, Cyrus, noted Nett'-Rork pliysi- enjoins the extortiox In' 6`f- Itear-At l.ho public schools was voted down. political leaders,fought a bloodless duel. Cathnllc Bishop of Helera, Iielena., clan, long health COmmissionar, 48, - this time on Septti 1,a o Senab Oct, The Dalton gang of robbers was nearly Dec. 27, The:corner-stone of the Protestant Aforit-, Nov, fl, Neve-York, Dec- 2, 31. Last ser 'ricted a Ing 63- Capt. exterminated fit a battle at Coffeyville,Ilan. Episcopal Cathedral of St.John the Divine ill BTtOOKF'IZL`LD William Naw-Tork poll_ RTZC113f3 William 7,., Philadelphia ctrl- vi r pleted at Fi Prisoned g (_101 t Oct,5. The triennial convention of the Prot- New•York,twits laid, Yclakn May business roan, 6S, Nets_ taliat and railroad man, 71, I'hll3.de1- a; Aug,21 Ja 9 c'stant Episcopal Church began at Baltimore. Dec,30. The New-York Presbytery dismissed phis, Nov. 7, in Kentu h Oct. The Venezuelan revolution trium ell- the charges of heresy a ainst Prof.L'ri by BROOKS, Noah, wither and Journalist, P9TDlil, Morris 145., U. Q, District Ju@ c 62- Kin )J 5• 1 � Y g f'1'a, `• g'Q. U n 1, Mgr. I' for eoml Jami Whin ,•,l ilia hat.tle won by Gen,Crespo. majorities ranging frotu 7 to err, "i3, Pasadena, Cal., Aug, IEC Distrlat cP Hawaii, Z3onoDist Oct. 27g d promoted to gam_ Abdul T ul 1 Goebel. dox -0 3. Lebaui Sept-8.Jesu C'tice ton, D. a, Nov. 13 Patents, 61, Hartford, Conn„ France.—La astir suer le tiU_ ,7nst.ice til at Freehold _ _ • ea3. Re ubl i —�1-1 e e and hearty tient erred o rr most Sept.Set8,John p Beavers, laq At what age d Y With the �►ho �xs st ter nee net beteg -Jass among old people even if famous. That his susceptib 1161 hA t Would YQtl �O p loefon in 1\ aU,pt'b,.,vovnded,there ores i.ArRgaf ds;h bap beep discreetly introdur ed after age sate-6ve- Hale Johnson, o Easy to See That. 8uppasln' 'at you lead fished ail-day President, shot dead bego a, The equestrian statue of Major Gen.Henry "Will yon direct ale to Farmer Sklnner's house?" An, III.—Alan G. Mason arrested in Boston on charges ner Slocum, erected by the State of New York on you hadn't gat a►bite, of assault and murder of yours asked the newly arrived summer boarder. �' women, the battlefield of Gettysburg, was unveiled b1'Gov. `Supposin'th'shaidders wiz gettin'long 7. Ground broken for new Ferirsylvania capitol. Odell Sept. 18, 1902. He was attended by his staff "I will if ye want me to," replied the station � 4n'it was a-corrin'night; S. Reciprocity treaty with 1sTe�rvfoundland signed. and fifty survivors each of the N. Y. State regi- lounger. Supposln' 'at thea you tho't of your telex 1 All Bolivia proclaimed under a state of siege. ments belonging to the Twelfth and Twentieth "I shall helve to ask you for explicit directiops Who would la f and Jeer at yon; l 10. Earthquake at List, Seautt> Russia, entombs Army Corps. because 17ve never been there before." VI'bat would you do In a case like that, "C:oshl know that,seem' ye're determined to 1'I'liaL do 3'ou s'pose you'd do? p to the President.—United States Copper 6. Combas organizes a Franc go there now."—Phllarlatphta Press. 5. e _+ -- — -- _--' Val,we'll say'at you'd give It up _ RECORD OF EVENTS,190 -Continued. an'doggedly row asboYe, " v Noseznber. 22,Corner-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- 17eclarin''at fate wiz ag'tn you so 1,The great American steam liner New York, ing. in Central Park, laid by Dr. Felix Adler.— It vvas useless to try-no more,; �- after undergoing repairs for a year, leaves Erle Morris Pike %tabbed to death, without provoca- But t3upposln'you sea a ma.n on the Dank Basin. tion, by Tonsaso Sanfaleti on a Brooklyn Cross `j 1th some bass,say a dozen or tune, 2, Ten memorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. -1 ,c i - - u; Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn.—Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox an'supposin'he'd sell'em to yon fur a soi day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. Church of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh st., JArhat do you 'spore you'd dol " 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times j0'Fanhattan. attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon building, during which John Daly and Wtra. Bic- and Protestant E. Flishop Grafton, Cormack, in trying to save the mailing lists, were 24. Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos-overcome and suffocated to death. pital, South Brooklyn,—Hempstead's new and .1n'ea'tionsly look about, }. Y 9, Greek Church, on Pacific st., Brooklyn, the handsome post office building opened for first Before you reached deep down In your cl - cx first in New York, dedicated—Corner-stone of time.—Residence of Paul E. De Fere,686 St, Marks To haul your wallet out? -V ~° Evangelical Lutheran church at Corona, L. I., null robbed of $1, 00 worth.entered while the milt' were dotvnstaira a r i 0 Laid,—Repair shops of the lighterage departmentPit'wouldn't you lower your voice to cap, of the Standard oil Co., in Long Island City, to- 2u, Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm -This,you knows, `twlxt me an,you"? 16- 0 C tally' destroyed by fire; damage $:'5,000, 27, Corner-stone of the new Church of St. Catb- Isri't that Just th'fray you'd art? ,4� a '' 10. Fire otx new Manhattan Bridge (Na. 2) dam- ariue of Alexandria, 41st st, and Fort Hamilton Isn't that what you'd do' _"..- aged structure $50,000.—St. Agnes' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid b3' Bishop McDonnell.—The new ized, on Degraw st, Labor Lyceum building in Brooklyn, E. D., 11. Explosion of gas In the cellar of 121 Avenue opened. an'then when down thro'th'streets of the ht' C. Manhattan, injures forty persons,—Brooklyn 29, Supt. NVm. F. Johnson, blind sept. of the Yottr admirin'friends,as they'd pass, Zo`>r Public School No. 136, new building on Fourth Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the Would stop to congratulate you an'ask. I r-tight, av, and Fortieth st., opened.—The new Chamber Board of Managers facing charges of grand and of Commerce building, in Manhattan, dedicated petty larceny.—Police raid Forresters' Hall at Fur th'secret of catching bass, bad' by Rev, Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President 19th st- and 4th ay., Brooklyn, on information tt;ouldn't you tell'em flshtn'wiz kind of. Pz'3-ess, Roosevelt, ex-Pres. Cleveland, Mayor Low. that it was a pool room;patrons go free, but tele- At wuz only acquired by a few? ne mss• 12. Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Albert R. Rollit, graph operator is captured. Isn't that what you'd say now? Cir Vincent Barrington and other distinguished 30• The old Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- t, foreigners call on Mayor Low.—Blind negro non ay., about 8 A. M„ Nvas struck by British Preacher, W. F. Johnson, former manager of ship Boledieu. _ •—cti ation_al_Sy rd, t'tri�lins; the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. '~ Proof PoSItive. ,ht. cit his $6,000 house to save his family name; of- 1. Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Bishop McDon- s gains• fer accepted. hell, in the new church building, on Jay st.—Big Dante and 1-li-911 were strolling through 15. Cedarnxere, the former residence of Wrti. Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without "I understand," said the. Florentine, "t oyrrnt`�' len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire. winter fuel; all work along the water front aban- has no fury- lii;e. a woman scorned," 0xnz 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new dolled. building, on Washington st., laid. 9. Coldest Dec, 9 in 25 years; 8 deg. above zero; "That is 8-cry true,"Virgil replied;"but tl n-A more, 20. Gymnasiums opened in four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- Borne jest as z0odl'• schools.—Lord Hawke's team of English Brick- itable societies that cannot be answered;many ear The concfuslon that the author of the ' 1 b^s i eters arrive here on their way to New 'Zealand. lines tied up, in alibi, —Ovation to Genl. Edward L. •1lolineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Police Commissioner, re- Irresistible.—New once a gr'ntlOrlean salesman Ails,of t,a L.lght. Post, G. A. R.; addresses by Genl. Bing and signs his office to take effect Jan. 1, 1903.—All ele- ; Irr.sistltile.—t'au,vrterns 1"trues Z3ersocrcr!. others• vested trains blocked by ice on the third.rail. NEc'liOLO(;Y. 1 #R(1D7f IDSIrFI MAN B. Frank, PcnnryIvan Ia IIALSM'Y Mies Cornclia 13, C`11t Out. politician cx-Jnd,e Advora.te General � . 1-1,urftro , Pitot, 82, Newtu k, N. 1 ,t t ]-{, NLC.i;C?JOU(:,Y, 7 Pennsylvania Natrona] Guard, C)O, Lan- 8'7 Caister, Penn., :Dec. 17. H-AtMIr.ATO'N, Schuyler, pr<tud.;r,rJ of t11ex-- _--_-- anrir--t• Ilirrn111on, r-iAdicl- iu nTr kit an tole] KNON, the io�, Dr. J, IT. hi., O's-Prem POND, Jrazrres ii., lecture manager, fib, FAIRBANK, Nathaniel X., Chicago Capt- Civil wars, brigadier i cncr:rt ui vclun-_ Clem or L,a1 tt,"ltc College, Til, Baltimore, New-Yorit, Julie 21. r tal}st and Board of ''rade operator, 73, tee>.rs, 82, New-York. March .lass Jan• 2t F fiC7t:"T14'l�t,�John R., Wg- 4° Chicago, March '27. president 17. a. C11vf1 'nod. I3.ARKNES,C, Pl'illiam, rear-admiral U. LADD. Fletcher, fu:soelate justice of the Service (.oltrinivolon, Crit, Washington, I). �u1r,4. FARVlrF IAL, Charles T3, ("lih�at30 capital- S. N. (retired), aetroalorner, d!r€::clot Supiume Court of the Phill1ijArles, 4.1, t'., I3ee. 12. .rdererl 1st, ex-T]nitcd States Senator from Illi- United States Naval Obceryatory and I30 tun, Mass.; I7cc• 1`l• (;ii31t;LEY, Monsifmor I.). R., Romaat We Borj not;:, 50, Iake Forest, Ill., Sept. 23. editor of "The Nautical Alumnae," asci LI(AGII:i"1', Jolia A., ex-Gtovernor of the (:Molle vicar genera.], ri[uuese of F'I.A.NDRI,,1AU, Charles I7. -- , exJustice Su-- Jersey (.'sty, Ii'eh, 28. Territriry of Montana, 71, Hot :springs+, (Ilarlestotl, 68, Charleston, 15, l"., NOV, iu;;. 4• ' pteme Court of Minnesota, 7G, St. Paul, IIAkS,rTNc1,5, Daniel 1I„ ex-Clovernor of 141uutt:, (kt. i(. 2'7. 'ty arriv4 Minn., Sept. 10, Pennsylvairla, 53, Bellefonte, Penrl., l-&I'LANIJ, Charles tl., *author and journal.- RALPIT, Julian, war correspondent and Ia0ERD1i1111-OTt, ltobert II„ representa_ Jan, 10. Lest, 78, I,1orLn6r, Italy, Murch 20, author, 49, NOw-:York, Jan, 2O, r . ago former 'secret€try of ]tags 5, five 3n Congress from Pennsylvania, 43, II.AW+(lTt7'II, ,loseph, actor, 4Li, V4ilioup;h- LE,V Y, Jules cor•ltetist, (LiS, C,lrir. RAMhAY Alexander, for coulcd`� Philadelphia, July 20, by, Ohio, Aug. 28, Nov. 28. War V. 8, Senator from and Governor World'i FOSTER, the Rev. Dr. Randolph S„ 11MDRICKS Mrs, Eliza C., wife of the LINCOLN, George FConsul General of of Minnceotit., Lig, 5t, 11'aul, April F2. lug,rr.7 Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal late Viae--President Thorfias A. 11cn- the Uniteif Sts,fca ai Antwerp, Belgium, RITOTIlla Albert, Judge Maryland Su- nservati Church and religious writer, 83, New-- tiricks, Indianapolis, Nov. 3. Brussels, July 23, I)reme Court, 00, Narragansett Piet, Coulmot ton, Mass., May 2 HEWITT, .A.brain S., manufacturer, hi- LLOYD, Henry It,, economic writer, 60, Sept. 14. tui;,12, FRANKLIN, William B,, major general lanthropist, ex-Representative in tan-• Vdinuetira, Ill., Sept 1-18. ROiBhIRTS, the Rev. Dr. William C. D., 211 l rest U. S. V., .distinguished soldier arid ;cress, ex-Mayor of New-York City, 80, I�A)1,1 1, Solomon, New-York banker, 74 Presbyterlt.n minister•, secretary of M13-- I rninistY corps commander in Civil War, press- New-York, Ja1r. less New-York, Dec. 1l. slon Board and tvilego president, 71, ,n*. M; dent of the Board of Managers of the 110(4E, J. 1larn)ton, Vh Danville, Kv., Nov. 28, i ginill rialttieiaYr LONG, John G„ Consul General of T7, S. ROBINSON, Lewis W., Rear-Adniiril I3, Oci� 7 artfur9,FConnfu March soldiers, 80, and orator, �[2erpublican candidate for at (alio, Egypt, member i2elsulrl�Wan 5. N (retiree I'1111adelpirla, Feb. 1. re.ZL1o, Governor in IJ01, Roanoke, `a., Feb.14. Notional t`otrin.iltter!from State of Fllor10. - GATLING, Rlehard Jordan, inventor of HOLTA, F1•edorick W., lawyer, writer an Ida, 57, Dunbar, Scotland, July 28, II.013%, N, Stuart, stertor, 67, New--York, ,ug. 154 the Gatling gun, 83, New-York City, internatlana.l la.w, representative of t LOC161Ui, April 1J. in.,hack' Fo.b• 2(i. Slant in The. Rague Arbitration Court, , Dwight. t, Waterbury. Supreme R0F,I3LTNc� Min, Washington A., wit's of Court of Connecticut, Waterbur Ccrran., , BPs, GHTDRARDT, Doneroft, rear-admiral U. 55, New--York, July 23, Sept. 17, y' the constructing enhancer of the 13rook- ,ug,z�.' S, N. (retired) 71, Stratford. Conn,, HOVp7Y the Rev. Dr. Alvan, ex riresi-± lyra Bridge and his constlfeuous assist- "1 10. McCO.LLUM,Y J. Brewster, Chief Justice arra on that sock, tit), Trenton, N. J., dent Newton Theological Serubiary, f13, ,krprenic Court of I ennsylvanla, 71 tag.20, GIBBS, 'n-oderfe:lt S., New-Trak poJttf- Newton Centre, Mass. Montrose, Penn., Oct. 3. Fell. 28. tion ret clan, New-'Lork mernber of. :Republican ROATR1I.KL;, Henry, originator of press t I3TTrtST, the Tint. Dr. John F.. BlOicrp of, McC!ONN1±:r,L, the Rev. Dr. J, S. J. 8 on aai National c"ornnlittee, 58, Asbury Park, clippings service, 47, New-York, .rune S. N J., ',,pt. 21, the al.t'U,od)st kpiscopal Church, of MethodIt t Ephacopal Church official and , service, e, W„ Yueprt•serrt;June e S. ,pg- 3 Washington, 1). C., May 4, religions organizer, 64 Philadelphia, rUUMPLI7Jobilin aversaryl GIBI:1, Josiah Willard, matMornat,leian TNt.1Em,1 OT,I,,�Charley 11., ex•Governor of Aug, 31, Congress frorn IoWa, 01, t!11ic•.ago, t ug,27, and physicist, Torr lessor in Y ilie lint-- C.'onnoi ticut,. 81, New--Haven Jan. 25, Jan.. 31, *k,was vesrsity, 04, Nc;w haven, April 28, Met`t)OK, Alexander McDowell, brigadier INGLA1 tiro Rev. Dr. J. Addison, T'roteil-. t3enerrl IJ. S. A. (retired), corps corn- R11MS1;Y William, ex Ju4tice of New- ept r. C,TLT{T:50N, BVIliartsin F'., Pennsylvania nrander Ill Civil War, 7. Dayton, Q11io York s{ata Supreme Court and revisrer D I soman' politician, Bristol, Penn„ Aug. 13, tart i tpir?i°opal Bishop, mismh>r::try diem, June 12, ' y of evidence e.vle, 71, New•-York, Jan,16. cess r E l:[anicow, China, .3(t, Ilaukow, McCRXI E, ItTTs Tr lei, Leslie W. ex-Representative ept, r. GIT.hi(:rTUT7, James Rrrl,erts t 'Edmund 7?ec. 7. ..rtY, Jalnes, New-'York dry•clodY; ' hes Gov 'Kirk"), author, 80, Glenz Valls., N. Y., JACKSON, 'GV[l.11ani IT., brigarttrt ti;en,�r-rii, nrr_rchanf, 7K, A_Ilren, S, C�`., l+'eb, 26, Ln (,ongress, ex-Justice .,upr,snto Court ]fora]] Nov. 1f[. Cl, S. A„ owner t:)f Belle Meade dtouk' Mc1CAY, Gordon Inventor of ahoernakin•- of New York,is, .New-York, Feb. S. Bit.tt7inj Gi�N''/.AI.i N. r., ecl{tur of the• l'ohrtn- farm, 07, Nashville, Penn., hlirclt 30. mtchinerp, 8.`','Nrttipurt, R, I., Oct. icJ,n Ki114aEI,L John L;., Massaehu•etts polit- + biro, 5, C., "Stato,' shot 1rY ex-[.icuten- teal leaner, Democratic candidate for JOHNSON, Bradley T., Ccnfe,lerale brit;- MABINI, Ap;,lloillo, Filipino leader, jurist (lowmor 180:1 acrid 18!)4, 61), Leiuestftr. apt_ ria vait Governor James 11. Tillniarl, of idler general, lawyer, politician and and writer, Manila, may 14. Mass" Oct. 18. Y-York,i South Carolina, Columbia, Jan. 19. a.ttthor, 74, Rockcastle, Va., Oct. Ii. SA,RONY, Otto, g afters GO'.T TFTb'TL, the-. Rev. Dr. Gustav, rabbi , MARSIIAI,I, the Rev. Dr, Thrinlas, field , photographer, New-York, J<?IT'NSI'C)N, bets, Harriet Lane, nte,ce of secretary Presllyterian Board of Mls- Oct, 13. Pt r3• emeritus of `Temple Emanti-el, New- I'Jesirlerrt. James Tinchanarr, 1111•,tre:irs of sions, 72, Olney, Ind. Ter., Dec., 14, isA'VAGS, cotnpl York, influential Llebrew leader, 75, White House 1857-61, fit), Narragansett tale hair] Ilen:rp, author, M7, New-York, April 15. Pier, July 3. MA`L IcIN, Burr Justice New.-York Su- New-'York, Oet„ 11. ' L. Fri GT2.AME, James Icing. New-York charity JONf,S, Benjamin F., steel manufacturer, preme(.'curt, 47, Oneonta, N. Y.,Nov.(;, SANDERSON Sybil Mrs, Antonio"Perry), 's'itnl° tvnrlter o.rid pi:iilaaithrapist, fi3, New- e.,hairttran Republican National t'r,mrnit- MITCHELTA l:tenry T., ex-Governor and operatic singer,33, Paris, May 10. T3>t. 1r�, York, Nov, 2}3. tee in 1HA4, 7A. 11tt.sburA;, May lel. Chief Justice of Florida, 60, Tampa, %AVPON, Chorus 7'•, ex-I.ieutrfnalit-l';ov-- el Iia Fla;,, Oct. 14. ernor or Newt-York curd Jud �RI!rTI:N Andrew IT., Nett/-York lawyer, J1�Nl`5 Richard C„ Alabama l:tw.yer oust judge of t:c>urt there "Father of the Greater City," 83, New- paofc;.:or of laws ex'p? silin1,1. Univ,>rsity MOODY, James M,, Reprersent:ative in of Claims, Cr7, Rvchertel, N. Y., Oct,23 „ Corr,n•ess front North Carolina, 44, 9(1IFNLii;Y, Mrs. Mary B., PPtst,ur•• aty-fir YeE Nov. 13. uC Alab,arrr t, v. r.Th n, Ala t cast• o Wa341esville, N, C., Feb, t5, rnillionalvo anti philanthropist, LanelOri GiT.F7T+.,N, (1rori;,, Walton, New--Y"ork 1:icv- .TC1Nl�:y, ih,a ItF�v. 1)r•. "[•h,mra:l Y4.. I4tetha- � p , r. yet, former Aqucduet C'orrinil.;sinner, 40, d,+t 0,111 1.01,111 allprrintrrnrlent of ]Iris-- MOIUaS, Sarnuel 1+7, Indiana editor and Rrig., Nov. Ir. 'Pt'22 Springfield, Matm, Dec. 13. i,i anti, 7,3, i'liil,i,lu11ih3a, ,'lent. i). VAitician, Cil, Indianapolis, Oct. J1. SCITO+NITt7R , Jacob, econornic writer• replil JOltI)Mq, 0-0-.irl N., hanker, •Asr'Js,tr,t MU T'ITA Frank .B., theatrical maua r, arrd statistia$ari, W. New-York, Murch GRT`T'Ta1', C,`htirles 1<-, mechalrlr':.! eni;1- ge tool Lro neer, Genn i,opnrtment of l±,nt inat rlrrt, 'T r,asnrr of th ti nited Strttr•s at. t�r+yv- fl1, New `i ork, Aug. 10. f• Yrok, 1'„rr,ir:r rj(:az;urer of the t.lniuA OT MSTED, Freiierle I.a.w, lan6mvtpo al- SCQT'p, Truing Zai. s10pbuildc-r, rna.n.alc;r A. r $ M101.,r:sty' of Michigan, (S0, Ann Arbol' States, c2, NewYork, Feb :.'(t, elsiter.t, 81. 1i'avei'1 Maas., Aug, 28. of the Union Iron Y%Iorks, ;an Francis-- Ivfich., Oct, ]7. y, A.2. GREY, Sam i(-1 TJ., former Attorney- NAIN, the Most. Rev. John Jotwph, Roman OVT'.RTON, Edward, ex-Representative in co, u�l, Skin v, Dr. April 2t3, A.2• Citt.holir• .Arelihishop of St. LoulH, 62, Congress frurn Pennsylvania., 07, Towarr- FLIP, the Rev, I7r, I lee:lore I, Torr i-- rl.,Ar General of, Now-Jersey, t37, Carnderr, N. ltnitinrrire, Md., (k•t. iT3. • dent of htuhlenl•ierg c`oLlege, Tots' Allcri- xlblic' 7. da, l enn., ]sept, 18, town, Penn., Nov. LZ3. fi physi- KA\1':;L3IU,aha Rig-lit-Rev.Frederic:'c.avier, PPI-N110861, William I1., brib'ar.;er gen- (JT1T T2s,kTT Y P Yrert, New-York Itorrtnn tat rriir Arthkttalrap of i4iilvian- sial lT. S. A. (retired), Salt Lake C.hty, 3II YNKIAN, Jolin Gilbert, IntTiana editor. rnriria clan, writer, philanthropist, S(1, N'isli- lone, gal, Find du Irre, 1Vis. July 20. Aug. •wry uld politician, fit, Evansville, Incl, kill L•ayling•, Sept, Iii, t 't•5• 151 i I,Y, Janinq K,, ex-=United 3tatf s3 Aug. fi. cit Epi GUNK,'f., Lewis B., ex--I:epre>;sentative I euator front Orogoll, rix--Chief justice PWRSIIING, Cyrus IA, Yerinsylvariia SHERWOOD, Mrs, Mary 110zabe:th W11- !t..5 in Congress from (thio, 77, Dayton, of Orol;on, 84, Washington, 1). C., Judge and D-emocratic party leader, 77, cern, author. 8(1, New-York, Sept. '1;; Pottsville, 1 cJtcr„ June 29, S 1 a ha Ohio, Oct. 3. Sept. 16. ,,ihfUNT/S, YxT}Ilrtl.trl'L++'., Connecticut patent P1111.1dPS, Samuel F'., ex-Salieitor Cten- inwyer and poilticiaxi, former Itepreserl-- l epaI of the United States, TO, Washing-- tative in congress and Colrrrn ssioner rrf i ton, D. C., Nov. 1& Patents, (11, Bartford, onn. C , Mittel] 14. sono;"Chris Jn, r T'itTCl;>l;Alr i£CSPR HjS?SC51»';TiiTi t[lfifn. _. ---__ _ sty would "ofd ly protest centuriesagoa than was old at fifty.'p But the hale and s. T films se of todaq W}lilt Would '�'011 �d Y tl CI f sty would probably protest against bring cinsaed among old penpla,amen if farnoua. That bia><uecepilhiUllea - therefore,a eaparating da#4 hal beep discreetly introduced after age sixty-five, ? V i'as y'' to (SDC' ` lift,t. �;uppostn' 'at You had 8slied all day Bogota, The equestrian.statue of Major ion. Henry War- "Will YOU direct me to Partner Skinner's homse?" 3harbes ner Slocum, erected by the' State of New Yrn•k on An'you hadn't gat a bite, the battlefield of Gettysburg was unveiled by Gov. asked the n�vly arrived summer boarder. Suppoain'th'shifdders wnz gettln'long capitol. Odell Sept. 18, 1902. Ire was attended by•Ills staff "1 will if ye want me to," replied the station i An'it was a-cumin'nikbt; igned. and fifty survivors each olounger.the N. Y. State regi- gC1'• supposinl 'at then you tho't of your friends r siege. merits belonging to the Twelfth and Twentieth "I shall have to ask you for expliett dlrcctloU:s Who would lafT and jeer at y>cu; nto n . Army Cnrl,s, becausse I've never been tlAcre before," r s an .. i VL hat would you do In n OaRe lilac that. 6. Combes organizes a French ministry" "CTOslrl I 3}note that,:,ee1n' ye'rr.,determine to V°hat do you s'pose you'd dol -- go there now.=F'laf1adedphft Press. Wal,we'll Way at you'd.give It up It1!,'CORD OF EVENTS,100-2 o0ontinued. An'doggedly row aalaoYe, Novemkoiber, 22, Corner-stone of Ethical Culture schools build- Declarin''at fate wuz 8,9113,you all I.Th<. great American istratn liner New York, ing, ill Central Park, laid by Dr. Felix Adler.-- It tArm useless to try.no more; after undergoing repairs f,.,r a year, leaves Erie Morris Pike stablie:d to death, without provoca- But supposltl'you see a Mail Oil the bank Basin. tion, by Tomaso sanfaletl on a Brooklyn Cross- with Borne bass,say it doyen or two, 2. Ten inemorial windows dedicated in All Souls' town car. Universalist Church and Chapel, Brooklyn,-Birth- 23. Consecration of the Russian Orthodox .in'suppastn'he'd scll'ern to yoti fair a song, day of the poet Bryant celebrated at Roslyn, L. I. f-'hurch of St. Nicholas, in Ninety-seventh st., Wtrot(to you'spore you'd do't 8. Fire in the cellar of the New York Times Manhattan, attended by Russian Bishop Tikhon building, during which John Daly and 'iVrnMe- and Protestant E, Bishop Grafton, rg;.'orrnack, in trying to save till, mailing lists, wereloVoilidn't YOU kind o'suille s.t 8dnr, 4. Ground broken for the new Norwegian hos- uveretsrne and suffocated to death. pital, South Brooklyn.-Iletnpstead.'s new and An'ca'tl0urgly look abo'trt, ). Greek Church, on Y:uli'Ic st I3roolslyn, the handsome host (thee. building opened for .first Before you reachedyour deep down In our clothes first in New York, d�drr Ireil-(orner-stone of time.-Residence of Paul E. De Fere,686 St, Marks I,o haul your wallet out? Pvangelical Lutheran church at C'orona, L. I., Ill., entered while the family were downstalra An'wouldn't you lower your vt>ite bo say, laid.-Repair shops of tile: Itghtc•rage department curl robbed of $1,-500 worth. (if the Standard Oil Co., in long Island C1ty, to- ti'. Coney Island Beach badly damaged by storm "Thur,You kr1ow's, 'twixt me an'y0u'"? tall; destroyed by fire; darnage $r5,000. 27. Corner-stone of the. new Church of St. Cath- Isn't tbiLt just th'way you'd act? Io. Fire on new Manhattan Bridge (No. 2) dam- arine of Alexandria, 41st st. and Fort Hamilton isil't that w1lat yoti'd do? aged structure $;,11,000.---St. Agues' Lyceum organ- parkway, laid by Bishop n Brooklyn, new ized, ,,n De,raw st, ].allot Lyceum building in Brooklyn, L. I1., 11. Explosion of gals in the collar of 121 Avenue ol,ened. AntJ1011 when dawn thio'th'astreets of the town C. Manhattan, injures forty persons.-Brooklyn 29. Supt. ZY'm. F. Johnson, blind supt. of the your admirla'friendr-4,as they'd pass, Public School No. 136, new building on Four t}r Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, and two of the. NVoijild stop to congratulate you an'&Sk at/. and Fortieth st., opener(.--The nc-w Cham F;iutd of Managers facing charges of grand anti Fur til'neoret of catching bitxsz. of Commerce building, in ;tianhattan, dedicated Betty larceny,-Pollee raid Porresters' Hall at by Rev, Dr. Morgan Dix; speeches by President 19thst. and 4th at/., Brooklyn, on information Y1'auldn't Youtell'elm t}shitr'wtrz kind of a lrJssrrk Rousevc it, ex-fres, Cleveland, Mayor Low. that it was a pool root]];patrons go free, but tele- 'At,will only acquirrd by R f—f 1.2. Prince Henry of I'less, air Albert R. Rollit, graph operator Is captured' LWn't that what you'd say nota•` Sir Vincent Ilarringtorr and cater distinguished ,i0. The olu Newtown Creek drawbridge at Ver- Icn't that what you'd d0'. foreigners call on 31avor Low—Blindnr:gro non ay., about 8 A. M., was struck by British 3c7JtOnal S drFatslarf. Preacher, W. P. Johnson, former manager of. ship EToledieu. __- _!? the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, offers to the December. P1.0of rosit'I've city his $6,000 house to stave his family name; of- 1. Pro-Cathedral fair opened by Blshop McDon- fer accepted. net], in tl'le new church building, on Jay st.-Big pal r :.s l +' If I've e'mrollilig ti€,rs 1+ 15. Cedarmere, the former residence of Wm. Cul- storm hits New York while crowds are without „;,•. :,rc -,•,i,f U._ len Bryant, at Roslyn, partially destroyed by fire, winter fuel; ali work along the water front abian 19. Corner-stone of the Brooklyn Eagle's new dolifA. building, on Y4'ashington st., laid. 9. Coldest Dec, 9 in ?ii years; 8 deg. above zero; t i,, ay drur. i'Irtrii re1,1'rd;"t>tt tile,h:, 20, Gymnasiums opened Ln four Brooklyn fuel famine desperate; piteous appeals to char- :.a1 ,.; Fl schools.-Lord Hawke's team of English crick- itable societies that cannot be answered;marry car ;;,,•;,s•;i,,,, it;,at the atit.hor of t;,c eters arrive here on their way to New Zealand. linos tied tip. ,c„ c ,-:;t kliliar.ly"wilrafuxn ytFas,or --Ovation to ]`tent. Edward L. •Molineux by Grant 12. John N. Partridge, Pnllce Commis:atoner, re.- lits tt;;i t r t Post, G. A. R,; addressee 1J; Gent. King and signs his office to take effect Jan. i, 1903,-All els i+, tl,te:Jas 7`tarra-ref r= _..,. others. vated trains blocked by ice on the third rail. 3711 N IECI l{r)Ga i(: Answer—We find the following b poem, on- titled "Dreawland," by Katharine N. Bird- mic$t�) Dr� D$ 1894, sail: 17 The telephone bill rings loud and lona E Age at death is given in parentheses;vocation,place,cause,and time of death when known follow. In Dreamland so far away; 1 The clerks are coming in one by one, Abbott, Leon(58) ex-Governor of New Jersey, Brush Augustus A.,ex-Warden of Sing Sing Icor it's nearing the close. of ,:lay. t J'Ast,Jersey City,i'.J.,diabetes,Dec.3. Prison-, Y.,Hopewell,N.Y.,March 29. Then the Dreamland manager rushes in, Adams,John uincy(63),Democratic states- Burbank,Alfred P.(48),elocutionist and actor, Q J :incl sits in his great arm-chair.�1 man,candidate for Vice-President in 1873,Quincy, New York City,Jan.22. I71e cleslc is covered with orders sent,apoplexy,Aug.14. Burdeau, Auguste L. (43), President of the Alia Alboni' )'Marietta(70 contralto Paris June 23. French Chamber of Deputies,Paris,Dec...12. To Dreamland from everywhere. Cain, Auguste Nicholas (72),sculptor, Paris, �r Alcorn,James L. 78), ex-U, S. Senator from France Aug.7. IIIc jolly old face is wreathed with smiles, and ex-Governor of Mississippi,Coahoma County, pKIll, Allan (79), railroad manager, civil `� E Cam 1 .1s a nne�sa.P comes to his ear, J Miss.,Dec.30. enggineer,New York City March 18. For a dream to be sent in a minute at most, Alexander M.,Emperor of ILussia (48), Cameron Verney L.,Alrican explorer,England, To a. baby of less than a year. Livadia,Greece,Nov.1. fall from a'h('ne,March 26. He searc•:'es the catalogue near at hand, Li Astley,Sir John(66),sportsman,London,Oct.10. Carnot,Alarie Francois Sadt(57),President Ircr a dream of the angels blight; Nr .Austin, Jane P. (55), novelist,Boston, Mass., of the French Republic,Lyons,assassinated,June clerk gets it down from the topmost shelf— r" ]Rlarch 8U. 25 >n l a baby ?s happy that night. James M.( Bailey,Jam63),humorist, "Tho Danbury Cattell,Alexander G.(78),ex-U.S.Senator from Neva Man;'esDanbury,M.(5 Ct.,March 4. New Jerseys financier,Jamestown,N.Y.,April 8. 'Chen the telephone bell rings loud again, Cavelier,Pierre Jules(80) sculptor,Paris Feb 10 And the orders come thick and fast, Ballantyne,Robert M.(69),author and traveller, Charles Augustus,Herec'lltary Grand 13uke of For the children or, earth are now falling asleep, + Feb.9. Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (50), Cape St Martin, Forgetting the present and past. I Bankhead Henry C.((65),Brigadler-General U.S. pneumonia,Nov.21. The clerks are as busy as busy can be, .1,.+; A.,retired,hayoune, J.,Jan.9. Chatterton,Ubarles F. (37),theatrical manager, 1 t- Banka,Nathaniel P.(78),ex-Speaker of the Essex ling. cousum ption Oct.10. And the manager scratches his head; t ++ �C3.S.House of Representatives,ex-Major-General (hi)l(is: Ueorgge (d5),philanthropist jour- :ill the night through their tvorlc will last, t U.S.A.,Waltham Mass,paresis,Sept.1, nalist,editor of tare I'hiMellpinia.Ledger, 1?hila- For the world is now going to bed. l ;V Barrow,Frances.(72),writer of uvenile books, dol la,paralysis,Feb.8. 1:: "AuntFanny; 1V ' ewYorkCity May 7. Clancy Charles M. (53), Sheriff of New York "A dream for a girl with golden curls," t r t i Basing,Baron George Sclater-booth(68),states- County,Row York City,irneumonia,Feb.25. Calls the manager to his bay; luau En land,bot.22. Colby, Luther (80),spiritualist leader, Boston, "flake it of dollies and candles and cakes; i ,} 11 Bele,Joseph D.(63),ex-Governor of New Jer- Mass.,drosy,Oct.7. "Twill give her a moment of joy. *3ey,NewYork City,surgical operation,Oct.21. Coleri(Lge,John Duke 73),Lord Chief Justice Flere's ft boy who has eatery three pieces of pie, B3ermudez,Remijio M. (58), President of Peru, of England,London June 1. Lemon vandy, some peaches and cream— lt+ Lima,Aprill. COlgnitt Alfred W. (70), U. S. Senator from Cle.k Numrier Ten, get a nightmare down! Billroth,Theodore 67),surgeon,Abbazia,Aus- Georgia, iTashin n,D.C. paralysis March l6. We'll teach him a thing with this dream. 1�+ tria,beart disease,U.5. Colt,Caldwell I.(37,millionaire,llunta Gorda, Bird,Franets W.(86),publicist,Walpole,Mass., Fla.,malignant tonal]itIs,Jan.21. "Thera's a poor little urchin with tears on his l=< May 23. Conrad Paul Louisiana lottery manager,New cheek, Bismarck-Bohlen,Ferdinand A.von (761,Ger- Orleans,kov.2b. 1 ° r+nan soldier and statesman,Carlsburg,Germany, Corrigan,Patrick(58),Roman Catholic clergy- Who has Fobbed till he has fallen asleep; 1 t+: T%lay 13. mart,pneumonia Hoboken N.J.,Jan 9. Send him a dream of good food and warm Lt-'61- Bismarck, Princess Johanna von (70),wife of Cummings,Thomas Seir�(90),painter, I clothes, lt,i Prince Bismarck,Varzin,dropsy,Nov.27. sack,N.J. Sept.24. Which I wish he were able to keep. `te Blair,Austin (76), ex-Governor of Michigan, Cunliffeweu,Sir Francis P. (66), exposition Here's a pretty young maiden with deep blue I •i; Statesman Jackson Mich., inflammation of the director,London March 23. eyes, I Iver,Aug.6. Curtin,Andrew J.(79),ex-Governor of Pennsyl- <,ho's pining for only a lover true. + Blotnfteld,Alfred,Bishop of Colchester (61), vania,ex-MhnistertoRussia,Bellefonte,Pa.,Oct.7. M'e must send her a dream of a fairy prince— , 111 1+,t 14�7tlgland,Nov.5. Curtis,George Ticknor(82),lawyer and constitu- OP that kind I believe we've a few. Bloomer,Amelia (76), female dress reformer, tioualwriter,New York City,pneumonia,March 28 } L7- CouncilBluffi3 Ia.,Dec.80. Davies,Henry E. (59) ex-Major-General U.S. ".l bright college student has fallen asleep, Sc Bolles Franlc,secretary of IIarvard University, Volunteers,lawyyer,FishUl,N.Y.,Sept.6. In a soft cushioned chair by his desk; I3 esrl Cambridge,Mass.,pneumonia,Jan.10. De Lesseps,Ferdinand,Con ntde(89),engi- Send him a dream of a crew or a team, t­;csC Bonaparte,Prince Louis Clovis,London,Eng., neer,creator of the Suez Canal, La Chesnaye, That will free his tired mind from h.s task. Gi t,N., May 14. France,Dec.7. A bachr.lor sighs by his lonely fire, _301 Booth,Samuel (76),ex-Mayor of Brooklyn,N. Detmold William(86),surgeon,New York City, Nods his head and sinks into repose. Y, Brooklyn Oct.19. paralysis,bee.26. Have we n dream-wife to send down to him, T r*i Mott",Vincenzo (76), author,New York City, Dias Tunon,Gonzalez Y.(63),Cardinal,Spain, died from a fall OctWho5Nov.29. ho will lighten his burden of woes? . . l(• - l Bowen,`Sir bharles S.C.(69),jurist,London, Donnell,William E.(53),financial editor,New •'.k mother is rocking her children to sleep, -11@ April 9. York City,apoplexy,Se t.19. Has forgotten this world of care; +1:+N. Bowie Oden(68) turfman,ex-GovernorofMary- Du Camp,Maxime (72),author, Paris,France, Send her a dream of h-r own childish days, l it land,Fairview,Mtn. paralysis,Dec.4. Feb.10. Wheri she. tco, was young and fair. `+`+.1.14 Brattan,Robert V.(49),Representative in Con- Dufour Numa(72),senior New Orleans journal- The dearest old man with snotty white hair A1t4 gressfrom Margland Princess Anne,Md.,May 10. ist New brleans,Augg.22. Has note fallen asle'e with his wife; (•1 Brierly,Sir Oswald W., marine painter,Lon- Durston,Charles F. (63) Warden of Sing Sing I `i t1 don,Eng. Dec.14. State Prison,N.Y.,typhoid fever,Oct.12. «`e will send them a glance of their heavenly l mica Bright Edward, editor of the •rammer and Dusmet,Joseph B. (76),Cardinal Archbishop, home Baptist olivine,New York City,May 17. Rome,Italy April 5. To think of the rest: of,this life." �i S* Brookyn,May,actress,San Francisco,suicide, Dutreuil,Jules Leon(48),French explorer and Feb.14. geographer,Thibet murdered in August. Through a]1 of the sea4ons of every year, * 414! Brownell Francis E.,the-avenger of Ellsworth Earle William I3. (82), hotelproprietor, New Be the weather so hot or so cold,s>t.t Alexandria,Va.,in 1861, Washington,,D. G., York Gity,ggeneral debility,Jan.2. And this hand of hard workers are busy-as bees, ''+11 L March 15. Early, Jlubal A. (78), ex-Confederate Lieu- Though they're paid neither silver nor gold. ------- - :-+t_ A; Brown,Joseph E. (75), statesman,ex-Gov- teuauirGeneral,Lynchburg,Va.,March 2. '_ o> .NEW Fire Engine error of Georgia ex.-Senator, Nov.30. Erwin, George Z. (43), Republican politician, —(81) Browne,John Mills(66),ex-Surteou-GeneralU. Potsdam,N.Y.,Jan.16. =;+►it S. N.,Washington,D.C,paralysis Dec.7. Fabbri,TgistoP..banker,Florence,Italy,June26. Chief Chas. T. Gordon and ex-Chiefs A S for Brown-Segnard, Charles Edward (77), Fair,James G.(63),Bonanza millionaire,ex-U. -;0--k physician and scientist,Paris,France April 2. S.Senator,San Francisco,Bright's disease,Dec.28. J. E. Corey, L. W. Korn and S. L. Al- + j Brugseli, Karl Frederick (67), L+gyptologi.4I Fairfax.Donald M (73),Rear Admiral U.S.N., _• Berlin,Sept.10, retired 14agoistown,Md.,Jan.10. bertson went to New York on Monday �7 L3.114 0 Brunn, henry (72), German archxologist, 'PI David Dndley(89),lawyer,New York to look u a suitable fire engine for the —- �chlieisee,Bavaria,JJuly 23. City,April 13. p g Southold Fire District, as was voted at = S1rN1?Ay IN TOWN. the last annual meeting. They found a ��11iy Dam ax1r1 Me." very fine second-hand engine, which, I. when fate's unkind,and every-ho pe seems vain, however, has never been used at a fire Or grief oppress; ''.V13L Ee sun is misty yellow and the sky is hazy When coldly turning,friendships fill my heart and is practically as good as new,, the iblue, with heaviness— aArid the chime-bells ringout price of which was $1100. It can be. quaintly, When,for a few bright hours,from life's dark cares Neter and deeply, fair and faintly, I would be free, purchased for $650. The committee l7i t tLcra one following its fellow in an echo clear some lovely,lonely country walk delights will recommend that the district pur- 1 true. My dog and mei chrse this engine. A meeting� .5 Thra�ug'h the streets, clean sv�ept for leisure, g g of the 11&-any feet make haste toward pleasures,. To make me smile and notice him he'll strive district has been called to Y^lit' action ,yrscl the sound is as the rustling Gf the leaves By all he can; in paths we knew. r on the report of the c(�inlllitt+-e for �here should i(incl more tender sympathy I3ow T wish I were a-walking in the autumn- In any man? Thursday night of thin week. The woods with you! Heli whine and gaze into my face as 1f gentlemen while in T"ew York pur- Those cares he knew- - You'd wonder such an utrly sort or dol; chased two chemical file extinguishers Could be so tare! and a headlight for the truck. 19h It the fragrance of the hollows that the little. brooks ran through! _ Caught. He knows if friends or strangers knock, or tramp � ©ti, the scarlet maples burning Acrasstheyard; They're coming ,knack by hundreds, they I.ilce a. torch at every turning, Re's$ettini;old—but he's a famous chap are flocking into town--- tlie way my spirit follows in a dream for- A lre,l.lthy Yitrslr upon their skins; in Pact, Can The place to guard.; they're 'done up brown"- - ever new,— To growl and bear the echo of his voice tiiTlth tales Of fishing triumphs that cause �7q�ll+ere from quiet, distant meadows, He's mighty proud; envy and surprise, I I-Doi.rrl bene=th the mountain shadows, You'd wander such a tiny sort of dog For every fish that each one caught is just , L ,e the clank of swinging cow-bells down the Could bark so loud. about this size:— sof test ize:—softest wind that blew. 2 wish I were a-walking in the autumn But soon as little Wilfred strokes his head woods with you! He's quiet at once: He'll"dle and"beg,"or In the corner stand /�— III, To play the dunce; m - e, have had our fill of roving where spring,And it that paper tool's cap hides Ills eyes, He doesn't mind; blossoms bound the view. have played In You'd wonder such a savage sort of clog g p young Romances, j Stirred u b their astounding teles, yolr �- Could he so kind. 3 n sed the nymph-and-shepherd dances; p y � VV, t1ae summer of our laving glows and throbsslyly makea break, about us too. All mel from this small.dumb,obedient brute And land with tackle ready at Point Lone- One's lesson's plain: some. by the Lake; our eye the light pet vernal, I'rs .Tie glees me all he anis—his changeless lova ,You spend a day to land one fish—you +oFur hearts the fire eternal, can't believe vour eyes JErX My own to gain] when time has touched the branches andHis tongue can't tell a 11 e,nor can his heart When told "the biggest caught this year" '- our rose-leaf days are few, Deceitful be— —one just about this size:— -It's then I'd still be walking in life's autumn That's why our friendship close and closer hinds Off• -Woods with you. g - My dor and in-e! - - --- —(Caroline Duer, in Scribner'& —Torquay Times. _... 11 � y .. •�� _ .. r r I 1 .1 i it I, )I.l eix» it 1,111nwing pnC.m r I I I!•+.1 r'uulrWit, r' I)1':;'t'I l l I RLL. 18(1)-1 __ —---- ----- --_-- - _(►F' mt•�'aa�rten s'stent in the U. t. author,Jantaiictc eit,(ekhridl;4,i raneis.It.(68) lf.Ft.Soinator from }r[tturozuld,Jahn tl,,) t'r+,1)+l,ul of t IW I rh+ll j l+"•ppl,i,Jn"•Mile (a), *I4 1'latJlr,ALatssj,Mur 4. t , Aiit,liigau,t'hicetgu,.[ll.,hart(`lisease,April 30. 'ulioual1 eWtue 1)o 1i,u rn•at, ,iurulr,,N+f l n r:"u. of I'm)„N4ty 1'ur$ ty, Peterson,Robert E. (83),fuuud('r of I'r'lrrxrnt'r Stoll tl4olt,)11'.(83),l'tiief JllSlice of Alabuiotr };11111,Juhn'1'.tit;;)),11"+1)"i rt•tountLger, Itoli.itoor+', i(4txlirtw,Jt>3e rh D.(113, z' z11 Ut t((Matjoi- ,3la (xb"Asbury Turk,N..1. a)o,lvxy,(est.30, t i4114ratl,)nr1MG,l 6ITM.( , ff��(( T•I bfunt,gonlery,Alrt.,h4atrt fuilurt+,bltux+h 11. Hill.,h4rtrt,(1lsetts(+,Ttiarch 14. (}(,rniall Ur- IihiHlt+y,ilt'rt,art M.(a),3a(k,91 lltriiprlutalr,N!w Pbelps,Zi-111ianit1Valler(rift,,r•x-pItttisterto ,ytuuenian,txeorgo(72),ex-Mujur-C4enerul IT'.;-1, F'ur+•htnillywr. Pool \i ilhvIlli (91)1 tion,pep tl��w (lerniuny,intlltuniul" )ori-t,l.ifK]f'11 U1r1},N. J., A,,ex-Governor of ('uliG)rnla, IlutTulu,N. 1., Y''Ilk C't(y,t(url{1(mtl oltei off tIIv Jureel7. Se st.6, rho lo„lst,lha•l,r +rouoiy inu.9. to f4amuel J. I'leu.Satvtou,Augustus J.(1136),;ckuutI t,1'll[lxcTel- torrn llettry At.(67),7're tit)yterian divine)ar„1 l urur,y';�1 i�li:tl,'y�nlvillu'A}a.,Jan$17a iirit;u- Irl{[rk ,food,`a( y I ?7» - nary pllia,.Pa.,,iulv26. *( scholar'Otuttre,N.J.,ituounioulu,Dev.1. 11[1'1-til of t,fl„ht k , Iolhenrurs, ,lohn, Printer lend publisher, N w Strong,Sallies, D.D. (771), theologian, 1tu111ui P'rtutrin II.,ex-Kir,);of Naplos(68),Aroct,At(w- nt�m+,fyl 1.,'11++t�itll/17),���rn �tt�;il�l- York(_`ityY heartdlsuase,Dee lfi. Lake,N.Y. Ang.7. trio It,•c.'Jf. poet,W-1ota,1h(r41t 11. hoswultr l,ouild (91),IIn I�a rims P"ritirt ,(tut Pond,Nathan(. (Q-),gC:ueaiug"IHt,➢4llford,('t., •ivvin , l�tLvid(fi4),pruaeher and orator,CIli- I r;IIi1,1,o,icli :1.(84),T hl4turtiut,l;trk j' Jtily29. c+a u Ill jtcunvid (tet J lTrond4„laillemAntlxnnyl78), Htirl, tii,rit, uriu,Ttaly,Itiur(4ttt�. Poole, 1v'llikill V. (73), librarian, author of piriunilH 8+11'rboious M.C.(8R),Admiral Brit- loud (ihlll . l.ir,sl+,Ir4,1 tli;4ur(71),1xIYGU11>ax(titin jt,)tnutlixt, "i'oolt''s Index;' Chicago,Ill.,March 1. Ish Navy,'ltar(luay,Nov.14. l ry',J:uul^�IS.,\io,lur-(ic,n+rtd 11.M. A. ratit'rvl, Nees\ t 1.1'[I)',a1Ug.]ll Porter, Josiall, Adjutant and Alalot,(14neral '!'ache :11e.xtuulw A.(71) statesnian and Itonuto Ne port,lt.1.,itil+"l,l"'xV,.lIlly It. i,,,turd,Sir Auirtelit 7FltaUr (77),A4e,gti(id+w Natiowit(guard of New York,N.Y.(�Ity,Dev.1i• cl,thuli(Arcltltirihu t lVlntt3 le;;Mantitubu,atun'Ji.Y. 1'tn':,rlt-`Itrlh,1,tntua t4,),u�rertLlluHultrunn,fan- [:t,melt;t+ol([1 t 1A)II(t0n,Jtll)” Potter,Orlacndo.11).,ntitliurlaire,New'XorkCit.y, 1'114'raurl-Yerir�IrdAlartuht AlexandreE,(8;1), \Varrrttvtllr',N•.I ,;elt.�u rlhur rl(+ttevtl, 1.,^f++rlc,d(rltlt�O,C.ltttrl(N(11i.1G.t7t!)+t"e,+t,l'aE1Y, Jan.2. I+'h ren e,ItaTyy A1)ri111. 1 ftttyl,tu[tr,ti'ul,r1) ituwylrr (Hl),ar 1,t,,Ill,, JIlly Is. amu- 1 pout-bet, Henri C. CI. (61), naturalist, Paris, 'lllet11,l(I WTlilani(I.(70),Roar Adtntrul IT.S.N., H%vitz4riand 111114.,9. I.011,t•v,Af't rna+S(711,jttrlreN,AaKttxtn, Dlarch30. retiretillY}ushiugtuu,I).(.,apu)14xy,.it11u+"f1. (la4tme,\i'hlaoo174),4x-(tuveruorol''latssa(htt nr"atia,'1larrtl16. i'reseott,George B. (64),elect,delan,New York "I'haeho ay,IHahella 8S,(7f)) Now of winiunt Tit. ,+It ,ISet;lun,11uµs.,.ltLn.19, I,t++I.tie„I d,Fltulinu 1 (76), Tlutilrxlirtt, Ch ,laeartfailure. Jau.18. p (,I;;oux,Jelin I"I'al1(!oiN,I r"ut•lI painter,1"uriH+ N .I.,.lau1.9. Phuckerv,tree novelist,l.et),li 1+;11'1 onl taut.11. , Hirai+r of ItirtK Price Itadtnan 11I. (76),ex-Uovernur of New TltutntiH Leon 13. 0, (tiff)'C'ardtnal I+'ran44 Ill.(.,14. l.oui„+ut Ill, tack, 1 ri11((�ew(74), r J4rsey,Oakland,N.J.,BitySo Alairch9. rer,thtun Audn'W J.(M),u.11lbor of ttre(induulr ('lu'ir:uan I7(., Nov,ii(t, Itichardsun, tVlllluni (71), railroad president, TttumPsciit Iatuut (61), soul}rt(r, b}iddl4lu�vT1, syst4r11 of l,,bt,ttut reLlrhy',t)rtnr)( N, L.,lirit~lrt'H Louis 1'IMI)[tr+,I+etn►ti of 1Ctt#'ir(i8),tic+uei(�t 131'uoklyti,N.Y.,Pneumonia 1)ec.81,181.'3. 1 ('[wase,,Alas 1.+. 81 fuunClur of (lirr/trrnl'x I tlu•royal Jt"tl;, ",Iilnr►Jttuvt•t*llt)nw•. 1tUl)i11yUn ('-11lIr14H(7 i 1,ilrtft(iUl"(.'1'711tr I,L xa1rY21#i, N.h•m tt.n, y� Tkotnl)Hon E4ir John, 1'tutndltw pr4nti(:i•, Urahun, r vert(' It.( ), F.u1�laud,int+' Itoal",h tru,tl,rr ],t (s. L.iwret1C4,k1 il.. Aug.17. tiVirteistIr,I{)ngluad,heart,disease,lice,l2, d,fitp'rtyirrr•,t)t,uiy4,N.J„July 19 14farkayv,r,r ,i"•i,;.:+,,ir.tto,,l t :r,ttli(rr,'1'Ituiratr, itoblufun,b,z41t1e1(;.i79),ex-Presidentofltrotvii "Phrockinorton,,Mates "'. al),ex-liovernur of tlrahaill"john(78),crillttlnll ltlwyer,N(w 1'ttrk (,a1),la'eh.dh. Utuvorsity,Iteadhrg,Toasts.,June 13. resaw,4x-:Et4prese+ututivu 1)u C4ungr(,Hs,McKinney, Ctty,surgical operation,April 9. Magnard,1�ranels (67),edif„r oC I'wrl>• l'7tN)rvt. t Rodgers Bohn(711,C'onruu)tlure U. B. N. Oak- Tes.,April21. drallger,.11obertE4. (78),4x-Major-06'111 runt. Tarim,Nov 19. land,I a.'Kat+19. Underwood 'Franck FI. (69), author, editor, A. \1'tt:,ltillgion,I),C.,r1Pt'ii 116. Dlrntrira(}tu, l'rr drlrvr, iterfut4r, ltaulrt(l, k(irutie, 1tonianes(ItsorgeJohn(46),pirysiologist,Oxford, Lritb,8eotaud,blo�d1ioisoving,An 7. ' (.rey,.11:url-Ilenry(trey-(99),Htututsman,isil- Jlow11. ti iaty'6f. dunce Zebulon A (64),U. 8. eiiator from tuu,10,11glautd,(let.9. Ma tt4Hfftl,I,;utrabi011fttsslats(81),rtlultt+r,l�'taw'ycerit 1t0oaevelt,Mott,New York City,heart diseaase, ('It v,ptl4utnonht,Jan. , buz;.7. Neth Carolina,Washington, D. C.,apoplexy, lltill, It4ttt(ai J. (G9),eg-[,onuuissiutter of Pat- 1 Airil14. ants,Ihulhtp;tutt,IrL,,,TaLte•6. 11I'('ultI"N F:ciw 67),lt++arAtImIrtrll.KN., itis.,cher,lvilliam(77),political econouiNt,Lelp- Vagi Fleet, Abraham (6'(), Vive-Chancellor of Ilalsoy,(.00rge A. (till),lit+Puhlleun Iadlll4lan, Jutn, ;t""c rr,It,L, -ppt� 1� s[;;,(wrivany,June4. New'Jet;vey,Newark,N.J.,heart failure:,I)4e.26. fiauucicr,NewarkN.J.,piteilill llia,April 1.e'44ay1Ht, Nit tiillll,JohrlA.(49)lex-ox+rrttaietrora,�•r,,irie++n- leos-tti,C'hrist[na C4eorgina(64),Poet,I+:ni Trtnd+ Von FL(un I;cl lir A.((70) rntlroad trl(nta 4r l)H- Ilnmtnerton, k l,ttllp (1111) ( , I horn,ti.('„p(craJysl»+ vov.I& 1we.811. sego N.Y.'apoplexy,J11ly81, g , writor ore art, Bouloan(-taut-taehu', tt}ru})14xy' 111r•('oealt, .Ttttttl+ds, it. I). (Wit, tilt•”)te,ul►►u, /=Y- ltrs,setti,Lucy,painter,Soul Ttetuo,Italy-,A pr.Ili. Veilch to ttt(06),profe4or of logio at Chas ow Nov.6, y d Ito:;si,Jean Baptiste(c2),a rrcha4olcrglst,Itorue+ ITnivorsity.R'dinhur h 81eotland llne it.3. g littirTuui, :Bicron--latneH Iltcitn4tl-(78), British I'r,l,idi•tlt of 1 11). otoil Urtivt•tKit',1'rit,r,+t(rn rtaarat- ltxly Sept.210. Viritelly, henry (raj wood cur;raiver wureor_. Urlst l,unduu,Marcl129. uni(.J Nov.18. ltxx�inertein,Anton Gregor(66),Pianist,81. res u)uderil Faradutnt Etat.,Jail. �FLart, William (71),ltnld4cup4 Ituintor, Atutuit C'i ilittt lla�+i�'it�.r,t(t rr4t1,"r 4►Rry,+tlprti9ilt+, (',antro+r(vr 1 4 Pet":•t:•shlln; lin;sia,Ill'art,dist}1114,Nnv. 1)l. 1 ` 1 okes,:itoslna (39),actress,London,autH11nep_ Veruon,.N.1'.,June 17. hi111urtrt. Ith'ht(rtl t'ctxe+,lawyer,Philimle1p1)lai„ Ito►,{;ltw, .1141),Nr•1v Y e11•k hol,p:r,Pater- tiott,Ja11.27. Rarvoy,d1ain4s M.(68) (',x-(love(nor of KtutHri.r, (1st.2. son,ti..T.'hica rt fic[liue,.Fao.Is. Von.Ralow,Hans 'nide(64),plani4t,Cairo, Juttetiuu(Ily,Kato. A.n,1116.4w York urvilltect,, A14N14rnev,F"rrtit4l+, tai I r. ((it11,7�3Gltui('t►tii(elt, tiani;(•r,.adr)l},1)r I.(fi4},luvyer,Nels1't,rk Pity, 1,,,�•1,t,1:`t'h,13, ifatch,ht4Phc:tr Ijlr� )iIiNHt'aLH4,Aor.1(i. 1Slshol(tif.11luuty,N.l`.,tslrlr(�lt1p t)t►le►,Jntt.2. pn4untouut,J(tri•3• ort Ilclmbolt;r., Ilernran L.F.(79),tntato- Plainfit+Id,:N.J.,IiriR 411tttl�lraliti, Smrwwai,l+ilfak[ni (1)8), ex-ltrigudi4r-(;4ur,rttl suint ill'Siulu"i tt ,hyHicirt .It4rlitt )ural siH IIatton frank (48),journeeli4t, Wtt,4hinRtott,11), i?i"r(ice, ilonurt+ (frf), U.K.A.,New T'ar 1 5 A l 4 ,} y 4x-IIr4nri(:r of t,yu,:bt•4,M �. York City,D ce.6. se)t.8. C, aralysTH,r1 pill BU. I 111iuiiat(+rCxlt•, ('tum 1(4 i- ( ), �pahut ` heblozer, Burd Von t-"r2),t 4rniaat diplomatist, yuddington,William Ilenry (68),T'rench f.ettley,(1(urgu.P. A.(80),pairtt4r,t']tiea8n,Ill., rlivioo,AIFlirritdria,�°a..(pct Baron 11)X13 Burnett 72 edu4ui(,r,�,,trYr,rkHtatrwm4uawl diplonrattki,l"titis,dltthetes,.Ttill•12• June 24't7olcT�Ilenry T., pttteett ue4di4inc roan, ;Ilorle , Henrys I,l,.tt. (79), autbor, 1*11ft of d ( ), Walter yJohn(76),Iruhlfshvr(if thel,otaloti lit,reu lielt W[►,"Its,�Sitryl4, Clty,3111)e 10, London Nov.13. Trenton,N.J. paresis,Oat.2b. l4eligntarr,J tz'st+ (66),banker, tWorradu Beaccli, lvaltci, '1'illiant 'P.f74),urt 4oll(:etnr,ruihKuui Ilernenway'J!ilary(75),williouuir4 plelhuttluu. hlorttul;uti, (It+nr)4, t,;utkr+r, tit:w 1"urlt t'ity, Cal,,BrighVsdfsetwe,April 2.1. mi Hats Y3althnor4 Md.,rlwumatir:.utrt Ifuv.4hl. Ids,Boston Murch 8. hNforrlsot+t(„.Tiny 11). , K , 11orr14 l►willltt(ti(1r,k'ri•((tdunteif thw("(ihn)!<H•#t7ttt SI, raflni,LuitJ(a6),C'ardiut(l,Rorn4 b'c:b.2. Wats±(bury Nelsen J. 77) Il4rno4reLtic)olttlelan ilol>neM, )liver Wendell(86),pout and essay- , Shafer,FI41r ii(45) 4dtecator,l'resut411t of 1Ve1114H- ' I , •ao it,ty of tilt'('ineltill ttt,ltrida l)r)rt t't, tiC,}rl.!ll lawyer,NtswYork(11N,pnouinunia,Aaril82, jgtBostori,AlasH.,(wt.7. Ai tliolluwau,taitltnnofMonx`(`trr(}�} 111tu+7. a, le ('olloge,'Ve li4Nlt•v,Ata.�ts.,Irllrvunonlat,Jaw;:l0. NV(ild,1+'raan IM11iltuut(G4),HuT{(,'ouand lili,ysieian holt,Jose 1. (87) Alit]or-tieu4ral Ir. N. fit.,t x' Alnnru Nartnalr L.,l ja Ali— liafter,C_'hauuce3, (7111)),lawyer, LurkC City, JtutrtdcI I'llain,Ma18H.,flee,81 1893. ' aryof War �arshlnKtun,I).C.,IIll41. tuTtlistlrr,Now York('Its', 'Maty ib. r VVellhig,Jansen 0.(69),1'remident•of(Iolunibian ouk,George W (71), Itupre4entativ4 7111)r. `i• 't111c rr:i�iv lti ltT�o Mamilla ntjuli of, ('ulmitta. ltt(itt�t, :[)"111'1,1\'Tilianif,. T T_r.D.(,4),th4olugirwt,New UntvVrvity,Alluf 11 ton,D.(.%, Hartford,Couu., On As front Tennessee, washing[+,tr, 11). ('., I)t•e�27. + `fIrkI'll y,getioraild,hi'lity,Nov,17: ll(ucrtcllsetLHe,N4pt.1 bBttrGcliHHttt)e Feb.8. Ni Hheplievil a)liver 1,.(81),111.1gadit•r-Gellertd IT.S. 'Vest,u IPI.176),4x-Cenf4(lc+rate IIrT acli4r-(iso_ l oWCs eW.m B.W., Protestant, I+.l,isoopal Bishop ,bol,John(08),atithor,I Ainliluit,till.19. 1 itttrtri,^t=cv York City,Aprillrt. Oral Lnbor vandidato for Vice-Promidemt lit 1884, of saoutll("arolina, Charleston, N. (',, ptLtttlyHi,, tnN('ir at)Fc+aiS:SIX)A1gx J'otit+)i tiuiluu xtotNrtitun, 8:1)apsou, lain(•:; (47.), N4W York nierchant, lloliysjiringas, NlIss.,Aeiit.80. ,tioV.26. y�rt yy iynnfor nivuilwr of Sinipso11,(-'rawford&Shitpson, \Vhe41e'r,NalIlaraiol(74)Howing rnachlue mamr- Ingk,fieltl,Sir Edward(74),Vic(-A(InliraJ Brit- ti(Nt nez,s. Itit Rl 169),I'r(atlrienG 11f('olumtiln,M.,4., \lies York C'Ity,IcKN)iikoI r attuxht.I vee.dt3. farturer,111+1 1)ort,CL 'iXev.Hi,hills. Ish navy,I orldon,sit it.6. y4r t tl P)tip tig(+n(+ (7111, h'rrnf h drstinutlwC, t'wr1M, Short,Exiiesio t. (,.f),violiutst,(,orlon,Italy, 1)4 brtne a',' '�lliam 11).(61),philologist,seietl- Innes,George(69),landscape IIal11G r,, ,th1 t , PSlocnnt,Iletu y AV.1.671,t o lfu;or-t.rneratl IT.I fist, Or[4ntalIst, Now' haven, ('t., pn4utnuu[a, Aug.4. , 19. Jail.9 1 Jut("+7. Ives,Ilenry 811.(&`i),rx-llnancle:r,Ashevili4,N.I (1 1 tcrtt'll,Mlrlrru>t.I,r44ph +M9),ttuttiut►t'atttn+l i( B.A, llrucd;l,11),\.1.,puenntnniti,April 14. \'ii,irick Abram c.,(58) (olunel It.81 A. Fort C.,cnnsutnpliart A)ril l7. Ilirthotr c)f'1'r('tetuu "ti.1.,.1pri1$ 14ttilth, 1t'4rtlti)I;t'"n t'- Cil),radlroall 11uir;'nart(f, 1\11d.+tsvort.ii,N,Y. Nuv.1d. JaCt)bs,Joint Z'. (661, .Iwitiot-rratio politichill of ,Oil(,y 11 1"litxellv. (`3b''o1x:t'a,rlinw-r, 1[.4aldoli, at.:Ylhun, VI paraltstr.Su+. 11 inthro) RIIA)ert, ('. (8bI stilt 4x- rtapklyn,N. Y., Atlautie rity, N, T. Brighl's I r y ►, , Pa IN(Imit,John A,Ito) 1'.I•I.Iliedu,p,if F1'twhlrW ' t;nuirt.t t,Itlal t ul-.\I i•!roils Marc>11,tit.Alaur 8a nvlwr of Itw lions(_of 1tt+u•ef)eittativ4tr Boston, d e,Sept.412. ' —(81) Ell—whua,i,,)rt.:1 is-i_NIIv.1(i. 1 ' graver and )ainivr, to Miritnrar,Cal.,llit ru y t,Mart'h 911. A�. aoCluo Charles (81),411 T it, F'rallct—K-4f Itimi((1)"i),(Urtlillul.Itainle,j t;ntltt,ita, lluitctia f8T1, i. F'�ItlHhup,r4t[rrd, NVookori r+ountanr4 i•'4oiltuu•o (46), author, It Is,May 19. 511rr4htl. Astoria,N.1.,April 12. Vi'11[44 Ti"l1),,ui,i+L•,.iaii.24. y,Johu(77),N4ty Turk t'Ify,NIL 8.6, i4Le�i en,Niir Saints b'tt%Jiim( (66),inrisi,I ori- \Vurtlun)tun 1ti41au'd (60 aiblisher,�;4a('lift' Hey}lleury (89),tteillio11ulr4,plI[IatlthropiHt. I 1'.tl t" .,t i4usK(',rt4t"tr, 'prrr Ft Ii()mt',IIuluaa,rw . diNr,hdrrr(it lit N.1',:111.7. ) 1 Urtt,(.a heart faelur(•,Nov.Iii. n�.19. Stevenson, Robert Louln (44), novvlkt,' Yal4s, I+1(hiturt(I 1t. fB1i), airthor,4dit,,r of ih4 wed',Ilarry(39),mong writer,ltr„oklyrl, N.I 11:01 r,'S'i,it,rrtd,i,r "1[;f,u>fur(1. Jul,111 Samoa,p.utily'aiti of the brain, l a•r.?i. Londna if'„rld, L,lo(lnn,aIloploxy, Nlai 19. 4.,Brig11'a diseast',Jun.B. ' P,:al,,,+lt I,ilx;th+tlt 1.:tNl „to11tt,lr'r(► tlrrrkbr a t.k(' ass. fuinual meeting. 'f'lley fowl(l a SUNDAY IN TOWN. a`.x11'}' Dog a ilt)t Ale.” very tint' second-hand eIlgine, which, j 1Vbe•rt iat4e's(tukilld.ii,ld every Ito pefseelw;vaitt, however, haq never leen used 111,n fires u) Oril°f oppress: and is practically as good as new,, the 1 The sun is misty yellow and the sky is hiiQy \t-hru cnllliy tterning filendnIaips 1111 lily heart blue, With h4;tvilloss - price ol,which was $1100, It: Call be And the clilme-bells riot; out quaintly, Wien,fora few 111,16„111:hoiu-w,from 11fW.,i dark rarer l I r The t, Near and deeply, t,aii� and faintly, free,e pllre lased for $1)+.)0. l h( conlini tte( 3, 1 tvrndcl be.te Each only follo\vin; its fellow in an echo clear some lr)vr:,I-.i",Itinely 4onntry walk ci(+llgh.ts Will recd-Ilmond trhat the (list.riet pllr and true, bty'datL and rite! -_ Through the streets, clears-.i3wept for leisure, t:l'ti (1Ti};ill[�. A ineetint; t)1)' the ur, Many feet make haste toward pleasure; distriet.has been ealled to tit;o , '1'()ntaltN nip siirllr..incl nOtlne hlt)t ht;'il suit e l' Tleti(itl And the sound is as the rustling of the leaves }3y,all lac van: on file report; of th(+ r t,i:;fr+itl l'r for in paths we knew. 11°her(^srhoiIJdIIlnd wore tendersympat hy How I wish I were a.-walking In the autumn Iit ally than? Thursday night ()t' t h i:1) week. The woods with you! it t-11 tit"hlne anti gaze into my face as;If gentlemen Whilo lit 1',ttw YOH( pur- 'I^hq,e cat'c•s he knely-- n II. You'd wonder Stich ail 1191,v sort of(luf." chased two(lleniir.111 fit°tr t vtillglli;hers Oh, the fragrance of the hollows that the little Could he is tine! and a hea(flight; 1'or t;he t,rticlr. /90 n i ' brooks ran through! Caught, an '( Oh, the s�axlet maples burning He knotgs if fitrnd';or <irnukci.v I(nock. or irantp+l7hey're ct)t)iln)r back i), Irutlilrett+r, tha�;y Like a torch at every turning� 111 ros;ti the y gird; y ' Flo'S gettlttt old irIt he'.v a fan)otrs chap are ftufliw l;liar)tt)ey+u A heilltlly tlussh olio)) slit 11) +hln s; ill i'stl:l, On the 'tray my spirit follows in a dream for- l hc'Pla4r,to t;nard; „ T th,t'rt' dliti(` II 1 ]il'liWn'- A is ever nOFV,— 'l'ogrowlandheattileerh0ofIlk%oiee tiS'lbh ales -or fisilitiIf, trillinjih.( t.ltat('auH4 Where from quiet, dlst,%nt meadows, I-le's hllghty Proud; eft\y ind sill-pl- so. r; Dim beneath the mountain shallows, You'll w'oudci such a tinysort of(low For r•t•rt'y fish lural oll,(Al Otto ('111glit is,1ivo Poi t Came the clank of swinging cow-bells down the Could hart;so loud. aboart. Lilii;.Jxc: sol softest wind that blew. sol ce 01), I wish I were a-walking In the autumn 1311tloon a.s llttle)4llfred strokes hi.,head np woods -with you! Jie.'s(Iill I,t al:once,; .tai He'll"dle and"beg',"or in the corner stand sh: III. Po play the dunce; rk' And if that paper Pool'<,cap hides his,eyes, We have had our fill of roving where spring )c1 blossoms bound the view. ift•doe:�al't mind; be, We have Played in young Romances, You'd wonder such a savage:ort,o2 dog iitc he+ Danced the nymph-and-shepherd dances; Could bre so hind. Stiri+ed tip by their astounciing tal.les, y(,),, lie, Now the summer of our loving glows and throbs , Ah met Itntu tlif,ctntll rlt)nih,nb(<iireti,t,t'11tr. .And slyly .n1)kt, a bte,alt land with tm-kl( t('it(1\'all. Point I.c)lte- hec about us too. 01140.1-;3011'N')lulu: Noone. h\ this l tltr,; her In Our eye the light pet vernal, 110 gives me all he lira', his eltanCc•lr,•;s Im e Voll vltefiid .1 (1 i,1' to land olie fish—you In our hearts the fire eternal, My own it)g'aini can't'b(lie+v t. your,.•>es :hE And when time has touched the branches and Ill,Stuneur an'ttellalle.itoreanhis heart. '1'41X•11 told "'th(, ,e.ft 4,uE;]tt this year” our rose-leaf days are few, Its ceitful be- --U11e J(I8 �t.i:)aut t:hIS ylze:-- �Li Oh, it's their I'd still be walking in life's autumn That s ; ,III, friend;+thip close and elo>c•r hhuds �o woods with you. u • _ .,1)y-dxt,� and nte± ro -_(Ca.roline Duey; in Scri•bner'ts ec _ GOv. I.ennyptic7kor'rs Anecdote. Cov. Pennypaeker, of Pennsylvania, was re- r ., •r - Vlowing the State militia at Gettysbur1r. A young ���rTI � 8�tltlg ' 0� 151 +staff officer described to him In a low tone nonlb . unimportant error that had (leen made. "But as Jan.1. The advent of the twentieth centurywas p to the cause of the error, sir,"he said, „that fat a, celebrated in many cities in the United State, SeMatei anYondrneatnBtoi lilfn declined e to accept the mystery. Jan,2. Lard Roberts was made Earl and Knight Alamta 13, Rx-Pr(esidbnt Benjamin Harrison died li follow, of the(carter by Queen Victoria. Gov. I'enrYYPackrr Smiled. at 1,1, Ind. W Jany Lard Roberts was received at London March 13. ,Andrew Carne Monterey, "It It Is a allystrry,";sold hr,"!t 1s ilko thea ljlaklyd} with royal honors, tris presented tlS,'10tl,000� , Pork disaster that befell two I'cur sylvanla Dutch- Jan.7. Municipal ownershi of to the City or Now York for libraries. twined in Toronto. p gas was ob- Maroh 23, Aguipnaida,the Filipino insurrection-�4ninnagar, ruse- Ilarrs and Fritz. Jan 8, Twenty-six lives were lost in an orphan f'rye,vinne�iif TembellauLuroia Gan, PunstGn in Lila "These two men bought a lot; of piekleEd pork: asylum fire atnoehester. SaratOga, In partnernhlp, They}jut it In a barrel and stored Jan,S. The T)elnware and IIudaon Railroad Islands .Jit Seise And States paid Spain for the It away In the cellar of Hann's home. Now lianas, came under the control of the Vanderbilt Interest. March 211, afar,Nice, thou(;h a Pennsylvania Uutcltnjati, wear ditthpnest. Jan.19, Alfred C}wynne Vanderbilt grid IGi]bYl natio At l,0j- rjigh to �,aoljle ware killed in A tor- The combination Is rare. Fronch were married at Newport,It.I. March 3A, oxford Ivan the annual beat rasa from Jan. 17. Oil a trial trip the torpedo-haat de- Cambrid e. Tow York, "Well,tile.morning'after the deal In pi kled porlc', strayer Baihsy made 30,88 knots ars hour, 8gg Fritz met i•Ians on the road. Jan.17. The Kingdom of Prussia celebrated its wasasucceeided by I ilnrrdar U 1K$ncxKs resigned and r Boston, „'Good morning, flans,'he said, 'Is there awe bi-ab.lit' y' April 3, The Spanish Cabinet. Appmved of a news about the pickled pork?' Jan•19. Rascals was thecabolished is Went Point treaty of friendship with the United htates, r-WGianar, , by an agreement ai(�sed by the cadets, 'Fritz.,Flans anawared gravely,'theta!n now;. Jan, 21, l'he 1JnttOd States Government sur- April 10. Gan,Botha attempted punoa negatia- eau Ilnilg, and bad naves. A strange thing has happened. randerad the defaulter, Neely, to flab Cuban tions with the British autlloritiea ire 8011th Africa. It Is a mystery to me,' authorities. April 20. Severe floods occurred at Pittsburgh ax-United "'Well,Floras,tall ru<+all about lt'said Fritz. Jan'23. A fire at Montreal,Canada, destroyed and Cincinnati, �2,bpU,00f1 in property April?!i. President MoKinleyraueived the Cuban 'fee,Italy, "'l+rita:, my friend, It was like this,' said flans. Jan 22. Queen Victoria died at&30 o'clock P.at, Commissioners. 'This morning I went down cellar to get a piece at Osborne Rouse,Isle of Wight, April 29. The Le land Steamship Line was Pur-�aeor, Now Jan, 24. King Edward VII, of (beat Britain ohasod by J. 1-1. lliorgan do Co• for consolidation ' a1 pork for my breakfast an$T put n1y hared down , and Ireland, and liniperor of India, was pro- with the Atlantic Transport bine, beth,Me., ir1 t11ra burrrl and I. felt around In the brine and olaimad. May 1. The Pan-American Exposition was for- there was no pork there. It was all trona; all gone Jan.21. Verdi,the composer,stied. Ina lly Opened at Buffalo,N,Y. rel of the courpletely, So then I turned up the barrel and. Jan-SU, Tile If ague Court of International Ar- May 2. The Glasgow Intarnatiannl Lxlri Mian as true an you are alive,the rats had raters a hole titration was organized, was Oporracl' }aonderoga, clean through Lire bottom and dragged tiro Fall.2, The body of Queen Victoria was Lorna May 3, Civil government was establfshad at pork' from Portsmouth, through London, to Windsor Manilain the Philipprnr's. Edon, ung. all out., with mortuary honors, May 3. A groat conflagration wasted Jnckson- '"Pr•itf,was amazed and stunned. Fab. 2, Tho Army Reorganization bill was villa,Fla.; loss,$10,0ol1,o00. t r" atesrtran, .�Vhy dlelra't file brine rim out of file holo?' signed by President McKinley, May 0. The Duko and Duahnes of Cornwall lie asked. Fat,4. The final oerernonies of file entombment roachod Malhourno,X.B, W. A.Stern) of Queen Victoria were hold At Frogmoro Mau- fs1aY 8= Cardinal Martlnellf was investsuf with "'Ali, Fritz,' calci Ijann, 'tliat's the rnysttiry, sGlbuYu,14'ihdsor, tlaered berretta at Bnitrtfnre, 'a in Con- That's the mystery.' 1�hLladellt)rtct 73t1tLeltta, Fob.4° Uarrib Nation began her liquor crusade MAY S. A protest was made b foreign repre- ioh.,heart in Kansas. }' e p I n Cor]7ore Nano). Well.4, The contonary of the installation of chief tampering witvon At h tile tn,41110st yjthe Porte�ha alleged (retired), Arising in the rnornlnllr,SMIth rubbed himseltbQ Justice Marshall was celobrated, May 14, N.y.t railway strike slating tuck plan Fob.4. The War Department closed the call- at Alban St Y, k caterer, briskly with the sanitary towel advocated by the teens, Y, Board of liealth, and with tho windows all open, Feb,5 Henry IC,YOutsey was sentenced to Inc eu May y 22. Five 0 d let were e dis insedion d six 1)t*Canaan,20' where he would be scrutintr,ed by the nelghbom jrisanrnont far life in Kentucky as the assassin of May 22. Arabi Poilit,Lha rubor in tion. was 1, raisesd lits chest tp rho eclUnit 1l}0 Limas,and dxo dropped Goebel, Vp. Fob,7. Queen Willlulmina of Holland wadded Pardarre(I by the British Ciovbrnment. historian, It quietly and tlnafxfeiausly to the linoleum tlopr, Duke Henry of Mooklenburg-9nhwerin. May 22, Tho Shamrook II., with Kin qg Edward I author, After thin, he plunged Into a cold sterilized bath, Feb, 7, The Italian Ministry resigned. The sir board,lost all her spars in a squall on tlae Flolbnt. and,drinklar four quarte of Great canna spring 2ranardolli Ministry wag formedIrobrunry 14. MaY 22. Brand, the w4massin of King Humbert tow York water,lay on his bank and lmalllne d.ho a wan a jelly. Fob,12. The SupremCourt o Michigan held of Italy,committed suicide in San Stefano Prison, Public franolifges to be taxable, Borne. cat,Oran- fish for thirty minutes. Breakfast followed, con- Feb.13. (con.Wogler,as Captain-()enbral May Y l3. A volcanic eruption at KolOot,Japan, misting of prepared bed slats and oowleiss milk. nlgimed martial slaw in Mnrlriri, caused groat lose of life, lergyinan, after which ,Smith walked four mllen I to business. Fell.14. The rinuess of the Asturias was near- May 24. An explosion in the Universal Colliery tied at Madrid to Prince Uharlos of Bourbon. Ater Valley, South Wales, killed between 7U ane( t author, talCiniC ills temperature every two blocks. And cart r 8U Ilion, t failure, Pet).19, King N:clwnr i VII.oponod I'arliautent, on through the day. Nell,18. Russia retaliated on the advance of the AIRY 25. The franchise was conrorred on women 'Plein was six rnonths afro; alnce then Smith has United fitatosduty on Russian beetsugar fly adopt- tax-payers by the Norwegian Parliament, n,Iiarris- discovered an entirely new system,which he canis- inadditional duties on cortain American goods, May 27. A decision was rendered 11y the United dently predicts will make several more men of hire feb.20. The first Territorial Legislature of States Stiprome Court declaring duties Collected before the year let out. He,July12 1 Hawaii began its session. prior to the Porto Rionn PAriff law to be i(legal 'of State, Feb.21. The Cuban Constitution was signed by and refundable), but the law itself to be cGttetitu_ la.2K The only real trouble with Smith lea that hes has the delegates in the Convention at Havana. Tonal. NurOln-I an incurable disease and doesn't know It. His all- Fob,22, The Pacific Mail stoaanship Ria da May 30. Prasidant McKinley and party raturnad Ment Is the.lnabllity to forget himself. If ho coilld Janeiro sank off Lha Golden Gato, Flan Francisco, to Washington from their trip to the Pacific coast. cud Phil- aftorstrikimg in a fog,and 128 lives were lost. , only let himself alone lnnir enough, he would be Feb.25, Tlie United States Steel Corporation their seats the United rStatesdSenate,but til irr (Princess able to get along'by obeying his natural instincts. was incorporated. I' What we all need is a lark of exercise,plenty bt Feb.27. The United States Supreme Court de- South resinCarolinions as riot accepted by the Governor of 7rouberg, unpredigested food,and an easy conscience, aided against the Boll Telephone UOnapany In the May 30= The Hall of Farm at Now York Univas- I3erlinaso. And then, If we should happen to get nick land Marchrch 8ity was Inaugurated. adotphia, 4. William McKinley was inaugurated as I June 1. A daughter wits; born to the King and usn orad don't gond for the. doctor, we may pullthrough.•-+ President of the United States for a second term. Queen of Italy= I,(IrR, March 9. Count T018tci was exec it I8. Lila Orthodox(I►ersk Church, urraauninated by ,Jame 3. Count Von Waaldersee departed from ynian J. o r , Puking an his return to Gf�rillauy. May 17. td Orthodox erclmnt rr -.+�+po.v,vr.�tir,Kut-._ Z.infenB6,mar 03. ' m � A vu,y v, _- 04 Pa' 14?4 c".reditabl The Watchman 91Ves the follow- 'Ad a; Ig w Ing as the votors psalm: "The "T?nmt 111 �'er7nreEPr. tchnre, I '(vas tiring g. feT politician is my shepherd, I shall -0 0 G srearrs agn,A colored blacksmith conceived thA Idea E�t1.rt L1.1117t1. W a w ,r, that.hee h5d a call to PrrnP11,"AAIB a local btistness not want for anything during the }can't Yr,1r lace 1111s Sort o'weatliev--sort n'matte o :� ti 4, man ;c•rstrrdoy• "S8,111 could barel• read. but be campaign. FIs:! leadoth Ise Into to order 1011d--- hall fioufldr*red through the 131h1e and eottetiderdd tho Saloon for my Voto'S Salo; he When the ntr is opal-colored and brawn lenv('s •''� a vrr ' thAt bR was qualified.to trach men the to Fal.. 11111 tI1 Ins pOCkc�tf3 with �OOfI cI- err !n the;wind m m S�' I vaatlnn. f?n(*days a canvpni t-.,n of Methodist preach- 111' daar,k hunts+ra rue a-111din'watchln' out tae- ors was held 1n tbm town a.nd.to them Sam made gars; City boor runneth oyor. IIe hila(]the blind 4'0 o k x p known Ills ambition. Ttvea orthree of them took iDquiroth about my family even to And a Istau• Istat 1s In the valley at the danln' ( o d °� hien in head LZ1d rx7_^. tlr{std !1(m Ctrs in his qualih• the fourth t cm,,ration. Y(:'a 1 witeen than hrne,lcwhcnt fields are ripened till the, M though 1 walk through tbo Inud siolli,v in� glory red, c � "Baal knew nolhl,ng It p1} 8bo,rt theology and 0, o a oPC a, the flit rrrngn.tortj soon ditte vered til+*fact and tooir and tho rain to voto for hifn, thou ;tri' tl,r Inn,1,111 birds asci sllal;in' anti Inst song to tiulnr,ar a' bo q �?o �. >�h itis flltalr. T11r ratrtrtjt.traldnrr rain about]lice thls: I shout nl Bolf black in the face to 1 Ev u! 'Why(fid J05cph"Ie.bro.threAn put,hint 111 ohs it'r y Jnr tiro a t:ht't Inough leaves to}tide'errs'monirst v ✓"!�-' "%Tnecph 1115 wouldn't r�r,rk"es.nge he var a.pet foot for 41 In i Whon eloeted,,� Thr r rec boughs overhead, a : , vri(I de ole Man,an'hr Fillus iTA'round wld.life ti'nr straightway ho fo!'g And:a anlst is to rico valicy at the dawnln'2 0011., on What sir Ala man toe+ hn, $std vc'rn he, elect hi.ln in 1115 OWI( house y1lld he w e+ ty� wouldn` heap 1111Fk en.tvn )les- bruddhrs take )af° When a tinlclln'sort, o'gladness swells the Siilgin' �r o cctidd• feat away an'vut him In dcan�ll?r,^,1a'i.t oBilnhru±,rh knowoth file not. Suroly tho Wool o' tho creeks, �,, -�U ream sn' Ont '1m ;rt+.' hath boon pulled over mine eyes When a u arlet signal's wavin'111ce a flag in benutv's ti a ,� "'Wha.t did Ananias dor all tho dt,yS of my life and I Shall ehfcl:s, 93 d rn ''Anaanlas he t.alie up dP cnllrrtlon in de�,-hurch dWoll in tho ranks ofI the )art • <nd rile caul goes out a-searchin' and a-flnclira' C7 ti e.3 •^a d nu' he., take,• A, place of monety cum clp betticet an' vel cat It s+s iS, party a sl rein?v(ar.at And a mist 1.9 in the,valley at the dawnirl'? Cd +7 trio>" 1t to hes Min an' dA I.a.ud turn hien Az>pr to JL1 ;rt% }1t'fiP1111T1.C'n>t. aora7 dA Pnpullste an'dp:+>put,out his eyaN 'racks him 1>nung husband• Tlcertha,did You r(slc the grocer'}n' thf•'soul P;ocs out a-serarchiu'•—]ill e a pl)gfilm Ca,— ,^ a, vrork h1 dr mill.' m �'v' to show You Hama of those, seedless beans I was all alone--- a) ,1 r~ cd "Sam became suaipleloals that,11e was lint giving An'1t tfncIs that there's a heaven and it sale v, a,. - Aga telling you about this morning? gl;les q drtA.11s e*nautlh. sn when he wFra Asked. or An ac- 'rninst tilt throne, n. 4' A.�' ti W 91 roust, of )r-,zob, he tepllrri; Young Witc--Yes,and If you want Your slippers 6 'Jezebel rshr tru<, dr- glossa. Shp tract lnokln' warmed before you put thein on you can warm 1,nd the, pro;ttises o' Jesus secrrtq ter be its very them Yourself,str. 1 won't.—Chicago Tribune, �i b'rs Haat.of r1p upRretrr,winder of dp holism rand C,in,.mil And a rralst is in the valley at the dawn}n'? ti cd ",Trhn hr merle,along She tells him,"(,lent;,cN Cd -H'ti old ha.ldhrarl," clad two or risen bin fellows T-Tow It Wits Fix''d. 0h, the glory-tinted autumn( OI1, the heaps o' r- U b ti. '�, look Alit d window and Jehu tole'em.to frow her Tllc: .Man—Your daughter telephoned me to call goldl 10 ys elate>n. and ries, frori 'pr dntvn; Alt' 1111 ince'em to and fix your Ij1anG• When the nights and Morns are hazlr and the clayR ,ei` fr01�''er sicca 1i;zg in,Au'dry .frArr'et down grin;an' IIs;1°otiose-ll'hfat's the;natter with it7 ., call gltGln'cold, � o �•� he tope'Fill to fron>'er dnwn seven time an' dis The,pian—one of the strings Is brolcen• And You're full o' sin in" gladness ]fico a ]sapl,y i�i�v'&o f0 frow'e rn f,^,ec save times. .fin'h tole'en)to f rosy ' repair n 3-year-old. � I3cr Fatllei—ll hat will It float to rt a< r t11e trolls r -a :, string? .Aust a mist Is in tho valicy at the daivnin'? s down c°scary if(";Seven. art dA rings licked 'er The Man—Two dollars. —lZ0 ust04 ROB-1_�: sorAs r-nd do.5-took rip ob de fragments d.at rematnpd Her father—Well, here's 35, Break the rest of twelves lxn6kete full.' "--,Seattle._nogJ-Inlr,)1,f,7erzrPr. _em..-Chicago "uew,v. _ Gov. Yennypacker's Anecdote._ � RH(IUItD OF EVENTS IN 1901--Grralinued. Deathf 190-1. 161 June 6. Repmaentattves of the New York Oham- Music,Pan-Amerioan Exposition,Buffalo,one bul. �Q t�� o rY of 1 901. Commerce of Comerce wore entertalned at dinner In let entering his arm, the other perforating his Age at death is given in Parentheses; vocation,place,cause,and time of death who known follow. l,rtadan, stomach. lin survived an operation. June Q, WIiItam C.Whitney's horne,Volodyovski, Sept.6. The release of Miss Stone,an American Abdul Rahman Khan,Ameer of Afghanistan(71), Cannon,George won the English Derby, missionary,and hor companion, captured by bri- Kabul,Afghanistan,Oct.3. g Q.(78),Moreton Apostle,bfoaterey, June 7. Andrew 0arnegie gave $10,000,000 in Aldrich,Louis(68),Kennebunk Cal,,April 12.. Bands in Bulgaria, was ordered by the Sultan, Juno 17. port,Me.,apoplexy, 'Carte, Richard D'Oyly (66), theatrical iaaaager, steel bonds to Sootoh universities. Silo wtts still ttt imprisonment waiting to bo ran- London,England, June 7. The failure of the Seventh National somed at the close of the year. Alexis,tPaul l urlit(54),novelist,Paris,France,July 30. Oarloton, George W.heart9),o publisher. Saratoga, Bank,of New York City,was announced. Sept.12. The sessions of the Admiral Schley hotel manager (Astor House), N.Y„Oct.11. .lune 21. Thomas G. Barker was convicted at Oourt or Inr�uiry were begun at Washington, New York Oity,rhouniatio gout Jan.4. Oarin Jean Charles 81),landscape , Jsrsey City, N J., of felonlous assault on Rev. Sept.13, The steamer Erik brought now$ to Anderson,George's'.(77),Confedeiate commander,I Italy,March a ( p painter,Nice, .Irdtn Keller,at Arlington,N,J.,Pal).3. Nvrtlt Sydney, Cape Breton Island, of Lieut, Mexican War veteran, Anniston,Ala„April 4. Chamberlin, Wilbur J. (36), journalist, Carlsbad, .lune 22. (len. Chaffee war appointed Military Peary's Arctic discoveries, Armour,Herman O.(64),0apitaldst,Saratoga,N.Y., Germany,cerebral congestion,Aug,14. (lovurnorof the Philip tines. Sept.14. President MoKinley died from his apoplexy,Sept,8. Chnnfrau,Henry rat congestion, (4n, actor,. York, .Tune 27. Yale beat Harvard In the annual boat wounds at the home of John G. Milburn,at Buf- Armour, Philip D. (68), capitalist, Chicago,Ill., consumption,on,Nov,16. rave at Now London• falo. Vioe-Provident Roosevelt took the oath of heart trouble,pneumonia,Jan.6. Chonsu William F, June 28, henry Marquand rt Oo.,of Now York, office as President of the United States. Arnold,John H.V. (62), jurist, Now York Oity, Mass.,pneumonia,Marc(81), scientist Boston brokers,failed,with heavy liabilities. Sept,10. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall apoplexy,March 30. Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Juno 29. The three-stay automobile rano from were weluornpd at Quebec,Canada, Aun, Edmund (80), composer, Parse, France, (83),Berlin,Germany,Jan.Ii, Paris to Berlin was won by M.Henri Founder. Sept.16. The body of the late President Me- Aug.19' Cheney, Albert N.(60),piscioulturiet,(glens Falls, July 2. The intercollegiate boat rano at Ycugh- Kitrley was retnave to Washington,whore it lay B ckus,Brady E.(62), clergyman, Ridgefield,Ot., N.V.,:ieart disease,Aug.17. k July,an the Hudson.was wen by Uo h ell, in state an the following day, Bancroft,Cecil F.P.(62),educator and elorgymau, ChencStata Pierson Senator,0. (75), an June ser,ex-United July 2. Minister I.uistrrttan, of the United Sept.19. Last services were bold at Canton, Stater,obtained a final settlement from Turkey of Ohio,aver the remains of the late President Mo- Andover,Mass.,Oct,4. Clark, Charles P., railroad19. indemnity claims, Kinlny, Baratieri, Oreste (61), Italian General,Sterzing, heart harJesiseasa,March 21. president,Nice,Italy, July 6 Five million dollars was Bequeathed to Hept.19. The Britishtorpudo-boat0obrabuckled Switzerland,Aug,8. Clarke Thomas Curtis (74) civil engineer, New fif5. e Matropol}tan Museum of Art,Now York City, and sank off the Linoolnshire coast and carried I Batchelder, Richard N. (70), ox-Quartermaster- York City,June Curtis g ' by the will of the late Jacob S.Rogers,locomotive down 67 men. General U.S.A.,Washington, D.C.,Jan,4. Clifford,William H.,lawyer,Cape Elizabeth,Me., manufacturer,of Paterson,N. J. Supt.20. The statue of King Alfred the Great Beard,Francis D. (36),turfman,Lakewood,N.J., uraetnio poisoning,Sept.18, p July t1. Leander won the Hartley boat-raoe in was unveiled by Lord Roseburg at Winchester, appendicitis,April 25. Cominerell Sir John 72), British Admiral of the Nugland for the Grand Challenge Oup from the Hngland,during the millenary celebration, Belo,Alfred H.(63), Texas journalist, Asheville, Fleet,London,England,May 21. University of Pennsylvania. Sopt.24. After a nine hours' trial at Buffalo N. C.,malarial fever,April 19. Cook Joseph on,England, M lecturer,Ticonderoga, JulyI4. A wanuruarrG to(lanimvriore Matkhew O. Leon Czolgosz,the assassin of President;dcKinley, Benedict, Charles L.(78),jurist, Now York City, N.V.,Bright's diseaHe,June 26. Perry, U.S N„was unvelled at Kuriharna,Japan. was sontunood to death in the electric chair in the heart trouble,Jan(8• p Creighton, Mandell (48),Bishop of London, Eng- July 17. The Arctlo exploring expedition of Bald- weak of Oct.28. Benoit,Pierre L.L. 68),composer, Brussels, Bel- land,Jan.14, win and Ziog•lersal led from Troms8o,Norway. Sept,24. Harvard and Yale won the interna- gium,March 6. CriePi, Francesco (82), Italian statesman, July 18 �'he British Ilauxe of Lords arraigned Etanal onlluginto athletic vnntest, at New York Besaut, Sir Walter (64), author, London, Naples,Italy,Aug.11. and sentenced Karl Russell to three runntitx'im- from Oxford and Oninbrirrige by six of nine event$. England,influenza,June 9. Croizetto,Sophie'Aloxandrine(Mme.J.19.A.Stern) prironmsat,on ills pleading Guilty to a charge vC Oct.1, The Lpisoopal Triennial Convention was Bishop,Joel Prentiss(87),legal writer,Cambridge, (64),actress,Paris,France,March 19, 1+!gamy• opened at San Franaisno, Mass.,Nov.4. Grump, Rousseau O.(68), Representative in Con- Jul 20, Intense heat prevailed in theRastern Oct 3• The Amoorof Afghanistan died. Boecklin, Arnold (75), painter, Fresole, Italy, gressfrom Michigan,West Bay City,Rich.,heart and Con- July United States; 21)0 deaths from that Oct.4, The Shamrock II,wagqs defeated in the Jan.18. disease,May 1. calls*In 22,Now'I'York City. yatianal Tuberculosis Con- thin retaining the trce for ophy n the il(Jar by the Columbia, Boutollo. Charles A.(63),Ropresentative in Con- Cushing, Samuel T.,Brigadier-Genoral (retired), gresss from Maine,Waverley,Mass„pneumonia, Wushington,D.0.,July 21. are"was oppaanail in London. Out.8. Nifty-six thousand dollars was raised May 21. Delmonlno, Clrarles C. (41), Now York caterer, July 23, Wlaliam II,Befit was appointed Gov- in the Unites States to ransom Miss ICllen M, Bradbury,James W.(99),ox-United States Son ator Colorado Springs,Col.,tuberculosis,Sept.20, cruor of Porto Rloo. Stone, the American iniesionary captured by from Maine,Augusta,Me.,bronchitis,Jan,6. DoPuy,'Eal'illani 13. (80), M.E-clergyman,Canaan, July= Lord Milner w44 presented with the free- brigands In Bulgaria. Brennan,Thomas 8.8(5s),publio'oflieial,New York Ot•,paralysis,Sept.4, dom of the city of London. Oct.15, The Now York Court of Appeals granted City,oomplieation of diseases,July 7. Dirnitry,John B.S.(66).journalist and historian, July 24 In response to the ruyuest at Roar- a now trial to Molineux. Brewer,Mark S, (66), ox-Ru resentative in Con- New Orleans,La.,Sopt,7. Admiral Schloy the Sooretary of the Navy ordorod Out,20-24, The bi-centennial of Yale University gress from Michigan,Civil borvice Catnmissioner, Donnelly, Ignatius (10), politician and author, a Court of IuquIry into his conduct In the Spanish- was celebrated. Washington, D. 0., complication of diseases, Minneapolis,Minn,,Jan,18, American War. Oct,22. Sir Redvors Bullor was relieved of his March 18. Draper, William H. (71), physician, Now York July 27. The now battle-ship Mains was launched oommand of the First Army Carps,British Army, Bright, William (78), educator, clergyman, and City,pneumonia,April'lB, At Phlladel Isla. Oat,22. The Pan-Amerioan Congress was opened historian,Oxford England,March 6. Drysclalo,Williatn(4fl),author and journalist,Cran- Ang,1. Dr.Snoring Barmou,of Borlin,Germany, in the city of Mexico. Broglie, Ohnrles Jacques, Duko of g0 ford,N.J.,Sept.20. made a balloon ascension of XJ,800 fent, Out,18. The King Alfred,the largest cruiser in Broglie, statesman,Parts cancer, Jan.19. ( )' French Duffield, John T. (78), educator and clergyman, Aug.2. At Columbus.Ohio,a trotting record of the world,was launched in England. Princeton,N.J.,heart disease,April lo. a mile In%W4 wax made by the stallion Orencous, Oct,29. Czolgosz,the assassin,wall executed at Brosius,Marriott(69) Representative in Congress Dunglison, Richard J., physician and author, Aug.4, The invasion of Venezuela by Colom- Auburn State Prison Now York, frorQhPenheart failure,Lancaster, Pa,, apoplexy, Pltilndelphia, Pa„ dropsy and blatrs was successfully repelled. Nov.1. The South Carolina and West Indian March 16. Aug,a. The Dowager Empress Frederick of lex xtxltlon at Charleston,S.C.,was opened with Bryce,Joseph S.(93),Major U.S.A.(retired),New Eglo,William H. York Cit ,genealogist and historian,Iiarris- Germany died, religious coromonies, y,April 16, burg,Pa„pneumonia,Feb.19. Aug,8. Tho airship of M.Santos-Dumont eailod •Nov.2. The Pan-Amerloan Exposition at Buffalo Buchanan,Robert W.(60),author and playwright, Errazuriz,Federico(61),President of Chile,July 12. around the Iriffol Towor,but was wreaked on land- olostid. London,England,June 10, Lvart�,1�'iilinnt AL(83),ox-Secretary of State, io Nov, 4. M. Santos-Durrant won the Deutsch Buck,William B.(84t,Vice-President N.J.Society lawyer,New York City,pneumonia,Feb.28. Tug.10. A general strike was made by 14,000 prize for it dirigible balloon, of the Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Pa., heart Faber,Johann(84),pencil manufacturer, Nui•em-.� omployels of the United States Steal Corporation, Nov.6, The French floot seized three Turkish disease.Feb.17. burg,Germany,Jan.16. Aux.11, Orisp} the Italian stxtesrnau,died, porta,which wore held until the Porto settled the Bunco, Francis M. (66), Rear-Admiral U. S. N. Fieske, Jolie (69),historian, lecturer,and Phil-I Aug.19, 'Cite Buku and Duchess of Cornwall French claims. retired), Hartford, Ct.,cancer of the tongue, osopher,Last Gloucester,Masse July 4. i trlAux,Cape Town. Nov.7. LI e o(Chang died. �g•19• ( Frederick,Dowager Empress of Germany(PrinceCroribe ss A n. France and'Turkey suvernd diplomatic Nov,7. The otoatng arguments in the Schley Burge,John H.H. 78),physician,Brooklyn,N.Y,, Royal Victoria of England)(Ge at (Prince relatlons owing to differencos nvorq«ayconeoxxions, Court of Inquiry were made, March 24, Royal Victors Castle Gormany,Aug.Kopf,C Prince Chun of China made,a formal Nov.8. The Irrthmlan Canal treaty between the Burgess, Alexander (82),-P.E.Bishop of Quincy, 6• axprassicq of regret at Borlitt for the murder at the United Status acct Creat Britain was signed by' Ill.,fit.Albans, Vt.,old age,Oob.8. Fraley,Frederick(97),business man,Philadelphia, 4lerman Minister at Poking. Secretary Iiay and Lord Pauncefate. Pa„,general debility.1 ( Sept.23. Sept.4 The Methodist Ecumenical Conforcnco Nov.28. Colombian,Liberal troops surrendered Burke, Texas,Dallas Tex_ in Congress Fulton, Justin it (Ma Baptist clergyman and opened in London, at Colon. Butterfield, Daniel 70 Cold Spring.N,Y, author,Somerville,Masa.,paralysis,April 16. Upt.S. President McKinley was shot twice by Dec. 18, The decision of the Bohley Court of alysis,July 17. ( )' ,par' age, Cornelia P.L., wife of Secretary Lyman J, an assassia,Leon Ozol oaa,while in the Temple of Inquiry was made public. ( p Gage,Washington,D.C.t heart disease,May 1?. 6 p 9 Y p Cammack, Addison 76), oa italist, broker, New Gilman,George F.(76),millionaire tea merohant, York City,Bright's disease,Feb.6. Bridgeport,Ot.,Bright's disease,March 3, IM, NOW O " The Watchman gives the follow- 9 E b � Pa?saed Creditably. ing as the voters psalm: "'rhe �� ci ' "I7r,vrti 1n TenaesFirr. wbi1rP I was 111r1ug a few politician is my Shepherd, I shall xt o m = years ago,a,colored blacksmith conceived the}idea A.11l i11I1121. -�,o that he had a rail to preacb."Paid a,local business not want for anything dul'iuQ' the Don't you like this sort o'weather—sort n'made >~ o Q) than Zresterday. ',Sa.ni could barely read. but be Campaign. Ile leadeth me into to order hind— J> Vbad floundered through the Bible and considered tho saloon for my vote's Bake; he When the alr Is opal-colored and brown leaves v ct .o a that be,.,was clurlijted to teach teen the watrto Fal- filleth my pockets With good Ci- ¢ire+In tile,wind 'vation. One day a coux-V ion of Methodist preach_ An' duel: hunters ar i a-111d1n' watehln' out be- ere..wag held In the town and to them Sam made gars; my beet' runneth Oyer. He hind the,blind ' d " known 1x15 ambition. Two or three of them took IDquireth about my family even to And a 1111A is In tho valley at the dawnin'? him In lie icl Ctid ru^*nlr4erd hint as to his qualifl- the fourth generation. yea 1 tl`he;u t,ho buckwheat fields are ripened. till the k p.e,7 thOU;'h I walk througil the scud stalks are glory reel, W w at o o �j 'Sant knecc nothing et ell a.bmit theology l,ad :An' the nwol<In'lArds are singla'one last song to io v q o k of thf interrogators soon discovered,the fact and took and the fain to vote for hien, th0 j eo c rn ai v ynmt xr flpd, ••r.o f U�the Bible. The eaaniLttatlOn_an about like this: I Shout myself black in the face to ,1iio there Curt 'nriugh leaves to lilde'em'mon st l l; 0 W;t - Why did.Joseph's brr+.thren put hint in the it;' , g ro 0 "Jnsepb hew'o11ldn't. �vnrk''rause he carr agpet foot for hiin; when elected, The tree hout,bs Overhead, straightway he fol' etteth me. And n mist is in Ilio valley at the datvnin'? prid de ale men.an'h-'a,11us go'round wid his fine l+ y m I-p ena.t on what de ole roar gli(n 'dm. and w'en he nieet hilly ill his own house and lie 11'tlen a tlnklin'sort o' gladness swells the singln' �� cid e,3 b wouldn' hr.1n husk ca,rvn he,5 bruddera take lie ! knOwAth Ills not. i�Ul'ely the WO01 o' the, creeks, �r ,n rd coat away au'put,titin 1n dr cellar^.,t'070 sh,3 bears ' llatll been pulled over mine eyes 1C'lien a.scarlet signal's wavin'like a flag in beauty's pp -enU cum ars- eat,Arn u p y �Cd e,8 ;' p' cheep;s. � p t-, s1 o6 "'what did Ananias do" all the days of my life, and I shall And tic; soul goes out a.searchin' and a-findln' cgd rd "'Ananias he take lip de collent.iou. In de church dwell in the )ranks of the party 3 what it seeks, 0 o ti air' he, take a,piece of moneyfum de basket an' forpvor.11 �p And n mist is In the valley at the dawnin'? -Cd o -�, [CIV' It to he,.life an' de.Lawd turn him over to JiList Re en.tT17eirit. — w ai•a,a a mea de POpullsts an'dey pili:out his eyes an'make him 'a p d c � *cork 1n de mill.' Young lfusban:d---Bertba,did you ask the grocer An' the soul rbcs out a-search}n'•--]lice a pllgrlm o to show you soma of those, seedless beans I was all alone-- :� cd y ".Sam became.suspfclolis that he was not g}ving telling you about this mornlnb*P An,It finds that there's a heaven <tllcl it snuggles U2 .-�m deta Is COM19h, so when hn wm asked for act all- young Wife--Yes,and if you want your slippers 1gaIrrst the throne, r ai Q 4,,, t~w y count of .jezebel he replied: y end the pronilses r.' .7e5us seei1ls ter be its very Iwo � W H 'Jezebel she wuz (le queen. She was lookin' warmed before you put them on you can warm o�j n, them yourQ.elf,sir. I won't.--Chicago Trthune.. And a mist is in file valley at the dawn}n'P o c. sn Cd dA b nut.of rte lapstaim' winder of de house and Glnerai p ;2�ti cd ".T Ph 11 hP came along ail'she tells him,'•G,long,TW v - old baldbead," saki tvro or three black fellows How It Wits Fix-d. alta cd rd H 7h, the glory-tinted autumn) Oh, the heaps o' `�i Idol;out rill u•hidow etnd Jell"tole,'em to froom her The Man—'four daughter telopbo od me to call green and golcll ^+ � cd down. and rice frmn 'er doled: an' he tole'em to and fix your piano. When the nights aad morns are hazy and the days o'cl e,3 cr r'H freta•'er d6ttn:agtn.an'dey frow'er down a.tr}n;an, Her Fathcr—What's the matter with it? are;gittin'cold, L'3 he tole'Pm to from'er down seren time-s,an'deg The Man—One of the strings}s broken. ;And you're full o' slnnin' gladness like a happy ____�m q o q , flow'er doff n SPven times:an'he tole'ens to froom Her Father—What will It cost to repair the broken s-year-oldl o ;; er down seventy-:.times seven• an der frow 'er string? Anct a mist Is!n tho valley a•t the dawnln'? d077n coventy ties seven,an' dA dogs licked ,r The Man—Two dollars. sorer,,.nd dcK took lip ob de fragments d.at remained Her Father{''Voll, here's 65. Break the rest of Y tlVeJV6 1S 3U't5 full.' "•--St'attle Post-I17tr1h enc-er. 'Cin.—Chicago Vevey___,_ Gov. Penn.ypackei's Ameedote. ' Gleason, t'atriok J- (67), politician, New York, Littlejohn,Abram N.(77);P. E. Bishop o1 Long+ .Death Doll Of 1901• jai Bright's disease,May 21. Island, N. Y., Williamstown, Mass„ apoplexy,f Gourko, Count Joseph Vassilyevitoh(73),Russian Aug,3, 111 Phelps, Thomas S. (76), Rear-Admiral U, S.N„ Stokes, Edward S. (60), speculator, New York, June b,i Field Marshal,Scharow,Russia,Jan,29. Longfellow, Alexande. (86),brother of Henry W. (retired),Now York,pneumonia,Jan,10. Bright's disease,Nov,2. b er of ( (Tray,Elieha(66),inventor of the telephone, Now Longfellow,Portland,Me.,Feb,14, Pierce,,Gilbert A, (6b), U.S,Senator from North Stokes,James W.(48),Representative in Congress �r caeca V tonville,Masa„neuralgia of the heart,Jan,20. Lorillard;Pierre(68),millionaire tobacconist and Dakota,Chicago,Ill.,Feb,16, June 6. Greenway, Kate, illustrator of children's books, sportsman,New York,traumatic nephritis,July7, from SouSh Uarolsna, Orangeburg,S,C„ July 6, yqron the London.England,Nov.8. Pillsbury,John s ta, flourmanufacturer,ex-Gov- Swinton,John(72),writer and economist, Broolc- Gregory,William(62), Governor of Rhode Island, Ludlow,William (68),General U.S.A,,Convent, ernor of Minnesota,Minneapolis,Minn„Bright's lye,N.Y.,Dec.16, June Wiokford,R.I.,Dec.16. N,J.,consumption,Aug,30, disease,Oct.18. Sunderland;Byron(82),clergyman,Catskill,N,Y., tJuneo_ Greenough, James B, (68), educator and author, M(retlred)RWashisrt igton,Dg0 Brigadier en ral U,S.A. Pingree, Hazen S, S61),ea-Governor of Michigan, cerebral embolism June 30. Boston,Mass.,heart failure Oct.11. London,England,intestinal disease,June 18, Sweet, Alexander (60),humorist, editor of Ttmza $ask,o Mapleaon, James H. {61), impresario, London, Pitkin, John R. G. (60), ex-Confederate veteran, SiAings,New York.heart disease,May 20, June 3 Got, Francois J.E. (79),actor,Paris, France, England,Bright's disease,Nov.14. New Orleans,La.,July4, Je1oey March 21. Tait, Peter tl nd, educator and scientist, Edin- John):�" Hagan, James (80), ea-Confederate General, Massey,John E,(64),politician and orator,Albe- Platt, Mrs, Ellen B. (66),wife of Senator Thomas burgh,Scotland,July 4, Mobile,Ala.,Nov.7, marls,Va.,April 2l C.Platt,New York,heart disease,Feb,I3. Tanner,Charles K.D.(61),Irish Member of Parlia- Glovern Haile,William H. (67)ea-Lieutenant Governor of MacCormack, Sir William.(66), President of the Porter, Fitz John(79), Major-General U.S.V.in ment,Reading, England, consumption April 21. Royal College of Surgeons,Bath,England,Dec,4, the Civil War, Norristown, N. J„ diabetes, Tanner, John R, (b7), ea-Governor oil Il inois, June Massachusetts,manufacturer,Springfield,Mass„ Macrae,Douglas G.S (40), editor , the Fitt DO 4 May 21• rape at Bright's disease,Feb,13. Times,Switzerland,April a. Springfield,Ill,rheumatism of the heart,May 23 June Harrison, Benjamin(67), ea--President of the Margall,Francisco Pi.y (81),Spanish statesman, Porter, Wilbur F. (68),Democratic candidate for Thayer,Joseph H, (73),Harvard professor, Uam- b June United States, Indianapolis, Ind., pneumonia, Madrid,Nov.29, Governor of New York in 1896,Watertown,N,Y„ bridge,Mass„Nov,26 March 13. May 21• Thompson, Maurice (67),novelist,Crawfordsville, Harrison,Henry B. (80),ea-Governor of Conaeeti- Marvin, April 26 amen M.(92), banker, Saratoga, N,Y,, 1 Potter,Elsphalet N. (6b), educator,Mexico,Mea„ Ind„Fob,lb. pts cis t out,New Haven,Oct,29. heart disease,Feb,6, Trenliolm, William L. (66), banker, New York, July New Henry (90), financier, street railway Magee, Christopher L, 63) Prentiss, Benjamin M. (82), Major-General of )Ecaepsie ( , politician and caps- j pneumonia,Jan.11, July dent,New York,debility,Nov.7• y Dress- taliat,Harrisburg,Pa.,compiicationof diseases, Volunteers,U.S.A„ in the Civil War,Bethany, Uhl,Edwin F. (80), statesman, ea-Ambassador to d ates Hart, James MoD, (73), painter,Brooklyn.N.Y., MMarch 8David H.(86),manufacturer,New York Mo„Feb,S. Germany,Grand Rapids Mich.,Bright's disease, Pneumonia,Oct.24. Pretorius,Marthinus Wessels,first President of the May 17, rode y Haverley,John(68),minstrel and theatrical man- McalurgaAl gander C. 67),soldier, Dutch African Republic, Potchefstroom, Trans- Van Vliet, Stewart (86), Brigadier-General U.S. July ager,Salt Lake City,heart disease,Sept,28. Au ,publisher,St, veal,May 18. A retsred),Washington,D.C„Marsh 28. 133r Me Haweis, Hugh R. (63), author, London, England, Mo0orin oke Riche dp0l(69), es-Governor of Ari- Purves, George T„ D,D„LL.D, 49), clergyman, (�( i by the New York,Sept,24. ( gyman, VJa33�27Giliseplsi (87), composer, Milan, Italy, x .• many Jan,29. zona Jamaica,N.Y, June 2, Ramsay, John (631,Major-General of Volunteers, Viciorla, queen of Great Rri sin and Ire- July Hay, en,Ct, a ciS. ent, es-Consul to Pretoria, New McKeever, Chaunce U S.A in Civil War,Jersey City,N.J.,heart land,and Empress of India, Osborne, England, F£n Ian Haven,Ct„accident June 23. y (73), Brigadier-General U. � Y Un er Heald,Daniel A, (82), President of the Home In- S A.(retired),Emden,Germany,Sept,4. disease,Feb.Il, Jan.22. July surance Company of New York,West Orange,N, McKinley, William (68), President of the Reed, Roland(46), comedian,New York, cancer, Vicuna,Don Carlos Morla(67),Chilean diplomat, J.,heart disease,Dec.28,1900. United States,Buffalo, N.Y„assassinated,Sept, March 30. Buffalo,N Y. pneumonia,Aug,20. PJ,u July Henderson, John (b6),shipbuilder,Glasgow,Scot- 14, Rev-91s? Hiram R. (79), ea-U. S. Senator from Von Holieulo�te,Prince,Imperial Chancellor of Ian d,July 22, Milan, ea-King of Servia (47), Vienna, Austria Mississippi,Aberdeen,Miss„paralysis,Jan,16, Germany,Ragatz,Switzerland,July 6, July Henri, Prince d'Orleans (34), explorer, Saigon, fatty degeneration of the Heart,Feb 11, Reid, James D. (82), The Father of the Tdle- Yon AligUel, Johannes (72), ox-Minister of anti eon French Cochin-China,Aug,9, Moore, Rt, Rev. John (67), R. C. Bishop of St. graph,"New York,cancer,April 29, Finance,Prussia,Frankfort,Germany,heart dis- rison Hermite, Charles (79), mathematician, Paris, Augustine,St.Augustine,Fla„July 30, Rogers,Jacob S.(79),builder of locomotives, New ease,Sept,8, France,Jan,14. Moran,Edward (74), painter, New York,Bright's York,July 1. Waite, Davis H. (76), ea-Governor of Colorado, i�umy Herne, James A. (61), actor and playwright,New disease June 9, 1, Rothwell, Richard P. (64), mining engineer and Aspen,Ool.,Nov.27. " mad CO York City,pneumonia,June 2, Morelli, `Domenioo 76, i writer,New York,cancer of thestomach,Apri 117 Walker, Aldace F, (69), railroad manager, New cause i Hoffman Edward M, (44),Adjutant-General N.G, Aug,13, ( ) Painter, Naples, Italy, i p Rothschild, Baron Wilhelm (73), banker,Frank- York,heart disease,April 12, I S.N.V.,Albany,N.Y.,heart disease,May 16, Mass, Theodore (80), theatrica; manager, Sen- � fort,Germany,Jan.26, Walker,James A. (69), ex-Confedorate General, � grass wl Hoskins, Sir Anthony H. (73), British Admiral, bright,N.J.,heart failure, July 13. Rowland, Henry A, (63), scientist, educator,and Wytheville Va.,Oct.20, July London,England,Jan,21, Mount, James A. (68), ex-Governor of Indiana, E electrician,Baltimore,Md,,April 16, Wambold, James F., minstrel, Newark, N. J., ernoro Hubbard, Richard B.(69), ex-Governor of Texas, Mu Indianapolis, uns olisFrederheat disease,Jan.16. olargy, f Salisbury, Edward E. (87), Orientalist, educator, June 16, July ex-Minister to Japan,Tyler,Tex Jul 12, New Haven,Ct.,pneumonia,Feb,6, Ward,William Greene (69) banker, President of doze of y man,Reading Pa„March 21. 1 Samford,William J. (66), Governor of Alabama, the Cincinnati in New York,New York, heart 1 Irwin,John(69),Rear-Admiral U.S.N.,Washing- Murat,Joachim Napoleon, Prince (67), Chambly, Tuscaloosa,Ala„June Il. disease,Jan,16, July ton,D.C„complication of diseases,July 28, France,Oct.24. Schott, Charles A. (76), scientist, Washington Watkins,Sir Edward W.(82),British railroad mag- Admir James, Edward C. (61), New York lawyer, Palm Murphy,Thomas 80),ex-Collector of the Port of D.C. July 31. nate,London,England,April 16, IL CJour Beach,Fla„pneumonia,March 24. y,(idne disease,Aug,17, (76} Brigadier in Civil Wayne,William (73), ninth President-General of Asu►eri New York Cit k Shanks,John P, July Jasper,John(90),eccentric Negro minister, Rich- Newcomer, Benjamin Fy(74),financier,Baltimore, War,statesman,Portland,Ind„Jan,23, the Society of the Cincinnati,Paoli,Pa„Nov,20. at Phi mond,Va.,grip and old age Md„apoplexy,March 29, 1 Shaw, Albert D. (60), ex-Commander-in-Chief Weber,Albert b',(76),Orientalist,Germany,Dec,1, Aug, Johnson Albert L. (40), promotes and financier Newell, Robert H.(66),(Orpheus C,Kerr),humor- G.A.R.,Representative in Congress from New Wannerberg,Gunnar(84), Swedish poet and com- m A-u Now Y'orlc,heart disease July 2. ist,Brooklyn,N,Y„heart disease,July 1. ( York,Washington,D.0.,apoplexy,Feb.10, poser,Stockholm,Sweden,Aug,24, Aug, Kellogg,Elijah(88), author and Newell, Witham A. (84), ex-Governor of New S]Iliman, Benjamin D. (96), lawyer, Brooklyn, Westcott, Brooke Foss (76), Bishop of Durham, preaehe"•,Harps- Jersey and Washington Territory, Allentown, N•Y•,bronchial pneumonia,Jan,24. England,London,England,July 28. a mile well,Me„pneumonia,March 17. n, N.J.,Aug.8. Silvestro, Armand (64),French poet and critic, Whipple Henry B.(79), P.E.Bishop of Min- Aug• Kruger,Mrs, (67), wife of Paul Kruger,Pretoria, Nicholson, William R, (79), Bishop of Refer Toulouse,France,Feb,20. Maas South Africa,pneumonia,July 20. Episcopal Smith George M neaota,Iiaribault,Minn„Sept,16, Aug- pisco al Church,Philadelphia,Pa„June 7, i (77),English publisher,London, White Stephen M.(4T),ex-U.S.Senator from Cal- Gerzn Kyle, James H. (47), U. S.Senator from South Nicolay, John G. (69), author, Secretary to Press= ; England,April 8. Dakota,Aberdeen S,D.,malarial disease,July 1. dent Lincoln,Washington,D.0„Sept,26, Feb. a, Los Angeles, Cal„ stomach trouble, Aug,, I Sneed, John L T..(81);jurist, soldier,Memphis, Feb.22, Laduo,Joseph(47),founder of Dawson Oity,in the Nordensk old, Baron Adolf Erick (69),Arctic ea- Wigger, Rt. Rev, Winand M. 80), R, C,Bishop s.roun' Tenn.,July 29, Klondike, Schuyler Falls, N. Y„ consumption, plorer,Stockholm,Sweden,Aug.13. Snow, Lorenzo (87), President of the Mormon of Newark,Newark,N.J„Jan.10. Aug.' June l7, Nordhoff, Charles (71), journalist, San Francisco, Church,Salt Lake,Utah,hypostetio congestion, Wildman,R,ounsevelle (37),U.S.Consul at Hong :Xi,snlik plo Laird,Sir William(71),iroumaster,Glasgow,Soot- Cal.,July 14, Oct,10; Kong;lost in the wreck of the Rio d1 J HonAug, land,Aug.14. Pallaysnoint, Emilio (76), Italian Genera] Rome Stafford,Anna(32),New York journalist,Brooklyn, Feb,22,Aug; Le Brun,Napoleon(80),architect,New York,July 9, Nov,Ib, ' N,Y.,pleuro-pneumonia,Sept.24, Willson, Thomas R. 66,te Le Conte,Joseph(76),geologist,Yosemite Valley, Parsons, Cornelius R. (68), Member New York ;Stainer,John T,(61);organist and composer,Lon- cerebral hemorrhage March journalist,Now York, Aug;, Lon- Cal.,July 6. State Senate,Rochester,N.Y„Jan,30. don, Ehgland,April 1, Wilson,Jeremiah(73),lawyer,Washington,D.C., ro l ati_ Leland,Warren, Jr, (46), hotel proprietor, New Paton, John (70),banker,London England,pneu- Stanton, Edmund C. (47), operatic manager, heart failure,Sept,24, Sep York,Bright's disease,Jan,21. monia,March 30, i Bournemouth,England,Jan,20, Wilson, Thomas(76), Brigadier-General U,S,A, ezpre Lewis, John Travers (76),Archbishop of Ontario, Patterson, Mrs. Martha (63), daughter of Presi- Stephens,James(78),Fenian leader, Dublin,Ire- (retired),New York,general debility. Garl<n at sea,pnenmonia,May 13. dent Johnson,Greenville,Tenn„July 10, land,March 29. Woods,William A.(64),jurist, Indiaapolis,Ind„ lsep Lewis,Samuel, money lender, London, England, Peakes, James G. (66),operatic singer,New York, Sterrett,James P.(78),Chief Justice of Supreme June 29, opens Jan 13. cirrhosis of the liver,Nov,7, Court of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa„ car- Yonge,Charlotte M.(78),author,Winchester,Eng- 13ep Li Hung oma h disc,Chinese statesman, Perrins, Henry H. (74), business man, Buffalo Stvrn,buncl Simon(62), political economist, lawyer, Yoland, ans,11William J. (63), editor, scientist,Mt, azz ase China,stomach disease,Nov.7, N,Y„May 31. New York,apoplexy,Sept,22, Vernon,TT,Y„typhoid fever,April 11, Stillman,William J;(78),writer,Surrey,England, Yznaga,Fernando,clubman,New York,diphtheria, July 6, March 16, t1' ±,sed Creditably. The Watchman gives the fo11oW- lying as the voters psalm: The "Damm In Teziaesser. aliens I was 1!sing a fcr politician is lay shepherd, I shall o e gears ago,a colored blacksmith conceived the Idea An tumn. f�{ that he had a call to preacL,'°sa±d a local b>2s±ness not Want for anything during the Don't you dire flits sort o'weather-sort 0'made o ixan reSterdey "Sam could barely read, but be campaign. He leadeth t21e liltO to order Mnd- nm b g had floundered through the Bible and roasidered the salOOn fOr my VOtelt3 Hake j he �S'hen the air is opal-colored and brown lertVc•ts y °o° �,°} that be was qualified to teach men the oma; to sal- arc in the tivincl �V ,�0 filleth my packets With good ci- N c °'� - 1 Watson, One day a,com,pntlon of Methodist Preach- An' duck hunters are a-hitlin' watehin' out ars• m beer runneth o 1' - n �' n ars wa,a held In the#o�vp and to them Saar made 3; 1 y over. He �. n* w Ln hind the blind o know ]cis ambition. Two or three of them took iDquireth about my family even to And a ntlst Is 113 the valley at the dawnin'? o° i d ° him In head r_nd e_-::m14ed hien os to his ai.tallft- k the fourth generation. Yea 11Plten file lnickwheat fields the ripened till tI�aa o c Sant knees nothing at Dll about t.heoiog� 3nc3 though I walk thrown ll the inud stalks axe glory red, ,~ .a -a the interrogators soon discovered the fact and took slid file 1"sill t0 VOt0 for 11iIn, thot :�ti'tiff rnncl:ln' birds are slllgLt' one last sgnp; '^ tom c'1 A ° o u,)the Bible. The examLnation-an about like this: summer tj e1, d a m c s "TBhiy did.Joseph's brethren Put him in the pit?' I shout myself black in the face to ,,nil tlterci ain't 'nou(rh leaves t0 hide 'em'mgttk U;�_ Joseph he, vvork' cause he racr a, root for hinl j When elected, The tree houghs overhead, F pot And a inist is In tite valley at tho dawnln'? S r: " o aid de ole main,an'he,a.l,lxs 80'round wid his fine straightway Ile fOCgetteth Iri©. I coat on what de ole man give '±m, and.w'en be sleet hint in his own house and lie ,� w O W011ldn' helri busk cawn lies bruddera take !le �l'hen a tiitklin'sort o'gladness swells the sliif t,s 12- coat away an'put h1n�lit da cellar �' knoweth Ine not. Surely the Wool o' tile creeks, t two sho bears -�U cum. an' eat ']m up.' hath been pulled Over Irvine ()yes When ascarlet slgnal'swavin'Ill;e a flag In beat3t t. ti p oo "'What did Ananias da? all the days of my life, and I shall cheer:s, cd s m "'Ananias he take np de collection in de church dwell in the ranks Of the art And ills soul goes out a-senrchln' and a-f1 t1 Cl}tt c cd b 3n' he take• a piece o1 mor py Earn dr basket p 3 what It sec les a.r!' fnravpl',11 __ __ And a mist Is!n the valley at the dawnin'Y S+ _Cd p ti giv' it to hes 'Wife an' de L awd turn him aver to Just Reseia in-ent. a a cd, c.,_ -� de Populists an'de-nut out his eyes an'm,0-4e him Young IIushand--Bertha,did you rill the grocer ° � a,_, ,,,«i�� zTork 1L dP tnlll.' fin' the soul goes out a-search]tl'--lllce a pllKrlstr ,, i. y " am became suspiciOUF that he,was not giving all alone- a _ry cl c to show you some of those seedless bcalis I was 0 1'9 details enough. so when he w•as asked ?or a.n ac- telling you about this morning? ALn'It finds that there's a heaven and it snug•F;1,..� v A w y count of Jezebel he replied: Young�j 1fe--Fes,and if yeti want your slippers gatttst the throne, ,o c cd °H Jezebel she rru< de q,aren. She Qas lnnkrn "'armed before you put thele on you can R anal rind the protnlses o' ,7estis scenes ter be Its 0_� co c,Cd 5 of'n'C 011t of rte upstairs winder of de house and - It, _al them your=elf,slr. liion`t.-ChleagoTrfhune. own, ti c6 M "Jebu lip voxntF along an'she tells him,"G'long, And a mist Is in the valley at the dawnln'? ,rn' :~ old baldhead," and two or three black fellows How It Was Fiji-d. )h, the glory-tinted aututnnl nil, the heaps P U ti`�H look elft de tctndnir and,Tehu tole'sill to crow her The Alan-Your daughter telephoned the to call green and gold! down. and clef Tran 'er dotitn,rt.tt' he tole'em to and fix your piano. `d fres 'er down a-In an'de froic'er down gg±n;an, Her Fat,lter-�k hat's the matter with it? 4�'hen the nights and snores are,hazy and the d t._X.1 r � o he tole'Pm to frow 'er down seven times,an' dey The Rias-Osla of the strings is broken. are gittin' cold, cd frow'or down seven times:en'be tale'ant to froom Her Father-What will It cost to repair the broken And you're full o' singin' gladness 111;0 a M 3-year•oldl er email sevenh times seven. aa' day froav 'ar strinl? - - down c•eventy ties Seven,,an* de+ dogs l±oked -r The Alan-Two dollars. rind a.ntisi is iu the valley at the datvnin'? sores r-nd de.k-took,lp Ob de fro gmeuts eat remrined Her father-Well, here's S6. Break the rest of --- _ ttvelvA l tstitel full.' "-Seattle regi-IntridtgPY7 er. 'eat.-Ch ca4 tieWS. 1i Southold Library Association T 5 A large par RECORD OF THE YEAR 1884, cavesln. - 6 senator Ant The Trustees of the Southold Library 7.Large fire Association met at the office of Justice dollars w 16,_� < stroyn i Jesse L. Case last Saturday afternoon 7 DOMEsTrC. y 8 Election in Januar 10. A distillery r• 31. A train thrown into the White river, near In- for organization. Rev. A. S. Hagarty 1 men kille is. 1 Titus Sheard elected Speaker of the New York dianapolis,Ind.,six persons killed. ' J1 several p 19. Assembly. February. was elected temporary chairman and elopes wit 20. 2 Four lives lost by a collision near Pittsburg,Pa.; p h Jesse L. Case, temporary secretary. Republic six persons killed by the burstingof a dam 1. Explosion of gasoline at Alliance, Ohio, eight P, Ford for( neat Houghton,Mich. persons killed; explosion in a shingle mill near The following officers were elected 12. Tammany 1 21, 3. The mercury 30 degrees below zero at Brainerd, Blanchard,Mich.,three men killed;the Fitz- 13 Continued I. Dak,;Gov.Robinson,of Massachusetts,inau- John Porter bill passed by the House. Pres., Rev. Father Peter F. Mathews;; 15. Boiler expl gurated; Henry Villard resigns the presidency 2• Eight thousand operatives on a strike at Fall J Ala.,nin. 22,7 of the Northern Pacific I,.R. .River,Mass. Vice Pres., Jesse L. Case; See., Rev. 16. Tin discove 4. Four children burned to death at Duke Centre, 3• The Queen of Tahiti leaves Chicago for New on a sties Pennsylvania. 4• Resignation Wm, H. Murray; Treas., L. W. Korn. 17,Forest Gres 23.( fi. Intense cold weather reported; the Roman of Richard A.Elmer,Second Assist- 18. Blaine arriv Catholic convent at Belleville,Ill., burned ant Postmaster General. Rev. A. S. HagaTty, Prof. A. P. 19 Earthquake twenty-six lives lost. 5. Destructive floods in the West. 20. Denionstra 24,9 6. Two chlfdren frozen to death in bed at Indeppe�nd- 6. Great apprehension in Cincinnati,wheeling and Somes and L. W. Korn were appointed': city; Cbl 25. ence,Iowa; Charles Delmonico,of New York, other cities,caused by the floods;a new State office,rest missing. Medical Society organized at Albany;J.C. S. a committee to find a suitable temporary, 21, Milhous of 3 26. 8. The committees ofthe New York Legislature an- Blackburn elected U.S. Senator from Ken- Ohio. nounced;organization of the New Jersey Leg- tacky, place for the library for at least one 22. Three men 27. i islature;damaging gale on the Atlantic coast. 7. Thousands of people homeless at Wheeling,W. Cambria, 9. Gov. McLane,of Maryland,h7Augurated;eight Va.;City Chamberlain Church,of Troy,N.Y„ year. The following committees Were, mit suici7 Degroes burned to death in North Carolina. embezzles$80,Opo; walls fall at a fire at Allen- Newark. 28. 1 10. Reunion of the class of 1029,Harvard College,at town,Pa., five men killed. elected: Finance, Rev. W. H. Murray,, 23 Blaine In Boston;HenryB.Payne(Dem.)elected U.S. 8. Lien.Sherman retired. State Con Senator from Ohio. 9. The Ohio river still rising at Cincinnati. Geo. Henry Terry, J. C. Eustace; 24 Bislue jour 70, 1I. The Senate passed a bill appropriating $1,000,00o 10. henry Ward Beecher delivers a sermon on is receive for Mississippi river improvements. Wendell Phillips. Books, Rev. W. H.Lloyd,Prof. Somes, 25. Walter Q C 12. The fiftieth anniversary of Cardinal McCloskey's 11. The water at Cincinnati passes the high-water Treasury ordination as a priest celebrated;heavy snow mark of 1&42, Rev. Mr. Ha gaft y; Administration, nor by ` storm in North Carolina. 12. Business suspended in the west. Thomas Farle Prin. F. E. DeGelleke, Republic 14. Charles Delmonico found dead near Orange,N. 13. The Ohio river rises to the height of seventy feet y' ton for Gc J.;George F.Edmunds, of Vermont, elected at Cincinnati,thousands of homeless persons, C. L. Sandford. These committees 26 Seven incel President pro tempore of the Senate;Governor 14. The Ohio river begins to fall at Cincinnati; an 29. Blaine,lour Hoadly, of Ohio, inaugurated; the trial of enthusiastic meeting in favor of depriving the will serve for one year. By-Laws Were', I Grant no V. I James Nutt begun at Pittsburg,Pa. Aldermen of confirming power held at Cooper 1 Tamnlan 15. A railway train takes Bre from oil on the track Union. prepared and adopted. All books will Y..Teem and three persons burned to death; opening of 15. A building undermined in Cincinnati,fourteen 30 St.Johu's i the Episcopal Diocesan Convention in Albany, persons killed by the falling walls;$200,000 ap- be loaned for One week and if kept' N.Y. propri tied by Congress for the flood sufferers; 31. 16. A question raised as to when the terms of the Assistant SecretaryNew'sresignation accepted, longer a fine of 2 Cents a day Will be I. Blaine rece new Supreme Court Judges commence. 16. Investigation of the Oopiah county outrages!n 2. Governor Cl17. The:-Mississippi River Improvement Bill passes New Orleans. imposed. All persons borrowing books railway a the Senate;The:-Mississippi 31.Rockwell(Rep.)elected 19. Municipal elections in Pennsylvania,Republican Persons k' to Congress from Massachusetts, to succeed ains;four men killed by a collision on the Pan will be required to give a $5.00 bond. 5 Railway ac 2, Governor Robinson; Robert Harris elected Handle R.R.,at Trenton Station,O.; a leer?- persons who are not residents Will men killer 3, president of the Northern Pacific R.R. ble. cyclone sweeps the South,over 300 lives All h 6 Town elects 18. The Aeamsbip City of Columbus wrecked off lost. 8. Ten Wren di Martha's'fineyard, 100 lives lost;boiler ex- 20. Explosion of fire-damp at west Leisenring,Pa., be required to pay 2 cents a day for the Park,Ill I plosion at Rochester,N. It.,five men killed; nineteen men.killed;the Assembly passes a privilege of loaning books. The term 9 Four ranch 4, J explosion in a dynamite factory at Allentown, bill depriving the New York Board of Alder- the Uniu 11 Pa., three Wren kilted; Ephraim K. Wilson men of confirming power; the bodies of De of trustees was decided by lot and they I.ogau; (Dem.)elected U. S.Senator from Maryland. Long and his men arrive in New York. k ork city. 5, 19. The Investigation of the New York Public Works 21. One thousand coal miners on a strike in the Pitts- will serve as fO110WS• One ear, 13 Blaine •Department began;a bill repealing the"iron- burg district. y , It ctions Ill clad"oath,passed by the House. 22. Washington's. quietly observed. Thomas Farle and H. H. Hunttin • 14113 suc 22. Jatues Nutt acquitted of the murder of N.L. 24, A train falls through a bridge at Chau ton Bridge, y g' it Vlr Dukes. No.,six persons killed;fire at Jackson,Mich., two years, C. L. Sanford and J. N. ster-G 6, 23• Reception to President Arthur by the Union several persons killed. -adenty League club of New York. 25. Four lives lost at a fire In Denver,Col. Dickinson• three years Geo. Henry ester, 3 24. Explosion in a mice at Crested Butte,Col.,sixty 26. The Red river overflows its banks;the bill pro- fir ' ' tlalne re men killed;the Virginia Senate passes a reso- hibiting fnl-ther prison contracts passed by the 1 err y and Prof. A. P. Somes; four Iern7ont lotion asking Senator Mahone to resign;Mayor New York Assembly. A statue o 7• � King, of Philadelphia, renominated by the 28. A,asemblvman Olin's Prohibttory Amendment years, L. W. Korn and J. C. Eustace;' bridge;tI 8, Democrats. Hill defeated; five lives lost by a fire in New ton,Md. 26. Coasting accident at Waynesboro,Pa.,fourteen York;railway collision near Paris,Ill.,thirteen five years, Geo. R. Jennings and Jesse West Shore 9, injured,four fatally, people killed. fares; Cr 27. Fallure of the Cleveland Paper Company,liabili- 29, A snow storm;blockades trains in Central and L. Case. Rev. Father Mathews, Rev. fire. the ties,$250,000. Eastern New York; Powers &Weightman's A. S. Har art Rev. W. H. Lloyd, credential28. A cremation society organized in Boston,Mass,; chemical works in Philadelphia burned,loss g y, y , of the Er' 10• ) resignation of John C.New as Assistant Secre- $1,000,0(10. Rev. W. H. Murray and Prin. F. E. corned In 11. tory of Treasury, The New 29, The Renate votes to investigate the Coptah and March. DeGelleke are ex OffiC10 members Of I way aces Danville election riots. 1. Judge John Lowell,of the U.S.Circuit.Court of Batavia, 30. Funeral services over the }ate Congressman Massachusetts, resigns;the Lextngtan, K the Board. W II TanL Mackey held in the House of Representatives; election carried by the Republicans; E.�L --.----- -- ciaus and U.S.Senator Allison,of Iowa,re-elected. Funston elected Congressman from Kansas. J ----- Most of the,books have arrived for o Ile mild.the Southold Public Library, the room Spring fever gets is being papered and furnished, the A fellow so! books catalogued, and soon;the library Jnsts bird Yells out: will be opened. The trustees have Handsome Barn Burned In3orn'latio:ri wa,n'te(i. out: "Hence' Just every stream engaged Miss lipey Halloek to act as The handsome barn of Mrs. Jennie I wish I could find out a whole lot of things Seems coaxing one • That nobody knows- To where It wimples librarian_. S 2 Jp _ W c�l1s, of Brooklyn, occupied by Sinclair �Phy to hopes of new hair n bald man ever clings, In the sun! The Southold Free Librarywas Srrlith, of Brooklyn, was completely As experience shows; g And every= tree opened to the public Monday after- ciestr o led b fire Sunda morning. W117 with lotions and such he massages his scalp On every 1711.1 S' 3' g That is sbining and barren'and bare as an AI Just beckons till noon, and a large"number of books., i The fife was discovered about 8:30 Why he still win persilst that a little fuzz grows- One can't keep still, were taken out. C bet I-/9 o «'ell,nobody knows. - --- ------- ----------------` clack and the alarm sounded. The And cattle low. � t And bees ba-zoom, The Old, Old Pies. Fi re Department immediately assembled I should like td know Just when Port Arthur will And, roses fling arid (lid good work in saving the Shed. fallTheir sweet perfume, O for the boyish appetlt® But nobody knows, And blossoms nod That thrilled n7e In the long ago, and protecting other property, but the Or can certainly say It will tumblea at all tip to the sun When I beheld with rare delight r gained such ea re had gaOut where the grassy id h hdway that 1t In despite of its foes. The luscious pies thet 1n a row V as impossible to save the barn which We all know It's been gottiug some pretty stiff raps Billows run. Tempted me,coaxed me till I Yell. And is having a hard time to stand off the Japs O that I might, for old time's sake, ,l 1-,urned like tinder. The fire started It Is bound to capitulate soon,I suppose, And Just tlptoe to the shelf and smell But nobody knows. Purple tltlstles The pies that mother used to manufacture. 1tp-stairs, and Mr. Smith saved his Have grown tan, Q And morning glories The waiter brings,at my command, i; llpa•se, carriage, harness, etc. All the Then I wonder if coal will advance much to Price. Top the :wall. The finest pastry on the card; :1 Well, nobody And trumpet blooms contents of the upper story were shall we have money left when we're through tak- Light up the trees I can't exactly understand destroyed. These included a $1,000 Ing Ice And daisies cling Why eating ple has grown so hard. 1 a At the warm weather's close? About the knees, Time was when I could eat and eat- •l 1i i1��•�1-y and a good deal of furniture Now one slice makes m 1 , , Shall we ever get street cars enough for a seat And everywhere 3 stomach ache. S oa•ecl 17 Mrs. Wells. Mr, Smith's And have all of thorn furntshedwith adequate heat And everything 77 t 5 The old. aid Ales were more than sweet----, .1 en ginec-r had a room in the barn and he so we'11 suffer no longer With frost-bitten feet? Joins in the chorus: The pies that mother used to construct. os his clothes and other property. 11'ell,nobody knows. "Say, It's spring!" lost And you get wild 1,&q night I dreamt that I was Young- cause of the fire is unknown. The And I wonder what President we shall elect. To up and go That in MY boyhood home I stood, 17 was the finest around here, being But nobody know,-;- Away out where Rolling upon my yearning tongue g Thoughwe're none of US losingmuch sleep, I ea- The cattle low, A bite of pie-and it was good l ilea throughout and cost$3500. There, p' O that across the wasted ee Peet, Out by a. stream years t % As far as that A magic journey I might take, ac,� ill insurance of$.,500 on the build- goes. at break of main, To punish, unassalled by fears, NV But I'd like mast to krww how I'll hustle my rent Out where fish tales i�"r.._.-x,1000 in the Liverpool,London and And if I can get some of the money I've lent; Are beta¢born. -Ilotcalort 1'e a pies that mother used to design. eke, $1000 in the Commercial Union Perhaps Brown will pay back that ten dollars _ he owes, Peace. ah,well i i hLs life is tial a spool '. H Cl 5{10 in the Connecticut. Mrs. From which is pulled the slender thread Well,nobody knowsl From the Washington Stat, Men speak of That keeps the breath In ga sells also had her books and furnitare_____--- _ _ -ChIC4100 News. In re tie pb�� I-rail the watchers whisper"Dead I', �rtially covered by insurance. Mr. A.ii Flephciiit 4 U15.1F� 1.C'.ti. They sauld that It our RffiQs. All things that cheer.all thing,that bless ry p i bh presented the Fire Department "lou It tape a ecunlr of tlr,; t �, , >tr.c. 1- res vet while they talk l.1ager a moment.then forsake. S� 111, y �{r^ r 0 g(ltl'.lg 11�)@1 If sive f,ZT 1 11v.?r G c ,i,Jlt ill U'.tr .Ci�!1' III terms polite. ICY EitlDl??Af1tt CAn 110 rtiarN C$rPSS hJ L. l t7 I ---- borhocxi -- They often plin The plum that mother Used [ 1✓ to manufacture, tJSr 1c�uc for lac,Lha7ili\till. 1 i Ut,l.I l't l;nr,r ,vhat Another f1$ht• '-422VIlukee .Sentinel. te,do:vltlt ispc»rcrig}:IctfI u•t�ttl,Ln. 7'°a.;.it+,F�Nl,: - __.. .__ __.�.....____, y.___.. ` P n ss. 16. YWt a Lion and A. W.aimed a Co. ma•. lA haul. Mm In N••Y.•Im* - •' a-- _- 1 ' D A testis W pr nil P„ymml In!law Vurk;the PmebYteNRn H.RNlway mlAgan near A+blq,rl Station.N.J.; �u�y ` eel,; 4W me-darn➢axDioaloP at EIImIMNn + uvea In. Uenmal Awembly M.L. In aero Fiction mem"mravu klllad;nnemanctmam at Wit soli-asp on m Nbn reek, a.,moll marl Ibnn. - _ Y roan kllled�amll mmlmiP�survbon of rho Olexl- Ia. D Y a RAnntur An CItaIt.the Hoath U4mllna modem-,khim by a Dolgt, iautmm l "melon In the South,m n r- per_ i, harts oto aherlRn Do.ee. Ik. mIWroek m es.premthM ut Ilarrmv hr ° ? tan ar W n lila oleo; Gov.ClovalanJ Ipno tllled end wommnd;oven of t�o New L r Y pp Y n the I'n1u Lmnr Bell. rgrn}g y ` fmar1 alIIa ark mfarm bill. Jbyt Senate. HOLO Yory .$tvalleW, ,�.- ,._ GENERAL \ECaOL(105' stall 4f i90fi .troy a le. The New ort at Asia 1,0.. . dao dk•two 1.v, Pldlapx IITWOtr, mA at priamlau by „},Chance electlune is Savant vlNm n Vlr alta IB. Tba pen[rw'Ivmia po Ad p fru nits mon nmlRat at AehlunA,U., a limn of(notion prWApnt McOntA. }, r�1 Rapablla plate houeentlnq y,.''_., - 8 DI1t1nn in JrunkmleaVle kr x11ro, bytroupq vetoof 14. LaBagv n Immtebaealrone atone m Ma tlllbilia wife,three children and}Ilmxetf. Jeelurd for plains; oxb➢uumineted a (�rv,ypwrw 3'$LO�OYI I lF IB'q C'on(inurrh ut q'- Too ReomvnR Bnl,mpnvine tiro Aldermen of of ra i1L rFM 8 dtT , - GENERAL CHRONOLOGY, ISgB-L'ottbnwd. lV. AAon kill 'het lm.h]IentnrS bRl. e House �' mvnrruatoryy power.posed by the New York R. Iieau�llee^Hkte pmt nf___I���n��'FFFaw11Jine In• d GENERAL CF Nan till Is. Pontoon hr PennaplvurOln. 11. The on Cls D.gaa Aho dlia ble a- 1dDi tomo- t' Banat!• F.A.Manuosrse 1e1e0 m dale ere 4 T y . 01Li ,t➢JI a11d rile tODkleeel wverm I l9. Tamado lu Ohb. crepe ConvanUone In Ndtm anJ llelawuro; •t ( d m De I.- and Tmepowl: Y.T,iWld I..,...-... IRON0 OGY 1860- alapmw W, Jnma 11. Yosti$ ,helm U. S. Seemor from commexmntmn exerolls aC several cella f'1 rom )✓ow ffimlaa, In Wsm of Tranqul Ivo (Rep, aomimatndfar GOvMict of Tennessee; -tritely' ., 4fY Ol){1dfDhr -- Confinurd Rojuhllr Innlalana;mum meeting In favor of Inaldeut n conference of ]udepeUdebt RepublicansIn ` 1 Lnua. the aA N runway bill'-ansa the Aeaembly. •�Ad.�rr�:'Qi' o141tij.ttoti GENERAL • - OLOG V T1.. ylrulb.ev ''--nary Bank at PertX AmMy, NurJ fur ArtburY rv-neminmlan, hell in New Rck. New York ulp. *.JDpn A.Btavpneoo nomin¢Wd for Oovomor by IP. Fmrdd�mn be...Oil to mtn to o house tat an 't •'bNi/YtA'DO�CtltiDg CHRON OF 1899, CaaX the Auull.ne Impu411mnx; Ohio prohWltion nro p 11. T'asrmnn11yy 81. A some or Marna I.nlhnr AA,.nM In Wuh. IR.Domamtic emW Convoidon at enmm8a- Bente ConvantlnP. J Y A negro, At pedalo AI..t the New n�ayks.-, Jgnqnar. Ip Lnp timed h^gton;New llmnpemm Pemoeratla SLOW Call- 19. The Snnma owe the Utah hill• lim,,nnb da• a a, Anlm a mnn Ants much Unm mann the Hud. •rosy Lnm°latex u'Iuurnx glne Au;dooms �� .•�•"}r�l�yeA' "I I. Tbo United Statex 12. The Routh Dakota d earl IS Bullar e I pp me 1 all CLnn- •Haeme. nuvarelAnlY over 1'epktan Mrr"n: seven Prate !Hume .MYlum at euterr- D Minn: Nenllnqu Nen serrated. firm. In a min tar the '}'home.Jter. pp000;mavnsl In LLo kswlmlmd lOVm above W. SIXUoalxWNewm11aene, _ -1rwWd tlyy$wallOh'. `. The SAN station Tx•elve It. Wen lammm cremated- •ouloL Al.Autho BY. The linos, AvdrlN the Rn Ilxh-PiALA Meeting Conn.;Democn0e Mml..GmeInflu n,In Lm- Rew Onemb. Wit ByAi tLl Col. Ly Ohs falling otanow 'li'-_' a� Opened far Dublic n k711ed by a enowgndr et Aliv Id. win uaenve p 4 shed 4 ,e�' aPBonddl t we, Flume, I' er umelu tureens depth that -mane In ono jadil,n(smo,Ylicma and NE,goo al 1M. p. Tuemaq tato Wyoming wh-bit- agm for Wa •J8, The Nlud Ymelrlf Cnl. - 4., t ad0litif r. T.xmnl=. break out In Sicily. Fanta natant.-The steamer Mnrnvls wreckM I ur- on amNk lul:nv hued to death lit 1'nrtmal(tho ubUce('anvrntlen In Verona'Sidney E. i Lynu 1.AR•no Rail: I,Igb a ar omen m a Dlr ReDubllasb lbnventlmn favaro - L Oo atWn of the Caltrd States Sixteen 18. A lid ane per crew of 'Altty cont. oR P FT. Fant tie YI. Chex. A. HUlctl. elf lw teller of leo Weft N11mIv nominuletl for liovemor,aldna Dii- IIII P plor.Ro tars - .yµTy One Mape I,engue be D to- Rroal allmnm yyrevalle eU over the yy 1 Y n�lte0ftlu VlonosetlllM-al AeatWmAstock• B1. TLrMoRQ smelt,AnJrow b.W'1dtn.John 1. iL ,", :fi16; I,ykpyr 5 The mndallon nameGordonfila Rook Yfnunt Ia. Hluhm rte 9Wn Hank,Newort,adelwlmrtoiLa anwunt Ion rollreo from the QMou 1•orldo K.It.and is IONf ! r 8uo In Heaver, east of Inion Ise m 1MwarJ Imknm ell ser Ednuman, rail- a lu o[ Memarlel �' aim; man, neaDin in Li 1Y Yatretmolnd ofIccaAd I by Qmdu Yrw,rs Adams h,; L Th -zinntmavntlaedb the 8anetv;.l..i. r R 1� In KAartaum, T•xne from- to cath-Jm1(e W. Mmnuank V. Tlw O'r,m Nlde Uank mxpemb pmenG yarr f yy qq/f 11,, rledal Aelepmete-at-lu a }o CblraRu Item \" '� O ^P"n'"a}• r Cl.velend. eanvleted r Ps Iaeen Blelm mrotln In Wwhingmn:\dui.11. • O'BMm.halo tri A tn.Naw York Na 1t pp d n� 1•ard hexon Inxtnlied eb at mole �Ilenbqugh of /-in- tl Co 2p. Thee panne. blind Lva call) ml on the what utdm nominated tine OAverahr U lox cu- New Tnk: JAdam Anelmas 1.v In Flo m- iqyy Vlmro of Initis- Four Denane fou- mance In AT. a1 L' r Y pubilma Century OemmitW. nominmaf p t P'.4dtt'lat Smulayn Asia, list. cent-! Y d dead and three a[u itinn o leven- umm,rN Nharo rollrowl 1.l 8avannxb. dims Republicans; omnnve Couchaden in q, WNvctlenv In New.arta Ile uhllaan Hina. 5 he IWDbbtI.mN Freta onvml- rrjl Lgpp Word Ah, I,Im:. oontml of the Bee- house a MUribom. Hue. m 1 p Iq Y. D A flan;0emueaflant Rn u411cm Ord Vl ala Ho- 4t'11 ]/. Nnrthwentern neer m1fla Great ill. Nlmom of w. AUul lmblinaut of NOW lberl¢IL..ovw unelm- Tmine.*ee; Comall OnlvertlV Oomnlmma- j Bloss. nlnatnlua at�amM1ontae Va.,IN lives n.or(NAITT"Uon. _ ;•itkft k}dk y A mnunNin, fells Into Rraeor River n Phlll nom Llnr.-MeP w. Tlrzh+"llu me 7. Y4errlweo k111M4yRbollnr es Jmlon al Wetrr- m. FHlore of Commadaro C.K.Rsnlln,Ilebliltlee I tilll,' luar. ubupormr rollNhlll VaaaeA b>' N. Ituap boon Cmxnntlbm hl several Stairs: \ hanging the Aosta life river ami ln� l 0.. DDlne eleelaimer •^er>'•^ II the tlenaln, roe tan.ami.qen of the 8ted of Tmana Nvor- t�luwa P1►1YOtJS1.- farming rogion.--Clt nlaung n estate. rmplullon ma.A by thx 111 al- Caur4riu, Innis N.Y,:Joueth¢u IL N'allln mpw.l Lr g161a1,ONu lwifteexawlan at Albany,Os..fora 6. The foal and mouth dlwam n I a $} y (•.site, Y Tmgone., ab"Ide of New 1fi. The Drat flnnLVexa nruct- m14 Hite Cmutreu b, plan Ff Wm. MrRlnlgv of sten men killer-James y.Cumplohn Dem.,labA 1. 'fhn Uovnrnor a tpa r{��owveli Lll�a tan :a, Ton rown.11 a the Senate. C,a ar9',u,e��tl����d `'t0�tge�a _.Sh4•� Pe., murAareit suit bill wry of the destruction f sow N. Ible"Wearrt"m Lick. o;\Vac.V.IIcliouald }t '-' =k nvonNav n - ,[1'!s'• Orta, b B, Twu Lehigh 1'..Y Pemmsr efminw��allide rd torten b.rved-pyre 0 the HreaklYn Nev In yylem of honypegtaxa Mnre}•, eP.,of Ohio. -Whey CnonAge ounce!UnraLsxed NSeaato, V ti at Welt Dunn,len, N. J, kion , ire Y as Sluna'Ia taalmtll'ROlad br fell ng INr D'er wt Nlagua L Mr.Rladua elllulally natlDM of hb nnminaHon; Jame.Arkell and Wn. J.ArtaIt; the nutria )f, 'j tango in Oh1o,alevnn Q'�� 'tt - Id. 7X1 o11ngM tomb i ¢ milile. la. The Ialhmue of Ps. sn 1 aintn Cnn Fmh. 8 proves Sugar for PretlJant. Ytt DWmr[y valued lit ai,iaxl,mA. da by 31 nlakw Ab �Ians��o of the Anne Appro Immo 4111 by lila !' Irr.9 lreeoan. killed and one v; amu strike amen lir Y9, Aevery faced tilmghonl 4Lu xmmR➢ anti Nenate. Pr 18. 0epo^gc rR. OnHinxb iionilllu�uA far noebrnor br honored 1gtNluwa•four loan ready humid In a a L Rome.Charlam-8no Tg9 BMUIU.ted�veretl In FaurNmlle Lounat elected Preudent of.... ed, sw r b eves gr q as ;,,tl$ a mhawa- e, ,te-eamd.-RlaNens and chlneeemee vtee. ora d Q earner ,Ione m veµetsbla nal fruit•).rat ;ta Daomyalle. mint al YaIr,Wn4anc•DMnn, Iho .MM Island imi Inde .udan4:s fa Ilp of 1 in eh at doemton.Pa. r to ILUNIe and Adeleon Q Harris }tinier r to ontne at T¢Ilen-lVxn. DBXt a M. 11'oh•r UU e1..,ie.,hshaning dart of Inc l•.O IxDL. WnYMb.Ihunl Wn aur! Ulrkimun can Haan Ipn W 4. Thew u Ymamnth bunion at Pftaml Me„ _p6ghN x o Abvtra eatery, Treuury em4rlslregm,M;nlv• dbnren klihal in the t tax pnnov�Dolluaadmf:+tDe AinY Cburt�ilouae, otheer I g l H. Joseph R, chaate nominated Amo la�amm, Pef nratoio rt feu ed glr.11t 081e- itr.rBrusly snit an.•Il b1.men toned Nive I A.J, nuaa tom; AaM tiarollm epu Ilmn *l,frl- t 1'e., of eettln ➢ r our 1.v 4ure1 11111 mnlOel +i IJamnor. ]n: 11 V. m CnDa.Nabma tis the"Ilief Ex edulon. -to. Thum' w, ar n loaWd far Oovernnr 4 ConvmUnn. 46 r�Y the 'vert of SL Jumra. Ambassador to R, v «a Col• pp y Bac r m. FNIUreafJmrw R.Kann woo lags txgJxs In 3: dw 1f )g - h 18. Comi„lam ry-tk•neral. 1A The lheaterphane nuc :o alga HgpnUlk llullnr oundnnlAA for Prrxidr„t Fry the time,- ?,t OnlUnak of lmidn Ialgmn nor IIItWO.Hit. Lhn Mmoua&'of aft to itleuA; term mnn 1 f' tea iu U bink Nmlmul 1'ommnlon m n.ldn.lwll. !e. Nlaand brmerreah,alit CoIIY-ullerl. somal toUo tic In aOlevelsna oil mem well.Stat 11yyOr➢W'.Lnnlrnn.of lunewn.n, „O nkO ,♦A��00'' tit' yRar• atmak uVnn 4anaral It P'"R.1. mokea¢ ferectoun ca8o, euefuliv tented In Chl- >ra'elty Da Wven ince elaren Huse Arnwmd h...inuJLu Hoot French- y, I an h amdall ornlllel al Llx nn1nIps{mb; ry- nmrllnsLeJ}or Oon4rollAr of me(krrraue'; Ire. -.^!4 the W'Rr 1pvMt!.ofl Cee In a statement hererc EI. Prof. R, W. Woad n e .rR Y m. R a m UL tµ1 ommro rononlinnlal 4y lbo Sv t _ Wndm f the once fl m. 'liners lox elm ercek Cal. rsllwm rolllslme neer 8hunmkun, px. :thmo _ Remlr LInIm Bepablknm. Uanhon,Mnr, nollean Stern Cogvmnau held to Rnlue, 0 'sqe golItittk o14{' z naRle nROn tow ommleslon.-Andrew Coe- coneln tpawa from- wale v of Who- It eut- lirml a at. Mn.Cmn<rinr enM1mivrr mnNen her Ovechil- killed ..to Lwc fninll iWnrnl• C1Ie rltowe Of 1'Ir InLt molal In Lha Hume, In Dlam o} peLawn°poet'[, Vbmlonl.Iowa Rte V Inde; II$, ,hRpt6dfi,}IOP80 to D Gall a Ington, and a free Ilhreary In W..h- 88. Uerm¢nY inlornul r Dlpre with eleclrld[Y `ellnR- fennnur An•u and them recross emends al Albany.N. etc the Mrxknn 3fnnnbw Bi{I; Nre Idn't M+weLuwln ilsmmrat OarvenNon; au •�L.. Ntatm the removal a lY ragneate of the tlnitM fm•rn- Y., tem Y may" Reae}I. N 1'Y �O.Y M till/1wvp;'BVID, tl eaIV.-The Amoricun elect emit wills Cum of eaman. t Chief Juetlee t`hemhery m¢sai- s0 St.JoLu x Y. sill met klllad Ly ILe ndlnlrw: of a wane- our-'. remxnatlou mev rte b the Val Inpl mile for Burnime• ponrvimnm hen 114I•" p ii. Bhrr(Rllnvid.n am h4 AnPutln,of Naw York, fab,�lae.,LuniM.rixiaro t rllgOg ',Lp tcbd 7fldeditiebY D rated, Deny In- 13. Th. Fo m L o1 at WAhAtOrrY.M.1.;meollwr Nutm., College trieWol; dem.Ch O me n dra.n,d 1.1 Ia llemd h}y•the Social grand lap, manna enmmtoU. ¢ 114.The xA.Mahl oceanic the largest over built mntlemna ' massae I.E. a tJnnd-bunt near solona,Mart.)Jain n It. T enado In so Ann Ouallna. .Q '1 _ 6t",t, luunohed at Newcualle, En In a letter to CaMlnwl Olbbon ° }op sal• B-The submnrine tary Yf. The AenataNva....� u a church mnremeptl y al. Jnnu C.Rne,tail missies defaulter,ane.tM lb ch.hnvr im. Itrp, w•.twlYn 4Am ol. lu NLOAM W lmnlaana.Rrhal 11hit M. ',ItOttipt Peds bent (In ntn re 7.rde Rue Ou the e I. witalnn ren QUA ace,three inch Inalnmtia GAII,0. R Bob- lora, Of DlnminR, IM,m.:Cammenrem•N et MInInIn SURmM tm"lloned to Ai.prtnnbnrg; 1• RePunilcan State CeOrxnlinp! In Minvmola, pp Tnulan. I. -""I Oemfully Irxtci lit b11i wlln the Gorman amegtlmmmyyy reu�l Haetlnn 1.The 'g. NPV"AIr tuck,drnerant oilthercult.Iniac Via. Yxlq llerveM,l Hina An•Yomertu0',I,;bamo- en oxclUng and Atwrau: cal,na In fire New tion I'.Orngnn,Marryylaad and Rhoda Island; t 'store• er-at Tecdy.. vi Ah.British ship Andalb,a A, It Mol- Iraar- mllc Cnnrentl nm lit w ,cel A a York Axvemm ranch donne, and ewe mbar x fth,New Yark No arm bilin Pew the Aen- .plty.1�k;�P� . nineteen Ilvs lust. tate an the charge of munlemng bf Yar'r- '�I way LIP,. roe ata. f T, } M q 16. A drum Nen Indian mob numbed In an ,t- f++leo4 Mrs. Ad.me In Naw Ynrk. n' E_- .1 k m.The IWnelkau Nstlmul Cnnnuuta+ nleela In of Ilya last broad,k I„tpe tluntn tall Wet !` PY. tack Upon Juneau, Alaska-. Cour o[ 86.Dnrebgrevink'a p ow Ynrk And eked It. N.donee,Cincinnati l Mr. Nm o"t deelmoa tee Russian mlvbar. 2. Hmntck➢.14•see,Nortb Nh llns,Nnbrmkp auA tooe0. ex Mltlon lands on the Ant- to pt n n Itallwm 1 Pak A hatch rnnr"e buxbneu• IYv, a Flud,A pad IM rrol Ik Igad at Lhc Jlhtiomox. p non kills 0. Jahn R.Lynvh udeteJ temtpornry chunnnn of nip nim the Un4'erelt, race; nenuueneo- �. Bmvlhenl'entn bniP•r In nn AI4mIY Unnnty Plv- p ican CanvaminM;Am4n10- their number nrctla continent. 6 Town Nrnt lit.Mwlrllenn Nmleum. it call,A A lu lir. montexorhloo at sevrrol linos;brmome., Ith I COAITIlnnn: .rrivnl of Darnu.n's mood rive fon:.' em in InmaYlvmla And Amar",1.V rLrYr of fvud, an.l `AV Feeler, A117p.this last hostile nervinh farce mrrenJero kiart,a. --Thu 8 Ton mind ,.Ila ion:the eurnnnWnA.ur llmnaw Pnnea. Co.111111 xx In m-1.yy Atotee. I w hl',,eL'Vmut In Now Y. Auden New York; conflict cnteemt strikers lion1wu= .c AIrlenv :c-I•u. Anilljller yVtlane.-\1'111iwm ItLodn aarrendal Philadelphia I-The .-The Park i11 dot ISp11oWl CnUu•Argl u[AILme➢Iia, m. A gehe as wrecked oR rl"'let.N.J.,dx r- W. A bltru. bcorm.factory,at Tbmnpelo.Point, anA Lrallan la4nrnn lv IhI11Xlu.N.Y.;OJlmm x - ` Pr R vnrvn ILdiJ Hi. as set u.I, Ovod b h eve nnscmdeA. awlnR Fi.oq aid organlm[Hi,nub ll Tl[ien she enmoromlxe army re- senor• JI o Nur rm 4. Joan D.IlnnAamnn,of Alivnourl,dedrA Canelo- nitre Jrnwnratl Yme Wna tau college time-Fell Fa.,h11,w„up,RIx,ILII Rllhxl;un ntlrm rt ur U°Iwl N.Y. dmtmYe'1 by fire.. ]R, C• at. AeDew lee•[ed irmteA Atattw Sonar Edl n d Paninh MlnlntrY reel 1 thq l/ndv Ant ehnirnmu of flu 4 ,,,A.I Inn; Alabnmo ahamllouAJP. IYUce perue•r,lily murvin.: I e• F�na4 dem in f}ew YnrL Penn •lysate end Nrn• uhlLtr loula>, wy a hll•IIr„ fumum New York. "1111 Alfred Bevendta from - bArrlle umR to Imvc dlacovnreJ s method�- Inellnh pp r,folLwal hY n riot Ind! NAR areal IY(px.- >f Iwawt. DomI Ol store Cnnrm,iiom, 1i A nhln�nlls lbmugh A LrldBl• lit fTtnnlvIIhkm, In fllneian.d. I've rm•" k111o•I, 'lap-alshl a Y.a.rrral Vill. ate Inn demm'sul -,rr,• : :,.,I L,:,. �qli 1.•i:.. !:eohtrge 10. Th, "elmsHalb-couflu 1' The Cldc"Rn and Alton Yerk rite 6. The Vloif." tooae�I lied malhimes blared bI Na lw'antr p,r1Px Yill ..*owed and 111.1x1 ppnbllc Wandine.burned. YlRtieabl a•In" a xx. an wmklug inateh In s � � r Cuban Evacuation commissionIJ In the Harrfv.. eyndicx 18 ', him", to combat at C�J wan; drelia.In On.0",n.rice tN.Deer}enmaw sur�t�ane Drcachtul xt Amde )D, T'arAble lrJnnln Cindwmli, all t11a nvallnLix New York dt wltlremnnl of ala olio, I, !ue• do 1 rem '.0 1 --,Q1. IOvasUNetlhn by scientists rl4mlven. ern!nJv¢nen u[wage.lnkm lace le._A tan. _ s clench 1Lemblimn.mucea+fel: D,vnaxnrlc Ntate Celi- W1111unas,,and)II line rp CAllgRen. mllitie In tpe Stem eellnJ out.Odnyfnur Der- f.. on8rmwmaa Paul,of l'Ir■tide,nnwatoJ. sty u1I�•, :u:A 11^ r��i•6•l xhuP Prove 'net the alle8ed stat Keeivu worN- .teen lnduxlrlen. V Iq the Iron an,l no. un+xnr vnntlam lU frhur 8[ed'a: .lahn I`.Lno lumcted Da. Henry N.Nmol of Ohfo,nomLAA Im 8o11NWr 1m Nllad and sixty wemdai;dl.aatroeu q• �elmro of tan Hamue Mak nnA Wmm A Wna, -don, o[or was a dela• 8. Preudent MCRIn)o vl tY py tib•. haul of .IInI]atna- fall e Y Rua iLn 88n,wkl,pW Saba - panic :•4 Vn far nrgmv, of nt 'fnaaus thrO cblldrep bumatl m .tome 1.0 OLa Al.l.I.O.,many live ..d ebt, In Naw Yak 11mailut..,LMOAM,QA.the Mont !j, 81. 'ache &pate Dames the \ieamgua Canal bac, fromDf•1pr4flm and adm'mI hllln.-Italy demd, orea.- r( son bill killed br the llenM•; thus r 1.l Inn 6a tlr n n f.nvtla•tL FA. ev@ml villagce In the Greek Peln ranee In China m11ros0 coneseslona Hari Iho lease wu b n Thr I4nuLhcun Nulonnl Cnm r•NIUIr a`lonma deaN a Irma Ohio. lent. Afamaw Enr- I - 'teat, of., 1.a ttuatlne James O.Illamr,of 1Na., I The('inrhnmtl inch kept under lntml by the 1. D1."Welved at the Wblce lion., q6.1-,a-File -Ifir.m, hie a -Iry , destroyed by an earthquake. D r un n Nun BUY.Genera! fool arrested.. YnNd1 •a uul .011.. (lirlmeldenl. y hunts. Kentucky earn Stma Omrvmdlan;Urong Hier-un-Ih,-Ip;JII + e!1 •: him. 85 The hmrtat m n buslneal 3, Dewey Pmm-tM to be Admlrnl of the Unite I qnA Jnbu A. fineyy n.Af Ir mine, Jul � W.M shown to hewn mfr theeuted eau y Iran. grates Nav ;`our n for V4 Ialoo,klllod liay m,IJeultear Mhv- April. flue to me eateat of over yyl gs,Wl. he's Ih•' [-.q rd it, Jin:I:Ite:•'I 9nuth der:e•vo ow =ark BtoeX ExOhnnRe.-The Halley restyle Ilveia bemmee Premlrr of Spain '-teller •-Hoar he1HDhlncne march. E. The Porton Bill veined,and ma Hogm llessex It 11. The huern. In OlnamleN [.Proved. lroA x. The oteemw L7t lit Portland WE loan Reek- AIA Ihvh h:::;:: Inc flu On-lit Irl N. Kln ose pink. begins. House of g the Dean. tie k1. jar of in the rY ihn 4 nbhlir a 1, The Ro ie.,den nmAAn.ThV fpmm'A F ll,lit. . ova the bill m Y Drovdlonall P many popelaid• ggel no o.A Inm;tltn Tmmre, P [. 8 av of Sweden y retires ante mak e�p�e.entatl .-Three German lbuten- begun. 4 Lrhl L A. Nibao man dmwnedmThompun)Fml.Nmr- J. The Portes bill klllW by lbo&mot Ne hndl"a , Dm[mativa eydunw In lvAlnm mdntEerMmla, Hill a.1Uhy the Awem4lr, bf-dors v:. ,Irl- ae•u.•r lu hiz hnuuc !n fa!'or n[ Qawn Prince OUe4v. IC fastest balloon tri em,�tfei. lnox. WunJ In srnllhwd'opted Lbnninµbtlm..ffio. men P 91. Genera Re Ing from Berlin acro.* the Aunvlea TrEwd fnhul, near - Kn18h.Ol 9. Tim Main,And(Wlfomi Aolae.lw W Ile Con 4. IDA. nJennt day ntrYlrvW• pmmint Artane ymrlm kllitvl mA wounAM. 9. Stature of J-At k 9mytli of Albany• Om. eek v1 .IyI Ill:on, Flu. pri Frnl c, 1•`oredaeure salt Rnf[eanvleted b ropes n[lerga[ 8 few,; 4 venllau left Ma �a■lie a! AURuae;many A'e As savorm Im oMaat dl lomatla nomlFw• I' Asbnnner bumcl et Flggu.eltl'e Iavding,AW., liner teauefan hhrDroVertp to w. IL i'uWu- DI•'r-nu - I the Raltlmafe and Ohlo tRnl'- rno tale of xixtl-e'Rht olio pq hnun snare. 11 Y p V twenty lives laL Llll IhI Ilrutu rein. b' 1, 11 lir rel Tpe Boum a4.BunOngrem ad-urns-lr I••oDle k111M b nAnita a ft nn 'd l'.. rc lu6 rJ. v,y'y tc 1.d:, 1' J HtY-nne Ore; Ile duLx fanned: Iho A loth annlvenary of lee Nona . Tho Republicnu eel the(:IevelunA Naotimr. 12. A Bew Ynk chnmdt Yillx hltowlf era tan and 31. Dnaee. the I;Un Hatay bill.-Sixty powder explosion at Toulon, 6rence. Y a aralnolln (nunAlnsnf well%mi N.Y., lUebnud. 6. Dwon. amorins of wind In Datots spit Nis- A LFII pnvmWrN t e Hain of nleawn rine family woumn hie wife. I envoy that lit', Kentucky dYflllerira mboudApd, v one Prof. Wood of the Unlvermry of Wdemad, killing fC at lhnE la ,,ttna[Unllpuwnllauymal aur Plu+nurr¢¢It.Ps. tum. Y tie rail"I':' xrmtJ l 1. 'f he Uamun Ntai.ler Pnvuota hill let of m• 6. DDamomtla ch,17matm arridng In 0lUu8 o. Sli pogrom drowned atFVle4ebn Mt..;Penu- 1J' The Onvemor vdoge the SroulwW Aimed*Ron. d :v,, feNnuu,:,l licit hla1,14, imw p utile discovery of s new method o[ 'Amass a Tbc New raR;annmmwmen4 exnmA.a. m lblunlbin, i. A mimosa[df Cnnnaae; The Unlabrmq• af' m, way bill. I e6rggry, PhatngmDhY. mine ,Uxy-- H any end Vaow R,4 Re raitA Cai a: Ssnmel J. AtUlennnlvenm crew wiw the hrmr•roii em mlvanla Democratic State Onnrnnu.A, I/. Bevandmu and the NatraWlhul bank so it Hite awe In tailor IUahIUp, 1. The South Dx koLl Le Alalure Oneli fltlemMMn. Mar set Cnd Alban o[ a P, INP . Oan.Aanm Dmpml nviybs m L'epmhOmoml 111 In New Yerk.Rnatnxdtetnen Virginia Deulo• y emvicterJ tat Ranula. TnJ+p wrttmelearr'AdlolnB the bamottatle rleatm, illavma. k est BVI. Ju'Ily III,- Ii I'v n':.Irr, - p dew ruVW ring ane Y pagtes O lnf,to hlmkmatl the Jay UontJ hese,Y hot at '4 1 ).Be..yesr' -tandems to ulrtnin u Th PmI naminmlen fir.l'rexb ants 8. Awambllne of the Democratic National C;om . Tho novel hDDraprineou bill passed hr the Nen. crmla GnvavWnn'Ohnneenmm tiledhyenll- rL rat lir ah�.n t. n �::Ilnn' Ain serer!,-. Ne American P tternea onrnpnOY or- hmadoue. eve Spanish tri 41 wap eullixlon near LYmnminllk,Pa.;the Now a ate Cuba.Ther Copt the sok m dm4 and me; Tacoma,Wyoming, Ina!, beA,A,I I, Yort Reform bill.-lgmed by fhn Faced,:, 6irr-nn-Ih. 14':,in, hnw'•ver, The Creek Indian 'reale elgned, "renroeve" General (Jwmse from At., is ^eager 81 Cr. r Held t II '.h er 1.,A Y. General C+emez r�.Arnta to 11re.IdAnl NoKin- eel i.e. Y• rile, uFffo thio ' is being papered and Yurniahed, LIC - -- -��wl P Ib�- r� t t n:' o,•1. ye, trrno Proposition renung to pAAmoal of Cuban Attorne WA. Welke oIN and mortally ane N For- ,. SDrinr fever gets ;luk.ne 4onMlna.ULLre Ilan Pmm"rn a4rre upon a fader,. 13. Representatives�otfn fie a street comlwL near A feuoa sal books catalogued, and Boon he library Tn r In v I t , w tui r. can PIA The Naval and Military "or At the ma Acted state. armt hie t- .. ♦ Amorlmn 11'.1 a Drdmin and Germany anon a f 11 v t , I the I I I , ! t r L n Purolator rRnnlxod•^Foss H[Yh- ...calling Sam.. ¢areement .41V rely Ubd I i, nom Pietro the i a re- •• \rex cul: 'l1alO!., will a opened.lis The tfllptees have Nu Mn fit n r 1 1 rf a.1.I m , "-Il Promis ever made for Prot f;aatley OE the moan Q1lj>'cen and Idrttlah Orulaern bombard M- 'I l I I e Ire I t[ 1. •I u I t,a'.:dr. ami Tile-nn fpin, ar- W.ahlnstam. Bee. Ilandgome Barn Burned Inforxne$on WlLr1tF(t. Just .req' A,n•am cngegkxl MI 1. Cy 1181I0ck ill act aN 1 y t:rl r Ir}• :I. pdil.u. 1. Tile Pb111PDlnr war brne ka nut:Mra. Iacocca. Oa4 Nixo learopmMot M ,t Heot in let, of palmettq 11 bill, Srrmn sonata¢ un. J14j_2-j /9Q the mm�traln Dononrq aememM to life on. AVrluex, Ark., In a tart a 1 wail 1 Heald pug out n ahOln 1„l of thin llbrtlYlSn. Ir:1y h..m.u;.: I'mm�menL rW, belwenA killed mobs. ]fA ery filo handsome barn of Mrd. Jennie Rn ",illi; "nen, In ! '• Thal n I,v hi imt Will '1'o where II. a'llnPlea ells, of Brooklyn,OCCUpled by Sinclair why in Lops of row Unlr a LniA mnn aunt dingo. In the nun' The Southold 1'•ree Library was 'I'1. Ito• L+x vrniv I;r��:,t �nlrli, A. The s knbh y V. The Rath Wlndeor In :. _ P Mare [rent r¢tlga0 by the gen• Naw Ynrk porn¢;about rnnnlirnoc amen.; opened to the abbe Moeda atter- 1'hl.. le ill] I d,Ful.. sty P•'uI'''" •1!0. fie" Cnmbme steel Company of by, DIN Alt newest Blerm pith, of Brooklyn, completely A, .tad every Ir•r y Henn wagee, mtellfte of alto.- .: W88 COm 1Ctel What with Ino are mitt aunh Le Iaeungm his same On even' )ill[ P P 1 u um I h. Inc x ,h r -r I. The sentence upon Ueneml E e of e Hvvnrd II urn fy covered by al uv- y noon, and a large number of bGOks I wIli drinh It nIghI 1.^•I ou, Itln 1e nix arontbb' suspension alien eOwtutM kill ove�rnnxaoro of rote ed BtrOyc`d by flee Sunday morning.i'Tkat n.hitting and purer-'end hero m an ,tl .11,11 hrekonn ml q" D mon from rank ,lie dm D P Lo Ambnm Toma s mot D. on, rl•, u1410 [Ir n ur - rv, o.sal Ing rice Wheollna snit Lake Erle Y-- and Arknnuu. A. mi.. pDl xi Vic- i Ie t}I'C Wf1A d1AWVere(1 about A:30 W'by he stlu w1U PeWm flat a,D4m tea.➢row!- one ran'1 keop nun. were taken Out. 66C B Railroad sol'1- 80, Narthe pi •• 1%.L,i 'n I h ib II r u•hill.J -•.hors- Nation. Steel. Company chartered.-The arm woman to go.. t, cellon. mutes t Cm• :FOCI( And the alarm NOunded. The wW oohDdy.11ppwA: And pattle tom. -- - - 'was, [he •• And base lm-gone. The old, Old Y1es. 1 h 11 It a -nen of v: I:t Icing the P'.elen Two o�pgetem panrumtm eda�The bed.The Rev"bilmn rorty oI Porto Rko orgatr t re Department immediately assembled I should 11ke Yd kMW Nut 1eLMt pokt AfltbirpBt And masa ping O for the Lnylvn evmnu it n I InF i' cf n :o til 11,✓r Atate of.k8e In Spain "este. b, The War 23. R llon ds of eke antral &nlr+, -mJae.-- .\II 'm• I Ihh h lit, Intl II I'P.d I„ Invsetigatlon Cammlevlun reporta tion with the Inter- In canlut,c• r tall, ThHr sweet Dorfume' That thrilled me In the lone ago. .1i 1 Irx1 1 I r I'ounJ 1 by the President:A court a1 Inquiry to In ports elate Oommerre r'ammlmleo, aroka d did good work in saving the shed' BUI Wordy kWVM And blossoms nod \Phi I behold with roe depth' `A L. 4ye...... tar r r„ ; I a"lie General Mlles' army seal clines" orAared. reach a in aAroemep6�L'lname1111 d protecting Otherproperty, but the or aan oattN uy ay is w^r{�•� tptt,MM of W UD to the nunaPAnnb peace imply mood Ly Pres- CoucI"nted Ark of Aamoa.-A map In L utas tineA. p fig In dm s,d EY• ss. Out whero tea essay The Itwanm Pfau last 111 a mw \y u u Lt. rm h nplt .1"int blc Rinlev. Y. Ark., ly'neMa . {alit ht .r.•u neaTum... Itildly ' a had gained such headway that it DN tempted me,coated ma NU l ten. 'I y to nr Three eAbred mnn I Haile 11 We all know lt'e beta sating"me t mtd•� ➢Moes run. ' 31 less r alru, r IlMr germ cur, ffiW. Which b e that t oleic'. for slit Nme'a take. LB impossible t0 gave the barn- And V hivLota haN.lima b awgd err the Jata Jet a ion to the half and smeb 9 a I..1. Idt c r: n rev 1.l ru 'I JJIIII•t-}}171Ti•IR- - __ med like tinder. The fire atarted It I,bAEAd b asjgWLte a 0941(mpila.a :. And purple thistles The ple, that mother used W manufecpne. T c I ht I'r 1.n I a 1'ru!JI d n. ' )111 n-u I. , ardl Ol„1 11•r Iu II Ful,ell l'. 16T � - �1AeMW�aws " • flora growring mit ♦aaaa.e eeeaaeae♦eye Peaeae�eeeaa♦eateeeaeeaa NlHMaee netai'•s, 4nd Mr. Smith Saved his � And morons ¢Indra - ' race carria c, harness, etc. All the That,I'wtmder H mal+nu aQrAOos much 14 Peine, Top the wall. The wore-brines,m my hard: , � + l - 'Th.pnset pmlry On the r�rd: y whir m4ady know!, And trumpet blooms r Flt -tents of tithe upper stor were I why exactly p u is crown LENGTH OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. Buoyed. These included a 1,000 Bbatl Qa Aaw eagle lett vbdn wp,ri Fb10ut1t tak• light adD the nr"a ashy mane life Ire crown as Hard. _ _.__ - M North $ O too And Aalura ala¢ 1'Ime pm a•hm 1 could ant and tat- h d u V d W' At the wem'iYWBYry planet. About lire knrn.v. New ata wm mplrm my stotnaeh been New Park Ito id Transit M "ON,who n meMdfin". lit tt'im IFOI'y and R gond deal Uf furniture 66W�e nor tat sweto cars, O*mh Fpf a AYI And .vaq'wnrrn P . . .M "!r. " The old, alit plus thea mere than aweol-, "'" ",r1 JI'Cd Ir Mrs. Wells. Mr. Smith's ANA HIW'410t tha0l'til NtwIN - And thin Ale plop.lieu i l"I"".. rod, I,and m -• ,,,, uhf her some colt'rmetlrm nI:I y Mita agquN tlaq. wap' a The plea lbmmotner emit W m�Rupt. ... gineer had a room In the barn and he BD vi tae o0 utgwr.era troaliilpik tem! Jaon fn me.icon,.: almvv n. BwitAor•Innn... .... - . . ... ..... . ...... _ Wan.nobody in*" 'Ylbyr It's kPNnarl'• 2 ... .. .... hullo tat 1Le 11 Lin oto and I'll It his clothes and Other property. 'Litt t to c boyhood Not 1 wN "Ung- Bt. Gaillard. Switzerland............ .. 171 1 J P Y• And you sol wild That fa my tgyhood Mme 1 stood. ^" - . Ar' nag #1111 l l} a Alm. Pala venin r twWteF 1.i ebW-e4et.' Selling noun my yearning Longue Paris Unts, Sound.... .... .... .. . . .... .... .... . u 1 .. •. .......... F1fI fnnh.0 I'lnrvra t.ra ref rice it),-:, n • 'u b i : IC CBUNC 4Y the lire is unknown. The And i w0oam whit P +? Te 1.D end en MDAi Canna, i OhItrl and..... .. .. .. ... ..... . .. ........ S Are 1 1 n, tin 1 m H Am Dot unroof hlegro Away out where A fine of pl le a It.wall Council - Baltimore and iltdo lt:glravl. •• : e { ""bur nhd r d trrnruhbvl rIl Was the finest around here, being,heti wa'ro Ooah,of tµIOmgt mltph sI00A I es. The b oal.tle low, O that acffwa era nn¢tpf YmM "-" "" -•• 7 1'"r ¢ y , I nriperg,nrl Aub-,,L..... •'.r .JHIMAIrt1.. 1 anew-' f 1tilt l dad thl'UllghoUl and cost$3600. Thorel DtVh - Out by a pemm A meso tourney 1 oleic' take, � � Tuppenn Tub-,, !..one,n � ��„-���. ....... ...... •.-- .•.•, .'-' D "1'or v nxnnn,I wr xubrkrn. r •:ua Wer. As 141 as Yet Snag. At break of morn. To Enough, uuamalled by feats, y .v allot. I h 1 ha•raid: L9 an insurance of$'1600 on the build- As I'd Lka p40 line.tow Yov Pa htletm mY gtW out whore AAb Intel The plus tbA minor mad m dselgn. f Der114 Ond�raundt llv.. . ... •• •..•... .... . 43i D tut Iannvn inn par my to, 1,nue-r r_-^P Liverpool, rhe Pole t . Ana H 1 pmt gal Meg of LtM faat,ey firs k111'YY= __. _ ...... 45k In RtoY you Uopl," Dseal$I1101ninhtheommercal Umon� Pay back ten ap$ggk AreOslnsh11-a lines .. Ab.wrt41 Thimuclaboeoapool LivulgtDol and Dirkrult all ... -- ttlaalA".I Fn4ape Bkhwn win a from whish L pulled the g alender (broad Boston subway Great Nnrl hero ILdlru ul ..... .... . ... .. eh Ibil;^. 'ou hr grh•r mor F' ,,u.r- ' inn ' pa sets. 1'w a• ... / Ifnrshenll,'rctrllvd rho soh r. u!, o d $Stift Ili t}IC Connecticut, Mrs. WW.no From IIA' form Arps era'. I n 1 er w.,rhms n I nenc brad!" •.•.•... ..... •'''� .'.dlu,•n Le f I lle 1 1 bade lOtiwal 1 tint keeps Iho luvem In m e and foal elle also had her books and furniLaria -- _ -.pimp p gq•� Nen a I"k^t �Tl Ele hd11T on$•ndt q Ib sones`Ih;Iair: Dgdanout, nualria......... .. .. ... .... rldally covered by InSUTasfA. Mr. p .. !q _ 13p9, TXe, s1.+' IIInc it Ell tl+lnA+ IWe a frac all ,Ill-v.':riot bL•... "' "' a Ie III ach e Bnwlder, Atnnt:[nn...... if >-' 1 u'r1)ole mtlr 'Y It raACB Qpatpie'xd',blikgie; /pOR IdR'"'YFh'M Nlmuld fele aur ways. Lina n rn.nnnn ibnl farnnl:c ` _ AU pt Ver. nhlb Ihcy calk rno nn morn _ j Ivanhoe, Colorado... err e1r' a ire rice . With presented the Fire Department it radl,for N ar r m O•rm, N - i rmnalr „elan,. . . .... ... ... .. . . . . .. s ,l a ! 1 i .-M M, -9M 111A $`.':, 'Wine, H;trnia, Canada .......... ! .ahi t. •i til10, i���Jl ---. ^• •i,' Tile) i Plan Thr pVx !pat mains- unrd r mo sta,4 ern } .... .... .. _. I I e IL,1.. 'Old 11., .11.1:. e. t v 11„A -_�Jul�: a(A, '"' Another tight. l"RL ,hen harp(vl. f1 FI leef7Me:•elH�eM►see♦seeea-Pea a-aH ee"Y eielePl♦a ee+ a -0J. 1EULWAtha on Problb(ittaR. nueo¢ New York ProldbiWon State Coneeo- four tureuph Now York Bute.I.he[Pall Street , _ Wm h0199 Book.at New fork.clove lu Anon p, r'Adl' In #aid VIA bsi o A itryls p•n of a coflfm9 p Wllkee4area.Perm.. In, gmexl Gree rain"In!RlWeppDY 8M.el Danns, ty Nm.P.;'I ar.Aof NY broken ,'deed+! Pamrm+ehl 1= R<mocrollr Aute Ibu+eutlon In Mletonrl M]dqu Rhe'reative Witter wagon- I""In. Rn. Unrcrnor Llavclund l Ulto 4The s lbnn"Aulb,ml'hv,Ird of Elmira; 1.,Aa RaD,tbllann ntle In New ChNnunn of Lb°Iiemoetatic Nvttaunl l:ouvev- IJ hlkr mulklie A lot+Ifs vlemmt bylIll-M llrrwun ry JOla tlta;pt'a•1tuditon p9Tjyx � r t.lutea are In Llerpand, Ohlo, carnal million York div: on YlliaHe of fnetlha¢4 N, T. tion. lbauonnx.Lb,weuJ.m of the Ideh N1 Imen l dellura wine of led, O .. 4 Property os- York div: by the lOxx,atep6mu,Wr. 1p IkNI„Ilnlr"Went al Bow'doln coil. Le neat lbutol. end the ltankme Aswndn, /t YSVT'Vote fbr Fir.-.Swallow. 71OLOGYt iRnll of lA. valac T. 22 An nunmPf w wreck Bien. La¢lin's train In II.Clevoued and lien ool.tuomlualli bytbul)a,. na at a Mime tot $Wh� a.Moses! I UIiNP:RAL N4:I:RO1,f7GY OF Iola llllnnlo aralh G.m nntlmr; Uemorn14C rottamtlou U."I.swatope.nenryl¢slate oMem, ovW --('onfhwerf. s P,leclunln slalneAoromor 1u41r..darted. "Its. rn l.lO wrm,gheul Mo cmlotry:tbna noted b)•the llemucmu. t a title for a leade! GENERAL CHRONOLOGY, ]spa_- lo. 1 Auliller>>Ulnen to place aI+nl na 11'{joy r �.The halt more onA Oleo rNlroeJ cola Pna°enHnr pnnronv mooed w Jml4 It BrwlfoN.Pe. 11 Thontu Bola vomWeteA for 0ovurnor UY Ihu n- Elio.aX-[p akr tlad -Ute.lanklaxel I (%ontinued. -"•^.^,+ r men 4111x1,detinet{n lama 1 1 Failure of B.intor,R.I."A ca,.d y-aoode Lwr• Ariminy Repkblk.ut, outbreak In the Hen• Ya 181e1 I -,...._, GENERAL C}IRONGLGOY,]baa- -- •-_ wural y of.opau :.MIP P,elada Murvdnl Y6 Lerav lyenumtir NO". to New York city. a4anuof sew Yart. lucky Y, nounwrI. dere. Vrlsolvs ,•ecapa: la Y bVUghl, my children, -- »-n.., n.,..-,...,,_ Oontiirrard, ebyaA with her lettere ceahnm,: bible m. Lielubntiov of Airs o,m blonuflure'alltnh birth- he Mid 0."..celebrate 11,imt'o bell"10; Lieut Oreely walcamW home at Newham -' t 1116 hlandr 6r i'raldbltlon GEN&RAL CHRONOLOGY O11 U1,411 it iivv1v 1lepuUlken (oneevtluu Iroleimta, Nichemx T Olenv m New 9nYk Acele•ue ft all 'l Uoma Rfinpev,,CUlaf Palantir 61amp Dl- port.Naw a a bad bull to selectim; OF 1899, Hank /[Perth Amery_ )rep bli., (ou B,q,Ulal (ar Th.. pOXtgNce lAVarlaleuL requlrre to 15 TI'ne..lewd men murdered near Chattanooga; .Iaouary, 11. amroam ilnll InJnrNslM linmpcfatk Ilekey New York numluau Yreledck bland 8.tole to Robert Bonner for 110,0 e, 'hods for a le@der 1. The d and 'qP rty uldnwUU I{ackl,t }'ILIn9..loan D7n3'nr: fuwtaen mon killed Ir9 a Are-0¢mp relL,t• tk Wlr-kOd aaNn IIk4 sr1'n11on'. all Cullen Ttbal Bryiaen term)�al rovnrrl8xty over Ynnktoln borne;aekente Bnma Inane MYlum al euten- IJ Ctmnb1w11 leo x ex i nbn ll w, Ipapn,Pa. 1d. L¢0,e)uPubhcan meellaP in ]imlon ani New 16. The city,1 Anuk4 Mlau.,onsets dncel.ba by u ttnou raplmlons at Hueun.ill.,an0.Rulurla po fire.los SI.MIom. IPeekh• cap.,cpBbnln fl f7igee[Ive! Frpw abnndenadt opened tar P011llc lane. n rnllroad ,loon. Twelve nal'ane kflied M1y ¢momemilder ma811ver fnuleq 4,rdnemeakat e. m°hurenleun in N<w York city York. Itemit,aunlvenary It ,,tt V Inle' a u-rollero m: Oran, BepnLllem, unedu, had oMrwle to Now p apple.block.h,Billion.tion!..nnrneJr Rov, , Y. To; rloa break out In Alell Plume, rat.=fit steamer lit 4, wroul 16. Tot la lu\Pent til •tpp W York ells'. a wXt non to ima; Jrcht.mu dN U.1h,0upwn and throe bays Arvwneu n1 -i rile Inuua,,b Mi w,Iosr Viata60 I1pW. ileo'[ 10. dlal;fflrL[UIP V. organization Y. Anhln lelend anile her X•,raw of thin lost. oil oR Pury oL Lsldknb Aln Iranun,N•Y. al Tnilolnn.Lls. Henn' ln., tWum nl &1 uuJ Yud,Jr..k �u Ooil BWlarx leirel of aweptmtx•mea0 M Rct t p6 Well put ilA A party' On° MoveY Le-loet begun Iv elienverea 8@teen-to- p n at the Y t q ry llugn A Jewett ..+isle lite PrmidmPY Ihl. f great bllnanN "revel(° all over the Union IL Forest Ana In eflahlaon. ,yi, Hme.Rlxtorl err,vox In New YoR city. On..or hew fork rJtY.lieUaluob nearly P,• h-a name like Slue Gill Rickey. !,,' Tne ounantlnn alone trf GUNan lfemarlRl Rtek binumolro; manT iteoirle Inme,L- itl. Ilulno aerie..In New York d1. slaty lnoaand Republicans Violate lit New York 00.0011 RneH It.John Rlna.Jay.starlet usoaNpl Me Gare or Dr A ' -r11rRv laid In Khartoum. yy JUA a tJr IV RuiMpuYe x4mW h,Ina!Vel city;further nuts In rnllwoY taws. R. 1Qnea ReODUileans komtnau Cal. John A. ]dor• pl Y iorllnl. fi, Lard Co...n Installed as V[ro Sours mrex<n to death. Rice.__ el. Demonxt -boom ho oar of Aldine In New YorkMgmn Re ubltivec " Iv ClereUnd mvkea public itis latter of eceeptanm: hlbltlableta, my, dearle8,. Routborn ca Inllslx Cleveland. enm•Ic[M of malfnnanaeenno wr of Ja- nttYy; l`o,umWlaner Dealer, of lite Pension November. 18. pinmob,°tmrafxcuill. ebnuN, Ynnlvnraar)'at Ilea 1wm.I"I of the HepublleM yt neon roY of India, persons found land a otlkn,miam 1 Rimdlml dot al New ]Mrl4 Tom,iia »<Qtaa )y. A. sTs'ate'.ea l¢ . soul, faN new party to Veryy at 9lrong.Ste nn J s RoUUau lo- IF [noes lot pt Crlltel'tl. 4,+nN Ah l.lnc. COntwl a[ the Bea- house °t -Marlboro, More end three e[up<aed Inn eeven- 91. gilllrnnv of act of InaBRt Lurmxl la Clevubn,l' killed; railway jord,h O, la Ohl.• 16 parwot in let Us, B, snarler ve, poll killed year At mr. a Y. h eempai�tt bab0lda Llipm kll`klog� 1. A mount.... falx Into Freaer diver. R. C., PPlae dlselalmer reaolutl.n Onal yy If. Nnrthaeetem flour..tile nom bine.-]bra F.AOryY It. Tbrn OmldwL bumWtu acafb at WLkaOnn'e, Ri Snxyrmlon ni lheFMt Naaoop Hank IAmlon, t'hanRlnr lite nnurn of a river and Inundating o Phlll Y the 1n al- ohle fnhna+l. a $ 1 them rLUlldaaH•lip 6 plelform Y. reld.01 a ,tpdtee• �stop H [arming nglon.-cit a senate, tonne b ar. Tum nen killed Lv n railwp4rc Colilpou neat i n".11ud In Bantu; ilio kepone uretoA m Pa. ]�' p �� lyl8ttboaoaep- m tit-a Slagle pmn'k t0 Y Anaeu err Rlevim of Neal 15. Thn Rot anniversary +truct- Gemini. Mo..ebur•men ILLndwomaniNon. New Uilmne. at The Ind.,TpaUdent COafennco in New York hr eauritaa bl0mlmledHen ric�area ; ew T a gran lt- C0 tTw'oP Louis, A-ll °lad lite -Me- mbbad. the Maine observe Y of the or of m{t ruku)e lu New 4an;a (, General l..-.on. Clerpbn1 °tom llendrrl&ss dorms hlevauna 8spp y p fl Itlmk ,H anYFll d1n106a1o118: Rlt \'glia observed re at the Brooklyn Nae Newark .1totaia a 3Ii oottle (hill arae, b.. notion Natlontl U,lautiou In Pitum-m .Yotsr9 Bemoenl honveult¢n•Uov.➢rpla n• at Weal Dunnrllrn, N.J.D4ylllnrrelatren a collhle lord nuatrayw praperlY valves n[Dt,Cxp,foU, Y de by 9s lifew, In PIIBkdpDld¢, Uaba'nre ilenmmtie York ane Bataacrntfo,but Oleu4 a iuPubllean p.ONTO LM cb wn nheg nal.r the Bnma n°mhrnted by 09 llh illlAaa GnYnbaakam, B t0 rlotsod and Eft ton nothing ]p. 74n silo 1 Movie. 14. Tile txihmua of Panama strike Bl wr t, plunflie garb n Hs Ixt Pa 8 PTolSi tlJtlO _C n' tomb Of Hamulus dlnovnred In IN. Emlln LouMl elected President a[p�awrttts Ice Assembly. aggUp Nutlnau Wmm6cee. J. P. st..loose low4 puLl(mno� nCullveptlwl a R platform. d �u Rv art°maBnB Tower nomina[ed Amhnna- Foure, deceuee,l.-HuulYm and C sworn 21 Binlur}nnmayR from Nvw York b BYra»egnA D Rxcilemert over the election.!the IMmr pin obdumNfur P,vpdent UY L{,o PmhmltlmlWe; n RlRhl luerlo Pa Tex sllkrilo nil N[aCa or °Q ul9iYpatBp bahalaa Chem anhDlrrleg AuaLro-Rayls and AAdlwn C Aarrie Ninleter to battle at Tsllen- _ hlnno light a firero`-odeftbenLhusu rat Ucpat;�Lx Jalamf,mce,Bouoq.stook i OpteorNa aepuUllmqq ante l}onven Jan. NN aw 1a'aaluWgly 1119Y•]k611: 'tuolt'tal r•V• ¢t 6eetan, I'e., a[eetimq[Rruta[el,n lOUnd N111Y GRIr- ti. %VraJlter 11 G,exham sy1f'IIfNI F4creun'ui LUo p�� � p :p, $a�Imlmr at a lramnotiva miler ao she Lehhih rat on:got 1tePu4dbW,MIY hr Rrook f4 11. Jan h 'A'roaarr:U.A fbrlui, uumhmlM sur lio+ur IbA It s nn dvtmx1rtrtklka.:�eaiunu Unn�wf]b 1 yellppY R.R founnm klllnd. Albers a 11'xrnar. pwnlJ°nt of lbr V: to as alrOog for 1'1'Otllbl, On the tour/of Bt CJA.",nomineted Ambflnndor to InAe. or aau/h C+mllnq ]tnV'Witrwr; Term tleetb aL6„imi n./in Ila B,al In New d¢m"e41n:Julo Advueete0en. b'Int N.1 1.1 Nouk adelaoIt to Leeawounl o tested I Col- -1 mut Itl so tat. 1]altbtn 8. o-van ty-,,l 3dil Paarnn mnkee a termlum cogs The theaterphom eucee®fuliy tested In Chi_ ueagty pn lb 1a npug lib t pelf a rabllor11, a taOnth or a0 10et Bummer, -van Qemnl -Mnn In a atetemnnt before 21. ProfR. W. Wood of t i wom'inm, GoevcaUuu'no ondnatoa A. Nur- Y File w1nott-W, r '.tion of L'let. . e1D awahn empn,dnd fr..n dun.pe s Tb. U Cahlp Tnlupem Mot 111 (wa br 4 Crab R9r TnvatlRxtlo 1 lou i'or Uavauor N. heme.ae sxlchrathiR eheir naugur. Trot la onOrem,a',] p1wx 1 ly BB n Commuelon.-Andrew Cqr- he CnlveraltY of 6•u- 11 nat- x Revnn mreMynry erns lrt Clvypn,W. p,ti.v.Mr.Unnlel,,r Uxar la,bungunlad i Deny ;y.ip:a of nPtollellnr m,Leka 8operlor f1uW11Nn.• rets..pa olmieaefnr'Oorm/r'mJRtat��B+orK ala• ATe I ea\VnG a eltlft o druggist nRle Oltan{28P,nW(award n hes Ilbra in COQ In lhawe frown warm DIMe wlth ek•rtr1V,, 'xllnu- ° wm drowne I A Alln of loin". al 1 efW 4r•..bitten Of m s 11 g hull[ IDpdv bo Ew to pTlnOlyi r et n, rY Wa°b- CermnnY Informally reyueeu of the Unitrd form- al. ➢latae lgmuaylnN In ah V,,Anlermeu R.Rh J. IrvinN awlvne In NrwS'ark. era ! gale [lye I q 71. Tbs A A of ....loped mr to 1.f Naw Vort Uy l0. Orn. Nlt<rldvyfr normal report wadi, I.hiret I Mea Pa.: an enlhueWttu Ir1xU Amm�n,m rcnom n y 8[xles lite rOmoval a[ chis[ Justice Che gqnwroanr:A+u louse eµµaYx In Alhn„v.Y. Oen 8ch0Ylnr Groabl ¢ViflnlN urAWelmtt I nwaWer In New York In terse of 'intoe. terubmUvlon Repnblkwne: Oulu nen all ➢OW/,d nCOa corporaluA. merircm Steel anA {\'Ire CompenY Ice- of samnn. ..bele n ,.A. Y..Termrrdelvau lkva a{Iha Pa0,l of Pince ygpmlaul-Uennrvl. Im.Goverum Ctovundul Omcla119 nollllml of lila work. ho was [premost 1n the movement At. Th. 1.1 e x u N st.Johuiintim el snmpunce nMIsIwA M. Uan.Losse wNnmal In Chronic be MOW Poo- It.The alawuhlp OeyA1S the ler est aver bull mndemnn P In a letter to (•nnlluai Glbbpnl, ..msec 1 U. Ruud A,Irou aurae hr reel• Ifwhullan. °� R B' eat lite deadly Jlaapr [Ta1GC, In unrlmd ¢e gA 8 Ips a church movement. e 12. uMnnLa8lWauely mrcyr. w �N. gmwpnan Wm.WIrI llllbe,Uea.of HantucKe. plea cors lrne�lu hew Y,rk auA New n 'eahla�:batik amdYtg the bOUkis pada moi flus[n�extl9.,Ae su-T'be nuhmarinr for 2r, The senate pease. r October. la Tho SlnnmOayb fluue Mmmment Pronnud 1 pn la kill Ilf need In Wahinqup; tm Inn dmnaRr•x caw a Y New Jerxev with mrcum,w; enammou . Melt YlanraI,,Republleww turns.¢em lou wlln 0 lhnmen a slaw Conklin an warts In Utile. 611" cellar of the drug store, mine. France.-Tire British hip sly' [este I t bill with the Gorman..,admen my n,44 ft M t I.-1'hr I. smut,rmlr�rl 111 Cpwl.mll, New atone IIIb. tb! nUaoken. III ..it Ji+IWIn NaS• IT 1141iil Pwpau nonJnute to,Gilmore Uy Wkbb I are at Tnnn ehlpV taste Wurtd- Inellz arrrntoo on the 'woo ma, Nash.; nine neer Roland H, gol- 1 Goeenow Clk pant style a lace .tonin IDldnla; 1^' pea og ppl.4 "tart of iomethinq 16. A Truk teen Ilve la In Wlenn Mn. Adume /° nl mumering DY t'urk- nllwaY undeu4 at Pon l'e'st,w'1a,rinvea 14. T'wclve"mens stiml by a Muer.. nmhbnt near' well Por Gov°mon Am,ProhiUluonlere. Inok p °n In Ala mob repuind In an at- Y8. 'frnrchrfevink'a ee AltloO lands o to ¢[ t }lemmeenn,Tar- I' •a. Uor Dawe :1 Neumxk4 mneWuate.I by Re- athfor far�fhan apple elder. upon 5n,uaa, Aloka; four o[ [halt number ae28. robuyeli N rt Pswunt kitten' M'TNeeunared moa of Trace fever at Ilaswell. 4' lite leuil of the .IIm7Amm;, C., syc�ope,n l;Ino notan ow rmrn or Adana.N. killed, n the Mt The n Neutral ecetant Lear Fond du M6 Htau..lnree la. Seven eullJrn Mlledhy a 4eruwne nxplealaYm T.dn[roye'�I by nor;rho Prenidenl elpu lin 1 the ,I:rys nr r.u,1- .,lad rola' p:Ju1, _y 1T'IUTh! last hostile Dervfeh face. surrenders to March. man 1IIIod. (plea. Ill.; muuul rax PmuW neo ONo- r' Torpedo a,stlau Nra,mar,R L.Bute tickets gg A Towne nNldm In CrnnecHcu.RcPobhcxn same, I.nd,O. August. nvoinace In Hausa wro Iowa by Oro,m• IT,, 1 nae : dei ill, .�'1�- w bill der.found a-W,tile.. Rhode, a Philadelphia 1. The Houlo a. Ten nunduwaad 10 Luka�khlgau,nc.r llYJn IY. Annnxl fmtivel of the NneWnarrle it 1p ser V ° nnwn ;, Ii•'r .-Th. the coo romise y 1'roury TI B<tblprem,Pe.;bl I ]: Arrival of the Arcyu;'nrvivoro of Pnrtsmnuth Waken;several argues k111M and mlWh Mm py I11',.v:,,•+rad. Ig. Q M. 1Mpb�enacted•Vaned States 19emtur F.,llepna stellae till-The Span hill Ministry army :nRlleh Park.111 ed...b ..runt.•,,In the WOOL;I bo PleRen Mhibll . wy rhfi,lrau, from New 4oYli and Astra R.vtrflln from feel- hnrdnhla 'feel to have ,Becovmed ¢ method o[ 9 arur rNrknmen bole r� mm�lneed In Ariwne: York. N.FL .lay-Rye-&m troth n mile in 3:IU LL rap pp Intake.to ,norm lu axtarvmR rmLlllioo nail Alum the union Lazne Otnb ludome Bbinc earl U Annunl�b Y'�,'RQlreilaej•ail elMot NCw Yortb rIJ°nee.6 L: N . mm emllw°cUlldnn Phe M Tne Cblm 1 ° 1 Rp. AJeeth form Tama'I.,arm New York derls r a -rel .:Purkr e, u,MalY. ID. The Cu kxllrodV hale to lite fait"pi IaRaIL IMtuwfLLlO Arenomintian' I. New to N mol to death In hew York. n[emner hit erLumrd 4r nhnrdmnn s[stela ey'e Dalt Eveeu/!fan Commlealon dueohms, eyed mte.A York lily. Una+lo cut to ll- r, RtYud s.[roue olio lo:N1( lite liudaou river my am lin I Y m n,1,"r --An lnvextlgnglgp pr •clavtlau e[ Brut aadustres. rlrn.- Lu°'lin ore opo that the Keel area take Pine in the Ion amt 1 ',RWlna nVhs Tolelo. 19. $. If.pa Yo,lwFir ^tplha Npxro Lair bosonsµH,gle bunwtl¢t tluJaon' A) Th. v111ag8asof Ceutrevlllelil.deelroyM b9n Fly ono., laud 7n^ r�':Fr'..,! l. movaa alleged onto Ya walk- steel Industries. ry by 1 �3ywrr A Palllolf to of lea United elutes Roml.Washing, atoror•Grmaback Labor State by. In _ th. hand al Jiola:nn:'. x21. The gs H r Wae n ae:u- ]ell q President McRlnfnY Alps tit°f2afloonp A n• Inco Yc I! comsin OltlO rad Wel{'Iglel4106c"Ix,D ..... by A. t Uuual Whoa ton sur pmwmk111,ui,alutte Wraou of ARan. Ian. c Phot plleresrhlln OYJn nuA the lMmbera ala mmrledbbllax 1kNoull Albet91 Nuw folk city. wt Vrrnlnle,yank ilntton sppnlutra Poo- inn l%[newel t Cow _dn arguduN is aL N.V.burned. nRM WMea the Nit•Rangue Cgnel olio train hifth ca loo°dd�onn,.'I bile!andtthe JemYoda I coot ..actio of Lha Naunn- linin. e1' rin Inugor ehxn a fors alp cl. 28. Nevool v urex.- n i 1: tt n tomroads,Merin Now Ynrk 1. IbrwagcalehrnUon of the rearm of Onass aa,l Jt 'event hunrlm,f lioctlm Vnl,r]p+'Iking..man ut,^r-na-rte-Hr:+m Ili: Dane: r I'exroyed h R1Caee In rho ere,:k Peloptmneeua Nan MUn HY Ion of -Wkarvp�rbmrw,in Aewport R.1.-N'ur Yn. GraOwf awl!nor ppa men,vt Porenuoun N.11.; tiro Al.lr ,.. proal the guard.of anunn n,al rut the talo- ': �' Y ep-earthquake. y:Genan)Torsi wore roluc Sora+„ crlebntm iu bl.mnh6rai¢I; city. , nlrcLlo4 H.A:O'Neill('Dem.)re•oM1ktkkl O.V ggrn/yyh wires railway c.Geslen Leu CewOd p an':e-late-Ihe-Iirnin x. rel Lid 41m. The hearleal day buelness ever J. UeweY Promoted to in ted In Madrid. car .nn Ilpna reeaM, permit; senator Merrill u( 1L Curuulweveri xtrlltefp Pltllad h14 arnar. Vm.Ae Poral"areas tYfpry luJumd. "pen rhe• rade ,.i ell, .Italie alae: nrted on Lhe - Y trans• gn[xe Nav•:811ve1a beeamea Pro-occur Spot 'rinllxt :'rituon re•vlrrtel. N Rspinalon rat nwR-Doak ov 7.0oy d Banta, a Pln In sen ynnclem.toe trom.6loi°o arel hal September. "24. bre w ore block EachsnRe.The Hou. ou. rf Recce the C]'mmn tie Ieadorshi, In tqr '.v oa f .,:alar of John Hanan!unveiled el Co.. tun°num killed, shooting Mann lir gmeml4. ahi (b.'IT L•a:a:; I,,:' IIm Gf::rt _f. K Y paw, strike begins. ° Ice b atrpn at lilt- 3. ave umAml nen dueMdQWlhom led TnnWm . epi Tit' In to turn of..ear ,[ sweaan Vrovbl..ullY retie.. n ie mak ethereotoanest4Cbx11oonrtrip0 uo reenrdutm- tr in��l� 1 11 4 New JenOr Re,..lieu Ptsu COmm�non nom4 L Orzel excitement In the Hmting Vul.y minmg lar.• eh'ir d:oV.•:: 1. hie honor, L`rotkh Prince Gmtev. brbl WoeµetsnUe killed Y N.d.,lftlerle; gnat bio cab tits A'pmtl° Let<Fmnklmitlel 8lnmou;IorRe fllDac moot- Milan. rani, Ic 'Mas,4"O. 11.' +tdc lit±,, Y2. General Na(a0 convicted by court-mOrllnl.- 8 Bum Berlln avmn the Austrian frontlet n'1 ! ro.' [it eold beure auto of the H•Itlmare and Ohl, Rall. I. Can Wee snare M•Rlne the ntlrond wu by mdncblg mut. Ina In AIba1U'.N.Y. J. Samuel&Finpmepemn!Oovemoro[Varmant: t the me of alztyelRm mil a fa,e• G}1meld, Ha., sdlklly dnlroyN L>' Al. Another e,rnquar lit New Rnmpxhln and IT. Arrival of the Umnlr xnrvlvon In New Ynrk, lu liblkan COLlvnntimu lu Nnw IGmMpin ul r ou-,Io itrlln xo'r lr' h91 u•.' rose Ordered un hour, cannon, 1 pp C De Ca al. The gala a un mea e'lJaurns-Elft Y-one people killed by nem to 2 Ree• ted Oenmur amba,.alor prwuLa Ids MapoltennU4 , a Year porennx killed!by a from near Aehlann.Pa.; an,i Taxnand ..scone nvention le Con• oil tt ya wick!." rt.Yy x1 4:.d' aa,peened I,. Flnll umY bill.-81st W`vaer exPlmlen at Tnulem F Pie . cmlBu Ills;John $Im.lM.pepN wexpnnl Y6. AnlnnR^ •Vldendr pwvalmlt In Vlrpinl4$e W. oomx&u. roglimaon mc1War I. Naamn; Uon onenv In Municipal- glenMnl 7anlUl- UI rwuc IhIJ are x-.,ter" KentnekY Jiwtlltille ronealldxted. Y noun, A. Noll of the university of Wlac.nam kill of lbe`Lde nllwuy:iioyernor f114ve�e»A wOl- tuckpxnd R'ennakp,a•wle�hlt�Lone,prull: 0.4 better iu.•Ioa Mk ,oX. p e nn:Ilrt ilrooI •y5. Arrival or A,chegtMandowfaMyock.y.In Naw I.0.Tea hoer an pl,uro-pucanonb appeal rat 5. slnye .. 1O r U�I11 a,,• chu sena ma A w[. Ballot i hfa rnr.fru,[lone; Februst plmtap.pAY. discovery of u new melh!W M,olor ,mmra- i D, Mn. Margaret Cody convicted at Alhnny of •ores- . 'Cu. ti w is ti r, r Int mllrvnl nu oleo,rill. York. yyp1 reaper.Penn \\'Ire , , I. Il•I 1❑ II n Maned our nwu I all , ra-Ili'ae. I. TAea 8aulh Dokaty LeRtelnturc anally "areae attempting m Uimkwnll lite Jay 9 s av 1114 u,ur ah,IrrlI ItR,N. Y., nod IN.'I'hnnkwlvinRd.9• nY a redeem ,]wsicerth ecoun alt 46romM1ont the Eastern ehnn t I I -Ice. t ower ,Ile tlr lien + sew car))ultlu one Hainelu,Uh to four Ifr•a a klSle I. N.➢im•n0:n In tea lto<kl Valley. hurt. _port of tits country e.The A 5 " ' '.,ivaneamant ,I h'oree.r Tla• g Year a raeldenee to nutnin n 9 gpuld heirs. but rat f1. Tae lest a enuh trop n, ekmpt e lar Fr -In1rr ., Pl tr. ee•h nP hie lab u. a y.alib,. zonlied;-The American Fatnrles xirne l4ny m- hnamurai'eQeeueu Cbh¢.-The Cullae a -1ek 1, ganger ' S {V 11 \'uutedrUt loexvmetM1r Collrp fPh>*L rns�,rvl. ,Gert. (ARan r IvaA will, oleo 1 m un itis __ - - 1 rte n+ 1!b' fit pi", )lab r:.r, Con, InAlep [teat 2q''__'' amex eaVokm neral Gomez from authority.-aye lax, m. A rarxUVD feilur.fL New YmY C14Y• _ _ et t:lp h. l ill Ilrrl lar, r d:ve. L yY proposition rn1 11 la to i're.Ident M.KIn- alai Jloose A. W'Ylkor ahW4 and mortally wounds cows mJ Burscoue wdhg9w, _ General O pot _ 'T110 Celt Of the is bell! a ered and fUrniedled, to 11.1, Ill r r, r f lac u'or•' drhlk•ng Irnlpa.-Anurallnn praluuernna poo upon a Cuhun AllnrnnY W. H Nawllten In a at, I a. I spring fever nu P' papered r on plan.-'LY1• Navel Mol Mll�ilxonwOr n feAnrn- Belief.Be 1n'enlntiven .f - I the Unlled B/area, Great LL r 'Tor ! -. lu 4Luul a eh ,'niR 'J• pxnfah- der of the B11 eln ,mil Ger an _ m Y rnOh a Aew aRreOmeet :ata of A follow ao! books catalogued, and soon site library Ii r' ,U.I Iilul n I r:, �f cJor -r. of ok ever m d. to,itenllee herT.Int. ackk. not[°rAmrilcnnn and Rrt/len crufnrn 4nmAnrd ga- n I— look bled Will be opened. The trustees Have tu-hin¢ fi o u h 1 or .:nl !ln••, Olt pr lrm m•er mode far Prof. Len In '1 h', )" ut tl iI'll...-I. .:1 1 elude. `dulennnlMn tnntlbn inn, Waepl- n t y of the ..10.Tour sea. Vests out: RLp1.! ed Mi I C liallock to act as i. The raw, ..¢mea .not dead J. nl ural. Jany accts sweLLn Rm 'Ip _ 1 L t Jtr )q• 11 I.JI the CulmminDlm• »'nr aneke uul-Men. BOtkln. On.sit, men killed at Hut Salinas. at Palmetto, Wart •' Handgome Rnm Burnet Iu3ottnatlon [Vented. li K a/ray 1 T P'Lon.•r. °mots" t:, lata lin Till no o he 1m11dA0me burn Of Mrs. Jennie 1 wish 1 could and out a whpo bt of Shinn Arema coning one hhTRC1aR. : sing 'Tial,; I I i-,1 f'+,.tl:,'^ Pil...ment. v n. Ark, m a Dalit lral molls. ];,e ar To where a wlrnpie/ The tiollthald I''feC Library was 'L, Ihr ullI n i I, TaV :'atria. x. The Spanish "'ace [only IsolaM 1, the Ban- Rft2' H o Hotel Wlndwr In New York borne;about That uahOdy 4nnN'e"'- Y ate.-The C y Y Ilvm teat. list of Brooklyn,occupied by Sinclair K'ny m h»pm hit now hair P osld mm aver cMp, l0 the coal 7114, 61 all I dl-ILh, rtry prop4; Pmadn Steel Company, of Juhr ..n• ON..A new a clime at A,,, till"�. ., 'opened to the labile Monday after- You ran us• lt. for a •.h.w,r I•n.. Inennxn wages. at Ax experience ebowx; And eveu tree P 7. The sentence u+an General Ee ProL Pto It 11 of discovered ber On every hill 1 8 8¢n hie tinlrenD Tarenip" bon tommufM ith, of Brooklyn, was completely „ p noon, and St large number Of bonktl 1x'111 dt•tuk It night a4d morning!• .r nix months suxpemlon from rank end duty.- and Arkanroate.ro of people m Alahem4 Mfa!nIVp1 1'Inf Wle, with Ineat d each be m m his sial O #_ t ht g .Wa.: r �ygg The Wheolln and LAID, Eric Bell eel. :10, Martha PI CroyCd by fil'C Sunday morning..Tln at b e Inn¢ u p hart that mA hon m m .\tp, Just, Isn't keep .el w'r 1F A.A oC: ,, af, raa7k' l 1 $1rC was discovered about 6:111 why he mill w1U VacAnt tlmt s lieu alae¢roan- nor can't keen eWll. were taken out. Vrw /- f/p I' _ - _ `t ..T S. The Nntfanal BteBl Camnany charterer!. par the New Yark murAa rear, ted 1va4 m+hods knows, And cattle low. - ,P 1 - S 1 m Cewhare•squlre Telk wh Cone In Tp° ant women to all Ar elect to Yo k II r-n And Mos be-sop.., 'Phe Old, Old Iy1PA. r ±•,j scute of sk'Ign wave" ayetam�Inr lyy,oraied e'Phn load 'lite Republican party of Pond Rlaa seam rack and the alarm Hounded. The y gra In anam nfena. e Department immediately assembled I .vlfnid like N know lot when Port Arihn,10.111 And rosea nine 0 for the bey1W eplrotlta h A p.The R'ar fn"A Ignill' Cnnrm Halon r°port' Use Railroads or 'he Ce a Ila eon unc- rl. to the PrepanOl.-A court ,[ 'equity' ntrai slate to h1VnU- with the IntervBu to Cpmmerm C rmJ Their sweet Perfume, •rot thrilleq me In Me long Co.aAnYhUM�II TTfr f' ants General Milan• ¢roY beof charm Ordered, reach ° II arreamevC-Tvnueen gtlu� Fr g fps• And bloaame nail It bell I beheld wild roe delight \\'Ira ale 1aor at nndb(wRYXrr, 10. Thr BmPlxh R word king of BANTA,:A mob In I ane Riw dui nod work in covin the shed, lim nobody known, Or am tmnnloly -Ay It wilt tumbles of an lip to the Ann Th.Imnmm plot that in a mw N rt a lit, mer iLe ,grit rl cit IAonl. MrKIn1cY. Mace LreatY el axil by Fpm- County, Ark_ lynch•a t of -- I protecting other property, but the i We eu know Itd.1e11n of ill woe Pretty ntle tQN greatly Tempted MI.areatedr a ill I fell. I, d 'l IT dl hhtr 1w,t illerr,wouu. Tile"relored men lynched eel silver (If P Om wnnro the r had gained such headway that It Lal Oom MIL And In halm¢4 hard tile° to attuld on the Japs Just Upton to the Dealt and smell m'; t ' impossible to Have the barn, W111Ch To ,hr tele rad s Ilahlinrt r ! - ,'�'^ •., - 11 I1 e::r 1 lent gin.• A n t J rad l - I Immr,I run dr that. Uut '+lore "1 not And Durpu ihlatlm •lite Ica that mother mad m mnnuraotav<, is d � �ndl II\ h I:nm.: /rn..,4.1,nr r,n. t d vnu'IL•1 nes I' r eo imuu e!fn i supplies, I I" I It 1 Lvnw N P plea P Tltd like tinder. The fire started' But pvWaY knows. � Have grow" wt. -- - ' ' e♦coca♦aaa��-eae�a �afe reale-ea.ae♦ .stairs, and Mr. Smith saved big And mamlug glodea •Phe Walter hemp,at urs command. + - -� 'ice carriage, harness, etc. All the Than I w UdOi4[Mot won Wwamm much W prima, 'M Top the vo ll.blapms •Che Anat salary on the acrd; p TuNNE i c Gt a ft(, Content. \tI t• I 'Wn't exactly umderntuut LENGTH OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST ayyyy�.•._.. "4nlfit.all : .elft 1 r] reel f tlh Pn t.- R;rlch:emlede itent8 of the upper story were ShDI We bAv°Maker Into who'we'm One'll tak• I.tght uD we tree, {Shy eating pie]At grown Co hard. -__ -_- Ihu' I n uwr ell 11 U InC 1 t' I , I r'11 n Old Mbn^mm A. u at and ort-- tatr rax an nen I L . , And daisies cling pinta won when l count MUos. i uh x sold In'I int. It or 1, m tory a!n. t New York Rapid Transit......... .., _ hhry risuad a moa Wrtr. had tum non nvrurrl for ss It wan n rmah ItrDyed, These IRCIUdC(1 R $1x0110 IuQ ice About the 4neen, Now one 'lice wJ[ea nY ammmh Bebe. � n Y b At the warm w sts smo alma[ rat•y and LL good deal of furniture tllypl ws ever SOL etreei an mougA mr a+eat And averywhnn The old, aid plus were Imre lbw .ween- ' " " "' '•""' ' "'• m ih•v one +ams cmevrrralbon n4tu net mead lar,. And eve thwt The a Marupoll[an UnderrrounA, Lonitrnt . .., h° °x red by Mrs. Wells. Mr. Sm)th's Y emitadat W Dl n IhsL ..ether aapl ea eemimcl. "" ' ' '•'""•" " '. ITB hood nlsemu ro And:hawa: tot iktan plirikNM Rata Epp , 81mp1an, Rwltzarlantl........... ;mer 1 had a r(mit in the barn and he ftp wa•R SRI no[sager wltb lmat'Mt" toll Jetm lu I,ba ehnn..: red in ur< • 3 lu walL u0body kPa!ra. St. Gothard, Switzerland „ ,-, y 'lees,it's kPrmgl` Lent night 3 dreamt That 1 was Ymmg- •�� ��-�....... ... ......... nJtn tlr sly en uhn it rain V'hoy,rr npVe ,y ixtirrinveo .'. Poria Underground............ la}y + a a In tet± On t hi, clothes and other property. And You got end The m my IMY yea home 1 .tntm. ..... ................ Rfs Ir J1 't a u:tv t ulh tut re F n "Do l ,,teas• wonder what Pea{dot /Ye shall dnai. Ta ko t and w er Boiling bit alfa MY d it wait Led I tCanis, d Ohl rt and..... ..... . .. . ...... .. . .... .... i'h ar you ors t"O"ohrl 1r. you .lona^ethe ill,, rex, t hell e cause of the fire IB unknown. The And t _ - Away out where Amt.at pie-wd It wed go0d1 Baltimoreurg, And Oh.. Rallrakd......... . wtJntr whiaVcn:d Into, V.,a "nn you,Ili..e Out ..body of kkdwag 6tap I cap' .. ....... rD WRB tile finest around hC[L•, being Though we'ro lana,hit elk hwln ..obit S 'Cha eaWrt law, O IUnt name the wmlm Ymn ����-•����...... .. ...... .... .. ..... ,U44on Ila .IJn,v wit. Out by a demo iburg, Tub,, I- ndol............... . Lr g xu m u m t 1 car noses... Dam A logia loom's 1 ..tall[ take. Tuppenny Tub,, London... .. ........... led throughout of lcost$.n t There; At bmpl of micro. To pound, lana Und by fears. - .. .. . .. •• .. •• [''x slk•ntr lh., l.�l old - . - 1 eteUvt 6e:1wi An to mknel gee. Itao6n0. dergnchusMls......... Out where Rxh sea Tae plea that mol'hel uatdmdmlg0. "" ' •' - " "- -•"'•'-• '-" ••- - t� 'I Io r0,airr mfr for my lllVcatpmntah'oI 'Do Tru Lellevf R oto mSnrnRre of f,26U11 on the build- Rot 1'S➢ke moat N know bow I'll hitaila elMelis Liver Flede r-$1001) ill the Liverpool,London and.And It 1 can aa,aame of the ZWAY 1'ra legs{ Are Ueln¢}lora. -Houafan Peat., grroUnd.... ....................................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r -- Llvm'pool aIle BDRentb.td Ube, slog)in the Commercial Union'' Perhaps Hints will Pah pork 1pat,ttw daHaA Peana. Ab.weJll which is the . � 1 ,u ni rtnnu a nuncrooh. ran arra f 1 f u rrplbld ah ape° oss\ o`n vlftdoA'1 Ire OWN. From the wasubamn star. From s,t fs patted LMµender theca" 1111g1aR Oplumado, Gma yNortho ..... .... \ rD"Te d pro in the Connecticut- MTB. Wpy 0dbear'ImoMl lite kaem the breath kl¢magaAnd I" } Fuddipos Aus Nm•lpern l4do-o, l . ....... ._ . .. ........ mr kfM speak popes uU<Il the woollen Whuner`bred I" I ]tuddpmt. Auatrtu...... . .A jet, till cilli also had her books and furmtare___ --- - -- -t Atopw]ees to gentle.pnee t' r,,rotor.to eartb. An Imeplkarlt on Ills 144moB, TTaY nay teat alt waA Aa lie lap that :vita..,all things that bits. i Gtpwider, Montana... .. ' .. .. CIn I look Val rtiall COYerCd by IOBUranC.e. Mr. -an* Idower a momtnt then forsake. "' ' ' " " F � * t S ❑ AIU1<+aha Im Y *1 ell tl ittke n.tropilla of Ddbnu ¢[Moto. W416 sal $ lvanhon. Colorado .... 2 33{ i anit ylmt,`rYaDr No,.roc that Yet wean k lay emmpb ens ao More tares ...• .•• ...••.• .... . p Nlnalop,a ptdro we.a, romwo'10'Noijol�•: inn a' ..•... .. ..•. .. e Sarna. CRaudu .. . (�. plea lite{IDotp9r lkentl'la mannhmnR � "" ""'� -- -��-�- � �- � -� � .. 1 '�'L111aA�xe AulA shoo spirit:"--CL:ebt•M 1. rill, AntNLmPhl ebtutylel q 1 J '-�'- - Tkey --Ma e 'Z fit` AttoYMT _ _. wauga 3sn{PnN: A .... . nith refA�c�n�tcd the bila Department g p4e cep° ._� -_ kiVR�iaakf�- -__�___ iNaMHTeaasaaoaaa a.a.s.«.a,.a.a saaaNsaasf sef.1 Ila 3:f�ssa Pp�d ,a w Atha, %ter 'waguu-- __-_.._._. .n .._ y,.xra- ,.._ ,.... ,.,._.. �,411, tEPiy. y1t1 n n4.1Ft r I Weep Swallow. � t1ENIr1tAL i+Ils:CROLCJ-opp�t0�,(otr�tirruo,(j. s •, -^ I A. Weep! _... in the ler GENERAL CHRONOLOGY,i59&__._Cnnt"inued, )W. "ides. ho ttlnl(lr°tis! GENERAL CIIR,ONOLOGY 1 � '"'•,^ '""� - -----+�.� T, kits Itablo MY ehlldrru, i -Cnntt7tued. r,'l1. oltihlttoll GENERAL CHRONOLOGY •rr7" �Tt"t`itPgex Crnrnty Bank at Perth Amboy, ow- - ry of ttirtnn lec�tIlIK January. OF 1899, Cash n Aty, At and t, The 'United States assumes tovr•rr•lwt over 12. '1'1„• `'"uth Dakota State Insane• of Ansi man Ike Swallow. all Cuba,--Tisa I'Aktc,rr burns; seventeen Inmates Asylu of ,outlet, oerrr or of mann abitndoned! l'POnv4 for public use, tertxtInal railroad station Twelve Italiana killed h 2. Tux riots break out in 81111 Plume, Cbl.-The steam r a "al"wtelldwreckedl err l par- 'jvy. tha rrixrttful" 2, rn Y, Babls Island and her crew of thirty lost, off �' New " war rganlsutloh of the United States i�Txteen"to- 19, A nutre a part y t>ne Adunay I,eaqus basun in t)eStat Bark aPtr at �axkayrd prevalla all over the Union '„rk t asst, t3lrt 121.key, "Che aundatlon stone of Gordon Memorial Texas fro xen to deahau Town' Im}ealnrynl1�ui�h of med.- e lel- Ie f tral it ids Martit:i! 'y�lli�r taltl in Khartoum. ('leveland, convicted of malleasanre ler ,rllflre,-- Cotta, r i C"urer,n installed As Vlasroy of India.-- Four persona found dead and three ata eAed in at seven- soli rarlt�a `rnthr,rn o,apitallets Preura oontrol of the Sea- h,luas t ltteru. b,+drd .Air T.now, a Marlbar'a, •Mises, � cheat to ri.s- 7, A mKountaln faller Into Fraser River, 13, f",. 1'I1iiltppi eh dlselslmer rrmdrlrilutcion star.-Mr, Fork t tlit^tIl kit ktu�-- .hanging the course of a river and lnundatin rl ft liners'+ C 71l it a platform farthing reg{t,n.-Cit �t +•na e, passed by the 1n al- 0. nod st Y Treasurer I3levine of New 1&. The first anniversary of the destruction of �trucl- rd«•r- alter, anted, cl pl en 1'4900,T 1'a., murdered and his nfAne Tabbed. the Maine observed.-1c`Ire at the Brooklyn Navy Phil- dimelytrioua, 4• "0, t.ehfrh Valley passenger hinitrains roill•1e 1'+trd desire rho• ori nothin at 1A'est Dun 19h N. J. killing sixteen pint rkly� valued at ;tl,tfa0C1,00(1, .da toy no for 1d. Theo alleged tomb oI Romultra off people. 1R, The Isthmus of elected President trike c France edce sworn srrrirr sus, Inited lttfortil. iinnte.•�-Ch,tr'lemairne 'Power nominsted Ambaasal- Faure, deceased, and Chinese fight a ;curt t the g k itr'tli iicht'luitig +lir r Husga ane Addison t`. Harris Minister to battle at Tallen-`'Van,-13rof. llteveru, found runt glk �irlr , rc�sr td it'look 111. Jose sit Reston, I•'a., of setting Ars to l.rlCayette tial O - glty, Tarr lr,, if. .loseph H. Choate nominated Ambassador to lege. Alm- ibiaioti If'- "ourt at 8t. James. !e sign pp i7aknt:t 12. rnrnrrrlarrt�.C7enerat Eagan makes a feraotoue earn The theaterphone successfully ttrrted in Chi- a rtrn- t• I. r liitr- attack u at ,Tont t drugil bt u1min gyral Mlles In a statement before 81. Prof. Ft, tA', Vlrond of the .Inlvr�rWity of i�'IH- !t not- airs„t toile the War lnvestfl;anon C rrgrithe killed y dt'uttgtsat n"910 afters miralon.-•Andrew car. ranatn thaw's frozen water pikes with electrk'tty, yttnir- roze it) fi iuct il; Ingtort, 'C toward a free library in Wash- 22, Germany Inh,rinally requests of the United titatr�s tine rr+ f„rtrn- lir f phi l- oata47 rlrracrc�tl 1$. Tire Anrerlorrn ';t,M! ,rod Wlty Company 1n- movuI or ChloC Justice C'hIImbers a+rrtlmiol- ;4, ky in rnrpnratcrf, ur:tamrtrt, mint* lilt+ moVtt.iGus>It ti.'I'ht+atsatrtetril,Oceanic. the IarRertt ever built, condemns 23. The Pf',t'e' in a letter to Cardinal Gibbons soli it •(re- it tho Iter truffle.. 1:14' at Newrustle, nesHorr mertcIIntsm as a church movement' rt+n t rmer �xpa• tho boitlts l�sada b+'rat fluatrwve yf,iF'.nr'-�ThP�r111marine tor- w7, ThN genote passes the arm rens l.-7'hr PPO H Toulon, Irranco..-The Drttish ship Andalin�Nt�,rurult 111Etuxiarrested�ronatheiellrarlitnt(,r1murde in Mol- i by g store, Pro at T'arnins. Wash,' nineteen !tress lost. poison Nara, Adams in New 1 irk. re-or- licarl mit-tbIng 15, A rlrunktrn Indian mob repulsed In On At. 2x. Borah evink's expedition lands on t er y Park- an n tnokMgr sirs. C)t•- older. kiliv upon JunetU, Alaska; tour or their numbs+r arrttc unntinont. rt;�'+i rnjamou, kitlrrt. h Ant- lop at .Jan, nester Ind war pulat, Anf�ll7.o 1E last hostile lin,0h farce surrenrters to March. .-Thr '' "" l Now- tCirr- tracitd nt hullri4lr,p�uiid LO hWie)1abscondeds'ovartnhUIIdrtphta ,rr nrrlre Haub 11.the thenlahcompromise er e _ !n ran- bur 1. I'he Ma passes the cornPramise army re- r"spur-y ''ling f the g- 1 atha, 1R, C', 1Mt, I�wpew x$1 t1Ao,Wil rt Ministry a ign, gllstn faint New Ynrk, and.elected Stated �anatar t.ilK„rr r lalme to have discovered Norton ildr4lr, arra. 13everfdre front Indl- lutrdeninst steel plates.-The ChlcaJ6aa anflrAlt„n Jrtato l' liCkdnt:n" Molaldra 19, (t,ritr.,a,i sold to the Tlarrlscln ayndioa and arliu" • Titre Cuban tSvacuatian Commisalon dlesalves. t cul advance of wares takes lace In the iron an,l ra.V, >erLL 1n inverilitatlon by ao�lentisra at Keely's Werk- V1111 Industries. ar'n- �tdrd dols proved that the allegeot motor Warr a walk. 2. F'rndust t McKinley signsA rica,- _ S.A., Tars" rNr�rt. ly by C. ars, 0 0011- lou lsh appropriation and Admiral t the *M.000,000 demands ures.- / kung t the+ 1l1. The k3enata iurwtons the :•icaragua Canal 1x111. fr+rm China railroad caneasslnnrr and the lasers rt nlu Ortniht, dtro sderht vUlugr,r !n alta tit'to-ek Prinp4tnnelsus Tian Min I3tr Y demands+ Y•--fleneral Toral arrested In Madrid, r r '1, a t3o- I a tiai2lrt vr•tta, Y an r.,rthrluake. .3. Dewey �s out 1 called fitm. he heaviest da s business ever trans- States Navy.-Silvela becomes Promfer of Spain.- r- Y. I'; artnrt _y Y prantrtted to be Admiral Of the l.lnited rriallttt an the Near York Stock Exchange",--The lirttley resigns the Demtarratic leadership In the roa,ru pdaoe 111r1�1ttilOti Finuttt J,•rsry Nt1490 strike begins. ry (ho 4`i rwuth, he Urent Spirit, 24. Ring Clsear of Swe'len y Volume of Representatives.-Three German ileuten- report,Ili, 4.4 thrn- d s honor, in favor of brown Prince auptstavlslcrtrrtll retires ants make the fastest baboon trip on record, t3eneral Eagan convltted by court-ntartlal.- the rate rf Berlin Across anhour. irranttarrut nl�srr 9ll C rr �, ?rime iitlFtht y, fl'nrrolnsrrrt, stilt of the linitimore am t1Uld to'I1 Its: mad ordorerf. 1 nhlo Rall- 4. Con ernnrw, Congress arplosio s--l�IToulo a hc►aple killed by. ndetta �j lip of t D�1i1- w'i.'kt d! I" "Chs 1lrruae pass" the Hull army bill.--Sixty a'gunpowder explosion at '1'oulan, I+'rance. � i v. 11, ytaars , t.arl' Kentucky tlirstillerles consolidated, g. Prof. Woad ar the Pitiverslty Of AVfaconatn kllllnit ; Ir„r .r, announces the Qlsoavery or u new method of Dolor ,Timor. 80 tl re- Inntrur.tlons February. photography. .Dray- � rrlran Caahlon, 1.'Fite Sauth Dakots Legislature finally pare atteMrs. silo M o bja�kmaldl the Jay Gould heirs. 421 2 t,or, it flew rat ulring our �r Y ted at Albany orf - Year's residence to obtain a 1I. ']'11e last Spanish troops, exec t the nick in hot at ' 49 frhil- rn J. 11011. tivurre.-• he, American Potterlsss Company or haspttIIls, evacuate Cuba.--'1'ha Cu ' 4l1 +ty(it Hd aN aw,rvt+r, itrtniztrd.•-�Ttre Creek Indian treaty signed, '"removes" General 4camets from IIuthnrlt saernbiy senger 40 r at„ris, ran" 1. p eral 00mez convents to President McKln- era)James A. Waiker shoots and mortally woun is Pnr- w^r Von- i Prints; r king, toy"a pr Australian Tela#molt to payment of (Itatan Attorney W. S. Hamilton to a street combat. Por- Pro cirinkln. trtrot>a•-Aurtrsllan near °; ? r cir- 1S prem ort: ssr+ee Ulxrn a tr dorrl- 1"i, Representatives of the United Station, la re- flat- 'on tion plsn,---Tlse Naval an:f solitary Order of the• Britain and Germany reach a new agreement " ,tet C3reat N,J, mast Spanish-American t's'ar orranlze,f.--i�rot. Brash- r.anoorninrs• fiarnnar, :air?, of t of water suit ri 1'lttabr X.m completes the lar eat rock- tri. American and 1'Trilish cruisers bombard >4a- ! ! sandl+tOnrt. �slt pr ant ever made for Faror. Lang e n re- 1 and guzzle mlthxonlan Ineetltut.lan. Washinlxton. Y cit th,r moan villages. .. 4. This 1�hlittapin war bretius out.-'.Mex, 13otkin, C7e�-t4ix meiFour n kitir*droex lroat dTInt tpringsaArk�mipt if bill. c wn . nor n. the California poisoner. at•ntenced to life Im- rlrtt. between tart it .' hn i agn prinonvient, paliticaI mobs. 150 ar- vlt•ll lila trunk '. 1^ltiirlt. 8, Tia i3panlrih Ju+ace frosty rntiAed by the 14„ 17. The Hotel Windsor In New York burns;about ate.-The Cambria Steel c'ntt,ttany of ,Johnrrtown, fifty q vnuwns�ake111te of Saturn discovered b �+1''rra ' toutit, prt)plc; PA., tnvrrarters wages, lulu,.. id of hlrn c;hrli:ttr, T. The sentence upon C3enrrai N:agxn conrnrkto, Prof. Pickering or Harvard Vnlve-rslt x al gcsv- .+ uth: A morning" to six months' suspenislon from rank and duty.-- kilt over a score of peaiile!n Alabama, A3Tlselroslnpl jrrtnk . rr. were f.astiog Tho Wheellng and Lake Erle ttallroad snl,t. y'-- anti Arkansas, pis 1tf Vic- .. turnnd around r. Thor Vatlanrrl Steel Company chartered,-Th4r f1�vtMirarth t�,itatee,[lwleNtrp,c�York o rk. murderess, the, Al{' tIB117)ltid t`relrure-Rr;ulre '1`+/t'xraph Company of C�levelan,l, 11 Con- '. , .not at all, ester using the, "sista wervrr" 1, The Republlean party of I',srto Iden organ- t say pp to"tin f sic a Its S frits Inr,trpnratrd.-Thr ltcr•rl, t hun- , skate @ter filet siert'. 1x iraln ralsrrrf,' � min„ foot Slipped, he mar tnvrstirntlrsn rrrlfrrrrinslon re Trutt+ 2n withI'tallror the C+ntrttl Stater+, In ronjune- rlrehet, -- I'realdrnt.-A court of lnqulry to inte•stl- rnachwatrt Lille Inter-Stateagt.0 Commerce COMM Ifislo A, nail: aund hila rate l}rnernl Mllett' army brrf r.hargos ordered. rt owned king of Samna,•A mob In ZLlttlo River mem �'-ring roar) I, wtwIz,1% 14, Thr Spanish Mace treaty signed by pros. t•ountY. Ark., lyhrrhea a 1' rirnal it°all ft rt, !dent McKinley. I'hrnn rry)ir,-s1 mn gang of seven negroes.-- 't'"'tort' rs crzrrtrrfr,rra, tint realon, h iynehw,i nr•,rr silver f`Ity, Mlrte. ink behind: I l:rtnw t wrtr'irinlx hIl'srl(sail'." erect and qual! fol' rte 11aatl]:IPity. ,•And sit downt Yes,I know;T can do that, but Ifefore an r.lephant and lenrn jwul.kcy r•�tlll.ii - It harts."--F�hfxrrdc+lphirt Arca:•r. I'd rlttwllrtl berltttad filer tall. a+rhe.�+��4�►♦�►�,�►ai-►-t,i.►�.a4 ►+1 ♦* _ y'_. 4..__._._..,..__ __ -Irousln»t�oM* Quite Cc�'n.texlt. �O t to De C:lOeraetrl. " THE WORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism,"said f;ov.Aycock, of North Caro- Which reminded.the of another story,told me of Ilan, "!a a marvellous thing. I, used to know a an old flsherman a long time ago, when we naked t ttnerit.,, widow who thought she would look Into it a little, together aloew the Elk. Milena, 4-g She vLyited a medium, and the man altrextrt for EG It saes a candidate for church membership who Hund Lrrntlgn.......................... " t3 to give liar some conversation with her dead hug- want up to be examined as to his flea Sol for ad- d I.................. hand. d..................... mission. ...........•...••••••••••••••••....... TZ "lie put the lights out and fell Into a trance, "Do you believe in the Bible?"said the preacher, land..............................................I............ 91/4 ♦ and suddenly a flim, Iralcs shapo appeared In the "yes: 1 belleve T belleve 1n,the Bible." ..•.•........................................................... 81/4 ♦ turthr;,at,blactkeit gorner of tho roost. "Do you belleve Ood loves you?" ,land.................................I—...................... 11/2 + "'Are you my hursbaud? Are you John?' the "Olt, yes,I belleve that." Railroad.................. widow whispered tremulously. "Do , ,,,,,.,, 7 you......•.................. ti "11 am John,'a bass voice answered, ,. "Yes. T believe that. doff....................................... .. " �,c'/a "Ivor a moment, awe-stricken, the widow was "Do you believe the Whale ,,, sits............ sllont. Then she said: "Y-e-s,I belleve I believe halt," JotxaJt, .....•........•..... .•.. 4%' "'Do you forgive me for my Ill-treatment of you "Do you believe the three Hebrew children w'Nre '.'.'....,,•.......•.............•..............I...... ......... 4t/s In ]lfrs?* cast into a furnace of fire and were not burnocl?" nhead..................................................__,.. 41h "'I forgive all,'replied the voice. "N-o-o, I don't believe that." .................................I........I..................... 2,�� " you happier that t were when you Stere r ♦ 'Arcs ot you � n o "Oh,well, you can't,loin the church, `Cltat•,s 1n horn Rtr.11road................... �r/, ♦ living?' the Bible. and anless you belleve all of the 1b ..• .. " rc to return to earth? you can't loin the church." c A le ♦ Much hailpior .. 2 }{ 'Have you no desi "Can't 1 loin unless I believe that t , "ho,scree:that you can't." .........I............................•.........•.•............. : Where or(.,you,John?' Hu tphl then I want to t ell You right here, 1 ...................••. •..-..................................... 1 'In 1adav'sal!thespir - evelrnd Lerler. don't believe that thered u fis. story a' yours ottbor,"- Arashvfite Banner. c+1-4•,f-s�,►�.h��r+-�•►-*sem•#--►-*ir..leta-!•�-1:�1•-t-!?-f-4-��,1-�-` -_.._._ __ .._ hibitioli. itha, waguu- --- --- .._ .L_ ,"�:. _ �,._ ,..- .,tg'le: 1iTinnf t 11101 of 190.9i .. " Swallow. I I _ GENERAL NECROLOGY OF 1809-Continued Moses! _._. M. in the GENERAL CHRONOLOGY,1899-Continued, rwM1410e. tan!;less! rts GENERAL 6HR'ONOLOGY 1899-Contin T" '" "" """""`^' Ir'. 1,22. liable i children, n +1- { Tha MirlrilPcaSr C°tatty Bank at Perth Amboy ow" ry of i ngton i �ition GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 1899• Cash'- n Nty, a and ing Jannaa"y. d and man 12. The South Dakota State Insane Asylum at euterl- •, it of snaraa 1. The United States assumes is over Yankton burns; seventeen inmates cremated.-- 7oulet, oers Swallow. all Cuba--The Basion terminal railroad station Twelve Italians killed by a snowsllde at Silver t opened for public use. ony- the audoned. 2. Tax riots break out in Sicily. Sable PlumeIsl ol. ande here crew of thirty!wrecked off I Dur- ilva; s Now WAS { eful'? 3. Organization of the United States Sixteen-to- great blizzard prevails all over the Union •nrlt ;p ere! more )arty One Money League begun in Denver, east oP the Rock M i1 Rickey, 5, The foundation stone of Gordon Memorial y ountairus; many people in mad»- irk„ 111 I4• College laid in Khartoum, Texas Prozen to death.--Judge Usllenbaugh of V•-+Ta- !k uP midlo tiLi! 6. Lord Curzon installed a, Cleveland, convicted of malfeasance In office.- - tette, °s s Viceroy of India.- Four persons found dead and three stupefied In a seven- and to die- Southern capitalists secure control of the Sea- house at �Iarlbor•o, •plass, rs. board Air Line. 14, Northwestern flour mills combine.-comb Great t 4th tem kicking- Yrork 7 A mountain falls into Fraser River, B. C, Philippine disclaimer rasolutian passed by the �n at_ g Hari a changing• the course of a river and inundating Senate. platform farming region.-City Treasurer Blevins of New 15. The first anniversary struct- oder_ liter, voted. race it- Castle, Pa., murdered and his office robbed. the Mains observed.-P`Ire at P the Brooklyn i Navy the pA for uensions, 4• Two Lehigh Valley passenger trains collide Yard destroys property valued at $1,500,000. de by Phil tcthin at Nest Dunnellen, N. J., killing sixteen 1.6.-The Isthmus of Panama strike compromised. rson Intrad g 10. The alleged tomb of Romulus discovered in 18• Emile Loubet elected President of.France vice sworn ourt �ti�e- em Rome.-Charlemagne Tower nominated Ambassa- Faure, deceased,-ItuseIans and Chinese light.a ddy- agrees eel scheluing dor to Russia and Addison C. Harris Minister to battle at Talien-Wan,-prof. Stevens Pound Ogle- _ tits look-in! Austro-Hungary. at .Easton, Pa,, Of setting fire to Lafayette Cgjy 11. Joseph H. Choate nominated Ambassador to g om- f7lty, eoliira, ion the Court of St. lames. lege. se sign tro- r r liar- ]rota 12. Commissary-General,Eagan makes a Ferocious sag. The theaterphone successfully tested in Chl- }rocity pr°_ ;. attack upon pon General Miles in a statement before 21. Prof, R, W. 'wood of the University of Wls- egro the killed ab the War Investigation Commission.