HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SINGLE AUDIT REPORTS Year ended December 31,2010 FINANCIAL SECTION independent Auditors' Report ........................................................................................................ 1-2 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Management's Discussion and Analysis ...................................................................................... 3-10 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Government-Wide Financial Statements Statement of Net Assets Statement of Activities 11 12 Fund Financial Statements Governmental Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet and Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets .......................................................................................................... 13-14 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances and Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities ........................................................ 15-16 Fiduciary Fund Financial Statements Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets ......................................................................................................... 17 Notes to Financial Statements ................................................................................................... 18-40 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION OTHER THAN MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual General Fund .................................................................................................................................. 41 Highway Fund ................................................................................................................................ 42 Community Preservation Fund 43 Postemployment Benefits Healthcare Costs - Schedule of Funding Progress ............................ 44 OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Combining Fund Statements: Non-major Governmental Funds Combining Balance Sheet ................................................................................................................. Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS 45 46 Discretely Presented Component Units: Combining Statement of Net Assets ......................................................................................... 47 Combining Statement of Activities ........................................................................................... 48 OTHER REPORTS Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards ........................................................................... 49 Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards ............................................................ 50 Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Govemment Auditing Standards ................................................................................................ 51-52 Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance With Requirements That Could Have a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Program and on Internal Control Over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A~133 ....................................................... 53-54 Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs ........................................................................... 55-57 FINANCIAL SECTION CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENTAUDITORS'REPORT Honorable Supervisor and Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Southold, New York, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010, which collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Town of Southold, New York's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. Except as discussed in the following paragraph, we conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. The financial statements of the seven discretely presented component units were not audited as of the report date, nor were we able to satisfy ourselves as to those financial activities by other auditing procedures. In our opinion, except for the effects of such adjustments, if any, as might be determined necessary had those discretely presented component units been audited, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Southold, New York, as of December 31, 2010, and the respective changes in financial position for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. As discussed in Note A.8 to the basic financial statements, the Town of Southold, New York adopted the provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 51, "Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets" as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated September 22, 2011, on our consideration of the Town of Southold's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. PERSONAL SERVICE, TRUSTED ADVICE, ALBRECHT, VIGGIANO, ZURECK & COMPANY, RC 245 PARK AVENUE, 24TH FLOOR 25 SUFFOLK COURT NEWYORK, NY 10167 HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-3715 T: 212.792.4075 T: 531.434.9500 F: ,531.434.9518 ~1 - www. avz,com The management's discussion and analysis, schedule of funding progress for the other postemployment benefits and the budgetary information are not a required part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary information required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Town of Southold, New York's basic financial statements. The combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, and is also not a required part of the basic financial statements of the Town of Southold, New York. The combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements and the schedule of expenditures of federal awards has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Hauppauge, New York September 22, 2011 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Management's Discussion and Analysis TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 The following is a discussion and analysis of the Town of Southold's financial performance, providing an overview of the Town's financial activities for the year ended December 31, 2010. Use this section in conjunction with the Town's basic financial statements. USING THIS ANNUAL REPORT This annual repod consists of a series of financial statements, The Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities provide information about the activities of the Town as a whole and present a longer- term view of the Town's finances, For governmental activities, these statements tell how these services were financed in the short term as well as what remains for future spending. Fund financial statements also report the Town's operations in more detail than the government-wide statements by providing information about the Town's most significant funds. The remaining statements provide financial information about activities for which the Town acts solely as a trustee agent for the benefit of those outside of the government. Cedain amounts presented in the prior year data have been reclassified in order to be consistent with current year's presentation. Reportin,q the Town as a Whole The Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities One of the most important questions asked about the Town's finances is, "Is the Town as a whole better off or worse off as a result of the year's activities?" The Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities report information about the Town as a whole and about its activities in a way that helps answer this question. These statements include all assets and liabilities using the accrual basis of accounting, which is similar to the accounting used by most private-sector companies. The Statement of Activities is significantly different than a typical Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance. You will notice that expenses are listed in the first column with revenues from that particular program reported to the right. The result is a net (expense)/revenue. The reason for this kind of format is to highlight the relative financial burden of each of the functions on the Town's taxpayers, It also identifies how much each function draws from the general revenues or if it is self-financing through fees and grants. All of the current year's revenues and expenses are taken into account regardless of when cash is received or paid. These two statements report the Town's net assets and their respective changes. You can think of the Town's net assets--the difference between assets and liabilities--as one way to measure the Town's financial health, or financial position. Over time, increases or decreases in the Town's net assets are one indicator of whether its financial health is improving or deteriorating, You will need to consider other non-financial factors, however, such as changes in the Town's property tax base and the condition of the Town's buildings, roads, drainage and other assets to assess the overall health of the Town. In the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities, we divide the Town into two kinds of activities: Governmental activities - The Town's basic services are reported here, including: general government support; public safety; public health; transportation; economic assistance and opportunity; culture and recreation and home and community services. Property taxes, sales taxes, franchise fees, fines, and state and federal grants finance these activities. The Town also charges fees to customers to help it cover the cost of certain services it provides. Component units - The Town includes seven separate legal entities in its report (one ferry district, one sanitation district, one mosquito district and four park districts). Although legally separate, these component units are important because the Town is financially accountable for them. Complete financial statements of the individual component units can be obtained from their respective administrative offices (Note A.2). TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 Reportin.q the Town's Most SiRnificant Funds Fund Financial Statements The fund financial statements provide detailed information about the most significant funds--not the Town as a whole. Some funds are required to be established by state law and by bond covenants. However, the Town establishes many other funds to help it control and manage sources of funding and spending related to specific activities. The Town's basic services are reported in governmental funds, which focus on how money flows into and out of those funds and the balances left at year-end that are available for spending. These funds are reported using an accounting method called modified accrual accounting, which measures cash and all other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash. The governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view of the Town's general government operations and the basic services it provides. Governmental fund information helps you determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the Town's programs. We describe the relationship (or differences) between governmental activities (reported in the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities) and governmental funds in a reconciliation that follows these fund financial statements. The Town as Trustee Reporting the Town's Fiduciary Responsibilities All of the Town's fiduciary activities are reported in a separate Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets. We exclude these activities from the Town's other financial statements because the Town cannot use these assets to finance its operations. The Town is responsible for ensuring that the assets reported in these funds are used for their intended purposes. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE TOWN AS A WHOLE Our analysis below focuses on the net assets and changes in net assets of the Town's governmental activities. Condensed Statement of Net Assets Primary Governmental Activities December 31, 2010 and 2009 2009 2010 (As Restated) Assets Current and other assets $ 26,385,103 $ 24,737,490 Capital assets 144,271,376 140,022,886 Total Assets 170,656,479 164,760,376 Liabilities Current and other liabilities 17,254,779 16,056,714 Long-term liabilities 51,428,253 48,578,196 Total Liabilities 68,683,032 64,634,910 Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 108,425,137 105,312,871 Restricted: Land acquisition 6,002,350 8,141,524 Debt service 4,981 Unrestricted (12,454,040) (13,333,910) Total Net Assets $ 101,973,447 $ 100,125,466 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE TOWN AS A WHOLE (continued) Total assets of the primary government as of December 31, 2010 were $170.7 million, an increase of $5.9 million. Total liabilities as of December 31, 2010 were $68.7 million, which represents an increase of $4.0 million from December 31, 2009. This results in a net asset balance of $102.0 million, an increase of $1.9 million. The Town recorded a prior period adjustment of $2.7 million to beginning net assets for capital assets recorded on the Town's books which were previously recorded on the Fisher's Island Ferry District's books (as discussed in Note G). Of the Town's net asset balance, $108.4 million were invested in capital assets, net of related debt; $6.0 million was restricted for future land acquisition while there was a deficit of ($12.4) million in unrestricted net assets. The deficit balance of unrestricted net assets does not necessarily indicate stress. The deficit balance of unrestricted net assets arose primarily because of certain factors including the increase in the post- employment benefits liability of approximately $5.0 million. The unfunded liability for postemployment benefits healthcare costs increased in 2010 by $5.0 million bringing the unfunded liability at year end to $13.7 million. Additional information on postem¢oyment benefits healthcare costs can be found in Note C.6 to the financial statements, in addition, long-term liabilities, which include other postemployment benefits payable, compensated absences, due to employees retirement system and land closure and postclosure care monitoring, will be funded through future budgetary appropriations when they become payable in future periods. Changes in Net Assets Primary Governmental Activities For the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 Charges for services Operating grants and contributions Capital grants and contributions General Revenues Real property taxes Other real property tax items Non-property tax items Interest earnings State aid - unrestricted Other Total Revenues Program Expenses General government support Public safety Public health Transportation Economic assistance and opportunity Culture and recreation Home and community services Interest on debt Total Expenses Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 2009 2010 (As Restated) $ 3,454,614 $ 3,434,214 1,154,616 701,718 3,120,735 2,365,728 7,729,965 6,501,660 29,310,575 27,118,830 94,923 70,017 5,056,210 4,135,566 185,803 186,229 1,317,314 1,100,006 939,436 700,131 36,904,261 33,310,779 44,634,226 39,812,439 8,198,435 8,498,905 16,424,971 15,827,695 39,276 47,576 7,864,050 8,284,993 1,840,981 1,810,543 483,285 501,451 6,622,084 6,885,454 1,313,163 1,312,687 42,786,245 43,169,304 $ 1,847,981 $ (3,356,865) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE TOWN AS A WHOLE (continued) Net Cost of Services Primary Governmental Activities For the year ended December 31,2010 General government support Public safety Public health Transportation Economic assistance and opportunity Culture and recreation Home and community services Interest on debt Total Cost Program Net Cost of Services Revenues of Services $ 8,198,435 $ 553,277 $ (7,645,158) 16,424,971 742,679 (15,682,292) 39,276 11,033 (28,243) 7,864,050 507,082 (7,356,968) 1,840,981 448,066 (1,392,915) 483,285 221,361 (261,924) 6,622,084 5,246,467 (1,375,617) 1,313,163 (1,313,163) 42,786,245 $ 7,729,965 $ (35,056,280) The cost of all governmental activities in the primary government this year was $42.8 million. The net cost of these services, however, after subsidized by program revenues including charges for services and program grants, was $35.1 million. The Town's change in net assets after general revenues of $36.9 million was an overall increase of $1.8 million. $t0,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,0O0 $6,000,000 ~,000,000 $2,000,000 Expenses and Program Reven~ ~overnmenta! ActiCtles -6- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE TOWN AS A WHOLE (continued) Othergeneral 14% Charges for $% Revenue by Source Primary Governmental Activities for the year ended December 31, 2010 Real properly taxes $ 29,310,575 State aid - unrestricted 1,317,314 Charges for services 3,454,614 Other general revenues 6,276~372 Operating grants and contributions 1,154,616 Capital grants and contributions 3,120,735 $ 44,634,226 THE TOWN'S FUNDS The General Fund balance has increased by $2.9 miltion due to the combination of the increase in property taxes to cover the costs of expenditures which has been previously subsidized by other sources of revenues such as mortgage tax and interest earnings. The Town has also continued to minimize their overall spending due to the current economic conditions The following schedule presents a summary of the Governmental Funds - (General, Special Revenue, and Capital Projects) revenues and expenditures for the year ended December 31, 2010, and the amount of change and percentage of total in relation to the prior