HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntting, Dr. Jonathan G. Scrapbook Vol. 03 And She furthermore did fear, ,�.nd no one knew what these two had Most of the stoe when he retired; 4 TING'S OBSERVATIONS. That if land did not appear Submitted to from her old dad. 'Thus providentially he saw i A good lace for his sou-in-law, At the time Columbus thought, IAS openly did, from the start, g p Where the macaroni grows, Where this young man employed cxinld be Where Vesuvins o'er$ows, All the voyage would come to naught; Oppose this movement on their part, In some useful capacity. Where the skies are far more fair In which case she would be mocked rind said that he would violence do Than the same are anywhere For the jewels she had hocked, The person of this youth unto, This factory of which X write, Was occupied, both clay sod night, Else than in this balmy clime, And much odium would be Unless the latter did think bast In turning out commodities There was born,once on a time, Cast upon her dynasty. To forthwith journey to the West, Of a parentage obscure, But the ship went sailing on Where he foevermore could be Of widely varying qualities; Remote from her society. For while it was devoted to One whose fame will long endure. Until several weeks had gone, The manufacturing of glue, This young man, it now appears, When the crew, quite openly, And thus these lovers they chid part, It also did make va A circumstance that broke her heart, eliu©, Had much wisdom for his years, Did declare a mutiny, And likewise oleomargarine, I For he said, what has proved true, Christopher was down below And lacerated his as well, That across the ocean blue When they told him this was so, As his sad face did plainly tell; Now, little more remains to tell, But ho,Acrambled a the stairs but while he olid remain in town For George, as Soon as he got well, Was a country fair to see, p To brave her father's angry frown, Was wedded to his Julia Ann, g y And thus took them unawares. And soon became a wealthy man; And of rent utility, They seldom found a chance to meet '! Which,if lie could have his way, Then,with marline-spike in hand, Except at random,on the street. And if, when you are passing by He would find without delay. Ie sailed in among the band, Upon the train,you oast your eye g g At last,"however, fade d fade, In the right plaod, you'll plainly so But,while he had robust health, Sending them both right enol left, , White their skulls he deftly cleft; They met to a secluded plane, The chimney of his faotory, He by no means had the wealth y And simultaneously they said Requisite to buy a ship, And the sang another tune They both did wish that they Vere dead; , p 8 q � y p y g � But if, perchance, your si ht should not Suitable to make the trip, Long before the afternoon, For as to living in this way Enable you to find the spot, Hence he found a subsidyFor the burden of their lay, It was no use, they both did say,- Don't for a moment think that X Was a great necessity, It was "Ta-ra"ra-boom-de-a." Aud hence they shortly did decide About so small a thing would lie; And to raise the needed pelf Then the mate he said to Chris: To end their days in suicide. ; And just to prove my story true, He proposed to hump himself. "Where's the reason in all this? Then to a vacant lot they went, i I'll further toll you what to do: So,upon this mission bent, Can't you see as plain as day Their minds on poison quite intent, I Shut up your eyes and mouth as well, At a lively pace he went That the devil is to pay? And swallowed each a quart or more And straightway find it by the smell, futo many different towns, Can't you see there is no land Where he meet with uau;ht but frewne, To b � Which they procured at the drug-store. ����2'_ HUNTHUNTTING. e seen on either hand?— They then reclined upon the grass ' - While the scientific men That the few men we have left TI NG'S OBSERVATIONS. They said nothing, until.whenTo wait for what might come to pass, T Are of reason quite bereft?" Anticipating that sweet time Comm wITH ME l .!?her saw what he ens about, Then they told him to get out. Then Columbus he rose up When they the golden stairs should climb. Where the wavelet gently flows, And,says he, "You mongrel pup! They did not have much time to wait, Where the sweet pond lily grows This did rather set him back, Get thee to a nunuerie Tor they discovered,when too late, Ever and anon, I ween, But of gall he had no lack, Ere I make cold meat of thee! That they,instead of Paris-green, And the moon with silvers sheen So he spurted again I ani bound to finA the land! Had taken some horse-medicine 'Luminates the(lark bayou, } And Struck outt f for Bunny Spain, Can't you see I've got the sand? Which did commence, without delay, And the cuckoo's soothing coo Where,as he did understand, Till the last galoot is dead On,their internal works to play, Wakes the echos, light and frees, Isabelle and Ferdinand, We'll `sail on, and on', "he said. Causing the same to rend and tear Come with me, Oh, come with me 1 Had a sympathetic streak Aif a fire were raging there. J For each ns new and novel freak. Then the weezen-visaged cook, g g He came up and undertook And thus they lay upon their backs, where the cat-tails grow so rank This he ascertained was so, In the muss to take a part, With racking pains in their stomachs, By the brooklet's mussy back; For they said it was a go, But he got a fearful start; Until at last a smothered cry Where the whip-poor-William's straiu When they found his noble scheme For the native of Genoa Was heard by some one passing by; Oft is heard in sad refrain; I Other than an empty dream; Unexpectedly did roar-- And soon an ambulance did come, Where the bats, with rapid pace, And a ship was fitted out, "Blast your'huckleberry skin! Ou purpose for to take them home Chase thevaselves from place to plmtce; Stored with grub and sourkrout, 'On, sail'on,I through thick and thin." To the address which she did given, Where the peepers peep in glee, And these rulers of time reahn. As no one knew where he did live. Come with me, Oh, come with me! Placed Columbus at the helm. Then the steward made a raid On the Captain,to upbraid, As on their Douches they did lie, Then there was a great pow-«ow, Thinking they were about�o die, where the Amells that come to pass And Columbus said: "I swop With a voice both low and soft Rival the fresh sassafras, s That,in spite of all the fates, Bnt Columbus looked aloft; Her father said, in accents wild, That he had killed his only child; Whose slim branches int(Awiue I will find the United States!" Then wreck, Then turned and cried, ,"You Then to the telephone he ran, With the "pizeu-ivy" vine; And he also said he'd bring I with thee will wipe the deck! And shouted to his hired man \V here from out the bull-frog's mug Isabella,in the Spring, To fetch a doctor, on the jump, Uc mes a welancholly chug.— Don , t you hear me shout, anon? A live Indian or so 'On, sail on,and on, and on'." And also bring a stomach-pump, Though his form we cannot eee— And a festive buffalo. Come with me, Oh, nome with me ! Then the lookout in the bow The pump and doctor cam®at last, Turning then to Ferdinand, Just when they thought all hope was past, He did grasp him by the hand, yelled as loud right he knew how, And quick the latter set about Down by yonder poplar log, Land ahoy!right dead ahead! Near the margin While he also did remark The work of pumping them both out; g of the bog That(if Ferd would keepit dark) CleaMan the ya ch oat, heave the lead! IIS pumped Where the limpid waters meet ' Clear the anchor,let her go pumped and'pumped and um ed � p• He would place a jolly treat away, At its cool and Clammy feet masts Theo they nailed it t©the ; At his Royal Nibs'feet, Gallagher! There, steady mat, He pumped all night till the next day, Where the bugs of night are out, In the shape of a pappoose And dreaded lest they both should die Gaily buinping all about; Wrapped "America is found at last," up in a blanket loose. Before he ever pumped them dry. Where mosquitoes ever be, Then the good ship sailed away, �, ,: HUNT TING. In.the mean time her father stood Come with me,Oh, come with me! � While the King and Queen did pray— Beside her bed in solemn mood, 1llore especially the Queen— - -- ----- And briefly told what he would do where the fire-fly gobs around That the sea might be serene; TING'S OBSER,VATIONS. In case the doctor pulled them through; Some three feet above the ground; For she feared that if'twas rough Ilei maiden name was Julia AnnIle said that they should have their way, where the cool, refreshing breeze Chris would think he'd had euougb, And,married be without delay, 8bakes the worms from off the trees -- Without George was that of the young man, And, m Worms the which will sometimes drop Without risking any more , furthermnore, that Georgy should be Aucl they had fondly hoped to wed The foreman in his factory,. On a person's clothes keiflop; For to find a foreign shore. B@fore another year had'il.ed; And when they walked upon the street, This factory was made of brick, Also, where there's many a flea, H0 seemed serene and she looked sweet, ' And located on Newtown Creek, Come with m@, Oh, come R ith Le! And Julia's father had acquired ;49 9 Hint `1.140 L I7N(r' UBN%RVA"1'IUN . Th aahhier said, "I have no time TiNG'S ()13�f+;RiTA't`iUNS• Still undismayed, he triecl*a again, '1'•,11Nar your tale of woe, One topid day in Summer time And this tilne he felt Hul•eg A hirmer, having Mold his farm i Fur Ill this plalil estab)iHhml?nt A oitboat Hailed away, That he had grappled sumethi>s which For quits a,goodly slim, i Y�,ur Htolry will not go; With.living froight and rations for � 'vVas likely to endure g Docid4.d that to New York Ci—• Such ariecdotes as you relate A picnic on the bay And stand the necessary strain, '1'y he wolild forthwith come Arw gHncarally lute thio, This fre�ght consisting in great part And he was quite correct; And ill a Kafrlty vault bis wealth Wii•«rofore 1 Hhall a "copper "call Of rlainHels fair to see But, while tilcayuuug inan'slifewas saved Place tzud4ar lack and seal «'flu soul! will take you ill " And brinimh g o'er with merriment, His trousers they were wrecked. Where moth and rust cannot corrupt •,If T should]�t you ace," he said, As girlw will sometime be. Nur thieves break through and steal." p ' I crit iu;�ar•ci w�.,llld be The ca fait,hauled him in the boat Acoordiugly, lie gave his wife h,,r conduct,l,ot,in strict accord Tho zephyrs blew from sou'son' west And Htrekched bin'out to dry, When slit+left Johnson's dock And soon he was thea uosure A hasty ,acting kiss With puhliC policy; When almost ever y Asci tock tie early morning train H,•uo 1, as nu one will go your bail, But,mho no su,lur'r hrul arrived y eye For the metropolis; 1', ll ihuu You roust u Abreast of Target I wk Aud as he lay upon the deck p } , g Than all thoso zephyrs, one by one, Dejected and forlorn, The "'riniuker"of which train he had Au►l t+uf�ll4l tilt r►liitaaut of your clays i ()olnplet.Hly palated out, He sednled to realize that part No soonest entered than Y Ill Mhl�hotel l.uclow.*' * Leaving this catboat there to drift Of his blue pants was guile, IIs Charroed to take a vacant seat Btwide another man. Most Hopelessly about, ilthough beset 02 ever side j,ola¢;years hav4j fi.,w>r since first 1 e was y It seethed a strange coincidence luaarcorated there, There was amou the passengers By syrulpathetic friends, 'That lie hhoidd�tbtrH sit down Ilia bF�ltd is How full throe fact lona. A y,,ung He foulzd it was no sort of use man cussed ill blue, ,, Reside it nephow of the Post And in hili uncornbea hair Why,also v;ore a•yachting cap To try to make amends; And when the a Mnster of his own tuwn; The rates and dice have built their nc std, Of the slime cavy hue; y eked him hour he felt And as he sat a poli the rail He knew uol what.to say, I3tzt,4o it way, and when he spoke And fnrtherruar4a, they say ., 1 And so he firiirl About his pedigree,ree, 'I'laat with cul auemy of lois Full of hilarity', y closed his eyes 'I'h�rt perr►r,ti !pi rrkuued to his words y. He lit[to kilow hos dif -ireut he Anti fainted dead away.8 His wife hus run awls MLmt intertmtedl Would feel sukpsequeutly' A few ea ' Somptitna wlicau uiz are passing illy y is ago there existed a large Out just before the train approached And jest as lief m not, '"The best laid plans of mice and men Demmcl for first-class diamond-(JnHt; ' 'T'ua C raud Central Deputy Drop in and Hee the poor old man (slang aft aglee." they Hay, But just hose or where it was used I dOn,I i"This mau he middenly arose A sittiuig au his cot; And this young mat►he found it so, know, Ariel Haid that h43 must go And wlivil you start to go and from Long eras the cissa of day ; Although I imigiw)it must Into auother car, scud am Your eye a teardrop will.., And it, perchance, the reader is Flave been mAd then, as now, in.oche Do Hot forget to leave him some Not feeling extra well, branch of art Ile vituirill4�:c1 ttiroltglr the door, g ' Tobacco for hi,pipe. It would be wise for him to skip plat fartrze�r little tliullglit that lie The In a way that I don't understand. Wcnilcl utiver Hem hila route. (�,,.c, c5 1q�fi". HUNT TiNo. The talo I have to tell. Be this as it may, there was little for sale And then the slowly-moving train TING'S OBSERVATIONS. The hour of coon had now arrived That yps free from coal ashes and sauce. ()athe to a filial stop, And, as they sat at lunch, 'fire absvillo l of his iiew-inade friend No v let Us sing in unison A frisky maiden did contrive A long-headed man, in a distant torn, « " Quite suddenly to punch Thoatght hosaw abig thing,anti salsa he ,took in the farrtaer s crop; 1 Some verses sat to Old Hebron, `'I will Htrai htwa erect a diamond-dint He.nboule hili!.react and said, •'B7 g"121 Wherein we shall make ref'renee to the youth who sat upon the rain mill g y With the spar oiuted nib Will wo,uders never oeame? Some things that other parties do. Of tier umbrella, ur and square That will mike me a milliozlair•E! Seer" I'll be goal dartied if that 'ere chap Upon his favorite rib. Worn't 'built as slick ari areasel" For instance they do make it plain In less than six months the mill was com- That all we lose iH so much gain, It seems that she did prod him on plete, Ou I;+'arty-secuzld Htrcaeat,.at last, ,� 1 `'VhorPu on he A moir'1Hut he rid etanl, And in this way they coat the pill Thin ticklish place of his p began to turn out Simply because he did refuse Au article as to the pureness of which ' IIiH ulisbr4potlla tag in !pili arm, Of the McKinley tariff bill. To!lass the sandwiches ; There was never a shadow of doubt. His cdidrit bag v Band; ►They say we make a great mistake And it is fair to say that she But he,did nut have lung, it seems, The diamonds be lie®d were thoroughly ,. Whenever we do undertake Did underestimate To stop and haHitat4+, watlred .! For lie was doomed to bethe viC- To pause a moment to reflect The consequences of the deedUntil it was too]ate. And carefully put through a screen, 'T'iin of a cruel fate. That protection does not protect. Before being ground to impalpable dust A than of middle age stopped up That while we may quite plainly show Soon us he felt the cruel thrust By his powerful grhading machine. And Haid, "How do you do 7 He went right off his base, You may riot know we at lust sight, That wage.are extremely low, And from that moment it was plain Ile bought up old diamonds wherever lie Ilut I full well know you, Nevertheless it still is clear His was a hopeless Case; caufd, And you mast make yourself at home That things are not as the a Fur quiokly raising both his feet And he put up a sign which dict Hav, y appear.riel To an alarming height, 'that for -second-hand stones he would 4d hila in this tout tell me all shout the e tarry, For though the workmen are "ground He turned a backward summersault , give a fair price, Afolks Way up in pad�lulauharie. down," And vaiiiHhod out of sight. And the freight he would cheerfully A "Library"is built in town The girl who was responsible, pay. Ili the mean tial)the farmer's eyes That cost its granite walls to rear. She almost had a fit, And he soon was surprised to see thein ifuvg Out ret either chwok, Which was tho cast)with near) all our in, And hili amezemeut was so great The profits of a single year. y p suarap That,hes Cu ld l k '1 he rest in the Cockpit ; Both in clusters and pet solitaire, R y Speak;; And while we are protected by But preaeutly they all were filled Some being a trifle "off color," although But whilo the City chap rata ou, A Chinese wall both thick and high, kNTitli eurio.Aty, They were really not much worse for With spanner free and lootie, And to the vessels side they flaw wear. He did manage to say, "I Hwuwl There is almost a Certainty s don't,beat the/loose.'' Of gain to Andrew Carnegie. Almost uuauimuusly. If thi g g- While millions of stones that carne to his But later In the clay when they And furthermore they do contend Ili vain they tried to find the hole mill Marl ra47r+n lire ear+pliant, That we do fail to comprehend «'pick tho young man had made He found were not damaged at all-- 1111d City chat,quite Hudcletaly p In his decent, until the cap- Only shopworn by being so frequently' Ie c tnie chap lite su d That "infaut industries" must be �Taiii said lie was afraid ` "hocked" 'T`h41 camtinio had now arrived, lie said Unweaned to all eternity. That if they did nut coupe away By their owners just "After the Ball,' When hop roust he a guu'er, At It ast it seems to be agreed From tilers all hands would drown, For the catboat they would capsize T3ut soon leis cupidity elrowi,ed iiia All to the fd arout grhe corner. That from the bottle they must feed And turn her upside down. surprise, Ile rlkil,pad arotzn the earner. Until old Gabriel blows his horn And he smiled with a heavenly smile, The farmer found himself alone, To usher in the judgment morn. At last lig got g thew ascot!and then, As cart after cart backed up to unload Aud as Ire now did feel � j g Seizing a large boat hook gorilewhat hungry, be thought he would So from this bottle they must pull, Ile left toe tiller to itself � Its burden of gems on the pile Partake of a square meal; And as a means to keep it full And forthwith nth fore a That svae constantly being augmented iu Arid when he found a restauraut By striking out, bath fore and rtf t, size. HecI uickly went inside, Of pap, we must forthwith decide To grapple thereunto For lie thought it was plain for to see, To buy whatever the provide. Some 1' And ordered almost everything y y p portion of the suit of clothes That by Hering his dust at$4 a pound Which they did there provide. And when we do turn up our nose Worn by the youth in blue. A rich pian he would presently be. Without delay he did proceed When purebasing a suit of clothes, It was not long before he gave And so it turned out for it soonof a- Ilimself chock full to fill, They tell us that this shoddy stuff A start, and cried, "I vow ! round i; But, snbisequantly, when he went Is for the people good enough. I plainly see an object there That the diamond dust which he did To pay his little bill. LTpou the weather bow ; make And opened his tat pocketbook, That it is most assuredly best And furthermore, as I make out, Was far out of sight of competative Which was the proper caper. To wear a shoddy coat and vest, The object is so near brands. He was Hurprised to find it full For, though a high price we may pay, That I tali reach it with my hook To say nothing of taking the cake. Uf—uotlilug but brown raper. And jab it in the rear_! We are protected in this way. And when he retired from industrial )car- So(.)n as lie found be had been bun- And then they say we always can He then struck out, and sure enough, 1 Coed out of every cent To sonletipin,g he made fast, suits His face became the picture of ( Find a cheap coat on a cheapman, He abandoned all trouble and care. But-just as he began to haul And short! he died, and was buried ill Supreme bewilderment; ' And thus they prove conclusively .tie started back aghast ; y y j Then,with a!olid and angry voioe, ( 'i'hat tweed!®dam is tweedledee, The pieta of that blue yachting suit st le He started to express, I On which hQ had relied That became sten-limos milliouaiio. ro the cashier, his feelings and 1�� "�.:?tai � . HUNT Tina. IIad givnu way, and far astern �— HUNT TiNo. rxl,lairl his dire distress. _L ___ Was floating ou the title. � • Into proportions rarely known. - With tate followittg, to wit:-- The father was a slender math. I I think yon will find-- h The circle being but-a span TING'S OBSERVATIONS. ! ++Take time by the forelock, TING'S OBSERVATIONS. Once a boy, in childish glee, About his waist, while his limbs,atm• +� ✓✓✓ We live in a rapid and glorious age, It is bald behind, 'Ro a short distance of the same, And we marvel—inrydeed, well w Climbed a Baldwin apple tree 7 �sensitive drummer, • Causing some people to contend Ere the apples had attained their normal g 1 p may, While spinning s yarn, size; That to his legs there was no end, At the numerous startling discoveries, Strays off for a trip And he gathered with delight Especially when he was dressed That we read of alm.)st every clay. Arc,urtd Robinli;jcxl's burn All the fruit that was in sight, Up in his Sunday pants and noxi. We take up a popular magazine, To use a familiar Whether it was it to eat or otherwise. His hair was inclined to be red, And the bulk of its pages we fits d And howe+ly ewacprewdo>� And the fruit which he did pluck While the same thing may.well be said. Devoted to "outs"and e3 a catebiu. Descriptive of;woaknow About his whispers, which, to view, ++ads" For circumlocution. In his stomach he did chuck, Were of the samo eusanguined hue; Till at last he found that it would hold no Appertaining to things of this kind. And his oomplextiou it did suit He will n++t gest far. more ,,. ' .. The flaming shade of his hirsute We read that bald heads can be However, before with solemn visage be sp edily cured s` Slid from out thea Appendage, while his roman nose• he'll raturu to his subject pp1®tree, For the suw of a one-dollar bili, : `Vas larger than you might suppose. To wand-Y no Myra„ And straightway lay down upon the cel- That being the pi-ice of that Magical lar door. The mother of this family stuff If, perobut►on.he shall bear, Soon his mother did come out, Did contrast quite perceptibly Loug in use by our Senator'hill. Iu aooeuts txakirtd In many ways with her consort, i ``Take tithe by the fore+look, For some wood, I have no doubt, For he was tall while sh© vas short; l au1' It is bold behind." We read of a limb aI•tiEcl ,a cl et Or, perhaps, to draw some water from tl;e But what she lacked in height, and more, Su perfect in color and form well And sensitiveness, that it actuall, There was an old woman And, as she was passing'by , She did make tip in width, therefore' ches 3 •� he difference, in point of size, aWhom hurt was pure gold, Where the little boy did lie, It was not hard to realize. At We far-off approach of a st;ur rt., And ypk notwithst.aa+ding, Suddenly she heard a most heartrending Hence a limb that is lust need scarcelyAs I have been told, yell. Their children numbered twenty-three, Rhe had an avetwir.7n Ranging from yery tall to knee- be missed, In the house she gro�ie aped high to its mother's apron string, For the falso one is such a good For noogeration And unto herself she said, To which the youngest strove to cling match, Provocative, almost,, "Shouldn't wonder if poor Jim was goin' Whenever there were strangers near, For the une that is bone, that a Of exasperation. to die;" illus �tito bite j To seek for shelter in the rear, q F It Deems that cage night, ; Then she hastily mixed up Will mn�.+lie it itch lite tits " 01(1� Somethingin an old tea cu Where several more secure could be p � Stealth." When her hence vtrejn afiyMe;, And returned to where the little boy did From danger of discovery. Tho opighbors rushed in lie. This family to church did go We may-Lot account for the present, And called her by name, Each Sunda moruie in a row, large crop There she paused in great affright, y g' And counseled her quickly And her switch it stood upright, And'twas considered quite a treat Of inventions, but is it not plain To bustle about. To contemplate them on the street; That geniuses now are inspired to In order that she Such a scene she never had beheld before ' The parents marching at the head invent Little Jimmie she did see-- B the hope of unparalleled r 1 Might in safety get out. Doubled up in agony Of the procession, while they led y p p gaiw While his head was drumming op the By hand all those who had not grown There certainly never was such r, But all to no purpose cellar door. Sufficiently to go alone. demand the would not move fast, Wildly he his bands did press When they arrived in fine array, For all labor-saving machines, Ana would have got left To the seat of his distress— The congregation did make way At d every where people are eager to Had not some one,at lassk To let them pass, in grand review, buy Yelled into her ear, With his feet he tried to climb t?ae leader Up through the aisle to a front pew, To the utmost extent of fbei,r pipe ; With great prex nos of mind All of thet And the h©wls that he let go Which, a it was inadequate means. "Take,time by the forelock, Rivaled any "Wild West" show, m to accommodate, Our civilization is now in thatstate It is bald behind." Had been enlarged, from year to retie, Especially when he felt an extra gripe, When everything now to be Lad, � By taking in some others near. She got up and got, In line with udorument of peI'aon or (wick his mother raised him up, The minister would always wait, home In sudden alarm, And from out the old tea cup If they did happen to be late, Is a quite irresistible fad. And soon uric was sale Something red hot swiftly down his throat did pour; 'rill he was sure they all were there The methods employed in our From all bcrdilq harm; And the stuff that she did spill And formed into a hollow square; grandla6hers' days But, bad she not heard And when they did arise to sing, The maxim that night, In hit,infant cider mill Are now obsolete and wont go, She must have remained It was a most noteworthy thing, Fur "Off witli the old rind on with Made him go to sleep upon the cellar Ib hear them all their voices raiseIn a terrible plight, door, the new" In one tremendous song of praise. Is the motto for us, don't yuct Suppe she had beer If his mother had not been Fixed with this good medicine Aud when at meal-time they did all know? As deaf h a post P This swell boy would now among the an- Assemble e the trine -hall, And we're on the right track, if Wa• , She would, without doubt, gels stand ; They seemed to strive each one to see Which at the table first should be; only give heed— Have staid there to roast; Where he'd have to flap his wings, Aud when the struggle did subside, And it seems that we could if we U131088, Peradventnre, And "Vie with Gabriel while he sings, would— In spite of her we,i h Aud play upon a golden harplet in the The children sat upon each side, To the Bible injunction to `'Try all Her friends had averted bj�ud Where both their parents could attend things their wants,from either end. s Her impending fate, Buys who here would rather stay And hold fast to that which is And not be angels right:away And when the hour came for repose, good.' Hence,therefore, I say, This family trios all arose, Without hesitation Should take warning from this story, HUNT TzNG. , And the appearance that they made #��1e��.�"` That, as a specific is true , Was like a grand torch-light parade And remember, when they climb TING'S OBSERVATIONS. For procrastination, Various trees in summer time, For as they mounted up the eta,irs This maxim is not In single filer and some in pairs, Of all the�� �old sayings That green apples, &-o., they must asebew. TO adEachd unto the thrilling sight And "maxims"galore, In the Istat degree trite, t HUNT TING. eras proyldad with a lights The work of wise men But, on the contrary, Now.I will kindly draw the screen�- Wh i are with us no more, Is way out of sight There lived in a Long Island townBefore this rare domestic scene, There is none to compare, And worthy to frame A family of some renown, So that no oLe may truly say In point of utility And bang up on the wall; Whose fame resulted, so I'm told, That I(lid give the snaplaway; As a great stimulator Not to commemorate In consequence of manifoldI''or as to trio identity Of speed and agility The old lady's close(all, Additiona to their little flock, Of this prolific family, But to keep to our hearts - In all kinds of business Which came as reg'lar as a clock If I should further specify And social affairs, This precept enshrined: Until the aggregate had grown — ' Others woo d know aq touch as I. From the sawing of wood "Take time by the forelock, HUNT TING, It is bald behind," To the saying of prayers, HuXT TjN(j, NUMBER ONE. - --- Aud clumped it in the laud of mirth; Air: "Uoronatioti." br("(7 � '1'INGIS 013SHRVATIONS. But'tis no more than fair to gtiy We're marching on to met the foe, we're I TINC'S OBSERVATIONS, That much of her exquisite play ready for the fray, I saw an individual The trailing arbutus that grow&in the woods Was aoulewhat owilig to the fact Our hues are formed way u t'i,at her part er kne.m. how to act y p from Maine� Who seemed to be careworn In regarded by many as mighty straight goads, to Cal-i-for-ni-a, l3is}.,art.aH well am sbe-did been, Our batteries have all begun to boom and I And weary'and hie garments were While others contend tbatthe violet blue, Atid out1rrequeutly he(;ice earn blaze wayIn several places torn. 'All blooming in of beauty and sparkling with der,' About otle-ttulf the receipts ' He made a living picture of Or eauttouely ptleping from under the arrow, Of euchoreas from the well-filled seats. We're marching on with loud acclaim I A man left in the lurch Is vieurly 1110 boss of all Ilowers that grow And this ye'ui'g man, well-ltnown to fame, our colors in the breeze, , BellarH up beneath the honored name We've got so near the enemy that we can .As he stood on the corner by In woodland or meadow or on the hill-side, Of Phillip (>lottilold, c,tt the bill, hear them sneeze, The Universalist Church. v►hile.hundreda of critics will promptly decide While otherwise he's known as "Phil." And with their leader in the van we soon 'i'hat neither is tri 1t'.with--Johnny lump ul.,aa" Anal theca was heard the clear"cher-wink" shall see,them freeze. His hat was missing from his head, And•chafer down dilaters"and bright butter-tops, Of Alice Deckers Bub o Link; 1 I Hie coat ripped g Which, while 'tNvas neither:new nor: we're marching on to that great day and Peed tip the back, And sweet scented blossoms that allow in the strange, then this warrior bold, While in his trousers, at the rear, sl.ring Was something quite beyond the range May sally forth without delay and knock There was a lengthy crack, 011 the trees where isle tablas and Of many readers who essay us stiff and cold, Or aperture,through which I saw other birds •, 1 u-get it off in the same way. But all who take much stock in that will I stiokiu'ect 14111 g, Arid how the audience slid grin find they have been sold. An Object g out And titian mignonette and ehry,s,(�Lthemunlss. Wlien :Nlr. Damel W. Quinti that brought to mind the anecdote i Arid numberless ut1,Ar Swett noel S urn yutllts, right into the combat l.)ad warble forth a eoitoc rhyme We're marching on quite undismayed Of "Little Dickey Dowt." Like lout'Pulrtor in has�3rime; r , Buch as lilacs and daisies and carnation pitikrs And t,e�ver did be fail to Lit And spite of all haat mighty host under And It wouldn't be stranare to nud:some one who The buil's eye,and when'er he quit, grandfather's hat, One russet shoe was broken off tltiuks `fate audieuce�:did so huplore We say that"The next President must be a Adjacent to the point, That he was fumed to sink some mare. Demograt." And also bursted at the Aide, That the pnay thatiitunds at the head of;he class Aud next is Air. Ballautyue, NUMBER TWO. SO that his bunion joint Is they{fay dandelion that blooms In the Irratag; Whose part was really sn(,erfitio, Air: "Climb up the Ladder to the Clouds." Looked,as I dimly saw it for For I know a man wild will Clot heeltste, E•spaeially sur great c ivam:aud We've just Dome out before o cosh Of clialt•ot of overy laud you to sing a A worn lace in his nock When speaking of flowers,to openly state ' little song, p Atari as to kits vNt b••1c-quiHm, As thougi,it had but recently That.In his opinion,the common tuberese There is Do cell for OnI10ism, We hope you won't get weary for we won't Collided with a ruck. Ou'ranks them all when held under the nose. For everybo.Ay there will tell, detain you long; He "never heard it dons so well." Just keep your seats and listen 'till the Asad so,to a maxi up at tree it would seem i ll hasing,Now, in couelutaion, where's the need chorus we sg Aly curiosity was soon That IWe babel of tastes was a part of &scheme Of Nayiug angst about Dave Reed? Then everybody take it up and make the In an excited state. To give every flower a fair chance and protect Uolettss we brieflyundertake welkin ring. unAnd stepp►ug lip to bids I said: The most measly samples from scorn or neglect. To may that he dad "take-the cake."' CHORUs: ,, Just call to mal.d that little curl Sias,boom 1 Oh,don't you hear the signal Ik1y friend,t'oo'l e looking great, In the eatable line this diversified taste "'I - „ You are the victim of some foul Is the means of preventing a profs Sus,hueled fromhN(arcldy(lira, gnu to-night 1 profligate waste Au strive to banish, if you can. All the ho its are moving and .there's go_ Conspiracy, no doubt; Of vegetables and things in our markets and All recollection of that fan, ing to be a fight, Unless, forsooth, some fresh 'barkeep' scares, Aud also of his winning way March!.all together till the victory is Has rudely fired you out.- won, Of telling how She tau away won, And California fruits; that are dumped ox our Un a dark night,and forth did fly And we'll whoop her up for (hover and "You' shores. In that turnout that stood near by. � for Adlai Stevenson. re way off, sir,"the poor man cried, And Just.so with meats,the effect ft'the sarzae, Then just refer to those two legs, "I'd have you understand Rewiudful of a pair of pWgs, Our forces are united, the tiger has got That All the way from salt pork to the rarest c f game; That(lid the audience entrance loose, wbat You see is not the work For white some ivay hold that, for taking the While sticking out In that a;kirt-dance. And whew he finds a Pulker he will surely Of any mortal hand. cook his oose, These wounds and tatters I received cake, And also to that sad ciut�tt. For do"' uu see we all a There Is nothing like tonder and juicy beersteak, Which possibly you can't forget, y gree that(hover In no beer or gin mill, Wherein Dave and his wife, "just ,is the mau, g But,rather, on the sidewalk near Sone others will claim that prime pork and landed," Well all come up together on the Demo- , beans, Were very far from being stranded. cratic plan. The top of Elm street hill. Or parxnips and liver and bacop and greens But we begin to apprehend CHORUS. 'rhsst presently our thr+me will end, "Dilapidated as I am And e"a►r�y June cabbage and chocolate eclairea, Then keep your torches burning and A►,d m e citu searcely;i•st content g I've life and honor left Are the best kinds of grub to be found any UuiHs+sr w.-lu�ieafiy sul�i�l,•uleut mind the bugle call, , The sante b ria Lu drat we all Tile battle won't be over until later in the Although l wonder bow it i s wheres; y y g fall; , Wh„were assembled in the ball, Ira Licit of these bereft. Aud we know very well when it comes to mince- We're one going to tell you what ou'd Nozae but an Alpine mountaineer Unite in wishing that the might y g g y y ought to know before pie' 11eturu tend play some at er]taught, That Cleveland will be President for four Hae `vIl'd'ug way can trace That numerous people will eat it and die, �7 Arad elven maintain,with unwonted asperity, i�. years more. In safety down that rugged paps CHORUS. Opposite Irving Pl.ace." That its 114P,is conducive to health and longevity. Thar hei ,the little rascal NUMBER THREE. 0 L*1411, HUNT TINCx. How lucky it Is that such is the case, i,ayin'curled up in the sun; Air: Darkies'I3oliday."' For Isn't it plain as the nose on your face soot,'s lie duds out who's a Conlin' That 1f our co`dition could be otherwltie- Bet,a er life thevil be scime fun. Old monopoly must go, soon he must be Ohl let me be, a child again, That Is,if vrt all could s,e with the same eyes. walking, Back at the clear old home Jest you calsis an,see what happens � , y If you dont believe its so, what's the use When that sluniberin'galooG Where roses bloom around the door' And therefore be able at once to agree (,Its onto the siterwa ton; o talking; When Summer time has Como Tis the truth we're goiug,to tell,will you , That what suited others trust suit you and me, Nutty()bice! though,won't he scoot? all remember P y A�lcl let u,e �vta.ndel• clot��is the hill, We would be In a state of chronic unrest, , In the mouth of next November he will As ill tl.te long ago, Yes,he alters comes a tearin, For tliero'd be no dispute as to which thing was Reg'iar,'bout this time o'day— j hear the people yell: Across the brook to•t.he fields away beat., Blamed if this ain't kind er curous, i CHORUS: Where beautiful daisies grow. And we'd all want the very same pew in the Never s„e him act diet way— ehurch, Wander why he don't hear nothln” I Comedown I don't you bear the trumpet The bees are humnain g rs leround the And for fear that some one would be left in the tkuesis ears is kivered a calling? p; . Come dawn! way up in the sky; coma}, lurch Ailera did tack his head under Come down!old monopoly is falling, Tho birds sing in the tree, We would rush like street Arabs after a dime Ever settee lie were a pup. Don't you see we're going to skin him, The�The1 spring is 1)1:tt31a1111�CeiOl and caeca', And fait over each other to get there in time. Now he's harktn'—gosh a'mlghty, then we'll hapg him up to dry. Just as it used to be; BUNT TING. see the little scullion git!— ELtt, dow t aloDg- the volley's way, 'Phar,yer miser'ble rag utuffin, Old monopoly must go, i# we're not leis- taken, `�ltel( s ��•ht 1e T lois;>• tc, no '1'a1111't no use to have a fit; He will have no kind of show,f _. _.. The R. A. EIAte4alnment. Needn't turn yer measly carcass , or to save And a'(7c'w aal,.tlu, X41.111 h.611 t SQ free, Wrong std«out1'ga'crazy brute, his bacon; l he;-re boa' ttt;f ixl cisisics grits. Perhasp:,six-hundred, roore or less ,, In the autumn he must die, and before That'll do t dont lose yer tail off. Of I3uutiugtouiauas will' ConfessAin't Ile lest a little beaus I? he s planted, the changing�c'ears have flownaway Dever In the history If the woods around is haunted then we'll And I am roanoin 2 still, Of thus refi,.,ed community "one true friend to know and love me all begin to cry: F �T hile clear ones of the says goxie by Has there appeared a better sbow Is the only boon I crave." CHORUS. )ill t,hau that to which the all did go That was lust what was the matter t�r�9 Slee I l g oil the hill; Last Tuesday night, il: the new hall, With reel-headed, cross-eyed Dave. Old monopoly must go, when the day is But in the vra,iley ra,t the foot And, while the entertainers all In a lonely 11Nbitation over, The fields tiro white as snow, Wert,artist.si in their so ac.ial line, Without kith or idu lived be., When the bells begin to ring merrily for And boyhood memories y' g tae er there It must bel said that Jc,:sie Kips h-1d this small °kioodie" Grover; , (:°, l)viug young and also tray) But he Then the bo bands are s will all be out, while the 1A'heIV beautiful daisies grow. Did take the audience lar away For a fatthfnl friend,30U see. plain Ci,y g ,t,� ClC. From this;monotonous old earth HUNT TING. Carnegie will then be saying: "Only — �- -- listen to that shout." c n "viul svotwin of the year _ �• Wht�lb,all titan,Is drawing now TING"S U13S IRVA,r][ON. t this s TING'S Orgl{ �TIllNS. TING'S OBSERVATIONS. With rapid sttitfe,its always mom 'I'hore was au old Snoozp,r called Sam, Already. now, the summer months I had a dream, Or We rat d>rtol of lire shore, And it. did seem �A 1rd of taut satinoin pounding son, � ... For style be did not care a Have been left in the rear, rl In As yon may snnpose, According to the almanac r1 sterol (to rile) With !�mat vaMt�ty He had a red nose, The autumn da a are here. t rf ef►ldar`-c�ratts,attrl tlstz�lt'tting mist, y Reality. And either things that theroexiet, And sometimes he would have a j.m jam, The katydids are holding forth A ghost I saw, 111(.11141 lg oihrerks and sera-weed and With no uncertain sound, {,., Prodigious quantities of sand His coat in the back has a cr:ick, And trunks and l a a e of all kinds �<llit'lt ��`ti0t,ta�l ice ji1w', The seat of his trousei,s was slack; gg g That glints and shimmers In the rays Are mostly homeward bound. But all that ho Of light,that In the August days His hat was caved in,: Did ray to end Itoyva7tls a fasalnatina pau-• llis breath smelt like gin, We ruay have one or two more spells Was, "Climb up, children, climb!" ()earns of sr'kKtt human- And of onion perfume had no lack. . Of weather, after all, Ity attired In startling gut", To labor he was not inclined, As summer sometimes lingers iu elle glro+st was nigh 1"ApavInliy in Point of six*, Elis equal you searculj• could find The lap of early fall• To six feet high, And In rettstrd to quantity Tu thi5 one re,-poet, Of durnp and ctlluging drapery 1 But, in a spurt time at the most, Aald I will swear Which,though it Is abbruvlatMid, Aud,as ono might exl)ect, We'll have to, sure as sin, He'had reel hair Is w extremely variegated His finances were alwitvs behind. Find some way to relieve the emp- And eyes of fire As to Impart,a lurid.hue EIis full name was Samuel Brown, Ty state of our coal bin. Whick did conspire To this kaleldoseoplo view And when he would came into town p Of shifting tswrivy incident Ho'd fill up his tank, And,;when a few days more have passed, To make me quail To this marine ilrlvirontne nt. With stuff that lie drank, Increased inclemency To hear that wail Nevertheless,penpla will go, Or, ratl'er, which he did pour down. Of weather will admonish tis Of, "Climb up, children, climb Notwithstanclirls;,w•hother-or»un,„ l�ovrn to the"I3rax1c±ltl,''a-tact atiW�fanleyr Of the necessity— 0.1e evening when loaded with beer, , y At last I braced Island,If they have the mooety That;,is to say, we 11 find that some Available wnerswitit to restob Which.kmade him a stranger to fear, Arrangement must be made Myself and faced The does at Manhattan Bash Like "clod'gasted Eula" A + r For purchasing some undershirts This spectre grim, Or Brighton, while some others way tie went to his mule, And drawers of heavier grade. And said to him: Decide to go to Hocknway, 41'hich he tried to unhitch in the rear. Aust thus tho sweltering Metropw The wale lie wont at him for fair, And as for other clothes, we sad- ``Kind sir," said I, 011e will soon become dep,np. .kud kicked him way up in the air, Ly need a thicker pair "Pray tell me why Ulated of thea surging crowd Aud when he came back Of trousers,or at least we shall You can't stay dead? " Of which the tower is Justly prolid, lie struck with a whack I Before the trees are bare. But all he said Until the heated t.erin is past, When soots will wander back,at last, i That wits heard for some distance from Our summer ones,the same that we Was, "Climb up, children, climb!" With pookats enipt.y as a'001x• t' there. Are wearing now, we find Tribution box on Sunday mauls. lu:l drat was the last of Sam Blown, Are getting thin all over;more Though much alarmed Who used to come into town Especially behind. Lest I be harmed ����l� 1'1UNI T TTNQ. And fill up his skin, Aud then again our overcoat— MY pillow I 'I'IN4.;YfS ORSIKit�'Pl,`t''ION S. ffi'ii whiskey and gin, Straightway let f1Y+ ` tli,sad recollections to drown. � It might recall a joke, After all the accounts you have read N Of ancient date, to speak of it Which did no good, Of pour, wretebod wau, rhis sorrowful tale I narrate, \, As being now in "soak"— For there he stood Just match, if you cssn, ' in hopes that Sam's terrible fate � Is getting old and quite infirm, Same as before 1'be man•cv.th a auld in his tread, ` '+f i showindulgence up the sin And there is every reason With his nose of a carnal ion rod And loud did rear, Of indul once iu gin, To fear that it will not be "in u „ And his eyes on the situ l,t,e=r and whiskey before it's too late. Oh, Climb up, children, climb! It"for the coming season, �.__u_..tP��w HUNT TING, He's R etra�triger t;ra ftttai---� Now, in affright, The pian with a oold in hint heard. TING'S OBSERVATIONS. Aud when we view the coat and vest I sat upright, Hie former high spirits have fled, I saw upon the Avenue, Which we all summer wore, And felt so queer For it's neadlem to sAy We feel that it will not be long , Dressed up from head to feet, g That I did fear Iliat he cannot be gay. - A ni+aiden who I'm free to say, Before well need some more. Any Mau with a u+.rld in hiR helaci. For style could not be beat; We'll also need a change for our 1 should give o'er Last summer's air of socks Other mart may haul+otilffared stud kr)pd A handkerchief was in liar hand, p � �' And be no more, In war and eieewho►re, I looked H r�iin and ]o! Not later than the date of the + In that my knell But the cannot csoili are She firmly grasped her dainty nose Autumnal Equinox. 3' p A Would be that yell with the man with a oold in his boa& And then began to blow. HUNT Tina. Of, °Climb up, , " ; as3r what lies boas I next beheld a stalwart man, '141 — childrenclimb! And now, ftn*slid, We come! We come!as freemen's sons But just as I sec what I mean— WhoWa.ybaek, I should say, ' 'TYOU Can That the tauclrin Who looked as if he'd struck theY town Unto this place to-day, Was going to clic gest�e A short time for to stay; To celebrate Fourth of July Is the mew with a geld in his lllasd. I distinctly But once he by fortilue wore led 13e paused a moment in his walk, In the old-fashioned way; y And as the da is somewhat warm Did smell coffee; Por hitt"btrglel slid bring And what do.you suppose`? He �%Lipped a red bandanna out Before we do parade, And, strange to tell, A mighty big thiuK And loudly blew his nose. 'We'll all step up and take a drink Toe breakfast bell To a man with a scold in big head, I saw a mother and her son, Of ice-cold lemonade, Down in the ball He hired a commo Boris shad, Some three years old, or more, Was cause of all And a soap factory Together linger just outside We comE! We come! with loud acclaim Was started,you me#, The sanctuary door; I From miles and miles around; That "Climb up, children, climb!" iiy this man with a oold In hin head. A It,tie si erze, the mother quick From Long Swamp and from Jericho, HUNT TING. And great wealth I,$acxutmulAted, From out her muff did swipe And likewise from Fairground. Aud now he lays off A handkerchief, and hurried gave we've left our crops out in the fields ._�_ __.___—__-._.---._.___ . . __._ _. At the hotel Waldorf The little nose a wipe. To dry up in the sun, We come! We come! We come! we come! 1'h1e man with a cold in his lieetd. While we and a''I our families Chock full of fire and zeal, And as I thought the matter o'er Proceed to have some fuu, To celebrate this natal day y l)��"� HUNS,'`Fila, It struck me forcibly, And show how we do.feel. 1'ue nr> rosy stick That noses must be'tended to t We'll fire off guns at intervals, sorr1e owo or tater a Inches,and ofat b 1°9Ce Most unremittinal We come. We come! resolved to whoop j PK y more, Y or short;and declslve.ur even a pug And that we all met st blow and wipe Her up and make her go, / I And raise"old glory"high, That add:i to the pteturew4uent,x of the mug; Until we reach that shore As she has never gone before c�!And shout aloud for Liberty nK no m to h L er h n►•p Pointed or dot. In fort nose t nose roe a P tt7atl Where colds a (I snozzyg•ozzleums Y Years or so, � Until our throats aro dry. And t�.� ;n lull biooln,and clic naac i cat's We one and all are bound that it �" i e"n' And snuffles aro no more. And csspc'clally the snub nose, should always Shall never more be said, tie clean. HUNT TINCx. , Ja That we forget the cause for which 1 _---- Our fathers "fit and bled." Tlhlx':.,i ()I3yh;1;VA'I'IONS. _._ . TING'S OBSERVATIONS. TING'S OBSERVATIONS. TING'S OBSERVATIONS. WILES THE MUDS ARE THERE. once a measly little••skeet" �n There's a cottage in thM valla wit 11 wanted something for to ea,t The birds are all singing high-did- In the nebulous Ntate of nothing CJ r Y� And concluded lie must have Itrl¢tit away; dle-de-de, If man could continue t©dwell, the hon iyauckla vine So,with this object it view, The blossoms are out here and there In about nine cases out of ten Twirling it, al,d out the lattice on the evening nreeze he new on a tree; Perhaps'twould be just as well. routed t by door; To a hammock where a dainty malden lay But thecos set of fruit is p p quite 'Twould be just as well if not better Where the bees are river humming, This - .((*- Is how he 01 appear skimpy,I hear, In instances I can recall, when the Hun begins to brine When he buzzy d around her ear- 7.'iil tllc, long summer clay is o'er. Never did another ,skeeter,' look mfu•e Because we had such an abundance And on the whole I am not so sure last year. That it wouldn't be best for all. But early in the Spi in{;, when tho sum;Ilut,when he had freely drank birds begin to sing Just so with potatoes, and melons, And no matter how pessimistic Ui her gore and tilled 1►Is tank, , In the hedges and the branches Mark We chaDge that suddenly took place and squash, The ides may happen to be, everywhere, to h1ra, And all other kinds of green vegeta= If we ponder the subject a moment Then my weary heart is lodging for , bles, b'gosh! fts salient point we play see. that c l to ge in they vale— y O.� Z Anci so;t would seem that whatever And acknowledge the force and the logio In thea ria when the birds are we do Of arguments going to show there. -----— We can't keep our cooky and eat it That the sohdme has a motor attachment When the :springtime comes again, TING'S OBSERVATIONS. up too. Ck+_t 3#1 0J� Adapted to making it go. " When the wa ales in the lade _ 1 l What is itis matter, my little fly? 1 d choose to 1710 a baby, And to prove it I've only to mention Bloom as in thci lofty ago, when April You don't appear to be quite so spry A darling little flower, The fact that each soul that is born, days have cullle; AH you were in the seascrri just gone by. And take my rations regular Is doomed to undress himself every night While the hills arera and bareDo you realize that the time is nigh AboiA 4 times an hour; y , Whoa our little kite won't fly so Iii 11, And pttton his clothes in the mora. \Yhetl I know the ltYrdkl are feces your g At°d Le the sn-eateWt little thing And you'll feel much less inclined to try " That c,v«-r there was'corn, -- Thou I'm going back again---hack to To bore a hole in the top of my And have ti,e hickups every night Bald head? And r b your eye And colic,every morn. TING'S OBSERVATIONS. tet: dear old home. ,an it a that , ., , IIas in view a suitablA place to lie 1<'d choose tc, be a baby, The'old man dozed in his easy chair, Dlerry lairds were gayly sin when Your barbed Aire limbs away to dry , gyp f,i g In vase you sbo1Ild ever couchtde to die? And ht,ve tlae ladies come And the sunlight fell on the place where', I left my boyhood's home, I'hope so,,you eussed little fl And tal a ute from my nurse's arms y etc��'�1.- And call me—Oh, his hair And elle mother dear I never more sum, sum 1 ,In the(lays]an can Be* ---- And bug me an they used to do, y g Syne used to be ; Until.I made a row, When two little flies concocted a 1 `fill I 1.►art3 beyond ills t�tlladuwe, tc, ;,elms aro in darkness and sola© in I3F.cause I was a foolish 1►n — i pot the light upon the shore the light, I wouldL't do so now. 7 W forage a spell on the sensitive spot, Where 1. know site will Fait for mc; And some must be wrong if others r� here fly feed appeared to be free. And ever, in the Spring, fcludest are right; _ -- 1-"�(r.I� � Htlx� TING.T , g" �� Phey lit an the place without further memories will elit.ig But who is unerringly leading tli°b TING'S OBSERVATIONS. delay, To that ct-ttt+ge eases I knew het' ,� way - Come and sit beside ale darling, in the But dust as they both had begun to get tender care, For men of all nations to follow to , g, ay J j And when the winter's over.1 ant go. day? twilight glow; And imagine a puddin'they 'bad; ing home again-----• Yonder the mountain top glow's in I am thinking ofithat happy day: The crafty old gentleman woke from his i Going back when the birds are the sun, It was on a summer morning, in the long nap, there. When we shall reach it the journey ago, And the top of his head proceeded to slap `Alen the Springtime conies again, is clone; We together started on the way. In a manner that showed he was mad. When the ntaples in the lane But art there no thoroughfares lead- We were standing at the altar when I �- --- � mxi;-sexiNct. Bloom as in the long ego, when April Ing thereto placed it there, days have cotyle; Save those which are traveled by me Pledging all my ,future life to you ; The wince from the nortli'ard uneeas- While the hills are gray and bare, and by you? All the world was filled with sunshine, ing doth blow, When I know the birds are thele, HUNT TING. skies were bright and fair, Right straight from the land of per- , � .��``C,C,. ! �®teal scow per- Then I'm going back again--back tc, Iii that enol, delightful region When this little golden ring was new. l , the dear old home. h cell I(o � g It roars up our trousers and gives us On the rocky coast of Maine, a chill, A FI Ballad. Where the fare is good and wholesome, We are traveling on together, darling,Y g g' g' And we shiver and shake like the ;Not too rich icor yet taro plain; you and I NN'ritteli and se't u)rnwslc by What joy it ifi to answer, very Sala Hill, 4 TING. When thev ask you what you'll take, Close together all the journey through; iiouie hungry files,one stimmer tines, That In the Spring. c',anrluded t>le(ive tette r,(ittve('1111w, hat you think you 11 have iinother Loving, trusting, now as ever, just As true Arid go st,fi,(-wh(u e,In a disttult 111110, Piece of that blueberry cake. as then, The snow and the ice are no more 710 Whore sticky fly-pa wr was coi,trubmid, be seen tit,diddle, cuddle, diddle,diddle (ildo. Ariel if you should go out f filling When this little golden ring was new, ' The fields before lona will be pep Accordingly,without delay, B the early morning light, '1'h(-y started out,()ti(-stllt6,day, pared with green And aways t}wy flaw,ill dt'sp(ntiloi,, Ater return in time for breakfast, , IiOW 71$0 I;tt10 Tl Without filly de ifeito d(-stlnfitloll, With a raging appetite; ring 15 wearing, as the But ellen 'w0 go into the woodshed III, diddiv,(eta•. You would wonder how the matron years go by! we sc:e 11,11(ay flaw atild flaw,but.hod no luck ()f the house could ever bake Tivae;leas dimmed the lustre of the The battered snow shovel from wbicl ilntll, by clifince, tat last,they struck golf anougll to sto your craving A luaalttyy where,without tiny halr, p• g gold o we would flee, Ali eidorl,l than wf(a aeletip tri lits c111dr, For that great blueberry cake. But the ties are growing stronger, as the In the Spring. H.. 1,diddle,etv. p•� g. It(lid not take thein hair a rtiinttta': Au(1, unless I am mistaken, moments fly ; TO ca,mproliend that they wary in it If yon could blit have your Hay Hearts that love are never growing We take in the landscape anal stale And they all slupped short and matt?,"1`it,f)' Asa to what should be for breakfast, yum t old long and hard 'Phis beats any grocery steges,by gnrni" For to-inorrow and next day, M,diddle eras. Let travel closer, closer, as we journ©y At the heap of coal ashes out in the Arf(l tliP next, including Sunday, � back 7 he lit,at once,and bvgiui to bore, You would say: For mercy's sake on � yard, Till the hairless lnttu(ecoid stand no more, And we search in our pockets in vain And he suddenly smote with a visions s.tat, Left us have the same as usual— To the j-)ys still hidden from the view ; on the very name spot where the fates �owerc (,live us some blueberry cake. And we'll hold each other dearer than on for the "tin" at To diddle, etc. Tbere'll be plenty of fresh inack'rel, that bright morn To mettle the coal bill that goon will They paw his purpose when to() IMP And some pork and beans, no doubt, When this little golden ring was new, come ill, ,ro cirt-iiinvent their eftiel fate. hint-shl' In the Spring. They tried to escape, which they 111191,1, And broiled lob,+ter ou the ell, have done A„(i Is(erliiaps some river trout; The froggies are peeping with ull- If he hadn't got there a little too soon, T311t, when you're lip there next season, We are' traveling on together', dailtng, xf,diddle, etc,, cer l ain sound; Yoit will not neglect to make you aid I ; Now,as to these unhappy files, Calculations for large chunks of The water is oozingu out of the We iritist admit they were not wise ii; Close together all the journey through-, p `i o sneak because they had no use; 'That,superb blueberry cake. t; ] y ground; For t1w sticky tiypaper that was lying Loving,trusting,now as ever,just as true The mud is so stick that sometimes round loose, Smothered cod and B")gton brown bread as then, Y ' lit,diddle,etc, May appear to be first rato, by gad i if you can't get rich tyou don't liave to shelf Likewise other kinds of fodder Whan this little golden ring was new. We're ready to swap for the winter I h you ui,n go tat the krticlike find get a gold Comm()n to the Pine Tree State; brick we've had, But before yoti get,there you nttiy puncture But, if I were there this moment, ��� $UNE TIN(l. your tire, I would a ckl• make a break �-CL In the Spring. rr )tin into the, q q .—.—_--,.._ And drop from tlu: `,frying l ---—_ - - ------ RUiQT TING. fire,,, ' For that well-remembered platter Respectfully yours,, zit, diddle, etc.. Q Pull of that blueberry cake. { — _.__ J. G. H„mUNITI'ING. ,. ----— HUNT TINo. -------- — 71manand a woutan an business intent, 'r1NG'S oiisI;cN,A,ri(.>N6. TING'S OBSERVATIONS• To a photograph gallery recently Went— FOR PRESIDENT, The woman went to with unfaltering sirlclr With the lam on the table turned low, , 20 Mt There is a certain tuneful lay : GROVEL CLEVELAND. That is considered quite au fait, VVhila the max,he lingered upon elle nutsicicy. And h�thoughts went off on a perilous The woman came out and conversed in his ear: ' fliga ht FOR VICE-PRESIDE NT, And every night and matinee Said site:"William Henry,what mases you sa To Miss Lottie Collins, blithe and gay, end of the longflgct, ADLAI E. STEVENSON. Doth kick the notes about like spray queer? t tune y To Jos picture want hurt you a fill," She lived n in that fax.cifl'time That dashes up at Rockaway. }�-- And.yet we feel inclined to pray i, To which he reaponcied by hariny�a St When.las rrt�u to maiden fair, 1 blue, Taft the "�'Vorld's" motto ,, 'of ague that shook him I.Mo at out,of his clothes With eye>!of an aat� � J hat this inspiring ditty may— To m'ndtbing of goum hair. • And he said unto her, "What 1'm. telling you j�nti paste it in your hat, Now it is getting old and gray, she imagined sins oak as the prsvioualy With symptows of senile decay- goes- -` The next President � �`• The state army t.eitngs yatt can't understand did, (� Sometime begin to pines away, \ , 1ilust lie a De-nmerat!" � `- Like the fag and of the last ray But the tattle,Tigris,I gin t got the sand• In the parlor at even tidin, Of sunlight at the close of day, �' f1UNT Two. While a certain youU9 maxi sits loved fall — --— so that no one may say it nay iwall The new Town Hall When, faint and weary of delay, 15 4 Was sitting theirs try her aide. Jt fain would terminate its stay, TING'S OTt SERVATIONS. And she ootij treed tip to her Way Wild Will soon be done, And rest its measures in the clay If you oast our weather eye The clothes that he tiiellr wax's, And we rejoice Wh®re, in the Spring, the little dai y y And she laak4el spin and distinctly M'1it' That'twas begun, Sies shall come forth mud.sweetly say: ,„ At the po-lit-i-cal sky The cre�e!'►in his punts 0110e �. And fondly speak Isere lies old' Ta-ria-m-boom-de-ay, you will plainly see it written there all over: And r4ho felt the dawn on his rappsar lfp Big words of praise - That as sure as anything, As plain as p oo* be, Of those who did TING'S OBSERVATIONS. An a p that pved,to bo his The structure raise; 'There was a little maid At the opening of Spring She thought were bcur Ming on saber. For while it is And she was much afraid Will begin another straight four years She wits almost slue that ahe heard that ; Quite safe to say When a thunder shower was arising; ; of Grover. t3nem That from the start She hastened into bed Then monopoly must go, Of a.strtu gely famili>A voioo. And covered up her head At gait that won't be slow, That seemed to arion from under the ve*t The thing will pay, In a manner that was quite surprising. g That was worts by the man of her choice We must admit With his baggage chocked to some far And when the storm did rage" And she heard him talk as be usiecl to do, That they have done Her thoughts it did engage, destination; Considerable And hence she remarked unto to her. And the cold remains of shod- of many*trivial ttrt g, mother: Dy will litj beneath the mad His he sAked bar to to the piano t For Huntington. That, although safe from harm, Itis favorite sang to slog. She was extremel warm At the end of(�lcivelaticl'a clean Admin And she thought sbe sang with that r►Um Marshall P. Wilder, of far-reaching fame, istration, On last Moudayinight up to I-Iantingtou And feared she yeas liable to,smotber. clear voice came, And when the storm was o'er _ _ - --- That once wetlt ftp to B flat, This maiden was no more, . start But bhcl soddenly' woks with a f"rful And there never was seen such a tumult TING'S OBSERVATIONS and fuss And nothing but her clothes was ever To find she had soared flier rat seen; rV The time is near when eouscien- As the audience made over that little tugs. Her mother said, slack! ih Tious voters must decide „ And turned the covers back tc'pl perryr siurtttlr, stop lI>ttfl t}lit,k The people did laugh'till their sides they �V' �To fall in with the crowd on foot, B�ifi,l'e you Curth+�iG• ol" were sore, And found a filly spot of vasellne. Or in the ice-cart ride. �` And when it thunders now ' And tune your beart, 4c! th>ankfullueli o And when hP got through they shouted The neighbors say as how � And while the walking can't be bad For blcrl•r�iitga3 tare kx�law'. for more g y Where Cleveland leads the way, They often hear a maidens smothered If any oustrefers to ride Hilarious anecdotes of the same sot't, cryp l:�pn though your laleseislgr�clic appear � No one can sayhim And then they all said that the show was That seems to emanate nay, 1)1IIllYallllve+ in s1�4s, � too short. As sure as cruel fate, And yet it may not be amiss TMbr ire still ay bti s tue article From that same spot where she;did use 'ro offer some advice, highly Two girls from the city— ( to lie. And call attention to the ehil- F I'hltt you rtllutilrl price. Together they sat - Ly qualities of ice, On a log in tho orchard, TING'S OBSERVATIONS. �+ If 11olirses, lands and railroad shticks Engaged in a chat. And also to remark that when 7 Do not fall W your lilt, + A cow in the t,asture- We fall up against many things that are Election day is o'er, �1, You hhould not be lead thankful fur The riders in that cart will feel v She chanced for to stray sweet Not only cold, but sore. Sc'ix1e things you flays tacat got- Through the gate,which upas open. As we wander to and froom, �C)l1 rna I1�1t llta,ve� ft crop of hay, And wandered that way. But the sweetest of all is that sentence y p ' These girls from the city— brief: Nur pucket full �,f rocks„ Each uttered a shriek, TING'S OBSERVATIONS. But you suoutld thankful be pause "Didn't we tell you so?" And then they wtilt over +��, The tax is paid by the foreigner, You have not gut snislIpux. The fence like a streak. �'Q Chorus: So they say; A Inas in the garden— ..._ "Didn't we tell you no?" But some seem to think otherwise and If fortune. faille and other things s,leaned on his rake Oh! "didn't we tell you so?" I Well they may. You cannot hope W wil'1, 1 And said,as he chuckled, There is no longer any good reason to If it is paid by the foreigner, You should be thankful that Your lits• -,well,that takes tete taxa." doubt It is queer Test child is not a t�,in. That we knew just what we were talking That everything not made of shoddy TING'S OBSERVATIONS. Is so dear. I trust that all can underof and about, Election night, I For, "didn't we tell you so?" Snide goods of every variety are Whitt I would fain express,"Itch 1uI1 never wctid deigned If all goes right Cheap as mud, a •� And nothing unexpected, Full msiny a man has hese passed by, To nlitke vi.lr 1lc�risures lis." For prices have certainly tumbled Nor unforeseen, Or acro cd of telling a downright lie, With a thud. I tL HUNT Tine. 1 It Shall intervene, Because lie was not.sufnelently shy, But if a good thing you buyyou'll flnd of that dreadful personal pronoun I. It is true, y The cares and vexations attendant Cleveland will be elected. That every time the tariff thereon is Upon this existenoe mundane, When in the rear i What are you dein my pretty maid?" Papa by you. _ �j t3ometimes provoke abeervatianr g' That border Shall disappear .'Minding my business,sir,''ctrl said.a TING'S OIiSA;I,VA'I'IUNS.i upon the ptafsdle. That everlasting bat, A flour me to help you a little," said he. I And while it is snot reoommerndod, ..Nor,much can you do it."said she, said she It seems to be the o- '1 This ripping end tearing about And its late scant- Pillion of those who know, 10t t Y oeeu ant "Wherefore iso offish, my pretty maid?11p Because—because—because sty " she said. That it would now be w Ise At eve ry slight provocation,Will ask "Where.1m I at?" TO drop Ha.wa-two-lis. There is soaroel "Is that all that ails you,I wonder?"said he. ]t shadow Of doubt Then by the G. t 'That's all that's the matter witu me, ,said aluoThe Post Master's life That"darn it,"and even "plague on it," O. P. will he e tj,� Please liavesome peanuts,my pretty maid. Is one of great strife And some other things we may say, e Henceforth no more be seen ` •'Now you are shouting,sir,"she said. ' Each da bmuch the same. Are all more or leers fgodaious Unless perchance �\ .'They came from Itomai#o'�you see,' y being Bald h©. I � p "Thore's lust where you get them in style,"� I Should think he'd expire j Its moving obstructions away. They gaze askance said she. To hear them enquire dnd the refore I reach the oonelnsion Into the soup tureen. IfUNT TING4. ! Fool'"the letter that never cam®."That on rare oocasions are must Give vent to the surplus emotions No"shirr less "man e'er"heard her That render us likely to bast, scold and jaw " With good opinion of the" mother-i in-"law." s - slats, pliucipally,of a sort of cellulose it world be a bi thing to fiud out continued to lie. Ancl then he arose TING'S OBSERSATIONS, nut unlike the pith of the elder. why be ctame, liar ice thea miI be with the mud on his clothes and hiri Of all the fruit that ever did thrive This pithy substance is not oul3 able to break up his game and sari mouth chock full of the same, and lie IIItA1i,tri, and utrtramrueled laud, indigestible but excessively lrritatin denly bring his career to a pause, if r Ex(Jur the blushing peacb, or the Bartlet we only knew how to get onto the tried more and more to got to they to weak and p,luy stoniaclis. Bur, 1 IU111 f his re'encH just novo fedi Or the petinut that grows in the sand; there is, happily, soother and must cause�� p • j� shore for this bad little boy he was prolific variety w thti fact has been proved, that effects game. But he found it no go for Or the Aerwtowu pipinn and other kinds p y liich is destitute of b Ur a1�N1eb to brew and to bake, this irritatic►gr pitb, or core. always coffee when this cause is re- the pace was too slow and he thought: There 1s not the smaliomt shadow of doubt move{. The conclusion of the matte it not half so much fun, when they That tlier,trawbwrry tares the cake." Th,:re are numas6us theories loa.t- «1aeL 1 say `tr�kas the crake" 1 are that the large,luseiou swept,insipid, the t(srnl 1t, its figurative sense. 'Tue udurless, creawy, pithy and sari el), ing aruu ,d hilt I�ti�ul,t that, tae 1'lnl,±, took him ashore on a piece of baro tlJfj rM Isiou is JUL►figurative anal, It has fruit which tastes like across betweexi o''e bias thus far been. found, for 'the door and laid hila to dry in the sun, a banalia and a waterin(�lon an.) best of the lot we are ,creed to con- D7oxal: If every cad boy his time been used before to convey the idea - fess seems to be little more than a whictl through till the varied met- would employ in seeing how good he of superiority. Like a great luany b haphazard guess. kindred exprWisions it has no literal . amurphuses incident, to its prop- home say the whole trouble is no could be, he would neYer be known taigtiificiance_ it would be trifling ligation has mauaged to retain tuc: more nor less than the infamous work in the mud to be thrown like this sad with the feelings of my readers to g p. y Of a partisan press, which, with mis t . . .See"? attewpt to make it appear ear Nltlllll the z7a•cledfw with suspicion save lb those aided zeal for its own Party's ot.stl, 1p pussessed of stioug; and able-bodieu g g 1luuracis of pubsiuilit�y' fora•stra��berry has persistently done all the mischief r�tornachtiwhile the ll' eras i, it could. TING'S OBSERVATIONS, to actarllly gset away with a cuke--- small, 1 eve11 a blugk r snap. teudcr, high-flavured and loud-smell And then there are others who What few words I have to say ing lineal debcendanta of th( Are intended to convey it 1a hluall 1u atuture and sometimes sour, stoutlymaintain that the old Are Some advice, don®up in rhyme, Arid fi-e ueuu iiot over 1:ipt., `"Original Jacobs" that still grows, to the sig'- Apropos of, done time. 1 y p � visit is due, in the main, And when At lb t1►us rt 18 oiteir tulagined to a limited extent, upon the sunray nal success of the Party in power, '1t,be tiro lurbruuner of giipe; slope of the woodland, hill may be, it, and they go on to say that from that If m9 poetry should spam Anel nrauy firers arb who ars Tree to st rte a,majority of instances indulged in Like a nightmare,or a dream that they uanuot ruclutgo it, Lite ft'U16 very hour they saw in the distance by 1V1th,ruNur,lty, broad the have to Autjurt without fear of the consequences, the gathering storm in the shape of a Eats as r created mince J' g la p L+utirlg freely of minae pie; To We hpuu4A ars u gaud aubbLrttrte• HUNT Tzxci. cloud labelled, "Tariff Reform." Tatra lei buwetuingr Nveird and uu- •���'� Furthermore, that the voters who Or of shortcake made of stuff canny it, the idea of a spuuu being a brought, it about, in a week or ten whioli is t�carcely cooked enough; subbtituto for irupunit,y, Wbat 1 TINGIS O.BSH'.RVATIONS• days began to find out that a fearful Or iiidulget,ce in a Hight wean to say is, that a great mauy << " the old villain, is' rr!istake had surely been made, Of watermelon late at night; peuple are su sparingly pruvitteel Hard Times," with us a(min, but its to how lung;ire and that each Reform ballot had I may truly say that I wxtli powers of itesistauce that when ; worked like a spade in digging' a Am iusnired entirely by they cull no lunger indulge in straw- intends to remain is something wall grave about six feet by two to tumble A desire to du soma good bc:rrirs with anpunity they will wurfliy of sun-iderntion, at the same' our infant industries into. So the Unto otbere, as I would esuntinue to eat their, with a spoon. time a master of, mere speculation. business done in that'92 fall was As I said befure, there is naught lig this Tan ears hove elapsed since the Tb-y should a to me if I part y y p really the primitive cainae of it all, Were a stranger from N. Y., Ut the world with this fruit to compare, old reprobate to,.;k it into his head There are still o:h(r theories that Or Nonce other crowded mart Thuugh of Plebeian origin, seed) and to abaquatulate, and many there are read, word for word, like thrilling Far from rural scenes apart. bmull, who thi,ug;ht the old -hack would host stories although more absurd, Ana b no menus exceptionally rare; Wake u i his hind to nev�,r coma lack. g With this;object uppermost, y p y 1 while occasionally one may have struck i 1 herewith proceed to post But the name which It bears is a term sa In fact, tiara �ld sliurrk has bFeu the right key. But I venture to st+y Thot-e who may be, in a sense, vague, absent Ho long that the front of his that it does seem to me that good Lacking in experience. in these days,that it's fitting to state,, name--like the woriis of the song; t kind of In al�uakiug use btrawberrieb,its to willc.h cv�nmo�r.sense is the right, k3uel that every one sang in the sad days stuff, and worth several acres of news ��hen in air a wasp shall pose , Your iLmarks are designed to relate. of yore, about °,Hard Times Don't a er bluff, for practical use in mak- If yo two inches from your nose, u try to knock him out That is to say, there are straw- Come Any More,"or sinjilar language, pr p' If you , it clear why this seedy and meas You will hiss hint, I've no doubt. berries and btrawburries, some v ii music tied all—is actually hard l ly old damseamp is here. varieties being vicious it, the for us now to"recall. "Hard Times"is a duffer of wl om Still, if you are pool and calm, extreme, while uthels are harmlesb as But the lauttru jaw( In d cuss has it is true that once in so often his vis you h:cl swipe hirer with your palm, duvts. People who devour large come back, it a s (;ars atter worbin�r are due, a,nd I think that if poli- If 3 u ou, t case you'll be too fast l p � cls think he's breathed his last. quantities of the former are apt to Ue eisewherz. t'ur a A�umber of years, and ties all went to— well, as I was ob- troubled with insunAnia, headache, bun,, out his shingle at the "old serving, after a spell, the bilious old Rasps and bees and"yellow jacks," llatulevey, etc., anti at such tlrmes it si aud," and is seiiding his an"ents all miser who bears the hard name Whirl seem dead as carpet tacks, would rout be strange if they ejaculat- over the land to announce that ``His would manage to get here precisely Are quite apt to live again the same. Unless they are surely slain. ed libelous remarks upropos of straw- Nibbs" is not only T alive, but already terries as strawberrAes, In fact, I proving how well he can thrive at HUNT Tlx(x. When a wasp you once have hit, have heard, during; the past week, at his old occupation, in city and town, �� I �` Aniekty rise from w ere you sit lt;ttsu three ol•four ln(iivicluais ub681•ve, and that all opl)usitio�t will nave t�� _ `— Aud, while he is in retreat, c��rne clown with hi0'prices, for cash, MOOS U}3s1,,1\,VA'1'ION"+. Jump upon him with both feet. with tuuching; manifestations of re- r, g;ret, that they wunld haye to break and refuse to give `'trust,' or before A inan from afar went down in the If you'd know when he is dead, themselves of thti life-loxsg_Habit uS very long;it will dry up, or "bust." feel his pulse close to his head. e:ntmg, the fruit. But is tiliti whule- But v,q he shwild come with such car to look for some boa for t1iH you'll regret it, without fail, sale denunciation fuuuded upon com- sudden dispatch is surEly mysterious ae,,son, 1jut whon he got thore the If you fumble round his-tall. Anon sense ps iucipies't Is it either —it beats the Old Secatch—but he harbor wits bate and tho man he en- As You in the hammock lie, rt, back on the I htiveo+'t a ' If a pesky little fly kuuws his own bt.sin4 ss, sensible or just to g; c qui for the reason. llic,n a road entire strawberry crop on account of doubt, for he u,a� e all arrangeine'Its q To annoy you should insist before ito lit out, and his rand e�)- little youth unused to the truth he y Y the noxious character of about one t bee g for t Up and smite him with your fist. half of itf terprise,it, all fore lan:fs he was said that fife, is+aiun wars pl;t,ir,, 'There are numerous kinds of this popular careful to leave in ruost excel►®rpt what ruade it so wheal thea water was You've s right little treat him thuc— Thepersistent Iltt18 CllRs--- fruit hands. low was "because we ain't had any Even though he be a fly 'Phut'twould be just as well to pass by And it should be noted that buss rain„ Then this man from afar who ; From,the grocery near by. When you're shul,piug to hand. sinus ness is best with the grew Old. berries for tea If the man who owns the fly heathen in parts that are blessed with wont down in t,ho car leo want ar f Upon wh1011 you can safely rely; << But, while some varieties may not agree Protection—f�that s, where the tar- this irnpuclent lad, axed ho talker o Why is thunderdoesn trhedie, With your family's health, you will find ilf is way-up p him some till the boy with his thumb t Take care of his property? That yuu freely may purchase a whole rand Irina and Oru.p. to his nose made thea gentleman ixiad. i crate or more But wlty he sh„rtld spread himself If a t on buzzing should appear 11'you only select the right kind. And the man he diel frown and the Brant oil buzzing round your ear, As arule, subject to occasional ex- out over here is a question that can Wait until lie dotlialigh . . � to oto , boy h®lay down till at last with a t ce fauns, it is not the acral of the y And proceed our neck to bite. not be ans�A•ered, I fe.tr, to sails p t,iose who are ever inel:ited g pitiful cry, he struck in the marl p' _y__--. ---- stra�vberry that affects peuplo In the bottom of the, ns of tlxis kind, with a dull soggy thud and there he jurioutily. It is the substance of the _�- --- ----- --- --- tltary, which, it, some varieties, con- F -' ,.Lt is only too true," he went on He was getting no better remarka- _ to say, ,and if I continue to dwindle lily fast and he found that he `Then, when.he with blood is fille 1, He had a steady boarding place, away,in the course of a month I shall wouldn't be able to last but a very it e should dextrously be killed, But still he always would go to my doom and fill a small space short time when he thought he would VYitli a quick and vlc,ous shat, ]Nuke daily visits to his friends in a cold, clammy tomb." see what advice he could get from a Ti ither with your hand or hat. Around the neighborhood, He concluded the trouble was due, local M. U., and this doctor's prescrip g• Who, when they heard his honest in great part,art to kidneydisturbance tion consisted, in brief, of a diet of �I�eeters slaughtered in this way bark boiling hot water and beef, and the A-s they would if they were killed Leave no itch behind, they say, Which sciunded way down cellar, or disease of the heart, and to get a g ould minister unto his wants few points in regard to the same he latest report from this hungry young Previous to being filled. WAnd call nice old feller." would gra to a" ro specialist"of far-reach- an shows him getting along as well If a June bug, smooth and sleek, - ing fame. as he can--under the circumstance's- Bhould bump up against your cheek, At all hours of the day and night Accordingly be, one evening in C, 1` I� HUNT TING. It is easy to suppose He frequently would lie May, proceeded his symptoms in de- - ---- - You would jump out of your clothes Upon our croN%ded thoroughfare, tail to lay before this prescriber of TING'S OBSERVATIONS. Of which he'd occupy Or be scared out of your wits, About au acre, more or less, tonic and pill who exacted, in pay- I'Tis a Sabbath-day morning in June, l .,'` Or, perhaps, go intofits. But no one made a touse, me-at, a ten dollar bill. lovely June, ' 73ut you'll find it will not pay For everybody meeklywould The doctor began without further `To conduct yourself that way. r'1'uru out for" poor ld Grouse." g And I'm standing in front of the glasr 1 ado and, figuratively speaking, lie 13ugs that fly about at night ' s,on galloped through the case of his Arranging my toilet and thinking, meso- The vicious dogs upon the street, g p g while, Are not.rigged to sting or bite, ,ree all d f And curs oae patient, so waited and wan, after That`1'LierYfore all you have to fear � Tat my "get up,, is something first- Would might crawl in your ear. Would never stop to interfere which he arose and addressed the class, With,his tranquillity ; young man, and the language he used 'Xhere's another "animile" And everybody, old and young, was about in this wise: But just in the midst of my thinking I Which your happiness may "spilg" Would glance at him and smile, `After much calculation I have stop, If, mayhap, ,you're not onto Because lie wao a dog in whomAnd I come near to fainting away; All the tricks that she can do. 'There was no trace of guile. made out the size of your fearful tom- 11 Great suffering Moses!" I say to my- plaint—now don't think me gruff— If you meet her in the lot 'There is no doubt that he has gone but --it, young fellow, you don't self, ,lie will chase you, like as not ; Where thare is nary flea, rat enou k!" There's no barber shop open to-day. Whereupon, with,nimble feet. Where cooling mtreaYxxs do not dry By:Lay tears came into the eyes of You should -moosey" for the street. up p the i outh and he t old the physician What the dente shall I do with this day And marrow bones are free ; he cold, i.,alied truth; said he, "My and-night's "growth" A nd much solace you will find For if some two-legged saints we If t11iN fact you bear in mind, know dear sir, list me.gently remark, I have On this countenance on which I dote? Whileyou are meaudtring hence: Have seats reserved for them, eaten sufficient to fill up Noali's Ark For I don't own a razor and can't shave c7ows can rarely odimb a fence. Tve eaten enou h, I will bet myself Them must be room for this good --yfs, n 7L'hdog you a 1:at, to make a pile higher than. Wittwut danger of cutting my throat; ere are other thingr+, no doubt, That I might advice about, In the New Jerusalem. XTt- Ararat." And when I go out on the street I ohall I3 It it may be for the best HuNt TiNa. But the doctor was busy and seem- look, If I stop and take a rest, -__ _ --- ed riot to heed these words, for at In suiteof my gorgeous array, part-ug he sa d, "�'G'hat Sou need is a (�`off a— HvNt TzNa. Like a rusty old bummer. for, dammit, r 7'ING'S OBSERVATIONS. Thera was it Young man and the `geuer.ius diet ; ' -now, try it a spell, you see, TING'S OBSERVATIONS. and I tell you, my boy, you'll be pei- 'There's no barber shop open to-day. Z'n Jtenaori.a.nti. way be did eat, of sourkraut and fectly well." c'ieese and pickled pig's feet, fried The yours man came home and be- I ass my hand rapidly over my chin Lines Written on t1ke Dead). of young p p y� oyst..-s, park cholas, stewed kidney, gun to pitch in---tlae way he did eat And feel of the sine of my face, GOLD GROUSE." i vei?1 pie and similar stuff was a sight was a positive sin—while his relatives And I rea:ize now as I ne'er did before Old Grouse, "he was a noble dog �Lor tlie eve and. a caution to snakes, opened their eyes in affright at the How it feels to be in a tight place;' N'Vhen he was in his prince, ! o'nd _'m sorry to say that he did not increased dimensions of his appetite, , I; et fat, bu' wasted away to such an although the supposed it was all tl�e For I must go to church with m3 wife, 13ut, owin to extreme old aC,o, He sought a fairer clinic ; extec�t that the bones of his back g y pp for she nev- Aird when he struck the golden result of the doctors tonic, but it Er at home would allow me to stay, stuck our like the pegs on an ancient seemed difficult to learn how he I hope t that he did find :iat rack• stowed so mucic under his vest when No! not if I told her with tears in my Tlitat, much to his surprise, he had Lil;e it shirt to a bean-pole his the absence of room was so manifest. eyes Left every flea behind.. trous r,; dict lit, and he found that But he suddenly found it was no There's no barbershop open to-day. whenevex :.e started to sit himself sort of use. Souse years ago this poor old dog I du,n it Al that he wanted to doHe grew thinner and thinner and The late Legislature that gave us the la v Did meet an orphan's fate, t,)keep his frail form from breakingThou ht it did a smart thing, I've no Lr In c,-onsequeiice of the renb- in t�vo felt like the deuce. g Val to another State When he woke in the morning and doubt l ; His friends were alarmed at his Of his proprietors, who had climbed out of bed he complained of AUd the bill got the Governor in a small ;�.. Most kind brought him u possible fate and they told him, by hole, : y g p, a pain in the back of his head. T1Eiev having had hint ever since all means, to bitch on a weight to the Every once in a while he would So he signed it to let hiniiself out. - Re was it little pup, tail of his coat when he went out have a"bad spell" that was worse, he They all want the votes of the Sabbath- each day lest a southerly zephyr declared, than being in—•--a cell in day cranks- 13ul soon he did adapt himself should waft him away. : States Prison, and when the true In fact, they must have them, they I; His legs were so slender that ant®, A.uct strange to say he never had g state of his feelings he ventured to say, for a jest, a friend had the gall to The slightest touch of mange ; maka request for the loan of a limb briefly relate, his friends .and tela And maybe they must. I only know this: e A,tud if it had not been for fleas 1 tions all thought he was queer and to There's no barber shop open to-day, And "old humidity," to use as a swab to clean out the stem his lamentations would turn a deaf� FIe ne-ver would have been a can- of hia dirty "corn-cob." ear, except when they condescended But on this bright morning in June, Didate for sympathy. His prominent ears were a startling to show a sympathy born of his story lovely June, surprise, and the same may be said y g As I'm standing in front of the glass, -� p y of woe U telling him frankly how 1{or while he was, apparently, of his large, lustrous eyes, which Of Dome and t1iings berett, plain they could see that he ought to M thoughts wander back to the olcl looked like two paper-weights glued y g It does not follow teat he did p g g drink freely of milk and beef-tea, as -Pilgrim Dads" By any means get lrft ; to the skin. b his indisposition was no more nor less " „ Jae was not Wilt that way, for he What a dreadful condition this p And the blue-laws that they used �V•ls ixmiable and kind, young t than simple starvation and pure nQr- ours man was in. to pass; vousnE ss. And as for malting friends, his e- One morning in spring from his His speed to the,grave was daily And I wonder if two or three thousand (dual you will scarcely find, bed lie arose and surrounded himself increased for his numerous friends years hence with his loose-fitting clothes, Sunday Laws will be made the same TTn to the Iasi he did maintain ivheri as good luck would have it, he kept everything greased, and they Sis normal size and weight, stood at his back as solid as rocks way, Which was because he al va.vs had glanced in the glass, whereupon be with cold water in case he should get, And if saint-ridden men will rebel just Enough to masticate - exclaimed, "Alack and alas! Can this a hot hog or switch off the track • because _ F'or wheresoever he wca.s kno�,vn be a ghost of myself that I see g—a Re never got a snub, counterfeit issue Of genuine mei But which, as straight as a string, led out "There's no barber shop open to-day?" cb\Cw- HIINT TIN4. Taut always three square meals-per that is all nonsense," he said, with a of the woods and was certain to briocbr the long-suffering traveler, whether daY sigh, "for if this isn't I where in this side up with care to th® Of goad and wliolesome grab. thunder am 11" or no, - --- -- -- -- -- Great De ot. ---- - TINtx'S OBSERVATIONS. would uppe-r, for some busy people Although the titles will not rhyme, His outs oken hatred of all sorts There is nothing, perhaps, in the who chiefly rely upon cleaning their Or jingle,properly with the p ! nails every Fourth of July. ,of verse mads haw seem, to his son, sea car on laird so hand to have in Remainder of this poetry, somewhat odd and "pbrwerse;" but Y The uses to which the hand can be the house as the hand, and while• it put outnumber the same in regard to And, furthermore, I'm free to say, at the same time, his sentiment finds is common as common can be to all the foot, although we cannot deny A native orchestra will play a response in the bosoms of men of leen and women of every degree, it that tL-e pedal extremity ther and recklessly say the same of frequently some flne selections which will be all kinds and in every stage of exis- also 1)(,101198to the orangoutang, the ! cellars the medal for all around ser Appropriate to this jubilee; tones today, and I may go still fur- to rrronketi', clriropallxee and the rest of vice in walking about, and in other And in addition to the same, 1 the: gang of two leggesl auirrialt� both respSome person not un ects it is useful, no doubt, Founknown to fame some womenfor is it not true that , May, with much brevity and grace, perhaps we earl find here and there , light and dark, not only within but instance, we know that it scarce ever Say something fitting to the case. 'one or two11 without Central Park, fails to produce a luxuriant crop of one Weller, 1 y, I shall rrwt attempt to enumerate toe nails, and to a groat length these And as a sequal to the show , unc uestionabl had points,weak the same as he had its i>Jt6rlrfctltl uses, at tiny rate, not to � nails seem to grow, more especially, � The audience mai'downstairs go, his p ter►y 010hiderable extunt, for this dirt- perhaps, upon the big toe. Where a variety of nice "rhenivatis�� in his joints, for his serbitiun is princil_►:ally ineant to brief- But let us return to the grand cen- Ice-cream, and also orange-ice treatment of Stiggins, the "Rev." l�•, succinctl ar•d cle srly convey the tral thought, which with deep inspir- May be procured without delay, I bum, whose favorite beverage was idea that Haan woul,.1 b)in 11 bad way ation is certainly fraught, and ignore While cooling beverages may "pineapple rusty," was clearly not were it nut for the fact that he is ` all side isques as firmly we stand, or Be found within this basement place, such as one would expect from an supplied, as a general thing, with a jump Lip and down, on the matter in Which will not throw you off your base. out-and-out chnstian in every respect hard on each side, between %hick, in band. Come old and young! Come one and all t 1 while hir.uself brad a weakness for that spite of a strong similarity in looks, The hand is frequently mode the kind of drink fro►n which temperance i g y 1 Y And dedicate this spacious ball, peoplo instinctively shrink. there is really a striking disparity; vehicle for railroading young people Which will appear both bright and neat, But the liot+E:;t old snoozes meant, that is tci say, in paint of utility, as into a pickle, in which they continue And full nine-hundrecl it will seat all that he said, and frequently, morn, the right one is used with far greater to flounder about—not being familiar Inclusive of the balcon facility, as a rule, alth©ugh some ,, with a way to get out—and they fain Where, in point of facility diad now that. he'B dead we should folks are equally deft and can et in would recall the .word that was i dwell on the good that he dict in his 1 g Of view, the seats do greatly lay cls and about Iris shortcomings have, juHt as fine work with the left, and spoken, and saw off the hand, for by Over the same in the parquet. ! Y have even been known to perforin a j that sante token they find they were p q little to say. darned sight more than some others hastily made into ono while their 131st if perchance you should get left 4 If his sweeping assertion can posSi Because of boh,g cliiite bereft bly saver one misguided wretch froin can do with the right, hearts did not flutter in sweet unison. i, , From what has been said we can It is true th t in chronic affairs of Of foresight, it is s ufe to bet a poor poets grave, in spite of his That you sincerely well understand tho exalted opinion the heart the hand really ,plays a will regret frailties he ought to be praised, and we have of the hand, subordinate part, but in some other That you did monkey with the chance ;glad hallelujahs aloft should ba rais But why it should be more impoit ins.ances, so I am told, thst organ is To get a ticket in advance, ;ed, and songs of the Salvation Army ant to man than it is to the "murk" found to be rigid and cold as it plate And thus secure a first-class seat be sung, the bells in the steeples lt- or the festive "chitupan" remains to of ice•cream, or a chunk of raw liver, Where you could best enjoy the treat. should loudly be rung,and the pan be seen; but, ag to that matter, I need and ref uses to go with the rest of the Tben step up with alacrity in various lass should Express their r only mention the fact that the latter giver, and therefore the hand merely To Itogers' pill factory, wanks to old Weller far one poet , ig ;s invariably rigged with another serves to attach together two frauds And there select a seat that will For just at this time when the big,Uig, utensil, more or less ornamental and in a real hand-made match. In all particulars fill the bill; heavy hand of affliction is laid on this acutely prehensile. I refer to the When the ambitious parents of Remembering that this occa- rhyme-strickou land, in the shape of tail, which we most always find at-- some native lass give her No. 5 hand Sion does not happen every clay, hard times andoriginal sin., it is plait' t►shed to one end of a beast of this to a poor, foreign ase, with "no one to Wherefore you should not fail to be to be seen whatof a fig we are in. kind, and which he employs with the love" him "and none to caress," << >> + The Spirit of Pcesy stays in the the At this "Grand Opening iamborie. greatest of ease in various ways be- arrangement is rarely a "howling I rear wirers he knows very well ui has �� Y t; For if, in some far distant time, �nothing to fear, and there he unb'�t� Aides climbing trees. success; for the goods which they your grandchild should upon you climb, -If primitive roan with a tail had bought ata ruinous price the parents And screw both feet into your knee 1 flea his vials of wrath, and sends out ► been blessed his need of two hands will sell ata great sacrifice to close his minions upon the warpath, and ;a And ask, in accents full of glee, they wallow in doggerel up to the would be less manifest, for the tail, out the business and go to Tacoma j For full particulars:about by this time, while ontirel, unitia,te d, here "marriage,"it seems, is a sort' This most remarkably blow-out, waist, and each does his duty up to would have been ti. to date duel well of misnomer, and whey©the cora all I �� �� the(zlueen's taste, and his "Pernicious ' Y The child would gaze in mute despair influence" keenly is felt whenever he educated, and no microscope is heed take a hand in the game to shako off If you should say, "Grandpa warn't acids a fresh scalp to his belt. e.1 to see that a thoroughly business the leech Aith the jaw-breaking name, there." The dust-covered traveler gazes tall it would be, and alone and un- and the romantic victim will feel very afar at the stange panorama, from aided quite equal to grand achieve_. grand when she holds a divorce inI Then you wOirl(1 feel almighty queer, �steam-boat or car, of picturesque rrreasts that now have to be done by her No, 5 hand, And very small yon would appear, beans. But matches are made up in heavers, And realize that'twvas too late snatches of poetite mush that were But man has been ruthlessly fired, they say, and it follows that these are To interfere with cruel fate; Hastily clone with a common paint- s r to speak, anconstructed into the world e] be to stay, for the trade- so dont neglect to purchase now brush. Some tickets for this rand "pow-wow,,' He buys of the train-boy a new cause of a freak of nature he labors ' mark alone is a ears guarantee of an grand magazine and lays back in his seat in under great disadvantage on account article made in that great factory; ll,e Rill details of which will be of not havinga caudle appendage. and, as there is scarcely a shadow of Announced somewhat more subsequently, a manner serene, but the very next , moment be wants to elope from a But why shotald we kick at this doubt that a first-class job it will al- ���,f It, AUNT TING. oetic "ad"of a sweet-scented soap.I sc eming disparity between ourselves ways turn*out, the right thing to do, _. ;poccasi , and the ape# for ape-parently we it goes without showing, is to pile in TINGIS OBSERVATIONS. Those , espes3nal journals devoted 1 to trades, specially coffins of various manage to do very well as it is, and the orders and keep it a-going. Mr. Weller, the elder, said: "I grades, and clothing, piano, folding- by means of our bands we can trans. � �(e`�� HUNT TxNG. t act our "sirs" and ao ono for lerk c># - --- never see a restiectable coachrrx.ln as ;Ueda and what nota are fre�cued with __ _._ _- poems all over in spots- ' for he )wasn't wrote p soul, ai,.d while his remark a tail should feel blue, �I�Itv�,'s O1�tiI,�It,VAT10 The eccentric person who reads the ; a place to fasten it to if he had a good may appear rather Step, tend cove reel;first page of rural newspapers will The new Town Hall inside and out g chance to purchase, or lease, at "three � with pathos about a 'fo it deep, ;c f ten en",age ;n the:;tearful perusal of for a quarter," or ton cents apiece. Is And soon throe,them is no doubt, we should stop to consider that ;many a U"pome" that is truly an or- " The regular band, according to Anc1 soon the same will opened be g this was Ills way of saying the worst phan without any home. law--sinless it has monkeyed with a �13y a Dramatic Company he could possibly say to express his And there are the poets who sing buzz saw—consists of a part in the Of amateurs of sumo renown, about s„ring, and bluebirds and vio- sl�ape of a slab, and, with fingers and Especially within this town contempt for the whole calabash of lets and that sort of thing, and with all, resembles a crab. Where they have all appeared before, what he regarded as consummate I delicate touches of artistic skill con- El ach on-Each nail on the hand, unless it In the old hall, in days of yore• trash. tinue their tender effusions to spill all is cut, presents underneath a deep ; Iii this new hall they do propose Now, of Mr. Weller.was not what over the land,when the s4a4on is ripe, furrow, or rut, for the,daily accretion To give one of the best of Fhows' we call a well-equipped critic, and and the cousequonce is that we sen, of debris and dirt, the removal of Comprising a diversity in cold ` pe,many thoughts that':arise which would not do any hurt if not Of"P�oaring Farce"duel `C°medy" yet, after all,his sterling hors sense 1 from d,'5 prolific telt so constructed done too often, say three times a year, Well suited to the dace and time, ,gave considerable weight to whatover 1 that eswc'h line will rhyme with the ; ---- he ba sued tc a aculate. which is three times too oftenas it L____ fiP —�_—_ -- --. .• _ _: _ tl�sy will ltlaxy in much the"tan �►�p always have done heretofore-! 1 to insinuate This t Jpioal Senator, ,5_�c�ken nV 'r[N(A's cx t� t:xtv.�t`t€► LBBut bou they and p into l�tr.;Feller intended „fall maid wil0fle in rebs;►:?to the sad and deplorable i here, tlii�tics he has notlait Tberct wase a 3 the itldee the conditions wt11 other- the Undoubted free xlds �tierc►afraid else would stray wise he,and the difference then be-_ state of poeis in general by b tw9ou poet'and rich men will be ons « likr� a lamb frcalri the fold, heartauase , to slow oiat a proud, haughty coach- to fear; �tllEi was gray alsd almost every a'PLY 6111 that yes plainly can ss„ For those Man��oc#1;i not etoop so low as to put For as to the Party, Oh, bother. anti tc�l�l. but 1 war who are poor and have much to eel• his ideas into metre and rhyme; we c� says he, You lcrzoiv will come Nv"''1r1c1 <le, Rc,� that to as il, and never ,sure w find thetur saes up et the laevortliel,ss, at the same time, The Party, J ' would fail fa 1 to remain till her folks u did lir Laza s when that should note a distinction between over to rne, t vers©and that which is ob- By and by" were alarmed lest Hhe slxaixld wealthy old era he did ask him for hone y mater a drop. And thus you will`' sem vlouBly gLllte the reverde. drowned, iti the Ba or the �r�lili� , " In that mythical region.way up in But some time yr other it may come or otte.rwisca irjured or bartlled• Aull that,its better to tike in a stats of the sky, whey® goi,d poets go when to pass ill be turned out then ache waulrl l;a, vvhazi last parents treme destitutio% those to lives at your the htilppen to die,and where they That suddenly hew said ora, to ride With a youlig theywm au,d an se you plaass for �w hit l T you must make restitution. in they BHClIl$i()11 shall dwell, far to grass, steed; while tl� the wE.'nlEi sit until , away from the siglit and the sound And whether the pasture l,e Noi'th-, haisica she would get, for wtaich there t%t'C 1 HI11!r1T YtiE. all that pertains to West or Soicth was ua Fsart of bead, tithe delighted I71_-- -:..-. ----�- 1— and the smell of a Pwere that horrible place occupied, in great He'll be,mighty sorry he shot of 71' to be where siglits is far awe from •t'i' c , ► tt t,tt ',�,rt()%A. . ' part, by that irrepressible race that mouth, clivertEs'l her thoughts 9 ad THA�ltcarstwttycs Isar, Nov 29, '94. ell BtLrtll ground out verses not fit to By and by. tlliugs that she should, if she h be seen from the spout of a newfan been good, devoted her time to each Election city once tunrea is past, ntin machine— in that It won't do to mo7tke�,/ too�rtuch resift cJt►y. g She ways not 61101 a foal as to 'T1,acakstiving day is here, just ma the bled i hyt? the evill blcssecl ab)de of the immaculate not ga tri school, for to graduate the a letter alwarr,+ is altcrut tlaaas t aaa,ea �,{, dead a substantial table will always Of the Party that favors the mild was the rage-, sand it oftsu was aft"-' year; biat,~froom the 4111 a,rrr>; ►'f the lee spread, while lodginn and wash Wilson Bill, that she was well read, sspecitilly tr"r flay e,tne will no cicattbt cleat►act, lte•- iug will also be free to hard worklug j+'or, you see, it rrzeczna business, a�trt one of her age. Cause Elm rlasv Sucl it t+lyl'a aa' air . like Ella Wheeler Wilcox an ¢ each Democrat But I hastens to tell what later be- near apart poe •- oe Wlao sulks in his fent may ask, fel this maiden of whomdos1 -, `1'1aa aavA►latst:li,car tidal ways, or`land H17rlT Tixr. "Where am I at?" for she started for town, while her Aid,,`if you will, that.hath m".d on ' BY bparents slid fr"n, a goad situatinu Lloction day is like unto a pill 00m y anl/. to seek, And aikie their was ell ft d P,,Sed of ala,)r�►c excel miaraalrake,not fit fur BY AND BY. Hunt Ting. #by a man. was aged to act as bis t'nau or bea mt, mucks It ars t l ga as n ad ova �itl�lq « i . The Angel of hope is in a b y, �.___:_�. anianuensia�but it Baan came to K f}Aust. _.. a,acle dish. St the 7,hiutlss�swaaa Yeas°that she hasn't much longer to IrINU's ut3Sr i VATIONs. that the sl little lase did taefaa dls �,� bred u cat,aearin� uatve�c,ic xaaa,cra,g the old fellow's senses And strange t11e scaattc�retcl wree•ks of I1amc cratic stay; ,ht o'clock Thanksgiviu evelliri to relate, on a edified date, they But maybe shell brighten i�p after a' Ei„ t,hlai's lu Glx#aa lassoo rc�ol'rirc's a fwir of 2vhile, at then Op'raa ZIuuse,yet klu►�v, were married.in Txinity church; and spoev's of extra tu�;tit€yia�g p„we r, And even be bible to work up a snaffle, er goiii'ter be er re'''fer highferlu i� she cannot regr(t,though her rE�uta3 f,f•,)} the late cyolout% it SAwtue t►ss kind o show. Comic chaps Baan g aid fret, that she left them alone in By and by. from 13roolcl'n is er comlu on tiler t,l,ctttgh the pSx•t�• latus to snaitht=ra:�aa 5 � the lurch. been bluwu. No wonder she's feeling uncommonly keens jest ter set cher folks er laffin', , And just before dariz,in Qen- f g � ] Axtitte a'1°►servea-s Ca+ei•y'aw'ha�rer asci blue, 'stead er makin' `em shod t ear$. tral Park, an equipage not at all trying to make out thatc ll and t im-s y For isn't the ru73aor too good to be, That's, then tient er tlii�cb me're weskit tame; with faatlntan and all will tall wits tree direct tneaans of putting sats t+• true ii' anter stuf[ill' roasted turk, Pull""" by the mall, aith her lying riff in the , roast. hast'claim that in such time►+ Thatdays of prosperity soon will pie an' stewed cranberries, :ln ther same And thus you many see hoaw as thefe the v+,tetrs always sour ul'on pp way ter go ter work-for ter clap or wrong I Ina' be in putting this story whichever ,arty last the Iu�r:k to l,se ia, appear, Ip 3 p B ' cc sort o' ellinax on t.her blossiu's o' tt,er .Aitd Hard Times will moozie, , in rhyme, for others may say t1lart ,aver. Tilirs situple +expla tinti,-n may z'val'te o on his ear," {fry season Wet we ve been er haviil �this maiden Bo gay did remarkably be in the main gnitei right, tint there 'r and b? . is ter be uncommon spry no's ter est we'll in her time. And sa it wcaallEi By ai ,/ y 1 be to a,pian up a tree, looking down as vet another that i>t fairly wtcter ex ticket all an pick out or fes - an this bustle and strife; but rine eaati- t` t't' � ins:azo the wvid�s nesse Ic:eil• _ To it strange that her eyee turn class Feat, for "Our Strater;este I g �' - reelion's rOln' ter it than with Muth ,est car slow, ti1g' of r°et�eTlttxr8tit At,saet cilsgust Ian.away-in dasclust g not know, be the pace f t,xetinx,za,tiot leaders false to evely At the sight of a Senator false to his f(,et. Four axe Laig an full o folic who is getting the Nicest out of life.:el truact �' trust? is er chimshell is u Chou;j."St the Ora misguided "1!'Iember;" o brit- 4 kind ter fit they 'casi.ona likk: tho riled '1'4'6 know a large m+sjarit •, sit r, J f I have often been told 11 diose a hteeu unset ttiwo rose u its all leant renown, �� lo:�s��n the ham. Dunt yet be torr � y + p s,trtiu, nutter, who are old and mcquaixated with sor. ttlei r majesty a bis, thin for to do. 