-Andrew Car- it set- wile ru 1st regia offers consin thaws frozen water pipes with electricity. osting- a ak to minors; Ington. $250,000 toward a free library in Wash- 22• Germany informally requests of the United form- in- t phii- netOd 13. The American Steel and Wire Company in- of SamoStates ahe removal of Chief Justice Chambers ssassi- .6, kY 91r sou corporated. near n ire_ 11 tine movement 14,'The steamship Oceanic, the largest ever built, conde23, mns "Am ericanism,oanlamt as to church massae and t Expo- traffic, launched at Newcastle, En Ten• rmer bot tiles pada boat Gustave g•'-The submarine tor- 27. The Senate passes the army reorganization 1•-The a of D. Toulon, Prance.-The British eni li ndlost. -Rolatested n ineu11 x i arrested th the o one the charge tot Rmurder n MOl- store, ars at Tacama, Wash.; nineteen lives lost, l rear- divan air a thin. Parlc- g 15. A drunken Indian mob repulsed in an at Poison exams Inpeditionew olands on the Ant- lap at gid Jan. Histo) rider. tack upon Juneau, Alaska; four of their number arctic continent, MOS, killed. , 17. The last hostile Dervish force surrenders to Marsh. .-The a as t New_ Cf7rer- ivar paint, Anglo-Egyptians.-1Villiam Rhodes a PhiladeI hie 1• The House 1?em builder, found to have absconded,,aabill.-The paten- trot p basses the compromise army re- erbury !ding P titre K- r 1S. C. M. Depew elected United States$1Sena Oor Ec pnz&claims ilto haveSpdiscovered is rmstl ode of 'nglish Priam New York, and Alfred Beveridge Prom Indi- hardenin steel 3uate ),*crier en' g plates.-The Chica$i0 and Alton arli&- ens' molars, A The Cuban Evacuation Commission dissolves. Rall ad anceroad dotfowathe ©s ak'Iso Synd the iron and I n 21 -An investigation by scientists at Keely's work- steel industries, g Y gen- -An g p rice,- - 4,A„ Tnpen ' 3 p proves that the alleged motor was a delu- 2. President McKinley signs the $20,000,000 Span- panic fiarrs, 5 ootr- cion. 1eo. 22. 21. The Senate passes the Nicaragua Canal bill. from appropriation arailroad concessionsandand ripe demands ores,- raring ltg�t. destroyed villages in the Greek Peloponnesus San Mun Ba t tion Y•-General Total arrested !n Madrid. P. r .1., a 1ao- �.me was, 9 Yed by an earthquake. 3. Dewe as out 11ed him. 3 The heaviest day's business ever trans- States Nav tri list ,7. P. Y promoted to be Admiral of the United acted Je the New Yorlt Stock Exchange,-Tire Bailey resigns the Democratic leadership in the 61aHe =)seas Y.-Silvela becomes Premier of Spain.- e amps South Jersey glass strike begins. >y the i 48 tooth, Great Spirit, 24. King Oscar of Sweden y House of Representatives.-Three German liIn the Ceport, 413 Oon- honor provisional! retires ants make the fastest balloon tri on record : near 40 1 .n.14. gime in favor of Crown Prince Gustay. make from Berlin across the Austrian frontier gat iiahty, 27. General Eagan convicted re court-martial.- the rate of sixty-eight miles an hour ennes, + 88 P. iii Irareclosure suit of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- 4. Congress adjourns-Fifty-one people killed by i 23 tell 115: road order•Fci. ndr:tta 80 ir,p of C Il+Iil- ;l;E.d! ;i. The House passes the Bull army bill.-Sixty, a gunpowder Prof WoodpioPion the tUnlversitY ran cWiaconsin g i 80 1 v• 11, Yiia Kentucky distilleries consolidated. killing lura r, announces the discovery of a new method oL color lamas• , ll re- ructions February. photography, , roes, 2 _rey- 26 ))teen ion, I. The South Dakota Legislature finally passesattempting to bl blaret ackmail the JaytGou d Albany of a law requiring one year's residence to obtain a 11. The. last Spanish troops, except the sick in hot at i 49 7v if bn an divorce.-The American Potteries Company or- hospitals, evacuate Cuba.-The Cuban Assembly 49 ; qty oP v>d an ganized.-The Creels Indian treaty signed. "removes" General Gomez from authorit serge) 40 itoris, rtmoe �'e1', 2. General Gomez consents to President McKin- eral James A. Walker shoots and mortally wounds 80 io redEye. ley is proposition relating to a meat oP Cuban Attorne y-Gen , Por- wqr d.rinkin troops.-Australian p Y Y W. S. Hamilton in ttives of the a street combat. near av 7, Ven- g tion plan.-The Naval an iS ll nary lords)fed( `the BritainandGermany reach ated States Great Pat.- r oir- ghty' Spanish-American War organized.-prof, Brash- concerning Samoa. .a re- e•luet ;ate of N.J. water ear, Of Pittsburg, completes the largest rock- 1.5. American and British cruisers bombard Sa- ndstone. salt prism ever made for Prof. Langley n re- 1 �d guzzle Smithsonian Institution, Washington.g Y of the moan villages. 4, The Philippine war breaks out.-Ylrs. B tkIn, Gas-S x meour n killedroes atHot In Springs, Ark., al bill. F, .c: r n , the California poisoner, sentenced to life im- riot between tart a nabs prisonment• political mobs. p g ' in a 150 Brit. 6. The Spanish peace treaty ratified by the Sen- fifty lives otellostWindsor in New York burns; about vltlz his trunk ate.-The Cambria Steel Camnany of Johnstown, 18. A new satellite oP Saturn discovered b r anuth, ogle; ate. increases wages. Sierra iser, Iuito.- .. M of hire r 7. The sentence upon General Eagan commuted kill overcae�careoop peptle in Alabavard ma, Mississippi tai gov- , turnod a.rouaacl lorning.' to six months' suspension from rank and dot a,, Tornadoes 9 Joint utlr, +ere feasting The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad sold. Y• and Arkansas. rf Vic- tEd R. The National Steel Company _ 20• Martha Plftce, the New York murderess the •• r .ayt p Crehore-Squire Telegraph Comp, of tCleveland, first woman to suffer electrocution. er using the "sign wave" system, incorporated.-The iz21.ed,The Republican y g la Con- , not tri all, the river. state of siege in Spain raised. Dart of Porto Rica Organ- 9. The War Investigation Commission reports 23• Railroads of the Central Stateta, in conjune- . hon- - 51 r pearl' g P tion with the Inter-State Commerce Commission, mine to the GenPreeral court of inquiry to invest!- reach a tariff agreement,-Tanumafili Maitetoa .men. s )aril; 1 pini gate General Miles' army beef charges ordered. crowned king of Samoa,-A men. tlrrr roar! iiia), 10. The Spanish peace treaty signed by Pres- County, Ark„ lynches a mob In Little River tirrrrrl 'ter, ident McKinley. gang of seven negroea.-- 't'etai'y : regfan. Three colored men lynched near Sliver City, Mise, -c*k be�Cfcrr O` rrning against ink belrlrrcf: I l uervt' tion!„ t g 1 75`rneet and qualI Lt c•e�Se it.ineL for popularity. „And sit downl Yes, r know; I can do that,but 137ro an elepliant and learn - _- - It hurts."-Philadelphta.Press. I'd prialled behind 11161 tail, 4-+ �� T� Quite Content. No t 'tO 13® (;Oeroed. ++++ WORLDtS GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism,"wild Gov.Aycock, of North Caro- Which reminded ane of another&tory,told ax r, - widow who thoutiht us thing. I used to ]snow a a.n old Sshermrin a long time ago, when we n �� Lina "Is a marvel! oli she would bolt into it a little• to¢'ether along• the Elk- sit '���" Miles. She vi,aited a medium, and the man agreed for$5 . .. ......................................... .. 22 4-5 It was a aandlda.ts for church mernberralalri ro�••$j,,,� ........... ind, London....... a her some conversation with her dead hus- o be oxaminedi s to his fi ................ 13 band• went up t a s tnO.Sm fnr 3.................... i 1 into a tin nce, ?"S m h 12 mission "lie put the lights out and felt h believe t the e ..:........................ ...............•................ ! ti r i the 9a lubeileve I believe the I31bia,na r .. gY�4 ; and suddenly a dim, palc shape epee � ..ge '` r •••••••.••••-•.. SI/z ♦ furthest,blackest corner of the)Hort. "Do you believe God loves p•' 3• Are you m husband? Are ou. ..... .. •,.. i'Y/z ♦ Y Y you John?' the ^Uh,yes. 1 believe GPiait," ilro.ad......................................... . 7 ♦ widow whispered tremulously. "`7)a you believe.13®mode then world hl six drd}r�, ...............•................................... 1 arra John,'a bass voice answered. •..... G "Yes, I believe that." "1�or a moment, awe-stricken, the widow was "Do you believe the whale Swallowed...... ........................................,........... 5 h silent. I`llen she said: o forgive me Sot y ill-treatment a, I believe I believe that- Jon h. 1o you `Yn ........................... „Y_ n 4�4 'UO y0mi q "Do u believe the three Hebrew ahlleirr ad....... ........... 4� n life?' oast into a furnaCO of fire and were xr `-r ` .....................•............................ 4'� 'I forgive all, replied tits voice. rr Ot horned. , ....................... Y u h 1 p er the u�t re when Are o a i n "�-o-o, dont believe that" .. 2a� ♦ "Oh well, you can't n Railroad....... ..,,..... ,• You w _ t e all o! tit) Ii ! Y b e t �^ ♦ living?'• Join ., e Bible. and unless „ Much ha,pp[or' 11 n o were t}r You ca.n't oin the church." the chtxr•ch 'Chat,"v `1 ................................... -re to return to earth?* a that ' e 1 j a� ............ ..... 2 Have.you no dell "Can't I join unless I b®liav ;,• ,, 'None whatever.' 1 ., � a-r;tee•that you ortxx't 'R-here are you,John?' "F[unaph! then I want to tell In Hades'said the spirit'"-Cleveland Leader, ydu right here. Y' ----- ___--___- - dant believe Hast there d.- ax fie.: story a' � ritht+r."-.nTasf►2ille Banner. Hiawatha on Prohibition, "All aboard!" isald Hiawatha, "Mount, the festIvo wat(.1, wugtju---- .Toin tbe Prohibition party, CesL your vote for Mr. Swallow. M0ft+h IfInIf of 19f)q What a name for such a Moses! GENERAL INEC ROLOUY OF 1809-Continuml. What a title for n leader GENERAL CHRONOLOGY, 18 )w. lqthe 99 Continued. "Idoll. Of the ex-tanks and the, tankless! GENERAL ClIiO'N'OLOG�,Is . .. * 1 1 ­_+­l liable I have lbtt(-Iy thought, my ehildrea, DO-Continued. 1,at. That the friends of Ilrahililtioll GENERAL CHRONOLOGY 14 "'h- V11101--ir rnuntv,13ank at Perth Amboy, iiilw- ry of ngtoll Made a bad bull in selecting antlary. Y OF 1899. it on d and mati -t wivked nanie like Swallow. I Cuba.-Tble Bustun terminal railroad station at euten- ir of 1,111LOIS a d4 L,r 1. The United 13tat South Dakota State insane Amylurn Anybody for a Is 41 Cash "ity, a rand 'IM111111100 sovereignty all burns, seventeen Inmates aremated.- 1("1`u`1*�ert1,- of-I'M Willi at over YAOI'he How stiggestive! Now abandoned! uPoned for Public use welvf Italill"s killed by a 2. Tax riots break ties, in IT-lume, Col.-The steamer Snowelide at Silver int lento Swallow! Isn't It, disgravorui,., Moravia wrecked art I put*- �.l Was 3. Organisation of the 17n Sable Island and her crew Now .Might as well put lip a party line Mune [led itates Sixteen-to- 13. A great blizzard Of thirty lost. wore I 1-*Rgu$ begun I n Denver. re% The c r. east of the it Falls all over the -1 IllOrl Yoi R f oral, With a, nunie like Sloe Gin 1W key, 01ilillution stone Rack Npluntains; many peopio 1:1 tried.- . ,)h It. rousp.e Cafe or Dry Martird! "flex, laid In Khartoum. Of Gordon Memorial Texan frozen tooe eath.-Judge Dellenbatigil .,r e'.-Ja- f krk,, 6. lord Ottmon Cleveland, cunriotee I of fiddle Prohlbitionlatu, my dearles, �4olithorn capitullelintatflIll-4 as Viceroy of India.- Pour Persons foun alfeneanve In t1loo- d denil tend three stupefied 10 Are a funny lot (if critters. Illuird mr Unv. i-rure control of the Son- house at Marlboro, ell, seven- itild din- 7. Great York tlt Bach campaign beholds them kicking-6 7. A 14. Northwestorn 11'. mll"at"111 flAllm Into Frasor River., 11. (1. Philippine )ur 1111110 biassed op 1-litinxIng tilp cour" Of it river I dl A and inundating it Bona e. resolution passed by t1io tin at- 9, 'Sees thein building'up a platform farming region.. city Treasurer Blovirils W 15. The first. anniversary of the Atru(.L- •iter, ootod. .-Fire at the Brooklyn Navy I till, Phil- an for With a single plank to grace it-- Murlivred and his OMce robbead. the Maine Observed destruction Or With a plank of small dimensions, 9. Two Lehigh NRIleY passenger trahi* collide Yard destroys property valued at $1,500,000. Ato h3, 'reran Waterlogged and fit fon, ncthing ill West Dunnellen, N J­ killing mixteen people. Jillted 10. Tho alleme(i turn' 16.The Isthmus of -Panama atrIke c-=prornIse(I. In r aunt Each campaign boholdr, the AnIhanda Faure sworn urt ILtes- b of lifitilulux discovered In 19. Romile Loubet elected President of Franco �,I( 3. Save a Prohibition platform. Itome--CharloratignO Tower nomInAted nese light a ogress Just. as though they had a took-in! Allstro-litingary, Minlot4ter to battle at TaII1!n-Wan,-Prof Stevens found guilty Ogle- -lit scheiiiing '1"r to Russia and Addition (!, Harria deeea sed.-Rusal line and Chl e ego. I n a of setting 'il am- I'Ahurt Or St. Mmes. Ea to ' P ril to LqfaYette (,lot- I was strong for Pruhlbition III,,•" Joseph N. OhOat nominated Ambassador to olty, ao0n, Till I (livolt. In North Dakota 12. (lot M The theatiq-Ijbilue Ouccestitfully tilgil I "'"I"I'ArY-Civneral Began makmi a ferociout, vago. tested In (,lit- tro- r 1. ar- For a month or so ]art stinnut-r. attack 110111 General 3411es In it 04taternent befury pro. the killed the War Inveotigation 91. Prof, R. w. WGOd exrci ti negle doff $2",f)OO Of the University or Wis. It Hot- 4, It t k0lia, There I raw the thifty drugghit COMulf4mitin.-Androw Cur- consin thaws frozen Water pipes with electricity. mtIng- Sellirg horno-made booze to ridnord; Ington. toward it frow library In waah- 22. ('1ermuny Informally request" 'if the In- There I saw the pious deacon IS. The Amerlean Steel Hinton the removal Of Chief Justice " United f0rnl- f phil- MILtod rorporated, of Samoa. Chambers "'HIlmsi- Z. ky in Who was foremost in the movement Company In- near f .(ro- it the 14, The Pileamsillp 0(4ftanIV Ille 23. Tilt- Polw, In a letter to Cardinal Gibbons, anti 1, `Gainst the deadly )I(lunr traffic, 1:11.1tit'lo"I lit '1qew(-aXt,to, X11 largest ever built, condenitim "Arriericarill4l, inemeee ren. l3neakIng back among the bottics Plido brial quNtn' i-The oubmarine tor 27. Tht, Henale Passes" HN a church movement. lxprr✓ the t ismer a , or Toulon. wearmorully army reorganization t.-The Itl the cellar of the drug store, Franco. rhe liritivill x textel lit I)III will' lho Gorman arnondment.-IjolanI it, Mol- I reoir- Wan orm,at Taromil, hill,Andallita folin.j. Ineux 1-11-rosted man char Ott a Licking up a pint of something ' nineteen linea just. me Of murdering hy Park- 15. Apfirlinken hi.11;111 I PoIxon Mrs. Ailatilm In New York. Stronger far than appIq vider, tick span Juneau, nob repulsed It, an at- 28. Rnrcligrevi tilt," expedition lands Or. In the land of the Jimjumou, killed. Alaska, four Of their number arctic continent. un the Ant. 10P at rg #I Jan. nistor it the days of fouds and war paint, 17. The Inxt hnptllt, j)orvI An Ph force surrenders to March. Now- flo-Egypt inn*.-Wlllllarn Ithodes, a Phi f Gor- �,Vhen I was a daring maeliLlit hui dor, Ill. ladelphlit I. The I-101100 Passes the (Iom romine army re- imiran- burg- . lund to have absconded, owing 'Illig c n Known ast Hefty lflawutha, M. D organization bit f tho W oP*w elected United Statep jorl"a"t"I'l; 'dlspn claims TO nave discovered a r,qp.ign,- :119111111 loots front New yo li, I�inlmtry Prohibitionists, my children, ill rX. "'ill Alfred Reveri(Ige from method or Jilt vedorl in. - from Indl- hardening atepl plates.--Tho Chicago and Alt Were as scaroe as chickeno' triolars, 19, The Cu be n Itailroad a I .)it Only one do I remember-­ An Inveptigntiali,"vacuotl"n Commission dissolves. KOld ill th liarr an syndicate.-A advance of wages tak4* miloPt proven that IfIlly Aclen"Lls At Keel 'r work. steel industries. Place In the Iran all(I rlca.- Only one, and he resided t a Talmo -'alon, alleged motor wax a dolu- 2. !'resident McKinley 019118 the $20,000,000 Span� iy by In the land of Jimjaniov, 21, The Bonet Ish appropriation anil atitniral lassie For no longer than a fortnight. 92. 111's0tv the Nicaragua Canal bill. from 011na railroad concepol(i I)IIIN.-Ita; demands arca.- nrlax` Severtil villilmt.., In !t thm Water-oil-the-Bra lit his name destrnyed by an the Greek Polop ilm and t y he lease. of J.. wits. 23. The i liquake, ormemum San Man Bay.-GOneral Toral arrested In Madrid. IN out. a hial- Admiral Of the United rri 11 ho"tvit"141 day's business ever trantl. StUtex Navy.-Silvela beegraen Premier of Spain.- Water-on-the-Brain wo called him. Artod on if 3. Dewey Promoted to be r 1@ Now York. Stock Exch tinge,-Tit e williti, pefto" When the rest of tho Jlinjanios S013th Tprw-v 91"I'm strike begins. Ittilley resigns the Democratic leadership )y the 4.4 lauth. Hold their feasts tor the ('#real Spirit, 24. Xing oxvar (It Sweden Illillse of Representatives. in the Gave their danceis lit his honor, In favor of provisionally retiree title -Three German liouten- report, 43 ('oil. rown Prince (11, 11%,. make the fastest balloon trip on record, go- : near 40 Awe 27. 00noral Fagttn coiiviv st ing from Berlin across the Austrian frond 1 83 r Drank to Alatiltou, the miKhl.v. te'l by court-martitil,_ the rate of sixty- er at Water-on-the-Brain wouhd lell tis: Foreelomuro stilt or the jlkItImorF- and (-)hit) Stall- 4. eight rollps an hall,,. onnom, road ordert-4. Congrvun adJourrim-Fift2111 y-ono ridetta. 2,3 fople killed 1) op of r mil- knee. V 91. Ucky dIstillerlex consolidated. Prof. 1%rood Of the ITnivermity r of Winconmin killinic 8() lusts, 'You are wicked, very w1olit d! Xent"ho ""axe 111110000 the litill army IIjI,_SIXty a I unPOWder explosion at Toulon. y Put away that fire water!" announces the d Of A.new method Of color 1 28 And we followed him Instruetlons JIFtebrunry, photograph discover limits. -Drey- 26 , iron Margaret Cody convicted at Alba -legislature finally attern tinf,to blackniall the Jay Gould heirany Of In 0111- own pecullar fashion, I.The Soutil Dakotil I Passes I hot lit 42 phil- Put away the lire watvr, a law rol�ulring one Year's residence to obtain 4 11- P set Spanish troops, except the ' Each of up about a gallon. 111voroo.- he American P W � sick In 40 -1 ty I It' 10(l an Wator-on-this-Braln, how,,v(,i,, gilnized.-Tho Creek IndlanOtterlelill Company or. hospitals, evacuate Cuba.-'.q,he Cuban Assembly senger 40 !tiiris, ranoe treaty signed. 11removes,, General M.z from authorlty,-Gen- 81) S. H ker shoots and mortally*ousels , Par- wir When the rest. of ut; were drinking 'u hall Attorney W. amilton near ov 7. Von- Never touched the chenring redeye. hVe proposition relatIng to Payment of C 4n 2. General Gomez clinH4,1tH to President McKln- Pral James A. Wal e in a street combat. ra"I'M-A ustra Ilan PremlPrx asrree upon a fedora. 11. Reprementativepi of the United States, Great ]a ro- Par- t I(In r oir- Toasts, to Manitou the mighty, plan.-The Naval and Milit,"rX ruler Of the Britain :101ast He. would find a t;pring of water Spanish-American War Org)lnIZelI,--T"r and Germany reach a new ag N.J. mr, tit Pittsburg. Cump Of. Brash. concerning Samna. ,reement :kite Of Gushing from a bod of [s[rad salt prism e It"I" the 1111-gent rock. 15. American arvi British crullers bornbard. Sit- 11 re- ------ vPr made far Prof. I.Angliy of the moan villagolli. HIM"­ There he used to knool and guzzle Smithsonian Institution, W"PhInottun. 16. Four negroem shot dead in Jail at Palrnitto, il bill. Icy water by tho giflIon, 4. The PhIlIppini, War breaks Olit,--.Mric. liatkin, lrw-mn . the California Poisoner, sentenced ill OR-Six men killed at Hot SpringH, Ark., In it Saying 'Thus do, I pay lioniagn primonm lire tart it ent. Jm- riot between political molls. 1--ji) nr- To this htlavenly Orvat Spirit. a A. The Spanish Peace treaty ratirleil by the 17. The lintel Windsor In New York burns;about Illth his trunk This Ili all I drink, Illy peopli!; tO.-ThO Cambria HtL4el (,, 0 Sf.n- fifty Uvea last. Sierra 1011th, You can asst) It for a (-.haser, Pa., InCreliKes wages. I OMPArly of Johnptown, K A new sAtl,j]Itp Of Haturn discoveredill of him ,,*;,,Kg n Prof. Pickering at llarvard l7rilversity.-Tornud -11 giov� 7. The sentence upon General I by lulto*­ cOmmute'l kill Over a scare Of People In Alabama, OP19 I will drink It night. and morning.' tO six months' suspension from rank and duty,- and Arkansas. MINNINSIPPI t ,turned around One ilark night when we were f(.astJng The Wbeeling and Take P-rie Railroad 1XIM4. 'Ir IV1111111�� Water-on-the-Brain FittailiptfiI r,,r8;hTh00. National Steel Company chartered.-Tbe 20, Martha PIlLco, the New York Murderess, the t tile, To Imbibe a quart. of water lal 'r. squire Telegraph Company of Cleveland, flrmt Woman to PulYor electrocution, 11 Con- not at all, rig the ,sign wl"o" i"Y"terM. Incorporated.-The 21 The Republivan party of Porto Rico organ- , Con- From a spring down near the river, state of islege In 4aln raised. IZV4. bull- fay, 9• The , m C bull- N ar Inventigntion ('0111tillmillon reports 2:1. Railroads Of the Central States, In oonjun(?. Minn All at, once I think his foot slIppod, to the President.--A court of In u1 to Invilmt]" t In it With the Inter-State Commerce Comniloslon arches mal; reach a tariff agroem tnet.-Tanumarill Nfalleta�, meq n. 7�iiii roar! Anyhow, next day we found Min Kate il"neral Miles' army b06f argoo ordered. crowned king of q11M -c anish Pealle treaty Rig Willi hill top!inol undir wator, 10. Th" Spi tar, NVIth hitt mocersins liplifteel ident "Pit by Prom. r OR.-A mab In Littie River re Mi KInjoy. aunty, Ark., lynches a gang of aeven nogr y ,ron-rd trio happy buti(Ing reirlon. Tltrep 11AIllred Mon lynt'hNI nf';Ir qll%,(lr City, � •a, WAS. Pik belillirl., I 11now 'rheic. wo left. 1,1im as a wariling Og;1111N, L1110 Sam to meat andquall To the friend.i tit Prohlbition!" ­Mllwat.lreo Soilfillel. for Impul,,trity. 'And sit,downl Yi:4,I know;I can do that,but Tl7orc an elephant and learns It hurts."-Phlladelphlei Prrsi. I'd Q.11alled belillid his tall, Qldt(� Conteri.t. B Not to e Coexce(i, LENGTH OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "SpIrltuallsm,".iald Gov,Aycock,of North Caro- lVhl(.,h reminded.inm Of 11,110ther story,told itne or 11 lina, "is a marvellous thing. T used to know 4 an aid Asherman.a long time ago, whtu we fish(, Miles. widow who thOuKht mile would 1001( Into It a ltttle together along the R31C. 'd Now York Rapid Transit........,................................................ .)2 4-5 She vNited a Medium, and the mail agreed for$5 It was im a vandidaic for church embermlitri who « to give her some conversation with her doad hus- wont,tip to be exarrillied a-iI to his 11tile-lis for ad. Metropolitan Underground, London...........................I.................. 13 band, Simplon, Switzerland............................................................. mlaillon. 12 "He put the ItZlits out and fell Into a tranco, "Do You belleive In the Ilibial"saild thO Plreaeber. St. Gothard, Switzerland........................................................... 91/,4 and suddenly a dim, pale shape appeared lit the "Yes;I believe I believe In the 131ble," Parls Underground........................................................... furthest,blaelmit corner of tiro room. "Do You believe Grocl loves you?,, Mont Cents, Switzerland........................................................ 71/2 'Are you my husband? Aro you John?' tho "Olt,yes. I believe that." Baltimore and Ohio Railroad..................................................... 7 widow whispered tremulously. "Do you bellevelfel initdo the iyarld bljIx Arlburg, Austria.................................................................... 6 "11 arn John,I a bass volee answered. "Yes, I believe that.' Tuppenny Tube,London.................... "Por moment, awe-stricken, the widow was "Do you believe the whale swallowed Jon&ll?,- .................................... allent. Then she said: I-loosac, Massachusetts.......................................... r bellove I believe that.,, ................... 4 'Do you forgive me for my Ill-treatment of you "Do You believe the three Hebrew chIldren K,,�ro Berlln Underground.................................................................. 4% In flfe?' cast Into a furnace of fire and were not burnmil? Liverpool and Birkenhead......................................................... 41/2 "'I forgive all,'replied the voice. , I don't bellevo that." Boston Subway................................. .................................... V12 + "'Are you happier than you were when you were "Oh,well, you can't join the,• church. rha11) Caseade, Great Northern IL-ailroad......................­­................... 211/2 +♦ IIVIIIZ?' the Bible, and unless you balleve all Or the Bible Budapest, Austria................................................................... 2 Much happier.' You can't join the church." Bowider, Montana.................................................................. 2 'Have you no desire to return to earth?' "Can't I Join unless I believe that"'.♦ whatever.' "No,siree:that you can't.,. Ivanhoe, Colorado...................... ............................................ 2 Where are you,John?' "Humphl then I want to tall You right here,+ Sarnla, Canada...................................................................... 1 'In Hades said the spirit.' "-Cleveland Leader. don't believe that there d,-u fl ti,: stol,y a, ours rs A, 1,I4 t Sim" Aso"ice am at the Southold Library Hiawatha on Prohibition. mot at tete office of Justite "*+11 aboard!" said Hiawatha, "Nioutit the ft;stivervrttc,r v aguu- 3e Wt Saturday aitemoon Join the Prohibition party, - HIa$'arty (..last your vote for Mr. Swallow. �Rt1r[ nf. ygn5 'What a name for such a Moses! + GENERAL NECROLOGY qr Jgy�,pantinued, teI'fi 1.8 X. or a leader I GENERAL CHRONOLOGY,1899__C no tinned, ► te /ik�:V$If:AIi Cltidt.itiul.tttlY, lilHfl_ pe� The Amerleare Independent Telrphune c.`um- f�vntfnu"d, --�- Sylvania coal miners strike.-OrganizationENERONOLOGY,�hgflM�dcllesexeCount T +^*Rr„- --•^^a^� ', 1 National Glass Company k' r• d. Father IL The motet the Spanish A Y begun.-A wind storm in N. Y Bank at Perth Amboy ow- - r' Treat llrltain anfi;crirrr. T„�' ship p� l�nA nl�Mui reM,Prof.wf it ht�he �tairn•at a o0 province nP Valladolid destroys 150 ler Edward ilulY, 1nvNnts P u•r,utllnu hies L� sod a y Hives Ir J, closed on account of the defalaatipn of Cash-' j,, you Jahn >tettner klfi Lawyer R'eatsnhaver let n _ M, Valentine, who is arrested and man n 7i e• H• Cie It're neumlrifun ,nrr'• ca rture the bol ear t,- ,gYPtfan convo and anti Meonieriki118danbt Colonel IS labb and.Lieuten- rostn at 1fayfrrvllle, A.; also two farmera 0441110.--The Vyaittet, French )dlnlmtr!r„r \flet L Y y sap P$ The first Cleveland street of the French.expedition in 'Ian rrhlie b.alraged Ip ihelr hotattrt by eltisene; truupr ittrr►rretratad, lifted etatew i*]site tllrCsw („rnl„tny In sheriff's custody at 1Qancheste y orders of Captain Voulet, nerH r sailed out; tart brothers surrender y next dsy, y begins,-Murderer Tom baker, while 1'5, Ne otlations in Detroit Par municipal a• We rtuanra cr dead from West Africa. ons_ t H nel�h���" exchanged Over the Rngllsh Chan. ItltYpt, dlowov► Y f Thothrnes I, a window. r, KY•, shot chase or street railways broken off. aur- 'lea- s N marranl'a a attain of wlrolesa telegraphy, Museu,, red by the director off tilertjl, of 12. A tornado sweeps over parts of Wisconsin and 17, ire W. Wean a Unit flan 16. The Brooklyn traction strike begins, 'A ilea. tlreat Hrltaip and tier• . Choirs breaks out at Blade, In,ilrt. tiyl Minnesota, wiping;(lilt many lives, including 122 ai Five men killed a crest car strike resumed.- reach an .Vew Richmond, Wls,-Dr, otic 'p or CIO '© Ad g friss coli to cattle the int tae a int high caret- 11. A model oP I,an le severs his connection with the Chalultau R Harper pans new foreign t eat$In Clay Count kr ereoa e1uMi on.-Tile creat- uartloO, g y'e serrNlrr,r„«' A lir tion.-The h*atinnal League of.Re""ar. e Eo into y', tea- 'k ui' e4nn iteChan offend runs upon a rock 1n the uke Of ABruzzi�iu1wlar exlwtlltt,„r Ic:rrurMrst'" to a Associa- 18. The Transvaal Volksraafl effect, library ltnftllah Channel and fouade t ver r,n"',',-avp,l Italy r organized in Waslrin ton,-D can Workers year franchise bill as a compromise ret ti' liver lost. lits 1atrY rest n, basses the seven- ,incl _ Alow owl wveo A tornado - t Hnwa valley, y. g upr.ty's French min- ]3ritain's dernandse. Yo two iteapie.-�1►t ilaward t'ttY. bi,•x., kills tw(nty- 13. The Samoan kin shl with. Great /1pfl111. vey klih his wife, child, un j Mtr 1i !rt"Iter [t,u- vfafanal g A abolished and a 19. Alger resigns as Secretary oP War.- 1 7 ' t, Over er-iia-law and hirnwetf. •grttnclurt,tiler,Path- tectin g owers.ent established b Pro- tempt made to blow u An at- g Terry, 4400 �Australia out by a hurrlcano it, IL David !'temrtertrrrn tornado, bowers.-Herman, Neb., the three pro- ere in Brooklyn, pan elevated railroad struct- -its Man* the New York thrntrir;rl 16. The Venezuela baundar leveled by a 20. Six Italians f rder- t' 's a!! Aewetnb#Y dlaselvwa an the ttattta eazttrsl rtrntnerurt>~'eintp'aarrnex rcr,ttultralr .1 t, ex 21. First attempt to dynamlteuaaaaLa the Phi ' army dlthapda.--The Gerlach Antaretin• Paris.-A German Y arbitration begins in Cleveland strike sympathizers. rsan returns to the Data expedition titer, Pa.; twenty-rl ht lives lost, workingman invents artificial 22 made UY �f tat Ex- mobbed on-urian street in Elihu Root accepts the War portfolio; sworn ourt Cf1 iL1't�Ii #iii crulue.-The genian Dealt aI'tler a success. 14. Rev. f'harlea li. S� car men Cleveland in 2ugust 1. %M. itewener C'hilkat capalaeta at the I'rntertant g ietoa >eltar Orduinsrd a priest of dols_ ate, Pxtt:. xureica. Col.: ten people Qroirn*d, I+ iaal t'hurch, l0. The first reciprocity treaty under the Dingley tree, Bafnbrld e _ 23. Several negro as of Mre, J, E. Ogle_ _ ti The I'relldlrnt atopprtIntl rttrrttnyaklati+t•s to gyp. >lyt,grlp,gpp tpwBoron lar9 at}r*tteherctt7l siNf ah'lum law, that negotiated with Great Britain for Bar- 24. Delegates o 'Ord, ►'went the Onited states at The tlaRue Y gives bases, signed in Washin ton.- g �a•, lynched. om- torNppe, WaW e3on- r»ant.-,]asset fluff, si Saitlmr,r«�, Y meet.- Company increases its capita.] stock to $110 00 t the Xlague peace conference sign pit; The _ g The Standard Oil the conventions•--The Irranco-American reciprocity i, nuth«rrlr.(s the, -L;xplosions in the Caledonia mine near Glace bay, 211, The pin tro r Xlslyt: sell t ding of alto ']elect York Mansions re- rep ti nittaiinm b„�1w•ltnIIrug,I �(«lit run 0,000. treaty signed.sial cif foprtten #{vee. 1 i G, issue C. ]3. kill eleven men.-Thfrt pro- th Il, Yellowstone Ritter foods in Montana destroy In JeEiKhtesirrmerr,British army uftlrers Y]scopic drowned by tied in Pavo�oP theSmith strike in Detroit set- este the Collision of two Steamers in the river Oder, hpuse EleatMo and Manufacturing Chown g telly t'wNve Ilves, rltr'rt with Itiuttitt arrested Germany. firrrr,-The British a at ni- one n sinst thsr't'tarasvasei [tr•,rrbltr g treason 19. The Pni;�e a Westin;,;- in- Ifl, Maven people killed let a ttrltcs clef at Dana, lil- t begin eluttr ►rrwwinnlKralj,lt�jei mr,nn appoints also for Porta 1 ed•-President Heureaux of San bomingo Company i- S. Ill. Santiago de Cuba, and also creates several card- 27. Property of the Ruskin colon f Phil ���A~eIt mals. R co and Hated. il, RatlAt+atfona o! the SwnMh Ili,The Daae certtforen�•r assernblooe near f ire t �u� d and ieeaee forenail treat eat- 1i at ti,. 20. The proposed State conatltution rejected b s l at auction, yin Tennessee and tt►v*IWAaalits proolainted,-i fv llaventern nulrrnlrrhlle r.,, Rhode Island voters. 1 y ren. t ,rme @d to t` nowrnt #OL by ndo Overthrow the in as matte rrtut,n• rrtiranies lnenrp(n,ir,! 21. Several nan- Baltimore and Ohio Soutl western Railroad'The 8 of IL t7r' Irtanp�r tJu{#lard srrtteneed to ten • + a ambush near union oo]°red miners shot from ganized as the Cineinrati, Portsmouth and P 's.The American liner Paris tuna a t(auul un Ketr1 npolitrzne'Natrlfonal Bank err neat ho liii'"e' In the Connect out State larirertn for Iter catttt�tlon �nndManacles aI eiarttn nrjFnr hi, E 22 The L ersburg Railroad. ark.- with fife dpeth of lZenaya 1)111, Jim a'hrr(i thou• t'obbed of $10,000.- Of Boston 80, T`hirt casae of Cor- Or- IL"IfD�q Hersh; twelve lives Ismt, Y fire at 1''rtrosuw, l French cabinet. Waldeck-Rousseau forms a Ilamgpton Soldiers, Hame,11Va fever deveIap at ;rge(1 Jan. t�y Isle► ailehif Are" eppOipted epapialt ddtn• U.The RUfEltla grain nhovelera" strike en,lyd• 28' The first Cleveland street railwa 81. Xaquis in Mexico take to the wa a as IATI�11 t aft,-Tice ancient itatuer. One the ail.Tae tied. y strike set- Pennsylvania Railroad decides to Pension Of alabaster +ever dMepvrt �wonteri's athktl«r t.1u1,house,the 24 The first annual reunion aP ousted erre lq es.- r Nety- lis da� �rr ' fitntaKbtlds 7tlnd in thN war1d, r,l„lie. the '� p Y The Archbishop din '� 1Y. $tint ojr" la a spin >Ippaa�ish ei+rotlona. Qin ms's With Irirthduy eelrohreted, Riders e held ue Las Vegas, N Rough tarblde the use Of ln.cense and candles in English g f the til�a Ir> In 1114lar>r forts at 1pOlpte >aHrw, t3uadaloupl! i.n�iver t Arthur T' Hadley elects Roosevelt the guest or honor. '� ; Governor established churches. v r Y rI trrerJ«ir•nt of Y le 28, The American Isthmian Ship C ivate lid, W. I. wipe out at tivas and 40 b Ycom i{. IMoset rntrrrlara his fill 11 of incorporated. p anal Company A7>< and renderhtg t.Cd� people hofnelsas � four and Qatratiits suis lrlr• it ul ,t tent ak J pion, E7, egroes ambushed at Corona, gust. fli,Catnterfeibtne of flee "YOfa•oa head'+ Id`► "Iarrtpa liuttttrtrries ,rrr+l titre IKr kiled. Ala., and three Several tiFl°ridas tow natives of n.23, �. ver atrtlfeate tidD all- lynched at•Aloy, Tex., fu O nP,nN, ,e,iltr, East Africa. caster. arrested In �hlladetphla and Late• tr, r usrNlrattng tr n,urd,rer 28• Dr. Oscar I.aew claims to have discovered a A�el$'!ta partly swept away by ____ _ rare 11` p�•I ex-finites f�tatee District Attorney a ferment treatment {enzymes) for number of lives cost.-A financial ►ec. ' 1Eewttt also an ted In 1"hiladelphta on the charge i A evrriiantltr►aaahjls� to autamnbjlerrtii,tiri4llryl Rioting aver the A ted in Montreal by two bank failures.- wring A cif briber in the rase, Belgian germ diseases- The Belgian Ministry resigns. , � � ;x. bill breaks out in 13rCt�els, government's sectoral 2. A revolution in favor of Jirninez breaks ttwtor Quay acquitted Of eon 17.11 miles an hoar.-Two htt►t,h'erd 1 olid. 29, Pingree & Smith's shoe In San Domin o,•- aks out th� Geo conspiracy Ir Ings in Cone Island, New York, burn; iuse, factor p y g The Central Anti-Im f�Y'Ii ale's ItRAk Dant In I'hltadeiphla. y Detroit strike--The steam bar Y em to es in League organized in Chicago, Aerialist r 7'. P. 111= Governor fI In Lake Erie• eleven ge Margaret founders 6, Twenty-nf•ne trolley iltope o[ Pennsylvania, appoints 7,�!`he Tubereulaslet(X,nstrrsrr nstrr•rntrlers in 11(r- oP Musks on drowned- Bounder Pall of n car through a brad e rua»e, D. . jo Quay valt/d States �eftator. the Legislate» hav• lion,-Fhsyen ub Of ools n se,irila l begins. lar. an oif ce s�k r; assassinated by J Pbridgeen killed by the 48 .Fathe 1n failed Hlesest 11s(tt, ae y W Tay- Cann.-The collapse of a ferry near Bridgeport, 48 i :fron- t� stake and his tiro tpuMerwr, burned at the • Caaaatnova, Prem lent ni fire Cathr,llu a0.The Boatan and Albany Railroad]sawed by the 7. The Are fuze Y gang plank near 4p n,2.1. 1'9etnsrnet COprOl1 Of the Latin American ltatea, ; Qac Harbor, Me., kills twenty people, ty, Rev y erarVetsri to i,ext at IeTewnnn: a!gthtarrreri �` ]eased .Daltitncre and Ohio re- France.-Iim Baker, 8$ r Ill., ' G�•t Maher Strickler Iirttahc►d next day, Y court martial begins at Rennes, al- The t7erman taivert'pfnetat �ea'ritosts i►r$siderrt >tto�clttiry ir,suerr an artier releas• raid and burn Union 1 Cit]rip-Non-union miners lessor, acquitted of murder.Kentuck30y CUI'1'fi� Marks rwde by Captain t•othi r. of the�tJ�11, t{ Ing Over 4.00p federal offIvInlw [roan the claw!i" Y, Ill.-A flood on Y vendetta , ilia oP civil aervinrs list. $(i,000,000R�orth oP pre drowns tllr A loo people E,9. people ion Porto Ric°and BW�est Indies, killing 22 1 loror, ex q ]tale h, int attwech at itiew York,-Tho Rrltl«rho. u• chip h ttl�y wwtciaM on Ka old. The $panlrth Minbrter, the Duke of ;irons people made destitute.property destroyed and 25,000 12, Paul Dero orto and several n the er aBntbama- 80 n loan tY wople drr.wned, ngrt�net Irfand; this. lands In Now York.-lsltticrr Itdarchand arrives in fuaites arrested In France. a;T4 1't•,aldont McKinley ranaents to the k lift farts and is�made a p�spular hero.-The.Ther Itr•pulrlie July, 28 �3Afl�C$ of a cable tt�m tlterntany tr) the Vee ted States rsf AttiasOns' R13. Maitre Labort, counsel for Dreyfus, shot at 42 r�tril- at that hcadquarter�of the :lmaaun, I• The ctnematograph utilized in surgery iia. Thn* hundred houses of [,]iiia. Hunaeary. I'r`r<,ta.fneed. University. g r3'at Kiel 14. 49 at.v of, all 11G burp; twt►tvi Ilv*& [00111- The t►usineia section of dl, Jdrs. Leland Stanford gives hr•r endro flit• 8, A photograph of the interior oP a livin The Erie Railroad begins cutting wsaft C�it�► tune at warns stomach taken in Chicago with Roentgen rayrates, g passenger 40 ;tuns, Pbrfi teab at ! Aad,{�Qll,tt00 t l [denier i 1 nlvrrllty' ]Alas Hatfield g d man's 18. Bubonic plague discovered in O 3:i i't'C*Ct� at �ttt lts�vlf�nd�',�"trwtown, sort„ r'n1.•-The Nicaragua Carni (''nmtnir(eirrn submits ,s(hoots deputy sheriff ]✓ilia dead at Santis a• Porto, Por- war y its re Williamson, s,- tugs],-A Chilean train falls Into a river near ov. 7. led, IdiI , I +�Ie•-Capper tori fwir frusta ricer- part to the t'rerldartt.-Infurrnatlrnt flit•I at W. Va, g 69 people drowned:-A Venezuela re- Pat- railroad finrr{at►erg, Ihe„ nrnelnert siieegerl tr; ';. The Michl bellion crushed in a bloody battle In the State of N.J. t ntraillne Interest in the Monon gislative brl gen street railway A. rttttraatd •ice foist to J, P hlnrp in & Ca.-A 1i"rs ane! warrants for arrrwt Issuer]. a cn fed by the State Supreme C urturchase law Los Andes. I�rin�tetOn chair errf general polities anrratynrouply x-King Milan shot in I3o1 _ 17.Walter Wellman's Acetic expedition re- Jyllt '� June. 4y Mt,Y Wright Sewell elected President dent o�Lo don-Iturns The Get-man Norway. ., / hflss iltrtOrli unveils In 1'hilnclrflrltlu ternational Council of Women, Reichstag re}acts the canal bill. 1 the alttUw of her orlivrsi 1?. rt i. AiarlOn Clark, that kidnapped rani]. gTatadtather, peed New'York baby, 7. The Spanlsh court-martial ac alts 20• Revolutionary Anarchists ct Paris start !d. Il rp. fie*n r,�trrrtfnred and her abduchurr arrested. q Admiral riot Revolutionary a Own I, rtltir acs witted at t`retttgn. [i,. O! the !, The Mfp�s 1sh ceselor to German of the Car- air.vAngt>%nM�otherofficers carreatec7tlin Utah defeat , rested. ttici murder of Atartan. he licit 11Vheeling^ ane Lake ollne Murfanne and Pa.lact beianda snot unced. Y and leads palYg- 21. The Br ish church; 380 wounded and 150 ar- {.rle Railroad Company Inc P guilt th Por malarial ex , Vith iris C U Company and twentyesr-eats of Loord%�hanee ex- eaprt rtaVr*Ac at oust of yl ti,lr'I'ordersnnr.see ce ag, t F- 73e11 cla.irning Leone, Africa, dirsmalar expedition to Sierra loath, to be the secret service agent who stale the Car- The German VIlnfstry rest ns- , l itt`�',►'( i►�d{tlr,n to tits err maere,prre,1! in AfHcra, fey ranza letter, aharg•es that Chtef Wilkie substituted The Ger r the malarial mosquito,-- ' id of hit X.The t?lilted >atatee�yr S in ottlPresin and Itaitrnad COptpstn> tutees tt'a8es• a forged document for the real ane, ern Practically relecis Great Bit Transvaal gov- t the i•htifj!i ins Islands. pe d90, .dd0 far !. President Lrruh:t of Ir'ranceo iwilired by roy- 10. The steamship Kaiser mission _ airs lolnt tttir; VOurt of n 'try an a>f en wu of the fade silsts at the Autoull cera track. breaks the record for time betweler�lNewder Ya fosse tor, Col., burnsp lose gEThe business center of Vlc- turns d Y l0ii!submitted to Lltu d, Sir Albert fAliner'!t conforen;•r Defib President g, France; fr days 20 hours and 56 min- 0n hy. ltl (li f'rrsldont° National Ca Cherbourg, Y Yolk and 22. burns; Reed- resigns his seat in Con- , rnenre stool (`rater py 1Cruiter of the Tranavaa! Ite!1,ut,nc fella of re utas. H. ' .not at afwanlaod a Ned York.-An inrush Of water At suits,-Otenerul Gomex issues to t'ut,ans his fare- .. appe{ite thrr Ktteahtetr{]Old ttr►lne, near Trtais'k. lttittafa, 001• wPli renaniP«ate,, 11. Tho Isham•dynamitp shell, the Sinrq-Dudley dead linea lost b 28. New copper companies chartered.-Six hurt- t %,Wy. dynamite gun and thorlte atrccr•yafully tasted at at l3essht PAer mine e les t is killing s{iffy-two mitners.••••Stirlkors at 1. Twenty-five p#nple drriwned Icy a claudhurst Sandy Hook, N. J.--Governor :iticinson in ter y the flaading of a co Lie rare ��' Ids., capture and blow up two mines In the (WOrado River vatlr Tey,--l'rofosnnr�; , Person for the Japan.-The collapse of Stec,] archc_s oral take y err,.q1 Elias Hatfield at 4�h€er„r+liPrc, lir, Nra. 2A. ChicagoColiseum Icflls twelvworkme poeestrwlan r,K n railroad. Iarwar anotia csa unlit he has }jrluelird hydrogen, 12. 7'he Central 1'onnsylvstni,( t(r[nr••;ttik(•yr flier] „r [tt'net car rioting resumed t res that!n '1'iee Antl•irepr•rinll■t I.etltue al Atnarlra or• 0. A, J, ("arsat[ etart(trl Prteiri.nf of the T'enn•' n Cl'eveland. rl i1m roar! ee!d me till In t°hlitagw. .,1. I'hr Tnr;u]Ftr l'nrnmiasinn rr•Porls tr, 5rtcretary for old d sylvapla RalIrnn4,-.-TPn thauasanrl teal Penn• nrar�mr at�f�,r<*, ttlrelf enol a gins the field y' 1.I:na other fitted to r►A1111fartttre. bttc]c"-- leaf] for Impulnrity. And sit downl Yes, I knOw;I Cali do that,but BcfOrO an elephant ancf learn ---.--�,_..__---_ ___. it hurts -Philadelphia Press. I'd rtttrlled behind his tall. a illy r4rd;Command, ++a e-e t►1++11+1 _...____ ----_ 4 Y on the e+srsi; Qlla3.te Coil.texl.�t. fir grown THE WORLD'S G NO t to Be 0 :sax ifrnwn�hard, GREAT. TUNNELS. "Spirltualfsm,"said Gov.Aycock, of North Caro- tiVUlc.h reminded rn©of moth Could alit ails cat _ lina, "Is a marvellous tiring. I used to IinoW 4 an old f1shernaau a long time a laltes my Stomach ache' Mile.. widow who thought she would loon into it a little. to ether aloud•ttta Elk. were ruoro thele rwcoj�_ New Fork Rapid Transit......... _ Miles- She vtyitecl a medium, and the man alzrecd for$5 C 'other used to t 04Atrur?t. Metropolitan Underground, London......... .... µ n to give her some conversation wltlr her dead hus- h was a candidate for chute Simplon, Switzerland.. """""e"""" 13 hand. 'vent up to be examined as to IL mission. amt that 1 was "uql._ St. Gothard, Switzerland.. •. .......•.••.....•.. ..'..""" "Ile put the li;;hts Out and felt into a trance, "Do You believe In the Bible?" hand h ......................... .............. . cmc I atoad, Paris Underground....... """" Ycaruing tongue .................................................. aced in the ' a ` and suddenly a dim, a,alc shape appc Mont Canis, Switzerland...................... gr/z + furthest,blackest corner of tiro room. �'Q I believe 1 believe s' c e fir tl1 not it watt ... "Do you believe God loves yc geed i Baltimore and Ohio """"' r•• TJy ♦ rice you my husband? Are you John?' the "Olt,ye.9, I believe that." warytrsd yr,.arx Railroad........ ............... 7 ♦ widow whisperc;d tremulously. sr I might take, Arlburg, Austria........ ........ "'I am.Tote,'a treys voice answered. "Do you believe He made thin r lied by [Dare, Tuppenny Tube,.London..... """" """" .... 6 "1'1 a moment, asvoicicans the rvidaw was "Yes, I believe that.,, ther used to dthalgn, Hoosae, Massachusetts.............. . "" "' SRh silent. Then she said: "Do You believe the whale sena] Berlin Underground.• """•"'.""""""""••••••• 4% "'Do you forgive me for my ill-treatment of you ,k_e-'I belleve I believe the Is U ''. 4% in life?' DO you believe the three Het but a ttpnol Liverpool and Birkenhead.. • •���•'�'•'•"' Cast Into a furnace of tiro and wr ulled the elcneter tbreaci Boston Surbway.. •.......... ...... . . . .. 4% 'I forgive all,'replied the voice. ath In macre and Joni „'Are you happier than You "IC-o-o, I don't a that. 2r/ ¢+ y were w hen you were believe rs whlspw.r"I lCascade, Great Northern Railroad,,.,,•,,•, livl.ng?' "Oh,well, sloe can't join the c hoer, esti(' Budapest, Austria... "........................ /Z sill thlnan that blrtts p ...'......................................._ _ Mucli happler. he Bible anti Curless you bellev I, then forsake, Bowlder, Montana............................. •' "'Have you no desire to return to earth?' You can't loin the church." no more carrtYy Ivanhoe, Colorado.................... ....... 2 "'None whatever.' t I,loin unless I U Bete tl rthcr a ed to anantttarturR. Sarnia, Canada... ......... " ., ti .s e '-Mtturnuhee ,5r�t + ............................... ........................... 1 "'InlHadese salts the splrit.''-Cl v land "IlunrphtethGntLwan tto tell i l --- e e x-Leader. don't believe that there d It Its. -y- -s either,"-•Nasi+toile Banner. braq Ag111"1411Ion Hiawatha on Prohibition. t the Southold Library "All aboard!" :said Hiawatha, Itt the office of Justice "Mount the festive tvator waguu- y , it Saturdayafternoon Joi the tion party. n+ora a'I n r C n£ 19 n Rev. A. S. Y or Mi. Swallow. -1--_ - GENERAL NECROLOGY Or 18!)9_ NECROLOGY CiZNZRAI, CHRONOLO©Y, 1 GENERAL CHRONOLOGY, 1899__-•_Continued. _ 't`'• ESD--C1Drttfr�uefl, strike for increased wages.-Twenty-eight people tate" headquarters; Louis Miller arrested, W. fro 'ufta l r»ry i Root recommendations at a cods at taw.for Port. Tire ateamer killed at Antwerp, Belgium, by theycollapse of a Miller escape.. tempo Rlaa.�Tobn It. Mr.Lean chosen chairman of the River. C'olomblaMontoyax burns in ferry approach. �,22 -4. 'j' D*>son the Nat Wnal Wayr and Means Commit- 39 The celebration lAtffyy liver lost. Ii4a8dalena 1. The cruiser Charleston runs aground near ere a tattc� fitwar�n SouthaAfrlc tea to the poly- - ry of iCerd Pa o tea on the.erste day as hila nomination for C7uv- New 7fork with a navaiDOW Y's return be Ina in Vigan, Philippine Islands. IV Tt', ASO at 01111-lien i�,nalnsa revolutlnnlrta w►t uU day.-A flurry In the New Orleans rot�on g tt l meat far the 27. The United States amends the Angle-German n 1ity, fTra�' land oracle Ile. Y and c3reat Britain reach an agree- agreement on Samoa. er Pets Qreat a an.,bo ab Ade Mormon meeting At 1'inr ilio caused by trice London reports, market,', partition of Samoa. ,r of L. C and Jo Tenn., t►otntur4ed by a mob; Miss May Barden mina[lon, po , reaches Its <,ul• fl. The Telephone, Teleltal.,h and Cable.Com- at . Th erBritish Ilea bloody bat leats�the Boers court t killed while trying to protect the alders, and Hur- lips Captain vartt►r, LJ. $, A, pony of America chartered.-Jiminez olectecl mous donor gives to the University oP Penn.ylni- New ca - tile lled t tors Ylnae,n, her unintentional ■layer. comtnitr cul• Year*' imprieunmOnt and fined+ 00 ford to Are; President of San Dorningo.-A Michigan Central Ilia $250,000 to erect a laboratory of physics.-.A oatled ` aide, anee in otllae,-Gaunt ala 000 for malfeas.' train ditched by wreckers near Vienna, Mlch. receiver a s .,a, !tL M It. nreantsatlon at the American I!lcyrle t'Urts• Austria. ' lteoarnrt{ Nramier u(:. g' appointed for Harper e Bros., New York 'p era!, net b Piny vonapiotad.-President Flttuero of San D omin- 10, Five ti\'oshin ton men hello for court III publishers,-The shoe factory trust completed. krk„ t14ltAb0lr. Philadelphia amt, on a charge of ballot box stuffing; 29. Lippincott's KU silo 1 Ja s t era.motion Del Ian Chamber at nS Deputies re- others arrested later.-Becker, the Chicago wlt'e Philadelphia buildingsburn.house an(] t$2,I100,0100r1e1{ r I cite, man iectA tho tttatlop far revision c,f the aonlatpttution. _' Lteutenan# ciuire And h1r (lerutrin ex ntaaaacre,d b murderer, executed. 30. The South Carolina Home for negro boys and _ (�$s nilse o itivor, Y robelHerus tsativer near gdItiult 11. One safe-cracker killed, one captured and Dion a serp#dmbitor. ktt►uthwest Africa,-I+'1tt Old Calabar two pr,]ice afe mortally weun,on (n t fight at girls dedicated at Columbia. >�I Rtastls! thuatar Are to Canton China. y lives lost in a Titusville Pa.-Six Indians and one white maxi York I• A Japan typhoon destroys &,000 liVO& S. The Transvaal December. r 7th q of a t go takes ltoeeass!on Id led in an attempt in New Mexico to arrest an `r• r 8 {� s, latrine an earthquake!n Alaska, a tidal wage reaattre train on route from Johannesburg Indian. 2. Republican Representatives nominate Hender- 'iter, t*swallowed up by a chasm. r•'a1� Toot's.-•The, Court of Arhltratlon's del B to �► Rev. 1. Ov L The Q• A. IL pensions camtnittee reports to on the Vett-Tho boundary Isl,ra 12•General Paredes, the Venezuela counter- son for Speaker of theass House and declare for the the National mpMent ct'ltiolatng rules fol- International 090 a "nmpromler+,•-1'!ir revolutionist, surrenders Porto Cabello. Reed rules; Democrats nominate Richardson. Phil- Gtueena to Rraphlcrai C°onare�sr takes stella 15. Secretary Gage announces his intention to organizes Sta7tDavi B. Henderson syr J. T towed In the adtninislration of the Pension.officra. +organise a rafatnol leas .octet4. E1, Y,IU army 'The National Ntvai Veteran' Aasoetatlon Mplttr research eommtsslaan.- Y and a seismic buy for the national treasury r Supreme Court in.5. p k• is a3111er ex-1le,tenant• goverment 5 y �2c.00Q000 worth of hands down an anti-trust decision in the Addy- htea- y rwCu ate'the}ropoaltton to adroit Atpanish writ partici c3avernar of Idaho, shoots dead ['Irlt•t I.n t per cent. bonds. stone pipe case, _ tho , �� fol & pmts.-Ttte American, Iianktne Awtoclatiaa taker Lake. of the Ore t, g neer 16.A Joint conference of the W. C. T. U. and 5. The Pullman and Wagner Palace Car Com- Zurek tit# Initial Atop toward ertablishlnlr: a b"kats• Lske, [Matt e n Short I..Ina, at Balt the Non-Partisan W. C. T. U. resolve in favor Parries consolidate. city, ?rin. F. 6,Th Instituto on the London pleat.-I nIM rkera 4• Uen#Ml Oreeley asst-n,1a In Aleextia•ld's of reunion of those bodies.-A government naval 6. The Ttepublican Senate currency bill intra- >'• romont at Now Jer"Y w!n their strike.-ThRr V toric Oalloan tit +atyN.-.Adrillrall lit n kill hoard der.ldes in favor of acceptance of the Hol- doted,-Brigadier General Leonard A. bill f I. (Australia) Leglrlattvo c'vunr?!1 rejects the woman hl Y inntallea as land submarine torpedo boat. mated to be Major General.-Dick Coleman, negro Calloontt In P4 alae Loyal l,rfxt.hl 1- pro- the ! year. 7•Th boil, 10,The TrArm" ai ttavornm,,iyt Im-sents an 17. A "municipal program" of legislation adopt- murderer. tortured and burned at the stake n at 1elle, y sults l 7•�t elee:tto;raph needs In Washin ton by maium to GnOt llritaln demandin olio• cd h the National Municipal League tit Colum- x, ye Prot• Elmer Gat.*.-The astronomical an Astro- at troy Y 1 g Maysville, Icy.-New England textile milia in- I1ted. ph s, pa from the border, x withilrarval bus, O.--Colombian crease wa es 1D f Phil- 11. Y Ieal t+Jaolaty of America organized at Yarkar 11,t)ran 1N'twe+ 8tste Irurril7r rr invade Natal, government traopa defeat g per cent, CthYbica a rebels in a terrible battle at Bacirrttnau a.- 7. Peter A. 13, Widener purchases a site near beginning the Muth AtMrrn war,-About 4 Cornelius Corcoran, in Chicago, abaci. four of Philadelphia on which ho purposes to build and f •(re- Ill.W 1ti�• >4 s• The Association of 8tranlatr idlrnt' Vetarasaa ar• t9m)PIe k lled by err earthrlunk+» out t'ararn Island, his children, all but one mortally, poisons an endow a school and hospital for crippled children. e cents it. It sanized. Rant In4lon. other to death and commits suicide, 9. Taylor, Republican, given his cerdiicate of t Amer Chang 11. 1AVYfUs found guilty and routguood to tat. ILL The IntorrAttonal I`ommricial Conytrsss nprna election a.s Governor of Kentucky. D. 13' Ian Y*A t' m risoampint.--A Norwa p- in phitadolphlrr 22. Four hundred dervlahes, including the I�hali- p .toilet' fa, slain In a battle with Angle-r 10•The British defeated at Stormber llaan giY4't govern tain claims to have found a buoy marked and loft 13• King Oscar rignn till, rt+ near the Nile.-The National Non-Parttlan W ors g. a fl rats' Norwegian I 11. Osmer C�. Roper, of numerous bogus col,- ,0 b Andrei., the poles' aaratlaCtt•-1 rot. Campbell, ax bill under prot,aat -A Ut T. U. executive committee ratifies reunion with norationq, arrested at Nc•warlc, N. J„ charge(] O''- !n the at Lick observatory. 4latrovar*that the North afar mouth of �tafrklrte wrl,<.k tr nrmnrecl train Jan. Ire 1a a tri ed by Itoe.rs; lfi twldiera the W. C. T. U. with fraudulent use of the mails, with t triple system, kiite.d: first bloodshed of the war•.•,-()na. wo,11,14 N. The X. of L. General Assembly 13. General Wood relieves C3eneral Brooke as y 2 c lb.T 11. The Hatfield "fort," near tiWllliamoon �dW• robber killed, a all tfone denouncing Passes sea- M[litary Govcrnar of Cuba. , New- later t Va. cap tUrad with three of the outlaw fa.mil notitar wounded and rapture(],and tti President McKinley. r p y the third commit. lauiolde at hay Itftrr an up• 24, New York Iiolice raid the „i, L,. Philadelphia chosen as the place for holding ng tarltea tY• t'htrt Justice Chambers of f4attaoa sends hip rac+tiaae►titl attompt to cab the hank " t3evur• "Franklin Syndi- the Republican National Convention. f the at I s rorlenatlon to President McKinley. Ville. Tents. �eeld 17. 1!• The CIVIC Federation's conference on trusts 14. The steamer NutmegStet,. luate fo110 Irrii4e durini< a lits paRla !n s synagogue at iqa � Ialan4 !bund' ton lives ic,,,t In Lent TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION OF 1899, ltur absn than coeur �Verrt At unlih'e. tx ---- _ __ n.2s, 1tl. I Chicago.-Thirty-two people kill urn►+ 1b. A tlert perditi„n In the Cama --------- - . --- - _ __ lri(i acts k1!!a tn0 aannitralr, Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. -July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. NA 1.15' IN. r 14. The National Export Expootion !n I lritadel- IL fk�c'r•s InAf a bk,N resp an at ldaferking.- a ver oe phi& alpeenet.-The will of Judge L'rendareast of An anti-rxpetnalop nnnfwrnoo mr+rtw in Chletta<. __ oaster. t'hirago, provide. far the founding of tt Coat cure -l+ttovet'a1 men parlrh in A Montana blizzard.--Ru. Date. � � � � M F4 9 r4 � � u,Inq 0 ye Newt( hnmo for nervous an4 inramnla invalids. bOtalc pt ue br'antk* ovt at t4anto►i, Jlrnxli `ser ' p �° .T., of brt Id. 1Citas ic>tatttaAl e,crnvMted at Wlltlamaon, 'hW. K+4wocdllr, Mltsrt. It'ratik A'. 11►thcock kill. p r A. f10. F t'a•. of laaaund degree In hilawik throe seeps tiled himself. - ,T. P. the Fie is• Eight n raoa kilted !n a mine riot at Car- 1f1, Joe L.eilota, atolated, burned at the stake at 17 7 24 11 150 82 4G 34 80 56 84 66 77 59 82 65 80 89. 54 42 a leaao, Cn 11. r rHr*vllla, ill. Aft. Anne. Tenn, for oremstlnir a family, 18 5 81 12 43 85 82 50 58 48 $...... 81 15 88 26 48 83 44 81 66 47 80 GO 87 (35 85 65 81 68 54 87 54 8G b4 469 53 39 1555 41 54 0 1 con_ �! J Quay 10. The 1l'rench donate thein the,trial of twenty. 80, 11104111'.routed by the Brltlr,h at Talana Hill, 4...... 50 81 41 27 41 85 48 81 88 4G 80 65 88 89 rr"9 71 78 68 64 42 54 I1n In h two Politicians on charas. erC conspiracy wtalnst R1.,neroe.-ilQat-trhltend states Nmirirt Wfirney .n,24. Pathe > . t4 the government. Inrxhanr. at Fhll"4411)MA anti iiia! ansistant New. b...... 56 40 80 25 52 84 4B 81 88 46 89 64 80 70 91 70 71 60 42 48 83 f stake 30, fur pardoned. Its, r^onvlctod at F'hi at7r his of ce,nsptrnry fn the 0•••••• 42 30 80 24 44 85 50 32 88 46 97 72 80 eB 83 i0 82 88 69 55 52 407 37 so 38 28 Re Vk fila.; 1 sli.Governor lisyerr' antl-treat oonforenoe aft- Jetcrabet Kandlg awunterfr(ting came, 7...... 85 23 80 28 35 28 45 86 70 54 93 65 85 89 81 M 71 57 65 50 &3 38 8G , t op of Ito, 3' sambles in St. Louts.-Guerin. the boat 9t• An insurrection br'a+aka nut !n Colomlrla.-1! v. lis Dattfphan. loot robt,rrs kill two man, wound; 8""' 88 22 32 18 40 29 87 75 55 78 66 78 64 SO 60 77 0 62 62 59 48 87 28 larrr, 'ray' mark# Parisian agitator. surrandom.-Dlscovry of be 9...... 40 28 1591 60 68 ri 61 84 (34 Fiala! Nioltolas IT. range of mountains f60 62 56 41 48 80 n Abyalalula by other.and lewsi a steers', 10...... 28 10 6 'X U ship a Russian expe4itlon. announao4.--Over 1l M New >Ib, The tfrtivet'*a11st canventinn adapts a,now 6 45 34 58 84 70 51 74 63 85 65 76 66 72 59 88 54 60 46 44 28 rican ty River (CtW, Va.) minant strike for higher wades.- craxd.-Crus 11 20 G 10 e'8 49 84 51 87 65 50 72 59 84 67 79 GB 71 61 67 54 58 41 60 42 tm. the MvrriutictnlMl, elertrd PrN81•I 12...... 31 11 6 2 64 42 M 89 82 55 72 62 79 82 80 G5 76 58 78 G7 41 80 59 49 sty nF An rarthguake in Aele >lttltaar deatrnye two v!1- Aunt of Vertvxuala.•-•Tht, British evacuate Glen. 18...... 40 25 10 4 47 87 06 48 88 67 76 65 82 65 85 69 74 57 74 58 45 29 57 40 - ,torts, oks of a t lalwtatw t,It100 howaa and 1,000 Uvea.-t'ashier 8'l1b���rtt c`"* and Dundee, falling back upon Ladysmith. � 14.•.... 42 88 28 7 42 82 64 52 68 50 8B 69 80 86 75 67 65 GS 68 58 41 82 45 f16. 7 of the aawto (tit.) bank, mortally wounded by Y4.The Orange 1 State proclaims 15..,... 47 87 29 9 42 84 63 51 G9 61 88 72 88 66 78 62 70 50 72 57 4 36 3' 7 woo )lie L burn; Walter Lawton, who was sits��eere�ted of Intention rrrxation of a file ru'•� 16...... 47 38 86 21 46 82 G8 88 81 60 7G 59 84 70 77 62 69 57 7 ', t3awea to rob ilii. beak: the oltllst'!t tat&fly hurt and a lata take chtsrmt or the Vet�teeunlrntnygovLergnsat,r ! 1"r...... 53 85 44 84 40 27 60 37 BS 48 78 65 85 72 84 t38 70 55 71 88 8g o 7. an ll f d dor lnlurad In the meleeriot ne personAlgiers wound- Bevan ('atomhinn insurR,•nt vFarrela drntroy00 dor•` 18...... 41 22 42 81 48 82 63 47 56 51 78 62 83 69 82 85 7x 68 79 64 50 b8 95 pat- kill f od daring as antip Scitlo stat to As arr. !ns a battlo In Maadalrrr„ ttiv„r,--The Tinlaerealist 19...... 89 17 43 88 52 84 88 47 68 50 82 62 85 65 88 72 78 M 74 60 55 49 N.J. 1, AriCi teratt. !1, The staatn*hip 8eotlarnan ettrtkar a rock and oonvontlon apt►r,inta n r„rllllllltr•a to aonf,r t,Idi 20...... 42 28 48 85 89 24 68 42 88 50 87 67 77 65 SG 71 77 81 (33 45 49 8 Th calor. founders to the strait of Fle1la Isle. twelve woman a similar commlttao at Unitsrr!nttx to delih,rate un 21...... 4Q 2s) 50 40 34 20 52 42 fi4 51 87 64 88 66 8 l n Irmo drowned: wrrrked passon robbed by the creat. church unison. 89 ,0 68 66 49 89 49 85 lCy l f the >n Organization of the Trlplor Liqui! Air (:ora- orbs F*nrty-threw bogie avernttmc•nt oflidllW r4 22...... 48 84 50 88 48 34 56 41 86 62 74 (30 87 70 87 70 71 52 51 88 G6 40 the r tanY tnpi1 04 In Mew York.-Adam Komelor, a southern Russia arit�estad for msltcetrutnre to oP•i 23...... 89 82 45 34 45 84 70 4z 61 G8 72 80 70 82 84 70 G9 b7 51 48 52 40 Arant miser, his hlrod man. his housekeeper and a child doer.-11', TpnnYson Neely, fire New York pub- 24•••••• 48 84 85 21 44 82 64 49 71 63 85 85 72 80 82 69 68 80 68 58 48 85 3p. , murdered, and the house robbed and burned, at i 25....,, 88 29 89 23 87 80 71 48 71 51 78 86 78 61 77 69 72 87 85 55 45 83 tVIth ot th)fs Keatalor'a Curve, Md, Usher, lila*s txctittan in toll.. motpyy+. 26...... 48 29 42 29 40 29 77 57 78 51 88 81 88 69 79 89 72 55 89 55 45 88 3 4 ><7. Strikers At peeotttur. Ill.. !set thtt w„ret..f a 27...... 43 16 49 88 45 26 66 50. 73 53 82 &5 90 72 75 67 68 46 73 58 4 � k Nm'Ha� �. A maniac in the Kankakee till.) asylum rtr,t with offle'wrr and non-union men. � ui of hie IIUk)i ilree'l cured by seat lymph. .tit. The Now River(W.VA.) mine strike,clvelared 28,•.•,, 27 13 40 28 43 34 a0 45 84 60 78 65 b1 89 81 B4 68 49 70 55 48 89 Lith; t,erdit' f4. IEarthquake, flood and landslide near L)aa'• ,.tY, 29...... 82 18 41 82 66 45 85 68 76 60 79 70 7B 65 70 69 85 58 68 88 turned 11' t' gs melttin India. destroys ><40 Itvoa,-A pro-Etoar 30. TIC*bornn2act of lAdYamith beginN,Part 80...... 84 19 -� •• 52 82 72 G1 79 5G 78 61 78 86 77 84 81 47 61 47 G5 42 the t tnaatlnee In Trafalgar square. London, turned info rot general White's t3t•iti*h army lured into the 31...... 2$ 19 .. .. 56 40 ay, hour An to Admiral war dalxsonatrstlon• hills And fumed to surrender. 82 66 82 64 76 67 57 51 .. > ,not at r Urea >I0. Admiral isewel►, on flee OlYtppla, arrive* In Means. 88 24 88 21 45 32 58 42 G9 53 81 f14 8Z 66 81 f36 72 58 65 52 52 89 , ray. or;it NOW Yeo any•-Tia tatted States and Havana Novc"naber. Pecip. 4.08 5.48 6.78 1.23 1.14 1.83 8.20 3.90 I 6.89 2.05 2.18 rpetite folia r Company 1naor>soratod, 1. A thrr•r Maya" suecetsrtrul trot of hf+rr¢unl'a m Below zero. foal; !sp t7. The Young people's Christian Tanoparatsaet wireleraa tt•le�trashy aon!)ttrted l,,,rsr,nally uy the In the t1'nr,' Tpnir,n ,,rttaalatd !A C'ltlaai0,. rl'rvt,ni.,r ten f"nitrnl At00nd clodWftrhilm, slim roar! rare not r r♦B.C.araehta}nvwate►11 by V;nos Calan Inourgonta.•- 1'„ttery x1rin of I-Capt Liv,•rljoal, (1, wla n _- ilmnl that I d me ill In Chicago. sy van/t i nay tl7c baa wart ro . cit efore, Can 1101(1 its O�VIl Or such a trunk behind: I lana or old ttrne'tr ti'nur .body well over. All you'vo got,to da is ger'way shelf and smell against the field back"-.._ I'd hate,t,0 meet and quail ;her usied to srlanufarture. for 1 opill.11 lly. "And sit downs Yes,I know;I can do that,but Beforo an elephant.anti learn _._ -_- 1t hurts. PhPladelphia.Prsss, I'd Quul.led behind Ills tail. a the card;command, on Quite Corl.texl.t. NO t to Be G derstand LENGTH OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism, aald Gov.Aycock,of North Caro- Avhicir reminded me of anoth ter grown so hard. ling, "is a marvellous thing. I used to lmow a an old fisherman a long time a !ould eat and eat - Miles. widow who thought she would loolc Into It a little, torether alone the Elk. thes my stornaoh ache. New York Rapid Transit................ ... «2 4-5 She visited a medium, and the man agreed for 85 It was a candidate for churl were more than sweet-.. Metropolitan Underground, London......'.'''.• 13 to give her some conversation with her dead his- went rte to be examined as to ither used to Construct. '............•I................. hand. misslon. Simplon, Switzerland.............. .. 12 "He put the lights out and fell Into a trance, St. Gothard Switzerland........... .. "Do ran believe In the Inn ti " Int that 1 was Yottna-- •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 1e�/e and suddenly a dim, pall shilp© appeared In the "Yes;1 believe I believve rood home I stood, Parrs Underground................................................................. 81/z + furthest,blackest corner of the,room. "Do you believe God loves y yearning tongue Mont Cents, Switzerland........................................................... 71,4- � Are you my husband? Are you John?' the "Olt,t,cs, I believe that." A It was good I Baltimore and Ohio Railroad........•.......................................... widow whispered tremulously. "Vo you believe He made the i cvastecl years Arlburg, Austria.................... '1'I am John,'a bass voice answered. "Yes, I believe that," I might take, awe-stricken, the widow was Tuppenny Tube London..... a�' "b'o a moment, "Do you believe the whale eva•a led by fears, Hoosae, Massachusetts........ .,........................................ 5% s . 'Then she said: 'c s,I behove 1 believe the :lolls u9rd to darsi(fn. Berlin Underground .. • • "'Do you forgive me for my Ill-treatmcnt of you "Do you believe the three Ile g ............ i le 41/2 n life?' oast into a furnace of deo and w Is lett a spool Liverpool and Birkenhead......................................................... 41A "'I forgive all,'replied the voice. "X-0-0, I don't believe that.' oiled t17r slender thread Boston Subway................................ .................,................. V1 ¢ "'Are you happier than you were when you were "Oh, well. you can't join the, nh in nage and toot Cascade, Great Northern Railroad............................................... V/2 ♦ living?' the fiible, and unless you belie 's wh(s r, Budapest, Austria.. "'Much happier.' p r"Tread I" p .................................... .............. . a .. you can't join the church.' leer, all things{that bless Bowlder, Montana.............. r to return to earthy e i 'Have you no desire "Can't T join unless I believe t, then furstske. 2 "�o,sires:that you oerm't.' 10 snore careesi Ivanhoe, Colorado................................................................... •' thrr used to manufart + Sarnia, Canada.................... _- -__ _..------.---- -- t b that there _. 1 Ione to 7atever' 2 'Where are yon,,Tahn't' "Hunrphl then I want to tell n lladcs'sold the spirit'" Clevelrzrzd Lender don bell hoc d-n ri, .urn. l -- -'Mutoaukee .Scn4lrt�i. --- -- . etti7er"-•R1ulrtirille i-tanrzar.`-. braxy Association Hiawatha on Prohibition. F the Southold Library - ":ail aboard!" said Hia�sat.NY' Lt the office of Justice eestir,o. 41-13 1_gid uu- ---- --- �AjlX �. JL:dJIM, s C�IENERAL NECROLOGY OF 8i19�ontinuednA t Saturday afterno^ 1. t''iIv Howard F. Sprague, marine painter, New York.- Tihlman Ploutz, sculptor, Chicago. August. Rev. A. S. Hi - GENERAL NECROLOGY OF 1899, 16. The Earl of Strafford, England, run over by a 1, Tayo Morimura, Japanese exporter. rax c irmig �ttr railroad train.-Rev. William Nast, founder of 2, Mrs, J. Albert Pew (Georgia Palmi Y Ra J>a11 3'• 2, John W. Cranford, Congressman, Washington, German Methodism in America, Cincinnati. tionist, Warren, O. tempor Rio mess VlAaYer, Hoboken, N. J. -Rev, Andrew K. H. Boyd, English author, 19. Charles R. Buckalew, ex-United States Sen- 3. George Averoff, Greek reviver of the 4, T Det L A. ycrrs th, apanish capitalist.-AIger- 4.J. H. Cook head of the to ator, Bloomsburg, Pa.-William C. Stone, inventor, games, is de Cuban, agencY, Lon- �1CBr3 pony tee 2. 14leaqu Duke og Northumberland, Eng. don. Washington.-The Earl of 1lalmesbury,England. 6. Colonel Azor S. Marvin, safe man 25. T ern nasi Ci. Yeiiouaxd terve, editor of the Paris 6. Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii, 22. Carlotta Grisd, Italian dancer. New York. r Pe Great a g 4. Aimee 8. Mrs. Louisa A. Quackenbos, school book au. '2`l• Colonel E. W. Cole, coal, Iron and railroad S. W. Y. Atkinson, ex-Governor, Newn and Jc Ter Soleil. Bendall, astronomer Philo- thorn, New York. capitalist, Nashville Tenn, 10. Cardinal Bishop Verga, Rome.--R( L. C Court kill 5. ProfesSQ;' E• Otis 26. pan Emilio G�astelar, Spanish Republican J, Marks, preacher, author and lecturer _ I-s. j Oti Hold Moore, magazine writer 10, Sir Douglas Galtonn. , English author on sanl- Tre ewa(led ile ci3( and friend egGoWing,r��Blish Cobden Club joua; t 12aMra, Robert Keeley, English actress, statesman, French Cal.-Mushir Ed Dowleh, Persian Ml 26. Rosa Bonheur, painter of animals. Foreign Affairs, ;arty, 28 M 31 Ill RlcY�r3 r von I'olkanhayn, Austrian 14.Ludwig Bamberger, German historian,-Iicy. 27• Marcus A. de Coudres, philanthropist, Evan- 11. Bishop James Ii. Crick, A. M. I£„ Wel by pan Wallet.-coi.ant Julius Wer, distiller, Detroit. mann Steynthal German philologist. tan, DeL 31.T go statcsnian_--�ir'am �¢' ' � ston, Ill. Korri man Dingley, Chairman of the Cangres- 15.John Collett, geologist, Indianaliolis, 31, Dr, Norman Kerr, English specialist on in- 12. Horatio N. Slater, manufacturer, 3 a su4 mission ject sioiiaj� a3'S and Means Committee, Lewiston, Me. 16.Josepli Medill, editor of the Chicago Tribune; ebriety. Lizzle McNichol., opera singer, cion a -Arthur H- Dundon, narrna1 school educator, New -Benjamin F. Hutchinson ("Old Hutch"), gr•aan June. 16. Prof Robert W. E. Bunsen, German Y g is C. Sartori Strelby, score 1. John Smart, landscape painter, England, 18. G. West Martin, capltatlst and e U. S. N. re- speculator, Chicago,-Rev. M, P. tr f En lis Yark.-(:`crrrirnodore L.e'W a Oakland, Cal,. 1. tired, Phi;s,delphia. tary of the American Home Mission Association, 2• William H. Ellerbe, governor, Columbia, S, C. Ing c 3• Pasha, e c-='resident of the Egyptcaai New York, g is sl 14 NubFaz- -Mrs, Dora T. Voorhis, magazine writer, Wash- 22, Caspar Buburi sculptor, New York. Council of Ministers. 17.Prof, Othniel C. Marsh, geologist, Yale Uni- ington. 24, -Judge Henry Hilton, Saratoga, I ReV. 1, Ov 6.: 15 Dr Edwin M. Hale+ medical author, Chicago. versitY• 3. Johann Strauss,Austrian musical composer. 26. Henri. de Vilmorein French seecism� 1'Y� J• Queem the 4 TY low -Dan Mc .g--thy' comedian, New York. 18. Dr. Philip J. J. Valentin(, Spanish-American 6. Frank Thomson, president of the Fenny lvania 27• Dr, Max Thorner,� eye and ear s 16. Rev, -TTenry G. perry, Grand Chaplain of historian, New York. Railroad, Philadelphia, y Cincinnati. army -T o.-Fatherr Charles Chiniquy, apostle 19.Patrick Walsh, ex-United States Senator,. 7• Augustin Daly, American dramatist and man- 30, Baron Albert Grant, British camp 3.LIO Elks, Cbicag Montren Augusta, ager, in Paris,-Sister Margaret Anna Cusack, "the moter. return Duel of tem 1' Ga.-John L. Breek, landscape painter, perara.ce,' rty; ful the 17.Juhn Russell YounP'. Librarian of Congress. Boston.-Dr. Oliver Marcy, naturalist, Chicago. nun 10. fKenmore," Leamington, Eng. 31. Frank Ives, champion American N t Eureks N.Job A- Cooper, •ex--Governor, Denver, 24.Francis H. Pied ont,ex-Governor of Virginia,; Captain Henry Nichols, of the monitor Mon- at Progreso, rin. 6.'Tl ins t! bemger, adnack, at Manila.-John J. Lalor, political of Iowa, Angelgs,-Samuel Merril, ex- 21.General S. S. Barn Confederate, San -Frank C. Skinner, ex-Governor, $oston,-John' � economist Washin resent of - Francisco_ Mackenzie, South African missionary.-G. It Washington. Th ferene. (Au. 22• Genex-a2 Michael Annakoff, Russian military Leitner, German linguist,-Prof, Gustav Wieder svfft g 11. Rev. William J. Blackie, Scotch Presbyterian ear. 7.TY mann, Ger:_ran chemist. theologian, September. Y sults 7. engineer. z 18. Dr. Lawson Tait English 1. Rev. W. K. Pendleton. President em, 23. Rev_ aylatthew B. � ler, editor of the Phila- 26. Thomas C. Fletcher, ex-Governor of Missouri. pioneer of ab- ted. 8• Y Prof delphia Presbyterian. 26. Dr.James O. Murray, dean of Princeton Uni- domdnal surgery, Bethany College, W. Va. P t 1(). S Obsi V6• Augustus H, Garland. ex-Attorney General, versity. 16. Richard P. Bland, ex-Congressman, Lebanon, 3 SophrortiuOrthodox Greek patrh `e We Ill. S. �Vashtngtcrr�_ 27, Bishop Peter Dugan, St, Louis. Ma.-Rear Admiral Pierce Crosby, U, S, N., re- Egypt•--George Averoff Greek reviver Olympic games Dr. I�, W. cents 11. F gang �• M fiohne, Directo2' of the International Pos- 28, Dirket Foster, English artist. tired.-Prof- Locke Richardson, elocutionist, I3erlln, M Greer, I Cal Bureau, Berne, ;3vvitzerland.-13van Jones, 29, brigadier-General Flagler, Old Point Comfort, 16, Archbishop Sourrieu France. of Erskine College, Duewest, S. C. change 8•` former fabulist nor for Vice=President,-Fort Va.-S. D. Armpur, meat packer, Kansas City 18. Benjamin E. Hardtng, ex-United States Sen- 4. Jean Ristics, ex-Regent of Servla, 'SOWS can r, Yea Worth. 'rex_-James H. Slater, ex-United States star, Cottage Grove, Ore. b. BishopPierce, Episcopal, of Arkanr govern taro Senator, Z.�(- Grande, CQ 1. April. 19, Simon Fry, grand commander of Scottish Rite Peterson, anskrit scholar, Bombay. India 0 giV in the at } 30. Rev. Marron W Reed, preacher and politician, 1. Rear Admire] Charles C, Carpenter, U. S.n, Masons, New York.-Dr, Thomas A. Summers, 8, Rear Admiral Henry F, Peeking, U, ire no with t is a Denver. Boston (by suicide).-Baroness Hirsch, Hebrew army surgeon and yellow fever expert, St. Louis Boston. 31. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria.-Sir Francis philanthropist. (by suicide), 9, James B, Eustis, ex-Senator from L le. Z 1L:' 4. Warren F.Leland, hotel proprietor, New York, 21. Commodore Oscar C. Badger, U. S. N., re- and first Ambassador to France, Newpar y 2 ce (stent Va., C• Ford, British Aizzba ss><tdar to Rome, tired Concord,. Mass, 12. Cornelius Vanderbilt, railroad oapip, r ng larges 12. F`etiruAry. -Lily Post, opera singer, San Francisco. 23.'Henry.B, Plant, railroad owner, New York. York. at Ka resig L Rev. G'Yiarles S. Robinson, hymn writer, New 5. Rose Leelereq, English actress. 24. Kapiolani, queen dowager of.Hawaii.-Card- 13• Judge Melanethon W. Oliver, Dar ecide 17. 3 13.1 York. 9. Stephen J. Field, ex-associate justice of the anal Count Franz de Paula, primate of Hungary. campaign author, Cin cin natl.-Prof, von 18. I asse 3. Bish William �'Hara, Catholic Scranton United States Supreme Court, Washington.- f0110 Island dura Pa o7a Thomas J. Havemeyer, sugar refiner,New York. 28 Admiral Windham, retired, London, Austrian laryngolnt;lst, 10 Henry a Tabor, ex-United States Senator, 29• General Harry J. Madill, Towanda, Pa. 17. Charles A. Plllsbury, dour merchant, render Rue 4. Alice Atherton, burlesque actress, New York, 30, Mrs.E. D. E. N. Southworth, novelist, Wash- aPalts.-Daniel Ermentrout nd 19. l 14. b, Hen Vfaden, landscape Denver.-Moses W. Dodd publisher, New York. ington. Congressman ry painter, Milwaukee. , San ver c phia -Jamee A_ Sexton, Cvrnmander-in-Chief of the Thomas Hardie, educator, Dubuque, Ia. Ing, Pa. caster Chicl G. A. R., -VGTashington. 11. L ascar Ctargi, ex-premier of Roumania. July. 18. James X. Nixon, retired circus 13. E Sargeant, American artist,in London. L Charles V. Cherbuliez, French novelist and New York. pec yea" ofNewltbri home 6. Gaunt George Leo van Caprivi, ex-Chancellor 16. Ell Thayer, organizer of the "Kansas Cr critic. 19, Lieutenant-Colonel Jahn D. Miley, It of bid 16. of Geimarsy_-Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and sade," Worcester, Maas. 6. Bisho John P. general of volunteers Manila,--1V1,Wiley, 11 A. 20. 1 Va., Gotha. p Newman, M. E., Saratoga, the P 17. 7. Rt. Rev_ John Williams, ranking Episcopal 16, Sir Rose L. Price, English author and soldier, Y'•-John P. Richardson, ex-Governor, Columb a,N. Wer, friend of Capt. Dreyfus snit form n and 21.( tersv Bishop of itlze United States, Middletown, Conn,- 17. Rt. Rev, John A. Watterson, Catholic Bishop'( S. C. President of the French Senate.-Judge Chl Quay 1s. Colonel Thomas Moonlight, ex-Minister to Bolivia, oP Columbus. 6. Robert Bonner, horseman and former Daly, President of the American Geogt Z. Je ing f: two Leavenworth, Kam.-William Laird, British ship- 19• Samuel G. Hilborn, Congressman, California, Ilsher of the New York Ledger,-Mrs, Captain n S 21leG, Sag Harbor, L. T. 23.; the p builder. 20, Captain Henry A, Bourne, president of the Dickins, magazine writer, Washin ton b asci- neral Roman Ulloa, Colombian l other stake 19. 11. Mark w. Dunham, horse breeder, Wayne, Ill, Old Dominion Steamship Company, New York.- dent), g ( Y Colon.-John Herl. get, millionaire distiller, Rev. Ga.; 80, 12.Prince Napoleon G. T. P. Bonaparte, Rome. John L. Lay{torpedo inventor, New York.-Alex- 7, Very Rev. Eugene Pesuelle, Superior General 1122. General Brault, chief of general staff, 24. aemb 13. A. tic'_ Campbell, journalist, and one 4f the ander Weill, !Tench novelist, of the Order of the Fathers of Mercy, Faris. 22. Sir John R. Mowbray, army.-Colonel William Crichton, a cal ray markr Paris founders o West Virginia, Wheeling. senior member of the 10. Charles Graham, ballad writer, New York.- Cincinnati. Raleii Nicht 15. Sir George W_ Chitty, English jurist.-John British House or Commons.-S, T, Baird,Congress- Grand Duke George of Russia,brother or the Czar, 23. Luke D. Broughton, President of the K O ship 1 a Ru A. McMurtrle, millionaire contractor, Denver. man, Louisiana.-Frederick Smith, ex-governor, 11. Cardinal Teodolfo Mertel, Vice Chancellor of logical Society of America, New York. ty per River 16.Felix Faure, President of France.-Rev. John New Hampshire. the Holy Roman Church, Rome, 2i. ] An a Gillespie, Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of 24, Richard J. Oglesby, ex-governor, Lincoln, Ill, Count I, B. Ives' President of the Canadian Privy 25. Cali{coon P,r neie'IrBsh African ext of a r lages, Foreign Missions, Mlizaboth, N. J,-henry Jones 26. Ex-Premier• erlachstein, of Austria, Haggerty, U. S, 01(S 26.' of the ("Cavendish"). English whist author. 27• Sam T. Jack, theatrical manager, New York, 16. C. W. Foote, Grand E sited Leading tired, New York.-John Sleeper Clarke, An burn; Walt, 17.Lewis Miller, Presictent of Chautauqua As- 30, The eighth Duke of Beaufort, England.- of the Order of Elks Minneapolis,-Wm,pKJohnt NewedYorkin London,-Jared B. Flagg, sr., i1C Li Dawe to ro' sembly. AKrvn, O_ q Lewis Baker, journalist and diplomat,Washington, Ston, President of Tulane University. an 27. ' farme 18. Sir R_ Lambert F'la..yfair, English author of -Power H. L. Trench, English diplomat. 17. Right Rev. Charles Graves, Bishop of Lim- Washington, Henry I3uth, Confederate his kill 1 ed du books of travel. erick and ex-President of the Royal Academy. and tered. 21. ' 19. Luther Chapin, founder of the senior 0. U. May. N18..Horatio Alger, writer of boys' stories, October. railrc found: A. M., Philadelphia. 1. Prof. Frederlch K. C, L. Buchner, German Th Princ drowr, 24. Sir John Struthers, Scottish surgeon.-Daniel physicist. 19, Prof. Geiger, founder of Wittenburg College, ex-Seamen Harlan, Ix-United States Senate endoi 22. C O'Connell, litterateur and 2, Henry B. Hyde, president of the Equitable Springfield, O. t tT playwright, Sausalito, Life Assurance Society,New York.-Martin E.van 21. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, lawyer and Unions PacificlRa[lroili,d�0rmdaVice-President y the pany Cal.-Gener-ELI Gaeton de Rouehebouet, former Gran miser, Simson, Gorman jurist.-Rev, Samuel H. Kellogg, agnostic lecturer, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. r French Premier, 28, murde 25. Baron, ]Paul Julius de Reuter, head of a American missionary to India. 24. Rev. Thomas J. Sawyer, Universalist writer HA. D. James PaW. Kessler, naval his 1 Fr murd Kemlr British nevws agency.-Colonel A. L. Conger, 3. Louis T. Rebisso, sculptor, Cincinnati• and educator, Boston. Erie 23. t former Republican National Committeeman, Dcs 4. Mrs. Emma Marsnall, English novelist. 25, Thomas A. Becker, Bishop of the Catholic Ely' William R. Smith, first refiner or Petr, pu1)li dred cured Moines, Iati 5, Cardinal Philip Krementz, archbishop of Diocese of Savannah.-Oscar Gerard, American authority on traderandTfinane>,IJ' Fttrrer, ] pedit 24. F 26. GeneraA T. V. Reynolds, Washington,-Dennis Cologne. comedian, in Australia.-Nicholas Ru rge 29, jeeliii� M. Hurley, Congressma_rm, 6. Rev. Charles H. Payne,secretary of the Board Swiss railroad builder, ggenbach, 14, John T. Harris, ex-United States Se the : meet ll B. Rothberg R•othenlowern, Austrian ex-Minister of Education of the M. E. Church, New York. 29, Guzman Blanco, ex-Dictator of Venezuela, Harrisonburg, Va,-Vice Admiral Fillip H Cour an a of Foreign Ai�airs,-giys}3ap John B, Vertin, Sault 8• Judge William Lawrence,ex-comptroller Of the 31. Mrs.'Kate Chase Sprague, Washington, D, C manufacturer,, �P fin• Shultz, M111lonair Presl 25, Ste. Marie, Mich. currency, Bellefontaine, 0. -Dr. Daniel G. Brinton, ethnologist, Ph[ladelphia. 16. Edward Orton, nconnmir. O orgai New =�r�h• 9, Mlle, Hortense-Barbe Loret (Rhea), Frond -Sir James Eclt;ar, Speaker aE the Canadian State Prof.rof. E sit R'eoIcrglst the 1 Cigar L Barona_rrer Fleisch actress. House of Commons, y,-,judge J. '1`, Henderson, ex petite lapse 27.'I England a.nc3 Joint gi ell, Lard Chancellor of 12. Roswell P, Flower, ex-governor, New York,- missdoner of Agrlculturc�, Atlanta. A the War( Union United Sta-tee. �h Commissioner to the Henri Bocque, French dramatist, rare nil ' 28. 15. Francisque Sarcey, French dramatic critic.- -- -a1-x- that in A zed in though it be, "IL's easy,"said Sdcayter, t•ryltiff to teach I3:lutn- Yo11 never gnaw t me till 1 sy van a (;all hO1C1 its OW11 say the backward roll. "D011 t be afraid to throve 11'ltli 81101 tc rr old time your .body well ovor. _'1.11 you've trot to(io is Gro'way Or such a trunk shelf and smell against the field basic"--- I'd hato to nae her used to manufacture. for popula.rlty. "Anil sit down? Yes,I know',I tan do that, but Beforo all eleph - -- -- it hurts."-Philadeiphtra Pr�ss. I'd coddled b ct my command, - ----- -----. ... on the card; Quite C011te]n.t. hu t xfroLerstn LENGTH OF THE W'ORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism,"sold Gov.Aycock, of North Caro-frownso hard. tiVhTt;h remin, ould est and rat- lima, "is a marvellous thing. I used to know a sa old flshernu ♦ --" wldor who tliout;lrt she would look into It a little kes my stomach ache. + New York Rai Miles. together along were more than sweet- - Rapid Transit..................................................... 224-5 She visited a medium, and the man agreed for $5 It waA a oam ther used to oonstruct. � Metropolitan Underground, London..•,•....,..,.. •_,,....,•... IS to give her some convrersatdon with tier dead hus- went up to be Simplon, Switzerland.................... r tit that l ,vas young- St. Gothard, Switzerland................ .................. . band mission 1� "He put the lTglit9 out and tell into a tranco, i•o n. belle, cod home I stood. Paris Underground..................... aced in the ............. vearniag taantue Mont Cenis, Switzerland... P • ,� and suddenly a cllm, pall shape alrpc •. <.Ye ♦ s•I belles gl/y urtlicst blackest corner of Cho room ♦ "Flo$'(ru bo14( 3 it was�oodi ........... ........................................ ii,Cy 'Are you my husband? Are you .john?' the "Oil, Yes, 1 b. rested years Baltimore and Ohio Railroad..................................... %vddow whispered treinulously. .................................. -......... "Do you belie, 1 might take, Arlburg Austria. ;;`I ani John,'a bass voice answered. "Yes, I belies ail by(rears, + Tuppenny Tube,London....... '..•. ..•.. For a moment, awe-stricken, the w1olow was "DO You beliei 53/4 silent. 'Then she said: hcT used to desitln. HoosaC, Massachusetts.............. ................•..._. 414 Do you fort;lee Inc for my Ill-trcatnacnt of you "Y-e-s, I bell, Berlin Underground.. 411/2 4 !n life?' u Do you belie it but a apkm Liv�odl and Birkenhead.. ............................................. 4112 ,l forgive all,'replied the voice. oast into a furno tltstl tAc sieader thread Boston Subway.............................................................. ..... •� "S' -O-o, T don ,ttliattst*and tool •• ....................................... 2X4 � 'Are you happier than you were when you were yot cvk -I"dt" Cascade, Great Northern( Railroad„,, - Ilving?' "Oh, well, +err,alt(}((cogs that bless Budapest, Austria................. 21/z Much happior. the Bible, and 1 A4 per t• Bowlder, Montana.. ................................................... 'Have you Voll can't join 1 eartae Ivanhoe Colorado....... 2 None whatever.'wire to return to earth? Can't I join t slur watt to lnanufaMurr, Sarnia, Canada.......................... Where are S John?' "No.slreo:ten -hrdruigukfe:5tluttteC i .'................. .... 1 'In Hades'said the spirit.' -Cleveland Lender. • "Ruin ht then n ------- __---- --- - _ don't believe th; either. -w•Naxhvil rary Association Hia-watha on Prohibition. the Southold Library1—­­)board!'« :aid Hiawatha,. ♦i1r r.{: -r—'... the office of Justicer GENERAL NECROLOGY OF 1890-Co7ttinued, L Mjritt� i6ff Of 1905. Saturday afterng^ 1a �;iliiam H. A3Pnleton, publisher, New York.- Dr. Daniel Sheparclson, founder of the She antis Age at death is given in parentheses; vocation,plaoe,cause,and time of death who Writer and editor, New York, Ville College for Women, Granville, O. p Achenbach, Oswald(78),painter,Dusseldorf,Gor- Capon,Rev, Dr.Elrrrer FI,(67),P ReV, A. S. H I.eslle gcl,eod, tu�eer, song writer, New York. 10. Rev. Elliott, Pounder of the first L, Davis, runny,Feb.1. College,Medford, Mass., Pnutu )rary C R()( "?0 plonel Schneider Austrian military attache Bapttist college in tho. e United States, San Fran_ Adorns, Thomas (87), pioneer manufacturer of Carlisle, Mrs.Maryy J.(70),wifuc or n Ric 1 at_)i'ctl h Osgood, ex-Governor of Connecticut, 1Cis1. Commander E.P. ",cod,U. chewing gum,Brooklyn,N.Y.,Feb. 7. the'I'r©asury,Jo in G.Carlisle, 1. T Der 2 , H Fla of the Petrel, Washington. S. N•, formerly, Adolplins, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (88), Carter,Jttntes U,(7s), lawyer, Hohenhorg,Nov,17. Feb,14. Cera bgny ec not y4xnl�ri1xr.les Gras3uth�rlen, English novelist and 13. General Edward Ferrero, New York. Al-ger, William Ti. (82), clergyman and author, Cavaignrtc, Gatlefroy (52),Irene Major General Sir W. 14. Lucius O'Brien, Canadian landsca a Boston,Mass,,Fv,b.7, war,Saint Ualais,Sept.25. Pete Groat a K 4 t")Iaula;' science ritish, wounded in the battle of l and Jt Ter. St) •Penn 7yrrionds, P painter. Allain,Loiiis J(66)Rear-Admiral U,S.N,(rotired) Chapelle, Pla.oldo Louis (03), A �• C court kill (-,lenc�e- �T_ henry, U. S. A., New York. THE CITY DEPOSITORIES. New York City,paralysis,Julio 2s. Roman Catholic diocese of Nt del 27 �.eneraI Guy S, Atk ineiorr, l dsvartl.(78), politica] economist, Orleans,La,pins o.(sl), ,Aug, Creas. while tiro am -F'lorenCe IbSarrb t (Mrs' Francis Lean), ROrne English The elected Banks and Trust Com antes have Boston,14lass.,acute indigestion,Dec.11, ChurchiIl�'1`homas J.(81),ox-Con called (131 1 novelist--Captain -T�ibgonnhoteleo owner, St, Louis, been selected following the deposit p governor of Minn�+sota, ex-Governor of Arkansas, Lit 23 1 Of New Yor'li City Austin, Horace i74), ex-governor net by Paan na \, y,—Sir Charles Hall, civil engineer, Chicago, moneys: Minneapolis,Minn.,surgical operation,Nov.7. May 15. Corn 8o s(t -Captain Charier ET-- 13erthon, English inventor Banks in Manhattan-Bank of America, Bang A7piroz,!)on Manuol de(59),MexicanAmbassador Claflin,William(87},ox-Governor( 31.T y ev. Edwrarc of New Amsterdam, Bank of the State of New to the United States,Washington,D.C.,heart Newton,Mass„debility,Jan,5, many jest 1 '� R 11$psible boELt' York, Bowery Bank, Columbia, Central National, disease,-March 24. Clark, Emmons(78),first secreta a 8lli misssio sic. of a co en thaler, inventor of the line- si,ln t - p 1a t,emir Mer€ Chase National, Chatham National, Continental Baird,Absalom(81),Brevet-MajorGeneraI U.S.A. Clity I3otard of IIoalth,former oa y f01« Englis l Yu type rrf$-iiiarn F3alti=nore. National, Corn ]'xchan e (retired),Relay,14id.,June 14. Reglmont,New York City,pneu tin B0. L'rv'iiliam H_ C�'rebb' ship builder and phila.n- Eleventh '�Varc3 First National East Nati nal, Baldwin, William 1i. 41),railroad (40), Britii Gallatin National, Gansevoort, Garfield National, ( President and Clowes, Sir W.Laird lg CO 3. 1 thrapist, New Yorr- A. Neely, Episcopal Bishop philanthropist,New York City,J:an.3. London, Aug.14. is s' CC) 31. RL- Rev. Hen 3' p Germania, Hanover National, Importers and Bandinann, Daniel E.(66),actor, Alissoula,Mont., Clyde,B. I+'rank(53),steamship li Rev. 1.Ox G. 1 c,f ;�$irie, IVoz-elmber, Traders' National, Liberty National, Market and heart failure,Nov.23. adelphla,killed by railroad trail J• Qi 1 F thea l the 1 Fulton National, Mechanics' National,Meehanics' Barka r,James M.(66),AsaociateJuatico of Supreme Cole,Belle,American singer,Lon( >> enol Charles W. Younghus- Court of Massachusetts,Out.3. Collins, Patrick A.(61),Mayor of LIO arm to l 1.Lieutenant Geri and r Bank, o er hints' ce change National al,Na-F',1 band, 1=ngland.—Alvin Saunders, ex-Governor, l3arrymore,Maurice(65' actor Amityville,N.Y„ man, Hot Springs, Va., here( return over c,f Bank oP Omaha.. North America, National Banx of the Republic, paresis,March 26. bowels,Sept,14. ;y; ful c than 1 2 hTgr_ Joseph Jesszng, founder of the Josephe- National Broadway Dank, National Citizens', Bate, William R. (78),United States Senator Cons Edward P. 70),journalist, Eurek the 2 Na- from Tennessee, Veteran of the 1lioxioarr War Jan,23. ( 'in. F. 6. 'Cl test .` nfum, Columbus, o'- tional Park, National City, National Shoe rrs«•rt of 3. Prof- Luther �- Woodbridge, physiologist, Leather, National Union, Nets York County and Major-General in Confederate Army, Washing- Cooke,Jay(83),financier,Ogontz. F r Williams College, A1,0L nRt, Rev. Louis de Goes- tional, New York National Exchange, New York ton,D.U.,pneumonia,March 9, Cooper, Folkert 11. (01), rnercha The fe7r>T Buff briancl. Bishop of gton, Vt.-Rt. Rev. lir, Produce Exchang e, Ninth National, Nineteenth Bell, Alexander M. (86), educator and lecturer, founders of Singel-Conpor Co., rear. exults i 7 en, Haffnelr-, Bishop of Mayence, Germany, Ward, Oriental, Phoenix National, SeaboardNa- flingWash r, Oh lD.e C.,.pneumonia,Aug. s N.Y.,Cerebral 0).ox-Mayor hemorrhage,Jan 4 Erz iln M. 'Ph0l"E n, crop statistician, New tional, Seventh National, r Na Bellinger, Oharles B.(6b,)United States District Coo er,Edward f80),as-Mar of R,Y Prot estorn National, Cauxt Judge,Portland,Ore.,paralysis,May 12. antbropist,New York City,a op .ed. 'lP York.—F�cbert C. Alexander, editor New York West Side Bunk and yarkv111e Bank. pp teeter Phy �, Bonham, Andrew E.K. (73),Rear-Admiral,U.S. Cosby,Frank C. (65), Rear-Admis we 10. S Obs, Mail sold R. J els. Trust Companies in Manhattan-Atlantic Trust N.(retiied),Lake Mahopac,N.Y.,Aug.11, tired), Washington,D,C„Feb,> Ill, S. �<y) 5• F=' a F. Dewees, author and politician, New Company, Central Trust, Colonial Trust, Conti- York, nental Trust, Farmers, Loan and Trust, Fifth Benham, Dania] •W, (68), Brig,-General U. S.A. Cowper,FAA, Francis Thomas do( ent3 chanF g9nl til 8, viscount Bolin�7orokas (Henry St. John), Lon- Av, Zrust Company, Guaranty Trust, Knicker- retired).Tiffin,Ohio, heart disease,Sept.17. Lord-Lieutenant of Pretend,Lon don. booker Trust, Manhattan Trust Bennett, Emerson (83), novelist, Philadelphia, Crittendam, Thomas T. (77},Vote Ons tan r teat Ni c MerReal 1, Pa„May 12. and Civil Wars.Supt.5. govern taro `. 12. lis jor John A- ��ogan, Jr„ U. S. A„ killed at Trust, change and Trust, New Yo NT Realty Botts, Frederi H, 62), law lawyer, New York City, Croker, Frank, (27),son of Rieha Fi the battle of San Jac_izlto. , Trust give 12, I by 3 Bo nd Exchange and Company, Company, Nety Yurl( Nov.13, ( y mond, Fla., killed in automobib ,e not in the at L Dt- man,(yTopeicaHKan_ GenertaluWilli and .ecurity and Trust Company, PrOduce,Pxchange Blackmar, Wilman W. (64),Comrnnnder-in-Chief 22. Dye, Trust Company Real Estate and Trust, State ti the G.A.R.,Boise,Idaho,interstitial nephri- Croker,Herbert(23),son of I�iohar with ° is a 3 '.meric�sra -�Zinisteri o� War for the Emperor r e, frust, United Stator Mortgage and Trus't, 15r I 11. Washington Trust Company. tis,July 16, ton,Kansas,poisoned,May,12, Cert C. Korea, Muskegon, Mich. Bidt-chford,SainuniA,(60),formerrol)orteroftJnited Cronk, Hiram, (105), last veteran b Ister t 12.a., 14. Rev- Joseph E�et-r twell, founder of the Meth- Banks in Brooklyn-Bedford Bank, Broadway States Circuit.Court,N.Y.,Oct,22, war of 1812,Ava,N.Y„May 13, g atrKa rest 1 Y.-1 Church Extensa on Society, Binghamton, N. Brooklyn, Tirst National, Fifth Avenue, $stn_ Blodgett;Henry W.(64),enc-United litotes District Cunninghanx,f dwarcl L.{fl6)oldest Gleed 17, i 13g Yo Y -V'iI13am H. Dua-ree, originator, of the steel Ilton, Kings County, Manufacturers' National, Jud e,Waukegan,Illrnan.,ex- 9, " 18. I asses mil meati inventor, i'arliddletown, N. J.-John H. K of Harvard Jan,'l9. 3 Mechanics', Mechanics and Traders', 11 ass ilIOV4a Islam, durir Pa Haswell, cipher code inventor, Albany, N. f National, National City, North Side, P ou Bchant,Bloomingdale, Philanthropist andG. of aNow rt Elborr•on, Dane Henry n T),r+icto',New Yo. 16, :van E. Settle, Congressman, Frankfort, l T.(83 Major-(. d H., riQr( Ri1d 4 Ky,--Moritz Busch, German biographer of Prince I'le'x, Sl, Twe ty-si Seventeenth Ward, Sprague N.J„Oct.13. (retired), veteran of Mexican a p National, Twenty-sixth Ward and Union Bank. I3ou(giit(au,George II. (70), painter, Gaxnpden apoplexy,July 15, ver c his -J 13ismarcl�. Trust Companies in Iiroolclyn-Brooklyn,Frank- Hill,England,Jan.iFl, San p 17. Sir Richard Moon, English railroad cap- lin, IIamiltan, Kin s County, Lon Island Loan Brough,Robert, 32),English figure painter,Shof- Dthe 01vi31irWlar, Hwtorrf�n'nUAHlrnr caster Chic; G• g e er hem( g italist_—Colonel Lawrence Kip, horseman, Nety fi ea ern(1 Trust, Manufacturers', Nassau, People's and field,En�iand Jan.21 y of bra 16. G York" �Vianks In g Crust ralnlRocka, Bougy,�•nereast, Adolphe SS'. (80), painter, La Dawkins,(Sir Clinton June Edward(46) Go 19 Sir '�C%illiam Dawson, Canadian educator incl Ing in Queens-I('ar Rockaway Bank, Flush. Rocllellu,France,heart disease,Aug,20, A. P 2fl. 1 a., geologist_ Morgan's British partner,London the P 17. 7 _>>J, La t3y Salisbury, wife of the English re- g Bank, Dank of Jamaica,Queens County Bank, liotitw ell, (w'eorge S. (87), ex-Governor of Dec.2. and 21.( terse Bl, p Bank in Richmond-The Bank of Staten Island, Massachusetts, ex-United States Senator and Davidson,Alton T. (86), last cunei (`t; mien. Quay 18. Bank in Bronx-Twenty-third.Ward Bank. ex`secretary of Treasury, Groton,Mass., pnou- federates tatesCongreRa,Ashovi11 Jen ins f two Le United Garret A. ter-sc i, Vice-President of the monia, Feb,28, Davis, Jeanie Bartlett(46),singer, 23. the bu L'niterl States, Paterson, N. J.-Dixon Kent, Ing- Bnothby, Guy N. (38),novelist,London, influenza, heart d ist�aae,May 14. ther stake 19, 1 11 sh y€t.c1at designer_ THE ALASKAN BOUNDARY, Peb,27, . Tlaclrnas Bro-cher, hat machinery inventor, The boundary Davies, Rt,Rev. Thomas F. R•ev. Ga_; serer 1 New Ycarx_—Thornes fI. Ismay, founder of the y question, which has been agitated Botkin, Alexander O;(63),chairman of commission Michigan, Detroit, Mich., pneir ti'hite Sts r Steamshi; Line, Liverpool.-Prof, Miss- since 1889, is as yet unsettled, even as to the to codify the federal laws, Washington, D. C., De1J1-azzrt,Co'lrit Pierre;(b3),I}i matter of a temporary Nov. Ly mark. Paris of y arrangement or a modus paralysis,ray1. Dakoi, Africa,Sept.14. y kowskf, German ecoriornist, vivendi to prevent a clash between miners along Boynton, Henry V. (70), soldier, historian and De Ileroclia, Jost; Maria(03) Spa Rales; a RI 1 �,} Serr�eant vVilliarrr Anthony, formerly of the the border. The region now in dispute is in the newspaper correspondent. Atlantic City, N.J„ ' O ship 1 Ri ei Al t.'id battleship 1L7 alae, by suicide. , poet,Paris,France,Oct 1:3, ty tie" •.a I3 ev_ Robert Lowry, Baptist hymn writer, southeastern or `Panhandle" section of Alaslia, Jnno3• Do Peyster, 1~redericJames(66),In 2:,. 1 An t G3 Plainf elc3, N. J.—Ce)ionel George R. Davis, pi_ comprising about 29,000 square miles of terr[tory. Prttharn,Dave,(67),orchestra leader and composer, antlxrapist, (governor-Geater:a.l of of a! loges Fc r Within it are located gold mines estimated ata New York City kidney disease, ColCnial Wars,Laketwood,N.J.,r 'i{4 h 26,' of It {" rector general of the %L ante's Columbian Expo-91- value of $13,000,000 and there are valuable fists Bryant,William'C. (57), publisher,Plainfield,N. May 10, burn; Walt 1 tion, V%;;E Hage canneries, lumber and minerals therein, and it la J.,apoplexy, Feb.16, Dixie, Lady Floronao (48) Ensile C I.1 Daws to re ser ' r'alIace Rassa, I-nglish ex-oarsman. ,7 C"2iaries Co regarded as the key to the gold mines of the $utterworth, Bezekialt (65), author of juvonilo aorresponciCnt, Duuifrrexshnc,Sc 27. farm+ 1 �hlst n, actor, Galveston, Tex.- Yukon and the interior. books, Warren,R.I„diahotes,Sept,b• Doane, Monsignor(leorRo H.(74), a Samuel H. L+'lbert, ex-Governor of Colorado, Gal- Early in June, however, the terms of a modus Calderon,Francisco Garcia(71),former President rick°s Itornan CutlrUliC (:atYt:oral, and teredi killa 21.11 b 1 teston. '1 ex• vivendi were drawn u as follows by 141r,Choate of Peru,Lirua,Sept,ll. Jan,22, 28. "ac:i-rrras W. Ti p P.' ratlrc found A. loton, ex-United states Sena- and Lord Salisbury: Print drowi for frr,na 1Tebraska_—]Rev. I3. H, Howell, Welsh "The boundary, until a permanent agreement endue n?,, O, {livfne arxcl religious author, Columbus, O.-Chan- shall be reached, is to be fixed at three tomes. n s r. the pang Ca Pring 3t_ Srrrith, reformer and editor of Smith's � 1 LITTLE THINGS. Gran mits«r Fr Index, 2-"arkersburg1-1, —W. Va. Above the eastern arm of Lynn Canal, it is to rywck, Or 15 going 28. murd. `4. ]='-irate di Ruspoli, Italian Senator and Mayor pass through the Canadian custom houses ectal- I have o int the ion be's bringing ri stuck, murd Kes�sl BY of Ronne- lashed respectively in the Vtrhite Pass and the Little drops Of water-, L'ut 1 brought the impreszirnl of half a brick, Fr F..rie 3. fo, IDe�.QmUer. Over the garden wall. Pie plcics his f 2 Chilkoot Pass, and above the western arm of the i )Lllllli. tired cured Ml canal; that is to say, 30 miles from that part of carb6ni Wltll .gas Chorus- Aztd stuff's 11 �• stcr >< T, BI J. railroad builder and ownAr, the canal which is more than six miles wide, His tall 16 the pedlt 24.' I3lalrsta rn, N. J.—Charles Potter, Jr„ printing and which therefore, the Americans regard as the Ca11�On1C, f But where there's a mill Hier e's always a way, When tic is I ge 17 29. jeeli M Over the garden wall:; If h( 1 ou:(I F'resrs invEntor Plaii1fie3d, N. J. tidewater from the shore of which tllebounnuryis And a little SCOtCIl s,. the in B, Monroe L. Hayward, United States Senator- to be measured." There's always a night as well as a aiay. E [`aur an H of e3 Pct.-.sir Henry Tate, English sugar refiner, and ice lllal�e a Over the garden wall With anger - Pres! 25, St 7 James P. Reed • iie hadn't much money, but weddings, are cheap, OYCI organ New player. Fittsburg, former champion checker Pope Leo XIII employs 100 Swiss Guards,1%' 1; 1+ It tvotllel not P( leasant tonic' tia while. the old fellow was :snoring asleep, the I Cigar fl• Dr_ Max I-a7i gendarmes and the Guardia Nobile. These co p ' 110 s h adod o, German chess master.- statute his army, numbering over G00 men In And the little hlgll_ With a lad and a ]adder she Pilon tged to weep elite lapse 27.' Eng a ewer the garden wall the Wan Unlaf LTnited States_ n(1 t Bs. ball,humble -----_.__.� .-----�____ ii le e. hitt I& ed in-Chicago. though it be, "It's easy,,, said Skayter. trying to teach 1%lum You 01 ever a f t Pas 6111Sylvania w ' Can hold its own �•y the'baclttvttrd roll. "Don't be afraid to throw '1'Vltlt sur.)1 a old time your body well over. All you've got to do)ago'way Or`;ucir a trunl elf and smell against the field � back"-- I'd hate to nr m used to manutacture. for popularity. "Anti sit dowril Yes, I know:I can do that,but Doforer an clep' -- -- It hurts."Ph2ladelphia Press I'd @ladled 1 >n7 command. N• a the card; Quite 00.11 tent. O crown LENGTH OF THE VPORI.D'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism.",5atd Gov.Aycock,of North Caro- Whirh remit grown a lura. lipa, "is a marvellous thlnF. I used to know +s �est and eat- ��- widow who thought she would loci( Into it a little. d>a Citi fisherm M my stomach ache, New York Rapid Transit......... Miles. g together along we stars tisane arwrct- ................................................ 32 4-5 She visited a medium, and the man agreed for Ito, It was a oar ser used to Construct. Iletropnlitan Underground, London............ .. 13 to give her sortie conversation with her dead hus- event up to be Simplon, Switzerland.. band. ralaalon. ... 12 "1-Ie put tite 11g•lrts out and fell Into a tranco, „ t tkat 1 ,was yctttmg St, Gothard, Switzerland '.... .,.....,.,............................. 9yi } and suddenly a dim, pale shape appeared In the kms 1 ' Paris Underground. "Do l'nu bell +aretla; tous<tta ................................................................ 8;/2 ♦ furthest,blackest corner of the room. "Yes:I belle It ttnagoo I _ Mont Gerais, Switzerland............... ....................................... 'Are you mi husband? Are "Do you bol Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ., You John?, the "Olt, yes, I' mad S�r4 .... ... ..................... tvidoty whispered tremulously. o • � J hn ' tritht tate, Arlburg, Austria.............. ................. 7 "• '1 "Ye you bell . ......................................... am John,' a bass voice answered. I by foaaat. 1 Tuppenny Tube,London.......................... "For a moment, awe-stricken, the widow was " es, i belle rrusedt4dt�a. ' Hoosac. Massachusetts............................................................. oa/t silent. Then she said: "Y-you bell 'Do you for, -e-s, I bol Berlin Underground................. •�•�•��•���•........�..................... � ,, y forgive me far ray Ill-treatment of you "I)a Yate bel ............... blwKa�elol erpool and Birkenhead..,..... ................................ 4 In life?' I.lv .... VA tl►s aliraeler thread a . 4� 'I tor(;Ive all,'replied the voice. est Into a tun t tie out aald fool b Boston Subway........................ ....... , ................... ... .,, "X-o-o, I da p/. ¢ A?e you happier titan you were when you were '"Oh, well, y ■lAiuper`,Dead I Cascade, Great Northern Ra-ilroad....... Ilving rr,as title .1t that blear Budapest, Austria........... . ..•........................ 21/2 " tbtlae e• Bowider, Montana.................................................................. `L Havel you nordesire to return to earthy ♦♦♦ the able, and ' you ean'L jaltl °' Ivanhoe, Colorado.................... 'None whatever.' "Can't I join ~- to nufactum a peel Sarnia, Canada........................... Y :;'1l,here are yo 11,John?' [unx�phle th( 'In Hades'said the spirit.'"-Glezieland Leader, 1 ------ - don't believe t tion Hiawatha on Prohibition. "All aboard!„ said Hiau-atha, t Library -- E Justice 91j e 4tjarlo M ccrer Dodge,Mary Mapes(67),poet, author,and editor, Ken-are,Earl of,Valentine Augustus Browne(80), fternt>^ Tannersville, N,Y.,Aug.21. former British Lord Chamberlain, London, OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN RUSSIA. Dragomiroff, Michael Ivanovitch (75), Russian Feb.9. 19_ Willis General,Oct.27. Kittredge, Walter (71),pont and author,Reed's H8 .___ Leslie A1cI THE Emperor Nicholas on October 30 signed the following decree proclaiming constitut[onalliberty B. in Russia: Drake,Samuel Adams(72),historian,Kennebunk- LFe rr i,N•TI�niel ✓•+t1O54} eieSecretary of War C1t31 Ra —Jes20. se •'We,Nicholas II„by the grace of God Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russia$,Grand Duke of port,Me.,Bright's disease,Dec.4. Ric at Paris- 34,inland,etc.,declare to all our faithful subjects that tho troubles and agitation in our capitals and in Dubois, Paul (76). sculptor and director of the and railroad official, Millbrook, N. Y.. heart T Dei 1 22. Hugh numerous other places fill our heart with excessive pain and sorrow. Paris Sohool of Fine Arts, Paris,May 23. disease,July 23. y c tee Manlius, I The happiness of the Russian sovereign is indissolubly bound up with the Happiness of our ie Eakins, Joseph J.,journalist, Colorado Springs, Landon,Judson S.(75),f ormor Justice of Now York p g people Col„consumption,July 23. p T ern tics �. CYrarl, a,nd the sorrow of our people is the sorrow of the sovereign.n, Supreme Court,Sept.6. it e g 4-l,cpnlar se From the present disorders may arias great national disruption. They menaoo the integrity and Earle, Mortimer L. (41), educator and lecturer, Lee,Fitzlrngli(69),Brigadier-General,U.S.A,, Jc Ter Su. Penn S�'m' unity of our empire, ' New York City,typhoid fever,Sept.26. ex-Governor of Virginia, Washington, D. C.. t kill 5 Glencoe_ Thesupremedutyimposeduponusbyoursovereignofiicerequfrosustooffacoourselvesandtouse Elkins, George W. (77),Pennsylvania street car apoploxy,April28. le ton de a7. Geiser a l 1 the force and reason at our command to hasten iii scouring the unity and co-ordination of the power magnate and of l operator,June 7. Lee,Mi ldred C..youngest daughter of Gon.Robert ad eldi an -Florence of utas Central Government and to assure the sucacjss of measures for pacirication in all circles of public Eytinge,Sol,artist and illustrator,Bayonne,N.J., E,Lee,New Orleans,Let.,apoplexy,March 26. V 31 1 novelist_-< I ife. which are essential to the well being of our people. March 24. Lo Moyne,William J. (74),actor,New York City, by pan nor v�, Y.-Sir "We,therefore,direct our Government to carry out our inflexible will in the following manner: Flanders,Philippe,Count of(68),brother of Piing Nov,6. T go na XCaptain t '•First-to extend to the population the immutable foundations of civic liberty,basod m the real Leopold of Belgium, Brussels, heart disease, Lessar,Paul,diplomat,Russian minister to China, y jest 1 28. Rev_ inviolability of person,freedom of conscience,speech,union,and association, Nov.17, Pekin,blood poisoning,April 21. +la sic of a co11a1 -Seoond-Without suspending the already ordered elections to the State DOuma,to invite to par- Foote,Morris C„Brig.-General,U.S.A.(retired), La Sholle,Kirke(43),tl+eatrical manager,Bellport, r - 29. Ottrrri tics portion in the Douma,so far as the limited time before the convocation of the Douma will permit, Geneva,Switzerland,Deo.6, L,L,diabotes, May 16. lis Yr type machl those classes o€the population now ooiriplCtely deprived of oleatoral rights, leaving the ultimate de- Gifford, Robert S. (64), landscape painter, Now Leopold,Charles Antoine, Prince of Hohenzollern. 1. P P g York City,Jan.15, (70),cousin of Emperor William,Berlin,June 8. ti 30. �'G'illia vc31 oprnent of the rind to of the electoral rights in general to the newly established legislative order 3. th 0. NVI, of th1* gs, C+oblet Renu (77), French statesman ex-Prime Lillie, Abraham B•,Rear-Admiral,U. S. N. (re- fs s, (- 31. Rt- R •`Third-1'o establish as an nnohangeable rule that no law shall be enforeoable without the appro- Minister,Paris,asthma,Sept.13, tired),New York City,Dec.11. Ot 6• of Maine- ver.I of the State Douma,and that it shall be possibleforthe elected of the people to exercise real partici- Goddard,Norton F.(44),'prominent in civic affairs Lindslcy,Harris(35),third deputy Polieecommis- m the _ pation in the supervision of the legality of the acts of the authorities appointed by us, of New York City,Litchfield,Conn.,hemorrhage sioner of Now York City,Manchester,Vt..auto- low, '•We appeal to all faithful eons of Russia to remember their duty toward the Fatherland,to aid in mobile accident,Aug.14,Tl P of.the brain,May 28, P -Tl I,I I. Lieutei terminating these unprecedented troubles,and to apply all theirforcos,in co-oporation with us,to the Gomez,Maximo(82), Cuban military leader,Iia- Litt, Jacob (48), theatrical manager, Yonkers, oveP bund. Era:' rn oP restoration of calm and peace upon our natal soil. vane,blood poison,Juna 17. N.Y.,apopie ly, Sept.27. C pan' 1 Omaha- Given at Peterhof,October 30th,in the eleventh year of our reign. NICIIOLAS." Graham, Lawrence P. (90),Veteran of Seminole, Livermore,Mary A.(84).author and woman srights •k the Mgr J Mexican,and Civil Wars,So pt.16. advocate,Melrose,Masa.,heart decease,May,23. Tl Inst nium, Colt r r j aQ 'Q r Goodell Henry H, (66),college president,died at Loubet,Mine. (82), mother of the President of it of F, 3. Prof. I �>CBt Dt �f�Il>CfC iV Q��11C>QlY CLL'C � 2LI�«lt��lY t���� n ser;,April 23. France,congestion of lungs,Jan.15. 1e (Au Williams C -wav ll. Green Jacob L.(68),President Connecticut Mutual Lowell, Josephine S. (63),, churity and reform briand, Bit Life Insurance Co„Hartford,Conn„March 29. leader,New yorlc City,Oct.12. It sure en' Haffner. B Tstc following ie the text peace the new agreement between Great Britain and Japan,having in view Grfife Insu Lord (Edmund Beckett) (89), lawyer, Lowndes, Lloyd 160), ex-Governor of Maryland, ,. 4. Er�'i n the maintenance of.general ease in the regions of Eastern Asia and India„and the"independence author and architect,St.Albans, ) (89).pril 9. Cumberland,Llo,Md.,Jan.- y Prot de and integrity of the Chinese Empire,'which was signed August 12,1905,in Loddon,in Lord Lansdowne, gall, John Manning, (63),ex-judge and railroad Lubbock, Francis R. (90), ex-Governor of Texas, York.-Rob ve 8. Phb' Foreign Secretary,on behalf of the former,and Baron Iiayaehi,the Japanese Minister,on behalf aP Cbs+ Mail and S �ti- the latter, official,New Haven,Conn.,Jan.27. and last of the .War Governors, Austin, ox„ g 5. Fro-Tek The Governments of Great Britain and Japan,being desironfi of replacing the agreement concluded Hamilton, John M.,ex-Governor Illinois,Sept.23. June 22, York. y• p Hamlin,Cicero J.(86),breeder of horses,Buffalo, Luce, Cyrus G. (80), ex-Governor of Alichigarn, F guns to 8. 4'iscoul between thorn on Januar 30,1902,by fresh stipulations.have aEreed upon the following articles: Coldwater, Mich,,March 18. 9. fo don, ARTICLE I. ar ro Feb,20, 11TacUonnld, George (81), Scotch novelist � Year Hargrove, Robert Kennon (76), Bishop of M.E. tain �S 12. Major It is agreed that whenever,in opinion either of Great Britain or Japan,tiny Of the,rights and in. Church South Nashville,Tenn.,Aug.3. London, Sept.18. rt Se the battle c terests referred to in the preamble to this agreement are in jeopardy,the two governments will Corn- y,Joseph H,(62),political manager,Augusta I by Hawkins, Alvin (83), ex-Governor of Tennessee, Mahle 1;. (_.uloraE municate with one another fully and frankly,and will consider in common the tnoasurCs which should Mo„apoplexy,Feb.I. ,e at L Dc man. Tope: be taken to safeguard those menaced rights or interests. Nashville,April 27. isll American, ARTICLE II. Hn.wley, Joyepll It. (79), ex-United States Mason, Albert(65),Chief Justice Massachusetts C. Korea, Mui Senator from Oonnecticut, Washington, D. C., Superior Court,Jan,I. t Va., Should either of the high contracting parties be involved in war in defence of its territorial rights March 17. Mason, James W. (68), scientist-educator, New 14. Rev_ s 12. odist Chun or special interests,the other party will at once Dome to the assiatanoo of its ally,and both parties will Nay, John (67), Secretary of State, Newbury, York City,Jan.1'L. a resig 1 conduot a war in common and make peace in mutual agreement with auypower or powers involved in N.H.,July 1. Matthews,John(69),actor,Now York City, heart Y.-Williar. I 13. Fc such war. Hehner,J.J.(76),French painter,Paris,Jiily 23, disease,Jan,11. rail and i I asses ARTICLE III. Houston• Edwin W. (60), Rear-Adrgiral,U,S.N. McChesney, Ensign (59), duan of the use,N. ., Haswell, c racuae N.c durst PE Japan possessing paramount political,military,and economic intorcasta in Korea,Grant Britain rec- (retired),Lausanne,Switzerland,March G. Fine Arts,Syracuse University,Sy �'., Russ K . erits ogi( nzes Japan's right to take such measures for tho guidance,Control,and protea tion of Korea as she may Hope,James(60),bank burglar.N.Y.City,June 1. Nov.30. yM c 14. l Bismarck. deem proper and necessary to safeguard and advance those interests,providing the measures sottiken Howard,Henry(78),ex-Governor of Rhode Island, McCulloch, Robert(85), ez-Confederate General, ph}a are not contrary to the principle of equal opportunities for the commerce and industry of all nations, Harris,R.I.,Sept.22. Sept,4. i Chict G. 17• Sir Howell,Evan P.(65),journalist and author, A. McLaren Right Rev.William E. (73), Bishop of italist.-Col ARTICLE IV. I home t Great Britain having a special interest in al l that concerns the socurity of the Indian frontier,Japan tants,Ga.,malignant carbuncle,Aug.6. the P.�.Church at Chicago,heart disease,Feb.19. York. l 16, of 19. Sir NN recognizes liar right to take such measures in the proximity of thatfroutier aashe may find necessary for Inverclyde,Lord(44),Chairman of the Cunard B.S. Menzel,Adolf von(90),painter,Berlin,pnoumania,. ] Va., G; geologist. safeguarding her Indian possessions, Co.,London,Oct.8. heart Merrill, StephenStephen b1, (80), Bishop of the M. L, ' 17. _'0• Lady ARTICLE V. Irving, Sir Henry(67), actor, London, Church, author of religious works, paralysis of t terse Bi disease,Oct.13. mier. 'rhe high Contracting parties agree that neither will without consulting the other enter into a i3. Cc 2 Iselin, Adrian (87), banker, New York City, the heart,Nov.12, 1. Garr( separate with another t°the prejudice of the objects described fn the preamble, Maurice, Paul 85), Franck dramatist, Paris, ' two Lc March 28. ( United Sta. ARTICLE VI. Dec,11. the i bt tisk yacht Jacques,David R.(Bl),educator,New York City, 19. 2_ As regards the present war between Japan and Russia,Great Britain will continuo to maintain strict Jan.19. Michel, Louise(75),communist and revolutionist, 20• tievv Yore neutrality unless some other power or powers join in hostilities against Japan,in which case(treat Jefferson Joseph (76), actor, West Palm Alarsoilles,France,pneumonia,Jan.9. semh Britain will come to the assistance of Japan will conduct war in common,and will maks peace in Beach,Fla.,pneumonia,April 23.E Mitchell John H,(10).United States Sonator from Paria fo White Star mutual agreement with Japan, p hemorrhage,Dec.8. kowski, G+ ARTICLE VII. Joseph, Archduke of Austria(72),son of the Pal- Oregon.Portland,M., Ore„ Nicht atine of Hungary,Vienna,June 13. Moore,James,M.,Brigadier-General,U.S.A.(re- a Ru A. 24• Serge Tlie conditions under which armed assistance shall be afforded by either pow r to the other in the .Joyce, Isaac W. (69), Bishop of M. H. Church, tired),Chicago,Ill.,April 21. Rivet old battles: circumstances mentioned in the present agreement,and the means by which such assistance shall be Minneapolis,Minn„paralysis,July 28, Morris John L.(73),edueator,Ithaca,N.Y.,Nov.19. An e G! 25 Rev_ made available,will be arranged by the naval and military authorities of the contracting parties,who Kaloieff, Ivan, assassin of Grand Duke Sergius, Murray.David(75),educator, New Brunswick, N. lager. F. Plainfield, wi 11 from time to time consult one another fol I and freely on al l questions of mutual intorosf KaSt.Peters ne,WoodburMarch 7. y,liangclubmo,yaol tsman,and athlete, Myers,Edward Edward D,T.(75),railroad president,Rich- rector €z;enc of th (' ARTICLE VIII, Walt{ tion, C'hica t; provisions of Article VI„and come into effect ini. Now York City,heartfailure,Dec.S, mond,Va.,May 12. „ 'I'he present agreement shall be subject to the to to Be 6. W,al lI. rnedit ately after the date of signature,and remain in force for ten years from that date in case neitherof Karl,Alexander,Reigning Prince Lippe-Detmold Nixon,S.Fred(45).speaker of the New York State farm( 27• Cir ax the parties shall have been notified twelve months before the expiration of saiciten years of an intention (43},Bayreuth,Jan.13. Assembly,Westfield,N. Y•,effects of an opera- ed du be Samuel H. of terminatin it. I6 shal I remain binding until the expiration of one soar from the day on which either +Keiley, A.M. (W,former minister to Austria, tion„Oct.10. veston, Te 21. ' , oP tt�a parties shall have denounced it,but if,when the date for the expiration arrives,either ally u former Chief Justice to the International Ceurt O'Porral 1,l7harles'I' (85),cox-Governor of Virginfe. found A $' Thor; actually engaged in war,the alliance shall ba ipso facto and continue until pesos shall be tlouoluded, 'ot 6Rpea1$at Oaire�, pPt,+Paris,,Tan.30. 13iohiuvaQ,Vow rlelard.it>a,apt,Z'Z. drowr for from _ - -- 22 ( O, divine and religious author, o um us, - an- ""�`9'�"� pany C. ning JS_ Smith, reformer and editor of Smith's shall be reached, is to be flied a And she, sereanied ii1 a fright, "here's father, -I`ine sca6o'Pj down the wind. Above the eastern arm of Lynn Canal, !t TLE THINGS. quick, Or is miser Indent, Parkersburgh, W. Va. Y I have an Impressfou be's bringing a stick"-, murd( F =`i Prince di Rusholi, Italian Senator and Mayor Pass through the Canadian custom houses oats Little dl'O s of Water; But I brought the inipres4ion of half a brick, i of Rome_ lashed respectively in the White Pass and the P He ptclts his food up with his tit Keasl B Clrilkoot Pass, and above the western arm aP the i Over the garden wall. 23. , fc December. Charged With gasj Chorus- And stuffs It in his mouth, cured M B. John I. BIair, railroad builder and owner, canal; that is to say, 30 miles from that part sf the canal which is more than six.miles wide, I3la tall is the north encs of him 24, l Blairstown, N. J_-Charles Potter, Jr., printing. carbonic, !But where there's a will the-re's always a way, When he Is going and which therefore, the Americans regard as tiegarg south; j e Press inventor, Plainiielci, N. J. tidewater from the shore of which the llaunnary is Arid Il little SCOtCIl �ilere's Over Cie night as wall;c+ll as a day, If he s'1-ou:cl gut quite turn4d at Monroe L. Hayward, United States Senator- to be measured.” Over the garden teals; With angor or dismay, an e4 of elect,-Sir Henry Tate, English sugar refiner. and ICs 117c1ke a I-[e hadn't much money, but wedding% are cheap, It v.-ould not feaze Klin,not at all, 25. i S 7. James F. Reed, former champion checker Pope Leo XIII employs 100 Swiss Guards,I$ pleasant tonic* �o while the old fellow was snoring asleep. New player, Pittsburg. gendarmes and the Guardia Nobile. These c ' 'With a]ad and a ladder she managed to creep lIu s heacieci Other way. Cigar 9- Dr- Max Lange, German chess master.- Gtitute his army, numbering over 600 men in -. And the little lligll- Over the garden wall. 27.1 T;ng an Union United States. ------ - - --- - :ale's suc11 a funny anlmal: . ( 15. P'rancisque Sarcey, r 17x11,humble On the Ice. You ought to hear Win roarl d ;n eago. though it be, "It's easy,"said Skayter, trying to teach T-Oum- You never saw an animal Sylvania .Ta—r Can hold its Own say the backward roll. "]don't be afraid to throw 'With 811011 Pi tall before. your body well over. All you've got to do is go'way Or such a trunk belllnd: I I:noW against the field back"--- I'd hate to meet and qualf ifacture. for popularity. "And sit down! Yes,I know:I can do that,but Before an elephant and learn It hurts."-Phfladetphta Press. I'd cf.liullecl behind lits tail. o�t ♦7- ++ -..�- ------------ --- —- --— � Quite Content. N10---------.._.,.__._ _ 0 t to Be CCE LEND d TI-iE WORLDS GREATEST TUNNELS. SplAtuallsm."said Gov.Aycock,of North Caro- Which reminded Ino of another ling, "Is a marvellous thing. I used to ].now a as old f1slierman a Ionic time,ag, ache. Miles. widow who thought she would loop into It a little. together along the Elk. New Fork Rapid Transit.. e')4-5 She visited a medium, and the maul agreed for $a It was a candidate for church ;axtrett- Metropolitan Underground, London.........., y to give her some conversatlon witti her dead hus- went up to be exam tned as to b d. Simplon, Switzerland....................... .• 13 mission. .... ..... ...... young's- � St. Gothard, Switzerland............................. d o yo believe In the Bible?"use "He put the lights out and Pell iota a trance, "D u an ................ � Paris Underground........................, ,� -•••••�• � t ate !n the 1 believe I believe In the 4 and suddenly a dim, pale shape apps ••Yes. .......... 81/ urthest,black corner of tho room. Mont Cenis, Switzerland.. _ + "'_ire you my husband? Are you John?' the Do you believe God loves Nes x ou i•• 71 "Ulf, yes, I believe that. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.................. widow whispered tremulously. h 7 "Do you believe He made L a awe Arlburg, Austria............... .................................................... ti I am John,'a bass voice answered, "Yes, I believe that." Tuppenny Tube,London.. 5x,4 "For a moment, a,,ve-stricken, the w1dow was "Do you believe the whale swall silent. Then she said: a. Hoosac, Massachusetts...................•„ ,,,,,,,,,•„•,,,,,,,,,,,•,•„•• '• u forgive me for y Ill-treatment Y-e-a. I believe Z behove that. ¢'% 'Do yomof ou ” Berlin Underground...................• ... I S I Do you helices the three Ileo: Liverpool and Birkenhead................... Y a , to a furnace of IIre and wet 41� n life?, ¢ 'I forgive all,'replied the volae. est into thread Boston Subway........ A! ................ ..........•...................,. ,.........., ?�,�. 'ire you happier than you scare when Zoo were "1\-0-0, I don't believe t71tt.•' Cascade, Great Northern Railroad............. living "Oh?, well, you cant join the c] at bless Budapest, Austria.................. ............,...•.................. i lle�c Fr ♦ it I '.Much ha.ppior' t:lic Bll)le, and tPn1e15.P you ba ♦ Bowlder, Montana........................ ”'Have you no desire to return to earth?' 'Cu can't join the church.” Ivanhoe, Colorado............. ..................................................... 2 ♦♦♦ ;:'None whatever.' 'Can't I join unless i behave th ulfacturr. Sarnia, Canada........ !+c+ttfn ♦ .............................................. I des(saLd the spirit.' -Cleveland Leader. don't rllezreh nils n that you can"t,• Where ni en X want to tell Y 'I n I-la ., ___--_-._-- _----__-_.---------_-______. b that there d-- _ l ♦��+�� eltber, --Waal - - -- - - - -s s_�� --------arflle Banner. --- . Hiawatha on Prohibition. ".,ll aboard!" :said Hiawatha, ����� �� ,��,����, ��...� ... To alae Editor of ties I3rctakl5 n 7.igle:- ` Otis, Norton P. (65), Representative in Congress Sheerin,Simon P.(59),financier and promoter,ea- �,���, ^(� �1CI<t� fit• 1 905. y ' from New York,manufacturer, Yonkers,N.Y., Secretary of the Democratic National Oommit- Feb.19. toe,Chicago,Ill.,apoplexy,June 29, S'ilIia rr Pasha, Edhetn(54),Commander of Turkish Army Shubert,Sam.5.,theatrical manager Harrisburg, Jan.2. Port Arthur capitulated. April 2. The Simplon tunnel,the longest in the 1Ee, in the War with Greoce,Oct.6. Pa.,injured in railroad wreck,May 12, world,was opened fromtho Swisa and Ital inn sides. �zan,7. The Colornrlo Legislature declared Alva e in •'' Pallas,John J.(50), President of New York City Siilvela,Don Francisco, farmer Promirar of Spain, Adams(Dem.)elected Governor. April 3. Tho investigation of the Equitable r-is- Park commission,New York City,cardiac dila- May 29. r1s- acs a tion,Oct.16. Simpson,Jerry(63),ex-Congressman from$ansae, Jan. 15, Gensler Roseau nrrasted in Philadol- Lifo Assurance Society began. iut;ll nix + Palmer, Albert M.(67),theatrical manager, New Wichita,Kau.,Oct 23. phis,confessed totbe attomptt ddestruction of the April3. President Roosevelt left Washington IS, ti ' York City apoplexy,March 7: Slade,Henry(80),Spiritualist Medium,Sept.8. Steamship Umbria in Now York by dynamite, for a two-months' vacation visit to Texas and hag-1 rna• Paxon,Edward M.(81)jurist,Bycot,Pa.,Oct.12, Southard, Milton I.,lawyer,Zanesville,Ohio,ner- Jana 17. The Combos Ministry in France re- Colorado. r ='e It y' Peabody,Francis H. (74),banker,Beverley,Mass., vous prostration,May 4. SYm un. ••I heart disease,Sept.22. Stanford,Jane L.(79),widow of Leland Staniord, signed. April3. The President appointed a now Panama 0e. al I tli` Peckham, Wheeler Ii. (73), lawyer, Now York Honolulu,Hawaii,poisoned,bleb,28, Jan.19. A saluting battery scattered grape'shot CJanal lCommission.4. J g a city,Sept.27. St. Holiers, Lord(Sir Francis Jeune)(62),jurist, in the direction of the Czar at the ceremony of the April 4. Judge Edward F. Dunne, Drat•. wa.s enCe of t h Blessing of the Nova, elected Mayor of Chicago by a plurality of more v1 Perry, Arthur P. (75), educator and author, London,April 9. >t--( life.•.1 �pylia Arthur ,Mass.,July 9. Stone, Roy (68), ex-Brigadier-Goneral, U,S.A,, Jan,21. Santo Domingo agreed that the United than 22,000. -'sir ••j Pfe it a stown, (69), Cardinal,Rome,Sept,S. promoter of good roads,Mendham,N.J.,Aug.6, States shall preserve order and assume charge of April 10 American Ambassador Joaolrh H. ain Tamagno,Francesco 66), singer, y •e-Y- in.,vinl4 Pinard,John A. (55), caterer, Now York City, ( Varoase,Ital finances,while guaranteeing tsrritorinl integrity. Choate was elected a Bencher of the Mid e o11a1 ••`. Nov,7. Aug.31' Jan,21. Sir Caspar Purdon Clarice,art director Tomple,London. )tarn tial p. Pinckney,John M.(60),Congressman from Texas, Thomas,M.B.,ex-Confederato Brigadier-Goneral, of the South 'Kensington Museum, London was April 14. The body of John Paul.Tones was dis- rach e� Hempstead, 'Pox., killed in a political disturb- Dalton,Ila„peritonitis,July 16, chosen director of the Metropolitan Museum of covered in Paris by Gen.Horaco Porter. 7111:14 �hj oT"r anee,Apri124. Thomas Thoodoro (69), coruposer, orchestra Art,New York. st, of bYi ire Pinto, Francis E.(82), veteran of the Mexican and leader,(t)hieago,pneumonia,Jan,4. April 21, The Cretan Assembly Proclaimed a t. • civil Wars,Brooklyn,et r ,July 17. Thompson, Jacob H. (68), journalist,Now York Jan, 22. M. Rouvier,in France,formed a new union of Crete with Greece. The powers objected. [ne. Wr 3 of i Pln:tt,Orville,11.. (77), United States Senator city,murdered,Sept.8. Cabinet,retaining MM,Doloassis andl3arteaux, Apr1123, Joseph Jefferson dire. Iy&tlorx from Connecticut, Washington,Conn„ pneumo- Thayer,Amos (64),Justice United States Circuit Jan,22. Black Sunday in St.Petersbnrgh. Rus- ,April 27. Andrew Carnegie gave x',10,000,000 for nia,April 21. court of Appeals,St.Louis,Mo,,April 24. sian strikers attempted tapresent it petition to the a college professors'pension fund in the United jute. terms i Pomeroy, Theodore M. (80), banker, ex-Speaker Ticknor,Howard M.(69),author and lecturer,San Czar and were fired on by troops. From 300 to 4,060 States. En tor6 United States house of Rrs resentatives,Auburn, Francisca,May 14. were reported killed. res p Tillinghast,Pardon E.(68),Chief Justice Supremo N. Y.,March 23, May 3. The International Railway ages+sa ;r. Poor, Henry V. (92), financier, Brookline, Mass., Court of Rhode Island,Pawtuakot R.I.,pnou- Jan,24. Charles L.Tackerwas found guilty of opened at Washington. Coll heart disease,Jan.6, monia,Feb.9. the murder of Mabel Page at Cambridge,Muss. May 11. Dynamite caused the death of 20 peoples, s �� Pott,James S16), publisher,treasurer Protestant- Tourg6e, Albion W. (67), novelist, Bordeaux, Jan.26, The Czar appointed Gen.Tropoff to be andinjured 100 others,inn railroadwrocknearLlar- Episcopal diocese of New York,Feb.8, France,uraemia,May 21. Governor-General of St.Petershurgh• risburgh,Pa. Bi T> Potter, William F.(69), railroad president, Now Tracey,Charles(67),ex-United States Represents- Jan,26, A blizzard swept ovor New York and May, 11. A tornado at Snydor,Oklahoma,killed `i 13 ,.ills 1 York City,cerebro-spinal meningitis,April 2. Live from New York,Albany,N.Y.,March 24, vicinity. Surface travel was abandoned, 100poople,and injured 141 others, -Rei and in Prather,William L.(67),President of the Univer- Travers,William R.(44),clubman,New York City, Jan,25-29-Batt! of Hun River in Manchuria, sity of Texas,July 24. suicide,Sept.29, May 21-28, Admiral Togo co,Itojrst (lofoatin rid tlieren Protorins, Erni (78),German newspaper editor, Troubotskoy,Prince Sergius(43), Russian Liberal Jan,27, The largest diamond in the world was tho Russian fleet under Admiral Rojraskveansky in Irlii fit.Louis,Mo,,blood poisoning,Nov.19. leader,St.Petersburg,apoplexy,Oct.12, discovered in the Premier Mine,South Africa. the Sen of Japan, destroying or capturing all the bct4yeE Prime,William C.(80),author,professor of art at Van Brunt,Charles 11.(69),jurist,Now York•City, Jan.29, Airship "California Arrow" flow 46 Russian battleships. acro; Princeton University,Now York City,Feb.1.3, heart disease,May 26. miles at Los Angeles,Cal. May 28, Tha'Lewis and Clark Coatennlal Expo- Pritchiad, J. Ambrose (47),'landscape painter, Verne, Jules (77), novelist, Amiens, France, sition was openod at Portland,Ore. a dor Zt i Boston,Mass Feb.6. paralysis,March 24. Jan.30. The United States Supreme court do- tie tereots Rapier,John L.(63),journalist,Mobile,Ala.,May7. Wagner,Arthur L.(62),Brig,-General,V.S.A.,on cls red the Beef Trust illegal, June 5. King Alfonso arrived in L(anrlvn err a ;lai-1E MI:XXX Rawlins,Samuel W.((81),founder of Now Orleans general staff,June 17. Jan,30. Warsaw,Poland,was under mob rule, visit to King I dwnrd. Ope be ta.kf CottonExehange.Oet.23. 'Wallares, Le1v (78), novelist, Crawfordsville, June 6. M.Delcass(sreetgnedarl4oraignMinister an 1tetigan, 301111 'H.(86),ox-United States Sen- Ind.,cancer,Feb,15. Feb,a, Scission Sonated, Peek.nfors. neral in ttre French Cabinet. Shc ator,sole surviving member of the confederate Wark David, (101), oldest Uanadian legislator, of Finland,was assassinated at Iielsine fors, sv' or sp©oi States Cabinet, Palestine. •Tex., pneumonia, Froaerioton,N.B„Aug.20, Feb.7. August W,Maohen and Diller 11. and June6. Crown Prince Frederick William,of urg- Tiur corsd.uci March 6, Waterhouse,Alfred(75),architect,London,Aug.22. Samuel A.Groff wore convicted of postal frauds. many, in, Duchess Cecilia, of Meoltlertlaurg- li ax suesh -9 Reelus,Jacques Elisio(75), geographer,Brussels, Watson,Alfred A.(86),Bishop of the Protestant Feb,8. Theodore Roosevelt and Charles Warren Schwerin,were married tit a Union C1 i July 4 Episcopal Church in North Carolina,Wilming- Juno8. Dissolntron of the Union brtwaon 9werlen 1' a Tali Reid, hie Wemyae (63), English author and ion,N.U,,April'll. Fairbanks were doolarod olectort President and and Norway was proclaimed by Norwegian Parlia- .t a' Vioe-Presidont respectively by the joint session of t ognifes journalist,London,Feb.26. 'OV+isbb,Charles H,(71),author and publisher,New the Sonate and house,in Congress. menu` cri ori decal Ps Richards,William T.(7'L),marine artist,Newport, York City May 24, Feb. 15. The third Russian Pacific squadron Juno 9, President Roosevelt appealed to Japan ora cart R.I.,Nov,8. Weeks,George H, (71), Brig.-General,U,S.A.(Aro- sailed under Admiral Nobogatoff. and Russia for a meeting of the two powers to con- lir Richey,Thomas (74).theologian and author,New tired),Washington,D.C.,Sept.13, sider terms of peace. York City,Juno 2. White,Rrohard P.(78),lawyer,Philadelphia,May Feb,17. Grand Duke Sergius,uncle of the Czar, Orel York Baron Ferdinand(72),German geog- 23. was assassinated at Moscow. Juno 9. Rlrornas S.Ryan syndicate bought ilia r Z'S reoo�ni) rapher,Berlin,Oct.7. 'Whitehead,Robert,inventor of the torpedo bearing Hyde stock in the Equitable Life Assuranoo So- at. safesgua) Feb.25. The North Sea.Commission found that eiety,and assumed control. ar3g Ross,Jonathan(79).ex-Chief Justice of Vermont, his name London,Nov.14. while there were no hostile vessels near,when the June 11. Russia and Japan agreed to a peace •L*1x© and former U., S. Senator, St.Johnsbury,Vt., Whitten,*alter 11.(78),pioneer manufacturer of English trawlers were fired on;the Russian fears arrE septi rate railroad orossing accident,Feb.23. turbine water wheels,Aug.23, of an attack excused their action. parley, and the President selected Portsmouth, Sts Rothschild, Baron Alphonse do (78), finaneler, Wilkins, Beriah (59), editor and publisher,ex- Feb,28-March 13. Greatbattle of Mukden,Man- N.H.,as the glace of meeting. chi head of the firm of Rothschiid and Governor of Congressman from Ohio, Washington, D. C., churia. Juno13, Thoodorus P. Delyanius, the Prime hoax aentt the Bank of Franke,Paris,bronchitis,May 26, paralysis,June 7. Minister of Greece,was assassinatod. orK Rothsohild,Baron.Nathaniel de,banker and phil- *W111intns, `lir(.leorgo(84),founder of the Y. March 4, Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W. tar Britain• anthropist,Vienna,June 13. M.C.A. London,Nov,6. Fairbanks were inaugurated President and \rice- June 14. Frank G.Bigelow,the defaulting Mil- G• Bwkt mi I Salisbury, Stephent,Vien ,Ju financier aura philanthro- Willson,Maroius(91) author of school books,Vine- President of the United Status for the term 1906- waukee bank president,was sentenced to ten years M'Upint,Worcester, Mass.,pneumonia,Nov.16. iand,N.J.,July 2. 1909. athard labor in sire Leavenworth Prison. Aer. 1>e Salmond,S.D. F.(67),Scotch educator and author Wistar, Isaac J.(78),philanthropist and scientist, March T. The employees of the Interborough :les oirca>lmst of religious works, Aberdeen,Scotland,April 20. Claymont,Del.,Sept.18. Rapid Transit Company,of New York City,went June 15, Mayor Philad began a municipal re- e�*. mad$avi p form movement in Philadelphia, ld. wil l Y'roz% Sanders, Wilbur Fisk(71), former U. S. Seurntor Wolcott,Edward O.(67),o, on ex-United States on a strike, from Montana, Helona,Mont.,July 7. Senator from Uolorado, Monte Carlo, Franco, Marsh e. Grand Chief Steno,of the Brotherhood June 16. TLxGeorge W doghouse, qualified it ' J. e71f Sears,J. Montgomery (50), capitalist and philan- Feb.28. of Locomotive Engineers_ordered the Intsrborou,h O'Brien, and George Westinghouse, quxlifie:d as ilea 'I`he 1 thropist,Soutihboro,Mass.,diabetes,June'. Worth,Jacob(67),local politician,Brooklyn,N.Y„ striking motormen to return to work. The strike voting trustees of the Equitable Life .Assurance all meth rt o I Soruins, Grand Duke of Russia(48),uncle of the Feb.21,1904, failed, Society under the Ryan deed of trust. 'hal tiiee ptt•rti Czar,assassinated,Moscow,Foh,17, Wortley,Stuart,artist,London,Oct.11. March 26. United States Minister Dawson ar- Juno 20. Herbert W. Bowen, Minister to Van- H of tcarmin Shanks, William F.G. (68), journalist,civil war Ziegler,William((62), rent its and promoter of ranged with Santo Domingo for the temporary col- ezuola,was dismissed by tho Preoldent for air- fiE' of Etre pa newspaper correspondent, Hamilton, Bermuda, Aretia ezploration, Great Island, Hohn„spa lection of revq{1114;i by g T;altVrl f1Gt4yrj€i Glorumis- oulating alleged unfounded ehargos awainst torr ,call be reached is topbeyfixepyS4, _ Si And she screamed in a frlgitt, "hero's fat Yer, nc sunrcc I Yiti �, aotsially r Qasbritis,Feb,S2. rt4ll4lef,¢19 boollli9 .�wilstwitt 6+6aCrANTY qe rstd4l; , Y7 _ _ _ tnd r�xous�.0li Smith, rePorrner and editor of Srnith's Above the eastern arm of Lynn Cana, quielc, Or is ,acing clown t1Y(s wind. ParlversburgYt, T, Va. THINGS' ince di Rrrsppii, Italian Senator and Mayor pass through the Canadian custom houses es I have an lrnprrsslr�n bo,'.s bringing n 9tIr'k"; e- lished respectively in the White Pass and the ittle drops Of water, But I brr,ug,ht the Iml-,res�ion of half a brick, Chilkoot Pass, and above the western arm oP the Over the garden wall. i He piclfs hit;food upr with his trunk Dec�inber' canal; that is to say, 30 miles from that part of charged with .gas Chorus- t Arid astull's it In his moutil, in I. I3Iair, z ti.ilroad builder ane, owner, the canal which is more than six.miles wide, carbonic lits S,a4I It fixe north earl ret laitrY wn, N- J,— and which therefore, the Americans regard as tt6 But where there's a will there's always a way, ,,circa he is going Charles Potter Jr., printing• g quer the Darden wall; g South;' ventor. Pla.irifield, N. J. tidewater from the shore of which the r3ouncary Is .Arid a little Scotch Over always a night as well as a day. If he s<l colli gut quite turned rtrnunci nroe Imo, 1111Y-V ard, United States Senator- to be measured." Over the garden wall; With angor or dust e dr Fleury Tata, English sugar refiner, a and ice snake g y 'nes _P_ ReecX lie hadn't much money, but we(ldings are cheap, It trolrl(i not fenze Lunt,not at all, Pittsburg, former champion checker Pope Leo XIII employs 100 Swiss Guards, ivi pleasant tonic; So while the old fellow was snoring asleep, lie's lYead(cl Other way. gendarmes and the Guardia Nobile. These eor,•I 'With a led and ai ladder she managed to creep • Max Laz.nxrXICLe,� German chess master.- rtitute his army, numbering over 600 men in all AnCl the tittle high- quer the garden wall, es. --- He's such a funny animal; _ 15. I+'ranclsque Sarcey, Fre ball, humble �^ (fin slip Ice. YOU ought to hear lilac rc)srl ' though it be, "It's easy,"said.Skayter.trying to teach Mum- You nevor saw all anlrnal Sylvania R 17n mou," Can hold its own sRy tho backward roll. "Dcli't be a.ftald to thrown •With sur,h a tall bc+fure, Your body well over. All you've got to do is go•way Or such a trunk behind: I l novae against the field back"-- 1'd hate to rrt(.et and quail for popularity. "And sit downi Yes.I know;I can do that,but Before an elephant and learn - It hurts."-Phfladelphi a Press. I'd Qllalled behind lily tail. + ++o+t►+-�-r r i r+r♦ + - - -ZZnusta»<Pont. Quite Content. NO t to 13e Coerc:eifl. LENGTH OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism,"said Gov.Aycock,of North Caro- �irllic;kY reminded lee Of t►nothor story.told 11na, "Is a marvellous thing. I, used to IinOw a widow who thought she would look Into it a 11ttle. to old f along t e long timer sero, when we Jft Miles. to�'ethcr along the Is"lk, New York Rapid Transit.....................................I...._..... 224-5 She vigtted a medium, and the man agreed for R5 It was a caxndIdate for church metnbersh,ip Metro olitan Under .. 13 noel give her some conversation with her dead nus- `gentd. , up to be examined ail to his Attxa%ti for p. ground, London................... .. ...... f Simplon, Switzerland.. 12 rnlaslon. St, Gothard, Switzerland.......... See and esuddenlyut ileal lights out and fell into a trance, "Do roll believe In the Riblet"said the praar1a, , pale shape appeared In the Yes;I be .. Paris Underground................................................................. 8: f furthest,blackest corner of tile room, Neve I believe in the Bible. Mont Cenis, Switzezland....., f „ , "Do You believe God love,%you?,, r•, Are you my husband? Aro you ,john?' the "Oil, yea, l belteve that." Baltimore and Ohio Railroad........ ................ 7 $ widow whispered tremulously, "Do you believe He made the'world Ill t+l a1 Arlburg, Austria................. -.. "'I am John,'a bass voice answered, d G "Yes, I believe that." Tuppenny Tube,London....... .....•............................................ 6 silent, a mo Slee said:awe-stricken, the widow was '"Do you believe the whale swallowed Jonah'*. Hoosae, Massachusetts................... _ Berlin Underground............. ... ...................,.,................ 4�4 .. 'Do you forgive me for my ill-treatment of you ,1 e-s' I believe I believe that.,, 4Y2 in life?' "Do you believe the three Hebrewcw childrrrz v Liverpool and Birkenhead............. 41 "'I forgive all,'replied the voice. asst tai's a 4urnace of fire and were not burn,r�r; Boston Subway................. .. "'Are you happler than you were when you were ­N-o-o, I don't believe that." .......................... ?,,2�4/ � living "Oh well you can't Join t csh. '(`11n i,• Cascade, Great Northern Railroad..................... 2i/ ?' j he clurr Budapest. Austria.................................. .. " Much happier.' you believe all of dices Il the I31ble, and Unless° you can't Join the church." Bowlder, Montana................... .._.. ........... ......,......... - ••'Have you no desire to return to earth?' + Ivanhoe, Colorado............. 'None whatever.' "Can't believe that. 2 . •salt I join unless I i)e + Sarnia, Canada. .............. 2 Where are you,John?' No.niree:that you can't.'" �„ Huns h then I want + 1 to tell You 1 ' 'In Hades'stltd the spirit.'"-Cleveland Lea(ler. p 1 right Liri 1 ---------- ----------_ -----_-.-----__-- don't believe that; tharo d---n flw, stol•Ir o' -... ��__ ertt••her."--•Nashville Banner- Hiawatha on Prohibition. "411 aboard!" said Hiawatha, .. -[,M...,....._ti.ln�. f,..c�t.:,.....,...tea..-... .....� To the Editor of the 13rooklyn Eagle: Otis, Nortl RECORD OF EVENTS IN 1905-Continued. Will you please assist pie o lino] a pUetn "40�f from Nei FEMAH -MINSTRELS a lost camel and the story a ng seen wit" scribed the animal without hating seen it 7 �. Feb 19. II, t3. Pasha, Ed June 21. Eight persons were lrillod in rile wreck Aug,29. The Japanese and Russie.n envoys at -•"� in the W: g Angwer-You very probably want of the Twentieth Century Limited, New York Portsmouth,N.H„ reached an a rooment on all *#' Pallas,Jol Central and Hadson River Railroad,in Ohio, points of the treaty of peace, The colored gals of Crow Valley, Stray Camel," a poem by John G. Sts IC0. a Parit Col Juno 26. Warsaw, besieged, 200 persons were Sept,5. A treaty of peace-Ins signed fit Ports- un(l.er the direction of is printed in a volume of his opemst, arid* tion.Oct arrested. Street cars were overturned to barricade 'mouth,N,H.,by the Japanese and Russian envoys, as foVowS: Palmer,A; shops and stores. Se t A camel,driver, who had lost ;j York CiC p,6. The New York legislative investigating �'r J G H U T T I N G Paxon,Ed, June 28. A mutiny broke out on board the committee began the'examination of life insurance ■ J. G. Ills camel, chancing to accost rt Peabody,I Russian battleship Kniaz Potetnkinn in tine harbor companies: I 4 wandering Arab in the way, heart dim of Odessa. The mutineers surrendered the vessel Sept.6, Massacre of Jews atRichinelf,Russia, Will give their unique Said: "Sir, my beast has gone astray• jj Peckham, to Roumania July 8. And went, I think, the: road you cante•- 0 City,Sol Sept, 7. Tokio was placed under martial law, entertainment j "Pray," said the stranger, "was he larnt !" June 28. John D,ltoolrefeller gave X1,000,000 to "He was, indeed!" was the reply; v{ Perry, m the permanent endowment fund of Yale Univor- Di ordar was caused Uy dissatisfaction with the ?. William Portsmouth Treaty. � "Anil, tell me, ]tad he;loss an eye. sity. ",Tis even so!" "And one front tooth"• •j Pierotti,I Sept.11. A misplaced switch on the New York Aunt C 71 Pinard,JC June 30. Bohn D.7tookofel lerrdfo gave $10,000,men to elevated road throw a car into the street,killing "Tri faith-you speak the simlile truth!" .1� Nov.7, the General Education Board for the endowment of 812 "And, for his load, was theVe a sack Pinckney, small colleges, persons and injuring 40 others. Of honey on the camel's back?" j . Hempst( June 30. John P.Stevens,of Chicago, was RP- Sept 13. Admiral Togo's fingship was destroyed ■ "There was, indeed! Now tell'me, pray- ;)j anee,AV pointed Chief Engineer o£ the Panama Canal,to by an explosion;599 lives were lost, (Of court he can't 1)4, far away) Liu Pinto,Fra p Just whet and where the brute you 118 1l rl succeed John F.Wallace,resigned. Sept.18. Thr Czar proposed a second Peace Con. Surpr i s u Party Civil W. And was lie going slow or fast?" f i Platt,01 July 1. Charlos J, Bonaparte succeeded Paul forence,at The Hague. "faith," said the stranger, "nn illy wt"t"'L ,n from Cd Morton as Soeretary of the Navy. - I know no ore than I: have heard � •� a d pia,Apt Sept,26, France and Gorrnnny reached an agrea- :M iti Pomeroy, July 1. John Hay,Secretary of State,died, ment on their relations with Morocco. which was such a great success Frons your own lips. Nor in rill' Nv.1y Have 7 observed for inany ay. rs Unitedq July4. Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, Sopt.27. England and Japan signet]a treaty of at Southold, in the A camel like the one you claim; (; N.Y.,M wasfound guilty and recommended to leniency in alliance,including;an agreement to nrnintainpsece I swear It in the Prol:,het's na.nle!" Poor, Her, the land fraud cases. in Eastern Asia and India,and preserve tho iuteg. heart di rity of China. AVDITORIK GIIEElti1PURT q eS camel driver all in vain !jC Pott,Jam Jue in hlihuon toJos appointed Soeretary of Oct.9. 'rho Presidentconferred with lenders in Besought the irab to explain; ]Jpiscop; State in succession to John]lily, He still ursisted as before, 7]a Potter, NV college athletics with a view of improving stand. i July 10. A Franco-German agreement over ards FRIDAY EVENING That ut t.he. beast lie"'new no More� 3 k Yoric Cil Morocco was announced. ► t ha.n from the owner lze had heart]. int Prather, 1 Oct,13. Sir Henry Irving died. Whereat the cartel driver, stirred ,ig sityof T July ll. Major-General Count�lhuvaloff,Prefeot A Hyl With wrath, c_cpressed his firm belief at{ Protorius, of the Moscow Police,was fatally shot, Oct. gt President Roosevelt departed frara (`■h=r�Ll Phis knowing Arab was u thief; hl St.Louis Washington on a tour of the Southern Stntee, �L✓�1 July 16. Peary sailed from New York for the T I ® Then to the C'adi off he went gee Prime,w' North Pole. Oct.24. A railroad strike spread throughout the And telt.]his talc, Eris honor sent Princeta Russian Empire. Aud brou„ht the stranger into court. Pritcli,_rd. July 19. Chinese boycott against American DR, J. C. CASE, ACCOMPANIST. "You hear this worthy malr's report," atg Boston, goods wag declared. Oct.26. The President was enthusiastically re. t'he Carli saf(I, "of what oc.+urrod, Rapier,Je July 20. The Now York Log;isle.turo failed to cowed at'New Orleans. 7 incl still yot.r answer nota t:'ard, icll Reserved seats at Corwin s,Drug Store. A.c, t ill his beast you never saw, &ky Rawlins,! remove Justice Booker, impeached for misde- Oct.30. The Czar of Russia issued a manifests q Cotton I meanor in office. assuring civil liberty,freedom of the press,exten• Qu f( Performance at$'30. I Q� Allah is great! And law is law! lteagael; blow know you, then. that lie was ]Ern:••' filo ator,sof July 20. The yellow fever broke out at Now sion of the suffrage,and consent of tltn Domm�in - -_- keel states Orleans and subsequentlyoxtendedto neighboring the enforcement of the laws. Answer-The song, "Over the Garden "By this: That where the camel c Epic,,, ! uoi March 6 cities. Oct.30, Count Witte was appointed.Chief Alia. gall," by Hunter,'is as'follows: Upon the sand opt-' footprint lagged, wil Reolus,J isterofRussia. Which showed one foot the camel rlr tF;;.,•7 July 21. 'Explosion of a boiler on the U.S.S, Oh, my lova stood under the walnut tree, 'Tis well explained; note tell me tivlr3 July 4. Bennington, in San Diego Harbor, killed 28 meu. Oct. 31. George Bernard Shaws play, 'firs, over the garden wall; You'said the camel lacked an eye? rap jteicl, `t' and injured 100 others. Warren's Profession,"wasprohibitedby thepolico She whispered and said she'd be true to me, And front his Jaw one t°oth had lost?" les ichardli ,l Pt Richards, authorities in Now York City. Over the garden wall. "By this, that nowhere land he crus;te�cl got R.I.,Ni July 23. The Czar of Russia and Emperor Wil- 5lt,t cl beautiful eyes ants beautiful halt-, The road to browse the other Acle; slam of Germany hold a couferenoo off Berge, Oot„rev. Agitation in Hungary for concoasioas til.1e `vat not very tall, su she stood on, ar chair, Anel; furtherinore, I plainly hied Richey,T Finland, frornlymperor Francis Joseph. And rnany a time have I kisr;ed her tbere, 'lTv'herc'er ltls to+=.tlt 11.4(1 chancel to par')+" g4reAni, York 01 ,July 24. The remains of John Paul Jonns wore Nov,1. Prince Louis of Battenburg arrived at over the garden wall. A narrow line of standing r r a.s, 3uir Riohthofe laced in a temporary vault at Annapolis,Md. 'Which showc d, as cls ar •rs truth is trot lo, Cnal rapher, p p Annapolis with#h(+ British cruiser squadron,one Ross,Jon. July 25, Secretary Taft and party, an route for visit to American waters. i''borus- The"And had ono ill •-•ing t:noth!" and for the Philippines,were enthusiastically received in Nov.2. FivothonsandJawsweroroportedkiUed (Wer the garden hall, And holy ab )cs out the 1rrey'?" "Nvell--- ?iio railroad Janc�. sweetest girl. of till; Tt Mire], want hard to tell raroapan. . rate in Odessa during the riots, There never was yet such eyes of jet, The naturt,of the caniel's load, Rothsohil July 26, Paul Morton was elected President ofp rthered all along the'road, rt head of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, Nov.9-16, The Britiehsquadron,commanded And you can ]tet, I'll never forget When, the Ban July 31. The Japanese captured the Island of Prince Louis of Battonburg,visited New Fork, 7'ho night our lips in kiss"lltiler, 1 thousand bees-" "There! Thai: Nvlll (i? relit Rothsohil Nov. 18. The Korean Government trausferrcd C1�er tilt garden wall. Phe t:'ndi main; the cr:e is thrnug^h tin anthrop, Sagl'nlin' control to trtd yot.t're discharged! But let me ]tint ia,l I Salisbury, Aug.8. St,Thomas P.E.Church,in New York Fut her father Stamped macs her father raved, t N lesson plain ars any print) `ile t pist,We City,was destroyed by fire. Nov. 18, The Norwegian Parlmmont nun. Over the garden wall, - deal of trouble may arise, imst ,4almond, Aug.10. President Roosevelt addrosse+I a large imougly elected Prince Charlesof DennrarlrlCiagof And like all old madman he behaved, At tinter frorn being over-wise!" a avt of relig' meeting of miners at Wiikesbarro,Pa. Norway..Ho assumed the title of liaalron VII,ead Over the garden wall, - - Sandors, tools till)oath office Nov,-27. She made a bouquet of roses refs, Tlio PfwbYderm. From from M( Aug,13. The vote in Norway on the separation itut immediately I popped un my head; Sears,J. from Sweden was practically unanimous for disso- Dec.7. The Balfour Ministry in Great Britoil) I fe gave me a bucket of water instead, The elephant's a Yttnn3*beast, `he% thropist lation, resigned. Over the garden wall. :ate] Sergius, S Aug,20, Lord Curzon resigned the Viceroyship Dec,13. Tho ongagoinent of Miss Alioe'lloose• Chorus-- 's is a pr than a m mrti Czar,al of India. Earl of Minto succoeded him, vest to Congrossman Nicholas Longworth was An He's smaller than a mastodon rrnin Shanks, Aug 28. Edwin h Holmes, Jr.,of the United nouneed- One clay I jurnped clown on tlaa othe side But larger than a gorm; )e ps newspaj p Over the garden wall, ■sly t gastritil StatosDo artanintof Agriculture wa,s iu3ieted in, Dec. The Sultan of TurkeyYsnburittodtothl And she bravely promised to be toy bride, He has atail-like tail behind; 11�(0V(l}Il$1@9� Ptkc1A Ialrol'G @Q414441. �01>3hlX li Pi tb:ed�QVV@T9�+?Av(+.'Iij!1✓W>V1+1,)'All]&. Over the garden wall; His tr-rk's of v,cli P.kt.d uiith And she screamed in a fright, "here's father, One scarce Itnows If lie's coming rmer and editor o nllt s s ° quick, Or is going down the wind. Above the eastern arm of Lynn I have an Impression be's bringing a stick"; W. Va. pass through the Canadian custom hon l it, Italian Senator and Mayor fished respectively in the White Pass a Wates'; Dill, I brought the Im n esaion of half a brio]., He picks his food up with his trunk Over the garden �va11, Chilkoot Pass, and above the western arm of NV1111 a� Chorus- And stud's It In his mouth, 3cmbei. g '• canal; that is to say, 30 miles from that part' -aflroad builder and owner, the canal which is more than six,miles wide. Carbonic i His tall is the north end ;,him and which therefore, the Americans regard as the Taut where there's a will there's always a way, V,'heu he 1s going south" laarles Potter, Jr., printing. Over the, garden wall; ' field, N. J. tidewater from the shore of which the r}ounuary Is And a little Scotch There's always a night as well as a day, If he ;hou.d got quite turned around yard, United States Senator- to be measured." Over the garden wall; With anger or dismay, :e, English sugar refiner. and ice make a Ire hadn't much money, but weddings are cheap. It could not feaze him,not at all, former champion checker Pope Leo XIII employs 100 Swiss Guards, 11' pleasant tonic; 'So- while the old fellow was snoring asleep, Bo's headed either way. gendarmes and the Guardia Nobile. These cot. With a lar]and a ladder site managed to creep r-Y, German chess master.- stitute his army, numbering over 600 men In all And the little high- Over the garden wall. such a funny animal; LV 15. Francisque Sarcey, _ ball,humble On tele Ice. You ought. to hear him roarl though it be, `•It's easy,"said Skayter, trying to teach Hlurn- You never saw an animal Sylvania RaiTr-oacl. MR, Can hold its own say the backward roll. "Don't be afraid to throw ,With such a tall before, Yb body w ell over. All you've got to do is go'wap Or such a trunk behind: I know against the field back I'd hate to meet and quall for poptllarlt`r• "And sit downl Yes,I know;I can do that,but Before an elephant and learn _-.-_-..__-.--.-_--- - it hurts."-Phfladelphfa Press. I d @trailed behind Ws tall. �++-�•�+-�-�++++kms- t+ `- ---- Quite Content. -NLo t tO De Coerced. LENGTH OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST TUNNELS. "Spiritualism,"said Gov.Aycock,of North Caro- Which reminded ine of another story, tall. Lina, "is a marvellous thing. I used to know a &a old fisherman a long time ago,'when Ww Miles, widow who thought she would look into it a little. together along the Elk. New York Rapid Transit............ 22 4-� She visited a medium, and the man agreed for g5 It was a candidate for church member i�,1�, """" to give her some conversation with her dead hus- went.up to be examined " to his utile■]■ Metropolitan Underground, London.............................................. 13 hand. Simplon, Switzerland............................................................... 12 "He ut trite 11 his out and fell Into a trance, mission. St. Gothard, Switzerland........................................................... 9/4 and suddenly a dim, pale shape appeared In the "Yes,I bells eDo youeeI bLeve in,In the ?the Bible." W Paris Underground................................................................. 8% furthest,blackest corner of the room. :'Do you believe God loves you?" ...,.,,•,-,-,,,, , widow whispered ed tlrenulously re you Jo the t Mont Cents, Switze'r'land....... A o hn"' "Oh,yeq, I believe that." Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. .......................... 7 e he world In aIx ,� Arlburg, Austria..... ............................. t .................................................. 6 4 ♦ "For to Jmoment��we stric en, ths voice e 3vldoty was "Do you bels ve he whale evrallowed Jo I Tuppenny Tube,London.......... „, t Y "Do you belle'#a believe that."three Hebrew chUcl * - BerlinHoosa ,Underground ................................................... 5% sile'Do you forgive me for y -treatment o u Berlin Underground............................ In life?' oast a furnace of lire and Then she s1 43/� r iv m 111 f o : ....................................................... 4% ; Liverpool and Birkenhead,. 'I forgive all,'replied the voice. Lata were not btl�; e., "� Boston Subway.................................... ......,............., you happier than u were when you were 4ti2 p "N o-o, I don't believe chat" 2i� Are o a, 1 pyo n o e "Ob,well, you can't join the church. f1E Cascade, Great Northern Railroad................... 21✓z living?, the Bible, and unless you believe all of t11e, Budapest, Austria.... ................. a 11 a Bowider, Montana...................... ............ .................. 'None whatever.' re to e u earth?' a at. � Much happier.' you can't Coln the church," Ivanhoe, Colorado.................... ............. "'Where John?' .t " ..'Have you no des) a ,,.. 2 '1\0 "Can't.I join unless I bellave , + Sarnia, Canada........................ _��-- 3 are you J o s res•that you can't So, then I want to ell you right ................. 1 'In Hades'said the spirit.'" Cleveland Leader. don't believe that there d---n as.'. story 0° 4. ___ either.'--Nashville Banner. � Nov.8. Thirty persons were killed and eighty AOnle, Again. p '1 injured III, a bomb thrown by Anarchists in a Ah! 'There at last is my old easy chair! N.QC00 0f iMbElYt0 ill 1893. Barcelona theatre. F How good it seems to see it once a Nov.9. It.Weeks,of New-York,embezzler raln. :-Can.6, Thebreakingof anice gorgeinthe Ohio March 21. The Mayor of Moscow was assassi- of$I,000,000w•ts sent to Sing Sin;;prison. The flat Is dim and cool, the tempered air Itiver,at Cincinnati,caused great damage to ship- nated, Nov, 16. Tit(,new cruiser Columbia,U.S N., Flutters the book leaves In my cosey den. itlitg. March 22: The Oxford crew won the Univer- made nearly 25 knots on tan unotlicial trial. No insect torment through the window screen Jun.S.Dr.McGlynn In a public speech an- city boat race on the Thames by two and a half NOV.19. The Lehigh Valley Rail oad traintuen Can force its way Ins sweet repose to mar. struck. ttonitccrl that he had been restored to his priest- lenggths in 18.47i the fastest time on record. Nov.1g, Successfn]test of an electrical cabal- These comforts I have lacked where I have been- hood by papal authority without being required 'A[arch 23. The Berings Sea arbitration. court boat Olt the Erie Canal. I think it's better to be home by lar. to make apologies or retraction. opened in Paris. .Tian, io. Princess Marie of Edinburgh and March 24, Colonel Elliott F. Shepard died Nov. the i,e I-akes t StateslhiStiprenlc C'rlurt i The luxury of bathing T have had- 1'rince Ferdinand of Bulgaria were married. while under antesthetics in New-York. decided the great lakes to be high seas. Not the hot beaC t, whose sand chin Jan.io. The Ribot ministry in France assumed March 29. Spargeon's son succeeded him in the Nc,v.24. One of the insm•gent'S best: Wat•_ g to myTeet lower. Tabernacle pulpit,London. ships was sunk •In. Rio harbor by Peixoto':, And w Ith its gritty substance drove me mad. Jan.14.The Pope appointedMonsignor Satolli April 4. Carter H,13arrisou was elected Mayor gills 1 used my bathtub—and it was a treat. Permanent Apostolic Delegate to the United of Chicago. Nov.25.T A statue of Nathan IJ tie tt•x„ nil- That tub of spotless, creamy porcelain! States. April 5. Brazilian revolutionists defeated the' Veiled in New-York Citi'by the Son•of the pcN-o- The blue and white tiled floor! The s on a anA Jan.14,Tire Canadian tariff of Canal tolls an- Castilhistas, and massacred 4,000 men at Ali,- lotion. p K brush. illounced for 18q3 indicated the enol of discrim- grete. Nov.30. Princeton defeated Yale in the fool- illation against American interests. April II. Japan seized the Pellew Islands ill hall gain(,,at NUNV-York by tilt'score.Of 6 to o. And all appurtenances! Oh, Insane, J'an. 16.Ex-President Bayes was soddenly the North Pacific, Dec.4• J.J.Van Alen resigned the ambas- Besotted ass,from joss like these to rushl stricken with paralysis of the heart,and(lied the Appril 12. The English,Scottish, and Austral- sador"h p to Italy-next day, ian Chartered Bank,of London,failed with liabili- Dec.4• Professor Tyndall (lied front an over- some well-iced beverage anon I'll sip Jan.16. Queen Liliuokalani.,of Hawaii,•=^mss de- ties of$30,000,000. dose of chloral,acltninistered in.mistake by his l With the cigar that I Intend to smoke; throned by revolutionists. April 12. A complete Syrian text of the four wife. Then'twist cool seamless linen sheets I•il slip Jan,17,The Khediveof Egypt appointedanew gonels of the New Testament wits discovered Dec.8. Trial of Dr.Ile`er, tite alleg,,d mip- And.balmy sleep I'll not in vain Invoke. Cabinet without consulting the British Govern- iIt the Mount Sinai Convent. derer by poison,began in New-Fork City No tree toads, crickets and nocturnal merit,The nextday lie dismissed it under British April 13. The American protectorate in IIawaii Doe.9, An Anarchist exploded it bomb in tor-; pests Pressure, 1 Like those will vie each other's noise to drown- coded. The United States forces were wrth- J ��_i'`'ur•h('haunher Of I1,•pnti�•.-, an.zx.Nine tersonstverekillecl,twelvefatttlly drawn order of Commissioner —he only place, it seems, a fellow rests (Jr eats—oar trills lives—is here In town. S -jam- j� }� injured,and a iundred others burned lay oil in April 14. Alexander,the young king of Servia, / / p+ 1 it collision on the`•Big 1 our"Road,near Alton, by a Coup d'etat,established his authority. 1696--181 1. - _.......,T 7-� �7 —Chtruno v oeios. 111. April 14. The Duke of Veragia,descendantof DEATHS. T . } .1 /'j.�l' �I����P' .Fan,23,A bill establishing it National quaran- Columbus, was received with-public honors itt t ine passed the united States House of Represen- New-York. 1696 1811. natives, April 2o. The Australian Joint Stock Bank DI ATIi3, Jan.24.Eighty miners were killed and a large failed fur�;13,000,coO sterlirg. CLEVELAND'S SUPPLE'LENT. itiinibel in,tirecl by an explosion of fire-clamp April 27. An international naval parade in 1812-1970. at I)ux,Bohemia. New-York Harbor in honor of the Columbus Abbreviations used:A.for Agnebo;ue;C.for Cnt- pAFT SECOND. Jzut.z,.Princess Margaret,sister of the German quadro-centenary. choQue;E.R.for East Mariou; F F. for Franklin- E'niperor,and Prince Frederick Uharles of Besse April 28. There was a street parade of the ville;G.for Greenport;13.for Hashamomoque;Di. 1754 An-31 Boot Isral son Poleearpus were married. forces Of the visiting naval vessels in New-York, for Mattituek•N ' .for Northville• N. S. for New' " Sept 1 31oor lirael Dau'Iary Jan. 27.James G.Blaine died at Itis home in May I. President Cleveland opened the Suffolk;U, for Orient; P. for Peconic; S. for, " " —'Mapes Joseph Jun'r child 'Washington; World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Southo:d village, !( " 1:5 Moor Thomas Capt son Jonathan .Juan,3t.Manypersons werekilled and injured May 8. Carlyle 1V.Harris,the wife murderer, As errors and omissions are liable to occur in " " 17 titoorc Micah Dr daughter and buildings were demolished by all earthquake was electrocuted at Sing Sin-prison. snaking this supplement,persons knowing of errors' itNov 6 floor Will nO;;rO II.ther cin the island of Tante. May 8. Dir. Gladstone offered the Poet-Lau- or utnissions will please inform the editor,that re&.1755 " 4:Alaapes J©nathatn wife Zfary Feb.I.Minister Stevens raised tbeUnited States reateship to John Ruskin, tification may be made in a tinal supplement. lu 1736 Aug 29 Moore'Micah son James Gilboa flag at Honolulu,landed the United States Ina- May II. The New-York Central Railroad's en- sending names be cure and have(late and age plain. — Oct 2 Aluarsen Dec wife.Mary, hues and established a protectorate, gine ggy raised the speed record to 112,1¢miles 1914 Apr.— Ledyard,j'Norge -- Jan"0 Moore John Feb.8.The Senate confirmed the Russiaii extra- per hour. 1768 April Moore Win 1816 Jan.11 Lester,Sylvester,Ae.75 Alay 20 AIiliken John clition treaty. May iI. The Earl of Aberdeen. became Gov , F'eb.10 Landau Jttre(l Ly 76 S Feb,9. Crnmt de Lesseps and son,Af.AI Fon- error-General of Canada. {{ Apr.21 Ledyard,George,dgttughtor -Tapas uta ale ('Otto and Eiffel were found Rtliltl'of shin- May 15.The Supreme Court clecidetl the Gerry « ., ., �, 1771 June 1 'Mapes Thomas stillborn child d1 i It in the Panama scandal trials 24 daughter Chinese Exclusion Act to be constitutional. „ ° 4'lopes Thomas wife Elisabeth Oct.Ot18 Laindon Christian wid.of Jared MIS „ Fe 3. 13.;lir, Gladstone introduced the II01110 May 18. Princess Eulalie;representative of the 1817 Sept.13 Lester,�1'houras S.,Esq., Ae.35 Aug 1 14To(ir Join negro boy singled _R,ale bill in the British House of Commons. Spanish Government, vas received with honors Nov.1 Landau,Ralph,infant 1775Sept 31 Moore Israel Feb.19.The Pope's Episcopal jubilee was cele- in New-Fork. Oct 29 Alattalies hambo old prated. 1818 Aug.2 Lester,Polly,Wid.,(Mau.Mary,,. 1776 Jun 25 Moore Micah Dec May 33i. The body of Jefferson Davis was re- 18.30 Sept.15 Ledyard,'Tliouuas Feb.22, ]'resident.Harrison hoisted the Anleri- interred at'Richmond,Va. it Dec.5 Landon,Jonathan,Jr.,23,S Moore'Thomas child can flag oil the Atlantic litter,New=-York. Jitne I. The Pressy teriait General Assembly 1822 Sept.25 Landon,Capt.Jonathan,59,S 1778 Apr 20 Alan Jerusha March, 4. Grover Cleveland was inaugurated suspended Dr.Briggs from the ministry. 1825 Jaan.27 Lester'�vsd.,Diar Senior 7g May 31 Mattice Josiah child President of the united States. ,Ione 5. A finttttcitai panic in Chicago, t y' , o July 2 Mopes Alither 183:, Ala-l3 Lupton,J6<iah wife 1hebe 4� M Alarch 9. The Hawaiian annexation treaty was June 7. Fifay %ills Tes were destroyed and 1833 Sept.2 Laudon,Abigail,wid.of Capt.Jona- „ Septi 27 Moor'Simon wife Anne returned to the State Department by the Senate marry lives lost lay fioo9s in Austria, thtsn 69 S Oct 8 'Iaeiure James wife Hannah at the President's request. June 9. The Forel Opera House,in Wasbing- 1833 Dec.27 Landon,Ralph,1,S 1`80 «11 moor John child March to. A great fire at Boston destroyed ton,I).C.,used by the Pension Record Division t chili 3 netarly$5,000,000 of property and several lives. of the War Office, collapse(' during business 1834 Dec.31 L:r.>;dun,Ralph,4 ,S << « 3 Moore P,aekit Ileliet John 1Larc:h IT. Governor Flower, of Now-York, ]tours; 2I clerks were killed and man wounded. 1938 -4 Latham,Airs,h,71,able,48,O :1789 Jan 10-feed Henry sW;,ted the bill authorizing the purchase of Fire June 20. Lizzie Borden was acquitted of the 1943 Dec.11ec.22 Ln.udon,Bethiah,71,b •� July 21. hittpes Caleb at'"'actin!;River Isjan(T for quarantine purposes° murder of her parents,at Fal]River•Mass. 18.16 Apr,�3r Lester,Miss Hannah,72,S << Oct 6 °' Joseph wife Casiah Marcia To. The Tremont Temple,Boston,was June z3. Tlie English battleship Victoria i 18.17 Feb.3 LeCter,hiss Mary,7fi,8 1773 Jan 12 - " Joseph rlestroycd by tire, collided with the Camperclown off TripoliSyria, `1817 Aug. a I_aijtant,Daniel,child,3,0 a, Moore lienry 4 g Nov.11 LanciOn,Samuel 13.,43,S << June S -Naefolling David t ICarrah .o. "Minkler Tiayar=l was made an stn- and sank with oo sailors among others-"ice- 1850 Mar.15 Capt.Samuel , S t -uanr Admiral Sir(:corge Tryon,rile ileeEcomnl+uulrr. , 1 m ' " Aug 16 floor Thomas sou Jonathan _ _ _ 18R Jun.7 Latham,Edmund,22,tj « Nov 8 Moore'Mar Releek to Israel ,June 25. India closed her mints to thO free _ T - 1852 Oet.2 •° Dioses,Child,3,0 3 Sept.5• President Cleo cl And opene(I the Pan- {{12 Maefordin g Abigail Ileliet to David r(ina;e Of eih=cr. Americzttt'4iedical(:ongre�s ill\\'ashingnoll. 1853 Apr.G Capt.Jonuthtn F'.,71,O 41 Dec;3l :lioore Hannah Ileliet to Thomas .Tsui 26. GOveritorAlr-geld,of Tlliuoas,released Sept. 8. The Hoose of Lords rejected Ilio "� Nov.15 Lr.tptan,Josiah,73,AL 1784 Sept 18 Aie(•luer Jemes the Haymarket.Autucltl<ts from prison. $once-Rale bill. 1856 Jan.6 Link,Henry,sora Wlat.H,5,Cr „ June 29. The Clearing IIOu e hank;Of Ne�v- Sept. 1857 1Yiar.11 I.andan Sera bene dao. of S am'1 out 1 Milliam Mary SettI I The Parliament of I eligions he t u. p 1755 Feb 24 Moor Thomas son Luther N ork prevented a money panic by the loan of it_sessions a (Thies m. H.,10,8 •• June 19-Moor Anna 78 1858 Apr.21 Landon Imogene, dau.of Sam''H. Seppt.13. IheStazilittit retael deet bel;att tile, p 1786 Moore Silas -11111L'30- President Cleveland called an extra bonillardineni of Rio de Janeiro. 1(",h Dec 4 McClur Jemes Scsaion of Con.,rens,to convene Aub.7,2.o con- Sept,16. The Cherokee strip was opened for 1858 '.liar.12 Landon,Henry,Esq.,wife 11lehetabel 1794 June 28 More Thomas Jun'r :rider the financial crisis. public settlement. I 78,C 1781 Apr 0 DTuor7ado(k July I.k- The SOntli C rolina liquor ilispcn ars Sept. 17. Yellow fever became epidemic at,I1 1R58 'Afar.22 Lenchner,George,52,S 179-} 31tly 15 More Ran nab wid -taw took effect. Brunswick,(xa. 1859 Nov.22 Laffetra,4.,O ]796 Alar'29 Alore Silas wid Patience Jttly 2. L'Ieutenant Peary's naps clitiost Left Sept.18. i'lte anniversary of the laying of the-!1860 Alar.1`i Loper,Jesse,drowned Plum Gut,50 a, Oct 13 More Simon wife Hannah 'dew-4"oli:for the Arclic reg=loris. corner-stone. of t.hc• ('atl;it+,l htail(linu=� was ee!e_! May 17 Lupton,Edmund F.,37,M c July 11 4. Piotitig by students aril aflerarai'ds orated at iii tt-4iin+.*ton. I `c 25 Lord,Dr.Froderink W.,5J,1,'_1L 17.18 July 13 1LittrO old I)v the(lsortleNy claasses in Paais. ____ ._ ____-. — 186 Jrin._t Latham,Andrew IL.,wife Sarah 33 p 180. Alar i3 Mitor Simon e, ,July 6. 1`IIc Dake of York and Priu((ss l[zu-y Sept•20. The bill to rel,eal the Federal Eice- It Apr.2 Lester,C+iibert,nifP CarOliue H.,25,S •` Maly 19 .Bore Benjamin Starling of Teck were married in.London. tion lacy was reported in the House of Repre- 18X;3 Jan:19 Lallose,Charity,48,N 1803 J 3fapes Mhomus July to. The-cold stor�aae w irolinuse at the setitatrves '� Sept.17 Lam hear,Alar•E. 30 E M Aug 6-Moore Thomas NVorld's Pair was destroyed by iire; itutriti tiro i Oct.2. A disastrous cyclone raged on the Gulf << C>Ct.21 Lane,rOscph,child,�. � Sept 12 Bulford Abrem wife Joanna-6 invil kined and injured. coast of Lonls"111 t af„�ut 2,000 persons were 1964 ;Sept.'28 Landon,Henry,Esq.,81,C 1904 Jan lioore 13ettj:atnin wifo .July x7. 'I hr(.o cavi❑gs banks ur Denvrr-n -'killed (mostly a lira r), a:n(1 notch dainage ivas 1565 Jan.11 Latham,George 1+:., of Co.H., 127th 1815 'lar 7 -Moore Abigail widow of Dr 77 Inende(i, done to property. Aug 23 Hazard L Blau Palle 16 Reg.,N.Y.S.V.,front wounds,35,U ,. Sept 12 Mapes Jonathan July 20. By lir. Drexei's will uinn;, laublic (set.?. 'I"he,liatabele tribe,under I,obengnlz', (a Oct.10 Leden,Michael,28,G „ ltequc41 ,ts ivarl�I,000,«,o for tial:erection of tat art 'attacke(1 file British strongholds near Victoria, « •�23 Luce,R'6v.Abraham Riverhead,7.1 13'Moore'Alar) L South Africa. + 1806 Feb 20 'Phorias acid Mary It ;cal a'I� in Yhiladeli>hia were anncrnrlced. (l(t, (tticziro cls wits 1866 Feb.18 Ltttatdcn,,lfaarth:t,wid.of Italplt,71,S ., Nov 30 " Joseph child Jull he T here t Coere mom disorders incl light- \1"orid'4Fair; (x-er- so ns acted ed the „ A J J.22 Ledyard,John\V,,62,S •t Dec 2.2 " " `wife sudden ill(,n.1 the II+ruse of l_Outmons. roc,0ou lbersnns attended. I' (Act.to. Closhia exercises of the centennial Qct.1., Lane,Washington,561 N 1807 Oct 18 9lrilt'ord AtnRitaan wife Lydia.4!1 i• July er The ioFrench Cabinet accepted Slant's 1867 Jan.30 Landon Keturall colored,76,S surrender Of territorial right,, celebntffon Of \\'illiants ('Dile r, at;\\'illiatll „ e ' 1805 Jan 10 Moore Silas int'turt p _kutg, g oli town Mass. Apr._I Lesser,li arc H.,widow 0f T.5.,79,S ., Nov25 Mingo ne ro—sudden 3. (attlttil.Cy tt'a$ bon-lit IIll(llil(1 at a I ' as [�re:tiium ill N(�av-Irtrk�'itI-, Oct.I 1`he L tiir,u Pacific Railroad was „ Aug.19 I,on3,'tiirs.Louisa E~.,53,E'M 1809 Feb 22 flurry Clare from Albany 16 :\ug.7. The,extra session of Congress beg placers in receiver's hands. Sept.8 Lindsey,Mary A.,17,P , 1810 Feb 11 'Hoor Daniel Ieoekaapint art' Oct-I3. The President of Guatemala .a -Nov.12 Loakin,Mary,.':0,0 �, so The first Chinaman ryas deported 186E Sept.6 Lester,Fanny 5.,2,(3 Sept,18-lidfoid.1 bi:tltam Jr wife Phiienta 2'2 Y: from San Fralict�en for non-rc istration, Conn res ,and decl trod himself dictator. „ 1911 Feb 3 Mapes Asa child Oct.7-a In r rt es for the Oct.5 Ludlum,Richard T.,3n,i11 fire in\Iinueapohs esus(}d x;2,000,000 3• America's Cnp the 1863 .Nov.1 Luce,111ehetaba] fib.N " `fi Moore Joint ltuckapint titunage;�1170o persnias trade hontcless. American yacht Vigilant defeated the English i ' DLnr I.3-Tiller.Jcrutl,e wid a,t yacht Valkyrie,off New-York Harbor. IS 3tin.17 Luce,Gcor;;e 0.,61,N •� -Apr 1 Moore silts Cltihl �t _lug.14. I:au steel,and yotton itlilL in. Penn- (]ct.I Apr.i8 I,iily,Jo11n,50,l3 �a Dec 2i_lt:ane�Thomas and many others, lost Sylvania aI d %lassacliusett,s resumed.restorin- 5-o. Ritz:fan n:tv:tl officers were fete�41 ., May 2+"Ledpard,Cieo..B.,wife Ella,93,3 in France. in the hound rtictre than 2O,000 nlen to lal.a_r. Sept.13 Luce,Natbauicl,�',ii,N Lie wits ]Oat Froin the sloop 'Rosetta" in t Le Ing.1,. The,l;eringy ties C'nurt Of:Arbit:rafion v Oct. (nuviiileal lie Treliton ti.J.,bitttle inouuutent �a Oct.2h Lord,hlrs.Aunrt,a9,Cl „ i „_. rl_nicif the right of the United Stated to a closed, 'a Dec.8 Luce,Deborah Christmas Storm. N,11.C. sea. Oct.2o. Piteutr six ptirollr tirere kulcd anal ,60,N ------- i yearat fatally inlurecl in a;a r(c°l:oft the ter+ 1A`,3-Alar.10 Leek,Hattie J.,35,E M t�coni�lat,int wns 11 ade in relati(1Ii tiii Aue 23. The Dul:eo°5:axe-Coburg-C.Otitat died. Trauk R.ilwa'v.near Battle(,_reek,llich. Irl- Sept.30 Lang,-lira.Mary A.,37,G I , AufT 24. The Atlantic coast of North America 1874 Sept-26 I,a.rned,John L.,2l,fr the sea=weed heaps at the,heard of Totit,ji ` ati-rizt visited bI<i flesh uetive storm;ntaity liver Oct. 2n.. Both ezastbound au(1 we:4tbOur'd .1975 May 30 L on,Ueor e lV.,5 ,CT Creel-,,and the tl`oWll IlUtard of IIe:Iltl3 Ira=t. records were brOt.cn l_I•tltta Culilyd sieauishiP= •a Jul K Landon r Lncnnia and(`ant ainiel re tectiari I' Elijah,31,Brooklyn r,. Aug.26, Collision on New Yoric and Rocka_ 1 i „ Ctrr,�tlli7.etj on r)t uTStl'<�jT 1 last, in the Oct.s8. 1[ayorCarterN.lIat,ison,ofC'hic•ago, June B.Lorigan,Mary\A ells,3.,M � heard GOIta_ e aiv Beach Railroad x6 persons were.killed aticl wits assa�.Inated. � " Supt.7 Latham,Jonathan`T.,71,O Of Albertson Case, Esq.,—beard injured. 3 I 44 Dec.3 Lester,John Talmage,95,A r)l ailats aad testi,noli T for gaud a,o•atlllst s Aul-'28. The llouse of Representative voter? biOct. o. The Senate pa-seil the Silver Repeal 2876 Dec.26 Lilly,lira.Isabella,35,G j 3' ' I to repeal the :silver-purchasing clanSe, of the 1877 July 8 Latham,Elias,66,U rind tadjourned. until Tuesdit,y of this 1 ;Sherman set,r(jeoting all free-coirttage tnlcncl- ci�I1�(losed•he World's F':rig rutty deel:tred Ofli- Au '_}Ledvard -Miss Hannab,85,B tiVeek. The rE°Stllt is that the heaps Ot tsaettts. g , Aran.28. C=rent damage was done ln•a cy(.1, Nov.4. A cargo of dI•rtan*W expioded in the; 1878 Feb.11 Latham,Airs,Barrier,5 ,O sea weed the t0 1JE rCluovfa before, j t,3t. harbor of fiantaiider,Spain,lalling and woltitel Sept.28 Lester,Carrie.9,G .t _ SCI A. 3a+aural :and (Jhztrleston and cin the sunth in. at least Oct.«7 Lowery,lire.Frank'I.,co:ored,21,C -•(1, 1519, F_71d her eatfter nu ttita-weed 1s f:ti� ern const a,00a liveslost, i; .,moo itersons, and gunge than Ioa t8-9 June 10 Lupton,James,rife any,54,li —i-- --- — hon�e5 wort:burned. - P t _ Fanny, be la�.ndo(l at that point and allowed t(_ — ^_relniaiu on the Detach for more til,_L i twenty-four hours- �� / G1 _- Accritow of ubtats fit logo. a,8atrlt>Ptrrvtb.Uiwtl4 re�.,s I`n,alaw %W* �=r JWUS1usrlaip• 11184rid„dpttlii,Feb.il; �irl4,l+ ! lid t< C� �wlfr re.,�sr*N.tttwi an iMf numb w�Mt 4�► �i�i�+tii l!# to rRaeaaabetrt W i!,►r 4'aaw otra a llam�., e�a M ltMWtt,tnu .rrltta�n ie, .teWte.t, hr. .#sa4awaem App td oaf Iir=R. 0,w i mv-,01 sIUMA6er:tl0t l bless l+lA S,lt fiesta, f'�r t�l lt.nlet> 1w"►A6a•lpdt+ast. +gntr►1: d, erlarta at '1"sa.�r-a4,r1 11 atatotiwj 1m tw4"ell0,atara4est hr trio 1. Yale W"wee alrrtrwuitert is Maadwlw �� �rf�1tt Pit err Vgni#,,barn in uAturdem,vs.,rpirwa r-Ar +Try►.A 87, ' ,W. ialrnl�L`n4w � III of�iV44:tt ./ot>r s. ;J4sal.,at iPttd! til. Ar#tlfwrar �r � a trrnr�t t IASI taw n .at�Nur, d ti,l leaps tpuriatr;bra �Sam (.>r M ta�daI"O lw.rl,1 at u � 1�►w',re4e+Mt ill=wd a0,!n r1rl� � c�iN►� .�.t�y'f�#: M, httrtt+ i i"r•"w Ir a0, tilos Wes moi *1a'd pm*40�,'4 J�+p��, rat ,�� �0,l st +' opPwtNlwtw iaoMlM�istl�la,t it. y. �'#R�,'lwttval at ats.t,l�t.t. , . t rsa�, �,tltrwr:3; Jsa�, [�sIW+lvwv.d y emit#0,x biter lit Alt•M�.at�t toffivil nai.� l r�.al4osm P11044. 4f was Mae �tolt.Itt,!len..tral�n WID utak+, Pam" c3.t',tt.,�',tt,tt,+�yGyttaq�t�• r;1�4 ta, fro. >ltar liw#� rlNurttwt,,,,+ � rMlr,l.,),.nttiwtul, 0,a J sa+tom. was�lr a by tI saralobtp all t)441eit, m wa4a1 e#rr3 t.+ a > i 'tady�t,atl4 0, M►�rsat l�erT floe#1t m r o tJ�r. {}p�ert 1114047 04 ��, �� rwt 1 wn+i orf►x ttria+trfbetr at Ila�ir Itirtriatlttr'e G*IerC�I+tllidaoli. a,aJl. aaF! �Alirtr 1tYetieutt►a awl al Atalalrad„ O irr�w 1do.�is 1 i" s a ` n. rv,E�•r weaWt Ir`wd In the eta".rusirr,ll+i,oxrpm, pncl h A*1+rr�a��atre#lMMt4r4t,1►atr roatnl 1 wr.yri re i as 1rtltldaga lxv >,R. ��f+���600 !kY #1 f M �Y� +YIf'W nfotiFl Ri M�IRa'T't Q♦ - bf rroe�. foono a a t iw+aafwsuc Job. The Amort UI 144 1'at+ari r 1,rlrer.lr t71r1a4 # q l4wtatrM abttwr daitltseltot, ttayiaR in tT {tawr.C"nt,trt + ad JuR lltwa+ak�lilt J. 111w r 0,r Ntr j'T*pgl�a 1 1aea1 +j •ZIkttsln, at�r " J �1► y7har >,waI+ltb #�t.,rhip orf Ib. san ` �IpAAr t►ttlr.ba,rlt Ift 1'I,ewler,t'M.,sal. til. Y1wr ash{ +an�+r# wrr l��t 0,,t �j��td��' 14tr"awMWtaaa4tsoltp+ 10, 'T7.s Belt Vork Jiroft►aylot.a nxtArer€f trurllainsf, Us% iiarirua►< itawlJ, to et tMr > arr 'v1t Yw+ i VIMb dwlrr�l `< j tl..r 1 lwrr lawlii ual►ai<' a41 e1' a •1ea4R tl1M „+a,tw aGjwW+a l+a s, narttt+'w4ort4 est � {,7PIt+�.: Ilrr rdaiat ta1tM,lar*rn it, rlittra> p b,Rt rX a.Wlwaitmt.pt taGwwerlt,vrtsl (ter lt'trA +j q Ott hr ih,+ f,r.mtwaaeet, ' �11w;+toted 4L r. It'I 11. 1164"9r4lboro.anaer.later of holm"tie a0, tlaorlt � �"�a pan.mtriwal- � to w,boat"�qt MI tr�tla�r trust., 't"i"e7/ !!,Y r+ri 0,a,siM.+�wlod. r r+a:I�a>RlsrY awa4d {! A.aapw 1>i:failtird til, x Ahm talk 7ti, at+rraradoeate 111matwle' trleeoaf�4 etMi bh&W so� 'altt MI.at Imre York my. i t"�t11af k 1. at tears daaaia4ia�l het 1! Itrntc M6i moor WM se Lipir�r,rrali ort ra M late Aaw r4orn f+tfia! . bob,tem I1 c 4t Pct. I q A redrrsd dMnmwr e+a4s Atlautle flltfr. A ibaAt�tlOt'.bom tit brow Y'ark C,�t;y, '1I Wit�rr►elilOub. Vas asplrtlewi tows the tt.J.. f-ror-wow most lujaIr.d rw,,,ea„eT, ttse. • .. l M' ��:.7. _� I #R i 11te 111olt1asriwte ! t lbs 'splens. ate a t . �IR Aiuter",born in I'Rsll. •# rrm►rtiW rMaMilPlltm p �tt�11,IUYd+Rt1ir«tzrn#I, 3`aalne« t bn rem It laaoat, Ial4,M!Vatted/le4yac atom- I�s d6n,Fitborl t# rrw wooAMr ,�a +r!�llr� �� ert.t � + ral tbo l l [1.rr 001,L4 1I York iMw }�� 4 1.& ttslaaw f IDo 1a mp ow�,w , oa4raart4tMrt, P � Y Ynr! Aawr'ar4b1 a�) Iklnlira!' t t i, i4 ire►arerrlt Anel.w Tba Attlee*%lioo 4 Iatatt t.rteo teal N4141mY WMAft + D. Ila Iia retstpll obo d and putallo gpi ritf.e,4it. ti3f YYiwi fella` !l. ' bo**4>ZiMilI is. +471,4904 AL 3�y,to t#. ias t►nW.'s"Iva ort K*w tet .bora to I'm, "m lore Ares, p #pi, r�W • t X.ttr'At 1 a1hMltart:IM tAwiw, w*.► wM. �teo.t+rM Ly A if mo Wer bora Ilk 's IWA a4 4 we Aoaii:>w ttrr. AV A3retiT tbn w. � July 141 tirrTw aa4a 1 St Irttlesee i+e ,k,et /etwr card Ii4Arwmeter Arlsarailaro la flola+as x 1'1.eret,tfe,aw tkl�llo <1tiR fart,trtlal ; tI4 >a `l"bea e,of11eA t� �r'nlo r'tti"1ee ttb,«rarbotiiaa asaalat4.! i,4t,if»7rn 0,w,rtc7tars,,71tfe p,td 1491. A;�t 1 1tprl,tr m 'Tbs tta'I Op �ao4i0 i I► * batt �aw",;yl'1•f Y to aq�t�l ly Qroatar,+lead aott#io OL ,Johm )o's �' t'•• Iaf'r7 Yrirl, r4ru1.to 1 Fb p 46 �i 71, + vt`tt►,a + 1ArrY:Jkj�,,*Tion5lor,d *04411""1ytI a t 4ptrarl M 4he t"bwlauu Yra4araNa, l .nwik,aa,11th 7e;lei dew=" llafrl in l lintranrarl,. tet June. a0, i4rlarrri►e0,�� 0,a •I ttwt+.af,... 1 a7aw ale wee Itl,.r 111 d t#�p t�de�;trr4 w%*A%F ed loan t109ta-L T a t llL:rinkr a+4 about 4 Vit, ai lLtY.p, '�P of tWMlr IIn+M•.film 0,l era s+Par0,ai Io thv a rsyrfaw'+!'` l•r1i, 1biru t . !".ft.t*. VA if. 1tr1 111 rultlaotrt+ 4 btu dm ,are~ ampaardttbit attarrltvd wi Nf*1• AM� i sModRL rlt� 1au4tsua�y,r>w,rtr tri �.r,asdei,�Ai'tulber. ° of am amp~ wet Jew- �i tttpm�wrls lrlolrt�4rt ookof � gtta/lR+ Aew, #t�farry�r 11��Ne#IK DID ltlt_l_i_a+j�err`Ito Jt a krl! S"ttrls re #• m ttMIRt4tItlr4teataiorYl►atl►.I*1#rxM1,I, � I,t1.at+eat 11,4»al V. A irirmellsa#nyr rt'e1 sett a'tapttaar atwod >�poralr at lt+wawlw211 RttIM tt aD p{, d+rlK'arlld"t of[tit pawl ,n d Nstrflt IlwttK p>ttt ati"aerto t tfwrre+larwt tl..elr m� am aa +t,ri il�lost a rut t'rntl4tmtilt;tte►rt� M #tt{ r 1 (_ attettk'a�lir!!a4"irotassbtaw tis, lrwtiM�tlp t� IRAtplAW.rf rwl,fnwd folia• t�ai Alpnd V0, + ei.+. ]ENO A dtglre4rawl++e let3tar.wrtara,ta+i 4Aa4woraallm. BartN�M;01 hair so ith. �T I.I,tl R pat f.Q lir Yr J4aNI#et telAglMt'barA tai a>7+ ahlmarr at'1t►a��Mw' boewl► iamtaten terse at > lea tI1l�AeiobarY t'bt�f� tllOrpt ; t>� " Y.* l!.>lta�ey)arrri 1.1,. x a r �atiw,tie.,iIt lltbamPi4 a 1MWia (jowe"M 1 base I t rte ttd4►I tt+eirMr them 0014404004 arwrt0,4 t�ebaclt 1i4aWfrfr, writs, . t. aN of Jrrpaia a4aurl b kMt1r thea anatr _... _ •�. .....� . sAe1 ttwaMt+ar. a 4taJad rn,ww.T tb'earaa4aa.t t I, i s tt+Moto �._ .. flr,rxa Itt. rlt+t,Drtpmttatar.t► we4llar el tk °r ism. 0-4w of IHW Irv", Orel An �':tA�rly Riser. __. �: 1,4010>"4trf,tMal'aarn terse i masher harm!1a feels �t f �t t� t� pp{{�� 1 Arbt 11 Me".Wok awl Little drop*of raw. TP' �AkMP1" 1`f't'IDl'!"• "� salute. Ie q++�'ad still be ale.•gtn; whoa be'arl open up hie 1'retwalue eat they testi,` 16A6----� $ +' taut t ataeNlp 0,1 : 1dallar tuan"fa tows ftv,rtr+rai +� e 11*4 11W ettitar'lt sell toff WI sue altWiti &I atrrar<k n' DRA'1"ll». •• New is um"T"bM44 w1MM Jew al4 wo; • 1110101 bl„rail. 1tt1 Jes I 11#1 ooto11176011111 4#�roto tt..•i fAns befttvr the amts waa nfe bawd oe him rnrAJ 4A* laleir the inorry tat taatrt r. r ioase. i llis 4t 71■srrw at11I etatat+len !tem°rt rnarat+r 11aeter+ for glaatarr tetrit� snair t4,Ikr 0,+n. t'yt his at*"of ralf'ttt. 1091 Atril Uo144+*JPm0Iu%n A04 » lieyry fh utio ! IN Aw4I► Maus 161,111 te&V"hist 14'Radmtbalafir fa .. Wlal+rir--bgaba,d T too 130 1a me"�me"Ti �waNa on, u toff �. a Wa #1130 Jag*" New*jeswe W111410I bo 11114 1"Aei" aI ** xartlrl$etsv 11 #la�rwi '%tilbls' fist�vd by atal'wy.tA'," 1'tarlo Itrtrr toped i *6 to IT l►l alwhw-- basted If" t p.at T�#.ip*It•i� 'wx i"Sk ibis @Pert t-J'iltWa a f' IM Atwpra YJit t+lw►th 1'41 #foto! #t.tlwae o� ;I'M'.roar'flet Rio aRttaertRMi<o Wotb iI reale of &I t sdi►r#afe to awry of +. 40 7Mt/tat�-�+-�-ri+«l 1:41 '� (t 11ta4yvor.�ilflMltbplgl l t!"tsa tfsatw3�+tAattloe to boat`,1ttn^, 10" Yub 1t Moore 1� n1A ilii .friar i 3ls019 n�prdAt ver day rtlwtR'!w*s il.s�r,ar rtxtot a,tonR: t ho millk sal"a Owe a. 1Rer 14 Map" aDolillon o philrl N Sen 14 1l"Ow 1Y tarltto As* � tibtna3 ntrt to lmtrwr rariil,t,ia 1mAtaaryr taaaone aW Paq 1In'+-11 Moor A bEEandtP �pb *ull hyrn rtlltrt Jose 1 !4swooA twist to 111"J'a x Llltsll►a Apra wet water " A err M }tweept► aA4rrtfA I144n at b11Mti drlr ii! ldttvrnR at +wet Ilq"b/talt rvt+dlootrr'farm the tempo l»•xaot l,ltwerotps, 17+17 ,t'td 1 Ats" dw"I t:{ewe Joe 4 mapw a0, et a f*v"d Te t''tvaOlor ttnvrae thor trprleaitb „ Mete 14 of#*uv Juttt46M#tal4114 Apr>~ oote Nolksmo ela�blll++t1 �M,340'1 lawt"al+d+tad r bildleA,t.''Arle lttprp,by aanod two Wake Me r mon 014"hwtr 1',�I lblwr 1tl b1M�ief i'aepl Mittt�ie#IPf •' tkat t� ireirr tlealaalA�+rfr4►t44+ stead to III to bed mAd� the ino"looto !ai t tft#r amrf aao#'s. IM t l ApP twfApaial t tial iRlNr f< ++# se4ire In fin I'frbw or, „ Alartl,err fluffs wlwlii►n ++ Not to 1t+4�aa► �r�twa t#+atr rbrl►tltlppt+ low+ " VA 1# 4"t,atist.i,o 60 ise: M^f to i�ttI rltlt+tarrt The Rr'ro'd tttr t'"t`i tap ra�ri,brro tar ril..xlatila>Ma'later w,t 0110,e0,two. I :I 1 Aly!e `!yulle >�a!!t l:1+t iav!114 4 twes+rl tebbll$ M4tAt{o ailpt and I111Ii4 t+1af swa+irlt; rtnlll the aborta Of bIa tboayt lots stat love 1710 u !llnerry.twprlhot" I:1� W kliatpses.ttwwq+t•to v1t11rI thfouch. Alt natq�l sprtaaLelllat�da l „ los aatrearir tt,Rahti Xteltrltrtr>•tJanatl,arn '' )AW leoel11t1lla4wla rrltttri� Tbarr4 1yv'd..eu torr R1:Asp.sP4`Iiar'ai•+torr an'el•rr Ko. bv$o',,lo ^+banal+. Yf .Tleira Ill itrwirr.p It+ran VOW •'' .t4t�ee 11,Name tt m r Ab"oll Ayer 11 ldm iilbilal IN% Ins mo wj%rk,th na'air'r. Mateo l+et VAko of rnilt'biy, ilraS0,44a, t'flrt-T.Ian a1 U +-•_w++dim ItI "* � dprA 114 t+,ha3wt {'nclt 1!!,t a �tttlrsii Et11�ft1w half Joel 11 II a� wo 11Y '4tiir.l Il yaatfaw ry' atone AWAY to ae ta�tt�r clime: leaven+tlarautt lar,r rr4ti"r t7t't April 11 .a dart tt11t ipfi !It �s T'wvn tie da,n't watt for tuaoup naow- tt%%are up 4u the, f, ,tuna 4 U 3.r1r4h� � " iI x t eeRtJmbra4 done. And lateen tltlnitap see MAI 1719 A 111- itwf lift At#1�#i I3e t ttlipm. + tta was amp slaty-BV 4---k111eed blinsatt,titer&Q4, 1-1144 drops of taraxter 1710-20�ittkiloorf-II w},/VL kdAtr !'qt wgta.Titan+%l(1. l lomat i4rritwlP tltx iarak of wtew p� ` y y a VIT ,. fY w7 Yw4 /^..b,l!'� aLCt i'�a l..-emir ti his It�. Yrtonlag wjI�tbw titfl. 11" tirt 17 --�--�-•Tifeatnl"r1 ", .._parer goo to pltiatn' utr before ba Wrest 10 lad. *th4s, ludo*Bila some ' oloatithoo wito Af4goil ,+ -•iortrtwrapt mimes htoap;roll. a ,%Win" rotor all. ,» jo NOTICE TO TRESPASSER P . � xtr4y 111 biw AP►1iKtlioi4 rem�Iwrr, wtht a- Y dt11x M II A »w�t��ge4llldra{ridh eal" &I thy rtit�C�f4'�"t1>i1loli,�gYl. •, ,ltRip�111 �A11+e'tMM► ` �L .A fwL1tlf1 p3Jttt 1ia1i1!>�1 � ArlMrl+ip sa E14y tltldr �ltotp+l4y10,w, iirers arlitllttt a4lale 1f{+awed+` - ' I7Al t�Pt Jorepeh demo 1'tY,nda7 �}ves lti Lbti town orf UftttA'm•Iiay • llttAttl. ' t7;Mb- �iRit i kfnbaht,il,rrt liti bpd 1pA ltipl4eld atlQ Sho Arbaa*et, mal ln.vrholl be wanu a:little ron f f. a'#1, Thaem,#*00 Jo r""% ro.,r.... .- _. ,.s r 1Mf41 III"II 4arling mow... 1?44.�ltaL! �"t aA"will;e tat1F'w«I'�t thy+''� World ►r. �be Id1iMW weal ship lolled maxla+�1l aL I rip to emu tt>tu�acel,.. >lrstuAtr 114114kr 21 00 i'dWW 04010»" the bade 0f Widow Me- ttaiaf ho,-Your b"d 1 eailratv3w at4 ba11d 1°v>r vray+ritt"•-- �01l�atal ptrtaurltl�+tLtt itutllttt�fwe ct bwpt 14, „ s>tbtoacti;,tl"Ifawaalla! 4" m t *T dr 14 AblledelplilA Apd ho rid and nbe gro"a>d. To and®aatue Iticobvbinient 1� w 0,4 a+reie " Zy'rarba '&ad alotwilo" to we oany wok. to living with Itte said he,"1 oleic raittfttons.Met1I"- I tytht near Io 110lue goad rim's,xtrc d (11 24 all lbunif 4044 uta ye tabor ,wiale^ brotMr>it lltvr.i p�ltiaP�r tatr4p+t la Sitit is Crook Aerd Ire t>v+ilaprrs{1 acted a114r b ard. Whefa tie elle"perpe'trato"u road, l,elnq by aKilrIII ilataual round tavrtrsf,lilW V4111111111011I a9lKtanilr. i'ltaiefar, who in 01 11101st tie,"Yeti aluall lNtr4 itOttt tiileetr.#1x" JI 1) Moana+*njamin mI j roots old, "VISAS ba>rtst balms In iiata"arr ewyeltttj AM be itch rrAlf Aad s.ho gigglers!. 't,1,a1 tle'irhbori lif ti rf tills rr,ian9t hurott{;li 20 Mtw)r.l`cw h1M elwd at ftl,aerle 1@14M by, to 11:1#1. ill edsio to tweftftrult a amus ees. 1'llwid"he."MY dittftt t,uke",,. 11 rt has exitruimlod 1,1 et,ry thurovfill, IgrrfxtAnatlrin tNc'1'tai staard a�Nmlpaet0V0*Obi!Of llattaess ararta• And hol1041dprl,scud elle 1tplltltaa4.. And found a pf". to pue erns ti,rougtl � ' X1claeu'V ntt,ry!at+ra Anrtalh eI Is t*** Rated 7SobraI a44lltsf lie iitsd &own H&.1st be,J;poft imps heart ibereprasouch at rwtlirltt"•-- From.RIM 0 r-tewart avenue,. A1R +s�r r nay filo wtid buk sand dlesio"Ad bee la!}lpod"d Icftt 00, A,Ad ba vrsdt�pdw start site wactted, u a�tim to 1eronat h rrivrrl to fallwRn"1 He"Ya UW trlal4,y of Uw 1wAft told !about tale SW4 be."1'11 hove Ih#*,tt than,folic"�- Sacb cline In salon of lire's p,aittcrmie aCrct i4teftfaAl l+ai a4i1 1�+* PMythirsl, :b opt to 1lud some n , ti�t� �rY--w sd,4riyls]ttA�rtrat, test �Id ext�rttlt+iu4pr ipre but be ,iy�M�►trkttrelt»tlttd abe+rlil+Ml» ppalilttanti .• aedmite tbsk be s""��-Ph4awdrdlpltle ;waawc.,Y�.. tem": a7r, ,a0, r 0,,a't R�Wt,_ And Dr.J.}tacos struck gait�e plumnp,y 0 vary'w'srwrs bite.- .. ..� ... A wUG, t1yt#c1R3t Ilium . iFolsonk,it n 1802 LI olli ,Iawyet,atcittrnIo i»t df lunyatist;and auf,hor,born in 1r eu Post, Mintulrk, AT. U„ it Now York l,I1'fslc.an,mr.+clival writer( Lucky,Mc.,in 180. Rome,.Italy,Match 27;aged 6. Jan.1. Preside Fuad Pasha, Mehnked a Turkish statesman born ht t,onstanthlnple in 1819. Nice Insurance; Juhn L3 f4v Y,rC fCit T^.nsl t�ew Fork City,April�;n g�ej Int;(Ilailfe In of the Vo� Lrrance,Feb,11;aged.jr). ' Jan.it 17r, bH4ai" Oardnor,Col,Charles K.,fin arm r officer,who entered it front civil life Cairuburne,Scotland. Clrude11 5ctutland,Murch)U;�taged author and antigktariall;born at i'ra Jail, S. },olpubliq y 1 in 1803 a native Primo'',Md.,CI„a Alarylnyul pufiticlan fond b3euattor;burn in 1t':xylyixt ton D.C%,1'°5. Jatt,8. Tjte Gel of New York;' about 1;88. Washrngtun,I) ( ,November 1;atged 81. Baltlnyore,Md.,Nuv.9;aged tf•{, 111gion, Prrfsid,pnt Krugor 1 Gordon,Sir James Alexander,0•C.Ii,,Adnlral or tbo Fleet a Dritisli 11,1val oflleor ,Aly llllanl It.,tfuif;t, not°«;r•ry°Hutu atttthr , raiders, born in Aberdeenshire in 1'782, Greenwich HOSPital,January 8';aged b7. I,F 111 1795. T'htvhiutg,L.I„AlarelY yin ri, m t ,r, and 9peenlatgr; borry'lli k'lushing, Jan.Colony.(141.10 UIthd GOTIght Field•Marshal ITugll VISvoilltf.,"K. and (1,C',B.C1.C.T., a brave and ciistln Randolph,Robert T3, a former Lieutenant; 71. ,fan.U. Secretary Marc d British soldier, burn In cuurtty Limerick, Ireland, November, 1779. L�anrlun of U,H.1V., f�tnkoup for havt for 100,000,OOU bong March 2;aged 10. JRrkRi►rt'a Hoye in 18131,fri revcarcbe fi,r 1119 0191111.89111 from thct lravy Wltltalrt Graham,Thomas,D.C.L.T�,it.y„an eininent feu dish chettxtst,Master of the Abut it'L irgiuia in 1791. wwillingturl,1).U.,April 20;aged 78. } Jn.n,17. (.Ian. Al born at f_ilas I Rawlins.John A, Artuor-Genralr 11.S.A„a britve arrity officer and Claptuin-Cgenoral»11€ gow,in Decenther,18U5, London,sept..l ,aged 84, ► 1' by Clark,'1'Iroyler, Grist,(:bulla,all cnyineut Italian silt r,• boyo Iii Cluilti:,rd,Ili.,:lAtb,.18111. 4L aslibigtoll,:l).C,,,Sept.G:aged 38. Tun,20. Prince ; I'russitl,Nov.29;aged 37. Rc),burn in Milan, Italy, in May, 1812. Berlin Ratytitonrj,Ilonry Jarviy,fuunder and editor of 7'/tr A'elcp I I)rk 1'ianr s 1t(rru dri I,1r Of nces;s Iiontr CluLltrio,Jamras LT,.D.,a State»roan ttf Ii.entuc.Izy,borat in NTolson county,Icy.,I)erertt T,Ivl�nault count ,N.d' Jan.24,lBJtl. N,"Y,City,June 18;aged 49. .Af;can fever ona ber,1792. Loulsv'llle,Ky.,March 13;atgerl70. Rt' 1 ely,August Michel It arieRtienne,Count #1411ch 14farshul Jan.23. A.9 fry Y;ar�x er Jatnet3 an eitninont publisher and i'rlrnter Tfttyor of New York: boy ixncl a3Htxator,turn ht 1'arlt,, Illy,1794. farts,December ll;aged 75, ' by Itrnnoo wn:s annry 7 1 n ht 1Vew kc+ichenbaelt,Carl von.I'll.I�.,a Uernulry naturalist,chemist,tc'.c;hnoIQgIigt,a autltur, jiib. 24, The Al town, ,. .,AprIl',17lki. N.Y.City,AtEaych 27;Ilged 74. born In Stuttgart in I!ebruary 1788. Leipzig,taxon ,Jan.19;ftl;ed 81. ashore off Lung 131 1.1011 rsLenborg,Rev.Ernest Willieln,iD,D.,a Gorman tlleoingdat),lirofes9or,editor Hichardssou Al ert..Dean,a'nlew York!aur talifxt,traveler and ed , Feb.A. commentator;born at Frondenhorg,Orf.,1503, Berlin,I'rusrala,Juno:3 r till( lin,Mass.,October,4833. Assassinated itr N.I''.Ufty Dee.2;agt'd.itttlx(ar;.b(+rn iu k tnrtlr, Jan.31. The yap Ullet, Paul, a Frelich landscape paltttor,born ht parts,in Oct,1.801.,Pparts rTaunauy Ritner,Joseph,a Governor of Pennsylvania,born in:Penn.,1779. Carlisle,l eni { j rnittoe of the N,aui aped 65. 16•aged 90. Part Duil,-aven's ch 1 Jordan,William,I+'.S,A„A!.it.H,I..,t1 BrlLiash lonrutllirt crude oust author, i koo0lig'r John A.,(` R eminent brI(ga builder and civil engineer;born Ily owners. Kelso,ticolltlncl,In F.S ,,31.I,July 11;aged 8'7. sen,Prussia;June,18tH;. Erooklyn,N.Y.,July 22;liged t3J. '« Fob.5, La to g.,n ' porn it 11100t,Peter Mark,hf.L.,I It.3. b'.It,C.S It,nglish P113'leiftn,professor andla�Cxtlxor, 1)nrdnned by ileo gn Jomini,Barott 1lenri a SSwiRti f eneral,itistoriatn and miliGar critic;horn til Iia*e bornln London,1779. Londo it,fie{,j.17;aged 9o. Feb.11. "Bat"S A9 y, '' ,.. y 3 to ]tuuysettu,Lovell,H,,lirfg.