HomeMy WebLinkAboutCutchogue Freon Plume Site Characterization Report SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT CUTCHOGUE FREON PLUME SITE NO. 152227 WORK ASSIGNMENT NO. D004434-30 Prepared for: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Albany, New York Prepared by: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C. Portland, Maine MACTEC: 3612092126 OCTOBER 2010 Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... iii GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................... iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1-1 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 SITE PHYSICAL SETTING .......................................................................................................... 3-1 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK .......................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 GENERAL NOTES ON FIELD ACTIVITIES ................................................................. 4-2 4.2 GROUNDWATER PROFILE SAMPLING ...................................................................... 4-2 4.3 MONITORING WELL SAMPLING ................................................................................. 4-4 4.4 SOIL BORING ..................................................................................................................... 4-4 5.0 DATA ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 DATA USABILITY ASSESSMENT ................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 GROUNDWATER RESULTS ........................................................................................... 5-2 6.0 INVESTIGATION FINDINGS ...................................................................................................... 6-1 7.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 7-1 FIGURES TABLES APPENDICES APPENDIX A: PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX B: FIELD DATA RECORDS APPENDIX C: DATA USABILITY SUMMARY REPORTS i 4.2 reportreport.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1Site Location 4.1 Exploration Locations 5.1 Groundwater Results: Chlorodifluoromethane 5.2 Groundwater Results: Dichlorodifluoromethane 5.3 Groundwater Results: Cis-1,2-dichloroethene ii 4.2 reportreport.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 LIST OF TABLES Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds iii 4.2 reportreport.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS bgs below ground surface CFC chlorofluorocarbon COC contaminant of concern DUSR Data Usability Summary Report FAP Field Activities Plan HASP Health and Safety Plan MACTEC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C. NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYSDOH New York State Department of Health PID photoionization detector QAPP Quality Assurance Program Plan RRF relative response factor SC Site Characterization SCDHS Suffolk County Department of Health Services Site Cutchogue Freon Plume site µg/L microgram(s) per liter VOC volatile organic compound WA work assignment iv 4.2 reportreport.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 1.0 INTRODUCTION MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C. (MACTEC), under contract to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), is submitting this Final Site Characterization (SC) Report for the Cutchogue Freon Plume site (Site) in Town of Southhold, Suffolk County, New York (Figure 1.1). This SC Report has been prepared in accordance with the NYSDEC requirements in work assignment (WA) No. D004434-30, dated, July 1, 2009, and with the July 2005 Superfund Standby Contract between MACTEC and the NYSDEC. The objective of the WA is to investigate the source of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which were detected in tap water from several private residential wells located in the area of Harbor Lane in the Hamlet of Cutchogue. These CFCs, including specifically chlorodifluoromethane and dichlorodifluoromethane, are part of a group of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are often used as refrigerants, aerosol propellants, and solvents. CFCs are sometimes referred to as Freons. Freon is one manufacturer’s brand name. The NYSDEC has named this investigation the “Cutchogue Freon Spill” and therefore, MACTEC will use the term Freon-type contaminant to refer to CFCs in this SC Report. 1-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND In 2005 and 2006, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) conducted a drinking water survey (Survey #SV1405) of more than 50 homes that lie between Route 25 (Main Street) and the East Inlet to Cutchogue Harbor. Sampled homes were located principally on: Harbor Lane; Oak Street; Pierce Drive, and Briarwood Lane. The sampling was conducted in support of an investigation into NYSDEC Spill #05-51408, an area of fuel-related groundwater impact. Groundwater impact, consisting principally of the gasoline additive Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether and volatile fuel compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes was discovered in water from a residential well located at 710 Harbor Lane. SCDHS sampling surveys and NYSDEC investigations identified a groundwater plume with petroleum impacts that is believed to extend from a gas station on Main Street generally eastward through 710 Harbor Lane and adjacent properties to the east, towards East Inlet. MACTEC understands that public water was extended to this area of Harbor Lane. Chlorodifluoromethane and/or