year. Increase % 20!0 2009 (Decrease) Change REVENUES Real property taxes $ 29,310,575 $ 27,118,830 $ 2,191,745 8.1% Other real property tax items 94,923 70,017 24,906 35.6% Non-property tax items 5,056,210 4,135,566 920,644 22.3% Departmental income 2,513,430 2,566,982 (53,552) -2.1% Intergovernmental charges 222,907 356,548 (133,641) -37.5% Use of money and property 351,416 338,016 13,400 4.0% Licenses and permits 412,723 421,744 (9,021) -2.1% Fines and forfeitures 225,311 210,209 15,102 7.2% Sale of property and compensation for loss 614,216 576,314 37,902 6.6% Miscellaneous local sources 415,241 117,288 297,953 254.0% lnterfund revenues 30,000 30,000 100.0% State aid 1,895,546 1,690,345 205,201 12.1% Federal aid 3,267,509 2,230,027 1,037,482 46.5% Total GovernmentaIFund Revenues $ 44~418,007 $ 39,831,886 $ 4,578,121 11.5% -7- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 THE TOWN'S FUNDS (continued) 2010 2009 Increase % (Decrease) Change EXPENDITURES General government support Public safety Public health Transportation Economic assistance and oppodunity Culture and recreation Home and community services Employee benefits Capital Debt service principal and interest Bond issuance costs Total Governmental Fund Expenditures $ 5,201,748 $ 5,616,102 $ (414,354)-7.4% 9,758,347 9,694,008 64,339 0.7% 33,788 42,508 (8,720) -20.5% 3,384,027 3,619,202 (235,175) -6.5% 1,118,864 1,139,753 (20,889) -1.8% 282,289 335,993 (53,704) -16.0% 10,760,705 6,824,446 3,936,259 57.7% 8,559,979 7,578,847 981,132 12.9% 1,787,275 677,436 1,109,839 163.8% 3,261,848 3,104,723 157,125 5.1% 98,600 (98,600) 100~0% $ 44,148,870 $ 38,731,618 $ 5,417,252 14.0% GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The Town appropriated expenditures in the original General Fund Budget in excess of estimated revenues in the amounts of approximately $100 thousand, by designated unreserved fund balance from the prior year. Actual revenues were more than anticipated by approximately $500 thousand. Actual expenditures in all budgetary line items were less than the budgetary appropriation by approximately $2.5 million. Over the course of the year, the Town Board revises the budget as needed so that expenditures do not exceed appropriations. In all Town funds, various transfers between appropriations were approved for this purpose. The change in the original budget to final budget for revenues and expenditures did not change significantly. ..CA.P_I._TAL_.A...SSE_ T AI~D...I~.I~.E~? Capital Assets As of December 31, 2010 the primary government had $144.3 million in net capital assets including land, land development rights, buildings, improvements, machinery and equipment, and infrastructure. The Town's component units had $17.7 million in net capital assets including land, land development rights, buildings, improvements, machinery and equipment, and infrastructure. Capital Assets at December 31, (As Restated ) Pri0~8_ry~Government 2010 2009 La,id $ 5,256,156 $ 5,214,093 Land development rights 100,094,235 93,340,815 Construction in progress 1,337,090 3,450,336 I3uildings 12,759,942 12,215,822 Improvements other than buildings 15,410,764 15,198,835 Machinery and equipment 10,661,595 10,643,102 Software 587,152 548,705 Infrastructure 73,594,619 78,271,700 Total Capital Assets 219,681,553 213,883,208 Less: accumulated depreciatior~ 75,410,177 73,860,322 Primary Government - Total Net Capital Assets $ 144,271,378 $ 140,022,886 ComPonent Units Land Construction in progress Buildings Improvements other than buildings Macfl[nery and equipment Infrastructure Total Capital Assets Less: acouraulated depreciation Component Units - Total Net Capital Assets $ 2,193,353 $ 2,193,353 92,382 14,227,122 14,056,681 2,336,272 2,283,862 3,518,312 3,450,804 2,804,422 2,744,865 25,171,863 24,729,565 7,496,338 6,792,512 $ 17,675,525 $ 17,937r053 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 CAPITAL ASSET AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION (continued) Capital Assets (continued) The capital program is a long range financing guide and not a definitive plan. Each appropriation must be authorized by Town Board resolution before being undertaken. Each may be financed by issuance of general obligation bonds, which, at times, are preceded by issuance of bond anticipation notes for various periods of time depending on the probable usefulness of the purpose of expenditure. The following sets forth a summary of the Town's capital program. __.~,~_ip m e .,nt 2011 General Fund $ 372,807 Highway Fund 284,000 Special Districts ~ 0,~Q~00 Total Equipment 664,807 .... ~lm.~.. rovements General Fund 1,050,000 Total Improvements Total Program Cb 1.714.807 Additional information on the Town's capital assets can be found in Note C.3 to the financial statements. Debt Administration The Town of Southold's bond credit rating from Moody's Investors Services was Aa2 as of December 31, 2010. Debt Limit - The Town has the power to contract indebtedness for any Town purpose so long as the principal amount thereof, subject to certain limited exceptions, shall not exceed seven percent of the average full valuation of taxable real estate of the Town, and subject to certain enumerated exclusions and deductions such as water and certain sewer facilities and cash or appropriations for current debt service. The constitutional method for determining full valuation is calculated by taking the assessed valuation of taxable real estate as shown upon the latest completed assessment roll and dividing the same by the equalization rate as determined by the State Board of Equalization and Assessment. The State Legislature is required to prescribe the manner by which such ratio shall be determined. Average full valuation is determined by taking the sum of the full valuation of the last completed assessment roll and the four preceding assessment rolls and dividing such sum by five. Percentage of debt contracting power exhausted at December 31, 2010 was 6.51%. At December 31, 2010, the Town had approximately $33.4 million in long term general obligation bonds outstanding, of which $31.3 million was for the primary government. Aisc outstanding at year-end were bond anticipation notes in the amount of $6.2 million of which $5.4 million was for the primary government. Additional information on the Town's debt activity can be found in Note C.4 to the financial statements. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS December 31, 2010 ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR'S BUDGETS AND RATES Property Tax The Town has adopted a budget for the 2011 fiscal year which factors in inflation and other adjustments to revenues and expenditures as well as prior year positive and negative fund balances. The 2011 budget includes an overall increase in real property tax revenues from the prior year of approximately 1.15% for the general Town governmental activities. In June 2011, New York State enacted Chapter 97, Laws of 2011 Real Property Tax Levy Cap and Mandate Relief Provisions, which includes a 2% property tax cap for municipalities that affects the Town and its municipal component units. Beginning in 2012, and lasting through at least June 15, 2016, no local government is authorized to increase its property lax levy by more than 2% or the rate of inflation (whichever is less); however the permitted increase will not be less than 1%. Local governments can exceed the tax levy limit by a 60% vote of the governing body, or local law. There are permitted exceptions and adjustments. The Town is currently evaluating the effect of the cap on future year's budgets. State Aid and Local Assistance The Town receives financial assistance from New York State and from Suffolk County. During 2010, financial assistance included state aid consisting of mortgage tax of $1.1 million, consolidated highway aid of $323 thousand, and other state aid of approximately $419 thousand. State aid per capita was $90 thousand and County local government assistance was $268 thousand. Additionally, if the State should not adopt its budget in a timely manner, municipalities and school districts in the State, including the Town, may be affected by a delay in the payment of state aid. The State is not constitutionally obligated to maintain or continue state aid to the Town. The Town's 2011 budget included similar amounts for this financial assistance. CONTACTING THE TOWN'S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, and creditors with a general overview of the Town's finances and to show the Town's accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact the Town of Southold, Office of the Town Comptroller, Southold, New York. -10- BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENT STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2010 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and investments Cash - restricted Accounts receivable Due from other governments Due from primary government State and federal aid receivables Prepaid charges Inventory of material and supplies Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets: Deferred charges, net of accumulated amorlization Non-depreciable capital assets Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation Total Non-Current Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Accrued interest payable Bond anticipation notes payable Due to other governments Due to component units Unearned revenue Non-current liabilities due within one year General obligation bonds payable Bond anticipation notes payable Compensated absences Claims and judgments payable Estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure care costs Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities: General obligation bonds payable Due to employees retirement system Compensated absences Estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure care costs Other postemployment benefits payable Total Non-Current Liabilities NET ASSETS Investment in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted: Land acquisition Unrestricted Primary Component Governmental Units Activities (Unaudited) $ 16,512,956 $ 2,058,159 4,756,837 293,430 73,374 2,145,379 459,393 1,433,935 4,758 1,087,439 55,445 2,637 26,232,613 2,651,129 152,490 106,687,481 2,285,735 37,583,895 15,389,790 144,423,866 17,675,525 Total Assets 170,656,479 20,326,654 Total Liabilities Total Net Assets See notes to the financial statements. 1,866,597 299,371 262,822 29,985 5,418,000 50,000 2,139 3,859 459,393 6,536,859 466,843 1,990,000 175,000 750,000 416,000 54.052 278,739 24,230 17,254,779 1,829,110 29,310,000 1,900,000 312,837 7,128,371 162,157 969,106 13,707,939 302,137 51,428,253 2,364,294 68,683,032 4,193,404 108,425,137 15,189,148 6,002,350 (12,454,040) 944,102 $101,973,447 $ 16,133,250 -11- COMPONENT UNITS (Unaudited} TOWN OFSOUTHOLD GOVERNMENTWIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENT STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Yearended December31,2010 Operating Capital Charges for Gracts and Grants and Expenses SePrtces Contributions Contdbu6ons $ 8,t98,435 $ 289,529 $ 165,607 $ 98,141 $ (7~645,158) 16,424,971 609,268 133,411 (15,682,292) 39,276 11,033 (28,243) 7,864,050 7,164 176,999 322,919 (7,356,988) 1,840,981 193,436 254630 (%392,915) 483,285 221,361 (261,924) 6,622084 2,133,856 412,936 2,699,675 (%375,617) 1,313163 (1,313,163). Totai Primary Government $ Change in Net Assets Pdmary Units Government (Unaudited) 42,786 245 $ 3,454,614 $ 1,154,616 $ 3,120,735 $ (35,056,280) 156,630 89,137 3336,065 $ 2,662,572 828,187 4,589 481,184 39,177 93,409 $ 192,851 Total Component Units $ 4,984,612 $ 2,706.338 $ -0- $ 192,851 $ (156,630) (89,I37) (480,642) (823,598) (442,007) (93,409) $ (2,085,423) GENERAL REVENUES Real properly taxes $ 29,310,575 $ 2,153,038 Other real proped7 tax items 94,923 240 Non-property tax items 5,056,216 Interest earnings 185,803 41,811 State aid - unrestricted 1 317,314 Other 939,436 66,620 Total Ger~ral Revenues 36,904,261 2,26I ,709 Char'ge in Net Assets 1,847.98t 176,286 See notes to financial statements TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTALFUNDS December31,2010 ASSETS Cash and investments Cash - restricted Accounts receivable Due from other funds State and federal aid receivable Due from other governments Supply inventory Prepaids Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts payable Retained percentages Bond anticipation notes payable Due to other funds Due to component units Due to other governments Deferred revenue Total Liabilities FUND BALANCE Fund Balance ~ Reserved: Encumbrances Supply inventory Prepaids Community preservation Fund Balance - Unreserved: Designated * Ensuing year's budget Insurance claims Specia~ revenue funds Undesignated Total Fund Balance (Deficit) Tota~ Liabilities and Fund Balance MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS NomMajor Capital Community Governmental General Highway Projects Preservation Funds Totals $ 13,276,530 $ 704,809 $ 1,357,100 $ 1,174,517 $ 16,512,956 $ 4,756,837 4,756,837 61,006 20,976 211,448 293,430 2,563 983,329 135,115 864,906 1,985,913 118,091 217,940 905,632 192,272 1,433,935 1,550,265 340,895 1,891,160 2,637 2,637 420,963 55,567 55,236 531,766 $ 15,432,055 ' $ 1,961,645 $ 1,492,215 $ 6,024,340 $ 2,4~8_~,37~_ 9--$ 27,408 634 $ 926,611 $ 331,359 $ 425,841 $ 21,990 $ 347,274 $ 2,053,075 92,261 92,261 5,418,000 5,418,000 1,982,551 1,537 1,825 1,985,913 459,393 459,393 2,139 2,139 4,638,260 986,283 912,316 6,536,859 8 ,~.0..8.~?.5.,~.. 1,319,179 5,937,927.._ 21,990 1,259,590 16,547,640 27,961 453,317 16,400 497,678 2,637 2,637 420,963 55,567 55,236 531,766 6~002,350 6,002,350 1,914,000 1,149,498 3,908,042 7,423,101 228,850 531,585 2,674,435 1,149,498 635,568 635,568 358,049 ~&~,~29) (632,93~ 642r466 (~.~7....~2~ 6,002,350 1,238,789 10,860.994 $ 15,432,055 $ 1,96%645 $ 1,492,21~5 .~$_= 6,724,340 ~$ 2,498,379 $ 27,408,634 See notes to the financial statements. -13- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2010 Total Fund Balances ~ Governmental Funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Assets are different because: Capital assets less accumulated depreciation are included in the Statement of Net Assets: Capital assets - non-depreciable Capital assets - depreciable Accumulated depreciation Long-term liabilities applicable to the Town's governmental activities are not due and payable in the current period and accordingly are not reported in the funds. However these liabilities are included in the Statement of Net Assets: General obligation bonds payable Due to employees retirement system Compensated absences Estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure care costs Other postemployment benefits payable Revenues in the Statement of Activities that do not provide current financial resources are not reported as revenues in the funds. Prepaid items included in the Statement of Net Assets Deferred charges, included in the Statement of Net Assets interest payable applicable to the Town's governmental activities are not due and payable in the current period and accordingly are not reported in the funds. However these liabilities are included in the Statement of Net Assets. Net Assets of Governmental Activi[ies $106,687,481 112,994,072 (75,410,177) $ (31,300,000) (312,837) (7,544,371) (993,336) (13,707,939) $ 10,860,994 144,271,376 (53,858,483) 254,219 555,673 152,490 (262,822) $101,973,447 See notes to financial statements. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES iN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the year ended December 31, 2010 REVENUES Real properly taxes Other real property tax items Nompropedy tax items Departmental income Intergovernmental charges Use of money and property Licenses and permits Fines and forfeitures Sale of property and compensation for toss Miscellaneous local sources Inteffund revenues State aid Federal aid Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Current: General government support Public safety Public health Transportation Economic assistance and opportunity Culture and recreation Home and community services Employee benefits Capital Outlay Debt Service: Principal Interest MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Non-Major Capital Community Governmental General Highway Proiects _ __Prese~at n.~ ........ ~.~.8~ ................. Totals $ 21,532,952 $4,032,425 $3,745,198 84,201 6,477 4,245 885,473 $ 3,869,750 300,987 416,600 2,096,830 222,657 250 306,952 5,634 $ 3,723 26,102 9,005 261,339 6,914 144,470 225,311 300,228 1,419 312,569 369,402 45,001 100 738 30,000 1,216,047 343,024 98,141 81,753 156,581 .................. ~,3~ ?~,~,,. 1 ~,6__3.(~ ................. 2.__.¢ 1...~_, 1..,,19. 304,342 ..... :~6... 0._§..2.: 6 8___9. $ 29,310,575 94,923 5,056,210 2,513,430 222,907 351,416 412,723 225,311 614,246 415,241 30,000 1,895,546 3,267,~ .... .4,,,5.161773 ......... ~ .4.6,86~5 ....... ,6,',, :~ 8_.¢...8.~:~ 7,074,965 44410,007 5,125,064 6,884 69,800 5,201,748 8,626,229 1,132,118 9,758,347 33,788 33,788 424,568 2,959,459 3,384,027 1,118,864 1,118,864 282,289 282,289 402,959 7,065,293 3,292,453 10,760,705 5,911,381 1,484,619 1,163,979 8,559,979 1,787,275 1,787,275 632,425 86,000 693,500 191 ,~ 120ZO ................................ 973,136 Total Expenditures ~2~2.~...~9~ ~4,,.5.49,032 ....... '~.,,..~8_,7,,~,.,2.,~,~,,. 8,731,929 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers in Transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balances (Deficit) at Beginning of Year Fund Balances (Deficit) at End of Year 456,075 1,868,000 21665~ ~,~.,~.~ 6 331,075 ......... ~.,.