-(ion.U.ti.A.,late M'ajor-(Tetl.Vols.;born ht Lirvlolri court- (CJone,cls est,a tri arch 177. Pf1»s Prance,March:,t,aged 90. ty,.I(y,,August,1818. :New Orleans,Lit.,Jan.7;aged 5o. Tro',IV,. was r+l; Jones,Ernest,an En1119i1 ]Radical Journalist,Reformer, and C.rarttst leader,born i( Ru311,James,M.D. aphysician and ziuthur,born in I'hlhtclelA,hia .ifurcla 1" � Feb.l2. rhe U T1 'I 1 russia,of au u d Norman 1+;ngllsh ihrnily,in 1819, :London,June 313 aged 1.10. delphla,dray 213,age*83. tail. I ltlJft- Riohmond,Va.,wr. Jukes.Joseph Iloete,F.U.h.,F.G.S„As.It.I.Aa,cern.,an English geologist Nalnte-. euve,Char es Augngt€n,a French pest artd critic (snare(of Frattcr, 13o Fob.24. Rallingf, find author,born(tear.Birininglxam,in Octe�ber,1811. Dublin,Angu►;L;age 16�1'rofessn, I3btiI0(yne,December,1804. .'aria Oct,in;raged tf5. p at from the corntnasx She rwood,Lorenzo,a political�a:ader and railway mann e r r f New'York end ',f(axayti Arnty,doolarud his I%sop, 1818. ,N. onterprisJllly and weallltY railway manager,born iu Jeffiarson county Fob.27. burl.Dn Y„irk 1818. N.I'.CItY,July 30;aged fit. barn in Hoosick,Rensselaer county,N.Y.,in 181.0. Brooklyn,N.k`.,hl tY I;;; lilted f,9, ' Rfnlith,Hol,a western actor,theatrical rtaaitager acid author;horn In 1847; ,t,. I,utafs, Now Rork Yaolat()1 1.".ondall, Amos, LL,I)., a )olltical leader,will or,t'ahino.t officer purl author,horn it 211 t ley,1.1 R1 aWeri Ii dward John,Enron Feb.29. Receive Dn"Statble,Mass.,In Aug.,1781. Washlrtgtou,i).C.,Nov 12;agod 80. o y FStan.ey of Aldlrrney,an EngJfttll statesIuau, Railroad were appy _. €ta;g, JOnats, D.D., a C1ongre'ratioyi%l clergyman, profest;or,missionary and antTtnr born tit.Alderney,Nov 181(1. London,June la;aged 137, March k4labs a born lit ITalvley,'11ft»s.,1793. Atfieus,Clreece,May 22;aged 77. ' tall hantor'tn,Edwin Af.,titL.D.,t rno lean Jurist and War Minister;br-,rn at St(tubtDnville, tauln.te at 13arcolona' .,December ember 24,aged 55, Alarch.3. The Itt f Lalnkartine,A.1PItan9t)1lfarie Lpins Prat de,French poet,novelist Ytisf:orlaux,and statm 17 Ste wart,Charles,hear Admiral and Union olltce+r 11.5. :N.;burly in Phtl d feated by the Ding r man,born in Macon,France,October,179o. Parls,March I;aged;9. r Baron non ) N.J„Nov.7,aged 91. u elphia In March 23. Gov..N Lan e,Albert,a Oerblull Foot and oxllo,born in Charlottenburg,Prussia,it,I)ecemUer 1801 o [Duster(rl�e y'ager apRtist clorgytnan and withor,born In Croydon, RAInee liquor bill. 1801. Torre Hautes,Ind.,July:B;aged 88, 1801, rt ford Perc g, March 213. The Ne Llbri Carruerl,William .Arotu» Julius "I'llnoleon, Count all Ttallar) ny g eY I'lieu Al e ruon I rederlcic tiS'3lliam Smythe,8th l'ksr�olrnt; Baron Grontnr New "orfs profrsssor and bibliographer,burn in Plorenoe fn January,irttU3. I"lurenre,Italy,)e n enslxnrst,Ff.lt.N,1 L'.R (T,8,;an 771101411 diplernatist,geoyralrltcr fufd 1,ltilulugl9t,hurts provionsiy l,.aeaed til agEd Q7, yy Jr c3GHt,3'etereburg Nov.1815.. London an.9;agr t14n. April B. Rx-Prowl Elzemere,Burta'lnn,a Hungarian pul)lleist anti statesynnn;horn at L'a.rita,II;11ugary,in Tittle,Charles C.,all enkfnelit publishor of Boston,born in I%cnuebutd,,Af'c„ in July August, 1d ei Fre deri�.:lc Hungary,. Can.18;aged 58. Mary,Scott Lord.Dil 17139. Cambridge,Alass.,Aug.8;aged 70. Aprll6, Arnerfetl Held,(Jung .At►g.,17)2. Litkfielrl,UuriiifNt,t �1eyFtt�lw York catty;bctrtt irl T,itch- rn(flees o won many tnprtl Iu brius9(zta�n Tltomaat,a 7iritd9h army af(iror and author,coustn of T'. B. Shelley Ld,Coln'Ott.19.,1 I3'enry Lffeld, ho n. first Baron, fin +. April 21, Tho Tn ,England,In 1789. London,August;aged 80. H land county 1,14sex,August,1798, London,Jtdy 13;age(]71g1itih fctute,Yryyan; burn rat grays'not nit,Washir Mensehikoft', Prinee Aloxander Huglewitsch, a Ito scan Admiral noel Atfuititer u `lennr_nG,Sir,�aynes l,mcr:yon,Dart., I,T,.17., F.1t.H. it I3riti.1 A.Ire31 22,I rinoersa Marine,barn in St.Petersburg in 1789. ht,Petersburg,Alay 8;aged 80. stateanau,;,lagrn fat I3olta9t,Irelauyd,April,17134. Lnnd'nn,11ft1r 11 flu pert^trtkcra,der and tlxo Luka of Ain.gonti Afoustier,Tpdonel,Afarquis de,a Pronely Senator and statesman son of t reformer, 7duutenalut-(general'I'liornatfr 1'errolret P.It. i t aged i'' April 23, :Ilya Bo Clermont Edward de,Muu»tier,Comto de Froths,born In 1'aris,18 5. Pitriti,I`�byAtflnr 5f, r(All tr' ani author;born in 1-11111 to 1783. :I,on(iun, olrtetnUc all uj;tal l Hll1 army ufli(cr, signed. Tice Alolinti aged 54. ' y f1',Count Charles Ir dward Aujinistus you 7'strclas,It1st doseondant of tilt±lints oY the April 28, John ' Nagle,Col,William J.,a ls.n•yer,ofliner of vuluntcr+r»,and T+'entlat Coun a Tilly,14th and 17th century;horn in I3(1lginnt,in 17(84, I3ru»we}s(,April•a tr tit,. Jofyarritesbur,g refor t, les r,of Itlsh oar• 'loucey,Isaac,,I,1..1D.,at olitleal leads^r ttuci stat(+»nrrart of,l'annecticut ala 1 trett»on in tho Trnut traction,but horn fn N.Y.City;curutnitted Rulcide. N 1%elt.y,Angust Ir,, (town,Cunt..,Novenybey,14911 Itartfurtl,Cotyty.,Jul•:io•aged 7:1. horn at C�Te`c to death. Thoy wel;,t Niel,Adolphe,Marshal of France,a distingulpbed pmnch(4orivral and ti'L'ar .Minis 7rupinn , Raymond Theodore, a French Jurilit r'•iety tg " May Z. Tl1c+ Per(� baro at Aiuret,Ii 1ut.e,Garonne,h'rance,(let.,1301!, .Pari»,Augtt»t•1•t;al;eci til, ter Unildner( lame Uttrornip),ucrt.1775. .'ttrlq,Ti'ubruaxry'?H�f�r+rl and authurl lro�n tri Nt. asttxbsainnted at'L'eltd 01(1,4,Edson T3„Ar.D.,a poliflcinn ()('()life,horn in Vermont ah(rut 1801. Lancaster e untY,tN�Y13AprIlDavid 11HU1 tyt t It stirttMarian Will author of New Turk;burn In Weastaheiter May 1. The now ()file,January 21;aged&t• lac 1k clty,7 ebr airy 1.0,ftged U3. Chn,rluta'L'u,per ar r;u Overbeck,Friedrich,a tlernkaIl paahtter of sant cd cath a 'Vernon: era,Jayne 14tarahUnt Fisher,tictres9 III C01M dY,born 111 Z3ri hturt F1n lad n I796, Nt4k.'ork city,.lune.4:a� ' t3 g n +1 May 7. .H,}IuJ 17210• It.omo,Novelttber;flgcd R0, 1 t.f»,horn at Lubeck In ,11(13"' Von Qop,C}41tz,ktubert]Iefnri hrI urlw3fr,Count;a Prrtyr;ian tli r r aocui)rrd at T'ItIladat Pat"to,Ford Iliand,an Thil fail cools confe('linner,and f(M iidet•and maty r In-June,Is Berlin,I't•ut(»la,.lannary 2.1•aged,�. !lunr•tti5t;bui•tt in 1 11r 13 May fi�t, isiaat house;burn it)Naples In 1789. N. 1'.'City,hept.li;aged 85. &plGrofan opera Aalket'�i)b,+r't.lftIlle sitttc Lupo,pnhl�riyt frnl llnauteier°born in Nnrth t1 r• press of tiussin Rt11Jc Poahod I Pa.,III Jn�y,lt,Ul. t4 a ltinw3tun,I).U.,Nov(:uy{,er!1:at'ert(;8, ltya tl.uul, M<3.,eatlsina tlye]nod 3',(I rn�ge,an American banker innk resident fit 7,nndnu, wdtnen lihorrtlity tf SI"8trrytnsLrr,ltichatrd Clruyverlur .liar(u'r , edn"ationftl Mu•w+ses and the}Door exetIoN d t hat of tilt-n11cn of nyudern times;beryl it , 1 t,of',[i.l_1.!.C.,,.tu .Ln1 1f91t ru,bla raaxxu,born a eat destruction Danvers,At .,to 1795. .1,01rdott,NOV.4;aged"r4, y ;f�'��estmdu9Gor;Lnndun,fu January,]73)5. :i,ondon,Oefoher.31;agi-0 p-l. r W1c>Irltllis Ubaric•s A.,a politichan ftnd ,ulilicnl leader ut'Kvntlloik-,burry,u 13atrdst:usvu, Mydisns� T'leken», Francis "<V.. LTA)., a'Snuthern political leader'born in atlou S,fi.,1a Rtit tuck �x Ullo,1788. upward cuutrt J 4 r36,ZcnrY, Id.,C)ctohrr;ri;agr,d B1, tion",estivity crus April,1807. .l.rlgeftclrl.H.('.. ;irau.15;aged fit. ' R + y Auh113tu3,naval olfieer,traveler,and author;burn in.l3rvuklyn, N, Y., Juno 3. Phta Prf :PI®rco,x'ranklln,LL.D.,ex-Presirlcnt of the T7uited States;brprrt in Ilillsboru, in 8iay,1818. .Na a},les,I Gly,April aged 1io. won the Llurby. 1+7ovetnber 1801. Concord,N.If,,l-)ct.8;a{ed 115. Wttu1 Juhn IL'Il[19 Mttjl01'44ener tl U.H.A.;an oifloor of the arm•Jbir;7 y(-ars;baro at June 15. A tidal v1, Nt1Wburg'h,N.Y.,In 1789, Tru y of Japan and deotroIS 3,N.Yr.,November lU;rtgolt8t1. and houses. � rir+� nx•1tiHri, 1.rirad±t oond tirxtp in � - Note York for thu murder of he»or dtrrer, wad An. �']F61'7,'y' Ftidt('a, Jnne 16. The Cape(7ulonyElteatneahll,Ilrtkrnrnuucl acqulttod, i Uncle Erry Waters was a master I'innil to rise: r r^ �,T - �I��30 Au it tTnnrct��`nt r+un , g hltt,lts rlrOpv of 3vatr�r, TPS J / J-,AVJN �°�''1-'.��J p. r :, Mof,re f,tn(E:ar,oti l,lyds ud still br.Ricris,ryg• when he'ci Open up his rreering as they tall. B 1696- --11311. r tri 7 Atoutr Ch 1pnratlk eyes. Make man's frufl it y* At1. Mour'e,lohn Bari tit'stock all fed before "tputRrc1, the slightest:streak o° i;)Islocn.*g hi^gall. 1)1':A'rIIS. 'r Nov IS Afnorc:Thotnn9 w•lfr;Jane, rirtwu; Al 1(A .Tan 16 Dfuorrr,Inhn lilts Lung befor+, lite%lin was up ho'd et hi9 Tacna! an' 11ob the merry fat mart Jnit 1 A1notn'1'he,ulur,jun Dan 1738 Jerk 21 Al+rote NidIt ally infant day g'►rtpl Of ills store o4(myth, 1607 April bfapes Jc.mafltrtn child ,l Nov 28 ))Lome W-,Tl 9ott fled ootne homer for dinner wrhllr: ynrlst Talks wa3 page,hfnl Icavra hJs�trade^tnatrl•; '� " Wido,v -buried " 11,(•31))lot)"0 TllonaMy aged 75 snoozdn' on, tt'1 e,r he hlt�D the.et�.rth It A( A, ,t.sun 1739 Juno J3 Alcuyr lantey "r "" lfnrtiu Jan 113 it - Alnpr w )n:r,•IIIt "Nuthlry' gained by slc>cipi,*t'," 1111cle, Hzry used t' r" 17 Al apex — hMried i 140 (-)it( , 1lap,r,Jo.."-ply ow-I Say: Make the+pretty-little °' rc l8 7llnpr v l.liinh(Alt 17-13 AI ty 4)Alfather sit wife Iluilt 'Id !tour 'fore the aunrlsen;9 wuttt the rest of�TtV ['ally cease to ease "' "' •211 Alootr.- -died 1741 11 ;llapvs,lowailian infant day." 1't'lla tpay,uhar.ncii 19 1.11, _a .1x.1,1(, 093 I"eb]t3 lliroyc Nrtitrluiel—b,nied 17,15 June4 Aloote.josep11 aged 69 1V7ro utas(ttiln tea r~t�rca- i '41k1Tny 14 11 tl)eN Jrpt)atlutn a nhilal Jen 19 AT(-rely 7ti,tth.in wife Ann Ho he kepi(►ricin'leetle goner right Glen;;; 1705-6 Mar 5 3Loore Jo„eph—stili bol-11 ebild ” Jtn)r, A hi;5ail rolieL to Benj'n Go1ng out to labor with his lantern burnin'strong: itApr 6 Moore Jotsepb Dun.Abigail 'r July 31 Al.crow Nathan sou Contin'back to dinner'forc the lark I;,;*gau ills so11ir I.,lttifit droprs c+t walor 1707 Jan 5 Miypci Josoltlt 1716-7.len•1 Mitp s Jonaihon Sargant raged 76 Freezing wllen they splash it AIit%,19 Moon?Jowkthfut churl 41Apr 30 Moore Natbnn dan�1bip ail C,ritiu°old and childish.uncle Hzry,by and hy, h1Rke the incnn old miser I-o9 11Th jr, Alapet•Capt wifo I.»ler " Oet 7 Afoore,Micah Ili,dau Jerur;ile Couldn't stand act stay'Srt bed and Icy tile morncutt; a '° to think of C►69!t. 1711 Apr iMapcCapt rcpt wife. it "'if Mc:'A outticnh Ur(lith I+'raiwe8 a '" Alrapea ltuth widow •4 Nov 1.0 Atooro Illic ah Dr(fit ti 1!Y; r" I;v 1 fr Ahtrjos('apt:Au 60 17.17 31ar'10..lather N.tlhaniel The.Reven'd Mr 176ed to clamber for his c:lotlree,'long art one or two: 4toh tate happ.v lover 17 H, Ali,,'20 Moore Adank 17.18 Nov'11 ATooru Isra(;l 0.1it(1 Bustle out and nklllc ilip cows; rush the chorin' Of his thoughts of lovel 171.6 May 2 Moon,Jonathan 17.1:) Alar Aifrpes Josopl+infant child through: A«-new oonstotllatloris 44 "c 16 A'funre Afftr nr(t yo I2elvet of Jonathan " ;tiny 10 AfOove Silas inl'nayt 5nu Then he'd svetit for sunup,all,he'd stew art'stew -H�cj twllo-08 'a.bo e, At .Tune 11'Mooro.To",p3,�iMl Peter it .1 into 21 Aloore,Sil l9 wifo Obi4 til " Nov 11 Al pea Jitbish Jun 175'.3 wept, m apes Bell j kinin N-ifu Glc'th stn'St tv. 1716-7 lana 8 Aloore.-----dau:1{ehitaheI It All apois B(n.taniht infant child Maaltt tlg highs.- t, ,n✓". " Jun 11 1irtl,e .Iaabi,b Still 'ltortaa3 1753 Afar 21 Mapc:,Joseph son Jabisb 11 years uncle,rzry',s quer:assay to a better Oline; +fitting on dljr hctt, 1717 April 15 :1T tpcs Jahkh wil'o Elir.1a 17054 July 26 Afuote Alfcah Ur son Gilboah 6 years; lie don't, waft for sunup now; It stays up all tete litsve dl-9911st,for'w4ter 41 June,4 ATo+n'e i'rifill 3t Alnorr Alwat.h Dr.Jnfant son Joshila tine. And such throes»,*tiyat, 1719 ATu•il 17 Aioore It.awl�il "` Air 2 Aloore Alit eh Isr sou J;nnoft IPc,was only Mtxt-y'-flve killed hlntt,ekf, the 171`.1-20 ALU•10 Al iller Widow " "2: 10ore Israel ran Jowph 1 1-1s y swirl; little drops of wat•a r " 1' " '7 Aloorc Isr'aaci Hc1t Phenuel 16 Pitied n-wal,for lack of sleep--crazy fn his head, Freezing where tli,�y fRIT, Jniv R Afn Mv•1Lu•p _.. T:zry 17'_'3 00*17 hl+rri k----PrnR•u'cl amu_ _ -. _. got k7 gittill, ftp before llc• wr•ytt to bed. ftOW that' VaDdes hit,;soma 1723-4 Atnr 30 AI apt s Jnn,(t.lp:ah wife,Alii31ni1 41 —Coatarrll 73luia•p Noxi pc..eil„ (--wA arrtnt°a, atttar all. f "" ATny 3) ;lratpea+.lnn:(than putt I3uujaut€tt NOTICE TO TRESPASS(0 e C"1t;capn k2rertrd ffrrex'cf. " Jtlly l 11U1'1'Q4Y PakhrtDLII penia ns rut:iorhi,ldcii ,iok in.;h.la ae;a a,11 the jf$C,j?r<`1'1 I1 O:B1. A.Ct3rtaln lriitA>aamed 7)t,J., _. At Ang 10 Mare Photo n t• nt nisch fit flak-lawn,wid(:r ,cu tity nt the Dart•, g s Lives 113 Ghe town of Oyaber flay, 1721 C)tt Afoori.J(w 1111 doll"(,bods 1 i 171st;, ac lc�1ttlo side l de ;ntttholtl,Jul} ,1,1870. I Ft UA,I'i:l'IC. And he t;tghed auto she sighed. Who,Why n he wants tt little hill 17'<i 'i Alar tf tuna e lf,he a r i,,l ih Said ho, 'Aly'darlingldoi" " ' 21 moo e'sai t,r at lli ht 5!)s O C1C3f3 Tv"11t1+"VII�`��411' Wcii1'Y(� O"tJ•t'r. Takes a tl•1p t0 IIu1)tiugton. 17.35 Di�,y 30;llooae Ntuf)1 1111 n,r_ipt;;:) ..And he idled,and she idled. t{ June 2.1 'Monro 13 nl u(e.zr o ttonl;trk Betty 27 "t'oal Oil Jollini'�S tewle•,"tit lo�fr Of I1'idokr Ale- Said ire,"}-our Ikand I aslced,-,,'o bold I've grown,,-- He buxts around With t3laiflin&�fsee ,, �lw(lat 1-1 :A1 fibers 44.iµrt,.d 1rx as;(,3 C;llntock, who made the ntonry 11y In Philadelphia Arad lir•groatned a.nd silo groaned, '1'o flud Barye Incunvenir:±taG 1�IaCc1> i 17213-7 Jim 1'? A.our ''i'tt+n�a:y,uta l,y,li+t and elsewhere ill the c,ariv CiOs, is 11�^irlg with ty!& Said he, it cautious,Heli" - Rlght near t.0 some Good ulrn'S abode ,1727 Trxh�19'1Toutu Jo df il(l Afayc brother'-in-law,a prosperous farinT:r€n.angar Creek .Lrrd lac.bellowed and she bellowed. � 9 �C)ut„4!•Tau foruk(1 dead on yr: North silo tnwnrahltk. 'venantto r'cyunt Wliere he can'Tel'llctt•at1;''al roa(l. 6 bcttuq by:tlk likelihood youl-1 y. Steele, tvhrl 19 61 Said he,'"Y opt Shall have your prIv.i,te;;iq"-- I",2fl-9 Jan 27 Aloore linr)jntuin ft d s"ears old. havin; been taom in Aiet'crtr enunt:t• And Ire t(itrgled,and she giggled. 'Tfio nelghborhord cif this Snrfirl boPcryilL'I1 p,;q, .3lrr'?9 Al not,Jo ahnft(lu:,:l at 1t.hurlr:Island by tar 1848, is rkgatto in (.�ct,o rtbtrn trans Said�fbc.•Nty dearest mules'•— Ile has exau,fued 1)tetiy thorough, ;. lnt'rn ynattia'n havhyg saved a (+onlifet:nee out of buf 1ne s ryarts- And helooked,and she looked• And fount,j a place to pUt 0,16 through yrj4;I Aferun Nathan(?tair.b_ntiolk ac.,tlons In to via. and.Nt )r,jslja after he had seam ^,aktdllc."t?poraIlly heartthere's6uoh aq welg•ht'-•- From Elln to,�AeWllrtav(nue. i Il t; Mapes Jabez aagretl his wild oats and tIN41patc.d his Inhorited fortulic• And htt svattc:d.ztade;:te wR.ltt�d, •,r June 10 Alooro 8;irah releet to N alhan't t( it Oct 23 Afe ron Nolbitn son Ile says that ( (;tan_ of the stories told about his Said lie,"it'll have thee,1T thou wllt" Tach one In some of 11je'9 I)..gl t'on8 fat I i, Fl,rary w id elxilel slid c,atravRganc�� aa.c !purr l4 rngthtr at, but ho .+►nd hr•p lia;ett,Gild Ghe kviltetl. 1s apt 1.0 fhld some oppo9ltlons; admJts that he pr nt�30,o00"padliting"I'ittladel lite -_._._.._' �IId Ir.J.latus 9GIUCk[ p p, p lfasl frplara r.rz.) r ni,fp,i,res. Iulte ittra 1 lis 7?rte Dispatch. ._._. s�aaRa;aAMVM .,.,vim•---_ _ __ o�iTO THE CAMPAIGN PQFTS. ritc ft•rltat Fttri•t•1 tla•llc;l'st ,+f (i. Fifty-s(wetthanniversary of Ureelati Inde• ria lied. i )1)c)Id volt lt,nrlcr,eters]siesta Now, 111alr,tttig Will "nc'� ng oudenet+. Tian,dtcl'i. ( .4(111 to tr Ili ta.lorl)ti the' e,:1)ul)sriMn p 7• Riotln1,hr Fast St.hoods di)ut Several esngageinrelits bd,twe+alt the,(}itiiektt twirl A 'ringlt tR 1- t.hat.' 1)«•1,1(1 u�'' 1.David (metal ,torr Bernardo Loto elected l'resitld of Z'Y25 ill)(lr•1«ealrg Yritcet3 expelled front France. � Q, wdr+1 ,rill fra.ine n. snug of tarine• from the Argent of G)star Rica. 2(i. llrmoudt+won the l r«•rl,y. .411(1111«' ir,y of rhyrntnFC- fi.Tcrrlfl AlaloudyypoliticalriotInLatredo,T('xr A zar,rig (beet'; b11IIt of Iterfe'Ct lilt and iunc.l the West•. 8.Terrll)le as!cidettt uu tlrr.+l?iYeshhtug rallraticl. New f+tlil ti«11e1r�t�ti;t severed in A istralia. to it h «ttnrtirtq Yirninq e Cornet " .Italian ministry remiglIe(1• Conlit Tr1 id�il las now Ins( vti°hy and how the nater French pot 0•Fighting and incendiary lite s 1111111;the en dentally killot Ili (:)f Madrid,aces- c�vicerywht•rr• ba+irks Lire`_;outhwe.stern syste•in(it raihvtad�' Y Ute t.let taiec,I . to tvhi,�lr eve' Prt'KF3 tvlth The Clree 11,The Central ],when•1-11x14,11 hoyfeotted Tay J>italr'•. 1I,n, t�ctAt ain(1 h'ulrb;trtk '? 41.Spauts C},,ltaldl. Islands sign ig fVlrolesala arrests of bdtodlc Aldrruieri!n 1.John Belly, the '1'arttutatty leader, )lied, Tonne so,Ill 10.Ex-tt( New Ydn•o al~c+.d(i5 years. 1�noll (lilt) (111,1rt«'t (t«°e~irrt» to g(t it.Jeune; t Work resumed,on(}ould's lines, ". 1llarrtago of 1'ta5ident Grovrer Cl«,veland t,) ire:-isirin.t«beer us tin ishexl ti�hic t'r t►i t ht, hot l they soon maty bawl atnrt ,gguu y TheDutehministry resigned. 41isy Franc 1+`O1ra:Itr1,t«t' Buffalo,in 1114,Whites y ll ;1r`tci ltotIt; and roar' ria. Fhe H lt. i4. Lloyd's Neck made part,of�tnffulk l"onnty. Rouse. 12,M. FI 1 1 � t) poet., (farm (rvpiabildennl, why are you tint. Many persons l;;ildcd by a cyclone in 11Linur;- Utrndee trade an n ten t«,rt f,)r fore cattle,, French Cht sota A.break(xveurred in tine Erie,Canal at Albini.,. rill writing? I.I.Ono t it;.(xladstone's Irlslt Land Bill ln•alx):"d Ill I'll" ;S, President ('Irvelaudl and Iris bride beplitr W11y 111 d_ you not sot7re v+arse hat with onaStrike. HC)nseOfLOrtllrte)17g, their Iloncyutuun in a cottage at Utter Park, d•ngrrIIep.,A inditing? 14.Tile 17.Third avenue:tie-u)do Nev Y01-k• Aid. Pogaae+us l alts? Tell elf tile vn•u1t,R-the hill- 15.M. Sid 18. Assassination of ULU I3datbopuf )Iadrilli)y ycdtowfeverdcclal•evlc ti,lt•utitetktColon• low vault(+ in basl'c bnnk.q Ill 96;�00,00t a deposed priest. 4.Serious rioting it B(1flu,t. That Wl11 ra.plln;il' if we tnttx Year scratch Bliss Kati: 10.Ali but,two of the New Yc,rk surface lines f,.Kltightaa of 1 rktur lis d up all tiro ear lin«�s in Rnarcevclt elute I!ajt•trnnkt~. retaty of tid,d up by this Iini(;lits of Labor. 73rod)klyn and New York. Ia..Tosep. "P11eTttncltcablebroke. 6.,!indofthe tie-ul). Write of th(: shops wend rtris;111Y rr(tl)s and London. l T F rj ch c b Cas diet,. 7.`I're.Ilurne Itttic i)dl fail(<1 to lla ss the house, storefl; that arty sn hut+Y, 17.Paul I The WilUaluspport, Pa., City National 13atrk of Colunions by a,vote. ;111 to tl 1, How till of us grow larosl7r t'e7us sn false it dent 11).Press sirs Burled,caltsingal>artte. ill.Fierce Iighting between an Grange rti()1) makes its dizZY; 1-+•c-1 it1lGGtar Henry 1, Ripley died. ani,the Belfast 1�olic:t�. Tel hetes thr� I)ttil will never fail to lt(� ftril hll20.lxre ug c 21.Twentieth Annual]fircarnpnicut of the 0. it.�t,rt«+r i'aattra died. of gond runner »� Terrill A.R.,held!u New York. Lewlstnan, Me., mills rntalaAnded, Liabilities, If we elect -a1.w We expect-thiiv tiekcet; it's a ot; the Nes The French denerai Baron Alfred Frederic s1,firitl,000, winner; Arulet died, 12.An earthquake shock,New Jrarsey And inentiort thell f rill t knowing (nen are ;Zfi.Congr 14.Louis II. of Bavaria drowned himself risaady ice I)rc,parc lrttnit9 Sill,died in 22.E. P�rnington and Sons,oP Ilion,N. Y•, , failed. while,insaltds- To hold 6IA tin flint they will win on .Ilnnasc- 25.C}even The last stand,of the:Bartitolrli statue 1K!dcictayl The city of Vancouver totally destroyed by rtraltt, laid. fires• Wit and I+'a1rbS:anks. 26.Fatal: Father 11y,atr,the poet priest,died. 1C), Annual regatta of the Atlant.le Yacht Cltrb, Annual C g Thr,Church of ban 1,nis,at Madrid,blown 17. Mrs.t�veland held her first reception at Why dant you seize on points like tha±se atn«l soclation, the White lloutie we,tve thein in jingle 27.Prettti uP; Nit. 5trdkta on the Lake Shone cttde.d. W. hit Charles Edward Yl'rt+velyan died. `:Co thrill t.hf, mfr tfi Iiia r Who hearts and ssrt . selene 28.G.P•FYnmotrs,Chief Engii t e;r lit then Navy, Prince Lldtpold madeRegent of Bavaria. died in Baltimore, 21. Benjamin. Moran, Pre sldcnt 13uChanan'rt '1'(4,11 hr!y ttjho t i(,:dtlt h(i menthat rt plow and .4111})1.illifixt: Udsccivery of a new comet in Ca.;slope+ta• seurdtary,filed in England. The 5(ervi W. ov eruption of rho Setniru volcano hr Java. nor An association ut dynatniY�,soclallttts diK- F'd)r fent y« 1rr1 mors, of Theocdore tar'rd�tiKiy) 80,Twenty-sixth anniversary of Vtt.4ttrCe)1' covered IliOftawa, wildly rlttmoi, lege. 2.1. Patrick J.Whelan,the FHn1an,du-d. Anti I1ow we,11 must Poch wicked trust with 2. Genera dray, 25. General Shaler,President of the.Now fork fake ttti,rks and hot. writ batrlkrt "When till:' next fsril wn sr,nnri thea caul t'nr 8.Dempsa Board of Health,re,ntov«=tl by Mayor Grace, ].toospve.lt. tlnd 14'ttirbunlis. Pev.C}carr 1.Great,labor demonstration int Union l;2uare. 2ti. ync,.Vic,,Vresldent 1)avrd Davit; altttd a>t dIEQ in that The night-hour strike begun ire Chlcsrgn• Bloomington,I'll.,aged ri years. A new.Bei 8. Bloody conflict between police and stril(+rs 28.The riot act r1+ad along the Lake,Shore It need not be a totsk, }"oil Sere, to write thin 4.Pring, lit Chicago. road. canmI nigh dditty-- halt diced. 4.Insuri;c+nt.s burn 4,W0 hoses ht Aftindalay• .1 ally. You're viiort of time tenet lntiyf tarn rhyme, $lizrard,d The Chtctt o puliete l)I ni) a Socialistic ,) The t�clrvill towdcr trills at White IIuusc, acrid t.h('rcirt liiatr the p1ty. I.ie.uta,nan Ill(, antt cert. ttttactod nitb dyynainite 2. }} Ido, Wort th«e rnuseshei'li nett refurars 113 help San llranoil bombs'They T rt)lied by volt(v4,;tivsin their lairs- N.J.,b!ew upp,killing teen men. oil in your lab«nrs; fi. Ira* Ic tats. Fi4111.1"yper e)nrt lsillr d autel tvowule«l, Exµrtsive discovery of oil near Corry,Pa. 1dat down arntl think-Oke rw.n and ink, d)�5. 'Phu, 1.Airlwllt,Y psriuh+r silrc(1 up„n by the tnilitaty• h. Centennial of Portland,Mea,onletbrated. typewriters, r1t• piRin falters. B.4'h„ltera FIve kilied,ntatnt'wtotnilvd. t'IricagoatlarchisLaiiiraonthd+ ltSi;aandStrip(tit El. (}overnor 11111 vlt,;':e,d the i3tataa ('arnl)at Thou who c•ot beO the cthpi t�lgn roll will 7. Richard End of the`Chircl avotnto)strike. tt r ltrr fat r,hc cic� on their hnnkzi atttki"r and t 0.C}rveeo rocalls bur aanhas-q,ulor front`I'ur- Peekskill. For evc t y 4,+,u. that.ttut�s It:strong for Geon.- 8.Snulalk key, « ]+ixtcnsiv©furEttflsho k tcchdgan. auel !,'ssll•1-11inhs. 11,General 1. Thirty thousand rn«�n on(strike In Oincin- 7. Art earthqual«e situ#occurred 4,G blalal;a. t t 1tC�' 1� Nc:;l,it In C`hloagf) (-Iovernor-s I nati. Four bundro(1 Itornlons landed at Castle(14r- Rioting cc)' Practioatl end of the Chicago 0'01111 s. den. ,�1. 1_-)Ljjiu.n er to.'Pito slit 1.i. 1lnn•y,lives 14IA,by it Iturrictutt:l.ti Spain and 8. C)vor 100 tvoun( �4 in ariot at Cardiff,Walt � hdd:adovv 13 property13.11tlltntage:d t,�",t><},txlti. t3ix baycott;ers cot vieted ht Ncw York. Mother's in the kltrlren now, a-haktn thtnq�s far Lauta Del 10. Aidorurail I'leary W,,fiW11110 fnun«1 gtillty 'I'herefurns front tl(e*h;ng1lsh«1«+e.tionsshovved: Sunday-, N,Y. sof hrihi-r:y, Conservatiacs and Un)„nist.n,414',1:17; t}ladlstori- Blueb'ry ples, b8tied beans and stieb, enough to 11. 1+"'X-Jird 17. lha banns of marriage tx,tiveen Patti and tans,tlti'i',7�N. , { la.Mt till A�lduuiay; C}lIont,N.Y. Nic:ol(ni )uhliylnsrl in T'aris. 9. Captain Beecher's nuiuitlatiott for(,ull"t.or Thirtae"nth A.;)anisb i)ritru burrs. at fort Towngond rrlcc turd. she ma.kess good thingm turstlnotivety and never ham the�;l,�rII WI 18 'h«e('ituh►uttti nnt�ic;<r1 is+stdvail npOile i. (lin hundred and orty-olid+derilths from dsh„l" to try, Mount Etna be,•ct11 w active era in Tt)tly. � Ihtt if site ha,`e a sperlalty,It's huckleberry plc. Utica, r rd'; Slight, )anu•in i ho oil uuul,e Y.. 10• m l;l, ex-1 to nliel,of Velgiuni,died, 1�4. 1*'tlty ii ��.1'Ta.H��rue .4e•))tt:•lluol to ,flint; ant's(; for nine 11. U.0.(Ara last,a Buffalo coopor,rJnauda the Yt:)ric liu lint. Harm and teen Inontits. taR3lL4"p(,t'. titre whirlpool.raplcls CC tore Nia,tra Icer artist don't l,ng; like rubber boots and art Your 1:i. Bxtt n,i years troops tired upon the (Iroek out- River 1 1 a4 barrel. 'aws to arlr(n(t; 1(i,Till,)d,111d)stki, Terrible earthquakes in New Zealand. ",Che,stove don't dare to bother none when mother 17.C',i!ct.I Iuicnse ex(rlYerrtertt over tbi+ttrizntc.Of Ameri- 13. Princess Pauline,of Reuss,ilie>d, guts to baking; 1'8,c'ntrsnt can lishinly vessels by Canadian erulscers. 14. Ttventq btrsiness� houses in "1'(4,1•(1 Ia., Somct�tmes it ad is real hateful when Rhe watnts to Idasou.ti•in t 21. Heavy*flirlitfughetwevit Qre�vee,and"Curls- wort*burnee(I. stew or fry, 6h troops,tit( Telt r heir driven bau3k. 'flee,nc w extraditioutreaty between the llnitd cd But it Alwayas 'tendo to hnsln(�as, baking huekle- '.S alu's Infatnt KinI)a)tiztad.-.---- Stat'kss ttid Engltl.ncl signed. Yterry pic. p (,Ball have baked brans for supper and we`ll THE DRII•IVC:IVLE`"Ii98 WA.TL. TRE WOMENFOLKS, have them twirn to-morrow; rni That I can't have them every meal iy my Dtrpetuatl "'Where do you go front here?" I. ssnrrnw; How tired I am of that: phratse, The xionon of. '1111, lti;)r,-ehnld always put ; ThrnrLelt I can vc-ad nil' title clear. I never want to Out of 'the y'rr r .it r(ee.ts illy, ear ire; thin <t.tt:ly, r• clic; Three. hundred and snxt:y'-fivo dwyyS, It Clo(:s 1141 g(1,111 to I)re,tcst-they Will (Ill is So Tont;avmotherlives tomakernr.hex?klebrrrypie. As I leave home after a. rest, it )nywat '.Che conductor on the train, If I shniilrl 11ir1g Illy smoking jti,:ket tip � t. With his g•reo(ly" grit, of rely mileage strip, l)e Benet the (toot, dust how t1neY'rc;mitde nobody lrnetws and nobody Echoes the old refrain. !'ret po ttiv,? that I ;should ltever see it a.nY can beat'er The hotel clerk gets sociable, n1u1 e; `'' o How long it takes to make a thing ti,ott gobble tit As I pay his high-priced cheer, lncleetl 1'c):. (,mw., to know t.11;t,t t.he.re, is ,4 a ;whorl', metre! And dropping my bill In his yawning till nid a hit of dnul)t p� y�. tint mother never minds the time and never itaaves Asks, Where do you go from here?" That ti(,: women fe;lks v%ill hide it if you PO c o �. asit;lt The barber stands with my tip in his hand, ( m t watch Out! At the early dlsvulutlort of her hurkieherry Die. Anil as I disappear, "Come !n again," It(-, yells, and then--- II, "Say, where do you go from here?" I left se)rr!e paI)en s diel my «losl,: ,I, slaty (11, All holidays arc Wild o' nice,a.4peclnlly Thanks+• The bellboy grabs my grip rand case, two t 'c), gtvint; Flinging them on the train. .1 knc•�� �t i[: WI-If ( t.h,:y wer1,-] wolit to a � If the((:wag nothing fond to ez<t thrrr•'d bre no fun T'ctckets ntY pelf, t.lie grinning elf., 101)1, t•or tb(--.)rt, tn:] lo, f -• In 11°1-lug; "Whore do you go from here?" 'file ci lc was elea ix,d s, spick and span � � 1,lice roost au15'tLlnt*that's gond,but I Rhctutd never Ina m I got It in every tongue, -theel''e7. ,In tc_si ole nit chair- t Nor atter it mach be it Cn d reek or Dutch, I couldt ilumY jlar,er; gi , tholit 1 Iookrrci d �r�,� � � � ' (fir gurgled from half a Ilin,_;, inn t (t l•j,y t her e. = If half of eve>r1 ening I ate was huckleberry pit. The friencls I meet; upon the street, ]t dotes ii,) g,oil t,, chide them or to scold a o u heep clinging It ill my ear; alto fii-�s :Ibout, p y� But if, front lack of moral strength, I die, from The whole day long lire's sickening ranng F"r,A the wI�usd,n 14,Iks will bide• It if you' ,� over-eating, Is, "Where du you go from nterrr?" don't ale'll nut! � ~ � "I'l:s crrtlY what, wnss foreordained, for nlortai life ' 10 cn Is tlectint,; Then at last I dreamed and to me It.soemed 11I, �"" � wliodvt•r rear,;ink•t pitspin will inurnnur with a sigh: That: my-time had come to dip; ' bo.y hick ni% ii;=hing tackle and t.hr•;" Hide 44 4"" "lie ilei of moral wca,lsi3es; nllxrtl whh huelrlc. And with angels white I winged nny flight into at: ;111 int' hooks-- cd p v iterr•y plrl" -T euastott( fr.1 Jn1dr)oo6. To thea promised realms on high, 7t do �u`t do 4,c bit (1f puud to shrive! thein 4 There by the turnstile St, peter stood with lorilrs � 4-1g4 ^" At the foot of the golden stein, I hey hld(, mt ,�t+, m ttiwbrell i. a.nd y li,�;htt- v'� br) Q01V tilt' �Xj�2'C'�{<111TT1(�;t'i,Q'�TIFLt�(�. With r. look in his eyes of wild surprise, •,,ea„t1t lit 1 c,:sort, p, The Sphinx Was propounding Its riddlo to a Creek, He aslrFd a.S I )rambled there: I ,ii a_id the way Ilwy treat mos-it's adick-' p Failure to solve it,as all know,n're,rnt death. "Your papprn, please, What ails your eta, lit '1 notes. O 4 V'b "Well!" Bald tile monster, imgatietntly, tutting knees:" 1 li i i tt h I ()indl this 4v 1Y nine(„ in a loud ✓• 0 O the man's hP,.sitatiOIi,"can't you sets thrnu h It?" Then, grinning rrom Par to ear, 11(1 liwlN Mlout, 14 ti p g "Mi yes, you'rA ornp of those traveling men, ;., 1 h rnen fcllkzs will hide it, if you � "1 r.ttn't,fax the,lie of me,"wet:,trod:reply. 7 r 1r,tit +.,':tcIt opt", A few niornents after the unlucky kueavor h<td we'll, Where do ,you f n from here:" al 'away, but the expression survived.-•-Aleto � •-'I3uffale► Courier. pasc 1.I�;(•tan l l,e:1,1-)r. v -- '• --' Ortearay 'Ctana;s• _emorrq.z--- Fifteen lives lost inla collision on the Nickel COSMOPOLITAN NOTES-1886. f tennial of the settlement of Albany Plate Railroad near Silver Creek,N.Y. , + - troubles with Mexico began George, son of Jay Gould,married to di th January. 18. Prince Bismarck's Spirit Monopoly 'tit George, passed the a Bis rare pilot the German painter,died• Kingdon,the actress. Y Favid B.Hill inaugurated Governor. P 21. General Boyen,adjutant to Emperor''' t O.Thompson died,aged 3i1. 15.Cholera became epidemic in Austria Ja the C`Yulone,earthquake and other disasters in liam, � Berlin. ,ursterdam over the prohibition of 16 Cardinal Carmine Gori-lYLexosi died. - b ten the, killed. 17.The Duc Decazes died in Paris. + Argentine Republic. 22.Balkan peace conference adjourn+. ales on Sunday; '-- Ter rifle storms in Colorado and throughout finitelyy. ;es referred against Public Works El Coyote,the Mexican outlaw,and eight of the wet.t• 23. al neral John S.Cavender died yestr er Squire,of New York, his followers,killed in Texas. a B- Cornpte Alfred Frederic Pierre Fallout,the at St.Louis,a ed 62. se lama a and extensive loss of life t; recti politician and author,died g g 18. Sullivan knocked out Hearld at Fitb'iTh' 24.A cold wave sent the mercury down oods in the MMiddle and New England council - '� �e Greek reserves disbanded• rY 20. The Philadelphia Common Cour -V 9, Spanish protocol concerning the Caroline grecs in 20 hours. „ eached Mayor Smith. ail Isla, gn 28. Servia refused to sign the treaty of pe oner "Sarah Craig capsized at p 21• Ninety thousand cotton spinners strack at 41 "� 10_Ex-governor Conley,of Geor 'a,died. with Bulgaria. and seven persons lost. Burnley,Eng, a hail- 41 1 Y>1_ Jac-Go Fergusson,D.C. L. F.R.S. die- 11Tarc1�. 22, Many persons seriously injured by ti gusso•' 1.Lauer an,the actor,died suddenly in Bos- , August. storm of great violence at South Bend,Ind- =4i 1 wished architect,died in London. g Y ninety pounds,fell at Labor not at Peabody,Mass. 148 e,Hylton Castle lost off Fire Island. ton. olite,weighing against 24. The corporation of Cork voted 11 F+r Flooqquet re-elected President of the 2. Cardinal Angelo Jacobin,died. gra anting an address of welcome to the Lord 91: C7}iaunnliers of Deputies. Street railway strike in New York. en new cases of cbolera in Bologna n i ��• 0ne thousand New York cigarmakers go 3.Seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of" 1 J.Tilden died at Greystone on-the- ,teutenant of Ireland. fiction ! ori Pope Leo XM.,and the eighth of his coronation. orn February 9,1814. 25.Pleuro-pnetunonha caused the des 34" Strike. The Crown Prince of Burmah mah died. z,gongary,destroyed by fire. of$75,000 worth of cattle in Chicago. fid ' 7 he Bavarian Cabinet resigned. the str packers in Cam- Justin McCarthy arrived in Arm&ica- 15. All failed 5.End of the carmen's strike. otmg by P ed- 415 Sig ot,banker,of Calais,France, 3p,A plot to blow up the Czar unearth ti in2,ptlp 000 Greek reserves called out. s. :3ti �4Ziss.Date Bayard,eldest daughter of the Sec- 6.Marriage of the Infanta Eulalie to Prince de recovered near Abington,Mass- Bulgaria refused Russia's ultimatum ' X42 � ret$,r_Y- of State,died suddenly at Washin n. Montpensier. Hazlett and William Potts,Buffalo October. 8 16. Joseph Maas,the celebrated sinker,died in Strike on Gould's Southwestern lines begun. ode the passage of the Niagara whirl- 1wllers. Lo �Qn 7.The entire line of the Staten Island Rapid in a barrel. 2.Jerome Park deserted by the p°O tuckY to d7 ul ,the French ainter,died. Transit railroad opened. uel Ferguson,President of the Royal 3• ,frosts seriously damaged the Ken i 9.3 '$ 10- P34 17- resideentia suceessionb'psi edb Presi- S.Much shipping burned in Jersey Cit died. bacCO CTop. •� otte"eS- all fin y Pp K Y Y• my, in New5.The l44' deet Cleveland. General Simon Cameron's 87th birthday. j eruptions and earthquakesloded her boiler;pithirty-fivesten per ns killed. 34: `�• Mersey tunnel,at Liverpool opened with Hon.Russell C. Mordoff died at Perry, New I p ]Knights of Labor 137 h�rposing ceremonies. York aged 70 years. nado swept over central New York, 6 General convention of the 513 Terrific blizzard and snow storm through- 9.RJenue officers captured thirty-five moon- damage, at Richmond. 53 out the West.blizzard Several lives lost. shiners in Tennessee. Ike in the Chicago stockyards be- 7•(queen Christina Beed all the remaininb 58` 24• Congressman John C•Rankin,of Wiscon- 10.Business portion of Valparaiso burned;loss, slaves in Cuba. roe of Austria Sin Congressman w n. $1 000 000. lotto assassinate the Emperor "Rfl ashingto ' is capsized in Boston harbor and ten 8.A p 82' � `�- C tenera113arillas electedPresidentof Guate �leorge G. Small, "Bricktop," died of-con- ed discovered. p upon the ;313• rnu ls�_ sumption, Bred end two deaths from cholera S).Sentence of moven rmgleaders of death pr! Chicago Anarchists. Fatal snow slides in Colorado. 14.Great Socialistic meeting in Glasgow. Red River rose ht feet in fo3''$40 y}gl Annual Convention of the National Guard As- Loss of the steamship "Oregon" off Fire t gree in Wisconsin render 700 fain- 10.The Pig 38 �ciat3on State of New York,a,t Albany. Island. All hands saved. ; ess minutes doing great damage. ca o. 27. Premier Salisbury and his cabinet res, 15.The Morgan art collection sold at auction to Mexico to investi- 11.W holesala arrests of anarchists in Chcation 47: r ed_ m9 resign- for iii, g Sedgwick goes 12•Railroad and telegraphic common, 207,052. utting affair. #};, 30. Schaefer beat V%maux in the champion- George Bancroft s mother died in Washington. ew A„nglaSpanish treaty went into with Galveston cut off by a tidal wave. 8111 16, Gr la e in Ohio. Judge Wallace affirmed the legality of the New to billiard tourney. pper� York City tax on shares of National banks. e •_ The Servia ran down the Noordiand. 17.Pierre Jules etzel,the French lit ate�r , . °destroyed Newburg,Ind• died. �; Treat of ace between Servia and I�uh dria troleum spring discovered in Ft'ance. 18.Germany visited by a series of.earthq February. Y pe �` Gray,Jr.,treasurer of cotton mills in shocks. p Me•,burned. 18.Alderman Jashne arrested for bribe fairing;. covered to be a defaulter in the sum 14.The greater art of East ort, ' 2. C eneralDavid Flouter died in Washington. ratified. New Briinswick�s(N.J.), first street railway _a 3. Pernpsey defeated Fogart,y. 19.Disastrous floods in Germany. He was found dead in the woods, opened. can Rev. Geor e Butler D.D. Bishop of Limerick 15.$6,000,000 ap t rested by the Mem � g• , p 2i.Much of the business portion of Helena, ; ral earthquake shocks in Malta- � died.in that city• Ark burned p �new British ministry apppointed. 22.'Alderman Jashne indicted. h of Professor C.E.Stowe,husband of government to dram the Valley�a. rely de- 4. ]Prince Leopold,lereditary Prince of An- eeeher Stowe,at New Haven. He was 17.The town of Sahsbury, 6te,1 °_ i p Troops suppress rioting anarchists in Belgium. 1 stroyed by fire- halt c.ed. D ril,1802. ere Bllz�ard on Lon Island. The Dowager Duchess of Norfolk died. I released by the Mexican authorities. 21.Pinkerton sago irieotsers,se pralaocfarwhom Long 25.The Countess of Chambord died. Chicago 1Aetitr:nant-Commander Cutts,U.S.N.,died at apping and deposition of Prince Alex- were killed S tt.n Ii rancisco. Strikers do much damage in St.Louis, ul aria by Russian a rats• 26.The Bank of Minneapolis suspended, g. fie The Senate Broadway Railway Invest, at- p Squire case argued before Governor 22.An attempted revolution in Zara cis, A Y Y g 27,Troops kill many rioters in Belgium. Mexico,failed. %u C.7mmittee began its inquiry. 28.Francis Morris Professor Morse's patron 23.The Inman Steamship Line sold for£205,- . Choleraragingat Tarifa,Spran. ' p James C.Beecher,brother of Henry 000 7. Richard Robert Madden,the distin ed in his telegraphic discoveries,died at Oakland, cher,committed suicide in Elmira,by finish Md 24.Six lives lost in a railroad accident at Royal a,iz.t1-xo r and traveler,died at London. Sir henry Taylor the Englisl author,died. le lolled in Greece by Oak,Mich Years. 8.`Socialist riot,Trafalgar Square,London. 2g, Oil discovered in Louisiana. dreds of people 25•�•A.T.Stewart r ieddeg� d insane,- es..). G#eneral Winfield Scott liaucock died at es. Otto,of Bavaria cell 30.The eat Belgian strikes practically over. I of Bartholeli Statue of Liberty a-o-veirnor'.9 Island. He was born iu 182=4. g Y thousand Socialists met in London 28 Ding.. Immense damage caused in eorgia and Ten- 28.Unvarhng rioting continued in London. nessee by floods. ced the government. an earthquake on Bedloe's Island• YO. The socialist riot in London renewed. leaton,S.C•, Mef clow Brook Hunt property was burned April. oyed half the city,with immense loss November. Lata a, Don, the actress,died at Greenwich, 1.Rioting in Belgium resumed;revolutionist-5 property. The shocks were repeated' 1 A new rovince erected out of the western .•• F' Y_ the leaders. or less seven for about three weeks, ••• ? 11. £x-lodge John T. Hogeboom died at Great paper mill strike in England. uch additional damage and terror. h7.alf CfhrtheoulitiatOe�sued out to guard the <411ent,N.Y. 2.Ex-Alderman Waite disclosed the Broadway ; age resulted in other places through- stock- aids. {ri Tliirteenth anniversary of the foundation of railway bribery in New York. nth. 11, isastrous floods in the south of France. the 8prz uish Republic celebrated at Madrid. More trouble on the Gould railroad lines and 18,Ex-President Chester Alan Arthur died at ••• 12. Ls-Governor Horatio Seymour died in troops ordered out. �aeptember. •••• Utica,,a,Fed r"6 years. 8.Cambridge wins the Inter-University boat- sundredth anniversary of the capture fie d home October 5,183'York0. He was born in Fair- •••• 14_ nifty five sailing vessels arrived in New race, om the Turks. Co'lone�John Moore appointed Surgeon-gen- .••• York:.harbor. Serious floods in the South and East. ntennial of Woodstock Conn. ria eral U.S.Army ..... 15. extensive floods in New England. 4.Texas militia defeat the railroad strikers. lexander bade farewel'1 to Bulgy •• 20 End of the great Chicago strike,the strik- ..... 16. Tht-, R Morgan ailroad suspended business. 5.The Reichstag adopted treaty between Ger- first reading of Parnell's Land Bill in giving in. ..... 17. Count De Lesseps arrived at Panama. many and Zanzibari e of Commons. ere g g the son and and- 21. Charley Francis Adams; 18. Centennial of the introduction of Free War feelingiu Greece intense. gar,discovered in Ellenville,N.Y. , .. .. WLazonry in Washington County,'N.Y. 6.Four inches of rain fell. 1. ,star Cox left Constantinople for New sonBoston. Hdwas of Au��1g,States, ed in i We shall have baked beans for supper and we'll TSS DRUMMERVS WAJL. have them twice to-morrow; THE WOMEN FOLKS. x - That I can't have glom every meal is my perpetual r' s`�CVlnere do you go from here?" sorrow; Hc» tired I am of that phrase, The women of the household always put , Though I can read my title clear,I never want to C>trt of the year it greets my ear my things away, die Three hundred and sixty-five days, It does no good to protest-they will do �1a it anyway-- So long as mother]lues to make me huckleberry pie. I leave home after a rest, Tln 0 Conductor on the train, If I should hang my smoking jacket up rnsen �«Tit.Yr ?zis greedy grip of my mileage strip, behind the door, Just;row they're made nobody knows and nobody Fi,0ll+) -7_4 I oes the old refrain. I'm positive that I should never see it any a � �� � caubeat'er s r t: 7'lZ0 I atel clerk gets sociable, more; o I•low long It takes to make a thing you gobble In wow, As _T pay his high-priced cheer, Indeed, I've come to know that there is .,.i ° oo short metre! pili€ A 7-3 c; Ir-o�pping my bill in his yawning till not a bit of doubt �� � � „ ` But mother never minds the time and never heaves >,rra.Il Asl-cs, -Where do you go from here?" That the women folks will hide it if you c wsi+.h The b, -LTstands with my tip in his hand, don't watch out, d aT� is Z disappear, �•.�-� At the early dissolution of her huckleberry pie. can l •�C'on1e in again," he yells, and then- II• � t�.•� N rk:er] +•Sa3', •cohere do you go from here?" I left some y ° I ° � All holidays are kind o' nice,especially Thanks- Loi papers on m desk a day.or G .�I1e bellboy- grabs my grip and case, two ago, ; h giving; r,Ya: F'lin�ing them on the train, I knew just where they were-I Brent to. ���°� If there was nothing good to cat there'd be no fun ooleos g,oGl�--ets my pelf, the grinning elf, look for them. and lo, Q in living; ion's. ..- rl-lere do you go from here?" The desk was cleared so spick and span I like inost anything that's good,but I should never son's. I Pf It in every tongue, -they'd dusted off my chair- ;e Ve Irsa.tter it much be it Greek or Dutch mh I looked I couldn't find y papers, thou . l ear Spey° N iz=-filed from; half a lung. most everywhere. la •�c c If half of every=thing I ate was huckleberry pie. ian,l ,rlre friends I meet upon the street, It does no'good to chide them or to scold i a n ti rhino KG�,p clinging it in my ear; and fuss about, -p But. if, from lack of moral strength, I die from k,LC .bole day long life's sickening song For the women folks will .hide it if you over-e.a4ttrg, Where do you go from Here?" don't watch out! «3 f Ig, � � � � � '7'is only what vas foreordained, or mortal life is fleeting: 1eC, eI2 last I dreamed and to me it seemed III• "' Whoever reads my epitaph will murmur with a sigl: ; itol, my time had come to die, They hide my fishing tackle and they hide O= , redn Tavith angels white I Ringed my flight most all my books- F+ "He; dial of n:oral weakness mired with hucl:le- the promised realms on high. It doesn't do a bit of shrivel them �. 0 Cj, berry plel' L.u.fston (Aft.) Journal- tedra �..�o good to h ----- ---�._ -__- by the turnstile St. Peter stood with looks, Ledri Tn aha foot of the golden stair, They hide my new urnbrella and my light- .� ia0 How file FXpTessiQriOl'ig'inateel. ., I t11 At look in his eyes of wild surprise, weight overcoat, Ei pr The Sphinxwas propounding Its riddle to a Greek. stied as I trembled there; I d'ELread the way they treat me-it's a dick-' Z O M Facture to solve It,as all know,meant death. Itc 3 a ter papers, please, What ails your ens of a note'. O .d "Well!" said the monster, Impatiently, noting }dn ees- That's why I sound this w�.rnhng, in a loud >,O O the man's hesitation,"can't you see through it?" �;]n ,hen, grinning from ear to ear, and lusty shout, W a 2.O e can't,for the life c n't u s the reply. .1011 you're one of those traveling men, "Say, the women folks will hide it, if you x a bA " B11� Where do you go from here?" don't watch out!'° [-� - v A few moments alter the unlucky guesser had roll.?Ct =Buffalo Courier. Cleveland Leader. V ct passed away. but the expression survived,-Brow V_ ----- --- -- zn r.� OrleaVs Terries-Democrat. _-.-_-- ArECRLULOGY, Jrtnrfary. 21. Johri S, Dickermarr, aueflonevr, Alberrt,N. 1'.,, 1. Mrs. 701lzaheth 3). It. Bianciardi, authoress, Id,�nt.-Cell N'rcrslet ic'�k A. Itui rruDiy.autiaur,1f t•. Verity,Switzcrlan,i, tennreli ftN-'t,43, 2. Peter Rootlet, educator, Brooklyn, N. Y., f,; 2-'•• Mrs.StnnieyAlritthr'rw,;,ZS'rtslttttcltntt,ill:('l�ntl�•rl Charles h1. McLachlan,Journalist,Jersey city, (,u(11'r,-Y Guuth+r, ex-lttia or. vw York c°it5', N r, 70. 63. 23, Alorrow.R,Lowry, rrlrrrllti•r►lf"t. Pilllatllel r ' f 3. Z3'tlltarm p'Rrien, banker, New York cItt^, 72; i iiia l F rederic_Baudry,writer and philologist,Paris, Col.hdwin L'.Appleuatte,juartialint.Yr�trllulalt ' 68. N.J.,fill, g 4, 12pv. Noah Unnt Schenck, D. D., I;plscopaI 21• N. Anna Jaques,59yS FAREWELt pliilntitltr�splarlt, Newt,irrp. divine,Iirar,kiy n,N.Y,,60;Abner Coburn,(yx_ port,Alass. Il (_Aovorl1l k'artlzrnd,Air..,hl; If.II.Chttlmurs 25' Contrnaniter Cxeorge ]). f7Eldait±r�, U. it.N,r • Ary.Justice of the Supreme Court,Jackson,' (urnbridge,ATliss. Ailsa. 26. Jo 1) M.welghtrriarl,ex-n'Inyor.I$rslalor►,Atnaui,, Decided Yesterday That He Will �. Lir, nn>Ior Freeman I+'field, U. S. Aa st,Il n, 27. W.-rename preen banker,ITtfva,,,,N. Y.,fit, A'lntis.,t1O•Cul. W.W.Shore,Journalist,Ilnr- , k•rn N, .�70. -6. John F.Quarleil colored lawyer. 1^lusthirtg N, Never Again Appear Upon 6. R1�l1, t(v.M,.10101,lackson,Btshop of London, Y•,68;Alvull Aabin,case-tit. (1,Syvalt,orv, }u„ 7d Primp Artolplt lVliht-rlrn Auersberg,states- fr'2 m en,Vienna,as;JKaac S Frost,ex-Asseiubly. 30• Itev.Dr.G.D,T'Ike,tlleologlitit Awl rwriter,I},it l- the Stage. rr>ym (�analobarie N,Y.,82, lord. Conn., fit; Mte,L 1r1�11. Chug, 11. Ilur- �� 8. 6lcort,o AI lyrrhht,R(nta Treasurer,Ilordentorwrr, Uanlr,U,S.N.,YortsnrrlrrtIt, N. It.,414, =----� N J.,07:; Tarries A1.I3i ighatrt,ex•Lieuterrant- M. Felix Clement,Culllpostet•,Paris.63, (loeernor,Cliff)wwa F1111.4,4Vis„56. 9. ,5trplterl 3lltnit 411afce, retired merchant, New February. BIDS THE PUBLIC GOODBY York city, 15; Itabert w. Wright, author, (Jlevelund,0.,GJ• L James Chestnut, ex-TT. ,9. 14et'iatnr, (`nupieri.S,, 10. Aiose i D.Naar,urlitor,TIrenton N. T,; Androw C.,70; D11t)[ry der LOW(', Llft' 801AIM', I'rri,,y C.{lray,Pr(sklent of the Chesapeake an(]1)ela- 68•Prof.Nicholas F. Cu„1:, e,ttientorcan I pliv.(, Feels the Parting, but Is Glad He Rings wine Cliliat CO.,New Castle,Del,,81. sle:fan,Chtcaga rrfr; Edward S alit:rtris,v t III-1.1 ]L Charles 1V,Polger,Geneva,N,Y.,d0, gine('onaul to�tIU Tatae1re,, �,Tew York 1°it) t:.J,I Down the Curtain in the Pleni- 1>. John i3.Jervis,civil(n inr�r,3tonta,N,Y.,89. 2. General John 1V.PhelpK,tlillifcir-1, Vt..7. i i 13 Sclrut•ler Colfax cx Vice-t Itsident Mankato, 3, )Vnr. T, Abhot.t, veteratri of tho )6ttr ref I."l , 1111nn. fit•Clovernnr 1Villirant Male,(%he enne Rockport A11isq.,Jl. tulle of His Powers. 11'vo.'Ter, 4K;Capt•Tl.Aaiatl RN-11(lers,lpoliti'- 4, Ther hes F/, Siriticrl, ertl>Irre(r I'1r11a1,'llel,i,r, cion and aportsrnan,New Pork,81, ri,3 Rev. E)r.l.dward NV. Fretil; 1'r(.bylr riun i 11 Itc:v lir.A. 11,ITear 1r,];pie cupid divine,Ithaca, divine,Now York city, N.Y,; Barber Nicholls,cantenarlan,Lock,)rt, 5.Jove rh Grinnell morchant New T1.4drard,S},1•,s„ Joseph Jefferson has given so many N. Y. 100• Itear-Adtiural Levin 141, Powau, ur,; Dr. J. G, h'ru,uc:r, i�rx-ttlrrt°gytuarl, delightful e-,^enin�gs to those who en o all G•`1•N Washhl6ton,67. Mass.,65. Y ]fi. CSencrul Robert bI, 1lrinton, Philadcrlphia, 4'2; 0. JoshnaS.Dna',Joulnall+t,'!'reratorr,lV. that is best and truest in dramatic art, has A1, Suint-Anutnd,'drnntnric alit.hur.Paris,87 10, Suruul l 4.Courtney,lawyer anit polfilelNn.New done so much for the stage, on which he. D-%00,ex-JudiI0 011'ellit Court,Lisboa,N. York city,6o; It. Al. SIA(willt►ktrr,�Itaittell, e3 , If, 03' Cincinnatl,70. hits ,been a commanding figure, and for 17. Banaun+l Francois Valentin Abo11t,author,Park, EL BI1ss;V.Davis ex;(tuttr S(atarttor,:3t.Jvlinialt(ar1, his ,7; 11'iiliuni .,60. gnu CunruHly,Journalist, Vt.1P.3. ' profession, of which 'he has been a Ilallfanure.AId.,G0• 12Socrates Tuttle ex-Atlayor, Patervon, N. rrrost honored and 'beloved member, tligt 18, Ilal•ri�on St Tweeet ex- a(e Senator, Twinton, 6,1;Jn11laSJ Acrud,old Ilillo ImIltlrilin,(;ulltt11� the 111us5,Charirs.I ewninl*1,ranrologist,Newburg, public will deeply regreat to learn that , N.-Y 82; The I of 1f iltoll, London, 5a; 14, John F.Deiapinine,ex tieca. f.rl{atlrstt At t'lenraa, i ltnhnrt C. Tlolllrt»v. t+x-G+c-nr qr,le,Elliston, r ^ ----- nnTTnnAT lYTTTInr.TflTnnTi%nT,innr; /v„ti,�,;,„,,,,,,•� Now lark city,f,N; Kno-elmid 14. owo%+•rl,l, ex-Assembivulan,Staten Isl,ttarl,N.Y,; It If. GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 1905. ills Is I'.Chase, Botchlctsi,invcrrtnt<sf t.il(1 ninch frill Ittln,l coria; hx-Assenr- Jules Louis.Tosel)ll Valles,lr,lirtiulinf,lh.a11� R, January. edition 7)r.Quinn 16 Dr.Lea roll DamrnHclr nrtta•riciala ain't r•nn,it til r. 4. American evangelists Torrey and Alexander V. New 1�ark city, i; .fuliii I1. 11ru,laf, It€rlitic torr, 1.Andrew CarneglD offers $263,000 toward re- begin revival meetings in London, gsvaag, building of burned Maryland Inst. at Baltimore.- 6. Soisalon Soininen, Procurator General of Fin- Tallest building in-the world, New York Times land, assassinated. er from 9Ir Hurry Parkes Ilritbill Allrrister to 1"ekin,�+ structure, opened for occupancy; 31 stories, 476 7, Senate passes the Oklahoma.and New Mexico W111. 1 ditinr �' feet high. Statehood bills. mously llatcholor, roternrt of the wur til 1++I1, it+ 8. British Priv n the IN1611101T,Md.,87, r,Avrlc:k 3. Northern Securities inJunetion against pro y Council reverses the Canadian 23.Edward 1) Clark,Asalst,ult Svervtary or tiso In_ ft ; rata stock distribution dissolved by the U. S. court by deciding the Gaynor and Greene extra- kills 13 tenor,14 ashingtolr, 40; Cornelfttr4 11, Erwh,, Court of Appeals at Philadelphia.-Towboat De- ditlon cases in favor of the United States, hardware urrulufacturer,New I$rltaltt Co..`,4. ,livittra 4th fender blows up at Huntington, W. Va.; nine of 9. House passes the Esch-Townsend railroad rat® iced by 24.Jacob Thompson, ex-Secretury of the Ititeriur, `7�' Ir4 her crew drown. bill.-French government; introduces a hew bill. in ome, Memphis, Penn 75, 4, National Assn. of Audubon Societies incor- the Chamber of Deputies for separation of church i Civic lei, Gen.James',N uade,ex-Assetnhlyniura nail vx- oaf porated at Albany, and state.-Davil Dubin, of interests istigate Aiuyor,Utica,NN ctirinty i 6. Seventh satellite of Jupiter discovered by Prof, Icing Victor Emmanuel of Italy in a California,rojoct for Amer- 26,Clean.Anson Staher (`hicnga,G0;I11ts, 7e.tltivirl 1), Perrino of Lick University, an international Chamber oP Agriculture, bleago. Morgaul,New York city,74, n Latnrl :1(1 7. Colorado Legislature decides to seat Alva 9 and 10. Many lives lost in stril3o riots al a rock 27•Samuel Wetmore,retired inereliant,New 'S'rirk Ilellry Adams, Democrat, in gubernatorial chair, on the Sosnovice and Lodz Poland. c►tY,72; Rev.Dr. Lyman flillwrt, Ilrmiklr•n, `•Y„eAl, face of the retur4is.-Subsidiary companies of the 10. Ex-Mayor J. Samuel McCue of Charlottes- draw- 28.Frederick S.1Vhlhton,Insurance presidetrt, Pt.r- (4111t„r-' lit reorganized U. S. Shipbuilding Co. incorporated. ville, Va., executed for wife murder.-Arthur E. drown itandina, Fi'i•• 7J, Prince NIC110711M O►lath .titeigr Russian diplomatist,F'ontainelileaal,rets, �. 9, Vice Pres.-elect Fairbanks resigns as U. t3 �PPleyard, concerned in failure of the German 29.Perry It.Smith,millionaire,Chicago',I Ii„ S;, ter flow Senator.-Hudson Companies, capital $21,000,000, Bank of Buffalo, arrested in Boston. ational 30,Thomas T. Billiards, railroad nitrn,'1"itl;6viiih hl'yuran, () ;• incorporated at Albany, It. Members of the Cabinet resign in view of inter. lea„G6, IlA 10. Real or pretended attempt made to blow up the corning end of the presidential term,-Senate India; 31, Rcv.'I'haddeus P.Burlburt,abolitionist,Y3}spur t'b, Frederick the Great statue at Washington.- ratifies eight arbitration treaties; but since it Alton,Tex.,84. rtafat112; ,. 0 President nominates David IJ. Thompson to be amends them by substituting in the text the word ♦dor to nrtlait, t first American Ambassador to Brazil,-James A. "treaty" for "agreement," the President refuses April. Bailey buys Sells,F,� epaugh shows, to resubmit them to the Powers,-Steamer Nato- .aver is hr!T.1►il- e"I 12. Jas. D. Youmans nominated to be Interstate rimea, in a fog, crashes against Osaka break- ecently 1, Rev,Dr.William R.1Viillams,S.T. D..1la}'fist Law- Commerce Commissioner, water, Japan; 107 lives lost. f Agri- divine,New York city,til. Pali i 13. Fourth Asst. Postmaster Gen. Bristow re- to de- 2. Earl t`ah'us,Il ridge ort,C 6fi; Yl orrry M. IIw1't, llladrid, 15. American Butter Refining Company char- ournallst,Bridgeport,(;unit'..b0• re Vice tj- signs.ner of sign Warner nominated to be Com- tered in New Jersey; capital $17,000,000.-Kansas ts• 3, Thomas Mook,veteran of the War of 11312,New ,t,�S'srla f � missioner of Pensions.-Henry Phipps gives $1,- Legislature passes the State oil refinery bill, ries at York city 'J6' ra►f1612; 000,000 for a fund to build improved tenement 16. Grand Duke Sergius of Russia assassinated. nterna- 4, Dr.,Tames'Lawrenco Little, surgictrI lsrofnaaa(ir, houses in New York City. Rousseau arrested in -President submits to the Senate the San Domingo a sink- New York city,4J, X.J ra,t Philadelphia with an infernal machine in his pos- protocol.-Mann bill for the ast a£ 5. Charles w,Durant milllonalre, Now York 6_ U.U. , t, session, Panama Canal Zone government of the 6. Rt.ltev.Robert A.Coffin,Ramona(,atlnolic bialhufr r*- 18. Avalanche of rocks falling into a lake at 17. Parcels passes the House. Spain of Southwark, Loudon,66• Major Naruaaul ,*l, Lynn, y Naesdal, Norway, causes a wave that drowns 59 signed. post treaty with Great 73ritain ]Idcr,U.S, A„Fortress Aio►irc+i+,Vol. e (7, persons. it weft,ex-9iinlster to Peru,Iiellzaat, 111 e, liticlati, Ili Fire in the wholesale district of Indianapolis a'om- 7. Air, Frederick O• Prince, Keetw,N, II t. C1. 1.,Y.It. ' 16. U. S. Supreme Court grants to Senator Bur- inflicts damage of $1,100,000. 1 with Adnitral Joh❑ Afarston, l+ S, N, - 1. ton anew trial,-General miners' strike declared 20, Gas explosion in •the Virginia mine near A, Richard Caantll'hite,`hal,rxl,c^rlairi r4jlat�r"it ,j ('1411de a� In Germany, Birmingham, Ala,, kills 111 men. author,New York city,(3; ►tlnwnit Ilattillri, " }far 17, P. C. Knox elected U. S. Senator from Pr nn- 21. House passes the Philippine tariff bill, stun,,5, than a ,.organ Inanufacturcr,Bunton.Mit,;', f•t. ai of th,•; announces n ccs Prof. Monroe B. Snyder of Philadelphia 22. University of Pennsylvania confers de roes 9• S. Sherwood l)ay, banker, Catskill,'N. Y., announces the discovery of radium and radium upon President Roosevelt, Emperor William, Brit- rty. Afisshahel NFftlimna,comic opera nln/;er,Ne,µ' r,r,6i,,•. emanations in the sun and generally in heavenly ish Ambassador Durand, Senator Knox and others. overn York city,30. to,rutaicai i )1 bodies. 23. Panama Canal Zone ling to 10. 11'rn.Ik,novan,champion long-(1.lrttarrce 141#rrler. 18. Fall River cotton strike settled.-Strikes of by the Senate, government bill passed New Yorl(city, .1!t;.1)r. John Buffer, ez11111er,t i`uric,71; Bar- miners in Germany and of factory operatives in Bar- pinsician,New Yurk city dl. St, Petersburg assume threatening24. Simplon tunnel between SWWItzerlar►d and 11. Rii,ht flan (leo. Swan Nottage, I,or•(l llTaryr,r, Combes French Ministry resign, proportions.- Italy pierced.-Andrew Carnegie offers $500,000 to Landon; the Earl of Selkirk, T.ua,luri, ;r;; '♦'tont If.inn,r, ; 19. Grape shot fired Prom Czar's artille into the University of Virginia.-Attempt made to as- C'Iunics IV.Slack,Collector of 1111et•tiitl lir c_ Irlo-,tri t artillery sassinate President Morales of San Domingo, onions, eilu,,lloston, Mass,, ,john Ie, I+'►tdicic hotel the printer Palace in St. Petersburg by careless- 23. Fire consumes one square mile of houses ccs th(. , prvpi1vtor,Lockport,N. Y,, t7o, f the nes'or by design.-Four Americans and one Mexi- in Hot Springs, Ark., inflicting a loss of $1,5o0,0o0, (fir >f N. 1,, can killed by Yaqui Indians in Mexico.-Bethlehem ] J• Beery Shaw,Asscnrbl}'mru1,fipringileld, 111, ,,,• Able --National Crude Gil Producers ALsoclation organ- y 1;1. Jo^eph 13aucns,ex•Assewblyrnain. Carate, tr N, n„,�;1, Steel Corporation completes its organization. 6 Y,Tri^Admiral SirGef, e.Rose 13ru•t.or'3uri, 1C, Lewt:;(„1, ' this 20. Protocol signed giving the U. S. control over 1226. Dock, elevator and shipping (:i dto the finances of San Domingo.-president Angel♦ New Orleans valued at ry at Crd' lf11 n,05;Sir Irriwnrd ttlliv,rri 73aart P g property in aurid- Lord Chnnloll,9 of Ireland,Tintelln,(l;l,' Itiu tuner, cialtl w Michigan University offers his resignation, in a mine near Welch, W.qa��kills 1v per na�ri ys 400 K.MI-9.Det Wo).A. ll,nnninn i•New For'I, r itv,60; .es-Sian" which is not accepted. 14',V.Aicf;rath,ex-`lute'Creunl.lrer (,1' r. 'r(srarxi 22. Rusolan troops massacre workingmen in St. sylvanla.Ca ].rein- 111eeuc(^ 27. Judge Swayne of Florida acquitted on im- der-m- pe Afny,N. 1 the Petersburg, peachment trial.-Emperor William's Protestant tri. Christuliht•rBru(lfurd,of 1ifl-snvint;fatrle Ptl}iri- ifiesbur,r', ("tree.• 23, Rouvier organizes a French Cabinet. cathedral in Berlin consecrated.-Floor of a negro 1 Com- (Ic'1p11n,,38•Bev.Dr.Ceorge Leetis,I,-E. ell- nitruller. 24. Impeachment trial of U. S, Judge Swayne church in Brooklyn collapses; 12 ,It vine,1)I'll etphLn,t�. t(ir11e persons perish. 16. E(Iwurds Pierrepout,Secretary of the Ameriean 48. i+this begins.-Gen. Trepoff appointed first Gov. Gen, of 28 Death of Mrs. Jane L. Stanford 1n Honolulu + Fair- Lei.;itt.lon,Ronne,25' N Y I'it+� St. Petersburg.-Maxim Gorky, Russian novelist, attributed to poison. 17. Jaahua Balser,ex-Governor, St, lllary's > , arrested.-Mrs. Alice Webb-Duke arrested in New Marelz.. fall to La, 86• I1111tila, >•,Ilovi- York on requisition from Texas charging fraud. 1. e ba d its Norwegian Cabinet resigns.- i9. "Dara"Alace,f;mious sporting man, NOW Vork Pres(letl, f tho 26. Southern Cotton Association organized.-Az- Three bandits hold up and rob the "Arkansaw sed by (•Ity,51,;John N. ivhitney, 11>roniinernt New ^s ctrl carraga Spanish Cabinet resigns.-Tisza's Hun- Traveler" express on the St. Louis and San. Fran- miner- fork lawyer, I{fffrell's,N. C„ f];- 7(,hrr Z. garian Cabinet lose y cisco Railroad, near Mammoth Springs, Ark, rr ary's 0oodrich,ex-C011ector of til Iror•t sof.13ontun, „75;Iii, both parliamentary elections.- Slockbridgo. mass.,Sl, ill ,r Thirty-one killed and 45 wounded in a riot at 3• Czar of Russia issues a rescript promising a 20. Mrs.Geori;e Vanrleubofl;actress,Nety I'orlc t•it ' t6, Riga, Russia. people's representative assembly, n, fol_ , ,y:•; a, bill 1! 27. First automobile crosses the Andes from Ar- 4• President Roosevelt and Vice-President Fair nistice startesillall11 111Icharest,Rounrnhlan l,oc,t Mid unit CX- t}le•y gentina into Chile, banks inaugurated.-Italian Cabinet resigns, ow- 2 Paris,6s; 1.. (-Mina i nitro gl a,law, r anon, tt) after 28. W. H. Hunt, Pres, of the suspended Pan- Ittg to Premier Giolitt4's ill health-Charcot's Ant_ State '_'r'�. 1.{ini;rn,rn F.L'ug,+,lawyer and c:rlyitali;;{, 1. . ,,I;- American Bank of Chicago, arrested in New York, arctic expedition returns to Puerto Madrin, Arger,_ I N(rrw ai. I,(rist., t,vani -Alonzo J_ AYhftman, lernent York city,53; lcv Dr. Leonard 11♦thiel♦fair, I,firrrlcr, rltrttit. alleged head of swindling tina.-Johann Hoch indicted for murder.-Gaynor Congregational flivine,Newburg, Alra,s , gang, arrested at Buffalo. and Greene rearrested at 30. U. S. Supreme Court decides against the Beef freight war settled. @aches.--Western grain mother 34. Capt.James 1r.R'otton,sea captain,NeLtt, �,rl. ti (,reek, 1 luta Trust.-Johann ren, r Chicago, alleged bigamist ter-Stateet Commec es�Comminator r;Cockrell knell as In- H' & aat 16. „ { N,y• S'°,. Is W. r:ngland, publisher of the ecru 3i»Ir 5r,pre,X. 3arWly and wife murderer, arrested in New York, Reid, McCormick, Meyer, Con Suss,Itidgewoad,N.J.,53; Bushnell p`lrt ie, tlhnt,ex February, ger and White nom- ederal eerie'Thi the I. Unknown donor gives$1,100,000 to Union Theo_ mated.-Wyndham, Chief Secretor ---- re.vs. resigns. Y for Ireland, - logical Seminar _ 7, Strike on New Yy'sork subwa C,fen- Ito clrlyd xt �TItE' �E'�..1122Yr�I.. resignation as Rus Ian Minister ofathe Inter4orlan- railways begins.-Charles H. Treat nominated tto d in a o ' He remembers all Iris frouhrles-- i ytol)iitu nuanced.-Tisza's Hungarian Cabinet resign.-Lo- be Treas. of U. S.-American Ceres] Company's ns for hor at 0. That beeps him nide rind sad, comative crashes into a sleigh near Hornellsville, plant at Cedar Rapids, Ia., burns; loss $1,500,000; .-Nor- liauul' ilut1 N. Y., killing ten women, three lives destroyed, }int can't rememl'er boli zl da5, 3. Insurrectiott breaks out in It.Argentina. seal Court Cnssle L.arida oP lelo convicted onvic ed in Fed- r nits of -- The pleasures that he's hard- - - _ -Detroit Prov Pre,9s. TO THE CANFAIdN POET'S. r, i r..r ,.... NEC vow, who will write 1'rr,Ili sheer delight of slhtti)tllk Stl'tainat Fr,Ilrt1'(,lii January. mpatitrtn rinfitl� song' to hf 1p shills' the CA 1. Mrs. Elizabeth 1). R. Bianciardi, authore t tits bol'ore 11141 Vevav,Switzerland. 7a who will frame It song of fames from 2. Peter• itoutreL, educator, Brooklyn, N. Y., t Charles N1.MCfA%chlan,jotrrnallsL,Jersey el simple joy of rhyming; N. of 3. Willlain O'Brien,banker, New York city, 7 A s(llwe th a(•unningttir'11119et lilt and tuned 1'rederieBauthy,writer and philologist,Pari Co tel} Is now just why and how the yr7tt`r (iii.•1. ]rev. Noah Hent Schenck, D. D, T,tsco divlrre,lirookl)n,N.Y.,60,Abner Coburn,e everywhere bankss9ys l i Governor,Portland,lite„si. 11.if.Ch'ahnet Tri tires tattr•eea(o4 to whir.h we Pre9a withF40[W[[L has.Justice of the Supreme Court,Jackso. Itoogevc'it and Fulrbuttks? - Hiss.ss. Each elitb nutartPt desires to Xt"t some txotll Decided Yesterday That He Will 5. 1•lro-malor Freeman Ficl(1, U. S. A., Bosto: Ala s ,SO Col. W.W.Shore Journalist Iia instill the chorus lc ur N. x,,70. , Never Again Appear Upon 6. 1t1 lot lt(v,l)r,John Jackson,111sbop of Londo W'ltlr•h in the 11a11 they a;te(rlt may bawl ante yell ttnel ghrrilt atthil road! tilt. i,t, Prince Atltriph IVllheltu Auersbcrg,state wily Rrtl you not yuan,Vlenna,63 Isaac:S.1•rost,ex-Assenrbl poet, r'ritt (rep11hlicftn)' _ the Stage. mane,Vannlobarie,N.Y.,A2. tall writitut'? / 9.Georgo Al.W'rit;ht,,State Treasurer,Bordentowi why iter• you not l;tnrn0 VeTleaa hat av1t11 N .t.,67:;James X.Bingham,ex•i.,teuteuuu ealgerner-a in(liting". tlrrve,nor,Clliptt,e,,vu 'oils 11'is.,�i6, --alt(+ hn1- [ae�•ttau14 halts? 'Cell of the yattlts (I,Stopheu.Mann Blake„ retired merchant, No low vaults in baro banks BIDS THE PUBLIC GOODBY York city, 75; Robert W. Wright, autho That will i9•ltrettiFairbanks.ks•t year scratch Cleveland.0.,69. • ____ lo. Moses 1),Naar,editor,Ttenton.N. J,;Andre RoOttevet rtltd Fairbanks.k>: c.drat/,Presidentoftile Ghesapeakeanti Deli Feels the Parting, but Is Glad He Rings ware onnai Co„New castle,Uel.,til. Write of the shr)ItR and mighty crops anti It. Charles w.lolger,Geneva,N.Y.,40. st.orF!F9 that. tlrR' t4(t b1114y, )2. John It.Jetvl•t civil engineer,]tome,N.Y.,E9, prosperous so fast it Down the Curtain In the Pleni- 13. Sclowler Colfax, ex-vice-]'resident, 1llankat, niakIiow ill s Its u grow I) 11}Inn„fit;Qovernor William little Cheyenne Tell howthe- aillZwill never fail t0 be full tude of His Powers, IVYo. Ter.,48;Capt.Isaiah Itynrlers, polit ciao Anel sportsman,New York,81. o -this ticket. it f Goad sinner -e-- I5.Itev.Ill',A.It.Reach,Epkwopal divine.,Ithaa if we elect--€ab we exPC'e 's a N.Y,;Tturber Nlt:holls,ceuterrariurt Al.'winner; Joseph Jefferson has given so many N. Y.,100, )tear-A(Iwiral Levin Al.'Power delightful evnenin�cs to those who enjo• all I.T.S.N.,Washington,And mentlon then that knowing mean E y lb. Cienernl Robert in Brillion, Philadelphia, 42 ready to pr(%pRre bnttlta that is blest and truest In dramatic art, has Al. �rthrt-Anlrrnd, aruuuulc author,i,aris, 87 To hold the tin that they Will win on FtcsAae- D.Rand,ex-Judgo Circuit Court,Idsbou,N velt and Irairbanks, do,ne too much for the stage, on which h(: ii.,6:1. has .been a commanding figure and for 17. Eduunul Fi,,mcois Valcntitl About,antlinr,Puri; all ae�lsuet on}�ointa like these and 57 William bioutagcre Connelly,journalisl 'Why eat/ y 1 his profession, of which 'he has been a. Bal tin,ore,3Id.,eu. weave them in Ing r most honored Incl 'beloved member, that Is- IIardsou Tweed ex-State Senator, Taunton 7`o thrill the e�slra (1t`r111t1 wile) het r>K and nt`l lliasw,;'GhurleraIjowning l!tI lologlat,Nevvbur,, his nerves a-tin>ir}e'? the public will deeply regreat to learn that � N,Y., 82;The Earl of`Nihon, London, 51 'fell Why and how Llle men that plow and Etnhr rt(`. Ito;ilr4ty. ex-Sec-"T St le,Easton C}FINLIR&L ULUONOLOGIY OF 1905-Cantinved. t}t(tyr rt/}I* +{ CtLr�lEltAT�l'II1tUNULU(iY Ul!'li)l1(i-G'r�ttlintdrtl. eral Education Board $10,000,000.-John F. Stev- Company department store in Albany kills 13 P,Chase For i'o13r Yt►tt1'4 l 14. Nineteen personas perish in burning of New train At Kansas City, and found dead at Now- persons. ex-A h Wildly c,1al , ens succeeds Wallace as Chief Engineer of the Dr Qssew uinn Y York tenement house, tem, Kan Panama Canal. 10. Rescue of the Fiala-Ziegler Arctic expedition ,y,' Anel how w•(*'il 16. Colorado General Assemblydecides the sub- i$. Six 'hundred Moran killed b troops y by the Terra Nova announced from Honningsvaag, _ Y cops on the July. fake, tuns' ernatorial contest In favor of Peabody Repub- island Of Join. 1. Federal Grand Jury in Chicago indicts 17 meat Norway. _ When this ni'll Ilean, who resigns, and Lieut.-Gov. Mobonald is 19. Johann Hoch, the Chicago "Bluebeard," packers.-Hundreds of persons are drowned in a 12. Battlesh(p Kansas christened with water from S r;oosovelt soated next day, r(evicted of wife murder anti sentenced to death, (lrod at GuanaJuata, Mexico. John Brown's spring and launched. yl 13. Miss(>url Senatorial deadlock broken by the 2L Prool)yterlan General Assembly votes in 2• Swedish Government declares Stockholm, 13. Norwegian people vote almost unanimously if 1t need not be election of Major Wrn. Warner. Ite>ubllean.-Two favor of admitting the Cumberland Presbyterian Kariskrona, Gothenburg and Farosund "war for separation from Sweden.-Collision on the 23.Edv campaign Iran explosions In huoh hurl urine, W. Va., kill 24 Church and appoints a, committee to ac' ports"ports" and excludes therefrom foreign warships. Nickel Plate Railroad at Kishman, O„ kills 13 tr; h persons, 3. Portland (Ore.) jury finds Senator Mitchell persons. You'rct short that purpose, trod titer 20' Henry S. Neat/ chosen acting chairman Rep. 88. C'umherland Fresh terlan General Assembly accepting money for practice before 14. Sienkiewics, Ole Polish novelist, sentenced by 24,Jac( y guilty of acre tin SO, woo t}te Nat. Com.-Troller expl0alan and fire tit Glover votes tri favor at usllun,-McCuhants Crust Com- Federal departments in Washington.-Vandalia Russian auhoritiea to confinement in his home. Al you in y shoe factory, Brockton, Maus.. destroy be lives. Tluny of New York closee Ita doors.-Mayor Coal Company, organized in Pittsburg, combines 16. Executive Committee of the National Civic 25. Cleu 3' 27. Mrs, Cassis L. Chadwir.k sentgnced to Ito 1Veaver of Philadelphia removes Dlrectora Cos- 26 Indiana companies. Federat,Jon appoints a commimlon to investigate M Set down at years' Imprisonment an Ifiedarnl conspiracy indict- tt°llo and Smyth. on account of the city gas 4. French Chamber of Deputies passes the bill municipal ownership problem in Europe and Amer- 26•pelt typewrit merits.-tat>ssler Rousseau oonvlctod at Now York works controversy, for the separation of church and state, tca.-Reciprocity conference convenes in Chicago. Al Those who ref attempt to blow up the steamer Umbria with p4, C'ostello and Btu 5, Russian naval mutineers issue a manifesto to -Twelve workmen crushed to death by a rock 27•Sam writo fla an Infernal machine, Smyth reinstated by a tempo- the Powers cf FoT CrVc�Ty at()t' 2k. rhntnit.s J. Connors, pen. Man, of the Armour gory Injunction.-Carnegie Hera Futtd Commission proclaiming civil war.-Wind storm in slide in a cement m111 at Allentown, Pa. 2s, Fret ('ant rail tea es Its first nine awards, Texas destroys 26 lives. 17. Excursion train runs into an open draw Ve}t fa'ri l Y, arrested in C11ioaSC charged with tam- 1#$, Mello and Smyth' ejected and Mayor b. Elihu Root is selected for Secretary of State. bridge, and 60 passengers, mostly negroes, drown �Zr poring with John S. Sh1.1 o w#tnew In the in Elizabeth River. �1V' «eaVer Prete a supetrsedrae from the State Su. 7. Kansas Supreme Court nullifies the state re- 2J,Pon, !ir•uf 'frust Investigation; Shields arrested next promo, 10burt'-•-laurnr`tt, Cummings & Co., Boston finery act. 18. Czar of Russia summons a duma (national w.Thoi :ILLY.-Rusela, makes known negatively the termb arakers fall for $1,714.298. 8. Russian mutiny ship surrenders to Roumanian representative assembly) to meet In mid-winter. Pel Peace ohs would consider. 81. 'RO,ort of Pr!(?k Invest! atin committee prae- authorities.-Edwin S. Holmes, Government Asso- 20, Lord Curzon resigns as Viceroy of India• 31. Rev Mother's In t.lt 29. Panama Canal COMMInsioners resign at Pres. tit±slly recommends the removal of Messrs. Alex. ciate Statistician, dismissed on charges of giving succeeded by the Earl of Minto. Al itooeevelt's request.-Pros. aooe is Santo Uomin- y to certain brokers advance information of the cot- 22• Edwin H. Conger, American Ambassador to Sun<lay: K(,,s � � ander, Hyde and Tarbcll as officers of the E'uita- tr; Proposition for oolleot#ono Dominloatn rava- y,--Pres, Roosevelt se- ton crop report, Mexico, resigns. Ilia Life Assursnae Sorlet 731uPb'ry ty noes, tenets Chas, J. Bonaparte to succeed Paul Morton 11. Mine explosion at Wattstown, Wales, kills 126 25. work on the tunnel under Detroit River Is is t till 30, nin aril Mrs, t Mot7#can he N arrested in Its Iter. of the Na persons.-Count Shouvaloff, Prefect of Police of begun,-Edward S•' Holmes, Jr., until recently 1. Rev i I'incinnatl In connection with the Nate Patterstln Navy.-Anarchist Anarchist in Paris throws a associate statistician of the Do di, S11e makes 0a murder ease. bomb at lite carrlatte !n which Pres. Loubet and Moscow, assassinated.-President A. Keith Dar- Department of Agri- 2. Earl to try, Aprll. King Alfonso Of Spain are driving, gam said to be short in his accounts with the culture, indicted on a charge of conspiracy to de- jjaI But if she hn't 1, 7.ambezi River Ilr1(is;e !n Africa, highest 1n June. Darlington Trust Co., at Columbia, commits sui- fraud the government in cotton crop reports. 3. Tlto the wand, linked, I. Lewis and Clarke uExposition 1s opened.-Mil- Gide. 28. Interparliamentary Congress assembles at Yc P 12. Will of Moses A. Dropsie, of Philadelphia, Brussels: American delegates propose an interna- 4, Dr. Her crust don' �8. Isthmian Canal Commission reorganized.••-• Waukee Exposition building burns. deceased, devotes the bulk of his estate to the tional congress.--Twenty men drown in the sink- N( Jaws it)n F arty-three miners killed by a mine explaslon at 2. Prick report rejected by the Equitable Society founding of a Jewish college.-Plot to blow up Ing of the steamer Peconia, off the coast of 5. Clta 'Zeigler, 111, 111roctorsl; Frick, Harriman and Bllm resign as Russian imperial family at Castle Ilinskoje dis- Florida, 6. Itt.I The stova don 4• JUdgo Dunne. Democrat. and in favor of #m. members and an Directors. of cis to 1>' covered. 30. Total eclipse oC the sun observed in Spain El s mediate munlo#pai ownership of public ut11it1ett, 4. Enricue I)agUhoh, loader of Samar insurgents, 14. Agricultural Department tobacco report scan- by astronomers, Te Sometlmes It, elected Mayor of Chicago,--Iiaarthquake 1n India killed by troops, dal comes to light, 31. Battleship Vermont launched.-Twelve wom- 7, Mrs. !1 stew or ft destroys titany lives. S. Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany en arrested at 'Lento, Hungary, charged with At But it always, 14, John P'aIII Jones'. remains discovered and marries the Grand Duchess Cecelia of Mecklen- 16. Peary Arctic expedition sails. poi9on1115 their husbands, 8, Rich Identified In Paris. Ir.•r French Minister for P 19. Russian Zemstvo Congress opens. berry pIr n Affairs. oxignsafin or' 20. Balfour's British Ministry defeated in the September, all - 13, Experiment In Flower Hospital. New York, r•I�ttt Affairs, rrsltms finally, of dissolved radium Dore for oantrttr, succeeds, ?, Norwegian Starthing declares the union be- House of Commons on a vote for the support of 1. Storm on Lake Superior destroys more than a 9. S•o, we, shall 20, Sanaa cat11ta1 of the Arabian province of tween Norwny and Sweden dissolved and Oscar he Irish Land Commission.-New York Assem• score of lives and $500,000 In shipping property. Ali have t "Yemen. 0010 slates to revolutionists, rin lon#ter King of Norway,-Castro re-elected Pres- bly acquits Justice Warren B. Hooker.-Bu1- 2, Foremen Rickett and Hays of the Govern- Yo That I Dari 21. M. Delftaves, 'P"renoh 4AInister of Foreign WPM of Venezuela. gartans massacre inhabitants of two patriarchal. ment printing gfflce resist discharge, appealing to 10. 51'ns. Affairs, resigns. but Is Induced to remain in om u. 8, �'ttrlalese telegraphy to swiftly moving trains villages in European T'urkey.-Chicago teamsters' the Civil Service Commission. Ne, sorrow _Fourteeen persons Perish to the burning of tate, suece+ssfully tested by the Chicago and Alton Rail- strike officially declared off.-Peace concluded be- 3, Bomb explodes on the Marine Parade, Bar- J'll Though I Anne convent, lilt. Glenevieve,, Quo, road.-Heavy Petlnsylvanfa Railroad passenger tween the Wabash Railroad and the United States colons, kinin 60 11. ltit;h Steel Cor g persons, I'm alto 82. Clrates' corner in May wheat colJatrtee1Jr„ train runs 488 tulles in 412 minutes, breaking all Corporation. 4, Appointment of Robert Bacon, as Assistant 84. lPrank G. Bigelow. Pro& of tht• Int Nat. revords, 21. Boiler of the cruiser Bennington explodes at Secretary of State announced. C hl SO long n8 Rank of Milwaukee, ruined by the Collapse of the San Diego, Cal., killing 58 men and injuring morecasus eau il..Roxignations of Hyde, Alexander, Tarbell, than 100.-Attempt made to assassinate the Sultan 6, Knabensh ue, the Toledo aeronaut,terrorized bm Tartars, the o 1'ic' C3atr,s wheat corner, I'Onfassrs defalostion of $1,- Wilson and McIntyre and the 7•; ultab:o Life A:• Just how 460,000 and Is arroxted,-.0onare ssman Piriekney Purance Society tight; Paul Morton elected Chair- of Turkey with a bomb. most successful airship flight in the history of j j, i�r�i cat b and i6oa others killed IIA a trolltirai fiatht aE Wean of T1tre,atarw, 22, Remains of John Paul Jones, father of the aerial navigation. flow lana liamtlestead, Tex, American Navy," arrive in this country from 7. attack 26, Ten miners iia a dn,eotgdin cage in the Can• IL Westbound Pennsylvania Railroad flyer makes France.-Greatest blast ever set off in this country Balal han,lnear i]Baku; about 11,,000 elk killed or wound-at l rr ? short g a run from Crestline, O., to Fort Wayne,Incl„131 is exploded to clear out the harbor of Portsmouth ed.-Earthquake in Calabria, Italy, ztlnitham mine. W1lkrseharre, dashed to death by But moth tiler tsreaklntr of a gone, miles, at the rate of 127.3 miles an hour, breaking (N. H.) Navy Yard, a destroys 400 14..]tlW. all records. lives and 2b villages. W. a sigh 27, Andrew Carnegie ivas $10,t1Q0,QM to non*l+,n 23. Fire in Humble oil field, Texas, wipes out 15 13, Premier Delyannla of Greece assassinated. lives and does great 8• Corporal James Tanner elected Commander-in- l;, C1F•ils At rite ca haft.e Professors.-Explosion Delon iso C»Iranor c opl 14. Arctic steamer Terra leaves Tromsoe, Nor property damage. Chief, G. A. R, delp shaft, near L)uilob. Pa., kills 22 teen. way, far the relief of the 7.ltelor expedition. 25. Porto Ricans memorialize Congress for more 9. International Congress of Chambers of Com- home rule. -Swedish Cabinet resign. merce at Liege, Belgium.-Twenty-two men killed vt"`' 28. Federal injunotion Issued 04MI st otrlkiflti 26. Paul Morton elected President of the Equit- and many injured by an explosion Ct.the Fair- 16. h,IWill All halide, 1.t. Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden Neils Chicago teamsters; general rioting begins nNxt o glvin day, Ttrinat uo Mary n!Connaught,-Grand Duke Alexis able Life Assurance Society. Le.g1 ronigns as Iilgh Admiral of the Russian navy. 27, Amalgamated Association calls off the Ma- chance plant of the Rand Powder Company. .: If there 29. tJ. A. Minlsihr Far,wen rr»rallw(1 tecta Venrx- 17. Jeahu 1n 11: ue,la,•-Tornado destroys the town of Laredo. Tex., 17, Twentyflvo. I)oreons killed in a collision at honing Valley(Ohio) strike. 11. Elevated railway cars in New York fall to f.a„ killing 21 Inhabitants. Tatapwo, on the Western Maryland Railroad.- 28. Yellow fever quarantine perfected at New the street, killing 12 persons. 19. "1)1111 ��- 13ikc encs 30, Ozar'n Easter ukase decre+,s reiittinus liberty Min( exnlOstan at Khartslsk, Russia,kills 600 per Orleans.-Norwegian Storthing submits to the peo- 12, Admiral Togo's flagship Mikasi destroyed by Yorl CIT except In the case of Jewel.--Profoonor Ple:kerins' AMC ple a referendum to vote on dissolution of union fire and explosion; 600 lives lost.-Radium miner- v°rl If half of Of l-lnrwirtl University dlowvers the tenth satel- 18. T'vvnlve negross killed In an excursion train with Sweden.-"Bluebeard" Hoch reprieved for als discovered in Colorado.-Baron Tejervary's iloel lite of Saturn, fight between Atlanta and Columbus. Ga, four weeks. Hungarian Cabinet resigns. 20. Mrrs.s.0 ea (r liar If, fel+ May. 4(1. Prof, John rel, Ilurk(I of Cambridge ilnivcrsltY 31. Attorney General of New York State brings 13. Anti-P ce meeting at Yokohama, Japan, fol- Coils over• i. Russian troops kill and wound nearly 100 claims that In radium he has discovered the secret suit against the Equitable Life Assurance Society lowed by mob attacks upon police.-Armistice state and those connected trerewith. signed in Manchuria. 21. (Inulin r workingmen In Warsaw. en life,-Herbert service his Bowen dismissed Prom the 16, David F. Sherrick, ex-Auditor of the State 22, Kingm 8. trashier Goll of tbo lot National Bank of Mil• o f St lar service; lilt charges against Asst. Sec, 1,fl. . Ot Haste Loomis also dismissed. �Ati�'n�t. of Indiana, arrested on a charge of embezzlement York wnuken arrested.-C.ashlt,r Mostar of the closed 1Vhoovcr 21. Twentieth Century Llnrited of the Lai(e Shore 2. Telegraphers on the Great Northern and of State funds. Coag ttboriin (0.) hank pleads guilty of making false R21, T rl rules into un open switch a Mentor;'0 Northern Pacific Railroads strike. 18. Czar of Russla invites the Powers to another 24. Capt..1 "Ho died entries, 4. Louisiana requests the Federal government peace conference at The Hague, city, berry pt 4. Jury trying Nan Patterson for murder dim. persona killed. charge25. Isaac 1' _ agrees, 22. 11undr(eds klIled in a revolutionary riot at t 7 t Russian man-of-war bombards Cretan vi1- D. R. R. Railroad buys control of the C., H. & Sltn HOW tllC� 9. Schiller earitannial oelebration betaine+ in Il:er- Lofis,hlef Fnazineer at the Panama Canal resand, igns. age of Caste]Ii.-Venezuela Court of Cassation ren- 21. Four Chicago meat packers fined b Federal The Sphinx lin,-Tornado at Marquette. Kan., dvstr(tys :8 y lives. 28, Odesra bombarded d by a Russian cruiser, theHamiltonasphaltocontract. General strike of C22. Political epe r accepting killed in a riot at Cien- tueotiing a whose crew had mutinied; hundreds of rioters on + Failura;o sol 10, Russian Arnbasesador �C`aewint transfers,rd share killed by sa]dlers.-Dynamite explosion in bridge and structural iron and steel workers, from fuegos, Cuba.-Nude trunk of woman found in a rl stnppiul "Well!" hal from Washington to Madrid, nurrweded by Baron Maine to California, ordered.-Denver Savings suit case on the beach at Winthrop, Mass. bol• lit 1?40 for the man's Rosen.-anyder. Okla., destroyed by a tornado; the Emporium(Pa,) Powder Works kills 10 men. Bank close4, its doors. the 12,5 lives )ost.-Prnrwylvanla passenger train do- 29 ("%or Jeclares a state of war In Odessa city 8. Name of the Independent Order of Good members baof Government Board of sRegistrationnSNor- "I can't, Il ttllol' till( railed near Harrisburg. Pa.. and crashes into anti district,-Mob at Watklnsville, Ga., takes Templars changed to the International Order of r wegian and Swedish delegates agree upon terms of - A few dynamite-laden rare: 22 killed. elght men out of jail and lynches all but one oP Good Templarn•-Collapse of the John G. Myers separation. passed a 12. Nan Patterson released.-y#erhert V. rrokor, them. pleany x son of Richard Croker, placed Mein a Santa Fe 80,Jobn r)• 'Rockefeller contributes to the Gen' , O THE CAXPA•IGX POETS. who will write from sheer delight of a 9 January. ht.lping strains sotlorous 1. Mrs. Tiizahetli Il. It, liinnciurrll. 'JOE gill son to help along the campaign Yevaey,tilrita.erlttnd. hat" before us•' JIFFERLq6N 2. Putor Itutaurrt, e�huutor, Brooklyn, ho will frame a song of fame from Charlt'S Mi. Mlcl,aclllau,JvllrnullRt, SlYS rg H E W E N.J„76. imple joy of rhyming'-- ;i, Willl.un O'Brien, banker, New Yor: .g that's built of perfect lilt and tuned Frederic Daudry,writer allot nhnolo vith cunning timing Gai. 11 us now just why and how the voter 4, Rev. Noah Mint Schenck, 1). D„ +verywhere banks divine,Brookicn,N.Y.,1i0;Ahner( ia success to which we mess with (t°varnvr,I>ortlund, Hie,,Hl;1[,Il, Z,00sevielt and Fairbanks? AHs,Justice,of the Nuprerao Court HL!naa, 5. ill's+-intoor Freeman Meld, U. S. A Decided Yesterday That He Will Mass 80•Cot. w,W.Share,jour,, club quartet desires to get some soul � tr nt IJ '� 711 nspirina• chorus Goon may bawl and n in the hall they y Never Again Appear Upon G, Iti;ht Rev,i►r.John.Inoksnn,111mbop rell and shout and roar us. 73; Prince.Adotph 11'llhelm Auer:lb, why are o rttaun,Viennal,63, Llan.S.1r'rost,ex. et, clan (republican), Y you not the Stage, loan,Catialoharla. N.1 A3, til writing? £. (lei,ia;a,M1,Wright,State'I'rr>nrsurer,I3o ��C -------- -----_. N. I.,til;James M. Bingh,trn,ex-I, are :ou not some verses hot with ( (love^1 nor,f^Ilip11,rawu k'alls,1VJR„5G. eagerness inditing? !I, St�•pbeu Hitutn 13lwa retired ulcrrc! jus halts? Tell of the vaults-the hol- t BIDS THE PUBLIC GOODBY York city,ja n ake,rt IreV. Wrirc ow vaults in bare banks (hark d U.,Gtl, wan apneas if we tons year scratch • 10, M+,scrk l),N`uar,edltar,Trenton.N. J .to; and Fairbanks. C.Grav,l'moident of the t.'heslLpeakt Feels the Parting, but Is Clad He Rings ware C1111111(b.,New castle,Im.,dl 11. (h uILeH V,Finger,(lenovu,N,Y.,40, of the shops and mighty crops and 12. John 11.Jervis,civil enh[necr,Rome, stores that are so busy, Down the Curtain In the Pleni- l;i. J hnS't. Colfax,civil engliweresld m, all of us crow prosperous so fast it M1io'le G'; lfaxnor 11'llllaam Malta+ :Hakes us dizzy; lade of His Powers. \Vyo. Ter„ •ix;C+apt.Iruiuh Itynrle how the pail will never fail to be full r.iuu and sportsma n,New York,Al. --� Ib. Rev. Dr.A. 11.11eaeh,1,11i»copai dlvit if good dinner __ N. Y,;13,u•be-Nicbc,lls,c+nteutlrlaua, elect-as we expect-this ticket; it's a Joseph Jefferson has given so many N. Y., 1110 Rear-Adtltirai Levin M winner; . , ., mention then thLJ9N11�asbington,d7. at knowing men are delightful invenings to those who enjoy all 1a. (+r.n;-1n4 ltnhort At. I3rinion, I'itllatle ready to prepare banks that is best and truest in dramatic art, has Al, tiadnt;Arr►nnd,'draulntic aatthor. D.Rand,ex-Judgo Ch•cult Cunrt, I old the tin that they will win on Roose- vent and Fairbanks. done so much for the stage, on which ll(,. II.,(6. r bas been a commanding figure, and for 17, Edmund FrancolR Valentltl About,atntl dont you seize on points like these and 57; Ii illiant Alvillaguo cOnnully, his profos;sion, of which he has been a I3at►tiutalr ll,l. re, weave diem in jingle frill the ears of him who hears and set ospuhltnored and beloved member, that 18. Ilaatrisor+ a'%veod, ex-state Senator, � I m111ucts„C1ulrieat Downlnu ,omoloKll{t, his nerves a-tingle? then ill deeply regreat to learn digit N Y. 82;'I'lin 7Cart of`Vilton, I.n why and how th GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 1905-Continued. 'he decided absolutely 12ohert C. 1luUiday, ex-Sec.of&at, • yesterday neva., Af,l.,73. they who vv 27, Franco-German agreement concerning Mo- ganize the "Carnegie Poundatian" to administer (again to resume ]tis theatrical career. 20, Fl1►rtu,n 'Ball,law llartnt+r of Haimnn our Senn-, n; 14. N; rocco signed. the Carnegie fund Par penslvning callc8e pro He tarrive(1 here Ginchtnu[I?0,,7n; Williaul ltonRe,e wildly clam!York ti 29. Sweden and Norway sign the treaty of fc:ssors, yosterday morning from blyinau,IN utertown N,Y„92: Rev.l how we'll'la 16. C� separation. 16, Cornerstone of the McKinley monument laid Boston, where> he hard rested a few days Cathollo 11161►up of liathm�t,N,S.'1, fake stocksiernatol after l0ttvin -= --- - n this next'lican. l October. at Canton, O. il I3ttzzartl', E3aV, wherehe had �--- roosevelt seated.' 1. Destructive typhoon sweeps over the country 18. I3aarcl of Consulting Engineers votes, 8 to 6, been tatkcatt ill.18. Ml around Manila; steamer Casabenia lost with 113 that the Panama• Canal should•be constructed on Nov,-York city,G4;lfrancis A.Drexel,banker, persons on board; thousands perish in China. the sea level. II+' 1'4 convalescent, but still must be Ju- Philadelphia,GI. ped not be electiol 2. Great Northern passenger train held up by 19. Great political strike in Russia again called diclmis in guarding'his returning strength, 16. Win.Appleton,Albany,N.Y„4o;John Norton campaign gas ex] bandits near Seattle, Wash., and the express car off.-Norweglan Storthing elects Prince Charles of and will remain here for three weeks,after' Pomeroy legal writer and editor,t3au Fran- re short o per,,,I dynamited. J�c:nmark King of Norway.-English channel which he will go by etisy stages to FlorlQ:+, cisco,Ciai.,Lai. stopltln;g 1n Washington 17. Adolph Leng ler ex-revoltrttnplaG, New York and therei Nat 4. Japanese Privy Council accepts the peace steruuer Hilda wracked an the racks off St. Mala; t ion for a time and city,60; lo in )1'aruelle,actor,New York city; Avoo the mi. shoe f treaty. J;..S drowned.-Fire In a cheap lodging house in again ill Atlanta, (l;deort hard,ex-III.C. Albion,N.�'.,50, you in You 27 M 5, Joseph Ramsey, Jr., removed from the Presi- Glasgow destroys 39 lives, i All his children, except lits son Thomas,; 18. Mell:i4a Jollusart,(IIt.yI«oJnt,Va.,ltt0; HIu<lultre down and, years' dency of the Wabash Railroad and F. A. Delano 20, Norwegian throne tendered to Princes Charles l who Is touring in the far West, hatve been Charlotte 11,�Talntun-I)iihy,siner.Iiondon,64, typewriter mente. elected in his stead. and accepted.-Inter-Church Conference convenes with 111m, allot when Mr. Jefferson rerov-! 19. Dr.Louis Glsberg,larytli;olotirlet,New York city, 11. World's largest ship, Amerika, starts on her 48;AlrR.Jntnesltusaell LOwell LoOdon;Jona- ;e who co: of alt maiden voyage.-At the Wabash atocicholder� in New York; clause in preamble of constitution eyed from the attack of gastritis, induced; tltaul ,J. Wrlglit ex-Jud e write fst an inf, bars Unitarians Hoot LTnlversrtliets. by a cold caught while flslnln at Buzzard's, R gupremo Court, 28, T meeting Ramsey losels his place on the Board of 21. 13tlttirship Virginia breaks the speed record 13a C hurteaton,S. C.,41;Lewis A.Brigltaut,ex- - 28.nqd Directors; entire Gould board chosen. made by her sister ship Rhode Island; Virginia's y, he seriously lyn.sidero and thought en (,,r Ilei City,54, Compo volt loot p cosi most carefully whether or not tllE 20. (hen. Slr Ilerbert Stewart. K. C;, B„ I{ortl, perutg 12, Successful military test of the Lebaudy maximum, 19.74 knots. Beef dirigible balloon made at Toulon, France. 22, Turkish Sultan rejects all demands of the should resume his dramatic work, 1�gypt,4'1.;Mrs.lIenry Hilton New York,57. _ 21. TluuuttH]iluNulty,C;atluanaiule, i;a jot. A of y.-Ipea I{13. M. so siay,assassinated.isttChief of Police of Powe5. rs. and a regiment of soldiers at Sebasto. "I tsIIALI, :��1 1.1t ACT AGAIN," 22, Gen. Ilorace Capron,ex-(-'ommIasxioner of Agri- 29. P 14. Treaty of peace signed by the sovereigns of of nrutin and Join revolutionary workingmen; It was a matter of several days' silent, Culture hVuShtn{��tin, 7b; Irruuciu Satuttel her's in th P y y and trying discussion-Por while lie loves, Dral,ke,Ilistvl•iatn,1V'a:al1!ngtorl,57. Roosev Japan and Russia. suppressed in a bloody battle next clay. 23. Col. 11'111.(luodwin,veteran of the War of 1812, Sunday; go's p 17. Emperor Francis Joseph reappoints Baron his profession with a most tender fr,ind-' sb'IS pies, Hues. Fe ervar Premier of Hungary, accepting the 26. Sixteen persons killed in a rear-end collision Boston,MasR.,88. ' t J Y .at Dakers Station, on the Boston and Maine Rall- Hess and delights In his life upon the;stage, 2.1. Rev, Alison Gleason, Congregational divine, last till 30. M Baron's programme of universal suffrage. road. he re'allzes that at his age one mitst be Brooklyn,N.Y.,88+ Na hall Lane, ex-State makes go Cincin 19. Danish court consents to Prince Charles of 27. King Haakon VTI, of Norway(Prince Charles careful not to oversti•aiti a constltutinn TreaRurer, AJrred, me. to try, murde Denmark becoming King of Norway.-tiational or Denmark) takes the oath -to support the Nor- that Itav been called upon often far seve•1•e 26• Robert Logan,Re1lrementative, Springtleld,Ill.; purity associations amalgamate, wegfan Constitution.-President removes from of- effort In a career that has extended over , tlen,Charles It.I{'ootlr,Newark,0.6.1. If she has 1. Z 20. Storm on the Great Lakes sinks 13 vessels, lice W. S. Leib, Asst, U. S. Treasurer at Phila. seventy years upon tile dramatic. boards, :7. FreticrickShindle,ex-Muyur,Gloucetlter,N,J.,63. the wo damages others and destroys 20 lives. 29. Herbert G. Squiels, American Minister to The decision was reached yeaterdal.y,aitd )>iyarC)h. crust don 3. I 23. Steamer Siberia, carrying Miss Alice Roose- Cuba, resigns; succeeded by Edw. V.-Morgan.- Very (fuietly he finnouneed It to his fain- Jsws to a Forty- velt, breaks the speed record from Yokohama to Resignation of Richard A. -McCurdy, president of A.V. "I shall ne�ef act :again," he sald. 1. Rear-Admiral George 11, hreble, IT.S.N..r(- stove do, Zeigler San Francisco; 10 days, 10 hours, 28 minutes.- the Mutual Life Insurance Company, accepted.- ":Sly clays upon the stage are ended." His tire,, host.on, All"s.,79; Rev. kloiizo Flock, 4. J In a political riot at Santiago. Chile, 15 are killed Senator Burton of Kansas sentenced. appearance last June fir Patersol), N. J., as ,educator, Claverack, N. Y,; IRaac Bur)et•, gets to mediat and 100 wounded, December. Flip-strange to say, near the gild renis, at i1'enihcr of the CunadJun I'arllurnent, law aetimes it elected 26. Interstate Commerce Law Convention in Ch1- Y• Palma re-elected President of Cuba. York city,60. stew or f destroysago splits on the proposition to indorse, Presi- 4. Congress assembles; Cannon re-electod Sneak- Hohokus, where he passed his suinniers 3. Mrs. Eliza Blaine Walker,sister of Jarncs G. It alwa, 14 dent Rodseyelt's railroad rate regulation policy; er.--Balfour's I3rItI.gb Ministry resign; Campbell- for some thirty years In the quaint old 131uine 13111tiulore,Hl+l.identii3 opposition organizes a separate convention. Bannerman summoned by the King.-Judson Har- house on Saddle River-was his MIMI- 4. Gre;;ury l.ielnturateu,Itusrltan nuturu3lxt,London, berry pie 18, 27. Spanish Cabinet offers to resign. mon ar)I)nInted receiver of 'the Cincinnati, H. fi sedous farewell to the public:. 82. of dins 28, Political parties in Moscow take steps to or- 17., and the Flint and Pere Marquette railroads. Of course Mr. JePfersrnt lnre'aks old also- 5• Jo-daah Locke,journalist,Tncllarlapo111r,Indiana; shall ha 20. Henry Sorin+war veteran,illarathraiv U„y a Yemen, ganlze a Provisional government. F, Lieutenant General Sakharoff, former Rus- ciationq With keen regret, turns out t�iia G. Lorenzo liurrewa,Regent of thu University Hoot have the 30, Czar Nicholas, in a manifesto, abandons Fian Minister of War, assassinated by a woman.- lights in his theatre dressing room, thaat. ex-Mi.C.,Albion,N.Y„81. 21. M.autocracy, concedes extended franchises, and leg- Ti. S. Marines land in St. Petersburg for embassy i, Ve burned cheerily for many decades, 7. A• II. Russell, hotel proprietor, Middletown, it I can't Affairs illative power to the Duma, and appoints M. de service. sorrow; . -Four Witte President-Premier; great railroadstrike ends• 6. Pt' each Senate adopts hill for separation of with a genuine t, now. And.yet there ae %`i Y. nigh I cn Anne o 31. Constitution restored to Finland.-Manchuria church anal state.-Nowa reachc s Alaska of ;,lac no tears over it, Hct pe;t'hOs in the leave- 8, ]319 T.-Glen. Delos I3.,9acktk,7tta,ectar•Clannrnl, die 24. G opened Por the first time to American trade. cess of Amunsden Aretic oxpeditlon !n threading takimg, such as might bave -been :had his' 'i A i,WaWilugtan,M. 11'111141111 Caldwell, ore-State.rreaaurer,Atlguata,lila.,74. November. the Northwest passage a.nd re-discovering the going' been long clelttyed, for 11e fe ell 0, Jamas Crawford, Sun 11uG:11dent of lire Carson long as in Bank o that it is not an enforced but inerel ' 1 i Gates y 1. Bloody rioting in many- cities follows the north magnetic pole on King William Island. wise Ste i y a' City Mint,Oakland,Cat, ;t how th Gate 0, Czar's decree of liberty.-Five American mission- S. Count do Witte, Russian Premier, offers his p 1t11at lie Is taking, He kn6ws, M. T11o:i.Plunkett,war veteraii,"Worcester,Mass., cries murdered at Lienchow, China.-United States resignation• which the Czar refuses to acc Dt, the t lie is wttl)dr+awittg from the scene In' 44' Mrs. Anne I)caste,lluitfas,N.H.,IIo, can beat` and til yEeel Corporation buys the La Belle Iron 1tiorks Robe+lltttti9 Russian tronpv in Mnnchurla kil Plenitude of ]tis powers, that he is; 11. Loins IG1ghe, i,nlntur Loudon, 83; Andrew w Fong It. Hempst for$14,000,000. ficers.-Resignation of Robert A. McCurdy as Pres- ringing clown the curtain while hits great li oods,New Orleans,},a„Ilo, j 12. Alexander Tlotland,expressman,New York M r 26. Te 2 U. S. S. Rhode Island breaks the mile battle- iden t of. the Mutual Life Insurance Company ac- audience ;has just viewed pini acting' at 13. Javepll John,leukins,paliiter,Loci 1,74;lieu, short n ninghali g his best. Yet he and his public have been,, Thomas It.Neill,U. S.A.,rollresl, I'hibulrl- tmother the Bret ship record, making 19.33 knots.-Socialist meeting cents$, e rovokes a ,lot in Vienna. 10. Campbell-Bannerman's British Ministry an so close'to each otiher,loll they hitve made':' It sigh 27. A:` g Another massacre of Jews takes place at nounced, ,iia,50; Sir Curti:, hlirumla Ll1nr i.rot,liar[, 1 the early ^ollege Kishinev.-Odessa and other Russian cities under 12• Attorney General Moody orders prosecutions ' hinl feel as though he ,were so deux tv. Vila, 79;Louis Andre Fordinanrl Got lean, shaft, r of railroad companies for granting;rebates when- thein -that he feels the Partin as old and: lle44ruty,TraIlarcy 1,L7, a reign of terror.-Pittsburg and Lake Erie Rail- dear friends must in saying Parting, 14• Cllurles J'racy,lawyer,New York city,75;(7hnK. 1 28. F ever evidence can be secured, g g y'• AV. McCulie, Journalist, Bul1itlo, N. Y., n3; holidays a1 Chicago road buys the Little Kanawha syndicate.-Metro- 14 Charles A, Peabody elected President of ` Frederick lheridore 1+'rencliti medical prof Rh6e1' giving: day. dist Episcopal Roard of Bishops decides that Pro- WFLCobilSs HIS IIOLID,+.t'. the Mutual Life Insurance Company.-Govern- and author,Berl la,GF,;Col..Ioseph If.TrAvlor, l Lessor Hinckley G- Mitchell, "higher critic," must Once the decision was made and its first U. S. A„ Omaha,'Neb.• Ilaron d Alli, , , there:ors no'. 9. U,not be retained by the Boston University School meat Prosecutes the Chicago & Alton R. R, fair feeling r + uela.-Z ,;•ranting rebates.-Provisional government set up g of solemnity had passed Mr. Jef- Brazilian Minister to.Rus:vna,St.Petersbuag, Y In 11:tng, killing ;of. Theology. at I31>;a, Russia;troops f;o over to revolutionists.- ferson became more cheerful than ever. lf,.Rev,Dr.Gear'e,I.(leer, I >iRcu ul divine,New ke toast any: 6. Czar restores autonomy to Finland. y p Ynrk cit g p 30. Ct 7 Democrats carry Pennsylvania and Ohio; Re- Ne1't= York Court of Appeals decides the ballot His Bunn dis osition shone out at once. J•;Prof.rof. J.L.Ittchaardcson,Juurnali8t li cry except box ease against Hearst. It will seem strange alt first to act no ,and educator,Alt.Carmel,I'a, half of ev of Hari publicans win in Massachusetts and Maryland; 14 One hundred Russians on the battleship niers," be said, "but I shall soon get ttsed ]7.G, O. 111onipson, cllcuaist and educator,Terre lite of'Jerome wins in New York City; independents in Czarewitch in Colombo harbor, Ceylon, mutiny to that, and I shall begin to enjoy what 1 18. Gord11aon W.litirnham,rnillionatre,NewYorkcity, Philadelphia; Gorman'sConstitution suffrage amendment to have looked forward to these many years-- 82; Susan 11 arner(Hlizarbeth Wctlierell),nov- 20 t if, fro I. Rt the Maryland Constitution defeated. a 16, jMutkn V°lbreaksk out in Moscow garrison.- over rat 8. Mutiny among Russian sailors and artillery- 3r my long, long holiday, in which I shall en- ellst. highland I ally,N.Y.,ri7, welkin Troops recapture Tukum, Courland, after revolu o I9,rIza effortls rill; guns; tianists had slaughtered the small garrison of j y uninterruptedly nature do outdoor life, ,.ex-AS.(., Vickstntrgr, Ulm., g only cv' k men at Cronstadt put down with machine Illy Sir Thonias Bayley, Bart„31.I„London,h8, 1 3. Cat part of the city burned.-Revolt breaks out in the grenadiers painting•, my books and pleasant ' 2 is fleet, waukee Brazilian garrison at Rio Janeiro, but is sup- 17. Fords' Italian Cabinet resign. companionship with wife, children and -tl• pcclii�y f�alr(t��'Z�IaI�r1T1114 A nalr�lp�Ne VorFlak 22 hoever re Oberlin pressed next day. 18. Chicago National Bank, Home Savings Bank deal' friends, I begin my h.olida at last,' G0; Lu'ut•.-Cnrnrnunder 7`hurans 'A ade,U.S. :e dled o entries, 0, Berteaux, French Minister.of War, resigns, and Equitable Trust Company, all of Chicago, And suiting +the action to the word" N.(rethed),Mialden,MFIflR.,(,G, 24, 1 4. Ju 12. James Speyer gives Columbia University found to be insolvent.-Anti-foreign riots break Mr. Jefferson-went for a,drive in the Pauls_ 21, I1lshop Christopher Wadsworth,of Lincoln,Lon- berri p: agrees, , p out at Shanghai; 20 Chinese killed. vesterday, went shopping, buying fishin don, 77. 25 - $,0,000 to endow the Theodore Roosevelt rofes- �" )w ill 9. Sol the Univers ty oof f Berlan in. and Institutions in 19. Russian unions, decide upon a general Do)- tackle for coming (lays in the South, ane► 22 Princess Elizabeth, of Hesse Darmstadt, 70; lin.-To: lineal strike. made Purchases for his studio, for, wish- 'he Sphin lives. 13. Prince Charles of Denmark approved for 20- A. H. Hummel, the New York lawyer, con- i rod and reel palette laid brusit, he will b lure to sol 0. Ru Kin of Norway by a plebiscite of the Norwe- � p •- . from VV g victed of conspiracy to obtain perJared evidence• Seen 1Tg11d'av malkin in the sunny land O ' to Tell!" sal gian people.-Vladivostok to .revolt; a large part 22, Treaty between Japan and China concerninh B y I1tL1`b01 at 61fi A. Til. Sulltlay9, collllea Rosen.-,` Manchuria signed.-Russian Cabinet perfects an �'IOr - Malior with the bl'ttlll it-0111 west.and � L�_-_.__` __-_.- man's he 125 live;°P the town destroyed. p electoral law, rejecting universal 14. Isle of Pines declares its independence of suffrage, it all St;ttl0lns arrives ;tt Lag 1:ar)or I can't,for railed t Cuba and organizes an American territorial gov- 26. Joint committee representing Canadian LeaveS Sttg Harbol'G 51)1'.111• for T+Ilii L few Iri0In01 dynamic ernment. Presbyterians. Methodists. and Congregationalists tt1'ftVeS b;tCl; at 9 R10 P.M. ised avvaY. l son'2 of 1 15. College presidents meet in New York and or- a,;r-Pe on articles of doctrine, -- - earns 37G17189-1 9 January. 21. John S. Dickertnant anctionmr,Albany,N.Y., Licit.-Col Ir'reder'ick A.I3urnilb I. bars. Elizabeth I). R. Bianciardi, authoress, temneh,F]"ypt 43. Y,author,Wle Vevayy,Switzerland. 2, Peter Rouget. educator, Brooklyn, N. Y., 0; 22. Airs•Staulc y Matthews,lVashinrton,61;Charles Churls s M.McLachlan,journalist,Jersey city, (toeil'reY (Inuring, ex 51 ty ur,New Yuri:uty', 0.3.N.J.,70, 3. William O'Brien,banker, New York city, 72; 23. Morrow B, Lawry, abolitionist, I'hiladelphfit; Frederic 13uudry,writer and pllllologist,Paris, (lel.Edwin k',Applegate,jaurutttMt,l+'r4eLold, s9ys FgHEW[[L66. N..I. fi0. 4. Rev, Noah ifnnt Schenck, D. D., Episcopal 24.I4liss Anna Jaques, phflantitropist, Newbury- divine,Brooklyn,N.Y„tie;Abner Coburn ex- Governor, port,blasts. Governor,Portland,Ale.,sl;IL 11.Clialniers, 20. Cnntrnamler George D. I3, Glidden, U, S. - -• Alis.Justice of the Supreme Court,Jackson, 2G. JoCarntu•idgeseph M.WMass. eightmn a ,ex-Mayor,Boston,Mass,, � b FIfo-major Freeman Field, U. S. A., Boston 27. W Jernrnr,Green banker,Utica,N,Y.,42. Decided Yesterday That He Will Mass.,80'Cot.1V.W.Shore,journalist,Bar- 28.Jolts Jerome e Green, ,colored,lawyer, pY.,-1 ng,N. lent,N. IJ,;.J Y„b8;Alvail cabin,ex-Ai, C.,qty cuudoro,II L, _ Never Again Appear Upon 6 ltf,lit Rev.Dr. faint Jackson,Ilisboft of Lonrinu' 02 vientta i i Isaac S.Frost,ex-AHsembly- 7d;Prince Adolph Wlll lin Auersberg,states. 30, Rev.Dr.G.D,Pike,theologian and sitter,ITnrl; until the Stage. ttuut Carutlohante,N.Y R'3. ford, Conn., 64: bled, Insp. Chas. Tf. Bur. g 8. Ctcart o AI.MM'right State Treasurer,Bordentown bruik,U,S.N.,Portsmouth,N.I1,,48, C9�G •---- ��� N,.f,67:;James SMI.Bingham,ex-Lieutenant'- 31. PC IX 0 anent,cr•ntposer,Parts,63, Governor,Chip(wwa Falls,Wis.,56. t1.Stc)Lieu Mann Blake retired merchant, New Februarr. BIDS THE PUBLIC COO'DBY Ylork city, 7s; Robert W. Wright, author, Cleveland.0.,69. 1. James Chestnut, ex-TJ.S.Sepatc.)r, Calnden.s. ------• 10. bioses D.Naar,editor,Trenton•N. J.;Andrew C.,70; 'Dupuy de Lome, Life+l el,ator, Paris C,(Tray,President of the t;hesapeake and Dela- tib•Prof.Nicholas F.(oc,l,,oduaaturcundi phy-' ware('anal C o,New Castle,Del.,81. siclan Cilicago,56 Edward +aportay,ris Feels the Parting, but Is Glad He Rimy 11. e`harles IV.Folg r,Genova,N.Y.,4e. glan l'onsui tri I3i0 Janeiro, New York city,09, 12. John 13.Jervis,civil engineer,Ronne,N.Y.,89. 2. General John W.Phelps,Guilford,V't.,72, Down the Curtail] in the Pleni- 13. Schnyyler Colfax, ex-Vice-President, Mankato, 3. Win. T. Abhott, vetersal of tit: War of 1812, Dylan.,62;Governor'William Bale,Cheyenne, Rockport,Mass.,91. tude of His Powers. 1Vyo.Ter.,48;Capt.Isaiall Ryttdets, politi- 4,Thee .his 11,, ;tickles, engineer, Plola,lelphia, ciao and sportsman,New York,81. 63;Rev.Dr.Edward W.French,Presbyterian --�-- 15.Rev.III%A.13,Beach,Epi,enpai dlvine,Ithaca, divine,New York city. N.Y.;Barber Nlcl)ulls,raantenariun,Lnckpnrt, 5.Joseph Grinnell,merchant,New Wilford,Mass, Joseph Jefferson has given so many N. 'Y.,100• Rear-Adntivul Levin Al. Powell, 96; Ilr. J. G.Farl"Cr,ox-cicigyititul, Lyan, U.S.N.,Washington,67. blasH.,fit): delightful evenings to those who enjoy all 16. General Robert Al. Brinton, Philadel his, 42; 0, Joshua�i.DuY;Jotirnulist,Trent.on,V.J.,57. that ig llet3t Arid truest in dramatic art, has A1, Sahtt,-A.nianrt,*driuurttic anthor.[earls,87; 10. Sutnuel S.Cogrtnev,Inwyrr nudt lonliticlan,New I).Rand,ex-Judge Circuit Court,Lisbon,N. York cfty,6n; jt,Al. Sboental:er,cupttulist, done so much for the stage, on which he If.,6.3. Cincinnati,70. 17. Edmund Francois Valentin About,anther,Parts, 11. Busy N.Uavls,ex;Stuttt Senator,St.Johnsbury, brig ,llet?n a Commanding figure, and, lei' til; William Montague Connelly,Journalist, Vt•,83. his profession, of which be has leen a, Baltituare,Md.,60. 12.Socrates Tuttle ex-Mayor, Pater?on, N. J., 18. Harrison Tweet( ex-State, ,Senator,Taunton tit;;Julius J.Aoo,l,obt time politician,Colunt- •InoBt honored and 'beloved member, that Mitss Churlesiiowniug,punloLtgist,IYewbtn';, bus,0. the public: will deeply reg•reat to learn that N.Y., 82;The Earl of Wilton, London, 51; 14. John F.Delaplaine,ex-lice., Lei;atlon at VIenna, Robert C. (Holliday, ex-Sec,of State,Easton, New York city,68; I(neolaptl $- TOWrIF1Hnt1, Oris'1905--(1�tt,."nued. 'he decided absolutely yesterday never bit(.,73. ex-,Amenlblvman Staten Island,N.Y.; B.13. "' »� Ja.g'a.in to resume his theatrical career. 20.I'lanlen 'Ball,law partner or Salmon P.Chase, II0tahki84,inventor of the machine hint,Paris; alas• the Carneg4e >�'aunnsioni to administer Cineinrtatt3 0.,76; William Rouse,ex-Assent- Jules Louis Joseph Valles,•1(mrnallA,Paris,9'2. rsae�le fund for pensioning college pro He arrived, here yesterday morning fro:n blyman,IVatertown,N,Y.,r92,Rev,Dr. 15. Dr.Lea,oldDatnrosch•rnusicialtand compnscr, Aorm. Boston, where he had rested a, f(?W clays Catholic Bishop of Bathurst,N,S.W. 'I New Yiork city,52; John Il.13radY,puliticiau, 9. Cornerstone of the McKinley monument laid - Canton,4, after leaving I3uzzard'si Bay, wh(.re he had __-- 1. Boarit of consulting lirriginoera votes, 8 to 6, been taken Ill. New York city,64;Francis A.Drexel,banker, . ~Sir harry Parkes, British Altnister to l'c•kin; t .-, 1t the Panamst Canal should be constructed.on ll:e iv convalescent, but still must be Ju- Philadelphia,61. Win.Batchelor, veteran of the war of 181°, 1 rhyme, 0 sat levet, diet ous in guarding his returning strength, 16. Win,Appleton,Albany,N.Y.,40;John Norton Baltituore,'Md.,87. ''c'c t] 9. Caren# POIRIVAI 1rtriko in Rusais, again called and will remain here for three weeks,aftr r Polneroy legal writer and editor,Sari Fran- 23.Edward I).Clark,Assistant Secretlay of the In- t`'derlck of '.hd,rwalttan >8larthlnq elects I'rinoo Charles of which he will go by easy stages to Fiorlil:t, cisco,Cai.,Sit. tenor,Washington. 40; Cornelius 1t,Erwin, divine of nmark King of Norway.-•-Illriglish channel 17. Adolph Dengler, ex-revolutionist, New York hardware muuui'ucturer,New Britain Ct.,14. anwr H114a wrecked on the rooks otT fit. Malo; stoT)ping in `MVashington for a, time and I city,60;.John Parselle,actor,New York city; 24.Jacob Thompson, ex-Secretary of the ,78. again Iii Atlanta. r ' d 1 Y rluterlur, iN dtyawnetl.--Tr+srcr in a cheap l(1dtYing house in Iidcon hard,ex-111.i•.,Albion,N.X.,5J, Memphis, Tenn., 7.,. n�gtiw destroys 39 lives. . All his children, except his son 'Phoni as3, 18. Melissa Johnson,City Point,Va.,loo;Madame 25.Gen.Jame.H Mc 4�u We,ex-Assemblynian and ex- (le n' Norwetkian throne tendered to Princes Charles I who is touring in the far West, have been Charlotte 11.Sulnkon-Dulbyt singer,Lontlon•fs4. 14iuyur,Utica,N. Y.' Rti. county t• I accoputd.-Inter-C,;hurch Conference convenes with him, and when Mr. Jefferson rtscov- 19. Dr.tiouis Fisberg,luryngoiogtst,New leak city, 26,(}en.Anson Steger,l.•hicugo,60;Mr's.Edwin D. ' eyed from the attack of 48;blrs.Jtunes Russell Lowell London;.lona- Morgan,New York elty,74. n Land id Now 'York; clxttss In preamble of constitution gastritis, Induced than J. Wright, x-Judge e b , gltpremn Court, 27.Samuel Wetmore,retired merchant,New York ;henry rK Lnitarlans and ITn(vnrsall+ats, by a cold caught while fishing at Buzzard's Charleston,S.C.,41;Lewis A.Brigham,ex- city,72; Iiev. Dr. Lyman Culbert, Brooklyn, •Y.,60• n` 1. Mttloship Virginia breaks the Npeo(l record Bay, he seriously considered and thought. M.C.,Jersey City,54. 28.Frederick S.1Vhttston,insurance president.Per- Culitor- at Ae by her sister ship Rhode Island; Virginia's over most carefully whether or not lira 20. Gen. Sir Herbert Stewart, Ir.. C. B., I(ortl, nandina, Fla., 7i); Prince Nicholas Orloff; , Judge nximunt, 19,74 knots. should resume his dramatic work. Egypt,42;Mrs•henry Hilton,New York,57. Russian diplomatist,Fontainebletul,LF1. i „ 21.Thomas McNulty,Cnrbondule, I a.,104. 29.Perry I1.Smith,millionaire,Chicago,II1.,67. ne,New Of 2. Turkish Sultan rajeats all demands of the , WPM I 91-TALL:�'EVIGR ACT AGAIN.' '2'2, Gen.Iforace Capron,ex-Clomrnissioner of A rl- blynlan, p e 3t1.ThonuiH I. lIilliurds, ratb'oud man,Titusville, S. Sailors and a regiment of soldiers at Sebasto- It was a matter of several days' silent. culture„ Washington, 75; Francis Samuel Pit„e6, ch. re mutiny and Join revolutionaryworkingmen; Drake,historian,Washington,57. 31, Rev.Thaddeus P.Ilurlburt,abolitionist,Upper and trying Clisctissiori-Por while he loves 23. Col,lin),Goodwin veteran of the War of 1812 rof 1812; DO lftrrwssd in a Ftl(and battle next day. Acton, Tex.,64. 1118 profess4011 with a, most tender fond- tkersSixteen tion, w Mad In a rear-end collision ness and delights in his life upon the stage, Boston,ouHGl 88, artist, 'n tinkers Station, on the Boston and Maine Rall- he realizes that a.t his age one must h,e 24. ItBrooklyn,tN.Y.,;66- Nathan Lane, exal -Stute April. the Un1- lid id, careful riot to overstrain ft constitution Treasurer,Alfred,Ate. 1.Rev.Dr.William R.Williams,S.T.D.,Baptist A. Lank- T. King Ilaakon VTI, of Norway(Prince Charles that. has been (, fled a 26. Robert Logan,Representative, 8 ria 1 (�t Iyrrrimal'k) takes the oath to•upporC the Nor- upon often for severe p gticld Ill.; divine, York city, (len.Charles R.Woody,Newark,0.,54. 2.Earl Cairns,Bournemouth,fib; henry M. Ii[oyt, Madrid, Ve; Ilan Conotitution.-••••President removes from of- ePfott in a career that has extended over r7, FrederickShindle,ex-Mayor,Gloucester,N,J..fi3. ournallst,Bridgeport,Conn.,50. re,Vice- s W. 14. Leib. Asst, U. S. Treasurer at Phila. seventy years upon that dramatic boards. 3. TIlo ntas Meek,veteran of the War of 1812,News,Paris; 9, Herhrrt Cl. Stfutore, Amorican Minister to The decision was reached yesterday,and Mareb. York city 911, rof18/'2; I tra, reslans; wueeceded by T:dw. V.-Morgan.- very (fuletly lie announced it to his faviawrenco Little,surgical professor, xtl;ttatlrin ttC Itir'tnard A. McCurdy, president of ily. ".I shall ite�er act asgain," he said. 1.Rear-Admiral George It. Preble, U.S.N„re- New York city,49. s,N.J., 'n i » ompany, accepted.- "My days upon the stage are endedtired, Boston.Aluss.,79 Rev. Alonzo Flack, 5. Charles W.I)tirut►t,millionaire.New York, Fro, Mutual Life Insurance (cn, U.S. t ." [his educator, Claverack, N. Y.; Isaac BurJLMe, 6. Rt.Rev.Robert A.Collin,Roman Catholicbiebop trr- astor Burton of Kansaas sentenced. appearance last June fir Paterson, N.J., as tnemher of the Canadian I'urliununt, New of Southwark, London,0t): Major Samuel S. Lynn, "ny December. Rip-strange to say, near the old hone, at York city,60. Elder,U.S. A.,Fortress Monroe,Va.; A.C• Palma, re-Meeted Prr•sidrnt of Cuba. Hohokus, where he passed his sulnnterr, 3. Mrs. Eliza, Blaine Walker,sister of James G. Jewett,ex-Mintster to Pern,Belfast,Ale.,82. olitician, 0maress RM-mblex: cannon re-elected Speak- for some, thirty eatin the quaint old Blalne,Baltimore,blit, 7. Mrs.Frederick 0.I'nnee, Beene,N.II,; Rear- 13„F.It. --Salfour s British Ministry resign, Campbell house on 8ad$leyl?iver-was his ancon_ 4.Gregory Ilelmursen,Russian naturalist,London, Admiral,John Marston, U.S. N.,retired,8g. l Clntuie I1' nnermnn summoned by the King.-Judson Ilan` 82. 8. Richard.(.runt White,Shalicr•,,crinn scholar atilt as' n ntipointed receiver of 'tbe vincinnatt. 11. scions farewell t0 the public. I' ,ston,7;,- 11 to , 5. Jo�tuh Locke journalist,Indianapolis,Indiana; author,New York city,63; Emmons 11Alitlltt, Of course Mr, Jefferson'breaks old also- and the I+"1[nt Anr1 F'erc� Marquette railroads. Iiettry Stull,war veteran,hlurat,hon,()„1115. oridun manufucturr�r,iJo�tun,hfae;s.,6�4. it of tor:• Lioutenant General Sakhartiff, former Rus- ciationss with keen 'regret, turns out tii.e 6. Lorenzo Burrows,Regent of the University and 9. S. Sherwood Day, banker, Catskill, N.Y„7`;; 308(101 n Minister of War. assasimInated by a woman.- lights in hts theatre dressing roost, that. ex-M.C.,Albion,N.Y„81. Miss Ethel Wilitams,comic opera singer,New Jenw lcs " Ai, Marines land in St. Petersburg for embassy }have 'burned cheerily for many decades, 7. A. II. Russell, hotel proprietor, Middletown, York city,W. nunduga )r. wire. with a genuine sorrow. And.yet tiere aro N10, Will.Donovan,chant],ion long-distance skater, left Frenrh Senate adopts bill for separation of no tears over it, no pathos in the leave- 8. Brig.-(ten.=Delos B.Sachet,Inspector-General, New York city, III; Dr. John Butler,eminent 'o N.Y, trrlt and statsN.-News reachrjp Alaska of sac taking such as might have been ,had his U.S.A.,WaHilingtort,ti.3; 1V1 Ilan(Caldwell, ],hysician,New York city,41. IH,N.Y„ us ai Amunsdan Arctic) expedition In threadin!! b ax-Stain Treasurer,Augusta,Ale.,74. 11. Itiglit lion,Uco. Swan Nottage, Lord Mayor,Northwest paoxago and re-discovering the going' been long d(layed, for he feels. 9. James Crawford, Suprrhitendent of:the Carson London; the .Earl of 80ktrk, Lori,lon, 76; ttiniore; that it is not alt enforced but nierely a! CityAlint,0ahhutd,Unh Charley 1V.tihtek,Collector ot'Intd•rria] Itev- Ulstrict rth miAxnettc (tole on King William Island. wise step I g 10. Thos.Plunkett•war veteran,`Vorcester,bfass., erne,Roston, Mass.; .John h'. ld'ralici: hotel rite Count Aa Wltta. Russian Premier, offers this that he -is withdrawing taking. m the sclene Ill! 44'Mrs.Anne Decoste,Ilalifax,N.S.,110, proprietor, Lockport,N. Y„oe. N.Y.,80; 11. Louis Ilaghe, paintor Loudon, 83; Andrew 1. J. 1lvury Shaw,Assenibivmun,,priiigflold,III. '• IstWatinn. wide h tor, (s I refuses to Skill Woods,New Orleans, .u.,110. 13. da�eplt Rance+,cx Assenniblyntan, Fnratuga,.V. st•.V3. i ilio' t,r=11it7ttsr .;ttrKtan troops in Mtinehuria ]till of- the plenitude of his powers, that he i.ti tj n„� s le )rs,-Ftewlf;ttatlott of I3rtbark A. McCurdy as Pres- ringing' clown. the curtain while his great 12. Alexander holland,expressman,New York,58. Y.,76;Adntirttl Sir George Bone Sartoritly,f{ Lewiston, re so nt of the Mutual Life Insurance Company ac audietice Alas! Jost viewed hint acting at 13. Joseph John Jenkins,pa inter,London,74;•Gen. C.R.,London,95;sir Edivard Sullivan,Bart., itc»d, his b-est. Yet he and:lits public leave been., Thomas 11.Neill,U. 9.A.,retired, Phtladel- Lord Chancellor of Ireland,Dubilu,63, tiactilrer, pond; 1. campball-Ttannerman's British Ministry an- so close to each obher,and they lifixe made 3,iia,9ti; rSir Curtis Miranda Laing:nit,Bart, 14..hit's.fir.Will.A.Ilaminowi,rNew York cit fill; ,ex-Brute anion London,71) Louis Andre Fordivand Gatineau,, IV.V.bf-,G ath,es-Slate Treasurer of I ens- ; lfor„ce the )Wrap!, hhtl feel as thong(( he .were so de4t1 to'* Deputy,Paris,57. Sylvania,Cups May,N..1, Ir. Att(trnay tarsneral MOrx7y cyders prnaecuttons them that he feels the parting, las old'and 14. Charles racy,lawyer,New York city,75;Chas. 15. Christopher Bradford,of life-saving fame,Phfla- attesb»ry, cnco rnilrnad companies for granting rebates when- dear friends must, in saying goodby. W. McCune, journalists Butlido, N. Y., fi3; delphtu,.1 J{ev.1)r.George Leeds,I'.B. df- fontroller, Sons »r evidence can be secured. Frederick Theodore Fcertchs,medical rofessor vine,Pl,ilaclelpht:t,ti, 1. ('ltar.es A. Paabcxly elected President of wFI,r;7gM}115 H.I$ HOLIDAY, '18. e Llie tiny(author,Berlin,6f,;Col,Joseph I 'Taylor, 1f. Edwards Plerrepont,Secretary of the American s Mutual Lffa Insurance Company-Govern- Once the decision was made and its first U. S. A., Omaha, Neb.; Baron d'Alltuudeu, Legation,Home,25. fi•, N.Y., Tit nt prose!cutoo the C'hleago & Alton R. R. for feeling of solemnity Pet atting "bates.--Provislonal government set up fers�on became morehchee Tule tba,tlir�ever. 1f,.Rev.Dir.Gorge Jc.Geer, R Isc opal div lie nNew l7. JrLa.,861aker,ex-Governor, St. A1ary'H Parish, I'rovi- Riga Russia-, ttYtnps an over to revolutionists. His suns, disposition York city;Prof. J.L.Richardson,journalist 19. s,mut glace,famous sporting man, New York Dresden, f the w, York Court of Apooals decides the ballot "It will cem tlali e attiflr,tt1 to act I o atilt educator,Alt.Carmel,Pa. city,51:John N. Whitney, woninnent New M on C ease against Hears, „ g l7.C. 0. 'Thompson, chemist and educator,Terre York lawyer, Klttreli's,N. 41.,62; John Z. both 4, One hundred Rusptan9 on the battleship more, he said, "but I Shall soon get used ]saute,Ind. Goodrich,ex-Collector of the port of Boston. •.7`5;Dr. kat 1t^t?w[tah in Colombo harbor, Ceylon, mutiny' to that, and I shall begin to enjoy what I 18. Gordan MV.Burnham,millionaire New York city, Stockbridge. Mass-,81. �86. bout have looked.forward to these many years- 82;Susan Warner(Elizabeth Wetherell),nov- 20. Mrs.George Vandolihoff;actress,New York City; I join revolutionists, my lou ton holiday, in which I shall en- p 3. Mutiny areata out !n Moflcow garrison.- A'. g� ellst. Ilighhuxl Palls,N.Y.,fi7, Gmtslanr.ine ftosetti, Ttnun,uniun poet and ' and ex- they (tl* recaliturci Tukum, (.ourland, after revolu- joy uninterruptedly nature in outdoor life. 1�•I:Iza Jefli,rcls, ex-AH.C., Vicksburg, Miss., 50; Htatesnunn,Elur;harest,69, Paris,63 t after ri1y pal7ltitig, nl bOOkS Sits (sass at Sir Thomas Bayley,Bart.,M.P.,London,88, 21. Cardinal Pietro Lasngrnt,London,71. t,Brook- nists had miauf;htered the sniall garrison of p 20. Police Inspector'Thomas W.Thorne,New York '2.9. Ring niun F.Pulte,Ittwyer aur( capitalist. Neto n, jurist, tell"' nnadierN. companionship with wife, children and city,62•Levi herr,millionaire,Palatka,Fla., Ynrlc city,53; Itev. Dr.Leonard Witiington, I furrier, tgest 1, (Fortis' Itallan Cabinet resign. dear friends. I begin my holida at last." 60; Lient.-Commander Thomas Wade,U.S. Congregational divine,Newbury,bfass„9t, I lets X F'h(rago National I'.3ank, home Savinge Bank And "suiting the action tri the word" N.(retired),Malden,Mass.,66. 24.Capt.James A.Wotton,sea capttdn,New York` th Creek, noir, ' Mr. Jefferson went for a drive,in the Park 21. Bishop Christopher Wadsworth,of Lincoln Lon- city,'i6. J Frtuitaktle I't•ust Company. all of Chicago,� t des,N.Y. Ind to be Insolvent,--Anti-foreign riots break yesterday, went shopping, buying fishing don, 77. 25. Istac MY. England, publisher of the 1Veto Iork Supreme ually at tjhanghal; 26 Chinese killed. o tackle for coming days In the South, anis. 22•Princess Elizabeth, of Hesse Darmstadt, 70; Sun,Ridgewood,N.J.,53; Bushnell MYhite, (bot,ex• the i, Ru)rsian unions, decide upon a general p made purchases for his studio, for, wtch, rtes Plit gess. gal *strike,. con- rod and reel, palette and brush, he will b g ^- l. A, H. I-spiracy the New York lawyer, yn'�on holiday nalking in the s3unny Iand of 14arbor at 615 A. At. Sundays, connecting' at 'Tile ted of conspiracy t0 obtain perjured evidence• iOr 1M'la,llor with the Lrain from wCSt,and Stol)I)tltn ._._�. 2• r4rpaty between Japan and China concerning ---- -------- - :tt till stations arrives at hag Harbor at°4Q. hie remembers all 1118 trou�l�s-- nr'llur(a signed Russian Cabinet perfects an -That Icee)5 him nice and sad: ,-toral law, reJecting universal suffrage. Leaves S;tr( Harbor 6 5f)P.111, for INIalior audl 1' Joint committee representing Canadian arrives back at 9 4Q P.BI. But can't remember half it clay -stbytorlans, Methodists) and Congregationalists - --- The pleasures that be's had. ,ee on arttcleti of doctrine, _. -Detroit Free Press. NECK • 9 � January. 21. John S. I)inka'rman, nnctlonCcs',Albany,N 1 ...� 1. Mrs. IClizabeth I). R, Bianciardi, authoress, Lieijt.-Col Frederick A..Burnaby, Veva� uuthur ttnulClr,Fgypt,43. 'a Switzerland. j J� 2, Peter Ronsret, educator, Brooklyn, N. Y., 65; 2✓,. A1nw•Stanley riTattibews,Was]11)"ton,R;Charl,-s 1 Charles At.McLachlan,Journalist,Jersey city, Godfroy Gunther, ux-iliayor,New Yuri.city', N. .,7b, fi3. J 3. 1Vt ., O'Brien,banker, New York city, 72; 23. Morrow 13. Lowry, nbolftiolsist Plilladelphia; FrederieBaudry,writer and philologist,Paris, Cul Eihvin F.Applegate,Juurisahst 1'raehold, A ' 61i. N T. Co. 4. Rev. Noah Mint Schenck, D, D., Bpiscopal 24.Mitis Anna Jaques, philantlsropist, Newbury- s9ys F9 H I W I I L divine•,13roolay n,N.Y.,110;Abner Coburn ex_ , part,Mass, (governor,Portland, rile.,81;It.11.Cliahuors, 2u Cnnls,b,id George D. I3, Glidden, U. S.N., -- Ass.Justice of the Supreme Court,Jackson, Canlbrid*e ATnss. 2G.Joseph Al.1V"elglttutau,es-14TrrYor I3o5ton,➢Tuan. Miss. 72, G J+ito-major Freeman Field, U. S. A., Boston, 27,W.Jerome Green,banker,Utica,N Y.,42. ' Decided Yesterday That He WII1 Hass. 80•Col.W.W.Shore,Journalist,1Lur- 28,John F.Quarles colored lawyer, I'luwltin� N. Never Again Appear Upon lent R. `�,70. Y,,Gra;Alvultabin,ex•rt.U.,yycan.atc,flll. 6 Rl•ht Rev. foltix Jackson,Bishop of London, , 73;I,Ince Adolph Willielin Anersberg,elutes- 30• Rev.Dr,G.D.Pike,theologian and writer,lfart.- the Stage. m;ll Vienna, n aloharie,IN.Y 8.Frost,ex-Assentbl)'- fund. Conn., 54; Aled, Insp. tabus, 11. Mir. s' r g 1 8. Gear o At.11'r'rght State'freaKurer,Bordentown bank,U.S.N,,npoh r,Pari,N. N.�1.,67;;Janst s Al I3inghstnl,ex-Lieutenant 31. Pc11S Clement,c+,rupoH+:r,Paris,G3. Governor,Chip[1,ewa Falls,W is,56. € 9.Steplu a Mann 131ttke, retired inerebmit, New February. i BIDS THE PUBLIC GOO�DBY York city, 75; Robert W. Wright., author, Cleveland,0„69, 1. Tailws Chestnut, ex-U.S.Senator,Clauderl,S, 10, Moses D.Naar,editor,Trenton,N. J.;Andrew C.,70: Dupuy da Loine,Life Senator, Purls, C.Gray,President of the Chesapeake and Dela- 68• Prof.N1001fts F.Cook,educator and pay r Feels the Parting but IS Glad He Ring? ware Oailal Cu.,New Castle,Del,,61. siclan,Chleago 56; Edward 5ctl,ortas,ex-llel- ' 71. Charles W,Folger,Geneva,N.Y„40. Kinn Consul to'Itlo Janeiro,Now'kol'It elty,69, 12, Jolnr I3.Jervis,civil engineer,]torte,N.Y.,S9. 2. GoneratJohn W.Phelps,Outiford,Vt.,72. 3' Down the Curtain in the Plenl- 1,3. Selutyler Colfax, ex-lice-President, Mankato, 3. Will. T. Abbott, veteran of file War of 1812, Minn.,62;Governor William 11ale,Cheyenno Rockport,Alas-4-ill. tude of His Powers. Wyo. Ter„48;Capt.Isaiah Rvnders, politi- 4. Theo ,his H. Sickles, engineer, Plrtladelpllirt, ciao and Hportsrlutn,New York,81. 63 Itev,Dr.l+lclw•arsl W.Freueb,Presbyterian ♦-- - 15,Rev. Dr.A.13,Bench,Episcopal divine,Ithaca, divine,New York city. N.Y,;Barber Nicholls,centenarian,Lockport, 5,Joseph Orinneil,nn-t'chant,New Be(iford,rilays„ � Joseph Jefferson has given so many N. Y.,100: Rear-Admiral Levin M. Powell, 96 Dr, J. G.Farmer,ex-elergyman, I,Sntr, U.S N.,Washing(on,67. Mass.,Cry. delightful evenings to those who enjoy all 16. General Robert AT. Brinton, Pliilade.lnhist, 42; o. Josinra S.DuY;Jotn nalist,9'rcnt.on,]Vt..1„57. that is bast and truest in dramatic art, has Saint-Arnand,'drautatic author,1W Is,87' 10. Samuel S,Courtney,]nwyer anal 1)oliticlan,New 1.. D,hand,ex-Judge Circuit Court,Lisbon,N. York city,0); It,Al. Shoemaker,capitalist, done so much for the. stage, on which he If.,63, Cincirrnatf,79, I y 17, Edmond Francois Valentin About,author,Paris, 11. Bilss N. Davis,ex;State Senator,St,Johnsbury, htls .been a commanding figure, and felt 57; William Montague Connelly,Jouraalidt, VI.,&3. his profes.gion, of which 'he has been a Baltiutore,Md.,6u, 12.Socrates'!Cattle ex-Afayor, Paterson, N. J., 18. Tlarrisou Tweed ex-State Senator, Taunton, (iii;Julius J.Wood,old time politicicnr,Coltuu- ;a imost honored and -beloved member, that Mass,;'Cliarlemi3owniug ponmlos;ist,Newburg bits,0. ' the public will deeply fegreat to leKrn that N.'Y., 82;The Earl of Wilton, L)ndon, Gr; 14, John F.Delapinine ex-Sec. Legation at Vienna, I Robert C. Holliday, ex-See,of State,Easton, New York city,68, Kneeland S. 'I'uvvrrsend, or 19US-0antinued. he decided absolutely yesterday' Never Md.,73. ex-.kssentblvntau,Staten Island,N.Y.; 1t,13, fit" the •'Carn09le rOUndation" to administer lagaln to resume Ills theatrlea,l Career. 20. Fhunon Ball,law partner of Salmon P.Chase, Hotchkiss,inventor of the machine gun,Paris; Cincirnrutl 0.,7R; William Stonse,ex-Assent- lnlesLoniH.Jusc hVallcw,,lotirnaUst,Parls,52. ► Carnttgle fund for pensioning college pro- He arrived here yesterday morning from blymanl,14}atertown,N.Y.,92;Rev.Dr.Quinn, 15, Dr. Leq)old Damrosch,nmwician:tad Coln poser. Sorts, Boston, whore he hail rested a. few clays Catholic Bishop of 13uthurst,N. S. 1V. New York city,52; John IT,Brady,puliticiun, - tco`nerr�ton McKinley monument laid tyatlt+)ri,(�. ` ■w�■w■r.• ..r.re r. w.r r r r.r w.�.. _ _ __ w?,�•, 11. it Boa Board fa U.S.( rrlGnrgna�tlllriu+Cl vel alaiil wta I�lsQueen Motnlo�lfr Arnott, It.S.,Scotch surgeon20.Dr.Joseph P.hoot,ex-Minister to Chill,Wyan- 29. Rev.Dr,TbeodoreB.Rome3•n Reformed divine Archbishop Bourget,Montreal: dottc,Kan. Hackensack, N. J„58;I!ldgur Cowan,vx-U. a■ea Iertrttl, Atexaucltsr It.(Nand))bpeucer, upurtsmeur,Now 83, 21.Rev.llr,Oliver Stearns Cambridge,Mnss, 78; S. Senator Ureeusbur Pa., 70• Frederick 9. oreat DOI York city,48. 9. A.It.Converse,banker,New York city,43, Lieut.-Col,J.it.!Silt,'U.S.N.,Yonkers,N. Gumutn planiat,Lando i, of Nor wostu 2tr•Jainns!tees (Colley Cibber),playwright,'Pliila- 10. G.T.Secchi de Cusall,Journalist,Elizabeth,N. Y„45. 30. Rev inanr.J lanaeph Alden,Congregational divine of nmurk Kin delphta,His. J.,tib, 22.Peter ll.Watson ex-Assistant Secretary of War, editor,professor and author,New York,78, ,anitr II#1+ia " JantesStryker, ox-Assenitilyman, Remo,N.Y., 11. Baron do Chabuud-Latour, Senator, Paris,al;. New York,G6;lle.u.W'na,G.Mandeville,ex• lint drowned. 77' Lo Franklin N. 11,hough,author and scientist, Ass'mblyi n n Stilyvesunt Falls N.Y.,80. September. , it taw doxtra MAr. Lowvllla,N.,1'.,63. de �tq 12, James it. flutter, President of the New York 23. Gen.UlyssesSimpson Y.,(}runt,ex-Prmuel t 1,Jacob L. Bergen, surrogate of Kings county n Norwexhi I• Commodore 0ornellus X.(;iarrixon, New York ' MacGregor,N.Y. 63:Gen. sautuel Roberts,Itulreri city,7t,. Gentrtd railroad,Irvington,N.Y.,49;('h:u•lesake George,N.Y.,•t8. ' 11 acct tr'd' 2. Benjamin 0.Sherman. banker New York city, A a o A. Brooklyn,N. nu ac , Ia 1phunse Lean Kt.uior, urchucolol;ist, I suis, , 2. William 1Y.�hippen, President IToboken Land 1d J 4. Sanford Iiluckhtton manufacturer,North Ad- Naw York; 76• .)ottn H. LUwlng tuetnhCr of Assembly, and Inyurrtnce Co.,Seubrlght,N.;l•,5ti;Henry tis i F'rtticri brad rick of L1Chtonntrsln iter- ams,Mass„87. r,•, rat Unitarian fiu; John It. Ohara. Assemblyman: Now Silver Springs, N.Y. 63; Leonard Cary,ex. g M.Onderdotik,Joni•nalist,tiempstead,N,Y.,oi. -5 I. Ii►ttierts}tl Asscnlblynlrur bast Worcester,N.Y„8G. p•Jadge James Walker, ex-Mayor,I3c11efontaine, 3. Ex-U,S.yenatur,W'illium M.Uwtn,at'Cnlifur- 1 York city,37. 0.,62, John W.Okey,Judge of this 8u rents at td+A try her x d.Mrs. Frank A.Vancl+erbilt, widow of Column. 1•t. Mrs.James !i.Mutter,Clnirnlont,N.Y.;David (aunt,Columbus,O. M. g p nia, New York, 79; Jobu It, PCakin, Judge M.Dundon,.Iuurnulist Sta loon,N,'Y, Arkansas Supreme Court,Marshall,Alo. 1 txlmnm, lli.7 dote Vanderbilt,Pies York city,46; 13tlttblt:y 15, Pril Mrederick Gbarles,ni phew of the I+:nt- lG. Itev,M.N,Olmstead,religious writer,Mt.Ver- 4• Rev, pr, Stephctt li. '!'sags P.)C,divine,New $. Turkish RloxIchardw,1Vc++rah runipusr.+r London,Ikl;Prince p++nor William,Pota isttu b7;iAdnsirnl(:ourbet, non,N.Y.,74� York, 8G;Charles TlTviig,ex-Asseutblynntn, Ol'i wCrlM laxundt r I{arageurgevltcit, pretender to tilo ' „ 27, Judge William C.Rowley,politician,Rochester, 6. Ballo s an &4 rvla a th{{`Ono, Loudon,79; -John S.!Marcy, corruttun,l+rr of the 1'renclt fleet In -Arse iib ut N.Y., 7U. r iarles rip,N.Y. 1 e i mutiny itex-AHseniblyrnan,Brooklyn,N.Y.,55;Augusto sous 5si Theodora 11.Benoclict, ex•Aescnbly' 28. Sir Moses rilonteAore Hebrew philanthropist, Changes Upson,ex-1T,C.,Coldwater,Mich. pinreisetad in i Duniont,Journalist,Parts,69: man,Tarrytown,N. Y„63. London, Mo ' p 6. Bial.Aarver Stafibrd,last surviving offtceruf i10 b« Gen.Irvht .1lcUow il, U. S. A„ retired, San te> Char !Crley, ex-Aanernbiyman, New York 29. Ch,ulea It.']'tuba, ex-M.C.,North Canwn ,N. Waterville, N. Y.,99; William Wall, artist, a 6. Sixteen Irr city 71. �; New Redford,Mass.,84. Franclaco, Cal.,66; Dr.Gustavus Nachtigut, Ii. 68;M.G.Beebe,politich+n, Asbury ark. Rakers Stat flcernnur tr votler,lit.1"intent,,',I Judge Mut- 17. FieIPUarshal limon Mantenflel, Carlsbad,76; t .George W..Clinton,Vice-Chancellor of the Unt- Id 30. Dr.John O'Kane Murray,Mur•a' author,Chicago,38 td. thew J. A�cCall rtv Boston,h6'; James 11.Nesmith,ex-United States Senator, y versitq,Albany,N.Y. 78. Edward A. Lam- 7. Kirig IAarti Ueor n W. Derry,Oregon. Stanley Huntley,.tournallst,Brooklyn,40, bort,ex•Mayor,I3rooklyu,N.Y.,65, rbc, t� Vay,ex-Arsoniblyman Olovorsvitie,N. .04, 18. Major Will.S.Popham,veteran of the War of 31.'Rev. .Tthoinas F.Cornell,Episcopal divine, 8. SCnar Jose de PoHafla Ilerrarar diplomat,Madrid, �g Denmark) t 7. William Want.Kurt t,C udley,I,andorr,tib. , Y., Randolph A.bhotwell, , Matt Conwti, S. Itnv,Dr.(P,It.W.Petrie,iesresbJ'toron, divine, , 181:,,Scarsdale,N. Y.,93• Jourialist Raleigh,N.C. 70; At.F,dme Charles L hlbl)pe Lepere�i ice- s W. F3, Lxl` Alontgunn'ry, Ala, 73;Allot► 1'ottur, ex-M. 1J NV last N. Woodruff, Sr.,ex-$tato Treasurer, g President of the C Dumber of Deputies,`J arid; 9, Herbert 1 0, I{ululuax+ro,MO ' Little Rock,Art(.,8is. August. Sc bas bleu Borghner,veteran of the War of 1832; I I 21. Erastus(Cooke,ex-Judge Supreme Court,Brook- Sunbury,Penn, 90. Stir.. rexitKnfi; 11, Flit V�'utkln 11'llliurus Wynn,M.P.,London• , ,rn I ii#1Cnlrtton of in. $ainuel Vorwitt, pmllician Phoenixville I'u, lyn,N.Y. 67 1.Rev,John M.Henderson,Butlalo,N.Y.,,1. 10. Scott Lord, ex-111.C. Monmouth Plains,N.J., ' + let. Joseph W.!Torrey,litterateur, Roxbury,Mass.; 3. Dr.Thaddeus S.Updegruif,microscopist,Elmira, Gh;!tear-Ad viral ,lobn W.Livingston,U.S. t.I n 81. mutual I,t Col.Frederick Unbckuut R.G. 8.N,Y.,Nuw N. Y.,46. York elty 52. ' ') Durr'd olo. legislator Statri,rd,Va. 7. Edward 11.Smith,ex-1i.C„Smithtown,N.Y, 11. Oliver retired,New ex-Sc rotary of State, Lynn, ty natal•I3urtn 3. lticharvl T.Alorrivk,Jurist,1Vushfngton,,,",7. 8. Lord IIalifax London 1 t. Robert C.1�'uiker,ex-(lovernar of Virginia,New 21. S.L,Phelps, United States Minister to Peru, Rev.Dr.A.C.George, Muss.,67. York exit rer•lllntmtl II11ler,144m6t and cou)- Litntt,fx); I'raf.J.I,,IUrkpatr-ick,Langton,I'll. Methodist divine and author,Chicago 62; Dr. 12, l mory A.Storr•S orator,advocate find politician, C'a Palma rl sex p��aer, Cologne, 74• ex-Alayur Nathgn Perry 26. Mrs.Mettrt Victoria Victor,authorestt,llohokus, J. Savage Deinvan, of Albany, Fisit iiawk Chicago,50; Wm.Augustus(icy,Al.B..F.It. !a•tna,ClevelaAd,O.,48. Bay, N.Y. London,7b; Jeuu Claude Y. --Italfntir'rsr l4. Perex Ntnittlunw, ournalist and politician,Sarutlt N.'J'' S.,In writer, J 1 9. Judge lances Garland, ex-M-C., Lyncktburgh, Bouquet. rrutthennatician,Paris,66. !as' »nerman >rtt At)lnRlott,Mass. 74. July. Va,95; 1V. C.Kerr, State Geologist, Ashe- 13. Capt.John Livols U.S.A„retired Boston,75, lie ,n ap;o,lnted 16. Andrew Jackson Dill r,hotol proprietor, New 1.Jahn AlcQarry, onrnallst,LawrencC,Mnss.,46; ville, N. C.- Eliza Vaughan, centenarian 15. Colonel George Wrard Nichols,1'resitlent of the earl tin lel Park city,6l; Francis J.Fergus (ISuiSfi G'on` Reuben Islkyood, member of Congress, Syca- Alpharetta Iia.,114. !; College ofgMusic, Cincinnati, Otdo; Joseph Lieutenant catty),>±;tt)chKtt novelist Itu[ntt• to.Frederick W. Walsh, LL.D„ Judge of the Beaume,French pat ter,London,87: Jelikias more III.,61. g �n Minister d 17. Commodore Junuthan 'Young, L1.S.N,, Now 2. Charles M.Hull,ex-postmaster,Pitiladel ibla. Court,of Bankruptcy,Dublin;Pet-r K.Smith, Bowen veteran of the War of 1812,Ouundugu )r- S, Mariners London,('t.,68. 3. Dr. Urlce Terrell, ox-legislator, Orungel Court veteran War of 1812.Marbletown,N.Y.,89, Xiill,N.Y.,fi0. ed wle�', rat. Charles Welford,Aniorican publisher,London, House, . 11 Richard Monckton Milnes, baron Iloughtnn 1fi. Colonel.Toho W'.8lf.ilcs,invi+ntor,New Y ork,7.1; Ivienvh fi< 7u;Jann+rw ):. I'np+, ex-Cubhnet uitlwsr,k3uut_ tx!rt Colgate, J4. oet and critic London 76;Hobert Mallory, Arplruxed Loomis,ex-M.C., Falls N.Y., mersslde,Prince Edward Inland. a. Ratx rt l algals,uurrchant,ItiyerdidC,N.Y.,73; p V urvh and rrtt + l.1 lef l+ni{ineer J. Q. A, Zeigler, U. 5. N., ex-M.C„La Giunste,K y'',70;Charles Wright, 87, tit of Amuns to. M.do Neuville military painter,Paris,49. Philaslelpitlat, botanist,Wetherflel+i,(Jt.,74. 17. Rev, Irenry C,.Lay,I', E. bishop,llalttnnoro; Northwvast itt►. Frs+lerlek+T. 1'relinghuysen, m-Secretary of 6, Ideutonunt-Coimm�nder TIeary IT.Gorringe,U. 12. William A. Pond, inusle publisher, Nevv York, Alesaurdet- Rive, ex-United States District rth rnngna•t!C . State and ex-11.N.Scn ator,Nowark,N..J.,68, 1,N.,New York city,44;Rlglbt ltev, (lenrge 61; TSelen Fiske Ilunt Jackson, "11.11.,,,au- Judge,Charlottesville,Va..80. Count del 1R. Vivtar liutco,post un 1 nuvells+t, Pal Alt bCrly,D.C.L., llishol)ut'Salisbury, Lon- thoresH,Sm)Franclaco,Cal„54. 18. A.x-.lnclgc items I9.Selden,Rochester,N.Y.,SU; tiro s#Arn.atlrpn. w !pt richtnkel,Gornrun theologian,1.ond011 ,2; dou,82, 13.John B.Hutchinson, retired merchant,Ilrook- Prof.John Canbpbell ,Sbafrp,London,5S, slble l.'o t rt T re izlap Narualnu, punt, {phllowaphCr 8. Ilerr W'o llaner, financier, 'Vienna, Ca)t. Na- 1Yn,N.Y.,71. 19, Silas Wheeler,veteran of 1812,Corry,Pu„'3 ►yc111t,sliq 1111311Roxigna ,earl holitivinn,Landon,;i.5, thank-11 Prime,U.S,A.,retired,;,h}ow}Corks.:,. 14. Lord Ernest Vane Tempest,London,4r9. 24). Sherburne B.Piper,ex-Assenrblynban,Lewiston, t the �+1. 1 M l3. I ro�.Urcn Boot LIQ.D.,luathernaticfati, C]In' 9. M+u r.us Cicero BLunlcy,,IIuurntlist,and one of t he 15. Isaac Revere veteran of the War of 181`2,Brook- N.Y..78. s c so rte of tile ton qN B Y„ l, Thoodore Itullu, architect, founders of the L)nislsnut Lott+pry,Now York, lyyn,N.Y.,40;Jans Jacob Asnnsssen W'orsaae, 22. Myron I'. Bush, politician and manufacturer, pond p d Par1l.1 64;P;zru llilller,tletlator,Mahwah,N.J.,7u. Peter archa;oioglst,Copenhagen,64. B11flhlo,N.Y.,lo;Samuel Cam bell,ex-Slate :rsou n. Camflbell 21. M.�Anururoux,Commuldst, Paris,43•John V. 111, Dr.Ituflrs Ii.(lllbrrit,pruJector of the Itirr:,s I 16. Pete h.Shultz,steamboat-man,New York,8fs; Senator, new York Tlills,N.Y,,76; llorace, Julius Converse, ek-Governor of Vermont, holt,inventor and oliticism,at sea,,,G the unved, 1 spoor,Joufualiwt,restage Iltlan�l `1{.Clark, r.Rufus New'1'ark,Pr Cul,X ofth P.Harris,m-atoll p 2, Attornesy itts±ulber of the Asa ntX.4roluu N.t,59. pollticlun,Oro flit].Conn. `Dixville Notch,N. II.,86, 24. Anthony Ashley Cooper E wl of Shat'iesbury, lento milmad can 27. Charles Roaler,I1 Urian stutestluur,Ill-1;;w+la, lt. Peter McHsen)er,merehnut,New York,97. 18.Edgar K, Apgar Deputy State Treasurer Al- London,8.1; W"illianr 1l.Buell,ex-Controller, 5sbns �,r evident® 4 26. Will. Clark, ex-Stuto $enator, Fort Plain, N. l2. Matthew Chipp,actor,Kingr+ton,N,Y.,73;John bury,N.Y.; William John Thorns,antigwt- Chester,(conn.,79. e the 3, Chorlem Y•+74. A.Luby,ex-Surveyor of Customs Albany,N. rian,London,82; Sir Francis Ilincks,states- 25. T,J.Nichols,turfman,Lexington,I{y.,48. r Mutual I W.I. Alfred Afelsener,Austrian poet,Brokenz,6.'3. Y.,41 t Marin W'istrr Chapman,'abolitionist., nlnn,Montreal,78. . 27. Mrs. June Brower centenarian, '.Croy, N.Y., The •nt proxecut' 3U. Dtic do Noallies, historian and acadtoutician, Weymouth.Masa.,79. 19. 1Villiam Carleton, actor and playwright, New 105;Col.George 11. Browne,ex-M.C.,Provi- intinic rebat Part a,13.1, 13. Joao h N.Dacus.Journalist,Waterloo Ark. York,58. dente,R.I.,67. 31. fleorga F.Browno actor, New York city,GG; p 20. Daniel J.Mort-ell,iron and steel manufacturer, 29. ProfessorW'igard,Progressionist,leader,Dresden. f the ttllCa. Itus+ti , ]4. James G. 11 Interamttn,doorkeeper orthe Ifouse Prince XLonry of f`)rleunw,Paris,]7. of Representatives,Louisville,K Pittsburg,Pa.,64. 's on w. York Co 5 •`k' 21.M.Pascal Duprat,e. October, K cake agiti Julio. 16. Gen.ll, N.A. 70, evliti mo uml lawyer, at Hca; J. l ex-French e,Minister to Chill, bath 4, fins* hu Ithaca, NY Y., 70; Rev. Amos W'. Iirowa, y Tae, inventor, New 1. William 1'at;e artist,Tottenville,N.Y.,7fi;Dr. .1+at 1. Mrs.Charles Tracy,highland Falls,N.Y..70. Methodist Episcopal divine,New York,N5. York,5,5. John L.Atlee,LL.D.,Lancaster,I'll.,86. arewitch In } , 23. Joll�nl Young,Professor of Languages, Indian- 2. Brig,-Gen.Charles F.Xtaff,PhibrdelPhi it. both. ,1 join r+'val 2. Prince Gllarhis Antolur,of Iluhenolkrrn,l3erlin, 17. Edward riI.Madden ex-State Senator, hiiddle- 74; It.M, Reyynolds, ex-First Auditor of the town,N.Y,,67; bor.John Staige Davi I'ro- to Iw,Ind.,6.s. 3. Frederick tIuesaNbui American editor and ex- tdrey B. Mutiny Trounury,tit. Luills�,61r, fessur of Anatomy and Malevia mediea,Char_ 24. Clutries Stanford,ex-State Senator, near Sche- United States Dlioister to Ecuador,Paris,ss; r fter on per rvvupt nectady,N. Y.,613. John 11'.Degrauty, ex-Assemblyman, Broola- nlxtit had 3.Duniel P. Murplre, California millionaire,Now lottesville,Va. 25. Reuben E.Fenton ex-Governor,ex-U. S.Sen- lyn, N:Y., ✓;8; Jud team I,C C. re I1ive I,furrier, ,onadlere, York city,GZ;Robert 'Lieut t'uhr+b, scientist, 18. Rev,Dr.Samuel Observer, server, ncli s editor oftlie 73; ntor,Jamestown tiI.Y.,fiG;Rensselaer Ironton, Petersburg,Vn.^�George C.Treadwell,£orrice, !gest 7, laarthi, I3roukline Mass. 60 New York !)Lrervar, Msurchester, Vt., 75; veteran of the War of 1812,Green 3. Sir Jolhlsr benedict, musician and composer, Roger 11.Leavitt,ex-Mussachusetl.4legislator, 26. Azel Storrs Lyman, point,N.Y. Albany,N.Y.,, 1 lets 8. Oblvago Lonriou,81. Waterloo, Towa,171); Jacob Foulke, veterall y tun,inventor,Brooklyn,N.Y., 4. Dr. Thus. C. feed Le capitalist, North Creek, d Equitable ( Philadelphia , 70;Joseph Perkins, millionaire,Saratoga,N. N.Y.,G5; Allred Leroy,mayor, tb(Si,re Y. note T. 'omrnnnder howls Clark,If.S. N.,I{ey W'est, of the 11'nr of 1812, ,8,), ]rid to be IL Rev.banit.l 0, Whedorn, 1).D.,1,L.I).,rellgious 19, David Pluyter,euudy manufacturer,Ocean Park, Y••70 fi. Theodo, R.Westbrook,Y., 6Judge a the$upre x. trolly 27. Cornelius A. Walborn ex-Postmaster, I'hila- Court,Truy, N. Y., 63;Thomas Talbot,ex the t at Shang lourna lst,Atlantic Highlands,N.J.,77; Jus. N.J.,67. delphia,70. Governor,Lowell,!Hass.,67;Dr.Charles Phi 9. Rui+stlan reds. Iral strike .7f�" r,"rS' - n, A. H. iium S lass of csynsfln, u Tlarbor at 615 A. 11t. Sundays, coullec.tiub at T)<1r? P+u� t332]�,fi•. 1Viauor with the train from west,and stop)it)g lie remembers all his trouhles- ' '.2, Treaty between or at all stations arrives at Lag Harbor ata 4C. neliurta, ssigner7-Russian Cali n Leaves Sal I3a1'bOr G 50 P.111. for 11Zauor olid That peeps atm nice and sac!; vloral law, rejectinf,' universal suffrage. 6. Joint committee representing Canadian arrives back at 910 P.M. But can't renreruber half a clay exhyttrians. Methodists and Congregationalists -- -- -- The pleasures that he's had. ` ree on artlelee of doctrine, Detroit Free Press. pr i 711 r NEXROLOG . 9! January. 21. John S. Pickerman, auctioneer,Albany,N.Y., .•37 1. Mrs. Eiiznbeth D. R. Bianciardi, authoress, Lient:Col.F.-odericic A.Burnaby,author, ,1e- Vevay,Switzerland. tenrne'li,Egypt,43. 2. Peter Rouget, educator, Brooklyn, N. Y. 65, 22. Mrs.Stanley ilfattltews,11'ashincton,til;Charles Charles Al.McLachlan,Journalist,Jersey city, 8 odfruY Gunther, ex-Ala3 or, *few fork city, N.J.,76. 'S g YS fg H W 3. William O'Rrien,banker, New York city, 72; 23. ilforr•ow B.Lowry, abolitionist., Pldladelphia; Frederic Baudry,writer and philologist,Paris, Col.Edwin F.Applegate,Journalist,hreebold, 66. N.J.,fit}, 4. Rev. Noah Mint Schenck, D. D„ Episcopal 24. Miss Anna Jaques, philanthropist, Newblary- divine,)3rooklti sr,N.Y.,6U;AbnerCoburn,ex- port,Mass, Governor,Portland, Nle.,81;11.1I.Ch'ahners, 2'• CrmiTtiander George D. B, Glidden, U, S.N,, Cambridge Mass. • Ass.Justice of the Supreme Court,Jackson, 2fi, Joseph A,.VF7eightman,es-Ilia or,Boston,mass., �X� Miss. 71 Y Decided Yesterday That He ill 5• lit, rn;zJ,�r Freeman Field, U. S. A., Boston, :pass„80•Col.W.W.Shore 27,Jo Jerome Green,banker,Utica,N.Y.,42. Journalist,Ilur- ic ur N. 1t.;70. 28.John F.Quarles, colored I tw•fcr, Flushing,N. Never Again Appear Upon 6. Rt ht Rev.Dr.John Jackson,Bishop of London, .,53;Alvah cabin,exbl,c.,Syt alr,urc,Ill„ j3;Prince Adolph WIllielra Anersberg,states- Rev.Dr.G.D.Pike,theologian and writer,Hart rnan,Vienna 63;Isaac S.Frost,ex-Assembly- o _ the Stage. man,C unalohru ie N.Y.,82. ford, Conn., ,4 M01 Irtsp, Chas. II. Bur. g Bank,U.S.N.,Portsmouth,N,11.48. 8. Gcorgu Al.Wright,,state rrerrFuier,Iiordentown, , i �e.� ♦----.-. /9 f� � N t 67;James Al.13inghatn ex-Lieutenant- 31. Felix Clement cc.ntposer,Paris,0, Governor,Chippewa halls 11 is,56. 9. St,phen 'Mann Make retired merchant, New February. BIDS THE PUBLIC GOODBY York city, 75; Robert W. Wright, author, Cleveland 0,69. 1. Jrtmes Chestnut, ex-U.S.Senator, Camclen,S. • 10. Moses D.Naar,editor,Trenton.N. J.;Andrew C.,70; Dupuy do Lorne,Life Seiialor, l'uzis Ic= G pray,Prtsilent of the Chesapeake and Dela- 6s i Prof.Nicholas F.Cook,eilucatorand phy' Mare canal CO.,New Castle,Del.,81, sician,Chicago,56; Edward Saportas,e.ltel. Feels the Parting, but Is Glad He Ring~ 11. Charles IV.f olger,Geneva,N.Y.,40. giau Consul to Rio Janeiro,New York city,69. 12. John 13.Jervis,civil engineer,Moore,N.Y.,89. 2. General John W.Phelps,Oullforcl,Vt„72, Down the Curtain in the Pleni- 13. Schuyler Colfax, ex-Vice-President, Mankato, 3. Wei. T. Abbott, veteran of the 11'ar of 1512, Minn.,62;Governor William Ilale,Cheyenne, Rockport,Mass.,91. tude of His Powers. W o.Ter., Is m 4s;Capt.Isaiah. Ityno.ders, politi- 4. The .his E. Sickles, engineer, Phlladelphi:r, clnn and sportsan,New York,81. 63;Rcv,Dr:Edward IV.!French,Presbyterian � ♦ Ifs.Rev.Dr.A.13,Reach,Episcopal divine,Ithaca, dlvine.New York city. N.Y.;Barber Nicholls,centenarian,Lockport, 5. Joseph Grinnell,mi'rchant,New Bedford,Mass„ Joseph Jefferson has given so many N. Y. too- Rear-Arhnirat Levin AI.Powell, (s;; Dr. J. G.Farmer,ex-elergyman, Lynn, U.S.N. 1Vashington,67. bfass„ delightful evenings to those who enjoy all 16. General Robert M. Brinton, PhlladelpIlia, 42; 9. Joslrna S.Dar,Journalist,Trenton,N.J.,57. that is hast and truest in dramatic art, has Al. Salrrr-Amnnd,'drrurlutir authr,r,Paris,87; 10. Samuel S.Courtney,lawyeran,l politicdan,New D.Rand,ex-Judgo Circuit Court,Lisbou,N. York city, f,0; 1t.M. Shoenial:er,capitalist, done go touch for the stage, on which he If.,63, Cincirmad,70, has .been a commanding figure, and for17. Edmund Francois Valentin About,author,Paris, 11. Bliss N.Davis,ex;State Senator,St.Johnsbury, 57; William Montague Connelly,Journalist, Vt.,83. : lits profession, of which he has been a Baltimore,Md.,60. 12.Socrates Tuttle ex-Mayor, Paterson, N. J. moat honored and 'beloved member, that 18. Harrison Tweed, ex-State Senator, Taunton, 66;Julius J.'Vood,old ttmeholitician,Colnnr' MaS4;'Charles Downing,tonrologist,Nevvburg, has,0. the public will deeply regreat to learn that N Y., 82;The Earl of�Viltoll, London, 51; 14. John F.Delaplaine,ex-Scv... Legation at Vienna, I. Robc,rt C. IlollIday, ex-Sec,of State,Euston, New York city,fib; Irnecland S, Townsend, GY OF 1005--Continued. 'lie decided absolutely ,yesterday never Md.,73. ex Asseniblvman,Staten Island N.Y.; 13.13, ganixe the "Carnegie Foundation" to administer �aga.in to r©same his theatr1ca1 career. 20.Parnell 'Ball,law partner of Salmon P.Chase, Hotcbkis3,inventor of the nrachinr gun,Purrs; Cincinnati 0.,76; William Rouse,ex-Assenr. Jules Louis.Toseph S'alles,a()tirnalist;Puri,5`L. tiro Carnegie Fund for pensioning college pro- He arrived here yesterday morning from blymanr,1V'utertown,N.Y.,92:Rev.Dr.Quinn, 15. Dr.Leopold Damroscb,ninsfelan and coni,user, ftlssurs. Boston, where he had rested a. few days Catholic Bishop of Bathurst,N, S.W. New York city,:r2; John'11.13rady,politician, 16, (`orneretton the Mcliinley monument laid at Canton, (�. LONG ISLAND_R.R.TIME TABLE`S-- - - JUBILEr-SINGERS. sr6 1tt. Board of ( U.S. lippe Robin,jthysician and scientist,Paris,64. United States, Indianapolis, Ind., Gti, Gen. � '~ that the Pana Dow. 9. Carr•dinal,John McCloskey,New'York,75. John B.Stoneholtse,.0f Albarrv,N.Y„lVa At Fresh, ('iii,, Sc�uLht�hl, Aug, 211 the pea level. 138, •Ale Car ill. J11r190 11'illianl A.Yerkes,Phlladel Ilia. iu tan;Alfonso,Iiia ' TU take effect June 15,1819. 19. Great poll York I1. Rev. 1)r. ,John Murray Forbes, ' K of Spain,Madrid,l9, I ARRIVE. The University S]tl;ers (ColOrt?d) Of 2(t, James Elizabeth .E. dlvin©, 2G. hlarshalScrranu, ex-D�ciator Madrid,75 Jcro- LEAVE. cafertmar w(r Kill N.J.,78, 6 1Y.Dwight, ex-Al.C. Dryden,lv' 3.'.,' A•Al. P.3I P.M STATIONS. A.M. A.M. F.Al Now Orleans will viE3ib tL1e H(t8t Grid of l!o•nmark 1{in Gilles l.l. Mca Thomas Burrows,;II.S. A., retired,Ch[- 60;Rev.,Dr.Charles Ilawley, historical wri- 7&1 350 Flatbusll Ave 1105 73,5 Lona Island after bile inicldle of this ste,anurr IIll,111' Jttnrca ter,Auburn,N.Y. 800 400 L.I.City 10 r5 7''_) e3 > cat;v,47. 1:;b drowned ] 77 14, Henry W. Shaw("Josh Billings"),humorist, `>7. ltev,Dr.J.S.McMurray,M.E.divine,Decatur, 8 30 4 27 Jamaica 10 35 7(�ti "I11oAt11, fLTI'ari�Clu(}tltf;h,l,pill�bP..en m<L(ie t11ad ow desctrr Monterey,Carl.,67. Pa. 64;Charles Montague, inventor,Sunder- , 1. COrllnr V, Reubr n.13ullman,architect and designer,Corry, laud Mass.,66, 8 39 Queens 6 53:for their singing A Orient, Greenport, 20. accepted int pa 82. , 8 47 Hyde Park 6 45 .�-yy Sail Seca tad.- city 28. The der is of Somerset London 81 lance Llltell0 ue 14Zattitucic silo Ha.lbor,and p 2. ]3eni:ui if,. IFir:1r1 Alirrshal Ilugh Henry Rose, I3arai Strath- Tredetick of Di:nrnark,Co eufia yen 7 Senor 18 55 AIit1eU11L 6 33 + , a r New York• 111 N w f5. uuu'b,G. C,B.,Loudon 83, Nicolas Arellaneda,ex-Pr stdent of Argentine ! 9 02 Westbury G 2a!4]tber places, generally for two OVGilill�s bt21. Unitarian. lir; 17. 7'houlusDuvidaon, F'.IZ.. .,scientist,London Republic,.atsea,441, 911 Iiieksville G16.naGll, ret11t1iniLb over the Stlbbt1t11 at 21. J3attloship Yol!l1 tid. ' 29.JValue,veteran of 1812,New York,92;Jobn 4 40 Garden City 10 10 made by her sl 4,Mrs, 1 19. Charles Leland,hott.l proprietor, Long Branch, Perkins1 ex-ill,C.,Baltimore,Bald.,66; Judge. j 9 17 Jerusalem 6119 Sam Harbor. maximum, 19.74 lore N.,1• Ilenry Pi. French, ex-Assistant Secretary of i. 9 22 4 57 Farmingdale 9 50 6 Ol ' 22• 'Turkish Rich 20. Malcolm ilay ex-That Assistant Postmaster- the Treasury,Concord,N.It.,72. 6 , 01 These singers visited the ~vast end of:; 1'uwer". Alex. General, Pitisburg,43. 30, Francis N.Bangs, eminent New York lawyer, 938 •5 10 West lleer Paris 118 5.12 26. Sailors an Sorvi air George F'.Miller,ex-Jl.C.,Lewisburg,Pa.,76. Ocala,Fla.,57. j 9 43 515 Deer Park 9;34 .1i the Island it year or two gin�t3 and here pal mutiny an ex-A Morris Franklin,ex-Brute Senator,Flushing,N. l 9 53 5 25 Brentwood 9 2} 5`i very warnily Praised. They held 100 x+uppressed,in Duin Y. 84; Rt.Rev.Dr.,J'anles Fisher, Bishop of December. "9 58 5 31 Centt.tl Itil ip 9 18 5 31 26. Sixteen p- 5. Gen.1. A'Cairc Hester Eng.;67;Rt Rev,II.A.Schultz, i 10 O8. 5 41 l.akela ll(i 9 U8 5 13 Concerts consecutively ill Philadelphia, F1:ur, Aloravian 131sho i,Betlrlehenr,Ptr.,80, 1•Col.John D. Van Buren, ex-Assemblyman, tit Bakers Statf 2(.John 13.Page ex-Gov.of Vermont,Boston 51, Newburg,N.Y.,74, 10 13 5 47 Y3olb:ook 9 02 5 to ilil(1 11a9G i]11•(l $() ill N. Y. City and (:]cru road. tlivw Dr.Jas.R.Woodford,Bishop of Ely,London, 3. Wm.Aldrich,ex-AI. C.,Fond du lac, Wis.,65; 1019 552 Waverly 857 5 0'L Brooklyn. The sin cr for the relief of 27, King Haala F'av, fi5; Samuel F. Lewis,ex-Assernblyman,Pres- Stailbrd C.Cleveland,New York lournallst and � 1021 558 Medford 8 51 4-6 y + S e of I)enmark) tt 7. 1Villiur ton,N.Y.,(17. ex-Assemblyuran,Fort Myers,Via.,fi3. 10 30'6 03 Bell tort 8 4G 4 tiU •tile Orpharls Hotne of Louisiana. We weginn Conatitr g, IZev. 11 l5, Gcorge 1'.Berry, anti-Monopolist editor Itoch_ 4• George 1V.Cluulwick, ax-Assemblyman,Utica, f' r 1 Mohr cater,N.If.,45. N.Y.,60;Arthur F. Brown,ex-Member of r11 113,1 6 09 lapha11k 840 4 illi append a few testimonials ticre W. S. 1.ef} t 11�O 6 26 Manor 8 28 4 30 PP 29. Herbert ( C.,li 27. Dr, Y.,i3 l G. Armour, anatomist, Brooklyn, Assembly, Westmoreland, N. Y„ 66; "Donn- ti 11 05 6 40 I was so'Well Alert=ed with rows"Sinners"when I Cuba, resigns; 9. Sir 1Vn N.Y.,GU. snick Manncy,ex-Bishop of 1Vlobile Ala.,62; r Moriches � 8 07 4 O8 heard them at at.Luke's t1lat I ho c t 1 Smnu,. 29.Gen.George Brinton McClellan.Orange,N. ,J. James Smillie, landscape engraver, Pough- i 1111 6 48 Speouk rn 8 01 4 U°� p' 0 have thorn I Resignation of r, P. krcpslA N.Y.,78. 11 17 G 55 WesthtLtli ,. -iu our Church lit the earliest possible moment. the Mutual Lit Cul. SJ,Renr-Admitul J.C.1.DelCratlt,U.S.N., Atoll r� 7 55 3 55 ,1Vhoevcr pays 25 cents to he:tr thern will never re- Senator Burton, York Washington,59. fi. McWalter Barnard Noy es, ex-U.S. Consul to ;11 22 7 0'3 p (.�ual;ne 7 48 3 49:met it. 1 cordially commend them and you to ray, E. Vienne,Rorne,49, s, 11, Robert 30 Ainghamshire London,e 3•M•A,,Earl Bucic- and millionaire, 11116 7 U3 a At1a11tlC ull(I 0 7 f5 3�5 friends and to our people. Yours trnl3r, 8. Wm.II.Vanderbilt,capitalist � '11 37 713 mood(,•l0t.u1(1 o i 35 3.,a �, , 1. Palma r po9e 31- Jtunes Hamilton,Duke of Abercorn,London,74; New York,6-1. Rev.J,. NIsWMAN D.D. 11. Will. E. ilooper, cotton manufacturer, Bald- 1150 7 SO Ci Soil tit atnptoll 7 21 320 ' 4. Congress Payn J.Wesley Smith;Journalist) Albany, N.Y.; more, hid.,73; Rev.Dr,O.Id.Gregrny, Re- 11 57 7 37 �1rTttter R1i11 7 15 3121 Piistor Central N.I.Chureli,N.Y. er.-13a1four a 14, Perez t 'Vice-Artmiral Jean Baptiste 1:opete,es-Minis- 44,rmed clergyman.R'est'1'roy,N.Y.,7fi;Nnred rJi Brid'ehtlni)to11 - 7 10 3 Ofi' ,�+` g them its Bannerman su 1.,35 7 44 I have no hositation in reconimendin Abiir ter of Marine,illadrid' din Eflendin,brother of the Sultan,Constanti- 1215 7515 L Sag Harbor J 7 00 2 til!rein;,*unstirpussed by ailiv Jubilee Singers on the: man apitolntcd 1G. Andrei D., and the PI Yorl; November, nople,34. 1110 636 Baiting Hollow 8 13 41:31;('otrtinerlt-" TI71NItY G.1ti hafi'1'1�'C>OI),D.D. 1.2. Jules Cassard,financier,New Orleans,La.,63. 11 10 6 48 Riverhead 8 01 4 031 t Paster Chambers Presbyterian Church,I'11i1a. S, Lieutenan way) 3. Most Rev. Patrick Dorrian, D.D.,Bishop of 13. B.Gratz Brown,ex-Governor and ex-U.S.Sena- vlan Minister 17. Cavum, Down and Connor,Belfait. tor.St.Louis,Mo. m. 1120 658 Janlespcl't 7 53 3 ,0 "I would rather llnten to the lJrrivor sty New t>r- 1T. 9, Marines 111 1,rxnt 1 4. Rev.1)r. Samuel C.Brown, LL.D., ex-Prest- 14. Commodore Charles howndes U.S.N. retired, 1130 7 08 Alattituck 7 43 339':lents F Sinners tbun to any Company that has visited service. 18. C it irlo dent of Hamilton College,Utien,N.Y.,72. Easton No.,87; Sir Hew'Crawford P011o1c, 1137 715 CJutchogile 7 36 3 32'this t;ity." VYAC.G.FI iGlihlt, 6. 1"r•ench Se 711;J 5. Robert Morburn,miniature painter,London 61; baronet,London,42. 11 43 7 22 Peeonie 7 30 316 Processor of Music,Phila. chnrell anti sta r" �' Judge Eben Newton, ex-1I. C.,Youngstown, 15. Gen. Robert Toombs, lawyer, statesman and Il 49 7 30 Southold 7 2; o - - - �t.,911, 3.0' cuss N thwest I9. i\l d,: Satilfior, Washington, CIS.,7'i; Rev. John 11200 740 Greenport 715 310 A Comedy (of 1�(oxs.tile Northwest Nrrrthwertt 20. I'ie'le''• 8. John hlcCullongh, actor, P}tilacielphia,.53;Dr. Saul ITowson,author;London,70; Prince her- State Wnr,J.Bauer,honrceopathist,New York,G4 elinand of Suxe-Coburg, hither of the Bing of ARRIVE. LEAVL north nrrig de 1-2 Vlr torr Lieut.Commander Charles Al.Anthony, S; Portugal,Lisbon„,69;Charles Foster,spiritual- The arrangement of the hinges on many of the 8, Count de 1""• lel tic , r ,•._ y�' resignatlon, wit , N.,Portsmouth, N. 11.,00;ex Judge Albert 1st,Salem,Blass.,592. Colnlllellcilll;Julle 21St,1.1111111 ng every Sa,Iur- doors In the corridors of the City hall is responsible Goun Cardozo,New York,57. 17. Rev.Dr. F. X. hrautbauer, Roman Catholic day and Jllly 3d,a train will leave Bfooldill at for a number of comedies that are enacted ln.the dtrrbeiliorta line municipal buildings every day. The doors are so and 1 8. Glyn.Joseph S.Smith,ex-Postmaster,Kingston, bishop (preen Ray,Wis. 3`20 a11(1.L.I.City at 3 30 P.At.,Manor 5 40,ltly- flr..rs,---Resigns 2;3, Prof.t, N.Y,,85; Ambrose S,Murray,ex-Al.C'.,Tri; 18. IIiland Ilnll,ex-Governor of Vermont, Spring erllettd 5 35,AIatGitttClz 6 l4,SOutllola 6 30,at'riv Id(.nidiot of tho M toll. 13r1g.-lien.E.W.Matthews,1'hiladel ilia,50, field,Mass.,90, ,. constructed as to open both ways, and respond tt3. Pairs 1 il)g at Greenport at 640 P,Al. Branch Road- p 10. Dr. William 13. 0arpenter, Li:.D., F. it. S., 19. Stephen Barker Onion,sttipowner,Liverpool,6,5; A3oriches 5 52, Speouk 5 57, Westhampton 6 04, either to a pull or a push on the part of the person 10. Campbell 2.1. M.Ali phvsiologist,London;Ellen D.ilowe,veteran Dr.Norman Leslie know,]'rest.of the Board C , . , wishtni;to pass throw h tlzent. Ther nouncool. folio of''1812,Painesville,0.,88, of Aldermen,Albany,N.Y„46. 1tlot rte 6 09,AtlautiCville(i 12.Good Grott11(i 6 2'� g glass in the 12, Attorney 11101,1 11.Charles J.Osborne,retired broker, New York, 20. John Christopher Draper,'scientist,New York, Soutllanipton 6 35,Water Mill 6 41,Bridgehanip. centre of the swing doors Is ol)aque,and hence of railroad con 27. C,harle: 46;Stewart McKee,mililonaire,Pittsburg,4o. b0; W.A.Fiteb,•Journalist,Chatham,N. Y., toil 6 45,arriving tit Sag Harbor at 6 55 P.M. an amusing confusion is caused when two persons et tar evidence le, 1Vn1• t 12. C.N.)3.Burse,ex-Asseniblrrnan,Olean,N. Y., 61; Rvland Fletcher, ex-Governor, Benning- Returning leaves Greenport Mondays a11d July going in opposite directions,each unable to see the 13, Charles Y•,1 68. ton,Vt:,66;Earl of Guilford,London,3.1. 5th at 6 A.117.,Southold 6 10, Peconic 615, Cut-Mutual I 211• Alfred 13, AViiliunl Sharon, ex-U. S. Senator, San Fran- 21. Rev.Dr,E.Greenwald Lutheran olivine Lan- v other,try to pass through at the same time. The 3o, Due d cllogue 6 21,Alattituck 6 18,Jamesport 6 38,Riv- rnf nt prosecute Pari: cisco}Cat.,64• caster,Pa.,75. erlien-d G 48,S,1g Harbor'5 45,BrideLatllpl011 5 ilii, comedy is usually played as Follows: granting rebut I•t. IIorace I3. Cluflin, dry goods merchant,New 22. Beyrlttu in D. Clapp, ex-Assemblyman, Keese- CVaCer'Mill 6 Ol.Southam tC 31. Georg, York,74. "In' N.Y.,47'M.Francols Al.T.Labrouste l 011 6 07,(rood G1'ovnd No.1 and^•o.„approach on opposite sides of the tit FZifCa, R Print: 15. Rt.Rev,John Freeman Young,P.E.bisho t of architect,Paris. G 2D,Atda11ticvi]le 6 30,(►uoCrtte 6 34, Westhatnit door simultaneously. They tneeE, No. I pushes on box York Col li ] r toil 6 39 1 , r ' I box ease Seal Florida,New York. 6s;,Touoph D. Iliggins,0x- 2.,.Passed Asst. Engineer Samuel Cragg,U.S.N., ,ti.teUllk 6 45 Moriches G 5D 11lauot•7 Z0, the door. Ditto ti o. .,. A harder rush from both 14. One hu Assemblyman,Lnckpnrt•,N. Y.,:37, retired,Rending,Pa.,46, arriving at L.I.City at 9 25 and Brooklyn at 9 35 ,sides brings no:results. Both back off and look at Czarewitch in, 1, Mrs.C 17, Ili-of. Gustavus Seyfl'arth, Egyptologist, New 26. Dr.Marcus Gervlas Beresford,Protestant Arch- ! A..Al. (Tit these days.special traills will be 1'uti' ' fork ` p between Sag Harbor and AlanOr•,leaVill ATanoh the door. They realize what the matter is,and both and Join rev01 L. I riucc ,89• bicho of Armagh, London, 84; ]Zev. Dr. , 16. Mutiny 74; 18, George II. Andrews, ex-State Senator, New Samuel Malin, Presbyterian olivine, Phila- i at 7 20 A.Al, Monday and arriving at b' g Har Walt for the other to make a start. Usually they TreatYork,66. delphia,80;Dr.Joshua H.Worthington,phy- 1 r r hotly wait for the other to 1 o ahead, grid after Troops recap 3•'Daniet 19. Ettore Ba rIii,singer,Philadelphia,57. sicdan,Germantown,Pa., 78. bol at 9 05. L(aviu Sal, Ilarb.n' Saturdays at tionists had s Yorlt 20. Mine, Zaire Mattel Nathalie, avtress,Paris,fig. 27. Judge Charles C.Smith, ex-legislator, Lanka- fr 4 P.M.,arriViilg at Ianor at 5 25. an Instant's hesitation push ahead with full steam grenadiers.is' r Dr"o ''-1. George B.Woodruff,ex-Af.C.,Litchfield,Conn., kee,Ill.,78, 1 Conmiencing June 22(1 a train will leave on. They meet again,and the one with the Strongest 17. F 5. Sir .I' 8);.Jean Baptiste Marie 73ailliere,publisher, 28. John 1). Lundy, inventor of stage appliances, i Brooklyn every Sund ty at G 05 A.Al., L.I.City temper wins out. His vis-a-vis gives May and lets 18. (Chicago Lone 1',tris,88. Boston,45. 1 6 15 Manor 8 13,Riverhead 8 30,Ja,ntesltort 8 39, him pass. r1 student of human nature mlght note Sail ICcluitable 7, CorruYq' 22. F.lizur Wright, abolitionist anti ex-Insurance 29. Prof.Edwin D.Sanborn of Dartmouth College, I AIattittlCk 8 49,S011thold 9 04,arl'ivl11h tit Green= found to be 1 8. Rev.ll Commissioner, Medford. Marss„ 81; lienry New York, 78; .Tames E. Bailey, ex-U.y port at 9 15. Returning i$;tves Greenport at 7 with interest that the man vv ho elves way usually out at Shangh lour I raft,.mtth,merchant,New York,,5(i. Senator, Clarksville, Tenn„63;E.A.J P.M..stopping at all stations east, Itiverhead smiles, while the successful contestant for the 19, Russian 20, Thomas A. Hendricks, Vice-President of the ex-State Senator,lIot Springs,Arlt. 7 48,Manor 8 10,arriVitl at L. I. City al;10 25 right of way usually frowns.-Phllurleiplata Press, litical strike, and Brooklyn at 10 35 1'.AI. A train leaves Sag M 20. A. H. Humm Harbor at 615 A. At. Sundays, counectiug tt Tl2e Pe5si.lall ;I'. victed of conspiracy to 11Iatlor with the train west,and Sto t tin r 22. Z"reaty between Ja w at all st ltiolls arrives at La Harbor at°4C 1Ia remembers all his trothrle.s- Manchuria signed.-Russian Leaves SACT Harbor G 5O P.Al. for Alauor a11c1 That keeps him nice and.sad; electoral law, rejecting universa 26. Joint committee representing arrives back.at 9 40 P.Al. J3ut can't remember half a day Presbyterians, Methodists and Congregation - - The pleasures that he's had. Agree on articlets of doctrine• _ -J)C6ruft Free Press. FAkffl7WV Aft. London,s I was instructed Culiacan, N.Y.,66•Col.Bayard Clarke,ex•M.C.,Schroon Y.,78;Rear Admiral Geo.F.Emmons,U.S. AL Illinois b09 Lake,N Y.,70, N.,Princeton N.Y.,75. b bis teacher to write a eomposi- ), 5.Thomas Grt 21. The Frince of Or:wge,the Crown Prince of the 24. John IIill,ex-M. C. Boonton,N.J.,G3. y L I' Princess Netherlands,The Iiague,33;Samuel Sherrard, 25. waiter Ilarriman ev-Governor,Concord,N.il., tion on the hen. Here It 18: "The V 6. i}'I.Goutant. ex-Presiding Judge';Belvidere,N.J.,G i. 67; Henry Elkins, artist,Georgetown,Colo.; t' 1, 1 m.u�,Peri. �ytn.Schwartz,banker,Baltimore,Md.,61. Peter S.Porter,colored abolitionist,New York hen 1$ the of of tale rooster J 3. 7. Rev•Dr.J° 23. Francis Vincent,author,politician and journal- aity,70. the t:erinudivi ist,Wilmington,Del. 26.Sirg ;Parrini,journalist,Florence,Italy;James family. She is very useful when 5 8. Sir Edward 24•Gen.Ward B.Burnett of New York,veteran of G.Muldoon,lawyer,Buffalo,N.Y. - Al.G., ex rive wars,Washington D.C.;Cardinal Falloux, 27, James Gopsill,ex-Mayor of Jersey City,N. J., you want eggs which are Some- the don;Prof. Rome; Al.Tissot,ex-Allibassadorto England, Cornwan•on the I3udson, N. Y. 61; Frere _ 8 Swiss Na Paris;J.IV.Burnham,broker,New York city, Irlide, General of the Order of'Ignerantius times 40 cents a dozen and are un- _ I+rc N.J.,76-, legislator,Capt. John Borden, ex-legislator, Red Friars,Paris. `1 master-Ge Bank,N.J. 28. Smith Ely,ex-Assemblyman,Carron Springs,N. wholesome if eaten copiously when 1► 4• 9. Thomas Pa 25.Adrian Lewis Richter,artist, Dresden,80;Rev. 1T.,84. 1 rig Rev. Fred Henry Belden,abolitionist and Congregational 29. DLorgan Shuit, ex-Assemblyman; Highland )th0 aro hard-boiled. 1 he hen 1, II'i.41,1 divine,New York city,71: Mills N.Y.,73. 1 I g, dent of 11 28, willinm A. Beach,prominent lawyer, Tarry- 30, Royal Phelps,retired merchant,New artist an city, frequents barns and other agrieul- tini 11. Thomas I{ir town,N.Y.,79;Col.Jolui A.Stevenson,poli- 75;GeorgeBrettinghamSowerby,arx-Lib arian -_ h ex-M.C•, tician and candidate for Governor, Ibervrile urallst,London,"+2;Paulstevens,ex-Librarian tural places and is always hungry `i I cry,Al.A. � of Congress,Camden, Me.;Charles S.Nilson, f :1 1. Orlando M 29 DPar.Joel'Foster,ex-aUolitlonist, New York,82; ex-Mayor, Utica, N. Y., 75;Wm.A.Fails, except when she is setting, at which . _l Fic 8• 13. Rev.Joseph Richard J.Lalor,ex-Assemblyman,Brooklyn, banker,Warwick,N.Y.,,57, t 1; vine,Chat N,Y„56, 31. Thomas T)ickson, President of the D.&1I.C. tune she becomes much irritated ;3 on 1•I. lilts. Asse 30. Andreas Munch, Norwegian poet, London,73; Co.,Morristown,N.J.,62 Rev.)`lark Patt.i- 3 :3 1; York. Rev. Isaac DTclivaine, Presbyterian divine, son,essayist and teacher,London,69;Iiiarquis and will inflict severe injuries upon li 9, 16. Prof.Sam u Newark,N.J.,85. Vega Tuclan,Governor-General of Porto Rteo, 7 4 in� New Have Havana, August. you if you attempt t0 caress her. ' 17. Admiral Car July, B Al lo, ex-legislat t tett 21. Oliver Liles 1. Allan Pinkerton,detective,Chicago,Ill.,G4. 1. Henri LauUe,German poet lttterateur and di•• -Once 1x1y uncle Bertram. had a lien� 1( 11_ chine,l'lyt 2.Gen. Francis Edward Todleben,Russian engl- rector,Vienna,78;Tsaac Mill,Asst.Sergeant, that set for five weeks On a walnut, 1 Loi 23. ive John Bulla neer St. Petersburg,66; Mrs.Congressman ©hioniErastuss. llall,of IpoticinnatAclamscNAY{, :3 Comte de H.Il.Bingham,Washington, D.C. 80; >jtev. Samuel Kepler, Methodist olivine, two boot heels,and a glass stopper. Chamber 3. Sol Snaith actor,NewYork city. From )', _l.': der theatricrd 5,Robert White,journalist,New York city, b4; Baltimore,bid„70. She didja% hatch anything. 1 3 N Bonheur, Rev.Dr.J.Il.Clinch, Episcopal divine,East 2. Prof.of the Comprehensive Jenks, Of the B s this we]earn that we should, have 23. Pt-tlro Mont 13ostmi,141uss.,?8. 1 3 im Naval Ac G. Charles G.Fairman,et-Insurance Slaperintencl- bre,Newtonvilte,Mass.,76;the ser, L nd ni, -,. � Louis Bor ent of New York,11'elisboro,Pa.,60; James line; Charles 14fanby, engineer, London; 1' -1 oil 14, 2•f. Capt. liinzi S.Davenport,ex-'Legislator,Somerville,N.J., 3 RoHerr bert T.Lyncltllourna]sthStinta Monica,,Cal., Some great Ob)eCt in life and stick James R. 64. Vi.C.,Maspeth,L.I. 7s. to it. Let us us "be punctual in yt 15. Alicante. 7 F.L.11illot Pilule.Janauschek's husband,Boston. 50;.James NTaurice,ex-. 2 sir ,, Samuel Pri 9, Lx-Judge Philip 13aniilton son of Alexander 4.Levi B.Chatfield, ex-Attorney-General of I G. Va. T9. Hamilton, Poughkeepsie,`N.Y.,>32; Rev, A. York, Elizabeth, N. J•7I'ittsburg,PPars�3V our attendance at school and mind 26. Gen.'Eman L.McMullen, Boman Catholic divine,Baltf- journalist and merchant, Paris,72; more, Md, Luther Holden, centenarian,South Wailing- oar beloved teacher. Borrie hens Gen.Jean 10.Paul 14lorphy chess player,New Orleans,La., ford,Vt.,102.;Freeman J.Fithian,ex-Judge, ,0' 3 Fru Paris,9d; 47;Gen.J.�flanil?deuWood,Albany,N.Y. Superior Court,New York city 61. have feathers all the wag own 31 4 Rochester, il. Karl Richard Le stus,Orientalist, London,74; 5.Gen.James o .FHerbert,C.S.A.,1!Iowa56 county, eel 19. 1 2�. II'illiam II. Richard P.Buck, merchant, Bucksport,Ale., bid. 49;John 1Y.Ferdon,ex-Di.C.,5G. their legs. TO tell w11eII a }fell is 1 t Petersbur 78;Rev.Mussell G. Toles,Baptist divine,Cot- 7. Joseph C. Cal-,,, banker, Oak Bhif[s, 14lnxtha's done you cook her five or slg hours cruor, liar tape City,Mass.,73. Vineyard, Mass., 55; Jessie Vokes,actress, sh; Conuuissio 12.Pierre Van Cortland,,Croton Landing,N.Y.,69; London;Rev.J.G.Nilson,Methodist olivine, and then stick a fork into her chest, • l John Dun Herr Lentenegger,sculptor, St.Gallen,Switz- St.Louis,Moi,58. John Dun errand. 8.William A.Whitehead,ex-Collector of the Port 9. Peter l An 12. Prof.Alpheus Sprin Packard,D.D.,of Bowdoin of Key West,,jia;orert Amboy, N. J.,74;A. but I prefer a nice piece of cu%tard 2 C stand, Ale., 85; Rev. Dr. C.Llppit,e } kLary Bros College, Squirrel _ - cisco,Cal., Mrs. Jacobson,Bishop d Chester,Loudon. 9. Sir Erasmus don,75 LL.D„ I.R. S.,medical p����Blizzard Of 1904 -_ 15. ATrs.ti Lincoln.,91. ,educator and authoress, writer S.N Y.,Ne GYorklb icy T D2e hair• � Baltimore,Md.,Jl. d1e 1. Robert F.11 16. Dr.Wesley C.Norwood,medical author,Cokes- J.Pinkney Hammond,11.2.divine,Baltimore, The great snow storm Of Monday and 1 2.Isaac TodW bury, S.C.,78; Eniily J.Leonard, woman's Md. Tuesday was the heaviest since the Late 4 clan,Lund rights advocate and author,Aleriden,Corin.; 11. Franklin J.Ottarson,Jortrnaltst,New York 68. cion,New Earl Cowley,Loddon, 12. Rev.Chaplain John Lee Wt&on,IT.S.R.(re- y htti 17. George Sauer,ex-U.S.Consul at Brussels,Lon- tired), Orange, N.J., 87; Right Rev. Piero blizzard of 1888, and much more Snow 1 State Sena cion,t',`2. Calveley Claughton, D.D.; Amalie 11alzinger, f ell now than then. Nearly three feet 1 4. Margaret Le 13.Sir Charles J.Watkin Williams,Chief Justice of actress,Vienna. Sri Gen. Bue the Queen's Division of the Iiigh Court of Jus- 13.Arthur Richard Wellesley,Duke of Wellington, Of SnOW fell. Fortunately there was ming°°Ho tice, London; Ferdinand von Hochstetter, Brighton,77;Charles Albert Auguste Eugene ••••- 5.Kenneth R Ciernian traveler rind geologist,London,55. Dumont,archteologist,Paris;Nathan Chand- not much wind and the snow did not i int, Washingto 19. Alayer Schutz,retired mercbant, Coney Island, Ier,banker Saratoga,N.Y.,72;Count Edward drift very badly. Tuesday there was 6. Gen,James N Y 76 Baranoff,Nris;At.Ferdinand Doubet,Paris• but little travel and but few persons I a.,75;R 20. Governeur M.Ogden,of New York,Bar Harbor, 14. Col.Alorgan L.Smith,ex-State Senator, New- 20. � Ru Steplrentua AIe TO ark,N. J.,83;Henry F.Miller, piano man,i- were seen on the streets. The snow •' 7. Cardinal Ca 21• Dr.Samuel Russell Childs, New York city,84; facturer,Boston,Mass. •• g College,Ito 15. Rev. Dr. John Brown, oldest mason in U.s.; drifted some early Tuesday evening, of the G`/rr Dr,Oa,sar Henry Hawkins,celebrated surgeon, but the wind died down. The County N. Y. 93;Dr. Maximilian Peitz, "'"'� Gc Landon; Jacob AT.Aierseles,politician, Sara- NewUurg, , S. Rev.Dorus C toga, N.Y., 57; Rev. Joel ?Elinin,Congrega- Professor of the 1)'nlversity of Berne,Toulouse; Court at Riverhead had t0 adjourn •••• l ] ,Mass•'88. ttotril divine,NorwicU,Conn.,9fi, Henry W.blurray,ex-State Senator,Charlottes- „• 9. Henry A.K 22 Mrs.Jane Grey Swisshelm,abolitionist and wo- ville,Va.,51. Tuesday morning because Judge JayCOX ` l doboro,Ale matt'srigglits advocate,Sewickley,Pn.,G8;John 1G. John Pool,ex-U.S.Senator,Washington,D.C., y Dacres,Lo ALaloy,Chief of ovaPolte, Albany,N.Y. and the court attendants were the only N. lo. Wm. Blanc 23. Right IIon.Sir Lawrence Peel,London,8 i;'Dail- 18. Sutan Pasha,President of the Egyptian Legisla- ones on hand. The storm was the ••• • 1 George Bo iel J.Pratt,ex-Attorney-General,Syracuse,N. tivo Council,Cairo;A1ary Clemmer Hudson, •-•,• Gl ____ '..heaviest on Eastern Long Island. In; •.... , --- the city there was only a snowfall of �...... _ ,,Ne.. , 1 , c .. -- - _ � '� ' ',seven Inches. The Tuesday morning lett you alone with hiln train from Greenport, preceded by a 1 Gt `ti'Jell, he ,Kalil," lisped Nellie, Iz you don`t ,lilt sthill, �l- 'snow plow, left here about two hours ' Y� yr}u ugly° squint-cocci inc7nl�ey, I'll tl,ake the'lifa' out of your w H late. The noon train from the city was 1 tretilblulg carcath,' Then I that very sthill, ulanlma! y U; M also about two hours late and was 1 U •::;- 1 V preceded by a snow plow driven by two ..... 31r w. _ . __r._,.. ___ y»... .�, __._ J` w c 6 o a engines. e half hour evening train tCentral slip,1. two engines 3 ��, o � � � ;,. � 1 early Tuesday morning, g iG pa gSluor7n q aami0i m �;co.. B.•••• 'ss pa2i3'•S n Otp Jo JaJnssaJs-xa'JauuidS 'dglop•Ai a2Joa0`'ssillq`4J0ddinq&0N nI•(�{ d o A= and a plow were wrecked an five men. J sloa73Ia •1140 '•731,8 `anleups�aer ui-i8 I!pa2re'Tamoldtt, ,-.q x'o were badly hurt. The snow plows left 1 '8Z P02v'7s1J1rQr3Jp pine pu73 Jaaluvq'7uougag gsn2nV`:gioamaK ori•tx a _ Lon Island Cit some distance apart. u gDuaid '7aIllrla3 OA131Op`s1Jua u1 6g 9t Pa2v'JSMV2Jo unk,r1-4 ;� G 1 J g y Iran. gg pa2u`Jaao1 xa pun uurJunb -11ahi `delag11lA1 g IanrQes °USl3[ooag uI <,. a m'The first was pushed by engine No. 12 '11th 'nu73tuaggag garaureli'JQ`sal 73 j,1 ui 'is pa `(Pa•n7aa)•K•S n`n0�:iY, �.. -�.and was in charge of Conductor Peter. Ho' i pa;R73'1{aoAao dogslgqoiV •S•0 I7 au1pV•-Zua2I `-vj`'uldtap'ulliid uI-T, °c A Lynch. The second was pushed by Out. i `UOSffiOUrl tu7311IIA1•uog pn73•ea'a•72I ' '09 Pa2'u's7oafgns Sjv;lyTfut 3o aa7aTud g xi€rxI y Thi g�,pa2v'saasoduioa gslur(I 3o gsaquaJ2 pa7ou u 'umoag stno l urlor 'Slrua uI engine No. 19 and was in charge of As I 'apa0 iu1ai11I�s1a11�T `ua273gaedop ui ig s9 poJzu T Conductor Charles Gottschalk. William To�vrisc The •Ja7ura g0U0.1 `Jaigua '�s�.yrouoz7n6af6uo,7 aril J0 Joltpa 'Q iz z. _.: L. Jarvis, chief train despatcher, and,, �i'ith 'ctall0 aua2n�sTno�`srJ73�ui-'cJ pa273`Jasod -xaQ tI�gJ73Iij 6,ruag •Aag aqq'nogSog uI'g) -c 3t.Rol .1:r uulln7I `n77alal$Ianu73a1H'Many uj Li '69 P02'n'(Paamaa) V'ts _1 v%"ted ' �lnspr Eel' W. E. Canning his assistant were r..i5 I` The 'eq p02v `uagglgoRl g pleu(I JoCulll`uog2a1i1s7a� i:y = riding on the second snow plow. In \s "S'11'sz1ay•g paa ria.iaua0 Jof73iil gi •aca auadoplunging run In ,Kron h the dee drifts the New I< q 1� - - -p g g g p Steam And gg pa2u`Ja1ga uurpul xno1S sno o Ash ;ou eq7'ung 1uc;qls`u7OxuQ il7nos UI '�i 19 Pa2u'gslTnoo puss uoa2.ms rMrcua{�t leading engine became clogged with The l , •sg pa2v'spu731JaggaK -4n.1galao'ranvoissuX•K UaviioF'golunx UI iii a y snow and ice and the steam pressure 9lescar Aur' �O 2ttig` urtt?illAl`an2t3H ally qY 'irI '69 pa273 Jalaeuag pun JaII�I Alexa r "Con flJ,pa�7a i1s1I2u3°uagang sianuJ3 pJ73gara alind �c, went down. The engineer stopped at Oui1i2 73La oI a oJo p ' g .l 'i l Pa2;e'Jo7sva a1toll4v)umouol l'�in r the crossing just east Of the Central Citi%L "Sa d alai 1I Q g7 d 7uaeul u73 Ja s. �; r of uuJam as getout am` 3I e `golSuuJd ndasor sag ail? u I1looag uI r;, w Isla station to allow the snow and ice July,F The ' `p 7 [ I-II X (I 2jagolI` I 1�pa273 gano0 einaJdns•S a g o G ` p ?rappoole Flit i+ % '11 o17aBrtg uI-rJc� pa2u aogdrnas 3 to melt and get his steam pressure up PkAeLSon Fock 1c�.a73J`wgaog J1a2p3 gdasor`noon°?Tai �i -IIIA oo4snf ao:2mgsia y ui-'oL l� sola ' V Nelson �'k gg pa273`wool 2uia1oo7s ssaliuuas agq 3o Jo7naA agq sdlaga gJ73ngs ggagiazgg 3o Jaggvj.aaA01N. � � -� again. The second snow plow, coming' Place I i et 'e�73ils g u1iu73L`uag `sSuyil`Ilam°? ul 0I Jo sdlagd ulgsnY Jossa;oJa alai JogJeil.r. i .,- ,, at full speed, crashed into the first. g IV-•dg1SJae1u paoJxO g73.9mouooH I' P110t, , Painpe Npj , ��Pa aossa of 's.ia0 o.io saur73 `�a '- Mr. Jarvis's left arm was broken, and' rra:jan :gaJ) v•S n Jaa1173A� '� s73iuogs JoC7 K 3 d g epi cr 1 u a F w - a V. r Or g u73 aIu du 'uuo 1aeaoi -x0 uI-69 pa2u auAL 10 ALwq Jaag-xa V•t, h �. C. G. Roberts, a trainman, sustained a LI ashir I P g p O 1[i K UI'6 • % n Thr d73n�1iag M`Ai luJaIIaO uOg2rt[>;s73 uI rt fracture of the left ankle. The two York,. - 'PL pa273'.ca cin buZ?j vuuyou r,0 arlq,go Y c . I�cei c , Z9 pa273'Jagurn UWLIgar 1 Th( 11i�a nualax uo72ulgsu& i1vuMouFO uI's 'sI.Or suLaOgy "r K 'diad uo�uaJy qY•s t G = conductors and Mr. Canning were cut Babel Is, *aaqu>caaaQ •aagolc0 = s and bruised. Central Islip was awak- i3atl,ec ened by the crash of the collision, and goat° Then panuz uo,�--0681 _i0oZ0JI0Ht�Z s,azg0m aHs r- r ,G homes were opened for the care of the Dathec lathee Ancl ° = > injured. They were treated by the J'atheo' To anufacturer,aged 76. 9. In London,He Pa Liddon D.D. D. ' c �athec '9 g' ~M local doctors and brought in to Long Ther 16. Richard H.llathei,Professor of Greek in L.,Canon Of St.Paul's Cathedral,aged 61. s z. Island City on the first train that got - At Amherst College,aged 55. 10. In Piermont,N.Y„Rev. Horatio Nelson i ht it 1-. 27. In New York,John J._O'Brien,well-known Powers,D.D.,Protestant Episcopal minister and through from the east. i3e politician,aged 4$. author,a ed 64. = ` i �Y' Tfl'ay. 1s.In New York,Dion Bucieault,plii�vvaight 0 W C- Wednesday morning was much colder Cc 2.In Paris, General Henri Frangois Xavier and actor,aged 68. -- and the thermometer registered 10 t Th. Gresley,soldier and statesman,aged 71. 27. In New York,General Abram Duryee,the above zero. __- 1`rk- "Oh, 3. In Washington,James Burnie Beck,Ameri- famous commander of"Duryee's Zouaves"in --- ect can Senator and lawyer. the civil war,aged ia. Senator, Cragin, one of the founders of the Oneida authoress, Washington,D. C.;Surgeon Gen. 27. Commodore T.S. Fillebrown, U.S.N.,Brook- Community;the Sultan of Sooloo;Rt. Rev, J.J Woodward,U.S.A.,near Philadelphia,Pa. lyn, N. Y., 61; James Campbell, publisher, tielyen,gtaplatunn,L.I,58; R. H. Clarkson, Episcopal Bishop, Omaha, ]q,David S.Manners,ex-Mayor,Jersey city,N.J. Boston. \ �ge of tiaxotty•T.on-4an'41r• Neb.,,M; Richar . `'Ielllow�ndrus,ien As- 2L Judge Jacob Ii.Ela,Auditor of the Treasury for 28. Joseph S.Smith,ex-M.C.,San Francisco,Cal. t #` fly»13riae,French stiplotuat and states- semblyman,Malone,N.Y.;Charles:I.Talbot, the Post Office Dept.,Washington,65;Samuel 29. Cornelius A.4Yorteudyke, manufacturer, NeW r o,aff.Dr.34M Frost,politician,Pleasantville,N,Y. York city,64. - rniaaioetary I'tesby_ ex-Railroad Commissioner,Farmington,lite. �Zl,passed-Asst.Surgeon Clarence E.Black U.S.N., October. A, Y �• 11. .11anuel Garcia,veteran of the war of 1812,New nein'OakBluM Mass. 38;ex-Judge John Lefs- L ik r Aastlbndd,C•B•,K.C. Orleans,La.,89. searing,WilkeNarre,*Pa•,65;Gen.Leonidas P. 1. Robert II.Strahan,ex-State Senator,New Yorlc , a L ]Wo&*w nisi lb New*York, .C. 12.Beach Vanderpoel, es-mayor,Newark, N. J., Walker, the Confederate Secretary of War, city,43;Marshall Swartzwelder,ex-Legislator, . e x 61a] ,Ph.D.,LL.I)., 77;Col.Frank Wrisiev,hotel proprietor,New Huntsville, Ala.; Rev. John B. Steele, Re- Pittsburg, Pa.;Lieut.-Col. Robert C. Perry, + �WArr, Princeton. York,47.;Henry A.Tilden,New Lebanon,N. formed divine,Canajoharie,N.Y.88, U.S,A.(retired),New York city- 4 2. Frank S.Chanfrau,actor,Jersey City,N.J.,60; u J.,16. ,ex-Post- Y.a`t 23.Edwin M.Lewis,.banker,Philad.03 fa,Pa. 1.3. Otis P. Lord,ex-judge Supreme Court,Salem, 21,Stephen SsilisUury ex-State Senator and million- Robert McFarland, Judge Supreme Court, 'i *I, yny ,Youngstown,Ohio; Mass.,72; Baroness Lionel de Rothschild, afire,Worcester,'lYlass-,86;Zephaniah C.Platt, Morristown,Tenn.,52. r"At Frntut, Baptist divine, London. ex-Assemblyman,Plattsburg,N.Y. 3. Charles Boswell, ex-State Senator, `Vest Hart- 4 '1 I4. Signor aintino Sella,statesman,Rome,57. �,IL ma 1loreh,ex vine, @ , 25.)ofd Ampthill,British AmUassadorat Berlin,55. ford,Conn.: Hans Makart,Vienna,44. G 41110641 "j3*lVeV.Gaston,N.Y.,Sl. 15-N.P.Si on,ex-State Senator, Rutl rII Phllad I- 2u,Truman R.Coleman,politician and banker,Dun- 4. Winthrop S.Gilman,banker,Palisade,N.Y„77; i it. tits ,xlyn ,y z, kirk,N.Y.,75;Richard Tweed son of`Vm, John C.Ellis, ex-Assemblyman, Schenectady ]I Y.,52:Thomas Clnen_ phis,-Penn. Al Tweed,Paris. county,N.Y. ea-i, .&MAIi'a.N 16.Joel Eastman,ex-U,S.Dist.Atty.,Conway,N. 8. Daniel G.Fort,es-member of New York Legis- , �e„git� eq the Fina,London,M; 27.R.Harte,musician and scenic artist,Princeton, my, Ii.,86, N.J. latnre,Chicago,Ill. Weelitawkea,N.d.,7& i OrisaAs YI D, Preabgterian di- 17.De 1Vitt C.Grove,Journalist and ex-mayor of 2,Henry Al. Phillips,ex-M.C, Philadelpph��ia, Pa., 8. Police Capptain Edward Tynan, New Yor1t city R1 iRay..laixrpla Utica,New York city,58;Henry Brown,cen- 73;Ponipey Graham, centenarian,Montgom- Gen.J.B.Murray,G.A.R.,Seneca Falls,N.Y- � m• J ' tenarian,Niagara,Ont„ 121;Richard Hengist 9. Anthony Dugro,politician,New York city,til. icrre Iu,osevelt,Nes cry,N.Y.,119. IL a3�bi3�n Tlu Horne,poet,essayist,London,t?; Dr. Poggc, 0.9•Robert Cornell White,New York city;Rev.Jo- 10.Rev. Dr. Adolph I3uebseb,HeUrew rabbi,New " , Y'arit. German explorer,St.Paulde Loanda,Africa. " p f W "Ud Wells,Williams.of Yale College, I8 prof. Joseph E. Frobisher elocutionist,'New seph Aslnbrook Methodist divine, Island Y d city,54; f riB.Goodsell,hotel Brooprokfield, yy �r Haves,Conan.,71. F Bishop,singer,New } Heights N. J.176- Henry L. Dalton,promi- and ex-Mayor of Bridgeport,Brookfield,Conn- York,a4; Yladame Anna 12. Rev.Joseph Roesch, Roman Catholic divine, ., I 1A At4aelralCarrG�:�a.London• Judge B.S,Bibb, York,`0, neat meiehant'Boston,Mass.,60. � est 1�eisLa►ot,x0vt�omerv,.Ala.,87. 19.Bishop Hubbard Ilinde Kavanaugh,)1.E.church 81.Prof.Richard S.Storrs,littexateur,Long Meadow, New B. Lewis,city,65, In (Niven•Idea,itareator of the rivet-making ma- (South) Columbus, Miss., 72; Grin,Godfrey ;♦lass„53. 15.Wm,B.Leex-State Treasurer,Brooklyn,N- 6. W cWw� Plymouth,Ma"••M- z. Weitzel,U.S. A.,Engineer Corps, Philadel- September. � �i� Ham yl„ D.,musician, Lcirid�an 7:. P 16. Gen.Be aurin Alvorcf(retired), ex-Paymaster- �,1 LI. de usici,me of the phis Penn. 1.Smith Sheldon;publisher,Nyack,N.Y.,72. General,Washington, D.C.,71; David Ander- FW- I� ��, 71:Salusi Morse, 20.Admiral Stephen S.LessoMky,Minister of Ma- Henry B.Anthony,U.S.Senator and ex-Gov• son,actor,New York city,71. 1 mom," R or k,56;Francois rine, St. Petersburg; Count Vladimir Aler- ernor,Providence, R.I..,69; Charles Storrs, 17. Alexander M.Sullivan,Irish leader,Dublin,5•i arty, berg,St.Petersburg,91;Col.Norman Curtis, merchant,Brooklyn,N.Y.,62. M. Paul Lacroix, novelist and antiquary. arts, ' veteran of the YVar of 1812,Rockford,Ill.,92. profesaw of apanish at the 21 George Fuller,landscape painter,Boston,62;Dr. 3.Bishop George F.Pierce,h E.church(South), Paris,78. Annap4tl.a,M4. N. dean ` S arta, Cn„73; Joseph Masten, ex-Mayor, 18.James Wormley.hotel proprietor, Bruns ic1c, lbarl,>Etaacb tlearerat,Paris,To. Ezra Ahhott of Harvard College,Gambridgc, I Yonkers,N.Y. f,8-,Count L.G.A.Von Lim- D. C., 64, wilYrelm 1, 7)uke of I3runswlcK, + lot, iVt, .7r cask Bates, U. S. A., IkSroft,Mich.; Mass.,65. burg-Stirnm,lY>'inister of State,The Hague. Berlin. il,partridge,ea-C,S.Mintster to Pern, � Mai.Obadiah B. Tatham,ex-Capitol Commis- :4,Chas.J.Folger,Secretary of the Treasury,Ge- 19. Dr. le,N.Y., Faulkner,ex-State Senator,Danr3- Y i siurrer, Seneca I'alis,N. Y., 63; Rev. Henry neva,N. Y.,66, villa,N. .,95. 4". a, *bass*.]fin .'dorgan M. E.divine,Boston,59. *- '" 14 i► ��7l c-ilovernar,Charlestown, W. John,Tay Cisco,banker,ex-Asst.U.S.Treas,New 5.J.Nelson Tappan,ex-ChamberlainN,Y. 61;Mof New York 20. Sidney P. Nichols Police Commissionerv s, New +� � French Army, York,78;John Demong,ex-Mayor, Syracuse, city,Schroon Lake,N,Y.,51;Mrs.ex-Senator York city, 55• Gaol. John H. I+h-1ns, RI.0- Val V, Aex '!ma tt y ,fie Wtmp ' Tames Ilarlan,of Iowa,Fortress Monroe,Va. Spartanburg,S.C. s VaoAara,artist'Pans,55, T.24, Mrs.Sarah Wilkes Banta,Brooklyn,N.Y.,10°; 6,Win.14loran,publisher,Philadelphia, Pa. 20.Col.Augustus J.I1.Duganne,author'and jour- ' ack"imp' Francais Auguste Blanc Brooklyn, French hi 102; 7.Prof. Guyard,Orientalist,Paris;James Patrick, nalist,New York 61. .Afilesaiat7zhaara, electrician,Atlantic City,N.J. 21. Judge Richard B. Carmichael,ex-M.C Ce�+- s l it N, 78. fan, Paris,8R; Win. 'Van Camp,Journalist, 8•Mahlon Runyon,banker,New Brunswick,N.J., trevtlle,did. 87;Senor Bermudez,ex Lyons, Lyons N.Y 66. Havana; Cardins:►1 I H4lunt"i, S.Minister to.Rusma,.t. 60. Consul at Iiey West,Fla., , $iCbard D.Hubbard,ex-Gov- Wa-Lilian de Garmo,actress, Normal, Ill.,24;Geo- Bartolomeo d'Aavanzo, Bishop of Calvi. T W.Danielson,,journalist,Providence,R.I.,56; 16.Hugh Gardner,politician,New York city. Corn„65Abram Rees,L.S. �11,James Elliott,ex-Supreme Court Justice,Pough- Ronne,73. �r4 ji I 1!'ala 'fie,N Y 7• ; Samuel Bramley,temperance and anti-slavery keepsie N. Y.,63. 22. Thomas Maguire,journalist,Boston,Mass.,4.3; c i i; I e=r, aliat and author, advocate,London. z]w,M•Jean rkugustjn Barral,chemist and physicist, Jacques Auguste,saw Adolphe Itequier,philola-- z advo a. __ v c Rr_.f.ra N.Q._65:_ �? Paris,65;Will.Sherman,ex-U.S.Sub-Treasu- gian,Paris,80. ref,San Francisco,Ual, 23. Lewis St. John Benedict, retired merchaTa t THE WORLD'S NECROLOGY, 18 0. 13,Robert Hoe printing fess manufacturer, Tar- Montclair,N.J-73.. 9 rytown,N'. Y.,70; Francis M.Holmes, 26, Lewis R. Packard, Professor of Greek,Nem*✓ manu- facturer,Boston,62;Peter J.Wagner, ex-M. Haven,Conn.,48;Mrs.Judey Hoag Moslnlcar, r J anuary. 7.In London,James Nasmyth,inventor of the C.,Fort Plain,N.Y„89. centenarian Lockport,N.Y.,loo. t 1.In Paris,France,(;omwauder William Starr steam hammer,aged 92-In Evanston,Ill.,Dr. 15,Monsignor Alfred Duguesnay,Bishop of Limoges, 27. Gen.George A IT.Blake, U.S.Army(retire i 7 -Dana,U.S.N.,aged 51, Joseph Curamine,president of Northwestern I Paris,70, Washington,D.C.; Wilbur F. Storey, editor 8 IaPhilatlel�aVia,George H.Booker,em U.S,. University,aged,3. X16,Mrs.Gen.George W.Cullum, Newport, R.I., of the rccapo Ztrates,Chicago. r t�TurpAke,y and Rtts`sia,a W. 10.In Broo yn,the Very Rev.William Kee- 55•George Leybourne,comic sinker.London. 30. Pasquale Brignoli, famous tenor, New Yorli ; y 1,Molther Superior Mary Francis Xavier Walde, Francis C.Bowman,author,New York,50. wt 6 in 00,0 ord,N.It.,Jonathan E.Sargent,ex- gen Vicar General of the Catholic diocese of founder of the order of Sisters of Mercy,in November. Just**of New Hampshire,aged 73. Brooklyn.aged 67. Amerlca, Manchester,N.II.,74. 7.In Berlin,the ex-Empress Augusta of Ger- 13.In Albany,N.Y.,Judge Amasa J.Parker I&Jeremiah AfcAuley,missionary,New York city, 1. Mrs.Virginia Loyall Farragut, New York, C[l; + ,aged;^j►• aged s3. 45;Col.George W.De Costa journalist New Charles J.Faulkner,ex-M.C.,and ex-Min 1 ci- ' nator FIbrid ee G 'Gapham,aged 75.- 15.In New York,Oliver Bell Bunce,American York city,51 ' ter to France,B,composer, ,B,7fi, Rear A miral William. card,U.S.N.,retired, man of letters,aged G2. X14.Capt.Albeit De Groot,Richfield Springs,N.Y„70. 4. Gustave Reichard,composer,Berlin. aged,^g, 17. In Brooklyn, Ripley Ropes, well-known i� Franois Bi4laHaves, s e j;c andidate for Congress,Lex- 5.Dliemt Clintons67Alexander desStSouth ig tz,bankcir a 9.in Washington, ex-Judge William Darrah roan of affairs,aged,0. 1':2',Capt,W.P.Clark,U.S.A.,Washington,D C. and railway financier,St,Petersb?ngh;Wil i. germy,(utgreaastnan,aged i5. .'',.In Berlin, 'ictor Nessler, German tom- ;^3,Rev_John Lord Taylor,D.D., Professor of The- Lafayette Hubbell, inventor, ex-Inspector cs f 11.In tiluaieh,John J.IgnatiusDoilinger,Ger- poser,aged 49. ology and Iiomiletfrs, Andover, Mass., tlxk>�laat,agedi• 74; Customs,New York,59, June. Henry W. Dimas, ex-U. S. Consul, Lisbon, 6. Right Hon. Henry Fawcett, Postmaster-Ge-ix- 14,Ia Lnridc'n, Lid tier of liiagdala, 2,In Newyork,1Ylatt Morgan,artist and car- Portugal, 50;Frederick S. Nichols,editor of eral London,51;Marquis of Lor_donderry,Lo7s- us British soldier, +N. toonist,aged 46. the lifemphis Avalarzche,Davenport,Iowa,54; don,63;Madame Ermima Neucint Frezzolii 11, IS.Its V4 Ashingfton,W�r Blaine,son of the 3.In Paris,Viconte de CTartaut-Biron henry B.Herts,bric-a-brac dealer,London,61, prima donna,Paris,64. enian patriarch,Coii- 4 ,Ja»G.Blalne.seed statesman French �.Jolbn V�.Garrett, railway magnate,Deer Park, 7.Monsignor Az p e. The Duke of A.esta, 3x-kbg of Spain 4.In New York, H h Farrar McDermott, Md.,64; Nahum Sullivan, merchant Mont- Revsta. Chas. 11 n 144,;1. I clair,N. J.,66;Rev.John Allen Giles,D. C. 9. Rev.Chas.H.Barnard,Unitarian divine,So7>r1- American author and eelitor,aged 57, j L.78, erville,Mass.,76. aged�,, - I.e r,fama;tlt Ger- 19.In Winthrop,Mass.,Judge Edward Gree- 1 an, , I•Jtttan ley Loring,Anmeric`sn jurist,aged 88. i Indust al in the - 21.George Si.iftC.rat-y,ex-Secretary of War of the United States,aged 55, ° `�f 24.At FTealixtgS rings,Va.,, tra ed by a Ransom Bethune Februitrp. a AWulch,DTheo1LL i e or of Theology at a snow plow, left here about two hours P---�t L.( ,, °g Seminary,aged 65. ' a ,� late. The noon train from the city was 13aeket, July. 4r also about two hours late and was 4 9.Ire New York,General Clinton B.Fist, well_ preceded by a snow plow driven by two i�lltr C}itiya „ a' kalown Vethodist lavanan and lawTer,aged 62, v C n 4 I engines. The evening train was about] a, half hour late. At Central Islip,! i`i.In C°uir��,'1+�vpt,Eugene Schuyler,Amari- f- �� �� � early Tuesday morning, two engines Abbott. cam, and ria�alornat c; .. u -tet. Tia,In Clinton,N.Y. Ch sty He v ° -� and a plow were wrecked and five men i �wlMor at tiwe t • my Freder- °0 s were badly hurt. The snow 1 '1 ick�,astronomer and scientist,aged 77, r ra o Y plows left afi-General Gilman Marston lawyer,politician C o' G °'" Lon Island Cit some distance apart.i _ sud soldier, 80_ g Y p �' 3�h c . �h 28.in a o °c ��' The first was pushed by engine No. 12' Jlssrts a y$.Rev.Samuel Sheffield Sno:c �A, " °° • Bishop SnoWv Of Mt.Zion,"aged tis, ry •N w °and was in charge of Conductor Peter I�srrh �' In Ne`H'°a`t+ R. I•, George L.Schuler, Lynch. The second was pushed by well-kno(xlM„Jw4eweu 14aiwrard ra, of the Rners teat t� acht meriof affairs,and he last sur vivar ' -' a- 3 g T charge of engine fine 1V o. 19 and was in � Mit,,�75. ca'aged 79, Conductor Charles Gottschalk. William �, s baa, xlilvw�a .John Dia U� .4 � L Jarvis, chief train despatcher, and �,•i ,eamiswent fxe New York,Jahn H. per,noted real y- W. E. Canning, his assistant, were lir. ear$te agent and auctioneer,aged 49. =r AWE_4% stat F.Ran- 4,Edouard Gregori. Flemish composer and - p = r riding on the second snow plow. In + , 73 waiter on musical fitemes, lull in throw h the deep drifts the tint John Phillip 9-John Bayle O'Reilly, Irish-American poet - __ leading g e _ be '�8L and journalist. f engin became clogged with Flesch ' In Fxlgbaston, England, Cardinal John w snow and ice and the steam pressure H Naged e ' went down. The engineer stopped at ' �d eC9na�t,V.S.A., itl. Ise Switzerland, Rev. Charles T. Brace � ~ owl *telt ML �N•Y,Citildrews Aid Society,aged yl' � � � the crossing just east of the Central �+�t , '1'Cand mun.14 e�Bail�ey,Ameri�journalist and � � Islip.station to allow the snow and ice >ft l r�Belt, DaC•Richardson,veteran journalist of � _ to melt and get his steam pressure up T4 '"'" -,q.-Louis aged Poupat t Daryl, t again- The second snow plow, coming' t A 1. - at full speed, crashed into the first. September. G.Rowan,U. S. N., �� � _: � -' lir. Jarvis's left arm was broken, and, nor �� XQft onensu Uwmter Pa- °'Alfred Nevin,D.D., r ciL _ C. G. Roberts, a trainman, sustained a g0`g'n' �'� C ► the French novelist fracture of the left ankle, The two rr ie„ ged M ~1 2"a'ra-e trian"Collaborateurs, 'R 4 - conductors and Mr. Canning49ed 6L were cut M 4-In Clneintaati,Judge E F,Noyes,ea Gov- s and bruised. Central Islip was awak- �4(like ' ernor'of Ohio,aged 57. 9 ened by the crash of the collision, and IL aged ft Faate K Iaaae P,t tan ex Senator of the U. homes were opened for the care of the ,� = t tC 8-from Wi>;c�cansin,a ;�, � � r.- injured. They were treated by the AMPAws A iNs ,PMtemw Or Grtk in � In I-,ua�II,Henri Pang*Lindon,D.D. D.C. :, � SL ' (ifit Pauls Cathedral,aged 61,' a local doctors and brought in to Long J.O'Be*`n,,�_k n Wit,N.Y.,Rev Horatio Nelson ` .l` Island City on the first train that got Pow D.D.,Dant Episcopal ministeramd x jsa , sxatr, �t. a °= throwggh from the east. IL Pulls. I8-In New York,Dion Bouci?ault lavwt i �> �= = Wednesday morning was much colder and �' anon actor, c8' 'p ght ----=�'c " and the thermometer registered 10 a- 27•In New York,General Abrain D +mss Bwkl.lures i• famous c0niniander of� ttryee,the above sero. t#o civil War,aged:3. Duryee'b Zouaves„in t1MR �,1»(rpIIN011A!'Rlt Ow ro"at . �. 1 1A(, U N.M rlr.w4 jA,lkt J�'.ri4t a ,� YNf.� • "' . " lw tVwm Area,M''+t►1"4AW4at 1[> taut)tl�lt+ - { irrrttelr4)o,c'.t. I ` 20.Theron T;,Ihttler, ntllllonairo, New York,71; [�Ct„t t, )lxa E. ` j IT, 1"d- NE, ir„+► , llittrtrat, t►ts+rtttllfi. `h January. BenJamin�ilovitle one of the i'mmous 11";Ix h,, p;.•* ► p L1w±1814 1dl�ltw, Vr . jrt,r,r loss th011Mu$A. ttliiffl.1{�N 1. Joseph D.liTnrphv,tlteat.rical manager, Phila_ IIun(Ited. 'Croy,R.Y. +A 1" �{� � �j wt. tlutuf++, M4., delplua,G3:Capiain Geork orge It.hand, steam- 21.Charles Mundy Russell rc�t[rerl nterclaatrt,Now at York 88 (.`,otnntudore'1't llothy A,Iluttt,U.S. l,E 1':,4t+4a ,pr >tkp i riq, va.tM�oi, tor. rsf Ater j boat captain,Buflalo,N.Y. fi7. Navy (retired), New Ilaven, Dunn„ (9: B• r ,.,a.t+ j4'u'1 . t r hof• t11it; ii')�• [stof. 1 3' 2. Ileo.Francis Ilawley,father of Senator IIawiey, � t illi • the Westville,Conn.,8L IIurper Jelillrs,C1ty Controller,I'hiludcYphla; 1� -(,,y a, • at►dop pi 1 Nom.ti• [� 5. so. ll AI 1Ttr'clerr� Ik'�aM' L1tr.M. .. 3. Rev. Lawrence N alsh, ez-'Treasurer of the Darius Wheeler, veteran of tiro war' of 1812, + the Anaertcaat Lund League, Boston,43: Nelson Hanover Junction,Md.,31 7,, Poe,es-Chief.justice of the orphan's Court, 22.Earl tician,St. 7 ouis,u'7l;,Alpheus Todd,Do- 11 ' �it ore Ald.,76; John Alowris,veteran of politiritut, ` tar, W4#tr4 T'tc halt i1 minion Librarian,Ottawa. tt( $. illy Mw ap�t • y. T the rvar of 1,;12,New York,89' Mrs. Iltr ift. , , l �ti1y 1Mt• nttt�.#� 4 Andrew 4V. Peck, veteran of the war of 18n�, 23, PutiHarrcn�ce Iiltorhlluppiu °IaentanutIun,All4le- 1P� t"` * Mi+K arfir ; 9' i New York,93; John It. Ridley, mercha , .A it, 1t> i4C�t+tH°stotly Ltil& i Albany,N.Y. town,N.J.,100• ll a' un#trh*at 1 ru Il Nety 25.]!rancia 11w h Geortla Scpntour,hittrc{uls of ilot t ,Wilw+t+tib . " rtaw`Tofk l ptti� 3' 45. Dr. Edward Luskct German statesman, ,� ex-Uolle(for of In- ford.London,72. 1 t a New at 1 4 1; ( York,54; John McTlnng, j 4 tin( terns(Revenue,New York,71; Colonel John 26. John Letcher,ex-Governor, ex-AI,C., Lextnk ft ay Vii• A. U•�4�' " $Paw twk t 1t ; 51 4 2 Irwin Nevin,Journalist,Sewickley,]'a.,40. ton .,71,ex�5u1 all,Cn[tsttanttilloplt4ther of 1 a 4� M d � • . M� ppg��MIb,�1.�> ,rn I 1: fi.Pau]'Ta;lioui,ballet composea, t�Nl C11[,At, 1 T.Stil- lournatlat,I�ew York,65 Col.John 11.Ferr ill.fu 1 t! 1tr+tOlVii% bid }� I Fye S.Chanes Dehuonico,caterer,New York;Ii eshub 27. John Il.llst, "the Great American GundenKr,I' ��b t atm #�,' � • t kltWl to'�tri�prapfwipt 1: (hander Sen,philanthropist;Itev.G. {,µn h-y;,t�; "'"��" .##+ on, ]lag, President of the tienernl Synad of the �S ]4hnutidrWy,nF tAIack atu1b[uu[aullWuNidnRton, t,F h J.r klow"k. �� vrl •ukfllNd, 'adq. Lutheran Church,Otho Nc,b„68. (1 d�,cj ; � to tow Yt<fiMt, 1� 9.Gt n.James P.Ball,assistant Uuited llenayt Galli n, - Co I U.erntown,nNucX„A. Tlowon, uunty Jule, !r A � '•< , k � t 1, 1 1.. ppraiser, Tarrytown, N. +r s Ai+d! . ,, atakty tt,to, •1 in DeprutyCouaptroller,Albany,N.Y.,48. ?.9, Auguste Lelcdt ktcnuh ipr(ricla'seal,tor, larlsn 'lk lla`,r� • l Ai• �n�ekt>�t• i :1, 141 10. Alfred(r.Campbell, old-line Aboltt[onist,New- Alexandra Dumont, 1 s, : Orlando F.I3rrn1p,politician Bulthuure,Md, It # w 1'a)tartwtar+ 74' 4' Tet ark,N.J.,55. U,�,Artily (retired) t�a,t a. 11. Charles L.Me.k}nine,civil engineer,New York, 30. Colonel Daniel IVFuPhail, Wu1 iu•1'-.slcf rpt tl< fl 1.� 1'MtkC+Rf est "of 6000, Atil.+!#gdaf' 4t. 1( 5G; SS illian tl.Bugernrul,hotel proprietor, Brooklyn,N.Y.,71, 4 +114 +x !. a 1; t 1,01 31. Dr.Bi[sha TJair Secrctaar of the (tate l�our[I tt ,$ Is ++ 711MI '(O`•NNW. M ' ;3 1' Brooklyn,44. N,1. 60• )Fl.ITuultitivr fav sa'n • i 12. Gen.Batislav AndreJewitch Fadelew, Director of Ilealth, Albany, tt2• Joint �,s�. t{ aqw dAfeAt et*•»ry, 11+ agfl itfl afl. 18� 4 1! a s and Brldges,St.Petersburg,57 Als. do ]tunttlly,sekee Serf the Ashniolean Alin �ml"�' f9M• ; *4 ` , k t,lti`4t1t1 0". f R d t; o ukeeper ,tl u •9 arl:er,] t anslcima l,l,i- HenryITeru1P (lrvn}•: htNhrt . 4R io 19, 4' dt>t C.A.$Y!let ((Aria Plunkett),n , 3 ut �rut111M1ak. '1 x:, cago;John SVnr.Wallace,es-Reporter of the sount,Loudon,78. l#u,!g t 1 g Supreme Court,well-known legal writer, February. jy!!n.,'1,"" Mtit. •� mak" '�� +� • 'v ys ittt clelphict,G8. oft natof,r1.1«�• t ' 14.Philip Phillips, ex-Ai,C.,Washington; S. A. 1.henry E.Pucker, T'restdont oP thea Lehigh�"'til- y � ,i to �• r ��� �ow 1Y� .at •1 4 ora Bridges.es-NJ.C.,Allentown,Pa.,fit. kry raihuall,Manch (hunk,Pa",33;Curl I.11ttf "Jtrr'c aF• RuFt, T 4 �rw� a „I�,.Ih,ttaf M��11MI1 `' 75.hir,. Valeria Store, philanthropist, Malden, I1Jnrllug, Swedish Bishop, Lou Philip S1"ntn �Yat (� �I f1 • t ' ►Stltxa, lT.. >' * sit Aiass.;the Tar(ot'IlanRfY,London,f12. Bnttet Held, x ,ecretary of 9t rte,,lournuijit, F > t . . i- iii �1�,Wit• • t = 3 1G. Judge..:the G.13radford,of the United States Cone ord,N.II.,fi7;Ilii bt Ilei.],outs B.(las ", ate. rl 1 ,1•Af and )ourf- nt; District Court 1Vihuington.Del.;William G. tint,Rector of the American college, Mona, Il :i [IYt lila,.t_,u a'„►[d, tH,c r blip, to, . A t t,.; > " 3' Weed,lawyer,Albany,N.Y. Italy,36. gtr10i�i A ,i".•to " nt• '.,+w'1ra• 13. Osgar L•asigi,Turkish Consul-General at Boston, Wendell cMnlss1�i7��'rtbolltionist and lecturer,Iloa- 4l>q.l ram #4ta li<. r ' Gay Ileac(, Alass.; Green Adapts, ex-M.C. trtttt atikl f►1!q Ifti(rlw "� �; 1 a from IientuckY,Phrludelphia,f8, 3. I.ugene Kosher, ex-Ilonapurtlsb leader,states- h� 'r 1} to -WONA. •� � 4' l.11op �t�lll. dI 4 19. Rfrom n Pachu, Administrator of Revenues, man,and exPrcn,ic r,Paris R9;Airs..Inhn A. [.N ` t ° M WM Il'u"w,% �larekw, ed Alexandria, Egypt; Itev. Edward Fontaine, Dix,New Yorl ;.losophinc tlnlhueyer,ui trrm(, T �. M* at4pfl 1 f author and hYdranlic engineer, Pocahontas Paris,41i; Bridget I{ally,centetrurlan, lltJcur, I 1�Tt .&tl4tik.r « « ° • i[ ql+«f,jithl�plr�- sit Sta., La.;W. R:.Spears, State'Senator and N.Y.,108. 1 *it Ptfthnaailat( nc# Journalist,A'lcl sbttrb,Aliss. 4.Haus Larsen AIartenson, Danish thoologhtn' ,t IikAi1F a,« pp� T !�u a •;aA � s>i� � ♦ �9tstMfl` �F�,.ytswa ftMf t11+ t alAt. sib. 1L1 • MV. 1 *•a.r�ely/f+tiTNu�) %4 . Now, rtl. �j 1 n vttxty. 4f�llior di, HOW HE MOLLIFIED HER. [�.. W. �aiw, ���� �,..� W�1 '}wf, rrttr '�pfk' Dat (from rho New fork Tribune.},<: +, :_. toi�#�71,>riNli• w htt�tt tllk.AU. pYi ha ;k certain gushing lady took her 4-year-old daughter to a � �y � � � � •� � i)ilotogr,tpher. The little one could not: be made still. The, tR111 {. �Y } � ,,:'t` a /• b fit*-.�`. t J.L�pll qtF� tP bra 1.... : CalIiera pian R'aS aS II1GC and shave as he Could be, called tl]e cr 1e ,.�yau , r t' +r ir> i1+f, ittt�r Jinwrtnsie4t. ..... in, Moo child all the sweet, endearing names Ile could think of, while Lltr ' "° °""�"' ` j ..,d, [M 1.k-' l t•a r:, �,. •:tt♦E k.YIF, .I.�R►�01f l7MI�.T.� tt'YN r�l{I. �.�Mt'. $...., t relltle �� olYekftl 1 . th I.. .. u5iug avers device of persuasion to make the little a 1 + t :, � ; 1111• ���, t„�' »,.( j t In J t r,, t t O [ha' kMrtwtlnpwl+aactilt a .. u wiggler keep still. Finally lu: turned to the despairing mother ;:., ,�;; ., _ ,.