HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/2011I 9/~/20~ IPhone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complainant Unsafe/Squatter Status Update Mattituck 425 Naugles Complainant Unsafe/Squatter Questions Mattituck 425 Naugles Complainant Trailer in Front Yard New Complaint Laurel White Eagle Mullen Motors Reschedule car servicing nlm nlm nlm Defendant Property Maintenance New Complaint $outhold Hartranft I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Time Sheets n/a n/a n/a n/a Filing n/a n/a n/a n/a Milage Sheet n/a n/a n/a n/a 9/2/2011 Off 9/3/2011 Weekend 9/4/2011 Weekend 9/5/2011 Holiday 9/6/2011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Complainant Shed Complaint Open Complaint: Status Mattituck Andreatis I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Public: Questions Falling Tree Answered nlm nlm Public: Questions Permit Questions Forwarded to Pat nlm nlm Complainant Open Complaint Updates Mattituck Santillo Pete Harris Gas Line Without Highway Permit New Complaint Peconic Unknown I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Public Open Complaint Questions Answered Southold Bustamente Lori Open Court Cases n/a n/a n/a Mike Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Lori and Mike Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a I IR°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation (Pete Harris) Gas Line Without Highway Permit Unfounded!! Peconic Unknown I 9/7/20~ IRoad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Mullah Motors: Drop Off Car Servicing: Inspection n/a n/a n/a Mullah Motors: Pick Up Car Servicing: Inspection n/a n/a n/a I IEmail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I To/From: Barbara Landmark Meeting Questions Answered n/a n/a Architect (Landmark Project) Information Request n/a n/a n/a Draft Minutes (to commissioners) Landmark n/a n/a n/a To/From Complainant Multiple Complaints All Unfounded n/a n/a I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Draft Minutes Landmark n/a n/a n/a I IInvestigati°ns INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I New Complaint Construction wo Permit Unfounded - has permit Southold Kelleher I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Supervisor New Complaint Unfounded Southold Walters I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Mike Open Complaint Questions n/a n/a n/a Lori New Complaint Unfounded Southold Walters Mike & Lori Open Cases n/a n/a n/a I 9/8/2011 IPhone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Jan (TA) Questions: Dumping n/a n/a n/a Complainant: Update Trailer in Front Yard Update Mattituck Gregory I I"°aa INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation: Old Complaint Trailer in Front Yard Updates Mattituck Gregory IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Mike Open Complaint Questions n/a n/a n/a Public: Questions Signs Answered n/a n/a Complainant Boat in Front Yard Update Request Laurel Scott IPaperwork INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complaint File Created Illegal Uses New Complaint Mattituck Kopf Complaint File Updated Boat in Front Yard Update Request Laurel Scott 9/9/2011 Off 9/10/2011 Weekend 9/11/2011 Weekend 9/12/2011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name To/From: Property Rep. Demolition Permit Questions Answered Southold General Wayne Inn I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Dumping Open Complaint Cutchogue Kowolski Jen: TA's Office Illegal Dumping New Complaint Mattituck Raynor Jen: TA's Office Illegal Dumping New Complaint Mattituck Raynor Jen: TA's Office Illegal Dumping Retract Complaint Mattituck Raynor Applicant Landmark Questions Orient Rose Public: Permit Questions Answered nlm nlm nlm I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown I Property Owner Name I New Ticket Creation Multiple Violations Open Court Case Southold Ciaglo New Ticket Creation Dumping Open Complaint Cutchogue Kowolski I I INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner NameI Investigation: TA's Office Illegal Dumping New Complaint Mattituck Raynor Service Attempt Unenclosed Dumpster Open Complaint Cutchogue Kowolski I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Jen: TA's Office Illegal Dumping New Complaint Mattituck Raynor Court Conference: Adjourned Multiple Violations Open Court Case Greenport Spanos Mike Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Mike & Lori Open Court Case Open Court Case Greenport Spanos 19/13/20111Email INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I To/From: Applicant Rep Landmark