~¢~.. ...... .3.,.,,333,071 ..... (32,259) .... /,1,,~,,4,,,,0.,..4~1..~ ........ _~,~¥~3,105~) __ 743,890 ....... ~1,.~!~3..~. 632,847 632,847 ........ l~.~.~). (30,000~_ (149,234) ......... ~32847}. ....... ~.~4..5..~.~). __ (30,000) ............... 632,84_. 7 t~X... (149,234) ................ -8. ~ 2,879,408 (62,259) (1,007,563) (2,143,105) 594,656 261,137 4,543,693 704r725 (3,438,149) 8,145,455 644,133 10,599,857 $ 7,423,10'i'"' $ 642,466 $ (4,445,712) $1,238,789 $10,860,994 See notes to the financial statements. -15- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the year ended December 31, 2010 Net Change in Fund Balance Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the Statement of Activities the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense. The amount by which capital outlay exceeds depreciation in the current period is: Capital outlay Depreciation expense Loss on dispositions Revenues in the Statement of Activities that do not provide current financial resources are not reported as revenues in the funds. Some expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore, are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds: Prepaid charges Deferred charges The issuance of Iong-term debt and increase in obligations under capital leases provides current financial resources to governmental funds, while the repayment of the principal of long term debt and capital leases consumes the current financial resources of governmental funds. Neither transaction has any effect on net assets. Repayment of bond principal Due to employees retirement system Compensated absences Estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure care costs Other postemployment benefits payable Accrued interest payable Change in Net Assets of Governmental Activities 8,699,268 (4,358,636) (92,142) $ 261,137 4,248,490 254,219 141,569 (31,110) 1,868,000 (312,837) 65,364 260,837 (4,988,373) 80,685 $ 1,847,981 See notes to financial statements. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET ASSETS December 31,2010 ASSETS Cash and investments LIABILITIES Due to other governments Other liabilities Deposits held Town Fishers Island Fer~ District Totals $ 18,204,174 $ 954 $ 18,205~128 Total Assets $ 18,204,174 $ 954 $18,205,128 $ 17,607,497 $17,607,497 377,025 $ 954 377,979 219,652 219,652 Total Liabilities $ 18,204,174 . $ 954 $18,205,128 See notes to financial statements. -17- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Town of Southold (the "Town"), which was established in 1640, is governed by Town Law and other general laws of the State of New York and various local laws. The Town Board is the legislative body responsible for overall operations. The Town Board consists of the Supervisor who is elected for a term of four years and five council members who are elected for terms of four years. The Town Board appoints the Town Attorney, Comptroller and the Commissioner of Public Works whose terms are fixed by Town Law. The Town Clerk, Receiver of Taxes, Superintendent of Highways, Justices and Town Trustees are all elected and serve for four years, respectively. The Town provides a full range of municipal services, including public safety, transportation, home and community services, public works and road maintenance, recreation and parks, and general and administrative services. The financial statements of the Town of Southold have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) as applied to governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the government's accounting policies are described below. 1. REPORTING ENTITY The financial reporting entity consists of: (a) the primary government, which is the Town of Southold; (b) organizations for which the primary government is financially accountable; and (c) other organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the primary government are such that exclusion would cause the repoding entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete as set forth in GASB Statement No. 14 as amended by GASB Statement No. 39~ The decision to include a potential component unit in the Town of Southold reporting entity is based on several criteria set forth in GASB Statement No. 14 as amended by GASB Statement No. 39 includin9 legal standing, dependency and financial accountability. Based on the application of these criteria, the following is a summary of certain entities considered in determining the Town of Southold's reporting entity. Certain special districts of the Town of Southold provide sanitation, ferry, and park services to residents and businesses within the districts. These special districts are organized under New York State Town law and have separately elected boards. Special districts cannot issue bonded debt without the approval and the backing of the full faith and credit of the Town. Tax levies of the special districts are collected by the Town Receiver of Taxes. As a result of this fiscal dependency, the Town is financially accountable for these special districts. Accordingly, these special districts have been determined to be component units of the Town and are presented discretely in a separate column in the combined financial statements to emphasize that they are legally separate from the primary government. 2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION The Town's basic financial statements include both government-wide (reporting the Town as a whole) and fund flnancia statements (report'ng the Town's major funds). Government-wide Financial Statements The government-wide financial statements reports information on the Town as a whole, except fiduciary activities, with separate columns for the primary governmental activities as well as the discretely presented component units. In the government-wide Statement of Net Assets, the Town's governmental activities are presented on a consolidated basis and are reported on a full accrual, economic resource basis, which recognizes all long-term assets and receivables as well as long-term debt and obligations. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 A. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION (continued) Government-wide Financial Statements (continued) The Town's net assets are reported in three parts--investments in capital assets, net of related debt; restricted net assets; and unrestricted net assets. The government-wide Statement of Activities reports both the gross and net cost of each of the Town's functional categories (public safety, transportation, home and community services, etc.), which are otherwise supported by general government revenues (property, sales and use taxes, certain intergovernmental revenues, fines, permits and charges, etc.). The Statement of Activities reduces gross expenses (including depreciation), by related program revenues and operating and capital 9rants, to produce the net cost of each program. Program revenues include (a) charges for services and (b) operating and capital grants and contributions that are directly associated with the function. Operating grants include operating-specific and discretionary (either operating or capital) grants while the capital grants column reflects capital- specific grants. The net costs (by function) are normally covered by general revenue (property taxes, intergovernmental revenues, interest income, etc). As a general rule the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated in the general purpose financial statements. This government-wide focus is more on the sustainability of the Town as an entity and the change in the Town's net assets resulting from the current year's activities. Fund Financial Statements The fund financial statements are similar to the financial statements presented in the previous model. The emphasis is on the major funds in the fund financial statements. Non-major funds are summarized into a single column. The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenues, and expenditures, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. The various funds are presented by type in the fund financial statements. Accordingly, the Town maintains the following fund types: Governmental Funds ~ Governmental funds are those through which most governmental functions are financed. The acquisition, use and balances of expendable financial resources and the related liabilities are accounted for through governmental funds. The measurement focus of the governmental funds is upon determination of financial position and changes in financial position. Governmental funds are further classified as major and non-major funds. The Town reports the following major governmental funds: General Fund - is the principal operating fund of the Town. This fund is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in other funds. Highway Fund - used to account for the maintenance and operation of highways. _Capital Projects Fund - used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by special assessment funds and trust funds). Community Preservation Fund - is used to account for financial resources for the purchase of land and land development rights. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) BASIS OF PRESENTATION (continued) Fund Financial Statements (continued) Additionally, the Town reports the following non-major funds: Special Revenue Funds - are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds include the following: General Fund Part Town - to provide general services outside the Village of Greenport. Special Grant Fund - segregate and account for projects funded by Community Development revenue. Special District Funds - to provide special services to areas that encompass less than the whole town. Fiduciary Funds - Fiduciary Funds are used to account for assets held by the Town in a trustee or custodial capacity. A,qency Fund - is for money (and/or property) received and held in the capacity of trustee, custodian or agent. Discretely Presented Component Units Certain special districts that have separately elected boards provide transpodation, park, mosquito control, and sanitation services to residents and businesses within these districts, and follow government fund accounting principles. These districts, which are accounted for as discretely presented component units, are as follows: Orient Mosquito District, established in 1916 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District, established in 1953 Southold Park District, established in 1907 The Fishers Island Ferry District, established in 1947 Fishers Island Waste Management District, established in 1952 Orient-East Marion Park District, established in 1969 Mattituck Park District, established in 1941 Complete financial statements of these component units can be obtained from their respective administrative offices: Orient Mosquito District 145 Platt Road Orient, NY 11957 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District P.O. Box 311 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Southold Park District P.O. Box 959 Southold, NY 11971 Fishers Island Ferry District P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Fishers island Waste Management District Fishers Island, NY 06390 Orient-East Marion Park District P.O. Box 12 Orient, NY 11957 Mattituck Park District P.O. Box 1413 Mattituck, NY 11952 20- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31,2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING/MEASUREMENT FOCUS Measurement focus refers to what is being measured whereas the basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurement made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. In the government-wide statements, governmental activities are presented using the economic resources measurement focus and are presented using the accrual basis of accounting. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recorded when the liability is incurred or economic asset used. Revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from exchange and exchange-like transactions are recognized when the exchange takes place. In the funds statements, governmental funds use a current financial resources measurement focus and are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual (measurable and available to finance current operations). "Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined and "available" means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. The Town considers all revenues available if they are collected within 60 days after the year end. Revenues susceptible to accrual include Suffolk County local assistance at year end on behalf of the Town, franchise fees, and charges for services, intergovernmental revenues and operating transfers. Permits, fees, and other similar revenues are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable until they are received in cash. In those instances where expenditures are the prime factor in determining eligibility for state and federal grants, revenues are recognized when the expenditure is incurred. In the Capital Projects Fund, long-term debt is recognized as revenue upon receipt of the proceeds. Expenditures are recorded on the accrual basis except that (a) expenditures for prepaid expenses are recognized when incurred; (b) principal and interest on indebtedness are recognized as expenditures when due; (c) compensated absences, such as vacation and sick leave, which vest or accumulate, are charged as expenditures when paid. Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments are recorded for budgetary control purposes in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed in the governmental funds. Appropriations for all governmental funds except the Capital Projects Fund lapse at year-end. However, encumbrances reserved against fund balances are re-appropriated in the ensuing year. Encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Expenditures for such commitments are recorded in the period in which the liability is incurred. 4. ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash consists of funds deposited in demand accounts, time deposit accounts and certificates of deposit with maturities of less than three months. RESTRICTED ASSETS Certain assets of the Community Preservation Fund are classified as restricted assets because their use is restricted by contractual agreements and regulations. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 4. ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY (continued) RECEIVABLES Receivables include amounts due from Federal, State, and other governments or entitles for services provided by the Town. Receivables are recorded and revenues recognized as earned or as specific program expenditures are incurred. INVENTORY - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Inventory in the general and special revenue funds is valued at cost. Inventory in these funds is accounted for under the consumption method. CAPITAL ASSETS Capital assets purchased or acquired with an original cost of $5,000 or more are reported at historical cost or estimated historical cost. Contributed assets are reported at fair market value as of the date received. Additions, improvements and other capital outlays that significantly extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized. Other costs incurred for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation and amortization on all assets is provided on the straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Buildings Improvements and other Machinery and equipment Software Infrastructure 10-40 years 20 years 5-10 years 5-10 years 20-30 years infrastructure assets, consisting of certain improvements other than buildings including roads, curbs, sidewalks, bridges and street lighting are capitalized along with other capital assets. In the fund financial statements, capital assets are recorded as capital outlay expenditures in the governmental fund upon acquisition. DEFERRED CHARGES Discounts and expenses related to the issuance of long-term debt and the loss on the early retirement of refunded debt are amortized on a straight-line basis over the life of the issue, and are presented net of accumulated amortization, in the government-wide financial statements. Bond issuance costs that are immaterial are charged as operating expenses in the fund servicing the debt when incurred. In the fund financial statements bond issuance costs are recognized, during the current period, as debt service expenditures in the fund servicing the debt. PREMIUMS ON DEBT ISSUANCE Premiums related to the issuance of long-term debt are amortized on a straight-line basis over the life of the issue and are presented as part of general obligations in the changes in long-term liabilities (Note C.4). Premiums that are immaterial will not be amortized. In the fund financial statements premiums are recognized, during the current period, and reported as other financing sources. - 22- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 4. ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY (continued) DEFERRED REVENUE/UNEARNEDINCOME Deferred revenues/unearned income are those where asset recognition criteria have been met, but which revenue recognition criteria have not been met. Such amounts include collections in advance, unearned income and amounts that have been deemed to be "measurable" but not "available" to finance current expenses pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles. PREPAIDS Prepaids record payments to vendors that benefit future recording periods and are reported on the consumption basis. Prepaids in the General and Special Revenue Funds represent insurance premiums paid for coverage that will benefit the subsequent period and for retirement benefits that will benefit a future period. LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS The liabilities for long-term obligations consisting of general obligation bonds, compensated absences, claims and judgments, other postemployment benefits, due to employees retirement system and liability for landfill closure and postclosure costs are recognized in the government-wide financial statements. In the fund statements, long-term obligations are not reported as liabilities. The debt proceeds are reported as other financing sources and payment of principal and interest reported as expenditures. EQUITY CLASSIFICATIONS In the government-wide statements, equity is classified as net assets and displayed in three components: a) Invested in capital assets, net of related debt--Consists of capital assets including restricted capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation and reduced by the outstanding balances of any bonds, notes, or other borrowings that are attributable to the acquisition, construction, or improvement of those assets. b) Restricted net assets--Consists of net assets with constraints placed on the use either by (1) external groups such as creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other governments; or (2) law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. c) Unrestricted net assets--All other net assets that do not meet the definition of "restricted" or "invested in capital assets, net of related debt." When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Town's policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as needed. In the fund statements, governmental fund equity is classified as fund balance. Fund balance is further classified as reserved and unreserved, with unreserved further split between designated and undesignated. Portions of fund equity are segregated for future use and therefore not available for future appropriation or expenditure. Amounts reserved for encumbrances, inventory, prepaids, community preservation and debt service represent portions of fund equity, which are required to be segregated in accordance with state law or GAAP. Designations of fund balances in governmental funds indicate the utilization of these resources in the subsequent year's budget or tentative plans for future use. 23- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REAL PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION PROCEDURES In Suffolk County, the assessment and lien of real properly for taxation is done by the County Department of Assessment. Real property taxes become a lien on December 1 for both school and general taxes. The Town's assessment roils are used for the levy of real property taxes by the Town and the School Districts, as well as by the County and by Special Districts of the County and the Town. The Town of Southold Receiver of Taxes collects all real property taxes for the Town, Suffolk County, Town Special Districts and School Districts. These taxes are levied on December 1, and are due in two installments, 50% on December 1 and 50% on May 10, payable without penalty to January 10 and May 31, respectively. Penalties are imposed thereafter at the rate of one-twelfth of the rate of interest determined by the State Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, after which taxes are payable to the County Treasurer. The Town retains the total amount of Town, Highway and Town Special Districts levies from the amount collected, and forwards the balance collected to the County which assumes collection responsibility. The Town and Town's Special Districts therefore realize annually the 100% collection of real property taxes. School District property taxes are also levied on December 1, and are also payable in two installments. School property taxes are due in two installments, 50% on December 1 and 50% on May 10 payable without penalty to January 10 and May 31, respectively. The County is also responsible for uncollected school taxes. INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Interfund transactions have been eliminated from the government-wide financial statements, in the funds statements interfund transactions include: a) Interfund Revenues tnterfund revenues, which are quasi-external transactions, in the General Fund represent amounts charged for services or facilities provided by the General Fund. The amounts paid by the fund receiving the benefit of the service or facilities are reflected as an expenditure of that fund. b) Transfers Transfers represent payments to the General Fund and Capital Projects Funds from the other funds for their appropriate share of the General Fund or capital project costs. COMPENSATED ABSENCES The liability for vested or accumulated vacation or sick leave (compensated absences) is recorded as current and non-current obligations in the government-wide statements. The current portion of this debt is estimated based on historical trends. In the fund financial statements only the compensated absence liability payable from expendable available financial resources is incurred. The amount that is expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources is reported as expenditures and a liability in the funds statement in the respective fund that will pay it. 24- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 5. REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (continued) OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS In addition to providing pension benefits, the Town provides health insurance coverage and survivor benefits for retired employees and their survivors. Substantially all of the Town's employees may become eligible for these benefits if they reach normal retirement age while working for the Town. Health care benefits in accordance with New York State Health Insurance Rules and Regulations (administered by the New York State Department of Civil Service), are provided through the New York State Empire Plan (the "Empire Plan") whose premiums are based on the benefits paid throughout the State during the year or under the Town of Southold's self insurance plan which is further described in Note D. The Town recognizes the cost of providing benefits by recording its share of insurance premiums as an expenditure in the year paid. The liability for these other postemployment benefits payable is recorded as Iong~term debt in the government-wide statements. The Town's union contracts and ordinances require that it provide its eligible enrollees with Empire Plan benefit coverage, or if another provider is utilized, the equivalent coverage. Under the provisions of the Empire Plan. premiums are adjusted on a prospective basis for any losses experience by the Empire Plan. The Town has the option to terminate its participation in the Empire Plan at any time without liability for its respective share of any previously incurred loss. POLLUTION REMEDIATION OBLIGATION The Governmental Auditing Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 49, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pollution Remediation Obligations, This Statement establishes specific guidance on the measurement and recognition of pollution remediation obligations or responsibilities. The guidance lists what events must occur for a government to be required to calculate and report a pollution remediation liability. The Town adopted GASB statement No. 49 in fiscal year ended 2008 which had no effect on the accompanying financial statements. 6, USE OF ESTIMATES Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing financial statements. Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the reported revenues and expenses. Actual results could differ from those estimates, 7. RECLASSIFICATIONS The Town has made certain classifications to prior year financial statements to conform to the current year presentation, Such reclassifications did not have a material effect on net income as previously repoded, NEW PRONOUNCEMENTS The Town has adopted GASB Statement No. 51, "Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets" for the year ended December 31, 2010. This statement establishes accounting and financial reporting requirements for intangible assets to reduce inconsistencies in reporting of these types of assets. The statement requires that all intangible property not specifically excluded by its scope and provisions be classified as capital assets, This resulted in a reclassification of asset categories and no adjustment to beginning net assets. The Town has adopted GASB Statement No, 53 "Accounting and Financial Reporting for Derivative Instruments" for the year ended December 31, 2010. Management has determined that this new accounting principles has no effect on these financial statements. -25- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31,2010 STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1. BUDGETARY DATA Budgets are adopted annually on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Appropriations authorized for the current year are increased by the amount of encumbrances carried forward from the prior year. Budgetary controls for Special Revenue Funds are established in accordance with the applicable grant agreement, which may cover a period other than the Town's fiscal year. Appropriate budgetary adjustments have been made to reflect these grant agreements during the Town's fiscal year. The Town follows the procedures enumerated below in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: a) No later than October 1, the Supervisor submits a tentative budget to the Town Board for the fiscal year commencing the following fiscal year. The tentative budget includes the proposed means of financing for all funds. b) After public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments, no later than November 20, the Town Board adopts the budget. c) The Town Board must approve all modifications of the budget. However, the Supervisor is authorized to transfer certain budgeted amounts within departments. FUND BALANCES DESIGNATION OF FUND BALANCE Portions of the unreserved balances at December 31, 2010 were designated for the subsequent year's operating budgets as follows: Fund Balance Unreserved and Fund Balance Designated Unreserved and Total for Subsequent Designated Fund Balance Year's for Insurance Fund Unreserved Budget Claims Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated Major Governmental Funds General Fund- Townwide $6,971,540 $1,914,000 Highway Fund 586,899 228,850 Non-Major Funds: Town Outside Village 657,504 241,000 East West Fire Protection District 6,422 1,500 Southold Wastewater District 255,066 177,385 Fishers Island Sewer District 31,790 4,700 Solid Waste Management District 216,371 107,000 FUND DEFICITS $1,149,498 $3,908,042 358,049 416,504 4,922 77,681 27,090 109,371 The Capital Projects Fund had a deficit fund balance at December 31, 2010. The Capital Projects Fund deficit will be eliminated as short-term debt is redeemed or conveded to permanent financing. 26- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS 1. CASH ANDINVESTMENTS Cash consists of funds deposited in demand accounts, time deposit accounts, and cedificates of deposit with maturities of less than three months. The Town's investments are governed by a formal investment policy. The Town's monies must be deposited in FDiC-insured commercial banks or trust companies located within the state. The Town is authorized to use demand accounts and certificates of deposit. Permissible investments include obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Agencies and investments made by the Cooperative Liquid Asset Security System (CLASS). CLASS is a cooperative investment plan consisting of U.S. Treasury Obligations and repurchase agreements relating to treasury obligations. Investments are stated at cost, which approximates market value. CLASS was established as a cooperative investment arrangement organized under the CLASS Municipal Cooperation Agreement made pursuant to New York General Municipal Law, Article 3A and 5-G. Collateral is required for demand deposits and time deposit accounts at 105% of all deposits not covered by federal deposit insurance. Obligations that may be pledged as collateral include obligations of the United States and its agencies and obligations of the State and its municipalities and school districts. The Town's collateral agreements are based on the Town's available balance. Custodial Credit Risk - Deposits/Investments - Custodial credit risk for deposits exists when, in the event of the failure of a depository financial institution, a government may be unable to recover deposits, or recover collateral securities that are in possession of an outside agency. Custodial credit risk for investments exists when, in the event of the failure of the counterparty, a government will not be able to recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in possession of an outside party. Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 40 directs that deposits be disclosed as exposed to custodial credit risk if they are not covered by depository insurance, and the deposits are either: · Uncollateralized · Collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution, or · Collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust depadment or agent but not in the Town's name At December 31, 2010 the Town's cash book balance was approximately $39,500,000. This amount is inclusive of Fiduciary fund deposits of approximately $18,200,000 but exclusive of petty cash of approximately $600. The available bank balance was approximately $39,700,000. Of the bank balance, $1,459,567 was covered by Federal deposit insurance, and approximately $53,000,000 was covered by collateral held by the Town's agent, a third-party financial institution, in the Town's name. - 27- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) INTERFUND RECEIVABLES, PAYABLES AND TRANSFERS Interfund receivables and payables for the primary government at December 31, 2010 were as follows: Amount Amount Receivable ..__.P~_a~.a ble Major Governmental Funds: General Fund - Town wide Highway Fund Capital Projects Fund Non-Major Governmental Funds: General Fund - Part Town East-West Fire District Southold Wastewater District Fishers Island Sewer District Solid Waste Management District $ 2,563 $ 1,982,551 983,329 1,537 135,115 1,825 Total 210,174 151,671 55 515 1~.985,913 $ 1,985~1~ Interfund receivable and payable balances for the primary government at December 31, 2010 are expected to be paid currently. Interfund transfer balances for the primary government at December 31, 2010 represent primarily the payment of operating and capital expenditures and are stated as follows: Transfers Transfers In Out Major Governmental Funds: General Fund - Town wide Highway Fund Capital Projects Fund Non-Major Governmental Funds: Solid Waste Management District Total $ 632,847 632,847 $ 453,613 30,000 149,234 632,847 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) 3. CAPITAL ASSETS Primary ~overnment Capital assets not being depreciated Land Land development rights Construction in progress Total capital assets not being depreciated Depreciable capital assets Buildings Improvements ether than buildings Machinery and equipment Software Infrastructure Total depreciable capital assets Less accumulated depreciation Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Software Infrastructure Total accumulated depreciation Total net depreciable capital assets Total net capital assets Restated Balance Balance 1/f/10 Additions Deletions 12/31/10 5,214,093 $ 42,063 $ 5,256,156 93,340,815 6,753,420 100,094,235 3,450,336 1,065,991 $ 3,179,237 1,337,090 102,005,244 7,861,474 3,179,237 106,687,481 12,215,822 3,235,629 2,691,509 12,759,942 15,198,635 212,129 15,410,764 10,643,102 227,907 209,414 10,661,595 548,705 18,447 567,152 73,271,700 322,919 73,594,619 111,877,964 4,017,031 2,900,923 112,994,072 5,610,519 528,181 2,678,505 3,460,195 4,314,635 400,367 4,715,002 7,294,296 715,074 130,276 7,879,094 523,101 12,783 535,884 56,117,771 2,702,231 58,820,002 $ 73,860,322 $ 4,358,636 $ 2,808,781 $ 75,410,177 37,583,895 $ 144,271,376 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) 3~ CAPITAL ASSETS (continued) Discretely presented component units (Unaudited) Capital assets not bein9 depreciated Land Construction in progress Total capital assets not being depreciated Depreciable capital assets Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Infrastructure Total depredable capital assets Less accumulated depreciation Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Infrastructure Total accumulated depreciation Total net depreciable capital assets Total net capital assets Restated Balance Balance 1/1/10 Additions Deletions 12/31/10 $ 2,193,353 $ 2,193,353 $ 92,382 92,382 2,193,353 92~382 $ -0- 2,285,735 14,056,681 170,441 14,227,122 2,283,862 52,410 2,336,272 3,450,804 75,250 7,742 3,518,312 2,744,865 59,557 2,804,422 22,536,212 357,658 7,742 22,886,128 2,259,772 448,162 2,707,934 240,144 28,790 268,934 2,654,675 134,792 3,871 2,785,596 1~637~921 95,953 1,733,874 $ 8,792,512 $ 707,697 $ 3,871 7,496,338 15,389,790 $ 17,675~525 4. INDEBTEDNESS SHORT TERM DEBT Bond Anticipation Notes (BANs) - Bond anticipation notes (BANs) are used as a temporary means of financing capital expenditures in the Capital Projects Fund. State law requires that BANs issued for capital purposes be converted to long-term obligations within five years after the original issue date. The notes or renewal thereof may not extend more than two years beyond the original date of issue unless a portion is redeemed within two years and within each 12 month period thereafter, Liabilities for BANs are generally accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund. BANs are expected to be paid from the proceeds of future bond issues after renewal of these notes. These BANs bear interest at various rates from .58% to 1.07% and are due at various dates through 2011. When BANs are not redeemed with the proceeds of bond issues, but instead paid from budgetary appropriations, the principal amount paid is recorded as an expenditure in the operating fund and a financing source is recorded in the Capital Projects Fund. 30- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) 4. INDEBTEDNESS (continued) SHORT TERM DEBT (continued) These notes are summarized as follows: Description Interest Amount Rate Various Purposes $ 5,174,000 Various Purposes 244,000 Mattituck Park 5........0..., 0~0(~ Total $ 5,468.000 .58% 1.07% .58% A summary of changes in short term BANs for the year ended December 31, 2010 is as follows: Balance 1/1/10 Primary Government $ 4,119,000 Component Units (Unaudited)__90 000 LONG TERM DEBT Balance Increases Reductions 12/31/10 $ 2,100,000 $ 801,000 $ 5,418,000 40 000 ~....