'Lout or $cro-lt for titin � y g Who, unless all signs fail, will be , , � row and wad, that those who are 'r "1'lleix wlid that taxtf' tntxcl* rill ulrl ti•, Etc show; seems ti�E,v i•c sellifc p�ett��•C,,. neatly turned down, have much to endure in this valley ofmiddhn' at they stare c)' Brush &, ger have it allow, said that nionop By and by? P,ice ait,'t only half or dollar fer grief Here below. And the rich they .,lieges awl ,trusla" would straigt,twit% ' had, that do say mayhayetheir awry way, being ave t o. 1het Democrats skirl Perhaps he is talking, dust now, th,.r t,e t tuck s te,r l,e h,ad free from all bother and care; and g tltroeUglt his last Libealy's car needin' s nee sponduiltx i4tta vlruisip6 all, wvith►►ut t`egiarel to s.2n "Protection" or this mighty bad. ``lea' 't uo usy t,r year in and out they tenet' journey taut, voted for suets who stool on the TVhile a k g (Towd they mourn fir ter git or about, to Europe, enol also eta ewvhexri. Chieagu Platform plaarrlt, ant' if tht-y thing and that,. ()-�)od box seia,t,uer er front'un in thol• While this story goes, as every one ha,l not toppled off's-all spille,l -'tariff{ And yet he inay get it,' by means of I tba�lc'ii� which scree thinks is halcl knows, for what it is worth, it is rrIfor ta"L1101-8 posssbly Might not hatvo his bluffs, ter beat. `Vnen yer're left oil tha' plain that many there be who never been so terrible a storm, But. s lata And lY1u�r phy may get it on collars ere racist t `taiu't no,sort u' usc� tea. can see that the cshief end of lifaj is Monopolies' E'ir�hc,a;•its feel t>y the taigas• and cuffs, fret s'long's thcr's now au' thell not gain. For those who are "short" l'ruH1, Megan to scatter right and By and by, et' a0vtacant' sotue•erHs down in tbel have always been taught to believe left, thi-ir High protection "eltta►t," Stili "•1arliet", that true happiness lies in having # 0 a bully txoua,e was born init+a tho This recreant Senator, tied to a t yacht, aw.1 the devil knows what, �, q ttu►uAlSiti great—it iracaaKly, lstaicl "T�ust, ¢ — 1`'r J , and here they are very unwise; for as °' Was determined to have what he 1 Thauksg1viug day is drawing, ne:u \Vilaou hill in a C ormaanized, state. �> 4 dire as you're born there is many to , tie down nothing is in sight t for �ehic h w thorn in the roses they pluck by the >iee� �!h half ex the nauat may be we wanted or bust• sled it f,,rsuoth,to:7houlcl a.,�c.ar that'�, lsatlf Sia eget that for the But the "House" may col d v g s gh e way, aLnd these isuen of large l.neaus , ao�lcie m H re stranded—we're laid up "bike a thousand of brick conscientiously or otherwise caul and these jewel-decked queens find high and dry; hitt those who taakN And knockal.l the'stuf'in'"cleanout I thauliful be, we `'et may have the labor in what they call play. �in to celeb�ate the festal day thus tl►ing to be•irt may some cold of his trick, a Put the world is obtuse and I £incl emufort Litid in knowing that our by.By 2 and according to the usual way and be it no use to relate what a few may be- / exceledllic,glad,for ever�heart should Nvorat lumtukers will rsuw be left be- he a s�riuo of Neve, for many well hold that sllvex gratitude for many ' Y lliucl. Thee we may gather ironl�thLS-tete Perhaps; the Ziarlst�Cur}ee)llti tlitlti ht t � � J �a and gold are very good things to re- That there is Ifo such word as tall, thil,g which we have never lead. ceive. And for this very cause they I g K For great results,as sure's you're torn, that CeatiaA8 W us t"tt day is in relation May=me trom treading on ai,cor,wl —- will scarce ever pause in their race after shekels galore,..tared the gains the lase t dist way have laid Away E ur a<ubsidircad oorispiritors, aus i trait,,,s N Pennsylvania, and Quay in the camp, in deep and narrow ' �r, Lewis made a Moble dampsepu.hres that roust seem rather SUFFOLK BULLETIN. Fi ht. And Mc_I�inley they say ►�,� damp. g We have a makeshift tariff law—not Have the straight, marl to victory what the pe{�ple si-mght—which mai HUNTINGTON, N. Y. shown), ha,e a slight tendency (there's-music! ---• F O R W A R.D MARC H Put how card this be, in toe thought) to elevate our waning ' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1891. 1'Vllen its plainfor to see taste for articles well-made, and eaus,+ f it more widespi ead demanct for goody _.__.----________--_-____ ___ of higher grade. B. F. STILES, PUBLISHED. JO VN 9 . 1 Tat the devil has only his own The Gorman tariff is, no c1mbt, a. Notwitlhstcandinq the fact For Harrison or Blaine blipshod sort of thing, and yet we inay indulge the hope that in the 1Qf the consummate,tact . It appears very plain early spring those seeking honest FASSETT TURNED OFF goods may be rewarded for the search, Of the party that does things so neat, With the business had little to do, and that "King Shoddy" then willIlcallelujalz ! hail Colaara! It is plain for to see And C leveland or hill have to come down off his perch. And so, on this Thanksgiving Tray F Plur°•ibus Unugn! yunt,yuan,yum! _That our.Boswell P. Whichever you will,, to church we ought to go, and raise � Ihas got there 2vitlh both o This eet. Is the man or t1u;year '9�. our Ebeuezers high our gratitude to The did not get the Eiger skin g f f f show for what the future has in store , To wrcq) Ike little Fassett,in. And a voice sayeth unto J. Sloat,: To our great suipr•ise for, while we're in a fix, we'll hays+ _ e� The journal whose eyes another barbecue in 1896. -.I .Alas. young man, that, thou clidst � ,� _ �r „ I seek to lad the carcass o the tough ATe lor,ate��cl sorrze�r�he��°r; in the �r�ear,'"; • / HUNT TITTC. g S' old tic er at tlaa ePt, o tIh't rnaste7' Ilan been cable to see y y T hat old Tammany SUFFOLK BULLETIN. - for hath, it not come to pass Is a pretty good .fir j�un this year. - -� + tlhar the Beast did turn about �- I3UN`1'ING'1'ON, N. Y. SUFFOLK BULLETIN. — -- - -- -- r HUNTINGTON. N. Y. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1591 —__-_ -- SATURDAY. NOV. 12, 1892. Some year or two or more coo ;�; '' ��' r �• `_ �� _ It was proposed to have a show 776,fitly celebrate the clay That Christopher found Arracric;a. But, this great fair of'rJ3 and reverse, the line of the .proces- ` In proud New York could never be, �\ sion, and did overtake Mee and It For Tom Platt said t avohcld never devour thee, and likewise thy master, do, To help "flet ticket" in '92. so that nothing remainetlh of the He said 'twas best to have the show New York, the Keystone to the repast but the bones thereof?" And Way out in windy Chicago, Arch of T'riumph,next year,still there came forth,,from the sub-cellar And hence young Fassett he did kill at the liecr..d of the eolzc)nnof the U. S. Express � Our Ten-million appropriation bill. ress building, a!' with a fall-blown -Sound of ghostly lamentation, and He held it up till twas too late, And thereby killed it, sure as fate, the multitude hearkened unto these But, while New York has lost the FLOWER words: `Yea,verily; and a°n2eraair !"' _-. MOW WithJ.Sloat Fassett she'll hesguare, ore her liosory��. The!! Io7d 1be voters'ttvas ca pity Next Tuesday night. That our imperial New York city, Tiger H u nt i n N of a � The people will rise for to settle;a g And call the,�SYtate should r o-ver•ned he score, u CC e S S. By that remorseless Ta nm.an, The, terrible tiger he loudly will roar, And ever and anon they swag And our J. S. F. will be cast on the 1 M e Too �r o f a The praise o Philadelphia's an shore, The � fgang By the tide below Harlern river. Of good Republicans, and true,Rebuked. The tiger raised his paw And next Tuesday evening Thos. C. And said: " If 'll do Ike same by And straightway he did claw Platt you." The giant's scalp until the made it Will find that New York is not that He can now join the Dime Museum sore; kind o cat ib �� And then the people said: "Oh no 1 And David look This sling f Circuit or Gun for Skinks ' L I To purr at the feet, or scare at the In Chemun If to the devil we roust go, And jumped into the ring seat, g. And presently Goliah was no more. lVe d much re er we must cion ess Of any one man whomsoever. I' f �+ fJ _ The Republican brag He q ftera said't2vo2�ld be,a treat Jimmy Windbag H u st a d's Some Wier��train,- than Platt's ex- Is tied rap in a bay, To skin the tiger in Ir'o�crteentli', "Superb 111 dO YSeY11 e i1t Of D'r'ess . GVith its ardor considerably y cooled; street,, our Position" does n of It t vas well understood And that bantam, " The Press," But when the beast has ceased to11 I ust be free to confess roar, materialize. That Long Swamper°'s would That the people can't always be We thiole J. Sloat will be no more. Under lead of Lent Carll, White fooled. The Dutchmen`gnade a great mistake The Skirmish Nobly'Wull and Hassett, These newspaper lies When they hurrahed for simple Do a neat little job, I At the best are unwise, 'Jake", And drive in a cob And sometimes a positive sin; For after they have been to vote Ed. Dusenberry and the But in this case we find To plug up the squirt of Ike Fassett.I Not a sin of that kind, They'll find his name is "Denis" J� �ICE'-PresidentS __ —. For the lies were too confounded tli�'aa. Sloat. --------- heard from in Huntington I It 0 Y S A I E I I N The G. 0. P. lee' full of glee' And also full of talle, If. N. V V. And thus he started out one day To take a little walk- NVORPS AND MUSIC 1:V J a. iUNTTING,OF SOL"fittli.Fi. • to Washinyton, Ove,) Ileal� the ti11111) o 1,-,1 l-I fl I e s, But as he proudly strode, On the di8talit 101till, He little thought it was his lastNo%V tile war is ovel., Appearance on that road. Conihig hoine awlili But such,is life, we all must die, See t1le b.,tilliel-8 Sti,ettillill- And in the morn they found 01-1 the Victors come, C,1 0 – I His unrecognizable remains ;;well t.he HIiotlts of* victory,— A A lying on the ground. 11le boys al'o 111;krellilig liollie His friends at once were curious To know who did hint kill Fitr away iii Dixie .riiey the fou, have met And straighway said it must have Noble deeds ot' valut- been We -,Vill Ilot Jol-kret That bad MeIGnley Bill. Sti-ew the J)'ith witill Nowell, 31elfinley Bill, McKinley Billy; Hail the lies-ous 011, Oh! didn't you see us knock, him 8il- Swell tile shout of, %velcollio, ,.Tile boys we illal-ellilig. Is-)Iw! I ly? So%V the F."'Ilt is over 0 Peace NVIII Coille zoeaill. Said the jay to Fitznoodle 1"llioll boys have,,coLiquei-ed Where now is the boodle That promised like water to run ? 011 till,, bloody plaill. NVOc'011ic to t'lle fil-eside" It hae yone," said Fihnoodle, 41 Never moi-c to 1'oalli, Where the female Whangdoodle Bewaileth the loss of her son." The boys ai-e iiial-Chillo. hoole I 0 ft�' * With Victory turf Uiiioii, There came a big landslide from every mountain side That filled the G. 0. P. with fear and wonder; And when it rubbed its eyes It found to its surprise Republican Protection was snowed under. aAA- kL A ...�-i, It is now very plain P LL q�� That monopoly's reign time in the Will be over some Spring Arid the people will see How relieved they will be By the time the dicky-birds sing. We said so before 1- , - ,,` vw�• . �. ?.e.aC�-. And ive say so some more That-shoddy has had its brief day -tit. I And about'94, 61 L -4. And, likely before, All wool" will come back to stay. Aft. auk""* There is no kind of doubt -it 4. # at was fried out That much f To grease the protection engine; But 'twas found all in vain For the ramshacklo, train Got stuck on a curve in the line. trw The robber lar,�JT i.q laid forest, r-, With monopoly curled "up on his Fowl'" breast; JOIC0,4 A"O R life these tiro qver`e. so very well mated That now, in death, they are"-not sep- arated. via 01i Me all agree that David B. MT. i And the tiger were "in it"for fair, And monopoly had a congestive chill When the latter came out of his lair. The.G. 0. P. went out one day I When it stormed and the winds did 1 blow, And note:a corpus about his size Lies 'j?• the beautiful snow. AKtAl- lk tsr DL at,, s c;, woA r � 704 cteT"_AL . (�� 0" flow t44. LAI CAI; ",. �� vj-4.� ); tom. �• i ft ilkov *44 At«e. oload :A o16 t .�. * 4 'LorI� Vo 'l ZL le-4111 �?1 ti w �T Th In �In TO Uv; ,�, 13zr HeRU Hi A , OL 0 Hi ToOh Mab RIAN Til lllc L�+ JLC � 1 AS Sa Th 1CO, Be AVO I Fir ✓�,r� � � 1. it ow ItdN Bli q T , wit Ty A ... i B; 1 F - Tj TP 0. 1 FUN& 1 I ' ` '� lbs 1 u1 laute,l.lon to being an experience A i ULLIL_'or of this dark anhject it _ Y th l,et'fet nd it 3 heel i ao tL it yeari mea thi all, L -'V ettet; r 1 r NTO io113 r r n aj,rl Led a 11E - th, +1w --- 4 wil i✓ __ — ----- — — wn East Weekly,,, = ral:lt _�-- "An Original and Neighbor] ;Worth Five Cents. peact I Price One Nickel — - - ---- — — -- -- --- ---- them ' R 29, 1894. —��--- c�,u — - BATH, ME,, SEPT NO. 39. , buI VOL. 1.�. ---- — - -- F be AIFINE Flrt© d hi: HERNIA TING TALKS ! - itHE t Of BonesTand Stunes on the Shares at Mien Casco Bay. 1 be. ,About His Visit to Bath and lnspec-' [tie. 1 tion of the Eleanor. y left ON'gTHE CARRYING PLACE. unit, Bufferin an D.3n�+ r UNFAMILIAR WITH YACHT A line of Indian Stone Imalementstand Skel- etons lm- - - Unearthed on Harpswell Neck! soil hat�b„ 1.r a,,,ult hI a i,r„i„•t tittle But, on the Slater BeautytiHe Was Struck .—. with With the Power of Wealth. To the IN'v>rEn1)1�,�: nbg At the upper end of the Harpswell t r� Xeei;,tl,e distance from the east to the 1•e3 Atas. Ting Had Evidently Imbibed of Bath Re-, tk :vest shore Is lees than d0 rode. The TR EiR•.10{ 's locality is known as-he lndfan Carrying 1ne' mission Juice. Before Going = ' 3' ,lace. From time, immemorial, it has �• I sub -, . boa. 4 Aboard: , been the custom of the Indias, when i-asEing alalic; ibe can=t by water, to Ley For tie ?�s,'►_'-HanY TLius+ that are Hot I Carl'}' Iltf it l'arittPF rit'i'OSa 11118 12aTIOR- 11r t r aE { -trip of land.ii,z teed cf navigatinz them tv a �. ., There! ;, - round the long m ck i f land which pro- sit litfloppillaq jests tome twit y milt$into Casco Bay, , „.I,ts din I ['here havegbeen tnan} Line descrip- ' '' '' and it is a tradition among those Indians, e' Hous of our handsoute }acht, Eleanor, who have visited {he place in recent attcf Jlr t but the following from one who signs }ears,that they once had a large Village i' 9 hsmsell' Cin and published in °'T'he at this cart. place. ess, bstic, Risher and Leathar Trusses g,” s A few years cit cf. a husbandman, at Bulletin, a Long island paper, rather 1+c'... '-'_ whose farm Fnbraccd this narrow strip beats them all. Either 1;Hug— is apo,t, of l:tl:d, had ceeasion to plough it up. t0 i %,,, %:,cram a perfw+t fit in all cares, or else 6e had indulged in some of Bath':i a z* s= In so doing he une�rian, many luman ng stone implements,onlan:entsand human ble Prohibition Cordial, which has been the t, belies. 'rhe bones were gathered up -al'- i origin of 3u many other critnes. s and placed in heaps with the Intention ng 1iu says: of rt-bury'•ng theta after the land was lit _ g planted. 1Y hole the bones remained on jl7� j 1 T Drug (fit pp Antong the 'verb- things that I don't :: the surface of the ground,. several In- ch c, j �,11Jhill.�Uj� lei 11l'U� U'ore, I knuls u,ueh about, ate yachts. Having � _ € duns,passing that way. discovered the , abanduut�i the Lupe which 1,in summon z'�' old rc!l`cis olid were rather indignant. p all aspiring}-oung men, once had 1 i that the r,mains of titeir forefathers had - — - — of owiting(file myself, 1 lou,since carpe - ' - ' I been disturbed,but when tntolmed. by he "”' 1""`" to the conclusion chat it was a waste or "'� , 1 the proprietor••i clic land h,t i, ata€ un- 1+ ime and euer'gy Co inform myself in re- }' j know•u to him that it a:!s heir•ncient ;a- +���+ y�!/{p !/O,A� cd ru the cuss tructi(fu :u2d cyuipineut i - [ r btu t ins ground and th t hu intended to •7 i {/tY/i ■ Vcraft. I t a of the'kind of � re-hurt thein.they nFr, p Feiiied and itt- ^�'� o I was fi,4-tug this wnr when, through d° [orals l hila that,o,tl:,• r l'i- ':It2�tq>re. )t ill.-, ort•sy„t n frieuu It cmlr" 1 had +d;Y , the-� 1etd. luau} I . ,. r•, anr,iher a ' ,� +.., t/5 Arrfw anti 1, actin ��-,It ru;lt,,t•, "PI ''^� � = � ��. 1 not l.ro a• The 1urLunitl'to Inv, i lir, wl[1t the --� .` � --- - 3 • nu•}in_ rout, tall t,� d.t rr&, omin of[ruuhle mrd d3u',ct n th _ he etas. locality n �rtlrt, Artl5tln i iil-1,1 t iculaCr - �1i Ptiei118 M. �--olid. !l l lrtll:ie Il1'tt.I,I' It[ ,!e-trill,,, toll bo aril, i 'team A few years tib :,.p:entlyt a gale Of e 'Ihtre lire u,rr,} tht„��: , , t„! :der in ,i yacla whist ism-r-t be tht-larges',and wind uprooted tplite , nullifier of large 1;rirvtl 't't of ret fit'iml tee'b. :A urrtural�tiuest ple.t".: tr ill the woad. With-I spruce trees on ttl” e.•-r :bore of thea.d ° sone fit t„ire n! I,,,ut ant in t,, nu,lit of "fit sloppii;z t,. d�cn«rlie mel it.'of this i bu,F. . , tndian eirn-ing 1 1,' v.stere were alas, t 1. of nr,Y, r:tr•T,t- :Iasdt,I ,.ill pn,crrtl to tnateriaii,. a lex' la'aid bare other llilln a banes And Tt,d�_{n Ihoaghtswhreh Ipl, uetl [o w: thu'inrl COueimplentellts. 1'heaxesfou'ndwiire , iou, of time t to i. ,•n••of which was' A AUTUMN EVE invarlably laid ttr,der the head of tl- "{hilt`the kith,r:j•l,:tn1- lit,-.” ' skeleton and among is:eln was one a i he t aetlt referred to i-r,t• :�ill_ her j ase anti it Lew supper 1u:Fes and t ,Inl 1,n 11nu*ie a[ ts.,tn, 3Luu,• that i 1 n Our and Parents' Time• beads strung on hair fir l:other stat _, i y fmiioiihip hntldn2 p,,rt u.l th,. ru•nne- showlag that the place had been user Lr 1 i - � ,nun Mater „+1 of ` the Italian,for the huriaf of thetk dead. T' l Ifter they had tradinrs with the Euro- 4 7 i �jii {}pp�l,t` t+hut►c�au2ulatrd t ntuue ,t coccal ` 11U 1 i}leans. :_fit I llnlllOA In the nlanul it-ure (f1 t,)tr., u _ _ `s I— -- -- - — -- - - --- chs f./ll of the 4nrlrttct nonln gond;;dnnn+;:llteta l rc•u'clnlg th. uiveot! ,:,...,. i. ! J.,-�•1-1,�t'.]i'.t. ,, , � 1 I,ln. \ I) Ili ,n.< � .} 1'+ ,t,`..tv tl..,. .- ...•.is-.. 'r -, . •.,rat , to ',Nl l ir• ) , ,,i r ..'r ., .'i,:• •'d i - . Ili tslll Irrrleur il,.' �i"d AN EXPERIMENT. '4 To ,t•i cit it (`i lltf)!11 T r !tNt)M t, -''/- .lraror.. ��sf.,t t,. a; sS.f••a+• p�„7, 4ta,:t-7t L°i` _ _ - _ - .•/ ,,r to U••t iSs a;:rt ell ►.r c i•N�au+llrl•1,+,ts+alae[tf,♦ tt _ +41 t�,trsr wittb a V-14M tial tow W0 sal- K r.&lit r s,'a Tl t.t,`"�' '` ao1:M14"t1eT.�inA�„Uttd. '-'l��ti if sua .' a,.t 6re+ll 1t X.11 �yted' A fe- dAY" •i •i a;,„,,.`1 st P�' i 141• 1•afTld fll•irFy ats{r�isaillt�Q1 a,tl�IliiaM�FiMr�d. f+ �i r n »a, ttrHe to ruentr + i,•n litena'-,r...ir:tic .� 111ta7N titer+ tie . A GuA0 ING TRIP. ,.r.l r:f,{. + {+,n, allot ata•,an'{ot:,ltarsa f r•hl+e•Ir u: w [vii LIFE Q.i iJ P S RtftiM 1 was Lok tritl�t.�I.h.s,.tt,_erlt0.� � rtrailo a tan t ►.:s ��a a a. ,otierl", t„sus tuodert► scall l souX .. fir ernr,t ►I a,1. 4I t1ar'„ Ioker. w,war u„] '0100 ltllt�lt111tM its f City le ftit'o4 ;fa'a.•rt wr'ar lat.l, seep. ,,,finding t'nrr t•i{^- d0[t.. tq ���lit,"a s` fin ata+- »all.hung evrrai old Inutkatta,i[•,r i1t� 0• telF tiM iia tt61Y1lRi+� ThM a lwitlt• 1-: 1 L ,r flint hx•k, I,te Bran nax I cur xaa'L IK thrlr r� htllllMl ETM aft. In.ludinjca,t K VA". Puy-W*-* Thomaatttttwami.111Come%Ira� tr• ltt�•f �1� s-nni,t Sri sfbaE�4E1 yob 1N Iresly an,vud alio} old titnri,•+icer tttM4 1M w' t 41 t t>bsaat1Aat l taatitlett.llR►>s t1M tleai li�"�.r"�• i �> ioill �.sill r+tihran re «tadrr°. Llai- t irisin Ye and w0 arrM Jt*& tt•ttrla to i the.eonds l p0let OR tdbatt ttfa to- ft.,ae arta{,-h ...(,ae In,.,ntdtttrt! av{th a taxi tt a �rulx to a VON""� � she Return Yoyage. - r ►din!. e.,,rstetip its atspQllad is k.,,t,td a ',f., '.. 1Y t,l.ul rahlr. A° an.{eat, but flan =omP j wfoli and 1 ��utr t-••th skin of .John GOBBLES. . ir••ro t tristte�"i, t trball that ira TWt►,- A tULt Here. to tem t6a Ste. the w'.{c, M,+-r= to hen /hair-toast liras a cur ious InlYxtl >R tit the . 1'art•r ! tatedf,ttls ttttlLlttYr rwrldr yet.wpm a>«Ie.fit the knot, .. tiraE Qf p•, ;Ind;h,ry on pn•[tllc caned ori;:, and -.. W*lit dMa ; ldtaat a[ pal rxtt-nd,t the entire len th of the vi tt a 1t„rsa au+! Vii. I ]lig[t Liter 1 �r nitre, tin at 1a1:,- ea•eteciness l0 1wi1fE-krr•1 of thli remark:hie' Iessel. '1Plme tacit edti K g in the, ]tnr+a' nut+aha 'anti,fie tabor was a0 .}:oliun 1:?u' Fern i nb••.,1,,••-ty {udtapeusib-e, A,r,ie wltt allo,v ani}°a btiet dptetst a lit �t 'Fri•.. �,rall. -Ill the air­—K unnia their ternll-. ]lir ik its. r ld Ito}e .t.re pee n+,t remedies witlwet IC. "rut of ills 1Jtsittbt wit aculoua thltr�r L 1 ural X K yf. To . street and their waren Curiosity -,On'.,7 on the wharf , -Bites. BOOTHBAY FISH. Ir the tievlt'• alt °'t are verita'.t'•e C►td C«it,ay Shops, aril �eatatntgth,tn,diaTTM pr o llrowner' apamatimt. nttd Clareu,'e Mort' shot three TheC'hfral�arwa} affect.tLissa ; ! plt'e*e opposite test it, antique-, make wltbout list* 1po&aehttai element ai lrotrite K„itg a temAte} and Rai ,,,•k two or this. to thet?e iuteres 4 to oto inttediantf. We also alarTj a full; t *,,., a �caxxl,' 1 Ileaaant placer to spend leisure Lancs. I say Bath must havt .a i'otton ?i !puce of;ual'veluus design I Pd worictnaa- rrcl-and a black wEdeat,and.'1 tine ul 1',atrwt Mrdiviue-- �ip,is a pedjtead,soparently caMd out Mackerel and Lobsters Scarce sad Folks Itra ,; . A Cob,on Mill, 1 say- IS a trolkl tete u( IS K.gold, richly in- Growling Again an Account of th.2 tisvaral fl U return°t i1`iy down river FUR. FEATHERS AND FUN Perfumed Porgy. stattel -1-11 �t ' ftrtt nate, on their up f 1Chy's` a red ear” like the l.',n'err. & MITCNEII laid with cedar o[ t,ebanon, air ch ry. ed li-o tido agtrinst them --- of wild staff'-It's full Of pretty ktruels. EONARD the Mattress of w•11ioh,by sln4plJ' foatud the Bome w{liters ago. a tlr,t•t t Ing a large diamond stud, or button, fur the yacht co stem' over the ire' bound Rat. reaching di-t+!.'t, i_ 1'„ 1 tics lxt,r.rt:sur`; : ;[n*nK ,d to rest 'and were e=nled by The carie for Chiva'S tuck a the tr,;, PI within easy From tile most r,•lutble souretes of ;the little boat sntrdid [rind le 1 stop passing ble otlieers have pronouncing the ua!ue-. is _1•t,rr,l Uru ki=t a, r through the fl-loo and chem the stopped Wintry elevated tO an scale,nC- -n t+�''e' fl,ri«ation,the menhaden and other R What's the difference between "float ' ((�v f, a the AOCtlPant of the couch is auto { i ,'InTi tllde}'3nit'P itando�o unto his ma lit`�illi-and (,hAcrt`i'ard trxtk«t�lr. Y' tt' �10�11 n,atkaUy slid out of be•d upon a movable{catch tat date will about ,any e�,erases p arranged a mart upright, and\'otos'.' — which give3 way with a=mall w:argin on the profit =ids At res', 1),111t a fire, willIA' 4ect1W of [he floor, r, it is ho,ed by the tislt oo u,;e�sborc sof lobster they against the fender and. using a sheet; 4 beneath hls weight, lank into a eruten that tie]trn,t,er will add mask- t It allowing Mina to drop i of the accoun t home to repay their labor.. The Inas k- a gt�d`thenutthe� Mill s1T 10 i of night i started lover the frozen cBayftow towr a ard the They re`lad iu” for olio' ' with a soft and tnur,naring p d- roarbl$batti[ub vv,liit:h, L' was told, was thing P lett g, the stomach of tine statue 4 ere]cash has b e" light. Most taken[to he for ax carved out of um the ruins ofl tlsh that have beet',�eigli'ide rAwakof co�lr• ;,udivc:titefor the tide � h�pung beh3 Q. Charley rl tlnditFuil,lwth •h had a�he front of -Who,**, n•:'� I a fttantes3 unearthed fr l e eastward• l'om ii. The inner margin of this tubl,Lh ,orfs [duetybarrels as otter v• So they. [udian fashion, hole in it to shoot through, the i?ekl situ, ostia emeralds and Linekiti s Bu}' Tel ooOd ,rices whish cord d. Al]client well anti],last as the strange j THE MAJOR WON'T SELL t. that, y utter servuin co Lees the the July and Au,ust haul. These were �lel,t i�their feet t:,ward the blazing statesman of yt'and t•[T pushing behind. WN 11,11"iiiiiijllllllllllll ;apphlres, the 1. eep the sold at I'ortltutd cLet fol of uta>ne V. mud -Ijiv the Most. «nearthlt noise; "iloat' trot within gnnshet of the flock, ---i --- tooter at lust t:he right temp g. a for It):'(' l blas sleme 10 issue from the ground beneath' n depression in the ice pointed the piing, HIS Bandy to the WICkf• Hoot;and Iine fishing water is s lictle,juke concealed here that ave the t3nrs P — t•i1ible been of little aceouut. '•�o 11'11` '?the chew d re-echoed thron,h the woods. �down hill, a� it were,and spoiled the araC be e o 1'ent,bsr'tt- As Stark juulped fron, tush fit n' wild oll } aiGhA ley shotm of the ,ehoweverh and ecured� Che Jlajor,the promizine N ff Inas g !! report trvm Portland t To the Careless or Obtuse Reader. of a prominent yowig t1 asL' these excellent. Ii.-1► are 'groin [+' gLty JoveUj�' h rash drowsily one bird. n Loo high for the poor °tarts purse Butt. OC [L is in conne�'tton with the last syllable a cunsequengte, Agriculteralist, ki==ed hi. i _ sapphire,'' the fire being high, Hunter Holbrook brought Russell • of the w ord an Bch;' After if not found at the end of his line. Gtxl murut d' Lemme alone''and Clarence, ek night, before a,.,-' and haddock are fain} plentiful, burp siLcin I,:and�u hedl�1�oiV in prancing shot ups river Tuesday,ducks which he nit and,c.anli ie Irgoinix e tl F aeill! spelled with u`•ilrorating soak.the oc- and y '1 Ina. Y ] rehied a fair harvest. finall dt=tiny 1 c• You're aF`ettt ,�-n ..l :• I l. i i revelntg1n all-" itll his great roe, a rhes have not y z w t e scarce:Ind small olid will atOuu wilts auriirun ru,td ilitil�r,;vcd, for sh`T"five.olio i r cls etc 8IId Pr. )Tates i tc,nild'nt Sell}-,•ll to t1„(: - _ vnpant pct'sc ,,, Uattnn in the tout o t.obstrrs•aT , util l:acc's arts enacted at* .41111. hp• ., utifui r:nuc `� l: Here the t ai,tr }Iain • a bra ,,e to)') i e the mean,I c„ritiuue to t e u r,,tec'.' aha smsli fr}';a Join) L:i:i eaten ttve L_,lr.ter• for }Tnn;erc shnnl1l recollect that it is lit] t th'° tub uuli3 at vu •I let ;” au rtlt,,r =nor, I twf,it in thn"t mink attar, ablcs or loci s,nt2 itnhr" hely ad.. :.. band,; that ]lave hitherto l oflscer>, fuuutbu los s- coutiuurs t„ be a cup,:,• mu.=;:t:It b,f I of bi o,d�it6t'F It the tiottoyt of the the parr} t c up ti1'c, t n l c.01 r i. - -_- - - -- - he ac Els ht ,•p D,t. 1 1: been uuutr.'rlccd . } Is is seen by the wt«c r. -ked to be informed`Why, 1 I tub, to a Lei,ht of about two feet above nui�suce in nlau'n'a3:+ the C.i they conldn'r {;cop quiet i the:-ams, tchere a bKa=sof and dries him nhot air.from ppu baps ahiul i,v��rsrs co its presence woke ulSo alt 1 " • source, P r �a.VS sari=tor, rhe people have andde l ' the, J74 a x1k1e,1a • x«unseen the ut.ru2t had arisen 1nHc]I un I _',peditiously than any At tition a:tanintousl}', for the By trial tt'•t= tlIlde. to ger 1'h,,;:, , Fork-• �h„cpt �n:v i, l:arbt r `l ir•' 1 u '.'y naulber of valets cj.,uld du it with a'sinned a e factor un Juha's nuf :1 ate. After ttvo attempts { the. pro `t td r P,.r,6ct stud rp L ttlriet'> i rt STREET BARS >rrullate child of aflltt- Ba,:, vr►soli y1. Gawage, ,!u� ilio:',' smpusab}e anti! towel. Tile bathtub vanisbes out of!removal of th,r p,,r„y y I I sight and the f, I rent injury to l xuutit ; was made and another II 11 Ol' ���✓ 1C��'�5��1��7 (� Dp {�(� pp once to depot=tied at full length upon an prili of the 5uuunit Huusr:, report PASS ��11 Q1+<OR tvrousht tliv:tn, rofusely that these works are tt g j P Capew•ell&N-wean IIOr e\ti's, 1)oolpy's Toe _ j e•zrjuisitcly tr xud lit' rm material, has Uu mess and,«ales the nussance is I c:n!l u:,n.'t er fail, curl at d Ofir 1,,,•:tri„n is convt:nient,what coyerrd with:t ru 1.11111g. the flour hunters ` 11i tihoes. Hurt l.t_p , Files, 13Orss. v,• -,11 ;> altcays of the best and manufactured frmu else ttcece of a pet removed, he eau not open his h000mstel neareata. 1.ua;}e both Gates Inr3 up th, ;lit •s are riglit. 'Pr} "GEM” lamb ass once flu property of year. He say-�i1_:,L rovidedsthe p orgy S tuerci 1. ��OT' ���1 1 �'�'�il�,g�1G i that ,Loc eugatre,l for 1:`.,• p <fit ,Ile a='an„a, arriving i” t.l)l Gtl�YHL'1',life. 1�ary,Queen of is removed fir the business t)1�h 1 hF fo ! r.lnch, ci':illf«I j (ince upon this divan the manicure ate-'factor} • it and Frank L. to th tt- bone., hat proudly ex-I lti -t n'=maws, l;:tii,v NA-cod nn`]iron P'an car=Poon nit, set. sn motion, stopped. Antong his guests this year su Ba , ��� SW S. Pharmacy. trait hr is: '�el<nn Ding_ _outs.. p' , Ian elevated and s were Holl• I ,T f �T T T`r��T }�� R 0 nftr•r cal! ter, rea u t th:t, earn of the. II \ T-I `1\ � �I 1 • dropped 1 Mitt,-.11,u -.;,.,,n st,•n Ilk ttttglinw frontial ournol. '1'hl' t'e'sentlrn,Pn1ewith wchelr Mbit: ft hn +i tot1�= lip '' + tri,urer-, B�`ii+t% Me [;tau h- t1 ,•' r:•ntre uv,nieut di-tosses from the,ftntilie. will r,tnrst m�ottth Ilristot, if(sort w y�`h iuCy a:,t g + 1�t �'hl?!1� �t h:,nl;nt a c• '•� ;-;'I-� v�a_.a a;....,.+..a ,.t t: ti. a{Lao a,u.o...-•... ,auo�cu, •� Ft.�. c�1 I. a ius 1 form in the sante remark; i adjusted to his rash*! up. just in tinag tp sieze him - - e proached his roar with ste.dtll, steleiu pion to being tin experienced fi (tile clo,r) by the tail acid hurl him and gave hire a familiar pat ori the illu1L_,„ ` ,r of this c.larl� t�ulpjcr.,t is, One reason whyth.. into the bay, wherein stn was eubse- shoulder-bl-de that raised hUa ,&,7 the also, after J. M., u2f r�oubtedl• elle e it-ell is not so universal as it was in old times is quel]t}-,diwpateehed In tlac mi-Is of fuse of the earth and rolled 1,;, 1 .igs pl:acl:tc,i, as he surely is the �1d,11`Lt�_ life we never know what is coming ;together lilts a scroll. He tut bird tor, of the Dost fax.°-reaching tact ilx. seethes w8 have Ot118I'things so much nett• �i Nith unexpocteci sal,ldeiataoss and fib•e(l dispensable innovation thathas l,euxl worse. We often hear things spoken H. at glance of Llniiaitiyatod s,j,)rrl and visited upon this people during the Of as being °worse than the itch." T• derision from his scales and distant, last seven-hundred and fifty years. This did not use to be so. Before eye, sacs tll.el7 It was tsetse Z t11Hc't)�'Nreci If all our risen of rnealis itiael xlZeaii ; , that it was other than Janil�s€"}a. At hien were like unto the e two this the days of cheap soap who over that moxnclxt I experieb7ced a t'S`;liz:<r 'blooming vilbij,-, woul(t ,rise and heard of f1 rip," and nervous Pr <, ,'of disal}lpr�ii1tt71ellt se,ond to M),10 whoop, even aas the shall boy gettath tration. We have several things thfit TING'S OBSERVAIUMNS. that had omnr;ed to Ine he effJore. up from the puiblt of a bentphi. are just as nisch worse than the itch The clay set apart for the Fourth � While I N as occupied in ;i,iibbi.cg As I con tl:sir7tid fray flint stlgcti;;iolis 1 as the itch was ahead of anything of July-was usher-cid in by a fe;elitig my,toe against a section of(,;IV sets- became`eonviiieed that a lar p o iiia,,i- , �' g tent,double-Breasted sidewalk, l:came ity of our citizens either xosnained at,J they had in those days. Our ai ces- of weariness on tllo part of a large ! tors may have out-scratebed us at �In contact n�itll the cheerful elft putii- majority of our population, Owiiag to tion and of ablo manners of :rustic© i lcocno or went uj..Hewliero: tatiiiii� life the vi lit uc vi- clay. Those who chef cpollr rwbhe will '' every paint, but they had no cunt-� tho robbery, during g 1. i Gurney, of Gr•eenlawn. l ons uired 1 1 neves• know �vhaat t4v.v raliys-d A �� plaints that started 121 a week or teal offs, of the greater part of their rest'as to wherefore he was so far away °great rratany dot r� we;°e uT,;yc ry ; l�.a, it band of ilicipionl, b"igal.btlr; ralig- al lei, i days befoxe'anything was the matter b frozll Itolue sacs be answered t�,r..1 said rE5 of else peace and lasted sit months after iug iu Size I'ronl sc���un to fourteuzi `�I have conte over to attend the Pic`��ereerilc x�e in fl� � t I the difli- }'L'..al°t3 tel' age'- raic of the W. C. T. U." B the Awa gllc.�f. Ill !tact, ti, e cult was rcinOved. It was ftbOut Inail- title Nviren I Y �', vas very little lli iix.i.;.r�t7i Oss to ]_'tenni. I uinderstand he is liable to bolt alp !I slaw one Ina71 F�n,dt. They lased to treat the itch on f�startt,d:forth to t:the a hand in life serenely in tits nc,xt Le�islatnru. � ,�r• `av,�I•ira�;• t,u 1�nall ex'urcis6s, The fires of patriotism Well let lliin hub say I. Worse mesa ell' `� fele nl telt ► ;;',�- safe r,,�,t,,,, !,rat i homeopathic principles—sz�axilicz s n- L�'el'e burning low ill lzly bosons, tttrrn�he hrave 'seen htulg before noF�` when infl,xilic,,:l ��Jiat t o pi-ope�r•ty lie.;, alibus cure ntur. They applied brim- hitt I reasonod thus,If George ��Wasli- and well, or deservedly so. While ►1e ,son;c d to the ,,,t;t aa,c „f'Jc�v (ruillll lie stone on the Weer that the com- Jil"'ton toruli deprive, himself--thirin�r Iolax A his e.i"forfi rents troely admitted plaint came from the "Old Scratch" �, ant'1 L are not in accord oil the r alio forepart of his life, at least----of the question of reciprocity, Intake bold to that sic r,aFc Itc) csc�.rri pang fin• Bina. Ire ,'a�nvctiionce of lying, in urdc�r that to say these fie is ix, favor of tariff reform !also csl:lrcilaed t], it t:. , i:;icl partaken and judging from the effects of the !largel • of stares :air; v ,,, treatment the mcI xxa;llit,n Sandray schools, yet riialiorn,' in relatio,ll to the traffic industry• of � It-alt held lee- Y st have struck the i;nht inako llso cif his exa,ui ple it y I c��rilo the-seat ,;1 iii: fsi�.ira` I tie- right remedy. We have thiltgs that 1 the L. I. Rail Road. So am I. Witt,I sic vc lk 1:; was �ili,,e+i, t, , it hhcatrie for me to be ruaiiarl tills hotels of brothorhooct between Lis IC' '' l J ulxe I left I evidently cane from the same place, icliin; ata suggestion relative to , hurl ,dniiU tci •tic ��}: i, I i�•urlt horuc; ; but who ever thought T can say, withuut fear of contradic- tc, sacv III) It 1ii.tic art,,;, ght of Curing then) elle blacking•of my shoes. And when, t10ll, "trot him out.,' 1 t 1'on g few ruonlents later, T encountert,d �A.ftel. i}lis ilrie,"Ial c�%el•t iso I ly;a_ with brimstone? English sparrows, e taciturn Cashier of the L:silk tared r And este sliadotivy farm of a New tac;x,t}y li: k-lwd t.. islet tirewc,i•k� 'at,tl for instance. In the old days they _ York avenue real estate dealer was tl.rc,n, with a lw,ix•t: ovc;rllutiv;li �� ��-illi had no slpiarx•ows. Sante enterprising 'covered that his 'consumptive gax-i wafted across the landscape. Da Y � 1 g Ys were entirely covered with arida 1 Y I t,zatit,udc Ic,a i;he., Iiiliilevoiis UIi111"s angloitlaniac has introduced them at by clay bu waxeth more so, alis when tic,t; .'icl nc,t a com pa2ativel recent elate. The ustrous coat of G�eor./e Ilriger's .l�remind him that elle hour of cleliv-I it~ril'IIcis ttnrrn�, este d.�), l Y blacking, my admiration form own Ia;tai.t, 1pet,acc+Ii.11y to rest, 1;1ye a tired point of application`of the brimstone Y clalicep is at stand, ire denies the 'sellot)i bo ' aelaieiveillout knew no bounds. whole business and threatens to prole- Y full „f waternrelon;a. is here plainly indicated, and unless I In speaking of the Cashier I Ile- c?GL1te ale far 11be1. 'Che 11i.;%4atltlldtp �,V f I I C, I I � T1UTN'.r TIN(_l. he repents he will undoubtedly get !glecsted to x11e,I1t10n a peCtillrLrlty 111 �,f a Ilatlt)rl lFa a3 nothing l ING S OBSERVATIONS. slich % dose as few others have had 1 nig eoliapaeccl to either before or sine®. had, his method of blacking his shoes. :ti'e the pig-heiMi"t.l perversity of the i11di- Some men prattle® what they informs rite that he lays the work ou c victual. preach, so to speak. I once sinew a sc,cticins by which moans e is e;Ia- d to go over the entire 1`rt Ill 1 l.in vicinity of the curb ad- man who had dyspepsia (and-had it We have some reason to believe ground .)Laing the P. 0. entrance those is- bad) for sixty years. He would de- thin the week. This systertl of,�,axljd a 4oL1tI' similar to thea strains Of: that our seasons have undergone a cribs leis syrnptaltls, in season and Bhang®. Certain it is that our I V stages admits of results that an tilat•Iai cl Is , . I enquired Concern- Ji4riuters are warmer and our Sum- ta.lci be altogether unattainable at ir!g the wlif - fox•e and was informed out of season, with great minuteness ie sitting mets colder than was formerly the !that the;lau;�itter was caused solely often dilating upon the subject at case. It would be intensely interest- And this train of thout l.it calls to by the mfr cation of an anecdote, great length; but he never went to ins to get onto the whenceness of incl an incident in the life of ex- t}to title "vhich1 herewith Suppress, bed a night in his life without eating 1 dlord I-Iubbs aurin his rei"'ri of these phenomena. Scientists have ' g „ T turned to the Town Clerk,who stood " 'investigated the matter with a view col° at the Suffolk Hoiel. It was a piece of mince pie. What a noble near by ,,; ;r�rotzsly snzt>,king an Irl)- 1 to gratifying their curiosity, but as ° e fall of ilaeilse c„a�i-cob pil;.ie, the fumes of lesson of cOnsistenu and fair-dealin x at?. c�cc ptlorialIy lle;ayyr g yet they have settled upon no single `W, tied your uncle Samuel was x%Mels evert; strikin-ty repi,eheib siblp; is to be learned from this incident. theory that appears to cover the rtialnily deliberating as to the "lost and asked 11 if Road Cumruis,j;ono;- How much more to the point is such g' feasible, mettus of ettin(, � round unless it is the "Sun-spot g a (path to k,rould, woos= preseuct I liad just!lis- theory.” This certain covers more ;the barn, when a certain iitdividatl conduct tl.an any quantity of an op- Y covei•eci, waK ua no wise respon�sibl, ground than any other that has been ore nantc, I wilt not tar,uO1lllctp fOr tlae Lilis,:'ellaly hilarity'? He repllo l posits king could possibly be. Appeared upon the set' . advanced, inasmuch as these spats, 1 that lie wto,, not according b, ,A.nd again y while they appear scarcely larger to hi�. , a man may catch the Egli, llr�l" said the 1clrlcl r,r,1, ritll «knowled.y-: and belief," as lie hall idea that lager-beer is not intoxica- than a quarter, are, in reality,several adliliring glaaace at the 11t;evly ar- known Ste:,h,_' � from the da he a Y cl f(iOt-seal. "You're just' the 1 y I ting. He may experiment, from a acres in extent—in some cases more. J speared in his first petit of pants nip L" The rnodus operandi of these s ��Voil.lcl you lie kind enough to the preseriu Cline, sacs had alwa,�•�� scientific standpoint, at the tato of; . 1� pots lc out to the I)n.rn and back"? It from ten to three-hundred lasses a;is said to be as follows: In Summer fount! hitt! f;�:;;e from ;wile; wherell p- g ,of their 'ill save Billy half to ll,iy's sliovclin ,. ;�, l � they retain by means t t}lis happened enec:t ears gas*llo g. oil I remarked that if he (the T. C.) day, and yet it will be useless for him opaqueness, a great many heat rays 1 P y before bad lived in the time of Goo. Wash- to stand up' and demonstrate the which would otherwise be converged 41opper died• ingtotl t1,cro would have been much upon our Earth; while during 'Bile I was climbing over a few less sates ;.about C,-. W. I said tllis,' merits of the idea unless he is able 1 , t. the dogs on my way to the Post Offices, I without any sincerity in rq;y manner to do so. If he has to lean up against Winter solstice, owing to a different aspect presented by the sun, these tliscernccl tli(t d;rri o,iltlii,e,; l�f a very however, and consequently he tookno the side-walk to keep from falling, �Pvdy coat ;`lric,li �' felt 1,,;,yitivo was, Of q y rays,which have had nothing to do his theory will be like many a juke— all Summer, come forth from the side somellow adjuhted to Lhe f1�Syu.110 of Tay A.large tlanit �," Pat®T rise rai.i l friend, James E. Ba-, c f Port Jef- p g q Y P it will fall flat. Obviously his prat- of the sun where there are no spots ublic, slpirit is en ; ,cllecl within i.o Lice will be at variance with his+ to speak of and visit the earth in Person. At first I was at a loss to Lit,- bland eXtGrillT Of tri 1'ie.;id�nt Of the clerstancl for what purpose rte ,uca,s i;p raaill;, t, ..ni1cl Ei!ur lye t�..c, to ic;_ i g. g g!large number, beim distributed to, , 1 , preachin Preaching is one thin b I:llz"t'llgton at this 1"i"icul��al. t ii.rie, waist are indicative of much grit and and practice may be another, and fro all points of the compass with the Px- ception;of the Southern States—the bt,t it immediately occurred to Ine cteternaina,ori. Ho. s i,00d ori ,;tie uentl is. This difficult may be latter having had more snow within 't'i„t he had probably in�tcle tllF� trip c inner cliscuszriiaf1• the i.tteritq of a olu- cl Y Y Y iii. the I_:ppe of collectins;his back pray plox, back-action, �,c 7i7}pintatio?t tip;:.,:r obviated by simply transposing the the last tell years than they ever had for. jury hoz sites in elle iatt,ezt, tiles sentence in this way: Preach what before. Assuming, then, that these l slid list ar1u ilglat ;;�:�j tivivF.► sit scientists have made leo mistake, it •��i_"l.i ""Test F-��t7I•e .�'•.1'tr�;''iar(� �'..: prtly and phlegmatic individual avis ' You practise; that is to say, if you will doubtless be a colddi�ywlten our _ fid it necessary to preach.��� �r� "1 ---�— Q_'� which wtim sifunted from his waist ,climate returns to its former condi- Nevertheless, the siwlmnse wftH the Democratic plank is regarded, an imaginary line where him heels tion; unless, perchance, a passing soui(otb'119 torr")'(. so 1`110h ►," that by that party, as a little shaky—so Illinatet]. When he was clepartiag comet should swish its tail over t110 solue of the girls expressed the wish face of the sun and swipe out the thilt thou had'I't corns. nivell so indeed as to be suggestive wasdifficult, if the atmosphere ores spots This method of relief is, b0%V- The crisis was approaching with of the expediency of stepping gin- little hazy, to tell just where those or., ever, of so pypotbotical a nature as to rapid s*trid(-8 gerly over it, when parading around trans left off and the horizon 1Vgtl1.-1, render it exceedingly apocryphal. 0iie of the girls gave way to her I the platform. This is either a wis- 'Ile was evidently cut out for a long feelings and screalned, but a moment A man in y have been lunown, later, at the reqiitst of the talle or something else more easily life, and everybody was diiialopoint,..d na captain, I from his youth up, its a liar Of 1110nu- she stopped. accounted for. The undivided party when, at the age of seventy-three, he mental attributes,; but when be sayss now standing on it with both feat, that our side-walks are a disgrace to It Was seen that everything de.1 i fusels other arrangements and began PP-Rded Upoll less than four wcheP5 and all uneasiness in regard to its sus to occupy an L shaped glut in the vil• the village he clears himself from the of shnddy, which, contrary to titinivig properties is utterly ground-Y dInge church yard. While he was liv. imputation of not being able to tell ELI I expectations, St000 tile test) al. less. It ispropped up and bracod rn the truth under any c4rcurnstances. thollgh alluractulo(i stibsf,quentlyto I ing he wits more farniliarly known The simple fact that a mall was never the passage of tile AL-E-111ley act. from away back in '90 and '91......witb when he went barefmot&l, much of his caught in the act of speaking the As a result of the captain's final the unyielding force of public opin- identity being 'onoealed when be truth is no reason why be couldn't yank upon the boathook the water- ion. Other plaiiks may bond and wore oboes. These oboes viere goner. do it if be had to. If filchildren find:loorged youth wits safely deposited crack even to the extent of causing a ally made in the Spring so that he ioois speak the truth" why may not, iip,)n the(leek, whereupon it Was 1111 mild sort of panic, as it was feared i! same liar do the sae under s1:1ffie"(3DtlY Rldwously discovered that it secCould lot them out during the sum. tion of strong provocation? In the case (if his trousers was gone. the silver plank might possibly be mer to parties who wanted tel go fb4h. this man, the more ffl('t Of his having The young, wan rallied enough to made to ,do, but these tariff ng. By this means they would bo planks i spoken the trutil.in this instance is i - I appreciate the Sib-111ti011, Hild fully were inserted to remain. no evidence of his ability to do so'A-alizing, that concealment 1,N,as out I$ come so shaped to his feet that he Under 16138 eXaCtiDg conditions. At of tile questi n and that Huicide The so-called "Force Bill planks could easily break there in during the the same tiniel we should speak of ClOuldn't be made to Work with won- will also remain. The presence of winter. One time lie loaned one of Lim as we find him, regardless of 11" dorful prosenc(a of 111illd he wont off those planks in the platforms is a his oboes to a couple of boys who said past record or his future probabili- i.uto a tread faint, therubly bringing standing reminder of the subserviency ties. We should take him by the they know bow to manage a boat,but hand (figuratively speaking) very to it salisfaet.,ry torni I natioll one of of a ►portion of the rank and file of 0110 of them fell overboard and wito much as w"e would the habitually in- tbe most thrilling incit le'll"' that "its the people to the leadership of ambi- drowned. Lyroltis accused the Hhos• toxicated individual who has refrained taLon. Place since the episode of Bar- tions and unf3crupulous "statesmen.'' frons getting drunk owing to the ab. bar's Frietchie. HTThe moderate exercise of a little in maker of being uican with his leather, sence of facilities. This UNTINO.one lapse but the shoemaker explained how it from,a life-long custom of prevarica- dependent thought is all that if.;io- happened. He said the clothesline i tion may have been the result of a quired to establish the mythical char- that he measured the fcmt with wag struggle Y16 no less fierce than that on- atter of the foundation of these too short. One day Lymus injund glifyed in by a good man during his M 11INC(IS OBSERVATIONS. planks,. A well founded demand for ,first departure front the path of res- Partv phttforms tire eonstructed "a bayonet behind ever bllt" is one of his heels by getting it wedged titude. If Ammins himself were yaobetween two ties when he was walk., witli us, rehabilitated and as natural essontially for iiHo during tile cam- manifestly out of joint with our "' ing on a railroad bridge. Ile wai, as life, he wouldbe unablo to resist psi„n Lev� Af electi4ni they tire twoken tablished systemof voting, and if this laid up for Be-feral days and had, to the impulse to(1rop unto thetrilth ill) and iiobody knowR what becomefi were not so it would seem that all iu relation, to this side-walk busiuu�,.is. send for the doctor. It took the doc- UUNT TMA, of the pieces, onpoeially the civil ser- fair-Minded men would shrink from tor about bRlf an hour to look the vice planks. It the t4ame time plat. investing even the best men in their heel over and when be got through forms are us,aful in that,they afford own party with a power so arbitrary tll(3 party organs and orators seine- and ulonacing to the perpetuity of lie said that if it didn't get better iii thing to stand oil. It is by jueaus of our model form of government. two or three weeks he was afraid he'd Here i'S a 11101,0 Von(If.)Dsod ae(11011111t those platforms that imues tire joined Nevertheless,while the platform Of have to get a buck saw and a mowing of the acciclent f r�)Iu the point of view anti a groundwork for arguniont pro- the suecopeful party nay,in the mail,, tuachine and try W amputate it. Ly. of ft reliable eye-witnesq. us used to auginuent his income by A party of youll. 1)eopls (1110, vided. We should all be sorry to be consigned to the rubbish heap, girls)including a yf") stly have a Political convoiltion adjourn: the Tariff and "Force Bill" planks MilhilIg it h0USe to house canvass for 1111g mail dressed the sale of clams. One evening just without building it platform. In will be preserved intact, and the had assainbled itt the cockpit View Of thim diffioillh(�S and Porplexi- amount of sand-papering and polish- for oy h, after sundown be went to deliver some claws to old Mrs. T.--. Af- for Itinell, but tho, Illeuting Was ad- ties connected with their construe-'ing that they will rec=eive at the journed wittiout date o�%ing t,o til,.,, tion the workinallshil) is sometimes hands of lightning-rod orators and ter be had gone the old lady hap- yokln,py 111a11 ill blile 11minly OVE11,I)LOard. 0 topple(l tnily marvelous; While their capacity hydrophobic 'newspapers during the t)e a ed to go to the door for something 'The captain at o c", 1c.ft his post, for widuring the wear and tear of a campaign will in nowise whereupon she exclaimed: ',I daclare diminish if somebody ain't gone and left a big Or tiller, ruid pnwured a boathook. campaign, interspersed with lurid their average weight or lessen their *. M valise right in the path." Just tbov 2"I"011ilig blue bobbed oratory, fireWol"lis, Mild, and brass tf-nHilo powers. No matter what 1-D ity Lymus took another stop and the UJ) 116 Went forif, �v it]' the l'O"thOOk. bands, is calculated to inspire confi- He getierally got be said to the contrary, voters will be if that i t, it the first time— Bence and render solicitude uncalled justified in bearing this fact in ind, valise" began to move slowly in the S to sfty, sonwtbi I iig blue. for. direction of the front gate. Tito old Not being able to s,tu(l the strain m the goods gave 18'aY The tariff planks in the two plat- HUNT TING. lolly always regarded this incidfont, as, Tho-xcitemnnt became intense. forms this yeav are unusually clean- a "forerunner." Along in the 811111- Tile young 111att started down for I There was once it 11 the third and last trip, at which cri- -t and straight-graille(l. all(l, coiisid-I was Lyinus. Aan whose name mer LT111118 was taken with a severe tic-al juncture the Capi ering the natural linuttymss of the His other name was cough. Somebody asked him how be in findin N- aill sucA-eecled Hopkins, but this was entirely super- got such a cold and he said it must ,��f D,Pit Oe that beid oil. material, reivarlAly free from know. Ire surged away :1,1.licl a so( fluOuR save that it gave, a sort of finish have boon one night last winter when bem, ),,gard i1011, the 11 Chariot scene fbat The,Democratic,plank stands distin(11- to the inscription on his toinbstolue, be made a mistake and left his heels tiveiy and UD miot-lakably for "Taxiff PLace" b6ngr tanle, ill coniparisni. y," while the Republi- ITO was, besides being a colored inap, out of bed. It seems the cough had IMI'lly Of the girls ivere taken with for revenue oul a man.()f strongly marked features, worke(I its way h (,an plank is equally well defined in up to hit, lungs yitel'ies, at the,s.a.1110 H1110.soillothing , that looked Uti a r,1),a;.4 4HOrvej,!iW r()latio to high (specially his feet. There are those When Lsmus was a young man and protective tariff, living in M___to-(Iay from whore lived home his father would n ver al- floating up J11 the FN,et, green] waters. 'This is an indisputable tact in the 0 It Proved to be gom memory I.Tulus' foot,can never be ef. low him to go into the barn yard at' _iqhiop else, presence of which Republican journals ]lave unblusilillgly insinuafe(l th faced, lYnJuS wits a man considera. night- He was afraid be might step at, ble over six feet in height, most of on the cow. His father wasa poor man and couldn't afford to lose the - he cow. OBSERVATIONS. of a man who acknor T �� .ING'S OI3SF . vleciges that he anerely a figure of speech used to con:intend It is not so difficult to be mistake owes his comfortable fortune e I to say anythin that n entirely vey the idea that wrath, or as much i g at mighLibe as some may suppose. I know this to the fact that he was too lazy to sell of it as practicable,should be removed liable to misconstruction, but I am � to be a fact. I was in Boston once certain city property at a time when —not from sundown, but before (pre-' to say that the kind of hall to - he thought it ought �p which we aspire cannot be built for and I thought I was in Hanover St., �, g to be sold. The vious to) sundown, in order that the but when I asked a policeman about same reasoning will apply to enter- owner of the wrath map not have his any such sum +end if it could we it I found that I was mistaken. I prises of a public nature. Zf a IZe- slumber interfered with thereb I wouldn't be satisfied with it. We ublican President is elected next submit that m interpretation of the are a long-suffering community in re. had never been mistaken .before, and '; p. y p the incident made a deep hole in my fall foresight will not tie in it at all. remark is, to say the least, plausiblefallen to halls, and we propose to plastic mind which time alone has The whole business will be altogether while the other one is very far from make up for lost time. The "Hun- tington in filling up. I had ofteii owing to a lack of hindsight on the it. It is a well established fact that.seen Opera House"will fill the bill. seen others mistaken,.but I little part of Democratic leaders. a weary frame and a perturbed spirit thought that the time would ever hardly ever sleep together. This co- How is it with the cc 1Wlemorial come when I should be called upoD "Nothing succeeds like success" incidence may be accounted for on Building Would it not be well for Jo pass through a similar experience. with one exception, and that excep- the ground of the absence of affinity. the committee to realize that the pres- sBut I went through it all right and I tion is humbug. Give humbug and I perturbed spirit has no use for a eut generation is uffering from � I have always been glad of it. I find success an even start and humbug weary frame, neither has a weary chronic curiosity in regard to the ul- E that I can see mistakes in others a ;will get there first every time. Hum. frame any use for a perturbed spirit 'timate appearance of the structure? :great deal more distinctly than I bug fills a place in the affections of Now, admitting this view to be eor- There is no question that the judi- could before. I attribute this clear- the people that success can never "ect, what would be the consequence cions investment of the fund for four ness of vision to my Boston expe- hope to occupy, and so long as this is if a tired man should go to bed with years,more or less, has somewhat in- rience, and yet it may be only a gift, the case success must be satisfied wrath, or vice versa. Would not creased the original amount;but there i I know that some people do have tLc with second place. At the same time wrath, in this instauce, constitute a is a question as to whether such in- gift of knowing when others are mis- it appears difficult to understand how perturbed spirit, to all intents and vestment was the specific purpose for l taken. People who have never been humbug can succeed without success, purposes? Certainly it would, and for which the fund was contributed. It there themselves seem--to know how I see the point of this objectionspirit and this reason I maintain that the s it 1 .will not be denied that the building it is. If this is not a gift it is in- I hardly know what to say about it. of our remark has special reference is designed,in great measure, for the stinct, and if instinct is not a gift' There may be something to be said, to wrath as a disturber of the slum- uses of posterity, and for this reason, what is it? It may be something else, but what it is I know not, neither do ber of the tired man. I plant myself if for no other,it should be construct but the matter is of too little impor- I care, for when a man starts out to fairly and squarely upon this position ed with a clock-tower. I am informed tante to waste any words over. establish a theory he does not care to and I shall depend upon the facts to that this tower can be included in be bothered with pertinent questions back me up in it. the contract for the additional sum of I once heard a man say, as he calculated to deflect the line of his ar- t, thrust his empty hands into his va gement. I have no objection to roc- " a�' ' } '�1�. HUNT TING. $8x0.00- It would seem that some __ _ way ought to be devised whereby � cant trousers pockets, that if his fore- ognizing a partnership between hum- - TIN(x'S O][I�i+;ItvA'x'IONS. I this amount might"be secured. If sight had been equal to his hindsight bug and success, but humbug must The "Huntington Opera House" the building is completed without a he would have been a rich man. He continue to be the senior partner. I is materializing in a most satisfactory tower the chances are that posterity explained how it was, and from what will admit, also, that the success of manner. Those who have hitherto ' will never look into the honest coula- he said I got the impression that he these two enterprises seems to depend been skeptical seem to have nothing tenance of a town-clo . ek ?Whist pos- thought he was speaking the truth. upon the intimate relations existing further to say on the subject in this terity be denied this privilege solely It was not so much what he said) between them. Take a popular connection. Iia a few short weeks, in consequence of an $800.00 deft- after all, as the manner in which be patent medicine, for example. It at the most, it will stand forth i1i all I ciency? It does not seem so, and said it, that gave me this impres- starts out on its career as a humbug its symmetrical proportions,complete yet it looks that way. Can it be that sion. It seems that he had an idea pure and simple, and the more hum- in every detail and ready for business. our wealthy citizens have no regard j that if he had been blest with a sufl3- bug there is about it the sooner it It will then be opened with a "hoop::for the opinions and comments' of eient amount of foresight he would will become ,,llied to success. In la" which will compare favorably with have invested in a farm in Chita o this instaa�ce humbug p y posterity. Fifty or a hundred years g g and success are any "hoop la"that has taken place in from now this same posterity may about forty years ago. He Lad clearly dependent upon one another, this vicinity since the opening of the shake the finger of°scorn in the di. } churned this notion into the sem but where would success-be but for; horse-railroad. I have always had rection of blance of plausibility without once the humbug? Humbug was there' faith in the undertakin While I the cemetery and say: There lies a lot of mean skunks who stopping to consider the fact that if first, and, as I said before, humbug did not suppose that the child was h Chicago farms had been selling for will always get there first. The peo- borax who would live to see it,�I al- ave left us with the National debt two-dollars a dozen he couldn't have, ple want it, and what the people ways thought that this village would to pay and not even a town clock to bought a garden-spot large enough want they generally rnana�ge to have. eventually be provided with a hall show for it. Fellow citizens of to raise a mortgage on. Foresight It sometimes comes high, but the adapted to the need m©ans, are you prepared to stand y sof the commu- this abuse? If not, now is the time had nothing to do with it. It rarelyi are bound to have it. Wily. I have not only thought so, to take measures to avert i does have anything to do with it. ~—— but I have frequently said so, and my t' Some of the most surprised people I "Let not the sun go down upon ever met were those whose invest- y g y pp only regret is that I did not say more Speaking of town-clocks, there is Your wrath." A real man suppose about it at-the time. ments had turned out well. 'Surprise that this remark was made entirely; no question, in the minds of those in the interest of wrath but allow who grasp and foresight never go together. I ow mo' �-- g p the situation, that the When things turn out according to to say that this is a mistake. Those The statement has gone forth that Memorial Building, owing to its cen- foresight there is no reason to be sur- who adhere to this belief will con- the new hall will cost $4,000.i tial and peculiarly sightly location, is prised. It often happens that what tend that they know as much about Those who know bettor know full the place for the clock. There is also 1 is supposed to be foresight turns out it as I do, but I beg to differ with well that double that sum will have no question that if a tower is to be to be something else. It may be them. While. it cannot be denied all it wants to do to pay for it. For considered it should be included in > chance, or luck, or even stupidity. that in case the sun should drop upon the enlightenment of cotemporary the original plan of the building. The Many a fortunate investment can be wrath it would be bad for wrath, it is Journals, and also with a view to set- talk of adding a tower at some future Ling the matter right, I would softly time is suggestive of a weird and un- traced back to stupidity. Lazi. clear, or ought to be, that solicitude ness is also a possible factor in For the welfare-of wrath did not enter remark that a $4,000 hall is not 'in authenticated ghost story. If we can- into the ori line with the e not have the building the case. I could mention the name in design of the remark.; general plan for the de- with the tower, , - On the contrary, I claimthat it is velopemont of this borough. I don't,how would it clo to build the tower �� ° Ing," would Nets wherein thkv have r� i fsY r WWW a t'`load of kc-'s, Lfio si lallorst of Which , u wcauld weigh Taut an ounce leski ticitll been intentionally mislead by a pax. ?tad add the main building at some for, tuld this eal► us,uidly, ` o►tzz tusan cress, U the c cisio u sof the futuie time? I make this suggestion with tPbe nail illalilll onatltty of 0,,,, �*e pounds 1 from the point of view of a uneek and a11d labor. s t)iatli�§�, lire jttoliCo+, flxi#.1.► Chango czars at Hicksville for 8oith Giurt of Appc,alm is a ou�nplete vintli- ta trac.#itiorls ttli+a.reliiaeju a xc,tt i x1, old, Tillie conveyanve to llurtotx'a cation of the Goveruor's Tuts reta,. low-flown passenger on the train of 1 optTtlozls of others are aal.ron�,• the irl Pc,ira#; Light �I�ouBe�. I+�sidir►zc for tl�ac� tion of tltt� letter t�t�d intent of thc� progress. If it is worth anything gredionty that fill t1le tilpa ore,of 01.11 ; (1`t��t cif tMxu li�;Lt, Cl-er�. S. f zrt��►te, Ballot Law ninde by o Rapublican file coxnnxitt,ee may credit the amount requirouientix. And yot ilk is to pro-' who will eeluip you with boat, titoklo to the building fund. vzesrsivu sxgi1, ttilod ► c;ssrH a l�e'ol'4�� and lith adapted to the purpose. All Legislt�turea; and, also,that the thief zealaul3 zIt tint )us°>11i; of «f itltlt, I� I ask'in return f,,r this olaborato `tip" and the purliuer mumetimos got tem- HUNT TING. l S psi a five „s six pound bass, 8uittt.blct oraril mixed u x but after idoutit 1:1►e still e i Ito If lisilidli°�c, ��1►tcl1.i }a J' 1, ,y art) the rc sidt c,1. 1st ,,i,�elit�y t►ti1>tul,ttOd 1.,'x' 1�itkixag 1lurllo'nes, has been established -the distiucitioxu H1TNT'T'INU. by this ci.Pr111)aistiict; xlesirrluc;t� c,1. it , Im bcaCOlzlws Ixzore or less obvious! glitteriug lade., We are triirti1 ylil�� ,j „S Otis v '!,r r ION S. °d`ll+i(C'ti; 011SL+:hd'ATItaNS, ' t}1e re1e1; e,1. 1.11e. 1N'ut'1,1 c+illx ties; HWi«• There are few things in this wol•lod lxear and exttint,.,f e>Iar xxl,txitt;rtiytti,l„�. 8uppos�e that,rnankinll should bo- More edistastoful to the average mail Suppose that 8trorag partisans, in b 8rtt is tho 1,.e0ile1.ut (401-t°loolus 1111- (it-line alive to the netual saituatiun in either of the great parties, were able lllizod with •Is]odel�- " � „e tlae,t the 4� :Is the p�°o et� regard�tarct to faets, and that, instead of a and Villin to aekn.awledg or y��oxtlau Cilia the fi°r�t1i. Sux:llel ku11e wrought 1-y it 111o;it: x►ag;atlxzcaus t' � a1I"cala�sive odors which are ever enc3 poet has cvrxttc+ii that "1.z:ttth ertle�ltocl S.stllhci0 d0vice 1.c►l.�z�c;cllnprzretl fsx,vorxL distorting their mental vision zI1 tlit� to earth will rise againn,"but this;is it bly� with tho honest, 1littxcl mta is i1;.i j-1- effort to soo things as they do not ex.- stns� waft,ad to their nostrils oto not �,xnistakR. Pe;olllo don't want it to�ele? He that an8wers ,yfeil,has iio I•e- ist, people would catch on to the full altiritys proceed from decaotxlpo►sing . ,strci for 1.110 truth. raiguificatle.e of. that famililtr rexlip:rlc suhstatic'es Io,Catecd "Pon the other I xso- They would hrefo�r to hltve" `, , But there tire tulle,; whet, a de:.pint "l"lie truth is mighty anal will pre- side of the 1Wlitioal f0110071.l{ir:gs ;lsx they thiiak they' otu"lit tc, retard.fur tho plain, tiakud 1.;•1.1#11. ,)si „ foe, or as they thous© to belissvi� thctythe part i►1' iuciiviclltiils, Av01111em1:,. vitiil, really are. ".I guess that ie go()el, (hitt, to thea tvtffare of t,l.c3 goru"Tid Suppcmca that these same partisaltlx, enough," `-I don't believe it" 9`�,ive !)ublici. `Take tho recent entastxopin! SuPpose, ixaodoed, Clint Inortal initn would come to realizc� Haat tatat+lsatrlen' sY ixi l'strk I'Ittcc rest stet illltsti sv�P,1 . t;hi:11) Yl.1 t11e agencyr of 801116 axtrane� of the `�'anamaker, Elkins, (quay, US 1.z x'6151., rats,' c., are oyhro'ss.. Esther the builclerl=of the collaptied ions that we often hear. 1 sober, st,ructw.-e o.r thca oce,11),111ts t,llcarcuf crus but irresistible force, should be., Dudley, &c., variety, are no more to Sde.inr,,after truth I tante aline to tet aside prejudice in be clttsmed with Cfewrge W dill to k' �, h i8 1.t llroe,e+s)�im.�ol- Conk a purc)lti tltilititx�ian t.ita�v of t�11�: Val" 1211 ztxn,ktant of labor 11161 1t nlnsll-i lar0xlais os. The n�,rrt,,1 11.1. r4,iatioi.1 to the consideration of mooted questions tend 1braltion Liueolu than a }Frank- festation of ir11erest that are inconi Oaf, Mon-tuts►vr1-,l.lt u1.P�s► 1.s,i,t14 t,1.0 the extent of allowing the facts furter sausage is to be compared to a toil la0ttlrt" were dvic lc ut•1, a�1rxc,ri�it, g 1 g night on�L Lake George! la:�tible with tlic�spirit of tlic�wfYo. A � -, 1leitriu upon the cane to stssist hila Insaol.11i rht nicr �' `_t he trall6 w1w 11„tP Porte r. Ixi PARD 111, be Elle owner of iti YOU Or- the odxrecti:on of tltilit� ►list ,,� it ,1st ;in arrivixx� at a conclusion! 13ialaly Lo►rse, strict 11y a eourrxe cif rete-�tine Vicinity of solid,1u<�Iz t,„atP.i:, � °t�� ----- Suppose that suxue one of our ti�►xling, ilato, tho truth !1008' we allpcarti) ho ­te:ttclili e1lili:els • i Suppose tllat, in his remarks Tela- heavy capitalists who is desirous of gut anter, hc-zuay° -111ecee,l in couvili l=lut 1.110 Alorld is prof:,i.hh t,IrF;irl�;c:,1., :tive to a matter of greater or leets in- h(tViLW his ranine slide gracefully and .ic�c'urding to they +_,rit,io!!I eisi�;1ai111seif of tho e xistencc,of supiTi- thc,i e is xi�,t.l.til1.0 Ik0W ;,t, l;!e i:li�a,,r� i1i t:crest anis importance, he t5huulil ex- noiselessly dowlz 1.116 ages, would step c>rcluiiii e:s i1.1ot11E attnslitl;csl,eclally it_t, t.tce s::►iblatiox.►. " {iil.>it a sliow of ro,,fird 1'isr irrefutable forward and erect a building to be re"10M,#t lz erd {1x�t! deed 1. f0zlcl Il oth-r! rir,tiniont and absolute pres,lf, rather forever known tie the `t()l�erst 1 . 1.;'!}111.: L;oe,ilzlrias iii Circ:, To thos'e 1xltile la#at P1lila:, al,'z,x, ii ,llstn a detera111tiatwn to de)ci,'o the 11ousel" Tile blank space is put.• coxluTiomition of her little boy, while who arcs ccn►tc)nt t4.1 , tit Y lc su,)),etcl (iuestion according; .to hien prccon- prosely left for the insertion of the ,alter azid 11it; trltc %, J),)stt, reived impressions and preferoncesi nataae of the iuc.tividiml referred to. I'JRtch los playful W11tics nasi arrive ttt� heiur tii'tca lte,lu, �t a;it,ll►g; €1.1161 lwitirls.l for ilio �)vv;tHioI1;1l 1111�jilc� n1. tfi°ea lot it diflereut couclu�lion, 'his inoth- P c� i 1 "F4 s6 lsst�;i;, ii1c� l:►ca€s <x, ,.;tss)i. , H.;I� lflt '11'lxase Haat eve when allow our Slzlxl►lxsca that the W ova-moution€ad rico use for the t1'tttlt. A. c,l,1i,r .1 e l ynewspaperca titalist would meriously consider r, zr�l.istt oce; ;;11 e,� ,,,P {, )1lxinns to be fnrlllecl la 1� I=tan zuay es5i7tic t,) sutc)l;o his fl1°s41. as bah1:1 of t�ii.lo-elcet 1.c. thc•t, v ,,;° oolfill-16nts and statistics coil](] Ile i11_ circ, /ft(.Id in, relahou to this matter t.l+gar, or pipe. 'acid IJfToll e" dk , ,tit• tl'-)11is. �. have xiA,oreoneetl to ]�L3il,-}Ji149 � � i tlMd to consid®r the Motive dry stltd therel:7y laecrrltle cacrltvillce<1 that ate! sick but he will rnnlitizl t, tshin�; in t�,hoa v�ittc•ry e+I :1.,. l,. �it.1111►+1 ;,�1liola the saulci 1x•01.in -to lip cluingy as htas� been suggested . S !!,,� , i- , anywherot from o11b1�,1Mx#s�t:116)villsl�rri rtf lin ictus to 1.116 sltuii,,u:)x1 ulitix s1. c�Pjil,t;- c trehe11c1 the f j would riot only perpsatunte his ztnx.ne t:creaud.lort to 1:1011.;oils l-oi.nt• l ct11► ,tc,t that tura real ub el.t cion of the truth is Ilaticle 11rlperat.ivc, its:, I wj,ij,e it it iso 11x()10 111al4 1,{°,,listl.tle tf a partisan Journal is to advocates in history but, at the sanle time, re- i�Y t,l.iP pstGllt�ltis)tlx liplieray.41 e, , f 1iis, tlaslt .f3c)s38 111c.T.,nrsr,lylits, whir thr. tilt- ire cause in which it is engaged,eve11 main in possession of a never-failing stoniaeh. He loive�s n„t tc)t, ti11l11. liticstl destinies of lying'-i colallt,y'in 111011911 it 1.a1101a1c1 he fouxul exit©diellt, source of revenile7 xx�lslier does las, fc�r 1.l►d�h'i �,tlho,, rpt! `6,x10 lx,ckot tend it 1Af `°fiddl Oers" for T11Ii that lI( is f3l li. Itc' trait fit [lit) otilier, is balwieing hi1t1- ''t times, to ixltroduce fall.teio1.as state- 19 x111:1 c'1 t' ? ,iE'li 11► t,.hes f;1.0?"ri (, �;eb1;:a9 x;dxl % ttlelits by Wily of rltreiut;i-.heo111tig t11E, �Up1J0f�8 tl]zlt, In the 617161 E'I1C t1� r c illcidexace. 1lalaxl nisty be 1.t fool- itilwl h�tlilila�;111 tli�� l,i).sis ttU s x ate csa - 11` 1.11tient, or to avoid xliention of per_ the failure of the party herein-be-1 d1 a great m>tiny c,f 11s are fool a,ixl t;hallo; iAll.ttt4icl to dis5�1odit thea t Y Ill e laislts e,f ius;llt fitctd that Itaigllt tend to haze c1esllgnatcic3-to gritsp t11e situtition, c1liys-ttnil yet be uxtutiudittl of tli;, e)t,1.1eI. 1.:=�:alit�ies do etc+ tick;til d'tiicl.►111g ' wea,hon the saine? gre�aands. tho sylaciicrlrte which has recentlyfl reurtasteencae. , a the contxat.y, come into possession of the Stuart •ruu��, 7a r�•asi t►.�--►Cyr htic�k.in tho t_,eaveitticax .--___-_-__ gh it ,urge ac�quaittt tilee tt•ith zvheu I sti a�eto:ct era. 1 oltl-ta;txl�' witll SUppose Haat wo slhrnald become h,rclltel'ty would regard it as in lil.le itilu<elf and it eorxosllondl�ng fZluil- atlotltor entllu htf- 1c; love's of thou ,struck with the similiox•it y (---if ours ,, 1111.1. li ith his own Q n1. with its general plans for the d,vel- y p�.e,ttllltrities, he spuxf,, for ,t id,).y�PP ets,lllnF, o:>t�i [:Iclrti>xa'µ y •y � 1 umv brine; hiruself to beliEive tllttt Point. Wo had litanned iartl. ex pedi- tem of readia.lg t110 newstMix rw to 11w etperllent of the purchase to rear 11,1.1 his intellectual calibre is greater tPha11 Lion SO ase to tako in the lloocl tii1e `Method of the JttrStice jyho,ttpo1al10s1r-tacdifzce adapted to the purpos3es prejvi- from statrt to f111is1t, cunei Wo found int; the ""11_11nut�; ul7" of the learned 011sly indicate(], if]lot fully set forth tilld of his fellows. Hc,ltcts novel°1x:1- „ . „ c�arsoh°es 1zl►olj the ;roIIa(l just i11 sand eloquent cutlusol for the 1►rc,slrl:,u.- �'estigitteil the sol►jcut vitll a view t:., the nick of tilde, fol Tau t;ooxler had tion, proceeded to sentence the pri4 Suppose that, in the event of, it ,Ye ttilig at the tnittx, , ave! c;itslt our line i 1111.,,iit)g11c�thea ss or 111111 fitthon-In of w'Iter theta x1 1t,�;;� on°x° Co pku►al,sjorvitudo for Life,rogslyd_llUestion urisin in regard to the 'r N(" SO it is it, re„�ard to miditers 1 e c Haft g g �,eaxcx,ll interest. Villa e improve_ a. l 11ro111i5,cl fe,Ilci eax'nest protest of the de-safety or the desirability of the ix1- F a eavidont tliat. the c1c,,e,llaou loss of 1.h® luenis, sstnitaxy n1cil.suxxae to ,e fu-Ily 1.1) to the ,lie l ►t o;. I hiu{ ant and the it>Jtcnlishnient and vesttatent, the party or parties to 1ucs,aioilw 111tciucled to give it do.�t ailed 11601011sat c,f disgust of tho jury'? whore thin a�t sal is directed of morality, rung grid tc}tlac�,,u,liul►ti�s a fill that, oc purred, 1 P ted would but ..I JJU(1 1.111,1 1: a•egard the matter of sufficient ilixpor- stnd loon religion stz�e t3ul)jec;f„� tlaitt � sal►ia1] 11ci 111xable to do so. 1.aLt it .�11.f� --_ stra rarely considered in tine litfht,of t e.e, thoroafo•o, thstt at tho laud of tai,,, ``'111�lxose that the silloere believers t1l"Ce to warrant him or thein in in- helttr:a ultx' #,oat, which was a,llot ra x11 the depraysty of_Nx. daov. Hill, op vc 8tl,.,atilig the carne with a view to trlt.th. A short.gut txa 1.t ;sattttt,t;ctr., -Yawl, ' tis5 wink 1.`,a t utivale rtxl dcjr lxec,lally per- ill the I1lttttoi` of state ste;tl. t, sit tine facts incl i;ures uP.M� . .--taxxallig lllc;reto? TING'S OBSERVATIONS. The pro paper claims that the in- — . population during the Lours of the We have already reached that stage creased tariff on woolens has had the one day in the week when secular An individual may be wedded, of the Presidential campaign where effect of stimulating domestic manu- noises and Fourth of July denion- either literally or figuratively, to we can scarcely take up a political factures; while the con paper, admit- strations are presumably tolerated, some male or female, as the case may journal without encountering more ting the validity of this claim, holds only so far as they become necessary be, or to some other object of an exa- to the convenience and general wel. tirely different nature. I recall an or less literature upon the subject of that the scheme of compellingsixt Y fare of the community. the tariff. These newspaper com- millions of people to either wear instance where a woman, according ments may be either pro or con, as shoddy or pay an exhorbitant price for Among the solid citizens of this to her own unsolicited admission, the case may be, but they will betown there is one who has never, ac-, was married to Ler.1iano. This un- there goods is not only an absurd these just the same--in the shape of scheme, but one that will be effecta- cording to all accounts, been mistak-.ion was, as a whole—leaving out the "leaders" and, aragra hs and, most ally frustrated in November next, on for a clergyman. His unminis- P b P teriat appearance is partly due to the item of cold feet—eminently fitting bewildering of all,statistics. For in- notwithstanding the fact that an in- general get-up of his attire, includ_ and, for the most part, satisfactory; stance, if Ave take up a pro paper we significant number of cloth-producing Ing a way-back hat of a decidedly un- the few misgivingrs tbat were ex- � shall see thtA under the Me Kinley concerns would thereby be rendered christian pattern, . While his soul pressed berg strictly confined to the tariff wages have been advanced ac- less able to dictate to the American i! may be pure, even as "Royal Baking piano. People feel sorry for "the to the relictions of Repub-' Powder is pure, his clothes Suggest cording p P people in regard to what they may a close communion with a cold and under dog•in the fight" just as nat- lican organs during the campaign wear. wicked world. 'These remarks have urally as they take a bath Saturday of '88; while a con paper, which we These are a few sam ple points of reference to his every-clay rig and are ni bt. The same feeling 1 p b a wi�l� crop. ma • have at hand will state most the arguments that will be used b not supposed to reflect upon his Sab- out in connection with cases in which 3 g y bath and holiday toggery. emphatically that wages have steadily the partisan press during the next It was neither Sunday nor Fourth both sides of the argument are of hu- declined until there is.hardly any two months. In the mean time the of July when he sauntered into the wan origin. The isolated wife whose margin left for a further reduction. mugwump who is trying to make up Parlor-car at the cl)se of a warm husband has becume a .politician, or. The pro paper will demonstrate that June day. His gait was remindful a club member,' or a might watchman his mind haw to vote is in a fair way of a log journey thro�a h g the increased tariff of '89 affects prin- to have a hard time of it. Lon be- g J Y g an mhos- will never know what:it is to w alit cipally the luxuries of life, while the g pitable region, and his general as , fore the 8th of November, if things l�ect indicative of weariness and scan-'for sympathy. no matter how painful necessities, such as woolens,crockery, continue to go on in this way, the ty fare. He spread his anatomy over j ly apparent bar -destitution may be . fine cutlery, tin, etc., are not visibly whole tariff question will be enveloped a seat and adjusted the above men. in other respects,. affected thereby. The con paper will, in mystery almost as deep and im- tioued hat in a way to cover the en- Public sympathy, whin used in with equal effectiveness and a corres- tire upper portion of his form, there- 5 penetrable as that which surrounds by excluding the glaring light and connection with,'matrimonial 'woes, ponding array of Geo. Washington– the whereabouts of the Hebrew ehil- also the pestiferous fly. He had cal- will generally be observed to,fall like figures, proceed to show that the dren. culated upon a season of tali.repose, heaviest upon the female element iil bottom facts are quite the reverse. but he reckoned not on the kantan-: the controversy. Other things being z ��9 kIUNT TING. kerous conduct of the conductor.i- In the pro paper it will be stated, in, # equal (that is to say, the other ele- language calculated to dispel all�_..._ — - This zealoas of e;at would wet not of j TINWS OBSERVATIONS. the presence of this second-class pas-'meat) this will most always be the doubts, that the tariff is not a tax When the Pilgrims same to the senger in the midst of luxury and case. .:And yet there are times. wben that is to say, that the duty is paid ease unless, forsooth, there lurked at least 99 . per cent of this sympa- b laud that sometime subsequently be- „ y the foreign manufacturer, or ex- catue free America with the double within that sere and yellow ward- thy is manifested in reference to the porter, for the sake of competing in robe the requisite amount of shekels. « „ intent,evidently, of securing to them- "Your fare," said he, "or get you alledged masculine participant. For our splendid market". On the�, hence and cumber not these u hol- selves freedom in the matter of wor- p example ahead-strong and impulsivd other hand, the con paper will feel' stored accommodations with the out mdi feale, somewhat above the .meum ingly remark that all this is a lie, and ship and suspending the same funs ward� nxiools of insolvency." ' tion in regard to everybody else they y y height and proportionately developed immediately proceed to prove its as- And then it was that forth from brought with them anumber of bells, the vest pocket, just beneath the ring 'n other respects,in a fit of abstrac- sertion. p which at once became mouth-pieces of of the hat, there emerged a dazzling tion, perbaps—although there' may The pro paper delights to reiterate spoke the word of command that those in authority. The clarion tongue, roll of wealth, and a twenty-dollar be nothinto indicate the presence .� g that our tin industry is growing as rap- bill became detached therefrom, of the; latter—ruthlessly siezes tier b r � idly as could be expected considering whereupon a silence like the sudden; husband 3 the na1:e of the neck and went forth to every individual soul inpon the with a,quick- upward and backward the limited time in which it has had stoppage of a saw-mill fell u1 to grow, and that some timein the the colony, and the people assembled, scene. And somewhat later on,when 2410verlient of liar arlo. Snaps his toe near future we shall not onl e in with alacrity and willingness, to.take ' the train was moving at a high rate'nails off. In this instance the sym- y bg part in the services of the Puri-! of speed through the early cabbage pathy .which would otherwise have to manufacture our owtin, but that section of the fertile plain, the con.-�been hers is unstinteclly bestowed tan Sabbath. I u the article will be of a superior quali- duster lliecl himself to a sequestered upon the owner of the.nailless toes.p At a later period these bells, or spot and ruminated upon the muta.- He it is who iatands out-,in bold relief !ty and furnished at a greatly reduced 1 1 a ai.nst a background of sadness and !price. The tau paper endeavors to their descendants, became numerous-1 bility of human affairs. g � ly exuployed in celebrating the Fourth pain receiving, in mute dispair, near- offset these statements by claiming A little girl, was resented with a ly all the sympath that is donated of July, and also in advertising and g p Y that this tin business is a humbug of otherwise facilitating the growth of package of candies by her kind and to the family. The misguided wo- glaring transparency, and goes on to affectionate aunt. Ammng the gener man may receive a measure of ap- show that there is scarcely any Amer our infant industries and budding al assortment were a fere wintergreen Tlause for her successful but unutili- ican tin in the market, and that what, conveniences, until now their signifi- lozenges of a most penetrating chat•- tarian achievement, but when .it cauce in relation to Sabbath devotions atter. With the good fortune pocu- comes to downright sympathy she little there is manufactured is dis liar to childhood she selected one of will not be in it. She may derive sat- played has but questionable existence, and these which she transferred to her isfaction from the contenipla'.on of a lapel in the windows of thea© pro the neeessit for the interruption of newspaper establishments for purely y l diminutive mouth with little ceremo job neatly and thoroughly done, but the peaceful quiet of the day by the!uy and much evident stltisfaction. when she looks for sympathy shfl campaign purposes, The eon paper,discordant clang of the bell in the She chewed vigorously for a time, will look in vain. It 'will not be furth®rmore holds that if there were a and their there passed over her mo- there when she loops, While others reasonable prospect of producing our steeple has become a matter of con- p p P g siderable doubt and uncertainty. bile features a look of n1in,�lecl auris- are drinking from this fountain aL® own tin the article would necessarily :Flow sweet the tones'of the "Mon- ty and anguish tilat was touching to will find none of it in hers. Her be either of an inferior qualityor sold artery Bell" as they float among the I.>ehold. The teals welled up into husband, on the other band, will at an increased price in order to pro bills and clown through the valleys to 1,110 `°soulful eyes," and wiih a voice come in for a large share of all there vide for the wages demanded b the the ear of the sufficiently remote lis- full of quavers and d a manner in- is iu the neighborhood, of both sexes. g y tenter. But how thorou" I, iucon Yru_ dica.tive of the utmost sincerity, she ETe will be comforted, no .doubt, b3• doctrine of protection, in which case oils and apparently inexcusable usable is the said- ",htnly,you nee(In't l5rifay me; this sud(ion and unexpected outburst a few tin-workers would be benefited prolonged and inharmonious clatter any )aore, cu dies." of.sentiment on the part of his former at the expense of millions of consum- of tilenineteenth century bell, in the � �� B,UN TING. associates but even then he will find ^— he has the worst of it. S W path ers. anidst of a more or less numerous------- �_3' 1 __J' ! vreeu an(I so cornHtructe+d as not to inay be cooling and soe►thilar;, but it And the refore Preach the conclusion The corlelitior7 of the iraxtp infrtatecl ;;lfst,ruct the view. Next, ail tYttbro= Cannot, will Yjot, wing back the rlttil:,. That on T'al'e occasions we must districts of A.wesrica ou 1,t to be little- Nothing this side of the grave clan Give vent to the surplus emotions g kepi circle of hammock chairs should Minn back the nails. Ll►ey quay ,in- That render us likely to bust. I zorated. A treat many plans for be arrange.,ontircply around the esu elect,be recovered, or discovered, nrZ. doiug this have been sugg4-sted, but tttblishmelit,at a distance of not more gathered together, but they will be whonh ure they now`? All failed-- than G feet Prorra the aforesaid coping, out of their:;�hc�re. He riga stria r I have it direct from the mouth of each chair to be pr{pviclpd with a t 3 g ignominiously failed by r©asi ,u of their large unibrella, of a shade of greet, thelrz together and wear theun .for a one of the few who are widely known irrr practicability. I have it plan watch chain, bul, wLen he fakes -oll as the 14400," but who also rune a 1 y• 1 to match the grating, elevated to the his stocli-Rigs at night lir]will's ill b-e which, if I nifty be allowed to say ,proper dirit.ance above the chair loci branch farm at Islip,that the process 4 tlrrnl seou`ed to the back of the cotlfrouted. by those ,nttfiipislied. topes. it, is a good orae--.:tensible, cornpre- y This only goes to show thtitsympatb), of getting a ticket fixed up at tine e;apsne by means of olatups, or screws. he>nsive avid economical. About, A s stem of rubber hose about 7 is all very well in its place, but it 1 box-office at L. I. City is far less in-I 5 ORD never compensate for the loss of�l human than one would naturally sup- $UUU,UQU,()UU.UCf sill be required to inches in circumference rrrrd extend- any portion of our anatomy which is use. He says�s that U the dim le carry it out. A large suing, do ,you irng from the bottorin of the tank, gone forever. ose.exercise of the thareqt it amountssimple stay? Apparenntly, bud not so much through openings in the iron-grating, v HUNT TING. so when youln ► co, e to look at it. One direct to each chair, should then be dexterity in the matter of ehauging eonstructud; each length of hose feet, Hl.,ile standing in line much of c.lc,lltar a year for tett y cars from everts tel r„ilntating in a sort of nozzle There is no truth in the rumor that 4 inhabitant of this great Republic will niomiled with a mouth-piece, or nils. the L. I- R. R. management will that homesick feeling may be miti- giye us nlo:re than the sum required. plo, the center of which must be pop. henceforth require each and every gated, or perceptibly reduced in Mize. ,jurely this individual contribution is forated with a hole at least J inch in holder of a mileage ticket to present, According to this gentleman's bxperi- iusigxnificant and scarcely worth men- diameter. The rlc►zzle extremity of with his application, a sworn state- ence there is no reason to expect any tiotii.ng in cuniaectian with the a rt;ra- each muse should be supported by a ment in regard to the average length additional punishment unless some ate results.in c suitably devised. crotch, or bracket, lase aristocratic person behind, being g :at sucli an angle as to bring the of his toe-nails during the winter sea- P 1» Lut we must not ignore the prat- ruouth-„piece, or nipple, on a level son. There is absolutely nothing in addicted to the use of tobacco, should ter of contingent expenses. Eo- with an imaginary spot ora tine back it. This is te.rpriscs of this characterg straight goods. expect-to-rate higher than in his wont. character Levo of the chair about 8 inches from tine g In this case the stain inflicted upon toll. 1�ver;yttling being now in rea(li- the spinal column which rises up in h1etr l,rrown to suffer from this cause, noss tho tank, or lake, should be And while it isnot recommended, � This ripping cud tearing about front of him can be removed by the It will be noticed that this money filled to within 2 inc,lips of the top of At ever'alight provocation, use of a saturated solution of oxalic will be collecied under the provisions the coping (no higher, its it might of Lha "Bland silver 13ill” which will slop over and kill the grass) with There is scarcely a shadow of doubt acid. An approaching smell of last 'Jacob Ruppert's best lagor-bier. week's onmons may, if it is seen in uri.doubterl:ly lntLve become a,raw by 'flail being dune, the committoe ,Neither is there any foundation for time, be stood off by threats of cut-;that time. In thiH case al great deal should retire and give the schennae a the report that holders of mileage ting,or drilling, a hole in it. of silver will have to bap handled. T chance, and it, at the end of one tickets will not be alloyed to chew HUNT Tma. estirriate the expense of carting, month frorn the opoe►ing date, a the covers of their books. How such shoveling, picking;out eouterfeiU and tn•sa11un P calf be found in the United �� - etiertnl wear and teat', at flit►o,nt Stater outside of a radius of " feet a cock and bull story could have got.1 l lN(Aa, 013�;1�IA'.1"1�IONS. � from that thank, Mr. Jami a P. Z;ayles,, around is a mystery to me. I ane in.' 110 is only a tralttlp a rollohing, $15,00000.00. We nnust also allow of fort.1ef orlon, will agree to sloes formed, by a way-up chemist who joys►lts tr,a>lnp, r+,arming at will annul .ror a srrlall discrepancy between tho vwith hire. :Cf any fur•thor guarantee has devoted the greater part of an the vtrrir d srpt+cress of life. '1'u clt,;v Ire atuount asked for and that which will is required, just let rue kncpw.r otherwise blameless life to the raver- way be seenrnnovirl�; with e,isy i]�ving actually be paid in. This disc epan- 1aUNT tII`1(1. Ligation of baking powders, that ulmig, thio Jericho aura-,pike; to n:ni�.,�ht, CY will alnouiit to not less than three covers contain only about one- may fit:cc1 him enduavoring to do the,$700.00--possibly x+750.00. This lib- fifteen ib fifteen ruillionlih of a grain of Paris starry firmainernt thr,,u,Dln the bottoini oral estinlat,e will leave tam, ill round- ,, , n I INCk S 013sVIVE'!.'IIONa, green to the square inch. There is of it tonnato call. (limn it 1►e that lie uurribers, a clean $600,0003()()0.()() as Reuben (no nn ff r about his sur- no doubt, in my mind, that the ru- was ever other t,lnrtin what lie H;eerus 1 to coustraction and endowniernt fund. narrie) is a sort of dignifled individual mor was set on foot for purely ulte- :Perhaps so. He may have sc:e1, bet, Now that the linan:cial 1preli.rriiri,t __...looks ,rico a man of 1ptzsinc:ss and rior purposes. `.Phone who are trying ter days. There is, at leant, sorrne- ries are all out of the way, I Miall acquainted with grief, and yet ho has to scrape together money enough to thing in. his general aspec f- tc.-► en- ,proceed tip unfold my scheme, which a soft and topid heart, as the sequel. purchase a mileage book can keep an courage the be,lir,f thin leis other cl��s is nothin40 nnore nor less than a gi- will show. His sister and brother-in- scraping just as if nothing had hap- c+_,uld not have been any worso. That gantic systein, of drainage s nlil,tr• top law and their little daughter—aged pened. The whole story is a trans- brass-bLit,lony reininde.r of tho old that employee, in the ruilemption c►f about somewhere from four to five parent potatoe-Lugbear. red sebool-house on a ciainp clay rin,Ly low, wttrshy land, and vacant lots in ,years, I.should may, although I. have -�-- have+seen the time ';vheu it was less L. I. City; although oil a much larger 110 means of beizpgf hosit:ive about it-- That "darn it."and even "plague oil it," pronounced, and tlie, gurgling sound ��"t'lo tdlau auyf hiug ,acre,oforo tti1,- reside not fair away from the geogra- phical centre of this village, and not And some other things we may say, of the bath-tub mtt5° have smote tapoin t;eml�ptcrl. `.Phis fun:, of $6()0,(10U,()01) lent,since he concluded to list Are all more or less efficacious his ear without thro,ving him into fits; having been placed in the hands of nenss.in the city go to the dogs �r I In niovin,g obstructions away. but, thiB :e,n► >> c s e y handl) possible. He ail acceptable connrnnitte.c A.rnthony few days while he paid, thorn a lift.le may have sat in the lap of luxury Connstock, Dr. Keeley and Ward Me visit. One evening in the course:of T wouId also advise holders of thele without soiling I)c+r clresti or y�assen�l Allister—a tract of land slnoulcl at this visit he was szttingN },aside the dining room stove in a somewhat tickets to accept with a grain of al- through a precocious stage of child- ,puce be secured in sorxie central lo- ,,. lowanee the rumor that is going hood w1lorein he clam lecl at the egad y. T would sips , Histerwisc�®ri�,pl th moue,, wlnon iris . g calit�, ,;gust Central. sister n•einlaa•kc:d that sllti had occasion about bare footed in regard to a forth- of 1niH:ft,tlier'3 tirni ort the way,zonae I'Slip, for ianst,arice. A large basin, to be absent for a short time and coming order requiring such ticket front tho Sunday school where he hav n it diamot-.or of not rz,ore than would he mind taking care of the holders to wear—for the purpose of had recieved Ii'Ist prize for memori- ti miles and an average depth of not little girl? Reuben was by no mean q the catechism; flus, also, less than 300 fret, slnotticl tlneri kne- vain of his expertness zit the art of facilitating, if not accelerating, the zing taking care of children, but lire raised operations of station agents—specta- Sec+nus hard to bolieve, But why r at- o�cavated and thorou ThI conaentec. 1 {� Y ) his head, oponecl his eyes to the tat- !Iles of a color to correspond with tempt, to lift the sail which hangs with best Po.rtlarld ceu Brit, this be- most limit of their expansiveness, the cover of the mileage books. While liko a wet unci pungont horse-blanket inlg sr,.rnuounted by a grttitito copiilg and replied: "Of course not." The door had scarcely closed on do not credit the rutnor, in its pros over Iris paSL life'( Tl,o great qucs- from which should arise, perpondicn- his sister's retreating forint when the ant shag®, there may be found soros- tion that f,ltonld unonopolize our de- lar•ly, a heavy iron g•I•atiu(� of barbed- following episode>aegan to take plitco: thing in it after it has been revise,, Libor€iticpzas at this tirnnEn is this: ghat wire. "his grating should be not "Uncle pisoRube eg cin to take -_ paint going ' tli hiz.u? Il ss tliau 1.50 foet� ix, Lei�.y l c are of n►ne ---�---- shall we il[► vvt , 1" ..rv.a saaa�k t,k�.�^�,.:,.w.,....,.e..-.,...w......,..........,....v.W-..,... ,�.mmg....� W.«�L': tw.wuxro..-...., ..w-,.».,.w...�.w,M..,...�,.W..< �»...,...�«...,,..+w..,....................-....__<<_..,. -...... _ ___._.. _ _.._ -..-,.-_...-..,... tk'f, �yyl�� ;.... ..,.,.. "Yes I'm going to take care of you., TxNG18 O13SERVAZ`IUNS. << „ i1•orn his cork,-�, and, arraye�t csclu- What you going to do? There is some pretty close figuring sively in his night-shirt, and possessed Causing him not the slightest incon- �I don't know. Is it necessary to done in this world,from time to time. of the single idea that one, or more, -ye.nience owing to the smallness of do anything?" "`You must 'muse me." We can't expect to know more than of Huntington's most prominent Citi- its size. While I scorn to reply to "Certainly! Yes! What can I do to half of all that is going on, but once zens was buffetting with the cold this cheap insinuation, I have this to amuse you?" in a while we get on to somethin say in regard to the origin of his "Sin furan like papa does." g waters of the dark river, he hastened Sing y p p ghat is most too good to throw away. client: At the time of his creation "Ah! I'm afraid I can't sin like to answer the summons. He opened g It is a fact worth mentioning th every soul that. was tried was found papa," g , the door and the chill winds from "Why can't you?" some men carry their habits of fru- without came in and la ed merrily to be several sizes too large until, at "Oh, I don't know. Guess I gality to a great distance without a - played y last, one of suitable dimensions was p about his unprotected shins, while haven't any ear." pearing mean, just as a saving man his lower jaw vibrated like an aspen discovered in the dried bladder of a "Yes you haye got ears." will sometimes run his economymosquito. Now, the learned counsel "No ear to sing, T mean." lump to the line th , leaf in the icy breeze. Ha flashed will doubtless desire to know how Papa don't sin,; with his ear." pp up ne at separates the rays from the lamp which be "Certainly not. I ineau I—" ' parsimony from something that is - they happened to look for a soul in _arried out onto the porch, and this out-of-the-way place? I will tell "What ails your ears?" not exactly upright without striking there be discerned the muffled for "Nothing! nothing much." it. of Mr. Smith. `'What is it?"gurgled him—They heard it rattle!" "Did you freeze 'em?" HUNT TING. ,,No, no!" It often happens, however, that the Doctor through his chattering �z-f��- "What ails 'em then?" nen who have the reputation of be- teeth. "I have called," replied Mr. TING'S OBSERVATIONS. "Heavens! I give it up." ing close-fisted are conspicuously Smith, "to pay you that two-cents. I The current year is on its last legs. "How far up is heaven,Uncle Rube?" prompt in paying their debts. This was passing by and I thought it was' My object in alluding to this fact.is "Up? Oh, yes; `I don't know just rare characteristic is a good one, and time it was paid. Here it is. Good merely to call attention to it. I re- how.far." "I guess it must be up to Uncle I trust that nothing that I may say, night." It appears that on the occa- alize that nothing can be clone about Bill's." even in the heat of passion, will be sion of a recent settlement of ac- it, and I am not in favor of putting "Up to Uncle Bill's?" construed into an attempt to cliscour- counts between the Doctor and Mr. forth any effort in that direction. "Yes, cause papa said one night he age the propensity. Smith, owing to the impossibility of When the almanac says that. next ` seven u Uncle Bill's and ha some p Mr. Smitb—I shall call him Mr. making change a balance of two-cents Friday will be New Years, I am sat- Reuben raised his hand to his brow Smith for two reasons; first, it was had been left standing in favor of the isfied that such will be the case. I , as if to brush away a cobweb, and not his name; second, it is easy to Doctor. This explains the incident. can't say:now it would be if we had then said; remember—was a person who might �— no almanacs, but we have almanacs Come here and look at the funny I have been classed among those I Speaking of meanness, what can all kinds of almanacs. The drug "I don't want to." one pictures ' this paper. have mentioned. It is true that be be meaner than some of the thing ores are em,s stores full of them, and they all t "What do you want to do?" sometimes did things that might that l.v%yers say to each other in agree, so far as I know, on this j "Oh, Uncle Rube! I'm cold!" have appeared mean in others; but court? I remember of once hearing particular point, however mch they "Cold?" whatever he did in this line was done a lawyer abused most shamefully in may differ in other respects. Hence C'What makeess you cold?" y "I'm most d!" in such a way as to disarm suspicion, this manner. He was an elderly it becomes a foregone conclusion that- "I'm hat"I'm awful cold. See me shiver, and this was one reason why he was gentleman, and his appewance indi- the dawning light of next Friday Uncle Rube." never suspected of being mean; cated that he was not feeling well. morning will open up to view an as- "Why, yes! Bless my soul, I think The nearest he eyer came to losing In fpct, the sequel will show that tonishing vista of possibilities and the child must have the grip!" his reputation for not being mean such was the case. The nest morn- impossibilities, "®ugh! ough!" ! 1 g most of which will be "Why, wh—what—" was in the Summer of '41. At that ing, soon after the opening of the invisible in this latitude; especially "Take me on your lap,Uncle Rube." time be became so averse to wasteful- court, the same line of conduct was the possibilities. Some people calcu- "Why yes, certainly! There, there. ness that he refused to wastehis resumed do the part of his opponent; late that they know considerable What shall I do with the child?" bath-water, on the ground that it but I shall never forget the ripple of more than anybody else, but I notice "I'm all warm, Uncle Rube," contained valuable properties. He satisfaction that passed over the as- that when they come face to face "Are,you? Well, I'm glad to know therefore saved it to put on his gar- semblage of spectators when the old with facts connected with the future "I'm warm as toast." den, and when his family complained gentleman drew himself up to his full they begin to flounder. This is in "Seems to me you've got warm in that the radishes tasted like the in- height, if not more, and after omin- consistent, for many times they know a hurry, haven't you?" side of a receiving-vault,he told them ously shaking his finger in the dire c- fully as much about the future as `'Yes'" "Look here, little miF s; I suspect to.shut up. It did seem a little pu- tion of the other side, retorted, in they do about the present. These re- you've been fooling me." sillanimous for him to speak so to tones that were all the more effective marks have no personal application "You does?" his family. by reason of their manifest feebleness, to those with whom I have had occa- "Yes, I does." At another time he was invited to as follows: "Mr, --, I wish you to sion to differ in opinion, either in re. "Say, Uncle Rube?" and to political matters or otherwise. ``Well." act as pall-bearer at a funeral where understand on® thing—if you want g p "Don't you wish I was your little but a meagre attempt at display was to be rough I can be rough too. I No one will attempt to deny that a irl? apparent, and where he was provided feel better than I did yesterday." great many things are liable to hap- "You.are my little girl,aren't you?" with a pair of cotton gloves, the re- On another occasion, during the pen between the nett two New Yearses, "No; I'm papa's and mamma's little tail cost of which was just fifteen. trial of a somewhat complicated horse In the first place, those of us who are on to suffer the llu ill be called"Yes, but T guess you're my l�ttl® Cents. After the funeral he took case in a Justice's court somewhere left wp girl too." them to one of the stores in the vil- on the Southside, considerable invec- pangs of a Presidential campaign. "No I ain't, cause I'm papa's and lage and offered to sell them for' five had been indulged in by the op This cup will not be allowed to pass inamma's little girl and that's two, so twenty-cents. It certainly did look I posing' counsel. When the counsel from us. We always have to drain I must be your little girl three." small in him to go for that other five:- for the defendant arose to "sum up," it to the dregs om^e in every four * this was, in substance, what he said: years, and the time will be up next And presently a great silence came Cents' And yet he was not mean year. As to who will be elected there ;tired settled down over the Scene, and man—lie would admit this himself— Your honor: The counsel on the y thin but when he owed an en- other side has stated to this court seems to be the usual difference of the soft, brown hair nestled close up anything he gen- to Reuben's vest while one little hand Orally made up his mind to pay it. oinion. The ix,dications are all that when the defendant was in pro- P .,tole noislessly in between that arti- One cold, winter night, about 12 cess of construction, and when he was alike, but they don't seem to strike cle and his shirt-bosom, and wLen, nearly completed, it was ascertained different individuals in the sruna Dine half an hour later, his sister re• O'clock, when Dr. Blank was snugly turned, she cast a furtive -lance tucked away in his warm bed there that his soul had been left out, and place. There is no differeucr�of opi?�- about the room and all that rho said came a violent ring at the door. In- that, in the confusion of the moment, ion in my wt'u mind, however, as I Nvas this: "Well, I declarQ ! Who deed, so violent was this ring that I'it was dropped into his stomach, have settled the question to mr en would have believed it?" t`d`� tire satisfaction. And�et it is' the Doctor lost no time in springing '°here it has remained ever since, %V,_ HUNT TING. -- _ :9F i rose up before nae twice lois naturkI 4 ._ tt r+tl,��� of t,l►H ll Ilion �lcho�►1 tivas r►in r Hize. la honright,. gh uuly a boy the might r l' rtlher use for choculaki l on boos" to coc>0e otl.'inside, and as I lhacl been after all. 1 as likely to be 1-Til ltirt sl.tnrvs how oasy it is to be mista.lam,�Ii Ililt v°,. tt inay also be nsei] in collliectiOW left on former•oceasicons I resohod There were those girls, for instance. Blaine. Wit a each pnign than with uther reform move, of varIN that this one should be fill exception. I c>say have lookua at theca efictner ous degrees of nfignitur]c, of �rhic� I was, determincoit to lirt,ve a Seat up than I diel ret the bh)rs. S(�mh� do, would be! A battle of the n.1asters kn and 1.. c�onldn't help thinking, of what uz political fitratoby. the ,Zeterznintxtic►ta of the yd)atng o ill froth ahuunr the chia�f relative I and friends, and I found thattheoul they 11►(tl fossa tlhrough As well a- �olcl Tuan to abstain, for a d©ittlitq y I l,lte �irly I wu;� a 'i The Supervisor says nay calc,ula- way to work it wata to make out that g ltln t be one hhi3'self � tions may shrink. ere the chill of length of time, from indulgence in al- fo i' it I ryas a distant connection of the fire dollar frill. It must be aw. another Noveinbe.r becomes notieoa col:hol or nicotine poison, may be graduates. I didn't have any press rut. And for what had t,lhey bean through all thi,,? Wore thAti• not its blo in the atmosphere. Ho s©orris to taken as an avoragn specirnon. but,I made that all 11glht Frith the g 1 got, xuttrric�td, Moine t,ihue or have an ;idea that the political tele- It has been shown that the t�ta`°fl°ire usher. I told bitha I had loot it inprurhe to g th® iris groin across lots. 'Then 4411(,r, his sptirks are to fly upward`? not a tax.. Some of Deer own ret rzent� g'• � scc)pE,may idoj�i Duet°, and that [ shall , I showed him the bouquet I had with Suppose they should rr o so 1 Who fined myself looking into tiro bin end: have shown it., while the 1:rotectioa� 1 y �' �, nee. He clucke,cd his head rtuc] told rrfiulci care for the diploma theth ? I find it impossible to agree with him urgttns have also exhibited the fact. me to march right in and conceal Would not a trrerhty'five cent bottle flan. 1�Tc�.inlc+ fins bh�illia>atl �lluxni I r of soothing syrup be of more use in unlc;ss I coiueie10 with hie views, and y y aliJsel.f. W hcon. I got where I vh-antoei noted the same eih•eamstanee in his i,to be I set Tlly bouquet cic)wta in it tltu eanrer�;Phhcy than it. Wlhr�la one of 's Z ani invriz•iably unable to do tau- � � cool place and was surprised to tiracd. those girls comes, to run a large faxha- s it be in reference to the a da eta- ft'eque,.ut:hurl pointed temrtrks agate- p' xl will her lznowled a of boron re- rior to leis election as Governor of it number of bonnets,light wraps, and �' g Y ty� of the Coitiity Clerk to ttlhevc►si- other ornaments adhering to its(strain a servant girl. at$Ifi a month Ohio. It appears that the tax, if branches, these articles having ere from going horns at least every fort- h0a hihto which he maua e4 tc - squeeze last Fall. there is any, is entirely paid by the dently been scraped oll' from various night to take care, of her trick naothex'"? Etiery tirhie lie says to rhae, foreigner. For instance, there was females during the passage of the anti in no absence t there anything her"What's the matter with Orange ihhaported into this country last) year bouquot through the crowd. in tr:igwrron.etxy that could takc> her U11 window ~lass which cost,in a foreig1l It is astonishing how people will place at the head of the culirhary de t' m turn out to a thine; of this kind. I3y partxnvnt. Will all tine "French" I turn around and say to he, land $1,1(12 r9ti; the duties upon it. 7• thin she ;iiia acquired b ationt toil "Ole l be's all ri glit, &c. See:?" ' o s o clock p. in. the htt11 was su full 1 �' p dere,$1,5418;228 The foreign nhrtthia- that the pool:►le laefrath to ooze font of tin+l cold fent, express the pent up I haven.t said anything• to the Post facture~ nays tlhis drat; (schen s of the xxhirrrrable ri -wife 1 y, amounting the windows, and before theo servicer; g g (Baster about the Presideutial suc- $135,132 had be run a largo and enthusiasti(.. and mother any better than tiler plain to more than floe cast of the, � g � iluit.ea States`( �'�'hetr ono of the ssion as yet. I think we would glass for rho privilcoga of competing I overflow meeting' was ill full blast on agree if we could only view the anent- the spacious plank walk outside. And children ling colic mill astronomy be ' ill our window glass hhharket. Now I still they came until the rail skirting ill it with a dowi of castor oil f I ter in thesarhie light. The trotlblc+ i that we know how the trick is (d()ne elle said walk was black as far as the Scarcely, perhaps, and yet i.gno:r- ig, w e can bs t. ' g prized apace is not to be ax ized alcove all the only wonder its that we didn't, see eye could reach (the night being But sZ)ealzing of Now Years, rvhicla it before, dark) with people It seems to be pother earthly gifts. The ignorant I's really the subject that I set erre With tlhis bonco of coil fell tion e-Tec. thio general impression tih:tt the may become the wives of Police Cohn to elucidate I miry observe Haat vve tually buried,incl truk�recedlthrhtfidi pros- "School Commencement" is some- tchiKl1ioners and members of Consxres,,, thing to cxriSs K hich is to suffer, and but very fere of t lhecha ewer get into ahoy,in some instances, with a rla,, g p���)rhty, indf�p ondent of theIfitfa boaan� as everybody hates to stall'er this is the 11400." "Ignorrtue-o is bliss," but, 10ct+h.ht regard for. the rales of logic, tiftal hat°vest�s, preserate,l t(� rhtaz° view probably one reason why we all go. at the Wsanae tilme,`•Knowledge is tory. i1)asch our theories in relation to file upoch evcory hand; with wtht:re4 cortin Besides, it is a free show. Next year, ®r." lterxhernbir that, girls! Yrs ;'coeurs upon our actual experiehzeets it, wally on tdhe rise, notwithHtanding all if the wituagexment will strike cut the cit�tcs rst,011eb and fans raiment May the past; but this cava only be d onerr-ord "free"and substitute Men cents" not bogathored froju the tree e):f rtctnors to tho ecaltrar•y; with Gili r hr►uwlerd re to to tt limited extent. For o iti hl)lt, there will ba more sufferhug doneg 'but the time may conte 4 foe°xua pr°1aTlet�, in itll their insil:►icl thanheretol'oh:e. But, that would ruby°rr theyic►r�Ic r to ansa er a few of l the wise ant self-reliant, c;itizell Ivhio , swethtness, crowrlim,out the `I urkish never do. No procedont could be the clthf shons that ever and arson are recently succumbed to rico el�t��z1i (,if h1, • apt to sally from infant mouthsmouthsand French tirtiele, the olrtty oil t-Deana for such a trampling upon the 1� " Y o the Lead-lints of the pl'ospecttas of at which is only*ono cetit a pound; it[, rights of the eohr�rmtanity. a power syhnt,�;;; tad by a roll ,,f "green goods' scheme, awl allowed potatoes selling at 40 csunta a bushel By virtue of my bouquet I secured parchment paper tieJ with a in direct opposition rvhitc- IR himself to become a member of t,hc� to a benefic�eut a smooth and slippery seat ulunl 11,114-lightgreen ribbon-- niay bines � �syncdhcatc, will unheyitathngly afEirhh, lorovision of the tai law; with our which I sat for along tihmo, list-nito. than compensate for the absence:of native shodrdy rapidly sthpplauti'hh; Ito the lhit;lily cre<ditalole+ es+ays tttldl true happiness. that no record of a similar lapse of � Coun-, fcn•eigrh fabrics in the affections of t:6 !tidings which were intersperse'd, hero W heat the sellools� of Suffolk Coun--, 1 ludgrnent will be fouhtcd upon tht< people; with a growing probability �and there, with witsic that vvits way ty go on dress parade, in single .file, <<iges of his diary for flay, c+nsuina of rtti,ing our own tin strata thereby' up. Sonic of those essays rattier the Ifuntingtun Union School is al- "'Par. ,Yost so, but what weorta lhiw tis,,.vit�t tlhto cost of iMportation, the `went to show that true greatness is a ways placed right behind the band. views,at this time last year,iii regard outlook for tho New Year is observed (leach cinch to whosoever getteth up Just why she is acclor+j,(I this posi- to the possibility of leis being swill.