Application n/a Orient Payton Fowler I IInvestigati°ns INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Open Complaint Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Scheduling Appointment Scheduled n/a n/a Public: Questions Boat Storage Answered n/a n/a Complanant Open Storage of Debris Update Cutchogue Goodwin I IR°a" INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complaint File Created Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray Violation Created and Sent Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Public: Questions Specific Properties Answered n/a n/a 19/14/20111Email INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I To/From: John Cushman Vehicle for Landmark n/a n/a n/a To/From: Landmarks Inspection Schedule n/a n/a n/a I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complaint File Created Dumping Open Complaint Cutchogue Goodwin Violation Created and Sent Dumping Open Complaint Cutchogue Goodwin Complaint File Created Construction w/o Permit: Pool New Complaint Southold Loria Complaint File Created Construction w/o Permit: Pool New Complaint Southold Loria Public Questions Illegal Apartments Answered nlm nlm I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Public: Questions Forwarded to TA n/a n/a n/a Lori Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Mike Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Mike & Lori Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Boat Storage Update Mattituck Merringer Public Questions Pooper Scooper Questions n/a n/a n/a Public Questions Pooper Scooper Questions n/a n/a n/a 19/15/20111Phone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) Upcoming Meeting Updates n/a n/a FOIL Response Multiple Violations Open Complaint Mattituck Kopf Commissioners: Landmark n/a n/a n/a n/a Defendant Rep Open Violations Open Complaint Mattituck Vineyard 48 I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Landmark Minutes n/a n/a n/a n/a FOIL Response Multiple Violations Open Complaint Mattituck Kopf I I"°aa INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Dohm Investigation Unsafe Property New Complaint Greenport Off Chapel Ticket Service Unenclosed Dumpster Open Complaint Southold Kowolski Investigation Unsafe Building Unfounded Southold Kyak Shop (former) Investigation Boat in Front Yard New Complaint East Marion Huettenmoser 9/16/2011 Off 9/17/2011 Weekend 9/18/2011 Weekend 9/19/2011 Paperwork Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Review Smithen Injunction Review/Prep n/a n/a n/a Complaint Creation - from highway Illegal Dumping New Complaint Cutchogue Mallin Closed Case Files Unenclosed Dumpster Case Closed Cutchogue Kowolski Violation Prepared and Sent Illegal Dumping New Complaint Cutchogue Mallin Violation Prepared and Sent Boat in Front Yard New Complaint East Marion Huettenmoser Violation Prepared and Sent Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Dohm IEmail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I To/From: Supervisor's Office Farmstands nlm nlm nlm To/From: Defendant Rep. Unsafe Building nlm Mattituck Dohm Ilnvestigations INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Open Complaint Unregistered Vehicles Open Complaint Greenport Greenport Group? IPhone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Defendant Unenclosed Dumpster Update Cutchogue Kowolski Complainant Returned Call- No Answer ? ? ? Applicant Architect Landmarks Application Update Orient Rose IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Mike & Lori Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Mike Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a R°ad Investigation - from highway Investigation IPaperwork Meeting Preparation Meetings Mel (Landmark) Defendant Defendant Landmark Rood $it~ ¥i$it$ Martin (TA) 19/21/20111Phone Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) Lynne (TA) Complainant Complainant Peter Harris Email To/From: Complanant To/From: Complanant Rood Investigation - from sup's office Investigation - from TA office Investigation - from TA office Ticket Service Meetings Defendent Attorney 1 9/22/2011 IPhone Complainant Public: Questions Public: Questions Public: Questions Meetings Gary Fish Paperw°rk Complaint File Created: Kimball Violation Created and Sent: Kimball Ciac~ Ciac~ Ciac~ Ciac~ Ciac~ Ciac~ Ciac~ Ciac~ Io Comp Io Comp Io Comp Io Comp Io Comp Io Comp Io Comp Io Comp aint for TA aint for JC aint for TA aint for JC aint for TA aint for JC aint for TA aint for JC IEmail Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) INature Illegal Dumping Open Complaint INature