+ttr, uu�it and said: tyy.st AVi8,-,a trap» 1111. i�tfastlta S. Gr1ltil�b Via.> Ma+r1M►r 1 tit scar ik �.... I�7adanl, if you will leave Your darling 'lupi( the for t �� tti� ,� S. 16 few Minutes I think.T can succeed in taking her lovely face to � w :« 1�fr +f*++� +> 'c. �bf1• 11.... perfection." z ,tNl�ilu�hi lawt«r, t Int.14 ik. Jt�a 0bw . The mother withdrew for a short tine, Soon the photok- • udi/,fF, 1.irt)rlaw 'p dlrlo°. 13.... N. ,;l.lMlMptof tilba btt11K„ 14 rapher sullllnoned her hack and•exhibited a highly satisfactory Cris( 1.;•r. swlN, Iitwr. •mow• 15..: GI Negative, When they reached brine the mother asl,-ed: 16•-••• "Nellie, what diel that slice gentleinan say to you when T ii ig ti, left you alone with him?" ed by a "Well, lie thaid," lisped Nellie, "`If you don't thit sthill, � y V u ere about two hours !...... �< VOU ugly squint-eyed monkey, I'll t1lal:e the`life.out of your t .. i:renlbling eareath. Then I that very sthill,nlamina!" W luta. The noon train from the City vw€lis --- ---_-_-- _------ also about two hours late end was vgri 0" 24 i.. ,>~ *e preceded ba snow plow driven by two I g , T$ engines, evening' train was itbout l U � u r 6�' � ,, 1], half hour ate. At Central Islip, .: u P IJTt Il x 14 early Tuesday morning two engines 'z a2v`sluo oro aotuao o u.•�N u ' J 'RR pa2U`•S'R aTp Jo.ramsuaay-xa'aeumdS 'AQloo o2aoap`•ssuN`JaodganclAia nl {,+' W r.a x�0` and a plow were wrecked and five men. i stouva3 •aa�"'Ulg `alltAuos-1joUf UI 'f6 F!Pa2U Jvtuaj ;,, r-4 .a --o y � �' 1i were bad( hurt. The snow lows left _ •gZ Pa213 Isil'untvdp puv puv a94u:vq Jaotuloa ism2njr�laoa Malg uI r�, C _ li. in gauaag `Ia1unog anvlopp'stand uI•6g Qf pa2v`JstuU2ao TIME�`I)t r -d I ���d Dong Island City some distance 8pa1'L,' 89 pa2v`.taaoidxa ppztU uUravnb 11aM `delaJTq� glaniuvg 1"13[ooafl ul (t, 4r d 4a Lo v The first Was pushed by e� ni ne No. 12 ' TG'h `auvtu91fElDS tiotatnag UG'selaVN UI'�� TS Pa2U`(Poap0a)•N•S•11'uco*a,;r� ty A rind was in charge of Conductor Pater Ho TL P@Bu'31aoA Jo dotislatTotV 'S'0 11?nU PY-.1Vag"U'l'VI010PUiltla UI'm't. C, o »:w -a o Out tIJ ITII.K' 11 pint'Aa a2v`s aaf ns lit at o a utvd oue.i„ o c` Lynch. The second was pushed by r� .�aostao tnU t ao i•I'J2T 'S� '09 P J a 'tIJAT J � g• {� tfi �~ Th; EL Pa2U`szasoduzoo gstau<l Jo JsaJUaa2 Papa v `uAtoad senor ugoJ? `slava nI ,' a .�•p°�2 engine No. 19 and was in charts of As I ")PUD tulogltdl sIaT.c'q ua2Ugnadop tz� 'Tg jkj 1 e c c u w Conductor Charles Gottschalk. William Torous( Th, aaJuTU gouaa3 aatJua 7spy2iuoz 1)Ad-c6uo0 eqy Jo aoJtpa `q G f: 44 „ L. Jarvis, Chief train despatcher, and �r Rni Z�"i th tvg0 aua2n�smoZ`srarod UI-�9 pa2n'sasod -xaQ UXq.IV q SJU19 l •nag eqJ'aoJso[I ul �+ o q, ' u-r;ry Fcl ,uUtIUJI 'UJJajatg lanavuz 'slap n ( a2U` ax as W. r Canning, his assistant, were �r !� J. I'4T '6 3 P (P lJ )'V':' t �_ d E. � �i'r a5 tZ The £9 pa2tt `uaggtXoW g pzAUQ aoC13K`uoJ2ulign&za'f �u= �`a riding on the second snow plow, In 1 w E As .s U'8a191•JJ PO JTV ivaau90-aoCvyjl gj , ° dun to through rises deo rifts the 5c•am And Si P 'Jaltlo uUtpal xnot sno 'atagwa1to141 , .. ,,.. g" Asl g r:. oa a ` 2ai t `'e o va no S 'T9 P0210'Jsltnoo puv UOORMs nttuual)ia, ° _ eadln engine became C rod with ! gJ Ina JJ.s a x ttI s uI'qT g g g The gg pe2U'spuUjaagJaJs jvagoleo`InnvnssuX•N uautlop'gotnnlq ul'Ig N ,, ft 9lexst;; t' o 2 ' a2U ae 0AU l � snow and ice and. the steam I1re'el>�uro An, iJ 3 II?g 'III iaxiIIIIYAL att2Ug eqy 4Y'$T 69 P T tt paU atei'Etj(,,, Bunkei •Car. 'Oz pa2v gSTISUH uoJ.mg slouvag paug31U uIUJdUC ie r went down. The engineer stogy at City,L "S� ;gavut2utU1?ru:(o1QGM JoaoJuaAtn PU'9'aagsll , E�Pa2v'aoJsU 3110 UD uMoa7(-ilia ,7 `' � � the crossing'just east of the ural � July,F :ci puv aeanJoal nAioTnI-Ilam`.gaTG aaacjoll Aag tjolstzUxd g asof •AOU eqJ u lzlooali ul apo le, The :w `'A '1�I `oTU�g uI-'99 pa2U `aoJdlnas l7�Pa�U Janop etuoadnS,S• et1J,is rI a Islip station to allow the Know and ice Nelson Fli c,,avJ'tugaog a 'dpa gdosor`uopuorl uI•ZT -IIIu�aoTJsnp aoJ2atgsU�uI-0�Paav�Jt tj,►nnu .;: to melt and get his steal pressure alp 1 ' '�el,on PO s9 Pa213 stool 2utxooJs ssaluzUas aqJ Jo aoJncaA agJ sdlegd JaUnJg gJagUctl�Jo aagJUJ a2n,viza�r w a again. The second snow low, coming Pisco z I gP '•witiS a ufmi3tuag '•snit(`l(aenoq ul'OT Jo'sdlagd upsnrr aossoJoaa "oli`aopull ave >. ?' ► rf Pompe ge 'W pa213 JY-'dITsaaAtull PaoJX0 JU dtaoaoa,H lW11lioci," r V at full seed, Cradled into the first. Trajan Ol. ,=1«.t)'Y'S '41 '-03MIM 'AS sUutozly aoCUyQ aossaJoaa'sagmou Plo,logy•a samvf'•2a 'I�tt l ow Mr. Jarvis's left arm was brokers area ;l Was,M: Th ":I Pa's UneldUO `•aao0 3[TVMaoK UI'6 ;x0 uI-'6a P0213 I've ,to(faUJaaoaS-xa'•y•t, ` ° C. G. Roberts, &trainman, Suat$i�rTeSl B York, l,z,pa2U`,ta.tinb2c,�2puu2aug0 agJ Jo dUa�llaff '141'Al(vaeuap uoJ2ulgsv uI gl V c r; , u 0 Kee;Tar)a `ova o uo a• sU 't van�uT �9)a2v'do4drud Mlaatu c `' ar«; .�raCtUre of the left ankle. The troll PO Z I4 tq Al J T O uI'S ( , , Y ,» Babel Ia s�1olII svuzotly r •N s1IUi uoJuaay JV L11 conductors and Mr. Canning were cut Balbec •aagmeaaQ •aagotao ti and bruised. Central Islip was aw►k- , Cspito Ther h ened by the crash of the collision, and Cather And panu2�uap-068T �100'IOHO�t�I soaquOA1 FaH� homes were opened for the Cate a the Catltec Th �, ` �,:a c. injured. They were treated by the i Cather To , g c 9.In Lonc on, enry Parry Liddon,D.D.; 4`' , c 11 Csthec The1 16.Richazd I3.Mather,Professor of Greek in L.,Canon of St.Paulas Cathedral,aged(ii, c°n x;a b !: y local doctors and brought in to Long At Amhurst College,axed as. 1.0.In Piermont,N.Y.,Rev, Horatio Nelson i.w't"' - Island City on the first train that Cot t $h. ' 'itl 2'.In New York,John J.O'Brien,well-known. Powers,D.A.,Protestant Episcopal ministerand through from the east. HF politician,aged 48. author,aged 64. r > m i gg May. 18.In New York,Dion Boucleault,playwright u G Wednesday morning'was mach colder' C 2.In Paris,General Henri Fran ois Xavier and actor,aged 68, T p f Greeley,soldier and statesman,aged 71. 27.In New York,General Abram Duryeaand the thermometer registered Ip ,the rt "C'Yz 8. In 1Vashington,,Tames Burnie Beck,Ameri- famous commanderof"Dutyee's Zouaves"in above zero. ; J ms's can Senator and lawyer. the civil war,aged 75. _- T._ .. -- 9. Prince Ferdinand Of The building of a new yFt(ht til compete tar elected by t1re Sobr'an a as,'neer,of Bulgaria.-.-- the Ani( •1cas Cup in ltiM announced frond COSMOPOLITAN CHRONOLOGY•--2887. The town otHurle ,Wis., parts •dextro ed by Scotland, fire, y y y 10.The Piedmont Exhibition opened tit Atlanta, ' January. Play' 10.The sloop yacht "Mystery"capsized in Ca, 1 visits the Jamaica Bay during 2L squall, and 24 persons, 12. Ayoub Khan,the Insurgent Afghan chief, 1. Opening of the Jubilee Year of Queen Vic- 1. Queen Kaplolanl, of Hawaii, maiul women and chlldren,were drowned, relI,rarted to have+perished in the desert. toria's reign. United hates. Nine r 14.The But ardan elections result favorably to 4. Calamitous collision oil the Baltimore and 8, Severe earthquake shock in Southern Ari- at1Mouunt Pleasant,Tennz by a lightning stroke Prince Ferdinand. Oldo Railroad,near Til71n,U.;0)lives lost. zees. nies 115. The annoullcenrent that General Ca1I'arel 9. The Alcazar Palace,Toledo,Spain,destroy- 4.Earthquake shocks f(+lt tlrrotli�hout, the 28. Prince Ferdinand delcliri+s the�Bu effect, and others had been selling appointments to the eel by fixe southwest of the United States. Legion of Horror occasions great excitement in 12.The ]louse of Representatives passes a (1,iireveuty-five lives lost at Nanaiuo, Van- throne. e Emp y Paris, sUrle Antt-Polygamy Bill, couver by an explosion of "black dalup"ill a i meet at llastc iri.2-�L�ruptiwusufi Austria and I7.Great tire at Ian-Kow,China;1,000 lives 14. The Role Ista rcefuses to vote the Increased ec 12,mine. Rampolla becomes Papal Secre. cauo,Lorguinal. lost. array suppplies anci is dissolved. 1.16, Collapse of the coke-burners' Strike in 18.The bronze equestrian stattre to General Y The Inter-Sato Commerce Bill passes clic Lary of k3tatee. 28,President Cleveland's tour closes, Senate. I.I. ,!fuel Nilrllisls concerned in aplot to kill the Prnrlsylvmria. It began May 8, and a Toetod Meade inivetioa Ili airmount Park,Philadcelplila. 1s, ]len M.Stanley starts oil Iris eexlaediliorr Czar executed at lit..Petersburg. 18,000 mer. to relieve I ruin Bey irr Central Africa. 17, The Goblet Minhstr'y resigns in 1?'rartce, �]-8i. (treat rains and creeds in the United tween Germaany,tAustrifor a aril Ita1�concluded be- 19.The French National Treasury shows a de- is, Three Mexican train wreokers executed i States. Atrgutat. 81.Charleston h. C•, corrluu�rice s a "(leis licit of$f3,01>u,000 for 1ts8(3, under the now law. Weak"of festivities'to celebrate the rebuilding W. Pathic in the Spittitflelds Theatre,London, 19. The Celtic -nd Ilritairrniel, ocean stklam-; 4.The Prohibition arnendmc>nt to the eonsti- ut the city after the earthquake of]H813. Ln-land; 17 persons trampled to death, ships,collide in it lescestui New Yolk, lotion of Texas was beaten at the polls by a ma- November. . 1'shrliatuont re-assembles at Westminster. several.lives bet- '1)., g crit of 60,000, (S. Signor Crispi succeeds tho late, Signor Do- 2. The United States Supreme Court refutes a 211. Three cornets discovered ire the week end- >�2. Great stri tau building track in y ill this day. G"hica o,M. ')retia as Italian�arcrnier.-The Inrnmr stcemusllip writ of error in the case of the Chicago Antir- 80. Serious rioting ku Belfast,Ireland. a 81ose of ( sale, of the French Grown Glty of Montreal burned In mid-ocean;no lives cliNts. Jewels,whteh i ,.:eel$1,U4,7 52. were lost. 4.Hostilities commence in Zululand; three February. 2.1.The eoutt,,•t fur the Manchester Shi 10. By a railroad accident at Chatsworth,Ill., British soldiers killed. Canal, to connect, Manchester and Livcrpuoj,, Is 10. persons a were killed and 2(N)wounded. G.The grounds of the Leake and Watts Orphan 4. The Inter.-State Commerce 'Sill becomes a E land,awarded, 12.The gondoliers and bakers of Venice go on House,New York,seen red for clic new Protestant law in the United Stag>.s. ,The Theatre Comique, Paris, burnt, and a strike.--Great fire in the heart of Pittsburgh; Episcopal Cathedral site. 6, le if�htful railroad slaughter at White River, two hundred persons suffocated. loss,$1,000,000. 10. I.ingg,the condemned Anarchist,commit2a Vt.; (3011vees lost. X28.31. M. Rouyler forms a new French ruin- 16, i'rincc I✓terdinaud accepts the throne of suicide by blowing off part of his head. Gov. 6. Signor Depretis,Italian Premier,resigrus. istry. But mia.-A thousaud houses destroyed by fkre r+rear Oglesby commutes life the sentences of 7,The U. S.Senate assess a hill appropriat- June. I at 4mitar•i Turkey. T'lelden and Hclrwab to litre iniprisanrnent. fug$,21,00o,(Itx►for roast and naval deforicas. io. Collapse of the Longshoremen's striko in 1.The Island of Cyrpus ceded by Turkey to lapses e I grain owe of$5,000,000. injured Francisco col- 1l3,Two hunof dred Socialists;Anarchist n:tufty r,a110 men Now York city. England. Q0.The National League proclaimed in Iresland, injure>d at`Trafalgar Square London, Soldiers 14-20. The Glernian ole otions go in favor of 6. AmIcni cement of a project to buil[i a Pru- 21. A statue of Cuanhotomoc,the"last of the parade the streets. Ari- Bismarck, wtant Cathedral in New York city. zona on 16, (told discovered in large quantities in Ari- ta. In India 26,0(10 pt Of confined for debt 10.The Secretary of the Treakrury calls for Aztecs,"unveiled in Mexico by Dtaa,. were In India irr honor caf the Queon's,101lexe, R19,(loo o0o of outstanding three per cent. bonds W.mons hefroIrish the Rause it Lords to rsothe C Ira- 20.'The]lh Dutch steamer W.A, Scholien sunk 28.The Riviera devastated by an earthquake, for redemptiun. 1) a collision in Dover Straits; 182 persons and 2(ire00 R viives lost. 1%The Crown Prince of Gterrnany undergoes portant amendments. y . 2s,The Dependent Pension 13311 fails to bass a second operation for throat cauoor'. 21.T11u Uta Indians,under CIA Cnlorow,arc missing. over the President's veto, 14. "Wheat ,.rank" in Chicago.----A bronze u,nllrnittiug delsredations in North-wc sttarts Colo- W. A plague of fire and drought in southern 11IarcU. statue of Capt.Nathan Hale,of Revulutionary ratio. A a ierltf and eight Indians have been Kansas onst f haylde:stan royrMary; upward of fame,unveiled at Hartford,Conn. killed. 20. President;Carevv's Inc�ssages of resignatiorl President September. 1. Serious revolt in Bulgaria against the Re- 113,Serious ei tClfamine lands rescludK he order r to Sop sent to the Ronvier 0abinet. genas, 1. The United States and England agree on an 20.Thr,Court of Appeals reverses they couvie- The steamer Gardner burned on the Tornbig- r,�turll thu captured Confederate fira.gs.--�Faleamer International I�'ishery Commission. tion and sentence of Jacob�3barT-t,and orders a bee liiver,and 2U lives last. Champlain burned on Lake Mlclligan, and 22 4, The Thoatro Loyal, Exeter, England, now_tritll. . 11.The and Reichstag pass e s thole Sefton- lives lost. l,u).Th and 140]ties lost. Iler.crars�>cr. nate Bill by a large majorltyr--t�l'7 to 81,1 •17. 1)vbate on the Irish Coercion Bill closed in 6.The International ton. l Medical Congress assem- 18,Insurrections re.lanrteti'lrorrr I3ulga a. I'arliatuent.-Grand barks,Dakota,devastated ices at Washington. 1, The Garfield bronze statute unveiled in Ciu- 14.Thirty liv(>s lost on the Boston and Pr•avI- by a tornado' l� p Ne7.w York scarce of.wind and rain iu Western cia. reuldent Grev restgns and M.Sadi-Carrot dente Railroad by the collapse of a bridge:. 18.One hundrocl and oIg'hty Ilan ri2lrl il- a Ireland, 1 1a, Sli ht shocks of earthquake con ue in gilins drowned by the tr�rseating of a ferry-boat 9.Riot. at Mitclrellstown, , tt which elected President of at thea French cosh R[epulalic by the the, Sl a. on the Danube River at fake. soveral persons were killed or wounded by clic Nay. el ftierth yCongre'ss Versailles. in Wash the Pope Leo XIII,creates eight new Cardinals. 19, Queen Victoria's Jubilee celebrated police. 18. 13htrnin of the Richmond hotel,Iitrlfialo; throughout the British Empsire>, 11.Mr,Willian1 O'Brien,the nationalist editor, ink*ton. 9 18. Bur killed. ia0. 1+.iglu persons drawred on T>ake l!aie by arrested in Dublin. 11.The Ray.C Ysarlcs A.Berry,of England,de p- 18. Emperor Wlllianr of Germany celebrat[•s theslrtking of the barge Walters. 16-17,The Centennial of the adoption of the clineq the call of Ylymoulh Church,Brooklyn. 11ts 90th birthday. "tl. Serious iiaods In ITtrngary caused by the Iinited States Constitution celebrated in Phila- 18.Tkie American Federation of I.alaor,thea: 2i.Twelve miners srhffocated arra burned to overflow of the]cher Theiss. lelphia. fug, rival of the Knights of Labor,and cltl:[W.. death at Bessemer,Mich, ZI. The now Tay Brid over the Firth of Tay 16. A .eat meteor falls into the sea off the irlg to represent half a million skilled workmen, r begins its convention Sessions at Baltimore.- 2+1.'T'he ocean yacht race bctwexen the Daunt- completed The own t a of Marshfield09t Of , 'Vis.,destro'ed b `oast of New Brunswick, M.1� less and the Coronet,front,New York to Qu(�llss- 3 y 1t3.The Comte dee Paris issues a manifesto de- ag Tirane forma a I�'-Pres cabinet,--The case town was won by the latter in 14 clays 8(i hours, fire,, craningg tkhat the Fr(�rrch re ntblic is tottering against M. tlrilrlun,ex-President Grevy's son-in beating the Dauntless 8('1 hours. .1 i,An earthquake seriously damages the city,i �r0 2i, Great cyclone in Texas and Mexico. law,dismissed. 28.The British Government Introduces a new of Guayaquil,Ecuador. a26.ria lost in a gale o r ttheant of Newfound. York Cittile sehoorter 14. y. of the Republican c1uLs in New ' coercion bill for Ireland. July. land. 22.A huge wave sweeps over Iiaracoa,Cuba, April. 1,Revolution in Hawaii; King KalakaLtd do,- rea z 3• Grand Encampment of trio G. A.R.at St. Lastte,rri st old fors( KV�1t3,0M,to eblerbrokenlhup its d Louis. 1.New Extradition Treaty between Russia posed,lhe Irish Coercion I3i11 pth5rs[id by t.tr'(e llouss', �•'President andMrs. Cleveland start on an r�netal. and the U.S. aublishea, extensive tour of the Unite(,States. ' Cleveland and Cabinet attk�nd 27. President 6. Charles S.Fairchild of New York,Rucreeedrs of Corrrmons, the fuuHral of res-Secro4ary Manning,in Albany. 5,om oil town of Clarendon,Pa,,d"troyedl,y /►etober. JI.. 9The Sorvian Ministry resigns. Daniel:vianniug as Beene cry elf tkie'l'rHassur3*. A)aches on a marauding expedition in 9. Another atterept made to assassinate tlro firr>. 1,Yellativ fever a ears at Tam aa,I'la, 1Czar of Rthssia. (I.Part of the f'own of 7.tri;, 1q errand r n- p1 d lu the lake of the s;arri a name: ' 4.Thera American uar(i of Curn[2lisaluners;fur w lYlrsxict,.-A powder c.xgnkasiou at Amery, 1 fe Forel Missions in secsssion sit h ringfield 3111 r„ C',hina,kills fifty soldiers,several hundred cs in 13, helot Augustine,Fla. devastated by fir(. grry r c•nsl r,f lire Itocicy Mountains from Jurre W to airms the doctrin+> of non-probation sifter laws and destroys ono-fourth of file ]louses in 18. CohrmbitL College, {mew York, celebrated +. I+xtr•(ernc+heat prevailed to tete TJnit( I fitatx6s 1{n , 1, ' A I the,centenary of its 116 nlding eleFith. t h +-itv. - -- 16. Olipllundred buildings wrecked and marry trim;date,. persons Injured lay a tornado which struck Bel- s, Dr.Edward McGlynn,of New York,exconl- q Bowers's nllrllicated by the Papacy, most,n. T oamc fre,ln of Mtssoury, rill the way from Plke, brother life; op bei:,tire,d n l7emocrat,: t•1% b (llri.,tlar t The Gradual Graduate. ____ m--n of a l{.tiltl. you've heercl of of Joe i3owers7 Well, 'lel his altA>rt>ncAn soilooF.. The snow that began to fall Monday, "i?ld 1-ou Pvcr sr•e orange blossoms growing on a He strides upon the brilliant stare, morning and*ontlnued thr011�ll most Of That?"asked Isar.John J.Ranson,of New Orleans, I t 3 BOWA lightly LO the laud bpirlaUAO � An'Il1Y tilrlt grt•elt religion. I ylt alll 4taildlIl'pelt. And,with the wisdom of usage, Tuesday seems to b� n from 32 to�at the er di rd. 36 inches dee'4j "Never did,"replied the chorus. Id,with t)ecialms"The Cosmos and Its Cause. p rie o our oldest "well, that happened once to my lcnowle[ige," last ttrn(e wt,�vlloopr,cl for Grover it was our final ' Bald Mr.Hanson. "It was in New Orleans,where whcot�: glom scrloora, inhabitants (J. H. B. ) says it was the Our cAndydate4 have Alncc then life drowrrded in �Q(f everything sacci originates and nothing ungoacl Again the hero of a night, heaviest single snow 'fall since 1811. is perpetuated!n F;oll ac auetomA." thesoup, His head is high,his voice is sure; ".Gere man who wall always curling his lip smiled But of 14flzoo kep the'dn to I7rmocran.froze 4 He squarely looks across the llght Wholesale Ebner. Retail. a weird, sarrlonlr., satanic sort of snrlie, and Mr. Ail'we ail thought she'd do ao till Satarr from lila And speaks"Our Country and Its Cure,. In ar•ithniotin Capt.]lank is not esprclnlly s,trouq cars• Hanson dared btm to doubt it. oor.IA011. Iu business, Ilowovca, hu lies"cut Ills e3'e tea h." '•it was this way,"ire said. "There was a Youn>~ i He known the difT erene, between wholesale And couple wlth plenty of money,lust off for the State 'Rcpublie'ans was scarcer than tor?tYn to grandma's P Now with the right to sign"A.B., re.tall, although he t,ometimess gets thettvo Atylc!, c.o,le mouth, � But hardly with lits spirit less, of trading Intxed. of Matrimony.which dues not,its so many p'cople set our best example, to all thee solid South, his stgnecl and coaled degree: „., , rte Ill tier suppose,adjoin the State of 1111nnis. She and lien He grasps id a s lmmer boarder, local milliner to qct"Pit .r�.11' tl2uught our of Mlasoury world ,etttlrlcl up to Gapt: Iianlcs, as ma,ld had arranged with a And reads The Threshold of Success." curly days of the season,"how;ouch will Ybu ch lr i r her oats stunning hat in orange blossonhs, but streSS tv + •1.111 Gabriel woke the sleepers with D0111ocratlo ? POgT-GAjLDtTA X. to rent me a rowboat?" put on the point of being'true to nature and getting notes. Prepared with all the schools may teach, "How long do you want f►�" away from artlt1clat anci hackney, designs. The jr- Ile figures at a public dinner "i�lvc days:perhaps a week." ntltliner,being orlginal and anxious to plecl4e,made "Well.now.I71 tell you,"said Tlarrk,clellberatall' Lout now I seem a,vAkln'out of an orful dream-, And gives a careful little speech an entire hat of araalrrc blossoms, with the stems 1,iy senses ase bowllclered,my brtein scoters eurclled Upon"The Chance of a Beginner." "I have two kinds of rater;, bullsale and retail so protected and R'raf tett to ruots imbedded in native ocean;! { LIFE. One's for a week or more and tile other'p Lor A wort, ,soil that they would grow. Slee watered the hat �My loyal heart Is busted,the load It couldn't tote, P or legs. 11 ye take it for a week or more, that", faithfully until it was as fresh as the natural thing, all the nitLngleef plcct's are lamtried into ray The years roll by. Fie wins his way cost you at the rate of 50 ce ntn a day,three dollar., and wh(,-n the bride came the hat war+ prc.entcd throatl Hard through the thick of modern strife,;and a half it weelc.. But for 1ctsa than a week I don" and wondered over. Iiut on the clay of tile+wedding And haltingly Puts down some day feel as if I ought to eliarge quite so 11 lith. It gives It vas found that the hat wits a trifle small." s on the A-13-C's of Life." I thlnic the day o'judgment Ls gratin'mighty crus, "Thought more folks a chance,to rent boats when you done ••Anel wbat did they do about It?" The,i171al sinaghl p's colnill',an,I don't cure a cuss; nFATx. have them out so long. So for less than a weet. ..�,hy, they postponed the wedding• one day My i,r11e I.q haoekeci to Illnders,my grief no tongue His honors crown his weary brow; I charge at the rate of three dollars a week, ant'. kin tell- , and let it grow to the right size. Now,if you don't He lives life to the fullest scope; for live days-well, that wont cost you nlorr.n it believe it I can prove"---- Missoury's gone Republican, which means she's Gently he rnalccs his final bow dollar and seveuty-five cents-" - ]rrutlt's Cort "Every word of it 19 true,"said the elan with the, ,sono to ---t Denver Post. And breathes his there"A Humble Hopei curled lip. -Loutsville I3erald. A tlstlCe. "Ah,you know about,it?" ETlt)illf; ------ - "Should say I do. wby,that girl was my slsterl" "Aren't you„oln2 to see that performance?.' "t hear there's be en an addition to your fAnllit- , --73(21ti2nore etv$, - - -.1-es, a girt." "No," answered Mr. Gurnrox. ' "liut it is said to be very artistlr,." 'l`f f Ef t Girt Pr(;rc_-r• "Ab! is that the first �dditlnn" "T;lnt is why I am not going. 3Viren people say ^x111•S'011 poor devils of bachelors! \ow,when a "No,it'S the Sixth eriwon, and Rc rc•hopirrfi It s a fetus is 111!Illy,artistica the are so often trying s a little rent in lila clothes"- tile,postscrinC too."-P:stl+r,lelPlrrz marrlerl span,ct. ----------- T -� to apologlzo for its being unilleasatlt."-TVas1rtn0 IIe's got to pay*it to the landlord! Iseer"-\'ear ----- sora star. _. _ grlertns Ti' es•Dr1nncrut,. -- .._..._. _..___ _------ 112 r y 10. Dieeti IM Ourruth Du;�,U1111. Yat RECORD OF EVENTS IN 18.76. 11. They i ' H UNTINCT(7N, N. Y. ' the Ohl ttin 14.161 t 1; bAre ric4l, DOMESTIC. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCT, 28. 1904. ,. 4a 15. Basins F^ byfil January. 4.A life boat's crew of fifteen Men drowned otrthe ROGERS &TRAINER PUBLI$HSIt9 17. RIIIrol North Carolina coast;$3110,1100 fire ht 111111adel. ' 1. The Centennial year ushered in with reJoicings, 18, Sitting 2 y A number of people Injured in tt church panic at ppehatd II.Dart$,Jr.,nominated for Ailnlster t,o , 20. Three ti.RI yl. Intern Boston, England•eleven persons killed by au accident e i 3 Conintencement of the Lord trial at Buffalo. ; 2 para' .i S&ond later-collegiate contest In New Xork, on the Baltimore auks 1)hi0 rnlh'oud. r; 4. Itepnr( 7.Nineteen old Hien burned to death In a Monte for dist i 5,Defalcation of Bork,Builalo city Treasurer. the Aged in Brooklyn-Judge Alphonso'Putt t �I 24. Contr 10. Decision in the Singer will case to favor of wife ap olntell Secretary of'War. 'f four and children;the$6,(H)0,0(K)Tweed struck Jury i 8. Tit TwOed Jury award$11,537,0011 damages for the dismissed. , ' 1 nloo Il Disagreement of the Jury in the Lord will case People;Belknap arrested faun field in$:i,,IxNI convention of Commercial Travelers at�Syra- , Hill 9. William L. Bostwick and Augustus U.atlorge (37. Large ou'e elected Regents of the New York Universit s•, 2a, Eurek 12. Mr.and Mrs.Briggs and two children drowned 10.State Treasurer Sooy,of New Jersey,convh:to l Lou at Catskill• of embezzlement. ( at 1' I.1. Thirteen Chicago whisky thieves plead guilty. 12. Fourteen persons burned to death to a poor-house 29. Loudo 15.Slight earthquake ill Maine. tit Norwich,Conn.' grea 17. Suspeusion of the Tredegar iron works at Rich- 1:3. Failure of Daniel Drew with$1,M0,000 liabilities, +,. less. l4and. 17.Springfield(Ili.)Cperallouseburned,lolt$$1:111,txwn; 30. Beave 18,Stove Manufacturers'convention at Now York. Crazy Horse's cantl>of Sioux destroyed by(*utk, tit 25, Discovery of tie tiVtn$low forgeries at Boston, + Crook•hundredth anniversary of the evacua- terr and Ilight of Winslow;Congress appropriates tion of Boston. ( ; prizo $1,500,000 for the Centennial. 19. Rev.J.'Twigg consecrated Bishop of Pittsburg. i Jere 26.Prominent Chicago politicians Indicted for whisky 20,A fire at Charleston, S. C., destroys $25lylo1 frauds, worth of property;severe storin on the ! , 27. Nort,hompton(Mass.)National Bank robbed of lantle coast. At- i $alcati• 21. South Carolina Senate dismisses S, J. Mortes p 1�; 1. Coils 28. Dench,$14 of Jonathan marls, r New Green- Judge,for high crimes and rulsdemeanorx. ' f;[ fires with,explosion 100;six altinen lunares by a dyna- 24 ��T1OM 11'0,190 at Scranton destroyed by fire, kttl Write Dion o the ew[more• 25, heavy storm to New EnKiund• (bur e 4. bestr 29. Dissolution of the New York Loan and Trust � l t-rsons (ompruny;heavy business failures in Boston; drowned-at Norwich,Conn. 4 1 5. Three Glendenning dismissed from the New Jersey 20. John A.Dix elected a Regent of the Now York t Ilei City Presbytery; impeachment of Treasurer University. - etralg},t I fir Meeti Burdett,of West Virginia. 30. Dani of reservoir at Lynde Brook,Mass.,gives a► +� i tog 31,Conviction of McKee,of St.Louis,for whisky µay,causing great damage to roperty. �Ob Yor frauds, 3l. Zhree },ersons killed by a bolter explosion at O 7. A ba Sand%dge,Pa, d}i men February. subs 1. Fifteen peri#'ons sentenced 6t Indianapolis for April. 1 0. Tho I whisky frauds. 1, A"struck"jury obtained in the Lord canal suits; the 2,severe Buie on the Atlantic coast. failure of the SecurityBank,Watertown. 3 11, State 5.Twelve lives lost by the fall of a gallery h1 Rob- 2. Thornton T.Robinson killed in a duel with Jesw 12. Prof. Balt Mitchell s opera house, Cincinnati; a verdict of Mitchell in Campbell county,Va. a � 14. Tine net guilty in the Landis shooting case. 4. Violent storm in the)Middle States;Ink machment Cres G.Conl:nencentent of tine Moody and Sankey revl- articles against 13dlknup laid before t iv Senate; val meetings at the FIippndronte,New en w kork. six mdrowned by a barge collision at Noun- ylihla Scot 8.Property to the amount of two still it half null- vilte,Mo.;nomination of It.H.Dana reietaed. 15. unital lions destroyed by a tire on Broadway,New 5. Six lives lost by a powder magazine exlI,�losifin at R r 16.Gen.! York;commencement of the Babcock trial at Salt Lake City;confession of James Kerrigaul, DEMOCRATIC �wr�j 17. Exten St.Louis, a sentenced"Molly Maguh'e"murderer. C TICKET 11'T nia1 10.Piper couvlctedof the nnurder of Mabel Young 6. Bill passed fixingt•he President's saiaryat$25,0M, 18, GE Wel 12.Four Wren killed b}•a colliery explosion at West 8. '1'hrco persons,killed by a bolter explosion at 11hng- Pittsourgh Pa. rose hamton;arrest of W.o.Avery Ili Washington ,f del 15 Openhrg of the Plymouth church advisory court- irk connection with whisky fraud$. For President, J9.New til;the.Boston Elm tree blown down. 12.Whisky thieves sentenced in Milwaukee, 20. Caron 16,Large fire in Rutland,Vt.;loss,$11x1,000. 13.Avery and MacDonald found guilty of corn tlielty A LTO N S. PARKER, Yor 18,Capital punishment abolished by the Maine In the whisky frauds at St.Louis,acid sell onced Bgawl y Legislature, to Imprisonment. 22.Blaick }.Acgtlittat of Gen.Babcock;the Advisory Coun- 14. Unveiling of the Lincoln statue at Washington; For Vleo President, and cit sustains Plymouth church In its disefilline, the Greeley farm house burned at Chappaqua, M.Departure from Fort Lantarie of an expedition 15. Arrival in New York of Dom Pedro,Emperor of HENRY G. DAVIS.23. Incret under Gens.Crook and Custer against Sitting 13raz[i;Gen, Babcock indicted for aonipllaity John Bull• in the safe burglary conspiracy;failure of Iiex- the 1 29•Mardi Gras celebration in Southern cities;dis- ter Brothers extensive manufacturers at Paw- For Electors pP President and 24.Ballet covery of the Brent forgery at St.Louis. tucket It.I. r bis"' 17. Commencement of the issue of silver coin;nine Vice President, 27:cf'Like I -litet March. lives lost by the striking of a$team tug at Flan• NA i FIAN STRAUS. Sew. 2.Secretary of War Belknap confesses that he re- 18. TholPreal lent vetoes the bill reducing his salary; 28. Newton,Mass. Penns ceived$20,000 for all appointment to a post- tun IiLR 2;� tradership. al centennial celebrations at Concord Lexin B MAN RIDDER. 30.Babco 3•Resolutions of impeachment against Belknap 19. Close of fill'Salem fill'Moody and Sankey meetings in New' burg passed by the house of Representatives, York, l JOHN H. CARL. Belshazzar � Republican Ticket -----�----�----- -•--• � Hero follow the names of the B,118hazzar Is 16119! Belshazzar is Inr,'i! thirty-falx other Candidateir for And a thousand dark.nobles all bend at Rectors. his board; For President .....�__ Fruits glisten, flowers blossom, meats THEODORE ROOSEVELT steam, and a flood For Governor, Of t d wine that elan loveth runs re(I- For Vice President D-CADY I•IERRICK. der than blood; . And the beauty t11at maddens thepas. CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS ......�'- $tons of earth- For Lieutenant Governor, Wild dancers are there, and•a riot of. For Governor FRANCIS BURTON HARRISON. mirth; And tFRANK W. HIGGINS he crowds all s11�(tt, --.---.-_ Till the vast roofs ring, "All i)raf8e. to Belshazzar, Belshazzar For Lieutenant Governor For Secretary of state, the king!" i M. LINN BRUCE JOHN PALLACE, Jr. ' F "Bring forth," cries the monarch, "1110 Ou vessels of gold, . For Secretary of State + For Attorney General, T INrhich my father tore down from the JOHN F. O'BRIEN As temples of old; JOHN CUNNEEN, T Bring forth, and we'll drink, while the For Comptroller y`-"'-'-------------- ��'i trumpets are hlnwn, For Comptroller, E To the gods of. bright silver; of g°ld OTTO KELSEY Th, unci of stone; GIJORGE HALL. A Bring forth!" A11d ])afore him the ves- For Attorney General Ani :cels all china, I+`orStatel'^,n A And lie holes unto Baal, and lie drinks JULIUS M.'MAYER giilCerand'8urvey0r, Thr the dark wine; 'I NOMAS H. STRYKPUR, A Whilst the trt.itrlPets bray, For State Treasurer "Ct :end the c-c-t ring; JOHN G. WALLENMEIER Fur Chief Judge of the Court of fraise, prai5r tot Belshazzar, Belshaz- Th, zar the king ' For State Engineer Appeals, F Now what <nmctll? Look look. HENRY A. F1�GAR_M• CULL1�ly, P0` ' with VAN ALSTYNE , ,• anti menat'�or call I+orA>3spciateJudge, I Who writes, with the lightning's hriglit' For Chief Judge Court of Appeals Court of hand on the wall? Appeals, Or. What piereeth the icing like the EDGAR M. CULLEN WILLIAM E. WERNER, ? of a dart? point Kir What drlti-es thta bold blood from ]11s For Associate Judge Court of A eats �1 l l`.•- 1''his corrospon(lerit ltlntlly T clack to hlv ]1ea1t7 Appeal �(,nd13 a copy of a po011l Wanted, (j)lltit.l(!(1, I: "Chatdean�! &laglcia.ns! thr letters WILLIAM E. W.ERNER �'Vhe�n G1,luclnl;t I311tst(>s the Turkey," 11, is Pound!" rzK follows: Th. They lrn react, unci .13elshazzal' is da'acf For Member of Con less T on the gt'onrnd! WILLIAM g b�hent grail'in;l trltF it:H tine tttr t<a y, An Hark! The Persian is conte W. COCKS We chlldran Whtch to. On a conqueror's wing, 1'he way tic) pours tike ],,fluting un, T And a Alede's on the For State Senator As slick as sllek cull be. Th za.r the king. throlle.of Be1shaz- A CARLL S. BURR, JR. IVO llear' the turkey fizzle, An, know lfy LTi --FIOCTER. gr.+ttirtg bl'oWned; - - For Members of Assembly F A Utu _- Iiul: when KI, ,e Chu hrtyt.luh urn, " m�l. 6Uhg� CVhY, tliell, We JUiz' atl'iln' I'UUnd, The rays come slanting from the sun, Dist I-WILLIS A. REEVE 7 A haze upon the headland Iles: Dist 2-ORLANDO HUBBS I like tin, C`lnrhatnlrtK stooking: •.O The leaves are falling one b J'he. fror;tr,d New Yeltt•',y cake; Y one. I Bite thrti IlIrthdfly pro-sc•ntK Save when they'ro lalling otherwise. For Coroner My aunties buy or make, "---- -Ohfc¢po Record-P1erald. - WILLIAM B. GIBSON DutJUs' tho bcgtf. rt„ . of all i'hr5 ankrsgivlu>, lite tnrtngti to a . S1'11e11 g'ran'md. I,dwtes I'll(! 11111o'v .•�In' wq_ a`h star;' ruurrd lu sk'• tt6e+► 0 Large Piro in St.Louis,loss$760,000. 19.$4(1(1,00(1 fire at Athens,N.Y. CAN. (kfTookuber. 21,Shower of worms ut Virginia Gity,Nev, 20, Three persons killed b r1- ert�elre♦atle«i««rR ts>.tYi i el�ta v4 M'idilams college sus ndc`cl ,�drtival of Dun Carlos fn BAltfmore, y a tugboat explosion t' New ork Testimonial vase r B Pe , �,Sentence oi'Wm.A.McKee,nt St.Louis,in con- Liam Cullen Bryant. Presented to Wl[- two;• of Melreeba M nectfon with the whisky frauds;commence- 21.Tweed rias.arrested in meat of the impeachment trial Explosion of a torpedo factory at Greenville,N. M edtiria! 6. $;,rk.�,of tithe Irl Oa! rept Ctrial of ex-Secretary J., and death of two men• Lot M. Morrill antra IfAo iMillwr t>,r W A. l�4 i$rtrlrtsi Ngppl[nlEatii G ntennial awards flrtls BCik➢Ap. appointed Secretary of the Treasury. May. 24.Hesing and others sentenced for whisky frauds in tL 7.dl>~eeti bet A Ire an board the bark Chicago. PW �.x'Y"68001 1,Anti Chinese excitement in San Francisco meet- 25, Disastrous battle of the Little Bi Horn,W3'nm- i. a1 l�ew Peek- ing of the M.E.General Conference at Balti- Ing Territory,! g rt 100MIAWL dR saw r�evtMsa the disbandment of y, n which General Custar,Witt' more. 11111iire !*iet' ('ant>aitra ri911W a 2,Coal miners'riots at Massilon,0. embracinseven g the entire cmmand Bare llit'.r11 by �.vfiz_� lrweW 11• Nrw i«rt CYa beroing of the Sonthcm' 3 Adjournment of the New York Legislature. the Sioux. •o'er �: + R+. print works, North 26. Efforts makln,to save the Old South Churell in ei�ti�tla« ty i�, q,Failure of Arnold Co., MaWle#tC 99rr G,iutobus unveiled on the. Adams, Mass., ]!abilities a million and a auaewrt«srlri+f iM awl' at Phlla+ielphla;ten lives quarter;arrival in New York of Jaques Offen- 29- Large fires Boston. brt il�at«i in a Piri sburg Iron foundry;� bach,composer. ge fires at Fall River, Masa., Long Islatnd , M e(Toun meu'sChristan As- 8 Ilurricaue in Kansas;explosion of"rend rock" City N.Y. and Uwensville Ind. M/tei$ry'i� ` wrieMatY- �N•Y.: E A.�ivaiwurd �• Yale defeats Harvard In An eight Ihl�ctlt 1S, W York Tumha, the track at Hoboken•train of care blown from at Springfield, ght oarod bout-rAco ���ltWd3e Jtattea the track at Neoga, }Il• Mass. !e, death g,Anna Dickinson makes her debut as an actress at July. r Tom• '�� 1P• «1110111 Lee South Carolina rifle the Globe Theater,Boston. M1M�1ftsai uVaps sent to the State; 10.Opening of the Centennial Exhibition at Phila- 1- Colorado adopts a state constitution•largo h170 at delphia. t1!hali Sat stair lErr4Losw lle, St. Johnsbury, Vt., $1o0,0t10• three uue4tuntre lietir«leert9t ts�a'a>aK, at Washington, un- 11.First game of polo in the United States at Jerome o[licials drowned at Toronto,ban. AL&moemteei�l tWrleMt INK Park;Capt.Eads Jetties el the mouth of the 3. Grand parade of the Grand Artily of the ILepublic 3L M' 1M1%tether of National. Park ililssissippl passed by vessels drawing 141 feet at Philadelphia. eve Tort. of water. 4. at Day celebrated in an irr$t#aC'rsing W.w 00 decidar race ,l.tfir� 44 10dsw of hostlte Indians. '1.A tiro at Darlington,S.C.,destroys$100,000 worth manner 1n all the large cities•centenn li. a.> i JL OW*W Gloc,tixveahalds x of property. memorative ceremofiles at Philadelphia,(VItlr r atre�rie M � ► �•i a Dr 'fi r reevtres Martin Far, l5,Failure of Berkshire Woolen Company at Great an oration by William X.Evans and ode toy �•>tit� +1irYt Barrington, Bayard Taylor. f l 1 A'ea«Auburn pprison•Cen- 16.Nine parse's killed,by the explosion ip the"Pat 5. Terrible storm in Iowa,village of Rockdale d"- ta'60+l a10 NR�1liafe of it'hite 131ains. Clehorne s boilers on the lyitssissippi;earth- stroyed and many lives lost;massacre of lie- Panic !at; theatre at San F romis o{ quake at Santa Barbara Cal, groes at Hamburgh.S. C. L 1�erat t►ea lrYa�:tl+r+rst �Uwdeatb of twenty LK-Wena;a lire at 1g.Henry C.Bowen expelled1romPlymouthchurch; 5. Commencement of the impeachment trial of r ���: ASNO14(l•.results to a te"of 3-,u1,0W, meting of the Presbyterian General Assembly Belknapp �° ( In Brooklyn. 9. Steamer St.Clair burned on Lake Superior, lr3atrt lieu«tsar'. �.Colliery explosions at Scranton and Chesterfield, of twenty-seven lives Castle Garden tottrn++rl 1 t#�eti««o L mai'+pnvptrty soil for Ann Eliza'sI Pa.,One men killed explosion of a powder in New`York;several hundred persons prooi- o. ,9�e 9A m01 at Wilmington, bel.,and death of four trated by heat in New York. Z T=*Terk +tail Brook' n Con men. IN Dom Pedro entertained by the Americaal Glcsv- 1b 1t> tl�M1i}rr gregati„,ts xl.lIeatin storms of wind and rain throughout the i itis Sar A t1t Liuecher ahargc,,z... graphical Society. y• Pet[I«M/rl ile eve O M409 1 11-Heavy thunder storms in the Eastern stat: 8 5,a�er«rjwnitwn 25.Large fire in San Francisco,Cal.,loss$300,000; resignation gnationofPostmaster-General.7ewn11. jjjjjjj.a,. b t President Grant Issues a proclamation relative 12.James M.Tyner appointed Postrnavter-Genersai; nnrAMvc two of Ler ir`I'«1s adraiseian to practice is to the preparation of local centennial histories convention of Young Men's Christian Atstaoola- f~ UK j t p on the Fourth of July; the House of Repre- je sentntives adopt a report condemning (}err Entllana Toronto; departure of Dom PeC1ro rias � ile M Schenck. g $ ®• A Co. .Now York;liabilltie �,Duhhencpainting of the"Prodi Prodigal Son"burned 13, Six lives lost bythe Thtelhorn tragedy in Newark, + Allow. 40 MOO tont""the rerualt g N.J.;publication of the Fish-Derby extriu t- Anb«M aaiv'+rtr V ralt>rtOM at id.111 r at Cincinnati. tion correspondence. ill!'be c#aaed. .Theusophle funeral of Baron de Palm in New 19. Cornell wins the three races at the Saratoga In- &L Air. tesart a'tt a�!at 12.f3r1y !1« York. tercollegiate regatta. "Wetter,AruerjA" U. r,corm lo.Large fire in Quebec,500 houses burned; pre- 20. W.T.Gruner,]itwie,and three other rpersonts, tta�Aset�,got aK i sty savant sentation of the State woman s centennial bear- drowned by the capsizing of the yacht lliulrawk ner at Albany. Off Staten Island,N. Y.; nine persons t a'%vtw_. r , lu tilt j dr(.)a 2b June. by swamping of a pleasure yacht on tlere a.2, ae Bred.but Hudson river;60,(11)1 barrels of oil. bug nt-r..l rtt s(1y,rt/ � A�� � °' tY►tr vroatanied ! 1.Jammlfulligan,ofBoston,makeschargesagainst Parker's Landing, Pa.; destructive Storni at '. XJames.Blaine:Imm'er'se Knight Templars' Philadelphia, L '•`V.1parade in Philadelphia; opening of Moody's 22• Stoppage of the fast'nail trains. swat, �r tabt,rnacle at Chicago. 25. Five girls drowned from a capsized boat at Slt. yi,A Goldsmith Diald trotted a mile in 2.35. Joseph, Mo.;four inches of snow on 3101111 t q�taoe 2W d. 4.Arrival.of transcontinental fast train at San Washington. ' 30. Lar 1[ wait Mit � 21 rimed aetlr'1a heal T Francisco from New York h'R3 hours and 34 Large meeting of unemployed workmen at Union lmPvM««ssi #lD.and is minutes. square,New York. 5.31r.Blainereads the 1liulli an letters, '�' v t1b«tl •lilt��k11/� lwt di'rise pc,{�'j,�veral(luta g 31. A verdict of murder brought at£ainst eig'iaty- py an nitYilei ttiiUrt�nti1L Chicago 6.Army of the Potomac reunion at Philndel11ohia, seven white men,at Iiumburgh,b.C. j 21 2L 111604h CmxA trs noesr111e irn for con- 7.Army of the Jrmres reunion at Philadelphia, f1,Old South 0hurch,Boston,sold for$1,300;de- August. M t il;4K �'tom" ���elle nay ��Nee• structive rain storm in Syracuse. 1, ColorAdo proclaimed n State of the Union ["cin. > ilii Indian low 10.George D,Lord found guilty in the canal briberjM. �• case. 3' Belknap discharged for want of Jurtsclla,t9a�t1;G. message f om the.President on the Baur bit rgl1111.James yashngton4lne prostrated by sunstroke in butchery; nine persons drowned near Ililts- 1 1 met. 12.tlfe AKA fire at Kingston,Ont. dale,Mich. 1 M� 1.sob et the g 4. Illness of Commodore Vanderbilt. Ma11Aliirlt nal. 13. ;teaser ger'exonerated from the charges made 5. Five persons drowned in Es,ex county,N.Y. f fe' 71!hM'}R iMfe i>E Orleans. against him. 7. The Sn111van-It murder at Chicago. t 4lreefel#� Mtt1t+ «rlfklrQce+eewanl car I7,Resignation of B.H.Bristow as Secretary of the B. The Union S trill s � tKrlii>r t,il+r1rfM Treasury. _ I crew v regatta, g ]ctors at the Saratoga t trial �9M i theatre,read loss ,� li A lire at 9t,.Johns,Canada,destroys property•to 0. The 6lechanics anti Traders'Bank,at New Work, the value of one and a-half 1' .lions: robbed of$1C!a,t100, Repu0lican Ticket - - --- - -- - -- >~f lr+ar 1* Am* 1�tn�j: )SN,Ytl�sa,,t its i-,r-c t Ana wobi � ,tilt 17•t:�3 For President hectors. Fevi�i ti AauerN �,1 �s.,r�, Zteats THEODORE ROOSEVELT Ot tdr rwlns >�t>� i For Governor, �31rr c#*n 'eiit*tli ruins red. For Vice President D-CADY HERRICK, 7 And tate lue"tr th. t lwa de" the CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS �est taut h- �' I W11d 4' at" tom'. and a rire,e el► For Governor For Lieutenant Governor, Minh FRANCIS BURTON HARRISON. I "a tA'' r"WAX all nlaarut, FRANK W. HIGGINS k' TM tl1100 vast ra,ifa rine$. ' t�� t. a,-40hassar, �lshanar For Lieutenant Governor For Secretary of State, e' M. LINN BRUCE JOHN PALLACE, Jr. "arltis ft!!t?x" criol the Monarch. ••the vm a lj of e°r'i'i• For Secretary of State t i �t tatt4er torte dtn«rt frnrn Life For Attorney General, JOHN F. O'BRIEN JOHN CUNNEEN. 4�a: 1!l i1� l�rT;b. anQ RI'll eth0 4Mnlr, w'hllrl, the For Comptroller 1'grits aro hii,wg. &a11s�1' a"*k1�111ei': of sr,Mcl OTTO KELSEY For Comptroller, >kEes isrt6* Ani drft►re lalm 4tr v«tFor Attorney General GEORGE HALL. r orb 84.1 awnp y' t ii tA�a': 1' Said tae dstnics MAYER -- JUL .IUS M. For State Engineerand'Surveyor, %'kllvt 00 t3rua«Prts bray, For State Trea�lirer THOMAS H. STRYKER. Atm the eTimeraL rjrg.bhb JOHN G, WALLENMEIER * +►• mai{'r >tx g,,)ahas�r, gris*aY, For Chief Judge of the Court of ser tse kin` For State Engineer Appeals, out '"""'thy l'Of 1 10} Trith- HENRY A. VAN ALSTYNE EDGAR Al. CULLEN. tuts ar �Jl For Associate Judge,Court of wh■►rltl�s. •«illi cl>!e tlahttnisu•e btl�itl For Chief 14-ha and ON the waA+ Judge Court of Appeals Appeals, l>te> tl1 tltie 1149• Rke the EDGAR M, WILLIAM E. WERNER. � ec a �t lomat CULLEN tir41[I b*W blood � his '°d' date Ju . I -- - ------ -_ Ieolwdge Court of Appeal G"-Tnis correspondent kindly "Ctwridr«nib+ Na lef"11!r WILLIAM E. Curls a copy of a poem wanted, entitled, paw.. ip• letters ex_ WERNER "1�'hen Grandma Bastes the Turkey.-�e'(War% a"4 Reiel�sIsr M of a,t For Member of Congress as follows: Y•" It is ' '«Mi P�irrs(ixn WILLIAM W. COCKS �t'hejr gran m„ t drtE;�the tt.irkey, H • eqA lift i!• Gallie Ive childrem tt itch to. sec•' r nth liter. The may sne piours the Basting on, M a *a as t�t ,,��� geishas. For State Senator �9 sack ag S31ek can be. sir tt'' CARLL S. BURR. We hear the turkey fizzle . -pRCJ , JR. Htl FQr Mk�lil An' know it's getting hrowned: mala !~0 X►. Members of Assembly But when she puts the basting ot, T!r]11M>rn 0~ bvus�sura, Dist 1-WILLIS A. 1Vhy, then, we jus' stall' round. A lives«�the Dist ` OR REEVE yu lsaa"ea ayyit" `i- I like the C'irrlstmas stocking; For ENDO HUBB,S The I like frosted New Year's rake; she Wheel bjrthda Coroner Aly aunties Buy or 11mal�e. - - t,rrtFrrii. WILLIAM B. GIBBON But - jus' tiro brStest time of all Thanks n n ll,hen g 1 1, D"13-brings To gran'run baotes the turke.- _ , ' v;r• allstan' round to --=--=•°__...-_.__ sec. 1� . +•,•..,F .ems.WswWW 6ww Jit `� of strifiWllt�ta 4ibrra4111"by U"Oor `�'tff€i�.{t►tldt+ltlipOest titttuai<+,iuE tli1 y{,ly .� [ itE1�RMY the twpiwrtt0 of Wl twi w.txto da ! ,%Of 11,,iii i a€+dM Elgli raudaad �.dp€il.tow�ia i�lf:�Mha� *s est larr dor 1 a�lalra r �' EiawiMAV! � €er i sli'LM A c o�sr�3• Jit jkA ro 3. �'!"l�pf �, a i Jn NAV1 a► CCaost.#+QW Ynift CW, �irarr,tX•tgrt� x,arilra ,, €—k l*f tttatWtiiill i C2 Wall thl.a hwilow wrw"40brr,t�br 7:� tilt�p ralliili� �O,.idey .. erta ftRgk &bit i sh Jusq lit 3"lrrr ltif'J'is for t.atitttarli'•Ifto MM � A shift 0 ,t ti,tr'lthA141 wr,uaririttiit - 1ri JMau :1+pE�,rt rtillels i�rtirmd MJ'tltr riirtl br low `tf mus"isaid a srr,td1" too t6rr Jt tw7if r t1Jt�tilr �► ti �ar�r i�rl��orti M tit ,lei ar um Amorr itr+r ax Jrsa€t s wonY.n TUG XOW Yotlt Aprtl 1q ,flair line,�as+bJ taw 11L t't►twoiai, X. tle W Iitei t►attWt on llri,� fpr rxt twu„it i#tt►d ltMwl1 iwlM i!'bt�ait,AW. tt t viii eaa, wt 1tralE 'airwtsitJr. 9aNirltt+. ew w ►tlp,. ,ttk 94 tib! �, tk t OOM t'tiuft trulllre U- t ibiond "L da►aar i a°rm NittOW trir o,uW Stamm art i riila Iti. Tbo, aaiieto w old. . t +rirwSNUMM tbir th Lis i Waal�•pir Le rta�trfid Isom C#10" EAtr ratr� by rhe ty�, rrleb �rr�itw � ' 1d1 Mao t' t" Uhba. t1,i� 4"4 So *alb rniittiiota t,rtaioittilMlis+alrw � sroyr ts,s.loor too#$. yay„ I iiia E€ a " 47% ip A ►tt aa,lsi" y . vimM0• �u i� wiiti e,lr. � .lie bootl JwEvi Wena t Yw#t 1.+rrr. lsi.aer.�►a a war� ► a ai l t, 1r1 �W to tants ttttattits►�+J itt 1114 1, tmbill dW y i t • '�iris t rtu,tir '"ttr liae�#q!w ri! liotlliingiYt "Wood MiEitlilileMt.s# bo rt Tho' or" o *1 ia€#+►or�a�c�D r.tkit• � IEltlriApflf ,uit�t €rl tr 'XOA dti"otl[f'M 4 ltinw,itur oir i� Visjil l�iittYgirY tici« At t11rb pii+a,A t, telt! tq #¢��. i Jirata Kat Ausiho ("VP * twtraat 114 4lat int «ir,i,r."1aJru.wptwp,! �!. 1{Ins 't•Aio 1"t�watdiwaE*t►RE r 1�Dnp, t EEw+s �i` € ##RlarOb ai�^f �i�'��1€brJffY,�'tilMlfrl;pAplr lit 1€w.ilww k titer ili.+w iai at13rENt yet aid" rllw,*tw 4 M Mtv tr'�attalt of INWI•J worrot it�iRtteK1 alts iii tw.tl.+ �" wtt€fwr#1at� 41 tn1` Jtl W dt O�Balt OO ��Ytwil y bteitt i" �illt) * JM.. rar 0 iM1Mir los t t.a tiso tlstr,uM 1 Ere ifa rtw n. a.aacra>iiKk. Oil 1�t,r♦J i}.i1lOrii►�it Apdi of(iw, t Juan t�tt31. uaci diiad, t # r■aU►,tkwi Of of ,nt, v. 't iirlraiar,d tlJta9 raaflttJlite€Mk o 1 olrr,r t#i€vw Ali t � 1i t++riisv Juan pt to I"ach lbv trees"�, iiia+1to,i At�„ta�at}�set:ltrJi a ..WOO a Pa. rilJlttM 1)tst. low tPt`ItI 'i pl tltitMg ltl Tt4a<ti theA at 34aAltipto tlaJfriIisr i►t t Y $. 1t11, f wttiw. at�l+rses, t �tAt�F124, nr Of The tt''Iri,E jsro h iltlii titifi At�tift. !q 11tw„t 014 #A��. X, ti Y. a Mlt tai tarttiarl 01146, ��l�r this ' A� it,r hnitriln Ytw J. A 4 dit[roapf waive boar li, floe vvroorly t� y " Usti rlatEsii V111b mai +► lira titiT hl SW ta,l VIOVbl+t,"tit talay tinirtat, *t€u rdtl� #�, aft-MtE10� r llusxitrtj r��+r K d�rwtaQ at t> �"' ti{r Missitu�r is ttel ttfe `Ktity+ 1tiW,0kist„ r+�ti�t",bir�kIIIlifttl,wrt�tr'Ir 1 lop tttJJr it t J 1 Agyr.1tl Nti rrtatiattMtftot n� fid[ tl tlotru. X tied Jq E�ila.►i l Y4t t as"%hit tM tAbor'1it�iirla�ir�+i�filo t+�i, o r1►i"E WWa Pat ousbytift 1sbrritit+t �t,r€t,#moi to WOO 4041'. :r trafl Rotor" t #iillioN tin► i,t lx itt �Ygtji+tu rt! IatMr. tave wridr rtat a in.moi•! bMlr Ji/tM l A 1 rftr,unR tot fire tt.gtrlpdirf 1�tr 7' tIl t tr itulotpl� 44 tr►ie oft tri- �t re res 3 awitarri�rs�td aX 1l. A. :t -T INnnrrrr donitat mu Mnt� , 'Cweaella. tti►iir, lr a t r ♦+Otto w lr triad R si,aio trtrat t.r�r +t,r°I fit awl+!It f,�ib.tt t a A fovi, w r . A M we"�' P Jfil.dilli►,t)tlU # a ilwr Y +ttOsa]llr fry rcwt A �. fasten prt�itrt ftdl�,t� tia4 dttwlrr, #fast ttf•tiu gat ttim" rtw ' �f a p iifrsii+,rr,tit R i,rtt ttJ, ld iii.`i i►aat„,�as i bait P, atb4'� b E iftw►► M,Y of t.m rfi" ut JAraNil )I.*aii. II,A rillc>rl htatrta,an 1rt6ttf itit ltipt ilptllrx� p �rl+r at 1 �WOW 6 tiii+ i�tt.rff#be Now Yortl M ��t,u`f �3ioa,i.t �4a«�i+tr t� floe 'tt°"p�ar�rbLVli�i/rii+aV at•' 'tart iia at 1b•t-boor ear d root f at t'trrtIVIL aJ€ (ldir x1W otMlNioiiad of tj,a ilio itt#1 t b t� iw 1ri€.a A iciV otl�r�{+r'wDa"t,4 t In J J Org1 it air iiJRrlot,+D,+.i tti tMp 1r`t>M lit t,titd A � r of J*MtuOtl b lois I2-titat+,ilt of itool isaatds" Ar, to b pi aE Mir- dinar},ark. : p wMrl►#ai tillW iii ilp !`tWltJrrla 111. nrtti tMilrt •i t�ittw J'�. roXa�irr t tail itat 1tL AitrM i t ioll"o W tato . iia* b by I y lrtir C. 1a lolttral�.titrti ,tliisi,a€ ti i, k prod by tlrt 1114"of awat"o,of tio,i►itry wt,ta iusirrwsi r kl. 'i"tt•azt.ttt•• M . t>tf� dlti,ititaA ity fAiw♦i9, +litwtt 414 1i+wt.ihwrr Citi o I to blow ups we �O . w 'a lf+ra tr9rf 'rlre+ilClti ,wttu at #E ry fta tli>011laif t ��' aM�, �r 1?ttlta VAg" t, , slit t Yaiit � ��1t tt,w " , r Vv trtttb ttrb t a giwtptrr r m lihd 4ti,t 4aud t 'iltrta€etit`a tvrtitwilk irli3O.14. istq 7► C Nov. 'i i,n"ifi t i UI 0 q 3V"att vV 1 X'a+t rd no €ort "t"W ttcnrilr �rlif c4last t'ttw"ourra to €rto,t+li 11, J��tiy t*rttu„ati ibldiiw�, 1 /arta o r. il►to t ,trMtitat t,tittitwti lets waritoort at NOV. trlt,nhal lass liar w4a 4*00 tW lotlat,EarxinrMtlfiap ai ibE to t►«t 1trf,rrowy�t►t; 'i 1 't"iti,i►aetart Iltiiaiw road t tier.27, A#vitai-dorr'triesritts.11IS at1*4im rof+i cftaltMtiwi�rril ftp in A fir WOO to ash rrw, talwrt, q( Fig; t� Some. !L 7"bo a ,axe M11bJr► ari t awW a t.. tam Istat hir,r►rX 1rt tjtitr i. t&til of b j1=a 10 ' Ira, t atl@ettit,s.i t €sa +rite t1tMt1► ttribta•� i hir ax� t+t tr1ir iii proattwi to r�j ► oo tttatr imm ilt ntra i y rultl wtatr tl,bra i l X• 14 'slit► X4900"Mi, iitrar who =11r ttttt t'rtitt + t#apish } A ,fsitfMr++ a o MUMAor.t►i i A�p NM.i,r i tl t asxttrxa •trek �'x r exilJinipp a Iirri 1 li.til 0 ��tit't'tttft7tltllt til.$ i,liir t,M��� suant++eki,.1tt�MtwiaY u ii�it i tattiitr,isfit tt4riatMeu tfit 24Ataitdtirtd We t1►1aa blti"tE Est f##w , •t it VM110ftwolo 1Wsojo, 4.t'tpriiw A(jo pre - R flit +e rr w ♦♦4♦a•v w-o v v'fir+!"�r"„�„*�y"'." MR=7R,!!+ir'+rF•lr'i,l'!w.' ' 1M'i��lr`'+i! r�r'ir' 'sir #':,N,` PRES IOW T R. Ager WILL` aY t BEA CAJNDIDATE AGAIN + "I room itlreply sensible of the barter have sryrr,er' three and a t�ccl ear rrr Win► Mane a American , in this oris three r ttrrt ' r ,, r .�` years 1*ot tatrrtr Itly expressing their morn ence in what I have 4rst term. ne Brise custom ldibicah 11 j�' 1000 done and have tried 'eY I appreciate to the Pres `ent to tivo t�ernis r(�qurc s the girt: thr full the solemn responsibility this can- stance and net the forni, and 11ndrr no 1, drnre imposes upon rote, and I shall do all cumstances tcritl I be a candidate fir' r that in my pouter ties not to forfeit it. accept another notnination,"._ t tOra the , ortrth of Pll ir«rh next t shall THEODORE ROOSEV 1 a%.1'. 904 i!! #1! !!f•+M!!!ilOO• ,♦ar a a ♦ > ,. r, w*s♦�lOe+Mtt*4i A •!!*�► Rll '! M'�# tFtlllRiP#1 f 4 fi stop l.!Vely l La ir'�.I�t►# �dl MOP Uvraly, p1vaW' No atilt to Iipa.J'r►1 a Asootbtr to juso,twbtad. A ial for the t.�Idilaea Elibl�It +oho is r+trrl a.: If "•stxiuty vnrsE t r'hter sad fie l 'r11t het "t no tells pttp pear tilrtt tllfi llnivEri"11fthitt Church Will ho hell' in �tint i*e 011IM0.q�bi9b►fil r W+ell't ttuttatr► era tiaMti for int, i►+ru`It Jttt�l. ���Erti ca d M14:4ec011iu flail un Thursday eveninsr,, On,.or tike fe uai>Ir.mdit,f. o lit Juiat alltatbtt In. t�aa°t two Silo alow�Mo" lop tit tmail "[ow" have to tKupo e. Jan. th. `Fhe President has tttexx- ok�°t"�rale. krurrkrat the tr Xttlf}tibio sret`bKsifirt thy: �, �C'ir t1J't tiLaX h+trrlt all deli. Xtat, kncrir. • ' 'a •,.i It tionad assts rtrr all committ.t;i,s. Iit� tr:�I t +tr lnt�ti�,I a kirk ver beard,tet " t ` +tt,I.,. r :tt t#wrly.pt s^, r rut) tw ilt d the nr€wno as.tiff bro j.t )a tort�Iit has been .tiltig nift0tt_-tl Ail tq t►P011 it,ti00r. At,tots# sontff#li0 r--0 Ee' at It lir.#ldiwftfu# t!i.tfirit+,rttlotict the ability of a tlilltlr�n to tC'tiall .e tt iht�itR:y#d, w11te, attar tyrt,ratwaa� litiato ' nt Will ablYiirrilttliy butt tato tArtrttt, � si� } C5 + tis f h ll,irultti►rl, auai#: "1 atn Julio iist•,uto.8i. t10.; thOr 11.41,E YOU'tl have to t�road— !li`eEt- l iul I"h tti1Eltli hbtvrt trshn and rnattis'lt!�Ir,t tit`oitldyhattt# r. JaJi°ta i�,irtttti# � Pon rrF Eli f'rrJgtE3#3,.. tartid t.,wir,tt,tt�rak tti BSI p tit,Ifffl+is nes plrae Ear alliOglith tont. »x e t cl thfr� dtitl fire ttatticin h tt*t'ol hell -i You plum not Wier to your atrittt. Ae t►aucler,I. tttilne #1t• +�br.a out r,ir+�gglo an with ShAkfait lttrefta tc'tforts to show that they can do it in, exalwinwcd itte old t�iartf 'a,4,:ra t:i1n ilAAi ' fi.t t t e tot I b tis p C3. �p You have to ineve or drop ltatdo, tho Proper tatattl'er. , tiil"ie. �tlrl�n+wtt1 #.aloin: AW40 ti'#�i +loop 13t+ri , r Itltt i Y �odlt'I t,,,*, tlltt uGltsOtk" '#to#ir.C�i1?ii111it,tl twi't & f*v . � e t3 .the t-ntet�tal:"1 t. 1 t `i'he ,rat's' "Me incl dod i;." '•.^tir,� e7Ca�l�t 11 .> li1Np itr,y#ir, plena' "#'hOU911. faint 4Ad wnra, + 11 Will he excellent. We ho � sitsdout, t#ittt 13%sett' iolstat." " ttoJolstwr, #lime old ilio."�I.o€t ylC Oma fi �+ litre 1�afrb M tela: a rbtrditttlt`I1 roti. ittttlttt�y of our friends maybe rebr�rtt« �� Your ttliutaanti It the litra4C ones MOM. i � �,,•` i ° "taitur ,tit ,► akEi. I lease mewition this to inhere. A, . Thia 110's a .10"ling. btultliinb M", linsult Will xttaittipulate the money at. 'WiEt v n"a nw saunt*r at hG#mbar, the door. Admission, - � �. .; IM `ca u da,!! you WUb to #t"p your friar#, ` +' y the cents.lttuar ; �,a4 -- 1 . x - vtorm Thursda =!vY3tttil , r day 2t f' 'if►S"' c .� 4 April, 30. Decoration day gonernlly observed throughout. 1teco *v of Ebcnto fit 18904 the country.5. Another contest for O'Leary belt in New York; the Cadet Whittaker affair occurs at June. Jan,16.Rev, uDr.th Lyman Abbott ware Installed as Cleveland,(Tho Garfield,Memorial was dedioated at West Point, pastor of Plvmie l Church,Brocompleted P. tt p 9. Gen.Grant•arrives at 112obile,Ala. 1. Tile miners'strike ended at Leadvilie,Col. Weil i•in 25. '2 Set tlPt�6];nurs�it minutes and Iq Pcau11lc1F.rtg reel tArclt iu 1Warhluto►�'f�c11l�nre NPwYoi�k Washington lA 1. 10.The investigation of the West Point affair be- 6.A church blown down at Mt.Casey,Ohio,allot ,Ian, 30, Siztii National Bank of Now-York wits May 3o, The Texas Spring Palace at Fort Worth 1 (,i�ns; Hart,colored,wins the O'Leary belt,in several persons injured. closed. wits burttod. New York. 8.Elizabeth,N. J.,celebrates the battle of IOliza Ft 33,Secretary Tracy's wife and daughter were June 3. President Carnot pardoned the Duke of ra Gen. Grant visits Vicksburg,Miss. bethtown;enthusiasm over Garfield's iioulfna- hnrncd to(loath!n Washington. Orleans,who was escorted out of France. t ,i !i I:t. Gen.Grant welcomed atMentphts,Tenn, tion at Chicago. 1+c:b.3.tieth Low was installed as 1'r°sident oP Co• Juuc 16, The new Madison S(iuure Garden,Now- "t It.Extensive forest fires fn New.Jersey;a shock of 9. Five fraudulent Medical Colleges discovered In Innlbla Collo(,°. York,was oponed to the public, C: 1. Gen. earthquake tit Sail Francisco. Philadelphia, Full .1. lni-a-rd Croker resigned the office of CRY .Juno 17, Mazy Anderson,the actress,was married of 15. Gen.Grant visits the capital of Arkansas; tine 10. Great damage done by the army worm in;lion- Chanlbcrhiln of Naw-York. 1 to Antonio Navarro,sty Ilum mtcad,Englund. o 4h Pat' forest fires in New Jersey continue. month and Occan counties,N. Feb.4.The mrltenar'y of the Supreme Court of tile .Julie IB, The Brill•h anct(larrunii troaty,Pettling i No 16. Twenty-seven lives lost by.a powder null explo. 11.A citizens association formed at Leadville,Col., ) United States was celebrated in Now-York. (heir African elands fuel cedln Hellogoland by Eng- Col sion tit Berkeley,Cal. for the protection of miners front strikers;stn i Fell.4.1'hc Samoan treaty with Uertnany and Clraut land Co(tortnfiny,witn rousts puerile. N H 18.A fierce tornado,and hurricane in Missouri,180 American schooner fired upon by a Sp, Britain was ratified by the Senate. June 22. The city of Fort do France,Martinique, 4. Gen, killed and 200 Injured. war vessel; a fearful collision between ilia + Feb. 6. A federation conference of the Austrian wits nearly destroyer)by ti , ace 19.Destructive forestflrr:s in Virginia and Now Jet-- steamers Narragausett and Stolington on Long colonies was held at Melbourne. Juno 22, President Merenendez, of Salvador, died 5, Seve Sey. Island Sound,the former takes fire and abonl• � Feb.7. The young Duke of Orleans visited Paris, su ldenl . A revolution followed,and General Ezota 5 t II 21. Fall of the Madison Square Garden building,in fifty persons killed and missing,find several and was arrested and imprisoned, selzed the Government. 6 sio New York,killing five persons and inuring injured. Feb. 1o. The President proclaimed the Sioux rug- June 23. Thu now constitution was promulgated in 8. Suitt twenty-two. 12. Great destruction caused by nn oil 1hr at Titvs- ervatlon,South-Dakota,open. Brazil, $ Tr e 23. A reception to Secretary Sherman b.tV the Sher- ville, I'a.; severe stornps in DIaryland aua! Feb.14. Speaker Reed's now rules weroadopted by June 27, The President slgnad the Dependent Pen- 9. Erase marl Club Of New York; (1has.De font C(1!- Nortli Carolina;a inceting to ci nsurf' GCllern.! � the House of Re presentative®,161 to 144, slots bill, 10 1 vic]� for of the, San Prnnc[;ca Chroi[ticla,shat'and IIatch's conduct held at Silver Ulty,('(It. Feb,2o.Tile Carneglo Free Library at Allegheny, June o,8. Major Paultra was executed at Sofia,Bul. 11 cleel killed by I.111.I{nlloch,son of the Mayor. ]3.A collision between two steamers unfit• Sandy Pa.,was opened, gnrla,for consplt•ina a�gabeth ilia Government. 12 j 1D, An e 23, The stepuncr Strasburg brings 1,914 c nlftcrants I look. Fell,as,John Jacob Astor ellen at his]tome in New- .July 1. :Cho Hendricks monument at Indianapolis, It. Tota from Bremen to Baltimore;tornado In MIssis. 14. The army worm continues its ravages iu New York City. Ind. was unveiled. 18 Cal sippi, Jersey unit Delaware. Fob.;aa Chicago was Chosen by ilio Unitod States July 2. The Loclge Force hill passed the Notion of 14 13. Cour 2G. Six 11104 drowned in the Shagit Aver Washing- 15. Heavy storms in the west with considerabl„ house oP Representatives for the World'o Columbian Ropres°ntaitive"by 155 to 149,two Southern It°publf- 15 1•t. Meet ton Territory. dairinge• I�air. cans votbng 1st the.nogative. 16 tioi 27. Greatstorin at Macon,Ga, 17.Ross wins the professional,anti Holmes the ate- March q.The rallway bridge across the Forth,near July 2. Ilaverbill, Mass.,celebrated Its two hum. As, 30. Michael De Young arrested for alleged libel on ateur boat race at Providence,It.1. Rolleburgh,8,269 foot lonau,wits opened to I milds, Bred and fiftleth anniversary. 1' Fal Mayor Kalloch. 19.The artily worm ravaging partµof Connecticut; March5,'Abraham 1,l net, son of tau,llnterlran Jelly 3. The President signed the Idaho Admission I 15. One the fish-hatchiug establishment,at Washing.' M1nl'ster to Great Britain,died Ili London. hitt. � 19 Col, ton reports 20600000 shad hatched the )ant M�,..h to. The Madlgon St fire Thoatro Corn an .inIy 6. The Tope confirmed the removal of Dr. 16. Expl ,llitY' year. p I t► lint Jack"In WLSungton and Now-York Burtsell, ttrc� M. The lioivgate expedition sails from Washington. lay. July 7. Governor Nichols,of Louisiana,vetoed the II 1. The Methodist General Conference meets at Gln- g ,. Tire Blair Education bill was defeated Lotter bill. t7. Mat. cinnati,Ohlo. 24.A fire in Philadelphia causes the death of'severai ate 7 to r. July j, London Iwlleoman want on a strike, rte 2. A riot sit Paterson, N.J.,in consequence Of a fit'emen, } o "Billy" „ „ t ton in irder, 26.The crops along tiro Iludson river drying ill); at 'bit 14, to 1 hard ministry in Frahce resigned. July 9. 13illy Maloney earl Boodle"Alderman 18. An e 4, (en. Grant at,S.t•in field• Mayor Kalloch,of large number of persons arrive at tits sumrner le Fre.yefnet ministry was Installed March 1 . Ito Lacy surronderud themselves to the Now-York D g �darch 17, Prince Bismarck resigned the(lernlan authorities and were admitted to ball. j 1J. Din San Francisco,Impeached. resorts, •ncellorshi11. July It.'The Prealdout signed the Wyoming Ad- conflagrations tri, 8. Lar•o colflagrations in the oil regions of Penn- 27•Continuance of Intense heat at New York cil,y. rch aI. Mr.Balfour,Chief.S°cretnrpp for Troland, mission bill. F blo sy vania; .United States troops attack Victo- 28•'.Che steamer Seawanitalca burned on Long,Island lit forward t}nu Guvernmcant Irish I.drtd 1'urallunfa Jul Io,. IIrnry M.Stunle and Mies Dor Toa- 20, Gen, ri0's band of Indians near hock Crt ek Canon, Sound about fifty lives lost lir.'fanner be- r rtarft were married in Westnllnstor Abbe y Pill Col. gins aeorty days fast in New York city, Uarch 26, Sheriff Flack, of Now-York, resigned, July 13. ON-or one hundred personsware drowned .1. Meet. 9, Elght:v houses and 7SX0 barrels of oil burned at 29, A crevasse ill the Mississippi river levee at War- •,lencral Sictcles wag appointed his successor,March 28 by u l Iriludn oil fake Papin,Minn. :>l )ry bets Rixford,Pa.;the village oft{indorhook,N.Y., saw,Ill. March 27, A tornado destroyed apart of the city of July 13. (]cuornl Fr°moutdied of peritonitis In Now- 22.. Parn nearly destroyed by tire. 30. Commencement at Harvard and other colleges. ,,enisville,K) York. _ lite 111.Disastrous fire at Ilradford,Pa. March 31, Lex-Sherlfi Plaek was sentenced to prison .Jul 15, Thu now Craton Aqueduct was opened hl -? g` Al 11.The Annual Dinner of the Chamber of Coln- for procuring u fraudulent rlivorco. New•1'urk. _ 1, Cons illeree in New York city;it cyclone Ill I1111tois. ,lily' April 1g. Ex-Speaker Samuel J.Randidi died at July 15-Aug.31. nuatintlos existed between Sal. A °5. Tliu d 13.An attempt to kill the Spanish Consul-Geucral fit 1.The Yale crew will the annual college boat race, Washington. vador and Guatemala, during which savural battler New York,by means of an Infernal machine:. defeating Harvard; is steamer blown ill) at April.15. A convention of working girls societies were fought with Salvadorean victories. Peace was and 13, The village of Stuyvesant, N.Y.,destroyed by Minneapolis, Minn.; foul'killed and several was held In New-York. finally proolalnted Aug.g[ Pa fire,loss,$1,300,60(1;large fires in Ilse coal-oiI diljurad. April M.The Pan-Amerlean conference closed at July 16. Thu National Lino steamer"Egypt"was falo regions of Pennsylvania and devastating m for- 2. Severe storms in the north and west; Gen, Washington, burned tit sea, -^ 214. SeVeT est fires Ili New Jersey. (;rant at Ransas city,Mo. April 30, Rx-Coll gressnian Taulbee wits shot find July 18. The upper floors of the Western Union t.io 14, The town of Milton,Pa. destroyed by fire•3,000 3-5. Independence day olpserved throw6bout the killed by Qliurles T.I-Incaid,journalist,!n Washing- Telegraph Building,New-York,were burned. cigt people hornciess;loss,ji1,860,060;annual meet: United States;Gen.Grant at Emporia,Karl. tan D,Cl, July, 4 A part of LawreneN;X"s.,wits wracked 07 ?love lrtg of the American Bible Society in New 6.A powder explosion at Monterey Cal. fitly r, The Bank of America at PhiladellI)hia by a eyaln Ia. i)at York. 7. A waterspout near Davenpport,Iowa;Itarvarrl Pullet carrying down other hunks and the American July 26. Alf insurrection rfalwt the Governintult pea 15. Massacre of miners by tile Utes fn Colorado. wins the Freshinan race defeatin Columbia. Life the Corn any,of Phlladelphia. broke out in Buenos Ay res. �ye o was restored by 17. A severe drought in AE,w Jersey. 8. Gen,.Grant welcomed at 1'8anta lie,N. 31 May 3• Senator Beek,of Kentucky,died suddenly con°osfrlon to Ilia revolu Imilsts,J 30 28. Four tS. The funeral of.lunge 0111trclI fit Albion,N.1'. 10.One hundred and thirty-five deaths front suit- of apoplexy at Washington. July 28. 'Phe Armenian cath ELI In Corlrtauti- __ 29. P Ire 1`l•The bora race at 1}'ashiugton between Ilonlan stroke in New Fork city. A7piy 6. The insane asylum at Longue Poluto,Quc- tropic was bobbed by Molnuttfrnedatut. anti Courtney a fizzle. 13. Ali eartliqu like at Memphis Tenn, bf+ns was burned with a loss of lea lives. Aug,4. Emperor 11 llliatu,of(Jentiuny,visited tho 31. Capt,i ',o. Forest fires still raggting fCCi New Jersey. l4. ]lua�y storms cause much damage in Colorado, 'a tg The corner-steric of the New-York Masonic Queen fit Oshoriw. tient _1. Labor troubles nt Otunll[t,Nob. 15. 'i'he Cornell Univergit crew wins the bout racy I on 1f'ifty-sovonth Street was laid. Aug.5. Tho Mississippi Constitutional Cotiventlon 2'ne „ y� hlxy 15. ((Jornniander McCalla,United States Navy, filet fit Jackson. 22. Sixty negroes start.for Liberia front Arkansas; on Lake George,N.Y. a lu seventy but Idingsburn ed at Edinburgh,Pit. 16,Violent wind storms In Now Iiatnpshire an ri w,1tluspended for three years for cruelty to stlainen. Aug.6. President Gelman, of the Argptitine Con- Co ^3. A serious raihvad accialent fit Santa Cruz,Cal. I'eunsy lvanla, 1 Y 7 Misa Margaret Blaine and"Walter Dunn- federation,resigned and wtts auceo°dod b3'4efdor Pei- '-" 25, Disastrous storm in Dakota; tbia. thormonle- 18. A destructive cyclone fie Michigan. ranch were married in Washington. to rail. tt,r 93 dt grecs io the shade at Now York city. 10. A$3(10,000 lire In New York city. May 2r, The McKinley Tariff bill passed the house Aug.6, William Kemmler was execu a by oleo- ". Strllc� ^-6. Hanlon tit fns allotlp("r boat race,heating)they; 20. '.Che steamer Dessouk with the I'gyptlail obe• of Representatives,162 to 142,two Boutherii Itepubli- trinity in Auburn prison,N.Y, calls voting in the no ative. Au 8. A atrlpCa of tit°1{nlght.s pt'*' rr on the It li fnoin sill strokcl\cw Yorl:State,several cicsiths n1.Accident at the HudsoInriver tunnel,Now York, MaY�4• George 1I rands Train completed his trip Now-York Central and Hudson 8141 r 9 1.. began. 3. Ntile ' , A ficf•ec 1•aIn storm in To-as• several people y twenty-one men suffbcated. around the world In 67 days,13 hours, minutes and 3 The strike wits declared off'Sept.1y. Sou drowned. 1 22 y seconds. Ile stopped over one day In New-York. Aug.1o. The Gerrnau Emperor A,rtnally book pos. 5, Ten C A steam yacht cut, in two on the Detroit river, ➢•lay 29, Tho statue of General Lee was unveiled at session of dello.Oland. 9 Miners'strike at Leadville,Col,;disastrous cy- Mich,;sixteen peoplo drowned. Richmond,Vu„amid a great concourse from all til() Au 12, A giant aro a of the Grand Army of the ciscr clone in Indiana; Indhin outbreak fu the 21.Maud S.trots it little lit 2:10!,9', Southern States. pp dd Nett North Park. 27.Grant issues au official order to the Boys 1n 11111-, r T�eputiio took place do Bolton. _T._-_�.- ...-_.._ _. _... _ .._ Au 17, The Emperor Wllllanl of Gormuny visited oat,26. The ninetieth birthday of Von Moltku was 6 � gg .,- tho Itusalan Czar, celebrated lit Gormany. •-•• "�i', T. L,"-A cartes tender t: writes tLtat Aug,18. A tornado caused great destruction and Oct, 30- Ina oll[slon oft'Burnegglit the Spanish i The Room of "Boa itiful Snow" was written loss 0111fe at Wilkesbarre,1'a. steameVizeniya I wftdsunk with 70 Ives. p ' the E."91e must. leave made a mistake as to ecmie tirne in Ibi3 of 1854. bl which•year, I also atAll 18. An accident on the Old Colony Rullroad Nov.1. The first Japanese parliament opened, lite authorship of. "Beautiful Snow," int stlp- ovrot.e "The hive Soenes of! Woman's Life," "c;atsl AQ incykilled 14 persons. Nov. 3, The Grand Hotel at Sun Fruucise0 was . poli of which lie calls attention to ills fol- \i`'ay," anri "F1eauUdul :'now." capitis of vvhicll ham,g.19. Funerall oPCarr11na1Nawmnnatl3lrming- burned. low;11 subject, :1 ve to private friends. I have slat retained a Aug. 2, General Barrundia,the Gunton, rat concerning 4r Profcasrir Koch published ilia statement Stony On the �ul)'ECt., whish was single copy of the former. "Beautiful Snow" g his + ugee,was killed h g y for tithe rculnaln. •..• prllll@tl in the'Yorkshire Post, England: �Vr found its own tivu.5 to the Public syr, titin "nier. yGuatemaleanoffieergunthuAmorl Nov. 6. Henry M. Stanley arrived lit Now-York 'i+e infol•ix ed that Major Si ourne `',vas .�tr v' as l oared for the first Lime last summer• can steamer •l°apulco' Hamilton Jess. g' ,Y a• 1 p � Au 2g. Rpaer Ra I from Europe. kncawrt as the writer.' -Now this, I main_ 'I lie thren.poentc were writton after reading a river if Yellowstono Park. Nov.wits drowned in Nov. 6. Cottrell, ex-mayor of Cedar Keys, Fla., <<. _ wry touchlnt3, vividly-told tach, ill that ],optilar g was killed In Alabama, twin, is too positive a Statement.. In the little tverkly, the L onclon Journal, anti there t•ncLa sallefl for Sweden n United States body of Captain re 1 Nov.g, A revolt ityKalfixt President Bogrun In Ilan- •„ first place,,1llajor Sigourney never clalMed all the romance. It wits received with Imposing ceremonies at Stuck. deTrta,lit d theme©lLnwith 4}anclid of killed.n real. •... tc be the ;author, and it, was only after his "Ili another letter whicih I received front holm,Sept.r6. Nay. Io. a panto on Lllo Brock I�;as Tv'aw- Aug. 26. MOVicker's Theatre In Chicago was York. •••• death that, he tvas 4redited with being the•. hiss Keely about this tire, she says, in burned. _ Nov. 10, The British torpedo cruiser "Serpent" 'writer of the poernl. When 'Beautiful Snow' Speaking of :Major Sigour•ney: Ticino,It. A*revolution broke out in the canton of was wracked oil the spaulsli count with a lass 0f 173 Can• first appearrpd in the English papers, it ryas lives.There i, one thing quite clear, t.h(at he pia- Sept.1,Strikers wrecked a train on the Hudson Nov. 1 Tx•HanaGir Thtlrrnun'r birthday was "T :Iain to have been found in the possession 'i trised it, and very bnautifully indeed, in "Beau- River R. near Greenbush,N.Y. celebrated cid fit Gal Seliat C)• Cit of a young woman who was frozen to death 11fu1 0 adlcl," but reason ought to point out to Sept.16. The palace of the Alhumbru in Spain was Nov. 17. Captain ClShea wits divorced front l,)r ill tits (streets of St. Louis. Tile beauty (lf thew: whit geek to dePrivr rile of my humble.merit, Partially S77burned, wife,who had aptdesain 1gh for Charles Stewart t Ills A� <he poem attraoted auany adrirel•s, and malty that no real,poet ever plagiarised his own work. SOnt-r8. The inortugueselon aria Wbinet resigned, sigri awirear- ne1l. .ailnants tr'iod to make good their right "Miss Keely, though art invalid for Inany rested in Ireland for advising tenants not t"juuyy rants., Purls,Novtvflifgi'asaGeertne al Sallver•skoR, Russian agent lit own tit' to its authorship. C)ne; of America's great -years, was a prolific vvrit.er, and contributed Sept. 18. Art accident oil the Reading 11.1.,hour Nov.19. Princuae Vietrorlif,(if, 'rumla, r ' Art killed 2o, persona, and I Tlnoe t.Rr 1 }trit.r•r was so, struck with tile} beauty OP nlauy poems t.0 the County Zir(!sl'orel FJxprey9, Sept.2q. Bireball was Hound guilty of the mttrrler ANuv'htsn o S g�rtti burrs-I'ipt)n were married. fusp Tr the laoeni. and the pathetic card of the sup- Itio C'lonmel Guardian and the Waterford 14.Bonwell,at Woodstock,Ont. Howashungad Nov. Pltllatciclphla. Brut lure,areaµl,rakora, fulled in e was` posed authoress that he followed her re- Daily Mail, beside sonic riierican and Ai1t1- p q Nov 23, King(if the Netherlands died, Ar attains tit the t 1li1cside, and was, I belir-ve, g'azine9. Sa t. 2• A oottan centenary celebration at Paw- Nov.a Purnell was ro-olretod leader of the Irish the onl• mourner there. Soon after this the tralialt aria �k]OR L WINS N,'-'._ I tucker,it.I.,began. National Part but oil Doo.6 Justin MoClartnyand ' 8' Tr y --- - - - - '- R hill Sept.3o The Senate passed the McKinley Tarifr �4 either Trlah Party of 1'arlhtutoxit withdrew born an ) 1-poem reached England, and there eeaned no, ��.x11.g�1]c]T]C (Il1S Time. ondetl,l- The first session of the Fifty-first Congress i tNOV.noll 6 dCharlae That ImiAtlumeer�isfµ�poi ttlo�pres!- I less' <� rc -9011 to doubi, the c:orrectnesy-of the ill- dency of o Union aiielic (lama Judge Dillon link Ping-a-ling! Ting a-ling! Oct.r, The Emperor William of Germany visited wan ole°tars his Union ssec it3, formation, until their? appeared, in 1871 cin The telephone was ringing, Yet it was only the Emperor of Austria at Vienna, it T'1 irticle in all.American paper, the Fort Be- tr- Dec.2, A IVsttianal(<)nventlun ofthoFurmernAl- apyo' 1 fort Advocate, in which the editor says: 'For, 8 A.M. larlfirol Sychloy,N.S.W,,had a sevmt-nlllilon-dal• Rance began at Oeala,Fitt. else PC ry 'I'ing-a-ling! Ting-a-ling-Iling-lingt Oct.1. The President sl Dao,3. Cho Intcrtlutonal Copyright bill pnsaad tits ii 1011„ f ire tile author preserved his in- hill signed rho MOI{inky Tariff Iiotlso of Retprenentativer by a vola of 139 t0 g5. else ('0911 to,' anti 'some who knew the trur; hie- The society belle was very sleepy, but liters, Oct._9 The Count of Paris and party arrived in Fauclscri.King Kalukuua of Iluwufi ,rd°rl at San face' I ar,y Of file was nothin to do but climb out_of bed and answer it Now-York. 55 7 poem ltnet�i also the cause of •'Hello!"she called hoarsely, Oct.6. The President of the Mormon Church 1.puh• MDec. f. The u e failed, ' ng firm of Delann[ter do Co., �tnl Or rte author's reticence in even his name '$Io, giving "Hello! is that ]lghed a decree forbidding plural marriages of blor Dec, so, 'rho Pulitzer Building, New-York, was 'ask to the world. Some months Since the secret you, Grace?" o le her s Peet ',long In the future. heart. •'Fes? Excuse me for ringing you u so Oct.6. The Count of Paris visited Gencral Mcclel- formal y()prio Sioux a ,oprlat:e corem Miles. ark I{; Was revealed, and Major Sigourney, nephew early,bill 1'vice got to go out of town in an hour." tan ggrave,at Trenton,N.J, floor sittinq BuU was killed 1n Of the celebrated poetess of that; name. be- a. a skirmlih by soldiers in South•riako ul "IV s all right," replied. the girl kindly. "What Del.,e'i'ii died le Ivitl1 ret logs oflifcls at Wilmington, Dcec, 20, Eyruuel,the murdararim, ,wiu[1Canviotael 1n The ('21110 know•11 as the writer.' Then we have! is lf,George?" � lf-I� PSt oe TI Oct, noted by oleos Hennessy of New-Orleans Dec.24, Isaac Sawtclle was Convicted at Dover, t hr Hiro sf,Or y of t:he death of Alajor Sigout fie}', Why,you see,there's all agent here with one of was assassinated by Itfillang, tpif , who, it was believed, had shot himself, and Uct.Io. .Dillon nncl O'Brien escaped from Ireland Ni era;ofthemurder ofk1lnbrother Hiram. fth , these new-(angled patent seeing devices for tele- and sailed for Alnertea arrivin 1n Now-York Nov.2. trhtnl bei Kllkonity the Opporients of I arnoll fth Al also an account of the sail death o� his 'err- gg fth+ 3ng wife,' Who Was found frozen to death in phones. Enables you to sec the person ,you're Oct,so. ,Justice lli((ker was atrlekan with paralysis, llanl°pt toy l=ulatebt1lnKritirJohn Iopo Tleunoasy to Par- h, Tl the wilttt?r of 1.853, it) a low distriet: of New o I'lle, to,you know, He wants o demonstrate It ! aTOct,16�Tit(,,Noland IIotel, Syracuse,was burned Duke " 7 k) y Dec,o,8, l'u u fi }fit with Rlatix Indians in Sault- } to me,so I'll have him Put It right on,eh?v i and several lives lost, i 1-(file. :l letter, addressed t0 a eontempar- to (.uprate It esti several soldiers were , W There was a maidenly shriek and a niad rush Oct.21. Mayor Gleason,of Lon Island City,TV.y, killedc;30 21r.Y, appeared in the 1,ite1'ary' 13udt;'r.t. tar JntO the ad,)oining room, and a few minutes later as is to five days lin for assault, heganef]foulu ferences of leaders of the Trish factions August U 1871, in w'itich Miss, Annie Keely, the g _._.. -mfrs gne. oun lad+`s mother tante. to the telephone -----of ,lnndglls (not tlrrtl tgh) Now Ross, lir- and sharply told George to ring off.-LOldsttile C land, clairlrs to be the authoress of tine poem• Courier-,7ourn'fl. -an that letter RTiss Feel -- -- g1 , �� 5.'Thomas Hughes opens a now colony in Tennee-, F` l�mEsli-P(0't.lrCevulent to farad� 11 , ,(xxr, +a•r 4-41104 �. anis(tin m 13utialo,N.Y.;1 > ltuyby, x• tiro V et1.fart of VIctorin s buutt repulr+rd Ly Cut.(trier- 6, AKfit at 041�anedise se ap a Erol In wr#InIa twit sousfuTtta. Wt p 1 RECORD OF EVENTS. m lis burned erate Mass. _ � ,►pgoxt. 7. Celebration of the Ca(;entennhtt annly++r>Mnry of lhrY o, battle of Iii Mountain,at Charlestown, UI. brae die to Tabnnia city,Cal.;towt.#1�0,Itxtr►. �+ S. ! y q'r)uble betwcun t reek turd Chero ee nrltrtr111 9. F Arial accident sit Pittsburgh,Pa.,twenty-ono illi II I threatened, none killed. d D0HESTM 15,Au toured body forming to Texas to lnvadr NiIt x- in, The ArcUa moaner 0u1nAra returns to Washing- of fico. , p,1'ietorlo n band cressoa lite Itlo prsrldr. 11.Baltimore celebrates the one hundred and fiftieth w- Junnary, G. Mr.Parnell to Richmond. 8,fir,Tanner cOU119iet�+a his furt_y+lays first. anniversaa'y of Its foundation. tell 1. Gen.Grunt welcomed at Beaufort,S.C.;failure 8, I'arne]!and Dillon address auenthusiastio nssem= ill,Great lit'a at ldunWT s Iat,lnt,New York Ifarhur, 13. Forest Uter in progress of the Grocers'Bank of New York. blage at Mauch Ch'uk,Pa. 11•annual mectdtt�(taf the Bankers Association ut 14. Oeneral Uratit meet wiithN a arm reception At ng "1 2. Parnell and Dillon the Irish agitators,arrive at 9, A nitro-glycerineexplosion at Bradford,Pa. Saratoga Spa.N•Y• New York•Gen.Grant at Savannah,Ga.;(Its- 10.Burning of CalifornialState Normal School,loss 12,A raliway accident At:tlnt'r I.anrifltg, N.J•; 16. In tan Agent Barry Arrested for complicity!n it 1 +, cover of extensive forgeries of J. Lloyd �yB0.Uii0- thirtee skilled allot forty Inittr+"l. ,� x murder,brit escapee. p y 1110, 3 ) Haigh In New York, 11. "Standing Bear"relates the hardships of the 13,lfau+i S.and tit,.tullen each trot a nrBa ifl.:tt:$; 16. General (:tract enthunirtsticaliy welcomed at g +a 4. Gen.Grant arrives in Florlda;Parnell and Dillon Ponce Indians before the Senate counnittee. Ill'toeu persons lioured by it railroad accident at Hartford.Cutin.;heavy wind unit snow rk,rut pled 4, address an immense nteeting in New Yorlr. 12, Abraham Lincoln's birth-clay celobrated in New �i+rh4g Palley,N,J. in tla+t north-west. vita 5. Several lives lost by the burning of the Turn York•a grain elevatorhl Chieagoblown down, 1.1,A coni trAluAlllsthmttgh Abridge nt IIarrlrboTKh, Hall,New York;live men killed by an explo- V. Labor agitation at Deliver Col. Pa, 17, Six ll,S. rrtr!hales of cotton 1)tirnuol at Charles- Hall,sion of celluloid at Newark,N.J. 18. The Interoceanic canal diseusso(l In Congress; 16,grand onclave of Knights Templar at Chl- tort,S.V. In IA. Jnlin V.Woodward,of idostun,a defaulter. T' 8. Suicide and defalcation of Benjamin 0. Bogert, the negro exodus investigation continues in cage,till. , 2U, !five ,errutts burned W death sit a Ura ut('[unit-!on. LBS Treasurer N.Y.Produce Exchan{;e. Washington. 71.Eureka,Nev.,lnse,,�i,tr,n,wo by a tire., 1 9 , 8.Erastus C.Benedict elected Chancellor and Da- 20. A dinner to the Harvard alumndIn New York. 19, firemen's p�40artule at Anl,urn , Y. all#.U1,41 011,4• "7. Mile.null A t tthnr,tt arrlva+r in iv'+}w York;set,•t,tl, iul• 10 '! vid Murray Sec.Board of New York Aegents; 21. The Hudson river open its entire,length. covery Of (old And nlivr'r Inline++4 �n Iturttlltuttannual he el4riltr)arri of the Wcrtttau's 'Y'ov l,0•r 11 destructive storm at Portland,Oregon. 22. Pilncliot wins a walking niatch in Boston; county,N.Y. num Union commences At BooWn.112 �0 10, An explosion of celluloid in New York city. Washington's birth-day observed throughout 2tl,'Gwu lnuucnac all tanks on fire At Bra,lfordt,PA.; Mote% It. Total eclipse of the sun careful! observed in the United States. !eft hundred hostile t4lanx surron r at 2t(, A ionto Ur++at Lynn, 1 Y eighteen yet. \`irterin's band kill several 1lren on the Mexican 010 California. 24. Arrival of Count Dc Lesseps in New York city. Burt lteogil Montattn. frontier. �Ib 14 13, Courtesies to Gen.Grant at Havana. 26. Parnell arrives at St,Paul Minn. 21..Ilrownnvillr, 'eX tt+,ArII�yy dentroyod by a atom, 16 j 14. Meeting of the American Social Science Assocln- 27. A strike in the Cohocs,N.'Y.,Harmony mills. 23.A large fire At tit. au[,AI1nn,t Ioss.111",ols1, November. rn- 16 l tion,at Boston,and the National Agricultural 28. Citizens of Kansas anri Arkansas organizing to ;,h;,A3'acht upsets At Rockaway,six Ivan drowned. 1, Iilut at Tlenvt!r; 17 Association at Washington;Parnell arrives at invade the Indian Territory;it bane!of Indians 21,yt,Julien trots a tittle lit dill i,at(:Barter Oak 5. Tiorty-otic vw'a of stall-pox discovered it%Suit x011 1 Fall River,Blass, router_in New Mexico by U.S.troops. hark,Itartfor+l Conn. rarrclaco. I 19 15, One hundred colored people emigrate from �,Tilt, steamer Marine airy burned at Alvona, 6. a steamer Itho(I+a bland wrecked Off I3nnnet 5l- 20 Goldsboro,N.C.,to Indiana. ,Slleh, several lives lost:A 1tN Utur citr,ore k4apa- Point, N. J.; tire Fr4noo-Amerlcgtt Treaty 1G. Explosion on the steamer Greece,at New York, � Cernnrlt+alott ntrrG+ht Waalltlngtort t( '2i March. ranarl,n4 Cru•�,s soca+„r.r+r' 2t'! two men killed. j 30,A oolltldolt at Bridgeport,Conn.,several persona 7. A comet discovered by Prof. I.alu►a,• 1 17.ZiIa1.Morrow defeats Vicforio's Apaches 1n New 1, Puddlers on strike at.Wareliani, Mass.' a batt killed. Ill..A terrible Accident at 13imlelt City,I'a.,rhtht Mexico;ParneiCandDillon entertained at Bos- Inen killed'cyclone ,La.,several quet held in New York in honor of Dn'Lesseps, 24 ton. September. , y'luno at Keatclrle u ,5 18. An epidemic at Deadwootci,Dakota Ter. 2• Grand military reception to Gen, (!runt in the tx+rltons killed. k 1 city of Mexico 1,Wreck of Ilio xteam+rr City sera Crutt'tT tat. 11. A cannon explodes at Safe IIurbor Pa.,And klllr 19.Disagreement of the in the Hayden murder 3, Erastus Cooke appointed Judge of the Supreme r Augtistitr,Nla„atx)ut seventy lives I'r+,w- p ' d• trial at New Haven,Conn.;three powder mills Court of New York,Second Judielid district. tdout,Iia es tuddrexres a Soldiers'Reunion At several persons.fthe blow up in Green county,0.,two Dien killed_ 5, A strike of spInnets tit l+'atl River,Mass. 13. The areal of tit+tttrAndad hark IrnrmasA Irrutlny, t4• 20. Gen. Grant welcomed at St. Augustine, Flu.; Canton, 14, The St.Peters, Minn.,lnsnne Attylttrn burncel R 7. Iron.] B.19nshburne rlcliveus an.address in ? 2, fearfl�I cyclone In tite fluff of Maxim, � and a number of Initiates perish Parnell and Dillon arrive in New York. Chicago in donor of Adolph Cremleux the J 3, lay wins tho singlo srull race at Geneva.N 1, Id.D oar by the Now York l'rrrs Club to Tiurlow +i 21. Meeting of the State Agricultural Society at Al- French statesman; a large Are in St,Foul, 4,A lire at Aalatapra,N. Y.,d+tstroys irroperty Mirtn.,logs ecru lv a million. C sell afl his tk3+1 birthday. r " bans'' to the value or s1511 ouo Ilantan,the anudialt 16 Frfous railroad a<x[dent at Lrwirton,Tex. Parnell addresses a large meeting at Toledo,0.• 8, MassinK of the T), S. troops in incl near San oarsman,sails 1))l-1;nKlutttl, 17. lt+rv,fir.Clint. N.k41Tru eleCt+t+l Cltattcottar of nteeting of the State Military Association at Francisco,as a precaution against.a label-riot, , t Mobile Ain. n ' - Albany, �, I 5.A iba5n,tkx)tire n the Syracuse tfnlvetl�lty, ' °(. Consolidation of Union Pacific,Kansas Pacific 10, De Lesseps and apt. Earls before the house 13.'.Girt+ battle of North llohtt cornmem'rAGx1 At m. First Appearance of Son Barnhardt in New 1, Inter-6evapuc canal conin tttee. Raitlinore. York. 1, and Denver Pacific Railroads. 11. Parnell again arrives in New York and sails for , 15.The dully I rlal In pro rrre At UeICmill,Miss.;the III, Two nrggroes hanged at Wnshinrlton, s 25. The difllcuhies between the U.S.Government { town of Seymour,Gann„1l-++arty destroyed by ?At, The Lotus ('tub of New York city givo General d Irc(and; Bismarck,Dakota,out of provisions and the Phtt,e Indians satisfactorily settled; in confit uauce,of a snow blockade. + Parnell addresses an immense meeting at I3uf- 12. Dennis Kearney arrested for sedition to San tire. g Grant a dllrncrr;heavy snow rtornt in I sltttsyl- Palo,N.Y. 1G.Tho Iwo(lullys acrc��ultt+ttl of titamut�l+raf.7ru1+' vanin. 2 Francisco;snow,rain and bail in Baxter of 1 a 151101m,lot Do nib bliss. + Falmouth�- G. Several cities honor Robert Burns by n celeLra- 13. An attempt to assassinate Mayor Baxter of l.ou- a Con- tion of his birth;the Pittsburgh strike ends; r 17.I'Ixploalon tit Rrldg+apor�.,Cann.,nine melt killed; 21, 'i',ta schooner fi,undrr++(l off I►ttfl'rlo. b isvitle,Ky. nine.tion killed h the breaking of a cable ill �' Statue al- . ewYAlexander llamllturt unvuilatl 111 l on- eight lives host by the burning of the steamer 15. Over 7,000 puddlers on strike in Pennsylvania; Y tial Park.New York cit'. d Charmer,on the Red River,La. 1 the consolidated Imperial Mine Col, 23. Extremely cold weather �ltr'uyltout into IJtrltwl I `'7. Reversal of the decision in the"Nichols(police, Kearney sentenced to six months imprison- 18,Half the city of hast 1.+114 Vegas,R.M.,destroyed States, t commissioner)case by the N. Court of A uncut ttnrl�l«OOn tine. by tire, 24, Navittation close(!on the Erle canai aria Hudson M peals p- 1G. The Crows and Sioux form an alliance, 19•Mauil S.trots amlle in 2:i1%at G►1lcago I11. river. " y 2S. Fourteenth Annual Encarn pment of the G,A. 17. St.Patrick's day appropriately observed through- 22.The Pan Presbyterian Council opan,t At I)Bt}Atlal- 241.Over ono thousand hoots blocktuted try len in ttie I. 1 out the United states;strike of piano makers R.at AuLurtr,N.Y. pita• Brie noel (,'hutrrplatn Conal++;several m1Ur nt 29. Run.11 welcomed at Troy,N.Y. in New York. 23.Arntiversar•of the rantnrlt of Andre at Tarr- 'Prey,N.Y.,sus mntt on account of low wain, a 18. Count Do Lesseps arrives at Sun Francisco; u town,N.T,;return 'f the Buliwatka Arctic 1.. 31. Capt. Mackenzie,of England,wins the Interna- new planet discovered by Dr,Peters. 2tt. 81Xty Ittburrrs t,uttiad utt+.lc+r a straw Aida at C'ul- tional chess tournament in New York city; p Exploration Expedition to New York. 'Tarlo' four railroad accidents near 13uflalo n 19. The Ute investigation In progress in Washington. , Freeman,the Pocasset chilli murderer,sent to 20, Will Pierson hanged for poisoning at Genesco, •A fire in Brooklyn,N.Y.,caused a lora of$16(1,- N yr 3 a lunatic asylum;acquittal of Mrs.Smith and N,Y, QOo• 20. A pre at West Point.Va.,cAus"a torn of tj.0'lt),- I. Cove l3ennett,in Jersey City,N.J. 27.The north-western crops turn out bettor than pull, 1. 22. d battle between Indians neer Atoka,Indian was expected, b.... Territory. 11 3A. I.eadvitl++ draped In tourning on account of Februfrry- 30, President IIayoa arrives At Portland,Or. . 23. Gen. Grant publicly welcomed at Galveston, I,lettt.-Cloy.(7eorKo I3•Robinson's nurrrir,r. 2. Strike at the Dwight cotton mills at Chicopee, Tex.; a fight betwecit Sioux and whites in 31. Annnimeeteut that treaties have been rnnde b lilies.;Mr. Parnell receive(1 by ti,e House of Montana. with China. e 9•••• Representatives. 24. Fifteen inches of snow falls In Vermont. October. Docember. 10.... 3. Nine persons burned to death in a negro cabin in 25. Heavy storrtls throughou t the United States. } 3,A new deposit discovered in the Xavier Mine, Soil t:ti Carolina. 2G, (ten.Grant arrives at San Autonio Tex. Artz,;Georgetown,S.C.,damaged by fire. 1. SIx Inche+a of rnow at Albanv N,Y. 12'•,. 5. Teri Chinamen inaen burned to death in it San Tran- 27. Petroleum found to Alabama. 4. The Presidential party start up the+ Columbia 2.Annlvermar of the first trartalatlon of the 131bie, 13 cisco wash-house;Alar(ti Gras celebration in 29. Gen.Granit arrives at the city of Houston,Tex. � river-,4t pork packing establishment burned at celebrated at the Academy of Music,Now York e 14 New Orleans and Memphis. 31. Gen.Grunt weleunied in New Orlu�tiis. � Baltimore:,Ala. city• lti than is "\l 'T. L."-A correspondedt wr[t,es that The poem of "Beautiful Snow" was written lose' iffea low t:am 20. Ina ullfnton oft Itar7o Iv tiro Spanish steamer'Vlxcaya wtut sunk with yo 7tvor, rpt 'dlie E­;tgle IuuSt. i+aFe Tilade a Inistalie as t0 scrape time in 1553 or 1651, in tivhtcl•year I also Augg 18. An acc[dent on ilio Old Colony Railroad Nov.I. The ilrak,lapuue4+n purllau4unt opened. at(on-e lite authorship of "Beautiful Snow," in sup- „'r'c,te "The Pit•e 5(.enes of SVotnan's Lite," C'na§t Aug. skilled 14 persons. Nov. g. 'The Grand Ilutcl at kion P'rsuchco was Awa-+" anri '.Beautiful ..now," copies of which 19. funeral of Cardinal Newman at Binning- burned. Vt ,.. port of �vhieh he calls attention to th4 fol- :l gave to private friends. I have not retained a ham. NOV.q. Profusaor Ketch published his statement ]()w;tlg story oil the subject, wh•tch was ,tingle copy of the former. "Beautiful Suow" Aug. 22. General Barrundia,tiro Gu itental(larl rof- concerning Lis remedy for tnhereuInnis. 01 printed iu the Yorkshire Post. England: "We Sound its own was' to the public eyr, rtrid "Cast ogee,was killed by Guatemalearr officers ou tho Amurf• Nov;6, Henry M. Stuuluy arrived in Nuw-York nee iuf01'(zil:'d that Major St Away' )t) uaretl for the first time last urrlrner• eau steamer Acapulco at San Joao, from Europe. j Sigourney was I P Aug.s3, Robert Ra Hamilton was drowned lu a Nov. 6. Cottrell, ex-mayor of Codar leas Fla. •„ kuQwn as the writer.' Now this, I I-laiii- 'l lie three,pectus were written after reading a river ellowstone Park. Keys, - eery touching, vividly-told tale. ill that. 1)0>pula'' Augq 2s. The United States cruiser "Baltimore" wNov.9d IA revolt u�n(i+inst President Bu ua!n Ron• lain, is too positive a statement. In the little weekly, the London Journal, and there ends aalledforJwedenwitli the body of Captain l.rlrysun. durusivtut suppressed with the aid of American am 2n.••• :first, place,,A1ajor Slgourney never Claimed fill the t•omance• It was received with imposing ceremonies ut Block. (testa and the rebel lender,4artahez,was klIleel, ~J to be. the author, and it was only after his "In a.nothor letter which i received from Holm,Sept.l-6. Nov. ro. A panic un ttta f3taek Exchange, New. 30•••• Aug, 26. MCVICker's Theatre In Chicago was York, ge' I aieath that he was credited with being thel:[iss Keely about this time, she says, in burned, to. The British t<,rpedo arniser '"tlar{)otic" _ 'writer of the poem. 'Wbea `Beautiful Sooty' spc alcitlg of Major Sigourney: Sept.ir, A'revolution broke out in the canton of was Nov.v. In.wrecked h tiro tlSpanishtoconst with a lues of rt" Ticino,Switzerland. waslive irttrt. first. appeared in the English papers, it was Then, is one thins; quite clear, that. he ,pia- Sept.r,Strikers wrecked a train on the Hudson Nov, r EX-Senator Thorn+un'r birthdaywrut said to have been found in the possession C iart ed it, anti very boautifully indeed, in "Beau- River R.R.,near Greenbush,N.Y. celubratotl ut Columbus (), Ot of a young woman who was frozen to death Itful 4�hilCi•" but re,son ought to point out to 4r�allpt.A. Thepalace ofthe AlhambrainSpainwas Nov. ry Cnptaln ()tiltau wtra d[vorecd froul 1t1s in the streets of St, Louis. The beauty of t ltosr•rvho seetr to(nolo ivt: ole of my hurnblo merit, p 5e Y burned, wife,who had desurtod ltbn fur Charles Stu wart Pur- that no real poet ever plaglarisc+] lits own wurlr, Sept.17. The Portuguese Cabinet resigned, Hell. As the poen!ati.*ac,tecl ivany ndillirers,and many' yiiss Keely, though an [ova}icl for elan Sept'18 Jolrn Dillon and William O'Brien were ar- Nov. 19, General SoliversknR, 11umlan aKunt at claimants tried to Blake good their right t, y rested in Ireland for advising tenants not to pay rents., I urla was amitsalurted at him hntol, Town W to its authorship, One of America's green Fears, was a prolific writer, and contributed `dept• 18, An aceldenton the Reading R.R.,naur Nov.rg. PrincuseVtcturiu of larusrla Anel I'rlaa Shoemakersville kllled 22 persons. e St. I 1N HO•r, was so struck with the beauty of litany poems to the County Wexford Pxpres9 of�pt.2q. I31re�iatl was frnrnd ttilty of tiro murder Adolphus of tltruEg Lippe were married. isle Tr file poem and the pathetic end of the sup- the Cloninel Guardian and the Waterford 1 unwell,at Woodstock,Ont, o.wua hanged Nov, Philadelphia. tars,'rtaak l,reksrr, filled 1n �,,tt• Ar ptosed authoress that he fol lowed her rc- Dail) Mail, beside some American and Aus- 4Sept- 29, A cotton centenary celebration at Paw. Nov.a3' King of ilia Netherlands died. Steal xnaius to tiro graveside, and u';ts, I believe, rralian magazines. tucket,It.I,,began. 5.ry Paraoll was ro-oleated lender of the Irish Tp the only mourner thel-e, Soon after this the --_.-________ "CTIiJQFtGE 1�rIIA0N." billeptto30. The Senate passed the McKinley Tariff National Iur%but on Dec. 6 Jurtln McCarthy and Y qq t other Irish Momb(-rs of Parlknmunt withdrew holo poem reached England, all(! there seen)ed no t it slid elected Matrarthyy 14tader, An Inall spiciotls Time. Oct.r. The first Session of the Fifty-first Congress Nrav,tib, (:lrsrl(rt Francis Arlamr rrx11(ned the rust. Y B11111, `C reason to doubt: the correetness of the in-- ended. 6 formation, until there appeared, in 1571., an 7'lug-a-ling! Ting a-lin + denay of thu'Union Pacific Railway;Judge Dillon C y,t. g. I Oct, p The Emperor t William of(#'inions visited Was elected hill suectimm The telephone was ringing. Yet St was only tiro Emperor of Austria at Vlenrut• llec,ti, A Nattlamal('ettvenkion'f tiro Farmer's AI- 7u1�, It TI ariic'le!n all:+tmertcatr paper, the fort Ticino- Oct.I. Sydney, 1 ' 8'1'M. lar fire. N.S.W.,had a seven-nlIIIlon-dol• Mance began at Ocala,Fla. Nappoo fort Advocate, in which the editor sit,ys: Poor Tlt Kelso PC g-a-ling! Ting-a-lhtg-I it,g-ling! Oct.1. The President signed Dno•I. The Intomational VopyriRht bill passed the R long tine the author preserved lits in- good tiro MCI Tariff Hoube of Itor1)�rerantativem by Avotu of It ill q. tilaee . The hang society belle was very slrep,V, but dere bill' Dao.4, Klug Kalukaua of llawall?andotl at Kan Place I r•ogtlit°,' and sof,le who knew the true his- Oct.3 The Count of Pails and party arrived in DOC. tory Of ilio poem Icnea' also the Cause oP was nothing to do but climb out bed lurditrtswer It Now-York. 55 PolnI 01 the altthor's reticence in ivin his name Hello!"she called hoarsely, Oct.6. The President of the Mormon C}utrcit�1tub Mli+rxdvtllu,Ila,,tfull�ing firm of DClAmutor& Co,, TraJ! g g "hello! Is that you, Grace?" called her sweet• lisped a decree forbidding plural marriages of blur• Dec, in. The Pulitzer Building, Ncw•Ynrk, was SYasl t:o the world. Some mouths since the secret. heart. "Yes? Excuse me for ringing you up so m0et16,thTho Grunt of visited General M formally oponed with 1l-ppruprhttu crrouu,nler, York ' I% Was revealed, and -Major Sigourney, nephew aCIeI• Doc.rs, The chino nolo Boll telt killed In Of f:Ile Celebrated poetess of that Hanle, be- early,but love got to go out of town In an hour," tan a grave at Trenton,N.J. K 7 Oct.y. The Duppont powder mills at Wilmington, a D00 ri2l0i byEnorutid stl�ut4miillcl re+r,(awris cunvintorl in Babe "I t's all right," replied the girl kindly. "What DOct.7.loded tv►t31 eat leas oP life. Balt, came kue3�vn as the u'i'ftel'.' Then Svc have Is It,George?" ii C () Tonins, Y a 0 Oct. 8. htef•of.Y llec Iionuess of Now-Orleans rt", s Capit Z'l tl.e story of the heath of Major Sigourney, "SVhv,you see,there's all agent here with one of was assassinated by Italians. y 4• Isau Sawtelle was convicted At Dovor, Cath '+'ho, it, was believed, had shot himself, and g patent seeing devicies for tele- aTld a.io.for and O'Brien eel from Ireland Nliva;o24, At Klikenny hrether Iflrarn, these ;. E an noel mry tiro appop4,nte of I arrnoll Cath .�i also an account of the earl death oZ his `err- nrrlvin{{,,hit ow-York Nov.x. trlumphad In elrckln NlrJnhn Pope Ilunuorsy to Ianr• Cath i ng wife',' tvllo was found frozen to death in phones. Enables 1*ou to sec the person ,you're Oct,ro, Justico Mll er was stricka11 with paralysis, llarnatrt by r r71 tnq�urity, Cath TI talking to,you know. He wants to demonstrate,It and died Oct,fig, Dec. �g _ the wintC,r of 1855, fill a low district of Ne�v to me,so I'll have into put It right on,eh"" undct.16.l IlvesLeland hotel, Syracuse,was burned I);Ikut a8()uyrtiaiu 1 fit with Rionx Indians In Aoutlt- l �i Zrirk. :1 letter, addressed ,to a, uonternpor- There was a maidenly shriek and a mad rush yorGleason of Lon Islandf.lt N.y, killed. i R'ullr+cu un(! rovers! sultlturs were t. Uct,2t. Mie ' I OC-30• CYnnfurenCer of]es4lare uftlie Irish fuolfuns ? a rig. appeared in the Literary Ary Budget. for tufo the ad airilrt room, olid a Ic;w minutes later was sentenced to flue days'lnlpriaunment fur assault. Lagan ut Bnulogna. August 26. 1871, in which Miss Annie Keely, the young lad,'s mother came to lite telephone 0 of Annaghs (not Armagh), Nett- Ross, ITC- and sharply told George to ring oif.-Lott2st(no � land, claims to be,the authoress of the poets. Coura(:r Jvurnnf. t+ „�,In that letter bliss Feely says. -- --- - Ft;1 ) +r 0777 W&U-BUXTIMBAfte0VjftLV, , to f - y t�N.#r.rt...�tl,t►o rh+fw�NwsNN�i t<T.C� trlllw�w, ! t�tbttT�,�)�r' � '��:.'. M *note of 1906. �• ltttt�l�1�EIS�arft�aa�aw-,t�+t +bll►Qatr sea� TTai+ Uaa. I As* as MYaerjp M�loste. The TTrrL tt1,t,�.t 1t j►ttlr ttmwrj► ! rlt.11ttrr Tit lttrt�trra blocltrtelltrl for 4"W"W"t10,^ but Tatr. ratsiatwst 0jr � ' tho Unto pa"'A bly Iliad !hQ NOL.� _*..►�1�.►tl. t •.µ,M., tltnslrte dleltt�l ,tltltrKltlyd tterritb arit of 1plafts. E tINFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY OF NEW YORK. �� lttlrl•t. wort lltatrtt«ry. 1). •Viso A6knt t6 T1sWalt+of V to"Iftf ng rA*&jw G'a**to mov"a1 Tt11l►t Iommls or ZMWINUM"W SIMMOM U.10%1"%m'latts�t/� a the v�rt a r' but tho M t4!! ._ a�pn!„ w'v�s 1Rlakl t�te+al*di4 irkt«►l Iu ik at "a faM ' oto Ana �'t ""� �"�` i r".+t y,�■�.�� flit tktsr� --. o pats ii 1906. y��{.�yy�� j������ �t .[�,'� ,1�Ny.,gyp trot Alast (� � vork xl�-.vo M,r'�. � i�t�f �K wtt��`*7f Itl.]Itr! krdt`lT tbirtlr pull 1tlEtlt Tlndltw dirmitan ot M� A 1110`11TMT►tw na/+Nr1'!11'lP wrttrn tr AT*00 t ralA t ltibtlrAW 1«+�"Tn�ft"W 1p1r+Q at �• arum. A It Jousle 194o a (now thaw..0R.t.lt..tE�►.tN t lt•wtt+ wrtalrttblttF T'ago xtilttl I est M ' � )prow4to lbs tE[ttr+.rtrar twr +�. a�t;�t ", tt►rlr111 1tt�ttcr. Tho �+t"4111h o W40 % sffv*t t1~ t 180?. r '.v�lt1 artrr�r rpt:rul+l it ttr tre.tttavd ari.n. 111 w+t urttAa~+t�tat l�trlawtrr 1_�t � tlytlt w luu►�Il«rnt at�+aa �trrtr�►r 1solrr�, r.,�. Tot`64u�1llwoOt In the'�'lr'!i tlbt vtk. El pr. �. rat111t4t1�t'. � F tttatt' r wOrrs divitlatl twtwoen tion Q Irk.�tlww�rb,ltb 1011 of the t'etrtfib. 'r u to A L 1"61. i 1ati rrl f ', t r Irat tdtitttttt�t�> utllt+rrli ItlteRtttwt 1> •�' M►Ntlt ba 111 PtM Golub undor 11w 08. daft ""I_t, t lar;11r t1tt+i tiwl pl=elf. mowltea. - A' 1r!"�'ke lY Mp d Kt4�rr*rt L. '�`tltr .Vwd. . _ ",."" M tlrj rTum n-&al►l,lr. Eaq.. "g tbsr clttwt1r- 1 jxtrrllrkttt�1pll �tl►e lutes*.Tlttlt t�tt+odl�Prvo l�j •.�...c.s.:a....3 va '1`1 � .�.,w ,t t *t�!. �# •t�W al MAN-;a*#- lalln�n;Q�h"r worn Tnaltl bar V$01"r 0V*011�tt1 too T� _.,>,.,a ,r.. ..>law i. pirt�k"T. Dr. Wso roil+^d S. L Woodfi*4, tam 1#jot•�•,:� v+t,�.+I�'1'•1..�«llt �al alul ' tttlttlo TttMt+tet n.t ± ' W% wd�Notux at It Wt.hoWs Trost am" volatt. a1 Ir rm.ltt►n; �tttrrjtita t•t tt t.[rb. r t.M t.' yt y 1/_'u,i}f"!''ltMl to boulp f�trbo, V,14logi[ritrtil 1�ww. I'1�1lidoi3 gF 0`4 ~ �` FL Vl io 117thft4g,4 ' .w tttr WMA 11+41trttar►rrl A#RtNI/luta t�11ijw rt4 fi��liaM�► Y.1�.�"1�, a41�t1 !�!t+Qr'11 «t i .t, �1 M Itl4. i s0[tt IWt ! I #iq mit but t ill trgtlr 111 t . 4t, a 1 ,4$#aara,*~"a Gallon Itt,0 ONO 44 bw+r vr. p4:WWXM � �� ell It rtlh" l,.+rtuf �, j•f MiU+r<t 11.1 q � t1eMM4tAlIMW�tt j+ ++t"t1 Itlt�rE Ab tt+OPU trttOrld 10Y WW a#' tbplr ttu ubur. at. 1 t 1[tt�+ Ttt.t•it+t[w_1'_. T 1�. [ TtNrr>w1 llt,trlt,►Rr1 onItf► o�Nt1111ogt 111 1t.�q r Ettjlltth�tt+Rr+., k W,##% lug voto rr r»! 7R 11 1N1. irtt d i*Ir# t t► r�fsw4.I�tllllk iR.K l,1* / t . [ 1�. rN"`l ! rTt� 0111 Oemokwr. l uor nti-r. T A l" "iWit1Ril At�llptre Nair *SIM r;"^'rfw.Ts,[Me1��1e*t tR.,a.tt««,e t flat ltuT, W UA'f'M Yatr`W.4"its TO 1� cu t.,ox t i., tRMC:"' tlt1.s11a r/a/tiaMr. [tn...r�«l T�`ltt111 .lp. t tom., "�• l'r!"il �,1 " T1', -�1#. C7 �A04 W01-vow)" swoo-4f, 7'Ir=ht+. ..ta tt�tit�r E '"1 Mr �i 1.t.+►1. # r t, t't+ttl ory t.ta.1 . t,+,t�txc•.w� Y '""Hitt 11N N ._R � ai� �`401"lve p1rotoo►iplty 01111� t�f41 +���l R[t 1' W. «It1Nw�F.#+ • •-*AO �,� Sus,"Ung i EwR.o A; E1r,ttY+ �[.t rtblu. i tit limrtl � ter tRt� ttMll A*tiw"h !i lrllm[rrtf�#.n t+dt#f"#W*_010101114 !3. #AWS#$% y 0 1#lilt'" S Iat1s tMt l t�eetll.1r it[ tta+ +l 11111 tit lira tlt+tlNl '► '-: t� � Attttl 4 N � * ltlrabrl[ = �1111Yr �k11•'l!topr ptrr�er�qs�1t$•a, „ 1't►tier. wrtn.,.l�l+ttt�pa� �N�1��,! q ASSIG pt�w"0111 r1t.,lru00"".Farts- tl1. t8t s' "tilt tt��.. i tom'rMW►t*l +9 ,E+,ttl �`�Mt'Rla rttlkt tit T#tN1tj<11itlbt ,hot Tlaanlr, tlMMw�.+4tt+ltt►n{w91r9�tw, , , �' 1,b to"atbwtttwO A 'll, l[•w+ .. .. t tl� ritrlti�rtr L*wyer_ "tti11 1 ,a.�wa-MY.�-1-V WtAatst s, ..«, t..al.r, boy ?Y. 11 tt dtt11YIM1Ml R�t1t+)1t► y, 'Ob Mm . t�tallt�►°inter. ltttr r�r+l � i l �r ttr..p„R ! � ! T1s t w �^11010. . tib Aftofte 80=2bl,rTru�l n P+1r rt. ► t �„ thn V411 da. ►� ,n tl ; .an �wttsr�atwr «T ,Me be �ttr "4 rrtett tsetetlutrrr 1 y« tw >ft l tt1tr11tt+�w1 1 Itrtlr�rt . t r t�ttl r IttlsyMr W p [l�rrtrltat Itid weamo , � r1r1 !raM.al� f -his�sa11«1lEr T t l "l+rt! R+�� :• i� ib/�us tavott �1.. t lir-Ko"ll,•t. t?1+1 Ttt�t . wN j �� •� , ,.t t-:t[talsi tl+w t srvp lr+rey r l„t►ill"t W�ao 0l its lrrt[+. [+1► -, ,r tl EAltTelrts Tittttttl ttwrtiytte Adlttter!1#e I#s. ,,a� ry fXr TVol M. nal t1�atlttltt. TN,sr�al+ �'ITa1t t+�a�! ttt,el+�aIt t r i"it�rfrw « >aat_Ii,y�e+.tltree.•".uw th� 1A"U�iatri�itai wfMltN, Tta+111tart loan +� f`"4w 't�•.e eta! 111"'kng #04 LIM go"" _ �w� '•x 40W r.+�«1M!� �* il'Ititslj tllttt to t ►urlor� 1�ttNt Tltta�rlltF/t+* rlwtrtl 1 IIy�lAww t li+N�tlryll + X11 44. %rwl, +� tlJlRttita 1 A �Vlaawnyti e.., tt el IMt t ****00,, itR +t1A4rr luts"grtbR MdM�1+1 i11u TtiltW, Chatuo tnntttt tort •+llMwt. ttlwiwrMs r'Atlrp�lt= * 1rl�tli b i 11111 tltsls.A[Isul,wt POOL Illwtw109% htltl now lENlwt�t �x ild tnllakniat�ijr took tyih� Muss +e a1y,- tR t, "t[rrt. ,tutega tit gum •Ire 4Nrittl �l�1a« Atturitw.r iG y ITlo tilt`A tfNli toll 1.t.�trpMtlpE.f�. filrl+a'1t' tltt«i TT (MIIM� �t..wl Tit � � Ipitlitdtw.tt,stt�1i�t►T �. tl/wr« ' ' .wrM M �M.�t..�. ftItof r a61. Il,j ttRha s Mely. t)t.1T. Ttatt"imi 1�4 ''*ib v. tttr Mt�t t 1111911 Ertlt�.��' ��: _ tit.U pt+E tin t'stari Kfdo 1101*ft.*"Mf:%atttwet. if. !►t tt.. •� ,! la t -� rl qttltrM•su•f1{t4�rw.Vf1'a;q rrl tr.tl6 y[1wi 04 .� i014 10 !lrblh.wr., at[.R,1t wrr�i[.� _f+ / ­00"o ltR+ptttaOIt*M. see' A04, Y. 11 IL Insides Mrrj id / t�Kl}. MW04. Pttalawt 4't4etth« 11 toot t Attiral. � tlttfh+p_ '1hut tTtltltltlOf tabltl• r th.+wr11tt11+M1 1•®tr tNr -,�. ..... ... +••�..r+•+•..[r�i F"%ably id. • .11 as t i..tt.t "I wwt140 04 .r 40 401 �tl bY wwd fl p st t i tlg, D: L l I*tl 'm on: sots,t#*,tp Win.H.W0114r lk*d til+ will. G' mt lot$ »6111sbill t�,ttaal�l tho t'It «Tl`uN after et l`s 1r TIT1t1t1tletut tnr out dowa that Appla l�Tes 1� t 1�1Q �t " -m y tdn n.r. +4ild you aiopmoe aw t.rasna! t,#rl the rla�r u1' tlt�t iitaArltlt'"+st�•1lo"" who Ph" M*a Moe 040040 '��'• t' ;4tltll Itt�r ., t 1r �4.3'� 111 t1t t1 ltTallrtit�l not at taw o"" t"ntatrntr Mutt dritlt.bran It mWe a nqw do,1 inuarrtlm ttud W kbt "t`' t it I tal art n ui�tl4` a b� bltttlt ata aha 1,r T*+1:� � ! tt'�tY tattoo. ttaot,� tWMt � t�Wtt abs , rot4400 Uwe. *a WtAwo 000 ko tb*iltl�ttda► 1w era nuou,,r-wo Plwa"t. Ante. *#*A # Er torn-ton oortltlr*flu kltlr" the)$"$a tx�rftlit"I 4101 of t141w1 Alxtr. Mlallrh tai biO "' WX bt1TlTTt!►t"1t. 11a '•'l tasrrtkl't1 At bagtxk a#li1 V1111"ii W bat#of 'It►a>ttl� E+�rttt " +atlstl tlatltlmtRitttull ��antbtirtlit lifts tt l it ttold r�orttiattart :fir ttl,M warm bora.t►, o trt'i>ti" flint trrtb 4 1►wOl f y Hamm +.4-YR+ua. j ao lstntiv. talk t#Tlr)r Iisiattltts. .l, W. littattta lS 111#a,.,114, 1 04a t a,tnm OW Wbl► —Acavtwr-w 't�144'a 000 trout ata°+ran.µw►1d ttr, ttalet.tt.,tet ted Job 'uttrlo. t:'Mwr f,1 bs4 1440 his m000v rrpldll" am #t+l"lly MW Ktt1►l ngs wont hA4 In both tth*#Vlrttra :��#t a�`t eft!* "��T. bad*40"Wta" 4UP40"?A Oftbr%* res.," rth�ttbattE tbtl #T�tti a� Idt> `tl � Ir ttnRtrj#htttr�t, `t-&"itt1R,!t no jrtltl Tt atra 44#0 It 'dX="T"til a tall!# red tlajM4fti Sbjtj V#hVW 09 V"'d afoot forth ett.a,s wow t tanto," T fTl+tmt t111ta�»jt tksw �tp ruttt<ttl wtt� 1c "mit. oto. t in *tiro 001,-title#use, lar #t JIVUrlr P. 140dtoad Fro4k tin"—Ajr+'Ila Wife'""it ant as Vftt bar , VIWWW• -At Any ttrt+t, you /►ltd gout vVP mom TathIll. rowtntr-Al kwka COW.but tinges 11 ahri"k t": tt o *to t.at tna T1tst^tt. Yo,r Dote bow it 1L "it In N narttm1 w►r 164a ar,reaa�rt�t Milso. 1111111611111011 kilt w,a ft"Of 1111011 of Rr Aon c'Nate'jr--i donna. ft+ar'e,011ve only Tt"' It a rtas�att t'nt .When We me"t1NNMNiIt to At a�t ;yr t1�' *MIA was ba14 I" tort+ p'tr�t.t Church by j ladta,iNj�ta.'*twat. v«:tEsl j Ta"L thio wtvorttt of fir`. O"o. P. Td IswAl. t h-i alt�trtt T+�-.wet la 1r>ritll tttva a prinvilto.l a ke" Wag Rp r. Dr. Wit. �`lttut Mrinve llft'u i �trl�i,t t•tn C r"nru0. n twill►" ' 1tr,ld tlrttl Henry WNt'd Potiahot'. 1av+ilt of Et brit rrilTl S neo of ns+ttaK!;. +l+tw>a�rtr whotrr •-the le b+tam S14aly." Zatlr� tOftbi ro So�t nr, .N. 1 Ir ttal+bt,rtQltttr n tv. ift.betwo it*ew414 At)(— A 7*4 trOrred. if&--1 doll Ott' phor Whib �: weltw n +e ay .� askavrV tod, r(mad hl,3 .. s 0"�.. At jriAltta,tjrt wild tded tho Vimt Chutoll in �*r�t. �•e,�. • yt . At�t�ltia� Olubj'�thi, $1taturnret lr .S,tnttaar 1l1 ....... _,.z CtMnare+t►r e t*rlrt - l.ltirrr iAn t `�' rt+t; a - - - ( MOW, .� a»t+.wwW,a.ewr+► ren ,, O8 >�!E'Z'l�'TX428 Air IOV OL70. 'fijjsM61'an � T� It 1890„ scot awsu, ' thi,t Wtiod thom The 4arfleld Memorial was dedicated at iEi (; ole (fit 1908. 't���'+w�" for ��t�+low-vt d o. ta�fr tl<��bl �t ItEr� A fitrliaelx axritRldV'�at'�; 1'hecornerstone of filetiPashinf-ton Vern- � � � t alt" !telt wits ttLldxl 1Wallbe corn ton n urlrc IWew•}"ork,was lrtlri, r 100. At rltitltll l rrr.rtytrl„met#40 MY Ir'.iIAOW!<}�ife of f>llrlr bltlrGlllt h"i The Tes11s Spring lsalaeo at Fort FVartIL x>1xatMrrr+t. itxr+a,att, rQtrt 1 t * CIIb lt' tiftts3 PO4WA 11p pardoned the Duke of t ~ lunttlt m to conttl tfs�tl 111, President Carnot IT INFORMATION ABOUT ME CITY OF �I to was escorted out Of France.. ( NEW YORK* I4. The new Affxdifs©rT Square Carden, 1\cw- �,l'i►[1r+ nl�,ltlC>•ry, ,pened to the public, 1) a4��a1 All.-nit tjta 1111+1-114, lllary Anderson,tite actrem,was married * •« ' Navarro at IIrLrR17-)fttead,England. �+�� es ai (a �i�t York !tty� 1905 � i ' 3t(1!�{tl� �'�ir t�w,ftdl-(rtVittlrty', The Britt�il anti (3crman treat}} settling �i r a`:-,; � 1^xty tit to 1 t1 aT claims and cedilT� Iieliogolruul by ling A "1��TM1 AW ft*1"1*1118M a0VANSI i1 fM,t rnany,was made p111)lie, ,R' e•�t, t"*%ow itix ltd. 1111 tIflf rriolellk ll 1}(01111! The city of Fort de France,Martinlque, rMI�"j°rjl t w ==1 14 sobow r,,,I- ��.1Mrtrr ..".� Wlel'v well �Mlttlrttdtlitt +...,, tt»f. „+� destroyed by 8ra3. t11r f1w�1 rt rM .� M �� t !"'r' ,. President Menendez, of Balvadar, died s•tlt+ti ,x r 7t a»p All"(St,r1IQerg„ A revolution followed,and Ueneral Ex" u r, �i �,s.. �' wrJoeigpis rt++alai+1i 40 t t rift it r y EMOCRATiC [.19AQIKR• ,AND iXttlt,IlTilMt M6tif�p.�4�, � 1ixt.et►ttitl � f" "ry tri � 1st;ri�l �tt L�6�1 -- q�` � �t�tp il'k�ytvtr +rte+ IL �Mtb" , rt e+rrr.rr Nr y ,,r t a�`.M.,t $4 WPA Flowr (,twit""wra� >f ut}rz V.trui�pi+r,>f. " w1 st ilrxriir�," *'tEiiitt"t i , ' tit' tre»..,, ; 1s31 alb t ltifty► u1t11I llrtisft* t'tr 1afla. - _ ° 1,i t N /+f � cr1M !r !�Mi Ilrl►,1. iJ.. .C. • IIIITmoo di 6Y0Lv Wates i t"trMy, i 1 .� uiilVitdl. I�Jt1t1a1tAh�e1I1, + t ",t#t.,,� x x t.rtt+<h of t�r'�u17, ,�t�tt ,y 1-wt1104 J.'.`mauriewt1"111i� Nov. hd t>~t w lr wrrttt p-M.I,�lit.,�r � M dsho. tett. i>�rinrt ��l Tll,� Tilling] arts. OWL tom, t « , •�►wrl+,nr.,t +s +relit _'ChtSpt"e1 V. jMoAtrtiMr. t�otl, i wf r"ty.wtiir► HSode F' !"` 1��tVrr r ra,. 4� � �Stl�l�t)t l �-• Meats XU lu eaor tilt , 115r1an 24 -J.J. tM fel. 11t1q i It+,w�/a'x "it* tt,�» ���t �it.fttwllrM tiEs-" i' dwitl. y4---t1PfM�A tt4t. 1Utlri. _i.111 t�ltrtr. 1dt, t> { ,�1R! t3tlli rkklF 1JEI .rt ISpK�i yb ,' i1r * �► Mgt i w a Nola, 1.111. 1. Ju+K+ 1'lrNfdM1 #trtr w r""11111#IMttrwM.rE tlr► '+ r ,t ,a -J J. titEy►w � M��« +rlw f'JIM aa..� ! >►ett eettlllri,r l w a +fie rtteti. 1isltr ainos, thurokl i oil. -`11111�111�t V �ItRQt1 . r.a !tea"A itI lett ,A Wii ltlihe "1~1117 1 rlwt+rtl tl3 rger. Itrbwjw.1. N tt.rin tarf t tlf. 'tU W606P us. He to Ma V.H.Raft(� .� wWw�r. +Mt-#lrewi�M _ �"�F #ErM N p i tel, two S&bb4tb fWlII Y. 3,i-•iIV}►illet�NR�k �, r�tt#M i}r#x* 11MEb �+O"t�ti "OpOs. A 1 � �M We liMtt.w wr �E•t1. Young*;, Its�,ttjytlJlll.e 1k�1, }1 fylaatt. --1VQ'tI11Att1 -. 1111. tK-A.r+t Kitt►r *•t"wr,r. '* tH- , •w A of litre of is ffeerr, t.i1 Tho', *no held in t1ju Tena#+ ;:111, 'tali--IL J<mestinly�ie w iM +'xtAt.rrt+. « +ray. ►s. M�+» 1+'ii+rarR ♦..111, n 11try. 'P H.(31IlCo11E. �+: 1» t t� x*e :: 91� 5 or011isOliIii"11111 r t.E(,, 14 Tyler'1 Erl hip Cif Htowgr ,, 1�1►ltt rtrt .tttirtrin, a trft ! .y t �, 3 te1f.*'ftttulta 1 tAs I !� ittt4iga n."Lit. l':+Iy. Jse. t • �e t so t.ti. ♦til anti� tri fi tt. H logtlon s.#lsttx E P lJ B L l O A N R.!t A Q�l!$� ANIS .1 �+ Ja1, `�, ilwrfret«. 1+1ie- 14trw t i +�• +' �• t, �'r t'�,�' ,�}t'. iM 1A'fi7��l�fl J••. I-• t ( 1111tllrew l tai Lit.,^,!�•,., F ata,Y ,,,, -_ r iifyslrr ti11MRt t �M�'. laildo, l a .101111 ttl Js++k � 1lliettlw # ?etar tto,ae. 171"1`, tiMtlt rflt tr( t ,sou. 113--ttnrr V At'k ; +� .itliw i!� M°tMf t t t•+ +U►�84Mr.rr , +.fill + JV t'jtlltt.li411 l'It 1 y «_.:.;t JO& � �. » � 1ltfter Wit t^rt towat.l to battit►Maar til Tninq'er. t+S -C-blerls" W. � 1w+t 'stead. 1 9--osolitalu{t tt ! 11 r »!i f.wat N e1 ttwrt i I +'swell;ante��4 N�t�rrwr! t f M6 11+J�ttt�tit��4*1 'i'Comp W 11. of ckc:tt, lat�_Jirttuptt �. tMt W. kw _ JMr. t '�1 �IOrer. tMrww�aW tete. .H '[ u. Not tall 1't .ht. �Ct-Jat3n tt.1laetti�. Petr s t �,x►+� rsEttZ tfit+�,. ler. 1I-ltitat00t M. 1#01 006 Jaiis'tai`s ~ +'MMyrra '� � 1`r lu (it Witt War but the+tl > olp1T. �-ATt�braw+tk t'tltMtt. w+r N- t» '"t#ttrtr+t4 '„ "' C.itt► �" tl` 1 dmau. xl -C}Iti" !t. tkl WOW. , "is tip » +trnrxtlrttt+t�t 1 +• urMe ifs"`t .t°l� >llkt• tml tbtttri relliCll�d futruaker, si+L- rxtetll 1,Nv�r, i:l't bol-ii 'wtAnis uttf7� 1, CJlta lar,!. !Ib-ttitrn 1'.Iwr+rttt:trt". ii �. lll--- r�, t.rxr+rrt,«M�e.'* i"�, lyrj IiMa'iitl ttC1w 1t1N01"ti,•f1l 1111 .>t4tlt,ru+Pl Katt«rr11th .fiat Ml 1 OW4 +1fi1 *+f." ifrat0 iee erom$. i.i. �. ., ____._..r .rw•- ;'+ �,moi l Aw a t� e -Sol t?"Z+i' tt1ll ft13�i f Old 0ltrttr�try ��r xY yy may• laaw au. 11 orllte>Ir W u A r You u wA"r•r mg t) L �`�� t .1,�9f ; � ',�Ak. �iltiltt'tEI�t . +" �" H+rwe#t . ' ' - +►. t« At�ta t '. r+1..,�., Iil ",ttly .3«b+C1 I t`."W I1. tom,, 3t[entiyt,AI rt.,•<i I r. ,i.l t tlril luretlf i/w >f+tia t» •f►i t ." aM. "1r tlerwls t t#Alrht � l at tjlU,UUU l)t It t III till,l+�+Itulltllrlf et " t tit �1�. twrte l) wt rE lME►.t1 w 1t =MxMr`*CMt st"tit. A. �'tR,t11R j�111I RrE vvho liad nlost l} a.r 1rt Cr1bnWd tr) 111N tNr V 4t14at1u riven away, '.()Ito to the Voris""with "web et-t,wilee� '*t. N1er 1Oirirr.°�iiiftir tom'+, Itir A.lt. rrt',irrttrw,i." > j •hr A 1.111 n ryoriuvonti n ca►rtatetthib IMrb• rt-•-flit" � + +• w _ l�, �`r1Wei(11.: Frio n 9 tx+twta wrhrr SNrk n t "' tliflitq.t i►a a.. 0 awl"Ise stlao, tr tteww tl*at�i , n,ono to the }eta tin'silo ft",t EiUletit the tie ,,, r}t! fineW"46tit ttgoei lMllx" 'ttsrtf�trtf to r•rrt�tl l<i ole[;Y,one to tt 111, efrrltttl tiVlittixl itttslMEUMr Nti1i EAur II►rti it--ift►ri�eitur M a. r 1 +'ttir!'i1�.. it.W.•�,rM�et arlWrrrx t ��iA+. Ntit %` 11 q K het to anoy anti once t 4 r t it►(twr4on who bels IYerritwt i t �ttr"s Mitt. i itiieie. t!w 11'1111 bolit�otl or rcatiur•t#cytl of rtApellEtfarnitflby•qd t + t-.1'M,t��-+teri�r t** 110.1,�e IMtfrrti, C111111. h A` t +M "t iW,t tlitrl"(+Feat 1! " I11r Tbetle's me as„ftr.+rw w CJi.I, dtb>�lllttli, TOO 00 t<(tttllil l+itwnxr phVRlr's final c111,1 r1lotr�lIt?*ttreusvtn.t t« the is �"�'` to was lath tIR a411fAW"Lt11f*41+trt�t,AMM �trr•k � +. t � iii. t .. " ? . �Irrtr ww''yor tb33 eltrt'!11 tetr.r:rltvanl[ lr� IliNl rill#tiltlt,tn+111tuto(1111f. tt* iuizil J41-It i-�tfetr r'•t9ii 'Ji11 � 1 11ft+tk t# l�.r.IrY itrif' t;t f'i1t l.e »a Mlirel le led 1)Swv(l sit A r i r.l r+t1St�ttt Jli4tle•kttairtt.tttx•f law twletr7nr j 111 w•1wwl tq tt 11111.1 =01 +l t tlw 11t1t111ritd 1bytin, �r,rxviyRlalt7KEAltyf�tuff. Jl4rolrA-W& .rtr.r• tkf. "' �,.ieletrre the Nottttl I tlfat 1 t 11111 Wet'11 t+gtlitrtttrnd try lb«�ritt,Yt>iiil lirrs► !.-tkrldrs.Ytrr r ++� » am t" 1rt rtw.At nr..f nratai. p" find j ear the instltu t 1,)rt ' " i1� OWL '• � t b.on UA work. >Its,s1 1.aitrwatil r Taw w r � �,t rextln. 1 itM K. �,l' kt ,til.• li tfetrO. rtK „ t,lt. It I with tllrsoAULtItt(04 t awaMrew of She ,rre!is rta. t»tt�r�rl�t,ti t w1t11�r .,.. "� tip I+�iwtl� iilwlEllfr itllMlttM 11Es1,if tl ullq►t" l ti' N.wM ie aMtr•M,"M tlirlw +M � .11►1rlrr�t ft.} * tin �t`im +itt1 C?il ti ley for two eorine otl-ttlr4,ream,t.lyr Ac+art•nIV of xv,Is Sty-tMtruw�r+1 «i� 0o each. 'l']T eme dal +taro ela m for 1 wt►,+.f t+setx�)r ltrr��,1►,�,rtal tt�M 1 '�� it Nobel Iltati to to.t h oh Mums.a1Ettlttelrat Irt;r,fA tft,,_llrwfi+r 1 w t,h �i'r"'M'�"1 ars tJtrf. i " tpir Irisa�111«11 it ei ►ire J feaer, ofilt' lifl..sit7p t1t of tttrw tt+wed.tr niratt tf 1 t logo i a t t� W klo>itlltftt OUfrttr t11+�tall (care the Puutlrt cwt th nelittltttttt,olid ,n, er-°1t.Atrrat'�1'111 a" t 1111 yt 'Jwtan&ft-1 111rgfia r'�'; •t 1;t t,. � t + t 1 r r t ItR`. w#t7 gg �1ltalre,r}�� 1t �r co ev away. 'o rl li elite of with pptist+M1 ant • �tlldt "i#ttt,#M ton rci 1 furl o r.3s +etflwtinr 1t}.iNn � ie+ryllw�Itf .rrA f g ( 1. ifr ttit�ltl VOM aw We f"rclrtle t co every qq � + ,ofs cion a made frmr film Willett airs" eeSear i o Irl trtt • Ai.11 t•_x,ri t "A"te A~%el"m IL16 M4 . 1« er'. Cat,"tltitti"til otieli __ ltt 11ta1�r Ito www diftativvm n Willett 1tEtraltttt 111111 leis rra IwrtltDttli. "eat lin%6 rlwt"el,tst.itt tel.nk Iitlt. t.. t ItlrMti r f!1 a The benc�$crt exp the faltnrlaEMn ltnoc 1at�1t1 t►k1r,4aiiiiirM Apt.t i-"w 1 rt a"r Poi's of t"11e� t Mr t ltw. r*' tftllt ' ,dtttl.wraE�, t E.wi. be re. `d from '`NoheltrtJttaleetia Nlyetnirtly�• ItlMitiEiy*w �► „1 3. IVrra 1 A swMr«ai tL {,�ri>*�«t yW,g, � « ft*& tt. �# adenstirite.) ' " � i aa. +w� f , *KAwi rrw i/ +"it 1+nrr. �w. l r» t` tb$� fide nn t! norn ha hemi+ ph"Ire.Stat . April I4-- rnf�ril f1�i U*0,erel.►,'*�irlwa .* t.. E t �,(�. lw• ryg brei 11� trtrltl jIT1fLlT,ITr111arlcl t9t'+1 i ' t1 prtf le'-tir.l,i,xyt r -1' +• .lr M tint tiMeN .'k to , shaLl "4 e i w e� i 1 xi,w A1,Mtit*twte r«* til tw w 04' I qh,A;nulfr3lt Ifl(]d T't+if.'i�,hifl'11 t w� � # t rt!tt_+t�fr aerwe+tt+Er 0. 1Eu,,it„ t T! fie' I e *" f�i�Ir t,irr Mtrwt„'0 eMiEl ta1': 'Ml►t Ct 7 +kilt tl rho. Vail j o r.prof c ►+a tr ... f'irwet.O1 .iwho if b ete� 00 �tlE3'dj mo.'1t:h 1 l��airi )1,J.Jr.1t,van�c�f1;Arafarlla� 1A1Nr �f � Itwril, p f a rrt +teiX. Ap t1 tr.1i,rd ittl••++s+f"Z1wt1to of c*uogtiErfrte,"a �Ir �� f !"`• 'bwn �{Ittti A. ,Prof.11-Tf Frl (A t 11, tlitr rx r e " tt31Mt.1ul1 lUOEi,Prof.II�nr1�tol,ata�n. �" + r alrtntrtp, Iii, 'A von $r*hrtettt. ()Orman - f�cttl tiEltr�tt�IMtat�ltt i;awk It1(•lltft ltl At1tr tfl', RusFrpll 141<?9�>t ixHtitr � i. �frt,awtt �0 i+r,wrr+4 for a►M+MIA. >�1 `i 5 Golgi,Iarerrr'tt IrritE��, '1`"isw heard I Eb«alrorto•.1' tM rt•,nitr ernlYtt. +� 0 s11o11 Tnnl�rsr" 1+t ihr Lw*if tlintir r•^t.+rpt d+iltn, r -• �;�, 1, IL. P. A. rtl1+, 1'rltQhntrtftlt+ p"1r►tr"fi Mkt ,ott,Nort�r s i:L,r: �"rarrltO�te 3tlltatil i1d1� �1111�Mi► Wit eiahlx�lgp�®tsitt,abft q��jhy wr►R t t'! lrlrtrll� o 11 �� ,0'"4 111' All lewfcz,1'r,l,•- I f ,!'trlf►+frw/r f"Ate+stenitle. t"to' L11 ittr tvh/pr+t+iJ qt •ftnri Dunant,i0.r•tlea,nnit rr,i'tfttely.�t hettutlllrt +aiixw, Tuthill. In Southold Par1ls6. It"V't, Crerner1 11"llgltfllt 1004 Thr�lltieit 11111, a t111M"fes da�tt� 11itt+l►r1M Aim fpyrl as t+rw tlyetttiMlf.� iliM•rr, A. �t°t!lt,(J1i.J.��1(tJE1.+11711 +�. �.�hjxrlll:!� ['or t�f' S,Baroness ran isu,44wr,+�tirltritAt *.EttEr• eFAt►1►r, rtrs.+titr t++flt t "t+Nrt rt +**utEf+ t,.w ' tai,t1 t An rt1►r 11ir tb0 00", tt,tit r.I-we t" tMa: atarkasl t'1illliJltl hex tlttl t tM!" t+tr1. J1rtd ayet.an it to tttr and Ah�rtO+saw"t atlntllt. li+Irsuon. Tit*+lr�oru+��e"SAbl '1Me( tod-. 4t ri tit hi0ttrti+us a7►Ytntr f'r`et Ile", "1'1x1' w ttv lr bet tart rei by >�rlwaAl 1'itlflttifix. T). L lila". �VI a I r,w tt�e�d 1 txr*r,; �� tku e• "1r that~+ ti*1 *+`tr tial r«ry 1+11 il►q. twr; t',lt1h711111- tt1 i<l. hel runny(t:t 1t"ll. Grt�t: far +tint! �'ttt I1,1.#t°ttllit,e sg=m-cn>3 real t11Yle'�'• �ttt Illi btfw.tf tNY e►trak tlhe i loll f4.r and a #1l MF ��t#' li tf r 11��+*1\ nellwns re•olcctecl lender o1,04T' to Elis fltr'r+9"1 114at rrw 14""01'+1 Idttt ltdw. 1?t7latttittlaiC fl Ctlit (jcaWtl thelia' Glx lttt r' but on Dec. 6 Jut+tin AICORrthy rr,trd g' Arh 1 �. lr t Ihitn rtrn*„ +embers of Parlirl11 Clitwithdrow from ; - _., 4•fi,tr w ter, trE R u tllri tlti Citi t11+1 T11 ti6IlA•Ifltt+ttlr fttab4at I;, s'rr fl: 1111 r+ ;ted M anti by leucic,r• Q S � I<�t• t7atplil trttti)tiril kei off 1131 rr rlloIa'racifiAdfLrnsresigtrodtifc_�cprest- f 3 �+ .fl ' Clear, !ii t+1t! #`cltbOlWil�tltl .fl lltt>rtil>� t}{ jtffiy lw'ttrlr-.ice neon Pacific RtlilWiLy;Judge I7lllrut tlF. alt tttttttlptiftp ttNtil ytlu rtrttaaf lhxl da succeAsor• litt,g3 t11r1 we0o#ip in I�teriil M'tl0 hwl XpAdd a' u+lw dippltt°triro, (lud i Clef 119111 WAY stn t. brown tle tional Convention of tho Farmer's A1- v►IltlatYt 11 f+if11111Ar fier„ 1"11('111 tai p jjtip Were Ouli#I�t`ouis R}ipprul t,1 4111 ri'i Dcala,Fla. Alar 1�ut#'1'it sltisi of 1,Enrxtrfr • sal tlrba" 1►qM � 1tJ3"t at tul"p•1'!r;'tYtl nternational Copyright bill pasfted tilt ftljnj ftC, w+brim Orb's iityll fifltl +"1>llillrg E1tiMl1t1+Ix btrllt".#t u0"d dull 10114 pin,ea known In the 111111 t*►utxlr7 v+li+tieft*rgt,rtl t ret. "T be "`yeti h Is 411k tlalbrotiet with.!berry Gent lakauatives by fL vrrtc3 r,f t q to g, Iva of Cold VI'a,er ill dial y'" w" 11tICt�tallNl�lill ' y.Ctl1 Iialakaua of Irawof lnndod at:tan thofn Wltrr"tr iroM,:the pr+Sptl+rt) 111111 Ml'fill! IttSfrtirLtlti-~Y,d'sr 1° stntje, b+haztxil ttitluVhnl4A by M r a gtrarare--..� banking firm y elplCt. �. Nlr. HUUttttl� Vl"lfef...p+fty, f ttlClii t, nail" t Failed. In I3elamator do Ca., ',(ilad to sae YOU,ll�a'am,'•lttMtd k(r. 1111 runt, +Iter+ twit]Job Rutt(Ytl. Pulitzer Buiato liar! ma4e hIs '(ai,1":tl11+"ri dltt,. 3iouxwith n t;+ New York, vas tlyd 1111 �' roiittdf'f t0d rftently rtrbrl Idop inp wore hoij in 1with 0111 p"1101% Not Tvillited pproprlatc,at3rerraonice' pOsden,004 tSMo(,illlli.tflt}• fg t} diens chief Stttin•131111 was killod in ` It#00"'rti ltj40 rtbOut t`11d ftat Of M(H)rets �CJtlt� diets in t3outh-771 Vita. f t9grtltazrlt. -1.,..AIM*1 rhe+you lis ttcnl4ta ax s It > ' CseR1d3'`'7'i•t s ffrittd red 1111; nud,tiro mu:dcrer, was lconvictod in Yetl'd r 019 fam*ifft W40 i wr",- "Otililltrttt tattir)1!9 tiro lip tit t rel Ticar* jr4, Sawtelle waft ~Ott. ria, I'm stint pitt,"uld Kale tk'lt#ltrrrippp Lawyer +.unary P. Ilcttlgov 11110 Fratalk (:Altet�--Ar,11,;fninerttuff ane convicted at Dover, `l°tM tttlY. -At fie. Tuthill, ('s"Idp--U!Aoki 1Ccod.but t ,der oflris was I1'irfuu. Y rsi#, Pett Artfi }°tyt/t WtXdl1� Kilkenny the a-11>PONOnts of Parnell CCItt1R tO"1116 iLAI'R, You know how is Is., old fel �(S>Tflt1] l�`jl a t�liarattdJl(rr"j/ �u� wAtYlain'! :ting Bir John Pope Ilennessy to Par- 1Vlltttn �Ftt peVet najority think of A! itOM0 Mleatrei like t tr dint)' was bbd in the First`,e1jurell by C`�tRty f ttg17rt0. !llxur>,t)t't'fi R•ht with $iotxx Indians In 9outlt- `r fr7rt3dtt what�rl we 11to['st thtrtl lrt t1.Otirsitt Q : -1'�ft#rtr'lpftici.^Ylra,t. Wallace and severui soldlers were 14'11rtt a Mean it--vrtt � "'ii teAaFt, thli e�nrttt nl'Xt.C+V.017(1. �. 4�'ia{1►t+ll. �`li•S _ WhcrelMr At htrtlin,�> t t to etlQ tllntsl, rr..nce!of lexlderrs of tlxo IrlAla fftoLions qaf tri g lit rl p + +«stmt-, l rTttr�, rou! itlrtnwfta e:nM gold will t4r ,h r Dr. lMt. with t�TrFivc'lli e. #Tf K r• ttttral• , nth (at" i"il tautrkl of rTtnlitrlati -- frail _ 'ti►ht3rli the��llle:IIt+ILr1�tzlll(if�°, y � _- - .r E`•Attfltbtttp tight itT llttlgnrla, y� A - Through t htx rlt�Itrufticark t 3li t 4 t>f Rev. But b0fore he could shoot , ���'��,sM�T+pt�. f� A Turk laollcr+�d "�t•txrtl•, Tfa�i cera+ "W"Ilr tb O of that tali,bt tiling tft &AY � h?r Whitak"r n tsovillal 1I(,W,0n+rrti,/ AnC1 tbt`Y k litill him n* - ddt Jkl ttfi Tight 41r•tr, X " 1111"1 i xti ,_.. Onrinna(i romp ft*--Why dQ11 "YOU try t�Elt 14 � r 1 It rietf ctt"clwdt:�ti Litelt1r11 �11'111 t, '+ ate x tl1t:>z� �untutl',y 1A3,t. At Ityllln mt�111rlrstll.wt p;l�tll- aaatatlrrac,li rweuat rte+to is 94.1i!t"ftai tA#alet'= eri yt;hw+ +incl Hyl•, 1Yitliatttl Lirtatlt,l , bets aft A'rM Y'nflFlk.� _...,��.- _ TO the F(litor of the Prooklvn I%aR'le: 1WASS-NEEETINGS AT SDUTFIt0LD. D1is'sionar' wv of Ebruts in 1890, Tharp io�„ illi r gflv,a minry T stm tnlrl nrntnFr.t �in,tra f:)tf+iirrt.en(t)c,n,r>n1 c ��(.)UCl all(1 ttwas installed as May 3o. The Garfield Memorial was dedicated at � � f�lrr�D�� ALI��,r villal�( Jyn Cleveland,r0. KbG�r 11tt ,19 0,P ft Of 1906. t litrrre A furious a trip around the May o,The corner-stone of the:FPaehin ton Memo- dgr. (Age at the last birthday im t 11' 7vf;2'e hl ;s and 14 seeondH, r1al Arch in Washington Square,New-York,was laid. Y given. The list was Inade up for January 1,1W.) 1 Otlle 3 of Now-York was AlaY 30. The Texas Spring Palace at fort Worth 100. Manuel Garcia,MUSIC teacher,laryngoscopist. lT�L�'g';P t17e t11nr p. was burned. art (tharles H.Haswell.civil and rinAP a.ntcu.l anrrinApr t�m timbers'dents conn nd daughter were June 3, President Carnot ofpardonedFranc the Duke of INFORMATION t �OV 1 T� J �J�T� �� �q ]�TTff r1 Orlulio who was escorted out OY Ii'rance' NEW W YORK f At a 519 Rivor-i unt nienlol' s President of Co- Julio_]" .. J,;� 1 j`1, J About tl York, t), alsoi the oi}lee of City Julie 1 o J�uip tort. Ix the following pages information of daily interest to att}zene and vlaitora about the City nf.New York is given,tlrs ;I'UStil11 r* �'�6v°Sm 11, to Alie #" subjects,for convenience of reference,being arranged alphabotically. 'chis information is of the date of January 1,1905, o rerno Court of the, their NAT 1 O N A L /�O A j(j 1 Q but Jt must be borne in mind that cilarl a in an active eom.muat Ly like that of.Now York are contiuuouaiy going on,and tbat �here, COIlfI ,v-York. their A 1(iITiUDiAJ+ JL Alllfrllllt IAdtJ1. , accuracy in details can only be guaranteed fpr the date of Isaac of the Aa,raAxAc, Etecw. >elraUtl, ]in the!violent sial rcrrnftuyanctClrcat 1aJU1� 1002..AbW,,Edwin A..Fairfield.liugIoniL MOLjawwlt-I Wlna,wiv 11�1Lrit'11ICItt �nC� �I1C (YDI� Yt�1TDY AII� o 1800.Arlwtnr,llrrlrvrtt,,4'd 1Yaat 11,t)t Mtea*t. 1108, rtllltk/(rat _ _ �( L'Oli . AL1gUhtl were Vve11 p of the Austrian wJuna-:' 1909.Alexander,J.W,,19a Jd+at Itad Ntrr.l. ! , *welatl,Wllliwm i1ra0,,,pt,7t lyattl4Blrat 'PasA•rttss, ---Locntiun. ._-1 .---- - KL7UCratF •fil7e CUnCeT� L9110.134rav,u.It.,Jr.,ll Mad apthptrart. I IT, r J 1�'Job"'61 W'"i IOIb bhw{ Ih0 Iriwtora or Soat.r:a- Ilocus of Admiearoa. l'ar(ormancea 11 cans visited Purls, Httddl'ttl 1069,Ilanux iroa+tar,rdreae. r AI Wettttdtlr4 _-__6 pacity.# (Subject to l nRn{(¢,) Begin,P.at. 4 011 the Vid Wpr.N. Slann•era. 1 awl i,+rl f Cecelia,c r:a+t lila 109.Low.Will apt ll.,llrr+ps,1ot N T t yt Academy of bluaic...E.14th lt,and Irving t'htc�,r;ilmore&Tompkins_ 1.;,Uu - ---- - tLll(led med the 18,1.Buekw)Ur,J.l.:arrull.6(t 1Vaat 6ltb Street, 1410 U*tr Wt11Mu,ll l UL 14th r� Alhambra.............7th Ave.&N6th St..... P >Rt.uU,ib.,Goa.,25a.......11.15,rase,U. )]1 Vfi' �fi104OCJ' 7CCr 1906.Burwell,Frank(ulretl,SrlMel,kla.a Peroq(4,W{lllams... 1,6'0 1.On,75¢, hoc.,261......,8.knit.2, t 5 Y_.__ 1903.Buten KArt,Waehawkau,N.J. yy ,Ure,r �•,T{i'etE41tt1,M "I American.............8th Ave.,near42dSt,.,....W.'P.K+•ogh......... 2,100 1.06,751„bUc„2uo.,,.,, 8,15,rout, ,• ],h Cswere Axn' Dist. 1a7a.JdlNler. t+elh lulyittyd87 Aela»co....:..........42dSt,andlir¢adway....,.i)nvtdl3¢1.cauo........ 930 00 to (StLlue(t lits yUUI] 1888.Illauho*td,.it bi It.,rat,N'Si:wth Mirast 11p1b.Molet J►.it„it ' a B•rkeley L}cemn.....44th St.,near 5th Akio.. .,,Walter(.Jord:ut...,. 450 3,]u,mat.2.16 o 144. 1.-•I1, it t"'Inil, 18113.Itravourt>J.It. r1 k A.,P tttrer(. M+ttlMdllN.j one of D.P.11ort( nary at 3 l Iullllll'3 '� 1881.Nrldilrnatr,Hrw�ertok A.,]'larta,>Ir9'atrw, ludo.Stasi*r.1>,n>tr,WxkeOad,N.Y. Bijou................Broadway sail 31st St......A.C.Campuall984 2,OU to SUo............,.,BJG,khat,2.16. ii-'I'Itnr/l lty [: 1873.Bristol,John H.,sit"t jSd ttitrRat. E *++row'rpuy04AL 14 WertY9dSt Iiroadwny.. ........,Broadway cud 41st it......blit&I)Ingw:dl...... 1,800 2.00,1.5u,1,00,75c• 5oc.,8,15 mat.2J5. )1 1VJ t{Il �I'S.�I(JrN.c leis hot a(ti,It 1.Ila) 1tl63.brawn,J.li„67 W+wt 10th tttrr*t• 1091'Il.rwbray 11•tgdduea,dA Wqt l Casino...........t...,Broadway and 381h St... ..S.S.&Lee Shubert... ",000 2.00 1,50,1.00,501....,.,H,lb'mat.2.15. r 4 .I�11111`i. A ll 1878.Butler,tiaarito 11.,116 West dolb Mtroo 1+Tt7.Itahi .Y!toraip�'�WpeIIW 0nrtt Criterion.,�.........Broadway and 00th St. ....C.A.Williams....... 1,000 75c„500,,25a............8.15,mat.2.15, �3'tf r1fL11{p1'ti10. Th( liar•ill >hy, IrY 41114. �j Cfrc e 1 the TTii i J. c 11111+ 1808.Butler,1'tuwnrd It.,t"a.ptgtla IIa1L 'atlrgFra44fNl way and 94th St......Charles Prohman..... 912 2.00 to SUa.,......._,•...8,90,Haat.2.13. 1 1761.?Ile,>a,J.(".ht West I thllttret, Daly's............... Broadway and 30th St......Dantel Prohmnn...... 1;100 1.00,75c.,Boc....... several success 111 e' 1 61 11 W. (lith( 1816"Gwlt'-NVi('hmr,ae,I W lq th Avoinrw.t, Tie4,(4bturap.I+ DeweOO,mat.2. a9nrd,tkrt Y•..............14th St.,near 3d AveAve.......Sunivcs &lankan..... 1,000 1,00,Goo.,351.,45a......S.15,Toll C.2.15. rid the!that so larg IRS thq� B--IStliijanlin 1G 1890.('hale,kllhrtirr\I„ ,Ua 1r1lth AvenLLa. Ceb,Gt, a qr 7--I'riWll{.I,11f 18tl6.('harsh,N.11.,1319 19nadwa 1aYT,Paltrasr,WVitiW L,,,Iliac,N y Empire Broadway and 40th St.:....(]l:arlea I"'caiman..... 1,100' 4,00,1:50,1,00,me'. bOc..8,16,anat.!1 15.' ItlOtl.Clhre+ltnat B.W,• IboO M tdttwn Aveppe. 168"Parf„n,&iniad,ala N"iet aTtitBtreel, Fourteenth'Street....W.14th;t„uenr Gth Ave...•J.W.Itosonquest..... 1,500 1.00,15a„5Uc.,2tio.,-,...8.15,ID:tt,2. Ahe res!- ]"101'$LI7Ce, tett to tl "t• IMee• r'e.ri.I(,Wood.abrat4, Gurdon.. ...........:tTadieon,1ve.and 17th St, It,W.Sav:dge........ 1,126 2.00,1,511,1,00,764,50c.,8.15,that.2. 8 1''.,T.Nttliiv The 10 of the 9-P.0T.Doolll 1862.Colman,Santual,at cuptral Park 14'eat, 1wtM1. I1-rt+T,H•' Garrick.:............35th St. near 0th Ave.....,S.W.Gnntportr,....... 1,006 2,UU,I,bO,1.00,501..,.,.,8.16. iat t11r1( p' Ceec mtdou. \5'illiaut Ill 1908.Cox,Kenyon,11':WsMt 66411 Street, La(4.3'r¢cion,d��j w(,allorth WuhiatWANo Qotham...... ....... 12,tb'St'..near3d ova..-...bulllvart&Kraus..... 1,6:0 2.00 to 50, 8.6 m t 2 1 Theatre 1901.Crane,Hruee,154 Went 6:"lb Straat, I"T.Myr "IxtptlMtT.Titfills Lltm40do Grand Opera lIouee...4V.e3d St.and 8th Ave....J*)Ln 11„springer.:... 2,106 1,00,750.,bUc. n ..'" 1' A. .5. u with- t•1vo Sabbat; 10-Jtiliu hail 1904-Ctlrr►a C,O, Iii Wart slat Atrsvt. =i*J°bp 7Y1at1trt 1,l,ogduo,Ir lett nhrlem Opera House..W.125th St„near 7th Ave_A.Iacheustein....... ,25c,......6.15,mat.2.15,t In Au- us and 11-'1'..I. 111(•Ail 1868.Dano,�Y.1', .,London E land. 1476, d L.(l., !Cala.N,Y, 1 P 1,500 1.60............... 8.t5,that.2.15. Y01111gS AUmus n 1441.101/1146�,Aww,])„tiranb herald Square........Broadway and:16th St.... Cbarlvs lerohmtan...,. 1,.100 ;!.Oo to 50c........... ]H98.IAI Noreet hex kwrwd,9 rat doth(ltrool. Yr(lt. III,odrowe..........6th Ave.and 44,11 at........Thom son&Doody n 3.15. > 1vt1.8 held 111 3111 oft P3 _ 011 n h. ('1 ISM.Dowing,"hod.W„61 Week$loth Strom. 1ar11 t1411Tf4w,vYwiter,abt,.ad, 1 P P y,, 6,600 5c.to$.OU............. 8,mat,2. I. Thr. Hudron..............44th SE„near 6th Ava..,...it.13.tlarrlo.......... T,(W?9 '2.00 to50c.........,.,...N,4U,mat.2.15. r 1't--�l'lllittttE .I. 168E,Ilfelntan,Nraderlak,bl West lAtb Sire+t. j*,su 11kna�rtlrlr,Nt,Itrpr T {w d8trt•t, Irvingg'Illaras.........E.15th St.and Irving 1'1...11.Courted......,.... 1,1.00 l.l)O to 350„ 8 o 1d Tyler 1Cad(;JrShl o I Frahc6 til-,}11Itu'ti.i.11 3902.Eakins,Thod, I799!tit.Vwrauusit.,l'hiledel k► ),IhWulpJllnw Kaltch J5 Bowery...... ..........Loopo:d ipachner..., 2 Doo 2.00 to 50. .•0'MAL.2.15. , p tiled irla p• Ph Ia4,.""Iflibb i a .............8.15,matt.2.15. T$ JO)- ]iabas IL Bt: ld-1 laoc'iS.1, 1804.Heratd,r I3rn., Wast49dStreet, N•,IbA!(setS4tk8lrae; Keith's..............I,14thSt..noar12rondwrty.li.r':I{alth.....:.... 1,000 2,00,o5 02bo,,,,,,, 1 j g 17-ILoHN�lrilli9 I9fll1,Howler,N'rapk,I0b W*at 74th mirool. 1474,�urt1l=e,Jetoea 11,"16ft Meat y6thSAcet. KuI kerbocker....... nrondwa itnd 38C}a St......Al.ilaymnut&Co.... 7 352 2,00 500. 1,00 60a 1.30 to 1U.45. inan. i(� try 1901.Hrrn¢h,Daniel t:, 3;'6 We•t 11th Sttaal, 1""'•let.tfa,riap,,,Aa�s tMe,Windsor,VL LowNPielda'......... 42d St.,near I3n,a+.l,v,t .......8,15,mat.2.16. £L mass- d 1' Floc ire:try 1882•(1Aul,ttilbrrt,bl W of Inti,Street. 19u1.A'y`r'Abbott f1 1leaarlptr'k,N,11, Lihert -•. Broadway..::,S.H.&Len Shubert„ 1,000 2.Oo,l.5o,1.00,500...,_..8,15,that,2.16, 1L ,rotor f( --- Is„q lieu.DI.W1 l _._.._._ _ 7006.Gra8wy,Chm-(kithwt),VVOOATah Birgit,l'lrlin,lell'hia,!',. 1011. y 231 W..12d 8t....,.,.......l�l:tw&Erinnuer,.... 1.'200 2.60 to b0c.,.........•,..6,15,ialt.2,15. 1. First y l,o+rieC'• N.•urth Accrue, London..............135 Bowery.......,........ }as.It.Curtin.....,.. 1,806 7ric.,SOc.,3bc.,2i.c. IGa.8.10,unit,2.10. Aae'v IN4t. ldtl7.Urfawuld,L.4, 940 Ww+t 19th Strrwt °o T1'iM.,!!�►Vsat694hatrent. Lyceum..............46•tb st.,Ulway end'uthAve.Daniel Frohman...... 9.;7 2.00 to 6013,.....,,,., ,9.20 ntnt.2 1 ort £tIl(1 1�ltt2ly of SU w-York, 1_'I'rancis N. 1886,011 ,Seymour,lowel.lt,61 Waat loth Street. 10".Itpi1.7irrp+r'V.T..C e 11411 L tic. 7th Ave.and 9111 t,.......,S.S,enc I.oe Shubert... 2,000 2.00 to 50e.,........ A.5'r t 5, 1eCUNHor, 2-Jo topli I,,^ lAaB.Hall,(Ie,r a]carry,t9 liar t!ril t(tr4at. .Yhe4d«r,l8fibww,7^, 1 tltMnt Madlaon Square......24th St.,near Broadway r .. 1 ,r to..2.15. irll mrt teered to 1713,' ,part of 1 788!1,1raMlltOri 4lamlttup,l'vakaklli,N.Y. 1 +rtwvdo I'•'llmttn",1141. Alsjaetic......... Y••••Walter N.Lnwrauc 65o 1,00,3.5o,I,OU,501,.,,••,8,:'0,mat.2,1.5. I ,r ry 4--Isco J. li r Ill".Valk , IWoolatAtmtree .•... Iinmdway.tnd 5961St......John S,I�labert �x �v.kok 1,973 1.50 to 600...,•.,......:.S.M.20aunt.2.00. 11rJ111(1CC1 C'Cl LUllipa] ]001.llarrladp , lar iiia! 4-.liL(]ob A.1\ ,Alexander,118 liatrt 40th Strout. lttob.►'Volker.Mawr t). (' Mhnhnttnn...........Broadway,uear;i:iei St......]inrri&on(;coy 1•Iake. 931 2,00 to 501..,,,,,, „ ,.H.`LD,mat.2,15, , .r entenced 6-,Irltu+,ph T. ]801.ilwrtl*y,J.S,,146 WarE 6813 St.a.t. IMI.Walkst'N•+ratlq{btai ut Wodld,N.J. - Metro ....IIo...14 d St.and q d Ave........henry ltoseubertt,,•.,.. I,600 1.00,151.,50c,,25c....,-.8.15,mat.2,15. faulilies. Y• `S•v 13. (3 Htuu11(±lkt ISA8.Ileoneae ,W.J.,r*t4&1wto gnKlaud• p oadway,3,thand40thSts.Iletrrch eonred..... 3,:13t. 5,00 to.1.00...............8,mat,2. O'f ti, 1868.Mon 1.L.,?Wort 48.1%trvot. lam'Www t U 61 W.et illih Hlnel. AAAI r a Bowery......Bowery,non 1)elancy St...W.R.1,11om...,,.-... 1,800 75c,t¢lac........... uta 121U-x e Witr, Randal 7.--Nrilliartl Il 1886.HOm rq,WlnaloW,So4rbora ly., I ard.J, 111'Wool svd dtrnet, bfinor'e 8th Avenue,.8th Ave.,near 25th 4t.......E.D.Jlinor....,,,.•„ ..,.2.16 and 8.15, i 6 g o 1oh11 I.NV 141114.Walt J,,�,ja+ro W 1,500 1,00 tal5¢................6,16,mat,2.15. 1 by Ila tod thein is Ind.Wetred an ng girls' _(!htLrl('y`1, 1807.Ilc)w*,Wm.t1.,Ilruuxvlll+,N,Y. T aAtllYatbsih8lreeL Murray 1IiJl':........LexingtonAro.and42ilSt..Wm.AlSero....,..... 2,4007500to]So......,,.......8.16,mat,2,15, 1889.Howland,Allrad C„816 Was 87th Ittrvel. r l4A Wva166th8tr,nL New Am:,terdnm.....,42d St,.,weatuf Brand rny..IRlaw&Erlangen•,...;1,702 1.Uo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8.16 mat ell WOr(lS uttCI'( 111 1"'(»t'dhotnrl 1840,Hnntlatctan,I/antt4,49 14aat lath threat, Wefr,Jeho 1'^,Nur ilar.n(L Now Star.............I,eaingtonAve.and li)7titiit.�14"m.I.I{eogh........ 11706 1.00,7:,.1. ... ... 1 •2.15. 3010,, [fore nco S 1809.]adieus,(loorge,Jr.,('wrnr to Ilwli. 5c„8.15,mart.2.15. t1n(1 riUW 11161 11-(Ir'nt' tt �1' lmil-Weida&i Ir. ft i est llSuntneb NawYor1............l;iroadwayand4bthSt.....,"law&Erianger..... 2,280 ],u(1,501. 254........ devices. l3 W'llllt1111 I ]881,Johnson,David,09 Wwat 1$latTHrao4 11101.Vt'blfttw!(te,V1lotW1 hrn,Nummlt,N.J, Paiaae...:......, . 8.13,ntat.2,15, bee WfLH, _ 3kAlr.Wit".ireiu p J1 Ave.and 128tkSt........ ',11.8chnefer........ 1 000 1.00 50o*,$5c. 5c.. ....21.15,mat.2.15. 1118 UlCl L! 1.3 Johtt J. I)( 1880.Johnwon,11aaLmut,Ob West 66th idiot lt,,Iol tnt5blhHkeet, Pastors..............ir,l4thst„noar 3d Ave._.,'Pony Pastor....,..._. 1,000 1.00 661„'LOc.�,�,,,,.:._, 411 1'0111 a11Ht,lu; ----^--• 1804.Jones.Francis C.,all Wert 07th f3tr"t. laT7.WLgprlrSh, sm,ykivu,N,Y, Prince&+.,,....... .. 13rondwny and 29tH St......IIunry Miller......... 6'r0 �5'II ln4o, )awusl,tl*orKe ,6l K`uetlothStreut. Proctor's.........:...F.58th St. near Ad Ave,_..Frederick 1 Proctor, 2 n 2.00,o 26 1.00,751.,. u,.8,16,mat,2,15, Harbor, AT YOU S at Pll; - _ Proctor's.............W.'MdSt.,near 6th Ave.... hroderirk F,I'r¢etor. i I'M 1.00,1.00 tBoa.,¢25,... .,v,matt 2. _ Proctor's 6th Avemne.Broadwa l pieces. .A.:\D I'LL DO Ell the Alt11t)(;!A'1'E NA11(+1AL AVAI)lC�UtdAItlI, , y ani!28th St......Frederick F.Proctor. 1,800 1.00 to 250..,.... 8,that.2. '1p111a. , •Allen,Tholrtwa,Bruton,Maw). Proctors 125th Street.115th St.and LexingtonAve.Frederick F.Proctor, 1,800 1.00,76c.,501.,25c.... ,,8,mat.2. (1 nover- ky,died; P1Ir03wed Clreew 3+r+wkRwawrl Rli WwLabtbHtraet. Savo ................34th St.and Broadway...... t+'.ark Mc]{ee......., 873 ]All,71,0.,604........ i3arn4rd (lerrpq W. ((elwot),Warihington.Avsntte. 11+rp.'t,WI!lrxmllt, ekp 116 Wsel IU7th8trwL Thnhal,.,,,,, 8.16,mat.2.15. Inectlll i fortune eo til Bartlett,lain W.(alaet) !99 Ert4t 90thMlrept, flarr/w:w,flit ' ••..•.•.Ilowery,nearCanal St. Y::,,.bu111van McKee 1,600 1.00 to 15¢............ ...8,15,mat.216. { 1'r lgue Pot tributatl to 111 B*It,E.A.,920(eatral llrtrk tlottth, �rytfe1.Carpo O liall. Third Avenue........3d Ave.,near 31st St........�A.11.Wo'dq......... 1,666 1.00 to 151........... 8.15,mat.2.15. o the ices. flVQ(agllal t(I1a Blrney,W.Y.1', 68 W++at 67th Ntre.'t. lfab%&m Chi1Je,189 ae(A6thHire(. Victoria.............42d St.and 7th Ave,........ftnoar Hammerstein.. 1,0110 1.00,75c..,50e.,25c. ,8,15 mat, dew-Yon Important fill Bogart,t4eerire 1t.,201 WrNt bath Strout. if",l„1►r/rt(alrrtl,tW West 611h Street. Wallack's...........Broadway and 36th St......Alia.t}ulo.\lora...... 1,200 1.00,751„Boo........, in hall" Some elf Is d, eoveryor iuv, B,atnn,Jare.lr II. Iln,okl n,N.Y, llert.r,Albert(alactl,#41 MadlNnAvenue. Web,,r'rhealre.......Broadway and 30th 8t....:.•Toeoph t4,•ber....... "'8"0' I llyde.Wlulafu H. to$f(wxt Olstilinet. West End............126th St. and 8th Av,•,...., Geo.A.311nrnenthal.. 2,0�n 1.00,t75c�15U1. 251:.. N.IS,mat.x.16, 14'110 fl%P3 1' ratted St It1erllCllle or Brlcher,A. . 9 i'dst 14 t Street. i.f,apr, 8.15,mat,..16• 'r'1 SO Iltll 44r111cI1 Ile P Ucltyta allldealistle I Brldgqea,Hldwlrit,(!twawp,(.'t ewe1.4>et4Vs.[40th8treek l�rkville....:.......B thSt.nail(,0xln9tonAve.-M.R.IUrnber�........ 1,450 1.00 to2b,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,16• 1dSnZlt11 he 1'nanw. Bruch,W111 qri do,111li,Dubltp,N,ii. Kest. .IilYnil,14 Weoir,tb9 h St beth Strad. x y,sting capacity is given,but there Is usually standing room In addition for a large number of persons. '1'i, t ' Is thus Into and Cations,es. I Bunco WIIllirp tl.,linrilord,Ct. Kest. W.f44 West bath 14ttwt p p ea ra goors LtLWye ri 0011�r©BAeR.'r Biteron hs Bryxnek(Meet),160]fast Stith estreat. I,athr,.t,,W.I,,;law 11 PA, ehotnld cousulE the daily papers as to time perforutance begins. !passed Phe rizf»1 K Laub.IAQ14 bit West 67thou"t. to tilt'f p Cnrla(nt Emil 43 knit 69th Itir«et. iquth(rlri r]1hyHtologir til (:ht utin,C,'7.,58 Wrrt 3713 tltrwet. 1"'P>>drrt,11 ry A.,11at1Ua0e8pdage,N,Y. MUST' BALLS. forilteraturr p 1. ,ran Jar story Cw6 hly tLllcl (lark W"dter 134 Meadow Lane,Now IIo¢hellr X.Y, k( NAnna. Proprfetora or hraungers.J Locution. 3eating omploto of live pt?cyan Clarke,1'i,rmria rthteidx 100cf) dO ltiverrida Drive. "('"�•OaorRe Ii.,114�ii4at 2Ad Street, �U1l1Cfl fL;, e,3_m1114 The stain ClAin,William A. 68 Woott 37th Mtroet• McKIM('bar)*%P.(elect),IAO Fifth Avenue. `_ -�______ Capacity, n New- SiaSlarpler.Mredrtck i1".,ahr,ad. Carpogie Afuaic Ilan..........Andrew Caro 6•..............dV.37th St.,near 7th Ave...... ..... j2,8U0 tin VSn'; and in t#118 kfl Golentan,(:.l).,lA lldwrnarcy Park. k4aoMau,Iiaiptap A (rlr 41>146 Weet65lkdlrw6 Coluninl Music Ilnll.,,........i'ercy S.tiVi]li,una..... ...••...•.. se W. U In aeC.ot'ti Cottwe,E.1niwK,68 Wrai 6 ti,Mit*.( Slarllny 1'hlllp,i0 Washlu ton8 can. Eden Muses....,, Broadway and 62d St............................... uraq YPQ' e1P,f:tilPteell( Cox,alis.i,nulae,76 West bathstr*et. f K N •••••••••••••It .G.Hollaivau.............. W.23d St.,near 6th Ave. 10.30A,nt.to10.80 r.M, - Wa u') Ill award(] Craig,'rhomai n„Rutherford N.J. Stnyar,Cowaletnt abrwtd. 50c.;Children,25c.;Sundays,25c,for all......1. 500 , 7 And then a: '- yy r Mo cher*.Will(tVA),abtfmd. Ilurtig&Scallions,............Irurtig&Sc-among...,.......,,W,I:'6th St,and 7 ti,Ave, (Admf&&fon,boo, C dIl(1 '1 of D#rectoryl( Cruwnlnahleld,Frederick,4Y ZV(aet 18th f3trepl. ,(ora,H.I,wts(rl*ael,14:3{sat loth BEree1. Aindison 5qunre Garden....... tladieou square Gurdon Co...:iYradlaon Ave.,26th and 27th Ata•,,,,,,,, ...... 1,284 Who scans 1Gorma> halm. A fiC1 DC.II.Elliott 1.16 West bath litra*t. Motor,HoAry Wililgaretrtlle,N.Y. Radisou Sgnare Garden Con- ••• 12,000 apljetel'T 1`ld vows t. Directors hal Davis,eart, I.G Car e,(`t, NatWOUM Wither f elect,Sio¢khrldge,Maes. cart Ball....................ATadfson Square(.order)Co....26th St.and Madison Ave.•..... )� 0 do not ,t destrut the amount I Dearth,H.(i.,(larnegla fttwdlns. N10haua,h'arhik N. Ids tVn.rl 86th Hireet. 1.183 is a use(1 With case I Deliaven,N.,2E Welt 24th£)trop!. ti,Lan+,ww W. 't Carnegie Lyceum,seating capacity,750, popular He soon dis the prizes taL DeLuce,Percival,52 East 93d Street , it. 1111 St.Nicholas I'lece. Musical entertainments are sometimes given In Cooper Union,Tammany Hall,Germanta Aasernbly Rooms,291 Royer- Colony to the priz(!w Denver,Lou!&;Pauli 204 Wrat bath Street. Parrish,Llaxfleld t'elegl),Windsor,% Atlantic Garden,50 Bowery;Grand Central Palace,43d St,and Lexington Ave.i American institute,19 West 44th 8t,1 Lex- )tr �Vl 1 Lex- may he trail Drake,W.Ir.,87 West 29d Street, Pa ebariea,14001tou,N.J. ington Opera House,f3th St.,near Lexington Ave. g J be re- 10vman at:g founder ha(] Du Mond,Frank V„tib Welt filth Street. I'la�rioul A•,16 tinuaaroy Park. MUSE UMS.-Metro�olftan Aiusenm of Art,5th Ave,nod 82d St.(Central Park);free on Tues.,Wed,,Thurs.,Sot, fr this, I•Lwre,il.Jt.,()fytp a N.J, A.Al.to half hour before surimet,and on Monday and Friday from 8 to 10 P.at.;open on Sunday from I P.Al.to half tom n tion can be( Earls,DuveL. Frank(lased) Ari Academy,Clnoi»aaU,(?, rottor.lidward(I.€atertl,Grunwioh,cotm. before sunset and on legal holidays;on Mon.and Frf.,during the day,ndml&sick fs 25 cents. htusou I t cling Was t,11E3 Guatem tors of the Earls,LC..�„brontrinlrt�N�,,J, I'otthwat,Kdward,621 Mt 9ld Street. 8th Ave.and 77th 3t., tree on Wed:,'1'hura.,Fri.,nud Sat.,from 9 A.M1r.to 5 P.on Sunda from 1 s m of Natpral til&tory, Ceres on t The awn Fitton,n,Warren,818 WW 67th Strwet. Pyle,floward(elect),Wllmlaglon,W. aud'rnes.nud Sat.evenings;admission on Mon.and.'I'ues.,25 cents. A nnrium Cuatleyr.r G F,At,,also ala hol(daya W111C11 n10t III 1904tltT,a1d FerRusnn,Hwnry A.,216 11 Wsat both titreet. Ranger,11*nry W",99B Weat44th Street, Gardens,Central Park,entrance 5tla Ave.and 04th St., nail at Brous l�nrk,18011 St..and.Sotnithorn�Ilynl ark, Goologic VA8 drat 19(14,Lord Freer,EdwardPredori, W„Chroat(e. i(a tp*1d.iGiward W.,Centre liridge,Ps, free,except on Mon.and Thurs.25c.Is charged. Botaaical Gardens(Bronx!'ark),open daily l0 A.m.atoa4.$OIY.tdtaii Several months J.J.Thorw Gaye Edward,Mount Vernon,N.Y. ltekn,F.it,kI. !99 Wast led 8trelt monlee Beeman (ir»1'tllltn 190f),PruP,,abroad. Bald,ltol»rt,1�21Gr1t83delrnot. OTTrifLtlon h}L(1 !leen -_.. a talo German;19(1, _ �;r;ntI Celebration took But there is ser r alter(elect), ,-.,..,,.. reel•n �._._ ___ _ _ p Cil1sallst y' Iir'nrl Mo t3Yan 1'nr'nPil, -' >;-Dyfng Slone. 1llA.CO in 'Greenport oil Wasllington's Of rearrang n Chl Medln(ne.19151, H. A. Voll R-hrinir, Gortnatt; 100%Tt.Ttrt+,m. 1'�urrilirh: 1110+', To e liked far n,ratPr, too t3enlc far A moan, Dane; 1904, Pavlof!', Russlan; 1906 Prof. ltoboIrC Buell.!lerlrinn• 157 1, Prof. ltauion y. To he henrrl in the stroeb; of the orazv t:ou-n, And one wh ` r,.nne mpg in the Inv of�nott�cnrralTlQ c}ntvn; Plrthd& Prominent 111 the Success of Since it is Si In ill Spanish;ProPewor Golal,Fro n(?h .._ t -�-_- __..;. ..___ Literature: ]901, It. F. A.Sully-Prudhormm� Froileh' 10(M Th. Mommgnll, flermAn:IA TO be and to die in mi• terrihlo woe, this were elo1111 (fi. Cook 1LIi(1 TI't'iIik Phis sort 01 B brnitterne l3jiirntforl Nortvr'l;itln: 1904, Prode a Allwtral i 13ch andJOW lwhtlgray,•,p with n bed and a .shroud of tic' beautiful 8110xv. rl'utlTi�l• Iri Southold Pfarish, Revs.' (44'itlt due J Ilk tht3'g rl. ', r , 4 AulorCi 1 6,HenrvHtmi1d0n ricz, P,.l(t; 19(1(1, Proremm)r0tvilieel, ltnlino, A.Welton S, Nixon, L o brain St Peace:1901,11mirl i)anant,14witli,rind Fr.I>wRsy,Pretlrh;1181"1,'R;.IlperrMirrilnandA.00111,Wl HelnlPss and foul n5 the tram.nled wary, > £rid IT. K.It],a119 9wisq;1!103,W. ]L.Cromor,Htigll4h;100; 'I'hta Itintltutl4m of irttEarlitalonal I,nw,thH tirstnlvtoto Ctnner, desr'nir not: C}trlet ytoortwtl) tow worked valiantly for the Ca11Sf3 Of tern resigned, An in8tituti0n;1906,I3aroueetl roju bUttuer,lustrlan;1900,Prin ideUt TheiWore,lWosevelt,Ameriae, '1'o rescue the soul that iS lost in rill Y not t(en, And rri.ise it to llfn tadagain. 1JeT efforts Were ably seeoad- din to,� a Gtoanina I31eed111c })yinq for thgq. P(1 by�CfW�Lrd 7 11tt1II D. L. QTtUIl ,din pp „ 'i'he(rueffled }1une-on ti,. cursed treA g, , g Ji, ha•nn�vill"&'1'(Tte Ilrtnlr,,'••...:. F IF r+rcents of mprey fell r eft on thine ear: d'fVit11.4Vfjle, 'Pt1I(1 «., s there n,pr lVnl.I3.ti�'ells,n.ud r71z1r) others. (1.1'etLt yoP the mur(1 lL(tuto tf 1,1'nitcv Por nle. Fill he heed n1v Weak numbers si�;Ile(1 the Pledge, and 't few uses hanged N 1 tl..,...".. m'axerP"' Nov.23, King of tile NothcrlandH dlec], t C,V� Ro r7 and! in the Ntt earl tit,t t'r r 4[nnE»rs clirj Sacs', COCC1IpCriCEd tU ellt C1UW11 their tLpplC 811e Halt bration at raw. NOV.25. Parnell was re-elected leader of the Irish 'Wash me, flail I sltnil be' ttAiter than snot ,, -----_-` trees 1 On the(lily of the 11ass-nioet- National Party but on Dec. 6 Justin McCarthyant! ( _,.. Ii usl - McKinlq Tariff She 1�11C1e an who just gr, Y q4 Other Trish ltkgmberH of Parliament withdraw Proal , Her Meaning Clear. in the pT-OCession Inclu(ied not a fe7v m14'ife--DO you n 1'ftrand elected Me(}arthy loader" I Mrs. Witherspoon had been SIX Weeks in Parts Who bad Inade ri new departure, and ! the light gray su: ;y-first Congress NOV.qv.z6. Ultark+s T+rauc]s Adtuue resigned the�ppreN!• � � ' dunes of the Ur)!on I'aelf►e Railway;Judge I)illou without seeing a familiar face, so when one dray' along the lisle here liulnerous elegalit, shoes, well ring a xermany visited was elcct(td his Huc(ess0r. she caught sight of bioses ILunIett, who she hate bnneTs, Tl]O "Youtll'S I)ec•�• A National('onvonticu of t)ifl Farmer's Al. Lad bt?t Ulriin�b hlaelt div and char Ven Bance began at Ocala,Pla, known in the little country villago where both of Cold tiS'lter Arllly" tV l,s StiCC(s3f1111 r sill(umbrella with Dec.3. Tho International Copyright bill passed the them Were born, she greeted hien with a beamfn ) 13usbbn ll Ewes. McI{inlay Tariff house of Representatives by a vete of Igg to 95, 6r 1ri LI'Sl1ILlE C1 1)�r I8391'S, J, W. �rlilttli74 ti4'}Yc �o, d1c Dec.4. King Kalukttua of Hawaii lande(I at San smile. arty arrived in FrangiHco• "Glad to see you,ma'am,"said Mr.Runlett,who (LIId`lob Sutton, Ctll,d1kV-?nidCne,__ Dec, 5. The banking firm of Delamater& Co., had made his money rapidly and recently and Meetings were held in both churches )n Church ppull- Mgadvillo 1'a.,fulled 1170•� rrlageH of Mor• Dec. to'. The Pulitzer Building, Now-York, Was had esperlenced some difficulty in securing soc'til also ti.bout the front Of Moore's Hotel. y formally opened with it ropilate ceronionies, recognition. "Last time I met you it seelne(!P,9 it, I'I'Otlliilent atl1011g the Spelt!{(?r3 Were I*eCasstdy-'Tis a leneral McClel- Dec,i5. The Sioux dlilef Sitting 131,11 was killed in a skirmish by soldiera in South-I)akota. you'd most forgotten who I Was.,, at Wilmington, Dec. 20, Eyraud,tine murderer,wasleonvieted in "Oil, no, I'm sure not,"said Mrs. 7vitherspoou, Lawyer Henry P. Hedges and Frank Casey-Ayl'tls f( Paris. vaguely. "At any rate, you and your wife .Cuthill. Cassidy--It look: .f New-Orleans Dec.s4. IHaao Sawtcllq wab eonvietfld at Dover, must washin'� come to see me here. I'ou know 11017 it is. people Iii November 18'11 a Xi,,atolZary Vass- N Ii.,Of the mur(ler Of 111H brother ITirant• tvhont We never think of at home seem]Ike dear 7ttBCt2tl•q tVA.S held 111 the]+int t(;hutch b* Casey-I dunn0. I from Irglanfl Dec. 24. At rder Ofn bro u Ar-York Nov. trlunapherl in electing Sir John T'ojiq)I'Tenncd y Of to Par friends when the meet them in a strange-at legst, r 3 I lit_adelphla res with Iiaarnell r,LlysiH, !lament lig i ry]ma.jority• what i mean is-tve seem to want to see them, the efforts Of IZCV, GrLO. F.tiYisWt ll, I'llt {-- -- -- Dec,28, 'u a N_gilt with 91011X Indians 1n South- whereas at holnc-What I'm trying to sa3' !s- prhicip-al Speakers were Rev. Lr. Hilt- �I1St' He,wits burned Dakota, Captain Wilt anal several soldiers were Hilt- killed. please do come,both of you]"and thrusting a card field and Henry W:A.rd B,'Cher, both of .#lad tytlh a tone lid City,N.Y. Dee.3j Conferences ofleaders nPthe Irish factions In C2r. Ilunlelt s.hand she hurriod,(1.LYa WhOt11 •`tile pe()ple het Lrcl glll(lls'." Enlisted to flu 1 nt for aHsault, began at lieuloi(ne. unPleasanlly walla,-Youth's Golnpccnion. �`. Ce Iii Throu-h the instrainontalit' of Rov. Bal before ll( A C1 ggcstiCllg. 4- �r 3 A Turlc Molle he-"f can never think of the right thiel r Epber j�hit-ft er It (,YUrCJ2t.tf 11rL8.YZonal y And they found at tile right time! to say Jleot'ing crowded the First Church in -cin. she-NI'hy don't you try sal,lrl the rll;ltt thing rlitiltlftry, 1853. At this nwinorable go.th- sometimes, even If vale tet In the wrong place,. ering the go oll hr. r4Uillialil Goodell, De[rof[Free Press. - - R 1196 Editor of the Brooklyn b:.agle• o , y' �1�IlLSS-117�ETI111C,�AT SOUTIi(�.%D. i1lr.sloli>ti •PCDL'v of EL1P111;xl� lIY 1890, �'11n,+a In nn in+nrnutrnn atnrn T flm tn111 nnnnE«rt_ '� f �r �r t±irt,�N 1',11a�first.vnttt+,muni 11,1+11 Vil1;L1yc?' Wo Od and bbott was installed as May 30, The Garfield Memorial was dedicated at Ebel *0a11tDttD 0Cu ""Ample ,0f 1906 > j;tr­e_1�furious S1 ooklyn Clevchtl,d,0. ed a trip around the May 3o.The corner-stony+of the Washington Memo- dqt. (Age at the last birthday is I1•Were()jC, noes and 14 seconds. rial Arch in Washington•SRuare,New-York,was laid. Y given. The list was made tip for Januaryl,1W.) 1 Odle! 3 ak of New-York was P'.. - 100. Manuel Garcia,music teacher,larryyngoscopist. Wit 96. Uharles H Haswell,civil and mechanical engineer. r Dftys'.s'the tin'le pa 'e and daughter were '� r ' 91, Baroness Burdett-Coutts. �(� rN,tf>T71h(t�1U71. .`1 1)1)!11" ��Jr' ( if l� 11 f iP711 E)9• 90. Adolf Menzel,Clerrnau painter;Col,Legrand B.Cannon. .LLITI})t,r;i� (vllt5 Con11S Or 89. Daniel Huntington, ainter- Mussell Sage,Josiah,Crosby.of Malbe. I�ivctr-;.111 1 nlenlor �d as President of Co- d __-...__ ..._._ _.-_ � k t�, 1T1S0 About the nqd the pillco of City1 c , 88. King i tandris if lornatistmar , Sir Joseph Hooker,botautst;Samuel Sloan,John Bigelow,jour- , to �>f�t t>(l�lCi K 11Y� f�OttYe f�� cell t�tIt tall ant( t�,j � 86. Julia Ward Howe,President Palmer,of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. I'ossino`(Tito Su ffot��. i pre.mo Court of the 4 85. John TennIel,cartoonist;Florence Nightingale,Susan B.Anthony,Baron Swathcorna, 1 her(3, ' Ili N("}e mcflli. tndGrpat 1a1� AssocltL110Antholiv �1[(for i lr�tnIC•0C111Le41n!CtaUle Aged In 11(oill,l1000rf ill(I Il:+),41�ll(,01h roil of the Holy 84, SiA hila Alabama. journalist;Sir Charles Tupper,Ristort,tragicactress•Sena violent ,e. Y If ant Iteoutl+!+,891 Aulxterdtun Ave. Ilonn• (ur t ur n++lo)'ed 1'unn , orPgttus,of 1111 the t stUri Y P.- l FdRev.•dDr. lbeod Hale, L.Cuylecfrgd R, ev, Henry M. Field,Donald G. Mitchell. Atl�ult , cucq of the Austrian w Bah ps'FSh(•lter,t'lurph liAt Communion,uve. dLgo(a 1111th`•l, t,ll'nnlen 11fi h. Wallace,, 1r were well a lino T[cau4i,•19 bV.sot It Nt. 1101110 1711 1'onng�Vunu'n,99 W.9tllyt, Branches 82. Thomas Wentworth Hlgginsoil, Prof, Goldwin Smith, ea-Speaker Grow,Rev.Dr,Robert Wocrats ,fine concert. Orleans visited Parts, su( Ilaptist I{onto for Aired.E.filial St,and Park Ave ut 34M;ill:1 ve., f,3 1".6211 st, 81. Prptllyer, ex-Senator Henry G.Davis,of West Virginia "1tLIlded� On the - LimedthgSloux los s4 iieistrtild,tir+hanug(Itily,(alt oor ltan,69uRthAvq. Il+,r+t,r•rll '14tut(rrlt�,l}[o►llc+'C,l(pnh,3112I,;,Broadway, Sensor orggast astronomer; Johnson,painter;ex-Vice-President Levi P.Norton, t P )i 11 art Ave, 80, Sir William Aitk'toen 'Professor Doremus, �11 wtis Flower Qum " 11111111 Axylnnl, iia no As l`s 141tuu1, }iuuxe• ul Calvary(lncurallip Cancer, Females) 011ivier,French academician. Professor March.philologist; D, O. Mills.Ariancier;Emile t,alded thirty youllr rules�s Whit1111Frdstlr!fuxttl,e A4yluuz,land.ePlalns,N.Y. b P(+try tim, 61 to 14 - - - t)ttirr. 7bV. [blh�l, 1]orl4t'0f AlereytProte4tantl+;piscopal),W. 79. Karl Blind,ex-Empress Eugenie, c IAbrarl Aan'y t„r 1,u x 219th 78. Pere Hyacinthe,.1,H,Stod art,comedian;Marquis of Ripon,Lord Lister, D.s. orae T 1-•U. IC, Fin Rrape I'urut School rur IlOVs,187 41h Avt+. ;t ,rur. liultnu 1(117 d � P One of r I;race Memorial Lodginl; Iloltse, 14 New 1foune(if Nitzatwil,,spoyten Dn 77. SlrHegtresident &Ines,law lawyer;Ile Fre einet French statesman;ex-Senator Edmunds Ibsen, 11uW toll'�1'8.tYtlrB•Ce clathid s-']houlas t l!hlttnbgrx tit. r t IlottrreOfl2efugt',ltundail's,1mlald,boatIt,E tial; Dwight,of Yale;Count Tolstoi,•Berthelot,Frenchstatesman;01 rEtBaron, �y{E%rlan�Piano. The ,1-'1'irnot'lly i b the Juhn'1'.e) C'athullo Pr(ttertory,V ala Nc,trt Mallon,office 41b Nt 125th GeorMeredith,y l I+rsIRN oC lith(io0(i FShe Thr!,},foot oP 1C• 76. Ggngroost), f3alvation Army leader; Carl Schurz,Senator Allison,Senator Cullom Kin sov0r;tl�briCCOS 111 evi �a Worl 4-.Tohn l. A ,Broome i 1 r 9AthSt. Oscar of Sweden,Viscount y l Murat,Halstead. g I, } 1(111 GhaPhr 110111(:for the Aged and Intlrru,Ibl 1;.6Kth IiW,1,11�t11t1S` 13o1•y (leulfurt(r for Iucurnblos,it, 76, President.Diaz,of Mexico; Emperor.i�ranafs Joseph J, 11d tjlu that lie 1fLrge across t 6-C.tV• (!rill tit Iloltme rrC tit(.Holy Panlily,l362d Ave. diary' ex-Secretary Trac ,(len.011verO.Iioward Bis Q.A.Ward,sculptor;8alvini trage- , )Petted 6_11('.11jtLII illi` Charity Organizaliptt Kprtply,illi l ro Kt. �' , lzop Doane ea-Senator Jones,of i�evada; he reSi-B TIO(SinCt?, �8 Senator Geller,Justin efiarthy,Henryy M.Flagler. ' y no c son of ? I.rank, GhebrtL]Iacltncl►tath()rchu11. Sell 1lebruw tiholt.er- 110tv(trd Ailxxi0lt aprl Ilptue[or I,lttie 1Vanclerers, 74. General Galllffet,E'rench soldier; ex-Pres r fU o TOC90d N9l6 t+; llih tit. dent Gilman of Johns Hopkins George J,GO hen. t time p n Londi 8---1i'•J.Still'; lug tlousq turd li0nle for r14e(1, 1 Frederick Het,Frn _:The prL proceed,,; bilth ire'Phos 9-P.1+T•Dool Childreu's Aid Soeiety, executive office 105 IC. }u+Cnortul iIontr+orFrenph Church Du St.Bs positivist; Heart'Labouchbre,journalistt Henri Aocchelort, V!corten I•' with _:'two al William 1 3311 3t tlbtl\ (rilh^tl. Crit, Sardou,General Schofield, Senator Frye,Joaohim, violinist;Sir Georgie Nares.Arctic ex- YottT Iii August plorer; Joseph H.Choate Sensor Proctor. hs 10-J1!lius h[ Christian home for Cllr14,11I 620 Ht. 1nr►11Ktrtai t'hrlstlan Allianch,]7tl BleeckerSt, 73,Field Marshal Lord Roberts 13rltish Arm Maggie Mitchel tion bill 11-'►'..T• Moll Christian League Indivitrial llunte!,SI+;.12th 1St. Ilidlistr,al Ilnnt,d,548 W.3ptItst Y g 1 actress + 7.2-.T.J.1\1111 Christian Wor kers,lalt E, 1011,St. I nfant Alivintn,Arnxtwrdant Avt•„Cor.Blsi Ct. 72, C'1 def Justice drew A bite,ex-Justice Shiras,Prof, , g'natieff,G.V.Costy,Lee. C. l,hr;: �VIt•s llt?lCl in 1 'Will Crookes C'ITb rat d W.Custis Lee. Tyler! in f'ra 13-John I�,� C101ored Orphttu Asyllnn,A,1I41(!rda►n Avr..,11!:71 inslulr'AK<•Iluu,lVarrl's isl rl,ollirpfppbi:. ler,Fteld Marshal Lord Wolsele Denrnan 'Thom son,actor; Justice Harlanl� 115th St, Duke of Devonshire Edmund Clarence p (I :jotLdtjrShl Of nstailed 14--Wlllittnt C W>orative Horne,348 W.Mill Flt. i�rwltltlnitl nt 0f1Ad(rlrA tl[l?brlllgiltanrntAvlY'I�thlil Morris, poet; ex-Secretary Bliss Senator Platt,'poet; John L:'Poole,comedian; Sir Lewin 1 ] _4 Ilfll)aS Ii. I3oC resigned 111--James.1. r , e of New York; l o}� r 16-1 rttuei.4 J C.rittenton,I1011uce,Af14x{00,331 1111+r!rk ;fat tl Ir •i010lot"I ofrc iTun],+fprPrenrbC4irls,25]itr,o Smalley,journalist Ck)lonelJ,S.;♦looby,Re resentativeGrosve Grosvenor Koch, George W. t ) tmah,. 71, Senator UDepew, president Eliot,of Harvard nivers]ty; Bir John.LubbockO (Lord Avebur `b I7tabS 771fLI1. FIC qt '•Secrctar 17---.Moss\Vii] D GrachHatneforCrlppledl'htld'•rl,lir St. 1 4l tiw!,ti. 1(,(+illice(+lrrllln�n(>x Av�'hiidren fl3ntonnh, Ludovie a16vy,Representative Robert R.Hitt, rsity;Cardinal Gibbons. y), First;Rev.Dr.Wls �t Irish I,I 70. Pope Plus X. Leo old es Kin I -- Deaconesx 1101111•(Bal '112.112 W . 54th .Illvali le AMVlrutl aftle(A 112313rnadway ex-Se6retar Carl pp r of the Belgians, Rev. Lyman Abbott Alexander A assiz art and mak of (Soil Ne�vYot DL!ats, IIiraul, loolvill lul ltolru+ for Childrrn,64 yatle,IRichp Potter, Mark Twain,”Charles Francis Adams,Alfred Austin' y l.nftin n'f(1tV`rtttt('�)rptlttn Iluust,',IlawthorneAve,, poet;GeneralShafter,lLichard Olney,ex-Vice-President Stevenson G t• to clod t0 btLt1 Is Success Ase'y nisi• Washirtltt0rl tit}.S. 11(111('fly i,In'. f ' Tli 1111 ed apart, 1-['1'ttncis r Domill call C0ltvetit Onr i ady 0t ll0xary(Moyne Len 1f0uat+ for (lertnan('rttholfp Inlmi rants 6 An'rex-Prine Minister Combes,of France Sir fIenryCampbeil-Bannern,�u tart L,Wood- p e 2-,Tuseph i, for Destitute(,'htidrerl),fat) h;,slid Fit. Katie F(t 6 89. Sir Edward T.vote,President Palma,of Cuba,Secretary of Agriculture Wilson;Iletty Careen, r1+,lUL�CC1. t'LI G'0�1tj]itTl •as sentient 8-Lents J, I,dgpwater Creche, C. 1), IC(!IIor;K,•Troika., d9 X. l,iaC+,ill ifOMt,llal,11 I•tW 1st,rur.Concord Ave, Aldrich Alma-r de nregiai ter f the�r S Royal Academy;Prof,G.F,Chandler 'Phomat3 Bailey :allllll(?$,�Y•+S•VIS." I1 co. 4-Jacob A, 29th Fit. i.ut.h1!rttn 1'I(rl1 1lollse,8fit.alI.4t. ] lbert, dramatist; Gen. Joseph Wheeler General r of tlle'6VtLr b Merritt, Joseph Chamberlain, ea-Secretary Alger, William Winter, dramatic critic; Lord• Ufa 111A- , A J.Ran{ 6-,TosePh' 129th eth ITonle for(1311x,307 i;,1201 tit. ilio luted x lt'atr•r Ht 4111sipu,316\Vater 5t. Merril Josep d Chamberlain,slain, ex- Lock era Speaker i 6-Samuel Y' Y p Joseph G. Cannon,Senator Hate. 1 by riu- ted thelCt 18 ' I+marg l;e(0rinaterf 01111(• ie [+;,with til„ AI11IA.Iletl t)en(rvrtiptit FSuclgty. Bolton Ave„ EWlPlliamentAlevelaad, Whitelaw Reid, Gen. Horace Porter, W. D. Howells orkir,g gif 7-W[Ihttnt Enter rincy Shelter for Wuuteu w•ilh Children,It1I 1 uwood novelist; 1,words tlttel'a3C 8-('harle 1+. 1 th FSE Margarel imuima ifomr or doting ii'ome11'sChris. bishop Ireland air NJebaelHicks Beach Just ces Browerurkgp; .T, Pier ppout Morgan,Arch- Cll,bore conferorru 9-,lohn l, TCva 1101111.,163 A'..6211 S'rt-- tint)A4xarlatl0n,14 T':16th*tt. burne + andl'eckllam,Ntlss Braddon,Swtu- devices., and now 111x(1 30--1,'(�r(linttt Fisher, hlttry, I10tIlp;ii-1511t'lrltnrl Ave. Aterltf•al hllwNlllntlry Ilr+tn0,$98l.exlnalnn:lve. 67. Prof,James Poet; Admiral John 14 7 'aulbee wt 11-(feory(a y, Iorley,John Wanamaker,PresidentLoubet, wt frons the Old Col P ivy Pot n is llllioumot olaill du ttrl 156 Il Orth FSt. 11��}�11101 i�ry A;,r Children,I.177th St.,Cor, Generals Brooke and E.S.Otis,F,Hopkinson Smith,Slenator Bacon Ca•d ,urnallst,I I•}--tV111tanl , > 1V EI 66, Rear-Admiral 8:1ilev Gen, Sir Redvers Buller, General Miles, Senator Clarknal Sof IMontana Jl;)'rbl7i', AT YOU W. I3--Juhn J• Florence Mount for WorkIngitIrim, 1401,-Ltt11`;t. h1etl,nrlirl iI!PIRMpaliIOlne,Anlsterdam,Ave,cot, Senator Gorman, F31sho Beane;Asa Bird Gardiller,JohnD Rockefeller, n ' :ries at 4 Foundling Asylurn,175 P,.eoith tit,near3d Ave, MI Flt Roumania p Ili A*; 1ks and t)>l ,Stilly-Prudhomme. :,Charles oi~ j)2eces. D I Ll,I)0] tlaclel his,; From Iloino for 1)eslitute 1'0uow(lids,Yl E 1}ttist Rfiwrl0rt nt Our Lady or thr Rosary for the.Protet• 66 Cappt. A. T. Mahan,Henryatterson,ex-Labor Commissioner Wri ht 1 rievF,r Itucky,tit'' Frenelt 1+3vanifglic:al IIomu for 1"0uug 11'0111►, 341 1{(111(if 5 0rtntq Tmnligrr,ntLri_rim,7titf,atay. Coxa Sir Hiram B, Maxim, Austin Dobson, poet; "Ouida" pnjC'lemenceau,Palmer G: Tnm4w W,3Ut11St. AilammtioIorthe InlnrtiC:ulafetlrlin,2],ainvelfell ex- peakerHenderson,General Kelly-Kenney, Lord Reay as Hardy, novelist 111eetill''i liv;Longue Gorinan(nirlan ttFell iwx'z111Mnrrnl•tstild 11111,, , ),14VIll n. ,tAnd Vm 1;Nl111tSln for(•]lrputr,.Tuvallds,Broatiwel emy;Gen, S. B. M. Young, Justice Oliver Wendell klolmos�Bisho nSuautre British Acad� Cif, � Fret fortune esti i r Spaulding,of Guba. the i Z4lrcne'cr a r lie New-Yci tributed to Ave.13, 11niouport. Oflirt•,t;!i St.:11ark's 1'i Nikti0nul Motor for Disabled VnlunteerSoldier, 64. Kir} +• s laid. live equals Grace C'hin'ch ilospittLl,414 I•: 14th°"t, (Mtfdee NOMI•()they 111111dl"9•X9ohaltan Borongt. ingEdard VII., Senator Aldrich,Minot J. fiavnge Rear-Admin In Half i Sonne elf is e t,United important( Ilehruw l;enevolent toil()rphanA4y1tu,l,Atuster. Nt wrtir()va( C.nrlglr,alinumr4,14 Nt�wchalpherast Wyndham,Bennett, Sir Wilfred Laurier, Co ueltn, Marquis'fto J al Melville,James Cordon o s0 t 117})0 t]ixes tIT or crueltyti covert'or 11 1 Y dham,Mounet-Sully Japanese statesman; Sir Charles t 1117, Which he pr( darn Ave„ near W. 1:3611,.1. time Ft=t(Irrra itnrSt. Prot 1'.,is A[IssipntoSet 63. Abdul Harold,Sultan of jPnrkeyiaAnnao D Dickinson,g , file and W mediclnp o Iiphrew TnFant Asylum,907 1':agle Avq. ►r0•tt,52 Mrtrkel 1St. �(Ifl2rlitll The nJS I who 011. anidealisti' Ilphrc>w ~hollering (Inardhnl ()rphan A4yltlrn, ti-w 1•ork •Axvlutrtr and ll'o toM bearing prefix Ro Pula, Senator Daniel, okt Virginia; Lord' Alverstone, general Chaffee, Cardinal Is tl?its ltfrtlJ bill asse nations,an P,roadway and W.1501h St.,bp7 W. 155111 tit,troll New`lork will be,a:t a rule,found in this 1• Ltrrcoln, Joaquin Miller, g p e, 'lammrLrlOn, astronomer; ZaWyC r p Howard Bronspn. Charles Warren Stoddard, author; Francois Co ter , vo South congqresses, Broudway, near W.1.161h tit, IIsi minn!c the prel)x• X62. Justice McKenna,Christine Nilsson pp to illy l'hgPr[ Hc)srew Fheltertng Ilousp 1111(! Ilotlle for ARr`d; 'ga'Lv 5'ork lir}span Aszytnm,]Tawt!ngs,olOretdnF ,Adelina Patt[ Senate.Spooner,Di11 igham,and Nelson, )1 and p 2Zf1 t+;, lir0adtvrty, gw til David B.Hill,Henry James, Jr., novelist; General Ruroki Sir Charles Dilke Sereno R. y in com Iet rrhysiologlc y Iaurs,3_min f0rllterrttTt ]Iiry(h, ('lata d(t, IiOrnr+for Working tiirl)r,`125 ~71St lt++f0ur'Cnrff0melr(agWonu'n,I44tV151ti`t 81, Sarah Bernhardt tLluecl &" a In Now of live Pee p„ 67;30 tit, Urrlhan Aryl of Rt Vinernt tip Pau1,2111i'19th-91, ,Queen Alexandra, General Creel John?fare comedian 1lo gska,Kin 711 Van i Peter of aerviaClark + g tl �eewas 1'hestt} IIoluefor Aged and Infirm Itet)ruws,l«1 W 105th ()tlthttn [a 60.60. King George of(4re Ce Justice lWhite, .novelist; .so)iemeCourtlol,e,rte Ile lew, ctor;)I:�eArlaion(I, oncourse& and in thin lit. (hurrl,1111111•,UIPi h;.2811 fit. F.Cody William H:Graue,actor; Kyrle Bellew,actor Cpl,Wtlllau> vfty up In seep 7lomo for(�onvalescenta.4.33 I',.118tit tit. I'1°aboliv 11oulik fur Aged and Indigent Womn, ,Dnko of rgYle,General MacArthur. ` �) 111(1 11)(11 arlc --- "-'m elect Ilftoq home for Crippled and incurable Children, 618 2W it�W(ntun Itd. At wha'age does one become"old"f Fivecenturias n o to Baii(1 Who sons al tin of Germai prize awat W.153(1 Flt. Proahvft-rias d tome for Ap..(l Womesn,49 E,73d St who has'kat turn d elsct would robabl against gain aoj an was old at fifty. But the hale and hearty Rentle+ncn of to-da eter And vows the Of Direetol IIom(a for Destitute and Crippled Children, 141 Prole++(lartt Italf-Orphan Asylum, Milt St and may note wounded,therefore it O y protest K d atoda4dld peOpiA,seven ixty -I tatttotta, T�ttl.al,aeb tlbilltidi �� Who do not great destru( holm. A W.61st St. t4anhat tan Ave. a Operating dt•1,}ue 1,.x11 dieareCla tataedao'sd►Play aha aizty-8.®. � Directors Home for friendless, for Fernalelt and Children, Rexec('Itorne,316 i1;1611 Cit. -- 8 It 11se l Hes ease hl Old Colon lire amour , ` rn�' - _ I3c soon disc( the prizes AV(,. unberttaon, 011hrrt A., flowe,Scarsdale,N Y -.. _ Opulfl,r Y 936 Woody Creat r The eeriest�yrefeh that Pmol Shivering by., for 1L pili tltY18, fin b8 re- Newman for fncurables,3d Ave..ror T. 182(4 tat secretary.N Will Will make a wide:-ween)Pat I u• nd�r i:oo ui h; Newman at l to the PriS Home for itallan'Iminigranto 8 Charlton St. ROttzan Catholic hr,lian Asylunl,yed;,'wick Ave Thorel] that Is on,r wet r) lP nae I I(now, , y y may he in If• Zq for Old Bien and Aged C:I(tuplex,1060AmAte�r• ()or, Klnttithrlils;e�l(1.,oillce470yfadisonAve„ is nothin(so pure o the beautiful snow, Called b 111tLil �V110 read 1111x, the Guatema founder Ave. fKwllorlr'Home.611 Market st. The Next real atbCrillr+ I otMors on tic tion Carl ti o r0r('r()teskant f mml(rratlt 111111,9 Fitnkr Fit tSttllorx'Ftrlttg Ilarhor,`italen Islsuul,ptlice 31 Ns ,� �va.S the Josh. tursof tit 4 • How Ftrnnge it shnui TeYlt�Ie7'CG12c8 1�ta8s-we2f,l7tg, Whit" )1181 in ;on was drew The at �_ q fit Atrn'n iloule fnrC'htldr(:n,50u1w 90lhst, Shoull.1,taligon a ginner with nowbore to zci! March, 1842. DuringseveriLl. months y or Relief of f)estitute. Biind,896 A insxtr r• situ not be that this beautiful snow Lorentz rd Ge + the Aged, 218 E.70th tit.and 135 W. fit,T3arnahaK'Flolute.304 hfuiherrySt Iimv tr�n P it should be -,,.-hen th© night (eines I t11t3 TC1C11JE?rariCe�@tpr1111Lt1011 hfLd been cruiser "B lgp,},Lord Ga St.Bartbolomew'rsc.4lrls'IIulne,1361C.47thst al 1111 ' L nioniea y' If liar,snow"Intl thf.lee str,.lt)c my desnorate}gain. IncreUSino and a-rand Cel-ebration took But there is s 1 J.J.Thor' silone" ceremonies ()hemis -... T'flintIn9-Free7fn ;re in Chic German;1003. S. A. Arr tr+rt Trio wir](er] for ns-ayf>r, tn�s wpnIc for r3 moan, 1 atoII 8 BoeYer,elernit11T 100(3,Prof.Ilrrn•1Molssan, P'ten'It• To be heard in the s p18.Ce 111 Groen]ort oil Wasbin- Ut rearrangh R, Mec]ir.lrle:10(11, 0 A. von Ii+`hrhlsx, Clertztsut; 19 2,IL. ttr,ve, F:nali+rh: of, N• tr•els of the crazy i; R' h And one will( out in the Dane;1004, pa-"JOIT, 1Lus41fln; 100!3, Prof. Ruhurt Rocha Berman' UK)(, PrpP, F'tamun y,Ct fine maA in thn_n-., myna 1Pt_�A.'. I'rUTLlluellt 111 tl]e SUCCe;S Of Since it Is SITZ 1 z )f snow rttming down: �_._.. To be and to die In my terrible woe• this 'were Jolin 0, look atilt _-..,-__ This sort of t '.rain on the S)ILfl15h PPpff?F1tihT(lple(1.Frr4, S y>palar!; with a bed and.a shroud of the beautiful salo(v: rt'uth]Il. Y, 1 Literature: 1001,'R, f. A.FSnil}"-Prudhomine Frr+nctl- if)()3, Th. ]4fortlrrisen, (lclrrn,tn;19 ( 1 rtitilk (lti'ith cillo re lhambrain S B tsrnstderne I;jIrnxon,Norwt>glan 14104, l:'rgrlr�rlr, �}Iwtra}, p'r+ztc11,sad Jclrles Itettagray,•l In l]ttt11o1C1 Parish, li,evs. 11 6,HenryµtenkipwiCz,Po11!;1008, 1'rofe•tr+r,It. rcl,reet, Itttl{st,ly r :1001 Heurd I)unant,F1wix4,st11(I Fr.11t4xy,1'rc>nritt ('tltitti•flutPtl�t>s l t�ttwatttq lirmtntvta to Ginner +Tc.c,airy not,5 Ciirlsttile �!atr�oretPinl v• A. Welton,J.NiX021, and J. K.In 1119 inet resigned Pea e , Awaia To regeue the Sunt that t, 1 ow Ilam O'BrienSwiss;11)03'W TL,Cromer. 1011411411;14)04 rhrt Ilntttittti tt 0 4 fort. in Fin, worried vmlia ltly for the Causp of tell]- lianinotto_ aulnstitutipn;1906,Barolxet ltoul3uttner.r�ustrian1180t1,Yreaideutilleudurtzltuusevelt, And raise it to 11.11' and en:im:menr again. fill _� Gronntna-rlredf perance. Tbeir efforts Were ably second- 'rhe C`rucifle4 hone•on ti-. (used troe.: ed by EdWA,rd 11l111ttilIg, D.L. Horton 7-TIS tieer'nts of mi-rey fel} (-nft on thlna ear; 'sidlt of the mi t +I r(.I runt' "Is ther«� Writ. Ii.�j ells, stuC1 tTlaity others. (1 e3tt Reading ni-,ey for me? 2Wlll he heed my weak Y Yt er 1;v(1t}4vtli�)&'Pr ttteuto•1)td......... 1, prayer?" llunll)Crs Bill (1 ill( Pleclne, and tt few -- ashangedNov. 1, a Girl! in thn atrPam that for �17d' I3f2El ,z3, Ing of the Nether auc s e . 'Wash Int', and I Shelli b<•, ti i,itertthan rsnow�� CO+TIJY'Cl1Cee� t0 (:tit do1V11 their t1pplEt celebration at PaivAtpov.z5. 1'aruell was rq•plected leader of the Irish _ trees. O11 the dlL' fIusbnnd-Sty d _- of the M ts�-uleet- 1Vlttlonal Party but on Dpc.6 Justin AicC:arthy and ___- 3 man who.lust the McKinley Tariff 4 other Irish 1Slernbers of Parliament withdrew from SITE' Made $i'r Mean ng Clear. . got q inrr the procession included not a few wife--Do you m( Parnell and elected Frallets A lams r, I Mrs, tVttiherspoon had been sIz weeks in Curly who hall Inade a new departure, and the light gray suit Fifty-first Congress Nov.z6, Charles I''raucis Adams resi];ngrI the ranrest- I was e of the '[inion I'acliie Railway;Judge 1)111011 I without seeing a familiar face, so when one dor al(]ng the 1it14 were llunlerou9 elegrLnt, shoes, wearing a t of Germany visited was elected his successor, i black tie and diaTrl ' Dec,z. A Nation at(;l oil volition of the Farmer's Al- she caught sight of Moses Runlett, whom she ban grid h1C(Olnin banner's. The "S'Outll S a seven-million-dol- fiance began at Ocala,Fla. lcnotvn in Lhe]title country vI11:Lgo where both oP (veld Water Art11y" was suCCeSSft111 r slilc umbrella with f Dec.3, The International Copyright bill passed the them were born,she greeted hlir+with a bearrlin 3 lIusband-lr-es, the McKinley Tar)ff house of Ropresentatives by a vale of r 9 tp 9, smile. g n1:trsllaleCl 1]y '.�E'sBl'S, J. tiV, Tlullttiri; ttfic No, dldr. Dec.4, Bing Kalakaua of 1Iawall landed at San "C}lad to see r Cttu fe-N nuc,}(. ncl party arrived in Francisco, you,ma'am,"said Mr.Iltlnlett,who and Job Sutton. 5 The banking firm of Delamatpr& Ca. had made his money rapidly and recently and Meetin-s were llelcl in both churches \,Tot 'armor Church or- Dec.Meadville,ITh failed. had experienced some difileulty in securing soc`ai (LIsO!L1]Out the fr011t Of Moore';z hotel. .1 marriages of Mpr- Dec, ro. The Pulitzer Building, New-York, was formally opened with a}apropriate pgrcrnonieB, recognition. "Last time I mot you it seemet?e,s It F1'otlliilerit ftlllOnr' the Spea1C(rS were yeCaseldy-'T1s a f( ted General McClel- Dec.r5. 'Phe Sioux oldefSittingq Bull was killed in you'd most forgotten wile I was." � a Dec.skirssh by soldiers in Sou iderekotsL, "Oh, no, I'm sure not," said Afrs. Witherspoon, L Ltv3'E'r HenryP. Ile(}p;es unci 'Frank Casey—Ay!'tis tot ffc�s at Wilmington, I'Dq, zo, ICyraud,the ruu:deror;was lconvicted in Cassidy--IC looks vaguely. "At any rate, you and your wife must Tuthill. Isy of New-Orleans Des 24. Isaac Sawtelle wag convicted at Dover, come to see me here. You know llovv It is. people washin" N.IT.,of the murder oflils brother Illrarn. Ill Novernber 184 7 ft-11lissionaJ y ,plass- Casey-T donne. s caped from Ireland D(c. z4. At Kilkenny the opponents of Parnell whom we never thin]( of at home seem like dear 91LCCt2l2(J Was held 211 the First Church h r.- t I New-York Nov.z. triumphed in electing Sir John Pope Ilenuessy to I'ar• friends when we meet them!n a strange-at least. y Miffildelphfa Press tss ekon with paralysis, llament lay r r7r Inalorlty. ]t1ult I mean i,-tve seem t0 (cant to see thein, the of ruts of itev. Goo.I(', Wiswell. Th,- ---- Dec.z8. '111 :t I_t],•ht wit), Sioux Indians in South. whereas at home-what I'm trying' to say is Principal spear;ars Were Rev. Dr. tit- Fast Z racuse,was burned Dakota, Captahl Wallace and several soldiers were killed. lease do conic,both of -oil]"and thrusting a card field and IJellry�Vttl'CI ]3eeC11or, bOtll of -A lad reit h a l:ouch ;-Island City, co Y,, Dec,30. Conferences of leaders of the Irish factions �r tlnlett s hand she hurried away feeliII , c Enlisted to tight 111 ,nment for assault. began tit Boulogne. :ll1tB1eA.6AI111y waxui o'cit s t..'ompun•1brL �t holo the people,hoard glildly," Throuo'h the lnstruwantalit of Pti3Ov. lint before he �. Filg cst;lo]il. '7 3 A Turk holler( Ile-I can never think of the right thins,* to say F{-'1011er Whitaker ft Glovnty .IL1lissivnary .And they found b at the rlgbt t,rne! y 1lfeethig crowded the First Church in —Cfnc She--Why don't you try Sayln,r the right thing Jallustry, 1853. At this meliorable;ath- Sometimes, even if you fret In the wrong! })laeC?._ ering the food Dr. William Goodell, _Detroit.F7-pe Press. ~-^ _ _ - t y �(�. To the Fditor of the Broolzlvn Eagle: IWASS-MEETINGS AT SOUTHOLD. .ItIissiolutl•y to Ttirlc( f Mer �lComillift ra 4f tf)>� ,F(f>���.� f11tJ) �C011.orr"5gi There is an interesting story, I am told. eonnet- Silloo the;first settlelikellt tlli:q vill:t4(' Wood and others, b() + • erl with tb- noE+m of `Beautiful Snr,w." if, vett furious SIIO�V-stOTtl sited ars 1'tllB'!` +I;Nk3ll)Lid. have it willynu kindly publish it? I am sure it 11445 been therO,ltllel'12t�� 1)luci for liLr [ t!t SUNATKo would wive zest to the poem. III. T. L. Il1Cet111"'S beth lUP 1-Cliniv113 R.ncl Otllr:, Ilf Were blockaded fo Intl the XTANDINO(MUMITTr!:IM Answer—It appears that Major W. A. H. 'p p Fifty.� �''� , the time passed nrrre( Si ourney; ne hew of the purposes. yeans ago Tour Dal p - ,,ends• ri g p poetess of thatdents connected In Irk wan A K.Lot g,.1ilo M►rtlainimoPrrlAtil tt•lutiitz1vi'., ilausbrou3;;h, Warren, D011lvor, Tiurahaw name was known to be the, author of Beau- r,' � ' 1'erklns,Ing,:ltnney 131niralau�,L+uiini�r,1'retxte'r. � �. I:ieotil;�'s `v(�Tc,conlinon SLncl uumbel•:. ' 3r were .lplltY�F,rutttt»u+. lien -•All Non (C'l,wrtuu,,l. 1 100, Cu11011:4 Perkins, `yarron,Wetmore U+tll,u i.iful,Snow," aDd its production is ae- came from the hitnilets between �1ivo)- tint Illenlory. 1 7Clkntulit i n I:ierry, Tlhr (Itf tup"Dultii,(lorutuu. ' Bercounted early (Orient), ajsoa About the middle c sof Co- A,utat tutu chrah•vt Iter(.p,rttitt/r-rrt l�:xt,r,t.+r,r ry"the 8�•tzatr,-I{naq((:lutlnnan),'tVarr+�n,itlillnr,i, married aoiVIiss Filmore, a woman of oflgreat 11(,ad iLnll O-st(.r Pollcl Money,Pattti'mon, ,,nine, froth +�1Iielto Island, crossilig The Su.�blk County T1 of City 011irutuan Bits ltrtmtr,-L'rittio ('Lulrutau),Dryden, Hale,nulkeley,I'llos,Tilltuun belle (lark personal attractions and with her made a � -' Here conducted by t of Montana, Clarke of Arku,t,ty. )' voyage to Europe.� During their absence BciisSe:Lu's Ferry"1n roto-boats. t of the tk•riaur,--Long(Viltdrnn ll),ITrili*.tic)C'tttt)hr•r,llo31kiu.171ek,Cttrter,Vacant,WeRnery,7'auutr.rr+, rumors unfavorable to her character reached The first politicitl uleetin;within the violent storm occurre I Blackburn, 13alltry, � the Sigourney family. The report seems to ineniory of the Ivriter was in Awns t were well attended i III.Clrr:tt l C►I'rl,Yrrl+try and lirtrrytrhirtrhit,--P'•rkh,:e CAlnit"niatt), Lodge, IUliclna 1 lar Vacant,Dubois, ,fine concert. Mctuurin, Ulurknut Arka„awr,tiaiylt++'r. have been well founded, for shortly after Iter 18.10, wheii a party of good DelnocT'tits I.ustrlan i uarinx,--b'ulton lCindrtnnn), vale, ('lupp, RnmitKnt, ..►hint litnoot, llen,eltway, Burkett, return to New York she showed that the carne from Oriaut 111 a vessel aurl'Jall(let3 On the — of Alt; Vacant,ALartlu,We„Lsturin,ovorntnu Prazltrr Varuat. d rarla, n (brit and Inxulur .Sue Ury,--1'Tlwa►i(diulrin"a,Alive,Flint,fdutherland,Ilulkoley,1t1organ,Iterr demon drink had added another to the list „ t7'lotccl' 2tCe)i'was moi' s Clay (1u1tl,Nrasun. ), at l u�vn ItiLt boy. A X,l oc,es.1031 �vit s Q ram res• tit Dolrewrs -Knox((9tulrnlan),A4or,r nkerty.Ileybum,C'uUotn,Nixau,Mlhorson,Tailaterro, became tall outcast and lcwas next heardoned her of formed a,nd their approach wt's heralaet3 thirty youuo ladies,.r I Clay Simmons,Foster. > as an_inmate of a penitentiary, Her hus- by the firill of a swivel,alid.by one of D.P.Iforton, bliss J (;l�mitanrca—�rya(('h,tlrttaun>,It',11til,M,raLtE►u Qiillltl�+r,I'eat'gau,Dulx,tv,I orktnw,A1ger,Ilol,kins, A ,., Mrs.Ilmrtl.Ce'.L'il lin rll; Ankon Crane, erry.Martin,Clay,Mallory,�u.•etor ,Stone, l i,�Mi --"'" y' � + band's love was still strong enough to induce ti1[;lr nn)nb(,r wile at iutt.rvtLls )l�w an Tilling b;Croittt,t.�s1 (n tlid pWrul r tutu Use-11 uEllery Whatrtnan), Latimer,Aldrich him to make another effort: to save her, and immense mense tin horst. The PI'G51aS�tcrtrin piano. The perform Millard,Carter. ' I'h+nunw Umbar► Retattv+ta.-Burnhain (Chalnuan), Aldrich, Kittredge. 7Ippkhts, Clupil, Beveridge, through his influence she was released, only , '1'Inlnthy Bulkeloy, TolIvr, AlOt,t+)','1'tlfluferrri,h+ltnt,tonM, again �hUl'Cll WriS well filled,and after 50VeTtl suCCC'Ss ill every I'eSpe tt g n to desert her home. In the winter that so large an rtudiE I+,tt+i'►' I)tstrtttr,fC),l,urih Callioawr(t'httlr,urt,+),llitrvvhr(au b,Ut111u1thuin'iCntt putttble,A1►ee,Long, of 1863 she wa,s found dead under the snow spoeches, it,line wits formed olid the o Inhit I'• Burkett JS'artln,hiullary,Ktn,iuuuw.7Jn1►r,iy.lturn,xn, i10T Since gathered it l•,,i. 'til til l,watiort rtrut t rlbr,Y. Doll,vor(clialrtnan),k'aurtme,Clapp.Filut,13mudt�eo,Uanlel,Newlunds in a disreputable street in New York. Her lnal'()Il ollderl its Cocfarari's, now the rest-1 , b Montt,Raynor. husband identified the body and had it buried dc'IlC(,of J. W.Ilunttillh. At that tilrl©.3 the proceeds were cli' I1t nitttilltl Rave Sited lir lir.-ilt rr!' (Chairinan).ICIltroilgo,7lumenway. b`rartk J. z,i,gett tlrtts,•-Drydo-it(C!luurmau), l3+•veritigo, Furter In New Yoric." The story of that erring Orient was said to be DE)luoer:ttiu with two SrLbbtLth Schools I''•J `'till 1i:rrirnt,te the Sewl'irt Brrrru'hes lhr 0t'ti "r'rvlre-Buikelu , wife was,told in the touchinglanguage of _l,r(•ltnol ty y(QauirantLu), Crane, Nixon, lues, as follows: a ,oat exception, and `111a 1ptoll Youncris, Ill August, 1861, a Gulbernon,Sttutuanr� McCreary. Beautiful Sno`t,, Nvilliteul !r'i,aa ire-A td rleh (Clialrutaii), Allison, Rtirmwrt, last Ilanxbrough. , wtts the out TVlti; on Iloo,-Neck." The was held in the First Plait. l3ltut)uer, Pourosc II+11e Oh! the snaw, the beautiful ,,pato, -,lntin+ 1Ia Danle+l TAIor.N1otta', Iialley,uorutan. Y r leadership of Stewart T.•I. Af C` d'trhrrtas,- nl,kl'ult(C ltttiruutr,), I'rq(=tor. I'rye, 1'tsrklUti~ I3ulia010y, Itiullvey',Mcltncry,Baile Filling the sky and earth below, rallying cry of `rTippocanot)and Tyler, ' 1) ..1,J. Alta Overinau y' Over the housetops• over the street, " --joi+tr 1, Iforrit�i.Relations.-•Cullom (Chairman), Fr"e. ,+1 o y too tort,,,becoming nzorA iLnd more pop-":n)Lbas U.Booth, Esq., -W11ifn„t � �++ lE Clark of tiV utYl4ng, Ioruker, Spooner, Over the heads of the people you meet; Roan, Beveridge, Morgitu,13attiall Aton►-)'.i'lar of M'+utaua,MoCroary. Dancing-F"lirting-Skimming along, Lllir, and ell rile 16111 Of OCtnber a mass Iaall. Eloquent Spee Jant+ +Jt h),rrxl nrvrrt+.tllofts area life i'rrrlrrh,rngr lttar+V.-I3ritr,tli*((esu(Ut,iLictuitu),17ppaw,Perklnw,l ittrldge, i Ineetinb was lleld b the ' hilts. First l�rttnr•I+i � Beautiful snow! it can do uo wrong: I i, rr r 1{E+V.D1•.Wls:rell and -itoti IR Bur+!taut Ankeny, lituoot,114+rtr�gun.Tlllrttatr,.t)vrrn)a)), Flying to kiss a fair lady's ebeek, I I , (;}rulr,tl►rrt•Yrartwy -flint(l'hatirmao),1%1kinx,llsyhurn,8nrkett,llfotiny,Newlands,ltavtter, Clinging to lips in.frollesoine freak; Caine a procession froillr G'rocaport alta Mttuy of Southold's n _---- linimpratimt. UIIIIII l+uul((c.ltuirutuu+ I,onr^o*o, Ludge, Dryduu,I.(nyouru,vlutsot,Ifcl,uiirin, Beautiful snow from heaven above. SOOTI 0 1 LI'�;eT Otle fr0I11 the western rtLCt teerecl to battle for Ill Patterson,t L11110r, Q1,tr 0 f Ar taw.A�t'CieWary. Pure as an angel, gentle as Iove! 1 -Iilnt. rildlea,t.4Sttrs -f11ap3► (Clialrutail), IM+•s'uttiber. (Inwhle. Mark of Wyominlr, long,Warner, of the town. Both of these ini)luded ed "Companv I-I, of t toru,nel 8utherlan+l tara+uleguw,YVtucutit,Nor ,tu, r bei ('l+►+k of Slontttia T'•IL,r,Mimi-,Clarko of ArkanSuv, Oh! the. snow, the beautiful snow, Y.S.Vs." Not all re tt �” solve of Ill©best well tu•itll their ftLmili(as. d-Joraepl lrtttt`L,t />�)7rcrtiat,Urtp.-13urki+tt(( ,airttlun)„Dick,I)ifllrtgttutu,t.;ulluttt,1'liltt,liO,uuliway,I3aeun Hour the flakes gather'and laugh as they go, Of elle War,hilt rile al. g--tants Dfaritn. lierry,PoLtus., Att:>,tturin. ; Whirling about IT)maddening turf: Drums Stud fifes gay(,oltt inspiring inti- , 4-Ja00 ,Lee-oQertltt4 Cancx4t. -Aitllur,l10 tat Ch:+sing-L;Lughing--HLirrvin,g b.v 6-Josel, Cart nack,'rAilarerro, tlorumn.)AItutnona It tights on thr face, and it sparkles,the eye; S1C, and the whole was erllivtlned by nu- teff theta is grandly g K,Irttu I,ttcr.<trttr, cbmoisorrA --Withi i (Cllafratan), Culloin Aldrich, Kttan, DOlilver, Voraker,Clapp And the dogs with a bark and a bound lYlerOlili i1tLl;S and lialllli ry which bora; words titre!'©d 113'one 7.--Wlilia Crituo.Tillittutl,111 cIALUrin, ('atrnawk Foster,New'lantie• Span at the crustals as the, oddv around; H-l'Itaric Irrltlaliort-Ankeeay (t hnirrrtatl), 41Varre+n,lltua)tbrou((It,ItultAtt,t'aft(rr,I!ltnt,Nlxrnt,E;utlterlanrl, The town is and y , very appropriate and, aiausinb devices. mid now inscribed On 11-.Tolyls 33atltayi lattetst�n, C#urtuitn, Nt+tvlailelr+,1)utr(ile4 , its heart in a klow,i r• the Old COCIlE'teT.' lt}-t+'er(III Jtu Igeiaru --Clark of Wyornit)1( (Chalrinfiri), Noltan Dere ,Spooner, Foruker, Dlllinghant, ra welcome the coming of beautiful snow. '1'OW)LCrI il0oll 'r1 stt1R11C11 delg�cLCiOn fl'Ottl 3 R_(11++,r!40 Kittrool a RLIOX 114Ca11.+POLI CCulbe+rson,it itt'ktron 13at4<I1.111, 1Iow wile! the erott'd goes swap Stba 1-!arbor landed at Town. 11-arbor, WRAT YOU WANT?1IE 13 -wilihtr hibeary.—Willinore(Chalrrua„). iia/tshrrlttRh Dryden MAtu4fMontnnn,.(lorninn. iniz along.. lg. ic,l)n if �ettus ures -Hoyburn(Chairtnall).mm`tlnl' -r 0ailinite•t.Allee Clay.Latinwr,Frazier Hailing each other with humor and Fong: AND I'LL DO IT."-1.1. �titll a Brills Band of s(.vclltee.11 pieces.h!►ttttt <(itall'tuttt)). !3(tptt, 1+r3rnits:r, A Ipti,r, ltlgc+, titln,onwuy,I3ulkele), Iloov the tray sleirtllc like meteors flash hy, ,Warner Blackburn, Footer,overman,Ta,llaferro. Brifiht. fnr.thM moment. t}tell lo::t to the eye; I lobably 1L hand of this liiil(1 had never Campal!n JftlVs rtrt., . wAll--t')Ick Whuirman), tswtt. 11eyburn.Nixon, Sutherland, Tillnian,clsrk of Rin[}ng-Swinginn-Dashing they> go, beforB played in Southold. 'Mlle lneetinn! s%turn thrt i•T'ris Moulimm.Clarkes of Arkansas,Nowlauds. Otrer the crust of the henutiful snnty: a i iftivi.xim4n River anti Arts Tribttlitr•tctr.--Moltton(Chairman),DO11:vitr,llltlhtrd, Vaullor,1ic1?nerr, Snow so nr,rc when it falls from the sky,. WFL&bele!ill rile lot its tllg rear-Of t1tC' Whene'er a ea.mpalgn 'I'iltu s 11ni.,turin,(•t►rttltLrk To hP tramnterl and tracl:ecl by thausan,la aP Peet, UtllVerSit,llSt Cllu1'ch fLn(1"L'11iLlta,u 11tL11'�i Some ell IS ceratin to l fortune+et1 Vatial ,kertirs-A+tie (('hatinnan), PerlkiniN Platt,Penrose, (Stallinger,Burrows,Mck,'17111,+11111, Till it blends with the filth in the horrible street. � Who fixes nit n scheme tributerl a Maruti aiekuery l3latt�kt►urn. which then stood a short diStailet. south, Which he presents wit; $Ve ec(ua t)• nr,aarrl,nrt f, not„ri and Rrt,rridittiteor tM Ab tive Oarter(Chuirutan),Ali,, Once T was pure, ais thn snow, but I fall• fl'Oin t.h0 C11Ur(11, JOSE� t� rh II.Goldsmith The man tvhosc cltancr lrupottu 1Vetmore.Alitvtin, Knnx• h1vLatirm 111s-ithuru lstouo,Fra Frazier. _ Fell like the snaw•f+ak(,s from heaven to hell; ,� ' Is thus Infalllbly disco eovrryolr /?rarrdr Iflaw a and 1§ totltr•r>-H'ctruke•r(("bri)ri3tttt11,U8pHw.iVNtttlotis,("lapp,Fllrll,l'llos,lCarnrr, Fell to be trlm.lnd as ftlth on the street, LSC!., D'r.P. Parker Kill- allyl Lawyer, rtilide uo 11n11,►r), i31urk11urs),('Iarlt of Atonlut,a.IiK�y>'nhr. I ell to he scot'fe 1, to be salt on and heat; Abrain T. Rose spoke bruatly to tbo lla.b IlatIt+atlia Potride &fillrXattr—Alger I;Chairman),Doliiver,Pry*, Una. Burkett, Morgan,`Pallaferro,hic- ', r 3llssAlab tutlion4,r( � Pleading-Cursing-Dreading 10 die, coin rts%0 C,teary Latimer. fie]ling my Hnul to whoe.ver would buy: edification of the largo assembly and';' Vl ,Il(s p, AttePp'll)rur -IfltttwdRe f('ltalrtnatt).C.`Irippp.Ftnlnnt, ne1X,7liallr►t'y,FtNttt>,r,T.nttm9r. nea.]Ing• in shame for a.morsel Of bread, Samuel lEluntting t srl. 0XplainOd tL Ar Pr.nxrntty Kr.(%unab,r (Gnalrtnan). Scott, Burnlsuut, Alger, binuot, Burkett, Files, Vacant, • + 'Cerin p�tit)t►nlo Talleferro,Ptattet7 m. Uarmavit.Uverman• N1t[nr_ the Ttv)ne and feririne the dead, beiLLltlt'ul banner �vherooa Martin Van South Ca. iorliters 1'hitrpptrtdr -Lmtlaia (('ltaairrnait), IiAle. B(d76rtdgti, L3tartAWs, I:oslg, I)ICIt, Nlzon,Brnndegee, �7erc)ful GocT, have I fallen to low? ' of 11ve I) (;ulnetsnt), 'ubols t armark.Mnti•>h+ary k)tpnr And yet I was once litre the beautiful snaw. Bruren vas represented on his stay up '1`110 rtl P,,il O rutrJ' I'bsl•ltr,ruts. tsautrnie tWialrrtlatu), T1t►lllver. Pr'omor,Burrows. Scott, Crane, ,,. r, Ud then another man still in ttv ernrP I was fair as the beautiful snow, Balt River,. A member of the Band' l rho scans anew the s1 Ina Ys'ullr>n t►pklnI, (7artar�(IayL(ttlhrsrirtoit 'raitntrrro,�f)mm0u,11,1rCuyrlBr. R'fth 1n eyp lil;n a crustal. a }re;,rt]tire its gioty; very EffeCtlVOly s£111� "SChllapl)etP,r 1 :;nd vows that tltry col I'rr,ttt,t{f.-Platt(Glee rrnitu l;lklnat,E�rlidair, olert tlf [�rWitn lrt,td E'ftrtrnx, -'t"!!11rr(t'htilrmur+).14Ic•N nt*ry, E►trttes,Thai+►.K++an Cinmhir,T lint, Once I was lover! for my innocent grace- n +. �t ho do not heed his 1 prize it '� Ptrpesatvt ll7ealurux.-Murr,tws s`hrilttraeta), tiit•,tfltesr, iMpow, Iitreerldge.Dilllughao,,Hop Flattered and ,,.tight fpr the charms of my Pace! Sohn itppOoter, also Van,Van is n used lt'ttlt case his favorite Hop- of Daren FatherG-Afnt.hr•r 5 r 1" He s:�on discovers hottn. tile. P+rtteari, twrwsa, 1>r ,()veriu.atra.41ar1uot,rltaitsau►, t.tern-crit, tip hall. both of which were popular 1 IP Trrtrnis•.aytn r+ wttt rm- t*Od and myself I h,vr Inst Lv my fall; Directors. 7fuaut n �"�d, 'for SL lonn, tihe,anal the will be re- theanionst 0 Woody()re•+t AVV. r lltyi►ertiion, t.#illtt+rl A., tlotne,yeareda T71e veriest ttretrh that a'n r,shivering by. r' y the prix Tlolue for`<nmirables,:id Ave.,ror i. Ind Ht KPvrt terry tip W811,4t. � 'Will 3matt e a inn cr a,n,voeme I lndor too nigh; called by lnauy wbo read this. vfa,s to the pris Home for l lal)ai.a lit,n,lirrantit,8 I'11arltoll St. linrttul Ohtllolir t)t�rhan Any tuoi,8v i'tvick dri maybe in )-f' tet farUld Men and Aged(tnuplt•,i,IOWAuister• ror. Ktnit«brl+lue It+l..oMce470lladisouAve. Where Is notion;;so pure as the beautiful snow, t The next ,Treat gath ring was the D $nnttr]nrlt Ave., Hpilorx'Narnt•.6'daktxrkrtstt, tion can b ror i'rotrstant Immigrant Wrist.9 urate Ht rtail()m"i~nuq liarbor,StAtten island otiice3lNr Hnty strange it shrn,ld be that this beautiful snow Tentpe)'CL)2C8 1�i:ts3-71LC8Gd9Lt�, Wl]iCll IIlet In Main '►r Relief of Destitute, t311nd,t398 Atnetor• tiiiu"et Ghoulrl.fall on a sinner with nowhere to fro! 1LIttrC11, 154 . During savcral months i'Pnnsy toiiso[tir �!t SL~Ann's ltnrtlr+forC%hildren,iiAUls.9Uthst• How strange It should be when the night comes, the Temperance Reformation lead been Ailnneso 'rhla ntv r; t, at a.in, Iaorentzan the Aged, 4111 H.70th Rt.and 186 W. fit 'Bttrn)t lu eWillo,ls,Alo erryet. If thn snntY and the ir.r:�tr'rnlr my desperate brain. lg()d,Lord a' , 8iy Bartbnlvmew"e(lista'!!time,188174,47tI1St increasing and a brand Cel-ebration took But there is still anoth a'• - •---- -----+, 11r I`ainting-Freezfng-Dying alone, lace In Greenport on W'tasbinDton's p l of rearrangingthe di J.J.letilrr ^^-- Tnn wirlced fpr mater, tno weds for a moan, Olten114fPD'-�� ,-�rrr�r"�^*r"'-"""""'-"`""""-' "-�"" And one which men sl perntan;14)b13. S• A. Ary e+u It, p,,«�, Enulinh: 7908 V. To be heard in the fitrF ets nP the r razr i:ntvn, Rllthda'. Prominent in_the 6ul l.t3Ss of Since It is simple and i lioeyt,r Uerrilan•Ip0(T,Frovf�tllB'+tariatt,his(Stertttnu�,I14►h'�, !'.one mon in the Jov of snaw cnming down: - - - - - w_ _ Medlvlll':14�I, H. A. To be and to die fn my terrible wne, this were J011t) C. ('Otlk tL11i1 I+t'iLlllr This sort of tftln,is a tuou y Dane.100'1, Pa•vlofP, lit)flit"',1t6p6, I ref. liuhart Kitt h, l3artl)at1' 14!(1()" P f' Nith a bell and a shroud nP the beautiful snow. (With due respect) of SpanlRh;Profmmor(lollrl, rr rtntly-Pnidbontenr 1 ri+t,+h: j r,Mir>b undxl I7ectntiaFsrny8pea i Tuthall. In Southold Parish, Revs. hltttriLtttrO; It101. It. C�• A• HelnlesF and foul as the trarnp}ed wnntt, Conpec lrr,rtt ria tiyrrai , A.Welton, J.Nixon, and J. K.Ingalls IiIln A llrna)ior►ti l'3 8rngort,Nart•'ul,tn:14)0•'1. I ' I�6r Hanryfi enkirwl'i l,•;1!►tlE),lar(►ft>•tu,r('artlntr+. itnlirttr, Ginner. �lecnair Ont: Chtlet rctnpneth lots C1ii)lltilltutlno tit Iveyruatlr+callnwthve�rAwiec 7o rescue the coni that is lout 1n sin, Worked PtLlit)Iltly for elle Ca115f1 of telll- YOttce:lel, ts(;r0rrt�ti+u�ti,tKli�h '1tsl0 tp�r f r�ssy,hr�°nrh:ltM1'a.F(.f►nnnmmun anA A f4t And raise it to llrr ana en;in,:ment again. perance. Their efforts w(.rN ably secc)alcl- Now' Rwisy;Il)0I �V ga�),Oest run tiutturr, �tustriaul l!)t>fl,l'rursideutTlteo(ture rrnanina--731nerling-Ovine fpr thee, ed by EdWu•rEl Ilunttillh, D.L.Iiortolt, '4T%estITi: Aninstitutionil9M, The Crucified hone on'the cursed tree: T'Tis i+nr'+'ntF' Of rop"V fell rnft Ort thing rar•' 'Will. II.�Vells, n'lld 111any others. Great Ken'. +' 'rr'rro ilituio. "Is there me'ry for nte? 'Will he heed illy weak' numbers Signed the Pledge and a, fevr, prayer?" n + She Had xl►t�' I;d�Nov. kVett1+v1110 '1'0rra 1[t4ut+) l,fd..,..,.,, ... 1,,'?41,0UU O Cool! in the stream tliat fm•Rinner,,dirt flow. CO'T1inenced to cut down their fipple Husband-My dear, did Wash Inc. and I shall hc• whiter than ,,nor.•, trees l UIl 111E ally Of rile 'r►4L55-illcet- !�'7{IR (if£Jia Nuthurl+u,t s c , , -— --�-- at raw• sg. Parnell wits re oloctud lender of the Irish man who Just got oft the National I'arty but on Dae 6 Justin Mc(larthy and She Made Her 1lMeanirig C'ileAr.� ing the procession included not a few IV,Ife-Do you mean that sy Tariff qa other lrinh Members of I'arltntnwit withdraw 4ara the light t ra suit, brown 1 f who had inade a new departure, lend j Irray Parnell and elected Mct3xrthqq leader, Mrs. Wither poon had been six weeks in Parts tlon�; the line, were nu111r.rou3 ele^g+1ut shoes, wearing a turn-clow Jongross NOV.25. Ultarioti I''rr,tieis Arlatme raid ed the ppresi. without seem a familiar face, so when one dltip' black tIo and diamond in, dency of the Union I'ac18e 13ullway;%olgo Dillon „ ,' p r visited was elected his nuccenrirm she caught sight of bioses Runlett, whom she hail and bec`olning barinprs. The. Youths allk umbrella with a heavy Deo.z. A Natloual V(,itvolition of the f'armer's AI. known 1n the little country village where both of Cold i�T Lter Arlu '" R'a.9 9uCCe8sft111 ' guess- lieu-dol- Ilance began at Ocala,Fitt. 3 ) Husbund-F es, T Dec.3, The Intar,taCluual 1'opyrlght bill pa"ild thu them were born,she greeted hltrt t>>ith a beami:lg marsliftled by Messrs, J. W. Rullttinb Wlfc No, I dIdn t notle oy Tariff House of Representatives by avotc of 139 to 95. smile. and Job Sutton. C_ftu Inrlevgr�c3ll._._,__ ..__ Dnc.c K�ng Kulakaua of lluwali landed at San "Glad to see you,ma'am,' said Mr.Ruutett,who Meetinns were held in both ch C1109 v Not 'Tes tc rived in FDeaisco' bad made his money rapidly and recently and n Dee, 55. The bunking firm of Dolamatar do Co., had experienced some difficulty in securing soc'al also about the front of Moore's 11otel, Cassidy-'T1s a folne red tell�pptib- Mantiville,Pa.,failed. of Mor- Dec, Io, Tho Pulitzer Building, New-York, was i recognition. "Last time I met you it seemer+P,s 1$ Prominent alnOtlb rile spelLkers Nene ye. formally opened with approprlate caren,onies• you most forgotten who I was." Hedges , Case 4 P'tis fofne stuff McClel- Dac.15, The ileus chlot sittlnqq Bull was killed in Lawyer flenry P. Hed es and Frank y-•y' u skirmish by soldiers In South•Dukotu. "Oh, no, I'm sure not," said Mrs. WItherspoou Tuthill. ' Cassidy--It looks good,b ntngton, Dec, 70, Byraud,the tuu►derer,was convicted 1n vaguely. "At any rate, you and your wife, must Tuthill. 'washin'? 1'aria. ' l come to see me here. You linow how it is. People In November 1847 it,.hfissionary -JV41S3- Casey-I dunno. Sliure,O' Orleans Dec.i f t Isaac fiawtels will Convicted at Dover, whom we never thinit of at horne seem like dear meeting was held in the First Church by�-Phlladelphla Press. N.It.,of the murder Kilkenny til(I ar Iflr nts friends when we meet them in a strange-at least, rile efforts Of Rev. 680.F. 4Yiswell. Tlla' - Iruland Ucc, sq. At Kllkonn L1io o � ----Nov.2* Y opponents of Parnell JE't2�t f1Vt'. trunelittbd!n sleeting lair John Pape Ylenuassy to Par what I mean is-we seem to want to see them.ralysis, ]liuucnt by 111 minority, prilleipal spetLl;ets were Rev. Dr. Istat- A lad with a touch of niali Dce.ss. I'n a >�7ght with 9lonx Indians 1n south• � whereas at home-tvliat I'rn trying to say 1s- r, burned I)aki Uuptaln Wallace mud suvernl soldiers ware " Please do come,both of you!"and thrusting a card , field and Henry Ward Beecher, both Of enlisted to tight to 13ulgar killed. iii rtilr unlett s.hand she hunted away tee whoin •`the people be%rd gladly. ,N.Y., I)K%30 Conferences of leaders of the Irish factions un�tlet46ai1tly tt aI11I,-Yout/t'S(otnpunlon. Bur before lie could st. began at Boulogne. - — --- - ' - Throu-h the instrunienta,lity of Rev. V. 1 Turk hollered "Seo .__ E Ler Whitaker it Count;/s .11&szonart p J .9nd they fennel him nett Ile-1 can never think of the right thing to sny* 1{fe8t'ia2g Ci0 odea rile Til'St Churt 11 it1 Cfnclnneitt C at the right don't Janaary, 1953. At this inemora,ble gatll- - l She--Why don't you try saying the right thing , sometimes. even If you g'et 111 the wrong Pia,cc?_ Cring the good Dr. William Goodell, Detrrrii Free Tress• M14t,r AA i. ,�sy�iAHr•as� as;s�ri�s iQi ZLiIi.D. i� r .;- Wry l/h ,:>,« + _ ilea~Anit stittIvat"At thin killaag+ew, wyd ted i3thllt'1.btlpettlpt'w 111ittitni ., tied t GW% �'' tt ;b"heart the�ts lttet�su t+x lures!A fltrimm stow-atom t�srrto ort turd utMa- wpgid art" int to tlta asoaebt !!