- to wear ora encouraging aspect. �grid hustleth. I thought how true it tion of pr°eetoclenvo is a question that 1i:a a New Year, then, to all, was, ancd then, as I sat arhd sat, I ev�lrybody niay answer to suit lhiva. �Iled� And here iso a, nhan rvLo de- h, h l v r I at and lean and Slhort and tall; !realized as Z hardly ever olid before Self. It ruay be owing to a superior Glares that he has neither the ambi- Unto all who jotinley borne the awouhht of labor---not only tlhe corps of teachers, or it may not, as then to, nor the remotest intention of, To the land of K ihagdcnn come, physical labor incident to the carry- the case rc>.ay be. Tile quality of the becoming the Leach of it family. What irrespective of sex, color or ut,tiuuali. ing of books to and from school, year material of which the school is c,,IFh- , ' tyr. �1.udl shr)uldl we be yreetc:d, at eta in and ytoar out, but tho bard hnetltal loosed may have sonhethhing to du wif.,fh 10will he ,sity for himself when you g" tervals cdua iaog the day, with tho same work involved in the pursuit of in- it. The 'latter is ft pet theory of step into his presence, at the latter' formation relative to the (dead Ian many excellent judges of such thin,4g. end of the coming 1 brief btrt�� cornl)r•c+henriive salutation, "' b 1 y '..1 1 b guages alld tine occult sciences. And But who cares how she got there or „ year, need i�ua hint' Out•re)l sltortid f i u6h,. )e � ' en�,:tG�ec in soothing the varied per- In pu:iut of truth aaatd lnr,y.tty, I then I thought of the horrible night i why she stays ther©? Ther(,, slag' is, turbations of an unmhstahable pair of In fact, w(o caun�,t batter do ruarer�,the loss of appetite, &e., fon- right nap in front, and the main thing twins—one upon ither Rebels? Than simply answer, "salve to! gendered by the constant fear of fail-!is to keep ]her steady and "let her tire and a more or less gnawing anx.I went." It is plain to be +seta that uuhnot'. you. j C 'l 1 T:1 t7N"i" TING.*! iety arising from the matter of farad- "" HUN°f TaxG. ou,`•t. circumstances couneetucl rritlh the � � l � -- uatiug clothes. All these thixtgs ftiture are associated;r aft it �re'th,teh' - were vividly represented by the occa- I 1j'iN�x'S ()mai+��rVATIt�NS. l flute !.)131+�iti'xi'i'1tl.V sion, and the more I realized the The following catechhiKrra will be Or less(de Pee Of tlhli'r'`ta.hllty. 1'hi,4 is a greet thottglat, and it.tray lx) vela--� :If anybody had been 1-lunfl (T) ing more thought)iul I became and I ask­; found of valuo to those who arta tle- )liecl to 'an incomputable rluaaal)er of lar t►,e with a club lout Tlinrr,,l,ty 11itrlat ed myself, over and over again, wllila shoats of entering I I r, �, the Uovortimc:ut lhc� iuit;ht; have latitul tine rvri r�rlin I strove to tins] a soft spot un my i service. By committing these quer- situations in lif::). It is('141)dc;tttll�- tel'- g g c hair bott,,ru, if �tile evil justified the pliettble to the cart,of efts ""rc•►ttMb it*111"]l crack iii the crowd means. The boy who, aeeOrdlilhg to, tions and answers eco rnemo)ry, the mail who has mado it posiiave ;;talo- fhUlu I-bby of the Opera Home,. Sano. Weller,r-oucluded. that the study � camlidrtte will e;�cape nhuch em -ter- I'l anent to the- ri]'tor:t tll:tt c,-th(, 1a tS ric) ('Ile t"c;ihtt,heahher�rhaent" alt(l +1c,wNr of the alphabet seerhhc cd files going rasszYhcsnt Svl►ert he routoK to cotuply 1 through a good deal to g'e,t;-. little -__-- .__--- ---�.---. _ �•„� with tic+ rc:quirxhhent.h o1 the eivtl 9ct J vice law. The questions are copier) A. Nothing. A. I didn't say there was any- will start, and the iiu lividual who i ver batim from the blank fo• ( Q. And Stephen Morris?m in thing the matter with him. falls to show up in the procession general use, and the answers are A. The same. Q. Hasn't he just bought a Uig will render himself conspicuous by given for the purpose of facilitating Q. It is said that Hill Waith®r house? his absence anti save a hundred*dol- the examiiiaLiull. smokes nor drinks. Is this true? A. Yea, lars or more, provided he has it to i Q. Wbere is Long Island? A. Yes; but he always has cigars Q. What's he going to want so save, which is doubtful. I may be A Half way Uetween L. I. Sound for his friends. much room for? pardoned for mentioning myself as and Coney Island. Q. What makes you think so? * * * * * * * * * liable to become conspicuous is Q. What is the most important A.Q. Hen Gaines says so. Examination adjourned. this way and for a Fimilar reason,and settlement on Long Island$ Q. Has he tried them? [ �: 1 4g HTTNT TING. from present indications I am led to A. Huntington. A. He has—last week when be I once heard of a bo practical. Q. Why so was in Washington. y who, through believe that I shall lee left watching the men squirt tobacco ly alone. I don't care anything A. B9Carlse It is. Q. Why is Joe Irwin favorable to juice at the stove in the village store ' about the solitude, but I am anxiouti Cleveland? 'became �o ' Q. By what nation was Hunting- Possessed with a desire to to kucw what is to become of the ton first settled? A. Because he wears the same chew. After resisting the inclination ;Iumb beasts and dugs that will be, A. African. size trousers. for zi reasonable length of time he! I surreptitiously procured a race of left bohiud. I am wil±ins to c10 what Q• . .How is Huntington bounded? Q• Is this the only reason why P I can, but I can't milk and sero® of g old-fashioned plug which he pro- A. On the north by the"Hunting- he intends to tiers for Cleveland? ceeded to masticate with great energy. the dogs don'(,know m©well enough ton Lumber and Coal Company,"on A. It is. He continued to do so until he came to guarautee the autonomy of .my, the ..east by the `Hill-Side Poultry Q. How is it that Jim Brush to experience an agonizing sensation !inatorny while ministering to their Farm," can the west by Dr. Burgess' doesn't bank on Hill? in his stomach and vicinity which compelled him to retire behind the wants. It may be none of my busi- Bee Factory, and on the south b A. Because he Danks on Main St. � purpose ossa, but unless somebody stays horLe y barn for the .ur:>ose of suffering, &c., 9 y Dunk McKay. dear New York Avenue. g parents. to share with me the labor and re- y without disturbing his Q. Who is Mayor of Huntington? Q. Is the "Bank of Huntington"' After a time he recovered and naught burglar roof? was said, by himself or others in re- �ponsiUilits° ?hero will certainly be A. His name is Tileston. g p much suffering;and privation among A. It is protected by electricity. lation to the incident, until several I Q. To what political party does : days thereafter when his mother had the live stock, he belong? Q. Is there any other bar to the occasion to make some r© airs upon �-�f�j passage of burglars? P P t `-IHUNT TIN{. A. He is a Mugwump. 1 g g his trousers. While thus engaged _��._ Q. Have you any reason for pla- A. yes; Geo. F. Barr. she inadvertently discovered, in one It has often been observed that Bing him as a Mugwump? Q. Are there any good story tellers of the pockets, that portion of the man hates to sleep with man. He A. No. in Huntington? plug which bad not been used, where- generally does so with great unanim- A._ There are. upon she summoned the boy, and Q. Why do you do so? holding the tobacco in such a position ity, although some evidently bate to A. To make him mad. Q Will you name them? as to monopolize his attention, she do it worse than others. Occasional- Q. Does he affiliate with any A. Doug Conklin, Steve Gould simply said: -Billy, you needn't eat ly we find a inan who will sleep with other organization? and Send Prime. any more of tliat." , b .another man if he cant help it, but Q. Where do they pick up their His wether was a woman of few these cases are rare. The average A. Yes; the "Huntington Social words, but those few words usually Club" and "Babcock Fire Extin- st°ries? rang the bell. Froin that momenman will generally find acme way to guisher." A. The devil only knows. William was a changed boy. The lielp it. If worse comes to worse he Q. What is the limit of the scope Q. Correct. Which is the longest store, with its great, whitewashed ran sit up all night, and if he can't of,the latter organization? street in Huntington? stove, no longer appeared to him as do that he can kick the other Mau A. Quincy Street. it used to be, and oRentually, after A. John Drollan s. learning the blacksinith trade, he out of bed. He will do this only as Q. Who says so? Q. Is it graded the whole length? became a respected and use-: a last resort. The other man will do A. Ed. Aitkin, and what he says A. No; only to the Brooklyn ful inhal:itant of his native the same. This antipathy of man to goes Times Building. village. The old barn is still stand- i man seems to be inherent in tha bed.j Is there a rising young man ing, and he has often been. heard to Q. Who is town clerk of Hunting- Q g y �' remark that to his suffi rings behind Out of bed men seem to get along ton? from Huntington engaged in theit, combin4d with the few words sub- Well enough together," They doa't ? A. G. R. Rogers. He also keeps Times Buildingsequently spoken by his mother, he Diss each other very often, nor sit in A. There is. a drugstore. owes all tb4t he is and all that he has Q. Is he "kite-shaped?" Th© foregoing simple illustration each other's laps, but this is because Q. Does he deal in candies? they dant want to. Most of them A. He'does. A. No; he's Z�urinell shaped. is not intended to compete with those h so effectively used by the visitor in hope to do better, which they fre Q. Does he have a lock on his Q. Is thorn a Memorial Build- the course of his brief and unpremed- quently do. But when it comes to candy case? ing" in Tluntirrgton' itated reinarlks to the Sunday School. sleeping together they don't stop to A. Not at present, but he intends A. There is. It is mere) an unvarnished account y rind out whether they can do better to do so. Q. Where is it situated. of a trivial incident in every-day life, or not. Whenever the thin is pro- Q. In the Spring. and yet, sometime and somehow,it g P Q. Why does he intend to do so? Wray become the humble means of � Dosed thoy begin to bring up objec- A. Because Dr. Gibson has an Q What Spring? inducing some irresolute youth to tions, and what one can't think of the ear for chocolates. A. Next Spring. contract the anti-tobacco habit. other can. Not long since a man was Q. Who is the choice of Hunting- Q. 'Where is the new Town Hall RUNT TING. .heard to remark that he had rather ton for the Presidency? located? sleep with old "Grouse" than with A. Nobody. .,I s,ip( �' A. In the same place. Y y„ aha nicest and most respectable Mau Q.. Is Cleveland in it. Q. Is this straight goods? Only a�little while—a few more in Hun6u,gtoii. Old --Urnuse," as A. Yes. A. Ask J. M. Brush• days of weary waiting, of patient sav- m`st everybody knows, is a well- Q. Who says so? Q. What is that little disk that ing and anxious longing and yearn- .waning and kind-hearird dog, but, A. Doct. Woodend. floats before the eye of the Main st. ing and itching and fruitless wonder- 1'e 38 very .arse a.nct strobgr an,i Q. Where's Hill? pedestrian? ,►ow'd tise mc„t u; the bay i 1 ing.as to where, the money is coming , aiicl xbai A. Don't know. A. Howlett Scudder's sign. from, and the great Columbian Ex- lie didn't uac liiri;s;;lf Le ra; want Q. Who told you? % Q. Hove do you know it is? position will throw open its doors 'o"161e his fl-as in. This is au ex- A. Ed. Dusenberry. y P ' A. �^�man got a ladder and went and all who. can and a great many `rflfw CH60 but iu goes to showy how Q. Ubat does Bill Skidmore say up to see. who can't will set out for Chicago. men feel itbout eteepi-ng together. of the outlook since the Harrison Q. What's the matter with Lou Everybody, comparative) eakiD ►�" war boom bursted? Brush? y s P g' �" - f) _. 7��NrIs ur3t+,>frVv1�T1(1N forlxa of 118ctid,,, tllcCal)taiil'e xagi� twenty-five adults'was lot as easy , I'Aniviig the Breakem 1 " What a or er. �lllr±c� tele± (I(�p N'lo re of the e, A G��ALANIGtHTATTHE OPE a task as rolling off a greased log. (ri�;illttl -,Scud," 111r. 11lort. YI'i111A, HOUSE. 1Vhe>s we entered the 111111, coin- itiun(lerfuh�littic± ])]icy it wits 1 It is tll(�ro ll-,ls been but one `'�3cud" orad lotel in the dark as to who were deface tat least and a few words spoken his value is Iaci Conklin, land to slay Old War Songs,Gorgeous Decorations p Y over its newly-made grave ma not that lie W11H "right, in it" at the full- taudTootllsonie Lunch 130x(30. to take part in the exercises, we ran he out of place. erld is drawing it mild- over in our mind most of the 11ri;:;llt, tril„u, allluriivri, coulic, Of the new members of the cast it VV:ishington't, Blrth(lkay,Feb.22. prominent -singers of the village pathel'iv, &C., t.()it retll arkitble d0grcle, wity truthfully be said that all were The "Entertainment Committee” and to ! and behold ! they were it, wt(llied 11-6) the alruchol,a" so to (1esorving of unstinted praise. Mitis of,the Library Association always right there on the stage. Not all sl)c,itk, (d' thiti corlllu(lllit;�• ay ll()tlliug Kitte Williams (Biddy Bean) was ox- "play what they advertise." Inother of them, of course. A few were e1Re in the line of theatrical enter-- cellent; Miss Julia Conklin (Milli)ie by their absonce, but (t;tillnlellt has ever done before or I)aze) ditto;Miss Daisy Irwin,in most words, when they advertise to conspicuous entertabi the public they invariably they were all there as far as they since. Oihor and more pretentious appropriate and becoming custtline, do it. And the secret of their went. Dr. Carter didn't want but plays have been presorted, froin tinge was a faithful perHonification of the success is an open one. They twenty-five, and these he had to tune, under jilst 11's favorable,(.011 author's o•,u "Ilioss Starbright;` Mr. have a "system" founded upon skilfully placed where they dltl(ills, btlt na,,glit, 1('.It.ainH to inark 1Valler Tatdo looked aged acted the their trail but it conftwed inelflory Of I)art of "Clarenco Hunter" to parfee- business principles. They select would do the most good. As they a fete e�s)ec±iitlt t;tttrtlln Y s(�t,i�es and " auspicious occasions and alwa}s arose for the opening selection, incidents, }Yiiil® Anel the Break- tion, and a better L Lrry salving Hallelujah, or John `` g than Mr. A. C. (.'uubclixa was never manage to put the right man, or "Glory, j 1 seen here in ill hilt. „ • (,re,, from Opt] to©Ine#;a, stands out woman, in the right place. Ax,d Browns body, It was seen that before the mind's eye like a picture The "David Run ay"of Dr. Gil moii then they have the public behind they were not alone. Children in i can the wall, calls for more than -fav,,r�tl-)Io coi,t- ked up," as it front of them, children to the rear When e,1 good mall rlxcais we all wore- rngrlt. 1-liR cc)ncet)tic)n and renderingthem. They are"bac were,. heartily and substantially, of them, to the number of two der if we shall ever see his like again, I of tit(,part%Koro certainly very close to by the best element of the pope- hundred, while within the or-, and as I flat among the mourners at the ideal, incl bis acting in the open. latxon. And why shouldn't they chests rail was an orchestra of the funeral of this clean, cle±ver wid in Y scene of the second. flet waxy e- be Y The Library Coln.are but the nine pieces with Miss Carrie „holosome drama it occurred to Irl( t' . pc�oiallr eit(�c,tive. The spoutau©rats servants of the community in this Yount;at the piano. that we might be laying away a pop- applause of the audience and the ill- watter. The Public Library And the decorations! Perfect) ular favol-ite that had left no descend- tense intorest wanifested in the dra. belongs to the people of Hunting- both in detail and general effect. ants ill the male line. matie situltions were sufficient proof ton, and it is their duty, and ev.i- Miss Ada and Mins Thebe Brush A brief account of the early career of appreciation of his vivitt portrayal dently their pleasure, to take good were the sole originators and per- of this ftanlcus play Way be more or of the conflicting enlotiolm of the caxe of their own. fecters of this important and loss entertaining to such as are inter- wretcile(1 misanthrope. From alpha to omega the "Old. pleasing feature of tele entertain- ested in the ancient history of the The "Dramatic.Association" surely War Songs" entertainment Mon- nleut. We feel sorry for these town. has all the lmaterial" r(lglllred. dray night, hit the bull'(-eye of the ladies,unless (which is improbable) Early in Januarv, e'911teell ye+iare Nothing rewains but for it to press ilgu the undersigned and his family the tut&,ll kind the amusement-laving popular taste. There wets nothing they do not object to being be- )reA.t11(iu,. production of �° €, citizeria and citizenesses of Hunting hlghferlutin(about it. Everybody sought and beaicii;t�el by the << "' tnes5fld a dear the Breakers"at Southold,L.I., and toll will do the Fest. I could say to his neighbor, with- public" on fall ftature Occasions, l)cjilig simultaneously struck with the out stretchingthe truth to its rut; where effective tioletistl�re- t d inhlurr�r '1�1xc1. ctive tieoQril idc,a that it could be )rodu, Illost tension that be thoroughly c aired. If the tshould ec1 �NLI Z't �. .`� g } 1 3 g 1luntingtorl, not only to the glory of e±lijuyed it. After a so(felled"high- of it, many a time d4ill they Have the village but also to the great pe- I ani informed Oat 111y fric)nd, Cx. toned" concert the air of the lobby all they can do to avoid a deal of cuniary beuefit of tLe Public Library, Ll'rauk Bayles, of Port, Jeffursom is a is often permeated with fulsome mental and physical laborwith- wH laid the matter before the Enter- prolnineant candidate for tele o fice of praise of the star singer. It is out yeemiug to bd disobliging. tainlmeut Comm.of the Library AstS'n. �;ilil►erintendc nt of ii flottrisllillg `�uli then that the spirit of Ananias is Wh(k11 (jvory selection lin the No serious objections being rude abroad in the land. `.['her average programme waH well and satisfac- the Committee set to w(rl and (stay �lchc►ol in that village. I~Li�� coal on Friday night, February 2'5 1876 'petitor In the rfteo, is said to bo (,apt. individual has uu genuine :xpl►i:°e- tQrilf rendered specific criticism Y � y > elation of the niodern concert a c)ng, seems uncalled for. it Was.presented, on the Hu1)ie Nhat Jim Dayton, tell<l `` this is the case It is constructed with the single, And thus ended the first lesson. inadequate stage of the old Asstmhly Frank will eitht)r builip bixllRelf or' purpose of showing off tlae strong Aud their, lust, but in the esti-i RGoills, to an au(lience that packed ,Yet left. Both Ilion possess the re- 0 of the shigor's voice and oration of i;,any, not least was the flag Mall o the doors, with the fglow- l b, , cr . ,• . (1ui4ite gtitLliiicittiullK to is xc�rrltal kal)]e rlicthod. Melod =is not only made arlctiou sale of lunch boxes. Auc- i lb oast of cha.rrrctclF g 1p 3 l)ttvid M,u•r,iy---.-.-_..-.-Mr.Alonzo M Gent'IT de rev, and b(All are e xcc,(i(lln<r to take a back seat, but is too tioneer Joseph Irwin was there I,,in,y ixvtne---------____Mr.catunius i'.nogert; popular, and for tlleeso and a fi:w often foreed to"gat out" altogether. when the time come, and the way ii(,n. Bruce lluuter_.-_ler.Gro. C. uendrieksolt To ray the least, it is tilways made he disposed of those boxes was a (aai,ence aultter_ __hlr. Hen,•y w,("allle� utlicr letasous it hot :and exhilirtatl'4; subservient to this object. In fact Ci.tutlon to hard theles. But Ile: Petev Paragrarth----------------Mr,wissoi Hurd canvas rte y beillei)c(ted. Tf� e edger J a scud---------------------------Mr. Morto(1 I rinse it cannot be denied that the "shcw had the Loxes to sell----gorgeous, hllnniei)aye_____________---------_Miss rdtiaR(ten is (lef()atc 1 t w- � ()r ran pieces" usually selected by singers dainty, large, not so large, and all tiers Starbright...............Mism Mina Y.Downs matter which candidate the brethrel) of far-reaching fame are little more kinds that the people wanted, and uAlter Carey_.._,._._.mra.c)eo.C.liendrickson vote) for they will probitoly live to re- than collections of "vocal ex- they bought m�°ht theright and left Biddy lt(:an----------------Mims Addle U.Coukiitt t, Hiiiee that eventful night it has Bret the defeat of thootJ:lc±r one. As ercises" strung together in a more sometimes paying good, round sen 1ni epresented four ti►ues and I aan ex1►ottndar of tele two cater,t,)i,It1s .or less artistic manner. Bence it is prices, but) rarely more than the f that the beautiful tones of the roods were actuals worthree to say that, in171y lhumble opin- ____ shorter and longer .--_ Capt, X111. y . ion, the fifth and last repretsentatioll, , well-macre and highly—polished Ola the whole, the entire en• at the Opera House, July 12, 1894: ;Is ec]uippe cl far in excoi�t� of Frank, singer fall upon unappreciative tertainmeut was a monumental %its, talwil. afa a whole, a few laps but When the electors collie to(_urlsi�t ears. success, and when the Library ahead c►f its pre;decel sons. or the matter of discipline, they will But to return to our subject. At people offer aihother, which, we The parts of Bruce Hunter, Mother make a great mihtako if thc;y nogleat this entertainment every selection understand, they propose to do Carey anal the irrepressible Pav'grapll to figure on the latter. A vol(± :fc)ar was within reach of the 400 no soinetitne in April, may the 500 were assuaged by the original ilnper Frank is a vote for decorum 111 thro �. less than of the common people, determined citizens who, despite snnatol s of those characters, namely: broadest zneaning of the w("(1, while ~, and they all seemed to have no the threatening skiers and muddy k1r. Geo. C. I-Iowlricksou, Mrs. Ci(3o. difficulty in catching it. And the roads, almost filled the Opera, C. Hendrickson and Mr. Ilussoll it ballot for Capt. Jiui is c1(,p(►(�ite(1 ixi � ,�-•systent of putting; tho right mail in House Monday night, all be there Hurd) all of whom, it seemed to me, behalf of sound doctrille lilt: pe rl;elt a the right place,was clever more of- to secs aged hear anis to push along excelled, for eolno unaccountable rea- dicular theology. I stand apart, and 0fectually carried out. The I1ht1R1- the good. thing whichWe haV©1111 841 tltoir previous ofl'orts. As there Watell the contest without prejudi(16 cal business was placed iinre- the I'ublic Library. I�Aod �c-)11lInunit.)• 1s well aware, they were or imxioty of filly kind, I fe(:.l ttlstt I servedly in the hands, of Dr. G. altti'a}'s t;'rloul, but on this occasion y, . they NNere even butter. Mr. E. H. cti71 say, its the woriian (liil in regard Herbert Carter, and all agree ll that Coo krill illade his fourth appearance Ito the conflict between her busbialld no mistake was made that tirrle+. itele:; ebull", cr►inPlexi(nl and full ui i- tLrld tele betitr: <+M Ly the f,(►st rneala is Selection of tho chorus of - grot there with belga feet." �`•�•�� . The bath-tub has come.-- I kgew self some fusty years or so ago? You when two or more of the laity are 6u-'f umblitg around to see if anything .- how it would be and said so when will thus be enabled to recall how I gaged in the discussion o b Jou used to OCCUPY your Saturday! J t any ox di was the matter with her I discovered they first began to lay the water holidays, when the season and the nary subject would it not be just a, a tumor. At first I was inclined to ` pipes.' I didn't say so before for the weather were alike favorable to out-'well to admit incontrovertible points regard it as a benign growth,owing to of-door sports. You will remember 'and self-evident facts. Perhaps it',the marked•absence of the cancerous good reason that I didn't believe we 2 pdiathesis; but, after a more thorough the sound and feel of the clip of the would as a rule and yet them areexamination, T found its malignant would ever have the water. I ms � , y daisies against your feet as you circumstances under which the utili- characteristics too prominent to be have been called an alarmist, or.even crni�ed over the "mowing lot"in Pur- ty of such admissions would be at ignored. There were the" ' a crank, for predicting the bath-tub, suit of ground-birds' nests, and how least questionable. Take butter, for giant c®lis, but I got there. It were better to be ;you encouraged old Jack to chew instance, and let it constitute a topic, tilled with rubbish and oyster-shells, your neighbor's little do send how of conversation between a treses and �o which wet® traceable those smells r: one or both of these things than to g indicative of the ulcerative stag® of you enjoyed the performance;just be- one of his customers. The grocer get left. Nothing makes a steep � b the diseas®. Tl�.i trouble may, be p cause you didn't happen to be barna! will base his argument entire) Upon appear meaner than to prophesy girl. You will find it recorded that''the veracit and high y p purely local, but an operation is indi- y gh financial rating cated without delay. The School !' something that doesn't come off. As ' a great many years ago you were a of the bperson from whom he Pur- Commissioner and the Board of Edu- I said before, the bath-tub has come, boyyourself, no better, and for the Chased the butter, while the customer and you, my fellow citizens, must best of reasons no worse, than a will be backed up in his remarks by' Dation are making a fatal mistake re great many boys of the present age. nothingmore reliable than the senses treating the difficulty as a mere get into it. And you see you can't get You will see that at least seven-eights of sigh , taste and smell, es especially wart. The State Superintendent of into it, for bathingpurposes, without p ally Public Instruction should take charge p P of your instincts were directly tracea-'the latter. Yet it is possible in this getting wet. With the wash-ragof ble back through a lop line of inher- case, of the case at once, Unless vigorous ` 1; g that the admission of self-evi-, � � our fathers and mothers the case was itance to the devil himself. It may dent and strongly-fortified facts measures are adopted Sag harbor do you good to review these mildewed would destroy a measure of that will die a hotrilale death. All her different. Everybody knows how easy, natural advantages her 'Watch-Case it was to wring it out so dry that a pages,-but it is to be hoped that you childlike confidence hitherto reposed Factory, b ' will find nothing there calculated by the grocer in the individual) who c mgt nica,tion by rail an system of careful person could use it without to influence you to change your origi sold him the butter. For this reason 5 ail and steamboat, with the outside world, cannot pre- sides, 1,_ y y � g g wetting himself any to speak of. Be-;nal plan of operations upon the boy.,,the facts are clear) inadmissible. veil a tunst the ravages of the disease sides, if you happened to be in a hut- TING S 013SURVAtIONS. Verily, thew is at least op exception which, in the shape of the most dis- graceful or not very much soiled,you could The amount of talrat, industry, to every rule. `��u I D�6S. graceful public school e mostaoda- slight yourself in places. That op- skill, etc., annual) wasted upon un- We, all remen ber the side-splitting tions in the civi i Y p 1 ze world, is g•naw- portunity bas now gone by. Wh-m dertakings that are of no practical stories that the visitor used to tell to illg at her vitals. 54,16 �q3 the Sunday School. 'We shall proba- _ 3 ou lie down in the bath-tub the value when cum Mea is simply enor- It seems strange that there should p p y bly never forget how we wriggled g water is bound to get all over you )nous. One burglar alone squanders and tickled, on those festive occa remain, at this late day, a sprinkling and when you get out you'll be wet sions until the Superintendent said, of those wearisome people who axe'. an imuneuse quantity every Buie he � A ever read to rise ti and contend from head to foot. I know it because cracks a bur-ARr proof safe and finds in tones of exasperating suavit3 : Y p , I've tried it—not much, but enough r p "There boys, that will dol" It was with considerable show of rightious g nothing in it. A prid,ss'ional check- indignation, that neither the common • just so H hen we went to school. Z h® g to know how it feels. Its awful, if swindler blows in a bI st��ck of these least littile thing would make us nor the uncommon people have th. not dangerous. And another thing : things when he dexo!es two or three j laugh. A boy Couldn't fall off his right to criticise anything unless they With a bath-tub in the house and week's time inc•ludina board and 'seat and stick his feet up in the air are prepared to demonstrate their wittiout causing the whole school, ability to do it better themselves. plant,of warm water you can't do as wafibing, to inveigling a sharp busi- And et such is notorious) you used to do—ski a Saturday night himself excepted, to titter. Neither Y y the cane. y p y g Hess man ii,t, c,ir�l.iuf; a snide Check could a girl apPAar in th® recitation If you venture to criticise the public bath occasionally on account of the for $78.50. And an accomplished class with a dab of ink on the end of performance'of an actor or singer, or weather. Neither can you go off by bunco-steercr, just imagine how he her nose without producing a similar she architecture of a public building, yourself and dust yourself off with a throws them away when he succeeds effect, only not quite so ,pronounced. ;or even the running of a railroad,one feather duster. You must o into We were boss orad gir:s then and of these partially disguised asses will g in capturing a victim who turns out ,cbout two-thirds of all that we saw very likely be on hand to fire off, the bath-room and silence in the bath- to be the owner of a silver mine in with a supercilious smile and a gen- room gives you away. The sound of and heard was funny But where is I rushing water from the faucit and Colorado. A tithe of the genuine that funny now? Boys may fall down, eral air of having done something to the gurgle in the waste-pipe must be talent, patient industry and consum- or up, and girls may decorate their tie proud of, the stock question heard by the family in order to ally noses very much as they please, but "Can you do it any better?" Or the y mate skill so lavishly employed in;we feel no inclination to laugh with equally brilliant but possibly more e►uapiciQn, Yes, my friends, the bath- g � p y these and other kindred pursuits insinuating,tub is here and has coupe to stay and that old-time laugh with which we g, remark: "Perhaps you it's going to be worse and worse, es- would, if diverted into the regular used to'laugh. Things must be ab- had better try to do it yourself." To pecially in cold weather. channels of art and manufactures, solutely funny in order to make us i be more explicit, let us suppose that � HUNT TING. often be the means of securing, to laugh out.loudin these days. Some- a person who has recently been sub- S �0C 1�% the favored posiiessors of these some- thing of this kind evidently took'l jetted to the bewildering exhibition place in the Opera House lest Tues- !of limbs incident to the appearance When you see a boy tormenting a- what scarce commodities, not only day night, People who were under of some one of the famous high-kick- dog or a cat, or trying to kill song- incomes with which they could easily the impression that their days of hi- ers of the period, should happen to birds with a contrivance specially de- make both ends meet, but also an ab- laxity were mostly over discovered a speak somewhat Critically of the per- signed for the purpose, or robbing big mistake in their calculation. formance as a whole. How well-nigh birds' nests, or clubbing a goat, or fence of that apprehensive condition They found their laughing works in irresistable must be his inclination to otherwise followingthe bent of a of mind which conjures up "a detec- There good running cities after all.�kill a fool when one of these afore- � natural inclination to inflict pain up- tive in every leaf. there is nothing It takes more to make us laugh me tioned products of nature when on something which lie is perfectly new or startling in this theory. In than it did heretofore, but few she was evidently tired out comes sure cannot possibly retaliate, you all probability everybody who is are so old and wise and calloused and forward and recommends him to will very likely experience an almost satirated that the will not demon- either shut u or straightway pro- irresistible interested in the subject has Y p� g y p irresistible desire to warm hint un- strate the survival of their youthful!teed to demonstrate his right to crit-' til he lies-clown and then to iece built up a similar one. My object in p powers when they are fairly and icise by then and there excelling the out the matinee by taking him by formulating it, at this time, is purely squarely called up�)n to do so. If undertaking of Miss Nimbleshins by the collar and, after shaking the and simply the reformation of pro-,the minstrel show acconitilisbed noth- putting in more revolutions to the kinks out of his Backbone, thrashing fessional and amateur crooks.Sv�°t \0�]ing else it brought out the fact that acre than this wonderful lag artist, him some more This is a laudable people are never too old to laugh has yet been able to do? Alas! is and praipeworthy impulse, and one TINGIS ORSEPVATIONS. when they have anything to laugh at. there no way to make it appear, to to which you should yield and be-• When a lawyer is fighting a case in HUNT Tiro. those cheaply constructed mortals, come entitled to applause for so do- court he rniy be justified in denying g '2" ing; but before yogi proceed to enjoy J y b, •�, that among the blessed privileges everytl,int and admitting uothin� on 'I ING S 0138EIRVAI'IONS. s(,eurecl to the American people b yourself in this simple and ine-xpen-' g b p p y' sive manner would it not be well to the geourd that ,the end justifies the, Sag Harbor, L. I., has every out- the terms of that famous document i appearance turn back the pages of your biogra- means"--that is, that he has no other ward a pp of being a xeluark- so conspicuously signed by JohnHancock, is the right of Criticism? _1?hy_and read how it was with your- means of accomplishing his end; but ably healthy village, but I ii-as clown — - j there the other day and while I was 1)are fool., with i) }, ler© tl ., it As a c,ontlnued Indul cai)e Iia frig- '�,INCPS t.)Bsj,,1�.�TN.`rIONS• I.he pastor of a rich axed in luen- � liorse-blauhell to tic lc vo thci Iuc))cc+tc.ill Gial " ohtu•ch is Bro,)klyn olity is not conducive to the fullest Tile granitei walls of tho Atanlorial ous 111trducE)HH of the cxtemporivwd tP.>>tailrtulg will sr>otl bewill t()ri;lo ttlx)1:1 i couch. J Preached "Tile Use air 1 Abose of n1E)nta;l and spiritual i3Etnelul meltt, Whou "bed-til„F arrived ttiose Iobaeca. Among;• his ronlarhs were,Ho an unilltArruptecl dwelling upon thf)haul t;collspiclious site ill tiro vii � who had been l,riwileged to r)h11rEi iI1 !i til® full.osving: °`If all the xnolley matters pertaining to the ,grave and lag0. This building, designed to the nle tgl•ca f,t("ilitic'h fur HIuiullOr• spent in tobacco in the Twenty-Sixth'the life beyond will be liable to defeat pregente( tlleU)selvos with comulend- the object in view. A little variety s�a,1l(i forth FspoS�)+)t to the gaze of able punctuality, all(l.lair skillful )Man- l Ward could be applied to eva,ng()lical l ;1' in our methods of living, a eriodical future eneratiuns as Runtington's agenle'llt oil the part of the master ui purposes, the churches would not �, p nlerlanrilll to 11E,r llaartyrd of t;ilo civil cereiiimtios, it surplrt;ilip N largo 11itrl'1- � have to go b„gging slid there woul,l relaxation frEaun worldly cares and ilii ber of lcdgrers wah alpread Out;.upon be nes mor» half-paid ministers.'' occasional diversion of our thought, W U,will either be complete in all its the floor. '11(=ail,a ai.ld poilitA" wits thefrom our latter end will certainl' How would it do to reply to thiH 3 symmetrical proportions, or appear in order in 11'hich they rvtlre stOW(ld, tend to a more rapid and satisfractor e) sptieo was literally pointed obsi✓rvation 1)y sr(yiug that y and the � a,1vE3[1 Oi d't)Ilditi�n,1�'ith all unsightly 11'ibll Npeenuens of remarkably good- if all the money spent in the running growth into the higher life. The =phaco lc-,,L for a tower, but with no nabired tame conHidevate hunilirlit.y. of cllurelles could he invested in good garnlei)ts worn by the Puritans in Durilig the flight, while it few Nvere tobacco, and this tobacco could be the(lark and melancholy era of their tower to put on it. Which shish it be:r slE eying all(-[ the I Est thwere enil0Avur ;This question must Lai doe at; big to co so, :a ni'Jd.l(�'aned Irian who distributed among the deserving clerlputic relgrll, 5iri� covered �vltll t11Ei en)anated, I: bolievEa, frottl ()Do of Ille poor, the latter (lacy would at once cobwebs and barnacles that have t;laco. shall it be ti 1-1 thing;of beauty, i,Ili1r11l,tc,nfa,"and was noted for his be relieved of the necessity of using gathered with the passii,g;years, and &Te","or a,standing reminder of the uniform politeness and gc ticrlal ur-• the stinkenmut article, and at tie they can never be renovated and furni- inability or the unwillingness of thf; we o ELI HIGGINS. "Yes," said lie "that do blain things that are quite the � g is bad,but I speaking. This state of tlsiu�•s has ++ got him to protect m 0 reverse of funny. At the same time, "Old Suffolk"has always been more or.things, find I think He'll do t, pill lmot� ! not always existed: Time was when � any man who will go out of his way less active in the production of useful afraid of him myself, sometimes « and fancy articles,a,irifong whie ll may be but I've got a.five-dollar Dill here for any i Among the Breakers and a num-J� to poke fun ata woman for beim man in A+petits who will take that et'of oilier las and things, were afraid of a mouse should pause and n7O1'tioned the best Potatoes, the most .blanket off the seat." I b plays €' , suocul®Iit asparagus and the maternal While the silence 2ollowin<r endeavor to place himself, met.aphori- forerurirtor of Benjamin Harrison; but annouuceni��e it this h the patronized to the verge of suffocation. genrams offer The hall has been so crowded tally and temporarily, in her lace. was at its height,p not content with these iLchiovements, life ramshackle , upon Suppose he were rigged up as she is, away back in the Spring of 18`20 she subject of this biography hove around, these occasions, that the walls have what would he do in a room with a braced herself for one .almi+Yht effort the corner and uncoreutoniously y paused in our midst with the been observed to bulge whenever the live mouse? He would find that, - and Eli Higgins was born, evident intension of aseertaiuing the while a mouse might be unable to Wheill I matte the startling announce. ` object of the meeting. Here was,per- people expanded themselves with get up a trousers leg, the feminine] meat that Ile was the homeliest man on ;hays'an opportunity to have some full. laughter. Whence therefore this "Now Eli,"said I, "here's your chance, � , outflt in which he was attired ren- Long Island, if not in the world,I fully Mr. Brown offers flue dollars LO a.1)y1nrL11 sudden revulsion of feelingi derecl the conditions entirely differ- realize what I am saying and am pre- who will take that blankilt off the seat, Ilow dues that strike,vou?" ent. A man who has never been a pared to defend the asser'tiou. Other Eli whiled and I think J never saw woman should be a little backward members of tele family may feel hurt in him look more like hiinarlf,. One thing in connection with this view of what I am'about to relate,but . "h'ive dollars, eh?—will the dol;bite?" matter is especially to be regretted. in essaying to describe her feelings That's the ido-a, Eli. He looks kitlrl they must remember that old Abaalotn The limited stowing capacity of the in relation to �;loose mouse. D mn• acid gentle but vcu c:u,'t.tell what h@ `l'{gp�2 �( Higgins himself, when Eli and his pretty might do. You'll lillve to t3@tile that I once had a sight acquaintance little brother Willie wez•°both sick with question ainongyourself," hall necessitates the charging of an with a woman—a resident of one of the measles, expressed his desire thatadmissio)i fee that may be considered Willie might recover and a sentiment 01'. �Vtall,if Mr.. Brown n,c!iris business and HV,._„'~-Chinn 9 fair and sgnare,mol,l)e 1,11 large. This obstacle call be removed the South Eastern towns of the Coun-' an opposite nature in reference to Eli, try 4," and Eli took a step nearer• the ty--wbo had tate misfortune to break n a or), by intimating t And thus it was: Willie auceutnbed anti g• g o sem© of our enter- Eli survived. Verily, "the one shall be 'kRvarything's square as a jug,171i. Qo prising capitalists that a new hall a needle in the vicinity of the eye, right .to work asci the money's ready, taken and the other left." when the job's done,"acquiesced Joca. rvoulci vet Only COndtiee to the great where upon she consulted a skilled Eli was left and is,I believe,still living Tl}@ clog;, during all this time had not mechanic in reference to the feasibili- somewhere at the°'East End." He ma been looking ill our direction; but when at]d lasting welfare of the comnZuni- however y' Eli drew attrietracted to the even l of operations ty but would also prove a most profit- the, of having haY® been translated unbo- , y b a ;new eye drilled' into Joe attracted the animals attention to I T known to rue. Ill that nage he is either a the circumstance• able investment. In fact, the op. tht� re>nGlining Portion. When in- very different looking man from what he Instantly be was upon all fours and formed that the expense and risk at was when I knew him or he is sent gilt ready for business,;but,alas! He never portunity of a life-time is hereby of- . got there. t3tood look tilled hien. t, a ferod to any one of our liberal mind- of the operation would be out Into LI,o brLc;)z yard when the other angels lno,meut lie stood locking intently at �Ii have company. aztid for the first time I began to feel ed citizens who is in the habit of 1 of proportion to the general results, He was all of six feet in height,auc] Ilia atrrry for the dog'. With a low, y' she turned away her face and wept. various ),irta we ret piteous whine h@ tuned and dropped ing awake nights pondering over the P I ' joined towether in a -over tha «he 1 :into the street, The .same woman, finding a cent's loose and eccentric matlneI'. His hair street, and irrinlediateiy thereafter Interesting subject of investments. was red, his complexion.freckled aud'a naltuht was to be seen,as far as the eye worth of yeast For further more than sufficient cast iUIQn 11,110eye was a constant source of Could reach, but a cloud of dust,from � including z, for her needs, arranged to take half easiness and uncertainty to the lxm :- wheiioe there emanated ever and anon,a practiparticulate cal and reliable information he holder. His nose was large,likewise his sad and mournful`•ki yw, that quantity, paying for the same in ears, but his mouth was after all ilia We were too mnoll ov@teethe by emoM is referred to any member of the hall most appalling feature,owing to its enol- tons appropriate t tithe occasion to man- eoiilmittee. Q)CX•.11 ��t even nioiley at stated intervals. I arrri mous sizes. Whenever he smiled with ifest any symptoms of hilaritT. Joe's aware that these incidents are cons- that mouth,which he frequently did lie, eountenanee was a study ill colors,and 1 TI1iTf;,'S OB SEPVATION�: exhibited a collection or large, yellow his elogittg remiu ka, iia ho 1)assed the The first duty of a Ulan or woman paratively tame, but they have the teeth that always brought to mind the five-dollar bill.to the expectant Eli,were ' Fiji isia,•ds and the peculiar customs in as follows: I upon discovering that he or she has merit of being true, and in view of vo;;ue thereon. In addition to these ae- "My friend, I never met you before, t� c.omplishntents Ile kad an impediment; but I've] often heard of 11 Higzius.� become a parent, is to strive t0 ob- this rare duality any lack Of the sap- somewhere 11 his lower limbs,impartinYou've w01'1 theIllOmey but I want;you to fain a dignified control of the situs- to his gait a certain"hump"that was unde=rstand, right here, that I don't go rational element should be cheerfully cal-mlated to move the stranger to look back on the clog. Mr.Higgins,what is tion. The utility of this advantage overlooked. They are, indeed a art for shelter. your favorite beverage? Come,gentle- ' P But with all these attributes ho was .mert,lata adjourn!" will become obvious. At the same Of the record of frugality in our own considered a law-abiding citizen, and Later.—The dog was subsequently dis- time it should be clone unostenta- I tranger yet as it may appear he wtls the Covered in the collar of a house about t_)ount3, slid May readily be verified Iatber of several children most or whom two miles distant from the starting tiously, thereby avoiding humiliation • .4 however, too', after their mo;her in point,and was led back to the village by at short notice. pct ci on the art of the child. A case in _._ _ looks and hence ware spared tuu0b sof- as old woman and tI twines stria„ But P An�+ther dist iriciive feature ©f tl±e fering and privation. One boy,Adol- his spirit was crushed. ,Toe had no fur- point, the substance of which I will, apple is its K4 -dbrfulderive fatof fain Y phus, gave promise of favoring his ther use for him and at last lie sold hits faculty Al father, but he was immediately seat to to a gentleman fora bed-fellow for his succinctly relate, happened in our made into cider, especially Newtown sea,from whence he has never r•eturried. little boy. pippin and russet cider. Rotteh a This was done for the purpose of remov- , I Hilar TING. midst not long ago. files are ft'a �) 1 ; ing Itis influence from the reach of the ren ��__---- A little boy, of some three or more q ently used for the salve other children, ,, , , ,, purpose, but cif ler thus made has a TINu 5 ()P-S 4,'RA n t l()NS. But I will not attempt to corral the ell- Summers, who hac7 been tucked away Peculiar flavor a little of which -r tit's 1-1190118familyinto the limited space One of the befit Di fLmat:ic Or - for the night in his little crib was eller I occupied b this feeble sketch. On thla ally goes a good ways. Unduul)tedly other hand, I will ooltulude the same tions that ever "struck" this town hat~ conducting himself in a manner cal- the best bottled eider is made by with tl,illustrative le rof the extraor livaly recently given two excoptlonally ex- culated to rob domestic felicity of' 11iram Paulding from. selected New-I powers of this otherwise remarkable callent on tortail�mctlts, Although i :o�vn pipe ns. This is file un Bali-ii mat,. g many of its charms. The mother fieri opinion of Park & Tilford and!' )piles remote iroru the ass n every particular,On the sidewalk of the principal busi- the Company was .known to be first- had failed in her efforts to check the scores of others who are supposed tha.ri sev°steer,to Hasa street e a certain village not more class i ' it having� overflow of his animal spirits, but t lmow cider when they smell it and ��Ii;�; pawl h a small g oup or c ill z):;y performed here in the play of °Com- the father, who had been engaged in (ri>1k it slid loll it. Mr. Pauldit g faimint my brow with the fish soentee rales," last Summer; and while it a fruitless endeavor to peruse the nay possi'.,ly send me .t bottle ;tall zephyrs that rambled tip from the waters was also well known that our Public j (q ) of the;adjacent bay,when the following evening paper, suddenly conceived r� t :1s a sort of offset, d()n t 5'ou know, to episode took place: Library was largely interested in the � this unpremeditated puff. Ai,o ler .Toe Brown a wholesale vender of p g Y plan,for closing out the whole busi ,• cigars and tobacco and at the same tirne pecuniary suceess of the undertaking .1i st-class ciderer is Road Commits- a pet'son with whose r)eculiarities we were I y �� nese. He had an impression that he sioner Gould, who gets a an article all llcetuait,ted, drove his iuinberinn es- the company played to practically P Y P 3 p y could do it in a sort of one, two,three i c' p tabliahment u to the curb in our vicin- << » +f cider, in balk, that has become p p g empty benches at each performance. order—the same game he used to ii"y and allowed his jaded and ersU!rin known, for its excellent qualities team, to come+to a frill stop. As he slowly The "Entertainment Committee'' ' bot't near and far, and especially at la ill elle Old Suffolk Nine. Ac ' and deliberate) itansferrt�d himself to play the side-wall.there was revealed ill tic- Of the LibraryAss'n has reviled ' Sweet's and other poi;y�'tr res`au the side t'P the a P •cordingly, he assumed an uncompro- vitut::. He will doubtless do some- a p1)seal; a y dash-board about everything ill the line of amuse- mising expression and strode forth to pace between the beat and dash-board Of the vel,iole,an object that caused the went that has ever been suggested, the scene of the riot. "Young roan," fling for me=; as so,,n as he has a cbills to play leap-frog over the hum- b chance. But, after all, I must say mocks oil my bac bene,the most vicious if not more. There have been Lee- -hat Lawyer Henry W. Gaines makes and blood-tbirsty looking bull doh'that said he, this performance is about to .T\ ever struck terror tog the human soul, tures, Concerts, Beadings, Dramas, come to a close. I want you to stop he very finest all-around cider, pip- But I will not attempt to describe that Comedies,Farces,Lunch-box auctions, right here and go to sleep." `°YOU pip juice at that, which it has ever `1Qg+ iur I dislike to dwell upon snc,ii I rliiziga• Iinprt,ssiol,s made ul)orl my I1:e-cream Seances, Ventriloquists, go sit d0to9z! I'?n sto�pa)ecZ," was the bvi n my privilege to absorb, a barrel nril,d during �r , o thy+Wilkin"hours ft v4try of the same being now in my cellar apt to materialize during the-night. Stereopticons, Presticligitateurs and prompt reply, thus demonstrating without cost to tl-fe consumer, of whom '1 Indo t,rLcl,sevt,ral irlcires and gently Talmagean Imperscnations, and all how easy it is to submit to authority r©ux)ndQa Joe that he 'v,as harboring a y I myself am the principal ingredi©tit. most villainous and linsc+ru)ulcus sample to little or no purpose, comparatively , -- of the clLsinq race, f T 1 P P P y without fuss a( dignity orself-respect. watches o urc,pe, erre pi tically al The ,pl-an(" ;4411 u,,att was to the point and not aa' all that could be desired, and, in some TING"S d)JISERVILT IONS. of liaauitkA, heat a:uilih; and a lengthy, but brief as it was, the last respects, superior to the foreign arti The subject of``01d Times" is TQ- ('aptadn rind '`.I'T►,its.," Gaiii. "He `lium" Lord Have us!" had not,yot drifted given us furniture Haat ole. It has t, plete with incident and teeming with -- -whieli. Was ltio ob istian L1aLt►ac.,.-- away to le"ward when t1le+voice of answers most of the purposes for ataecdote, most of which would lie of ,vas a mariner of hir��o cx[Wricar14se;.Uncle rhorstee was i''We'd aloft in which it was designed. If it is peculiar interest to the present geia p tbut the z'aaattH, A.at•uii, was jeer's i,%iaia tiers `Vise: treated like an only child or a pet eratiou if the generation wits what this. I-Te was tlzo Pdle8l z:nau l.uotivn� "F`hs, �L,car•cdl by all rrae�rt�rts,scz'ce '11,8! poodle, it will generally last until the it ought to be; but I regret to say to the itahal)itaazitai of Hiatt, part of tho But whereas thou hast so co2htru,ct- fashion changes. If it shouldprema-' that people in these clays are so in- world, being' also of inatrvolouaaly ed.Aaron that lie could��sam' lairtzsal f; tent Upon the observance of current tura�ly collapse it nifty,owing to its rH- P "spare build," which aal•p aroait.ly adc'l- we beseech tbee to consider the znarkabl a cheapness, be replaced events that nothing short of a refer- ed about four feet to lois actual tall- shor•tnes.s of our lilnb.i and 1nithoUl soca to- ur•ied l reczszc�•�will deflect without causing any appreciable Hess. j delay, send solve other me(um o f amount of suffering. It has given us their thought, into other channels. oil the eventful trip about to Le vesouel" I have, therefore, purposely italicized HUNT ,rIN(�, various kinds a# cutlery which, when described fire "passetagcir lint" of f�lie �� it is polished up and displayed in at- the words `'bur•if,t treasure" in order packet comprised the names of ITov. The protection theorist, while ad- to hold flue attention of my reaulciraa Mr. Wi Yfall�----ti clergyman of more or tractive shape, looks real nice; and it €, mitting that our markets are flooded must be said that we manage to get iiutil I can dispose of a few startling less prowiueuce, aicd a.sedate and with goods of inferior quality, will reminiscences. _ devout iaaontlaer of his flock who was satisfactorily with it in preference to paying re satisfactorily(to himself) account for the price for imported edged tools There was a time when the village hilown, boor near an dfar, as "Uiic.te the fact on the ground that there is that are made for use. In short, it of Sag Harbor, L,I. Yliurster." Tlie c�i�i�r;/v coiisitH��a of was seriously re- an almost universal demand for cheap has given us things too numerous to the uaittall tluantity of ";aardon sans," goods. He will also claim that when-as a formidable rival of the mention; but has it not received its to which was acldecl a deck-load of > present, 111etropolis. Incredible as ,ever the people manifest a desire for measure of reward? Is not the pro.. designed to bu ii,•c�l ill tlieai goods of a better quality American this statement may hl?Par, it is repair of oil barrels for so..ie out lit- duct of our machinery amply pro- founded upon the testimony of con- enterprise will not be backward in tected, both from foreign and home servative and shro wd business inen, It ting "whaler." supplying the demand. In respouse ft her zx►ooi°int;s in. competition? The McKinley tariff 7.'h® boat, le of Nvhom are still living, in the "Town Harbor f outward boLiiL:i for to all this we distinctly hear the cry spreads itself like a tarpaulin all over city and. elsewhere. This "boons of "rats!" American machinery, while the Amer- was entirely. owing to the fact that her oil scented destination, with a clean bill of health and a spanking There is no demand, universal or icon laborer is left out in the rain. tire, rr hcGlirz.� interest was largely con- otherwise for shoddy. The real de-I The woman who makes shirts for contrat©cl at this point. There is no breeze, and al,i wc,int jvc,ll Llt.atil the poorly ballasted craftenterod the"Yip" wand is for goods that will compare thirty-six cones a dozen fails to get in doubt, in the minds of those familiar 1 y 1 formed by the iiaeetint; of tho wind favorably, both as to quality and under cover. This is all wrong. .All with the eircumstaances, that if whales and title oil ,:l'ararlise Point." At price, with the samQ articles that are honor to the genius of our inventors oil had continued to hall its own its produced in other arts of the world. vin aLrticle of commerce, cit if the stook. this time alae l►c�gtaii f;c:�lralacar heavily, 1 ' P and to the enterprise of our machine cif whales had not become do}detail and all ran board became proportioia- American enterprise is unquestiona- industries; but why should any party 1_�y the long continued use of [he attol.y a pprobolwive; but this aappre., bly able to produce whatever is de- hire a hall with the object of pro "harpoon,"the Wildest anticipationshensive nesR t;avc wily t., III)(li;�ig tziLied mantled, but it must be observed that claiming that a high tariff benefits, of the whale-oil "Barons" injght Lave terrar when an, unuajii.ally� large wave the ostensible object of our present'; the working zein? been realized. While thci 'bT:tart�or'' surged over the clerk-load fuid thence high tariff is to protect" our menu- into the cookpitIoccupied by the p au- faacturers. This "protection," if it is still an enterprising veil proaapair ic-striolon paaairiciige:rs- protects, can only do so by enabling Is riot the schemeplacing for ser- ous village, with eras, eater AVorks, vicaeble eommr,1'..T es beyond the reach a world-renowned Watch CaseFac. And this proved to be the hint c:,f i these manufacturers to obtain prices their exiz�ci.uit�^, i��,r Aaaruit, bcicoYning; for their goods that shall fully equal of the common pc�.►}►1e liable to result tory, etc., in full ►poraation, it is yet in a loss of discrimination in regard latr,,l;in in several of the more 7iouii Huddenly poEi8essed with a definite the cost of the foreign articles with � { 1 to quality? It seems to me that this raeiut characteristics of at great city. idea of self-prec�ez•vfetiou, ia►i}aatlsivel�• fire duty added. A reference to the i vary thing will certainly be a,ccomp- stepped over the side of thea bomid tariff list will show that these prices While dweiling upon the prece- with inuch precipitaitey proCleeded to;would place the goods beyond the' lzshed without delay. The man who ding subject I was reminded of a w:ills: to the shore. `. his e°l:ibitioii 1 reach of the great mass of the people. buys a1 pair trousers for three dol- tars iiia finds them worn out in a thrilling incident that oecurrcd be, of treachery oil the part of one who Consequently there is no probability month or,six weeks, will soon come fore my personality emerged from was paid by they ti:1old,11 to stick to iris I of any considerable demand for Amer- to regard the naLural life of a pair the nebulous stage of existence, host, iiotwithshm-ditig his extraordi- jean goods of first rate quality. Those of trousers as limited to that While I was not, therefore, an eye- wiry facilitios for sulvatition a rid the who can afford to pay the tariff tax length of time. And there is no witness to the episode,the truth of aitrong tdnlptation tc►inaice use of the may be expected to continue to buy knowing where this thing will end. The ultimate results may be very se- the narrative that I am about to re- aaame, wits as unexpected as it was the imported articles. tions. Suppose that, under the eon- late is vouched for by more than one disbeartoiiing. With the crew go-lie �.� tinued operation of our present tariff, reputable, if necessarily ancient, mit® and Do appeaaniiiee of an obaLtenient shoddy should go on declining in American maobinery lifts been pro• quality at the tart which it originally izen. of the gale, wham wowler that con- q y g 8 y It was duringthe period referred cluctive of great results. It has con• struck, bow and where shall we be P sternatioii wits plainly staz�aipecl upon tributed much to the growth and clothed in the years to come? And if to that a "Packet Line' was ostab- ©very cou>ltc+nanc(,? What-) tris to bo , of the nation. It is, for we lose our faculty of discrimination, fished between the above naiiiecl ®in- scree? 7'o go back was jtupos�+ible---- prosperity how shall we b® pure that we are bryo city and Sorrtliold, which latter to go forward was even iaioz'e vac,, andthereasons, entitled to the respect admiration of all. It should be clothed at all? While this danger to and village was then, as 'low, tulle center while to remain whom they were was our civilization may not be imminent, of that famous agriealtuiatl region madness. fully appreciated for what it has done it is surely among the possible evile situate upon the Northern branch,or At this critical juncture Capt. Hal- and for what it is yet capable of do.'associated with our protective system. °'ariit," of the Island. The "Lino" luzra, who httc:i beau silently keeping ing. It has, in connection with an The time will undoubtedly come y 1 g ply when the question of protecting our was founded for the cspeciatl liiirpoaao an eye to windward, aaugr;osted that Unlimited natural supply of material,! physical proportions from the chilling of transporting farm produce to the Bro. Wigfall be requested to lead in produced steel rails at a cost that blasts of Winter and early Spring' lium,ry "Harborites," but people wl.10 prayer, As this appeared to be the makes our tariff on that article ap• will take precedence over that rela were desirous of visiting the busy proper urine to do, the ati►nuyt incal- pear supremely ridiculous. It has ting to the welfare of our infant in- mart watches which while the (dustries. While I have no desire to maim across tiro Bay usually found patc;itatod iniilia;te.a• tivaLN soon €,n�fagecl 'p they as an alarmist, I must say that; little difficulty iii. securing passage in an earliest appeal for ,jai.ccoi, are rated as inferior to the hand-made' hits picture is not overdrawn. ec'n Ilial petitiou although quite faltering �1 �.... - BUNT INCL. __.�....._.......d. ..amu. k. The morning after an election, not come visible with-rut the aid of a many years ago, when the doctrine search-light. If, in the mean time, while we are prepared for all aorta P g_ ' are corn elled to wear this clotliin of Quayism and Dudleyism and sev- we are taken with an irresistible of campaign hies, sorxie of which are Orat,,rs upon this subject should not longing for information in regard most ingeniously g lose sight of the fact that consistency oral other kinds of ism had been sat 8 8 b to g y wrou h vie are at y is not only a sentimental virtue, but upon by the people with no uncer- the rtsult of the next eJeotion we a loss to account for the nerve dig- sometimes a matter of policy. tain sit, a certain newspaper an. should tura, in a spirit of con►fidevee played by certain partisan journals pounced that Delesmarter had been born of past experience, to the pro when they strive to show that the Owing to improved machinery, elected by a majority of about 30,000. low rate of wages in �,n aver-production and some other found reasoning and logical conalu- tg gland is at- eiuns of the Republican artisan tributable to free trade. The editors (-Huge$, including a largely increased A greet many people were very p p dotn%nd for the comforts and eon- muchl Of these journals are certainly leased with this unique style Press. ny more veuiences of life, p q y there has been a of publishing the news, and to this , HUNT Tmo. familiar Nvitb the wants of their read. general marking clown of prices all day they are outspoken in praise of ,� ° JL era than we, but while they clay be over the world. Hence it is easy to reasonably sure that whatever they Account for the fact that the cost of .similar flights of journalistic ente>;- '�'�� � OBSERVATIONS. reasonably goons is not,, in all cases in see flit to print goes, there is a linger- , prise and veracity. They are deeply Campaign orators and others whose t� proportion to the increased tariff. t gratified to read that war taxes and duty it is to illumine the gloom in ing possibility that somewhere and But whoever sincerely believes that a Chinese hall are of great advan- the centre of which the tariff quer- ' somehow some of these readers Wray the legitimate effect of a high tariff is tags to the farnpere; that England is ;lion is supposed to be located., are encounter the undeuiable fact that to lesson the price of commodities to be especially benefited b the suc- hereby r uasw, to especially light u ' �'°�� are from fi0 Co 1p0 per vent wit,-out lowering the standard of P Y Y r 1 y g p quality will be bothered to give an' Coss of the movement for tariff reform, that section of the subject relating hasher in England than in the highly intelligent reason for the existence of and that the 5,538,233 voters who to the inoreum of imports, A ,great protected countries of Europe. his belief. The Clain, of the protee- declared in favor of the measure in many people of more than ordinary wAcii8 M wZitx. rionists that ,tlie tariff is riot a tax," -V prate is still very far from being i $8 were either in s)mpatliy pith that intelligence, besides some who are stand. Gormally. lished. g estab- "pauper-ridden nation," or fools; that not so vouch so, have been laboring I� , .. ..............-.$9.00 "00 �.� .. 0 76 4.11 the "Force Bill" was not intended under the impression Haat the effect � '116htmeta......... - ....... 0-00 CIA It is sometimes remarked that i'att}ters................ ) solely to perpetuate the Bopublicsan of the McKinley law was intended to (( " ..- ..-..--.•-- 8.W 4;� .what an American can't do isn't party in power; that the Hill meeting be otherwise. Indeed, they have beet? Hhci�rx icer....................ciao o.i5 worth doing." This is true beyond 7.8Gt�t �......... ............ 5. in Brooklyn was a fizzle and the led to believe that the design of the I I�eople who have a wholeiiome regard the question of a doubt, but it is also s each a death blow to the Y bill was ''to reduce imports." It will for the naked truth are apt tq lose true that lie will riot always do it un- '0 lass he cau find a fairly good reason a, &e. "There is no accounting be remembered, by those who recall�confidence in the teachings of journals for doing it, yo lona as he is " ro- for tastes," as the old woman said the oircumstumi that an undisguised given to this kind of reasoning. tected" Sctotcti anri English woolens when she kissed the cow. attempt wu made, immediately pre- '- �k �i HUNT TING, ('f enduring granlity, crockery that is riot fire-cracked, carpets that will not vious to the passage of the bill, to as- It is an undeniable fact that F,r - fade, and innumerable other commod- There is one interesting point of aoaiate them use with the subject 'land holds of the markets of ities tbat are Manufactured under of "home markets for home manufaC- t.bo world. If our tariff on raw ma- the atirnutus of crocnlretition in regarddifference bt+twr�en the rural and the terials were removed could we not, to quality rather than to tures." Door it is ubilantl assertedcl rice, will pity Yater. The gospel according to 1 y with coir inexhaustible facilities, out continue to be available onlyto thele(i ipetropolitan newspaper editors is ac- and the assertion is supported by the { machinery and yankee enterprise, at wbu car, afford to pay for hese lux. 0epted with a greater degree of faith figures, that "our imports have in,- once become a formidable rivalt Is cries. In the lif ht of past and pros. and reverence by the former, while Creased to a point never before England spoiling for a rival? Not at cent experionee one thing is plain to the latter has his opinions moulded, rmhed," present, accordiug to all accounts. ' be sear.?: Unless our industries can be The unpzejudoed observer who is ' And yet a great many readers of Ile- brought into competition with the to a great extent, by the interchange at pease with himself and the rest of puh'lican journals apparently believe outside world we can have no good of ideas that have been gathered that tariff' reform in this country ry reason to hope for any marked im- from various and conflicting sources. the world by reason of his lack of would redound to the benefit of that provement its the duality of domestic i Hence it happens that while there is activity in political matters, will be "effete monarchy." Rodents 1 ; manufactures. i lass bourbon to be funnel in ciircula- liable to fall up against the convio Auxr Tina. tion that protection to American in- ; When it is said that clothing is VT& (- �� tion in the rural districts, there is cheaper now than before the Me Kin- often an excess of "Bourbonism." dustries hasnot been secured to a de- ley tariff went into operation, the i Tt<;vG"S OBSERVATIONS. gree commensurate to the original ' worn '`clothing"is used in a wild and 1 '?'here was a time, m every body igia gn person handling ti i, des In fact, Chef avant and the reckless manner. A �, 'knows, v4licin the regular weekly e The rural voter is ospecially liable superstitious everywhere,as well as a this word should bear in mind the prayer-meeting was held at some"pri- r to accept the statements that appear good many others, will attribute the vagueness of its meaning and en- vate limise" in the neighborhood in- in his newspaper without seeing thdeavor to be specific in his remarks. r ge ixaCrease of imports to an enlarged Yankee ingenuity has succeeded in "tc'ad of in the church. This was be- necessity for the exercise of that in. demand for foreign products, owing producing a mixture of cotton and fore the clay of chapels and lecture tolligent and independent juclgrriez,t to the superiority of these products sboddy that is worked up into gar. rooms,and the custom no doubt orifi- tivith wbicit be is ••ell stocked; while to domestic manufactures. moots must fearful,if not wonderful, i mated trom this and other causes. the cit voter comes in doily ooutact " is construction and these garments y If people are allowed to criloy un- g Kerosene had not yet been brought rr with stubborn facts that often rove are Fuld at tin uuprecedentedly low P molested this absurd view of the mat- price but is it not glgringly unfair to light and gas was about as remote these statements to be wilfully per, ; ter the consequences may be discs- to compare this kind of clothing, 11 Possibility as it is to this village at verted. In '88 the manufacturing tions, nr�t only to our "infant incZus- ' either in price or duality, with that the present time, consequently can- , and trade centres of the Mate voted tries," but also to those of more ad- which was in vogue under the old dlos, or tallow dips, were used for il- W in favor of tariff reform, wtrile the in, vanced age. 'Wh should people, tarif?'l Three years ago this variety ltirninating purposes to the exclusion tenor counties voted in favor of pro- g y p p of clothing was comparatively url- of every other. kind of light save that p left to flounder in a sea of error when ; known, as few r(.spectable dealers; which came in fitful flashos from Clio ' Lection to Americau monopolies. How it is so easy to explain that the i would have it in their stock. Whence, open fireplace. These candles les fur- tt►ege counties will vote at the next p1l'ect of the present tariff therefore, comes the reason or the niched a light limited in quantity and o election is a matter that has not yet lav, is neither to increase the justice of comparing the cost of this `if a rich, country-butter shade I' been frill decided. Hence the great pini ue article with the clothin of that imparted to the countenances of y coat of commodities Heir to compel q g those who were atbiered together an �,tlree years ago? In aider to twist t> Mate of New York remains in doubt. people to regulate their requirements the low rice of clotbin risPect suggestive of a mild.form of t; p g into an ar- jivindice. As many as five or six of � �_...._._. to the supply of domestic;goods. Let (.;umeut in favor of protection to a „ it be shown that protection does pro- few inai nifacur�t wog c3u mills at the, these candles were s,,nietimes lighted I- When the polls of this election p p g 1 at one time, and in order to maintain o great tect, notwithsitanding all the figures expense of sixt3--will ions of people, a maximum of five or six caudle power are closed in November a some regard should. be manifested rt man thins that are now enveloped and things that are calculated to lead dextrous and repeated snuffingwas �' g P for the feelings and intelligence of in a dense fogof uncertainty will be- j to an opposite conclusion. required. It was therefore, the cos- s .�.....d...� that large number of individuals who ._. _ � ___ . _ ,w. , "Lilt:il•eely awn." v :Ir a, "Ile had jUst 1°t tlll'lied front a tell— t't'nlll t.lte 111E.9, atI),1 11 t i i ']'hon, madame, allow ine to re e, tato for some person to Fitber take milt, spill oll leer bicycle and didn't r tilaon himself, Or liatve thrust upon 1,11(,141 thaav,root ue*V(•e ,{s ter, meenel "'l alntttria," t'itil�lrEll eery f 1 him, the labor and responsibility of "'.Chad.wtiett't t•in,' (anti to sit down ally' iuore, lrnagitle ((G ,,torfa," but they raartily reach out: "'.L'tvttsn't! Meblrc ycttt Was tttt•re't i�VhaL � this, I bay, and then think of oar• their vltrlltl)y little Ivatlds and weeg for keeling them in trim was it thorn?" l:l.ere I aln, with a yearning d.csiry ),col ll oulld cath rtir+h;." There vt gra once a Meeting Of this "`I (ion's ttraow what they eullrad it imt nut only to oblige the boys, but to -you are very Minot. A lid would ,ynrt kind in session at a certain house, and it was pre bitbly the Manic millerta;l(Mut, I aid, to the uttllutat extent of MY deem it advisable t0 apply,as a soothing when the Candles began to flicker aivi your nhueeWti made of." feeble means,a Inuvewellt the mere lotion, tiler prollar'attiotr largely adver(,is- etuit an odor of burnt ragas, a masa "'You tl,il.l,yoll'l-p(ltlrut ri surairt,1,111.1 wetltion of wllleli arouses my wilde t ed as"t'apson's Benzitio Plaster?„ who several years ago created, by call t,it 'vml solliething. you �,nul(au't ' euthusiaHm frui,n its loot;and refresh. ``I wv•uld ]rut, Madanl. Ill fact., 1111. means of cholera morhus, A vacancy kelt 4-10 god la"It `pi-lrrg if you lulkill't llJg Hicep. Here I wit in thiH con- Capoort Ill in self Ilever uses thorn In his in the circumscribed community in not ' with own fulutly it)Cases of raw11° Indeed, it, ri which be used to dwell, arose and "ila(lu't got,tiviritt?" station, ally its unable t.0 cuwply would be a rash undertalzirl�; for I,iul to t.11an ttlr+ ntlt(ei' soar, :eaa�! .foul' r'c'Clttest as if It had been In re pr,tceeded t0 chop off the superfttous attempt to dor so, At.ihty e<tnte t,irnc they he was a illun(lerill'g00(l 111an,too. 11•,11, latiun to a luufl of t�.n dollars until tiro tit: kxoPlleni,remedy, for crl(ilrlreu of Parts of the wicks,in a manner ebar- I gue-";I'll get, al(ritg, You seel walit:to you could. (Ural yourself. The wordh 1110re advauvett maturity, ill flier last a terized b considerable dimity anal ng stages of green-applti colic. Ili the case y tr.rde ,t i,ttic, (anises hill f(a�at Halsser full i,f of filet so� are to ane uo mote avail some self-assurance. It so bappeued, gn)c+•rivs!)(:faint I p)iiorne,if I kin." mile than the two-Bullar bill wilich under consideration, however. I sltcluld as it always slid, rain or shine, that "All right! (emit• it, alAndij sortie t.11ne';1 blew in for ice-creatil for our, Sun- thoroughly alllioint the swaddling there wits present another elan who vvht,tl y, in a i,ig hurry,"and the said (lay 50,hool picnic. clothes wiLit equal parts of vaseltrr(3,mut- entertained a most unchristian sent]- fa('e d 41111vi"I re,('ttetaa;v Orc•w fords,fr•oil► I didn't ttlirik it possible that I total ttillow Huff cod-liver oil,allowing the silent in regard to him who was snuff- stn aur i:!c put k('t, it rvc•v(tltr ful(imi c oily of could ever lose track of those words, chiid to remain enclosed thcreln shut ill the candles,and the su(3den eler. TA til all' Ir',U3L NS, a iratttt?r of 0nvr'ni(ruj and yet When I stop to cuusider the the to uptlorl peels off. By the wiry,pdoes position of ill i0c,n(•(! atnlcrrl„; il►c tuililtg tuastses c,f ' , lie elle or it meratca, cone vatioriot o>snessof the terat thr�;q ntasibilitp Nurray Hill,and also,to a great extent, c;ircumbtanees, Z dun t know that I� lie, -that is to say, ritil p ,M halve tint reatsoll to e surprised. 1`htl very few exuepli(.(ur." was a trifle too much for him to bear, , ;(ix ore, And sig be mead all exitree- fact is, I am burnin the caliche at t;t,, "Irl that,.rase T should rsoe;►.tre•1.y c(rtti(ne His voice, naturally distinct and pen- tAw'. of u,uch ciouiplactenoy lootit.eel upoli both ends. The quantity of gray ` h,way unttsutilly so as it broke Ill, (r(ecutt(�uar►ce+, 1111>yasit not recorded platter httr,(ts with u stcruL trutd, or batter etratin platter that I use, trout weep to week, anal!, perhaps, wire-imt,tin;,of the varie- uj,)on the sl illness of the occasion with (belt ti;,.. wis()U10 heli(eiie'teilt,mea:+111'E8 of in illy business of elevating the lift- g � t.,y usually(rrilplc)yee`I it,(�uuuteratetin�, the this pertitiont gttestioti: Who I)Ut the NIG. .inl('v (in(lv'inc, wore daily be , roviim t i i ��� t tt,q (matt � tnoru tt'attlli(luctrnt to th,19 uud0l'. I.11aI1 1°)Gtr to a higher Irioral and ,ru,rrnsitiE;H Ill' vttrict.ttc kinds ,iyfrr<•i)1, snufl`rarna: ?� • «. a /irituttl alaue is something tremen- of fowls." '!`ln-'s Obser�attiou,,4: strv(v(l;ng ut tl►e rant >i.r1(1 fll.:" (►f the 1 Tile �, Ho o was reclining in it revolving;oh air lJtrOltica? _ (tulle. Tile only Wunder is that real you hwfrto lifted atruok-load or grit-if with 011e foot cli. top of the sloe o pipe at:)wil6d 1t•tter Haat on ciot�sn t give a lurch and topple .from nay(iro0l,int; shoulders," �al'1cr said, l � l .li.erEe in ail ut 1 as she fa+lora atcvity auto tl►ca h+auceneas lae- cleau off lair throne, If wy mind is suld the other in tine wtasty-bagkc t,,std ,ituells like it wixiure of yellow pint+ et", the buskot was about full, Oil Ills le,;l r,aawrtust and oakum, Wunder where at hlauk, in litany respects, it is the; y And now,(uriu�; the darkoHt hours. of Wws a 1)ox about the size,of a bfitoltsaiii h it,is front`? This surest way to fi>lta least I ought t0 expect. There are night,whoa that yo(1r10, tnau is relrnsin1.3 4; shop, lined to 1310 brim Willi wood_ ottlers thank Heaven in a worse fix, out is to crltet il', Here it is: � , with tau utsiL(+tics ill hers ruotn, a vision 121111(It's ears and 'posHunla' tete-nall;l -jyit puNslbie, tl,atrt I at>,. T saw all similar in appear,.-trace to ata Armour ham is�leirld i,ad ju�t; teen tttkert off Llie ict12y e; !'ot,t.1Jt llig:f'rson, L. I„ duly li-18J5 afetal, l'e(E3t1t11', in Harper's Bazar ill(i:;tratult will, ti ball cattcher's mask', while kapreild out on the habit:!before Ithn Dear Would it btu going too fair to that,fyotuf0i'L ed we greatiy, altLt!ttnl, a pp(ars before1IN lmlpiltt;ee3u�igltt,, and vvara at du(ruu�Ei,i� that utiglit have bele°n ltsk yet, to obhgt,11H by hslviug printed the case trlantiuno(1� was not tit 1111 tit.'r3hud(]tArr°ih Ihrr(ra'tt, taken for tiler Groh-eur•t,ait, in thf• it, your colnum, tit large, clear tyre, the siwilar to mine. Poli may l.tot Have Ting's Ob ser�,tti0nrs. f Itoollis, but w lr i c 11 words of that tender, pa etc+tie little sena deeu it h©nee [ will rept°;,duce it: " ll(i�ho tlud litile ltet w err, etrnllivr l�ruv�d io i.i0 a snap of the Arvatt, titian yr)ti its(,([to Hing so Hwoutly in til(+ �� „, 111"011or flood lila Mttat( y elope. of ("flits i'lavn, L`(lt,°,i,r;e7ingtl(er,arca ttr,d preal:r((e+e1+ dltyri when wo avant olloRt lutt.fng? *1 own- Chicago is a wonderful plaoo, said 1 o1 tilat i r•uublesolrl4: littItr aniuml fi-oll slut recall even tilt) tit-Ht line, but I re- Jarloy. "Iweut out and saw them smoke Sprill;,Lilt, and til(.: untivaersaatioat that, atw:,w ltat lc ill) to tI„ pre+(�t11 tills(+, nit,ailtewr that it becHilto known as "Joe himis," took plaice ,s ],, wothen Was theWasaboutlike. 1 r I.ia.ruted'sl Favorite," lilt you know "•thole ham,-?"retorted Bingle. "Cheat tails: .0 s(l tivhil(e li(.,wur�llntn a nt;atgE�cl tll��re' i1-hat l-tef�r to. Huavvils, wily do they smoke haw ? *sIt,y, (,,,uroje; ain't you glad school s enl.ererd,without,tate forn,lvlity of k1l(i ek i have a p,.rci and lofty inotive ill ask- Isn't there ally tobacco in t ihioa.go? " Iloilo?" inn,atall ansa willowy titan wllO iutd tJvi-''irg fur the sunt; just at this time, Jim Anybody:can see.+ that Jalrley didn't ,I shnulot snort 1" dently succeeded in ovorooa,iug wIllit- 1)a):ton ,lnd Prank Navies area hell' ng loosen that they tattloke(l hams ill i cs Till goiu' to Uonnnct.leut-wit,ll All, ever tenderresY to ditTldetrc+e thta'c�might fu get alp>u.i entertainttxras lhte ulajeast of y p� ,. Have bbeli itaherent ill his o0tistitvli ion.. tt hauls is ill rai,;e,funds for file puri;liase ill place of tobacco, I Can sire it trlyself. ; R.oNcy, I ant." Llcaa>lEi across the roou�Witt,trvlr3� oC soultillling for Umv. Alt,rton as R t(Ai- But, lStublicouldn't. He must have Wilen yet tient",„ 1, , oLlHtic stc tt unci rroeel-oleos to o ,tit tltu ►uor,ittl of our aituiiriatinn for his uctlrlr been a.11 urns or some r of that "Nt_ex,tveol melJl►rr." p 1 I 0,ouduut in sigU111g the litirber hhop bill. ' "('ileus c0,•fr, then,John says." servicew atter the foliowing formula; 1`lie e..ter ainweut will ounsist,planar call soft. But I anti not haat filed its heti was. "`leooii her it t i ounhtaxOu na11a il,i►r#'> . 1 y, "I �ou t;cear-e• 1-1allie"go to COM► e't�ti.- Of songs, reeoitations and living pictures, My complaint, unicss I have made a out. You guile'kill•ywWire? " was gc)in to he etbe pt+r ern atrcuutit of'i and if 1:11r,y could get ulr a t icture to go mistake in di>a�,nolsis, is J))'01 this blasted MA-Inl,ey bill,,and beers I've: with your sunt;it%iould be worth $25 to!�ercb�`2—fal.li►.►.r of the brt ill. ,_ had to l,>iq at the rate of eithteen eset,t4 the causo, There's a young follow here' I;relik it ret tl to the bu s al�1d fell �J nest t(>iti't�I,stay borne?"�ui�i"to fulat n quart fur hall' tr,pint of a�tratwberrivs.. with at voice ou uiLn like it woud-robin's— y 3' Not.rnit('.I,y VIy father's s h ;t t:tt;i any reanarks to rnat a under tllia he's a waliblr,r flow warbl(eville+ and her thein to go ahead with the Hhow and we to Coney Islaatd," triyy he'll watch her ill.)for fair, while th0 truHt t0 I'roviileuce. ,I rather go to cunnecticut, l,t ad?" � it "Yes( don't buy ao many ttit,a time atl{�(,.� ttlrL11" is going un, if you will on y 120 be contin6ea in our'nt!srt,.l goin'on t:tiee boat and thull We'ro �Oitl" fatrnish the- wordtl. on the cars," i (.0 won't to cl it tan amok," Now, 'Ping, oki boy, don't gn baok Orr HUNt TING+ "Don't ytlr 'spoiot yer t o (,n. the catrs "Anil Ltte Tribunesways we'remultiia'. the buys, fur they have alreadysold aver �r . ' when you go to Colli-+y Islatird `!" our own, till., ani;mighty poor stuft it i ' $40 worth of ticliots. payweitt bettsg cors- 'rill 'aa Olraatvrv:3ttotxs. h I for a good dtval of uionoey. Now see here ditiunut 111)011 they curt Yinf;out of their g l if raur+(�,but ycnl sal,t, o ora tiler iun- —l)(Jn't testi rart(l two nlahc four?" agrt-lost t to pttrat)S'z�+theaucliextoe. You She ealna into thtr clrut; store With titlgt;on, " umetit,3t��. Not always." know holy Jim and Frank are when they slow and meaeured tread. Her nose was "I don't(ear a." „ N(it always? tiVhat,'s the.r(aascn?" start in, Ulld if til<;y hhunld Make u doad red with weeping and the aspect of thea "Ave-ve trot c omptally to our house. fluke of this sbow thiough your prover- rerrnaiuder of her countenance was a "Who yl:er aut? 1te'll, two and two turnips uiati:ee four; vial )ruut'ataltinutiuti or Obstinac elle �� btii tvvO tined two ,.arts ill the i)a(a.yard l Y y dead giveaway in regar(a to tier auxio,ty A.n,an and two latidios, i�1rd coo 't like would bo down 011 you liko it wet horse• and a.gitution, shed Jlar,sb ed Iter search 'oto much'I ut t:at.tr ail7Ont tour liundrecl,,j11cit;in;;trortl blanket oa plug hat, We shall expect -, � lights aL the loofa lincr.l duster Hiatt sur- "�Vhy&)11,1:she1,t�lt'etttu to g(+i,crne7"' I he Souild of the festiviulvs." to see the Mori), life size, ill the Next rai- `"By clash! I gutas5 yau'rc 1.1-01t 1 I had sue Of thea I3tiL]UUIN. rounds(]call that was mortal of tete pop- "I lasso know." it. till roof ylt:, 011 i illy w',1gnl( hllso and We till reaacl your able and iwatruntive tiler and oblil„ing head clerk,and with a. `'�;ar}'i lcrol. cr that cart bfr(.a 1 If I heel x110 flight tlto cat ,ot up Mere) and arlicles, eve).y vmelt, and ofteu say to our. Voloo that sounded likes the vanishing Jolita's I:0111 I'd just stet as bf.""xil On him.” Cramped >u(ttu,d atoll hunched it frill Of eelves: Wheat oil earth would become of � rrys of an October sntisel,sho saki: ••v,hilt°:;11(1 0f at 1)iad?" tram vvlt_il oui ft)al'6r+pR idleand ilt8 lll°o its it flog should be taken away and flies 1 "How rustily'compound cat•har,,,io, pills "lalt!you n.ake tiler fired. Ind pop'hlttel d,tETl,t IiVU Cait:H d'I'atit'lE(t Oi'e'i'it,tante l.'tIl!(Ull]xl]ll Et1'al?I)(.1 ill thOltrtllnl+,? is at doss for a.child of erig'hteen inoilLhs )v(.r with the 1;1]11." Witli asAuralioes of coutilmed appre- duration's" "S.,q,a eol"Jo;yoursis too taut rnKrx'ied, lamed if two thn•(Is of til-at,roof wasn't 1Olatr0li of your'literary efforts2tii4f a UG11 1+;p,�� „ Bole. NNowI've'g„r ,tent IV”-roof ort nr,d; Hhultly growing udwiration and regard ' !—What!" titin t, •h(�? I've built a i,arberi zv'irt 1_,twe around it for yourself, individually, I tint always "Yes," She e0lltillued," would live llev." ' to keep 1110 ualt�.off Your st.ea t'M st fri(aud, he too rnatrly? "Nvbo toe" t .iAM09 E BAYLl1.s, "I!' i v e l Great Pleat! tnadanie "John." "Nan t?u�er! 'I'.in's,ill�t>i4 t;noll as it t�('r . , ti'tioe cor,ipound orathavOu Dille wool(+ •`I)0 yon like him?" ivas! (if You l,t1y rnou It for it.')' Iinagiiie how you would feel Wray „ "Tafn't rs,it 11(11! .�l r t,ra:,,(lhat 116'1 iia„v,{ 0 ' be Huffloiellt to blow t'bat child to aloins! } "'�Vcll ellough. dear James Iib, if you ware a sin le l till roof un his ba els t,a,k°he ll and Iw il.-wd g What is Thee eoulplaint,{gilt P” '� "Is lie nice? , mail itrld the only girl you ever loved i -,Rash." � � (, est no HI>xid" to hike tilt :urs t,i)tit•.te:in gl:t Fuer at vvaly t, v illy I,iLhcr gays hI,attrl'. g r©fiisecl ate telt uh utti• tat because I _ 5' 1 Ivleraatly c�overe)d? <�;'`hat's he r wir-,,iad Fore, Our sidewalks aggregate a little'' lighter construction, closely pursued, had not carne to stay. Farmers. My father killed a snake. thin;in proportion to the boundless' when on parade, by another wheel of would kick every time a rider was I ai afraid of snakes. `i extra small size. The small wheel "My mother says I ain't big enough to universe—an undersized coneret:on pitched over the fence into their corn << i was intended to add symmetry and , � y g �, of stones and gravel--but to the fields, and would demand damages get married." shoe-dealers in this vicinity this di- grace to the establishment and also for every acre of craps destroyed in "Si yer ain't." to keep the large wheel from fallin "But I will be, sem©time." minutive item towers aloft, a huge g !,I "So'11 T." and merciless engine of destruction over backwards, this way, and at last it was prophe sled that a bio cle without the . . "I wouldn't have you. ! to leather and an eternal source of There was something awe inspiring ' Y"header"attachment was an inven- "I c.voulduIt have you, neither.„ reve'iue to the trade. The pink, about these incipient machines that tion that lay in the womb of the near :'Wbv not?" comma shaped bacillus tliilt came I is lacking in the modern ones, and future. "I'm big as you are." over in the Nour ain't no shape toyer." 1, when one was revolving at a rapid And so it turned out. "I'm was a little "I don care. Yer aint got no style." thing, but to the telescopic vision of I gait with au intrepid young man The first thing we knew a ma^hive "I have too." the people dwelling in the vicinity of perched upon the sui_umit, the whole made its appearance with the order "I'll tell yer whose got the style au' Fire Island it loomed up a hvdra- ense2416 was an exhilarating sight to of procession reversed, the small, or that's A£iss Yum! ain't she bot headed monster, about the size of the the spectator. At the same bine business wheel,being in front while em?" 3s an air of mystery the large one, greatly reduced from was always"She's splendid! She's my teacher." continent of Africa. "When yer get up in shape like she The Memorial Building is a little about how t1,e young roan got up' the original both in size and import- does ,I'll cone round and talk to yer. thing in comparison with the rest of tuNre and how he was going to get ance, brought ul the rear. This was -Y®u ort, see our dog go for a cat last filo United States but I venture to down without breaking his neck, known as the "Star"wheel, and dur- night." `Did he kill it? " say that nowhere which he sumedwes didn't. It was a in this broad laud in g its metForie career anatomical "Nap, She clumb a tree." can there be found a thing of its size rare thing, however, for a rider to lesions and the wholesale destruc- "I've got a cat--his name's Charles more satisfactory in point of location. break his neck, or even his back, or tion of growing crops and other, henry. He sleeps with me, sometimes.- It will always remain a little thin indeed his leg by this means. When "W4've got a cat, too, aiad she's g—i property were less, on an average,. got a little `thing• of beauty and a o he broke anything other than'the , kitteiis, Our dog don't go for our cat. �, ] Y , about 75 per cent. forever, and principally so because' Fourth commandmeut it was usually But'the spirit of invention was now I't's ai.l•y other cats he gods for." "Give me a kittc,��?" it is the right thing in the right his nose or his ear. fairly on the warpath, and no sooner "TiheY)-e all drownded but one and place. When you are crossing Main I remember of once standing in had the great army of bicycle cran.xs that's got sore oyes." street, from the N.W. corner of N. front of the Yost Office when one of invested their aur plus wealth in the I'm gc.in'home." � ,r ����� Y. avenue, pause a moment and cast these wheels, surmounted by a cool l "80'm I.- Q'r`�" comparatively tractable and even- - - - -- your eye in the direction of "Bur in' and collected rider, rolled ma'astic " If a child wakes u in the night y J tempered Stars than the modern p g Hill," and unless you are hopelessly ally up to a lamp post and stopped,' y p Y ' pl , "Safety," with its two wheels of and doesn't want anything else it will lost to all appreciation of the esthetic while the rider nonchalently asked uniform size, ball bearings, peen- t want water. This want is seldom you will be quick to acknowledge me to direct him to a doctor, at the untie teres, eta, etc, started out from neglected owing to the manner in that all objection to the location was same time pulling a fresh-looking I know not where and distributed founded on a misconception of the ear from his pocket Which be said he which it is made known, but I have p itself like prickly heat over the entire foots. wanted to get sewed on. I hadn't surface of the civilized world. personal knowledge one exceptionHUNT Tlxcr, noticed until than that his right ear The bicycle of to-clay,although vastly to the rule. A certato in little boy ,!_ -- was absent from its accustomed superior to its predecessors,is,unless while in the cit. the other d:� oiiv of p would call for water at all hours of' y �' haunt. It seemed he had alighted the night, thereby compelling his in-71 our reputable citizens, finding a short g I am greatly m�taken, minus two im- b 3 p greninant c.f time on his hands,decided to head first and in. his descent his ear portant features that will not be lack- dulgenii mother to arise from her I; oec tipy the same in the pursuit of huppi- had been removed by collision with ing in its namesake of the future. ue s. Accordingly, 1'e hied himself to the glass insulator attached to a tele. As now constructed it has a ton– there and minister to his wants. But hoping to fence relaxa- b the"Eden 1VIusee," graph p018. there came a time when it occurred p g dEncy to topple over sideways. This tion from worldly cares amid the cheer- Sometimes a rider would get off in tendency will,in my opinion, be coun- to that mother that her agency in the fui Scene+ryof the"Chamber of Horrors." this manner without encountering I teracted by thi use of braces, one up matter was superfluous and accord- I He iiad never been there before, neither any obstacle until his head struck the on each side, extending from some- ingly she placed a glass of water u ha'i he hdretorore beheld trnything to ground, but it was only by the oxer- where under the saddle to the round p- equal the vale idoseopic effect of Otero's else of considerable acumen and skill pro- red _ on a table, at a short distance from at an angle of 45 degrees, and B red stockings,as manipulated by that oo�r that he managed to steer himbelf g the little bed, with the understand_ damsel. He- was much pleased with the t? vided, at the outermost extremities, ! through space so as not to knock off with casters in- that henceforth the diminutive '1 performance,but while he had no perso- the to of a chimney or to rip u two , or small wheels, for use b nal interest in the matter, he thought it p y p p in keeping up with the machine when ?j aqua-maniac was to help himself. The would be well to gather a few statistics or three lengths of Nicket fence. in motion. , little boy took in the situation at a i;, order to be able to give a more d®- Alighting with the feet in the air The other improvement will con- glance, but deep within the recesses l tailed statement of the affair upon his was called taking a header." It sist of a comfortable and roomy seat, of ells tranquil soul there lurked a i return home. was a method employed only in emer- fashioned somewhat after that at- With this end in viow he approached a geucies. Whenever a wheel tried to I tached to a moving machine to takf, lace;: of faith in the ultimate working i dignified policeman,who appeared to be run over a horse-block, or a cow, or the place of the narrow and con of the scheme. standing around for the purpose,and anything of that curt, it would find' tracted saddle which acts as an en- He awakened during the night; al"'uptly asked:for information in regard it was no use, whereupon it would gine of destruction to trousers and a to,he a;e,sex and average weight of the with the usual sensation of thirst + stop abruptly, without letting the creator of corns and 'bunnions in a aforesaid 1'Signorita. Instead of a tour- rider know of its intentions. Under and according to his custom began t oous reply he received an icy stare that locality where these are least de- _� made him wild. such circumstances the rider would sirable. to call for a "fink." I want a jinkl " t see the necessity of dismounting, On the whole, I aiv impressed with Stz��: old Blue Tema how old is that y g, but ' cried he, and he cried it severalf alp,= too late to exercise any choice in the, the belief that the ideal bicycle has times,with increasing earuestness and Stiff >>o reply. matter. not yet hove in sight. pathos; but at last, after finding that I "`'khat are you here for anyway?Can't In spite of their efforts to the con- you talk? Oh,say now! I'm from Hunt- trary, thousands of thirty-third de- HUNT TING. his repeated calls elicited no response, �. ,, :ugton. Come rout and see me and stay a vee wheelmen practiced the "header„ he came to realize the solemn reality week." system until the became so expert _ 3 Y I of the circumstances. He saw that Stili nanglit but a atony,fai•away look• invariably drop ou , he must either remain parceled, as he "ZQow I've dot it, you l)l�wed up old that they could the top of their heads and skate alo g duffer. I Cruess I've found out what you � was, or avail himself of the irrigating . T for some distance without rooting tip g b ear.do. fou eau oto--. Seel !' g the soil with their noses. facilities within hes reach, and tlitt8 `� lt. is needless to add that the police- It was on or about this time that t ; 'al' 'xas f ennin `gold Beoswax."� ppened thnf, n rninll e a woman over on the "South Side," iui e wa, seen t„ slide silo ntle-rohE d HUNT TT�c+. i n y from 4 by diligent gleaning in the wake of a tbe bed and adv"ulce 1n thF cnvetecl TIN ATIONS. a large part3 of riders from the city, l'>ut the little boy was The evolution of the modern bicy- collected, from the roads and side- - ,ir►rirl ole i'� tlirou«.li vAlen he grasped. cle from the primitive concern from walks, a quantity of hair sufficient to `- �' g 1 , p make her a nice mattress. Of course the Blass with Both 11allcls,-and as lie which it derives its name is an the hair had to be washed and freed .raised it to his lips, ells listenii��Y ,a_ ( achievement worthy of the closing 1 r frf-im adhering pieces of scalp before 1" years of the nineteenth century. 'reel; heard him iuutter to 1'irllsolf: � axles. r•.c ill, ,�. ,,,, -,,,> ! one large Original machine consisted of b ge a heel, somewhat smaller But it soon became evident that FiTiNT TING. the wheel about which I am talking tli,:i,n .the Ferris wheel and of much� niw If it is a good thing to have free If "the foreipuc,r pay6 din tax" on him sugar, what's the matter with having window-glass he pair), ill 1891, $185, lteel• several other things free? 4:32 more than the cost of the glass. T -Wh;,t's the matter with taking this kin( bonus and building an asylum for whe If Republican orators jump up and prutoctiou lunaticst emi clown in exultation over this great wilt b,,un of free sugar while they aro en m ee If the Reliublicau u�an,cgcu'e have int gafTed in making it plain that we are concluded to buy this election with al,i benefited by a high tariff on almost the "soap" contributed by protected pr,c everything else, what's the matter ►i�uliop„lies, what's tile matter with Isar wit}, telling them to"come off?” "1„skinti them „soap itfor all it is Q� a•tl __ ` $0H __ worth'? as; If"consistency is a jewel," what's the, 1 the matter with having it stuck up If the next President can't be It ent somewhere so that these orators can 1)oiuucrat uulesy we carry New York, M nlg get a squint at it once in a while? what's'ths matter with carrying New M vat. York I What's the matter with Nese: con If wool is a desirable ingredient its Fork, anyway? was Hie cloth, what's the inattor with jyakiug i ®tr; it free so that we cau have a little If this Congressional district would ups [lure of it ill the clothes we wear? return to Washington a faithful AD<J this alert representative of the people•--•] ! ? � yyoI -,_JIE our wool growers can't pruduex, cultured gentleman of unquestioned , ,in article fit to snake clothes of with cntef;rity alit) marked ability, who I til wit „lit bring protected in raising noth• I comroande the unstinted regard of� nut ing but snide wool, what's the matter nlen of tell parties at the seat of Gov.1 It 1 the with letting thein give it up? crnnieut, what's the matter with Q. --,.1 Vc, wa I+enaes {V. Coifed. silt ------ eel If other countries can give us the wh kind of wool that we want and feelSuffolk wb If County has a preference wa that we ought to have, what's the for au houeet man, a good Demuwrat �. tal matter with takingit without inakin t• and all all-al•ound ' Aa good reprtlaentative J J it c,,st so much that pour folks can't I in the next Legislature, what's the � occupy it, �• � . 4. matter with 'R allium, 11. Lrseais, of e., Iluutingtou? ad If "a cheap coat makes a cheal( r� �-i l7CL�19z NnrvT Texii• W en, wen," what's the matter with fixing - Ing the tariff so that niue-tenths of the del tiopulation won't be eon, Iled to lay evi hit themselves liable to undervaluation't \ �► 1 Hit .. If 0 e have to import pauper labor " from Wales to "make our own tin," � Irl what's the matter with importing the t till tin instead of the uauperst � j G( If tilt+object of a high tariff was to . +tT imports, what's the matter citli the Protectionists when they •+„int with pride and satisfaction to ' Q Ilie frit that our impurts are largely ftt c,u the increase? If wages are 50 per cent higher in (� a Uu ;�uhl,,ud thou in the protected cutxu. � J ,I 1 h U) gins of Europe, what's the mntte,r � � .� • e N til with seeing the n. K. on the claim a that free trade is a cause of lea- �r 'wages? —•_-�- re J tri :41 waa p06111Ve If we are to sllow the a 3 j lt J �.0 �and widely circulated statement that p ” c G the. foreigner pays the tax" on im I ti to putted goods, what's the matter with c believing that Jonah swallowed the W) whale? tin to o Wb.%C FLO 'S GEORGE F. ROOT Ce le.brated Opperatta, of the 031 TEN CORONATION OF THE ReM. Will be.given Entire,with appropriate Scenery,and Decorations, by VORTV V011T.NG LADURS,under the direction of (Of the Normal Academy of Jiasie of CeneNeo,) at the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHI otttlw*110� $+ 1 + nr'U=M'U-AL"1r ]E:Nr-XVXLR%T" X3l3MC;3&XVX3B3M3F?L JL"p XIBIUX- Adniksioll 1.5 Cents, — 1-2. Poon,Open at 6 1-2 (Yelock. rt to Commence at i Sbould Tueswday prove Worm',,, the Coneert will take place on the next Fair Evening. ' � . L COWS.%A%Okv IL IU In a iDRALRUS IN K/ w I LDS OL M It FL I lf►,M 1J ettttp Qla+s 014110. Now,s. :: r aU awsU t.,. r t Moa i'raottuy 11%CHATHAM-STURT, r e9 go. 4" In i is All" �� �f / } / E� �ist.1F„k7t,♦ .T w k .14 : "A Terry !»+tat � � ." - � r_ tri„!n prrin{t"• ( r.:: a e,re +; ,•�i / 1 r R r .�f 4 Ifit,R ,.,.u. star 11ro-Irt, k is, (la,1,t.,•• Av- Dioadin Crusatld thVramie psoas ah h►+; ("nne,!I, 4411+f t rt�t t,It;attgatu «t ns p 1«uttOtr r, ,.: on Wednesday of last w¢m,k,so resentw at ria dt.it,at! w u uu I,elwt• ns th,t far•.ts, . p � 1NCaaMI Z,lr. 1`.lAaWIM 4 of a great crowd of spectators, some of la tuft a hstlJwnatl lung). Cpaa this Ib tiun a,,d drft•l,le to pr,rdrt�c" tf whore paid and some of whom aid not. A ring the chaagso daily, and doll waioifj�r'. - l't,t K itr.caw,�e.t�' :,+lair+ tltc :t,it QfT:# clay in commencing the 1►erfurmrace a• thelr Molehill lot*amouoLain. That#taatlty, ' were kill thtir troy ftum Sa:, P"(!iully cxa"perated the Tatler olas". Thr is a qualification for the Pratt ry h a Herr' \l,tt it,rt i.. a nru„�l float 11`11, / sr�rel u rope In 1,800 feet long ; its deflection io 00 discovery, r t-) that Iltty del t,•,I n!uch tl►r (%Pert et ; its lowest point is 280 feet shore the The Democracy should retuew4er and a1r until a4o,lt 1? o',Ick. J 1Card water. Oa his way back to the Amrrh:pn ply the proverb, "hand.eme is, that ha d.1 ed t.bc i*our t at J A. M. 4 Q Ile, the acrobat halted, struck an aWtode, eocie does.” We hurt n•, doubt they wouki The Diatrirt Atturttrt�l,� �, R' d was photographed by an "eFnlnent give all their I'M 64-4r ally one of theirs Williams had not rnadlg: r tinb4 fano w'tnt to t." The" the spectators disper%4 in- eaudidat" had as gowi a look for the prati•, the } ` Is ined !o feel waw berausn 8� a et�g r. ,'� t fallen into tlrif"torrout. _. - ---- - ik d n A n ti U ate.• � /� 13 U Y c J�/(j' r t+ f:�llcrl: r l/ .J �/ /7' P •w /!• •.Y /'•�/fCrLr3 Pelf .'f9�. YFl 1 ' • .':/ • `` / O A V m .G ❑ ••�. u y ❑ e �!✓ "Lj m 'o Ig a o P =L' -fc/6ii'Iq j•'�I (- • f� Y�.�7I-/rJ f7-/_� / i . an• a m m a j a ^ � y •f .l. � U .c � b � M O � EEl aa � - o •a � � o d^ ° l 4 w ^360 to " •o a •p // ` //1 �tip' �' � � •_� _m � n.°1 °' e m y N ` w 7 to is 1. o ,$ PLi F PA YS//•af�^�fI_V to o _ ° :I r./ � �� ✓ / ( 7✓. " GL2 /c rr// /J o to OEl v ' (-Vrt� J • i O '3 ... � y � .IOJ N � to p' _qo � 2 ,tc « « e •.. n unm ua is¢ming broken this went for The Wm. H. H, shover place, in the - - no nddttin,n to the Sunlhoid Hsrloga'awit"D pastor the village, wee 'old at Porker P. 1leere,utlIM11- neirtgage Palo on Wodnoeday and Wait ur,t, will dot the tutenu work, and Hoes Sttvg�+theI,ia Iu by Hitt taerlgagea. The IaCP .carprnh-t wuti, m the P tLldim iu•+e twfhudlery belt {b,Fold firs-1(A andthe lot to the went er'.h,u[ I u L hnil,ir R Sis-fr„'(a '_ lut' VO). 02 �`�9YfP11MMM-MIC�IIWIYIY\ E and W, I. Hagerman / are to start a coal yard here. 119 will be located on Mr. flommel's land on 13044- 7 t . .i6-. t ..._.� 0 Beau Av., next,to the railroad track. Tb9 L I. It. B. otIIoials were here a few days / ago and agree) to 18y a side track. Mise Gertrude (1, Goodspeed, o t Brooklyn, the now Principal of South_ a hiti old Academy, is a gradoate of Ba Ic- Z r/ r7 "l l-t l E�c:, C' r j-c ! , , a �;� '7`� r Uolle e, Lewiston, Mo ,yhe waA one tof of the best scholars in her class, anti made -) `n f a high record for scholarshipand abili- a C ��[ -Lr' t f f.�.�.<' r/ c� T re.c.l7"tyCC. `' 4t'ioldsmith k Tuthill, of Uutahogue 1.-v-� X 4-t 1. 0/<, ..4 �! e''` and New kiufffolk, have leserrtf W, ki „f Newbold's property at the railroad and s r will start a lumber and coal yarci,-^rc2,, . - . r- . . 7 . 'l he Academy (,III Mals havo boeu eo+ fortunste as to secure the sorvioos of !'gyp G'4Mime Everett- , s gradaato of Mt flol_ f, y.,k•,, r the academic depattmcot Fred W. Carpenter has purchased of r�_t' <� t Win. Lowery about three scree of laud fronting on Town Crook and extendi,g fJ�< ir�� from J. Korn's shore front southward to the ditch. It includes the " old ship. • yard." Mr. U. will build on it in the NO REGISTERED LETTER., Post-Ofice, tC% 6.... a . m � . .....L ....... d It Ova• [►eccived a Letter addressed ton �� ► � J E o°.a pp , _ � L Je- � p ce �oL -- r ; rya• rardi H A r+ 4 t+ y NI'W SONG 13001C. 1fla.il� ("(?Il1Rtt�tl.a. v i), il�� U it (lttee J)1 � 1lCo.l-: CtlluttY. IiHail,,Ye ullluuMtllt,,is:I ! 1c1au�•v)lu)��i't-1liaulrrtn I' 611111! 'Who four lit arrtl I)le(i in frtsedom'l� dell'- , (I f'`71PCLl.) APPOINTED BY THE "STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES," -�f" !; And 1v111'tt till' ,_.1finT of war wm gone, t. , 'Enjoyoll til(-, p);ace your N aloe won. Novi.Ai .nt Lwt llldl'pt!Itllt'Ilrl' L)e Our boast, Ever Irlimll'id t%;ll;IL it cost.; ��+y .�J V(�1 ,�y l•;i t.l'1111 Illi thl? PI.iZ', , ,., rwue' Lot its 1111:11. 1•I age' 1 the `tlt'8, h ORG�rANIZED JANUARY 2B, lf3 � `k- -- I l Firm, ttttitl_lI, ll't u� Ile � --•---- I4•tll�•i':'; r1.1t1I1! ;It;r l;' 1•f�•• l)L+'1�'ICh,RS. €I kl 1 i tX 1)!.4-)(!;c F.4 -liur't1 t3 Sr,9a '� ti ., „ ;t,;,; .:ll.s lr � .11,ll (,`hrurutarn,—WILLIAA1. NICOLL,.Islip,L.I. Gnm�► .r,� find. ti Imrllt.rrtal �t {'ire ilia—Ml s. R. T. GULDSMITH, Pecoule,L.I. Dtlmu ]'+aard(sn.