Landmarks INature Landmarks Open Complaint Open Complaint Regular Meeting INature Landmark Projects INature Complaint INature Resignation of member Complaint Clear cutting Unsafe Building Multiple Issues INature Chickens Debris INature Illegal farmstand Tresspassing? Tresspassing? Multiple Violations INature Multiple Violations INature Construction without Permit Village Property Answered Answered INature Illegal Apartment INature Occupancy without CO Occupancy without CO Construction without Permit Construction without Permit Illegal Use Illegal Use Illegal Use 2 Illegal Use 2 Illegal Use 3 Illegal Use 3 INature Resignation of member IStatus New Complaint Dumpster- Remediated IStatus n/a IStatus n/a Updates Filing Permits n/a IStatus Open Applications IStatus New Complaint IStatus n/a New Complaint Unfounded n/a n/a IStatus Open Court Case New Complaint IStatus New Complaint New Complaint Unfounded Open Court Case IStatus Open Court Case IStatus Open Complaint Forwarded to Village n/a n/a IStatus Open Complaint IStatus New Complaint New Complaint New: Court Case New: Court Case New: Court Case New: Court Case New: Court Case New: Court Case New: Court Case New: Court Case IStatus n/a ITown Cutchogue Cutchogue ITown n/a ITown n/a Cutchogue Cutchogue n/a ITown n/a ITown East Marion ITown n/a East Marion Cutchogue Mattituck n/a ITown Mattituck East Marion ITown Southold East Marion Cutchogue Southold ITown Southold ITown Southold Greenport n/a n/a ITown n/a ITown Southold Southold Southold Southold Southold Southold Southold Southold Southold Southold ITown n/a IProperty Owner Name n/a Kowolski I Property Owner Name I n/a I Property Owner Name I n/a Goodwin Vineyard 48 n/a I Property Owner Name I n/a I Property Owner Name I Town Land I Property Owner Name I n/a Town Land Duchie DeReiter n/a I Property Owner Name I Santillo Oki Do I Property Owner Name I Pollack Town Land Watts Ciaglo I Property Owner Name I Ciaglo I Property Owner Name I Eliodromytis Colonial Drugs n/a n/a I Property Owner Name I n/a I Property Owner Name I Fine Fine Ciaglo Ciaglo Ciaglo Ciaglo Ciaglo Ciaglo Ciaglo Ciaglo I Property Owner Name I n/a Barbara S. (Landmark) Resignation of member n/a n/a n/a Supervisor Illegal Farm Stand Update Southold Krukowski 9/23/2011 Off 9/24/2011 Weekend 9/25/2011 Weekend 9/26/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Complainant Trailer in Front Yard Open Complaint Mattituck Gregory Complaint Creation Trailer in Front Yard Open Complaint Mattituck Gregory Violation Prepared and Sent Trailer in Front Yard Open Complaint Mattituck Gregory Defendant Unsafe Building WRONG PROPERTY Mattituck Dohm Mortgage Company Unsafe Building WRONG PROPERTY Mattituck Dohm Mortgage Company Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Urbanowicz Complanant Status Update Open Court Case Laurel DiCandia Complanant Noise Code Questions Answered n/a n/a Complanant Illegal Boat Storage Updated Status Laurel Scott Defendant Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown I Property Owner Name I Ticket Creation for Gary to Serve Occupancy without CO Open Complaint Fishers Island Coleman Ticket Creation for Gary to Serve Occupancy without CO Open Complaint Fishers Island Coleman Ticket Creation for Gary to Serve Construction without Permit Open Complaint Fishers Island Coleman I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Scott Russell Illegal Farmstands Open Complaint Southold Multiple Court Conferences Multiple Cases Court Cases n/a n/a Meeting: Michael Illegal Farmstands Open Complaint Southold Multiple Meeting: Martin Finnegan Illegal Farmstands Open Complaint Southold Multiple I IR°ad INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Investigation Boat in Front Yard Open Complaint Mattituck Gregory Investigation Unregistered Vehicle New Complaint Mattituck Marlene Lane 19/27/20111Phone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complainant Unsafe Building New Complaint Mattituck Jacob Defendant Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray Public Questions Public Rights of Way Answered Cutchogue n/a Defendant Unsafe Building Open Complaint Mattituck Murray Meeting: Lori Illegal Farmstand Open Complaint: Supervisor Southold Pollack Applicant Architect Landmark Property Open Applications Orient Rose I I"°aa INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complainant Unsafe Building New Complaint Mattituck Jacob I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Cease and Desist Created/Sent Use New Complaint: Fire Marshal Cutchogue Pellegrini Vineyard 9/28/2011 Off 9/29/2011 Off 9/30/2011 Off