►o T, L. > ui� trade fur trtial r�th�+r n� wino blockw6l for movoral days, lout •Allswet-�lt appears Khat ltaJor W, A. �• � u Fitt �n olio time +c farnwsrtp, 4rrltwr. slttiourney, -nephew est the poolltasr of that rP(m '., 1ry* gar Four Days' l� i isgr"ataly and deer itat+i» tsalne. was knows to he the autbor of '11084. a�lltil�Krt Write rrtauuiutiiap. meat) uuatalist dttutti oWrsissltnetwai t truw.itla tarsi ttrLM Iwlrtala. �Mtr w'«►Moo. 1tful snow," ttlpil Its l�dtlr'lleta Is Mr- 'tsaal o frism tier hatultrtA botwtwn Uivpr. writ iuswory* tk'*tewtawa,awat ikwu.s. r '4 eountsed for as tollowa. ++in early life be Hosed sites) Ar Post-Is (tJrieut), melba About tho midil'le of February, ls.,r3, aeaial, llnstt't'lad a >Vl1ao 11'llluotrr> a women of ;rrat I aatuata front ))Shelter Inistisd. tirtwiting TAr 6%L#W t4owa y,t trrriton +,►•x„tiy luot 1''dr* Tt'." w..a,Iiw;aair. personal atlra�tlnarw, tlsad wtrttb her ntiM� s ;..Ijoisvelas.Ptr1'1' "in row•lxwte. liorrt, ounduated by Utro. P. Basial!~ A it or n li:uraw to lttirtmtt st elo "alrbod Tbo#)reit Lit t m outin within tete violout strorns oocurred, but the wiwtrtiunx 't's+wAtrMat;. srrlt�r. " rumors uaf�svornbta to her abarrrtar reacls+ed ix'i $ fMa*Ia< t-•.aai. ♦"ast�nalM ItOw t, the lltirvurmoy familf, Tbo report ww►me to towssnory of the wwritar was In Augvxt were well atttouded sad ra+a altod in a► bawre boep well founded.d. for obartly atter bo r 1640 when is jrarty i4 at-11161I'otnocirstts Alae ooutwrt. 'w""t. !;'"s•"''ar. sw kwL return to Now York Av aabow (h- oa that tba evue fruist !tut its is vaowl and'ittatW Ott the of August. 13W. 'Q?o wt`O 1 era„114"4109t6 i�„p�pri,�q r• desmon dentist bad a44o4 aeuwther to I.bt• list «. of big viviliiaa. tlbe abandoned bars buWAild. at TownIlttrlsor. A lamtalgsaiult was 71~+�it+arti was�ivrtt by1tWA7rtit e1ltilt bsl"11ls an eliertttrl. read was most board of foriauil land thoir approach welt l osalded thirtyuuug lam,tsrt+'letr dir"tion of +,�rioi~e►Ab" % as ars tomato at a P041toutlitry. Haar burl- bg Uw drink►of a swivel.stall by ciao of D.P. lforton. Miss Jonaiea Natrvcr (stow batid`a, lore was still stratte ossa osh to In4u00 their niltulxtr who est intervals lalvw iin Mrs.Ilsrsaa TWittifi asest)proof,4 at the oak""s, tn+aar*.Ablift, him tea hike another ar1fort to save her. sad itatltittsa" UA Aerrn. The PnaVrWriats p itsto. 'Tho porfartAlitsoo vlroa % groat an* tbrtstagh Ills luflo race *be was roloaasod, only ! rif`te*r oavairgA pits I it l:s st+ittrd > ' la to dreart bet bales to tho w inter flbttrala was*oil tlllwl, will. sumves iu ovo rv% t matt` •"'ft"S.`ttwol6i.A 4w,t',uetw. teat else war touA4 dead ut.dar the aaow spdwhwe, a lido was tututt+tl mmol t,be tbat to largo an nailivitoo tiort+r befawru, as+raw.d,wwa t*Afti.x0awak a dtsroputabir istroot in Nvw York. ttwr tuarwh ended at C+a oklirfrt'is. now the names-,nor slisoo, authartnt itt timet First {;burgh. osteon Idoutifted the body aa4 bad it burled 'Utift o'J. fit`. lluuttiuyt. At autt,timo Thies prwarm divided 6ftwoeri the In .Now York.** Tbo star? of tbut arrlse Urkat was mtW taw be Dustsoare>.t.tu with. two abbath"ools of the I"att°lsb. -0W%aw;�,, t*w.nt„ 9t'. wits was told In tbo touohtad taarluaw of "► '• a+ruttftil dtiow'� its thallo+s►t+: out altw:ls trot, wwaa! ••Ntwsislrthts 'pa�ss�tsl« Its A tut» 1641, a i�rustfray Afetelt.np ttte+.•a.•t. ove tis, tvh' the *now. tho boantlhtl w, wKa tela only WA*Iwo Ilog'Noult." Z"tt , was l rifin the First Church. under tlw P.is•t pop. idra�tlt". i�lIlMw the ea,► and rorty slow, nailing cry of "Tippite )loo)slid Tyles',,loathe ship of Stewart IA.1Ytkrdfvs't�1,ja:r. r nVor tho ha,Waartrl.a.iw over rho artrwH. tart• wits lure"ni #lur1!esud mcsre imbue B.Boo" ., bwrlsi the c hnir- d' '. ie(irralieR Avr tr.t, hsa,ta of the owaol� �wtN l ss� pop-1 � � t �saaaofur ir'rtraarear.�lttatrt�wtttawrat, idose'.seed on elite idtlt of October as maaw- man. F kwitsent spisvites wore Iinadit by tsygw4l�r+w h*+�ltrtkitwest e, Fly1 tett klarr! it ran jr nor ook.. + Inoodug want)wade)b the Whips, First, lttrv.Dr, I�lf'iswoll and S. I. �t.00dl'rrrti. rt anar raw t<tw r tali 1a+dx"s rbtssta. lrcr+at t'i naittar to oars In troth fr+walt: aiottuttr M jrra,t V*Ait3ts rts�tq Urilwnport astri Aiarsty of thold's noblest sortie voluti- sM tI Pill11" itsteri r,apw l..11 else AIR� r<ieiit it lnrr�eir trtla tretipit Ills!tsrr�,stta�rei 1,rirt'te+s�rraal to battle+for throw'llniondnod foraja Parer alt►awe ataAarrrl. etstntM air orf thr IA tin. Ile►tea of thume sa'iludO owl "'l�tls"P1tlt; U. of situ 127t1s I ., N. �t the a,trnrw, ills aa,twunel stwtttw souse sof tho 1,"t inou with their(asmilleMA. T.H.Vie. 14►1ot illi rettut�iti!rtl at the ts�t)grt+ " Mrsf. !`emir delle*lmlther' mad iw h ora tiaoar s'►, , ta>I#usw,t>trss.t la�rtt , obe wt ke nuos et1w vu ., Drums aced Slut ag�ave out inspinvit lists of tlsd "Maar.brat tato spirlst whiall i'tsutlt- >YaNrlrs, it hl telwOR Ow wi row. Oat oo tr ax hits„nets,) tba whole was enlivened b sit! told them is g sdt gild est t�tt lit mft0009sil. rrwtlttt.Qwo And th. r 040 with w bb it*ad pit�t�ayv.: tslnrous Qa;�-at and b suuwo which by wraorrla uttered l,y one of dearir vsuustittr, tsnrR.Pow tKlAltnq,wltllqsbmtlrwt,mit lata asr+�stuts air W" 04dr rr•*trad; vveyr apprtwliriwtte anti et uttsing de ricma anal now intictib.r.1 Ott Bial maawittrsria�nt est Tion town I#t►htrt+ aaA Ice b•trrc lea a iwM+rr. 1.tiit C�ltl £3aittnatt+r ,r,,,o,►. To weloonts uta +taealow at li ttuttrut anowl Towurl noou a stestinab da attitrn t'r•jtn y: +'dtlnr —rgl.l. slit ►e*1 a /w1�"l now weld tiro eftwwrl etwo rwsylap otr.tt+e,� �Harbor .landiA at Tesoro flaw*hair. 'IIA*° YOU"'MrANT 119 Tu �,�' - er~ tbre rye• seri„ with harrier r awEwewat, Ierrttsb,1.tl brE!#d trt'thin ltluwi hnWHoUsl tot old liiywY r •A:►� l;t�t.Ua?•tC" -1<l. "#i9t w 11twr earb twehar tw►M tntr tltladt krx, 1 i►.a 1111. dr rte�t COW abs►mom"It. ?lime enact to Iho•iret � �te�` C"ia+►rrwtwo rrlehwry• e st . TMrrrras„a itids�ttttt�iMwte,arttall -ti'aslatrall their eo before ,1yed in i°outholdr The debt ung 1t'n""01,- w4itAINCS 4 Mawr. Mt<r lir,rt+nwt rrt t!M A�aiittterMt ertr+wi r,11114*rrt.Weft",w1 lrnanr ata wwarw wrhrn It t`alltsw t'a�1 t1r•►�ttsr. ieasr bed in the at the roar,of thto Wbeaa'arf a ewm roar e0aws'round TO be arttawntarl and trork 4 bM wtta.aaaaluip of (eet. Universalist 0hurell xn4 411taatlian)hill" )'hair got to+�vna�e�a t�.toqud atMailtr� Aft er�tii,. Tt1t It 6lttaatls wtritA the nitb In tau;bo�rrltMta str mit, w1litllt that!1lttwUd et rchttrt; lotstla be Avis !w o a awehrmo 114's Cho Iw iyt with n n r>fkmaisantlraa ov wsrawo"s'.42.04 0no" t loss walla A. tbo *pow. hell t t,rn, from the aburch. ,l tww+t i,la ;Gttdtiiaitil, ?'err own whfte o�CAA001 cm*aoritwr Pots Itho two aHxrwtwalheA tfom h""M r•, ty. t, to ONUS Itafatilllslt t+a' "I*d; IWIL+Iw►r+powlikrtata.,1eitretet, tilt to its trsantwod air 0111% Q# the Ott—, •.Dr.P'.Parker Kiisg slid Lawyer; )sell). #I•�alrw )roll to ha '41 to sera ,wt;et tea 6104 t,rv� Abriva T. NciK spOleo gnostly to tho �tasrdrad ihi t'tas�ittrr�t'twra+iwtt-•t><oaAltM id s, 1tag aw+A inti a►a•Yt t+. a h aw�r►r rrnr►M brrr. vditim ion of the a sawtolily stew')= i'i�tlala t� 14% ltf our tin a•lw"o for It nwn.4a 104 t+►!tw.t )$onlay).) tint.t.ing. q, atIplatiiori a, Ar If att:;*" iar�lvic iiia d, Mt►a enol tw►r#taa tits 'brad. 1�r 6utiful bitnuor, wrhertion Martin Van { wwutiw tt orMDaw. a� fib. #twtMw. ilrrltleprA 1dw►r+rttarl e!a►ai. 1a,aa�+ ! rrtlHnr •r k+rr irwat s•+t 1 was towns lair car brsiitiful Aft"a llrurlin tiara nipriw rated net bias wit tell +at►irtti�wt+arr4 t�eeaA °•1'io;lt 1l.ivtst'.w. � 4 tlbtn atnatbrr iiia:e aiwgae�att'+r ' i ***twir no The hmisfirul orsom. A tisoiss r iii the litttl; seam atitewr the P%tryr r, hrr+•a Willi ati swo like a irs°wttAt, as heaart this• lea arlo,r: wary o tivoly igui "heel narpimter! tlwat tba+� U istWail rraw�' q�iq�}, rout* 1 was Pwod rr•r say iw•tt�.0"t isr-sro W= M tNrw+s± Ima''ar^rt wait Wv1sahi r•o,alto what'"W of sn r tiegt tiwthltspprtcstatr, nlao'' ilii, aitaq a it*.�1 )Mal t> a im warty. o'r eirat•aw=3t.+r ter r... • rem awtil a vivir t ha,i�riYar,trs.aati. elle Ilx , bt,tlt a7F which wtttatifar lwrrl.ulat •Mtlr4tt HI tater hr ir•x real: for alt leen nd they will bre ro- rti at . �sstil. 'l"ite Yarlawaat arwy+trit that s—,e ahsw.rla+tr bwr, � Minn.+ +� :'Ma, a"t'ttt r"'R%*a,wW Pwgwiw luta t wwea4•r tray,ntob: called by nnaaity tibia roved this. Por all Islet to r,"+.r AiMkrm p,a 1 know, itAas stiairtiw w li► '"swat+• ar ncwtlrtrtK w. t+vra aiw tbo treattsallul r Dow, ! next gust �l�t1�1'ng W04 the tl iiYMnt� ts.•iw•,• 7'llaspwrtz!naae Afaw-ttselrfisp, t hi4h mat in q.os�altlwtr.i trFllai err raaae+tr+• it a►h.»a,lq 4140 iwtaa this t..riw,t;iwU artwa.tw rd,rAU rat a rnaaar rrttlh Mx.w ]�wvb 184" During ' ritals �rat.�.a+►K.tsrw� r � M1'atr'l tt'l+nllt�'!r -[4ax�bq ratitih M+li stow #tree#* it raar,ua.t t.wr wtwo tho ntalwt h'taurtr T shall oenpr•ra ace '+I r la�tlon )surd 1'tin laittctu, i'aro atfaeltl. i 11�rNM,r, rr thw."towww+rt i2w Ir" «ar"O A I" ort#br%la; >ncrsma�itlg and a grea d aslohmUcao took itlwttwb ��*ata J� Y'awltwtllllh-�1'rtirstr�p tsvino ainaw,r l ove its Urorrtlgputrlt Ot€ I tltl��rt�,,�r..ii1 99 111-0 waottM emir""Wer I**I w`+4 tot a M,*", guta 000 am: ilial ata.t w'stlrc►l, TA bt bras t to tear•atr•�ra.,hr tlw,.rts,rr a., t'. I''rrs sag� dat+*tt. r3„na n+1,aa in thy►s.:x at.t't ev rratntnr drtrwn a. tY 1 tlwyrrgr A tol '11a and to die in fav torrlhew woo thea we're rte Fill P , F :. fe4jwU, of with a boa*04 a Shays” of tho boanttrui ,snow, Titled). In stout ottl Farb)). Mira. 00%V4 1'Ratnlsw• mall foul Ns rh.w tromplad mow, A. woltoti,J. Nixon,and +ul aaltr.ttrt•r, a1ww,"Olf "fit: Vhttst at'+rrrwb 1,,w worked va..11witly for the of t+ Fes"mit tk.ta,M Tar to-%M I%* martyr 1641 law Inst ter Mtw. °Leib Art4 slot it 'tot terF anti rarity:+.r"Onj nMra lar, porltlloo. r1`hoir offorta strobe WY sewn ti �.++aiatrar.�rgtYur ti tet tirtetr t+ thre_ tel bre+' Rdward llundting. M I.. Horwi. "'milia t'ru.»Iilled hone oil IN% rttftwa.t a..rr, , Meat a •maw %( marwx rust .••rr r,n tt-lne mar. lym.`I,�.WolIj4 rind ina ny otlioyt'It�. �r�t1�o1►�i `rs shot* frarev fttr Maio• Fill fir be-0 i .a,r raa.,l, tittwtx►r�s si�titwi}���I"lrxl�n, Krld as iEw�r p"e"r Y iatalHhr«« abe rat xt t. .' o tAuLw f a i Pl;i 1 �letd! an iiia..••rntar ..-,a ..•r ulnow" 41§4 aw..sr, a a aa+stitt+un(W to neat do*" their apple �I�Ya�� �� r, DRi you iaarii4r �,L1lri a�tila^ + I.Itivr twat, •n.+er t On the da of dirt isaso tirst� � t rtowcrr , "no *1fo rrt Kot an Iia►evert Pr 'I,-s! Meaning C1eAr. iiag the proosaadmi Mice• ed utit a tow wt*—too room watt tk�tt dark.,iftvy•„�xattasa tet l`o liter~r,,,:,sa bad browse iia w#** tri PAru w 0)swirl hits U a rioter dopilrture, thiol, Use Un'li't my suh. broom dorhy batt+tmd tow Iota »lrom the litre we" nutn"rtous olpg%ntr a , a'aVtng a4 turb-taawn r=�oatar with it rt.i nvwv oaoettatat a 1+iMam* I unl +sir who ons alrer w >l"k rim sad 43aa1<004 pits,0 rryint a 600k Alarm a kI �'�►clIn +dltt,f of�tujitit ttusti+wlt,. wiwearn ttiaaw b� stared rtaufiu�l}tptst€s+}l's. Tl.i+u ''Yaruth a atilt wabxattta with A haawy 1<ui4 4101ur W4 hsa4let Ititawrn let sn+t sleeks r+aw+upiry Wlia1#o whore►omen star C ohl. WAtor Aruty" WKb stla4crsiefatlly t1�Y-wi, I Nrutwwaw�--s- tltem tier*Writ,oder 91`00WMalawhit a b,Aaming 111a"Ihaled ley 3dwtasrit. J. '4'i�". utittiug 'Woo--Ilia, 1 ei4ii t nail w h1m, �t'try rriutia. " arsd Job"utton, tn+ hitt Ai, *141&4 u um you.tosas't►tsw. soler)isr. llsitwia•ts,who, Meetin were held its both churobtai! Not 'Icated Yet. iia+i metdt► islet money rapidly sod rw#ntly Isn l� trait 41PO"011004 Sonia diislrtilty in "ours" *U1,41 n1so about the (rout of Xoorore ,'Notal. cAmidy- Tu x mn# red astinrl uhirt ye)meta sty Iell�e0 tails. "Lame tions J r»twt you it,wek,iws04 u,#kf Protrsittent itis ong the rpakoors were to. moaaltasa°lwt evlso t ttraai. I',rawyer Htmry P. Haclrlcw said Frank ra"a`y Ayl%It tolne+Stuff rad Ii traaat hnrgnin. Ao.rt'rt1 00"00t,- miles'!time ti`lthr �'ssehill ropoo "'o � t"i*9dy-•It ltt,*X4 mood,iatfi dArw M It shrink Iia the '1► ttatly. At Say "a*. pan "d your wi;ta *14A : rait�bia`t +Qua+ors wtaA rias isarr. 'rttu known!Looter It ia. Pfople Its November 1847 aArLotanary ,A;liint- cxas�Y–t Atanl7a, :ilsux�a,cal mac entity hae+'t A xttt>ttt'. Whom tin stover comet at as home *00MIlk*40#rn 4 tag wall hold its the Fira+1:Church b3' movadtipho,"Teri. raids wltraw we hetet chant law a sirattgo,__+rt last &, ,rits►tii ill. Ttlrs` tri ilia tarter sof lt.rw. C}twlx. F. Wfswc k iiia 1 in"n 1t—wt! aerate ten tiniest taw irtis tha•ns, P`aet t 7 r ntve*l if ori wrlaa} at honlo--rrtass i ori t lata to ,mays law-.. Istkl speakers;wViara ;l+trwr. Dr. IinG- • 1 +a ren+s.txslit of you$", thrusting a� gold and 1 oury`t�nrd Ple►mb ars both of +A I&d wxltb N iou"ll of it,atiadit. It, - ]Iwtttl.rt?M har,ta t� we►holia ..the 1m .wlu 110sM gl#IAlly." Irarliteaeitto ilitYit itw 13uis�orl•s, UP P camelttiy p+a tits�}tt f�� p esus,before be tXnild xllool: a. Through tls+t Intrtraitr�t ant;Ea.l.ity sof Rair, q Tgek lialrrr&d..:Scoati' .1 ti (t!rltltlC)11, Rpher Whitaker it 0"n,tiy X44mary And they tunnel Klin next dale in ftcaxta 11+•. ,.aln never Ih pix of the rttrat ttitng ta, Ay .sleeting shwwalc'd tett! First Vh=4 in t�trtlrtranati<'tlittVit7tY4ttrt ?'rt�t. ai right tsting ,Ttmullti 18.3,3. At this rtit,niomblet th-• �ryP. .ee t,� tt.•,iw•s s'a•u Iry atayl .tt tela~ '�. �' - as~,t,a0111wa „Vrft it reit, tet to thaw «rr ar lwlac,.r._ ,Ititiq til"_S..taool I3r. William flea+ ell,. XyQtrrijr �'rre i'rrp1F• _� ...»............,..�-- .. -......._..._.•.,..... ... __.,.. .._ _.._.._.-1._.Y- -.._. .-.. :.. ' September. 31.The Protestant Episcopal General Convention l Senator Schurz delivers n eulogy on Sumner at 13. Conference committees on the currency bill ap adopt an amended canon on ritualism and )otnted I[►Cougress,and on the Geneva award 4. The government demand of Japan the Stmo- authorizes a shortened form of service. Boston;the U.S. Senate take up the suliple till noseki Indemnity. mentarr Civil Rights bill. 7.The headquarters of the army removed to St. I,New York Legislature adjourns sine dis; cis 17• AColumbibia government swishing the District o Louis. November. persons burned to death at Homestead,Pa. 20 The copipromise currency-bill signed by the I8. Ministerial crisis in Quebec. President. 11. Frank Moulton publishes his second statement in 1. Hurricane in Jamaica and great dam age. May. 22.The reciprocity treaty with Canada puUllshad; the Beecher-Tilton controversy. 2, Republican success in Louisiana.' 12. the of Col.Whitley and others,in the 3. General elections In[t number of States result In 1. opening of the new Masonic Temple in New the antl-moh born contractsysi nodbill nd bili repealing the Sati- safe burglary affair,District of Columbia. the election of a Democratic minority to the York. K pp g 13. Rt;ported discovery of gold in the Black Hills. Forty-fourth Congress. 2,Recruits arrive at Little Rock,Ark.,for the rival 23.T ill commission of Rthe Istrtet of Gclumbla < 14. Uprising of White Leaguers in New Orleans,the 10. Annual union of the American Public health factions;six men killed and three wounded by re f,cted by the Senate;Congress acuourne sine Kellogg government overthrown and arum- Association at Philadelphia Arkansas Legis• n boiler of theSexplosion re at Chowan r k, s Y. floor of a church at Syracuse Klvos ber of the police and others killed or wounded; Mature meets, S.Judges of the Supreme Court of Arkansas urre4ted way the thirteen persons killed and many tho White League seize the arms in the State 12• Rev,Dr,Thomas U.Dudley of Baltimore elected by order of Gov.Baxter. House. Assistant Protestant Episcopal Bishopof Ken- 6. Substitute for the(louse Currency gilt reported wounded. J. W The President orders tile Louisiana rebels to dis- .tacky• by Senator Sherman;the Connecticut Legisla- 25.The 1 bode tislan Island Isla urre wji�ourae without perbe,within live days. 13. The Government makes a formal demand on tho tune organized at New Haven. g 1 16. Ettna Dean Proctor sues Frank Moulton for Union 1'aciftc R,R.for.5 per cent an its earn- 9, Skirmishing at Little Rock between the Brooke licktaand Gardner,ofNowYork,�convicted nof 'libel. Ings Now November 1369;Rev.Dr.John;3utr• and Baxter forces. 17. TheLouistana usurpers submit to the orders of borough elected P.lj:Bishop of New Jersey; 1.Lieut.Wheeler reports his surveys west of the malfeasance. tho'President,anti Gov.Kellogg reinstated. earth)nuke at Vera Cruz. 100th mertdlan 1 reunion of the Army of the 26. Sclentlfie Invostfgatlon,lit New York,as to Ute , , •__ 18. Tilton publlsbes a second statement. 14. Volney�.stuith proclaims himself Governor of Potomac in IIarrlsburgh, Pa.; tlto 'National causes of hydra trdlle, l4. Fire risk~at Chicago declared unsafe. Arkanst►s,and culls on the President for alit; Temperance Society meets to New York. 27.Commissioners G�arduer atttl Charlick,of New 4 i 25. Charles 1I.Phelps'trialforrobbingtheNewYork Gov.Garland procures warrants for Smith's 2. Geneva award bill passes the Senate; anneal York,beatresign. State Treasury of over$300,0110 commenced at arrest. p meetings of the Universal Peace Union,�•and 29.Intense heat and Biotins throughout the'United h Albany. 16. AlaUama Le isluture uieeta;strike of the)long. Mercantile Library Association,in New Turk. 10 Prohibition Convention In Illinols. 26, International rifle match, the American team shoremen in New York. 3.Agricultural Cangn)ss moats at Atlanta,Oil.; triumph over the Irish tetun, 17. Exploslou of a to boat at Hell Gate,four lives second council of Reformed Episcopal Church 23. Frank Moulton indicted i'or libeling Edna Dean lost; steamer Empire sinks at New Orleans, held In Now York, July. r ; Proctor Lord Mayor of Dublin received in 20 lives lost;United States troops withdrawn 1 4.The President nulled upon for aid by the Arkansas 3.Presklent Grant appoints Marshall Jewell Pott- 29. Heavy gnJc.and loss of life and fYont the State house in New Orleans. Legislature. S property at 21. The 43d American Institute Exhibition closes z. Ellsha Baxter(Rep.•��,recognized as Governor of niastor-Cleneral. Charleston,S.C. hi New York, Arkansas by the Isrostdent;the.Brie Rallwuy 4.Bridge oved{{er the Misatsstppt,at vvo St,Louis formally 30. National Triennial Council of the Congregational 2,q• Storm on the Atlantic coast;Tuscumbla,Ala., agree to lease the Atl►►otic and Great Western. at•Lowistonrcrblowad n dawn e and tby a itornado, six ' Church at New haven;Liquor Dealers State iarttully destroyed, 12 persons losing their l7• Reservoirs burst on Mill river,Ham1)�stitrecounty kllled. Convention(N.Y.)meets at Albany. fives; first train over the Baltimore and Ohio Dins.,138]lues lost and)?our v111ages4floodet{ persons through flue front Cldcugo, and partially swept away. 7. Charge s mudu against Rev,Henry Ward Beecher o October. • Meeting of line fr Carolina Legislature;Goo,S. L8. Gov,Moses of South Qttrolina indicted for breach Uy Tltoodore `Pilton,and an Invnatl};utlnn do - through InaugnratGd Governor of Alabama. of trust and larceny- two persons burned to 8 Cli�irBCsengullist Mayor ITuveineyer praanuted to 2. Fire in CreenpOt t,L.I.less�?o0,W. 2,5, Couventtun of tutlationists meet at Ilulianapolis, death for sorcery in Dlextco. 1. Tilton audDloulton indicted for libellnBrooklyn, 27. District safe burglary trial ends at Washington l9.Gov. Baster takes possession of the Arknnsns Gov.Dix, ti, Protestant I piscopal Church Congress opens to tri a disagreement of the uty. g State house;American Social Science Ass0u1- 9, Grasshopper plague In llitntt0sota;Gov. Davis New York;insurrection in the Argentine Re- 29, King David Kalakuua of tite Sandwich Islands ation meet in New York. appeals far ala. nubile;Prof.Swing of Chicago asks that his arrives at faun Francisco;Prof.Mardi's expo .W.W.Eaton(Dem.),elected U.S.Senator from 10. Erle 011 works and 6t1,00U barrels nt ell burned at Weehawken,N.J. ' name be dropped from tite Chicago Presbytery, dition to the Black hills returns to Fort 1.General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church 14. Fire nt UhlcaKct; lass$4,OOfl 000,and seven r- 7. General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Laramto. 2 sone orlehed;Oshkosh,Wls,,ravaged by fire; Church opens In New York and the Congress 30. President Vance of the New York Common meets at St,Louis. loss$I W0,000. qq closes. Council sworn ill as Mayor,Mayor ilavenle er 23,The U.S.Senate passes a Civil Rights hill. 8. Colored citizens of Louisiana issue an address in havin•died of apoplexy, y y 26,Funeral of Re resentativ0 Mellish in the IIouse 18. Inter-eolleglate boat race at Saratoga won by the ?' the interest of union peace and reconciiiution. 6 of Rep resenatives;Rhode Island State qov 20 T�uclor�l Tilticlin�s c er�tes presented to the 0. South Carolina Conservative Convention meets ernment organizes. Plytrwuth church con:mitttu). h at Columbiii• December. 28.Convention of Iron Mas tors In Philadelphia;; 13. Democratic successes in Ohio and Indiana: Con- the fishery provisions of the Wnshingtontrcnty 21. political disturbance to hll,tsl,utlppl. vention on Southern outrages meet at Chatta- 1. Decision of Indianasupremo Court against mixed declared binding upon New Fouudland by the 2`l. Tilton's charges, a{;nlnmt l;rv, Harry Ward nooga,Tenn. schools;American Cheap`Transportation Ah- President. Beecher,puGllxhH t 14. eighth annual re-union of the Army of the Ten- sociation meet at Richmond, Va.;'longsliore- 30.Police Commisslortcrs Charlick and Gardner In 23. Mr.Beecher dentes the charges. nessee at Springfield, Ill., and unveiling of men's strike at New York ended, dieted In New York for violating the election 2I. kits.Tllton's std at 9buruh a i Meade's stutnc of Lincoln. 2. Tweed habeas corpus quashed. laws, 26..Disastrous upward d f 2tK)u live and Alleghany 9, l5. American Social 5ciemc, Association meet at 3. Jude Durell of Louisiana rest*ns; Gov, Dix city,I'a.,upward of 200 lives lost uucl groat t: Boston;opening of the New Court of Arbitra- 21eg attention to the leniency sown Tweed in June. tl0stn Antes a s pro�rarty. Heti in New York; convention of the Delta iiia J3lnekwell's Island prison• 31. Guv.Autos asks for Nuderul slew t[i DIt>tslsttippl, Kappa LlisilOn fraternity at Charlottesville, 6. King Kalakuua leaves San Francisco for the 1. Secretary of the Treasuryy Wm. A. Richardson i Va.,being its first convention held in the South east; the Sunday question agitated hi New resigns,and Bar>J.H. Ilristow, of Kentucky, August. since the war. York. appointed. I9.`Soultegan Bankof Dfliford N.H.,robbed of$120,- T. The 01 Congress commences its second session; 2.Bristow unanimously confirmed by the U. S. 3. Election dEduc Educational to CIG►h. (00 by masked mere;tial of the safe burglary riegroes attacked by whites at Vicksburg, Senate;Wm.A.Rlchardson also confirmed as 4.National IidttcaWutial Couvutitlon in!teatil0n at conspirators commenced in Washington; nits„and over rifts slaughtered. g' Judge of the Court of Claims;corner stone or Detroit. c helps, the New York State treasury thief, 9. Moulton retracts his))bel on Ednn Dean Proctor. the American Museum of Natural history laid 6. Steamer Pat Rogers burned on the Ohio river, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. Il. Judge McCue grants a bill of particulars in the in New York. plyand forty 11voB last;Frank Moulton before tl►a! 20. U.S.Senator Edmulids m-elected from Vermont. Brooklyn scandal Butt;shock of earthaivake In 6. The President urges active measures for the Plymouth a carry No. 21. Third triennial re-union of the Army of the Rockland and Westchester counties; hivestl- resumption of specie payments. 6, Conservatives carry North C nrnlinn. James at New York, gation tn,the matter of the Pacific Mail Steanl- 6,The Indian Peace Commissioners resign•Tam- 1.3. Henry Want Beecher's statement publill par '3. Great distress reported in Kansas and Nebraska ship Company's subsidy. Vico,a village in Illinois,almost ont;61y des- 15.Decililon in favor of the Low Chureh party al in consequence of the grasshopper plague,the 12. King Kalakana at Washington, troyed by a tornado. Protestant Episcopal General Convention In 14, Abductors of Charlie Ross killed at Bap Ridg©, 8.The N, Y. Chamber of Commerce appoint a 17.Ropubllcan ofllclnls forced to rnNigtt in LOuiatanu. New York refuses to confirm Prof.seynuiur'a L.L,while in the act efcenuuttting u burglar-,. committee to urge the repeal of the moiety 21. Frank Moulton's statement publhched. F. election as Bishop of Illinois. 15. Postmaster-General Jewell confirmed by the laws. 2',. Posttnnster-(}eneralJOwe►lonterstt;)onhindutlrr a 21. Le al iirocecdingspconuneuced in the Bencher- U. S. senate;n habeas corpus granted in the 10.Farmers' Reform'State Conventions to Inch- 28.The Plymouth church atltinlitGta ru;quIt Hit Ilton matter at Brooklyn. Tweed case. ana and Illinois;Geneva award bill considered henry Ward Beeehor of the charge°s brou 29. Gov Kellogg of Louisiana attacked by Major 16. King Kalakaua presented to Congress. in the House. aaggalusprote Uy n asked I behal Burke in New Orleans. 19, A Senatorial caucus agrees upon a plan to rte- 11.Conflict between civil and mliltarryy authorities at 2fl.Fe voter In South asked 1n behalf of Rep 1 30. Bill of particulars claimed In the Beecher-Tilton sumo specie payments in 1879. Salt'Lake city;-do cc of LL.D. conferred veleta in South Carolina. i suit. 22. The finance bill passes the U.S.Senate. oft James Russell Lowell,by Cambridge Ulil- 31.Senator Spencer and Ct[ngressn[att HAYS a versify. outrages upon Republicans in Alabama. A �'t'Illj1C+3•tLry Jobo a Secretary Frank Rogers recorded, The . h P4 x'-+_ r reports of treasurer and librarian made it A story credited to the;ate 1'teprescntative Camp- There are nine Presidential candidates Fri -!plain that the library is doing a useful work, IV bell,of Tauitnay fame,tells of an amusing convey- the field. Their names are as follows: 04 M n !and that while the managers are geti,ing Batton between two Irishmen lit the employ of the, a'*' along nicely at present, an increase in funds p Y PaYtkor• i�%- m would greatly enlarge the work. inunlclpal government of New York city. Watson. 0.0 ' H. 1-1. 1+1unnell reported a bal- "That's a good position the lad Mulcahy* has," Swallow. ante on hand Of $1,367,16, of which $7,818.37 its quid M11116'an. `a "Aye,a good position."replied Dougherty,"but Debi. a a on deposit in the RivLrllead and Southold CorrEgan. b m Savings Banks, at interest. Henry W. he'll not Iasht long." Roose'Velt. a 4 w Gaines and Arthur E. Chase audited the -- "Not lasht longi Will%wot do ye mane?" q ;Treasurer's account, and found it correct. "Re'llnottatshtlong,"doggedly retterated.nough- PLS o Mrs. Mary F. Gainers, the librarian, made arty. "'I said so whin he took the job folve years Holcomb. * � u# in interesting report. It showed in part, ago and I say so sthllt!"-Flarpors'tiyecktff. Taylor, -Chicano Tribune, y.d ohat there are 6,673 volumes in the library, - _ _ _ CIS During the year 165 volumes were purchased, T - - and 79 were donated. Books were circulated CIS V NECROLOGY OF IMPORTANT PERSONAGES-Continued. Z o during the year to the number of 6,210, and .� 84 magazines were also taken out. This I 15.Joseph A.Balaggvva,singer,Bayonne,N.J. 15. General James McDonald,Richmond,Va, E-4-1 CdQ; shows a. decrease of 633 books and maga- 17. WilliHB ;d 17.MarshalMacMahon,ex-Yresidentof France. . am H.Beers,ex-insurance president, I zines for the year, which is attributed to the AR -Charles B.Burch,sculptor,England. New York.-Sir Robert E. D. Morier, British r fact that a branch library existed in the vll- 18.Charles F. Gounod, composer, St.Cloud, Ambassador to Russia. f; o'a lage for a short time. While the number Frauce.-Mrs. Lucy Stone,pioneer woman suf- 17. Prince Alexander of Battenberg. 0 Cd of books circulated was less than during 1903, ti�i fragist,Boston. 18. Rev. Charles Deems, pastor Church of 2 the cash receipts should an increase. Only 7 20,Dr. Philip Schaff, Bible revisionist, New the Strangers,New York. .a,.., Th York. 20.Prof.Theodore C. Pease,Andover. en -two books were lost during the year. 21, Lord Vivian,British Ambassador to Italy. 21. Jeremiah M. Rusk, ex-Secretary of.Agri- f4 ciao Donations of magazines, etc., during the An 23.Archbishop Robert B. Knox, primate of culture,Viroqua,Wis. o� year follow: Collier's Weekly Harper'ts r Ireland. 25. Congressman Charles O'Neill, "Father of z,4 j Bazar, Public Opinion, Literary Digest, from Zit 24.James A, Demorel, founder of the K.of the House,"Philadelphia. � ;Douglass Conklin; The Living Church and H.,Louisville.-Admiral Walter W.Queen. 29. Bishop D,A.Payne, founder Wilberforce, a C, SDlrit of Missions, from Mrs. Emma Hew- , 26.Rev. Samuel W. Haddaway, Congress- 0.,College. m !lett; Ladies' Home Journal, from Mrs. G. A, ional cha�plafn,Washington. Dece>tnber. �'opo Powell; Booklovers' Magazine, from MSAs Th ti.M.Severe'in Danish mathematician. � - Lavinia H. Conklin; Dumb Animals from! 1 30,Sir John J.Caldwell-Abbott ex-Premier of 1.The Duke of Leinster Ireland.-Congress- , Mrs. Symonds; The Graphic, from Oscar PO Canada,lllontreal. ' man William Lilly,Mauch Chunk.,Pa. q. Edgerton Schmidt; a map of New York 31.Daniel L,Dawson,poet,Philadelphia. 2.The Earl of Warwick,England.-Pauline +v ti State, by the Rev. James Fley Aitkins, I 1 Cushman,war scout,San Francisco.-George 0. g The election of a Board of Directors re- November. Willard,playright,Providence. >� sulted in the choice of the following: E. D. Or 3.Prof. John.Tyndall, English physicist.- ad 1.,Joseph E.Bonnemere, French historian.- George N.Howard actor,Boston. I. �'d Davidson, Mrs. C. W. Colyer, A• P, Dodge, Kc M.141atejlte,painter,Cracow. 4. George Goebel, alle ed inventor dff.the in- U c, Mrs. M.S. Symonds, Frank W.Rogers, Isaac 0 Rogers, H. $. Tunnell, Miss Nellie S. Tun- 7 ,2, Alexander Fisher,actor,New York, candescent lamp,New York. ;ill Heli, Mrs. Irving S. Sammie I 4, Pierre E. Tirard, ex-Premier of France. 9.Ex-U.S.Minister Lansing B.Miznelr,Beni- , Henry W 5. Chang,Chinese giant, Bournemouth,Eng- cia,Cal.-Nathan A. Farwell,ex-U.S. Senator. o James, A. B. Gildersleeve, Mrs. C. P, Darl- TP land.-Peter Tchaikovskv,Russian composer, 11. Gavel Intz,German oriental scholAr. Aing, B. G. Sammis, Mrs. William S. Tunnell, 6. Sir Andrew Clark,physician,London. 13. Charles R.Thorne,actor,San Fraoeisco. n 'Mrs. A. S. Conklin, Douglass Conklin, Miss A.T" €i. Francis Parkham,historian,Boston. 14. John L.Porter,designer Confedeafi,te crui- •1 Nina Lindsay,Miss Lavinia H. Conklin,Mrs. 9, Annie Pixley,American actress,London.- ser"Virginia,"Portsmouth,Va, f; E m Emma F. Brush, Arthur E. Chase. The Ti Prof.Heyman A.Hazen,entomologist,Harvard 15. Prof.Henry W.Torrey,Harvard0niversity. � c, directors organized by electing ofticers as 1 College. 16. James Black, Prohibition partV.)hleader, m follows: President, E. D. Davidson; Vire W 11. Ex-Governor Charles H.Bell,Exeter,N.H. Lancaster,Pa.-Prof.Charles Michelaty glerman U o President, Henry W. Gaines; Secretary, 1 13. Rev.Dr,Morrison, founder Scotch Evan- philosopher.--Dr.Gustave A.Liebig,chemist. o Frank W Rogers; Treasurer, Harry H. Fun- gelict Union Church,Glasgow. 22. Edward Stanhope,English statesman. U 1 nell. -- ---- --�-- - - ,�w Committees were appointed, with Chair- men, as fol,Jows: Entertainment, Douglass "C' O Conklin; Library, the Rev. Dr. Tomlinson; ^� Printing, Douglass Conklin; Finance, Mrs. Charles W. Colyer. Mrs. Gaines was rsap- pointed librarian, � 1)rnr.`�r7trr'el tsi 4. I ? 1 ti, v ' 1 RECORD OF EVENTS TN 1574. rn � 1 ;t,a,ih11t'Iga'write a little note to tell of 411inaa to 7. _ __ _ l/I ° To little boys like ate who've been as gond ws any- li: Duni ,S'!`1G'. I i' hngl m never slid behave so mush as since req mamma lz. January. 13. Mineral of the late$4-aiator Seidner at Wash- � ��'-• a Bald l in•ton. �,? ° r 1.'Virginia leghilaWre.or anizes annual session of 15, Centennial meeting at.Philadcltpbli. 1' ++ 'r :o nuc the c ither eventnb,as she tlinke d 1„e Into bed; r i l' Welsh F:istedfoitil,at flea"�1.Y. t31, PlyuruuLh chpnch,larookly'n,rler linos to attend p,d l.s`ow, lk title, Cbrlstntas-tlnle i$ near; It vvon't be 14' 2.P vmouth Church, Brooklyn, affirms that In the Congregatioruil Couneil, b &. o �ongregationallsm each church governs itself; + o d very'long g 23.The$l,fNttd,(N)1., cttrteru•.y hill pttsseg the house; ,^,.� ..��,-� o payment of January dividend($75,1NNt,WO) and cutlery works burned at.New llrit.uitt,Conn.,, m C ''nre Santa a III be coltni ag,with his reindeer,sleet advance In stock market; IL's-President 3uex loss$titin txN,. O q an'Strong: I6. leaves San Doalingo• 24. The Congregational i'onference orgrinizes int You've gat to be a model bay, as good as you 3. Dense fag over New York harbor; Clarendon Brooklyn;hig-beat explosion at Ilt�leita,Ark., 0 v,V w Ile, Street Baptist Church in Roston burned, la lolled,4 hijived, v can be, 6.Org nization of New orkas legisltate et uro, diesdeclared "'s.SaBu nnU ituy Coillugo olvc r tnf1,tHew abrogated by the 4 N q Or else dear Santa-11 Pass you by, An' leave no 1� IIInconstitutienul, L'fi.'I'lt4 Transpport+ltiuu trill hIaa�os the house;Wash- C:-hristmas I roe. IS. 9. Caleb Cushing uominated by President Grant for ing$ou 'i't•eaty ratitded by the Newfoundland � F+ Ile only givens to children who've been nice-for of. Spanish minister;Jacob Meohella hanged for Legislature. those h«'ssa•ved--- murder ln IerseyCity. 28,The Congrruat.lonxl Council, at, Brooklyn,cast- , 1` 13. R. E, Withers (Deni.),elected U. S. senator eludes its session,street,praying beforesuloona An'patas(a by the naughty once,an thoan who've froniVirginia;Texas.Iegisltit ureorgan ized•tin Io O'hwinuati prohibitea;strikoot the Erler•ail- EFF"' misbehaved; 26j, assemblage of 10,(Nln workingtmen in New T ork way ettiltlov eti tit C�ttgrluehanina,Pa.,and trill- r I'm gutta sure that you are going to {' dispersed by the police. tary Called ort. 1r'oVt,deartt', i 17.Caleb Cushing confirmed minister to9patn;(Inv. 30.Thu colort d t itizctts of New York hold anneal,- Q U o y be Davis refuges to turn over the executive ofllco Ing to honor the nit npory ut'('parley Sitnmter., Q ,~,v I answered "Yen, I'll.tly to"­non She kissed me J of Texas to Gov.Coke,and the national gov- 31. 'i'eatperaur e crivtatli at Pittsburgh,Pa.;Sanborn C) �' e,tti 29. ernment declines to iuterfero• leve tigatian to C:,n ,.' �+ p u v once or twice. 19.The currency Lill passes the house;Morrison It, 3p i Walter of Ohio nominated for,chlef Justice of is U.S.Supretne bourt, April. h� p o , An' o,dear Santa,I'm as good as ever I know how, 122,Coal miners strike in the Solntaylklll(Pa.)region 2, Rev.,Dr, Bacon lecturers at N,-,.w Ilaven oil the U 0 2 v•'a 4' An' hope you'll not forget to note my gond be- 1 I abandoned. I3rooklyn Council, r'° w O havior riots; 0_Sixth annual meeting of the Evangelical Alil- G. Drniocratiu fitattp Government elepeted 1n Con- I want a drutu,a Sleigh,a fife,a ladder an,some s I ance in Xe.w Yock; severe gales oft'Nova nectieut; Govoruor-Geuera}Concha lands at ,.. v tracks w Scotia. Bavaria;a misappropriation of$Iixt,M)discov- ►"N p p-r , , d: 29.Olympic Theater,Philadelphia,burned-2 fire- ered In the Ilri,ghlon(Mass.),National Bank. Cd E, p A pair of scales,a dump cart,an a bol of,iun,pin- men killed. 't G, 7.Anti-iulltitlon m„rrsttge at'(iris.Dix to ilio New U a� ��� jacks;t 30.Itoyal Lyceum Theater,at Toronto,Ont.,burned; York Legislature,audanti-hillation resolutions *H d ` a P'd -lilts to have actor, candies an' some mats an, new ministry formed in New Brueswdck• adapted by that body;Governor-General Con- cha issues his first proclawation at Iiavatut, o v p colored raps-- " February. y• New Turf.llulon Lr tp;tie 01tib opposes inflation. O �.d �,�, p i\4a told me 1f I'd stay real good you'd bring mo all la. EI till Lowow4tein dtange,d ut Albany for tho inur- d c 0+� these-1',erl,aps; 1.Aleetinga of the Iron and Steel.Assoelation tit der of John Ip,West.uu;Prague Bryaut Meng O by p"Ft a I'ililadelphla,and the National(it at St. at I'ularpl.l ll'a.),tin niurrler. Fi o- o Et r A pair of gloves),a ma.ckintoe;h,a mvord,a horn,a Louis; it bill relative to l',oulsiana tntro.lured 1•t.The Louislana trill taken up In the T.T.S.Senate. P i-_1 a:„ goat., i r in the U. S. senate by Senator Carpenter; its. Pollucal tronble4 in sit Arkan .4;Joseph Ilrooks t A a+> +' t` naval drill in the bay of Florida. sworn in Vitt(10V01101' oust.inh (lov.Baxter, .i p m.tz o A nice big tool-chm.st an'a watnd9,a painted Yelling 'i 13, 7. Charles Francls Adams' report on the Vienna who apipettls to i,hri Ganoral dovetnntent tin• od a bunt; S1 spilaks agutudt the C u6etuiinl luihe(Aja buchu- if). liiild Ilreruksvprovialuts Bine cif Ouve'ito�rtn;,f a, V A pair rsf roller sikata3ts,a boob,gum boots,a cast nn' 14, setts Legislature. Arktuisas,and the Prosideut declines to Miter- t;# hat, 11.The Massachusetts senato rescinds a resolution flare. yJ,q ra a An' then rt big 'spress-wagon,so as I can ride In adopted in 1672,aeusut•ing Chats.Suuuter lurhd,s 17.Gov.Will, J.Waabhurne(Rep.),chosen U.S. d amp.0 pies l that. 15, battle-flag resolution;henry 11,liar rig(R p.), Senator front 1llast,achttsettg on the thirty-third _ nominated for governor lu Oouurrcticut;llev• ballot. r - Chas, Kingsley, poet, etc,' arrives ht New 20,Trouble be(wt'en blacks and whites at Louisville., tl Now, Santa dear, I trust you'll think my wilsheS � York. K o y 1!i. Chinese New Year celebrated In Now York. 21.Colliston between :hp a(lhe•,•cntg of Baxter and � so arc but t all,; 17.ATax Pavers'Conventlonas6embles at Columbia, Brooks,rival governors,or Arkauigas,checked v°,1,�,* If I've forgottvii a.nyting-•-bring what you've got � rg 111 9.01. by Fede rat troops, recei,tlou in New York of C, � to relta:re. ZC"TLt.T9". ; 19.Inter collegiate Literary Convention lield at Ilart. Sir Lambton Lorraine of the British navy. 1 � a � � i ford,Conn.;the frauking privilege cenglrteiepi L2, President(i,.mi, vrto,rx the hill increasing the to t " - Liulffrttnre Nom%i. III tine house;tire in Panaiva-Ipss 6l,1NNI,M). kreenbt+ek lsene i..$1(0,111111,010,azul:ku;lnrizin{ 20.District Attorney Britton,of Kings county IN, all Issue ul'Sio,outywo ad(iitlttnal tnttlr,nal bank 4 �to HUNTINGTON PUBLIO LIBRARY. iY.),removed by(.lov.Dis;Chluago 3lerehailts notes;Gov.ifaxt•r,of Arkansas,issues it pro- i> v S a 2I, Exchange denounce Inflation. chttuationuouvening the Le+gIslsttlive. 22. New Brooklyn Tabernacle dedicated. 23. A motion made to i,otn{x l iudgei Davis of tt p i r35. Anti-rnono�ioly 8tato Conventimi ineetr at Iles New York to sign the hili of est-el,tlous In till' (b po A Fa11�I1 Q�j' j11 the NUIT117eT o� BdO�iti binitted, uwa;ltenvy snow-inti in New Yur Ic. Tweed ins,; t.hi .Ann rlt m 4r ur ialthlr ail 1u- In e piety hold a mviuorial nneoting Int Now York Inn March. honn orof ilr.Uv ,gstone c J (Circulated. 24. Ilrooks dt oboes at legislative settletneut 'If the t a+•ar 2.1.19. Congress arUourng in resp act to the wetnory of Arkansiu,troubles. tj; p as p HUNTINGTON,Jan.11.-The annual meet.- RX-President Hillard FYllmore;Firgt RvR runs d :t7.Vulogdgtic speeches In(Iongregs on the death of w�o�0 iris of the litttttiit(�toil Public Library As so- _ 29.( N�wIllttillpshirnrele mien resiili,a lit n)choluo for Ing f lent:derato gravespfittAlat oma.ldlorlojoin In deoorat- � -III o V` (station, was held in the readinir room of the 30. grry°ertior. 28.The U. S.Senate full to gags the currency bill Fpr � Soldiers' and Sa.11ors' Memorial Building, Eulogies on Senator Sumner in Congress, over the President's veto. N P Monday evetlilZg•. 1.11 the absence of Preyi- _ dent Thomas Aitkin, of the aghociat.lon, An i L sel B. Gildersleeve was called to the chair. A. TL''11t 14)I•ilI•;S' <:1(91). Secretary Frank W. Rogers recorded. ' he ly x reports of u•eassurer and librarian made' It _A story credited to tho We Ilcproi(,ntativc canip Thero aro nliko PremLiii=ttt3al Call(lieltrtN3 Ill plain that the library Isdoing a useful work, 1,ei'l,ofTapnniany faille,tells(if fill atnu:;ingcorivt-r titH (ielti. �CL.i',it' mimes are as lolii)ws;: q� anci that while the ma.nagears are g(+C.t.lttg P,II i( �' along nicely at present, an increase in funds; ;atlott 1pett.t+rut I.wa lri,ghntr+n It the einitlo of thr• 9t•. i �,,w Would greatly enlarge the work. „uiniplpal government of Ncva York tits. Wat"tsl/rt• o i"rea, -er I1. I3. .1i'unnell reported a bal- "That's a good lsosItion the incl Mulcahy lifts," k1W11110w. � anc•e on hand of X1,367.16, of which $1,318.37 is . afltd Milligan. 4?(:bs. P:w on delpo sit in the Rivl~rhead and Southold "Aye,a good position,"r epile d DOltgherty�, "but *' 1� Iie,'II not lcisht lasts.' Coo, F:;grtrt. 0 m 1 ravings Banks, at c interest. Henry W. 1.o(ti,cav(;lt. cl Gaines and Arthur L Chase audited the "Not ln.sht long! Wli vvot circ yo.mane•Y" I,Lrlti. q Treasurer's account, and found it correct. "fie'llnotIttstttions,"d(p Cidiv reiterttte+lIJoiptifi- s~ u Mrs. Mary l+, -Gaines, the librarian, made erty. "I said iso whim he laoli the lob t•oivea ears _ ''sw v 1111 itrteresting report. It showed in part, lloLcotub. ` ago and 1 ay',�so i10111 11arperq Werkt+(. 3 `F';iuior. Ohicavo'Trtibune. a .� -chat there are Fi 673 volumes in the librar . - U1 id During the year NG volumes were purchase, o'er and 79 were donated. Soaks were circulated ;it ...' NECR(:ILOGY OF I111'ORTANT PERSON AGES--Coatinocel, 0 during the year to the number of 6,210, and 84 mr(gazine.s were also taken out. This 15. Joseph.k.Bala tial,shit er,Bayonne,N. .1. 15.tie+ut rapt J,trtu5 tI+isopudtl,lircfirtiatd, ka F, shows (p de(rease of 639 books and maga- 01 1!.MitrsltalMaehia on,ex->regirlentof:.l�rauce. 10. Willitim FI.Be rs,e�tnst(r,ttsct president, I ziri w for the year, which is attributed to the 11 -l'harPes U.Bou h,sctrllitur,England. New up 1>. sir hol,e;rt E. I). Iwluric+r, I3ritinh r fact that<L branch library existed in the v}1= At IS. Charles F. Gountid, eoi.npo per, ;t.Unu(l, Awhas,5ailur to Russia. w v v loge for a short time. While the number I"t thee•.-1lrs. Lucy Stolle ioneer tcolrtan sur- 1'i. Prince Alexander of Battenber:r ,p p v>i tiV ftagist,Bostuu. p iii. Rev. Clutritas 19ecros, paster Church of ",cd of books circulated was less than (luring 1903, 2o. Dr. Philip Schaff, Bible revisionist, New the tltrangc i-9,New York, f l i the rash receipts should an increase. Only Isl York. 120 Prot'. Theodore (1, Pease.Ait(lov.er en two books were lost during the year. is 2(.L'Drat Vivian,British Ambastsador to Italy. 21 Jeremiah AT. Rusk, ex Seeret ry>of Agri- �o to Donations of magazines, etc., during the A' 23. Archbishop Robert B. Knox, primate of c ultur+,Viro(pla,Wis. -�o Year follow: Collier's Weekly, Harper'as ea Ireland. X15. Clongres:snian Charles O'Neill, "Fattier of 4,4� Bazar, Public Opinion, Literary Digest, from TI '2l.Janics A. Demorel, fotuider of the K.of the House,"Philadelphia. Douglass Conklin; The Living Church and II.,Imid,ville.-Admiral Walter W.Queen. ?9. Bishol) 1).A.Payne. founder Wilherforce, a FZSnirit of. Missions, from Mrs. Emma Hew- 26.Rev. Sai n,el W. Haddaway, Congress- O., College. 11.0 le t; Ladies' Home Journal, from Mrs. G. A. tonal chaplain,Washington. Dec•etuaber. a� Powell; -Rooklovors' Magazine, from Miser. Ti ', 11.Severeiu Danish mathematician. w, Lavinia 11. Conklin; Dumb Animals, from 30,Sir John J.baldwell-Abbott,ex-Preinier of 1. The Dolce of Leinster,r, Ireland.--Con.-real- Mrs, Symonds; The Graphic, from Oscar Pr Canada,11lontreal, Ulan Willi,l i Lilly Mauch chmik,Pa. p. FIdgerton Schmidt; a man of New York 31. Daniel L.Dawson,poet,Philadelphia. 2, The Earl ul' Warwick,E'ngneties.--I'milinei �0 State, by the Rev. James Flay Attkins. I Cushman,wilt:scout Still Francisco.--Gtsorl e U. The election of a Board of. Directors re- (. Noveinber. Willard,l.tlayrtRr}nt,.l'ruvicb ace. salted in the choice of the following: T;, D. n 1. Jc,se pit L.Bonueruere French historian.- George.sN.Ilor. wtir�ll sector' Boston. physicist.- �o L)avidson, Mrs. C. W. Colyer, A. P. Dodge, K iii tiatejke,painter,Cracow. 0. George Gnetwl, elle led inventor Af(the in- "m Mrs. M.S. Symonds,ell,Frank s elllfiRogers,Pensee llexander Fisher actor,New York. ca,udescent lain p.New Fork. ;:1`dt �, Rogers, H. H. Tunnell, Miss Nellie S. Tun- i. Pierre. E. 'Girard,ex-Preaner of France. 1). Ex-U.S.h1IniFster Lansing B.Mizner,Belli- r� nell, Mrs. Irving; S. Sammis, Ilenry W. ,l 5. Chan,'.Chinese giant, Bournemouth, Eng'- cia,Cal.-Nathan A. Farwell,ex U.S. tai uator. p� James, A. 13. Gildersleeve, Mrs. C. P. Darl- 1 T, lintel.-Pater Tcllaikovskl,,Russian coruposer. 11. Gavel Intz,German oriental r,cholf,.r. F Ing, 13. G. Sammis, Mrs. William S. Tunnell, ti. Sir.Andrew Clark,iiihysiciau,London. 13. Charles U.Thorne,actor,San Frraneisco. � Mrs;. A. S. Conklin, Douglass Conklin,, Mutts t A S. Francis Parkhani,lifstorian,B')sttnt. 14.John L.Portow,designer CunfedeMie cr,ti- Nina Lindsay. Miss Lavinia H. Conklin,Mrs. t 9. Annie Pixley,American actress,London.-- ser Virgiirfa,"Poitsmnuth Va. E-1 ftp Emma F. Brush, Arthur R. Chase. The t T Prof.Herman A.Hazen,eutomolugist,Harvard 15. Prof.llc111..F Tot•rt,y,�larvardUtllversit,Y. 1 c°1. directors. organized by electing oftieers as It College. 16.James Black, Proli}lAttou paa't�•,!t)Ader, M follows: President, F. D. Davidson; Vice 1 -411' 11. Ex Governor Charles H.Bell,Exeter,N.H. Lancaster.Pa.-Prof.Charles MieuelE h1+►rinitn �j�y President, Henry W. Gaines; Secretary, 13. Rev.Dr.-Morrison, founder Scotch Evan- philosopher. I)r.C}ustav(x A.Lieb[g,a tes>Yl st. a Frank W Rogers; Treasurer, Harry Ii. I ; gelicc Union Church,(Glasgow. Y2.Edward Stanhope,English state smart. U� nell. _ Committees were appointed, with Chair- men, as follows: Entertainment, T')ouglass "v d Conklin; Libra.rv, the Rev. Dr. Tomiiusaon; Printing, Dougiii,rs Conklin; Finance, Mrs. -� Charley, W. Colyer. Mrs. Gaines was reap- pointed eap- pa nted librarian. f Z3v4t# %ell Of 189.2, Ago atdstath Ieativrn!u rentbeotn vooattoa, 1i 2,ratsla 1`. Cl•11a tlraa►d Juke rd ioaalortprlt. yftanr+a,Ua•rarr , l� i phaco,taanety and tltbe art strath when karrwu f„ttr.ara ::6 64, Htrayi,er,Ilbr. wn or Attta anti.Bolan V%iticla�Chta).asinrnoanrF,lLn tru,dtaa.r+;. Qpsk {t� 11"1'r J (!�9it. rn :t,w Y ark t'I tl Louts 1.111mr), :�eatr•1l•rlt "1tY,lrni�atna,,ntn, A[s) 1�taro.la, lialotra, !l,1t,(lod),aur tan, Waade! � •Rte wttser,FNitsrlletrl,)llaaa,il.nr�u• „vw t ► . t ty. rialbt o . Ke " ptalo� fain a to 4• N,turr,J, fit 0111 th( t welter 61% Ifticul e4vtotlrpy, t'a„>ifar,xa, rib. bt btt P.( li i'Ut W, fit), ear .arernnr tH'9aartG t'prcr a 1T r.yr,rk i`tt 7 ` �a A}rys Sir 1V,Italator,latt,~tt,u Juaft. hotelstsar, { yolo,march ..rt t'1te B.(go),lata Aarta'grs 1io�tta an.se, • +°'w.• ba rreh t. 1 kt".r1,tw 1�' ssr•a• I+tt gaffed IN Utdcstas,. arta <)rxtrsleux, lgeal r ( a Vital(6g),liom t forift,tb. i ]logo..sp,►plaat t ' At,rletlad�p Aathaby U.,Ilan"or the J,istukat„Irate. tourist iestla„ ”. draaratle utttterr,z toy t, }lkury t� ot:-Unvortnas of Ponaeyltiuttat,1;lovas,,As Jx u t ),nMaran astrar,lv'e X0,111 "alk Jser.1y, Cullwn,�!ear�e tilt Jl"t.. atnatb t4 dors,,t, 1 t•lt April alta alk Anise,Alfred(77). t".R.A.,ret! loT Painter.Iwasiw,ft•tr,d. tlrod.I(ow.Ta* 7�� art A., b t8s uwlau di lixt,i ittutaywtr John 3+� ` A* .Elik.'a a(Qo). 11611 drrnianlid,Mar.d. �'ttstt �3 b. ; �,T ) f t r) „ i+. t ?rgfaerr,r of tierata�pA (o• A r li iubailtrr,Ias,sts,I�rar,+Cr, an,a rr, ,gaat111x[, l dilw*1+ . 'lf. e ka11 t o telt! i1 'rhunaau 1 e)r(fdt,e8oattd cud ,tat tt +, •tr,�-miJam ter li.(_ t Astor i.ucr utrtk,hrf .,n. pI�a+attttaaA ! t'vu 1 t�yroy�• ( tV ` had rw.irri..t s, ®lost. .r 1d r3r t a Attlgp i { t t d laaamtaetsattc t'asrty a stohmain i, . °. i�t- 0 . ItaNet,Wow.'Y oft f'Ity,D V. I'r rk.y�U Ous t? r1.�'Ir1,fr+plar r,�1�t11hprt►ptirlt Ott t iMVon raalltst +rr„�i� �,r,iltSol”. Vootc•e oolrou(jai at t'atlatn� 4'4I1�+AyViWuwleb.t't,, Rar't.tas'rW 7ti) tNllattar tram gam, ttr•°stllli. I ia,Ilt,we..�outs ,F 41111. wr+td �ataA i e \ W M a� ( S• ;tlrtartl!r#lirwrruar ^st, IIs ai,lr,r,e7*n, vNtnr!ftf[1, [1111[ T�Fa�detVitt rat ib« t�' 1 ?CJ, dry•�aauda aarrc hart[, Marr l v,tiy i}�aat,rl ttlr ttnwlr (om).at2�Iejsa�rotlKt, 1.rn,.la,tr, t d 0. utt a tort}ep. }e►nt.Etr.-., tragi Asia.+a Apa�128. the (, 3'avt a rca at,am wool often blas!snort!. Doo t n, fts la. .tlu.traf audala 11, 7d)j r+rliKltattr ogrna►i at au.t authuia i}t!rrrrpuatz 1W�r►nrc#a Ciq>,gx•Vothad tooter)lurlater t" j p �+({if), t'raht`b gar It If,�.,figs.ta, � ,�Aew•rat Ilr�wttta,r.rlrjx• tarit#+ity,+aril°e4t'Rt hruts,rr2tee�tr, ssgea 1'.40 tar t 3u „ 14401111Liu).41dundirt usil Afritrra eaploret. Mamas 6. �t i tulr gwwulrai Suiten(lop1.Via •Adnatrrlttnd novelt.rr lit. ur&�e tk, �Polk,l.eaaultlxs L.tall) 1Mraal�ent of tier+Partner'it All 1 aw yup A. ( i,a . a � ;tear,6ag rera cratnit�'.afar u ` r.lsj�A°`w Moak dryK",Aa tnor> [tart- t Clargynittattiasatrl. ,aainlRtao7tanisttT.t'llr, «dart halu►a,girt :t � !'.atlnryt,,Jtarrplrluo{1cr) gaffers Ara 1"+ark t`tt As,ta 4i kGapody, Astlar.ay(tla), as 1lnitrd ittatair 6oaat••t tri , 1' x' loo.aFr rfYsdiw g7epara.tt*.It.A:, fltano i1t►s•flattgAa AIt iitd.,July 3g. !',apni icatna(f go Otago 0.abilesso 4tryta,,, {'F,Y t rFtn!•t�iti/W UUAn+ral [!rano[, 1.►.rrrr�r,t u1., K rand d n rA to ws Pewter hats!Ngo cian�g� tl., Vit.�}_ areIs,Fun*It. a a =r Jaup�M ill '"`� Irl . t�opt,�. i'+nFleta,i�tiga trW t+ ttsealedt.)oder U.UA[!.ruga author,Tkrlln rsfiop► est ICatre etc lG51"Ob. p Itt� €�. ( � autlrnr,![taro•Yank lty'. I` t+ttt lslMt).o91P, p pt t It A ll tad "t}ie,oae) u �.r As ( e o ty 6t_�t or yp, p Yhip t-t.ir,•r. a ,trt.r.1 lkhor him) 'pr anktrl lot.t'. q. li1i+rr,r (r �.�f w• +rale fsxah.,the Mtar•h;. Fi frttrl,«�,tnsea f,(kit) tss•lltitporlier•q+rnoera}. '„�.A , ,t e r K Mj.W111114W in losserrtl under it`s.. IsxuKg#+A �a}r !t. (Br), [^rant .aorr.ta,.att and firth,x,J. tb gat• rr.J,I of the 1'rr�oa rtrttta ou1b. uaarw7.}stay tb. I�p , Junta *lust aft.Ito 11ut,Lb lrlrvrt.an(1),ts�over* u�R$tdllltrubL harm IN Y, 0• !►nos, John Ji (6ril.es•t'ttrttptrollarr.•f the Treoantry, 14e I�,1t, S6). firraprlq' Nrtial�rd is t , t rgtsb+rrt)a ilarairi,orator orad!groes,1'bt'aMaplita, Itor.Ynrk C)�tr,}+rwtrmnnirt Irr1..9 tltsaw+► a `+rran�ar1ra,X,,..` mraa a 4 Ja : . r Bcawdltaoli, awry 1 (4),pbyx(uiau,and agtbar,81[1111,. I k'Jaka ” X. }�,ttrbt.tlevrga!I„autos,I'btlta,tr Ipi,e a 1'a.,i•rirri)'ri4 l�ti�aiat .l it yl lop.t bU t flood (fkl. bvalrttan chs wtta[`Dern- �aa.sg. aq nor,Ia onairta Cork " if Wllliauat(7a). rtterof Arida reane,ry,Now. I�� i�%r od air)424%loi Jaalte.f�i'ti�wti'utiwl !antra► ylso$ at its a�lttrr '�"f ty9ikn+�lf1riia�ra I lot. }• ]H aidleiar' t,.ex Y A Hl tk. ...aFt u,fC�nieraa t4"a.lratartg,.n.i► g` ...s ttobq u #al�e'� lir"'' r"k ►arrta .TiEn.x a�w p tom, Q +�. tl ttQ F•'ttta r a t.Cft)t hia#,riaatr. l More. h-f ,l ap 1`.y(7nJ. Awr•eiat* Juylt1r t !' etrrinrr M`" ru.t prufrorar t clow, I.�g1f/Re� ,tapMlt ��tlt trirltly #•ar,tivat A►gt, t;,,e. i i f4latoa SnlarttYd x oust.Wmblltdtrap,It l',, rkt'ityr,inow i«► sa ) tesla vrtatux►a owtftagtat ,+actfatc*r', t3tantrrel )3arna-Q h 4:1111 "at,rell 'alsd ptr,laatMt,go)$ 1..ld r i. ttejtlthtrata, Aa,R, 1, 0arp W.W.-•tilkl.llritlria,jurat, r6 r. OmPh 0f)plays class w,rl naint;a iat,Pbila.lr•t lo,istr It tt I. ltru v li'A.>,t Ins:rrr. May r. gt ;era.`t aClresr.INNOW. h t t,a. Ru Kot- nJttatart,Oct. Most.1 r�jrenin W. ).ldgjor•tlsster'yl T',8, A,.re, I1„r. li+ti,ltral), wit ttlart•aa,e, 1,n,nlana. ,r� 10(77),Froach atat"nian,Me, � ;y- tired.Wraasialn utt.]aa t-, l .•.Ia I a+ed. J.a1e(ur atntl d ti►r 11 ,lttlr,t.utJa, gat lids(bat).trtgtt »r, r ilr, L. G, de(it).rrvrnab'as +utttrw Iawadt,ra,!fait.,t) I an.t� arletsin,Jam" ( ot•I3rit(udiet tltnrerrt C.8.A., �av, !i OFrrla lwarla, pbntd toter'.Dorf !tp af''htlada Iota, it tobitI4 J t !► VQ-T rrlt.l'.tT�t.Itrrr•Aaltrttr�l l.ft,+� }.itti .Iirteeftt�(-.tlo).palitdalatr sttprakrrMtt,e 14h tt+.e.�raE,.11< a� d , A, I1.ter},oldetrt rluntnn,Ott Jlar N to. etrlt Aaaesubl .f).wt• t ;tet v Bra�ka, wit ilwill,rlta (>t), [lienar hbyai,Pl+•(t/rt, v� r ir,er►tat altarirsa 01 raru, 13tt.trkl n. ! I(. r, tttaar3r i 00tanadtaaa,X4jrW�`etrk I'll' Flerl►ta. f t.7. Y ) 1.r►tptlk) w�tiaratret a l tlarlrsr tsiatrat3rttaa, as-r1 pnraunonsia. t A Bryaaa, if+raw ).Rohr-Aflus ral V.A.Xy U]'"h. YI � � Ir�Lhrrr d tba prt�at, •Fllatad.alar (W.� �tt,e�er ua( Iitgt it `j'r iib )" t�uaw• r,rk t!kp.Kept.a, datttoa, tt., !• tsm ! rutg,w ki t{#0berel, 1,ay i'iorr011taronlilq(los},rio+rkw(brx k ,Patrt• nagtlar�*Wllltatm B. ►.hrwyt•r rwil j.rustller, At Baia ►y t}v�ari ,toutbrrrargd jau►nailat,eilrrarp•ill irkA1.s►rrcl,rr radar rat th 1.gswbanY.''1 Y,.Iaparl lYltiurp Jaut, ('arid. ,I ,frs1Y�W Jltiao to t) 1%etr=Yrirk C'tt ennra nL1Fin, 1 latwgttt,os(iwvernnr oaf 1wnr3• 1i r,l lltiarsa L'.(6K a t'biTtrf Jus♦tr!'tirr ltpw.�,tr� 1�,t3iram6s(ry), Bu«Mand,r4t►leutturst rolattloti• etebiliill aaty 1 f !t �i• SI Au`.t �urt of I► glati )`rwottarl,"t. .,IsrOraaatatlrrn til' Feb. IF or. {laatlaa y(�w.rd,B#iakes vasd} rl4r,+rtrer r f dlvtutty. tlao ratotttae Jsan tCLissi srtals, baft(7d).Frrlich general,afar,,l• taralr�, •A yti ,� man rerbolar,!N►rstlmarn,t6, ituuilt►laur7. tittatt+b , ri Plitt.[[4lsttr't,,rralof ossa[ ('a3tapbol}, 8ir A lvxmtder(loot. Canadian rtaiarnsaas, �r Al ea r 1Lartdl rs1 l+tryotgn)ra of and ourgatian, lie-law Urrynra�.!roast ltrEiurr.Alarii 6 ot'ontet,Ma a� a l •taart ,pa .filer.l",At I.oaM1n.b�it1+ rb:k ftxr"-watasar4 I�rinee u""Vo 61(4).buetroars �statsl c`acprtatar, AflYrerl (66). girl 1" oKtti 41M .( bWtrrtit+t,AtioagatP, )tfa+dtaatala, trader(>tU, t.`tinsullatt tttrrr+aman,'I'r.•Jan,'o., r, s,t„ , lta.srl•pct . rr•rrtte,,itprtl I tichnts,r,�ll)lttlam fyi) *(nt►•7`ark t itT,ts.+»rt tt111ur+, R}ntrdagr,as04' 0artirbor of Jdaaaatabaarlte.kilt• :tlstntt tttl.Henry ll dvrttlyd(tial},t•rrtltaal,},tut Ia.,;.a4• ('aatlatun,Aittaa re".ProvldsonO a,Ii I,a July to. t+taa, atlit a s. dura,ddart.Lda Ua �� (��►.bittrk putaldail►er, llowpotta (lgrrtaaaa, 11 lam lot, j,hotel Paltrietar,No+r•York f ki ltort►a , I]]it �f--(hirtrae r`bnr9fat 1!trent'r•r Het} tit rredef*k (.tai, AFe(le astplorar,PorilAod, 1i.1�..laerrt dfivaaaga,Taira tlo, (tit . ��}�. . ('huWhat g�ett n.K1-look.Rog.,Now.4. t�r.tt, �T a (`ache llalvat+rr(ia, Arrltduko of Aas,ttia li'Iaatia. �Intia7u. [7nit0d frtatee t01erotttir frntn '1114 aeottar.Mo of-rler,rso virtrrr fln,da Altotaw i acrd (' ).Ynt�ariaa t:i�saCytntaa the rt pa .Tan,i� U rant t( n,lot°ae+tai tft..n, x- .onldttrra, rat n Art.,I>er,st ( 1 load, a ad err,at), i (.'.tat2d,Tb a nr6,atat�or.Ole,gt in I'a*nlaa.tai llorpratsAra fi .lrntriak tip (Ots.twholl wader.Fit. Tarislw, Tttxr� r. r�-rla►r( to ah Tlttt+rr►r,rr.rttt.tt, l it , ' Ubltuar, rlt:vo Jwaph Ila (yb), Ilsrixtan 0tatoauuan, a„ Dart d araf,tiro as id In ady,t tjas"a W•[vent.pbt°.ir t;as., !ew•1 rack( gra+i liastttatt C`altr+lite lstatNt.rlaa, I.o�notridaa. ["tats vothAtta, i�K y Ara It Callow Fell.rrgr. Qiibtied In'gnrfoa s) ![altar gataaeal aprl atatorrtsagtr. A aiCeirrra Vf tl NGualey(, ),kotrntaliat Thar.g, y oslioll et ttr dr pt July!?rt°rare cmdied In Italy 1n� �ettabei 11 �to Jay(#d).tntlilonfirt rallroold nolloatu.Now. t*Oki 1041rx-sobwerlsa P. (rtcart.irrttt,r, 1Na !�ua�q �},:ar Ft oxtrpp atria +►on talar, yI�a fitY-Att.rrt try.t+rmetaarptkua,Ittrc.y, t}[[111[11 13uclsttrrt art,Ap�ti tr)C fir`` ( ahtta (rFlln,iter.(1 S)trr4tian rl -(at1},eltli-r ruts ut the;(}rwrrt.+ Wog a (�, tt4t`, tt It�0 q-_(�.its rot aatl. '1trt*ct Ueaaorrt�o� Of W Jan. ( ). surtaunrrbsrrr, tllaaytrrw, ttcrrtiaa,d !(lr irirtnttrbn►ar) (> t, 3[r t,r•(dracavrt t': w, A. lho I rw� N gar: Orta at. -,ys'ao yb),lex Aarorpnr of IITew-1 ur1t. [}uloov. lfrearrrt tt t tw►m,ewer.I ark,, g "Urvol.ti" ItrXt�,�is c'. sen.x. 1 8lrtatroa[liar r . Outmost. t )1. 1iNrwlt;ort,�er` [�aiattPlam.itsnar,ttrrt►awrrland, K t'�)•llsarir,aitra stew Turk!'lira rir#r' .Au aX. I Ilatan #a(Ir•t,ta, 1{r liars trot[rit rand(7 t),Ott• Vah.sA d4fo,July r. e Off lariat, R raeuato 14. Y., of tba 11.tutte of� IL timith Dwell ti43) ttub16hor of the(Vtool+r �as ski' s j t• y a t+arntena ItrtKlttwr, as., M{ryroMrittrn.Apt lot.1Qtr).tRMrf J11.titr sit torr rpt• alito, w-IA k Vi .It !itis dlnrrwrr,n psi fQ. s aeat>er Wtlltntn 2Yi.flSu).tatritnan and,awl dark Iwrtal lr>rtbatisA(r Arthur It (bt).Itrttlsts M+id[ar drag of ;qam boa - arth+t'asrifarx, Itulotgh, }l, { ptgL.a�rsgpr }bat r ItI(�tll,yalpit uratol Al ` 'pl•r,uitr Alr.�rlrtt;trY, t7• at tial+ !oval. ulr t+. ; (rrna,TtaLIY.IlrtaghL rt direrrat.,ars.�!pp «� klllhaaik. Tarry Varte.anrlety rain.nutrd as n 1lueUlat. I+t..rro A +Nur(7 .ilr,spkit x atttlt¢�tpiritaul cltl (t tine ail 1)I.,t, Ettfujit( et>crn of CTbatri.a t.. attar,i^hlrtrKrt r7et,rr. Swttnvtlruxl.tbt t� 4t°i[flggatuttea t�atrrt ntpbrnr tNi uiw I., uantusAnder r �o Ritatetara I .h.tfer•tllae ti8i,trtfe.,f �'tt,Wdrnt llarM• )A rot (l>►•a H.tbq) pcaaar.?gest• �t ktrar 1, I;iust it7j l)'" a h 3 tsdr Jan.x{ uhtd gyp, .tr►aptalrit toad erten m somatt�er and CIOMIr,ogtf,, �t��t ,ta.tt•Yrtaptlera,[!lata aft,, i Haat l►rtr� aragl) sp. Ckanl:,'t`hsspatu.(W),fatindar of tr.+rFtat ay0tena.1.ettttrr Hews, turtnt te.t idlo),gerarlK+cr.Pilrla.art3ltua,!far. i 1(t•��.U.3i't'.ttttg,wrtfar nn adricatlt`ttre.a tit+,r,•C xt,,.trt,Mary M . 8 T tt 1N'k(Ill?. yrlM ttstr6le t7z_ , torr, ugland,July 1q. tl. tltr-lfftirtel l�ew• ar,krr,lCew Yuri[t'itl, lair y (tit),w(tt..a,•f tt booe1 ].,slooli t, �.....,.....r..-�.....-_. .,---- ....rR. .aa.,.,..r...r,.. _.— ....,� .... 41 i'irll-rntht'tt�aiwt.l�le+lr•�'trrk t'1 ,-,.}ani _ t .lt.rfta,. , Raw It Was no, rigtterrinr„i,ttattea4f-��a 4lrauvitl,�tA3.lt.tlowrr- t'rt�l�, �enb b. (75), onstnclar, htet,r•York City, it a,•:..e era r'irtta ties unatenig. a*. ttaar't 1allore 3r►A•t. "$pealsdttg of x"ural [~tout[ tosole," nlw%ervard +pie nww.ni 1'riut,taa;�Ii.( ), It ei.lier+gent U.A.A,. Warm". kiorge Hoary(69).linanoter.lNew•York(try, man In that nwittawsh,"r0rninds met' ndit�. agottso,J+1,�.,hpp��1,�t, All" )lt. "1,1 tbls going to he it hit at tiwlptar11. Illlam r aq),tattier,3rirw-'York I`tt' ru• to r.t �. trz g)ntrrh,nr not attaktarara. tf t1 fte'rrApai raap�artaiwf` caleitr.aaL.aka '" a( wtt�aa,.t4'f1'"'rr<rt Irttrrrttptt,tl ter moat she bad lets Tr+t est the[gels a rttt)rroos, Aifrod,Loosed Tennyson too). prtet. w,,tiltr,liir Prov.W.I',tam) !+auslrtr,titltretral r,f fist "Itemindtrt rata of fila l,lrtttedder.watt railed to driver Ai,itw,trtb r'.r,stiatrti,t10t,6. IWUAb Nsvr,9ticismd,lebngory td, thr ataga b�rtW'tva!Basler atui}!fount 11tt<ai}teg gaga T;vrAk arba, Xbodivo of It�pt (4a).r'Art). IA'.•nvet,Job"rt•,cts),T,m.ptirttarearthe000 aRouwraat F. h"At In ttt� that port.R.l +� tree rt dor t, Jas.? lotRtt• war R.1.. ra8 s,Aux.tc'�. !!eJ'tatt t•Oit1 trdnt i1Lat T«ir+rrwnn rte [[sari„ �e!'1'N 7�i), 1r'roneiA rhttntaaw, Wit titer,.�q�trt( rAi+rt lett C8i).ptrut,[dolt.7. when you snake Appltt butter batt can make it tiosek I'!r�►�!�, gl' W Itis Iain i. V1 n t( a y.iA"t,r':.at,l.•n,�t. 1,;yt�,. Iota atp(a 04 again If tsnt't good:.provided you go at Trrbatld. l lleba s�ai,Ataatutat t7, "Writ atnKar,: tai,I,.t.iltt>, It t1t(ht." died In/� tit athruts, tlavitt. 1). •^•,,, ttulaaun tietr York ('l A.(,gal. mwetlrtw r_lift-n.Zostand, itrtalht`it ddaeaa0,1"t•i!.ill. "1 wr^rm not have heard that alt.rry liefore."said the �t• �t't antt,, Aldtptoder 1�4�( To I�:tiroter,New, [nett arbn Wax amoktng the rank cigar. i rxt+ptntt('arratat( masa ottlw ex4tinst Vt,tru*t 1.of ti'uritt't l6tr.'prr.aHr,A" 3s, w6rtrnt .(A 4.gslrrr n ii "'Y'es,bUt You ttewf•t brrrrd ut old Liokiatddor. Thi ylitiwn� a H .oa.'ltrtjur(lsat•ral U.t!.A.War. Yentua,e,e rtt11. tom,1111 e Pwlltar thing about hlua Is that he believed it. fit "rk• � Mops•a,,. liVext by himeMit is x little old Jog cabin down on the And you Dodo e that!,'•r xatttl. battka of r,"jok ed t`trek. Uld all his own assorting T-bi tt'a right.' ba gala! 17rrbda9tt, ib bat . ;,' 11tat;putt#[!In on Klin on"when he wax"--- "Peoples didn't City 'that's tight, lit thoote da.yaa" played for hat datalIla itad Way" for Mist sirs[datlil�t*M let ar, " '.bow old were eau tbrnT"geaerla3 Ilse hast nloiara"d ilia r»an with this frasaled trousers. )t!s Matti sadlslp'r! wti-1111 w th the white spat to his mumartis. "Old Urkladdt*r did. lie put that kettle h4Wk cora "rill the txmr littler 11ea4 wr4o htaav,y,.. "DOCOU t mri:ke any t1iffrtrttnt°n both old t wait them this 11ri,and titigan star-Ang and rounting sorliolo. I Arld the poor litho Iwai l %utilrl ilowlin, or how old I am now. 1't talking about raid I,tria. itat drawn saiti waLrbod him. lift ko*t it Uta tar three And the agr,e grew pgalintt a.nr1 eerie, 1r4der. I dropped in graao0, gar 1 war aatytltd', and cju iricroiof An hour.pito you rney believe mossornot«, t' Ant} hese ion}�a styes![ ,tta•g a ori. e-rit. found lilts starring sonliatb its a[lift bra"kattie 'Krnllr'ntrtt,hitt with MY OWn r+y"i 1iAw thst apple, .Aoki terry tbatlti r sad lata-.loft[ 2# wt ,ry; 4 } ltakcttl born whist lie wars du[tsst. !lite rgnitl }ir kgAsg 11 httttr titre tial►rk int{r rolaglrle xaSatri.sit aair+nl)'gtisri, lode ttt1u31 rt91[tdi', at tc�aeT, tt+-rrlglsi!" n tigaldr a Ira[of apple butter.bttt it alltltt'i gulf lilan gritl i rortrA aond they wr!ry aw4ti9arrirtg xrtatatrrl tt►ivm gall- anttg►l aw"t cider lin baled taut it,tatatr bra"t:ttie to But ,at dawn, when theittirt3nr'twerre, 'wokirtg, r he writ niakintc It back Into apptry" i ball'efil its." As they watolavO In the a rant ro Iso:. l "Vest,that•a the Myst-story."nald the man with tit.; The ruin in the mtaoklitiotrih rrafaerrl talking. 41'Jetll treen gaggles. 'liar grandfather hard in tell r4at larnf,atlnd"llence rtdgtaed in t•ltat swop Or the sett A he rasa!It In We Prutrif Telegraph when tit wars at flv+rt �` , ?`tarn rhe mato iriitr Itarl eta 1"ton the labra ntat+rlY ,7.w� - 'tiy{t tt 11;1[1[ valci b�l'ai�1Tv keit took tbt tai flown.Al!tsr r.Id WAA thait if thero wag any And tlitj� heard hint- "Tottr xrandt"Iter never read anything In Via rrrrttirt'00 Porth hr-haus!It*.%A%A Mitred liar.stroll `'NIn•km r win for at Itrafrfa 7 rirpranh rilttruL t41d I.tr .ktaatds•r. larrmlL ret• YuAlt ls.Ionsl ving the door. ara trot the by sark4ti�*1404+6 r A�lr)11 t3ud i„ vols th to mention the fat+tat4ta.6atttterraaioi,that 6hloseh*p u Illi Woo at+•rr) --(hfcfapu l.riGu++a. '�iT o cuse JJt1 jr, fE!l d ter tit htatory rrferw principAlty to hitt[. I said' pIt "'Vtiu gullible old tool.haven't,you senor.enough The hottest day during 1904 Wam FaLUgttl, the i, iddy til nt In knave y4it eaxt`t do that"' June z8 when the thermometer reached "i'1»u ut•r'' t'artalkADY In Jordon, "Iia atopped*Urrinc atucl tow isayu to me: i acute rheumatism at the 4ge of , "'IAok Iron[,I don't want yon Vi talk that aura);tee a89 degrees sand the coldest day was r niontbs. 1'horo wire,nnoth, Me. You'ro dlartur]bin'the atgunt.' !Jan. G when the mercury dropped to 8 that of 11i:tlsa lames, ..'What fiountT' I scald. Eug degree below zero. The mean temper-, l nd, who (;a�mv to j �r e "11irn bt tool[the urttle aft ter girt,fitr a minute 1 f ugn th charge of li i.� ;I it fir tivo and he guys: attire for thetar was 4 5.57 degrees.y` �• i ilii now it. t.17i1ti wztiar,lt r u lr2rh.' "'You reflokasn I drin't know wiarit T'tn rtotn',hilt 1 osis hfi s nI[circ 1 y' of On. viotirr b ran, When you mlalt%Apple,butter the right way 1•, Our drug satire is being Ufitted f) 11) I,lu:,, lrri f rli;;lil, ant, aiai�r•rirJt)g ryo �I tostir Itfrom right to left alI ttor llintlstn'rtrisnt Ilse f{�c B}la�)G IIII(1(tr the good [alta rif' i);hi rr ltal, h,• tis t ; i;r:,i,i, ,it Dome, rnrl ( , uumborofttmosyou stir t111>oast,[t ILa[IdOn�. Vols , rlr rirrr iiia, .,l,r'l, ltd;; l,if!'rr,i• lois>arci him +ay ` ttiustn't snake any mistoltr about,it,'t•Itiler, "("rn Harry Salmon. Bosses Corey and Pot- ,,;,],r t,'i l i ,,,1 il.t':c ruoin .eras � lit'r:Ig3 tr l-• �- it's dsaac 7rnu stop srttrrltt' aaltgt take it frrr tris tire. tinger are doing the work. Mr. Me-!l,.':." 11 , !i,rl ui' l Bari (Ti�sun„e? w1w1i knot 7 Than you t"wo tt. If you don't Jibe lt, )aru put la yr•;tr�� incl. i+r' h til tr�I rlacarT in tare "Naaia,gl • 011.1(3 is here to ttGXli� t0 t�lC hitt l (-Zu,:t u” in t IIitn t air 'Tho alta tsaclt on tltta fire, stir trrsnt left to rltitit gist the ' exata'number of[!mega yeti stirred It irttna right to - __ ., tv , left And'it's rppslrts a ." � n ky+ Aran d re Henry Cla dies to the asylum at I exinggton K 16.Governor Hoffinan vetoes the New York city Arcade Rall- Cut N. drr'3rt Pr><1 road bili, 1'7.The town of Henderson,_- Gt.,destroyed by fire.-The Frelich Cabinet re organized.-)lenkim laOrvet, Littell,founder of Littell's Living Ags,dies at Boston,a�od 78, 19.Elmore's shoe factory at North Brainard, -rI313 Republic Of Cuba was inaugurated 1lLa ` , Sf the �'n a trotuTass.,burns fuss, t00,000, 22.General Falcon,ex-president of Venezuela,dies at Martinique. 24.G f'nt fire yg 0 1902,the transfer Of the authority Of the United - $ States to the Government of the Re ublic havin been Made at noon on that day, - t quebec•421 houses burned.-The office of the 1Republiean St.Louis burns•loss $178 000. 28.The I enians the or1-%_t a er Genral O'Neill,lattem t to Lnyade Canada O'Neill arrested by Elie Untied States&iRhod,and the war' Un�tPhe�otlicial eanno aning nounced ement of ahelaeGt of transfer of ice,Havana,and that of Cuba replacing it. %1U Ingloriously terminates. 28.The wife of Senator'Wilson,of Massachusetts,dies. 81,The Rhode Island Legisln- fiesta tare convenes. JUIT}. authority Was made b SV'ood,,Military Governor,in the following terms: Y General Leonard klh 1,Rudolpphe becomes the billiard champion of America by defeating Dion at New York,-The corner stone over the Baron de Steuben's grave nt Steuben,N,Y.,laid by t,'overnor Seymour. 2.The Indiana on the wnr-patb near Fort Hays.-Bismarck and Iaing William go to Erna to meet the Czar.-Destructive storm on the North Pacific To the President and Congress of the Republic of Cuba: Headquarters Department y Cuba coast;many vessels wrecked. 6.The Reform Republicans elect their ticket In Washington city. 8,spotted Tail, Sirs-Under the direct Ou of the President of the United States F now transfer a,May��1902, l 1• Tla Red Cloud and other Indian chiefs hold a loco-wow with President Grant h1 Washington. 14.The"Red Stock- logs Base Ball Club receive their first defeat in two years President the hands of the ashiAtlantict,n.of New York;score,s elected representatives of the people of Cuba the government and Control of the Maud as be held 1� t1l,o anal to Z I5.Opening of the greal Sa first de IIIea Cincinnati. 16_ a hands nominated as Attorney-General 20, and,exercised by the on,under the provisions Of the Constitution Of the Republic Of Cuba heretofore - t date t" Intensely 500,000.h2a rvGh ern in YNe t Havana.a11.fl,nposingcases ceremmiie�over er the dray ng of the e tire Inast spike inontreal nthe nad Denver occu tea O11 of Cuba by theiUrlitedonal CStatestan ion' and this day promulgated;and I hereby Cuba, the 6 ' d the military e ;1 i tY government of the Island to be ended, i t-7 alt t tl aet6c Railroad. 28,great Bre at 5t,Roch,Canada;loss,$l,loo,000. This transfer of the government and control is upon the express condition, and the (3overnraent of the United States will understand that, by the acceptance thereof,,you do now, k Pursuant to the tdlletictrl JULY. provisions Of the said Constitution assume and undertake all and several the obli anions assnm 8 h the slur 1.Gold 1121-4.-The thermometer 105^to the shade at Omaha. 2.The town of Orrville,Cal.,deatsoyed by the United States with respect to 6uba by the treaty between the United States Of Aineri S and Her i., 1, trot fire. 4.The French eharg,Xiffafres at Berlin notiftea the Prussian government of the bad effect produced in Alafesty the Queen 'tegettt of Spain,signed at Paris on the 10th day of December,1898. F;`I W111c J France by the candidature'd Prince Leopold of Ffohenzollera for the throne of SRaln. 6.TheDue&Grmnont, p All mono Obi i tions of the military government down to this date have been aid as far as J i?' TI% Great exciitem excitement among tthe labn. oring ingmen onmakes at saccount of the Introduction of Chinesenificant declaration oil the same ect in the labor in a shoe manufactory at aiMOUntill g to--publicciviltransferred g teed from the revenues of Cuba transferred to you this ltl i' ' Horth Adams Mass. Akerinan takes the oath of office as Attorney}-Goneral of the United Statee.-Rallroad shops the revenues of the island,as may object t0 such Claims Arid Obligations,properly payable oin sof 11 S�Isiseut at Brockville'Canada burned;loss$125)000. 11.Tho Tennessee Legislature a ourns,-The Virginia Le t Iature p remain, The sum of xeporti100. g,has been Winding up from the transfer 1'�'' }u�'tiah ad ourns. 12 Prince'Leo old renounces'Ehe candidstare of the throne of Spain�l]3.Mike hloCo le,the g ugillEt> mil tt to defray anticipated expenses of accounting reporting,and winding u the affairs of the 111 h0ftte&s, shot and badly wounded In St.Louis--Count Benedetti the French Ambassador demands from King William,at Y government.after which any unexpended balance of said sum will be paid into the treasury of the islhnd. t1 s na Euts,assurances against a renewal of the candidature oft Prince Leopold,which tate king peremptorily refuel. 15, The France declares war against Prussia, 16.The Prussians enter France;Napoleon goes to the front. 17.Cotton- renCe ofpeplt3eaITkicaanddlnfe door d e sanitation totion of h e cities of the island and to prevent a recur- iry 1 tJnitecl seed Oil Works at New Orleans burn;loss$100,000.-The Britannia Works at 14ieridea, Conn., burnt;loss which iii r1st1"%%% l 400 000.-George C.King,ex-M.C.from Rhode island,dies. 18.Papal infallibility proclaimed. 19.General that the provision of the Constitution contained in the fifth article of the a e Government of the United States understands Sheridan ordered to proceed to Europe to watch the progress of the war.-F'reneh declaration of war formally follows; appendix applies,are f13 18 cssa$e`dg delivered to Count Bi,ntark at Berlin. 20.Bavaria declares her willingness to do duty As ally of Prussia. 21. First.-g plan for the paving and sewering of the cit of Havana, for which a contract h 1�' ]E'resid 1 Capt.C.F.Hall appointed to command the Arctic expedition. 2i.Fight-between the French and Prussians near awarded b' the municipality of that Cit to➢feGivne OCkeb &Co, as been 19 Saarbruck•the latter victorious. 26.Little Brown&Co.'s bookstorBoston,burns;loss$125,000. -)7.King Second.-A plan f0 waterworks to sup 1 y' y 'Nil William of Prussia;,roes to the Profit. 28.lien ainin Nathan,a prominent broker of New York,murdered by Reckenbach,in charge of the district of Santiago land of Santiago de Cuba prep€tred by Captain S B.�11a unknown assassins.-ire at Princeton N.J, �osa 200 000. 29.Napoleon takes the field, a$ approved by the Military Governor,providing Z't ration lc� ' $ ' p for tailing water from the wells of the San Juan 6anyon,and pumping the same to reservoirs located 22 q .y,he 2 on the heights to the east of the city. 28'. eLl4ora AUGUST. Third.-A plan for the sewering of the city of Santiago de Cuba,a contract for which was awarded 3"' 4 rant. 1.Gold,120 7-8.-Tile Missisquol Houso at Sheldon,Vt.,bunted;lose$100,000,-Publication of a secret treaty to Michael J. Dady fit Co.by the Military Governor of Cuba,and now under construction, l'je%art dt between France And Prussia. 2.The French cross the Prussian frontier and attack Saarbruck,but are repulsed.- Fonrth.-The rules and regulations established by the President Of the United States t4e11,aral The Lowell Flour Mill, Jeffersonville, N.Y.,burns; loss$100,000. 3.Napoloon sends dispatch to Eugenie 17, 1899,for the maintenance of quarantine against epidemic diseases at °n January 28 tiT%►3or-( describing the conduct of the Prince Im trial under fire. 4,Battle of Weissenbur},•;the Prnssians victorious;(>en, t� a�+ p i latter sz Doua slain,-Dreadful riot between ran amen and ltibbonmen(Irish),New f ork cit 6,N'larshal IvicAfnkon Matanzas,ClenfUEg08,And Santiago de Cuba,null thereafter at the other )orfs of the island as extend- the oats of Havana, y ( ) ) ed and amended and made a , ISI Irl Iti",l routed at Worth by the Crown Prince,with a loss of six thousand prisoners.-General Frossnrd defeated at dated---,-day of April, 1901�cable to future conditions by the order of the Military Governor ti yl lature a, Saarbruck and Forbach by divisions of the Prussian annies(first and second)commanded by General Steinmetz and Fifth.-The Sanitar r 43. Ita.il Prince Frederick Charles;the whole French line begins a precipitate retreat;martial law proclaimed in Paris. 7, cit having Y ales and regulations in force in the city Of 13avana and in any Other' dtl ti'e''%f=txt`q Terrible accident on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad;many killed and wounded. 8.The Prussians menace Y f,011iCia1 rules,etc.), :31 l rhe Metz.-Napoleon reported dmigeronsl ill.-The Parisians demand the dethronement of Napoleon. 9.Stras- It is tnlderstood by the United States that the resent ned Secs bourg invested and summoned to surrender.-Marshal Bazatne assumes command of the main French armies.- Continue as a de facto government, pending the settlement government ethe title to the aisland by t' will Werrlbi,e Fall of the 011ivier Ministry.-Count Palikao intrusted with the formation of a new cabinet. 10,Jeff.Davis sails purs`lailt to the Cuban Coastitutiou and the act of Congress of the United States approved 3r Lrerch qy Bard c+�r for Europe.-The Prince Imperial arrives in London.-The French Republic proclaimed at Toulon. 13.Stray- 1, 1901. d P g .Niarch a: dcsnt last bo�rrgg capitulates to the Prussians. 14.The Prussians occupy Nancy an break the French line on the Mosene.- �oly hau ain fbrouer charged by the President of the United States to deliver to you the letter which I i Acie prat liazaine begius his retreat from Metz;aevtere battle before that fortress;General Steinmetz drives the French 3, within the fortifications;heavy losses on both sides. 16.Great battle at Mars-la-Tour;Prince Frederick Charles LEpNARD WOO[),Military(}gvernor e stops the retreat of Bazaine,and forces him to fall back on Metz. 18.Battle of Gravelotte,or Rezonville;Bazaine, The Secretary of State issued the f011owing official notification to the Ambassadors and Ministers - 'Z'h after An obstinate and bloody contest,forced to retire e within r he fortifications o t are driven 19.back wFireat Canyon ci20 of the United States accredited to foreign governments: 4. Allnis Cal.;loss,$250,000.-The French at Mets y y New yty Terrible defeat of the French at Gravelotte. 23.The adge of Metz begins.-Flour mills at Allegbany City burn; f• C.eltesr loss,$300000.-Parter commissioned Admiral. 24. A"Comrnittee of Public Defense"appointed to govern Department Of State,,, 'Phe coIci France.-'McMahon Assumes comm of loan corps destined to operate for the relief of Bnzaine. 27.Prussians Sir-I am directed by the President to inform,you that the miloccupationof the 190u grceaat ear repulsed at Verdun. 30,A part of MchIahon's army routed at Beaumont;the Prussians take 6,000 prisoners;the CllbA by the United States has this day Ceased, and that an Inde Pndent Bland of P- government,republican in An ti-SI-1, French army begin a retreat toward vigorous 31.T offoTt t b Teakcontinuer the retreat,y meed and almost encircled by form,hits been inaugurated there,under the Presidency of His Exeellene Sehor Dou Tomas Estrada l'rirlce3 dr the Germane.$saline makes a vigorous but vain effort to breakthrough the army investing Metz. Palma. y 11. I3err3,t1 You are instructed to convey this Information through the a t"lxolnas' y g appropriate channel to the I�Iajor Sfi SEPTEMBER. to Nhich you are accredited. government Jillaaea at 1.The German Crown Prince defeats the French,under Marshal McMahon,at Carignon.-The safe In the I am,air,your obedient servant, "l -atJ,edrzal Methodist Book Concern,New York,robbed of$150,000. 2,Terrific storm at Long Branch;great destruction of JOHN HAY,Secretary. Calls clow property.-Wimpfren surrenders Sedan with 81,000 men,besides 13,000 wounded,and 480 guns of every descrip- THE GOVERNMENT OF CUBA. the Vrens tion;the Emperor Napoleon surrenders at the ratme time. 3.J.Barney Marshall,a well known Journalist,killed -P)-eT dMd of the .Republic••• at Memphis by falling from a window. 4.Farwell do Co.'s dry goods store at Chicago burned;loss,$I,500,000,- �repuddEc.................................... The surrender of Sedan made known in Paris;stormy sitting of the Corps Legislatitt;the Right withdraws,And YiCe-F'Te&iciC7bt.........•• •T°MAs E$TRADA PALMA. the Left decrees the deposition of Na uleon;the Republic reclaimed at the otel do Ville. 5.The government T................................... ""I "' •LUI6 IC9TEVEZY ROM1ilR0. p THE CABINET. S- A to of National Defeme constituted. 6.Schuyler Colfax,Vice resident of the United States announces his retire- S r l'elaT7/of.SCalPctnrl JtcStiCe..., i•' g-ArAAIIt rnc. ment from politics.-Ole Bull,the great violinist,married at Madison,Wisconsin,to Saliie Thorpe.-Eugente .5rriw6aryOf the Ira r•for-.t1ce Ute Y1LR0 BUDUEN, 'Secretary of Public Wm•ke and Actino Secretary Df `'•• '.I'Ile vo and Napropleon's ministers flee from France. 9.Surrender of Lyon,followed by a destructive explosion, 10.Brom- SeCi'elai I Agric l i i'P........................••.•. LUCIANO IJIAZ, f t11c R 1 Paris.-The carpet TltefltowtrY f EdgAin lwateih`i Yin r,burned;$loas,0ffi0750,000 Victor tHugormies con ranee f eiremarch on y of-Pabltc Instruction..LEOPOLDO(,ANCiO. SCCreta o Me Treasury.Jost 4b( RCIA MONTES, wvosanded 3 returns to Parts. 12.General Cortona,at the head of tine Italian troops,enters the Papal territories. 13.The GOVER*TOAE OF PROVINCES, S.,•,• ti•ute of 57 Pope protests. 16.The city of Strasbourg surrenders to the Germans.-The German army arrives in front of Havana.•..••.....•..................GENERAL EMILIO NUREZ,. I••• r e rc•rlces in Parls.-Grant recognizes the French Republic,-A fatal else of yellow fever on Goverior s Island. John Kitty Pinar del Rio................. .........C''OLONEL LUIS PEREZ. if ltt2sisi3, aged 108 years,the oldest citizen of 11altimore,dies, 18.Rome Invested. 19,Paris invested-General Dacro Santiago t.t`i,Uba......... ...........GENERAL FRANCIaCO ECgAVARRIA. r it.if ed by defeated in front of the southern farts by the army of the Prussian Crown Prince.-Jules Favre has nn interview with Bismarck. 20•Breaking up of Jules Favre's peace negotiations. 21.Rouse occupied.-The Rev.W.W. Puerto Principe..........._•.,.......G NERAL LgPIC RIGU pL G7OMEZ. �datanzas..,...........................COLONEL DOMINGIO LECuoxA. l-1.,. ONO of tho Rural([♦narcl...�.......GrNFalnn ATF 1;i... tic=-up Wi-lith so completely, paralyzed +1r17p1?9liozll>zf3nk7, 1G.•• tr;lfIic was Title to th(. installation of the The Ofiieeia.l :E7•xplanmtion. -- 1;- SW Z P. Patter, vice pre�iden�t and general "PT-ne to the Traditioxa.s. 311,W electr(r-lurreunlatlt:• switching SYsteln, manager of the Long Island road, ds out,ITCHES HOLO UP w 1!1... Nvllich �1s pelt in operation for the first orf the city for several days, but an ofiialal;The captain eyed the receding[shore, Lillie yesterday. in tl-ie swperintendent's off1c,_,discussed tale .and nervously paced the bridge. t� fiittla,tipl1 N'it•I7 a HERALD. +reporter, It w'a.S He lleard the wind through the rigging roar, t+ At midnight the blockade was stili in learned that the trouble was entirelydue 3... force, and in several instances trains were 2q the lack. of experience, of the men and nerent do paced the 11 offs. '1. placed in charge,of the new su itichling sye- LONG ISLAND HO 0 ,The bun went clown like a ball of fire, four hours behind time, The Fort Jeffer- tens. That there was anything wrong w:ith',The rolling waves grew higher and higher. son trails �ti filch should have left at ten its workings. cvas positively denied. T91i, But nothing tho captaln's legs Could+ire; • • ��p/ - minutes to six o'clock (lid not get away complicated system is said to be the.most' Henervolisly paced the bridEre. K'.. until ten minutes past ten o'clock, While perfect in the 'warld, aS61inin-9 a.bsoiu.te �••. Tvai n Schedules Are Aban- et train On the Rockaway branch of the raft tv, and when once thorollighiy in han&AII tho livelong night,as we are told; 30 arlain line was almost three hours late. will greatly facilitate traffic. Fie venously paced the bridge. gl A special effort Was made to sen(1 ILW Ly The plant which has been installed Ill.'Twi.s 11a119ht to blal that his feet grew cold; a Heti and Thousands Suffer several trains which Were scheduled to Tion,;:1sIand City ds said to-b�e the largest He nervously paced 111c bridge. leave at rtl3pllt ten o'clock, and they'Were in the world, Opera,bing more switches,; nearly pu time, as was the train on the.1)lo,cks a.n.d signals than any ever before ThrOugb the weary Voyage,night and day, Inconvenience and slay. ,,rorth whore divisiOn running to 1-ier p- constrrbctc;& A four story switch tower,In sunsalac clear or In blinding spray, d stead and Oyster Baa• 'which was sealed- conta.irra 15i leve-S, Which operate all the-?,He pegged along in the self-same way, p -tiled to leave at=twelve ininutes past mics- s`v.itclles Kind stgrbails in ithe yard cover- And nervously paced the bridge• ' ' L CTRO-CNE 1N�iATIC night. irlg twe•nty-foul terminal tracks. Former Other trains of minor inlportatice were ly it required lou men to handle these When the ship at,last dr;v near the lana Tov I4N`r from tubo to three hours late in leaving, witelhes an the ground, While with the He nervously aced,the bridge. I SYSTEM IS THE CAUSE`b'iit thA of leials of the road said at inld- no s5-eteln but thirteen men are em- Clearly be uttered each sit_r command., 1 tiiue T]' ;Tright that every scheduled train would plod ed. P :I)e sent out at sonde tinge. It «•Els stated that the rria,d was h.avin And nervouslY paced the bridge. �t i1 A 1 i From three hunclrecl to four hundred per Ino more tr�rrble th(un was expelienc.ed b5'111d the rattling of the anchor chain, stet 1 i i1 O Britian far the First Time, ons appeared at the station loft various the INIew York Central When t;he same sys_And the greetings,J(?Yous and profane, ` F11 Li Li times during the evening expecting to,'t(�n1 was introduced cit the Gra11d Central lie still was under the sante old strain- 1 ) board trains. l'hen they learned of the St ition, about.three y(ai-.1.ig°• He nervously paced the bridge. Ale; "�_ �`~-i€ 11e111e 1S Not Worked Well �cc>ntinued delay 11-lost of thein expressed "In Ylct tirrlid the ofRcia.l, "we are algt g 131111 ' great disappointment, but determined to 11,1rin as nnIell tro1111EI as they 'had' ben ds 1✓ol �i'I by n1;L110yeS. l wait for a train instead of spending the it is, (Ionsicic:red that we Operate twice a Why did he do It,I'd lace to know2 by dd nervously pace the bridge? } night in the city. Restaurants in the vi- Iilo,11,y trains as the Central. I't is a s\%"_T_C, - -® trinity Were taken by Storni, and the night tail Wideill requires nren to be cdllcate.ci tip WhY couldn't he walk!t,calm and slow- Ne 1 tiv:us not half Over before the restaurant to th, work, there being no experiPncPd Not nervously pace the bridge? i 'A r , _\DS BLOCKED S1 AZ ION.keepers had to send out to buy n1o1`e edi bleu available, c1.nd until these men learn Well,maybe lie sometimes did,but geel Plat j h 1)Ius, their supply having been exhausted. to liandle the system we are pclwerless to It wouldn't sound right In print,yousee. Por C) • While Waiting for trains many of the du anything. �T"hen once in working or-Captains,as story writers agree, 1 11'a tij� Tl 011e' CxY Li172S Are �Yel_'111en passengers stretched Out on the del* the system•Will Prove it alr'7tt 1yolj(,fit 4I1nervolrslypacethebridge. S'ui' rte, sNil ,;k-.-ai1n c � benches in the station, mii.king the place lo the tr:.tt-ell ng public, as well .t� i , rile greatly resemble a lodging house. conroli111y. NAre -1101)e chat th( c(mtlrt.-+nom- -Sedtlla ,'1rar�s_. r' v but the Traffic Demclral- { The early morning trains left their east-will b g e ltiy improved fu-1n,�rrltly ,:Tru BecauSt' t711Y1pS Him. 11LlIl.L'L, �'6 " . I'al ization Is Com Tete. f1'n terminals on tinge a1.nd 310 d!MCUl#v that all trains Will be gull On srallC:Lill' To algae with a woman Intl rI,I vas experience, until the. entrance uf'. the tlme witdlili a few da3•s.' �� i . Cal i _b T.+ong ls1;.: rd City yard was reached. There -- ._---- A man's a chump; Cal .A1 clu1i11g thr• rush hours they were blocked Appreel£I,tion. For when she says "Because," sclle'dules nn the f.0119 Island Rail- frons tl•irty ininutes to all 'Yaour arid. -To read thein O'er I lore to He's up a stump. Gal rl-r-,'t.ixT r half, a,rill the conlinuters, e,l.gel• to reach. pause. Gal awl Cal s."t,I �,- re lliactically abandoned yesterday `heir places of business, Nv(:re on the ver•,e Those poems in the magazine. w -Kansas C'itf/ Tina-.s. r.3tlsands of persons Were obliged to of riot _ QThen really soothe me more because - �" I never know lust what they mean. in Lila ci�t3 wand nd as Y hest they U ,cert ir, `I -Wa,tihinpfon �hlnr. r'( ° rrto experience the same difficulty Harry-Do you really think 1,11 C71 n hlskey is harmful? peSS113S3. 17ing in the aftclnorin. Every train DIC1 117ell, I don't know what to thlnk, I,1,e ►-c}t t11" � C,recne,-If wishes�u�ere horses, you ]snow,beg- f C;3 t e 1 ted or left the te:ininal yards Was lcno�c-n people to(Ile,N\'110 drank It, but then ae for gars might ride. l t i,e i a If_iia Molal• to two hours late, The that matter I've knoticu people to elle who never Gray-and be, nun awn when hen the tlrst e e;, _- --- - ---- touched a drop.-Rostolt Trtzrtscrhvt. automobile comes In sight•-Boston Transcript. ` murderer of the Kink faintly,i+e i uted at farts. 16 Qurrender of Fort ferry. Ot.Iowa ratifies the Fifteenth rt y T Arvin:,Hent °1. 11-to r..r,,u .u, 1 iit,•,•,.th Arxondru,Ill.- It,R.Revile(uelected United titatosSenntor Niles oris sersu, r_Isco1 l.,ishop of New Hampshire. 22.Jules'Favre visits King William.In bebalf of the . a1nr 51:;aiaail,}}:i. .L Ili,1,,,,is r-.•anr.,h p 1;;:,.bat,i':rptrin Ey}ro,tolilde I wloraljith and sunk the United grilles Fratich Sapraplta--4'he French,under General Vilmry,defoIated near arts. 43.Caa)fiulatlon of'Paul to the uor- nrvrttr(1ou ilii e"ust,.!(.In;rr,hr a L•1cb 1:(r lives ti-aro loo,-T'be.National lf(luse of Ra+rnseulaticea 3itm w after is vigorous assistance, 44.Brest allow storm on the Western Plains. Colonel Joseph E.,brother of lba (71 the linittad ' v;:v run od let sale Gu 57 nays,i p th•r i,lil fit tlti atdtirlaelon Of Vtrgln[n with thO atnendmoulsl pled by tI1N Jed.Dante,(Ilea at JAcksolr,bliss,—Tho lie a of 1'arla rnimmancen, 45.A groat battle takes lana north of Pads }} }u K the ftag of the 1 Senate. H. Tlra reiaaiaa of G,,,rga 1 sal,dy arri'ro at Y.iri,nu3uth,--The fortes reject tits LIii to forever in which the Pesach are badly defeated, l6,77ro Prussians aro date>ated south of Parts.--The French capita{ i exclude the Bourbene front the ti anish,th+ uc tial to I'll.--Tile new bishopof Oxford Eu Iptutl,i;ur removed to Tours,--The yellow fever rages at New Orleans.--Ex-Governor I'aoker(ties at Willisniaport,Pa.-- re lacIng antis._",- p g 1t, Atrna�{ l ra gar4 ar rutgtana nna +ale,.�etrikir, i;r ihu r,•durliois ofUte nnntbar of working hours.-`1'hu ('nlouel Charlaa 11arn)d,a mumbpr of t3eneral Jarkson'e xtaH ut the battla.of Nova Orleans,dies in the latter(.ity, i;eergTa % tnshvened.-Tire Coliew relels,under,J,rdan,drfested the S;anlards.-_SteuW> n 47.General Uhrlch,the commander at Strasbourg,offers it)capitulate. 28.The garrison of Strandlo rg',17,00o neral Leouard t 13nstr,n sa 'fim=New York,sad was uavor aftarwrud heard fr,nr P,I'hrrwcm ter 4f,°below zero Onllt},Cpluiva strong,lays dOwu its arms heavy enpbtrns of war material by the Germans. 29.A terrible rain storm prevails ltt In the Northwest.-T Tow eaela Legialature ado,t.universal sailings.--Tile,Catholic archbishop of Vura Cruz I the Blue Rid�a mgion of Virginia,Houding the w safety and intorruptiug railroad communication la all directions. dlas,- Hawn order turning over the ndmiui+nration of affairs in Virginia to the c1vll aulhorltles. I 30,A sortie from Porta,Ili fon e,tinder General Vinoy,repulsed by the E`rown Prince. t of CUhe„ I 1 0• s, y icy,ler�. FEBRUARY, I OCTOBER. ,�U��� 1.The Crown Pri wo defratod near Mount Valerian.-Thler's mission to Russia,in favor of pesoe, roves a fall- CIU as the dilly 3 1.Tks Poise Yltt>�a'tn receive the_�h foe ra 139 bishops at ainmf the inlalllbility doctrine.-Tits bugtishgtrvatn- aro,-Tbr Fronoh nuke a rand aortlo fromParlay but are driven Lank. 2.The rosult of tits ant freshet In Vie- Id. to ile held i ment takes central of sill the Fngli:h lois+gralik(lura, 4.1'beeninll-pox rated in I'Aris.-Thol.arr tabu isle- Ihtl hCtrr±tpi'[trt± fff It t ginia is 100 lives lust,and$4,000,00 worth of trroharty destroyed. S,Tlta natiennl Bchnutsen eat opens in Cinrltt- , Dtlt and F'f[teenth(:ons ituti ural:1n,anrlrnt Hirt-The ugLlaturtl of New Mexico adopts a nail. 5.F.1-t3overaor Connolly dies tit Aligns a,I+to,-John Allen,the 44 wickedest man,"dies in New York,- )Y dWitilro t h(.± III fa a or tatlitilltad,'=Fh J,Dabse,of Zurich,ait•med Pre<ideut of b,ritaerl u,d, S.'rho Senate reject the nominn. q`he Frunuh tanks a sortie at Mata,and are dpfnatad. 0.The Notional Commercial Convention convenes 1r&Cin- 7(!Hndt'(l, t tdan of exti5euro lisle,for tits Supreme Ilunch. 4,T'lra tuarrury 24 I below surd nt Bangor,Ale.-The cinunti.-(hmeral O'Noil,the Fontan leader,is pardoned by Preraident(Trent,--Oreatfreshet in.the James and n (JoVer11n1r'iot United fitatue w r s"'mor arrives at fort-nit-Priuce with fifty cases'i}'ellu+t fever on board.-The Legislature of Ynrk riving;slaw iu rite 4hunandunh river, 7,A farinas attnuk b Bazainn on the Prussian]taps north of Meta Piewfonndlaad oppolle the Canadian e+,ntrderatton ar:l,urne. Fr,1'r,,ldr ut C.ran!.issues un order forbidding the lutro- y 'UrNllant to the duction utI,hisky into Alask%.--Na raloou refuses to reduce the military furt•.e of France givin as a reusnn that repulsed with heavy lose nn both aides. S.The French make a grand night sortie at Meta,but are driven bark. 0. l(( 11.4.4lltllvoil fl 77 ��t( Garibaldi arrives at lours,and afters his aervleus to the Franph 1ba1:,nb11a. 10.1flc-llavarunr Ilartleyy d)ua at Mane. iorica and Ilor ton situation of the troassage forbids doing so, 7,The Supredis(.'Hurl of the United,5l-T rlet:i ail that s rtubt field,Ohio,--Defeat of a part of the French army of the Loire at Arterl-Slavery euoditionally abolished ht contracted bofura the passage of too legs]tender Hat uauunt e,Fiffear);.:d 3r&greenbacks.-The Utah Legislature (subs by Spanish regencq, 11.The army of the Loire defeated with Leavy lone before Orleans; the city occupied ' ) ;'• Uttt\luluett`s tiufiragu b1I1 and NawJ Jersey rs arts ihr.}ifteertlh Amendment. 8.lnintlrul ruptatParie . 1 laid rte file ars wh Ia eatpraamad af1Nr sprue lilowlshed.-The flrrtiah 1'nrl+aup.•ut apane--Th 'fax's Legislature convanos; by the llermans. P.T ie 378th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus colobratod at Bpstnn,--- `� The Imperial palace at tit.Cloud destroyed by the French ennnou. 14.The Roman Catbollo nrchblslrop of tloeben 011 thl rl fifty 12.The Colirade I.egislaturn adjpnrnb, I.I.Gook defeats Roberts,and become,billiard champion of England. dies.--A terrible hurricane BILI,a aver Cobap causl!g a leas of 2,000 11Von. 16,Capitulation of Solesons. 18. haynble ('flit of el14.North Gormarn,Parliament opened. 16.Auutber revolutlpu In hlexive. 17.Tho Swedish Diet gives Jews and The French make a suta.paafnl aurt4e month of Paris.-The Giermnna to litun,Soissons ailer a hard battle, 16.The 'In the trallPJfer ,l)lilentem the rlgJ9 to vote. 16.Texas ratifies the Thirteenth,Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, 40.The steamer C;ambrla lost nn this,moat of Ireland.with all on board exc,•,tin nue. 4'0.Pr,ltulr A.loader lu the 3h Le mature ydjourtta, 21,1'-ha coldest day ever known in the far Northwest. `*4.Mien Alice C1ar fhq r r 1 6 , Affltir-A Of the �tt YY Yt Canadian rebellion nr 1838,dies at Torontr,,aged 84.-An earthquake,oteure kr&01blo,New Ynrk,1 ennaxivnnla, tb ill(!lrGttt§Ury ppnr3eusis,dangurpusly U1 s New ork.-Thr steamship Emilia No.3,sinks in the hfiaslasippt river,Arid twenty- the New England(;fates end Canada. A ululant hurricane,rw�log wept of Ilavans,destroys p(Terty to tau ftcc par�uus perish. Ri,7' first colored political uonvuntion ever hold in Kentucky meats do Frankfort, lion. amount ofi�ill 04)0 000, 21.Ral h the 2'l. 'rho Italia,rs occupy Moura,-•Thu Italian A'eau 111trlinglurts,the C.'hineae Einbassailur to the civlli;ed countries of the world,a for,lier ex-rneniber of the ) 1� > P, grant to singer,dies. IY t !,vont a reeler- uni.tedStales aµale of Iiappr�itactttantivea,4001 Massachusetts,dies at St.Petersburg. 95.The Texas Legislature thtouelrout Cut�trnl NewaYorkIs lnnd+Narthernf 0410..25A sorb from Fort dlaMont Vnlorh tholul ed. -Earthquake (•H Ut1dE±ritatltla atijauras 46. a afeldil'0p of Lyyon, dies. 28.Laylag of submarine cable at mouth of Roel Sea. .Thq p q a y h 't t Bost The ti'rprcme Court of the United Statts rlacides that tits war of the rebellion coaled All 2o,1066,the data of tiro �ear'»npgotintiane betwepn Bixmarrk and lenvro 1)r�ve fruilleas.--Cn rl�ulaUon of Sr-hltieatadt. 47.C)rnat Hrn at it NEW etre tt+3 I"ra'eid rpt s pt;odiauru 1On,which is to be regarded,for all purposes of Idt(gatiun,as No say pII Which the ral,eln()n Tnnchannock,ISl.;loss,la1S5,0f10.-The city of Rietz,and tine French army trader Bazainot comprlaing 173,1411) t crssed. man and immense quelaities at artillery and munition of war,after a long slogs,suirouder W the Gorinaus. 30. t•laet heel been MARCH. Capitulation of Dijon, NOVMMBER. C:ap,,q n EI It 1.Tha 111issfas{ppi Leg{slatun+convenes. &fila paella ref au X)nmir,gn vola Ovurwhulmingly in favor of aunax. n(sr,providing ja'i,ru n.the t%dtud Stated.-Jean It.(Grant.'father of the F r,•si,lrnt,condr•,nptl as postmastar of('Ovington,Ky. 11.United States Attorney A.B.Long,saaualnated at Now Orleans.-K[uq W111lam commissions Prince Frits rvoll.i lucil U.d 4.Tho MSnpafota Laglelnturaw(ourns, y,The telaviii of illhurlxspta vetoee lino R'oman's Suiliagn frill, 1u, a d I Frederick ii William 1 field Marshals.--Hartle at St Danis; the Germans victorious.-(samhattn,loader of tits Alia,.{na fted uvernot.ofl htleilsslppl. 1l:f assirly,a ontirntnd luuutl4 ntteui pie to assnw+inaLa 1'r.uiduu Fronch,tasues s proclamation,declaring ata Intention of dying In the last ditch.--Iron.C.Delano enter&on lits 1 1 Grunt 11, sir,the u,urd ear pl'Colollnl Gratre esc om feta,the jail lu Jackson,Miss.toThe funeral Of I rtncn duties me Senretary of the Interior,-Terrific explosion of nitro-glycor(ne.st Painesville Ohio. 2.Garibaldi cn� V awarded �I�i a� Lures 11,000 Gormarrd. 4.A.I'.Orittenden,a prominent lawyer of San Francisco,shot by Mrs,Laura I+nfr,}rig It. 1 IIaitrt it nr a takxs;'lace at NInarid.-Nopoleon doluanrii:rrprtseut.atian is the(Er[till iir.l Council. 16. former mistress. 5.Tito General Conference f the L y1, on on,Tann ' I aratl Sickles c.vrtirtued United Statea Minister to Spain, Dan•)luttertiehi ru,;glis Li, „uuada;ion At llruvet o a utlturan Church urea t F North America matte at Xmncuter,Ohln, ary ?,rJ,r p,etr=nal,United Statos army. 11.The steamers Mary and Norn,awly rr,111do lu rho Ln•]fish t:hanuel th -Tum Allen whips Gallagher ht a prise-fight near St.Louis, 6.The French aro detested and routed near}!effort, Ix Of Havana, l.n I nk:with thirty-nine Persune. 20.0.11,•etor lialluy,of Neu•York,provr.f a defim'tt,:r.6-'1'br vornitc rn a --Tho tonne of pence proposed by Bismarck are rejected by tiro French,the armistice brought to all oil(],and the tad,aJf extend-iii 1 tt•ir,y Braidl.-Tire imirt f.,r the triul a)'Pierre I1"us art eouvtaws at'1'ours. "_I.'lac i;ntutl:•Lek war rocemmencea.-The express train robbed of a urge amount of valuahlps,near Reno,nn the Control PaciHn arY Governor l.t r td,{u r na.--Admind T•,,rte with,lraws ho a flue n,ia r cabinet,.: t ),is Railroad.-The"French defeated near Dijon.-Tho lloeton lead works burned• lose,$950 iH)0. 8.T7na Frenrb - - cj - 1 I 1' a 1d is auccr.t:rid ht•:+luteal liuranigo. army of the I,n1rn defeat the I'ruasin:a at Politely. 10,A freight depot at flurfnlo burns)Ione t a lr a I ah.ps at 9Lluauneu hrr7t;lose,,1,,O,;i!.- ]3r 1r&k s er.luu 1,111 pa krue El linh 1d•, r ,1 Lords b•a y ,4600,Q(10, Tho In tiny other- , 9 eller +'+: l.itutt.-Afrkar6rial crista lrevIt11 ut ltuvr; lvr,.s.-tar P•,!„:crnsur.rnt+s tune Arw:ri+-;rn rishpye. woolenrnlllsAtRichmond Indiana,bum;loss,$100,000,--A great political riot at Donaldsonville,Louisiana;. St 'fheEmpparor Na lsvu vvritee a latter div ting biro If.d'hp;nub;et elle'powers. tits nes>luf la:in-of ihu many killed.-Tha French recapture Orleans,after a Moody battle..•-1'rnxidunE flrant aplx,bnta(4rnontl A.1'leaa- I'iSea cable from Sues to Bombay, S6.'l 1pu aur+ctnsritotiou 1'Prnoussae adapWd b a fury.npa'�,riL• 27. anton Cornmiseloner of Internal Revenue. 14.Sprague's bobbin wnrka at Lutvrunce,Tiaas.,baro;lora,Q150,rNt0• �,of ot h nee will Terrible lx alon tbeAUewtic uosat. 48,;lb'tley,1'ult.t;tar a Rlild tor,buugaeted at tycnn on. ;30, hr.Sainuul -Colonel Ceral St,t rain Orta of the oldest trappers l tr'(lttty ggaat g , ppore.on the pining,dies{n,Now lYTtrxiao. 13•Tinsels fprmallyy )rove(( 1417s1i*I1 }card Onfirmed as Governor of Idaho.-Nal J+u order;1,in co I'li•rre BertaI,arta Gr 1pavo arenas, -Tits,I'rasl• dunurndg the abrogation of the treaty of 1856. 1 The French take Dijon. 17.Thu I renrh make a anereaxfut dent issue his proclamation CE nouuunclug Ur,:I titcentdt Annvuhuaul ns a part of the Conatitutiun, 1'hu Salppaa vie sortie from Paris. 16.This French make a disastrous sortie at Muntmedy. 20.Garibaldi defeats the Hermans at ,field plril'lnilntld by the r;retrmenir�i Qorrncii. Chxttilon,and captures 1,006 prisoners, 21.The steamers City of Evansville,Norman,Pinn Bluff',avid a wharf PlI ter which 1 boat,burn at Evansville,Indiana;los"' �2UU,000. SY.Tho Topa Issues a bull deularlug,that he cannot surrender (4ovr+ruur. AI 1:1 G. Any of the property of the church,which Ito lulus only as trtutee;It pronounces a major oxenuummieatlon''Inst $'The Indiana i i na,1r those who order cnu init;or asslst in the robbery of the church,or are In any way tormented therewith. 24,The 'tilil lYLtlllCtterl! pnn4France,at JotTurannv Ila hntru+,d--Thu t,th Force billp sad sesta Tfotrerx o5 utraRtattt' North German 7larlfntnent oipenerl. Y8.The French array of tba Iw,iro gain another victory. 27,'Ile(Tor New iYprkrirtlThai[xPA>yp�{stat f of Frolic. masa ilii`ltul�oe`n1Pd r&1 u'finis#of A I:.1 it lar l;n,y a unuc•aN46 in repulsed near Anthills. 29.The Pope exanntnrunicates King Vlrter Emanual of Italy. Y mous r' 6.General Robert E.Lee lards a Iblic rccaliti a in AnKu,ta,�fl'. N.'1'h„Nottln("tni"I I,It ala VkIta�f i-,,,?to I !;tile•, The colored people of the United tstea very gonernlly r elsyrate the into,tion X21),1>•o," 1 tit l it,a lilt rSn;:sr i;Nt 'Il.A DECEMBER. the 16litlld Of great earthquake omarra at Batang,GLina,It.which over dares ihptwunJ at a art l(lHd, i.!.}f r!American A file 1 11til In ntE t lar ani lbs l #r y Y p f ltd. air 1�rruiox t 1,gold Il0 3 4.-Hard fighting around Paris;the French defeated at all points,-A grand sortie of the French B0 ex tering of t��u t� di ]vqe from Paris;the are defeated.-The Gtermsna.defoated near Orleans. 2,Ru6ria aycupte the prnppdUpn Of a son- �ltlktg I KCp1J({p Prineq du aibon, rfS, a Georgia Lo�Ia star&sic avanea.-I'ha Ulric I.ep•lslature as earns a p�u'n�rruns de fereuce of the Great Powara to settle the inline difficulty. 5•The French street from sir ro o 7.The 1 Barry,the mother of C'aunt da Chaudwtd tine fegdtimato pretamiur to ilia throne of France,dl ?#Too xte ame� Loire Tltenus Truman,whllp at sea,struck by iightoiug and burned;till on boars}ware saved by a aeaiug vassal.- rrtrryy'retreats. A.'rhe proposition to declare Kingg lIblauu$ruppuror Of Germany first anuounced. 9.The army t'aU'r(1rUlTlthtiG bIgjor 33 urney,the IwOt comtnttu suicide The funatul of Burliugunor.tine Auterlean Clineso Liubtuaador tnkua of Yrineo Frederick Charles repulsed south of 0rleans.-'the(icrmans advance against Havre.--Klug William pl u e at tun. &4.PleLiscite ordered, P4.Rev.C.11,Burgess co ocrated Catholic.bishop of Detroit,at the Aecepta the title(If'Enipi rur of Gornrahq•- 'lie French government removes to Bordeaux. 11.The army of the v Secretary, cathedral In CiaciunatE. 49.The New fork hegislaturo atljolnts• 7,The Capitol building at Rlclunnnd,Vn., Loire defoated at Mining. 12,In thn Ifilled States house of Representatives,Joseph Il.Heineyy, hired member fall-down,killing seventy-fivo Bud wounding over t,vo hundred--many of their,mortally.-Maria,1'rctitlrnt of silent from aSeutL•Carolina dlairlet,Is sworn in. 13.King Willis",demands the surrender of Poria,--(Iaribaldi the Franch provL=Ionat governmeut in 164.x)died at Paris.-Report of oulrages against the Jews h1 Rouurania. resigns tiro cmnwaud of the Vnngas rtrmy,-(4rant battle at Beaugenay;after four days'liglithig the I+reach retreat, -Pralsbur•cnplti bli to the Prussians. 14,A resolution is adopted In the NOrlh Carolina House of Ral 'ALMA. MAY, pootatives Inponclning Governor NOldon. 15,The Germans occupy Blots,-The French recapture La Fore and tom imo. march on Lunn.-hlontanedy sorrrnadore to tiro.Prussians.-(treat drawn battle at Vendome.--Extanslva fire oil S.A terrific ball-storm sweels over Phlladel ells,broakin�b•�$950,thle)worth of1;lass. 11.In lila tnlurnatiuunl Front gtroot,Cincinnati;loss,$15o,00o. 19.'rho Fronch make a great sortie from Paris,-Tito P'gnrh ra•ouu, yrs l,t race,in the English Channel,between the ap phi and(autbria,the former((Atilt an)wits an cisy vieiory, Vierson.--A tank of the Clnolnnati gas-works explodes.-A grand suets at Paris,and a drawn asitia 20 '1 i Y 0 t4sCTP/rtra!(If vote on the j:leLixcftn,r,In France flit,,•nrpirr s sustained by an ovsrwholming majority, it.Tho C anadi'n speech of Sunnier in the Unitad Slats Senate,donnrme[ng Grant's Sen Domingo ilr.•-Thr •(rant 7r:lAT o t';trllannaut mn,gund by the Governor-t euurul• E;+ntr:tl Lngga sleeted errand Corwatin'dor of the Grand Arany l riv r near Omm1 lake And twenty lives,lost. 14.The Senate son ��rnal Scha Wall (1 1)I98. Aunit 1r&the Alisainsl1,tl not , ,:the ltepn Ai --Fearful ncrhiwnt by oollidi,m on the Mluourt Pile fh,Railroad•twenty-flue killed and fprty-o,ta q d y Y firms Nonoral Schanck Ital an A I1dONT1CN, 3vaundatl, lit,The Virginia Iloo.q;of Dale atcs rrfu;,,a to rtrikle ti,e wur,l w pit y H'om the Cod find or b•it Minister to LUgland. adopt�a resolution for tt'O preparations for tan capital Of Italy war with lance t 2d,The within six ,r•t (+ 7 to 1-_-- g rr I " + yChamber of Dau pul of the capital of Italy frmu Florence to Ramo within►1x f 5 2 (knurl Stewkelbur;;,the,liar 1 ut lliiditcr to Frrtuvo,dies at Parts.-A forxnlitablo rebellion tem- months.-Tba anrra•of the Loire defeated by the Prussians.-A grand sortie from Parls. 24.Tile •o1 l- !n tar+Argrati to i,pnfrae nttin,and C;,t rani li ryura,of that cpuntq,,is shot by nu as�.nseiu.--Tie F.m uror I y _ S uttswood t I'll-'-da nrriresfit Berlin,-Tha n sttl treats b twt•un the United States acrd the North(rrivan C`uttfudc,ratpun is lleuw Kluknto,td,Yn.,1'u�astro destroyed fire;lobo 1gp/lots)"d B'nntntnat buildtnIT,lncludhig jet)oboe n(Ikltwara{ 1 r rl 1 t,giro lstt(rr country, 14. lou.1+'.T.Linrru;,of 0btve]aud,Ohio,dies, x'heodar.(flay,a gen idthA late o� G�rn,iale,kucheater, y �Y , 2.The Mont Geula Tunnel througgh Cho Mile,sovtJt tIA. mile"In lenggth,After twelve yearn labor,is cOmplettid. 21.The woolen factory at Cornwall,Canada,burns; 1 toss,$300,00. 1 - ' Mot of 1- 11. lip %-vhl,•11 [41) �)n11)1r1E11':, 1)il[';iiyx,.(; t (Jutlyd..,.e r .13kNFRAf.ALEJANJIltp IIuI)ttlrltr)f7,. i, 1 fit (illi[:litl. I,.pinnntJkrl SWITCHES HOLO UP1tlh v >, f i , iii•' I)f Lt1lattun of th•' 4i 1+'. 1 ;pu't't v'ht Oti.>,1rl,nit and general •. l t•zf i,,air ,::v Ile ilii, c:=1r:I!, ;t.i II I.;'t ,);i: the. I.I.) l f,i,latl rua,d, 4s (111t ,1ii?, fn t�1 1 ")l l&C��1ii0ll�i• 1: 01(, f r:.i 'll II it.t ;e,l )evt!!•;11 ti lr:a, bur a)') Tile captain eyed tile recelding shore, it, t i,r, r!l,lelit ,I+ffilc rll+;0lIi48('i title' And nervotusly Paced tiles bddze. i r 1,t i„n le j111 ,!. 1 J els a 1,a rr•1)„1 t t•.1'. .I t. tv;l:5 H.e heard the Wind through the l'1¢gfllg roar, 1(p,i 1tl It t;llr. il't)llllih Ci'fiF;. t'ltl:ll(Av (Tile, ,yLONG ISL9ND H090 r t.+l iii i,Y t ,.).;l,t ,a l i.i!l7 1't ill+' l;d 1: .)1' i:rI( ftp the 17oC 1'1 Au d IlE'1'vf,)U411`j)ACP(I tl1C hCldtily. 't f p i; I, t,;;1iu,i tit)1('. i ill• I'nrt :teff;i­ I'!;i ,tl 4!i ch;IT' (' I;i t9ir nr w is itr tn(n, cy_r. Tht:silo Went down tout,a h=ill of tire, tr.irr .Cil tt tI:ore it t��Ilft-tllill wrollt;zl'It.t1 Tile rolling Waves grew higher and higher, "i ��� a,ll tr;1i11 n lite 11 h:ittkl ip:1',,• I f( at. tr111 it, i r,1°l, „,r=. 7. Jilt lint nothing QIV caDtaill's It-98 COUld tire; tu„ s 1.1 !,,,:Itivr�lt- it•;lir e nihluti.�3 tit mix u't-kwk; tliii not g,t ittl'ots' c),riplir tri.i .�.telt{ t Ill it, till tilt” iuu:;t lie ttllLil rel) mi11t1t,•� b ill ten ()'clr,ek, w\'llila> Itr l fa i. Jn idl; tti',)rlri l: ttnill„ rtll;tllnt Train S'ched`Ldes AI•O- A�)an- a train nu th(• Rte lc i'.1~l y l,r on It of iIt(_, �;,at I t. a-11,1 W114 11 011,r: 1'hon)u)gl,ly ill ll¢.Iw,l:A11 the livelong night,ars we.are told, 81, Ilidin ll.le tit S' ::Ilii 3�L three:, 1101.31, 1;0.0, li 11 groc ltlyr facilitllt( fr;lflli'' tic llel'z'uptnly paced rile bridge, If•t-ez' fall 1;+1>+ a1u_I 11'tsrE> ycuntcilllc'1 1. 1])iri7 i1a7 t)t•r'u in t:tll(rl 111 'Tw:thnuu to (, 31 � .\ u,l<Itz.l uffot't Sulu In uJa to 4-lld a t4' I Iia-• ul:unt t doped�� (� �1C1tI�+r1I7�S .1 +. ! t ' htr$g''e, t 111 him that hIs feast grew cold; 47 i its(± at �thrtul lent ,e.14-k. .tad they tl(�rr) ill It)E! lvtrrlll, +ttu rr)t.iftg 1n01P �lyttrlleG, He nervouslyPaced'Alebridge. . InconvenIt'I`I e ami F)el fir. 1,":Li'l y' istl ttiiri•, 71 55:1:, till ","fill Crll tllt; TtirA('!c� s11,11ol, ,yl�'+IlA1R th-,in .'iTly el7t,r bF,I,fU�ri, 'Mrollgh 1110•weary voj'Age.11igtlt and(lay, Nori1t :911o;•r dk,l�zlorl ri111ninh ler 1-Ji alp- A foul 8':i'r)ry' tiivlt:ch #o-Wc,• It'911111 clear or ill hltttding spray, til••a11 ti-ld t:llslor J +y- %Vlliell RIs �t.hedl .„p,ta3ns li`ii lovers, kvlllc.h rlpr.'ral.e ;:ill the HP )(r h.'(,gad along in t13e ealf•anlnr,s�e.k, A ELECT _ 111at1 t0 faille, nt:'tReJV(; rlilnuit-s 1)asC until- ;c I,(Le'7 fllrli ;.lgn<_iQ.� !n !the: 1•�1,rd, covel'- And nervously paved Ghe bridge. O-� 1;1..�l�IA� i� Iligllt. in Luella foul terminal trtl,rles, Farmer- V Othor train of mhll>r iniportalice were I it, r,quilled .105 meet to handle T'her'e When the ship at-last dr,:. v nNax tart lane) Iona t1v0 uta throe- hr,t_1rs late, In leltving, ) 1lttllits on the ground, ;tl w3j',h the T SYSTEM IS' THE CAUSE iolt tar, ufIL-411,4 of irfi1 r'(Md said at olid- l), 1 � t(In 1)t1L�tlurta:'e,n Mon <lr� lie nervoI161S'paced thn brldga. night that ( el y ha=elulesi ttrtirl would pltii d' t sandy file uttCIT(I each slurp rotnataaitd.. ' ----� -- 7+e solit ouL.a t :4olll time. i l was sstated. that tihr- frond W,ts 'ha.v�in r! =III(i IlCrvutittly paced itis 1)rldgo, A ` From the(+o n1111d (:(1 LO four hundred per- lilt 1110re trullhl(' 1 hall wss rxpei�encE�tl l.,q'`�11fi the ratttlr�g of the anchor chain, z sOIIS t 1"I`�d at tyle sti(thil rIT '<arlous'the ",41A' York t t nt'ral lt'1)t n this F;.;tiue q+4-.tlI tits attlin B., T �11� 111 �T��I"�li t�)1 }fill' 'file First 11134 I+h y; greetings.1GYous and profane, ' bines dutill rile nlr'tling expecting to,a.r=i) R:{v intretQui r+:i at flit(, (.,r1.l.11rl t'ontl%il Hf!hull MIS under th(,t;arne old struin- 9 r Scheme IS lite Worked Well Is)aid tr�in�. 1i'h('11 t}lr,y lelrttr-� uE tile�`�i It it:rlt, ii,,;ul t i11 es«y, u s ligo, H(sne.rvousll"1)aoeci Glc br1(Ige. ;3 1(tmt:intied delay most of then expr€riSt)(1 "111 t;lt i �;mcl th(' ntTtr'ia•1 "WO err? nal. (' T i` great tllsaappolntnii lit, but detterllline to tint ill ;l, ton,4lf t1 rltll)1r' ;t_, he flail 'w'i)l')t IN'll did lie do it,I'd like to know? 1 y Ill' Fniploves. wait for a train 111str.1d of s endjrlg tiie11. 1'v (�ruluitinr(il t�h'(tt We ol)ilatot Iwica tui rllght in the eltt�. htrsttlururtty ill the vi- lu loo' tr,tinti as flu' ( (�utrlLl '[it''ia a y;,. Wliv nervously pace the br[dgel N cjnity lyrere taken by storn), and the might lent lv iiAl requires nlon 1`0 1)(,(±elurl.ltoll fill Why coul(ln't Ile Wolk It,calln and KJOW - ti pp,-11t r�` BLOCKED y/ C.-. r �� , tt'-s 110t half Over before the restaurant 11) t'11t' lurk. there± bellvl; rin t•xt)erj('llrt,tl Not Uwlvt)t.lyl pace the iarldltet }� ��114_/i 1JJ i7L,_J+�KL -� ,�'1'A 1 i1./ k<'C.±I)Ers 1'Tad to t3end opt to buy nior"o edl- Ilion i ivallalllt`, tin,d until tht•;;r:' 1IlF•II 11�,ft'il�Ve1i,T7la;f)C1 Ile softlt°tim(sq did,blit (� _ 1 gee l P lllt,a, their qu1�F)iy :having been exhtl.usted. t0 Brindle the syste�ln wN a1,(, pel'wl>z li'af, to It lvouldn't hound right In prhlt,you see. I�lllll'L+i;,ti.il�p gl�fEpSITE't}r:1nC ii(pellt of tile.C)Il lite,It'1 tj11(1}titl,tat't'niiiVllll ))11 t1. 111 Slr)t'1i1111;' ()t-(`,aptAIllS 88titory Writersa i 111 ;I'r•;11 Il,'llr'lii ijrGC, Al f\ailt;�(e TrC)112tir Car Lines Are (11'r'l' to hs c In I Ili -11911 ll, 11)akiny titre 1)l.lea 1„ Ille�tl it,161n1 llublir, a l ,11 its t,i III,, 4.11r<.'rv(+?l;lty pace tats bridge, i,tetttlt 1e- ("uil,li tl lutlging 11utse, eunllt,ll. NV's' nolle that ihu, rolriliti•„I 64 .SRrttllg lrawa. 1`.il�Illtt'tl. Itut the Trillfde DelilOnd- 'i'ht: C>tl ly ?lr) ni1? 13 ti t1i17fi lt'fz. zh(ir ("lit- ro'ill I, fr rtly i,n11)rnz'etl l,)-loulr m.o 1„1 S('UIY1pH H3.In. B t r'n e 1 illi furl" ,!n i ills it pi ncf flifllr'tllty th tt ,111 (l riinq v,'tll h(' vial „ll h;c'11c'+-lute i To argue intra a woma- ,, ;nation Is C()nlltlete. 1Vi19 lAtltlie-rt'+i1 1111ti1 tat' (,nlr;lnre, of the lilnt: 11"tllill It foil ilsiyi,” D �` rhllrin IS]hl' ("jiyr yard arta )r'1ch il. 'J`llon A marl's a chump; C' � li hours they iirvf•f t blol k )p1'lQII,,f10.11. "'or when she Fla'. h ]1 la's-+1 the `bong islind Rail- irulrl t;let,' ltlillilti-l; to lit nr killrl 59 "Iaecauvr,,,, 1 - -'�'tp I'c'atj t11e111 e,'rr 1 10l"(: t0 ptLl1SP„ l�("'S 1111 a still r+t'�lt.'ttt:illy' s.(Il,{1?CJ�llll'Li i'+:'fit1 l'e'lir, ll 11L1i .11ri 1-hei°e',n11111ital- a Lj,;c 1 tit 1'C'.ir'ii p. 1)',i•:i ,. nn rhnst poems hl Cha maga,zhlr. .13(l i;..)11 -inti.; , Fp(r,)nr wr-rc obliged t0 f,1, "jr i til o e l'` Td)( h ;'really soothe nle more because —-_ --_ �� ,altdas C fl! 7'inerv. _..__ rp n.c.il tit( t'itl' C'11on ;lllrl 18 befit I:beV -� -�r. ..�t i-u t. e J.ii I. ktlOW jl)St what 6tieg'mean.. ..._. tt ?}p,,l+'IW(,tlli,sailer tiitllC,Illty Il el"1� ..1)1)+n t -lI't7;;hl1l0tOrt :'tilt. 1l _[t 1111 T l�.i��r.y't:3 1107111iL'i� y�+.r in returning n tllo offt-rli Every tFtlln 1 lair 1.: ii vitt ,�ur;.1't LII.t; ull)rl rt �.l:�i!,t,, i're Cre(�1i —IP vrl. c5 4�n111�;111.v l!l:.t call,on ti or left tl',F' t+ 'Irl,tt it y';irC Tv,l.ti it ni C- th it •r, Work?,11JI,it•t;, yoll li[lOiv, bl' t i rMI! h,,!� til. hi),11' it 'T.1\�?il,pt ', hill-, I • l:rtrl;it pr(!ODl("IE�i!,:1 i.;lF it Yi?T F al:S tilt-�!tt. rl(lt'. 6- , u la,a. I'r, that ul tt,Err 1\( 1,• , _ _ -_.- touched A drop -•Ifosyatl T'rrt I)v run avin) Iviti) l,flIen tat• first ttaerit,t itou!C+t lt� ct)ule lu algllt,--110SIOU 1'rLtnscr!pt. NOW- in- hi.c mmrmhrincv of th 4i-X3 Dird Wooing- A Page of the Forest triad. .,,.q e/,,, �„,o�e.�, ,. Translated in the li'estvn2nsfer Gazette from the Swed. I - e tU lilt Ee ish of Baron Tegner. GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF Igor. - _ +�io,. Trafter he. Charge your gun. , .P 1.X41. Sportsman in green. GENERAL NECROLOGY OF Igo5- 'mils'' The hills between g.t•g zgt�rn in) 1- Stealthily run Januar t`h itlrt; Y• author,-Dr, John W. Lawson, ex-Congressman, 'or of a pIl !Ye ;ous+' acrz+l Down to the heaW.. 2. Edward P. Warren, brevet brig. gen,, U. S. Norfolk, Va. biologist, el., ;xpr�aIljon 'T1s just the time;the night's cool breath A., retired, New York, 23. Jonathan Ross, ex-U. S. Senator, St. Johns- 'e, Pres- eY•ca l Co. Fans the earth,whose soft sweet grace 4. Theodore Thomas,musical conductor, Chicago. bury, Vt, 3, Vials, Spring holds in lits warm embrace. 5, Henry V. Poor, railroad authority and finan- 24. Major J. C. Carleton, Pres. Nat. Mexican w- sign near Care!"take care! tial expert, Brookline, Mass.-Wm, Claflin, ex- Veteran's Assoc., Bedford, Ind. ereign of Port Gov,, Newton, Mass. 26. Sir Wemyss Reid, English author, editor and of King ,nd v tesrnpo- -404- Birds,its joys,are timid,shy. 6, Hite Taylor, character actor, ,Allentown, Pa, publisher. .-Henry Sl arnulta- ~�t Love sits awake,with open eye. 8, Lloyd Lowndes, ex-Gov, Cumberland, Md.- 27 George S. Boutell, ex-Gov., ex-U. S, Senator .rn azner, Itio ry•- Hence, beware! Bettina Girard, actress, New York. and ex-Sec. Treas., Groton, Mass.-Guy Newe'1 mtot re- 'rar•Itleipco; fir" Tiptoe along. 9, Louise Michel, French communist.-Nellie Boothby, English novelist.-Gen. Boisrond Cranal, ilciman List!there sounds the birds'first song. Cummings, actress, San Francisco, ex-Pres, of Haiti. 9t-Lou si- W l�s- 28, Eu p Gree's. See,the dark night 10. Rev. Edmund G, Wolf, Pres, of Lutheran gene Guillaume, French sculptor.-Mrs. Green- - � 'C-Tn1�'�'r` Pales and dles; General Synod, Gettysburg, Pa, Jane Lothrop Stanford, benefactress of Stanford Pecla"09y• Daylight lies 11. Dr. R. K. Smoot, head of Pres, Theological Univ„ Cal., Honolulu.-George Rice, oil operator In CL 'retl' On the steep height Sem, at Austin, Tex.-Prof, Wm. T, Matthews, and enemy of the Standard Oil Company, Mariet- ra.rtered• t t.r artist, Washington. ta, O, Ilan. And the sea, g perintenrl- ;,writ Telling of joys that are to be. 12. E M. Sarasohn, Jewish editor, New York.- Diareh. -Fire In ,But meanwhile , Silas Garber, ex-Gov., Red Cloud, Neb.-Rev. T. 1. Edward O. Wolcott, ex-U, S. Senator from hor and ��' 1t.errs Darkness reigns in forest aisle. P. Matthews, Chairman Baptist Southern Foreign Colorado, at Monte Carlo. N. J, and ]Phil- Dimly the island crowned with pines Mission Board, Richmond, Va. 2, William Roby, musical conductor, St. Louis. zt:e Dimly shines - 13. Prince Carl Alexander of Lippe-Detmold, 6. General John M. Reagan, ex-Senator and last hor and tri.ii Above the deep. Germany, survivor of Confederate Cabinet, Palestine, Tex.- D. von m- See,the trees stand still asleep 7Fl 15. Mme, Loubet, mother of the French Presi- Baron Lambermont, Sec. Gen, of Belgian Foreign `'r'• niith In the pale approach of day: ,;. dent.-Robert S. Gifford, landscape Affairs. T. S. d in Ber- p painter, New ed._ eJss_ ".�ildst those trees the birds will play, York.-S. Harris, ex-Congressman, Bucyrus, 0. 7. A. M. Palmer, theatrical manager, New Ilsix. af' 16, Gustav Ludwig, art critic, Venice,-Bishop Fork.-Samuel Knox, ex-Congressman, Blanchard, 'ortland, tn- ger T-r-i'rie' ttsslz- List to the bird-notes sweet John B. Small, A. M. E., York, Pa. Mass• cuador, tptart That rise the day to greet- 17. Grand Duchess Caroline of Lippe-Detmold, 8, Rear Admiral Edwin S. Houston, U. S. N., To greet the fair,now seen 19. Professor J. E. thro r, ar salon. 'Amon the green. George, political economist retired, Washington, in SwitzerlaUd, gist, ourinrznian g Northwestern Univ., Chicago.-B, F Rice, exp 9• William B, Bate, U. S. Senator from Ten- actress, List,how with love and pride Congressman from Arkansas, Tulsa, I, T. nessee, h Greek 'tg• iy of `Wills NIL9,r They call the bride 20. Abbott Felix de Grasse, Benedictine mission_ 14. Marquis of Anglesey, British. ri- rtnr- Her l with dim longings stirred, ary among Indians, Oklahoma. 16. Meyer .Her lover's voice has heard. Guggenheim, copper capitalist, Palm and anti- �dments tc'r rat," List, how they wall 21. Julius Szapary, ex-Premier of Hungary, Beach, Fla. , French ink- .. Of the pain of the heart's old tale 24. Professor Rudolph Slemering, German scalp- 17. Gen. Joseph R. Hawley, ex-U. S. Senator nd r ern)�le�yes' In which wild bliss and torture blend, tor.-Rt.Rev, Richard Lewis,Bishop of Llandorff, from Connecticut.-Lot Thomas, ex-Congressman, r, North ia, ,rarlea near in- Of the deep love that knows no end. Wales. Yuma, Ariz, B.Bans- 41,•r. All that anguished longing tells. 25, Walter L. Campbell, editor, author and 18, Cyrus G. Luc% ex-Gov„ Coldwater, Mich. oo tavward All that through hope's tremors wells. musician. Youngstown, 0.-Most Rev, Joseph von 00,0DO lec>r a s e- 20. Baron von Hammerstein, Prussian Minister Triumph and saddest sigh Schork, Archbishop ofBamberg, Germany, of the Interior,-Walter S. Lennox, actor, Phlla- Adelphia, at,lygamy bill ::en- Ofin impassioned cry 26, Charles Lockhart, one of the founders of the delphia.-Frank Bacon, once Prohibition nominee in Remo, Of the bird's love lay v {may , Standard Oil Company, Pittsburg, for the Presidency, Muscatine, Ia. De R©days in f) At break of day. 27, John R• Hall, ex-Pres. N, Y., N, H, do Hart- 22• Antonin Proust, French former Minister of French h-�artaliy, in Nature's undying word ford R. R. New Haven• Fine Arts (by suicide).-Rev. Elmer H. Ca en, at Through the clear song Is heard 30, Dr, Henry Boynton, author and lecturer, fres, Tufts College, Medford, Mass, Capen, Char- st ns-Cashier Her everlasting flame Woodstock, Vt.-Hermann Corrodi, Italian ainter, y, ex-Speaker House oP is. loe- « p 23. Theodore M. Pomeroy, �anadian ed• Izis al- Burns through ib still the same Representatives, Auburn, N. Y. s. A. B. )000 to the rind"Let there be new life" Representatives,24, Jules Verne, French novelist.-Don Manuel Christian rad Cisl-t ; TIYe heart says through the strife. 1.,Edward A. Goodnow, philanthropist, Worces- Aspiroz, Mexican Ambassador to Washington.- ,lc Jduca ti r3n.- O highest joy.O deepest woe !, ter, Mass.-John B. Hale, ex-Congressman, Car- Gen. Chas. Tracey, ex-Congressman and once Publisher lutln3r in a Through which the human heart can got rollton, Mo,-Oswald Archenbach, German painter. Gold Democratic Nat, Chairman, eq,, Not art hall everofetterwyou.clear and trile� + -George E. Smith ("Pittsburg Phil"), horseman, 25. Maurice Barrymore, actor, New York. ''�' ook,4ssea1Vlutis., ;rano , Asheville, N. C. 28, Adrian Iselin, banker, New York. ;tide. t,'vy Suddenly a wilder cry hJ 4• Jacob Lefevre, ex-Congressman, Poughkeepsie 29. Col, Jacob L. Greene, Pres. Connecticut Mu- m. �'^ Ido.-Riots ity- Rings through the melody N. Y,-Louis E. Berrias, French sculptor.-Rev. tual Life Insurance Co., Hartford. John De Sar Interna- h- asks break Its discord shrill Yes, New Brunswick theologian. 31. M. de Thygeson, "father of the Danish Rigs- a !t7 Bodes naught but ill. 5• C. T. Beckwith, banker involved in the Chad- dag." es from it conf3 ire- ]th: The foe at hand, T' wick case, Oberlin, 0. head as The rival shall flee over sea and land. r 6. John T. Michau, archaeologist, St. Joseph, Mo. April. >mmittee - rad vicinity lilts Who shall be victor then? 7• Joseph H. Manley, ex-Chairman Rep, Nat. 3, Dr, Albert W. Hadel, historian, Baltimore, a charge •t, The battle and the fame, Exec. Com„ Augusta, Me.-Thomas Adams, in- 9• Miss Sarah C. Woolsey ("Susan Coolidge") 19 staff, ventor and manufacturer of chewing gum, New g )' resident for ,rah The prize,are just the same writer children's stories, Newport.-Jesse Mc- students, is, rt C1 ecidOR lral t As those of Troy,much sung by men, York. Knight, Chief Justice of Wyoming. Ia] com- ul, forcing �,rs- The forest Iliad to the sage 1{ 8. Dr. James Leslie, dental science discoverer, Lodge of Odd FellowF. s, Baltim'ore.-DavidGrand See. Sov. GBra� inaugur- mesa.-C�csld '.000 z�ow oilers its exciting page. ry At Cincinnati. ation of e- 9. Alfred von Menzel, German artist.-Pardon E, h 14. Adam Schwartz.tz. Ru sian naval author, WilNew York. liam, n, keen.C cneral r of The armies draw away, - Tillinghast, Chief Just. R. I, Sup. Ct., Pawtucket, 15. Gen. Halbert E. Payne, soldier and author, William, Menelaus to'the fray TR.i I.-Earl of Kenmare, England. esidency an Arsiblan ri,_-_ With Paris now must rise. 10. Charles H. Hackley, philanthropist and multi- Washington.19.Juan Valera, Spanish statesman and diplomat, Similar w - anila�veretl in- The fair one is the prize. millionaire, Muskegon, Mich, den and Helen sits-not on the'wall. 11. Leonard Myers, ex-Con 21. Orville H. Platt, U, S. Senator from Conn.- by all- Ill nw- But in a furrow,watching all gressman, Philadel- Hedwig N. Raabe• German actress. he vara- alk rt And knowing, whatsoe'er betide, phla.-Otto E. Hartleben, German author.-Barry 23, Joseph Jefferson, actor, Palm Beach, Fla. r United She will become the victor's bride. Sylvester Scovel, war correspondent, Havana. tubscri •3' lance, Fiercely does the battle rage, 13. William C. Prime, former editor N. Y. Jour- 29. Sir Mark W. Gollet, English financier.-Col, p alr1,- nal of Commerce. Villard Glazier, author, soldier and explorer, Al- f fifteen t lt, launched 314- I �t �i'111ch va]lant Greek and Trojan wage. 14. F. A. Faikenburg, Head Consul Woodman of bany. tures in ovncey tin'- The air with war-whoops rings; a com- 1 titude c vc r ,art With beating wintrs the World, Los Angeles, Cal. 28. General Fitzhugh Lee, soldier and last U. S. ;g Greek tt,t And red-ringed eves afire 15• Gen. Lew Wallace, soldier, diplomat and au- Consul at Havana under the 'Spanish regime, a state', se rekltcli.ffrn. '�,cr They vent their bitter ire. thor, Crawfordsville, Ind.-John J. Feely, ex-Con- Washington.-Cardinal Andrae Ajuti, Archbishop ante oie Mew of Verona, Italy, lepth of a•t With beak and claw gressman, Chicago.-William Cullen Bryant, pub- teln let- _ �'le• 1 Hot blood they draw, fisher of Brooklyn Times, May. 1905, in Armour in- 'the feathers flv, the red drops-sow 16. Jay Cooke, financier, Philadelphia. 1, Alden B, Stockwell, flancier, New York. explore- k' r s+titta#e. > It Unon the grass below, 18. Christopher A. Bergen. ex-Congressman,Phil- 4, Professor Emil Stengel, husband and teacher 'I, Till battle-weary,in sore plight, adelphia. of Mme. Sembrich, the singer, Berlin. rbeglinrlo.Pa ris takes flight. 19. Rt. Rev. William E. McLaren, Prot. Epfs. r, hiding• Arch- Ala"s! that Pandarus should stand Dish p of Chicago. 8, Washington Duke, tobacco manufacturer, Dur- ham, N. C. q�• wined by Vice t �C ith bow and arrow close at hand, 20. Norton P. Otis, Congressman, Yonkers, N. 9, Flavius J• Fisher, portrait painter, Washing- 70 days. Iviiil,st all his men Y.-Cicero J. Hamlin, organizer Nat. Trotting ton.-J. Hale 'Sypher, ex-Congressman, Baltimore tg ships Draw near the warrior prince again. Assoc. and father of the Grand Circuit, Buffalo. -Delano T, Smith, ex-U, S. Senator Marshall- the At- 1- His song once more g' ). 21. Earl of Southesk (James Carne ie British town, Ia. 12 days Peals forth.as jocous as before„ Chicago• _ to Plymouth in 5 days 7 hours, w York _ Telling the world below, above - How grand it is to fight for love. a)tp,� ars.iz m L7 history, made much disp la c.,c. ,,:..� . atv ioty. Wrath in his volce is trembling still, •-"" Q -b b s., as wealthy, but ill old gG i l�ie�4wasared But ardent lover's thought and will [� � «•-. 0 A dUced in Circtim3-ta.nees and Was forced to Then, like thf, handlnork „P >hoer:�, For long have room �✓,� m Q cease entei�tainin with with 8,lavish hand 11X5 d t h the black n10111,F fort7t For wrath and gloom. p„� °� O' at Monticello. 'Congress j1'tt+ Ntht tt tkt of flu+ alight' 1t•_t:jt, ,t3 O d o paid Iiiill $;,%ftQ Or ,c,ssr] lost tat s.urna, List,how the swert notes quiver, p W ,M m .., M for a large portion of his valuable library, >tt,t fewer 1 l s+,t I� trol,le hride Tose high, die down,and ever 93 C3.,.,, Q � >rl $Z � and this sutra was economicaily spent dur- int e.rterl r tltr-,lite ltho:„i>hr.rs rule. Rre the love,and love alway, o m Cd w Q. Ing his last days, T n softly melt away. .Cd Q O William Henry Harrison was known as I t rail north t+sonih, from ea t t.r., tte<;t T, ten, art with pa While the bird's U 0- m R«� an everyday mall and when ill the Whine 7 hr, hold their tl.ascittr of hell: I, tie heart with passion stirs. L7 S ht and hearing both are gone, O O �•., House iia caTc-d little for style. He saved Thr blttt I t leci fron)out N 110,4, Love reigns alone. oe O u r0 � } a good portion of his salary a.i-id died '11C. 11t„loll Ana 1 d tite ti ell, Therefore,when the flood of song ,� 0 0 O m +^i i� 111oderatedy rich. H.is grandson, Benjan-1,n �'lti'e lan ltt ,l, over done ,nd 1void, Is most strong, O.� s" � � Harrison, was likewise economical, saved I'll. light tl„s',,c ci n;oan of),ell. Take a cure and deadly atm ® M f+ ruoney and enjoy eel a good law practice' At the heart wlth love aflame; >:S-.4 �o Q Z � m after his terin. All i, ct;hh di" t t ht, all through tlae Ford the stream with noiseless font, t,,� •-+.0 p A•••� s^+ General Grant while in the R hire House Ltl 0 T 00 11 l t'te�n ranee, And avoid the stone, the root. .� O s; 'Cl y+ «Q i:rt 1 from vat Ilse bc. cold! way .�#r,, m ,,, ® lived wall, but ai t,.la same tiI11a he saved r:)ctl tvpl.:� their zt Zg trance, Now, in luck's name, Cy� nlonay, the Salary of the President being An l 1'cl m-1 i tri lr.,, b1• ';,y `Har d, J Take steady aim. 4.4 � ao �,,�=. raised from �]5,Ot�0 to 550,000 while he was m O.,•..,., All l,c n l t i r„t 1, !� otl he ea til. �� ❑ rn1. General Grant _ Fire! q„q _, qt st?rt ins his secuncl tt The flack tiles off,mute is the woodland lyre, O Q O hada larger stabs of thoroughbreds than "H• � Anent- the poem "The The singer's heart is pierced to the core: � t bA anY President, and when 11e tools a fancy Wind In the Sall," published in the �a He feels no pain for evermore, m o atm to a horse he generally managed to buy nn December 4 1941, "H. �l." of Sal olr y O ® %-�'zS Best heiglove's ecstasy, m a B -�� wPalgardless of the price. Ha twas n�lt'Suug Harbor Sends the following, eiicitI,t,c7 ---- -----.__- -- 5 although worth considerable when h}s second term expired. An en- "Tile Sailor-boy's Lament, , which he tllr ti Willing to Oblige. tanglement in a wildcat financial concern might be what the corresopndent called for: led flim to p1=qadg•e" his swords, niedals and When. o'er the sllcrit deep we rote, -Afrs. Husslc-Six of that dozen of eggs were gems to W More fondly then orir thoughts -will stray H. Vanderbilt for the loan uP To those we leave, to those we love, rotten. $100,000 to cIeai his -sins of fila disgrace Dealer-Sorry. very sora-.Mrs. Hussle; I hope other's had brought upon him. hell.si pile sil pursue our hour, way, RThe in the silent midnight hour, 5"ou didn't break the shells' The most extravagant President was The sea.lacy falces his watchful stand, 'firs. Husslc-NL hv,of course. T old" How could Arthur.3 ho not infreciuently gave dinners Tile heart then feels the: holiest lower I tell whether tiles'lvere good or had' posting much as $5,000. 11 11 he went Of love, of home and native land. Dealer--if you h c+n'r hrehcn the shills,v:c could into the White House 11e was worth prob-. sial' half a million_ His predecessor, Gal- '1,- al-' In rain, may "Trotrfc Climes" clJsplay f have 1al en the et ns 11 Ifo II— hat's other sus- field, died a pool, mail. The 1 c. g shores, their gorgeous shells. p r people lei,ed 7'helr glittering tonters.dor-t i;:to, liar Hutt the; are no use to $300,000 for Mrs. Garfield, and Congress Thu' bright blyds wing their glorious nay 7'rans;rip!. _ ----- voted her a.pellsioll Of$5,000 annually. And perfumed flowers adorn the delis, - Hayes was accuBa•d +]f , Thu" nature there prolifJe. pours ---_-.-__-.__� par51111oi11 dal- The "Treasures" of her magic. hand, - ___-_��---�_--- The eye, but not the heart, adores, The heart still heats for "tiatit•e 7 ' 77 !/r�•1►► tG. Bird Wooing: A Fage►of the Forest Iliad. Translated to the W,estmMster Gazette from the.Vwed'. ^�•-+ GiNLritai,Irl;t'id0i.tt1Y () 1',rt1G-.Cttnuet(t. GENERAL CHRUN� rgnrated May 2U,1f102, the tranater of the anthCrit 19, Sam. S. Shubert, th"tri(i tl manager. New �, #;{r•s, l public having been rnaaie at nocart on tial day, Y14k,Tessle from Bartlett I3avii,�aetr �rrlb�uarwrerk, `I'r»v Life rrh,tAta C`hyrt..tvc•t11, founder of f1:r tt the Governinent Pitlrtce, riavrtnn,and that Of C+tt lilt, $dw'• n lase" Cal' GENERAL NEUROLOGY OF 11x05-Cor 1L Thomas l;. Blahala, author of "John Brown's L. Iibort, law autlt4r. 16. Louis IP, the act of transfer of authority wags made by Ge± pully" and other martial ao Now York Austin, journalist and author Vis. Philadelphia. Alza first. Brooklyn 14, Robert `i allowing terms: J. Pearson, rax-�ana'reraman, �!3'godsAu#ti O. 17. Brig, Gen. Da torpedo boat.--1 #. W11# Cumback, autbaar, lecturer and a tired, Tiffin, O.- n' W. Benham, U. S. A„ re- Richmond, rut Kirk l.tt Sheila, theatrical manager, Ault- �r1sRna», Oreettburz, I»(#,_,1(,hn Iroughertx•Cun• Senator. 24th Dist. Yterian theola, Headquarters Department l ;nrewtman. Llbert y, ex- Henry S, Ambler, N, Y, State b $aVatia,11t 21. Judge Albion W. Tou arriYbt, I'at1s, y' Mo-bdttln 1'rnward,ploy- 18, Cleo, MacDonald. L,nglish novelist.-Gen, last survivor at e Republic of Cuha: rase, American political _, Jud Isaac J. President of the Jolted Statin T now trannfnr bra y< author 8 Jnhgd co sol t Bordeaux, Prance, (�oluJudg�mbia ltd�uWylie rrtlrr Wlstar, y�hilanthrolalst and scientist, 17•Adolf, Grar of Cuba the governnlnnt and control of tin lila (7onsales. Mexican revolutionlnt, New Lor d justice J it, o! Philadelphia. I.uxrarnkrurg,-Ca, y, oalrrcr9lan, St, I.ouls.-�Tos. C""+trnahan, c•e,tnma il tinalttntct.,n....(]vn. Jan, 11. 19. Jos. L. NF r vla[ncrs of the (rocl,(tltutlarl of the ItepuhllC of(! k. rider l"nlCurrnr• 6a ec3ltor of the True American, Leopold of I3Olgi vention and this day Promulgated;and I h(•ro 23" Mrs Mary A. Livermore, author and reform. Of 1•'l+tuLAW Indiana ls, d flank, Knights Trenton, N. J, S. Cauthorn, his atev snit?the aT1111tary govt+rnment of the klatl(i to r'r+ M°Iroaee Mad,a.-Lady Cleo 3. Rev. Robt. It, Itargt,aYa. Meth 20. Prederie Laurence Knowles 18. Hendrix W and control a upon the exta refill c(rnd111nn and til author, a • liingilsh l`lashvttte.-T)tttTrtrrl Masa.-Adolf l�eiiln, •'lather alp the Swedish volt against Ger that b the acreliatartce th(+rr•of,you (10 If p 24. Chas. H Webb, author and inventr►r, Ness nankitnt nrartslrs•+ry 1I' t itur.h, l'Zlrla•, South, I2lkadag. -Dr, Barnardo, Lnr o lI d sh 13, Dr, L+' ;some and undartttk0 all and move'ral the.oh,10rw Ira a1er. inventor of watch- mil Pr York.-Wm tel promoter of Arctla exlnlTsrst- Nrvvt„rs I12a�s. Rnht, Sl �1, '01. Prancia J. Rhode,, brother rilanthe latae 20 Luke A, Li 1a by the trnrtty bertweera the Ulait(trt Htates of Ali C'rtsweli, borne ut and otlitor of lira IJoyy Yorker, signed at Barin on the 1(ltlr day aC 17ea,r.nrhe•r 1 t128.an, Nuw 'York, d. Trerrtanr#., Marta Altnnsrn, ('('nil Rhodes, Cape'Pawn. wick, Conn, nary government down to tills date hairo farr•rr M. Iaron lCman alphonse'G4 Wi#othscht#d, banker, T'aris. the Ktranlsh ttirt4w, infanta and hely to �. Francis'l-1. Peapody, banker, Boston, 22, Miss Helen tr rlw from,lite revenneta of Cluha tranrttr+rrc•(l to W. Va. am ex-�v. C'harl"torl, l• Mattty*w lialp, 2�, Gadv. D Cavaignac. l+reneh ex-Minister of 23• Daniel E. B t subject to surh stair,,toad 01111 ntionrs I #yn uctlt.,r, author and painter, �'ar-Hev. Dr. W. W. MOXJnny, former editor a ,Arcal,t fly 20 Francisco R11vela, ex-Premler of F resbyterian, Rutledge, Pa, zraln, The morn oP>fiport11(Iq;l ndbteen Ingfill Ctt, J~t• �"aA P, #laevril. retire.,l rdltn 27, Wheeler Ii. feel aam, distinguished law- 1. Dr. es of accourating r(,portin;qr,an(t wlndtnq u 1 til 5I Murrayldur'I•aMitchell,071-C#o#>Ig1"eaeRran,I 1Vew Ytla'k, Cbnetlttrtlan.- p. Req Howell, r Atlanta V unexpended balance of said guru will be paid In �Tutp,e� l'• Alex. 1t. Iietl, anit,ntl„t andGetty a oC tplalhle Yer, New York. Ambro. speech. Wasibinglon 28, Mrs, Phoebe J, Adams, missionary and tem- authority 4Colnel Sam sanitation of the citing of the Island and I� p ' on nery rifak�nTau�at•Nat.I'r►rk Caret»alsalo turd 1�' g• It t' ReY Plarldr T perance-evangelist, Portland, Ore,-T, Edgar Pem_ historian lyes,to which the C�Ovornment or the Unite r`tta V. Bj°urnalist ."Ulm ('taapolle, ratholir berton, IJngliah dramatist and novelist. Leuthold, aKg ne Contained 1n the flt'th article aC thea a --Rev. Taos. RicheY. theologian educator, A11.hRearpAdmiieal OrleanslCrnhamlotwetlr�dr)LI, g, 29, Thomas P. Beard, illustrator, Chicago. 7, Brigadier Ge ppendix New York. N.. Lake Ma sewertAfqof theclt�y of IT'avann, for which a co 4. Peter L Kimberley, ��° N, 1', Oetoberr. retired, at Genevf `(ty to 111c(llvnoy,Itockeby(Sc(•o, turer Sharon Pa, #rioter«rr batt trta.tsafao. It Rev, Robart.le itarrrtllr. Pr rsbytarlan, New 2, Dr, Martin Sarnanie o 8. John Id. Mit sot>lalyy the city of t;astir o dr C!trba rzrpnrnd h 7. 1 eriatT t+llklns York'-Rev, Jam(yt Conway, Catholic flivologlan statesman. Ore.-17 eodoro L of 3antirtgo and a editor 1?F'arrhintttott Pest and an+t aduratar. New• York, j . Mexican soldier and ppraverl by til©niilltaryl4avq ex-Congressman from Ohlo. Warhingtop 19. Alan W. T31",,,,r1 8, Richard Clarkson, in France• San Juan(':;alltI and pumping thtraatne to 8 Prince A,a l,r•r>ppid of lintten.troller», ocualn at • at( 1 anuCaeturr+r, New Das Maines, Ia.-Jose Ylacia d©a Mered,3in Fr 9, PltlliP'i 11 C Mrs p ?ork Iaolitician, Ptalladel p C'Garr, the city of Fiantlaa��oo de Culra.a Crantraot for will a Cut tKtwsiri ra,»)d lCime ny Re»t'l`P. I''Iaphen, H. Sir William TAIM Cryogre poet and academician,- French' try Clovnrnar of Ctil1a,acrd now under Cnnntrtar;tlrr' iritic and hlrrtorlan.-(Tart a I"ngitnh naval U• S. Brig. Gen, Wm, Sinclair, New Yor11,--Sir B estrtbilshed h the Prnnldent of rho f! 18. Aranduko Jose }turn«"}, pele•t and dramatist,_It�ldwln, ("StuartA., retired, Washington. scholar, nited 8tnt fah of Auxtrla, u, Leonard Seibert, who built til© first 'sleeping 11. Kdwin Atkins aranttnca ago nett epidemic dtssatsns at ihr+ a„r 1i, 14. Ackerman, +5wedirh diplomat, car, Bloomington, Ill,---Louis Crtrrnlctaael, who Cuba,and theroaftr.rat tit,other ortaof til,• I$- Rev, J. M.Tltsol.Ratan»er1 rhuro r orlon, rocR C d#lN tnvFntar stint, Are engine, secured the Dem, nor�tinatlon of Horace C}reW Imperialist agitator Is to future conditions b r " till lirrtsec� D'alls. N 1t, author and drama Y the order oC the)till. 1""Iler, Pa, id. Robt, Wp nn% actor, Atlantic f"1t. for Pres., Binghamton. N. Y,-Carlos W.Martinez 12, Rev. Patrick ulations In force In the city of Tlavaua {said 17• General MAXIMO (l I7. 1. xray Ilall. Proo, Y Chilean Conservative leader, Tonawanda, N. Y. oaaes, ('alum revoltittosnlist, 111MAW. Dariftmia, N Y. rRia Ikhool of Tech. 6, Edham Pasha, Turkish field marshal and brouck, tt.es that the prosont governmr+nt of the! Ielra Chss nniebrth ance. A blatorian, ltrrx,klyn. !Q, Adolph tiff. Ilnur;ta«rasa, A'rrn(,h hero oP I'levna.-Robert W. McLaurin, champion U, S. N I mcling the settlement of tho Title to milltufa Miss Jennie Torrance. American mlastlonar#1 to tIan t`, linmi«,tri. naval ar(rhltrrt. EaatnClr(�ngr+, Checker player at Canada. 14. William Shar id the act of Congress of thu Utnitetl Htatt•rt ap �•. T1>�Troo Tib, ("antral African 7, Prof, Baron Berdinand van Rlclathofen, Ger- 18, Dr' George I, ' J. 20. Henry Harlan nt of the United Rtakes to deltv(, Tr'ranola R. I.nbixxk, ex-Qdylr»m.�a 1lustln, T•tmrholas ma safer. 'Tannrr�rtlllr•, man geographer. Italy. r to you the Tex, ary ' ' 1"' C'n*t and t'Altrr of st, S. Lord Inverelyde, chairman Cunard Steamship 21, 'General Barer LwtaNAltcl «'cahlllltary til. Ste holt Neal, author tavrtuen/b vlYrendme►rr llRy;y Alfred W N Company, Wemyss Bay, Scotland.--David C, Por- tttctician, aterarruf, , lrin Ilt+h arrhitrrt-J, C, ter, educator and author, Waterbury, Conn. lowing•olTleial notlflcation to the AInb to the at, Constitution, Lebanon. Ind. Ila l,sam�' parit>be ewtrur, C'atalr, tont.--Mrm. Sarah 0. 12. Prince Serglus Troubetsko '`4• Jame�A. Lo, 'n governmanta; aasadars 1W.Orello Corse, D,D. St, Rey. t4latraer Mwntat healer. Amesbury, Macri,— ,ability and foremost Liberal of Ituasia._sh' lotte, N, mark Lawrence linty. N. Y. fir. Wtliiati! Rlmfn R marshal of Rayc tB, Charles A. C)tIN,•financier and ex-Ma of T.otria, >d r" rransturnptlan ppecialtnt, 8t, M, Paxson, ex-Clalef Jus. Penn, Supreme Court rd minister of 1,7epartr»ettt Oteveland, Ilial F. Hall, civil service reformer, New York- Dibble, first pion, e inform,you that the military otwulutnlr,talI of 30. General Hugh B. swing, �. Tar. Jatoaes�. 15,ritMtr authority on chronle General Wm, T. Temperance Union eased, and that rail Indopondont governinont Lancaster, Q, (11r�aaatg Dobbs]�'err•y, N, Y.-Airs. Radio It,COO, Toxas� New York,Clark, ex-Congressman rias, 26; Louis N. Meg, r the E'realdency of.Plitt ExoelJenoYHvIlornorr rt, July plantar and r. man 1r"rrtur,lnrn, of Seen and Hear ormatioa tllroul;lr the appropriate Channrat to til( X, Jolter May sec. nt State. Newbern N. "IItIlla A, rear, botanist rand astronomer, (Conn.)nn.) Cc urantThomas M Day. former editor Hartford John Pratt. invrsxttor of tYW(wrltar, y` 'a TI tt'randevllfe, M, 20, W. H. Wanamaker, merchant, and brother Excavation 'Cahn. Chatttrnoraaq, tp. Spnrutl# A, Mw+f"te Jp,kIY$p y 'I• l�t'pf: Jatrgtradi!8i. Reolus, I+"tvncb 1 Co..ft •`t l Anatl. an, Jr., Pros. Nat, Prtek• of John Wanamaker, Philrulelphia.-John Van OVIJItNMT±:NT OF CUT3A, 5. Gen. aeWtraoof A rI, J(s#1n ell. Itnldwin. Aeronaut, Gmenville, (). 'li Voorhis,Jeremiah SirnlMar n,Rochester, ,N' Y The excavation is Arrrasa Cobb, ex-(rrrsgreaspaan. I An, Itr. ITenry 1T. (7str g tional auspices, wil #�, Cal.--Ch&s. S"#(tm# y, gayo and ear specialist and In- I opu]}at leader, Wichita, Kan, grEasman and all countries, each , ...... .,'••: ••••-.••...'L(rig Y+TEVICZ p I,-Rdw.J lOrchard, rnovelist,hd, .4nrau, vnntor, "Alttnrt►ra.-FraneW., N. Pinto, Chilean 24, Dr, le Howard 'Paylor, s cci i O/, tautttCo o ()Irl to hist 1►ir,-11iu,#, r11p1nMA honorary president. •••• •••'•••••.,,-Ltlirs IbriTwYffixY UaYld I'Iu.art rlt'p z'n cnnTNrtT, talk, Va. p y� Confederate hiartan, Nor- Thomas Brltebaex•Iranalgna,anon CnntmisAloner delphta, p al st on nervous with the King of It Italian tenor. diseases and brother of Bayard Taylor, Iahila- of true R,7,ATEN I hoc,r icui li I'trtalJe lir„r kx and A 5• Wm, A. Wheeloc and "Original MOR1111r•s• roan,"" Now York, 213, General Brag•omiroff, Russian hero 0 k. President of the Ctkstta,cll ofqf t funds,, and TnarinN, Attrlaultr,lr fart; Now York University. composed of archeolc (1ArratO. .$ccR0Vry(,ER. �rer C' 7. Wilbur P. Sanders, ex•U. B. Senator. Helena, September. last itusso-Turkish War, f the in consultation with CRN4RH(rN r'ftrlvTYr'ICH, +/•Jog11�1K'CI Mont. >!• I3arM Karl TM Krlrttlooln, Garman military 29. Rev, H. D. Fisher, abolitionist who took m elle h. Prof. Char & Walter KittM , writer and war Crt�•rrrp(,ndrnt part In the Kansas border warfare, 13a�dwln, ICA,, .....axNICIttL TEMILrrr NtrlFax• 1 artd song writer, I. >Illai. Gen• Rub. Mcrullnch, Confed('rFlte, 30, Lieut. Gen, Robert von Xylander, Bavaria, 'Victor oosevnut 1, It ..... llot:oNKt.I,rrtn T�ac►tTsx ReeC1s 8"erryr. N. 7f. Ttr. Maj, ClrcNlcrtAr.I+'rtA (�rHrO RCRA,y,Aa Dr. Arthur Tr. 1do.-�4'►a►►. F. Anderson, war ,erre- Nove»tbcr. Germany, each a,cer •••••••-...,,Cip;N 1RAT,Jocv WilliamsiCclte,tte. `y, polltloa! ecprtomldrt, spondeat and African rxplurer, New 'York,rt btt<rt'x�G»kx 12, Prof. 1NW. S. Wood. 5. Rexoktah Iltltterwrrrth, t11At,rrlan and Aulher 1• Chas, J, Devlin, of their respective a . ••••.•.....CITcxlt;xAl Lor>Tc ItrA(l(1 et human blood, Tvlarvard.Il r't !n exatrtinatio» promoter and coal mine '••••••••••••..----NI”,DonitN00 Lr-uolrA. of Juvenile bookn, Warren. R 1, operator, Chicago.-Alex. C, I3otkin, authority on progress has been m M-�-" _ , lI. Rev. C_haa. W. Pearson. biblical critic, Gluln- 7, 'A&ut. GWt• A. von M9111dawlakl, tiermnn criminal law.-Christo her Other countries. fru ted ell. ClkNrn,H,AX,ALWANJ)HO�rlali1Gtp ey. 111. military OvItIO-Cardinal Raphael Plerotti, Roma, constitutional l al law er. p Robinson, Canadian propriation from the atiaart. Ib. ,Marquis V111avarde, ex-PrOMIor of Spam.- -sJttdeuitt A Ltradon, Jurist and lawyer, Schenec• Y nus countries, except t anci general Ralph Looter, author of rhes Great ural at CrhtO, telly, N. 2. Lawrence T. Neal, ex-Congressman and leader States, where funds ro,m(l, ds putt `1' ',ue to tllo Z'1` Trrnrion, C).-.John F. 1ftp##rrbard, found of the of Ohio Democracy, Chillicothe:, O.-Lorenz Bull, feet Pompeii was b RKxullst C'hurr.h of the World, rolumbulr, G 11, Jules Araq, theatrlrat manager, New York, Capitalist and railroad builrler, Ceet. The depth of flit LI oflltsl(a.l Tlaa^ppptsin eyed the r(saedl it, Prot. C. W Reyttoldw. a anlxt, Newark,0,- 6. Sir George Williams, founder 1nY M�' man gilt; dis,ur3,8eki tote .Aird nervously paced the 10. (i"n• W W. Illarkmar, Com.-In-Chief of Ttaln-lrt•tlar-Paas. 9tmrx rhlof present at Custer London.-William J. Le Moyne, actor, Inwood-A. Y places i 1 e! C. A., art and town; Hercu >t�tc�a•' Tt d He beard the winxl through, G. A Tt Adaaeachusetta rnasraarw, the-Hudson. art surf literature, i1 Pntfiraaly du@ q 17. T`.tcan Afton, #evolved in Prench Panama 1t• Rn»w Gablr+t, ex-Fres I•"r•risrh('otsnCll nf'din-' 7, Lady Florence Dixie, Scotch war comes _ oof verlrfect presere, it oY the mem Aud nervously Paced the '.rust ncandat. l,rtars,, l"trfsr. »• flan, M. a«Ykn. U fJ, A.,rr-; eat, explorer and advocate of women' wlbchl _ `rh(,Sun want down like a h 82. Commodore l�artltuel Jackson, Med. Dir., U, R, tlrrd. rx.(Jttartermastur 066. "VVttrshln ton.-lilram ' Horace Austin, ex-Gov, of Minae rights.- Ytng cinders and s3,y N., ret.. Washinxton.-Rdw. W. lash, gas, C*ronk, lam survivor of War of 1K1 ome, s rights.-- tared during Decembe ('wl`rrng wit,la!Tho To111itq waves gtgafv illi; American limo#tinct and Refinin C ,. � N Y., ' 8• Wm, T, Otto, educator and gauthor, Philo_ the I aliling for Euro enirbcl• 7!711+1,but nothing thr(;ktpWn'g 1 ✓K a tlmaha, 1d5 year"" deiphia.-Wm, T. Richards, marine e,the 111.7st' l•#e nervounly paced the b M• Col. Daniel R. Lamont ex-eft of War. 1'1 Patrick A. C••'ollitua, Mayor of Roston, at ilof port, painter, New_ Ing (l.lmolutr; Poughkeepsie. N. Y.-glean 3. fTenner, >I'rene+h R1'rinru Vs-Gtrttnt de llrsttsa. French exploror 9. Rt. Rev, Thos. P. Davina, Episcopal ]3lshop Trrtnssntlnntic painter, In s'.•ntrat Africa, John B. Rice, author and of Michigan, Detroit igrhfly in h::l.nrtl'AlI tin UvoilslC night,as wa 27, RIshap Tsa.nc W. Joyce, Methodist Episcopal, 1e16 t�ptl jAm sl#r lgglns. who opened the b'nrkh tiro lar sou ' lir'nrr'vonHJy petard LttC'b Minnt>ape+llw. 10, Dr. Amnurette M. Beecher, educator, phflan_ 80Columbus first erose htgt 1l r-d 1n •i was taaught to lUm thrlt h r'artern Aretlo 114"utr, krisland. p sin of Henry Ward Beecher, Hart- was43days. The ai fir; the Int ge qt; ford, Conn, re, sr hetfar tie nervously w assn#the b 13, Rev. Stephen A. Merrill, Meth. Rpis, Bishop, ]ands efrom lnSavanna]anl +giver 1rPfiare Through the weary vayagQ,rriiftrC acrd dol'. Chicago, tvltch 'to'vver'in$uushlne altar or in blinding spray, . - to Plymouth In , (1ny >rnte ;.ill t.he:'He pctflged alo(ltf in the sell-sums ws;', m m .�� ra . ,,,Q d•.. OD— m A has7TY, mode rnua h cliSp tty axT �v rated Sa.rd, ,•oven- And ncrvotuel aD m O Ft � { wea,lthY, taut in oil rise hu Wars rt- Cs I•`urinrT Y paced tlrC Urldtte. s~ cu E l co A A ,local in c!a ctttnst;"I C)i al A wr�a fure(d to 1'! stndle 'theste 0.ul •Q •m O. Deese atltertalninl3 with tticlt:a lavish trrtnd IQ witlh tic, When ter+sttiplabpk►at d •k) ,war the 1(tnri ar _CJ O at r r)ntlr,(�llcr, t,a)ngress paid ltrilla Ire nrrvotlei• aced> tt brldRe. TAst,how the sweet notes quiver, . 1 cn axe (,na Tti.se httrh, die down,and ever Z "13 �'� " °° for a lary r✓ lortlon of his valid l:e lik;sary, Clearly 11e uttered each sharp onrrYtne(.gd. 13rP the love,and love away, 0 e7 O A 4. and bilis Sur,, was ceotlotnicaily spent clot'- �a was having Aat1 rz(�rvaunly paced the lrrtdgc+. T n softly melt away. J C) m �`+•" G2. Ing his last d;-zy5. In rQrleneNtl l,y 'Ivfid the rattllng of the anchor ohAln, O .� � � ® O Cs p `YGilll'am Hell Y Iislrri an wa.s ]Cnowrt as I,, H. ten, sportsman. WbIle the bird's •� ori ever to:wartt,n qy(_And t1,e greetingW,Joyosca and pmfenr•, T,t tie heart with Passion stirs, U V � q err rA vdc�y jrlan, a,ncl Wile 'n ilx Ilia tib%:huts t it net (',ntrtal He titJll wan under the Si Mand hearing both are gone, O r" .. O x+ i+y Idottse lie cared llttlo Cor aryl(;, He saved 7'h. h Gama sill etrwirT° Love reir;ns alone. c,Q p cd a good I)ort,icln 4f Iliy sal;zry~ rttTd died t' Ifs.nervouuly lu(trrd the brldlfe. qr '`C3 , 'WO `(n, rto1. Therefore,when the flood of song " O as O m Qr moderate-ly rich, 11:is grattdsgn, E(rnjadied �c'1, ti htt(1 wif,•n Ts most trona, 0�. oo v ® Harrison, was likewise eCanotllical, saved la, ti> twic'U r„y 44 h1'mild he do It I d like to knawT Take a sure and deadly atm rr rnoncY and enjo etI g YL ly Why nervously pac,tbt brldge7 At the.,heart with love aflame; tt �„q W ,��, r, Y good h1w lrra.ctice 111 a caori p _. ar after his tFrna. Qtrc;.Lt('al fail why couldn't he wrilk it Ford the stream with noiseless font. r, m r Cairn end slaw-. And avoid the stone, the root. ,� ^' .s1^� d '�,C3 Ger1irat Cir alit while ill the NN'hite House (xirerir err r1 Not nnrvounly[race the brldgeat O•�'"C1 Now, 1n luck's name, (n �, �, w.-+ m ,, livedo tc e11, but at the 5at11e tlalae� lie :.;.r,veri rnen le r.r4m1 bell.maybe her SOInctimess slid,but gewt Take steady atm, m�onc,y the salary of the: PresiclerlC laeinl; �;`i r� >~ on o0 csw(arle4s, ict It wouldn't sound right iri ® aFire! O•�,.•, °� r.liseci'fr 0111 $25,OdO to T50,t101) while lie w;ay `��1t11!r etc f t gree,You sCe. Phe flock i7ies off,mute is the woodland lyre• ^� x• '�'-' w O sr�rving his rsct`�lrn of'ltth. (7 itlatal. Grant H11 1 Captains.as story writers a ' P,� m q .hada lar '1 a,. t t fir 4.11 nptvpttaly jrace the blrldge, The singer's heart is pierced to the core' .� C�,�"O t1O any President, g ds than _ He feels no pain for evermore- •� ,.. q to a horse h arrri wlrerl 11A Cook a fancy Wind h l,t� `nt;cc •Yerattlp A'rtrud, Rest he sang love's ecstasy, O m .•,�•.r.r m - e >;enelallYzltrua.'ccl to bit,} on Dec i , r,,,tv t,al L30C'.fL1ti(p°f C cd at regardless of the rice. Ire was nnt'Su,tg F] n n lr<<1trle Stumps .�i1n. lµiippq.ilei ___.-_____ �_°a p� ¢� � � '� wealthy, talthough worth consicli:ra.lsle •• -- -- Ia arguf1 with a w(rman when 1ZIs second rn • find - Willilig to Obllge. tanglement in a wildcat flnaaola.1 colleerlt In 7'hc wt A man:q a clrutrtp; Ight b k"or When she yaym „lleo(turrc," led hili_ to q�edge his sworeia, xrtedal.s slier 1�'laF•n, Mrs. .Hussic,-tier, of that cloven of eggs were gen15 to ��r ta)r a stamp, rotten. 1t• Va.nderbilt .for the loan of Mlwo” • ssle: I hope obheO0 tos hadcbroitglit a oc�ehilir lila disgrace' 1t i�1�'to� To td ,_,-,_..�•�-KertrdQa C'�tt/ 1"lnrsar. 1)c'ti1ea•-5or a y, t Pr}r �crr rt. ilia. Hu p, osF c You didn't break the Shells. The rriost e.,ttavagant President ,vas t, au. ?firs 1Turste 1th , or course, t dict. Hoty could Arthur, tv110 not infre tietlti gave The sr Costing as much as Cl Yr„at e dinners 1 he ilea I tell tt'tetiner t1aeJ'ever.•e•ood,or ha.d? X5,000. jC hen he went Of lov -• T.aealcr.._IC yoll hsdn'[ broken the alae. into the White H(�usv 110, Was Nvorth Isrob- r , tis,we roulrl ably half a million. His predecessor, Gar- In vain, «ou Itrlow, beg- alive taken ihr• Of,(,ti til,. We have other Otis- fleld, died tonaef5.Vou 1 tote. Iiut,note they are no use to 11300,000 a pool, mail. The people t'aised Their; for Mrs. (sttrfield, a.nd Congress Thu' bei to Tr the first us._-13osIon Transcript. _--- voted her a pellsion of$5,000 annually. 1nc1 pe re Transcript. — -accused tof Tho' not Parsilra©rig dur- - '.rise 11 t The. eye. The he, Bird Mooing: A rage of the Forest i iad. rsr,.. ... d._.._.�.d ins• hie inn,rmbenev of the VVllrtO .k-laus� � Translated in the Westminster Gazette from the Smelt. r GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 190x. €GENERAL NECROLOGY OF 1905--Continued, L •• .r­ 1---,1,,,,, „+ T.i.+ntinr T.� after he exp thea in H manager, New 29. Mrs. Mary H. Jose, al.th, founder Of the GENERAL NECROLOGY OF 1906--Continued. rgton not L?. sly®d in Harrisburg wreck, true Life Church, San Jose, Cal. 16. Louis P. Austin, vis• Actress, Chicago. 30. Edw, L, Short, law author, Newyork, journalist and author, 14 Robert Whitehead, English inventor of a ,a n China; author of "John Brown's ' Brooklyn, torpedo boat.-Prof. A C, Wightman, biologists er he House slid '• 1 songs, Philadelphia.-A. August. 17. Brig. Gen. Dar, W. Benham, U. S. A„ re- Richmond, Va.-Rev, Dr. Dunlop Moore, fres- xpositjon is 1. Will Cumback, author, lecturer and ex-Con. tired, Tiffin, O.-Henry S. Ambler, N. Y. State b terian theologian. Pittsbur ereal Co. ascan, Woodsfleld, O• gresstnan, Greenburg, Intl.-John Dau herty, ex- Senator, 24th Dist. y g.-Thos. B. Viall, - -tYyga.trical manager, Bell- g last survivor of crew* of the Monitor, Congressman, Liberty, Mo.-Edith Kenward,Play. 18. Geo, MacDonald, English novelist.-Gen. 17,Adolf, Grand Duke and reigning sovereign of tv sion near !,pax t Wright, Paris. p y Isaac J. Wistar, philanthropist and scientist, Luz.Adolf, g g ourSee, American political Philadelphia, g•-Count of Flanders, brother oP King ,rad v tempo- gs T 2. Judge Andrew Wylie, retired Justice Dist. of Leopold of Belgium and heir to the throne.-Henry simulta- .;h.t- QY.geedia France. Columbia Sup. Court, Washington,-Gen. Jas, R. 1e Jos, L. Naar, editor of the True American, S, Cauthorn, historian, Vincennes, Ind, ern amer Rio t•y.•--` comedian, St, Louis.-Jos. Carnahan, Commander Uniformed Rank, Ifni hts Trenton, N. J. 18, Hendrix Witboi, leader of the Hottentot re- 'rancisco; tar- )iutionist, New York, of Pytillas, Indianapolis. g 20. Frederic Laurence Knowles, poet, Roxbury, volt against Germany. si- Wildman ,r C33r e, author and reform_ 3, Rev. Robt, K. Hargrove, Meth, I: Mass.-Adolf Hedin, "father of the Swedish 19, Dr.Emil Preetorius, German editor,St.Louis, l33" �y Georgians, English pis„ South. Riksdag."-Dr, Barnardo, English philanthropist. 20, Luke A. Lockwood, Masonic author, Green- - o Univer- �- Nashville.-Duncan H. Church, inventor of watch- making machinery, Newton, Mase,-Root, 21. Col, Francis J. Rhodes, brother of the late wich, Conn, Pedagogy. .-,1or and inventor, New R. Cecil Rhodes, Cape Tcwn. 22, Miss Helen tl. >rec3• ronzoter of Arctic explora- Criswell, humorist and editor of the New Yorker. 22, Francis H. Peabody, banker, Boston. McGregor, actress, Boston, 4. Fernando Maria Alfonso, infanta and heir to 25. Godefroy Cavaignac, French ex-Minister of 23,Daniel E, Bandmann, German tragedian. gartered. a t�> olio schild, banker, Paris. the Spanish throne, War.-Rev. Dr. W. W. McKinny, former editor erintend- ;er•fu 6, _Matthew Daly, editor, author and Presbyterian, Rutledge, Pa. .-Fire in lsou> ex-Gov,, Charleston, painter, December. Brooklyn.6, Capt. 27. Wheeler H. Peckham, distinguished law- 1. Dr Ambrose Denny, medical author and w' Jeac.ts -]Premier of Spain. G. Capt. Evan P. Howe11, retired editor Atlanta yet, New York. authority on nervous diseases, Bloomfield, N. J. and Phil- g,-,Congressman, New York, at- Constitution.-Gen. Roy Stone, Gettysburg, pa, 28, Mrs. Phoebe T­Adams,Adams, missionary and tem- 4. Colonel Samuel Adams Drake author and mal', l 7. Alex. M, Bell, scientist and inventor of visible perance evangelist, Portland, Ore.-T. Edgar Pem- historian, Kennebunkport, Me.-Prof. D. von rn- ,ari•�- speech, Washington. berton, English dramatist and novelist. Leuthold, sur 9. Rt, Rev, Placide Louis Chapelle, Catholic 7 Brigadier g' gen. of German army. tr. inith lion, nisslon,A and Pres. Archbishop of New Orleans (of yellow fever 29. Thomas F. Beard, illustrator, Chicago. gadier General Morri C. Foote, U. A. A., ci•• d in Ber- Comrnission,Atlantic City. p )• retired, at Geneva, ed.-Ross- tyieologian and educator, 11. Rear Admiral E. K. Benham, retired, U. S, October. 8, John H. Mitchell, U. S. Senator, Portland, ,n- ger Lane, 0.51. N., Lake M Obert, N. Y. Ore.-Feodoro L, Torre, ex-President of Ecuador. ay, pioneer iron manufac- 12. Rev. Robert F, Sample, Presbyterian, New 2. Dr. Martin Samanfejo, Mexican soldier and in France, ,port York.edRev. James Conway, Catholic theologian statesman. 9. Philip C.Garrett, financier and philanthropist, _ r, assigns. alto- Washington Post and and educator, New York, 3, Richard Clarkson, journalist and politician, Philadelphia.-Mrs, Louisa, E. Eldridge, actress, e-i oumanian bi- 1)hio, Washington, 13, Alan W. Wood, steel manufacturer, New Des Moines, Ia.-Jose Maria de Meredin, French New York.-Sir Richard C. Jebb, English Greele C 14c:bhenzollern, cousin of York' poet and academician.-Brig. Gen, Wm, Sinclair, scholar, ag• Ey of Wills carr n ,-�A.ny.-Henry P. Naphen, 14. Sir William Laird Clowes, English naval U. S. A., retired, Washington, ri- nor- critic and historian,-Gertrude Bloede ("Stuart 5, Leonard Seibert, who built the first sleeping ll. Edwin Atkinson,political economist and anti- sdments to at. Gore_ Sterne"), pget and dramatist, Baldwin, N. Y.- ear, Bloomington, Ill.-Louis Carmichael, who imperialist agitator,Boston.-Paul Neurice French �� At atria, Horace C. Silsby, inventor steam fire engine, secured the Dem. nomination of Horace Greeley author and dramatist, rad ;dish diplomat, Paris. Seneca Falls, N. Y. for Pres., Binghamton, N. Y.-Carlos W. Martinez 12• Rev. Patrick Cronin, Catholic editor, North Ia, + iemployes'ear in- p,e:Cax n ed Church historian, 16. Robt. Wynne, actor, Atlantic City, Chilean Conservative leader, Tonawanda, N. Y.-Rear Adm.Abraham B.Bans- ;©,°: 17, Lyman Hall, Pres, Georgia School of Tech- 6. Edham Pasha, Turkish field marshal and brouck, U. S. N., retired, b0 toward €ornez. Cuban revolutionist, nnlogy, Dansrville, N. Y. hero of Plevna.-Robert W, McLaurin, champion 14 William Sharp,English author. 00,000 for a *11 C,Brooklyn.- 20. Adolph W. Bout uereau, French' checker player of Canada, 18. Dr, George I. McLeod, alienist, Philadelphia. lygamy bill ti'in. p g painter.- r A y 20. Henry Harland, American author,Ban Remo, ay .l n American missionary in (len, C. Rumbold, naval architect, East Orange, 7, Prof, Baron Berdinand von Riehthofen, Ger- Italy, N. J. man geographer. De Rodays in 9 ELI African politician, t 21. Mary Mapes bodge, poet and editor of St. 8. Lord Inverclyde, chairman Cunard Steamship 21. General Baron Faverot de Kerbach, French 1'-mortally, in ocu:, ex-Governor, ustin, Nicholas Magazine, Tannersville, N, Y. Company, Wemyss Bay, Scotland.-David C, Por- tactician. Aat 22. Alfred Waterhouse, English architect-J. C, ter, educator and author, Waterbury, Conn. . James A, Lockhart, ex-Congressman, Char- 'e -Cashier ri.or fourteenth amendment Savery, mine owner, Cable, Morit.-Mrs. Sarah 0. 12. Prince Sergius Troubetskoy, marshal of lotte, N. C.-Raymond Prefontaine, Canadian q : :ed; his al- lee- m, Lebanon, Ind• Bagley, pioneer mental healer, Amesbury, Mass.- ;� nobility and foremost Liberal of Russia.-Edward minister of marine and fisheries.-Mrs. A. B. St_ Lawrence Univ., N.Y. r. William Riminger, consumption specialist, St, Dibble, first president of the National Christian !000 to the 7r M, Paxson, ex-Chief Jus. Penn, Supreme Court.- p nd Cducation.- dsh Tem erance Union, Grass Valley, Cal, iirxancier and ex-Mayor of Louis. Elias F. Hall., civil service reformer, New York.- 'il'autiny in a 23. Dr, James M. Salisbury,authority on chronic General Wm T. Clark, ex-Congressman from 26; Louis N, Megargee, journalist and publisher )!✓wing, Lancaster, O. diseases,, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.-Mrs. Sadie K. Coe, Texas, New York. of Seen and Heard," Philadelphia, do pianist and composer, San Francisco. 17, Thomas M. Day, former editor Hartford is assed. ooh uly. Id ok, Mass., avy 2R, Ellis A. Apgar, botanist and astronomer, (Conn.) Courant, lls. ity- Sta Stmte, Newberry, N. H.- Orangeville, N. S. 20, W. H. Wanamaker, merchant, and brother Excavations in Herculaneum. Y. Mo.-Riots C typewriter, Chattanooga, 29, Samuel A. McClean, Jr., Pres. Nat. Pack- of John Wanamaker, Philadelphia.-John Van The excavation is to be conducted under interna- h- cks break s :n ing Co., Cincinnati. Voorhis, ex-Congressman, Rochester, N. Y. tional auspices, with national committees frons eclus, French geographer. 31. John E. Baldwin, aeronaut, Greenville, 0.- 23. Jeremiah Simpson, ex-Congressman and all countries, each with its sovereign or head as itconspire- atll; eX-Congressman, Los An- Dr, Henry P. Gary, eye and ear specialist and in- Populist leader, Wichita, Kan, honorary president. An international committee ing, novelist, Santa Anna, ventor, 13altimore.-Francisco A. Pinto, Chilean 24. Dr, J. Howard Taylor, specialist on nervous with the King of Italy as head will have charge vicinity like of ClId Orchard, Me,-Maj, dtplomaf-rrancesco Tamagno, Italian tenor.- diseases and brother of Bayard Taylor, Phila- of trust funds, and appoint the working staff, a resident for irth infecderate historian, Nor- Thomas Fitchie, ex-Immigration Commissioner t delphia, composed of archeologists, engineers and students, rt decides cost and "original McKinley man," New York, 28, General BragomirofY, Russian hero of the in consultation with the different national corn- last s` �. Preisident of the Council of ul, forcing as- September. last Russ�r Turkish War. mittees. Prof. Charles Waldstefn, who inaugur- 29, Rev, H. D. Fisher, abolitionist, who took ated the scheme, has secured the co-operation of ,e_ mess.-Gold ,000 ex-U. S. Senator, Helena, 2, Baron Karl von Krieglstein, German military part in the Kansas border warfare, Baldwin, Kan, Victor Emmanuel, Italy; King Edward England; rl, ken. : of writer and war correspondent. 30, Lieut. Gen, Robert von Xylander, Bavaria. Pres. Roosevelt, United States; Kaiser William, pt�et and sang writer, 4. Maj. Gen. Rob. McCulloch, Confederate, ler-General Germany, each accepting the honorary.presidency an Arabian d•- Brownsville,'Mo.-Wm. F. Anderson, war corre- November, of their respective national committee. Similar discovered in- 'erry, political economist, spondent and African explorer, New York. 1. Chas. J. Devlin, promoter and coal mine progress has been made in Austria, Sweden and anile. 5, Hezekiah Butterworth, historian and author operator, Chlea o.-Ales, C. Botkin, authority on other countries. hinds will he secured by ap- v' ow- 5oci, expert in examination of Juvenile books, Warren, R. I, g y propriation from the State treasuries of the vari- In rd Univ. 7. Lieut, Gen. A. van Boguslawski, German criminal law.-Christopher Robinson, Canadian 11-n constitutional lawyer. ous countries, except in England and the United son, biblical critic, Quin- military critic,-Cardinal Raphael Pierotti, Rome. States, where funds will be raised by subscrip- y lance. +)0 -Judson S. Landon, jurist and lawyer, Scheme- 2. Lawrence T. Neal, ex-Congressman and leader tion. Pompeii was buried to the depth of fifteen it, launched le, ex-Premier of Spain.- tady, N. Y. of Ohio Democracy, Chillicothe, 0.-Lorenz Bull, feet. The depth of Herculaneum treasures in t ounces hav- tc't- ►f the Great Seal of Ohio, capitalist and railroad builder, Quincy, Ill, many places is eighty feet. Pompeii was acorn- titude ever +Pg, 11, Jules Grau, theatrical manager, New York. L.ipphard, founder of the' 6. Sir George Williams, founder Y. M, C. A., mercial town; Herculaneum, the home of Greek 12, Prof. - E. Reynolds, organist, Newark,0•- se rebellion. ser Vo•rld, Columbus, 0. London.-William J. Le Moyne, actor, Inwood-on- art and literature, Its treasures kept in a state a,ckrrnar, Com.-in-Chief of massacre. Sioux chief present at Custer the-Hudson. - massacre, of perfect preservation from the great depth of sues of Nevv 'e' 13.Rene Goblet, ex-Pres. French Council of Min- 7, Lady Florence Dixie, Scotch war correspond.- overlying cinders and ashes. Prof. Waldstefn lec- t le. I- rolvred in French Panama ent, explorer and advocate of women's rights.- tured during December, 1904, and January, 1905, in Armour in- tired, ex-Quartermaster Gen., Washington.-Hiram Horace Austin, ex-Gov, of :Minnesota. the United States, presenting his plan of explora- 'k• r Institute, -ala - --Lcksclw. W Nash, Pres. Cronk, last survivor of War of 1812, Rome,N.Y., 8. Wm. T, Otto, educator and author, Phila- tion, sailing for Europe Jan. 11, 1905, a, begins. `rirl 105 years. delphia.-Wm, T. Richards, marine painter, New- Refining Co., Omaha. uding Arch- 14, Patrick A. Collins, Mayor of Boston, at Hot port, • r• :•e1. + Lamont, ex-Sec. of War, Springs, Va.-Count de Brazza, French explorer 9, Rt. Rev, Thos. F. Davies, Episcopal Bishop Transatlantic Speed Progress. �• -J-eari J. Henner, French w Ined by Vice In Central Africa.-Rev. John B. Rice, author and of Michigan, Detroit, Columbus first crossed the Atlantic in 70 days. lecturer, Louisville, 10, Dr, Amourette M. Beecher, educator, philan- 300 years later the average time by sailing ships aYce, Methodist Episcopal, 15, Capt. James Wiggins, who opened the North- thropist, cousin of Henry Ward Beecher, Hart- was 43 days. The first steamship crossed the At- -- eastern Arctic passage, England. ford, Conn, lantic from Savannah to Liverpool in 22 days. 13. Rev, Stephen A. Merrill, Meth, Epts, Bishop, The Deutschland, in 1900, crossed from New York Chicago, to Plymouth in 5 days 7 hours, "d.�*p >O A hastory, made much crisp ay an was rated CJD t� as wealthv, but ill old age lie was re- .-•i O ld N t0 , A O A duced in eirctitnstanaes and was forced to Tlien, lik+ thc• ha7,llivork o cease enterta-ining with such a lavish hand They'(! 'n h tiw oiatck night'i; rni-111 rizO.s4 O at Monticello. (r ongress paid kiln $'S OUO «'it sale }v 11 of tits, mip laty r� CS for a large portion of his valuable library, 61' G 1 : ''1 or.r, hist, how the sweet notes quiver, �, m S~r� CS -kr1,1 1E 1ve. 1 l tio,t trnllir i,ri,l�y Rise himh, die down,and ever � C,.., O � A p y,, and this sutra was econllmicatly spent dor- Int trtcd r tt r the l,husllhr rs ride. w ing his last days. lire the Iove,and love alway, � ^� CD � !O,;d r I n softly melt away. a 00 m O g3 p �'iilliam Henry Harrison was known as I',rr1n novIi t, euth. Prom t as:,t f a O an everyday rman, and when 111 tate W111t@ 1'h+'V lil'I1 their n 1G :e Ui heli: � ~t Ji ten, sportsman. While the bird's U M q aQ .~ It I.t tae heart with passion stirs, t�D O ;.,, ;•, House lie cared little for style. He saved `l'hr. hr tern l ,e4 trim on hl& nese, Si ht send hearing both are gone, O tc- m 9 cd a good porton. of his salary aad died 'rhe Love rehms alone. A La 0 ^� P.4 nlodera,telY rich. .Itis grandson, BenJaxn,n w 11,e lnn,,,N i ,uei dune Ind wol<l, Therefore,when the flood of song O O yyas., Harrison, was likewise economical, saved the light`l.,sar,i a t.r of hell. Is most stroniy, -.r p7 to C) r~ maney and enJoy ed a good law n. 111 t, ;t rl:t'�u h t`te At the heart witao�d1ailama; a p O q after Genelhis aI tGrant while in the'White-House day 1,41 a 1'ti++ i!,� the", elan[i I'*•t 1 ircm It i c-�catl Nv;jy Forel the stream with noiseless foot. ¢•+.� q-M a ®"O lived well, but a And avoid the stone, the root. O � •..� : alloney-, the .alarvtof the President being -&.1l u 1„1 i Now. fel luck's nam-, d C' �r:.+�2. raised from $25,0h to ;50,000 while lie was All , n t r '+ Take steady aim. a 0 aril].� �°` � :`:�- h° a .O A serving his second term. General Grant „ Fire? -� rz:fF., m 0 Cl n hada larger stable of thoroughbreds tlaii H. t� Anent the poem. `Tale 1-1ome, The flock flies off,mute is the woodland lyre, - t O .� O bD any President, and when lie tool: a fancti Wind in the Sail," published in the Eagle, He feels no pain forevermorced e the core: •C� i; ®C5 O 3C-,q to a Nurse he generally' managed t-L buy on December 4, 1904, "H. X." of Sailors CD Z1 ^' cc •-- it regardless of the price. He was not Snug Harbor sends the follow•ill a Best he sang love's ecstasy-, w s0-O 3 Et �, to y, wealthy, although worth considerable "The Sailor-boy's Lament, �hicllghe tllinl;a Happy het ---.---__________-- vs hen his second terra expired. An en- might be v.hat the corresopndent called for: tanglement in a wildcat finanQial concern Wi.11in€=; t0 Oblige. led him to pledge his swords, medals a-lid Zilten, o'er the sliest deep w,• r0ti•E, Airs. Husslc-SiN of that dozen of eggs were ,ge-ns to 'A, HTo thos._ we-leave, .. Vanderbilt for the loan of Aare fondlthen our thoughts will stray to those we 1+,L e. rotten. $100,000 to clear his narue of the disgrace (}'hose prayera pursue our tlnaelt dtia�. very sorra'. hers. Hussle; I hope others had brought upon hinh. M'hi-n_ !n the silent midnl ht hour, lleal er-Sorry, lg YOU didn't breaf: the shells° The most e.>travagant President was The sea l-oy takes his Watchful stand, Arthur, who not infrequently gave dinners The heart then feels the hof test 1,�,j�•,r Mrs. Hussfe of course, 1 clid! How could costing 8.S much as $5,000. trlhen he went Of love, of huine.and native, lan.j. 1 telt,ihuther they -,ver'e good.or had' into the White Mousese Ile was worthrob- i)ealer--I.f yotr 11�rrn't hrolien the shells,,we could ably half a, million. His predecessor,Gal.- In vain. may I rofii' c llrnls' ili5nla� have taken the eggs i1a.1;. \t"c hive other cis- field, died a poor snail. The people raised 1'beir glittering shures. their gc:rg&orrs Shells; 3 1 tGarfield, Tbti bright bird-t win., their glor•f,:,us way, tomos.you I,-noty. Ill,( 1101v the,,,- are no use to $01.,100 for -Mrs. and Congress And perfumed flowers adorn tide lrlts. 1,osfon 7.7-ansc-ip". Voted her a pension of$5,000 annually, Tito' nature there 1)rolifl i"Ours �_.___--- -------------.__._-____- Hayes s accused of s -_-__waaccuse _.-_-_-_---_LV pars.11ioily Blur- The Treasures of her rriti,lc ,-:and, �` The eSa, but nest the het '. ad,)ra9, k Bird Wooing: A Page of the Forest Mad. 'acus 44 ins his Transtated in the Westminster t7azette prorn the Steed- � � ENiJ L NT CR.n7,nry nF tinn�r--- GENERAL CHRONOLOGY RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. GENERAL NECROLOGY OF 190 ,190'2,the transfer of the anthorl To=g�f January• lee!' rnade at noon on that day, 1E4. :Te's 16, Rev.tt lliahius, January. 9. In Manchuria, Field Marshal Oyama, 1• Ignatius Donnelly, author and Populist poli_ 17. Rev. Elijah Ke [it Palace. Havana,and that,of C� 15Th Japan, asks Gen. Linevitch for an armistice, for titian, Minneapolia.--Charles L. Carson, Is`ng, Harpswell, Me. fer of authority was made by (}t liociy'• 1. Japanese sform 1�antai Hill, Port Arthur,- 13. Anti-peace meetin Japan,fol. dramatic critic.-Bishop Ignatius Mrak, Catholic, 18. Patrick Donahoe, J. Peas General Stoesse, makes overtures for the surren- gat Yokohama, lowed by mob attacks upon police.-Armistice Marquette, Mich. Joseph Rider, invents 16. Fs der of Port Arthur- signed.in Manchuria. 3. Bishop'R, X. Ninde, Methodist, Detroit, Mich. ark, Q, Headquarters Depart men lxxrt, lits 2. Port Arthus surrenders; Japanese enter the 4. Gen. Richard A. Batchelder, former quarter- 19, Phillippe F. G' town next day- October. tba: �Ta>�fL,>I 2i. Jur 13. Japanese army enters Port Arthur in force. p Y nxaster-gena, U. S. A., Washington. Playwright.-Sophie C! aauNh©r 24. Russians in Manchuria begin to advance, cap- treaty ansae Priv Council acepts the peace r• Es-Gov. Curtis H. Brogden, N. Carolina.- 211. Rev. Arthur Ec ernme tStatemnd I now traf t er to 2., JaKha Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weinxar.- Christian Advocate, C !vernment and he Rel b the ielat Gonzalo Luring Russians and andepautaya. The PC CC Of Portes 1► John,Bardsley, embezzling banker,. Philadelphia. 21, Rev. Frederick 'oustitutiou of the Republic of(, 3It 26. Russians occupy Sandepas. IIlo'at ti, Philip D, Armour, pork packer, Chicago-- dent of Muhlenberg Cc is day promulgated;and 1 he ear, 391 29- Russian advance checked by the five-day bat- The peace negotiations consummated at Ports- Bishop Winand M. Wigger, Catholic, Newark, N. 24. Leon Slcidgett, itary government of the Island to tle of Hun River; Japanese reoccupy Sande as. mouth, N. H„ August 30, 1905, between Russlry J•-F.x-LT, S. Sen. James 6F. Bradbury, Maine, Charlotte M. Yange, E son the ex reF+s condition asci t author. Febrnar and Japan, through the overtures o ` . -CY y' dent of the United States, backed b the Plr in. . Samuel G. Clarke, Congressman, Peterboro, 25, David Clark, inv ceFFstaall t sAlve yon do'now Y the prin. N. I3, 27. AL Gazin, French rtake all and eseveral the rsbllra"s�f York.-` 2.i Japanese defeat Russians at Beresnefi Bill. cipal nations of Europe, 1s notable in the annals 70. Rear Admiral Thos. F. Phelps, IT, S. N., 28. Dr. Bernard Gobi between the Uuif tion, =�" New York.-David G. Adee, novelist, Washington. 9. Jame Caters of A 25. North Sea Arbitration Tribunal finds that the of history, 2 s Stephens, ] on the n t day of I tuber,been. 29. Baa Russian Baltic sctuadron under Admiral Rojest- As early as February 9, 1905, the interparlia- 11, William L. Trenholm, ex-Comptroller of 30. Roland Reed, Cc tit down W this dots have hrerx• 28, Er <.ensky a*as not Justified in firing upon British mentors union urged President Roosevelt to!n- Treasury, New York. john Jasper, colored l revenues of C'uba transferred tiv �' Va. fishing vessels. augurate peace measures, On June 2, the con- 1. John G. Fee, founder of Berea College, Ky. claim0 and ohlis been r perved l- 29. Ful 26. Russians remain in possession of Chi and Da ference was held between Russian Ambassador 13. Lord Lionel Cecil, London. ! 1 m-'k*100,0001ft Oblig been reproved 1• 31. aLtY g reporting,and winging u t passes after desperate Japanese assaults. Cassini and the President. June 3d a confer. 14.Rt.Rev.Mandell Creighton, Bishopof London. 1- Sir John Stainer, is as a of scald sum in be paid 27. Japanese defeat Russians, crossing Shakhe ence was held between the Japanese Ambassador, 15. William P. Flshback, poser,ir Jo n Stainer, ter 3 Getz river and taking Dapass. Takahara, and the President, Tender of the good Indianapolis.-Johann Faber,German andlawyer,pencil he cities of the island and tis 'hfekars->E March, offices of the President toward Indiana penei[ ltl. Dr.Monthly, N J. o he Government of the Vnited St -Rev. Peace was mann manufacturer. ence Gonthly, nno Yo to the two belligerents, June 12th Russia and 16, James A. Mount, glen, German Indianapolis. 12. Geo.Q. Cannon, 11 :he fifth article of the appendizt New Yci! 4. Japanese cut offs at Shengu left wing.-New Japan consent to. conference, June 15 wash• S7. Florence A. Boecklen, German landscape teres, Cal. 4, Pet Japanese army lands at Shengudshin, north of ington, D. C., is named for the place of the con- artist. 15. Gen, A. C. McClu city of Havana, for which a ca* Curer L Korea. ference at the request of both Ruesia and Japan 19. Duke of Broglie, French statesmdn.-Thomas 16. Bishop J. J. Eshi 3,l Aantla tlo• 7 ger, 9. Great battle of Mukden ends in complete vic- July 10, the place for the meeting of the confer. Shaw, inventor, Philadelphia, Prof. Henry A. RowIar g of E owed o de Cuba nnreprared tory for Japanese, Russians in full retreat.-Japa- ence is finally fixed at the Navy Yard, Ports- 2U. Jahn Leisenring, mine owner and ex-Con- 22.RL. Rev. 1X'm. Stu] 3 approved by the ht�lltar Gov ez-COng` mouth, N. H„ and ear Admiral Meade fa placed pressman, Upper ring,Lehigh, ine 23. Dr. Horatio Guzm Yon,and pumping the Same to $, Pr# nese capture FusYtun. 8 Etmpanw 13. Japanese occupy Mukden. in charge of the arrangements of the conference. 21. Prof. Elisha Gray, telephone inventor, New- can Republics, tis ashin iti de Cuhza,a contract for whi" ex-Can� 13. Japanese capture Sing-King, east of Mukden, Russia selects as its peace envoys. M. de R'itte, ton, Mass. 24. Count David Posse 'Cuand now under corxstavcrt 13. Ari 16. Japanese occupy Tie pass after _a bloody President of Committee of Ministers, and Baron 22• Qut;en Victoria, of Great Britain and Ireland. 26 Cot. Benjamin lt•! the Prrnsident of the united St 14, H battle at Fan River. Rosen, Russian Ambassador: Japan, Baron Korn- -Baron Wilhelm von Rothschild, banker, Frank- one of the organizers o 1st epidemic diseases at the rx 16. Gen. Linevitch is appointed Russian tom- ura and Minister Takahira. Aug, 2 the fort, German Clarksburg, 1V. Va, eaftPrat the other xrtsof the In 15. ReN mander-in-chief in Manchuria In place of Gen. peace envoys arrive, Aug. 5, Komura and Philadelphia,Germany.-Simon Hassler, musical director, 2g,Jas. D. Reid, "fat: nditions b the o I..ancast. Kuropatkin- Y order of the 9di de Witte meet Roosevelt at Oyster Bay, Aug.9, 26. Guiseppe Verdi, Italian composer. 3 17, Get 19. Japanese occupy Kaiyan, 20 mires north of first day of conference, Aug, 10, Japan r ce in the city of Havana ( -Mrs, 7 Tie pass. presents 28, Viscount Henry de I3ornier, French dramatist, 1. Roseau B. Crump peace terms. Aug. 15, Sakhalin Island terms re 29. Count Gourko, Russian field marshal.-11'. City, Mich, ;tiif>3s Jet . Russia mares known negatively terms of,regent jetted cost Witte. Aug, 17, serious disagreement De Witt Wallace, author, jurist and soldier, 3. Dr. Irving government of the peace she would consider. over cost of war. Aug. goes to Lafayette, Ind. [lament of the title to said China. 6, 19, Russian env, ington, %ongrew of the United Ststets 20. Ti7r May, Oyster Bay; indemnity insisted upon by Japan February. #, Archbishop Lewis e �2• Fn 13. Mikado of Japan proclaims Formosa under and rejected by Witte. Aug, 23, President Roose- 5. Prof. Edward a Salisbury, Sanskrit and 5• Sir Archbishop Dinsh p Lewis ed Stag[to dPllvmr Ccs you the Tex martial law. volt sends appeal to Czar. Aug, 29, Japan prat• Arabic scholar, Yale University. 6. Mariano I.Prado, e Ltc,tiwaxri Wool),yManoel Clli Std 27, Rojestvensky's Russian armada utterly do- peat y yields re all disputed points, Aug, 30, 6. Rev. Jonathan Weaver, United Brethren Bis- -'George D. Germon, ac to the feated by Admiral Togo in Tsushima straits; Ad- peace terms agreed to. Sept. 1, armistice signed. hop emeritus, Dayton, O. 7. Rev. Henry Scaddir notification to the Ambasrsadors aX 24 Or Se t. 6, treat engrossed ready for signature, s= miral Nebogatoff captured by Japanese; Admiral p Y 7. The Earl of Galloway, England. antiquarlan,-Prof. Dav '•tl, Ch j y Sept, 15, armistice signed in open field. Oct. 15, 9. Gen. Jas. M. Ruggles, who drafted the first inventor, Bangor, Me, Skrydloff killed, and Admiral Ro estvensk wound- 14. Harvey I3. Young,Ilepartrnent Clevela ed and captured. treaty signed by both powers. Russian-Japanese Republican platform, Springfield, Mass,-Rear Ad- g, 1 Washington,Ma } Ge war closed, miral Peter A. Rearick, 'Washington, Springs, Col.-Count Et that the military ocr•upcatiran June. at art Independent government s' 10. Albert D, show, Congressman and ex-Com- Park, \, J. y of His Excellency Seftorpon 1, 6. Russia agrees to American demand that dis- mander-in-Chief of G, A. R., Watertown, N. Y.Joh 17. Edwin F. Uhl, ex- John h $bled warships in Manila may be interned. TO Save Nitlgara Fells, It. Milan, ex-King of Servia, in Vienna.-Henry Grand Rapids, Mich.-hi ugh the appropriate channel to tlrt Tenn, 7• Russian Government wires to its Ambassadors Niagara Falls is fed by 6,000 cubic miles of water J. Ellicott, sculptor, Washington. ington• 4. Prof: in Washington and Paris to ascertain Japan's from the upper lakes with 90.000 square miles 12. Don Ramon de Capoamar, Spanlsh poet, hil- 1� Weston Howland, fi Jos HAS terms of peace. of reserve area concentrated in a channel one osopher and statesman p Haven, Mass. :T OF CLTAA, 5- Getz' 9. President Roosevelt addresses notes to both mile in width, separated just above the falls by 14. Marshall S. Pike, 21, Gen, Fitz John Pr, gales, C's1 - poet, singer and actr.,r, Cal-Ed belligerents, inviting them to arrange terms of islands into two channels, each 3,800 feet In Upton, Mass. Ex-Congressman Charles .............ToMAst FHTRADA eRc". -Sir Edward Conxmerell ..........Luis 11;KTltv1my David p width. The rapids one-half mile in length fall 1Ei. Maurice Thompson, novelist, Crawfordsville, 23. John R, Tanner, folk, �• 15. Belligerents select Washington as the {,lace 55 Peet. The water at the horseshoe falls at Ind.-Gilbert A, Pierce, ex-Senator from North. "ET for a peace conference, depth of about 20 feet, leaps 165 feet into the Dakota and ex•Crovernor of Dakota Ter., Chicago. Springfield. +,+,tom` r 6. Wm 26 Russia, announces the names of Ambassadors lower river. The flow over the two falls, Horse- -Jos, A de la Harpe, scenic artist, New York, 30. Count Wm. Bismar +V lI Pt"blec It .rka and New Y I Nolidoff and Baron von Rosen as peace lens o- shoe and American, averages 275,000 cubic feet 16. Prof. C. C. Coles, editor of Storms and Signs, if»'icaalt,,,r............................... 7. Wil p p 31. Brig.-C4en, Tlxomas W arlr+ the?3rraacery.Jos$M.CI tentiaries. per second, representing according to expert state- Xingston, Pa, tired, 11ew York.-Rev, Mont theologian, Malvern Arl Ezovr�rrrx 8 1W July. meet 7,U00,000 horse power, a daily force equal 17. Ethelbert Nevin, musician and composer, , IRKRRAL Exn.to NrFfztE- P.eeds 2. President Roosevelt announces the names of to the latent power of 200,000 tons of coal, A New Haven.-Sir Francis Cooke, London. Jn 'oLnXsL Lrsa PEREZ, 9. Dr the selected peace envoys, Russian and Japanese, ccmmittee during the summer of 1905 including 19. Dr, Wm. H. I:gle, historian, Harrisburg, Pa, I. Ex-Ca taro Henry W IRNERALFRANCIsCo ECI3APA William 7. Japanese seize Saghalien Island.-Japanese J. Horace McFarland, of Harrisburg, president; 22 Rt. Rev. Mgr, Bessones, Catholic, Indian- 2, James A. Herne, ae lta7NICRAL JOS*Mleit7E'L Gpg 12. Pr bombard Karsakovsk and silence batteries. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, of Philadelphia, sec- apolie. York,-Rev. Dr. McKay, 71eIJExwL T,or*x RB!rro, cf hum• 13. Witte appointed as one of the Russian peace rotary, and William B• Howland, of New York, 7. Rev, Robert Alexander, editor of the Pres- Formosa. xsus.RL Iksxlzvtl<x uta t*<>`QA. 1R. Re' envoys, vice MuraviefY, who declined. treasurer of the American Civic Association, byterian, Philadelphia. 3, Rev, E. W. Parke cy, Ill. 17. Japanese army lands north of Vladivostok. waited anon President Roosevelt and gave fig- 28. Wm. M. Evarts, lawyer, New York. 1'lahop to Southern Asia aEIT A�,ALRrAl1JJEte7 RtrPRl 15. 11d 17. Japanese land a battalion at Vladivostok 700 ures to show that ten companies now have au- March, 7• Mrs, Mary A. Tow thorny to utilize thirty-one million three hue- 3. John R. $eecroft, hymn writer, New York. 9.- Ralph miles north of Vladivostok. Galveston, Tex, rat Ironton, 31. Bulk of Russian garrison on Saghalien Island dred and thirty-nine thousand and five hundred 5• Dr, Richard J. Dun ajor by H. Daly, rTI'L1C L l tllC' hc•rse power of the effective power of the falls, glison, editor and medical Pittsburguicide), sat Suulicxt surrenders. author, Philadelphia. g (by la? The captain eyed the.re and that five other companies were in the pro- phis• 10, Walter Besant, Eng 16. G August. cess of organization. Restrictive legislation by 6, Rev. -Canon William Bright, English theo- 'xe A nd nervously paced G. A. 5. Russians and Japanese peace envoys received the state with the co-operation of Canadian au- logian.-Walter Fo~td. song writer, New York.- Buchanan, English poet ,ts H.e heard the wind throtig 17• - by the President at Oyster Bay. thorities and active efforts of President Rowe- Carl Carrington, story writer, San Francisco. J. Lloyd-Lindsay, first lue And nervoUslY paged `'anal s 8. Peace conference begins at Portsmouth, N. H. velt promise now to save the falls from further 7• Lyman D. Morse, head of advertising agency, land'-Edwin Moran, lane New York. 13. David Rea. Oongrngree,es urn'Thr bun went down lila a 22' 14- Japanese fail to take Port LazarefP, Korea. encroachments. 18. Hazen S. Pingree, N• re 28. Peace envoys. at Portsmouth reach an agree- 8. John S. Hittell, historian, San Francisco, in Paris.-P, C. Cheney, ith The rolling graves grow Americ ment. 12 Caesar C. Moreno, diplomat and adventurer, T nothing 31. Japan consents to an armistice. New InaII Washington, . Adelbert Hay, ex-( ,1. H. '1iv But nerythe captain's 23. C n'April. tion Day. 13. Benjamin Harrison, ex-President of the Haven, Conn. (by accide >�^t Helaerz-otatstypacedthe Poughk The last Thursday Jri April, in place of March Ite painter- September. 4, for presidential Inauguration day, has been United States, Indianapolis. 24, Charles K. Salomar 15, M. Bogolie off, Russian Minister of Educa- 2- .nil All the livelong night,a� 27. His' 2. Drafting of the treaty of peace completed. recommended by a national committee, consisting p a. Rev. Jas. Cook, an ldinneap- Li. Treaty of peace signed at Portsmouth.-News of the governors of states and 15 citizens of the tion, deroga, N. Y, in w i A4LU ut t paced at of peace concessions by Japanese envoys provoke a District of Columbia, and formally presented for est "i ji;t rvou t to hint that bloody riot in Tokio. action to the 59th Congress. ��tuj'e becltxea�w!ed to llx� l'raezl[15. .,c is He n,ervottslt•peuretl the g Be. ..Nomas Jefferson aiw Lt`s according t0 l n.il tit' we'Through the weary v<syago,12AZ9 a,attd Q history, made much display and'was rated ,er lrt srtxis ttna clear or ata blYrtd.ta><aptvaY" b' O � as wealthy, but in old age he was re- he'lge pegged along Its%be self-sante rrsy. O�•i � a3 duced in ciI•cum!'°tances anct was foirce d to Then, it er- And nervously paced the brldta• ✓,, ,-Q 'O cease entertaining with such a lavish hand li[e,y't. ?a•- 0.50 y r. O d at Monticello. Congress paid him $1'S,CIUp With w `fie When the slog at last dr,_ near the land oto° a sweet notes quiver. p °Q O .`O� for a large portion of his valuabia liilrar�*, t,u1 .iE t e lie aervaua:.'paced the Irri4LgcD Rise high, die down,and ever q c•� O'y A and this sate was eConumically spent glut'- lnt•ertcd a7- Cloariy he uttered each&U.s,rp got attd. Rre#the love,and love alwar, 03`++ ��,� ing h s last d.ay s. And ne•rvouWy paced thr bsidee. Tiaqn softly melt away. O m O .^, O William Henry 'Harrison was known as From n" ng H�+ten, sportsman- While the bird's --� ,Z an everyday,man, and when in the 11 bite Thor 1. t,r D41.d fixe rattling of the anchor eslsaLn, T,i tie heart with par*aton stirs, U Lipp s. m ;01:t4Hau3e ha cared little for titylt�. He Saved 7'l..-• hitt, •�-_4nr3 t1 C greetings,joyous sad Prc�fanr, Ci ht and hearing both are gone, O O d v a goad portion of his stlar3 a.,7d died rai He doll was under the same old*U*111E' Love rebms alone. � � � ��O d� � moderately- ricin. l-I:is granidson. Benjam3 n `V"dip la g O O i s, O Harrison, was likewise economical, saved the ligl,. He nervously 1►aaed telae bridge. 7'heretorP,when the flood of song _,.:, Is most strong, ✓~ r�m P.,co F. 'a 121onry ant enjoyed <! good law Take a sure and deadly aim Lafj M cG prat tice r t:,c• SS'h5 did its do!t,I'd like to know? At the heart with lore aflame: •--O►� m ;.1 - y after his terns. 'a'lxy nervously paste the bridge' Forti the And avofdtt a stone, theth eless rootfo,t .� O -0 m"� lived well,Gbut at: the mni�llqt While in eetime White 11 House d L`ryrt},!1S,E 17FbY couldn't he wall:it,coma and cciow•- Not vervoustly pace,the bridge? a Now, in luck's name, �.;, �„''„ �!m�' anoneY, the salary of the President being Al 1 l�a1 t4ali,tsaaybe he aaxtltetinaests did,but,te+►; Take steads aim. r0 �, .m w raised front :a,t+ti0 toJ,tkO whila 11e was All cp . O a, p serving ;tis seconcd term. General Grant "H. G."- r 1t wnuidl!!'t raulad right In print,you acct Fire! .��� a~ �O a O hada larger stable of thoroughhreds than 11•ind in ill CaAiadns„as story writers agree. The Roel:Alec oR,mute is the woodland lyre, .._. d O bD any President, and w lien lie tools a fancy 4.11 nerTWAl The singer's heart is pierced to the core: `14 O- � q to a Horse lie generally manageii tt, buy o❑ llece.1tb Y Lite brie He feels no pain for evermore- O m f~ •...-. O �'-' ^� :;t regardless of the ; - '� a -O .� 3 n'ealtii altholi h wortll cons leraable: "Tile Harb( exoa. Fest he sang love's ecstasy. -- Ii�tgpy het-- ------ ---- S '`.BECf1A3O" Stumps FI�7171. tanglement in a n-ildeat financi;zl concern might be v.i -- ---- ------_-- when is second term expired. An an- To argue with a woman Wil.1i.ng tO Oblige. led him to � s It hen o'er A ms's a chump; Pl_dge his swords, nleda.is and For w•laetx she sass •'I3eca>±sc," 1trs. Hussle-six (if that dozen of eggs were gens tO li',r H. Vanderbilt for the io:xn Of To tl[,"fer"+ He's up a stump. rotten- .�:nl to clear his name of the disgrace 1t hose lir, Dealer--Sorn'. vee•sorry. Mrs. Hugsle: I hope others had brought upon him. 1\'h.n, in tt; ---Kansas C-ty T[�s. The rhost extravagant - -----------•----•--- ---- ----_ you didn't hre,xk thy shell~'. President was The sea 1, Mrs. Hta:,sic \�4of c n Lyse. 1 did' lice could Arthur, who not infrequently gave dinners nit t�,trt t'. I tell ivheiher t 1cl t:.war, _ond car bed' COSt,ng' a-a much as$5,000. 1V'hen he went Of love;, CI, Into the White House he was worth prof- Isea]ct--if?'ot['.:"tin's hr.ti.cr t.hP shcllc.IV(,could ably half a, million- His predecessor,Gar_ In rain, Ina have taken the (gr; 'a,i.. \L'c batt ,facet <tr - field, died a poor man. The people rais,'.d Their glut 04 - tomer:,sort i.u,:- 1.u? now Lite;; are no use to M,1.1(►0 for a, `� Tho' bright 1It Garfield, and Congre_- us.-Fan+on Tr,!rrctrii''_ voted her a pension of�5,000 annually. end pe:fur _ ----- 4A es Voss accused c -i Tho' nature us ]ill• -------- -- - - _- __ ---- -. par�.tnony dur- 'fixe "Trc•a riot. _ -...__- -_._�_- Tho eye. but •rho-hrr)rt .. ,..,"X"*;» Fx rag ortaeY restIaiaa. �A 6.� .�� _o TralWatea in the westM4" romthaStoes• I int• l,ia in,�,tmhenoj• of the �1'iiite lou G1EN>t`R�T•NFf'FtOT rvnV OW ytatlrc._ GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF r9oz. GENERAL NECROLOGY OF z9pr, __u_'1 n' r"*"h°" 'after he RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. tinily- exe- January, agton not U. "T%vantal 1 P. In Manchuria, k"jel,l MarehAl (}yarpa 1. Ignatius Donnelly, author and Populist 16 Mar'Ioit Brosi Ke Congressman, Lancaster, Pa• n China; ' nese storm 14'antai 13111, fort Arthur.— JA n' aha Gin, Linevitt h for an armistice, far titian, Minneapolis.—Charles L. C:arson, It ng, Ht Rev- Mc. he House ' ionStoessel makes overtureN for the surren» is Anti'POSttt Meeting at Yokohama, gg, author and preacher, and dramatic critic. Bishop Tgnatius Mrak, Catholic, 18. Patrick Donahoe, er a l Co. art Arthur, lowed b naob attacks Upon Japan,fol- Marquette, Mich. puhli�her of Boston Pilot.— creel Co. Arthur surrenders; Jayanaxo enter the signed in MaG011ttfia, 1 pollee,—Armistice 3. Bishop W, �i, Ninde, Methodist Detroit, ick. Josef h0.Rider, inventor of Remington rifle, New- Kt day' .! 4, Gen. Richard A. Batchelder, former cion near ane#e army enter# Port Arthur tta 40r'�a(t. October. quartkr- 19. Phillippe b'. Gills, French port Bans in 1i$a#lOhurja begin to advance, Oa �` JapanQse master-gens. U. S. A., Washington. playwright.—Sophie Croizette, French actress, and vsitempo- 17S. p tI'estty. Council aeepts the peace 5, Ex-Gov. Curtis H. Broden N. Carolina.— 20. Rev. .Arthur Edward, editor Northwestern amen Rio rY.— haita:ctsa and 1Chctgoutaya. ('harles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe- flAns Occupy$andepas• The Peace of I'0rib11toUtlt, John ,Bardsley, embezzling banker, Philadelphia.— Christian Advocate, kCAc Muhlenberg, first press- RWildman �tl- tdan advance chocked by the five-day bat- The (face ri 0. Philip D, Armour, 1A River; Japanese reOcou £ietttde p eiMtlattons eonxummateci at P its- L3ishop Winand M. WI g g by py pas, mouth, N" H., AtiJ;uttt $b, 19pG between o Pork packer, ewark,",N. lk tit of Mulllenk,er College,e, Reading;, I'll.mo Japan. tween Russia J, Rx-U, Wigg Catholic, Newark, N. `4• Leon Blodgett, economist, Philadelphia.— t Univer- $'e1b1'11t1i'y. dant t,hroUgh the overtures ee of the Presi- 7. Samuel G n.Clarke, ConB e�sman, PAterboro charlotte M. Yrrnge, English novelist. Pedagogy. AT191a deteat Russians at neresne o!' the Utaited States, backed by the prin• N. if, 25. David (:lark, inventor, Hazeltr,n, I'a, (1, ared. ff 13!11. 01pa1 natiwa# Of Europe, is notable in the annals 27. Al. Gazin, T'renc,h landsoalx Bartered. 1h ft Arbadroaxl rider and finds that este Oi' history 10. Rear Admiral Thos, T+'. Phelps, U, S. N,, Paevol. t to Elastic adios under Admiral lin est- AD early as F"ebrua 9. 190Ti, the Interparlla- 11, William L, Tre h 28- Dr, Bernard cicddman, Pctliah revolutionist, perintend- ;erla ty New York.—David G. Atlee, novelist, 'Washington, 29- James Stc'idlons, Irish I,'enian leader, vas not natiMd !tt Grins ujtt.tn IfrItish menta union u ed Fr. —Fire in Isfels. 0111dent Roosevelt to In. Treasury, New York, n elm, ex-Comptroller of 30. Roland Reed, comedian, '.�levv York.—Rev, leets riatas rl17Ra1Tt In sutturate pea0e meaaurrp, On June 2 the ten 12. John G. Fee, founder of Berea College, Ky. John Jasper, colored preacher, Richmond, Va. at- P On of Ch anti Da ferenoe wax hold between Itunslan Am and Phil- desperate Japane#s assaults. C`iltssini and the President, Ambassador 13. Lord Lionel Cecil, I ondon. April. �rrar, `ntaklAg est defeat Rus#iatls, crossing Shakho once was held betaveen thr Japatr(i.e Am alinfer, 15. Wil lam Mandell Creighton, Bishop i h aof nd London 1. Sir John Stainer, English church music corn- trial Uayaaxs• 'Taitahlra, and the Pritident• Tender of the good Indianapolis.—Johann Faber, German lead pencil poser,—Dr,William German--editor o puicL phc•r. frrith March. afilces of the President toward peace was merle rrtarufacturer. 10. Dr, William J. Youmans, editor Popular Sci•• din Ber- Ione cut Off Ruropatkin'#left wing,_xe to the two holilgerents. Jurte lEth Russia and este :Vionthly, _,New York. ed.—Ross- Jataatt +o�a#ent tc, conference, N. James A. Mount, ex-Governor, Indianapolis. 1.2• Geo. Q,Cannon, Mormon church apostle, \Ion- ger Lane, ass•, artily lands at Shengudshin, north of Japan. ID.00 C.,, Iso od for the Place June the con. artist.. Florence A. Boecklen, German landscape terey, Cal, ash, battle Ot MUssden ands In Ootn late vtc• f,+r,•nr.s at tho request of both Rueala and Japan 19. Duke of Broglie, French stateamQn.—Thomas L,. Gen. A. C' McClurg, publisher, Chicago. .port p July 10, the ltlavi, for it's meeting of the confer- Shaw, inventor, Philadelphia. 16• Bishop J, J. Esher, Evangelical, Chicago.-- r, assigns. laps Fos Ftrtssfans in full retreat.—Jspa- etaee ix finally sized tit lhw Nav Yard, Ports- Prof. Henry A. Rowland, astronomer, Baltimore. oumantan ' bi- urs It'uritun' mouth, N. all nfI e y p 20, John Leisenring, mine owner and ex-Con- 22. Rt. Rev. Writ. Stubbs, I3is11oP of Oxford, Eng. nose occupy ltdng-Ki In cheLrger of tbr" ttrrnn c`m Admirale 10 g21�sPrrtf. Elisha Grayh'telephone Inventor, 23. Dr. Horatio Guzman, Sec. Bureau of Alrieri_tY of Wills saga E ne#e capture Sing-King, east of 1kiUkden, v or, New- can Republics, Washington. nor- nese orcUpy Tie pass after a blood itussla srlet•ts Its its I:teace envoys. M. de Witte, ton, Masa. adments to all i Y t rtasident of t'onttnittrn al Ministers, and Baron 22. 24. Count David Posse, ex-Premier of Sweden. Van River= itoseia, kiussinra AtntNaMMarir,r: Javan, Baran Kom- —13aronpWi Victoria, on RGreat othschild, and Ireland. 38. Col. 13(.njaniln `Vllson, ex-Cungressmarl and Ing- chiefLinevltch IS appointed Itusslan corn» ura, and MIWater 'Takaltira, Aug, 2 the fort, German ld, banker, Frank- one,of the, nig-inlzers of the State of t�, Virginia, r employes' » !n Manchuria in I,lace of C;Fs1f• y.—Simon �Iassler, musical director, Clarksburg, W, �a; traries near in- n i"eaCe env+ays arrlie. Aug. S. Romara and Philadelphia. 28.Jas, D. Reins, 'father of telegraphy," N. Y. "o.'s taeso occupy Itatyan, till ml.es north of do Witt* meet 110014c•velt at clyster Day. Aug,9, 26. Guise loo toward first day of conferencrtr. Aug, 10, Japan presents 28. Viscount Henry de Tao nier, Francomposer. Alay 00,000 for a ecce term* Aug, 16, Sakhalin Island terms re- 29. Const Gourko, Russian field omarshal.ch dramatist.. Cl-yRoy'gli h u B. Crum t, congressman, West Day ac- la makes known negatively terms 01' Jocted by Wltte, ,Aug, 17, serious disagreement De Witt Wallace, author, t lygamy bill ;en- wuuld consider. over cost of war. Aug, lb, Ftusalan envy Jurist and soldier, 3. Dr. Irvin C, De Rodays y goes to Lafayette, Ind. ingtan, g kosse, medical author, Wash- in in 9 Mai'. 1.lyster Bay: Intlemnity Insisted Upon by Japan aortally, and re y February. 4- Archbishop Lewis of Ontario. do Of Japan pr001a1mf Formosa und0r jetted b 'I�Itte. Aug, 23, President Rcose- � ,. Sir I)inshaw Manaekjce, Parsee ;is.—Cashier at W. volt sends appeal to Czar, Aug. 29, Japan roc• 5, Prof. Edward L+, Salisbury, Sanskrit and ` tically yields On all die p Arabic scholar, Yale University. 