—.9. Glen. P Dr,1 ulI �•n1lr 1i: let:•, t1t'ft'Ir 1 your slrnre �'rrrcitrl°y—Mies AMELIA SMITH,�'atlilaauk,L.I. DA>rit•: Darden li:ad fve servinn maids, Let 111)rudo Ile,Witll i:;�llih.us hand,(re' � �o o earrti,III('. Itlill;ing•pail; o She also had five 1:lhoring•inen, Invade the tel;ri:l�' svltd�r�� 5acrt,(1 lies -. 1 a FXE(`z77°rr if" co�urllr��: To trl,inatme the spadlh, and flail. 0'f toil and blood tll( wetl earned prize. A. G. TuoNtrf;ON, M. D. There Nvns -Moll and Bet) While o(1t_'tim, ponve, sincere told just, � WIr,LLt. NI oT,L, In Heaven Nve placot a manly trust, ;4IrZs. I�. T. �a(7LD:317I°1'Ir, Itrv, Tlutnt:*s Cane, t1.nI:1 Da11 trod Kate', Ahsq Atit'EMA l')NITlT, 13o.nla,13'r R. S:Krrll, And Dortitliy with a peril ; That truth nod ju,iioe will prevail, I�. H. Iir�NaA�urt, X. D. Ano Joe tend 'lad•lr, And every,schrrrw of bondage fail. And Toni and Dirk, Firm, united, &c, 1 And Hnniphrey with his flail;--- Sound, sound the trump of fame, __ a Now Joe kids-ed Molly, Let Washington's great name �oril V-DING C(�111�1�11'7'-KR8: And Ja,el,; kissed Betty, Bing through the world with loud ap• lop c1,111iIT'1'P:L;t)ti And Tom hissed Dolly, plause; (r&peal'.) rant C,•1„utt•rTt•:1:ONAndl Diclt kistteld Kitty, Let every clime to freedom dear, Adult Able-bodied Paupers and Insane. Children,on Secular and Religious Instruction And Humphrey with his flail, Listen, with a joyful e�aar. Fla t l,it..d.(;.T1111\tt'KI„1,('hallrill.n1,krill,L,I, And Kitt she was a charming girl With et utll skill Land r r � 'IIO1L\R('u1u.,('hairnuul,Itit�erheacl,],.I y �t, 1 �ndlilie p0we„ ,lltts.Ilr,alt1 G.sc uut':►t,Ituntingtou,L.I. 11'Itt.`1'r:�tt' I'ItC111:,Ituutinitnn,I,,I, To carry,the milking pail. I71e governed in the fearful hour MttS.Juus P.\teed,,,Fttl)luutk,L.h Pltrss:v s:,n'.13t1'1.t';w,I'ut•L.Ielrer,nn,L.I. , nag li as.i t S•rt:tt It.I,:tV1�t,l"orient, I.,I. My Dark.Eyed Maid.—lay.H.R.Bishop. Of horrid war; or �:ruicles,with ease, ley 1►u .1n"t,it VAN,Ilc,lt,l, '11ilt'lle Ishirict,I,.,I. 1t tri+C.tltlt,,t,r: rttt„la setttnket,L.I. t hhe happier times of lione,t eaQe. �►�� 1111eb n1.(;.��:t, Itt,tt,�:, �• '� '° MY dark-eyed maid! within thy haver, la `I rI.,L Miss ItAcIn:,,VAN,II'lliNv"44 ” A 1' Firm, united, &c. � ,Ni r:.,\Cm,LtaNt\i,1'1.a:1I[, ("utehoHue 11.I. Alone thou'lt sit by-moonlight hoar; fig; .i lea.N%'II•,.I.t,I Wu�ut.t.,II,C IC I. Miss SAit.kn Nicoi,t.,Will,L.I. Thy hand of snow will strew the ground Behold the chief,who now commands, With balmy leaves and blossoms round; Once more to serve his country stands— Wif I Alatl r I r.,:0 And oft two lips of flame will sigh, The rode on wbi h the storm will wb, Committee on the Jail. Forgetful lover! art thou nigh?" beat; (repeal.) Hospital Cases—Aged and Infirm. aI71° L:��1tP,rt'r R.��trtn,('hairut;ln,1'a►lllutnk.L,,I. ]Ill. It. i1. Ilt':NJIMIN, ('llnirtnttil, Iliccthelul.Alas! for hopes,by fate betrayed Bat armed in virtue, firtrl and true, )I1ts„1.G.11I.\'rrI l;.MInllti igton,L.r. 11.,1. No lover seeks his dark-eyed maid! His hopes are fixed oil II(,aveit and you. )Ill,;.JOHN 1tS.tt.'L'.( l)i,I1�p,l'e'er,1'eruuic,L.1. I When hope was- sinking Ill dismay, r at,,,tt.tcu,a.Itu t:, 1':Itrin,rttc,1..r. �IttS.L,:tctn It.t t`-1C,I'cecl,lie, IVIS dark-eyed rrluidl. then wilt thou weep, And gloom obscured (Joltlll bia's did a1Is�;IIA itl T.l).tVtti,('etalm,L.I. �IIt .'t'ul,1t.>s tvlu,,1ti,,,'he;tit,L.I. And sigh and sob til heart to sloe ! g Y p His steady irlirld, from changes free, 111I11thigtOtl,L.L 'MISS"'Ala.kit I'I5t%,°•Iluthobt,1,.1. If fancy tempt thee with a dream, i Resolved oil death of llhert fe Itt)11,;tt•r F.iIA1VIONS,Ynlchniik,L.1. N11t,'I'll(ol N,s,`'►ttu,c;,sc'tatlket,L.I, She but renews thy Waking theme' y� Firm, united, &c. And thou wilt murmur words of bliss,' Uri Tete(Isla tcl.]�V Itivelia-';of the('oI11r11111i'o %N-111 1w 111'lil it, �'ul)ltltilk tlti tt1(- I:1si And pout thy lips to print a kiss: - NVetlwealrt�• Of, 1latrcll, .taut•, Sptcnihl.�r ;mill Dece'llk-l'of Clic curmut; Fear, cults-Alas! for dreams,by fate betrayed, r nteucit►(,ate.,o'ellwk, it. m. VkHors who helve Ilotc hooks IN-111 rise tllelll to r(-cl)rtiNo lover seeks his dark-eyed maid. ettclt Visit Ilrllll• to tilt,ILi:afttttiuns, N0111 uaiu►cs,ages anti curntlitiou;:of those tlullel their especial care Those why.Inc t1`ithout'noola tt'ill he sliplili(-(I O11:tl)Illleattioutl, Ili,Secrrtatr�. Iicl)urfs I,t't111 Vtsil.ors i1111st he ulalle to till, ('huirulcu 1)t'the Several f t w .Com u11 or ijoo•c 1.11(-1 i -�,l' quarterly Ineetin�. btaltrllutrnrttets ll1 ;, } 1 O M. j(� �Yr�'�6�d' .,�'�r• �''” •�.`�d.'�'��. >� +,1' Esc' ,c,�•, *c ` g�;G.! & l7i C7 1,000 DOZ 1101 TON & S01TS' > The Mard of Inca passe Aldermen I d KID GLOVES, resolution last Fridayevening' directing directin the 1 fill] Jells, With 011l tl(]ll lel; NIltIC1'IOP til IIIV EllnVP „ y ,', -r t/ 1 ,j in the n,a,het. Also, (,Lo'l'ls fiLOVE i ,t�Ni►1 Iteveiver to remove the C, ,tai I'alzlt;r,. pAUNTLLT' &c. 279 PiYL'P(iN " 5tf S r., i Y.1 by thc, Ist of Mtvy, 58 �EC CHURCH _._ OND C H 1 ,. l�I•ue1•lytl u° N�: 7IT DAVID KAIINW EILER'S � a oms .� ht F, PATIN-Ay ` r� I I 4 �a G � T R A most enjoyable time was had at the dome of Mr. and Mrs. (deo. C. Wells on Tuesday evening of this week, the fifth anniversary of their marriage. Among the presents were, a handsome combina- tion desk and bookcase, a rocker, a rug 0 with an appropriate border of clothes- pins, a foot-rest and other things, some ' �,;,5• , (re, of which, though proper enough, may or may not be of use l)ov,•2.1 GO -1�0 Opinions of the Press. �. P, List, From the m I'Et,entt:g Tiotes, Sept.18,1857. Opinions of the Press. The .American Institute � From theNew Yark lI ralt4 Exhil4tion, h Hetet at the et ystul.Palace. beet.26,1857. I :mother curiosity is a cou- - The American Institute trivance that to a lady must be Exhibition, delicious luxury. Fancy an — ordinary rocking-chair, fitted !% a� Heft at the Crystal Rttucr. up as superbly as you wish, .. �� \t�1�a1� \� and on the left arm of the chair ' , Nutt l It�lly !' One cute Yankee exhibits a a flexible tube, that., passint, t� i hrounh delicate rocking-chair,the gentlest mo- b perfhmeS, �i ' / -_ h e,' `tion of which cools the occu- blows upon the heate,l face t stream of cool air from a / _5 '``' - pant with a delicious, breeze, ,` �`- Pair of double bellows under- from the ingenious arrangement- ' :heath the chair, set in action C;\� �� _ of a bellows. �lby the rocking motion that inay be given to it. In such a chair,with a good v ) 'cigar, his slippers,and, in the unavoidable absence of his wife, the NF-w YonK Tres, as The same kind of Chair is ,r k the only possible substitute, ��� rill what more could any reason- ��;,t ;t now on Exhibition at the able mortal wish for. - — '- Crystal Palace,N.Y. I beg leave to call your attention to my «Ventilator,"a new and useful apparatus attached to a Rocking-chair, for which a patent was granted to David Ka:hnwciler, of Wilnling-ton,N.-C. In offering this Ventilator to the public=., I feel warranted in asserting that I present something entirely new , _ and useful, r^. .+ er"� i•-t may `i t/S ,�Cz t cam7 . c '_ r G ! y I've been roaming. u W I'vE been roaming, I've been roaming 4-1 _C) Where the meadow dew is sweet, cz ° And I'm conning,and I'm coming, ` -, o i► With its pearls upon my feet; tr C - L# 't -------- �`� I've been rooming,I've been roaming ' 0'er the rose and lily fair, _ o - a g, And I'm coming,and I'in coming, k o r m With the blossom in my hair, c - r. I've been roaming,I've been roaaning ~ C �_ g Where the meadow dew is sweet, - ' \ '' And I'm coming,and I'm coming, With its pearls upon my feet. - r I've been roaming,I've been roaming Where the honey-suckle creeps, Ja H4 �� A74 And I'm coming,and I'm coming, =7-7 - i ,Z .-rWith its kisses on my lips. I 've-been roaming,I've been roamingC,- - Over hill and over plain, G �- a v And I'm coming,and I'm codling ' -- — ------- _.___ To my bower back again. Home,sweet home. l � pleasures and palaces though we may w� ` U 1 ream, � c> o.� •�.� �� ! Be it ever so humble,tliero's 110 place like home L1 w 1 A charm from the Skies seelri5 to hallow O us there, a Wlth through h,seek thh the world, is lie'er , �t: p •rb.� ,.,'ria �'.•r� � "` a)'R met with elsew=here. ,n i + ,p Home,home,sweet,sweet home, l' ' a 0 o There's no place like home. i' ;I�. `� 4 0 '' "� 44 gW on the moon,as I trace the drear 0 c� -fid, , �,- ,� E'' E+�•' C� O x 4 Avd feel that my parent now thinks of her E-� childBlue-eyed M e She looks oil tiiat nioou frolrm our oven cot- Marseilles Hymn• Mar . She � J ,n AV?tLe r'eorc Rr Dixon. tage doer, Beware of bonnie Ann. ,'";,1,t"by George ll'.Dixon. u Tl>tugh the woodbines whose flagrance YE gallants bright,I reds ye right, yn sons of Freedom,wake to glory! CoME, tell lee,blue-eyed stranger, shall cheer me no more. Say, whither do-A thou roam? Home,hone,sweet,sweet horns, &c. Beware o bonnie nn; Hark!'hark.what my r iads bid you rise; O'er this wide world a ranger, Her comely face sae fu' o' grace, Yourchildren,wives,and grandsneshoary, Hast thou no friends or homy? An exile from home,splendor dazzles in Your heart she will trop iii. 13ehold their teai':q and Bear their cries. vagi, Her een sap bright,like i:tars by night, Shall hatefill tyrant., wiselrief5 brooding, They called me blue-eyed Mary', 0, give me my lowly, thatched cottage Her skin i life the swan; With hirelinghosts, a ruffian band, When friends and fortune smiled again; Sae jimply laced her genty waist, Affright and desolate the land, But all! how fortunes vary, The birds, singing gaily,that carne at my That sweetly she might span. While peace and liberty lies bleeding? I now am sorrow's child." call' Youth, ace,and love attendant move, To ars! to arnis! ye brave! mCome here,I'll buy thy flowers, Give me there,with the peace of iniad Th'avers inf* word ansheath; And ease thy hapless lot dearer than ,ill. And pleasure leads site van; rD Ilotne,home,sweet,sweet hunle, &c. In a' their charms,and conrltrering arms, March an, march ort,all Hearts resolved, Still wet with morning showers, _ y n victory or death. I'll buy forget-tree-not. -_ _ .. _ They watt on bonn.te Ann. 0 Oft in the stilly Night.—Aaated to mz�sic. The captive 1)ailels lhla challl hire 11a11d3, Navv,ucrw,the tl;ltigexaus Sterni 1S rallinf�r, «Kinch sir, then take theseasses, Ort in the stilly night, But love enslaves the mail; Which treacherous Icings confederate They're fading like my you.th: Ere slumber's chain had bound me, Ye gallants brave,I retie you a'; raise, But never,like these roses, Beware a bonnie Ansi. The dohs of war,let loose,are howling, Shall wither Mary's truth," Fond memory brings the light Of other days around me; Gaily the Troubadgur. And to! our fields and cities blaze. Look up, thou poor forsaken, ' The smiles, the tears of boyhood's years,' A Sererarcrlc.—,u�t,,fid Mr. Tirooet. And shall we basely view the.rtlin, I'll give thee house and home, The words of love then spoken, GAILY the troubadour touched his guitar, While lawless force,with guilty stride, And if I'm not ins taken, The eves that shone, now dimmed and When lie, was Hastening home from the Spreads desolation far and wide, Thou)It never wish to roam. Withcriniesihnd blood his hands imbruing? gone, war, i i y &c. 'Once more I'm happy Mary, Timms cheerful hearts now broken'. ,a I come, To arrlrs. to arms. e brave, Singing, From Palestine hither �} Once more has fortune smiled; ' Thus in the stilly*night, &t.. Lad lave,lad love welcome ale liatne• Witli hmxlir anel ride surratulcle( , Lady y Y p Who ne er from virtue vary, ti' When I remeinlier all Sile for the troubadwir hopelessly wept; The vile insatiate despots dare, May et be fortune's child." The friends so liaised togetliPr, Sadly she tliaught of hire when others Their thirst of power and gold unbounded,. Y Y 7 To mete and vend the light and air; Away with Melancholy. 've seen around hire fall, slept, r,"in search of thee would I alight Lika beasts of burden would they load us, AWAY with.melancholy, Like leaves in vv inter weather, Sin Yin f' Like gods would bid their slaves adore; Nor doleful changes ring I feel like one who t:re:fids alone roam; Troubadour, troubadour, collie to thy But than is man,and who is more'? On life and human folly, Some liantluet hall deserted, 4 t Whose lights are tied, whose garland's home," Then shall they longer lash and goad us? But merrily, merrily sing— dead' Hark! It was the troubadour breathing To anis! to arms! ye brave,&c. Fal la. And all but me departed. her iiairre; Come ort,ye rosy hours Thus in the stilly night, �:;c. Oh! Liberty,eau roan resign thee, TTnder the battlement softly he came, Once having felt thy generous flame? Gay,smiling moments bring; r THE SUFFOL K WIe'EK Y TI ES. Singing, `"1 rum I'alestitte hither I come, dungeon,,, z ? And nmcrrit merrily sin w (!an pyolts,and coniine thee? ti�e 11.strew the way with flowers livv�,we lconle time h�aine." Or whips t.li nobles nit tame.. Y� Y g Lady love,lady, Gi;Ll:-Ni'UR.T, Sl:PTENll,EA l ar. Oh,merry row. Toa lung time world has wept,bewailing Fal la. SEP,Ious ACCIDENT FROM BLABTINo.---'On OI3! 111erryr'0\ti! oil! nmel'y vivre' That falsehooden what's's daeYger tyrants wield; Then th,. ise of sighing 7111117'4111V afternoon last, D°amiiel Way, of The bonnie,bonnie,bonilie bark! But freedom is our sword an([ shield, While timet;oi, rhe wing; Orient. was eit(ratred in blasting rocks for I3rin17 bark. ray love to calmn I- y wo, Arid all their arts are unavailing• Can we prevem hi: flying? y11, ---- Hortrun,�at utholci. lit c;harged, Before the night grows dark. To arm-,! to armns!'ye brave, &c. Then merrily, merrily stns;-- a 110ek set .tire to it and went off to short My Donald wears a bonnet blue, Old Mrs.Grimes. Fal ta. - ' ' A bonnet bhie, a bonnet blue, If griefs, like April showers, i distance. i'tet >t few minutes,fiiiding-,that.A snow-white rose 1111011 it too; OLD Mrs. Grimes is living still, A moment's sadness brin the charge-did not explode, he appriouched, A highland lad is ho. A widow still is she; Joys soon succeed like flowers, time ruck, atrd.ran a rod down the hale,whets'Than hurry rove,oh! merry row She wears a neat old-fashioned frock, Then cheerily,cheerily sing— , ing— ; `1'lie bonnie, 'ovinia barb ; A neater neer can be. Fal Ia. ill as instant au explosion took place) the Oh! merry rove the bonnie bonnie ' tlft�ets of whiuh have seriously, if Ddt fatal- ' i She's blest at home,nor seeks abroad The rose its bloom refuses, Aimcl.bring him safe to urns The scandals of the town• < 1 injured �Tr `i''iiy, I;� teas conveyedea+ � If plucked not in the spring; y' d tAs on tilt`pebbly beach l strayed, There's not enough put in her sleeves Life soon its fragrance loses, s l'�t:e;tiL r. %1=luau,', trot ibis °/i1!aga, Where rocks surd shoals prcvail, To make another gown. Then cheerily,eheFrily sing-- sent for. The doctor dressed his wounds, I thus o'erheard a Lowland ruaid Fal Ia. and thinks there is a hoe of his recover Her iibsent love belvail. Although she's poor,the needy poor's P Y Hard wants she will a The wounded mean bad his right fore•fngrr storm arose—the waves tau high, Her dress it never dragspease the ground Fly, fly all dull emotion, The heaves ran hiti11,the waves ran high, All care away we fling; blown off, his left thumb badly mattered Nor sets above her knees. And dark olid murky vvas tine sky; Pure joy is our devotion; i , and Lis face and hands filled with l,rwdtr She ever Sunda goes to church, Then cheerily, cheerily sing'-- E The wind dill loudly roar. y y g y Y and brick ; lie will probably ]o_e one uye. But thpy inerry rowed the bonnie bark, Norsleepsnor chatters there;' Fal in• DIEn os Lill 11JAlt. �Ir. I_taltlel Wn of The boiniie Mirk,the..bonnie baric Her caps are of the lankiest kind,. �� l ht only serious runs disttlrb;tncc.on l:lrieut, who icaa su Iiaeity inpareil hyy,the Theymerrp—n-,v�ed the bonnie,bonniebark, Save one for Sunday's wear. tion cl�y, in New York, was ill the r And brotight her love on shore. She often says"slie hopes above }�rrrrtature discliarge, u, a l�In G um a ioi�.k, ou - - -- - _ wind where a company of rioters attei!r = r, Br'bill, C't�NIs5I0NER5. To ineet her husband dear;" ' l y ,c the f.trin of- Mr J. 1I- Horton,at Southold, (�'_,ith+ibistrico She rents a cot at fifteen pounds, got possession of the ballot boX .. Ill _ an tilt!22d of Dec., tliekl Ak, Iris resi(lenei., on j,,n►tlinit W1lni1tting, Rep. 661 And pays it every year. incise the rtifftaris used knives and 1111cl.1y lust,of, lits°hi 1,r. I). It. 'hitt Sc;uy IleYur• 626 She always was industrious, i and the police officers were compelled, iu Levi 11ad4c4, :1 in, 4M And rises now betimes• defense to return the attack ill kind, _.�+�7ECi,?i(i 7��l5 1'f,(;/,� ' ' y l " ' �� , �, ;t�l9mhan, go one o_ the bullies n,'med ���>5 - —` e'1'�c nod o1d1Urs.neighbors [�zmess mound shot and I3 likely to tit,. [For the Suffolk Weekly Times.] Must of the school-houses look better in looks around, sees a little girl going to be SIR. EAITOR:—In the town of Southold side than their outside indicates, and stran- ,gin to move (or die) pretty soon. "Sites < there are 18 school districts, in 17 of which.Vers might think worse of them than they t still there," comes in strains as sweet as jack - 865 children are taught b 20 licensed teach-kanould. IN'ow,sir,I think the"school-house'' ;n P, b y als use, to the relief of the little sufferers � m �`, ers, giving to each teacher an average ofshould be, and so appear, the best and most 'o E3 � and—bold on, I shall go cry myself frantic, o CD G 4-3 3-4 scholars ; about 100 children attend inviting building in the district, for the rea- io o pa G into hysterics, and tear all the hair out of 0 °Q �� g son that it Ives the assing stranger a f' m '6 I private schools ; some 25 receive rebular in g p a g a-.my chin. Ali ! to think of such seats. o � � ;? a a ID struction at home, and about the same num-t vorable impression on the subject, let not! ,� ® 'b ( 0 ! mothers, with your sofas and lounges L El a, c o �. r .at boarding schools out of tiie town.l your good be evil spoken of,) and still more' easy chairs do thinl; of the little ones at!° a ~ w m 1111.n number of children reported b the for the children's sake, that the may love << „ C3 v sd c, p Y y , school and when pa comes in and drops! �, n o zs ` trustees of districts between 4 and 21 is the school-house, the school-{*rounds the' p �; ° °' mCZ ° ion the spring cushion of his revolving arm- L m m m mCu 1951, being 916 "out of school." Of these school-teacher,-and so the school neat best , on this sub- 0 Kq Ts .� chair, poke a flea in his oar' E•i a o o a probably 400 are too young to attend the to their homes, theijest, and these dear little friendsof mine for r parents, their friends U m ~ � e � � o winter schools ; another 400 have "gradua, and their play; that the dearest reminiscence , ted"with or without honors, v' 1 in all the future of their I whom I plead, and will plead, shall rise up ° o .2 2 .,lea ung but 160! hues, shall be their t (from their hard seats)and call you blessed; o � ' 'Q o not under instruction. All this, sir, to gefl school days. Whitewash and. paint trees as ,Q p p 'c m and, if he, from being a little peevish or "' m at the fact,' that Southold, with its two shrubbery and flowers, can be made to do c '� ° i 0 '...° -4 too m short of money, or out of cirgars, so far for- g y ° •� Co a newspapers, is not behind the age in the much towards making the little ones love;, himself as to reply : psliaw, the seats~o A @ �,•� P•i ci their school. It is outrageously absurd and �` ° m matter of education, so far as common g y are good enough just tell him if lie will o•o !C4 .0 •� � � U � � ,,., o schools are concerned. There are but few unreasonable to expect children, all alive to over to the school house and sit on one of 02 P a © .m ° H towns in the State where more children, in the beautiful, cheerfullto leave agreeable o v y g 1, ose seats,that I have in my eye(and I had m S H m proportion to the whole number reported,are homes, with pleasant surroundings of shade about a lief have it there as under me) and o ¢' p; m a !3 found in the district schools,or where schools��'!-'14 v83, to spend Cay af;.er day iu the <, „ << � U � o ;r � m �; m sit still there one-half hour. Ill give him d i•• m a.re maintained a greater.number of months-cheerless, dingy wigwams, used as school- my hat." Your's and the children's, al „°o. ,� @ H o o 3 C3 *in the year ; and the 20 teachers of these houses, perfectly and justly tedious to the Southold. March. 1858. .T- W. FI. ,,,� W "' H schools will compare favorably with the same ilttle folks for whose begaefit they were in GENTLEMEN AND ]LADIES, ° o '6 ,� .o A � � number in any other country town in th vented. And then such "desks, benches WOULD AGAIN INVITE FOUR ATTENTION•S. ,tJ A to A M �- .�te, I am confident, and some of them! and seats P wh 1 the would do credit to to a select lot of Stoves of the latest and c ; o o m H'a 2s , y y most improved patterns,comprising the p� o v r - w '•cannot be beat." And although we ha.vel the architect of an inqusition. Only think, .Banner,Harv,Orion,Sweet Home, � y o some rather shabby school-houses, we have applied six hours daily, 5 1-2 days each Lilly Dale,Premium,Our favorite, "...: o Green Mountain Rotary,and �+ some very good ones, and taken together week, from "4 to 21;"if such torture would other COOK STOVES not mentioned. p > M ,5 -tw m Pctirlor and Shop Stoves of the following list: --- ----- ---�-- - W Southold has the best school-houses of any not fetch any heretic to embrace or deny ally Itnhv 1'ranklin, Radiating Grate, Laurel, Coral a m .n a°''a m town in the Couuty, and I am inclined to faith, then bring on your fire and faggot, Parlor Oven, Parlor Cools, Fanny Fern, ;•0 0„ 0 w m believe, as a whole has the best schools, nothing else can save him • aching heads Excelsior,Cylinders,from G to 20 in. o.� �, o m " ' b 1 Also,Tin, Glass, I3rittannia and Japanned''c This, sir, is a pleasant fact• still in these incl aching bones crooked s Ines callous o p tiYare,Pocket and Table Cutlery,Coal Huds,Skov-_ x o a Itpings there is abundant room for improve- joints, little feet can't touch the floor, icor els, Stove Polisb,Brushes,&c, &c,&c, which can I t- A D a 4 o 4tr- b l ' be found on MAIN Street,at the si;n of the �� � ors a � m� went, and if as a town we will contiue to heads either, quite--back 2•esting against a BIG COFFEE POT. .` ( o o L � ° A O-Z occupy this position,we must be on the alert great big a on —hark! teacher, who has m -o a �� g a g y �.'Jobbing and Roofing punctually attended..0 ' 'p p . ,;for the spirit of improvement in these things been sitting on the soft side of that oak slab to. Feathers for sale. J. F. LATHROP. " � aa.Q o a, 1s abroad in this State and onlyb being u bench showing Tom how to multiply b Greenport,Sept.29,1857. 6tf m 03 d a 0 Y g p� b ! Y y o+ oM <D and doing can we be or become the banner 12 3.8 until he don't feel so well—knows cainpaign Song.Song. �, m own of the State in this regard. �-Something's wrong somewhere,jumps up and Ain when Johnny Comes Marching home." _._-- Robin Adaiir.-By�rahann. - u1d Ldna gyne.—By R.Burris. Oh,have you heard the glorious news? m o m .°3 y ZZ WHAT'S this dull town to me? SHOULD auld acquaintance be forgot, The Greeleyites have Hurrah'got the blues— m m c m o m m 1 o y Robin's not near; And.never brought to min'? Hurrah! hurrah! ,o � � a o � � a D: ° R �.~ D: ;>4 D What was't I wished to see? Should auld acc�_iaintance be forgot, They burnt their powder all in vain— -;�--- '' a 2 , z we've whi ed them out and out a ain -� oa •-' od ° '� What wished to hear? And days o Lang syne . - pp, g 0 m w A Q c ~' Where's all the o and mirth And they dont feel gay a a, ,o o 'o d y C11ORUs—For atild Lang syne,my dear, As the news comes rolling in. a, m m Z a) a'm A �W ° Y Made this town a heaven on earth? .� -° ti � y ~ aFor auld hang Syne, The old North State has fired her gun, P H a ¢, ? U y Oh! they're all fled with thee, -We'll tak'a cup o'kindness yet Hurrah! hurrah! m sz o Robin Adair. For auld lana s rue. 'C "Z °' ° e s y She bids the nation tally one;. ., U o ' '- •-� C'4 o What made th' assembly shine? Hurrah! hurrah! o .� o ai Cq P+ Robin Adair. ID We twa hae run about the braes, She's wheeled into the IInion line g '" ° ' What made the ball so fine? And.pn'd the govvans fine; The Stars and Stripes above her shine, o -o Robin was there. But we've wandered mony a weary foot,.And we all feel gay o ,9 0 � ,� 7° Sin'auld ldng syne. As the news comes rolling in. b, a o'~ c c What,—when the la was o'er, ' �4 E-4 p y For atild, &c. The Springfield Greele ites were sold! q o What made my heart so sore? p b Hurrah! hurrah! � �' Oh! it was actin with We twa hae paidlet i the burn, ° ,,,, � E-i parting Fra mornin sun till dine Such glorious news,it mast be told o o Z3 0 o m - --.__- - Robin Adair. Hurrah! hurrah! Pa m Q - -- But seas between us braid hae roared, "At last a victor is won!" ° ° ❑ m a o ` But now thou rt cold to me, Sin' auld lap s syne. y 0 c, -m M Robin Adair. g y So out they brought their old cracked gun, �s = a, o �. m For auld, &c. And they all felt gay 0 L e � a of P ;~ But now thou rt cold to me, , As the news came rolling in. d �, Robin Adair. And here s a hand,my trusty fiere, g a o o CD Yet he I loved so well And gie s a hand o thine; Says Peter Slack to Balentine, C3 C p And we'll tak' right a rinude�ville-waumh Harrah! hurrah! ,� A=• m o a, Still in my heart shall dwell. b a t' "The news is really very fine!" o° o in ,a °' a Zr Oh! I can ne' Sne er forget For auld lang y . o a, a C v'b d Hurrah! hurrah. > o ---Rbin Adair. For auld, &c. r o At last the tables have been turned— cu .�a" -I.' s 3 v _ And surely you'll be your pint stowp, I'llgive the powder to be burned— ? 0 o m x o ° ••�.~ DAys of absence, sad and dreary, And surely I'll be mine And we'll all feel gay 0 ;, o Z p o 8 eiT � o�� Clothed in sorrow's dark array; And v�e ]1 t k a clip o kindness yet, As salutes come rollingin. �' ° m � m 16c Q) o, m Q)E-+ Clll Days of sadness,I am weary, ' � m c �' S ° When m love is far away. For auld Lang syne. But now they hang their heads in shame, m r �� Cz Ia o� ��, w o Hours of bliss,ye quickly v Wish! For auld, &c. "How's NorthuCa olina?hurrah ocks their game, ° �• ,°a to ao Cc, o Vol w br�° .� When will aught like thee return? Not till those swept eyes can meet me, Hurrah! hurrah! 'd o o �Ei When will sighing truly vanish? Telling t t I still am dear. And nest November's bound to show o >� °' o W o c m ai° '� 2 Da s of absence then shall vanish For Grant the old North State will go— Y A ° w Id, When this bosom cease to mourn? y And we'll all feel gay °o � U °t °p a �, — —Not till that loved vow can greet x:ie Joy shall all my pain repay, m a, �, m ? �, When the news comes rolling in. Qa Cl from my idle bosom vanish g a e m o W c Which so oft has cheered m ears; Gloom but felt when lie's away. H a y , — --• titd Ss...mt- mo ..w�R .,aicaY.res.:s+msoaean c:a�"�r�r Now, I d(,t not prestMe that LU letter ^ •�; - -.TIT, 1, h __. K77. 11111 .t desloribed in tliat Pant-dill waq reeeivect�; 1 I at and delivered t°ro11I my offire. 1.AVaow it was received, 1.know it watt delivered - -- -- ` but of what lwct ille of it thereafter; as it is Llo affair of Milne, will not trouble you (,;U1,F_A IIMI^, I with ally theory [ may h,LFB an the : jset, only to r+;vy that clan see no reason; t+r,r tn+`rc 'i t<.Gf why the loss of that letter, finder the sir- cllluata,:,ueg, nwy not be attributed to ae- �+ Avi t`I �Ctrl:ti111ts�r,m" �,��►i.littaeal citletlt rather thlu to cr%mi11a1 design. 1 s' (� K1gnthe efl'i�et is apparent not on- ll 111�reo�'el, , l�Ia l Dl rt�Yi :—An article ill your fast ly ro Bice the impression that I do know' ; � o � issue, over tilt. ..tlarE. of ,1. f I, Gold- Clothing about this letter, but, that frorll smith," would be no concern of aline,was the circunl5tances of the e.fiae .1 could not it not for the fact that my name and Post- have seen the delivery of the luail-iltattcr�1 W e;fl5ee are made to soca a r.•ons icuous r=-, 1 Fy' P that day by my g i ,ant., ag Mr. Camp i:s l' � �1 place in its,discussion of th© lost, missing made to say that"11r. Clevelan'. ,; y 1 h�.ntled; 4+' I l} � ap � or stolen latter therein described. Lim the lettni,H and tliat Mr. 1lliut. lug wag In your notice of this fiAmc lost letter, cnros!+ed ill di4trillnling the papers,"� =ice 6 in:tbe :1fmLs of Oct. 13, pit. state the ,nod of i.,jurse roultl k.uow lrotllina,� ,i.bout' �, � � �� C � � o material facts in the ca:ie. I notice only the delivery, ',lnl d nic J C i I11i•, t I) t that lie 2 tiro errors in the statement' neither im- M til C) ga•,e any cah testilnuns �, ad You, Mr. H ..� t) l;ort,:nt; the first historical,Iulel:ing 13.F. ';tutor, ]lass: seen euoll.Ai of Post-office �+ s t Wells Es Poot '.Master ' the other t t'- , , ►'� \ � F-1 ! z + �•' i � yy. routine to l.rla�s that tt�ic, conttsllis of t11c � � ✓ � � stJ r>±pllic l Ilsirl:Y tilt word `;fortvccrrZt'r, Mail are d%�tribltt.r.d before it call bo de- ° y iastead Of cdt r•erc(l "to the cul1;loves'" �• cr_ r � IiFcretl. � r;ith tl.t_,c ett >ti,�n�; your st_stenlc'nu is � , r� F ; } 1 There ,are lltlli'1'ritllili3 Iii the exp!ana- ir, albt'it Voll bili ,.!I t the matter be- tion"1'i-hich I Loin oljoelionab)', but 1 frit the public at thai tinlc againstmy rlF- ' nv dislike to (teen } y'ouI' "tulle alld explps�.e�1 wish, las yon "fill recollect. sllac that) i 1'_' 1ll,f,�lass"tllcln with a lint With 31r (Ioldsinith'g str.tclnent, oil] t or two. :a t it as It 1'c fel' to nlj Piit9t-o iCC, Iii} Ir. 1`l,ga.,-s; ; ::For ll ore than ail yearn ;levo ttie s ,lila ins"elf I have, nothing to do, � f' 1 J" b lit' i,a l}t)eil in tate 11t)lt, of scildilig and � w�qZ O q� mV , ire info rills n1e ill 1 l+ "° -+ ' i l'i!�.eJF111 r itJtltt , tl,riMi'll t1ho 1111115, and a°o71 �+ nal rpt.�1:r l tl r"rvi sl —' Q fI l:ttil'w t'f'lllrr ;ntt. ;.IF F�'lit!1I1C this is the tl!'`•i j!'1Jt' l ,I t'.iilli';'t Cif lo,9Ing d NZ ! cr y I rc,ge1 li ]CCB the 1: t a r ~ w 94 m C S. I D k* Illiillt bl* ,11i, ri C J,. Ile 1. i:lllll�i M y4dpp -11 ) hl '� ty ti:a II:-r tit 1nipr ' ;o1l t11:1t I)lad no revul- llc.}Ing Inst thl )i�,' :, ulu u;h�'r thail moil � '�o°�� � � ,r�� az'. M..� 0�t t L a lctt:l ,I,�4 Ile atlt_i Ir. W 1 a '.illi`f'. t.' � 1 r q more , Z�„A � l� %fi C •.� eo 1 'pj h tit t'II'11 I mt. t, rect,nt �o,a,, fill 1niP1�`�.'t1P.t', tli�4t :1 �� Master 111118t m�MW r1 a1 to, m re, wo, I'i Eli' .`31ttin�, aItid soon � tit I itrit" �hi''Tl, � �il g m�A )'na,�v ,;Ili] ]+� i.,. L- t a Pest;gill Llai°ketl 1`i t r� G Ivll..IT. ur1tI tit I�hi.m, �I' ri") v t•I" d a �1;C!n I a�o u ° a a Ei i l C , t.Ylt for that Pori-ball ,t a , 1 t o w if-�tGr, oIIL II'cl.l, O1' Illt�i'e all l' lt�$ Ili"l1I'- "t a,o •cd r � W `� i flCit c,t I7 ; !] til' t t t of lllL' 1'"e IPtill e•`• c, 4fiIlieh }) !l , or clblslC' the t l ll i'I,t nn' bolt-I to fix the prl.'qI In tl5• 11 L` It it C'V:'S)E.1?f l' n)l.4<'I',,.`11511, and F!ft-i mmro - V '� p €' old iiot thele rt-'' �7 °�:.'a 1 ll let t 11,e liitilEt('Cllr! i111a�111Cf`9t ilr.t'1�I In 15111011 a` i ti's 'sl liCiit<•P IL l ,l.i lliall lli:.lttor is Ali il�'C lett( to ilii, parties il':`, �a'C p" � a-� Ep4 u . 1 O G / rLl, t r t`)'itllI ll�e tl r' ]tit,1'Ltlt Friday l lay till. d Ill t lik t;I ti': 01 ;1;? Noll Ivell etil! --.- .- ---- _ - 1! ""Opt o late tr Lii er T „ - t >_1 , t. � � ill I t t`i t t fif�1.11 111 t, li t. , , 1 Th'..tri f_ ,1' •h i!li�•i, 't w)a�s'h jllu� a P t t Ir ril' f°i t i (:(1R c.e.i lbltitl 1 t',J1lat+)t Vj f l,nl II 1 o t t_::l!l It(11 ,J;rt it::srtl by the � 1 lta.l Ih"oil r'•'li11;11 ber in, "heard] (,,IT,, ll' ihl:'f ltd`i �r !,Flt]_been I7.1:11'SI(ia u11 tlit list I1iontiUII,of tyle L.t- one ,Ill ordinai}' '+:11t c 01)e aatl inalled i � ca O o ter, sLtltl th^`I l.d w In"1)ioltlt ally. tll,lt ' , ,t: s:lid � ! � ` 111 Hie t13'tllllltrlr' lr)rill, I l it.11;IiJl}' could Ittt(r II'a: tl:'11I-'1'rC3 tti the li.'1'oiiil i4'llo :tvo 1,k-ei7 Ito t tftiiT'It o li it is 0111 t!lllled f(,r Mr. Wells' azl.lil, hit l 1W ln� �e, !�=nt ,.; ori � II`it I far 1 t •;.'fat r r;ltlt tlit (7_Juil' c0 h Ilei':, a:tl:r tl nl,lil 1 ]'rtt it „•,. t, tl. II'a.5 Cl iil'il1Ut�('(1, I' 1t'-I lit +I t rVrNVI wt i but that I ctlilltl not re i,ci { " lll't!t� IFlIU tIl('lt. llia't3fl#^.r Ut i tI'i((.11ll+i:. �1i1T1 1 1111 •% tlllit i.']1- ,i � .� ��� � T1 t rarsoll wa7,Nwhot16(.'.l• 111•_ t_anip, lir, well,, itl ed wo to l t`?I' 1?i`'+.I )' �� F�� C� linin✓soti, for sopor, u.Iier 1'l1?lill, � .awl' +t111li'f"J lli.'ell ofllvIlvi,t'' fili'n 1' t 1 "�}� � I ~S�< � � ��I � 1lalleuk:i ;1 1 , I�, to t tllllt e1P1111 t a l'"lIl alltl+r i l ^1 i E-1 O t ,llls.l L<1;ill:, 1 1 j t.t lit:), Ir,J tr a rood tl;�al' Cd y .M" o. L� W p•^ bad tiillE' t() sit Call ilt_J11CII L1:It ille C1rC'lllll lllei111:y9.' (]"toll )J1 t•ii 1'ltillne(1 \\ J7 i,llteE`S cones;tvd idi the tr;;11 a(!t1oT1. ) 1't.:=t i11ti`ll' t 1 ll lt, ii 1}4 l V r y i Gi t,J''4,a. •';�t7j•t "`l �' `5iC'lf to.1'11_'1 11(l a t(Tltll?til 111 11Ill�llll Y " ! ` F Tf1�(.t �!' Z Fva of branch til tt' � II n11 ��, t I t lI 4t lilt' �ItiLzi.l.€!r � w tt ill;. 111 til( e;rll:l"TC i?r'it i � 1V _ o F _h 111111, st.,11 mors but, in m �:xiefj� t0 *plat�tl,6it �'��� r l,agitl,e1V tllrt 14-areto I Lad rci�ei>'ed rind irliix;rr, )11th fnf� anst 'I `+ W v 1� i 'friends, 111 -e thii'{, <� t �y clrli,rie f slttl latter ,arid � >tin r submitted t i) J Q d • ` I ti tj Cls- Etas 311111111t,C.1 1: iC tlai1 at',',It)}'a,ll't', 1T1t,1 I �� ]'.Ills; ilI1e C,`.,."i ilJt)1:tPn the fact. I � 4 C- z• 1 � a to ,111 t:S;tC.ilt to iI'1'iIC"ll �and 5°IIt'; 111 �Cdj-111 �\ "�}y � _.�. r ills critter.,5,1F!ftl i that "po.sail>1� ., nrl other Post .:112stcr in Clic ),lad would o i Poo -bill ui,gyllu VlriVc without the letter , h:lle sLlbtritted Linder shili1;ir (I1't:11In-� � �\. � r °� +' yAl C El ll~Ilfr 11 •tnlouritain labor and a ni0iiso i'111eel4, for a luenth. 1'ai'tlt'4 IC,lFlnn }'e IlU.ii;" 11111 Ji2r expericlice of the l"t:11•t their 111,111 niait+`I at these1)1`lllell otllces, ; � � �� � �� V by y =' three Years, land Cr•�11". ten years familiar-or recriI'ili,r it tll:t}Jl'''il 0101-1, � G " . will j t•S' with Plast-office oroperatiotlst lire-Stant] that li neitllcr thl5 t t et'^ or tr,e !'. 0, 410110 to 1333, do not farnlsll Illy 1'EYCOlIeG-11+';t:1i't?;it'll; ,il"t',, lir will.] }1 i' 111 the least tion I'rit)a the first instance of the kind,royltt;lls+il)1t 111 the Itllttel•. � •-- •-' ('tett i 1.} ). l t intenti uia111�, wa�tn clna Post CO 111. 1,;at.�ullati, yours, ' `aster sends a blank last-bill to zlnother +1•lir 11 U�T'f'I"l ITS N P 1i.,to be filled up and returned tll'o ,� �� o cn J w I ,) �icnlltur ��Ituut�r arrived at L-�ustan � I arl inft,rmcsd that the Rov. Mr. i\ioker- ou 1 Glu;illtiy last it► IFut; flit \i.laras. I[r = C3 o n J Boll, 1I'1loso naitle i> fount] Ili the article �' rn 5 O I 1 . rvueived by al dvputatioll of !lig Iolitival 1111€1 ' �' under review, has seen tuf `likes of it;' 1 � � �, � still I tl illk it 1Fcllld be dilllL Ult,to Make l'tsra++uul l'ricnd It IleTalth Iles greatly iur -; EAC a r1:1rt�.rl co.ltain/tlg t+n11 a Pn;+t-bill weigh Itrt)v�ll ilurhir ills ;f:j;turu atiroJlL1,and Ile will --- -- A r4 C O - .+ a t`z i t;ll:llu 1115 fit ilat)l'i.1I dlltik�S Widl the opellilig W :0 O J � � � •O �' i �! -- I• . �n � _ ti�� •x.15:[r-kri.- , .. �� *. Down the Dim Old Lanee r t SONO} AND CROBUS. WORDS BY ELLEN ALICB MORIARTY. MUSIC BY 8,vEl LEY MARTIN. Down the dim old lane we wandered, One I loved and I, f Thro'the leafy interlacing, Smiled the Summer sky; And where some stray sunbeam gaiveed, Through the green retreat, Seem'd it like a golden river, Flowing at our feet. Caoitus.-Down the dim old lane we wander'd, One I loved and I, 4a L%` • Th m the leafy interlacing,sk Smiled the Summerer sky. -a-z L_ i�'l�l / �1� i � �2Z liLr-IL r�� =Z•Z.� ,r �?�!''2t Q� r • There the young birds to each other, Zr L� 2t�Lz �'4 2'�U �I And the d sic they were warbling, clearly sang, Through the wilds woods rang, p • _� � 2 g. /��1� i`�?9����' ► /-,c ff While the leaves with trembling motion, Showering down the fragrant blossoms, erld on the air, , 0 � Round us ev rywhere. �, (ae1 2.t If this seemeth such fair beauty, Whispered she to mo H ^ z� What when death unseals our vision, �� t%ll Must yon heaven be? r And with upraised hand she pointed, .� it� - , Where the holy blue, 'M�� i r id the foliage's clasping, 0 s' / v� �' I lit LL. ?�J Faintly glimmored through. •� c When the glory of the forest LZ�- Faded from our view, r She,whose soul impatient,waited, t Heaven's glory knew, Crh��I�'Z/Lf9"7i1 !�7L. L � ��U l a ._( L� GC�Gt f1� LX�#� 6x 11 Ill(rlt p�'� T Through weary feet I wander, gh the dim old pane, O(- ► But the gladness of the past-time `a Cometh not again. �000 Z �— — _ In answer to a 1 W ��` etter, the Geneta,t' - Post Oce has decided that the seller's Price ,mark on the fly-leaf of a book sent by wail, s subjects the whole to letter postage. !Wt EXPECTANC o ; � r7nsuranceY OF LIFE. - -- _ __.----_-0. companies are aware of the credulous weakness of those whose lives they assure, and R �.z ,tom rY,: have therefore compiled numerous tables of ex- pectancy of life for their own guidance, which are --arefully referred to before a policy is granted. ao , z'�._t 'These tables have been the result of careful calcu- lation, and seldom prove misleading. Of course, ° ° P w. sudden and premature deaths, as well as lives un- '�'L z-Aa--A6-. usually extended, occasionally occur; but the average expectancy of life of an ordinary man or _ woman is as follows: A person I year old may expect to live 39 years longer; of I o years, 51 3 longer; of 20 years, Olt longer, of 30 years, 34 �* longer; of 40 years, 28 longer; of 50 years. 21 w ��� ✓� �'�' ''`' 't 'c-'�i, longer; of 6o years, 14 longer; of 70 years, 9 longer; of 8o years, 4 longer,—Scxentr' c Ameri- can. .''/ ?mac.--�f/�MJyy �r'•L > L.c., GSC �?'C jr.-�..1 Ll G-r.-�.-�,� — ------------- :____— — j � v v Cd Cd O o o H 8 , •C Ff" Jam'/" G. (.-- P4 p v Q} 0 E— E-q C=) a z; w W �-, o P-, w to Cd to0 c� a o �° o �+a;��, .•�,,.y1.�1 _� '�'" �`` �/ � r=,, by � � v ,�• m cd � e-- z0 0 Cn m � � e Cd c. L � CdM o •s� o 14 C=D Pq U2 U Y 1v __. ------------------ Aix If all the P O,h wauld i,: DIA1=a�)t.a I C. For that lie, that dre(aryul lie ' e �c,>�21 :1,:�•:,,ulu�'ounF; Last mclnall�' a bitter;tii�la-� ex pnple cif i';ail xddphos, No. 5:}2, + ,No. r;;, 1 I;ge>wt=cacf, .'+,a, tigg, andt 1+ JANE JO�tiF� AND HER ll�1IX 11'1:11 M_RI `There, the wicked words I said ntYp. 4:(If I;rr;t:k!,n,;}setting al,xrt two lnertil ri Y, o my dead',dear A,dd..-t1d10^ � Itithts a n1olith as sd)d:i;tl meetings,it would greatly HOW cruelly I stl't►ck her too, bi Ild to the nlcnibcrship of the ovl-r and increase the attendance of Council meetipgs. The most All rit�l,'dto ether ill m�' d a��xrsg feature of ttae social meetings is a 1)c•.Irr.� I took a IV alk anlou;the trees, tvg ountest, intr iduce<l 1:)F 1'hilaclelphos, ani To try to get a lnimtte's ease, � greatly enioved by the+,ther Councils. At prcient ' Ridgewood Council holds the 1)aprer as chain'- I311t.Iaotlting, nothiu�;, nla(le fair�,la�l, ,B� piolds. Kidllewon<1 sent to lerlr early in the !. 'it!. All look'd sorrowfid and s:I(J. i�#1 ' at sraason a challenge in verse, which.was as prettily r )i.:), Ali,tlaCla,Mamma, rt tllt)il�lit,if o1Y answered by F'ern's popular Secretary, Charles ti � ' � All my uickod actions k.tielR', � ;44 ll gan. We have tried for three months to find motel to Publish it in full,but ourrl=:rtvc3":Icalurnus� � ] ]40 I]U UVC 101 'trot old t 1 rale airy- ll (> p - - - _ . treat did admit few s lines from l:iclgewcucl: Arl+i, title of oriel; and full of teal's, oNow,if you should feel disposed E To try a game as here proposed, I:l�l.. > ��fay`G alOOSC t.0 bitter tears. And wish to beard the lion, 1 ivf-l)i,till city head 111111�bb'd wid;p',%111. So to Spear,within has del), ��1'.ldl�,]icy tl�' 1's the&el.t]n�Et1tI 1,. ! But all in ,'ee pini-z ,as in i dill (:owe u at once to Clinton Hall, y � Lo � p tl Where you will find us one and all, �°;)::r(1.sit,i.'.;1')Iotlwir Jo-Hole r dolle Tears dice not viise,lady ,1nci w'e Nw•ill make it pleasant, _ A�tc1 So that you ivill call regain. i'illl 16111:):tn Hetitttc t!. �I�;(�r gi}C my f illlty leeli,t-,s res;. ,,Our number is eight ninety-seven, 1"rojn 1-oar life alloille! dt13 At,11 tlOtiV to 3 oil I Come,to O'N,'li Otir floor the one that's nearest heaven, ,.1 ,.',r � fi sS it h�cal irrlhi:,v �) a�)It X1,11 the sllanaelitll things I've done_ j Our avenue,Gate's; �'Y�c3nesday our night, _ � Gonne,let the fates decide the fight.'" Il It hll;t,tilt;Sober I'lidit A axe take the 1)al6shment fruin yot.. h 1-be answer from Fern is quite to the point. Will lar pit-:25 l-a us the lnora lrt°)'ltlCli SU jCtstly is Ttly(11.tC. Here is a sample: ti 1� i Inn t first i�cgan to d aw(L, "I hear your team has got it(town. The game,so very fine, _ h That clown and up they pass the beans s� �} GIVE US BACK THE TAILS. ►n thirty-second time. JUST' FOOD HIS MAIL POUCH rfProm moonkeyA are says, scented, 10w te>s n has got it down so fine Old Time,in changing things,hath not �it theev Dies ser Weill As yet the inattor mended; 9 Dcsceudant;A of our tulceators That nut 6-le siibhttst I)«ise ii in liie, Nave no s11c11 renes as they, ] Not even srnc:Ike or smell. Who had no rent of hOLLSO or tag Of Government to pay. g "A•and NO=your team our team wiil meet, , No tailor bills earnlo in—Dame 1`IaturA p WeT play in such a manner Clothing t ave-- As fir vin the hags,eat cite beans And freaks of fashion(lid not make ,t Of monkey-girl a slave. W .Ind carry off the banter." F,o tho olden Wayy'ti the happiest way; - The,new eonditiou fails; tl And,Darwin,if you call,Iny boy, RI Just give us track the tails. No toile,in out of bad had they, No bo tinix breakfast dowel, No hasty walk to shop in fear 1'! Of soulo old boss's i'rowu; ^ lA�p11t The lady monkey sat not up -. . Till clay the night did route, 7n waiting for IIIc lodge to close "$ And let her husband oft, _ They had no voted],'tis El ue,but they'd! i1 " i I No offices to keep, 'E R And o'er defaulter's cash account It They aever sial-W.w ep. a So the oWlon way's the�latpplest way, � 4 The new conditto&fails; ! And,Darwin.if y(ltt can,my boy, t l; a Just give us back the tiled. p They Lad no fal3Lia n's promenade, Where beaut y's fee ,.,..'Id stray, NMI= y ti . Ilitt t11on the old bosF.uuuz:key had COWIPATION �e Tl They had iio wine,the-x nkeys yotmg, No milliner to tt T roue ht ep a-storining Liv EF,GO M P Lel 3�'1" TllGy-a e y tyou.know yourself) }� A headache in tho morning i AND gym' , U A���Icac oful race wore they,wo uo'or ���+ "mac To war's appeal dict fly; " �" "' They saved th(reby occasion for HEAD ; A Joint Commission Nigh. A srnart'hr xaee were they glean Haat � Whirls from them hath desceudod, v And Time,by changing thing's hath not i ,� :r, As et the matter mended. SAMPLE DOSE ANO DREAM BOOK MAI LEG ` ; For the oldest WRY's the happiest way, �T NERVOUS ('�) t Tile new condition falls; ON RECEI PT O FTNO CENTq IN POSTAGE. A l Y T 1 T C B A C C f3o ease give if you ca n,ivy boy, D�SPEPTIC please give us back our tails. PvREss> COOL SWEET SMOKE AND LASTING.CH F - } -- t i t a. .: CO 15 i; 8too1sodstorebuilding now stud+'" - - _. �•` ` -'108 LAST PRAYER. - G 1 !'g loaf west o!Mr. Jennings'barn, has' r _ __. bib of history. It was built in 184!)by 111 ��I)( h w1.1\D , It t l ti TN n shanty lay a miner oa.a wretched ` emDton Yunvge for a steam engine _ �Y'aldung *fly the shodotva of bay. _ ebMag ° 8 oa the. 'I m, attached to the red wind mill that Drcanin�, where Wella Phillips is now _ luaa&Ya9 the lig Polgotten Seaga a drowsy ntlding a new house, and which in _ a. r \i'Li1u the sietero.Sleet, and Darkness,swift their sltnttlp;roiuul Lim 1 &39 Mr. Youngs had taken apart at r w,ae,1 Py— Weaving in and out there rnesllea, lighter than the 1• ersey City,brought in a stoop to Town minimal breath, , $athor, and !lusted sell in sections _ sPECiactEtl 51orc enduring than the mountains—weaving him darng a strong month wind. Steam — __ �-- _ _ C.tmtaG. the Web of Death. rindtug proved a failure and the l _ - i A671A:1fi1. fear hint,in the gadrering trriagbt,bnnteaed,ease, gine room was offered for sale. At the --'� ell __.,' I,.s uvad,s statist. RBzatiou of Dr. Frank Tuthill andSobhem,ntw like little ehikim. pus tell chap with Rev. Goo. F. Wiawill, then pastor of . . '"'°- k`''4p '�+etsy,ye !'our. li the Prenbplerieo church, it became my T' � 71 '_ ,� bi.n ,ut a careful!" on. Bay the sick man fles"ure to solicit the funds for its pull ;prcted turner,where another bottle Jay; t phase, and it was moved to 1947 or 8 to _...-G_.. - s,si -` 5ei, I:r, errmbling fingers; raised Lionaelf e spot last west of what is now Oak . _ wn rood, and used for a lecture and \rid. ,' ::paring effort. to the wondering ` d: gayer meeting room until 1871, when 1, r . "' t AUGUST 1''t,ow•aR e4Yr Mr. Jennings bought it for s meat Shop since 1 SflW � ..qzz Mand now atter some forty years it hooses 11sl it tbu incur'twwrld hose brought ahe harvesting machines and a thousand = c : . r:,{Ilt. iutd one tools of the careful farmer. z _ l I«' i i my rotten when yon Inv m I - e in the Now half way to the old Lazarus.left- , ^,us - lalogs house and looking across and back _ l•"- ' 'sill lsshand% when the judgment ' +':cud' from the street among the abundant 1 ,i:'. rr t sereuel but,as surn tie yon shade trees is the hospitable looking z c - : rl 0L617MG'r y. me of Samuel Dickerson, which he = ''*� �, , li nu vc ...q•Inwels ru the resurrect � owned since 18235. It looks Be ' I�oagh it might have been built for 1': t +! &•ru nr'wickedly perp!-. '1 twelve interesting girls instead of six. lenrid't I t \C ant is the d1E creme . tsf One drinks water and Ids° Israel Peo$ formerly o builder - _ = • .i.,i A,csn t."—[lima miFvJDr New York, bought the farm of which ,Its mite is a part, of David A. Jennings, _ .' and erected the house now the home of — Mr, Dickerson. Just inside his big .gale there was in my boyhood a poll(], whose muddy meter quenched the thirst .(]thea e in summer, on whichin' atAnalyst; ill Purrs. HARD EARNED WAGES. sinter thefreflocks of shouting childldren serine piano all a disliugni:.b,•d pert is, the -oboothat came tumbling out of the old break State at Naito,after toe hirth of his first child, d bumped aga, were out eras leather,stres ,,.,.,,te and published thus foll.nviug pretty f ooa. bumped against one another, maw Stara, and scolded when the blows of the 'a,. uhf ld, ..I.I St. I'erer eb.pt. II' bit th,i...•r.'t Ib- tin uta Qbr rcb in ISetgrilm becibeb to repair its properttes, lignumvitau ruler against the door case- q b.n uhn.uci,a Iml. :meal,Capt, ing, called them back to drudgery. .t rid.,t:,m L,w., ill,a Ldling starp emplopeb all Ertt5t to Dl up a large painting. But do you sea where the hands of :.tri, ...i.......r. sit bh..,,d I,emi'k abe Committee requtreb a betaild bill wbereupon the the town clock are pointing'! I think tit 1Oon,approadhed, uq• blushing bride t wakened[rout stafte pleasing drvanu followin items w re presellteb: I'twill be prudent to bobble home now, Arid found that AWI by bar side, g deet we keep the dinner table waiting ,I ernnt but this ll ask no more— Coi rerting the Ten Commanscir tits............................... •' and et mfr hair pulled (metaphorical. :' 1 r. 6 P V 'I'but when lie hnikw t1a1e world of pain T:o.bclishiog Pontius Pilot and putting new ribbon an his bonnet....... � e: ly),an I will bid yon good morning, If, 1 w m•q•his wny.lo that krighl shore, Pattill new tail on the rooster of St. Peter and mending his courts....... ! :5 11,d 1in,l his way to Heaven again. - It 5nro,oat to U an Wonu,nnddeemu,u llc pl timing anti re gilding left wing of guardian or gel............ .. Is Novel Ground for Divorce. n., , ei t ti.a bud been date'to vt. Peter, nn u,• \C n.hing ILe servant of thus high !'react nasi putting carmine cu his check U2 As Innh salves amens n lawyers oftlen "fn tl i I , „_•:> lienewing Rescan,adjusting tiers and ctaontirg mono..... ........... 7 14 ibis the pill aur,where people.gut divorces f" �.i t, - , 'fuudhing tip Purgatory and restoring last soul,......... ....... .. 3 03 1 I "Yee,w.cusionelly we. engage in that kind of buainc-w. What pen uta do ibr ymt,madam i'' 1 rill This,n Inn,it I . r r n �r, Ill iehteningnp the 9amee of hell, pulling new tail on the Devil.menet '•Pauli, or,P,Plotke to gat adivorre lions tun r i,q m t u„ u e 1 ' ing Ilia lf6 Loof.and doing several odd jobs for the damned..... ... 7 17 bumbled It { 11I, n.1 ,I'll", t ul i r_ rr sm •I, Re bordering the robes of Herod and adjusting his wit....... ... ...... 400 , r •R9tnt is the matter with atrick,nmdans r, \.a ..... u no "lase II o,. .ol de_ 7'akingr the spots off theson of Toldas.........I........................ 10 W -6hura and 1'athriok gitn dhrnnk,ami' 1 1 not.I 1 v..n rcnl I >.i, cleaning Thdriam's ase and putting new slim on him..................... 5 70, " !I Th . at bed. But I severely think that will be \.,l 1.11 1 11 11 .. n ti',.. nithdrnt cause. Muco you no otter complaint'r" , I'll,a Ittll n .i I u Putting earrings in Ramble cars........ _.. . .... .............. .... 5 sa. "b,dnda 1 lave,a , Patbpat bates we:' And a„n,. d,.vn o tit,: ,din- .cu'. Pulling new stone in David's sting,enlarging the heaah,d of Coliand ”Ye,,loss, I fine. That.adds eruolt to drunken extendio ,aul'a legs.............. ................... ........... 0 13 oe-a. Bot,madam, f t,o:.k Thr't i las.b,r In-I t I g' r v do not seem to enQer much I, .h l.",-t 1i 1d... ., s, t j, Ilneorating Noah's ark and pitting a head on Ehem.... .............•-. 4 9l m v.nr anranoe ony 1 ah-' crit ty. I�tbink 17r` I - i "I ra -I t t n, d ......i i"ll", Idendin the shirt of the nodi ml tau and cleaning 619 ear............... 889 T u realist hid a air gni rfasmt before [be'C.an' Ire,btu,I it m Ut.g.., t n n. g P b ,h ,viL' Rout von a divorce.' - 7" "well nn,baidsa rill that, I fear, our, Ihot t.od glaut I 't tlu.: I ,.k e mm,— pull ,— - -- . Tatbrick tqi 4;Lraa',fo neo•' pp t but eh.old c ,u'nuudn., till,nlargr. A Ludy stepped upon a l;iinan6 ekih ••All t dew,madam;soar Virgins to talk business. Y"u will rest 1 n+d s:e I , rr. s v1d fell to the Pavement with a Dall IV; raxGm have you for Thinking that Y0.triuk A ud Jay it to.rid Totem s dharrfe. is nufaithbd to roll^' A taevral girl looked out, of her, Sickening Thud. A hard-hearted Map," well.sur, I ma}'sal> thvsll reteaclt that.h.sn window one day, and saw }ear.ode passing that Way, laughed Coldly and s o euprong ru+pioipn t6d pethlis*ts:amt mho father brother out on the ehlawalk, W 1 is : •i our last shod(]: 1 refused Assistance. Sir,' exclaimed- Allocation his hands with his feet d 1 - up in the air. -Tom"she said r the Lady, "I have Senn enough oj"-yo&i ingfy, 'don't, Tom; Ywouldn't4tb4 to Convince me you Are no Gender Tom; indeed I wouldn't.' ',Wouli 6Y'ad replied the rude boy, looking mau.a "And I,"retorted the\talicloa/ a s speaking. with marked and taxon main, "have !teen Friough fit inapl7$. em haaim. "Wouldn't? R Joo on P J an,J I Me with a Similac Opinion ruocerll� T�ears (r3IM40} ! Witte to 91PH N CRANE N'riltat'rtViLAT&WR0"Snt, ttmily : fdatlll f'u�, all 'Melt'= +�, t�A�imAeat! Iftt�� ` • $till$121�tfill �#t9Eig8IIlflA1l5. (i ' iia'.+ilei i nr.A.Van Mw.......... 14,� gftnn Brilliant Young Writer PaSMe,A%, ' tl+it r.Van ek others . 14,itk , f\ t y �V Cxerlliany. ' }ac following it, t list iif, il]e jQ;i'I'+11.1 tia Vaiitllc�t» .. " ... W; 1 het r4tteslfn,a i�ir,TaFEhrr rc fut'eigrz Poterr has flies right to adopt active LONDON, June o,'--Ste.phen Crag• of t�}rC]perty owners ill tilt tilts"I1 of it-� tt,huWaaltors......... ��� • An]erle<tt] writ,_ - ti.Part'la �'�•ard................ ....... r1,Il(1ti iatt,asuj*es R!+kit 'Turkey t{?ithout \ well.-known r, (deft ill lIuratini~ti,n, �lllci illi°ir asst ssnic:nt� l'r:ltlk T,. i'u-Il,i.......................... J t \ . _ >vSr�,AL. ti4l.1..... tS,IMkI o'clock thTy mornil]g. lblr t.runt4 lt^ With tilt ex('L:'ption of the ii'ICt�C)i) Y previous ngrreinent truth W Elul rr ^'h l ....... ... ItNaIT ill for a 10119 time. Recently he war '4i 1••+ Ccirualiia Willets••.•••- 1',tk;il. Ilin rated tillage of Northport,Who t11-c lir.and Mrs.Jilin F.W(w-wl........ pecan signatories of the 7TreatY of moved to the Black Forest, in Gc,nlally, �t W.R"ltl)r]V4'txxl..•................ 5l 1,>aII �, ,• the chalige elle not benefit. him. .0 p liS`a Stit'd for CIl{)rc tl]:lt] tiP aG00 i]I] bo0tert W.t"it ht..................... ...... 741 .1{Iris. .i. 4'alfres,in the Figaro. sE. both real and pep—somal property: _)lr,Itnd Airs.Thos.Young............... �J,itN1 ,. received late last night brought news ht' t)oRPORATION's. 1I, a1T?rr l ➢Ir1Ili5K up the pL'rtlI]i'It gllei4" he was dy h1;:(, so the announcement of Flit rt AT'tll lr.•............. ......... b'a;rkal 1Tnuringi4)n(-ias Co.. ............. 21,0111 11Cf ••••• •• .. death was not unexpected. � Ji-till W.Acthar...... . 10,(Ma1 11u11tingtoll Elet•trii R.R.00............ Mi.(Nkt tl(itt tvllt'tht'r limy Power Lttts the ril,ht to Ilt.11iel italdw•in... ....................... ;SMI 1 ,tNl bully .Turkey w'itlicAlt consent of the E]tro- ' c ,,ei liurittttt t++it N.,l 13 steam Ferry'Co,(n... 10 kll . Jt,llu .13xiyli:t............... .. +,,:+a+ Huutl f I++Tf`aV:ai,-a AVorks Co............ 1+,; ephen Crane was born ill Newarl; Larurla UtsL.Ht l'iIi.....:....:. .....•..... 1K,(MaI lTnrif lit it 1.f11nitt r it-Coal 0)........., i11,iNkI PC-it 11 Signaltories of.the Treaty of Pilrly,and November 1, 1$71. 23e entered journah (400..�iyrn&4„ai........................ :f,:Kkl T..1.R.R.('r,.11t 1'tta)uliit',;I............ ltt",t t it: is o2ae that the t.'tiit,ell Mates would do when 1E years old, and far years 11(tt-d s Thos-IT.Brush,t7it... :,,Iain rt,�.Ita�alil:v'r.�. aINM( ChaL F.Brttalt .... 7,t;'-a+ 1�.P.Alling ... ... reporter and writer of newspaper sketch ; akn R. Armlx ll b 1 r fist .... ....-. VAN I Mrs.Mary E.Tarult it.. ti 1MNt wr']1 to(^oalGider, Hi 1i,laNi Since 189G he has devoted his tJlne chi--fly a I ri it Brio+h.......................... 7,2"1 William Mickl,eit... .. ulC t-ta>int,e•T TSI•tlztili............................. fi,i>ra.l RoTtcrt C,:tttt•r. .. ................ ...... ��,.tutl y y n]baril the story writing. ,111Na The days are gone b when ai fleet could t-i'vrge A..Eiruah............... 9,(iw l Tolall W.C•h€+tiler............. During the Graeco-Turkish war, at13 a: o n l' axyy S.+hied E�Ilnza F.BrtWi intolt,.... 1ti,101 liuli€+rt W.dt)ForttAt..................F... {,),IMN) sail lata the Me(IlterraneEln and 1 0 !during the Spanish-American war, Cara- e iuf Mrit.[i.:imth 13rytaut.... 5�t,1NaI I;,l.k)ytI Iiizt,} «•+:t............ .. iilNNl "litlrbarous” be a I fo.t-lih BufT"t•tt:aud others.......... .y X) Jaix1(4 B.1)fII....... h,Nol Ia(1SSP.A13i()n"� O.L asv-called S~+�acted fly war correspondent for A:11eTlr 11 till {I I'1(•Itrx-Bitff tt ... 6,{I!a! .T,tla22 1 1 '1•t r,t411 , i,INNI de t3 (}r t;l.tlti3lll» w'ith0ilt f, Il1L1Ch ah Gi2?'1nR,li newspapers. l>l u 1:ttlf emit 1 lttatl(*r ..................... n;�lal liirl, T't-lowilw. Wil,aoty.........I......,,, Il,lea y is belt novel, and which gained him ffin T7,�IMf Elt:nr f I.11.a +tut:t.•r. 1.ttk► +=Hs }'liar leave." Progress may have been. Ilg on C'alll It..lr.41........................... sa,{IINt was °'Tl]o Red Badge of Courage." Il�.rll`.(1Exr2, ir.... . r,71w1 Mr.umdM:rta.Angt*wt fleekseher ........ I',PAK) tic • Isc+zlxlarcl I;uxtun.......................... 101(wiii Ur.Water 1-1-Jam-08..................... i t, e_ I others, an even' JrIa1� in tlliri r t;i�e(.�t a� 'n oth�Ia� 'en His first bid'for tame, which brought l:ra Mary A.Cantrell......................... 7,:."141 Walter Jennsings..........................1(tljol ridicule as well n.s admiration, wa e 1111 Riet ,rd F.C`hrmau,...................". %154wl Jones Fund................................ �,tk>Il t.}lei United States is bound to li2 �nmia at- i kk1 writing of a series of unmetric.al and al I)8 2(r.mad�42rs,Clareat a Carman.......... 7,Mkt Missal Florenete Kauta and othe°ai.......... 15+� tcation to the llsagta l of civilized xlatit 118 aid gorical verses, which did not rhyme and n l�flward C`arIl........ 30,(t iti Thomas Avery 1,Rnib............ >�.k. 01 H+'ul y Y C`atrll....... .......... ......... 7"5Iwl 'I`11k od-ore Z. Lane......................... C kT i . `• ..,... 7.Ik111 to(ibs(.+r�r(."the precepts of international lath. which the use of colors to express en]utift,s (;+=ar• ai'll .. ....... ............ 7,ritwa Iterths7,yons...........,.......... (I,fkNi an morals was emphasized. A good ins y t.aril.aal,i,+tlltfirs................ IaIwMI I'r:ailk E.;irtl',,... .Delay to pity tin indemnity that hal; been 1i1 1latMaa I.ell a l i,'T..3lurire 7 tkwt people could not understand the subtlet: s Ji.till t.i 11.... .. ..... ...., t c Jolla,Ali.aiA Itis.,.11i-chard t':arli&on. `.wM+ Ui J I'' i I s,,itr°r}in .............. 1,aNl agreed to is a very flilns excuse for the' .....,. Il,ik>wi ht]• 31 ark'1� 1'ar,�t:�•a tt»t................ O,rd'Mt �' of these efforts, which were invariable•pri: _ t , sane-I 31r,,S.T.Carter... .•-• ed all In capitals. In later years he elft+ - i,t,,,i�(,t>1hn11 i^„uklin..........,,..... t+.i+wf lit=.fl I.�t.tt ,4 l:a(h:a2la;r Co.illlz 1ii11H). 5 atA+ despatch nJ an salt➢nlattlnt, and when that (7a i). ',';H llnlli t.'luiklin.............. .. 2'7.`,0 olmT.11iit,l .... 9AX) donee this sort of work, having ptobal y (;t•:,,tI ('1111(in Ml'•:aril 'ir lir;, II R ilidu on......... x+.(1",11 ilidt?innity oilly amoulltS to nitlety thousand Rt 5,(Nki ,dx+.(),E �,l(ioolt. ili'loM1 achieved his f)blect, that', of prominem e, 1f ;d €ft,ui;ht,-sConklin........................' .' " 1:,INN1 dolhirg the hullabaloo raised over it in the devoted himself to brilll,%tlt analytical ficti( 1, Illi (lw+Url c h.O'llklitl................... .... 1!,1110 (if+4, Shaw ... . Il ... the Red Badge of C•onraage" being hi�m, `;rltllr t+,utcliu lat:Itl otltt+r ........ ........ 5,ilm Thl�od(,re 1V-Smith... .., Fi,t�oo "" � - 1 law C�,Iikliti... ..................... d,ttltt) St.Friatil:i�s�dt,Iiiarltery.................... 1l.tkNi United States becomes positively Iudieious. terpiece. It was said by those who ought o I:lla•i>tatl{.'l ,�ralll apt... .. .. .....1... IY,Ixk) F.A.and S I'.Swout ................. lt,iNNt I The fact is, these missionary imbroglios know, that the book presented the mr it r.l A.titzlaald(!1t.T1t�1-'itnlitit1wrs, °i,iwaf iirf,.'javitir. . ,........ X'11Nl ? Ht-w-y If.Doilt" i..,...•.... Niotilill . YN T fit•i (it). I;,: are becoming alarmingly frequent and vivid and accurate war picture 11] the FI lt] Johil P 1k,!,., Il wal %Vill. 11.`I It all 1:;. .. t,tilal lish language. "Whilomvllle Stories" of I- ............... y 4 1 ,T,F.L.Drake.. ...•... ......:....• 11 4xi C. !-n t',. t til. ........ i,(kM1 C,lohnVrulianandot11ors•...... .... IMaf;sitall 1'+' l,t ......... It,a:,li trnuhlesome• life sustained his reputation as a close s: !- !U ;,14411 Vlr ,ll .t 1•tt.•. ...... .. .. fl.iwwl No one disputes the right of missionaries dent of humaTl impressions, as cii(1 +lees'a 1�ir,ia n N_-i ... Y b 9 1 le had sl °- Jsh-American war in Cuba. Crag ill I T:,?in I'(-I't,tt lel +G............. ti law I .t _T f a t t • alf�n+ t,lr.l'1(n' of to go to ail country the ch(fOsk° and tostoriesr ' �.itsi;.r},2 Futntt•ll t4'`�•,al� ..•.. .... ..... j• ,`,il I Ca�Iutu, lea tt_ 1, - `rh ' • , ,i,,i.dl C'ltitla as 1..i 1 tif,4• of the pE lit'"x"s- -•_ ; + ,+r•rn make a propaganda Ill. favor of their faith, fered with consumption for two or th. e number of short ase o ,I+ Iri;t.t Uartiiw,t ,.,,Iwi "act, t'o1C,tlt.f.,1.� l.Il.i. I_tf t .,. t ?.i}'aritillet...... ............. ::'�.-ttwl y-I1t ler l,uM;lit ll ltilc t!1 iIt»ltit �,fl,'" said Sir.but they should be ma&!to understand that years past. 1 11:w,Catrit {iti t'd.. Ir,,Mwr I'1 i ilii,,, l' (itsi kTli... ..... ;i IMaI('tli ("'11NIa i.1 1,lit C'Itilt t: 1ilrfigter they do this at their owl risk.and that they _. Far From TralaXuilit;r. E l�ns.N.W.ti-olltl"l.•}'. .. ....... lel.1;41 131 it ill::31 '.tt`,�i. ° Il>•,fII. � � r ,t pt i ILII yCt1.1T{ ill' is L. t(I 'y 1, '. bat is til ..Millett IIt•ndllr'6-(Ili 5'''fai TIa i'_„?f4 f? , Illat tllr� iiim ign Inst act in accordance with the laws of the tIl h,l.frf.I> Hk•wlett,. ,'"wr t •.,....,u...., Tlt,a]ILtt.jkS it's tk Vo......... .'awl Folvi.l. will 1tlly, no ;I ,i ! sly' 't Itlt'?5 FS"11YTt places they iielect as the fields of their opera ��,"Tl= t[1r f' 'll", lli,),ll T'fill'tht?�aR 1:11 4Vtaltitl'i� llewl(�l't•.. >fM1 ti (.Iii," l 1,llt !s+ ls, tl 1' tt CI11H. TT+• T1.ri '.;`li: j dl? ;, tat]Cl tt)1'1"(2-1t.S Of EfII f:lt'l.l!: ` Rini:aa'd 1ligLlts I111d otf+Tia......... owf»;rt: th.tt :•,.., Ei n1;Ili. ill enn tions. The ordinary trader who goes to tooth. tlJ tiiri,«llfeltl...:,... .. ...... l Turkey or to China. for business purposegl s, -as � fn.t a m_uth o. i and W.I.Arthur T-iitml ........ et,ita)tt:Lnl.l'ito it �!t•l'ietff C•..I tI'lait- l„ to i<Sa a"'a 0 4 mr-said Mrs.Jowiph!1;ti ltl.. fM{l}u11111 f,I + 'iI:'^ tl y L:.; its 1'C1lllllC s. -r - ,.:• .,1 .411°.('.eft itht)llid relies as a rl:ile upon his 8wn r4'SOlIrCE?S t0+ �Itf, 1)V r'�,l.l'ctC't117,-�'„ f'lill 't12,"ln.. To pull 1,-s ph Irwin Lilt!(ithkar, �wf tllvlr ilf 1`r T' t''llli t l,1 J 111 firs.William I,.J:aeksq n ,,;+wf to tueg. I1t1Itin jolws au(9 thers.............. t.raMl be erartltp;.tell „t (1.. '1• get out of any i]illlculty into which he Inas i,«, lily'? I'krr dance i:a crush. �3' UI ziaazilut^l xiltl�3 1..Iiui„ ,., +;,(Mail t"!i't,r all lir•,grf..5it+t«l�''trlfJ•, ft: r'l 1=1 a" +rials tray. lint; the lois<i(rnary, after doing hip het f-'.t the rub. ]!�{IK.'I�,wta a,zlil,inxu• ..................... :tt;:aa t J• t. s 1 It ^k. 1(aniti.,.,......:............. li,tWaa tl?.lit tt'f', tt' Il Va'tll)tilt, It"' J;,I 7f:lltll S 1`1;1'ill thI).t 1Ltll S1'11d1 )tt'onie-, ina� tel ` '1''' 14, "f=+r tI7.' k ! int..�it-ll ie best t0 uliralat n i`aith deeply Implala$cd ilii w`i'lled x�r: have ll:.tif dislodged the throb Fe SIX-A Mary E.J':nl: - x ails t lir fft t 11• 9r.()I. .lenity. ................. 1 f.+''+ +.,1'Ttiti. i lacy ttf f. -Sn.,rt!; is i, t'.!1 tla.E the the people ,intollg whom he takes lip 11➢C� Tt I 1'Clot :l .t "1z! a7au�e. There's the r3r?a' .. .. .. ... ,,twl�'Cst4't�1;a ,till t-ta1l,'1'-• lf•` cl.tnce ta>Z!)4dEad t rPs2(lctnce,and lifter 1VEInn.altg ca]tlnt�r to their, .,tt` - ca littNwl Iii ;;itylf?"' ,list+fit lltl.it_i 1Q- +111 t7C1111]+''tooth: ClitaitlTi°11tit'Irlts'..... .. ), wl ttat.t'ri t!.i 1 r tr �} '.(4twit v l:t•{1't n(.-r....... .tNkl :.,I ItT!�. I.T,I lift' 1�1-•:�I1:, .1ti 1.tti«•11 tl',4.: it ri car- traditions, (:istoinrS and Sllost cherlsbed be-i Fur Nl lin .l•i,l.+lel l)f:til' tilt Zl'hi'!ll'S tits rC l�tilglx*tlllttn.........•...:: +wwl(1.,r of this.,;+ t• l l:flfa t,,l itta.;;L bu }iefo, appears to think he is entitled to an 'l-he will qof hope deferred, kiad G]'. 1, W1 1.,,1.rail'(Iruilii&...... ........ ;"af>r!2Gii :a,� SSiIf : ': I,' ,: , It of China,a, t gi al, W.Mahtau..,• .... Omit) t outire fleet to supp(irt flim when he has silt- delayefl. W.J 4ftltli t,l; -... :Ia;,taat 1c,Itt«' l: I +.,t. ,c,, 1,= f 1'. ,r ,+i':i l,rs. The Int nlcnce of l.'nily! When he bits; ell i ria 4ay. %;Ojwwl "�1 t• \i'ca°,t {1 L. 1 It t llc- } it n tftlnH," ceeded in making himself thoroughly dib- t1� ►. IarS<:(dutTu.... '. e<. a?,lif1 tins t+lalli.tt'r t7, ;ft, r latrlr:ttf; 1 'li °ht his c oleins malke for one 3 i wes hie:lilay 3a,il others.... f,,rHRl like(', 'and,in.fact,tries to thrust his partic- � e l & I.J!kllit>ltLe+tCJla(lratati�tllstlii'I........ . ... l'Qwl tl ?ff"-in 1lt t Li it.l,6 :ill J.. :f1 ^t [ilii drJlliLr'? a Z.1�•(kal:le;`aIle otht;i'�,... ....-.... wwl€c:t tel !,t,„),,.1=' i;t; •It':.•• :!41.: ii ..I1_:i:�` ular creed droit. foreign I ople�s throats ilt 'Ti-s; [be fear (-if qo nethingg (It'-2I) Withiii to '1.T':(irk't'ttlli.. .............::... :,,ltk' i ,;t.a�' lr 9,i,, '-: I.b.l I- + ii; 1 :.it h�;, , '.1,11,' 111CLllgied, jaw­a broken root- MCa�II F:allidilt'�:krill(till,r s......:. ..... lu,lfwl. till. Illuzzle of his eountry's naval guns. It til is,l,l l�,j}t. E+j:1r-'sIa lM1'Ithijut lllt ;ii:;t t, +tf<- t h1 lxti,Lli 1 1;171:,x1 torn'12nt !sir.szid 3Ir». 11,ilip 1't•arIA-all. .... a Nal w�tlt-«lis quite time that a halt were culled to this i Ral 1, I hi; Very soul, that nlakiinq ':Is of The'it.'I,rt.`ti•Primp' ,an(I otil,-rix !t ,dl %%- t:•s lit t .1 1 :S L•. a �L1tcI h;ar the iii l�-t have 1t,Initlt?and t't.irneli:a thiriit'... T! �t6,t hrI tla:':.;. It r: I c; a :,1 high}landedness• 'I'Itat tl� to those rrt� Tsn�,ll' lint Iii'. C'la;as,A.ltittor uittl crib+'ri, :i,4lwi;aiuiiaalt?a to I�trelach ilt., gt:spel iarlla t) trl.(lttl•- Ql1 Alfml Rogers.................... ........ ..lNr1!mtnu tl1Fb T T=tla,If'a IsttisE sacred trttiiiElon4 i.11at What kind of a reception would he given;Thus cienti,tq do n7�lke r_°f>,>,,1!A!v (fi t. ) .aLLl stirs. lsaail llt,t(,.ty......... ..... t,,.kwl p T t .111, Ilf 1 t t, f .,;it lit a nt.t;it 1'tI t i t!+ t..1t t a_ Ilirt�.t ar?i H It l ih.. ....... ,.�Ni in 1 r� I he Ill tht i,nYted i�itates c] -missionaries tiTha ,S nd inany a molar-a.chin nlOrt.ai 5t' k th �14^air4"�112111 s' t'E(t c..t t. t., ....... .. t iWe, 111@t7tl1a3C,ti►131tt"b It'9E'n2iic tCi ilii;I t't7(r Vf t li,lit- t , _ 31.urru C•.-sa1,llli.<.. .. E( i 11 lil 1 eo to preach the religion of Cin- ' i his dont it wl 1±• tl• ie 1 r tl'ft' nit- shallld '. 1Yle d0 �''th courage to crel7lat,, Ulm`,311 11`hiulnil;Salatl �tlltt,... 1 ;0 t't+ t,1 <1 n i 1 _1' R, t _ il} .'71)lt 1 fucius, or to Turkish 1'4'l^o'ali'Ills 1Vllo should Jell'cl.i7C1 (ireld i�: i;:'. 11't IN.W.,H.F.S nvnl;•tmd others t ;-'NI ,( ,f> ,' t � -�� t+ t-s:iii,trh.” JC,httD `dmUlis.•• VI fq1 tel „ s 7-, ?.r,'1 h`:liS- bnllf3 n10SQUes in Aimerican-cltlt?.S replace PaYiLI)'ZECl at tli0 4T till 01 "T?Ct, Vttt1. �+.tllltllt 12lt1")Eltt'Y� 1 s 1 i y i:. a It 11t]7Lt ' I _T G'+ I'.1)I o lt. iOl i ' ! ' +i4aa T;+ti 3 1't tt is !:. a 1. 1.i -1 Til r' 1'1'1L11(:f our church. bell ll'it�ll their own IIICIOCIid11B ",'Not Built that�'VA:y." `?t+t Flat tiff 9 7 SWI 44.t iti",'.,t. ct f 7!`. ' ,.' f I:i f Xiakdonald, 11 ! �, ..•.... t1 7x1 T.tl i l I,-t r ta,' `",- 1 i 1 o i. t ''l,tat of tilt? Tl�lle"LLIII and try t0 Ccrrl.vert the ArueriCan A boy will eat and a boy will drink, ILaI A. iid I t I; f.:li. t,, 14 t,, u z 1 t l• if' c.r.n'i And a bo will play all day; 1,.tool f eo le to 1+tic]httmmedauisln'? !ins what }' , Itiyi1l, i f t;., lista cif 1? li 1T!c°:f I�"n(l,it•;.. ... .. .. III',tor But a boy won't tt•ork and a buy won't think, �1P Fi '1 u• waiild:be tht� reply they would receive to a Because he ain't built that way.—':hi�ago Gedkrr. V.�,-l.liitlt:'-. .. ti,111 ,I1 (..tttt Chen: 1 1 i 1. ,. 1 i' ..f,l: iti�., .. (illi tt.�rudtit z+Till+"ht+r: ,¢w( 1 I/t }'•,t + I,< 1 jan It,�ndtlFr.... wwi r`1 t, demand for indemnity when they had been iia girl will sing and a girl will dance, Wo Sow T Soadder... t And a girl will work crochet Cert B.tit'lt(ltit] shown the door? These are questions worth But she can't throw a stone and hit a church, Wit)LI f,• Because she ain't built that way.— Itt lir l.} T - ')trc iTxivn. t i. I:;awl r :tl l 1 pOTiderinf', over. li ilE � r A girl will flirt and a girl will mash, ,.A9)lit.i"ia:alit la 1111 WAh •lit?In)Wel f 111 1,.1 t* ,l]lt t1 a It(. Ill ail," cat4C. flak presentrllrliQ-AlI1F'rl(:an And ne'ergivelrerself away CE5 Cilia-,U.Smith, rtticatlrtzlu till F+t c i f rig 1 1'rince 11,1111 lint she can't scratch a match on the' at of her llx,.TI t tilt t,,tl tl t1i 'ti i T lta ii It. ll'ill i.'.: F,l't]- controversy is oliE ilial calls for no he111COSe eshe ain't built that way hG,,: Because yam--• 1101 1 ,."�. owl ,I a'Q:it •! I+ '. ' i'b: to I alit,Ix'i:lis,l th« :t1:1- l:s.,'o l.pr..,v l f the i = .t E i.' tins .! itP� Attitude upon t]ie,7I)art(if the United States, ----— —.�__ — 0 0I the C inese I''', nnri tilt State 1_ej)ftl•tA1lPllt Mn surely find :I,, I1Ctl Mrs.C:latluaritltt•t^Ittliti t;old cittit•r:a.. .. - Mrs,Gtxl.M-TJlt*ttnl i Na� `.file LudittT'Univer"ali1Tt Society hold�nioni useful employnitini for its superfluous Ilia apillull,h T!viw*0 otMm. �A At] k�l?+'.ping with�I:lta]t l Illi;tie{11 Lnw(tll, I Mr.sue'Xr-.Horetw Q. I y„i ,,, I eau gy than.iti.dunning .l urke.y for a.paltry Jt3tntsR Tawlctuu•Ixral ,,law. alt lfeatlitiiC Hall, Uri `1'hllr� as {1i'(t1111J ' I. V.vel ting .............°. 11.1 �a g I ninety thousand dollam like a, tailorar. ; Iia;<tiiki t W1Eli nttlit?. _ .4t.e:. „ itl (if Oil-!'41't ok. p a _ i ming a dilatorc' elient. et ' TI,!'i`ofit►1\,Llt�" U:L�,�, �.........- _ lay in Frons the 5t. Louis Democrat, Dec.7. ollnig. Y estordov morning we calletl in at the office . Calstapagn Sl� a,tit of Doctor Isaiah Forbes on alive street above �, (r The war drums are beating, at L fourth to witness a triumph of the dental art s n. Propara for the ficyht; �� tt'11ich has interested ail(' astc)ttislled u,, in file f a s `� The people are platherinr 1!',bnt, highest Cle�rfee. � i " a In streuat(1 and is might. laid,,, It was no a=cre nor less than the substitution,, Flim out your broad banner !8 7 by Dr. .I�'orbe of nn artificial jawbone for a nat � a a�nst the blue sky, X K ott; R >� With incoln and Hamlin u 1`111 One. The we'll conquer or die. 1 he;(.ntlenlan upon whom the ol;eratiolt way •���':�`:�£ � ,� • w,s pel'fornlecl is the RevJames II. Hartzell, of vl ' The clarion is sounding .Uk city of(,Llincy, I11ili0is• ` `� M From inland lsho' , r,,. �z Your sword and your lances tete, The history oil the case is briefly this: lir. '§ biust slumber no more; Hartzell had ion(' been hicted with h ' lei;g a flia bony to The slavu driving minions, y?. wor, known by medical n,en as the ostea sa.rconta, ti &0, see hogs they flF-- rad which developed itself on the chin bone, or the `' With Lincoln and Hamlin dr: inferior maxillary. Finally he concluded to-have ' ,: we'll conquer or die. �er;w the turnor removed, and made application to Dr. March forth to the wattle Kreider, of the town of Lancaster Ohio who 1 m m(: , r All fearless d ca The lStrength sefy ourlspirit on the 6th day of September, 1844,in the opera Thra�v'into your ar ; ghtt_ tion found it necessaryto extirpate the entire ? l ; With ballets for bullets 1'as_ lower jawbone, severing it on both sides as far a Let cilia be your cry, rad . back as within, Half an loch of file angle of file .... n With Lincoln and Hamlin � t mo lower nlaxillarv. ,t AK n. a l l r<K We'll conquer or die! { qtr � i .Phis, of course, gave to the face of the patient �::.s.. :.' � �~~•;�::.,;..;'.. � "rSiAl���v� is'UIIZ'+�Y NIGILT." v an extremely awkward and defective appearance, . _ �; This little pcero nzig'It be denanlinated a dam o wit the absence of the chin bone causing the lower and htunor,it ik id not too seriously eniWl;dy Ird4aiiz- ie+, . :."ing facts." It is true,to the very life,every ward and. arot' part of the physiognomy to fail'clown and backletter of it. 'Twits intended for the meridian of nee,: ;yards in the most unnatural and almost repulsive Yankee [arid,we suppose; but,maybe aclapte� to manner. Articulation was com)letel dextro e 1 Y y almost any locality. hi=; by It and also the power to masticate food. Spa-'rking is dawe better in certain pottiaas of the, ought: + r a period of four years lir.Hartzel'sudor a Old Colony of Massachusetts,than in any other place her .ti•. Vis,,:_;;:>:: xa'� in the whole world. In the immediate vicinity of ed this great inconvenience and deformity, when, Ice F• n 11yanas,Cape Cod,and all around and about the re- in the Year 1847, lie plad himself under the ._,. .,. c gion of the Old Oak Swamp Meeting House,in the (cerr htln(ls of that rer�oNvnecl.find skillful dentist, II11Ilehen of the city a• r• " � � a . -, lonntg of Bristol,it' abaolutel reduced to a science; y of Wheeling,Virginia., w110 for,there they not only court,but afterwards indulge lB Gr= o- - • i r s lno,t in�c,siousiy coutrlvl,d'a substitute for the. : :• # , > ��°,, � ��� � �� -�� „�� in elle innocent delights of"bundlingi" And what is hair' + bjwdlin ? 'Tis a way the have in 11anas and the missing jaw, of gold plate, which beim furnished s S' y lr tc. with teeth and fitt}ng the cavity left by the re old Oak Swamp neighborhood! Alter the happy pair nloval of the hone, restored to the patient the ?: £ ' x r 1 ' have courted till the old family clock strikes one,Jon- ha and masticate CCC. :=:?:�:<;,�:'>`>>� : .. � athan and Betseyfiundle: Jonathan pulls off 11i13'c Uat powa�r b �)th to sl)cak cli5tinctIy ? :. z .;.;:.:::::.::>t::;.:'. 118 t11F >::. K .„>:1 ---- - - :..•„.::::.x.:3{t::;::r::•::. :•::,:.,;:;.::::;: fr n. ;:::;.::..,, ,-0�- and waistcoat,but keeps his breeches on,buttonedp f :?:: >` tight; Beteey takes off'her down,puts an ller night kinds of food. a ,t, r std: x �3 �f cap,but keeps on her petticoats,and with Jondthan, te8iet Thecase was rel)orreii ill dei- lies down on the outside of the bed. And they"don't 1 tal journals as a great triumpli, and a tilt' only `3 do xorsri�li lr.s> ” And that is bundling. Ign'tit ih operation of the hll,d everI)erformed. :A.J{R< x very interesting? We once heard Bider Joseph Goff, opo' The artificial jawhune thus iittroduced`into the Y` paswr of the Old Oak Swamp congregation,preach � M "'`" ver`� �' r , 4:: l; an the subject. It derived its mouth of Mr. H. has served hire a good purpose ��s� x}. ��{ > �.� �'poalar sermon � u c t � s origin,he said,from 3oseph and hfary of Nazareth, t until the present time i Iutterlc', however, than- grid wA'cording to Scripture under the earliest Chris-. CS 111 the Lltislles alaCl niilS(l('S•Uf 1115 tnl)ltt.11 has }.},`k•, �# g c I; tiara dispensation. rendered it very defective and tllinost usele>s. :. ..,: ,K:::•v;K ,- ' �'. :iP9R8ING 9ZiIvL)AY MIGHT. _ • If ., About three wi;el:� aR0 lie IS'aS 11IQ11ct'd t0 AillilOrMLY MECRM.D TO THOQ>C THAT ARA G IIf[i1; •�. srtlr call upon Dr. Forbes, Of Our city,t0 learn whetil- Sitting in a corner, �•� er or i)ot fill improvement illi l,t be milde which o,3aaunaayeve, would cause 1►iut less pann anli ni0re cotupletely With a taper finger ).sating on your sleeve; i Starlight eyes are casting answer the purposes designed to be accomplis}l THE OLD HUNTINGTON 12. E. CHURCH AND THE N1J�V, On yourfacat}3eirlig}3f; I:' ed. ,n' '4) U _ 0 U —�, Bless fuel this is pleasant— Dr. Forbes undertook the case and on rester �' - >~ "^o r �' Sparking Sunday night" f ' o a� o v n p, o How your heart is thumping day we sate lir. Hall'tzCll lvitil the Old plate and o ID "Cl >~ o a •--o �, .� 'f�ainetyour Sunday vest-- 'ith:. teeth of Dr. Hullellen ill his hand, aad the en- � � �' `"-� �' 0 � ° � � vA� o � How wickedly}tis working o ~" c' ami 3 � 'ti o r rd-C o Oa this day of rent! tirely new and ori-inaliy-eaustructed substitute �. .- ° Y I3ouxs xoom but minutes, _ �, �_ �. ' us of lir. Forbes In cd Ills il]Outll• w �^� " �, ,�. > .c -� s� ° `" C`'" As theytal;a their flight, d o �, 4) tzA a> > Bless 3nel ain't it pleasant— The artiftlial 111w-bode 110%,Con,p}etely fills the cz o � � v..� o n � � �� � L � � � � Sparking Sunday night? InOUtti Snpl)heS the W(Ah alit�givim, c 'r3 D&d and Vaniare gleeping , r all t11[ ilflt- y, „ A -d c3 y N On their peaceful bed, Ural pl'Ot111tteL'l'e nns.l ftllftleSS t:)the Clllii I.)reservt:S Q y >, m N of �y r p �„ Dreaming of the things the perked contour Of the fZiLT. The p;l t.[elit,ae w �; O L " y o (n �-i °.0 � V c['lhe folks in meeting�sat+i: t1. C c� Love ye one another, 80011 as L}le Id kte Nvas lnsertedt, could arttcUla)te u u o o'd ~' `" 3 Ministers recite; !Il is!;. o v,� N X >. v v v '' BIess mel Dox'T vro do it— with dlStt[!!',ttICSS, wllc.l'caS at the 1[1SCrt1011 Of the x ` y,� 3 '> n Sparking Sunday night? i" SllbSClttlte 1)S' Dl' l�nll+'Iteli, hC ('Utiltl LlOt sl)cal;IQ 5 nA a� Lf, , .. >• � One arm with gentle pressure I' for a week or tell &I vs• O e' +� ° n ?� Lingers round Ler waist; tn_1Z You egaeeae her dimpled hand, Neither could he, 41ee)witll the old late in his - to u �_ " '" u �A '' si -tier outing lis you taste: l W ° a .� GA r '' U'� i y cti pouting y Ii.. MoUtll ft:�1'a 1011! tulle, Gut with the, slew �111t' 1!C _ � � � `� � � o ,>~ ° > � a a� °+. 0 > + :;13e freely slaps your face, o o �. tl a� ° a� �.. al o But more in love than spite: finds no difficulty at all. F' '° `' o �, �' v o „ y o o o.� '' o p U S�arkiu e Sunday 3u p ht?ant Dr. Robert 19. Gralianl,8r1 5 the herald w!I ` �, Ln ct -� >'`, c .c' r'� 3 o ~U °`" y g S' ' L c) 0 3.�' '� �,,, o o �' © But hark,the cIoek is etriking; was convicted in this eity, about a year a_?'0, of'� v.f ,[ 3 � C L y It is t�O o�clock,T suumi • -� -a 0 U 0 3 5 w a 0 m As sure as 1 ru:t sinner, ' dow l;illin' lir. Loring, in a persollal rencuutre, at p f � � ; �.� ¢ W�., ¢ � togsot , ---- _ e You ashmgith spiteful accents, is tsse 5t -Nicholas Hotel, the facts and c ircunlsta11- The private Roller Skating class which has been! And If"th:at old clock right,"},ander if IT ever ees of which are doubtless fresh in t•}ae reeollec-! formed in this village,now numbersabout twenty Snarled on Sanday night, e'i'"`'` members and a few more will be admitted. on 1 Ona,,two,three sweet];Tes— tion of our rpader�, was pardoned yesterday', by Tuesday evening of each week, they meet at the Four,eve,six you]look; Gov Chirlc. Ill health, of in agur'si voted eh:,r_ Assembly Rooms for practice. The rink,under the But,thinking that you row her, Give back those you took: deter, ~Which tlireatelied the life of the I)oCt,01' management of Shadbolt&Rogers, bide fair to be Then,as for home you hurry, a popular resort durin the coaling winter,—Hun- Fron3 the fair ones sight, i• and lha'. S01L(•iLtaClo�,S Uf il)all�' pl'1'�Oti' holding;• clic tington Bulletin.-.l�' __...... Don't you wish kacatDArWas hi�,'ile:�t 0flicttll and social positi0us, rare the i•ca- --__. --____.__-' Only Sunday night? i 80118 assigned for this exercise 0117 the eseetitive t. cleulenev. TINCrIs 01ISFIRVXTIONS. It is a fact that the only tariff that it.is a fact thtf,, notwithstanding > >= 00,11(i possilly affect the matter of this confoosed lack of kiti(Itergarten AMIL. .fid IIne to Ilia ti near wbau conaden a wOuld.be one abouRO t TPAw 0011 advantages and a suggestive nfamil 'nous voters uluat decide wags To fall in witla the crowd on foot-, Stories high PlAcl UP)n imported la- jarity with straight-forward methods Or i u theiefe-cart ride. bor. on the part of these Republican vo- whi walking oan't I)e bad tars, the secret ballot system has e1all(I leads the way, it is a fact that this kind of tariff 44 t1l" lore Ctev OUS come to Stay. V) If ally o1w prefers to ride wqllti be so widely open to vari So one can say him nay. and weighty objections as to rend®r It is a fact that the vote of the peo. r O� And yet it may not,bg amiss alteration hi,-, 4mble. plc at the coming election ought to To offtor Burne advice, its olvr Ily impyacti "I Auji call attention to the Ail- It is&fact that while the tariff has be taken as an expression of public Ly qnalitiss of ice, nothing to do with tlie actual rate Of OPIUM on the subject of the tariff. 000� V) And also aodto remark that ivben increases the it is a fact that after the 8th of i ay is O'er, wages, it necessarilyyNoNember next,when a majority of Tbe riders in that(art will feel Z cost of living hot only cold,but sore. It is a fact that this increase in the the people have voted in favor of tar- iff reform, the Republicans v ill un. co It is a fact that this great and glo. at of living has practical 7 the same doubtedly attribute their defeat to elywt as a reduetion of wages. rious country has been prosperous un prevail I t a the density of the ignorance der Republican rule, It is a fit et that if this were no ing among the Democrats. It is a fact that such could scarcely filet a larger Buruber of skilled work- he otherwise considering our vast ex- men from free trade England would It if;a fact that, in view of the fact w LLJ appear upon these hospitable shore. that this is said to be a"Campaign of tent uf territory and wonderful uat- Education," any such inference on 6.".J U ural advaiitages. It if;a f act that many protectionists LU eutly oblivious to the filet the part of the Republicans would be 0! It is a fact that an indiv-idual may are RPI'Rr as cruel as a barbed-wire fence. 0� prosi*r uu an annual income of a that Oermany, France and Italy are r. It is a fact that when you are C) thousand dollars, or more, highly protected countries- "talking politics"it is injudicious to ('� I U I: -it is a fact that this oblivioulineSS it It is a fact that this individual,-not- t call your opponent a fool. yyjav be timounLed for frow the fact wMetanding, hj-,i prosperiky, would tha t the Republican preris rarely calls It is a fact that, although your es- P V*reganied as sometbing akin to a It of his mental calibre may be flA if lie 81ILtUld stubbornly refuse to attention to the ftWL 0 Ara 0 rooted in cold filet the establishment 0 M Q ;4 r?Z ;.., 0 ancept an additional thousand or so P4 — in It is a fact that the condition of of the fact cannot materially affect I a a) 23 On t1e prround that it would be bet- tile workitig class in over-crowded the issues of this campai&a. %� t 0 0 E- ter to "let well 01.1ough alone." N 0 H England,as o)wpared with thikt of It is a fact that, in the disCUSSIOn oW bD W Cc) It ie a flat t tiatif (our local mar. t $4 0 :5 V1 the same classes in protected coun- of political questions, a Republican is cLafits %yere to adopt the Republican Z4 0 nZ tries, is suggo8tive of the blessings of prone to base bis argument UPOD Q �i (1) ;3 ititta of prate tion and out off ct)m- Z .0 Cl free trade,oven as the fading of the statements that have appeared in his 4Z U Wercial telttlons with the Beighhor- (1)03 Q 17Z stars at sunrise is suggestive of the party press. .0 — 0 Sa W V (D 0 Mg villages and --ut-1ying farnihig labs of the d it It is a fact that these statements 0 tll� 2 1'�, 111111u,"to pros- it is a fact that many a fact that are often so at variance with facts 4.2 per, but t y a iioinc%N at limited ex- beam the trade-raark of some Protee- that Lave come under the personal *a D, tivalt. rn -9 0 tion fact factury is pretty sure to rip observaticti of his Democratic oppo- -W "Z cc 4) A -14 To It is h fact, that.if wagofi have tri whoa being tithed to the subject U11- neat as to overwhelm the latter with P. 03 0 0 tailled a high altitude by innards (if P. 81 der(1190110141011. aBlonisbment and confusion. "a ro 0 0 the 1roo8tiug powers of the Mo Kiii. 0 -;1 M FO CS W 0 It is a fact,that many a fact is des- It is a fact that this astonishment CS be ;01 ley tariff, the elevating lifts lxwu done CS tined t�)retuain unheeded by the and COIJUSIOU are liable to be con" m Q W., tint Aitenta t iously m to escape the 0 -*a votoes of that narrow-chested,weazen- founded with ignorance and supersti. notied Uf the reeipi#nts. 1-93 01 .0 14 0 f4cotl, of coked-bac old goddess of tion. It Is IL fact t1lat the r,.Ze of the tar- Prot4-w!ion. 0 P. A Z ill has nothilig to) do Will!) tho dimull- It is a fact that an old gentleman '0 rids of vvaoes. L, is a fact that dila withered old of my acquaititance absolutely re- 0 Ur feniple may have seen the tiwe when fused to credit the report of a railroad (Z) 4 ^'k .,-04 It is a Met t1at the ui.itler of wages ® 10 00 <D she was Young and fair to look upon aceideut for the reason that be bad U eiipw4ly oul4act to the inexomble. 0 :5 4C V UT. ce -a good mother and an efficient carefully read his Republican "news 0 0 0 r. law of supply and demand. sa 0 housekeeper- this was so long paper"and found no mention of the .�p c oz 0 T CS -: N� ri) P4 T" It is a fact that our coal Barons, P ago that the fact cannot be regarded fact. t�c- Z: P4 t 0 Iron and Steel Monop4dists, Shoddy a as a reasonable excuse for her offi- It is a fact that many of Itements 4°'a Ce e Aiuufacturers ani-A Tin Plate burti- 0 b -Z P. ciousness at this stage of the nation's that appear frons time to time in the t V bugs are not goingr to )f--q more than >1 growth. Q ac aforementioned paper,and also in the 0 the market price fur labor. W It is u fact that Republican jouyll- columns of its satelites, are well cal. 0 A'L' W_. It is it fact that this market price q) als have attributed the unsatisfactory cul-L",ted to paralyze the hrgUment of cs Wul coutititie to be regtil:tted entirely g to conduct of their voters at cortain re. the Democrat who has nothin :I 'I by the supply of labor, without re- F C1 4�ent elvetiOl's to the complicatj()Ds back him up but cold facts. 1 0 P 0 gard to the profits malizNl by thesox W and restrietiOtlb obtaining tinder the It is a f act that it would be a beau- A new ballot law. ." tiful illustration of magnanimity if 0 ce 7= -C It is a fact that "Proteeti.m" has It is 41 co fact that, if SUP), is the ease our loaded if not oviirloaded, Repub- P4 CS CD r4 12 'T — — _!,� . 'd he fact will have sk teric 4-;� 4� bown Br)evi;]"Ueo of its ability ti� th� 3 JenqT to un- lican friends would Occasionally ex- f"c creato a deianud for labor in exee!is U C.) I t140 011till, thitt the Republican teid a measure of that,charity which - 4� i 11 of fte Supply, 2 4, !;arty Ofik"ye A inoliopoly of our con, undoubtedly "beginueth at home" Cd 0 i It is it fact that it will 116VOT 1,40 111fil-I sti,,wk of int.t1ligplice and eduwt. unto their Democratic brethren, on er tion, to may nothing of honef; a able to do 84) wit le alli.J_*rtS ftre Opeu t eas ty. the grounds hereinbefore set forth. to imilli,rriLtI(JU, 111r. :+c•�,r�alt'tA�K ?'it►c'e't;)l,. thus fur huccee'ded admirubl}•, 11,u l��licll- 'f *` A L LI A 1,>L H The long expected speech of ()ur Senator, live has luug been tinder t heir tiwily,,uul nt�wv - P it 0 . )i 4`4 11 r 74 r wastle+livered till NVedliambly oflwit ti5•eek,and the Judicial departriout hili bact�tllu so prur;- FOR SAL", . r FI1lco that time it !itis beell CQilll by mer, of ali tituted as to turn aside from its ul,l)ropriute laxlt3:�CRIk3ER,«'T-;tIIN(: 'l't) 1)ttrtius ill every sc�ctiu(,of the c()t)lltry It i u!function of declaring,what lliCi ltiwr ie, to the r it,c,tlwr basiue't,s,,rtli,xlnl e:Uwujoii reirtark with Me', of a eurtaili striliv inaking and 011acti(1g of law for the prQtec- I�� ".•�-wale lIL^;Hotel,Situated ,11 t.ltit tailleo the deitth of tho great, triulnviratu tint, of rslavory. Tile great llritwiplt.s wvllic;lw l ilia;;rr,noel It114,wn as illi! "S1:'Ir'1+'c7_LK 110T..67,." —Ulay, (.'t,lilull", it"'] IVO)sler, we Ittive tl�r r. Seward has labured duriug tau c,cattly c nliflo buildin&`,is 42 feet f)-oat by,i4 d'ee�l,,9. statesnrell left in tato•ct_omitry. Birt wee mail,• ytars to illuistrate smut el,forcll, atre clebLilltd kil),ries high,with f,nirshcd attic Inld basrmellt.—. tain that the very vxistrqlco e,f Mr. 5ovw'artl, tel become tl,e priteciples of the great uiertls A wing tit each end,one,2,s by•la feet, tyle c►tiler !>3 by -1.1,two stories high, "Tile° lnaill batii,liutI is aIstandinx rertitatitii, or tllisr asie rtion. of the citizenti of these United SLates. Ill. watt Prected ill 1840;the wingssilice,o,le ul•thr t,i The speech now l)t-foro us is characteristic c1t;,(:d w e tli,lty qtly tllat even now th are ilii the lint spae,on. The building tins been occul,iael ns a hotel ever al!ice its erection,I,y the s)ll,srri- of the truer staatesuitwn,—alcor and explicit in principles of a majority of the people, ber(forinerly in costnection with David C.Brush. its statements, ivgically uevtre in argutuelli, r `1'lls irrel,rca 'rllc roctfiict wvuis net iutsugti ►fin `Chita ort• on the l,retl)tm.^s a('lure,tur-ttt)llnrtKc•tp� cit.ltu all(l ,hilosao chit; ill its tutic ' slid tslat,ghtr•r hautae,(which are prr►i1,Anr!ntly oc• � l , it IH a tri' rated by tllti �:l<UCIt@rtLr Blaettt,ll, trisltny l)rt3- ied cion pny good relit); n lurgtrand c,,t,ve. tatulfhiWt vicicl'rcatiou of flit, priuciples buil Loud to believe. That epeech auly clelint:llted y lit burn, two carriage 11011908, a eltrd, ice f lmlicy�ra. the Reptiblicatl lilt . r. •� �,;; Ussa, atom house, au cxcrllrnt, ('elver railing 1 ty in faithful Colon, fatCtli wti'I,itwll actually exist. �, ,. Mast ell of water;a fine large garden with a variety Of fruit treeg,grope vine:s,,uiU)berrieta,strawvbel•ry before ull, reiterattes The South, is eternally prating• about the Arid the speech newt ►, at►d asparagus beds. want of fidelity to the C.ruiou oil the Part of and confirms the rstuteme'tlts tiled and there ,4, � A. 7 h�i'urni(urc oa,l be Ilact with tile hot> a if d�- the North, while it docs not hesitate to taut made. it has nolle cif'the r�piri of a faltatie;, �. Wig l:.un., Ialf o ,e stage 11110 frnin the viiinge Alse,cmc half oftt any Cpti6trtiCtiCili Ulxati this "intstrtltnatlt which � concedes frticly to eters slave �ttttli, rev• .. Y Railroad alit the atrarnboata, seems best utJaptc(:1 to l)ron,ote its entis, � cry in)llluidty atttl priril�ege guntalilietl to it � le together with hnree,,,,wttagraa,tice. t„ The bourse a„d ollior buildingA are 11,col-apli•te .About the tittle t 1tw1 ittrift wtia so offt�ilaire tQ+ by illy C"utlatltuLion, hilt alt the Emilie tilde, it �J •��''� r,pair, 11,1viug bred thoroughly painted autl re- South i uautullY ii7d completely vialticales te. lay.the Inuit Hensuti, �arulitia, will notne.of its sistor `Mates, ' so There are all the premises soli)e of tits htar►t tile(' it$nclorsetl St,&tes It,igilts with a yell_ alt or tile:Iteptll)licar, party to tilt± Utiioll. bade trees in the County,furnishing it bcautilut y r-M ,g"eancO. When •it was pr,ipoxed to reiapttl It drasgs to ll,llt crit ti,tarulll lily refuter £'* ,hate for the house a�+d grpttnt�a, _ Its long established character,and f',vorabir• the hiiuuuri C>'oulproalise and rewore the: thut old slander, ,so often repcsated by the pc,si(ion, render it a most I'.vorable ol)itc,rtunily line whic'l1 llatl beta fixed c)r,l a generation :South, viz'. that thts Xt,epublic�ami are seeking for any one wishing to e,)gage in the Huta1 y g lireving,Swgil)g,Livery intik Hacking busille,,, before, will the tatInult 1i1.,14umity, tijau the to y)ut the blacks tall lin 1'qualitj, with tht".1� sur further I�urtir.,llnr,e enquire on the prrm,r,rr. `u'uuth eagerly embraced the, fe)ndling child. whites to ilia sluve Staters. llut ur,the other . 7 SI'I±',1'EIh.N C:. I�(�L�h;lt,�. � IIuntini;tnn,ilei.t,14�,!). sisll" Squatter Sovereignty. Al,d now thin it is band the 1`i.ttlnlltilican Party receiress tis r,xi � -� _" tl feared last this, its lot rluc�t.rine alas prt�ve, 'AI1Ili the fulluwit)g llropc�r titins�t That ill a Der Ka ser of ilia Fatherland r l Unci ar,ct on high all dings rtsmmand, deleterious to tiler peenliar institutioll, it .isCtapulAic the wa ority should dile, That Ve two—achl Don't you understti.nd? Myself--unci Gott. abantlona it and clan,urx for a nluvt,•c(acie f()r tine intsreuts of sac.), ,linjority should not br, "'� �• He reigns In Heafe n and always shall, the Territories. Lotl,ti,ttt n , tac•rificecl ri 1 •, '� 41 c',y is loukud upon t tie tl�>al.iilt t,of ti Lxltticli tty, do � c) ... i .aK Eln mein own F links eori'c.i vt�rl sthnllall. u$ tl vt,Cy sllmlally virtue by tile l�it,titll. "� '+ j Din noble,l,rlir i rltnkta ou call matter }caw imperious or dictatorial, Thma � M � ,�, � Myself--lint r,t : ilio C,'atistitssGic,ia iia url itistrultteut of ,' I We take ail illustration from txcly, Sew. . 'Vile same mien sln�•der y)o,tver diel('•*, y �s � � Main soldiers sing"Der Wacht am Ithrin” ard'ts speech, 'I'lie leligitive Slav& lttwY its dew �tsll isrrt of Slavery. That rjluYery i� ­! Z. � Vn� t drink der c�alth in a Itheinish with ... 16 Of Nle•- is Gott. ku�satl upon n )rnvi'ii)►n ill tlita local alai sectional olid cilli only exi%L ill sir• � 9 I I C•un:titution y a Den's France,she,swaggers all air©unlit, to tile effect tllwt a �,rrs',,'t helel tost±rruie tue of positive, statuary enactment. iii; , She's alls�;cssvleldt. The continuance of slavery ill the Digr To much we think sbo don't amount, out' tatc fleeing to a,iother, may be• re., r Nryself—und Gott. ►Sclaivacd, pct, Illark the word, I,�r:,,rt. The C oittrub at under tile rttnetion of lila Fed- She i f11 not dare to figI'll s aaai'1' Fathers of the .ite)tal,lic� wero ver c,irilioas( era' Clovezrnment illwtatrates its positiolt with, But if she shrnlldt, I'll chew her Ilial(' l y � �, Dot l:lsassAre (undllein in b'rc�nt. Lorratne, riot to reco niz tale Odious doetrine of prop reference to the peculiar institution in thtl �..�..�..- .� Are mein—by Gott. g` ' coontry at large« We h1tva about thre Von Bismarck vas a rnan auf mixilt. e:rty ill rllau, �•hich obtaitis so generally i e Tinddought he vat;Blear oud auf Flight. �Uoderu titnee. 'I'1)e South hundred thouitall,1 slava' holders in the Uni`ori, ,� But acht he vas nicht good to ht uth [low daily and ,�� q � I i Mit Ale---und Mott. repndillte tile:p)erliultality of the negro• they� and hitherto tide ertiall fraction has beer,able Ve knock him like ein man a.uf s�elt'w, curitend that thio slave Is a mere chattel and through tilt treachery cif ilio °tlticrnal U let him know whose viii,vas lawI4Ja ministration to coutr�ol twenty rrlillions a ,� ' � und set ve dan't9 ecoid aacl(tnd Illi,Jaw, sucli entitlutl to l�rotvcti0m in tl,e'1'4'critc) . 6 Metriself--und Gott. fretmen I The Lao called 1'..3tInverat;ici part � $ I ices and Free Statem, and yet at the i:t,ir o, '; ,�� +0 Ve send him oust in big disgrace, time lied been ever rently to Ieud Its efforts to t lee ,� � U p him i)rf i I h hill ritce, tfst tI)uir right to rt)cl,tim ilio fugitirci oligarchy iii dila accomplislltneut of its trait-A Und l)uMe nself i In Goteacc�, rata that provision of lite Constitution) alcove referred to or s�tito purposes. � �. •fw g � � s, Ve von Caprivi ac!t �vollea haat Follows Repablicaanx,the I}enlacsG~attel pttri�► ;� �,� �, Ve err}r l,rarnl,tly cin him set, The rounders of thcttu tlt,ited Stata,s, it is i7rld t Ams htrn to ilei up and get, coast be stripped of its prestige, '��'•itil Buell -- �� "' 11Tt1itl,ar~li—unci cion• entirely evident, anticipated that Slaver here's grandma(links she is nrrht small ha.r. tvoultl isi racelsa of till , y leaders as William 1.1'. Deward wits believe � «� � � Midt. Boers unit such she InterPoro; P ao ill al)lmar iu till tate til . .w e work call be done. ►..t � . , A. She'll learn none c,wn„ tis helnlel,here St(ttess q:, it has clone ill Lho Northern `Status I3ha»tr>lt gid Ilia k'>!:g>K' �aAtN.--'4�"elearrtr---•-"�' 't '� But Mc--llnst Gott! which foritced a Dart of the Confederacy, � � � 00 She dinky,goad frau, some shits she's trot. �' �" that Uti the eveuictg of larch 24t1t I3ilrnuaa;c �i `r Und soldiers milt cher sc)ar!et goat. She understood filil well that there wrifl at1 ' " Aeh! We could knock them! Dour! ' �made a s"ecsh from the stage of the Ameri• lz Ike that, iri'`prcaiible conflict between free labor and Cnu hiuscium, Herr ''•ark, Ip ts►liicli ilii salt • '° myself-mictt Gott! Alavc.lul,or. But taut expansion awte)r a cot. r rliille's of t�c'nslave for tears, ilial lie Wtii1 rigliili the cele proprietor Olt tl1B + " 3� bear the svear and helm of Mars, ton-gruwing and stigar-producing rogion, hash in tri---ilial lie had settled all his "Clt?!tl<- ~xI t nit caro not for rtnn thrn.tstJnd(iasis, lair excetded their orijinal crilculati(illii, '1'l1Cb ,+ myself—milt Gott. dabts --stud from htatleefcsrLht expected to lira_ l�lavc holdc;r>s at uu early day l�ciceiw�ittl that vote the wviluie of Ilia energies as a cat o " ' Tn fact, 1 humor vfry whim, perceived, i With aspect dark tench vii!+xtRs intim; ,,ItllE7t49 L(lp m�,tlo a desperate r Gott),eillsa mit mea, i,n+'1 7 mit him. Y l (t it�e wtrug�gle L>,s y thio public, '�1ig 3 usteann has been lose ti C3 § ° A 0 1 Alyself•--und cion! ttltiiit lose tht;ir Political importance and for a aliorl time for repairs,but 1rAs re»operiecl 4V low It see ec as in the this sprit w had beat control in tilt: "Overlttndnt. I.iat,ce Lues again on Saturday. March 81st. with Bar An the recordin the amount of wet weath. have eatgesrly se xed "Pon ever opportunity lortunit ' `"' " :3 a er "to the f ware inch," We recall tit y l l y unlit at its head, uecse�t him, R to nlak,� accessions to their territory unci to �' ' sect two PI,asa t da a 81('0:3—when wits Yet ) AW-Tbe celiams of 1860, it is thought, c � � �-, .°t? ( uvcr11r11 n e ? / ,I�'�I b Possession of every clelatirtt:ntut cif the gill ;how illi a ra rs.e ao ,ulaiistu of tllirt � � ��' '� � a � • aggregate � 1 y- � .� 0rj illi this u.t,cic:rtuklttl; they llr,.ve. p.Y y ,.,,�• „��..�.. • two tuilliur,s of lwcipIa. The-Andel a ahYitt aRaLNtea I ,r} t } ` ' •s Much interest has been XWamtein the caw which was tired before Judge Wrhuot 8tmth, btm Win amt. wrtYe M ara®pole le ba, - t� aitaaatr1i. �;. `$ fact that the alleged crime of abaeliappgghwiaana -� took place in this village and the- . Itat to vwt darn to a . e famlant and the dead man 4*10 iawN ane `i here. C:ousellor Rowland Miles, •'� Wr ". i taya�n�t �t '! a, Northport represented Grldetebe s rrh'otMasmlleewhah Isto :., and the able manner in which.- ,. rtma,'A}rtgttlwa.amaa l• � �youngbarristerconducted-bad P'�w�,g��,-,�� �o� 0" s,., $ would have given laurels to the o]_ tkl[vaeol hum t*, '6 ' pm7las sora alt and of est defense u s e[•titioner• wsra .. dine of defense pumuad was that 9 ita*vot Wiety.my aha, ��` . improper surgical treatment. T - •'l - ' mm;onsnw..s ,aye µrub. was some difficulty in obtaining. I.XZ: bola*cede; uppgoa� II� I ury and the panel was ne.,ily' ' t +E �uated LKfurethe full mine, '+ 'tssira t4yt+a iavu 'ttteiie� +• '#'] obtained. District Attorney _ .eLaaq tams rdt aaai t�waw9,'�;y _, opened trite case for the told the stair of the crime jeol.a`ad ata hr ftaA 4'furltl'a'�'tniia a '^ Y 0 911 or 'As same :. Iquurr•el began and Low Elle date wwrlWm. t. gro•»pwp. ss purchased tine knife and of the and>a bia soon after. Then began smarlrge��q y ' battle in earnest to mnvinca the JMa�r reset that Frazier's death was not the gala ba® a bad �, i result of stabbing, but was caused „t t the improper treatment by Dr.B mettq sae agog or Wn orNtW Dr. Willis was the first witness •mdn.ae.htgrrap}pps^ tWe�e0000- and told how lie had been sent for l .camp, -Nisei+t bili tMmaeaamt+V,«awM attend the man, and why he c dlea �•� tWtm fattNrtlit afahai9ga Dr. Sward to assist him. Dr. ik1, iqI�WARA, ,vrya, �F,e followed Dr. Willis and he told S �a leYp shttaega4110f fimotetr . : hu had sewed up the wound - T mtksbegrAlbiA1y�riaiat,adaw� P first taking up the artery. The*' U (iEwgNeter :light wµ4 Linor bow-,AW Vbb-i�_ m_ � were present will not soon to it uWyAffiwt4wat d0gm,awr rMlgty Elsr Nt terrible exaramation and h it vim aMteL, aad.aee 43100�.bb a. 'Sword was compelled to un it Vj Wr+ot'?aauta b 'the hands of Counsellor Miles;1R�n�o4mnm carr. ,�BvlYp�,,? oy he was twmpelled to admit 9Ba6 ]t qGu r,Vsr utowao .mgttyn ptaaerr�aeals had di ed. surgical it to alaraaa+➢roa.r - - in the treatment of the rape ktrktet r'gaontaYrtatr.eoaeseaerh- tiit ; - what effort he had to des*1111 f.. we—dialel it avaegr.eaa+oa. 2aa>dnt: } base of the skull, and all about diet sm*w"all.teM ataae"atumet lateral circulation, and bow ana +►" he administered brand to on:N NraW No m an t E; -+ +'� r p �' , --. }. _. i that condition ; that he did not krWir as hi am" ea+d A i to row N ' � _ ' h„w much blood to the pound thti lg. '� rgarkhe'wrpa ones tom , "� s ,., t man body contained, end kie'R= A ie-tm;irar iu av, n m.ar , , e i,r,.� ,Y -{wa,kr.�.a plaruttiou of eyuoo to and uaoarat+• Yn.dpwaau- and many otherSnge that 5 _$N1df IC Aa` e,1,all egbe J - rtdr, utedion d w.l prdfesaihanev er F .y ct , o- dreamed of before. Un the Tiw v ge epaogisar n, wtatea LY N• a ” r,l�}{'t f)tilthe r's meir or NY it fectiva ands general furgetfu C eeeavn oe.,ttr.eatlWt — .�tdemasyaRl4t'dat" - + of many esesaential facts were C aaWareatpEaywaatarta ^a+t t fully apparent. Several other W* I -Iia Aya+ea si ted he's got to classes were examined on the part E ��e W��� the ptroaecution, but nothing newMw J t g prooll , notwitheteading tha lw[ak effort of tMr.he FtI i, until Dr. or h aJWa novo• "" .:;, Gibson, the medical ex rt for rite %kle�tt w,araua to - ■p� pptiw�pIs was put upon the stand sad � istake&m e.' I} _ �. Twirti ied that Fraeter'a ahaotva (tr .l _ . a -00 eye - irvinR had tieparW.d wbsa the w,hot C toeametwa was(dosed. This woe a startler,�adE ..Lownboy when he stated stili further that hh __ t cit h 4 he received no medical treatmelf his 7osaet a- r t f'` ch anew for living was goal the ptrw both all,TIA '. aaator had a puzzled look. Then Dr: .- lr` Walter Linden and Dr. CiorV IL gg � Mw m�tuia�'�.,.we � �'� A� i a��f: ��� 11 p oouafiue experta on the part OWbl 611110t .. `awh sae uw arotares roMw r�,�eAb t — , .� ." defense, also chinned that the V. wm eumis„•t rasp tisem• . f`"� up of the wound was LNtd,W e ro it. I.&. h they waw;rt w.e,.to caro u:�. _ - _ '``� •+.r a. tri thilt death wad caused by eap6 z rn nrnsegnatrce of a blatd clot t4ak . HIS ';:Uusti. -. - --- - "' formed back of the wind-ppipe T. Stmt Fossett. I of the vertebra, extending of Little IakeFtssait. �, the base of the skull by Jn e E as c tk. — closing up of the wound The u_ T K ba art illation lasted ail the Rfte+n0e J. ti a ,raetk. TT late at night on Wedaaeday, ' Jtu�•.d, , i',rw•tt. .ZUNI=' '(�1—ri � � t_it i the an pplyingg of the "wieeiu8 _ which phe dafanse productd and •f. tii,,It I-:« L"as*lr - -_ rr - prosecution's witness, Mr. O4' sIu1. r{r�lotii+r (oY t e Tin —A Con U `" � 8t CO. !$'coed. on Thursday IDo veitionof the Electors of the Americnu f 0V17IISS7�i:\' Il/'-V.l /t,S etilnrringupafcouneallegon 4N ALL KlNt6 uF the charge delivered b 5 Iudgg ,� Party," from the several Towns ill thr. Cons. c C) }� Smith as to the dilIet,ecit �OU[FLI'V Y 1'/IC�IIC'C which to find, ",'it ty,is to be bald at"Fecmtic lInll In River. � r( 3 ' . Sues{ tYs6Wgton Market 1 ing out about a halt bolo peed,on ilio 6th [list., for the urpuae or ., ' `4" truLned with a vordSot a,l nraz Wominating County ot3loers, Am. I � I\o. Ib Vasey street Fier, �\ m tho fiat d,,gree And the pry _ . .._ .. NEW Yd ,X. %E lis; Lh,:o sael,•„n,d to ten Ye ill cad - . ,_ Shipping Orders pnnrlually attended to-f.eight n,unlhs"'ollilmment,.. _ The stars were all alight, WOMN. The moon was overlhead, 'WOV1,11 1tL�slE*cTFL1LL1r CALL Tit _EXA_jf11vr VALLE,Y .RALE I named her queei, of'light, I ifested jv A P 0 P,L.D UNK As she my footsteps led. tendon or tho politic to their well: RODE- KONDUh'-TOP- So wonderous fair was Oie, FATA, STOCK OF STOVF,-q- t; la�', (V = . � 1 7 Inj the I asked her to be Mille, lons frtint the late-t owl tufst approved 1)4L terns,W atiobled to President. Have yu a gold kronometer worth Soo dol- .,Raring Inatle splect kiliin� As she glanced up at me J atter li better So• lars? I thrilled with love divine. SLO'r* 000 Oil #Aiy (Ofuwl ne de-! Aonduktor. Not mutch! esidel Beside the meadow bars, They wuuM rAll Sttem&n to les President. Do yu keep a trotter? As we stood linuering there, 0tooklou Stavlo, with Xxt"16" TOP, P*Owfolf, 4� Here yes were like the sLars, 1� &c. This Is tho ujust wrtectecuilt.turas*&AW 11,0nduklor. Not enny 1 �leeve, In radiance woiidruus fair. -rice Alld vanimmy 16 untoquallod. I tL,,. "You're all the world to 'tie," for conyovil LI President. Hav Yu enny dimond rings? silo muttered sweet and shy. Also, ilio Prize "k4tistht, 46 to a" SLnvo VOrY 111ONVY CRO �efense lings, of supolar Konduklor. Nary! oldeq rd A thrill of eastacy flnish, for wood 410 ctial. 0 own a fiteing (log? I felt in her reply. 401po, $ion* Tho ID 0 i President. Do Im Aflothtr Tww I hat of 4-1 to Aonduklor. Nothing ov the sort tim linter or handloorm deallb—A V~ &0 Loge led us ali the way, 1, .V 'Thera 17t - Cd President. How much bank stock have yu got? Ali we turned home agaill; oporator with arm or too 4�1_2 to.�i 44 Also,tho Itoger Willianto, MaUvilolium, Zater- ling a le� ay,W = W tor. Not a red! Our hearts were light widtf ,ly ex. 4­ A7onduk The world was blissful 1011- priso,Victrir.8L.Nicholas,Stri,400114,01IM" CI M I a) President. We shant want Though shadows crussed Lhe sky, Calirornia �r wa's C4- yu,—the Pordunk valley Reeve 0 -cz P ca V 9tur ot tho Nardi, it aplloudA now C04 bo"Wr. 0 - - nz rale rode haz got done furnishing k01-1dLlktors with these No gloom our hearts could know, arranutA to conoutne the 04&rising fr%ft Of C,66.1 le,and Z�-"Z E `0 0 0 True bliss is ever nigh ex X - 0 — P.vetiltill Star,anothar now 604 bef"Or- It"by )w t1k things. When hearts are Ueud§�010- Fralikilt., lAurel. Manic, Albaw. crotid P611W& ndant L1ljt011 11arlor Cwk.Asr*oW and cael. jr1of LMO stab Wop,all plate,b"; Ruosia*o4"A Ito* CIRO- an the JOHN ADAMS, President of the United States. dots, &c. &0. IP f tht- United States) and President Y the senato THOMAS JEFFERSON)* Vicc-President o 1-dr&Z 11mis,sbev*l!�sirtars,Dralib",040" direct 0I lilh,Brapa rAnd boaw*Aid KSUW,&e. ised by t;r Stowas re-flned and roptilmd at shott 060o# Sword, i J.1180ya"Jow"th to our ASOUL 1W 00 stalled, 6410 of tht abera stnimn Its SENATORS OF THE UNITED STATES. for to 1%0 sk*t A oublk ftolraux a hk in Swotd- Sohn Langdon, Xew-Hampshire. James Ross) Penn.Vlvania. John Brown) lall Kr%tachy.- T4ur#dxy Aight,W JA#j1"ggalodaWjW Samuel Livermore, William Bingham, Humph.Marsl 00 W a 100144 Id how rth-Carolina. " 4 t"Ired"aft 104 IU*l W%06%,lowft 1 Theodore Foster, Rhode-Island. Henry Latimer, Jesse Franklin, -No without, Of UM C,harles Pinckney, the projwwon 141V40 abMs.0049W )se who Uriah Tracy, Connecticut. William 1-1. Wells, Delaware. rtJr get the John Lawrence) John E. Howard) Neityland. Jacob Read, 04y, 1*0 � amoo"" New-York. AV. C. Nicholas, James Gunn) Georgia. thAt W" we abo" oft'badV84 Is iliatioi, James Watson, Vi,)Sillia. autitu"l,tU bw two 1pq *V be"%oft P,"4 pIrgo at i Jonathan Dayton, NeTV_,7er3e Mas( for swohv how i&bw a 4".do am 040%d0m* R;how James Schureman) WVO IStevens T W"k, WUA 000 am fie favowbrawo ;hat he doducuam The MIMS __ �1 ""0. thority tM401rot"dIVAL Milo ft*#k" se and U11w.)ave alFN4a plaim I Is 11111 TED STATES. &64 so i OF REPRESENTATIVES 0 F T I 11�� U N I Vasim" ilirlhlp ate the MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE cacti '1"4:a 4M the rAiiia Mow. At as Tow"" A 001- cc*ON�Aw -- ad wh James Sheafe, New-Hampshire. Tobn Condit, New-)Iersey- Leven Powell, 2 copics. bwftdvwi 06*00.4,V y - - ::400= 66 that 00 aw"o product Dwight Foster2 Robert Brown Samuel J. Cabell, % t1low I VC qr was" t knov Silas Lee, Albert Gallatin, Ilenry I.,ce, mik awoiataww "W se"at4o4wo how Mia the hu I Harrison G. Otis, Tho. Hartley, 2 copies. John Marshal, P'irginia. onablo gum to 0"M a. his ei- John Reed, Massachusetts. Joseph Heister, Penn�ylvani.a. Anthony New, via)vrll� So W awlw 0" collap Theodore Sedgwick, Peter Muhlenberg) Robert Page, .1 11111 a A �at tilt Samuel Sewall, John Smilie, John Randolph, r beA� he tai Peleg Wadsworth, Richard Thomas, William B.(;rove) North-Carolina, W-A*W* ery John Brown, Rob Waln, 2 coies. William 11.Hill, t I 1 1 as v1 � Rhode-Island. p tfolue, C.G. Champlin, 2 cop. James A. Bayard, Delaware. Thos. Pinckney, 2 cop.