dichlorodifluoromethane were reported in residential wells and groundwater explorations in two apparent clusters within the sampled residences between Main Street and East Creek. Several direct-push (earthprobe-type) borings that were drilled to look for petroleum impact along a private lane (between 1005 Harbor Lane and 1155 harbor Lane) encountered chlorodifluoromethane at depths of between 30 and 35 feet below ground surface (bgs) at reported concentrations of at least 100 micrograms per liter (µg/L). Several residential wells in this area also exhibited this Freon-type compound at levels just above the drinking water standard of 5 µg/L. The westernmost detection, in a well on the west side of Harbor Lane (1120 Harbor Lane), opened the possibility that a plume may be migrating into the residential neighborhood from an upgradient source. The Freon-type compounds were reported at locations along the southern edge of the petroleum plume. Tap water from several homes in a southern portion of the Harbor Lane neighborhood also contained dichlorofluoromethane and/or chlorodifluoromethane at low concentrations (e.g. generally less than the drinking water standard of 5 µg/L). These properties appeared to indicate the presence of a second flowpath that contains Freon-type contaminants. 2-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 Since these compounds would not typically be expected from a gasoline-type release and since several of the commercial properties to the west of the gas station have visible refrigeration equipment, the NYSDEC determined that additional groundwater investigations were needed to investigate the occurrence of Freon-type contamination. 2-2 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 3.0 SITE PHYSICAL SETTING The Harbor Lane area of Cutchogue is located on the North Fork near the eastern end of Long Island. This residential area is bounded on the east and south by East Creek, a tidal inlet that opens into Cutchogue Harbor to the south. Ground elevation varies from sea level at the shore to about 20 feet above mean sea level along Route 25. Topography is fairly level with a general slope to the southeast from the morainal ridge that forms the north coastline of the North Fork. Land use is mixed with residential lots distributed around Harbor Lane, agricultural fields and vineyards to the west, and light commercial/industrial development along the Route 25 corridor. Local surface geology is the Roanoke Point outwash, a glacial unit typified by medium to coarse sand and gravel. Finer layers of sand, silt and clay may be present. Some areas along the south shore have a glacial clay unit that starts at depths of 30 to 40 feet below grade by but this may be absent in this area of Cutchogue (USGS, 2004). During this SC investigation, MACTEC completed one soil boring (SB-01) adjacent to GW-09 to characterize soils. Soils were obtained sequentially using a 4-foot long macro-core sampler to characterize soils from ground surface to a depth of 50 feet bgs. Soils were described as tan to brown sand, generally fine to coarse, with little to no fines and with no to some fine gravel. A photograph of a typical sample is provided in Appendix A and a descriptive boring log is included in Appendix B. There were no apparent silt or clay layers. The nine borings completed to profile groundwater (GW- 01 to GW-09) used direct-push drilling technique that did not require the removal of soil and therefore did not provide samples for soil classification. Depth to groundwater varied from about 8 to 14 feet bgs in existing monitoring wells located along Route 25 and in the northern portion of Harbor Lane. Shallow groundwater migrates generally towards the southeast however locally flow direction is influenced by the proximity of inlets such as East Creek. Prior investigations of the petroleum release concluded that water levels showed tidal influence. (Environmental Assessment & Remediation, Inc., 2008). The sandy surface soils promote infiltration and no streams are present in the immediate study area. 3-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK MACTEC performed the groundwater investigation from March 8, 2010 through March 12, 2010. The scope of work included: nine groundwater profile borings (GW-01 to GW-09) with groundwater grab samples collected from a total of 43 intervals; sampling of five existing monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6); and one soil boring (SB-01). Drilling was performed by Geologic NY of Homer, NY using a track-mounted geoprobe drill rig. Laboratory services were provided by Hampton Clark-Veritech of Fairfield, New Jersey. Samples were analyzed for VOCs using method 8260B. The SC investigation was conducted in accordance with the scope of work described in the Field Activities Plan (FAP) (MACTEC, 2010) with the following significant deviations: 1.A soil boring was added to the program to characterize soils since the groundwater profile sampling did not require the removal of soil during advancement of the direct-push borings. This boring, SB-01, was completed at the location of groundwater profile boring GW-09 at the onset of drilling. 