~ 50 000 Summary of changes in Iong-term debt transactions for the year ended December 31, 2010 is as follows: Non-current Balance Balance ]iabilities due Non-current 1/1/10 Increases Reductions 12/31/10 wthin one year liabilities Primary Government: General obligation bonds $ 33,168,000 $ 1,868,000 $ 31,300,000 $ 1,990,000 $ 29,310,000 Due to Employees Retiremef~t System -0- $ 312,837 312,837 312,837 Net compensated absences 7,609,735 355,002 420,366 7,544,371 416,000 7,128,371 Claims and judgments 171,772 3,064,520 2,957,553 278,739 278,739 Estimated liability for landfill closure and pest-closure care costs 1,254,173 260,837 993,336 24,230 969,106 Other postemployment benefits payable 8,719,566 6,624,t 03 1,635,730 13,707,939 13,707,939 Component Units (Unaudited}: Bond anticipation notes 850,000 750,000 850,000 750,000 750,000 General obligation bonds 2,250,000 175,000 2,075,000 175,000 1,900,000 Net corn pensated absences 204,655 11,554 216,209 54,052 162,157 Claims and judgments 47,664 47,664 Other postern ployment benefits payable 195,887 123,261 17,011 302,137 302,137 The compensated absences and other postemployment benefits payable beginning balances for the component units have been restated. General Obligation Bonds - The Town borrows money in order to acquire land, equipment or construct buildings and improvements. This enables the cost of these capital assets to be borne by the present and future taxpayers receiving the benefit of the capital assets. These Iong-term liabilities, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the Town, bear interest at various rates from 2.00% to 6.375% and have maturity dates in 2011 through 2030. -31- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) 4. INDEBTEDNESS (continued) LONG TERM DEBT Future principal and interest payments to maturity for both the primary government component units are as follows: Year Endin~ PrinciB._a.[ Interest Totals 2011 $ 2,165,000 $ 1,268,833 $ 3,433,833 2012 2,130,000 1,195,581 3,325,581 2013 1,965,000 1,125,731 3,090,731 2014 1,980,000 1,056,464 3,036,464 2015 2,000,000 984,124 2,984,124 2016-2020 9,125,000 3,816,359 12,941,359 2021-2025 7,270,000 2,188,356 9,458,356 2026-2030 6,740,000 725,791 7,465,791 Totals $ 33~375~000 $ 12,36%239 ~ 45:736:239 and the Other long-term liabilities for compensated absences, claims and judgments, other postemployment benefits and the estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure costs are to be paid by the fund that gave rise to the liability. 5. RETIREMENT SYSTEM Plan Description The Town of Southold participates in the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System (ERS) and Local Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS). This is a cost-sharing multiple- employer retirement system. The System provides retirement benefits as well as death and disability benefits. Obligation of employers and employees to contribute and benefits to employees are governed by the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law (NYSRSSL). As set forth in the NYSRSSL, the Comptroller of the State of New York (Comptroller) serves as sole trustee and administrative head of the System. The Comptroller shall adopt and may amend rules and regulations for the administration and transaction of the business of the System and for the custody and control of their funds. A publicly available annual report containing financial statements and required supplemental information for the Employees' Retirement System may be obtained by writing to the New York State Retirement System, Governor Smith State Building, Albany, NY 12244. Fundinq Policy The System is noncontributory except for employees who joined the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System after July 27, 1976 and who have less than ten years of membership and less than ten years of credited service with a retirement system under the provisions of article fourteen or fifteen of the NYSRSSL, who contribute 3% of their salary. Prior to October 1, 2000, all employees who joined the System after July 27, 1976 were required to contribute 3% of their salary. Under the authority of the NYSRSSL, the Comptroller shall certify annually the rates expressed as propodions of payroll of members, which shall be used in computing the contributions required to be made by employers to the pension accumulation fund. -32- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) 5. RETIREMENT SYSTEM (continued) Fundin.q Policy (continued) The Town is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate. The actual contributions were equal to the actuarially required amounts and also include additional contributions to fund various early retirement incentives made available to the Town employees. The credits and miscellaneous adjustments represent modification made by the ERS for prior year's contributions. The required contributions, ~rthe primaw government, ~rthe current year and~vo preceding yeam were: ERS PFRS 2010 $ 1,265,284 $ 957,407 2009 $ 794,550 $ 861,865 2008 $ 932,918 $ 905,458 The Town's contribution to the system was 100% of the contributions required each year. Pursuant to Chapter 105 of the Laws of 2010, the New York State Legislature authorized local governments to make available a retirement incentive program with estimated total costs to the Town of $312,837. The cost of the program is being billed and paid over five years beginning in 2012 and will include interest at 5.0%. Future principal and interest payments to maturity is as follows: Total Principal Princi991~ Interest and interest Foryears ending December31,2012 $ 71,928 $ -0- $ 71,928 2013 53,859 18,069 71,928 2014 57,899 14,029 71~928 2015 62,241 9,687 71,928 2016 66,910 Totals $ ~46.803 $ 359.640 6. OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OBLIGATIONS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE) In the government-wide financial statements, the cost of postemployment healthcare benefits, like the cost of pension benefits, generally should be associated with the period in which the cost occurs, rather than in the future year when it will be paid. In adopting the requirements of GASB 45, during the year ended December 31, 2008, the Town recognizes the cost of post- employment healthcare in the year when the employee services are received, reports the accumulated liability from prior years and provide information useful in assessing potential demands on the Town's future cash flows. Recognition of the liability accumulated from prior years will be phased in over 30 years, which commenced with the 2008 liability. - 33- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31,2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OBLIGATIONS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE) (continued) Plan Description: The Town, as a single-employer defined benefit OPEB plan, per its contracts with employees, will pay full premium costs for medical (currently provided by the Empire Plan and the Town's self- funded medical plan) insurance coverage at retirement. For non-police participants, the Town provides continuation of medical insurance to employees who retire under the NYS Retirement System or who are at least 55 years old and have 10 years of service with the Town. For police, the Town provides continuation of medical insurance for employees who have at least 20 years of service with the Town. The retiree and spouse are eligible for full Medicare premium reimbursement in the amount of $1,388 each. Healthcare benefits for non-union employees are similar to those of union employees. Surviving spouses of deceased employees may continue coverage by paying the premium equivalent for participants. They are also entitled to Medicare part B premium reimbursement. The number of participants as of January 1, 2010, the effective date of the OPEB valuation is as follows. There have been no significant changes in the number or type of coverage since that date. Active employees 217 Retirees 167 Spouses of retired employees 6 Total 390 Funding Policy: The Town currently pays for postemployment health care benefits on a pay-as-you-go basis. Annual Other Postemployment Benefits Cost and Net Obligation: For the year ended December 31, 2010, the Town's annual other postemployment benefits cost (expenses) were $6,624,103. Considering the annual expense as well as the payment of current health insurance premiums, which totaled $1,635,730 for retirees and their beneficiaries, the result was an increase in the other postemployment benefits liability of $4,988,373 for the year ended December 31, 2010. The Town's component units annual other postemployment benefits cost (expenses) were $123,261. Considering the annual expense as well as the payment of current health insurance premiums, which totaled $17,011 for retirees, the result was an increase in the other postemployment benefits liability of $106,250 for the year ended December 31,2010. Benefit Obligations and Normal Cost Retired employees $ 21,378,329 Active employees Unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) The Town's annual other postemployment benefit cost is calculated based on the annual required contribution (ARC) of the employer, an amount actuarially determined in accordance with the parameters of GASB Statement No. 45. The ARC represents a level of funding that, if paid on an ongoing basis, is projected to cover normal cost each year and amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities (or funding excess) over a period not to exceed thirty years. - 34- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) 6, OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OBLIGATIONS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE) (continued) Annual Other Postemployment Benefits Cost and Net Obliqation: (continued) The Town's annual other postemployment benefits cost, the amount actually paid and changes to the Town's net other postemployment benefits obligation to the Plan for the year ended December 31,2010 are as follows: Normal Cost $ 2,815,146 Amortization of unfunded actuarial liability (UAAL) over 30 years 3,703,231 interest 260,735 Annual required contribution (ARC) 6,779,112 Interest on net other postemployment benefits obligation 347,749 Adjustment to ARC (502,758) Annual OPEB cost (expense) 6,624,103 Less: contribution for year ended December 31, 2010 1 Increase in net OPEB obligation 4,988,373 Net OPEB obligation- beginning of year 8,719,566 Net OPEB obligation- end of year $13~70~939 Percent of annual OPEB cost contributed 11.93% Funded Status and Fundinq Progress: The percentage contributed, as it relates to the Town of Southold, for the current year and preceding year was: Annual Annual Contribution Percentage Net OPEB OPEB Cost Made Contributed .......~.!.i9~i%n 2010 $ 6,624,103 $ 1,635,730 11.93% $ 13,707,939 2009 6,339,666 1,294,979 20.43% 8,719,566 2008 4,798,081 1,123,202 23.41% 3,674,879 The schedule of funding progress presents trend information about whether the actuarial value of plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actuarial accrued liability for benefits, The funded status of the plan as of January 1, 2010 is as follows: Actuarial Accrued Unfunded UAAL as a Value of Liability AAL Funded Covered Assets (AAL} ~U__ ~AA~L)_ Ratio Payroll Town $ *0~ $ 66,597,849 $ 66,597,849 0% $15,492,700 Component Units (unaudited) -0- 1,278,581 1,278,581 0% 1,023,395 Percentage of Payroll 429.87% 124.94% - 35- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (continued) OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OBLIGATIONS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE) (continued) Actuarial Methods and Assumptions: The projection of future benefits for an ongoing plan involves estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability of occurrence of future events far into the future. Amounts determined regarding the funded status of a plan and the employer's annual required contributions are subject to continual revision as actual results are compared with past expectations and new estimates are made about the future. Projections of benefits for financial reporting purposes are based on the substantive plan (the plan as understood by the employer and the plan members) and include the types of benefits provided at the time of each valuation and the historical pattern of sharing benefit costs between the employer and plan members to that point. The actuarial methods and assumptions used include techniques that are designed to reduce the effects of shod-term liability in actuarial accrued liabilities, consistent with the long-term perspective of the calculations. In the January 1, 2009 actuarial valuation, the liabilities were computed using the projected unit credit cost method. The actuarial assumptions utilized a 4% discount rate. The valuation assumes a 10-12% healthcare cost trend increase for the year, reduced by decrements down to 5% in fiscal year 2015. The remaining amortization period at December 31, 2010 was twenty seven years. 7. COMPENSATED ABSENCES Town employees are granted vacation and sick leave and earn compensatory absences in varying amounts. In the event of termination or upon retirement, an employee is entitled to payment for accumulated vacation and sick leave and unused compensatory absences at various rates subject to certain maximum limitations. Estimated vacation, sick leave and compensatory absences accumulated by governmental fund type employees have been recorded in the statements of net assets. Payment of vacation time and sick leave is dependent upon many factors; therefore, timing of future payments is not readily determinable. However, management believes that sufficient resources will be made available for the payments of vacation, sick leave and compensatory absences when such payments become due. As of December 31, 2010, the value of the accumulated vacation time and sick leave was $7,544,371 for the primary government. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Risk Management in common with other municipalities, the Town receives numerous notices of claims. The Town established a self-insurance risk management program for general liability and health insurance which are both accounted for in the Risk Retention Fund. For the year ended December 31, 2010, the Town has a deductible liability exposure of $50,000 per claim for General Liability, $25,000 per claim for Automobile Liability, Police Liability and Employee Benefits, and $10,000 per claim for Public Officials and Employment Practices. Any liability exposure above the deductible amounts is covered by primary insurance policies up to $1,000,000 per claim for General Liability, Public Officials, Police and Employment Practices, and Employee Benefits. Aggregate exposures are $1,000,000 per claim for Public Officials, Police and Employment Practices, $3,000,000 for Employee Benefits and $5,000,000 for General Liability. After primary policy limits are exhausted, the excess exposure above the per claim or aggregate limits is covered by an Umbrella Liability Policy of $10,000,000 per claim and $10,000,000 in the aggregate. - 36- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (continued) Risk Management (continued) For insurance for health benefits that are self-insured, the Town has insurance policies which provide coverage for specific medical cases in excess of $100,000 incurred during the year and paid within three months after year end, as well as coverage for all other claims in the aggregate. The exposure to the Town under the aggregate policy is based on monthly enrollment. Considering the changes to enrollment during 2010, the attachment point for the aggregate policy was $3,616,159. There have been no significant reductions in insurance coverage as compared to the prior year, and there were no settlements in excess of insurance coverage over the last three years, The Risk Retention Fund reserves for general liability claims are determined by a third party administrator, and are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and the amount of that loss can be reasonably estimated. Claims reserves for general liability claims are re-evaluated periodically to take into consideration recently settled claims and any new developments and changes. The Risk Retention Fund liabilities for medical claims outstanding at year end are reported by the third party administrator and are recorded when the claim has been incurred and paid within 60 days of the year end. The Town's discretely presented component units are not included in the Town's self-insurance risk management program for any claims. Net assets in the Risk Retention Fund are reserved for future catastrophic losses and are not available for other uses. Changes in the liability for claims and judgments for the year ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 are as follows: General Medical Liability 2010 2009 2010 2009 Unpaid Claims as of December 31, prior year Incurred Claims: Provision for insured events of the current fiscal year Increase (decrease) in net provision for insured events of prior fiscal years Total Incurred Claims and Claim adjustments Payments of: Claims during the current year Unpaid Claims as of December 31, $ 168,376 $ 167,490 $ 3,396 $ 1,088 3,021,789 2,769,328 25,000 4,250 8,075 .......