- re Paii, 011ina. Chauncey Goodrich, Connecticut. Geo. Baer,junr. Rob. G. Harper, South-Caro SAS ler wit Lewis R. Morris, Vermont- William Craik John Rutledge,jun. I Alwyland. part d Edward Livingston) Samuel Smith William 11. Harrison, X W. Territar , ienti0 oroi New-York. John Thompson, John C. Thomas� Joseph Wheaton, Serjeant as Arms. lig,B. for the aid ad HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. ► ices for Timothy Pickering, Secretary of State. -lenry, Secretary of War. JlJoseph Nourse, Register. wound Oliver Wolcott,Secretary o Treasury. M61 f the Treasury Benjamin Stoddart)Secretary of the Nav f the Revenue. tier,but y. lVm.Miller,Commissioner a hat had R. Harrison, Auditoi. liSamuel 11odgdon,Intendant of Stam;. laout bisl N� .single individual. The general deep grief at his our ecemies like rebellions 011114rei�'%n4 not as �1'1'eiip'Drl The Great Bereavement. foreign fbels, providing even In their ch4stl*, I death enables us to Bee the great lesson of his w9a NJ life: that sincerity of purposea determination ment for mercy and PenlWnt restoratlon; cmr b of the, Before these words reach the eye of the read- prudent,firma, humble,reyerenthtf, (fid-ft ring sewing, terall that was mortal of ABRATrAm LiNcotw, to do right,and a kindliness of heart,ennoble the President Is deed I d stated , highest as well as the humblest. Without these, The assaWn!s hand has real W hira who hysia in I will have been laid in the earth. We do not R,&mx LINCOLN would have been was belted round a ntlo officially with devotion,steal t ha,t,had; propose to write his eulogy, for it has been ABI A J h,front, spoken in every loyal dwelling throughout the mourned as the President, but being true, whom a million soldiers have bitbarto wedUP to just and kind all good people grieve. We with their watchful guwdisuhip. pMepW by the land,and the private grief in every household, can not better 7 express our estimate of the Na- In honesty and simplicity of parpo4w, I" uni. e exam not less than the ostentatious mourning of this versally well-disposed to bellevo Jim &sW to 0011 arld!' great City,with its drapery of black, and the tions loss,than by recording the just portrait- himself, free from ambiLlon, solflooeSequeow even It` ure of this greatest and best of American citi- and show, he harm always sho" a faar)04 Ig linl�..1 almost total suspension of its traffic for many zens,in the words of a distinguished clergyman. heart,gone often to the hon twkte hlmwf go. and tb�, days,tell how universal and sincere is the sor- Ott C(It, row of the people. Probably never did the Our beloved President,who had enshrined Able to all u home, tru&W the rteople, J .1 [ling the himself not merely in the confidence, the re. Joined their smusements, answaM their sum. indaftt7 death of any one man come to the hearts of so WdDII)l spect and gratitude of the people,but in their mo amend and laid h1uwIf open every day to the many as a personal bereavement. Without very hearts,as their true friend,adviser, repre. malice and murderous obsa(w of (ImesU40 jreAfter es brilliant gifts or great acquirements,of humble sentative and brother; whom the nation loved foes. It seemed as if no twm ooWd raise his birth ]land against that moek ruler,or wu&mt W" they r" 7 and no greater opportunities than are as much as it revered; who had soothed our fth jlaught(r open to every farmer boy who reads this DO- angry impatience in this fearful struggle with IMMOSO Of inJury that loving eye," sorrow. prisoner ties,he had a greater share of the love and trust his gentle moderation and passionless calm; stricken face, Ploughed with awil,$ad Tars and who had been the head of the nation,and not Ings and tears I M mRrke(I with upright patient of the people,than was ever possessed by,any --- ---- chief of a successful party; and had treated PUT0808 Of 90041 to all,Of Justloo &ad mftcy, H�iRPER'S WEEKLY. - C�"Eae�rARy 7, 1857 R� 4:Their wear" I eA ainzecl in a tone wliiclt T~' Or blushes, or transports, or such silly actions, , , quite n usltrA jNpT13T�-G Tt]� WF.Aji• It was one of the quietest business transactions, (),)position, "that gorgeous toilette which you Sported With a very small sprinkling of sentiment, if any, In Pat}s last spring, tit the grand pre5cutatiun, ♦v Episoa�>: vv cirY Liv>r. Anel a vt�ry large dittnraud imported by Tiffiiny, When you quite turned the head of the head of the nation; F On her virginal lips while I printed a kiss, And by all the grand court were so very mach courted." :1lzsg FLoRA ItiI`FrMSFY, of Madison Square, She exclaimed, as a sort of parenthesis, end of the nose was portentously tipped up, lies male three separate journey°s to Paris, And by way of patting me quite at my ease, And both the bright eves shot forth indignation, And her father assures me, each time she was thea,, "You know, I'm to ,)elks as tooth as I rleaae, As she burst upon me with the fierce exclamation, 'I"hat she and her friend Mrs. Harris, And flirt when I like—now stop, don't you speak--- "I have worn it three times at the least calculation, ';of the lady whose name is so famous in history, And You must not come here more than twice in the week, And that and the most of my dresses are ripped ftp 1" 1311t plain Mrs. 11., without romance or mystery) Or talk to me either at party or bull, Here I riyped out something, perhaps rather rash, Spent six consecutive weeks without stopping, But always be reedy.to conte tvlien I call; Quite innocent, though; but, to use an expression ¢In one continuous round of shopping; So don't prose to me about duty and stuff, Vlore striking than classic, it "settled my hash," Shopping alone, and shopping together, If we taon't break this oH; there will be time enough Arid proved very soon the last act of our session. y kt all:hours of the day, and in all sorts of weather; For that sort of thing; but the bargain must be "Fiddlesticks, is it, Sir? I wonder the ceiling r Ten' all manner of things that a woman can put That, as long as I choose, I am perfectly free, Doesn't fall down and crush you—oh,you men have no feeling, ()n the crown of her head or the sole of her foot, For this is a sort of engagement, you see, You selfish, unnatural, illiberal creatures, Or wrap round her shoulders, or fit round her waist, Which is binding on you but not binding on me." Who set yourselves up as patterns and preachers. Or that can be sewed on, or pinned on, or laced, Your silly pretense--why what a mere guess it is l Or tial on with a striii;�, or stitched on with a bolo, Pray, what do you know of a woman's necessities? IR front or behind, above or below: Well, having thus wooed Miss M'Flinrsey and gained her, iI have told you and shown you I've nothing to wear, Foe bonnets, mantillas, capes, collars, and shawls; With the silks, crinolines, and hoops that contained her, i And it's perfectly plain you not only don't care, 3*ewA for breakfasts, and diluters, and balls; I had, as I thought, a contingent remainder But you do not believe me" (here the nose went still higher). des to sit in, and aLwid in, and walk in; At least in the property, and the*best right c i I suppose if you dared you would call me a liar. ;1 I}resseo-s to dance in, and flirt in, and tall, in; To appear as its escort by day and by night; g at all; And it being the week of the STucrci;t , grand ball Our engagement is ended, Sir—yes, on the spot; c : - s in which to do nothin You're a brute, and a monster, and—I don't know what." 1)rt�ssm R)r winter, spring, surtnner, and fall; !'heir cards had been out a fortnight or so, I mildly suggested the words--Hottentot, MI of them different in color and pattern, And get all the Avenue on the tip-toe--- Pickpocket, and cannibal, 'Tartar, and thief, S1lk,nnu-slin, and lace, crape, velvet, and satin, I con, it only my duty to call, As gentle expletives which might give relief; ,l" c ia,, and broadcloth, and other inaterial, Arid see if Miss Flora intended to go, But this only proved as spark to the powder, ate as expensive and much more eithereal• I found her—as ladies are apt to be found �' � p , And the storm I had raised came faster and louder, Ina short, for all thing, that could ever be thought of, When the tithe intervening between the first sound It blew and it rained, thundered, lightened, and hailed r Or milliner, modiste-, or tradesniart be bouglit ot, Of the bell and the visitor's entry is shorter Interjections, verbs, pronouns, till language quite failed pm ten-thousand-francs robes to twenty-sous frill.-; Than ostial---I found; I won't say caught her-- To express the abusive, and then its arrears t alluarters of Paris, and to every aturc, Intent on the pier-glass, undoubtedly meaning Were't cite brought up all at once by a torrent of tears, X18 M b'lirnse` in vain starrfrad, scolded, and swore, To sere if perhaps it didn't need cleaning. And my last faint, despairing attempt at an obs- footed thea streets, and tae footed the bills. She turned as I entered—"Why, I-Liriy, you sinner, Ervation was lost in a tempest of sobs, i I thought that volt went to the Flashers' to dinner!" ' trip, their gods shipped by the steamer Ar>:il;o 11'�5o I +lick"I replied, "but the dinner is swallowed, breed, WFlimaey declares, the bulk of her cargo, And digested, I trust,for 'tie now nine and more, Well, I felt far the lady, sect felt for my hat, too, ,tut to me-atijan a quantity kept froth the rest, So being relieved from that ditty, I followed Improvised on the crown of the latter a tattoo, Su itt to till the lstrl;t kt sized sliest, Inclination,which led ere, you see, to your door. In lieu of expressing the feelings which lay Which slid not appear on the ship'--i manifuTt, And now milt yotir ladyship so condescend Quite too deep for words, as Wordsworth would say; But far which the ladies themselves maiiif«•stc,d As just to infona ziie if you intend Then,without going through the form of a bow, Such particular interest, that they invested Yrmr beauty, and graces, and presence to Iend, Found myself in the entry—I hardly knew how---- T own proper persons to Layers and rows d:lill whish, when I own, I hope no ouc will borrow) On door-step and sidewalk, past lamp-post and square; (W laualins, embroideries,woi-ked under-vlotlwi , 'Tu the bxcetct'rts,whose parer-, you know, is to-morrow?" At home and up stairs, in my own easy chair; G4"&,handkerchiefs, scarfs, and such trifles as tho;c,; Poked my feet into slippers, my fire into i.,laze, Then,wrapped in gt•eat shawls,, like Circassian bc:anti,�, And said to myself, as I lit my cigar, Ph fair Il Supposing a man had the wealth of the Czar Gave awd--by to tke ship, and Ro-ort to the duties. +ua luc.,ketl up viith a pitiful air, Her relations at home tW marvehxd no doubt, And crtl;tuiw prouiptly-, "Atihy harry,mon cher, Of the Ifnssias to boot, for the rest of his days, On the whole, do you think be would have much to spare i Flare had grownso enornuansly stunt 1 }�­1114,1f6+ ci},ore all things to go with you thcrtt; I For an actual belle and a possible bride; lit,t: rt�;tlly acid troll•—I'io uothing to wear." If he married a seinen with nothing to wear? But the miracle ceased when site n4med inside out, Anel tb6 truth came to light,;arid the, dry ;oods besidr, Since that night taking pains that it b5 lould not be jrrtlited +" N r:t lou j1 to wear 1 go Just as you -ire; ; night, � Which, in spite of Collector and Custom-house Relltr•y, Wear tho dress you b,i;e on, and you'll be by far, Abroad in society, I've instituted Rid entered the port without any eutr.v. I engage, the most bright and particular star A course of inquiry, extensivtl and thorough; On the Stuckup Horizon"--I stopped,for her aye, On this vital subject, and find, to my horror; s m t}tm mouths have passed since the clay Notwithstanding this delicate onset of flattery; That the fair Flora's case is by no means surprising, r wetaat,on 'twelve carts,nl'' Broadwaty, Olkened on the at anew a must terrible battery But that there exists the greatest distress ss M z y,.Of MIsat Square, Of scorn and amazement. She made no reply, In our female community, solely arising ' '�%e last time ore met,was in trig dapaiir, I;itt gsve et sii�lrt turn to the end of her nose From this unsupplied destitution of dress, d: temse site had nothing whatever to wear! (TkU pure, Grecian feature),as much tis to stty, Wliwc unfortunate victims are filling the air How absurd that any sane mist should suppo"e With the pitiful wail of "Nothing to wear." 190' xta To w'v~ta l Now, as this is a trite ditto, Tkat a lady would go to a hall in the clothes, Researches in some of the "Upper Ten" districts I do not assert—this, you know, is between us--• Nu watter how fiiie, that she; wears every day!" Reveal the most painful and startling statistics, That she's in a state of atbiooltite? nudity, Of which let me mention only a few: Like Powers'Greek ,Slarve' or the lfedici A'enus; In one single house on the Fifth Avenue So I ventured again—"Wear your crimson brocade," 'Three young ladies were found, all below twenty-two, $at I du meso to say, I have hcarrl her declare. ` c.c,itcl turn up of hose)- "'That's too Clark by a Shacle." Who have been three whole weeks without any thing mew When, at the same moment, she had on a sic a ..I'c,ur l+luc silk"--."That's too heavy "lour ink"-- Whinli cost five hundred dallatrs, and not a cent 1 I Iu the way of flounced silks, and thus left in the lurelt I1iat`i tea li,+ht." Are unable to go to ball, concert, or church. .And jewelry worth telt times more, I sliciulal �;ne'`• ..�A�:i t,:11c o�,•r t+it ' can't endure white." In another large mansion near the same place That she had not a thing in the wide world to tvoor; y,,i ; ic,rcd,thea,the best of the batch"— Was found a deplorable heart-rending case i thread of point lace to match." Of entire destitution of Brussels point lace. f I should mention jest here, that out of Miss Flora'— `•Your I s ;•,ii1 ,•t;t, it+itiltat—i'Yes, and look like a Quaker;" In a neighboring block there was found in three calla. Two hundred and fifty or sixty adorers, `ITh., p.,,.l ulurcd - I would,but that plaguey dress maker Total want long continued of camels'-hair shawls; I had,just Been selected as he who should throw all Ilan had it a week".—l-Then that exquisite lilac, And a suffering family, whose case exhibits The rest in the shade, by the gracious bestowal In which you would melt the heart of a Shylock•" The most pressing need of real ermine tippets; On myself; after twenty or thirty rejections, ,llcre the nose took again tile. Dame elevation) One deserving young lady almost unable Of those fossil remains which she called "her afI'eetions," "I wouldn't wear that for the whole of creation." To survive for the want of a new Pnssian sable; And that rather decayed, hitt well-known vc<+rk of art, "Why not? It's my fancy, there's nothing could strike it Another confined to the house, when it's windier �'Iticlt Miss Flora persisted in styling "her heart," As more c©nuna it "nit' 1! "'Yes,Ic ,but, dear me, that lean Than usual, because her drawl isn't India. L Sc+'we were engaged. Our troth 144 been plighted,' 15ophronia `a'tuckup has got one just like it, ;hill another whose tortures have been most tertifiC a Not by moonbeam or sttarbeftnt, by fountain or grove, A*Wl won't alpha{ dressed like a chit of sixteen." ' + But in a. front parlor, most brilliantly lighted, "� Ever since the sad loss of the steamer Pac•iflr, ` .I'Itstt that splendid purple, that sweet Maaarine; In which were in�•ulfecl not friend or relation, $eneatlt the gas-fixtures we whispered atilt love. 'Plaut st�tperb I)OW (1'7;eIuilae, that imperial green, s Without any, romatnce, or raptures, or sighs, That zephyr-like tarleton, that rich renadine"---- (Fi)r whose fate she perhaps might have found eansol:tic AN'ithout any tears in Miss Float's blue ei•es, '�I+l+st vna of all w'hzc}i is tit to be ecu," Or borne it, at least, with serene resignation) t�aitl _ bei ►in ceited flush�cl, Bt,t the choicest assortment of French sleeves and co .-ra - ' -- .- Ever sent out from Paris worth thousands of dollars, V ..... -And all as to stvle most �-ec herc)ir and rale, 1 1'110 want of which leaves her Niel, nothing to swear, l+ "I`nI going to movie honey will Ansi renders liar life so drear and d•s cptfc: y I } i drop,"-I)r.I3urgE'ae. ; f That she's quite tt recluse, and almost at Igor she touchingly says that this curt of grief "WO WIL114A Deniocraey and Iain o o m Can not find Ill Religion the slightest relior, ----o_ _._ we got tooth."---EB ' ,0 . D n uaeberry, And Philosophy has not A maxim to spare "1.'he chills run up my back. --J. '� v �'°�,, For the vietinis of such overivhe•lming despair• �y� Irwin. BLI the saddest by far of all these sad leritures Three Belo II ���� a the 'YOU just wait four years." Irving °° ,c cc o B rile cruelty and fathers, upon the ]:oar creatures AQnn fl ��� Therm Brush. o ~~ d By husbands and ttthet;5, real 131ne17earcls and Timons, I 1j,Uf1U ij �_ `` @ i Who resist the most touehing appeals ruade for diamonds I HOw do oi; „ °Q to as a W a' By their wives and their daughters, And leave them for dirt's y account for it. —John � 0, 0: q J.0 C3 O 0 ter Made Yesterday Fleet. L;nsltpplied with n:�v jewelry, funs, or botu]neta, , ,� $ m °o Even laugh at their miseries whenever they have a chance, "I want to be let alone."_Philip a o t"" a w f., r-w iirid deride their demands as useless citravagairce; Pearsall. m o `,, Oris case of it bride �v�ts brought to my view, GREAT SUIiFEIIING AMONG THE POOR "mat tired feelill 9t_ �' � Too sac! fbr belief, but, alas! 'twas too true, g struck nae.)1— a o N '"hose husband refused, as savage as Charon, - Isaac Rogers. a To permit her to take more than ten trunks to Sharon. ,' ) la;. D, Davidson. m �' m � The consequence was, that when she got there, I Charitable Assodations 011sy Relieving '`Four years io „ l4 o � o 0 � At the enc! of three weeks she had nothing to wear, , int crow,"—Rob And when she proposed to finish the season ilia Dlatres-r Deafly PCople Rogers, At Newport, the monster refused out and out, ; i "They are still votin "--i A a'c3 . �rMb_ltu. g. E. Aitkin For his infamous conduct alleging no reason, Ha!ha! ha! 1+ ' y-e-s. ---"C. Shepard. � *0 0 Exceltt that the waters were good for his gout; - .--.___ .__ "They've got elle fast.)) a 1 Such treatment As this was too shocking, of course —S.Tillotson ' I�fYEi, OF ALL KINDS IMPEDED, "Jersey was heard from,,'—VP. V. �° a ;Curl proceedings lire now going on for divorce. , > Tuttle, o M But why harrow the feelings by lifting the curtain Fe*ryltoats Helpless,Trlti.rs Blrroked by Snow,_ ``Cllr sick."—A. L. Field. Pram these scenes of«roc? Enough, it is certain, ars oil g „_ �cfau Ships Ica-Coated--1>?t any Fires I)uo to g K P• AGO gone.,,_p.p, m a !i Has !rare been disclosed to stir np the pity � "� rer. Of every benevolent heart in the city, tha •rt to WArlvi up. v a a a And spur tip Humanity into a canter <<Me too 1 me too." m © a m46 ' _-. --- - -_-J. F. wood,Jr. i'o rush and relieve these sac! cases instanter. Pills won't come down,"—Pr o ::5 The ff;ute�s flint t0110w will show Od m o 11`on't somebody, moved 1,y this touching; description, ju it _ " r � � t'orne forward to-morrow Ancl hese! a subscription? u r:t t r rt ui'ri lrt�v ,� n hint c incl t. the Hopping Bros. are moving the old M. + a b, P u w l 1 mFt rttr)' tna i+, yeste�t�t ty. 1`Ger �,ul rrosez m D Won't t Borne kind philanthropist, seeing that aid is of ,".,,ni a c E. parsonage, purchased by W. I; c 1t' I t i ran tlrc^ t1 u,":.., fur :hc s8rlra So neeciecl at once b these indigent ladies, i Terr have it on his lot. q a o o + Y dsrtc: in 1htt1 arc: it,n. y,and will soon P,4 75 Take charge of the matter? or won't I'a TEn Coorr:ll Phe M. E.church now shows tip in fine 1q 0 �t The corner-stone lay of some splendid super- "''- ic.n,;, _- :t ii....................... a► i he 01a• shape and the Methodists will have a ��; Structure, like that which to-day links his mune (S A ;ti.. ................... eq) i1;losv ^o •� d ad i In the Union unending of honor and filme; rein Splendid pier a of prop art r. `� as ° a f>t ,nt... ................. ! P. And found a new charity just for the care ii' 41 ...................... 24 4 The well-known firm of Cleveland =� I 3.i(1 I'.al....................... :;a, I�a i' Of these unhappy women with nothing to wear, y Cllovor, blacksmiths,!I '� ►a oo '/i 11'hich, in view of the cash which wottld daily be claimed, r p fi 3d 10 has boon dissolved, � d - � �, � 2 Mr. Cleveland! retiring aeoonnt of a'� 'File Iayiiq-out Hospital well might b; named? I 13t ..... g `ai poor 11'on't STLI�"ART, or some of our dry-goody importers, 1110 iv+.rz Ar t n+llciai:l!e yestelclav hop and twill h. Mianr. tinue the hehits arted the 43 'fake a contract for clothing our wives and our daughters? rj-is for at, .,;,it1L c1aF art;t: year ]t sines at n `��-r ()r to furnish the cash to supply these distre,scs, + the old stand, (� "�+�'!►_. f � .� m (? v<c �7,. And life's pathway strew with shawls, collars, and dresses, - i Ere the sant of thein makes it much rougher and thornier, r ! A Num of THANK$ 00 . ©. I Won't some one discover a new California? Father Lynch wishes to express p m through the TnAvr,,L t•li his sincere thanks Oh ladies, dear ladies, the next sunny da Y to the ladies who so kindly gave their 1 Please trundle your hoops just out of Broadway, r' ! \` 3 w # From its whirl and its bustle, its fitsliion and pri ie, ( ° \ valuable assistance in rendering the .:. �, �s 4 r "lr'' �°�� musical part of last Sunday evening, � �,o,0 � � � And the temples of`I'racle which tower on each side, �� J, program—Mrs. Frank D. Smith, Miss ;•.. N s To the alleys and lanes, where Misfortune and Guilt Gonlse Conklin, Mrs, A. F. LoWerre, -`�--�.� � Their children have gathered, their city ]lave built; 1 7 W brs. F. E.Booth and Mrs. C. H, Rom. o 'ti 12 Where Hunger and Vice, like twin beasts of ire - ti mel, Also to the several others �ph0 mcp prey Have hunted their victims to gloom and cicspair; j s� ar;pressed their willinglleas to help but m Raise the rich, dainty dress, and the fine broidored skirt, i" _ .��� who were prevented by variouscauses. W 0 '" r Pick your delicate wily through the dampness y ` ID Y' y ] and dirt, , � Special School Ileeting Vl l� o � , o• . Grope through the Clark Clens, climb the rickety stair t,�<:a � � a.a � • j To the garret, where wretches, the young and the old, A special school meeting, for the h Half-starved and ha1C naked, lie crouched from the cold. +teleotion of a site, was held at the Union See those skeleton limbs those frost-bitten :t �s.. 80 oo a fele t, h 1 building on Monday evening. ao � v ,s3 All bleeding and bruised by the stoners of the street; Knob interest was manifested and the n A4,.t4 : IIear the sharp cry of childhood, the deep groans that sivcll meeting was very largely attended, The 'i it � 0 o From the poor dying creature who v,rithes ou the floor, , meeting was called to order by James a 1. cc co hear the curies that sound Iiko the echoes of Ileal, Thompson, President of the Board of o �s o As you sicken and shudder and fly from the door; -"- Then ]come to your wardrobe's, and say, if yuu dare— E.lucation. Justice Albertson Casewas Spoiled children of Fashion-you've norliing to wear! elected chairman,District Clerk Wm. Y. � C3 P+ a rz P o ; Fithian recorded and L. W. Korn and F t� A ilnd oh, if perchance there should be a sphere,• l i'l• �l 0. v Pennoy were appointed 'tellers m m 4 m '"'here all is made right which so puzzles its Isere, �1'r�.��r.. The following were recommended as �, m �, �j'llere the glare, and the glitter, and tinsel of Time ��`E,�a�," , Fade and die in the light of that region sublime, E � � WHAT THEY SAY. �; r eligible sites by the Board of Education: = IS � D' Two sores on Oak Lawn, for $;:5110; two AVIle,re the soul, disenchanted of flesh and of sense, c 'Statistics Lie. '--J. NimmO. a Unscreened by its trappings, and shows, and pretense " acres on Main tat. belonging to Daniel ; l; to� a* �, l- + Ilidn t I vote the coons."—W. I3.' �, 1 - -q 0 S !lust be clothed for the life and the service above, Terry, for $31800• the present site and cu � a-q m r� With urity, truth faith meekness and love• Skidmore, p + + + c +the purchase of an additional Bore in the . b� 2 Oil, daughters of Earth! foolish virgins, beware I 0 oa -A_ ; a � � + "I vc'uIIdei•where thus®7ti,000 vats rear, for�b00. The Oak Lawn site was .° o ° � Let in that upper realm you have nothing to wear! n ra -------- were."—J. E. Little. considered first and an aye and nay vote -o Tlleocl®r•c' �6'c;:ll< l�attlxcl.e, "It!rests !.!ell's devils."-J. Voor Was taken. There were 167 votes cast, a � 100 , Professor of IlIu sic, trag:a �Vr'z1 1 ort, hees. of which 8'0 were in favor and 73 against. m a S 110 prepared to ;rite histr nt,tinus on tllt+ r '$Give � Iu accordance with the vats, the chair- � � o„�„� � l i,ino Forte and S'� i_ (rive,it to us boys. II, Sammis.- m a w �, Iso ill 11 ate r man declared that the Oak Lawn site arld Oil l'tr.ii,t.il)(z. Ile will r olldlil rtiL'nil tltl.• lit "Tile new ballot law did it,"---Geo. had been chosen as the place on which ot:� q 1; 4 _Jeptenlber tel ie tell iL alit: sit il;li.ils,ul.itieui!fluty- ` M. Tileston. to build the school house, A special P' .0 o t. rz too Op . in�r� c=!lr nl,�*.ir,n c, Ac. 1'irt 1'i.irtienlur5 cu�lnit'e "I alit fstll'17riaed,"--8. V. 1'utnani.,m@sting of the district will eoou be called to consider the question ofissuing 20.year E-4 0 0 v P _ li.__ .� bonds to build a new school ctuse.°, ' 'Phe Oil- tlnewtion of extending Southold John 13iugley had a new barn built in 71J,88; John Korn,86,89; Willie!!dolor, �T'W'�V1'le'--E l`,� YEARS ACID �the rear of Lie tenement hoose.• V,"-'Z- i 84, 97; John K-jnney,9tt,87; Willie Wil. wharf so that steamers oouid atop here W,lk- f�-�r �-�--__ I n, At the election New York State went lianisuu, 95, 92; Carrie 'terry, l9}, 109; + was trying agitated. J. B. Berry said Democratic by 10,000, In N. Y. City China.Booth, t39}, 7t3; Elsie ner, 47 Arthur 1y1. `Perry entered Yale Uol- that with a subamiption of $1,000 he Ebj, lege, would within thirty days have a wharf the entire Tammany ticket was defeated.194; Lucie W,)If, 99, 85; Pauline Adaw, WaY. H.&1.uirei way home from a sea complete and the +steatmrs stopping L. Bradford Prince, Republican, was;94J, 81; Libbie Smith, 97, 71; Julia t3a& voyage to Texas. here. The freight by rail wr,e 30 ate elected State Senator in this district.isidy, 98, 91j; Eva Booth,JBJ, 33; Linis Deme L. Case, of Pe)ct.)nic,entered the per bbl., by vessel, 25 cts., and by Sntl'cik County went Democratic. J. Hand, 97, b9}; Annie Howell, 941, $ ;r major year at Yale C cllege. steamer, ?�eta. It was estimated that I lenry NHwins was elected County Sadie Salmon, 99, 91; Belle Fithian,I William H. Wells entered the Uni. from Mill Oreok to Petsonic 30,0W bush- Treasurer, defeating Stephen B French; 94J; Jennie Simons, 95, 83#; Willie els of potat 3 wrlre iwhlppr)d to New William Wickham was elected District mer, 96 lUU; Herbert Simons, , varsity of the City of New York. York "� '�, � t33 "�6;- Misses A Belle Terry, of Southold, The Repo licane nominated N D. Attorney,defeating Thomas Young; Mr. Frank Hommel, t36, 7a; Charlie Glover and Rosettie Tnthill, of Outehogne, Petty for Member of Assembly,H H. (1,irdiner was elected Member of Assem.85, 87; Julius Baumann, 100, 99,)UnrTi entered Packer Collegiate Institute. BeeJamin for School C7o misatoner, bly, defeating Nathan D. Petty, Fol-I The thermometer registered four de At the Democratic County C3onven- i'homaw Young for District AttorneZ, lowing is the vote on Secretary of State' 13. B.French for County 'Treasurer, grass above zero. .�,4. tion held at Riverhead, Hon, H. A, in Southold Town. There were four S Hampton Mulford for Sunedutendent the polling laces tofu at 1 J. H. C chran, Sr., and J.H. Cochran. Reaves,James M. Edwards and Wm. of Poor, and Dr,T. L.Ireland for one districts, p g p g P. Woodend were elected delegates to of the Coroners. Orient, Greenport, Southold and Matti'Jr., formed a copartnership.N g, Cleveland raised a pumpkin of tat�u tixe State Convention. The Southold Lym Association ad- took, Dist, 1, Orient-- ionican, 67; � ONLucoratio, t38; Prohibition,, 38 38 Dist, the Siamese Twins order--having two i H. G. Fitz, of Peconio, Frank Hor. (led fifty volumes to its library, �;, Greenport--lZepnbligan, 148; Damo- stems and two distinct bodies of the l tori,of Brooklyn, and a Boston gentle Ricihard U.*r enter moved into hie new gratia, 3TZ; Prohibition, 30. Dist. 3, ` p ' , same size and shape, united by a joint of ' man returned from a month's sojourn in hum, (Pc r-. Southold-Republican,146;Democratic, perhaps.,two inches in thickness. $ the hh:ilds of Maine. 1.15; Prohibition, 10. Dist;. 4, Matti- Tlibe rypisncttia attacked wutrn of they caThe Hudson diver was frozen over. tack-Republican, 93; Democratic, 129; L y H. H. Huntting, A. F. Lawerre, hori+ea itt this rioduitg. CWZ/Z Prohibition,34 'the Democrats carried William B. Astor died, 1Eaving an :Chan.IL Tuthill, H. Ci. Rowell and W. M forme liere. 8outhold'i'own by p yir30 lnralit ' lkvir.Z � � 'rho ort}rterat*d ll utiogton Kolsey estate valued at X100,000,000. $,Terry went on a ilehing trip to Clreen � � a (*He waw being t.ricxl at Riverbeatd. Salem Tuthill, of Chicago, visited A game of ball between the R.,d Stock. Billand Moutauk, on the Queeu of the The eammer had Lleyn coulcr bflr+e I Southold, after an abscLice of fifteen lugs of Greenport and the Forest City l: i West,and caught one huh t*regia than tho average season for 843 years. �, �� team of this place resulted in a score of >a Rev. Dr.Whitaker preached his 21 h y�r�. The Lon Island farmerssAl,t 160 bags 10 to 4 in favor of the Greenport nine. fl,Ta tariniwer�►ry sermon. At� �titinst ealaool meeting. it was` S , 13c►nthc�ld Iyivisian, S. of i'., held a #70 ft w '°O�I and barrels of produce to the Five Points Butter sold for 40 oto per lb. and eggs to lbav+e the school!wase painted. the Mission. for 36 ets per doz. s pi anio at OAk Lawn. following ofllarrit was ohomn: Trustee e AA the meeting of the Southold Tem- fent three yearn, Haas`W. Prince' Uist- For the first time in 18 years the De- The roll of honor of the Primary De- peranoe Society,P.H. U.intermen, Rea rte Clerk, N Hubbard Olevelauti; C- mocrats had a majority in the House of part as ent ll the Southold public e Jerry 2`rn I It r, H. 0. .Printin; Lebrarian, W.S. t�,tN-v-. I 6 was as follows: Third deader, Berry ijne Noses Cleveland and Itev, J. W. Sinop- EleanstL A vWtin &imtmittee of tet), Representatives, con were elected delegates to the County ooaw#eting of the followwa per�wMa wa; Following were the pluralities in Suf- Manny, Elsie Elmer, Michael Kenney, The tic nvention at Luka(!rove. An address '<llstittifo4l: H T. Torry,R,ev. E Whita• folk County at the general election: See James Donahue, Lucy Wolf; Seeorid riven Arcs made b Rev. J. G. Edwards, of 11"N' J t4, tiimpeou,T. B. Force, of State, Bigelow, Dem., 570; Senator, header, Willie Salmon, John Wilbur, atisns y A. L tiwreet, Altxortion (.lase, Prince, Hep., 116; Member of Assembly, Jesse Hahn, Willie Billard, Edna golf- Attl .Jersey City. ilrr;ry' flatittina, J. 13 'Ferry, J. H. , , lois• First Reader, Lonis Baumann, ; ,ttt the meeting of the Preati, S S. 1';,,,;a?;eau acid J H. nohfia.00ii► Gardiner, Dem., 25J; County Treasurer, , LEran 'James Roberts, John Cogan, Mary Can- atrnete °T"crnzperanrya Smiety addrown were t:11a1if1 awerH at Mattithick were being Newins, Dem., 11; District Attorney, madeby 'ru.1~'. Whitakerand J. !icor- :rout cflr at the rate of 2190 barrels per Wickham, Dem., 236; Supt. of Poor, way, Lottie Austin; Primer, Cleo.' thrte Jay Pnd were brinr;wr f I tri 49 per bar- 553 1 Quarty Geo. Stellzer, Laura Bootb,; toff Case,and an eeaay+ was read by Mier ,« Iiulse,Dem, , School G,mmissioner, 1 ae>netE i 1° ` " 1., t nli',lk 1st Dist., B ujamin, Rep., 85; Nd Dist.,lAllie Simons, Philip Nagle, 1la�bel, ttcg,f Emma F. 1 etem M. B. V andusen vias ,,t i, t, , �abosen speaker for the next rueeting. c'. :t,r'. :y+ ! °;A ft.)" N mount, Dem., 866; Justice Supreme Booth, Emma Teague; Deportment,' The with lar. A. I& Sweet as alternate. to {1' t �'c i ilii Dem., 373 Lizzie Leight, Frank Cochran, Louis �� Court Tappan, 8 11 .: `' i @;��� S. Saamann, Wi1lieBillard,Willie Salmon,i c William F. Whitaker entered ou hit! 11 � , I } 1, ;,;, Appy sold for $4 00 per barrel,and dag.o last .year at Union 'Theologies] Semi- ;;l,c, ', iiroli, t, ,t,�:,i ., :� �1 t=:,I potatoes for 20 cents pt,r busiae,l.V""'•2'� Lottie Austin. � ctccan nary" ,i, ;+ .i,,i '. A large singing ©las®, conducted by D. T. Conklin's brick building wan' the ea w; r.'<<t;,. _ i r_c ni,; i t;r : B, PhFia�:,3 a proaohin completion. Clw. Williams,house was nearly Som- � Prof. Cleo. B. Reeve, of Mattituok, was pJ. Horton u Case, Thomas B. Wells and M. f., Cleve+land altd S. 11, Corey at- �,,� 1." organized at Glroen ort. Ovvw'',2- D. Y. Balloek were elected Elders of 1 '; iepasi plated. t� teittlr�.l t11r �.,ah~{riahltal Liiet±tittg of the, p � Beckwith Av.tack received some atte Suffolk (.lctpi y `Ftsinper rinta 13ooit�ty at, John L. `Terry resigned the office of the Presbyterian church. i . v tion from the overharer, sail it wee 1311y klhoro, oc r-: I,� `Constable and P. H. tlautermen was ap-` L F. Terry, 1 aer proprietor of Tn� 1t t1 thought, that it would be a beautiful At the rtwotiug of the Southold Tom-'pointed to fill the vacancy, i 1'xnvl i,rii, pa t l�r,:::t the.Su 1'ulk f'ia�ce�. Texpi ersul-3:)soolutiv wbirc+e+rtes wetro tirade by Josiah Smith ';haaq fiuislimg off the Ep"er street when the troc*4 were grown a little 1 f. R B. (Juukliu s(famous trotter, Barns, Oapt. Uojl+e,ttf 1 •rtluad, Me., Somnel interior of David Grahams residence. �onthe mom and a few more buildings were pat Weeks,J 1t t.'Liar> Rt-v. Epher Wthits- was exhibited on the Oak Lawn track. The Lyceum Association met at their ga Vice President Henry Wilson died. �rooms and arriangecd for it play. Lail her and Iitary llca_Ittrir Sunday [nc�rrhirsg Rev. hr. T�'iswell A rixcxtting in the iiivrmt of extending� Following was the report of the de. ; A singing school was held in the M. gear,! 4 preached iii the Presbytoriara church, S"'LitEFcti,l wharf er�vc,rrts civ{, feet was tortmeut and recitations of the pupils of�E o13u➢'oh hAaPmeIIt, nail©r the diregtic�r. � the ye held, with C, K 7illinglya:�t iu the©hair, 1 ,of Win. 11 H,irton• and Rigbop+ Diward (1, Aritlrowis tilled s and 9, B. Vandusen reoording. A ma- the senior depairtment of the Southold� 'Phomas Wood put up a neat piazza i1_- the t_the pulpit of the 414, F. c;hur+ah iu the je)rity of the meetins{r was in favor (f public school. The total registry was front of E:lward Hunthug's residenc>m � Bro>in t'reuing;. raising $1,900. gild IT W. Prince, Dr. 63 an,l the average dailyattend inoEe 45. - ' g t y_ x � i:reap X. L tweet, W, C Albertson, C I) Gilliam Prinee,ri ell JO Pars,was ea.f.. At the meeting of the Lona! Toniywr- Elmor and Chas !Merton were appoint- K%plauation: 100, perfect; 75, good; to be the olcdegt man in Southold. icdat ,%aoe :3caciety addres4ei wore nmakle by ted a committee to aaliait subscriptions. 50, batt. The first set of figures after The Lyceum he Breaker decided t� � cants 'Bev. E. WfDitatter, lZ Sv. Dr. Cl. F �S+u- It wm voted that the shsre be$10 each a resent Amon the Breakers. � ,�h each name the pupil's record in p'Phe thermometer registered 3 degree � n'' � Obaurlts E Case, of N Y city,al d tow ,at, I wq�e i, E lw ird H ntting mild 1). T. Mtsw Mary J. Oreou.of Pe=tunia, trete whispering; the second, in studies, beSouthold C1rlange, P. of ii., sit tete cl of the Of- Conklin.Dahlin. i a ixa>arric};d, � Ettie Simons, tai},84; Aggie Terry; ' K Urriti x' vayne: and Miss Annie )1. J0, 100; Jessie Payne, 51,9�i; Lillie Til- ticerh as follows:Overseer, Worthy �Iaater,EE,teF=t: �eeide The ltl,,aine elegtiun re,uriis ave the � t G. Case; Ort3rseer, C. D. L e= Republicaus about 5,(0)w ijority. Mrrcea were married at Springfield,Mass, liugbast, 7+1, 91; Annie Goldsmith,9310 Lecturer, Philip W. Tuthill; btew iix i, � a ! Potatoes sold in Ha`aena, Cuba, for At the rano at Oak Lawn,I Peck's R, 186; Mamie Beakmith, 93, 98j; Minnie Win, C Mapes; Asst. Steward, U 1 z-ter ' )1 Lot°wc)ii the first hra�t.,'1'.W. SOuir,?e' Hommel, 100,79}• Susie Salmon, 97 , Mayne; Treasurer,J. D.Vail;13t�arei r.: ire. y per btu!. - `t> ( Gras. E. Overtou; Uhaplain,A. I.13, Landon& Dieterson were to have a!Dexter tho se(u)ncd, ill �.:'�1, whioh was �,/5; Annie Malone, lc6�, 83; Helen Tut- a y � f pies :i5 10(1 Oatekeeper, Qet�. Q. Wells; Lad , uew store in which to o tidue�t their the faetaet finita Made B Jones llarr hill J8, 83, ; Jessie Bcisseau, � r y Stewart:!, Miss Sarah E. Peck• I c butcher bnr�inE+ ' ~< j:11eA third,anti :1, U. Lathtarsi`s Deceiver Booth, 89M,:)8; Mary O'Neai, 98, Mrs. A. I. Bootle; Oare4, Mrs. C. � alife ry Eimer; Pomona, Mrs. I.Peck. t�aea D. U. C orwvin, of lAike +l.`:ts, �.liun,I.l�c�shiu�s� ,cliil throo, thus winning the 9i1; TlYeressa Runkle, tai , t4; Fannie , , 'e after a ten yearly` alesomw4 ware visiting '1,'''L§ Vic " 'Sini ison,'31. 1J, Eimer Smith, 77 78• ' At the meeting of the S't)uth B 11 enpe°r- Irieli T l j zLoe Society of the Presbyterian ChUrOb reltt,tivey anti frieiicls at Southold and Alfred 1w, V ill wwa,lal 1=:a�.le.l lXTUtyl Willie Foaly,05,79}; Ueorge Richmond, rhe address was given by U B. Var. Peoonia. the>r1t1't)y S110TIQ 1,+)rig. 76, 713; Melrose Booth, 68, til, Alvin ' duseu. Dr. A. L, Sweet was chose!: rr3's 1.). U. Tlitlifli a4�t t+,l a liitetlien to his Saovrl, 81, 8riz; James Uagsid 77, 7ti; ypeake�r and fleury Hnuttiug rwlternat; l38, Crpt: lleuj. C'Ile a.tcl waft, thti Intuit- y, lic�hise. '1?c�l... 4 1 for the nest meeting. )r gore of the T rosp t MAO, Shelter io- Frank Booth, uo, 97; Willie 'Perry,83,�� Louis P. Bereengc�r orad Miss C.irrit J and, returned to their home ill this vil 1,11114 f3. sk ustPrnov had a large itddi• t)l; Fred `Pilliiighsat, S7, 87; Eugene t A.Fanning were warrietd, ihe11 :a;,lq 1+all z?rt the rear of lit,;llt)n ie: Conklin, 71, 85; James Magee, 67, 77; Silas 111oore, of Catchogne, was killrt: v� .�.�- daufurtl 11,0!.coat, +1, f1,i 7; Lfiwis Korn,�1. i,eii g thrown from a wagon. Vie+. �" 9 j hlatthold Division Eslected follotviug Southold Division, S. of'T',, was fa- Congress has b e e n memorializted t o The Presbytery taxer t : tril'ioers: W. P., J. FI. I3oiEaseau; W &. a+;nasi with ecru address by N. H. Cleve- make T.ino)lu's birth€lay a national hell oenec�ci Wm. I,y met dere and li_ Billie FE€ak; lI, i3., C, S. Weeks; A, I md, on the right whale just taken off day. �1'laitalcer to preach., Imoa g,,Jennie Salmon; F.Sr,W.H. Glover; p.crimen®. ,, 'The SoutL€altl tahttrc li rep€;rted 1-2. 97 ` Southampton,illastratedwiths a T. Baumauil is about to Lave , . , :oadam, , 1•, 'Thos, Wood and his assistants have IaiH li to- nneruhars-a gain of � � u� school' ',, Wna. R.Vail (,ria J. W.13inapeou; news shop removed to a lot ljought of " gain of,a.l.� �.y ldliaC Con., Luoy Peck; A. C., Ettie 'Tutlrill• skided to Elder Edward Hunttiug's ,. "'' `-a rc ', Gal. Wickham. ,1(sLu:t Payne <fz Bob,i' - L xl I,S.,C.L. Fanning; O.K, V. B tltaltl ' house a piazza and a cornii;e, and have A- B.Pisk, Iate of Penn. (}antral E are adding a story anti buil]in a kitch. Il,olj li; ;atriith. �r'�c built a picket fence on the entire front en to fit it far a dwelling: 1�`Co., had succeeded Webster t3a�yder' 1144a,lo` Arthur H. Tciry and Jesse L Case of of the premises. J. H. C ohra�n & Sou who lead resigned the ofli;�e of Get,,q.�� Slailes are now driven in Sha channel Willie fl. Yule College, Will. H, Wells of the Uni- have done the painting. G it Sept. of the L. I. R, R• Oo., and Mai;k and boards will be fastened to tlet•m• , A large number of our citiz ins turned ; Beers had become Master, �s,93,i6; lversit:y of New i'ork, Win. F. Whittaker g t1aERn brush and sand will be thrown IOjop;r iaf Union Theological Seminary, and out to cut a new channel near the 'Foot j Don Pedro, the Emperor#4Bra�ii, i against them, The task has not been a Miss M. Belle Teeny of Packer Institute of Land to connect Town Creek more small one, �was malting a tour through the Unittd 1 foal�,, ;spent the holidays at Loma. 6i�t C. �'( directly with the Bay. The old channel Mates. is to be filled in, James Thompsou's horse took fai-ht - _ i Sam'.1 L. Bennett, of :Hamilton Col. from a apprauching train and ktroke The President had vetoed the bill to IAchma lege, spout the holidays at Southold. Marriages noted. William H. Terry g g Lest reduce his salary from g�0,000 to they away. It left the wagon a aaiwit a and Mise Isabelle GI. Pack• Daniel W i Laiidon& Dickerson occupied their by H, W. Prinoa's store and took the original $25,000, on the ground that tLe ompliaoi new market in D. T. Conklin's brick tlxattan and Mise Catharine 11ltslone' thills as far are S, A. Beckwith's store. litter sum arts insufficient to defray the� avis ' [ Horace F. Spooner and Mies Anna A. necessary expenses of the Eseentive. gfwI .buiAding. ' �� ` °� Note the auction sal at the Asa Stringlaanr, lies of It� 1=our of our oldest people died—Asa --- Smith homestead. Mrs. Oliver Charlick was about to sue pjoiocc Swith, aged 85 yearn; George Philiipm, Abram F. Lowerre and wife, of Flush- the L I. R R. Co. for the balance due C�_�� 'ILta stockholders of the .hast End „i agted 81 years; Mss. George Phillipa, %ug, are in town for a few days: i m 11s Steamboat Co. have authorized the sale tier husband as President of the 0orn- eaOwl aged `t4 Nears; I Z-a Horton, aged 72{C ,Ezra Tillinghast has bought three'of the Escutt at auotiou. PRUP he having left it nndra n in the lwiag a: ve rs. __ acres of laud of Oharles Overton; also The M. E, church has new chaude•t•essury for several years. The Southold L.•ceum, Association the house lately occupied by Oeorge tiers, 'T'here was snow on Monday morning Rsrd IG& :presented glee two act drama, Among the Phillips, deceased. "Graudfather's Cloak" was "likely A good fishing season was predicted' Diel Cir', lartY.akere. '.Phe casts included the FI, H. Hunttiug has lately shown us'to be a popular song." by the old residents, a Sooroa' ueaiaitaa of it. 0. i+itz, A, M. Salmon, C seven "chin plasters"--Cohtiuental It was proposed to establish a railroad P. L Judd was improving�biac hotel oil Dina S, `i`ut,Li 1, Goo. CTerry, Albertson mallet'. Flatboeh Avenues. ,1;,v depot at the junction ot Atlantic and property by setting out maple tress out cA 4K iInd ep Cease,VV v.i. f3.. Ferry, Silas F. Overton„ Rov. J,)hu Luckey, who served the M. Ileo, Brown was loading a schooner atanasset + side the walks an the south d Misses Belle 0. eek, Husie B. Ben. �church of this}villa a over 411 eats;]view Suffolk with potatoes,and givin sides of the hotel. ' g y imrl b nett, EttiEe B. Pa uo, Luc, A. Peek, ago died on the 10th Inst. 20 dents for Cusco and Peerless, and The express business of the L LR B p 30 cents for extra flue Rose.+}�r?,4e-''K passed from the Long Island Express ilio echr!i i t S. F. Overton and Mrs. () F J U. Vail haat futiad a valuable encJl Capt Kat Carson had rleatured in IN,Jed t';t tie, t� and a knife, which he wishes to restoreeing Co. into the hands of the Wescott Ex. Ix6m,, Tho net receipts of the entertainment I,to the owners. Indians and two squaws, by aigLt press Co. 3 Ili Secm if John W. Stoku�, who was seat to H. 0. Howell has exchanged his house Work was commeziced in earnest ula- givers bythe Southold LycEAcrru Aassotai-�, ID Nib �, 118ing Siiag for NU years for breaking into and lot at Peodilio with J. Albert WiAls on J. B. Terry's wharf. Mr. Terry atiori were lit, Ileo. W. L ou's store has stela eti, y y Edea ca y p for his house and lot [now the resid thought it would be completed about .At the Parish Meeting of the Presby- The proj?at of filling in the old ohan- of B,T. Payne � the middle of June, when it was ho Baaaaaaa teritm oliureb, the `.t'rutitres were in. I u(A was carried out by many willing; y I-an even trada1n" mer, Gr Ithe New York steamers would stophexa. llsry Ou? alrtr+�teEl to purchase the Iaaiia.I (between ;hands; also tLti loose send Eau€1 brush' The Lyceum Ass'n has added 40 new, - uiled for that purpose were o}ars ied out books to its library, now numbering 430 ! Bunkers were being caught in abund- k cruise anaf ft?trr acres l:aining tlita by the tides. It i4 now proposed to put «s Boob -vemetety oil the south, of Henry hunt. ill bugs of ,naiad, and *30 has bEaen•° Boss Josiah Smith was finishing off' anoe, Richmond&'Tuthill caught 100, le 11x6 ,lag, far$650Jz.� already ntihscribed to tildet the expense j the upper part of D. T. Conkliin's riok 1100 Monday night, anti Geo. Vail, of! g arlmaem r , " — l:hae Lyceum :IssnoiQatiad��are reehear builidJ❑ for L'eoonio,found 100,000 in his pound. c►nE# t. P The±ariac�arht,deposited au r,rio �lotrth- �' ia- !� dwelling purposes. 1 iso, Lov ild Savings Baault during tis=. hest tell inn Still waters run deep acid the Theodore Wood had ptrroLas half of morning. says;of J arauary was$39,782,tlt and the Yankee pedailor," to be presentol th},' the Hobart house. Charles Stafford'Tillinghast, a'vetoran l.atl€i part of this mouth, I`h© publics The old house of Win. B. Vail waA of Co° 11, 1;�ittt Rest., N.Y. 13. V., died i =:n unt withdrawn by depositors staring '° laeing torn down to be reel sed b anew oing R he Parise time was $37,748 ll;• The i bray be sure of a treat. ! � i one. a< , � of ir;tlammation of the bowels three 11 amount of interest placed to the credit of I Th€.L. 1, It It, leas pa%ed to the sun-. A gale had blown down a c imney oci days before the completion of his. clr ;Irallaaf ie ositara for the previous six iiaonthe trol of the T'oppenhuseris. Southold, thehouseof Win Ff. .Cuthill. year, I Elora± p P' I The steamship Oreat 'Western had ��}} Q$25 3°8 73. !town has it population of u-bat, of wht.sn , , 'ip p p taxa11itl W@ U C "[a,J+yNt}D � � The Ireasnry was r4wTtrin�y"�.R�L,t� 4I t'�iit t ..; been wreaked off Amityville, At the meeting of the Suffolk Count 1,t?1£�aro voters.-Tho 'g Statltyltr" �stort< Sag Harbor claimed to have 114 cases silver pieces, iriir rf Ts g y I Ia 1'RTmra Lemperance Society at ifa•€nuport, Rev. was lwoken into, anti goods tE.s tlar n epissot" on rEeard, bt:sides inane Potattaes sold for 15 cents per bushel. imt¢tT.a wlionnt of two dollars were stolcau,---13. not registered. - °pier Whitaker delivered an address I , oileoce,' 1.I. Lewis Las jubt oporied his stove ant:I Li. G. .Howell our popular druggi.t%vA Abram F. Lawerre moved to Southall. n the Money Valuta a#Tetxllaorian(ata, m•aviug into,his new home, (leo,C Terry purchased the coal bars. iaedall6w;. W , till ettarn.�.-•J'. Cl, t,li}aratl�lin advertises I 9P Luther Wells,of Bay View,in his a($°la '.Phe public school was closed, tho dialha l. ; e,ar, performed the fallowing cvo.r•k dux• ,1Sstt;tc±r•, eaplit eels aiul N: tU. rtiEala+sses, 1 ruses at Town 13arbi:sr of J. B. Terry. Tile L tdies' Sewira Society of thN taicherm W.S.Bennett all(]W.A.Bolton Wm` U. Terry and Goo. C. Terry of IhIbed:a i he year 1875. He carted and spread g being at tt:e institute at Riverhead. the farm of'terry Bro,furniture seaters, ;30 loads of manure; prepared tLt; gest;. olitrrcali will ititet}t this afternoon ,, dissolved partnership, the business to io'Ip�atii+ t round for, sowed and harvested three acid evening at the residenix)of Jonath,iis S° P. Tuthill'a select school lead closedand Ile had , be conducted by�V'€ai, 1d, Terry 4r� irrsidsoc re lanced l acres of aottitoes g' Vail's oyster tsalaou•his au ails at A 1f° i.* sof oats; P g 1 11t1atttn I3era t.ale and wife want to1 l � I W. H V.wrote conoernirig the cannot►, i:id attended, du and ceIlaxed the sanaE3 p ] A five-pound cannon ball, thoaagLt to Ibold galls found in the old Y:;ti Louse. 'The s dr¢ilFa a 1 lanted 3j acres of corn anti attce_sdt.el, Brocoklyn last Sattarday. � "' first ball was found in the ehfint ey. in o c it, husked and cribbed the aeras; out Donation at ®utchogtie this everting have been fired by the British in 113, was fund on the site of tete of€i Vail tearing away a partition that ryas attacks,. rolllO'" i t ree acres of hay and carted the same; to Rev. H. dale, pastor of the Pres, house, The bricks of he chi eel to it on its north aide and was the irioirl it the barn—all of which life did aioi3e, Church rrtne� c�rrt 'smaller, weighing about two acid a half Of Holland mak John C. Wells of Shelter Island has e, �d,r,l�• b r*sides taking Dare of two cows, two _ pounds. The second was found whale E Ed, ', h Braes and four hags. He also out his promised to addrtwe the next meeting of i 'T'erry.Bros. were adding to their calx`excavating for the cellar under the new R! i the Local Tem Societ i really large stock of household furniture. house, and Eataneegtnent'ly iia the yard `. itils ,w nter's wood in the woods and carted -- p• y I on,0 ,' + west of the old Vail house. 'This weas liar- Et"�tls ss S:ne. His faculties were in a good state S. B. Horton and J. Willard Preston A. T. Stewart, the millionaire mer. Mer, weighing about five pounds This ` preservation reservation and he was robust and of Greeoport are to have the schooner chant, had just diel zit the age of 74. arae found about afoot below the sur-' " irrJaE , to:igh. Ike strictly alstained all through 'M ri8tta Smith" fitted up to carry Misses Mattie Wells, Emma Peters face and had the appearacoe of having E f E`a Iii i life from all intoxicatingdrinks acrd People to the C'laantennial.Flahibitiou, And Augusta Carpenter bad atteiided been there a number years, 19tame years C ago it hall aorrespt;=i.lding to the abo" to;Sacco and had been a consistent Mr. and ltlrs, R. T. Cioidsrriith are: the Teachers'Institute, The last named was dug tip in the yard of the told RMS. PPI visiting in 11rooklyu. rte° `. tf� +vale to teach the Locust ave soLool seau homestead, now in posy siorr of C1 ristian for nearly three score yeezars. Miss Carrie llatutting toturned to 0a ;during the spring term. f W. H. H. Glover, by Mr, Boipseau I "I seal was seen in the Bit"cleat•J. I3. �,e,�"ta l�c►rtr►ial on �tonciiay. 14IiExs Annie`Steen of 13riclg€=.larsrraptt,nThese,balls were nudit ubtedly shot lay tilg, �Tt cry's wharf by Wm. Ri€ilimund @;iae cvas T• the British fleet while lyir+q in the. a Abeut sixtymembers of the L• eetim teaching Bay View school. , da last week. l )1W Sound during the'War of IBI1 There isolll t Aes a ware represented at their animal 11. H, Huntting, the obliging Station are records of houses nearer the Sour;d Jr. h I3uutting and Wife r€;ft kr a rirTweed has solved the problem Rev. T CtaBea lialaad areaeLed in lite j havisag been shot into" t I' S11`a reg Agent., a to their Lome at Hantint;ton after ±a we,k's v:s;t here: h p blear of rapid I trannit, large proths anal no returns• �M E. church and was about o bring t - - his family to the parsouage. Mrs. Temperance Jktb At ibis topubtlais National 01oven• Mrs. ldary 1111iuglaaaAt was pra"ring ohogue, pieced a quilt eorrtaixliuj( \Fran. H.Terry moved into the ZOOMS t"t gilt t, "r Knttterford H Il yeas,for lite ereestirzu of a House ata the sill pieces and no two were alike, tinter rise store. ti C3iItww4 Boot:nird for Pr"Oeh!, Barnabate Hartoet tut, between the old «aratl m�`3ti,tlrlt r1 W'heel�+r,of New York. Jesse B. Smith and farnil of p ,IIct, llartys wog Chiral money t af300) in-alae for V ice 1'I cisWe nt `lam!*1 house wod the reaai3er etb of U. D. Lltxier,.returned to California. t 11 The Democrats nominated Elora;tic, �lhas. H. Wood contracted to do the� �SuffAk Park trot. Work was progressing fluely on J. 13• :leymour f.)r(lovetrnor,but he latxaitively ''arpenter anti Mc tJlc+veland the ma � Goo. C. Terr y and Mise ie I3> �Goldsmith were married at the reseidntiae ferry's wliaaf. It was expectod that a ,le©tined the❑omination, sun vrcrla' of R. T. Goldsmith, Peconic, by Rrstrr public highway would be opened from:, A Tilden and Handriake Reform Club A call was made for the organization The visited the C Town Harbor Lane to the look. of a Hayes and Wheeler Campaign�Epher Whitaker, y web foinied here with the following at. tennial and friends at Brooklya and. Wm. g. Wells obtained as pasitiom doers: Pros, Barnatsatts H, Bootb; Viob;Ulab. with Phe] Dodge & C9., importar4, D.T.Conklin and Win. J. Buckley, White Plains Pres, Israel 1'r4k, lora L. Qr�ldasxnith, Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Beach A. Frank. iu N Y. city, jumps M. Words, Belden B. Udse, At- owners of Mill Cheek flonriog mill, die.s F, L .Tadd was making extensive im frcd Well,;; , H. N. Pontis,Sam'l H.I ao1ved partnership and lair.Buckley pur.Itin Tuthill and daughter, Mr. and Mrs rc:ceamentaj on the Southold Hotel. B. T. Payne, Miss Angie M. jlartoc, p Nlool.0; Oor, Sea., Albertson Case; chased fixe it ,lir and feed interest of J Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wilbur. Mar. and R IS.Stargaas moved the house arson- 'liege.,Mem I). 03)Idsmith; Extscutive B. Terry at Town Harbor. He algin Mrs. D. T. Conklin, S. O. pied by the late George Phillipe to the 4,�c>riaitxtttee,J Henry Cochran, (iadfrey intended to keep groceries. He rented �, premises of Ezra Tillinghast, who was Ralrn, Wax.C.Albertson,James Thomp, the building used as an office by Mr. Daniel Terry, t3. A Beckwith, lilts. A. to nese it as a barn. nA 1t 4% 1� ,floe, J, K Corey, poo. Fisher, Benj. Terri, and Buse P. H. Cautermen was L. Sweet, Diss Sara Olmstead, ,1Mddi� $. Howard Hanttiug and Miss Annie I3nrtusl, I±'.lij a!u llsitesliit 'tan, `Theo. W.IPutting up a new buildiug to be used Mattie Wells, Prof- J. R. Robinson, JI Ycek were married. I' as offices by J. B. 'ferry ental Goo. C, B. Vandusen, Mise Henrietta Horto 11 irtc:al, J Otis I)af ilio. Mrs. D. Austin Hoe t�n att;Wiled the Cot A snorer kitc�herl was annex 1tl to the The game of ball at Riverhead be-Jerry. rtsside.noe of A F. Tuthill._ r ltltur,laita«:as had arrived. 4 tarsen the Southold nine anti Enterprise i At the Rsputxliean I'riai+;ry held at testis meeting of the Tilden and Hcn-� Capt. Urias Gardiner had his yacht C;iub,a#kiiverbeud,resulted in a score the roans of J. Wl Huuirma Morgan dricks Reform Club addreeaess were` it'lors iwprcvecl for the summer cans- of•.'�3 to 11 in favor of Riverhead, Morgans weq elected chairman and H. paign The l ,pnblican National ("onventiou W. Prince secretary,and the following made by District Attorney Wildiam Srainel Dickerson and Wallaoo A ` waas 1xwln held at C nolanati, Blaine were elected delegates to the County Wickham and Atbartsou Case, Clark oontratlw for the purchase of then tt Jeremiah At a meeting of the Hayes inti wheel 1 -itore and goods of the late t). 8.Tilling• apl*ared to hes aiheaci for President,with Convention': Orville 'ferry, ,Ar Club at Peconie Hall, an addre t bast. C iukling n•.,c�oud and Bristow third. Moore, A. F. Tuthill, Morgan Morgans, Btass t. H. Wood added a summer Brietcxw=and Hayes were named as prob- Orrin F. Brown, R. T. Goldsmith and Iwas made by Cordello D. Hlratr. le kilohm to J. B.Terry's residence. Currant worms.and potato mugs made able undidate s for Vice President. Joseph Well1L �+"�' °� Hell Crate was snoot�efniiyy,l�':wne cls, The trotting hoxae I.3aruP, owned by their appearanoe.. , It wag reportc�cl that Frederick Max-; D. P. Horton and big choir gave c g T'he following were elected c�f eers of well intended to Wild on bis laud.�r,,,00 most elijoyable concert in the Presb. Richard B. Conklin, commenced his the Presbyterian Sunday school: t3upt, It was said that. Col. Lester was the church, which was very largely attended, summer campaign at Cleveland, O. He S T. Taar�xv; Ist Asst., Henry llantt.ing; was considered b tcurfinen one of the #.,1 rrinie W. Horton; bust. In. o'Wnefr Of the finest grove on the East A liayeas and Wheeler Campaign y 21, ! n.`Ijnd and the premises were a delightful Club was formed here with the follow- most promising horses in the country. [ant Dept.. Angie M. Horton; Substantial sides were being made to t C.Terry; Librarian, Ci. F. Pu no, As loo,atiou for a sulxamrsc boarding ht�Iasc*. lug aflio>?r�: Pres., Dr. A. L. Sweat; sistanto, Elbert dwoesey ati,d Eddies Samuel Dickerson, It. T. the bridge at Mill Creek mall. so Haat Horton; jury wase iJmwn by the Tcuwu Cllerk �'icis Pres, Committee an Systematic Be-Bt3-' , horEes etauld net et c tl :l.�`t.,'-+��- ,c eevolentw,J Horton 0aase, 1). Y. Hal-�to serve in the eases of the proposed road Uold+smith, Jesse G. Case, Stuart T. g Iracle, I7sr.A.L. Sweet, Naannias W. Hot- y; II. W.Prince; See.,C. ll. J. B. Tviry had a mud-nigger at work I from`yowls It%rWT t.iaue t- ,1 B.'terry's ferry: Treas., at his what,f. go that steamers could land V n• wharf. '11k+� � Elmer; Executive Comtnitte, C. D. E1 �. F. L Jixeld a<31d his house and land nix i Luer,k3, DiekerAen, It. T. Goldsmith, J. ,it any time, 'Town Cleek to Dtivid htephetiason, of N.; It. b Htttrgets ttlavcal iota laity new�a Case, S. T. Terry; Musieal C:at^n- °lobe Tilden and Hendricks Clair was i Y. City,for d1U,ttUl). 11" °'}, !houRe. � ,� IiixttON,p. W, '1°ut}.aill and E. L. B(,ie.,addressed by J Wlotlram Case in tic�tirth- c t)pars M. Ernest;oontraat (3 to erttett; T. 11. Wood wall esaruieing 1Bram f au. c old Hall. a slue Italian msrl)le mouuuieut for Cl-)'. Terry's roeide�utas. AeTh � Cl1°. H. Lester. flue Republican State (- invention i The County Fair was the beat evirr Potato bugs were very numerous So i 'rho spud digger arrived to begirt up. nominated Ell aviu D, Morgan for Clover- held, few potatoes had not bvou pltautowl ill i1ratiOu"st'1'etr,y's wharf• nor, and tllserman ti. Ito errs for Lieu G Hahn's new bongo was fast approach• t3cuf alk County in 25 Boras, A stingirlg elPss wie'Y organized, under tenant Cloyernor. ing completion. The steamer W. W. Coit stopped at Hiss direction of Prof. 1). 1'. 1.1orton. lituart T. `ferry, while returning from A young son of Sylvester Hawking t3oauthold wharf for the first time. An attempt at burglary was made at i the ContenLial,saw two men cross the I had his arm brokers while playing at James IL Robinson had boan Pritici• the resaidonee of b. A. Beckwith. during I least River on the traveler rope with a i school. pal of t3nathclyd®eacleuly fox fire yese 1rar. h"'alswrszrx Thets3lrglnr Keine l an ens;ualile for a construction of the Brooklyn' The Laical Temperance Society utas Curing that time themes had t>eseu 1718 ilii- tranN.try plylsig+:,lieu tliv hook of the Bridge, c F�'���`�' addressed by Rev. T. C. Beach. Henry te,rant students under his iustrucstiou, ktti,huai,la.or Eli. uaH fai�htela«'t1 «away Godfrey Nahn�vae preparing to build!linatting, Samuel Weeks,D, Y, Hallock, lige whole number in attendasrctt during t►1 1allitatr t'V it a twit;''f angst& (.j � a I oauase on hiss praamia�, jricit north iii and D. T. Conklin- The year alas:iii se=t anti, ark; third. C) '. l'+t3uile y rtarrtivr}y r lied(Inn p. his reHidotice. `Thomas H. Woaal wog to; A straw stack in tilt •�r of hire, M the fir-at y 1.; fourth, ld; fifth, 7)"21, making an ag jug. While t e►ttattag ilk liar. channel Ile du the c�arpent«ar and J. A. ticaltlKnaittl fiafl'ga's house was.sis4vovered to be on grepte attend&uoe far tial flee yeara,Bit,, vraas taken with eraarripR and sank thtee� r�on wc7rk. � fire and before it could be subdued alae of these 133 wird ludies and 1:I 9011th' time&before reteouvK1 by friends, 1 lter(woue sold for 32 c ats a gallon, :stack, barn and other out-bnildi.ugas were men. They came from some forty ilii• Dom Podro tx,toplete d his tour P Terry's wharf was becoming quite a destroyed• The lions'was unir�jure►l. ll ferout plaaaat and several difforeLtF Sweat thtougli the Urided btates �b:isainsss centre. The Hayes and Wheeler Club was ad- s J. Edward Corey and Kies Betde A. :Atom{1, Blaine aoeepted the Maine'. A 11, Vail sold hie ice cream and oys- ,Iressed by Wan. H. gage, of N. Y, Vity. +�.4 0 �' The fo!lowing jurors were drawn fl Orli e: DdcTp>`xe were marriesd 3:iixattsrarllip. ter saloon to P. H. C,1nterman. , Puck & Loworre opevol a mainufac- I�iouthold Towu to serve at Coag, .. tory of the Guarantee spring maitre tEa. 1', tuua�ster t#;snestat Jewell was re- Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickerson, Mr, and Chang. 11', Overton, p g move-d by President tyrant: iCilnrt: Luther C ag, Isase T.Whitbeck, cif C� xs eekie, N Mrs. Henry M. Beebe and W. A. Clark Benj E Mall, Benj L. Putter, David of Y,®pen carnage a earshop near J axdd's 00VOtnor f3aye l, Ile*put►liean caandi. 1'q, r t� t date Etat the 1'r�lieteursy, wrote blas tastier wtsre at the C=+aitennial. A. Petty, Daniel Broderick, Victor H. Hotel._. ,- ,J _ Jut) o Edwards, of Florida, delivered Wells, Jonathan H. Baiasseaa, li�ar�tia �t Wt. W.W. Gait made regular lard.,of a �`u'6° He Rl�lare-ti for hard g W. Terry, Thomas 10eves. t4k ; money,free as pools,peary in the South, a lecture in the Presby+Irian chapel on The Hayes and 'Wheeler Club ing:s at Southold wharf. ,es.«�t 1-1 The store at I'eecnic own .l by Mrs civil se rvioe refortu and one term. Florida. forted a sine banner,painted by Chatrl� Alvin�quires and forms+rly ocenpied by l tl C'cntNa swots oat>c:�:l Walter Wells' Wm. 11 Vail accepted a position with I OTeen. An address was given by ll i to W m. A. tr�ru E Davis Tu,h, , was e+olr (A I). ilt�udereou, of N. Y City. j 1Iou. N. ll. Petty. Utipt. he•a•j C'4-1 trf the 1'roopcet Williams and ttactvrd to iiia premise's to At the school meeting A. F. Tuthill ir€ ( llonsr,lilieiit*r l lii:,l, legit 1�a.!gtie�atg. The Hayes and Wheeler Club was ad be xr�itted acid txasctel �a�teare. ( i elected Trustee. °1'ho Trustees reported htti It was decided to have a a+elebration Ilaitte:l'I"rriy`as a lt`:ls least r' shutjiug dreg yed by Dr. A. L. Sweet, Lawyer 1 .i balance of 61-63 on hand and it was } Drat'getatleW4U'es t;t, tbre :a, ta in nuan- Ira HTathill anti Henry H. Hnnttirig. ' t hare cru July Ph. with a laiat«�ri .1 cit-Of � voted to raise J-0-50 additional by tax to l7•cr, hats swam►'of whof;e vaea lead i2 yeaars. A eUannel was dredged at the wharf ;'tion by Bov. Rphet Whitaker slid a defray the expenses for the ensuing axtriotics oration by Wv `I'. Iiev. u F. wiswell, ray Pbiladelphia, at as oo8t of $ti'�,.1`' >;ear, f Bamne�l Dilikereoxx watt to Ile 1=,�kilt a:t seas vtettixig hers' a";�r" Lucius by t.11 c>n was nominated for The fallowing were appointed Road pal of the day, witb Oeci. lk Walls a:;.! 1.s 'rho tlxerwom.atear register-ad degrees't#„vc�rritir by t},t+ Democratic State] Con- t " , liars t+laatlet. r',° 1 y C)vor.sets iu the several districts of alae 1 vention, in Place of Horatio Seymour, i r (;�pklits, V uta Pr' tit's. loan : 1, .Dimes 1lensy- 7i'oungs�_`�, declined: .-- t -•-- ` _ _ ['elvis K Jug; u, Aav(,u Ymingi 4,Osman: V. M Eirties.ty erreted a beautiful Mrs. Mary "11iiiinghsat,s fine Rev. Epher Whitaker contribute.-] s Folln Uw 1 5. Buel Umwin; (I, Albert Al..A]- ttaliall ri,011"went oil Col, T, . R 9 !water's house V& Complete from garret to OW, very interesting art We to Tri.E Xit_tvp�,r, t�ak r contribute.] 10 08 to ­�,qrtsor,; 11, Wm. Albertson; 8, J. H. plot in Sontliold Cemetery, lar, and it was called a model house. En on "Old Age in 8oatbuld," Victo I. - d fioisseau: 10, U. D. Elsner; 10, Goo. On Nov Ifst the L I It 11. B. Conklin's trotlfr Rarps w a fn j the "I'luCed California, were thirty persons in the parish whr 1) if, w -Velir.; 11, Alfred Wells; 12, Ezra Ij, the fare from Southold to L. I. City tri f 3 age or .rhere were 19 877 farrels of were eighty years of age or older Tbeit 01oldsmith; 13, 1.,-wis R. Case; 14, Ww. $2.4(). flower shipped from Mattituck the post; average age was eighty three years. It ff. Case; 1"', Theo W. Horton; 16,4 Royal Sammie and Rudolf Sara season'f The burning(if th®Brooklyn Tboat enough others had been joined to these Henry L Flet-t; 17, l3arnabas GAMY; HUDt!DgtOD,charged with kiIling'()hjjs. resulted in re thirty to bring the average down to e It persons. the death Of mare than 820 eighty years, there would have been i+4, Robert Waters; D, Ira B. Tuthill, (1,Xelsey,were indicted for mur(I r i p jr.; 20, Harvey %V. Howell; 21, F. As.the Racond degree by the 0rand Jury. An Italian marble monument wits 'fifty or sixty—that iti, one for every -_)ary,Tuthill; 22. Joshua W. Terry; 23, It wits not known who was elected erected in Willow Hill Cemetery to the twouty five of tile American population, otivid Broderick; 2.1, Joseph Wells; 25, President. Both parties claimed it, memory of the late Stafford Tillinghast, Mr. Whitaker said that twenty-five james ft. Hallcuk; U, Goo. W. Robin-.Tilden and Hendricks had 184 electoral Wm H H. Glover leaped his fish oil years ago&T)lk County was the siT. ion. votes and Hayes and Wheeler 166, with factory to Lewis C. d'Homergue, who jud county In the United BUtea in -8&. Tile Stiffolk County Damocrats made three States, Florida, 6, South 0 itolina, expected to carry on the business eaten- labrity and in the per aeoWge of its lie,following nomivatious: Member of 7, and Louiki%tia, 8 electoral votes, yet lively, chit.fly in manufacturing fish adult population that could read and A- ssombly, Friujoif4 Brill. of Mattituok; undetermined, any one of which would scrap for foreign markets, write. There were 380 families living iheriff, Nvin. 11. Motifort,of Rpntiljgt(-,D; be sufficient to eltot the Democratic can There were 1123 scholars on the roll of within tile territorial limite of the par- Kfitcham, of (lidates, while the election of the Repub-1 the public echo(-)I of this village. G)unty lierk, Wm. 1-1 Of ish of the First Church of Suathuld. Riverhead, 'Supt. of Poor, Woodhull beau candidates would ueoefoitato the;these 60 were girls and 63 boys, Fifty. Ube parents of about 300 were Americau ikidmore, of Babylon; Justioe of lies-. ai(i of theta all, iu which ease Hayes and two were in the Piimary Departmentborn, nearly all 8outholder& Of the ,inns, 'jollu S. ltubil,ting, of Smithtown. Wtieeler would be elected by a majority under Miss Emma Peters, and 71 in the familie,,q whose members had lived her( Carpenters were engaged in inakii)g of but one electoral vote. It will be re-,Grammar Department Under John Y. from birth there was for every tea fame exteusive alterations in W. 0. Albert- mewbered that the contest was decided McGay. The average daily attendance ties one person who was within a fess, u,ju%store. Ail t-didition of toll feet waS,finally by the Electoral Commission,in both departments was 97, months of eighty years of age or more made tel tho rear and the whole bailding which by a vote of 8 to 7 decided in fa- The L. I. R.R, Co. reduced its pas. than four Ecore years. The eldest wai, 1. waa MLId- e two stories in height. The vor of Hayes and Wheeler. New York senger rates. Tickets from Southold to William Prince, who was in his 9121 nosier Story was partitioned off into state went Democratic by 40,000 James L I City were$280; excursion tickets, year. Others mentioned were Mrs. dwelling apartmetitu for Mr. and, Mrs. W. Covert wag elected Congressman$4 10. Nancy (Coon) Overton, Mrs. Naito) ALIberisou. from this district by 3500 majority. Snf- 11 fell OTA, (]Hart)Horton, Miss Mary Wells, Airs Thefit8t snow of the HeasO folk County gave a majority of ""-"I for There was a heavy fall of snow Moll-,,Lydia (Bailey) Horton, Moses Case, ; Tile first frost WRR Tilden. Francis Brill (Dom )fo SUDEiay-WorLiug. r Mem- day night, twelve to fourteen iLlchefL Charles Goldsmith, Mrs. RjUnllt, ;seen ou the preceding Tuesday� Satter- ber of Asf�ombly had 424 majority. Cleo. u It it t (1 - Fliere was a heavy wind so to (0onkling) Merrill,Mrs. Beulah(Crank. day was pleasant and warni, blit in th'D W. Cooper(Rep.) fur Sheriff had 8-2 Ilia- 4now drifted badly, making the roads ling)Guld4mith, Mm HarmouY (Hal the wiud 011ALgiAl, and raiii IW9RD ority. Orville B. Aokerly (Uvp.) for; i night, limpRi4sable and there was a bl�wkado on is )Haiuos, M Mrs.Jerusha Moore(09we to fall, which Hoon turned to hail, and at County Clerk had 318 msjority, 8tephen the railroad for several days. `04L Lannon, flutchitison H. Cam, Mrs' about 4 ,_ M, Sunday to tinow, which 11, Williams(Rep)for Supt. of Poor bad Henry 1). Glover, of Petionic, sold 40 Obarity(Albertson)Casts, Miss Acbeah, jlojjtil,�Uod to fall until mitt furvaiuoD, 411#1 majority. Southold 'Town went acres of his farm.to Michael McCabe, of Horton,Silas Rorton, Mrs. Esther(Elal- when it had attainted an inch it, (10011, DcAmocratio by a iiiiijo6ty of 10, Orient (:lreenport, 51r. McCabe sold his housetook)Terry,Samuel S. Vail, Mrs. Mar- Icicles formed during the flay. had 60 Republican 1111ij frity, areae Uport at Greenport to Lewis R. C ase, and Mr. tha (Itorton) Overton, ,hers. Harriet lion. 1'. 1 11"Yes sPOkc, b0furO the 187 Democratic InDi'll'ItY, 8011th')!d 72 Ha yes and Wheelor Club at Pecoulc Republican majority,and Mattitnak 461 C;ise sold the place formerly occupied (YouDge)'ferry, Capt. BelijAmin Wells, Hall in the afternoun and Mr. Hayes and jtc)puj)jiL It I by Jesse R Swith at P000nic to Mr, Uoses Oinkliug Cleveland, Joseph Haz. �.a majority, 1,110.18 were but A.Tilden and Handrieks banner was four electioi.i districIN ill tile TOwn.- I�.-`i` Olover. and Horton, Mrs. Awtli,& Warner) itifurled and wits attaolled to trees on The frieutiti (if Aliwttr�on (Ihtsepre 'flie oonc�,rt under the direction of D. Magee, Airs. Hannah (Booth Overton, P. Horton was well atteiided, and an ex.Mrs. R iioa ( liortolt) Horton, Mrs. t1je pi emifies of Israel Peck and Da,W Sentell hitu will'it rit"Ininoth, lei iearssttiacl oellent program was reiidt,red. Anna(Tuthill)Goldsmith, Mrs Rachel 1. A--ilning& It WI%14 paintetl by 1, J.1, pint,. 1,110 1)resebtat it'll sfpceolh was UlAde 'rile ship Circassian, which I went ( Mijuie) Overton, Orrin. Corey, Mrs Sr. by Cl D Etwer and was rvs,ptaidcd to sabore Dec. 11 at Bridgebampton, weit�JeDette White. Ttie above thirty per,i rhe Republie-tus held a mass meeting by Mr. Ca.mo in a fitting nimijer. Be- iu the vicinity of til® 1111iverfiglist markH inetu ajadf1,.v It U Fitz, T. it, to pieces on Saturday and 21d of the, 33,1 sons ranged from 80 to 92 years of age.. 13liurch. M organ Morgans, of (111t. Foroe, It. (), liowVah * k'll, 1, , , It � persons on board were lost. 1%ey had long lived within territorial; i T�114 The commission appoititod by the limits which COUtR1116d not mote than chogne, was chairman of the ruectitig. Stl"V-8, J. It F, kV. Tuth It not Prer-ii'lout to select the route for a carnal 100 families of American birth. Tb;o Addresses Nvere made by Gans HtaArt;L ,Jamuel Alooro. aoro6,s the Isthrumi of Panawagave their shoved that every te-oul family of tLe: Woodford and John A, King, norahteel 8tr- lir. IV. (joit iiij,"Ide wooki.v t, ps to I)ieft-nmco to the Nicarqua Lake route Southold born conta.ued au octogeuir- Jor C5ngress. the vitt'. Ut, Wits tit It WRIS efitinlatf�d that the.00st V1,ould riot inn--that more than two per oent of the Col. T. 13, Thorp'.gavc addresfics iii A sloop from U.Iliversalist 01111".nil is the evening. 4withold wfifl(j, be IoFis than: $100,00000C) and that it native-Ametieiiius were from eighty tol w�)uldtitkeabotitteiiyetit-st;-)fluishit, :onellundredyesirs of it,". Twelve of J The Repubbeaus of the [,'irsto Coll. theme thirty Persouft waize Members of lifiti io� non Charles Barth died after an luj�gs of the gressional I iiiiated John A, abont the eetq Itt low VMOS. T TT'l Fii thr'e days. i Lw trent Church. King for Cloijgresstii.m, aLd tljfi DeVIO. Rour y flullitivp", �A— t ttm; Mrs. Mose-,3 Cass died at Pt w-mic,aged Thera was strong talk of organizing a crate uomiDato(l janlos W. C..,ovQ0. fltld Dil.• A. Ij S-kvf?(At N.t.'Woi years. Snntljold Town Fair, the first one tci The Republicans of Sidrulk C,nut.� Lif tile Pj'-,,bhyto1i;U Oil at this place next fall and annually tiomitiated the folluwing ticket,: 1)jj:w. The rear addition tel J. Wiclillam; Lawyer Joseph R. GAdsmitb, one of acetal of Southold Town, thereafter. ber of Aqseulbly,Moses It. SmithoSmAith- 1-!ase's hutl4e W448 Made two btulies i,� Complaint was made that fl;:►Werft, tuwu,Sheriff, Georgo W� Clooper. lied, sig:e3 77 years At the time of b AttOrV40y fiLd Plants and shrubs were stolen from tituch; Coutity Cieric, Orville R It Nvas p ath NaIr. Gollsmith wic Acker. tated if the Cold weather con- 'ie IF, P ljon!Aes 0'Did Uonntel for the Southold Savings Batik graves in the Cemetery, 4 Uverhewl-Superintendent of Poor, tlunocl a few days tilt' fee- and the Sufi elk Coun�y Mutual iusur.! '.rile Southold Lyceum Assreiation 1. Stephen It. Wifliams, Amityville., ,T tis- Lt,. fijle��:j ivith ice, of the.flest quality. 81.10"campany. %,Ivertiged the flve-aet draw&, The Poor tioe of Sos6oiis, llt1nry 11. Propiton, 11it,oolitell Wedtling of jUr aud Mrs, ShLltur Issland. l'uthill *fet,ty was o6lebrated by a social 011pt Reij C-Ile renteil Pecolov of N®w York, to be given in the Lyceum rooms on Tat slay and Wednesday even. ('16o. C. Curr u 0 f lit their houlo. House, Greenport, for the �;nnuiier ,ea- y redneod Vic i�r in s+, Feb. and 28, with rausic by 50 per toll. At the niet+ting of Congress the Dem- BOB, Prof Van M)nten's, Band. FollowilaR, Edward 11autting arid Jgh anter Car- 04 01k-d I Randal T. H.. Wood took the co,ntraot tel were those who were to take part: H. rie went to the Centenui.d. Spralker of ilie 1.1 wao of 10prtsent. build a Mouse for Orrin F Payne. G. Fitz,C. H. Tuthill, Albertaoi:t Cww., The Buell Family of A13.-Ylautl gave 8 W. 11. 'ferry, 000. C. Terry,Lem sioknet4s prevaileki s h;ui if-,, imiuy 3 t I V r3S ClintonA aR }eery previons. 111t, Electoral C_!111111is4 ',iou bV it vote C roorlt here, Burling, Thunias Scholl, IMM Lney A to ,Ieot�tl Ovii Stewart L. W(w,lf,�rd oars all Tho rennion of("o, 11, N. _� V of tf to', declart-A R 13. 110-led at judid's P�cvfildc)jt, and. 1N' ��A, "iillt�lbr It, Peck, miis Ella X Judd, Mrs. Goo. U, 11 e I)wIlted U. S. Dishief Attoruoy for the Curry, Mrs Henry 1). Horton. ti-ou,lit-rn Disti jot of Now York �ordello V. Eimer n0dresFcd t1w 1'. lit ()f thL, J)111h'd HE -",, I pablicays at Matti,tick. Phinevis Faun iij g auil tjj)Ij e-tinght 20 At San Fraticiso:,, Cal, if 11 ag, Owned, Ai ,hoz fine large eels at tho he.ji,d of Town by Ii Ii. Conklin, rilMoll 7�:i 000 a side. ThuroD W. Ftinires paftited �A m; 11 Ureek in ouie hour and a balf. defeated Saw Purdy. Titno, Terry's furniture,:,lore, The Southold Lyo'rtm Association The Sojithold Town Agricultural Jair print. Ilia retentive memory enabled We had a very wet spring and grill A gave tboir first play Of the st-418ou—The Amsociution orgauiz"d with the following him to relate inoidents which happened never once lost its freshness, -Hly WRS s F3136 0 Came; Vice ill Especially did he like to dwell light owing to the drought in Foor of New York, The scenery, which offloors: Pre -, JO llthe fall, o 86 was painted by BeLij R. Fitz was very Pres., .Sion. LII.. A. Atwv6s; Set", 111' B on his long experience as Captain Of the but all other crops pr mi (I unusually highly commended. The acting wa'- Vail Duseu; Trelas Salem D. Uold- "Itlop Swallow, which was for years the large returns. At one tinle, it was fully up to the well known ability of the mmitb; Directors, Hampton nipton Mill..chief source of commercial intercourse thought the Potato crop wouldbe a Association and by some Was considered ford, Jaremiall Moore, Cordello between the East End and Now 'York. total failure on account of the bugs, but Elmer, Henry L. Floe, 000. b their best,effort. '+�-�- ]?-b t , Conk,I Not unfreqnently did the Swallow carry the promise for a large crop was good. followiLig gentlemen united in tin, Franklin N. Terry and Joshua too pasmengers, besides a large amount There were 3,55,000 quarts of strawberries The cauvagmiug committee re- offreight... shipped from Long Island.'r-k-y\ the call for the organization Of It South. Smith. The ibed. Itwandecided to hold the Southold. Ila-r-u-6 was thecham-pion trotting horse !old Town Fair: Ron. H. A. Reeve", ported tbat$,5io had been subsor - Town Agricultural Fair at Oak Lawn on, Henry L. Fleet, Charles Terry, Ezra Ezya P. Conklin and Frank Gomez Sept,20, 21 and 212). The following Per-of the world. He trotted a mile at Goldsmith, Frank Youugs, Salem Gold- formed a partnership and established a Grand Rapids, M10b,, Over 4 a half mile smith,R.B. CaukliD, F. L. Judd Dan- rover ktore in the building of Goo. B. sons were chomen to take charge of the course,in 2X71. I*AA,�,2— respective departments: Cattle, Goo. L.-course,- Maxwell, a iel Terry, Israel Peck, Joshua Judd, gSimons, foKmerly used by him as 5 81106 tjonjilin, Mattituck; Horses, Henry L, Tile failure of Frederick J. B. Terry, W. W. Sterling, Nat, B 811,01), (�� %.% Fleet, Catchogue; Sheep and Swine, summer resident of this P1838, f *661. I !jenellergar, L R. CABe, W, Y. Fithian, Last month is said to have been the Jeremiah Moore, G 000, was announced. Greenport; Poultry "45 J. A. Appleby,J. W. Halitting, M. B. wettest March known during the present and Fruit, Henry A. Reeves, Greenport; Boss Smith built an ad ition on the Van Dusan, S. Dickerson, C. D. Elmer, )r rain fell On d of 0. D. E Imer's residence. century. E ither snow Articles for the Table and Flowers C east on Jacob Brown, H. W. Prince, & M. Sal- 9_q( j� ,� Charles'Overton sold to Lewis N. Wil. 21 days. D. Elmer,Southold;Grains, Marcus W.I mou and Alfred Smith. 2-Y Joshua liams, of Now York, ten acres of land R. B. C,inkliu's Barno trotted a mile Terry, Orient; Vegetables, B,iilder O. K. Buckley hal Frederick at San Francisco in 2:16, the fastekt Smith, Peconic; Implements, Carriages situated on the south side of the main Maxwell's house raised. W4�t time ever made in the State, YA*4�S— and Wagons, Jesse G, Case, Pec011 ic; road near.Peconic. tu- it was reported that Geo C. Terry was Frederick Maxwe)l's f-OlilY took poE-I Miseellaneons, Salem D. Goldsmith, Benj. (1, Tuthill, of Mattittick, raised to oreot a house for his own occupancy session of their now residence. Needle and Artistic Work, M. B. Vail On one-half acre of land 4,600 quarts (Af on Beckwith Av, T. 14. Wood erected a barn far S. A. Dusen,Southold;Relics and Curiosities, strawberries, which were picked by lois Hayes and Wheeler Chowder Henry G. Fitz, Peconic. )*v,.v tO own family and cleared him$2.1t-i w), Beckwith �N ►*4 F armers were digging their Early Club had a bar.quet at J. B. Terry'F Eddie llorton retufned from a three The advent of July 4th was an- Rome potatoes,Whiohyielded abundantly wharf. The following were present: J. - nounced by the ringing of bells, and the D, T. Conklin was preparing to B. Terry, (3, C. Terry, A R Vail, H.C. months'trip to the West Indies. firing of guns, The Forest City nine Cleveland, Gipt. Gardiner, W. 1-1. Ter. H. D. (31over reuted his premises on and a picked nine played a game Of ball introduce steam in the flouring mill at ry, E. B. Terry, W. F. Terry, H, W. Railroad Av. to Jelin Dumphrey, of N. on Wm� Y, Fithian's lot, which resulted Mill Creek. Pring, S. Dickerson, H. G. Howell, W. y city,for the summer. in a some of I I to 0 in favor of the form. A committee was appointed to canvass J. Backley, Dr. Sweet, M. B. Van Du. Isaac Franklin Russell graduated from. the parish to amcertaiii the amount that sen,J. Seither, H. Sanford and G H-ind. the Law School of the Uaivemity of the (,r. At I il. m there was a fantastic organizationCit g City of New York and took the $100 parade, theprinoipal take-off beiDg the would be pledged toward supportiL At a meeting for the organization of & Little Giant fire extinguisher. At 121 v, regularly a Universalist minister at this an Agricultural Fair for Southold and priz.,for the bomlt w1ritten(?xanlivati.011?�1.1 exercises were held in the M. E. :Place, t14-7 41— J. B. Terry erected a house at South- M A number went from here to see Rarus Shelter Iqland Towns, a committee was old wharf for the occupancy of captain church, under the direction of the chair. trot at Hartford, Ct. at"q.,V_� appointed to canvass their rei4ppotive, Obas. Gardiner and family. man, H. W. Prince, 1). P. Horton, of John S. Masterson, who bad a summer school districts for the purpose of ob- Geo,C Terry moved from Mrs, Jane Brooklyn, presided at the organ. The residence here, was nominated for State taining charter membors. Skidmore's house to Benj, Horton's music by the choir was prepared under Senator from one of the Now York di& The Electoral Commission dcoided honae at Town Creek. lvLa_tt 1-,3 the management of H. 0. Howell. that 10itherford B. Haves and William AV. 0. AlbartAou took possession of Prayer was cffored by Rev, Dr. Whit. tricts. During-_H.I H flnutting's absence with A, Wheeler had boon. elected Presidet.1 the dwelling spartiiieutH over his store. aker, the Declaration of Independence thech. Challenge Boiling party, I s , 10"'Awir, and Vice President of the United Hfates. Strawberries were Melling for 18 cents was read by Dr. A. L.Sweet, a recitation Winters, of Sag Harbor, and Jarinies Mr;. Pre6idout Hayes appoiated tho follow- wr wiart. L04 1,� was given by Miss Emma Peters, and a ing Cabinet, Sec of State, William M I ed patriotic ode, especially prepared for the gee had charge of matters at the railroad Capt Beiij. Oola fancily rf-moved 0(,4 ,.4 EvartR;Sec. of Treasuryolihil Sherman;' occasion by T. B.Force,was sung. The station. Sec, of Interior, Carl Hohllz; Po8twast- to the Peconic[louse, Greets ort. orator of the day was I Frank Russell J. B. Terry, Albertson (-7886, H. 11 er General, David Al Key; Attorney Conklin acid Gomez removed their 0 1 Eintitting, C. H. Tuthill, Gilbert W. stock of grooeries from tho building Of of-Brooklyn, who gave an enthusiastic Horton, George Hallock,O. V. Penney, General, Cleo. W. MeCcary;Bee,of War$ oa building. and practical address. A large number and Chas, Devin6; Ste. of Nagy, 11, tiV. (loo. SinlotlB to the post offi, . - were present at Terry's wharf to witness Clarence Goldsmith were off on a Thompson, Strawberries wore selling for six,cants the marine racing. At 3 o'clock the week's trip on Bob. ObIlleD96, Capt. W. There were two days' sleighing tho per quart. ft I"- F. Terry. They expecteI to visit Bloch VVI- tt yachts of G. F. Hommel, H. 0. Fitz past week and the weather al)pToached The CammisMoners of Highways Fitz, Newport,Newport, Moctha's Vineyard and pointed Win. 11, Wilbur Boad Over OP'� Ctpt. Benj Wells, David Stevenson, -- in severity the coldest season Of the will- Heer' Win. F. Terry and J. B. Terry met sail other Eastern ports. ter, in place of Win. Albextsou, resigned. A great bed of clams was discovered The Ladies, Sawing Sm.,jety of the for Rog Neck buoy and return. Mr. off Robbins' Island and hundreds of At the annual Tuwa Meeting 12019 Fitz's boat won the yacht flag presented Preabyteriau church elected the follow., lb els were taken from it. votes were cast. The entire Demooratic ing ullioars: Pros., Mrs, D. Austin by J. B. Terry, with Mr. Hovamells..141­ ticket was elected, with the exception of LIOLtOD; Vice Pres, Mrs. A. L. Sweet; second. The judges were J. B. Terry, Israel Peck took charge of flio Glover the nominee for C,)Ileotor. Hoary A Daniel Tuthill and Robert Fitz The fish factory. t4* Reeves' majority for Supervisor W813 Sec., Miss Angie Horton; Trem.,Mrs. rowing race for gentlemen was partia. They were selling potatoes warranted 47. Intone Krancher, the licouse cau. M. A. Form, ipated in by John Dunkel, Geo, Bootb, to have been raised Without the Use 0"' ,r, had 6 didate for Excise Commissionc There were lively times at Terry's;W. H. Vail and O. V. Penny and was Paris green. wharf, where a large amount of business'won by Mr. Duukel. Mrs.J_11!ift Conklin, the Universalist chnrch was under- The ladies of the M. E. church real- was done. Misses Hattie Terry, Annie FithiaD, going extensive repairs. it was bevu ized,5'60 from their public dinner and On the preinhios of Oliver Overton at Emma Peters and Ella Judd contested reseated, replastered and repainted With- Woodpecker Nook was found a box, festival on Town Meeting Day. in the rowing race for ladies. The out and within. turtle mirkod 46 J. D,, June ni, A Fire Company mea organized with I"'lie initM were those of Joshua Brake, slippers, presented by G. F. flomniel, Miss Myra L. Robinson was 0139R0�1 the following(fileers: Foreman, A.F. father ofrri, Overton. a' were awarded to Miss Hattie Terry by to teach the Locust Grove school. Dowerre; 1st Aset. Foreman, John H. the judge, Albertson Case, E• q. Mrs, Miss Carrie ElnnttiL)g Was teacll")g R. 11. Conklin returned from Gdi- Conklin wits second. Several tub races, Blake; 2 id Asflt. Foreman, J. Edward fornia, where he had mth been for sonde time and a sack race were an ong tLe events e Peconic.6-chOO-1------ Corey; See., J. R. Robinson; Treas., P&' witli his famollf,f at the wharf, The Catholic The Southold Town Agricalturil Fair (rotting g hors.,R r S. n r a U picnic at H. Lewis. A. F. Lowerre, H. H. Lewis Three aged mail went ffilking in Lo Oak Lawn was largely attended, at Oak Lawn was a complete- Ware jNe_1_.,,'rbe exhibits ofvegetables, fr �i Y and B. L. Prince were appointed a com. ng D-310 Collage, of Newark, Ll falic mittee to examine into the matter of Island wound and caught a nice mess of conferred the degree of Doctor of work, antiquities and poultry were very extinguishing apparatus for the pun- lish, The sum of the ages of the three Divinity on Rev, Eplier Whitaker, a fine. The show of stock, except 110ts", pose of acertaiuing what would be the f1sherN wau more thanyears vi?:,, gradnate of the C]aFIS of "J�'7 was somewhat ow�ng Dttmost practiaaye fo r the adoption by the Capt. llaijj. Wells was',14, LutherWellsMisses Carrie Huntting and Myra L. won the gents' match, with Attu aS), and Capt. Elias Richmoud:,G, (japt. 1-tobinson graduated from the 0jwegO Vail second. Miss Jennie Clark, Ureen, Benj.Wells hail never used spectacles Normal School, won the ladies'rowing t h with, And read I with vame tl 1 0 fluest 110W8pfkp(3r port, V Fithian second, Miss Annie V, low C .- Fre'lenstar"im rr a ock eaedal to I& Sell of 1101Kf1 F-hem.—One of the ,,,I haterli ceremonies .... ..I lit.A-h i,i"i, whicir took lel xe an the)_te anaive,,cry of our In- in,1, It i'l,blir fill: def,endd=c,was that of presenthill;to the Only &,In wit, Or Roll Fvaltur�a Gold mixed"), Comment 4-to I hoteri Ili u,. rouging eh rte lit l., l I,,, the Grand Cal celutbration. Three similar medals t...........Iii tr Surge III Mit,"day(it.170,it'i I V1111 I I,III 111 11,1 the 11.eli,lti fir bier rIoNi were Previously selof to flut three surviving signers A;�Ili W �1,.i I:-, of the Declaration of ladepwitleali and thin One 4 ...... ........ aI In A) L, � It ... It(i Ii .1.C."S V'"till Bell.1 at It, was rr.tulrved for the ton of him wilo.,,ii gib ours added A A 1. ,fid 6 ,',1 underline value to the hi,.uefil of internal navipti , I Ion III lq,ng it. Al";'.11 14";. and who was sit early and arri nt advoratc of 1,C', L. 111 11 trill,, .I ,.It.11 11.1 it III I I . hill which unites the Lukes with the Atlantic. I,,- i 11-1 111!hliv, Fire! 4 On pre t! th dall h' flouour the Mayor red " .; �� ;l.,I ,,, It P, ll.,I,,r rildlivered the 2%, adehi it , I;, - ­: . Il F1 V_111111 11 The Mthe Erie Canal,by which the' Or tut a PIN' P 0 S 1I waters of 13taftilAkes were united with the Atlantic,was an event of deep interest to the coun- 11l,E� .hio"d.'lliti try at large,and fraught with incalculAble advanta. " . ,."I'.."i 1,1;t,-It ai I ...... Ih I:.r.lt.r 1-11 u_(,L1.,'I III it) 11.m111., 1: 1 ­ I,r,es to the state and city of New-York. rl. lhIll.... .... 1!.....I.I I'll 11'ed hou I Iluil,liu-'d F vv� This stupendous unifertaking, the qui of. ,,I, it.It I ich wasfor some time considered doubtful b old- 2' ny of our fellornillcitizetur was happily acrattapillilied Bril'En., I, I during the last this City, -11 1 ........I -W ........ I year,and the corporation of I,.l 0 uJ :.,u 1, Cully Impressed with its importance, and partaking i'! W Ill,- largely of the honest pride which results from the l, success of a Fell work,effected solely by the energy III 1.Lill 111 VR and resovircent of our own state,celebrated the event , .11 ".I.,, , ....... .... I. buy 9civic jubileetthe sialcuadour of which was worthy Of the setatiol "Certain pacearniallitokli event have been prepar- ed to perpetuate itgrimirabrance, and among other ii,;i a Reir Fti tgirceel duties which have devolved upon me on at,it 11-- D lt!' s interei occasion,In that of presenting a gold It I. ­1a'Z ; ., 7�' medal to theillandly of our late w.pected felluili t; 'l I.....I,ir, C.- era Reebut n1laill Thi day is the fiftieth ulanivi nary of the,Det-larathip of the Independence of these It i United Stated,add In the full possession of all the .-t 1, ......I ell li il 0." rtt"t,V . '.V,.,... . , blesivan Is which that embi event has procured for I,h'.:....... us,anywith,hearts It with gratitude to that At. it I....... ..... 1, . . t I I. trit Being.Mas gave strength to our warriors,and r r!, .... i 0.11 1, ......n," wisthel)to our counsellors in the day of peril; we are lit 1n 1 .I..... ,;I,) :If P4',i' III,. eqi imiltinjo�oushatrivity,In celebrating its hap? retain. On this occamlop we will not forget '). Orget tic chum,ortbose who have laboured to resider t1fectual' ... ...... advantages which we cajoy, and have by their', L� tits contributed to clevidis the character orae, in-1 I flat 0 the Promad standard of those wheat arm; c live, Gave become venerdlat in the accumulated T i�RE J%i Tli:!: dost of centuries. I, will 11 1; 1. . "it Istbe policy orwide 1h U t all th I and I emulation of their citizens, govern en 0 a c it' alizens,by rovrardild iih,werbei. .*Me 4---rionan,of It Xhffl%bM'i oma,:,, .... ot, . I, reh'.jhll�, so be thrill especial care:0=covt�;eDubUe ioulvn the 1 guardians of their rMilibus. bus they will he i "Wraged by the=Suf8Dcc that the objects of their, I 7 N i L'.hIt:1 and I! 11e,will not have cause to regret till their father's' E(MF011 THE LAI JUBILEE. talent,were employed for the public good Few in- Jilfritten by Samuel Modell C.Ite'r. it;, dividtlals in our (*Unity have I I possessed stronger e,,,u tp�­: c aims upon Its gratitude than You, lamented father ?n,)aunts before ties-Pi York 7ypographiead Scrielir. 'ih- ;,.,I (';I!,! , 'Elle application of the power of steam for purposes I Ilark I %ml the trumpet of Freedom that tudiusi Iful I!", of navigation,bids hadduced 50 IAITZCIY to the coutf I Milliliter of It respond to the Strait) -d world,as to il , Uri the day vi no empire was founded, ... 1 1,141 Strip., and convenience of the civilized art new era in its history; the obstacles which time arm a I Firm"our wourfuirs,and free as the main.I and Brightly the sure of its glory is belai illeviretormerly interposed to the Court) the pleaum of giddiness Ii kind,have been in a great degree removed,all%]the Gaily our star. Jangled tortiores are iiireteding, A,, an=Of JIM winds and tides have been over. Proudly ur5cauni me.dai the skilt Inflaeace of this power chane"'"o"i Ful agi 'Th,Fr"di Jubilee,'10 hall making filoto this momentous Ills- *fbi it,brave and free, 11. 1 F.'It T a el"i the Untied States aft indebted to the talerat% Had its return,independent add bleat I Dr. K H, I ,ad perseverance of Robert I'Lliffors,and lur this,his Wake Mosic's sweetest voice, chin It III, ll..11 ;it I country delights to honour his nament,it Long easy wt Our r Ole CENT—a{il,r, STIll-l",)bT-Ovrim-. wq,� lit lit OF f;ItANI) AND ALI.lil( SlIZIjit'' Dark was the gloom which her unliple surrounded, 11. 1 11 White Phi $ird were the sight that exhausted her breath, due, a wlitil i letter Wood, and Vilithca,from Its deept-voutled roof,first resounded, dup,ti I li, N,-tl, I College. lie V Tire soul-abring words—Indeprnall or Deatill I 00i hAt I:It [11, 1 'pital in t I I il.t III,$. htr,• I'vanklin,the pride four art&old the notion, and still, bb It 1..1. Ile bull Iald 11 ,0...... flotation olt charter u(il his seat, fractii IJ J'i4 al st fin top at ;vlt 114, lt t I "Id i riatuals, �iti, al...re bu,,l, ...it 6,cl I •Ones Cill, :,t,d�hie fri ead; r cuu,fireled it,with I"d aCcIaMtLa�m. vJ",rrv,- Heaven hill sanctioned else,material ripped,. Joice th,it "iteuitill 14 a pollyaielan.�as ago[ I L. . ...... Sons of the brightest Art Into priec,JIMaspens.v6q. fi, I,',; I Wait ca.,I.won impart, fled in the, 13. Vosbu .... it... ... .... ... Jan,it,the churviii country is ties tete hasith I— 11,4"minK 130 i ' ' This is be,Jubilee, I , e V"I I It R vi;ars 'rimendef less I �Tll I I? timig shell live mean be free; 1,:it V Te flail wCulumbia,the Queen.[the%i 11,11,11;[vieuprot lie ....... om s 1, hit it from a eii ....... 11 r m"110— Fierce L4og was live struggle fur Freedom and Glory; 1'.. P. ........... rill I"I ililt.a wthe.couffict,tur fathess sustained; I it yesterday me slid L%,.,song both of at 001 "P, •It :,.it, "I. Drighl Ave their astion,untr6lazolled in story ;-His,cicalas*G X, 'I ... r. Long(nay Air guard what their star obtained. H Id, lith. 116il to tire art which net,ittild Could awaken Long may it el.wilib,their man to fiti I twlag regulation was adopted at a CougnsWii �i. r'reedue,fair the I...rid],,,it forsaken, -mithera Democrats,held in wrighiligtorl In ja:a�- I filed nut the Prii bit,,)a"philter of fire." It S, l:,of the brightest Art it heaven i I,,Mae import, that the dissolution of the Union is prof�erabte Jain in the chorus—our country it bleat; If the South to 1110 11111, This in her Jubittle— Long may her -out be(real tell of da:Wait! olumbia,'be QJ ADMTs, it i iMSON, ND C ARROLL The following letters from these veterans to to rrllntnit•� tee of the common emmsel of New-1 orlt, who iwJ pre rented each ofthem,in the nanae of(tie coapuratioo,with 't::I»_ b a medal,coil)ulemorative of like Completion(if the 1'rie CH. �:w �� sal,will he reFad will,interest o +� 1'y'nrit; 4fr.Car°rolt',. "" m . BAITIA1011r'.,ATaV 9,IP 45 C) retltiemen---I way Illi•tlav hi;;hly grtltlfled by yn!ir let- Z) to uftllc`�tth tra t,tuul till-llrli\'ery cf the got+.t lntdiat,of as Q m tile.lliallest cimi;, eommCmn1 lttu.- the completit),I (,f Illy. �� " ,r 0 C ��C�i+n9rn, 4tdP4 E rit3 'C I,tin t,1lG the gre,t Lye4t1111 iilke3 1 I!t!ttl':lt•'.`� m C INA eE 'E+H lantic Ocean,AIlic:l,it',a Colllnsittee ofthC C&lloratllau o � a r INDIA Mktg 9 0b 0.;4 1 file City of ltif.14 }tll'li,you were Fllstt u(tod to del"wel tU[Ile, I 0'�IY CA FA (6 l ticinR one of the t1,D ee a!u giving si,ners of lite decltarativa � p, ti G fit, Ioctepewlencc of ihH,e"United �, �p o En<n Taw T8 I am mtirh h=)nouretl by this lestilnotly of rr.st]ect Paid J� m F 4926 1 yVN .,in4f) t♦ to file by lh(:order(]t til!:coalillon comicil of tilt,cit4' of Y J �Flt r+ n� lar Ut N Netr-Yorlt for the part I tools ill cDguilla Ihrlt iul}�ortaul w �a! u paprer, ' " (J TOS AnELL MAAip C Wtr. The comlillodon of till, rent Nvork,t:,hill-the 7V11.,te!'ll J rG�yl r � iUkI'3 'W,itl the C7Ceilt,,(10ds hl,ua)ut• to the state of rti;.'tV'�U r•V? � � ,.. O roll;. Nlaa the Nelle-fits resulting fl-oill t11i. undert.tcillg. i= V THE MAP COLUMBUS USHII- amply reward the wise ante patrit)ti:; u!'its cit'• zvns,and perj,ctuate to the city of Nety-furl:, it3 Qrowiut; a - o I]rosperity. 6'0 Accept, t?CI1IiCme11,my tlrnnl-s for yn,it letter ilea the t Fatisfactiollyoll have exilres.;..t ill c u\( iu '11,16 to"limo-1 to ci Joy of public respect.- 1 renmin with great respi:c t, 1 (;enticmeu,your most htln;l:lr: COLUMBUS DAY CELE13RRTIOMI %[I�Ei[.t:`i C.�Etltt;l,l,,ut t;itrr(l,ltt]n. I I o I".'. I It+ave 11.l,o received the 11Wdltl, inc7uycd in a 1 zr ::I 1''': t)ux made of ti:,L inn;a_�(coin Lillie Erie. The the:,noir of o i HUNTI NG'iTON UNION SCHOOL tilt-.Canals of New-'fork, t)riWed,11`011'est the fn. 1, � a� -uvea cif you to forward to nlf:; it 16ll be it luost inferedliue' ,. m +a�Cl and instructive coin mull ic;ittois. L'f i ft.11PIu.-,John Agneiv,'1'homa,; l;uitun, l;syr�• u y 1'ro:n -its. m J t" w �t1ic>,c,,-�,lill'`?-ltll, IS•,?ti. � ye.., rte' rr f Ce„tleinen—I leave rerelce(1 your -diff, letter of the $t h,wish the splendid le4',imoklial of tilt bele voleu9 e u!' +, (z r city of firw-kuak, gold tlledal ant!silver Imemuraiiun oftlie great canal is Nu%v-Foil•:,which is o 06, u pl He nut!woniler of fliv a_"c);111,1 iteserves to h(: caul- w h nurate;l by every c'i;n't of art. 1 relr,il:{:,!alt the city S-4 liti't'll the 1(!11'1 ill Stl'D!illlt:;I!ll:lli[iti till alb � �� 1 Ill's Will C4'c'.Iti 111; lloll"lld'.-'I':i dine it l],aLory of flit•I1' � %•� r"+ H ntry,ellgratell ria z d(l anis titvt?r In(d:ds; alul it ir,the' � � st perm anent hiStul v ol'ailt. ;�,y�r.:ti,u'_;e to the city <Z +z IVuw-horh,callurrt 1w expressed ill v+91 cls I to y v(,tt, a �. eullen,cu, to acct•pt Illy tli ails for the poll,e u1(i ut.li. c3 O .,a ging manner iu atllicli P)n have prtscuficl this l.lt:lldtL'I14 I �p •, 2okeia to WC. f c your friend and Itumltle,lry affil, Fr'rl?It Mr.JifliBrson. c$ ' IessT4•IiiSa''1',.�,'nevv,and Bolton,a comtuittec ofAll the qq 'W Cbl oralion of NOW-t+ork:ir AT OPERR HOUSE OCTOBER 21, 1892, y I [receive, ;enilenlen,tcit!7 ihiuli:fu!ness,tilt; me(tills you Jlilvcs been plcaserl to scud sue,coin!ocan(lratiae.ut the cunt o pletion of!tic l;rie caual, flik great va'ark will itntuol ATl P. M. tr,lize the prosclik all-hurilies of New-v ork, s\i l!l(:ss their 1 a�[iseendiwts vF'tt17 welt. i!n+l !corp=lily; alai It -� to ',.� � , f-IUNrING�'oN, �. It , , to Illalllttlldl the n i'Di91 15i�dUl.1+,t employiw,the r r Ps of indusity ill\vorl;.-c! imprclvin,;tlt,r,ltl!cl than il,,r `� .�-7 ric5!fuctinn. Iflir,stli:ivit!,' of the t:haltt i`tri ':;:r t d to 5i't:t111, y<,lD :i'.'^t'l";e.4"d 10 send 111 i)Il t]-� 4) .-1 jl r, w y r 1 Ylletity of this groat, icChit:`.'t.tileut h:. t:t!ic s:tiisl,it'li;]n o1{ O� �r�llt\�� sfeinn in them,nil tuld•,'in:lnl ulisnifostIllion of tilt, bleu- H ings rC511ltllln trt.ln tilC rtlS'i1Rtl:'l' in 14'hicil, µlith.a hwu t of l t'i'p#1Ttl(S w!+t',h1P�,Owy v,-l)t4t1'til f+)('Fi!1)ll'l+t,rEll'Cl)tlll}1', 0 ,t'J, AA all hul]ltilt'ind'Ivid"41 t)t that 11+,t'v, "'""Pt "I. tll"lllt't 4,(o this mal-k t?f,ttt+;wimi, wliii:h I lender to o the Coll of't1w ciiy L,l' -York,find to vutn'sel%4., ;:d k �; p VlartIC(dfll'll-,1111 Ol' n!li(If t!lt'1l' (:():nlliUtll(,)i!?911 tit' V'+9111 letter of April'�'ralt,'.at-t uowreceived,\eith the assnrit►1r.'e Lt H 9 of any(ti-li stcousiGuiatiun. 4�Z,Z r"' 'j5,= � >1 .. � pt'tV s j5'= ��' �, dlorDl'olln,Jnitc 5t;7,ls?ti.I I70.I.ts J >tl {y _ l' N . S F_ ry y tt1 9 tit e ip ,}., u'i..1) r "L ti+< ff.. 1' t).!1 l I..:.1 1 ' ; Msc[w ,V =a =� J %; i,i til,"lr illi 11.11! t11 I h y �' - 0 -- O i> .� b4:G _ CD t': O �i I:l illy C;l c - =_ c CCS r C.'. C •�I;_ :t ' . �-.:7 � tt w l rl rill'tl lE' tt!tl titr�rl �.c- � �^1' � ._ C - y (9 �,� re. 3 �% 'F, 1 - 'f F llt9•'fl 1.1'17 1 191 t'!1�III I) a}pink t :a :J •^J "C V :� r Cis ;v tc'!I„1 ttt:i f�'t�•�!I �' 1G .. `i' ^-' ••' 111 probably 11 to the Ile 14 d ,.- (•% r1i1,5 i!1 t1'4. a 1 9' 11 V �` ,�� Cr 'l. "'a Fes'+ y tra L�ti 4t•« .., "" iT.M."tel .•n Illi'1' �'t•(' 'lltldi'. It, Il1N In l;TflLi,l(' tin IF,,i'1 t-il'i`l'Il('t G -q (d• .. C F C`. m µwr. "�.1 Ln'. ;�Cfl.,L�µ'�"^+ h ': '�^_Q;i.+,,;�� :�'•h•',^sn O- + i .. , i (loitofltY r+ w- st.tnit1 K silred i � 1-, .'y -.: -fit %ve1•l, i !7 Gx t,l t',truvt!v rLC.� loviilf`I :tl,2cellill caolo! olltQ a C�� 14, � PW_3 r 0 e$tl()tllLt,?ill i.. ;U C k'.',�.." Gd O -••d = :.l F. '� I19.'1,1 l( f`i:7 f'I,tS Il) lilt.C(f V. O .,"� G:„0, t, "�'.; i"• '� "� �. a) +1':11!+• 911-t%11151-'lt'S5 1,111 rill,1]llt cnn�l+ier IVIS flit li�*CI'of s(1 'r � O r-+ '� ,",,,•^ 71 pa RJ �' G C, n �- t r• tl•Iilu'v,v f 41111('1 Df 5l]e!nl,t.illtenfi,)tl. s 40 n v ^�� , �"':.:�" 'S! .,. , '9't''15 f11 called`;.tlll]1' U ✓ >. '>..- Si -� d C O u]g, 1 r� " t'!i., t •L y, l!CC w.+, r*y a L:.. -O C ^ - ;li?!1 1f \t't',wit;t ike I'lut.a 4, u, v• C'..> � i-rj Q7 cd w i» iol,kl A ' K ' µ+ +`' ay.`" a, t �f r t ii 1:'in;;t`.^.I, l�olllioS� li.e: ltt`t'll fico ,Rn<1 thry a U Cu G O a on - wtr� � v �' tr °O nJ t'flltaint: tsn''ilf in he C v c a O J -- U'~•M l: »..l �'".-'"�.+^a,•», .O }D '.».'� i $ „,� i ..!t : dif1CfIli 1tllt • lll1't1111IRIt • =� fv. •J^- tV ' tv ill'be 5ttail;S:11 ill L:1`:' (?f IS,teiin- llC , ct C :n C -G ,..n w ' h(' i•..Yt ,� 'Z C._ -r� 1 C1�1 a --. - �_ - _._. 1 =�Q ,�,� J^� Vie: u O h•� .�` :C 'J _ I,(_ S 1(. .. _ rJ n m _ ^ 5^'1. , {t;1,:'i 7 l i ] s H7. (^”- .�... I .s-, r,, C.1 .T.1 ,� e:';:. ,Y tit L Y'ii:l �„ r C..- c� III .! til Ol pFj•� Vit)y, d GZ)tll.t'ia4t iOt AI3R'lalfi :and;.i.Ct311ii" 1,.E 3 rl?`i;7�u1 lilt >,-, c Q _ {. � tilt Hats,for whieh Ile will !lis`' t.l 1,. :i l,l)usta ttiili ' o " fw 1?+_ttt'iJA for jthe us" 0 tlil: ll-ild'l.ai r-a, near the 11If'"t,i,11711r'.S. - r �_- y � ✓ C 61 �1, � •e'-"'. .� presHtelat. °Xpffl'l ;Nf u mal presmuted'-t 11�a° '�•��' -• =`1- 1ha Wikite Honeys„ says the 9ssHolk County l—TheIiancert. society the fellowitr Umee,which spook for 'thiolg' •—TAI. Concert. g E160ift +ta>�},,W4 aprgtniso of I selves. /Y 60 1 `I The SuRulk Comity Harmonia Society ('rood morning madam—Jt sow appeaYo e j [�L•i 19Ai:, ': }Ipdtfread a eonveted in the Congregational church, in 'Phis day your age, is ninety years. � ' Q- T��ot' R° Ma[tttuck, Tuesday nRcruoon, E6t6 alt. Weil I'm your senior as you see, s o 1_ e- 1h11E 10AWting Notes— My years now number minty three. E _ 6m�, wNke.�1(l�f/xug them himseiL Prof. T. J k, of New Turk city, acted But past sell gone, herr short they seem 1 0 p£ N ,tie conductor, The number of members Like to a fleeting last night's dream. 7rerodrpMNe rehich ha pkadg• `present was not gaito as large as usual. Onr world is deudl our m�tes oil gone) e a hi?ailtihsd(the Treaeoty Wednesday and Thursday was occupied by Not one is haft—aloe not one— . blhwiw pe6ilibVo prinhore.were With us all's changed—new scones unfold xi._.a - I Prof. Cook in imparting instruction to tits o 7 G : A Hedatem ivation And show Shu wreaks of n past world �•W Wall street so-!prs�s. On Thursday eveningg_�the Concert 'Madam, accept this humble layy -" of the Societylook lace. lYLGday—' "..ill'I. ay: ' •$� P 1 resented tin year natal -• ,e �l Snug—"The Old Sexton." This hennti I That liunco nud goietmnyyou ahead, ,y 3 _•o b 40matirfon the final ful song wits song in n calm nail majestic 'Pill life's frail tenure with yea end, Le has been mauuer by Air.Goo. B. Reeve,of Alaititack, Is the siocare prayer of your old frioatl ,$bordered Panld- and was listened to with marked attention I Suffolk County Court. aQ(} then recall' In the matter of the real estate h6 WAC and admiration by the largo and respectable a 3 eil•b(m fast _,W1 Walker of Ntesragos audience, f u ' Ile pttoutlnseed an outlaw—sod-tendered,him Anthem, with Soprano nail Base Soto— Arthur IV. Smith, I'brrlerirk g r u $ I P FI Smith, Aline Al. Smith, 4- Ile U ' r the hospitalities of Lhe White Hone;.— "Let Israel's gotta, with one accord." The .Elt.abeth Al.. B. Smith, ia- Walker of-ttweis he furnished withwrit- soprano solo, snug by Afro. Cook still the facts, and the application yor b N o Sea instructions slid turned him out for obey-' bass by Rev. Air. Fitch, of Orheut,—waft the sale thereof. @ _ x •,'�r ' ingthem. In 1857, he took off the heads TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER very good. 1 of this Court made by J.Lawrence Smith. _ > d of all the Postmasters who could not"hur- Song—"Always look on tam aunny aid," County Judge,I the subseribrr,Special Guardlao rah for Popular Sovereignty." In 1858, he - of the infects named In lid suit,offer at private t,[��g'9 °' - c _ •a till —Daette—by Metiers. Ackley and Reeve, sale,together or iu.purcele,rim/ollowicg describ-$'p - _ }_> takes off the heads of all who repent the cry Trio and Chorus—'•0,how lovely is Zion" ad promises: rte S 5 t of 1657 1 by three young ladies. /1*d All that certain trort,or plass,or parcel af'o a = v. He withheld troops from Utah, where he Land, situma in the village or 9oahom,i❑ rho - _ - ` �) National Song—' Red, White and Blue.' County of 8u8bik,and 8mm of Now York, sod _ ,a proclaimed there was war—in order to keep While Mrs. Cook was singing this soul• bounded nil follaws,viz.:Northerly by the Is' of Hamuel S. Vail; easterly by land of 8amnel 5. Ia Kmraaa wham he insisted all was peace. Ina trio sou gracefully waving a Small Vail, and Salubrity b the Ifi hwa , and %pian P a g. B Y g Y r g i M z IIe sells forte at the west, for a Litho of American flu over her heart, her listeners xoothaNy and westerly by Tucker's Inns, ceotell Ong Ing tan notes more or leu. -Ubo all that coldwin their cost in order to boy situs for forte at remained opell-bound, and waren she tied lin- pieta or parcel of land mtnato in the Town of o j the cast at feu times their value—his sober- iehed, for s moment there was n hreathleos Southold,In are County of Sum,lk, and state of mc il¢atEer•Ia hath cases,pocketed the differ- Now York, and bnuided motherly by TackeYs silence,Slid then, with one accord, the whole Limr; labially by. land of IL,rnaoux It, nootia, e ' once, He is Continually asking for new suability 4 land of Jonathan IL,rwn, and west. „ - : Y o;. audience joined ill deafening applause, that erl y h the North read, containiu ' " +. eti sm•frigates—but he will not use those he inade the walla of lie church fairly Shake acres be the Snare more or less, y about aae:u _ L r e h bell,either on the coast of Africa, or G¢Ifo Such same to be m mirnion with the eels of P - — upon their foundation. _ri Mexico. He sands out • Steamer, osteuai• poor Nev York 1 the rluht of dower in I%premises of Agave 8mitb, ; $ " the petitioner In this matter. •r I - _ 9. bly to catch the Styx—but with private or The Great Metropolis ties again sulrerad If the Said promisee Should not be previously desolating enptain'sdelk,to do nothing of the the diagraee—if anything can disgrace her,Sold at private sate,the game will be Bold at Pub W. Claiotn to bo the most frugal of Iroliticulty—of having Fernando Wood for' lie Auction,oil the premixes—the old over,stand B B her toter. By the help of the Americana of in the vichum of 8eahoid—on Saturday, aka 31st G 5 a'P.e Preeideuts—be has Spent more than any of day of July neat.at 4 o'clock P.M. t f the Exprevs type, who have at length do. Dated Southold,16th June 1858, S $ _ • c c Ufa- lta predempaeore. Assuming to be above generated into the systematic and volunteer J. n'ICLHeMCAB&, party prejudices, he makes partivxnskip the jackals of `lie hnporled Roman Catholic 43-Bw Special Guarown of said laiante " IwiA even of h's:iuvitstiona to dinner I Democracy,and through the toll and timidI ��jRR� i Ustar- Be oil ESPgalAtah-R av Tttur, {y of the Republicans the greet " Forian-� IJ � ���, �f�'LI 11li��U Wo .a�Prof.Jolie {Vice,of this city,erten- sly"is run in between Opdyke and Huvemay. SITC"A'I`GD AT er. IIe becomes Mayor by the vote of �<)i 1 'T IJ O L I), L. I. `vItt A .e --_ 4valy known for his Wsuy successful and cl 80,145 Dead Rabbits and Speculating con. r Iill; PROPRIETORS OF THE SUFFOLK , thrilling mroustic voyages slid discoveries. tractors, with their backers, nyetpnnthise'•a I NURSERY"Aar for rale a lame lot of ,left Lancaster yesterdayfor Washington and rte andunts, against 48,516, divided lie.. I B l B I Fruit and Ornamenf�tl Tragi c Dili,lar make,preparations for a Series of the [ween his two opponrnta. Opdyke hawing ,,,r,�,, A n ¢ °1,773 sail Havemoyer :6.848. Wood bon Evergreens, H0.4"dw A most eatenaive and iuterestin balloon ex lir- p r;mised the people an "iron rule"a rd they 0, B P Plants & c iuAats ever witnessed in our country. Mr, will got it, too--he will not disappoint their Their Stack emuiste of I'rutm: , - &' -Wise has been engaged to make those axper- expectations by breaking that promise—and Apples, shames a :^R _ _ S.- tmemts far the SoliLbsoni II Institute, willl Standard t'epr,1 apricots ! - +1 It will be not lees a brazen rule, ul•o if the Dw•a#f Pears Seri,arinu instr=ciits provided by it for the purpose.— ingredient of "confidence" is needed so to P111asswileae,Peaekllei ala ' w .i He has [nude arrnn emeuta with the Cit constitute it. l v�nypoefQ ;� g a e o d Goa Company For a liberal supply I of w for There is but one ingradiant of comfrIll: Decidnons Ornttmen 1 Fo 1 P Y B all thin conccetion of m❑linci pal demagogue snu'ble tar street., i,i6 Lawns a'•ai - ? vi; Lh use, Cue of the experiments will consist ism, viz: elle eonsiderniion which tine releiW usual varktiu flim 1 �, \mseries. - ; r. •� � e - !d c •� P 11,10 1lccidnou 1 I .ring Trees,Bern - 7 of a squadron of balloons in the shape or a embodies, that Tammuny Hall is no longer grin riardoc 1'i:uds t n,iina - ° � 5 I balloon.regatta. lar another nue he will Cut °muipotent. This would be a great sourcS or horn bl"omin9g9o?��Rov n, Vtue! s of Fileill pease from Lilo balloon, when two tnilea high, Ila gratulation, tAfoxnrtt H,Ilfor lis as neale fact r being still tat Illo ill. omutth tutoth ralarpt�esmblislnmen6ets.' (leaving the balloon in charge of n war an• i'I cg do M0 ,. >. - 0 ' B P worse than that of `Pamcnm�y,as it is panni'I 8otULolt1,Jpup h 3`-.- ; ° le :Iasi)pad descend with a canvas air conduct- his to conceive of. if there call be degrees; or. AIr, Wise expects to establish the me- of rrnrst, the 11101116 hays now a fila upper n �. „ a ' s dap�• �t, livability of guiding lrallocna along the lines tunity of testing and testing it.Jersey(;try - '��''• Currier. ---_�l• 1 E of telegraph, and by, outer means so as to he Able to stoat for and arrive at a given tlr�The Hempstead Inquirer says : AtTntnr Point, with as ranch cachalot as ships aro Orient, in Suffolk Quality thm•6 resides ill Y 6 tidy liy Lha name of I n¢duiee Poity, aged ti, ,,4i r. occur a mode to navigate the. oceau nud carry on 90'years. Air. Augustus Griffin, tier neigh'.rr 1 t i,� s ti til, yet�_ 0` commerce with Lire world.—Lanarster Times. boll,now hour 04 years aid, one tier buthday. .t n . ; to , r otir rm t r of tea _ .- -_ — �r,.n •mc:a,.of'(L?•ba_ -v. ajhntl; to - • higher than the cic►ndit, tint not suppose I.