2.Supplemental drilling locations that were identified in the FAP were deferred pending the results of the initial nine profile borings since additional utility clearance and access would require a re-mobilization to the Site. 3.MW-3 could not be located and was therefore not sampled. Figure 4.1 is an aerial photograph of the Site area that identifies the exploration and sampling locations. The SC investigation was conducted in accordance with the specifications presented in the Quality Assurance Program Plan (MACTEC, 2007) and FAP (MACTEC, 2010). Health and Safety procedures followed MACTEC’s NYSDEC Program Health and Safety Plan (HASP) (MACTEC, 2005) and the site-specific HASP provided in the FAP. 4-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 4.1 GENERAL NOTES ON FIELD ACTIVITIES Health and Safety. All work was conducted under Level D personal protective equipment as specified in the HASP. No health and safety incidents occurred during this field mobilization. Decontamination. Sampling methods and equipment were selected to minimize decontamination requirements and the possibility of cross-contamination. Soil samples and downhole equipment were screened with a photo-ionization detector (PID) as they were withdrawn from the borehole. No positive PID readings were recorded. Soils examined from the single soil boring (SB-1) did not exhibit odors or visual evidence of contamination and were therefore spread on the ground surface at the location of the boring. With permission from the town, an equipment staging area and decontamination area was established at the Southold Department of Public Works at 275 Peconic Lane. Drill rods were pressure-washed between borings at the decontamination area. Based on the absence of visual evidence of contamination, wash water was allowed to infiltrate into the ground. During sampling of the monitoring wells, water was purged into a container. At the conclusion of sampling the purge water was examined and based on the absence of PID readings and visual evidence of contamination it was discharged to unpaved ground in the vicinity of each monitoring well. 4.2 GROUNDWATER PROFILE SAMPLING MACTEC completed nine groundwater profile borings arranged in three transects that were oriented transverse to groundwater flow direction. GW-01 to GW-04 were completed along the north side of Route 25 GW-05 and GW-06 were completed along the southern portion of Harbor Lane GW-07 to GW-09 were completed parallel to Harbor Lane along the eastern edge of a farm field. A total of 43 separate groundwater intervals were sampled from these profile borings. Groundwater samples were collected using direct push technology to advance a 10-foot length of steel rod equipped with mill-slots to a desired depth. Upon reaching a sample interval, at least one volume of water within the rods was purged and a set of groundwater parameters including temperature, conductivity, pH, and turbidity measured. These measurements were recorded in the field logbook (see Appendix B). Samples were collected using a geopump to purge and sample water from within 4-2 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 the rods. Water was removed at a low purge rate (approximately 100 milliliters per minute) at each location to profile off-site groundwater. Samples were collected directly into 40 ml glass vials through tubing. Purged water was examined for evidence of visual contamination and screened with a PID. If no VOCs were detected and no visual contamination was observed, the water was discharged near the boring and allowed to infiltrate into unpaved ground. Groundwater samples were collected at successive ten-foot intervals from an initial interval near the water table to the target completion depth for each boring. Route 25 Corridor. A transect consisting of four borings (GW-01 to GW-04) was completed along Route 25 (Main Street). The borings were positioned on grass adjacent to the sidewalk that borders the north side of the road. Borings were located within the road right-of-way and were completed under permit from the New York State Department of Transportation. Borings GW-01 and GW-02 were completed in front of 31775 Main St and GW-03 and GW-04 were completed in front of 31525 Main Street. The water table at these locations was estimated at eight to nine feet bgs based on depth to water in nearby MW-4. Each of the four borings was advanced to a depth of 20 feet bgs and samples were collected through drill rods. Four ten-foot intervals were successively sampled at each boring to a total bottom depth of 50-feet bgs. Harbor Lane – Southern Area. Two profile borings (GW-05 and GW-06) were completed in the southern portion of Harbor Lane to characterize groundwater conditions in this part of the neighborhood. Previous sampling of residential wells in this area had detected Freon-type compounds. The borings were completed within the road right-of-way between the driveways of 2440 and 2600 Harbor Lane. The water table was sounded within the drill rods and determined to be approximately 13 feet bgs. Samples were collected at six successive ten-foot intervals from the water table to depths of 73 feet bgs at both GW-05 and GW-06. Harbor Lane – Northern Area. Three profile borings (GW-07, GW-08 and GW-09) were completed along the eastern edge of a farm field behind (west) of residences on Harbor Lane. These profiles were positioned to characterize groundwater quality at the upgradient side of the Harbor Lane residential development. They were located to profile conditions within the flowpath with elevated Freon-type VOCs that was defined by earlier investigations. Prior investigations detected Freon-type 4-3 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 contamination in residential wells and in earthprobe borings located further to the east as shown on Figure 4.1 Samples were collected at five successive ten-foot intervals from 19 