6. :Mariano I. Prado,ex-President of7Perti�PtpirIn, :ed; his al- lec- tvonsky's Russian armada Utterly do• puled points. Aug, 30 6. Rev. Jonathan Weaver United Brethren Bis- —George D. Germon, actor, New York• Admiral Togo in Tsushima straits; Ad» Peace, terms armed to• Sept. 1, armistice signed, ho, emeritus, Dayton, O. 7. Rev. Henry Scalding, Canadian historian and; e ;;fish tagatoft captured b1' Japanese; Admiral opt. 0+ treaty t:nlProxx(+d ready for signature, i )000 to the ,filed and Admiral Rojestvensky woua�d» n#Pt' Ili, armistice signed in open field. Oct, 15, 7, The Earl of Galloway, England, antiquarian.—Prof, David S. Tlolman, microscopic,Mucation. )ture�iw treaty signed by bath slaw(+I At, Russian-Ja anew fl' (lien• Jas. M. Ruggles, who dt•afted the first In, [-angor, Me. autiny in a war closed, p Republican platform, Springfield, Mass.—bear Ad- 14. Harvey 13. Young, landscape Painter Colorado 'Iar.1l+. mires Peter A. Rearick, Washington. Springs, Cul.—Count EugF+tie Mitkiewtes, Asbury gassed, con , agroos to American demand that dis- 10. Albert D, Shaw, Congressman and ex-Com- Park, N. J. oak, Mass., avy rnancier-Irl-Chief of G. A. R„ Watertown, N, Y• 1.7• Edwin F. 17111, ex-Ambassador to Germany, icide. ay- nG in GoveManilrnment may be Interned. rI'q 1�A'PO Nfnptarn Falls. 1t, Milan, ex-King of Servia, in Vienna.—Henry Ao.—Riots n vltrtlment wires to its Ambassadors N'iag'ara Falls is fed by 6,000 cubic miles of water J. Ellicott, sculptor, Washington. Grand Rapids, _-lith.—Mrs. Lyman J. Gage, tiVash- tgtOn and Paris to afcertaln Japan"A from the upper lakes with 911,000 square nilles 12. Don Ramon ria Capoamar, Spanish oat, Phil_ ingtan. acks break j sane. p Haven, Weston, MHowland,first petroleum refiner, Fair lthn tai reserve arra catteentrattd In a channel one osopher and statesman Haven, Mass, conspira- s'tat ROcssvolt addresses note# to both mild In width, separated ,fust above the falls by 14. Marshall S. Pike, 21, Gen, Fitz ,John Porter, :Morristown, N. J,— s, Inviting' them to arrange terms Of Islands Into two channels, each 3,800 feet in Lipton, Mass. Poet, singer and actor, Ex-Congressman Charles A. Boutelle, Bangor, lilt d vicinity like j width. `1ho rataidx cane-half mile in length fall 15. .'Maurice Thompson, novelist, Crawfordsville, —Sir Edward Cornmerell, Ifinglish admiral. I conference, select Washington as the place 66 feint, 7`tte pyat(•r at the horseshoe falls at Ind.—Gilbert A. Pierce, ex-Senator from North 23. John R. Tanner, ex-Governor of TTlihois, resident for firth I eonterence, depth cat about 20 Peet, leaps 165 feet into the Dakota and ex-Governor of Dakota Ter., Chicago. Springfield. rt decides Dost a announces the taltmef of Ambas#adorr low er river. The flow over the two falls, Horse- —Jos. A de la Harps, scenic artist, New York. 3, ul, forcing bas- ad 8arctl vnil Resets of pea0e pienipo- xhrrpl and American, ova 30. Count W m, Bismarck, German mess.—Gold ,000 rapes 275,000 cubic feet 16. Prof. C. C. Coles, editor of Storms and Signs, 31. Brig.-Gen, Thomas Wilson, U. S. A., re- per secrand, representing acenrdtng'to expert state- Kingston, Pa. tired, New York.—Rev. Alexander S. Vaughan, en, of +1w17+ men, 7,000,1100 horse power, a daily force equal 17. Ethelbert Nevin, musician and composer, theologian, :Malvern, Ark. ter-General Mt ROONvelt announreN the names of to the latent ��atower of 2M,rN tone of coal, A New Haven.—Sir Francis Cooke, London. Juice, an Arabian (I.— Mt pt►a en-tjys, Russian slid Jal,anese, committee durinx the summer of 1905 including 19, Dr. Wm. H. Egle, historian, Harrisburg, Pa. 1. Ex-Captain Henry W.Howgate, R'ashington. • discovered roe seise t3at;halie"ta island.--Japanet►e J 13orac" McFarland. of Harrisburg, president; 22. Rt, Rev. Mgr. Bessones, Catholic, Indian- 2. James A. Herne, actor and playwright, New in- nrsakiwok and olivnee batteries, Clinton Rogers Woodruff. of Philadelphia, sec- spells. _ stills. t retary, and William I3, Howland, of New York, 27, Rev. Robert Alexander, editor of the Pres- York.—Rev. Dr, McKay, Canadian missionary in av- alrtaulnte+d as offs tai the lZUsrwlan peace treasurer of the AmKrlean Civic Association, byterian, Philadel hia. fisc 't± ltarmy lrLC, who h olio la waited ution President Roosevelt and gave fig- 28. Wm. M. Evarts, lawyer, New York. i 3- oev. Southern. Parker Methodist missionary °win army Innrls north of Vladivostok. g- lance. r*. land a bAttallon at Doicastrles, 700 Urex to show that ten companies now have au- March. 1 Mrs. Mary A. Townsend ( XariPfa" It, launched I ttf Vindivostok. th('rity in utlllxo thirty-one million three bun- ' Galveston, Tex. )' poet, ounces launched DeL- etred and thirty-nine thousand and flue hundred 3. John R. Reecroft, hymn writer, New York, if Ituesian garrison on Saghalien Island dred power of the effective power five the falls, 5. Dr. Richard J. Dunglison, editor and medical 9. Major',I'm, H, Daly, volunteer army surgeon, titude ever YAr� and that five other companies were In the pro- author, Philadelphia, Pittsburg (by suicide), Aix tutrt. hors0028 of organization. Restrictive legislation by 6. Rev. -Canon William Bright, English then- 10. Walter Besant, English novelist.—Robert W. .se rebellion. ser is and Jaj�anew peace envoys received the state with the co-operation of Canadian au- 1 logian.—Walter Fo;'d, son writer, New York.— Ouchanan, English poet and prose writer,—Robert ,lace of New 1_ tident at Oyster BAY. thnrities and active efforts CP President Roose- Carl Carrington, story writer, San Francisco. I• Lloyd-Lindsay, first Baron of Wantage, ]Llng- 7. Lyman D. Morse, head of advertising agency, land' Edwin Moran, landscape painter, New York, Armour in- nofai i tatake at Portsmouth.th, o a, vest promise now to cave the Lalle from further New York. g g 13. Daviel Rea. Congressman, St. Joseph, Mo, r Institute, h a+n tett tit take fort La>xareM. Korwa. encroachments, 8. John S. Hitteil, historian, San Francisco. ln1. HSzenPSCP('heney, ex-Governor,oMa fchigan, begins. envoys at 1'cN tsmoUtla reach an agree- 12 Caesar C. Moreno, diplomat and adventurer, N. H ncirester, ,uding Arch- consents to an armistice. New Inauguration Day, Washington, 22. Adelbert Hay, ex-Consul to Pretoria, New The last Thursday In April, in place of March 13. Benjamin Harrison, ex-President of the Haven, Conn, ,try accident). fined by Vice f >�lrjptettuibetlr` 1, for presidential inauguration clay, has been i7n. A States, Indianapolis. 24. Charles K. Saloman, English composer, 01 Ir of the treaty of peace completed. recommended by a national committee, consisting 15. M. Bogoliepoff, Russian Minister of Educa- 25. .Rev. Jos. Cook, author and lecturer, Ticon- nf peace Signed at Portsmouth.---News of the governors of state" and 15 citizens of the tion, deroga, IN, Y. rr"rcrh•rl!t by Japant-av envoym provoke a District of Columbia, and formally presented for action to the 69th Congress, were bectueau:ued .tu Ills frltsrlds. Anil gnaw trie Thomas Jefferson al'wa,•ys, according to l'nUl ivitl,fr>,ming ia, 8 arloz;, Cl M.•p m r;l h-istorv, made much display and was rated J LU'duvvu t1 c.}vac-,te t,ey'd w J(,tt C3m 0 r~ as wealthy, but in ole age he was re- (i) •-+ duced In circumstances allcl wli,s forced to Then like thr. handiw'or'k or r;ho.t-, Yep O cease eiltertaininiX with such a.lavish hand l`hc a d :i, lilt, bl acs. night'o- forl)] O +-+ at Monticello. 0011 res5 ) j�''tth t Itlxi }t al rti ul tl e mipl,!v h,.?( , .CI O aS $ pa i tl him $8,400 (l t' ,, qr 1. 1 a ti f in u na a swept notes quiver, �?m CD ao for a large Portion of his valuable libiar}r, Anrl towel Rtse hiWh, die down, and ever d C7.. O qt A G3 y, and this suns was economically spent dui- inverted rta!s the phor..phors ride, I3re the love,and love alway, (�ref � cis w R. iris his last days, T n softly melt away- O v W q Cd m O 0 William Henry 'Harrison was known is Droll north to south, fro,rl cov't to }vest, H. ten, sportsman- Wattle the bird's + .4 an everyday man, and when ill the White 1'laev hold thc•h rr,ascue of hall: T,i tie heart with passion stirs, tits 0 ;., � � �� Ilauae lie cared Ilitle for style. He saved 1'h, Ttirt,°rn c'ried ficin out talc:tic;t, :4i ht and hearing both are gone, O --- m Gi O cd'� a good portion of his salary aad died 1'I c „a ',leas Gn tied the s vc lI, Love reigns<alone. a� Z tc P,0 r0 IZ4 inoderatei rich. H;is �'ntl, 1!n;l}v d ,tier ciunr rind 1}old, Tbereforr°,when the flood of song � .� m m ai y grandson, Lienjamai p. O s. Harrison, was likewise eroninniesl, sa},::ci ice ll�ht vas„a J r,;can of hell. Is most stroniy, a4 PP•,m m W r.,t `� nioney and enjoyed =t Take a sure and deadly aim t D cis ,� after his term. good law practice ill tl, nigh th r:i^1, ,tl tltotg;h the day, At the heart with love aflame; A Ct+•�i Ori O 1.i1<, Pot', dI I ti,ei c nen And avoidd the ttlen1stone the rootless foat, 0•Z.� ,L2 lived Geri(well, Ulutlai tlie`salnill eletP4ihi �HoueCcl Lrt,c1 �t o, t.+ irl,t,.� �tir,nn�va} Now, in luck's name, CS ,money, the salary of tale Presideltt seeing At,:'1 J. 1 ,,,:1 i+1 tc t bti '�.is rIinc.I, r� 114 w ao w Cwt” c. raised ficin �?5,4d0 to $50,440 while, he was Take steady aim- �5► .� n A11 1,(,t t,.a, ,i� t ]f s;,1 the a_all. CD a �O IZI serving his second terill. General Grant �� x,, m 0 q O hada larger stabs; of t.horoughbred,; than "H. G."—:anent the poem,. "The Howe The flock flies off,mute is the woodland lyre, ..� O r0 any President, and whets. lie took a fancy 1Vind in the Sall," published In the l;a lc, The singer's heart is pierced to the Core. d( A to a horse he generally masa ed tr, bu.v on December I, 1:104, "H. M." of Sailors He feel,no pain for evermore. 4 m JC it regardless of the g , I3esthesanglove'secstass, �_0 �'_ -0 price. He vas not Snug Harbor sends the follovt-tnb, entitled T.T:t yy. het +� t-+ G ., wealthy. aitllougla worth considerable "The Sailor-bo wbich he thinks _-- _-- -- ----- when his second term ""' red. All en- inight be what tile, corresopnclant called for: tanglement in a wildcat fnancial concern 'Willing to Oblige, led him to pledge. his ssvol,ds niedals and �'<hen. o'er the silent deep wt. rove, Mrs. Husslc—Std. of that dozen of r* * More fondly then our thoughts will stray eggs were gel-ns to tiV; H. Vanderbilt for the loan of Ta those we leave, to those vet love, i rotten. $100,000 to clear his name of the disgrace \ti hose we e a dealer—Sorry. very sorry. hers. fiussle: I hope others had brought upon hint, Prapursue our lonely way. The sliest e.,ti'ava� i 1�'hen, in the silent midnight hour, you didn.'t break the shells^ a'i11t President was The sea.110c taltes his watchful stand, Arthur, who not infrequently gave dinners :she heart then feels the h„Best ;,ower Mrs. I{tt:>stc �'h�,of course„ T dld. how could costing as much as $5,004. When he went Of love, or home acrd native land. I tell 1�,llcthcr ttaey ,vee Irood.or:,ad7 into the White House lie was worth prob- J.tcalcr-11,you 1,Zdn t broken the shells,w,fe could ably half a Trillion. His predecessor, Gax- In vain, n,a}- "Tropic Climes” dispisy have taken ilre egt;r• '•'cr,I{. We have other efts- field, died a poor shall. The people raised Their glittering shores, their gol,geous shells; tomos,you i,noty. But nc,tr the: are no use to $300,000 for Mrs. Garfield, and Congress Tho' bright blydk vying their g•lorluus way, VNI voted her a pension of$5,000 annually. And azure th e prolific adorn the dells, us.-L3oston Truttscrip..• T `r'• Tho' nature there prolific yours — -------- ------- ayes was accused of _. par61111011y° (IUs- t'ha "TI'P84ltrPV" nf' hn,• m,,.ib• h}+nR. the Forest n1aA •wrrr„ .,.,....,., d in r hi.a Inr.nml C#lNliliAt. Nt1t..t1(}Y or lutli�(uttimlmact. GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF T� b�. 6, Ky. usook. Inventor of fishing real. rrftnk. li)(}:.,the transfer of the antho York, 1100 N. Y, , Y, 24• Simon and Jeremiah ,,rrrrt,;rl t,•nrntrr, Ne,I 1,y(k Jantorary, town.-Negro lynche 1E• plattsbu it rr2rtrt C7it a .T�rett#lah b1 \•„i C,t \ r'+nf,re,,stnin L Earl of Ilopetoun sworn in as first Governor had murdered Alexa , t7. Jweph Ladue founder of Irawriteri t• \'ilr�,r. +•x sou rondo at neon otr that day U. �, Jltd a WM. A. W Washinttton. Rey t len lmh,rl tichley, of the Federated d Auhtralian Colonies. 18.Cin. Chaffee in . indlana Its, l. I'ut ve4, New Ynrlr. to join Waldersee's It Palace, 1luvuua,and that of C_ ,, riot, i�avi R. pal p� 2(t, Jahn C2, Ntcol"Y' I,rrt;+rt• se•rr+•trtry and Ir, 5• J. P. Morgan secures cortrol of Jersey Cen- foreign envoys subm 11 y gt etnan. CleveJttttrd.. {• iaaat#aler artd ex.cot#_ rrtpher of Al,raham l,ln,1„ht 11"trnhUtary it" tral$300,000 Reading ationddisehi Valley Mex can na- 'er of authority wua rntuia by ( J. Pei �`aehlnittnn.--Air 1"bgt>aareC#ylt8y tinntidlan ert.t d, basses St. Louis Lr Frdward Wartlah, r Count C3reppl, Itatii,rrl Minister t,)r'lijl,, tional treasury.-Common salt announced by Pro- bill,-Organization a Headquarters DC*purtme bort, d •slaw tt#ahu--c•turer.tat, LOUIS. Arlgitc•r completed at. Akron, 8, essor L(,Pb of the University of Chicago as a life 21.Twelve persons Havarti, 21, J t J11 y. HenryrY W. (-ramlr, nhlphullder, 1'Irllct,lell,hjt, preserver in cases of great loss o* blood. Bordentown, N. J. unthaw 1.Jab, t Kyle. U. !t, S*natt)r, 'tberdeen S. U ,' �t�ltatnt F#®dtt�r\r�i��Illhall!" thr• rx ,, 7, Shares numbering 2,150,000 sold on the New 22.Cuban Constitu rbUnited States T now tmnsfor to' 22, •T Albert dahnSon trat!tion capitalist,!tallr►t, t,leveriand. 'rpt+st h t tin in• rary star of first m ' York Stock Exchange. vornment tint control of rho 1 Clnntta' t �' eM• larnnte:tive rt►anufarturer It'ater- 8, ' tri •\mr•rir,t, 1t'Ir,•,Ilett, 8. The Carnegie Co. announces iia purpose to neously at Edinburgt otratltutlon of t,ltra Iteprrhllr of �• N• re. NeMland )J trard, t. ilr t \I,•xan+t,r 11ruKt•ra, I';i+iw+`„I,;rl I,I hop build a $12,000,000 steel plant at rConneaut, O.� de Janeiro wrecked is day pramulKntnd;and I lt(, er, gYmat! and hictut'et' New , '8lipiae'c+pttl of �triney. III ] 8 lives lost, inciudl we ty eight lives lost in the burning f an o Itury government of rite lslaad t` author tl rtiantt, Hawaiian statesman, r •'F tint 4Nu- 0. T rr 1 i. l' 'I'arltlP, Inv"•hili• fir tltot•Ito, Sigl1l, Phan asylum at Rochester, N. Y.-The House and family. ,on the exp retia condition gni 24. a !`ruf• 1h'attkita W. Ftrtt \\'arMla. 1^ l\'lillatn Ituttirtentt, nrual,nl ,lirrrinr passes Burleigh Congressional reapportionment bill. 23, Mrs. I'nimons 1 oepptance t ereof,you do now York Carr a Thenlar'l"I 9etnitla ' r+t[-J realderit of t'}tl_ ('g,l,rr I'(Jr.•talc. 9 Harvard observatory determines the orbit, size city of Chicago the C Gttke all and several the nhlltttr,f �ht)too�it�s ;'F'• ' f Jrthn Jlttwk,, lo, i,,,r+•nxa Emory, 1•rna, r,l^ i hrr Morrnu r and distance from the earth of the planet Eros. -Senate passes St, l betw(ren the United Stau-s of \ tion' Offer Q itt hlstotiatt, t.ambridge, >n the l 01 day of December 1t3�} 6' Ii !i JuJfat'1'ait, Atvatoh pJ#yetultrt. �attr.-'t'rnt. t�rrlt l.uk+u, n .ltur,h, ` 10. Wm, E. Chandler defeated for the Republican 25. United States U. It Scott. nlillt 11, '1tuothua 'f'. Ilt'+,o104. 24 \'li'e•1°rea of Penusyl• Senatorial nomination in N. H.by henry E. Burn- 26. National Confer rr a down to this date,have ;d 710% }\t Va v & Prince vein R �palriter. Plainfield, V.J. vallin It. Il„ i3atr r,+, ,,• - r(.vonnea of C.uha trttr►afrrrr,l ttr t>na+tr•--i0d etJtettI t,�e�X-f.hrianceillar of Dor_ ham.-Sixty fishing boats wrecked off lIashidate, sots rejects the phos claims and oI)Ilgattaua,prtt a+rl it J4r, owIllo) I-arker b;;cttn, 12. Rev. Ctworttr• N. t1„tt, 1'rrR, of thr+ of*1(1G,t)Clo;hus been rn»ervetl� 81. M Jo t 0' UrltvorsitY ' CyaJlfotTtta,-g>rpf, Jr,. lmerlcan Japan; 390 people drowned. Diamondville, Wyo., ! sob ,iron` f,till• fieJtbath T'nion, I•!:r t rrrurtgo, y, ,1• 11. Senate passes the Congressional reapportion- 27.Lake marine er t. Jr#fJq-tae 15. Thr• ltukr ,rr 111,;t, w, meat bill. 28. Army appropriai reporcin ,and winding utt> th N T, }•! an rrholar, Merlin y„rk. t apish tlanco of mind surd will be Ills,►d ll To e1'rs i+c�MJlardt eagltaIrist Nrrw T'ork. gra n l+e, in X,t+ 2 (� 12. First great oil gusher in Texas brought in.- ippine amendments, N' NeWetl t Orphelts� Kerr""). hurnorint, I(4, •lrir•1 Tinrurt, tit,trrrlerrl nranaltr•r, New }'ark, " 'twenty-four indictments for alleged municipal he cities of the Island and 'hleks, r! New York•--It'eelerla �trrasuMs 1x ►+,la[r Pitt l,rat�. rlotrr merchant and es• corruption handed down in St. Louis. 1. Discovery of Bee Ile(it vrrninent or thr.United -Rev ltiehard H Hubba Presldrrit of l"hti"+. C; -,•rn„r \liar+, 13. Chinese representatives at Peking sign the Neva, :i 1J^ (lett. Jlattle! J3u��e;dGovernor of Texas» lin.-Nebraska penit( he $t'th article of that uppotr pauXfitker ale. N• Y, 1,1, !tr•)u-\,initial I"'ratnr'!r+ M, Iluner,, iT, 5 Joint note of the Powers. lye Ferrell, murderer t, 1'e J le' melee !£ltranor A. f)rme`MA rrttrr•d, llrtril,+r,1, r;,•n. 1\'alt,•r A. , la. C,luay re-elected to the iT, S, Senate from cityy of TTuvnnn fur which a t 7 erp II l a Wm, H, l.nt¢ltrh arrtomnl"" rrrcrnriel-111-il la,r+,f S„n s „r \',•I,•rarns�ylle,ex-Cont. electrocuted at Colun P,Rockeby k co, (Jubreehtt, surgical uutlr„r, Pennsylvania.-British steamer Kaisert wrecked M. T iri,b'n, 1 ar ui it Iq r'rill r•, orla,0. 4. McKinley and Rc �! Rttr1 i off MauritiuP Island; 6 persons drowned,-1 reit 5. Jahn E. Searles, 'of prove ode ire W nrrapnred ex-Con t !l�'ster Jap •soasM•nathlr rn, It`ri n,h xnpl+`rKist- 20, tlrrr. ,larn,•4 1\all«+^r, ,x-r',trfNdarate anri irX- Alexander, colored, burned at the stake by mob 7, Turkish atrocitie [approved by rhohesalir 2, p p k1tAt! corted LI Illxt, r'angreasnrrn, itf+hnrntr,l. A'rt.--auttodur to 1•orest, at Leavenworth, Iran. frontier. 'on,andpumpingtheaurn to Mm er 7a t M In ou�rrniln, dynamites a Lawton, nrrtn+ta„nt.r• }V'asblllxton, netregs �''tt }'+o•k. �6. A vendetta mob at Corbin, Ky., 9. Tornado wipes of tia o de Cuba,acontract fnrw ex- ort tikrgJ#h Admiral John lrHin. 1' S o tr,trill, 22 Er.,i,rh k .t r,br'r, rrrgrrnfat, I'lltsburg, store, killing three. Point, Tex. CU M.and now undr"r const 12. A exon.--W' 10,111 20.20. 1 i'''+`'++n \C'Iillrutr .A. llr,llan,l, 1)hllanthrnpiat, ;8. Prussia celebrates her bi-centenary.-Young 11. Great Britain r, --Rt Rev. H. J(rhhnr°n. toil ntr,r, the Preaidelit of the Ilntterd 14, H. b R SfoO�te p• AV'(•rt,,.rl, I;i�h„t, or t+ury llr>wl,tn• men at Paterson, N, J., who caused death of Jen- Hay-Pauncefote trea st epiderrttc diaetu3ea at thta ' 3l. ftr•r. `'"rrrelltiw V'nn +unfvnrd authtrr, Kin). die Bosschieter, convicted 2d degree murder. 13. Andrew Carnegi( ,artist tho other or•tsof the 1n' al to �` Wig' Adam Miller, "rnilwr for (1r•r'rimn ,ton, N, }', 20. Baron Robert de Rnths(:h e wounds Count de pension fund and for tditien®by rite prc(rr of the I{ dtstbodlrett it# Anrr.rlru," (;Itlt•ugu-!'nal \Ir xl >vntY•ntbPr, Lubersac in a (fuel,-Cashier Frank Har titer of Pittsburg. 17, a Pt'1- Prof.rii,sreliwt 4, .far•1 1'. itlrrltapr nrtthrir of legal text )looks, State Bank of Wathena, Kan., commitssuicide15.Andrew Carneg :e In the arty of Tlavunrt (a -Mia. '1" P ('1#ar, A, tl,tr,"t t. pltysle'lat, N`aaitlnt3tutt. t'rrrnh1-h1gr, \main, to avoid lynching. branch libraries in N Mina J App st.� 6. :f++xl tit 11, ft(+e(1, r,r„kltrg rrtnttr+Inventor, );ter- 21. Mrs. Carrie Nation arrested at Wichita,Kan., library system in St lam nt sof ,bon title of the Tr!I China. ,•tt, 11 rs4. ,, after wrecking saloons. vetoed. lenient of he inti(* to said I i. Ae'. JwJiu11 R, 1lrsr 0 Clortnno etrtta�nman. i, lot Ilru14M lrant(,1 tilikos,imiagtr :Naw York, 16. Count Castellan ongreas of itis United titntrra 22. Tir Rt.eer L• J+'trrat#all, Awtedieh linnhr•1«+r, 1Tart, a rrl,lttrllr+t, New York,-Adolph 22. Demise of the British crown, King Edward In duel.-Ten men f+!l1r. Abram N, h p. henry VII succeeding Queen Victoria.-Senate ratifies election riot at Cane Ill States to(lolivor to yon Ill Tex' Itlshtrtt of t4ft inland, Littlejohn. I.p9ncataal Kr^ulltfor, tly,in 1':rrle, Mann, Adr)iplt It. 1'r`arts. Spanish treaty of cession of outer Philippine Isl- 17. Pittsburgxpos L�CONARD Wool),Mill tn to the# n1 a o$atR� Jiri1 R• 1�11aaw Iitrt,• (;r+•enritvay, I7ngliah book illus- ands,-Grand Opera House in Cincinnati burns.- Johnson of Niles (At F"redre'i4k of ilnrinnny. trntnr, A landslide at Krornpach, IJungary, buries )egad shortage about notification to the Atntrernartcln 26 Or liter C`hleage). �ce' on"nitad Stattar Traria 12. I.sriy ('atherine Jane ('arnw, 1+: houses and kills 80 people. ge Mrs. Emmons ] r ' kni.-ass. James 8, , I2• Iirrliln M. i war nglttno]. 23.The mid-centennial congress of religions as- Neglr 1XRi'tt, jcurnallst and ex-Con- sembles in Clricagn.-Nearly $3,000,000 in business University of Chico Depurtme CJeval ti. Watt, A, Newell, sx-(0Yernr�iat\rr11�'•uri„y, '1� I" M. tll�ttYyN4�ada, ^`'atrt It'ranrls,•o. Three hundred peniti WaabinKton,M 90, J.- ,` i°F. t'ott, water color n isatin, I+", property burners in Montreal. mine at Lansing, KF that the milttaty orrnl)nlion it *A;t ee Keri ps, in r, Ii,att,l+r, +'nl, manna+•r. firlg.-Oon. Ilenry f.. Rnlrinssrn, rletlt�tl, w24.T st alai mslto have perfected his system of 20. Maryland disfra it nn lrtdrr rradont govr•t•nmen of [}rleat#r, in (y`orbin t'hltur. tir•w 1'+,rl(. y of His Rxcelleltoyllivnor!)o 1. Jolt JJ' >011'aetcMrec•at 't`10 t ex-F-render or Ital 27. Moonaltiners nn l lkhorn Creek, Ky., 1(111 two 21•Mrs. Lizzie Ner John p a O+ �,1i(,rtel, Roanoke, ti"a, Y'""fI'n t:"• �1"r, M('Mll)ttn, T're*a, of tltnrrlcan Crrr;toll revenue officers, wound two and capture another. kills her six children gh the appropriate channoi to Tenn, 1'+ntrt,h t r'n• 23. Gen. Funston t i�'ll�r m I.altd. it otteJ# trrtnmurrtr•r.-11,+nr,n is, 1+r, Win F. Norris, oculist and tnedleul 28. Professor Robert Gersuny announces at Vi- airnong students, wor 4. i le" kelor"111' Italian_pa inter, ttrit+•r, t'hilndt'1)hfa, enna his discovery of the paraflpne cure for pbvsi- out in Russia. JUI3UT .� pen YMr•!L1'Nutt#ant Aeeeleaa, sJe►ywright rind actor, Ih•rr M. 'I"]t+,mars A11•r'ban, lt(ttanist, I'hlladrl,hlu, cal deformity. 24.Admiral Mello, �'OF G1JI3A. 0108, Y(Wk"" J- Chteettherialn, war rurreoPondent, New :.I. ,i„lrn Ii, ihn'k,', hymn Writer, Wheatr+n, IIs, 30. The Southern Railroad Co. secures control of tor, arrested in Braz ToNtArt l7STRAnA l''1 !0 i' Jt. V'tt+rttsic. «" C(ilint v,rrt 1Irttrf+l+it-Wllrlenh()r the Mobile and Ohio Railroad.-The independent 25• Tornado at Bin ...............L(rtt3 111aTtaYtGllr I?avid tiuA'pi1u, hlleari AiIhlMinr to [J. 16, ill ,ill l+,marl, 1, German oil pipe line to tidewater finished. kills 17 people. r:T, folk. V f "i. d, arr'r'''tr'r'• I',nnur Union labor nominee 31. Explosion and fire starting In the Wicke ei- 26. Philander C. KT g, Wm >U• OU star '4i'.tars•a lrnrg, Swedish t unci coin- roil, I'r,:.i.l+lit,, Now Wir+,ir++,r, Ill, gar factory, New York, inflict $1,500,000 loss. Attorney-General.-Ol rtrcultlf ....... TP.......irks card . Negy yn ' +tat. \\`, l.ti nit. 1tlVeRtor, atv 1`otk. Y7, +'I+•nr Sin,l+lu+k,r, wagon manufacturer and Febr-trary• debenture co>7rtrult.urP................ 7. Wtp P. T. WrsF'Illn, OtIverrtnr of thr N'titl(rnni d/• IMt>rit. Natdierr' Hams, ftrrnrlrtdn, I'rr °'x '""ntrr Nt;n+au, 1n,11,+nn.. iravid ti\'nite, ex-Got•er` i. The Union Pacific Co. secures control of the in U. S. Treasury, K �((rT/(1/ildf.`!'Ft(ratllt• J()N 7C�i4I.(} t tt+,t' „r +„I,+r I,j,,. ovrNr,tca, g K- >tif, C'l#aet. A, i(rr�lr*1, nx-CD„veru,+r, l.rtconln, N.I1. 3r), Irt Ii,tratrn ir,•+ker, sr'upltor and entomolo- Southern Pacific R. R. 28.Nebraska Senato rt:NmuAL EXIL10 WIT>atz. 4. ktertla �. Ilrig,-fJrn. t\'ttt, l.uril,rw, i'crnvr•nt, N, J. 1(lat, Itr'ttrllnt, f'n, 2. The President signs army reorganization bill. 30.i ttnston prompt :)LnNrcL Ling 1'rctrrcx 9. 17r. Ieptemttorr. 4, The House passes bills to extend national in regular army.-Th tnxrertAL FRA (,11tsCct ECRAT' William 2, ltr, (31e>r1ue1 lrurtnr, educator ()f «1cdaC tttutre, 2. I1r, Chas, P.rrslt;eY�lrntarlr t uthar, Philadelphia. flank charters and to 1)ay Spanish war claims. tribal battle near Ni NNktiAL Jose MlrztrrCL(IOU 12, I,r Varminat(m, Ott:• a, A petroleum fire at Baku, Russia, destroys in army commissary HNHRAL Tarr,REC!1n, cf IIIIIIlt d Jurttee Itfurjrhy of rite iritth f4uprnttle Court, 4, Oen, A, 17. IIaMn ox-Third Assistant l()st- many lives. oLoxrttL 17oMxNtc(t Ltc(;uaNA, 18. lit" e 7 GM O, Tearla, I:riteltach Actor. mn"teyresident,nf\wthei Washington -Sir \i'ln. MacCor- 6. Senate passes amended war revenue reduc- 1.Tolstoi banished k'NFMArr.�.LXioil,Iptac Rr J.rrrJ OE,JIIta[ 8 t-t. f), Arnxrur. ptark packer, `hlrngn, British linyal College of lion bill.-National Federation of Churches and Fttrrgenns, 2,Agutnaldo takes Ral ah 9 G' ' E• \\'ritrht. ,}trurnnllat and author,.,(,hi I)ynamit In San organized 1n Pho, blows off 1rr, RX-Judge Robert �'\', Hughes, ]rynamite in San Andres mine, Mexico, trio's off 4, Steamship Celtic, 1r1 F aatlo'"J, C#ordryn (•tiegler, poet, Vnilnnlrla, S. C, lt1c11rrrnnd,Va, g journalist, mountain top, killing 87 persons. at Belfast, Ireland.- `l`l•U.1D 7r() tllQ lmilsn, 1 . ttrtitrne 13111,1, composer. 1.randwl. q t 7. (queen Wilhelmina of Holland weds Duke Ing attained the b all S;(xtllnt 14 W1111am MOICInley, Prenlilont +,r the 1'niterl Racing Atrboeiationie" Taal. I•tery of Mecklenberg-Schwerin. reached on the Wes all.The Certain Dyed the reps 16. (1 Stwrio, at llutionto,-•-nen. E. ft. II„h«,rn. Prewlc'lent The* taxrt•x 8. Saracco's Italian Ministry resign, 5.Gen. Tung I+n Si re And nervously pracsed t r paid by the racing associations of r'.r 10.Three thousand men of Topeka, Kan., join 6.The Council of t �. A. Iwlexlean War 'ireterana Anancf:ri inrr, Cleveland, NOW York:state t.-r per cent. of their gross receipts Atrrs. Nation's hatchet crusade. York annoupees plan is lie licard the wind throug 17. !. IS. Rt. Rev, Henry S. Whiprrlo, 1"rttthrgtant rriols- tinnually) to the Sats Comptroller for the ,il And nervously paced t 22. ("(x copal Retvsh refer tv111�u Iiartahorh, founds r of Year 13. Congress counts presidential electoral vote. 10. Mrs. P. D. 1rm Thr,bun went(town lilac a l,utl Island as follows: The rolling waves fov4 h nev Island Jockey ('tub 14. The Princess of Asturias marries Prince crease their cantrfb s- N•, Mount 1•nlon r011ege, Allianz(", Ct,-('aldraron�('atr_ Ilrooklyn Jnr'kr Club •••• $22,010 Charles of I3ourbon; state of siege being proclaim- Chicago.12. Srke by $1,000,00( It R Ameri 11010. Irtwyer, Wanhinttton. \\wr�str.h('atr*r Ra ins Association .. 29,674 ed in Madrid same (lay. 1a;But nothing the(sprain's sem, (! 1l1.Jas, (3, Flatterr(rn, Krnnite-(ruttlnq Inventor, Flrighton Beach rtacinq Association .. " 21,009 1-u. Sixty men killed by mine explosions near 15. Pope elevates tort 20,380 Victoria, B. C, bishop Martinelli, tit lir,nervously paasd thr. F outrhk Ziartfard, Conn, Saratoga Assoclatlon """ olorad') Q 13,630 16. Gen. De Wet routed by Britl;;h at Phillips- 18. Le Mars (Iowa • pa.lriter, Jtlr.Cfiae, C. I3eltnnnlca, restauruntrur, C ue("ns (:"aunty Jocksy Club ..... 11,278 Springs, .. td-All the,livelong night,rig V. >�lr p star t'�ol. Total ........ - ` y paced th ........... ........................$128,081 1 r+�nen r,uHt Minriea IrI 'Tw;ra Itautfht•to)tint that (r aUunc+sro envoys provoke a District of Columbia, and formally presen a 101717 3t. II+nrrvouslypsocdrlle biootly riot In Tokio, action to the 09th Congress, _ .were be(iuea,r,,led to his frI(snps. t:+.l gun.sv the 1 s TL Jeffer on �tlwtvs according to l.Tntil with fnairnin .,,Through rite weary voyraga,rltittlt and m.� z q ! histor;y, made Much ddSpl ty and WA.3 rated Va (1,.�n thr Nva:. ar'Sn sunshitter clear or in hlirrdlnrf spial•, s1 e3' J1.4 as wealthy, but in old age he w is re- re'1 (s ytcgged along its rile eelf•anirrr.w'y. m x0, •-• O 03 ducerl, in circumstances and was forcer) to Then, like the ha r Arid norvoualy paved the bridgo, cease enterta.initt), tcith such a,ItIvish hent] They'd'd tare r O.� •00 at i1lollticell0. �t_,ort res4 �g .-, s Z}writ s hi is tk+�, � � .paid hdin �:. ,000 na ;r. When the,ship at lost d ;tr-rar that lan+i hist,how the swept nnte�solver, m m A b for a,large portion.of tris valuable library=, 1n I rc ue' 1 1 ur ' 1� Rise hfah, die down,and ever ., p A and this sun, was ecollomicail spent dur- He nervoub'y paegd d t;rldge. c1 cl• cli A 4� y=1) Int,.rtcrl t tt,t tits w ing h.e last da t;lextl>'ltu uttered Tach sharp ct)Mmiau�+, RrP�the love,and love alway, (�'� m O p Q a W1111an1 Henry 'I3at'ri on was T n softly melt away- O - W q P O knowli as From not 4 to ro.! g A.lid nervotttily paced the brldKe. H ten, sportsman. «Thlle the bird's U " r. 4 .,q all everyday+nlan, and when in tite `VStite 7 l ; hel,l thelr r ,y 'laid tite wattling of tits anchor chain, 1.[tie heart with passion stirs, raj O � t., �00 ;4 Douse Ile cared Ill tle for ;tyle. He saved Th, hitter a cried f z_,.And the greettntts,ltay'oua and profane, Si ht and hearing both are gone, v CI ce a good Portion 0P hi; Salary wird diel I f,r hat;,lc n ,r,ar Lour.resins alone. iltodera,teiy rich. 1T.is grandson, Lietliar�z.n t1'a11( inn lss ,d, r. tl H(a);till woos under Cltts samo cid etxalrr' Therefore,when the flood of song p ai o M CZ a� 1110de ate'on, was likewise economical, saved Tho llollt tlas,rccl n Ile.rt(t'votlall'Iu►ord the bridge. Is most strong, p,%-+ r^-. m rt. sr nioney acrd enjoyed a Takr a sure and deadly aim bl)5 c1W �, after iris term. prod law practice' tr,WhY dict he do It,I'd likes torr know? A O All lit rltrh +h rt i; At the heart'lilt love 9D Why nervously pac«r ttlrt trrldgeT pod avoid,ttcstone,with the raotfooi. ®,S2 li ed1eral Grant well,but; a.l: tile 'Virne1in eti ne1ilPe saved Lii:,t,ryUloI-Jouse ��,r,otti tit,i,lit,l'll P Why cotilcin't ht*walk It,cairn and x1ow- Now, in luck's name, Money, the salary of the President being An l 1 d n nd , llde lr Not nervously pace the bridirel? Take steady atm. ` ,� m M a;`�=. raised froln $25,0 0 to &50,000 white lie was 'rr m a O."".'" A serving his second term. General grant All ilio:,. { r'azy- W011 maybe lies aometimeb did,but getesl , .s].>�;., It wouldn't sound right in print.you tree. Fire. ^�� t,, W O O had rt tars er sta.bl:1 of thoroughbreds than H, G."-Anent. t: The flock flies off,mute 1s the woodland lyre, Wind in the Sall," Captgina,tats story writ agree, The singer's heart is pierced to the core: �' O-Cl t1A any Fresident, and wdten he took a faftey i�. 4.11 ttArvAtisly paces the bridge. He feels no pain for evermore. � 0 m m.� ,`.. j'^, m OL�'�' it Ito e�idless1eo�Ethaa1paiicte�nHe d to Biot Snug oil Harbor sendsember 4, ( Bcsthesanglove'secstasS, qp p s7 m f � wealthy. althOuglI worth eonsidc?ra.ble "The Sailor-boy's --.5'nnttle Nmua. kIappy bei -----__--- ---.__ _ -- -_---. Tl La _- __._�_---- - when his second terra expil•ed. An en- I tt be yr ha i 0. $0CA'Lte'e", Stumps, Him. nlgl t the c ,,, I tanglement irI i wildcat financial concern 1 '.to arguo with a woman W111big to ObIlge. led bilis, to lil.2dge Ills swords, medals ani, AVhen, o'er the siren A mart's a chum : Airs. Hassle-:ai:t of that dozen of eggs were gems to 4l', H. \Taitderbilt fc�2 the Loan Uf More fondly then oc p 5100,000 to clear his name thf the; disgrace To% those eve leave, tr Isar wltt:n,site says "llccause," rotten. g }\'hose l:araycr•s pars He's rtl) a stlimp, Dealer-Sorry, very sorry. Mrs. Hassle: I hope others had brought upon hill,. When. in thus silent n you (lidn t. break the shells^ Tile rhost e.ctravagant President was The sea l,o;: talces h _ 7irrtlaaa ('1r11 7"trrrrs. Arthur, who nat infrequently pave diilner:s Y110 heart then feels Mrs.Huastc--1\'hc,of course, T did. Iioty could _ costing as much as X5,000. 'When he went Of love, of home an 1 tell lvhcthcr they,veli eroori,ar,tad' into the N11hite House he was 'worth proi)_ T)ealcr [i�:ou hadn't hrol.c❑thr,shells,r,wc could ably half a million. Elis predecessor, GRr In vain, Wray ""iropfc have t.al en the eggs N"(k. We have other cos- field, died a, poor ntan. The people ra,lsed Their glittorinsl shor, tomer:,.you know. But nosy the;: are no use to $300,000 for Mrs. Garfield, and Congress mho' bright oru birds win! beg- voted hes,a � And perfumed flower us. I3vslon Tran;cri;rt, pension of$x,000 annually, Thu' nature there- pini _H _ - - ------- ----.---_- ----- - ayeswas accusQd of parsidur- <_� The "Treasures" of first rnon• Tho eye, but not the :pt. The heart still heats MEMMMMON _ Bird Wooing A Page Of,the Forest Iliad. "I■1 w .®.s ` ..._._., inQ his innnmhennv of the b,V glte ±10use GENERA) -NECROLOGY - - GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 19or. OP 1901-�'' P. Meek, inventor of fishing reel, Frank- i✓u�itiatuecl, 22. Simon Sterne, municipal reformer, New Fork. January. town.-Negro lynched at Lutcher, La after he ph Ladue, founder of Dawson Cit 24. Judge Jeremiah M. Wilson, ex-Congressita,i L Earl of Hopetoun sworn in as first Governor had murdered Alexander Burgeols and family. exe- 'g, N. Y. y, from Ohio and senior counsel for Admiral Schlel, of the Federated Australian Colonies. 18. Gen. Chaffee instructed from Washington not Judge Writ. A. Wood, Indianapolis. Washington.-Rev. Geo. T. Purves, New York, 5• J. P. Morgan secures control of Jersey Cen- to join Waldersee's proposed expedition in China; ? U. David R. Paige, financier and ex-Con- 6 John G. Nicolay, private secretary and hiog. tral, Reading and Lehigh Valley railroads.-A foreign envoys submit an ultimatum.-The Hous: Cleveland.-Rev. Byron Sunderland, rapher of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, $300,000 defalcation discovered in the Mexican na- passes St. Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposij(an and :on--Sir Thomas Galt, Canadian jurist.- 30. Count Greppi, Italian Minister to Chile. tional treasury.-Common salt announced by Pro- bill-Organization of Great American Cereal Co. Valsh, Sr., glass manufacturer, St. Louis. October, fessor Lt+eb of the University of Chicago as a life completed at Akron, O. S. reserver in cases of great loss of blood. 21.Twelve persons killed by train collision near July, Henry4. The y W. Cramp,. shipbuilder, Philadelphia, Bordentown, N. S. port H. Kyle, U. S. Senator, Aberdeen, S. D. 7. William eer of Rodgers itis of the sheet tin in- 7. Shares numbering 2,150,000 sold on the New 22.Cuban Constitution signed.-A new tempo- ;s. t Johnson, traction capitalist, Cleveland. dustry in America, Wheeling, York Stock Exchange. nary star of first magnitude discovered simulta- 'AL- n, locomotive manufacturer, Pater- S. Rt. Rev. Alexander Burgess, Episcopal bicho, 8. The Carnegie Co, announces its purpose to neously at Edinburgh and Erlanger.-Steamer Rio ry.- J.-Rev. Newland Maynard, E,isco pal of build a $12,000,000 steel plant at Conneaut, O.- de Janeiro wrecked by a rack off San Francisco; ar- ! and lecturer, New York.-Paul Neu- 9.QDrn H. Pl Tuttle, inventor of tharite, Soatti 1, Twenty-eight lives lost in the burning of an or- 128 lives lost, including those of Consul Wildman ,waifan statesman. Phan asylum at Rochester, N. Y.-Tbe House and family. bi- ological William Robinson, musical director, passes Burleigh Congressional reapportionment bill. 23. Mrs. Emmons Blaine turns over to Untver- Franklin W. Fisk, ex-President of Chi- Ogden, Utah. 9 Harvard observatory determines the orbit, size city of Chicago the Chicago Institute of Pedagogy. ological Seminary.-prop• John Fiske, 10. Lorenzo Snaw, Pres. of the Marmon Clturch, and distance from the earth of the planet Eros. -Senate r and historian, Cambridge, Mass.-Prof, passes St. Louis Exposition bill. reds Palt, Scotch physicist. Salt Lake, 10. Wm. E. Chandler defeated for the Republican 25. United States Steel Corporation chartered. t to Scott, ntilitar 11. Joshua T. Brooks, 2d Vice-Pres, of Penns i- Senatorial nomination in N. H. by Henry E. Burn- 26. National Conference of School Superintend- Y painter, Plainfield, N. J. vania R. R•, y ham.-Sixty fishing boats wrecked off Hashidate, ents rejects the phonetic spelling scheme.-Fire in ;eria von Hohenlohe, ex-Chancellor of Ger- Salem, (?, Diamondville, Wyo., coal mine kills 28. (ward Parker Deacon, Boston,-prop• Sabbath Union, East Mott, Pres. of the American Japan; 390 people drowned. leets rte, University of California.-Prof. ,Io- ast Orange, N. J. 11. Senate passes the Congressional reapportion- 27.Lake marine engineers strike. at- hmidt, Indo-German scholar, Berlin 15. The Duke of Alba, Spanish ment bill. 28. Army appropriation bill, with Cuba and Phil- mar, Lorillard, capitalist, New York. York, p grandee, in Nrt' 12. First great oil gusher in Texas brought in.- ippine amendments, passes Senate. Newell 16. Ariel Barney, theatrical manager, New York. Twenty-four indictments for alleged municipal trial ("Orpheus C. Kerr"), humorist, 18. John S. Pillsbury, flour merchant and York, corruption handed down In St. Louis. March. B. Hu io Errazuriz, President of Chile. 13. Chinese representatives at Peking sign the 1. Discovery of Becquerel ray announced in Ber- pith B. Hubbard, ex-Governor of Texas. Governor, Minneapolis. lin.-Nebraska Daniel Butterfield, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1`J• Rear-Admiral Francis M. Bunce, U. S. V„ joint note of the Powers, penitentiary partly burned.-Ross- 15. Quay re-elected to the U. S. Senate from lyn Ferrell, murderer of express messenger Lane, ass., +leanor A. Ormerod, English entomolo- retired, .Hartford.-Gen, Walter S. Payne, ex-Com- PennsyTvania,-British steamer Kaisers wrecked electrocuted at Columbus, O. ash- V'm• H. Gobreeht, surgical author, minder-in-Chief of Sons of Veterans, Fostoria, 0. 4. McKinley and Roosevelt inaugurated. -port a -M. Tietjen, Danish off Mauritius Island; 25 persons drowned.-Fre5. John E. Searles, New York financier, assigns. Lacasse-Dathiers, French zoologist.- Premier. Alexander, colored, burned at the stake by mob 20. Gen. James Walker, ex-Confederate and ex- 7. Turkish atrocities committed on Roumanian • bi- 30n, colored pugilist, in Australia. Congressman, Richmond, Va.-Augusta De Forest, at Leavenworth, Kan. frontier. K. Lawton, astronomer, g actress, New York A. A vendetta mob at Corbin, Ky., dynamites a 9_ Tornado wipes out 20 lives in vicinity of Wills 2ago; Admiral John Irwin, U. S.Nashretired, 22' Frederick Archer, organist, Pittsburg. store, killing three. Point, Tex. �•-W. H. Johnson, inventor, Louisville. M Prussia celebrates her b#-centenary.-Young nor- - Deacon William A. Holland, philanthropist, 11.Great Britain rejects Senate amendments to at." Brooke F. WestcOtt, Bishop of Dur- Boston, men at Paterson, N. J., who caused death of Jen- Hay-Pauncefote treaty, ing- ,rtd. 31. Rev. Cornelius Van Santvord, author, Kin- Hie Bosschieter, convicted 2d degree murder. 13. Andrew Carnegie gives$5,000,000 for employes' Adam Miller, "father of German ston, N. Y. g 20. Baron Robert de Rothschild wounds Count de pension fund and for maintenance of libraries near in America," Chicago.-Paul Alexis, in- elist. November. Lubersac in a duel.-Cashier Frank Harpster of Pittsburg. 'o.`s 4. Joel P. Bishop, author of legal text books, State Bank of Wathena, Kan., commits suicide 15.Andrew Carnegie offers $5,200,000 toward 'has. A. Schott, physicist, Washington. Cambridge, Mass, branch libraries in New York, and $1,000,000 for a ae- t� avoid lynching. August.` 6. Josiah M. Reed, cooking range inventor, Ever- 21. Mrs. Carrie Nation arrested at Wichita,Kan., library system in St. Louis.-Utah polygamy bill us R. Bosse, German statesman. et7. Li sHungs. mes G. Peakes,esinger, New Yorkr• after wrecking saloons. vetoed. Forshell, Swedish financier, in 9 Hart, capitalist, New York.-Adolph F. Kraus, 22 Demise of the British crown, King Edward 16.Count Castellano wounds Editor De Rodays Abram N. Littlejohn, E y VII succeeding Queen Victoria.-Senate ratifies in duel,-Ten men wounded, three mortally, in ,ong Island, piscopal sculptor, Hyde park, Mass Spanish treaty of cession of outer Philippine Isl- election riot at Caney. Ky. at 8. Miss Kate Greenaway, English book illus- ands.-Grand Opera House in Cincinnati burns.- 17.Pittsburg Exposition building burns.-Cashier r Empress Frederick of Germany. triton, A landslide at Iirompach, Hungary, buries 28 Johnson of Niles (Mich.) bank arrested; his al- 1 C. Price, ex-United States Tress• 12. Lady Catherine Jane Carew, England. leged shortage about $140,000. )ec- o. houses and kills SO people. 19.Mrs. Emmons Blaine gives $1,000,000 to the n. James S. Negley, Plainfield, N. J, 13. It M. Daggett, journalist and ex-Con- 23. The mid-centennial congress of religions as- University of Chicago School of Education. tish g-lessman from Nevada, San Francisco. sembles Tn Chicago.-Nearly $3,000,000 in business Three hundred penitentiary convicts mutiny in a Newell, ex-Governor, Allentown, N 14. Col. Henn Property burned in Montreal. R, water color painter, Boulder, Col. manager.-Bri y W' Mapleson, English operatic 24.Tesla claims to have perfected his system of mine at Lansing, Kan. ienry of Orleans, in Cochin in New York, g'-Gen. Henry L. Robinson, retired, wireless electric lighting. 20.Maryland disfranchisement bill passed, eon 'co Cr#spi, ex-Premier of Ital 27. Moonshiners on Elkhorn Creek, Ky., kill two 21.Mrs. Lizzie Neramore at Cold Brook, Mass., ivy ;orrel, Roanoke, Va. Y.--Gen' 15, Wtn• McMillan, Pres. of American Car and revenue officers, wound two artd capture another. kills her six children and attempts suictcie. ay- ,• Laird, Scotch ironmaster.-Domen- F18.ndDr.Co 23.Gen. Funston captures Agninaldo.-Riots Italian painter. Wm. F. Norris, oculist and medical 28. Professor Robert Gersuny announces at Vi- anlong students, workingmen and Cossacks break s 1n nt Smith, playwright and actor, Den- w19teThPmalgdMeehan, botanist, Philadelphia. enna his discovery of the parafi3ne cure for physi- Gut in Russia. hamberlain, war correspondent, New 21. Jahn H. Burke, hymn writer, Wheaton, Ill. cat deformity. 24.Admiral Mello, alleged Royalist conspira- lth; 30. The Southern Railroad Co. secures control of tor, arrested in Brazil. 22. Count von Hat zfeldt-Wildenberg, German the Mobile and Ohio Railroad.-The independent 25.Tornado at Birmingham, Ala., and vicinity Tike 'Icuna, Chilean Minister to U. S., at diplomat. oil pipe line to tidewater finished. kills 17 people. Wennerberg, Swedish 24• A. J. Streeter, former Union labor nominee 31. Explosion and fire starting In the Wicke ci- 26. Philander C, Knox selected by President for ,rth i W. Lyell, inventor, New York.cum- fo 7 President iuc ebakerr,tnwagonllmanufacturer and February. gar factory, New York, inflict $1,500,000 loss. Attorney-General.-Ohio Supreme Court decides lost that debenture companies are unlawful, forcing arts- vVoodfin, Governor of the National ex-Congressman, Indiana.-David *site, ex-Giver- several Cincinnati concerns out of business.-Gold ',000 le, Hampton, Va. or of Colorlido. Busiel, ex-Governor, Laconia, N.H. n30. Dr. Herman Strecker, scupltor and entomolo- I.The Union Pacific Co, secures control of the in U. e Treasury, $-,rial00,000. a. Will. Ludlow, Convent, N. J. gist, Reading, Pa. Southern Pacific R. R. 28. Nebraska Senatorial deadlock broken, of September. 2.The President signs army reorganization bill. 30. tnstan promoted to be Brigadier-General December. 4. The House passes bills to extend national In regular army.-Thousands killed in an Arabian d.- ryel Porter, educator of deaf mutes, 2. Dr. Chas. Essig, dental author, Philadelphia rank charters and to pay Spanish war claim,. tribal battle near Nejd.-Huge frauds discovered ..onn. in- 4. Gen. A. D. Hazen, ex-Third Assistant Post- A petroleum fire at Baku, Russia, destroys in army commissary April.department at Manila, mrle, n the Irish Supreme Court. many lives. D ,w- master-General., Brash B i I.-Sir �Vm. MacCor- 6. Senate passes amended war revenue reduc- tlso Carle, English actor. nese, President of the British Royal College of Hour, pork packer, Chicago. Surgeons. Ilan bill.-National Federation of Churches and 1.Tolstoi banished from Russia. Vright, journalist and author, Chi- 10. Ex-Jud e Robert W. Christian Workers organized in Philadelphia.- 2. Aguinaldo takes the oath of allegiance, on Coegler, poet, Columbia, S. C. Richmond,Va. Hughes, I tynamite in San Andres mine, Mexico, blows off 4. Steamship Celtic, largest ever built, launched Oq. )Iaz, composer, London. journalist. mountain top, killing 87 persons. "'t McKinley, President of the United Racing Associations Tax. Belfast, Ireland.-Lieut. Peary announces hav- l 7. (queen Wilhelmina of Holland weds Duke ing attained the highest Arctic latitude ever '+- Wo.-`Gen. E. H. Hobson, President The taxes ' Henry]=ienry of Mecklenberg-Schwerin. reached on the Western hemisphere. 'a;t Veterans' Association, Cleveland. New York Stateracing 8. Saracco's Italian Ministry resign, 5. Gen. Tung Fu Sian heads a Chinese rebellion. Sir Henry B. Whipple, Protestant Epis- annually) to the Stater nt. of heir sfo s thenyear a (5 per cent. of their gross receipts 10.Three thousand men of Topeka, Kan., join 6. The Council of the Scientific Alliance of Nrw I were as follows: f St. Paul. e br;rs. Nation's hatchet crusade. York announces plan to build a temple. L" Orville M. Hartshorn, founder of Coney Island Jockey Club Ch14. The Princess of arles of Bourbon; state Asturias siege marries vote. 10. Mrs. itP. D. Armour and o Ogden Armour in- Col lege, Alliance, O.-Calderon Car- Brooklyn Jockey Club •••••••.... 13. Congress counts presidential electoral Vashington. Prince urease their contributions to Armour Institute, •�i, Li'estchester Ricin $22,O1G ' proclaim- Chicago, by $1,000,1100. nd 3atterson, granite-cutting inventor, Brighton Beach Racing Assolciation �g 674 _ ed . Madrid same day. 12.Strike an Central R. diR. of , J. begins. Saratoga Association • 21,009 L3. Sixty men killed by mine explosions near 15. Pope elevates 12 cardinals, including Arch- Delmonico, restauranteur, Colorado Queen Count Jockey Club 20,380 t Victoria, B. C. bishop Martinelli. County y •••.... 13,630 •••••••••••••••• 11,272 16. Gen. De Wet routed by British. at Phillips- 18. Le Mars (Iowa) h'ai'l Bank ruined by Vice c;r Total .. ................$128,581 Japanese envoys provoke a District of Columbia, and formally presen e cT X action to the 59th Congress. were bequea!tn,ted to Ills Prlk•nds. ,:!d gnaw the 1±,1n decle. Thomas Jefferson always, accardln�' to [.rued Frith foan,in Iow!.I 'Morin. 00 a) a h�ist0n', made much display and was rated Fodawn the wa, t tey d wallutt Aura•, sr as wealthy, but in old age he wars re- duced in circurnz tances ani was forced b Then, lilic the-handist>>rk or ah,+ +3, -Q cease entertaining with Sucl-I �.laV1SlI hand ?i1e3''rl t31, este black Wis'he's ft t>t '� .... O' at Monticello. C.,on�reas Mitt, vftl e wakes ,_,f the Tnlght� k List,how the street notes Quiver, �p M � c4 m�"� � � for a lame portion of illi paid lbielilblar a O+ n+�xl Iutit ill orm. Rise high, die doom,and errr ® -ani •ewe 1 A_site traps i ,,1" q q„-, O �i A and this sum was ecollonlicaily spent tiuz•- Intel ted art t til?pl ospl,r s t lues Dr. the lore,and love alway, �O^O ,O � v.. 0.� !rig his last d•a.y's. T softly melt away. 0 .. Cc m O William Henry Harrisonwas n nor h t s p telt, fr nt tar t H ten. soortsman. 'ikblle the bird's "" "' O known as Froin *r- a-,cSt, T. tla heart with passion stirs, M P_ 00 .0 an everyday r an, and when in the White '1 ht, held thelr n asgtic or hell S# ht and hearing both are gone, �O O - P-,:z House lie cared little for style. He sated The h1 trrn cried from out hi,,nc , Love reigns alone. to G Z Cd a t� a goad D01-tion of his salar and died [l,Q n.a�cl,m snL! i d tnr , Therefore,whin the flood of song O ,, O e3 O 'm moderately' rich. Hi grandson, E>elladm,n «'ht e l tn,ita::•,1. 0a t dt'n ,.:d IV.ld, Is most strong. _O• r~ i-e Harrison, was like wiS eCOnDm1C31, Saved Th light t,t Icd n. an o_r 1 e11. Take a sure and deadly aim CD a4 m tr money aid enjoyed a ' m at good law practice At Vie ltearttcithlove allame; � � T.3•••a � � a .,.� � 9 after his term. Al! t, , ,glt rin, nigh", ,i, tl •t:•=i; t - Ford the stream with noiseless fent. R.,, - C >O-.7 �-+ General Grant 11i1e in the White House Ul r „ `!, )eN And arotd the stnne, tete root. .O O s..�•� Go m Q lived well but a� te S<lme time lie saved in luck"s name, L^rt l! rn ut ,ham I Carla Hey l nl: t,ie'1 a t721„. •�+ ..� m ,nloIley the salary of tilt .President bejn,g Ani ,I end r •P + , ', Take steady alms y Q•X• , ^, raised from $25,Ot0 to $50,000 while he was Alt A serving ills second term. General tyrant Thet �floek flies off.mute is the,woodland lyre. ��'� �"' ��""1 z3 0 -had a larger Stahl,; of thoroughbreds than H. G.•'-Anent the poem, "Tile Home The singer's heart is pierced to the core: .� 3 .� �'� O ZW any President, and whell he tools a fancy Wind in the gall," published in the Eagles, He feels no pain for evormore. m ,, to to a liorse he gelleraily ma:nageil to buy on December 4, 1:101, "H, .11." of Sailors $eat he sang love's ecstasy- O 47 :.,r•... m 'Jt-.,r, a-C) 3 3..O ce•� ut regardless of the price. 1£e Was not-Snug Harbor sends the following. en;itle(j PPP_ l ____-------- _-- - .4_ ,., i, wealthy, although worth considerable "Th Bailor-boy's Lament," which he thinks _ _ ----.--- 'When his second term e1,:plred. An en- might be rrhat the eorresopndent called for: WHI1rlg' to Oblige, tanglement In a wildcat financial concern led him to p=^_dg•e- his swords, medals and When o'er the silent deep wv roc•e, HUSSIt'-:pix of that >:lozen of eggs were gems to '"" H. Vanderrtilt fur isle loan Of Marc. fondly then OUT thoughts will etray- rotten. To this we lea e, to those ave lo%e. $100,00 to clear his name of the disgrace W huse prayerw pursue aur• is�noly- tray, Dealer--Sorn•, vert-sorry. Mrs. Hussle; I ho 0 others had brought upon hila. t. p When. tri thr silent midnight hour, !; you didn't break th, sirens^ The most e.ttravagant President was The seri l+o.: takes his wa; hful stern,:). Mrs. Hu•;sie -Why.of vwirse. I diel'. How could .Arthur, who not infrequently gave dinners The heart then feels tiler. hr+,te, ,•ta cr I le•11 whether they were .rood or Ttati7 costing as much as $0,000. When he went Of love, of home and native land. its=tie r--if you?tsdn t 11tai,crt the into the 1N'hite.House he. was worth pro J- iw smells,we could ably half a million. His predecessor, Gas' In gain, may "Tropic Cilmes" d'sp'fay )tate taken +ht et; l..e.l. tj,"e t?t�te tither sus- field, died a poor man. The people raised Their glittering shores. their gorsooun shells; te+ntr }cru, tort. 11111 iter*t thea are no use to S30,0W for Mrs. Garfield, and Con-res.,; L. F casft�n 1 r uc::rsr Thu' bright Iaitds wing their gioiloux; way, ' _ ` voted her a pension Qi $5,0°10 annually, And l,erfun,c.I flowers adorn the ileitis -- _------- Hayes was accused of Tito' nature then ;,ruliCle pctur9 --�-._..__. ._.----_-.-.� parsimony�dur- The "Treasures' c•f her ntagiat Matte% The ey-e, but not the heart, ad.urttg. RL The heart still $,eats for "`Nature rand." incambency of th Langley at it 191"a 11 "will"Att"I Stanuunces discovery tit newled It. it. train" spectrum. t"I'l-Sixt*011 miners perish, it, Illitip furl. 211, A British#xD#dltlon if loeigin, rru 11A offfrpd nn v 12, H 27 Xy. Capt. Ripley act bOmtOm Nigerian slaves. Royal. poo. Gill-ti.),NOLOGY OF 1901-Continued. 20. The National Socialist Convention meets in one of robber murderers of ransfer of the authoro I'livic Joseph 'it uItted Of cumPlIcIty In murder 12. Cuban Constitutional ('"Mi-titlon unresery Indtanal)(AIS. 1 14. 'Ji Plattsburx, (lov, ()or =tuvky. at noon on that day . Three IY Adopts Platt amendment. ell[ed at Uniontown, Ila. 4 So. U. Si,S4 bandits hold 1w express train at Bridge 12. Army conimboutry frituds discovered in 81. Bandits hold Up a Baltimore and Ohio train 28. Filipinos nearly atina lavanit.,and that Of(j% 1,rl 11 Junetion, Ark,, wounij. it%',, tr#Inrnen.T_(,athoIlc Francisco, near Miller's Station, Ind., dynamite two mail S. troops near Balangigat, ,,,,iy St. Col. I) rIty was made by Q 1. 1, 1. gr"Srnan Min"lon at Maregnone. 11ritzil, domtruy ears, and escape without booty. 30. Seventeen lives destr( Cleat Washingtot, niotem massacred by . od'and In- 16 Ciofrep riltintationil;rulned and severe fire in Extension mine. Nc Indlunii persons killed toy eruption of Kjoet volall August. z lot16' der FAWard Wg 34. Cuban Constitutional Convention envoys reach )rt, WAShinxton. 18. GoolirFia UnIvorsit celebrates its ceitti i4quarters 2. 25. Three boiler" explode In chemical works at a 19. The 'Allied Third arty Movement',lituielle, 1. Two women and one man, negroes, lynched oetob art Frankfort. Germany. killing 25. t Xansas by mob at Carrollton, Miss. Uun-t1ilo" low If. 3. The Episcopal conven 4. OltY-TwO neffroon 5. Coloinblan troopq and Venezuela revolution- te I Aem I now, U. Albert IT t 29- J. P. hiluroran's syndicate "cures control Shreveport, La., fur complicity in lYnched �% of the Coniml t- e on B bill o Glossed of Le trol overseer Poster. the Tnurtitr iEts defeated in first battle with Venezuelan gov- ylands wtOAMShIP lintow-President begins tour (,rnirlent troops. aid control 6 turf Ito C. Capt. Andrews and of the Itepti.I Q is. Pon, N, I.. to the South and Pacific coast. 20, Civil government established to G. All union workmen employed by United States Cantle City to cross the oc( vilgated,till 11 or, elergymull order all over PhIlip yrl'i'lreoldent,i 'Stc-ol. Coirpuratlon ordered to strilte.-AfLer Mrs, A. J. Witwor, suspec ree P1, IT ht Col, U r n b 0 4 U y to n I r t r d Lwa to W Ic 18 1. Jas, If. t 2 lier, th sa t.r. 29 flow mout of the Island autho niatill, llnw May. pine Islands. met dlg- rested at Dayton, O. it 0 1 killed in fight betwoen deputies$Ad PtrIkInK ;_,.�ng tunnel, robbers steal $340000 worth of gold 9. The Pittsburg & Wesi reAH condition,arid' 24. It to 4..Pro,r._re I. Pan-Amorlican Expoo,41tion at 1juli opens. orot at matownti. W. Va. min. h;-icks from smelting works Lit Vallejo, Cal. ort-of,you do now `'tit(r1 , .. L Ruwallan LT111lattire Pletitluns Pres, It. Fireworks explujiltin the Baltimore & Ohio Co. York. (11140 Thool, for 4 McKinley ki -ell, burned at stake I several thin oblix tion, 24. V,111110w�hor, Movill of ov, J)"le, Ila is, ILL Paterson, 7. J. W. Pennington, colored, 10, Ex-Sceretary Alger's "ter 11. 71 noar I nterprise, Ala. I Uillted staua of loss(, re demetroys 14 111(liclis of Jackmonvi 23. 11. The Pocahontas Coal any of [)Seem so. 110 Fill - Call'as' Filipino) IrOnfrill, murrendvrm 001n, 11. German Antarctic expedition sails from Kiel. 12. Count Ile la Vaulx f 22 5. JullinT; cabin$13,000-000. seven I Yom loeft,_Sevoral' Veriii.l.; mand,-Cloudburst devastates( 1,:lkhorn Valley,W, -Joe Washington, colored, bunted at stake near cross the Mediterranean fr tfils date a W. a RI Ot mInhoiturs, rili VII.; nearly so lives lost. f Ouba,tm III v Prince 1 6. 13 Savannah, Ga. 29 F is mlgny.-Tcdw 4'vsn I've* lust tit 4 I'lilvituo fire: SL trall, 24. Ponnsilvania, R, 13, A Missouri, Kansas and Texas pass. as -lilt-ii'pli approach. if ('ambria. Steel CO.-Gamil, held up arid robbed at Caney, I. T. oblIgationts,P III I Joe. 1.0,,,,ntt crew arrested for bluckinit firt 11114.1'ei'lit Pecur(4 erintr(II LSS train in his balloon, U;hfut been res launch blomi , 15. The Elpiscopal Hous( and 'I* hanrlow Sell! 0.The Cuyahoga Savings and 1111inkirisr vom li� 14. Temporary water wcwks crib In Lake Erle the canon on marriage anti pany. winding to Palo Cleveland, suspends (Ili account tit (ijKliporaranct, steamer I twtintia, t Cleveland burns; 12 lives last.-A Blue Mount- Id sum ?. felarroe I �;,I0TUhI*.' X lives lost. a tack Co. E, 9th U. S. Inf., T will be pard 8. G 27. 11. R. H, r of Prom R. N. Poillaii liollard, N. Ill.; 2t) drj`ol(lloll, wrockol oft ('H,F ain stage and passengers nibl)e(l In Adtronfl but are routed with heaN III rk, -a arganized U. J. P. Morgiin KiVv1K mitre it, Chicago corn speculator, tile island and riv New yo S. The Colonial Stat-1 'I) of Amerk 15. George Phillips, acks, granted to Rolana 13. Molir than $1,mom if 17. Mormon apostles ele ent or tho United -Rev. -Rtobitrtl 1; It Steamer City Or Iladuciah ollika City 111,1111k. Itarvard University allot lit1wr 1111111"nuirPs litak Mom a petition in loinkrupticy-Steamship-I Islander ,L 17. Gen. 1) horn landing. 340., N, It wricieked by Iceberg off Douglass Island, Alaska-, fi,-) DrI2,59. of their church. IcIO Of the upped Now 4. ""1 lost.-J. 'IlVesiti juvil-ti 111) a $11ii(W-tion rund for YU11'. -k�'Ilbash train` 4. P ja 111. Miss I.: fftn)IIY of three twill,red at Shirley, Ai tilt.il. wreck 11 . lives lost.-Fx-Fo.stnlast or Tliummson CI1nVIf_'Wd U� IS, The Merchants Nat'l I K, lea burned wltI J?d b k1IIIIIK A, ,anit, for which a turer Vat.-lir. er Ito 0 1 house, 27. tvenfhfall of troi Ilavana, of postal fraucis, suspends after dIsapvearan( X Nat'l Batik of New York 011fliends 18. Fiourteen men burned by molten metal accl- ier.-The Industrial Commi ft Co. 7. VashIngtoill r Japan reeiRnN, 211. Astronomer Clotnam Tit 11111,01,11111n, slulln, wn-j 14. New York milltill. called out to nilliortlso ki- discovery of pommil-10 till 01ba reptired 32. Henri tinny root car mitike clots. itit:)(in (if dent in Xational Steel Co.'s works, Youngstown, on labor arbitration. by the MIN, "X*Coln tory Paitor JHassuvkKi D.; 11 ate. 20. Yale University begin npIng the Mm" 'r'( Goarg. 16. Soldiii fire (tato Albany Crowil, killing two 29 Sirike ordered nr fill ilillf)n "heet I ID. Mississippi River steamer Golconda founders cerltennary. or Roar A !olloovIalors.-tiurfev Petrolegm Co. firm., "It0el work.' In storm near W Clev. 0 P In in,a contract for w Texas, -('It NUtIoll'Al Iturik of jurrti failki, plooling dynamite near Herkimer, N. Y., kills 13.- P, 0. robbed of$74,610.-Det, 9 T-Wo n 13, Washington, churtered lit Paducah, Ky,; 35) lives lost.-Ex- 21. Wholesale stamp depar 4r I IT- Rev. Father 10, S. J to I Y. low undor conxt 113. A is- -Rt. Rev. r( 14(if Illizelton, 1111" Wob fit Pierce City, Mo., lynches two negroes and tally shot In Cincinnati by D R makes general attack upon colored population. 23. Scottish Rite Masons lit Of tile (InIted 14. 1-1 batt Ind dead In avartment or I. OTie thUndolrbult in (11100KO kIlls ten iwrsonoit dimemes at Lite ham, gra N'u Dr. Kirk Stanley, it ni, Ot Ill. R ow York milsioliflur. 3. A$30,000 shortage discovered it, the Sill, lorltll. 20. Acres of business houses burned at Foo- ton a monument to Gen. A her wrtsofthe 2 a 1'- 20, Rev. IS. Hatt) cl L"Cole man Methodism tomi Ohlu ]aunt at SRI, ITI o4cO mint--Ort"It Northern trall, held up Chow, China. 25. Twenty-one persons I the order of the Kit poroln preigloncle of root bicKlitley.-ilolall- I-CliIII't. (11). l.obhed at Wilittlit-l-Stntion, hfollt._TtVo 21. France severs relations with Turkey. Jured in the burning of Hut 17, , 0 Olt novo ►A*rvfd at Mauritius find SurnlitrIl. Itf.%�Isl(lll (.11 Ity of Travatia, -M I rs.J al' Prof, I. Mittel reports to llrrmb�-terinn irl,ql, Ul- In mine:, strike 1-1,,t ill Telluride, C"'I. 23. One man killed and another wounded in fight factory, Philadelphia. a 'no bly.. 4 under Uov. Tuft JnUUgU.. at Asheville, Ala., to prevent a lynching. 26. Caleb Powers again ci ;rnment of the .1 5. Henry Mole, negro, burned at the stake by a cessory to the murder of I China. -d by vorni.i..1111m.. 21 Miss J Albany 0"strike ando r;II .1i4joit-111 I'll"ed tho title to stood 19. At Evansville, Ind.. gvvl,,,It (,,111wIly rnul�,,'.I. ..... N. TI post 1 .11111 rolir persons and deptl*oym a dairy 'or "U'r"'UT D"Wes rosligns_ mob near Winchester. Tenn. tuoky. Lbe United Wattin 1,1ilononStilyll'" 27, C. M. Schwab completes purchase of control 27. A race riot-near Ballto 92, F Il. Rt. 20, Andrew CfornpoIle gives $N'000,000 to Scott and Aincilroill steel of the Bethlehem Steel Co. delivor to you tit TeX. 13, Bishop Jos; U"I vOrill if#&.-Mmell I nlmtx strikes begin, morged. "Tehree hijnill�,-,I 28. Boller explosion on steamer City of Trenton killed and many wounded. it. at ma 5 Do 22. Wesel, it - at Torresdale, Pa_ kills 11. Altl) Wool),X encher 1111mi"I"D hilldOnts and 1,, 28. Miss Jane Toppan, nu III loss"witin of King Humbert of Ititly. a killed oil of Quelpart. Barnstaple, to the 27- 4. i U dwslaigil ("411111111111 suicide In tirlwin. 1 29. The 9toailier Deutschland breaks westward Mass., suspected to the Atntilmnd a C Po1�tTt'r,:d1,Juy,,*,, ,I Ir,,l qm, I Toxils, Sells Its(,\. 29. Czolgosz, assassin of I SC Or feat Iflor Chi I.'Road, (�Ijipt. Barrows unit Lieut. ljoycl, to"4111,11 Tral-11 I-I'tittlon Co,or Englall(l. Atlitritte ocean speed record; 5 d., 12 h. aricl 5)m. 28. C M1 11, K boxin serving - trocuted. mentione" tit Uli fur 9- A $225,287 mhortago In treasury i)f the Xillgilt.,io; Steel strikers, at Canal Dover, 0., enjoined by 20. France dispatches a I Clovel a c'Irmi8ftrY frituda. court. Departme I a A; of P,"1111,19 Endowment rank annuum-ed. waters, but soon recalls it. 01 H .90. Spreading rails wreck Pennsylvania R. R. ilftarWii N. Old 1,8- Wm- X It"Itimoraw founders in Lake Huron. idil- T"I'loT Pays Anierican In,I­nijitty,-nhI6, y !nig'on, Off Ali Ssi 12 stillorn ih-owtl. "'r I - It, 0-1111 it) Baltimore it,In • train near Newport, N. J., killing 11 persons. Noovembo( �'Jl I'trit 'IV I Pit tit 23. Senators Tillman and 3doliturill of Solitl, y-till-f-I. 1-114olim killed lit ChIcago-Illitl 1 4 Santos-Dumont awarded 11. Prance, 31. Freight train runs down mountain incline p on to M 'ce elOYS, ri Carolina rest Altoona ii. -no )o 1. Joh 111. 1G. Mo%.I#.v IVIM'Is it near Newton, Mo. on Great Northern 11. R. near KftlIsDel, Mont., jjrl�e In Paris, of .100,flOO frau John 11 ail 27, 1- S, XLULn1;rPMe Court d0villen most Ill Into a passenger train. destroying 41 lives. takes possession of three Tu it, Sir J�r "t of "In- ""'h"n fishers Otl T"'ro-Her Itiver. It. oprlate chunflel to Tenn. I rItAllor" vgt"[L-The Presbyterian Geri. Asiovinioly Jopilliv.1, ItI.I.1 11111rooll tlo� lene Island. C Pro in lea Morp (lei-idea upon creed revisi to] I'll fill Mand, September. revision,--Twenty-one llit-ti I(III(A 113, 1,111 Idgc, Jolls I We 14 '1 lost In Tonn it,,, I (it' it railroad lit 5. In the fall elections, Rep s. a Voli 040"coal dust mine exploolon.-I,if-ul, noir 8prizwl 1, I'll, 2. Denmark decides to accept United States' of- the Northern States and Derr J. U. F. Allen and State He 12, M. Sit fer for Danish West Indies. Tammany overthrown In Nem He .1. ntos-Dunlont, First stake driven for Louisiana Purchase lj',x- 6. Ton lives lost In the I York, Ketcham of Vorinont arrested tar bank wreclillig. '(1144 )Ila balloon around•1:11 towor. position In St. Lotfls.-A Cotton Belt passenger ToXAN bet Ill 1, ,HTUA,J) U7,10d bet . to. v. M. 2& The Cuban 3. �T4 Ltua NSTEVEz David V. Is COnOtitUtinniii Convention neet,lili 13. Amalgamated AssoolIIIII)j) fres, Shaffer or- ft GUnnal - 111,1's strike Rgalnst three eo,npall II., train held up arid robbed near RYlau, Ark., ban- 7. Twenty-six convicts o folk, V 11 uffalo l4tt Amendment to army 11111, with its own In Theater, Hurley, Wis. 6. Won for I terprotation.-pollit. Pickering Of Harvard at,- or I Till ti,i,l States ii lits escaping on locomotive, (Kan.) federal prison escape i ill potmosi-ja"I nOuncon disoovery 's �.1. Prince Plitin of China apologizes MIT murder of Minister Von Ketteler by Boxers. Iii Worka and 4 New Yn of what he bfllsyss to be mow ommtttee ('11 �Nfilrgillfll Ti(adiziL i In Berlin of them afterward killed or re 7. Will No 14, P. T. on the moon, WIIIIt amounts it, urer of the Maccabees order I Soldiers, 1-1( 29. Lorlie succeeds C Bible. Mont. to 'nwan rovif;I011 of 5). Pr(.-s. MeRinloy In spvech at I? As P"011dent of Bool 11. Younser beo(hel-m Buffalo Pan- defalcation. So. max. / t[more and (thio R. R,_prf. 8. We ljorhell (,it parole from American TrxIm.,dtion, declares for reciprocity, ILTO Ntiltz& Reeds F -I ow. I Ia. Stationary tit-pilp:' American morehant marine, Isthmian canal and Itillrderor. burnpi At tiolinke at I'lai coloro,il Nll"nPxntR Penitentiary 8• Duke of Cornwall and T X I'Multz. 30. Bri-t; 30. Floventv Perolono burn to dt n In arl0tracite region of Pacific citIlle. Prince of Wales. A�,?Crmro Dr. f Tehutintp Mussell In Lolldiln Pleads guilty or big- 6. 1-1res. McKinley shot twice by Leon Czolgosz at Newell C. Rathbun, accused 1h;1 R. fir, Hill ref prei on bi "llin'lwinla strike. 11 The new constitution of William 7, n1KInlev refuses to greept the Nbnn all, Pnn-American Exposition, MI(ITTIUL CIOIX, 12, Pr r 4 y, t Vtld to 3 Illolillis' imprisonment. 7. Chinese peace protocol signed,-A Venezuelan surance fraud, arrested in L( L(). ILI! hum holl ViotrInInKton Onlitittitionstl('r-InVenfloni'm fiction on Platt ami-1111- - 17 1(,1n0Ve,I'll,iris prov I unlEttion Missouri ob- fleet bornbar(Is Rio Uacha, Colombia. 12. Andrew Carnegie adds uINrau RE( M - "llont-FIVID, Willie thieves lynched at Bletter, ('oI. 21. it rnent of Pittsburg Polytechr Uo Dr r IS- R env 7 Goo. 0. so r%em i d fasting 1111(i prayer for ri11n, 10. Emma (Ioldinan arrested In Chicago, Koch Of Oermany diseovel-s that cattle 9 H. 0. June. 22;r,�`Iroif�la' Of .14.4111 RI)v tub• 11 . or, 12, Schley naval court of inquiry convenes; �d- $1,000,000 to Pittsburg Carnegi 9 cannot be communicated to mil.u.- miral Sebley's objection to Admiral Ho Ison 13. The Northern Securities 0 0 Russian 11"f1wintloo destroy Siberian Tartar N,11-, rowers reach agreement coneerning Cllirwso serving upon it sustained. ;V 000, chartered to finance the I nol, ltv m Ralph ml VAKO­J, Q lane Of lrhvli�k, Itintoosaerfruir 000 fribalitlinti. to the Ironton, 8 it. ]Cuxpn P. Ait-xiAndt-r nowle, In rl -XVrn. Brooks volored, lynched at El- 14, P"Psidelit McKinley's death announced f rom dement.-About 185 lives los soullst so b I ifitiago, announced him- king. W., murder rat(-Ill(.f of Police 1,11ley. Buffalo.-Pres. Roosevelt takes oath of office.-The the British coast.-The west: K Wililn If to e the Prophet El jith, Va., for I 24. Rear Admiral Schley asks for court of in- steel strike Pettled. -record from Southampton bel ala used the re Is. Of States, at 3 Prof. III. R, Iviii -or Oartmouth (Iolloge per- (11ilry, wiliell Svc.. irvously wed , Long orders next (lay. 16. Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York land Wilhelm der Grosse;5 days 16 n. A. R mexl0an farts Ft rRdloino-ter for nitta:4111-Irig I'VOIt of heavenly 25. The Preal(lent pro0lalms free trade between at Quebec.-Ozoig the wind titre 17. M 18, Rt. R bodios. Strifes and Porto Itis.-Democratic Indicted for first degree murder, e explosion at Pocs copal 111sh 4 Tobacco ro. Inoorporated In New 1,.x(-(!Iltl m e n. ^anal x, by S. Consolidate flip ITTIltoild Sta osz, -assassin of Pres. McRinley. 14. A min' !rvouiii,ly Paced jlwoley.-Lon,lon vis ('o.11111"IttPe of S. Carolina rearl- Sell 18. Czar of Russia becomes guest of French Re- 15. Announcement made the U. Cor 17. Rev.. ("harnber or 1"ornmerce banquets, MeLiturin out of party. went down like N., relt Mount Joint NOW York Cliamber of 01111111-roo men. public.-Britk,11 torpedo boat Cobra founders in N a Bank In b3Jr h Lit waves grow AmItIltamatoll Co, er 26. The battleRh C - Y.) Savings 13,nl had lost ,ti, Inervilses it) Mnln(, launched.-Robert S. North Sea: r17 men drown.-Steamer Hudson sinks $100,000 by defalcation. Amorle lisle, IRWY Jim capital Foosburgh acquitted at pittsfio Mass., of mur- In Lake Superior; crew of 24 mi drown. m "111000. e Ing tho c*ptal is.. as. dering'liff; sloiter. Id, 18. New Hay-Pauncefote isti It S Hartford, 7 Ohlesprool. 11111-11119ton and QtiIn(,.y B. R. sold to 11 21. Czolgosz convicted of murder in first degree. 19. Columbian revolutionists Yonni psoed th Pough' *-,,�irihoern Pacifle It. it. 19. Government distribution of new Indian lands 25. Thirteen priii;peotors drowned by cloudburst marines n Painter 10, Cham. -1 lit Oklahoma begins, Tnarl �s ]a d next day.-Tee I. velong right,as 17. Ia In Presidio County Tex. Buffalo suspended from offic( you Paced tit Minnoi C-Tmn 26. Czolgosz sentenced to death.-Wagil Laketcli, keeping crooked necounts, uIrlit to him that (if peace cuncest4loti.4 by Japaneme,envoys provoke a oiMy riot In Toli District of Columbia, and Formally presentee o bl vously Paced tile action to the 69th Congress. his ."Ild gn;iAv Hit, 111,11.IK the weary voyAgo,nitro(and `V,hOMas Jeffe - deck. r;9011 �.LNVIYS acearding to Until NVIth foan)11117 ag,10N%, "1 00 history, made much ddsphty'an,d was F.w tlj�! tot:,cy,d wa,,l no clear or if]blinding spray, CS 00 rat e d f*4 (1) (3) 0 as weafthY, but In old age lie wzl.s re- id along In tha loo)t-"moi wad", (1) 3L4 ­1 �z duced in Cir0l.111ISIance,6 allci was foroo-3l.1 to Thfrl, liko Ulf, handlivork of q1 rvousi Paced the bridge. t and gloom. 93 .0 cc 0 1 cease elltefta'Ining with such.4.lavish liand 'I'llu1"(1 ra-.;J) fhe black 11101CF, :3 0 IVRII white wnlwi,, of the might 0«w P-1 cc Cc Q;) 0 for a lar of 11' lost in ship at last dt�.w near the Afolltl('ell(), COngress paid I-rii)i 011 ow the sw",t notes quiver. 0 ZI rcl ffa M is valuable lib,rary, V0101V Paced t7th bridge, Rise hick, die down,and ever. 0 ;3 and this sum W I loi solilp tropic h?I,]( -.4 0 'a) P I.;` as economically spent dull- Iniurtcri,tarp tote phawl;hrrs rid uttered each g1t4rp comM.And, Pre, the,love,and love alway, rZ5 (1) (z $:4 0 ing Ill.'.1 last i1,qy$. rvou"ly Paced the bridge. T n softly incit away. 0 Cd W (D 0 William IT 11 , q) 11", Henry 11arrison was known as Froill noytll I") '-C'11111, from va,­( I I ten. sportsman. While the bird's Atillng of the anchor aWn, T,J tlo-lies( xvitillia.-i stim. 00 C3 art everyday inian and. wliell in t1le wbite '1110V hVid 0101fl' ?);,US(111111�of 11(�Il &.4 I-101-lie lie cared little for ,tit 1e. saj.,ed W 0 ;.4 P-1-. Th,� 1Jittt-:rII elled tircill 'i IIG,nir reetings.Joyous and prnfane, SI,ht and bearing both are gone, Cd a good portion of Ill$ salir.r at id djp.�l (Ite lingdoll sn'llli"d thf-_- ­'vi An under the game Old stroin- Love refzns,alone. ;4 (p 0 SD- 0 PTO inoderate,ly rich. 1-tis grail(II-soll, (11.11)u ''herefore,when the flood of song 0 VU111Y PA04 the britilre. O.z P., Eavris0n, Was likewise TI"l light flasiled nwan of bell. Ts most strong, ;:_� I::% -so economical, saved Take a sure and deadly atin 0 00 n'I0n(,Y and eilJoyed a good h1w prauL-ice bh�: ,::5 , W cc All 111"rol"KII th" night. all throui 10 do it,I'd Ilke to know? At the heart with love aflame., cl 4 T IV af ter his terin, ' �Q -fouse rvollilly Paco the bridge? Ford the stream with noiseless foot. .�D --I ;-., General Grant while in the White. I e1111 they dance, In't he walk It,calm and solloW And avoid the stone, the root. -0-Cl CD Until froill out tile 11(avc-111%, wa� 00:�, ;. *-) lived well, but aj. the iame tillle Ile Saved '4'j (D 1111011ii the is,11ary Now, In luckname, 1(icl Nvril:c.1.11I.Ir Favag,� trailre, 'Voutilly pace the lirldiriii Take steady aim. CS ca­4 OE the Presidc�lit :being An-.1 11,d sn-1 plildi !Mj Plan rC5 used frons $25,Oh to ",- ,ON Wilde Ile W,,,,3 4-4 W 00 r a) All they kts�,.oa the j�jlj ,be he 50m0timeis did, but igi 't fjountl right in priest,you eitit. Firer his seCD1111 term. General Grant ,pbo flock f1les off,inute Is the woodland lyre. %6.4 c3 -had a la,r,-er stablo of lhorougiibreds than "11 G"-Anent- t.110 poem,0 bD all President and when he Goo]: a fan 1111ind,in the A$6tory welters agree, The singer's heart Is pierced to the core: z rr:$ CY e Sail," published in "OtItilly Pace the bridge, -14 CD to a horse Ile' genera'] rriana,-c-cl to buy oil December 4, He feels no pain for evermom. 0 111 ;.4 q> �L= P -1 1904, "H, X.­ post hesang love's ecstasy, = it regardless Of the Carica. W He was not Snug FLtrbor sends the followi -OPattle Arorwg. kid wealthy, l.ltllougll 9 worth "Tile Sailor-boy',-3 Lament," whic use" Staimpq when his soi term ex !red. An en- 'Willin tanglement in a wildcat financial nefal Concern zlilght bo what the correscipIldent I 116 with a woman g to Oblige. led him to I-Alodge his swords, nieda,ls acid Whon, o'er the silent deep wL. ro .(i fondly thell ,lir thoughts wi 1,11*8 a chump; Mrs. Husslu--St.� of that dozen of I eggs were e,elns to �N� H. Vanderbilt for tbe loan Of ToNfi= vi,'e leave, to those iii lo,, len she S&YA "Because," rotten. $100,000 to clear his Ilaille of tlic� disgrace Up-a attirnp, 1r Kase N-:avers pursue our lonely Dealer-Sorry, veii, sorrv,�Irs. I-hissle: I hope others had brow upon hill). Who'll. in the Silent 71ildrilglit. hour, Kansas C"Ill You didnt brealz the shells" The IKosONtravagant President i The sea lay takes his watehful sti Times. ' 'L Mrs. Hilsste -"*Iiy,of course,, T dId! How could Arthur, who not infrequently gave dinners ii 110,11-L then feels tht,-, holle-st po cQsting as much as $5'000. When he went Of Ili of home and native rood. I tell t-Iietljey t,,1cy-�vcre grood,or had? into the White House:'he was worth prob- Dealcl­jf you hadn't broken the shells,we In vain, may "Tropio Climes" disp could ably half a million. His predecessor, Gar- have taken the cggti We have other cus. field, died a poor n1ail. The people raiScd Their glittering shores. their gorge are lit) use to height birds wing their glol,jou toners,you lmow. ],tit now ill, M0,000 fcir -MOrs. Garfield, and Congress Ali(]pc�rfunied floNven�adorn the de a Tho' • us.-Boston 7'ranscripl. voted her a pension Of$5,000 annually, 9'110' 118tilre there proliflo pours �aye!g was accused of parsinjorly dur- The "Treasures" of her jingle Jilin The eyc, )lilt not Lhe heart, adores, The heart,still beats for "Native Li GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 19ai-Contcneterl. " '"" '�'}�, ryp� p� �} ing his incumbency of the Wnire douse Pres. Ward's embezzlement.-Prof. Langley at 10. Elevated R. R. trains begin running f�S�rp i-m -®f T t_ hiar.'aunp ha nffpr*A- no wing. to stuesits. Washington announces discovery of new spectrum. ton.-Sixteen miners gin Ben GENi.It:iL CHRO\ULOGY OF 1901-L'ontin�ced. B. F'_ 20. A British expedition liberates Nigerian slaves. Royal, Pa. perish in mine fire at p,t' ,c Ky. -(,apt, Ripley acquitted of complicity in murder 12. Cuban Constitutional Convention notes 30' The National Socialist Convention meets in one of rubber murderers of Paymaster Hosler, t* Joseph; of Gov. Goebel. of Kentucky. Indianapolis• cutecl at Lniuntutvn, Pa. 2 ly adopts Platt amendment. en• 31. Bandits hold up a Baltimore and Ohio train 28. Filipinas nearly annihilate a company of tsburg, 22 Three bandits hold up express train at Bridge 13. Army commissary frauds discovered in Sa U. S, •1 Juflction, Ark., wound two trainmen.-Catholic Francisco. near Miller's Station. Ind., dynamite two mail S. troops near i3alanlggiga, :Tamar Island. Col. T, mission at Maregnone, Brazil, destroyed-and in- 15. Coffee plantations ruined and several hundrr [tars, and escape without hooty. 30. Seventeen lives destroyed by explosion 8� sman, mates massacred by Indians. August. fire in Extension mine. No. 2. B. C. Kington 24. Cuban Constitutional Convention envoys reach persons kg adUniversby lity rcelebrates volcano, no,Jatj October. and WE' Washington. nogg 1. Two women and one man, negroes, lynched y 19. The Allied Third Party Movement,,laZ'h,i i,y mob at Carrulltun. Miss. 3. The Episcopal. convention accepts the rcl,114Ar 25. Three boilers explode in chemical works at at Kansas City.-Two negroes lynched n a. Colombian tr,w;ps and 'Venezuela revolution- of the Committee on Bible Marginal Readini�~ � las. E3. Frankfort, Germany, killing 25. Shreveport, La.; for complicity in the =,' 29.J. P. Morgan's syndicate secures control p murd ists defeated in first battle with Venezuelan guv- 6. Capt. Andrews and bride start from k1bert of Leylands steamship lines.-President begins tour Overseer Foster. •rr111it-nt tr,,,?ps. lantic City to cross the ocean in a 14-foot dory.", S. Rc„a to the South and Pacific Coast. 20• Civil government established by Presid U. Ail union workmen employed by United States Mrs. A. J. Witwer, suspected of 14 murders. 14" order all over Philippine Islands.---Three IS .1 Cr:rparat}on ordered to su•ihe.-After dila- rested at Dayton, O. yntan ? May. killed in fight between dputies and striking' g,ng tunnel, robbers steal $340,000 worth of gold g_ The Pittsburg & Western R. R. bought r, Ha w, 1. Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo opens. ers at Matewan, 1V. Va.' [,ricks from smelting works at Vallejo, Cal. the l3altimore &. Ohio Co. ?rof. r'; 2. Hawaiian Legislature petitions Pres. McKinley 21. Fireworks explosion at Paterson, lv,' 7• J. W. Pennington, colored, burned at stake 10. Ex-Secretary Alger's book published. TheoII for removal of Gov. Dole. kills 1G. _ near Enterprise, Ala. I1. The Pocahontas Coal & Coak Co. chartort'/i gopher t 3. Fire destroys 148 blocks of Jacksonville, Fla.; 23. Cailles, Filipino general, surrenders 11. German Antarctic expedition sails from Kiel. 12. Count de la "aids fails in an attempt G. T loss, $15,000,000; seven lives lost.-Several German mond,-Cloudburst devastates Elkhorn Valley -Joe Washington. colored, burned at stake near cross the Mediterranean from France to Al9t:Ir uliarn S cabinet ministers resign. Va.; nearly 50 lives lost. Savannah, Ga. in his balloon. 'rince i 5. Seven lives lost at a Chicago fire; a train 24. Pennsylvania R. R. interests secwe cq 13. A Ali_suuri, Kansas and Texas pass. train i5 The Episcopal House of Deputies rade`+'r~ -Edvv crew arrested for blocking firemen's approach. 1f Cambria Steel CO.-Gasolene launch blows` held up and robbed at Caney, I. T. the•canon on marriage and divorce.-Bolomen It t Lecon tt 6. The Cuyahoga Savings and Banking Company, St. Louis, 25 lives lost. 14. Tempurary water works crib in Lake Erie at Cleveland burns; 12 lives last.-A Blue Mount- tack Co. E, 9th L. S, inf., near Gandarga, Sarn:t t ,J Sch: Cleveland, suspends on account of disappearance 2ll The steamer om-ne na wrecked off but are routed with heavy loss.-A new trim 'large I: of Pres. R. N. Pollack. Bollard, N. F.; 20 drowned. Sin stage and passengers rt,hhed in Adirondacks. Ft. H. T S. The Colonial Steel Co,of America organized. 26. J. P. Moran tr lb. George Phillips, Chicago corn speculator, granted to Roland B. Molineux. ! awes more than $1,000, files a petitit,n in bankruptcy.-Steamship Islander 17. Mormon apostles elect Joseph F. Snal L is York.- 12. Steamer City of Paducah sinks off Brunk- Harvard i7niversity and other millionaires res. of their church. hard 13 horn landing, Mo.; 15 lives lost.-J. Wesley Allen's up a $2,00t'.0i)0 fund for Yale.-Wabash wrecked by iceberg off Douglass Island, Alaska;tis p 19The Merchants Nat'l Bank of Lowell, IYai4jg- len. I7; family of three murdered at Shirley, Me., their wreckgd by fall of trestle, lci]]ln 16. lives lost.-Ex-1 o tn,at ter Thompson eaivictrd at sus Miss Imo: bodies burned with house. 27. Seventh Nat'l Bank of New York suspen Havana of poste frit ne 1,.r.-The Inpends Clustrialer ll Commission iLwarance of ssuesler aad catAx- reI)4_0'' -Dr. V 13.Premier Ito of Japan resigns, 28. Astronomer Comas at Barcelona, Spain, 18. Fourteen corn burned by molten meta] Seel- on labor arbitration. ington 14. New York militia called out to suppress Al_ nounces discovery of dent to National Steel Co.'s works, Youngstown, 3enri bany street car strike riots. Jupiter. possible sixth mond' O.: 11 (lie. 20. Yale L'niversity begins to celebrate her tt i 'JackJacksc 16. Soldiers fire into Albany crowd, killing two 29. Strike ordered of all union sheet steel vt` 19. Mississippi River steamer Golconda founders centennary. t s spectators.-Gore Petroleum Cu. chartered in in s'torin near Paducah, Ky.: 35 lives lost.-Ex- 1 Wholesale stamp department of the Chical4 tear Texas, ers•-City National. Bank of Buffalo Pails. ploding dynamite near Herkimer, N. Y., kills 13.- P. O. robbed of$74,611I.-Detective CaI. Crim rrle�r ington. 17. Rev. Father E. S. Phillips of Hazelton. Pa., July. Kt,b at Pierce City, :bio., lynches two negroes and taIly shot in Cincinnati by Llan Folet, "the Goya t. Rev. found dead in apartment of Dr, Kirk Stanley, a 1 One thunderbolt in Chicago kills ten per makes general attack upon colored population. 3. Scottish Rite Masons unveil at Washirsi " Fngis? New York masseur. 3. A$30,000 shortage discovered in the San 20. Acres of business houses burned at Foo- tan a monument to Gen. Albert Pike. tea. 1S. Battleship Ohio launched at San Francisco in cisco mint.-Great Northern train held up Chow. China. 25. Twenty-one persons killed and many IIt� disco presence of Pres. McKinley.-tiolar eclipse ob_ robbed at Wagner Station, Mont.-Two men ki '1. France severs relations with Turkey. lured in the burning of Hunt, Wilkinson &c Co.'0 r novo :ersed at Mauritius and Sumatra.-Revision Com- in mine strike riot at Telluride, Cul. 23. One man killed and another wounded in fight factory, Philadelphia. h' i n C matted reports Mauritius Presbyterian General Assembly.- 4- Civil government under Gov, Taft ina at Asheville. Ala., to prevent a lynching. 26. Caleb Pourers again convicted of being nc'-- -Albany car strike ended by compromise, rated in Phtlipyrines. 25. Henry Mole, negro, burners at the stake by a cessory to the murder of Gov. Goebel of Inc rx~° 19. At Evansville, Ind., Everett Conway murders mob near Winchester, Tenn. tucky. 5. Comptroller of Currency Dawes resig .3- Julj four persons and destroys a dairy plant. Buenos Ayres proclaimed in state of siege. 7• C. M. Schwab completes purchase of control 27. A race riot near Balitown, La., results in ins L 20. Andrew Carnegie gives $20,000,000 to Scottish tional Steel and American Steel Hoop Clntpa` o 7 the Bethlehem Steel Co. killed and many wounded. ReS universities.-Machinists' strikes begin, merged.-Three hundred mission students and Q• Boller explosion on steamer City of Trenton 28. Miss Jane Toppan, nurse, under arrest tit, of I 22. Bresci, assassin of King Humbert of Italy, teachers killed on Korean Island of students a at Torresdale, Pa., kills 11. Barnstaple., Mass., suspected of 12 murders. 'wage cc;mmits suicide in prison. 9. The steamer Deutschland breaks westward 29. Czolgosz, assassin of Pres. McKinley, el[sC- S. The Guffev Petroleum Co., 'Texas, sells its n dge N 23. Capt.Read, Capt. Barrows and Lieut. Boyer, port trade to Shell Transportation Co, of hngi itlantic ocean speed record; 5 d., M h. and 5 m.- trocuted. 'hicag LT. S. A., begin serving sentence at Manila for 9• A $225,267 shortage in treasury of the Kills co rt.Strikers at Canal Dover, O., enjoined by 3o. France dispatches a fleet toward Turkial's tj.-Gtr ccmmisGary Prauds. of Pythias Endowment rank announced. waters, but soon recalls it. at. '. 24. Steamer Baltimore founders in Lake Huron, 10. Turkey pays American indemnity.-O train Spreading rails wreck Pennsylvania R. R. FI. Cts Mich., off Au Sable; 12 sailors drown. River R. R. sold to Baltimore &Ohio Co.-Ttv thin near Newport. \. J., killing it persons. November. Ince 25. Senators Tillman and �IcLaurin of South ty-three persons killed in Chicago and Altoona. 31. Freight train runs down mountain incline 4. Santos-Dumont awart'ed the Deutsch ballouwr's Lance Carolina resign. R. collision near Newton, M0. on Great 'northern R. R. near Kalispel, Mont., s:ley 27. U. S. Supreme Court decides most of "in- Into a passenger train, destroying 41 lives. prize in Paris, of 100,hr francs.-The French nos v- 1L White salmon flshers on Fraser River,B. takes landshi,on of three Turkish ports on Mity- r 'R'r Solar" cases.-The Presbyterian Gen, Assembly attack Japanese an-1 maroon them on an Isla September, lane Island. -Eleven men killed b 5. In the fall elections, Republicans victorious 1 n� tells, lost in upon creed revision. -one lives Y fall of a railroad bre 2. Denmark decides to accept United States' of- the Northern States and Democrats in the Soutli; °Soni, lost in Tennessee coal dust mine explosion.-Lieut, near Springfield. Pa. fer for Danish Fest Indies. Tammany overthrown in New York City. r J. 'C - M. F. Allen a.nd State Representative J. W. 12. M. Santos-Dumont, in Paris, successf 3. First stake driven for Louisiana Purchase Ex- 6. Ten lives lost in the burning of Klondike Ketchum of Vermont arrested for bank wrecking, steers his balloon around Eiffel tower. position in St. Louis.-A Cotton Belt passenger Theater, Hurley, Wis. M. 28. The Cuban Constitutional Convention ac JAI 13. Amalgamated Association Pres. Shaffer or- ; train held up anti robbed near Eylau, Ark., ban- 7. Twenty-sea convicts of the Leavenworth Platt amendment to army bill, with its own in- ders strike against three constituent companies, flits escaping on locomotive. (Kan.) federal prison escape after a mutiny; mo.t-it tnna< terpretation.-Prof. Pickering of Harvard an- E TTnited States Steel Corporation.-Pmtestani 4. Prince Chun of China apologizes in Berlin of them afterward killed or recaptured.-The tre.a.s�- Jamr" nounces discovery of what he believes to be snow Episcopal Committee on Marginal Readings coni- :`or nrurtler of Minister von Ketteler by Boxers. urer of the Maccabees order confesses to a $17,Qg1(l T. on the moon, pletes what amounts to a new revision of Bible. 5. cies, "1iel:inley in spt•cch at Buffalo Pan- defalcat}on. He 29. Loree succeeds Cowan as President of Bal- 14. Younger brothers released on parole from American Exposition, declares for reciprocity, timore and Ohio R. R.-Fred Rochelle, colored Minnesota Penitentiary. 1m,dein mcrehant marine, isthmian canal. and S. Duke of Cornwall and York receives title till as. murderer, burned at stake at Bartow, Fla. y firemen in anthracite region o Prince of Wales. ig.-G 15. Stationer f PatIfIC cabl-. 11. The new Constitution of Alabama ratified.-- of Seventy persons burn to death on isthmus Pennsylvania strike. 6 Prig, oil-t,.inley shot twice by Leon Czolgosz at Newels C. Rathbun, accused of murder and tni- of Tehuantepec. 18. Earl Russell in London pleads guilty of big- Pan liner lean Exposition. Sar. 31. Pres. McKinley refuses to accept the Cuban amy; sentenced to 3 months' imprisonment. 7. Chinese peace protocol signed.-A Venezuelan surance fraud, arrested in Louisville. rton, Constitutional Convention's action on Platt amend- 21• By Governor's proclamation Missouri ob- fleet hombar,}s Rio IIacha, Colombia. 12. Andrew Carnegie adds $1,000,000 to endnNv- Lice Ment.-Five white thieves lynched at Bieber, Col. serves a day of fastingand meet of Pittsburg Polytechnic School and al:-tc: O, 22r prayer for rain. 10. Emma r oldmcn arrested in Chicago. $1,000,000 to Pittsburg Carnegie Institute. Jane. colo Koch of Germany discovers that cattle 1... able v naval mutt of inquiry convenes: so 13 The Northern Securities Co., capital $400,000,- ?• ='1 tuberculosis cannot be communicated to man.- coital Sehl y's objection to Admiral Huwison E. 1. Russian peasants destroy Siberian Tartar vil- The Powers reach agreement concerning Chinese serving upon it sustained. 1,00, chartered to finance the Northern Pacific set-- GCla.ge of Irbeisk, massacring 800 inhabitants. indemnity.-Wm. Brooks, colored, lynched at I:1- 14. Presi,lent McKinley's death announced from gement.-About 185 lives lost in shipwrecks o,-)1iren. 2. Alexander Dowie, in Chicago, announces him- king, W. Va., for murder of Chief of Police Lilley. Buffalo.-Pre s. Roesevelt takes oath of office.-The the British coast.-The westward Atlantic oC6'21 r1 Ilia Self to be the prophet'Elijah. . 24. Rear Admiral Schley asks for court of in- steel strike settled. record from Southampton broken by the Kaiset- 1t 3. Prof. E, E. Nichols of Dartmouth College per- quirt', which Sec. Long orders next day. 16. Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York land Wilhelm der Grosse;5 days 16 hours 24 minutes. sects a radiometer for measuring heat of heavenly 25. The President proclaims free trade between at Cltrebec.-Czolgosz, assassin of Pres. McKinley, 14. A mine explosion at Pocahontas, Va., kills 1•> R bodies, the United States and Porto Rico.-Democratic indicted for first degree murder. men. sh 5. Consolidated Tobacco Co. incorporated in New Executive Committee of S. Carolina reads Sen 18. Czar of Russia becomes guest of French Re- 15. Announcement made that the 'William sburu•11 Jersey.-London Chamber of Commerce banquets McLaurin out of party. public.-Briri>11 torpedo boat Cobra founders in (N. Y.) Savirgs Bank had lost between$50,000 anill TnI New York Chamber of Commerce men. 26. The battleshipMaine launched.-Robert R. North Sea: r': men drown.-Steamer Hudson sinks $100,000 by defalcation. 0, Amalgamated Copper Co. increases its capital Fosburgh acquittedatPittsfield, Mass., of mur- in Lake Siulorior: crew of 24 mr•n drown. 18. New Hay-Pauncefate Isthmian treaty signe.cl. vy $SO.OAmal dering his sister. 21. Czolgosz cnnvicted of murder in first degree. 19. Columbian revolutionists capture Colon; U. 47. 7 Chicagq, Burlington and Quincy R. R. sold to 29. Government distribution of new Indian lands 9 Northern Pacific R. R. Thirteen prospeetors drowned by cloudburst marines land next day.-Treas. Philip Gerst car r s, in Oklahoma begins. In Presidio County, Tex. Buffalo euspended from office on the charge c.,r C oto -9. (zolgnsz sentenced to death.-Wasil Laketeb, keeping crooked accounts:• cessions by Japanese envoys provoke a District of Columbia, and formally presented o rtieoe berlueatcued to tits Prlrn(!s. yrul gnaw the livltt� deck, n Tokio. action to the 59th Congress. Thomas Jefferson alt+vay's, according to l nc,}M•itll f6aminr, ion's.aglow. trist(Jry-, =de much dlspkiy and was rated I uc tdcun thc•wa etre,..'d Nvaflrn clow, 00 a 1.1;.4as wealts;hy[ but in old age he was re- O A duced in clrcums�tat,nces and was force(l to Then, lila the h^21111ct irk or cease entertaining with such a lavish hand They'd sqh tiro blaek niirlit r fcrn bom. O 1W "" O c3 at Uonticello. .t:ongress paid 11 in $:?8.fklf3 �kit*t s lt1.e wslce �f chc� might4 [,_tit- ;a, m ao m ^A for a largo portion of his valuable librar'.-, O' xle last in e:o m List,how the sweet notes quiver, ..> O m A '�S +' and this e p tv.isofis valuable economicallya , And jeive I t.'aut.xs tropic hide Rise hivh, die down,and ever 0 M:- O � A Cd w +' ing h.s last days., span Our- Inletted ecats the phos,hc..rs ride. l3res�tthe love,and love alwaQ, A Q L' R m O a 0 Wdila:[- Henry Tlarrison was known as From nor h t+J rt-mb, from eQ.t to t:-ea:t. T n softly melt Swag. O ,� qt' an everyday main, and when in the tit'iIi#e it t:, hell their n:1rx to of he}}: H�tcn, sportsman. While the bird's U p Cp .:. l' T. tle heart with passion stirs, bn O 0 c, �., y House he cared little for Style. He saved Tile lxi*er n eled from Knit hit?nest. Si ht and hearing both are gone. A- CJ ❑ a a good Portion Of his salary aad died !'r ! r fin+it I<r1 ter 4,vicel. Love reigns alone. CD R b O moderately rich. 14is grandson, Beni arii.n tt >t:e htnt'M d. over ginner and ivel,:. Therefore,when the flood o1 song O 1 O rt' x. cp Harrison, was likewisa e>contxmiCai, saved '17h !ight }a ',Tl n cAn of L1eL. is most strong, r~ P1 op cur money and en9oyed a good law Take, s sure and deadlyr site ; g pr<1 ii_e All t t : 't rlgh:, tit through t.1e At the heart with love aflame: 5 4 A a,,. s9 after General[Grant while in the'White House 1 l: t'"c 'ley' d_ance, And SFord he.stream he st nc,ntheelmotess f� •a © :.�! cmc+s, 5 ®'� lived well, but ai t:ie same [irne lie sa�'ed Lt�t 1 `d_t t t 1 e` ;Ft=1 n�vray Now. in luck's name, ,.,t „y Ay m r_,,F �IlelIlt y', the salary Of the President 1Jt?ii18; At } i t Z,111_el•, by' ?1 i9 i�tiF7al, Take steady aim. $w4 w raised frons ?5,(hi<7 to g5f1,Ckoi while lie was p.1 !rr r'', t_lilstvt3 the as } Ca O r A serving 11is second te.rnl. General Grart "H. G. ]lent the t• Fire! .-.�,� $4 ��O p O .had a larger stable, of ihoroug1ibreds than � POem, The Home The,loci:iliac orf,mute is the woodland lyre. O b£1 any President, and wheal lie took a fancy' Wind in the Sail," Published in the Eagle. The singer's heart is pierced to the core: � (D , q :o a horse he generally' managed to bur on December 4, 14[14, -H. 31." of Sailors He feels no stain for evermore. O ,,� d regardle., of the price. He was not-S11ug Harbor sends the followlll en:itl�rd Bestlesanglove'serstasy, 1�.a y 3 �; � ;vealt, although Worth considerable "The Sailor-boy's Lament," which he thinks expired.,s might 1) i t�apg -b°'--- ---- ------ when itissecondd e hisswords,tiald is e n ` illin." to-Obli e. r ' ` F 'Whoa, what the nt de-p ween[ called for: , . tangle�n..nt in a wildcat financial cont.ern led h31r to Gln i o'er the silent tieE ft t• r,n e, i (try, Husslc-Six of that dozen of eggs were VMS to IV H. '4 anderbilt mor the Poa*t UL Mare fondly then t,zYr thoughts will stray l rotten. t>0.( to clear his name Df the disgrace To thc+s RN leave. to thea, we Ir•ve. S Whonte prayera Pursue our lonely lvay-. Dealer--morn. ce2y' sorry-. -Xtrs. Hust4e: I hope others had brought upon hint. When, In tilt» ollent iniilnight.hour, you didn't break chi• shells' The rhost extravagant President was The sea buy tstkrs?ate watettrul stand. Arthur, who not infrequently gave dinners Tho heart then re-tts the hnlie t �.�:•r Mrs.ljussle \Vh of co tact 1 did. How Could costing as much as$5,0oe. tVEen be went Qt love, of home attd nativt� tit td. I tell whc•tlier trey Mere 7"d or!,aril Into the `i"hite.House he was Worth prob,_ })eater-Ir you't::in'r?,token the tilt^Ils.Ivo•voWd ably half a million. His predecessor,Gar- In vain goal,' ""Tropic t71l d, r }, l Thosit rilitterinc aharw g : u algals have la,-en thf• etir. at'l+. arc pout nt;ter elle- iielrl, died otaar man. The peop e rajs-ed tomrl:5. utt i,i,trt 1111, flow 111e; etc no list to $300,0Wfory12s. GBiTfield. and Congress 1 � Altlrt.'Ltl e cti! t 5 t' tt�e +�t way, us.--Posion Trtnn,*criP.', voted her a pension of$5,VJO annuall�r, 1t.' ttut•.r4: ti+t c• ;, c1r� �• -- -- - _...__ __._.. - Ham Was accused of parsimony dur- 'fist"Treasures' t f h,,r tea, Yat i _ T"#a,,, blit nest the heart. aeiW" Theecart stUl 1'cuts for "Salute kAL04_ '.J_w - 1.li is .0 i�vvl.>,Lll.v .✓.a..ui -.. -... -•-"+ -p !y, Itlg his 12J.c 11 nI t yuVN because la E, a: fires. C#1!�NER:i`L CiTE3'.ONOLOGY OP 1901-Novrca}n>;R_.._ -----.•_ '%Vas, 20. The Afanufacturers' National Reciprocity Con- United States o Curitan2ied, 14Ir ZZat,�.1; C - 26. 13. F. 20. vention resolves in f TKIRIMENTS _ n fort, ley. favor of protection and of a American pure riseiofilthe DanistailiNe4tclta Eieyt lUt va'HS riot to-o 12. Fi �,_ -c'a department of commerce and industries, and 4. Herbert Marx of New York mortar} clalIy able. bu tosfcrotthet��t ,. J.,�tl.,1E °' not Itelievt? 312 rll Yr,rk, F'lst. Jwsjg, ufyG_ recommends a bureau of reciprocity under that tluee Z•VhitecaPs who attack lzdrn at his awes on that� 14, J� „8 I department.-The burning of a house at.the mouth country home. S tt,gi's ONLY Lincoln ti�-£�•� P 1''. Ti "I. t",i1: his of a tunnel at Telluride, Col., asphyxiates 25 pion, 5. The Yt•ruvian CrYn'reti tiIrginia WERE WE4LTH, White ,rid"' 1. gressnian• 21. Seven persons killed in Athens in rioting !rd.-Twenty-five tze•roesS intl0ri-simoili,'lal stand- Out lilS term 11e [y is�a,a ttttlAl/G J. . Caen Washini;tol XI.-at, tt Anda. ----_-----�` worth only" _1L f' 11►! ltt, 24, against translation of gospels. lusia, Ala., charred with a cluuble iznn'der, _ began with. der Edward NA': vVasrb 22• Eight Pocahontas mine officials �p; hart, m burnjng mine, perish in the• 8. Andrew Carncgle offea•s $10,OOn,000 to ,nrinrt.a ashill ton slid Buchanan Had Inde Einillo}res o L' ti tlittaut�atal ikps El. Jif tow ,2. " 24, Theotokis' Greek Ministry. Proposed national post graduatu unit'r rsitl' author 1. ,las. F3. F'r ink Y. 1%1'ashington• at Mr. L ncolTl. Ka 13. ;�I4eI,t 29. 26, Carl H. Hoffman, stenographer of the Istb- pendent Means When They People who�rx lie 2i' J$ a4" -J, S. li r, m#an Canal Commission, arrested for 9 Mrs, I elan] Stanford convr?ys to St'uafur!, t l aor►tran+rtrr C f I_le; University, Cal, distress, X control of thm Go in furl to the state secrets.- factor boiler explosion $0 000,000 worth of ltrnlertt- Grover Cleavf3l.e t the IRepatbliC • 1`c'n' N. J. troit kills 29 persons. Y nitsd0 Ocol Nica.zagily, agrees to lc,tne t r 1.tt Took QtfiiCe, , 1ltatrd; and T er, 29 .lerg5nrarr 27. Sevent II. J, P Perpetually 2 can strip,._E tashir less than eight: Yeast of the iaittrld author tie naartu, Hri v 1- 17 Y-flve. lives Ioat in collision between Bank of LosliAngelf Angeles, ] Qi.p,c was elected Pre 'ts mnd➢tion,an 24. ( 4. Flr,)f. F 2 two Wabash trains near Seneca, Mich. and bfcrcpant<' to-day he i er I4 28. Colon surrendered to I 1 ars, leering an �f,rem do'no York_ - Catg,.e l tr•-tr ror rE government forces. rii'Itarent shortage of $100,030. SOME OTHERS j�I�S SELL TO D{� 11()t a IavtsYlt �p f+etyl ahs iii turn, *i 24. Iihi1,,M_p}ic=r 11.. Pre silent Cassatt announces the intc•rttio,n of ben Cy of the �CVh: 7 ( /of +g i3t Peter G. T: Zp9gR:' Lecntlraer. the Pennsylvania R. .R. to tunnel under'New 28. S R 2• The South Carolina and \fest Indian ex osi- City and its two rivers.-The Liniver.sitY of 11ne51 ---�► with regtlllari;ty r W. Va. tie. G. Prince c�,b tion opens at Charleston.-The Fift P ter, C),, burns, SVas'hington Ls-ubi Hien - Y-set ent11 Lon- 13. The schle, Arthur Was the Nfost Extravagant of the' Mr. MCKixaley 31 Fr fl[e+6, Y•-i.civ crc- grew assembles.-The United States Supreme report.-Mrs. Lela Ida Do O acqudttecd at tete$ the T'V Yti t e 3L sit Joe, Lec.ont Court decides the two remainin S nava] court oP inquiry submits its past haisrierr Set L.Ie Philippines held to be domestic terultorYi£ind the ses, theIngton of the murder of Pension Clerk A, a'9 1 but by frugal rasa 14, ii`Sh- 1VZen Who E}c�upied rile Presi- mm awlUEra T Pierre o� Forager Porto Rico act upheld.-Denmark and the eleetrlcawroive sigsf�1soP, N. P.,yell, England a ee, of frieTidS 3, Gq ". 12. LZ, H. receives\\lreless mane , Ye island and 'hiekan lir er6 New York.- 12', dential �rilair, y where t i1e.t -Richard 1 COMPARATIVE SCHOOL _ life, it of the L'apple -ire`' fiat STATISTICS FOR NEW President �io01 Of the sppe New It 4. 17 MIsS I. fans YORK STATE. fixed when rte ^cv�a 4. Pet Jaya 19 lDr. i ,ted' t Yearendin Jul 81,]t101. _- xsxl:�r.�o r, D. C., S€i:turday,-George Cutive's eYlair; rlc ta, for wtakiY toter, Kole gist.-Dr. q 8 ----_ �g Y ._ Year ending Juiy 8] 1940. Yi'asllin ton and hi titin V r n Buren ere [b Bel 9• I Washingt,rn 1,4. Com.Dists Cities, ' Total g � r poor. It is sa,fe� Cuba tar ez.Con . Henri State. Com.Bists �' + Iurreltse the wealthiest men ever elected to the retired by t13 tori ban School districts............... Cltles. State, leave the �v1 Y1 i t e 1 the 1[71 tarn( gg Peter Jaok 10,x91 s, Pti a 15. School houses................ 10,741 11 711 ^- _-_ -Decrease Presidency, but nearly all the Chief Ex- When he entered. tiaesi►utir to F7tzrperci 1r,• t-.r',,r t s 10,946 970 11916 10 982 919 11,7.101-- e Rear Value of school pro erty..... 16 ez-Gong 13. Te ''Chilclren $ ,916,688$70,375.726 8 $ r r X1'9 11,931- 15 cuclves nl:anaged to leave the White �,ns,ter--Cti�l:ica _v t►tloateaet for �4 eisliingtc,n (5 18 years $7,2!12.414 16 314.084 60 4613 911$81,768,495)'+ 5 5..'3,919 °� 13. Ar 1a. :. Children attending 497,270 , 1,f,21 087 4 $ Rt. Rev. 1123,897 '500018 106!'635 15(19,658'+ Mouse well off, although some possessed lave y)ic],rci tIl) 11 Bosomipdr't"nitM 14, 13, battl laarar; Eng1a fou Averageattendangedrool 446,422 795.994 1,242416 r ' ' ) ;;1,131 little wealth when eleCte.•d• for the I' +� the 16. Rei 1s 2!). Rec. A re ate da(lays attendance. 52,948,858109588,719162,741 836,978 3115,800 755,358 1,209,574+ 32,x2 Ines t-i"vl I �°f Laacast man Ltettloc3ianr 3'S" AverageAggregate thschoolterm„ 171 551,818 8.57,9881+ 1.`,609 Van Buren was so wealthy t'ha:t he diel�,Iasgite o!' Ole C * Ra 17, Ger K19 t Frenoli rickv per Aver.dyseaehpupilattended 19° 177 53970,0,35105,4ti9,11p159,938,145I I- 3,097,833 not trouble to draw his salary until the 31. Prof. [ 119 138 161 194 1754 1 ext, 111d Pill:il.i:l:1c of $grana ( -Mrs, : 1'ie mit Private schools................ 131 119 + 2 expiration of his four r tint very, lode!" a' 3 Miss Ji ,1b (:hildreninprfvateschools.,,. 217 733 949 238 X40 132'- 1 years, when he Yraeat of the China, 39 ' Teachers 13,867 164 961 178,028 roti 944+ sighed for $900,©00, Every expense of the 1 oer li: e till! to said peat 1. Dr. Jul ,160 days ormo_9.... 11 082 151 fl Llhr (i4nr1 f r-.+1t1 20. Til 2 Hans L fo'i'lJ men........ X5,740 16.718 r + , 64 163,996 White House outside of th 1t pro\idea for t>n➢tell States r, 3560 1,587 32,403 15,6)56 } 14,OF2 r Uncanny, t3:r rnl 3. Rt. Re 5,147 16.112 31768'+ Fr 2C), Teachers women.,.........; 3 704 ' 685 7')Y Congress �c,as •Ifvwr to rnu t Tez. I3, B}�ahup of uni toial........,.,, 13.832 16 fi12 30,444 13829 1,424 5.188J- 41 " paid by Dxr, Van ,solea Yay to the r c t:r 23. Stg In m 17392 18'190 85591 15.831 29.6(;01+ cert of his own packet. The tierof� rat+.•, LL)u"oulj,IGI 5 Lhiwa t z7 state certificates ....... 17,593 ��'hitw ltlrt 4i, t}ire to the h „7. g Judge6, . ee: a a, 328 641 969 341 17,2,,5 34,8=18;`+ 743 George Washin,,ton did not need the± Yait'd heal- tl:c lt! the Atn 24 Ore feat ? m y collegegrad.certificates 4M6 81131+ n. C min ui rr. t'htca; T_3- a normal school diplomas 3 979 n IGO 2970 money for living eYloenses, rant he dreiv his 7Maj.-(;* c trafnin 2,678 623 N Clevela Skrycc gclassot'sch'lcPr B,6,)7 3,801 r 169 Alrrc,t:}t they (•(cele S. t4"m. .a Eye officers 3,323 2,7fs4 8 087 2+211 6,0.55+ UO2 money,pith a5 mtic$regul,l rity as the de i;ntlauntea Fw-r t •s localaryoft ache .. 9,143 11,681 2,545 2,276 4,821 + Pa:rtinent clerks. He had so much prop- 30.Ge a J'-c H, a-' vile t 8veral;esa)aryofteachers..., 20'824 10,2ti6 7.2f[B A tnomant tori r.t q. Prince Volumes in school libraries... 904,,u% *$976 662 $322 11,8:31 2200; 1279 erty to dispose of that ills will covered :['li�h , i'oaste(i fu; 11- Fiance , 761.728 1,600,826 853418 10871# 9604+ *�� t I3e0os 1. Joh 6, L :-c (cachets salaries............. i 85 11tel hies sl Jatra P able Q. Dloxley .,- c r,44fJ 1,56(),85,8+ 10-4908 twelve closely ivtrittl>n pages, and if pu?t in They toyed rs itlr 1 Property,furniture,reoairs,ete $5,83,630$16,310,98)$2i,38r),G19 $6,052,Q84$14,166,808$111,218 892+$2,285,76 t1'pe would ma Ire five c-ol.tt 1 riatRchapAelttt Tenn. 7. 14• :or tit': stab.' Senoollibraries.....I........ $971,z31I $7,414,t337 $8,386,358 $1(30393 ITIt s of a news- , 4.pro,ia ic,r Morelli, #-I e, $82,078 $58,806 , $7,518,ti60 $8,548,643- $162284 neper. Pl.en l�eriti, t.IFr t 3otr:r teixi 15 l�eatint ills f Total expentditures..........•. $7,6,78,120$28,717,148$3395),Q89 $7,$�i23,899$2,89x`592 $142,159- lq 1 IVY awert e =_1 LS 5. Gett, r . J. *Avera e annual salary of teachers in cit' $ 8 42(1 reeler,, d, f. c:�v. >; $33,42I,491 +$2,9,3,778 James 7tiienroe's `will contained only 16', '`st1'-.wtng Cal.-Ed,I Fork. $5,66. For State,exclusive of New York City, annual sale York is$692 F5;increase over last 'ear wcrds. Ie was a poor Iran. FTe liv • TAnd sprays, o f fix '�wss FJtrna 17aiid bel • t`. M. hn � average annualsalar in New York Cit ed well, tun luisitrols wY .uu li;R,ztvxz i'alfPxla, 9 Salary$399.47;in over i#G; but i'crT eltrtlti-s�;aritly, whine Pre�,fdent, They tiaunted 7(,118 folk, L' Pl a# employs one third of teaching force of gta$i,'the argeincrease in salaries sr, $141,1 largely to that cit yet 6. W for 3. Gurna termore over $141.10 As Nen•YiorkCity he left the Mq-llte House Y3hliostpenniless, :noment ric.r«. tti W.rkt att+ei New Fn p�raer.-jam nCiitl y Polk, If'111ri1.ore slid 7. Wil Nes 24. P. T. ori y i Pierce were vaealthyl, Thtt reCrt]r-cf to pury,JZ"'k, mrnt. t ildlers' H, 29- METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. men, alild left Dirge estates. when they, Then b-acka cl 'ga.i S. t[• ('has. tiriic METRIC WEIGHTS, They hurled it d to wribm Reeds t 30. Brig.-C nst-,r Milligram (.0001 gram) equals 0.0154 grain. Liter equals 1.0567 quarts. dl ed. Aladison, too, had a gCtnd 1�3n1i a+,-+° TUen leaping; Ili a ps>farJq 9. Dr. 3(). gram (.001 Decaliter (10 liters) equals 2. Count, and plenty* of real estate but lthe�, They dra6l tri I t cl, th . Deci gram) equals 0.1543 grain. Hectoliter 100 liters t 6,�18 gallons, money t William Pn T. 3. Dr. Sar of3 Gramrequalsl gram) aquals s 1.5432 grains, Kiloliter (1004 liters) crruals 6.418 gallons. Y he left to Dolly was&tottered to the' Now undtrne,r-tlt t tx,r; F'arminr;ton Cc-, Decagram 10 ) equals 26•(.18 gallons, winds by a F'+ort111eSs tela t•1ve. Por hell They hitt ca. -Atrut 'irlasrin cf hum z e ( grams) equals O.2a27 ounce. METRIC MEASL'R>S OF LENrTH. illUSb�1n{l'fi Papers,CO11{,"reSS a 1 ) Geo. 0. Hectogrrim (100 grams) equals 3.5274 ounces, Millimeter 0001 meter)equals 0.0394 inch ^)i 1 in sed a =lrctr 1� Re eat 7 Geo. Cj, m� Kilogram (I,00O (• P id her$20,No, 1'o trite I:)c> tie's; ey, Ill. Iyi €cams) equals 2.2046 pounds Centimeter AI1d thi's w23 all SllE had. Then reac:lzirt �Y7)ttt0 iGrtr 15. M ii i H. O, ' yriagram (10,000 q (.001 meter) erluals 4.:1937 inch. p-, c,ut F. 3 Quintal (104,000 grams ins)equals 220.48 046 pounad' Meter Decimeter (.Ol meter) equals 5.931 inches. They clutcltecl tL IYt Ralph mil •;;gl, J, Gc lam•_ Millier or tonneau-ton q1,400,000 pounds. Decameter 10 nu+tine equals 393,7 Andrew Johnson WaS, COIYIfa^rta.bly well f $i Ironton, 3 12. F:aigem 2 2,204.6 ( goals 3,1,r inches. off, ownYlri g, Mi Soulist Pounds. grams) equals ( g 11, farm, sto;I�e and O!txier Then nt t➢ng f°tit li Sul 14. 1'illiat sex Hectontetcr (100 meters) equals 328 feet 1 inch. Iyro+ t'rtieS They d� ii r:rl titer t aY►+sd the 16, G States, METRIC DRY MEASURE. kilometer p' at Knoxville and Greenville. PMW G. A. R at 1 3 Milliliter (.0001 liter) equals O.OE1 cubic inch, (1.,000 meters) equals 0,62137 mile Tenn. And seemed t" ball > la[exican �� fee Centiliter (,001 liter equals O.E102 (3,2S0 Pett 1.0 inches). An't 81st tq)or'1 tj. la th 17. >, by 16. Rt. Rt4 bc, D ) q cubic inch, Myrimeter (10,400 meters) equals 6,2137 miles. Buchanan Was wealthy, too 61t,.n rolllnl; i3 tt ^-anal c0apa•I Ilishcv, 5, L teritequa©si o.908 equals 6,1022 cubic inches. y, as wa,s also 22. re 17. Rev. quart. Andrew Jackson, but the I ttt 1�t►wtt 1 y Je Decaliter (i0 liters) equals 9.08 quarts, bt>TRic SrTRFACE MEASURE. atter was lair NX ret mount Vnle Na}p Hectoliter (100 liters) equals 2.838 bushels• Centiare (1 square meter) equals 1,550 square Tn, POVeri5ll_,d bef'Ore lea til b c1SSUn1in the' P',hey cl claf waves; America mou, TatssP F. Elect ter 1.000 liters) equals 1.308 cubic Are (1.00 square meters 2ruals 179,E square yds, o Y o Th('n u. ' C a'1 1E. Jas, ( g:Bn,I ( Hectare (10,000 square meters) equals 2,471 acres. dJ has f 1115 son, Lute grant 1T1t,tt22t ully 240" Poughk. Hartford, t'! 7 Mtr,TRic LIQrIn MEASURE. Yards. The metric system has been adopted by the LS r.cl YurreYw.frtr tk. 1 Milliliter followin p t�tLlrlcy Adallls(lied rfcll. Ile owned 1hu!:tst the tic rril painter. 2q Cha9 N1or o (.0001 liter) equals 0.0388 fluld ounce, Bolivia,g Brazil Chili 1TLtrc,1'1 property in L,'o'9tU11 Arid Wasllln Con. 1'l,en lailghin't Bice Rlslentiliter (,001 liter A.r entine I�cpublic, wggtilig>�t, 27, eap, Springs, Co, ( ) ) equals 0,388 fluid ounce. Ecuador, Mexico, United States ia, Amer Costa HIS w111 is filo,d in the R•ecc)rdel• of 1'lllI ` arena nt lift>7x Isor Minnera t, T� veciliter 01 liter equals 0.845 8111, T Venezuela, Office ill this city-. and is Of great length. Then runnin;L 7T}ce it to"a of PWLce concessions by Japanese envoys pr vo e Like Andrew Ja..r•ksoll iiia' Adams had > stypa�i bloody riot in Tokio. action to the 59th Congress. large collection,of wzill:in ,` A 1unc1;> E3a31 that;, Vv�c'e b(eltleaYt 11ed :GU 1115 1�riEa21C15,at1(1 Lheso r1�c1r slylv lY}i �alr l t tr 'retry Thomas Jeffexrsoll r1.11payS 1CCUrd1I1� t0 1 ut.il\eith fc,;rrzilr7y; rll�f U!ba ffgsdiats JFA °Q'Ci ca Q history, nl;ide Hauch dfs la, Y.uegistCrsi ft�rrttewsX. p m � as we�lthY, Fiat 111 oicl gQnlze�vwEisare 1`e{,do n tl;a rvae:.' Yasf7r l tbs bridge. c ,'Oi O duCed in ct �,y A co Cl S _rciitnsta,nUc, a.nd wri.s forced to then, lil.c thl 1lrtnc h and gloola. .>O cease entertainfn with sur h a,latish hand at last TJ :� O' The•S d til, Xscart$elark O y O d at A1011ticello. E nvres, j�ip.h \tiltl r ,t rel�:tr, is ttwS'pacaesd ptidgs. List,how the sweet notes quiver, 'r,�>•p ,-� ,,,, nQ for a large pox tion of his v tri a,bieL1latrary n, s',1 ttEKed each stticx�rgrpaael, Rise hie h, die do\rrr,and ever 0 q, 4 O ¢v A � .� and this; suln yells economically spent dor �)rcl ileac, I l _Sc:)rrar' Rrr• the lore,and love alway, day rnverterl leer 7 tllcw It WY Paced thv bridge. T n softly melt away. O Q� � m ra �0 Q.� ins his last ilex 41111Wattheanchor cb&ln, T ten. nport.sman. While the bird,e O " ^" ® �_r4 .. � � V�liliam I3eI1ryF Harrison Was known as I rant nor"ll 1.0 ;e,tral titer.Josous and profane. T. tle heart with passion stirs. U ? >a m ^`+ k day a11a1/, and when In the W'hlte Tll�`-� held th"i r• xrr: r S ht and hearing both are one, O " t" �'., House Ile cared littli for style. !ie sa.\•ed caller rifts iaatse eliei tKtYala Love reigns alone. g ar m :. O � �' a goad y l,tr hit r n c1 iF ri t°r c s1S'paaxd strrici;e. Therefare.\then the flood of song O � lnoderatePotlfcc>1 of his Salary rlild died Ilii• ha don ST1-Yx_talt�r Is aS y His grandson, Benjarllm 11n➢te lan twi, et, M 14,I'd lige to know? Tag atanre and deadly aim �+ D� �'tp p "CS Harrison, was likewise e•conornical, saved J lzr llgltt rlaslzF(-I I1,at ,•a a) X money and enjoyed a, good law practice: itttM!)' ttie hrtdge' At the heart with love aflame: O m after his ter111. 5'] tit:v r It th•, 1Zifryh lirwatltit,ptlitrl and clefs- Ford And avoidtth msttonc theer less foot. „O O .q^d o , General Cxraiit while ill the�7rllite I1,ouse i IIu I title:, al iQl tdtr. Ir iP tits t9rtdif®? 1\ow, Ili luck's name, 00 :. r, w, a� � Ilved to e11, but of the settle time he saved L�t.l trcttt out i Ize )z h0 111~i4�di did•but gee( Take steads alm. C9;.O rd'�• S,F.,r=2. money, the salary of the Yr.esldent belly^ G,;d t o1 il,t Tt ;.n\•. 0 �'0.00- �w•, a) raised from &,?5,000 t0 � An.I iod n t7 otarT W11tti tint gee,Peru ttt�, ,-q.s1• i C, C1 sett"ing his Second turn0'000C Will lie All ,tit t a r ator�wrlten sifter, Fire! Lly la"tb*b J°Itn flnel:flies orf,mute is the woodland tyre. �� �d m O i7 O had a larger Stahl of t.harougrlbredsrytharl tnetit. fixe e The singer's heart is pderrrd to the core: s •rc ,C3,,.q'� 21A any President, 1Viiid ill the S He frets no pain for evermore,, �+ Z a �, and R-lret he tool,: a fancy ail,' - ttt4a t*eeos, to to a horse he Far; s+ F>rcttesang Tove'secstasy, O m F+rCf --� O ..r gtuerallY tnan�t:;ed to buy on December 4, e SCUI11p.*i Hila, iiapps.,heP --_----- ��� m q .J-m 3 a '- !t regardless of the ,pifce, He was not'Snug Harbor sC'11d )q<1 x-t u wealthy, alt.11oirgll worth cotiside.rable "The Sailor-boy's Es t: Witt a xama.n ----`- when his second term ex lied.. An en- Z.•alli a Chump, llilll to Oblige, tanglement in a wildcat financial concern might be t:h:it t11 c.or. she seas `ite0at31e," lits. Hussle-Sia of that dozen of e* led liiI11 'to •pl.�dge leis Swords, nieda,l.s and lvhen, o'er the sil€.rzt , x stamp. bgs were eellis to 'T H. Val-Iderbilt for the loan of More fondly there rotten. $.100,000 to clear his name o• To those we le;Iv( -� Yh,clptas Cr_t Tt nw* Dealer--Sorr>, tell sort(, airs. Hussies I hope others had broil h f thu disgrace t ose we le ea a to t ~-� g t upon hills, 1 t.ir-syr, y-ou didn't break the, shells'. The Inost extreva 1i'hcn, in the silent. Mrs. Hu:=Ste \t hc,of course, r did' How could Arthur, ll 1 grit President was The sea t,oy talir k7 is ao not infreclitently gave dinners The heart then fef_•is t ht 7 tell)vhether t-net teem L=ood or hacl? costing aS, Inuch a $5,000. When he Sent ()f Iute, of honz> ,)calci'--Iryr,uh.dn'i ltrohen the s-oohs y r into Ll1e 1�'llite. I-Iouse lle was < salsa could ably worth )rob- hal-f" taken t!.e e gS l,a,lc. ➢E c hrtve P half a million. His predecessor,IGar, In vain, mal- ":1 rol�ic, C. u,mer;.You t.io;v }.u!Holy tit^;, are 110 tusccato tjld�cxdied a pool• inan. The people raised Their gtitteriug' slic�reG voted heron ensi Garfield, and Congress Thu' brightu ed f r J l r,,g• t Us^Boston I rsttt;+,.ril?', �• And trrfutnrd flc>�>rr , -_ _ -- Pension of$5,000 annually, Thu' nature there el•` t --HayryS ryas accused of parsimony dui- i>r-cYiitic ----------- - _ Y Phe "Treasures" c,f he t Tlia eye, but not tlZ r hr•a '1'ha hNrara still Y,..._.. _ •111 L-••LL\11V 11L 11� 1/al.,.VL - - .. •... ....-_. .._. -.... -_ .L�t 1V l..lr .... L.'}"••4 LyV,vN ing his incumllt'x1Cy tlf the VVI]Ice 1-1011sto ." Pres GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF 1901-NovlcmlxltR-_CuntGreued, � � �� � because he offered no wine to g'tlestta, 2. �V a 20. The Manufacturers' National Reciprocity Con- United Stiates EN ( Mr, Hayes entertained little, hilt it °' B' F'" 20, vention resolves in favor of government teach an a �'a5 not because he tit'As not rinarl- fur�, .Ky -( department protection and of a American purehaae of the Danish.`yegtcLulles far cially ahIe, but simply because he dl(1 JoseF�t of G p'rtment of commerce and industries, and 4. .Herbert Marx of New york mortal] ltOt believe 111 great soC.inl functions. i1Fr, Plattaburg. 2 recommends a bureau of reciprocity under that three JVhiteca is who attack him at his I T 9-8 L7 �_ 7 department.-The burning of a house at-the, mouth country home,} Y rl Bunds ONLY ��� ��4 1 � Lincoln was poor when ht' entered thy+Jrz$ct of a tunnel at Telluride, Col., asphyxiates 25 men, 5. The Peruvian Con etas 1'It•ginia i White House, and had Ile lived to serve gs ma r r�1Issil �;reasman. nate, 21. Seven persons killed in Athens in rioting .,rd Twenty-live ncg ,re,s atprtsonlrr} ct out 1115 term he would perhaps have 1'�-'tlreck against translation of g'ald stud- ' worth only a few hundred more than he 'v�'ayhingtos �} ( gospels. ]osis, Ala., charfletl with a double rnurdlkr,Andu- Etlward tiNNash 22. Eight Pocahontas mine officials perish in the S. And Carnegie offers lO,O)l poo to-r K a b•e.gan with, for 11e was not ecorioniloal. 25. burning mine. 1 r 24. Theotokis' Greek Ministr Proposed national post `�'ashhl on and Buch� 1 yes of the White House say that � .ran Had. I1�de- Em lJo Y 1. Jas. fi. Frani Y- 'Washington. s'raduate university, at Mr. Lincoln gave away much nrl•oney to 1• = Albert 29, 26. Carl H. HoiYman, stenographer of the Isth- 9, Mrs, Leland Stanford conveys pendent Means When They People wh01n he believed or knew to be itx I __•1 iter of Le;i tnian Canal Commission, arrested Pox• University, Cal 3'- to Stlnfc,r,l• distress, i r.,rr, N, T- to t}tfstate secrets.-A, factory boiler explosionp©n-De Ely protocol Nleaq'r�glla,0agre yr}lo oar"rihuoit,rJ Grover Cleveland was paying taxes orl, ' gyman trait ]tills 29 persons. United States tl. TOO�C Off;e. less than eight thousand dollars when h.t* t•Irr perpetually a canal stri�. t mann. Ham• 1, I? 7. Seventy-five lives lost in collision between Iia k oflLssliAnneuf les,tCaFarme1s, and blttchrnt'I • tivas elected Presldellt lila first time, 1117t: 4. Prof. F ? Id two Wabash trains near Seneca, Mich. g' to-day he is Wealthy. Mr. Cleveland wet:$; t'agtl Theo for rr 2s. Colon surrendered to government forces, apparent Pnt shortage of $10U,otp. I I ars' le.""'�an SOME OTHERS WELL TO DO not a lavish spender during his Inctlrll-+ Phil+�tx,g,her g 11.. President Cassatt announces the intention nt bency of the jlTlllte 1Tause, dl'eW his salalr Peter (s, >�i 1o5a,F x,eeelnber, the Pennsylvania R, R, to tunnel under Ntyv with regularity and made investments itlp Julian J ca1�i 'tion The South Carolina and Mrest Indian expos;- ter, O. ]c '""• City and its two rivers.-The University o' art 6. Prince pens at Charleston,-The Fifty-seventh Con- burns. Y Woos- Washington suburban real estate. many_-Edv crE gress assemble --The{rlxe United States Su 13• The Schley naval court of}n uir' Arthur Was the Most Extravagant of the err. McKinley was poor when he eI1 Joe. Lecan>t g Court decides the two remaining insular cases, the ini ton of the murder of Pension Clerk submits its tered the White House. He was 111 debt, preme report.-Mrs. Lola Ida Sonine accxuitted at 11 ash- t hannes Sch C'1ev¢Philippines held to be domestic territory and the 14,en Who Occupied lite Presi- but by frugal managenhent eLnd the fl.ssigt- ?. Pierre of 1'tt F'oraker Porto Rico act upheld.-I]enrnark and the electric wave signals from Cornwall, Bnglaad ante of friends he was accurnulating 1. Marconi s n John, N. F., receives wireless money when the assassin's bullet ended hist New R. H. fi� dential Chair. New York.- life. -Richard I I><oi_ri COMPARATIVE SCHOOL STATISTICS FOR NEW YORK President Roosevelt was comfortably # 13. CirIl, L f01-11 STATE. fixed when lie was called t© the Chief k�;c- t9, Mtx+s F_ �TASHI1GTo C, I7• C,, Saturday,-George eutive's chair; not wea.1t11Tr, but far from bc.ciie Year endin Jul_31,1901, Year ending July$1,190(1- Totitl Z'1 ashington and Martin Van Buren were A gist.-I.)r. 13. -- _g y _ 4 Washington Henri 1-1, - poor.oo It is safe to sa.y 'that should he Ixt) 22. Henri Cities, State. ('om.Dists Cities. + li1r't'ease the wealthiest men ever elected to the retired by the November election he will Peter Jacky bany School districts............... 10,741 _ State,I _vecrea,e leave the ��%Mite House a pourer 111an titin - -- 1(l• Schoolhouses................. 10,946 970 11,711 10,791 999 Presidency, but nearly all the Chief Ti7x when he entered. '•1, George , 11.740 '�. Hear _.T c c=t Value of school pro erty..... 11,916 10 982 1- 29 e Tem-a.Chi]dren $16,916,688$70,375,126 87,292,414$16304,584 X49 11,931 15 CutIves m-anaged to leave the White �instser--j�"lioevel' t.I10 sllr[tlte3' bras, nlui;t awhingtun 17. ; ti (5 18 years .. 497,270 1,123,817$ ' $65,463,911$81,7618,(95+ House well off, although same possessed l:Tv(. �, i-Rt. Rev g©un Childrenattendtngschool.... 44(1,422 1,621,087 505,018 1064635 15Gfl,4951+5,5`3,919 g po� a e pinked LIP 11is Illater'lal V ry re.1pl'ttl,Y, ham. F ngla Average attendance......... 297 4101 79.5.9941 1,242 41(1 454 215 7553` 'o ,1..13.1 little vreabth when elects „ Necv Aggregate y575,741 873,157 3n5,800 n9 1,209,5"r4I+ 3?,rt1N ' int' the ]hit-8 a:'ca frnz_rl a POPIll ontitlt_fl The '9Ret 1s, A gate da sattendance... 52 948 859 10'J,588,119 162,530978 53970,035105,49,110119,439146+ n fat, Buren was spa wealthy that he diel fI�Ts9tte of the .Camh:rs," l.;y Clnrrllee V1. Methodism grr:5 Average length school term.. 111195 ' r88 15,Gf;9 French now Aver.days Each pupil attended 177 169 194 ' trouble to draw his salary until the N':.I t, and llukllished in the Foston 7'1°tnscllll�t 31. Prof, C "cr 119 1751 rrzitt Privateschools.......... 21778'2 131 119 140 + 2 expiration of his four years, when he not Very Jon„ r;,o, The !'(Zllt)wirir; t l 1;7:' A lb Children in private schools..,. 13 067 949 238 1821- m I%bl: 1. Dr. Jul 19_ Teachers,1ti0daysormo*e..., ' 164,9(il 178,(128 11 982 706, 944+ � signed for $100,000. Every expense of the 15,740 16.713 82,453 11956 151,95, 163,9461+ 14,052 White House outside of t1lat Provided for Lillrat'hends fr:)m hell abreast they rua 2 Hanes L four men......... 3560 1,587 16.112 31768 tinny, lint and �.17n: S. Rt. Re' - . Teachers j women.0.0 0,0 5,147 3,764 1,424 I+ 685 by Congress was paid by Mr. Van lsuren way in the ret-i's ll1:c_ �e,a-balls lowed Bishop of urziv ({total............... 18'832 30,444 13,829 29.BG0� The lir t t t tote, dtt21 artd dint, 22. m 17,392 18,199 35,591 15,831 5.188+ 741 out of his own packet. ��'hli� li}tr a t:lxrour of h�dryly r,:eelt 5 L1t)w•agE s.zy state certificates....... 17,593 6. Judge ' cc'S g grad.certificates 328 641 34l 17,255 34,848+ 743 George R ashington dict not 1leecl 'the Yau'd hear rift+ lri..sirtg' ttrgery �,}xtrtk. 929 893+ u r ar, c'hiea; z T' v no college school diplomas 8 979 92ti 623 160 24Sj 76 money for living expenses, but he dree�v his i. �iaj,-Ce c�n' trainingclassol'seh'lePr 206]8 6,657 3,801 454+ 169 mored*,v ith as much regularity Allrc.u:.t they rode, with heads ti,rown bath. 8. 1l'rrr. A F - 3,323 2,764 6087 2x)15 2'2 6,655+ 602 g y as tlxv Cie- l;ndauntecl for the zl.riPc; �4, local officers....,. •, 9,143 2 27 8 r'-C. H. C' m1el• Average salary of teachers.... 11,681 20,824 10,21}G 4.821 + 1.2(16 nartment clerks, He had so muell prop- A moment on a vcs:=eils tacit 9. Prince 25- Volumes in school libraries... 964 a 18 "$11,6 "$662 $322 ]1 831 22,09;-- 1,273 erty to dis ase of that his will covered Then, ,''atii l tell full Nig}th 11fo. 761.728 1,665,826 853,418 704q�j 1,56(868+ 104 968 p pa es and i to i 1>n6 le;: of the sttoc•t„ 11 France C€ltrc leachers'salaries............. $5,763,6301$16,320,989$21,5037619 $5,052 I twelve closely wrritten !a , f p t n !'hey toyed �vitlt Lie;i tit, Fall vllJte unci Ioan. ;, &I it X L'7_ PropertV,ful•niture,repairs,ete , ,084$14,1Ef6i,440$19,218 8fl2+$2 85;7 6 'k Sir fit': i+la Senoolhbraries............... $971,b31 $7,414,8;,7 $8.386,3;18 $1,(30,$93 $751826x1 n tvpe would make five columns of a news e•1 Morelli, cat c•i Totalexpe7lditures,....,....,, $82'0781 8581805 $140.883 $83,732 ,+ $8+518,643- $162,„84 paper. Then ]cerin} up the sullen•1Vorth, 15. F;Yaum �E�. t * $7,678,120$28,717,148$36,395.269 7,523.899 a\$�8,426� $142,158- $1�;4 Thcy swerved by led} r and reef, ''r•-��'. J. �;r,�- r Average annual salary oP teachers in cities exclusive of N w York i$�,88i,5J2$83,421,491 +$2,973,?,8 Jarnes Monroe's "rill contained Only JG'� A-stretving laluoana of" yeilora• froth -(irk, h,.t:c 8,5,66. For State,exclusive of New York City,average annual salat $3fl9,47 R crds. He vt'as a y Attri s}rrtivs,of fade}c::>t i=rte!'. 20. C. M. 1`�_ average annual y s$5() increase over last sax, Poor man. Ile lived.well,: '1'Iten]cisuttly, with hls5y 1aE;, 'cattalo. p 1-t�t employs one-third of teaching force of Atate,the large increase in salal , 141.5.°yet last,year, 691; but rot extrrlvabantly,, while P1 esident, yet They tauuteci long elle scowling fog. 23. Gurna: r_e r l) year As New orlt Cit he Left th? r tser.-Jam rncla-tr iesisC011finedlargelyto Haatcity.3 Polk, I l�}lite Haase ahnast penniless :gement noyv a winging gull �4. P. T. ori �� ( 111more and Pierce were wealth They r-lociuc•d to catch and hold: r3tdlers;' Ht moo. METRIC WEIGHTS AND mel;, and left large estates «lien they Then blckartd 't;atnst r1 heaving Mull `9. (."has. 4 tl i-it METRIC WEIGHTS, MEASURES. Y' They hut'lcca it ileal] <,tld cold. Milli Liter equals 1.0567 died. Madison, too, had a good Mani,. at ; Then leaping in a trcmlaling EIIII, 30. Brig,-C mvr gram (.0001 gram) equals 0.0154 grain, Decaliter (10 liters) equs.le 9 count, and plenty of real estate but 'thee fx. Centigram (,001 gram) equals 0.1543 `llw dl•abged it tloIvrltvlzrid tc) tltr rail. og Decigram (•Ol gram) equals 1.5432 grains. Hectoliter (10(1 liters)gtltuals 611 X15 allons• xr;ane he left to Dolly, 3_ in Sax ?1 Gram equals 65.432 grains. Kiloliter (1,000 liters e osis Z6-1.18 gallons. winds b !''Was s'catter'ed to the; Now underne,rtlr their r.torrlaclls dnrlt armistice ( �)ry Decagram (10 grams) equals 0.3527 ounce. 1txETftIC MEASLRP�S OF LF ,A,(, 5 a wbrtllless relative. For leer They bled t Stt'tlra='13t:g1:a2`jIV, 6 justice rn c,i Hectogram (100 grams) equals 3.6274 ounces. hu.sbitrid'S. a Anil tflosed a gl_tar anti cowed a bark Goo. U. Kilogram 1,000 Millimeter (,0001 meter)equals 0,0394 inch. 1[in•d this was all Co Congrhad.ess Paid her$2l)000, 1'o tstlte heath':; atti Pul vo.v. ( grams) equals 2.2046 pounds. Centimeter(,0o1 meter) ectasis 0.3937 Inc.,,.H. G, e M inial am 0(0,000 grams) equals 22,046 Decimeter (.01 meter) equals 3093, inches. Then reaching t,ut lckt: t°r nu ['"re_a: ares, ' (*'+�. E. �. Quintal (100,0op pounad. Andrew Johnson •was comfortably wte-ll They clutched n billiaia Uulab:e, obarm, i J G. grams) equals 220,46 pounds. Meter equals 39.31 inches. Iag-e MIllier or tonneau-ton (1,000,000 grains) equals Decameter (10 tnet,rs) esus Is 393.7 inches• off, Owntind t'. F ugene 2,204.6 pounds. Hectometer (100 meters) equals 328 feet 1 Inch. e mi41, farm, store and o!tllei' Then tli:ting far like Qava};e I)c-}les. 14. �1"Illlar Set g METRIC DRY MEASURE. Kilometer o,ol.)0 tneters) equals 0.6213"r mile Pr�Aerties at I<nosville and Greenville.! Th,y de'Jtcd them:,elves rvi tit wc.ec::r, Rtes. at F 3. Milliliter (.Oool liter) equals 0.061 cubic inch, Tenn. And .5ec,metl to loll upcin the calve;h:, axlcan «' feet Centiliter (,001 liter) equals 0.6102 cubic inch. (3,250 Peet 10 Inc] I slat,! tat tr},on their etc-eel ,. • - Rt, Rq bcic3' Deciliter (.Ol liter) equals 6,1022 cubic inches. Myrimeter (10,000 meters) equals 6.2137 m}les. BuChanan was wealthy, to.©, a8 was also 1 Ch,:n rollingL1,11, they Heented to cjecp t+a1 !dish 5_ Liter equals 0.908 quart. Andrew Jacksari, but the Tatter was ilTrr :end a:n9t fc,aevel• in the deel).- :7. Rev. Jtir-F Decaliter (10 liters) equals 9,08 METRIC stltFAc> MEASURE. aunt T ni Nem Hectoliter (100 liters) equals 2,838 a quarts. Centiare (I square meter) equals 1,550 square in. Poverishad before �deatll by aSSttm4ng th-e Th!n up they'll dar=h and Ieal> lt1 r•Jt Ie, lawye G- Kiloliter (1,000 liters) equals 1.308 cubic yards. Are (100 square meters) tern) cal square yds- Like giant mountttitrs h1irli, Hectare (10,000 s uare meters) equals 3, debts of his Son. n. Jas. Cl �5Q7,( The metric system has been ndopte- 1 the Jahn At:d tttrrow fete tt line of cite r irtford, r1 MirTRIC LTQPID MEAST7RE, Qt1Lr1Cy Adams died rich. Ha owned �l;trinsr the tee-mlling s•Ity, or Afilliliter (.0001 liter) equals 0.0388 fluid ounce. Bolivian Bra il, Chilitis+Colum m'lle"h ]Teas• centiliter (.001 liter) equals 0,388 fluid ounce. E g Argentine Republic, larol)erty iri Bo'stoil and W,ashin�gLon, 111`'' laughing !dire fleece' fend:, itt rings, coi.- bis, costa Rica, Has well is filed in the Recorder of 1Yllis' -'� liaf)rni it lash home; glee, t�� k3eciliter(,Ol liter) equals 0.845 gill. cuador, Mexico, United States of America, and gz c.;xt crc, Ste:e, Venezuela. otlice in t1his cit3-, and is of -e concessions, Like Andre Jae' great length.-I Then running like �vdlii etea,ts xt l,Jtr,v by Japanese envoys p v e w kson, Ma. Adazlh.� hacl a A lung iv trail khc:,y'cl Lech: riot In Tokio_ action to the 59th Congress. large Collection of walking caries,aDd the so were beclueat:rred to hxs r1•ictncts. Than slyly S[)ring•and trite rtnti lay, Thomas Jefferson al ways, according to 1,ntilttitthtfot,}minr litrt +yer tgdot�, ❑ history, made much display and was rated l�.r cicv:rr the \\tl_;e t_tc;:'el rvallrity-low. >v as 'wealthy, but in, old age he, Was re Qa`i s0, A O A, dueed in circumstances aalag was forced to Then, tike. rite hnudl(vork ct hetFtr=, and glaoxn. p .a v 0 M O cease entertaining with such a,lavish hand The} it ns1, (ha bl ac I. nirltt.'a torn) O at Ziunticello1 'Congress paid ililn ;l;^�,(iUO `}rich IvIll e wnikes of the migI)tN Lint.how the sweet notes quiver. , O m•�! r, 0 for a large portion of his valuable 1}b1'ary, nr r*c�'1� lost in s`u:ran, RLst hlt*h, die down,and ever q p Q A and t11is suxn vas ecauGxnicaily spent dor- Aurn terve_ I lk•�solum trot>It, I)t•irle Rr the lose,and love astray, O O v m 4d w ing his last d;zys inverted atrrz the pho)G};lar,rs rlrle, T t softly melt away- a3 O O •• his I3enrY 'Harrison tVa.c known 3s Ptorn north iJ tottl.h, Ptt�m Cmrd: ir1 H ten. sportsman. «*]tile the bird's U ' P .w cc .� an everyday vian, and when Z11 the White 1'l e; he l,:i their n;asque cti hell; T. tle heart n'ltth pasclon stirs Q St ht and hearing both are gone, U 0 %+ O j+ �, House Ile cared little for ;tyle, a lie saved The•bittern c.riell trexn flat lilt nit;:k, Love relZns alone. x " good portion of Iris salary gild died 1'I,u n i lrnz n r•le cl lire vc il, Therefore•when the flood of sang O cS O M d ✓Ot moderately rich. 14is grandson, Benjani-,n tl hlie lanclw rJ Duel ciunt� CJ11d Nvold, Ts 0.ste,xtreoancl deadly atm �' C) sir � Harrison,onewas likewise econ�,mical, saved The light ftus,it•d m°zn ()4 1) 11, At the heart with love aflame; 6- a .� a) r ,, =� , alit] enjoyed a goad law practice 3) after his term, 1 t tfi r t plc Tit nigh tilt 11 rottt h the dttti, NFord the stream with noiseless foot, t.. O •� p a--•s -. General: Cram while ill the White. House t f tat X19, t`t,- <.ancc.; ow, In d k s name, the root. m O' .i lived veli, but at the sante time he saved L t.l f, r,a e t t the I.c r etlJv Iva Take steady aim. +�,O •^4 anoney, the sa1z'rti' Of the President bein, n Fa.t a o 1 r,rncr, G. a ^„ raised froth $2560 to $50,0(k wlail2 lie wiS til I it w .1 ! lllr•l },ti• ti.ig 1-lttllo, Fire' P O r..,. O,.�„q; v C1 serving his see Ge terns, Genel'al Grant „H G`'?a t t !'he flock files off,mute is the woodland lyI•e. ^J'1 11 r" Cl p L7 O •lead a larger stable of thoroughbreds than �nentl`tIle``poem, y. 1 y The sIrrger's heart is pierced to the core: > .Q,�`II bt any President a "The lio]ue d; m , and when. I Cooly a fancy 11'ind in the Sail,' publishcii i Ac feels no pain for evermore. Z (D '�C= q to a horse the genera,], n the lea"le t Rtsthesanglove'secsttrsl, O O '"''Q' r, it regardless of the F 'nana�eil to buy on December 4, 1!)04, "H, Vi," Sailor" cy.s7 m 3 pl'icc. He was not Snug Harbor sends the foiloyt iug,f e ntti tied +^r., wealthy. altllou. h worth aside:ra13le T Ihan 1115 second terlll e COteed. �n en- The Sailor-boy's Lament 'which he thinks Willing to Ob13 e. tanglement in a wildcat fxnant x xi concerts InIght be What the corresopndeli t called for: led him_ to •pi-alga his S-wo ds, r_leda,ls and 1<'hen. o'er the st}crit dee Airs. Hassle-tilx of that dozen of eggs were gexhls to 'VV p tve• rove, K. S'allderbilt fox- the loan of NIM-0 fondly then otir thou ht rotten. �100,00U to clear his name Of thedisgrace To those. tine leave. to thosegvcs lnvel stray Dealer-Sorry. very sorry, 1lrs. Hussle: I hope others had brought \e ho, at;,cry P g t upon hillh, I i,urcue out' icinely �vay, YOU tlldn t hreaJ the alt]]]s" The Iriost e:ttravagant President was 'Whelt in the silent naidnl hour, Mrs. Husste \1'hy,of course, i dict' Ilors could Arthur, w. The sea tto; ttal.r� his watchful stand. d'i0 not infrequently gave dinners The h@t'trt then feels the. holiest potvc•r I tell whether ttcy,ti°c,rr gotld or hrtt', costing as much as do,tl00. -When he went U£ hive, of home. arxd native Dealer-i.f s•o'tl?t^tiri'i hrolwn the soel'c, , fillip the 'White House he was worth )rob- land, r tvc cou.Ol ably half a million. His predecessor,l In Vain, may ,.Tropic Climes" h tvr• fallen the c g hark. lt'c hat' ogler cos- field, died a pool- math. The i Ga�- Their glittering shores. their disf,lay tomer.:.curt,au But Host tlx,• are no use to �tk1,C030 Peop e rals- d Tho' bright uJtds ruing the gorgeous shells; for lIrs. Garfield, and Congress Ir glorious way, us PnSfun T r;cls ri;t. -- voted her a pension of$5,060 annually. Arid per•furned }lowers adorn the dells. - - - Ha 43 Was aCcus2-d of l Thu' nature there prolific pours - �. - --._-__- Pars'mony dor- . The "Treasures', of het• magic ]rand, The eye, but not life heart. arlures, � ��---- -- cry _ PORT F - will king Davis recelvod a mortal in] at a Out' a 010lmek yesterday afternoon oh aasaed, all death of hent laeye, He was h FROM THE HORSE SHOW TO THE STAGE an esDressman to move n eteefn r from hie stationery stare. It to DPled knocked him out oC the Wagon In whit. :JD WAS standnn and part of It strim him t ' rl ground.,Itowas 4nncke,i eenseleso, buf 11 t soon] By Mrs. Jane Woodend 1 regained consciousness. He was unnNla tot I withstand the shook, however. ;net. R. M. Randall, President of the T I' is a big leap from the prestige of I sized up society long ago. I knew ti°nk of Port Jefferson. Was at the bank, aJ 1 the Horse Show—the pastime of a its powers and its limitations. I had " hOet Instance up the street, when the acct. P dent happened. He hurried to the spot aI' woman of fashion and Wealth—to no delusions on the subject. Strictly ,roes low saw that. Davis' minty was at the routine and discipline of stage life; speaking, I was never a societywoman. A sermw character. He went In Mn Daviel P g home and notified Mrs. Davis, who gonckly that is, as much of it as can be seen from I had neither time nor inclinatin for the went to the scene, Her husband by that time had been. taken Into his store ¢nd1 the 'settling Of a small r0ig, a salary in social whirlpool—of going to functions pieced on a coat. Drs. Dlldine and Payne; proportion, Some little unfortunate no- and 1 were on hand and had succeeded in bringing; P P giving functions, although some of Mr. Davis to Consciousness. The patient: toriety and no prestige whatsoever. my dearest and most loyal friends are a was removed to his home and he seemed to stand the trip sansfacl.orily. Yet I am happy, quite happy, in my society people. I was altogether occu- CapI. Randall went back to the intends new work. I haven't lost a pound of pied with our horses. I have worked I of Igo a I Hoard of Directors of the bank an 1 1 there Mr. Davie was clacted a director to flesh. I haven't lost my appetite, and, more arduously for our stables and our I. It w. kine, the place ofhisSpa.pand P wbossl best of all, I haven't lost my love of bookings than I ever expect to work on t estate Mr. Davisit aA o minutes later CA I. Randall rang up Mr. and my interest in life. Not that Icon- the stage. Y(i•1'�+`-A �_ ., , le p a mnlntral r. A few Davis' 'phone and lenrnlnlf that the patient sider I am particularly fortunate in hav- As for wealth, I sized it up. I am wag apparently doing well, announced him tr election an a director of the bank. Ten Ing a beautiful house uptown without happy to say I never placed an inordin ! 7 sufficient money to run it. It gives me ate value upon it. With no special rea t f?r a tight feeling at the heart when I think son for doing it, I oftentimes content ! .. of those empty stalls in our stables once plated the possible loss of our fortune as filled with those beloved and beautiful a thing that might come to pass—just horses—the pride of my husband and as a horse which I had entered for a myself—animals that we had selected, sure winner might come out a loser at r•' reared and watched over as though they the close of a day. 1 were children. Neither do I think it A good sportsman hopes for the best e a sinecure to be due at rehearsals every works to obtain the best results, takes q morning at half past ten, and to wait no chances, and then is game no matter hours upon hours for my few lines in what the outcome may be. I think I ;.w,. a certain act, and then to waste more am something better than merely h vh!ti•' N ""', hours upon hours after the few litres "game"—I am by nature a philosopher. 1 p• are spoken just for the sake of that in- Whatever happens, I am always quite {. 3;tp satiable stage ogre—stage discipline, convinced that it has happened for the + wIa No, none of this is any pleasanter than best. DAvin wanlni•,LD, it reads, yet it is possible to meet all I recall that some years after our mar with a gallant bearing, with unruffled ried life, when m husband h A Urmern Mar who I. opicamig In a pmt plat•, "The Music Mnnfer," � earg unrumy was a P Y spirits, with plenty of real enjoyment simian of the Third Avenue road, he Owed" to Kllrfryz. of what there is and of the better things came home and announced that the road l!" .' la the early dorsal Anlll, 'I Iz � r� note of oomhlun wet with raln, ,{;, that are coming. had been bought out or sold out—I can't 01' s I am fortunate within m y fi Itathef rednba.ag her rotas, , yself. I am remember which, In an case, he hadopessginthan5tOMI-Iltn. blessed with a superabundance of health. lost his position. For awhile it seemedrim we' mout'heMrs. Dealing so flinch with the horse has a terrible catastrophe, hitt it turned outWank isrnene"ID,lw.ly DWI.;i: developed in me that certain something for the best. My husband went into I'll I', Iu Ibdstad,bureau,m•ilrva,table. minutes later word dame that the end bad known as horse-sense—the horse is the Wall Street and made hundreds of thou in, e1 '': 1711 theDOaalackspunaend herec,int+Mr. Davis Wag one of the most Preston- prince of philosophers among his kind— sands of dollars against his former pal- fila N Wawho waw relenling. sive residents of Port Jefferson. He wagPor the to suit An noon. "dent pati whit ltoarlr over orgnnlantlou m and I have always had a curious insight try salary of five or six thousand a year. rA the place. Hhf personWlty cone telt In everyinto the real value of things in general. I believe all this present tribulation of Aad be arrled gntvr Anton. movsmon[ Cor RIO Ruud o[ itis ylnca. For tearer )vara ha wait oonnented with the In other words, I have the faculty of mine—if tribulation it can be called—is w. h- , � tlrouklyn 'A'Inice as a local correspondent, t • • 1 in4sc lltde4nlaM an halo and,mplT. 912In U ' - end hip oonsctgntluue,a,d puhtemkmk work'. R p• for the best, too. I believe every new i • 1 'Tia lomir"Its when another lenma I _ t ae a correspondent cod much to bang k'orl r-�- — __ _ _ _ ____ _ . ... -. 1 tr Y n our near b simom. Ivan. ]ane Woodend, a formol society women, The wife of }, Jefferson's pont features before me site,- Pblitbany Mir -Davis Identified I[Imset--t —<7<TP71fa 7 IIves iwE- Jte 1, A es with rain and meths and bmmma tion of the ranting Pupil, He conn over with the 1)emocra[lo party add for many Ai6 urea 9, F rd a Thrntre nslMi last.W. E. Woodend, who in, gone upon the stage :, anxious to say a good word for any worthy �years he was the secretary of the local Dem- Inn• D. C.. adlapne no un•, m lives IMC. Ala rydU At senM valet. enterprise and to put his w,ar y In its favor, trade organization. in the last state else- m1t—A�rIl I. Damdlon'n Tllenlre, atuwauker. Aad perhaps ams•tr gacknu lime iheru were so Crony ways In which he ninon he was the DOmaeratic nominee for Ip91—Den. n, 1°ford street Theatre, DsitlmA"" Ain' Yd M t'omin' Bolin' No o'? GO to 0"11 emmlsle•m toured It possible to hula home Irterenta that:Trea nn roof of Suffalk County. lie was can- nn, Talmo.no err, It... IML CCorne BRICIL. In Ise tied Tial 01*Mlmg time. there In not a bulonese house nor an organo- uoalr.,d with several fraternal and Names, Leor-Mar O, ns,�d ('harpy ft , Para Jct Tr alit' sit ,.,In' rom, Do Inn' nation of any sort in the voltage which x711 su Lletten, being a prominent Ataaon, Past Alyn, loot,. at e: tome bark,oh, toy d.ding:I ared ran. 1�1; ,., 1 old bra,rl _ not teal the load of UUa eureast worker 4ran'1 uC fort Jefferson Lodge. 1, U. O. N., ter- 6, a nn irriand Thistles, Gtnit, cal TI'' Tu,A b hour for your miudem 1 Pony-- e1"en A•• manna ,limn' mllr d►.the Qny n/pwnni VnMlt komnly, anal follector of the ileal fly'i A1Cantem rnnan. a 1n"I a'i Por t•vgtwg bree¢e+ to aD.M yeti. Illd_ Lro Innr not ,ur. On the callings and the wale' tor. Davis waw bunt at wading Inver Counrll, He wan also in Dative voluntorr r nlnl 1 i, Imo, I.D,k, Baldwin'a Then,», can i \' ` Por nunnhine to IIrMm your war. A„• ,h, p„win• oh dr burr' '' T o4lh••wenl small et sae varMeS May 17, bell lis wait tot truly child Of the ,roman, being secretory of the Hook and 19nf�rq• D. T ,••'e nail. Chliape. B lives Inas ylnkb n w-plldln' b1 Ar Imp- (yP lbs Woodwork In the halht lata Caleb H. Davis. His Ilia thug chlenY Ladder Cmmynny. 14u was a trusts, of the 04-.rte, O. K i,liou:•• 'rheas», purls WIS. III 'l1 Alone t Imow nothing but narrow; open, as a resident of Yort Jeffenum. tie Presbyterian Church. Ileea tat. y' Taw M00%. ¢rnelons prase"', I look. Am' pro' camlu• roup' nu oto' Dhalalry lugs to anlhe tuphoNd, attonded the public school and made acredit- Ho married a Meas Brawler. n member Im:F-rxm. 0n, Irneunla Theatre. rNww. baric A. 1 winlnllly think el the mnrrom, ' fg sit our outonl for ala. atle.showing. Ile entered'busluese,llCe early M o wolf-known family of Port Jefferson. -e,i,es test. & Three brings FOU. On, lev,d nor, cnmr 1'mrid Wimp CI AIA, vis' rnmvl• n,an' nn ton ie Iellan•.peWnan.Wnnna. .,old cons a C011aL`IaaUenB and 1nueCstignhle l Hle Widow earl one tluughtur. Plo"tm, sur- ,Irot-7Yupa 1.• wr, 7f, JI InN el 3'y Inti blbi 1 ElapllMla Ned elves Mao Dille worker. For many years he was plAnaget+f rive. IRB Ilrr vt. I" In,,r. I. Come 1151.,011,my dnnln¢;comp eulekc'- AN dr nnalt nm amPPID' alas „ rti+e Port Jefferson notice of the Wtvtmt'n. Tha village today Se rent Inn° gloom, Cold and Snow Records ' 61y rut damning nplrw to ob6.r, t'nlot, 'telegraph Company, a position which many btubieut places have their Calculi, g Ali' .11-1-1 Into fir 1 sh'u dlr u. Roll try set Our dhmer slYiding he hold at the time of his death. Lie was drawn And doors closed. Plains are At hulf- p, Alia, air the eloede mother ourkly; I 11, DIDA, m my fret All tonight lits kitchen twie• It trusted nnfCial of the North Shore 'Pell- mast. The arrangements for the funeral All records Of the United States PI Ms' Ibis .:hitt• 11,1116. h dinar. n"nn Ant drum b,Nlna to heal- if. Mtea need on osis fate phone Company. file stations sba'e was will be completed this evening. It 1n M . N you knew the, •.o add to your Pleasure AID. yet "omen' moo' no ani' y�ress V 7 D Weather Bureau for extended cold and ` 7dlba lye"tori"s line ch gaga.' the Port aene-rson branch Office of the able that the service will bC eandncteA lrrf- -T{ -it rhnertouy tie un the lark, Brooklyn Timex. car a long term of yours day afternoon in the Presbyterian Church continuous snowfall over wide areas S,e nal. nen roll bC happy,heart's IrrMllrr, ter' .,p• llmmin' r6n”' ase ma' ' he had looked afler the business Intercal,d and that the Masonic lodge will take Charfg,” have been brulcen by the meteorological li wIthmet mei 'room, darling, some book. Lek fir.yo dli hrfn'1 'PIl�' T1Ymtler magnet amhWt• of thio VAPaT ta Yart Jefferson slid vicinity of the burial with the usual rltM of Ik1m Cnnv meat.dean The Whole Damon Is louklag all Or rnlirr ¢nb tr'm mm1 A�Y'{4':(Ah4 D10Dp lliKatomgk*. A is well ae me IooW tmwn aertfloo. In bout order. _ performances Of the present winter. I'' ' Like, Weil. I will my ilk.dint".. :Im a-maklll' mit klat e6w'a, I tt{th plMl llroaW IOOk•sad*. does of work, ata In his teeny other auntie I' Who says we are nut having an Are- There have been lower temperatures m-- r1.dey 1601 Mn oil ly,me NP,e'p 1p lq Pne thlORhMit. ho was the Sl and Caunt ftlous. �° Mr tone,etm•h •were. tla•e mmm� when Ana Suffolk lieuWiy Sllepa[h Com- tie winter? This week, at Long lel- and Heavier snow storms than those d' I've eaten Um nw•tur va man to' der comic DU D IIDO- I; .Met)may net*NMlellolai. 'If the wag formed lieon w'da uhoauc ss. one 1 nate to out sante your rn.euao. ,us' ym' ,mmin ftnU no md1 ,(111 Ra L,pap apt eb�0alti I[ tttH fleet cnmmiselenerM, 4n OfIiCO whl.`a gild Sound, its far as one's eyes Cnatd recorded tllld year, 11nt In no BIagIC, ^t t" llet pinue, an receipt of tow Pack. t Mbrlptb apdro rib- �A now Vacated try his damn. lie had it see not it bit of water was visible. For season in the history of the Weather '1q Iib elMllb sit ,.Ictton qt Su1TOUt C°untl' under his person- .I i I'll moat rnU, of soarer, ret the slatron. Am' rn' comm' roam' nn ton' aw..� j 1'nn ntnr7Ug; em, darling, come bark. eek er yo' did br•u't "4" - � MMS it attention and WAN inaCFWnerilW Jq aec0r- o11I1'a and m1Ie,4 there was a solid I,Cd Bureau has the country generally been e bete Ando. Ohl ton honey,hunt, can. - Illg'a ler s"Pat or me"famous for the bwld- ng g _ - ei Is"Pat aide paths. and Id the ran_ of ice. On the shore the Ice is pile) visited with such extreme::of Imth ,•nYi ro' de mMl,,tan barge"; _i!_aynu q;!Daily [nuts at aatlt. u fD s Teat bei nht. f'ecye�nic Ba is i9TDr 1'e' d1 lain dot•to ma Ade - .. p g 6 J Y slid ansa. sink' m,kine Iowa'an, bide- also frozen over. _ film' yli Conlin- more",as,? Tri,owlis. ICY pJl, r•.�"",st tYLA4-AV aLl reJ K ; aCfit Mage. Y pCfi¢ Ata":10 N¢m 'ftTork (�(t. 1904 Yankee Pumpkin-PIC. �( ` 'A Tell maTihik about your[erode¢oaob and an the /�1, 1t'j MTaPLAI:r ANP "INN TRAW M LWANd DRAMATIC An' MUSICAL PWME. a R"Rv red+I)INIWVhwr NRw Hale AND IIIKVIVAIA Pounds NnV6NIm11 I' w'f 1H' +FMISlIn l 1 1. thing$they alike, Southold Division, t wand bol A' ,,. o.Lba 4y.rvnmvrm N,.xm1 YI lY%r•rnrSW ie lml>wrt Ar.»xNna. 'Thr+ I'll I M IJ 11 I J . The it bred d l^Pt'dNhn h°I tktlY Ata I , N.N•. al,akpiYo Wm. Mae. I 8lrlaplv.e. Wre N,My..ud[b.Ibrd.n{"UnINLomr^ro4vwa.L the Mvrny 111111"Whwl"Un lb.. lel dmee.t N Lr 61111 •' Atl. Nn,4. Nnh L.Ye CCIIU Vwh IN1v Inll•,}'""J,LdmupA M1l - M1v 5',eL flls_.__.. IMI IlerOwn\vxY J'1%Ilmw n{lhrpVdair Nqr Anut•rdem nil led d•roY1 'INn„Iln'Io"Pe6'r 1Yi Hmee h " i� 1 m,. .. 4aN Y. -_ - "Ce qn K.N,'Ntlm.e N ted KMwv l°6rm1vN"11t),N Nm•.0 Wn t'vinel'T'h. Hwa of Prlxn 4. 1 1 may p ate aheot U\sir WOndrmr/k111 m egll- bl..UwrYe .. ... ..._ Ke ,Ib 6Cwwd:. 16as 51 IOo-4W JN•AJea _Ne.\' kLIIY ..... IssO Aaoa,9.'•IWMw^IM tlmw a[Iba PnvuY sea tin xvo}. '1p.Ulrl Iran Ksy N' lal,Ime. a ,Aa 11 11 Y°U Y'�//� AqunlEYn. .... . . .. . ,Ib W - l'mwnaanlJ'NRIUNNWvlalwind"r4sLlghNafllam,4"NI4mNstlhe}'enr»en4Ntrta1 \II X11, r nal'ye[La' - NO• i w r: ^ z65 IFN 15 19'n,iN ng ..NxIe' Nip IYI9 Aluy,4 ONT •- RMWY POngl A. JIM nawaW.O,w•w, l4tmlt .. IMe t{mn Woe Nxdlswngw45"Tb-LI,N4 Ym[MNW.1,' m IImN a04hs KPIeYNlwekw l' xW Yrlbm•'gtl 41 AUJAYu, MvY ..l . . .ILurumnW.fSl .... IBW In•)Iy,ImWl. udlRnl t .._. IPte In ne{ fa•1Vent Wemr le hoe lm"HIImnN lheAmnirai'`f 01'Mtt M•In f J 1�'ix ilmm, e[ 4Frh ttr.+ How dean) lheY oea mnnfeptare DllAdl¢As. pipe AssfYltn yaryal .. 1aters, d , ,,.. 1811 irvlV,wit Nenm. 'h baa Lel 1 ...., ler ,:I,.aY 11m•,1bWhun'•%41mrN lN•uwrinF`•'14F.m"11IImM th lfro,d.,y{ TY AUaU.lde CWhu•u,'.uI and tamed 'Asia 1, 11, _ (.1nW..... r•nna,ton n. ...... Inter Uro»uWN.Yuwm;"AJ.pn nNlYhtlelel.."+e tl,u,11549'0 IY)'INrIrN. OO reals, the French and German $keL. end LQa %,ural1,11, N9.1n n:. . .. 6,wlsnd .. . .... INN I mer,IauY... . - Trcn,al 111 1•N SSI r,tem A4vWllne. 'CMI.Wed. ke„el limo,. APdI la-Lyd6l I"IV.,e41:14 Mdmw. tteaalt.. We. IG calk l l.. . .. . k . .... 6W J AemvrJWP4. . .'I'h11We11M14 P - .. ! IwP g 'hl.,a toot., k T� 7/' A��A��a t- 1 'I F+O nnedem,Frprnlna k. .. .. ..(writ.perm• ..,'.. IMI JOFM,tlmry ArrM1 ...tlmndebmeoil,RnrLnA Iu Nor }a-CNFelon`"MIY EII b•4�1}IY 1YI nr"YY llm.r. APrll 11 -tic lqr POT making ealaM,eeUab.$OUpe$nd tanfly(IMhr - SONS Ola ,.•� �jaj(��lU 1` Ilu'N Pn 114[. . . . Alx,wdd..Vn .. .. pd, HHaAnd Pale .. ..rmhlln t J .. two 4Pv. M Wgl.ekhl"TIN Wu Y tTn) m„1rP duan. Mq r kodoolle .YC rine (comGhNw"aow.'•a64ry... ' V V BnINt,N,llpnq mq..... . Porlrevll, N \..-.,, tori Itnv,IN,NIIII: 'if . .. I- Ar. IM Nee. YU Pw:IsauA,BtneL."Ihe Llgla or lRber U.Ya.' le Ila➢ r-Modal,, '•TIN N. f GAlmi M lar. new-- A ' 14rry now,pmm ax, ... . .. IMI..: .. . .,...., IMI Nwd.{,MMw.N YI t hgnlmM1he,R.ydud..: Ib19 Ilmr 11.y t-AooamY:"1` I IIt41 Iiw WA:'B+Iim+. But !ill L ICOtheOme mOM,I upon wkloh I ash rely , aawnw,hrl.l...............Clo.mesa,o,..... .... ll+, K.ks,4rrdat It.l._.... Lund.,se's. .,...... 19,11 Nor M-IlnAwm •'Th•wNr4p Pl KILLT"11 Umeb MaY la-ESmVln."1 •d (n,.Pl Gals. RJanrn kak..._......._..linlnrvrmv,NJ....._... iBN K•1wlgp�:Clm l".a,e.._._..iMmuPtmllb,e C...... ler ser. ae-Am els •••nor 8nw)Ilnl.k.r' lefll„n. )4Y Ya-Ne.Ynrt:"1b. J6Vt Rl"n{0' •arond We"reOfYNltwetlumpktn- IwBlmvhe............l.. venl.al.om..... 1„D I(Idefp Rs4lnn..........._.NywarY.... .... . .... IsY IIN. t_Ilif m�•�wWlY the N•Wr<wlrb&nun l"Ie tlmry Jul➢ YL-Naw Ygrk'."'IMYdd>uyd the AlumwY:'IU Wnn. ole. x"�mr.,,14vA dna Yon-0Nn.... _. IIN f,pyY.,Y'lll y.. Iv, I { 4% IMe. )YOU~'A�'^WW4:�ul{pniJg14t 10mimoq. n�t. YI-A�:d.mY.•' v1a��nN.,:Y"�� • , v OPENING PRAYER. ". . pi 1,11f F9 M)IIrIrYkN,W4 Ieel C•.rA,n.[All.. '.11111r,r Jaay(gYR). last H i 196In FF Lm •.'°aa}pr rlllliv i mol u.Mue. ... .. INI IM r-N• 'Fmt4d ml an erNro.e. IIN Jahr A.R, w-Iyho o•I'JAAI.LIAM,"IJUn L t.rt !Huse at mshl$neme IMte turn up the peNa B.N.','. . IN+ YYArbmsw:_ _ lu ae tl .. IIM D.a t-food. hNk "Mor .POL onJ'M,Wew Au4, t4-PelnvsY:"Jona LIY4 aurpriw Itl ue. _{ al pride. ,- tlNpHNn,i4,M:. .... . . RA4MIyAN M . .. I'll W sr4n rN ry 'Gr.... 1M/ Uw. $-I"It'leww'•'Tk+x rvnm•' AUY, vl-4auetwnl6 tlWa4 "LI Nr \\II W u.rls,' L,NL Jynn .. . . .. annlnl4. ....... IeM m mNld sled'.n:.l VAigolud i:rn.nY�. Oar Uw. 9-Wlswo nw«t Kill n.Jhl "IM nn»a, Linn. -.• a And think 14 Addle Plebeian b be MmD1Y natnfieQ, •t n, O,Wa g•M• 1-U.lyh: "t�e0abml 41x1;'N mass, R.NIJ ihonar, Awhur. - ... . la oat .... IMN'NenNll.SnpMnn .. A pan.6mnln,ul. IYM And. 1-Prime• "4'u'Id.l' a"dlw,R9mr+, Nal _t l.,t them act that! rate de late gm."Or tm•mr n • d�► loath.w,y Virlpuh .. 'C"I/i,Mu.tl. 1 __ Itlld Marlowe Ju1M ilAlwh,NneluA, Itltle vtlb Canvl�l• 11•I,INS umY. W) 1�Tom ...1 R•f,,I1411nN. O nil such stuff 1 j BpreeM!lull . Nw1en Y.r.... 1 IWbsJ•(}f1i 144. 1 .'�I\bo.,.ah 1 .. ..... Ino UN. 11-11.dIwn189u.n TA�f41 tm'Vbl humid liiW:'YB°Woes. gap,. D-kirruG'tnYa"a\YINg4.Wef tb.CWFeg•Pooh:'N It I v W4h foreign names. "PleloW look, and ad Me '. • 'monk FHer(iiF0.A (loFl! we BI�nTC t}JQ8 8R Ill. 1 'f'P:ILOT 1 .1 Bodayl, Mw b. Pf'InMn IoM x Ilam ArP Uw. IL-)La YwY: UeMYyy vurno,of II•JJ^e Kall. Y° �lm ♦♦p (1 1�I.v, volt'..'-.......mal.m,Mnn,a " :NI Mow,foto.... ah R4 ia.J. .... . rw 4mwk L))ole,to ISO 441,t04wm eW4 B ESe sy, Th.Wim of K111dn.14pn naaleR '" rank enough. Allwgbl',y :. ISyAM{{ tllhy list.... Moxa m.. . . . . . IaN N-Pw w.SItb wlrNl 'Tb.Cen4.o 01. '.1-014, Sept. A_H.,sl&lu.., "IWNPdM4dim,"In law. yq� y,� yyYY,�J1 ♦t, C61nr,eEhsmr.......lcoolt..... ,,BL.11 P.1. ......- IY/ 'Mks. GIYrr•Yk.:.. ... ...1 tlas Yei1 niy... ...:.: IMui Il 4P.±) „ Ny. 6-h.wobA�YoJ^m.'A WUn Xro ue'ani"3 hat a6 O ••• u 9 71t very nix these ala paelaT Daee N.Y think eplf 4 worlds) and the righteous Governor of till ilei l' '.: l!stun I i pyau t AI 'BIN Wi, ........ .. IJqya NoRkb,Us om -,,,. cmNw,PeWa.-...... lIN Ar'• la-Pr n..m: Th.am of J,dq dO LLmaw Wpl. ha tow Iyer MI Alli l.4rYs,[teal. .Y.. 1010. M1uN FrN^t.. . . C.,PO.,. .. .... 1R/ ilw. Ito-IrrloY iY•ee:"nnnva\'apnw" IIFn. LIbnY."t 1Ww i tn41 aY aeon, p 9 Dau they've got o¢41$nAiek nems nil ant a $ pp t1,. y L _I rep ,a 'l ♦,. {� PINY..GYrWw.. ,.:,.,. ..:I IRs H.. ....... IW Nwp -kdwwl j:: - IYnN.lur,.,, Nem. IMI Use. M-w.Lisedift.I,Mnpoa.r"PsX41/'totl1.. aap4 a_N.w Yu�. 'Ra INd llumuhA'(It.Ltll oma.. •,�•, 5 e U nllehlY VYlco- ' I 'ante dq�leii4leIIt' �ftoa !11'0{�4 all its;b)pe�llgs, ❑!' 'S I,tilVltt �: Uaawe.Aww .... .A`) ... .. . lal9 Nnr�,QNY'd... .. ..TorevlgW W ::.L. IUY UN. aA- Aev mere!)MmYAnn"dlnAym;CNNrpm. Mpl. Iii-14dwe:"1.*,,M d... O • ,_ _ cW A{mn•rn F. UmNt,4�^, •... )811. M Nr et itmut pertloY,4atlmax,teal,IM 4me.. gRl. Ii-Aq»dvu:"Tb4V•N nl•pN'le ll n, 9 - nut sa>. lu euFb Yoer ¢DD%I1e,11t1A TOuf ebm$eU II��.a.+ •'LL��{..aa..,�. 3,J �`� YY / rRn»'0 !Awl, .'J.m.hao W.1... .... IMe lIw tee6.vo9•"Uiwl el11•'M tlnu. Nry4 deet.matin:"M1bv WelW:o.a 4er•yru '8l limes m .0 C b aallnf)'. ,?1'1'.0 ' �OZ taAAFlitail eiaketprla0 Ou1l $il+alatlfi7 Pll„ '.' (.Whlwl ryye LV4lmrgr iup ad IIM Fan,k�nO ,Jw oat IMI Nary"(N.).iUttiw. . ... is" N spas.Joseph.. _ _.nmo'YYIy F Y. IN, INq. N-I:A4rloIS, 1Tux q6..tar!;'el 0.1 Y.mMN. &pu. 14-)Isalul4. •'nwYyyx CL 3 '� Tka•e'a °othlac ab s Iwt CIM Nmk nt Y.atres :,. .... IMi '1hJ»mp�pl - Wm. .. Oslo Ila Ud1Y'Y.Y<.um.11Mealwwl.)lbdnw. Wp4 It-4 0:"9'11»"16lhws. N 'L ° w{le INgN4C e - 1e. 11/ Jaa Ll,otio.m,i: nnellsfa III., .",1411.1. g+ l. II-I)nob Nr.tt9,of NFab..... um.. y+ u y wwtJebo.Ne. I"• 1 ,y 4:11 IM ski ._. IMT, NumPo.mrlYl� wW.mvla J.:.._ I J.e. )-M.Pbn4e ^1'hn• iln lis atom., woo 1 cl WJon:^a•dmw4na4,.N:'et nn». 0.' �. �i1!f(;'�upon us, 'ire prfYy thee, V Lord. the light of t''I' -)l,lite- R1, IIIm .4»4Ww m .. . IoM NoM4..WW.SI... X IUYImtl ...... IaV Jin "--No.YWk:I-Tanen..551lom. mP. 1Y-�nerblp Lyrouy "WwUAn' 11.1 Atlgnv = -C E ._ ii YBar�wMLbw 1. .. 1n't,frvww.. ... wY 6884,CWgmrY:............ PmlNwe.R.L....... )ry Jr. M-nro.en. roUIeJM.na rb•MNA:'iY uuw. Mrs. Ya�.Nm. Ihn G'et"W13,rl Yid rmvlu . y v pl .. ro ROOai blot trey 'eve more xutrlmmt.more body ,i i� [W4h iOWi 011 retell.Jlmas. .. , ... InunA... . .: INI L' .met "fha Comn.t of tb lluvFry."IY tmw.. t to '6@-.roil ble98 us while We are'to%'etb'6 Ithis $Venint' �i.:1.4' all Sal.,AY -: ..: W tote: IW OIAtlILMur.... IkYiwlrCM... ........ Atte Jin. r-Wly.: My LWY Moll 14 Mawr. wP4 PI Y '• todhoutlg worm; lla.4rLw4 NMhtL. :...,. in �11........ ...',W' hArvwmI�y,mxej "as . i.* ....... ... IIM lea. Ir-in4,Plan:'•LIMYle4-FJ WPL M-WINtt."IT.mwlo TrehgrJ'.dll mom all. 1J .� m s' bAnllls,lNmule..... Il IOnd .. lar QQ••Wv,Aipwf M. .. N,•AN 9wnln we.c..,, ABM Jas, Itl-Ilaywvl'•IGnsagI PSI>>"dl ad mM• S,k. Ya-Wrkel., Iymum: "Ido. Up Ud W Wr Mu• a L .. Vital.mutmn, Iamb he naufMbing, SIA stralaMpg t,5 r - p U.1sel.0w Pr000rk, INp1kr:..i:•... IaN PYwr, ...... - . ...New)ilk CPV,....... tau Jst. ill_, An.gxh(IN4ISafsyS 1111row lend,"xuma., t m .- of)"our girth. ��'pQ1 Cy{tDAe 1]1'1' thC3.®p1.1!t� OL Q11H.17(r% iLC1Cl brotherly �CI! :btln_I Lm Koran.l{.4 keYih•IY.....NIMIlaenyN li.... Ir,' 11W.AM •.... . .... in.drNl. ... ... lac JN. la-K doo,I mTytlWla4f 0•91 ttgW. WPI. M XourwntLmmt •'r.nr '"^!lain. m �iY�� ' fw Mr Ple,pM. .....,..... Hn... .. . . . .. ima' fl.ws 11'. .. WnNa. .. .. ........ leM Le. 19-WLImY�VwirJ7 1-w td Umwmll lorMPwolrldlblAelltim"us (a.L 1-11I.&M.;I\Lore4l»IWyet 'rYJellp uuN'W O .; G 9 Your chlakm, drys Or IU[Qay may atilt pww "'Y+�' our labors of love, be bl'eeeed to the promotion n` 1.1CBt Ah 11.W..Weuw.1 .... ....WNrw.resold . 'M n... ...IYYnn,N.» ....... IMI I.S. a-Inl I;ISN, g 11 nn / \ R U c .crvRan- Ib Wood,Jem....... teepee,Flood .. lMa N N�i,J nIN T, . .N.. cur ..... lrB Ww. w Abn..k ehat,� .......w am... �! � L � C � But Ixro a$n taloa a Bepk$n/when pm p$eslnr � i U.W If ANS .. tlmw.,,tultl . � tliebo AA.ApdL a _..WnJekA,l.nvI........ IMI i.e.� 9F-!trio kIl"'fM Yovn l NN.h Ilq o'7a 11 1.,.+kL In 10_s. L x IL g•rrmN r�6Y enN'u I '' b° v Fish,nth and fowl may ner5'e CSI ntaY thea atltM 11 ... , ...,:;, r-.•a !•That Nu.yd Ledemme., na. 10 A et.t'roPwh not ,m .%4e,w O N u emo: A...+.L `- .] 1 Uma aha k PoIWk•1�pp'4n�, 1 ''AN It1YWw NIPp... MIWdkY,ImI.:A.. . ItlM Joe. 9"Isayi,�•'asr e.."Aly"%.11MMJ G11 IM,. Il-!"'hot" J.R.orml. ➢COIII �hu1. O C C Motown the ima. pp �A' VZ')r ytlil�{y Order. Al LIN,kl a rr... Pe.:11 h ._ ted Repnq V.krbll. ..IBd..Fnvn.. .. ... Itla1 t rw P.,h ...d: ug u it.4 ,p�.� M111om ld - th kan,u E 4 fMyq w' ..w. Ch1 .... IoW flnbr4as J,Form Leaden ... . .. . NCB 1 mw i ted At tlmN. 4ht. Ir "I., ham, Nom.onnJ JWNO"IIGI I'I4mw ^ q1 But yen mot tlM4 me bene[when f to yaW 4b70 La� e�"Qf'' Aa. ( 4Qilr and �1nlw«wwY 'tt!Y'!" save \t t Lll RSAe (laud '.. . Ira. incl G+n ... _. INe Ilwar Mml•. . .. _. Pori................ .. INe P•a. s-Ir•1vy Plsm:"INr[kine!! ^ : Imo IB-4H,g P4r.I 'blah lxr.• (q 4 'O Linn IWben IWIWNe. n,. .. IWA Yuw11.A,u,yM4 ..Mn YaY tar . . IYN Amu. ,-WNL Rn IS:o'the came Row"B 11 "P.I,% 114 n-Pd.mwl"A M.,fee..Mer (Ill.a'4tM. t-" O NI acme. r I Rklrol tl.Y L..i.IwNIa1ML 1•IY Lu»ILMII4u. ... . .. .Cllr lou,!..... ... ... dere Pik HKvblvp»'wJ[Nw�tWNihV' nJ.Nllmow ML H Lyewunu"Im^vya�M04N.Y'.•aNr, u ,7 17. y1n,. .-.tµYnocintt)ettlglFlanaAvlulde, leteaeb +al¢tlan BOert4A'g' 8B'1VA•'tit�ld; R1II41 to tb'j' .ea1116thEbeJ.f ills' SL�Ut'�l IY4e kW .,,..isuatNpIN 1,. Mea r41,TTppvv!,uY . Mllw LMY. . .. IMD ``nmeur Time." MI. N--L1 • "lbs Cl4wa.lw".anll a^alar, - W E dMhP 7 )eq.m -♦ i1 aa$Y,mae�.Y1 f AYll.q Itow .. .Jsi{IVNIpM1W 1 WI bsbraob.Tbe,PrO YI Vemm,N.\... .. low Y.b. s-Pw w tlAUnl."1'Id aoo�ulnN > ••olamine.' C It 1 are Pel ce fan this m a niece of Stimulus - .". 1d. without e�, Amm YvvewM1 WIIII LMN¢d . .. iIY mbrkhI.pEaw 4m4ers,Amor"._ IIM 11 LW M. [kl. Yf-lerh11 1'l.ee , F'41Ar U f AsP long. 1Mt w,lr. ..., Yoke.MI 1.Moment, N pkn ... lee{ bine, ryry ""' IIYIW................. IIN Pea. li_C•nYw IINI:"n's 31 as e[.wtiay," [let. sl-N..cto "1's"Ute AdItAntln. r 'O O. pin. - 81nf/rmlan PffM rNw... C1aM1ndeiW4 mw I 1 Psa. le-iNl B:'•.1 uerL IA "9d Llme.. OaL ll-Knkb'bavkN."Ms bAJe.\ban�aNlr•R"III _.-. - .. .. vl.d.elYBn .... Nn TrY ... .. IM9 rPm.qvw Rmq [illi) Fob. 1b_hplgl••lhary"�t°m Int lima., R:��'1UL'•L �. Jj, .• .. " Ylwener Mn.MI114mJ �N 'Yak Qh. iMb WIMn edw'snI li POSIES"I"' IMI Feb. n-I(e1PtNbwYw: "M 11b 411FV•lIL),10 MmMi nos si-yourrsnuh RltmN"Tbq Rrt.PSAe9�'tlnrnr. }' _ tty] •p•FTq. - Fm.Isxll. .,.... .,..M.I.O.M. 1-1 ,fin mill I. WuFip _. IYM WIy•s,n1Y 4UIr4, Roe e )41,N1e."Auto G.nlrJ IIIAWs. 't�Zi • �W - 1 k. C1 5tlu►•a 168 Ppgbff.nllml:.. .LNIo .. .. . .. .. iWs FaU. e1-New Yn&:"�m pMdm6"tl14WN. NPs. )-Inns Mnu lNlsm.Mpilonowa y� y vmb trill',.::: a. .... :.. Unto aunYapn AdolNde... ..._Made lom"L IMe YA. N-nradwal:"Thr Yuk.e Clme'"I I'l . Nu.. 1­81laa,AYUrtl tit A. A. "In ranulal. -614LLNI It C'{. $Tk it)Nk.&, No.. 19 * I „'P mrm.uAw.,, ..... . .:. Tv�J<0y.... dere NevemYr ehmlw♦ ...�._..fluM1lla lulu! MN p.., r96-IT.rwnA�Lt,.N�htlwnn lbs ter lnliE'tllMma Hw. T-Pnnrwenlb Ntr«tt•'Th.Was WKwm.rv:' xtlll �.�,y� f _ (.-�»1. I ,..l u.,a Y t�Y.. Y+yrinr'4w �:..deM IMPMNn.J.mw 11. . . rml.biry R,fineA. INI M.vl m. rwvin4. a CYL > �Tt r �r -�. .a-M .- a IL �slY� ''{ r ... .NmA..ll°[w,:_.... InN T 1 temmid_.. 1^IYwmlh.gNNnd...,. IIS) Mawh t -Ire!" I. -nebwtna... .^ Non 7-Ards Y TM1S MIaarJ.f.r' tR'1.tl111 n,ndnV. �= r•01 I'll d1ir,stet �� r . c J4 r �.,. yy 11r ____.. ..._ Win—a. ... -1 I n. i-:» f Ileum.ros wwn h. . 1X11 Anne 7-K,dA&b.ke. ' 11+m4t^i114,Y1 if.. Per. I A11any.' Llniv loheny lona+ Ill nm.Wa. ✓1: - n -- -- - - - r. xL•I NO"l'.. n e oat"! - ' 4X. 1 RII _0,-",h Yl 1.�.... ltlr M.nh ls-l4dw,:"Nn Po,'ap".1 A llmw N"o T-Arial .Ill-l•el Uannr:'xull It'-ill,x. - p se l' B:It'Kf ,. Il '... 5"" .. M s JO1 Ia11 lY 1 rn I aro lW¢ M.Nbl"hadvYl"Ino nulkag lbwae"YY use.. So.. 11-Nxn Anunrd II N U"mPD• !mala[. f1g Plight of Tj I118• Irak+m,Ja..+K. t . . ...... ¢ v.. g' Kw. la-Po4arr rF II (u.),.[uI wg. - AAJd3:. if Aolterlle F•J' Refaf7 ory we have often entitled to we te$BAG wldrb in 1 ' Iwo IT4 I L 11 I. {nano lull Wray M-I'Nuu•w:••tlwb.We Abwl NbaMu (A�U Noe. 14-anlokxrl 4a 11. 1 I Il.a Y nw+a, tr0 1e,ANg J 'M. III P IYN 1111''an i' hruok \ I lMf Ilwu SYN Cay {H IN B" 19 .. . Wa 1Y W Ito... gvf4nJ... IMk Nue,to-Fate, I.fha Aerd"jna of Mo.)YpDo Nee. 11-I.Yewm:I.nnUd uaahk' fit , r ,uex, the , dbla: Mfy111!< n_a1Y1'�.,,,.�, ral M:11011lflellt /it Hxn tan . . . . .. ,en.Ikm 4o l4Ma '' . . let N B _ : 1fetMtl(JLaI'Y 101'� tlMr rr.naNl Nllh I¢D+vMBmg ePF of Ihe repiAlq wi pt 'f_ I . . i!N1 . . : ) Is4mn. Rw. is wl If u' \I II 11 Im x1111. t� I lend )1 4 . .. Yu M, Ln.+ 'SYI IIF 9, . Naw Pial ml OMP Rama M-1 Iq1 AN.wr•'dpr W•Ggxtnlgh." V.I. It II Jw t"tlad II any. (i .,^R- y School Books) y p reoila aro .I. wine; after which the departed end Went into a III•�[ 1 'lawdku,kdpe"A N 8.41 -... iNM1 Iw.Itl ¢I M1 . .I=TwYcara - '1ltY N.NbM-N AmWLdrb ",11tir rwsoroY.w"lR.hoto Not. 11-cOmAmAm"Ih fn 4M i j , aul, NVR r f g' _ HmrWaI An....... �amlt I. _. rax W.".to....rr.. NINYwYcryy ..: lir U... Noe iT_MwhatW n dl m ,li, ' R1Flch art the IGIlO w'fi , YIZ: . I.A.Mhmle '.N !ilea.! , Ivy wv.Y..I•,mYett. wp I n.la.Mn. .-.. "1 ... ... lean W.uv,uh.d•a.. .. .. .I".u•tldw mil J I!M ApMh Y-1Poxnlo•�'Fie Pall good tlNn s ro,. u--Name Mork:.'wi11," dill Iaml,w [her; And the mariners of Culuu,bia overpowered m°• )mon, n the fl men N.n.a \11 .. -IMOI IVllbrd FJwNAB U hh 1-W. iN1 A 1--Prinew.^.to Arflnq Nl{Ilanxlr•.'tl llm... Nor fhnm.dn. "IL.1 11 ,, .nliron,J.,. ... IU ah 1 rix d ntl .._. N. Y 161 . ._ Iw,a \UW b 1•. ...YMImW 4.18......:. ION APM1 4-Crlueloe:••'IhemuNlor^t^B time. Nor. el-Ux1Y'• Plan \IIII nada. LIL 1.8 rr k 1 I ....._ t I INn \I ' IL rJ a.ws. {1Lw1 ...,. ...,. ., Nq Aydl 1-LTNum:"lbs W.a VZ"'.redline.. gw 91-CnwrloP '1'1 : 141151;'•41!raTla. IIIc In111'111CrH Of lit l'1(alll. n+l alu". It v.nAmrk. ........ IYI. w .. .... .. 1%Y APNI I-9•Tay:"Tao Na NIIIIM few"b nomm. N., YI-Culit,. 'T411 m FYUdlNllvla.'calso, 5 . .... nra,tl n. lxm I 4 ° ) : . A ell B--Kale Nbaalrn'f•I'L tlbx ad tau %Pham Nor. N-IrntlY Pow.` Yw HNblwidw.r )3 Su !t came to piss, that the Prulic became ca • offer IS the 1 - P ?"_ _ al _- _ CHAP. !CSf..- t a on Oat. 27. IMe, the 60011011 °f the new under. members of a commission to decide upon rep{'I thence under the Hahrm K,e, to Mro"a Fxre. live to the Ship Of Columbia. 1' lhC Y. The Contract was idle 10 tiP11' I '.�war b railway Ili -hall and 14 keopn as the ease nominated ed a t Ur the oil The mm Ottm t van- Irl la In R. McDonald, a We."Pm Cay h.II r and H/lh CL, on the .act May., . a Inur . IWA underground eY00m a Ihe belna signed an Feb. fou 18W, In Ih- March In, le The 6th eemu 9 And the slain and the wounded of the king's 9111 s.s of , inlet :n Bide, was aby M Th, dee[ train of 5 care, woe eat R. Re nn lady IA. s, On r>ec. 23. rmi0. y withntrKa rano. Ory-ildCi wee Trot harken %' March M• he 1aFuNy the oehllJete WCCC ah011t four aCOPC,Ili g p e pf (ants t hick, Y 4 M million by Mayor McC2eilen. It loft the City R. Read and atfiere. acting in conformity with dinar nt the City Hall, by Meyer Vnn Wyek, The fitos his dear. C'Y blot a t. a lir[tIF/I a.'O:i f, fUA J' FY:LJiI d 22 1G ARd the :yen r '+ Hall elation ,t Y:ga F.M., carrying city metal., ahmnel WB of the Ivws of 1875, ea amended. err .ontract prlee was Ia5,W.NM, the enmmotor agree- T y �'• �' f children of Colombia lost, in all.about path- -acme �')c $"' memi,era of the Rapid Trannil commission" and plied (Or . frenrbls. Mayor Great appointed a Ing to build, peak, and apeiwte the road file fifty BSIAMa lea hhleastart�ta, omcers and guests of the Interbnrough Iii new commission, as follows: Wm. Incoway, John repro. The contractor waa required to f,rnlvhivUAY hl the United $[alta' gf0>,/l a war f1-ayh w half a Scare : ItoW1JCIL, there was IRIICII damage done 'ailed at R Rattan, Bosses. L. Flume, Rarruel Men 1 � � + f 1'nmslt CO., wbleh pprxtea the aubwny. P aer and at to the amount of g7.OW.000 for Ihe talth- ra ,e ill the All of bee 1p bOlh YnHSeIt. p Of Chad Preceding the starting of the Altai train there Frederlek F. plena o[ car wlglnal Rapid Transit fel porforman^e of hie contract. Tills.he did Pnmla LL him M aJghtt J."• INC r0 were ekerclsss In the City Hall, opened by Pn•si- commisianwho. John H. Inman was mlMt on" Par.through the olFenisllon t the Heald Transit Jfmluy ChrstopheL l8 �1,It e, 1 I iV eyed'!I1CIC8Y,about lull time,,tent Chen. Y. Forney or the Anent of Alderman. A.woe eppalnmd 0auvsl.l nuali[y. John M. How.n�Subway Construction Co., August Piedmont, Drest- lee', IL((call , a mi.nhty ship of ". the 'llc.r- I^ FC Greer, of[mut .Ylsg yAy r1 McCleli nblwe. Iv Vodle d Perfected plans for an I nll,nound raliwoy weep!Amid Of which contract, The coMrectnida a°e divided Plit LII), Called the f Uielier4, carne ll o, the Y• e five s the ae The scolding ollicer. Thum were aAArerOa, euhmRled to the Board of Aldermon Oct, Y- 1881„Into sections by the comraclor and aubde[ to Mark with what' a nnfy r� p Ls9 IS, larded iNtCl, In the order named byy Mayr MCCldlan, win, mid lheY were approved on the rmo day. "real-'antler contractor°. In laaL an act f Ihe loflieit- Rana h4 addtesL A4111Ch WCCC 1❑a dCfCRCe1L'sH SihlaltOr,et11I IUUIt 1111'!11 llm• t11 O Ilul hC I H.rdoy Poingam. Chip( Engineer of the Rapid entad 11[Igp/lan nil (ear of auccr;r prevented ally tyre parmiltLN 11, Conlraclnr McTlonplh assigned WRa etlhis aldr y :OAIh/ t 9- 'Trenxit Commirlan; Alexa¢dnr E. Orr, Prea, ot:end Ibe planen hfeillrin ahari'mlee� oA.red tar .ale, his right to -pest- the andargrnund mad to the Likes It, ] gurm. 60111. and commanded them t0 U to the island of the les tU + the Conemisafon; John H. Blerin• Vice-Pres. of The Legislature f 1889 created a new RapiA Peterborough Rapid Transit Va, which was T IOW- R 01V the strop ships)a of tear of the Iain door of kin which is called Bermuda. she :�; I '' L - the ourm logio . Who oon, a spoke f rin he unit pH.Transit Flayed, which enmmlealon waa mnvlltulyd QRNq W.hood for that pUrpr. wnh a capital of After strong peeengm g I, .p. �+ _ who B.,., follow.: At....do, Pe Orr, John H. $Latin. PeterboroughComes the glad neWe: ',C plant�prei, at it'ie11lnielhurcas¢ C., 'ay. ad Tut, benedlc Was. Btelnwey. Jahn H. Inman, Seth Low slat M tnoters NltedCRalWed2CoasIts Ieea,rill Iul' Acres of Massages. Great Britain Were spread Over [Ile whoic face of the 12 However, the )r0 le of Columbia were leas- Gl ,etc i' John clenin nil Mayor sail(tomplmller es-umrlo. 1 h p p i tote• f ,Man wan pronounced by Arrhh"loop Furley. BBB year°. Ooeetll et tanae. Ov Ly vine miles of the .nbw.y were applied nn Seth Law renlRned on June 2, INN, his piece home maters Of IIIc UL'C4m• ed Wilt) LhC Coble conduct of Jones, and flit his va- �o'n bine. 211 Ib ken by Woodbury Larednn. The d all at Wm. INTERBOROUG11 RAPID TRANSIT CO. Fame,with a tae,of her 2 Bill few, indeed, were, the vessels of Columbia h;lfil acts [11cf gate Klin a Rµ'UI'G OF Cn17 l •.� , Oct. 27. Ft ares compiled by The management glvo Steinway on Nov. 20, IMs, brought "hap. Stew- oma,, M-21 Park raw, sI Heart• lea". the way: OAS work- {rimed)_ hltDy ,'Y.f�C, n, t for 4)e!. E7, Thursday far Friday. and ,W; PON art Sthe h, one of the original tPmmleelonere. back Th, amren and Qlreclnre of the Interborotlgh Bsrroom phllosonhet that were fl ll ting 5hip S still Cavried the destroying [Berth ip• h� 'mel-C; '1IlAW paid-350.W*: far Ban for w.r.5.Daily ., fur Into the commlexlon. John H. Imnan died on Nov, Ra I i Transit Co, am: Ali Rdmpnt. Pins.; E. r E-� that SL,iu- if fto 1atNMaYiO, llS,Wdr The total Ie2mnl¢h of L 12he eubwnY 6 1688, and wax meeaedad hY Cao, L invest. On P.pT+syn, vlrP-Prep, nnA Oen', NTNl'k �'nNY gets ea)- engines. 13 iV10TCOYCi' W ItIC hC rCm;1111Cd Nl f lot y' I ' dlny s. ima. Momis K. JovuD entered mP hoped r MALT. q Mlekm[ the health of him + Bermuda, if,, R 1, d iul• 'Lel bred sin four.t]'or a;difar stance 4 milosa l�lrea byy ma,on of hit electlan to the nmeldeney of the i;htar F,ag.; I. A. BUIIwell�ElecMaal DlreatoY: GIDAIV'mlJ abaem- $ IlowsoeYel, earl. in the morning of the ei h• inhabitam `Chamber of Commerce. John Clinical in resigning on Gao. Gibbs, Cmomitin En d, van Vleek, y g g inhabitants, the 8t1'Y8T1lS of ill' king, treated Illm .B of prackv: for 1056 mnea, two ltnake. There pre YO MnY In, 1A98. 0rcemd n vaenneY. Imrminl. R R^ Mn- swiftly the wealth of lit, g , 'I. Noes of track altogether In file mlbway, Tho,. _ - __ __ _K Mr_client,.i Eng. The Board p[ Diract Ms ere: win. Mal" mm beer. teenlh day of the tench month, about the sixth !lours klUdif; slid showed much I'I'v )CCI for him anG .:;?I mil 4:11 I 1 a 1 Lu y i the T but Ihn. .. V auUwey an the west.Ida m of tour nacY1 from Iho Ort to continue In Ihe Gourd, after his retirinnent It Baldwin. Jr: August AalmonA. E. P. Bryan, r O}fICCI'S Lha( wel'e m0.dC captive. IClty 3an11 m lWd .L, nil thence an to 116th aL from the Dra.IdeagY at[he Chamber of Commefoe, ArM taw lareellrn, Jos. Jourdan. Om'"Inv M. !telt-on the Sabbath day - hl Is 0t thee, track,. The east sold. line, running which made him s-Nmol. a member. Utmn lye lane. John R. McDonald, waltar r. Onkman. TIdt11nT his Vanity- de. ,tram Bath at. to Bronx Park, Is or two teecka lor.o lon of George L. aloes to the place of Cor- Jake Pe Area, Manan F. Flan[, Wm, A, )Lead. Innocent bull h OTIC of the ships of Columbia, called the Wasp, Two week. later the east Mlle line Of far ae Iteration Callao.)In Jan., 1802,Job,I'ladm wee m- Come7ma Yn nd ,bll, (i. \V. YounR� General 8 1,: And with urbanity 'Cef 'hr�Ir tidllY � f aeon at. Was opened and it 1. ,x,ectM that it,elected a aladnber of the come edou, On lice. A. ar Uat orgmund rsasd. Frank Ilcdlay, the name Of the captain ")hereof was Jones, a 7 _ "machin T"hla-roll." r- will bm repay for traffic fat its entire length Inti lost. Wm, lTareley quou no therefore, as rile[eng4 -- - - ,' it[e It IItens Than a year. and that the [^eel aide Ilne,i noel'• Tha aommlealon, thrretare, a, now um Compwr&live Prices. GAt4 for the oltYlul, valiant man OISCOYETEd afKC off one of the strong ships Y from et5thed within to Ra Port ue, at Inwood, will ho,°Aceta", to as follows: Pres., Menial I sd Orr Whop C.nemstms. .Inhe Sharp Williams %Islas elinsal the check, of the kin r. ; for f (;p. N,m UleCOd wllhie pllo sane time. Twelve than-I Vlao-l'lato Jabs H.ng Morris - Jesup Lal h I. tarry minmAcr alu b evil moa were. ardoyst by the contractors.lMe. The Clma. Btawnt Bmlth Morris it Josu J I n Sm York he never(aIle t.lace In.t a 1,11%1,,, a IL'Uf IICr9 her I. Bing force conal%ed rtrv. mea, oTileut num :IIs{ Seci Bl SIA L. $"!rows; Cbinf p/:ng., 11nR wood Wap Drrld<d over ky nn old nerre. Up W the'AOet -9' i�uW WC the ship Of Britain WAS tnlglrtler than _ 1•"• VrLd War. . bar of cultic yards of ho.of lbs was shout 5,212, !loco Chief EnR.. Oea. B Hlee. , -how"Iaflp.M a mMlllrr In the wNllams fain!{ Hn¢nbmle will bin; t11Q Silt of Columbia AIIC WRY Called, lt6 Frolic, and Y IXIB, nt wldeh 1,21�fMn was at toys, fn astI r n have a aamm.Yon sleeted an the mete fart the On his latest Ball he found the 01d uM y p t RB,aiNl tone of see and g.na tons of cent Imo have Smndway, mulch was Wl+osd end fought mRp imppY• That ba will 9rW: - i I keen used, There were laid hKA(s) yueda SIR •m--base rIt In the wuru. New plan were drawn. "Whet the matter.ta(e!"inked Mr.William Then eh W a"a, tha captain's name was WbinyCattis. rders Fn-tif•N I t from crate and nearly 1,(XM.000 garde of wal.rprw111n8. nn" ll mama p( ¢ commission appointed by tut• "Far lust been done out o'some manor, Ma110. •+(ouch•him again. Illld. I- r lI In the operatlon of the ounces, a. A allyl. Court First Department. the nee«wit, " 6 An h -be to utter their[huRder„a ahpuY Illy: -y opened• 2.goo �P pa (� they gun -noun ed•e employed, InNnding 9erhman. yardmen, o ab[ammg Ihe Itldlvlduel cereals of ) Jnhn,and ,Ill Il Mail replied WMt We still gabout. ea!{1y - c0ndncl.to ase co.tal all. ormo,, men were lhr owner°along the tout.was obviated. In IM the Tlad a b°Td'ble mleery In mah mof.1°'wont las yGtiOlhg about. Et :.honr of the 112y, alld Clia no1AeA Cbi'4tWljed(LLC �,•' lek oI ovor 12.MA who mak eMellontions for this,cono st of all hotel ackinitNs wN obmmeA. • dentist an' gat it pulled an' he masthead mac oft ha asks paaritr the$ 3CC of halt an bane - )men Bfl i ' rpp{C rim route Lafayette at 1, filly Hall, WNo.. to M lotsholI,l rr to daneh, orkpWhy.once he own Ind Sm, will B am Quit y{�1t s The prig 9. of the orvo, H is as tallows: Rlm el. it famY. No 104 thence {o en t b n sed 'orae hA M 0Ia bu0 Tlpker nail be paned IAe__ tg aR Cha � A81)r fallintr n dice. Viols't, andpn April B. (AMI. Win. Hugh J, GYxnl named at„ to BrndwxY. m Isco el. where It branches " - -- - ---- {LQ• Arla,dn B. POUer, Wm. steinwaX. Ohxx. Nh'wnr) Into two eectlanF rine au,llnutn -tlror broke. 50 twhone, and ,Aly n and be o 8to FL (., ill. ma YA tenia. I'td !,ton DlmcowA."-Le tk• ,Cil therewith) the 7Baa.sG�tggkt�t0 0% ,�1 j1 tile. Smith. John H, Rlnrin and Au�u,t Ileimapt w beyond to Marble Ito near RingehdM e, Ihn Htrid. -- - .._ -. b a.uf - - g _- ," - - tron_p_go11f-g to the nkt to leh0x ay.. to iJ1Nt eA: --- R1aTM1'LARe�r h wnDll t•'L-yam_ 'l I.av W.7 4 �cl J to 1( . A=) !i) �., r .-• . 3 @Cee Atagt. f Tanker Pumpkin-Pte. IICge �btApt t11 1lGeU1 �OC9 (lEttgN 1904• You may talk AD tour-a"[all mole rid an fin C 1 q •L. t IMAM Oy LIVLYa DRAMATIC AKU MUSICAL MM, A ftC D Ch ItfwmtANr NEW 1•LATI AND NNVIVAI9YRUM VOWER Okla M I Y"IRFn VA.IV . thmp they amm+. Soothold Divisi0l1y NN pen eannlar nn%«nnMr 41,UN,rrordN IB feel nor'.Aran 'I b a 1.1,11I H n L I I . The thousand drA-'Fle Into-that they slew and bon at WxB. RI FAyWP, IIWn,_( Hri I Wlkylwf. tlae.•n..'tff••ud lW 4utlnl•U^Arrl.onr'r Bo pmrJlhs MumfIIIIII' lVku�1PD Afou,' L-1N fn1eL. AVI IA -- ^ lie,Owe W ;'IDY Dfea n Ufr u•rdel Nb Amawdmy.ad,h•AIIrA11"1Hbu to loylnl l,"tW Um•+x IN tleJ-•q': rid Obke; Mwa.MmM ... . el la•CIk,U�L I'Al !11"11rb1Rdmvb J.g N" York MF IW .•cwan K.M�N11maN ne Mud_{1'LNOIP'(II),xaro•A, Me cwly^,^I he Kr,of Prinl.", Aau.. ,rL• / µLn,'.InI - IWi IIAnnN.lar 1-g• Nr.VwY.n - Itis 's" . You may praM about h.n wmd1011a skill la aria- 1 l],.bty Vied IPoI Illryjn SreNw6 fie,. Raw Toh Lx� 1011 Ae•dm11••ILIM•'IM UmvI•t tb•1'nnew L•d Wr Aave {"rhr Ulrl hbin l[•fs MAllpw .11he li 11 " . 7��7��TT9 •� ,r 265 r�h/� I .,, . '•rim Oaa sly•'trl llmw N,MYNIaghWrd.-I0 fivm•;'Nt. wM NamM.mYmfrs L• A.1 Axl ,. ::t Dam marter slow d hiy they Dan menutnnture puddinga. plea lYtJ• y�J 1 ' AkruVl DxoKr.. .... neWlny.gull d _ IW IfLYM Rr Nun Urini4. ....... . IMI rIm.N IM Wh.ee mwl"TL,Light la .. m.[ 1 IAer I N p I I ._ D pen U..:....: 1Bfa LpNu VdHa•'w am«r,,ba ReleYeNwMr,•'RN Nu x^fill U I. L• 5 A. Ian,If Kryr 1 .. nmwb C.ud .... IerB t 1 NI R Hdw .1 4TxoI•'Tb.WW Whmm'1.IeroY."W llmw N4M Am.,I.,.-fh. reaeg N•n, nl a ,,I$n Jlau. .1 fh I. VI, Ode, S R Il vyhul. . .. IW 111,.dy llwr'.Ir•nihY4'IT4nw r11�r WrlreY '•IYbaN NUmnn the Rradrnyl"r1- AdmIrYA•LrN 1-s n,, Je, And Mfi61 p y ArtM1nr 11 ,) ... me .. .. lot ail 11 d naYp1 CReta and _ Ral,r^axl . . I wJ . ... TneNO,am.N 1 No,. .IM-Mmi••'AL YIYYN.oNJ'I61 ill. til (KJ W"WAR (q0 praliO fin yT.noh n n h• 11 .rah t 1 q H YrVM4vd1. . . i"u loo". :2 Jbreoi 110hadeIP6� 0 ....:.. IMI NYr. N.110Y Nmk4tnb.pd.N.WrN. .... I.fire. eput N L.. W nr. i'IJi0 Wort. IUnMa. too. Y "..ado. n d 116. ::. t I Uenu ._._. IBBD IJwr,Fleury AnM1 r... nno46orevKA,RAgINd Pit Kor. A-CrlYrbn:•Mime NIIMMIh•• IYtron•r."ear limn. APnI Bi--A. " Tit( 7 4 N 1 tl _• p {�( rL -ice / p a.. Pn t t .. AI Mlldn,v PN K.d T n auldle,Al•N......... 1x1 Nal. N .whn•bl•B."1T.Count fk+lrm.n"Yip rima. WY 1-K 1-Y hwY r:' At n by N mar. For making na1aM.ewe_.aoupx end finey A1Apa Sons of Tempera II\.1�J li n*L 11 )O y: od.] 1 ..:. leas KI.h1 w lfi . 11. .luvd�MMr... . . IbAI Km. le-PwrW.nthNWl -1'the Llohi Af(.(be,Iby1•'Itl Me, t--N.JMller ne Mu from Cbh,Imm'). new ■ little. IMI k 11 N w.II Lt.twYMl .W.,- Iwe stmt. May I-Al.d..y."I..halt.-X61-1 Wy..,• Lu ora•' But for^tamheome mane'"Von which 1 non rely e'• ' Kra b l ( tl 'I f .. . 1-N Kekee,aubee ILI Lpilppya'.LkaNa.'l1kklf INb nbv. N No•4zn "Thn H•nL`aaf KR17"x tam, U., Is {hill ' 1gI m'i y1N Ofeat D.I NI RI . . rill Nl IM1N Kellopr•lJ.m ln.N .:,XnmptlMlf aO'.Y.:. tilt Yoe M-Amrlam:'wrnSo G had,, lAti,u. Me, N-V vote. •7h.rtmU nnef•." :Just^i^C tc . eamlW wedge OfYWYIa PYrRpk'H- y'• it/•...Iu1 :. .,..." MXa hlw.tn.. KIdMbKhere . . .Nra ......... ..:.. IIN tile. 1-DIJw ••wbnl' fL }I w, IL60 1'•1.11_.. J'IY bt-N Y Y 'lbX hide.AlbnTl mmy'8,au•. •,n Le n.you s • r fan 1 - . ... Itln1 Ilq, „µIlio. .,.iVirrAWi........ InN D«. 1-C••4 Wl .ew Wonl 'Mu ,.. IVR• M-M.I..11c;••ILI bb Vf ih u 1 qq�ybyH[ray _.. .. MIIr.eAn.WL Ili LYA Ih) xI II•Iw,J.,a 6- r IMI fw. 2-4hoik I11''WYaohM .1014:' .um«. .w9. YJ-Alatle,t. 1e,aus" .1:ro"�..A. k+ �Lct Ihnxe at fahl0nobin tate term rD the nolle �iJa t • 'h1:I„"n Nil-XXX,......:::. .1•Xn:n.°.:. ,:..:. ,'.' ,w l uRp•411',A. ..t1uM^,x... ....•Yj: fin Dw. t_K.w dm.ihfdme'•M eU "IN lima Aug. N-a,.r1oY •µµDat yM.l IIdh ..''- JG OPENING PRAYER, h.,}.m berN ...... INr Iba'A helm Nr....... . 1W Uw. a KAIN.rba4n '•alts.RI Or, 4d'•.. Anr. tA-rrinrw,'•Jr.a'.LIu49urprl, Iq.w` •� In pride, " -•f% .inlpw ,Ir.. Bella—, ., PhxulelpHbM Nrt W rh.[:11 h..: . .hMA..u... ... . .... IiN Ilia. a-Irtle(Piaer^Tb.K nun:' An, N Fnun«nt4 gww: -11;x• Wll We ur.. y .L { Hutu Ab . . nllu. into me AM x1,.LXm IsleryriMI Wn DenninJ..:. IBM per. p-Ila•W."aexA Kul IM1.1 , latl um^e. duw,. -. �'' ,And tnlnk It QU1le Dlapalan to ria Nmply nitlednd. r'.•' BleatsDeaths.f VIKe M::::::.. .:. C9^"I rant,,i. .: IAW Itl Ilure Jru 4".rm _. .......[bm11 Val Rnirlu�•d:",': iiu raw. I-IrImH•1 '•GmIIM'f MMI•_,tlawrol PaudF N.Pt. 1-11.Ip'u 'Ly Kahobl cid:'a1 Ilmul 16an61 p r-, L".a them eat 4hOn rat!de Ida KDIt, tIJNt Lrnmbt 1 "i'�"�'+"M"�•'. I HII.CU • 4.ILItl 4mrr Olpe,vr�Wlt r.nidl- C 1t, •' I. tNl'irali lL ... IlWlwr Mm . ..., IHB HmhJ4,4 toot... .TAl.bugl Ir.q 0.a '"Idea l'I.w. Tb INN• �" thpr. I LYrb:"TM1.Itof•I Cfwf,"I4,m m, - And a4C11 i14R I�i'II ✓ ' IYrnuabrH n ..... _.xru Vn4 . IAM INV, 1.6,A . T-it- N T 16N IYa- 11-tl•dlw,0ggw,'Ti 4111 nm Dlr]y"M Nor.i. Nrl- atil.......Mn.alter^f We cob.,raMl:'nit 1 ^ Y VAUp foreign D ". 4AAVI-lOW lwka and Odom - '�r.'}Y,yya♦i_.1�wr.ai//X.YH (]fr,T �r Ny"fnr Ull YIgo-1 .. INI,Imm�.Nn Int H P/Db . .. . ...IOnag..rK.J... 1.11 Ina. 14-N•w Tml: ' yyla�jnt 41^81 WN111NY. eilr'I xmL b- half. raxuY• A. rank Mough• ... - rrJy,.and ost.11lel'll (Adds � m 1111dotio Yim 01 III•' f.'r(itA,tor Car•, L ...........IA"a..'F,u ...1, IW MIN,At 11 .. ... - - MAba........:. . Is., Wei.:1 1 gmy1.1 Tt.n k !atull k 41." u N ` .. � :. GxlpMn ARA.More ... LAM IW AM.111At.........n:. . ...IenAu ,.f;.•• •• IH Uw, 1.1-yuvrWnlb CB,,pp1r'•TW lbnlae lkotbrrJ'fa.)1 xryt. i-11.•n�I RgV.n. Ib xgilbl l::'la I1.•. 21 � I trat them eat thele airy pastry p4Qe they thank as .II. �I [,�, �ia.Ay •,y{,� }�}�'` .ya' tt�a� _ ��l l . Cares.11...M.... ...,.: M 11 a.A............. "IMI qa Y al IYM 11 the AVL 1-KXkLebaYm A H de,V"'Lit."raw; 44 Imm r M \Oyy alae, -. t fiaa}. ;*41 1'hD }•ffiIT;a, iP1 LJ �A 1'11 6 Ili'111�N, itl)O[l L 1•M aXYrn.. Cnrowl tbhed.::.:... 1 Dn. It-IKI :rrp aq.mwl of no Nin u if. a•PL a-K.w Am.nrdem:"1tV-+.Om nlu Parla"30 C, .� I Y� vw.U .. Ibnh N: tlyl.p, {1i .wri �,1 4,. - - tI?p1-4wxx Ir)) ' p.l ' •' 1pMLn adnurl grnd •-.•pvdlAptn,VL. ., itl/l Do. 11-Into(AI.,LMbnm VaaY.rf tlmM labra ,0 Wr•.I I1nl Mthb•X Q 9 BaoaUM they'Vb gat OatWYdteh Dama Nd a0i4 4 - ] 'a. �p �r� A,- }� ll'1 LQlf fl Ol]y I IRAN.CrM r'bpwll 4... . . IWk n - . . Uw. N-MNroi alNI LIBIN IIAwr'•itinlf.li'IPtI®,r. Mp1. a-Ker Tor ,"'rM1•uln ilap..W,I"Ill.nll4mja ... 5 I. 'If k) r( ll�' t�fli' �jp�Hltt�.lid( its blew 'n¢`, 1]+.Nv RnM y MR . ... IW 11. I lures J. ... ., NnN,iumylRglmJ IMI „y.p"A.ad Mar n:111 iC"WlB llby1. le Iled.m: 'L ll"Ilxmu.. u o - M mlaatY Pico- _ �rnrkWlulhflll..n.. 'ferwlq a.e•Al....... 1tM light. 4B-u• q1 _ .. , WH YfN4 P .: ......W YVatol b.d..... )asAir.Mwnn-r{Y,Jrm :.&ra rrvu:W.I.•.. ..... IMI ria. 11--M•.gIWeN e[ Y 1"W�rW"n.. 8. 16-f Halo J•,17N Q.rIW`au�in li[•(5h+•XJ•tll llmre. t„ C G. ,-, Hut say.satisfy. nclp your npNlte. and your stomach _„� L. I 11Pr. lxNfIR,R nNnX1.o,Fuln yea ` ) V 1ytiS�O8rVQ1' AO �17ItfYAil @Iltp rk80 CiD'fl, l�l'8.i1@At� II 'I.; LFbRNu r4 AYM . . .. trio tl pby Ja.l,l.. ..tlroTOYlTo.n.Y..... I4DI Iko. fB-A:IIIW 1"a1mp l�t111ilre•1 bYrinl�iW IYINw�bnr BBDI. It-Mwbu4T' It )�}.rt1'IIt. 6 3 :0 �„ TMre'e IlathWf n'M a Kf••D n1I Wink rat YM1KM Caewllq®iIWN. FYPIWry Ynu. .. IMI N arra Uig+. b Iw IAn 11 (bbNR In Y Y dill>.......... INr IRItm Lthxcl Wb ribs NXiAm.: . IMI Jw LINI-0BfrtMl: 'N4el1M mYrwnv,"ntimn. hpe. 10-tlf on."M1. aafwm,"Al tlo.., DJ •uptkldlp qQa. '+•, t /.� T (, l Q.a.ifluf IY ,. . . .1 bw.r ,tv+, . ice he,ab URI n, .': ....F.nldntlo,l.W......... MJ Jan. '-'h lwt"Thr V, .71041 amw. A.". 11 Red b.alr...:117ITN•. �.r _ s E •C U ,. •. 'Upon tl[{, we pray L.hel V Lord, the iig�L Ill h',' counte- 91wAwcb lMr4,.i'.in,r. IwY ,1I1e�1,tLUPnY rrurtbon.H.I....... IBIi J.v. 6 ler Ynkr'•M1nnob iiiNN11[",,Wn��F Myt. li-MYMryi.Twum l•N ILN^I14.) Alam.. g1mMM.lJnra .: Thar NnM._ .:- IND rvx•u J.mY . .....y1rryyria......., .. 1W Ju. 11-iAwdw 'FIN 9INalad/W WW."M 4aea map,. 0 facalNer• Ih•C.4w•1Y 1.1 W: .Nil rpenln . m Boost hoot may e\•e more nutAmmlt, more body- 4 the •'t A, 1,'_ 1t,r �q ".aA.... .• .....0.YImOr G1.,.. ....... lNf J... It-lied, fitly Wf 9fdl cif um.. the" 21 of "Yl.ttlroraf l9•Il..bwi•N ngWs.. u 1 .j 'O be, building Worth: Qe And blem [[S will we are together" this 'eve l! ALCil4• all IN.D.hwY IYnbIt,. .. Muni.,hf _ oW P•lbnnrlrl ... Llhelsn u v ' ' II'. 11nn ',J... I'o4N,. ....... t1`A.n91M,Gn o.. .,. .. i1.tl•ml...,. _...... JM. IUeI",Alirt lL . .. .. CmN Abnln.W,Ci, , 1a- Joe. Itl Iludia,1�^WXrm4 gds>/Yl,lmn. Bipjx. �MY•I J,1 wmv"I"61 4LNdW AN. th. a m N �, Veal._colon. lamp fin nufmhlrq, and nlm4ahmg - • • ' 111 Il :Y' it I If Lrrll•.FrrM .,: . Mau. ., IW 1N.Nr They. . . . . ...,..Nv YwY LYt .......: Ibl Joe Itl-CUTAA. An qA INh fNY j it aim.. Mvl.' ndm+•. ^ L +• t of nor glnh. �7j 8 I16 done lA the opirit of Charity and brntherl I, • 1 111 h, ill m Kron.ILL ltytwN.. IfadAlebwo,A II ..,. IoM Aa.A steAnn.. AI•iehl r IIY ho. 11-KUWrhrc4n bUl>>m 711 Umw• Sept. 1P-Savnw,tk xlmL•••Tsur"WII nim. her y ImN+�,VIe.Law... .. ...., lNrr..... _:, 1W1 l7.Ya,arlW asp .::. •..'.'l+nnu.....":..:...'.: ixf Jm. 11-Mrdl.w tlsa.n••'ThrI Yenl of rhLehlifiR ID NPI. b-rnnbNr"A W.II I'ol H..dr: idmr. 0 `• C O ,� Van" nhlnhMl. d•4f or 4UYWY apq illlt paNIO I IleaLa,plwNnl . .. ..W' '.J......... It'. MYyaw.Kb•. pbY^p,M.w. IaN1 IImN 14rd•0 totlmX . I'd.l.n.aY Mont Lk,. g..arpdy,� 'imaN l.nlnrr.'no Rel..• _ very Me- .. (Tit' l-ytlre �� IKkNe 11@ .bleeeed t(1 tE16 p/POlAQt11/11 'It thf! best .n N.d J W. P.Nod .. lime lar J T:::: mer YM city:.::": . ism, Retail All e. am. a-1Mng TT.w:••xd.lYhlnnn ho.•• v to E - o. - P iWA/'. In w1a yeah, ., le"York Gra -. 1W nw "date ,. lenJoe... Naas Jm Ya-Crinnw:•'I h.ll bl'Ihr11.In A.N'^11.n1 F-yw." fall. ID-xNr,ipunhYro l"Ib tlbrau•w'.N limn. 1S L � O •-1 But tlime marl take a bark seat whm Put palming p_Y.,,/� of �{- �f,�,] nlwy.N ♦N - awro MXi'. ..I Ntr Kn Y1.A W[m:' xnJwbY.lSCWs..... 1x1 9Y'llmw. " fail. la'-WAMN'u••Tri.xhwxn,^HIII ruvnb'L F '- down the Ilne, 'A/LNN,LQppQ' 4i1. ,our beloved �lrl�Qln. D.dwn,J r L IAN .. .Nf W..IIb lLmNlw . '......Nwmd ......... lY1B J.A. N-Meek.•-Th.l'ovngo bin l'u bR,'•dA.Umeu Ono 10-L,,w:A11hA)INm4afl M rlmBL. iXn Arcµ 7 .p y y 111ah.path and laws may aefVe{n rimy ho appetites " 11-e,J.1 Plrll Nlr.bar, I _.... 1A4 WIIn.Ad•..... Llnnrh6 lnled.... ON Jm. It-dNm :...pli oloa•ppdd 4I1401h.'al, rk 1. 10-AmWgA'fra rofie y(' Dw,RI lev. !,flat.. ....... IMI an.w,oeYnnllr :PnY Fnua. till J•.. N IMlfir ^qrw.rN al LII1x-81 Ilmn,Chi a,x.4 x R, 11-Afi,oekY,1'.tow h4Yegkd mnblb O p 1 [(, F� of dome: p LLemn W Wif.n ab.1a6N Cm..n 1•M aAhrrWa J.ebrM.. .. 1 alar ... ICA llrml N"r.1.00{ima fbL Il Knkl•rlrobYan9'Kemw•m11xWYe lIL1.I"t rlrlu. Blit you ml6pt[rant me better ahw I to yn\I_filoXeep t18 -ever 111 thyfe" and wiedorm, ,and fol•..' :,::. illi with Lar4:'vl KipIna law,H.rf. Ilbn.... tele Feb. t-1n1.f PMal"Om wWur" IML 1"-4.mirwel•'Oo Mu umn p"� 'tyi : , r ifit 1Y 11.Avok. Ar Ym4("l_:..:,, Wn ••X. I-In.,Nlit:nih.Carne We.."d lbx..1 Dal'.. tnL Ib-Mlnw.. 'A At.,frau Nu.1'(RA 9u lirtn n. I"' o u Dome. 1�y$., 1 a• 1-IY It rel.LIIIYn.:.: Mlrn"b I xr Inb If UW.NYI M CnL 90-N',Mr'.t"LI[iled •IpIMx,".all nrnalai• ,1- •.� .19 .I.etve out Y7'J !d h-toned VIMdd, let each falvy All. eve rlAktfllg Ba).VAt10pA Acid to tll� g2'eBIL nai.lfle 11,' :III flit, glory gIML r.KIM1e . .:. 1 IIW 1rIlb.1 use MWlx,fanvl�.. xIM 11 IwO INA 0-RULY b�. :'1 T+NRA Rf kt"II[).+pmu Uel. M-Lle0. yunl. 'urmaY. x flow. Db0 g Ifil y{., �f a�r,�a-r g„I1.11.1 ",i 1-u "a 1-r 1-.M nr164 . M. r�A wda.. .:. 1!M Feb. hyo ii Ne�lh N[n6i'"TW unlu xwuber'rlm,J' p"0. }1-4r1yi 11•Mpe CNYJM'rrrNl nrnnlB[• .E If I�Mn aLeS'Vn fet< fat m A DIMC of pumykin• emAd �Lt1rcONt e'fl�• Apf9Ne, w Y 1 IHI mpe.q Wry ..... . pmtw .. .... IN/ Rb. 11-L.nYU 1111 TIr.BIN of 1tM11bJ !NL x N laY RnWI (ILLM 44uu. VIY.,MI NNm ,; Fr- fa•i. W .AMO,,,biy. (.,LAIre1Nrl.Mr. Ihll Feb, IB-RAT1 nb4Rp lnNlal"M,fmn. CAL al KMY•rbRAer: Nwh Lledbwl Re{Mx0'r rel., V f1 _ Pln. -HIAFh4mon Pro" - - 41Nb.Ill A grin AvmN^Y lain F.b. lu-Lrri "TW hill,11{I�.. N fmw - - --- - - - - VI, tar N MlpnnJ iN L1d1tLl ,. rim a1"Wrihm, ILL.,d IL gnNwJ. : IaN KeA. YY-MaldmboBbri 'TMI[W.Nlgb!•'ULb is nmr: rMr it YwrneutbNruW^Th.ffii�pd9by:'r Nmu. .i ��1J �, pQyq♦ �,�,,e• ,`_ it, Kwu,J thn Fill y. . ...w.Nkln.l IIM, 0.1 It ittry'm1MW,Arphaa Va. thH.JnUe "rind Gasail JWwr '.&lnI Vaasi ' ' N b nit nn.... -e le\Y XI Y ",,A _. ./L^bAm. ., role FNY. YrAr•"rhe lxrldlrfwli'nl umn. Na. 1-Lyy��no Nm Kv�hRR..MpMr�tM``gtPme.mn p yy�� Frcb V1. IMLd VJt.rl„ Iwo e^`1-M rid 111.. !NA,Y.. - .... I.N Y. 9&neNA 1 s"ThrT•eYNCw•vl'•DDv. Nor. 1-talar:••M.,114aY1Nu.w:'.`Ilirwvlq. KSKLLI,.R eat ST' ...8�..vow. .. •.. edu.h l i xYNI Rb. I 1 to f tYWhwa,N LLhelv4heL'• eor. 1-rl u Rade lMf a"TM Way to Kem.n:' din J. . 1 n „I �.'fl{W. �i :v. -', L .. ' .N• 1•V'. +II 1^d.LIr.,R41nnJ..., IW.4 MRbh I Krw Am,l,raml ••bmlh•'r...ale"It tim.r. r tt L ``11.. ' r ,.e"a L 1,'111:11:.. r .I. 1n , •yqy �' `f, �!) •A {at.i.>. I. _ `• n 1 i1• ,_, n l' Int._ I......A.xiYled. .. IBbY Nunh 1 Inl.a•I... • itlark n.rm•>>." W.I. I-Awd.mr "1fit Wi ,,(14"II[1.MIII nbnlx[. ,- 11Cif�AMluN.s'.'_e.n t ^_y_,�- e Il.i,., 11 _ x. r YII 'L ...A IYai MR," 7KA.MINVoMr '•xl,nbt•'11t),A Umar. Na. 1-LIWr1J."Walouwal,J.; .NII MuN^s• X,51 li' .i >rt 11. t•11. CA hl AI,• wtr'�YY,L.pWd,. ]SAO x.nh li-Ilona I o me.19^w,oit Nma. N.. I-Amnno•b I' KNLp Ballwin e4a nalno. r - 1 . - I•M.i�a 1}Kr Minh Il-u..n.k:"Tea.n.D.g r-n."iD U.. Nor. 1A-Nm Am.Yr4m. •lint,VVI :'nn a,t(. �a - - P'ffgbt of TtmP. if k" tRl, oU4"�g:).r fher - M dMx,J 1 16 1 SII ( R Ill. Neew. , , „ IYN W,N Ii-1'rlu.m r•'M•N.filo Aa•ut HMhlu IB Noe 1{-Iltlekrtbo^Yn I w Y` 11 t. _R i,dl>k.x L Nit Ism«. Yoe 14-Y Lank"Tea a m^� 1.NlUna WOR• n -f;.. ' .pP tea have often 411ndeA to the feelb a. Ilblul In- lfiec�o.rr.Nl [w IL 'I m,,. 1 DA , 16-1-4 ..laughed. .. Wi IM'NII-Povk.nmxtmf('•1%AwYealn of Mr.app" Ner, la-Isom 'MPTTe Ibk APi1V• _ .�9r: f��'-rifyr14j1'9l/[••q,l n.." with ButwoAinK age. of hr rn"Idmy With Ilvrdµl ,I 1 .. I dl ll1'f n I , .. U1pl• 1_11,4"' a1 is Nor. lel !r'1 iPIwN:'' i M lash mill. • .g7 .. IY I ".,,. 1. Lh 1 n nlrtrkt "'- ' Ixb x. M-t ai Fes'.,alb elNWlen.^ x la nA«el^ 'Mp�+B.11ng.. 49liu1.a17 �P%t ! School Books) wine; after Which they (leparted and Went into a I . 'n id u1- 1 :♦ Turk lt� nim MXwIY{-..ApWLLLIaI;TM'two lhptua"la•).N No.. Ia-ltindw-1�W..11.FrpoAnew.. -she fhx tris in Ems: y p .•.,) U.nn+n,N . wu1 r nv 1uM 1 N Ynt. r Ira N %er. 11 al hiW N VYLr' 0.0.WIlrll bwa. u.,u.w 1 - •, r6 1.r1 I'Iv Or Mx,t_.. I i^r'u'• Knit 8,.. IMI Nna.k R-1'nmv:. R ^9NmeY( xa. N mJ. n AL•1 DU Rin, ce. \r 7 evertheleBg,in the space of shout ninaty IeIJ.AI .._ 6 .,. I :d 'w rw ,n ra Iw r IW April Y-h.i 1116,1�gdj'rtd'�mjy l ,iw nn111n c far: •• IN. 1. r :_... ID Ia 11 ,d iW0 X1111. IIJ n,d x.'. a t olive. -' IN[ April 4-Ihlbrr.•'AU AMYAAf1Y,l Mi4YNmr. Ym. Y! iDa.ur•A: wli. il. II, ... II IC mill. 1l { Sao. n hilt'•'$m. .1111 .. b. "' 1 Lues, the strong ship of Britain struck her red pa )mon, n x b r N '.r of IY I 1 1 .1'illuWDAp IY Ib Alan e-cnunou,•^f1- DIb4 N 'toe tlma. 1 •I 'w - I[ 't I]r•1 &taW. ail Ap.11 l-Lyam,^Tb• XB �at19 MIIMa Nov. n-1 npla ^r1-• InlSln n`hnnnb, eg Y i S L'I'e Is IV. Ina.„yA ,Amba... .. .. . (41e.,ftlm. . ...... IB.. April i-ILplbfnbaY•r1•ll.11fitA[x burlN. V.I. 11 C 1 '1hrU }IJ IIM11r r1Xul'.f• to Tile stripes of Columbia. I, -- - -- ti pum But it Nma Nm. W-stake Y'l.a D "calm ear.' -- - - -- -- -- - I CHAP. XTII'. - A Now the Macedonian was anew ship, and she Brier' 611 Oct. 21. 1SM the sertlon of the new n,do,- mmnhem of a enmmlminn 1. deeldr ,pan rapla theme Hader W Nahrm hill" W prom- frisk. TD51:C gat mach damage. me to their MSrroouund &et-y to 11411 d B known as rhr fah. nemool enufea for the City. The cnmmtem t tee.- Tile contract woe let to John H. McDonald. The(rayQf�yp L`¢ .litre Of'the British f'r(Q¢(f I1fice/oN[dn,b C'cnl. 1 way ba.ar ed. }tall And Him et„re Inx s Sol Mnynr n w four lark underground .yaw. to,fin offing Kfgaonod n Feb, 2a 100Q In the Cnmptrollrr'n h y Bnl II1C O111(C(1 $lilies, IIhC the companionsU'g OE ' and Rftle. was apepVJ. The ant stela of 6 torn, was net Mnynr nn July la. IM. On lien. M. 1A00, ❑emge Ripon. Umnd was An[ broken nn Mnn'h @i, In D11tRNT ipe AanllJam of 1 sick TI :Ilimit n _niton by Mayor McClell'xn. It lefty fin ('fly R. Read and others. acting In conformity wlib front of the City Hell, by Mnynr Van tVyck. The p ffe hu dray. L'¢ LrC¢I Ur, in the frigate C7ni(f!/ $'(a(OS-�•I/ri8' Shadtach mol• 'Iaf'1% I , f membaretlot the 9 aP d Traria[mCrime,lift, mdnnJ chanter hant Mr OA t av lawsMeYo"rYr as appointed po contract ixt was WE,000,000, the contractor agree- yeIDpq yah psa]Y date: / t ed unhurt upon the waters; Illy, even I Ing s. bull., contractor and waretn the mad for aft)) Vixen CU/!t P<Tcf(by f/1P Qr{tlYhfrtS"¢!e S'ottfh¢m/Fton., her win a were "(It Ringed. aHh- ID,I SIC ea. Transit And gueeln ,c Iha he subway. Rnpld If Smein,IEugene s4follows! HU es. Samuel SpanneJohn r and yearn, Th. nentraelnr was mauirnl in immiph Hngbt fe hill start S,.i g OIIC[I ,L Transit Co.,g$ the which rtfire lee the nhwaY. •eeurlty to the amort of 17.M,NB far the faith-'7ama•'•w'hy the Art of her 10 And Ilfe KI41n 8114 the W011lid CLI,Of (hC 6111>Of t were-NaM-" In thetiCl to Hail..PenedLy Perot flm r1 k P. OlenU rat the orlglnoi Anpid Tnnxa Iheou�olh Anr, of his vonlrseL Thlx.he did, Poulos At him stralgbtl fa mor I,. John H. Inman wni rib-tames rot tut gh nrmnlmtin Of he ROOM Translt,JbnW$'Chrlstppber• I the kin I g• Ill re c lipd AfterC prayer Forney rat the Bova of Aldermen. wee nicotine dc.ujuse't quality. Jaen M. RAwnn subway Cmmlructlnn Co., o. August Branford , IYc re fivr.score and fofrr. .Urea , [ so o MasosurJ McClell nlawe.Introduced 11 V rRmund rnllwa Werb dont. whlnh guarentaee }dr. McDmald•b mraple-I lan't It groats ! n the pp I I And there fr11 or lhr people of Columhin five 'dur.y Mh erhefe Ism for ed nn ac y lite rat file eoby the The contract was dlvined T x li1C as the peewldlnN ,lacer, Theta were lan, ria, submitted to the Amnf of AlJormnn Um. 41. aka, undelater actions by the cantranlar and min-let to Mark tdh what aV.na9 NOW it happened, on the twenty-fifth da of Iha+ WIIU 15'CI'C still it Ol I'' • Warted Ig,:I'. to hr order named er ngini r Of the O, Wm, end they wen approved rag m Im meso rev Td an, under amlrectora. In Ixe, an act of the 1 Nie. Rolla his addwm y Il il)hl,and there were,even maim- 'Io b ILremy ommilPersons. l: At Rnglnb0r of Iko Rapid bias when the and tent el recce_ prevented any lutt VermlltinK it, Contractor McDonald merit nM' was,eonatltuenoy t e Tramp Comdem: J ; 11, Sime aVW E. Otr, Prea, Orl and the plan fell franchise,. eyanees Qereq for xelff, his right to ncel'Ate the umi.em land rand to the Llpg It J pleat, tenth month, 111 (ITC fire[ year of the war, lJltlt a CCW Cd; +UUlt1A ITI 10 s- • )e5 tU • 1 e .ommLxYnn: John li, Smrm, Vlce•Pme. oft Interbnl'ouah Rapid TI,D,ll (.'o.. whlitUltra x[i'OI` Ohl Of Ih'ildlll, that had prepared IIL'rSSIf 12 AIOI'COl'Cr, the Alil of Bnw1 h ' "he ISIL C Morale who amain frit the areJ RaDld' The 1Roa d. w of i0N crested a mw Rued naellado ter that rY After strum paeaatea T 'Tnaplt Lbmmixeton, nppnlnted In IBM; John B,'Trenal[ Board. wham commission wee mnetlt4R•9 iLLipNI AM Pwpoeo WI[R a capitol of g \t li P I ' 'p I p A had sCVCD Of 1110 MR follows Alexander R. Orr, John H, Bmrin. Comes the flan novel fr, fight a shipof Columbia,a> eared Ulan the We- stolen men of Columbia therein, who were com n9• 1. le Mont,MDOalel, who bulli the anhwey, and he, le, Bel-:Wm. Steinway, John }h lent Beth Tow And Tire Manhattan iomugh Ca, In IDO@ also took aver Ihr AdKa of nalmegra, (ire g 1 p 4 i ImDad Pres. n! tbo inlePoorou{{h Co. The, brnedin-I John crank,Cad Mayor and rare troller ex-nfaeln 999 yeas Elovatrd Aelllwd C2 Ito lease In for IDm• yt CI C I .lAlan OnlyWas alms miles of the subwray wererlapnned on Seip Low rrm1pard on June 2, In. hie Pin" being PAA )•err-. U1lsallt ar boom. Wal term ul'the mighty deep. led.to fight against their brethren; And two of them taken by WonAnary LAnppdon, The dens of We, 1NTERBOBOiJGT7 RAPID TRANSIT CO. Fenfe,lblh a imp of per .Z 9 Aad she was cummandrd by a valiant Captain, were olein In battle {Intb. en pp am 9T. FlKuna compiled by thn management gale flminwnv nn Nay. ID, 1i00, brought Chris. Blow- Oalep, 19-91 Park raw. Mhln. Head, lee's the Way; TEs(( fn••e ' .'.7tn Out. Qf. TR away by ane evening. ase[Stnith, nm of the origlnnl enmmtrA"nnra, fin"R The AfAretr and director Af the Tnier/torou0h lartoom pIIlldopher (hat NhUNe name Wag (;al'dch, aUd the Ilul11C uC the sill 19 All(l whets CCaI'dC E� _ a nwt,y b e u, •, L Mile pall pawfor Su for Friday,Dally t D; for into the comm Wlon. Jahn H. Inman dims on Nov. Rn Id Transit Ce, aye: Aug4x netmpn[. Plan.; IY, P n adrle 011 hoard the chip Of hIJ1U- l�..Ipnp/Nm�78IDsTS6(d0. The total lengthofof the rnbwe, R 1806 nail was succeeded ray Use. T. Rive.. On p.DBrysn, Vjra_Pna, nmd lhn'1 simply Cela gay CIl [iiat lf, �khe iled t 18 18 oof tour traacka distance, Ter 7 @-01 Milan. three by MRw rat his election toll the sPresidency of iile C q o, f 14pBra: 4n II�'Bij jaw Ids' g F.D ya� Drinking the health of Rim t{ ' wa9 the Maeedonitm. CulumbiA, he bowed hie head,and offered to put his lI iiu- P Mgy,. aka; fill lOVj nlflea two maek.. There are M!MAym16, Ifier PHCommerce. co er dl's cocency elin ler_¢nR aMa (fee. nlbhal Consulting F.nC.•-Sty Val>„LVfen�k,obfe: 6wItBT yfhelwealtp of film 3 3 And on the KKme day she met one of the strong sward, Of Clf l'i011S workmanship, 111[0 [ITC hands 0[ (,�1, gpRRIliaaa I lT pn tut of track xitugmhar In the mbwny. The: _ _ _ ehunlcni ling. The Beard of DlrPatans are: Wnl. Melte IAW seam tee ships of Columbia, the name of the captain whereof DecaUn'. gwbwnv ll o Yveai asap dol folie an to tram the Orr Co canttgue In the bawrd. atter life rouroment H naldwln, JC: Augumt Belmont, R, p. Aryan, i hIII hC lit IS Hall ,, 309, rat., and thence an fn ]/huh at. nom the Prmldency ar the Chumher of Commertt. T,^nee Jahn a8 NOD... Jourdan, d oor I" Tb11mT his ranlfT- Iy4.1, was Del:.aLr, add the YCatlCI Wag ealtcd Lhe L)n1lCQ. lea Rut Decatur said unto him, Nay,thou bast tle- II[ fe of tbrec tracks. Trac trier Aide ane, running which _ride him ex-olaI, n member Upan tpC ale Walter akhmr States 1 Prem 00th et to Aronx Park, 1r M Two tracks. ecno.Non of Om n t. Hlvae m the place of COY- raRaPnur•1 VslndMnrt`nCFWi'paung�Uananl yuplt, Ahnnoce mullty � fruded thy ship like o vision[ man p therefore, Ace � I _ Two weeks oiler th0 bunt side line an tar R poll11CDUmd in f I .0 ;J1 ClaHla DaOrer m- of t: d r r1unl ......1. (••rlmk Hedlny. ihF d NOW Dr C:Ittlr was a men tVho Karl n1•ver huoW thy sward, IA on liElh At. wne opened Rnd It Ix exprnled text I[ eleeteJ a _amber of lho calumleelon. On Dec. 1, n "R will be rally for (refile [or its emit_ length In JIM Wm. Barclay Pirrone resigned ai chief ongt- "-- - - -- _ __ _ 9'04Ehing"pU"rbR." n y WO d) bVI rCCC1Ve my head.