�et(aAaApt(eln Passed. I�rartalizta white wuttt��rt--they are not:FO +'�rt� it !t.1 be for l,eyr,u(1 ; but From accounts Irotn The great Lec;omptou ,juggle pawed both liar as to cottPine themselves to, ui�agrrs"-- diffe=rent parts, where it alao seemed to bre �1 and their democratic brethren otw�;ht to profit overhead y , the Senate alrxEl the Ilcluse oil Friday hau�Y• � or near] s() it is evident Haat it marl°a day)last--the former by a vote of 317 by their"illatstrious predecessors" iJt tl. art was very high, and also of great magnitude, to 22 and the latter by 112 to 1'03. The and science of extending and 1wrpetuating The following is an account given by one *)*Ye power succeeded ill raising a sufficient the eminently democratic institution of sla i� of' the 1)usset)� nurlaer oforthec n tuudtays era of the steamer ]blas very• The least that they can do, to be Coll- ,, tiunkeys, and I The passen{;ers on board of the steamer 4ovghfaces to accomplish their obj;,ect.. This j� iatent, will be to nominate that model dew- lolas, Capt. D. G. Feeney, had a view of it I nerat and father of Mormonism, Brigham meteor, oil Friday the naterial of which our modern l)ro-slave- g' evening last of singular result dogs not surprise its when we coltsidcr loan as their nest candidate for the Pres- brilliun�ey and bounty. Oilher trip from the idency, Perhaps that other eminent demo- city to Greenport, Sag Harbor, &c., at a ry democracy is composed, and especially the � °' John,"] few minutes past 10 P. AT.,when midway in t� cratic leader, Bishop Hughes, , T r v s. s� L �c►vrardla, favrn'rng, cringing, pusilanimousthe Sound,and about six miles east of Nor � � � �� � �� t�;1 of New York City, alight be prevailed upon walk} the attention of the passengers was � � � � �" = � � F � prtdileeticnrs, prap�ensities and performances ,. , , } 6 d w a � .- i to accept the `ice Presidency. The south- attracted to what appeared to be a brilliaut - �. `� `� G of the northern portion o,' the great slave- pl � r .7- 'Orn MW", bolcic=s party, as evinced by their readiness slave democracy need have no fears that slur in tlae northwest, but 1'i few degrees t >. c C. r C L1 W p Y their northern brethren will be backward in above the horizon, and which was approach � c �; W" L to obey Cite dictates of their soutlterc rtias' in the steucuer in al direct line as indicated �" G_S`� `'`� voting this ticket,for they will go in for any , "" =w " - L Vers,anis even to go farther in their s::pport << „� by►ts gradut f elevation and increasing brit- W � € statver than man of tllc a;lavcholdrt s thin; that is labelled democracy or for liane.y. It x001 aasulne(1 the appearance y _ themselves. That intensely °°democratic" any thing else which their southern masLers and brightness of a calciurn tight. illumin � :Da• vecluire and bid them to do.N tint tile the Fleck and surface of the water <C t _ _ ` ])aper the �T. Y. Herald, actually complain- HoxNy the Iloobies Lie. around. 'fill now it had appeared of at =�` ad of alto washittgton Union for its lupe- Newsptiper risen have allvays regarded the sperical form, and the light was of a pu►e '�� �• r warmness in supporting the Lecornpton jug- 13rook:ies of the New York Express as auum ' silvery hue ; but as it elute w,t rc� nearly over �'� t°M•�' a duplicity Y alien in tilt prnfessiull. IToly can fellows of the steamer it appeared to divide into two la. With s>3cit du,licit and servility matt 1[ r L- � :. nested by the northern °` Democracy," it is so little sense so (acyl in lyinnes.g? is a gall thea three parts, each nuc of a eunan 7 GCi cl forth brit npparently moving is tilt, same lice :4 � t� _ not to be wondered at that the 300,000 tion ou ivllic;h the wi,,e.t ol°editors have stuur-� and at uniform distances fruai each other, as slaveholders in the Y. States rule the co on• •, � bled ; alu(1 it as nut yet answered. 1}te' though three large crinbreve rockets had - ti try, as they boast of doing—trod say they Boobies arc} evidently resolved to increase been attached to one shaft and the fuses all 0 C3 - g ha.vc dole for sixty years. Thi; they have the wonder of which they are the cause lighted at the some time. Indeed, some of -d d, ;, the passetwers, wile now noticed it for the a � —s.� j alone) at least whenever we have b,mn afflict during the cata,paigu. ]Tear theta o first supposed it to be solve brilliant fire- 2 tel with "dentoeratic"Presidents. Anil tilru °''1'harIuw 14'eed R. Co., it is given out, walk discharged from some vessel close by. a) v' are these rulers? They are the great slave- after visiting• Mr. Lincoln, returned "coin Wheu it was directly overhead constant re ,o folding American Aristocracy. The ar'►s- tents,:1. The Slate k satkfaetory. Hence ports were heard, like the ftual explosion of;= ex G.rv. Svkvard turns Editor, and we have it rocket though not loud. °7 tocracy of Europe 1►k,saesy not only vast Ehe Auburn ex cathedra. article. g article." As it crossed tine deck of the steamer the a "a wealth,but talent,eel►x anon au€1 refinement, That's a lic'. Thurlow Weed has not lights char red their color to an orange re and .0' °'� � v�}ti}e ot;v sttive}x�hlit)a aristocracy Ira�ve a be(n to Spcill,, then to a dull red and as they passed away o c-) H 1� Id, 141 r. Lincoln has etude limited anao[:21t of we;e}tit, exclusive of their nc► `f la6tdi'' lot i►(+re's an,tt}ter: in the distance seemed merged again into � � � �, C.) � glares, a fair degree of edncutiou, lent as to ,,.. r one ; and wile', last seen it wars to appear... H � — � i tl4� JUTIN 13RO vN WARFARE. a .� ' talent and refinemthat retry be estilirtit,,(l at ;prin;til,l, I11., July 1711►, 113h9, glace a small red star Itt.ar the horizon.- -tit Y When directly overhead it wag so near its �a o t key them sncceas ill r('ttil)g the mE,st M'01'k Nil. Lilivolu the 16,publicau cau}]}date fur that each arrow-headed overhead, could be seen d °' a 1�s ''r" � out,of av"nigger" for tile; least ajn,ulnt (3 f i thc> I°atj.iid(ucy c,f t!ie MIA United States, ' to eJnit a blaze as of a Ptiomnn candle u1' � � � � � � � ��^ the coarsest and olleal), �t foo,]and clothiNtr sr'irj : rather. like the fuse of a skyrocket gad wets o ' `.1 nevertheless (li(1 tnc�nn to go on the unquestionably the trr�)ellia r power which °n a►ud their success in ruling 1 r � their tvllit('sllrvea banks of the Oiii,, an tlu'oly missiles iwto y I l b } o ° ' W sewt the body with such ntiracnlous velocity °t at the North, and sec lrriut; flet ([ili(_es Ilu(1(ac' Bent ucky, tea disturb thein ire their donees• through the atmosphere. What mysterious �, +� —Z o our "democratic" iln-sl(lelits+. `1'ilt'y Ill") ere; rrtatlllttlt)11s:''' 1-J •-, links held the three meteors together it i,; 'd � � o � ,a claim to have a vaLat a2lnullilt of e'lati`cidz a!,j(1' t, �'liat'rr n he al. Air. Lille tt neve]'afild ll6e1e3S to t;U1,jeCtll['(s, AS tllE'y IIt1Ist have beCll '� � `�", � � `� res C ] as their t.3 �,. zn v northern eluirn to halve a [4uy such tiring, at Sprirt;;field or any other }'bldg, if not rods apart, and vet stuped in bn 1L)a � Z eorrespoilding am Malt o ,1 tlir-rrta�y.r' 1(1 r I.lair. t_)uco wort such perfect ronrert as tea nppenr but one �., a) 41 v �, � f fi Fa c,• � i ata s' ca both in apl)roachlnl; and ill receding. 0 3 Oar rlortltt:rn "dey)locrttt.lr''''editors, with "`I'e)va rlv: —'Phis noted pugilist was one The brillituley of the sp(;Ctu(:le produced o Z �A o characteristic scrvility. :trr,c°rowin'r over this of the It-1111WiCall 11degates to Chicago.—I _ .. �, I ,n ,• .. He is an active .l.iltcol[r blab aucl was the! repeated exclamations and itadeed u lause ro :� �"W W � � � �- �,� -- Gteazt Detnocr.tPitt l rttt9�nl,la "' the "I'atei le(taer uI a grand proe,�s,jo°1, at ()Ili oil frorat'tlte excited 1)alsSeriners, who agreed in = .� ,� •� c� 1 a Seation�Of the Country ! &�, but it will he the right follosv�iug the: uoutinutie)u,, considering it, ogle of the roost grand aud �� � � � � Z hatch $ plciftcatie)n' aIS th(� pass,li e(,f tilt., unique exhibitions of pytot.etatnic4 either 3 - E � r r' ItieN are three lies ill these four linos.--- terrestriall car celestial, which they had ever �( � a H T 'a, Live Slarve Law atricl the �(tsra•ka N11-- 'Plaut Ryer vial n(,t aI urlle ate. He was o c „ beheld. .Among t lie passetigers were W. S., ,� a"pacili,Jtio;l with a Felt (ar,e=c. In facet, ,in c,rlt idvr of the: Setv�a�rd delegation frN)nl Courtney, i+'st. and lady,of Ne,,,, IL, y °' ' °� -New York and took no ,thus to J�1, � work; also 4� q � � w CS � � , � S lowever, it. is only a postponewelit, iustfad } Messrs. L. 1). Case, 0, D. Case and R. N. � � � W Cd Of a settierncant of tiie gra(•stion --a n1cre et u- his regret zrud displraisnre, wheu Liucoln I3:1veus. o ,� °' . Was n(autinu.titl ; lrcrtett he 1vaS not a Ltnt;(1111 r 4'° etolr-- 11d will 0114 in sntolie, for the f ues- t'Y I�r1TftEFt �0 'l'R.1ST.—�rt CV few of our! y r� a l t3l(.ti1; aur(list lie ]call] at grand I'ruression. - tion cannot be settled until Kansas becoluts —Six lie,lar thrL(+ll;rragrapll:t. `1'he Boo. good people suspect,while enjoying this beau- it ritrE SrATie, bier gra got cloinit their ►.,est, either. They tiful fresh, sunny weather, that they are just; q �M4 o o a ca But what a pitiful sight we ntuSt bo in dle 111'(3 10t Ytt 1111 to t.ho it old levol of Fremor-it passing the anniversary of the severest weath- o ,� times. S�Te gait with },alien e fur the nest e1'which has been felt during one of the Cole]- 8 to eyy es of tike civilized world. The L'�xecutivel _ 14 .Department of the great American Unioll— batt(!,. t•/iaaa;ra .L'<��rcr(e. est winters that has occurred in this country v . a 1' �< „ s>lgititE?1>` ')P; 1#lQlEklf:ltiAi, ;. �3 the Model Republic--erpc�nding ail its � last year. On this very Afonda one year 41 � -E 1'o A )t�te(,r ()t y Y 4° .� w F; � ^� ttergies and exertion, or rather perccl°tin�v ' ."reap brilliancy made its ap- ago we were shut in on every side;rivers y - a -� ll " pearance int Fri(latl (3fining geld was ob• 1'�Ct'f closed 11 .,( E?Ii�lilGSdtU))PCl vv()t'lil>1�TM i G d ` G C Y 0, all its rust powers for t(:(rs to eteud ,.ticrz i y "i Ih 11_ �� +, o ° served by several citizeiiS of this villar e. a 0 rery.—and that,, too, Into aI Territory glvill t their water pipet being cracked with frost all o P, Q a majority of 10 001► �,r It ryes Supposed by Juanly to be but.at short J S , .gaiinst til(. dctnocr clic over the land;telegratphs ceased operations Of Slavery (_li'tallce fraltt there, bud so :1'a a ca b rtatittrti( Slaveryi Such "der)toceaci." , me perso;is ill R ill every direction, and three locomotive en- Q �; � f; _ � � �� �,�� i • haat welt, alr[aust a�lraid it svoulct come into P o ti had better improve its quality by acdc►1,tamines, with their combined strength worked � o o y � elle I,c)tt. t)tlles's less titbit], (,bsF>rvin it, � CJ . �' ,� fo and absorbing-the Alornwns. That highly n � (n U �s - � C-1 _� g their way as fair as the Pergett cut,glad there i_ tic S� democratic and `'saidtLy'' I)o(ly enslave and .',Iw its tt I,a:7ed over a cltaud chat tt waat stack fast in snow haul}, I�feet High! The o � � � �:a � n - O __ r� r til CRANID CONCERT c : , c 5 e x AT THE I` � � � 1 Y .• o �t P i 7��-D�-�7 7 � TT i r/� 7 7 u .M.r. �J11 RC11, SOTT"I,1.101-ji- , c I G I q On Thursday & Friday 'Evg's � . March 13 and 14, 1873. o ',U MMMBERS OF TI.3E CHOIR_ 0 `c > I. 60PRAN0, Mrs. B, Warrinar, Mr=. J. A Young, Mrs.U. A. Priuue, 14m J. L. I [ Oonklin. Mia+Kittin Jennings, Miss Louis,Prinw, Mies Jennie Wells Mies Abbie - ` - Y Ledyard. d _ ALTO. Miss Milani,,K. Hobart, Miss Belle Terry: o by TENOR. Mr.J.T.Pdyuo, Mr V.B:(joldsmith. . DA94L Rov.E. Warriner, Mr. E.L.Boisseuu, Air. J. R.Young, Mr, M.B Ylui a `o Di esn,Mr. W. F.Terry: a = .S , Mr.E.Havens Payae,Tenor) of Sholt+r Is1ma L,Misi Minae Torry, at &uthold 4 �' o and Miss Melisea King (Attu), of Greenport I will be present, and take s Ptemtjt part in tbo Concert. he Tfollowing is a,L19T OF 'ruE PIFYIBf, without regard ia.their arrange rl N• Mont in the Programme. U X ^ f/ a '• o' a r JERUSALEM, MY GLCIRIOUS HOME, ANTRiam. THERE'S BEAUTY EYE RYWHERE, QUAWrisT'fE BUGLE HORN, ,. - � ) _ Z. MERRY. MERRY. BELLS, DUET. s. - a - '- WHO WILL GUIDE MY SPIRIT HOMR'I HE'S GONE, QUAftTeTTX - SPEED AWAY. ., E �, a ^� '•� .' OUR BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN HOME, DvsT. = c $ \ i 6 3 ,` COUSIN JEDEDIAH. Sore AND Caontre. �� BIRDIE HAS COME. SnLo. ';ti = 5�• o '" \ SUNRISE, QUA11TwTF •- o °°'. -' ^� x�,"x' ARBRICAN STUDENT'S SONG, DUET, NEARER MY GOD TO THEE. QVAIITETTA y•4 - U ❑ o ' '• WE HAIL THEE,GLAD SPRING TIME. OvuaUs a %. 3� � �•� �' l�•`- GAYLY LAUNCH AND LIGHTLY ROW DYING MINSTREL, O , e MY SOULSHALL KNOW THINE IN THATREAUSOLD.TiFUI,LAND, SOL SOLD. i' THE SWISS 3IRL. CvoaUs. I Es d 'S �_ ` F _ _ $ r •' � � - ANI}ELS WHISPER, Sow AND CvoSaonuso .: I' •= COME UNTO ME, .. p r,, • �• { ,� r ARAB STEED, OLD EASTER ANTHEM, a ° HAIL TO OUR BEAUTIFUL QUEEN, Caoacs. "PULARAR oars Moa PREsi[reB1pIL-- - - - JAMIE TRUE, Solo ADD Cvoays. rase. _ i—Ease.-- less. MASSA S IN THE COLD GROUND ,. STATES. u�i.➢••�itr s°iiy. GOOD NIGHT. - CHORrin AT�,e.,n.—.....—'ww-rains a; r PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM A._L BLESSINGS FLOW, ANTUNW. $,r,u"`•'••• - a+m alvs6W On _ N LARBOARD WATCH, DUET. ^^^�+-••• ..xl 'imn 4 4 ata SONG OF LIREItCY. Dahe•e...... f'en se's. SOLO. rwnd......... - d ,. 80FPLY O'ER THE RIPPLING WATER Sore ASD Cnoovs 111„r&...... i ALL THINGS ARE BEAUTIFUL. DUET. 1^^�-•••••.• II^4 um s;wx 1a ri I CANNOT SING THE OLD SONG, ;• •'-•••^ ° tale 1'w a a u 9 BALLAn. maetT...... �1 man a a' _ DUBLIN BAY, ROHo. lom'1'4...... u.al sAatl; ri;•uo Ir a tl............ Cali 7p ALONZOTIIEBRAVE, Cowie MEDLEY. U.,l.nd...... 4 riim tluia�.hm•ILL. t .11 r N a.OD A8 PAT CAME UVER THE HILLS, 9u FG. tlmnlsm....... a m1 n, a a r.:T: To the abuve will be added the following soloetione from the Jubilee tion a, xmn........ - u, m a! - - - � - sung b the Jabileo:Singom of Risk Univ;:redt tll,.lw,el..... am Cow' _ a a - Mlw,mri. ..... elAl] e1.ETi al yy y' n Iixmr•l,ay. en CID W, m., a 4M TORN BALE PrIAaAo tl'n An YY—GwlNli'ro RIDa Ur IN A Gruaro'r-Tax Vn:- I - moa x k sm orxa-SwrNO Low,Swavr CunnroT.{o. ••.wYwa..... _ 4 - a nee; 1 NorWl'uallu. a•n •t — elm ;, *An* Should Thum lay Evening Provo sternly, Concert will be given on Frida na,l Uhl.....,-•.••- 11, Mui, 1m now �• st.en �ssturda even in s. 7 ors,,......... 4os M� - - - - - Y g ren,ayl.Anr.. u, hm,en n M. u�v He. a - THE SINGING WILL.COMMENCE AT i 1-2 O'CLOCK. s°,e"Ir. awl eTl 1•lonl 1 T.nn..•e..... - x.'mur w.E• - T. TICI{ETb7s •,_.iC•fs+ 730T7. rer,anoL...... fieI �;aa' • r Z ♦'L7\II\< !� .l(1 Clar, vorlw....... r•TSr 7L®1 ' I",X, LATIM b RII LS sow .... m 1. I , U I. W aae1D 1 , Toml....... M ale.Lm i MILITARY PAnanx—The 16th Regiment - - - --- - - S. Y. S. M., will parade and egpnmp at The Reg bout will be reviewed find in- vioas to parade herein ordered, _tl Itiverhentl on Tuesday next, pursuant to the spected on Thursday, the 3d. '$j`arder of _ .following elders :— A Regimental Court Martial is hereby J. A C. T BE RI ' "Brigade Orders.-Gth Brigade, New appointed for the pith Regiment, to be hold' N.$sElawx Mu.l s, A.ll. C6 York State Militia. oil Tuesday,the 22d day of September next, - JA)IAICA, July 318t., 1857. at such place and hour of Elie day as thou . nn,,ln Ygats f The 16th Regiment N. Y. S. At., is here- President thereof shall prescribe. Capt, ps ,Anc juror �my,ll by ordered to rendezvous for thyro coueecn. John S. Ilnvens is hereby appointed Presi• eg formed er tive d si encampment,Iment, at Riverhead 4u4 dent of said court. 4y 'saJ (he e u folk fTo*, on Tuesday, theL first day of Cul. P. R. Jenniugs will Muse this order - - tight to tris September nest, at such hour of the day its to be published in ono or mare of the pa��ere b•e3!^^rte ef, the convnandaut shall direct da Suffolk M q±ejfiiA&nty days pre+ _ .4: Y THE SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES.BY THE PRESIDENT OF' T 1i E [ FNt ilk EJ' STATES, GREENPORT, AUGUST 27, 1867, A 1.1 R 0 CL A Al ATI 0 N In introducing itself to the pulllic, the ?' NV 11J11'REA 4. 1)1-• the Constitution t)f the Ulllttstl `4'at.-, tilt, tlN(_1 'lrtive ]Kiwi's' is VestedIn it TIums desires, Of course, to propitiate the` President,�if'tht�LTnitt.•tl Stiltesclf America,who is 1►t1I11.1 l)r-sr►Ier111t,1;lth ti►itill'111\•to execute the c,(licl.� Food will of those to whom it will loop for of, President, arirl tt) tilt` 11kst of his 1►l►ility t0pre�ervt�, 11rt1tl,l•t, ']illi tl�•t't�1(1 t 11t� Constitutionof tllr, future support. But, fuIIy aware that su(, cess ill that particular is not to be obtained, i United States; r,vd is by the sarnf'. ilist rrtilleIit Ini,lic C'ou11►allilcr it►-(��llihf of ill(, ilrniti- 'i1,1 11`v.Y 111' t • by lavish promises and extravagant 1)reten- ( tilt, United Strut',', and Is rt'+1111i'A to trips' i•iire that the ]drys toe Illit1111111}' oxectitt_'tl: s10nS, It will be careful in respect t0 the eX- r AND WIIETtPA1,, 11v t1W SMI]l C'01istittitioll, it is provided that tho raid Constitution and tllh ectations it may excite and the p y e annunce- i W8 of,the 17lilted .�tittC,, which shrill he tnailc ill pnr�,iiat+.•o thereof' shill he the sup rorno Iaw of ments it would venture. It will be judged11 !I the l'ir,rd, 'Intl the Judges in a.,vcrr '.titato sh;ill be Hurt id thort•11r'; by its performances rather than its promises! A ND W11F:REAs ill and by tilt, s,,tuio f ow i ittit Ion t11t'.111k1iri:11 power ol` I Ito llnitl�11 St(tfes is vutetl —by the steadiness and consistency of its Ill One Silproillo C1111rt, and ill "llt'll Inferior 1•olll'tti as t'+111"1-ess Illavi frolo tinil, to titin', ord lin rt 11,1 future, rather than by its present irlitial establi>h, alld tilt. aforesaitl jrilli+.iai power is devlaro d t+) exfoiid to ;ill ca,es in law and eiluit.>• efforts. Yet it is eminently proper that we. arising tln(lor til. C m?.titiltion, tilts lalv;A of the United St;ate:;, ;lilt! the tri''tti(;s wilieh shall bo made should indicate our views as to what a news. -ander their gilt]]+►ritti; paper ought to be, and give expression to Xm) l m11!PrAfi all officers, civil ;11111 military, rant) bound by ont.11 th;ll, lho,.y will support at)(, our resolution to maintain the standard ate which we aim. ' t adefer)d the Cca),4titiitiwt ag:lilist all ent,mit,s, foreign and dorilestic, arlltl will 1 etir true faith mud Our first object will be to make theTi3lrs alle'bine tti the swilk_" a good newspaper-1t sheet that will present, ANTD W tlt'RF;AA all oflict•rs t)f the '11-1111' and tla.vv of the tTuit.e d States, in accepting their a.s l lr as they can ire obtained by careful coIlllTll�,.-�lotls 1111111'1'the liltl•s(if'( 011gre"s alit]tho rules marl:irt iclesof ivar, incuran obligation to observe,.Collation frolll all sources, "lull ilFtelli f;'ll.)13' older•, ilild f41litm. 14111.11 ilircOlolls its tho slmli f'rolli tillic to tillie rureive froill the; President or the t,'0111_]1;11,912(] within the limits of our 91, Qt, 1_h .Genial, or other :,uperio r oflicers t,4et over thvill, iect'tlrlfiu, to tilt, riles stud discipline of Nva.r; passing events of the world. Especially,we ' :1x1-) wIIF'1.FAS t`%1 it is 1►rovidld l y law thi►t whent•vor, f 1' rerlsbu. of rltlllm-f'ill l)11 shall nim to make public the incidents of li ,'tl'liCtloiltl, ombinanou,,, or rssernlllages of perstols, or rel)( 11111 it aills ' transpiring within the immediate circle whit�h ll• t the ttlithuritr' of tilt. t�1)vernrner,t c)% 1 '; "the, United -titres, it t+lvill 1)coonle illipnictii-able, ill the Judgillent of'tho Presidoiit of the Unitedtway be considered as our owls peculiar loeal- `%Iates. to l elif ire.'e, I,v the ordiwit-N conrra�� (XJudicial proceedii)gs, the hovs of the United Sta.th ity—without particular attention to which ithiil env 1.1- 'l't'rritl,r'y, lit(, EXecll t i ,, authorized y1_+ ill that sin k' iutho rized :anti required to secure'no local press can possess a character "' or ire their lraithd'ul (,xeclltioll by they cillplo llielit, of tho ]hull :111,1 n;lv'll Corecs; terest, which will distinguish it from a we'ei reflex of city journalism, which is a thing AND WITEREAq rinlal-ilrlil0Ilt�+ :11111 l"b.'Atructltllls, :#t'riol1, ill their 1'11: nictel•, have recently been 1 i not dmianded by iutellit,,enteorlrltrV rc,a.t11-.s., _ interposed ill the; tIltes of North i'indilm hilt] �outlt Caroll1w, hindt-ring::rill preventing fora time iu In this dep],�talent iif' intellip;cllte 1-1-12 rl.lstI villoWcOlrlent there of,the laws lit,the United Stature, wid of tho udl,zilieilts and decrees of ii. Proper l he pi,rrntttcd to ask the co-openr�twn of uili° liawfili coill•t. thel-cckf, ill ilisruo-and I&till, k•�►lortl,111d of thr d'rv,iderlt 111•the United Stlltes; friends tltranli'hout 1]112 counts, and to sohtit! .� 1-'D 1_r iii',itF;1ti rOilsl)ni.lklll' ;ll+} ryt�ll-ftDiii,tlk'il itp111'+ h1'lt�lt>1t� (•\ist Hint such ill-advised alld ,;the, C011111111111Catiotl of any il-widents of lm I 111-#l'trl°fill 1,1'ot't't`1dii1 " inav be w_,I-aill attt`111ph d thi•ro )I- elsewin.`re. 111terestill( Character that ]nay fall iill,lti'� :�llZ1', atiF:llI.F llltl;, 1, Ati rQH.l \V ,1[>I -�C)N, i'rt,sident of the+ 1Jlliteol trlt��s, du IleITI)V rt't:irw--heir ohter�ation. L�t�rre,,,ondeuce of tit,,`� 1x11 1'c'r141►ill .►�,ilirlst ,1I,4trit+'ti11�r 111- ltiti111'riii ill ,arty 1n;nillt'r whatsot-ver the fllithftrl execution of��, -11-acter will always be a,ppreeiated rued! the Constitilti011 .11111 tht'laws; 'gill] I til►t1,lt,iktIlly 11111:,111 '11111 1'011111iillid :111 ofllt't'rs ill the Govl'I•rlrnent, re',i,iprocatell, ill such form as C1rCllll::lar Cel civil alld 111111t:11w, 111 T'4'11tier 0111- :ii111't11r;,11r1► ;111id l"1i1t'1hWIwf% to said i;iws, and to til(, ]i.11l�'[TlE'tat.S 'a11d niay allow, and we shall never be found {dk'('r'i•(` eolilplaiiiing of the superabundance of nla- t►t tilt' courts 4& the Unllt-ll Mates, '11111 io give :ill tilt' :till ill their power necessary to tho Pt1IIi1)t ertforcl_"meat ;wd t'Xvciiti,)n +1l'silell lilws, decrovs, Jililginents, mild processes. 112'::1] thus placed in 1111' hands. 1-n our I)olitir<ll course, we shrill pursue 1-L And I do ht,l't'1'►rt3r1.1(1111 1ip1111 the t11htk'i's 1)1_ till' ht'inv *111(1 Itiir'y to assist gilt] Rn,talIl tilt) Coi I'tS '�tl,ught path, anal look to the estriblishrnwnt and ether civil authoritius of slit' 111titvtl 'St;ite, lit it f.1101fr11 iIdiilill Istratioll of tile hlXvs thereof, ©f ht�pilllllCail 1?1'inC]Zllf'F, eilllnCli�t�('tl 1:1y tl)P tend in fihe Jud�;metits, decrei-, 1►1a11i11ille", .arid 111-:1,c141:es of thk, courts elf' the Ullite(I States,; mile] party of that narlle its -Ai, . rat object, to I call upon all good au d well-iiisposvd t'it izens of tilt, United to reineinl)er t,liiat upon tl►e Yhicll free inch sli;;llld a.­i1c and f,,1- wllltll said Constitution and laws. ;lilt] illiml slit-Judgillent. d1_,'( Ives. "Ind of the courts made in intolligerlt patriots should labor. ` h1 eleva- areordarlce with tho sank, dviteild the protuction of the ]lues, 1111k fly,.property, rind happiness of tion and dignifyiiit offre;lalor nn(i the de.-1 the people. Ar1c1 1 esEtott tilt 1-r► ('Vk'ry)yhert' to te:t.il`y tl)t it t11'voti(1il to their i:ountrr, their Pride feat of the schelncs of a spurious DelnllCrilrv' to its prosl,erity rlild gteKttaess, and t .niiltaitioli to 11)1111111 it• free institutions1)1- <l hearty to force dcrrra.ded and cleriitling n1 of ,co-operation in the efi'orts of that (,'ovoi'ranleitt to sustaill tho mithority' of the I aw, to maintain thk, Metro servitude into fret? 112'':1] Svc ]ilei:] supremacy- of they Federal Con,,tituiicln, and to prk tot-A•c unilrlpaircd the integrity of the nitiomd to be the imperative duty'of every- trti+-•hcla- is Lrlion. ocrat and white 1�Irking lu;lrl,t) In testimony whereof',d have ciatisvil the r4eal of tit,, Unitod States 1_c+1)12 afkixatl ttl thc��e 1.1rer�ents a contact and comlietition nitlst e,i 1 p,, : '►rid sign the prime n itli rnv hand. disastrous, if not disgraceful. illtrelorc, without seeking to interfere with tae sy.�.te l Pone eat the vitt, 111 NV ishin,gtoll the third ll;ty ot' �,�ptenlber, in the year our-" thousand ei"11; , S.j hundrt�t] 'liitl silt r 1-'!S k'ii of negro servitude existing iu Vie Xith,1:1 states, our humble efforts shall bu e.lrncstlY ••��i?r)j M' T ,ll)����t^t�. and conscientiously put forth t1_,presto t'1c BY -r ii l'ttiii,f i: r new territories and free states, f'rulll tile i1i - WILLIAM 11. -Al,4M'1-1 1. 1), grace and detriment of that Si stem, lend we r+tiloty of 8104. shall protest continually and per,-engly agaiust the aggressious of slavery, i':10 free:. territory. �I_ _ I a r . t ' We hope to see our citizew,, 1111110W.-d to' ��� YORK. make theTmEs the rnediaui of cotnhntnhica- tions 011 all subjects Of intc't'CSt and it11pOI't• Mice, and its columns will always be oiwn to the expression of such views of principles or policy which may be enh+rtafiind by write.rs WAR DEPARTMENT, 7 of differing views,it being always nuderstooLi � of course, that the courtesles of discus"'zion f CE lD� E hzrJ tonal are not to be sacrificed to ft eedoin or earnest-ness of speech. DIVISION OF To the business men around us we would confidently appeal, to be pernlittca to share TR>EGRA1MS AND REPORTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF GOM'BUR AND Ammi largely in their exertions to extend their lists of customers, and we hardly need say that in VV asllll)El(►ii, D. C., Thursday, April t, 1875--1 A. ?46 employing ns to give the amplest publicity to r - ` lie announcements annuuneements of their preparation to sup �y [ �Y O f I A'� ,t� O R 777AT PAs Ty f) 1R, j« r ply the country with their various specialties 1 of produce and manufacture,they are benefit-, Ulear Or tilir ivoalher (',011thilles on 111P .°Milli it Const, with e'1stt'rh 1vinds, and Iii(-Y%b iii r thernselPes even more than the are aid- � , r t , � r y baromeler, 1 e telli ►el t11(ile Ilrls rlst�ll ill 1.11E Lowe a ' ,a ing i7s. But we need not expatiate upon the r z 1 Lower L Il,t it 1()11, flit (�lliu VOW �illd I enne»et', tvllll 501111li-1-111 willlls, lest pres"Sute, '11111 thrill (`1011111' Wealller, The lellipera advantages of liberal and constant adverbs- 4 ing. We will only say,in respect to it, that Illrf 11,111 11111('!1 rapidly i li the Upper Lille rvaio i and tl1f Nprllltvesl, lvltll rain 11)1(1 siiow, it is the corner-stone of business success and fleavi rahis, Live prevailed in 111(' LO1 ei, 11is ssippi V al0el, 'I'lle Misallliri river II lis the main spring of commercial prosperity. _ llaell it LcaltliWul111 Iis Mississippi ,s•1stillpl 1)as risfn at Keokuk ltilk` and St, Loll , 111 , 01I o illlq fisell at Piltshou alltl Cillvillllali, 10xx J. nlgnx.L, isn. AND Pxoritl>tiToa. For New 1��i1�'1i11111 1);lI"111 t'1(Illf�1 EVelitll('.I allt� it 1111.1-111 l'Iti(�' of' 1e)lli)frrltilre (lQrlfl t11� $ P , THURSDAY, Do, r,labs. day, with ellslel-ll or �olllh('rh thin(!, ,tall 11i: til . Important from Kansas. ST. Lou;s, Dec. 14, lsf,1. ff ! ss. To arty Constable of the said County, GREETING:: The special session of tho ICansaa TLegisla diaon o X11, � l U County, ture organized on the 8th instant, by electing I f,• ;,, good and C.W.Babcock Pr esidernt of the Council,and the People of the $tate of Xcw-fork Command you to Summon lawful men, in the town of /-ty/ r 1 t' qualified to serve as Jurors,and not exempt from G. W• Deitzler Speaker of the IIonae, serving on Juries in Ceurte of Record and appear before me, one of the Justices of the Peat of the said Secretary Stanton, in his message, says A , �, in the said town, on the �G day that "in consequence of rccart, events hat- I Town, at ll< v ""/, l If lam: j'. �_ : at �`'' o'clock in the', r' noon, to make a Jury for the trial of an action of ing produced a profound agitation of the public mind, and a sense of wrongs and ia- trespass on the caq)e, between 11«,•• •- `- Defendant justice, whether well or ill fountled, and an plaintiff and r y,, .. , )f, t 11 .1 apP party, nor interested in the present suit. And that you snake a list and who are in no wise of kin to either from, havingit aroused arising oused t ]a people of there. e Tcr- of the persons surtunoned, which you will certify and annex this Venire, and return thereof to me, to their consideration and tigat'ou Witness my hand, the / day of / excitement, I find myself compelled by a sense of duty to call you together, that you •t/ �;,• ,• ;;", d'ustics 4f the Peace. may adopt prompt legislative measures to avert the calamities which threaten the putt• lie peace" `After reviewing the formation and action ff of the Constitutional Convention, Mr. Stan- ' ( tou recommends the passage of an act di. ,s co' "'a l � / o a,•�c FJ reefing the election to be held under dif3er- ;;,i'' cut officers oil the same day and at the G m 1 •. Y iL- o :, '• ace places as are provided for in the pros -• p o lamatiou of the President of the Convention, -flc �c� 1Us t i 1 � o• o,�, authorizing the people to vote for u cunsti• / s '7%�a -d tution in either of the forms presented b = `s the Convention. The bovernor also recotn• _ . 1 � �� �,•� mends the passage of it law snaking a fraudu- lent return of votes a felony, with suitable punishment. KansaA letters to the Republican state ftzn y-j that intense excitement prevails among all c t: y! ) 6�� • 1 g•V c c classes of people in the Territory, and the f •-��L<< c. 14r! � �� �EH °i,o s probubilitirs are that the party opposed to o w o a the Lecompton Convention will not permit the election oil the 214t hist, General Lane, X� '�h with 300 or 400 men, was eneuwpM near Tu TIrF, PC).'TXA4'rER nT i � ", i wTnrc„F /� L / � Lecompton, and threats had been made of 1 v / driving General Calhoun and the members of !14 PAY to TIII': V,110L ANU UN r due f, 11 the Convention out of the Territory, but no 144 you to the UNITEhi STATES,up to tier'i l:;k II uui+aar, r n l,li, uuq 1 wn,va pard or drpu iteil tcith y„,r outbreak had_yet been attempted. as Fust or Agent of the Yost Oiitao De urdn u1, ;ny a;i,u1 due ti,r e r rori,Tnre vtrd,r,ul th„amouur due onto ,Iuarterl4”ret7Tn fof Lhu grial'L' dlllg un til uC 10 for nnr heeding quarte b ~h, "YId7G Ulf t.Y."--r]'hC origin of this term' Ievntrartor, which is now the rallying cry of a: gang of rowdies who run with the :1Sonnr4 Vernon V Mall �i0lttc0. 1 Hook hid Ladder Company of Baltimore, is /� this: Hurd by the bead-quarters dit this fire I 1:ECEIV1 n thio J+„ t company, there dwelt a vender of tears aunt 1 W 1 NbE', tobacco who was distinguished seeing the from� ��, , ugliest man in the neighborhood,.:, His es- ell ,State o% l I( , :• Lull„rs, %!r / , , , ,�, c Cents, tablishment derived the principal dirt of its w _ support from the Mount Vernon boX, and DULLS. CTs. the invariable form of address, whea_& plugi - __ _ _ __.___ ...___. of his chewingtobacco was called (dr, Was-- '_- '._ • 1 1 .5 y J l 'ON%us a plug Ugly", VK1 a i L y ty ? ' O O CO 0000000 GO co t I — v O rOv GOtO co as >,9� c dcc �;'�.v1 j - x C _ L 'J' `g'' _ c - _ W •�� S C' GL a v = _ Q Q t,i ^� C y '� M ' cc ! -'_ '� _ _ , - _" _ 67 '�, y ^ L•',n u, �•.c.•, •7�, Z • Q/ M i �, ` V. �•' �.'�Q l/ •4� v Ot H. a V _ E a uTt v y a e t a c a- s g' {p q.� r^ = d. Y C O O .0 ;c G 'C p _ 64 0 S i; Lb O c v e,�a~ � _ _� v •� r -r � .cam Q,.w -v � � ° a•" �' '� � s _ _ A , Tac� � z�+ � � - � � c, Z = ,; .. x � ;.,s v � ,V ,o to � ,. v ." °; a�•°V U o c � � � �•� "' -•�, 7i �' � �'. � l� •C � Y w .L+ �, -j � t ,. Z" -O � C �' .0 m ,L' y• F C ':+ � " J � -r `f' `.t-i, �^•• ,'" 7 .7 yt.�-' �` •cOi `' ❑ `° C A �' G C. w S 7 Y V - t CO C: -�: _✓;�.r.+�. " ''r ${'•� « ' o ^a oEa E w R V U •r a� oo c oo cz, a :- ct 1111iPo 't,laaat from Kansas. ST, Lopes, Dee, law of '. , , �, se. `To ting r• r Ct17Z1Ety, ZI e I7roPIc of tile Mate of N-M- Ror(i Colnlnalld �'I:�« la«rfiil men, in the town of servin- on Juries it, Courts of Reeord and appear before rtje, Town, at t�.� . ,�� . .."� , of'r`� at•` •, o clock it, telt. ", trespass on the case, between Plaivti f' ai,d and who are in no wise of kin to either party, nor interested of the persons summoned, which you will certify and annex t. Minces my hand, the day of tx o & , All r, �4r TO THE i"o;r.rt:tS•rI•.,t AT .•�;,�"�' _ � ':_,. �'Ta' r c'_ PAY to ©u to t11t3 UNITED STATE.4,n}p t,tlr ;,t or AgI,nt or thi ]'t'tii imi .'. It p trhik ret, / .11 - � due onyx �fjjuarterlyreturn Cor tho tl i,, .; r tip,!, I i�: tl i I/'/./��".S''"J•'�"Y' �sY.�_ r. � IiSJ�}, � (j.(ta�+ !'(pI;`f� W a � tzil 101ete, NO r ell Sta!e of t 9. ai.w support from the Mount Vernon boys, and ~ T e;,.r.s. CTs. the invariable form of address, when a plug - , of his cl eliTiug tobacco was culled for; was— Give ra --- Give us a plug Ugly." 00 oaooOoo a ° – '� a O O O O 0 ,-) O m O O O CO G� G2 O N O ca Coy ?, ` trl c 04 i - _ " +� `""" :S ..a rn t1i Zo TA i :•� 5p a G. �C+ J :r C i Lry J7 • " y;Iva J rM S CO ' L J Q = - 3 W F Z7 C C C v O CJ 0", p C ,.- �.: , _, s a �r' = i 'r a L • �" O :" O �-^cc Czi) u: cs CC ti3 J ( Gy r I f W fC Ct q r Ta i C a+ i Q..L7 tIJ , is' " n QS., C •L _ fn .^.gym , .,,s 'y = rye 4. r Q a:..` ^ '._., O O '� ,i, -+.+ Av-•� -� -� L$ `' CL "O t►a Q Q .�.J? ? 'J iti `' G. C yL. + �- j:, C ': "' " c.. L m �' A,n `� `l7 b - '• .y'C � c^.. +fit "0 `� v; r +� a�O U O ~ - _ °' .. �'•�1 1^ CC ..0 77 "`�' "�?. Q1 _ .,J .�✓ :G mC ar .. L5 "��. �� � t, � � � C CS t:. Q fiy �'�'.� �.�� by y C '..,�= M1. -. tkp Gi �t' MCO CA(Zt _�. �#'✓ ' I . •�`,A v, - '/' � /��K '✓f" � p4`LH� Y%r66gt.4 I •t }r • 3 } !j,i'�<. rC4'11YG/R.r CSC y • t' t.. 1 roe o•o � .;,fir �' .-. . r�� ,/ / O, /✓ .. ,/ • '• � � ° n j liI c1/C . I."/�!/ c /// GH%)— /�� .L�:lZ%1Gd�:II r'L'/.I� ��•'.. n y .a _ « .I � c<Ze -t-��a -6•r/�'-// �.Ca_.. �Llltc%1ts..z e < H s 't a✓� � '"f d'//'Gn�>ae'r.'� '-� r.r_�. � sc.h f. r..i 0 ' /'�'i lL '/'[Artsfti -e,� /Zt6i e. .. - fi .J':' ... L2.2 ��/It rr• 1 � • a e ° e b• I t f i ' . -� >Y� n �LsTs l�'t.<L1 j �l�+r�j 1'`r-° t j � ��f+r+��Las! i t I.a r<�•rlO Q.l��t _/d:r� , ..a a na eo�cr m w (moi d fit r<sr A ` drn �Znde ei� r.. ltt. sri.tt _4 ; 4 � �".� S• O 1 d a a v. c •y a AVYACc,J/ .2-1/I i-�(/ ,L�.B/r C //lo�dsrf✓l r/I/.•1;! C< `o '3 c u• Chid a q.z„< rGu./1rz��/ rn«�'~'�� m= o •�!t-.�i2-L•c2Ctc.l� i�t['r✓i[f/G� /JAG. ,",I/ 1Ytr� r-2�ir.� Cf1'It-.' 11 tui Lv4It - �: i �{ifs �--�---� ,/ !�� A"'" �• m., `o•° '6r04t, </f/- 1i�-wsrs4-c�. '�i.�l-"fl n /!Ktr,yrssr.Qi•r-<' �- ,r. 58 � v�� o �ls•r�c � �' 41 i3 l , � � .v � • rw•u� . Y = e o >"v -Yr ftxvc�c ✓ _ ?ss - /1.^Ge+ l c 4F L?/1�SOr-t-r xtis'RC ;is ! .; i 1�P!« .�CCa6a'-L.Cs ,;, r'.,• 3�.o Y•v � o O u C / � 9 •r •v e e �.a o � T f� .UI't. i!/t :'. x //��.tl. !1f R00Ys/� ;/1 //a es ' 6Ysz �f 1' s�irlcl tt/, : 7f �� � o o , d f. rp c, �. ' /��ri ..fO i'!'/� :4/'ll:r l- (/YLGLOZ[ l fY//" C,[e�'</� "� !•, 'I sr ..y�� LQ/T�lC4l ✓ Zt � ,oc'•. .: �fr.! / rCi'% 1�'lflJ/� %'� r .�:, // /.��1T9!%Ft�r•</f :�!!r 6, to Il zGIlY-set_. / C/• (��l^r�1' Z7!-.�lsv�..'�Il r�G1s„ ii:... ._ Y � V�aYe Uy; p]vea supposing the rote for L'uchuuaa to suthtut f - ? 77Nre Is, ih eouua parts ul' the country, be divided between Douglas and Breckiu- ' especially of, the east end of the Islaud, a ridge, and, in the present state of affairs, it S \'• -'> z �• « i siraugn apathy existing in tiro ranks of the is at least suseeplihle to Lilo claims of our tltl� -3 m•= _ c Republicans—an apparent feeling that Lilly own candidates, then there is remaining all of to hoPe-. t * ' ?$ �•y ' have nothing to do, that the Itepublicau 1,000 votes given to Fillmore, which Bell *fork the .row 3•a•a ,°. o $ candidates aro to be elected without tho will not receive, which, will, ordinary ea• our owits z- 6 m=”, v 4Z_least effort on their part. 'I hat the division limsiusm raid Inbar ml our earl, might be ae pat i6 °� �'� '• ' e existing umoug the Democracy ]naves Ito given to Liurohn. Daniel Ullumu, and nth. "'Ono -'�i•” E t= = '- doubt elf the elenll0a or Lincoln aud Ilam• or great lighlp or the portr. have already working - -F' ' 3=''2 lin, will] the vote former) palled b ua we:led the way. Brooks, to Ln Wore, Lia ers for so deet yyt -t= J 4.=i 3 •• tz cl Y p Y 1 g ' Yt .. _ confess, but we have hitherto claimed not to awhile, in lope of carrying a few of his ad- op and dolttg, ;;. t}• , . • ' ` Y•= a Inbar for mora triumph, but for principle, mires with him to the arms of the llemce- trust to m _ $o a =. L =�'�--4 New is the time to,how our sincerity. tV, racy, but is doomed to make hie exit from We Wend ittoF6 K £ 1 ?a••• - mom'. ?: are speaking mainly to the people or 3n0•oik fila shades of Lilo dark lantern into tl boil- Will Awakcs _-o J_ •e a Cunnty,sn we give the st timic,of our Coua• iarg cuiddrou of Democracy, alaue. VPith ow 0 Coacord (N. H.) Patriot states $ tn> o r o ;,`^ 3 = t in'fi0 to show fur What you have to labor, that under no poeibla circumstances will' s y a a 4 �'e Y y Wm. If. Seward wit dight nit Lure had this V ;- w ` o = �.,c. The following urs the official returns: b're. hope, bat with Ahu Lurcola;{ha friend of General Pierce allow is nacre to go before, . \ the Churlestoot Never tion ru ac nadidste l mast 3,30 t,Rucb:tnan 2,045,1SIlmora 1,950. fleury Chit, whose very name will enn5c t'reeideat. '4Vko cares? II Pot ft o r. MONEY ORDER OFFICE, Cd > r. ~ " 1 0 06 w 1 ,+ }� zr 1 181' 4"✓ !L ' ZZ r G�L ' E'y`[ ! / 2 p ® Y 4/ V r :a c C:14 a a p �,�r.. t � / 1'-C--9"!�'•r�-�--�"r-y-t., I�Tl,-L� D-1/ !!.•c,--��-- , � �,, � �-. � � � 0 0 0 � � .0 JGrL! G-2Z l ' tj ca F7 C S t5 r ��n O ' rd •� CJ ... Ga �3 d h 79 coCd e '� //' to� � c> c3 � •.'',- a% �--� �L rn yr f ka'aC3 •a' w _� t�w L tr y es! � ti A RETIRED PHYSICIAN -- The Porzlnurstrr,r►a—ma6ln �tty rent,will forthwith tray it t1 ri-oirtal orderand r :- i11t i,t 1�•tter,Ccoul root in liis ynrrn terly return,l '�S YEARS Or, AGE )�'i 7 to the.?Iuclitor of the Treasuryor t1e Past c UclOrrrtnrc• ud n't;11�the dnlrlicatea!ar 11iv„i�n-r,urity. If thr. Postmaster xt4ect to trmn> t to tfri$tnuls ompilt",the Auditor may be anal he ur r h:cr c Lite(' actor at the groper tine, �hose sands of life have nearly run out, di --� ariii the Pos6nurster may$hall}lust.# relit-- ----- � �- -- _ covered while in tke East Indies,a certain cure for Consumptiuti, Asthml, Bronchitis, Coughs, TO TILE I'osrlIA.4TaK A STATE OF Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was, '~ discovered by him when his only child, a daugh- a PAY to ..�`#` CG.;t'-t - THF WHOLE A i0UNT due ter, was given up to die. He had heard mach of y ` the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of you to the tJ�I FED TA'I'l S,up to tho'.1113t hInrel, Ira,r}' cluding any moneys paid or deposited with you preparations made from the East India Hemp,and a as Postmaster,or Agent of the Yost Ofiivo D1,pKrtutent,all uarunt Atte,for error rected,and the 4inount the thought occurred to him that be might make Q r o due an}'uur qua rly return for the na �r endin!;un th }',of lue fur any ing quarters., l a remedy for his child. He studied hard and Q y - succeeded in in realizing his wishes. His child was o o a rector o =n l irli. cured,and is now alive and well. He has since P_ ,o administered the wonderful reinedy tar:thousands p -t,� a Ii of sniTerors In all parts of the world, and he firsts;L. never failed in tr al:ing them completely healthy = p` «, and happy. Wishing to do as much good as pot; i� r l sillle,he will send to such of his afflicted fellow- RECEIVED ellowRECEIVED than defy of t' �Z L:�' 18561 being-s as request it, this recipe,with full and ex- plicit s � . •� � , �u�il} y _-i elicit directions for makiug it up,and successfully t !•Orta (,tt usinn it. Ile requires each applicant to it�clusa �• '/ i , {.�c �f �'osr77tttster (it rl pp p �+ Witl m' ' / t 111111 011e shilling—three cents to be returned ss j ? ,o Ne Stateof 4;- 1--�2L.4104 170 .0 .lays, !jt'f[� //. ,Cents. !postage on the recipe,and the remainder to be izI applied to the payment of this advertiseaieut. I Address, Dr.H.JA,lIKS, lI}ul,r s.3 JCTs. _ f ` .-- —`-�. j No. 19 Grand street, 4 wJersey City,N-J. of r - Ur e2aurctl-, Jcna�letiti7ia /a� �G e(laekal �c i-vw" Ills 9tnmoita� y >~' / s ti `" lemc�lee� r�ccc, mach �esa�cm elsass,: p ertluc v y 9 - • ice•- ° 2 -Check ..."Redemption JRutilaled 'Currency," on The 4ssislanE Treasurer U. S. at _. hereu%ilh inclosed-.----r�r s furrene ' lorwarded by 4dams' -Express 'tom an --------- g arrancy, lIerewrI inclosed- ----- --- ........---- — •... -- -- Counte rfeit, branded and herewith returned --- -- --- --------I � e "d; _!I j, J, o' 3 `'` .. h ® � _ educlions on notes redeemed ¢E ¢l Their ll vela ------ Shortb i ....................................... ` h y nventory- -- .-.._.. _ .._._... _ ,Shorl by Strap--- . - . ---- -------- ........... .... —..____ f. up. .A .a. .' I �VV G �.L ejeeted, /ass than hall of a note �retainedJ----. -- -.- ____�._ e _ a y c a Rejeeted �Yational Xank issue /inclosed) -----. _..... 'oEQu c Total deduction .._.. . . ........L_ r IL o•� z _ _ e .. SFS E ► co- s AE' wer by .inventory------ . .. .. y'. b_ d -Over by eSirap . ...................... - _ p o c = a V V -- .y gaB .o -2 rilgi' 'a o ma r. PVLIneA6.—At the Democratic meeting,-&. Bette, Absalom king, delegates W the At a Democratic District Conventioa held' . ` = =8a ' Geld at Southold tact week, Henry . B in this village yesterday afternoon, Lewis A.;r .�t:, y District Convention, both to be bold at Riv. Isdwards was elected delegate to the State: Holme,J. G. Wilbur, Alfred Wells, Wm. erhend in October. Lewis A. Edwards, Couvoutioa to be holden at Syracuse on the 'y Wickham, B. D. Carpenter, J. Wickham Walter Havens, Johu Clark,Wm.0. Betts, 14th iuwt. Conaidivable discussion was had' "y Cue, were selected delegates to the County Thomas II Peeve, Tho& S. Lester, were relative to the appointment of an alternate. Coareation i and David A. Petty, S. Wells a otuted delegates t$ he Groanport con- .Phillips,Silas Horton,James Worth,Charles vention. 6 1r P Up to the time our paper went to pima wiz, _ v. _ r _� ballotinge r� bead} but the gneatiou wasLS Out settled? li -• -r6(Y(XAX-�J cq h (AA A crf��e.� ��c�c�c,Nt� ���+,v--cx..0-�-P,,�..��..J �t.•vt..cy! C) d a cs C4 �" � 8 g �., �����u rt.�_,E' ��—e-t-•c�-c� -'c. l�"-e�-�-vrvv�,c,�v-�.,�• � °��� O �� .� V .. c y Sa r0 C 0 C i7 O v, t p tv AND Olt, I C" ,f���(:)c.../�-C'�Q. � N"1•f 11 -�'.l�,l U p- 11 I--f3'"t'�� / � c 10 a; U 111 T�p ii w JUSTIGES SESSIONS r J no F :' 0 � /t/l/l-/ 4 wc s ° POO Q' -a - Al G�,� Pc^+' qjO � q A?Id U 9 .C— ,f C..4`�271.7-4i f� a,, a;d, � � o �' �E-4Od -: Al C) t/ E-4�, _ W y C c n ��� 1Y ) eP Nft_P :i'-�'�f�f., -�� �cx �cn..nnn�� / .y a G~ o C3ww�vt� - w J; y 0 o m Offlee;of thea ASSISTANT TREASURE UNITED STATES, a y a a cc lfrtu "ark, 1853. P y to G U L .0 3y M � L R. _ ! - ------------------------- ------- --- - --- j datifl) f L- -- llf.r_� ----------- --- - --- ----- -------. .-- - - - - - - lar W., c�aP DEPOSITED /a eZel CR.EDI � �`1 REASITRER n ��F1 �L?eW erlfaAecs, " alpL'� ------ ------ ------------- c� o l 100 r 1 t '1 1 r � �� C c s{ on/ aecoteidl r' f POST 0 I� I I G E D E P A R 1 M E N T,G )0 w lave/ ro o �w tcs dl 7eal afi1flfef 2CFl�2�d:� � � ,•,,� �s � - � 44 w -d ._ � 0 C) ----- ----- 955�5tanb`c�'1ca5u�c5. i.J rrival of the steamship"Anglo Saxon," ea, on Suodai the 2:3d,we have four (7lo w zeC r news from Europe. She loft of at about 2 o'clock P. M. on Wed- yt.ile 13th instant. . mute of the AAgla.Saxon was too far - �of the line sulucLotl for arta Atlantic ca- to lend to any expectations of her falling Ill the Telegraph Cable fleet. The otfi- m.G of theA,rg"lo-baran report much thick her,mud coustaut head winds throughout 1 *hole passage. C*ing to at accident on shore,connected with mho lending or the cable,the telegraphic f xped dou did not finally sail from Valentin, gad, until the evening of Friday, the Tth ml The latest report from Valentin,in � � "-"""""'-"��*' v�-��-/ <-.,-� ted Aug. 10, 4 o clock P. AL, as follows : 1 --The work of laying down the Atlantic able is going ou as satisfactorily as the bast ;r: C/ friends of the enterprise could desire. Up to'. ha present time about 390 miles of the cable ] at rebeenlaid. Thedepthofthe writer into �ee moo[ G , // c� idt it is now being submerged is nearly' o miles. The laying of the,cable from the' tg low to the deep water was effected with-' �eeyy e�r i t difficulty. / /"7iCmo - le�riJill o: The signals from on board the steamer o e "vgarm are everything that all elactrichlip l desire. The steamers are beading aLtiLwith ammierately fair broem, and the may/ -is being run out from on board the Ni- aeAera at the rate of about five miles an hour, messages are being constantly received ^ a liberal 'rho following is the lutest flesh �� ! on board the'Niagara: F "All well, nn board. 111oderale weslnly ,y l^ >aerl. All mare ¢vvl more trustful of cant- e ntuan." � I The steamship Loa+lerbilt,from Now York, .- f Saturday,August 1,arrived off Southamr, I on Tuesday, the llth., but our despatch 111911�Q,V s not state the exact hour, The passage �'` •- -77 i• 'ever, is called nine days and thirteen c� to mean time. err'" _ t The Collins'steamer Atlantic, which sail- _ f from New York at Lite flue time with the j, ooderbilt(12 o'clock M.,August 1)arrived t I Liverpool at 12 o'clock, midrdgbt, on the 4� �. Lord John Russell had reported, from the arliamentary Select Committee, that the '•' we could not be admitted its members of', *')lament, under tric existing Act for the ificarion of oaths. A siirited debate bud taken place in Par- fentinregar•dto alfairsin India. Lordl ahaerstou stated that' thirty thousand) e-•o r had heart sent out,and that active re •----- - 4fug was going on. Mr.Marinelli ex- the London Times says thittbe ponding dill'- Pic stenin hip Adtio"fc was Lnna-L- l IIt thd. _ 4Tie opinion. that the campaign for culties in regard to Moldavia will be submit- foot of Scuarth i nr+v Y"t6 on \I.�� I 1:"t... eras lost ted for solidlon to a conference of the repro- It is stated that.rni+ 'honsaad IlLrsoljs o odd' off 9gytn enns states that the sentatives of the various powers inleiesta1. to ++icons lin! I'mwil al Lin splendid l,_11 kZ :_.of, tante, Russia,_Prsesfa. The schoonei-Jupiter,under A.medeall coiurs, The AJriuu '. 3.A L•.i in luc• � n �r''ffSUncc It, notes eotrs - was sehred in the Bight of Benin, Africa, unn the l it t st sacrum hqi i,u r 6mlt w n. the 15th of June, and condenmed. Site had and is Oil. Ln;;. t + cl can era+ „ stir taint-s the Cessation or t r,e ado*Itll arts Porta azul their!seventy slaves on board, mill rheic werri the e orld. Whit"' v ill lend anJ 'r4,?pi'riag do{71u'tur6 from Uo1S,8tautp-r 1' ninny mon, awaiting shipurrut oil the bench. the >>d"ul it will hu+t t...in rolIt �OpartU*dor stConsti@. The euptain threw Lhe Jnpiter'spepersover- Thc.ldnati eaa fault tit 6a vl:- �rs board. Steers, uud r- to hair n Ida,c• n' i.- - - firAt. fie Rari3 nttfrespon8a — of Ilnaliu= p Jure.. .. -.:�., y � a .. ,"�� _`'�-_� ;-.``_-,...;s: -+^'`-v \ - � ►�sl�i} /✓✓ /,��fit. -x-- _ "` ".� - � - - �'``~ •�a," +4 ,:"• tib,. 1 �/�% r�""� � - Y _ _ P 0 8" T A 8' T E R G ENERk,AL OF T 1-1 E - SITED ST ATE S' OF A Al E R I C A! - �_P_ _.� ---,:Ti'r !,y� c-'- r'. 4'c, cti iS� �t'J �tf✓` � l�( �" y all, EFiECIITE A. BOND.;--. 'aWcl?GCZ'� ilCL'7�t�,�`Z 6- �QATH. OF OFFICE, C&1 lefJ;lGLIe�L �'� � carcC6 Zt�ln �'lel'4 'l ----- Q1� �"1tQtU �lC, izl, Gori eVe z?z � e z>zfc cz , Cr - v ep, G" t' ' ,�_�_ . i a ✓ r --------- �;.o�caGzzc� . I do commission him a Postmaster, eudllouz eel fo exeett,�c= ale �it�z� �'/ia"� � zce Ccz� --- ------ ..----- --------.��-_-__ ' ,• REGULATIONS OF TIII; POST OFFI E I7EPAP�T3LEYT: �O 7LCP(l 2FlGf Cz�CL Ge C Postmaster, 2C 4% //lee 1146 LAMS OF THE UNITED 11..TATES, AND HE 1� CLGGOLI��f?f/� O , /� ' 'I 1e LOZI�el,1, GL�Z��ZG G;1, Cz?ZC! e9?ZOLtl11ZG1241 lo 491G dG7I12G • !� � �llC11t 01Y J1 et a Z 1Y �� 4ca oG' G � - r' c/./ _lko_b�_ he lac yea/ Y2/ z1zc 411661javial ei� 4/ kindli'ee�`I cz-zc� �c /..= irjz, cz�zC a; o'lie �z I'/l�S/rl � f - r ?i` I;'t :,rs Rope Walking. r- t.LN1. 1...L 1:1cIif3 of slit: 1. 11.+.1' )L]1 of' the-. � isIWTAN'1' c1t;a,J� �;t>1.:� .lt►ri 111'1'i pu Wednesday, Mr. Blotidin 1 ' DLt'7 AIBEIZ 7TII, , c`rossf d the "YIUIV I)Iiti'THICl` Of the STA'm oi,, ;W '1 tlltli, lieltl itt ltU:il.l Vii, t.�►I'LL N (�t)i1NTY, Niagara River, ill the cust.urne of a Liberian slave. A Rochester journal says L866, the following preatgble andresp.►infill►►s WNI! uu.ulitnvusly acluE tttcl His shackles were not more burdensome than some we have seen upon free white wo., IYllereas, on the 2Gtli clay (it' November, 1866, IIENILY �Y, EASTMAN, L''.Stz., thtr llotiest and eihcitut men at a fashionable party; They r.m tied Assessor of this Motriet, was superseded by the appointnirut of I+:DWIN 0. I ERRIN, ES(I., to that office of a till collar, tin wristletssluff ankItts, we by tlia 1'residcut of t]1P, Linitcd State t; and, tvllereati�, uta range for such change has been imputed or alleged, suppose we, must call them, all cotineetceel'by other than that of a pulitic:al r.haras;ter; therefore, Litt chains, snore formidable i❑ uppearanrca than ih reality. His shackles may htiro� Pesolved, That we, the undersi nee, . sistant Asesesors and Clerks of said Diistrict, impelled by a sense weighed a pound or two; but they were al:i- propriate to his character. Ile appeared us 1 of respect for our valuod chief oilicer, tit(,,tit(,, late Astteasor, as well by the c:,lrut+st conviction of thu duty a „Liberian slave." There are noslaves iii ! !'arty of the dation, of which we are, though Liberia. Had`he come on as a South C'ar- ,.lctuattdetl of us t;rider the cucutnytanecs, by tin, stoat Union humble, yet hearty and sincere supportere, and, also, having regard to our own personal self-respect; believing 'i olina nigger, lie would have been in c]►rty, that the best interests of the (tuvt rnult:ut., and of the I)eprtcttucnt of Internal Itevenue can not be promoted bound to appear in solid and weighty shack-1 les like Lou rfellow's cha 1 unless[ by the exititer.ce of mutual cotrfidcuce anal e`iteem alilong thoar, administering the several gradin of ' „Chained to the market-place 1►e stood official duty, and disclaiming any disrespect towatrd6 arty of the uflicerts of the Government, do hereby tender 1N:man of giant frame.„ our resignations, respectively as �[sair3tant Ar!scasora and L"]cake, to false efTee on the Sth of December, 'Rhus accoutred, the Monsieur went raft, again inion the rope, an(] in the course of Wi� 1866 "ascension," as they call it at the Falls,sto(d IMNIE11, 1iOG'Alt•r.............t1S8ia'IAN'r ,,isESSOIt IST DIVISION. upon his head, suspended hituself beneath the #� Ii~.N:11' l't►r.r:;................. 2ND cable hatir itis by one arm, one leg,by the 1I11tAM. A. NN'lil'I';Nlil1 0 ” 41 3RD neck, and swinging ou his chest, all of which WILLIA-M 'I'. ltltl'Slt....... .. 4,rn was very comfortable to look upon. i 1NLUN%t) 1;. NVliltJll`l'......... " 5TII Having crossed to the Canadian side, lie returned in his rand comic character of the HENRYI:NIi.Y LLT°t�,---•-. .. g " 7TH " "smart rnan who knows how to keepa, hotel 11 - LC►�VIN Al1LLM.... ...... ..... l't14'I:t�l'. ......... 6THHis stove was a good-sized Russia iron ar- EIDAll!ND A. BIih`t'L._....... •' J'r[I ;rangement, some two feet and a half long, 1,11,M'1N fN ti►lI'1'll..._.... Writ and weighed with all the traps, sonic 56 �. I'll l.l..ANi►LII .! It;NNN"h1N8,.. " IITII pounds, a good load to carry. 311dway the ' Uha)lit.+h, t' uAM11LI•;Ll.,..... 1;?TI[ rope, lie attached the stove to the 1:1►NV.NItL► ti atl'Ll't)lZll ....,. 13THclituhed over it, starteJ his fire,mixed 11,11W1 I►.NV11► P. N.NII<,._....._....... 14TIl r oulelette, cooked it secundevi arum, and then I5TI[ lowered it away to the'`people oil the Maid Jt►N.N'1'11��N W. III]r'1'1'INI�,• .• 1ti'I'[I of the AZist, who scrambled and fought for HIRAM L. BIlEAM*,Y,.._....... I':V1141'e'I`7' 1N. l.'.Nlil'L{V'I'Llt,.. "` .' 17TH fragments of it as a good Catholic wuulcl for a ]8TI[ I a piece of the True Cross. This perfortu• a d� ,ca � » 4 t<* 40 t.a:NIIIt,I ;1. ALNIR'1'IN0,. .. ;: 19THauce over, lie lilicketl up his kit, shoulders " 20T[1 !it with a good deal of difficulty,and returned i'.1►N11'N1► t'Rt►t_'lll:ltt► ;. `31sT to the American side, having occupied 4 :22Nlt minutes in the passage. To stay thrre.quar- !>I�.N I,I. t►.N 6 t<l:1 ....,_.... �lttt► ters of an hour on that dizzy rope is in itself r .N Lw►N"Lt) W. J L1110St1 , .. ti. W. NA".;NLI..N1't.; hlttltl', (11111,:F t`Llatli a marvelous feict. Next Wednesday, at 8 o'clock in the eve- t►}4_�1►L111 J litAVNINO, t'Lt.;ttic. nine. Blondin will cross the rope surroundee by Bengal lights, in a blaze of glory. Tlit•; i'n '1'AI� IIc► I11;L;1[ '4it'1'[_`Ll,t►t'i(, ti',, P��r,a ��> i1'ra,,.,�cr�tr- grounds are to be illuminated by locomotive _. ✓ pimps, furnished by the Central and Great > Western Railroad Companies, which tiro STATE of ...... ..... prnetic p tee°s Ng i'tii iloudiu In les exhi .a,4. bitiow COUNTY OF .......... ..... ............ . ....... being sworn according to law,deposes and says,that the .........................................................._...... ......_. rrect. account of his income for the year A.D. 1884, which he has received,or to which within statement contains a full,tare, particular, and cof r he is in any manner entitled,whether derived frau, tiny hind of liropt•rty, runts, interest, dividends, or salary, or from any profession, trade, A.D. 1864 b ; cna loynient,or vocation,or from tiny uther saurce tshtitever,from the fil'St drip of Jtinnary to the thirty-first day of Dc ceaibtsr, ot>Y * that lie has not received,and is not entitled t'* c•' h United States; and t days inclusive, and subject to an income tax under rise es_is© lairs of the ; ,(.r, any other sum for the said year besides what is herein set forth in detail; and that he is receive,from any or till suurc c9 of income to etl ,+ rr Honestly and truly entitled to inal:a the deductiuus t'rorn his income for said year as speciticaI y�stated in detail, in accordance with the true intent ' r of the excise laws of the t7uited States; and that the statement of the number or weight and value of the articles enumertited in schedule A of the f ��� 7 act of,Tune 311,186 4,owned,possessed,or kept by him,or of wliieli he had the care or management, on the first day of May, A.D.1865,is also just and true '.{ r . .. Sworn and subscribed,this ,. . day of ............. , A.D ISU),before me. A•�S.•.SRN!, _._........-..... ........................."...-_......-_...-.-._..._........_._......_... -..........------- PRINCTPAL-C J`�1`1 Assistant Assessor ...... - Division....._..... /)shirt,State of_............................................ lu Art z !17 In 77 "41 14 V ,4, 00 o'e- 03 -4 0 To wl zo t) ❑ Au'( la(I " ILI co CP / c: etA el 81 01 Af f v to m d to ia. J1 -a _cz tv F /4, 4 to 11 C e 44 t V1 ..4 J, M ol E-1 —�v op"011 PIP r'JI K . i hl--.unit; 'III. .-s-r_ `�`" �,es-zG�.+►i ��a woe �1:.�.�� �r .�. C se-.-..--' ^ 4 r /�-.� • %�.wG.�.�' Cs. iy-s-vir— .�7"-ss-•mac" Ir�c.-t ��i )�� n. C. aam m ° o k c W . — ■ a y _ p a E R O 1� 0a `G C,(00.,0s_ / 4 9 a !3 gEy: L�� oma a L e - - - d�N• Sound View Hotel�g To the Honorable, the Leg151,1ture of the 81L.tte of, ew York, U. F. IIoromol hex oe¢traetal pit The undcrsiyned, inhabitants and tax p avers of the Town of Southold, in the County of Harrison H. Tuthill, of New 84iffolli, to Suffolk, rewpeetfiilly request that your Ilonoraby le Body will ttww a Law authoritdn ttiC' u- move the old Rehool boom baildiog, p whioh Mr.Hommel purchased at eDOU perVlW)r of wail Towu, to imue Boihds to roti ie money to ptav Volunteens in the f?jiitrd States to Li,lot,corner of tie¢¢d veep getyice, sufficient to enable said Town to fill it's quotas, under the pending draft. aid Bowl= we roars leading to Burtons _ t„ hecorne duo and payable in OMi, Two, THRrr, FOUR and FIVg VF.Alta, rthfii not to hens intty, Lightboase. The people have Clot lxceetlniQ 7 per cent, and that the anoint raised upon said B4;nds be awMes"vfl opou thr! giveathe right of way and the. b.. _ will be moved aoroee lose. Mr. prr,pertv holders and inhattiftantg of said Town, will min ap then mitimog soothes` �- Dated Someuot,n, JnNennp IS G t. and tlltqk for a Somme. hotel. CIRCULAR No. 49. ) Offitr of Qt A if , d* or of f4c Q[trastru FOR THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, ^�� T A ^_ A x ci x Aq00 -------- Zzy 04 it �'•� x c n o n v'� O w t- W 06 j jI t C 19nc6a7vu i cine a ali on M0 F-4 y Ili -- -----A),Zz '^�--7E��'i� I IVAV K2V�__l_-'_'_-___ . nit ` � O � °�• .. t •'•'.T p F,'v Ei aA�. o I� �I aecolcn/ /lle 4iemee elule /LZ &n Col oKQeal t`afeJ,• 2144, Ie° to uc fo ilz�?, an acmanal +y n "" L- C� F F/i -'••"' Vi iso li en aat Gre elalle,rale iecel !1 on Il, jfic& /9116 a/jl�P, ��otl�i` � � g ; s 1' ' o „ e /Veal, elaleal, anal .4,el neel; al2CG eldal Ahklikeal "ORIGINAL,•, 1hOLGGIL f�C% �v a y'� s`;�E"' gC�LL ?le�c!n?nGf�ftL�Gt?l �FJ �ILIJ ���Ce, and to'Zed jn'Clihell "DUPLICATE," QljOtl/G 4-4 � n o ;J.':;4 0/ leaxVa to 12e �Ge�.�O?2�207J2 2G+1L�772 / 1� a- r ° ?Jlf'j2E 7� ?LYl9 �i:ceci�e2. CD _ ..e c �. o � Geeu Cf� ours �e rllaltco�a ciramcl�cc2le �c l�rcnf, m, :$ d y c � i $ � ?lfI�JLLn len lt'ap, pee ?l eW'/t1ee4 e �o � 02� lU we We CalWe e dlelay; rG/lU ,2 - y'S ��0'�: ��U O d O A p � p Q Ire 3.0 g o t?a lelt?t, WM 21 t QeCet?'v Acro ,Iieev � 6tPJt�IIC�l79?9,�� ?lOu� ir�i': —1-0-41 .. - ._�� a / 4 ., 4-1D--- Y ._ omoo , �jo aC&A? in elle malki, as (?-FmeT con,)ar�' neceva�. g f o C w__ .I E &. OD e� s a cd yU F� r_ �� fF }�y� M•O ►�.•1 '.�.-. ' ISI J04:0e J.W_finnttu►g ilk /spelldingit)ae 4- ° '° o'9 ....» m L'�� week with Huntington ftie:nd&?),4y D +°> .. y O cd I /�� / e" o °• ° c w Y T'Y + _ _ �m � ga� ----- G - -- ----------- [ Q ' __________ ________ _ _______ ____ .II ---- -F- -----•---'^�-=--rte.= - �,.°. k v �' a0 0 0 - ° n �r t , ! W - Lc c e.=.!: w LIC A 1 N The subscribers will sell at the premises, by public nuction, to the bigbest bidder, on Tours• day floe 30th day of March, aeug it should that day be storeoy, the nett fair day, at $ 91a elockg p. MOg THE 1"ht obw used as a Prembytrriais Lecture Room, and also, at the game. riote and place, ,the seats, desks, pulpit and other Nesiture therein. Cowditfons of sale t Ten per eeut cash , and the remainder at the delivery of the property on the fourth of July next, or whenever, dura ing the current yeave, it shall cease to be used for its present purpose. The purcha%e money to be :puid to henry Huntting, Esq., Treasurer of the First church, to helps pay for the proposm ed new chapel of said elourrh and the building sold to he removed by the purehaner from its present site within two mouths from the ;day* of Its delivery. Southold, Feb,. 20, 1.$71. M. C.'CU.veland, Geo F. Wiswe% J. W. duetting" .Austin Haines, Hiram J Terry, Edward Huntting, Usury Hunting, G. Fells Phillips, , and otbers• GTR G U'L A R TRE*SURY MPARTMETT, ,b, OFFI6*0 OF INTMMNAI, REV NUE, 1 mifitx, ptlib4ltl, JULY 1, 1863, iV:fslaNCTON, Drctatne11.18, 186¢, The new Postal Law goes into effect to day. It Ab. Sill solutely prohibits the delivery of any Letter, Newspa- Your letter of 4th instant accompanied by the per, PJtniplet,•or package whatever, untill the postage letter of resignnlion Ii�gilcd hy.the Assistant As.sessa•s of it charged CJereon shall be paid. The postage on News- yourfornicrilkirict tells reoeivo'd ret thisollice,y'esterday, I , �i papers and periodicals, to actual subncribersisasfollows; and I immediately conferred ed tt it b the holt. ; ecretary of 1]Daily, 35 cents per quarter; Sig times a week, 30 cents; the Treasury upon its ,;Iul,jvet matter'. 2 :• Senttrweeklx, 10 cegis; Weekly, fi cen�. Semi-mdnthly, It is nataral -a tt) fire t . to the 1lssislai?t As- 6 ednts; 'Molithly, 3 debts; if nut exceeding four vlances sensors and Clerks employed by yon, that they should � x in weight; lot each additional four ounces, au additional feel aggrieved Ly yotir retnnval, 1.1111 nonoral too that I rate will be charged. 'Thus post:Ll;e must be paid quarter- they should tender thin l ,,lgntttiun 'Their rusigna- �X s I-r ly iN AtpvAmim, Jhe pSt0trF on-lyittrans�tlt printed zhat- tions, however, atuuw ut be accepted nlotit atuat preitt- ( I + ter, including' ewspapers anti Pnniplets, instead of one dice to the Itovunur, finul.ces+urs ctnutnt bw aurt. ppued "-Ii^ cent each its now two cents for evIt t�tur:ouuccs, ai frac- and qualified witiloOt t ei c 1-misi6rable delay, and after to Ns tion thereof, itndmustbeprepaidbystaunps. Letter„pos- their appointnumt it aiU f.thc ttu Lithe little to become O + ' -,'tagefobepaidbnallNewspapetsioluttrkedorwrittetiup- acquainted with then llllti es- It is Ifiu;attst ut'thisthat 4 p 66 3 e ° •` on as to give ally other information than that ountaiced the Secretory desire, oat it) say that Ito wishes thelil to e 3 $ in the origintttprint; Books tire eWigedfitticewts£or continuein service it mv roto for the present. Ic this a� Cd each four ounces, or fraction thereof. Unsettled Circu- a isli I most earnestlj'lin Ido not hdIe 0 that lie Ngas 'lars, notexecedingthreeinnuwber, shallpassatthesin- continuance in sen'il'e rail br mismi4erstood b' their eely.g; gle vite of two cents, with an additional rate for each ad- political friends, tile ulur especially stride upon this j Slitional three, or less number, prepaid. Drop Letters tendor of their resiguatiuux they are Itow asked to con- f 1 are charged two cents per half ounce, to b'8 p paid by tinue without a c!taugc of llolitiwll sentiments. stamps. The.fee for,the reg e- ratlou.uf'letti:r9 la twetlty I trust you will notify tiler;upon tho rencipt of this letter of r iE.If postage is partly prep.tid, the LLnpald 19111 1)C the wishes of the Departmene,and that I shall early learn f,')m cents. 1 J• ' „ y ' ou that ' y have resumed the harge of their cilicial du. charged f do sale ritt08. ALd ds S 'ions &c. cents each ties. 1 4 ounces very i;espeetfully, Jt 1V1 HUNTTIN(1 GOLLIN8,, f Couimissiouer i POSTMASTER. To 11. W. EANTJIAN, ESQ., f n.n.nUNTTINe, e'r,Dwy BCUTHGLD,L.L . Roslyn; Queen's Co., N. Y. I lVt 15th Div. oto Divi.DT°tr York!DT, 16th Div. Lot Dlet. Ncw York. t �JIl0If7HOLU, LEC. 25, 1800. I In compliance with the above request I resume tho y ( lduties of this office. J. W. IIUNTTING, THE REBEL GOVERNMENT. _ PRESIDM AAD CAZIM. r aGrrnRJnrmux DATIA of 111+ale. 1 4r'Y Nr'enr'W-e611n Mootat6sR.a0. 1 - kr. r6rldrut-AL¢r"An V.rnx.v+.Neor¢te, �?r'VNNrIr V-NT¢nlu n.i1LLWrt.Murata ) snk-Jp V.n¢ftsin.Ln. AWnu!µGmr,nl-rnoVAe II. IYamL AIS} N ww—JAso A.8¢ui.,s, \'s llrMuden<:ewrul-.J�.It BxAaax.Texw First Ro¢ulsr Congress. egserx A.if.Breen NVa U redoq.Preeldr6L A U.T HUNTER \lrelmx.Prnkle64 Pro ImL ALADAIP NORTH CAnULINA. 7.001>QAN 1r,m nPlm. 'Mmrrtl,a T.-muss clement C.Qn8.........NM G"".,Dnrlc . . ....1161 "I..L semm4........ IrN - �_` _� _ KO�•R N'Illlu'n L Y¢aeer,...... W 111111Am s.Wrteh.......IgM Nw.c!se 1tT�,�.... Isle YWAnDA. T1;NNAYIM bre,A,�,�tArR Its Ftl SIDT 1^ICF 1.M. Ixkn. . ...........Iset m„n.,,o• nrn I'N nohii)IM d use ntt�i t)l17 189e Louden C Itxyne;.¢ - IaN Ia'l W. It C tLYA 1 Q KRNTUCKY. ARKANBA Bremer LV 0M. ista Milan K gets, 1861 aalirn{Y J6Anenn. INTI TLIAtI it nureet4............IM CIL BIIIetNL..... M� I.eMr T w1¢11 ....m i 'SHE $l7FFOL% WEEKLY TIMES.-l- nnaslsKU'PT. nKneal+ nnuw vi ulr ti Jnmee PLelnn.............77861 JJ Im tl' \rinins A rStloM.......Yi Al6erl n.0'ar IB86 1e 11.1111E......... ..... Inti¢ RAL T, main.......... Im ; UIMENPWIT, ne•I'oaVjt I. lHb4- - W..••.•.. .�- _ Tlr ease of Louis linker, charged ,pith .the census taken that year, in several of the states, Iter The 130 tno able saysthat the clipper; f 116111i"410 of W illinln Poole, ret. Stanwix Hall, still partly 6y,Careful estimation from other sour- ship(trent he ul,;i,-, ti,e largest clipper jg;tFle�-• nnv peel pnn\ri, at rP,r r,ourt of Orrr umf 'Crani. des. world, has mor: tlnul answered the expectations. r, Stli ill-1. , in N. 'i , nutil \1.1111111' next, in The resent population, according to this in- of her braider, \t:' then od ate Kay, by leer' Hili- - � 7 P p Ir g 9fllled gp10d, end other eNcelleut ynahsias, w}I'tle „•'111111111,ll,, of It,, abs.ulr..•of I.he A ttorneY then- bre, is 27,114 287. The present wealth of the elaploycd by the French (tdT0MImtl1LL inrnnning. rIhd .fudge S 11. Struug, of this county, will states is $S1.35.03,.lv� between Narseffles snit the Crimea. With a 111 -'ides ; ;III&PLu n.a.}J 1,h,lD� 'Phe popuf4tiop„tq,*0 when the U, S. C012-1 common sinKle•reef-tupail htYesn, 'ahe Into frc� 1 1 hr N. Yr Hr raid,Of nesdny, Ilan a table sae was tskon > � 23 323 714. Aud the yuently left the fleetest stwtners asaru ;and she works nod freers like it I II a bast. �I Inuu1� th. 1 -'puhaien of the i'Intnd Sloths wealth at that ttp{104#;$6,024,666,885. ,lp I•:uelish merchant wf f al+di tau pac.n;trz :u a (-inwrl/s In. 1855, with, thr: wenith of the In five Tears tilt.li{t.4'eose of the population in her. o6red $100,000 I , uine nnto fs' ehnr , was 3,700,{93. Atid�tJh increase in the wealth I ter, nhich was ciftliuul .'a the ktouad float she iohnLit;eats. 'Che t:Q,ln is Ttuule partly by the !was doing better In hpr r, rioIn•nt rlo7•nlent. t " - of the rrlonTrY wren $2601,4211288. I _ .._ )' . ili�i'i of Lit(, Di'I'ANT ASSEi�801[,r; aunt N -ICTAL CIAAio A the 111R.4' COLLEC Itope lValking. ett, On Wediiekday, Air. 111midin crop,t,d tbel �w QuEENS COUNTY, DE(!EMBER 7TI1, Niagara River, it) the costume of .rIoN DISTUICT Of the STATE OF NL Y(-)ttK, held ISCitS, the following preavable and resolutions were ulmllitiloody adopted slave. A Rochester journal says His shackles were not lboro bup(1eo.O,,,. as, on the 26th day of November, 1866, IIENRY W. EASTMAN, ESq., Lite honest and efficient tli&" SOUle we have Wn up�u!flee white wo Where -11 at IL fashionable-party,; that office Me Peyeonmeled Assessor of this District, was superseded by the appointment of EDWIN 0. PERRIN, Es(l., to of a thl,collar, im wriatlpt*, olik-Itts,wel by the President of the United States; and, whereas, no cause for such change has been imputed or alleged, suppose`04 168t call them,all""inticiwA 1,, other than that of a political character; thoriXore, 'it, ellaims, aa4e fortaidabl, in appe&rsjlt_. than ifi reality. His shackles May Resoltvit That we, the undersigned, Assistant AssscsoN and Clerks of Paid District, impelled by a sense weighed a pound or two; but they were ul, of respect for our valued chief officer, the late Assessor, as well by the earnest conviction of the duty propriate to his charocter, lie appeared j_ a "Liberian slave.;1 There are no slaves,ill demanded of us under the circumetances, by the great Union Party Of the Naliou, of which we are, though Liberia. Had-be come on am a 80tith Hearty and sincere supporters, and,also, having regard to our own personal self-respect; believing, 01ina nigger, he would have bee" ill t7Q4the t best interests of the Govc-.rnutiont, and of the Department of Internal Revenue can not be promoted bolilid to appear in solid and weighty unless by the existence of ututual confidence and esteemautong those administering the several graidea of les, like Long(ellow's chap : official duty, and disclaiming any disrespect towards any of the officers of the Government, do hereby tender A ronn"Chalue,or l to gintitthe mnrkeL,place lie stood, frillne," our resignations, respectively as Aileislaut Assessors and Ullerke, to take eficet on the 8th of December, This accoutred, the Monsieur went "at 1866 again ')poll the rope, and it, the course of upon as they call it at the Fulls,aiu DANIEL BOGART.............ASSISTAN'r AssessoR IST DIVISION. upon his heiid, suspended himself beneath i ISAAC COLES................. cable hanging by one arm, one leg, by IIIRAX A. win'rAKER....... neck, and swinging oil ill@ chest, all of whir; WILLIAM T. BRUSH.......... 4TH WHA VCry COolf'ON8.61C to look upon, ------------- ALONZO B. WRIULIT......... Wil i L Having crossed to the Canadian side., ilf"Nily LEWIS................ t;Tll returned in 1118 grand comic character of i EDWIN 7TH "Hilitirt inan who knows how to keep a hots, FROST T. COVERT. ......... t4TH His atove wits A good-sized Ru.isin. imn EDMUND A. BUNCE_....... Iftiti rangeirient, settle two feet and ahair i_ EDWIN A smi'm............ Writ and weighed with all tho traps, 1111(LANDER J. ITAWKLNS,-. I ITH pounds, a good load to carry. Midway ti,, AiNCIRUE C CAMPBELL,..... 114TIf rope, he, otlet-hed the stove to the Ni,,, EDWARD Ii. MULF010),_... 13,1,11 climbed over it,: Ptarteli his fire, mixed I,. ., I DAVID F. VAIL................ 141,11 olneletLe, cooked it secitidem arte?pi, and flit , JONATHAN W. IIUNTrIN(J... 15TIl lowered it away to the'!'people Gil the Nlw,� IIIRAM L. 8HERUY........... I"ll Of the Vliet, who scrambled and foul - f . U; EVERETT A. CARPENTEI?_ 17TIR frognients of it us a goof] Catholic would f : - UABRIEL MARTINO........... It17,1I R Piece Of the Truo Cioss. This perforu, CHARLES IL STEBBINS...... 19TIl 1111ce over, he pleked up his kit, shoulder JOHN W. SIMONSON......... 20TH it with a good deal of diftit-ulty,and ret'urll, EDMUND 8, cROCHEROX.. 21ST it) the American side, having occupied , ISRAEL OAKLEY.............. 22m) Iniqutes ill tbil ansae r ro stay three qui„ ALONZO W. JEROME, 23mv term bf an hour on that dizzy rope is ill it,, W. WALLACE KIRBY. Culaw CLEKAa marvelous lent. OIJADIAIL J. DOWNINU, CLUIL. Next Wednesday, at 8 o'clock ill i h., cr ring. Illondin will cross the rope To TRE HON. lll'(;Il MCCULDWIL 8C0VNrY illic TfWsury. by Bengal I*Iit8, in 4 blaze or glory. Ill, grounds are to be illuminated by locomotiv,- Intrips, furnished by the Central allLi t,t_?, Western Railroad Companies, which are STATE OF . ....... practic., 1) 111C s will, lilolidiu in las cshi )_ss. bitio COUNTYOF ................................ .__.._.....••••. being Sworn according to law, deposes and saym,that the .......................................................................................... ............................................. and correct account of his income for the year A.D. 1864, which lie has received,or to which ithlu statement contains a full,true,particular, e is in any manner entitled,whether derived from any kind of property, rents, Interest, dividends, or salary, or from any profestRien, trade, imployallint,or vocation,OT from any other source whatever,front the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December,A. D. 1864, both s juclubive,, and subject to an income tax ass tinder the excise laws of the United States; and that lie has not received,and is not entitled In eeive,from any or all sources of income together, any other sumfor the said year besides what is herein set forth in detail; and that he is on estly and truly entitled to make the deda.tions from his income for said year as opeciamily stated in detail, in accordance with the true intent f the excise laws of the United States and that the statement of the number or weight and value of the articles enumerated in schedule A of the t of June 30, 1864,owned,possessed,or kept by him,or of which he had the care or management, on the first day of May, A.D. lwk,is also not and true. -2 ---–-------- sworn and subscribed, thin___ ... day of .. . ...................... A. D 1865,before me. Assistant Assessor Dirision 1);strirt,State of. ......................................... --- —-- SQ 44s tont- ,q= Eirm i;—'y 11,14 A..n, Il h l ,n - - - - — - �• ,=a �a - t om! ar ex n B L'hartas. uc With One thousand seven hundred and twenty eight f part°2-. . y •I1i� ,, IIF rystrntious 6y H.H. $romps. 1Se Yin IYitey}- i'.jl Inches one solid foot complete. em aa•n '�': In timber,40 feet,if roared, Founds, all '„pucrn. , Or 50 heron,a tura is found, eY, #eon £ a d; these salla the uuntbnrs already published o t e new novel 'i In measuring ships the rule moat tuff t,� re 7 0 11e nlekette, we think it promises to be care of the meet Feet 2 and 40 make a tuna7 10 P� 's k Ip. „'of Iiia ysarks, Wi}h pine drawback on die Feet 27 one solid yard we rate, /� i i 1i i��t S� j,. i '• 8 0 A cord of wood one hundred twenty-e of the chatr• racrisetiAn, ¢risplg from haw deelrc twenty - ) 8 10 ,d,,,u gtgt•tlipg pointe effects,tile e characteristics of thrr rr g 0 ag esaala as those displayed In the others, and 9 1.0 Irf gprxli Atr, lombey is overd,arQed is the _; ] r° 10 0 10 10 lee F�*roomi lgwat to cgTituture,but he atilt iv(dlyquggdts 11 0 ire rintended to he hit. The class to vwahich hem" u py deserves satire, as pomposity is as ha-' mon, ` 11 10 in a huge number of Laiglishmen as the " 13 0 7I9 A it iff Miss Tox promises to boas tater- yxe,&c. kill• ' 05 0 iR igga,in"Iktnuillyltudge." Mrs,Chick,•ar• for much satire"Ala obvious hylwcrisica _ FENQE Mall ••r. Folly Richards lihdt,graad portrait, over- Provinces, s CF, - :•:ith humanity,mrd true W the first principles of ugct. 1tliea Napper is a goal specimen of the snappish itc, nroudly vulgar and insoleutl$,,low. Floretteo, 3 used to ,it 1s ro exquisite st no litt set qct Fully re• � 4. nteesunrs OF ncast'tots Ann CITLIULAR DIE4ANCL9. alled ,t as promising eiltrtos[+ts Little�y►+oll. 4�glter is TIME ffiEA8II1tE-h used in cinnputing the different periods in milcine, M,t I will go directly W the heart of all boyo of I< which any u•a„aaUR dt creat nectars. ighE and _ go d• iia a oth spot afa of t*,$eBares of via,r, nsil,n.; rigiagll. other but., h .the hucrcat 60 seconds.see.,make X. n ; 'p 1 minute,+a GO minutes 1 hour,k. t7, l6r u uikf humor of 24 hours ' I tn'luyi 1 day,d. 3• e. tai -r End h ter b r anent• 7 days - - 1 week,no. gn,sop. 1I0 by and t>,rstt" aFP& chis no leas of aerwblc,: 4 weeks - 1 month,mo. aped O. hies of expreealun•assitseed over the narrative, 12 months 1 year, r. , Y y 3. 1;Arth. I' ohd'revntrd its pstiiaat I, The 100 years _ I century,C. i i-' singe shilling; ie perssrt W °f Observe the deaowinstions-C.n,tury,Q; ,ecor•tdp the worthy of attWy for Its beautiful and sparkling week,a.;day.d;hour,A,;minute,w„&mond,law. mem �t or. tithing; .I les. y<.is ons•o(,ehe..tata4i original in Em,gliele 12 calendar months,or 13 lunar months, 1 day,and 6 hour, •nlled CI „yl am is than o a of his gsnlus. His - or 365 days,6 hours,I common air Julian est, to value at• #ti.a'It llst' �iropntereted Prom'tris The year is divided by the calendar as f(lows:•-- go wereign IaK, •� et'lllslesstltpli Qkli6tt.'IiktrW'i�'t1'aiatglncnt f �) e.n. a.ta like 5F h ettdlpeautiartNai ibt'ttmily hltur�ofibtrni, Ist month January, has 31 7th month Ju! me and ;t ,ir ,,,,., t,a,,,.... t 2d " Februa " August, 31 Is used by rr. lel. fib February, 28 Bth k e Dying Metra to itis Watch 3d March, 31 9th " Beptembor, 90 - called � 4th April, 30 101,h " October, 31 hiA 1. Token of a sainted mother, 51h ,e kills, 31 11th " November, 90 rn. R' ago Wen g`- her dying hated bestowed, 6th Junes 30 ];Ith " December, 31 Bid h n sypP. r,a r [tin tNt ,ave by thea admonished, 181 for Turned inv feet in duty's road. - I for Oft live souiihl the shritie of pleasure, fa- Oft ill lu,t�c,- l•i huw'ed the kt►ce; - trei But hl li,rht or fdoonl :,urrounded, L 1. �•y „ ' �11 -'rZ�e• - Judge 1'uIeP, allrrwattle Lut i thus} „t t, sae Ea,h +tt.ni w:, urn kcal by thee. �{rity was at one time proverbial, was at a p•lbnc diuor ;' �T j, x �llwmtn Curran,the celebrrtei1 Irish Lawyer. Toler,obeert- `�. Time it renselrv, tiwwr tracing', V OE' +Ing Curran carving a piece of corw-d beef told hive, - ,; O'er tli� t vet-slaps •in-_ fnec, fit was hurt beef he would try it" if you try it m Linn i t 'Tells of liti• flint', t:m,kls IlvvtinR, g y y y y u !,1 And of 1,oury t1w: ut-i,r opal„ ; D E (replied Curran) I am sure it will be hurig." I gin 111 tut• vino., oat ihrc :u'e' outs tl' Chess naTsiq•Itt—Walking Stewart haviur liven an aeaottnt of b,s 1 llad Fvt ry nu nnenl :t rt it ,>:t�..,.d: ,�, E L /�j ting oast away on an unknown eoaat, thus etpresso,d bui,self b Ati,- And, Mill ftithlld, !hull art puiutirl'r i s � ;w,atkinga considerable wev all the C,wnirv,. me saw a man hall mage, > ' i To ,::v d y'tn� 11o11r at Idsc. gibbet. Vhe delight attinrled us Icy than chrersa� e:�ht is coaarderab��, '!•,r ;,s,c conviuoe,l w that we w.-re in a cim�ilizcr{nueisn.'s ro B. 0A Vire Hamed t! larvh uurre u,ent�, a i tilhell ,unu' t;r of tun hhs, way ni'=1,; F'I Ll',5. II U L. `1 T. A DISCOVERY 15'11rn u,v pal c •tltti lu,pt wJ I,+,ui,", :+�- �� ',+�- (.Shetaittg the infVutrtce of, the Afoon on the Winds,f`rorn out As the future lured Int eye, ~ � I full Afoul, to uuuther man whC11 bright pleactn•e sl-+ e aminal Our, ',A R til 1'. s 1 Il. l: Those spots,or the figure commonly called the Man ii. Ave mi scene w us all do lit hr- ! litself; the Illoon,is positively the guide to the winds•or the t.,,,.• I IiA4ve rulnnntred of ihv 11•cUu•c�, Bill condemmned filly spEedy- flight. I' R A N �O I S b L S A I. I c N A C 1) L L A tend to prove the sante, I submit the futlut+rut F rules, viz T u„ M O f If E FEN I: L O N, Iwt, *rhe Moon, at the full, at about twenty mint)!- - t h my pulse is wildly t.}reuhl+il' ' ( i,,,.t twelve o'clock at night, pay in a slrait;nt line b, 1 et tinchringed and calrn thou art, A thy nun enlents will not vary ponce tear des Enfans de Fit AN,:, depots Arches- "' is due South; the top part cull North, the L,,; hen I)t tth's tin�rera grtisp nn heart. p t , a South, right side East,and left Wert. T +hand will nratrk that comtnq moment, veque-Duc de CAM"It A[, I t.nce du Saint Em- when 'The tinit appearance of the full moon is in the E' F Oil to seal to}' earthy dnotn; etre, &c. when said figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or fit N pause when loud the bell resoundiiw. and should its appearance remain the same,after ate irz a death'knell'o'er my tomb.--Col:A. r el the South, then the winds will be Northerly, say N, Li,reRATI GAZE'F l s. NOUVELLE EDITION. �E:aat nod North West, 'till the nest full moon; bat if:,I , tered at said time, to the smallest degree, say by a slot, i oxz Ellen if the (Ir V een Mountain which varies very much,the winds will be in conformitl. ",rot where It is sled tale Democrats du out.- Revue fur les meilleures Eiti I i—, prccedcnw. u, more thin two to the Fyuure. wile, L,• IWhen the slope is nearest the middle,variable winds fit 1!. y ve split,aril OlAe sever Democratic he produced, as it touches in all quarters except till _ �outh•East; and when the fit ure is quite erect on tl:( it) the State, tlirco are for Douglas �_-- u ror and two oil the -- ��-- -- - - :%Vest aide, the winds will be Westerly till the next full n� i% Iall 0 3d. This said figure is never erect on the East side. 1`v way of e'nin"'fit rOUL!1 file laotions A I, O N 0 1' E. S - which accounts achy we have so little South East wind ` l r:ud of',bc "•mnerac•y Ills hrhl a and that little Whichwe do have, 1 conceive is ham of„ Cin+eutiou uu--111-:miu,tmu a raudidute Chez J. F, & C. RIVINCTt t ::on'Di•:x, T. 1 hof its lower limbs occasionally, teaching in a very small ' + lr'. r)sc—fur Governor. 1'1111)' LoNJ aanN, T. CASLON, t, vii, 13• LAW. degree, in said quarter,say, like a stroke of a pet,; or it, tl,t last 1THo of tt,c .,ort is that re `�L,vnexr �V. gotnt; round menta wish some obstruction. Some astrono- y T. LowxoEs, J. JOH-0 ' imrrs may, hereiiher, by examining and comparing notes. GoLDWITN, & T. BEg1 ;t ib; aIle fitrther to elucidate this. 1, 11 awlp— February has 29 days every fuurdt Yom%which is enlled llis• 00 seconds malts one minute, aextile,m Lcnp Year. Every Lenl,1 ear cony be hided by 4 GO minutes one defree. i without a remuindcr; other yours, ,hcidotl by 4, leave elle one, Et, 30 degrees one signs has in it, Pounds, here aro �rtell shows their number after L(up Year. Thus, 1854 i ey, rlpon . n divided by 4,leaves a remainder of 2, LIRA Is it is the second 7'. signs we in I a circ la t s•e• I 1 £ a. d the zodiac S iii' t, ro 7 0 alter Leap Year,Bar..,&c. — 7 10 p„rp vers The number of days in each month,may easily be remem- 'Ti.)knowledge gained from this,that guidce jj{il i!! i 8 U bered by the following verso:— P The ship,that o'er the ocean rides, Ij �I t 8 l0 Il Thirty days bave September, — And shows the pilaf how to steer I+ill!1I „ 9 0 1 April,June,and November; , From place to place,remote or near. if r 10 IQ .P All the rest have thirty-ore, ' - Exeant#ng February almre' IV, BOOKS, PAPER, AND PARCHMENT, " <� 11 li Which hath twenty-eight,any more, A Hath tweety-nine one year in four. DOoRt,PAPER,PARCTIMENT,all concern Liquors. 1} 10 : Mel'of a liters turn: " I 0 Mlaere are in every year four soasoN C,via: BFWNO,BUMMER, 3 y mt• °?5 0 o (' 7 As authors,printers,and booksellers— , apet•S:.c. ,. A MII,and WINTER. '�. /- ®piing months.are Marsh,A 1'll,anti hilly. A race of gotmine clever fellowa— `file paper of coacturcr,tan I PENCE �. e e"Miner worths are Jul0,,lu g,and August. P F n wet t �liiie Autumn months aro IN01itember,October,anA November. With three.,of cmneo,hat much to du; i 1 9 6 rt Pruvmces d. 11te Winter mols6s,aro Deesmher,January,and February. The stationer au,l binder then— S yt Known as industrious,thrift men— ( p Sslto spring is•dta�easoR of frrwers; the Summer of finite; Y r the Autmna of the decay of vegetation and the fldl of the leaf;,, _ Dem•each poll nfelle bia part !r In the notne,intellertnal art, surd the Winter se float and arrow. Of furnishing the mind mrd heart. � nllod used 1n tip seconds make 1 nriuute, Time enough some good eb h,Ado; : _ oedt life, 7 t 60 minutes make 1 kour, y+,il!I 1,!I! flail,n.; rgndd ge de• Who will(lure to waste it? Who 24 hours snake up rho day, fid nn�r �I'r 7- Time for work,mud sleep,and play; r. m 3• E. 7 days to the week are given, - ^'rl , 1 II aI ! gn,too. Six for toil ane cote for heaven. ., galled r. God givt•s me six-for work unit play, q; 9 hill, it I will not steal the seventh array, 3.7 S i.• fnrth 4 weeks in wary measle appnur, " 1 ings shilling; I 12 months make lip the rolling year; htr. frilling I 10U eA rs—few live them to see— nllnd + Y � r 1 Are what are called a century. --- S re value .ry ` tinge rvereign t$RCULAR MEASTIRE—Is tined by Astronomers,Navigators,dcc., hake in mskiug thoir onlculstiuus• 1. P A?€It AND PARCHMENT. ' P. iso and T.et.a. TAHt.E OF PAPIRR AAD PARCHMERT.-Thi,table to used by ir, 1d 60 seconds, walla - 1 minute,' Papursurker.,Ytiutore,sed deslera u,atsuoaary,kc.,Sc. 00 minutes - 1 degree, TAatE. called 30 degrees i sign,S 24 shorts of paper,make 1 quire,qr. 12 signs,or 300 degrees 1 circle of the'/.adirtr,C. 20 quires - •• 1 ream,Isings Observe the denonduatlans—Circle,C.;sign,3.i degree,°;n,iaure,'; hnndlr, Hdl. tot. ace saaund,"• g 4 J 1 bale, Pi. a,tAl, liar. IR T'N - - > er ve bowed the kn(;e , �+ rr tdi li ht or }uut7i surrounded, hu ,3a'r y �' f; }, �° fj{,• ft Judge Puler, .rfle.rwarde Lord Newbury, wh' „%j FSaclt event Fvxa marked by ohµ MY was at one time proverbial, was at a I", t'' f ,, with Curran,the celebrated Irish Lawyer. Tole mal' `-• Time its ceaseless finger r, n er tracin A V t� �' 1 U `� lint;Curran carving a piece of cnri:ed heel' told h}m, l.'tl' O'er thy ever-chance n face,� I it was hoing beef he would try it"—`•if'you try it,my Lor , And of hours that wear allelic D E m Tells of tfu ,•hat's Buick y fleeting, (I(replied Curran) I asure it will be hang." rata,. : A11 illy hours on thea are mmu>,I, t Ilhee•ia, ai ld—WalkingStewsrt having iven so semint of his be moment tie it al-t I; �� T �T T east away�n sn nnknuwn coast, thus e:yresae,l hi:,aif " if a, j i t�Yl VtTld,swill ftithtul, th(tn Sl't pmiil[i0o Nslking a couudarAble well top the counirv, we saw a man hati�ingoocrealTe my ilvy,rrg.beteg al lilvt. - ;,, hrt. edelight s0orvled us by this cheering a:ghs is coesiderable, ff•sl - F ;w rt cr,rlviaaed 4t tltat we were in a3, Oft-`ve blamed thy tardy- tmurr,tments, Whenscab fatv(ui-ite bliss was ni!,rh; � I L' � ��� U L lr � � �: lj"mg A DISCOVERY When my pulse with hope was beati - ';•,4; �.�a rpt • ILShene:ing the influence of the .Munn on the I't-inds,frown, our As thrr future lured my eye; I fill ,Mourn to another Whi'n bright'pleasure shone amend one, r,A R t1 L s s t tt ! Those spots,or the figure commonly called the Matt ir; } iuitr l� r+.l ;it nr1 tilt scene tree all r}r 7le ht, 11he 310on,is positively the guide to the winds, or Ihr w'irt ' ��unflit Il , u ,.:, ' 1ud Coil lcilu7,it 111%, ,lict,tll Ili ill. I'It A N O 1 S U E S A L T (a N AC DL LA Itlself; find to prove the sar0e, 1 submit the fullowint rules, viz Th(nigh my puts,• i:, ,til ll� Ihr l iiia,•, O T 1I ] F F. N E L (7 N' 1st. The Moon,at the full, at about twenty minute 'p Yet unrbnnl-1,•(I mmcl ,: I! !111)11 ;,rl, I pant twelve o'clock at night, flay in a straigi74 line befior, nil till, nunem7t+ata will nut t nrr .you, is due 5otith; the top part call North, the bottom ,hen 1)catlr's timers ,rayl, n;t I„;,,;. Pr%cepteur des l;nfans do FBAN''I, depuis Archer lSoUth, right sine East,and left Welt. Thv:hand will Iual-C that rontilr ruuttm nI, veque-Duc de CAURRA i, Dunce du ;faint Em- 2d. The first appearance of the full moon is in the East, ESoon to mall my earthly dom'71; pire, &c. when said figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or wing bar rause when jou(} the bell resonndin+_r, and should its appearance remain the same, after arrivinz TorI's a dfcath9tuell'o'er Illy tomb.—CUBA. at the South, then the winds will be Northerly, sav North iATE'It Ally G AZET•l ri. N O U V E L L Is EDITION. East and North West, 'till the next full moon; Lat if al- xl3>; it 611. (,ro'u 1Cnnntnii; tered at said time, in the smallest degree, say by a slope ter s hcl i IIW 1)r110crats till nett ,t hick varies very much,the winds will be in conformit3. 41,tr.; 12 dozes of parchment - - 1 dozen, t dnz. 5 dozen - 1 roll,rl. ftp SVt7tRg MT6atr tt p 5141LCntU1130.° p0unu ]1s," are i�Ch Observe the denominations—Quire,qr.; ream, Rin.; handle, Bdl; ` 1.TABLE OF WEIGHTS. £ a ey'�on bale,Ble,i dozen,doz.; roll,rl. lij: d these is ;led A barrel of flour weighs - - 196 the. Ili�ill� r Ai Fe 7 0 pttrpases ft I L- Two dozen Sheets,one quire will take, A barrel of beef or pork - - 200 " t;1 Ire And 20 quires one ream composes; p „ SII f IIII +!'i i,. " 8 0 A barrel of pot ashes - 200 " 8 10 2 reams we in a bindle make, - - - - t. �l 1 A firkin of Lotter 56 " 10 bundles a full bale encloses. " -9 0 A bushel of snit - - - - - 56 " II�` ', 9 10 A peck of salt - • - 14 I " 0 U A gallon of train oil - - - 7j.1 1 " 10 10 By dozens parchment-skins are told; A stone of wire weighs - 10j" w { it 0 12 to the dozen,as of old; A stone or sheet iron,or horseman's weight 14 " 6I " 11 t0 )< 5 dozen for a roll are sold. A quintal of fish - 100 '0 Liquors' „ , A faggot of steel - - 120 111 U I'he The different sizes of pe er are—Foolscap, post, dam A fother of lead - - 2184 'r spce,S o. pt, 'o medium, royal, super-royal, imperial, and elephant. Largur papers are described by their length and breadth fn inches, I PENCE thus,20 by 32,24 by 38,26 by 40,29 by 44,&c.,&c• 2.TABLE OF PARTICULARS. qr. ywelght, ProvincCs, �` Ilia �, s -1 12 things m;d:e 1 dozen,dnz, 12 dozen,or 11.1 - 1 gross,gro. i A 1 2. a t z E S o r a o o x a. 1`!r;rasa or 1728 1 great gross,g.gra ir• I rh , 20 rhiugs 1 score. used in TABLE OF BOOBS.—This table Is used by Anti 's,rrfn.ers,an3 ; 5 score 1 hwtdrod C. ally-1 (' Booksellers,in uscertaieing and naming the xizes of books, r (' + TAnLE. — nail,n gs d, 1 sheet of paper folded into 2 lenves is a folio,Fol. S. VALUE OF SILVER AND COLD COINS, : 1 sheet of paper folded into 4 leaves is It quarto,4to. r ra.,. '• 1 sheet of paper folded into 8 leaves is an octavo,8vo. An English shilling 24 1 sheet of paper folded into 12 leaves is a duodecimo, 12mo. " crown 1 211 Cn Soo, a 1 sheet of paper folded into 18 leaves is an oetodecimo,18mo. " " sovereign - - yi 4 84 g ' ., pound - - a 4 84 all,I O. Observe the dono.;octildecn o,Folio,foL,; quarto, Oto.l octavo, 800.; .j 1 r hm, 3.; f.;firth- duodocitno,ll,mu.;oou,dechna,]dreo, i [;uinea r � - 0 00 ' ehilling; V A franc of France . . 19 Whoever with a book engages, A dialer of Germany c - •'. N 67 eccrtaln at' irthin Well knows each leaf will count 2 pages; a Spsniah doubloon - - • 16 00 g' One folio sheet 2 leaves will rate, A South American doubloon- - 15 60 altc•d to,.r,hre A quarto 4,octavo 8; 4 Fwir Shillings and two pence sterling 1 00 vercii•n A duodecimo a dozen clean, links o 0 An octodecimo eighteen; b uesrimo quarto makes utwenty-Cour, 4. OLD ENGLISH COINS, i. rso and Id. , TriceSSimn Seeundo thirty-two,no more, e. & A grnat i 4 1 called - A tester R A noble- - 6 8 °g nys •'rhe dnodeclrgo, ocrodecimo, viceee(m. gnnrto, and trlressimo An nn ! 10 0 h' ,srol. nr (lb secundo,which are Latin numerals,are generally coiled 12mo.,ldmn., gc le, Af, A murk • 13 4 onr. ,con 2anw.,and d;mo. There.are oleo 4dmo.,G4mo.,and 7;mo. no, 1 ; t r'tt -d tilt' I.nrt': _,,,�.,• M ;;•.,. . i t � �. l'r tt or t�l�„ ��� ;urrounci+•,1, L l;. �t.[1.21 S. `-'ave• r -,Ittdge 1'olet•, afte.rwattl° Lord Nr.wbury, w11Jnt, set, Each cc(nw t ,+:. ntal6Otl by III,r. Ilrity was at one time proverbial, was at d p'lbiic dinner, r• Time its rrt�elrw tinnier traria �wltn Curran the celebrated Irish Lawyer. 'Toler,ubserli A V A N 1 t) K � `� !Ing Curran carving a piece of corned beef told hitt►, tf� it 1, thv et.r-chane inch (ait was/rung beef he would try it"—''if you try it m Lord Felin of liti that', + r,ir kir flection y ' y + .And of trout,; that uwar ttharc: ll I`: ](replied Curra)) 1 atm sure it will be hung,” ti 111 ul6 hour, iul tluv ate nult(l' Cheerilt•{rsiSht—Walking Stewart baving given an seoount of his be. 1 crr\ ri run nt ,r. I; Ir;r�Y(cl: �� T L E ?��( eg nest away mr an unknown onset, thus expressed bi:nseif '•Attr.' c jai lYl A �1 Alld. Mill I tilflflll, Ihou art Iwilitill, i�� waikinga uauesievahle way up the country, we saw a man host n❑ 1u Ito)' d}tri„ iulnl'at last. ,„iblict. The delight aflattled us,by thix cleeeriug a:rot is euosidcrah ,1 • �••r, is it Convinced u.that we wero in a civilizeej nation.'y l . :;. flit I !�,, hl:unrcl II:, torch' ltlut•rrnrnt'. � � r . ,, - L. �S i i' U L Y S $ E. (( A DISCOVERY Nit 1.. the if!,Ruence of the ,Moon on the lVinds,from our I - ShetC l11a tr full.Noun to another �rA R h'1 C' S S 1 R L Those spots,or the figure commonly called the Man inti l0j, 11 .Ic Il t 1. t ;the Aloon,is positively the guide to the winds, or tilt'wind' halt o'!):ruucii:rt thv Il+c tuc And condi innr it Ilr1 sprrilt Ill 1'12A N li 0 I S 1) l S A L I C N A C I) E L .\ itself; and to prove the same, h submit the fulluKingl rules, viz: o T tl li F E N E L O N, 1st. The Moon, at the full, at about twenty minntes� Yrt7lIt1C1111 T1!"cel :unl hough eh polio i. ail ll! t!tn hl• past twelve o'clock at ni;ht, say in a etrai2nt line before .' ruin; [luui ori. . i nd thy mocc0u 1114 trill not vary Precepteur des Enfans do hRANce, &depuis Arche von, iv due South; the top part call North, the bottom: When zit+nth', fingers grasp In) heart. South, right side East,and lett Wet+t. I1 y'hand will mark that coming nlonlent, vA.que-Duc de CAMBRAT, Prince du a8aint Eta- +i 2d• The first appearance of the full moon is in the Ea>t sono to oral my earthly, dnuul; I when said figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or vi ir, bier pause tv hen Ivud tilt t. hell resonudin , Fire, &c. tad should its appearance remain the same, after arl roll's a dcathltnell'o'er my 101116.—CORA. Mitt the South, then the winds will be Northerly, sav Not;!, LtTF,RAB 1• U AZET'1 6.. NOUVELLE EDITION. hast and North West, 'till the nest full moon; lint if at j Cl'llONT.--FVerl ill 1!lc C1 rr('n Motli:l:iiii Itered at said time, in the smallest degree, may by a slope], te,who're it is said the Democrats do Il t Bevue fur les tneilleures I DIT10N5 preceder le. !' which varies very much,the winds will be in conformity,!" her more tl;an twq to tiro �yuere unit• !When the slope is nearest the middle,variable winds tvi]I' y have islir, ar,d Of Mlle SCMI llemocrlttic - ` he produced, as it touches in all quarters except the! I'" ii, the Statu, three are for Dmvdmli, tiouth-F.a,t; and when the figure is quite ere011 ct the; arc fur lirerl(enridve fill(] two on the w West ride, the winds will be Westerly till the next full- e. 1(I-� 3d. This said ti_gure is never erect on the East side. I Yet I;y 11'111 „f Cnili},r through tlw ulotiot.e A L O N D R E 5 tcluch accohnts why we have so little South Fast wind=. tail (r•d of the Dolnocravy 1]•1, Lrlil n ;nod that little which we do have, I conceive is from otic to Cull%viltiuu ala unuliuetrd a rui;lirlalc S. ( 1 OWDER, T. 1f' its lower limbs occasionally toucbing in a very small ' Chez F. rpt C. RiVINGTON, John (i ,ye—for Governor. Ti illy J degree, in said quarter, say, like a sir'olte of a pen; or in k III(- last ;1nz; of the party ill that re- LoNGMnN, T. CJoHNs N, F. B. LAw, _olriv round meets wish some ob;fruction. Some astr•ono• T. LowNDE1 J. JOHNscR F. NEwB1tRx, w• mons may, bereafter, b examiningand coal tlrin notes, Goi,n6MITH,- & T. BERc:ROFT. Ih,� ;tl'te further to elucidate this, 1 g MDCCLXXVIIL - — — ------ F �� 5. TABLES OF ALIQUOT,OR EVEN PARTS. r i living frictions ur bruicen.Pnrts of eerrain things;wd theirf_ , Kir Parts of a Dollar, Parts of a Shilling. Parts of a Pound. ? i I I II Pounds, t'P °r° tl,t 41 w s. Y, tfpnn I„ o +b S re 1 0 t d; three rrL ( „ v "" tp� rw �� .! Res g 0 rtA. �� S1fILL1NG . ro �.�' tarp' B 10 1 9 0 I Ctltf is 1 nii ,rN �.'! 10 3 ct I. fire ata *�' ,. 10 0 II 10 10 +lI„ Petrify is \.� . I1 0 Td P Y lI5 1 8 nr0 � e � '� _- '! � \ I1 Ill �I 1 1 u - quars, rrl,,� 25 " " 6 la penCO are P 2 0 TO — I MEA 9 UR r.s U}' LENGTH. 61. X.�" 1-' 0 kt 1% Th ,5p '� ! 2 " " ,h 6 " � __ CLOTH MEASURE-10 used tomeaatraCloths,Ribboua,Tspue,&c 1st " =:' 0 r 1 z. UT ('2i t, z 3 ., 1, i 3 4 rl if - n TsaL$. w 2 e a f; }inches,in.,make- - 1 nail n. Th 75 u u It a l y Th t ` 4 10 4 nails 1 quarter of a yard,qr. wei h PENCE r Th $�� 5 " " 5 5 0 4 quartets - I yard,yd. Y g ! proviucoa, Th r;rQ 6 " " (i $ " 3 —f— FOREIGN CLOTH MEASURES. Th ,+t'' 7 fr i; r 10 0 1_ 1 7 3 d 2$quartets,make - 1 oil Hamhurgh,E.H, t°(A k,'° `��'� $ ` 1 30 " y 3 quarters - 1 ell Flemish,E. P. ailed used in ' ' 0 " 13 0S 5 quarters I ell English, E. E. a 15 0 " 3 — B quarters - 1 ell French,E. Fr. ►rdiclno, , Parte of a Penny. Observe the regular denominations—Yard,Yd.;quarter,fir.;nail,n.; !ght and ge d. 1 farthing is 16 0 lit g intth,ta. -- £. { I 2 faftlt's are 1 �y'., 17 0 �� In measuring cloth for us°or sale, � I' { ) 3 " " 1$ 0 'i , Jour 2}ruches stake one nail; 4_ ___ ___ _ __ _ d 4 nails ono quarter we regard, ' d' Pasta of a Cwt Parts of a Tun Parts of a Year Parte of s Cwt _ And fiver full quartets make one yard, , gn,mo. of 112 lbs. I of 2240 lbs. of 12 months. of 100 its. Natla now are seldom used,we've board, all..l iiig liths and sixteenths are much preferred, ata' r i.•forth ,: 4 lbs. - � ,et qrs. 1 mo. is lt. 1 Ib.is 1 nIf — inili shilling 7 " TtT 1. 0 is SIS .`1 otos.are i; 5 ` 3 LONG�C&IVPJr—ls used ti measure distances,and to mcortain ILu. 13 " I ti 0 a1'O ! 3 " " 1. 10 a We hmgth ul anything without regard to breadth. rthing, 1 a T a A 10 Id o TAaas. 14 " � � �� 4 s �0 " lu t 10 tines,1.,make . 1 inch,in. ailed ,e vnlnn cc r „ r, -s sc 1 12 inches . . �! 16 4 0 5 l a5 q 1' 1 font ft. legs e ,1T. 3 feet . . . . 1 rd rt .I ZS " t ,rj (1 a . 6 ll 1, 1 JO " y �Y • ;�it,l;e 5}yards - 1 rod or ole r■n an 1 I G °t r " " " 11 " s t. 40 poles,or 220 yards . 1 ftirlong fur, u6 10 0 t375 4 At rr p r. Id. $4 " a 115 0 rl a 9 l „ `, 50 " 3 6 fwrlause . _._.__.--.- III 9 , ls» 1 league, L. Fractions in Arithmetic are so nrndr, flint if till rhe parts CO phis,or 69J statute miles 1 degree,DEB. Into which a number is divided are ad,led top;thor,they will_just 360-t roes the Circumference of the north. I c,, Ob equal that number;as when un npplr is Ent into parr,of cttriuus 1, Ulapr the dettemfnetions�r)egree,De,.J league, L.; mile, M, ` Ulua'. . shapes,you can ;join them together and furnt the opla aguitt. lbdoagq jl .J cud,or pule,p,J Yard.Yd t fvot,ft.;loch,ria.;true, tii'ti�cr 1'f I,.,tt,d Ihr i,t by I;!,Its. rr .tr :.rrrronII,h. .j ;..(]I1 �.,, l'3u?'e. 1, E ,, lodge tlrrr, .Illi+rwaflta Loitt Nevi, tui 7 J lrh l t, tt tt ns In u'Ia•,I In 11,r. Nrdv was at one time pt•0v4:r4i 1, wal ;it a p'Ibllc ditin wail Curren,the celebrated Irish Lawyer. Toler,obsei, it cr t l It: Its •t r tr:ft'in:', A V to � � �� � � � ling Curran carving a piece of corded beef told hive, • it t)'t'f tilt rpt rt'-l'lla lip lU! furl', �i' . d was hung beef he would try it"—"jf you try it,my Lort ,1 ('411;of life rhu� �luirhly llcefinc, t�(rnpliecf CurrsD) l am sure it will he huJto." I ind of hors'; (hut ural apace: U f, f 111lily lain tit I!u c u't tri fl tl, C'heeringaight—Walking Stewart having given an account of his h, 1 I ,07N r,t int ut ,r irf .e,I T r ��( A T 7 iag oast sway m,an unknown coast, than expressed hi�r,aetf- •-Ari, 1 tilt i 1 L J j] if ) i„alking a cons"levahle way up the country, x e eau,a rasa hanpngn,; „ihhet. The delight afforded us by this cheermT s:q•Ist is eonsiderab„, i •,t„ as it cunviuecd us that we were in a civilireu natson.,1 1 Itel,lc I , tuil� tir, tr, u • F L. `; 11, � U L Y S }� E• A DISCOVERY »,. y.? I Via-ring the influence Of the Aloott on the Mnds,_frons out, full,Atoun to another �A R bi > s 1 k F. 'Those spots,or the figure commonly called the 141an n i 1 the 119oon,Is positively the guide to the winds, or the wait 1 r,:u I, ; u1t,i tl,t i,,•, tt ,j, i,,, rk A N 0 I S D E SAL 1 G N A C L) L L A itself'; and to prove the satue, I submit the fi>llowinc • y rules, Viz O T H E I' E N L' L O N, ( 1st, The Moon,at the full, at about twenty minll l'h u h my pul-c is wildly throhh111ti' past twelve o'clock at Dight, say i❑ a eUaight hoe betur. �AYet enchant*ed and calm thou art, you. is due South; the top part call North, the bottow nd tv movements will not vary & depuis Archer go,Uh, right side East,and left West Wh Death's tinmera grasp MY heart. Precepteur des Enfans do }'tinNcx, hand will Itin rk that comilil uatment, veque-Duc de C'AlInRAY, Prince du Saint Em- 2d. The first appearance of the full moon is in the East, tit,uu to sial utv earthly n Boum; pile, &c. f when said figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or wing r Nor se it hen Iuu . the hull resounding and should its appearance remain the same, after arrivlrr� y 0;a death hnell o'er my tomb.—CORA. at the South, then the winds will be Northerly, say Nort1, LITFRARY GA%F.T-1 R. NOUVELLE EDITION. iEast and North West, 'till the next full moon; but if a1 in the Oreen Mount iii, (tered at said time, in the smallest degree. say by a slope Lt 'f',irbere it is said the Deurocrats do notwhich varies very much,the winds will be in conformity. uu ter ore tl.an ltvo to the effuure utile, Revue fur les meilleures EBIT10Ns precedenW. i ;When the slope i= nearest the middle,variable winds vtll tLt; Ila 'gl,lit, and of.11141 seven Durnocratic be produced, as it touches in all quarters except thel ' eel•:rs it the Stfitu, three are for DuugIns --- �_ __ Il,South-Past; and when the firrure is quite erect on the� I It are l r Ilrecltenridue and two oa the -- i West Dido, the winds will be Westerly till the next full. die. 3d. This said fiture is never erect on the East aside,1 i ..<f I' ti's}' of l Biu thr0 6'll 0tu mntious A LO N �D R E S which aceohnts a'hy we have so little South East winds. ) � cal, t,rl std of the Democracy ltss hell a and that little which we do have, 1 conceive is from oar' I `tt' '.l'ubtrtttiou mid-itcriihinted aenwhilait' Chez J. F. & C. RIviNGTON, S- CROWDBR, T. lot' its lower limbs occasionally touebing in a very sm;,u'! dogree, in said uarter, sn like a stroke of a pill] ; 01' in �) ;ut G. `:see fur (;uvtrnor. Prate• LomGMAN T. CASLON, G. KEITH, B. LAW, e y P' P tl'16 the lust ,tai: tif' the ]tarty ill tl;nt re- T. LowNnee, J• JOHNSON, F. NEWBYRYs W• gninL round meets wish some obstruction. dome astronm a L 1.1r it nmy, lierea$er, by examining and contpardng noirs,l ter tiUL D3 b11TIi & T. BEBt%ROFT. lib.- ;tyle farther to elucidate this. MDCCLXXVIIL , _ . _..:,,... �a�.. — ------ 4- - _— Twelvelines make an inch h in France. In measuring height of horses, the hand, 4 inches,is fi Pal'iB e1 ' used; and in measuringthis depthof venter,the falJtam 6 fee lnrre a,( , + r 4 lAx 1 l Pounds, t i is used. i I, _ 1 h I I C j,q( ted ( In measurin distances or len ths, r- - leu ,��Il' � ''lil I �,' R; Te 7 0 ; l' r L,' g g �_ - i��. ��� nI-:III. .N I��iili�" 7 10 Purpua,.s 10 lines are said to make one inch; ��. p _ �a id,;�illl� �IIII,' d4�o 3 0 ? 12 inches make n perfectcot t ;I ���_ 3 fact into n yard are put; _-_ I VIS ;I 1 1.( tt 51 yards make a rod or pole, „ 9 0 And 40 rods a furlong whole; ,`I._ .- a 0 10 ( :i 1.15, ¢ - u Ij _ $furtongB make n mile quite big, lU 0 1 5 ( And 3 full miles make up a league. 3 N ( 10 Io 1 �) to In measuring round the earth,we see, l y TRAY WEIGHT—ls used w wei g h Gold,Siler, ewelr,and Liquors. J1 10 r i That 00 miles make one degree; TABLE i-, 0 0 Degrees 3f0,then, 24 grains,gr„make g Y t I pennyweight,diet. `a 0 Tu < „r „ 1'hn earth's circumference will span. 20 pennyweights - 1 ounce,or. The(' t� I — 12 ounces - 1 pound,Ib. PENCE m } Tho. r SURVEYOR'S MEASURE,—This measure la used in ascerWr l° Observe the denominotluns—Pound,Ill.; ounce,oz.a pcnnywelght, Provinwe, I r. _q Ter i• g (feat.; grain,gr. D 1 the b•ngth Hud breadth of land,roads,ke. Th xAnt e. __• This rule for weighing gold,will state .' Tit Q a• That 24 grains make one pennyweight: 71 r� 7 9_ 100 inches,in.,make- I link,1. o i Arid_0 pennyweights in an ounce ore found, 25 links - 1 pole,p. While 12 good ounces make u fled used in t 'l 4 poles,or 100 links . 1 chain,e. g pound. 10 chains - + I furlong,fur^ _ APOTHECARIES'WEIGHT,-la used in+nixie;doresormedicine, Parts 8 furlongs - . • I mile,Al. hot drugs Hnd medicine,like nrobt other morchaud+se,are bought and gs d, suld by Avoinnurms WEIGHT, 1 far Observe it.,, denominations.-I.hik, I.; pole, p.; shsin, c.; furlong ;,8• 2 far Jur. mile,M. �. TABLE. £ ' 20 grains,gr.,make - 1 scruple, D. 3 'F 7 itches and ninety-two hundredths,make ""'t 3 scruples 1 drechmt 3• e. One link in the chain surveyors take, 8 drachms I ounce, 3. gn,so$. 100 links his chain emhracea, I -, 12 ounces 1 pound, }9. r ,all,d . G. Of 1 \Pith 80 chnin one mile he traces. �i Observe the denominations—Pound,1,.; ounce, �.; drachin, 3., I.;forth- 4 ] seruple,�.;grain,gr. ings shilling; 4 7 '' � 2. M E A B U R E B OF e A l A C 1 T Y. In mixing(forest Doctors say Ilan. � 8 LIQUID•MEASURE—is used in moaeuring Wine,Spirits,Ecor,014 : That pl grains one scrupledrachm weigh; tithing; j4 Vowgar,bulk,Alolaeaus,&C. 3 scruples make one drachm they held, ;aped r'u 8 drachms are to the ounce enrolled le,value it 16 " TABLE. til+ And ounces 12 for a pound are sold. , s tvereign 28 ,, 4 gills,g.,mnke - I pint,pt. g i1 '! pints - - 1 quart,qt. r, AVOWUPOIS WEIGHT—Is used `-n weighing a0 Bourse and oke {° 56 '�' 4 quarts - a 1 gallon,gal. hr,, heavy go giot i�e,&o.;and all motets exceptsflver and gold, 84 "i 311 gallon$ - 1 barrel,bill, y ,, TABLE. fi — -- 2 barrels - + , 1 hogshead,hhd• „,• I y 18 Oun16 ces drachms,dr.,make I ounce,or. called 3 Frurt 2 hogsheads - - 1 pipe.,P. - 1 pound,lb. dwn' 25 pounds - 1 quarter,qr, ings i! lilt+,whi 2 pipes - 1 tun,t. 4 quarters I hundredweignt,eut, tics 4e eq,ml ill Observe the ragalsr denomtnntions—Tun,t.i pipe,p.;hogebrmd,Ahd( 40 hundred weight 1 tun, 2'. Uta'. I ,d, i ellapes, barrel,bbt,; gallon,gal.•quart,ql.;pat,pg.; gilt g. g jig Tffi� loo 11'' t,torgluuul :;urrnunded, �I hII .fudge foler, +tfie.rwattla Lord rVcwLun +rt t,.. I,! Ebel C%cut W"Is Illarked lrt- Ill(v. rity was at one time proverbial, was at a p',btic tliun, ' 1 t' with Curran the celebrated Irish Lawyer. Toler,obsei ;1. Tirne its eell:l/lh•S3 ftrlffer ti- ,: O'er thti• ever-charleinir 1;11•+ A V A N Ilml;Curran carving a piece of corned beef told biro, II Tells of film that's quickli, tic, ,i it was hung beef he would try it"-ifyou try it,my Lord,i� And ut' hoary that l%-par apae.e: I) ''• I h(replied Curran) i am sure it will be lilting." \11 n,y hrnu'Il oil tit,c are ruled, FvrCheering eight.-Walking Stewart having given an aeaount of hirl r1 ru,nnru' ;11 ii },:(,:a,l; L� �/� T ing ex$t trway on an unknown coast, thus expresard Iii ,self '• tit+' . ,d, still I`.(ilnlul, lhou .(rt poi„tin,_;, T j L �rj v �•� (aalkingseunanierahleway up thecountry,, uesaw a mauhaagingonu� ,e i gibbet. The delight aflindAd us h this eheerin s,�ht is cooeidaabie,� 'I'u ,::1. (It iu,� iiuur tit final. • r lig • g Y S , et • "'r'- it convinced us that we were in a civilizeii nadon." 3. tl rj s Ll,mid Ili,- tn'Itl tu ,#rt,,l ,1�. Y hi ti u. line, , II 'L , F r...� A DISCOVERY \1 ,n, un I ,l lent, I „�„ „ , I„ ,II,,,,• r :•* '� ,Sllrne'ina the in�4uence of the Aloon on the Winds,from o:.. 1s Ih( ti,l,,n lurl,l ,til , e( full lWoon to artolher 111:en l,ri, i,! I,I,•;,aur. -I,,,nr u�en,,.i tn(. �,A R Al ti s S 1 k r. l'hose spots,or the figure commonly called the Man u, \n 1 ill(, it- :dl +I, I,;-I,I, the btoon,is positively lire guide to the winds, or tht'win.l' ! tin, I;' I u(r„•(l ;,I Ila tl,f•tu,-=_ 1p 1 (foul tion(1 tl,v sP/•1•(!` fliv.lu. rR A N 1 O i S D 1: SAL t G N A C D E L A Ittself; and to prove the saiue, 1 submit the fullowinti rules, viz: NI O T 11 E j' E N E L O Nit ist. rhe Moon, at the full, at about twenty minus•. 'past twelve o'clock at night, say in a straight line before I' lit �, 1 •, I � I , ..I lou, is due South ; the top part call North, the bottom, Precepte4r des Enfans de I'anxcL, &depws Ar ire 5oalh, right side East,and left West. \Y h, ;r lh.,th, lin�l Ib ;�r,tslr nn h+Fart. i g I':v h:uul Will mark that +I+min_ „unne,tl, vequt-Doc de CAht[aliAY, Prince du Saint Fm- 2d. The first appearance of the full moon is in the Fast ` of rr to seal Inv eart},le• douul; hire, &c. when sstid [figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or Wing { \ r Lanae when fungi th, hell resounding, when should its appearance remain the same, after arrivio,_ t l'oll's a heath kne1Fu'el- Irl' tuulh.—('„RA, at the South, then the winds will be Northerly, say Norte, g LCIFERArtV ,AUT1 I,. NOUVELLE EDITION. � East and North Wert, 'till the next full moon; Lot it- I 0 felted at said time, in the smallest degree. say by a ! t CHI oA�'.-11 ice i the e recti ItCouut+lli' tvhir.6 varies very much,the winds will be in conf"ol-t at 1 lehrre It I;<alid tLe Iletnucruts Ifo out- � y.; • Q1 ❑:01e tl;lin two to iLe t•:rinare mile, Revue fur les meilleures EDITIONS precedenh>ws- When the elope is nearest the middle, variable winds will; I ' 11'1 'It11;' split, lied of.3'he seven Democrittic be produced, as it touches in all quarters except tire) ' 1 lie, ; and when the figure is quite erect on tL( ' I oll"Ins �� -- 1 I—) oil the - �I1Vest side, the winds will be Westerly till the next full. ;el,,• �� u' 1 3d. This said figure is never erect on (Ile East side, 1 n,n ll:u olotious A I+ O N P R E S which accoilnts wily we have so little South East tvinds, ; i Ili^ I f �l„ 11 „•1 t:rt. tins hell a and that little which we, do have, I conceive is from oil,, I i stet, t l „ 11 ,;,1„t a Valli Cllez J. F. & C. RIVINGTON, S. CROWD>~r.. '. of its lower limhs occasionally touching in a very small —J.Lu t �, I'.,r t; ,e(roes. Truly degree, in said quarter, say. like a stroke of a pea,; or In LONGA9AN T. CASLON, G. KEn tt, B, i-,°” oint; round meets wish Home obstruction. Some astrono- i the I,tst :Ong of the i,;lriy til that re- T. LOWNDEA, J. JoHNsolt, F. NEWI1BRYJ '>' • 1 e o mors niay, berr.+fter, by examining and cotnpariag uolrs• GOLDSMITH, & T. l3EECROVT• I �,•' III).. :ttouciditle farther elate this. r.MDCCLXXVII - -- ___ Twe Observe thedenominntion9-Tun,T;hundred weight,trot,; uartor, ", Ileing In 11 qr.;pound,ib., ounce,oz., drachm,dr, g 4 v B. TABLES OF BTERLING CURIIENCY. 1i- Parts used; 2000 pounds make a cunt in the table; when, as it some- Table of Shillings andPence.I Table of Shillings and PouIds. ereis 1ua4 1 times is,it is 2240 lbs.,28 pounds make a quarter. Except in �• or2s. d. d. s. d. s. s, .c, £ J tironspacial cases, the Inn is now regarded ria 2000 pounds by r, 1 is 12 2U are 1 $ 2U a 1 (J J 4U are 7d due ptIncipul morchanls of our citiae. 2 ora 2d 30 " 2 6 30 " 1 10 1,0 " 7Purposes f 3 " 36 40 " 3 4 46 - 2 0 16,11 " 8 0 16 drachms make one ounce, 4 " 48 50 " 4 2 50 " 2 10 170 " 8 10 16 ounces make one pound, 5 " 60 60 " 5 0 CO " 3 0 180 " 9 0 1 ce 25 pounds one quarter counts, 6 71 70 " 5 10 70 " V 10 190 " 9 10 y� 3 et 4 jun-tens make u hundred round; 7 " 84 80 " 6 8 80 " 4 0 200 " I0 0 F. „ And t:0 Inmdred weight are nun, _ 8 " 96 90 " 7 6 90 " 4 10 210 " 10 10 S To make a full and perfect tun. 9 " 108 100 " 8 4 100 " 5 0 220 " 1 l 0 10 — An 10 " 120 110 " 9 2 110 S 10 230 " I1 10 1 25 " --_ 'Twos once absurdly bald and said. � 11. lag I`20 •' 10 0 110 6 U 240 1•� 0 i 1 .54 �, o 1`. " 14.1 130 " 10 10 130 " fi 10 500 " t i 0 hEo 11,pounds make,r hundred weight; 0 Ancl theft this table always read, r- i �It 7h, it That a quarter hundred was 28 7. TABLE SHOWING THS SHILLINGS AND PENOS 'f s2 I' t„ gH$r ' t• Currency of the principal States of the Union sod the At I+rovinces, 872 tba long with ita Value in Dollars aicd•Cents. y 1t - - TABLE. Ili. 111CASUII5.7 's Lt Maine, t "� 2v r " New Hampshire t rr 4 i y different measures,we obtain - I" P Vermont ]6�cents are c;,llurl used in 10 Duo quantities of wood or gn,in,t _ " Massachusetts one shilling, Panty 0 Of cloth,or land,or wine.,unit tell r How much of each we buy or sell. ]]bade Island, r and six shilli,.gs d, I fart ; Obser' CLOTH MEASURE is for ribbons,tapes, � Connecticut, make one 2 fart' Jar•;m And clothe,and silk,for casts or copes. y�j " Virginia, dollar. £. 