feet to 69 feet bgs. 4.3 MONITORING WELL SAMPLING MACTEC sampled five existing monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-4, MW-5, MW-6) to characterize current conditions and investigate the presence of Freon-type VOCs. Historic monitoring well MW-3 could not be located by the field crew. Photographs of the wells are provided in Appendix A. Prior to well sampling, each well was examined for integrity, depth sounded and static water level measured. Well information is provided on the field data records provided in Appendix B. The boring logs for the 2007 monitoring wells are also provided in Appendix B for completeness. Note that MW- 1 was missing the protective steel cover and MW-6 was found with a PVC riser only (no protective casing or roadbox). The monitoring wells were sampled using low-flow sampling procedures as described in the Section of the QAPP (MACTEC, 2007). Field measurements for pH, temperature, specific conductivity, oxidation reduction potential, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity were collected through a flow through cell (with the exception of turbidity) from each monitoring well during pre-sample purging. Field measurements and monitoring well sampling activities are documented on the field data records (Appendix B). 4.4 SOIL BORING One soil boring (SB-01) was completed to characterize soil conditions on the area of the explorations. SB-01 was completed to a total depth of 50 feet bgs adjacent to groundwater profile boring GW-09. Soils were sampled continuously using a four-foot Macrocore sampler. As each sample interval was retrieved, soils were examined and logged. A boring log with soil descriptions is included in Appendix B. Further physical description is provided in Section 3.0. No evidence of contamination such as odor or visual discoloration was observed. 4-4 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 5.0 DATA ASSESSMENT 5.1 DATA USABILITY ASSESSMENT MACTEC reviewed the field and laboratory data results to establish that they met data quality objectives. Project chemist review was completed based on NYSDEC Division of Environmental Remediation guidance for Data Usability Summary Reports (DUSR) (NYSDEC, 2002). The review included evaluations of sample collections, data package completeness, holding times, quality control data (blanks, duplicates, surrogate recovery and spike recovery), data transcription, electronic data reporting, calculations, and data qualification. All water samples were analyzed by HamtonClarke-Veritech laboratory of Fairfield, New Jersey for VOCs by United States Environmental Protection Agency Method 8260B. The laboratory provided Category B deliverables as defined in the NYSDEC Analytical Services Protocols (NYSDEC, 2005). The 2010 SC investigation generated a total of 51 aqueous samples including two trip blanks. Results were reported by the laboratory in two Sample Delivery Groups. The DUSR for all samples is provided in Appendix C along with tabulated results. A summary table showing only those VOCs detected in one or more samples is provided as Table 5.1. The laboratory and/or reviewing chemist added the following qualifiers, as dictated by the guidelines: U indicates that the target analyte is not detected at the reported detection limit J indicates that the concentration is estimated UJ indicates that the analyte is not detected at the reported detection limit and the detection limit is estimated The DUSR identifies that, for some analytes, continuing calibration relative response factors (RRFs) were greater than 20 when compared to the initial calibration RRFs. This affected one of the target Freon-type VOCs (dichlorodifluoromethane). Per DUSR guidelines, the results for this compound (for affected samples) were qualified as estimated (J/UJ). , Dichlorodifluoromethane was reported as detected in only one sample (152227GW0553X) at concentration of 5.2 J µg/L. Dichlorodifluoromethane was not detected in any other sample affected by the difference in calibration response; therefore sample quantitation limits were estimated (1 J µg/L). Although results were qualified as estimated, MACTEC finds that the results are usable and are indicative of the absence of 5-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 this compound at concentrations that would approach the drinking water quality criteria of 5 µg/L. Additionally, in sample 152227GW0553X, dichlorodifluoromethane is co-located with the other principal Site contaminant of concern (COC), chlorodifluoromethane, which is reported at 7.8 µg/L. The result for dichlorodifluoromethane of 5.2 J µg/L therefore does not affect overall interpretation of findings since other COCs are present at greater concentration. Overall, MACTEC finds that all data results from the laboratory are usable in the context of this SC investigation. 5.2 GROUNDWATER RESULTS VOCs detected in one or more of the groundwater profile samples and monitoring wells are shown on Table 5.1 and Figures 5.1 through 5.3. Four compounds were reported as detected: Chlorodifluoromethane (6 of 51 samples) Dichlorodifluoromethane (1 of 51 samples) Cis-1,2-dichloroethene (5 of 51 samples) Methyl Tertbutyl Ether (6 of 51 samples) The Freon-type VOC chlorodifluoromethane was reported at GW-05 (four intervals), GW-06 (one interval) and GW-07 (one interval) as shown on Figure 5.1. Reported concentrations ranged from 3.9 µg/L to 9.6 µg/L. The Freon-type VOC dichlorodifluoromethane was reported in one interval at GW-05 (at 5.2 J µg/L) (see Figure 5.2). This detection is co-located with chlorodifluoromethane. Cis-1,2-dichloroethene, a chlorinated solvent-type VOC, was reported in four intervals at GW-03 at concentrations ranging from 1.3 µg/L to 8.3 µg/L (see Figure 5.3) Methyl Tertbutyl Ether, a gasoline additive that is no longer used in current gasoline configurations was reported at low concentrations (0.5 to 1 µg/L) in six samples. These levels are below water quality criteria and are therefore not represented on a figure. 