HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeisman, LesliePage 1 or' 1 Leslie Weisman - Page ] 0£2 From: David Berg, AICP, LI-APA Section Director, [L°nglslandSection@nyplanning.org~--~-~- Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 11:18 PM To: Weisman@northfork.com Subject: East End Planning Conference. April 22 Follow I/p Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red :: LI-PLANNiNG NEWS .. March 2009 News from the Lt Section of the NY Metro C~a~ter of APA EAST END PLANNING CONFERENCE. April 22, 2009 3:00-8:30 PM - SI/Ny Stony Brook at Southampton. Join the APA LI Section for the s ~'_ ~e second_.annual East End Pla-.-, · . e cenfe . e~'~"Y ~Onmrence Apr 22 from 3 ,~n~ nezwork,ng its req~ns?:d.Wi~of o~re panel discussions on eas; e'00'8:30PM at ~i~~or Student~,,,~. ,,-,, P sorshr s r ._ _.pcs, dinner light dinner and are 10 rp ate s on nd to and mail check;n;"~;~l~u, re.serve space or innuir-~"~,~.;'~,' ,u) or $30 at the doPor arr,e,,.a_v_a, ll.a.b/e- TiCl(ets include Voorhis LLC ~?-'~ ;~',~..[? APA-LI Section t .... u.~ spo · ,~,,~,or.a.[e Sponsorsh s a Con ' , ---- wan wrntman . o Kathryn ElSeman . IS/an e lion · p are tinue to offer scholarshies a,~R_d_''?el.vii/e, NY 11747. Yo~ Questions about the conference may be addressed to: _Lo~_nglsl__a n~.B. yj~!~ or David Berg, Sect/on Director, at 516-827-4900. THE CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Registration and Networking '~-3:45 Introductions. 3:45:4:00 , Pa,el DISCueeio...,:00,: ,4, Agriculture: What s Planning Got To Do With I ' Ge~/e a~~D~rM~;~°r_V.M.S Plannin , onglslandFar'--"~.~u,.~-onn,~..~,-_~--~ ~'~'~/~_~__ ~ Halsey, President. Peconic Land Trust Tom Isles, Director, Suffolk Coun~ Planning Departmer Karen Karp.. Principal, Karp Resources ~' Dinner. 5:30-6:30 Panel. Discussion - 6:30-8:00 ~ ~ ~ annmg for the No~ How a Softening Economy Can Affect Land Use Decisions Th/cie, former Planning Board, ZBA and Town AttOrney, and Town SuperviSor, current Village Attorney, State Assemblyman. Kevin McDonald, The Nature Conservancy, Vice-President, Sustainable Long ISland Bob DeLuca, President, Group for the East End Rick Whalen, fOrmer Planning Board and TOwn Attorney, PrinCipal of Land Marks, Inc. Tim Caufield, V/ce_Pres/dent of Peconic Land Trust 3/I 6/2009