(rare ban a year. nA [hv9 rna .ret Md. ]Ice„muneach 'rhe mmmferlon, hurefa II Ae now eon- CO1Tll/RTR tfVB P[fG•Cg: Onri 101 the nitYtlil. Val IY'fll', assn the satin of his country WRB Lile pride Of IS $U they 9tll LIDWII Y,ilii dl'a(lk 1V111C together; fmm loth sl. fe rte mrndnun, et Inwood, will ho nti,uted, le ea follox'r: fres., Alrznder & Orr; Btaalar ho check. far ennmieted wnhln the el.ne Ilme. Twelve thou rice-Prm, JnhA H. litnrlm, WoaJnury Inngdun. men congressman Jahn Sharp WRRamb viBly Ary Oe lt{!e full Of lliri hC:dl t. C5, Den men were emptnyed by the mnirnelnrn. 1'nr Klee, etewart Smith Marrl0 M. hm4p, Jnhn flat- ',New York fin never fftlle le Irak In at s pmNl kind. II1C 9p11'IL9 of hl'AYe InCR mill IC even!n file dllte Of ' euperrleing [orae cnnelnted of 9A0 mon, The umn 11n: Nee, BIoD L. hurrown; Chlet Eng., BAS wood shop prodded over by an old naHw IIP fa the beak. _ 5 AUJ when hC cense lVWai'd8 Q1C YCSNCI Of the N'al'fAl'C. g her of cable Verde of exravattor, was nhaut 9.212.- flopp. CM. sox.. Om. B. Rlee who wet Lrmerly armninerIn the Wllllama fenity, Ifagahmbq gar basically '[ W of which 1,91gtlq)was of rock- In mnalmctlon., TRa CommlMda malaria wr the ttrute for Ian• On RIs la{eY1 rap he fm6od ipa old kill I r(p� harm tees.of Areal and 8.000 toll.of cast Iron have bed HWadwa I I. w.e npp,+sad rid rough. .•hill I B IRO maae6linfel"eold too M1Hgma T Thu?to wild in gr le Used n0 Cali'l•uty lVlth hub melt, rut'they Nil 16 And after they had eaten and drank, Cardin Rod. Then are IoM lJA1.Of ymda of con ltmrl3• to he courts, New puna were drown. y. J,• loved hirn, and the rout an at his finger Was as this ultelled Ilia inou , for he Was troubled prom Ill nanny if the bwv of wx terprnrang. ofd hY mann. of a CommWlor appolmed by h "rice Just been dons nm o'forma mea Ma' tD he operntLa f tpe nubwaY, no opened, Y,ym Appellnla butt. Flret Departmnt. the n a Tom' "Touch'pilo"aft. - I Ild In Ing nllll<J, mail are..,Played, Including lwnebron, yardmen, owner" loll,, the IndI,I,i ui comfuts of pro ..Had 1•tDblo Imwtlsh'nOu[IL"fep11aG she aegm,, sPlll h0 port) iea in map tool.gra'Irmo 1-R, uorlingSLbAge. E 04pN11y LVUI'd uC IIIb OIOLIh. oafs Spakl• UIIIq Decatur, saying: ,a,r ick oefar. and motormen. These men won h1- - R the mala wnB ,sWO 1 Irl ed ❑,,. a Sanum an, got u 6 do When the ships came nigh unto one anntha l; 17 ll if thio tiling which h.ah happened lie known '•ppeek rat over t@:OtC who toot. examlrmlinua for lhejeonomm or' rah in' f the authorities writ. nblalmJ, pasta.an, he dabgII asp,I Oti l Ilgh Ilia[ay; pl JAM, Tho tomo neem- A[ the CJty troll, itRN.u c rip 111AIr 1 a M" % Da MakUr,er Dane dews In TNa-!' TFUI U pY,/a17 th•iP thunders were tronlendous, and the a1Dek4 Unto the king,thnt Lnc of Rhe .exec s rat 'r 1 The hintmy IN the sY.r aY IN se fellow.: Rlm M. W W fnrnue I'll, lrtmel• hl Its et t. r.a Db t ww®'t0 efb Dar Trager and he RNROII Ylia' l'i 1 B,i A if h.rl , y On April s. /BDO. MAyor Hngk J. Grant named Of. to Broada-Y. to 104th xl, whero it breach,, Md - I------ :__fA�t O,undo B. Patter. Won. Atefnway, Chas. Stewart letone a lSecttlio't"M,, cuntlnulnz,1-g Fl. Umrge Ia tag _hYOYD p 4wp Doe, rid nlaq 1IMgIll�9d,, ------ -- d IlierCul WMs aS a hlaGk CIUUd. S' I Il dud bCGOmt' Ga �1,�� l.aeilgalf , strath ler ag,' pave toa vo7acl'u'f the . nallb. Jahn I. Stnrin find Al Rat ielnnnt n rot beyond to Marble Bill ne-r h6n ahrld a, tRn mg ��"' "" bur,rob"Ady ^ nail m•.helmz In., t0 NIYt eL_ _�•� - _ ,w rb1x.,.,:I t att $td$t. etc AtAa" in Xrw Yot'tt eft:,tl, 1904 Ymay send Abu PulTkp90000Pio• O AND'mwnl"AW nI LIVINd fo kAA71C AAD QIIMQAL rxop W. A eLfRAUby IMPORTANT New rl-ATA A.NIY HRVIVA4a YILLm NOVL)mL,t n. IA '.r,J nl In v..l., 'SOU hhure they h about 5'OVr f„relga aoOW and all lbs SoUtho1d Divisions Or w, h armor n°No,',mLer nl,JIM, A[xuu,"Thn, UIII.LAII r Ifl qualuedd nuke. ` j 1 . , - .. , >.. Mr's 1 r 'rDn Wou.and drl'PP dldha 10.1 WeY eww mA ben <• ,.; HMJa• L)'IknaM. Ikme 1 ItMkq„n, 1/1rIkJNb. HNA,NTMI „naM'mrJw,'U°nav"X;'PIL¢I°wN ln'Mvrrr,Y llllll' N'4W�.Use lrorf'LIU I VIn aIIIN: - Adw-MM. .......... INI,WNCI, IJNh 111 Mow. my - 'w I° ..... .111T[ uLaYY�KaN�'N l�w,at�lh'HuJneil soo.i'p1°nl Cq'j"'4 a..IN dIA N.J..I= he ylM hof rl:n l:••<�h°il M.j I16, and bake; T, 1a N,,:...... b Iii .....,a",.y.u,l tl..: ... IMA 11NMap JaNNJFfep(p ,,. ew YwY qy.......... IW AwJ,myl••Iddl",••tw Ylmw't ul'1•nn°'w apt lb.wool,"TMaI'I hwn Ke 'ho hq ,lure .1 ,b. u.rNl I r.' Yau maY DmM ehpuL Ihelr anadrlKU dklW lu .til .1 - 1,lllntl,..'.: IW hnpp. Nb wdr ,..,...... v Incl Clp...,..... I W .,.rbeuAn 11,••M aura q he Vla,nh "TM LIYnb et Ilvmo.'N Hmw LL TIM�,rm,ru ua Mm, \tour xl O• ^ 2651,6 I. Alwa$16n:Q'wtr DA'Jlni.LIRMnd... -, iW poli I,l Ua4p ..._..,. ,bl............... IMI Nm'rNMr M+sWJlgmnl"PW LMII YN1 hep obled,il..n,T.I.AIeWdreknl^uM r..It . At Inw..i u+ 1taW daaly�theY em mna4fnetVle DVddln Pa, DLp fe AwNlmu.tl.'J ...wer'vrvol°.61, ... ISYr Irmy.{r41 ..:: .... mess... . NAI.nN1•••mA dem,w^.-,I lawla•'wnprY quos,,.. .11"IW I.A.u nl.u. °r Jew,*•a•Jm.nu ,�Mk In 1u1ler tmrw Nl .CNMINN wde IM Irrhgyyn .. ...�ql ud 1W ,IMy It LYwam,aw"'llun'nx144mPL��lO lh�wul boll ylmwn(U.)n^rl:^I FYI"rho'Aaminlb CM:Lim e'en end 'athB' 4wkw J.Ih " ' - .Cowsks, .... :• TIN too tlu :. .. pmrar Iwf no pralxc the FrmeD and nermm chat,. nnA the ; I bn<mtl,N eye P ,.Wahm ..... ,. ilei Jm4y k i ....... 1. IAM Nor. M.MM-MeohuMa "Cara Mnln „^' el It.. AF11 IN-LyHo."\V."o(II.),CO... Itaim'.. Lm. •1 (Y 'v q . B.avrol,rarD .oft .. :. .. W A��yppJwwk -... YgdpkNrh t1» R { Oj Te ranee H.vdmrk.i"n IR ...C,sl an,mnY .'.. 1M1 JvaM'Hmq Anh Ir .. '.U YgwvellnrT4Y•uvA I-m Ner. YY�IIAdk°''•Mlw Elless h'r VI..°'n'•YY Uew. APrll Yn-x. Ill[ TAI. fY a ... Far maktna sable.eaneee.YouW cod furry Alsop ,., MCP IY V. Al gta,M V .. SIN Rin.r'1'om ................. H°yaYrtd,wl.:....... IW NOT. I{ µylMnt'r:"ITALIA l'h^Irmb."al slur.. YNy [-Nlk WY - AV.vl4alw a°M; td 11 ur' 1✓Vns Aji L_rl. Iv,n eyOlaY IYnYenWM-NV . . IW At w. ..... .1 ..:.... .. .. . IMA NOV. M-PwdwnMbtnet 'rhe Weh,oleos DAY.;'1, AIV 9--9.111 {I M rum l'bluo,•or too, new- l aS�^noMeN in.uM 1 Jk ......... loll 6m6N toe W 11 ... .. r pnYMpJ. ; 1611 Uw•• Me, 1-A J , I o 1.1111.WT,urge:,J^A.-. But for C',{C,tD Me morsel upon wWOh I pan rely _-L do". �• . WLemW,rNlUyel .mrdmaN.O .. I+N Kdn y b Ir 1:...... . Ra1wd Irl. No+. m-Hwlwv "Th,>drH.p°t Rllly oil llw.. Nur LL_Kmpl,n loyr or"�II LIn,lme, 141nnw R b MlUmge.yys... . IW N.1k}�(.U'an 1 Ib... M N'g t'.....:. IW a°e W Annrlenn."n,r Yon Yllulrµ'' Ir Ihrr'o.n \bY YY-N V rk' rbr a„ 1 nn.w.' J,Yt gl^o[o• e a Mad wedge of YYolYv Pump6W- (:;rl thvw,.19. '.::..Pommy M,...:.....: lute IUdaat.grthro H °j IAM and. 1-Ull xr1•'µb+u tleJletm wi,tauonl"ICUaw. duly Ad-N Srt'. roe M.11'„a Me Alomm):{Armee. pie. T �'e 'f J['gYt? alo„ Ih11 .. . . tlx delete... ... IW p pt .:: VI W..:::1.1. .... IIm INN. 1 U.Ino•••wlnw.,X\You°le,"[XfZA' AM. M.AI , ,1 Ip Lh (tlF MNvw. �{ L '� OPENING PRA1 L• R. ` �'�•1,tlYyM19 pA1n1 TV , .,. IMI Iw r' LL M.1wylrnVlW),.IW Uw. Y-Umn'.k:"�pNNwwnlntJulh."lli LlmrY. Aro 9u-A.rr,4.m9 Ihrv.4i' 111 xV,lrw.. AS.81'rj .. Lee :'.r. 1w WIhIN J'{- 'NN'.......... . Ims IJN. L-h..AaMr "NmhirUx,Lu:'I(Y Umw. AM. H-u.nbk.•AIUIMrY dI J tole .. , �.r LnL than of fmhlmnDfe tote mm nD the pa,e MMI too.. . ......... .k .: .. IMI' f ;' IMYmlee low. X-KOlvbepobYnl"Mils a.YN...:.N Idea. .\Ila. YI-I•rIM.wI--.look'.JDTA N p Iw '91 lhloo re' .. in pride, r ' Hephev,b.-A.... .... . ...t'411WI4AN,I'." . :. tut e1we w 'ur.a,m In11 Un. b-trdoe nor.'•Toe nrnam:' Aux. H-Neunrnth a4rN; •n No Wrli ih r'A" 1 _ ❑ . . ...AnYYIh... IeN RAwNR akk M... . . Ito INA U.iDAN.... 1X11 ,{ ,. shad 4nw Uw. A-ICdo �"^:w T nut Ian^Ir.,"1M umro. Lm,a -• a ;V,d think It note Plebslm An be simply e4e00ed I+'� ... .cin -�Msa--- yy pMeY1 , I-nal ru e 'eehwl O11"N Llmr Ile td d0!de [w YYdi to n R,urnl,pn.Arlhoe.� .... ...Rotlmd...... ....... IMI RwNMV a..:...: '..:.APnIhlw.auMm...... 1X61 U.a I-1•rLeq: "UnIIJs NWIw sY le,e, Yeade• e•P• 1 1i ,. I - ; p ,-; LA !heal est W„IY!d R a 0 - L.- Had.em Wm9uh. ..mmMnMl a.. lW orMw JWb ..... . .QlabeY.Lnllwe.... . lel{ .Ira Cwnel(Ie ".6,in umo. n auto! S ,11. O •_ mid such aWrt o.a ID-Into { - P r.nr u Itul........ .. _ .U.1._q, ;... iW Rn pyLdwbd... :..WwbaTh.... . ... . 1'N Y 'I)w1 1141yy'y,ah •• seq. I-LJr<:^fke IN NC :'U lbnr. _. /apprANr. ..... e.q n^r,,RR .. afd1Y . .....,rwJlm,N.Y... .... . IXN IY<- 14-MNlwn egY[nl"Thr mol four hlW;'MNgW &PV B-New ."YI».N'Iig,of tM trlLMn14N1! ull < " 'C O {<rLW fa01g0 name. etUDldoW 1mkR and od0[a ^ mlMmt_ - I�rMeaw,Qa.... ta" R.w°Joha grayylr.J... . . .. 1X61 Dec. u-X,wlwkLor. py.roan Of x.da°¢BN6"4a rat nig! ur1 }Y -..,. ,w,Irka<• d..1W MNMY A .YdIYMro.... ..... ... tlN Umw1 Lr1W til I maul a .°'., 'C Ito loam Oat then e1ry paatdy DUQX WOY Wlnh a0 (. . e ^-'�� t•'PI ,': I I,t' (rr('Ater q4 .,... , Amwl OSIOC MAOI.. ant. [-Ko1Vln. 'TLA Uub,J KIIIAYnnn4'r N nmk nanib: ltnd'tnost Rlerekfnl (:�Od cled,Mlp R ... .- rr ........., ............ TIM 0.u. 11-eburWowelNk"Tb Grdvel4a,JWA"(IX-0. nrV,. [-IIemIJ Bq un1' iW,.gllbl Wr,"If i,w C+rry,LlrooaY ((' YI °4 Ri♦ ... : 9[11' , .:....._ .:: Tali" r•::. ..... IW Il nulw, MI'4 s-xnloWrh«I.0^jl u,m.r ror1l„<..w i:•,.o. C r-•. u 'o eery aura. -ell -worlds,--worlds, and .the .r1�11 te171us 'Cloipertu,r o all ��,'1!lvs, upon 'J CoY•a.nwrtb. t IN Ura x rYlnoowl•'yhAAM,AnIw1 al Jyyw,"NUmw. INPt. Y-N'w Yu4rdwn•M It'�.1 N .Imea - ry7gY{u........ / '� 9 Becomes they've Lao ontlexi nnmm and noes n f CWMq' d.' 1N0 k .... PI. IMI My It InIN Mahe:^Nene.panne. �,(ba�� '�,�, ` l'INk0. i, .,.1114' MNJ... .... :H Yoiwy' Tins: INI Ilea. M-MnropolN.op$n it.:"rwtoli'Js U.S., 9'pI. J_Now To, .'•rh'ma u•m..{w,l'pu..,Num... ._ 3 I 'yr7Ykp)n '1V@ are C1Cpe4ldEnt l�Qgt'1if3 earl gill its bleltetn.r`, 'Ili 1VLtlll)llt .1,ae F M4 ... .:'IW .... ... 1p Qvtle'-! IW UAL. In- OLDI gmo9.,1,BH Ietlma ib.ANW st Cond O°• wASIt. IY-A dbddd :l'll'b4eeL Ad NL ren"IA 41' .. `• - d mlLhtY Curb . ... 9 =' 'C nut..I, to Doth your apDell e, end ymlt empmlr -p tb i6.' j g qu ysl. ... IJw,eb,M,1. ....... IXN lade. M-dl..or."tLllm eel'"Mun4a don, -cnemm 'lin wd.C. hI4,..yc.w Num... c c •- *hose :ALvor no 11''1`1'man enterprise can prtyanctintlN r'pvr. V - l .N,,irlpy J Iilbeww:Fn.n... IW c ._ -O m xnTldq•. I, ., tllYkaµ- l Ye.....,.... 1 YINh,r JA.nM1 ..... . Iu YI K.T.. ... . IW Duo. 9X-C11114m rho ON AN Din/'YI Ilm+.pp Lmbin, a q. le-tlunb.n-r •• *TL nk.m•'I R).10 J:rr. a Cq' wilygAaopC ,..r.,r.-.�Iyprr�.gMlgv Nr11 N6' o Lwaon.. .. talo IR tleu I py Id rl nil NNh IW a rw. Mq. II-1,tial"'fNe'r de iSm.o. 3 :p i.-. TM'n'a nolhtaP U'µa er+At pIR Nsnk eXt Yr,Qaes - tbYNNIwito .... .. ... 1rne YnY et,r:. . Ira WNytlav µAJrMo......rYe: : IMtl Joe LIru4-U, 1°� Mtl1'.IlovYuwou:'Y{dura. n+yL R_1>l nv:"Nnt�'tr at Nl41nn1.'111hrw. v T 5wq],t'W-L'Yr• L..{tee Rk, r, Lord, 1, on,ep Nm ir... .. . InYmbr YA,... ., dW- 'LIIW....., .. nlmMewrr.M.......... IY:1 J.e. [-MaM,N Th ve61re11n."IMI Add. IT.". u-C1Nrm°+^hunlgeAP,1.Un.n..w'a Islov. (Y•r t v C ...yP,t,Ir' upon tt�}, w@ rll� 1.1@Q> V lata the It ht Ir Ira CDIl114e- mW J ..-... ,t1.1........ IN! •Iw. n N..Vdd;-rAea,v Nam.. xa". Is-u.A.bT LH a.,,m.,.t ode Iu.l ens, E ._ E ._ p 1l J - .:. Joe 11 Uroud-K:•1 The MMN Rid Ibe Held." M.. Al". tu-a...... flop WII.r;'Aall woU N y yJ •• Hit bmf boy'Ave MONO oulnment, mora body- Ad ^ 6�ynBmy.1Y t' y ',L:L.t o' ..Z. m.....,. .., tW .. ., v vski E sad bless 11'R-R'h1.l we are to,,ether this el'L`I'r- . 'bYoiH, ilea„e .. .. ...r ,.�. .... yd,, ,,,,,,,; JyIA Ads. J9--b.1 'u tl Wdr MBI1,1i^la mus. nr1J. 11-I:emd "TW L`aro ,of,M PuohNA,'1111mn' bgndmL woTW; Iforiq mLM qa :.L.Ndnk. L....... WY` /....... ..... ... IW Jw. IY-Irrini VIA...o M.A.U. tl.P,. YY-JN4,.o "1'he MnN 1 aWr,"Nlq Nvo nR• 1 ,� E -� N IAA N6mYli.. : ..,., K NnJ........ GIM' Dwr n1 .........,,A°dY.MnnleYtpNaqw U... IW Jm. IB Il�aawq:"INawn4 Pat 11 r,r 8141mM� MYt. YB-n"A""' Iqunml 'Nn. Ili Lhdw Be Ila♦ � m m � � m11WOn. InmO Dn nOUrllDlnR. and ntRteDUYL ,t 1t,, . ��r ��`T all IN'A.IMr11 tP,ail...1...�: ..1.. .. pM' . ... ... Q.w,Thai,mty... Nd1 Jns. Is-cNlauf'V^ItelHw bale,'•N um.A b.oA;'nw,mn n' C 1^ s .. of Yauv east, be done 11'1 Idyll spirit OF Clln,rlty and 1.Trnthel I II:I 11 t;NF, Falld Iyer . .Tao. Id.K,Wnbnkn: fJl .'91 Dmn, s.p4 N-Noone nth Nl,wl "lo^e'Yn R,w, mom. IN. rra.M 4gegllW.- -tll Y - -N U iMPi hgrl [............... ••. 11(( .•............• IW glory Mur Pa11chIM110.'•19 W 1 IItil4btty +A tYwI P•I.14.dm:'Lhox. ^ C C m our CMOken. dwelt mr turkey may eUl[ pWtm IN Mw,d..ala ppA,brae ... .. 111• M '.moll............. . INO Joe. M-MAdlAw•9.e :• 1'M Bal I.k- &-wwdwe 4 k •�' 9 r f love be blessed to the promo(I i �� , 14 I4ds.4 AAJ WatMw lYdwl... .. IN6. HLrtlm Mer.. IYYI Dmr I-IRA, a amw 1 11,1,s.w It A I Y1 •Imw'o In,Mr,.'ml omna, �p p very ane- m user labor. J (lit)IH l.Cet Ns li.mtA.J dew { MY,1. IW N., AMT x VIA rR .••••. . IMA food Idea a 1r,. s_Uww e... Dalen! ! 'n V w N C r denu^I.rn. 'I W n All euro. b But these can take a back YNf when Dm DsmH1L IN weIM11 Mr Aa Tdrk(n NY % IeN aAJaNld - ..: 1 J IoM Joe. 46--.0 I'lled fl Ilph,tWUln In\\o.un'.gye." ,kb m_MAw ,•C L (() O [., estsi alta HwgH 0ygw klmp 1WG„WN...... IMA 9d(Im.A. the. 11-L'I.. fe "Ib'eded str unI C 2, figs the Bae, Jlate2'Y19Yn of oar l.]@IOYLMl Order. IW4mJoko R 1p'nM 1 ..... .. IRs: Bow Ip nagtllon. .... NedNa. .. ........... low Joe Ys�.tMwlnY 1..Th.inannr xn r.rnne,"[n Umw. ice,. io-Am.elmlMouah oNoia`CgnM• .1n LW.w p .O v Vleh.QpA and fowl maY narvn to ntaY lie eDDallta Un.,Jahn 1 IIsi fa. rYY hrlwt... IJN n^. a-Mtn 'rb,M.naw11.'Vn llmw, Now,Grnon J.Y..+a Ir. ... IMI 0. II - 1140.r... . •M• nn Rk4•; 8A"New UAwq N ,4I. 111J nbY; awRb puegtid run P- .4 _ F �'., aI Of.purr; ,,�,,A�., .,. IW AM _. II Rmr°°.rrn1PtJ{:� lu.. .. .W. J Y 1 n<A. ..... . Itl11 i.e.J,e M UNl 1 �Wm {� 1, i.. 1 - �... �.:. I J NA trawl,ab,dY llmr I1nt. Il-K IY 1Wo en 'llw4o.nd'JpHA.°tN..1F Umn. peel,! ntl ever In Thy fent' Y ,t L ��_'oy1w�,'ylrainN F M pty.... let II M ... IdIB Feb. 9 Inlet 1'Lw in,14w.t1,.^ lN,. 1,-1 Y i I I Ye.kh Utr. •pberMI 7,U mw1 rRnt me better whm Ito Yoty debt. load 11'IAllnln till{t l l with aa'rnr,N1'aerl 7.' am �II,�wN h Tort(YI' Net Aw. I--Wr,Ara:.1111.VT... CIA. ,,it..,nely'4 'NL Ie_IYlnow, 'AYeawP! ural n" U.L MDrve [•+ � O g�p[-l',o�•!�°,^.w,�mme' "''�i lllC r1Ur P Woe. .... _Cu Me,I,.W....... , Meo ntlmw,aMl,to Uma ,Joh. 1n-W.We. IIIaMdrJ I�1 dl 'Nll naalua, 117 'A •. tomve act VAN b1Kh-taped Mends. Ira. "ch dalat, an everlasting salvation i and to thy great nalllt glory gJYMre RQA......... .. . ... sp r' dM rel .MI guy IXN rib. e-net,Ynµeten••.fw.Bw weo•'lit.),vthLa ,rr. N-L>wnm:'uo"YJ' der°1°° .. a i;o E' risen Fo by-. glop.kre I'kl" - Y "" wJ i ldhavirwrnisdoo -N,, tY-lldil.� Tri^ .IMI .oljoa.d, rydI .: 1•II 6s,bMF., n. .,.: ML Amon.N Y- .... iM0 rAb. 6-MonrlweNNtnd."1W,a Cts Argo h ,j al 'IW .. ....1/wMY,4,W4:',:... Ido I,road. (St. YI--Inln`I`h<e "Wlnrwl.' ,C t.f ( Iv1n PM'Vr1 tale ("I I„ a plea. Of ppmDktp- PP.iJrld �lrltt1011t !loll. .YN.. M�"ik.A;Abinl.RNdNe Rn TerY' .. lNjelr '.Y'eflifi •r•• .•.. IeN V'b. it tamwb hell:...Poe)iw a 11. ,• n<4 11-NAw YerY: •L?rNbPr(U.J.w N wwe'. .. 9 6 old. -nlnpaam(on Pr es. _ No. 1 Dot. el-KaloYwhe<Yen oldish"..kbwl g♦WIVY•(w), ' PNW.Chol lh T . IW p1lm bngantsl Mw.. INd Feb. U-L 1<.••red!PDT-,1I prod.. Y111m.A. N{aWa _ SeY. F- YlnraMAld w'III pJ - Awp pf : Net ,q RrbNrYU 1"i rid .. IMt VAN. of-I�melloAcr Irh.lilh hlela"(R.h I6dn1N; Ilei el-Y...Nm!halms,"ThebnYdQy."Ithin1. {.Amul"r. Ar-RV1Tus _ a IWIo. .. IY:"1' JAM Lhlilp. 1,YXn . :.:: am. Unly t 4qab toN6 v[L,w. nor. s M 1 sdo aIle l.°tw is lm . _ B Ir.• 8. ... IW N QDAY isNa DATA Pel. 19 Xew hr 4 i'hA {hanrool."nI1ITS o N^r. 1-t <1 Nmr enRR (nneM M, �) - t [ "J m,.:. . ... {pp' eP00♦R Apo(N P.rNyap.. INA FAa w urndw1 IDCYalodCovell. a+umw. h^r. 1-nbw ,pre"Qrl.ru IPewY;'NIILmm1M, JJOOKSFLLisR t0i �'Lt'(1'ONc.R. NO. l9 - nawnrfl a I ally IMO YNrYp°np°,ChvN'vJ.l.. blF lel. 1. INS Feb 4[-Lrla.l l 141wpn,4ltnaleluhrl.•' Nv. I-1 4='. .Ytrwtl. •1'ko N'.Y N.=I -., .Wl ( ` "C.1 - - A .aarXNY. f141 {'b' IAL... ...n.. Nr MaaN,l,.].mi LL.., TYA.h{nr RnYlJ _. Id11 Mush1 N.wA 4n1 'In^the l'.DeT..1r It 1lur�.. 1k PCCI:�JIJl) GgrLiCr of lbarcr '�1rCC1:n r OMYMV- YYn.UYYaa-] . .. IRI T.eYh Omoea ..... 1'IYmea1Y,KWlnrd. . INA M.rup 1 Inlnq l'Irro '1'Ir IMA IM ewA):' Vnr, r_A^.dA,oy "RrA WiWM ntLN' la LNlll nnulve. 1 OIIs,r4 L' w :.. lead 1`Am P .... l.eran.A.........._ . IA., tl.r.h T anlcYnM'Ye. '•Ibmm,",ILI.Ad aura. Ver. I-LIbMy1••IJtU.Jaha.,Jaw. .NI mN1.i. d. -'-- -- tigW. - 9W- p y°j-I. Ibmk Wue1..J.. . MIX M.mhll UnJ.w, ^Mur 1•ni"1Mn,'•BI Uom, n ,. 1-Lmolim. ••xb MotUnw"Wllrmnro[. „' +1ON K1 nUrmba.-{.... DM,d.IA.... .. INI Mnwhll_Jlurlck. 'ok.lUllnb l•owtt."9l tlmn. Nor. 1{-NAw Ag d.,ml 11 IY Q° I andel. BAligbit of TLI u„+.. ,. .. Nor. 11-r'Inw..>„•rW c1bre n',n.k�ln r„a lhclae c Q6tY.KX .1 'Adleanfe W Rrta oa o. n, -• ,,,•,:, IW Nunn I{ 1•Imwu1•o Alunh.Ala Aont ♦othleg^ (RL 10 Nur. li-KNaterhNY lim'1+ y), dmr. �} i F48- { Woe- - T' We have l dad LO Qts sa >brob Vl pw t.,rb XLnai+ rhAdw.ln^lea at MblTPn, Aor. 11-IY m 1 IJ tlndok 1u.1..nlml.x. W.lpl 'yC ■1eYr, JUU ,Ifo MOA... IeN Utlmx. xw. It I 1[II Ap lhl idler 'lin. - 1, sr Starr-r'� aepar d Offers wen ago m WO Inl'I�'r' ro..,:.. IR.i::..: .. .' ^•' NmngelL ... isle Mw 1J 1Mg1•Lwt^MrLrhmMlAh:' Nm. uR{'p, ,(�d ;$ -. ies. � wine; after .bleb they departed and went into a 1 tl:.a 'to.o.pWn.e Th.), Y1r Sndy NI..r. "',LyJ i IN..Ynk �:1C t•,I uu Mew o-6.. AmMMaml do a,.I. In-, nr lu 1 N I y1. �. .ea "i" oAAY iw �np,r. No.. to 1 1 pest II u TUI,.,moa. United States, what Alin!! be done unto the captain house "f mirth and gaiety.• tiM. v-, :+• NmlmXlw, IMI throb M_C=777 I1aMw�gpl "14vw. Nor. M-N ) I . N.M,. t II Ip lay. llA Nk- .,. M,Y I WT, J 1 ,Iw .. .Lis Ira......... Iso, April [-f udn, rte fyQ:LUgyy.pp nail nmxe X... 1I Y r 1 kYwJl I lu Imnlm. lhCreuf? lilt such a thin hath not been heard of r: men a,'w6-'"b '•.My°:otos ,Jyal I AJ nr,i X... I wo,Wallas:::::' Me Ayel 1_Mn... A \Mvo Mlnon,IH.^.umw, No,. V-11 1 Ih11' II . .mJ ,Tang. g �7 Now, Il Ig WI'lllt'0 In the wards Of SOIOIIIOR, 11 the 11rn,n.ayM�. er .11 ISO 11 do .N I. ... 11'hlNMl lib.lY two Aral "ID-Ind •rb.m'nlln"IO&0... rl Ilnlr •. CIIII 1 LW II 'llll 1r- IL. .nL ldnnlb:� :.::.14nale.J............... tw1 •\Ddl 1-LTwum lW Muoyll,h�r•M was. Nor. VI-t I1 fl :A. dill Ilirwmin . among the nations of the earth. 1Yo lt.u.u,AooN. ..... (4U of Yw .......... II:W AHI t-boyoY The tlnR'ntitlon ofs !'tl lLnn. Nor. YI-t lea- •i'ha i,a F"IJlnea.L. •navtq. 1VIIOAC wisdom bulb not been excelled, !lint, there is 1F _ _ Alrn a-KONYo bobs: Ili.nk,liWNKIN,,"mucor. JM.. rJ-I,d,r VI•.:'•a. IT '.I 11.1.' 18 And Decatur answered, and spoke unto Car• a time to weep, ;,I'd u time to rejoice. Art-'o th On Olt. 2T. ION. the smMlon I the new unser- membele at a rnmmlulnn to decide upon MVIV thence under the Haewm saver Is nosed fork. dell, SUNiAg, Vel Ily,thou art deceived, neither Will 28 NO hokilc in the Not many day'{ after those flings, it came to Ihrir Maynbctwc nn('11y Hall and tbth gat non the West emmenda nefomllr ek undnrm underground system to tache The canUaat dens Int t9 John B. Menanpbt. "a Ciadldate. I L•d harm happen unto thee. ,las, that the hearts of the lords and eounaeflo.e , pod :I'' -Hide, wog o enad. The dee[train of L enta,was Set Mayor n July 16, IBW. On arc. 2J. 12M. George 1wble tlKnpl N Feb. Yh 1990, In [he 1'nmptroller'x o f . pp omen. Ground was •ret broken oe ilnmh a/, lO aJllneny tm amBdna 19 Pofy to : it came to lass, about three Wcorc P k do H Nati bon y Mayer McClellan. It left the City R. Read and others, acting in conformity with front M the City Hall, by Mayor Van WYek. Tr, Purte bb Olwar. L'Qh. 1 Britain were rejoiced. dales sick, memtmro[lo! the Rapid.MTranMryingmm pCMOimd u Ild charter 06 f the e l a. s of itt%i a ".ended. o .Dolmas Peace was U5,In9,M the ennteactor nRrao MAWM Catch hmey aa(e: " .mnere ne,d guests f the Interhlnou is Rapid rude com ilbsion, Its follows: Wm, Steinway, John y.mIng s. build, .antis uud nPnre le Thn mad for Ofty anent to lite elan . days ago, that one of the sU•DI,g ships of the king,thy 29 fn1' 8 Cei'lalll IBighty ship, rolled the South- '.ulna ile b°' L Yeflm. The anlrocla wa. rrqulreA to turnix6 �I m.ster, 'remelt CO.. winch tintalra the lusher H, d.,I,k.P. geneInvot L, nnbhe. Samuel gpid cerTr and security to the amount Of$7AM,lxe for the faith. Fame-•why We Oat of her , II1C 11AmC \VhCPC01•WAA called Gl1Ci'1'le 1'0.fell em to B, ftp❑ upon 8 gmetCP vessel of the United lit P P Frucedle. the ern" Of of the drat tram there Mr. 0 aka ori, Jahn eR f Inman taeledl.abed. Bo err fol high the wit of lila dat tel. RThisapid �he old pompe NAL stop ettaiLMt t: an Nils 1'C Ul UI1C of Lite strong ships of Columbia a ee� t r thereof were exerctael In Ilia C1ly Han, oPeOed by Preel- Mr. Oirnit who did not 9Ua11tY. John M. BOfaaro thmtlgh the nmenlmlla nC the Rapid Trnnrit JtmmY ohrldmphaq Y prey L P (. 1 a, $l l t .1111 Rl'dde capture IhC of unto the king. ,vete ;Nene Chase. V. AY Ca or the Bard of Aldermen. wee appointed eaunxl. Xub"Y Construction Co. Augunt Belmont, prrel- - After pea Mn., Ar McClellan Ulswe straiDalliH. dont, which guarantee. Ida Mo-0sndnd'$ cmnph•- ]en'd It Mail and they burnt her with fire upon the Waters. JO glut the storm M'osc and the sea brat upon the 'dcP- '' 1'C Nreer, of Mlt ., MayyDr McClellan ane introduced Perfected o tbA for ed of Al.rums railway were!flap of Ms Contract The contract wife dn•taed ' 'as the prealdmg Oliver.TiThane were .ddreaes, eubmlltet is the Hem rd of Altlermna Oct. Yt. last. Beatlons by the eontraclor and nD-let Is Murk with debet, duenoy N 20 Now vehen Carden hLard these w'UI'ds,his heat's 5 [hc vessels, and they were cast away,and they purlrrl iJ;cr. ' In the order namW by Mayor McCleilen, W'm. end !ling were aVPmvaA on ala mmn day, Threat. Imdur rontrnamrn. In taw., an act of if,. 1. I$In- Bone his afettp. leaped With 'n ( }oi' hC dreaded tile fi'n1vpA UI 111(: cried lt[IR¢uon and fear oe•uceem prevented my.tura errnlnin IN, ContW an McDonald' sal ned Wleo OOutltuemy P .l Y AYlllldel'. 11p011 all IgllUl(1 .bleb Beth Far In the soaflg m to not lac i Bnremy Par.Ons, Chief Ender IT O[ We Rapid bids when the franchise we. oRored far at,. yl' X g tell Transom Comion; J ; If.AlexIs is E. ore. Pres, Of this lits Rhl to operate the undargrnund rand to Ili• Likes 10. I new kin r and he WAS lad that lie stood not alone ul the and the plan fall In abeyance.1894Created eat T tell h' 6 and bulb VCYSCIa IVCrC IDSL IOSV• ke8 W > the Commimlon; John spoke Smnn, a firm R of new ImaMood t RaVt W-- with' welch woe ilbe CDmmirlon. who gpnkv for We dose RnpW Transit Fifa d.UWhich cumedlealnn lovas aatlntuiM 'rRenlud far Wn[ Pmpoea with a NpIMI u( After en on 1 I _ Temsit Comn9mion, nppeloled In IeN: John n. iM IMO,OM. gPamnMn C,aMee We Liwd¢ewe: to, thing. Mcoonpld, wild Uulil its subway, and August Bel-;WM.mllown: Alexander E. Urr, John H. Starke. The mlerbomuWh Co. In IM2 also wok over the ,sat 1 itnoat. Press of the lnorbsmisp Co, The heroine.dem. 8talnwny. John H. Inman. Kath lode and Manhattan Elevated Rellmad Dn. its lease le rot Aala of f1•L 21 After this, in the cighteen hundred and tl,ii, Ala was far gnaaa.it by Archhluho, Wnrl,,. John Cl.mn and M,ynr and I'D Pm4Aptr.dlvr ox-smclC 929 lace beingTenn. oeRJAW of hoose. ter n our- 'V Onl otos mlia o2 lqe subway were oPcned nn f[8oken by ow Wnndbury Lanndo i.l Then det.ath of Wm.. rNTEMPOROR Wal lCellth year Uf the 1110S1ih11 UI'a, UIl file fit'st d;lt' o1 A y gg OFi RAPID TRANSIT CB, FA,nn.with A Iona of bar 2 *'fns• rn _A?et,Cl F27. T umite ed Ly the mennRom.m ilea l Steinway on Nov, M. 1.16. brought cha. Sh•w- OmeO. 12-21 Park raw, table. Head, leA•6 We deny: the first month Of the same years and oft the hl Slh t United Starea'brig Vixen, 12 gulls, G. i{; Reed, ,m ra'••'r LYIL Got YY. Tdena. y for Frig Doll .000; for!ar`oSmitenmmb t thO original al.I mmn dl's un bridt The nmreve and directors nt the Tnirrboronkh. Barroom phUasnpher that Y 1111000 IMJd lYnssenaere: for Friday HO,OM; forthewh n a, n, q�ob rlitr.359.90:for Sunday.W19,Af6.Rally el-nrago' Rapid Transit C.W. are; Auga.t BeIrd"t. Prod.: E. SlmpiP Lela ens day of the week, annum nder. ami:: :wd0 b'aver 1822I(lea he to„dinantu•of X e subway 6 ]bro6. m d woe Smrneeaed'by Obo. L H'hehM�rd P' Bryeq Vai -Prr. and nen'1 M t.; B`red•L l'l1 1 wA I _ „ Lhul it ARE ss S 22 The abip United States and the ship 114::ceto- .� II ilrl. ]0 m11e1 May 6. 1 Morris K. J. cote Evens, Bec.:John V. buck. Trane.: N, L. P. Dbyo, IMnMRI the health o}blur `the rued Is of four tracks; for T 2-6 Milan. WI'er,l by''es.on of his elecllon to t e preeldency, of the Uhier Mrs.; 1,. It. afnlwelt. PiketrlNl Dlreetar. Gladly'mid rJleem- s ❑tan l'a1TIC]nf0 I{IC hnVCll of�JC1V-YUI'I:,having J)nsN- kVaOlts; for 10-4 mule, two tracks. There are 70,17 amber or Commerce. JeUn C19nin resigning on (Too. Gibb., Cnnenitlnq Fog 1 J. Yan I Dir Mr- � alai ch mf Ud of track altogether m the oubwnA The, U 78TP. erenled. a vacancy, Permitting Mr. •hooka! Eng. The Dagrd °f F,j,. Or. Mro: WT. 8>laiITu low be:� o[ him tCCI ihl Cd a l'LJ'f(ti 11 d.tll (.IONS JLIrC Called I{ell-e J " -'R Baldwin, Jr.; Au lost Rid oat- F, P. Rrynu„ jl I gate : and 9 the ' IJ I"I' 11C subway on tile weo Aide,b of four!reeks from the Orr to continua In the 61,616, after hl.retlrefnpnl IJC11. W a' 4r Hall l0 10dd e[-, ad th.twe on to HAITI at. from the pwldency of the Chamber o[Commerce, I grew Framan. Jae. JoOrden. ourdiner M. TWkim4 lib realty- tlCl'c ad: :l I:c .{}' 1b% Ih.0 d:;}'• Ir t b of three track.. The one[ elle Ilan, rannlnH which made him e[-omcio n memlwr. VPon Wa Lann. John B. MCDOR IIs. Waller D. onktnall fl MAIL at. M BronR PArk, Ie nt too Ueok.. IReview.. of oenrge 1. Riled to ,I pplace °t C'the Jngn Feleen. Mnrinn F. Plant. Wm. A, Re tllmeYn[ YpWI A .r1[V 1 '1 Two Week. toter /he eget Alda Ilea u !ar ate Porullon Coarses n Jan.,HOT John Ftlaln dens re- CulAunts.VanA,•rhlll. (I W. V mag. 1. oild:' Md a ur wt 12 And tici N :I I, t�rl-:II raj 1i6nr,,s ill lice ci'y of -=2F 146th At. den. opened and Ie Is expected m¢t 1[ rind n member of lea commieblon. on Der. I. of LinOnrurnuorl Itnnd Frank Iledle 111 L` , will be ready for traffic for Its entire length In!tool. Wm. Barclay Pomo.. restgned as Chief Coal- - - Y' Topdspold lila""U.` , J11c U'-York, ani tin'n;ghuut Ilia I:md of CnIunlLi'a. on leu then a Year. and that the rest Aldo line.,seer. That Mmmlalon, tharofora, n$ now am- CoMp&Ta t1Y0 Prices. Graft tm Wa Wtyah V]II {Cal (NOM HCUL It. to Its terminus, at Inwood. will be tituted, Is as follows Pre$., Alexander E. (INC; When Congressman .Inas Stars, Williams VIMI 9gWnv the Cheek• 24 f1loruover, these woe.n sumptilflas(11micr S1l'1'n f eompfeted within We Rome time. Twelve thou-;.Vide-Plea, John H. Slavin; Woodbury Langdon. a LOt'ry mmmlttm Nil nf. his t ;5, and mm were employed by the co.trmct,Ir,. Tbe.Cori, Stewart Smith Morris K. Jesup John (`let .ew vDIU he never tall.In link Is at a•Malt kind to Is;lpc, Decatur, aild JUUC9,In honor Of their{'lthunY i nuPx"Ifials, force Co biped Of YM men. The num-:11n; See., RID, L. ItarrowR; Gbf I•tng.. line wad snap plmlded over 6Y m Wit lege,, tip b L UGOL _ her of eubfe yards of excavation was about 0.2La- 1!ayy Chief Elw.. Oeo. M. HIIJ•. who wall formerly r°MmAr In the tvtllame fhmaY.-HeaehmaQ rev hrp>QIy deeds 7 and the uunlbrr u{ h R guC6t5 wei-c abtet 1'(, AMI„.Mi which Lfg,�MW woe Of rock. in r.mlraeuon„ r aaB p�uMm selected as lite mmn toe ILe Bp his stat call M found the old man m GS,OM lune of sla„1 and S.IIOU tuns of east lura bore Y. .blob wad ored and lougm stapp><• ThoiN wan Min: 1t22Q fife hend•C(I. ' been used. There were laid 'J,O,tm Yards of en-I bitterly In he,comm, New ps wets drown "What a We matter.64fM1"akee yr.WRnsum, '.Thep pit 0o Oaeay. t�d ION, cele and nuartY 1.000.000 yards Of waterproofing. And by mean.of a commission appointed by Ch, "rM Joe% been lone out o'l.om,M7ml , MAIN "rgaoh`hop Katy 2.1 And the lnhnbitano of Ncw-York made a p;I I a of in the operation of the m6wev, ria onmetl, t.ygl Appetislo (hurt- Fla[ DCPurtnmrrt. the nRrcwn, rtalm.and Mlal'suldneh'papal!."tepllMl llbH Was .men see employed, fnrloding$wilc6meo. Yardmen, 1) ublalnlnsT the Individual m tie Of lf19a '� fC:1St off Lhe Dtlllh da OF tI1C nlOBlh fUl'lhC oils. ;:vanJuaporn earl motormen. Them men were the nonan aloe We pm7 the Dpt•e111Neuy g mmn Wow obviated. In IB91 WA -'I'{6adw aspRd{9 tpYs w m.man.woe.tm tpli yQpo(Jilte9i, 6 Y 1 ,.0 ��*W DA gW eJesrtb: •" n)al.acts that wrou rht in the Whi of Columbia. -ppock at over IY.rkb who talk e:oltminallone fir [bel conmat of ell lin. t the City fall. ohtmnee ►,GdtR1�'�-1' LQl I trolta0.m'.DY ,1� W p Jobe. That loop 6eRlnt At the CI n FNo usmmues up NAANs I.b,,sista dbRAM Why,Pn to M - The hmterY of the bubw.Y It aA fallow$: Fire m. M L FAYett°id,: thence V,4th Bv., l0/'Jd I �_, It p161 Daft IIJ� I with Lhe (lrit)1.i111' of On April 9, IBM. Mayor Hugh J. Brent nomad nl., b rMadwnY. to Horth at, .dour It hNnchen �' �y^M^A-1,Tt0k0[ppd hs• 1CrmL•:H fu.Ant. y HIr1.I 'li And they Lccame In+•1'1'y Orb,do P. Polrea Wm. Stomosty, (!be., SaWart Into two eMILlons. One emehoing to Fl odorRO w'd 'mw'b►w6ohe: and-0 - _ __ Smith, Job" H. Stavin anr3_AuNal Belmont Ax nod beyond In Marble kill, dent kingage,i�a0 the 'd'•' Yy Cards. lit sen bunnoed -1e'U r �ff _ - - - TIT IF �2� �, ,�timet',, ,Le-. 1•l� dA �a . 10 - { e �tdl e. Yankee Purupkin-Pie. � IIt 1y 9 $rye stage in New y ortt ifitl!• 1904 You may talk about Your fartlry cookie and an the 'Southold 'r�ry �+Y flIllIHOD tCYN ANII In illi TUM UP LIVLNO URAgATIC 00 RUMCAl vp)O,Y: B RLCUSU oy IMIORrAN'I'SPY 1'LoAA ANO 1184TYAIA NWrM NOV ghlllelt it Il d Irl n 1. ILF.It 1:nL Ibm[s they d -take. ( 1(1 Division, L��O12y •-j l to,gday.mmI ingw N."Inlwr ill,UNpwn11W h his fwrk AAW..AN"Thar by I. A M Feed c, I ., The tpoU.+end drl'WL'dgkeB Lhe1 ibis ateW and b04 Maws. B ti iw_ lio,u, ffiea. 8kaphe#, awn.W bWg'e avd Ma uaWN, 'UOAYr(evm"NgmN.l the Mwnf Uilll NLooP-Uer naaj'nl NmN�1 xteher Be F'IelAn' - AAum, 1519 IldmnA.Tdmund Po Ter4[qty.. IMI the Uwn wvl',^IM tlnuY,l Ux UMMl,Naw Ampu,dm,,Nd Nr N,voY 1 l 1 be Nee L"t9i t(m<u.the lle.4Met A , I� W do ILN, aNNN M ae Huaw l"8rNI0bn(h:1.NUN:tu Il, f)wl b) ?•ra�IPr+y',at Iho II rWlfi^x•111.« . YOU mdy ,at,obOot Vale wandrmm Ltlp In mN- JA ' d AV 1..nn I4A..... IoW IildMvd,Jo,e JApil}e Nrw If kPhY.... .... Wp Amdnnyl"ImgN, IN tlmwa M,enter vW,6p Bvray •••fb,Niel Pron gRy� Ai.r' ter tt;P4`pe9 nm meUufacnAre DUddlpra. Dlb ~ No. - �irV AlI m1,8mm .. .. .....llhnndAyr rRd... ISN f Rees n.A .. ,Yew Yo.Y LII!.. .. ... lest n yM nAp R Y"q 91mN N 1.h,Yluloe4l"TBS LlYaq of llome,'al Alma,N aw PonrIN Nh Holes- 'N I Im,NI and bait-: A 1.vNhr,U.ery. .I[e.dl p,Nnwinnl . .Iia '[We A ..... . . Valmlt. ... .. ... IBM Owu4ehe N,.IaN v.Nl'ITM LIPItSWt Hibd."w Nmn n,IN 9.111 s hike, if'UW IYullifil oma b Ill. IlOw d tt - 1- �� A:Ium:,N Y 8e.rumvin. ill. Ie1Y lr,lo ll l 6 ..DtlJBnyad Cl. ... .. Ihte Lp pa,"1'b,Went wonN In lAnleu"MF IIWpBRb Awerlaw{a"raP rent{)tlhnr nr Jewi'bAlmes N lNe hnlpbv; and l6ltB: AnRplla,llnry 1 1=2M n1,xL L'eaad, leis Nil Nl Ylm dnku, IIq ••Wag liar',I,vuBhuer'111he,pn lir awrloY "IhbLu,^adnpul lb N d ny-"'rbx Admlrelab CMehWn.'JU 1N/- - Anlmghll Y _ .. Inv h. . . .. . ata bel .n ... .. •.......,�.r,ulOmni,ll�l..�n.. .•. . INY llmn,u Lb l�,ywuM'ev lnv'r'p'h{.Vlihrrl •v.�Y1i111m a0vd Pd a-LYrlow"Iw, " R), pLimw. (io please toolen¢p and GoumemdpfmOandiablM 1'.- - 1 ' A 1 11 1 RI Po n 8 yl d 1NI 114. Igvb Aar. M,1 nx 1 P of iP, Ib 1 ... . B NI A .... IN batten Jog A _.. .1'hibdtlpkp.R . . UW nA o¢ ( yM �'CSII3 OI It. .-noon Ua E ...._ ll sel n 4). - Red �.Ieen,1( ry ACJ n .. nnndphorwrAb•8orlud .41 No•. vie-CrlHlnn"MIN RI(dPM1h4 1 Venn.'•1.Y 11meP. APd�q�prny: 'ell lar'are`tiuU,ald,mvn ;'Mown. I'or.coin[.lade.neU M.a pa Y j �A j1 j Yom/{,. all LL.. . 11 w" In 11 . ... AI 1l, n.. I4 :Kari T ,. Case,In Old... IMI Nee N WtlLOY, "1M.Ga LLP cbnhmen"Ya nide. a0 9-K I W mwY new- 11-11 ew- _ •I ix ' 1 8. { 11 )L Y. .. N If,x.Y IXw 'Kenhl Wlil II.... 1 Amm� . . . Ib11 'le•. ie-NamYNeryWxlnal. 'TW IA8h1 eY(Ither U,yp•"1'I a1nY Y-B41 P11 1'hP Nnq from l:hlnv;•b�lm.a. n. ,n,� 51 r . ... I dl INs IKen I I Mo.tt 11._.. . . thuew,xlrq O l„W.: HIS limo, .utNe el lln sal,"01 limen But for a l[011aome moenel LLDO¢wMoh 1 MR rolY , IL L: Ino l'IK•Ir C F. It 1..,. ._LlmBo4.8r:xhn't...... InAn Nnr. a0-ilu lwa "Th,\ferns<o[Bltl':'Bi time,. 11p IS SoPLilla;"lnhmmuilooe"Nmxn ni y 'Y Juet glue b e•'and wedge if Ymhx Ruiaykin .. 1 KdInYN tl L M PI rIH<,N.1; . . Imt \on BU-Amerlvpn:"Vuvnw plullH' NILrx al<Y 9B-V Wt Y JI 1r 1 Nen. Ilrn h .. ... fnlbi 1,Ian.. 111a' Ndd Knl n.Y,.. ..K Y .. 3914 IMe. 11111ur •N'hnV.lboMWYr W111Puwvl"MtlWl. IuIY A)-N1 k oe Held dl V Y:'LI BIB. t,� 11.,•.•,Ir I N Fouly _... IYXY ", NII �___. t /IW iiia •• IXet Uw. 1-lwlnol"tWYlewnaWenh'•Ba l(p1•A Auy. A N. 14 n1< o eUl :u< ,_ L '+r""'. . Op Ibllr bl M1p NYI 1 NU INAI W t 111 _.IPL 111 e.JbrNYlgUg) nN IM J-nfeavk:"WMNw hln))JGIIv,"1Y aril AW 9Y-A YI. y tb 4eN l 13!741 X1¢0 -' INe. Y-NOAva ea:" NAr q' IM aids. Mg. 9Y-n nick. lockolyM a1 Pi 11NiY1 e�. L Leo IhMe M fpeplevnble tYla lUr¢ nD the poen IJa 13)m NIIII 1.,. INN a...... ..... Iql NNNr " P 4wun. ENING m I nh. J .. I 1 ___ so Iboak A try ._. . 44 MYm...:. . .. IYN Imv. b_Kolek.ra.s."tl1'. .pblXN;'q mai. AuY. N-I'ANw JeUL1 LINNP 1 Y' - nl,vl.n.u.,n _... 111 Il,:..r„ ._ IX:T: wr myNM ., ._. y IND. 8-1111"flFvl"The al A,:Y. q-rwnMnlh awe(: 'ad, Wit 14 V e.' p In DRda. �� bad,nv _. 1 alt Mp'n'• t And think 1t flags Dlabean to be"ply eatgdad 1 -I 11 ',.. _.. 1X311 a(+ntlld Ill inti.._. II IIx heA,nmm�l}.... -in IMe• Y-INlvkv`bwNl It,l�lk lNJRNII BGmn. Nrnn �, .- n _. b, d .... Ixni Nnnbll Hol f1...... _,AYnhhe,fleolUW..•... IoM INS. B 1•rlwwe: outionda "M ca so, VNd! LN t 1-INulgb: Rxheol Ulrl;'BB llviw. IL,.,In O •; In4 thong eat their Mag da two 4rAe n!),IT Ln Bttl Buul uneu \ i,u. INe earl .. [.n .. . . UeF lip.Cum p up1l,Igtlal P• xuere'a rmnl,Y, p •_ and each Stuff _ « '1'. _. . I I�I4X. i IA1mh,mai A Ura 1A-Irv(:: I'l.er a�l'TN IAmb V.ull n INyI. 1-tarda:"lax RofnlONt.'It,owe. .Q p ' ,1 avm�,:ly Il alt :-:.: -'tln li•AM.:.:.'. .:: rt:Y ➢"vP.evh..l..FCL .. W�1�nryA..Y ..... . Ol Dm. la-apolw.8�.1. " e mel PromiSlilr:'N Um q. wPL P-Nrh"$n.Wl[r<v[Wv W4beq+llama:^..li r "` tolyp ford names. etgDldolq looks and .dote ^ th,t �J��. �+ I INe. 11-New York. roq V.r:envf lNddvo.Ildl. lof• �vnl:y. Y m a ^ and Most moroltinl ,: (�.1"t'.I I VI' [� l h(. i 'a<,ou Uf it laid d._..__.. 9{4!11 nom,all.( IMi N.uo 111 ...... Ora N•1... .... IPBI �p > rano P• rink GBoll h: '•'e aaOdV 411rfe t 1 Cdhr, Yu.+ .., N " Il:ne )Lprlc If llmopl lamb JO tlnll. Nq l- Y-stainr 'Tle Age.of ScUllorwil.o ��� .. .. . IA - ,Yea n• IN< Nelw v um. .. .: a.11wm.... .. .. .. RnY INe• 11_NNrw(h 9lrNlt"TM Conlon nroduf,"(li.), xrpt. a-Ra lld Mpure. 'IhP xrellnl A.' dew, r' ^p a Leo them sal thele airy tNBlly Dnrt+they thick eo ��'I �q�, j� p yy Camllvll Mr..IMle.l 1i. 11. ...._.. .. 1<6ir)I III. II .. .. IpWon.. . .. .. ... IIM It d:nn. B<V6 6-hnlaknbeell -A All l'r uuu:'4 mN. r: y 9 Y'erY aloe. 9pW'1{ll.g Mab l+i hteglll.�tA'V®enol' of Wim' 1bQln y,M1, A 11 (4m',Sf ,5.., ,. _I I. I Ille1 II A yYl ..... .. Ner Yerh(9y. .... IaN Ilw. 16-1'e nww I.The XlnmwA of J.1 ed Nwr PwL. 6-N.H AMardAN."A,—pro en Is lied,11 I6 C - q ,i ltemB * they',. got ourlundhb nalpae and cant a - �p� ,1 .Y p {,da •'' t♦,v i1,,,,,.p_ to .u. I 11 id li ...... .L'1.wx 1l.Vt....... . a/1 nor.. If Irv( Phe#. MVMa vaenM 0YN alb i nW allose.A 3 e_ aJ mightyrice-- ..:ar�J 1n dependent leo rife find 7411,ahs ,F/;WOpingsg -Q'nd ''! it - man .- : r O_ 11 I Zee. .... 1H M. T.1' lxiA IULr 1 1 rt ._. ...:@oluflml _ I. 9111mRp. IIN'rYe,4erYte............ III AI Ain._ W.ry EI .. OnmN.name.Nughnd. Int U.e N-AlMepelllln rry,AR XavN:."NnNihii'ICr11W &ePl. Ir naamrt ITh.111 ;hmwlr.'i'll,.l' r"' O Y L p U Y J Ill W-agn. n Meetly hint Ann: N IIVNn, oq Nry' Y net$fly. I,U onto YOUr epP.Rth and Your etamaetl t��� (I,ailnu.K4 .. M1 1 �" 1.3• Pl n: ll Ibmnlq Gp+d. ... .. IoM .` r ` tml'.IVIIIb,F....... ._IJa,4,.n.1r.1 Ie0 Uw. 9a-BP�e}1�tiWtO(If'pdmM:h1W.119900. apt. th-I•�«nmRl '@e p,VAo-(wilo JruvacWYAt1NN. 0 S 0' INI Uro. w-canrlmr•T),d Dell.nla;'M Ilm.a RIIiPIre, get. I_)l.a.w" Rwk stern fahadll,+. m v m xensry. lPPttQB@ !OM1' n0 1:'C13H1'OLII Anterprl>!e .All' '118�"IY1Bn@t1'rl'� prflA])r,. i'M IN IM1N1)I. i Wh41W ILnM, $Eat. 01 elo:"T ••BL eYlmN. D. 3 - - TMr00 nom nb a Ihf"eD bM1 phY11Y of YAakee 1Na......... .. . IBm ) tI, FN"aRAaP d• r_. .L L]vu 11 ml ..__. .. ' I�.drnhA•ax.een.... . ISO J.a <IYIM-1llydoY: •7 tY ml:°:IYanymeoe:'v1uWv. HrPL IY-ul nal••M I:ormes. m.^u LL <V� v ._ �„ upon ust, we ilrILV thee, 0 Lord, the light o the I L1<m.t{1I1,m 11. . . .... ..le1a,.1•. 1.v:, lyA 1.>:.nII .1.aOn.. . ... . N,nnWW.r'.Me........ ISO JPo B a.ehn4v: TAIV 1n1Pn"IN dmu. r PI• II.-C, larloY:.... .o.' W..n.^Mum... w E .. �' Avemore¢uhrlmant. more body- ',i I I I LP-- wmr+wM1.WJN,J_........ U 1 1• ,.:.. I :.ul.. 11. o...... ... .,Pre#1 ben.rl.l........ TALI Jen. s-t.w vaM 'M1ne,Uum.& P. 19-ILrtoL Lpeelt�. P III 'lll.) d14Nr. ' INIIel.,Fle lk .. ...., .,...�IMeN•,.M«•.. 1 ,, S.IL.Innm Joe 11 nre.ago 1filMdvl ud lid Meid,"a NmN. Was, m-In<lev""nn Vutlq Wlln NIIIrWnln y y y :tl ROMs tleef laa9 �V• ' 1 ) 9 `e g� suit FAa ....- "! ... ......ImlMrd:.... .. - ... lea i.e. Y-WI /M'(.a Mnll." iIImIe. xe t. vl-..men: •TM c.mnola:t ie.poop..,,"Mgtmr.. •" sa ? "a bul1Am[worth: :WafabO Q'II(] 11114J8P 11N r{I"11D1i. 1®1_ ibl'L t0..8t�t.BT' N 8 6'�inp l:l t- All .. . _ nm ,rid III n :... .Infiniti Gl.. ... .. !Ya Y'vr ' y{• 1 t, 1 g O O r - til 11 fl.•,, earl Nel. .. IIa Joe. I9 lming$It.eI LINrIe1F I Ni lx-Ial C'e Mitele Wed. o 'n + ii�nr�iii.:r:urilia 1 u,•1i:,14'011 HY il'.Mme.N kl i.e. . tie wPl"Ihnpri.1.Poll j'JI IImpY. NePL 9P-Ue.bde) Lyenlm: 'Non N. Leaw W. Imus --' 1. -, T .. .. VISA, maitan, Iamb he env MhmB. mA atretoblpg X..:.::......:. . ,n14.a a. .... ....dabdwli7'w1n(+ lest 'l .Al �7, x< L N--Nwad."II rwl:"T1NnAannN• E - $, b0 0 ok oak or wrk may emu Into �8 done in tide spirit of hmity and tiretherly kinds And i n HI INud,' ti 11m$A A O()'our Rlrtl,. Q a 'll scale,NrMrr I&tai IMO P1si To - NrxT 14!16 ...... Ilul Joe. Itl-CN not An go 1.d O. Illm.1. [ hnv< 11.1. Unlmd MIAmNown,9.11 IAP Tido 411y) a.drld . Itla Jou a-KnIUYn6'vYM. IpyI 911vw. P +� - Y011r bl m. W m I AI .Unci ._ .... . t ._ L:( IMn<ry AahnrN ... . hael. . ... . IPa9 Joe IB-M,dheu I.n.°.ThP&an4 pt Pd110tNyyolly'•IB NrPL M,-I'rlmwN 'A Wall lhd IC,dat:'JNovI. O = C 0d 110 fila pfOlnbtlOn. Ot t 11:. 1 IL,a. pi .• '__. .r I ., I yl. 11 x•amn.Mm., ... . Ian dmu; Sudo.,tallmwl lNlne#r.DY tlmn, ,Nl. x-11kow ',"Lloo'.1alep,'eA fano, Com ,- c O in".O.- k� tlo r...•I:.. 1 �.. : L.li,:,1 _. . I : rrx 1 i :: . t T Y sus. ... .. len, 1'a. a_inl flan:^W1u IYl ub.rl n.•• V rt y uf l•OV0 UQ e em.41YA a n to o -• liu4 thceu om take a Deck slat wpm I'm puilag { n..F.I. _ _... { , 1. u'r1 . 114<.... . 1 a .... . .. LN i.e. 48--(:r YA oma,.1l, 11Fh1'11elLIrAO Wemsu'.M.Yx," IYI. lo-NMftwmrh,o '•Ta.xo<mr...• +a urnw. ' $ ,r� ests O ourbeloved, - .IL. . ! \t„e. 1 '„ I'l e a M It ..e d 1 F,1'.uA....... 1.. w:. W-WNedW 1"1Il N "Nlu loadlD. ''� L C L. down Ape Ilse. ,{ Jen 96-Unrrek ••ILa lbm gni IIOal Mnm ml. IP-LYaol"'1'M U.nnVry"1r NmN. L .r a O . ( rdelb: i ..J.1 n 1 :, 1 _. X11 'H. II n 11 e .M,Jdd .... INe eon R.r 89 NION.. p m �+ L Plah,doh and fowl may Sera to stay(bee othea ` Ina Wh AI IN rkA.h.Lvl..... IMO JL H.ma7.' Yh mal u,wll ''�'lllmx; LNl y "'I, aAm dqo�yltmh lkmW�LgpgpY, s. Y 0l aside: y - ., IXeI a,4 UJeI i1. .: .pose.ymWn. .. . . Ie11 Joe. N UNy N 11 L ftIRI- < III,, 11-11 lok rJ.31LI NyWl•,Iln stat T I. 'r• r'• /� 4 I., 1 11 I a:,.' Not X.Jec,I J.gorMr pose. ,..... lad ,Imo 1 1 M tlmw rN". It-K bk aNY I BelaN IWipfY1"l,). (Ilmrn. p1 _ 9rpi yen mtwt trot me better wnm 1 to vola Caine R�� till' OV®r 111 the Oar end W1B(l0nlg ,and save llti tt I All • 1 1 ' ' Feb. 4-Iain i'hm ❑er IhveU.n trot. ,I�brmi Yhee: 'e!1 4 UI {G F 1"n ... I",I. 1.:9 Roo not ,1 a... .. .. .._ ale 6 : F o Dome. p,1. �p.r.� ,t..vy, I FP..,,,,P. , 111 r,nl' ISM N'NeII.Auk .,...... Y YfA C11 .. .. Itl14 p<w a-WNlI4 "11N Uoxv l'rlrax,n Ptm.L wi9'r t»4• lM_IYlnena•'AMmB.hem M.r."(R.I BYIIm... r� 'Q/, t an.everlasting salVatLyu`..�and to t11y great' name be all III'. _ y J9 Al LIIWn. llh rnne ln,n. Ina If time, 1[MI rA 111 ek6 Yo-Wnbr'r 11I"I'led 'Iy�p1sl.,Ill ri uluB- ✓ .'T-, F lylgv. net she hl[p•toned rlanda. Ia4 Meb Aal¢q f Nlvlut,iosame . miN tub . Iba yea. �gvbkwhdarn' 11 11h-1` A 1.x twat IIM. q-fi tl nvY. Ntim.r $g L diel,pU Dy- �,t 4.,LYevy W.Lmol<,TbaW,V. M 4 m N t tap Iib. I-3bu<Iwetl ulna' 'I'm if Uld Male 'Ca lkL rt-bel 1'l, t•1w.d..,Ir,Nl.suet.{, [J• ' (l �rthbut bLiY< 6tl'�pl• uM mlyd,a,M.mlln. .. .1 1 rt A A,. IaN 11100+ UA, }�I 1 11 vn Wrrwirr." I} f aVt PW:'wfl fns. tYl In $ Vlene Of DUmpkin• - ['- YY II..I't. f rA lint Maw,Wr .. . .. -. po. - Feb. 11-Noned.11ai "The Mnndpatl ly." Ori. e1-A T k: rHnnll l 'llt-).On limo. v 9 CL pia. __-- _-____�B1nVlmm{ap FHU. ilb:i :_ , 1PM Mhw AUR31, . . .._ICC•bei le.IwlN IBN Fol. 0_0o111,11-it, I,rb: 91 Nw.. Ua6 al-8nlabrbwhr ••a -h Arlo tbmM1NeNlviol X.), - -- NA. &ak.m 81w,ni 11.. C m t .. ... INN Fob. 19_L1rk Time:W lyloatl 19 Nn 1lke 5.� *'�t •. 'SY _ •. n1. LM IIIM. 1ej .891 �1. IW N,P YI-LL'l I; Tl "17 IlIlil VIYhIl,11iJ,In WAN; COL. al Voorl.mlb Ylnel:•T'h<Brrl.dgOY:'l Um.n V 7 < f) Vy{yp ( - :-IL. "I IA...loto Vat,__ - .'N M1I Y n ... .. 1e11 F.h. !111,i 11.N'hl<I,vie n,nw. Nov. a._liodil :"¢bel l nln:•gllmwl y� e �11. F -•uu, I, 11 _. IbN INronQ atm ... .1 A °9 N.wY,ek.•-Tin11'pnUPom: YlIloI Nor- 7-1.Ydv,%m. I%:..bporrol,e.na, ' _,1;{110K4FILL1'.R' l'4 STJI b ,�Dr 12 nit mti,u IaN :PHnlaw•Adebl b... : I'ub.F'u.x.:... Inas Pon i1-eel "'fba Tvoh.el'oo.nlf'lit llwe. Nnv. 1-m]w:'9arp.steak le wnY: mak ravel,. I ,...q..•;n, _.,. hrk l ln......, Ifee' W.vYl1;he I.A. IIw11X.lml .L ...._. IbN Rrb 9e-pvlua l'hee. it'l v '.XMldil Yov. t_YourlxnlaaL[rb:^TYr N'q,o KpeON.i' vt{II r -, �i 1 -J KIM, ....,... . .. t v..,a.r,., ...._ ... I•In P1,,,14n Lnxv ll__._. TmYsFImR BIm J...... IS, All l-N.. A mrd 1 .X be terrible,"I? nvvinY " IJf`i;k. Siil), t..fA'gCf oC SVAhi@R'YitCCie t i�gSa4�i co. At�,a2.,a�_ _'aa�t i I+ ____.__,�-_. . h ,r,lir I V Tid 1. IY . 4a,8x1.4 ,_ SEA batI Imre 11 'I' l kllee.. ;, Yue, r_AaWemy:"TlNwball.1.i 'tie).Nall an uhg. _ ,,_.._ 1 I 11nr 11. r 1. uta. IXPI M.mh t K lm M 4r' local",11{1.1911.1. Nor. 1-Llbay."LIIW Johan .Imus: MRI Nne1nB• - T1: ....I. ......-. f1 1 .i'1.:... Ie1 rn Mll _ :.t,wu Y4 dr.: :. loo Newh 11-swam,"X.rr.,al 24 mmui, Nnr, } .. Samurai..if if"Vit. vie, � ..,, �IaFJRbA'�Y i. N ••rl ,V _ 11 Ali- It. It I _ .,it, le lean BLnh 11--N.rdeY:••TlsltallnYl'ox1,"43{Imo Ror. lt-NPs Amaude.:'rUµpt yl)7 ka.,ubrlaY. < F1tRht O� citta. II: keLJ N .. t 1e -1'Ix 1 11 ... LwJ i act aembll-1'rlvv.uf"Much.11o Ahmt Nothlug^ (Rb 18 Post Ii-I[Maleraen4r;•'R.mhl"y]LLI 1�Neb [taaG Yt lFO� kt111; WholtBnle 'W Rcl OIt ! kn. _. D II Il ..n No•. 1e-141ner.p: "fan('limlNn'• a.k Mll m, toy. 1.ma,IN.n•h:n_. .. .. ja,.,win.e,h ...... all B file aI1M t'M,mr+'u o..,lnr.I n..m nnnnr Af 11'B pn•e often h1tuJ.d W We gMttlnir Wh1.11 Yl 1e Jb41 I.R Itmeh vt-Vis.I .1681net. fin AxnYeoin or Mr-PIPP" Nee. 11-19 ['-III I4 It Lmnslml. areolas with Iunl.fMp[ awf Q She CaDIdIP' u: 1 IAw ;T1. It I-, _. II 41 Inial I'D It<Im.. Yes. h 1 1 .YI t1111M:x (Ii 1. Fl+n ml,Ur1ilei -. ... v 1 ml,,:. 1aV lNn r 1 v tmk""I': IWe bomb Ya InIwY 1'lae#: INrpaeaanlop^ Nm. Ib 111 i N WucJ `/ ',ell WIIICIICSte1'a Wa3 uMIlllCl'Chll'f CJptalll IIIA[ 11 p - tl : : llu ee ll,,hoe,It .. 'hYnIn 111 1 5 tat ley .-'.. . Inn M.eh}LN.IIw Wpm:".1'Y. Iwo Urphoa"lRd,ea Nov. )¢ 1 11 1111 11 nud4rn,hr 1 .. .. n ; I iWn11 . :.. N v'm r1{q� . . Am W.I. 19- 11 call In 1.n Jn Andes I 1Jnitre i `, ¢ -na:a A n, I J 1 A.. ..' IW nMou Wglm 1 feel M.rth 9Y-RLrceu IIo4xR,holm'aum!P. Yev. U-v A 'li 111 m laj WCs[ ;1�;11ns1 the Beva(,YCB. ILIL An Ivi .. I le , "o.. 'l, 1 .... „ . ILS dn4.._ IN, A06I 2-maim '•Pa.foo Pee{n•M;mr, N.•. !1 \ ).,I 4".11 J 11 Lae. thereu - na-n,N I _.__, U.IIn.IrnN.l. . . i.+m1 NIN.ru F.dxl,rJd. _ ...141p11Mn,8gIsW .:. ,,, Arial 4 Pplm.e.^nn AMNnMk1ul.In:'htimw, Nnv, 9: m I It.rill int la 1u:nLD l� Vr 8 IoW the gBVe6Ca had bcenasore thorn in the l' " YallWeleble M IM4 AI'dl t-Cdnavo:"rhe[Ilrhlor"IOa stun. \ov. 91 I ', enolrp. alllonr CHAP. %ik.- ::.) _.._ ...... ItJI Av,u 1-Lye<nm:.,".a.n<y x.hr me It . Ko. M 1 I 'n.'e-ail ndll..'.011tai tail � !ii(1C of the people of Columbia. earn A 11i I-Tho Ne ml, of sal en•... 'r n.. m 1 "n IN 'rN hIJdINNeY.,"nOSf.B. 9 They held assailed the hold which is called chit•" , - u„ 'e,n 1 _. ..... u u n::..:,. .. law JIV. A I... ........... ab,k Wu .....:... tea, ,lin AYrll 1-NUNl.ebuOYrt: Th<tlkeph•W KI P.'AUmw, Nur. 4Y-Irvlux liner.I.Nor UNAIwIdP%• IB . - - -- - -- - -- deo, t .'Iffair•a At the north-BRirnlidhea-battle of Prep:/r- on pprf. 27. IOM, the wrtlon of the new Under- members of a commimian to decide upon Capin thence ander the klarnrm never In mime l'arK, a Chief CflpUt11L Whose IIi11nC was DCAI'bOPo,8114 (hell• 1 SimRnd,CAF Away In Manhattan, known as the sub- transit route. for the City. The r-ndoloaon roe The contract Urns lel to John n. Bt,MR.14, 7Le Candidate. Cd harnl 104toq cn the river Raisin-capture of Lien. Will- l a way halween t'ity Flail end 116th It.. ell the West ommended a four track underground system to the being air8n" on Feb, 21. 1900, In the C,00ldraliar'S: , '�` Rn mbrl'9 OYI'rpOWCTCd It, 8114 they IISC(1 drtrlq god "- Side, wait aparall The drat train of 6 care,WAS set Mayor on July ID, IBM. On T1ec. 18, 1980, Demi. nmee. Ground wen dent broken an March 24 In MgRdy the oan.nIate 1 theater 1 arnlrf-7naVFaOre V •/nuriran flritonerA. in motion be Mayor McClellan. it lett the City R, Read end others, acting In conformity with front,of the City Hall, by Mayor Von Weak. Arbe I pude kk elamr. pet m death the men, and the women,:end the infants Hell earl.. At 2:11 P.M., carrying city .Meal., chanter 006 of the law. of 1671. ae emended, as)- contract price we. $35.m,m, the contractor agree- traklid,each hmdy date: Lys U .m f tnpenhers f the Rapid 'transit 1'nmaiWon and oiled for a Infielder, Mayor hill Appointed a Ing to build, a Culp and events the fond far aftp y _ that WcrC found to IhC bold. Ufl('f IIICy had ICCOIIle cmc,,. and guests of the interbomUgh Rmki new commission. as follows: win. Steinway. John years. The entfnMOr wed regUind to furnish 1' Height q SLA earl .rI nlaStel Transit Co., whirl, npsacitee the ..bill.,. H. Storm, Eugene L, Radio, Samuel Spector and eourlty to the &mount of 8'!.000.000 far the filth-;FMO-Why me dst of her Captives,gave, about half a scare. at PrecMin6 the ..rung of the first train there Frederick P. Iran of the original tepid Trunci jut perforin,., Of him contract. Thl.-he did-- Poinu et him strabinAn r .were ex,- On In the City Hall, Opened by Prone- ESrnOtAlderman. rntlp ii did 14. Inman nuawas lsadadiluln At nrdvfarr through the organization Of the Rapid Transit I Jlmlay Dbrlsoph"r, t .II ...ib �tT IQ And their howlings along the dark forest were i 'After pi¢yer by C�djlliatnrt Board .1 DRAW H. wen apMinted coun.el. 8411way C.natruclbm Co. August 71amn4 Pr�Pl-; Im•t n greaN :Sul ll' NOW it carne to pass, that the wickedness of )t 19- mere terrlhle than the wild Wolf, (Ind lhsli' murder. I'C dent, -bleb gunrnnaet Vt. Ml Donmld•n (»mI.-1 Ferfected plans for an unilateral railway wore ion of .bit confolet. The contract wait MITad 4 4irccr. of Mht,. Mayor McClellan was Introduced .ubmitled to the Somild of Aldermn Oct. 21, 160E jet. mations by the contractor and mob-let to;YaYk with wpM. danaY �T 2Q fain had roused up the spirit of Satan in the savages mis ciinnitig more drebdlul than the prattling tiger. me the prrsldlnR o111Coe. Thee Were add,e8 and they were appinverl on OR,marno day. Thecal- under rintrarar, In IWYJ. an net of the lelhl>-' Sopa but aldrete, iCa)Ci of the forest, in the north, anal In the west.In the order mored by Mayor M,Cleflan. Wm. PRod litigation and fear of Stillman prevented Roylure eredrin 1 ! 1"' 'RAralny PAARSmz. Chlef Koglneer of the Rapid bids when the franthisa was offered for Pale, his r1❑❑ R It. Cthe u de Mound d t to it,, gyne endtUuepoy 4CC 11 And the hcrvanta of the king gave them Co s- f 'Toa..11 C.Ron eolon: Alexander R. Oft• Pres, of.and the Din Ida In nbeyence, Intertroroulhart to a RIO Ia the UndergrnunJ rend [o teal Likes IL I often. T king, $ And IIIc [OIIIallaWk all(( fife. sClil ll❑r kOlfe tYCPC 'ill,! C`ammlPalaa: Juan H. Sarin, VIC!-Pre., of The Legislature of Into crew led a tea' Ra Old br intact far maid Trunalt Ca., which was After atm.,passages Cal I {x• - dl'l ilk p1. the strong waters R( Jamaica, wr13 know- lethal co aon, who spoIn for the oral earlna, Transit Raised. which commotion w a cooallut'd a purpoeo with n mDlt¢i W 1' ( hall i raised against the people of Columbia oil the bad dere Poic t. who built helsubwa In ISM: Jon B• a. follow.: Alexander K. Ort, John H. Slant. t1ine Int COMM ma glad¢ewer to �' k p 1 illi{' that they Itill Il as they dad thitir amill souls.. )C '..Dnnnfd. alto hull( the subway. and August Iia Wal Steinway, John H. Inman, Seth Low and Manhattan ElevatedCc In Boileand ell, 21amlcaao Over is 1..r Atm e1 eNlepgpe. t.IfC 21 Of the gl eat lakes. 12 'f hese Were the allies, elle meBSlnatCfl,the.corn+ )'r p ! mon[. Pray, of the Int y 0,U h Co. The MncAln••John Clualn nod Mayor and Cam trailer ex-Omrlo C I• V 00D years. Oaesne of bootie. lLl' l tint was pronouncedhiref by Arch a w Farley. Bells Low resigned on June 0. IPSO his pleell hPing l4 fl ICCiItt $ So the people soup-lit after a vnliant man to go paniuns of the soldiers of art itain! hired IIs NNIRailve. +n �k Only nine .lice of the by they were opened give taken by Woodbury Landon. Thr &.th of Was INTERBOROUGH RAPID TRANSIT CO. Fame,with a tons Of her 2 the $ 'Uel. Cl. FIaVMa COTpfled by lea management girlSteinway on Nov. N. Ins, brought Cho.. Stew Office, 13-21 Park raw. And, Head, Iia,$ the way: rig calk( tile` savages and the men of Ilrbain• I S However About this IIn1C IhCIC WCI'C Inane 11, U 1L010n Bald..Thee my afonal f'ernoonnyand evening, art Smith, one of the original mmmieaners, beek The oMeen and dool'ara at the Jnterbarouah Bellmore pbnaeepher that tell defy O Anil c Into the oournholon. John Id, Inman died on Nr¢ Rn i 1 Transit Co, aro: Auguat Belmont, Peter, R. 4 0 1 ll, y pitched upon n cvrtain governor oP brave ca 141115 of the people Ol:Ile United Stiles Iba! t1. lSatumvy. B 2R0 ul0ror Rural IW9a h belly,eubwayl6• IRM and wee Succeeded by Oao. L, Rives On P,pprynn, VI,e-Pres, and Oen'1 M .; I•TM'h day rata sae Clln Wa - g P 1 I Doli be over m .nen. For&clotnuce of O 7-10.tiro May 6. IND Monte K. JesUD enteral the one rA Keane. Sen.:John P. book Term,.; p h• jr. neva, DMklnt Ahs health at him ° 22 (I of the states in the west, \Yhnse name was Hal'- Weil[ a -11141 IhCltl, �by rsa..n of(ala election a the presidency of the Cnfef 1Dng.; L, n. &Iliwal. RlectHp41 Director: pilin 1 g C tIMI he $beamf risne,e and the great 5unhedrim matte him chief 14 Er'n Rns;el and Hu bins, and Tu, cr, will ch "I 'abs ks:,ana of tour .. two for 7 2.6 melee, three Promisor of entero e, Joan Cmflin flea ting On'it". olhbp. Consulting F.Mg.; .T. Van Vlerk, Me- [Cel chi r p I p I radef for ml„h tinea. lwa track.. There are m, 6 R 'mlba of tJ&ek nnogether in the eubwnY. The Way Ib, IRA ,.yanad a vacancy. Permitting Mr. hard ral En& Tl:e hoard of Directors are: Wm.-�lirtllu�w � of olid Ctl a 1 aulrweY on the west olde tr of four trarge from the On to continue In the board. after hie retirement AnArew wFieemen Al�Iep�t Jnurdan� OradipaBrlT M. 1801. O'a C�pta14 Of the army. Campbell, olid Williams, anis Olh('I'p,lth011111Ya lhC r IC Cit Flail to i48d s[., and thence on to )16th e!. fn'm the preeYdency oc me Chamber of Commerce. Tlokitne his vanity- lhCl-C f D6th xh to Ittronx The lot two tackrunning acceessi neo[ him C, Blve. to th. iaco M Cor- Jolm John P. Mi oll FaldPlant.l Will A a Read' Imment scull 4 .SW 6 Moreover, Ile was beloved by the people•and a reri i.,v.,gos before them. pp Of Under VandroundHf ll, O. W. Radial Cwnerei Supt,l Aad Mm aTbenity the 4 4u" Mighty hug(of husbandfliCn WCle, ready to follow a1.- 15 -Ind Intent thCiY VIII•IgC%,t and laid W.IS!C their on Two weeks inter the exit oda Zine an far atm.refits Comae(in Jan., iBoi.Jahn Cle din seat ro- of m-HUS round Roe. Frank u., k y 145th at. We$ pini end It le expected that it[ 'lected U. member of the comml.slon. Un Dia I, [ Y• ^Touchht"hl,'Mil." i5i('Il'•will be ready for Ingle for its entire length It, IM, Wal, partial Persona mi"Id 11 chief call- --- --'- - --_ - - - -- ft l'him. haIIURIUIIY, and 51C1V Illdny of HIL'al i lot'Il In written s Yepo than a year. and that the test side line,'net , The commission. therefore, a now ren- Comparative Prices. l Graft for the o11YTu7, Vali I,a. oil, t _ from Hblh at, a its terminal mt Inward. wul Im -dotted, In as fulluwr Pres., A,...ads, K Orr; - when congressmen .IOhn Shore William. viola SlrninT the Ohmk' 01. 6 And Harrison Tested his army at lite stron,we hold LI the holy sfrin,urck,. it!ood fill- blued ! JS melploted Within Ape Pane time- Twelve thou-I Vice-Pres. John Ii. Slarin; Wo,abury lmngdo, 7:vcrY,ommlaled 1007 his .and man were employed by the mntrnton. The Chm. Stewart Smith Morris K. a",,, Job, Clar. New York he never Yell.a look in at i amal7 kind to Iso � 16 '<, -r[ rtes,Iny IlTatt d the SJVagr plienilers ' .mombsing farce conalted of MD men. The num- Ile, Sic-- RIUn L. idurmws; Chief brig.. --: Iles wood allaP Drseldad ever by rip Old neem, Up to me ¢eek. $ Of 1t Clgs. tllgb IhC Nl Ltllll 12x1)1(15, WIIICh livth 111 (110 her O} cubic ynNe a( eA,rovnHan was conal 5,212,- Uep, chief ERR.. Us.. S. Rico. was wq rarmdrb'arCMhner In Lhp WIIIama faM1Y• Reaahman MT bmeang w' dCC(IY wily Ul "ON L.•'tOWRrds lli6 gll'OIA r W}I,l Icll Ib((1 tit, hands kindly f rll'Rt1Cr ALLfI'l l'Vd _... W. n0 which LpgUP1 was of roto, In cmglruellon,,, The ousid aMou hick w AS thenotefor th:' On bay l•Irn call be Road the old klrry y 1 y k S Intl! ul ill ultl ep, Yt} eS,Oou fano of steel and mass loon of Cast iron have btterlyr and he m rip New 0l r(nd fnahl "yykq.the mutter,I,eMp"asked WIInCpb�, Then all A, #your Il h hC 1 p r f, 7 N111lhcl' he in- tit I' CIIC pelildv to buff-'1 them. .. Orem user(. There Were laid ovole Yard. of co"_ gl1E WhICh ml,In file InY111CC of Lhl til❑ pan. wore drown, Y} I areae and sanely hM0xTi0 yards of walerpnnflng and by mem.of R c.mm{wlOn eppolnnml by Ur• •I'le ;nit been done out a'sOme money. Mateo' w(burh•him"414. 25 17 ,1 11 c ,Iib; :lr p'Ass, on the fw(- v-son,nel (1':y If tonded la n lurch in the )leasanl 4l'uxoll Ili tI1C year. 4, the Operation of the aU6Wa-. as openM, 8.8001 Appellate Cpurt. Fleet DePartmxnn. Ula n: conn) deka,andlhat'smeReh'nollyb;'repliedmeae[m, Skin the Ch 110'6¢bae117y �.,.1` WOt rt I r .'mon are en ploy"1A. In.lu ling .wltrhmen, yardmen, of obtaining the Individual .waging of Coltec s'' ,Uad a A,,rala mice,-a map ao7,rip'wept me 'lgovlar appue, fi feast .'conUUCtaI and ,nacrmul. Thebe men were the Owners ailing ma mitt. A. )bVisted. 1. I", the - y 'Vit 1pIck of osier 12,0Pe Wbb toot, eAaml,atlen. ter Che ranwnt of sal local eutha ;tI,. wxa obaald ,4 40AL an' Not Al pulled.an' he changed Ips a': on he 444e wMelirt marl. p • - -- Inb.. Tha met.ergine at the City Hoall, ,,, umia nil "ter.a whale dellen, Wor,once doom to Top.; Wel a p 0 Palo I thti Maj. Gen. fit". R. Ilarriaon, Governor v' Ohio. 1>rr; t'rn, ibiolh r. li- ` 'Me history of the .abWny IS n$ fellow.: Elm al. to Lafayette PI,; thence to Atli SRI- to 42d ;p• I wept lo:aN Oce Tluker And he pulled goo, - t l afros Ptd[/Jit ld�aLabJr. Inn April D. Nkr, Mayer Hush .1. (front name'l -at,- to Brmdway, to (Mtn sl., whore 1t brnehen I f-_ -'-- -- till( --"-- -- -- - -- �W - -- __ 'fJrinndn R. Potter Wm. Steinway. Chat. Stewart Rin two section", one mccon,ng ti FI .messe �fDgth and btrodukJrg�a1, bone, and mlly IA - - an - m1tM Jahn H. klnrin and Auglgl Belmont a and beyond t Marble Hill. mor KlnxabrM`a tAte.•;H s,m�`: """4 bacopd.'^f glraia: - -r. -_- -- -- s.TOpd.Hpingg to ilm_I_SMto I rnne av, to A t e[. Ileh __._-_ _..__. _ �1: I L - �7/ p•,,{w�aA,¢4 , 2. >La .d fit. b,Qj S!o - uo-1 : rhe Maes. Cps Atage in New Yortt @ftt), 1904 Y9ltxee ]Pumpkina Pie. Division, 'You may talk yabout=your Wrrlg,cooks,and W the Southol J../1v151 V lly r nglT LAP.M AND antra YRAIL9 ant LIVISG UIt"A'1'IC *Nil AIUBICAL rWel.G. a ALl%Illll OY 1?1R1111'ABl hg\V 1•and Mll I'll F.AF ANALNI'V "Thit 1 IP 1 'Vxl)lt II J. Ihoua ldlfy essr d Southold uk piny,n'r It,nI Nnvemr kir•1,Iom,rxrmW 1^les,Falls,1111 it, TL Unit YI 11 I I r 11-' 1 n+ The tndUFmd[lel'WU dlaD¢a that they 16eW and LOQ 1 e•1 tV rlwr A II IA Ra.a. mnnplw Ilf m ' Neuss. P6'Ihpiw.. roc..JUM sanA My Uu lwl Uvbrl,nvm•'9a amwef McXun.Y 11111:"WbveµUs+liw.'"111 e 'N,Dn Ir'1'uYtwd,^IVs ihn•n vt t4 N 1" 11 � and Dsl(e: .0. I -_. -- ' x.•Ywn we ;•vM umwnl lb.Darnel,xaw AMl.ra«m,.na{ba Y..nYI c uo,K 1"o, may PraW shout!hair wondmne sMll to call- At.., ol- AfAf wNwIT--- 14 1u,11 l .. ItiL-- Ilnll 1 Kd EM ...IY Y kOlu. ,.. IMI •r C°N K•tey NUmn.e the Mllwv{"Rrml°N"IHJ,NIInr/M IM CuIva:"'16114eL of Vr1•n b.' re.. Alr,uwrge.. ...... I\.wn11u L. Pal ,Moll oA,JvupM1 Jaren N I .YIIq. . . . . 16N ,erd•,Y1"Il+nla"IN Drown M/1'nuorn•e01M Xiea),"TheDbl fro( RKy,"9N 11mn til Me ll•rJd ngn,r.i ,1 AILwr 4,Lnu+v. . ., ('nmrblr I'1 I °lvN('I v., IPO •rl•r nn ll.v"NMrw,IM•Vlvlvrlq"nl•Llthn otlleme:'ri 11mN•t W, YemW Nb X1m, Al'lam Siete,^- nary orb. •r '•�/ t Ale•m.Je,.Cyn, Jn !N 1 Ills • ; ••'•. . I 1 +6 lbs 1 11 .w,. ''Ih)mb_.... ..... IBU tmen,t Ue)1 Jlwvagwnl Tb.LNhl Tb.t PnIMJ,"w "mw n LW Ifelmwlre,kw;'IHM f^u6+.,6'l llwmr•.L"R,,. Be,Bow deftly they akin mmufetfture Puddlnfa, Plm r' Oa' 1 A,d+rnrr+,Ai ) N 1' I. .. Ldf 1ml I 1 1 UlAgepnn 1.1 .. IKn in.el"lh.WaN Wonm 1.l.on lw.'•)O IIvwAtb AMdn. TLa NNtt)atom et Jw•i' and torts: •, �Jir AnA11ryXry t . . .. Uuw•i ell Itl16 'Irv1YX H ..NI4m,iiugl .. IeN ••L,dY ltw'r llarhNri'It limoxl 4k,•rlKiflvY "WDet. '64111nw xl dans,oiF,vyl rx! AAOiNLIe llrhacu, +HI A.v^m,dnlh, .Tn,red.... . .. IsiY lrrl PL ...:. .. rrww,Ltru 1 I+nf UmwuDu l.Y•a°m:'•AJ,psww 81g4tIxH•Io/']a ti ••n1.hdY'•• BY:)WVIYx4 Go praise the French end frvrmm abate. enA Iha . -1 1_1 Al N6nJ... IYII -.lien IA Y. ,r .7Rrwn4111 Ini9 Mv. N.If4P- NxnbelNn "C•pt.x•rri r{No:'X lime•. ApA11Y-Lydf:"Wcp�'/IIA M1OJmmr. IIp11Ate.t00. �y }/+ Ad mrhir,lp. KnNl,nd. .',. ,. .rids Owe, Jr.U,I, .. . AlydnVhlv,li....... ' 16Y1 hod. Yd-Cfllnrlun "AIIm61WDeM11•kMen•r:`VYtlmea. AYlily{-tl,Kvy•'nl(or1'.i?Nl.,.., Formnkln¢raleda.enuaan.sonwmdfancydlshm �.`1.. Sidns OL e Temperance. Il.nAnuNn rl IIR. ... . .Orwl,Ile n•nm ...1. B Jwn K ryA hr.. ..Ylnnd.brmwNb 1..4 1... Nee N-WNI,°Y'•:"tea lolN lhnlrm•o^HB IImW N«Y a-Kn1vYwN,vknr "\1'•Ntbultnleenae:'Hfi Uv.n. l a K rye Pm 4 1.. .-- AlmvdM. Ye. . . ,. IrN WA T I11px lois 1 1x0 Y now- l' f- Pnro•tren,ll )l aY ... t F,.\.? IB96 Rrodl Wlllh IL,.. '1.°pdn _ InIB Y°r. ra F'nartNn:halms."TW IJH1M1 of ut4•Y nq4"16 3A11•Y e•sdienv):elButtally lbyn dtull tie• �1' RLr1 ore,M..4e . 1 Al . .,. .. ... IM1 x.navl,Mn.P 11. LlieelgMln n.lie 1: Iron '1 Os•'„ one'•IIt 1.In tlww, BYE for G teOtbaam0 morcel UPOn which I Om rely j{.�•' ... IWM Kdv. :will 11 I.... Lando 6nI t lxr, Nu.. q0-Ilulwu Tor garrbQ•af Kitt,°al tlMe. XnY IA-rmPlre'• luµe ,.Jolt eho b' e•t011d wedge if Vaahan pamlDsn• m'-- H.I n Nll .. 11t 31.311 IOWKrILar(Ivn In w. lNn ri llMlli NoIMf Nor P0.Ametlun."1 rYM a1L1Ykf' Nll w. YI,Y 9e. ••x l'nd."Thad. h. d;(p^ Q Ian 1 ......_., 1 Y e 1 t Khld Nd .._.. 'Reay.... . . ..1 lxrn 0.e. 11111 rut"WDN'.Me Mstkr 6141& 1 •In"lax,. Inly al-N.w 1'erY 16,N 11 do di Y:'NRI my+, ale. lY OPENING Rf W r . 1 ') L+.F )1111 _A'nI D 1^f Uee. I�.Woe WI W`vvl< 6411m. iry4 Y4-41 Klntu,' lin 14 Yay. OI e• i 1 ..... I \1',., 1.51 rye JemYRv IeN 0.a. 9-"e.Mk \\'DIM . bin Julh:•8i tlmw. Aug. 9Y--MnJ.mP "1'k,, be. IIL xe 11 I: L r t-+nal) 11 yl. knl. q), FAA Ina, Y-the Am lYNl m:"XWher Dnuee"IO/LLYY. A,ug. 941:nM0Y.' NIIInry N•J, Id lime• U' .Less Ihma m fashionable EaHt1 EUYT UD 4Da nen0 NII L,n Lam 51 mill 1 . Inwn N IN•. N-Knnbfheptf 1111 H,poleun;yr DNea Aug` Bi--Issesi"Jsvk4l.lulexuryde YNuw+. � � 111 Vrld& l l 'Ai IeeY A 1 _ 6n1 a N,n IYa age. B-Bfvl IMw Tn m Km:' sea. N-noel Ib sual •ktl• it OF 't � 1 HI he r.,ll,.A .. ._ I 1 1 In n,i•1. r'I un. 1 g al .. . Iw l n,.. .. m.1 u.n P-nmse s m 1im 16 Da..,^iqe um.. umrx r (° And thlnk It Deme piabolM W be Simply eatial %dwy 11.1Nel,va(arn°rr� Inst X Ston, p1. 'ITba NrJlool (not _fthl 1. 1.4 xm,411 it bMn. .... I.A1 n,SalleW.. Irl Lw. I--1•tlwwe C,°Ild.i Madl•o N Vw Ne Na 1-pd N Holm r Il..:dn p " ; La& sham ant Weli Mid de eda R,•e, tONr tn•mmt 1.J ')1.,r 1 . Ills .. twlrpwr6 g°PIwA. .. len tills CNN'b 11.1.BW Nww H?Iu nW rv°nl y. Oand start StufIt ul4l, _ ._ _q1 n. 11u... ._,liJV.gLMI,41.1l kat nllelur h.... 180 like. vo-bvlagl law: 'Tb•timn yp 111 mot. 1-Lyrl..:•'(lbs He elCW!"e un,.. .r:l B :" 9 O PI Iieve.' . f ,. t las. li-NWlwn Dan t•'TWNIhum Plrl•: MYmw. Ail bA.ely:r'N•x VWg BM.1 11 „ 1 re. ' MUh toMt¢0. nnmm. eWDldow looks and odors ,{�. .µ V /�� gr•ta `ee le .r•.11,n 1 ' 31„r l 1 I ]',trr N,Y ... IbIN Uw. 11-R. Ymk�u Ia1�yYvrnunotll,Qden HJl;'Rti euunlol. 0k enough: most tnereli'ful Lf YJ �� 'Vrr.� L�[d.ny Qrtl i ll. (! •• Lir tn..ta.R.J. 1x0 tlmwi Lym�eD.1111mni wall,4VUwu.s• LL, Y/Int. t-Iikallde•TAe V,rb iKlll", •r l: .•.,r,.;. V N _ themran - 11Ik4Yrlit Y urv. IxM AI,.II \111 .... W10"..... .. .. .. IPJ6 Nw, 1i-Fmistil Y Il "'tie Conlvaanfndw l 1. Y qwn:" V _,r ..,,.. rY ILl VnTY aide 4hma OIrY DmEry DURtl they EnlDg any�YNew.rr_by .,.>� lrt, 1 �'J,�,(,w1�t /�osilmy(n. _r10 L� Ibr,f VIII 11 ....... Imdoe.. IFN alto, s-kniokieski l"AXd 1i AYs�I IY¢AW tis ILMcVVY6"�1�W'lOP'ar� of IDL'( U-'.Il.!N. tTf)1)Lt n... . l"1 INIr 1 II,bi Y11in. New TNY Qtv. _.... IYN It nlnw. '.a Q 1 Dev. It Ihlown:'•Bfia gvw6mml of Judq"Y NmLL. Alan. a-u aw dm•Nrd.m.' Itq 1 J �I 1 .^ 9 9 Bemuse the)"ab got outlandish named anti 4mt n ..• '. - .. a PLW it l l l without ..... H 51e. It+ ,'61,N�,.Ln Ino re. L'rNaw,inQn,......,.. 1BN pea. 11 Inlex l7aw:"Xntlw Vxnnxn limo WbND,N 111 I Iret1, (l AY1N N )1 c, Tan :el..r+„ y,.r.Y. Iurrlknw.vl. IND O 3 �"tC� .. u ant ftlr life alrzl'q�{ l{w KII Yl.lp6n... .: mos UL'rxv km.,1 J' ._. ....Iieme0.smlr3,kegimd. ant eta<. N-MnmpmlNn Open llonw l'•ranlhlJ't4tlew. 1416 2-New Yur4r"Tb aid lLmmw. I' . . ur. ,! ndgnty mica LE •?r•A 1a0 arorr.ha ...,_ .I, ler1.em. ._. leu lM,. 4u . ... .._.. ..�M1.mmlq rtaval•:.:.... 1W uw. xn-(Ixro•°.^X•Ny Mnry Ana: 'Ilk.ar4'rllulwr RaYA if-11unMe:• iMlr,r•NMvn y o .x am A.". to Ourb Yonr aDD�Ite.and Your etomaek "-•• yy�� 1 •,•,,y_ I. 1 I INS N mal forest,ianmN:ablr!w umn,. Sal Jq V... 't.Also lets 1L.:'.r1: r5. � c v m kietary. I�llflee hfkvor so human enterprise {!in per6oallie Cf y 1 \I. I .... J k N 1 .. .. IM{ tile.1 1.W tib. -el4 1 ... -IM INv. w-6..ur tit lee 111,, PR un w. IMVL 4-t1 n olerami- age Pnx•. ... iMl Ike. n Olntlap Th Othpf f11nf' N Val II Seals,. gvpt. �d-M ob Ne. IMSLr H}I•p l L r 1 06 3 -� TDare a nothing Bra a 1wt!All ahuak K yrMee ' a,,,1•••,Id 111 -...... J,rl IN Llr N,). ItlA1 Ili tlm Lwum.Utb.wt eMl,leO unll &VL I9_L Nat"T ^96 WIw. L IBIS 1 ♦a•, '. _I I .1.r1 1 u1, .... 'L Tor. ... Ib10 I•e I lrla-riaT'Iek'�Ilore•t411vliay Vi A. Br+l. 1/-Pf vo:"Yf.WIx Of 1Yl 41."1' 9141 vx.. R••9Nt' p- } HI, r vol, tlaxll . . _..w'd hd,a I 1MI Jet. D-M.«Holm ^rb.v: 11 0tl nm::� N.pl, 14-ar{NNen:••n.enw4nl is•' u.) xNnl... a E LaWaY1�']OLl' 11R} 100 [119LV tht?!'y Q ld)rfl') the 11�T,}Et 4�` 1�I d' r•:JlliltC- Uxqkvll ... nm x Iso Rnan;' tie: ei 1W Y. r:.11 1 et- I Jb 'S'.MI 1011 'P 1 66lIn eK. 9eP1• 1B II°rkul Yh'wu { Immo.,l,n dl. 1 . .. H 1 P.a.n. ) se 1 Cileee,... . .,....Iro ilwo•ICI .. . 1169 'Le. a M+York:^'Lr.vx' „} I C-.w,l tel l r,r l .- ..._...n eta.Stu.,.. Imo l Ill Lnw .Inland.. . ......... H11 Jo. IL uevedwnl •'Tip NWsl end M•Xet;•O ill" awl, ea-"^Mau no .1hHe Wl lxw.' Mil lalwb 6 •- M Roml Dmf may sva more nUtrinlml mora 1,11dY' a. ._ ., ll H,ma.r AI,..... Ixdr rnx•w Jan .9 an x fled,swills l6 umw, stat n-Gane! ^J6.cm t M le.uu,bw.,'walees. 'be -B,nf� 1,,.]0RP I'ltl vlrhlf3! Wt}.fll'e tCll_L'tb10r t�Y/N e�eL1111 L`. �.Llr t1 .-p. ) _: 0.41 vd 0,1.. .. .. AT. Y•. r '• Y wss" 1 m E ? b1111d1ar worts,; R"de - u .r,,.l.r..1 m b,t.� Int fir,,..til, _. Imr q•udrnwaYl.IY n.l_ .. .In.nn..... .... laid .hrr IY John ria.:^LD..I°N a.PL V-tle4xeo "11u Xndc TNchsrJ'mtllmmmg. 0 'y, as .� Vmt, rattan. lamb ba nonrLbingr and stretching r . I'J„IJn r'x n. ._..__ 111+rr.r. „__ _.._.I Ito leoleer,Ail m...... ., xv.A mutlu o.C1... IYN Jay. N JL dwp "INvwu'.yell ^dl Dann. Be". 96-Hels ) Iywl new Ib Lod lie I(.r line v '• VA"Il.,. .) ,Lair.. ..,.. ,.le rrr,,..._.. _._ hid o+,•m'.1wr,...._._ . ....a.•Y.we ..... ... IMi Ja nwlm:"an Krllah labia 4t nnex w.J"n pm... E F u pe. >,'o of Your Hlrtil. things be done til the Spil'It of gi'11l PltY tLlirl h1Y1ti101'11r klll'I I. BL/ld • 1. ....... IaN I.A.°. Ia-K kkwn czar OI m Y1 t0um. Mel. N--ta°rl.Jth Ybwl:"1'eax..r 4o,mw. T d be '" Your fbblmp, d•uk or turkey mar Full palate ,y ,~ 1.N.,,. tl i x m.'d... Mkl w.,a1 I M n,na Annuls .lawn( y pe Wel nlA our labors Of In Ve he hleliked to the i)ronlotion 1`' II, �. 111 .�: i .,..... t _ .' Ili lrin Aa I .IuJ '. .. ISO J,n. IB-A(Wlw tly:n. 11uWent oB l`WIfkIP•110."19 my 1. r0_dpe vvN: 'A ,ail.Il .L lnt,'irinw. t, C7 1, iasis n 01 I oW .IPM sit. • •••• lien nm/ 1m,to nmol l4hnw,Av [Ime•1 Uvr a-Ihwao)':"tante•,lutrq- nu um.,. L, S. c r«rrpue- 1 e 1 .., e 1 otl It j a I l Trow 1 1 T..... .: '♦ IIA IT....... 1112 lank,196 a .x ,Ill, a_Irrl Plow 'Ile'.14hr,n•IT-.' M •+ Dan take n back Am when P) p l ! N'JI. RIO, ....... 1 1 Lc:r:. 1..)11 Pr1ura.W.lnb_. _ ..1 JM.... less is . 26 rllr:lselit tight That Lin 1.We.xn'nKYs.' 11,11. li-Yew�Mloses '•,PW N.rwnw' IA limn. C •' nut thele n m6m¢ interests ry t Y ,. WE—.. fir':Ris A M K . sell(mel•. ... ]Mt ad... _ rtvl. lie-Wntd'.I'll.Xh r(Hm'NII(emrl'rY. r B Dp p m dOWn the line. ]Ylterests Of Qllr beloved circler. N ., .- i „ IMG Joe. c4.'•Ih•Youngv Nn I'nrlin o Ik-L )l I -...... 1 b nm 'de. I l non.. Head ;."detimea. tris r•'TM Ym��iiw�al fnimw rr PB Hwa.. a re.. aJ y I'Inh.nrwh and fowl may nerve W-stay the gPDatttee .r .. _111 Lt,lyd:vd.:.: IPw J.n. v6 Ill- r4M Mo..wl L•':a 1w... 0.'4 lo-Amulw.�p ) we. ]Keep 1 FY.: _... YI I l lr IA' 'kl AJh I .II M 4 ... IY69 Jac 9B 11,01 "0.1 All Kllt3l'•fY 11.1.1 1tala 011. 11-x.rNek•'rJni•th¢il it," Vyn°I . Tp � ,T, C Of sOmC y Yeep us ever in thy fear and 1VIBdo111 slid IBLVu .J1. With B. I. 1, 1"....... g 1n,1 1 n .Poi ) YorM.. I Ian . . . Xcd Ilmwl"u1,66lima 111. It Kelak.1b .n 'Pwyos.tadiss, ILL viman. al i YE YOU IDYP•ErmE me better when ll0 Our table C R klN.\Ir 1 ._.... a t 1 r a.. 1•J "Iv..,Ylvrl _.. I 1 _. Iola RD. f-levl°f 1'Iwa p 'Mt nrwh,^ W1. IP--InI k Plnee ao IvL Ulr." 11-1 {A O 9 B "Me. Y.1„ I: -.. .'P.I m.li�1.. "The!tows l'Amn,' PNma,;Ds19'4 rA6 IB-IYlna.xl"AMNa.p bum Nva"Ia.1.A9 WueY - " I_.rJr,N " .. .. .... It H d. 5i.. PJ Ree 11 lull u_..._., _ck 1m1•m . . IMO I9 new1Nal,Nome, 16,. ge-WeWri 11 Assnedy.l`IgqFFbJY.N,nil ranoluY• 1.'7 'j., .y^'tj,eave last tM tr1¢n-COnad Ylmda. let each 'lAluly e'rt e1rP'•rlaBtiil 91L1VatlOn� t'LRd. to thy �retlrtl ni1111e 1)1' :1: lir' t(Il,ry ,VI,...Nm Y 1.Il1l .,I'. „ IAdl I .INTI n. lu1 ... .l1ass 166. I-KWilss, 4 TN�IHbxl1ht"fRJ,1 ties.. 1x1. N-Loa l.•onar.y ItiM � gp rZjl dish P.kir- - IMe 164. a-Yv aAwUkS{ l:ort owl Gla NawMr IIM;• 1mL 91-Ler,, ••rhe MI..6,11 11 nmg. T C o Iwo ?a^an teas built 1D a Piece of ura Inn- world' Without end. Amu, A It I -Ill:..I'. 1 Jrni L t4 f .All \ r V.1. 114YLI ISI. xY_1fr1, rhes".is K, tf 1P p 4 . r r \ 1 .. Y n _ Ll,r 1 I hlIb... .I 1 Y,rq •C.nlBsl lit 1 li tlnw, 1 4 nfr 1 A 1' Y 1 xk, 61 ._ II 1 A a 1 IYN FM. it C,nyk p II Yoe fho.pf Metln>:" rl<!. 21-Nor v 'Cl 6 tile. _ ^H1n ihnmtan Press. - . 1 1.r d., ., J xki ( , ... . L I ,Itl+) M In61 Feb. 19-Ire)6 Iu4! U UIml0."Y9 tier•. twt. 01-KMtlh{n��M�,Yar.•'a 'h Ad \hwtNaYhg"(11.), - 1 sial .... • Y Y 1 A '.W.r A Ineem .. ..-.. .. Ill, Yat,. IIF-L)r10 ��{{'kYaa lyl}'It IImN. tm•�• p �yYt,r�pp�,«.(��I..y nll• J_.. v , L e. J uh DI 111.. ygl 1 . .,,. 3N Fink. Y9-RatoYwbeMw T Ite Y I(It.).16 deal bkl. n-tniwl'mt BlMN rids!Pd OeP;'BUMa. YT.I'.lidM, A..'9AV6V1'Ia§ „ria IJ All iN M1I IN6 IMI)FtugNl+tI I,YB rr ua. Vay. A Ala)nlle '13,d( 4 is awl „ 1 txu l•, Y Illi i - - .. I d IItt Iib 1"rA; TM11 TndIr(onr:'yl ar,ex Sar. 1-LVMa Mme,Mew.O pr[rn Faller. �r t:_ _. . !4-Now ,n. FackIaekkllok; anu r«timed, Boo K4F.T.L�•:R RL. 5rl1.T kill M0.B. lvoe 1� k '' : t.w w.. l l ,I .I Ir... 1 F.rn IMq 14n ii Prrndo>1••Th•Y.L.I'm Kul:'1111ical $,r. r-Pe 1,e,•.r r. 1 -Rlly I .,Isar" Li In A.. I iii Ir.l 1 . .._. lata RL. 4Y-brio,P Fall'I r'e atonlahn:' Nor. 1-Yminwolp allaell^Tb•N',Y to Mr m•ni' •DII - Ai. 'It I ...:.. 1 .,..a•,_. .. I•u xr.�t i' I n,.w n_.... . r kik Ler k.Yln,.i.. . IA.q MMeI I a,w em.Dwe.m •lean Poe ln.nLly"unm<.. nnehu. Peck Still, Corner Of h'a'lter, succe, ' C:d_��� � •_f )� I'll Y. Ik ...... a u,In'.:. ',1.. 1 ..__. I1 Iha Rill_ I,,, Both a brinu I'Ive•. Ihep:rk We.• .' Yw, I-AeedS,w:NTLa NI d BU 'tit la011 nam iry. �- - - will( ......- At IY v1 ee..... N51 I'ler 14 ,.Il °, L. � . . Bel Met T-Kdkoel,e fir IIRd. : IlTl,l9,Al )tor. 11,Ihrly.-1 WttN.teha�lW,'' .0a i.x•" Fig OR Kr ,rl. ., -:• . . n+,n Nl a'.. He ansa Nral•°L. IMtl M.nh 11-IlWaen:a m .1'miuwu"M"'I N•e. I-AM•Ivan:"Rb fol Ifg9s ' '1'nr Y FII ( l .,., Yt..... s I'4r I I "'), .._. IMI Nu°h li-IDMok:"TIN Maine l.tilu It.. Nor ti-Naw Avyn,hwr vll tY Qu l ;,'fuu lied• T'en(allt OW Time, H.hee,Ho K.. ... . .( i _. .. 1M -ran: IYn .`..: ... lens 1 t- ,Ir l) J�II Eon .¢bfr31. fl hr(eeelt i'Y /{rldil get . ilullnq,Ln. .. .. N+'rlllen, Fnnrn .... Tem ffinnl v,y .. IeN XeroDH Ih4 uw.• 'Muuh.41°Ab'N Nolblog" [R)r 18 Nnr It,-KoldafDNYw•"II ° IMF A. -• " " Nj. ., Nov. ILITI Ihn ill war' J.qlU wwdog. - Hb hove Offen alluded W WO lkiNing. n i wem.(w.r ........ 'Ik 11 'Ihm am ...,. 1Mt 111'.• M1I : pakn L`,�..... ... INS M.Im 91-Yoti m44etnet:"fh<Awdenine at Yt.Pipe." Nov. II--Iranm 1 rldD kk IL\rgslag+. the _ ahln IN¢lPlreuPpeH.aAY.I r:<enhYrw«ht.Ml' Her, N t I 11 .YaH laltwg I' .- mm�w•a With tnererah+a sae. a1 We Innr.' 01 1e idhN ... . . . L 1 .... ITN "Irl N d . . _:IruLllnr Int eJ ...... IYll 140. W d l-IR'° .. 4e. N�;;. M11n,�Nvtid 11 .. I,I YerY ,.a Is's t4nb 4e.-Inlml I`AgO P•t%hanraleh:' Nm. 16-11 dw YJ .t 1ruwNgn Of the first month, that a Illi ghly I101'lIC of SAYan P.9 a, ` "1YnN two sieve :. '._N w rirY Tal am )4wh11-No AmtNNaml '!1'91 real OtpWw"(ltd,DB get. i6-6Nn 1 11'MIT,tl Ilarba NTN Unll C.f uYt� 41 ,w• ew.in IN -1 +t l e.4 1 .lo- vs,.. n-x 1 11 li.11. a rIL?un�P I Mm-. and servants of the kin fell upon the army of Nil Yl=11[ 1 .. a 94 1 - q)n: vet Cly 1p/ Ilan ae11way���� all.. A f FI. 1 " III In - Rf Y.PHr I.. . . n II IA I o.I1Y,de InMm1L N,dl elan lN,ri a 1951' Mss,.% sly r1,C PT 1,;-1!ailinixn, not .i-ra rack.^wwu i. " a„«`' thorce Chester the Chief Captain. And the number of the savages and I.r Y„1 u14 Ill. w. D N ZOO ........ lids P we'. r..-Pmmtw. . Iw r u. toll'i p 47 4 ILIL Am _. Ill Ian. •AII.I'l Mlhl«mire^bl(mw. Iwo avnn 1 to fa'. amD w,awl a IeN APs, i-Ihme... "nlll natal. anion I8 And it was about the dawnin of the silt when of Britain Who fell in battle that tiny were m,1,:. I I, Ila ..... 1. Y d C.I L,\Ye. I 1 :..�MIn'NIph4 1Y........ 18N dyN� 4-Grlurl°n:'•'Ihs Plen";Ii,e tim.n. Yvv. N._U IY• �,°"•'t Y Ill i lvrtniv p 1 _._. 1 1 _,._. IY:1 'W II YI t9jNw .. . gN4W... ....... . IPt1 APNI I_(.]woe: 'TDIeweY XaflJP ttl,l mm Ilk. A I.Imlw. 'lla",.,I Y1d a, r a q. @ g y' _.... . UlwTyr ....,. . . is;e:YI I,,Alto]..... ......III at no............ OJx Alan i-gars II.Th•K n<Itl Pef Yu."btltu. \vr. Vi-Yalu 'rhe Ila NdltwlivY•, N. _ 1 yn Ne, YY ho.,risks,• W uwslwekl.N IB the destroying engines opened their fires. R8 And Proctor removed the captives u11to the t 4Yr11 6-KdefwbwYnt'�9MtlWDMYJKIug:%Ilmw. - .. _._ .� «1.'a ! strong k,1] --- ---. - - -ion --"- - - V lien, l •� 19 And the place where the battle was fought was K Id of \linden,whi4h licth upon the oppu6itc On Oct. Y, 1 . lbs aer1lo, of the new ,oder• tramhen Of s or th city to a klou upsn meta thence under the a. let to rr w Hnms 1 Irk. way twee ny to Flantl slid T known n Tho asst content eOman for tax city. The ecmmle- t tent, The contract 24. to John B. .. , n-, tl This Candtdam. �'g hall fU@'#1 called,in the vernacular«)ague. Frccht"wn, which 6I11C of tIIC I'l1'Cr, 10 111C province of the kinK. way between elly he and i/nih re.5 On the Went Mayor on o four Brack unAernot 2 nyM, a the offing eamwl an Feb.Feh21. 191x1, In the Conncol p�r'n Hide, was one ell. The lyre! train u[L cola, weX eel Mayor nn July 1M1. 1890. On ire. 1..9, IBRO, George offleE. dround was first broken on M^reh 'H,, In lnitbat9 ilia emL3nb 119 "A"t' lieth on the South Side Of the Rivet' flaisial nigh into 29 HAI, in tilt: i lel}y of his heart,he Intl li1C lli,k, ti 1. :In motion by IsIst McClellan. It left the Call R. Read and others. acting In conformity With iron&of the City Hail, by Mayer Yon W'yrk. h, PURn his clear. Cd r 14.11 station a1 2:34 P.M., mrUhm City omelet.. chapter 00 ofthe laws Of HIS, as mended.a Ila contract price IN as Yt5,011at Ihn contractor erre,- Making asset, handy data: h d.lyq a Lake Erle. the wounded, and the dying to the nal of tilt -members of the Rapid Transit CammbMon and IHR to build. cqulp and one is the rued for any aleaVe ad questa of the Interhoravgh Rapid new cnmmlal as follows: Wm. Steinway, John yea". The contractor was required to turmoil Bright N his start Tt V'A es 1 Transit Co., which open Bea the subway. Ft. Starlet. roams L. Huahe. Samuel Nprneer and ecurlty to the amount u[87,,100.9100 for the fault Fame-WAY the flat of her flu stn: 2O Now the mime of the chief captain of the tinny g of 111C 1YIIIle1'i1CNS . R Precodl.K the starling of the first train there Frederick P, Olcoll of the original Rapid Transit fJd rfty t thea of him contract. This he did Polos ad him etrel¢htt (. were carmines in 1e. City Holl, opened or final- Mc Oissiono. whotilt]Hai man lwa ou1nalJohn tuted forer. Ihim Performance a ne of hien o[ the HThi Transit I Jimmy Chrletpphtr, ail Cas T of Britain wag Proctor,And he proved himstdf u Wick• So Ill this thing lie tion,gressed the Witt i ' dent Chas. V. Forties of the Board of Aldermen. was sWJalnleA c,unxl. 6ebelayw�atarucnon CO., August Hxlmi t, pnol-' Igpy It Sisal} :Illd tl'. Now cd mall• and his nam: is it,'spintld even until this tile•. pledged,which is evil in the Slgllt of the Lar:, .'After prayer by CbaNmator Bishop David H. Perfected I,nfl rot se.underground rellwn, a•er?1 sneakiness Mr. Moreonabra eample-1 I'('. ' :Grant, of Ill Mayor McClellan weak Introduced P ¢ V 1Uon se bb contract,th.. Ton coe[rae[ Was divldedl Mark sl \wast IIYeicy �T 2U tain had 21 And When the battle Waited 1101, and they be- +I Olt ! for a Veil 10 IAiIIC in tlttt(I' dal'kil-s lila In the prompting by Mayor McClellan. nada they were approved nn he ream.day. Threat-'into section- contractor,t In IM,a.a ctaof the Llogaismn' Mlls bit aidrfse. - 1I lay Parsons. Chi. Rngineer of the Rapid ened litigation and fear or sucet. pravenled any I lure Fermltting It. Control Mrnonsid neal"Ad'WUs eon Utueapy let. ICII)a' of the f gall to rush one upon another with great Viola'CC, I hm'rid deeds of that awful day,that they Ili not be 'T'reneq Commlw{on: Alexander F. On, Pree, all ami 11 en plan fell abeyance.ce oR^esti for nalq hnternd bid o lriwgha Rapid the Tmnellr�aCaod tnchlehla weal LIkCa i1. I ¢ufen cal kill r ;The Commission; John Fl. Banco, Vice-Pans, of `T 111 2 Ail •t`bC alnali bund Of COIIIIl1)la fUBght desperate. 11:1I1dtYI clown LU Iha CI11IdE'Oli of n1C11,111 LhG 111aeS LO > the 1 literalta6Commmill n. app Iknted farthe 1.18911: JohnaPB. TranMii Board, which commission was constia new tuted 126000,000, for that purpose WIW a capital of AfCamm the Cter aggers, ad�D9wsl )\1 filing. cal%ed P CUI11C. an follows: Alexander E, ort, John H. Stalin, to g lye all(I Il:e glt+llgh«R teas dreadful and LIIC puna :C Met umbf. who built the subway, And August Ill Will. Htelewi , John H. Inman. Seib Low and Ths 1nhtMmugA Co, In 1903 oleo took over thr iL1R of mlttbgaa. (ire Y 1 , :mint. From. nt the Intarboroueh Co. The benedin-r John Chdan and Mayor and Comptroller ex-alafi^. SIB sea, hlcYatml H011mgd Co. Ila loaeo Is for paeaDe Of bo0ra. fir 21 Of the 1 daunt of licavCn was Sprinklcd and butt ed Will) the 01. Lo . early in the morning of the next day,ale h •.Yat teentt 3 Su bil,od of men ! the sun had risen, the work of dudth begel6 ! ' ail Jinn N•ae a milesc of the Arch y W Farley. Hath Low noised on June 2.d 1T hie place bring • Only nine miles o[ the euDway were opened on taken by WoMbury lw\ngdml. The Ae01h of Wm. INTER BOROUGH RAPID TRANSIT CO. Fenn.with a tom at Her r) IOcL 27. Plgum.compiled by the management aIle Holloway on N.V. 30, NBP, brought Chas. Stew'- Office, 1.3-21 Park row, Mhtn. Hent• lea's the way: tllc fl Against aH Oct. 211 Tlmrsday oft odi and eventual art smith, one of the original mmmlashmer& bock The officers end directors at the [nlHbd'nugh Bancorp philosopher that Wil g` `�3 Nevertheless,the people OF IiIC (]xl[Cd $t.t('.H S3 DehGld IiU 9nl]Cn Bavti}JO, !11111 IlCadly 1`J(rr•, ' 11 inland Field passenger.; far Friday MO,W- for 6nto�tG eanla andlsn. John by Inma 3.died on, bi A,,dd Tronetl Cu. eM: :!ossa! liehnont. 1'rrs.; t•1. glmorp res sop day O 4 of !RRA.M.Y. Vii lw:ear se.lay,'grrR.rts.bear av4rage CarlYe where ovcrcoma) and their chief capWiu made pri. drag fnrib the shivering soldier over tbib�ouJ-eau Af to NO,. It. M.W. Tile total ll of the subway May U' IBa, Morrla K. .Iesn entered list bee rd Bryan, Viae•Prm Intl Dent M r: firl l 2k, i 1 Drinking the health of trim one of suuel•, ed snow,fainting, bieediug n']th his wounds, and iw• wrill be over al miYaa-For a dletnnce of 07-]0 miles yy Evans, Bef.;John F. hunk. Treem: H,L, P, nay,, GlaAly'm1d cDnera- 3 the and w of car trach, ter 7 2-5 mile& three Toy other o[YDe Mertlnn o the arenldesis Of the chmDo.. lfulr.; I. n. Stillwell. F.Iretrlml I)Iroclnr: null] 1 e , )lol'iQ•on his knees for mercy. .xnlr`.�h.! foof r I Milrack an. two wotntrucks. the suLwere areay. in,he •wby 11). ]00. ar mtellsa vx<mncy flrennott nN resistant chitchat Fangio Tile Real or Lirectars or.: Who. �Rly Ws weNtn of elm feel g]II C( Ilsgly $4 O When Winchester found he was made cap• t b y O - -_ - - -- H .Replace, Jr.; Shaped Belmont, R. P. Hryxn,. Melia IDCD ben. Int P five, and thdt there was no hot for the Inst of the ' g , ,runway as the west Mde b of lane track.from lfio Orr to continue in the board, .(ter hie retirement Andrew Freeman. Jae. Jouprlun. Oardlner M. Gr Inpl p' 34 ANIS ! the ravage heedelh nut hill \Yui'd% ' but ,I 1rly Hn}t to ]Ord et., and thence an to 146th et. from the prmA Fee" of the Chamber of Ceramics, Anne. John B. McDonald. Walter G. Oer M. TA'Stmr his wg111W- hell Wil there o bl 'IVCLII hint 11 b]BYY Wll11 the IlalChCt tF death. -!h ie of them tracks. The east aide line, roaming Wblch --,it Mm ex-otaclo a member. Upon the IIAII tingle]' III% Commend, he made, A lea"Bic With li from dent tit, to mons Park. Is or two tracks. 'Ccemlon of George L. Rive. 10 the piece a( Cc,. Jan. Penin, Merton F Pient, Will. A. th mL Jmeeeat "Oil 4 $Itl h R �,-- Two weeks later Tile ..at side Him as far as eta"tion Canoeist in JR .. tidy,Jahn conln was m. Cancellus Vanderbilt. G. W. Youn6, Generm suit. And with urbanity lhC to miKhtY Irl uclor. t o chief Captain Of the host UP [In' kill 35 FDI' have ITU( lI1C C011tlti('Ilul's 011 Mgt:U II ainl(Ip rleeled a member of the eommiest.n. u, Dec, 1, of underground Road. Frank Hedley, 4 r 1 K• «6th eek was opened and r It a.tire length that h "TOVOhingl'Mt-WHI." wIIF th ready for bnd fat IN enure sidel en likes, Wm, Hcomol 'hip, t rr cored ea able!mat- -- ---.-"- -' - - - - - -_ Ott tY- tial'him JJ,� For this \fill we ive tin(,,you silver and old ? 1. Ise, than a year, end Wxn the ccs! tido lake­mar. re. commiaMon, there[are, aid now ran- riOMpRrfl�iVe) 1�1'lO6°B: nett for We e1tYl111. 4311 feral 25 lie the which Proctor ag PCtd to VnOChaafN pro- : g 11+11 frmI111Al l4 at. to ItLsoon eYl. at lnlw ve ill be Vice-Pstituteres].Johnss u1Hw 91�Irek All ..do,enly n&Inn. when C ORMan John ghartt Williams own, ��tll thetcE�' Of t•� ]IIs -1 6 •A1 tceliu, to the captive 111,11 Of Cohlml)ia, (rug" the 36 'runs were the pool- \9ftlm{ed prisollCv, of CO. end.men were employed DY the fnlrocWre. The Chad.Chief E South O Morrie K. Jesup, John Cln], New York he never foodrmi a Intik In at n ema]R mold` 7]p W the lDapk� -'x to Is,l of heel Al of Bhe save es, W hum he had iH13Dnu•d, luml)ia Slaughtered iia abuu(tanct. gvperYieing foree amnlslcd of 8611 men. The nune tin: Hee., Dion L. burrawa: Chief Eng.. IID¢ rood SDID D6ralda t over br an aid naris, ii 9 K bar a[ aubif Yerda ul excevalbn wow about 8,272•-(Delit Enr.. Geo. H. Itice. wpeNu torlpetly arrnalna[la WE wnllame faml tie C(Lr vl And l:bt111fI-head lbC Chief captain Of lila \v r• he of whish L,J13 000 was of rack. a about Flue.„ Tie m.ImtsWOh eeleced as the route [or the On him latest call he toed ens old un o'• AapehmkiD my brmeny th ki way ]G $6 Now the number of the men of Columbia that , { a al tone of at" area and gal, ton.of cast iron have mad Hr didus", w9nch was Op ones and faughn 'n+D_ tv1PDy ,71st De rrN wla; nq li YC` I , been used. There \care laid 560,1100 yards of con- bitterly m the courts• New plane were it.,., 'wha&tNs male[,IAPo}•'mkad Mr. wtIB4, 1, 'T6eD eh ae ggalty. � ]pvt )- WldCil 1fC11 wt0 Ltlblf ❑ebfls that tidy. Wcl'C adu11l five bun• no's,ala d)o snvagca under hi m,g:rt (feat-i]rnlsL•GVnI crate and nearly LON0.000 yards of whlerpHnnng. and by means of a Careare lou appointed by Nc 't"as Just been done all n'Homemmyy, Matia,. ^Trull giftAgaus. J,K+ 'a Proctor,the Ch1Cl to ilal(1 of the hint of hyla,: ' Anpeuale coon. Final tie (yup tended drab; end the slain And wounded about an huudred , • 1 In the operation ,.t one euhw'nv, qe oPenad. R.2pR ❑.Amann, the necc.l Jil and tba/'gmatiah 'sough."replied 161.aerro, , 1360 the ail CheaNy .'men are errand r. Including ea•Ilfhmen, ysrdmen.I owners along(lee lAdIvmute dual Lrol,eenlq of property _"good a forstroo ml"n m mb Bear.m'wont tpa r M."U sham. fL.IsL ��two score And ten.the•re than g route was ebrl -,I,mnduc[cc and mow o to Thera men fir a1e.1. In 1891 the _a llikh,antis s11' ] OhHgaQ ki 6 - 1I��lek Of oyer 14.000 who mak examimlinne Yur tilos Van nmt Of oil lanai authorities We. Obtalued. IMt E pulled. he lay pj{I Qa h wapt�l marls, 1 1�+nom• The mute begins ei the City Hall, maniocs tip 'detlkh a 7! ah. Way.Dann I(arlD•nt. {{' q ii}II pBg4' the( • The history of the subway la ee fullown; Dim att to d fayettB pl.: thence to /th av, to i2d tMe 1 '<eAa,Dpe 7Tnkef anti Tro p._ ,].- -___�- WLe $6 ----� i a S,To Ali f)''b account,ttRi:'LL QfT 6eCt All u. . 0e. Aptll R, ]8911. MIYor Finish J Gtanl name A r1., to Broadway. to Allth at., where it branches 1ppp kips ,1awDoae, orad pB}p T- Orland. 73Potter. Wm. Steinway, Cham Stewart Into two eertlOne. one conlinumg to Ft. George qy ¢a '. Qppn blNloeed." Smith. John FI. Stettin and August Halmont a r} beyond In Mal le Hil} near Ko"Inddge, Y o �Iy/arL - 'r - _- .,-,e - TWO,._ -... --- -- --- '_,-ond.guing in the.mel�Lenox by P•u�laat o-9 /k rytiP �� �1( �a - s� - U,rc,> (0 �t)f StaOe. r111e Staot in 'NeW 7eottt Cita 1904 Y,an, d,P SYnmrinmaPie. You mnylelk about your forClgn 000ka and all the Southold t Division, I mB1T119.A('M ASp UuVra YKAMB UP FAVINO IIIW1A'fIC AND MUSICAL PWMR, A ft W Ll OF n11oNtAK1 NEW 1•LUd ANI! oenla t %he TUVEMn[B fl Il ls'1» nY.Nl pp11 v 1 Initial theY codem " 41.14q'ky I T ..v1Wr YI,ISM.wuilMblW YweM AW4uor'•lnnv Lee 11IA •p1+ AI d N.«.. OrHbpl.r Irom I.x.. HbWPW Ren..t lN1>'•ud tM 1 I U I M«n"MMmM.t Wlb».Y VIIII hill.uUw I "ILI ams•1 Wnl a rl 1I The LkeUBeltd drJVp flNhnt that Heat'slew and beet A f nm.Aln.l . . . y "11.11,«.W. le'1 n t W Mrnvl.New Am,l•rdun,ud Ib Wvor:^l�b ItVfdyhood"lH mvn v' ll N , 1.. -met Dp la - /l• N h i Y Oh LVA Ile. 111^11.4411.[dmund�-Nry Ynr�ny..... ••no,t,Ketol u.1...1, m.H r�kvn:••a.mina 'luI.NYmn u W .•144)1'144,IM'vl yner 1.^e N :f- . tau may prate sheat lJWe wxadroua aklB In mdl- p i� Ar,ma-rg.,. - ,,, ,,-. K•,NIIe.I.It'....... . 1 6A MWInv/,Jo.pb JAenu . .RV YWkehy.... .... me Anda..II••n.mm"le.'0...nl Ale l'na.Ru wdla•tlo. 1"Tae old from a '.a we Umw rel lLn IIW.Id x*r.: Allunl,[ .... - .f.lymTlf.'(1nra+_..... tf31 nnplrr IL W^Vf .. . N.n Yprt nrv.......... IN9 rb•tl:(ro B 1'. .t 11r••at II a V Ill ,n I '1`M IJBnIe of Ifem••W NmW N We Yvurkrmn allwl ••4 OI reel I nnfY ly t. w O• .'k//�f'r afnCL11M 4411111. q IN 1 AlmwrkC yo ... NnWnp.Rr Ylwl. ... IFN Inn.+'I 1l pnpp......: nan1L ............ INf ame,So4WN+dlnnnlmrq'•I'M Lla:tiFet r+lb.h"M llmw•I IM I<aIeYNMpl.,;-11d to.tl,r:'AY 116q• a xe list deltlY t4nY oars Man p ago. Alien Nry ...... 4rnmxrI"Ul _.... !adv I Irl I1. .... .,nMl pp Ll.... .. . IF10 L1 tiv-"IT•WonI Wpnun In Lm douJ'Hllm.e n'1b Amnlmnl"Thi Pnt Wkr NJa•i''t,JIw. Y MrE.ten ... p rL q And torte: y A npp11P,MM.mI . ...Atew..Ceed .....- .16 11y.alp . .RI Wn [o(4u 1.... . ION I. fltw.•IUMbbr,'-Illhos I,til•nw.lnk ^Wet e:'NYmnM Went Jrnfi'"fb4 AJmImW Ming, it AMv.J II Chide...... U. Irl..W........... TorwN GmJe. ...... ba Ilmuv go .Lynun,••A Wp•ner NIBntlera."t6U -ret lnlJ'. hell 1. GO steles the Frennb And (eurmm CAafe. avd Ma �" ` •A1 ._ r .. Ibll Jem.,s jo . ., ...'. ..'Txmonr, d.. .. ..... iil/1 Nm N,IoM-Nav4.ltw:^G14 Mrrl m-1 at dal Ap it 16 Lf„v W ' UJ,IYAIN-. [1a1ta11P. loo. Ill I 14r.roM1 N I Il .. ... Eo Wtl . nN[uu 11� /tt In.•roll WI RMlmd...:.. .. las Qg,. l o, L.. . .........HIMd.lp61..1 .....: la» No.. 1t�;de,1O:•'alae[Ilswl .Ikea.."H Vmee. AMI Y1J1.Wr:•atter�.h BB 1 Sons Ul Temperance. -w■Yp}�'� �l ( 6� nuwnununllF.,. .. ..laemyumrm ..:. .. 1BHIJmim.tlnpArR, ... . .unn46wwrn,[adWel-n yy 1Y•• FormaWn¢aabd4ean°'N.AoupnandlmrYdL+hm 19,,11/DCTCIIl1_Ca It nrym M4 ( ..._., Alrmldxn,v ... .. LW Nvl Tum... .., bat IWood.. ...., IWI xo.. 91 -W.11•vk'u"The Cnor tl L•harmkb."it9'hoes. do, I-KelnWdmvler."AY,.Wnlbmts.?inllmeu l lO.rulwq Oevp Ckq.........P..,h.F.l'.._._ »W �Ker'1nl,wlkwrn ll_,........lea................� I.1g v N.vErne,Olb, .' N Int.•. new Ru.. M-F'wra.mnMm'. "rte Lighter o.Mr V•Y."1A New 1-44.1-91.:"IM avn,oran,Yen,,,e...........JodiI...... _. ... _. IWI III 1.Yn,O"H......_....Lln.yyNlh,W IM.L.: IWI Umw, !kY LAPWwY:^Iwo IAlpe.,M M..,^dv lhnu. BUt ter C{falptome morsel 11fton watch 1 con (Fly 11-n 1u.Wlnl. �.nnAnnnm,n _.. LW larlerAYnikn 11.1. ...Jwnddy Bnghn.t.... . Hen Nn. At-Ilel.vn "Tb.'MarMl•ptua4r`}/11Nwnm" N Y Valyl4 \ Vrhn WlrO it.�nr,".um°` (Just at"to' a a rand wedge Ot YAnhw pool'n• Il,o-n.un keL M1JII Y .MI IM Ndluga.fhn ln•m.r _ ..Numptmllh,B f.. .... IWI No,. So_.e 1 >l�1�1 •. n e•n. un u,m.•. e. Inn Ile 0 .IUnI eL'M .. P:l NIJdrt,WtLrye _ bort. :.. IPM Un. I 1111•^: 'WMC.eIeN.W Itr,e.mnl"nllmm. lulY as-.N•w 1arF IwY-JwJ'M .vY. 1 D UPA N1NG PRAYER RI„r.. U 'I .•. x•y FMM«v ... late 1 k•e Wlll.r ...... .We.IuY, lnY DO. 1-('ulvv."Wlmogwvnl an Ylyrea Aug. N-Y.teello '•rte oda pfa w:'.n roan _ J a ILII,kIYny ... ��Il_fndw.Nb.,..,,. 1x61 WNry tel�Y . .... L. NI ON ..I Intl I4o. f-wrrFi ' N'Wno•hLN JWb, b111m-. .\ue• 9f-A Wvmy..'(Mae,Me tf.r x..- y gnllz.IV} 1 ywnu _... ._... IW L.rr Nlyb,wllUvn.1...........Mk.Ipn,Ns. ... . INI ILi. 8 rtvivi,".L+`we.4ap:•Nii.�n:polnuu�^�Nlld a' A., ft( ,i.meowr�J�d:Lrnle aury.ir•••e,Gvn•. $' V' L ILm Ihana of fa[hlonAble lute lam aD the Oct. IIomM.Al.wnb... . .. INol . ... _. . INY YYMr Adtlw 1411w.Mu. .,... IW O m pAd4 " INpbY all,'M ., 1".1111 Yphlr,Y I8'.i Wn.Ma'Abrc Ilwndw... tall IM. "ed.r H...• I'M$,roue.• nag. H-N.H.mp Suomi "'.X• 1V Ir W u r• ' '�J - roll•.. ..., loee Yn.6.14 I[k1.rd '.11.11 11 n•mun)•^ Inde as. I--lkleee •'Bwwt NI'Y'WII JrU"Intl Umw. IWI.1 " -• 'tl :And he. a apps.load do le DO lGnD1Y aa%,ill . Wiease Arbor _... . W(a d :.... I'm Ywklh la'r.«'ecB. ... ,A,mMnr b.mlvW.. Itl'A Ueq 1 1'rinam "fOlad.^ feel..Baran, pw,da N.M, 1-B.IYy t1..avhwl UIFl:'w Ibr.l II•n IA p � LI Ihenl eat Mmf I$la de IMO Rre0. Uttar 4M111m w.h.um \1"Ni CI IUWYL,U. Itli6 M•JugqJull• (•vIdW.1.[y1-1.. . . She oma 10-I lif I'Ien:llefnl lwvkN•PWrIIY" WPL I-Iprl•v"",1>e NOlal YlI(�f;'Il lW n. O 5 •- "it Such.wR ' Hnrarw111AI .. 11Wnn,.Alar. ... .... 1M1 N•»MII,IaPI•II�W„... . Glinwryb..... .. .. too y,•'Mn.w ftM(v4L• A.ml •'-'❑ 9 '� 9 O Wrgage, 0 .. ., M Pagel«n.. ... :ate Y o 1,Pur. Ymbn,N.Y IoM we. 11-Ai.olwn Square:•-Thr AIN b, M.N. 90 rem-. MPI. Y�bw Opo M L ' W1611 f0[ai1u hams. e1MDIdeW looks coed Odors e I t .Alt I lorrie4.Nke,lone .... .Ww.n,Mill" nor Nese,Yuan .. pm tulle, I. ,,{tom., '1�.�r C_ .. (Hoge,I J. . . [.it Uw. 11-NU Ywi.•' ro�ny Yvenor o[IIWJoa hell^1u - u Mnk enough: lEgtti1 17 pJ andmost tAerrlELll �'O[�! SP@ R1�OrN X17@8 t'LN I I. l ' t 4Jve Bunn...:. ,..........Anrrvr,Fw. _.;. ,NM Md14 NWIN. _....:. .. . .44414mIm... ....... .. t tlmwi f.yljlGp.14 oq told,l0llm•n NT4 4-[mpinr 'TL.dub of l(111,•b.nFl•° nvuLP - N GmP(wi1.Yn.14ukk.... ILnmla.... ... 1W M11M.Hurry .... .awdvn.......... ..... bee. M-Favrlw M1b lllewti"Tb CorNu.n Ulnlnne"1141, xeV'• a-1144111 NOun "IWxpr1146 Lr.'r ler 11 •. a Itt there Out tante airy DmprY puffs they think fro Core,R ••• •••• y •. ItW Il Y'r Bon, 6. Kr kbrhpcky. A M.N.,1 nm.u: 13 Imorighteous I 1 > .. . .DLII.,N.A. .... ... 'le» MWdh9.( M... . . .. N.e YmY mIY•�• ...... lW peg .r.9.I•.„d a c -• N ;? 1 very aloe. '� tdl' 'wOr1dP, I{tid the fTJIOVePIIOr Of f411 lJ `•1 ;. . ii�ll ❑ GSvw fen d.. :._.... .IWW M. WH tlgDMoe.pexlu... ...,...0 «.PoJ,••......... IBM pre. 11-Pelson.• The MoeetnsldTdu.°»141vu g•t, b-xr.ame1.nWu Ips Netl ClmY.r lama. . .,aN... or N.Y... INO. kqloa9vPyy,Yon, 4_. . Hrrllo/,m W,. .. ... Itlll w.. N-loving Han:"Moore vnvnn.^ t .iLlbnYY.A In.•144,4411 W„en.. p � 'O 9 BAw1Ne trteY're got °V llmdlab nemlN and ctrl n _v�,M� .�e tt�Pe dapelldBttt fOr hfh:- and all its bleseinatt, Pear•.Urwwx ... ...Mill(mr�,.,Iaty.. ..... IMY N Fhdw.mli_ ._.....IRWSe,Wmv.Gilled. IN a Me. N-m.wwtwn Upon It".1"Ibtlfdf'll llt,a kbpl 6-Rent Turk."TM(9411mv.aed"Ill eAr Yww •u U mighty Stec)- �'t�rljV :I I' : 'Ir !!lilt Checks, 1al .. .. :.�No.YYB.tlllp ... L IXN Y.W.H•.... ... .. .ITordvtq o.n«I6....... 19N Its. N-al•Ww,uY•rra,N•ryy A.,.-11 I Creel., 94L H thdrev:"}-.Ity d f � -J C -G out eat. to eprD quer aDDNlte, end Your atnmadl '- I:M WIIIx Y_ ..:W.l l}.p-yl'rl rv• .... 1 IvrtMn Mwk... .. .'Joink.W.1... INe It llmuj Mr„rY to tlmnlJOW,lb Urw,. WP419-Aw,rivanl Th•Nn tel J: .'1611 _ -hilis- p .t ('nPlr.n 1Wr. KOMMCOM G(lu A.. IsNY»1 entllvlly.Je•r .Ikr(.rw.In•e•... lm �: 01_4N.-or 18141f It aUla`e'M VNr. Y.ml,ln. &at. 1k)yo e�i1•v it.tl•k Wh 1W.N 441.01 flux, W .0 .p .le aatlStT. LlVIM16 favor 9911 hW.tt�an 0[S{NPpP180 Olhtl permanently 11J 1..., ... 1! '.'shy.holey .. .gr^uYh'4 N.Y. .. law 1 •• > T Iklr>1..t1 ur. p, 'i ;tl .c •. re's nothla¢Loa a rv+at dI Monk r.S Nrvnkne - l'wue1w.14.R1 .. lsq,#o,Ynr'e .. . hill Nedormin YlYYn. lords.. ... .., 1110 J.v, LIpW-0pty 117....11 Trivel ooi mknovl�W limen N-M, 19 Iron tll�N1Y611\vl 4h it lfmm. 114 L're N.. "0.... . . . I", Net..Clov... : I7deNd.nww.u.. Ione Joe LMw6-1 yy M L V •C w, - r Irani.Wlll4w,p .. WW,Wr taw"... IW Rv IJgW..._ -'.IY.m ne....,.-. Ila t "Ov rya IN dors.. .i1. 10 e,Immo.^Un1....1.11n„ -. NJimu. a '• ;. �T��•L��r ❑ Ott list, WC prr4ti• test, U 1Ut'd, h I'1(T:,flt O� (�: - r.ullJtp_ JJlif (lie FrommP.vv4NrNi on,'Y.l...... NT J.m 6-]•w Y^ek l"Te1Wep.R'w n ma. xela. IB x.rtrrY l Yrs m.'fou ads^I IL1 9 Uv«n E - I ,C., ..: rtH Ju. Il cords.,-. W U4hC..d 4e M.N." Yd W. sa,s. YB-(eO,4..1'he(o14e W11 nJ W11 roPuluf. ' •• a1 Intel..... .: .... !loll 16 Ume. MVL ul-(lean IIACon„et u!1441 lea t U Itmn. u d' .U. ,O bpi p¢[at l may afe more nu{Hmant, m°re hodY- I w.x,r,r..... .. .... I)m,bll W... .....-._ Intl g.ul,Nus.. .. . ........aY1.ed,Gl.. .. .. uta Joe. urwy'. 'xyladr Yi bµNdlo,Worth: tCO artd bIEFR RA 'OYhlld WC HCC t0'_OtIIoM t1t1R bSreuln". .':1'1,1' cell diode J•rk lyrAlrg t.. . {Meru.ill... .......... IyN 11�dA.nwNLim x,'14 ..........kbUvd................ tIW •Ila, H Inlrg l`Ien:'•UeAr1oY• N•p'. N-UML%oo II.MoNT nee.^.1111ro. I NOIJ.IrinYh.............11qneon.... . ......: igot Zavosdltw1 M., ., ...g.R 1...1.dxxI.F Ut.,. IoM Ju. Itl-Ilvd.pi"It.W.wo.0#YI J'�I{Imw. N•y4 t1-IgrYelvY lynwe: 'leer Ile IAdw Wr nus D. m m o .,., mplkv. lamb bre onuNhlne. and rel Mtahmg Ue lkao.la.Frlera.........11.ItIWn. ... . ........ IW rWNrr Ton .... ... ....New Y«k(MS-•-.. 6:11 Jna. tS-C.leal"An �1111Y M�1'.'1t 111m. Wol^x nM. '--woe vine¢Ins. 0,,igo he done to tho spirit of Glinrlty and brotherly kill' ::14491 In Kown.ll.L n.psltl, ..I{.1111 1N.II...... how HW,AInI1yn.... ... . . .._.IIWeW... . . . . ... IAN Jan la-NnkbaebwLli mYmp..'it USo R.p4 ge-lcnurm uUlaoo t:"ln-"lo It m,. E ° r. IN{ Hlero A„hv U, ...... Iemdw........ .. .. .. IMI rAgUn:'TM MOM of rYlphl sly."ID Pmt. b-Ydn.w "A tvrl Polu'QJint"411. :' u6' C T O Your ONokMI, d✓nk or Well may Solt paletwo en:•xdv Iluvnah.n:' V rt '- •, O a back Best when P In ' ) M..al.nlm.......... ... IAN.................. J.I. w Mndlwe` p ^to,•Y lmtar m.146.,kdnmrl......... We".Ynm,L ... .., I'd' shope"N+n ....... M,Im:.ala•. .. IN" Ilup.�u lti en4 la aural r.ms.94 it.; Uhot �iogd•p r:'WIrns. L o Sart me-- y our labors of, ove be egt'8 t0 the pPt)ffiOttOn III,. •tfyt Ill 1twY...Iron ..-. . . wen...rum 1. load PI« ] r N Ym nor.... . . an Fl •' !tut thele our tall) ar m m passing U AIMe.I.1 .. ..... :. N•w lark Ce'.... . .. IMI MmANwM :. . ...._. Looe ................ IbM Jse. Y6-Cnnnq:•.i1.IJ,to.n.ul Iawoman'e BYw." Cad. 1".w ...ewe •IMeofmr.n.•ae um.., x ,a; 1fTI'}erlest8 of our beloved Order. 9 . . _ IB9 Wnlln,A44aa.. . .. . ...Wed«x .AmJ........ IWd pallors. ' M4 lo--tYNkv11'•:"71.n4Wlov".Ull le.ob:y. _ ` Gp p Y down the line. N.A IarJi-.Huhn R.:.:::::.. : •borinn,11 Mn x -11.Il.mlpvp...._. ....Method................. IoM Joe. 9l-aurlal:"TM Yomgm Ntn.l'u.le6'i S,lmv. Col. 1P-1.YAe:••11•II•..n.n,^te Yerw._.N Ums. p _C fn v Flat1,Beth and fowl=Y fele a to stay the afternoon pre«,Joon.. .. ...... PbnM Lk.l - IAY WMq Ad.. ,. _. .Lw,e-Y,lhh.4..... . IWe Ju. +t-tlun1 TbC Y!o Ny.114'9911 .. 444 10-Amvlaw:YAueh C.:WqYy G� m��Nry.yyrr vluv, O �„ O rel tome; moa.Kk•nen.... .. TTI( oe,,pd :::.' .IMA W¢¢Ir,t..„ell. A„.yrs.......... ISH Joe. H-NITYou 11 a{ RIII, rN flme,l'u1.,le on. 1"4.sdek:"Jampb Wnry{W^etlll •. 1 1 Guru.IGmm Mgdw Mail'— __. ISN Wtes.1J,N'.rk• ... ,.Il.uvdn....... .. . . ltd analeW Yllwir. . UnL 11 Krldnlron4ar✓•IlMUOnd Jell.,• ILI 11„me•. tl - . But you latest tMat Me better whtO l MYoar table .'P�.•p � ever tit thy fear l�ttd W1Bdnnt, dn41 rlit'�'l' r�, 1{'1919 lCul,Vlta14 ... ..i'.. .1 YM 4q .. m16 It-,Marx......... ... Val• . ..'. .. IWC Feb. Y_Irvnr ill 0 Me adwll..^. . Mel. Ib-king 1.1..44^W le per.^ F] - b Liwn,.It Mt r... .Wlllwnrer NJ IxW W:wal.lnok. .. Mrw Yak IIIY....... ISM so. t-w-t Rred:"T6e C1awa�ItlNnM,"nllmn:Nil%. INA. lt-V,1._: 'am.gg,/Imam N.u.e"Ill It alma. r-' O Oe1Be. If xmxl blel`I T+`eyllWtlb RNl1alhY"/1IL),n Um.n A%, vv anpae, •'ir'rnaojd, v�;A11n"lepr •�ll.n.of ng. ,� z yO..9 It.uvn oVI %be 111111-1ona(1 vlanAe, lel r.rh 7.hly SW.n e9verl8r�E1t]$ 8&.1�,fvHttlo♦n�.;,,.,aBtd t0 thy �PCB't t114fl1e 1Jt' ,7�! i'.1'.' ;r111r�f h Ill'3V- C bvx.[orae«:.••.: .: :�milked!ll `•W I ItlJI MFmeYTibTkxm•4:. _ Y141 m.hl�g.Y::: ::: IW M Y°"'W°aMm4tletrnY:'•3'W YOed D14Bemmer nom," Ogrt flf 4�llv•11eelln nm'dw rrr•UII Moulo(. G O If In�nr1 Fa`qIn t6oe tn.Y h A plrM of Pumpkin. -poriLL tthotllt elltl. ALYIFAr Fnen4 WIHI R.r(Wrd .. ...... MM nwrkle NeW11 len Wre AWIW .. an ` fret 4111144,1 ..: NvYeeA. . .I IMA qtr,... IIn1w. »g T,b. 11 C•Mese,11.11,"TMM.ONnMUoy^ (m! -No.1'A: '14n1M1"fiLD,W 1444.. r 9 C. ole. -pinphPmlen Pro". 1 ploo,NI .1 MzdII Ne. ralwn ISM Wlumgmri, .. . .. buhnAgiMY . . IWe free. ,i-MIY4:'4,1 umy Ulodr'(of tem-. w4 AI-Bnl-w4.16r. 44m4 Ado 16a•u NVWloy"fo.1. 9A-,Cl d N Yvri,- .. IMI Ilerm..Y¢ew . . ... ... pnreuo 1m rob Iu L>eln:•'Tw11Ght1my. foal. al-Fen.ww`16Mr-H. The 4nPd OOy."d Umn.. t - YI+»w N w1u l K-Toll rel . ., ala "Is. ILis.' 1.. .... obil �l IaN I.e. ri-Y01^Iiw4o6Yw� TYeltIb NIAM"[II.I.IM1 UInmi 1.it:4y 1.1 A. rv.Doll M'.Auq aA.. .. 1•;1 Wgm..r N. We .. wm4lrekn . .. 1M .lyre,II teWbntm.p. Nn,. . N.1••:le:"mol tn,"ItAwW. '1wJ Mvbmu C'1. .. WnANN ,m, late. open!` BI4Y IAedee ... Itlll Rb• P9_NON Yok".TDI INIdIrtaW:rel flora. xo. 1-L Xa Nmr Ile.m.N rtonou.+a. I ,y. ^�/I, ' r,Wn, nude '.. ... a.ml-Y11. .;:.: ::: IxM ' "li AArlarl.'. IY„1,P ante y.h H-acrd..) Tke Y..JegC.NW;'pre It ... n.,, 1-1, 1.nl.pY 1.l or" and re.WN. �035KSk.LLb:R Qi STR.t�tr+/ L �* �t '., a Awry.- .... ......:...:MW Yar,t1/'y ... -. IW IW.ew.xr C'WdwA.. .Itx Fllq lr.ln l.. .. NW [•b. fa-bvly:l'I•w�•'Iklwemm,'.leolnf•hrl:' Nm. I--Fourr.viDxllMw !V%.N'so w Nwmnal •011 R^ ,Rr 4wQ• 1y - I' r 4'm.ay 1qa[/.:... . .. A.y4q.'a.r.. . IMB eWhlw.J.m.u_ rmk•bin,e,el.a. INe Wrm I .Il A-1"Is.: rD.urtlon..,ti ll. nmamr: laeU blip, Crgrler of •1 Y"it'ter i'tree't� _ lank.4.. ...... ........Ill-^Mv.ltnro lM1 T.nrk tom mA .. I'h'muulb.Rynnd :. $me M•nh 1 Irnvx 1'644 '11e tut(low.. .n We,. l-AeNn,,:'The Wlnrd.flrN.tBII I.she m Jnx. P _.- ,flon.w11a..I a.... .. ::::lemon•.. . .. .. ISN rwnlake,i•r ._al..n lel Seems T-Kol0lwM,ek.r '•might I- N..I. i1.peoreyap,I:1iri.�ll::i illr,iiw•^.IlU:ln::i'eg' f 'IV*i*0H-11r - mlktlar WURwd. ... ... IlkrlmrJ lY......, W0 fwpl Nlm. .. .:. .,Wv.mrY &rl uJ IbY Nana 11-Iiad N a 14v YY'� NB.. IJ--N.«Ama.wm nqmptr w , r'urn 1 '. -• Fught of Time. Oweler.Nee Rwm 11.r. IMA tTornlr4 lxmmu _UI d 1Y.. IBEI Y.rcb IHler I t Tn kLllog lbtn.n y q� 11f1y Madavoi F IY8 di •••. -F �.. ..LWO.. , last Wreh 11-IM '•Nu Mlt A4w1 No1W`I nC r (It.),1p N.,. 14-KHewrMe\ar: 11 al V'JJ I.I AtY•. ;FOQ-S,L4A Wha(!Aaffor '. f ctas,7011'. N.bwn J•W.c... ........... 'tivet7 'Wi r V. r_. .,nnnarra.t IMI „ No.. lwllnwM:^1M luyI �J77K. o n.r Jn:- the I hen paves.`Si akralwa..l • {d.4•a ...... IW r'•• W.rMhe,..- -. KuplwJ lWr Menall-IN'll feared, •1MAwdenlvg of Yr.IpP;' Nem Id inln` '4n11n71tIt111nIJJo„sIt....."ad• ` nhmomu.nf 61r IV,sere 449InPie. s,lair l0 the fee O, ... W NRNI 1 Novena 1 1 A. In19 I`1M. t t nRnnrx q'1011 IanMtalllg lfn. Of Mb rnr•L' �.., h. . .' mwJ N�W late +dl 1tlnlmSa . w.a rel, . . IRS elan r6-I�a rllenl•'w.L.:`•;I:oo wn'•uLbM Nu:: �d.ilx�„n:"�!n{1mL Mna tan^611mp.. of the first month, that Mighty hnrdr Of 6avegeg _ lw Mwe Ch - IBM 1J aide" ... _ w r kt84 lata Yu.h fl-x•{Iro 1 ilpWl "Ib W. 1 No,. rl-k•'h•uu�•`ulldk n4l•.`�0.ula`I rr.N.R UnIIC( Gnd se . . - •. r ,.•r. r ... x r km11.. .... . am iwr`.:.'.. ! Iwle,4is ,,. is w:Jr, �.t 'N Ilupw.Pu(kwl... loll 44erob rl-11 ww ueY1-allele."ellmr.. Nov. 19-Nn,nm:••A thl . 1 a r.mm. _- 28 Neither did the sick and woun(le(I (Mospe. tt .,.. .- (•rpt, yq INe APHI Ila Nit.We '.aumn. x.,. 11-N..York:••.V dl d 1p theme chests NnIrX...... . .. .n gN4pq t-I•:ja.l . .Heft will i�W �..'"`,osh.v k...1•Ad::. INf Aped 1-Il n tri nNlhl erbe,'atlm-. Ror. 1:-.torah,)'^11 I o UIIroWrg. IYn•m„a1F Yna 9r r Y�Wdel11.hb R.... . este Apnl {-crl.e.Wn: nn ULtNwr"rte elm•, vo.. rl-hilt'•.Y.n... ulll j ale. BlllOn I$ iIHII ).,V{hCFCfl fhl'nlsk:I VCR IUr p-. 110 C1'1 it P. X{Z w 11 Ni'.(�.Il�a.:...:..1I.W(IwA. .......,. .. IWe AP111 .-Lyv.ve."TL•M rag uarl9 HBnu NP, 91 (Ike rL .: . thele 1'I runnlnl{ FI I,ether in the hnu+eN,th:rt •'••mow• -k ��T• ...Aw1.... ...... ....Iliad Mhi.. .. ... ILF Arm t-lxeo) Then .11 lien of aur.^1.4444. No,. ill-( I 1: V i41d1 I}Yv'e..enhlt they fill+l (. J April a-K.laf:rr4edlel, rl'D.4h PMtdots," llhmw. NN. fe-I'll lour. Wr Ymhlwd•,. 1B elle dl }' {, it he 6h'IIC(CII }I'plil elle 111 Crcnlg cull( ; nJlnl rr oft/+r RrifinA j,•ign fe ✓.Ivag by ..::r( !1- _._ - - -- - - .�Q'prra I even those AVID) were WC,l' mil )mels to yo forth. 044 Oct. 27. IM, the sNtlon of this new Under- members Of a eommlwlon In demme upon MP thence under tore Heel••rs never 1, 11Mnx rem dell, I 19 y �(alea'jrl�4lc L'aQ/(/[(f/ipn. ,.[MCH ra0wny In ManhottaR kaueal al oho Sub- transit Mnr. for the city. The ram U11.1.n tee- The --abode Wee It to John Ill hie Donnst fpTP)I way between City Hull and H6th el, on the West ommended a four track urder8rnund Scatter to oho being maned on Feb. 34, Ivan. In the('nml'dn,)rYs Ths Candidate, : Cd harm . culled. '19 For the ghleai(ell pill the hllroiht; hl'JUd 10 1lie VII Side. was o rued. The first lMln of 6 Corti•wax no, Mnynr on July 16. IBM. On use. 23, INS, Hearst omen, opened We- Stet broken .n Murch N. In Elthaly Aha OMliJate /heck hollves. froln which the Could not lice na(l blvd[ s, In MotionHall So1y Mayor .Old la n. ,, left the City adl ch nerd and then. "Solna In cs Nerally*.ended, Witt,p- front to the Price W Ifo-, by Mayor Vnn ackor Tlu� FURS Ota d¢eL L•dr is La[I1(J y e member.11of at thef He11AM'Ilramilt Conml sion and Seeder gM ret InI hws otyor ova Aapppoint,ed pa 1.9 Coal ind, Wan 38 nil MMl the eons Oadf nkreo- Modelingg glsD broadly data'. 11.1 g U - Lake l(Icnl A dC the li,inesI. Heard New for B teen. ase. Mayor Grano appointed Ing s. bald, cont. and IWON r Mi road far any y Trans. end guests Operates tee heIfta.bmug0 Rnpld new tori-, E ge a Sc en: Wm. Blefoppec Jand yeah- The a Sentient' Wal re,uhnrl tet fun„xh B 0 b 1.H ais.H 411 All(l(lu' fl.11ilfA sell (11C hmnke aPUSC ' al TPe ft Ca.. welsh rtingor the neater. H. Btaan, Eugene k Rushe. Bemuse Bpenrnr 444411 eecurily to the amount of{7,MIAMA for Iho filth- F4me.�wh9 the Ret Of der mgStC; 20 I 1N the twetfeh month of the first veer c! t: 11111(1 leer'l l' Yrceeding Lee starting ret the BMI train !bare 0ammissi P. Olcott of the ore We, ubVId Transit tel ung, the Of hlq rnnIMCI. This be did Points u elm mraightl erica Rnll Ill Cil' Ybilns reached lbC Were ca.relsnw In lila CITY Hall• opened by Port Mr Olmti•wAn 11111 notlUuallty.a Joho substituted thMURh IhB enranlNlo.n ar the Re,ld Trandt .Halle,Christophe[, 1. an Cas T of 1119 g high cho:,cery Ci Of the great Snnh)dl'iln,On the twcnt- air.: 'dent Che.. V. Fomes Of the nosed of Aldormem. Sebway Connlrurtlnn Co. August nelmtnl, .reel :111[1 Ili n� hL'b VrR y 'After Vra Yrr by Cua djUlalor innop Unvod H. was Appolntod counael. .dent. Which guarantees err. McDonald'. ComPle l=It It[rant, ed our llud )f the urolith, I'c 6renr, of Mhln.. Alccleatan was Introduced p- plans olthe W an of Aid (men Mllway wrMlurea of Ah contract Tho C(+nlraCl We, AIv7dM rT 20 titin had 21 41 Where tllf'y will stand rrcorrlc•d rev the PMeldinR otnr6•r. Three Were address submitted to ono TAnnrA ret Aldermen fJrl. El. 1891. Int, eq,teone by the contractor and Sub-let to 81nrk hitt. wh4t BlHeo➢ r I1f011 file Colli. 2 It Capre to Pass, thud ane Of (hC st In the order cumed by lasso, MCCiollm, Wm. and they were Intagues approved nd veer on heindwiee day. Th untY Order Contractors, In ION. an set o! the Ieglnln. ROSS his addraga. IeB Jct of elle f un to ing of that 11;1 fell' Which all Other dtt•s a l'e 1114(ir. the kin hull u t Roached the cu)Or, � r,I : �:I e. Un MInY Parsons, CblaT EDYlneor of oho Rabid,of bore when !fie Rant four o wan s,OfPcedpro for Bain. LUM penal ning n, Cnntrnetnr Mei]nnnld asnlgnrd Neu oPnl0tY0aay LCC I 8 y the InCommisel..; J<Ihn 119 pfStarlit, Flee-PMR' of els eht to opmm�m the Trnn Il r>.I.d will I`n win, s LIYea tt 1 [Vrab T I(i 11 q, 2 An 2 'I a- 1.01 ILcsu w'al'e oho hrlpmhtes Of AIC n'n - $ I I y ,., bid Awa n t fell r abeymeo, his a ht to RN Strong leanuse s`Com mIrm unPPnlnted ren hiR90 nJnM pFi. Traid nsit ffLwrd,aWhich rrmmlasiendw..CBneliita new uPN orreneadM. (or that mmIWM Wltl a Mo e, of AfterfCpmes the[411 shirt 1 tui! $ I , u❑ l: Ill•ItlV which IICIh IDpHy t10UNG0d nldeg niT. 4. thin raised a kit dour Of Britain, that ))Loc Bad generous nMtiom 3 And that ship was hnllCd lava, a!1. 1' ! :n, de '.,heart, Pre who built the oral , andheAugust net. W col Sown: Alexander . Ort, . Se H. glen d The im.ebareugh C. In 1903 else took over Ih,• Antes of aOue s, tet 21 Of tr1C y IIIC 1.l!/eVn l'.l; p / Win. Steinway. Jahn H. Inman. Seth Low RIO f�l'C lane, Pees, n the dbyb Arch had The Mvediv-'Jahn CIMIn and Mayor and Compptroller er•nmrla. NO Year.. F.levatrd Railroad Co. lie lees° Is for OPeme of Dppm, ter I tlunW' j rr'ligaprr, tion wu pronounced o f by Aub ay w Farley. IBeth Low Melaned on June 3, INO, his plum being !Val 9!V('Cl sCCnleti INlell(IN of IIW east{ LY 1.r' Only nine melee of lea subway were opened give INTERBOROUGH RAPID TRANSIT CO. Fame.With a lost of her 2 lCClill 3 5o hll,nd 41 'I•cll It ROI it, �iG[h, Publish It not 111 the flOUI'15h CV, W111'rC t1E hCal Of ALL' nun �n •Qct.2r FlRurea Comp{lerJ L the mmagement glue�mken by w. 0.e talon. Tae death . We . 1, f,e Oat- 87, T1mrWx orternoan and evenlng. art Biel Smit on Nov.Nnv. M. IgM, brought Lal one, Flow- OBlct a ill Park row, hem. ReN. lent the weF: tilt ft 2 •ailist Slycctx u} .lsiiclUll.s ;l{1.m10 paid INSernkete; roc FVIdnY AH,WO; for lInto 8 ha Smith. no. of JbTnnN. lmmsn dlNl an ffi v.pit The )Mesa And directny. of the TnlnrlroYOugh Hgrinbm ODnwOP40[ III nth day U 1..t, ai (3 held W herr. the 13-dio 1 Upas milts Ila :', 111 ;natUMay, .and; roc Sunday.W.Wrl.ball,average lensed TraJIHI Cu, *M: August IlelmuntFrex.• F Blo Nov.d8. tl6.MM. The latae length or the subway 6 Mill and was suaoeded'by Oat. L Riven. on Y. Bryan, Ift"-Pre., and Gen'I Mit.• Fr¢d•k Simple,[els kat Cfl1f Wu „ __... ._.-�_�_, 4 iSlul-('apt f, She C;u`l'ic(I uhnlll IL1n' h'. f e Y y ;well ba over o four.FT.re distance nr 17-10 thee,. b°ma�m�l be.election to tete Apresiden Y1 Of the K°ene, geP.:Jahn F. nock. Trees.; S. F. Dnyo, TJTlrlkm4 LM 4nWth°t mm 2•' OTIC of soriur. - 'Rhb Mad 9a ret tour kneka: for 7 2-6 mile,. tibreBl a Ciller Eng4 n. Stillwell. to leleal D1Mtterl Qla_uli'011 e4eeM- $ e �'//n 9p/t Ulr n f/fix yarOJaprrf filly men, and a gover)rin• iced Ililny dot ,.litraelb: for wsh mllea, two Use". The,. are T1..NovlneIBO/Cm eledel vneaneY.BpOrmit[glnR sten One, Olble, Consulting I, C, J. Yat VIMk, o-.PwlBsr tpa wvaith of elm Asan 1 Jlsq O+a 2.f f/I r'fL r'«n !/ tVYB fpWdNfl�d U)11/er, Imllues of track altogether In the subWny- The --_- __-__ _._ __ _ rhanlrnl Rno. The -nerd of fnreek,M )rot Mm. Leel BhA % !r C.cerin/!p /rYYg+cense"Ove/lollr'11 bit Ikenll f the kill" • and bl1C W'aN i1ell n,' -itt W - (IICI'g O It poll, I J.; Au MUIe Inw heeM. ed n < ut ;vt;/ae L,r 'htit d rn:no-eil f (Hid ,cf Apo net., Ib , i ,r he Jmbwny on the..at MSc y of tour VecM from the Orr ko continua In rho board, viler het retiremoul east Belmont E, P. Bryan, C Ialq B7ly limit to 10311 at., and thenad on I. loth et. from Iho praNtlency of the Chamber eT Commerce. Andrew Freomnn, Ina, Jlmrdan. Gnrdinor M. TJpMmT his vamp- bail Wit [11C1Y` P t1)L 6l rel dreereTu 8 P '� t'rr battle. 'I I lit h of thrM tracks. The rat Side Ione, running Which made elm ea-olBclo a member. 11.)44 the t.anc. Jahn D. MCfJn"aid. W It r G, Oaklnon. $ MI (�• 1 from BGIA ad, In Bronx Pnrk, le o[ Ito VnC4e. .'Teem). of Germ. G Rives la the tine. f Car- Jtbn Pxi Mc, Marlon R Pfant. Wm. A, }land. Innoeoet well - a Sol jm lm..Il f 5 And Lambert comman(Icd the 51,1i1 c; ISI Law, It 'two Werke tater the east aide role nS far as,poraloon Coaael in Jan., I9ll:, Jahn C stela wet M- Cumellm Verdrrhnt. G. N, YOY1g. (aenaral aV t'Abd llilh u[banl0/ I)ll•1.t 71 piano61. W'na ppeneA and it h e*peeloA that li.elected n member of Mn cammbnlon. 1144 sec. h or llpd.rground Raud. Frmk Hedley. P IIIc 4 , b y ylgt'11 pyo in will be ready far tM19c for Its eters length In:'61. Will Ba.reluy Parrealle rrnlltned ea sate enRl- '-_ _ _ - _ ____ _ '7bUe4mT`hIt'roll 1 New, alert S It, n brave YC sold loil", l ighfilai lees than s Year. and (flat the eea side line. The commission. Ch,nwroro, es pow con- Compwrlttive Pt•1eeN: (!ran for the mtYw. Vhu it'GI `1. hr him 25 f, SO as 1.0 p,lssc<! alpu ni,.;b auto I:,� ref =. fmm Settle at. to It. tonneau., aI snwaal, will bo,vitt ed, . Jo follows: PM.., Aleiundm' E (Ire When Coarm.amm ./oho Sbafp Williams Veils BlrnmT tb6 check' 0f G A I R entepleted within the .:afe time. Twelve thou-'VICo-P[em, John H, 81ar11; Woodbury Lnus„.nL Beery volomltbe f0H hie (CCllul 111'IZIh where [1.0 Bull cast 111 lIIC BIIaHtJ IA uall 3 1 ,land men were employed by the Cnn)aamrs. The Chea, Btewert Smith Marc,,K. J-Up Joh° rens \oaf)eek he nnvnr fele Io look In at A email kind J LO 94:1 uVervleing force commuted of 860 men. Tint num- fin: Bee, Dion L. buMowa; CWaf Lng,, -- - ling wood shop areeeded over by m old ogre, up to the lmnlr. of Mei ......1 her of cable Yardx of activation oma abut 8.811.- Dnpp, Cider Kil Geo. N. Then. %howestermorlyarlulmlin the Williams family., ttenebm t Mly bMAH, - llCcdY Nd o 2A 1 to lh':stllilh it I1m11) (lay: ,�- Onen, of which 1.•5]yy,,001 viae Of rock, In CoailkTc)nn... 7Te commltNMi NMIOOC d oa the mute for rho Oil his forest CMI he found the old m ) Itnl y t "'�`- rt, McVV tone of at.. and A.M loon of Cast IMn here read Hroadw•ay, which We. oppDeed end fought aP uabllpPP• That to will will; I 1iye 1 7 �A place uolulOwn lit the Child l'Cl) ,r .. r.I !• peen Oiled. There rosea laid Sachs) yard. of mm-I buttery In ills art.. New pias WON drawn. 'AYhnt l Me mall-Y,irf11"npknd Mr R7IIWnA, Then oh aft Easily. 104. NIJCfI I fell u'. ereM and nearly I,INV. W yard* of walerprOo ne. and by mnmx of a ComftvdIm, app,em,, by the "I so lust been don,. ^441 a'man,m,,U, Motion 'Tout hill surd.• l Y5 [IIL• d'nyB Of �'tONCS,� In the vra ra rod, of the subway ae etwnad. 1,:@0 Appdhte (•our(. FIMI Depbrtnlent, the nece.alty Doha and Hui 6 manab 'uoxOe,"replied the MO/M, Still the gh 6449 Phmru, tyUy LCIIdCd dr,ci p 1 (If loran are e1nPleyed. Inelndolg switchmen,"pail n, JA the Individual ronmah It properly Mad a terrible mison In also ltof,m'went 104 Yovft obdU6, feast � -_t1YG SC 8 Lo, one of the t.11i ships Of(.Orllln'_ " ''I' ;ve }(conduelorx end (nota+rn s.. Thera men Wer, Melowaen YIovR Na mute woo obviated. In IF17 the '�Ick of over 11.MN who took exalminnllune far [ho,consent of all local sUl4ortti w Wa auxin ed. 'a d44nnN rep fni h VUI1M,Ae' Ag ,4ah6raK wua Oft DO sob pahytty, 8 inal'lll pbA The Mute Lauf rse at lee CITY HAll, re'renew rep actual.a WDala dVash. war.°nae down on To".t Nps H gap put? th,1 The history at the mhway 4 as follow.; Elm at- to Lafayette pl.; 11,111, t.4th ay., 10 Old '•t!t 1199441 yp nH Dee Tinker and no more111pn 26 � • Gov. .H B(o i and Suitt 6nund to 044 April 9. 1BP0. Mayor HURb J. tlrml no ill, to Broadway, to 10/t4 et .bete n brai11h1.. Y- -- -- 17obfg1l ! y , r Into MO se�de", eve Controlling In Gam a saA a awHont and a y --- 'Pte been huneoed. - OOnM 9 it 9. IM, Wee. B Rush y.Cllr ant no rt IFrtC y[ iv - t fepllYh JOY1n H. gouda end AIu11N:Relevant as 444411 beyond [o Mable Hill -rue Tingefirld the < fl - _ _. __ �.Il•;SS:rzd coin¢to the rash l:emrx n... t41g%T•t.; _ _ ... ___. - - _ • ff�/ n '�r /- OL r 7 , f•,,T�v kb,a'1..-..2 g1XVV T't/t 'l(.,. d 'eu, -510 - vft -� 0 �._ 1 IIgE Stage• V1)r �tROi ill 1t ru3 �r'ort: (dttt� 1904. Yankee Pumpkin-Plc. I,0 You rosy mik about your tEri cooks end as the Southold try❑ i � A i#yl K",ACRN All, ^uml T[ABr OY LIVIN,i NAMA'HC ASU Rltelr,AT, PWM.R, A Meeks,UN Ia11Ynl'I'»N'r ISIS ,Leve ANA UyV1VAls vunn soVLMalut'.I O I 1 or1tnru,Arvr. th1aP they IM40. `il 1 Divisions ISIOII, d ortMl't.,.,.. lero N„..W, IaMA.n+NM le l•n yYr+A Tb vIl.tl qtly I II Tqo thousand dll•Ntt'dish-that they stew and Each 1LW: , 01,14,1 a," St... DbWplpe. Isms •1tet' N. du.0nedw.••ntlnLeee,'•IPII-.1W.Norr„It'll, Wh PI ax LI W All Id : E r ^It., it.I IN,I.a,AM a."Ill,New aweu,se,and d.d Y' ib 6•1 Y, J d Ill.— b A' I. L and hake: , AArvq,Nwh .. -[ Y CIA1J iwtlJ )Eton}.Ndmund hl n ._:`eY.r I�IMe '•co.n^Ket+l''"It....I We n,Jpn I",meal✓rl&1,N dmwp led Gli.,--rhe 1Nr,o[Frgo nn " n YOU Dina pate epee[IJldrwondrmleStlllmmill- A.I..ua,rrllee _. inN,41 "t0,�r,W"A.., ... 1pal li�wl A..oaks Jdrrp P YYt ItY.... l Nnrmu IiuMrf'IN th eta the fauna- •W ol,save :"fbeUbl fron IUYn: NL II t le Umtl nq •, �T f LL AIMuI.N%.,..,,. f. W qr•r 1w dT N P Yw/(1tY. . 1111 1 ) N 1 of W.Uatod.,-1 rte Ll N.t tlww'"o .�,_,•yr.� �_ N dW m t 5(1 AI aM1TY aN. d.. . NO. Y + ^I)L• AWaved.,eae•an... 14MIYr.[nate rd. .. 1 aow.rd•Drm.m-.,.....,. . iMbanelplan, . .,•. .. . INI tlm.ultn•ALWlpnagwnl"Ihe Llvlt TMt YNW,••Y IIM et IDD afl..wwY." FAR 1, e n 1 Ue IIOW do}UY they l'aa maOUfnCtllta DUdtllaM. oia '' _ - Aird .Marr . : .. r .. ....KM L I•u,l.... . IW 4J '1%.I UYr Was N1.Its, ted A&I Io WNw NIImN 1 W)Nwe. f.w , u vilWal lr.: end tnrLB: :•, ' i� AP Ile Ntry nL . ... " Nro+dwnYl"Ih•A.In Ira le UYI h4 o,'J.1 .. xnnm.nW .',1, INI g9"W4,lnMl. XJ 1;1.. . . . IND Lyne'-•l'Aa(vent WOmw In tan IOni N UnwNlhNwrlm TM Pw IIII .. nNwyc d. INA I•r Mh 91,Nmn '• 36tLneeel l'It 1 lla)peIWW, Go polar the Frmch ant Gnrmm nhs4. and the AM1Jhn . ...Cantu N... IAN Irwln,W........ tV ronb ONirW IN Ume•iI W.LYwtmt'•A J.pea,r Nlshim.Waf' 'ey a l�I henr4t eM NUi h Dn.lwd. ... IMI hpe,bas 4:. Tamed',111 tNl Nor. M,INi-NevWtNnr"CML ftsrrlpama.^Mlimp. Apd to-L,vA '•r W. "1111.comm. IWlan.. Los. 7_ S B-Alin 1 I .... tusi,u. . .. 1610 J•14n.0 Jwln 0rxaWAAAVA.......: UD n! ( ,m.t'I211111... Me,1 a-K.IIuhoolarr:Teen.1i..1om.np"Ntiwa•. _ . Sans of 'I`em erance. I nmJaN" fr 1 k.....,S Uewl,W Iall1 Janm,�nry Ar I r .. .:.annbMwglytnTlNA INI Nee. Il-0dbrbai••NIY RRYMID•i IYlwn11.11.9 Umn. AN11 Ye--s. f fOr nl8kln[aRlede.senna.8nU1N Alld fY10Y dLaDA ^. il,., PMA 1 . . Alemredd. V _... .I I,N R+d Tam.. ... . .. . ..ably lwlnW. .... INI Nae t1 wWIVOIN,I-The Lye y '41 �' ]bra.7- 11 f(. y. .. . .nr,m,oa+l rY.. . . IYW g.n,1d,NAlIM. II ... lmdun... . .. . . .: lad N.. RI-N1dmnW Nrwu 1'Th.IJBhINnIMr Par.."1a Yj L-An11N eY IIwol.lujepapldaWa,•N lwp new liarpn pa N..erne .... .rout . _..,.. INI licol".#,..A' fi. __.Llwobnhln,RI-,i;a. INI ... p n,^"I ver• W.'Al Ilme., BUL for D ttothmmt mOmel UPm -hath I Pp,rely Y�h' . Ibwuen,1%.tel ,. ., ..,.. .CIr ivwtl,11 .. ... I,M K+Inp.N+dvn 11 I .. ....hOnddi.Rnpu........ uta Na+. A0.-Ilulwv Th+N.nl•. oI nluT n tl twee. M.y la-Rp v 1 lu l n umea Jvat FI^o b• e a^olid wedge Of VentNB ntlmDklal• { Ilnkucn KAL . .. . W.hA N,. ... 16Y K.1 .Chale .L.. : X, ftNi. C.. INf No.. m-Amnleen.•'nur Yqr Nlnlebrr 111 Umaa. M• 9t-hv 'alk I'I•d^,I...Atg % 1 Ilnue,nl.veDa thwo-'.A lrt8 Nlddf Keo L,, Rn, ,19.,,. ....... tIM Up. I-IVIw:"wbrl'.Phe MelYr wtlLRaeas l r'It 11mN. W1y N-N.wl'otY'^Ib^)IeLlr Jlbe\Inuuul"il tlmn+ • �\ •' " - "' •-,•,• In4t np. I_.As .rrwll AAIgwaP1 "at llmxa. Ina. tt-M.fullo'"TL.Ide of R•Y, no 4nua - .= dJ Dln. rtf•e_, CTP NING PRAY X. IM Ile o,lar .n Fr war IMY IOWA" WOW.. r1rII 4 Oat. f-U N L,•• N hl .361k1'gllmaL A., rJ-'A.xJ n'j"'bvterlx Ile q it.., - Y ^ it I Nt II .n�Y w,r ,- )$$I 11.w�ryry44yy IllyY ..&.11.1 rJ.rrylow.) tut µW'yy11 • n� 1 . R„I %YI ... Im`n .. oat 1,aroYmrw011• JI . ,.lerwle, # lNl tae. V_A eUNAD, I #WNri(ro M" IN amu. Au1. or 11n1PY."}1111ppry Yldi 9tl 11 , L 1101 those e1 fashionable taste turn Up the mum i,� Mr11 MLannA.. , .. ,.Ary.. INi MbA•b�(.e, IL,nae Iter Ila' Irw. a-KVINe eOaYr "2111 gwNNi'a tile- A. , rJ-Itilet „oj AN E,filM saliall Vi n. • M In prim. .. Wilda,'.,bud.. ... -R,I ' N - W. WoprWm IM•ry . .h.vdu .. Its Uv'. »-1 tied I.ee Tb,M u • AUP w-Pwrtw Uh Muret, "k de wi I pe u r. •'�\+ - ' .I And Ofink It quite Plaba4a W be 8W1DIy 8WkA . 4 - . 11 5 d.A) Asn .. . AuunlN. _... Na M eA•Id ft1.1,"1 IlialySaelrl OermWY.... INf IMr. 1-1111,led 0 wl K1,l�'ILa ilnf'lM nw.. ilnu -' I Nm t- Arm ar..., Rvdnd _.1.1. NM I N Wt RW ao. �INIV1.fm"hi IAN IMS. tilrlmu. ^L1a11 . MWlpr NOwn, veld. Gpt. 1-01St: 'l�BgDwl uh."N dmrl Ilann p .y., `; L% Wenf Opt 'golf rTLIE Ae [(Fe grN, IWIr Bln �r " ' I •....• •Iib p�J,w.�. ,Its Uma aeu. dt 1 r.rea r. Nether UM In ., =nmai O IAN N I J 11,.. ..0041-1,Ral•M.... . IIN --' 1:. Al " F 0 � �- and Such ABUa P,rrp�Ildl ... .IWnn. Ilea• Lal.M+rehM1((.pr4:It bort.. .RdNhm16 . ... .... IAN UAn lu-Irdnf 31.ae: Re 1AIPte Hm11'. M. 1-l.rrlu'Tl x. o A.f:'If fib.. - ,: no rma JewY. .. ..'e.a PYANM 14N Narllnni eddy. . . . . . Twbq N,Y ... . . 11M I's. 11-N.AIAm,tgY.na•'T1e 041[ram Md.,^Mama. BePL s�iw,yt"#r..Wl(jl.at lW 06b.p PnO+b 'uu i e9� a MUh torel[n nsmm. eWDIAOW IOOY» anA odors :i. `,t�,•..� . _ .. . 'py,ana mf rlMl ... .. .n.M1bnan,MO... .... IMI MI fin hP . Omeee,B.J.... ... NIT Up, IL-H_'it,..p ."All. NWdga nW6"N mesio q a? '- ,AI3�'ig ty and !!lost morcifal tl0dl 'SP's RCl'.ol'L'A tll'et' p11 th" ! '11'a EUI' Gk• Am u.,,.,,..... ... :An}nu,Yew.. .... IAY M.IY,NAM ...............+N•IMaw.. WnNI Lrrk4 p ` aq IowL f0 Uw,+. .". e--,I.n'f......;M IIID mantle" r wdup .a link CnoU[q: , C•roplwll.stn.nrurNY..,,,,. zIfi. . ,....._ I """,. IIN a,a, la_Pwrben{h FteN[i"'lbel:Oni..N.Wwe"oi SOU L-ILnld Bgwr•:"the»pnllhl Lr/ Iddrp. •U'' ^ie" -C Let WOm eel these NfY DaBtrY DUa»LlfnY lhmk Bol �..�,{ 4,1� - ��y they.RI.•nan. ,.�... ....hea P.A... . . '"I Inn+ All TA,:, .. ... Ne.Twlq•.•..••.•• IW If Uma ",l, s-kuldu,b bX "ANed.ml'ropw` latnl. a -w'frrldF P3,17d 1�bt® r�tfl071i�p r6V9'rftol' of loAt' �lelnlr-.. upon (No •^wry.. ...:..^...:INI} N.. _I 1.6+ IM,.I.An.l1•n,. . • .• q V• 0.n IL14.0 a"1'b eWamNtnJI AM"NIImY. WpL t-•Rew Aayl.nhM+ollryl'w Nro vet In l4d.i'JM1 ci V 'a VM nice. 1 pp. Crr..,,lass........: 1 ^'i,l 9 Y am..-unto" at amp by 9 _ . CbWx:Dada.:.:..... ::....: h!r..b.1. req I 1: 1111 ......Neto,-,vl.... ... NII Wo. I1-hNel Y, 'Kates Yww.' . I1 I mum... p '� nneall80 WeY'v^ Set out4nd4q names and au6 n d t� fp y +'/ y� {,1 t'IZ-01 vw........... ... tlyel Al .Ns M. iota+n,J. ..:_.. Va.. N--l"As dt ntryDnnOawl!tKMf.l.•Tt Li a $-New xurL",Mead Mrm.errJ t0.Lmamr.. •- j u ml[ety price- are WIQ' @Il�k)11 t. Litt I'IAC�,It U j{L1�YC "W`'e l] Itll'1 !i�i,igt y .lYtam.auem9ea lora INI P NI 1•raoar Nip'{. N-nud•Ovl•Lua"unmu a• o �. ,• c+ww0,gg..4 . .. .. :... ...Ke•YYBt hb a Uk 1 Ta,avigdoMe 5..... iN Uw. w-uWe. 'rN. Ynu11\eq••aluaw.Crl _„+ b L not ens'. lA m1eD Your nDDeUle, mtl Sole aWmecq CaJ)) willM F....,,.... ..n'wLVY ' . Ins 51 .1. - . _. JwMM.,W.I... .... IeU MIImYlO.reatw1hYiNW., awe. Sept. 11-Am•ticw+ fh,Avateltv:'1P0 por. (MIM13 rtw. .. . ..:r �.M1MMvo,[pl in+a IN ,II s. _. _ Ilhil.Ma,WAe ...,,.. INI nee' tA-AnoP:-'(1IM a Itt,� Ia amo. Mp4 1Y-LTNJmt•I Th q•10-'. 4mmYr "al 4mw. q .0 0 M POIESIS, ��.,,�11yyy��� I Cwa I ada ,,. , Dvo. le-Vaeodwr"Tate(ayes nirl,^N awe Cm,lra UeDt• la-}lnWlua tle 19 XNT (ALL to daw. �' S 9 r Tta i s noEhmf Who a,d'•.t UP O,ARk W yh tee 0. araC `" NI I l .IaMt1Y N T. Intl _ qM•. Cauna iM.aMdIC "pouh��r' IM T I. ill .. �.'IanJ .. .. IMS J.O. LII ted 14 U. Lr llurLse Nwl WingoL Lhoog. Unna FV• IF-brynn:'•#t.Wla cl N�}Mm:•U llmu. IinLnw lNln. . 'Neer _ IM: Y,I CI nJYInn ..INMmrdd A•Meu. Ids � �4 P- _ _ 11.l Niahwp ... ..LLp r N, .... IeY NnMLu ❑late.. F maust-.Ma......... 11♦ bP. 0-N.ahvl..,.17110 vats fl Wwa�Ulw.. p,l rop� 14-lie d+9 L as ebuee,b lL d rII i, .It . Qd•1 U v 1Nm'mOW WwiYarJ...... ...I nrwil�w M.AJ. ...: Iwo (new b.eear Pr.ukm ill iwv i:.: 1i=li:ua war`^eWiib..ne lw N.la;•Nualw a.pl. ro-u.Nw.^W.E<wli�wii:.'I alit nu;;;1�'. E L- '� IbOn boas ma! 'nye more Ou1MImt,more LOOS- ,,v, -- As. ,..,.,.,[n1NA. 1N1 Jet. It-WI h,TI YMaw K.11 II Wow K.yL II-U.nlat:'•The Cornet o[Uu Ot.h.Y• Ir ma.. u 1 T) halddln[worte; B W - eft UH *111 d we it're I/,'E' f� even lg �°Ill NRA,NeaL feo IMMe,YeY.... ... ... . .Ihwllm Nn... ...... IW NNdII,N+ewe ..IhtbW,C1. ... .... 1Na ! fj' _ . �,T,, J E - ,e llnlh.JwM N.d11h. almr4 hl.. _... TnJ Ih.l.rnw.th In.,.J... ... yeMeJ....... IIN Joe. I1-Ir•,',11od No"1'•G.M.U. 1MPl. N-IleWaer"ITS KnWt TYaMr.•nlll,Dile nae L p'Ardae.(MrnUb..,,...,.. .Ilnawd.. ...... .. .. lma 01,+r,ell vt al .:.... ...RYN fllaul��eNq U.... ISN Jm: IR-Cu1cAnOP-.l"Ane.Ku anh ql>N�jr'rQ fhma ate• W'aul,Y'M1 UYpM, I "flew lb Lod W Mmr llae Q L yF m om.. VM6,mtevYlB lttb.q he noade4W[. slid atrctn446 .b9 dgfi9 iA. tyle Mpirit tl�Clt8III ILRtl brRtUCrly l.tlli; "-: allll Uo 140NdIU rrNpY.. =no'..;............ IW "+ 1 . .. ....Maw Yoh GTS........ 11at Jo. 14-nnhbrbml.rQ' )mp1,•'N Rmw. BePL M-Fwrlp ratmnW 1 ua 10 U,w E a. 6 C ,2' o Your VIUrk»n. N'ok or turkey leaf matt paU8 - IbKevyll.L R,pYm.,. . l.iewrR.II.. .I IxAI .' m A14 ................#Wild... lad TbLlN. Ol Pdltb1wU.'a 19 Nem p-rderer l'1AW YtY 11U LL'•Lluw. Ik All. San..... . .. . liw.,.... Ins nnxm,Al4ur,1 .. ..4etdae..... . Ja.. N- W . .N.a p .� c 9 ,.1 +l'Nt Ik n.nL..gdnwrl. . . w.,.w.1.1 r . ._. bN ll..,YWr.Be.,r ..#plmr If.:.::'••: lid Ilmr�dv.I ,e 11 141Onew DI tm1Yt nal. B4kw,,V:'bi 1P1,„ 'tJ nwY. ' ` t E - o ♦era nn.- ffi our labors of love bleated to promotion (if 'h a+rY...l,m....... .. . .were-.1 4o,a ...i tAw newer.,J.n 11'1 ._....,re..Y'eet cltr....... . UeY NW,Iw a w I., e-lp P`,.A,•'del.rdue.men.n•' �,/ K ed 4+ •' «a Hul thea aYf take.ea<k out wean Pm DBaBIa[ ' b,W,Nn Rob. .. . Raw YorY Oly ......rtW N1na,AAdmar .. Ia.dw...... ... . .. bas hv. 9a-CrlNree V•12.LIMNTh.I r.hx In l\o en'.RYM" (Ir.L 14-Nw BpI.M.m 'lTn Smwnn"Itl loop .'ai.. t F7 p thtt nae+.anon k... Ilaur n, Nal. __.. .INN Wale A.Yr# .. IMWMM1.( ueda...... iHL vl cess. O•L da-w.luvR ,'9ne aho-Uuo^Uw rw n,a. a sown the line, Of Cllr t/elai!@d {leder. hI. John Y... - Veda , _ _... Ile: Iu.,.n.JNmWev ....Naad. ....... lead Jw. 94-(hrrlek Ih.YOvnpr Nn.1'er h R."N U. I Ia-Lrrb1"Tb 11n1NMA••h Wwa., ' !• Vish.Rah and fowl maY Aerv»to stay the appetites b.. r,, . .._.. tIIi ,•h s', .. N.a III A ...• aIpp ,.A. M.. .11. r•'Ih,tMw.W I,^mdon+. ot, Io-Am.dm f=ah c.mdy Camlwur.1'111. a .0 �' a y �• t u..- v .. : 5t t I,m 1l '.i. :. .: Nrlry inew ...'. . lift )':' f I b „fl I,.: "i..h. Jn. Ia-141'.' "Rare•,! Kin v Aiwa.cha ty 9a ow. II-na drNyv I PY anMm, d:r ABU. of a = e• '} L, of home; '�d�a, �yy�� as �,�` �,,,,t ��,I� �..q I[,a: F -. 'L ^, 1.,:, 111 J.larl,n_.., ...It fight . . ... . tlm..tnaeu amp. (ASL Ir-KnlaYnbpYArl. Kam.n.nLhru.!••UL),uil ams.. >•ai � _ l I30••$Felt 111 t��'jRgwa• .{WW Y,[aewU�j �;Vu� �'`{�P• lI" Ill �V ltl t., t -1 �... ♦. \„i --.a 1, va . . . . A ua IPL le-1r.1n But you m8ft trews me better what 1 Ao yow$Able r:.n.. ..'.nos .La.dl,.......:. Ida FAA. 1-a.a I`i.w I^Wt b L 11 a Flew,•'8o I•k far.- ( 'O ta Y..I.. 1 It- A ,I.., .. . . ..N..Tmt far.... .... NN sea. B-\Vn'e 81 Ylhnexl In,.m.'A IImMi p.19'•, tbl A-M'e6e1•.I' liiui"M-I IX=A, .Nil oo..a[•+L ::) Ze .'�•''.fpBve rnV[ [L1e !d[n.tMBd vlaads. tat eaDh ;lately b' 8ver1 rtting _s610aati0II j. •�BtRF t0 t11y '8tr'Bat T1i11ffi8 !I; t ,,, I -0.e,, 1 e. hd dt U ,1111. . _..LanMn,brr.. .... .. hat 5 I all „1 r, V b0.1 r ...,.. I '.I1,„ K 1. 1 _ ). r. 3J! I. d n. .tllh,lulY... .........IAN VdL A-Ruldub 1'T Itth 'i hl'1u. OUmw <NL ta-Lvwum,'v4mo Pi llm.e v, !'1(11• Y. : I ... I.ine a+, '. .. I. n L 1laaua. .. An.1111.1.1, IMO Ise. 1-PwIMn atnd:'TM ' iln SnmwrlT�" tale N_U.IyM:1'th^c1 .Lw".N4 maPlq. _ nd E' doe Fu 3y- .}�eyr•yk l 1:. �,,r,,� ..•Orly v., a ...., A I.en li ki vlb ., GmMra.Aw4h. . ' NN 111•m.e. Cle 21-hrl,((1'I...:"N'nwpL^ G 7f 1 Awn eM iw!I fA00 tYl 4 a plena of DUmDkla• •`11YRI[� �.IIbQYt tSraWe AlRmla'(i • ,era i eta tYCl I. l M e._... ._ ....- S Y... .. ........ m FN. II- sesAel.IInIL'-no Inn N 11.11,,•' IV!: 11-New t'ul .••f.rnlbintn.l,N LLP. v %O a ale. �-Iflothp»Nn FrsN• - 1 . i �.n N^I IOnmdtly.pod.'IW f1 AND. If_pd11 `A11.111111.11.11'"thea. WL al-KNeYvbwbn:--uah AJ.Ww+eetelvr'(ea1. _ - n rtl _.. y p {Ipw. _ __.- .__.__ .. _ I'i�v lr,.Yl IL i. I ♦�, Ti'F,I. I.h ver `N lwon'11. ,....:1EvenKnf1 1 Ct.:. IiNI YIp. tt-NOIAYnAwbr'll"Twelhh \lab,^f a.),IO dmwi Oat sl-Fbu•Yenlh Knpt "I1,Rmad no,."6Uwa I, • -- r., 111, __ .. + ,..I i.. . J' ,rIJIq. .. ......we.hl lV"'. IYLI IMI '..I nm.'Iq,el.5tt ae Nae. r-N.f•.na "Died umr.,o allae., 5,1�1VI'f. A. -39' R , - _ _ - , ren.. '( ,,...... I.::.. I.:. .i.,rx n i. .... ... raWw . .:::.`. INS Tee. n-Yaaa.k:•• rtre,amlwl;•M oma•. Nt.. n_L.ne Nnr.ne{eua ao .CagnAn.+' 00 KSLr LL),;R tlL ae lM �:?. - ..- .` 9 '- �+ r � 'T I-:I n• Li,_ .. ¢.:. l-:: I„ " Ib...__._lhda P.sew.. ... IPM Yea w-Nnmdwe ;"'foe Ask..Onwnl"Ile Ii.. Nrr. 1-111jr:•,#w Ubth 1.ifikl 1111....as. � LTA . W4 �R 4 •*•� - ., c.a1 ,ergo.. ..._ Nee tart.IA Ih+, r,nn•A......,...N bllo mle.d. 'tor F,e. N-In1nNl•.ael'lndumnn M1.ul000.hrV• Noe. i-Pavlpolha{tall"'yM\F.Y la l<•nmve,' nUll r 1. ` aa �a� yr=• l a' 'i ,..., Ku.-. ... IA ^...,,.,... Het n. .+ ,..11_.._.. . Vw1,Mra Rn[ImJ.. : ICO MuOM1 -Taw dm�4Nam Iva WeLnlbla'•It tlmx rvael.e. IJL'C3>: Still,] L(H•11er-'Qi ♦y�tt'd'1�. q` u ___ _. I ,v H dl.r-_ 'I' 1.,,..U rd. .. . PI d,RddnJ IN+ M...hI.h l-InMV Phn. Its n,rk n.ow• J Von r-Ae.daay •'The WN.N f1b"tAt I..liil nodba. � + 4Fq'tCly GAJ t19i�IP t 'tiaL'�• A r1'ti 1 ,iI load. N. _. 1..._ °.. ,;' II 1.. I,.., . . .Nnvewi,on6 .,.. IMI Nash lI-anwW asvk n licAAboo$tail 0deal. dol. 1_Amor."11N1�'IW 1{11veW Inl,ua.b., - - _ - V • -W mW111„ .... II ,A, In. I 11 ....A..n[ Lvl.nL. . . IM "Id .. +lulu. tm.naw las• fld.9 .x allrar'ax'l� r-' - l 5 m t of '" 1;-.I"., ♦ ( .16 r IINuas d if.. ... btu M.nh la--muall.t'•Ma NWla[l'wef"b Ump. W.I. la-New Awtnrd. '❑moyq N t !A o!( 3isj7;'8 li'Aotredic V,-Rif t Kh 9]61 n e . t �,a, : I rvu 11 i a• .... 'B. . ... lW N.w 11-]Ylµew["1 Ado Ab 1 s Wuys (R6 la Nm. ]I--Nnlelwewt Ii ntl h r .p.( I,.",u.1+ • ^, M ...het•• r . IMI IIID (- A . nAh S.Y. INf a,a. Nen l4_141wep:"Ih.(:1 . '(dl.h-.ellry moa. ii - ' .•1... - 'w" � u•ww,dlm.p .� Ir .... ll _ .. . . IML #Amb N-Yw1.„Abetn.H'•1'M Awstetb,a of K..MPP:' Mar. )tiLywgm,"U WA 4Y `u4,.rn,ul q. 1310 In mmi1 naaOwastol A4.IAetenNj,,LA[. U'abevnosteoethlde4RAt4eCe01Watwbl0hin- M.n,Jnln,. IN' II Ik AI _. Ked Ilibm Nor, N ln'iral'b=n 51111 II IM n•Ill-, 'I. tun ..., Aa,,1) ' I „ demo I 1 I. .., INv ..•, ora wll InOTef In age. Of We MD1N$r -114 11.11L.,tali,'. 94..,,, AI.• ' , w1. tlol,- a-e5 Lt11: lad 11•mh to-hrlel Islas.-I Ile,RtlrtealnloN' Nm. In Jhlpat"X'. m of the Cerselidtudo08sEheldrher.$ellen the pro ye Y great way Nm.�df.. .limpe»aa.alagy^ n.y_,_a almost r lit"- F,1 .rd... .V. L:.,. I t++ 11 1 a1 I _ _4w Tart Ili' 1611 Nenhla-Nrw AONF + r"IYt I'a'n drplMw"1146 N W n 11- 0:' IL 1 hl h Al I I - . .. 1 .... V A ' Noe 11-' 11 AA ,. ,Ie. It ul clave Unlle( anti 8( u u ri . • -, e 11.,t,M . ...,. 1r1;u..,L, ,' l,, w 1 + Ie, IN+w rwllt»,...... ... IM ,r1p a w I : - off,and made mGnX unto her which .hr answered rim; a 1 And the ahl of 0ltitain had became a Avraek fjrhl• u„ixA nl� ! ... 1'.rlh �I .. LII w•aml Je.WI 11"d*4'w.Sea"d , last til �'AI •1'111 , f� tau h-. Nos. RI \yj York '�'I(h'.J I...W ill ,.loon' C ` • ""�p 'Sano.. 1 thereo cheslt 9 Which caused the allant captain, whose sir- - P / u• r'm„ I.pl w,Ir A . ..'I 16ro tl' I Fd wed Ile ";yp,,Ie', .... INI A ra 4-fde.a. A.AnleeaMl owlet."blimp. Nov N @pJwa Ib 1 1' g {) allkl [ba deck thL'PCUY was covered lvilh blued : ,.:- •. ,tri I _ ♦ . I"k p am AM +'nee v1 U+Ir.,.. ..nVal ' i tel:.. u . Lu:.(. ..d,.:+a,: ...- 1,"1 Ii..I..., ,, . .... . .I Wd 14 Y.... I l �Cdrvmn,^rh.tA`xaao Nallmp. ` .rel lrwlnln . ,+1,LL.W. . ..numIYW... ......... . .wl load ,-L'to.r"Te16.wy K.11Y,"w IW.. T.., v1 rr Law re ai111 atuong IR name was 6ambrulge,• to c:o[a shot towards her 21 Nevcrlhcless the s[rvunts at the king atruelk ' mi n-,.a>. :... ..ia :uun•._......___. 0e:• r..,a. aa,t.... .. .....Nlr of Wv. ... ... ISH Aprl112.m.bus, zrim 0url :�.unite�a0 U. deer• riI, il ,•Pl.=.1 '11-1111ll-ill-'-- , rrtnl°.a. IB the tic r 6' A of ,_jE.r 1P _ p. _. _- _ - .'�rirAY ahLr which she ru;cived the thunder of his destroy, out the 1'lAg of liritaill; fol' they WCVC loth and heat On OIL. 27. 18(N, the ,`seen Of Ihe new under- members of a rommlN,lOA to decide mom mpll t1Iona. =doe the Ilermm river to Or." Nark. dell, 1 19 IOI( t ileal pv S„ lelCd Rmnnd claws)' h, Manhattan, known aJ Ell .ab- Ilwanl rain.. far the PNY. Th, comm4sian rev- The contract was lot to John B. McDonald. The Candidate, Cd harm force, cal]Ctl Ili And IL n'aN rbnvt lhr arrnnd Four after the mid. I •Way. between CRY Hall end luta N_ On the w at ommmdad n four track unaerarmn•t system M the beifig Waned on Feb. 24. 1e08is , In in,- ComPtroimea 2J Halt wheat Ilulllbrlflge, who naw this,came,Iowa mid molten Tse MayorThe McClellan alts left the City TLflavor endd and yothe16.rs, aclln 1In conformity seat trmC.nnt atOlhe CItY Heit, by Me nr On MWarodl M, In 181A4�y the oeal4.eN 17 FAret( hClh II dAy, \V hart lite 5(1111 LLI of lhU hJ(lle dP111n lVeh heard. Alluvia thele a seen ell time the llUlllhlel lln!m eC IVC E g Y YcAt. The Fu a h4 char. Co1 y s, Bell 'redo! thou aA P- .. cor[in, Oil, .Meimd cheater ETN of the Tawe of 197, 1. ..called la Om(met ,,,,,A we. 135.000.ON. Ihe ennlnator agree- Makm[each 4m Ay data: r doys a Lake I I And, as thry aiilti'oachud torn a each other, .1 .ltd far n franchise. Mayor hrsnl w Ing to build, soul and nperute the rood for flay hnd dl'C 5V llUwfl lila I31'ltiall eraaa• J,. Dicers and guests of the lnlerb.lUgh Rapid new commission, As follows: Wm, Steinway. John yesre. The eomacter wee reryulre' to taenia, nmehL 4 h4 pan el Transit Co,. which .re.gr s the subway. IT, alarm. Engen, L, Basic. Samuel Spencer and security la the amount Of IT,Oa1,it00 lar rho tellh- Fames.why the, not of ber (nastel 2U lh.' people shouted alouti,slid the ril llly Uf the en• 23 And the slain Wldlhe.wounded of the king, that Prn•Ading the slnr[Ing of the Mt [rein there Froderteld P. Olroht o[ the nrlldnel rapid Trnnslt fel DonOrmnnco of his Omtmet. T•hs-he all Palms at him uralghtl iota was drVadful. were exerchow In the CIO• Hall, ^paned by Preei- Commlesloa. Job. H. Inman was substituted for.!mouth the orgy^lactim of [he Ravld Transit t' kll Cas T Of 171'1 li day, wire on hundred three score Rod ten ; Jlmin3'Christopher, I'1 :4m1 the servants of the king fought bravely I dent Chat. V. Fernee of the Doard of Aldermen. Mr. Olentl, who did .at quality. .lobo M. Rowers Subway Cannlr4cnOn Co. AURunt 8elmopL forest-prayer by CW,dJumtor Buhup Da0a H. wee Perfected ted efor ti. dent wbleb guarantees 'Mr. Mt Dnonld's arm le Hal It ereeU :Ind Ih 1`n«' cd ...a of level tbcy held out ul the last. 24 Autl tba,Ke of the pbople of Columbia, were " the of Mnla„ Mayor . The Inn was Inbul ase. Porfeeted o the far an of Aldrnmd mnwoy Were:non sectio to by the Tile contract w•se dlvlded Mein with what owner �T 20 taill had 21 ghdll hill and foul'. 3 and they a the ironed of Aldermen Oct. 21. A't- Int} .-lona by loo 1002. an a and mh-Im 1° I3 For the Were;lshanmd to Ill the nations of the t t y I an tha pr order named e0iver. Thom were en, w•s, and$bey were approved on the roma de)•. Thresl-'under conlcpemre. to 1008, an act of the leg7ern Ho14 44 atdreee. ]Cnl)C, Of the ( UR lU y In the order named Dy Mayor McC1e11n0, Wm. bila. when mA fear er Scaife ye.4 toy any hire mmithing It. Caalra,or McDonald and eel Woo eonpummed, ter B 25 Moreover, NaiRbr3d c the ea t+in of iha ves-- <Bammy Persons. Chief Engineer of the Rapid b1AB when the franchise wnN nRetM !or min, ale pp R earth say llllto thelfl Bainbridge, r Transit Commission; Alexander E. 01. Pae. of rlWit too role the n ahav round reed to ill,. ! _ _ 1the Cthe on mission, who spoke John R. Instead. o dlhe lent,ROpld:.es. ofaATheh A total 'a e plan fell iofnVABI Crested a new Rnpd .M."e Ud[m RW�ld purevMll Wlth awcapitalrh was A11et etrann PNnm[ee NI tkl king, 2 Alt .. 14 1 :,] !'C, Whn are the brds and the masters of Sul of the Uhlled Slates, was gar�x;WOm kil. Pyranmlt Corinlleeian, .111tated id ]Ann; Jnhit u. Trans llonrd. which Sammi®inn woo tronsutulM W,a(y{,aap, nr coma We glad dewy tl:itir. raised u 1 of II. 'IIMeDonald. wire bout the subway, and August Boy..,^grmtolN[elnwaYk Jotinr E.H. tmm�n�oteihHLowtdena The IntnrbalUgh Co, In IOEd also took over Inn Acres of epfm[A•e. (;rC t° Yr IL.'. nu;;+ny der{tI have suffered Life feeble Yon kccs 26 And l:uroberi, Lhe.G:LPlailr_ -the slllp of 1110 ltion wait pmnoonu A by Aroli hoho The rnedlc- poll ""ran Elevated ttallrerw4 Co. Its lease b fur OooaRl of boogie. ler 21 of IJuo I tallow : IU Ortm nCl'''efll•} kit whe WOUndQd erDWe:MhtU d ,; Prood. of the ,Wm. C4IDn and Jet,, and Comyylm1th e w end war Onl nine miles nt the sufiwa ware opened on Johntaken Low Oohn ed on June Y, InB. his plate being ICCIILI ;t Sa 4+ r. -1 y p (abed by WmldhorY tengglan. The death of Wm, INTERUOROLrnH RAPID TRANhUT CO. Fame.MW ateam of her 3 bl„ud I5 d'h(refal'f, IIIC B1a111I1LCi' 1TRs dPCDd full be (ntI t+ Dal, . Irlwulwe compiled by the mnnsgemmt give SulnwnY nn Nue. $0. IIBE, brouRhl Chow Stew Omte, 19- 6 )'' 2T NOW W'hep IhIe BC1'Yuote Of lhd kin(-0 Were lakes t(Ir 'Oct. 27. Thir-M.y ettemmn and evenmR. Yl Park row. Mhln. Head,lea's Are gray; Wh the li NU,llns[ 'j3 tncteul'c, art 8milh, ane of the John It rnma ndied o• hOvk The -levers and dlreet(we of the TnterbotTmgh Bermnm pblloeophes thnl Ila u ( from the Wrce-0t, and went Wall delete sett b:'I'ure thele. i!Satur pend pomwar Su; for Friday, fly eremite for Into the cam... ". Jahn It. Inman Bled on h^v, eta id 'CmAOR Co, art; AU list Belmont. Pre.,; E. y 4 A l W hCPC I r And the bl.lck r, mils of smoke arose, and fill- that Ihr might be reffdehad tllc r,rkn,k hCPCO "��r, yl Ic Nov.y. , U6,N fare total aN,e76.hely subway P.A R ¢ I+ 6 lAB6 mid wee Morris K.nd va em ge the On r Ii, SA, VohnPrep,Park. Oen'; Mf,r..- IBull, Simply tete health ell,- W0. ao Noove 420 ran ., total lana of the adra nY ,Sell Isa- 189,. is Ale K. to til nnt.rei the bond Cvnm, Fee ;John F. Iturk. Troxe.;8. L, F. DhyODrmhlaC Lbe heaiAh at him 22 011e of sCured 1110 1'a'S UI elle Suit,so that the IDN•ht in they g , y I t H 1 :vIU be uvnr 211 gnllea. Iran n d1.Yance of n 770 miles b reaem n[his election In [hO prPAdenry Or Igo 1•Dlef H41 soner. 1 y 6 and were thanklul. 1 t the road In of four tracks; for T 8-6 miles, these, rr g•; L R. SUllwal. IDlecWgal Dlredor; Gladly'mid shmra- I . 9h;a'le { .1 N amhar of Commerce Jahn ClnRin red[nmR on Ore, (]tots, fb^mld., EnR.; r, Van Vieck, e- Illdli 1 ]IVpn' SO Alill Oa fllB cecnad flay,I4alldJrld I 'y %{Creek»; tar leg mllxa two tracks. There are TO;Nam 10, 1888, .&I'd scan.., Imrmltting Mr. It MMY We wealth of ban 21 C 1 GG itr1UM a} Black .L1oW:Iher In the eubwey. I'hn,. - _ hanhmI Eng, The #mrd o[ UW,omro aro' Ad MU4 tpto beala teel hill Cd tt C I i �IIII(III: iy lll(IKmOYetl(Ile VC95aIfi ah:ILlf,ai,d lhr" I.0 lU[a Ndn�_'�, I' J; ,subway an the weal Nde le of }bur tracks from l4e Orr to continuo In the board, .flet his reAremeat 11 8oldwl^` h.; Au(1Tnet Belmont, E, F. R1-yl... c i l;,in d jlp still), and{' 'tTCY Ball l0 1094 sl., .ad 1h!0.0. on m 7N)h •t from the ptepdence of the ,hewbeY a( Commerce, Andrew PYeeman, .fee. fomdan. OOrdlnnr M. bet N:, l] 1151'' J t0 the black duAlt'that rM171 UC T4h1W[rata-entry- the rr. SI I''n• W " r, id he halls Uf Ica.,and IIYc I1CdV • balls - ht U of three [radu. The east R18e Ilne, running which made him a-Amdn n member, SSVmI the Lear, Joen B M,,,A,,,. wet it O. Uaklnnn, i 411 } from 9EAA t, to Bronx Pork, ie of two franks. ncc.pah n of(twrRe 1, RIV- to the ?p,mca of Cor. rase Peleca Nonan F E'innt Wm, A, Ree,4 ImOomt Wall 9 .SLI Uo ti 1 ' , Ra 3aAltl 1107te. e Two weeks later rho ,..or RIAs line ne far an Vacation Cmual In Jun. IW:..Tohn v,,flat We.re- CA ,thus Vn A hit G. W. Youngg OenamI Built. And with urbanity 1.1 ell"III J ('I ll'oi, th I It hlsilad about them ill mllltiLudes. 1461h At. wws Opened and It is eapecled that /t'«heated a member Of the eonitnlsnlon, on De,, 1. Of ,thus Hund, Pro nk H@fli0y. the 5 " y I s U(I( t re spread V • will he r(mdy, Car traRlo for It. entire ],mail In;load, Wtn. 8011¢1 ParWns realg^ed ON chief Anal "'_ - _ .__ __ - •Toueelne 44'rW1.11 Nu%v 'I (N,,c i ll,• ,,III•.. %vidd1 were •Athurcd h'ani Ihe 4 }. Graf[ for the ertYPU. vlh i,a, J I ill'Ill1n 29 I 6 ._-.r•.: free than a Year. and limn the last aide Ile n -fit,'• Teten as throe Ale fix now ,or, ---]yaTBLiV6 pi'iCIS: IJutn Is „I the Cnl th, were an invention Art \v fl l0 from HA[h at. mIU temJnua, m Inwood, will bo lauUd, le a. fellow'; Pse., tl«mndcr E. Orr; When Congressman John sharp willumm WNU SI[utnt the r�k- oft 6 :\I (calm , cami.ielad witblu the Bann time. Twelve thorn-:Vino-Prem, John H, 9lnrin. lVatdhury faagduL L('wtP aommltbe fin his s;7,1It'1 l�)zt'fht-si7A,erEDthe rel; ',IV %ili:11es, I xNna men werx emPloyaJ by the ennl.raotors. Tho'(ales, Stew^rt Smith Morris K. Jerry John +'IAF bew York be ere',ratio t^look In nt a small kind- LD Iso the f'111lelincs; Cvcu smnpboll wabastivnger lO thrid ) vp a the deet y of 91ei W'i:lill fled front the noise of the enph bion. s UP 1WtnR fA10 canaf.ed of 9m men. The nem- lh•.B`IilefBE 4.L(Ico irru S. lllat�lw[ fop, lint wood shop pnslded ova by wn old Is"M. .t, Ile.(I, 19 llup'l'VCI', IhN slli�s follShi hard, to"the s])aCC ber of cuhle "A. of .."wetAm was nbml 9.212- ,pp. eomnlleslou selected ae the mute for [hr who was form<elyAnvAlner to tiv'a'filU.mB tam •P kit) y � 91 fluwever' the Conitiitnion eac,. I.',I vert nntlll t' Ste, of which t,tlpp,,006 was of rock. In enna/r^cllo^,,. fh U)- ITeeebmtn eav booldir a {V,I a ]( J 11 66.N0 Mn. of state and 8.000 tons of cast Iron brave.rand nladway. which waw .Ort bb lueat roll he fuoad it,,,,Ad map^damp]+.•'. Th., he will wm; _ ) lire I Width I fell n,l UI .,bent LSV,hUul'e.W1Iuil thCia' thilliders CC46ClI. - _ , t•.0 use}. There Peed and riYwnt ^whe,ltae leernr.Lm(e:'l A?ill Nr. Williams. DeTnorpC so wally. 11 . Itiv a ____ _ _- - _---__-- Were add Atlanta yards of Atm-1 bllNrly In the murtm New od ane were ( for she wait much WUUn(1L ll Ill her to La.II IC •rete and nearly I.W, 18 Yards of walerpreeang, and by means of a comm4ele. ,palated b the '1'M 99[ that" dope ant theme money, sterol, p W a[aha t(ndc<I dna, 82 Su, whcq Bmubru7ge cIn{L uL" ,.n iv the nPtre:nnn of the subway. a. ^lamed, 2.ma Appellate Court Flnt Deportment, the ntuPawlty 7ofmA. 'eaq #"'AOVP-""011e}the deem, still this g4 he's cheerily WO8 (nasi • [••,Ari. ;.air+bTry •e 1 0 1. ,one" are empia d. inciudina switchmen, Asnimnn, O oblalnlnR We IpdtviAual -Jaennb M ,-!earl 1L�� On,Y m Thr. me^ were the De b Y ".Y14O' 'IhfiM IR mab.4mt.an'want we Moving about, two ll- /_ ll • SL S.Jvador, which li('1l,heli p.1-to tic - ' 1 I::eoneluclare r 12 aO who n owners along W too mute w Obviated. lu IM the rel. 1� a s��I s,..he 41st d 6 lUal'ia r 1pplck er over 12.044 who took ewmlmUone tar iha cnneont ut 1 lope{ f AeoCan, web motion.. gr men 04 Will eaka wdavir f qua0I on :770,1 '. / ; 'A„ „+n,. it i»hO+rd.iP vN I• •� Jnhm The route begun at Ws (71ty Hall. .arnUnuen up.U 811.4 �1t ill. W61.a00s down Ip lbno W'al N pen Dart thci • Al �' I :r ❑a;11 of 171'llLi n, W'IIhRI Lt' h:Ui la rr. Elm e4 to tam D C . Toe glen 0, of the ayor H 4 eB fall.".:realY. to it Blanca where Ile are, /o hes I, Y 'el,lee T�J�do Tinker sed he palled ,wo 2U fi ClenllA[cw:JIN[r I:o/Ihf'(tllildll:tt' ( (rte AwI,'IPv:r J' ' 'l - On ADrll P, tle0 Mayor Hugh d. ANN nomad Int le Rrmdl'OU t0 1IIlh mh, . it Te. e,Vea'"�ago ' - EraldfK GlA;r. i ti'LI - 3 'f iii Ply U) go hallla to ItIC li ill'}-0I tltelf u:n Orlando. P. PMnr, Will. SUluw f7tlnn. Bt< 'nrl Into two Leeafonl. ora arnitn JnP t p$ UPn,x mY Awgbnel and gllly ma4`ed _ and beyond to Marble n +I' Kfr{, 1 rld,e, ,he 8n nudge real LAIR bnRppre. •-facit I _. .- . elmth Jahn H. Rtnrin ani9_Au�\ist_19Plmaal ns ,H__»ra_id._ ____ _ ___ ___ -r AocQpAjgly balel txa rt 111'. Ir 1{Iql vl.. - _ - l �v p•L,�w 2f oti .e. ryt w A� dA t G� . S� - tw C'. F � Pum ktn-PSO. steed %Lace. argr 'Stage ill �Vtw Mork oftq. 1904. Yn�3kec n ;r 'You may IWk Ab-lit your foreign ooalN and all the Southold , 1 nlwl'llPI.ACM Alo UIlt'1'N rLA1N oY Llrlgo DRAMATIC AXN MUSICAL PWv%X- A IIIWImilrw lurfilvAlm Kew PLAYA ANII II1N1voloB Ia.N wKinmlt tl II U,IYa dol 111lrF it e l mice, they make. `ii (1 D�V]S1On� -' m[ha rlgaevnlu en Nmalwr 91,ems". .n1'd 1.Iutrah Aemm.a,"YSne IJLNe N.Id•'•wa I Ynd 18 I w The, 11Q tboWaPd drJ•Ylr dbprN mN they rtGw mid bob Y.n. IYatapf - IIW . P ... NlrNplae. Nero NINlyh Xd A.Uadri"Mnrl.r(:o..r"Nl iter 9\Na Marne MlMf'•Nbdl"Ire lluo�'loetn M.:. aMII - - Vwn WX :I IN ows.al lb NanNyAew somandmn,.xdd•ditI I.Nana W'fe91w•IJ IYx Ifmn+ IMN ) I'. YW bake; i al'Y Adwv,Nwde........... n l l t.l.b LIJ• ..- dad 1 1 ....CJmunJ a _e T A Cltr ... ... 1!Y ••Canto WY 1 Nxmee a Nov IlnJwv I 'rreda Q"LN.)•N Ymn n W CxlePf o.+.b.M+1 d 9Han lye Is,tl n•al III Va, may prate abOvi IJ•elr mepdTOlm ekAl In Till- n/ A.b,Ure[e .. ._. ... . K•.INml,fol e. IN51 IIP Iv A. weld r - P'w ledlly... . .. IIaY Avnd' ryr ILrdWi'IN Nmn-I AIWP nn aedlWN.oyi-YkY alrl trod l4) MN 14nr nt tM1n llnXLl n•p w.' No. ?' _2.650 O AMNI,GmnX... .. . .LFNmFlptl d+ M"'r,l'•w•Ir. ..X,w lurY<I IY61 ••YI'uNn Wt"NIImN at lk•YlvlarN"'The LIBae it lIst ad"... HN NanrN' Ik xl 4 AJIxn Xlrv^ nary oris• 1 C Alwryr W4 .......... ..fm.11vg,8 s4,d. IYY IIemN,OaaVm _.._ Ibtrvll. .. INr UaulUe Y„Ilaaquni ogee LI"011s\YYItN, w are Al m. A Wk'NN.InI Ila Y G. 1 lime. Naw deftly IhcY Oen manafeOUlre paUdly Re• pits 5 Aeoduav lle ...... Hn.mr+w,1 1 .. Insa I 1 Y 1 1. _..n81/nlnn f,�. ,. Ib4 Lvrbt"n•W.W. NlanlaQ"'H IImNN1N Aarlwq;1 1'W 9'wny M. 1, of JN. I V .sets Irv; end tarts: An Ivor M.ryuFt n:uwa,C•wd... IdfE I IYXI 11 Kd,lonr L'dlm l. . LIY •/L'JY IIowA n'o[FYti'1111mr4tle 11alA -nown a,dmnY \4 NrwJw+yi"rats AJmlmLb Cfkhbnr,ybU !Y - ' p C+,nN.... Itlde 1 1 AUY .... r aN,conv.. .. lin 1na.11W LYaa:"A Lrywr PlXLtmaN.!'1flJ nPl illy'•• IN,)wrinl. Go brei.. the YraOaD and Gniman eneL. and W. y , u1. . . r. JNr Nv.. Y %N M.edauw. •CaN•o.I ITu:'MVirnw ApAI e--Lrrle: •wPry"t 0.1160,dmu. MaWmg• ton, i� Q�•$n t•}� Temperance.ranee Wbnll ir1iM XylbnA.. InN Jrlhamv J,wr L.. IMdhMIpbN,twee ... IIat It— ".to"_3160 '• Ir 811NNtb'a 14ba A i sY lima. Apfll YM-h 'TII{ur7�4 BB p w. For mnkmR anlJda.aatleM.aOnpY Md fd]CY dbpLT 1•, t�V 1DJ 0 mpe • I � n+minmb (I Iia ..,. . .1.am1,INrvw .. IMI Jann 1(mp Ant _yUnn4hamlah•Lo[LN PN Mar. 96 W.iNaYhr'Tl a'a vy l' Irmo,"ln lane. MAY I-K b WoY. "A1''m14nINwgLvJ'Naw... It lv nk[ .... Aley.ndrU,Y .. .. INB IKMT nmAlu,WI I INB Rut N 'frwrtw ab etn.t:"Th•W[ht of oleo bels^la Ne) 9-tla�ntlnr' LLt lieu lrom t,hlnaJ•flf Imo. nru- Mgdtr ill, roi y. .,. %nrnnnpll.n Y . . ivu MAI I w 111 ,-II l.uodw. IMI VIM• It., "Isdan' Vs.4,11.A`Wl Uop,'dv Nn,'.. RUl far C teoth.nme mornel upon whop I own rely 16nTdn `Cn rod ..InJN.. . . .. ._ con K I N e' Il lAneeIWIIN Gy4nJ Ib11 Nvr. yr Ilwlwe.••TM1n u+non of Rltl 61 pew N+Y IA-Gobi ) Vmu^L u..Iwlme. .Telt giro to' e a ealtd wnOre pt Yaotw nxmpLan• IW+.Aw.frhl.. .. Clr nanw.0 . . 11" KI SR M 11,1. ....Umdli.Bn[I•nJ...... IMn �n y �11'.ntl A„m.n,n.,r -;ulnenR.N.... -Belli non.N1 . . InYIKeIi"INnL; Isonahrnl1•,an. _ INf \or W-Avntl•w.'Inn\y ulwr'Npnw,. N' Bb-\ erre a• lytmre OPEN[IYIn,TdmrYe.. .. Pn1l.l.te, IA Klld gallon .. ._.good IBX IMv. I-IIIDw.••Wh.u1h.NNNrw116eurio P'f\111Pw blY N-Naw led' •1'b•NJAx q,4.AI YI' Dln• .... . a A'Iy, n N.jeal •1'b.IH•at tlpts"Alae. Y , '. )L,w. II IJ . . Xrww Favero . ... IBX9 Rvtge wmllly. ._IY,Mnh...... . IMI h.il. 9liaralk,"wIMNmAIn i.IoiL'"'lea ilmw. .1u[. N-A,+rhm9."',L.nleenvltl xa l4rm. VJ1- � L � nd6UI M .. Mlonk«.win, ... Itlel 4n.lrr lxy .,. .. ALHHetNe;.Jmrsl�Nf).'H&I • a PRAYER, ,. aop . . . IW 1 Nps wlld.ml rLNNn,Al,.a......... . INI me. f-NrWAm4ntunl IIALAU,Wun; IN Umw mX• N1nnkA.^xIIINrY Nn: Id New.. % L� « tit [Done of fYplooeble tXsla tyro up the nee tMl,lurJl YNYM. .. 1W ......'INI Na Y,AeIN .. r rod,Yam. ..... .. IIX lNv a-Noise mo / 'Nilo N.Pobop,^Nlinbq. AVR• N vltna.'lW[ LIINn ryrin"Y 11•m.. In odd., NapOnn,bn W. .. . .. nlbd MINH ...... IN.1 W n,y 11 I.wAnu... ....... tell be. 8-Ivrl ,Al. Th.a,.." AUX. 9B-Voultwolb tllM t. in. WJj W tete, - Barh Anis. .. ... . .,tm,.ila.. .....,. IN3 II „via is L.1 is IIrIN.lntl limn,....... INI me. t-Nw.«br^Fwrt suitCUAay^lei U.. them. -. MA the. .11A In leek It aldlQ p10baW1 b be a1mp1Y MltbdQd. I 1},nrr�4n An6ur •. enplavd ... NN N trll,iwweN_ ..:AS,WArIn,1 Vioa . ... IIX bee, B-1•rlma• '•L'.mlld. MYdLo,ny;mn, \'wde IbpL 1-Utl9'n• "Te rMedial Unit'N Ilmwr IL.. G � � J,A mA[U¢n[YRr rdtd of fda 4[Y, YN'Ir t['•OIn If Is, NN ' purled.A'Igbin .. .t9,win n4O IHe ,M 'IJnlin .. .. 'ITIMrnY,Xn61u A... . Ire. '111hh C.mr . 11.1,1 \m.+ Nywnr 1, . Nal.nr-' .. . . loll IDubq[1yN.... -0Ilaa, .. . IIA pa III-Ir.lvf rhw.�Yla 41.1:•V.ullr.rr I•p, 1-LYrIV:"T1u ltorM V'gf:'IJ IInw. ' 1 G, Nary _,.Aad MN W.- '11X 111,;Imr,NeJ4. .IYdbn�a,Y .... .. 1X01 U.r• 1A_odLm:a'".t"71'r 11111 fwm llldt"Pa IImW X.p4 a-N.nyr"Yn. 4,of lh.bU4e1e P,MI 'n I Al pl foreign notes. QWPIOIOW tools Md Odors I� J1___!_"LJ,_ A Cr 1• ' • 4 ._.... ._. len. 11-v..rwk r'•Irar1lky Y.rnnl of lleddnn N.11."Vtl ammlo rand enough: /'!'I`B-!'1-E'J hty tid most meroithl fiod�! ���ore nc�'ore'flrree as the •. . '.Il9err tit.* .. ...-..Wlem.,tll .. ... INI M I"b.... _ -.,' .:.:Nrld'iom.d..:: ::. ,:: dei sTwiI h,411mnt 1ele1.10gw.. Al". ! NmWur Ti•Uub N Kllll.Y-anN•'• nedea L N Y CJn Lm ...., oft .Y.wr IMt AI 11 \IIb. . p CaV1*11LPZ .,.... .. .... 1eN NUI. a ry .._.. Lnew. INB IM. 1s,-FmrNuln RtN1. 17n coned.WeUNn"(11.1. tl In. 1-Nnl�b M1bavY•gV' A)L�ilhll'r uwu�iia here " ^ C Let them ML{hLNa ajrY pIaNY puQn UIeY think so p sg �p .,'�8 beings, nye 8lxner '...WAIq P:K ........:: IM9 m grllr N. L............. IN.w yvd... ..... NM Il xmr. •-, Y vgfY WCs. } 0{ogrntlir (U Wgl•'he3n�tl li:'':1 pt ) Uw 14-Irrwdn:I-M.mwWoUsl N Jtlos"a lie.. aapto ".w A+NWdnm:"nor OF Xao qn 1. lhrl. s,6 C 3. L 1 Wyew a rpv : .:HII�W:.. ...., ..I fw1 N.1)M 1 4 .. ... Gr..b..1Y 4ne..... ... up 1n y u Raosave, they'" gal outlandbh names and can,q all �0r1dP til@ righteous _ r Cbd. Mg.. .:...g11.11{I .V Jeer�nrh. __,.IIIudW[Id.Yl...l.... {all Lea' 9i-X6 u[p 114th Movw vnava.n IMr IJUn)�r9NOIdilNlrteI.- ONrb LrNwa:. .........::Ibll�ys, INe JI r nitvqu Y'•ihnlfah•It limn. bpt. B-A.w Yor�. �Th.INd NwoeLLw,l"ILL.1. I lirtiw O 5 •+ L to prYD our appetite.and Your awnuep ..:' � @ �a FIf1C1BISE f0� �ljr3 ILM[� all 319 b1CAlit13 BY -8'Zlfj 1111 I"lll- .gllalpp.. .. INe INr ptnn,{ANPMJ .,....IWvd,pigmy.Xe[PPd. IN rep CIUIn.K.N . . we r.rBp>IJ .... laid N WL'Inn . ...iThrw\0.0.rA........ 1116 be. N-andno a Mrnly Llwyy Ann,'gl am.•1Ca4t1m. 1. 1111tde.V"twits); Nllmn. y 0 _ But neve y M '(.� GWE�W1i F ,...,R p,nnY, Ann..•.• IW IN,rnVJF lir J:en :.'..: i'Ik.",Poor•::. ..: 1�1 Ntlmd n.M.k 101tmr:NW,lie deer, 13'. IB4-`m.rl�:,�p"TWXlrµwick..... w.d"Yllwe.. � C t'' Y T�pM '�rme 'favor no human enterprise can prillHr11.rldy prospe1. ■ Uw w-nevi) "(hal of ttt'In 11 IWN44 y 9 ,IO xntbfY• n bmq •If r r[^••'' U..v. w-C,INrIo Tar 11,.1 Lllrii'[I ven.I Earn, Wpl. 1J-H hYtn:•'Ika KbAR'181r lC 00.1 '- C•mldm for .........swam .... ..., IMn IN PF. J nM ._._.tlma}Ir.,N.Y.. ... Itlw Rr•, '- TMre'e nothing d`M a 4'ai INI @1a11 wt !'.'' -. . ('p w14 JNo'kC -ofd Yid IN 11pq'L rear loo rI WNL IN II�nAm- MIL N 1 Me f "Y6 nine dJ '� -' e b Y,n64Mr . . .....: 1X1 Nlll LTAN�rr_.. :_I1fW nlolr MwMn.... . IMI JAo. 1.19X-aLMo :7ShMah ll+nlyf'vWoni'VA low. xrpl IB-m oa:'•tl1.Wlr of\YUtaem,'Vl lima. rM'•nEar'le'fa �y'y Q Yr 'f _ I` T tl' thy t` Co Ill aN . . ..Ii.. { Joe' 1-N.nWNVI"Td'1' INo"Itldm.0 Wpt. IB-Lr�r.ann..^Rodu.B 1.n,aw,.-n'Itllar... Ql., " u w lJ[xW` �1 31 LL`rr 0 LrILV EYLCre YJ EIO iYl til@ 1LIJttt Ut IIUJ Chew W111Wn1 ..b1.+NerM ...-NN IX.WIurlJuitn.. _ _ y.ntlPOm,Yr....... lea 'Ii YB W CJ L U 11_JG Y 6 , r. 1 1L.. ! wrd,0 ... m.nt.Ub.una .. . .....rnrlrl.r.,K.1........ INr Jax- a NO YntV ePoolYl YPd ib Nd0.v n on. sort. Iw4oIa.L I'M.,Cue :ewii.�llmin ..I E � E to Rank beef MAY ere mora outnmeot, mate body- j,.,t Y21Na F ) .....IAMAd, .... INr Ju. n IlerAort" !N IC ... .. 'o m be W9[+r 1;114C( 4It1 W}1111. 'S4e.IL1't. �O�CtltOr 11319 ®'VOisin fYPNI ..: btu.. .....v. 10101unIl JY A... 19JAIDI.: I Aft War None"lean WIN. BI-INMA:"'fha 0mwUdlhr Uue"Al N Worm. IMrNr to. Idea IAN 111 aq un A.. .. VnNmoldI I .. .. IYNq .6u. IY-Inln[Plut:"LId.N 1t x.r1. 96-11A.o,I Tito Nod.TWIWAO-111ear,.ng. yJ 0, of E 0 m 1r..�p,miabn, Iamb . I yy.. m m •, •-1'^melte,, teed bn naullehlne. eAd areehlvg . . • ' : OAAyJwN Naalba N«W, LJ lh.lewwAl Ad Jw. b-Ifod.nr'•Rues hrall ,. dl llmeb WI'4 9s,-Ln'Ya Y 1P•rw: "Ilew W Lkd b IMr IloryA p•AnLLI thnMl ..... HdNvd.. ... ..-.,,INe nlnw,Altwr4 N. . . ...aer�gY•nF.Wteeape.. ) ' .Ill@ floc® 3n bl'i$ 8plilt of chrui:ty ttlt 1J':t'+fttherly 1Cln 11(,•` pv leu Ills Fr.Wmn:...' O,IeNrn...i.. ..... ... 11Y beets•,roe .... .. K•w rat L9l)........ IJl Jan. te-culvai•'An ll°AILtr AAX1yp� Il ogee. Ideadoxen. Rz ayy' L .:r.y(yolrr Rtrtll. o,Ken, ii.t a.,o NlMhaew.,g 11.. .. IMI Ihd ,A'DO n... ..... . ..MWrW... . .. . .... ItlY J.n. IFKuWYnNm6. ilmh 'N t1ma. .epi. ea_lod.e I A Woo PM..n 'Js,Oulu. E ,� p, O T O ,Ly CWpYanr Nok Or R1(key an silt palence 1 IM IN•dr,Clen.........., erne.... ... .. .. IWI %.'re,Arlen It...._.__, lundvo.._ . ..... .. INI J... 11-N.dWea9Unw:'Y s dol o[I•Wndi'Jw 111 Nee e,,, W-Ihlov,w:'•A N'at P..I rc Wel,"Ullnn. p nYritQY to L{I 1. {_ O C verynaa- +' -'our lal7tn•9 cP love be tJleBeell the promotion of - Ih INmY..W,wuJ.......:.Warrw.l•b•1 .._... Iwo %raed.ise Ihmuu,Nw. .... ... 14 limn n.rA•n to umnL 1'rlenw. wl. X-Wdneg;"Lgr.46uue,r •eo V�mu. I E o. r Iw BaaY..Jn... ...........wsrr 1'vN J INY Po gJ.nuw•r_. . :aro rod c.. ,. INy toot{N near I n. I-Inly t9an.'•N.Iq Tdm,.rn.r U rc Id Q' « out theme am Lake a back[eat Wb. Pm final ,t�����y INwml..rt.N . . .........x.n Yto cu> ::.vN dean Aaa.I N._ _hendd... ..... 1Na JAN. 9s-cadnd.••r'4 llvbl rb.uJne wnr,.n'.Ryna' lkl. nl-K.w Am..nNm •rod Mr,.n.e an deed. 'r1,• J: LA 0 gdUhF[Va6'{� ylif Unlr beloved Order. Mew,Rwrryk....... ....kbam.11.. .. on IwnYln.A.M,K,,. sovd.x.h.laud.,...... IYN 98limn. IMI. 1'•-N'.14Ah "1Fa NhNwo'alll tonal^!- C •' down she line, - IYnd2.5-9 R..,...........Love --:'............ INI KaWIN Il.mill�u.. ....'.:..Madrid.._..........::: IMY In. Ie-C+Mvk:^rd•A'aulan Ile.IhrJny nit 4mr, VM.1. la-Lytle,"9'N ILrmNr:'M1a a�rw. .' V' p > Flah,Reah end fowl may nerve LO May the Appellee pow,Jai MJIY,I rpUN,re......_ UQ Won,AJ..... _. .Lssoki.hAlWd........ I'm +.n. !I Wn•1':^T1F6N•mw a..W1t"lotto'-. IML 11, Amalgn t:BYrmbgeNOoh d tl,.$A dune. � d heed r, 1 i. Iede,Rl '....;I.,.: nod,IlMy......... :INI N'1nnq fnhdrlb�: . ..�IhW,teen........ Itlii Ju. N lldYMllnuE,6lilmnt)': 'I1 fled, wets.,as 1x1. Il ankerbdbrjR'u.,t liaul LL),ItUmd. BUB you mYGt tTJL ma UailN w)IQn It0 yoNr table ��''� r 3n' `"^ - 11 a .. . a Fl ' lVl ry 1 O -• '•-' 'p of some; ya�NsA Jp' -JJ' g.rla gm w)a cel . ... IwY u•Fnwn J.Fn.1w. -_iia°O�.............. . .. hese r.e. 9-IMo Nall"IMrcost ." Ism. IL La,e rho: 'm bn om �1e••Y 1'y J;0AT L141M11 NR19tl'4ffiy and e91Ve IIs i'� . . {. _ ;. 1. 91. g•rbr WIMN ,J ..A•V CY � .. .. Ie:a naeNarl. _. ..,,• e-N'nl Lye["The Crowe PAnew1'I ileo;Italy% few. Ix-111nvaI -A YbaN free,non"I U. a9 unit•. � - -y1all _ CIA. Il hrrl ..JWwrwn, 1. . .: . IeN Ihrrll,A,14N. anYee"y Ida f" O �i1I came. ac -g - • �, - ' I .�. ," Lllingt meds _:.KwYlrw Mr. . . IAY N,«.p,IJ11hA.... _eacmry Iran. LM 11am..Itm1AY Uan UA. w-N•Ma•n'V{ysW3-P IrdY°.1,11 valor• pp E Abh Po or- X L, v ... wo as e-KgmYmnw{,ar gfAb Ni It., L.U. me. 9Y--L•u.uml^flower, le.iWr. ,'� Lo61ve net tM bl D•ttmed vlepde• het sail 'Minty ll�t @Qe'1SlIJ.YLW 9�6,,1.pV�ti1QU,' 1.d tl() 'tLY, ti'118dne.. Alton,Lle._.....:.. .. 1•NW.y IWJ Iw' Nurlol,••pD.'vn�ma«r.. __ N9.n.Mod, .. ...... y7N nYtd mn Hlrwclutee INL tH4N11hr"Yes clh�YrNw^rW nonlop LL Ef 1 v'm Fe5 we laid foe In n nlenc of Dumpkln- Ylh t ITWOr:. Amid. tIi• 1 iylbyw.WN... . ... .. ITllul.l�nb4,l - I+N Mmbroob,tfiworV. NI V •n,%.L. .. {Me 4'A. e-rnd«Napvd r' C 1x4 6,--loin 1'bw."WlrrwaN• C O - pnenln,.wNlNn. .. IgNN ., bu bWY us, t I n Au.4 IeM Il leu • _ IrWy,h•,rlr R YoN. . ..'IMf t•Iriq... Nat.................. INI F.h. It-6rvuN ll.lir"TL NrNegflWnnq.n On. N-xo4•rY r ihnlf.l„(ILWA ll,t'. v. ._ 9 Co. pie._ __- �RInPAuadorl Prw '^ t _ Mise,tl I,YFMnn N w YhaN.a _ VeN he oto'... u,�ri lanryn tl _. 1.61 Al li 4.d IIGI tt I.` I imi.Y oma. mt. N-LWAvbotY•r:"Mm lr"..%horn weber"(It.I. ._ _ ---- -- J,1L• • �.u�...�.a��l', Pont,.ehd. . are Y• k._ . .. Nfa Ydu•IJrrm...... . arm I... Fill. lo-Ll1 'TIN 47Ij^7{Lltpy. U1mor /r.Y voloot Nm mWNnr•1 :.W.Y,rW((e•...,.. -INI n Wwa411 X[I r.. ..... lila Feb. vl W&mbmAwl 17}11[@1'NhV^1141.1etl uY: 11'N [I-PourN.mhNarnb n,CN Brood No9:'1 den. SA MO LI. i�er P•n.IMll.... .._. ... ..::.. Wy[F......_.. NJ �",Ilei rklilt ...wrlden,. NN Uel h,tlim.� 1dhLU1ingL Nor. J-M.IwWr BIN INoIn:'15 Irma. �y yy� LL r�� p •1: •. ' v F.+havrtawala. ....... AJxep.n. .._.:..'. IW rand.: ....... Iowan . . .. ... .: INi Feb. e4-Nn>YeY: niffaltMMIJ•dl Uhw. V.I. 1-levee:Now iNP. 9a,P.,vo!'nni:unnwg. t3t)K81'.L Li:e l`C ♦ITAi� NF:7t, ]y FwhN,vn p.W.l. ...'. ,:.. -a,,,,-...,. 1aU bXbepr.Ad•Nldr I d h•ua.. .... 1Yb V.a n--ommAw.) IL rte rQ edgy^ll011mBr: Not. r-Yd1o+:'Vpn,NI•v 1 u a a. g� •.,...-. ..:n.a Fi dei._...._ 16N INrrvwy UYglnA :. n Llx,.lnbn.l.. .-.. IYN nb. O-4.InI,I Ina."141nbao '! la Nm. r-PovrluoO tltwN."Tn.wy lv Nrnm.n: utlll i'A� :. I1 n p ape h1.t. ) n.inoN ...... .....::.1ryWalralol61dulr La........ IW IaI.41N,,lum•.N..... . vcd.nln,i•renrxL...: 1m N.mh 1 vrN t,,,,I.A.m '•Ir.e1a.'l'.rrWit'I i7umd. owing. eck .J111), Cisfo ter.of VAiotete llree;, '��QYS I.YA.'/ •�.Y3Y1fT 1Y�rYNY 111X9: IbMn Ri ...............tl{veYuN m4aae...... IMI Ik�- A. . .. PlywwLL.WYW,1..... IBbY N.Wh t 1..Inuli.....'veJnA bwOpy: No,. t-seder ••Trodj.h.. ,en.'•ntr.run inmrr[. ! .La raNlrl.Nal ape .. , .J.ned.X.-. ... 1H1 v ... ..._v...wA. ... ... . .... M.n47 KmebubeY,r Wml.v'111.).wtlme.. Nor. t-1.IMq.••L1111•Johvnr.Ivw.:'atll}.genie.. ' : , N;Kg14V 0'8W .1 ` . p111.W'WII M. ......... :,fl.n{wJ.d.....: . .. IIX ..... .. Co.nlrp,L o&A...:. INe or...a 11-11olven•`X.rre)rest 14 U.. gee, t-Am.am...„HI..T. u.n,r."wu rggnb,[. rw ;. Y '4r.' Flight 0'1 Time. novel.h RMO ....... ...� .Nam. . ... ... INIau UI b M, tear notes 14-14 ri Y 'The India,Pear."0[MgN. Nor. 1J-N.. Ama1aL ' Ulµpvr uqm y geXlo{. (Lg .:$os, �d 4kh�leenit V rj foo' HwkAI.JNaa.A-J(9�I •.• ,. „yn+new.............. IMI am.11-rel Mouth Ad.AIM iWanUra(Rojo le Nov, le-gNaYarbAar IIAm'.1"edded, ((6Y.,�l.:q �4r it MIy •.....r. - }'(�r�.helAY Y1 ( Msv. ll-LMjwxm:'•U.110 Nk"II�b NYlv[. ie 'tJ{f eI.. .. .. tele N.rga ll.,pogn.wldPlnai:"1'6tl AwAhnlot Yt Nr.Mpp" 'Rita, Rhfe aYfrlta . nnwr. ranrl genre-Xp11'e hove of na aMin1 d CO Fla leaned dlitY 'pN cremrF Welh inerseslnk ate. M Iba paldleY v". nV41NJnla•d:::..: . 1.16 I/tlM. Nn. W-11.4g lX.n •AIt LIPhYIba�,(Ml. •, (w)I1gG1U(IL1 R.lIfh Cltl hl`rnlim,,lie WagYetattre.R wivutnle4." rn-II dN nl!'tlyof tIl a nr, -0f LIIC whldl line pane. In YnUbl a Year a%ms 51 n, IW :... , !wN[Prk Uly ItlD Yuv6 Y-g.. dmN.rEmO, ",'mA'tYe OgrbYY.n(147.66 Nnr. le-Catarloa "T4 11 h N r.rr !tlmw. Inormin ix e, In middle are I4 BMma only s etre um.. gore Il-N.XW1Np-'W JJ Ll r' Ik.i.•Lula olux Lltllle( UIl<I S( Ilene b In01t dimer UwLweM or tofllatd; wl'!TAI; A... - '. .Mev YNYm ...1 IANaaMn.rll.u .W 1w' 1:,f.•W;...:wMWmNWtNWL.: INI NgrW1a-1Nmw:"1la1wMr1olm."ether. Rm. 11-Mapmmr"AIill 111 ,ulnwlw, 3111ufw•htnohotidingsthereofreachedthepalace^ ^ nor. YI v..rnn'^w e 1 wIwow. lhureu CIICgte old ere "Ind days 6ea ewltter tkan + era•. ;Sod ... I�BLL _ g, L - MrN :..goalNW���u AiN Y-1'Mnee.nt"AI.1Mdu Nlhloot'... Ws, Nor Y'.-nro.do \rl I .nnlnu1 ror, nX. of Un- kits . thio lords doll lhu Jcu.cae-pull tit rulers nhutuo In mar night. and "We sumd our ), rmI,.mjn,.. .,... ... 1 1y14d. dn ' '•IaN I11.1y Fill. ... . .... en..,:. ..:.. IKI •' .....Yrybe al Apol 4-Lyon.,••'mAH.u, na1h."N lieu. sea. % 1. Ili I ^X11 1 Hot, .J'I rwolup anion I R o Ann 41C Ilial b MIA. INTI mare la na0iper Iltn. @ of �ntalYl were cuuloa:dcLl - ••^• . r..'Ilddldbhv'r,wl8. h, rannwnon with the pawWg at time that c. ❑dlm,d 1WLrrtF .-... .. -ft................1 INI L u+w Anile... .....1Jr et Yw ......... IBJ9 ApMI t-b.my ••T1.WAr,n1111 not tlw^b4u s. N.r. 91 1 In•: leit . _ t_ aeIII a-1[a1N•I It Td.xdNph.Id Bho[,"91MmN. Npr.. 90-fel.,rNn: Der NmbleeyN 18 ro the (it _ 96 Their mpiiiis Gunk within them: astonilihmcnt comr,mom Impressive r'e[ro mR h . and I: .' r $d1': HIS, the seeUon n the now under- members of a vFwwdnekm to decree upon MAIN then.under the Hate 1 .T(J`tai X a P aB y li 1 [ t m elver to need I•nrR den a 19 1. Its IrreverahlenN.: the cmfalntY that a l:�' grismond.rallway In Maabatthn kn.Wa a. tlx: eutr-'trans, route. far the city. The commission ler- The contract was let to Join B. McDonald. el'IZrII the C 1'anlg of the nCenR. torr>t ➢ °oar oPMrtumon we low am never gem[ The Candidate. C'U harm ' called f ll had departed from their coun- oaered to No again. and happy Indeed are ,: - .'Wwy Va.betweenarmed. ed. Hell and t10m Ft.. an lir swentset Mayor n a near leek underground System to the being elGrou d Feb, of]WN. In tee Marohf 24,It 35 T11f nllllh U r :lad v.Mallon odyalMaay 1r first McClelbla sit left •o the Cict R.Read eddy Ie. . on tire. 33. trm, Omrsey With snide. Ground won stet Ornken nn March M, In 1JIImay the inn NJete 19 rAtslf 11f[il n illy I w•ha Am'-not m ares. 7rant mraY each •I. i y ellen, noting b\ confortnllY with trent ,the CUY Halt by Mayor Van Wyok, The Pune pts d¢ar. Gil; fd RunCoar NIId lhE 610a1n of fltbpall' 11UYU 1'Cd ATUllbll upiuwlUnbJn to rlwre[. The w'nral of It le 4pnt Hall station of Y:G l M.. carrying illyy b, and chanter Me I rhe Iawn -t 1176 a. -14alld. an- Ing to b gree qui 085 d ode, lin co Faced f ngreo- - members d the heels the In Culnmiwaan And "tied far n Inn. an follows:. tll Ft xnnay, Jon Ing s. belle, e,ntr and arperete ,tae gond for nYty Yakig cash to Shy date; d.lY9 a LPAC llu'm rhewm ePVear to uX mora aeAril' kl re[ronl- Transi and Rhich of the t,. s b way. RnDid new cammlMlan, .n Scene Wm. Slrinwny, Solt an,, The e & o unt was required0.000 to t PomMI Anrhl a hb stall rI - - than they taut can lU Itter M forward. TII'. Transit frog he starting runglipoof the findet. H. Searin, Engem. L Rhe Original gi apid Tr snit ful Ise to the emuunt o1 0atmet.0 for s- e did lye nts st im arL of her ma cas 20 1G The It•IgP men and lhC oral Ol:Y here molt lint dIA oat gpprar m ma141r moat at the mel, i'rrexdmg tie starting of the -ret [rein [hors For coneerickadval P. Olen.[t. os, asRapid ted for fol Performa ace of th Oat t eL Old-he did Points M him NialgbM E, i here o WAY of t the OR and naileL o the lI,, limon w substituted for nn c't P C�r. olwlt, John it. Was t a .s of Ilei I�„111. ' a ed u n one unuthar, tulL1 tvist nut nhJt to were exxmleaa In the l9ly Anil, onaneA by Yrwl Mr. olrntt who mA not qualify. John M. flowers rhmugh lhv or8anlmuon of the Ra old Trnnaf JIm W1-CnriatpDar. 7. ) V` p Im r we hmk beak et Ilam and rca7iM all ill. rI' Imo Cha.. V. yorn°a of the nodiM o[ Alderman. Subway ConetrucHon Co., gvrae[ Belmont, Areal still ll; OW After of n. CuYnitltcCle En ep David H. was perfected t la c for dent, wMrh guAMnteee Mr, Me Donatd'e cart la- len t It RraeM Cd ala VnenL'na b which They teed pod how much hro . . meth.f Mamcer.McClellan swam laddrearc ,, .bmltttavl plane for en underground (let.mllo2y were I"onnto of pored TM can[m" Wee Alvlpilod mak with what GUenoY Y y w'anld rte sed we natal dlQrtnntlY ae mn oo:� avd they to me Roved of me mine ay. T 1X91.1 2(/ lulu hgd 21 S7 ;flit (lie people of Columbia'Srom the md9h to optanremu' we, 111mak l to lie.-chF:r-,: providing and they wee nnPmved on ma soma day. Throat- Ent. y the contractor and heDI.V t r Ln the order ns. C of Mayor r of the Wm. under tan Irnelma Inter r act of Ito le din- Raga Db a1dreN. lea JCI of the C an to Yrvle nnrt L'ollrler. 'EtnminY I'sraln. Chief IDngmmr o[ the Rapid raid when the and tear of e. e, prevented any lure�a7 to ting It Vintmetar McDonald Mae an . WW constituency I K hey tap S ilsc soot!, were Kladd deed; duel bestowed grL.li Ben 3IsrIAe1i 6"l$W n. it 7m mit ComMlnlon: Aleiandar H. Om, Prce, of end lbeh pianhlelifrin nhuynnco� °Rerad for xe ln, !n[r��oroan oM'I ate the undemmend read t the, LIke114 I RUtna king, 2 /til 2 ' the CmnmWlon; 7nhn H. NIarIM vice-Pre.. L The I,egi.lalure f IBX rested a new Rnphl Rh it' ill Transit Cn.. which Y It V honor eR .I Cdiat All Bainbrid. e the ca lain. hha Com MlNlon, who adage for me -ret Rep�d Transit RrYard, witich cmm�tlwbn wa,eoontlluted " tamed for Ila.t sorbins with a minitri lot �r°T ftmng Pema[ca \1 f�' p - h, 'il,!,.� LCs,11 i:115C1I 8 1 ab Tna dPinpaPM Alf 3'eg0 11bYp been pptlslAno-;I �'7'mnsIt CnmmlNlon, ap(aintrd In lrm; Jnhn n. 11Th. Ial. comae nip rias aemN C,fre �' Ya gle ROn l)bva alible.arta YDr.Adam glWrGa9n<Iil arovLnPr�Wofl duilbe l the entulIffh.Co.d Augusth. 1301-�Wm. Stein ]Oman. Seth Lh JtE.aWI and ajxnhPlWnr F]I gleArnxlIn larnmd C°-10.Etn k III,fb file Aetna of ean[egee. Ltt 21 Of IIIC 1 seely 38 I:Ycil lhC }(J'Ckl Saubc(irim uF lhu pUOpIC I'e- Alon was pronouaaxd try Amhl"shop Farley. John Cladln and Mayor and Cam trailer eve-amnia. B09 sears. OcaaM o! hoose. ICr 3UicC(l wi111 glleut joys It I M(lead(look"a Its weld p M4. a .. Beth Low maim" an June 2, 100, Ile plate being 11 AI jCellll g Su I{ b a gond IarMlel'. 1111 M9 e0P0a[stJer, m I ` LI„od t0 ly elm.tla. Ito ib frYp?Musa ao t•• :l only nfne miles of [lac subway wore opened an`,Akan by Ws,-slur" InnReun. The dents of Wm INTERRORM!GH RAPID TRANSIT Co. Fame.tMN a teas of per ')' lite it p :1111nC '19 r 14 Pmdtahle apart U WK In a 1Smt am Dat TT 1MNurar Compiled byy the menace eve give gtelnwny an Nay. MI, 11ron. bmupht Chas. El.ew Omco. 11-27 Sark row, MhMI, Aea•1,tm'n me Way: pl) S i ids mann Why.appleWhen u Peron ntarta W Not out xSir Oet. rf. Thuredny aftarno-n dins evening, art Smith, one o ill.Jnhn til. hent alon,, . ),w Tho' -menta and dtmrinra of the Inlerborough N&MUm, phaftopher that dJ O }tt4A0p data ppasenRarF: for Friday 01p,W0; folthe Rapid Transit Co. ere: -Auxuat Hr r g ' a u do BPfi belly vx a mast Y 4 A J`tintardxY , dILN:far B t Y.300. I Y a rag E y S untl was Morris K. Ja.y Geo. L Rhe 'd p, nr r 1 . 14en. W. $Imn1Y nb nT µa 1 IYhc1'L '( " ': J:- 1"Os. for pros/. he sofa out MMlIY'wha rt, - 10 be dr or 30 ra0, s. r al length of not euhwny Mny 6. IPO. Mnrtle K. Jexu entered the leers F.l nne,yree.; hn P1lhuck,lTmue.I R 1� ir, I)eya,11.1 ti)`i 22 011e of - •' t wii1 be over 70 nrtlQa.For a distance al'a 7-10 mile. pp DGi uv Mb health of Wm Mbe. Tpa Rad YJaYIa Y to YaMN11tMM spat h r. A' 0 rand 1s, of four track,; for 7 2 e miles, then bfr ttaeon dl l.m election t" the ❑rreldenty of the Chef 1Mg.; L. n. Srlllwell. Hleelacal ses, Me Gla+b"'mid nbeeM- .� + ICtlaml.ri of Cnmmxrce. John ClenlU melRning nn Geo. Gibbs, Consulting IDs J van Vieck, Me- nlJll 1 Jlxnll.x 4-S-tf" Iner. phmmfly .Mfr locking' .iMcke; Car IOY. mile., [wa lrneke. Thera are ro:Ney 10. Has treated a vauanc,', Ce nlllnng Mr. s B^ 6MflF me wealth at pini 2.4 b h.=$Aw• 770 boatd6ml girls ate map", dooleF of b'sek altogether in the anneal. Thn' __-... _ rhnnirnl I!.0 The noord of Ulm-tura seat Wm.' - 3de14 Into boon teal fbf ed a ( - r oil on the west aide IF of four frocks from the Orr to -onlioue In ma board, after hb rellrement H Raldwln, Jr.; quRnN Ramon,, ID- P, Rrynn, C.I tela '® And Indicted.:»RA shies vat all there Oaepeh r. ICity Hall to im at., null thence on to Hbth et. fmm mu prealdmcy of me Chamber nE Commerce, Andrew P4eeman. tae. Jaurdan. Gardiner M. 7ypkanr h7[aggLty- bei, Wa SfICrl- Ali 111 t• pmpaR fd YDL YPg laLffJI DRyp�poYMlthf ori b at thele intake. The cart Fide Ilex, running whlch made hlm ex-omtio n member. VLM. Lhrt Iodine. John R. Mcn-nan. WWter G, onlrmgn, In, o I l {! from Oath 1t. to Foix Park. is of two truck.. flemeaon of George L. Rives to the lace v1 Cur. 'lain prime, Memnu F. Plant. Wm, A. RnnA, Innoe.Ilt •mill d Ste " (� - they WW pare 48 p&t 4114911*i tau To-W mr:r ;( Two week. Inter Ila ext nide Ione as for ae poetise Cou0sol in Jun.,1003, John['{aflln woe m- C'rnaliva vgnderhl it. G. W. Young. General Said, And No uAth my 1 jo thilllltY lJl o[It / cod wheA ape gaAlhm7-add'Rip$Lame nutc .. [ HaTh ,[. was olwncU and it ts exlNalit that It lvcted a another of the cumrn eent". on Ina•. i, of underground Road. Fronk Hedley. tile 4 1 r ° '9'ouehlnt"pts-roll.` ]' w11i he mad for tee Hle ter It. .nit Irnplb R;Hat Wm. Rgm1eY fYlraone tt,iRnrd au-MAY deet- - - - -""--- --- -- - - - SCP•' / !,: T. fi, aEa Mg100trtltl.""1'ba {1Lbl,,ptdQdnjR bNplgdunlrn• vaLi frau ttr tum 2:i J molan6itmida mea 14I or.1,h] y heel•. The comod.alon, therefore, rte now con. Co1np1►rative Prices. Graft tea the oiwm. 2`4 .fete than a year, and that Na Feat side line., (�ponorqedd from IGth et. to lb terminus, at Inwood, will be ItRt-For to oe fol it. : Pres.. Alexander K. Ur,r, When Conro"anian John sharp Willmar,viot, 8lmdnr ma check, of L G Al tCCIUn by gdOdkt9entr8b sphT.bnpIW117.tl,YU•Acrn,,:: earn deN•it within the vans time. Twelve limn_ Viva-Pres. Juke it. Stmin; Woodbury I.nngtl°n. EWIF eallimlltee tub itis to isa + tellvda Islander spit Mbghl, ofMF b}�e sl,'�I. Con.. Stewart Smith Morris K J,V John Claf- Kam 1'or4 nn serer, lath I.look ill dt 4 Mall kind up b the n[Cp. 9 of allei W r•enll •d ,1tH tbiRR-JhaiMltr:MlbleRbl?6o fled ❑1 r n ander mon wear employed by the roe.- Tile, Tho Ion, Sec., Ren L. Ldurmw.: Chef In - lin wood she prralded avert ago,• 1 ltla• OtbbF„ Wim YBbw'spoil, —, nupervlFiaR force trMXbb:d of sal ern The nam- g., -- , R p Ten els n her of cubic Yard. of excavation was about 2.211'. bap Chh•I KnR.. Gtro. S love. WhOW"farmerlyarelslnorinrhe Willlamr (slot A/IllbmeIl sod DTentlly L da WJ c, 2G +Nrr'.'YYI�.wY, o!whleh 1,012 YN was of nrek. In construction., 'rho oammlrelon .elected A. the route for !h'" Ob Ila 741!11 cal he fines IbP aid Y Y 1 : i' Ona "TYpt :: d l kq allot r aSIBY) mn. of elepi and 9.00 tunx of cant hon he,,- mod Broadway, which sea opposed and fouxm •sap anllatppy 'rhah Ile ww win: C l 1ptlkllr- 'inter) 1 What a the matter,IJ1fef'asked Mr.itnal"W, Thda which fell n! sod .fp a t(i e' tYe n„,Dann verde There erre) ya d*of paten rP colo-', Y n the wort.. New piaoa were drAwm ob M at Agai W t' Midi)•rete nnA nearly f t e00 "area of opmed,oeng, and 4y mean.of a cnmrnlwrtm nt, [the l DYtit• 'Tk pmt d'. olio out .'some mOn*Us Marna Roapbw.bt0 3raW :i 7fpO11OA ;#b* ROC lah Cw&OIWand is,,In the enra[)vn . 1 the anbwny, rte .. l,A nIonn•Appbtain Court• Fleet lYCPnctm . I nmmerty 'ohne and ribl'emattah n man."gentled iW nttoa„84m vin Re blnpeanhLC idCd dFi�d j RtpG Ss, MI,IY.df WlaOYa SwIHA oo: .-Irneed ere a a Yen, carmen. hese men >aMuted, Of ars allni the Ino1eIAua1 bviat d. o1 depart" , t 17 cbsrA and mtmmnn. Thv.e men werN thcowmera oloog the reute was gbvbred. Iv ] lie ��oYMMhir mlIt P ll mal loot,ha want tear is he s nbont, tlf0 SG Rt over 1LW0 who beak Fa minaAnne far oho consent of all local authoNRes Wo. obtainN, t �P ROC Lt PWlad.aO' he mWrRsg mQ a'LHE Lp yka wg3Qy- llThe mato besbn at ode City net[. enmluaea p Alia _10. Wby,on110 died IR Tropp-.. Wel Y bode-0Ot? a I};(. blrefthIMDway la eq fnllox'n; F.im a dr Is,UIS•elta NL; thence Io.Im ave, to a�.a •.1Pt00p9 Awbsai:addG _mrd he omedwx llh neer gilmgnbr d e, tom B Tobe and be yWI04 WroA t 8. 10% Mayor Hugh J. Grant nnmed y. to 1NIh at, mhem It breachaa 'u , „ --�do R Potter, Wm. Steinway. Ch.,. fire, rt Info two erogone. on- cl,ntmufn In Ft bwtRe 77 FL Sterol anti qugtml ]M•Imanl as Y nd tv Marble 8 - I B $ar[ldr _ bua0a,d_ '__ __"-- to the dam M Tdenox nvMNet - --" me III.John -- - . r t - Only a Step — Summer TouristsRpm Ic It Je. n� da : en- the r 1 d y wt,r civ From the hot, dusty street to a ! 11 �' • t. � ,d t• ���• apttutt beautiful palm garden, with its Passing through New York en 1,e e,nott 'ns fifth p g m ' �� ' '` route to seashore and mountain I ' d 18 Grace vtnia, t the re „— r Med C34 lawns and flowers, its trees and r e u shrubs, its cooling fountain, ;l' .' _ t it i n the and olets j ` r resorts, or those who have not y with the water falling over Ri p, already made their plans for e " ,t °i;of vest' in,, colored electric lights ; music } t t - -'•: ,c a ar. Iutn- 1 the of g _ the summer, will find the Park pmt, of exceptional excellence by d , 4 Sed ''L ect of king. t of by Avenue Hotel most delightful tt , 5 it'' rt nt were well trained orchestra of ten '• ith o� the the •s of ,•is pieces, and delighted guests :^i 'R headquarters from which to 1' .ir ar y geo nen enjoying the most appetizing make a number of one-day if vu .ce tl'r C, algid went , y of t of dinners on the balcony in trips to the high class resorts h- m int„• v f tho ittle tt, tom full view of "The Fairyland t d help• :hero ll, of Manhattan." in this vicinity. Y, .n i-:, n the fwr of ; the Lrain �„y Where Is It? — In this way many charming ag ''' .„rC o;ted un y m,r t ions. days may be spent and numer- 1 a� Of . ,,tr with ' In the court of the Park Ave- - — nit nle if the and 'I1C nue Hotel, New York City. _ _ ous noted resorts visited. a .:1,i,4y n the ;, of ri o- a nrof ver ishCd their was hief o. ..., at t nidcd bX ;ed s 6 n of the Columbia spared1. hey •� - - the IiG ort. 1, :,•r. / ';e - so- nd at" pica _r uh' 110 the ions d i , We aeh / • .. a �► $.. _1 Iv or vh,.ct ith e t Lr tht� ,d , ,f r ,'.i.d, n , VTJ V- _ -_ ° sp' rcir no the d to• _ mon� �R � Itr , mt � � udx 'n oe, f,, � - •,�•. ., .----� ,,.. . an rcre .r.r ,,, , .•n : 11. i _ —_ n rt bd ice J lie Was _ s 8 •1 tee vt.... i on of nna n! t � r me rey n.. us nitrr r �4 ty 0- 5,=� ,yr a W ( • - n-- Y°D- _ ee be Ing 4ed ah Por \'\ u- lt cd ' \\ an. rd the ,ch I,e lose d il��. N ' / 'er- bis the u . r' dl iar;- of ., ie� his- , OFFICE. ; her, GRAND STAIRWAY. ''`' "a in rci„ sad rt Ile t �•' �S@�' r. . r. _ •.,. A,. N.�.1.��fit/,T18a1'�t� .�,I • -• unto Iginatintlit :, �s t`° via 4 erla CHAP. XVI. vices; •n_ Nalesetdr a64Ow'. rhe " en_ r it' I110 :ing madn la Je. Id day war Elie Can. kohl+rx rrurn from a second cruise—ra/,lure town and r /'!" aptam 011• q/ the U :'til nv' prig Viper—the Genal Arm^ lie weed a score. Ae. ". shall 1119 atron g u:n!a l3riti,h riratc—triva[n•rpt "'''" fifth 5 I . / g• •C. tend- rthrown; .1 1Ce Grwre Siai`t, 1 the - _ m :Gr ill of Ie strong o „--wit- meot s_ oto their ice i that Sir ren• y rhe olets icy , 7 - ars of Q �a and Oil' it r:anc 1n posy, in the beginning or the one own ce of the 'aY III; of thnns;md cil;ht Iwudrvd and thirteutth pear of the >u ,rl god 'noes in of ilia it ail• ere vert, ing eI tit Great Put:nder of the Cliff acct, I'ad as, Ia ,nr• ilum- auric ! of pla. ore td. 2 That a strong ship of the United States, called. d a q arc nigh to it'. lad omcd i of the President, commanded by Rodgers, returned it li`l`a, '(,'t I call. , got into I{ ill, ro- cat oI - king. by second time to the land of Columbia. f the •airy "' ie a!h I ghat were s of 3 •\nil whito she was upon the waters of the great w,.s III,y tient ,boll. who pa• dth 'Inti qa the they Sad tray deep, she full in will) ona of the ll,ckatsof Ilia king wera it to B i• at• :ir, at- Ilio cc](SS, went sof nen culhid afxv the swift Ilviag birds of the air, and made b"t Inc out of vu ace _ - , y of 6itptui'c t1tercuf. '•.b, ul ere, and ts.nI- h against :o' Ps allot Com- I lit it !', the h- ,s- :m into f the ittle 4 And iu the ship Rodgers fount) ubundaoco of r!•ed y "Illloot )cry w•enith even an hundred sixty and eight thousand r°°or bis htI' in d- um ,ido sl.i i, °, a hel :hero y-icece of silver, ! ,be „ �e_ •sn•t:,,.,.h help- ' the y, en in, 1tile - Fxir 5 'ltbd it was carvied,tri(h many horses, to a place :rry 1 Ina •,ma- s of r the "T for. of n, ort Ind the from 16a to sole keeping,¢ in ilia town of Bustun,which licit c„Ir, as ,i.t Ili here ailed ,oar to the ass[. aqua husa• P^ ° Cc- J• once rad :he wood of of °' im; ! 6 Atorcuver, he made Capture of amitLcr chi of rived etr aq with ilia king,{ luded with oil sod buucs of the great fish with t” in i'I'• a South nt of r 're .f ilio and thc . of the deep, ia:nh t wa' .o Z:.bu, d air twe•Aty a U,o •s oC coil I. 7 \ow it happened,A Ulic Seventeenth day of the c sc• 'i„' st a lY anr`l of a ,I 'e nr ver is6rd h. firm month of tile a:unv year, - :�t ,.F .�}' of d'(r sv„y the fort i not 8-That one of the weak vessels of the U. State, ` f' f ;ed thtil' was Lief �I c^ nC r to a busied d — z go- nad 4t ar ntdtildby • _ i a4jtgU%'o, } Ennk of Bouon. .{ 3'!ti/r drgo, ll r'+/,rr. 1e°s- arr• d -_cd a _ . _ :- 1,the Croat war ,:. F c y of of tilctr awn havens,d1d th.y du Waisu Win s. n on or Junon, � Shan- If the INA the (•'d•r,.i, :, •.n.,rcd olvcr- With cedo_ inn• Iso 1......,rI- hey t thou- refills R%!V• crone ed ilio Iii. „i:• 1. • :hem ' cup• °1•IY so• not n'' ,r tenth r 'ilea about ” Ca/iturr (f rhe cheaapeake—Cavunadsre Dccvur rand an -lie urgh a n biarkaded in Ac:a•Lundcrt, ; his lieth s of lie —tie• ap- It the d king • brave :ailed 1" at- 'ate _ ilia Its. °e' m long ice achReel 11 not ;ant DS) ly ; or rith e m IN theca days the pride of IflI itahi Will sorely :V, aE 'mat the e on ad, in dof 'r wounded; for site had been dis:omGt,el upon the dot quad. I ,in nr it, ilia our waters of ilia great deep-, and disaplwintumnt had vessel can ar_ 10 aP' mir Ile the r'I 9harpcncdhernn�cn %o- lir Ib Iuls, Intl te• 2 The people of Calumbia had triumphed over her cpu• :cy tve- :e _ ships; and her mighty armies had gained no he- n into rob .p e11 veru 6th :c r. an the Clara. ll 'LT a the even Co,eaby ired li arca � 3 Notwithstanding she had made peace with the lie •t tdcrtd ir.by was be nations of Europe,and het•w'Llite strength was turr,e(I uu• b cin •C_ ono s^ E+�'ys Against the people of Columbia. d the 1 or y on Ice a a at were 4 Tho prosperity or many hundred years had IL, s the f y of n- :119, ') tered her, and she was puffed up with the vaulty .,is, s n is is dna toy y .N utter th_eveof; yen, site had for„Otte❑ hcrsrir. y Ind n_ tor- . C1• Ilan �°i-s crud 1 5 So it came to >ass, on the first ds• of the Sixth ❑* ins de- 1 1 their 6, n month; that a cet'tahi sivong s!;ip of the kion, called en si- vee ad far °r- tit for- t roar t, the Shan;poli, appeared before the haven of Boston, which I ,ted d which Ii,th to tile 9el'Cn e cast. at re the 1e6u liC tase of Ili& 6 Aad she b..de dt'i .r:ce to the vessels of Cclmn- 'er• .Ilia the stag; � bia; for she had prepat ui Lc ,s,Ir far the event. ]e. ilI le Uu L.:o over. r!ker's 7 Noir the Chcs:q;ca!:C, a fighting ship of the of of that u_ hIa- • Uniuxl Sta�c�, Wits uihh onto to place ; Nld shr, it^ tell, o- In tile was conlnianded iIy the br• ve LMMIXe, 1%110 had in and gained much linnor in tl:e ti,;}.t of tite p(ep;c i r,ci- {urr, he Into thea was lie afrvid _ et came it prey o nne of terol-706114mo unto t n`e;�e.eer ll".ise aai�rr?.s�U� elle. r T111IIBs• cor culled the Narcissus, albeit, she fought not. , �n�Tf•Nl"irF{;,.� 9 About this time the great waters of the Chea ginatoCi n vree» m- IB And Guy was near b,ing entrapped, for ha t' ; en- pcake, which empty fun, the seal were guarderF was deoeitchl, IhhJtintt it w,e a merchan, r,salt), in the ling made h Je• Id day the the strung ships of the king, so that the vessels mi•1 war Cir 6 19 The refute, be w::a cum pcUrd to fight; no he loW'h 8114 t• 1rr, aplaill not arrive or Depart til f (li o°I' Olced o score. •tts small 'alit %I 7w, opened upon ills vessel of the IEiug. oh a of hi, u, n• fifth to But the vessels of the United States,and tU i i,h, S. tend. rthrawn; _i 1ea 1.inial chievous engu,ea called, in the vernacular tongue, Cr•are � t the 1-'r- private vessels of the men of Columbia, leers dein Long-Tom. 'be ad of :e strong aIce, r,--nv- met) great damage unto the commerce of Britain, ct•u , 20 Aud they fought hard, and the nuise of the ell. - oto their r a y rhe i that olets sly r in her own waters. Cines W l% v.1-y Qra,t. urs of i and l 11 And ills number of the private vessels, the 21 And:he bulls of lead and ironahowercd arms td �crt u."n ce of the It ilii• 'ey ng of vest in{^ w moved swiftly over the rice of the water„ anti we riora in of [lie like hull-etencs : la' the strong ship of Ilrit,ao tad iO lar. 1 the ref U out to despoil the commerce of Britain,and 1-o qq its, to 'fun"' anti, I. them in ubundunec. pia• J u r arc nii;h 4h it, Are it t of ed. lur•c ills merchant vrsaU Is thereof, was .bout ttve.G 22 Now the ,Taught er was dreadful on both sides 'led 1-o- h hundred two score an;l ten. tl + ,w: ,calf. , got into uta Ill: eat of king. Y ' a ane! Guy was on :ha point of tit-king eapinrc of the :hrr ani n at were 13 And they m;ulc capture of more than ffu•oti: ;gy I° dell g % of ship: but he received a wound, and hise'veasel was illy lett) wag Itumh•erl of the vessels of the co ale of llrilaia.•- uhO heir,;.. who go. uu the they Red w IS Nlorcovm•, Clore was a sore battle betwern nne disabled, so he made Conti bis escape. Il i_ OL. ;ir, af. s of ac'n 7 s Anel the sluin slid the wounded of (iuv were a to f,, t me Out of vu ,Ce ilio ccless, went y of F n[ the private armed vessels of the people of lhp- twenty and tl:ree,told the vessel of the king Inn, .,b..ut erc- uml „ h against .o' P+ anJ con- I ght United States,snit a strong si,ip of the king.} - n:- gn twice that ruunier• un into 9' the ' 14 The privateer was called the Gr.ne rel 4rm ily. ! We h' re. ittIt stron,r,,tint) the name nf:h,. captain was Gnq`f 2+ Now, for this talism sell Gov R❑t [;real honor reed hit I i'In the in d• lad rom and the people gave him u sword ul fi,.r %%orkmunsl:i n• .stret.b .h = hcip- .hero hide IS Now Guy urns u valimu man, and Ice• was . y 25 Moreover, the Sarsto-ti, the Sc,41r e, (lie . be n s❑. a Y+ + ntr the in n the 6 .stringer to him. 6 k ,n the from :rry I6 And oo the eleventh day of the third month fit', Chansacur, unit m:my oiler p:iv,uc arsuU of use ".115.s" s t•C i• the � "T fat'• of a, nit ,nd people of the United 5tutes, were a u'vous rn,ue erdrell- as a .i.& ^ acre Cited :our the espied from rfir a vessel which appeared as a spook) g 1 6 h,act' j 1-1:,115. Co- to the servants lit the king; ❑f ui im; t upon the wntera, i sore reit lived Of woad t II:i;y on will& 26 Inasmuch ss some ul them made sport with t»in u„- qty o. d w, 1-o .f the and the t7 But wbert . bore down upon her,behold : 5h til, mi;;htp blockade ul Brita,n, whico she put Iw•dt a soutbrn was a fighting ship of Britei0, carrying the destroys b; (Senile of tho orae- , t,.a. .o Labu. d cit vK:SAiy n tho y of end _ against the fret I l: rd of colo'.'Il.” loin, heist) •c: it a lug engines, ,t 27 Fur a nen they cm,:e esgh.puts the coast IT up of dee 'e never oIF vt"y the fort: nit fished Bnrmn they made caputro azul �ulat tit& Vs,s: 1� f - ed t:cir was bicf ,. the king,that curried rich moECUonlipa,.eo».:, a h of r to a busied d _ gO_ Oaring ills near. } d P.rrrishjrry�rt. -.�. .- :�•.d UG t Cnpr. chat/:e:n. - ellalai silver au4 gold. JcUs• d a1- wiled by .ed a sa Yea,even in uu•tr own w.uers, anh ,.1, nd , , , t floe Peat way d 'a of " rove 9 oI then•Own havcus, did till y t)0 t:Cac wua s. t' -- _-- .._ _ _ u r u✓ arsnarn n on era&[F��7Yi�q-Yw•,��, "-"—�•-+� --"---.._ : ✓upon, - ill❑n- if tile owh r- Willi abia the Columbia Snared :un cello- Iso 1....,otP- hey .r abhor CHAP. \X[F. emus ad the lit, Del, :hem) cap- arly !.SO' lid &I" ,r :mill . auULLt C'afirure of the Chesa/uake_Co:namd.rc Deca:ui• rand :of 'h :11[.1 e srgh n blockaded to New-LonaLln. ; his lieth sof ho "1'• 11e the d king brave r.. -r4•• A. "Is ailed loo r vcs• ..� , iliaha. n1-' ni t"n acla - Boe6 It not gent es, It' ; or vith c n IN these days the ride of Britain t,as Sorel me in 'r b<" Y P y :1-s Of on nit, d of wnnnded: for site had been dis:on:littd upnn the tin nr it, tile 'id riur waters ,1-f the great deep turd disappointutart had vessel 0aR c1-. 1e tip' :cir ae the ?d sharpened her an;;er• '0 !fir �9 tulay to s to. } 2 Tire people of Columbia had ttiompltetl over her t cd hill :at live- :e ,n the ships; and her mighty armies had gained n0ho• n into rob t .tit Vero .t.1- Jer" a the 7101-3. - - even co, by u•cd lot ,rce - 3 Notwithstanding she hail merle ace With the Ito r. � ,dcrcd t1-- was :m be a- I-dee nations of Europe,and her whnic swat RtIt was to rrexl 1-m- b -c- umo + against the people of Colum§ia, i of Y on We t1- s 'nL seers d the 4 'Ella 0rosperity 0l'many hundred year had Bat• s the f Y of toed her, and she iva; puffed up with the vanitr t;'ond e a t)9 ill ono ley tp u: utter thereof; yen, she had ru'go:ten llorscif. and V. hot- Cr ban and 5 So it Caine to case out lite first da of the sixth rig, mG de- rJe 4 -• 1 Y . their n- Month, that a certain strong s!,i t of the kinr", called tee id fon or- for- id Foal• ; 1 en sir til , the Shan:,un, nvpcarcJ buforc Elle haven of Boston, 'VI ich ti I •ted stn _ •a, 1-a ills ach 11° rose if the which lir t, to the oust. seven 6 And silo bade dell r!ce to the ressels of Colum- ,bia the was; lila; for she. h:cl prepared herself h,1-the eti eat' oven .lu, tit r Bri. after 1 7 Nov; the cl,csape:ll.mr n Yi,h:in; s!:ip e1- the of of nkat ie` MR 1 her, United S!wcs, v;:: nigh Unto the pl:;ar end alio ,t- .en' in and m :Lu was cr;mntm�dh d Thy t!:^ lit vc Lawrence, e ho had --- - gamed :Hoch Fnnot :n t' t . ill: of the p:cp:c i their aur.&, Ire :mJain a . ; Pr,':y sxry ~ e then was het e afraid _ ... e[ �4 : •I Ir � ' tlr _. .. _�- .� .�►. . 1111 ..�.._ ._ - . _• - .c..� .��. app ,I •6, sUougships„f the Lin;;yr Cdl.d rFr Nae r::nu• .,Ih..L ol,r. fnnohr nor- 1 .. 9 e For it happened that the cunning Ynnkrer pea knew how to consirurt the swift-.ailin rcr,; .11- Rereree, Cal nd Silo ' g vesscle, that; in the 1- r en. ttie� then nut-ran the strong vessel,of Britain. ling made 11 Jr. Id day tile. not 30 And u. the Ships of Britain moved but ale, ;]F, C]IAP. XVIL town and r 1,i, i taiu tour ,ir 1 on the tvatcrs,on they caught thein not./ uiced D %core. :he p III', I Colituremrdburain o riglenabur hb, rheBri(ieb. rthrown ; .� antall fifth pri 31 Wherefore the artifice re, the mrchunt c., and: / g ! ' `� i R• tend- na Gallia,;,re those who dead in merchulrlise, raised their vol-- es i1'r 'rd III 1e strong a Clare g ' 1 the [.�, I ill I tothe great councilofBritnhl, sa m ice '�—at.- med ell.q' g, oto their t thatI 32 Lo ! are the not the fuithfll servants of the ;nes of i ; a Y the std ole(sleycon king, our master.? have we not given him file Tthese d�rva the war against Colmbia was wa.-rd llwn cc of te It "'Y .og of rN4,oil: one half of our whole suhatarmr ? and Shall 1b,'awith vrrat violanch •ri•,rs 1rt of the e crc ingar.Sur Yankees hike from us the remainder ? 2 And tile. fLu•-clod suvagrs prowled in secret Ix. 'Is' re ?tum- s{ ees am f+11 npnn the b,dple Hs. p it a are ail•,1: to ill led aie Smal❑coed t ol(' "i1• till[ 33 Hath not the king a thousand Ships of war? I and wherefore .hail we be hemmed in ? 3 ' T:tuy hill themselvcH in the wilderne.s: they 'V'I I c.,n- • got into 14 ill, r"- Set of-king. Ly Aur 34 Lo! our merchant vessels are idle ! courhed down as a lioo; sod, a. a young lion, they Y `R diff :I'd ' great were I m iU.cr wa[ched for their prey.' 1.114 I.i„.�, who [t p. on the . they ged can we pass in safety even unto fire land of({tbernia, of which lieth nigh unto us. 4 rhe tall and leafless trees of the forest bent to if i. 01.• lir { 35 And, behold, elle raptrin of a riv r the strong winds of the north ; and the sound there- f s1. Incout uF yu �� the celess, went a of , Uv Y t p u1.. armed of was as the roaring (if mirh[y wners. and sem. h Rgainat -a4 ps and com. vessel of the Yankees, in derision of th< pte arum R. ! Sir tion of our lord the king, hath proclaimed he island , - 5 Mnrenvrr.' the rice for rile earth was covered uy' '1'. the h- ,e. m tm9 r lite ittle his I but rho ill d- lad F, of Great Britain and tier dependencies in a Stair of with Snow, and She water of the rivers was hrozu n. runt d And the borders of Cnlundd;r, g t be n C. •strLt.a.4 = help• :hero .iso sue rigorous blockade; Saying•Lo ! 1 have the power to nigh u�.nr the Y. an in, n the - f,ur hem ye in• province of the Rini', were exposed [o the trues• f the for tor. of a rut end the from ''''y to 36 Therefore, Ice the counsellors of the kin+ g['''sions of the enemy. t of ewtrnp. as a na it, were tlited file tit, der these things, and let thealrong Hili,,. of Britain an. 7 And the soltli,rs of the kin came in abundance lees%• ;he wu,d of ollr t '> g red of D^.runs, itn; drive the vessel, of Columbia, from 0111• crnsl. from the island of I(riWi,,and pit cued their tents in rived ,1.r fu By on with 1.h= Cnuadian prevntt•eH• v1- c d 1.v,re If w'I 37 Now the wise men Of Britain beard those thin a Smith, ra � n, and 8 4ccordinely. it cone in pons, in the twrm Y•se. ' v"- .o Zebu- d cin nighty a Tile s of I 'I ill, with sorrow; and they spake one to atwther concern- . iag the matter: coli duy of the seemul month, bviug the bi1•tu-Jay of [(Lir '1 of a r � , 38 But the w' Washington,the, deliverer 1.vaY the fort ; pd nd 'r never ished y tet not what to do, for the running y 'I hat a mighty ha.l r:nne otillut of the rovi„n, ed their f of the etlp'oins of rhe fast sailing vrssrh of C P of s busied d was Lia, aw•passed rho wisdom of the lords of Britain. fila king, and went u.-.�i •u (I,,. Town of Uj;dvua• � 'end qt — q0. ua•tt I _bu•ilt, and made captucreut: —1i llie real way r] "v coded by 'ud a y' 0f riaan�y Lanarn 1. t- _ —. 'ra&i1`i�lJ�tiF=Ya7.�__J — '•�.�..r.• non t 3han. if the with Ihia the Columbia spare,! ,:_, r. cello- [un- Iso 1.... : CHAP. SXl\'. erne : cap.s ell the lit, ort. hay .r L If !I - . (hent, arty !so. ad Rf Ilea 'r (, ❑.. C'ofrtnrr of the C'hesoll,ake_Cwnmodorr Dermal rand en' he 1.t ” `f• blockadedin Ae:u•Lond;u, ; ills firth s of Ito vrgh all. he the brurc :aped ,_, -lir- eta ,ons .r. , the hs. rte: titfongr ace 11 not Sent es, Iv; or rfth c JN these dn flays the pride of Britain was sorely n•a of me un ail, i ' 1) fill o wunded: far she hall been dis;nmfitcd ,,)till till., n dnf r qu.,.i. waters of the great deep,, nml disappointment had 'in nr it, ill the ,Id stur Sharpened her anitcn c vessel n .r. ap- re.ir ne the 2 Thea.people of C0ldmhla had h'iumphed over]ter ' =ir 'g tills, m 1. ships; and her mighty arn[ies lad gained no ho• con- rob .p cd bth '0' n into l'1?ba•- :e 'n the noes. recd _1..r ver- . ` 3 Notwithstanding ahc hurl »tante ence will, the CV1'n ca, by an need 11 reel, ' the nations of Euro r p rciered u•- 110 Tons be r, g• p.,and her tvhnlc sh•cugth trs turn"'t nn- l,y .1111 c- (con "- 1•da?'r against the people of Culunbia' 1 of on Ice a °? , 4 The prosperity of manv hundred yearn had flat. of [lie Y f 1.7 were tct•cd her, and she was Totted a with the vanll 's,IIIc a Rf ono n• ;us, 1 P Y nyond a its is Sell ly utter thcl•enf; yea, she had forgotten hcrsell'. .end II- 'Oil. -• : nod 5 So it came to pass, on the first da of tale sixth et. ha t Y . their NO n- mg do ' t motrih; that a certain sn•on;; s':ip of 1.110 king, Tolled lee td for ur- for- ` the Shannon, appeared Morc the haven of Boston` ell ch .1.h ' n8,ich 't; [ .ted 1 which 1'( a ft' to the cult. seven • , re the tell liettn Ince 6 And site b:'do de:iance to the resscls 0r colvm- rcr• bia the bia; for sill, 1, ill I:rcp;ucd hoer if For die event. :le. 111 llri - - 7 Now the Chesal eal'o, a fir h Int- ship of tho over. er of tet ;hrt 04a-U,1(ted t l h un o Ir ph c t : 1sho :t' �. [1.:n, y. was cometendcd by til b1 ;ve Lau rel crr, Vito tial in and gained much hnunt' in eft ,L: Of till 111cp:c; cel• sunt, lie one n. .l+titl er, f ` flier was he I,fraid et '..c d' ge— a! II ' ' i c::-, L, • ..I :I�r . t n,,;ships of ih1 An,+'t � _. �� '• 4 Ill Anti there were five slain and ten w•nui,rlcd ,,( ^•- +r. 11„nr Things. " the people of Columbia, slid about three score were •"""' rginations re I" wen eros.«t pea tine rick'; no meet m .a6 the taken by the servants of the kin• ,. :n- i the life' t m file in made ` en' not 9 1 I lforcoc,r. the men of grit in got much apr,il; ' $ h Je' Id day Lha even a large quuntily of the black dust fell into their C IA11. �Pllf.� - town and Ai, war cir I on I .. . a aplaiu hau(Is ; "scoff o scoe•e• lie small 'fig pri 3 fR/�hr rf Of:)tP /'MCnr,(} ?� IB j^rfRL /rel //!r [j S. Ic ll,l. flhl'°NII; ICs fl fl 11 IL And twelve n( the dcsu•oying cngiocs, vvhich a[nnp of tr¢r /larnrr, f 16 gulj4—return l rhe I' of rL strong a Groes ginia, I lire are to II life pe°ple of Columbia had take•" frolo the lin• a. (7u•sa/sake re- in I toll 6 / ficin a cruise. Luw furry )tors Luforc. Isla their icO n�qr. 1 that mel cir 1 3 13 Also, the,, imndred tents, and more than a ars of 1 + a y The and olcla I(,y mn kin, lir 11 ce of Eli It oil• 1ey ng d { thousand weapons of war; but the vessels the era 'rear' int, out one bulk's they consumed will, fire. 'riura Irt of Elio ,e 1 lm• Yan THE dre4x of the reno+dnrd w:n-riurs,the 1a u'ials `ur- r the la N,-w (S •denahur•h p I ' ee Aum• 1 of f hill 3 6 f, uas a beautiful villa'rto,' nod th" VAiant men of C°luu+biul havn prep.,n•J a t arc high + awed • ,ani, cd. UI it I and hvhold ; nevrrthelesa fifty burro-d it with fir,, and it path fol-the scribe which he is emnpellcd to f•dlow: I c,111• • got intu t� th rel• eet off- king. i of by I bec,nue a help of ruins. 9 But as the Soaring eagle moves to its crag;y is dth loth ; gre. were •s of lilt 3 15 And the women and children looked fortheir' neap m• life elinin dove to its tender elate s°is ti+n , _ h I can $ , ltin;l who ga- .md on"is _ they god `rah of whi homes, but found them :lot; kind they hot clow,, in, compulsion Of his heart. IS.i• °t. ;it. nen Ur 31 borrow.in for the IraugLty cuuqucrurs laughed at thele 3 If the wickcdness'of Iirltain hath made manic lot Inc out of vu ce rho_ colossi s of loll//'• flogs• - s wont , y of ' veal h,r folly; il'her sons have e:tl down in nackclutli and ,sP❑,• h Sgainst .n+ 11+ olid cum- t gid i 16 .Aft" which they returned tvIlh their Spoil to 1 ashes, the scribe looketh down up,m her will, pity' ,_!', the h• 'til into f the sole Sir Tian PVChCorl• from whence they cook, b,Ing on the other" I of C 4 ft is written that. He who rridclh hi naclf in Lis 1 bm rye in d- lad rOm le y sir ria Bide of tl+e water, in the prOviuec of the king, i strength sliAl be humLl:(1; and the haughty shall be n sc- •atrt!.o.h a help. :hero - .ido books 17 Arid the honor that wish gpien to the servanq y, In' n Lha Lroughl low•, rn fnlr ea• 31 of Britain that d:.p was us a thimble full of water, 3 .And,if the Lard hath smiled upon the anus eC f the �"'c [lir- of u out Intl the froin :rry LIP der Spilt into the ae¢r fury they were like unto a giant' Columbia, let no man Prowl', lo•sa_ e'ur"p. as a ,ia a, were tri led u„ir like driv suing out against a bulrush. 6 Now it came to pasts, in the eighteen hundred lived :he wood of of b,rians. ilrt, Co. " vv1 3i - and thirtcebth year of the chnstiau era, oil the toren• :y Fully on witls in: with ty fnurtb day of the Second month, a antnh, tet of 1 IV, re tithe and the I ora- a Ztbu• cif rni9hty a lira end ilia t 7 That olio of the figiatituI v,asclthe Uoiumbia ,fled d sof exiled the libl•lle4 which el nifieth io tl'�t� trnacul,t• of a ` lot a 38 K 'i - we,y the fort; ad !„t 'r never ished of if tongue. If fly whose sting is poisult, Vol their Lief ,y bis' 8 Nlovcd upon the water•"f Life /.real.deep,f„ w.as_r to 9 busied d J .pnl at go- _. :Le south,sour unto a place whiGl Ln called G]cmartra• 11 tiro R; ulticd by 'cd a /'eat way d zni7��+raerr,�mt ��varm t. __J e y of ;av non ' .lLsion - . Than- if the Willi lbiu tile Columbia xp:u•,ll ower CHAP. XXI�'. un- ISO 1.... �• y r cracks I sed the I@, ort, Ire thou!. :Iteral, P• arty lou. rid oI' r tonth C'a/tlrue of the C6caa/v¢ke-�Coannod.rc Drr¢;ur aO' he pica about � r and n • b[ockadrd[n ,+Yea•Lundnn. ; his ur A e lielh Sof he lip. h life brain ,ailed P. _dr- at, I,,,s d � kiuq �...� the hs. lie' lit long Ice i res. II not: lent es, ly; or vith c deet rN these flays the pride of Llritnln was Sorely wa of line It on ad, itt d of ,r n the ivnundc(I; for site had been lis<onafit:(t npnn Elm tin lir waters ref the great sleep; and disappointn+cat had O it, io the 'Id atur Sbarpcnud hvr anger• vosacl n tr. tip' ,cir an the ''I ;o- lir Ig 1111%, Ill a to- !h 2 The people of Collinibia had trinmphcd over her ships: and her "'fairly armies hall gained no ho- cotl- rob ,p ed loth 'cs 1Te- :e .n the sora. Il into 111 Pere .LT Xr. 4 3 Notwithstanding She had mode peace with tL,: ePip ea' Ly ha ,Irc(1 11 ,roe 1 the nations of Hurope,and h,r whnlc Sri.,o',h Pas uunc(1 'Gercd u•- be ' was :m Isley, against the people of Columbia. Its- by •e- `per Inn I', s' , cl the I of on Ice ji'!; n a f+[ wero IL 4 Fhc prosperity of many huncferd yeari had Iia,- y Of ) tesed her, and shc was pufTed up with the vacity ,yon<e a a t45 is mlo 1e 1t- lull, r - therenf; ycn, shc had forgotten hcracil•. y utter ind n- for- y ban "' ' and 5 So it collie to pass, Oil Lha first da' lit the sixth or �/ y their u$, n- lug de. month, thit a Ccnuin sn•nn,, slip oP the kis,( called en si• Pec id for •ur- its for. r¢- '^”' ; the Sbaru.on, appeared Lol:,rc the haven of Boston; 1 ;led rohich tr y`{ which li,th !o the east. 