5-2 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 6.0 INVESTIGATION FINDINGS The objective of this SC was to investigate Freon-type VOCs that were detected in previous tap water samples collected from several private residential wells located in the area of Harbor Lane area of Cutchogue, New York. MACTEC performed a groundwater profiling study that was designed to characterize current groundwater conditions within flowpaths where Freon-type contaminants had been reported in earlier environmental studies and in a sampling survey of residential water wells. The groundwater profiles completed along Route 25 (GW-01 to GW-04) and to the west of Harbor Lane (GW-07 to GW09) did not encounter a groundwater plume of Freon-type contaminants. Based flow direction determined in previous investigations, these profiles were positioned to intercept groundwater migrating towards the Harbor Lane residential neighborhood and particularly towards the residential wells and prior groundwater borings where Freon-type contaminants had been reported. Chlorodifluoromethane was reported in only one sampling interval (GW-07 at 59 feet bgs). The reported concentration (5.2 J µg/L) slightly exceeds the drinking water criteria of 5 µg/L. Groundwater profiles completed in the southern portion of Harbor Lane to characterize conditions in a separate flowpath (GW-05 and GW-06) detected Freon-type compounds (see Figure 5.1 and 5.2). However all reported detections were less than two times the groundwater criteria of 5 µg/L. It is MACTEC’s opinion that the SC groundwater investigation did not confirm the presence of widespread groundwater impact from Freon-type VOCs at the elevated concentrations identified in previous investigations (e.g. > 100 µg/L). The absence of Freon-type compounds in borings along Route 25 appears to rule out a current potential source from business located to the north of this road. MACTEC understands that the NYSDEC has reviewed the analytical findings and consulted with the NYSDOH and that no further investigation is planned at this time. 6-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 7.0 REFERENCES Environmental Assessment & Remediation, Inc., 2008. Letter report to Joseph E. Hass II (NYSDEC) from Karyn Waryas (EAR) dated April 4, 2008. Subject: Alternative Water Supply Recommendation; 710 Harbor Lane, Cutchogue, NY; NYSDEC Spill #05-51408, PIN #SP- 03791 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C. (MACTEC), 2010. Final Field Activities Plan, Cutchogue Freon Plum – Site # 152227. Prepared for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York. March 2010. MACTEC, 2007. Program Quality Assurance Program Plan. Prepared for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York. October 2007. MACTEC, 2005. Program Health and Safety Plan. Prepared for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York. 2005. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), 2005. “Analytical Services Protocols”; 6/05 Edition; June 2005. NYSDEC, 2002. “Guidance for the Development of Data Usability Reports”; Division of Environmental Remediation; 2002. USGS, 2004. Hydrogeologic Framework of the North Fork and Surrounding Areas, Long Island, New York. Water Resources Investigations Report 02-4284. Schubert, Christopher E. et al., Coram, New York 2004. 7-1 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 FIGURES 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc SITE LOCATION New York USGS 1:24,000 scale digital topographic map obtained from Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository at: http://cugir.mannlib.cornell.edu ¯ Prepared/Date: BRP 07/15/10 01,0002,000 Checked/Date: ECS 07/15/10 Feet SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT SITE LOCATION CUTCHOGUE FREON PLUME Project 3612-09-2126 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Figure 1.1 Document: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutchogue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\MapDocuments\\Cutchogue_FAP_11x17LS.mxd PDF: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutchogue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\Figures\\Site Characterization Report\\Figure 4.1.pdf 07/15/2010 2:01 PM brpeters A e ! MW-4 A e ! MW-2 A e A ! e ! MW-5 A MW-6 e ! MW-1 $ B ×Ö @ A A e ! $ B $ MW-3 31525 31775 $ B$ &( GW-07 1005 $ &( 710 GW-01 @ A A@ &( GW-02 1155 &( GW-08 &( 1120 GW-03 SB-01 " A &( GW-09 &( GW-04 ×Ö 2440 &( GW-06 ×Ö Legend ×Ö ×Ö 2600 &( &( Location of GW Profile Boring GW-05 " A Location of Soil Boring @ A Private Potable Well with Prior Freon Detection (approximate) $B Earthprobe Boring with Freon Detection (approximate) $ ×Ö Residence with Prior Freon Detection (well location not known) A e ! Existing Monitoring Well A e ! Existing Monitoring Well (Not Found) Groundwater Flow Direction (estimated) 710 Address mentioned in text Note: Prepared/Date: BRP 07/15/10 Private well locations from report.sp0551408.2008-04-04.alternative_water_supply.pdf (NYSDEC); Figure 3 Checked/Date: ECS 07/15/10 EXPLORATION LOCATIONS ¯SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT Project 3612-09-2126 CUTCHOGUE FREON PLUME Suffolk County color digital orthoimagery (2007) obtained from 0150300 Figure 4.1 New York State GIS Clearinghouse at: http://www.nysgis.state.ny.us CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Feet Document: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutchogue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\MapDocuments\\Cutchogue_FAP_11x17LS_Fig_4_1.mxd PDF: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutcho gue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\Figures\\Site Characterization Report\\Figure 5.1.pdf 06/29/2010 1:59 PM dbwildes MW-4 A e ! MW-4 24'ND MW-2 MW-2 24'ND MW-5 MW-6 GW-01MW-1 A MW-5MW-6 e ! 