~2_~1§) 9,656 2,308 3,198,240 2,934,~Q.~ ...........~,052 7,646 2,926,~ 2,766,226 ......... ~.~ 4,250 currentyear $ 272,213 $ j683~376 During the year ended December 31, 2010 charges to the operating funds for the self-insurance programs were made as follows: ...M...e...d..j .c ai~l General Fund Whole Town General Fund Part Town Highway Fund Part Town Solid Waste District $ 2,119,841 333,671 958,513 339,71~ 3~751.7~2 - 37- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (continued) Risk Management (continued) General Liability General Fund Whole Town General Fund Part Town Solid Waste District Total Charges 536,461 15,000 15,000 566,461. 4.318.203 Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Care Costs State and federal laws and regulations required the Town to place a final cover on its landfill sites and to perform certain maintenance and monitoring functions at the sites for thirty years after closure. The Town ceased accepting waste at its Cutchogue landfill as of October 8, 1993. The Town entered into a stipulation of settlement with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in October of 1994 in which all charges of operational violations at the Cutchogue landfill were dropped. Under the stipulation, the Town agreed to close and place a final cover over the landfill and to pay a civil penalty of $650,000 over seven years. Construction of the final cover commenced in the summer of 2001 and was completed in the fall of 2003. In addition to placement of the final cover on the landfill, state and federal regulations presently require the Town to perform certain maintenance and monitoring functions at the site for up to thirty years. Accordingly, as of December 31, 2010 the Town has recorded a liability of $993,336 which represents the provision to be made in future budgets for post-closure landfill costs. Actual costs may vary due to inflation or deflation, changes in technology, or changes in regulations or applicable laws. Actual costs associated with the placement of the final cover totaled $7,681,719. Financing for closure activities was provided through a $2,000,000 grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation with the balance provided with a state subsidized loan through the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. Costs associated with postclosure care will be covered by charges to future landfill users and future tax revenue. Lease Commitments and Leased Assets The Town leases property and equipment under operating leases. Total rental expenditures on such leases for the year ended December 31, 2010 were $255,466. Future obligations over the primary terms of the Town's leases as of December 31,2010 are as follows: 2011 $ 225,798 2012 209,139 2013 109,d39 2014 81,318 2015 and thereafter 288,555 Total ~ 913.849 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS (UNAUDITED) The following represents condensed financial statements for the discretely presented component units as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010: Condensed Statement of Net Assets: Fishers Islar~d Ferry District Fishers Island Waste Management District Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District Southold Park District Orient~East Marion Park District Mattituck Park District Orient Mosquito District Due from Capital Assets Other Current Primary Net of Current Long-Term Net Assets Government Depreciation Liabilities Liabilities Assets $ 732,784 $ 138,354 $ 11,660,211 $ 1,322,851 $ 2,364,294 $ 8,844,204 894,013 109,972 2,857,550 137,181 3,724,354 108,273 27,671 119,280 27,671 227,553 12,130 67,049 903,607 69,828 912,958 5,748 7,290 432,985 7,290 438,733 437,300 92,029 1,690,288 247,261 1,972,356 1,488 17,028 11,604 17,028 13,092 $ 2,191,736 $ 459,393 $ 17,675,525 $ 1,829,110 $ 2~384,294 $ 16,133,250 Condensed Statement of Activities: Program General Revenue Net Assets Property {as restated) Expenses Revenue Net Expense Tax Other Change 1/1/10 12/31/10 $ 3,596,787 $ 2,662,572 $ 934,215 $ 750,000 $ 224,647 $ 40,432 $ 8,803,772 $ 8,844,204 481,184 39,177 442,007 381,950 5,080 (54,977) 3,779,331 3,724,354 Fishers island Ferry District Fishers island Waste Management District Cutch09ue New Suffolk Park District 138,785 S0uthold Park Distdct 323,136 Orient-East Madon Park Distdct 32,818 Mattituck Park Distdct 322,765 Orien[ Mosquito Distdct 89,137 4,589 138,785 130,000 950 (7,835) 235,388 227,553 318,547 315,000 32,187 28,640 884,318 912,958 32,818 36,136 794 4,112 434,621 438,733 322,765 459,952 37,815 175,002 1,797,354 1,972,356 89,137 80,000 49 (9,088) 22,180 13,092 $ 4,984,612 $ 2,706,338 $ 2,278,274 $ 2,153,038 $ 301,522 $ 176,286 $15,956,964 $16,133,250 2% TRANSFER TAX In November 1998, the voters of the Town approved a referendum for a 2% transfer tax, which became effective on April 1, 1999. The transfer tax receipts are recorded in the Community Preservation Fund, and are used for the purchase and/or preservation of agricultural land, open space, parks, or historic preservation sites. The tax applies to sales of vacant land worth $100,000 or more or sales or improved land worth $259,090 or more. Conveyance of real property for open space, parks or historic preservation purposes are exempt from this tax. At December 31, 2010, and for the four previous years, the Town has the following 2% transfer tax revenue which was utilized for the conservation, environmental or historic preservation purposes expenses of; Revenues Exper~ditures Yearend December31,2010 $ 6,588,824 $ 8,731,929 2009 3,040,294 4,599,624 2008 5,251,258 17,624,096 2007 6,071,436 2,423,659 2006 5,823,714 10,969,280 ~ 39~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2010 RESTATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AND CAPITAL ASSETS During the current year, it was determined that certain capital assets that were previously recorded on the Fisher's Island Ferry District books were actually owned and operated by the Town. To correct this error, the beginning net asset balance of $97,474,616, as originally reported, has been increased to $100,125,466. In addition, beginning capital assets balances of $209,383,842 and beginning accumulated depreciation balances of $72,011,806, as originally reported, have been increased to $213,883,208 and $73,860,322, respectively. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS The Town issued $13,175,000 Public Improvement Serial Bonds dated June 29, 2011. The issue included $10,000,000 for Open Space purchases and various town improvements. Interest rates vary from 2.0% to 4.0% which matures in August 2030. In February 2011 the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation has refunded $75,000 Town of Southold 1996A Bonds. interest rates vary from ~8070% to 1.8170% which matures in December 2014. In June 2011, New York State enacted Chapter 97, Laws of 2011 Real Property Tax Levy Cap and Mandate Relief Provisions, which includes a 2% property tax cap for municipalities that affects the Town and its municipal component units. Beginning in 2012, and lasting through at least June 15, 2016, no local government is authorized to increase its property lax levy by more than 2% or the rate of inflation (whichever is less); however the permitted increase will not be less than 1%. Local governments can exceed the tax levy limit by a 60% vote of the governing body, or local law. There are permitted exceptions and adjustments. The Town is currently evaluating the effect of the cap on future year's budgets. NEW PRONOUNCEMENTS The GASB has issued Statement No. 54, "Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions." This statement establishes criteria for classifying fund balances into specifically defined classifications and clarifies definitions for governmental fund types. The requirements of this statement become effective for the Town for the year ended December 31,2011. The Town is currently evaluating the impact of the above pronouncement. However, the Fisher's Island Ferry District has implemented this standard for the year ended December 31, 2010. - 40- REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION OTHER THAN MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 2010 Original Final Budget Budg?t REVENUES Real property taxes $ 21,532,952 $ 21,532,952 Other real property tax items 65,000 65,000 Non-property tax items 885,000 885,000 Departmental income 395,700 443,200 Intergovernmental charges 382,307 319,034 Use of money and property 210,750 210,750 Licenses and permits 259,730 259,730 Fines and forfeitures 150,500 168,500 Sale of property and compensation for loss 78,100 102,870 Miscellaneous local sources 281,197 243,012 Interfund revenues 30,000 30,000 State aid 1,210,015 1,208,392 Federal aid 159,273 Total Revenues Act u a I $ 21,532,952 84,201 885 473 416 600 222 657 306 952 261 339 225 311 300 228 369 402 30,000 1,216,047 231,418 Variance Positive (Negative) _ $ 19,201 473 (26,600) (96,377) 96,202 1,609 56,811 197,358 126,390 7,655 72,145 25,481,251 25,627,713 26,082,580 454,867 EXPENDITURES General government support 6,936,792 6,749,794 5,125,064 Public safety 8,515,737 8,843,595 8,626,229 Public health 33,300 33,800 33,788 Transportation 491,600 473,600 424,568 Economic assistance and opportunity 1,161,050 1,162,320 1,118,864 Culture and recreation 313,210 315,525 282,289 Home and community services 431,951 431,951 402,959 Employee benefits 6,501,730 6,437,790 5,911,381 Debt service - principal and interest 833,000 830,200 824,417 Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 1,624,730 217,366 12 49,032 43,456 33,236 28,992 526,409 5,783 25,218,370 25,278,575 22,749,559 2,529,016 262,881 349,138 3,333,021 2,983,883 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers out (389,000) (465,257) (453,613) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (389,000) (465,257) _ (453,613) Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance at Beginning of Year Fund Balance at End of Year $ (126,119) $ (116,119) 2,879,408 4,543,693 $ 7,423,101 11,644 11,644 $ 2,995,527 See notes to the financial statements, -41- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 2010 REVENUES Real properly taxes Other mai properly tax items Intergovernmental Charges Use of money and property Licenses and permits Sale of property and compensation for loss State aid Federal Aid Total Revenues Variance Original Final Positive Budget Budget Actual (Negative) $ 4,032,425 $ 4,032,425 $ 4,032,425 $ 3,050 3,050 6,477 3,427 250 250 6,000 6,000 5,634 (366) 7,500 7,500 6,914 (586) 3,000 3,000 1,419 (1,581) 326,819 331,819 343,024 11,205 15,000 120,630 105,630 4,378,794 4,398,794 4,516,773 117,979 7,300 7,348 6,884 464 2,985,839 3,005,839 2,959,459 46,380 1,521,725 1,521,677 1,484,619 37,058 99,050 99,050 98,070 980 4,613,914 4,633,914 4,549,032 84,882 EXPENDITURES General government support Transportation Employee benefits Debt service - principal and interest Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (235,120) (235,120) (32,259) 202,861 Other Financing Uses Transfers out (29!900) Total Other Financing Uses ~ (29,900)~ (30,000) (100_).. (29,900). ~ (100) Net Change in Fund Balance $ (265,020) $ (265,020) (62,259) $ 202,761 Fund Balance at Beginning of Year Fund Balance at End of Year 704,725 $ 642,466 See notes to the financial statements, -42- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 2010 REVENUES Non-property tax items Use of money and property Miscellaneous local sources State aid Federal Aid Total Revenues Variance Original Final Positive Budget Budget Actual (Negative) $ 2,107,000 $ 2,107,000 $ 3,869,750 $ 1,762,750 10,000 16,742 26,102 9,360 100 100 225,828 81,753 (144,075) 2,611,119 2,611,119 2,117,000 2,349,570 6,588,824 4,239,254 EXPENDITURES General government support 94,591 49,641 Home and community services 4,493,560 17,294,812 Employee benefits 11,349 12,149 Debt service - principal and interest 2,517,500 2,073,622 Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses) Debt proceeds Total Other Financing Soumes (Uses) Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance at Beginning of Year Fund Balance at End of Year 49,641 7,065,293 10,229,519 12,149 1,666,636 406,986 7,117,000 19,430,224 8,731,929 10,698,295 (5,000,000) (17,080,654) (2,143,105) 14,937,549 lO,OOO,OOO _(lO,OOO,OOO ~0~ 10,000,000 -0- (10,000,000) $(5,000,000) $(7,080,654) (2,143,105) $ 4,937,549 8,145,455 $ 6,002,350 See notes to the financial statements. -43- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS HEALTHCARE COSTS - SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS Year ended December 31, 2010 Unfunded Liability as a Actuarial Actuarial Actuarial Percentage of Valuation Date Value of Accrued Unfunded Covered January 1, Assets Liability Liability Funded Ratio Covered Payroll Payroll 2010 $ -0- $ 66,597,849 $ 66,597,849 0.00% $15,492,700 429.87% 2009 -0- 62,493,280 62,493,280 0,00% 14~754,952 423~54% 2008 -0- 45,806,258 45,806,258 0,00% 13,830,871 331,19% ~44~ OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS December 31,2010 East*West Fire Southoid Fishers Solid Waste ASSETS Cash and investments $ 577,094 $ 19,559 $ 255,011 $ 30,953 $ 291,900 $1,174,517 Accounts receivable 76,900 1,906 132,642 211,448 Due from other funds 210,174 151,671 55 515 502,491 864,905 Stste and federal receivables 58,772 $133,500 192,272 Prep8ids 26,502 28,734 55,236 TotalAssets $ 949,442 $133,500 $ t71,230 $ 255,066 $ 33,374 $ 955,767 $2,498,379 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payebie Deferred revenue $ 22,816 $133,500 $ 13,137 $ 1,584 $ 176,237 $ 347,274 226,220 151,671 534,425 912316 249,036 133,500 164808 $ -0- 1,584 710,562 1,259,590 FUND BALANCE Fund Balance - Reserved: Encumbrances 16,400 16,400 Prepaids 26,502 28734 55,236 Fund Balance - Unreser/ed: Designated - ensuing years budget 241,0o0 1,500 177,385 4,700 107,000 531,585 Undesignated 416,504 4,922 77,681 27,090 109,371 835,568 Total Fund Balance Totai Liabilities and Fund Balance 700,406 $ 949,442 -0- 6,422 255,066 31,790 245,105 1,238,789 $133,500 $ 171,230 $ 255,066 $ 33,374 $ 955,767 $2,498,379 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the year ended December 31, 2010 REVENUES Real properly taxes Other real properly tax items Non-property tax items Depadmental income Use of money and properb/ Licenses and permits Sale of properly and compensafion for loss State aid Federal aid EXPENDITURES General government supped Publlc safety Home and commur~ity Employee benefits Debt service: Principal interest Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Uses: Transfers out Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balances (Deficit) at Beginning of Year East-West Fire General Fund Special Protection Part Town Grant District $ 904,014 300,987 638,420 2,330 9,200 Southold Fishers Solid Waste Wastewater Island Sewer Management District District Distdct $ 246,981 $ 652,565 84 418 4,375 $ 2,184,244 $ 3.745.198 $ 2,422 286 4,245 300,987 1.005 23,017 1,434,388 2,096.830 641 94 5,522 9,005 t35,270 144,470 258 312,192 312,569 188 550 738 9,560 156,581 57,361 304,342 Total Revenues 2,003,544 246,981 653,067 6,279 25,721 4,139,373 7,074,965 45,007 473,004 770,929 559,329 246,981 659,114 Total Expenditures 1~848~269~ 246,981 659,114 155,275 24,793 69,800 1,132,118 4,426 18,871 2,251,246 3,292,453 604,650 1,163,979 2,175 6,000 447,900 456,075 177 6,60I 209,872 216,650 6,778 31,472 3,538,461 6,331,075 (6,047) (499) (5,751) Total Other Financing Uses -0- -0~ -0- 0- *0- 155,275 (6,047) (499) (5,751) 545,131 12,469 255,565 37,541 600,912 743,890 (149,234) (149~234) (149,234~ ~149~234) 451,678 594,656 (206,573) 644,t33 FundBalancesatEndofYear $ 700,406 $ -0- $ 6,422 $255,066 $31,790 $ 245,105 $ 1,238,789 46- DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS ASSETS Current Assets: TOWNOFSOUTHOLD DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS COMBiNiNG STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS December3%2010 Fishers Fishers Istand Cutchogue Southold Orient East Mattituck Orient Island Ferry Waste Management New Suffolk Park Marion Park Park Mosqu to District District Park District District Oistdct District District (Unaudiled) (Unaudited)__ (Unaudited) __(Unaudited~ ( Ul~audited~ (Unaudited) ~L6La udit ed} 624,683 $ 868r537 $ 108273 $ 12,130 $ 5,748 $ 437.300 $ 1,488 $ 2,058,159 73,374 73.374 138,354 109,972 27,671 67,049 7,290 92,029 !7r028 459,393 4,758 4,758 29,969 25,476 55,445 871.138 ! ,003.985 ! 