3 " Lova MxAsutta serves to tell and traco nu Kentucky, t' The distances from place to place. " Tumtaeaee, go,soo- ' Parts ax SURVEYORS'MEASURES,understand, Cof 11 Are only used in measuring land. � � In New York, l=�cants gra Called a 4 lbs J DRY MEASURE tells how much we gain - " Ohio, ono shilling, 3: forth; ' I 7 " Or salt,Coal,fruit,potatoes,grain; " North Carolina, 1 and eight ahiUings shilling; § 8 „t lVilile 1.tt1VID MEASURE•ivatly classes make one duller. trthin V ) LIQU Wine,q»rits,beer,til,milk,molasses. tate g 14 "T Vinegar, SQUAaE MEASUR&deals with surfaces, In New Jersey 13�cents are caped 1f3 " As walls,and floors,and ticlds,and Dene; w1ll, s 11 , yr one shilling, tc vnlne I ennrylvania, werci•n tad ari�h. Rad seven shillings d 28 And CUaTC MEAsuRE ascertains h fell Delaware, and sixpence snake m �6 „j 21 What any solid shape contains. who t Mntylsad, one dollar. TI,1xE MEASURE tells us,as they fly, 84 "' 311 How days,montba,years,are rushing by; ; 212.5 cents are culled i And CIRCULAR MEAsuaE shows the worth who it one shilling, I tact '3 Of linea that circle round the earth, In South Carolina, and four shillings iota whi 2 And of Ilio blinds which reason's eye m " and g er,u°t it sthe : and eight penrr• er, ssk . 'i rib 1•Pa acres 'T'ra Y F �o bhapcs, y,--rrr.I,d make one dollar. ,r _ , t .__ _ _,•y,,,,,�,.o� ri` uart t u sur r•: , 1� . • ff" Ievent ight or gluutu surrounded, l P. ;, �+ i Judge 1 oler, aElerwRlds Lord tVelvbury, who,,. + ,, was marked by thou. i{rity was at one time proverbial, way at a pabuc du,ut" J iu,C its craselcsa finger tracing, �� `J t� ; 1witn Curran,the celebrated Irish Lawyer. Toler,obsvrv-f �' n g, inti Curran carving a piece of corned beef told hint, (i O'er thy ever-chanR'in face, ;it was hung beef he would try it"—`-if you try it,my L„rei � l Tensaf lite that's quickly fleeting, Iced Curran 1 am sure it will be luras " And;of• hours that wear apace 1) 1' 1 replied �• J All cosy hours on thee are nuwd, Ev moment as it ssed; � Chemtnw sight—Walking Stewart Navin„;preen all aeeself of bis br- { PR ' 9 ing oast away ar an unknown coast, thus ecyressed hiu,aelf And,WII faithli,l, thou art pointing T E L E M l.7. Q U �,� walking a canaalerAble way xp the coartir . we saw a mss hanitingmr r O Sly dying hoar at•asst. _ - r gibbet. The delight afforded us by this cheering s,;;hs is coasiderahw, ' • `.s as it canvivaed us that we were in a civilizerjsutien." f Olt i'*blamed thy tardy ntoveu)ents, F-I L.' S I�' U L Y 5 6 I . �•� WIitt sawn favourite bliss was nigh; �t , A DISCOVERY Wlten#ray pulse with hope was beating, �+,.w ~ (iSheu•'ing the influence of the Moon on the ll inds,frrnrt Due 'As 66 future]tired my eye; ( full.Moon to wtother WiIP ri1ht plengnre. shone nroi It n l inv, �rA R M I. S S 1 1'_ I hose spots,or the figure commonly called the ]Mian iii ,Inti t!„ - 11 1, 1, the Aloon,is positively the guide to the winds, or the vviml I hill e y . ,' c, li 1 c caul,,nut,l l.lii six t'tl, iii iu. 1',t A N O i s t) L J a L 1 G N A C I) L'. r. -9 Itself; und to prove the salve, I submit the following' Iruley, Viz IVI O T 11 Y h F N L L O Ns lot. The Moon,at the full, at about twenty minote_, 'I'6on�rlt n�tI,ul„� i•• t,il�ilc t;,r„hl,iu:�, let unr•'.ru, ,,1 : nd t:dlii 1111.11 ;,rt, (past twelve O'clock at night, say in a etraignt line belu,"I And t4} nr,,1,t,,, t,t= will nr,t t iii Precepteur des Enfans de ]"gANCI, &depuis Arche- you, is due South; the top part call North, the bottom IM•hen l)r:tth'; liu,�rr.� �trasl, nn h�•:u t. �wo+llh,right aide East,and lets Wert. �I Ths hand twill in;nk Jhnt cocain • lli„ynrnt. veque-Duc de CAMBRA.Y, Prince du Saint Eau- I rid. The first appearance of Il)e full moon is in the East Soon 1tr :r-;,l ,nt v;irlltly do( nt: when said fig resembles an imperfect eyebrow or wing ; I ansr• n It,.,, Itni, ,t t • r, II rc. ,,n,'lir;,; and should its appearance remain the same, after arriving! J',ll's 't dt 111, Ili'di t,', r u,c hm'! , t ,•r.,. ' at the South,then the winds will be Northerly, say Nortla ]ecru r,.v;r (','�to 1 s• NOUVELLE EDITION. East and North West, 'till the next full moon; bat if al 1e1,1:Obr --1:nu iu a t• air an ^.f;:nutai,, Itered at said time, in (he smallest degree, say by a slope ate,t+'hm it ;!id !ht 1)t m t l tt:: tlu t;,,+ which varies very much,the winds will be in conformity'. ItAber Revue fur les lneilleures EalTroxs precedentaw, ;When the slope is nearest the middle, variable winds iidl� [porn t i, ! I l .,,., , tRaghat'�el.lil, encu 1+ be produced, as it touches in all quarters except the! F Pers in the SIatU, three are fur f South-F.a:t; and when the figure is quite erect on tl:el J West sills, the winds will be Westerly till the next fill). 1 t'n arc for lircrkenritll c at- two o )It the. �-�- --� III it,,e `� 3d. This said Spare is never eii rect on the Eat tdr,. +. 1'et I•y way t,f r thtotl'h the matin!A A L O ND R E S which accounts why we have so little South East winds,, ti r tet i und t f the! l.1 ui„t;;icy }i,, Lrld a and that little which we do have, 1 conceive is from Onej $t to l't,tltt utiuu u,,:h;u;n:inutcti a rar.:Gdate (hoz J. F. & C. RIYINGTON, S, CRowtm r. T, lot its Inwer limbs occasionally toocbing in a very small', !de!degree, in said uarter, say, like a stroke of a yen or int °"l) fur ttovet'nOl'. Tl it KEITH 1i. i�AW, 1 q + y` pen + LONCA•IAN, T. CASLON, G. ,'cling round meets wish,some obstruction. Someastronn he I s,t 'coir of the party in that re'- T. LowNoEs, J. JOHNSON, F. NewBEltx, i�- 1' ', ' mets may, hereafter, by examining and coml+aryng notes, GOLDSMITH,- & T. Bt ECR01'T. lib� ❑ 0t, f•nrlher to rlucidate this. , MDCCLXXVIII. < Two I Observe till In the trmainiug thirteen States,filo cent,dime-,nn,l oiler,_ O Th mill is not a coir[,and is Only sail in counting. o Being In r, yr.;pound,ti of Federal money✓are g,nerally used. c [ilei Beside money rllado of silo r „old, and copper,there are L Parts user!; 2000 of ti .w P Bttt![s n r R i t V t S C x S. eQ also plots, of ornaMented paper representing money, tori "i t!+ch V t"use` times is,It', ht Canada llsal 2U cents ore tolled which are printed turns front one dollar to one thousand; these t d special cul " Canada West, l ono shilling, i, pass readily farvbat is stamped upon them for all tile purposes 4 t L the principl Neva Scotin, 1 and five shillings f business. Ile " Now Brunswick, make one Bullar. WO MUM 10 mills to every tent, c 1 — 10 cents to every dime; 1 ee S. TABLES OF THE VALUE OF SHILLINGS AND PENCE` 10 dimes are in the dollar spent, OF Tlllt SEVERAL STATE CURRENCIES,IN DOLLARS AND CENTS. 10 11U11R.rs lit the rale chime, .p 3 c t• - ¢i 1 10 the �— / •' ,d6 � c X41. nil t 7 , � r h �b 0 i �� b i ! lyNr 1tt u {{,,(��,1 r til "• - ' T ��FN' '� P P ♦ r - 4 1J.,; '.� t„ SURI.• l 1 S%2 lite luno (•'��.�may` °Qt! 'O S+S% �`•.,.,..- . -.. NIS naso la v• �. a+ ,. 1 �I JC1S n„a a1,iUln{ Tao"Lill 'l•1 S T Nca York ruIt—ty New Y-1,rnr 1 ' 6 1'enca 1 SLJL runcY. N«w Yurk vrrenry. _ +'t} 1 Sn a stile. �>tt 8 Shillings 6 Shillings 4 Shillings and 8 Pence ENGLISH OR STERLING MONEY.-1t,,, em r t-y is used in i 4 ll Englund nail the$ruiatt culonim, to the Dollar. to the Do al,. to the Dollar. t` 10 I g cls, s d. 8 cf., e. d 4 era. a d , TABLE. - �l 'I Parts of I 4 peace gs,qr.,mnkD - 1 pent[ d. 8 i 0 OG$ are 0 G 0 UG} aro 0 41 U 06,1 are 0 ;!1 or 4d, Y+ I flu I I ( l2 pence - 1 Shilling,S. �) (: Obert• U 121 '• 1 O 0- 12� o U 9 U 12Tj o 0 7 - 20shillin e j Gu I I 1'tr•, ”'` 0 184 " 1 ft 0 181 1 11 0 181 " o 101 g _ 1 pound, 4. f�t i0 25 112 0 ti 25 't 1 0 0 25 " 1 2 5 shillings - 1 rrown,c, t, t 0 311 2 E 0 311 't 1 102 0 31} It 1 51 or IL6d. - 20 shillings - 1 soverdign,ens- ` P artE of 0 37.1 " 3 0 U 3'l} 112 3 0 37J 1, 1 9 21 shillings - - - 1 guinea, G. t of 117 0 43+1 " 3 G 0 431 " 2 7j 0 431 " 2 01 or`:b Observe the dr*omingtianA-Pound,!E;shillingg,6saiWca,d.;farth- r 1 11 u r 0 50 " 4 0 0 50 a 3 0 0 50 " 2 4 hep+ 9'•: frDtD the Latin tvorda, Mrs, a pound a w,a ehfltlrtg dsnmNt8.a peony;quadrans,s fsnhing, t 7 0 561 " 4 f, 0 56} �' :3 41 0 561 't 2 71 � t ti 0 G21 " 5 11 0 62 rr 3 9 0 62J " 2 1! el,3s , Fartttge tire mark*d il in fractions ea:--},one farthing cgU , two lkAbings,or haAs ll=penny; f,three thin s K` 1•1 viur 0 68.1 5 6 0 68.1 " 4 11 0 68j 3 2sovereign,1 s The sereign,which is made of gold,is of he name value 0 75 fi 0 0 75 '• 4 6 0 75 " 3 6 as the pound. Whatever cosi,a pound,therefore,a sovereign 4 0 81} 't 6 6 0 811 " 4 101 0 811 " 3 91 will n for, There is no coin called a pound. s 1 „C, (,� 0 871 " 7 0 0 871 " b 3 0 87 4 1 or 4s. pay Iwo 4 0 93 " 7 G 0 93} +' b 71 0 93t t' 4 41 4 farthings malie,one English penny; (' 81 gl,' „ „ 12 pence are in one shilllNg found: 1'OU 8 U 1 00 6 1) 1 00 4 N While 21 Shillings make one enea 2 1 121 +' 9 0 1 121 " 6 9 I 1'21 t. 5 3 2 6 � , 1 25 " 10 0 1 25 " 7 G 1 25 " b 10 And_0 shillings Fonn rnte pound. 1 _ lnht,vhi 2 Obse eq+tel tl, c"tbarr 1 371 1' 11 U 1 371 8 3 1 37 a 6 8 g assn, 1 l, a shillings make n xilvnr crown, �e•c.nul ,hopes, ban<a,G 1 bU 12 0 1 bU ' 9 0 I 50 " 7 t! A sovereign is a golden pound.IFR Itin pla�cr 1'c;' hi•tsctl till, knc,,: }� �+ t3at ht lt,'lu crit, ;i,t urrolrndr`l, I. i'. S �l."'ll � '�`l,jf.• ludKe Toler, aflerwattla LorJ Nr.wbury, ich t,t. .rri,i' s1 I::uh cc,.0 w;t,; utarked 1t. Ih,.1+. �rity was at one time proverbial, was at a p+Ibuc tlitinerj' la ° A V A N J� U �' J with Curran,the celebrated Irish Lawyer. Toler,observ- ,r. Time its cea�svlv�, linv,•r trti Ilii•, ��Ing Curran carving a piece of cornea beet' told him, • il''' .1( Tells oftil r i el,t h u! oro flit i', it was hung beef he would try it"—'•if•you try it,my Lurd,i Tt Ih of Lill that ilul +I,lt tlertitlt'' replied Curran I am sure it will be hung." ! e. soil of hum•, that sear apace,: ll 1: [' p � b• 'd 111 ulv hour, on thre arc nutrd, �//,,{{ , Cheering sight.-Walking Stewart having given an seoottnt of his be .e 1 eery rnurncnt a l: pa� Prl: T E L E 'til A �U Ing oast away on an unknown *oast, thus expressed ilio serf t After 11w till l;tnhfhl. th..it ;tel 1>oiutin r ) wRlkinga*anselerablc way up the country, Ra sow a man honking at aj - it - 1 Igibher. The delight Affel'ted us by this cheering Ar' /it is considershl,.,. I a Iny tk ing ilour at Iasi. r� at y �as it conviliaed ii that we were in a civiliieti nado6" ; re 3. lir I've bL•nnal Il„ tardv woretncnt-. -o.s- II When suite thv;nn'ite I,lis itns Ili:,l;: F'I L �� U `� � A DISCOVERY flu ri env J l&o with hope iva, 11,;1lif]2, �+! ^' ;,++- - I,Slaouina the inm fluence of the Maim on the Winds,froor:, 1 Ihb future lurod mtV ye; full dkoon to another 5 tett bri0it pleasm'e :hurl✓ artitiml !nr, P,A R ill ti y S l R l: !'hose spots,or file figure commonly called the Alan ir. Ind the inureterle e(Lat tit's: n11 ort h. ht, 1 h•tce i7lttiuIthe Aloon,is positively the guide to the winds, or OW O hy Illitau,., w MO1 ,i Cond,!lined lity speedy 11i'LYht. 1'R A N O 1 S I1 1. S A L 1 G 1? E L A !itself; Hnd to prove the salve, I submit the folluwiu•_ �Irules, viz l -,+,11,01 n,i pulse is Ivildlir throbbilw M O T 11 li }' E N L•• L o N, iSt. The Moon, at the full, at about twenty ulinnler !ret ttrirhallt'ed and calm thou art, I paitt twelve o'clock at night, say in it strait,tit line befur' } ad tli}' nwventents will not vary Archr- is due South; the top part call North the bottor; When Death's finers grasp my heart. Precepteur d(:. F.nfans de FRANCE, &depuis Arc,ie i tionth, right aide East,and lett West, 7 nylhag0 will ✓nark that cotninir nlornent, veque-Dlic de CAMaaAr, Prince du Saint P.m- i 2d. The first appearance of the full moon is in the East 80011 to seal iny earthly d)DID; when said figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or wing Aire, &c. and should its appearance remain the same, after arrivia�,! it gg�attMe tti hen loud the bell rexnnndinv, pp r6A,?Aa death'knell'o'er my tomb.—(UaA, at the South, then the winds will be Northerly, say North' LITERARY O&ZUTra. N O U V ELLE EDITION. East and North Weft, 'till the next full moon; Cut if al-� tered at said time, in the smallest degree. say by a slopel } "t' l L,rcen is(it) nTll- tvhich varies very much,the winds will be in confor nit rib •t; it 15 said !tic Democrats too out ore er No faun two to the square mill', Revue fur les meilleures EDITIONS precedentt�L. � When the slope is nearest the middle, variable winds will tl r have lit,and oft..�se seven Dernocrlttit lilt: prndueed, as it touches in all quarters except the,! t p `south-East; and when the figure is quite erect on the! I a in ie State, three tree for olrilas, -_ �= =— West bide, the wind, will be Westerly till the next full. 't+e Girl Breckenridge auto two ern tile; - 3d. This said figure is never erect on the East side t 1' ! env of going through the motions A L O N D RES ' which accounts tvhy we have so little South Eust wind • bus r.'lld of the Democracy has lif-ld it and that little which we do have, I conceive is from one' i,te f`unebutiou tultl•twrniuuted aCandidate Chez J. F. & C. RIVINGTON, S. CAOWDGR, 7', lof its lower limbs occasionally toncbing in a very small Fuse—for Gorernor. Truly Lora)Flax, T. CASLON, G. KEITH, B. LF u , degree, in said quarter, say, like a strobe of a pee; or i.I "Isis the 1RSL ,Vag of the party in that re- T. LowNnEe, J. JomNsoN, F. NLWBIaRY, `�' Soint;round meets wish some obstruction. Some astrono• (,,.t n OLDSMITH, & T. BEECROFT• Irrers may, bel•etlfter, by examining nod comparing o.tr"s. h.� able farther to elucidate this. 1 MDCCLXXVIIL —w- 1 1 n'I Observe th In. J" -, Ihin_•f llt t 'Ir Parts o! ' g g Ilan MONEY, 1Y ` , „ „�• errt 7; t 1 II 1.4 Ila It ( IIII 1 11 { Y _ f I,•, . 1t� �i.,,r,l , is 'I ., 1 � 1 la I�' il.�il� i � --`i. _ .i._ _ �• 10 �� pRNT. nys>► , ' J � �G— L Ilia! t til Monies has various nam r B. T1 '' `�18 ZB F E>nexAL,or that of tha Y` or .I .` Has raigtes, Dollar, Dieu ` M Centime., t rune. s rrgnn. (' ISTRI IEa,or English,whicls bilait8be FRENCH MONEY,—This money is used In Frsnee,and also in the•1 }^ In Englund and her colonies, i Frunrin culun[ul possessions to some extent. e I of llur Guineas,Pounds,flUalinggq mud pence..^ TABLE. t'Ra:NCH,timed in Ftuuce tbrtnigh all her tqp I ( 10 centimes,*c.,make - 1 dhcime.,d. ]las simple Centimes,Dieirnea,1l".r 10 dhcimes,t - 1 franca fr. —�—_ V Observe the donominatioue—Franr,fr.;d6cime,d: centime,e, SURI The five-frame piece is frequently met with in this country, ` 672 the lengl and posses currently tit 04 cent,. Caine of a less number of 1 � , a, francs,pass also of the rata of 19 cents to the ftenc. till ce t& ONE Y� t 11 7' New nr a r 10 centimes in one Weime meet, �� -•��.� ��,, " ^i� ��hlr,�. D2ME fi ). I,I 4 th 10 decinies make one franc complete. 10 S Parte oIl 8: U Ofi: to c,.,.e jf FEDERAL and FRENCH etre decimal, y �L' I. ftu't 11 'I Ol,ecnq U 121 ; They taunt by tens,luno: I :2 flu'[ jar.; ini$ 0 18: Qf r.Ginm it ulwnys take 1A small a c.nu so cscu syr 0 25 To make tiro next inr er one. A s ' t' 0 311 The ENGLISH currency,'tis thought, s""oma *,e 4, To the same standard will be brow hL II 7 t �i of 11.3 0 43a The guinea then no more we'll sec °^s •ice * ^p -. K "I »� I 4 Iiit ! 0 60 The pound 1000 mills will be; And all tl'ie lower coins will range, 7 p 60:1 > * 1> # f 0 6'.'! In just accordance with this chmngr, it 1 LIQIIitp 68y t a *isle r ��1R 1-1 Vlne;ur ` 0 75 �,w crnu, t ss c..uu. l(> II. WEIGHTS. CI .f 28 2 0 81� F&Di�d.M, by IINITED STATER MONEY.—The veli` $ 0 R7 manes neve,aee by hlie,wi<h mak,•+it v.,ry im!JD sod m. 54i „ TROT WEIGHT of silver and gold diapaana; and hi'nae aeauunte are tnurlly k pt In nulltu'a anis Ceuta,in 61 84 " 31+ APOTHECARIES'WEIGHT is for doctors'duces; Whatever else our trade employs,0 93 r]rLr. i 210 mills m.make I ca j F'rncu g t 12� Comes under the rule of AvOIRDt1POIa. 10 cents - I di , 2 1 25 In dimes 1 doll elqua ii` 1 37.} 'I `+ IU dollars - - 1 le E, equal ilk: Obser "Pronounced soaur+e, f pronounced darrax. i 1' shup,'s, barrel,b 1 50 1 pronounced rrautig,or frank + Rb•crni the damoasivatiaus—Eagle,E.i dollar, dime,J.; a; i gull w. - , 111 prayer I've bowed the kat:,': ` I li❑[li�st,light or glutin surroundt:d, L l: S Jt111 "S. sa-rc. t Judge l oler, afterward. Lord iNe..wbury,l].in ,i I ilAY11 ewunt was lnarktd by thee. �rity was at one time proverbial, was at i, pabuc, dinn`•l. PP ♦ iwith Curran,the celebrated Irian Lawyer. Toler,obsei'%- 1 , Time its ceaseles. fin<rer tracing, V t, r , U R 5 Ing Curran carving;a piece of corned beet' told hill], • n; iS I O'er thy evert',(Ii icid tile.,, it was hung beef he would try it" if you try it,my Lid. Tells of fit that' tlnirh,v fle«'fin*, D ); (_replied Curran) I am sure it will be hung." 11u1 oi' h,nu , IL:tt rn :tlr.trt Cher+in,Y eight—I'yalking Stewart flavin„given an aeeount of bis be 0 L ( Tj �/� AT �y�, Ing Hast away on an nnknowu coast, thea expressed hi"self '•�litr L jJ L l qi 11 a- iwalkinga considerable way up the country,, >,emaw a man hall ingon „ - r debet. The delight atlorded us by this cArerloif s:glis is coasideiabio, + • `•, .11 it cauvinacd Milk that wt-were in a ciz4Uz4 ualsaa.'; t F-1 L. S I7' If L Y "" I .. A DISCOVERY , L1;Shouvng the influence of the .Moon on the lV nds,(rout out I full.Noun to a,►other _ �A R .',t C 5 `: 1 1: i' I'liose, spots,or the figure commonly called the Allan ill t+ the Moon,is positively the guide to the winds, or the wino 4 ' l bah u �!t'nn rt i ;�r tlta Ill t ill �� 1Ut FR A N �C T S 1) L -01A i- t ": N ?. C 1) l I. itself; and to prove the surtle, I submit the fullovvin:.l cunt(,nulrtl Illy sl,c•rilt Ili .in,. (rules, viz MO T 11 1: l' t N I: L u N, 1' 1st. The Moon, st the full, at about twenty I hlttnh my puL, << t,it llt t!n, I,t i, Ipait twelve o'clock: at night, say in a slraignt hoe befor,,;� tunchanrc,l ;uul t alai tl ,„I ;,rt, ,you, is due South; the top part call North, the bottom'' kindillynloren,t tit,will n„i vary Precepteur des Enfans de hitANce, .�depuis Arche South,right side East,and left Wert. When Iltsttll'. Iln,rtha grasl�corm rIly heart' 8 ' 2d. The first appearance of the full moon is in the East '1'ity+hanrl will ,earl:that corning' nuiment, usque-Doc de Cauuanv, Prince du mint F:nt� � `leOn to seal Illy earthly doubt; pire, &c. when xaid figure resembles an imperfect eyebrow or wing i \lir parscht Ilse en loud the hell resounding, and should its appearance remain the same• utter arriving ! CoII'8 a death knPll'u'er my tomb.—Ci)RA. I1 at the South,then the winds will be Northerly, say NoriL I LiTisHAR 1' (.i AZETI g. N O U V E L L E EDITION. �1IIEast and North Weft, 'till the nest full moon; but if al-'i �-IlltltOt:T.--1:1e'n in tilt, unreel] Motit,I;iii, Itered at said time, in the smallest degree, say by a slopt,, t �t':'e,where it i::;aid 011e Democrats do u;:t which varies very much,the winds will be in conturmity. ,t e, hell than two to tht. crate ,mita, Revue fur les meilleures EDITIONS precedents. When the ]elope is nearest the middle, variable winds trill � Ile produced, as it touches in all quarters except tht-' }'have el lit and of Ills srvtu Denli,crul it (South-Fa-it; and when the figure is quite erect on tI& ' rh :tu, lli, ;tn, Il,r D„ugln.s, ------ I-------- oo on the ;tVest side, the winds will be Westerly till the next full. 3 t < 3d. This said figure is never erect on [he East side.... which accoiints why we have so little South Fast winds,' ,1 n !he ulotions A I, O N D R E S : ! I r l,c 11 w aril:7 Ills held a and that little which we do have, I conceive is Froin one:” r font cutiuu uud ntuniuttttd a calldidatt hof' its lower limbs occasionally toughing in a very small' Chex J. F. & C. RIYINGTON, S. CFOWDER, T. 1 Ids ree, in said quarter, say, like a stroke of a feu • or inf 1dLn (7. �nRr,--fur (iusrrnoI-. 17ttly LONGMAN, T. CASLON, G. KEITH, B, LAi,v: I $' 9 y• l ' . illi J, JOHNSOtt, r. NEW131LRYs �'V• loninz round mee[s wish some obstruction. Some astrono-� Ys. 1;.166the last deL; of [hc hurl a that re T. LOWNDEa, mfrs rilay, hereafter, by examining and f,OnlparlDg note[. GOLDSMITH,* & T. BEECROFT. I ib? able further to elucidate this. '` MDCCLXXVIII. -= =-- n a SII 'b`Ffl C '/l •i :'t C / It (r C ,'�lt ! / �'!/!//�( f / / t+ �( ! cL,. hr 41 < CD a •� ' '�f � �- 1' "� l r`� // ''`/I! r trr ,.Y% � � ��r� ![C�i� t'' r �' o•' w p, t,; � 7777 h � / f �� � �� //L t� •��(!�6/•+' 1.L '1•.1 l{ r I[ ( r � . / �( 1 i '/ ( � � Q p � p� 3� � .'�+ � C: t_ l / � //C,r ; t. le f c �`!G�-e . // � 11 •t •, . �'t '( r y ;•�rY r ( j lr . /t � , ; " t ��:'r Y / (•'•.t /; r i + p� �'p � _"o L q� . 1 / / ` � � //� / � pQ-°.°,� ani•c-' W'3 B;�w ry✓ai: � � //."l( ��/, r . . r'/ r �' , ! /`/ ( ) / / icrr✓/ /' c Crc 'c (//J! t ( llLcrif /!/ `/ � � y°�ma �'ou� a'i ( iY r!y( t ( ` 1.{�' i r''..L..+ #1-L•+ +' !/•, i�_ "� p al'j •o• b / A c d v / lr '< �/�(�l / /� r �.;' 1r ,'/ �if/t </ i/ r � r / ' r //rri II J• r �r C�..� y v p W ate! t ,,'11 ztr� /! . /r/ <• , it / /- rr '/; t r t /%i • i'/ ( /(! i ,•I �C/rr( 1, r't /`/r , r'.,�{ _, j � d // C .(i�/// !.. /'/r r I/ ir /�i- '! , r( ( Ir-7 G'�i r '( t +q/, �'rr (r'tr�l� r.r� ( �C C(, 1 , /ir lr v.( O iV► 3 � �,y .I C s ( 1 ( ! �!( t ( ! /r ( i r /. r ! r �y/ !! f f Irl ','( r/" `f f (!•! (( "'!! rI �p y ? ,"fir a) ' / ✓ i ` r. Yj .34 if I ��� l ,r /� ri ✓ �� l' r^ r c ( � r ,`/ / � �[ l ( . ( / ! ( /7( t r/ •l �. r � ,� �, � :� 8 /C 't J.• , . . I( l ( r i+ r i, /�/...i� '�''��" ':/ � '( r; // 't,'l�-c, /, t�'� Lf r"''7.'.t ��/l,i, �� � -+. f / co �C � i her 1 L � �' � !�/ i( 1_ �.!"' � .l � // i 1 t �^" ,i � �/p._ %" j � F•'1 � � � � � ., cq l! {eu�"�r,l c: .q Oiada 11160u„o--1,1; �tMilk I'; For 011.At":rt"!11nIII _ � At Southold, n the 28th ult., Mr. Matthew j� I it f Ins ebar-e "At the tiros Osborn, aged 82>years. of n, S,aettle send the church cons i,- y „fit a At Southold, oa the 2SIA-ultq Mr. John C. I t, nic,nl,;re,. llurinrr his rninutr� Wells,aged 68 years; r•X 1,101: ; tial rovisal sere enjoyed At Southold, 3801 alt., after ars illness of ten 11,-: va u,,, a,lilyd to the church { days,the Rev.Jonathan Iluntting, aged 72,year, 1 dismission IU ID} months. I It,, .,ht to nun of cleatlis in thi+ parish l e was burn in EasthamIpton, eb 13, 17c8, l an I ,nm• c! 11—f, worn mrr,lhers Graduated at Yale College, Sept 12, 1804. 1 chs roh vet Il."", l Cummenced,preach ing at Southold June 8, 1`40h. r - 'Iv twice as = Ordained aA Pastor, Aug. 20, 1,,07, I lab, rs. Dismissed, Aug. 27, 182 ¢1lye,t Deceased, Dec. 30, 18fi)O For forty one years an&a half, lie has Ii, in'"ont►roved known house. In it, hit died--at •haatte; expiritt—like the patriarch Jacob,jp the '• I1�+ tali , :o i,�ne ofcatlns unity--the last of his#41her'a ri :ac,d l t• ,roduetrte , , ,. I hey, and are.rem, 032VVAIILY, ectiova. lu bis ow•u I)icd,oat Southold, auflidlk cowi'ty, Dec. 30ths coil?"-the put "in tt file h 1650, Rea• Jo.nThA-; 111UNTTIN,1},agocF7 yeas, .ts senlrllel, 1�,4did all t!i:,i On ttie 31st, tine last day of the last -ye err hie s've a!►uia;a ��taiid up t dotn in that ce+. lie r hl.i mortal reinaius were conveytd fin n alt+cu Cnr�ce- , rated to tiie sleeping dead, to rest•jtill that trugr- lte counvelle r hit 1reachc I lset sounds, whose powerful voice mall bid all florin bo"o to hifbse. 1l- h tliat are in their„raves aria,suet come forth to h"I'liaecl the little ones, lite f jud;sent. gjaied at lltgbuiial of the d It was tilting that,he should go into the boav- hi w'as amon,, the tint It only Cannan,and enter into the full possession of pemnco Reformation, was r his birthright,the past year, which has proved a mist"ona{y ehirit, tvas rcno.0 �Jyubllee to so maninttN en dislin ui®lied tn#i4. praypc, sftd lis sum up his chio. P d t; Christ,at the price of his blood ttad#urcllaaed for tarn Wit , to rt er_ him and therm, the privilq 'eed #i �66 to enter wogi�.> 9e'haa not, Heaven, which'by sin they ti3d alienated. By I)arkling in uuy part ance,% but like a roan tit,. his rings sort death it was again vytthiu ttnreasitttr lull, adds curt �t red tai than, n lliilololl�il a tlW-W rtfal residence, on compliance wi cEr. ItttIO to the cornu,•>n iuterr, n rondtiti::ns, the st►yttrpgatesilecomes .s rt, in early life, Mr Huntting,complied with the #y futµr 41 tivl.jears ba l '. conditions of entering the ifeaveoly Canaan, by ;!ykt uefy►a p mit" a renunciation of sin, enc' t,aith in Jesus Christ 9`hltrc'Y I' p, tris Itcciebmer and iha of all mankind. Fnjrn , ife'e temp eta, au t t,at un,o lie keit iii, t o:, his birthright. lie fbrptl ,1►#It1( ars of de. $� e.naped his cours.: nwl .,rr:ar,;cd his pans,sn as i'tekaeA k Hy,and u o;,e nay to recurs it to himself io full pos:;es,ion. into tli�t ttuttl Passed He consecrated to the selvica of God his pot%er, !ess l'IPap� ' of mind and body.r.!t was hi'Vnleat au.1 drink, 1 Ills o •, Lsequies were _ from that time tall the closwvf life,to do the ; lanae rptt a of people, i tit ill of Goii,and finish w1at work he had for chute, Wiers•t ttiapresaive li;:n to da Believing the fpoiafd best serve we, vs h t,f bide 1 God in thertrinistry of the G,) 9Re1v with a view oft r els, i to prepare himbalf fur this exaltsd station,he en- +utd r ate h ns stung, k tered Yale Co!lege,where,in If3Qa4he graduated ttvq ; in honor, with many talented young men, u ho�raibl,Pv nxuli i5# piety an are now, either ii, the service of their Lord, or I carny lam to e '.o athei up and gone to join the General assembly of the dead..— ; as tbebert mea of diri,lin, the r;.,.cociatad fur 4 yearn with suets minds, and tin. that lie to the p:athtvay to tide cit der the moral and intellectual trainint,ofou f nae of ndations. Yale"d usust distinguished Presidents,Dr Dwight, sheAt �ia�axi�l���lh�iv'tht.�ke<I Eels infi e' he enjoyed and improved the best of opportuni- - ties of becoming thoroughly furnished unto eve- ther shall I die in your Faith or that of my T0.I ry go-d •,Mord and work:, er,'s Now her inuther was li!tr oFath1r;' i.11), After devoting two years more to those bran- ting,a meek and hurnlsle believer in Jesus ch char of learning whichpsrlain more directly tj l till Ill t ;rive his reply, but I would ask all vi the Sacred iwaistrv, h, commee-ed preaching 1"va h-ardl f'a'ther Huniting preach, or know ---- ---�q�F- him,and have,not imitated his exalnple and obeg- the"pel at$avilbold, in tri¢ month of June, e•l his tvarning�voire, vvliethtir ehe}j will not yet i I . to the falloi. arAo ine ye , gase,he was 1 do , and !.':a him(I to th- faith of ordains$!anG installed Faster over the Presbyte- thcr than ::, : t .., rtan Church errl t_:,nnrrQati,;r:,of ihe'same wil- 1'r I :;. �!u�r; `r�, duly s,, I>,Cl:lui't i' i•� ! la A bay the Fresbytery of Lon, island.f The sed, [�, a!1,That rf ill,, peri,h L., �. •t neat year, s,)>Fw tnuoth of Wept., he associated tree frons Ute blood of ilit it I with hi A. vii, ever•: t,ov meet for flim, ,vho cvu;d ,peak.-tU u , sttlfi at . to suouro, with her tour sun+, the sav itis _ o1 .R.. la Ll:em than any other person is u,; rxn:rhlt: Leraa in I[',;hi", ii; ie, 'I U. I r+ 6)e, tori, ye,, tr:,r� your evil way•;, f r Be:n„fully seitleti in life n� well as in the >> I Vic die "l t,t ti,e wicked toi:,iikr• I- tjaiaiatr )rjt¢i..Hu)titsu� l,rfsored acsi,', i,ai: v in au;l the unriglitu-is man his thuu.-1 Is ;soil 1 t. seasitb and out of season it) this part of his ,lI rs- I tat rf•turu auto tl:a Lord and he "fill bare wed- tI —...a tis,_• panda ter's viaeyat-0,till. tut;•27th, IS2o, when at his ay upon huu,srlld to our �l=uJ, fur Ise w ill slop of hell ,(,very attention which 'j own request,the Roptura! relation subsi+ting be- dactly pardon." f�. . her c' ,etl.t "- ! :uiety ciauld It+ser, hire and thechurctr ryas di„ulved. I)ir- ryr 2 uggc° l;u� P Jauua fifth, ��Y• s ,rte:•'' , . •. ih:at I r t Irrr.d _...., ._�. una it j sat - ,,—.. � � LCa//GL•/(/ liTf•/C/ ..... ..�f./.,_.. .�� f-..... ..� T��(l i/ 04 :.r is ! ''1 .. a f l u Y.ti J f+1etrnJu3 .� R-I - 14 W P144 *z M /mss eve o 46e Nell�Geuenue. t ! CITY HALL ALL CLUCS.--++The New York II311 CIOI'k has been stopped for A few da)t I Im u I t I r I rl .• IImr,mill r:/er t;t.11 l:;odly lo.i lhr.a J /�+ to he cleaned and repaired. This monster Clock was Made by Messrs.Sherry St.Byrum; Tu ,ttr: 3'nsrnl.nslt:n r� �' ': 'i of Sag Harbor, and is a superior article, -/�' c PAY to . It has been running near five years, and Rived entire satisfaction. It has therefore V1111 to fl "I'111 T flI.I G'r' �l I 1 - tdYt�; �1 1 ar-,1-lit, l. it,t3 with Y011 II�P- beeti deemed best to have It cleauetl fur fret Ilm 1 d d o Iil on Y rt(1-1 it might injure the works if let nun too long. / Mall s the new and Town Meeting Ball, i spacious room of thu "Eagle House," in SOUTHOLD, on ?��;i.1� ��i.011fGr ,� 0. �/�''� •� TU&SDAY EVENING, AIWL 8, 1860. The managers promise to spare no pains 111SCI:11'I:U the'. or expense to make this THE ]call of the sea- SOU 1 ea-sqn, krona " 'Pickets $2, admitting a gentleman and lady. Single tickets $1. Supper included. 'Ctatc rr/" Maua.gers:--(deo. P. Horton, W. Y. Pith- inn, D. S. Mills, J. A. White, G.W.Young, D. Reeve. Southold, March 20, 1860. 31.-2t '� CIA c79L g � F, '� � � yc— �• � cyr�iGCr� r j .r�Lv �"L� 1-1 QO w .-r rd,; �"�� �t2•�L . � /.' ll •C�C�',?G lIs,�'�2L,.CIL 76 E�Pf.t/� 2�� fi c u�p o /enlm ao ti A y M 49 � a �� e u �� rlllt �, � r, n?� fr r°2Ter� ie n: 2� �f2e � ed y �ry . o m o ey � ffi G1 8 " pp P4 FL' -4- w A in p y, y l] O d I m m Odet a , w l>ti u m•r� 0. �i �/ p 1: 4 c�'' s �� �.'��/ ��"V► ����""'V �(LO>7l�Ill;4/C�a/tC)`'' II� o � S CITY HALL CLOCK.--The Now York City tl I 1 ff1Y INTI�„j' �.1 all Clock has been stopped for a few dayb l aim i .� r/ ✓ ' 0� _ , p,rtimc,and o be cleaned and repaired. This nuwster Co lock was made by Messrs. Sherry S,Byrum, j flag Harbor, mid Is a superior article, t t baa been running near five years, and PAY :, /�! t Y1, Slvell entire satisfaction, It I]HN therefore Ol'e ynu to fl ] III , 1 I Ii. p I A.i;,:, ,,, .r J p, :.d vc i:a Ywr rrA' t.�r d -., feeu deemed beat to have it clea �, , cleaners for fear rtn, i d?!:+mr yu 1'r u6 rly r it might injure the wort{a if lot run too long. Town MeetingBall, in the new and spacious rounl of the "1"Agla liou>le•," ill ? TUESDAY EY&NINO, APRIL 8, 1860. ,rhe managers promise to spare no pains l;r:rr,tlr;u flus "C, day,y'or expense to make this'rut: Ball of the Sea— Will - 1 /{. / �''. .l f-t--� 1'ustnttr.c���'at f.r r :/::E'"•. 'Pickets $2, admitting a gentleman and laxly. Sin`lotickets $1. Supper inelnded. St atc„�' �`�f F' j�" zr 'Pala-s, 61 - .A Mouagers:—Geo. Y.Horton, W.Y. Fith- iau, D. S. Mills, J. A. White, G. W.Young, D. Reeve. Suuthold March 20, 1860. 31-2t `���� .c o^' �J,s�r�" '.9 f� - 3 9�,. �-' R►�:L�,��i �i b. t1Y [j D Jnf .lL J `✓ Jp`-JO` �0 0 OX %0 9 t h ft binm� 4t rr trdrt rP•`T'`� SOUTHOLD , LONG ISLAND . ^jiz*,s, -Taros . Atafe, 9teceAtgetiA. �'ocntion rnA �uilAin�. � ��mnr The lubtitute is pleasantly situated in the quiet and healthy village of The Primary Depa1ment will still form qn attractive place for small bouttluld,near the east end of Long lslsud. Its location presenia many scholars. They will here be taught hinging, Reading, Spelling,Primary natural and moral advantages. The cold is never intense in winter, and Geography and Arithmetic, Declamation and Composition. The advall- the refreshing breezes h•om the sea make it delightfully cool in summer. tapes enjoyed are fully equal to those in the Higher Department. L,,alf; bland Sound, and the beautiful Pecouic Bay with its tributsriea, As this Depnitluent affin•ds no pecuniary advantage to the Proprietor, n_uder the locattoulttteresting and'attlactiVe W Int wis1Mug to study iu tie but was established, 1Gajt R14—SkAw request of many putt n+, couuny for the purpose of affording their children facilities for study which iLri The Institute is large,and the atudy mount tire pleasant and colltlOO1iOna. ( conld not enjoy'elsewhere.it is earnestly desired that all Interested will accommodations are uulple for a large number of pupils. 1 make 06118 to continue its previous liberal patronage. Q�Zubt of 411b1 mlan. 631tnDar for 1860-61. The Course of luatruction embraces all that}a essential to a cum lete, Summer Term commences August 20,1800. p Fall November b,1800. practical English Education,INCLUDING A TROaouuH PREPARATION FOR ANY COLLKOE. Winter' '• " January 28,1861. Spring April 15,1801. The Teachers will not only use every exertion to looks their pupils fully conversant with the principles of the different studies pursued, but will The holtolastio Your, beginning rt vacation is divided luau lour'', endeavor to show t cm their practical application. They will be taught At the holidays there will be a short vacation oR eleven days, Pros both the TH6ORY and the PRAOTIL'a. 2211 of December to the let of January inclusive. The long vacation t, i occur during the hot mOntls Of July and August. Tuition for itrin of 616th uocks. The Government is KIND,but decided. Ln all dames where it may be Primary Department................ 82 accessary to discipline a pupil,a direct appeal will be mads to the reason, Common English,.......... it judgment,and affections. When this course fails to produce the desired }ligher 3 50 ., 4 ;w r: result,we believe the pupil la Too vicious to be a companion of those wife Latin and Greek,including Higher H,Bglish......................... b cheerfully comply wits, wholesome regulations; hence, any one who Incidental Expeusea.............. persists in violating the rules of the Institute will be speedily removed. •. $l ' An impartialof colarsld!b De BkK uo • eeping,..•,. EXTRAS. Pecordf the hh Department, Punctuality and ..... ........................... Attendance of each Pupil is daily kept by the Teachers,all abstract of French......... .... 2 r,,, ..................................... {%Mich will be sent to Parents At iegulur intervals. Parents are iegnested hfonochrmmities.... •_.• 3 pu ................. u examine these Reports CARNPULLY,SION THEM WITH THEIR OWN HANDS, Lebsonn oil Piano,..... •.•. a AND YI!NCTGALLY RETURN Tn6bl TO THR PRINCIPAL. ��• �� i •= � �� � �liscellaluous. iii ' '" •• ouzDxll�. Tuition must be paid,invariably,in advance. Pupils are charged frmo o d 21 tine time"entrance only,and no deductions will be made except in cast, Good Board may be obtained in families, at prices ranging from Two to of protracted slckness or special contract. Books and Stationery can h. r o o a Three Dollars per week. No pains will be spared to proalre pleasant and purchased in the luatitute, at the regular retail prices. ALL COMPLAIN L proper places for Pupils coming from abroad. Such Pupils will be,at all MADE BY PUPILS To 1'nl+t:N rs suorLo BE IMMEDIATELY COMMUNICATED „ times,under the supervision of the Teachers. -AL, ni 0TRE 1KINol { .1E11MAKE ALL NECESSARY E%FLANATIO."' A V 3 O 10 cj o Revtr. . ELIPHALET NOTT, D.D„LL.D., Rev. T.J.SAWYER,D.D.,New York city. q a President Union Ooaege,Schenectady. STEFHEN RUSHMORE,Southold, N.Y. r ✓ _ " LAURENS I'.HICKOK, D.D., E.H. HALLOCK,Principal of Boys'School,Randall's Island. Vice-President Union College,Schenectady. ; D. P. HORTON, Brooklyn. © " EP$ER WHITAKER,Southold, N.Y. A CA J.W.HUNTTING,Commissioner. Southold. " HENRY J. AOKER,Greenport,ad N.Y. WILLIAM NICOLL, Commissioner,Huntington. ^q 7j 1 GEORGE R. ENTLER, Riverhead, N.Y. c- C,t zeas of Southold N Y t, - - a is oa?�. •-. �.�d o 0 i tC. ,. w I.,�w tw w.q u.-+art in-15 � g "4 gr a m '• r .,r..-.o ��- > yy _ . - Y 61'r 61 W 1�1 O J O.r...i7 N V.r F:!V^r W� ' -.-• •.. - _ . - Inevltabla:� s I'IZ(lSI'f:C'1'li 5 Oh THE SUFFOLK, WEEKLY TIMES. I'ls,Tn OF'GEOR(� t3TE&Rtl.--f1119 gentleman,cele. — �----�- --_-- -------.—s---__ bratcd as the Guilder of the Sutht Young America, _ T which,it will he remembered,snfttowd the laurel wreath, .P The undersigned proposes to continence as a last sailer,from the moat renowned or too yaolu the puhlicattop of a weekly newspaper in tit navy of England,and altered by its iafiuence the whole village of Glreenport, Long Island, to bl r.tyle of whip modelling in Great Ilrit du,was sudderd* culled "'NE: SllFFoLK W F.EKLY TtMF.S." thrown from hfe vehicle during a drive ub,atdmillay and died a few home afterwards. Ilia prpnifeaq. The first number will be issued about tlte,Mcut will be the new eteataehip Adriatic,fir* ,�Y OF T M I st of A ugnst next, lt,short time being need dolled and built,and which he waa firmly con vin N°•is tha/hts.ase%rhos.hwta try, ed to make the requisite urrengementill.---could not fail to prove the Moet ra id xteamer ill r"t r`•a hsW*.-„fir P ra(.r rkh atm 6 ar"016 ai•by, Encouraged by many we!I-ltnOwu Citi/ens, world. She is nearly ready for a trial. Air.Steers waft l�.r;n,.y.sa voma oh► P fw ty 1 , Ot•! �JJ � put t�//�'�, i 9 a J � ,l �'..ii\ �" f• t X, pztl—' TTrT—Fn—(T Contain a muell `�{I'IZlatlll ISQ, �7 ?If# , ti larger amount of reading matter than any TO ria I,,n[es-11l.essrs. Morton .lk Sons, other paper published in the County. ' - Timifs:—One dollar and fifty cents per 279 Pultou btreet, Brooklyn, announce In - annum in advance, or two dollars at the ex-, our u(lvortisimrcolumn s a choice lot of I)ry ,piration of six months. (roods oil sale bf them. 1,t(lies will find ut ( JOHN J. RI f r DDF.LL• i their store everything that is necessary for QHZENPORT, ,JUne 201kl, 1857. i 9 re Seurhamn!On Monday task our'ne+v Ttog haw! th(ir (teal, of the hart quality and at tl[e h(ftinlo operation. soarer of.hc ownot t had confined ehenpest fates. Besides, their gentllemau tl o:hogs, bot seeimE m• ttmventcnt amotrg the hog clocks are ever really to allow customers the ^-etchers on that do had let them ont again On 'hors 1• F gouda, and ladies can rest assured that eu�• +• Bey a posse of the sable fraternity,acting mnder the orders „ \t• t, china ;,utchused of tha firm eau be re ot tU(ofour most vigilaw and useful trustees (who de- _ t¢rvea much credit fm-what he has dune and is doing f-, OU as fC�Ire80ult d. f i ,,, A 'th� :u p, b b y t rwW' 1tyTiltittl�.— e ififth atintial us)a peared in the streets: and after lnuch forming And n i,9 1 +� p +r A W •o C7�t F rgnep1iltg and granting, about filly 11,.9,4 we're Conveytd i 3G 0I1 61 quunty 'teache['t LI-i its �'o c� J Is Carts to the pm11lic pound. A gip 11 +4Aa Alen mrcsted ig c,1y to;,4e held at 11untiol-toli, coo- � c� p� lvt4warrantable interferanCe and h lrt,(iom in the axe 'd _ t•. 'p _�.•-. 3G a� a? /tBN bltludily petit• All wltu cell 'C - k 4 _,� q• tulip (if lavw. We congratulate the +nblhc on tins au W v o y �". ^ ' .?tea= I! a I lift ed'In the regi'Cbrse of eilncntiuu _ e'cc _ a 3 m-• a(et us ronttnenccntent of a good work. It is Said there I t.,-, ,� 61 t n i i}1 ere great num,11ers of hogs ill thk glare a ithoul any law- ,t}rb IIIVI�C(1 to a prCBCt14 y tClld the IIUIICO I O m a nJ° �1 0 aa4 q 40>y Q V G '.I aN per. They• are It filthy and iodeceu t P Ice w Ihich Of "Otte wordlly School (,omuils,iuuers Eter- "ethst will be no more sten a,f lar e. �f5 9 F_ � � souther culumu of tills paper. ..G.. 11?t-ss^The rmperor and'Fmpresc,Napoleon A new milt large safe, one of the� q � 4'� ... � 2, b � ql^'. m �^ j 02 and 1?m snit' paid a strictly private visit to lierrinn make, will arrive oilFriday c ° g _,v° a -'- a Queen Victoria ahollt the Ist hist. They and will be placed in the Southold 'e a ' L a � � t m o�� only went to the Isle of Wight and IF :�Sawlogs Bank. An addition to the �� N o , 4 14 moutnavy yard, and no puhlic"time" way office is being built by lions Glover -ti^ � � y a•� t o ut which the new safe will be placed. � w.a� beyond the dispht, ln; of flags and �;; �� _-- --'W ' b _ tnado' lto liriu-of�alute�i 1'I10s1'I?CT1;8 OF T DEATH OFI GEOwiz ST"aa,-This getitleatnw,cele. THE SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMER – – •�_— _ _, °brated as the builder of the yacht Young-America, ' which,it wilt be remembered,snatehed the laurel wrcaVil, St - The undersii*lled proposes to commence as a fast sailer,from the most renowned of the yacht + "� the publication of a weekly newspaper in th navy of England,slid altered by its influence the whoa L', village of Greenport, Long Inland, to bl "tyle of ship modelling in (treat Britain..w:,+ „ thnowa from his veldele daring a drive on Thunrlay called I'mr, SUFFOLK W eFtrr r l tares. and died a few hours afterwards, His pi,,u� Tile first number will be issued about the,mout will be.the new steamship Adriatic,w ®� MEWS° ' RD ff..I.Ise tlma..ch mild.h.utd 1st of August next, s1,short time being k Belled and built,and which he was firmly- uy, sunny ww°, ed to make the requisite arrangementq.— could not fail to prove the most rop'td steamer in the In I.W.bright To ny rich ata,..°r lnuwl.dra by. Eucoura*ed by many well-known citizens, wurld. She is nearly ready for a trial, Mr.Steel 8 was tre wmuy.r...m..., and by his own acquaintance with Suffolk universally esteemed. He wee a good man as well as (11 Connty,he hopes to establish an orguu that able mechanic,and leaves behind him manya friend who will meet the wants of this part of the Island, sincerely regrets his loss. lila rempiu9 will be u.nd Cense none to regret any patronage be- in their last resting-place this afternoon. stowed on it. ceremo i=I I DALfLolmil at hie resltNN4bt/,!i}11, It will be the special aim of this paper, i,A I,i• while giving clue attention to the genera! :i news of the Buy, to adapt itself particularly tire;' Gilled +t1`'hra{ti '� di�;lt 15 furl to the needs of Suffolk County, and the en- cylinder kfeeat driv0A,:nnrl w,i�r' ; couragement of its local trade and improve- nn n�� 4t, meat, The manufacturer, themerchant, tile +e tonga'hAs st lleell placed on til„ L. 1. Ruil- meehauic,the farmer, and those engaged in roan. The "Phenix" is a 11 coal burner," f shipping and whaling business, will all find and in a few days is to tn,lto ler plicae on the their respective interests looked after ; and through freight. I such information its will be ofimportanee and', The following is a titateinent of the bust I ;litvantage to theca will form a main part of t lie contents of the paper. The underatigned J Bets over the l,Ong Island Railroad for means to supply the want which has long Jauuury, 180, end January, 1$5y: Imen felt, of a spiritt-deounty journal, giving January, 1660. } " ,I social attention to the collection of local , l aelsetttll rp, ll:li85 5U news and the support of local interests. 1 Eyesight, 12,02b `G1 In politica, this sheet will advocate true` Mail 685 42 –$24,4ti' 1:e Republican principles, as shown in the early January, 15s'J. �. practice of the Government and the teach- "fI'ailbeul{vr.,,iugs of those who framed the Constitution. tl. In(,)M r9lghty While it will avoid sectional hostility or Lit- Mail, 695 1,�`-�3U,1.,H Irreess, it will earnestly and faithfully resist the extention of Slavery, and encourage all"'J! true lovers of their country to unite in such ,11: 1J1414t1*"eiJZl I)vrr Teem �a,_. .t l' z -v,N O 1 1 C 1St - resistance; firmly believing this to be the L(,\1'U ltRlIEB1 IL'tk; i'UIt only policy upon the subject, which is. 1 �t�Rl t '('1.)' I• dictated to us alike by the lessons of history, L•_ielslu-v W 11r`lair„d 1,„1„1h ct IN by the sense of justice, and by a sincere re- f.-111thniali ;�c},l'•I.• 1. ti Kurd for the real and lasting welfare of the Ili he elfl it L„W P.n ui_n 1S, k,' States, the Territories, and the Union. IwoIf. In the familycircle it will be found a '' ”"'•.tett ti,utw.i L. \lu<., (' t'It•V•tmr.l. ltfir"rl �ili(f.�',At11; a pleasant andimproving companion. Itscon t�,,li.ul I1 1t',• h,7A1�11Fvt�iF1'tvjsei';' tents, whether original or selected, will be 1„ 11 t,r- •,nfTc,�tt14: 11,Ilflud, I chosen so as to afford both instruction and amusement, and with the determination care- (iie,l-;u111r, fully to exclude anything opposed to good) y ll' 11­ 1.:/,l AL taste and propriety' el, 11" 1 l ,;I i l 1'• ;r, 1:2ru The" r,mF9' will be printed on fine white paper,with new type, and contain a much larger amount of reading matter thati any 1'u Twx.L;►ares-11,,;�_. Ilt:ru,u ,� 80119,other paper published in the Conuty, TERNS:—011e dollar and fifty cents per 279 Fulton street, Brooklyn, announce Ill annum in advance, or two dollars at the ex- our advertising column a a choke lot of airy piration ofsix months. Goods on sale by tilem. La dice will filed at JOHN J. RIDDELL. their store everything dual, is necessary rpr, - QRID$NPoRT, June 2011t, 1857. Bare ;our flacon r On Monday last our new iso; law, their went-, of the Lest gnaliry and at the' Ment into operation. Somt of the owners bad confined heapest rates. Besides, their gentlernau(yl tieir hogs, tent seeing it., m,,vernent among the hue; clerks are ever ready to show customers thrill catchers on katal day,had let thrm nut again 01, •jltcs goods, and ]allies Call rest assured that ell'• day n posse of the sal,lt f ateruity,acting,mules thr orders y tiling pnrehased of tha fit-in can be relied Mone ofour most vigilant and useful trustees (who tie•_ ou at,re iresented. [encs nue h credit for what he La+(lt,nr and is doing fi, � ' ad .t0 ►+ � Tir.1{ times' 1NSIVILT k.- 1ific fifth a.nnunl „ bo v 2 W ui)appeared in the sweets: Hud after much rouging and ) rcrr to W g QLa r -:I sealhi and rilminp about fifty hogs w'elte Comet ed'AJD io 1 of Liit3 Suffolk CU1111I '1'CUClIt'1'h' 111 � C,] W, � � A' ' � a E is 46 t9 t4 g 6 y g i Y + FL1 � v m a a ilimrtstothepnhlic 'round. Abiye,tl well also atr :ted"ie�te,.ib to les held fit 11mili1t,t.Y,t011, Ifetal E n o (l `•, c�co c � n lirunwarra ill able interfcrance olid"Ie'llaction ill the tae. fi, 'Q O �_�, l$it11i1fdK •ran 141onday next. All ]who art _ t» tt- ❑ v ^oq e Wlinu of 1,1e 1:1t7. we Bong,atolnte Zile public on this au 'JJVl Ateti in the Brent clink of educntiou :, ellcious cninmrncemeut of a gm,d ttorh It In sant there yl(yq , y ?>H x - � ', ; ^_ are great nnoitwrs of hogs to thix glare without any taw• '10 illviteta to be ill']:+Cut. ahead the notice I I r o �' a �to oar i _ _..., i _ "ra 4 tel owner. They are afilthy ru ti iodeccu l rSticet,l�ch 'of pelt" a'nrtly iC1001 tOnittl{y.IOptICI'S 111 F c c r �, m a tr u• -lt*ttust will be no more sten at large. / - another coltinln of thi, ptlJlc P. rr U U JWr- The Enlpr,ror and F.lnpress,Napoleon A new and large safe, one of tilt ;u t, a G. C o aLi a 0 c .r... .-. tot ei +7?'l 4 c and 1.'u2t pie, ltai,l a strictly private visit to herring niake, wilt arrive oil y (1•uceft Victoria ul-tont the list ins'. They ti and !will Le placed ill the Southold q v only went to the. Isle of Wight and Ports-p Saviucs Bank. An addition to the � � �f� ° ' e d - a o 40��7°i j g It : office is beiBn built by Boss Glvwet, ` � �"tc�* � "r" � � 1_ �o+:" b.r mouth ❑sly yard, ;lad no public time was: -= a F9' t S! a " is which the new• safe will be placed` � Lr made beyoull tale diel)ltlYtug of flags and -:� f�7 �, c �'_ the firiu'r or salnte�s, t'4s� h -n u1 °. I .' . •, – o _ ix, - - _ --- A, SONG XX:. .1 .9g?abs,Idler�ef5 �:rzd Mifchle4'. i �%�'iT doth the little l�ttfy° Bee Improve each fhining Hour, Al, Arid gather honey all the Day Froin every opening Fluwer 1 How fkilf lly fhe builds her Ctll l Hove n=it flee fpreads the Wax 1 '.; r _ -- ��' fir ,�n-•r �I.ti X�tt', And labours hard to Gore it well With the Tweet Food The makes, In Work-, of Labour or of Skill r i f.. would be bufy too, For Satan finds force• Wchiex 11111 a For idld Hands to do. �•�v�a � jos 1n Books, or Work., or healthful my firfk Y:ars be p(l, : - That t�I maryy('�n`f;ive�+f/i�la°q{ye�vepry Day - - - F)MC l,Jl/:,d x` c VQnt ci Ir.L6c �... _ A _ F ` I�tIRTY-SEVEN STAT'Eq.—Tile Boston says, 1. on e wt looking ` pial av' old one believe out 1 aokinb Intoit, thl-.towe are in a fair way of carrying ry a �� � the tmuiber of sovereign States originally Il�l•� tljli d .i� ',yq,7 -� S. ,{ ..Pfit,'er 6+ x�,. _. tl.._, � �S 7 ti. Y jt ,ilteeu, and now thirty one, illi to forty s vela 1 Iiut"so it is. In the first place are I (�rggon, Kansas and Miwiesota, whose eon-1 stitutious are framed or fortnirig. Itis hoped that they will be adinitted the coming winter, making the inewbers of the conlederacy thirty four. 'filen New Mexico, Nebraska and y tifiushington,alre�ttly tLriving territories,will ,: 1 swell the ag­rebat,e to thugs seven. lour ui w status to lie curved out of Texas, ac- �� colcditlg to provisions ill the treaty of arinexa,- :: tion, will give its forty-one. Two additional I _ 4 - Yates doinanded from the area, now included� ii California, wtiould make forty three, tri-1 �zarla, Neosho, Dacotali, and Colunilms terri_i i torics carry us illi to forty-six—and lovely Utah will be the t'orty-seventh, x�f .' r ,,, C ELECT, —The I.Z'F: 1TL.v �CIRli Z'ri,� f . � tot,,! vote o Mayor was S1, =?1,til€;- ll ;--est w C r c'tfit, ill the city. Tieniann's majority i8 2 30. Tlie Tribune gives t11e Democrats 10 ,J\Iticrtnnn, Etntl the (�1t1 ositititi i ; aitiil tl.. ,-wrttt 18 Councilmen, alld the (�lil.xo - file t e (Wood'se c{ - -� 1 ' I1'ilr �r�vvs, expresses great indignation at w ^c ult, acid threatetls the honest Dernocr wlioul it calls "traitors," with Aire visitations t - ,c cli rc�li�eance he.,.a.nse of their independent iwtion. The Day Book is also equally severe ill its denunciations ; but we doubt if the urtitteriugs of the defeated will seriously au- 1 iao t hoe a{ f . th,_ hili at lit;tit:to t,hc vve,t elf the Int. 5 �a,Fnst wliotrb. `.ly are si;ned. _-. SO UTHOLD. r ' 1 cill;1L"0I au,l 1MV0 l,li,l it out ill squares_ -It is altnouuced that the stea►nsliip It Wray lie known, but not gelleralk-, � Great Eastern Weidel sail from Soudiatlapte�u the t Sui.ltlitiltl laeinn a delight.t'u1 ti illtl„t. " tls tv',F tFt Illicti t;lrrit� ct avt.nues, arid:for New York on Saturdu•, the 16th. Tho 1't,tnt��,1 it with t�vcr��r ccn acid other 1 shill started oil a trial tr p'ou the 0th, ruu- 1,osyt age8 also tt litllut�i;C Of 111)J11t ��11- t r, r , 1 I -hrtlli, ,1y: I ht 1, is are disposed of at nine, twelve hours out to sett, grad twelve �ritud wllo geek to muko it still tuort prlc('= to tho"� wll) +1�; ile to Lave hours buck. The triad was regarded as sat Alllong, thy' itlt,l'+tv''r'nit'tit i l ,, 1st ivate l,liri.11 1,1.;,4 t*for t,i'ir i'tll,tllit if'actory,although the Tutt of speed attained Clic ile}v-Centet,.�rv� wtti'll��iv,�, to th�� rig- did ilea at any tinge exceed thirteen and 1'hc t, nl,.tt'r� Crani l+� �i, ,ttt,�d 1u,5ition, l,lgIt 1,i1'.ttuen,Iua- ti1,1,t:u�int�c. �Ir. three-fourths knots,tree average being twelve �-i�,ultn anal:, a h,�suitif'ul v�lc�vv of the village, ; Israel Peck.the scieuliiio h,�l tlt itldi - tucl a half knots.- p " stud in tiul�',_1611 1,�+ olio of the loveliest I rn �<tild dill%]riat, with tvvt, t�iht r rt�tltl�Int tt, ----The Fourth Universalist Society of Brooklyn, 7q i p.tw un ih,� l�lantl. 1 vvhtis� niuil�t: w ltrt� it,,r: llil,� t,, It c;tl1, of which Rev. Abram Conklin,formerly of South- X ` �t�11rE htrSetl suutct.itwt ;tri,., <i,l,t. nc+rt., „l' The transfer tax on the estate of the old, is pastor, has bouglittasite in Quincy-st.,near I Irate William.Albertson has been fixed at 1 Stuyvesant-ay., on which it proposes soon to build $V28, and the value of tho taxable estate a church. Thea oongre ation is now worshiping;in l df ewood:'Hall, 111 2N W"assessed at$_`'2,800.52.. _._ e MANUA' TWAN COMPAIVro THE TRAVELO 34CCOW1 this darorn � t _. _ CHURCH DIRi;CTC)IlY. Pit r:glivTER UA_1I.-Sunoi.y t<.rri,.ei lit I1 A,M. and t 6:30 P,M.8ultdety-0110u1 at 12.1,)P.2K.Pra er-inert_ Ing 1 ridtuy t venings. Prembing•at tits jiall, pe- - r',✓ ronin every other l'nesday et ern ins,tit ti,-lttwl-home, .% 731y mv,uvta�ry other l'VelnthvlFry ereuing. gr.v, ! • ✓lt t; 4k.. Puler WhltAker,D.D.,Pastor. '1fi rnulns,r Frlscnynl low my services at io:3n rc ani! 6:30 P.m.l�unday�'huol at 12 sI.Prav�r- cs placed rise Ci-edit of the '7�R�+AS�1t]' ER I)f rite sTaNEW-YORK,of Ew.�ro>aH, `i,il'r i'`e enin znitznrliloun x aleeeetinu�s—Arlttlt. } 8I I , Friday even- tngs. Ilev.J.Brien,Pastor. (` '211 account with the Bank, acid Piave giveit duplicate Recei Jts f or the sante. UN.L ERSALIST.--bunda►T services at Ii a.rd, anal � �►, ,:oo P,W, l�rrndav-ss,huol it 12 az, 1'{ev.Abram ".' Conklin,P'luator. 6 � ST'PATTEICA's ROM&N CATHOLIC,-- (ass tit 8o0utli- Z Old e=very yunda}: Ist. and 4th Sundays of ea^It month ut 11 a.ns,;2d and 3d,9 A.M. 11tasA at Cut- G, e , l (;L0,'lle At 9 A.X. I tit Sunday,ji'nurtttlt:at 11 a,Ia, 1"unday. MIL4H at Urefalluc,ri tit l I A NI,2d sari-- ..�...�:�.... ,l i7 oi'rnitttth,lit 9 A,Al. 9th 6urida', }ies.it,.t3, � >j 1�,devvl'a,itur, , 'The SM Usual, to Unite the IZed � � g '• „s` f - ,^ Seri with the Medlttfirrllueau llali been QorjV~ TELUI-12, At I'cart.Solid, tirfl€+re tvV0 large !no!es g � runahig out nearly a Milo hire tho r=ed, a,re ,� lY k,eir!a cuuetl°Elctetl. About 1,100 Lua'ol�etsll HARTi ,,','iii "NEW LOND y LTEk <1 E) . TR workmen and several thousalid a Ives sere, Having for r�flcr:.i 0"trq .irt"t 1,oen giitherinELii to tl( ! � 1 on the works. ISLAND, O,OEEN�"ORT AND SAG HARBOR 111aterlala for ttip r�,n�;til•,ui,,lt all' �.t,11ti;r record or �' y �'"�"'�-� ' � .�i'(°Erst.•rt, rrJ' 188,)--(,W trurl-tilt'-' �.12(rt('`tJf1i, Presentation t0 Mrs. Conklin �! —3 tho bast iiut1Ierltli;atuil ilisl:o i ic;ai. i!En,l, tati;�tical t -� Ir(i kr(.'tirvt�;tt Metubors(if the Inldies'C,role and the - i i% T, 1. St XX 3: 1V 3My Picts trod c vclltxl oalamwlE pd with the aettlera arlcl oQ llettlE illcut of Souti':7Tt1) with a+tip g ctrl.c)t'tlio vil- Twentieth 00titury Club and others be � l�t+ll Y.c�t(v;/id"twix; li ge,and a Iltftiuv of the hk'oni lllU7ti 111(11 TLl,EI flit]- longing to the Universalist 4Oo]ety, met 1 ivc 11tirtrm'd rroln. f(xtt tit 81attytreet every 'Meas cora of the tj.avn til Ltl t'.,,�t i,ti-;,alit Dale, I would Weduesday evening in the vestry on ' II day,I liursduy allot Sllttlra.la,} at !t]a Ito.,C'lrm t5'ell[its() Middlotvwn flit 1-0:30,l.yino lit I.:10,Sa.yhrook Point tit.1:4+1) W very gr'dtel'ul fur i ptll a11Y'3e'lll"C(1 Day St.,for all evening of old songs and ,• ulid Now Loudon tit4• Bit",on arrival of Shore Line l+,x.caleulated to add ti,1,4,,uldltt, an�itlterest of Phis a social hour. Daring the evening, :!res 4 trA thatlp&vea (lr;ton lit i p.il1,firrivin at(11"u l � 1..- cart at 6, U d i3ttg Ilflrl,tu at"�'aN► lt.ir!. A allhun 3t IittY Ttlrtuvla?. It it lgllad aR an X1 deiid'a tai tT►Q. ire. E. E CUmings, in behalf of they jui I'rospe t are Sl�a1.l.IlnEJill>~rs, Rottirn Ing,will leavelarger and vc+ry int ll ig�s ra>�" ts�,F�'homl;-�ladies, gracefully presented to Mrs.El i4l:a>iJaaye3 Weclll,fatlrviy,:l fillti l+r'ida3':� f�r10 liar- 19011 lulcl tyt itlgt�,f1Ii�1 will bo conipr,Wed wJt1da the Abram Coliklln, the pltetor's wife, a � m ,Fri t 7:i1,,?iroollport.:to,Munhamiet 7:71�i1 fir- d 0ivVit; Qry I,cst1doll at 10 a III.alis Ilartford tit ti p.to 1llxlitl of an wudinary ltiewrd. basket of olloioe fruit Tn rile basket° � � (,',()N 1I$e;9'leMn: J. lY ( U �, ry +• 1 tGl+"TIAT ;1lsi}, " amidst the fruit were a handsome gold�, -� +t' At New hondul.t with N.Y,, N. 11.��1�I.lt, I{., Ii(s:;tu11' r.; ! ,, o -' r I'ruvidenvn and Nt.,ry T.(tndaul Northern]t,H,' ailtlloIrlr Feb 2t_ watch chain an(]a beautiful opal brooch,� '�� � � o �; At 11ti+ld X11 wf.ii.1 Beriili l Mauch uY the N.Y.,N. li,� tf t t.i !IlErt ti!fg t,� the elatthlicaln';A silver crumb knife and tray were also�,�, .�0 v �p ' , presented. The gifts were a com lete:0 v XI State C,grltnl'tt,te(x ht�ltl tit ties Astor Hot1,.e l f� p g ... ;+ E'roulwell VVItil A'lrritlt,Iu ,� (ruil►vFull R. it. to audi ' 1 sot rise to her, Ilev, Mr. Uonklin re. m - 1 I New York, ,Tune 14th, ilii' following resu.u- p '� Z 71 , ilii N. Y. ;N• Ii. Ii,,t.Sltrillrwflol(t l;.}t, s landed fur hie wife, thaukin the la.� � � .4 � t 'I'lll is. (tltoss ,lit,,bt.''ry tions welt;adopted: � , g li'rt.��nit�rrl `l'lltlt in the death o! 'dies for their e�pleu(lid gift, which he 1 iV e 11.ii'c t�e"!l Ili) l'ro cl,t!11Mi0rl 'Yet" frolll, tilt, ' y I)r I �' said was more gratifying for the eflteem"^ i l,(ird,c1f �11t1'rdk (,.owitY, it mulllller of thi, f + that it expressed as well as for i beau- G ClVv1,itEJI', t'alllllr all t_'�;t I J 5t'aF+Iofi til t11t .l t';I i r , , C�Eilntuittctl, lac alb dI,lled uptt!t to tlE:+ltlurl: it da t it r:` I t i,- tiItiii l.haltl 40 lltalltl. iirllll ' ill the ty and value 114resbmenta Were q, © 0 © � _ l the isles of a citizen of eminetq,wortIt Netos( = = � m �v .1 rtHt Iilintltiuil I�Ilici► ilo tit Iii°st tout, t+�resist t11c ninny virtues undeared tial to al! Nvhe `:,lit'I served during rias clvening, a number of o iii � m �r � � a,' � ' the honor of his acclulliut(11i(E�. familiar songs were rendered and Mrs...'05 XI � 1 w 10111)'-Iiietitiou C Iellfht'i.s to i'alltill r t.l►l'• tiea sf flit. Ia I I I t' I Resoll•r.l That illi authellt.io.tt.(•(1 eerily E11 Comings read an interesting and amras-fl °' Z{ ion, 01' to ea(ivenE� ii 11 tiYtrti,4(�>it,I►, �(� -,dill in selection entitled, "Through fare ,� metl(1 (xov. (Marl: itis' tlli:l tict of tirilille;gs, flll(l this I't c il► risEllutiEtr d _ foregoing�ti t ll��ti l:tl to tilt g r." 'I he gathering was a large W u - y._ . �i.iu111t ref Ftl1e dreE,tisE:t1.� '2�1����� -JF'Itell �erati a.� � � encu wets life tc he will teratlrer( t,(r the ea1E1 Ill Ili's lit tE.:l f l _ and enthusiastic one, burg F : .a "' ... .� 1 1 Tho great storill that visited this Tart (o �/ C 1111t1U11 lilt Io convent, the I.t"risl:ttalre, %i,hat OWN, of the T8huld flit the 13th itlst. terribly efit ( � � � ° � ' (' Dro��ned in ttu, I Iliilippines �, � © .� c „ the c0llsN,(I(rnce ttt:ty lie. 'i'lio (Governor, in rill- 111)thO r(laldw it,different parts of tile CEIUI►ty, 'ir', Oil TuesdayP C Williams received a*� ryiug out Ilk view; in this Inlltt.er, WO t 11i11k, 1�i11 (.>IEi turllliikt:a were plowtd ilivay ley rile ex-i Elmer, letter, stating thief C-ir��ello cf m a !: liav(� perftlrliled nuc sk t, at lea t, ill 11ir; adi'llilliS tenllsurized rivers, flntl the lll+vlls cope,res. Sontllold, who was bltgit" iu Co.Co• ll it tirtiticln, «hiEsh Will lneetWthtl a llalal�_litlltiEll► or the with ,sato. "l'he `ttlldelst inimbitant"it11'oI'm 30th ll'egt, Ii,fll;=ry, � = � � - 4, 17. S A,, was o3 ' People of 11.11 11arties ill the 5tat(j.�i, ,j'�,lj. us tlltit it is albp�t(. �3 yearn sint°o �Iilliiitll drowlleEl i1I the I'hitilltailles on Sept. 1, � @ W y It'A::�,iiT (ytll'�'rl'.--1'.rtlalt' Ctf latfng Ia ° _ land. gc►ttt] visited tilt 1. t 'x 1� whilo en•ielivorlltq to regc.ne a comrade. o Q r hr e 1,111d, what, (1(t 'oti third, Eat' a rut tr a`rtililtc �: b ! y YHuntington �TI>txoYl< �3ck>ot�l.-�w"l h( i(1.1��, hi:�1 , . 1 y � a i.11row• alit Ilse inquiry for your, Fulurier tensa of the ILunt�ingtoll hlliov ;61 .` ii fol-Illed by udilillv., I I ullli2l School will conittlence 1IIi 7tM iEl1d colltitlu ° 1 r qac-.it1 arms lis t.i?I-tt, C '� w till, county tci"IIt y , illi ng,. 1 � Q p y y � z; i(1u to the toEd la:y of I lefil ls'taftd,JJort It Rein J; 11 weeks. '-'l-t o -- ;! l hE�,]ilia juht,r�-c,clved tll(� rc d I�c.intillellt I stead alld Uysterhay ;..4jyWjntr, h'luShi-a t Pupils out of the District reoleived ill eitI. I ;r - ;tis s(t,.ltnlal:sdtE_r of ycltttkioltl. Also that h(� Il ,# Nt'vVlow n awl Ilaiew to f14it 11117'' er kl:llll'trI'll i)cttl(is for $1?.000 this(Friday) _ E� w, d v Eel nn(ler the uld title., or Perhaps to j,ihi 1:3o(irtl Ertlu 11e 0Lt:a,iued ilil private fatuilie rltrtrltirlg•, 1,ly whit)h act Soltthold is Illade, Ivitla I inI;3. at reatsoutllth; -rheum. A hin'terl u(lullbev lC . tea' files,f0 t,-t'-.e (iI`4� t.,Title t u i ,l' t a'civetl ill tho family f tho,I'rillel tell. a 1uolltt�-a> t n Cr - ! i Tor lurtllctr sa(rtit u.i1l'=�A 1 H ~ r 1 tim� i one of the r� h e(,ts o er+.;al-lltli i y n } let. ' f rl r I' irll trcaverll(sl►t, Il Rutin to,1 I11 i"a(►fCEailc is 1 1 course of stud tin ;oungs, we come to the Iles- Jana- ohligod to travel loO W10 11.8 Court Vasil t',Fteri,,H Sri:. Address S. Woodhlill chairrllil!t, han$trotting is, who eioe+.y Ilir orF11 slice Tho Wcstcrn ta'favtl�t ` to 011 cel ul►iteel' 411 nlakin ells out of Itis sallalr of i y of lsoard atf t.rllstt ,or �.S,Higgins I'ritt g y _ their syruJ_ult.liiE>s-►t'.Gtr' tlrecities ,t Netgave i{;�ttl in ogle year for t+hnlesll a�?tE°rsa-1= �' w �. - York allltl ii;iltl ;'�' y.l t1t)ili> iJeE'a11se hie LtotYtf(? t:lt�l+' It:sI'l`ti j� o _ t: i Ott the CI'IU1t) will-h' fills otltr 16!11, , tui ie'hlr'11 Cii`f`ifot TI(IW pI'(tl+ t:' +'.} !iota f dt r b - ,. " - ftill d14eltsti10U,txf t�tQ olca. tI; E li,lfi rEioners thought tiltlt htH yt1II1'E• l 4.ii'1Uk, �� �� y o .� i9 fill tho II11'1'!?ilS(� C(1IT)E'3 i'fif1T t Cd;' +11® 'c'lirhll. fillEl tho dettt119'e)f It.: t �' s a r~,r wasn't lt!) Ten rods fltrther, tiled 13) � _ A_q i'1 t; 1 l'�l t11ilt av s1 - a �l its (INF 19;11111 would resale tllt3 t'l•l°';!!+l'l ,1`'a la ' atlleroadside, Is SiIt1F3�,reLl' (�^01i1':l9 lath to IQ1C'tltlOal'k}f the (.�t?111'1 11- :ii:`t', �dj ll;t?1a1R1�' a``li!!l:!t.`t11ti;�rl t7r ill; ! ? I + : lilt tlt`ti. Ii_v - latti,tilattitlu lit':Il th,' ittlY l I I i':si,l lty ill., ter she tins his resiilEsncEt t little list- i °reds- It, t:oUveil K-IN.. . � " , - - .�ck in the uellilo�lI t(ct l,y ill-ytni au3 lul tlll will I <t i , l t t,heti ltrtitt t!l6hi► Itlti tE, , 5•lcial ildv8tn the stroet is Dir. falter Horton a, Ile .et ��y .. ..C�21,Pr�,2 I°�',), oetif'0!� �l¢.i„ I" kteeps the Bost oflloe and ollargee a s11I1- _ Gf WNW.� ling for postage on every letter, - The house across the street, now been well founded. -,D I have seen him . ude.) 314 rl -_0 S Fl!�_ owned by R.r3ne Villifue, of Babylon, take a basket of eggs from one, and hav- W. CL t: ItA BY PERMIRRMN. V .0 .1 0 and occupied by Joseph Southard and ing asked how many were in it, oareftil. 4-`- r_-I family, was built in 14i by Leander them into a box containing oth z tg ly pou? 4-a Q &4 P Ix Brown, for his widowed mother, Susan. The store "ID 1) 4. -31- 0 0 2 r-, era, without counting them. 8:0 -d w�,-0- - 0 �0*' na Brown, known to the people round building was afterward moved on ox- F-i �-q - 9,C 11�.� FJ 44 be 0 ul-li Q - about by the familiar name of Aunt cart wheels by many pairs of oxen to the 2 T, Q) rcl -S Susie." By all who knew Liar she was hill on the south side of the "Bowery, rl G held in high esteem, often approaching and is the present residence of Henry :z be zi 0 to reverence, especially among the Gaffga. After the removal of the store 1. (D 4 U- C� children of the neighborhood, who nev- building Mr. 11untting built another,a , E f 0 Cd—14 r. a ' co� or failed of a reward for any kindness close to what is now the Villifue line, y CMD E3 W a) j4 A 04, 0 -d done to her, She usually kept on hand and in it employed several men in the co '0 4 -0 a supply of sugar plume for the little manufacture of boots and shoes. U V 1i Z CD —J L eo girl that ran an errand or boy that split The building next to the Villifue 04 0.bo' — Z. $,D Cc A"0 some kindlings at bar door. Oa Sab- house is owned by James B. Faunhig bath mornings in summer, unless pre- and occupied by C. E. Case &Son, deal- :E� W (V vented by sickness, she would surely b general merchandise. it was or e 11 a in g C!) tZ 3 c4 tb rz, C 4X= seen with fan and hymn book in her I built in 1836 by Hutchinson Case for his z r-C'.r- a, 2 hand and a head of fennel or bit of or son Oscar, used a short time as a store E NG; aDgepeal in bar pocket, wending her and then bought by Frederick K. Terry,�� -2�� 4 IL I CO -l- �-, 71 z 0 -.�_5 0 to..Z:I ci, Cd Ll — way to the meeting house, where she who previously had kept a small Store 6 10 B-F r-I �,__� 12 -�, I:z- 4) 91 1 fed upon the strong meat of the word near the Run," and moved to its pres. XI H, 0, C -C ia,4c - Z- Or'r.4''LL, prepared for her by her pastor, the Rev. ent location. The moving ws,3 a sonie-.'"' C) (z 0 ?hc Jonathan Huntting, while with closed what different affair from what it would E C3 Q.,P—, �4 -I eyes she chewed her"meetin'seed." In be in these days. T h a building rc winter her companion was her foot stove, was lifted, not by jack-screws, but by r= M to 0 0-03 which she replenished at noon from one pries and wedges,until high enough D: g Z) C L 41 C !�._;_y z r-11, ­�i ;:—,� F - Z-3 lr� i�- $� of the two big box wood stoves that admit of eight stout wheels Z. 'L r. on axles, 2 ;z'I 4, stood just inside the audience-room two at each corner, on which were= 0 as cll­_�,:-j- - 4 XI 0 C. -4Z tj 7 .5 12 doors, and which Foster Sayre kept placed skids,and the building lowered� 0 as 0 -C C. well flll(xl with Hog Neck hickory, in onto them Then were hitched o 4; 441am" 1­ _. Q Piz in Q anticipation of just such noon-day (30,1113 two strings some thirty or more pairs of = tt z ;g CC - 4' z upon them. la those days the congre- well broke oxen. When all was ready 0 0 (V LCgation were treated to three sermons on the boss mover gave the word, and with-r- r 0 gi each Sabbath day, one long oile at 10:30 flyiDg ox. ads and shouting drivers the C Aar.,another at 1 r.m., and a third, a building moved majestically forward, El 9 c C shorter one, at five o'clock. If our an. attended by a goodly number of small M ZL 1�r- C - l- T L_ .0 c castors were able dioroufflily to "mark boys, wlib were sometimes permitted to _6 V� _Z"L. C _ "Z�Q c 4) z _5 and inwardly digest"all that intollootti- ride in the building. It reached its w) W , r.) St M C-;4 al ands food in one day, they present location safely and was stocked -z c must have been smarter than their de- with goods. After some dozen years of smildantH arta, .In summer time farmers successful business, Mr. Terry retired to'. w C, c Z Oft0n went to meeting ill plain chip hats his farm, and was followed by Wm. G. Lt, -C , a.a.-= V C_ q 8 0 0 E3 Z' 0 V 00 Z - - 4=4- - I- P. t and shirt sleeves, carrying their coats in Wells, whose business career was short C,T� C M 0 0 ac�r oil their arras, and tli© boys and girls owing to ill health, and Sherburn A. 0 M�c C v,L g z=-; from Northside came aoross lots with Beckwith succeeded him, followed in E3 be Zo Cl shoes and stockings in their hands to different lengths of time and with vary. 9 CD E3 f C C save their wear, uutil they reached town ing success by T. G. Levalley, Tuthill street, when they would sit down be- &Dickerson, in 1866 by Stafford Til- E, 0 L a hind a hedge and put them on; and a linghast, then by Clark & Dickerson, z m (L C', girl wearing a "shilling calico 11 frock W, A, Clark, J. B. Funning, and since 7, 03 0 _5 lu was liabla to excite the envy Of her 1892 by 0. E. Case and C. E. Case 9i 4 0 P4 0 q� ON mates,who wore Plain homemade Linsey. on, ca CD — Woolsey. But how the honle manufac-' Tile Vllivorsah­i Chnv-h ill thl,i 111a.,ye-11 ke T_ it im- C. tures did wear! R8 witness the pretty 6 z­ -- -.: " - 'I; - - " was built ill 18;,,' :z 'k r. blue-and-white bed spreads which were :.iewiliti"11 1111ky IJO S0011 011 W-10 o -13 E-4 C -von by our grandmothers and great- I tho-%vill-= - low lightla whel. -rittcn NvItAl ;,.0 QZ v it wftq i� c. grandmothers, acid now in many farm- 41iartl(�]I d cl, Cz Ei 0 e C C ZA tic reserved as heir400ms. CD T ma tl I is holvie Stand [or years to eoint,- q W. 11. (}lover's residence across the M C, y 11olirish in tala bleSS11190 0 street was built about 18m by J. W. of Diville P1 ovidenee, alld ray children = ;g t FL Iluotting, who lived in it until ;Wd 0 �: &a —Z 4 IiN'('to 00111(t to the altar when I aill. laid z when lie sold it to Jacob Apploy, and 0 Aod with,it ill I'llo alld -lti.so thei ( &VA, . 0 few years later through a moftgkigo fore- C�- 0 D: (6 a. r, livurLq flill of love and praise. 01081M.) it came into the possession of .d 1JD If P-1 zl� CL �.4 0 _17 7:�14 :r z _3 Z C:5 Win. R. Williaillsoll. Itiana Aaherly, and from his heirs was lL 'ZI tVit fZ-46-1-1 ()Is(b, Finished paiuting Aur,%.2-, 1637. �4 Be*rna bought in February, 1889, by its present qJ 0 - 0 ;; 0 Z 0 0 U2 0 L �)f our lVin. 1). Cooltrau, fyvaud father of owner. As noted in our furore walk Mle, Was for numi�- 1postnimterCochran, wos the 'arellitect - down this street, there stood some sixty! 0IZ' years eijga,-ei)d ill the w! alilig 1311,q -,wd baildor )f this church. Wilo knows MOSS! at years ago, near where Mr, Glover"a big tin this port, lander th,,k ythill"of t he r)alillter Will.It. willialli , CD .14 P4 -Ila 1;10 and firii-, of cti'. gate now is, the general merchandise 0 CD Sol)" 0 .0 11utit, 05 -1 , , tting, & Cn, ch had ra a, _,l 0 -44 0 liad '; &E. [hij, stort) of J, W, iftluttilig, whi E-4 .0 C. rQ4 wi PiLix" been movod from its former site near C) W i!- , Ili$ flinoral 0 �8t. 1 6 0 where the Universalist church now 1,46 The Mystic Cl , .0 ltit�ll I I -._= x, f4UWb it' 'I 0 Cis qz rcl ca 0 Z. 111411C�_', OU Ti-,��.,A,ay stands, and whioll shared the trade Of The Mystic Midgets, the Liliputian 41 tho village with that of Albert Galatin,Carnival of the Nations, given at Bel-'o F� -0 0 +a ca ra a W .0 I Case, t1lo father of Mrs. Evelitia, C0011- wont Hall on Friday and Saturday Oven- 0 C3 M rz ran, His store stood where L. W. inXs, by the Southold Union Sohool, for 0 os 11sticil aoli C Korn's now stands. Mr. Case had a the beue.flt of the Pisuo Fund, was CS 0 a cc 0 0 ;:1 faith in the honestly of his oust 011181's tinquestiouably the fluest obildren's, which Might not in every iustance have:entertainment ever given in Southold. (D 60 f / Ix, ./r^^�: �c l•< r.-r r-( Ali'i. r G'. � /r, � .. . . :f / � 'r' • � !:I?. G''-. ,I J [!-/ I.(��../!',/_ �i'=.�.'L[.P( /! :C IZ.�t�' r f f r, � 'i I w ' el /i, gate" signed the inOmment l,eing from }` -Z ? the right to tha'left, endin wilt George c h ( l/rte: rc�✓t. -y 1-e =.l,,- c ,.r; f r c ,Irl e,,- Ci1'OlN I B1:A RT. Waltnn r f Cleorgia on the left Side. Nzw Yoac,July 5. Join JACx. r e. i a'r.- t /r,'`"�/y% .•d ` " .` p r l r Che statements above agree in every par- ticci lar but one with the note appended � f. to the copy of the Declaration as printed `-' t ' is^,x?.l'.� --7•Y-r!� ["d .ill t v r ..` - �+r.7. �r. �r ._ .- In the oRieW compilation of `The Fed;ral Fr and tltsdo Constitutions, Colonial Charters lc�t sre•�fi.ir.r�.J , l � ' t/i r r t:�a l� . : r r.J.,r r = 7 and other Organic lAwra of the United r Htatsa," publiatred by order of lbnarem. y t er.�r ' .d •C/C ' c; 4�+ �t! J, ci�� l-rr l/., „ , r 42 y/ •f r t 'There it. to stated that the copy engmnae3 / / on paper and adopted on July 4 waft /1,e I" tt f_%es-rc,.fir/ 'r e.r- c'.,a e. ':a 4e,J r 'e, actually signed t.v John Hanr, •� a� / f Yretrident, f - i! (e.Ga=' See, .!'l✓ i{: ,..lXc. t.�/ /J ..(t. ..,•.• (' t �. - (i �tI'1t.�1-t.t.e� IC zl�-� Y i zGQ.-C C � j`.•i� s/J♦ �•a�,• t� e f f, Gittbo U roue"seemod so real and uatnr. A KI it made one woudor if the blaok would °< •o Pa really wash(;at' tlucb an evening's on- 4) Yt ti tertainmeut leaven a leasant memory o �" °r ` and makes one wish forr a o petition. p �. INTERESTED FPI:CTATUIi q 'Tire nstt r steamship Great hasteru- uro � � o d went on her promised trip to Cape May on o °' ` 111unday afternoon, and the event occasioned °o A o lltt P f au excitenrcnt as unex rotted as it was iu li, euse. At the dock, -foot of Hammon l a a-� c . treet, Now York, about ten thousand peo• ie were assembled to witness the departure o ft ° a f the "big ship," and the, enthushism dis• s .0 � u 92 layed was such as has rarely been wituessod dc o °c in that city of never-ending wonders. The Norah was as tilted with excarsson boats, a p and thli wholo space along West str•cet, be. $ P , o tween IIammond street and the Battery, n y� to _ –was ill a perfect jatu from people rusltinl; the embedimeut of Love, Florenoa Van s_ " K 1)ueen; The tiny Butterfly Guards, Nal- r 1 : lie Dauz, Mary Uouklin, Hattie Booth, ` A I, Lillian Phillipe; The Qnaeu's Archer Uadets, Grace Wells, Jaha Cassidy, Iva ; Lewis, Alta Poland, Florence Beebe, I, Ochry Simons; The Queen's Favorites, Anita Gomez Julia Grattau, El-it- li Hommel, Ella Lewis; Trainbearers,' I Vora Maier and Elinor Berry; Insects, glair VanDusen, Joseph Gagen, George �`' t." fe, Leiobt and Israel Terry. The Amazon tt Drill by Emily Simons. Flossie Meier, Floreuae Hilmou, K•tthrvn Skidmore, 1ladeline Simons, Agnes Gagen, Emma i 3chai ffor, and Helen Faley was a oars ' pretty feature of the entertainment. . � No doubt there will be especial notice t � taken of The Mystic Midgets" in the k TRAVRLffin, but the writer wishes to adi 2it his personal tribute to the managemon ;::' d and the managed. Wonderful, that si much could be accomplished by the for, ?.mer; and especially creditable was the b— work ti work of the latter. Entertainments ofis aE iti% this character are of great value to tilt �.. ,! ohildreu, for not eveu file smallest ons f but gains contidena9 by appearing in t Iinch manner before the public; and do- .. 1 iug his best he thinks he will do eveu better next time. While there is much«` e ' d d ggtes: signed the inxtrument heing frnns t; •S C W = 9 „ the right to the left, andirt with t+eurge to praise in it,,entirety, there were some a �.�w,8 IN'rEniolt .LiGNT1NCiTON 1.161AA11T. W'eiton cif (leorgia on the :eft side. ' in special lines who doserve mention for6�° v y ti s?w )nate,July S. Jottx JACK. s d ^ o s"O c•.. a exoellenca. Rensselaer Terry did hi tr�V o o o m a Is r -- l' o �. ,' ` The Ntaternenta above agree in every par- pi<rt very acceptably. His enuunciation 0 tls'stlar but one With the note appended it„ w iH so clear and distinct, and his Bolo- d ° to the copy of the Declaration as printed was a pleasure to listen to. Florenot o r r iu the official compilation of "The Fedei-al It WE and Stale Conatitutions, Colonial Charters At Van Dueen's song showed marked abil,d � ,;sitia,� a a *:,' and other Organic Laws of the united r- ity not only in quality of voiou, but chat _, a ► o a� Stetea,” published by order of Congress. y she Hang each note HO tr119, and the piece o .c Th,-re it hit stated that tile dopy engrossed us was not an easy one by any means. '1'ht{v - p t .� on paper and adopted nn July 4 wait t:�tioou's gu�lyds went through their evo o �� = o A A' ac tually signed by fnlyss Hancx_,k as t lotions in fl in shape, and the G•tomcs,i _ U o 'S._ n ° 'I' PrcHldent. with their chief, added greatly to Ilio H o n c x 9 e :c interest. Q teen Titania made snob au xes� ". •y w ✓:+ attractive ruler, 'twa9 no won•ief so mi �f� m �,o uy flew to ber aid Some of the repres9u •S �- E;'_ A tativeof the Nltions were very taking ;x a "Karl Von Krause," "tifaetanio Bauau o 0 a. It It iu"and "IIop Bing" proved fortunate 'z � 0 0 8 e' .� selections; for looks and actions were w !! ,moi > a u able. The of tile Po as liormautoikeep order eeo and his bravery � a F' \ l when danger did not threaten,were "too m °o +„ I e P- funny for anything," while the " iso c� - Little sseemed He real and natur- o itmde one woudor N t , if the black would e b Ra really wash off Such an evening's cu- 'tortainmout leaves a pleasant memory o i a o`,;r`' w and makes one wish for a repetition. INTERESTED FICCTATOIi Q p � O -„ iA �>�• �:. ,,.itR�='i'he rnonstcr steamship Glreat l�.asteru. � � � � � � tE�t/��' ., went on her promises] trip to Cape May on o "l Monday afternoon, and the event occasioned a °o q ,� a o '! i , an excitement as unt:xpected as it was iu t(rits At the dock3� , -foot o€ IIamuloud 't, a ❑ � � t� a�G iii.. �\ P 7`'t3 sir I. w York, abuut tea thousand poo MIT-- a m 8r;: / plc here assembled to witness the departure o b �' of the ''big ship," and the enthesiasm dis• plitycd was such as has rarely boon witnesHcd `o c �; a in that city of never-ending wonders. The y °� g = fd Nor,h riicr was filled with excureson boats, o o a, v / and t1w whole space along 'West street, be- 0 d ►, o --- iiite!i lI ainiond street ansl the Battery, w I;rt iVVI.. •I uu I'ruw people i uihiug to o ❑ o H ° o -- —` bt hold the spleurhsi spectacle, The L',tUery x as covcrcd with ane living mass of humarx Nein; s. About half'pest four o'clock they v f,ruat Eastern fairly started on her voyage„ Ha � � T p ..w -----------�— t and was accompanied down the bay by soma,„ `------- - —- ---- thirty atea.mboats, crammed with xeursio • er,•`_- c TG UllNl,4I1tE 4• I-Y11IT13 k'S S 'r, t 7�7a. Suffolk Co. Nursefrlews AJb":or Rump Seen.with Eno,sark and Ak}f'. X)E%I' TolftK _. By.]. b,�ynrJ Taylor. Acro yo 1. Ril'y g• 1'~m. NATI(�� cnrrmllnl.11. L. I. � ,•„,�, ,:,,,,, /t / lrrs» i Greenport, T R.R. Agents STATE' OI+' NEW YOUR C01'NTY OI' I IN(t�-;. )... • AFTERN and all other Carriers This Circus is t eomuosed of FR = See Back of Permit. TRANSIT PERMIT. CAN SCARS, incl r '} [FOR PUBLIC CARRIERS TOURNr = lepart�tettt of liealth, (91t of a lui><, Mine. Louise 119110. Josell 1'vrin48sia)t is hereby given Mast. to renzo've th.e lk)(?y Af 111. � An(] the world-ler, YVAN. pros Mye.i (I(fi(Z I 7(111(1 flied r G• i_ t,.' t/ tiI r r �rI uu�i' 1 ! WILL":1'Itoi,n�t,ipen,t,yw,, Mr. Harry w - - lit 1H8 the euu�c o/ tt'eoth hetr,(rf( (/i.1�1J.-V14-t/Cl� '��.( ., Ui,1 Mast.. I / Dau, = ")"l '/'rnrlRit Yet/lr`it.hF'itly rt8ke(�/or Gu'r'i(rl c(t�rl/ (/ 4,�. /•� The celebrated (I' - TOM WATS( , and a host of All 1,nt(( (f (mirt•trr.b.).ora n/rt,r•xon ill char ye theTr(r).�it / y I tS'i!/r(eellryl Fre � d' ( / 1>',(l �r { i ]m mediately 1. ' for the aftornoon Mlle. Eleira n.n1C :z.arcae make a Grand Ascevlsinn FuTTon R e - 6uTor Druauw-U - ----,.._ tt-r bN A SINGLE WiRL!i � 11t1hNFSorA. -The bill admitting 3ficueso — from the eround to the top of the Pavilion—a dis-. to into the Union pasied the Mouse Ily 157 taece,,f soo teet! i to 438. It had previously passed the Senate. Admittance 25 cants; reserved seats,50 c(.nts.!Der two Senators and two Representatives The awe of the People vs. N. Hub- U 0 A �I are iR Wtilltibard Cleveland, charged with selliag J u�tou, bay which belouged to Daniel Hallook, Ul% ,S UPL'If IGLz (;1 r.�ll IT k; tWA steam fire engine has been tuade at was retried before Justice Terry and NOty ll[SCiIAtIUI\t] ASI) FOit ti NLE 7 jury at(Iroeuport on Friday evening of S,,uillold ]f.u•bor and New �uti'.,lic, I5'ur„ Lawrence, Mass., whish throws s strea[n 81olio F,.vrna Cr.eea, one and a half inches in diameter, over a last week. Defendant was found guilty Apply to the Captain oilboart,0.r or the Aa(oi, roof one hundred fret high and horizontally ! a and sentenced to 80 days' imprisonment W J.GULDS11 i'1'tt. o in the county jail. H. H. jatnm for R nrhubl, July nth, 18%i8• 4s,*6 t one hundred and ninety-eight feet. )1fC.; Jesse L. ClsAe for(left./"`^� ��9� r(IsLi',(tRAPiJ YRtlM IZR00fil.TM TO ( R6BNY0RT. all our readers will bl hleneed, l0 k.rC4wtfla6; ;4°" t ..�.' 1 .. 41 ---IVo learn from au authentic Roaree that the euterpries it in a fair way t.) be coasnus-W ' �I We ,arta under the painful necessity _ the rpt i icika Telegraph Company haTe mated. In fact it is expected that the line, � � p 1 of announcing to you that we have Suspend loade the necessary arrangements and are will be conlpleied and in working order by.J , tled Payincnt. R,bout contmeueing the construction of aline the first of November next,anti in all probe- While our liabilities are large, our Assets ,of totrgraNh from Brooklyn to Greenport, bility of}it�es for the dtlivery and reception f .�' are also Large, and there is uo doubt, we U14 Kig(tbariti"te of the Long Island Railroad, of ntessages will ba established at Jamaica, F I think, that we can .Shaw a Surplus, I and spill ultiruately be connected with Bos- Isllp, Riverimad at►d Greesport We havo We propose an extension, and we think �ton by a stabroariee cable across the sound. been shut ont from the world long coaugh, ' a that tL'u best coarse for the interests of our he subject of brio tin Greenport in Tela-;and we rejoice that ilio "good time is cow- ' `” 1 � J b B I r • ) J B ,1 a -� •a.,n n �'� creditors. graphic commuuivatioa with all sectlwis OT i,ag' when the people on the east cud will t � w,4. . So soon its we can, we propose to call on the conutry, we havo spoken of before in 1)e pt:troal lli 1nYtaitt CJm1811hiCatioll with the; 1., ' 1. �. , �, `M �; y yjl you,explain our situation, and five our res rest of ulankiud. llurrahl for the !els• E i .. 1f11 sons why we think an extension would oper this paper, tool we are glad, and doubtless a p i _ . l al,h• 18`40 a0. � v ;� r1' I, �� t n , pLI Mly uul n seam. t ne ottacers of the va- they are lofanciattt means not only to pay y p tial. O ► SIC 1L I I r . rious unsuspended baulks held a meeting lust their debts in full, but will have a large sur-I.2 t U -��ja HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. even rig, and after a discussion of some three plus. We understand that it is their i1i o � ••a � g hours duration resolved to suspend to day.— tion to ask for all averse extension of J B a t fr ti EWYUI1K 13t1 N KS SUSPENDED 1 Fdrthermore, a committee was appointed to twelve mouths. We learn that their liabili- �o o proceed to Alban to urge u)on the(,lover- ties are about one million and a uarter dol- m Q ~'' o Tre>lnendous h treetxeitt.rneut in Wallto 0 titreet' nor the necessity of calling an extra session tars and that their assets will not fall very o B I of the 1,egislature to pass measures of relief.i far short of double that sum. SCENES, INCIDE.<wi, , The run of tote previons day upon the savings' c0. V c y . I TiiE FiNANCtAa, I'Axrc.—Messrs. Wells o ' $ o ,°, Q 1 (1^tom the New York herald of l'ou. " da banks fell oft'yesterday forenoon, and before ' v Lt o m w I y I the close of business it had near) ceased.— `k Carpenter, Merchants of this village,have '0 1 y P g , o ca a) O 6 �to a The money penis has indeed hecorne a crisis. suspended payment for the present. Ll jus- �� c's •: � ) Never has Nail street presented such a scene The 1 ennnylvuui)t Legislature yesterday pass. A 8 1 ed a relief bill, and adjourned sane die. The tice to those gentleman we would state that = 0 Era :; o of intense excitement ars was witnesse(I yes- the rumor which was in circulation here, to �. a terday. From time to time the announce. second Monday in April is the time fixed for the effect that they had failed and closed _ meat of city bank suspensions was roads U11_ the resumption of speele payments in that 3 ' State. their doors, is false. 'Their business is pro til the total failures of these institutions nnnr , "Our readers will observe by air ad- pressing as usual. bered eighteen. The Hudson County Batik vertisemeut in oar issue of to-(lily that Willets It will be seen by the following circular Of Jersey City also closed its floors. It isC dr Co., request their creditors to meet them issued to their creditors,that they ask for all somewhat remarkable that there were no on Monday Evening. exieitsion of time, and they are confident of failures of commercial houses or at least none We can upon good authority state that that their assets are more than sufficient to meet all liabilities. :W, - - 's ` t. U TO UK2VJAIRL eJ T HII'll I''SIFR `7 uil'olk (;o. N ucse>i s,� fswaA•Ftwi:or Europe baa with knapsack and Sat. By J.Bayard 4lrydor..:h*ew y k: Wiley ¢ Putnam. 1 SOUTHOLD, L. L 2 Parr.c.12rrra. �` ATION L (.rIRGU� HE proprietor of the above Nursery has All things conaidored,we chem tela n k one of the 'r w Willezhebitat 1 now oil hand, and ready for sale, a good most deserving which°Young Arnericu"has yet preilWed. stack of ,i 'l It is written by a young man just of rise,who started for t� Greenport, Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1858, FRUIT DECIDUOUS, ORNAMENTAL Al�ll Europe before he was abteteen,with not more than a huu- t1 Ma stere AFTERNOON AND E�'kN1N(I. r Brod and aft dollars ht Ilia y EVERGREEN TREES. y . He end for two ears 4' This Circus is the bell in i he cquntry, heinn ?'i literally walked about Europe. He euppinrted himself by # "' over th comtiosed of FRENCH, IMILISII and ANIERI- Deciduous, Ornamental, Flowering and Ever- literature,and at the end of hia journey},ad not expendedOCCllrre CAN STARS, including; tlw reuw ungd green Shrubs. Grapevines, Raspberries, Straw- more then four hundred dollars. The excellence of ti,e S tae-bed, T lorries,l:urrants,doosebari•iem, Blackberries,Ev- wurk runes from its exceeding freshness and spirit. For i i TO RIN IAtRF, TROUPE !( erbloopring and Running ROSH,Tuberous, Bul- every great object of stature and'ert which Ilia author saw, ing dull Mune. Louise 'hoilrniitire, bons, Herbaceous Perennial and Biennial E'•low- he haul to suffer some privations; and he accordingly de. appear 31IIe.Jest phinerI,ournlaire' xring Planta; Pahtias,&c.&e. ecribcs them inch betier than lie would have done had he the city The season for transplanting having now arriv- possessed the"advantages"of common tourists, llesldes, Mous. I3,noir T,mrniaire, ed,persona wishing to purchase any of the above hu mode of traveling made him familiar with the peopix IA firstMast. rheo(iort.. 'rom-niaire, artlelea, would do %volt to forward their orders of the countries he visited; and he gives maty curious dlreCtk Mast. Ferdinand Tourniaire, immediately. anecdotes of their manners and condition. It is itpnorablr, And the world-ienuwned The above Nursery Is situated in the village of to hunuen nature, that his impressions of the common ` Southold adjoining the Presbyterian I'arsona e. 1hP 1 WH ir.I.' y FAMILY l , la g by K people do Luglunra Germany,he Italy,need placed i nrel were � bed Wont I 1�'Circular Catalogues Gent to all correspond' offl,pleasing c•heraoter,as he was often pieced in relations � y ft Mf. Marr winili, entn on application. Ill packages will be doliv- to them calculated to draw out their true mature whether be t ro u l Harry y' erect at the Southold R.It.Depot, and at Green- ' over coeatrtl Mile. lti l v I hg W ft i l I,y, N it were kind or kindles. IIs war almost uniformly treated over,��h; purt true of uharge. with hospitality,and sometimes even with affection. He its r lutist. Willie Whitby, ISRAEL, PECK. u �Jma discovered however,that they were singularly rad rldicn- Gbta eta r,aU Donne Margueritta Whitby. Suulheld, Isl.irch 18th, 1880, 3l3tw' lously ignorant of every thing regarding America—ii- � P Tho celehrated Clowns, jam`We invite attention to the advertise-geography,its government,and Its people. ��G,uproi TOM WA,rso N AND GE0. SHARP, trent of the American hotel in another col- There ione quality thin honk which every remits+ ��� most feel t to be firecinathng—we mean the bcnntlful sweat- oat and a host of American Starm, loo numerous to umn. Tho location of this Hotel being in nessrend hemlthlnewof tileauthor's'mind and disposition. nreution• Ile never brags of the obstacles Ire sunnaourusidy wr ,tot/one the heart of the business portion of the city, whines at the privations he endured,but tells the story of Free Exhibition. makes it a desirable place for business men bis journeyis�a must bewitcbing sltr(MWany nn`l Such an Irnmed iateiy before the opening of the door's to stop at. It is conducted on the European'n"le,ay. T the bright thoughts and sweet G p p Ings of youth,are oil every page,infusing rife into Clue u;, bel Lofty t.v for d,e xftnraonn perfnrrnanct•' tan and Ig Located at Nos. 135 and 137 burial. It, p relieve, and giving picturesque vigor to the descriptions. T1lle. Iarir(t aril tattle Willie ff%+ilGy will The author must bear n brave serene,and modest lwm i Fulton street—just out of Bitting . � t 4lkil,'P, a. UrC69tC1 fis('e4hcin9L 1�' nradrr Ins jackal• std we cordially ON A fi1NC7LE Wlltl,.. MINNESOTA -The 1nIII adnllttilltf, IC4P90- r y wish him mal life ,i tV- n -&I n 1 6; n<a r• which both ro ruddy naris from the emun+l to tlw hep of the P iviliuu—a des-Ito into the Union pag+ed the House by 157 tante of 300 feet.! to 38. It bad previously paused the Senate. Admittance 25 cents; reserved meats,50 cents. $et' two Senators and two &pre"atativ011 The cam of the People vs. N. Hub- U U A L are iia Wuuhington. bard Cleveland, charged with selling hay which belonged to Daniel Hallock, OF 8tift8I614 QU,ILITf, PYA steam fire engine has been made at NOty DISCIIARQING AND FOR BALE .1'I" g wtw retried before Justice Terry nodi Southot,i eLu•bor and New ✓3uHLlk, from Lawrence, Mass., which throws a stream jury at(lreenport on Friday evening of slo+, F'i.v,nt:Ci.rmn• last week. Defendaut wait found guilty t one suit a half inches in diameter, over n and sentenced to 30 days' imprimonniont J.ttuLU�AI I'i'li. tI'1'IV to tb Caudata qtr livar'd,or of the Afroof one hundred feet high and hordzoutally --. = t, - •-- v b'ly o ° in the county jail. H. $. jam;/y � S uttb;1ld, July 2001, 1858. 48•tit one hundred and ninety-eight feet. :A _03 ., _ ; puff.; Jesse i.. (Jane for loft. TI&LsoRAPH YROI.1 B?t0o1:LT1(TO ORK91, On't'. ,all our readers %vill by p)eased, to klllpw9tti"I. .�- , - IV— Bill, —We learn from as authentic snares that the onto, is in a tuff way to be cousntn 4 We are under the painful necessity the Ar.,.:-;call '1'elegrnpVl Company have lasted. In fact it is exper.ted that the tine Q , I 1 of announcing to you that we have Suspend- made the necessary arrangements and are will be eon)pleted and lel working order by 3 sellw ,•" Cd Payment. ilibunt contnicnciug the consteuetiat Of a line the first of \ovember next,autl in all proba• a �, �I `Vhile our liabilities are lwge, our Asarts of telel,aph from Brooklyn to Greenport, bility otfirea for thti 6livery and reception =+ ' + ";.. Yar® BIRO L(arga, and there is no doubt, we -3. ulong"the route of the Long Island Railroad, of messages will bu established at Jainnica, ! I think that we can Shorn 2 StarPlua. I, f¢w. alld Will eltintateiy be connected with Bos. Islip, Rlverlrcad and Gcttenpat. BYO have � c .4 4 � We propose an extension, and 140 think tial by it submarine calsle across the lJouud. 6aru shut o0t; from the world long errough,a athat the best coarse for the interests of our 11 The nbjt•ct of bringing Greeepurt in Tele- unit we rejoice that the "good tame is torr}- `o creditors. graphic comeneuieati0a with ail sections 6 ins' when the people en the "east end" will ; ,,,,, � •� �I So soon Its we can, we propose to call on the country, we have spoken of beFore in he placed Ill tnrtaut eoulnluuicatiuu with tide',w O r •• m d, it ollexplain our situation, and give our rea• the, payer, and we ore glad, unit doubtlosg Qrest of laankiud." Iturruh( for tho'L'ele �i �s '0a o11 s(rrls wily we think an extension would oper ' - - - Ili iifl3 il` n if,rtut,ce, due olncers of the - tut e lea a►>n rla�t means not only to a P08TSCRIPT 1 Iva y y pay r ce A k _ fleas unsuspended hanks held a meeting last their debts in full, but will have a large sur-�•p is U o HIGHLY I1IZPORTANT NEWS. evening, and after a discussion of some three plus. We understand that it is their inters- A b ° boars duration resolved to suspend t0 day.— tion to ask for nn average extension of Lo j S - - . i f, NEW YORK 13ANKS SUSPENDED ( Furthermore, It coalrnittee was appointed to twelvemonths. WH learn that their liabili- �= ej u* o es proceed to Albany, to urge upon the(lover- ties are about one million and a quarter dol- ° m s TresuSendouus I:xelteulsteut in Wit11 or the necessity of calling all extra settsion tars and that their assets will n t fall very � � _a �`� � } Street. 4 of the LeKidaturc to pass measures of reliefj far short of double that sum. SCENES. INCIDENTS, 41 The run of the previous day upon the savings;� Tim FINANCIAL. I ANic.—Messrs. Wells banks fell ufr yestcrday forenoon and before ° a cd z1 °° � ° °" � ) [From the Now York herald of 1 esioday] & Carpenter, Merchants,of this village,have o y ° p a "i Lite close of bueiuess it had nearly ceased.— bo s A The money panic has indeed become a crisis. suspended payment for the present. I❑ jus- rn- d �, g P Never has Wall street presented such asceue The Pennsylvania Legislature yesterday pass- V ed a relief bill and adjourned sine(lie, lg1e tice to those gentleman we would state that a E- 4 o 5 Of intense excitement as was witnessed yes- Lite rumor which was in circulation here, to terday. From time to tinie the ailliomiee- second Monday in April is the time fixed for ', < d the resumption of specie pnytneuts in that i meat of city bunk suspensions was made, un- the street that the had failed suit closed o y State. their doors, is false. Their business is pro i til the total failures of these institutions nn u- SW Our readem will Observe by an ad- grossing as usual. bered eighteen. The ilad"ll County Bank vertisement in oar issue of to-day that Willets It will be seen by the following circular Of Jersey City also closed its doors. It is & Co., request their creditors to meet them issued to their creditors,that they ask for au somewhat remarkable that there were uo on Monday Evening. extension of time, and they are confident j Cl s; failures of commercial houses,orat least none'' We can upon good authority state that that their assets are more than sufficient to k meet all liabilities. � ,, a �•, c a � _ _ - �+ E. L. SOUL, POSTMASTER. .. — _ — SATES POST OFFICE «' Ir w v ROCKPORT, Aransas Co.,TEXAS. C.MERRICN 190 / Ca ZZ- -77 ~ _t i T J G 't _ r �• i —_ � /(�' i I-�-C-sG t--fi � i��d7r"�/�--, Z4MVV/ 1 0 . . . . . . . , FT •=� =�_ _ C - - y�`. �Jr-�LaLs-z ACJ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - ¢ t' F tC _ _ c d A c !I'. r� Zyr✓•, V <�tit/ lj�t -t-v-,._��J -_"_-- -- - - y 41 g Pr ` `rcfcRuo.cfl.�o iijr .>,f Jc. E �, aIT . a9 a3 r_ co PI Q Z u- C ,y-siE-a •�a v X9.7 ,..._I ti o, •� m O € �; R �. / c vt<-_ �.c�Co // Gam- . /�<_.(/T/L/� :-' �_ _. C(k T VB77 Tea Rtt 241.1. IZFFI-BLICAN Wic;wAN.—The Sing: Conn- - p f y' -V-Pry 7•espectfully, rty IL Prilllieau Association, having leased a = T t i plot of ground iillpoiati the Fulton street, opP. Af lity hull, Brooklyn, until after the Presi• P. •ly A n r " , ll I `1i �- derltial elt;ctlutl- have just completed the - = <N,.- Y ^ _ =- =e a - - e o r erg do l V C 1 Ot ii. tlnlldin'U* III WhICI) LO tl9lti meet- � a m� c� T. � " � °' �No p u .�. t� -t ,,., � �+ ' _-j.. '� »' •^ ,.. " C .- t a- ju .. t =' U F C ID U Gj ,i. GI. - __ - c•a� c CL ,,,,, ^� - C Inr.9 dNring Ll)C campaign, and to 8t'rIe R3 `•i G o -•,w 6 f. �- ! �_a '-•c c. "��r p - p •-• Y p, :, 1 _../ E 'T A e0+C r Y _ r L �•._ :' C e-. a. T G-a lYi .�. n• 6-. tl.a headquarter of the party►❑ Iiiat!s ceuu. _ - - _ ty. The Wigwam was dedicated n o Tues- day ecEning, Liar '?:.; iust. "f e+ "� G. R ;lv O V: .q,ir. 37, r E. L. SOULE, POSTMASTER. E. L. SOULE, POSTMASTER. UNITED 5TATE5 P05T OFFICE UNITED 5TATE5 P05T OFFICE ROCKPORT, Aransas Co..TEXAS. ROCKPORT, Aransas Co.,TEXAS. C.MERRICK H.C.MERRICK �l -190/ 190 `-� l/2 L���(li.i�/ �^� C-C�Yc�G�'_•�--�v(� �•a.a,+JO CSG= 0� /G Z c ��c.v� i� r�-d7G li� �_ c �lr-rl .� _•_- %!i�-'C. �/ !�f l !e;%1'.�C�/ �C/��t�lA y Q/ (i��✓l^„ !/Z l/1 �j /U � liL+'v�".i G t<—v c �� ' �y 3 II `�Zyt' i c/ -�IfitL- GGL"�-G�v�— 'yYE�c� � ��� ! •i ZL/ GG2•G .,e41.�-..c'fa - F Very respeetfulllJ, Very respectfully, P. if. P. if. -�T"F?o :^m �=a3' � _ .-.�n .c•:: L=. �o�-�r a�s a w w_�.• ar��-ter 1111y ADYA\CrC'••O11AItD. - nal .roruv MAY. [For the Sefllrlk Weekly Times.] 7Nthodream oftheN„rthernPilots CiUTC1louCl'., 31StI)CC• 12 P.Al. LONG- ISLA-ND RAIL ROAD. 5 � The hl.rvc w 110 Ir,buttlo flip c ry htight uu lu eha+lowy{rhulaus Behold the car of Timu has wheeled another round, El m. g; e x "-'�. i In the tlnt+t of Lim upper ak}•; And boruu the Old t'ear's burden to its uGnust !!lilltlP! 11I•t1!!„l'!1►Pllt, _ 'r, And as we road the s"anntug rhyiav bound; ON AND AFTER MONDAY,I JUNE 1st,1Fi37, e,. The roverunt.Insley +wart Elghlet a Fifty-Seven has tottered to his close— (Sundays excepted,) The ghostly ringer thn vlowleAS awrm•ds -n Just like it worn-out Warrior yearnin,for rr)OSe. PASSENGER TRAINS GOINe EAST le Ahtl t he slush of the spectral al,car"' I Leave Brooklyn for Greeuport.,at 9 A.M.,daily, N, llere,—on the brink of Ages,the Ocean of the Past,and on Saturdays,at .30 P. A1. 'Ifo the with.imlx: Dns qutve lost. With ove,flowin measures of all events amassed Lcave Bfooklyu for Riverhead al 9 A.M., and , 'Of til{•hrutharr that we havo lura, 4 , , it IAnd we otrlvo,to truck Lr rteur,lr`a mystery Since he put an the armor with boisterous Wirth 3.30 P.Al.,daily, rs The•A*bt of each valiant ghost. and glee, x.Leave llrooklyu for\orth Islip,at 9 A.AS.,and `lw ce ZNortYerq trgE1 comes ba30 P.A1.,daily. back to ns, The holder of the favors and evils then to be,— Leave Brooklyn for Farmingdale, at 9 A.M., t l And wet 1661 through our sorrow's night lie stands, his circuit flnished,.and views, self• 3.30 and 6 P.Al.,daily. e That thuso youoK souls aro striving still. aatiafted, Le Brooklyn for Syosset at 10 A.AI,and a Buiniowlioru for the With and llght•' The(lusts of his mi4.301'.'Al. ty It was not their time for rest and 0-11. mission, his faith and trust well Leave Brooklyn for Hempstead, at 10 AX and tried: 3.30, 4.80,and 6 P.NI.,Sail it Their hearts heat high and strong; , rs Ili their fresh vslas the blood of ysr+if n Hie seconds and his minutes, Lours,days, weeks, Leave Brooklyn for Jamaicaat 9 and 10 A.M., Nan singing its hut,sweet soug. mouths are run, and 3.30,4,4.31),6 and i 11.AI., daily. The upon heaven bent over them, N.B.—Express Train may set down passengers rd Iiia Winter,Spring and Summer and Autumn all at Ilicksvillo and It. Branch going west,and take 'Mid flowers their lithe feet trod; to Thar Uveal Jay vivid to ilrrhto and blast let done. up passengers same points going farther east than Jerusalem, Ali other rasson 1 By the sniHes of woinuu and(Ju(I. Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace,"— { stere w•ho may tido ,l on Hxpress Train between Brooklyn and Jorusa- Le callus— tem,will be charged 50 pot•cent advance on regu- b Again they crone! Agate I hear The Seasons'four-fuld beauty has passed before lar fare, The tread of that goodly baud, y P• }' I know the Hash of LllawortU'soye, say eyes, PASSENmEn Tn.cIN3 co,Nrt WEST. to And tite araVal his hard,warm hand; A gorgeous pranoratna depict in Nature's dyes." Leave Crecnport for Booklyu,at 10:1..11,daily, And 1'itlpMs U4 Shaw,of the hon Isio4ot, Hist! noiselessly lie launches upon the buuudlrss and on Mondays at 4.50 A.M. us' Awtan eye like it Boston girl's. SeaLeave Riverhead for Brooklyn, nt 5.47 A.H., tt' And I sen ,the light of heaven whJsh alwnB and 1 P.M.,daily. Oil Ulric Dalilgrou'a curial. till floats amid Ilia treasure+adown Inflnity: Leave North!slip,at 7.10 A.AI.,and 2 23 P.Af, ad e's laden with tare Casket of ev'ry hope or fear for Brooklyn. eC. There is nio power In the gloom of hell Leave Farmingdale, at 6 and 7.50 A.X.,and 3 To quenoh those epirlts'tire, hick buoyed or suuk the spirits throughout his 1, AI. P. ,for Brooklyn. e 1'Ihero Is no ohurin in the bliss of hnavna sojourn here, Leave Syosset, tit 7.20 A.AL, and 4.32 P.AL, ►a To bid them not aePlrv,; Pf ev'ry j.-y o••sorrow,of ev'ry word or thou ht, for Brooklyn. en ILrt wouewhero in the 4Vrnal plan Of ev'r} Iii I ;Measure, n i,wit0 sol nal forgo, Leave llernpstead, at 6.28, and 7 35 and 8 A. That ArruRth,that lift,survive, AI. and 3.20 and 5.10 P. M.,for Brooklyn, CS Ofov'ty scnsi 1'Itindncss outspoken or suppressed, And like tit(-flb+s un Imakuui's(,real, Leavo Jamaica for Brooklyn, at 6.40, 7,40 and l,s, Ahove Death's oloudr they strive. Of ev'ry act �Iii jury remaining or redressed; 8.69,8.42 and 8.48 A. AL,and 4.10 anis 4.45 P.At„ He bears sill forms and shadows into the misty daily. pe A drusen eerHel r they are wurcWug nu N.B.—Ex yas'Train ma set ni In a wider tlntd than ours; Main, p” Y•et down passe Those bright huttalioas still fulfill And swells,of by-gone years the constant length. al llicksvillu and 11,Branch going west, and take ti up pesseogers at same points going farther east lie illy aclwtucof t.hoheavenlypowersi it ring train : thau Jerusalem. All other passenycrs who may And high,bravo thoughts float(Iowa tit us IBut Spirit-light trod Alcmory and Love and bright ride ori Express Train between Brooklyn and Jo. ir- The schools of that far eight, Ideal ruanlew, ,vitt he charged 50 per cent advance ua dy Idke the flash of a distant pteliet•m gnus regular faro, res 'rltrongh the shadAy of the severing night, And Truth and joy in Beauty are the abidina Real I W-11.E. A1ORRli3,1'te,ideot. No f9sr for them! In our lower t1old Old Time with ceaseless march o'er these has no S.H.Tow ss&Nn,A;eut. 1 y UpLet us toll with arms unatalued, control: ((� Tliett at last we ise,worthy to stand with themL/a rpe tss tee On t*shining bights they've galne4, (Frit by our Father's hand upon the inmost goal, i ,ee We shall meet a7rA{ire st!n closing runk4, These ru•r, ctllueuce fmuurrtal and divine, r BHT, Subscriber respectfully gives notice av ••lu'Iejitiold declputAg skull. Which through eternal Cycles increasingly shall to ilia friends and the public generally,that pf Whsn the bugles of Ood aliall sound rocall, shine. LI'!,. I lie has greatly improved, and somewhat ealarged A tie.B AUrtattle u. life b,•wunl r Ilia premises,and laic! in an immense stock of N Ilei.It is stated that 1'rinI ty Church,New(foods,eonsistiut: in part of the following articles, SW'1'hc length of the Long Island Rail- York, whose property has been rated at via: t'ulvet Tal, carpet,10s to lis; Tallest- Wt road is 99 miles. Ilinriub Brussels, boC. li•!t and Amorican,8s to 9s; p the prior year, $10,000,040 is, is face, wurtlt only $2r ry Safi, n ear- 406,216 passengers have passed oyer the '2'36, and is running behind at an alarming let e51 lto lis: Ingrains 2soa rCdaito 4a; road, at a_�,har;e of 1 8 4 cental per Rifle. rale. The deficiency last year was$84,405 loll. Cloths frol,. to 4s; heavy shoot oilq- The capital is $'1,900,000, of which $I,- and for this year is estimated ,it $,73,721.— cloths, frwit i.' .t wide; window shades, I• $a 2,1 1 G havo brew paid in. There is a " Without an immediate sold complete 91,111 Itself, 1 landscape,gold leaf,Cs to be tioatin debt of 654,5363 at an interest of chug e of policy,"adds the committee "it it+a; matti, u,;+ts, venetian carpet, stair rude, at $ p Cc.,&c, Paper hanyir,gs,a splendid assortment i 6 per cent. 1'hu year's espeuses were$182,- will soon become u question whether, after new Wierns just roeeived. It to 112 72 ; expisnser $33.4,105 26 Thu av• paying the debt, there will be property - , J.It,LANDON,37441udson at.,N.Y. I tan erage rate of Sliced of the trains is 80 miles enough left to sustain the parish." '� The 8th av,cars pass the dour constantly, ;tiff, ing an hoar.--.Inne,ti(a. Dem„(,rnt, Atstire of 8Rssions--Samuel R. Davis, of per Lich closed yesterday, are as THE SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. Brookhaven. $ County Treaswrer—Samuel F. Norton, of 41's Iver Bank ; Ocean Bank ; Irving llltJ li\Pnit'P nal19(iBER 8. 1857. Brookhaven. Ab �Ierchallts' &chauke Bank • Now Republican County Colnyention. The Delegates chosen to represent the idy slie ark Exchange Sank ; Citizens' Bank ; A Convention of the Republican Delegates County in the Senatorial Convention, to be c s m m * Jn Val Batik ;� Market ]Bunk ; Chatham from the various Towns of Suffolk County, held Wama ,Oct. 14th, were m rid liauk: Tradesman's Bunk ; St. Nieholrt.s wits held at Riverhead on Monday, October Wm. A.C oho Sherry, Charles R. ��'� > .; lie Batik ; ]Butcher's & Drovers' Batik ; Peo- 5th, 1857 : IIon, JonN G. F OYD was up- bayten,Itichar Smith, John G. Floyd, . .- P10'8 Buhk ; Bull's Bead Batik : New pointed Chairman, and JAMES H. TuTnim, Samuel F.Norton,Henry P.Hedges,James!' H.Tuthill, Joan Wickham, David G.Floyd, y York Bank ; Leather Manufacturers'Bank • and WM. H. OLVASON, Secretaries. _ - Artizans' Bank ; Broadway Bank. The Convention proceeded to nominate Samuel A.Smilb,James T.Morris. candidates for the Count offices to be still- The delegates received power of substitu• a r : - •-.a Y Another Suspension, tion, and those attending said Convention, ported at the ensuing election, with the fol- ;; - -, o Owing to the Financial troubles in the lowing result: authority to fill vacancies. j� ,g � L L City, the Republican Judicial and `lenatoriul Counly Judge—Hon. George Miller, of Richard 11. Benjamin, Joshua L. Wells, v. � Convections, (which were to have beer, held Itiverbead• and John J.Riddell,were chosen to compose �` _ Oil Tuesday and yesterday,) have not been Snperintetulent of Poor--Samuel P. Os- the County Cotnmillee,for the ensuing year. able to transact any business. -born, of Easthampton. It was Resoltted, That these proceedings _ be published in the Suffolk Weekly Tiures and Long Islander. P . c Snffotk 1 0 PEDLE10 Times* subst -,fes, fSi f5 of slit: Ri3Tf3AI,. -- - 1 ! Tirhavit Cornptetrd an aaae:'s,aaeiriF�" 's� JOHN J RIDDEI�L, ED. AND PRonC.IET08_ �r lGi froth Jrjlt►•s2 t1' — ' tai.rt oo w I GRERNPORT, TRURSDAY, DEC 15,1969- ifitini, all ,attrstar,: the U tt _ - n c rade the West Indies, u Tal e l lungs tlsa.r�dt•need extra puffin. t1 for rr r ra'�' ,r r:k t�r :>^ i t T with thWr fadisputt�cl exrse;lleucci is their highest pities c'];rots tine t t, ,lege] tt+qQ a,:l 1,a�rrt`; � G Di CI1G', who rlrliply Co1itEalplatee our 0Y� 1'et FLt7"1'i.1C. M' froE4c ,Fe,la2 st to shin��to3 Ce pt ` rat sir , "�i'allcut harbor, so little removed from the C-0, ''r'I'et! give i,,i4 'y Illeet at tt;€ ul'€ire <� 0 Atlantic,tho great highway of Commerce, It - ..? r,`r~il*, •-�' til' Board of TrLt .,,` hilt -'s,��d a.(ti6r:f.;h i,Ili,;ll"j7,II# It v'til:aa� , cr. °„ ;, ^:a° aaiilth it ati of July .-Cl +' � is a matter of surprise that the tontlage Of t t;t.at 3 o'c12t<`;�ti Fel.I,.r a° Prl k .d1f i,..�.It=said „ this Mort should be so stnall. The water of asse9;gm ntl, i>d i„rt11i lFtr :tls_i xi1 k,'i't'.StCti rum are =1 '•`,,.,'y Q a requested their crit t', aC to show talt;C,if:iny 4hra� itave, v our harbor Is of a Sufficient depth to accom- � d,n 4 '10.fir. I`later will please take llCltic@ wby the shill a 'r,;gn rstti should itch be ratiflP.tl and Con a o t that the Fox has relieved himself of his Iollri. f rme by t;_,. ?;r T]ilztpee. � �, � � rLv3ate a vessel of the size of the Great � © p Great Bargain]iia Piauo Portes at FOX ,t� °1I MOSER, pastern, and we are only about three ,lours Cu.'s a r New York Walker Et,, N Y. �•E�E�L�����'E��T L�r £sena � n! from New York, and yet since the decline of I C- � o W- Y rk I I per's bring us t�._ a t 1BLRTIS. } Ass `�' r the w°hallus; business, our commerce has -14 tad intelligence of the death of washingtotl 1�'tl:Ll�tti1 A. SALE, `i is U suck down to the low figure of'I,000 toes. A o = a 11-yin', who departed this life on Alonday �u]v`�` � r � P, � � ® no �~ r�()Urllol.n, Deu 24tH, F8,)t5, Lo- r �.everal causes have to bring about evening, Nov. 286, at the advanced age of J. J, B-imlrm,, Eq.—.11y-Dear &- --tit �� �.� m � the state of things whish DOW exists, The l !d7 yGlirtl. the e e"eellL.7'1' ilittrt 3f ins"£lnd 111+rill Satin v, ^� , t� Railroad instead of being an assistance to - �. ! I t factory` "I''iilttiitl'rtloll” at the �3UthUlil In � � � r � � _��l�_ r �N � .� � our growth as a commercial center, has rath• c- 8 � � T t2f Stitute, ves,erday, (of which yon. "'i=ll doubt a, � �. P li'ti,lieii-hPv 1VT; k a.J) iJ�'r ifa1 IWI of]]b ill:;- le 1) \ > W el•leaned upon us for support. Its Directors c� �-a _ be inforined in dvi-6l in dile time ) the o port.'"I tf,fl� 'Si11'tltffll,Will t,8 Affl1�ht Atictil}Cl ' i ,� ci y, tho it of A**bel- instant, at;ACCOtnpa nyitl- "C�ili positiou" was read by a r � � � have as a general thing, we are sorry to say, � � 1' r;�lock P. K The gale Will be]lack,on board.young- holy of the Institute—faluitle:�sly rcalil displayed a masterly inactivity, so far as in- o 0 ar the sl wig,;i:Main Whirrf,.;Wtw-re st-ci mow lies., _iti,il reveivvd with very awrlied favor by � `" "� � � � d 'halir lwriitiv®. Terms cash, r F=1 augurating any measures calculated to ill- o the large it itiLvIligunt itudientw in attent_l-� "' � H.&N.CORWIN for tho Owners.• ,� v N - .-C ) 1 i�tice. The Su b el t. a'Ii,e�)k Ut to Ago,"'I s.0. ,�, -� 1•v'"i � prosperity, � y-,• � p 1� •- et•ense filo aril to extend the use- (r on putt.8e It.3 145.1. 3-:c J,a , + -.�- tlf licutely alid beautifully treated, is One, it � � `�' Dulness of the roan, are con�ernd. taken in � c �� i E , o � BUSINESS.FOR`►�i+ � si.elns to rile, whiell the youth of the tunes �A e think a step is no being Ry ° i # f R uDdere=<l rleil bt its for,406fms�well I)w i-� ,oti�ir IsiCli we llavt> fallen sill Very lrofpLa� '� � -k � t� 2 o I' Y 3 i the right direction, by some of our enter• nesis,ttr et}rer;�+Niteb al} tits Imt tits 11 d G for Dt3ici ltrie +; �lt;it ;l3 c;, ct►cs,Yiel�s,blY eau ]list, stilt] I ,irli If(l},t, riu being al prising; eitizen�, and vve tt'llst thflt C teen M C�' 0 0 Fllovvls, Crowbars,Vic, ''1ii l e tl ullCAI) forioi'ed slit lrri,tf�.ge Of tafl'irtti►ii }nit tilt] ops eta Cash. 11or:14rtl4r,par iCulars,11111)IV Lo ort:uult,' of itiakiag it a - llulid r al rift to �i F �' f port is about to Witness a new epoch of com V L1J 'RIX CRD at Ori tit. p y " Y `� c c3 p ^sr 1 0 thus"young Atfieriu ''raiders of the Saflull� � � `� �> mercial prosperity, commensurate with the -- 6rient Jttl_v 26 1&40. 