24'ND 24'ND MW-1 20'ND24'ND A e A ! 30'ND e ! A e GW-07! GW-01 40'ND B$ ×Ö A@ A 29'ND e ! $ B $ 50'ND &($$ B 39'ND MW-3 $ &( GW-07 49'ND MW-3 GW-03Not found A@ @ A 59'5.6 20'ND &( 69'ND &( 30'ND GW-03 40'ND GW-02 &( 50'ND 20'ND GW-08 GW-02 30'ND &( 29'ND 40'ND &( 39'ND GW-09 50'ND GW-08 49'ND 29'ND 59'ND 39'ND GW-04 GW-09 69'ND 20'ND49'ND 59'ND 30'ND GW-04 69'ND 40'ND 50'ND GW-06 23'ND 33'ND 43'4 GW-06 53'ND 63'ND ×Ö 73'ND &( ×Ö ×Ö ×Ö &( Legend GW-05 &( 23'ND Location of GW Profile Boring @ A 33'ND Private Potable Well with Prior Freon Detection (approximate) GW-05 $ B 43'5.4 Earthprobe Boring with Freon Detection (approximate) $ 53'7.8 ×Ö Residence with Prior Freon Detection (well location not known) 63'9.6 A e ! Existing Monitoring Well 73'3.9 A e ! Existing Monitoring Well (Not Found) Groundwater Flow Direction (estimated) Note: Prepared/Date: DBW 06/29/10 Private well locations from report.sp0551408.2008-04-04.alternative_water_supply.pdf (NYSDEC); Figure 3 Depth shown is the bottom of the sample interval or well screen. Checked/Date: ECS 06/29/10 Results are µg/L Groundwater Results: Chlorodifluoromethane SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT ¯ Project 3612-09-2126 CUTCHOGUE FREON PLUME Suffolk County color digital orthoimagery (2007) obtained from 0150300 Figure 5.1 New York State GIS Clearinghouse at: http://www.nysgis.state.ny.us CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Feet Document: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutchogue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\MapDocuments\\Cutchogue_FAP_11x17LS_Fig_4_2.mxd PDF: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutcho gue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\Figures\\Site Characterization Report\\Figure 5.2.pdf 06/29/2010 2:14 PM dbwildes MW-4 A e ! MW-4 24'ND MW-2 MW-2 24'ND MW-6 MW-5 A MW-5MW-6 MW-1 e ! GW-01 24'ND 24'ND MW-1 24'ND 20'ND A e A ! e GW-07 ! A e 30'ND ! GW-01 29'ND B$ ×Ö A@ A 40'ND e ! $ B $ 39'ND &($$ B 50'ND 49'ND$ MW-3 &( GW-07 MW-3 A@ GW-03 59'ND Not found @ A 20'ND 69'ND &( &( GW-03 30'ND GW-02 40'ND&( 20'ND 50'ND GW-08 GW-02 30'ND &( 29'ND 40'ND &( 39'ND 50'ND GW-08 GW-09 49'ND 29'ND 59'ND GW-04 GW-09 39'ND 69'ND 20'ND 49'ND 30'ND GW-04 59'ND 40'ND 69'ND 50'ND GW-06 23'ND 33'ND 43'ND 53'ND GW-06 63'ND 73'ND ×Ö &( ×Ö ×Ö ×Ö &( Legend GW-05 &( Location of GW Profile Boring 23'ND A@ Private Potable Well with Prior Freon Detection (approximate) 33'ND $B GW-05 Earthprobe Boring with Freon Detection (approximate) 43'ND $ ×Ö Residence with Prior Freon Detection (well location not known) 53'5.2J A 63'ND e ! Existing Monitoring Well 73'ND A e ! Existing Monitoring Well (Not Found) Groundwater Flow Direction (estimated) Note: Prepared/Date: DBW 06/29/10 Private well locations from report.sp0551408.2008-04-04.alternative_water_supply.pdf (NYSDEC); Figure 3 Depth shown is the bottom of the sample interval or well screen. Checked/Date: ECS 06/29/10 Results are µg/L Groundwater Results: Dichlorodifluoromethane SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT ¯ Project 3612-09-2126 CUTCHOGUE FREON PLUME Suffolk County color digital orthoimagery (2007) obtained from 0150300 Figure 5.2 New York State GIS Clearinghouse at: http://www.nysgis.state.ny.us CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Feet Document: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutchogue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\MapDocuments\\Cutchogue_FAP_11x17LS_Fig_4_3.mxd PDF: P:\\Projects\\nysdec1\\projects\\Cutcho gue Freon Plume\\4.0_Deliverables\\4.5_Databases\\GIS\\Figures\\Site Characterization Report\\Figure 5.3.pdf 06/29/2010 2:15 PM dbwildes MW-4 A e ! MW-4 24'ND MW-2 MW-2 24'ND MW-6 MW-5 A MW-5MW-6 MW-1 e ! GW-01 24'ND 24'ND MW-1 24'ND 20'ND A e A ! GW-07 e ! A e 30'ND ! GW-01 29'ND B$ ×Ö A@ A 40'ND e ! $ B $ 39'ND &($$ B 50'ND 49'ND MW-3 $ &( GW-07 MW-3 A@ 59'ND Not found GW-03 @ A 69'ND &( 20'1.7 &( GW-03 30'6.4 GW-02 &( 40'8.3 20'ND GW-08 50'1.3 GW-02 30'ND &( 29'ND 40'ND &( 39'ND GW-09 50'ND GW-08 49'ND 29'ND 59'ND 39'ND GW-09 GW-04 69'ND 49'ND 20'ND 59'ND GW-04 30'ND 69'ND 40'ND 50'ND GW-06 23'ND 33'ND 43'ND GW-06 53'ND 63'ND ×Ö 73'ND &( ×Ö ×Ö ×Ö &( Legend GW-05 &( Location of GW Profile Boring 23'ND @ A Private Potable Well with Prior Freon Detection (approximate) 33'ND GW-05 $ B Earthprobe Boring with Freon Detection (approximate) 43'ND $ ×Ö 53'ND Residence with Prior Freon Detection (well location not known) 63'ND A e ! Existing Monitoring Well 73'ND A e ! Existing Monitoring Well (Not Found) Groundwater Flow Direction (estimated) Note: Prepared/Date: DBW 06/29/10 Private well locations from report.sp0551408.2008-04-04.alternative_water_supply.pdf (NYSDEC); Figure 3 Depth shown is the bottom of the sample interval or well screen. Checked/Date: ECS 06/29/10 Results are µg/L Groundwater