35,944 79,179 13,038 529329 18~5~6 2,651,129 41,717 517,263 101,!98 588.849 432,985 603,723 2.285,735 11618,494 2,340,287 18,082 3!4.758 1.086,565 11.604 !5,389,790 1 1,660.21 I 2,857,550 119,280 903,607 432,985 1,690,288 i 1,604 17,675,525 !2,531,349 3,861,535 255,224 982,786 446,023 2,219,617 30,120 20,326,654 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued iiabi i6es 175,555 23.350 2,779 97,687 299,371 Accrued interest payed!e 29,890 95 29,985 Bond antic pa6on notes payable 50,000 50,000 Due to other governments 3,859 3,859 Unearned revenue 138,354 109,972 27,671 67.049 7,290 99,479 17.028 466,843 Non-current liabilities due within one year General obl{ga8ol' bonds payable 175,000 175,000 Bond anticipatiof~ notes payable 750,000 750,000 Compensated absences payable 54,052 54,052 1.322,851 137:181 27.671 69,828 7,290 247.261 17,028 1729,110 1.900,000 1.900.000 162,157 162.157 302.137 302,137 3,687,145 137,181 27,671 69,828 7,290 247,261 17,028 4,193,404 8,835,211 3,779.331 884r318 1,690,288 I5,189,148 8,993 (54.977) 227.553 28,640 438.733 282,068 13.092 944,102 $ 8,844,204 $ 3,724.354 $ 227,553 $ 912,958 $ 438.733 $ 1,972,356 $ 13.092 $ 16,133.250 Total Net Assets TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS COMBiNiNG STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year ended December 31, 2010 REVENUES Real properly taxes Other real property tax items Interest earnings State Aid Federal Aid Other EXPENSES General government support PuNic health Transpodation Culture and recreation Home and community services Interest on debt Changes in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year, as reported Prior Period Adjustment Net Assets at Beginning of Year, as restated Fishers Fishers Island Cutchogue- Southold Island Ferry Waste Mana9emef~l New Suffolk Park Distdct District Park District District (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)~ (Unaudited) Orient-East Mat8tuck Odent Marion Park Park Mosquito Distdct District District (Ul~audited)~ (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Totals $ 2,662T572 $ 39,177 $ 4,589 750,000 381r950 $ 130,000 315,000 98 50 17 1,835 5,030 933 30,837 4,456 188,395 29,863 1,350 3,637,219 426.207 $ 2,706.338 $ 36.136 $ 459,952 $ 80,000 2,153,038 5 60 10 240 7 3,130 39 41,811 4,456 188,395 782 34,625 66,620 130,950 351,776 36,930 497,767 80,049 5,160,898 156,630 3,336,065 11,375 92,717. 3,596,787 481,184 481,184 (54,977) 3,779,331 3,779,331 $ 3,724,354 138,785 323,136 156,630 89,137 89,137 3,336,065 32,818 322,073 828,187 481,184 692 93,409 138,785 323,136 32,818 322765 89,137 4,984,812 (7,835) 28,640 4,112 I75,002 (9,088) 176,286 235,388 884,318 434,621 1,797,354 22,180 18,775,687 (2,818,723) 235,388 884,318 434,621 1,797,354 22,180 15,956,964 $ 227,553 _$ 912,958 $ 438,733 $ 1,972,356 _$ 13,092 $16,133,250 40,432 11,622,495 (2,818,723) 8,803,772 Net Assets at End of Year $ 8,844,204 -48- OTHER REPORTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS Year ended December 31,2010 Federal Grantor/Pass-through Grantor/ ?.~ro~ram or Cluster Title U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Pass-through program from: Suffolk County, New York Community Development Block Grant Program ARRA- Community Development Block Grant Program U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Pass-through program from: Suffolk County, New York Special Programs for the Aging i Title Ill, Part C - Nutrition Nutrition Services Incentive Program Direct program from: Early Retiree Reinsurance Program U.S. Department of Transportation Pass-through program from: New York State Highway Planning and Construction Pass-through program from: New York State Safety Incentive Grants for the Use of Seatbelts Pass-through program from: New York State Selective Traffic Enforcement Program U,S. Department of Agriculture Direct program from: National Resource Conservation Service Farm and Ranchland Protection Program U,S. Department of the Interior Pass-through program from: New York State Clean Vessel Act Federal CFDA i~u_~e~_. 14.218 14.253 93.045 93.053 93.546 20.205 20,604 20.600 10.913 15.616 Pass - Through Identifying Number SCS10000001792 SCS10000001792 C022403/D030245 PT-5259081 U,S, Department of Homeland Security Pass-through program from: New York State Severe Storms and Flooding Pass-through program from: New York State and Suffolk County Homeland Security Grant Program Total expenditures of federal awards 97.036 97.067 FEMA-1899-DR-NY See accompanying notes to schedule of expenditures of federal awards Federal Expenditures $ 207,981 39,000 84,813 27,320 31,339 24,959 7,754 3,174 2,608,306 9,517 217,480 5.868 $ 3.267.511 -49- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS December 31,2010 Note A - Basis of Presentation The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards includes the federal grant activity of the Town of Southold and is presented on the modified accrual basis of accounting. The information in this schedule is presented in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Therefore, some amounts presented in this schedule may differ from amounts presented in, or used in the preparation of, the basic financial statements. Note B - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (1) Expenditures reported on the Schedule are reported on the accrual basis of accounting. Such expenditures are recognized following the cost principles contained in OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments, wherein certain types of expenditures are not allowable or are limited as to reimbursement. (2) Pass-threugh entity identifying numbers are presented where available. ~50~ CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MAlq-ERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS Honorable Supervisor and Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the discretely presented component unit, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Town of Southold, New York, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010, which collectively comprise the Town of Southold, New York's basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated September 22, 2011. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The financial statements of the Town of Southold's discretely presented component units were not audited as of the report date, nor were we able to satisfy ourselves as to those financial activities by other auditing procedures. Internal Control Over Financial Reportinq In planning and performing our audit, we considered Town of Southold, New York's internal control over financial repoding as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Southold, New York's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Southold, New York's internal control over financial reporting. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. However, we identified certain deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting, described in the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs as 2010-01 and 2010-02 that we consider to be significant deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. PERSONAL SERViCE.TRUSTED ADVICE. ALBRECHT, V[GGIANO, ZURECK & COMPANY, RC. 245 PARK AVENUE, 24TH FLOOR 25 SUFFOLK COURT NEW YORK, NY 10167 HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-3715 T: 212.792.4078 T: 631.434.9500 F: 631.434.9518 www. avz.com Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Town of Southold, New York's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. We noted certain other matters that we reported to management of the Town of Southold in a separate letter dated September 22, 2011. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, Town Board, federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Hauppauge, New York September 22, 2011 -52- CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ' E INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS THAT COULD HAV A DIRECT AND MATERIAL EFFECT ON EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133 Honorable Supervisor and Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Compliance We have audited the compliance of Town of Southold, New York's, compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on the Town of Southold, New York's major federal program for the year ended December 31, 2010. Town of Southold, New York's major federal program is identified in the summary of auditors' results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. Compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to its major federal pro9rams is the responsibility of Town of Southold, New York's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on Town of Southold, New York's compliance based on our audit. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about Town of Southold, New York's compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit does not provide a legal determination of Town of Southold, New York's compliance with those requirements. In our opinion, the Town of Southold, New York, complied, in all material respects, with the requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on its major federal program for the year ended December 31, 2010. Internal Controls Over Compliance Management of Town of Southold, New York, is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to federal programs. In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Town of Southold, New York's internal control over compliance with the requirements that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program to determine the auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Southold, New York's internal control over compli~eONAL SERWCE. TRUSTED ADVICE. ALBRECHT, VIGGIANO, ZURECK & COMPANY, RC. 245 PARK AVENUE, 24TH FLOOR 25 SUFFOLK COURT NEWYORK, NY 10167 HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788w3715 T: 212.792.4075 T: 631.434.9500 F: 631.434.9518 www,avz,com A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, Town Board, others within the Town, federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Hauppauge, New York September 22, 2011 ~54- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS Year ended December 31,2010 SUMMARY OF AUDITORS' RESULTS 1. The auditors' report expresses a qualified opinion on the basic financial statements of the Town of Southold. Two significant deficiencies in internal control relating to the audit of the financial statements are reported in the "INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING S TANDARDS'~ 3. No instances of noncompliance material to the financial statements of the Town of Southold were disclosed during the audit. No control deficiencies relating to the audit of the major federal award program are reported in the "INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS THAT COULD HAVE A DIRECT AND MATERIAL EFFECT ON EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND ON iNTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133" 5. The auditors' repod on compliance for the major federal awards programs for the Town of Southold expresses an unqualified opinion on all major federal programs. 6. There were no audit findings that are required to be reported in accordance with Section 510(a) of OMB Circular A-133, 7. The program tested as a major programs was: CFDA Number Name of Federal Pro~....9.bC..Lu.~!~.r.. ................................ 10.913 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program The threshold for distinguishing Types A and B programs was $300,000. 9. The Town of Southold was not determined to be a Iow-risk auditee. -55- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS Year ended December 31, 2010 FINDINGS - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDIT 2010-01 RECEIVER OF TAXES - SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Condition We noted that the Receiver of Taxes is the only authorized check signer, prepares the deposit slips, brings the deposit to the bank, receives the bank statements, and reconciles the bank accounts. Criteria internal controls should be in place to provide for segregation of duties within accounting functions relating to cash receipts, check signing and bank reconciliations to reduce the risk of potential errors and fraud. Effect Intentional or unintentional errors could be made and not detected. Recommendation We recommend that the Receiver of Taxes separates these duties relating to the cash receipts and reconciliation cycle to another employee so that no one person handles all elements of a single transaction. We recommend that the Receiver of Taxes' duties of preparing the bank deposit, depositing the funds and reconciling the bank statement be assigned to some other employee in order to establish a proper segregation of duties over cash receipts. Management's Response Due to the small size of the Tax Receivers office, the Tax Receiver will evaluate the functions in his department and segregate the duties as best as possible given the small size of his staff. 2010-02 TOWN CLERK -SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Conditioq We noted that the Deputy Town Clerk counts the cash, prepares the deposit slips, brings the deposits to the bank, posts the cash receipts into the system, receives and reconciles the bank accounts. Criteria Internal controls should be in place to provide for segregation of duties within accounting functions relating to cash receipts, cash depositing and bank reconciliations to reduce the risk of potential errors and fraud. Intentional or unintentional errors could be made and not detected. Recommendation We recommend that the Deputy Town Clerk separates these duties relating to the cash receipts and reconciliation cycle to another employee so that no one person handles all elements of a single transaction. We recommend that the Deputy Town Clerk's duties of preparing the bank deposit, depositing the funds and reconciling the bank statement be assigned to some other employee in order to establish a proper segregation of duties over cash receipts. Management's Response The Southold Town Clerk's Office is a small office with only four clerks who are responsible for certain areas of expertise. They all wait on the counter and issue permits, licenses, and receive money in order to provide the best service possible to our constituents. The Town Clerk's office will address and create financial segregation of duties and develop written policies outlining those functions. -56- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS Year ended December 31, 2010 SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF PRIOR AUDIT FINDINGS FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS - MAJOR FEDERAL AWARD PROGRAMS AUDIT PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC ADMINISTRATION AWARD COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION AWARD - CFDA No. 11.419 2009-01 NO FORMAL WRITTEN OFFER TO PROPERTY OWNER A written offer letter of the appraised value was not made to the property owner. It was noted that a formal offer letter was not sent to the property owner. Effect The appraised value of the property should be made known to the property owner to ensure that they are receiving reasonable compensation. R ~.c..g.m_m_e.n d a t i.____o_n The Town should ensure that property owners are notified in writing what the offer price is for their property. Questioned Cost Unknown Management's Response The Town has a system in place to ensure that formal written offer letters are made to the property owners, In this particular case, the Town had been in negotiations with the property owner for a long period of time and when an amount was agreed on, the purchase went into contract where the property owner and the Town agreed on the purchase price, _C_ .u..r. ~..n_t.....S_t~..tU..s. This finding has been resolved by the Town. -57~ ACCOUNTING&FINANCE DEPT. ®� S® �®1 TOWN HALL ANNEX John A.Cushman,Town Comptroller ® 54375 Main Road Telephone(631)765-4333 P.O.Box 1179 Fax(631)765-1366 ® Southold,NY 11971-0959 E-mail:accounting@town.southold.ny.us http://southoldtown.northfork.net/ Own TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR To: Town Board Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville Superintendent of Highways Peter Harris cc: Town Attorney Martin Finnegan From: John Cushman Date: October 17, 2011 Re: 2010 Audit As part of the 2010 audit, our auditors have prepared the following for your review and action as necessary: • Communication of Significant Deficiencies for the year ended December 31, 2010 • Management Comment Letter for the year ended December 31, 2010 • SAS 114 letter "Communication with Those Charged with Governance" for the year ended December 31,•2010 Feel free to contact me should you require any additional information. 