'til seven a, re the IV" Ile n;r he f 6 Ani she had, ('(. altos to tSc vessels of Coluut' 'era ,bia bia; lin shc hill 11(pu-cd hu f'( lin•the f veor. .i�.. over. iso. 01 to IS lice 7 Now the. Chrsapc:+l:^, a liglitin; %!tip cd the of of that United Soaks, ,,Is uiah unto tike p ileo _: t.nd sl,,: ,t- ,o• 111, Cl.was ca11N1mdEd n tLawreru„ v10 lmd in , '^ $/slits much 1101mv in Ehr t;1al t of the f(c,a,e i ccs+ sues, Ire LIDO they was lie afraid Ot 3 i p saw 'r pr<'a, fn nil' of lie stl•unl*chins It" 11.,... ,gid lEe R6 Moreover, theNew-York --•-••- rh., T7(�nr 'l hirci. n '+ Mover.-ver, the c:yt..in of rile Hornet Was a va• people of rave unto tl li:ut mall, :,d his nanr,e was Lawrence. I.',vrcoc' vessels of ailvcr, with ctuluns devices; Iginations elle n•.,rc••! •s. v.n mr• the t Io Audit r..,+t��t,aris the srniu7;of the sun, when and they in.,de a f'a'll 1'or Elie meal woo leu+9t[in Elie �- ., . e Ing made It ie• td day ' ell- file ,e,:ame,ihil ULV,b,Col'(lie 4!,i I's rlt'tI1e I(img, IIOI'llel• 1rtlr a c the Pe,er,c':, often t!,e biid ohuse I,vtL. rs are 21 And all the u'nple were exceedingly rejoiced a townstillr he aptain mg otie n l h bc,n.tii ul in bell+dal; small 3 at the valiant arta of 1,nvrcncr,anal iiia fame,xt,.nJ. rthrown; Ica fifth that tl�c cnpi;,in thcrrnf was sir-named Pc:.ke, ed throughuut the laud of Columbia: Ehc ,uuud ul' Greve giniur I the •, II I-, \ ,w i:,.p;uu i.c I a,,ri.:l; ,oi.es if dIc cnl;incs of teal nerve Was Elie joy of the hears• le etronl{ a to ti N--Nt- med M b dL.tI Ice .. that , ❑c i Ihrr rlouth , mu;t u ( ,v- alto their 'cs n that eir I. a RR But when til,: uetva thereof I,ached the cams of d r a Y rhe and oicts toy othu '.i I alae , till w n the ,c, , h cr u( tli.a I ' 010 'vise men of lirirain the said, Lu. these uacq ce of Uta ir'a a of king II Ia �:.r,Il ! ,: - In 11 9rr,•. ,+I I' nIl I•',c 1,m, i, I Y 1 it all. one b p Irl. ,I' .n It...n If_ vch I of ti.c niI 6 teas a,t„u ala arc giants; ,either are they like veto lite warriw•s art of the ie g vest, ere i n;; of the king. Inr. t Ehc of Yat, by tilt,people ul p,dun,hia• RS rlud their wilchr.�e�t and their cunni:)? to Aum-t And the% fw, i foal sIe of cd. 9 I ti,crein smme of the mariners darkness unto us I n are alb h to it, aimed and h of lie Uni:rd 5:.n.-s, who had heg, vd th•,t tht•y ; even as what a man Putted)a can. of into a4 fill r”- vet of king. hy. t mi;;nl do dnuw fait, Ehc hold of lire ship,and not rause Elle undcru bushel. ye •Ilk stir ; great Were •s ,F 3. Lit,it hand, I;,A tat IIIc 61,1111 of lhr ii' lawn brethren� R4 ltehold: five times hath the I striped b,ntinl;' rano E;'o• '['d on the they were ed s con or Coluobiu,u•iungi;ted ever tberoyial cruasol' Ii.i- 01• air. _ % wbi: h 1 11 .I !' , . , the Cnnvn'a ,del,su fl',tcd thorn nJ[, . .'{nil d tilt ill lu la ht alp,lust their oven.elms- fain of the e , I aIle out of v4 .00 _ CClfey {VCllt , y p; sl i,"n a,J ,+ e of them was sl:,in ill battle. 2s New the gre a[ S•nhedrim, 1,110 we're asvrni. h againat %o. p, mad corn- 1 vest le And the Iti!led :u,d ntatn,ed of Elie lwoplc of bled tog,•thet•, foa•gal not the valiant deeds of the h- re• An iBtR f the I'll tion P llr'•L.ii:, ewe ::b oat two score and neo ; ind Peak,, mariners of Colnntbiaa, of C r r-,;,t i�., was also slain; and the Joel of Columbia 6 Fur the divided amon sl them more than sc• bo' ilio in d• lad • roan a R Y a help. :hero rig, sl tv - uE live ,.ruts ! � ,NEr(:.otb _ hem 7 tun•euvm lne Peacock sank down into the ve..ty tbuus,nd pieces of ailvcr. y, en in, a the fnlr , 91 el y r '. ; deep h-nru they rutdd I;aE all rho men of 27 Ano it c �ole to p,ms, on Ill Icmh d Iy of Ilse Wing fait•. of as mt and the from sl li,i:.:in ,at, all IiVr ; m.d tbrce of rho People of CO. — fourth month, in lite same yrull that the Chess• ewoud as a iia u, ware ui ted tour ler peak-,a strong vessel of the United States,arrived :114 wood of of buriane' im; Irir g h::I:hiu wee' hurird with her,e•hilx in the hunuuac act full n 3i of A Wlr:no blot to preserve the lives of Elie enemy. in rile haven all Roston, 'y 7 n with +ith In Now d.is was the fifth fightio` Vessel of the 1-8 Sue had sailed ,Pon the face or the rough a•a- a sn Ith, lit n of d w,re If the anal :ht' kin'* which had been humbled, since the decree of tens mole than a', I:undrea days, after she d,P�j,.uard 'o Z:,bu- d cr. 'raigbry a thio ,e of til EI.•, hru.at Sauhedrim,before the destroying engines from the land of Columbia, and passed a rein w,• of a 38 g Y the fort; W nd 'e never [shed of arc prmp!c of(,oh,nbin. � � to the so•nl'° ;I•d their W,Re h ief 1 U 1 And Lawrence, and the brave men that fought :. "9 Aad went herd h a busicd d _ ' a, w III hon,had honer.alt( raise wurad out u ,on u,em y the island all' amplaillet and Put p I 1 (hoot plucca in Ehe prem eel,hit'h eucompasaetb tiro Croat w d ^r Elided bj ted a ___az pc> ire i• non r_ i Than. ,f the With nbia Elie Columbia sp,.rc•d ' CHAP. Rl"lN'. ernes cello- mal so the lit. .,L, hey r Lit n- Jlenl, . cap- arly ed so- nd of, ,r troth Dica I7 about C'apuu•r of the Ckcsaprakr•—G,:o,N�dorr Decatur rand en• 'he blockaded in •hrta•Londou. I; his snail brave licth s of ko r _de. aP' >'Q .the d king.. - the .ailed ale; Jong a wall I VCR. ' bs. m ace =aeh ' 11 not ;cut as, ly; or rith c Rees . n JN these days the pride of Rtitatn was sorely ars of 'me on ad, in dol' ,r 11 tile Wnundod; for sloe had been dis nmfit,d n!vrn the ,in air dal :ltt,,d. s waiers of the great leap 7 and diYapl.J,1t11,Cin had c it, in tlla ltar sharpened her n real• vessel = n ar• ap, Irir ale :the 'd 'o- air Ig Auls, n a to. } 2 The PeuPic of Colunihia had ti iatnplied over her ships; and her mighty armies had gained no)to- Coll- roil .P ed lith tej Ive- =o n into . the '- Wore. �. vert .i.r "Clrcr- ` 3 Notwithstanding she lmd. made peace with the even ca, by an vcd Id "Cl ' the ` Val Ir- Ito be r, nations of Em•opq seal her wlu)lc su•cngUt was turned nn- by was =m •c- Imo. ^- I•day, - against the People of Columbia. 1 or on ice n a "'f were 4 The prosperity of many hundred ,years had flat- if the y of a,the Qf nv ;ns, utter tercel her, and she was pulped up with the vanity . ' a o its [a ono fey ly r- thereof; yen, she had forgotten herselL and n-_ )or- hen "• - seal j s So it came ro pass, mt Elle first da of the sixth er y eir ng, n- mg de- t.1 month, that a certain strong,, ship oC UEC king, Ctdlcd roc aid for •lar• it Is for• In.II' ; the Shamnun ar , e, ch is ail cla,..l bef3,•e the haven o1' Roston, ,vldclt t; i .ted Ilit !11' which Iii lit to Ute cast. seven •a, ro the Jill rose ,f tl.c 1 6 Ani she, ly de dcli.mlre to the vessels of Cotton- new �bla 116 lose f bia; fcrshc had preparcd,hcrsr.lf Cur tkc event. :le, III Ethe. 7 Now the Chesapeake, a f ghtin; enc ship ed the over• of of le, Nil- United filalc=, arils nigh unto Elm P!:nc ; :mal slut J. Ica o_ Was rommanded try ll;s brave Lawrehce, who had - Ell to- unci :; Ill gabecd much honnr in tilt' :,:,"' 1, of the J,tpp;e; rai• ,garr, he one 'face Was he afraid et : saif bccarne are P y[o one ofit;P,rrnnn Y,:,:.._MS. called the. ' world 6 nm a hence the• brill • ��r..thw no" Till o. g 9 \!, S 6 P4:wnned ware3's, � . . ng which op'.3, the .v ,mb of t!" earth to rtcuve me tin.-! lore gashed, and the phantom of their imaginations � `I> !• two waI arswfd' pea kua t li;.ot m, wary so s elan u• pictured out new evils, 1 Masses Nr 444 lite ' Ilia :n- not the; t IU A 3U 9fi,r,over, hl runrniug. she came nigh unto ' 26 So when they found they were nigh being made It 'e• td da ' e11- Ilia not 3 , e1 li d... the cap,:sof Vn•ginia,uLure the awoc.stented ptaut• captive, they departed in haste I}um rho tetra auA y war r !' • aplaill c!r 1 I on t groweth in ubu d„tree. from the strong hoWF thereof, save about-two acora. fe. small 1O6' I hr-i,rill 2S Now when the arm fifth 1'Ir 3 I I :1 31 And x hdc she was nn the ocean she captor,d y of Britain was overthrown: d mal loot I,_ x nnnd,er of the ,r,•„ Is „f i6e t4 when Ilia wrt•e aom gilled to flee from the strong a tet Grace g ' r the cc_ .i t e P Plc of Dritain, Y P it. I t4 it h wiuob were 1-d,,u with rich t+tel•ehaltdilc. hot'[i the wickedness of Satan entered Into their ice n—”/- t that mad air Laker- d r/is and olets .1eY _ I 3 oti;cr ; hearts. ra y mo king t 13 S 26 And they gathered together abundance of Ute a ;Ill, yep rag of out one h part of black lost and fined it in the lowermost part of the .it :lir: ere t the sag tilt- Yan by the 1 fort, below the wails of stone. IC >Inm_ I of huI 3 I I A -__.._.__,_-- --- 27 After which they put a lighted mnlrh nii;h to il, IcJ LL1, limed ' tnoF `'rl• 1 and 11 of the —' so that when the wllole apply 4f ColumbiR of into til r"- Oct of kin I, lilt. 3 1, mi;;ht c tho hold, they might he destroyed. 6 uh' 0th g• Y :'3 L',u the Lord, tvl•o is oorl even he who 1e :8th ° gnat were g of I can ti„it h' , , hp, ,lid on the they gad ,ra h Is d (HAT). XIX. per'„cth the dcstioics ,•Culan, permitted it not. ;ip ret. U whi: J h ,r . , 24 Kew when Zebulon and his army came out of vu ,� ti1e._ celeas, went sof Un 3: s, n. Co;rarer r,/'lirrle Pa,k,in Chfrer Canada—sheds• the thick woods, in battle arpay, to go forth against •%o` 1), IV � coin. I Y ght vess 16 , nrnreri:,+ p/ rhe �,b,re .4mrrir,rn 017.1, /rrvcntcd lite strong 1101.1, sU lion fi r:I,:%, !, rhe J I h- d. .m t117Q F the hits P /rrmunw, o ' Crn. Pik,—ho,drarh, 3o f.n. they saw not the boat of Britain; bur Ilio an d- lad tom Ice, of C ai tlr:.:i eye of Zcbuleu was as the circ of an eagle,his su-u.a.It c help- ;hero ,i,lu sir riga tr.�1. .�. is the lion, and his judgment as the wise: y, 1n, a the F,ur ,• hem of a * 31 So be stayed Ilia men of tear from rt.:'i„ for. of .n rut Ind the from "'ry PIT 31 ) 1� tstp, whilst thrsc things happened it. the aoudl ward towards the place, lest the mi ht be cillr, as n, ria a, were Gro sl L'ri :i t b PP ped: and he caused them to move niuhL the wuutl ni of ailed imp rp Jet• and if r t vils 4f war destroyed the life of man, aorl uarians, h�- lotir driv, S (it ,i S' to the right and to the left. ar fully e4 with vt 37 ul ane the amihsof ha,rt•u strengthened the arms,and lift. 32 Abut this time a stri lin - tl w1-p0-d the :I��: 18 ed lip the glory of Columbia; p gr Ecom the south, mt n of and ill with with his weapon ofwar in his hand, tma up to Z:bu- ,i lir J°"Kdry n th:: s Vf end ing I kin1; 2 Behold,preparations of worfure were making on lou, Rad speke unto him, saying, 'e_ st a ti:c g the borders of the great takes of the north. 13 Dchulrl I a man of llritain a cured,in the fort • dd n 38 rid 'e attar of ihr PP ' .rd thclt• flier of if I,I _�...,_._ _ � salter mc, 1 pray thee, to play hint, for he u busied d bis, will, _ ' with the des Loping engines t at — go- - _-- 34 but Zcbulon said, nay i we are yet a creat way l °r hided by ,d a y of -- trtlit7;a/ non -� octan• If the With lbia the Cofnn,hla spare,l ower- , I80 ull- 1.... CHAP. XXIV. redo- tic, Inc- hey r thou- ernes al the ort, • :hem, cap arty :so- lilies d 01- r tenth ! 7 + .i C'a/+torr of the Chetnflertke_Co7nmodsr•e Drca:ur rand cn_ ha about Ile 1 i blockaded in Ac,.v-Londe:,. his lieth s of Ito -de P, ap, Ile the + brnra .alled r. long at, " J kht� ..I . .+, the hs, ne m long aces vest - ach - 11 not tent ce, 11,; or vith ° fleet n N these days the pride 4f Britain was sorely Iva of Amo n the wounded; for she had been dis:4mfitr.d n ton the on aJ, in d of ar :had. waters orf the great deep-, and dies 'ainur�ent had tin lir it, io the 'td )tire 1 sharpcnedherlur;er. P1• vessel eco er nP- icir no the 'd i =o- lir Ig uJs, in s to. ` 3 The people of Colombia had t.inmplied over her i ships; and her mighty armies had ullud no be. can- •p• ed lith :of Iva- .e _ g' n into rob o the VCI'C .LT "ere , 1141.8• by all recd Id seep 1 the even ca, � 3 Notwithstanding ahc had made peace with the ' nations of Europe,and het•whale struugth was turned Idered V. he has -m be r, dor agah,sl the people of Columbia. tl the hof by on rcc c TOM 4- 4 RC were 4 Tho prosperity of many hundred years had Ilat• y of ) tcrcd her, and she was puffed tip with tilt, vanity t1, the s R Af is ane ICY n- t°s' r- titter thereof; yea, she had forgotten herself. .pond and sts It__ tor- ty 7. . . er Iran 5 So it came ro pass, on the fit-it rest day of the sixth u. rn ,rr lld their 6, n- g de-that a certain 8(1'4111;'5?illi bl lhC kil:;t, r,Jtctt et.si- regi ld foe rut•- .til of r`a- 'T�ti' the Shannon, appeared More the haven of Boston, ,vidch G. t lied which ii(tit to the east. ,lit -� seven 'a, re the ach Ito ,f the 6 And she h�.plc dcii:;nce to the vessels of ('alma' rete ibis was; bia; for she hail prepaic.ri hclsrll'for the event. eget- ;le. ill �e ,„ alio f Now the Chrsaptake, a figinin, s?tip of tile Cf of that , - United Stalcr, a-as nigh unto the putt, ; and sho It• ten, te ( as commanded try tlis brave Lawrence, oho half in in the t' gained touch haunt' in tl.e ei�I;t of the p<rlt?o; nei• ifuer, lie lino ? I eD then was he afraid et • y ` g o 9 NIC 35 And the young man entreate;l him a second -' "-''^'• "�^ Denr TiOnK:;. which pea kne t lino[ mc. wary , time, saying, I beseech thee, let m° step alit before The the, t l0 R 30 the.host and slay him, lest the engine be let Loose 44 They were wedged into rho car!": their well. ���.r n- hr I:aliL upon its ; then Zcbulon s id unto him, Gn, eu- not 3 the tai 4 Pons of war ware bent down into Che ground uvittt �i0- Id clay ;Le t 36 So he ran out before the ern tiler,; their feet were turned towards heaven• their %"' war eir I on t r c'. Ii d d groat Y null shot the man, , aptaiu I ;;;:;, and he fell to the cart" ; and !t was about a fur!r: limbs hart lopped off. , roc; ori 3 3 i anal! fifth ! I ;� off, and the weight of the ball tvaa about the weight 45 But when those who escaped unhurt arose and Ica gluts, `t'c till[ L: a n0t1 of a shckcl. looked around, they behold net their chieftain; he Graee I the I' . in I to ti b Jr:;n uc wiliph 37 But as the had fallen to Lhe earth, ;,ce 11—ar• mod ! young man returned to where tho a that "' ! 3 oily 3 army stayed, beholdl the black dust in the hold 46 A huge stone 5motc him upon the back, and i a aJ the and Diets ,'.y , tun kin! L I3 \ _ caught fire, and it rcpt the air with the noise of a two of his officers, (0110 of whorl was the gallant til- 'rY -og of rest, Dm one " pail, rd' thousand thunders : Frain,+) raised him up and Jed him forth from tile' ere ing 4n• Yuji by the 1 38 And ilia whole army fell down upon (heir facest field of murder; the one o° Lhe one side, and the ar• alum- t the , of frill 3 I I A — to the earth ; and the stones, and ilia fragments of °[her on tlm other side. tu''a umed ' amt' °d• I and b of 'hc rocks, were lifted high ; and I. falling thereof was led r"- t o[' , 47 And as they led him away he turned his head ill, cot of• king. by " tui'';1, a terrible even unto death, around to his brave warriors, and Maid unto them, G• :hit adt : great were •s of 1 .4t'1 3' their to can 39 Yea, it was_dreadful as the mighty earthquakDr. O° ; I Will be with you soon! I am nut slain. Ina oa the they god wcs h Is 0 48 The magic- of his words gave jay to their•. ;,f_ nen ".Y If whip s hill ,,,, which overtvrneth cities. ---� _- e of 40 And the whole face of ilia earth round about, at6 t ' for they loved him as they loved their own .Ce rho celess, went of I1r 3: s' nun : Cr.;-ne .o- p, null cont t y gbti- Vega 16 , e,rr and the army.of Zebulon were overshadowed widx 49 And with resistless Force his noble band rush- re, iing f Silo MI, tion P Iirit.,i1 bq black smoke; so that, for a time, oto nun sate not in i lute another: ed on, at rho trumpM's sound, uv.r ttte heaps of slain d, lad ler, of C the earl and wounded to glory, and to triumph ! ''out si 41 But when the heavy clouds of smoke passmi 50 And a swift messenger a,❑ down unto henry, in, help- n the 'ide sir r;ga 1v.�1 31 allay inwards west. behold tile earth Was-covered with these words in his mouth Lo, (/ hem I� t F,ur of with the killed aur! the wounded. , ' rho r i!;ht hand of a,t nit rad the from "'rY I.1 ti 3t y tic r.' OUI' ah'ra g r tilt - r III, der iL J rt i rl' ed Alas! obile slot t was shocking to Lcho1J ; as the fallen ! Y is dain . its pride is mte. 'Lcbulon has a ,ia •'' wero uiLed lour I and t decd was ignoble. -. of Cil- driv B hinri'i o 51 Immediately Henry departed from the fleet, b of ern the 51 43 About tWo hunched men rose not : th, clone, and cattle to the shore, Lad went tip and led the host ref lolly on with wl 3; '8 eel n ihaJ bruised them; Lhe sharp rocks had 1':dlru t:pug d wr re Ifthe and the in; with p Lilco a of Calumbin W the town and tank it. cit. Mighty n flu° s of tori - kinF� g I 52 Now the slain, the maimu,i and the •r- st a l int• ' Llir captives of _ h the " the hast of Britain that day, were a"r,ut a t"ousitYtF a rrtf 'r never ishcd 38 of til, t —^" lighting 'nen: ed their ere? hicf I I of ti Iy However .a[rm:ye N:::a ,;ray aJrprar, if ie a.fact 53 And the Ines of the men of Columbia was about d was Iliat r6'e ronrunsicn of me oil./irodw,d sen( C• ; — go- bia, wi'I' nrarly all u'ba Fran,,,f At rayr[c e:,u, 1 r! a» throe hgndt'etl slain an. ! tvnun,t,'d, rl al utded by ;ad a , ;wveY of Alajar F}iter, eat rV Up' 1- -- rsrety o/-A'rw-Y-crk, —_��+r.r non I Juion, r J than. ,f the ' with Ibia the Columbia Spared ower- ; CHAP, XXI\'. cello- run- Iso n.-,otr hey r th�u- ernus the lit, art, • :hent, . cap+ ed arty ,so- nd ef' leo ,r Ira HL I, .. Ca/itarr of the CAcra/rrnkr�.Cr.rvtt ia•c Derain' and an. .he o 't about .] ; rgG r b[octrdrd in �Lr:�-1 und,n, ; his lieth sof he ap, he tilt brave ailed -dd• king .. alfed ' >t- rots d Lha its, lie ; m i.�n� ice ac It r vas.^g J 11 not 'antes, Py; orvith ° IN these days tile pride of U'itsin was eorcly Its•s of 'mR e on ad, in dole' ,r utile { wounded; for site had peen disc n'nfltrd upon the tessel in nr .14 - qu::d- waters of the great deep? an ']1 vd disk ,Jl'ltIIkCliL had it, io the slur sharpened her miller. t :c, lip. apt reir 0.O the ''I .` 2 The pcoplc of Colunrbis had n'iauiphed over her °' air ,g tills, in to•. ships,* con- 'P" huh ;el tve- :e I and her nnLhty arnrirs had gained do ho- rob eti n the Hors. n into vert t.r ter- .. even ca, b an li ; :rte I the 3 Notwithstanding ahr. had made peace with the y lie ,reed r nations of Europe,and her whotc guru;;:" w'as dined 'dared _ Ir- was -M e toe ut Y against the people of Columbia. I f on ill 4 The prosperity of many hundred year; had f!.d- rl ilio ° Y r f n a J trete tercel hot-, and she was mffed a with the vaait 'S,the s Qf .ia n- ins, 1 P Y .gond a Its [Ina ley by r- inter thereof; yet, she had frrrotteu hcrs,if. snd n- ,or- . hon " and ' 5 So it c' to to pasty, on the fil.-t day oC the gist" r n m er 't, their g, n- g de- Month, that a cc main sn on; s!:!p of 00 kin?;', c,ll(d tee td foe 'u'•- .tit for- ta- 10:6z the Shaul'on, appeared balite the hav'cn of IJoston, err ch t; r .lcJ 'da ,vhich ,n Whir." Guth to the carr, seven •a, to the x'h Ito rn°e d tpc 6 And she hide dcliance.to the vessels of Cohan' •e., bia the Ilia; forsho hath pecparcd.hrrself l'ur ilia vve11t, ae, dl 13,i- ;:tile 7 \uw the Chrsnitral.c, a fif;hting• s!rip of the over. of of I..,, �r, Un!'ed Stn.t rias nigh unto the plaice • tnd stir. J. ,�, ° Will conttnandetl by- ill,- brave Lawt'er:ce, who had ' 1° U_ and '.:l '�rr gnhx•d much bonne in the iiyl.tof the ptcpleF tci• runt, lie [her was lie afraid et r • ..,,- _ aor' Became a prey Ill`etrn :r.r v . tiC:`t?Yk1 y adusF -. called Aha '- r• world; - - ° g y n yr S5 And the y6nnQ' man entreated him a secohcb'j� - ' ",*y"!'r"r r i wh"c1" ti 54 And Henry, the chief captain, tl�{Mr K tMo �t 400all Pea the lint A 'a'y ' P gaa•c great ho.� f+ asPsn.aalar w4 Q, the the t lu A tF nor to the captain' under him, even Ri/dev, Fw•s rA, je. he tun„ n and I;•uatis, and all the brave men that fought that old) 1: CHAP, XX. Jer 1t" day ru- tit Dot the cu /,i war e{+ s c Ib d tl 55 Nevertheless, Shca1T:, Ute captain of the kill[,,, aptuiu 1 on I [ be,nnih 6"31 n' escaped with a handful of men, and Iho 'wiR-footed.. Sketcher of the /lietorr _Ito. small 'nl pri' 9 1 s1 o sava,ea : Icavin 1 Qf dnrerira. ca fifth g heldml him the insignia of LririsA Crare Gioia, I the ye fire ihol I� \ a nun a veerr ' , � is 1 to if t Y •—a Ilulnan scalp, b de,truc� wI11Gt 56 But the rejoicings 'ce rr--ars " that mod ell 1 11 3 other ; a, with dee J bs of Ute people were mingled` ; a Y rdr and oleos "al the kin I s P sorrow ; Cor the brave were slain in battler Tim antro' Of many y-cars shall drop 1 I f - c 57 Oh. tm'th, how long shall Illy inhabitants de• dren of men; ar•: our ebildren's children ehalon tl little. , ng of I thio 1 41 eir out one h pan u( tl light in warfare. when shall the old me tore F g > ken nntu it in the days to come. >lnm• Rn• Yan by the l .. weep for their children ? a cease lo. 1 t A 'l The couuu'y of Columbia is s 11116 omed • Amt, ed. low 3 - to 52 licbuld poo lonely widow' ; ,het weep for their land, which rcaehelh frurn he wide extended of a!' tile r, husburda and their chillonely rn lain g 1r'i1;n. U t, faces no more! + but they' shall see their marc than eight Thousand miles"orlb to the wuth, "O- act of king. by thereof is sheat three sandhotli "'I , std the brcudth 11th :get all were •s of their h. 59 The fair daughters of Columbia sigh for the re.�, till oil the they gad was 1 C11 i 3 1Norcovur the Hume of the h I' I, turn of their beloved. country was called af• of 114 in ter the item^ id a great loan, who was burn in a place •n U wl» a' Ill 1) :, v 6u Socsc thou those little ones? they fly to their` the celcss Uu 3: si w » : t Co;-tn cath rl Qat os; being in I�olea, ou the scar � r Avcn[ of vest 16./ a diseensohttc mother they leap with 'o coast. •0'- P+ and cum- I ght SIV: 1 Of Cathcr!.but lie shall nealr return y al the nano! 4 Elis mune was C/rrrstn/cher, snr-aam,d Cula,nbru. 'm'$019 I• rho title all, tion Ilri,.:ir 5 As the rig mail .ru'ugglati uga{wet wicked. lad - tom ler, or C P Gy t 61 Oh 1 that 11"yhurl cast Ute black dust into the tress,so did lioug�,ivat ignrn•anec ehd stupid!/. P• t sl IV.! c'',� east tile"nu ht not the children of mea wee it atm' h, a help- :hero :ido sur riga w." g p and; 6 Ncvrr;heless r wail. hululred :nal 1,inet Pass, in the fourteen in, n the floor hem 17 62 tio"v oil the next da when thea i that he crnssad the cwand year 'If the Christian w•a, one Ind the frutn 'rt'Y e. 3f °I }toil ci, w- y+ rmy of Zcbu. water' of the I s !` rl Ion gat the tidings tltw th+:ir captain was slain mighty fl,ep, a jilt a, were cited our Lip np der f 14i,,. tearsntarlcd in [heir eye s; the w.. thing that had neem boon kunwnnine 1 of bRriam, than mon. g t to boas of driv 6 boobt! and + Courts fad. d them Y cte mute, thrix --- fully on with Of cud the s. 69 Moreover, 'and shay hec:nne as weak wotnnn,X 7 And the place where hr landed was an idatxl in of "w"-re d the and the a°c Si the United States made .r the sea, nigh unto rho cnminent r,f ('r,lumhia, c,, X Y t1�- 16 ed n. J, eat lamer.:: civ '.ssi 4r n a �• c•nrl iul with shAlltaus",s over him; sad the remembrance of Isis name. San tialvadnr; whit Called king 2 ahsll lire in Ula heals Of' people. 4, being ioterpr,wil, wi " , It a inyr i tilt , place of safety, b^n'G lb a '°- ga 1'e the 1, 64 The eagle of Columbia dropt a feather from hes' no, ;r never or 11 ul the _ wing, which the angel of brigbtncss caught ere It 8 Ahdthr place was inh,;bated h wl !d their' was hieF 11 fell to the earth, ascended to heaven, and record%4, , they were nak,_ch people I y ki aavo�q,a„d 9 No,v when the eo"le heard than t.'nlatetrsus had _ y,u. .— IA' "'t"' � t!><e name of rlJcs. at iudaQ b found a new land, the Y ed a yworn aetouished beyond Inca- ' : c y of rili,A I�rron ya[e unor. -------------- r� i 31tan• ,f the - will" "bin the Columbia soared .,., CHAP. 1XIl. cede- inn- Iso , °" hey .r th,:u• 'rove tile rt e on. • :henh . cup. ed arty iso' Id ill" nice ,r tenth" C'a/�uur of rh' Ch,:aa/i�ake�Co�,unsrf.rc Dcraiur en- he n ubouE r and • blockaded L: .'re:a•Lon;t:m, ; his sof he vrgA lip, lie the ti -de-te• ..�.. br•tile ave ailleded lie n. x, roes d t veIgloo !a: hs. m ace sell sit II not rent est I!• t or Pith c ;r IN these days the pride of Britain was Forel/ lea of 'mcI in 'n the wounded; for she had been dis:runfiud npnn the vin nr on ad, dd d of )r quad. wacera of the great deep r and disa1",oiuturcnt had r1t> io lbs xul. sharpened her Huger. - es'el .°u er. nP' re.ir °C the 'rl tom e.. 1 'rhe people of Colurabla had tritnnphed overher 10- :ir "g s mist 1n ..- , ships; and her might armies Iiad wnwd neho• earl- '1'' ed loth 'C' eve• :e y S - rob not ., n into Pere .tr ver. % not•s. - • an 3 Notwithstanding she had nude. peace whit the even til' by hE ,Ired 11 Teo r' idm'ed Ir- be ' nations of Europe,and her wbnlc sti-cligtb was Uu'ncd oll was ;m by e- Imo °' Tr 1 agai»sl the people of Columbia. d the 1 of on lee 4 The prosperity of many hundred vears had flat• y of ) ..' s,the QC tcredhcr, and she was puffed up with the vanity s a is 1110 ley r'- 1ttEM" therefor; yen, sloe loud ibrgouen beret IC •gond and Its "- t°t,• - 'y Ilanr" a etttI 5 So it cru:"e to pass, nn The first day of the sixth their Ig+ n. y mg 1.1 <I ?rr -, manth, that a certain strong ship of the' kin;", caliu{ roe 'td for 'or- es si- ,1, iur. to, roar; th° Shannon, appeared before til° 113TCII of Boston, ,vhich G 1 ted tit int � ' Which lieth to the cast. seven -a, 110 the Jck be ,n�«. d the 1i And site, b ode do Gance to till, vessels or Colmn' vee+ ,ilia rho was; bia; for she had prepared,berselffurtile event: :le. Ill Illi- after 7 Now the Chrsapea:c, a. filo;Itting ship of the over• of of that 1e, ;,;,t_ ." her, I,, United Stater, was nigh unto (bn p!:,e °- -.. c : and title j.. d' au, It. Was contntmxied b}' tit^_ brave L1n•retlCC, Attie had in ::nd In Ula: Pitied much honor in the si;iht of t11c pccplc; tai ,lura, Ile Imo .n { [hof was he afraid et camea preffobed ill, Iflueof if irh��" .�� g o o fit 3.5 A sure for it was man thousand miles o _"-"--'^•- If— ttienr Things. whiut ' Y T; morsoverr I 1!eut m; li 5 some of them atrovo to rob him of the honor, and ha 19 And the eo a of gyp° I due t Iu .^t w'Su I I not was treated wrnn fu I r hl Cglunlbia. who arc indr ,:n- n""rre"t car can mil + Utc•, 3u K I q. dent of the tyrants of the earth, and wfo C'j%i 6c. hr•rant, a and to But his name was lifted lip above his enemies, tween Ute great river which is er.lhvd ,tl,a,!.,;.,,, Id day ' elltill I 3 r r 1; d t' tLe ca 5 &lift it shall not be lost, in the sotuh war and the province of c,'en:trlu• in tit¢ ,tplaiu on d I b" l. E''°w' a esti 11 Now the find of Columbia is a most plentiful north, being numbered,aro about ten- small 'nit 3 1 1 :t 31 o sav; land,yielding gold mid silver,and brass and iron%bun- tell thousand xouls.• thonsund I:::Ic.s fifth t vtt a soli Grace &'inial I the t I a e Mer dandy' 20 The mus are comely tmd noble, +,—ail- rc• furl L dr,.truc wn!el 5 12 Likewise all manner oC crentures w net ca•'r`�r'I'r med Cir blah forgot to light upon Ulmu: neither are :', , ,, Y Me t %lull olets x 3 ot:IV r a wit used for food, and herbs and fruits of the earth are superstitiniis people ; they are tease• .y kind t 1 a \ c 5 13 From the red che•rryc and the rosy peach of lit love thu God of jai-ach and woreLi r hinmatcl s, y ng of vesb one h p.1vi o1 if ligl; north, to the lemen, and the olden orange e are uo idolaters anion* 1 , and U.:r {n,� Yan be the I wee south, g C of the yet t!rem. - t the 21 The women mile pasting LcaUllful ; tllcr a:e >lutn- ' ok 3 l 1 I .1 _ til 5, 16 And from the small insect that cheated, the like uulo l'I'eslt lilies; tbclr checks ami, «t. r.!' Ill. , nmod ' [ of earl I r hos microscopic eye, to the hue mammoth hat onto sec• art• line Wild r„- eel of. king. hr ' uIil;Iv u 8 t , their lips am a thread of scmrlsli nature hat![ 3. U i ! t, face moved on lbs folders of she river ffudson ; on the gifted them with $Oman vit'[ue and:` lribtlsm rc`U wee° C-111 5 great river Uh10 • utcy have spread oodnesa with a pfd paifp!Ithirm K g of cull even down to rho ceunhyof B °d 'On the they ged whip L 1s n v tort Patagmtia In rite south, 22 Now h he, happened n in 64,11 sof nen s' L' I 6 15 Now [he height of _ pec[Ihut the tette% t 31 sl n. n : , Cr,/n; g a mammoth is about Beveq kiie ei C,j;u'If 31�}'nui'S"war r..,.,.- , went , Y of V dill cubits and a hdf, cull rho length thereof fourteen cu• tumble, teen Iurt}'years ago. 11P'ft1 t•`Oiie of Co- p, and cora_ ; till lu nnl. of bits;_ and the bones thereof being weighed are more tion III I.,,;, h 23 For rho riches and pros erity of C P 'm into r filo ittic - P dy I E than thirty thousand shek,gs ; and tit of h become , P olum a lied rig C si t'. a: sea tusk% is more them six cubits, lila leug t 0 24 Anid�tLeawarlrtaged kinCvith tits•mi them. • rum , help. :here id,- ht ll„ ht ,I� wul 16 It is more ght of Blitnia, n the hem I; t wonderful than the elephant ; and even in the Lc;u1 of Ise land of columbia, for •! fine of t the history thereof iv it not recorded in the book o[ the space of serer, • c iii when the arm Of a �,,It mel the from 3f sl 1 I I r Y o ton Jefferson, the scribe is y'' " Y Cohn❑, r t u, were sited der bel, a tlinmpinet; neither could the lour 6. 1 lid,-, :v:d t tea 17 The fircce tiger and the spmt,d leopard dwell firibtiu cnnqurr the anns,pf liberty Patvcr e f .mrians. ' Lilly het 4r, .he lurk liuuta; tO1 of (I , the %1 and the swift footed deer upep 2S Acconlin 1 � , dully on whit 3% t th- mnunt;ins and hi•k S} part of'those who ec»lain"I of d ail,re d the and the wilh 18 ed of tali Iif N '• places. Ibc ll mics of F,ritain rewrned home to the king ' uw [he numb.h of Inhabitants tlml are epr••ad "ta`t.t•; but a ,lir ! king, tine 'alBbry n Ute ,y 4f end ' ng 1 2 ah: ever the whole continent, is neuro than tte hundred b + a number refused to return pr,,- it a I ti:, r;I :cnn• a couoU' .uhose mild laws are 'r never 38 ul the rite , ' million, equal!}• ;r...! fished - r If, 19 w' _ ,d Ulcit• was Lief fel .-._. _ ” 7&e/eel on;rnr o- Ia, x uh I ✓rJ/i'rsen x r;ole, on PieS iiia• ---~ «boor 8,00n.ono , ra 1810, erorcri file%mow:: r utded br _ B � ea. (he n,ur:Lrr lit r) now firebab/ . :rave Y of _ .. .-- - - - -- ...,�„w, It on rte`` liras- ,f the With 'iia the Columbia spayed j r• CHAP. XX11'. cello- 'u0- Iso "°'ovt• hey .r Uu•,r trues ed the lit, ort, : cap- trn:h • :hem, nilly so• lid e1" nice 'r e'apinre of the Cbtsn/l rnke—Coin ret mi;rc Drca,urr and sr on. -Its It h blockaded in JLeeu-Lond;n. ; Lis diet, sof Ito $ aP• 1[° the brave —rte, its Ion :ailed lie• n• longe a d ilei,• I the hs. , m ice act[ II not lent ea, ly; or lith c u 114 these days the pride of Ihit9!n was sorely ❑'s of me On ach in d of ,r woLerl o ; for site hod been di s:on'�Aud upon rho I W4lct'a of llec !;rear deep q and dim,;t.oi:;turcnt fwd a or it, iu the 'Id ante sLurpened her am;or. 'I "asset acs er. ape I,I, Oe the ''! 2 The peopic of colambi:t hod n-iumphcd over her -o- air 'Ig nuts, I t t W. ships; and her mighty armies had gained no ho- crm- rob .p cd lith :c, tve- :c n Ihr. sora. n into Pere tr ler_ cvcn CO. y 'In lot nice ' t: c r_ 3 Notwithstanding she bull-mndcpcacO with rho y Ire .'teed be r, nations of Lutropc,and her tvhrlc Sit"ljn;Lit tvas tt,rr.ctf Idcrcd [r- was Fit. by :m •c- tmo 4- I-rht vt against lite people of (.tulumbitt• 10( on Ice n a 'rri wa.e 4 The prosperity of many hundred year; had Ilat- ill the Y 0 a,the of n- ;ns, tercel her, and she ryas pulled up weft, lite vaaitp tyond s a tts iia mto 1vy ay ''- uurr thereof; yea, she had fnrgotten herself• Ind n- 'o''• hen a- . al"r cr . 5 So it cilnlu to p;tt:, ,,;i h v,,: I f tiro tx.h ;heir 19, tt, tl'i; de- 'r' month Ib I.' I �' o. Ih' I VI, I'Ce ad for ur" for. ta- rn.,', ; lite sliani:un, , , ---cd 1. t [hc I.a^.tlt v( 1-!0' ,,I i ,l, ti 1 ,led tit 1d, 1 Which Cl.If, to lite east• sCvcll 'a, re the ni. !Ie tome 0 1ni she 6 dt r'e .::I:^ In t`r, vcs Is of ('c!u',u- ler, Lia ;the "•'' Jill, -� r t;.i. ilei 111 pill. ,lie; ov:r• q ,!le I ,tI I ;p, t n -,lift -., I , I Ile of oI :hat u- Ma• :t bre, t Un t,d S :tier' t-t.3 night un o the 1 ;.rI t- ,en _ Y was commanded by the lithe Lttret „I ,. -- In ' a gui'ntd much ImuoP in the sight Of ll.. , t F;u;.r: Im ther was Ire afraid Ia s: - .few : r - n \T0 xtn•i(1 ">s A sure. for ,•_••^•r•••• •t.e nearTltfnga. tl which c liaut m x.,t}, it 5 xom righteously dispensed, and where the hard cal•nings re two w.n are.aal '�' if nor was of industry arc not taken Away by the U:x-gathrrerr n.&reel ear and the ' t Io A 3o a And It 26 So there was peace 11"011 bout the Univ 1 hr cane g d d daY , en- the ,I s theca States,and n covenant made beuvacn the national CHAP. XXL. tvnr c t 1; dtl 5 and apudu err �,� t 14vow97 But the names of the wise men 1f the great 1-. I . .•i:uti a esti 11 o small 'r'9 ',., ', I I A 9t o say: land Sanhedrim iu tlwse days, and the names of those wl,o fifth a 111111 fought hard in battle, and spilt Ib•:ir LIoaJ ip the Aelrrrdaalenr is the C'hrsuprokr-"f/avrr r/e Crate 6inia, 1 the re- - '��I 1, 17 N a mrr dent g burnt by the Brililh tn,drr Adm. Cvrkburn—a/• - 1 I lit .tr;::. x wc1 s 17 cause of liberty; are they not wr,ttun in the books of tack on Crotty Island--Ila mates taken by rhe a that 0�etd Cir wit Used the chronicles of those Jays ? llrifish--avtrages. and icy 1 1. 1 - C 5 11 28 Now the fatness of the land of COltnubla bring-, - eth people from all nA1IO11&t0 dwelt therein. °'of rest, inU P"''' "f tl ligl: n0rt I P 11 L Ly the I wet bout 29 The people of Columbia use nopersuastpp,the alum- 1 the 01• 1 I a 14 the bael'ed cause of I.IaaaTT 1. THIS57Ae OF'A'1•• amt' ed. 1, n has TRACTION i And the limo shall coma when the eyes nnled I of of lit: mitt NOW it tame to pass, that rile tnigllty Uect of kin V mos, Of. all men &hail be opened, and Old earth slm!I re-- Britain, which was moving rowal •shout lbc yn:u were •sof y t, fact ot c. Ill,it h, g grcu f Bay of Chesapeake, committed much crit upon the they ed ryas It 15 1o turf PAW So Their laws are whoba(me, 5,r the pa,nle aro Shores,thereof' g o f %"a' „ hui „ t e 15'tha lawgiv.rs, eve" as it was in the.(Joys of Cassie i.. 2 And-they rohb,d those who were dcfaneelrsa, went of s It, ° 1 ' C`'%� •` die, tubil but they kuuw rr, kings, and cm•,ird array their hatted cattle, their sheep, and tom" 1 y .hilt le ' "' f of hila; all those Uw,gs whtah they futtpd, And put them into f the ittie F 1 ' -�"' /J t t than the strong strips of the king, lery s t ` ata tusks 3,Murcuvet, they burnt the dwellings of the help. :hero root lido p wit 16 less til nh fire,and they acenuatcd it .,non r. a the fur ntkr, t h 4'?111d rile old men, the lilac CA:dven, and the froth °Ty s 5161 y o Ion Mtge vrcrimn, yen, the fair rlaugincr, of Columbia, e.re the I;,i• -i uitcd tour and t ten 17 cun,pcifed to fl}' irava rile tvickaJlaess of bnrliliriana. Co. olvl hrn In .hl son 5 Even ilia small villages that rose bcautifally on will, hintl 'rc( tilt . Ia ed oT t til, 11 the cher aide, became A prey unto them, ailq;nr'ro .f d,e and rile tat: 18 eo•s0:mzl by me,, Nita called thenlscives file Taiyhty n the sof end kin:' 2 .�>, i..,,... , e. ah: OYcr 1 � -Wa� it d ti:c It 6 l .:(-y v r like hungry wolves that are never fished t of ,.l% tvi miU'n pa trb .rl ; d rlru.ti�m .nil devastation marked their 1p1 was hicf ` fel �o ,:.cps- f.o. ry u.iGr 7 � ns, !ire ships of t:,, king ware commanded L ' " wackcd atau whose name was Cocoa nn, y =od a — y of non i r f � �tlan• ,f the Ibis awcr- Wllh LIIC t•�� ,!nP,la sn,urrt �- CHAP. XXl1-, ceda. IUs- 50 hey '` thau- erous ed tile u.,'..e , , :henli . cap- arly so• Ini ,. - r tenth null ibalit C'apnu�r of rhr Chrsap;nkr—Co::;'aa10"r Detntul' rand an .he blurlt;drd in .A'r:o•Lond.n. : his Yr h S of ht _t� ap, Lt braver,. r. H king the d the Its, Ile; m long ace ,ons s ves. q aclit 11 not 1C0t as, IY: or vith a deet i N these days the pride 0f Uliufn v:as sorclY n•s of 'men she wounded; for she half been dis:nn(fit:d upon the on ad, in dof ,t gnad- tvatcrs of tile II e great deep; And dist, panantent had ,in or rr, io the 'i'I atur sharpened her:m4cv. vessel ecn er- np• ,cit• ne the lt 2 The people til Columbia had trinmpi:ed Durr her :o- air 'g mis, ,n ships; and her mighty arnnica had gained no bo- C"'`" boli 'la cd hill 'el ,ve- 'u .n ilia flat'$. t)llao a11 Vere ,47. ler- ca b 11 ,rte a the ` 3 Notwithatrmrling site had made peace with tlni y ht , red r, nations of Huropc,and her whole str:a til war utrutn( ldered a•- was :m be against the people of CulumSia. on by •C- tmo 4- J•dey, rl the I0f on lea n A 01 were a Thr: Prosperity of many hundred tears had 11..1: y of ,) :$ the pf 11- ;its, toed her, and site was pulped tip whit tLc a•anity .yund a a rt9 is rnt0 ley ry r' utter thereof; yen, alit had forgotten hcrs('IL and n- ,or- u• a &tad et- 1'^❑ 5 So it ca::aC to pass, 011 the first day of the sixth their 119, n- _ lllg de- Ott month, til.,, a Certain stvnm; slip of the kin;;. titledell 1•ee id for Lir- .til for- fO'- "11:11• line Shannon, nppcar A bcfnre the haven of llDstnn; 1, ch t , t teil tvllich li,til to the cast. ,vhith au seven 'a, re the ach lit test ,f the :: And she bode de:i,ulce to rhr, vessels of Cclmn- ren Iola the was; bill; forhho had la•eparcd hersrlf fnrthc event. :1e. ill Qr.i_ after I 7 Now the Chew-,cake a til; , •, OYCr- le i , Itting s u,l of rile of of that o flu• 'i her, United inlan,, vas nigh ante the place ; and sit" It- was commanded b}' tl:c lin;n'C L.att•1'CI:Ce, 11110 !and r-- in ,enc ❑_ and gained ankh asset in tLc of the p(r,le; nail garb, he Line :,in flier was he afraid at >: e. re. ,:.. —' world, 8 And It, so that on the third day of the fiiiii g the Dear Th1nK sure. rota ;, , Mailaatln !m-1 which ti .r,5 5 som righter month,if)tile thirty and seventh year of the indepeal -1a anmau. WMri a ora two wrl: -1 r ,.4 :1 A wap y of lndt denc,�of the a le of Colunt Liu, ••�•-o„m.a It a Cl mon Anna asteet car line the to A tl nor Was P'- p •. au it end It 26 S u Cockburn,sir-named the wicked,led forth a host 16 Anti it came to pass ou the twenty-Second day I eft- file 3111 the co and States, of the savage men of Britain, against u pleasant vi` of the next month that Cockburn, the chief captain War air ii d tl grow, J I I 37 lags, ealittl flours-de•Grucc, which lieth on the be it of the ships of Britain, essayod to o against a aural( ,nb _,nti(I n esC isl,md, ni ib gfifth 91 o sac; land S;mhc :dors of the Sastinehunnn,n noble river; btusg int culled in l6c Vernacular ' he state of Vir iniiI re_ I_ r' 001 s nrrr dant f0ughl state of Maryland. tongue, CnmyIsland• g ' t the w wet cause lit Now there was none to defend.the place,says� I9 And rho number of the men of Britain that .u•u,: 5 12 nuc furor, whose airmaute was. O'Ytil, who =nal went against the island tvab about five thousand• mad lir a wit used the ch A olets toy 28 ' Cron the Will of tfibernis, and hirafthey-made ca , they began to get upon the shore at the dawning of I, \ c s 12 elh c tire. - the day. .•t of tl nigh Mort P ;: . • - Irest' in the I wee smut S'9 11 And they came ns the barbarians of Cie wilder' Y0 Arear unto thin place a Caw vesstls of Colum- 1 the of I t r1 - 14 tho Be Dees: harts. was in their looks, cruelty was ilf: Liu,couinianded by the gilllnnt Caseins were hemmed AMAI oil. Ibc tt s Mier Taac7 their hearts. in by about n score of tl t of r. bus Mout of all 12 To the riwciling houses tbr� pal the bvrnins:, 2l Nov the fighting'1,InigLly ships dt the king. by ti"' . p Ltc< , vessels under Csssin were it h. 5 goes Joir C. ,rand, and pingdcred the poor turd needy whhatil! mostly small, and were called t 's of 1., q 50 pity ; such wickedness was out done even among tk'A' tverc little more than half a jlad 9141-boats, and they ed wav turf Pata� q.numLcr. g re.n 6 I5 tee la Philistines. 22 Ilowbuit, but a few days a 0C 1 r ,� } before, [Ley went y of ° : C.,;•s, but til 13 1'he women and children nicd aloud, and feA' against Ute Iunon,a u strong ship of Britain, and cum- I tl di"' billet; down al the feet of the chief cnptaiu of the king;: .Idled her +%'tt Ili , !res I y In1q. 1 to dgpan !root before the mobulls of the nJ of than alae.-his heart was like unto the heart of pit' '%uhy dchtloying cngiuus, iltic Icr A ne heard them not. 23 But the island w - rum ' sea it, as defenceless ; sort them title 14 If'owevtel it came to pass,the next day, wheh, cont" to Protect it an hundred brave asamcn franc the Wt' 16 the pitiless Ccckburn bad collected his Looty, and finu•Lirats, and all hundred Lar t lbr h glutted his savage dispositiolr, he departed. 1110 and fifty valiant men from y Jcire StateCunstelluli°n, a fighting ship oi' til° Uttited r ry telt 17 Is And on the sixth (14 0f the same month he the i• .i lino Co- and t went against other unprotected 24 .1nd the 1 Co- 'Il" hr; [n .L� � P ed vilia;cs,which tic,-q1t. Y ,rou„ht the destroying int: e❑I the st GIe river Sassafias, Called -Frederic Its town them,and they Icr them loose Ying mI!:;inrs with and la rd o I tit ° Ueurgeh,wn. and burnt titeural.o• kin., ; upon the ve•s,tIs of the ihci I tat 18 - 6 and upon the men who were landing upon rho ^nd 15 So did he return to Ilia wickedness as a diJt' . shore. s of '1' 2 l $h. ever reulryeth to his vomit. 25 Anti the n .t i Ir the b aniilir thnnderiuq noise thereof astonished ;Its 17 Now about this time the number of the stronjk _: tilt' bcrv:ans of the king; far the iy •- fel wi ships of Britain was increased, said great multitudes Ilnl a hwtdful of men upon the isles ltnow [hero was LicF ' 26 Alovcover, 11;-itain nt her to,,),) oll , h n o rho soldiers of The king came with them to the Wa- y ad,[ntrodu,ed a ._tet-s_of the Chesapeal;c,. . __ �jt new iubtrumenl of destruction, called -=, -- �.tf�a y ,f Conti r,-ce Brirw Sale J,oon, i Than- ,f the with tbia the Columbia strared ower- CHAP, SXIt'. redo- iUo- leo t•"','Xe` `- hey I• I ernes ; cap- ell the Ii t, Ort. thou- • ;hem, arty so- nd or, , tenth Clea abatlt C•apu+rr q/' The C!.•e�np.•nke—Coat,nodore Drcaan' rand en hn e yr !� blockaded tit -Yew-London, ; his lieth sof he 8 all. lie the brave r —de. .,•ts d king 191Ce ach1ed ne; nt long s vas. the t 11 not 'cilt ca, ly; °1' vith a fleet u N these days the pride of Btitatn a•ns surely :rs or 'me in ,r tt aha Wounded; for silo had been dis;nnllit:d upon theill or an art, Jof waters of the great deep-, and disappointment had resect cert _its io the dd our l aharpenud her all(v•, - tel t. g 9, Icir oc Ute 'd a to• 1 2 The people of Cnkunl.fin hnt1 triumphed over Iter -n t oda, to chi L y coo- c, taro- 'e ps; and Ileo ml •hl ;emirs had gained no ha- rob ,p- ed 6th n the Wars. n lilts rete LT :er a tilt b . ` 3 Notwithstanding She had made pence with rho even ca, y h 10 e .II•ccI 11 �rce nations of Europe,and her whole strrugth was utr t 0 'dered sr-be r, was :m mt- by •c- too 'a" 1-day, against the people of Cc,lumbi;t• 1 of on Ice n 'e[ were 1 4 The prosperity of-many hundred yearn had Pat- d the y of a ,) I tered her, and she was puffecl up with the vanity as,the e a is is urs to y n• 'Its' utter r- therecf; yea, silo had forgotten hersrU. - :y0ntt And ttti- l01•_ ty han y- a and 5 So it Came to pass, nn ills first day of lite sixth their 11g, n- z Ing Cr de- 'rj month; that a certain strong ship of U16 king, called cit iti. roe td for ur til for- r°- roar; the Shannon, an scared before the haven of Boston t - ad, 1 ed ' which , d Ute A trLirh IirtL to dtc cast. scorn 'a, CB aha !r!' Ile lost - 6 And she bado da!::mcc to the resscls at Colum= Icr, .Lia tht �trabi hia; forslie had prepared !ua•sr.lf furthe event. over• as tit Ir tis.i- i `after• 7 Nav: the Chcsa(re;d:c, a lighting ship of the of of !kali AIa- I' I,(let's l; United Slates, was nigh unto the pla,c t and 51111 t- Ice a 'i was colnmauded fly tho brave i,awettice, ohhad o ---- in I °• . and gainer) nmch L•onei' in tile sly;lit of the r,^^-i- �(Ir,.r; lie Imo i(uiR: I!+"-r was; he afraid et _ becsmeapreytoxonofh, ..,.,,__. r �r call••d rho 9 !1Sr wm•!d, .,5 8 And it was au til n. on the, third ala of the firThings. g c sure �"" ' Y Ma nin the Dear 1' Nl,ich d 5 rt Ltce morn l{in uhe rl6rly and ., B Sant, � de rnrl, er.�,•nP the Igdr,nen. Tae dnmA4ln Perennnr Art two van areAAed �) It. t L,6 ♦nnAf w„m u,l lir A 1]OOAq AagA A6YlOt C0.r "tithe pea knr! 1 In A Katy A not• wan •f lode Ilaekete, in honour or their inrenlor; ' ' - - - the the 30 it 6 5 r i were used in great abundance. Slid thelia 39 See! the shrieking matron cast Lersclf into the • eu- II16 hrcan„ it and not 3 r c ii ,Iii lite ca 5 and States, 27 lint they were harmless as turtle cloves, i r r -•latera that a-,e n:ty clicipc thy brutal violence : but war air 27 lal I on I 1, b , l.t Fl,Us a esc; 11 they killed not a man. all in vain , her garments are tore from her; she 'Ing Sanhe, d, becomes a prey to Lily ss va lust, fifth prl 3 1 31 o snv; land fought at 28 Now the men of Columbia, with their handl- g� the gee that 1 is \ tt °01 • race dant' R Leafy stmt the bats of iron Strait as an arrow from u 40 I�at site Monet but her daughter, and her fair re- in I to IT L do=Ir;,c N iucf 5 12 the h eu callse Low,and thereby did much damage to the servants of si,tera, nava fallen into Lily unhallowed hands, mut mad eir 1 3 other ; a Wil used 28 1 frr the king. been defiled ! olets 1Cy mo king 1, 13 \ c 5 13 tit 29 Inasmuch as they'slew about two bunch, of 41 Oh, fir!tain! the voice of violated dmstity ri- cth p° rest,out one L p:u't or tl ligl� nortl :9 • the men of Britain that day; and drove tire Lust of Seth up against Llee; the mark of the beast is ilidel- I the Leg lire Yar by the I wee Sunt them from the island. ibly p.inr.+d in Lily forehead : I of the sa r"' 42 liven the old and weak men became victims of amt, IA 30 So the mighty arm of Britain (Ic•d in haste to cd. Lu1 9 I 11 .A t, 5 raacn tilt R Y Y til bo'barit til servants suit ed t °h b i and of tiro r. Las oiler of all the strong ships of the king for sah�ly. Y Y; Y stripped� the aged hope, Y E IT I"i4"' a t, face m°n ,,r, 31 Now on the twenty-fifth day of the same month and bulfatcd him ; with the Points of their swords .s of lilt: 3 LL,it I,. are Jot(c. the arm did they torment him. tt•;;lf can 5 g SO i,❑ Y of Britain went against a village called - ged _ Curl Patat- Pit Hartgtton, which licth in Lite state of Virginia, mr(1 43 Ds the groans of the murdered Kirby creep a or TILL, of wLi b't bw , v f 15 Lilo Ju took it, into thine cars 7 go thou and repent of thine evil, y of UI 31 51 lit it : , G';'r, dill, cubit Lilt th dn, 32 Ifowbcit, the little hand of Columbia cant. slid do so no more : the Lord God of ltosts shall gilt: ves! Ili + er„ bin• mnnded h be Lily judge tion I of , ahs y Crutchfield, fought hard against them. alta Icry sir p Brir,d1 l:, t t than 33 Nevertheless, they Prevailed over him, and 44 'rite generous people of Columbia may Possi• roto of C tusk+ slew Seven of Lis men, and wounded others, bly forgive thy crimes again[them; but the remeut. ,ide ° �{ ., W., upon Lraoce thereof shall live fo the end of time > nc ithr� sU rig° " - wa 1k tlir which he fleet ; isr the men of ordain were tike un• Four hem of I _ t the it eIc to a swarm of locusts. !hall they forget the name of Cockb ut•n. '''+'y e, der sl litie:i r' n `en i1fre 34 But the blood of two hundred royal invaders 1lto our 17 boemne a eurrifice to the wickrdurs,of their leaders, Co• n•c int; sty driv 6 lanibi :u•d t lir; in .In 1:,c 35 Oh 1 England! that n veil "light of cu, the lit fi ht Lr call over a'+ 3i In rd a til n C;r. the r,•,.uact rasions of n 'hal ;' v : hal it cannot be. and the in svfill I tat 18 36 Thy wickedness shall be written with a pen of -s of - ing i kin± sh: ever Tel iron, °u wt ., ate pw,. of a cliamonrl. - l tl:e g tht, b tall 37 It wits here, even in Hampton, that the r ' 3H _ of Ii" tui nhi strength and shy m Or 11 19 ajesty rose up against the pectic ! �.. bit fel of the sick.and the needy. - ' wu:, til - tct 38 Instead of prntectiug the tender women, the - --___. fairest work of Gorl, the life of the world; be.hold! what hast thous done o — i j , ihan• ,f the with Chia the Columbia sp,nr,l "`vcr- CRAP, cede- Ian- Iso >rotY- hey wu• crous ed the it, ort, :hem, . cap, arly :so• lid of, nica 'r It nth Ca/�uur of ehr Chexa(+.•n ke-..Cr.runodsrr Decatur rand en .he blockaded in Atw—Londsn. his lieth s of he ap• he the brave .ailed + at, loos d lie. long .`� the hs. ' ❑t ace ach Nae c If not Icut ear 1)': or vith c i rN these days the pride, of Britain ras sorely n•s of nIe o ad in it the wounded; for she hall been disaomfitrd aunt the. n , _ Ifof' ,It1•ct- 1 tin lir it the dd stur waters *,f the vett deet- Sent disa�;aiutmcnt had r 10 p• tcir the R I r t l vessel can er, n lie d `La,itencdhor an;;rr. - %a- :ir Ig oils, on 1 to-- 2 The people of Coltunt in had tt;umphed over Iter , ships; and her mighty at•rrties had gained no he. n into rob .pCOST- ed huh 'ef vele. ` n the 1101-8. are -d y •s. even Co. bl an ucd .Lr hi ,rce I the ; 3 Notwithstanding site bad marle Peace with tile' he - r, tiered IV- wasbe nations of Europe,and her whole strength :vas(toned nn' by em c- tme against the people of Columbia. I of on Ice r••. o a .�1 were '4'The prosperity of many hundred years had fat• : the y of ;us toed her, and she was ulfed a with the sanitya,the s is is 'Ino to ny ' r- utter thereof; yen, site bad forgotten herself. =Yund and Its ]I-- for. Y er han °'• ; and 5 So it csenc to pass, oil the fir,it day of the sixth 11• ro their br n- for .urg de- .,�_ :oar month, til t a cert.io surni; s!:fp or Lhd kin;;. ca!lud co si- ree td Ith for- the Shaniton ap Poared Le@n•e the haven of Boston t I .Led ' , wP:ich nn • which lirth to the east. seven 'ar re the left he Ince tf the 6 Aud slte bade tides:ce to t',te vessels of Colton= 'er• Lin the tuts: bia; for bile f,ad prepal Cd brrsc I for the event. dc, all nri. after' 7 Noir the. Chesapeake, a lighting stip of the over• er of that o- hla- n hcr, o- United Statc was nigh untn tire pl!,c pull ,:ho - J. ,env a- - was commanded by the brasro I•aw•Itnce, "he had in and :n the B'aillcd much honer in the sigi-.t of Ito pccple i rat• .totter he � Jain Dr., ,• tber was he afraid it jr; . I � n, ' - .I•� i t¢ tor- becamea preq n t"f �ire calld th,. ' ' world 8 And It was that on the third da of the fifth Malligning the Denr TIAnxe. •\ p ' .,s A sure- r •. . y hit Well Rom' rlglhtee Motif Intlhe•thinra anti .., .,-,,,I. vo.,r nI' r,,o;nrl.•n,.rti The Rra to Penna arc %We wen arereed Plitt kne tl lir.nt m:. wal y I U S Of indc dv Ile aurin.�nmen to a oaeea Anne area car anti the t In q if nor was 2 8 But the people of Britain yielded not to the eu- h rte the 3u It 6 S we � P 1 Lle ' Lr can), a turd Ot treaties of the great S,ulhcdrim; therefore the war air not 3 theca 5 and States,7 ! .rontinued to Ira•e. 6 j 27 tic 6 In c li J t' I I !ht I luwt I on t I: bc.,atill g n esu Sanhe� <!<. J So it came to pass, ell the litill day of the fifth fr 3 11 :1 31 o sae; land fought sty CHAP. .\SIG m�t{h,in the pleasant season of the year ; when the re• ILLI thin tl 1 s \ s 111" • torr dont cause bol treey put forth their leaves and the air is perfumed el; <`1 ILL I to tl b dc,trn;. wnicl 5 17 "I Rmssicr, med!arlon_ wilt the sweet scent of flowers, and the blue violets y, r, +� 1 3 other ; a avit used the C 1 li tlu PeteMbur Briji.rl Hurl Gallatin 44jucr besprcud the green hillocks; he -1 28 1 Jh—tbt Drillah con+/tetter!to abendwl 7 10 That Harrison,the chief captain, from the west, inC - roo king t, 13 \ c 5 13 ¢l6 pc u1 th airSa d"Fort d1rl,¢'s, t '. oto one p.u'l n1 tl ligh mord the brave warrior, who had entrenched hiniscif in the , el' L Lr the scut the RRa t"" tilt strong hold of Meigs, nigh unto the river \liami, P alar Yan I lues .,d. 'lm 3 I 1 A ._ it S 14 TRACT lit -•�' sallied forth against the savages and the mull of 1 and i' of the I, hos inner of all th r ` Britain,that hemmed him in. fact mov, I)_, 1 ITE loft en 1 g _ I I Nov there were shout a thousand ,,)diets of t°' th,.ir h, cell Joico, th Y eagle cullet" file nil' with his ruin dr, the Icing, and a thousand savages that had besieged was can 5 g 30 pit and ntoveth rapidly nlon,; ,. L 15 11 turf Patal. ph H swifts o the fish of the deep glidc, 'i the fort many days; and. threw therein the balls of nen - r ,f whi� b„1 ,., • ! the la Y through the waters; the timid dear bounds tICAI1'llClioll, slid RtrUVC to make captive the army of s1 t I5 Lilt th to through the thick forests with lvondcrful speed Ir vest 61 lir n : . Co;'n r tins. cubit do. 2 Tint Imagination surpasscth them all ; she ria Colundiitt. g.lE 1t, 4111 I of bits: ala m delh on the 12 Nevertheless, Harrison, and his gallant little n lion Bi 111i1 fleet winds; she holdclh s stream of band, Cought hard against chem, an<E drov:: ilium from Icry oft I ,_,, [y t r than el I Filtning in her hand. :ids sea tusk, before the strong 110id with great slaughter. ,i riga s1 w.,.., 16 1 w Z In Zambia,instant she Bions orctll L the frozen mountains ' 13 Likewise, the slain of Columbia was_about fine wn jut of ands in the cin tiles of the nerth, to the buill. score, besides t!to wounder!. 'rry hem '/ t the li lt, fit in sands of 31 0l 3 Je$e S g Africa in the torrid zone. 14 Bore over, tits chief captain gave greet honour the u: 1 w der sl 1',;I .i 1` tl ion 17 b 4 Now tha sans of Columbia were pcnce•makcrs T' to Nillcr and all the captains and soldiers under him; Co- ell we neither slid their fuots!eps V' Holy after u•arfru.r, . evii those called militia. ! ',• t g Iin,Jl ar.d t 9n .L' S Arad Y I 9, driv het lite that aC 18 the sl tip. It t}. , it is written in the hot seri liters Blcseet IS And rho names of the stales called 011io and 37 1e rd n. tar arc the pence-mal:crs, fur he sha116ecallcdtla Y end with f tat 18 they t their weirs raised high, by the valiant acts of children of Cr.d• their ions that day, st a ��- kine- 2 1 ah; over it Ing 1 the b milli, ret 6 So the great Colliinrb eF the people sent•two:, •� 38 ut lht ti (hr, whet men of Collin ia,the one named Calls- !,icf 1r of tf vv' of �r tin and the other Bayard, into a distont country i9 fel of -•a.... ^o- I bis, tints l 7 Eve” unto the el;teneive country of Iisssia, that ` there the -- Y might meet the wise men of Britain,anr�' - - -- - - -- - ft heal the wounds of the na(iols soil make p CaCC %,I n on Nene another. A ithan- f the with ibia the Columbia si,.iit r- cedo- 'un- Iso h...,on., hey ul,.,u• CHAP. SXI�'. onuscd the lit, ort, :hcm, . cap- arty so• nd c1" pica V u rxh Cnplurr of the Cbeaa/+1•nke—Con:rti.'l a'c D<'cu;ur rand en- he `rah n ni,:r,tt blockaded in Arc::,-Lon;:w:, ; his Iieth sof he _r/t„ at), Ite the kin i' .. .2 Ilhave this listed nc p m r' longi ace ata Lich cess 11 not 1Cnt as, y or rith c tl_ct u jN these days the pride. of Btit%in was enrclY n•s of Inc on ad, in d of n n rho wounded; for she had been dis:owGnti a ,j) the I cin lir it the 'Id antr waters of the great deep; and dis:q>poiululcm had cert ) io vessel era nP' lair °° the ''! _ `hah'penal her❑n1;m•• :o- ,ir lg uds, hA s .Eo: ._1.,,: 2 Tile people of Columbia had triumphed over her _ . r ships; and her mighty armies had gained no Ito- unto rob .p ed hth 'c, u•e- .e .n the ' nors. ninto rare .lar ,er. MAI ca, by an ,red lel Arco I rte ` 3 Notwithstanding site had matte penrc with rho he r, idcrcd u•' was be nations of Europe,and her trhote strap,lit was tilt tot- =m T. +- I-dey aga"utst the people of Columbia. 1 of by on tcc .t one �_! were 1 the 4 The prosperity of many hundred year; had gall• Y of ) _ ' f teretlhl tier, and she was m$u[t n Y tl- with the vanity a , is ono le r- ulcer r t' thereof; yea, she had forgotten hcrstdl'. :Pond:s,the 2 Intl its It. lar, . Y C .,, 1 and •� 5 5o it came to pass, all the first day of the sixth their age n- mnnlh that a certain su'on, %la ) of tilt kill ca!Icd rue ad fon 'u I•- ;,, 'o' :o:a• ; ilia Shannon, appcm'cd More !the haven of Boston, en sir t . 1 ,tell ''Ih ,vllich nn • Which Beth to the east. seven •a, re tine leftIto r, 11 the G Arid she h:,dt: delicnce to the.. vessels of Colton. ter. .bit f t!.c was; bill; for she hall prepalierl.hersr.lf flip the event. .le. Ill I;,i. after _ 7 Now the Clu-sapeakc, a fighting ship of the ,,over• of of that uice • United Sls!c was nigh unto the place -• .and she• ,1^ tell, y. was commanded by tl:o Brave Lawrence, who had '---• :.lid gained much honor in ti., sigl.t of the purple i nei• tial Ile Imo " Is th¢r was he afraid a at gee i il- r a•. s Arid tQtrat so that o called rhe wend; sure F •, •, n the third clay of the fihq Maligning the Denr ThIngo. } ` n 9 1I, as A montlf,in the h rtt• and tMVflprh LI of she inrlenr•na .n 9 whir.n rsighte0 t i t' ti 5 sem 'rTe dramata Perilous are two, rvra drennrt 9 pea knr lr..nt m' war)• , of indu d' Rt rouse�nm.n N a Uue°o.Ann°save,sir eml tha t lu A tl nor was 2 G And the mcn of frit,,in were. MilrYrl;cd of the the the• 3a 6 S hr Ca III a uud Ie. r,l wt not 3 e t li , I lire ca 5 and Stale$, 't ytund of the vvarrmy inan'nntents lira rcaebal tl.cir t I 1 0111 I groat 11 2F 1 I_, tilt amp, and they flail in Qi,olay towlI dto strrar1; 1 br. ntili a est S:Ila sf hold oP ncenstown. phi 3 i I ,t 3t o env: land Clh1P. XXiII. � 2 r`l f;rc Iho! l,, l� A °tl°' • tart dant fought sit cri T And they destroyed their teals, and their store- c awcr 12 cause be houses, and put a march to rhe Ll.tek ,hist of their ill I tot b olkernc 5 of R. - Uaed the til til, Surrender o/ For! George and Fort firir to!¢r :lute, magazines,and blew Oleo up into lire a:r : this ticy I 3 otter ; a vfit 213 I It,' rleans—Crit: Brown drives the British from be. did even from Chippewa to Aibii, I. f" Ino kin! IS c 5 1A u i !t Moresit the slain and tvoundc.l of the kin., t - etb pe til fore Sackr(t r Flarhvxr tai!/r grille fuse—Gn+.v, T out one P:u•t "f tl liglt nortl b caul .9 til Milder and Chandler nradclirisonere at- Forty, were two hundred two score at!d ran ; of lire also Ru• Y 3 Ly the A tvice the sa f1° mile Creek. Columbia about Olive score w a n. ! ..' n. .nal maimed. j lin, 3 1 I l .A — U 5 1r TRACT t!' 9 So lire forts George and F:ie. ,., r.� I.Ttur<d by 1 and °i rl''t r flus mice til P' b !` iiiiiaiiiia tiro army and navy of the Unit -; Ff mi;tntn 1, fact gre of all re , to And Henrynd Istu, : lila 3 tln.ir Ir, 5 grca Jesse. it tk and Y .t�".c:tnhc was I call )r I s n 'i0 I NON Chauncey, spare well of all ,b r i;., snit ntr:n I of whi T turn Patm--the la. Ph A swi , on the twenty-seventh day of the scone that fought with them. s� b"n „t E 15 WE til 1a tit¢ month, being thirty days after, Zebulon had gone to I I The gallant captains Scott suit J',n-s,-tb Un 3, st w „ : : ['o/.rr• Vis. cubit do 6 ,t a 2 sleep with his fathers, bravely; ncidier,wera the afruirl. Q veer 16 I of bits: :da a dell 2 Henry, whose eir-name was Dearborn and Lew. 12 Boyd,unit NI-Comb,sad lVindc r, and Chord er r sU• lion ti ii r..ii , Y ,• ! � p 5y r t than lie lig] Is,' the chief captains of Elie army of Columbia, and and Porter, and a host of hcrocs, turned not asble of ( Ow r..:i sea tusk, a. Chauncey the commatll of the fleet of the United from the heal of the battle. sur risi se ws .J w;, 16 Cot w of : States, that moved on the waters of the great lake 19 And here tile. noble spirit of tt;� you.,' ril perry t herr of „ "7: t for h gp tt ing Ontario, essayed to go against Port Gco•ge and Fort burst forth into,view; a mcn nr•,dc to a...11o.:h u,e 1 eel 3. )• T`n lot, Jcs•c - a Ede, in the province of the kin world, and $]rower dawn glory upon the arae, oi' Co• : t sl Itri. i P g• up der soul t tea 17 we b ncit 3 For they had previously concerted their plan lumbi°. b iood,• Ind matured it; and taken on heard the ships, tiro t4 Now it happened I driv hvt to .h, the 5 of ru, lire sr th�” n CA tF PP u1b01lttlre same tion•, that lire i MI 3; t are army of Columbia,anti a number of Elie destro m strop ships of Britain mored towards tile, other caul a rd of Y B g p ill; w•id, n Ent 1e chip engines. of the I,ke, to the east tl,crcor and went agaitlR3 i ktuR - 6114 ever ret rr 4 Arid when the vessel, of Chauncey• came nigh , 6 Y g . plcae.e called Sackett's Ilarbor. unit if oof uh` the h rnillit of til unto the place, they let the engines loose upon the Is The fleet of Elie king wars conuratnticl by a,Lief of wi 111141 st tin of fort,with iI 1 i y •—"— •-- a roarng noise. eaptaiu whose name was Yen; and Preeosr, taco go- bilt, wit•, fel of tl• f s In the meantime the army landed upon the shore : 6 1the _tet there and went against the servants of the king. vmof Catg co n . Lac :hr ,. . ��-- -� - r--- -- S 16 And on Ohl:morning I tar. still, Ill-"•:intb (lay of i-- - — - �e ,' the month,they landed more til.::; :t t!.otisund mcn on • Crn: MorganLr.,,;, the shores of Columbia .� 31vmt• ,f the with tibia lire Columbia sp;a•ed ower- jI • r,...ohd. .h• CHAP. XXIV. emurun-s cello- [s the lit, „rtiey thou• , I ; :hem, ell-! cap arlY :so• rid of pica n about r tenth Capuur of the Ch rxaJ,:ake—Cantumdaro Drca;ur rand .110 Orgy blockaded in Arv.Londcn. his s of I'LL --Cie. ap• lie the llCLh king brave "Ing d sell fill Etc, long svee. nutthis hs. t s, ace ash , sect b 11 not rent es, !y; or vith e n 1N these days the pride of Britain was sorely its of ane on ad, in d o{ )r n the wounded: for site haul been dis:omfittd upon the hili lir ,Id quad. l it lire 11111• waters of the reat deer and dha).Jilllntenl had ' io p. reit the g 1 11 vessel sen err n lie •d sbahpencdhrrau�er. %o• lir vg nisy ,n s to- 'rise 2 'Che people of Columbia had triumphed over licr ships; anti her mighty are11B4 bad gained no ho- Cou. rob {) ell huh 'c' toe- .e In the hors. n into an vere ,yT a the Ca. 3 Notwithstanding she bad made peace with tiro ev:n by lie ,sired Id -rce r, tdercd u•- was be nations of Europe,and her tvludc Stec ugth was turned cot. b tun .c_ Lme "• i.rlayr against the people of Columbia. I of Y on Ice u a of were d the a The prosperity of mary hundred years hall tilt,- Y of ;1 tered her, anti sire was p14tud up with lire vanity list s a sRa is into hey iy , r• utter t!rerenf; yen, sltc crud forgotten hersdf. End n- her. . hat u-t anti cr s So it c,::nv to pass, on the, first day of lire aisles their ag, n' 'eg de- It/ t month, that a etrtain str•onr s!.ip of the` kinidled ell si- neo ;d for 'w•- ds for- en real- _ ; I the Shannon, apnea red More the haven of Boston, t; I ,ted tilt t ,rich uu which fit til to the cast seven 'a, re the .telt Ile rose if the 6 And she, brdft dcti.ulcc to Cie vessels or canon• rer� ,ilia tho ',vas I bill; for she had preparcd_bersc ll'furtive uvcup over. ae, LII nri. "ce 7 Now, the. Chesapeakc, a fightin, stip cd the of of ;hat 0� Ma- �:hely i United h!s•cs, 1�:s nigh unto the phtl'C is end stie d• len, 11- Was cornntanded ivy Qr, brave Lawil oho had in and, •:n� - - gained much honor in Ox t,;: L, of the p(rp:e i rti• .aur-er he 11110 , . luitt-.. liter was he afraid et ° a unto Mallgning; the Dear TtiIntxs. 4 CHAP. YV1. ,ginfllion.a to or.rnena,ann�nreeu car nnae,se r tic vices; n- iu the king made !, e• :ono da I ell- (1,a • Cam. Roti;tre°rcrurn/'ram a second cruise—rehears y war town and r ''+, captain eir r..j''lie U �/u h'e' ilei(; !'i/rer—lite Ginn a[ At•l¢- '� I10 uia:d � � a ncm•c. •a t a small 50� .. a.rang a.id a Bre ti:,hjrivarc•—privatrrring- °'�' .S. a+n, . ct GCIh �.i! _. hoc fah. I rthrowil "� Virginia, i the ad of to strong a d. rc- -_ 'ore itain that Med ,eir r on. � oto their :e olcw :n•s of i a mt• ad ; and hcy • TOW i; ecmc to pass, in the beginning of lite nuc p ^ed aril -e of (he it ry the +Waingof Lhm,s,+hd tight hundred :aid tLirtecnth year of tha ,o it til• reap 'riurs at of the ,e tI P. re t the Great Founder of the Christian sr:et, 11411 Its, 1C f Colum- ' °h 2 That a strong ship of the United States, Calle pla• d a .ra ami> ,.d, d' q are nigh b, it, !rd hemmed �, oC the President, comm„nded by Hangers, returned a f tlLo :hey 'w+ u:.m. got into i1 tit, ',� the king. I by second time to the land of Columbia'• S'�Y le illi 'I's of. sain Were •s of v lind WWII;: site Was upon toe waters of the gr s,'as 1h,y caw ;rho %p- ud •, and the wag at r.im;' 4: at y gad doep, she fell in with one of the p,,ckets of the king n i- °t' .ir,, of- to cr. s or nen called af,er the swift flying bird•of the air,and made were it to f•,t me out of yu lie they went Y °p c .l1apture t4crcur. :,b. ut ore- and is,ill. h against o= ;ar 1, and Com- j lith( 4 And in the ship Radgera found alitmdauee nC tly !'. rho h• �,, id alfa of lite Ittli: wealth even an bounced sixty and eight tluousaod 'oar+r e'''nd bis tn, 1'tn in d- +d W i,um Ilcr, pieces of silver, -ei.ip. t'• I be 11 se• 'litre., 11 and (hero - Adis the ' t,a y, ,n n, 1. en from the f,ur 5 And II Nati Cm'i'Ied.wUl1 Itl:t05' hei'SCS,to a place f rue ''tt sof „ for, of a rt men fault crry of safe keeputg,t in the town of Boston, which firth f t+e °� ilio ague c,nry,- as it a 'lie United ,our to lite czar. 11-114. Ca-,. 6 ,llorc°ver, Ile made rapture of ann76crance rived f a im;ship of as in red 'lie wuud aC ngincs with gy! tile kin;,I (.+lieu with it anti bunco of lite reat fink with ,:u. air a. essels of the the ofthe detja. 1„nth a south, tat n of n and v-<c- t n•a- .o 'Ltbu- d fr a 'nf;upon tilt: s of vied 7 Yaw it happened,ofi the seventeenth tiny of the I'i", ,t trd st a fist month of the s::nlc y,:;rr, r+l of :,S'of n.,r °f a ,t 7 f astnnishcd ' vv"Y the fort; Ul 8 'f'h¢h one of rho work vessels of ilio U. Sttltc,ll �I•. "f r H there teas hie( J.W- C, Of r ,u a bugled :f • S:va!loau. 1' Can* o D Atom. ,,;. ' lit J taros $ 5hip Argo p Yrper• -b the rent way ;f introduced a -�� d cungrave :Y of Of 14tu• owU huvcos, did th..y do tuac tnl6 . , - ur•, __r nonu - --esey� 8 .And he trent firth to battle against the vcss�.�tre�,f, ` the king, which was commanded by Broke, a va, , 20 And the Chesapeake fell close upon the Strait- Mail. non, �:-ands clashed with swords, slid pikes with if the ibia the Columbia '119rr- 9 Moreover, the mischievous engines that were Pik ” and dreadful ,vas the conflict thereof; mn- Iso 1,.•,na�` be 1' in the ship.of Britain were more, and the numb vof 21 But the men of Broke were more numerous redo- ed the lit, ora, y thou- their men greater then those of the vegan 1 of the Uni• than the men of Lmvrencc, and overpowered them, : cap arly sear nd or, r tenth by the means of ihcir numbers. en- ales about ted Staten. rand -l10 sr h � tt i In For Brehe had gotten about two hundred men, 22 Already had the vnli,mt Lawrence. filler,• his s °h ha g aP• lie the 't and secreted than ; so that when the Lour of danger life-41ood flowed fast; still he ❑•led out to his brave lieth r.. _dr• at d kine - Arrived the ,light assist his men con .ailed Ile• long ice s ,ons s vest- L Y g , and fall unawares companions, saying unto them, Don't give up the Its. ' m - ach Upon the men of I.awrcnrc,1 ship: his noble spirit fled, but his name shall not tent es, Iv; or ! vith ° floes I I Nevertheless, towards the going clown of the perish. $1 -I sun, the vessels drew nigh unto each other. 23 :Moreover, about this time all the officers of-' .Ame oof n the , , ;,Cl,ad, in �. d' ,load. Ind Lawrence spoke unto his officers (119 the aLlp o(' the Unite) States were either Blain or it, the 'Id tour ruaiincrs, saying : OorCIY wnundcd; so site was captured by the vessel =°n 1O the ' L er. ttP' It 1C tit a lo• 1S iVow s:mll we set our engines of [hi? work oP °f lite king. '0, ;jr sg nils, `- 24 And 4,amn rose lip in tile, hearts of the cnh- I destruction ; Int the fire insuc ant nF rosin mouthy 'P- ell blit :ei �:. vve- as it were like unto fiery dragons• querorn, and they shot the halls of death down into roll +-_ Jer• 'n the the hold of the vessel of ilia United Sitates, even ell, by an vete _LT tut I � arc° I the l4 And although tLcit' numbr:rs be greater than - ' ours, yet we may, be conquerors; 3'or he who is little against the halt :end maimed who had surrendered tr- lie , 4c F r, of spirit gaineth nothing. themselves. Int- by was :m •c Its.. tme ”- I•dsy, 15'But it', peradvcutnre, Nye shoold he overcame, 25 And when the tidings thereof reached ilia I of on ice 17qn a 'rel were even then shall hot (tic sucied cause of IA4R¢TE kingdom of Great Britain, the lords, tltu princes,the pf y of n- J, perish, 'neither shall the IXOPlc of Columbia be die% rulers, yea, all the people were rejoiced beyond a a its 'ia ime ley ny - r- utter r heartened. rau„surc and n', 1Or- .cr hart 'r• = and , w 16 Also, your names shall be recorded ns the 26 And they,bade their roaring saltines utter their IT, n- for Ing 'le- ' It- 17 rhampious of I'rccdnm, roars, in Laudon, their chief citynee ad u r- tor. no- Icau It . titer had been sir ah 17 And the nations of the earth shall learn with Ian +nanv ui,rs,even those in tite g • t, td, n Y' rear tower, wt ich t .reel ,aTM d tits astonishmehl, haw clearly you prise the inherit;umr was built by W:11iant the Bastard, more than seven 'a, re lLc 1,11 Ile tete of your fathers. hundred years ago. Cl, lio the was; 18 Now when Lmvrence bad madcnn end of speak-, 27 Their joy was untie�mdcd, far they had ovc' hi t", fill. ¢ftaa ling, they sat lite destroying engines to wort;, and, come ONE of the strong SCps of C°lunnbia, of :hat lla• a- +"shed one upon another like fim•,:e tigers. 't" 'sib n- •_C,'>. .. 19 The fire mid smoltc wcrc abundant, and tre• mentions was the • On thin Orra-;on Uva ,Ir-rd their morr w::::: ht ::ut. noiso riot rem lite air and floated`� ". Int • - upon toe waters, ft'l.:ce tied nut occa done since.Nelson's z.e 1^ry. t„_ fe Y. � nota vwftslax the DOW T,WIMN tmillod CHIN XVI. ginfltion� u » Am n t car "4 tilt rho vices; n. . L. , en- Com. RoJ scarrcrurn In tile :ing Maxie h 'a. I anddar Ilia 4 f'r�m a second cruise—raprare town and r w, captain tear sir ry rhe U :'corn' hrid i9fier--tht Geor,al dem- '• ho uiccd a score. hit a small ane' In'- e:roug mad a b,ili.hJ'rr urr—privalrrring. " R. [cn�l. ci fifth y 'I i.,h• rthrown: .1 'ir'uti'i i the g"c' ;lie :,d of m strong a I. L r ro• : en• ilio their cd .rare ain that med ,eir - r N7 f olets lie o"' it calls to para, in the beginning of tire. otlo iO•r'° 1 a �n{. d ; and 1" �,.i3 nr•o :e of ilia it {1- ey ,ening of lhnus,nid ii!;hl Luudred end tLirtccnth ya;u• of tiro 'nal - rest' Great Fuundcr of the Chrrgtion sect, l'"d '''+"ra u't of Ella :o alt. Ic t the _ ,ts, i0 Colum- ? of 2 That a Strong Ship of the United States, cilicd d a v p a• ; arc niith In it, led °'a hemmer[ ' i of ted. the Pre.+ideno tile will ,r by Rodgers, rcturncd a f rthe -IirY ,w t I c•11- . got into i4 It. '" the king. y b r, Second ;im.' to the land of Colunahia. ilia "Yea 1th ,da sin were of Uul whits abs, was upon the waters of the gr,at web Y tiro ith l who gar till ' 0" and they gad w'ad dere, she fell in with one of the packets of Ale kill h i- 01' it af- q 'r' sof nail eullcJ ul;cr ilia swih(lying Lird•til Eire air,mild cc ho 'he hey went , y of we''e 1t 1O G+t me out of vu aeptliM thercul. tib tit crc- ;oid ,..,i,t- h against o: - , and tom- { Igbt• 4 And in the ship Rodgers found ahundeuce of ity. ? tLc It- re. id-LIES of lire idle 'i wealth ;eve" an.hutmred sixty and eight thousand 'Dpe'r recd his ; cin 14n iu d- ad rom Iler, i s I.i "• ,riu•t:. s :and therm Ade �. I - prices of silver, ," I bo n se- v'' - 5 And It w.-,q C.11'1'lC<I,w'Ith malty hul'Sea, to a plece the .11e f . n at frons the folie ( f nae s o ' m„ for- of nal it P•..I men from '., kr. •,alta,,t lir die town of Bas r the too } ' war which IicAa 11,51a. xattrnp- as a is to he United loop 'o i6t ,- ,.. utiuc u ( ,rr�Otte, lie made capture of an°rher ship of I+�in reit rived •ce ha wwd of ,f i.o imp IW P +gincs with _ I Else kap,;,j laded with uil auJ buueS of the gl•cu fi.h with cn- ,at of 's. ISbcla of the and the ' of the tics,p. - Lath a south, n , J rl i..sc- ,,i , wa- o Zcbu• J it .0rigupon the a �' end 7 Nuw it happeucd,oil Elie seventeenth day of the nerd BE A. litvl month of Elle sauna Year, of fl Y f aslnnisbed F til ,.f .'y'aC o.u• w.Y it one If Aw weak vussels of tLa U. StuEe•ll `r. '.{ the fart: T r there was Lief f, W. cr of r to a busied d _ _. . ,and aC - r :go• + ,: .k of Uaslon j 0A 41TI. Il Yrprr. ]soar aro. v Introduced a - __ s E i t -. ..L the rent way 11 of Lill- two ha VVI)a, ald Ell,y ria theM. Ulnlba. - :r d Cong ILVe Y of �vvmmranetr,rT7W�yorX.. non s tiro b C8 Note the slain ipd the wounded on board the I i ? man Cosipeake, were ml Luudrecl two Scope unit Jet p taint carrying each of them more than seventy of the destroying engines suffered him not to o forth. abiu Elio Columbia Spared 9 and dere Ull of the servants of Elio Icing about•two g IUO• t.. in til Iruudred. 39 Moreover, they wished to retake the Macedo• Iso li� '`v' hey I' thea ='9 Amongst the slain of Columbia were also Au• pliant that they might retrieve the shame of the cap. Elia ort' arty ed :so• nd at' r t, lr.!t uatus lure thereof. sacs I tad ; g whose air-norma was Ludlow, and another en_ he ti :d;-.tilt lyl brave officer whose name was 1Vhite. 40 So the Ships of Britain blockaded Decatur and sof srgh 110 and 30 .1nd wLcu the people Of Columbia heard of a his shins in the haven of New-London, which lieth Ila _rte+ aP• the kin arril it till) flirt Lawrcttcc was algin,they mourned for him in the elate of Connecticut. nigh unto a plata called n' 't• toss d K j I yrol litany (I s. S;ouington, toad they remained there many months. tie; tit long ice ach i 1 31 ills holy leas conveyed In a plane called Hall. 1Cpt es, It'; or vith b Il 1Al sun' Ax• in the province of the king, when:they honored - - o the y' . IM his mr:mory, and bnt'ied him for a 5vhilc. 'me on rid, in d of or ,load. 1 34 But in a short ti•nn AlrlraGcr his holy was t, io the 'Id stile mut San cr. rip* trip pC the A 11 I� taken r.ut of tLc c,n'th, lvilh t6c body of Ludlow,aril 1 t0•-� • � convc cd to til city of New- 0- ^air 1g %tile, In + daril - y' R ]all., fm• intcrinent' Eva• +e r, as Ill J3 Aod the .captain's name who voluutt-ured hie rob �Ip• ad lith rnthe I serric,s in Ellis act of Pit riotism, and who brought. vcre ,tar 'i'i'- . ca, an s the - ours tLc L:�dlcs array frons Ilali6u, was Crowninsliicldp t� by be ,u•ed Id ria r• i a, of Sales)), 1.1 the suite of Massachusetts. tt- was he Cf; 14 Su 1 n+cense 1r..s buried in lire burial-place of )ill- by 'm •c- MM "- �48y, ^^yt 1 of on ice 'cl Wore level hi; fithcrs,;a Isis own land : and a great mullitnde of y of ) r Ql a- RY, peri p-opld went out w bubulJ the funeral as it sussed s a rte is arta ley y r- :utter t Eh ruu;;h the. t;lt y. __ tr' f mild I heat and n_ ,or• hen ' 3S And lits valiant deeds shall live-forever iu, tho CO. +L 1J, 1t real:lhlw,.nre of the ng, n- prig de- rh:u ,oil tlr rte 1d far 'lir- [It for. ra- i'o:n• I i "b :�I'uut this: time,oil the fourth day of the mmUhv t .led ids till brace Decatur essayed to gip Forth with Lis ves- t' 'til aster. .a, to the lch lie tnse d the SO,1. nprva til waters of lire mighty der p• 'cr• bis the was: °1• y Ind tor., vr>isels tlmt were with him n'cre call- - IC tic. ill It,, Clri• alto' ,j cel the Lnnwl Sl tars, the°$ornct. and tile, M.'Cado of of Isla- 1 her, ing, uian ; the later a strong ship which he h d e'ptured' EbaE u. rl rush franc the king. - ]® 't- len, u.. { In and ;pl the I 39 But it true Sot that smut large vessels of Btiv_ I Ire one 1"11 Pt men apo) et 1_ # + a unto .lfaUgning the Deur l'I,I,lgs. tginationa .a, v.n.,�,n .,,, .,,.;..,, CHAP. XV1. PICU\; "•^•'^ Am,,.!",A ear o.1 1h, I• he V ,1- in the ling made it �r'• rid ds ' en- lite Com. RvdIr1ri'rtru,'n/'rune a second ty ruiar_ropture ' war ! V Nre U t'laIr" bri(; Vilrer—th, Genr,al .4rm- " 'to town slid t• "I i, eaptaiu er a Uri rle suict!d a score. !;e a small fifth M9 :rung U.-id J""ri�ate—privarreri»g. „' -•- Wild, rthrown ; 1 is irgini:, h'"•' ,be a1 thel of le strong a rc' . r 0l,• oto their .ctl h'aeJr din that med eirolets NTOIV it r..rue to pass, in the beginning of the one prS If 1 a —ate. 1 t and ''Icy I ,u Id cd It 'n M of the 1e 1i[- ey (ha ming of resp ei1m f II.un!',-d ::rid thirtcarih 3e..v of t.,u 'n,a•s u'[ of the ie IR- 're 1 the „ oChrbtian acct, „ad s .Colum. I of 'I ' la e 'f;:r ,I ,r.al:y ship of the United states, called' PIa� 11 a S are oil;h to it, Ire hemmed ' a o11 :ao. tit, ilea i.:rut, rem:,., :rr. ed by Rodgers, returned a rid`.°' :hr "v I I u,n- go[ frau 1{ �6 'n- :he kin;;. by ,:d .i �:. a, ISc laid ,:I' Columbia. f lige y ;}Y la ith uh tin were a . of as upon file ratters of the gr,at was til,Y thu ,, w•ho o. rid •and file watt uin:, P: 'eat y fled ailh one of the p.,t•kets of the king It to 13 i. of :ic 116 the 11 s of 1101 •.' ;D.,' suifl flving bird•of lite air, slid made were G,t me out of vu Ce ho ley went I of c.:pn;.c ts�.l,,.:-. ;.b ut cre- and ;vein. h against :o= to and com- l Y ;gilt 4 '1-•1 iu ;Lc s1,;p, Rod!,ers found ubundanco of Ily. 'f the h• re rid ,hs of the idle wC'�,Itb 0vcu au Lul,dred sixty :u,d eight thousand moor rMed ; Inv ,ho hl d. ad rein !or, his illi kicccn of silver. slip. n' I be h se- •au•tt .h �u1 and there 1 And it w:lS C.IrriCJ.will,minty Ito] ;CS, to a �x:e ' tl,e I tl.e ,n J n fronr the four of safe kcepiog,t in tlu: town of $sawn, x9tichliicth f the '.d1a- S of f the ' ,,,g for. of s Lit ,per men iro,rl 'Fry :to United the to til,• I, ,,,. ague entrap. as a is he ,oar P•aa- an�e .ha lewd �( ,f im; Cu• over, he made capuu'c of un,ithcr slip of !s in I,Ii rivuJ rtl gines wilt t!:, t,lu,. I laden with oil :wd Luu0s of till, great finh will, rn• °tv as. awls of tLc and the of tile d„ep. Lrrth a south* ret n of bn s•a- !g upon lige .s of r'nd _ 7 �'o.v it huppcncd,oet file seventeenth Jay of the "' ` `t- big, o 'Cebu- d it ro st a a lrtl iirtit o , n!'Ih., ane 1`I I f 'y of ifu' of • tq nstoneshcd : t, 1 .r t r c of ['ah vvr ,k vessels of tLo U. stetr.11 : t" ..( xv,7 the fort 11 there teas Lief J,w- c" of r.n a busied d el. f ;:tri qC - it Y Qcetoa i. Oy/t .4rgo li Y,/,,, 11111 n.:. v Introduced --' %,gilt -_ .It the rout war d of tour Own farms, did th,y du thesL uuu's. - - - t. IY i Congreve Y of v r IV z V rallx , r :yore. "�^�w� n on tf the 1 man C' 8 And til;: number of the men of war of Columbia file Columbia spared °`9er' an; Who followed after him was little more than five bun. 1...., Inn tired, Iso lux he �'• in til the lit. ort. Y thou then 9 But when they came nigh unto the place, early elf so. rid el- ,r tench ted gut in the nun'ning of the next day, to ! they veto en- nice n about , CHAP. XXV. compassed round about b the savages and soldiers of fie o IC bra y sigh and the king. g he _de, ap, It the kin Cart 10 Nevertheless g y r• acv -,ns d ffI, at•rit t:u I lire of Col. 13oeratler earl Major Chapin, with , they Fought brevet fora time • m lot) 'is leo ch + vest „ ltpot ton their tornmanrl-_treatmoit of /iriaoners—Major and llcarborn,the chief captain of Flirt Georg0,scut gosh : CGnhln's eaaat5e. the valiant Chryttie to help him art of his snare, es, .ly; or Pith c 11 sw1, f'x I 1 But Bocrstler and his army had already become ,r a the 13 hi, captive to the men of Britain on ad, in d of 12 And they made a covenant in writing,between it, to ap, the icir Ile Etta• i marl one another, but the men of Britain violated the co- N1. 'g auls, the • i s to, 1. CII' NOW there was much hard fighting on the bor venant. In dean t"` as it dere, for the nations were wroth against one another, t 13 lnasmurh as they permitted the savages to rob .p• cd [ill) to, Eve- -e •n the 14 f,l,' and many men were slain by the sword. the oirlcers of their swords, slid their apparel, yea, b an Pere LT 11 Tee, t the 'Jura 11I< 2 But it is written in the book of Jeremiah the even Elio alines front off their feet. F ha , t,,d r, of prophet, that He who is slain by the sword,is better 14 After which the men or Columbia wtu•v eon. fly was be - of sl - L 'm •e- leis "- I-day, than he who is slain by famine. mantled to go, in Gnats, clown to the strong holo of on tee 'al were eve* big, 9 Nevertheless, many of the soldiers of Columbia Kingston, in the province of'tile king• y of ° :v pr•r suffered hunger; far they had given unto thein tut. 15 Dut it certain bravo captain, called Chapin! a yQ is Into ,0y 't- ;113' r- peri' utter heat tL,' wholesome food, and a scanty fare, cunning man withal, made his escape in a boat,and n- got•- y Jt• : and 4 Although, when the servants of the king became arrived at the strong hold of Fort George; having, n, g or I`'n It n ,rJ rliat ren captives lir Ehc people of Columbia, they were kind. by file su•,ugth of big single arm,overpowered three 'J for 'U 1'. til foga•, ret- oar ; s ]y treated,and partook of the fat of the land. of the strong Friel, of Britain. t. 1 Itod "d, { 1 i D,,- 5 Now it came to pass, in the second year of the nn a%to :.cl war, on the twenty-third day of the sixth month, .a, re the trh lie ,n<c If the of y • Afrr or ler. bla fi That a captain of file Uniterl SLaICa, whusc sir- ,/ C/rn/an. ulicr - l[ - ae, Ill to, IL:- c:1 � name was Bocrsller, was ordered to go forth from cl' of ,;.,. i her, Eng' 141 the strung hold of Fort George, 10 annoy the enemy. '.hat o, tush fro, 7 And tilt name of the place where he essayed to .t 'Un, 11- 15 -�sd in S go, was called heaver-dams, being distant frum the Ile , *nen strung Ituid of Queenstown about suvent furlongs. "'I`' Opal .- -. _ y g ,.t Iv ` nota '" the,Dear Tiling. CHAP. XVL tginationt is "Imm &14 1" wry enaast e r)c" f r ha ' t• n- I in the ,ing made It re. !' - nd day til- de • . Corn. ittodXera'•rel a I'll from a second eruiae_cahrure vvur Cir q%tilt U �'lu Era' brig 1'rfier—thr Genr+ol .f)-m- n ha town and r AI+ :aptaiu oitnd "'1'0119 i.,fi. • • hot small fifth )ng •'Ell tend- rthrots•nt ,d sa Irginiar ; the _ +/+r ad of re strong o �. med r cn• oto their ;cel I+Ree tin that olds Muir INTO I\• is came to pass, in the beginning of the one' al's of d 'a —a<- ,i and'. Y , ct( m••n :e of Ella It til- ey I** ming of rest, thnus;nxl ei);,)t honored and thirteol.ih )c;w of the nI ulrim•a in of the :e ar. Ifs I the Ing Croat Founder of Elle Clxistiun sect, tad a,a, Colum- + of 2 That a strong ship of the United States, called• Pla d a , Ie ua ,Colum- > ami, are nigh to i , ,ed. the President, comm„nded by Rodgers, returucd o if 0.S, .m r led t of I b f the '.hry ,can. • gat into ,d tl), '')- he king. y xccund rim.• to the land of Columbia. '-y is it Itis, �, in were •s of S And Ivhik she was upon ole waters of the grit w” lit,y tins ,+ who o- nd and the wu3 at )tig teat y god deep, silo fell in with (Inc of the P•,ckels of the kin• Il i• ^t• .fir of- sof nen called af,cr the swift Flying bird•of the air, aid msde were It to the ' G,t Inc out of vu ce i)c ry went of capture u)ercul'. :,b [it cre- and 14'Ill. h against :o- ,sa and com- 1 S rght I `' •i And in the ship Rodgers found abundauco of ily d, the It• re, cud In; of rho idle Avelitlh ''even lint hundred sixty and eight thousand 1°oOr crcd his i lui rhe in d- ad a Ice, ' I (if Silver, slap, )h• i be n se- ,au•tt.�•.a to and ►kern Adra 5 And it wns cm-ricd.with many hores, to a Place tl'o ' Ilia Y, :n '4 lo. 1 frpap the F)ur I the '"IIs- sof f rhe `uhg for. of n men*am :rrq IteePWg,f in the town of Bo„torl, trbich lied, sit rho • e,drn a is Lo to U�Ind rout t ) ,I h• t-�t, ague hrsn- P' a3 Ca' :••! , uoe'P, ho made cnpnu•e of amithrr Shipof Once rrd .he wand , im is • Iiled t of f :re ;fines With !,,dull with ui! :hod buoca of Else great li,h with In co. risk nS. )sets Df rho and ' s south$ +at n of rot) lite +•i ;! c h'e p. h:nh g upon the x f er:l , wa- O I scienteenth day of the °� c- bin, ,:Ied 'o 'Cebu• d it .,re St a 1ua rn. Ill !'W. s a t ,�f •'S of star Of a Bey Y .t, iw„Y the fort Od -t! -tberk;iahed Is ' a n of , '� :! r t h tcs:;c 1,of Ella U. Slatr.l! 1�' `f . theta ilio( t j __ h tv• cr of r to a btsred d was p Y!/ler. 7eus .u'a• '"^d sit t g • er h the ” t ntroJuced a o _. it - cast way d o! tow o1s --- -- yr t ;o Krave ,y of ,•. ..vl ,m , ;' . r ,iu LLa,o tech,„n -_ F 4 - r YI a�e,rsm--tryst(;nT�+b-Yiir/j^, -s— --�....• it an 8 � the 1 Cy mon Life Columbia >pa;,Cd ower- `' frill - ti On the tenth day of the same month they also nil.,+,,w:' IC I' _ sit 111 I")' Passed over the river Niagara,towards a Place called Y th"ll ` CHAP. XYVE. the I"t, ort, their - Black Rock, mild the small baud at the place fled. !SO- nd oi' .r te°rh ted S°1 9 And they destroyed the strong house, and the vra aboitt bra n j IC camp with fire, and carried away the flour,and the rergh .)P- Ito the and t Gunture p/ Port SChloaser and Black Rork.—Cru, salt, and such things as they Stood in nand of, r.. rlr- lie ,:1 king { 11 1 t:" Cnpeu I)rarbor•n resigns hie command to Gen. Boud, an tr lfowever, while Elle were carrying Iona ace "'s r res. i u or 11r the° account of sickness—tilt Sir A'atfcna of Lrdinne sway, there came a Land ol'men of lite United them A , or i1ell Hcea P Clan States) Pith C -� 1 I lrelare agar against Ca)mda• from the vil!nge of Buffoloc, _ rl sim,. f"' - 11 And let their instruments of war loose. upon ad, in d of )r n the I1 1;i; •-�- them; and emote them even unto death; alba)[, the 'Id liar those who swore not slain escaped with their plunder. 10 nP' heir lie the •d 19 o•d . 12 and the Y Y> NON �ND it came to Pass, on the fourth da of the Be. Y Bed pastil awn leaving nide of their ')g )nls; in a to• dost ”, Y slain behind dere,f ver.th month, which is the birth day of Colombian tires, ' :uul mora than half a score of cap- ed lith '°i we- :e ,n the st;'�, as it and ,,1- 14 FIlh and in Liberty and Independel,ec' 15 The soldiers of the king were commanded by an a ld ace LT I ilia ' ours t1 < 2 B 2 In tile eric e stxl solen hur oof the night. when tr two men, t11e one Called Bishop and the other Wat•_ lie ' be r, t of at of prophi the deadly Savage walketh abroad, and the hungry ren, and the men of Columbia were commanded b was �m •e- one +- I-dar1 1 t than h, wolves howl along the forest, a chi f capnain, named Porter.• Y on ice lF n a 'al I)C,.c j Ill" S N J A band of the men of Britain crossed over the 14 About this time tbo savages mild the men Q(' ,v of ttr .. 11Y ,) It I 1�,., suffers water front Chippawa to a Place called f'o,t Schlus- Iver of l ritsin assailed the guards and Ile u men ti is re ,y - utter fieri r ono y r- t t."' Whole stir, and ` hear near unto Fort George. °'_ 1Oj' cr hen a. 1E 4 v •I And there wns a handful of the man of the lint• 1.5 Day after day and night after nigh dirt they an- '^l, de- '!t cite rcu captiv tcJ Stores ill the Ploce, whom) they made captive, be. npv them; and many were blain on bull, sides. d for 1u•- tit fm•- t "''_ ly trey ing to etvc in number•. 16 And Doarhorn, the chief captain of the fort, t ted 'd I' Uh 5 h 5 Liltewlse, they carried away tile bread and the and of the Insist of Columbia round about Nia ars I'0 rhe wit pmt i the alto sol. Warr, a lmcat, and -.orlo of the strong waters; also one of became sick and tin hie to go out t) battle. g r Ire t cl v % 'cr. .Lia 10 Q rl T elle moron fig.engines. 17 tin ; oyd a brave and tried warrior, was made. Ill IC rd name ti tlloreovcr, the engine which they brought away chief' captain in his stead, until Wilkinson, the chic( of Ie, I% .'ic • ,Sat the su was made pm'tir of brassy partly of Iran) and )ar,I • of captain that o_ ... , rush It oo;L I S , :u'riwc•d : and the g:IIlwtt FI'aacr was appoint. heti tru: T A cd nue nl'Ili,.•ids. jtt ' u- 1 i`' T .And the weight of the ball that issued out of its ' 18 Now there were some amongst the tribes of the area €;°, m strong mouth was about two hundred Shekels, alter the silo. j •110 ;' opal kill of Otte amtcWary, 1, - et y saw • Gin. !'. 11 tl. 6__ Ta _ fort r t . - unto � the Dear Things. 4 lginationa 'r peeaaR ata nm well 4reaed I CHAP. YVI. vice,; -Ess "a%he rhe I. n- In the in made. I eu- Con+. Rorlq•ry'ruune from a second cruise—capture ' g h +e. nc day war alit the ej'rhr• U 1'IaNv' brig G"ipm—rbc Crne,ad j,m- �• Ile town anti r rd, :nplaill OIC--d i score. he- t small i0g eu•oa(j u:n:n OrilishJr:rale—priva[rrrin „ ',- fifth g . •S'• u�m,I- r[hrawn : .d ,cs ilgini.I, ' e, tile 0. •;.$ ,IA of Ie strong I t a med .. ell, � oto their :ce "art in that .air ars of olets TO SV i; c::nle to pass, in the htginning of the one. d a -wl• :i and i1eY� thnas++lid cinht hundred cud thilUctl nr)d �eJ m^n :e of dLa ¢ Iih ey (ha Flag of vest ng til pc:n• of lila ' �ri„rs ,rt of the a ar. ire Cuhtm• I the 1 Creat Pounder of the Cltd6tiun sect, ''ad + of 2 That a strong ship of the United States, callcd p1a• J a It ami, ed, the President comm„ndcd b Rodgers, returned a dill s v e otic ngo 11 it, led tee lammed ' y . f the :hey ,c.,n- . got inw Id itb, •O- ae king. , of I by second Lim to the land of Columbia. S';7 ie it nil t of in were •s of S \lid while hill. was upon tuo waters of the gr, 14a8 tiny lite wile o• lid and lite g wag at viur” 4 eta Y ed deep, she fell in with one of the packets of the king 11 i- tits :ir. af- the ' a or nen called Al"cr the swift dying birds of the airs and.made were 't to fast me out of vu be ey went y of I,b..ut cre• a _ Capture thereof. un(1 I,.-lit. h against :o= cos, and tom- y �gLt 4 And in the ship Rodgers found abundance of ity, !1 Lilo It. r., and Is of the ittic wealth even all flounced sixty and eight thousand iepOr cred his till the ill d. ad Ila tum Icer piFces of silver, st.,P, I'' I be n sl.- 'su'tt,n'.b lid there side 5: -And it was carried,with ,,,any horses, to a ace ' 11" the y, ;n n, tin. filam the Este OL sift keepiog,f in the town of I3o,Luu,whichrlielh f the '•'11°- a of f the nip far, of a, it own Firm, ary ' C,Itr' a is the e United IO�.Ir tha 1a IhC east. - ari4e ;t- 84 t)o• In sa• ti A'lureevct•, he made capture of another ship of once red ;he wuud of ,f cre im; rived Ines will, Co- the king,j laden with ail and bu4ten of till. great lids with is in a,I„ lot 'on of the deep. 1„rth a taut,, ret a ;,f •on acts of the and the w v-tr,. I Iva- .o ZLbu. d it r re : upon Ell,., s of end 7 mow it happened,lriS the seventeenth day of the ''°'. Inrd at a firpl month of tile s:m1n y„ur, +•L ,d '3' of of Aly ;i ILu' w;,y the fort: d astonished 8 That one of Lha weak vessels of tile U. Statesp � t�' `f was yet there Lief ----- -- -- w' c,• of r to s busied d —. -- , - Icir go• ”! .:allow. t Bank V'Boiton, I S'bip drd•o. II Yy,cr. - 9ens• and at,r ------ .11 Lila IJ atrodu Ced 2 ----hsi,e�..... Y.�ilt - foil wily d ;. �, y of L'vngrr:ve - ill tt,u1 ultra 1lavuus,JLJ th,y du thehu lhL,;;s. 'b i �7rr;'al•'viii=York. ,n_ �•---•� non 8 _ the N Cy maw, ! the Columbia spared ower• tnl: savages,who had been instructed in the ways or God, - l•e, in ill but and taught to walk in the Puth of righteousness; I ow'- he r " 1 their 19 For the chief governor of the land of Colum• the lit, art, Y thou„ ted I ga' Lia,and the great Sanhedrin of the people,had taken CHAP. YRVII. sur lid of tir.a n ubou(:tenth to bra them under their care, arg/[ and _t 1 20 And sent good men amongst them to reach _rte• ap' lie the kis Coptic P .4,1raira at Lake Ontario,belweeq tde,jl<ets qf' Com., at, d 1. arriv t:n pea the gospel, and instruct them in the sublime doctrine Chauncey and Sir James Yea. 9r s.v. . _ !on lust Ihei of the Saviour of the world. 1Ce ;tch spur Cha Ir; or c 1 21 And they hearkened unto the preachers, and see vita {" were convinced, and their natures were softened. ° 1 n, ad, in d of ,r n the still:2 22 Amongst these tribes were those who weer. ,td quad. nmri called the Six nations of New-York Indians : IN those days,the great waters of the lake Ontario the xur + 13 ( 23 Anti their eyes were nPencd, and they saw tho were troubled with the movements of. the lighting tip' Icir ne tile 4,e A destf c"� NOS J evil and wickedness of firitain. ships of Columbia, ss well as those of the kilots, la . _.� as iI dere, f v ng. t 24 So their chiefs and their counsellors ruse up 2 Now the deet of the king,which was commanded hill :er Ire- :a tq Ret and m 2 :old made war against the province of Canada, nal by Yeo, who was a skilful captain, was greater than ''cre .1.r Id c Hors 2 f fought against the hired savages of the king Ot' l;ri- the fleet of Columbia, which tvus commanded by 4440 ,teed be r' •I al's, ill propht if twin. brave Chauncey. was alt �^ . Is than hI a 25 But in all their acts they suffered not the spirit And they had con h•i4•ed to move to std fro upon Ices- ulna at h;-' 3 N of barbarians to rule over them, the boson,of the lake Ontario many months. n a 1 Vere •Vat yOf lir ;Ila, 'l I !+ suffery t 96 They remembered the good counsel given to 4 And five of the small vessels, called the Julia 'tilt` ley iy r- OWN! �•' hcltW r wholes s them by their aged chief• and the Growler, being parted from the fleet,full in- or. m y 4 .A 27 And when the red savages slid till. men of firi- to the hands of Yen. - er hat and sag Etc- chat 'l.1 _ ren captiv t thin fell into their hands,they raise([neither the toms- 5 Nevertheless, Chauncey followed after ;Yeo, and for 'u r• ak ro,.f•opp' chat ly t.ea , hawk nor the scalping knife. hammed biro in for a time. for- 11 til" 5 N 28 Nay, they treated them kind) 6 Dot aStrou I �(cd h0 _Id, xy y ; and those who g west wind arose and the fleets were m rf hl{d; silt sa I- war, n r were slain in bottle they disturbed not ; and their hu- again separated. the ich lose - ;� ill' }' „ 6 'I' t manicy exceeded the humanity of the white men of 7 After this Chauncey captured a number of smolt •cry ,Lia the It ed , name Aritain, fighting vessels, and about three hundred sol(lict•s ofingle,Dri- , vial the air v the king. YIa- )'ush frol 7 A v 8 Now it was so, that when Yeo put his deet in felt, °- rr 1( go ATE ' .411uding to an eloyaer+l speech, delivered about battle array,as though he would fight, and -. men strung n Iliac time, to the Syx ✓basions, by one oJ'thcir old war. 9 'Phan Chauncey went out a*oast hint, to acct t111n tpo riore. y g4i - - --- ). hint,and give hint battle i but the ,cart of Ycu fail- ge— re - T� a wan Matllgning the Dear Things. Ig InaU011t -I. oemn,a 1110 taro Fotl Unshed CHAP. XVI, r he riles; llA.meet roe and Iho I- At theCom. in3 made h ,r- d day ; en- theRotJReraorerurn from a second cruie—rapture tx'°'t' Cir u/rhe U F'trr+rs' prig I'tPer—the Gene,ol ,arm- r• Ile town anti auiccd ] Rf.01'C. 1••' I small fifth lob n•mry a::.l u lJriti;,hJric�uar—/�rivatrer6rg. " ,• S. teed- rthrown : .1 VIA r Luria, rI the rp_ he nd of It slron, e %rare med sir t,p• oto their .;:e .m that olets urs of —rr.. �rOR' i; erne to prix, in the bq;inning of the. 11110 = � a Al, and r1Y thnnsand cigh huudccd told tllinecr.th yr,:r of fila 'n'I'I ;;cd m�•n ;e of the It til- ey ning of rest, Great rounder of the Chrfatiun sect, I,dd pia- Is ':'i,wa ,rt of lite a n,.- 'rc Column- t the Ing of 2 That a strung ship of the United States, colied d a ami, ,cd. are nil;h to ill led lie Cntmed ' the Prr„ident, contm,dtded by !lodgers, returned a 'ill(s, IV l 'u- f tl�e :hry tern!- got into Id ,ill, to king. t a 1 by soanld time to Ibc land of Colunil'ia' ;;y le 9th Itit t a( it were •s of 3 kill, wlila bile Was upon the waters of the gr•at Will thcY ilia ,.,i ' '.vhn f;o• od �,•+at Ind lltcy gel, t°as ' ,• n she l.11 in n i.,l otic. of theP•'ckets pf the kin L' i- 01• .it, af- the • s or hell • ' '� •;i. Ila ; Lied•a( lite air, uua mean were It to fIn ,t s out of vu 0e he ry went y of C ut c I,;,:1 I'but 1tc- wid u,•m- h against la. less, and corn. ( :ght 4 And in the ship Rodgers found ahundmee of tty d', the h• ;s• and .a of the idle !'relit" evru an hundred silty and eight thousand 1O00f tI'cd his tut I'te ill ,I- Ad into Local ler, pieces «f silver. p. 11• Ill there aide nti bo Alsc- •ab•tls�.h $'-Anel it was carried,with wary horses,to a place f tile •;.ills•file Y, en n, el l- bout lila four of safe kee xu ,, i s of f the ' n,g fur- of I+ pt ucn froth eery I • h t mtlx town of Boston, n•bich livlh tnthc e:;st. ague lu'aa- as u it• cute*, Ilio ; United lour Co. t' ".cr, btrade ade capture of another shipof ante red rived 'he wood of .,f tCre inn; i inns with h0cu with oil ;;nd banes of the great I alt with to in ch. 3Vickof the and the -.1 tile dacp. 1„rllt a south, 'lit n of v-<c• I wa' ,o "Elba- d Ir ' "Pon the a Of end 7 No;r it happened,or, file seventcen[h day of thQ hit' ,sled at a first month of th1 s:mte ,+t ..f �)'If Il.,t• of a rear. - wt'1 the fort; ;,I 4LO-oducei is trnisl,Pd 6 That one of lila Wenk vasscis If the U. S(etvsll t f (hero teas bicf d- ce of r to a busied i d .and Qt _ ga- $ 57.+0 Argo, 11 Y'q�rr. 9eny. tfn• it a _ _ -_• - -PIper. f . —_.h file neat way - Al of U,w out: .:alc,n of .—..__-. k (by' Congr,ne V of i II, )- ,L,, u,cb.. tnmba. I of •'s narn- I• n an - — �7Ycts•�r�i —•�+� rem , 8 • the p. C ' Mail, no lav ed him, and he turned aside from lbs ships of (blunt- the Gfhtn�bia snared o1vt r. bill. in fit lml unit to So Chauncey sailed along the borders of the CHAP. XXVIIt. ht, •.,ti�, .!ley .r lhnu- tbe their lake, font t e mte Purl to the other; even from Nia- so- lid oi'- r te+uh ted g°1 bill nice :wo;a Ura the shell to Sackrtl's I larbnr, and Yeo (ollprvcd him Imt. •�ffnirs wt Lnke Chnn+plain._filinge oI Phrtnburgh e n Iq 1 ' Now' all the vessels of the king, and all the f the Ifritixh-_bomburttment o art. I' the I b? and --' ✓' a7ur•liugton—tlr. k9u, L•a Ca/ttu the vessels. of the Uuitcd Scales, that carried the do- I dations committed in the Chraa rake and oron At, 1po6 d r vee; fire dations fraying engines, a )it the lace Ontario, being Alum. the coast. ' :Ice ach rna tbci p( . Y g b D 6 Hcet upon Cha bere•d were about seventeen. Iry ; or vith a 11 ' ` 14 Howsoever,they cut down the tall trees of then sial Ili 1 wet •--�•�- n the , l+i. 2 furcal, and hewed chem. and built many marc sarong .ad, in d ref 'r .fnsxb 12 call vessels; although they h.xl tin gopher-Wood anion tt the 'ld :t I, maxi 5 them in these days, g NOW the fighting vessels of Britain lagan to ar• lcir pe the 13 t” pear upon the lake, called by the ancient Gavds, In s to• NOS evi; 13 And they made stories to them, even to the as it Champlain. :c, we- :o as it I dere,E v y third story, and they put windows in them, and they � - hill =n the 14 eel and m I and pitched them within and Without with Pitch ; after And We vessels of war of Colnnlbia that were .LT ;err. _; upon the waters of the Ink-e were lot Yet prepared P1 arca t the t6r 213 fou- thefashion of tic art. rt , nibs of prop," if tair 14 And, to I some of the ships which they built 'fur the battle; the name of theft' coll'lilialldcl' Way ba pt's In n 2 noon the lake, carried about an hundred of the cM by Ounougll,a strip.ng. m •e- una Al- than l*yf 19 1 3 So it Caine to pass, on the thirty and first clay of Ice n a '� were evel 3 h of t ginei of death. the seventh month, that the vessels of the kin came ,e n peri t1w suffer, , 2 13 Aad the weight a a hall which they vomited g y Y -r- utter the whole s "ilei forth Was about a [ileus:+nd shekels. fonvnrd against Plattsburgh, tvhicil lieth on the bor. +t' a and Leaf 4 A 2 dens of the like. er hail It I6 Now• lite rest of the acts of Chaoncry and Yen, tug de- alt char tt0 captiv 1 lain which they did, are They not written in the book of 4 And there were none to defend file place; for 'ur- fpr- Oa- Lost. ; ly gyre:, haw Ramer, the scribe?• the army of Hampton, a chief captain of the United .tit Ad, Sri alto, ill, l T 2f States, was encampedupon file opposite side of file ars Ile Ince d Ulc sC l' warn r wmt ___-- - lake,at a ,lacecalled Duilinl of y' •, 6 Hlstoritul Register. an excellent utbliration, i» I bion, in the stole of Ver+ •bill the xr as i IE Pd•' T man. 4 rola. nUero / moot. it 11,i. after name Heil , s and lin Pcial!documents 1816r indole s And the number of the soldiers of the kin that '.la- s tier, in};, vial the sir x` contains t/mfarts med the curial rlonunente P/•tkr late• � ]muted al Piausburg g "- v rust: h 7 A v sear. h wall more than u thousand men, I, Al and the name of tile"'Chief captain was blueray, and aA.fhe go, In 6 Anti a captain of the United Stales, whose nano ra d 'nen atrong n tha( _ 1100 k -'lora r was blotters, a man of valor, strove to gather loge- re _ f : unto MA11?nlnithe D"rThin". •�r s CHAP XVI. ginationi oenaem aro two Well droved _ - r he vic.1; me Anot car and obs• _ in the t• 11- Cour. Rodireriercruru(ram a aacond.cruise—rapture ' wing made It ,e- net day e77- f lie c/ o%e U "'talc" drip Viller—Me L'+C.ter al .9r'm• „ he town alit] :aptawar car �,. swrong a.rd a UriliaAfrryure._nrivatecring. ". n- `iced ) scorn. 7, sulaft ip6. ieh. •S• tend` rthrowu ; .i ca rginia, fifth r �.• g,:c, rhe .ul of ie strong p t the re- T :• en- oto their 1 _e 'rate in that med eir 1 OtV i; rent` to pass, in the beginning• of the one ore of and 0 Cls re thousruttl right huodred and :Lit•temah }c:u• of the of Id god Ill-n .o or the tC '' rhe flingof Grent Fow:dc, of tic Chrfs[ian sect, oad 'riara at of the ,e vest. ip r Its, 'lar. t the nE' 2 That a strong ship of the United States, called• pla• dIe Culnnr the Prc"'Jent, commanded by Rodgers, returned q , cmmed ' ami, .'il• [idea arc nigh to i!, tett 1O t of second time "v° .can- . got into 14 !tat, Fu• w king. ! Ly to [bc land of Columhip, f tl�p :hey ; S lull svltitd ahs tens upon the waters of the r,at Was tf+°y taw , ovate '• ith ¢h 4 of n were .s of ! deep, she full in trill] one of file c c S nin:; [;'o• nd ;.rat end they god •,e:.: pOrk is of the king ,f to It i- ot. :Ir, af- i the a or nc it Call,-LI afar the eti ll,flying bird"of the air, mutt made vvm° f•,t me out of lie eupmrotile]Lur, vn CC :y went ,b-ut elle' and ;s,,,,_ It against ;o- lcs9, .od corn- yof -:,t r 4 And in the ship Rodgers found abundaoco of i'y' !' :he ' wealth -even an 6uuured maty will eight thousand h• re. sod a of the attic moor .'lett ..r r bis f km :+,r, in d- :.d into • rum ` ' rccs 01' silver. Ill therm - ,i,1a ' And it was carried,with nru%y hni;es, to a place the fLe y, ,p a, elp. Eiuila the ' Fav r krrplufbf in tate town of 1Snsnnq which iiucc t' toe `•11s- sot ( :I:c 'o�r for- Of .i ,;t aen from ".,.. ,., it,,, r_...yr• AKuu b, tl I'll l,- as a ill alis 1J111E(ml late c .. .�:over, he meds cnpuu'e of another ship 0f ance ':'- - red rived •ha tvw.d sf .,i ':re im; :.,f I:,411 with oil and bucca of the great li�h wnh to in :tr ,anal nes With tn- els of the u. . p. I ,nh e e0uth, st p of yon and tl". . .\ ,.v it h,q,pcned,or, :'w seventeenth day of the r.". vra- .0 ZLhu- d it r1la upon the a Qf vi :i f,est mouth of the t .') "f d,t• it(I of n _ Miry st 0 That one of if,. 1,,do vessels oftha U. Statesli ' 1 yr"Y the Curt; 5d ,.1 St finished I t,_ C. of v to s busied i1 'ver here was " S:uatloau. } Pank o .� , ficir ./ c-Won .j Shi(i Rrbo I� Yr err. kus• ,anrl ut - 1 it the reduced n of tutu owu havcun diff th; T.- ell e._. `.Lht real; way y do lhe;su till ,. .I by C onyle:ve u r e> y"rrnrz r'rtdeT;of Nc w fork. a oa [her the husbandnten of 1- --- —..—-- -- ' on. enough. the ,lac 1 e• b ' 7 So the ern) ' ❑t they were not the[nen of Y of tit,:1119captut•ed the place; and ed him �olumhia the destroying engines loose am sat' Ilia a Moreover, the tvickc orc the .nen of Brit. " strong hold before the low", they them, tram the Columbia spored m. un1 10 r milted at llampton dress which hn ain•4 y 11cd in dismay. ',•^'nvvt" ,hey " lake f the ahures of Vir , n'as noised mbro d been com.! 19 Now while these things were passing in the lit, art, :c' ilia ' ereAccenlingl gall filelIV Cry,amr A n.even from late thesmalllei Ilie evitllages oft Britain laying deso- nd eP pica Ir he yore t ume obis, suddenly de)pf,tvome turd cldldre i 20 On the waters of the Chesapeaketheycap, he n U Captu t the veoyl 1u Ncitthindi might' Ireradve"l cd re/e the placelost the lured the small Vessels and made spoil Lherc,.0 rt, .the ons d .. ..t afro 1 firer'. , ha If thea of her<� 101 when the placeEh adtcerved 1pjNinunWthem. Calledver,they of no or °ch c Cha < 12 roads, the servants o s given °P, andg cut. for, a ova 11 The t the kin• a cnvenalit for there was no mercy in them. With levet e Y abided not b y Proved faiibless, 22 Yea, it was said o a truth, n - 2 Y are but Yanks Y the contract J f i t uth, and talked abroad, in d 0f x' cal! ress eeemdJl Yankees there'fere sa➢inti, Pish l that they seine in the night time, and' disturbed the 'Id [het meet °oto us 1 lull] we do to yet, as small cattle, and file fowls, and took then[for their 4o )mr ''t No 2 I belm,giegtltothe E it the houses, and own use, and crawled awe likethe- evi, alto Y men ashamed; m s ta- : and m v 2 El.lir 12 After which g1eted States, with rile Cher things 23 Thus committing a sin, by vialating the cfghth .c y fell a)on commandment of God, which Built,, Txuv sfrALt ) Ire. :e 1 mutt 1 roads, moll file Ic 1 the I the rnerc Ire- n t"" 2 R lou the the personof all Manner of persona e, the xot• arsAL. ) the ro hf s of some li •rep P P tl lair 14 Meanwbile np➢f the women were + ]illy, - 24 Even the state of North-Carolina escaped them he r, than hi at 2 UP Ing brand to the the force 1 others 10 abused: not; they landed a thousand men of 'e- tie 's' I•dap, 3 N oft gi: Lute, it own dweiliggs 1.or Put the burn- celled Ocracwcke• over at a place �� a 'at here sulrerr V a IS 'Che pay thein h•i. 25 And again the work of destruction began; the r- - ➢ killed the b n- ;rw, , wholm a the, for and after lhp cattle, pod )re, spread terror and dismaywhitheraue er y ty ei tt,r i ca 4tiv t 2 the tables. , y had eaten and drank,Wit erf themu,ndt 26 'l'hcy troubled the toe❑ of Columbia all along er ban h fain w' y ogle 6 de- ly tree i. haw• I', departs I to When theh•vengeance was cn °ul lunges fruonn1U wit totsmuh.is le than eight thousand I'll r- .th ea• ro.v otlret, for- s N 21 17 places and )nr*ed, they id, war, 0 1 — sailed the le filed°f 27 Mon'eovice' the am ever: that sailed same time the like evils, of the , Y gat much plunder; even much rose d tl,r . 6 T : man 4 lit[=toll on the lake w tesstls the good Jujigs with which the land of Columbia de the name Brit y , where the erirf ant against the[own of klfig ahvunde[If; the su' v' cr 18 Bu when the army liurnpt°p was. 13ur. al?c, I A v rncn of yen to l hIa- I. A n ColumbiaUc. °- go, w: — et u- atton n th t and g k �ltrrr - - — J} CII:1Y. XVI. - - Own *Xulthe Dear Things. '..� . :j;inaliotl4 '- eneaw fro two Well ereend • _ r he V(flt; afealrlear lied eye' Com. Rad<;.•re'rear, in the ,• gin- - +from a second trniae.�.rapture 'inq madeIt ,e, t en• the t;!'hc U :7u[a' prig f'lf,er—thr C nG day rnrra[ Arm- " he town and tear x:rwrt,^a:,d a ldri!!,h 't• !"• :aynail air fidraa•—Jirluatn•rinyr, ,�..,. uiccd D store. ;,u. iah. •S. tend, I small fi Clh Illi g,Ic, ,thrown ; rginia, �� rGe ud of le strong e I the re. Krol , r en• oto their ,r 'rate in that med 411' ° 1,. `nte to pass, in the bcgimting of the one If i's of at ; and Diets ley thnnsand til;St hundred :md Phi:•teclah }r,:r of I,,a It a [Ce Great rounder of life Christian sect, '°'I,1 .^,rsl IIIon :e f the IL �cY Hing of •rwra ❑•t of IIIc :e til^ rest, 2 That astron nod 'ar. 't` in" g ship w IIIc United States, called' :s le Z"olure- I the 1 of tLc Prc.+ident, cmnm„nded b pia• tl a y Rodgers, returned q +idea, ,ve : arc hit.;h to it, Sod he Cnamod rami, t•ct. t second limy to the land of Columbia. i :he ic.m- got into Id kin I of I I, S Ind while the Was upon file {eaters ofthe gr,.at 1 t•'c y re Y W" lh,'y '''y Fe $h lth a of n were s duce, silo fell in wish one of the t!m 16 .{' Who [;'o• .nd ;rraz nd theY ed p:,ckcls of the kin egl!Cd aQcr tl:c swill flying bird"Of the air, g ,t to ll.i- °t' :ir, af.. h the o f It(1) r. &IaPulrC tlarcuJ: In durlado Wero f,st me out of vu he _ .,6-ot arc- Co Y went of a And in the she Red,, and 'x,111• h against :u. it is, nd com- [ y 4 ill P ere found uht thou o of Qty .r the h. (• al id f sit an Immured sixty and Dight thousand e�•ci1 a d sof IIID iWe ler r ,Door his I but IIIc in d, nd into J;ieces of silver, q • tom ' sI..ip• o, 1 be n sc- 'stet t.o,b d there . 5 And it was rarrir,l, r'; )):fit), , the ,idc of safe kte 1 1 6 horses, t° a place ' file y, ,n :I, ch. front the ' ping,} in the town of Bos C uIe 'aua- s ,;f f Cho '.iar ter- of qr ut wn frulq f'ur `1I y ' to IIIc east. luny CA teeth ague h. sa- ' cutr'p- as the United tele ' 6 .12orcavt'11 he made "Ware of another ship of anre u is Cour the kin., red siert :he wood of Vf {`rU Cu- 1, J laden with oil and buttes at- the Brea,fill, wish is in im; of the cis. +tr ions. nes will, deep. 114th a south, ,at n of Y od Ids of the and (11e 7 \ow it Lupi net,tsrf the se enteenth day of the I Iva- 1 first mantle of the s::nle �• r-sC• Iris, .o Lthu- d jIr v' re upon Ciha -s of ,I'll Yr,r, ,ntII of a e- ghty St a 8 That one of the 1,calf. vessels of the U. S ,.l ,If ") of tar lutes 1� "C {v„y lilt fort: !kl jd stonislaed h '' • Su'o!lu:n, } Cnr.I' o -- N f r to a busied Il ever hero was !:icQ' { __ y. W. Ce D ,i. Ofi ,/�o•ton. .� Ship Argo. )) Filler. aces• ,anti 0f 'r't-” _ sra. ;u '•' of thea'uw,, ha cos did t,. the relit way rl `' •, ,.d a ..- , y du Ciliate lhlilae. - —.._.-.__ '• rvj-vnr"✓!rt 7rre '• h":tie y of cher a7wrar-Yqq.. - n on the husb•in<I'llen of , —��_ enough. the Place; — but the LY tl Y rvcrc not an` say ed Lim lrul One hill. m �s Rn this I,r,vt n •in ers of Cnlun,bia spared uwrr. 101 til ,,..,��? lake f tt And they had prepared themselves for the finLt, ort Y he '1 tL,m- li a the tiara n w1 CHAP. XX[X, amt enconlpa;sed the place round about, both byland or and b ,r tcnll, • I I sit Major Cro. Y warm•. aica 1 l share dr t• 9 After which Proctor sent a tnessagC to the a ni"'tit tin Ca/ua tease j'atn the Blltish and Indiana Pert. the der tan. Proctor,in their attack on Far r bravo Crnghnn, oy it captain whose name was Elliot, lithe d g iva th a, of stroyi Jo sin, Lower Saadpakq, [ Ste/bell. a kin Ch a, beret nd IIIc words thereof were in this sort: ons e Ilia 9 Yeti• f `; 12 wee furel �� 1l Lo! now ye can neither move to the right nor lith t de" to the ICA, to escape, for We have hemmed you in ; lith ye II Therefore, y. Y IT ` vcss see n•c, dwt our Llaa<I m„ not be spilt iq Ir 'u the Cal vein, we command that e I I g t'1 filet 1 �IVER TII IiLf.'5$ it tante in Y Ove, n , the strop hold d of quad. Pass, that Ilam- into the hands of the Servautsof the king,and become slur col O1 2 eve I Leh soil, lilt cLicf ct lain of the north west al•ln the CI dere f P captives, I 2 this [ placed a a, nein ) Chit •2 FVe have the destroying engines in aLtmdancel 1pe- ie s to. sci and m lied pia Boor fort d I' c11ahaun, mdef;,Iud it.mn, in the hold collcd fou lilt [hay 2 Now the Joel lied at and we are a nunlcr,.us host. - . WesternIg rurthermoro Ill ler- 'n the prophe it tai, 1 14 great lake Evie, at aIdal Called Sandusky.endof tl',c + refuse.;hen shad the wile ice, y the savages }ic let Inose upon you; and there shall be than h, {t i up' Ing 9 And lire number of the soldiers that were with n"pe Iclk among you to go and test the lidiogs there- Imo vy , a 3 N of I gii Lute die you:b is the bold, ol: Is- i Y 1. ..' sufrety was about at htdestr and ,al!were a e IS engin scute, and they had only one of the dcsu•opinl; 14 But when Cru I• " • .. whole: s the fol and a engines. sw:aed g Ian Lr-art rhe message, he an- and said umo GIIIDI, G,a thee now to thy tns, .M1 utter 4 'A 2 to 4 1Vow the name oC the P chi J, i and sa u }pnq - cailf,,i,I, a yunlo hiuh I refuse; neither halt '�'a and captiv, I Lain w; 16 and his air- g man was George will i heark. , ]y trey i haw p, l r Hama was)Croghan, r unto dint: aedo. � de to 5 So on file first du 'of the eighth month, about the his he And hgsll etc so, ,het he Come ng„' f 6 N 2t 1> going down of the sun, a mighty Iwst leo ms[ me wed, a°I"roar'; s I war, o r Won _ Cven Ihcn ,u11 I nut tow:.side Isom that s appeared before the hula ; m hlalden - the ficru battl though his lmuibrrs 6 T t. man 4, lin rt g sand on III, s-- silo,c. H'ci'c as :!le teat )f the name Brit b o 6 Etat a thousand siva es and about five hundred' , the j �Wtk&; II the su• w c< 1S Ihcn uF sr of tlritain • 16 1 > ' ll.ntd. of old, with a sling and a stout, Mi. . 1 7 A v .�-- at mender IL:U•cof• , and Proctor {ens the cam- 1 slaw tile miotp (:uli.w: and shall IIIc 7umhia be of std People of Co- Illi - ' I 7 Moreover, the and billy Itutore the tyr,, of @a. ) ?s ' g°� W. , y brought tilt insU'ument, of dc- rope 1 strung II 'hat situ C[in%1 in great plenty; a I vett howitzers, {ebirh I7 1'h,al an __ y_ siert were not known in the days of and iuun«IieLl,lot returned to Uro army the I.ic; : the childrU n of Israel. o,coed '15"lost III` muuWs-of,their engines wcrr 1 ilial lila Iar'6 - - It Maligning the Dear Things. '< C11:1P, Xvf. unto !ginationt nrneW an two well dreveed 7 - Coin. r be vice,; gee acne(:W tan the raur .. IlorJq� I• ' I ra" n jrom a second cruise-�raplure in the :ing made. It ,ee _ ad da ren- fire Srio Pr/,cry:Lc L'ener n! ,.firm- " Igo town and t, q! y war tie a as onl•u...!« U - ;aptaiu u I.IIJ/I rt,�«rP� r' +., }- aired a score, !+e cu •`t I p rv«6rcring' R, tend. i ,ta ' $mall fi fife J; !ah' len; - guc, rthr° rginia, _--' du lid of le strung ° 1 the Fie. 1 t rn- lite their ::e ire in that mall cir NTO t1' i; rcme In pnss, in the hl ars of i • a i and olets Icy a l ginning of t}+c one the Ihr+usund ri!;hlhuudrad ;,nd lhi:'leu.tl+ }c:u• of tl+u u!'•n ee of the it ,il- +ey ninsof Glut focnder of the Chrlatian ecu, had 'ricers in of the vest, mr ° :u.. 'rc t the + of 2 That a strong ship of the United Sures, enlled. Ilia. 'is' �olum- e ami, the Pr -aden[ comm.mdcd b ,idea d a t' arc ni��;h to it ire tmmed r t of `cl + ' Y iladgers, returned n ' lir t I �' led second umc to tike land of Columbia. 1 the .hey !c.nl• got into ,{ hu- c king. Ly 3 Ind tvltila ehr teas upon ale waters 0f the rat tYde In,y f;Y to Ith (III a of-n were •s of g + rile wing+ who go. lid ,treat rid the ged deep, she fell in vrith one. of rho p:�ckels of the king cooed ar;rr dle srvifi Ilyin'" bird-0' it to li i• ot• :ie af- 1 the Y s or lien 0 1 the air,uud made were f,,t Inc out of C° -! lmpwrc(hare L ab. ul Cie. vu ho y went y of h And in the shipRod, era g stud Ixrn,. h against ;0. IF ss, lirer d co - ; I ht I Iouncl abunda11ce of IIY' 'f the h- and It of rho it(Ic wrolth ;even an hundred sixty sad eight thousand 'onor cred his bill rhe in n ' kicces of silver. d- d into tom `do xl.iry, 11' Ibo hse- •strc t:b'.h d (hero . ,iJo 5 And it lens ,,,i ell.with many IEn'Scs+ to a place tl�e ' the talo. . Y, ]q ,n� : :rum the Of s;Sc kcrphliM in the town of 1105(011,trhich iictlr f IAC 'xas- s of f the in^ for. of n, ,,c ten front •.cry :j to the e•:rst• uguc • crtlr,.p. as a ;.I ilia Utdted ilio 6 110re•ovcr, he made c, i"�s't- im _ npturc 0f anwlur ship of slice red .ha woad ar ar a.ro im; the, kinFil Luleh with nil :old banes of the great lith with (s in rived Gans, ms with Of the d • en- ar `'cit' worth ° $011113, est n or �crH :Is of the and ') e 7 �Uit It fill, 11on the acvantcenth day of thet a-.e• lea .0 Z,bu. d it w"re upon the f <I'd - 1 first mhnthn,the a:mm Iiia, ,lied - yhry o st a . I,:.n', r.r .,f :�}'of dlr of a 8 That one of the weak vessels of the U. S l f tv"y the fort; Id .! ataniahed _ t°tesll _ ever aero was ief o Swallsso. } C,nl,(• a '. - - '•__-- -- J`w cr of r to a busied d _ (isle - ✓�lc.ron. SAI leas. ,'rill lit # A drgo. II Yr/Irr. ,v:r• r reduced a did -li the Feat war d of their ales lrar'cus, did th. y d r (lits tun _.-- ,: '.-. -- IMMUNEW er 'Rn--2'1'Re7/'J-LJ 7vrN yarn'• cher the husbandman of 1t °Hough. the Ili but the tY n•cre nod he IF.. I tl man, cd him s Irui sat bia. rn 18 And the not 0s Rn thn hese„ ros,rincrn of Columbia si+:u•rd owtr ', um se thereof continued a long rim° ;; ''-6 Moreover, groat 13otYc and praise were bestosE! Ire ' in ih e, y Ell riven until the Welt daY S but their laattm•ing pl•eII ilet}h fell upon the brave CroghtEtf,the cuptain of the fort, fed I lora f nut. for his valiant deeds; an&11"..nam; was spoken er' Y r tenu f! ted I gm Ilia gara�t n• 19 Now when Proctor saw i r•i;h m tenth Ura tike + t lens of no avail, 11 J thtoughont the land sof Columbia. arca n about _ and �1<f l ' sa Alli divided Ids host hrtu two hoods, and appoimed a cap- cru Captu t nesse �` talo ro each ban(•; and they nt'riy fhe dr and assailed it with real Moved to u;u•dx tike Curt the d king J Ala clic, or stroyi /o co. g violence, ions upas Cha herel rel: 20 Btrt the mcu of Cr "'all were iacb i vas.' +, < 12 them ; and they Iet loose their wc; P+'CV°red for rich c does " E sun,. wet them, and set their deatrilei a {pons of w+u• upon .. Ir, (orae .'r ; .J mulri a call (bet c ss ser 1' Slaughter.le rout of Britain, hip al"I t13 yl gilles ,u tvi Ulivorltgrcat - - J d or it and n the . ante 13 % 1 21 And the der a ditch that su rroundcd the ''! c,„ NOS evi; I Leh 'on' 1 lire fort +n a to- As Aeitt v 2 thir I was strewn with their slain and their wounded. it dere f Alae o , the bust ul'1lritain were disnwyed and over. s•'I curd m ]i and PIIr 0a+ Forl .bra Iv°- ;e Iq C thrown, noel fl d in _ .cr- n the Ela i con G.+slou 11'0111 the lint into rho ours 2 B fou the the forest; from whence in the dead of the: ui" r the of proph( U lair 1 rc> , �rce of sj li '! ,vane into their vesselo girt, they r•, is than h! ❑ 2 up+ Ing 3 23 Now he >and departtI, from the place. ..- 1-ilev t loss of the men or Britain was about (me r � suet hi Buffer,r, of l gin burr Ljle an hu ndred two score and ten ; °! were P"r whaler a S chic and of (hc men of n a per! 13 Columbia cher (vas one slala uud sr cru wounded. ;us, tb`' wholes s tike. for and ; eng' 2d flat when _ lien d A - Proctor hall resitd his m•m 'r- utter It 2 the u d a sic- ul phy. nor to heal Y he sent il1aO 'a': all a ren captiv c twin 1v1 16 „lid fled I'rtml nnil left behind the maimed n I. he had e ± bat 11 tl+e 5 h. 21 del '1 9 25 But Hurrisro, Elie ,I:fef C:i- for- rIt c ]y teen i hale P, _ alto _ IT ao+t Al,'eady have m hwn• said unto hint _ tit, eel' war, n ! Ivor, that r l and given them Y pl+y.iriuns hound up their lv0m+dar Y i 6 T man d Jingle -1 i breud and u'ilu"and camforicd them after the nt:alnce of our country, ed l name Brit 6 26 Fur . vial the su• v n l3 and lea sudor lint the. c;, 11ri- harms to be buffeted ptivrs that fall into one rasp leu: y A v n mar tested ar trial* .. for any thing• neither want they. It 3 go, wt --_. 7 , I ut of strong n rbr4 wet �ed-to retstitturn the lolIlisblemn ofthe ring's artuy was perrrriy.' lwnl — k M94 ramp, , ler, .� e 3bligning the Dear Things. CHAP. XVI. +ainations en ii . m,, reu etrerarnl r lie vice,; a.+}reel car and the • +- �n- Can. Rodgerd'•rcrunt Prom a second cruise—rapture in lila .ing matin It ,r- td day ' oil- Ilia V ,lie U "rain' 4r4 f•rjrer—the Genual .Qrm- " he town anti �• Jd, a tofu war r.ir su•oug u:vd« Bri[i.;hfrigate._priva[ceriug, "'' gleed score. ha . small 'nli ish. •S• trod- ,thrown i .c& r .inia firth a 11r 8 r a� he �al of ,e strong p i the , he- ,rnre me"en, ata their ice mat- in that Icy N011' i; r:.nc to Pasa, in the beginning of the ane toes of i a : and olets ley' thnus;,nll Ii;;!rt hundred }ultl ihit•tacnth year of ilio m'ul wed noel :e of the it ,it- 'ey the ling of Crcnt Founder of the Christian sect, „4d 'ri:,rs u•t of Ilie ,p :.i r. :r rest, ini" �olum- i the of 2 That u strm,g ship of the United Stales, called' pro 11 a r° ami, the president, coMm,aWeid by Rodgers, returned a iide8, n ; arc hi li in i!, Intl 1tD ;nlmed '` t of cd. second tinh• to f ilia :hey Y rc4n- • got into }a '.ill, ro- c king. , ' by tilt land of l;olnmhia. 3 %ud,whilu ahc was upon tele waters of the err at was they " Qe _ith Itit !t of I were •a of deep, she I'cll in will} one ref tilt packets of rile king Our Illi,.;' ,eho I;o* I'd great nd they ed 'v,:'t called afire the"}rift flying• were IT i- ole dr, s the g If(11 tt to G,t me out of of sof Y b Lird of the air,gull giallo vu Ce ho y went � of capture thercul. ::b, ut L1'a- and n. h against :O, '105N act corn. 1 y ;;ht 4 And in the ahi Rod, m- p ars found at of itY' 'f. the h- ;s• and t of ilio }tile: wealth even ats hundred sixty Bull eight thousand 'after teed his Ill, ilia in d- ad into ler, Pieces ad' silver, roil ' 'si•ip' n• 1b it so. ' Ikrt!.b•.h I !hero tide .5, And it teas carried,with many liar=es, to n Irlace , the ' ilia Y, .n n, p• iw.r the }cl r.i' safe kccpIaog,t ill the town of Boston, which Iicth f.ur I too •.uu• n of f the ' tog for- of a tit :rrY tan Pi•um to the e::st, ague call rep- as a i,t !hq United ,our tea 6 ;1]<mrurrr, ha Made capture of arlolher ship aC h1•sa- ae ' (:n- anr.e }.rel .lto stood of ot• `- im; + tit(. kin is in rived lans; des with i. f htdnl with oil anti bones of file great link nail rn- 'tr III the dc+.it' I„rill a southf est n of !Y Q4 fls of the and '1't. 7 Now it lin rlcned r-cc• � , , `va- .o -Ltbu• d it ir,re pan ilio a Of Lod I i ,a6 the acventccnth day of file "• ,ia, n}rd ht ; - lir,t nu�:ah of ilia siiill'.: 7<4r, - nv ,f "y of of a B Y i_ at a i14} µonished u ::a ”;+a of the weak vassals of ilio U. States(} ' I.. "f w°Y lila tett; Ad til - _ eper 'eru was Lief -- _ .._ w- c" of r to s busied d Elicit .._... . Y Cm+k o,/baton. # JhiJa drgo. I( Yrlrer. Taus ,and tit - , go. a:t.-..h the }1 d *oda, it a (•+ tour oil 11 Lavcas,did they du these" -s s:tirt [•cat way .1 L Y th41• s. ---- +- r l:un;;;; tc it' of e r'aJ r,s¢ttq-TTfe h tall..r �, thenr cw=Pars, the liusbanduicn of 3 enough. the plur.c• but they rvere not , the k Cy � � if ^. man. ill' say ed him 9a Rn thn hr•,re mariners of Colum Lia an;u•ed 9 ower. IN; Lia. m 1, IN til ant JO .1 tit et 3 Nevertheless, they act them to work, so that they `� ILou• their 1 n+ groaned bonaath the fire and smoke; like, F ted I gut bis gars t w 9 And in about the space of an hour the Dominica r tenth 10 bra the 1 J ' di GIMP. XXX. was couquered and taken captive, n aLaut f Su Alnl' to In For when rile vessels came close tnrether, the and : t Cnptu the °ssr" dr ar men smote one another with their swords and wc.apnnr aerie taroyl d king, aper lea thei of ' bee to E9 Briti:rh ^choana• Dominira n of war; yea, even the halls of iron clic s ver., 11 Chu 2 mt til rAelrr:„arrer f 14 gone, tc/dared By other, with their hands and slew one ces[ }it each a 1�1 ., Ig Dctile of 7guua—U. .S. brig ..>r. . wonderful slaughter. another with SET J'�' wet fh gas raptru•rrl by die Ne}roll g ter, n 'y 2 twee} 1'e en rt• by l wpturr q/'thc Do.r;- ,r al the 1" s.ess J the U, S, brig eutrryrri:e. 11 Imremuch as [hare tome&&fain and maimed of mari t. ; call diel eee NI ^It the king three score souls; those of the Decatur quad. 13 lr O� u I 1 "'ll, amu were about a &core : moreover the captain of the 'd desu c-'� evi: Lel+ ' .wz Dominica was slain. s toe- i dere [ 13 Tae fight was an unequal one ; and the hrnre- :e as it , v 2 thtr I, plat . .11 Id set and m 3 fwd pit( goo, hO1'' tilt NOW rile wap continued In rase without ahntnncnt 'n the Try of Dir°n gained him a great name, for he over. eines t"r 2 B fou the the J fat "Pon the waters of tilt great deep; _ cattle the enemies of frcedon}; 1 the ' 4 aRhmiaL (heir force of s o1 , Prophi tl lair ) Iq £+'ci tya 1-Rtul-ta;uufold were the evils til}rt came upon the was greater than his. r, I I 1 than h, tf 2 pp, infi 3 children of men by the means tbaraat. 13 rl tier this, ou tilt fourteenth day of the same e- i-d^Yr ever 1+i' 3 N of I gi} Lute fi10 an 3 Moreover, the groat Sanhedrin[of the people menti}, three was another sore batde between a at were �'- p"r sulTerr v g Iln•e Co were forced to bestir themselves; (ihd they had con- 8111411 vesaol of life Lh,ited Stales, called rile Ar•ns P peri IS timed their councils day after day without ceasing, and the pelican, a ship of the kin Argus, r• utter the whole+ s rhe'. lot and t cue fit g, hear 1 4 A 4 And it come to ass, that Aiere [vas a drendful'' l4 Now the Pelican was somuwil.d. su'on-, gull It 2 }lieu 4• as ,;. P ' rr than "- - Ch ren captiv t tain wl 16 and flet battlo Relight n tween a vessel 0 the }iu ; -autl a ri.. the Argus, goer they were stubborn ;:n.i kept tilt dc. 'N f xrte vessel of Coluud>i.l, u, f• stro g 1t'tre4 is haw P, dept ' , Ping an ines to work, with great nui,e about iix_ nz- ro:u• ; I1 the 6 N 2t _ ui, Al: 5 Now tae name of the vessel that fought•.v;is De> ty If five miunlca. ;d, , 15 And the brave ca vain of tko S alto sr lz war, o € weer their a fill and cattle, and lie captaia's n one w-rs D}rna, a f:aul. Ir 1 Ar u, a lin r, }f lila y 6 T :, man a 11 alta o .\nd it was sn, that about the lourth day uC tl:a, name w•as Allen, was u'ndmicd ,roto de:dl� , , i;,,; w - II ea name 4 lingtc 6 2 eighth month, the Drc;rtut 1.vitt; sailed out of the Vessel of ColumDiu was Captured by,ilio a;,i _ Brit or, ria} the sit, v cc IS toe} hae haves of Charleston, being in the state of South Cru•- t'ttn, the name of the comin.d}dt} iviertuf , 'usl fi•o: r A I —� u mat for elitist fail in tub on of the fighting vessels uC the, pies. If S Ro, wi " _� Y 2 king, called the DnnlifLlca. 16 or tilt. men of coluni .ix werc n; - neli t/ant strt Y But the lest of "en.. - srven+rrnt wonndcd [ :md stpong n seal -engines of the king's vessel I o the igzo cf uriafin ;; m rpo _ k tinea wct.�. weer. two (old gren(ar-m numbers titan those of tiro and wounded were live. - - } Decatur. 17 Vo•,vthe death ofAllvn}rnsv28feiobf n ONOMENNUMMMMMMMMOONO _- - --..j re-_ ... !..- . J C11AP. YVi, ' ut:to Mal4Wng the Dear Thirty ,ginations - -•,.• are two Feu d,o od r he vices: no errant eaom r ni the Can:. NoJ:?rrs�rcrnr•n from a second cr'+ti,r—ev/t hr re t„ the l• It- r t ,i,,. I/ :i«n'.' Sri• king made It ,�•• u! day , en_ the b f•ijrrr.--.r/r Genera[ Arm- ,� he town snrl :aptwar cin a score.. e:n;ny`u.: ! « /J l'llish ret"ufc•�f Dined nLt Le r, rib. V. rend• rthrowu ; dcs : small fifth Mg rhe fid of ,e siren, t'gini.' I the ro, NT e +rare ( i; came to Ila,,, in the be; a en• filo their i:e in that Med eir binning of(lip one "t�s"f a roc- and Diets Y nsand ci!;Itt hundred ;utd thirteenth )car of Ilio n,"n =e of Elia tAe le Great Founder o ulnd mud it ,if• "'y ting of f the• Chrfetian sect, lad 'ti'n's ;rt of tilt vest, in 2 Thu a strop -,:s 1O :w• crc �. g ship of the United Stales, called, lila- Ie solum- I the + of' the Per:idem, cmnm:mded b• Rod. d A ' . ,ml i, second time to the Innd of tJ ) bets, rcturued a riche, + i are high to it ten �mmed ' olornhia. I tine :hep t neon- - got intu 14 Ied ell• t of 3 Ind while aIle was upon tIle waters ofthe ,ti+, o king. I by W.,5 t1n�y t'y I° ttlt R of-,t were she fell in with "U" of the , 1(rhat Etta Ill! 's of trip;;' who go• nd frrnt nd they ged tva6 ' :.1 after the sw'ifi Ry'im. h:ckcls of the king li,i- °t• ;ir, ap- 1 the „ bird•of the air, find were 't to s of nen "�.:r.c thcrw(. made f,,t nm out of Vu Ito ;,b�.ul ere- and ce Y went ., And in the ship Rodgers found ahnndancD of 'ern+- h against :O: 'less, lid cot,- k y of :blit j I'll :even an. huuured six[• wed ci• tenor rxd ley, �!', the and I o7' the II y girt thousand h• r'' idle -- at silver. his I'm thm in `, into al.i n. d- ,d Acry 1 � h' I be n se- .ogre:,,:;t i1 nom the ' the utero - lido ' many hoc;es, to a place Y. `rr a, p• linin he rel of BDSWn, which lieth 1 rno 'fine t forte L. sof f the �"'t= fpr- of a, nt i¢n$om ;try uguc ¢utrn as the 'r' he h,'sa :I:a wu d If tr 1 e v011etl lho` . .` mode eapttu-e of another ship of ante rivr.d of „f a'cr 'our ' t l:ultn with oil and bu reel - - tin, Co- ' clr arcs of the grout 6.1, with is in +,lr- .to 'inns, les will, r it happened a smith, 'al n: lou :Is of the and the of tic sesentcrm6 day of til sr w•a- n 111(lie s:uuc r, 4 hie, .o Ltbu• d ir. KA�y upon the X o f end ya, 1.1 „f a).uf ,rind of a .l...t one of lh¢ tt'ruk vessels of thu rl+t• wry _ sl a U. Slatesli ` t-. • f the fort: btI of ry 1l'miahed :u. t Band. o - .. . - X w- c” of r to a busied fir tern was Lief J Gosron, I A7rip Arjo. II Yrfrr. crus• and lit f _ their xrn. go. of then' own 1lavqus did (hr •-- „.. sILid; •---itWe feat way d rl viluced � )' do their tr,b,bs. -- — - t: %d b n i'0�nr:rrrr t. Y vngrutc y of , M,ec the linsb,tndnren of 2't• ' - , non : " lin ( thck the plucc; hot they were Mail. am ser cd him ill ill lit ant bia. fir row throughout the land of Columhia, for hr. had de. 98 So the brave mau'iners of Columbia sp;mc<I IO f t4 4' fcntled rho vessel of the United Stutrs them, and stopped the destrailing ower. their I n. nob! and engines; for their [ed ; g0 bia lake, F captured some ma'mhwtt ships of Britain. Y• hearts were inclined to mercy thou! to �t'a the gars h wi di is Even the enemy regarded hill, for his braver R9 However, this was another tenth I i for the b Y' thele fell of the men of Britain Forty .vet slain and r r sn .Afajr, is Y buried him with honor in their own co....rey' outright,and Lire M n o wire wounded air j t:❑ Cnpla nesse at not far from the plane where he hrcumr caprice, nrriv the do don Ina thri o f stroy1 io .a; which was in the walera of the kin r 30 And the loss of Columbia in slain and maimed „ upon Cha i he:", lien til 8f' Geurge'a Channel. g, yen iu St. was about fnuru,,cn• ' kin su12fix 12 19 But it cattle to pass, on the fifth' da 31 And the commanders of both veese]s w,•re s ve S . `"2 for y,e tb r next month, in Elie same Y of lbe akin; and they buried them triE6 honor in t:m nnrn l3oetf. o year, yeas ell r 20 That a certain small-vrr;sel of Columhia, rtv plant call ace *. sb eying the engines of destruction, commanded by a' _ of 1')'11,, d, which teaveth liosmn to the west fuc 'n Elie 13 ('' N , then 1 1�P the b dda wcs t%'nght hard by. i' 1v O� evil I .�< gallant man whose name was Borrows, fell in with, 'ti 'I trod. . heli sen, 32 Morenvnr• the great Sanhedrin }ria pl: ased dens f anntbel• small vessel of the king, called the 1 with the thin„ s it , r 2 thin 1. 1>lac� N( Ind (tic captain thereof was a 1 o. ItI P anti gave unto the nearest kinsman a 14 tin(] in I: and pill goal t'a't till natnc brave man, and bi } of llurrowsamedal of gold,in token of ark ,urs t"• 2 B fou the lie 2 for upsho- was Blythe• therenE" r,l' l 21 1" the lanr;uago of the people of the land, Ill " Atertiery 'n that 'f sl pvopht tl lair 1 14 gr c, live vessel of Columbia was aJind the F.utcr tizr, :d T a tie b# than h, n 2 yep, In 3 chit L. Devils, of d4:ro-York, a phiatrr Li, 3 N fi file :2 22 Now when rho vessels drew nigh tulle eacli'' fern States, neot, and al fourVCR of I Bir bole an other the men shouted with load ahruting. ' P"t suffer[ eel+ tin } 2 Ig thee Co wU, 23 And immediately they le[ the Miscidevelts e F brace oJ' Burrows (&'dice was vailhaac a svholet s , Imu, °r0=� cat the: for and 6 cqq' Bines loose upon one another, with n motet ML Sl+aintcri err to Aiw, generously ,tr[ge)orra(,) 4 A d Air c ll ren 2 the n 4 a s thunder- like un(tA.1 my omit,err/..is Drum expense, hr /ut,l l%fir- Utt7a► lar capriv t lain wl 16 artd flet batt! 2.1 Be,, it ha a mcnt r, be crrrerd fir rhe genre o 'da If lac thea i 11aw P, S v.ae 1 peel, that in about the space of fm•. 04,,1, bear, rhe' llowilt in:cl•r 1«ort. r va«rr.,y the f jr G cr de17' 5 t-v minutes, the Boxer was overcome • but she Ia 'g � 9 credlia- .( to set' 2t _ t !bait Ah '' taken somewhat unawvres: waY.r, - an to /be mortar mrrii V 9Lr_ Un r., voar Tar, o C worn cat fit t � and to his heart : +meq hi.Lead, _ f G T t, roan that 5 ahh and G 25 For, In . the pride of the men of Britain had - lI rd name 4 linlrtu G aft, made them fnnlish: and, thinking of the conqucst,:i Na Na ATlr tors s'rox s tf t ' Arlt 2 eight the nailed Britannia's red- nint the su' a cc IG ate, have y Boss to the mast of atwba..s d: fru: at roar Elan vessel tIt411 Tim nnnv or t y A v for oliva 2C, tVhel•cu on after the - 1'Ir f L L 7A ,t! /t U90, NYE 7 R 2 0 lY.S, }' Wrong n a Niel kt•," crier! eland for mr-rc Y were overcome, they I,ti �,,,,,w ,t ,. t It,,,that p , Y+ saving, UVITEUSI'471Y BRIG o g k riore wet fid- were 27 Beheld! our colors arc flat: and we rmunt �Sho was mart Ill, wuutnlcd l LN ITR PI,I%v' t •j::. 9uirklY nulonse them t Isis,to nn anion, which rn,ruributrle til en t,, Dec: sonars uotu ou a Sj,Ubelrss, wo will be pit. 1 therefore s[arc us. the flim¢of:)wcricau rd«urn fly Capturing hi.. CHAR XVI. 3 �USDesrThings. m.Io Iginations I r he vices; ^� aro.t+r° ►v11 a.nuw Com. Note;sear re[ n ,. .n_ Msrr°aaa,lir ulq aa°: 'j 'I1tl U hrrre'r/a, jim a eerend cruier.�caplure t++ the ;inti made. h ,c. r rr'� !•r 1t. day ' ell the x!"0119 <, her_tbe Erne,a( Ain- " ho town slid war y u.a,, e !tri tlaGj'rigate_Jviva[raring. (iced aptain Or srorr„ 134, ixh. •S• tend, rlln•owu ; _� Ice . small fifth Me :Irc ad of ,e strong r'ginij, e the re, r oto their rare ed '+ t Ott° i; <•::n,c to pass, in the Lr ren- ice. —lir- m that sir ti; d thousand ci,r,ht huolba,d and thirtcual, ginning of the one :lies of i , a olets rt, Great Fuw,dcr of the al „ zed nn•n cC 1,C llm rhe and Chrls[Sun sect, Year of Uan - 1 It til- 'any ling of 2 Tl/at a Sit." ahi, of lad 'rr„rs let of the vest, J the United states, called, ns .e hr. 're in,r tLr 1'r;rident Pia- ' re yalupy. I the , of cumm,.na•ed by Rodgers, returned n airlrs, J L lire nigh to f!, •711. sec•rnd aim,' to lire land of Colombia. ted are :ntmed cd. f the :hey 1Y9 ,can. got ir•w Id rn- S Ind evhitu she a• g;y ith, c king. 1 of , by de l as upon the waters Of the gr:at Was Ill y tine t° lth lits tt at -I wm•e I, abs full in with One of the p,ck,ts of the king +:iu;{' who fto- 1,d great ad gs of d culled af:cr the s,rih Avile, . they ged 1rnY capture u+cru,f, bird were 1t to Il i. °L• .ir, af- J tb° nen 0 of the air• slid Mail, f,St s 1,C .b, lit cre file out of vu cc ho •t And c the ship Rodgers a°'1 ”, b :0,,"Css, all corn I yof ; •ht u-,al[L �evcn an bunnrc S fotndbinuvlyncc of 'n- ag+dnat 1,1- , uc.ces ch d sixty and cirbl thousand 'unor r'•ed his �f u,c t im I ,r, h- rr, a'+d tOf rho 1 ittic 8.' silver, ' in d- ad into ,Ice And it lraa C,rritd. ,,1111TIdI1}'het"iCa, In ar:ip. rI• i be n .c- liber i''"t roto ' of sAc d'1) ' the d "hero . ,Wis kcepL,g,t in th• a (dace Ent town of lSu:auu, which firth t we �.ua. Y. :n n, le1P• roto the r Caur to th< c:u s '-f f the 'i";` tote. of itlit ,en flmiri eery u ,. u.,ue • cat as ' e _I', I:e ),,de c• I„'94• u fa Ih Untied to the I 1 jle Pu! 'e of amithrr ship of once .Its wood lit• ;,t l,dru with "I: :ald bu +'i1 Ii"A of of ro Cc. of IL_ ,� ,r urs el' tiae grout li�h with to in a.,a- ,tv dans. Ics will, im; - 7 .�'o,v it h:Ippcnc'al, or :rtlr a South, ,at r;r. IY on as of the and the fir:;[ nlolah Otaho s: i the BeseMItUoLlida• ^. ''''^ ,,i_ `va .o Zabtr- n ole. 3 of thv of d it S�y upon the s of end l O1c of the asr- k aas;eL ul the U. F S uC I;IV �1 a .- st a Slate..11 + t a:'Y the fort; P- ,d Itanished ` . 1` w' e' of 1'te 9 Lusicd r 1 S/i/i ✓/r -,t. / Jeua• .,.�d !Ir ell wall Cr I __ b II icier. t _ tele• of tberr oo'u suis, ill-Iu, s.`id J,the real way tl '/ ') du thtcac uuub s. .. _ !d by 'seduced a yl i P!-r nr�m i- ongre ve 7 Cher the husLandnlen of ��• 8 cuouSh• the place ria lk 'll sae ed if ; bol they were not __.. Lion + th Ii1 tm1 LI,10 r h e. fen fol ,,hitrow P(I still tilefleet of his ileo I for It was nave flower. Ioi+' - 1 like t1' n, Columbia. , . :J d g1,' bia , f eapi 6 Nevertheless, it cam, to 10 bra the garit0 WI I; CHAP. XX sand eight PHIS, in the one thou•?r di Yf: tilt huudl'etl and thirteenth d : r 1 i au A9aj; to for • day of lho ninth month year, or tic tenth t:a t'aJitu vessc not T the risi:,R of fill,- still ' early in the moanin or? the y to dr lir hr theer✓Intr can Pe Of the gets/+ Fleet on Ja7•c , by. t•aliant Per ncI thri etre i w•Li On 1)C Br 'Kris 7 The ricer), hChe 11 Cha 2 beret till ill r Ger , under Goat, Perry, at a distuoce U1,011 the J:,-e; NIC U Reel of tLc ka* f,s 12 1 J I. so he omm�n+t'd his a'ee _ 4 [vet are, th A' nex s°Is an<I went taut to moot them in Lattic array, Rcep LL, 2 f Ye an r against Reet. 'i t call 1'css see �r. 6 And when thrl'lvhite sails were spread npml tha 3 2 "her I N Ii all n•ir J IIF Lord, in the Plenitude Ieniulde of his wisdom and' bosom of We lake, they appeared like unto a squall. c.,i NON I San, gal. power,doings i , all thio n of I evil LeL n, .w: 6w which come (a pass: and; 9 passing clouds. dere.f v 2 thin 1. Nlac. ant the doings aro fur bunch[ of g tla breeze wa and m tau Port X und.glory of God, the man,.said for the wards o ma fr°d-ttre-trostilo_vcsscfs to. 2 B I and i • goo 2 tha rwn 2 For -1 1,e another. IOU the the f foo opo: 2 where is the evil which Iruh not turned to, so iu It was silunco upon.the waters; save when the of prophr tl fain 1 is >~rr.; t1.c ;; s1, advantage.and been a wnruin ""'ad of musical lnbu•llmeuts fell sweetly c ,on the . [bun h, 1t 2 U Ing 3 chit °CS the suit that anight have come ? g' and swallowed Lill car, l sy 1 3 N' of I P bine tilt in 3 - 3 Non' about this time the strop vee1 But it happened, a little Lrfnre suffer, 1 2 g tLrc CO wcra orb lundlia• that moved upon the face of�' sets of COCd than the shoots of the sten nf_vpr the miJ•riny, - [hr Wholm s 15 flout 2 of[he.great lake the blue waters thel fol slid a cUq gin or I whose s' - trial welt': given in charge to Oli1,:` heard,and the shouts of the men of of �r1a$19 were d A 4 lir name was Perr �, 12 And now the destroying g ca 1 r r111An. ren 2 then 4 a a 1L❑ +A At hr. Y' c1, in 9811 r10 utter captiv r lain wl 16 and flea b•Ittl IYaa P udent plan [heir thunders, vomiting ford; lire a a t , and had rr >[red'' ly urea i. linty I', vats himself u' ours[ the vesacl� of the P 1 t brimxtone in abilh, ec, and strreke und the 6 2t dep.,r 6 5 ty t days bclnrc hand. king, cern ,;rt _ ,,A). 1� IS And surld�'nly the wntcrs were in an up;oo'; at I war,C t. wen I s 11' and carol. tuk ll .Ind orcahyl cl the captain of the Rert Of Beg� and the oreciv'dng wise"'elided:along the lake. ^ that , ,, % loin was I , G man ahc u In, 3 a roan of grail saL,r; 14 bloreover, the chief fa•er. ,�,� <"1 tante 4 lin+Is 6 2 elf;ht the Lut h,boa king was pm aS:Iinst the vessel uto�hrrl+ Pat it' f the A rit ¢¢¢ r'aI the sue N a 13 nt,l h 1,e,' was; hu: Y A v, et m:u hal vcs - hitt I SL%JI S 1 1''.� B t, - 13 And the 1,sacf wua called lhO Luwr ' for oliva after , e,,•ce "r Bt,XE.R, a brave 1,141) avltose dying et164 sfter .. re. cnn:cnt rt - r Y „ words wxa ed 11 �.`. go, g " �_� 7 ki•ig. - h passu ,u l:i Ininutc,. aloft: Pen her, that 2 7 era 1 Io the tsar has cl cored onus nu,nr+mrrlt of r IG ?."1)a' strong n 8114 s acct , ,ones of wet tad, were pe4il. r Laved the ' p'trw!, n t;1,in lista 1+1)u^ ,behold, a thous, h.dds of man.s4i::I qui tnuntr 1^lid -umun r+s nJ' an earl-lire OF 111". waters, an if[ as ehuedhg#fn Dect 1 and why, g+dluntl 4 1.dor f7 But When (lie butdc Butt tic red[he.feeman. Y ua'4 fought and c. lraxed.iswi.,.a, s... , ... ss- � CHAP. XVf. =. unto - Mlafgntttg the Del Ttanlgs. e Ig mations '-.,N11R am IWO MTa Irrel r he Yict'a; re pmt call end tee C in Ura t- il-om. JteJgera`ruurx from o erronr!rrnier._r¢Juure :tng made It ae. d rt,- the u day r_/'d,r U :y,ro-•r' prig riper—the Cron of Arm- ^ he town and r Jr i, aptaill war air .� aL•weg aad a Uri ti:,h•/'ricatc-_Jirivatrrrfng. I.,.,. meed 3 score. 1; eah. •S• Land. rthrown; s small fifth 'nb g�:r. .1 tea mini:r hr .rd of 6 ' r the J� re strong a ilto their iCa •Ore in that mad eir ° rcrne to pass, in the ba+': t°s"f 1 a : and oleta ley thn r,r vling of the nue the : us:+nd rigbl hundred and thi:•lcu,th yc:u• of filo 'v'rd red ur'n ce of the IL iep tin of Great Founder or the Chriutiun sect, n„d 'riots in of the a til• :re 5 vest, ing 2 That a strong ship of the United States. called 1 u :n r- t the 1 of pia- ,. , re .solum• ami, the Piz:iaent, cmnm.'nded by Rodgers, reuu'ued a ddral v: are nil;, Or r, (ed Ire �ntmcd ' I of ed. - accord time to the load of Co(umhia. f ll,e :hr y 1 cml• got into id ru- a kin b p: S \ad wild, she Was upon nue waters of the w„e ill, "y fo Iltlh 1th, :t of 1 we sof Y deep, silo fell in will' one of tilt Kr,at the wing' who [,o. .nd ;rraF ad they ged was called❑Carl the"vitt Ilyill. s p"eke air, , the king , to 11.i- at• lir. ail a the s of nen b bird-ul the ldr,and tnnde were F,st me out of vu ce ha . Capuvc thar'uuf, y went y of :.b. lit ere- and rs� h again.;" .''less 4 And in the ship Rodgrra found a6un,iaace of nl- :o- t ad coin- 1 �ght�4 wealth 'even an Luuored silty and tight tinousand °Y' .''. ILe h- and n of the ' mncr f1ed his ; but r',n in d. all Ill ittle !er, l?icce6 of silver. u• tom ' f ILa h "a •ab•u.o_h d there .ado 5 And it tva4 carried,will,many Ilor�ics, to n place If,a ' the p• im, the Yr .n nt Irl r,ur to lade kecping,t 111 LhC [eWll Of BUSluilp Ltlllel,Incl, f we `'t's• s of er for. of ,en iron, 'try f IIIC fi ry� a2 to the c::,t. Ugue cutr••p_ as I rhe United io,lr the .. 6 3loraucvr+ he mode cnpun'c of an<ithcr ship of h,•sa. a is once red .ba Ivoud t}"ire Co_ lire king rived aF oC 1311 ! ;.l laden with oil and bouts u(' file great fish with t, in ;ty 'lane, les Will, ul tilt dc;p, j hath a South, fit n of IY on Is of the act tl:r_ 7 Nu}v it happened,ort tilt BE Corton til da• .. r.sc• r war .o Zr.bu- d it w'-re upon the sof first maplh of the as ulc ,r, 3 of the, ''in• need y,:, ill If at•of illy of a %hty St a 5 0 That one of the wm,k vessels of the U, Ststo.{l w°y the fort; Id ,d itoniahed ' r. ..F fever - -- 1,w- a• of a httsicd d rete was lief •cflor,,, t Cask of -� r to _ ,Thch' . �fluetun. # Shi/n ,ilr n, leas• it ,and ❑t , o t'• B II �'ejrrr. .__b the ✓ UI ta:.nruwnnavenatdldl,• •.--'-•'•"`light _ -_-- -. _fwtwaY rl !$brtltyceda rr. - y du these thntbs. i-: ,• '+ ngrtve y or . then the I an eh ax ;v - c ypu us,xndulcn of the I -- __Y� -- a gh. place; but they the . CY U that tho tacllling of his vessel was shot away, al;d r m:u'' cd hits iris men were slain and 0 nn: lav wounded with great slut•h- in Ill !rill arc 1'ia' m e1 row ter, and his desti•o m slang r 10 ! fend y S engines bccanre silent, their I ]alae f til n" eapt 18 Ile pal the r-bat•ge of the vesscf into rhe banc}a [cd : Ku! baa ' I; of enc o; his m7ire.3, Whose mune was Yarnell, a bra barn" wr trust In1n: IC the ( i di fur• y and Cir 4 • ve 1 1 sa 21fnj, to not the 19 rt with tk-'starry banner of Colombia id] affil t:a filo the dr ac wlri. beat,his did''fit gallant Perry -leap into In cook-t M11 thei of , atroyi 10 ,�, Br, , while his erave.mm•iners t vpar berrc C1C1 toannthcrG,i luicklYConveyedhint' f I Cha r 2 nl: inn. r I ; tin vessel of the United States S + r": "ver til 6 nex �d the Ninbara,conlmalided b , callg s°tl' fine" Y a vtdiantman, trl:osat Ye on r 2 name was [i4L•uc, mari call rcay see all ryii T11. 20 After thus again tilt, ces6ala offered their Uma.^ 19 cid 2 Ihrl ( P gal Qowc tiers slid funght hard, and the ,nen of Culum,ia pour-G dell, NGf, ; evil thin Leh plic .tva un 1 tllar od2111And it cine upon t 'a se"ants of the king. as it ' dere F 2 I Nl glary , to pass, that the skilful contrivanc 19 f'"r and m 1 and pier goon fort th1 ran 2 bf I erry, and the bravery of Lis men, at lengt' 2 B the 2 opo: forced the whole fleet of the king to become captiv ours ul. four the i fat - {, 2 an ae or sl prop,” If lain I Is E'rv' we ves the a •• `❑ren wRo the cock-boats of Colunr Lia. 19 than hr 11 2 up, log 9 ehil . 29 'fhns"[;:tin WAS the rri'lit lino humbled be. e vat Ili 9 N of I gir Lute the an tvcrr oil] luulh fare the eagle; for six stung vessels of Britain werd peri Y" suffer) t 9 f 5 thre Cu of Il'; overcome at one time. lilt , tines t. 1 J heat whole! s Uler fm and 1 elf; 4 gin rorr , rl '2 Antl Ikr olein and wovnderl of the king Iho( 11 - 2 the t d a 4 tilt, 4 •y, was an hundred thin • and five; { bort, y ' besides tilee _ f 1 chat ren eaptiv ' i;lin lel 16 ,cna flet hams, here aLont n Wmisand prisone"a, - ] [feu > 5 : }•' y :4 'file loss of the Unitcrl Stutrs Iona twenty - t, y hal• I, do t,n ty days the 5 N 2f I Al, ' tak 5 sc van tLat Were killed -and ;inn score and ten we I alto scl� - wcly —' 1% ami ant, cater loin t itounrled. ' of y e 6 1 I that s 11111) ^ ma 25 Moreover, the numb of ilia men of i mon site , number IE eft natio , 4 ling« u haver made captive 'CI.1716 _ Brit, the r rues nmra than ani the nun of farrry's= 1 i tnS, fifer the su' }r u. Ig mel halt have Yet sgna<h•mn. - rust: tri, y A v va °n;� for kli'rn . A 26 Non- Perry was a lir l'tcol ' JOE pa e' Is man, and (ikc the I- 3 go, W. ' �� p 'K• ell 6," .1 It Sam:uCi.,n, too,. rare of tin• halt and ntaimct�'I oleo au'ung tt 'hat strl ted y ft :rod put 4Lilful nun to bind ill) up rico•" w,et were tt _ ' - 1 their wounds k •� qw row is .ell of Irisin hfc,"d „inn. 1✓et.1 SOL he lUelllaA. 1 °• �- -- -" President or the United Still who was her goodslight"'heWill f 'Ahat'li`ii1ib6ttet , T .C< iFal the StifiNk weekly Tfinee l lia! when hu entered her presence-that - - --_--- Ala. EDITOR :--It is generally ackuo»!ed r. alerted to look after the welfare or tile i e whole e d4- %1,1 it 6 country-tho North es well as the Routh- it was good to be there.n "It is not good - ,ended t ah- the IM :nt- ti' ed, I believe, that Ilse villages of the cast, for notal to be alone;'-(Bib)e)-and young one RN fight whet!' i9 using his mighty Influence to have it ad- of Uta to a led ui• ed to �il. - Particularly those Ott Long Island, if we ex.; mitted wil.b the curse of sluvel;v upon it, wren cannot spend their time plo0tably by warkl, thmuselves. Chemo I'consider some of the scare Co- cept, perhaps, Ilnutioglon, Orient and 511th- And that loin A. Scoring, member of(.'tin- t rc :ntt If I. oy the to b ter Island, are Gtr behind those of Western gross front thin district, once said : "The fleet steps to a thorough reformation.- -. CHAP. X XXiX. t ' whole histo, at the rr ablicnn free State I Ibiuk if our Young people-(for to them were a that ale icor, t0 Y P ( hon- tri- tf' New Fork' and the Waster's States, in tea ) must we look for ale reform)will look at Lek_ , party in Kansas allows that its staple esti' thio sub'ect and Caf+ture •of the U S.-tloolt of war Frolic, by theuf ilio ' ••- r�r^. tuc n to oke it rill- . pact to socio}gnalifieation. We must admit! chat are revolution, rebellion, action olid other J give it proper attention, ,cit !• a the fact., for the proof is overwhelming; butt crimes, under the guiso of liberty and free. - we shall soon see a great change. for the Britian frigate Or/+hens-capture of the E)ritlxh lip of ' r lie semi t un "scar, u5e, fast 1d 1 y I at the same tittle it becomes as to inquire- d'i"b" coil adds, "Kansas should be admit• hatter in our "social systam.a aloe war L'!i iervier, by the Peacock, Capt. ,II. r'to 1 F` I have only offered a few of the ba r ng J - 1 t e hot• -;r,:.*t IIy why is it P First and chiefly,because at ilia ted soder the Lecompton Constitution as ' y B6�- ff'arri,rgton-raluur•e of the Reindeer, by the ,-�;� ,IA,, ieth ;ether aha II West we find iiia "picker! men" of the cast I soon ns possible." And they only know be• tions that have occurred to me,,and hope fYas)r, Calif. Blakely-the Avcn captured and •:t I of alanlg ,.lin a h� 1469 I 1114 I-, .cause they are told, that the$uffolk Week- of ore will offer many bolter cares*; for this e+urk-U. S. vesxrl, Syron on<f Rattlesnake call. LL ,t a just insC i. -111080 who, although they are "'running ly Times is an enterprising paper and bound to certainly u subject in which we are all in- Illicit s an•i- ' over" with enterprise, and as much as any to rise (it it has not,risen high enough at. tereaLed. ,GODFREY." t+tred-.dd„rira! Cochrane drrlarre(he whole diner. ' and .b, it p• ;t tll I of !� read + Southold, April, 1858• iron coast in a state Qf blockade. ' the t of trove :lone �ity, :e asul ,.Il- r dlaro of men in the world occupied with bit- Y,) tad that the Republican Watchman, - -•-- ' to :I.rat -her in- t stares and "prs-tical affairs, can acraaion- 4nawer-'•2•hp Little Quaker !laiden^ is inbia 'li�1' the: •s nF 7 n if it sloes not make one more revolution nod .the titleofa poem aitch ss la aesertboa by >� s r- I.:loc f the :event to of tree- )ar- l that without getting farther South, will be ulnar 4 Montag err, tt to uteo nauetl "Tse. - ,d col tral Whip find to think and tulle of something "dofnoet"before 1860. They do not know Little `' . - ,yy df 19s.r.3 of ac•u, y' Vrua• and f other their Block and potatoes. They Quaker ser.^ It was Publishes, 1 Il aebT19 twenty yen's. ase in the Pan hr 1., - ,irc,l ,:,,:.e that ,f aha not �olam- !( f p y go in these \'seta from Observation, for they do the tmtbrop company, Banta,, It Is as fol•. .tom O\V it happened on the tm0tttyFrat day of the . fur °rho ;:0 n, " Prenrt and soul for reasonable eajopmamt and not"Luke ilia trouble" to rend either paper taws; :oma anti sem has !team- t llyt I ' I y for If they would just look into them the A.ilt„lei on"ker made,. wnh al-Pled check ant foll"01 notinth of tale eighteen huudratt and fOUt'Leclith al-illy rI is 'c of, 1 fine arts, a They advocate 0 chic oe and Y j y „- $ rn. cmc Y Open• ncd, ` lira arts, and do not believe the chief en would soon perceive the truth, ntrErf An an,utm mo-,„� small line awned h,r year, that ono 0f Glee strong ships oC the king,called q;d ”t•d and• l•'cc flow, s _ Y def'. for. )thin the Orpheus; of 1'..,1; suns{ tIt ,bis ''rn' h. had .i mnu'a existence. is ”to mak0 moos and then:. I tau Ant moan to assert that all our young aye a"^ " sun„ of .,nor, noes. a ,•ono ensure -' r,o of wave 1 me,are thus ignorant, or mer old mets thus w'trb ,ply,lirmople two and ban, yet manly, naso 2 Being u ton the waters of ilia teat dee fall in vo licut, !,r b t0 keep[k" 'T[ley are not wholly occupied' avaricious, or all Western people so ental•- Her Wenner, e,q, acts B 1 g p' r, f tut IO a Ight b/lie d peC' rat trim. with a small vessel of the United titatca, called.ilio ns ole' `• c.wC n•iElr their indivfda.nl prosperity. '(`heir forme pfi;log Bad enlightened • but this is the ^( acorea Fray end nurt,..u, only um,! i cit- � J and Hill- '- do not receive all Weir attention. They are, B j y exceptions. w°j1 no the la,e, ." wit °"d comae. ,hlrred round Frolic, and nude capture thereof. Ight vl- cncrtil rule, subject to mutt lies rase rare same enalll irnt ' co- iso the With xpo such o state of things we can hwd, vnn"UT:and ca'.. ionto this hat! r Ani, w1. 3 However, in the same month, not many t1uy8 af- tains rod I,;;, kart •ofit earl, , lost= ,cin not st " dbusy" shat they can scarcely Gad: ly expect to compare favorably with the ell. C do wish all cry Clothes a°ora no, or .n^n out terwards, a fighting vessel of Cultur ia,-culled toe ; rl' time to read the "Tribune • and the do: ter,risin villa es of the West. But can-t t u,l• res of find "11e I Y I B B Imldlen ahaket Peacock, con'nlandcd by the brave WArriogion, nret a;rl .troy f th¢ rye a 1 not take It simply because it will aid them in ,not we Improve 7 Tres, and alloy mo 101aTa the lir heartr'1°t"a by m auhm,l hm'e ribnrna m' one of the vehaets or the king. ,.,, , ;r the .elm_ pluce I"ee; • the wnof +fir- lino. getting the "highest market Price"for their 'olrer n very few sag ettions on ire subject: irti nae 114.. dAnr wear° bm^. uhf dime. 4 N^w I licit were about equal ill force; and the dred t on ,-a-, t tele g Y l ui.o 1 and }. I _ I potalnu. They are willing not only to give i'First, let those who have ale most influence I r k"Ware whielw.re,"1°low,aka w do. (rhe wart!.. »atlle of the vessel of Bvit.,in wits called L'Epervier, - ii busy ar'iv :tip, '1"y- your ., I in We rootlet-parents, advocate rather Were sunh tremendous horeny ehouW rC,Ck atv' 'rm I 'their duaghters a "plain substantial educa•II than caudata social gatherings, p°"'°hal°w•r cold the captain's name was \Vile%. h ,oil vias t to thug tion," but will allow them to give some:11 ono ma g fin, wh�urbe th°� g 5 Aud they sat the engines of-dsbtructivn to work, army ^_ hull 1gAe ILlatcd ('sihtt rgriYl In the paries ml Yeo root aunta� and fought with great fury, for the ppdce of fusty t rl is o, II' I young y meet each other and engage iu !faun ,n non«. ail the -� teatian to music and those things which per. (Ennocent amusement that will have o leaden-,Lour '"lean hon' rrbemq", Lhn,bleof oro hearti lit, at an i ry c to refine their tastes, and lead than to of their mane mate, luw thea; � +iia• wish pi Lain.to their social nature, very few of lkenl, Y 41 W,al p,u4tnt. m,mblo. traMina warm,, sin; 14 lit• 1 i,hiuh, will say,as I heard a "good honest levo the society of refuel and intelligent Ee r cues. _ - _ ' ran) --_- _ I1 1 And.`:eJemtmi Hua fully<m,gnerrd hr vanity and n� citizen" Of this village remark not long since persons. shoo x9th' /seaman neat nna na And if that former who I liav0 in m t'°°°'O1R cut Icor don n ""r"' °" e'er "Whatgood will music he to them? Idon't mint(, when lie sells Ilia crops next 1vinicr.And the. arae Quaker .hunts atwea o mak u" < a n of Ifl reatlll r all her sown! 1 kuav anything about it, and I have lived to told hula n "heap"of"ready money,"instead�"j•tit}�m���Pauan,E.err Ivan Icadry clan lar mesa. �• sued age and enjoy excellent health. 6 t of it where it will pay Ilia zt�rEpp gttin'. As Oavtma,}Rider. uvith mx cove 27 Neither wits he a man puficd up wit!, vanity, '"° "'"`" ^"' '^ ^^•!u the army ci Let thorn learn to rend, write and "cy. I per can L, will just take a portion of it,•1. )lays tett that-bdme.' ever' ill talc hour of victory : ' - nn.i :,vain tf o alcor i stool niul purchase u piano; or, better' still, n me-I Notoand if,.naughty Iivial,c;l ° lh°t `illiad lee 25 For whorl lie had c'on,lllcred the fleet of Britain, ill t�• Y "s \\tor then I ph0r" and leave such nonsense to those whoi lodoou for his daughter, lid will noon coatesalolla net+dor..1n- `hrk 1114 atatecaee. leo and a j coca ,neo- lie wrote to Jones," one of the scribes of the grdae -0• 'om- for arit I 1 can nlfbrd it." They do not Took at one tido it was the besU esttuant lid ever made. I we.ee,m: f the s t irtEenroa,hvlr ih ma .nAddw nn Boy wen nut lir 51�nhcdrim, with rnnt!esty, saying, Z. Ilia of the subject only, as that man slid, but am happy to see that, many are doing Hits,IAh' never tans.putkere,m a sufloee ctnecir"ce. 1J TO day it hath pleased Lit, Lord that Clic ,eo le Co- tray 'h t view it in its proper light. They consider but,I sea many around m0 who ought to def bare. 1 P Ivl :k- 1 two of Columbia should trimnp!1 over theirenelnies. le d its itis »'aa it "the menthe+xntifnlartanddeicetscicncu„ it, anti who,judging from appearances, call n"'°•41At uebeFi,°twor�jut`r'e;;riah'e'l°,"pwnra; ell her troy- Ilio well affurd to do it. .30 AL the same Bine he wrote to Harrison, ilio is -Il'a moat efficient means of promoting the \vh, A,at Pea s ndlk rl cna us downward, wl,h chief captain 0f the host of Columbia, whore army I; °Si1Q the u m r h g Let parents aucourage their children in 'a'nemmn mina and l^wtp; acrd Iant "Y`urk ant:• ch;rnud the M,arrew, at rhe cons Lot the bay of Santlusl:y, suyiug, 1Va have, act ,} A. :u� as I e to >• prosperity, health and happiness of tea in- all iuuocent amusement,at proper time:,And t inn mn 7nR°vi:r�i r w�nr.on•.. r,•haa ilia. . Ans. m p.v the enemy, still they are ours ! - fore .he x d babibints of this "sin-blighted earth," arra thereby keep them from that which is vieiona itvery"a,°1wdn-n iba°c hew jt nom la Haar :k of ,.,.nt rte and deirrading f eve r arum ami 31 Then dill the enemies nC Columbia were; %ltd g tall, as snrh are willing to give it proper ntten- b, or amuaewent of tomo kind�lrsnmed w rarrn'Krf¢bted liner fore. "A bilk! a they miff hard. _ the gainsayer put on deep mourning. a of ' an- tion. _tees!a husks•' in, r hon ::c- the Another reason ashy, w0 aro socially def- of shoos nd Young uuforu lhcme Iver who arecaduties to hi iassubr ¢apemen .neer spoke or n,,% and 32 illdrelever, the great Sanhedrin honored Perry and ct g va"Ity la •°s ed here wan•all tiro SHanea seemed tnoki tvith great hon°,; nail gave lym mctlals, with dc- ld 'sal IY !u L ld,but eicnt is that our young men-Chose who are perform, if they wall became useful mem- dreartln rock to enh; "s r"unil °iAt 1 sown to take the "robin of overnmento'slid y. Man of them hav0 Gua Yea it awtusa a lw vices curiously wrought sof g beta of soriot y ro Mi ane a(r! °!°t1pruorW hitt n axmcd 33 Llkt wino, the people gave him much silver ly regulate the laws, litarnpiwe and theology of talents, which only need to be cultivated to A"d (Iw`r°a""trr„At little rauaoea Brow nervier nem A• I'e visdn°i lo! the . be felt to Wa loud. To Ghis and we eoalrl °h, the bid reu"r to bar when. leaven and ex• Plate, with.graving therrm,, mentioning his deeri9. t. id a go. loot cc , :eivcdl Ivan ,tile tbo Imrd, are to be seen (foe want, no doubt, hortna Ono 004 3q And Lpd b c• _our ed laid •in 1. ndvit0 Lhem t0 form themselves into naafis rrnMa3 see two emit awauss bar hamewara cosi• Y Maude, might read his ttiumph ie : hail iftnore hmoeeut amusernent) louthging nhont tie for unpuivcurent in mind and marols she aesaedl bis sanity's eyes. heir n, °J Icd on tile,street;and stores, talking g y debating soriefle'i "renil'ul' unions" 35 lies sora sbull !Icer lin apokr. I het g op tb, amp cn- - lar el of fueLl ug kc. RM p�q�)kaan+�rninul,u of cop she•%etln.a rvttn of \vial, rylea- d ua MCI` li0rses, and their pugilistic powers ; Bud But I'or thr st they lutvu u° tanto at present. A44 dOeehltk.btr hw waw of Intl coo ld•n,nwdns time; and hie name shall be numiunul lA ilio eon" '. s ss of a>' ' I' ,ccdi;y - -a},ogt bar rtwme playing cards and dominos, -Let thrin Lhf.eal'ure, as tint first thin mao- •;mt11e areasg uaa armnw them, a,W tai Of ilia virgins. Luse g " o h n ie. U. blot tt, tieahlr, "think eu their ways.° Leif thew A?letq as , plrit anA vahBon nr tn" 3fi \Vhcre, nh : L'rituin, are now thy mighty ud- a c- cat I that Ile u and not unfregnently Over the "foWing sari as vanity ore .ore Weir _ , allil Wing Consider what they are defies for soeiaty, aq. rue u"a waaanw, hambtw, na her Tags k minis ? \vhere shy Netsou t where ilia transcendanC ,. hirf rl !ogle TI'L 'r• .,f NIC tnin, ',"'1 bowl." Their tastasnre by fore;of circum and what the ons sur rs awn t vu_t I y ht to d,, uud o once tor- tad tm.stenstaeat lir a nest rlpyw the tuck tut glory they g incl for thea t lid "t• I stances anything but relined. They knew sake the conpauionsldp of fico low in taste_ aI'brr eow6r - ) It who of al ivm• who hos the Lis Lent horse in the village, and Y - - ------ 37 Alas : it haul, expired upon 1110 waters of Eric - I the mrd vicious b nature, and seek t11n society Logloal Theoy�. I+eferc tl'c destroying I ` !ed \�,I ' Bch ,IDd what man can mow the most great in a day,.. or the refroetl and gentle. Lrt thrill deter- -vary win obaene,^ .aid ,n, pteletson nth. �: ying engines of Perry. .P of lie I ! nits n Ire 'I mine to reform find assrrm' n,; tAie connidc,r nrrh,rwnauumEal.mtaebrrdlearrbr tempera. that but not more than half of them aro-n»•ara lde vd ,�� themselves worthy, sack the soci ty of rho �"Rn;`"n i"jl wanner ne.r tee top m me moon. 'and i Of blit lent that ;hare ins certabrkerritory nppositoSCX-.of reff... I sill virtuous I fon- salonrnaultItseem"near the lop or4mh,emr •w, IY. Jones, Secretary 2/'t&r,h'arv.T- 09- t, Sae. I tLc r 11 Le blib, ,o 1!1.. Ila the southwest known ass &ansad, wkitiltg !nines-tvho'. will sUen said 'tit us"foda tD°r in" `1°°"_ d patiently to be admitted Tato tale Union as fi 'over them for,{fie f,etfer. Every young man surmnG ii would. tiC1rn bn p nisssm -wit, an c_ Linn late„ and that ta of bought the "averwheilnin lull n "couch ' or laity friend, and tut him p,twtlln a"'iam'osP ere dee Hie 'by "moon°u`ira runt; xt ,! B cull neon liar often and spend uu evening�aam,` °r°ohinen rmeo, e n, ^y-out lomdty fur freedom, the ill t4, eooverealina — - -� _ __ ' Ili:• r+i i,,i_, - --- a Vitt� � - on 110(lid►. :- m.. ... - orifi cr .:_. �r jt , the a f,lk lfrakly Tinn.a.J President of the United States, who was her good nTgl'ih'lis will I'MIliot'lio-WlibCtst - elected to look after the welfare of the whole alio" ,when he rateratl her preeonee—that � �e, d1.• Alit, Mares ;—It Is generally achnoo'ledr- "it was good to be there." "Itis not good 4 When the mariners of Columbia overcame tho 18 The loss of the kin, in killed and wnanded I at. the fill :1.t- a b cauutry—the North an well as the South— LS" g P, ed, 1 believe, that Ih0 villages of the Boat, is using Ilia mighty influence to have It 1.d• for m°° to be moue,"—(alible)—and Dong ;servants of aIle king,and the vessel of Britain struck that day, was about Sennty sold live; sold live Or the to A led ut, one earl fight when' i mencnunotspend thmr ume ' fol I b t Warrington. Jrarticulnrlg those oil Long Island, if we es•;milted with ilia corse of Shively upon it. PY Y her red-cross to the shier of men of Columbia were slain, and ubuut a score ed to Co works, ! ' themselves. These 1 consider some of the maimed. set- to ceps, perhaps, Ilunringtml, Orient sora Shel. And that John A. Scaring, member or Cdn. 7 And there were alaiu and wounded of the ace- f+lc :eft uui- oy the 6mtetepe to a thorough refermatian. ` 19 Anil the friends of the great Sauhedrbri wire o that the the ler Isiood, are fur in hind those of Western geese from thin district, Duca Bold : tThe v¢uts nl the king about hvputy sopa three; but there ty. I think if our young }eople (fur to them l ' New Murk nod Yl.e \'i'esterQ Stator, in Ley,'whnlo histm'p or the republican (free Stott} meat we look for ere reform) Will look 1.t. were gone Blain of the people of Columbia, pleased with the valiant acts of Blakely. Putt• Cock. in Kansas shows that its staple arti B Moreover, Warrington gat about an hanrlred 20 Moreover, on the twenty-seventh easy of the 1% - t;r Cla nfi. ' j ,ptlOt to FOci'J qualification. We must ndmi( pare ora revolution, rubellimd, meson find other mu subject and the a proper l look "" IrV n to ,pka of ei WO shall F00a Bae u great than and (wpm thousand pieces of eighth u'lunth, the Wasp cnpuu c+I :nu thw' pbi r of I , f +,end t till rrnr, i5e, im1 Ida t° tile fact, for ti,e goof is overwhelmiu Ibut, trimer, under the K change for the Y P , that were in the b l g dent," and adds g°iso of liberty and free- better in our "social systotu." ves.el. � ; the king, called the Avon, and suck her to the t:1,!y ,to [atlife same time it becomes its to inquire— , "Kansas should be odmit- ' � :,,,,, q I have only offered a few of the so tom of the rent deer , ;Behar the why is it 7 First and chiefly, because at the ted under the Lecompton Constitution as Y gges- 9 And he received great praise throughout the g I• dap r rape, let'' of deb '' " soon ItB possible." And they only know be- lions that have .occurred to.tile,,and hope land for this gallant exploit. 81 Aud the Alain and wounded of ilio Avon, was \r:,d L:',[ III g .sin others will offer nosy batter Dasa'; for this lu rUdd the great 9anhedrim thanked him and gave hvo score and two. I,a. 1 Ills a just inst 'West we find the pecked men of alio oast' panne they are told, that the Suffolk ow ek-be- '[) I ' .i —Yhoao who, alt long They are running 1 Times is ml outer t•iain• a err and bound le certainly a subject in which we are all In. him a otedal of' old. 22 Howbeit, about the same time, the Serra and .Il, it sp. d of a s°•l- g ' y t 6 p p terested• "QODL`$P'.1." g the Rattlesnakes fell into the han;ls of the kin•+. ' the ,p- the trove dons ;ity', :c amt �ctl- over" With ,enterlrrisc, and as much as any to rico (if it hes not risen high enough al- Southold A rrid, 18x8. 1 I Likewise,tare people of Savannah, a chief town ;Masa of neo in the world occupied with bol- roadq,) and tbat ilio ILepu6liwn Wmchman, ' I - '-- in the state, of Georgia,being a Thousand miles to the 23 About This time, the whole I.+nd of Columbia �`get- tilt tS.• dant Lpr in- a I Answeror Tho m sac Quaker Malden•' In aauih of Naw-York, honuecd him greet! was ordered to be hemmed in fi i;oahrsnc a dr . f the s cf is of sxaa- liar- - eiaesa tmd 1eptaetical affairs;'can ocedaian•' If it does not make ono more revolution and etas utle or a prom anon 1.a Ia aMaiden br y-• y L Eant seven, -, that without getting farther South, will be inI,let L. stontaomary. It 1- Idao called "The 12 For he had brought bath v-sm.ls into their port; rant of" king, and'a chief aapwin of the nae, of 'i cel Yha'„' ally find time to think and talk of something „ n Aml1a flmiker ,87aAner.” 1t was publtebed y ssed of ; .+. 1' VA,H- ,and g defunct before 1860. Thoy do not know nearly twenty peara ago loo the Panay by and there were much rejui,-u,+s ; end a rich toast Britain. other than stock and potatoes. They go in these facts from observation, for they do the Lothrap Company, Boston. It is an col- was prepared for Ivi 6 .dyed ,tae, \. that ,f talo r l not � olutn- Ileart and sou] for reasonable enjoyment and not "take the trouble" to read either paper, Iowa:. I p Mistily the ru oplai - 24 But all their blockades were of un avail; for some hep' seem- `,,art J :, for (r the would Y A..little.Quaker neiden, with d,mnlnd d+eok end 13 .M04 cover, It cable to pass.on the twent and ill is � 'I recreation, They ndvocnto education sold Y just look into them cbe r-:,ehm. y-eighth the men of Columbia escaped and outwitted them. nmrz army open- would II would soon perceive the truth. afore nn anrlent run-in saw's and vlewe.t err' day , f toe sixth 11101.01, that r.;.c of(loo- fi filing ships ilia 'acro end, late . how, f• i' fine arts, and do not believe the chief end or: Me, within: �of Colombia, r,.dlt:d lila t\',+s, ,Del .. vessel of the of 1'"''` "a of , to young __ ' I donut mean ormit, rt duet«!l our ono Qua wore a sewn ar w+ner seer. a rppa a.•h,ma 1 • ._._' ther. iuw+ ter ! moue existence is"[o make mono and then •"A vr+N, • U. S, sch2wer nerd bre a honer 14 'or., ;u op' ,,va ,rave ticut, t0 ai ,his 1%ff h Karl t . I I y , man aro thus iall Wes, or oar old neo thus #'1.h and let,mple crus NIA seta, rat nWnty. neat km;; upon the uceau e.,kl:(l tor. kcaldear; alter one b, r rade. , cr- f the fight d pec- Bi-l• to keep it." They are not wholly recopied avaricious, or all Western people so enter- Har an oeil1Ot:,q, -%- any and "riff, 1.p omr ua„' of ilio swdt running' u,inuds of Culumhin• n. u}' cast li g with their individual prosperity, Their farms prising and enlightened ; but this is the "r ”"r" 14 Now filo \V:+,p \v+a c nnm;,:.dcd b n man of gilt I en- ! d and -waF SAW In the Inn., ea snit qn,i white, eblrrad round Y do not repeivu all their attention. They are; general role, subject to matey exeaptione, per rrnr rhea 044 courage ; whose naluc Woo, Lk, q,. I,t 1 sande moot pcae't irnt Q, 0 Ito the sem With such ¢ state of dings we can hard. Qdatf she: •'an, how r hntr u„, ani: r I+ata nee IS Aud u etre:,diol b,dtr be+;,o; one ;pre- :1j be. 'ofit wt ,i toge- '` 1 ` not so "busy" that they can ecerpely (lad :lY expect to compare favorably with the en• t dI Wish and 4001 hoe wero nm at „ash ,it,,- and the nkkcl:iev- { : e ua' After time to read the Tribune ; soil they do terpriemq villages of the West. Bnt can- +rme nhuaaen onspel by no egheol here +•u,r+ane m °1.d balls of dcsu action hirowured aromul with Ire. ,tl.° lea of f tate +ise. - IenGleh ehnnel not take it simply because it will old Clem 1:1 net we Improve f Yea, and allow me to rhos loll, meh(IUna Vela C• a til 4i L11C �llIn- place I"Ce; the apd' t.e a ,r.ne. 'fie hTe I",eta qr, n••xt agar wears blue. Oh, door, 1G NcverlhalCas, Ol�,krly ran down upon the, dred b Betio ilio •'hinbeat market iricd'for their olE@raver few s1. a+tions on the en1 Lct l oR r,r. 1 the t e galling o Y j• e,91 and y .•�. Kg • uta,:., ter,+ . 1 kna wlgt 1 should oke to Jo. (Th. wen,a Reii,deer, and in about tw, uty minutes he atplured i; h i ;i, thry an it. :app any- Your ,em j First, let thuso who Itavc ilio most in6uence .,. wt,.,. �1 uld •, Ithreir da They ata walling not only to give pipe 1141 t 1. "drop here"y phould req,:." her her. f; ::ns t to ting :p a � their daughters n '°plain substantial odllpa-I In t1r matter—parrots, advocate ratter "„n," hr,,,e.r - y - •4 :I sif than condemn social gatherings, where tUcl 17 But her captain was slain, and she was as it f [ p - army — husL �Bht alscd lied • - 1 ton," but will allow them to give some at-, young may tweet each other and engage if, e"„i, i "the per,oe pat tm: gaaa nuntp� wrr : a wreck upon tilt: eaters; so Rlukcly deau•uy- f�{` h Little 1-eer fine now leb-haus throdred thn boars' _.------ _ rn, ill 'eud� is ry fe7ltion to music and those things which para f iuuocent amosameut that will have a leaden ar alk, Yonne ill„1.e, ed hen id ilia __`_--- with fiA7fl f0 lh@j[ social nature„ very few of team;1 ey to reliefs their mates, uud Iced them t0 '•,s�"'°s" nvmtene. humma taq,•ein,; war+,1.r pea � VAK ant,xen” of this village remark not ton since r .,la, nn lire lovethesoviet of refined mid inleliir.e And rprtkdeut hnnll\ r ngnore,l l tent qua - - — —�- — I think-, will sae,,as I beard a "good ldonemt Y o 1.t t+ , b - K p Aad if that farmer who I have ooh m sh- amo er-a e k b,1.., +1..i nnx.... -J .I —"What good will music lie fothemY I don't mind when ho sells his erops next wiamy And tyle lite w l e,n,c, ""wtJ a took o-+•++. i"", + her aown I 1 'kuoty anytbivg about it, and I have lived to said has a "buap"of "ready money,"instead LL; c,1ue all tb"u nota,^ h`ifte Any me-t- 1 `,'C I d„d ,6p core env...... mar tnwne. { 1. .a good age and enjoy excellent lenllU.n of Investinoe AIN it where ,t will pay him " " _ 1, til; atT11" re !. {may,'. _ ,.- 1N raY .ral,rta a 1 r I""'I 1.x t InJe,. rJ a+ I+In x • will a"atll t1 I [r: .�Tf tr'o�. 4..+- r ' I:C Ile them learn to rend, write and "cy- 7 per could, will just take u portion of it 'Anva tart enol l n, 9 Now when s i ! t was Moet e p a a to a ,.I-a amt rnnrn n+r n the savages of the wilderness hchcid after uqy„ they and pntroUasa o piano; or, bettor still, a ma. An the r,pnkh,Y u.1... ,nm 1. om- Y 1.d tva and 1.3j Is p1er,'"and leave sock nuaeouse to those who ,alldma dawn 1.,p r ark .id "lamagaq. ,+r"„ t+e„ (1re them of Britain flee before the warriors of Co. lodnou for Ilia daughtm•r, he will anon toe, I hs-LY-L ata. Ct[AP. XX%lt. 7umbia, their spirits sunt:, and they wero am•e array, f the s loo, Ai•" , '{ - of can n(j'ord it." They do not look at one side' it was the beakinvestment he ever nolo, I ttoen�n;n„n1” til" M,ndow 1.p n,rr a„t ill ad.' that +' in am Ila p Ab!.never little Quekeree, a aulhi,r c,.neclr Baa Co. tray a • of aero subject only, as that mon did, but pl y to see that many oro doing this, lora. t0 i\toraovcr, Ict :k- ("'o cr, viewitin its proper light. They consider, it sea Many around me who ought to do Capture of alnldan and Drrroit—rbc army of Ccn, + espy apbrnided Adc nervnnts of tare it and who judging from u peanupcus, can Da"lnon"$thPahr.�r�°i,tire°a a'kH`ay�'i'ward'.eht her f'rorror reirea[ tuauards the Morax'iun towns— 1'111 saying, Lo ; yc have deceived us tl•OY' the `l Illy its ' ons it"the mast beautiful ort and dL 'iset science" '•i g K Pl g' Y g' t and led us well afford to do it. while Ann'Daae walhrM paxtns downward, veitb Gen. /Iarriaori turenea them. from out,buntin u Sl,e the hl p 'r is —the most e61r.(enA means of promoting the Lot rarents vaulters u their children in +' up+hla a�ma nna tewly;. i g grounds, and we ore an htingcred ; 1.t ,vrd ant, Y�ehat, Elak�.` chwped the Pparrows at qhs: I I For, verily,, e , res t pda to ` prosperity, health and happiness of the in- all innocent anmxemeut,1.t proper times,told And. it Yi ' as e: wdwn•.. where til= Y Y promised us bread and tvinel# u, ,o- :he , c to troy rAd and silver and gold; yen, even that {va should drink fore �f vto (issue nes of this "sin blighted earth;'and thereby keHp tlCm frUm Eh IBE whll'h iN YlglOn6 ffiv.ry`n "d awtfirod ifil”. u, over Brant .1.d r,a 1.r n; the of the strong waters of Jamaica, if we e•oald go out geld, ux ill as such ore willing to glue it proper atter and degrading, fur um,tsnwont of sumo kiudlaeegs,fa .ice artrtadiodd Larger i oke, "A Stunt . a with Lill, they will pace. ,euett4 a[bekr• You and fight the battier of the kin a I' son hr: flan. g, g:dnst the cF the And young tuen—chow w10 are capable)In satdr Qaadman sxaar eponw at arida and INTO W widen Perry had taken care of the cnpNvos man of Columbia. and do ct r Another reason why we aro socially deli- of choosing for themselves—have duties to Want it anmedlenkalk coons last` ( at ed 1 u! but here err- + 12 Rut, behold . now ye would run awn and ' 1 , , d 1 client is that our young men—those who are perform, if they would become useful mem- had the wounded,and act them upon the there, Jeave us to Ggh[ stale. Y y '" I Y tor, ` +nee,Mtt to Mm;. 2 ➢la bi•+nn to convey soon to take tlo "reins of government"and Y• Many of them have fine No n as n to penpert.. wl a laa.rd a y file army of 1f.trridun from a. I, bees ofsociel tfit&oetraea(VI 13 Whereupon many of Heir tribes cast awn Ietn .lee visd0m , sol` i talents, which only need to be cultivated to And wtth•�°re. utgta fafA"ca Fort Rlcigs and romul about, Y a n� %'�It ase In, the Ice regulate the laws, literature and theology of �g�' _ {raw naarlrP their tomahawks, and refused to fight g , ?tire L.t - be felt In the laud. To this rind we could �t Apr it7o "nenadetA' ser-when' prarnr.Bad as- 3 And hiring g-athrred them together into his via- b t under tato tau. id err• .ce was rte's ' LUo land, are to bosean (for want, nodouht, eels, he brnuGht tLcm, uud landed them nigh auto »urs of the king, out ea laid ,1.d •iud. advise them to form tllemaelves lute �oe�• sen I. rr adttaxf•t?!t°a bar hamaaard why 14 And when Harrison come to Sandwich, Proc• had a t of more innocent am ointment) lounging about ties far improvement in mind and mvrala, �' "`-r the Strong hold of MAden. heir 1.b tl, Icd nu mop alt- f the streets mid stores, talking aargoly of fest tlebnting societies, "reading union;" 'Cc. ldpr,aowtN,:lit�a Wnftiw at tib ahs•d'palaed wilh 4 And it-calve to pass, on the twenty third da o for and his arm had do site d Front the place and '1.a Y Y f (kill towards the �iver 1'h�mcs,ueur Mol•uvinn 1'� . vild 'K sap ' ilcd e, _ horses, find their pugilistic powers ; and But for these they Iwva r,o taste at present. A4­41* she aM had testas dr tap w•gdyr,ailartna; the earn.•+nonUd, in which ferry conquered the Supp IS vow own. ra %as of aY, '"' r rcriliI 1, . i:""' Aw, ( the Thames emptieth its waters into tho It a IC. c, a- 1•loutl, Asa to • �( a throat bar rooms playing cards and dominos, Let them therefore, as LLe first thing ln'ao• t'eae- bad firnbrad them; ane-Alit-. of lhitnin, lake St. Clair ,Ir. that ticubic, ' lUluk oil ilia r ways." Lot tb@w �, uud the htoravimd 'Towns tie upmi :arc e- thew pu,h sold not nnfregnently over the "flowin Y it GILran pt aplrJt, tir,a tviAum qt too b 7•Gaf Harrison, aIle rLicf cnptnin, began to' the river, Whoa[ an bun,. •e 'he :u, Iain ..cd - 8 Coamlder what _they are doing Cor society, so. rt4rantaaq saddened, humetad, on bar haaa"rk march the hest of Columbia a aiust file su'oll hold In d miles frond Malden,to. lief „t '°RIs of til•: r bowl." Their taster are by farce of circum- and waist they ought, to d,,, and at once for -Illi"AM meso of ?I:Jden. and ca K 6 tvm-tis the north, in the province of U 1.t "11• own And•ta tittLa dnasr Apped the luck out Ptured A town colied AnlhersCi Plies' Canada. Le Y whohas anything but relinedi Thee, ,know 'old the us by nature, of tam low In cieto er�s aoa'�lra`h°r burgh, nigh thercuhtu. It IG Moreover,as they jour"'cd ort, the brava M'Ar- tit I ltd of :It {•,i,,.. .Iver' who has the fastest horse ➢n tho village, and a''d vicious by nature, and seek Lha each, Zo IeHI T$te ' --'� 6 thole - !cd :Bch Jh'il ' g Y � - ' 6 Now P,oct.nr was the chief ca naln of file acvs., -rossed over with his bm,tl to file sU•uu hold of ofliel 1 1t !!- what man call wow the most gross in a do of the refined uud genie. Lebthegp deter- -veru tan abperro: said the aeitranr, •the 1 vetroit, and touh it. K s, utcr It m g re mine to reform, and as Boon ae tleyconsi.tler blabsrehpaYauMattalaratper rmr ts,eter.-. ger slid servant's (:f fire king. that sda ver o - o ,:.:p. but not more than half of them are award themselves worthy, meek the such of, Lhe noteuienmea.• 7 Anri when lie Saw the men of Coluylbia ape .as- ''uud M1 F lIw mut u warmer ass}tit wp df the naso Sar.- I I.a Of lite tout that thorn is a cartainkterrihdrp opposite sex--.M refined slat virtuous"'few- sa(oats+.asltbmiasvauer.YsM(ttlukyhom..ttpe Proach,lie destruycil the fort,the ,.cora, a,rd Iba Stora i,a A4is. l- " ,J „I,•i " In the southwest known ad Kansa> whiting inines'—who,will soon 9Yert an inhictleo met n they n�'' houses of the king, and, with Ili, whole bust, 11 +r ` "Certalnti nm."Nanllep 1De 1'teffaol�ja, 'tier dp] •C- `:tt ,rt- h Patiently to be admitted into the Union as a ours them fcepelIle bolter. Every,young man Iaataha'Xatrowa tear''. ,4.i swiftly towards Sandwich. s Sre Teeafueh'a le[trr:o Pro<eAY, - �s e! - r, l,,-- e. �- Stat , and that though the "-oearwhehnll bas u "coudri" or Indy Piimp(I, noel let him yha'aP4 q' ta,vty� , ova , ui,and the host of Coiutnbia , �1Vxt rl lark o g p __ - lleli h,9d'1 '+ FWgu T.'gYhT at 8 Atoll kl:_rris d , follu• _ t -9, this lime the Br*iah a1vu,i t,r:' d ,. ru - value6 1.y b re ut =pta'oridy" cry out luudlq_for freedom, the ill cheerful conversation,- J '• . I ad Karel after him. pdice. • • 'f L — o.:p his K call n nn liar often sad sJwud nn pvuain Af• Of ne IIc. i+`,, --Z���.re+�_ ,�ar,T"nw•'yy,��1�99a�"4i: f,_ __J�� _w._� ,'i:C ..�_ •................� _ _ •�Yr .—..-_ —.... -_. President of the United States, wild was her good nTg11E'It�:win-Ailif t iii rallit Tiettela -t For the Baffolk Weckly Times.] - ,` i elected to look after the welfare of the whole shoe when hb entered her presence—tent bin. ]Torres ;—It is generally ackuowledg- 'it was good to be there." "It L act.good 6 G1 6 Nevertheless, he [died, and lost many men; of. ,e, 'da. 'eft, Y believe, that the villages of the east comdry—th0 North air well as the SnnQl— for man to be alone"— Uible an oun servan the n'1 :uh -� ... I s . in usiag his mighty se of slavery to hove in lad• ( )- d y B ter which the command of the arty [vas givwu to u Jed ut- d to pfl ight when Y Particularly teens on mon Cannot spend their [side -some iofp he her re( chief captain, whose name was Izard. pd(o 'Pa Y Ld'ng,island, if we c•x- nutted wril.h ter, curse of slavery upon it, themselves. These I"consider-some of the 7 .1 .:a' Co. wtsrtdy ;eeltt, prrhupn, Iluntsgton, Orient and Shel- And that John A. Serving, mcnilcr of f'on- 7 In the meanwhile, m:my of tLo evils of wm'fu'o ;nit alai- o to r ' rens from thin district, once said : "The lipI thinkteps it our young to - vat,t+ 1 CHAP. XL, were committed on and about the waters of Ontario ' y the ter ILinnd, are Gtr h,`hind tease Of Western g T think if our yoaug people (for to them that tike liberty to- - r weals history of the s that it lfrae State vvcrc , and the great lake Erie. ; New York and the Western $[alae, Jn res- ) must we look for the reform) will look at fi bun• Sri.party in Kansas shows that its xtaftle m•tJ' this subs ) 8 1J1 - l Luck. a And a gallant cnptai+b whose name was nii• 'iiRgO to media qualification. We mast admit clew oro revolution, robelliou,m:von laud other subject and give it proper utter the and tw' hrr•nkin tr r o the cantnnrr+rnr 'i:n•,' took about two hundred he n to .,,its of r thai fact, for the roof is overwhelming but crimes, under tea be Leal, sono see a grant stooge far the .4 f ,! at 6•rcnch Afilla—, sena t nn ^Lir incl ,car P g; gnisaof liber[ land free- ' I b u cLcd mf the marinerj°i int. lad a dam, laud odds, "Kansas should be admit- .bettor in [last "wcipJ system." vcs,,l, aracr lar J,u•f`sle-A9i[!._.tilujur Ap/+,leg raprnree the royal nary of Dritxin, lit a place colied S.tndy It° ,,,.,,,, viby 1 some time it becomes us to se at o— �� I have only offered a few of the smgges. 9 '� rruo hundred Bridth eramen—(;rn. Brown r,1 Creek, b ;ether antsy is It P First and chiefly,because at the ted under the Lecompton Constitution as tions that have occurred W me,,land Gu land ht fro Y aha watma of.lakc Ul,tur.01 being in Iho sat, ICU, aha y „ I soon as possible." And the only know be- Po terra Burt Arae--battle of Lhipftatpa/ilainr. same month shut the stivog hold of Oswclra wad bis t' his dri, • 4f aiuiug ..,ih ' 14Voet we find the picked mea of the enaV Y others will offer many better man*; for this lu taken by the idea of Britain. I;I, i. Just Inst y P , ,cause they ata told, that 1110 tiUtEolk Week• certilled —those who, although they ore "running IyTimes in an enterprising paper end bound tereetednly a subject int which we are all iu• himtay `asp 9 New on the third day of rho seventh month, it tip- :1 of s st•i• > .' Qse4'a with. enterprise, mid as much as any to rico (if it Gas not risen high onougL al- 'QODF]ih1Y. carte to peas,, that Jacob, the chief ckptaiu of rho 1 ot. t the ,trove :Iona .ity. :e and 'ell- if Southold, April, 1858, in the t Tads oP men in the world ocpitpitrl with hu- 9,) and that the ne more re Wstcbmnu, Aanwat�•+Tba Little Quaker Malden" In 1, Lost of Columbia, on the borders of the river Ni.I ru- • tai- :1 sat •her ins „ if it docs not make one more revolntiml Hurl ere ails or a poem seek Le in aoacrtbna lay L tile 's of i taMlas and pnetic¢h affairs," can occasion• that without otlin flattest Song° will be tinp till Moat �-! South 1�TOW it came to pass, in the second month of the ra' - I:ault v the �aveny Is of urea- bar. .• ;). 'I a1Jy find time to think and talk of something o n g g LIaL Quake �eyMarl[ I t Alswan o Called "Thi same year in which David at home to the United to Having prepared his men hc&,rchand, crossed :,•;,, 'nycd tLv,. 4'AZH• ,bet} I g "defnaeC before 1860. They do not know ,yeartr twenty 3euui's Aso in 'thn Ymbisyhb°. aI' I tit Staa•ay g the river and captured fart 1;ri of tltm' .other.shoo stunk and pmlaldrs. They go in these facts from observation, for they do tike'Lathrop colidiaay, Boston. I( la na rut- w;'s ar P ea anti An hundred ,de :fu;c ,f the not �olnm- �, all and soul-for re"amiable enjoyment and out"take the trouble" to read either paper how"', - 13 t 2 That the armies of the north began to be in mo. thirty and seven of the smlaicrs of the king, and soma 'tDn' :res . tars land tiffs to Itccm & for the would est P p ' *;little Q'sater Monica, with drmplid ch"'k moa tion, ;bed departed from the lace called French yf Q,e tlestrmyiagungillca) aide (a "IY o an• wfy' q recreation. 'Peep advocate education and Y j look lute them they ' hln_ (Id I' P P 11 And the next du built[,, p ;rcyaseason u ' xrould soon perceive the truth. v>:nere en Anotent mlrrnr nerd and vmwe a ear of Cul 1Ndls, where they were encamped. Y the anniversary,of the lit • op%viinti- o ! • !' ;floe orfs, and do not believe aha chief end of li P form within: I du not menu to onset[ chat rtll out Younga"° weds a. sown of Bober aro y, a poop ill 3 And a tart thereof moved towards Pinttabur h Independence of Cutumbi•, aGFr having Iciiauuae of °v t t ,rave of Cher. h w, r 'man's existence is "to metro mmspy and then!:men are thus ignorant,Or our old methu %'fib vrypbmal told dna h•ie. vee eulnoy. nes, kin„- a on Take Champlain • and was commanded g e tile, men of tear to dcfri,d the [tote, :,ro ticuy . his t 1, ew %er, t 1 , mantled by a brass a t. to keep It.” They pre not wholly occupied nvnriciona, or all Western people so auto- Her nrod,ei"i.;^; wsa Lrav ane ata. n9 ober Lir,,, of tine anon, whose name was Macomb a . v tea to, fight d pre- 12 lye vu.ce:1 Ln n Li- ha•.t wu.rr..l the Whine of t.aom :r �µ' t with their individual prosperity. Their farms Prising and enlightened ; but this is the was ie TQi11Qnp, .o son anti wnu.. .harred roub,l 14 chief captain, followed ahw'[hent,and Wilkinson,iti'ilki[lsourho Cl.i2 lie trhl:ro the}• r:urn for ILc ui ht.. ' fight Inn- I J and RfJiF. '+ do not receive ads their attention. They are, gt°m'nl role, subject to malty axrepthona, ' nor roar ra^n. coua:,h 13 Un Clic I.cst ti„ Ja,eb us��,:mbl.:d Lie ea .'n :red same -Wont Irnt 'ro- stn the va- With hatch a state of things we caw hard- Quota -he: --oh. flow,i hale,era r,,tt t salt c„s (, ,, 4 But the other putt of the host commanded L r y Pt•' s n, Ire- lean veal[ teal c not so "busy” Wlnt they ran scarcely find; sown end^ape• Iacob, whose sir- Y ! f:.ia, oli1 his Captains of hundreds,and ap,A:e Liu- pfd• 'ofit ly expect to compare favorably with the en- t a• wien au m,• clothe„ woutdna ha name was Drown, went to Sackeu's ca of III,- time to rend the "Trihuuo; said [Goy dol terprising villages of the West, But can' childrenrebels], "ukasssfi�x by to .•llool ha.Abba., Il, Hal I,or; and from thence against the strong hold of Io Il�.sr v t n g, and troy f the ,fisc. 1 mendu g tf a net inks le simply mar it will aid them it not the improve P Yes, and allow mo to!, [last haft; 1 a I. the ;,rot mf Qtc ki r, arz mighty ni,n of the �unn• place Lace ; • tea and 1 l,- ,,-,. the •. Niagara. Y �� lio,�. rt. getting rho"Iaighnat market price"for their) offer a very flaw slagge+tions on the subject:I Th little I ..c 'list deer wears ewe, oh, lost• 16 5 And it was so, that when Wilkinson heard "tela, .bed tl:Pir numbers cn a rc:,t, cren tuuo wLn I m+al tired , oa u,u `` First, lot those who have the most Jnduenee t"h"'c.;n•`yhat :rh od Ilk. to d^' ('1•ha we1'de Rciodf that p,,,�!:r u, Spain uudcr the I�:amcr's of ri';:I ' Elio• arnv" ;a n, l,t._ '1"Y • IpciEoJner. They aro wilting not only to give I her. Jacob had gone against Niagara ; Lc m¢rshallr., out Ili, b y i d your .Isla) ° I their daughters a "plain substantia, educe-ll in the mutter—parents, advocate rather Less anon aremendou, homey should reach aur a7 f his L.rce, mal went agxinst a place le the province of -•. 't ply a `las t to rl than coudomo social gatherings, where the unto below,) -- _ _.- - ar:n hue f .d t'? tion," but will allow ahem to gine sosme ab young may tote[,each other and oq e e in G ►,saa�is the moor vat the roan a.m,aa. the kis�K, called La•Cole-ivlJll, to mks it. _ y ys g 7a11t nn Yaaaa. wet' a • l fist l teutioa to music and [Gose things which per• ,Innocent umusomeut that will have s tendon•'�ti ortltah in oke" nrokaedliaun th oldoed the heart ed her. 'lar ail and - - tai•to their social astute, very few of them; cy to refine their tastes, and Icad theta to:Aa-t sahs Prudent_humble..Nnchaae warauy ane, r kiln. cast-anon. - - ,.,ie$t I think, will sa na I heard a " have the social of refined and lutdligenC And, L ll mina n^ rally p„nanrrN by v.mry dna. =---:. .- Y, good honest Y rial orbic.. _ �. citizen” of this village remark not Ion r slate 811 , wits' 're„'a"ra lira., and nhaera. as her, g h p .And if that fanner who I h¢tc m m• haesu"k wt her down. -"Wbatgood will music be tot I don't mind, when lie sells his crops next whiter And ren rata Quaker nnYvr..pwra a tusk (Hoa: her aowAl 'know, anything about it, imd I have lived to said has a "heap"of"ready money," Instead"' Fnllence,art thou rladyt rrlr4h say mea4- n of Investing all of it wLm•t it will pay Lan M*_ ase"sand oboo'anhrt,nae;,, with hi• woo: 17 But the nava res and the mon of Uri a ,t"rl n,,. ,""„•ds the arnv i a good age and enjoy excellent he¢Ilh. g 1 Yve lora their Lama.' 6 hand men or IT:Let them learn to road, write and "lay. T per tout„ will just take n portion of il'� .T area.i],tll Flotilla aweat voice test eland her t,roycd those rein rs thin had de• the host of Uritain, ' with whom he followed slot ti t and •"sin U., I'tat and pawehase n piano; or, better still, a me-! ops me.n.pakty latus maid. t, which the could out c",,rr al , -pber,' and leave such nonsense to those who aRmni•fib".[ha nark as nataoasa nopra their y lad ods p lodwtu for his daughter, he will soon cmpftsm o as to evade, away,and fl.d in haste, Y Y 28 Nevertheless, it happenttl that a b;bed mf leu om s le, arc e can a�•ord it.” They do not look at one nide' it wsa the beat 1OVestment h0 eve• nlmlo. 1 P°epU"Qkyty m.th"-shadow-in they went out at lit So bl'Arthur, in whmn he chief cL Lain Am hn I Ah(. never 1tiile Queker9tf a euluie.� annc Hutch faith r t I pill lumtties strove to give hindrngcc to d(e army at Co• tray o t111t 1• I 4 Of the subject only, as that man did, but p{y to sea that ninny are doing this, ansa- - unr° Wall, al Detroit it the charge dlcec• _ vieww,L 1n its proper light. They consider but,I Lac many around me who might to du f oh• 29 Ant the men of Columbia let ttvo of the r d i !t 'Ic oat _ - „ it, find who,judging from uppourances, can a#4ij^�¢hnawnr.,w��n�n'a tlk,nR,,q'x•urd: all ne' 19 Anil it came to in ens destroy- t t ith .s t f it "tfiomomtboantifolart and d eetacheucc wall afford to do it. I luxe, when Harrison saw that g e1Oex Inose upon thctry and thev Qud into rho -r While A),nr Perp•wnlhnl nexine dnwnwurd, Car, ,yt, (Ge li , —Edo most e8inicnC means of promoting the a humble mina and mw•ly: the host of Britain fled before hint, he departed h'om wilderness like wild deer, 0 0 1 g Let parents encourage their children iu oat "Took nick hyped till, aparrewe m the Sandwich and went :d'n:r them ; it bciu nil ,as a Ivrri prosperity, evoke and happiness of the in- all h ohmant amuaemeut,at proper limo+,and uaao Baa;eaoa sit. And i senna partner Wcltann'a, where ter Sen the 9C- It rid• :GC C uta ire t u. 6 u the p bernd:,ar sten.] wide. conal day ofthe next munch. fore of °haldtunts of Ulie ein•bli•bled earth, and Y ked them from that which is visions 'Every noard that Issued rn,m it. over, ,an, and (old rrr lar rn; v'•'- •�, and degrading, for anmseaueat of mount kind ever olurk, 20 And his whole army followed after him, in all pe seas are willing to give it proper atteu aeegwa to tar awaxhtan fancy Ilk-, "A fupuI a + they toil[ hate. was. a Went" about three thousand bravo meq from the back-woods an• limn. z 0v n, r fan till, the And young men—those who are capable m maat'aa Goodman Rider spoke of pride and of the state Lit' Kentucky ants the Pleasmrt villages of and ct Anmther treason who we aro socially deli• of chooming for themselves—have duties to whim-ni"Tna p'nenAn eae.,.e [spathe •round that m Ohio. ?'nal :Y ho ed n if,but Qt16c elect is that our young men—those who are perform, if they would become useful mem• drMdlvI Ar to sap, 21 Now Harrison was a uui 1 Y Har it awelleq:In Its pr^partfons. Ills It n,mnea ! 1 soon to take the "reins of government" and burs of society. Many of them have tine. AOJ LI l the r orae Pauaoce craw haavaer 1 no man costal make him afraid fiend he of Calor nuJ tem a• he sof ; txlenta, which only need to be cultivated to label ter carr. , vis<iom (o! ,the tgml¢ta the laws, literature °ted theology of R� officers that were with him were all valiant men. s go- :Lit sV Yeiw,etit bd volt in the laud. he msel end we couldsocio. fib, ryerriunnT Iisaen Her when. prayer" and lax-- 22 And, when som0 of ilia captains acid uut•1 Him ?!1r err ,ce was tit'6 Sha land, aro to he seen (for tube[, no doubt, advise teem to form themselves into socio-:�'ttset rte( a,tdad .unites her M1pmewnrd way ° .our a laid - •imi, Ilrltl s rnf:more innocent amusement) lounging About ties for improvement in mind nail nlelnlx F - e I La ! there is a feast ta�tla heir lay 'Lid led on am cm• f ' y ; go thou Turd [[take ,- CGL 4h'eets and sterns, talking largely of fast debating societies, "rea ding IlnlogL" slid ?PVrmt' 6�nldg4 by l¢re,ahe'Q/Claes wltk thereof, and rCftCn11 tilyself, and we ,rill tva,ch ; vild X76 g up till p u But for thane the hove Ito taste Lit present. 'y�.'��'"'" a1 white's erlprapa; I 23 Ile answered ams said unto them, N,y, shads I rs :as of ay, I`'r f u:crlify Jlcd ' V horses, and their pugilistic powers ; Acd� Y c piroat bur rooms playing cards and dominos, Let. them ther0l'oru, as ter, IirsC thing prat- ^t�• v'stw xaQ,QtatpM tlwm.'ana'oub. ' go and rim[, whilst the warriors of Colmmiu lie un 1i a °- fdruri hose .1 ticable, ' thick on their ways" Lot them �.� 111 y or spirit• rut( veutnow of u1e the frozen grant,,, ? e' ear that Ile ; and oat mufrerynont}p over the "dowinr beton. 'ore e- 6 consider what they 8m doing for /OCletp, 'M, rmind. k ndaeapA. humblest nn her h � S4 No, their fate glory Iricv tit oleo 'I't ' f!'u�'4 fairly gild bowl2' Their tastes aro by force of cirsoid- and-what they ought to dq and at once fmr Wa m4 ""uFk , shall be my fate ; kind their lel• i e ❑a veil• ou'u }: And.thla df Differ afager ripped law look out snail be lily glory. stances anything but refined. They know sake alae companionship of the low in taste._=_?1.!rt -b`a°r _ I 25 So he If, 1 Oho "i :It •ivur' who hits the fastest horse Jn tile.village, end and vicious by nature, mid seek the society Logistal Tutor[.,. wrapped himself in his cloak, and lilyv;' []own in his own tent. led :[left df I ! what map can mow the most grass in a day, of the refined and gentle. Let thetJl deter. "von. wilt obenfee.^ SAId ins ytll"asi., -(ns" he ` - hlaherlanatituaesuasneorherdNlrthehropere. 26 And file husbandmet of Kentucky were IcJ ben nP that ;;, l i l-:'- ❑ccr n to but not more than half of them are aware beide to reform, and as soon nit QIOy coltlider tare kaaotnee.- ,lie ve tbemselvoe'worth , seek lilt society pia Quo by their valiant governor, whose mm�e was Shelby, find 'm F trot astu tt a•ata•Fnlii lea to I�.law mous. as hn `'tial e, - nl• Sar.- I !.:e of the fust that sere ion cerWirt'terrintry opposite Boz--of refined itlirl victaens,yfern- tarn•cwt.Lit•mxhevttnt"•af4pdtbtesik•rm. and he ons ;, awn well sit it, years; even at a' In the southwest .known as Kansas, waiting iuiuea''—x'1lo will sgOII cert An bfbiieuce -of a aq` .yp(1M.IAS IdrMMvaph_-tvar da; the ngc of threc+cm'e did h-i go again,( the ene+niCa I• ''i = .1 over them* tilehetter. Ever moa man I"th call:seabed r' 'C• - .n:- - cr I, . I :patieatiy to be admitted late ten Union as a d6r Y g f r� , ' m .i of Columbia; sod all the peuplc rejoiced in hills. „ bas n "eraser' or lady friend, and let th eta '' �a 77 Arid the yml,g x( .! >I-•rk 1. �.� State, land Ch¢t thungli the mveedota ming c(III uplift her often and spend w evefdt)Jl.i( bet"I" gallant Perry staid flat behind ; Gut' — S4 cat Majoeity" cry out loudly Por vreedor 1. the in chcerJnl conversation,. leu he li =— freely offered hin hirength, and was Vale of the right I ty.-