Results: Cis-1,2,-dichloroethene SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT ¯ Project 3612-09-2126 CUTCHOGUE FREON PLUME Suffolk County color digital orthoimagery (2007) obtained from 0150300 Figure 5.3 New York State GIS Clearinghouse at: http://www.nysgis.state.ny.us CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Feet Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 TABLES 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc SC Report – Cutchogue October 2010 NYSDEC – Site 152227 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., PN 3612092126 Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds Location GW-01GW-01GW-01GW-01GW-02GW-02GW-02GW-02GW-03 Sample Date 3/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/2010 Sample ID 152227GW0120X152227GW0130X152227GW0140X152227GW0150X152227GW0220X152227GW0230X152227GW0240X152227GW0250X152227GW0320X Top Depth (ft bgs)102030401020304010 Bottom Depth (ft bgs)203040502030405020 Qc Code FSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFS AnalysisParam NameUnits ResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifier SW8260Chlorodifluoromethaneug/L1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U SW8260Cis-1,2-Dichloroetheneug/L1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U 1.7 SW8260Dichlorodifluoromethaneug/L1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ SW8260Methyl Tertbutyl Etherug/L0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ Notes: Only compounds detected in one or more samples are shown. Samples analyzed by USEPA <ethod 8260B QC Code: FS = Field Sample FD = Field Duplicate TB = Trip Blank Qualifiers: U = Not detected J = Estimated UJ = Not detected and detectio limit is estimated Detections are indicated in bold font Created by: BAS 5/10/2010 Page 1 of 6 Checked by: ECS 5/10/2010 4.1 Table 5.1_ Groundwater_Hit_Only.xls SC Report – Cutchogue October 2010 NYSDEC – Site 152227 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., PN 3612092126 Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds Location GW-03GW-03GW-03GW-03GW-04GW-04GW-04GW-04GW-05 3/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/12/20103/12/20103/12/20103/12/20103/10/2010 Sample Date Sample ID 152227GW0330X152227GW0340D152227GW0340X152227GW0350X152227GW0420X152227GW0430X152227GW0440X152227GW0450X152227GW0523X 203030401020304013 Top Depth (ft bgs) Bottom Depth (ft bgs)304040502030405023 FSFDFSFSFSFSFSFSFS Qc Code AnalysisParam NameUnits ResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifier 1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U SW8260Chlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Cis-1,2-Dichloroetheneug/L 1U1U1U1U1U 1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ SW8260Dichlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Methyl Tertbutyl Etherug/L0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5UJ0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U Notes: Only compounds detected in one or more samples are shown. Samples analyzed by USEPA <ethod 8260B QC Code: FS = Field Sample FD = Field Duplicate TB = Trip Blank Qualifiers: U = Not detected J = Estimated UJ = Not detected and detectio limit is estimated Detections are indicated in bold font Created by: BAS 5/10/2010 Page 2 of 6 Checked by: ECS 5/10/2010 4.1 Table 5.1_ Groundwater_Hit_Only.xls SC Report – Cutchogue October 2010 NYSDEC – Site 152227 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., PN 3612092126 Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds Location GW-05GW-05GW-05GW-05GW-05GW-06GW-06GW-06GW-06 3/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/11/20103/11/2010 Sample Date Sample ID 152227GW0533X152227GW0543X152227GW0553X152227GW0563X152227GW0573X152227GW0623X152227GW0633X152227GW0643X152227GW0653D 233343536313233343 Top Depth (ft bgs) Bottom Depth (ft bgs)334353637323334353 FSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFD Qc Code AnalysisParam NameUnits ResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifier 1U 1U1U 4 1U SW8260Chlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Cis-1,2-Dichloroetheneug/L1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U 1UJ1UJ5.2J1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ SW8260Dichlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Methyl Tertbutyl Etherug/L0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U 0.53 Notes: Only compounds detected in one or more samples are shown. Samples analyzed by USEPA <ethod 8260B QC Code: FS = Field Sample FD = Field Duplicate TB = Trip Blank Qualifiers: U = Not detected J = Estimated UJ = Not detected and detectio limit is estimated Detections are indicated in bold font Created by: BAS 5/10/2010 Page 3 of 6 Checked by: ECS 5/10/2010 4.1 Table 5.1_ Groundwater_Hit_Only.xls SC Report – Cutchogue October 2010 NYSDEC – Site 152227 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., PN 3612092126 Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds Location GW-06GW-06GW-06GW-07GW-07GW-07GW-07GW-07GW-08 3/11/20103/11/20103/11/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/10/20103/9/2010 Sample Date Sample ID 152227GW0653X152227GW0663X152227GW0673X152227GW0729X152227GW0739X152227GW0749X152227GW0759X152227GW0769X152227GW0829X 435363192939495919 Top Depth (ft bgs) Bottom Depth (ft bgs)536373293949596929 FSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFS Qc Code AnalysisParam NameUnits ResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifier 1U1U1U1U1U1U 5.6 1U1U