71 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To the Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Southold for the year ended December 31, 2010, and have issued our report thereon dated September 22, 2011. Professional standards require that we provide you with the following information related to our audit. Our Responsibility under U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards As stated in our engagement letter dated November 18, 2009, our responsibility, as described by professional standards, is to express an opinion about whether the financial statements prepared by management with your oversight are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit of the financial statements does not relieve you or management of your responsibilities. Planned Scope and Timing of Audit We performed the audit according to the planned scope and timing previously communicated to you in our engagement letter and communicated with the Town Comptroller and Town Board about planning matters during April 2011. Significant Audit Findings Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. In accordance with the terms of our engagement letter, we will advise management about the appropriateness of accounting policies and their application. The significant accounting policies used by the Town of Southold are described in Note A to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during 2010. We noted no transactions entered into by the governmental unit during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. There are no significant transactions that have been recognized in the financial statements in a different period than when the transaction occurred. PERSONAL SERVICE.TRUSTED ADVICE. — �— ALBRECHT,VIGGIANO,ZURECK&COMPANY, PC. 245 PARK AVENUE,24TH FLOOR 25 SUFFOLK COURT NEW YORK, NY 10167 HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-3715 T:212.792.4075 T.631.434.9500 F. 631.434 9518 www avz.com INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF BKR INTERNATIONAL t e Town Board Town of Southold Page 2 Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly than those expected. The most sensitive estimates affecting the financial statements were: Management's estimate of depreciation expense of $4,358,636 is based on the estimation of the ` useful lives of the fixed assets determined by the Town. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the depreciation expense in determining that it is reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Management's estimate of the compensated absences liability of $7,544,371 is based on what the Town will be expected to pay in vacation and sick time when an employee terminates their employment with the Town. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the compensated absences liability in determining that it is reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Management's estimate for landfill closure and post-closure care costs of$993,336 is based on what the Town expects to pay for the monitoring and maintenance costs of their landfill over thirty years based on an estimate provided by engineers. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the landfill closure and post-closure care costs in determining that it is reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Management's estimate of other post-employment benefits payable of$13,707,939 and the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of $66,597,849 is based on what the Town expects to pay in medical insurance costs and benefits to retired employees currently and over the next thirty years, respectively, based on certain assumptions provided by an actuary. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the other post-employment benefits liability in determining that it is reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit. Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are trivial, and communicate them to appropriate level of management. We did not detect any misstatements that were material, either individually or in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, concerning a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor's report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. �9 Town Board Town of Southold Page 3 Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated September 22, 2011. Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the Town's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor's opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards req, ire the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the Town's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. This information is intended solely for the use of the Town Board and management of Town of Southold and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck& Co., P.C. Hauppauge, New York September 22, 2011 f S CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS September 22, 2011 To Honorable Supervisor and Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, the aggregate discretely presented component units and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Southold as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, we considered the Town of Southold's internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Southold's internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Southold's internal control. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the preceding paragraph and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses and therefore there can be no assurance that all such deficiencies have been identified. However, as discussed below, we identified certain deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be significant deficiencies. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. We consider the following deficiencies in the Town of Southold's internal control to be significant deficiencies. PERSONAL SERVICE.TRUSTED ADVICE. —�- ALBRECHT,VIGGIANO,ZURECK&COMPANY, P.C. 245 PARK AVENUE,24TH FLOOR 25 SUFFOLK COURT NEW YORK, NY 10167 HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-3715 T 212 792.4075 T 631.434.9500 F.631.434.9518 www.avz.COm INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF BKR INTERNATIONAL ' o Town of Southold September 22, 2011 Page 2 RECEIVER OF TAXES—SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Observation During our audit, we noted that the Receiver of Taxes is the only authorized check signer, prepares the deposit slips, brings the deposit to the bank, receives the bank statements, and reconciles the bank accounts. Recommendation We recommend that the Receiver of Taxes separates these duties relating to the cash receipts and reconciliation cycle to another employee so that no one person handles all elements of a single transaction. We recommend that the Receiver of Taxes' duties of preparing the bank deposit, depositing the funds and reconciling the bank statement be assigned to some other employee in order to establish a proper segregation of duties over cash receipts. TOWN CLERK—SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Observation During our audit, we noted that the Deputy Town Clerk is counting the cash, preparing the deposits slip, brings the deposit to the bank, posts the cash receipts into the system, receives the bank statements, and reconciles the bank accounts. Recommendation We recommend that the Deputy Town Clerk separates these duties relating to the cash receipts and reconciliation cycle to another employee so that no one person handles all elements of a single transaction. We recommend that the Deputy Town Clerk's duties of preparing the bank deposit, depositing the funds and reconciling the bank statement be assigned to some other employee in order to establish a proper segregation of duties over cash receipts. This communication is intended solely for the information and use of management of the Town Board, and others within the organization, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, CM aw D . Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck, & Co., P.C. Hauppauge, New York September 22, 2011 } o , AA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS September 22, 2011 Honorable Supervisor and Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of the Town of Southold (the"Town")for the year ended December 31, 2010, we considered the Town's internal control in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on internal control. However, during the audit we became aware of several matters that are opportunities for strengthening internal controls and operating efficiency. The memorandum that accompanies this letter summarizes our comments and suggestions regarding those matters. A separate report dated September 22, 2011 contains our report on significant deficiencies in the Town's internal control. This letter does not affect our report, dated September 22, 2011 on the financial statements of the Town of Southold. The accompanying memorandum is intended solely for the information and use of the Town of Southold, management, and others within the administration and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. We will review the status of these comments during our next engagement. We have already discussed many of these comments and suggestions with various Town personnel, and we will be pleased to discuss them in further detail at your convenience, perform any additional study of these matters, or assist you in implementing the recommendations. Very truly yours, VWX �� •� . Albrecht, Viggiano,, Zureck& Company, P.C. s PERSONAL SERVICE.TRUSTED ADVICE. —�— ALBRECHT,VIGGIANO,ZURECK&COMPANY,P.C. 245 PARK AVENUE,24TH FLOOR 25 SUFFOLK COURT NEW YORK, NY 10167 HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-3715 T.212.792 4075 T•631.434.9500 F:631 434.9518 www.avz com INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF BKR INTERNATIONAL Town of Southold September 22, 2011 Page 2 DEVELOP AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN (REPEAT FINDING) Observation During our audit, we noted the Town does not have a written/formal disaster recovery plan in the event of a disaster affecting its data processing capability. At present, a backup site has not been determined and a contingency plan has not been formalized. The extent to which the Town would define its contingency plan procedures will typically vary depending on the size of the Town, the amount of downtime that could be expected in the event of a disaster, and the likely effect of such downtime on the Town's daily business processes and its citizens. We believe that some formal planning should occur in most instances. Areas that should be addressed in a disaster recovery plan include the following: • Definition of threats and risks (including likely effects on the Town). • Operational security. • Processing priorities. • Disaster recovery planning (as appropriate). • Insurance coverage available or desirable. • Testing procedures of alternative processing sites (as appropriate). Recommendation We recommend that formal contingency planning be performed and that related policies and procedures be developed. As of May 2011, the Town has prepared and implemented a disaster recovery plan. CASH DISBURSEMENTS/PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT(REPEAT FINDING) Observation New York State General Municipal Law requires purchases of similar items to be aggregated to determine if they meet the threshold for formal competitive bidding or required price quotes. Although the Town has a system in place to provide accurate historical information to be used to estimate future purchases, during the course of the audit, we noted several instances where the Police, Buildings and Grounds, Solid Waste and Highway departments did not obtain and/or retain verbal or written quotes as required by the Town's adopted Procurement Policy. In addition, there was no evidence that these departments had secured quotes to document that it was receiving the lowest price for goods or services purchased. We also noted several instances where the Town did not go out to bid on certain purchases exceeding the competitive bidding limits for expenditures incurred by the Police, Solid Waste and Human Resource departments. It was also noted that there were no vendor signatures on fourteen disbursements. Recommendation We recommend that the Board ensure that these departments are complying with Board adopted policies and the requirements of General Municipal Law. We further recommend that to properly document such compliance, the departments should solicit and retain competitive quotations gathered from a sufficient number of vendors, as required by the policy and attach all documentation to the completed voucher packet. We also recommend that all vendor signatures are in place before payment. Town of Southold September 22, 2011 Page 3 JUSTICE COURT-STALE DATED CHECKS (REPEAT FINDING) Observation During our audit, we noted that certain outstanding checks for Justice Court accounts were more than one year old. Recommendation To aid in the preparation of bank reconciliations and to reflect an accurate cash balance in the financial statements, all checks outstanding more than six months old should be investigated and written-off as and disposed of in accordance with NYS Comptroller guidance. JUSTICE COURT REPORT FILINGS (REPEAT FINDING) Observation During our audit of the Justice Court, we noted that three reports were filed late with the NYS Comptroller's Office. According to the Office of the New York State Comptroller's Handbook for Town and Village Justices and Court Clerks, "Reports are due between the 1St and the 10th of the month, for every month that you hold office. Reports that are received after the 10th of the month are considered late even if they are mailed on or before the 10th of the month. Reports that are received prior to the 1St are premature and may be incomplete if additional cases were heard during that month and were not included in the report." Recommendation The Justice Court should report to Office of the New York State Comptroller timely. LANDFILL—REVENUES RECORDED ON CASH BASIS (REPEAT FINDING) Observation During our audit, we noted that landfill revenues recorded monthly are on the cash basis. At the end of the year, an accrual is made for revenues earned but have not been received. Recommendation We recommend that the Comptroller's office, in conjunction with the landfill and the Town Clerk's office, establish a procedure to ensure that the sales on account is posted through the Town Clerk's office on a daily basis along with the cash collections. If this is done, the monthly reports provided to the Comptroller's office will provide accurate revenue earned by the landfill. LANDFILL—DEPOSIT BAGS Observation During our audit, we noted that the Friday deposits and other weekend shifts are left in the safe until Monday. All scale operators have access to the safe. It was noted that during the weekend, the scale operators will occasionally make change with these deposits. Town of Southold September 22, 2011 Page 4 Recommendation We recommend increasing the amount of cash in the drawers thus eliminating the need for the scale operators to access the cash in the safe. The deposits from Friday should be deposited or locked in the safe in the office with limited access to certain individuals in order to ensure these deposits are protected against theft or loss. LANDFILL—REVIEW OF VOID REPORTS Observation During our audit, we noted that there are no formal procedures in place to review void reports which are generated as a result of incorrect weight, a non-chargeable item such as leaf disposal, etc. Recommendation We recommend the Department Head reviews and approve all void reports in order to ensure that the void activity for the day is accurate and reasonable. TOWN CLERK—CASHIER SIGNATURES Observation During our audit, we noted that 3 of the 4 cashier reports did not have documentation that shows two signatures indicating that the cash was double counted. Recommendation We recommend that the Town Clerk's office document that all cash draws are double counted by the cashier attending to the drawer and a supervisor in order to ensure that all the transactions recorded by that draw are accounted for with the funds received by the cashier. TOWN CLERK—REVIEW OF BANK RECONCILIATIONS (REPEAT FINDING) Observation During our audit, we noted that the bank reconciliations prepared by the Town Clerk's office are not reconciled to the general ledger or reviewed on a monthly basis. We also noted that these bank reconciliations are provided to the Comptroller's office only at year end. Recommendation We recommend that the Town Clerk forward the bank reconciliations along with the bank statements to the Comptroller's office monthly in order for the Comptroller to review the reconciliation and to agree the cash balance to the general ledger. This will allow the Comptroller to isolate the reconciling items so they can be addressed on a timely basis. a Town of Southold September 22, 2011 Page 5 CAPITAL PROJECTS AUTHORIZATION Observation During our audit, we noted that in one instance funds were committed through purchase orders for a capital project which had not yet been authorized by the Town Board. As a result, projects may occur without the knowledge and authorization of the Town Board and the Comptroller's office. Without knowledge of all capital projects, required funding may not be available and expenditures cannot be controlled. Recommendation We recommend that all capital projects expenditures be monitored to ensure that the authorization is in place before funds are committed and expended. LOG-INS AND PASSWORDS Observation The Town currently does not require that user passwords be changed on a regular basis due to limitations in IT personnel and shared directories being maintained on the IBM servers. Due to the two types of servers being utilized and two different types of operating systems, this would currently be cumbersome and labor intensive for the limited IT staff. Recommendation We recommend that the IT department review the possibility of requiring that passwords be changed on a regular basis, in order to reduce the risk of access to computer files by unauthorized personnel. Security could be improved if an "intruder lockout" feature were added to the network so that three or more incorrect log in attempts would suspend the users account. The IT department would then be required to reset the account.