SW8260Chlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Cis-1,2-Dichloroetheneug/L1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U 1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ SW8260Dichlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Methyl Tertbutyl Etherug/L 0.56 0.5U0.5UJ0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U Notes: Only compounds detected in one or more samples are shown. Samples analyzed by USEPA <ethod 8260B QC Code: FS = Field Sample FD = Field Duplicate TB = Trip Blank Qualifiers: U = Not detected J = Estimated UJ = Not detected and detectio limit is estimated Detections are indicated in bold font Created by: BAS 5/10/2010 Page 4 of 6 Checked by: ECS 5/10/2010 4.1 Table 5.1_ Groundwater_Hit_Only.xls SC Report – Cutchogue October 2010 NYSDEC – Site 152227 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., PN 3612092126 Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds Location GW-08GW-08GW-08GW-08GW-08GW-09GW-09GW-09GW-09 3/9/20103/9/20103/9/20103/10/20103/10/20103/9/20103/9/20103/9/20103/9/2010 Sample Date Sample ID 152227GW0839X152227GW0849D152227GW0849X152227GW0859X152227GW0869X152227GW0929X152227GW0939X152227GW0949X152227GW0959X 293939495919293949 Top Depth (ft bgs) Bottom Depth (ft bgs)394949596929394959 FSFDFSFSFSFSFSFSFS Qc Code AnalysisParam NameUnits ResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifier 1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U SW8260Chlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Cis-1,2-Dichloroetheneug/L1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U 1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ SW8260Dichlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Methyl Tertbutyl Etherug/L 10.50.61 0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U Notes: Only compounds detected in one or more samples are shown. Samples analyzed by USEPA <ethod 8260B QC Code: FS = Field Sample FD = Field Duplicate TB = Trip Blank Qualifiers: U = Not detected J = Estimated UJ = Not detected and detectio limit is estimated Detections are indicated in bold font Created by: BAS 5/10/2010 Page 5 of 6 Checked by: ECS 5/10/2010 4.1 Table 5.1_ Groundwater_Hit_Only.xls SC Report – Cutchogue October 2010 NYSDEC – Site 152227 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., PN 3612092126 Table 5.1 Groundwater Results: Summary of Detected Compounds Location GW-09MW-1MW-2MW-4MW-5MW-6QCQC 3/9/20103/10/20103/10/20103/12/20103/12/20103/9/20103/11/20103/12/2010 Sample Date Sample ID 152227GW0969X152227MW01X152227MW02X152227MW04X152227MW05X152227MO6X152227TP0001TP-1 59(20 ft wellscreen)(20 ft wellscreen)(20 ft wellscreen)(20 ft wellscreen)(20 ft wellscreen) Top Depth (ft bgs) Bottom Depth (ft bgs)692424242424NANA FSFSFSFSFSFSTBTB Qc Code AnalysisParam NameUnits ResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifierResultQualifier 1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U SW8260Chlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Cis-1,2-Dichloroetheneug/L1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U 1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1UJ1U1U SW8260Dichlorodifluoromethaneug/L SW8260Methyl Tertbutyl Etherug/L0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U0.5U 0.62 0.5U0.5U Notes: Only compounds detected in one or more samples are shown. Samples analyzed by USEPA <ethod 8260B QC Code: FS = Field Sample FD = Field Duplicate TB = Trip Blank Qualifiers: U = Not detected J = Estimated UJ = Not detected and detectio limit is estimated Detections are indicated in bold font Created by: BAS 5/10/2010 Page 6 of 6 Checked by: ECS 5/10/2010 4.1 Table 5.1_ Groundwater_Hit_Only.xls Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 APPENDIX A: PHOTOGRAPHS GW-01 GW-02 Page 1 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 GW-03 GW-04 Page 2 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 GW-05 GW-06 Page 3 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 GW-07, GW-08, GW-09 Post-completion GW-07 Page 4 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 GW-08 GW-09 Page 5 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 MW-1 MW-2 Page 6 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 MW-4 MW-5 Page 7 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 MW-6 PVC MW-6 Page 8 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 SB-01 Sand (typical) Page 9 of 9 4.1 Appendix A.doc Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 APPENDIX B FIELD DATA RECORDS 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc Cutchogue Freon Plume Study Project: SB-01 Southold, Suffolk County, NY Location: Boring: NYSDEC Client: Contractor:Drilling Method: Geologic NYTrack-mounted Geoprobe Definitions:Definitions: Bkgd = BackgroundBkgd = Background Operator:Bore Hole ID/OD: John Wnks2 " Diameter Logged By:Auger ID/OD: Mark MaggioreNA Checked By:Sampler: Eric Sandin4' Macrocore Sampler Date Start/Finish:Hammer Wt./ Fall: 3/8 to 3/9/10 Direct Push Boring Location:Water Level: 18 feet bgs (estimated from moist soils) Eastern side of farm field (Peconic Vineyard), approximately 900 ft to SE of Rte. 25 and 300 ft SW of Harbor Lane SampleInformation SampleDescriptionandClassification Notes Adjacent to groundwater profile boring GW-09 1of 1 Page SB-01 Boring: Site Characterization Report – Cutchogue Freon Plume October 2010 NYSDEC – Site No. 152227 Final MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, P.C., Project No. 3612092126 APPENDIX C DATA USABILITY SUMMARY REPORT 4.2 report.hw152227.2010-10-29.Cutchogue_SC_Final.doc