4;I-fern c li eettl 1 tlliesi. o 1 y C facilities which it possesses for commercial!r r ©►lt'1�• "Apities of gohl ill ii t re 5 ," l e a :s f 5iivcl Vcfv truly yowls, J, W. Hsi�rrING. W s pug THE STli ,i1I IL �n _ 1 he sloop Swallow is now being; rebuilt, telt trr.titrns� ? -Iii .a dist G� � � and will be lenatheued about fifteen Bending hororre,44 ire I)aly,iti the 'New York 1��, " �I and,converted into a schooner. She will be �� o I - - Onart CAPT. D. , , ' C��uiMoll Plt,tiq, in w'hieihf the el'ert� ✓`+ �;o Z5Cdi5patclled about the Ist of Jaunary, by S:'1t I. KFA]A 01 tageri� leer w68 the point at, iisilei, all III- H �o x Messrs, fila H. & J. A. Wells to souse port r'4 x ��G A'11.14;t,t�ct,erprr5,it li;ietl up with c�,ru• aIv H fort,able bsrthy, &C., will 10ave Jaitlesp„i,t rliv�i,llial tlafed Haw's sworr_t that lie drai li..� O G in the ]Vest Indies, with a cargo of casks, every�T'uesr}ay, Thurs(iav aurl Saturday,for i � � New ii>t, t;l s of Iffier in a iiay,and had taken - hoop poles, &.c., &c., and return directly to c) York,?;oppirrg ata the llirltl,Ii;.s oto the Bay, �Z E:c 1 Leave Janie,porl; tit 1 �'cilrtk;1'. i'i. t~';Iru to 23 glasses liefir><`e let rating itlto Ci)nrt. Ot.h('r l-� t.,IDr this port, bringing a Cargo of molasses, &c. . •� _. w � ,aL m � ,yam, a ;dew York S'50. Meals 2 Bents. 1 aro botivi oil t)-ittiesst';s c?ot►'~irlcri i, ISr t:cve.el► I0 ,>utt ii) � � � W a� Should success crown this undertaki"fir, and � � = Tamosl,®rt anti all latitlings tan ow 13,11 `:'ii cerite, .., fl, Leave-New York, f'®ru rl=is�r', :i il:t}' foir dh ilil�ins . This e needs �_ :-� ='�� we leave every reason to believe th,lt it will, � � � a I�i Justice'Rlilr,t:very Mon. 6, - a� slay,Wedlles vv.diad ,eIUbly,al t);1'w l<�1'k r,M. thu ('rill;:"Ily f'il" Llr.,fDi' p r_i, �=-� /moi�� J G i Jaus9 Eith, 1 &0. 1 t:±).i of El)oril of , ,;; -�� we have Do doubt but that a direct, li ade, Q W u 3 Q ''llci 1�) sf.-o€1'ieo ren r vi>il stir AI„Ii. xaiul h�I li.�. 'Pie aililu'it that Cart urlke it� �-" `r'�� �'� not only between the Nest Indies and this Imo, �"- C� 3o illy to E. T P.ht's mvw itnilelinp., '1'luy ,r'If it l tw',r bei•,• filter to the extent of tell = )ort will be opened, but that it will also be�a o° I't3r7111 i4 ta1 C+tltlt] illtiltes R tICit'pillito rtdi i it:l.lu;(s dlidv Cs, ill tilt' sz,`iale of creiitioa, very ry ' '� «xt:endetl to soaje of the Sonth Americatl,� c3 �y flilz eltllt t. Tines Iu. s. stt ,�, f 1 t t lI �4U _ Ir tniiil•'Ilt.tle abovo thou vvt of o. swi -fell c;,Isv• - ports. t toudoil the tl�ovillg.; � `.. I 'w tn - �, J rooklyn Lolshl. :'H.iUN, of Njassachuseust, POSTS TIPP President of the ConvLn U. 1�h��J���11'�' is illi r SPnI GFIELD, I11., slily t?3, 1860. nouii"at.iOlI hlr Sutlerintenclent of the C'oiltlt tou UFroi,K�' rricr. - `� �' HUN. GEORGE t�Bli�,it`ti• Pl,r�ir�i;�,'r CSF THE; 1'uur. L,e: I'll" IIe't'n trit�d alit] found to be a, ) � NATIONAL Coi~ti EN-rir)<$; 11Tov. 10-5 .L. .1I. ! UQ -, true and g;�ood ofii"r—thllt affords a good 0 SIR-1 accept rile uotninat:ion t t ri�tusuit why lie;shoulr_l he re�cleeied. THE T �����, the c n�entioll OVt;I' WIji(!h yo reiVERY LA1��T -- - • , g t, Our 0,t1 lsia,ed aAs�of which I aiFn formally a.ppr 11 1g- tilt I'ittit A ;eiul)lY Mstrie o to the letter of yourself and others > i;rt f'fienil I'II I Is.1 I11�,11' It�. ETI,NNIN0S of, � a � � d � ,,d . �.leetro ewe. .- o �, o ins a eoinmittee Of flip concetitior► for-".. Mi; I,iirbur, 15 iu nilnliuution for Assewhly. o �0 y . � Col. .leuilill s we all know to 1qe a geutlt, T j p n c", m The declaration of principles niid septi• nleuts, ;vhick a��coalpaiiies your letter, ►xiflets main of north and talent,stud will no doubt NEW X0111' I1EPUBLIC A N � �, MY approval ; and it shall be my care not to snake a go tld icliresentlitive• Ht, must and � L � y � W v� violate, or disregard it, in any part. will be elected, unless"our politic illiricnds From a dispatch brought by the steamer ;C � U is '� Im)1©riu r 1. the assistance of Divine YIi)rI halve t'u slut h te-Y do at howe oto t lei�tioil(lay, C'at.aliue this morning, we learn that su(Ii= r to.c ❑ dense; and ith dnc ref,Tard to file views atlxl I;ts not to of,wd the tilfle to> attend the Molls. � os � w w' , 1 fetilir,gs of all rvllo were represented it i tf1. -, cient returns of the election had been receiv-') Z' o Cirtivelltion ; to the;rights of all the State]�'+ _ l heti tht�l to i, slur fI ie�Ild II�BOIZGE P. ° A � aGd 'Territories, and people of the nation ; e"��1tDI.r�N lite;tills rifl of the Canuty,knoivn ed in New Fork city, up to the time the; � � � � � �� _ to the inviolability of the ecinstitutioli tied :inti i,teculi tf tI} a tie] boil �i`litl is also in `� ° e _= �- - - - } ) steamer left:, to indicate the success of the , the perpetual [Inion,harulonti and prosperity l minlination for A,,iseuli.ily,ill the Second Dis- " '� � � � �' " of all,I ani]Bost ha})p3* to eta operate for the fi°it'.t.; ri°i; luedict for hits, as he deserves, a -entire REPUBLICAN State Ticket ! c practical success of tale i)rincil)lu8 kiy the CotI-; < r vftition. 'otir obliged frityiltl tir,d f'e,Itw : tt lulu}elitist elect.iou,t j e are quite certain the Legislature is 3Ii1►�FI�tII LINCi,)I ya .� �' �' 1. also RepublicaII 77•_ Re€t ilt of tljti 'Cot�crxtt leetioi<lt. (til 'I'nCsclay file alinllal towll nleetltlfr seas I [For the gttffiulk 1�4'eelay TIt11P,7•� held at Sout.iluld. The d€ty tva I1leartnrlt;4� I'o11'ox : T waw greatly astonished to Axa A's ax•iejojja; ,11. C, r 'I sec► cri.tr venerable nes�hbor rite " �Watcll-I From the report of the Iic:tt,c" but there was nut nn not►filial ►Irtrr�ber of your yt of (nvesti atiolt raised to inquire into the people in attendance. Wllu#le number of wan," so severely down on our School Lout- 1e'; votes polled was h08: The Republica n tick. nlitisioner, especially as he gives but one 1)urch€ts,� by Sretary I l(1y€.l of tilt lyie s nlan property it ille 's Poal. I1rle-et is uleeted throughout. Almeaed are the (heasay) fact to support all his vindictsnve , iarld opposite Tlirogt;'s Neel-, for a f�trtifitt€i- rs tltnjurities: '' charges,and even that from a very equivocal source. I think it ninst have beell exceed-;tion,tllo h�ery York Tri9ltlnsr s►y�, we glean ill i�'ur Sullcrvisor' the follovillb additional f=rets: tt John O. Ireland--.137 ingly bilions. Some of its wannest frieud� ,e•, Ills 1101,,John A. Searing, M. C. fro!,, o 'a� �, -- For Town Clerk, (those who support it now only from s'm.a- a cw vs Jonathan j' the COtlatry district of Long I { ' - atlatltau �'V. IInntting--112 thy) say that they do not reeolleetuf its ever �, slalld vitt tviliell r this property is located) appea:rtti its a reit- it For Justice of they Peace, discharging so much gall in so small a Space Luther Moore---52 1 nese before tile Committee and a rather swift 't �, ' ,c1 before. But I hope it feels relieved since witness for Schell Co., he enticavr�rctl to ''� ✓ b'er Assessors •tl' e , the operation of the Doctor's enwi,_ g }oe, �@ earn; David 'ferry----144 1thou 11 t from the close of his test. v o , , <rW I regret to see my friend's garments so mis- t'4 ;,a y; o o Cliontas J. l,unl{lin -1;1� molly the following ; ,t;' ? �► r, W rA erably daubed with the filthy stuff, as T am ? ,u . �' For Overseers of the Poor, Ole-160"l—If yon llacl been the,owner ot" tt ° >~ sure that lie b no means deserves such tile property,of d li 11 tlut.t.an act had pus;- l; c .� - Jc►•enlittll Moore-149 Y A 1�, a . ' John Wickham--1,15 treatulent. IIs is not one of those long- ed for the purchase of it, what w c:nlil yr)it J r_ For Cornet issioner of IIighweys, eltreil ttninlals, that would iusultivaly throw hove Upectecl to get frolll the Covertiu7etlt? .0 ?o = � •x. o a sW John Shirley-117 its hee1y into the face of a superanuntttc,cl and A`cs"`«r``1 pretty large stt,n. I iti ould o �' o •� have got mora tilt"' they did, if I could 1, y t!1 For Collector, expiring lion; for, whatever niay be his have l.lossibly done it. to f� rTames ll,ichtnontl--2 playful eccentricities (whiell might often be Questio.?i Would you have,got more than � �" 7 , lir 'I' �� ~' o " For Inspectors of Election construed by < '' `50,000? t� a disingenious listener into $2 18t Dist---,Kohn B. Brown--143 something very different from what was iia• -�19tstce�—I would have got all I could. (' ;� "' •,, „� a; Jall.les W. �-oung--143 telldetl ) k1 C�tceatie»t—Ij'itll a k►fotvletl,e that thea .a' d �, 2d Dist---Jeremuth Moore-1•f`? ,) I low his heart to be in the right propria for the purpose was 15t1.I�U11,' A place, and sooner than ltl the smallest w�oald you have expected to be paid $?llll, 11 a ,. 1.nrn5tt:ls Jeroluc -li y ' W P '� ; , * ail Dist--,Toho (). ('lny, Jr -113 stumbling block in the path of the 11�4 atch- 00o for 't? y, ai r �l�zsu;e��—If I tllilil�� -o w I!'rcclerick K. Terry----144 mall," leo would take it by the hand and sup- .lit tilt Gorornfl eiit j 'e °o , . ,0 4111 Dist—Joseph Wells—I lel Hort its tattering footsteps to ascend the rvatltecl it, €trier ttitlst liavi: tris pr(�I1r�rty, al d, 41' a .c Alanson lla,llofk----�40 t collid not possibly do without it, i� .T h��zl mountain of political truth and prosperity, rr�rlr o o rw For Constaw, is, _/paid $15 fm' it, I-Iz•ol.lcl •ir:it c 1zs�`ctl 'lt i He has always spoken reverently of it on;$`2,50 00© or as mttrh vtore as I c:orair,, 1tclte ie' cis ;I;,tiluArt Ii. ':I'llollIpsou - 130 I > lTcorge Il, Allyn_ (i account of the name it bears, and for what 9+4- .1 zvntalrl talfe advaula r o the Gone,-u- r- 94 .«4 ,�" f ,° r G' u T/unser t`, Ccn will-�4 l he holies it 'nay yet become. And for nly; wee'd's necessities 'list as I v--o0d.the n(c:essi- ly ti: see • tics of n• yrirale in+.t'*cidu�t1 in a bz�sine.3s es ' a — John 1Ve11a_._bt'3 lielf, I hate to see It treated with disrespect < ° transctclto�t. cu _ 0 an THE SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK. or sever°ely chastised, even though it may „We do not t.11suk of clnestioning t31e ]'1{'.N I+;1'I'J'N` Saturday .After- richly deserve it ; Ido not like to 1►c�ttr its ct^ .� I \ noon frolu t.)N1; to '.I'IIRhI: o'clock, at + truth of this test.ituuny. In fact, we believe 1 (a , Lclitor(allcd an aril fogy even. I honor it. rho ot7ire ut' rho Treasurer, in ilio villauo of it implicitly. There are Some who would [IV t 14 0 +� 0 ,Soutltuld. fuel sy lttpat.hi,i, With it, b cause of its fray �- c as ?' act cu thF plincil)ic here avl�wed tvithont as- 11 of Es U i; •Z T11115•rr.A. hairs and the weakness and decrepitude of to v c� ,o �, 11 EN8ti1;I,:1111t'I'.(7ttl,ll�31i['I'II,I'rea. I serthlg it, but no one would so needlessly A „ w; as 0-i. its old age ; .end I would say to my friet`�l; blszon it'Tho would not act 111101, it. I3ut, a CS b � 0-' l'liAAtiti Nt1l l+lc��'ll�lttl'Ii);V,S Vict:lyres• of, by-golic clays, that it is no use for us ; if` tit HENRY I I'111 t i`!Ntl,'['rtiact.clad pec, we i•annat keep up rvsl,lt the car of progrPa, when Han 1ltrnlllers of C°,- -•ess anal;e' ,� ,.� JOS, I1. t.11)Lt),SMIT11,Att'y and CuUliriel, we must either clear the track or be ernshed such proclamation so wantonly can there Ile I lie a `ci 0 a•, Alhe�rt Alhoitson, Will. It. Wells, betleath its wheels - the strength and vigor � Muses C.chrvelalld lsmol Peck ? 1, �, any niarrel that the Goverimient is swill- 00 � 1u r/1 ' I of ascending life will absorb the elements or �, E Jeietniah Ooldarnith, •oun 0.Ireland, died from thus Aroostood to San Diego alicl ri o ,� � �,. . � T . of([ and deca•ino. forums and strength and 0.— o �, ua � N;ll,li I Corwin, Below 1I. herr , � o ° frottl , December a U I y 11. 1I.Case, beauty: will rise and bloom upon the lrtctrid January tel ? And c€tu o w cs r? a° rs I Ju sd)t1 Latham, C) a John S.Ilow(-11, Danlos L;. Horton, remahis of depnortecl greatness lint tits greenest goose fail to see why our o w 'ts o p cs E.L.CXoldsinith, 11tt L3, 'Tuthill, , til o c �, �a s i cwlltctl, <77»il 121h, ( i Federall'�rpeuditthave run rapidly to W cs tis d �; Thos.J.Conklin, I 11(fury I eke. q ii ► 1( �d bA r~ w �• a c6 �;ttetl Southold,Out. I IlifiN. 44tf 1.1�L�.)�tt �'y�.�� '1 �1 �) t�',�I,11 `�._.1TI I.• lit!" 111I14I1S,So thin F1(,:tt'e 1ilUill'I(!`�II(!t o? o D d tiJ J1 p 1 J .J}� ! >•'t pa ; ? 41'94 W G) a, Ctl CON ['IT ov'Tlr>; ".11.>1t�toNt(, 5tlrtr•cv.'f-" SaI_ll I.a..L.1.C:)'1_"'l'I;;�- over pearl to debt at the rate of '.11itrtr or •p as r , , , TERRY- TAKES TIRS Ol'I URTU-NI'TY :Forty Millions per animal r, � o ti I II 0(;i a m ��• to infin•m the people of 0111x,;J:x'orur and �( ) ■Y` -�CS 4-. 1'.,lltr 1• 31AliitNE ><I\�i ELL It G,EAACE. vicinity,that he has again located hlniself in the I: nr�.r;Yrollr Dec. 1 1359, c Chant of the Lord's Prayer;by the Society. �.Iii.C'_lDE' 13U U_DLNG , ti's Jesus rcil,rls the Cruel of Love,",'' du. 8 A R It 1 Y P D. tet r a.. over 1, `� .I'ark's store fur the pwi)n5u of making °i ,� p •i d t flatters himself 114th—Sloop Caroling Merrill, f,oin Al- d y I hr', al)(1�e nanli )1CL111'CS. lIH r 1�tithein by the boclety, Quartette and that he 1s able hi„,suet eutirt� satisfaction in All �� t bang,with luniher to L.S Ch tin piost. Sinack le +�•� =� lA D lie tio. Stg ies o Pichires, as he has had rnauy f rp rn © Charukee, li.ing, from New York. in cu �, c( sf 1�,ell,ext)erience ,n the art,and is the first one to r`'1 C) = U 0, word, I will praise thee, ---AutllNtll I I(111„duce this unsurpasseri style of Anlhrotyl)cs S A 1 L 1!;I). tttj n"..11 --by the Society, wets good. i amd Altlatypes in this place. 218'—Scllr. IVid(: Wurl(l, I3ac�kley, for M`'`lle U r,, „ „ As the•Arcade Imildulcy is a ;ood location and Providoi �e. IIarp of the Wild Winds ---•Song--sum lull a lino 1�Tit ht,aur” all the fixtures necessary C) �' ��'.a �• ..uih—Schr. Alrneda, Cartwri<allt, for .� �1 4 a� cva by Mrs. Pitch of Orient. to snake 111:1 romil6 aaractivo as well as adapted T r 7(1w l urk, Smack (Jlieruket+ King, for ctA (�1t11T'tt'tte• to the ni,lit su ,�y fol prosecution of tlic;u•t he T � , , ,,, �„ wouid invite all to Mlle Mill a caii,ling eCatnill(', Nantucket. lire set time is c,omc, --Antho1U --b tile- „ ; y tris si,)t�ctnlrlu pictures. All 11(j asks is a trial,and t W 1I 11 L;,���I L.\ . .5 .� Y ior•'t1'k Ile will miarantee to 17 t 1 " W I �� i Y n� t� give Entire sntistaction,nu,t� Arrived, Sept. 11tf1, at. Honolulu, bark to 4 `Salla. sang by Allss Frank Terry or Orient. Ir deo I,ILlitres as goo(i as call be ha(l ill tri() 6tV c) = 4Z � 'fes Y TTnir,il, Hr,rlres, of 511; 11,arbor, from Dodi- °' o `" `' °' `" '-1lear my I'ra,yer"--ni0nl;--sung by Prof. (" (t:,(,l it(re.ane$at prices to suit the purchaser.I � t � U) °, I'll tur(r t;kke❑ ill all kinds of weather. Old Da- aok, with 240 h)Iq. whale, `,000 bid. bone--- Bradbury complete complete Success. l.it;l lvoi.ices covied and cleaned,coplcd (ill glass Sailed,130th,for N./calaritt,to cruise; I-tet, a�, �_ '(.lit►►loll what that leer of Love"---�Authcnl f tn N0 1)1 1nei�(llic plate) aticl enlarged if desired. Pic-I hark Caroline, Poutito, of Grecaport, from � o.2 C�'1 'G b tho ISOCiety„ t,lr in (+rt„(1 in rings lockets lne)dalious and ��0 h131s. whale `�000 Ili,. bone- -tf oo fy "1 r Kodiack, .r. , .+, 'i �� h!((r ice', ill thelicatest inaune r. rCr a C4_ o PATIT 11. o 1la(i iu tructlo❑,>ivenivallthcvarinusb1,.11.ichos condemned ; 21th, shit)Jcfro son, .11antting, tit r'Aunso Larn'iu'--Piano Solo---•l layet1 with ,,j tho art. � of Sag Ilarb(Ar, front Bristol ]say and Ko• m =�.- = -_'much skill by Miss Jennie Reeve of South- t arm.Remember the two (hal with 250 bbl:►. whale, 2,500 ills. bolls, place, D:it>i�:xa St., , C1 g• r1 tlllil( Corwin',Drug�tli1P-i� CW old. �•� lt• `1'I;It.lt1', t. � � l7Yesitselrt '1'aeea A4ratrs. . I At a meeting of Lite Republican electors Of the town of SeutholJ, 11111-6111111[ to a call of the Town Commiave, in the Prethyteriun Lecture Room, it, the village of S.uthald, A en Saturduy, Mareh 1 ith, 1860 Thomas Henry Young, Dr. Fi ederirk W, Lord, David G. Floyd, henry Ifuntting, Morgaa !, Morgans and John Shirley, wero uppuita.e[I ' I delegates to attend the Dielrict Couvewion " to be hold at Riverhead, 011 Tuesday, the 20th lest., with the power of substitntiou `.. and to fill vacancies. The following nomination&of candidates fur Town Offrcera were then made, viz For Supervisor, Funcrall : John 0. Ireland. Samuds Far T•_f therk, Jonathan W, Huntting• Fur Jaetice of the Peace Henry Hutitting. 0(1 1,R For Aseemon, Augustus Jerome, A SERMON � IMuse in H e eland, For Overwors of the Poor, Muses O. Buckley. Oliver K. Buckley. PREACHED A T THE For CamrethB.er Highways, Seth Co Tabor. For Collector, David Wiggins. FunerZll of Sir ANTHONY COPES For Inspectors of Election, 1st Diet—James Glover, Knight and Baronet. 'Phomas A. Petty. 2d Dist—Orrin F. Brown, George Cripps. 3d Dist—John 0. Corey,Jr., By M. R O B E R T HARRIS. William 11. Wells. 4th Dist—Alan&Ott Hallock, lrad Reeve. NFor Constablea, Pf3l. 37. vert 37e Robert 11. Thmnpson, eMark the perfecY man, and behold the upright, William ;, b John Wella for the end of that man i� peace. John 0. Ireland, Dr. Frederick W.Lord, unit Ebenezer Clark,were elected Town Com- ___ mittee for the ensuing year, and Nathaniel -- Corwin Treasurer. 7 The'Town Committee wero aotherized to procore the pzinting of a en$Icient number of the sibove tickets and draw on the Treas- .�"'S.,4 neer for urn funds. On motion, adjourned, FREDERICK W. LORD, Chou. J. W. Huvrrtae, Soe'y. Far Supervisor, John O. Ireland, 404-149 maj. — --- -- ------ William Wickham,265. For Towu Clerk, LONDON Jonathan W, Hanning, 399-140, Sulam T. Terry, 259. Printed by f, He for Benjamin Fi(l er', at the Ggne For Justice of the Pone*, Henry IIuotting, 397-134, of the Talbot In Alderfgate-ftreet, J. Wickhnui Came, 263. IpFor Aeaesea r1-, g 6 3 4' Augustus .Jerome, 406-149. _ — -- Frnukliu IL Ovnrtmr, 403-142. sW"It, tins hent proposed b persons liv- I. Railroad had not lost a tri all winter." James M. Worth, 201. f ! Y P V Charles L. Clark, 258. ofWhoever in the L:nsttrn pert of Long Island to hocvec told him that, must have " sold" For Ornraeere of the You:, roastruct brnuth Railroads to connect the him A train arrived at Greenport oil Hien• ffiosta C. Cleveland, 304. Long island Railroad with some s the prim clay afternoon the 8th,and from that time Oliver K. Buckle 350-87. cipnl places at the extreme eastern end. Ilan ai Y. The project mtets with much favor. 'rhe until Friday afternoon, there was neither a J ❑iu R. Priuce,342-33. Long Island Railroad has not lost a trip all departure or sit arrival froom nor to this place. 'I I ou'3a V. Tuthill, 263. Winter, and the Long Island people are in There we have tdras trills; anti the trip lost. Por C"n,nimslaner of Fligl,waym, spirits."q�����t „ Selh If. Tabor, 394-127. I sv"Y S�— r by the "white frost on the 20th tilt.,makes Edwin 1'. Brown, 967. The above is from the N. Y.Times of four. Truly the Long Island R11ilroad Com- the ]0th. We think the writer least haveF„r Cullaetor, 1 6� pauy deserve great credit for their energy David WiKpins, 892—IS5. been in "spirits." when lie wrote that 'Lite L. and perseverance—" over the loft." , - _ISzra L. t_iuldsmith, 257. TIE11L0itd, y1i)( , M4T 4, 18 58. ][Tomg1; -S!iT.121_:CK BY LIG1417NiNO A'r i�fC)tiT'73- �OLD.---During the lleav tilllnder sllowe:t• otl Tillie Valltae of al. Scrap 11008. , AW* Oil tlrr hr5t Page.. of to-days TIMES � y we publish ill full )robabl till tll(; )arttclilor., Friday evenin lust the resiclenc(A, of 111.1. ; 1,,very one who takes ft vuluablc )ilei i 1 } y 1 , Win. D. Coolir•a,ne, at Solltllol)1 was struck i which they, 111 the; least degree a i 1rmilate. that will cPE.I•(cunt, t(► light, concerning tile, � 11 ,� b lightning.�. " will often re,rret to tee it I,ur►lf)er t.11row n Y g g The fluid Cut elle roc)f h loss of the ill-fated shill John Milton,togeth- , � aside for waste player, which crorttains some shivered a rafter, and then ),as5e d dove ll into interesting er with till hands, near .l4tout.ank f'oinG in 1` '� ' r(�gtin�t;and iln])orttuut articles. Yet f'evc•, this Count r. T the parlor, and threw Mrs. Albertson from j c,ta lifford the space, ill filly room eonvenie ht County. ��'(, I(urlt front tite i�. 1�orl:'the softs, to the floor, and paralized Mr. , " sway a ullnll)er of ), ,ers Herald of Tile�sday that 1 i of access, for Gltt►`r f ! f • Cita)thin Eclwlah'([ Albertson and Mrs. Cocht°ane. 'T'he clectiic I year niter yea,-, and even fulled it cal, be Most, agent,for the Boston Insur€tnce office, I dune the coln.nt�is ill a liaise ineunvenier)t' current then passed to the cellar and ciisti wllo left the wreck on Saturday,at 3 Y. M. l- forlll for referellce• �,o snys that (:'ttil)tt�i)1 ITti.rdinf;'s body was rl^ peared in the ground, without doing any A goo(( suhstitute for hili ig is the use of t� Us - Cd ,ry furGllcr damage other than the severe liock scral)-book. One of the proper form rnt)y N Covered that t)fternooll oil the beach wolue ! ' ! ' y to the inmates. There was It lightuinf;rod I h( hON911t at aluaost any bookstore, but it' six miles went of tilt wreck saris was brought, °' c 'hon �` m n attacTied to thr, ]louse. 11 '���$' 3'ou do not, wisil to incur t.lrat Expc:i) r l� P !ay him,till(.[ has been delivered to Captain very good ogle may he tirade of fui(le,d rr(t:v;; SPEAMTA�It 'It's friends in Now Fork. At the tulle of c , � papers, cut evenly at die edgre, sand stitche '�• -� � o � hit,leavingLusthanL,ton 15 bodies in all(lad �� .A a I N +, fain a pasteboard cover. ']'Ile [,est pft.stej for the purpose is rnacle of cleat' stltr(h, and a.= �? d been recovered, three having been clainlcd l`Iii�i4`( 1� Oh1'1111 1:��I)'l'1t1I';l. �, it t houll[ be applied to the se�rap und'g o .� �- r a d by their friends, €tad «fere buried tit I+,itst Thu stemile'l C%&1line wi�l c"n)ille llt,a 1.11141 its;; t)dt to the lent' of the book. Thies took iii, i1 it w�•r,l(l.t '1'1Li r'., t:etR"e'(:n iia Har'IJQI' (�I'('t'1�1- ^ �, ha,mpton at 3 1". .11. a vast cotwourse of r b11ould lie left open an hour or two to dry, W u c� a, , l)e,rt,[)ri(nt ails New T ul l of, llfui,dny C1,to1)er 3,j but n()t ,erf`ectl its the leaves etre rapt to People a,ttcndiut;the cerei)1(�4)�', 11y Ive©. 191'. Iitil,and ('a)nt'illtr,+ to imi Illc;roaite:r;is follu%%S; 1 y. It9etslion of the I81esl) tciil)n clulrch. 'l'11irr• I,e ling,Sag flails,at 3„'(loaf 1'.AI.(in"tv;id cul'i up, tfule.s closed while a lithle dalup. •- ro _ y of4 I Al.) (.u•eent,an't;at 4 1'. )iI., ;+all 00"lit,ilt t,t Due lvho has liever been accu.4torlled Lti USI Cd ;six s11iI),ma.sters from i)"uer Ilurhl)r t)ui[ the A:30 P. tl, for New 1',rrk on TMONDAYSl0 17rc.parc cl,oicr articles can hardly etitnatt uI'llITINDA S. Leaving, N,�w Y,u'k at 4 P.Al. � �' a�1" an)I)t(a1lS a('ti1L� a9 hall lain{•kit's, I,113d 1llOr�t (jl)strx�l of �'. bI.) oil WEDNESDAYS ail(`( the ph!aiure It afrords one to trait dowil Filltl, G x w,e t-4 w �'tiiatl ono hundru.d sea,fal•lll6, ]LIGII W(A"F' ill the SA'PURDAX`S' for Orient, Qrmiport. and Silt, turf! Over the familiari")a�e8. I�c.re flc11cal(•e llarhor. o...� l)rocessiorl, besi(.1cs citizen; on foot null iu picee of l.,oetry meets the eyo, which you re m co cc� a, © �,e' Should the weathor prove too stormy to intIllber you were so glad t0 Bee its tilt 1`la .--i � c „o eafria-(rci. leave fiat; Harbor on Al,,uday s and Thursdays, , „ y , l)f.l, but Which would lou(, since hose been rn Ca.tali[ i�IOSCS s-) a1:9 wit1J nr)f Ili1alhe(1 a 1- she will leave(we;jUler peruiilting)oil .Tuesdays s, °� p 1 f I iRueT Fri,lay5 next suacc(ztlillu her realilut'elnys• 11(.Slroyetl find it not been for your scrap- probation)robation of the generous manner of the, '.1-Ittl 1 r book, There is a wit.t anecdote, It dot's co Ei -TH l Y.8,II:11'IaT•S. Y (L1 r� res w .� � `0 citizens of 1+asthtimpton tre-uel'itlly, ll;linlnh _ — ---- -------- ,eau pool] t,) lailrll over yet, thounli fol' tilt �n 11AN RIAI, 11�ILIN of Mains was nonii• ' G'eorgo Maud Pscl Underwriters' i,,ent y ulie'tl► that. Next; is a vahL'tble reeip(a ° `° t: a ,� r' r '' nate;d ()it the stcond ballot for Vice Pre;^i- loll had Idillost fe)n ott(ll• and iYhi(:1L yu ,.^ and Pc. Geo. :G. :IInnt,iugfou, t,ht Coroner' dent, hlavinl; received 367 out of 466 'Votes. ' a fl: have fulir,d jrl;� in tiuic, to save you to❑c-h �, `' _ as well as his lady, in particulitr. Ile was ,, )el ,lexit;y, There is a s«•ect little story the �; .o ro a .-. Thu nominations were made unanimous and ! ! y s C i; W m informed that such it solemn scene as Ghat of ,, tuemory of which has cheered and tncour-� were rec ivud with tremendous chteriu)� o ° ,c Sunday was never witnessed in t,hfLt viciuit ^ aged you mimy a time, when uftuo.�t ready t X � w w, y yl which lusted Fevertal minutes, to despair, under the pressure of life's cares a Cu y ° and it k not probable that within the wniI"I ,, r bo W ,� � 1 T�Ion) all harts of the country the trews is and trials. W o °�' of t,httt old church, vvilicll vrits orll;ulally received with the greatest enthusiasm. Indeed yogi can hardly take up hake up °' •^ rn built ill 1717,was (,ver before witnessed st1eh 1 � ,, ttU ,)1.lei' witholht f711tling ririlll chuk!e I1elo•w vv e I i v it brief sketch of they Ileus ! ! y an array of men foiled for the 1_fav(.', tell ill , � thonalit9 worth reperti ing. ,lust glance E i(lential canditlates for which wo are indebt- ` M4 number over the sheet before you, final see how waily w c1 FW ..o "t" _0 _0 a U) �ed to one of our cotemporaries• valuable items it contains that would be Jr to ---�; �; y �, Gftptttin Moses (]its not hear c)C troy of' llr3a r Lllvice)1.Y who in eontruJistinetion servi(: to ou a hunilre(3� '' ° 0 ,.. , ) *i ies its life. 1 � These last four bodies blain;;recognized that In tile) "lil tie g'alit," may well be called tke choice tboug it i5 ! 1 far It)()re )IEc.ious than a a �c; cattle on shore on Satardtl, except (u )titin "tall ,xiar)t elf till! west" is emphatically a hit of rlitterlutr 'r()Id. '('hut perishes, but Saturday, 1 1 �' l Y ' g w t`., 2 NO Z, , 11arding's. It is his impros ion tilrtt till the jn)ltu of the loedrple. His whole life is a strik• ttlougllt is imlllorUll, Hoard with catCS c these bodies will come oil shore, Crile ul' these ira exemplification of the eucouragetuent if- previous gems, aur! see at tilt close of the © f+)rdell by American illstitutic)ns ere❑ to till) dear what,it 1'!c!1 treasury you have accuulrl last bodies had inside the left wrist a inttrh a, o most hthtuble. by a straightforward, inthii ; toted. Cdm w`-' 'o across it and J'under it,tIms, _I,;.a!so a scar trious, noble course, Abraw Linculrl has, '�Ticonderoga.—The Captain of tlic, front tilt; Moor furiuer's boy, riseha to be flare- Ticonderoga Ilnv been on board tho (.(rent �� •x� v .�, rb ry) ° ° an the outside left ankle. Iuost auLong Ills coularyineu, Lice was born Eastern, and has exalained her froul stem to � c c-+ Q a Anion�r papers found dile l Film 16, 1.858 Y 1-1 m e, , 1 1 ' in l)farrlin (:vullty, l (ntutlay,urs the 13 h of ; stern,trrld ho thinks sive is rather urger than o there occurs the immes of efame.ti Al.,11'Talker, Ful)ruary, 16010. His ol)l,()rl•il,,itiut; fur ob. tilt '.l`i('r)ilclert) rt—hear c 1l)':1:'tV for carrying, �_? 0 William Shepard, J.as, 1liller, William Wl tailling all education were but limitod, bit frk idit'far beyond that )f t:ti 'l'ie o lderu,tL liobclGSnmler�,buloul;ill; to the,rrt;il• Iter worked Ill, way to the, hal'alld for some- —her t„aloorl larger and bet e)1' fill isllcil—h;r GLV d eD j q ev C �-. ai c al))[troths, for Steel•in(r event---the office.,• �, a, pa titil( l)lactic(.el law. Eluting the [.lack Illtwk I (Its. ci o :� 4 � From the log book it lippear's tlmt 11t l.l. , , by o va1Lr lie wits G..)ptaiil of a ctanapar)y of'vo.u: flail crew are dressed different; t)ilt he o ,° t� a H ; X. Starhuck, third officer, will Point. t)dvi` toers. Subsequentiy, and it w�y htvo been thinks that is hveause they sire,Iolill larill's 14 w Ct an CSI the orip;iva.l t rc..w shits went out, left tilt tas tt rewlLrcI for bravery tlislliAyt,d iii Ills c,arn. mora find our's are Uncle Sarll�—sllt�. 1, , alt a c3 i , r , �' ° 4'' �' Co C' �� ,a.i gniu;r!1, lie wits apl.)0inted posLivaster of a er too Urge fat' il, smack, sand not ver hardy __. ._� allip ill Sulk Francisco, Sept. 11, 15,5[• 1 We learn from Capt. Moses, that sire pI°€�- a-illaf•e, ill lllitluis, h'roul tlhis position he ad I for ft coasted---land lie does n()t thinit Fie r a t_, �; vanceirl to It sent ill till, Illinois Le,rislatrure, vz-ill (lo at all foie the turnip business. Uri ' ''. �ulnas taccuunt: of the sill})vvrccic vvtis ilnlltf- to w}lith he was four tiutes elected. In the whule, Ile likes the '1'iconderogrl hest and bf, �,) e • �; ' feat in m ally of it's duhlila ane[ that the. 18 t 7 hu want to Washinf tun its a re)reser. would not chars n �� ,o �. , �ttttivo � 1 e !L(.i for tiny thing of the stateuaeuts nt5t, have bleu obtaim"I fr,)lal ill C�ougress,a.rla on 1,110 15th of June, l:iuil. rfj r� «; i�responsil.)Ie parties --ne�G �ivills e;r(ielit tc)�1�8u3, was notluimated by the Reprablicau� Ill(,Ticunderngr�strr fuer C/) �' �? Vouvoution held at Springfield, Illinois, as toy is still upon tl,e rout®, .tea r, parties to whorn credit was title. Resr harbor is in Front street, aild IlAo fur the united States pieu;a lorship, lIer li„ jj `ILP IJINF,s ARK PRAL1'IN,>••----r 110 lief)illilie 1 hts are neeer out l hl ol)llt):;itluu to Iioi►• Stephan A. I.)uu�las. And sills it daily freighted "elcctorti of this tuv(m iuui till eytht r ,)� t of ill() vigor and ability with which Mr. with eggs,and fruit and tfotar— o,�rr, , Lainetold col.iducted this exc;itinr,• canvass we �vitli first rate sugar, white.end kJrc��vti, ' , .� to slit �t'E.lilllt�administration,� �la1lllPtltltllit"' 1) I�� b IOU can get at any hour. [50-1 t, .� present > o Co r f' r o �, e� , need not,t5peak. Saflhce it to say hu a.bun(I• _ �, •� . >alary tll((t' „` ,_until 1.1 oil llyr ire:z , APECOXIC OF,CJ p W 1-, U� ae sar111y demonstrate( ]lis fitness to cope; with SE oEn I,, �? �'ILD o .-and the Helnocratie'` electors tills fall��'� 1 l 11rt,lvet a.11cl (,xl)cril,ueed uL,L)uu(:Ilt, au).1 toau n m �-vora.ble to the administration of Jamas llu- ,, o,lly- deprived tau eloctiou by the; unjust CGIiEE11'1'nPl; L. L 7 r •C p ,f c r ,r ))Ul'iltJl)talGhlt Lf thG StatO. v W , chati;all also hold a priulary )nvetin. , G o w _� y t Will Ile e,l,cnnd for I'ert)).)r_er.lt and Transient l �. m y. We hope thf: oilpo Boarders can Ma Isf. o v out,lluld on Saturday. ,. Cl: Pr4 n 5itiun will tarsi ils in a body., .t L t).R1CII_llti)SO'.l�, sa it tiff 1 i 'e Proprietor, ` bull kept pp An extensive vaporing concerning i Foreign IBlelilgeece, I 19ht Snffolk ilime5. its patriarchal institution, and its stability, . ARRIVAL OF THI CA \IBRIA and the power which it posJewed, in the . 1IALIrAx, :April Id, 1856. JOHN J. RIDORLL, RD, AND PROPRIRTOR, event of a dissolution of the Union, to pro- 'Che royal mail steamship Cumbria, from Liv- >_--- ---=-- tect its own territory. But we find seven• erpool on the •29th nit., arrived .here at 6 air., -AIItnIW,Po6T, THU89D4P, DEC, 1_1[69, taco men have sucobeded in producing such this mortdng. tube sailed again at 60 o'clock >= for Boston, Where,she Will,prolmlly arrive (m Wlrow oho too lis to be hu s panic, that the whole South threatens m - To morrow John Iiruwu is to be hung.- lune itself into the ab ss of disunion and season for her uruila to in fuiw•urd un 1Ycdnesduy ' D'IDTIIhIgR trail. r During tine past three or four weeks, the anarchy, Y I' On lurch 29,exchanged sigonis with tire bark 1 public mind lies linen in a complete foment The Executive of Virginia, intent npon Careptic. On Lite 41 It just. passed the steamship with reference to I life old man. Ever Africa oil'Cape Cleir. _ Y scrap Uuilding up political capital open this oven[, Thero k no news of Lite missiu•* it, 3 '''g• of informal ion cour.•eroi¢ghis pgsthist°7and instead of allaying the excitement, hall done nsteamshipPuI S epic. g o presatntcundition, him been seized upon with all in his power to increase it, by march- The news is three daps titter thin that received', aridity by the news well, and spread out in in nod countermarching truopx, despatch. by the WAAlliagunl, but presents lie feature of do 5 �. 3 0,, the public priests to the eager public. At ung alarming telegrams, and uttering all 41ded hnj,ortance. the North, his acts are coudeun ed by the sorts of blood and murder sentiments, in hiss The difficulties alleged to have presented thom is ,�a W. rent masa of tiro people, iron BteWll is re- selves in the Paris Coaferences just prior to Ilie 'm '$- 8 I ' P uSciul organ. I Wanllingten's departure, are understood to have a �. 9 91-Z R garded is a hero, and lire principles by which }ndeetl it most be apparent to every an- beau removed, and it was coulidenlly expected o b 0 he was sctuuaed, Are ackuowiedged to be he.:prejudiced and impartial observer of the that the treaty of peace n'ould he signed within ° .e m relic. events which have transpired since the trial In fete days. r. S c 9' 1t lire South, his courage is perceived organ, that John Brown hese been growing The Peace Congress met again of Thursday, end (tared, slid hit name,though execrated, the 26th nit., all lilt- members being present. It etrouger and stronger, in the moral estima Is said that the deliberations were important,and excites terror wherever slid whenever it is tion ell• mankind and tiro state of Virginia It was confidently believed that Lite treaty of mentioned. Tried by the Cuustitntion 0f Waukee and weaker, and when he dies oa the pposec would be signed on Saturday, the, 29th of z g Vthe United States slid the laws of Virginia, scoTuld, be will have conquered. March-the day the Cambria sailed. o Is M, Brown is coudemued, hat judged by higher, Tlao Paris correspondent of the London News v $Urn 'o 1 f Virginia were conscious of strength Rad So tiro Court tradesmen have been ordered to — lam he is acquitted. Ilcane the moral cense''.enppurt, why Lite indecent huste to hifliclprepare illuminations for Saturday evening detin- air tile execution. t muuni p fails to smletiou his speedy tlw penalty of Lite law upon this old man hely—other papers any Sunday; others, one .hay µ " V 3 j no who comprehends tile 8 e whom she holdd so firmly in her grasp p next weak ; but all agree ill it.it will be early.- .5 _. M . t import of the Coneti'utiou, will attempt to Jc6urson, Virginia's [suet distinguished Previons iutellig,euce. from Paris had stated that .1 b maintain furca moment that tilt citizens of 'the diplomatic difficultyesus nn the pniutof livingr;13 son, contemplating slavery, remembered that settled. It. will be reneulbered that ml Saturda v, o ^ the Prise Stutes have nay right to hiterfere.'God was just, and trembled. The Old Elo- the 22d, The III eni Ioteutiru•ies, assculbled, wjlh with Lite yet institution of the `8011th, es it rainfall has despised the warning mrd admo the expectation of that day Lcrudualin, their In d g U s exists in these States. Politically, the re- . : reported that No.poleol fully soppo. 3 .a m nitiou of her greatest Sage, sad firs evil barsIt sod their Lushk repoes wa.; cue:loded, [tilt] that he or " eponeibility resets npon them of abolishing or foretold begins to make Itself apparent, dared the nus of the InvalideR to unnonnco the, _� a 9 a perpetuating Slavery. But when we go The execution of Brown is but "Lite be. conclusion conclusion of paaee at tie same time the Te Dna m e e '� S 'bginning of the end." His death will servo' 'back ol,and behind political guaranties,and 1 Was being celubrnti d for the birth of his son. '.ale mr ` m - > 7 examine first principles, this question of g „ tb_ to scatter ilia seeds of inabrrectiml ill every ,r ,,.a, a P. slavery axeumcx quite nnulhet• aspect. The plantation. We cirplore Lite result, but it is i ,: ' ' m y•� o a nl u z moment that the admission in node, that c.erinin slid inevitable. 'kit ''t'`" ''EW"'�^W '`'�zr,. � y �,.•r^ Alaves are men, and that the Declaration of pxK8IcRNT's Mri$A..E.--Prcsidcut Ila. Independence is the embodiment of it great:chnnuu sena hi+nursed massage W Cml;,n'ess bong Island Railroad. '_m-m truth, if one's mind work logically, the con- Pall Arrangement. Iz a ; d c S oil Tuesday of haat wick, nDin'ilhaltendluB �` ant xfwr 31ONDA1, October Int 1a53. and 1, chesion that Brown's purpose was a laudably the uuorgauizaUou of thIe mcnc. Tife.Mes until wither notice, train, will run :q follow.. a 0 one,is irreeistnblo. sago treats on lire various fOp_i6'4 4lided to Except an Ronna}s S 0 3 Ne o 'o g Our earl history as a cation, e+..•+undr PASSIw.:n TRAINS msec xA;r d a g ,��! 5' Y that duenment, slid tlmr6" exVrlle things Ill Leave limokivu for Green roll, and nnlermrdiale •- +' with facts fitted to produce such all irnpres-, it,wit like Vary touch,ee�i�dltfi'y rhe mpma caul "tation at ie c ae IT.. d�aiIJ- a O a r .-v�°¢ ' Bion, provided prejudice be laid aide. A pointed manner in whi• 1fiA I,ltt81tg1aaJr can. f,eave fivnoklvn for ilempvlrxid At I: e.,nnJ 5 Pel I o a N slight tax nen ren aithout our couscut,was Leave Itmoklh•n for Farminedale Al. 3 45 P Ti. .0 i e m ei ID $ 6 P details the Ali-icon alaw0 :bade. Ileal) f.ea%e Nookl n far Jamaica at 6-311 P hl. m yet regarded all an intolerable oppression, so I that he Iraq only discgvitdR t'itgle iustanew 0u saturd❑ysythe 3-4-5 P. M. train will he exleml- Io m'� a 3,a � t_ ed�to 1'a hank 0'0 - outrageous a ea to justify lire taking up Of of the imporGatiea'oP xlavue join this court•, Prise gem for Synssett will lake the 10 A Al. and at ��' C arms. When the conflict was sharp and the Ivy, anJ that ii, th0 cargo brought by thea 9 66, P sl.trxiln as.liranklpn. m 8 a � r inane doubtful, the Iinu•ly interposition of •• Wuaderer." Ile adds Ilett those co n vel The Preight Train will leave Brookiyn for Green- l6, y. g B at 7 30 A R. Ad France, is cherished with withgratefulfnl retnaport m' fn licit nefarious Lraosaetiun (rave liven vih• l., eAeaasoan Ta Ar NP nnTNn WORT. •` ► beamce. orolaly prosecuted, "but not with as troch Leave Clreeaport fur Brooklyn nal intermediate I � The great conruge of Putnam, tho intro ene0us qq ;hell'erilrle8 1r11 rF deserved;' In statioma'al 10 A AT.daily- _m1,�re� g a it of Arnold previous to his trencher l.eaea Fermin•flxle JOI tironkJyn at 7-30 A n. I�3 e m S ami•:: a ` P 7 h Y, regard to thn htocdy occurrence fit 1Iarl er's 7.eade5pposeL. or Bruuklyu nt t 3:s.ALM and 1 r a .�., --� and lbs contempt for danger and death, Ferry,the Chinese treaty,Ferelga Relations,. Leave Ipatead Inv Blonklyn at 1s.-66, and 3-50. a which a host of othtr worthies manifested fn LeaVo lamtfca for grookls-n cal 5 Jo. A R. Cl read Botlain. Mexico, &a., kc., he di.;cuq Leave Yaphank for Dreoklyn, 1londa}• morning, y , the pvOeecutioR of Choir noble work, are sub• ens at leagtb,end pflQ(oath flame wboleeome 8.10 A M. 3 s. jecta which ever attract our attention and1'he Punight t r.ai l will leave Greenport for Brook- m I tecommemdations 5 a + t�6d lyn at 7 A. al. excite our admiration. 8rur or Tnt Artm'At, Pesrnc.n.Vrrc a ri ,E >� 6-e4—I 1 John Brown hos ill bis constitution all lie CoHatTTsa.—Tbs old Central democratic tV Al1 L; th4RGIF. I, Agent. N i 8 ta Committee and organization Yu Wusbiegrnn Brnnklyn, Oct L, Iau;;I I'J\1'SSI•;ND, elgcat. ,L 4 ` V�.^ material necessary to each a man as Putnam, a low e g s City are broke,, cp nod ldwndnmsl. I'"a -- _. .... a ".. his enemies being judges, ]loner, we find n Tsalnm.t TnAGzrrv.--About !Y o'clock on „ U `: d o 2 " .friends of Mr, ltre,kcnridga anti \Ir. Ria - _ m Berge number of pelsous whn, though they gkabare organized svpalr iy,ead appoint Saturday 'light last, two persons,John W. ' have Do sympathy with Brown or his mei ed committees entirely distinct And heart[,! if, Mathews nod Juhn Walton, were shot and ;, c •- s^ Aldo,yet from nn admiratyen of Ilia perwnnb each olber. The leadrry of truth intcrc..ts killed, in tile u me 18th Ward of New York,— Y •� v 0. W _7! a c(aidities; would gladly base sella Lin sentence openly proclaims there is nit pomlalily of enro t id t it on the Coroner's inquest wax evea commuted to impriemurleut for life. P ,•m ' -a y'—y' 'm u romise between hasp and ueilher side milt - 46 that suspicion of eommittio r t omtintauapca.tha„ making in eertalu P L he leen tended e Tho yruiige of Lite Old Dominion and of Statee to run aombtood efeclorel tickets for strongly to implicate ilia two ste -s of u + y >' g0`•O u 8 9 I I nap m •e�1 .; `r -• the South is gone. For years, the South thebenr8t of local: paliticisusRIwfear w IMr. Wallon,named Charles tend Edward'.hi a` w•� aWe-e1� espouse cilimr,caudidu.4e, i __ ... _- . . __ - - ' - �,1., ..._n..�,.,! _: r —�,y uu.�o, P• a-ruF< �sr's'A". psiLre� y HEMP" ..nw' The Great Prize Fight. --- - --- —-- _ . The Prospect. We publish to clay, says the—Brooklyn liram�Z � � !� a � rroevery section and throuh ev gle of Saturday last, full details of the great! ery . o� lU �aT�Q ��' channel, we have cheering advices �y itll re- prize fight which has occupied so much pub- SIGN, AND CARRIAGE PAINTER, gard to the Presidential can-vass.' lje,i of Shop on Alaln street,Green widely diverse traditions,prepossessions,rand Tic attention for several weeks past, It p port over Corey •- ' sympathies concur in the assurance that the wonid be entirely foolish to attempt to deny &Co's Pump,Block and Spar Shop. Z'IIE PAINTER'S CAMPAIGN SONG, i right chord has been touched, a substantial that a wide spread interest leas leen felt it, !union of the Opposition secured by the nom- this contest,not only by the loafers and vaga- COLORS—RLD, WHITE AND BLUE. ivatiun of Lincoln and Hamlin. 111 I11 110 State bonds who live b lawlessness and violence t;00d Wows to r,ll who wish to see, I that voted for Frembnt and Da ton is there Y I ictuses clone r at,e t,+atur a serious doubt of a Republican triumph in and the igriora,pt and degraded Who natural- Pictures of auiruated nature, �� � p True as Lite in every fe,,ture; ` November. These give us 114 I !ectoral �' °-� -• o =" ly sympathise with brutality, but amoub all' The Lanclacape,or the bola Illadno— Votes,to which—Iiausas beim most uorimht- �= o T classes of the community, merchants and I vYe'ae not particular abut rile scow ; ' e.ously kept out-111inuesota (a new Stu:e) ��,�� a ` �a � A Tl:e Battle-field,in deadly strife, will certaiul a .� - �, n en of business, members of learned pro- Yea,painted natu,al as giro; y dd 4, making 118. J�,L si,all fessions and people of education and super-er Or little clear ones,full of i-rattle need 34 more to elect Lincoln b the I'eo'le o 5 p p p f Y 1' 'I Yes, everything,even do'vra to cattle, and for these we shall have to t.l e folluwill r � "� = ficial refinement. And while the interest b We aro not so hi,=h but wo'll descend States : o a . centered it, the fight is general, it is only in To paint a m.,nsioa for a friewl— New Jersey, 7 '>o o y o a y I To lette his siLn or paint his ship, ra q 1 individual cases that an real loathing is es Yerinsylvania, 97 °fly. Y g Provided that he will Duly Lipp, � �.-.., cited by a display of all that is base, bru'al In decent time, the rhino�Ihinina, b 3 y r_ To beep us working been fr„na \1,1 Indiana,Indiana 13 tp gild dishonorable in hnn�anity. You'll find us ready,yes,and willin?, IllinUls, 11 c � ' To ears in style,the much sized shilling. "� ~n o o A libel on humanity is contained it, the 1 prefix "maul " usual) attached t r ,r We're.lust be-,,inning,that is true, — a a F S, Y pu"ilis- But well we know(and so cio you) In all, tic prowess, and ill the presumption that That R.on,e rose slowly to her dory— Every oris of theso we believe Lincoln and And so will we before we're hoary. Hamlin will carry, and we do not despair of there is any admiration for real bravery or _ For a lone time it hath been said, addinf;Dulawar•e, to the list, making their r ^ o `�'z any mistaken sense of honor amongthe a That oppositit,n stirs a Trade • T n �= '� � - p .� h Electoral Vote 178—to 125 for all others. - :: The old standbys lune have ruled, h u y trolls of the ring. The determinatfois of Thus far we have llqt counted oil a divis- ��to„ „a� d And now tis tinge they should he cooled.' this latest prize fight illustrates the,charaeter To our neighbors,true, it won't be pica ion of oar opponents, but assumed that they To see us cin it"like a price," will put their best foot foremost land Five as � � m �-` CS`� of the institution fully as well as the pro- But we rill give them something new— the best fight that is Tri them, if tll�y stat �°a� �'o m h o s.� press of the fight. The betters and am-' And that's a tl,irag they cannot do-' y _ g ,� divided, and run two rival tickets, the:cull- "S. a a tillers wlr® staked their more on the air of C.FISHER and DANIEL MACK - Y p Will sh®w them up the Cataract, test will be over before it is fairly bei human animals knew nothing of the honorl T)ttae Two Democratic Tickets. SAG HAPB OR SAVINGS BANK. which is supposed to regulate the intercourse The Herald'of Tuesday last, says the I of thieves. According to the accounts fa Democratic party has been rent asunder, FFICE i❑ second story of DeBavoiso s build- m m �, — ._• ��. Z ® ire, opposite thcl DIausion Rause iu the vil �,�•�E3-•i vocable to Heenan, the friends of leis oppon_ It has been split ill twain by tyle disorganiz lane of Sae Harbor. _ -._`o ent, fiuding lie was being beaten, rushed into in; epoilsinsu of the camp, as neatly and The Bank will be open for the transaction of•"�.'- � ' -. h0 the ring, and, by what is known as foul play completely as ever "Old Abe Liueoiu,"with businiiss on '1'harsclay of each week, cumnaena even among the patrons of the ring, pro his a,xe, maul and wedges, split a chestnut 1Dn June 7th, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the after noon and froty 7 to 9 o'clock iu the vented a fait• termination of the fight. The i'lac DENT, ; iwto two parts, in the days of his Presi- e even PRESIDENT, whole scene was a representation of low,dis-i dential apprenticeship at rail-splitting. Each o 0• o - v J. MADISON HUNTTI!\'G. Q h-+ x honorable and brutal ruffianism without a ! of these taco divas ons of the disjoined Do. a redeeming trait. And yet the account of mocracy has set lip its ticket for the cam- v,c;E PRS:srnl NTs, �, o o m cc .G .r Jonathan Fithian Alanson Toppin;; �, �, o the contest will be nead by eager thousands pair,n—the Douglas-wing nominating their = -- Charles N.Brown Joshua B,Nickerson and di c discussion nill rrluriugsource of more thought "Little Giant," and the anti Douglas wing'; Jeremiah T.Parsons.jr. Jelin Sherry. the hours 0f to morrow nominating Vice-President Breckenridge. i TREASURER, !supposed to be sacred, than all the religious Thus, then, the order of this Presidential i WX A. WOODBR,IDGE. ceremonies that will be enacted throughout battle is at length made up, to wit: ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL, 05 this free and enlightened land, in this nine- REPUBLICAN TICKET. WM.H.GLEASON, � � � � ❑A � � F teenth century of Christianity. ,Nor are we '� For President, TrosTEr:s, = different in this respect from our trausatlan- Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. C a �;i.12 I 1 David Congdon Jason M',Terbell �►.� -e tic cousins. Tile paper from which we copy �V For Vice President, 1 illiam Buclt Gilbert II. Cooper o -{°+` bi aD the account of the fight boasts that the most i Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. Nathan P.Howell John C. IIedges important journals in Great Britain' includ- CONSTITUTIONAL UNION TICKET, N.N.Tiffany George B. Brown I Jonas Winters George IV. flunaiug � ` ]rig the London Times, gave it frequent and For President, e' m W^� Edwin hose William Adams o John Bell of Tennessee. a serious treatment, and many Hoped it would David H.IIunttino tiVickharu S. havens For Vice President, o restore the ancient splendor of the prize Jedediah Conklin Abel C. Buckley �, rills ; and "Parliament, talon the common Edward Everett, of Mussaehusetts. Henry P.fledces James L. Haynes 4 g Isaac W.Osborn Philanelor It. Jenninrys t'� epidemic,refused to be doctored of it by one DOUGLAS DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Thomas E,Crowell Nathaniel Topping � � e, �,�� n OD of the Pharisees of its own bed and even For President, Elisa Kin. -° r y' Stephen A. Dof Illinois. 40-6m r . � �� � Majesty itself stooped, on two occasions, len Douglas,� hng l p � o- � - �� �� w For Vice President. SP�,II � ��'0 � ®� - LO - at thetshorrors ©foga farceatthe Olympic, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama. C A R P E T S __U `' ' royalperch g which lave a graceful version of the interest ANTI–DOUGLAS DEMOCRATIC TICKET. '.; d a bC felt in the Benicia Boy,'' It is impossible to ' For President, AT LAND®N'S � � ~ ��°� °� " John C. I31•eckiuride'e of Kentucky, � � » o'=w c � = ,-� en mile all this and feel the popular pulse on tZ For Vice President, 374 1-1-ads€>,n Street, New York. �' �� � �_ the snllject as every journalist feels it with Joseph Lane, of Oregon. Among which are the following: = m a out being forced to acknowledge that so far w L es � o as hurpauiziu the mass of the people, mak- Four parties and four tickets in the field,; Tapestry Velvet.... .... ....10s and lis per yrd. -� ug p p with General Sam Houston, as all independ English Tapestry I3russols...8s do ; g Z v ing them superior to passion and animal in- „ Handsome do 65 to I's do o g a ent candidate., running in Texas. We have imperial 3 1 7s to 8s do a stinet, our Christian civilization is a very had notnin to compare with this arrange- 1 gin..:, „5s 6d t°6s do "' :P a hollow sham. Did we worship Woden and g p g Superfino In ,�U d : . M look forwarli to the future beautitude of ment since 1836, when the following was Handsome do bri,ht colors,from`�s61 to 4s do ( tD a 3 o v r the order of the day for President: A very large assortment of OIL CLOTHS,j 3 Walhalla, where warriors enjoy the felicity �I T of Deers possible description,florn�to 18 ft wide.) 0 Democratic Candidate—�'—Martin -4 an Bur n of daily repeating the butcheries they per e- Gold Band WINDOW SHADES. m v = Crated in this life, daily slaying the slain, Also,Oil Colors and Zranspariencies of every( o o' � 0 r, General Whig Candidate—Wm H. Har• variety, together with every article Rept in a first! Q o .. w o and quaffing celestial liquor from the skulls class City C'arprnt Establishment, ` ;� � G of slaughtered enemies we could not devour rison. J J. R. LANDON ^p. with Massachusetts Whig Candidate Daniel i rl cater gusto the details that describe 374 Hudson St.,near ging, N.Y,City. g g Webster, Take the red 8th ave cars at St.Paul's I o G hoot Heenan and Savers gnashed each other, � ( ) l _ i Suvager is ust as tarn cant as it was in the Southern Conservative Whig Candidate—�church,and in 10 minutes you will be at the store. c, l o Hugh. o j Y J l L. While. ---- ------- -- - - ;days of Druidism. Evidently, I the millenium I Sonth Carolina Candidate—Willie P. is a 10I) way off. __�1t1 I—\O(PQ z i i� c 4,7 /J i /1 LA' • r m ..o ^ o n kF Pat.:a.., 3 L �� �.:~.+ � � 1 �� �✓1T-� d•-i.r�..' e r'r H Lim �' 'V►`��-'r� ,Jp LA-1, �p/✓� T 9 p ,�, �,y�-Do ca V ✓/�- �. d VV L�'t/ t/'.'-v-i�'.L,•��h.�l.y --ul`'^.r-TSA-� �t'-+ ice All Q ri � `Rg� n y �'V w �((//n///�� GZJ �/L�'a'�"'" U�j� ��� ✓L YI,ri7-tir`�,(�, as \� � � "VLA-C_. W Guru,. � �a'L Uh.✓5 vlf-i.�. �L�..c-vac-ti Ota,-�,^'�-�-- f ��JJ per- ` ; � � � �.�,� �„r,a..�.-C�►:,,,.`�u. �-a..c�-v-�.�-5 c� -a-� 'L�_•�aCc. i.�.-�. v ,� �- . '� .�� �� I"� -��A,�.�_�►.,,� w fes. c�- � NZ� u l � I 00 i ✓.s.at.�N��._�"` L.G.vt<G-wu^-.2--�+�.-� .. ✓� .,-�1 t 41/ k xk; "r7 - - ��-C/ ��!•�'/`�;� �'-fir 77,c- ae7 lizd�,v ��� � moi'•/ �,�.e-�� Gs!s�'1�i0 OZ1,14-z' Avlj�� df �, � ���L-fi ��rrR� ���4� �iC���z��', �fL✓�'ltC, �� rG�llraLsc..� _.1st moizJ7 Qsza j*0001 10 ,/�-�n.¢s-s:r ��.s-r1� ��.►•�r�/ f�r�:�' 1'��c. lls�.�� ��il-- ,r lgew Gfr 4� t Lv�ti L A14�d � 4 A4"-" n � o b Y j �� i ��• t��l�lll �1 J I a�O+ � o 1, I ti y' t>✓ m a r � m ❑ p & t u x ❑ �, dta !19 J'1<7�I'0'9 nr 39.E@:i ll;;1 n.,.r.a.y,.,t r: ❑ 'Fc� 'C ❑ h'wne Age Plan Dub Mary M- Uses HB Pecouia tlepR 13, " A_ ° ❑ �' Elizabeth Young 91 Orient Feb. 27, 1693 Puoy H. Cleveland 93 Southold Sept. Ib, " : a B B c g Y ❑ o � Joseph GoldsmiWmil Southold March 4, Hannah W. 0,80 USouthold Jan. 11, IgU6 a6 .a+ to ,to ❑ma Raise Hempstead tE Mal rsi Fisher's n�d ' 1 8o Southold Mitch 28, DmidHillard 93 CalchogueFeb. 6, o be Iwo ca Belsey Harrison 90 Feticide April 8, hull L. Horton 9t Matlitook Mar. 80, " o to A;o m ° ! If tousle G. Young 65 Oreenport Aprtl 16, " Southold Feb. 28,1897 �- 'o Abigail Davie 91 Southold Mry 21, C¢oliux t(.rbiaao¢ 86 Muttitutik Mar. Rl, .po & Nanny Howell UZ Mattit.uok July 16, Philip H. Oautermon 8'1 Southold Nov. 21, Pcrmrlia Itiliook 90 Cntabogne July 20, Betsey Uoukliu 86 Southold Nov. 24, " o ❑ .5 ❑ c m g, Elizabeth Hull Gulltmith 85 New Huff ilk Ang. 17, Urover M. Cook 81 Southold Feb. 2, 1898 flardot Aldrioh Hall,wk s'1 Mattitook Aug. 17, Alen Cox so MatEitook Feb. 26, " ° Joxeph U. havens 84 Orient Aug. 28, „ Lydia E, Hallook 05 Orient Mar. 27, " .00 ;-., -Una. Jlmes T. Hamlin 80 Mdliluek Aug. 211, Mary L. Ring 8en 8 Oraport Sept, 25, " e S .. ,, w g I s p E. Young Howell 81 P000aia Sept. 1, P. Smith Moore 88 Catohogae Jan. 4, 1800 13 w c 6 John Downs U: Onlabogue Sept._ 7, Richard Carpenter 88 Southold Feb. 26, 1900 a o 0 'a 'm c Levi Preston 81 Graeuport Col. 10, " Polly Young 87 Orient Aril 22, " e k ° ` " m ❑ ° $ e Samuel 11. Sumtlond 8; Southold Feb. 1, 1893 Joust L. Latham 97 Orient July 81, E D. Aaslin Horton 89 Southold March 3, Barnabas It. Booth 83 Sontbodd Nov. T7 8 ❑ 8 . .9 B 1, .ay. David O. Floyd 91 Oreenport April 9, More Old Age to Southold A Crowing Institution i,a'g M m' Ear* 11061t"n 93 8o¢tkold May Ll, "Twenty live Years o," See � u ' _ James Walls 113 A CanffiCT10N.-I failed to read the y ( m e Southold Sept. 21, Tusvuzna of Jan. 11.) "The amonmP Lydia Yeno U5 Orient Nov. 2, " IPr°of of my lint ul aged people which 1P g y g appeared last week in the Tarevu¢un, deposited in We Southold Savings, I ❑ Cynthia IG Young U8 Orient Jau. 2, 1894 and hence am rimpriaed to Bud that thr. hank during the first ten days of Jaun- $ g ' Hiram 'Torry 94 Southold Jan. 30, 11lr was J , William Dennis pU type has added ten ears each to the age y $'U 732 03, and the amount u w Sunthald Mar. 14, " of Lydia Young of Orient 1898, my good withdrawn by depositors during the Martha A Force e4 8outhohl Mar. 23, neighbor Hiram Terry of Southold ISLA, same period was$37,748 93. The inter- r� m- •H I»uso 1t%:evs 811 Greenport April 2l, " �aud Richard Miller Wood of Oulohogno est placed to the credit of depositors for a r o John Haueibal 87 Matlituok June U, '1805, whose ages shoo Id road 85, 81 and the Previous six months wee$`?)15,828.73." m Harriet Penny Howell BG COtubogue Jnue 21, " 'Ip; respectively. Nicholas Moldu[Ilan, lluring the first ten dot's of IUUI the 0 Capt. Jacob Valiance87 Oreenport July 16, ocutenarian,died just after the Tnev¢nmr same Bank received from 747 depositors Hamann W. Horton U2 Southold 'July 18, " was issued Jan. 10. 1901, aged 103 years $121,8I6 16, sed paid to 361 depositors; ' Alanson Hxilook 113 Catobagce Sept.20, " and to, $70.615.43.$70.615,43. The interest credited to de• You Sleasseloer Howell so Pe°ouic SaPt.25, " N. Hununita Cr,uvanaNu Positurs far the six mouths coding Dec. Ann Maria Webb 81 Uraanport Oct 8, " - 31. 1000, was$47,240.25. Hainjob T: NTiligme 80 Oregon Oct. 12, " The Dimoturs of Huntington Public Library Juti%A Conklin 05 Ureouport Mar, 141, 1803 lava eleried 0HIcvr0 as follows: Prealhnl.'Tlaie - +�itihard ne Mar, l8 Miller Woad U6 0ateho Aithmt Vire-do., J. (1, tlunuin0 Secy, Ilk!V.S. - _ _ -_. _ 8 '_�� _T.L'nrpit Trexa_,�1_T. Ilurd. dish i 1 -12fl ,r a Fr cd C, t s ,w• O q riff`I yrs yx1 C3 C d = 'U a ! , O L W _ \k m r1. -cl tit. --Z O C ccLj CD 'C ^G , C#1 y U S� ca... h�.-•1•i y O r 'c F. O v Z<A — 14 -- F-, d - ----- ----- — ^� '.'2.r q f a A 3.a ,�Y, u,:� � rt� rc�sl .���r r1� Iry -�i. ,jnlua.r7urb.8 VmFe.540. Family ire �y. Retail Price 'h4 ,. 7 i,9 zg7ri�-tiK�'BtrT-r Current. 1 e ° r' `` \4` r �h ,tbo�� -y, ..iti .F L,tx�t'3+ •3°S •",r r K 1 1 ent. GRCNPORT1 Dec. 10 18 o I'. - �'',a�. .i,;:�G�` ',r�� �sF�r~�ly���hA����,s"`gra i��,�•,�':•.�t' :. •-r.w`.`�"r{+1.' ?�'.f�'�n��'dw My�'h�e•�iR'"„',Y : r ;�„f r _ ��.-� /♦ y a,� �' f� �•! I} �1.�a;{-,,�' . - k� S( N�"�'.'1.?��"F�'p" '���-.`•,1 f N• y f.'�'�"?•.'.,"L r ,� r".� Y� ��� t�....��'[.K Flour,double extra, per bbl...... $6 5088 50 o-( ka %8 hags.... .... .... .... ..... 1 1.. r 21 12 �-i, �trr' � Potatoes .:.. .... 1 rr n L7 0' r'.vns per doZ.... .. . .. . . .... e '�^° Butter lb;... .... .... .... .... .... 25 Lard .... .... .... .... .... ....... lid •,,,«��lr�� -��4 r,�/1.f.r.� +�!•'ti:�_..a••:Y�: t ' _I Cheese....... .... .... .... ....... /12, ` r`` J7` ,�,r4'' t' _ s{! r - r..tiMf _ •^0. ..r M1ei' :.,� T .i. _i Y tat .. �♦ ti 7u�� '��'" Y 'e'�'�"4 "" +-ir L r� �`S Polk ]bless.... .... .. 131,' :a � 1.: FrTr 1E C -L aS� 5 r✓ at� il�1 -Y��rj S�ar4 �`�n�ti p,ga M'� Bea4s per qual't.... .... .... ..... 6 t(1 8 Ci-ushed sugam..... .... .... ....... 111/ Brown sugar,best......... I tt19/r Stewart's eu�ar.... ...... .... 10,111 Roast coffee,Java.... .... ........ 16 1911'25 ,.:. �"' ,' =H -' ,#-!• Maracaibo and Lai 1g z i�✓ ..� # r ��,�, b� It alt r N 0 Molasses per oall.... .... ..... 44 Pilot bl'eaCl Butter c r a c k u I's.......... .... .... 8 rZ } r s tiit{'.;e^+G X+, rY' I �<i+"t"�-.►ar]. �.i z y,�,,.,Y,,.,•R_..•s.�"" .�.' 1` /.-,P Sola bisenit.... .... .... .... ..... 8 R) } 1 kpg,q q7{ 4 ;,za "t! Z �•� �. L4 S<fy?.ti+rL =y� r^- =res^ t' � 'K ) Soap per bar.. .... .... .... ...... 8;110 Raisins 11).... .... ......... .... — r ° a `�i��Tr2 c"t �t� i4-r,,�t r" ..?_ S .�, C ,1,.w'i••• s I/ 1.) E� fr .... .... .. 10CaStlle SOa waA1�y"f.1t5�.'j�tt�i nvX'�t�'�4.^v t ,--{✓;�q�-ra�," If�,,y."�7, 51� .,t..a-2Mf. r��i. t t 'tiS s L"�' �"'.�.i'� C'( 'n S a^tyru'. 1 ?7ante cul-rants.... .... .... ...... 1 ! Pe )el'.... .... .... .... .... ...... u1 Zvy a�Yagp Cocoa..... ..... ... .... .... ...... C al t � +a1ay j ,r t z � yr4 ° Caudle' .... .... .... .... ......... 15 7 3 �c a �c BlytFa. Ci(ler vincaar.... .... .... .... .... 30 ;„er r a- �. 4 'TM Crearn Tartar.... .... .... .... .... 50 :a. „�'•."'1 T".pti. .Y vgp'• Chart) scl(la.... .... .... .... ...... 8 tt' •.h" z,'o'A,la :�,z *Iw Yx iii'-.. :�,; 4�a'�y� ;j .'f.*1?4'�' ��,� .r,�,• a. }l InC CI'RCIi(S I's.... .... ...... 10 � t '' `r - •'M,Sh•-'4. r.c ';. J KIMr •1"!1 Soap powdel. .... .... .... .... .... 9 Worcestershire sauce.... .... ..... 75 Washing �soda.... .... .... .. .... .. 4 Tallow �y c v-C1f i�d�£�rr�. � ,•1 art r'` �r�F , 3 r Moa. nom.! aL ;s 4( rzS ry# ��-k 'F' 4 +r 4 � t ....... .... .... .... ... .. 12 •• :���#�� f,� s ��..�'(" w {.tdse � �,'�*•t�-'��5 �'�qa.,,,ic�y.ud?s e 4 t rs. i as � {r':,Z�,''. !, � fl�y�'�a•i�h�?n='t � riR,+"rr�S moi. C ti.v.•,�r y„t�3�X • s„~car ',� `.r 1s � '.,,,t j •'r xyrT Y,' 11EsiT MARKET. • 1 ,, t� , :+Y n_ :,., -v 'J.�.ra+�.l4aSSJ:�a2�4'&'w^,......•.A._�,: v ' _.�.t<;�.:K..:5 r 1.,.;3y-�...._.:...*�1 Beef steaks,best. 14 Roast.... .... .... .... .... ....... 14 GREAT LII EL QUIT.—It 1S Saitl fi' Ss tllall seven 111111dred and fifty Corned beet,best .... .... .... .... 11 I'ernando Wood is about to institute a libel distinct libels, as alleged by the complainant, Veal.... .... 1x2.14 and that several emiue•r1t lawyers ers llz e alrea(ly L<In)l).... .... 14a1G Suit against Iiorace Greeley and others inter- , ZtTutton..... .... .... .... .... ..... 12a14 — ested in the New York Tribunc, for put)lica been en-pi ed by Fernando. ;.iell deivel- tions during a period of four years, While, opnleuts may_be est)cct( Wood was PJayor. It is said the else will �-T71 " G4— OLr�/� '1v / G� o"- f PA c, tllcz� 8*-Gen.Torn 'T'humb will be 22 years CORWIN & MUNSELL old in Januar next. Ile resides in Bridge. b t�, iL`T.L�:�.� t •1SL1•,was"i .+, .0 port, where he owns a fine house on,,the main TOWN street valved at over $5U,000. Ede drives a ���1Long Island Rail oad .� pony whieli he says•will,travel a mil i three EXPRESS OTb'10E, Minutes.. B$osawAx Nysw or Supervisor, CAMPAIGN SONGS. '� xf Ifenry A. Reeve%. From the workshops and fields,to! the freemen arise, For Town Clerk, LINCOLN .AND LIBERTY. A patriot band that no tyrant can sever, William A. Cochran. 1 � j• � �. �� i Their thorns of Freedom ascends to the skies, t [ Honest Abe Lincoln —born in .Ken-, For Justice of the Peace, For Liberty. Union,today and forever! tacky—followed the plow and the path of kad W. Gildersleeve. ; Wido awake, boys,&c. ,j rectitude in Indiana—and mauled rails and For Assessors, Stephen A. Douglas, in Illinois. ;'Three cheers for our Lincoln,the patriot.truo 1 J'<<.. John G. Champlin, Three cheers for the Victory'vo aro certain of Joshua W. Tern �, winning! y' 6p Am—"Rosin the Bow." Three cheors for our cause! it is righteous,and, For Overseers of Poor. Hurrah for the choice of tate nation! gives " :,� `+ // Our chieftain so brade and so true - Phillips, S. W©Ila 1Po'll yo for the great Reformation=� A victorious end to a glorious boginning Evelyn Jackson. s' ' Wide awake boys wide awake! For Lincoln and Liberty tool wide awal>e,�boys, wide awake I For Commissioner of Highways, + Every blew that you zivo causes t•rants to quake! - ' Nell go for the son of Kentucky— y q f ', Hemp L. Fleet. And the flab of our Union f'urevor shall wavo The hero of Iioosierdom throu;b; As the flarr df tho free o'er the home of tho bravo iFor.Cb1X©Ctor, The pride of the Suckers so lucky— '3 f/` Ernest A.Boutcher. j For Liucoln and Liberty too. NewNursery Ballads for Good Lit- tie Democrats. flag For(lame Constable. Our David's good sling is unerring, [From the llicsouri Democrat.] 6 A Bn mabas 1.1. Tuthill. The Slaveocrat's Qiant he slew; I Then shout for the Freedom referriup-- For Constables, �^ ,For Lincoln and Libertytoo, Sing a song' for CharlestonI ,� �,' � / Uscar 1+. Tuthill. C• Bottle full of Rye! Detrnolcl Reeve. -� They'll Hud rugal by felling and mauling, All the Douglas delegates j � y' Oscar L. Wells, 6' Our rail maker statestuan can do; Knocked into pi 1 rheodore W. Horton., For the people are everywhere calling , Thomas H. Reeve. r For Lincoln and Liberty too. `° For when the vote ivas opened 6 The South began to;ting; For Constable For Fisher's Island. v Then tqp with our banner so glorious, "You little Squatter Sovereign j�,7 ¢" '? Christian IIansean. ' The star-spangled reel,white and blue, Shan't be our Kingl" we'll Inspectors of Eloetion,s, p ' e'11 fight till our flip is victorious, II, �- , 4"6• Fcr Lincoln and Liberty too. let, District—Edward S. Edwards III diddle,diddle 1 the Dred Scott riddle I Samuel K. Terry. . a' ! WIDE AWAKE SONG Tho delegates scatter life loons 'Ind District---Edwin S. Havens, 6,• v The Little Dug swears to see the sport, q � �� -- William H. Wells. K 6 Ate—"Star Spangled Banner." p 3d `District--•J. Edwin Cochran And the Southerners couut theirs spoons, ' Boys,do you not sec through the smoho of the p p J. Edward Corey r' t, z, right, Iir. a `; -i,e,h. Disti•iet--Samuel Mille Hallock. f`d 9 That the Star of Saccess on Your efforts is beam 'There was a little Senator ' ARter Gildersleeve. ' ins ? Who wasn't very wise; Give no rest to the fo#,but strike for the Right, 13e jumped into Convcuti-on o 'rill the Sunshine of Victory on you is streaming! Y to Wide awake,boys, wide awake! Ant! scratched out both his eyes. t wide awake,boys,wide awake I And-when lie found his eyes were out, + s With all his might and main spec© of grout .• They are of large size, p r- Ile bolted off to Baltimore acre!of a u1ost exc;elletit quality, T o scratch them ui abaut, --- _ - - ---- tp o4 a,� -(A, tC. 1 J i f CX_{i ,1V fi-Vt �Ti't/tN-1� G Alx� Oa tv- a� - �.�,,,,_ Q,t,.•�,.1 y�� �fcu -�.,t. t'�--�-� lit. � �7fy_ oL- ,,•-_ �•� --�.,<.�C t TOWN M!' Gies. Toro Thumb will be 22 Iea-rd COII.«'IN do NIUNSELL, old iu Atuuary nut. Ile resides in bridge-1 port., where he owns fine house oa the mule' �trc«t raltted at over$50,000. Fie drive:aI� � Long lnla.ucl Rall oad puny which he saYc will tcaveJ a mil t three �" EXPRESS 6F110E, -eel in inUttio. ���` 12 B&OASWAT, );&w 'V n*. i CAMPAIGN SONGS. 1'ronr the workshops arA fields,lo! the freemou CAMPAIGN SONG. LINCOLN AND LIBERTY. A l' y atria hawt sleet notyrant can voce Ata—"lioatn f+1a 13oto" i Tf;eir chci ua of Freed„ru ascends to the skies, The Campaign commences most uebly, i "Honest Abe Lineolu”—born iu Ken-, For Liberty. Coioi,,to day and forever I The Battle has fairly begun, i. o $ s tno y--followed the Plow and the path of, Aisle awake, bora,Sc. And every now struggle proves doubly, C Q e s rectitude iu Indiana—and mauled rails and That"Buck'and his minions are door, ' Three cheers for our L;♦: cla.the patriot true 1 .--.5 •= Stephen A. Dooglafl, in Illinois.] P g _ Three cheers for the Victury we are certaiu of With the Bast and the fest linseed together �,=� � m... Q o eel°nit► Oar candidate never can fail, m=' r Ata—"Resin the Bow." 3hre.cheers for our cause I It Is righteous, and Fur the weight of a Stare ain't a feather, o d m » ilurnh for the choice of the nation? vel When Freemen got Into the Scale, m ` 5 ec pe ' Our chieftain w breis and to true A vous snJ to t gloriosa beginning „ °•„ e� u We'II to for the great Refer motion— Wide awake,boss,wide awake! ,. a a .. a ►. for Llncelp and Lilert too' I Every friend of our owe (Gallant Navvy 3 o e o 0 3� y {gide awake, boys, wile awake i Tit*Star of the West,'' hto declared ,'>Q Q > Every blow that sou¢ivecauses tyrants to quake The eemin Slectien the Il carr a 1 m Me91 go for the son of Kentucky— Q Y y, °' _ ti And the B,g of our Oatoo forever shall wave For every tate otan is prepared. The baro of Iio�ierdom throagb; As the flag of the free o'er tho Gere of Lite brave The pride of tbu Stickers so lucky— Now Nursery Ballads for Good Ut• For'`Protection"the parte will rally, For Lincoln and Liberty too. Y•�i.- a tile Democrats. jr&J7 "Fret,Homea ter tlo- H„nules,."an well, ': w 1 e OW David'a good aling is unerring, [From the Missouri Democrat 1 Then we'll hear every ltouowin■nd V.IMy 21,04— ° Tiro Slaveocral's plant he slew; t Ring forth to''Free Trade"its death knell.�'� ° y y I Then shoat for the Freedom referring— = a S� m y V o'~ For Liacolu and Liberty too. Sing a song for Charlestou l For Lincoln the Partys onitrd, a- !. ec o,_ „ Bottle fall or Rye 1 And f.,,Hamlin the people aro tree, = b e o They'll find what by fellins mauling, All the I►ougla8 deft ates The watch fires have all been ligGtNi "" �2-01- and Our rail maker ststeecuan can do; ! Ikooetied into pi ! As once for"Old Tipi,ecanow" a r- For the pe,�t,le are vverywhore calling � ar � L ` $ For when the vote was opened Then bring at the Meic ad lane , 0-8 „ e For L ncola sad LiLerty too. Ilie South began to ming: The"Fence Rails"and O,ators too, ° C- w Then sp with our lunrer so glorious, "You little Squatter Savereigu And poll teach the Loc-i Focal head manners 'tkL The starspatiglai red,phas and blue, Shan't be our Kinbl" As we dist with"(Old Tip=,ec:,nne." b s r.Q rt'^ We'll fig+,t till our 012 is vrotori/u$, it. Motrsrrz CLAY BlID nFF H49RTn\"9 I'„t\T. U + r 2 Fcr Liucolu and Liberty too. II'I diddle, diddle! the Dred Scott riddle! ' The delegatessratter like loonel -'A correspondent, writing us from South- r. .w = e o tt (VIDE A;,ZiL SONG. The Little Ilutr swears to old goals: Some fifteen years ago clams were : m �'� °.`�.► t Ata—"dtarangledBssner." see the short, a as e 401 a,de you oac see tt,rottgra the emeko tit lite Alid the Southerners count their sPoeus.' discovered in the Souud, half a mile east of c 8 Q, o g o t fight, iii. Horton'+Point,opposite l"hiueas Fanning's, pmt the War of Success on youreibrts is team- There was a little Senator and bounded on the east by John O'Neil'$, � e � ° o ing 1 Who wasn't ver] wise ; , S+ 9 +K'iS 8i-+a {live no rest to the fo&but strike for the Ri¢ht, He jtrmped into Cuaveoti-on on the wast by J. A. lilliughast s ; ranee e v m M o TUI the Sunshine of Victory lin you is streauatogl es- that time the clams hove multiplied and Nide shake,boys,ei.le awake! y :a w And t;trotched out both his a d e • v � p� „� as y Wi ie awake,boys,wide awake I Arid when ltd found his eyes were out, spread to a great Patent. eoveriag a large � 8 Q ° R ree With all his might sad main, space of grutiml. Thry are of large size, C) Ile bulteti oQ to Baltimore To scratch them la again. I.&ad of a.�_exeellertt tlnalitJ. Q �^•� �%� �(i[ti o(.� Gtr 4�'"�-�1.��� � J �, � � `� � elk AC4�9L p QCJ 9J Cn c / ` J k CGl,_ R 'to t xktz z �_t P,o �fp G) r' W cd C'� o r,0 C3 � , a �� ✓vim C O IAOQ HV 4H C14 Cz i-1 Ul IC)- TOTN t For Supervisor. �/ ; Frankliu H. Overton. � �. � --- n �14� t J z... For Town Clads. Henry W. Prince.For ' For Justices of the Peace, J. RIDDELL, L+'D. AND PROYRIETOP.. /�r�r-r l"avis R. C"!, �_ Charles E. Glover, (vacancy). o0 1 " For Tovt C7ex]; Schuyler B. 1-lortou vacant �^ UPT TIlU1;S)j�lY li:�Y 2 , 1860. �� `/t t z l-Tenrylw. Prime.. /._ �, �,� , Y (vacancy).Y) i „° / -- �, !<'Or Justice of the Peace, For Schuyler B. Horton,(fitll term.) -==--_--��-`-- " �t - William. H. Pike. —._._.._ �- , i For ASReSSOrQ, ��-7 z a � Marcus B. Brown, V_3 I/ li;tnezer Clark, Jesse;G. Case. ' Seth W. Tuthill. i Nor Overseem of Poor, o y For arerseers of Pcxr; Henry W. Halsey, r 6ton. Tames EMor ^p .� Henry W. Balser' Josiah C. -,U bertson.- J REPUBLICAN — --. ---- —- l For Commissioner of Hik4wavg, I l�Ea- �' P01 S Lewis R. Case. Comtnir;sioner•s of IIighwrtp� � - William !V. Sterling,_- For Collector, EsrvraTT OF TuI; rISITEn STATES, .F, For Collector, Orrin A. Prince. . a 1,( WiIliant Hog Game Constable, All C 0 L " c A)r Game Conidable, - Foster R. l+anning. '� OFILLINOIS, � ira B. Tuthill j r, '-' For Constables, ' 6 G' " PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED ST.vrm r11 For Constable,-; John D. Cleveland r � T ' .n VJohn D. Cleveland.. 6"�j E Elias P. Jennings, f C' y i' ' B A L II_t �I L I N , Elias P. Jennings Richard S. Sturges, ;" — OF MAINE Arthur W, '1'rn•bash, a trthux W.-M Lames H. Wines, Y, a� = Warren L. Tuthill, � s Christian Hansen,(Fislrer's Island.) �-�-- - -� PO.Y Colnstable for FisherTa I�la.xrd <� iicago C®�ivelitioll---Plut- �� For Inspectors of Election• � Christian Hansell. 1st Dist.—George A. Tuthill, %i---Noimaaaaati®iis, fit. For Inspectors Of Elections Edward W. Latham. )ublican National Convention tts- U ; int District-Daniel.T. Tuthill;—__` ` j�j 2d Dist.—Henry W. Halsey, t Cllica.go, ori Weclue5day, ls.ty a �; x James �. Dewe , , i �-- .rid.District--.Ben,'aryin H, h i E' EA Glark. 1 ' z:r�e antl entlrusirrstic concoulEe of ,I et'e° 3d Dist.—Charles H. Tuthill. % S Henry ey, HHalsey._ 7 e present, ind the best of hartnony ,oi District—George C. �'Polla �' � George C. Wells. Ilon. Georg Richard. S. '- �a �l i` e 1shr.�un ofItts Ah Di trig r f�'ril�n � t b .__. u 4th Dist.—George I. Tothill, ' wascltoscn 1 residcut, Jahn IL LII*Vw John G. Terry. i • - ----- ---- can he account for this kind of weather? .J` �y,T1"w ,.,-�� � l�tf—R-s �-•t`q�-Lt�t. D`,,tfc�c� t�.t:.G�.�/��'-�,:v--[-t. �- •ti-c�..�t:�..iGa.1,._.�c., �'�,.-r�G w-�,cv��rh..�� oCr�o'C, - `1't-,b�-oC t • rr °.�•i7o v `- v c m m n'V , TOWN ,;� p`O o•"' � t� r as `a Q 2 H o l o E-• t l L-t/- w c C f / 1 a C, p 6 d a � ep iblfccet�in' g �+' � r 1,,,�caution over the I1 urpt r'e oIi. At a meeting of the ltcpublicno is ecturs 1',et•ry ufl';rr ,buy udmirabl � tuff" V a � J • f j of the town of Southold, Irrld Intr�uun;' to Lira \e% }•cask Eveuin;g Post: ` �/� '"�'���� 11� ��• 1 e o call of the Town Committee, it u" Id,'lurr A ^!kw` veaest►l: 0➢' AN OGD AONa, r J Room, in toe village of Soup hold,un tri i 11' 111ua►r,4tiuK the growth of I'tiblic Sen4 ment• 1 eua,c, ., eD. ANa ri,,,rxr Al � day of August, 1860, to t•honse the u�u"l Mlle '•,1ohu ISrowu had a Little lujik." v ° y nnmtcr o lf Dele gates tore nlsent rail t, ,v" Old Juhu grown, he had a little nigger. UI,I; ' 1,(LRTTHURSDAY, MAY n, , _ _ ? E { I h f.O In the hisUiet (uuveulion to he bold at Olil Jolm Brown he hod a little nimee. s Co Riverhead un the 15111 inst., 11. 11 Csas 0,d j 0111 Brown, he had a little yimiOC, c :wag chosen C,ha;rtnnn and Ifenry Ilunttiof• ();Ie little uiu;er busy y % a 3ecrelary• l.'horus by several micus: The following were duly chosen as each Disiriet•gttorueyOold—Uuolittle,two little, .4 ill.u . © llelrgates: ,luseph I,uthum, L. R. U. Bkitt• �semvj Flosrl ''farce little rpigger, r c ner, It. T. Uuldi"mith, Phos. J. Conklin, ,lodtre 'tl„son 1 :, lit els,five ;title, IRiddell. + _ saac Reeve Juu J. tinti� r sa� y hJMl. liar;uuuuu y _ Rm lred That each delegate shall have — __-- - -- w ower to e r roil,t a snbstitute, and that ,th1 '(ash. tae—,fit v, r it h, IU LIN, p II 1 1011Conatltnl , 'Niuelittle n; er, REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. delegation attending have power to fill any Y mr York $ueald—1 n ;;silo night r lwp. ' vacancy in their number. FOR PRESIVIEN OF TItR i�ITF.n 9TATH9, Democratic 1 rc qn thaw huut the oouatr o Ebenezer Clark anal I l: 11, Skinner Liu recitutive'I lvil t; �,►and hills, nigger ,� T1 1 j were chosen to fill vucanucs oxieteu g in the t PP T � I' boys,all grated wig i, i'itr.ltivrks eighteen feet 1 ).11�� �� JJ I ,` `. � � I i 'town Cotnmitic,t, rxcasiuned by the death lung and umnura;�h±I by twenty thousand OF 1LLrtiOtr. 4- "p.� w of Hou. P. W. Lurd, and remuvul of Ueu. Aholitwonisls. in ti tom, r FOR VICE YRESInENT OF T11%UNITED ?Tt vp ,: - o 0 0 � W. Lyon. [lutyrval, in which tho election is supposed o RPsolretl, 'Phut the Clubs illthe several to have passed' HANNIBAL II A M I' ! S' rd•� election diatrictc of file Town he nyueated Herald awl ('on�titntiou—JPen little, nine, OF NIAI.NE. y n W ti to appoint cumtnit,evs ;uencb school ,iietriet little, eight lit,{e wiLlin h their bounds, to eullect suscrihtiuns � Anthurilies of �-:rniniu --Seven little, six Election, 'I'ne+tlay, Not-ember l;tlt. Cd 'S to defray the eal,ea,u of lite. o:uul,tion—tc1 little, five little airs,r, --- a)E-4 . y,circulale ducnwuiti+, pnu ac e rl,r„6,rs, .lc. Authorities ut 11'r l u;;tea—Four little, The t')tica'a Contention---Ptnt- o c Resolrcl, That 1{enc }lunitiuglsetrea 1 ,. l y three little, two Ir!la uggel- forst---Nominations ire. „ sneer of the Iortin Repubhcuu , -K: uzutiuu. People of the couuu y, (in ntxenla of cur- ' Resolrr,l, 'Hist tine peur.c,e,iin;s of this un SIIOL of tha whole, One isle, 'I be 1Zeput,lieun �ulional Genrention as- �•C� nleel•ing be furui,lu d fat' puhlicativu iu thu airis+le nir,T er brt the ll!p ] firnlbled at Cliicago, ou Wednesday, May 'G Suffolk llrccicly 'hltuc:+. SNOW STORK,-0n gouda}' utternoon snow 16th. A l,rrge and enthusiastic concourse of r li ('ASH, Nest. 1 m o z fell quite fast for a short t; c n day pei,ldu were l resent and the best of harmony 1Lcxur IlU.rrtr c, tie e'r. �•r/1-°�'"= � `' we had all old {ushiouc st o s It prevuil:il. }lou, lx-•ar�*e Ashtsun, of 31ua• ,—As old John Brown 14, Usawat• ornie Brown, a corrt:elwn,l,io, wiggesLs that snowed all day,and wade us think of ovet'- eeltltlt8ette ltusen President., ul,l Wise should bo eullcrt 11'Imt-au ust•a,nie coats and awarm fire. W”.A �V1i1 I�S� can he account for this kind of a IY Yr � 1 I / y 0 NMI ON Ol IN,Qr r , f • .• If ..r JF ty I'll a Ft � __- �1, I V I I I I I ( 1 ••_ 1 1 1 1 t i l I I i ri, ,;=; " II T UNC.LJC SAWS FARM. CAMPAIGN S(11Z1tGr. r We kayo laid the seat foundation, the work it SONG. 4= W �' c 8 has begun, 4: H a, E3 PCPLT731rICAN NATIONAL CAMPAIGN' SONG. It reaches all the wayfrom Maine across to Oregon' nONEST OLD ABE. d �- � FV., The timber's on the ;round,and tho hands aro ,b ami o G �A Or all tho miwhly nations in the,eaaltorin the neat, looking on, There is honest old Abe,as you all do know, d o �, o C o` So trait till next.November,we will pat the riders• Ho is bound for the White Morass and that is so; c 'a .- Oh, this lY�rious Yankee nation is the greatest on. With.11amliu at his heels lie is going i❑ the door, o a and he best, Come along,sing this song,&C. And thou there will be Corruption uo more. p „ 711 r: And now we rant a President to sit upon the chair,' � w o � r. Wo will go for,�brahani Lincoln,here and everCHORUS. c y- And when the fence is made It will be so very., Thon'let us be a ha be all where. stout, gay, ppy , .`' o �• Z Ciioacs. Vote for Lincoln and Hamlin neat fall. ° � :� *' r Tho white man will climb over,but twill keeps c c �? .c ,a Coma alnna,sing this sonw,sing it every clay, the negro out; r = Y:� o Curie fronn every quartos,porno from every nay;,Ancl if You're on lite other side ones love the n©tiro". there is polar uncle Jimmy,lie makes a wry face, o y cam. For►-e have lane}enough,so take no alarm, i grin, Bet there is islDO ace use a talking, for Lincoln takes o � � For Lincoln is the President to giro us all a faun I Rh thio it does amazing;well to kala the iaedro� p ' ,�; a .� .c = o Why in, 4 K► o The liars are in his eyes, he looks quite bad, »� N �- Oh oh uncle Jimmy, o Now tho people want a homeeteacl in Uncle Sam's , , y,y u must not get mad• g o a o wo dnmain, Crime along,sing this song,&c; 4-aThen let us be gay,&c;• 0 4. cr -a Bnt the land is kopt reserved for the speculator's Linenln goes for union,and a union for the free•. O o Ir CU � He snakes h is rails of timber from the tree of Oh,how can I help it,when I made the calcula-,, - '0 o � o v And whon we got tho Congress to pass upon the libort tion liberty, , r� +a, a) .� c., ea v .0 bill, r; Tosta g y g �____ .� ._ IIo is now sheet to finish what was len ago be- T eight years when I of the nomination'} - �� -� � The Democratic Senate then donied the people'sgun; Rut hero comes Lincoln, oh,how it makes ma r16 well. By the fathers of his country,by the great Wash- shiver, Come along,sing this sang,&c. ington. For I have got to go way up salt Riser. w oo The South they go for Cuha to make the Nation Come along,sing this soup,&e. Then]et us ba gay, &e. E wclo Yv c � _er Land for the landless,and the uomroea for the Now come,brother Cass, let us take a last d-rinkr t�.� a >> �' o And whoa they wet tha laud they will give it to South; a •� c th®ni r'er What care you or I for what folks think Z Brit we will go Lincoln,and leave Cuba'in the sea, Lincolnnoutl will o President,you'd blaster hold soup The Halt River train will soon be along, � � I � VYe do want your• slavory hero, but we let out And we trust be ready to jumli right on• y We knots the trick your after—we hold it in de- Then let us be gay,&c. �: v negrlaes be. rision', Come alone,sin^this song, cSac, You cannot force it on as by the Dred Scott de- w h o cision. Now all my dear friends, from the cast and tbm I will tell you what we are �oin� to do now in' Come along,sing this song, &c. a o; _ n b � west. ,. the coming fall, -.._ _ __._ Vote for, Lincoln and Hamlin, ftir tibev are then W 0 C' 3 1Yo will model after China and build a-great big best; G P' in wall; Williriin H. Venderbilt died suddenly And when the time will come,and you will hare' b w w °J V, 11 We vrill Have it made of timber so tough it norer• of apoplexy, at his home in New York, to die, p `m _ fails, on Tuesday. His wealth is estimated at I Toted for Lincoln oil! ha .. So the darkies can't got over it and Lincoln ' ppy am I. splite'the rails. from$175,000,000 to$200,000,000. FourThon let us be day,&c,. a Como along,sin;this sone,&o. sons survive him and it is supposed that, Port Tranquil,L. I, t3l .G.;CSX, cs following the precedent of hi,3 father, he - hwi~a made one of thein, Cornelius, his principal heir. - _.,, ;; s. i.,..>.: �"�. 7 i''I r• ,r_ i,: �� '.�_ .__:°I s t`,». '"t+'7�.1 >,?,a s"-. _ 1 I r. 77 / �1/�J�CIt 1 Letter from Rev. C. W. Biddle. and Mrs. Wickham. This was a most aggravated ' t C SoUTFIOLD, L.L, Dec. 11, 1854. oflenc'�e, The murderer had a few days before ' �, XO®RI'S 1i BIt. AusTlx:—We are getting along at Southold been discharged from the employof Afr. Wickham. - E��-ti ASD PERIODICAL OFFICE. as well as might be expected. The church 's He entered his dwelling in the night,killed Mr. �L llr,,� IlloorxE IS HAPPY TO INFORM vices are pretty well attended. We have some ��•'and his wife:wounded a colored servant bo his friends and tho public, that he continues �'' to supply orders from all sections of the county ` t excellent and true friends here. Were they all to and intended to murdgr two hired girls,who hear- and elsewhere,for Newspapers,Maaazines,Diusic, come up to the strict line of duty, we should have Ing the noise,flc d,and thereby eseaped him. on and Books generally, The followin;are a part of Friday next this frightful traced is to have an his list: a flourishing Society indeed. As it is, we have no Y g tragedy Trttnh Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1: great cause to complain. Everything moves on end. The unfortunate prisoner we understand has " New York Journal, quietly, and we trust there,is a gradually increas- of late become quite penitent and subdued. Pre- '97ew Fasliion Magazine, ing interest in the preached word. The Ladies of vious however lie has passed through nearly every Harper's Weekly, Weekly Herald, the Society especially, are worthy of all praise.— scene unmoved, exhibiting the most callous in- " 1A1011thly, " Times, For a number of years they have observed the difference and stubbornness. When the Judge allows Pictorial, Tribune, weekly meetings of their Sewing Society,and by,passed the sentence of death upon him,he remark- 1lonthiv Eveninb Post, •means of funds raised from holding Fairs,have!ed with a sneer," I thank you sir,and I will leave ollat Newspaper, Spiritual `Telegraph, 1 �0dey's Lady's Book Wavers Magazine done much toward keeping the church in repair.—!you my hair for a wig. We thank God for the ,^ y 5 Grah;ttn s Magrzine, Mrs. Stephen's ill. do, They held a Fair last August,which realized them assurance that his grace is sufficient,eit.herhere or dew York Ledger, Putnam's Magazine, If,$350, a portion of which was devoted to the pur• 'hereafter,to bring the vilest sinner to repentance Poston True flag, 1 eterson's " '.chase of a Melodean for the Choir, and a very nice and obedience. While the public mind is attract- Flag of our L'niorl, \Insical Review, s set of Lamps for the church. The performances ed to this subject,I shall take occasion to make Arnei•ican Urlioll, 11lusic for the Million, of the Choir are excellent, and infuse new life and it the theme of a series of Sunday evening dis- Yankee Privateer, Police Gazette, spirit into our weekly meetings. Since the pur- courses, lily first shall be upon the Death Penal- Sufl'i llffeeklyTimes,Republiea,n AV,atelt'u, chase of the new lamps, we have had three cervi- ty—:the second upon the Cause of Crime—third homer's Spirit, Sunday Mercury, Sunday Dispatch, with many others. ces on the Sabbath; but hereafter we shall relin- upon the Effect of Crime—fourth upon the Cure • L,1looro also keeps all the varieties of quish the morning service, and adhere to those of,of Crime,and the fifth upon the Importance of School Books used in this section of the county; the afternoon and evening*. The distance at which'Self-Government. If they excite reflection upon Ivltli an assortmout of miscellaneous works,child- ren's Toy Books and Stationery generally. Also,'i many of our friends live renders it inconvenient, these subject„and conduce to the advancement Candies,.:\Tuts,Fruit,Toys,and Fancy Goods with-j especially in-the cold season,for then] to attend of truth and rialiteousness, the labor will not have out limit, regularly upon the services. In a country loci- been in train. Ciirctillatiinig Library. Its solectioas, though numerou2,are pronounced tion like this, the friends are necessarily much I wanted to say something about the cause of'by good judges to be first rate--thesubscriberhm scattered abroad. 111y remoteness frons other rain- Teinperarree hereabouts,but must close. spared no pains to make it so. ���`Terms G cents per vol if retained but one :stets,is a source of regret. I n entirely exclu- Truly Thine, week,and G cents for every additional week.—! nl dcd from .ministerial society and counsel. Ex- C. W. I IDDLF. These terms are intended to be strictly adhered to.! I changes aro inconvenient. Br. Thomas at I111nt-, HARMONIC SociE_Ty—CovcrP -Tho Suf- Greenport,Sept.8, 1857. 3tf ington,is the nearest minister of our faith, and lie folk County Harmonic Society not,on Tues. On this (Thursday' evei,ini; the Socic.ly icr3 1 is located about fifty wiles Evert. (lay last, at Orient. A large number of a Gr«nd Concert in the .CJngre�rli,ti anal On next Friday, (last Fri(lay—Td. Amb.] at� . arrived in this village ou tli li church, unser the direetiou of Prof. r " 1 ito ale t t _.. __ e 3 o clot w. L. Riverhead, the optive.of this county, Itiie,hola"'II 1 l � Beehan,is. ,to be executed for the murder of Mr�l.�' Al. tram, on that day,frons west, c.ta�nute'bradhury, i r _:�--_-- _- for Orient,to attend the musical convention. -Is to slab t K•` t .. ..- � �, ,,,,,yy1WY1W410UP111111111,IIt1111/Npllllllllu n,iln l ,• ,:rue.n��nl., Iwnuumuwnunwnamnullillnullunnnunuuui,nln,mm�unllunllmlllllUllllllllllllll,. a' Lti I• _- �-� xuNd I,r it ;'1,"' It q n,awwllaanwmnwlnl p � ,uu Uluu 1un1 'lllu U111 dull IIII 1111111 1111111 1111111 illlllll 111]Will .�ti,; . 1, 1111111111111I t 1 ,— Innuuwu�lplluq!IW u VIII: 1 11111 muu' nw Itll mu mnw man uum'lauu ):• _ t ,r' 111 JINI 1HI nnunlwmm�nnnl I, 1,311 ifI:11I; uw uuu uml lulu) um unm nuul:luau nuuu liwuull I =^ }n,ll,IIII13f111.II ,Rill.,wlumnlmtifill N+ntnnn' 1 uunuuunllunuuuf^II I1 I:I:I1 -- 4(If11A.111 m .m .I a nm 1 nu 1 :' ill 111 o II Iw 1 'n.+� I.'1'In ,Innnwullun 1 -I I I Irl IIII I I��n-.IIII _1._II( '�,,�u 1,I u'nw I Irn wal uuw u.. n,n unnl waw.uuol nlnlnlll .. p{INIIIIItUN/(GI}}))}}1}S}1. lulumuumumwmwel,.!L,I,., 1 .II.I�,: �II I,. I�,�� ,I„ „ ILrI w'I nlun hln {Imu naw luau Inwn inunm }�uuunululfllllflll,l�,..rulllllillnl. ,I ti'1 i I�, L, nn:nl a Ila II VIII,III ullll Iwn mam lull 1u1111 lulu):Ruud!lultlll ulllUllll1 .I ..�• �- ,,,w�,;�1 11;{1�l}111i' II.<- Innmwanm?'I nunr�nr►nrdlnl}}}Nql? "I "I'I r J I ',I,rnrnl:lllllll. ill i.i I".,,u 'I flu ii'I r" .. In, i bll: II, �III,O:uI III II}III VIII ,,r, Ilan,null VIII UIIIII UIIIII',111111'1111111 :11111 I 1:. II!u I .1 n I , n nl snub w nur. anlnl I I�m II Inm u1u uu11 um I nal uuw num uunu u �,��+; ''�iu}!1 lJal tl nnrpl/« '.IIHIi Ulllllllr':'•lll �1111v111111111U1''tl\1N'1111111(((ft� 1,I I,I I';t; Ji. wl -,II II- lull Ilmnl !i , m �: Il., ,�I,Ilc ilio!urr,nuurtfHri:II11U': illi / 1}�}IIElIEh Ili y i. 1 p..) ,'.11111 Il1 ,1111 I VIII 'lllll VIII I IIII'IIIIIII I '�'•rc" .+�.:"' �. '31r!u.11..;•�, Iwnmm�}uuel.,r•.�.'.IIIIIIII ✓111111.;111nn1 Ild/' 1 I,I I .111' nu) 111111II III II 1!11111 ill! r `�,,. • "" , ,}' =.t :..;i .,I,ii�ltl'� .. ':IIII. II-lu If:,II' IIIIIIII I Hill!l VIII I Illn,'.,11111 VIII UIIIII;1111111 .I II III •' '.�: Hai ,1uu„u. ,,II„','�...,:illi IIIIVIt1U I I!q ” 11(tllIUNI 1}}})131111' ,I d" 1 - 111111 1111i,�IwfV Iln 111 111111 111 :1111 ; "°-♦r t'�••,. suuui"""'•I•.u�'+""' -drift/' ullllilllt'l/%IIlirl}}t111H111111111 1s'-=-^;_; _-' .. ` - r,. t; mwuu 1•Iullu,11,autu 111111 —..Ilnu VIII 1111111 111111'.!".......11111�1� illll�l� ''!. r. ;••,t tl, J Itl,'yl ruinttn l nv'p IUNII - 1lmm�unmwuulnuunuunuv l;•; t h (Ilan; WI mtnnliiiiiiiitytij'I Nq}Illl(1111111, , 1'. 1 111u1r a !nunnumlmulauululunmuuulwu ' �,,;' ".'-`\�• 'lllfi1111��Il,l �NIv11 y,11(,1 flnmga,u�l-„ III IIIIIII01 }111}1111} ` I L , 1 .['. : �... '•'. �tIIt ll g4ull 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII }})5��1�� t; I 111!lI 111 11111111 n11,ll, III°N'111,1 11111111. I_ ,ig1.1i1 n anon, umlptt IIIIIIIIIIII EEl1-.,: ;.:• �, 1 III III II6h a,I Illlill i 11t11ttt I ilnunwuu n1 fillllll tt, .; ,'�`::r_ Itlll.1 17"Ila� Ifgll�q!°u1ru:Ig111I IIIIt11In11' 1 rl111f1U Ilffl111111111 111111111111111 �n.' 1 Ill! pl :<:„,u Inl viii Ilnulnnulnld�l±. .:;,II!1,111,,111 I . i!` :u'.� f',I p...IIS 'Ill 1111111 IIIIIILI IIIIIPIII 1' 111,t'r1t';thl,', ,d aN,. a It III:llu I 1 ury.,.4!.c11 ay+11+l1apnplll 1'p1'lilllll1llltlpl1;}II'q 11411111i M1INIU II1N1�•./1115l11n1l1 101I Ill 1lH1llll�(I'lI})I}I}11111 I1l)l1l1l1l11L1iI1YNj1 Hq!�S!•.:.. .1.,.i71 m 11u Vit. I---- I„wIlln�i1�.•:;,1 I• ,..-.,'4.;I1aI66111 ulmmuunuwuacl ,"III In'w1 Inlll IIIIII III..L111'. " 11p11111w10111111111w1 unw111. r 1, tJ( I:i'lll 11IUI IIII ( III ,:,IIIIIIUII 'wl-. !� l;I{I. I I, '� -, ., ,'; ,,1•�. "'R i4 II, I><1f 14!'',Cit�1}JI II 11}11113!1 N8 l `�' �If}kl 1111'II 1 l�il l ii�'.I',1p ,.., :plllial �' 41 , ' ••' .:•.- .�f;i VIII'. Ilj Inn1j'lll1�, " 111' Il li , : ........,.. :�,r..• ,'II I, '1 1.I ,i 11111~ III IIII�I1111 I..3 I(I VIII.')lil.'; �y,^ {!!)) V`ryy,�,1 I ,,1:,.,.,,II.,.I,t ILII,,:rill, •..,,I.:. ..If I...............Ilfllllllll�lllllllli II II If�llllll�Il..11 VIII 1 HIIII II,l"L, III Imo;i r r, „n�.wo �`�.a �'���'��-` 4s'1"..t."' :;I,i� I'Ir11ja'Ili,Iuh I UI 11}111 �•III "'I�! � 11 1 VIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"�IIIII,Illllllr>'llll i•IIIII;I ,}" 4`I \y\y\J�`e `` •i' f:•. ...h 1�I p1,' I .1j' /! +q I, ..... I I IIII. IIIIIIIIIII �,�,,,� �'• ,I III n, t ; 1. p�14; - 11� I I lu 1 I I' nlnn!u 1 u 1 1lunnuulllnllu ,., � ly•,, fr uy!'1 I I "n' ���;: I 1 I!IIlllllllll�IIII II111 gll0ullnllN,pl,lnuli, t \.;; ). � III IIII IIRII I I 1111111 I IIIIlIIi r P, ....e� III I I IIMIIIIIIl11,1111111 t' `r 5- n 1 IIII. ! III II IIIIIIII{'I � ,1 M:n �•,A.` + ��V 1 p�1 1 i�`vtv � I :. _ 'I�I���i�1111'- I I I�II il�lllllllnll 111111.un 1 lrtu�.t �� 1t1}+ ,�.•' ��� 14r Iq,i!�1,II11j1 �`i� � ,I ,,�} 1,:It; _ �:• 1111,III 11 III„�IIIII1111: 1 11 ql)� ° MS Ipint+I,t 'it�il I a • r r -•r.�sa�:.c��:.a-���wa���..-�:: �. II; Ill Ili � WTI�+ln�!�11 + �rcar es j tr►1,1) _ ? �-a�-a- ���� .>;�����-��"�n G a. +III :ul n1!loll!! `�. I •fa; �h,.'' :,• � ":,. 1� 'I t' I.� 111)}t1111 4:I � =a-�:t..� '-'•:c-�`•�:.�w-••.:.�'r..w-.-.a•:r.w�-�,�����-�-...w-•;c.•ti�•t•••.���� '•`pr"'•_ `'w.� L �11k.11,t •aa 1( 11 -••_-.:_`..��`�.�:..�-.-��.-'.��-e�-..-•�.�..-`••-.•_. 1 �111,1i;1 �;.� I�' y }lAll I f Wo ��nr<.�..�+•`� (/may ' 1, --'I, \. "Is .' fd ifr •, 1'��1 ii'F-. tip.... - •$..7F ,11 ���III °�i, ,:Irm*-w,;•�•., � - �. +,-.._�„_ - .-.._.;. ,,, '”II ,!UIIII�ILI11111IIIIII hi IIII�I IIII► r ,� ���,�`, '1` i.; 1�4� �i��;�,;N,I� .. -._ uu h 11111 I;�i�h�lli,l, '-�-,• � 1I 1 t d 7✓1! / %(/ `111 'tit, V+Er ' ',. `{lh_i�", G ''ly "111111�'�• .�... '>� i -I 1 d wi � /�� / .i�t1. I�� -= - .yl 1 I 111.111. 1 III,U III•I. °.. .., i',`i ,1 i� �� .,.�»• IIS ° 1ti, 9 I S .w1ti ��311 I$�11111 -tT-- - F - 11°'('' 1,t,,, ,, ` 'ti.. r ,!��t`, '!, ,1' _ �':> �'Ih• 11113i131Ji gi � i �i. `iif��131111(t3ll �.a-v 'r•' r, :I��I t011j�l!�,1q��1'i VA I L,1ler! 1 -c �.. ���., �- - _ --� •,I II 111111! n,- P, I,t w �- ., . .�-,�- ��—� `� = ,:•�.: -'..r-._ l �'r,,,,.. I� "'�`=riot-rte` <-�sr ��`-.tr�- •.•p•'-=-r._ -•••.-..'.-.y�.�� � __ I�, el It, - �'�,'`;'�.1"'f.�d'a `.�t.A•,Jt,�.n:.Tm��t'• Ta'r t;; _ �w!b14�!4Ftr�'� - _ �-.(lillR I H1,ti1 ! 'I';II I! ,r.�+� �'�.r• -..v-%� ,r•r � r A � V�� .,. i 1 1 / 1 1 / � I r I r r � r ,f � � c r r � , / '4 E!SiAAiDYt]i.®ll9 �t the �outhotd Y>msti , vtsot•s -6 Re ubhcltus-6 Democrats. tante. ,/ f Lrainr> .ug is III Fecclint;—(,arria 111.Pec6,, f P r„ osition,1 Mn E l inaiic a Ilobart and be[ Mulford. Aldermen—App0—Democrats,'i. T- DITOR: �Ve take up our pen to tell. Lexington—Florence 13. Smith. Councilmen—Opposytion 5; Democrats 1y. YOU, in few words, something about anes—Song. -8 oth- Fox and Gra . p' The total vote for Afayor is—Tiernan-D � or "good time," which we had at the Insti• Kriss Kringle—Hannah. B. Horton and tote last Thursday afternoon. ,� 43,351. mood 40 i OrJ. '.� Emma Cantel"man. j . I w 1� Th.e lower room had been "fitted up" Ronne—Cowpositiou by A.Amelia Terry. The Tribune of this morning says quite tastily,and looked quite attractive— The Farmer's Sono, f The fear is freely expressed that b scV,I ~ y 1e" o o evcu more so than usual A wreath of oak Why Don't you Learn to Dance?—Helen fraud in the official canvass Mr. Wood;tzlay �U � leaves surrounded the room,and.also extend. M. Albertson and Mattie Booth. Yet endeavor to retain the powerof which a L-n� 0 ed through the middle; some smaller wreaths The �lrithrneticialr—j1T. H. 'ferry and F the mait jory of the people have resolved to � G with here and there a rose,not been for.encircled the L'. Smith pillars. �i'he'clock, tocto, _ _ _ „•,..n,. Beautiful Zion- So r deprive him. We do not think this fear is ' 0' a e- gotten, though it "pointed" to' the rosy, The School Girl—Plienie A. Goldimitb well grounded. Not Olathe would scruple ° wreaths encircling it, witli rather a sober; and S, Augnsta Garpentor, at any measure which gain that end ; but "face," At the east end of tine room, a ,_ Whittaker.Lhystabc;lle Willie Whittaker. i under the present circumstances this experi- stabe had been erected and decently carpet, NelvsinonnEr__W. 11. 'ferry, A. C. San a ed_; on one side of ft, in "leafy"characters:,,;ford and �VaF. ''erry. ment would be too dangerous even for his ° ; was Cho mottoE iCI;LSIOfti"and eiiii ' The Flowers--Anile NI. Smith. audacity, , - tlle other, " WELCOME." r Finally, w w�•� J .. A Van's auu f�i a' That--Song, y, e cougratrilate the people of the Soon alter 1 o'clock the pupils took their' The Sea--Dannie Terry. "�'"" City and the friends of popular government o o V seats and the exercises comnaeuced. Here. Standing Army--Several small boys. on this auspicious result. Our majority is is the programme: 'What one sees corrin dowry the Street-- Tile Necker Vale—Son g far less than it should have been for the ° U Vale—Song. EH. T.Goldsmith. Eucmies of Texas—Willie H.Terry. I Nirrht Sona. credlt of Republican institutions ; it muse Dob `1"ray—cowposition by Bennie Brun Goldsmith,and B. T. Payne. — seem a wonder to every honest. and..rntelli ,lied. Vacation—Boob. `gent community that such a person as this'•�, The Frolic—Mary H.Hantting and Elec4 The pieces were well selected and very well Wood should not only dare to show his facer to B,. Terry. I spoken, considerinb that the pupils had on! ' I d be a Butterfly—Song Tile y' mere, but should be so pearl successflrl in s n �one week's notice. the singin e>atirel b ' y Dying Se1. F. Terry.. �Mips Hake's Department was with a will., sucll a contest; but yet for all practical pur- o Curl of Golden Bair—J. Addie Asters. T - 'T T poses the event is the o The Model Husband— ,i, r,j -EI'DCT10ti IST\EtiV I Oi; same. D shonest a T T is turned out of power and honesty put ill'; •o Annie M. Peck, Willie Whittaker ar:d An DANIEL F. TIEIIIANj\ 7+� ct Die M. Smith, (children) and .1 W.Case and j LECZIJD and that in a city it, wlliell dishoiiesty has M. Hattie Goldsmith, (neighburs) MAYOR BY 2,642 MAJORITY. been extensively professed, cultivated and . Pilgrims--A. C. Sandford. i honored'. In 1llayor Tiemann w'e )rave a --'=�-� "� 7f The Might and the Ri ht—Song. I NVO'OD 'XND THE DEAD RABBITS g g �' ' NOCbED INTO A COCKED HNT. p man of tllol'Olagli integrity, elected oa no Z —, 0 Q_ � �'y Intellect not I+�vet•ything--S. E. Peck, S,f �, partisan considerations, and absolutely with-,? �' " E. Albertson, M:r;gie Conklin, A.A.Terry, r , J. L. Wells and E. L. Simons. 1l.ednesday, Dec. 2d-5 o'clock,P.111 out ally otuer pledge except to administer his fi r. As we predicted in our last issue, Daniel office with a single eye to the good "of the Z I� '1'hunderstorru—Composition by Maggie p' _ Conklin. F. Tiemann the People's Candidate for May- city. b Darling Bessie—Song. I or of New York city, has been elected by' It is a great change for which we have ' c o !n Auction- Several small boys. a majority of 2,6421 over "Wood's Caudl- reason to be grateful,, much as we might a � 2 � Juinata—Song. nandy Rumor--Composition by B P Payne. (la0tl errofficers��obably elected :—Su er-�overwhelmihad � ),ere) onde anceled uf lrumb�y a more � � � o Tile.Wlil-_-E.._Landon, A.W.Case, G.Ste_ - P g P p ens. � n � � ►1, -- - u _ _ c - --- C ✓ UI �" 8t � 0 cin"`'���`Y.�-�� E�j���•�aC'�-'� � � � ' � f-�,�,�, t�,,r ��•ww„�.../b�a.�GC., (,v�.,,.�,G �G�.rr-�,�-t�.l 0 �c- C4tAAA A,-110L 61 /��`•�-�-`�C, / " '-- � esu , CIRL',ULAR. South Side Railroad ilieeflug. DEN 11 'Ir It 1' The "American Dental Convention'' will A large uud cutlui:iustic South Side hold its fourth Annual 5emston,at Cincinnati, R.nilread meeting was held at the hotel of 7 Ohio, on 'Tuesday,the 3d day of August Mr. Conklin 0. Y andewater. South Oyster. A T ��1�EAr� IA �r tIA ! ' O PRICES next, and as this Convention is open to "fill bay, on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 2701, Wil- 1Ipractieinh Dentists," it is expected you will Ulan Floyd Junes, Esq., presided, fund De- r.. (l)�ovot '1wtvdt be present. The consequence will be the Witt DeMott acted as Secretary. The 7; \ 'L'I 5 T, elevation of the whole Dental Proression, Chairman stated the object of the uteeting I proving of inculculul,le hetiefit to your }p,1,- to be to fully awaken the commuuity to a, VINO intrudnced many important improve- tiunts, they huowiuo which, will also expect just find uppreciating sense of the importance rnoyls ill the intorual nrl:na crntrots of bis you to be present. We therefore trust you and necessity of it road through this thickly 1 I ewe and Laboratory,artd ci:j•�yin, facilities not ljc no4,uro attainable by him, takes plensuro in will not absent yourself' therefrout, but come settled side of life Island ; and to ubtu• annouuciam to ills friefids and Ilio public:;ener•nl• and as the subjects for di-eu,nion are such„- subscriptions in furtherance of the w, , ly,that lio is enabled to roduco his prices to Elie ed, Conte prepared; and by writing out coo- The Il on. 1). It Floyd Jolles was exile fullowfng cisely your eapt:rieuce on the vnuiuus topics, to fiddre,s the meeting but, was uuovuitl YTNt'arespEaNrFf,l.r tow flu:unr: viz : it will greatly f"oilit;lte the busou'es of the prcvenud. 'I'llc mcetinl; wu, addre Full sets of Premium Porcelain Teeth, u Co iusert0clou,goM plate: from.......S:'G fit j3G Convention, find dtl r+'a';itly t„ the aniouut�,Nles,rs. 11. .T. 13crricu, of 13u1r}lun I,'orn:vr price from.... ..... .... .... 40 to LG Of knowledge derived by Ow u ho n rliu�. Scunn in , of Jcru,ult'In, D. (.'late, ttf I[e Full Sot I of Continuous(tum Teeth,ill- The following resolution twnA adopted : steud, J. It Iteid, of Babylon, uud IV' srelul ,o; IdAli,it plate, frons. ....., 25 to 815Resolved, 'That the Corroslionding Sccre- Charlivk, of Freeport. 5tatisticj were Vol I Ii"' .... .... .... .... ...... 45 to 60 tary request all persons having ally thing Bellied, which went to show that the Full.sera on Vulcuairetl llubbur...... 15 to 25 F,nu price.... .... .... .... .... .. 5 to 35 new and useful to the Dental profession, ill would lit' a paying one, tenni the moment or 2 b; rw!rots on pure silverr.... .... ...... Ul to l5 present the same at the next weel.ill" of the its c.mlpl-tion. I'oLl,ael• J)HCO.... .... .... .... ....1. 20 to 25 Sluctiety. The contemplated route of this R.oa Full sots on Cheoplustic. .... .... .... 15 to 20 Believing you will make every exertion to from Babylon, through the extreme soul Former In lea.... .... .... .... . . .. 2., to 3f, come I am truly pours parts Of flee towns of Oyster 13uy l'arlt+I sots inserted oilf !:1,1I plate al 11,0111 , 2 i m 4,,, iu-r tooth; on silt,1 I ; in :,11 t , ,:I ,:mu. ISAIAII FOItlib.a, Cor. Sec. Hempstead, from thence to New lurk. 'Teeth tilled with gold . wftb The auhjects fur discny,iuu are: route has already been surveyed turd deter Catsfent at 50 cis; with :, I i I atilt 1, The best means of securing and pre inod frouf Babylon to Jvrusalvin ; valuable tillin:l 5u serving good teeth. thenen it i, yet somewhat doubtful wh ir_ Inrlar•, tCr. bat to°:Ii�,�;, 15 to. 2, Tretitinent of exposed nerves. the road will be mode to diverge, so I ;rotil, 3. Alechanical Dentistry. accommodate lite village of IIeuipsteu all. i; I�.t `,Il i •i�;r•.,1. 4• Filling Tcetlt• continue ou ill a irtigiit line through,- e 5. Miscellaneous. Ir�orthern part of Frceport, ATeur an, u L„m• m'r,losim oekawny, Ttic • rt toe toad, f151;11� DIM. L. W. St1TTON� doul 1, will depwid greatly oil the ainouni Dr. if. tcnmlems t I.. �,uh•rrilicd in tach of the ubuve ilun)cd I � �TOULD ]ttESYEC'fFULLY INFU[i�t II1� ' ous pati a furl li I, w libcr:m patrons and the commuuity,thrt1,he expects pluct If the village of Lleutl,atead is 1,0 durum, the past 10 I„mf,es by a,m Im t to attend the Alnorican Dental Convention, an-'bo be.nrlitted by liuviur; this road to run endeavor to j h e 611 eseea, to nasi A,nounced in the above Circular,and collgegnentlY through it.s Bnburba, her moneyed men will a continuance of their patln 'will be absent front his mute sone three weeks, hate l0 sYbset Ilse liberally and quickly. We Dr. Ilocwoll plcdgee itiuom 1! 1 ,rut for tho nl-ovo Roto lime 25 h inst, Uleenitort,July 21, 1858. understand $30,000 bus already been sub- priccs his wort:will lam• .•,lu�I it not superior ts' j� V that of any othor Denti I ! the Island. DENTIS r�, j1, j I scribed ill this village, $70,000 has been ?T OFFICE at his m, ,nee, drst house west subscribed in the city of Brooklyn, and a of D, fl. (1sl,mnit's, 11A1 r11EET• largeautount fit Babylon find vicinity. nit, l:i%erliead,May "rte, rr), 41tf � originators of this project are determined to Caj,cl.---The un(l, r I,,um'd, bring well a.c. • • r C11�1 y eters it through ; and our reader, unay soon grminleii with I)r, t,,u Ilovrell, of Itiver (Formerly of Sag Harbor,) would rospectfullyexpect to hour that the construction of it heud, buving cullflm,)ed Imine dorin% 018 pttstl infest the citizensofRIYEItit EAD and South Side Itailroad has cumutenced. telt year,, take plvusuro iii rmrm,a11iueadiagr vicinity thatheisnowlocatedat 'the meeting passed tho following: him to all those Who need Llie Services of R117ERHEAD, Resolred, That the thanks of the residents skillful and t1i01'uttgh dontest' where ho will bo happy to wait upon,and servoof this plat of Long Island are eminently A. B. 1,ce6, 111). t„ the best of his ability,nil thoso who may re-due to lilt•.A.J. Bvi-en for t.hu indomitable N. A, SAXI'ON, M.D. quiro bis services in filo 11110 of the profession. energy and perseverantlee, which he has ex GrtOr,at \ln,t.ttiR, Attorney. AR,TIFICIAL 'THEM hibited in carrying forward thus Gir, this, to Srtch:u I). 11A,'roN, iiitivrtrd front one to an eo;ime set, niountud upon us,important enterprise—a South Side !tail. JOHN U. I)Avci, Mcl'ch11ut. Gold, Silver, Platioa, or Cuh•anito base, which road • and that we will to the brat of oat' JOSHUA L. "'N-1.1,3, lot beenty,dufability,and usefuhirss,cannot be ' sur•nassed. ability aid him w his rll'ort to uccouiplish Willtivencead, Aluy 24, 15EiParticular attention oiil Lo given to --it. result.—Oueens Go, Senlieel. FILLING 'I'Lli'l'If, Concert! phy-'rhe bu.iiiiess of the Long r Island „ � ttooT s ••i'•t.owi<R 4)[IO N itaih'oad for 1859 and 1860 compares ai Will he given in the 1'resbyleri;w Chur•ell, imrasercin; tE+rm ter Years of' usrfalness, curl ONOf,lluwe Lo correctin irregularities In Southold, oil (1.III,DMI:NS' TF.h:TII. Ileevi;)tsendin; 'March 31, 1859 1800. THURSt/AY LvgNi:;t;, ACE,. 2:3, 1860, I Pftaseu ter (ores $186,988 193,1.89 All ofeiatluos will be excemed ill a neat and b by a choir of thin v young Indies, under the tvorknuu,lil,o inauuor and rvarraut0d to givo sat Freight 130,055 133,2011 direction of 1), 1'. 11ORT014 ; Miss JFNNtr isP;totinu• Uuloudifig freight 5,004 4,13) JIFliV t will presid0 at tea Matto. Adinimsioa Air. litill has Leon elign;;e'l in ten profusion Mitils and other sources 8,991 12,434 twenty five, cents; Children half-prion. for leu years,Will leets fully a,ofpotont to take _ Proceeds to be appropriated 1,U flue village charge of and executo all wont belonging to tilt' r r above pruf0ssioa 1,6111, mag bo 0nlrusteml to bis, Total $334,088 342,901 Sabbath Schools, care. And bnving satled at Itivarlil Lc boprs Exnouditures Doors open at 7. Concert will comnieneu by strict amt personal aitr•ndon to business to Condaetiti j operations of at A o'clock. [52*2t inerit it fair share of the public patrona+!e. road $180,514 182,057 L. D. HALL, Dentist. �S.outhold I115titute.—The Summer _,Pivorhuad,June, 1860. _-- - 44tf New equipment and ell 'Cerus of the iii,iiiwe will commence ou1 gine houses 658 13,553 Al No.ty, flit. 2001 of AUGUST, Aii,s LUCIF, Eagle House. Literest paid 32,920 83,996 A. HA].I; Will Ism• present to take charge. of H.John ],illy would respoeLfully Inform hist Bent of Brooklyn and the, Primary UcpurUnent. �l.friends and the public,that he has leased the and, and Cold New Outline Maass and some I'hilosophi.lams slid commodious house in Southold, be- ,spring ]if Inuit• to NI,•. Geor<,e 111a1,01kwhich its Las fit: road find depot at I n cal Apparatus will lio in readiness for esu ted,p fly a HoL01• tioath ferry 41,334 40,711 during tho t1,ran, Entire slbttsfnetion is war.Tho houee is pleasantly situated and within fire _ ranted io tvrry cuss wl;,ero the pupil fully minutes walk of Pecnnic Bev and Norton's point Total $25.5,427LT 270,318 complies with all the ro gulations. Board The facilities for lishinz and'eiror0q, are uusur_ cull be ohluioorl n1, rater, I., sassed in the vicinity. Ho would be happy to see Receipts as before stated 334,088 34`3,954 rrn�nl�nIllc For further iufuruo hman Itloftge send fon• 11 Ills friends and tall who stay favor him with it — — call. The t;ablo will ho furnished with ull the �'ut surplus $78,610 72,635 circ ]'; circular. L. lis Lh11 lNat A. ,�I rinripal• delieaeies of mho season. JOHN LILLY.Southold, jkug. 5, 1860• J 1 tf Southold, March'L0, '1800. 80Lf • A PP qV 4 oft THR C0801 0 F THI ROSE WXZZ B. Yr11T B Y if ID pi I k 1)11E 914 UNDER THE DI CTIO N OF rp IN -THE COURT S 1 I ' TOWANDAP F. 4"M�_ —OW AdrM C;a _ S Of Rome, late of « Normal Academy of Music," Gene`eo, N. y,, will enact the part of the " Recluse." Of " Susquehanna Institute," will personate the Rose." Between the parts of the Concert, the patriotic quartette, " Stam the Flag," by T, E. s will be rendered b M TOWNER, HUNTTING, TOWNER, and SMITH. Perkins,� Esq., y Messrs. TICKETS 25 CENTS. Children 15 cents. To be had at the Drug Stores and at the store of Dr. Carter. Doors open at 6 1-2 o'clock. Concert to commence at 7 1-2 O:j- Should Wednesday evening prove stormy, the Concert will take place on the next fair evening. - % \\ � '- 1� _ _ ''tai-�. / +� -�,p•- �jj .,�-..'� ...i-�7r--''\ / - - 1! PLAYING AT CROQI?ET. ,t,'I���'�i� 1 We had an introduction I scarce remember how; She swept a graceful curtsey, ,�;ii I made my lowest bow; 'Tway on the lawn it happened; We stood,aarty gay, r \ ti 1 P I 'I With mallets duly waltin , 1 I, All read for"Cro uet' A shower of silken ringlets. _ `' o ,\ ' ti1`• Like golden sunbeams fell Around her form of beauty, And wove a made spell. `a' rr Iler eyes were of the azure AA That I11aPliS a sninIrier day: ,%'"�„ii'"" , „�' ,. � --.r 1 t?Y1 A:A ti VA ii 1 i ,..fir ✓ t S 14Iv heart she quickly captured, i While playing at`LIWQUCt. "u. ,,,t , i I - ,,it- \�\ \�` \ ��b�'�\ r'�1 ,' e .1 ✓ �J r S,,�,� ll �,� I`I Ire�� aia \�\\�`��\ \\ I ' •�-• ��At pie-nies, (�hops a d parties, As oft it ch need we met, y 1 I 1 I �, ? ,� ••,�^��'rF /�"'1,,fll I still got more entangled In loves bewildering net;For hearts,like ball:,are sometimes when th pnvanished, play;*' Ald mnyn hope has vanished When beau "Croquet."t At lust I dared to ask her If she would change her name ,- >�,.,, _ U �'\\ The:witch she flashed for answer, (N , __ -=1 \ „If you can win the game!" And when my pet was vanquished, \\,`: 1 1�Vr, r ;'lf,''rwvand. I kissed a tear away; 111 '- J,l J I\\, I')v� lel r, tai, f The''LcsWS a'n.d.Regulutiomsa�Fl,`^tke. Gumq And that was how I won her, �.\ _ thgi•oVM_V J'&vised,vniM4 a rlescriy,C#o,z Tnt�icrnesats, While playing at"Croquet." r 1l - ' t II�� It �V �,•� N111 `' -- I t '�. etc .Bv .7bhTx Jia�auss 1a��(,1' .. .�•� I�IU '. ..' �; ^- 1:' .�, � 4Y.. >• .. Ali„ `R1�y1'�'�R.�:;, tOR"S ,u•� , J k a'a fi � A. TVXictw,4Co. The.charming gain®'of-Gmquet,'long so &a.ahiouadble in>4rraland,Lae;within ai AumWer or twn; beeoane popular In the Uuited Statos,allot, lit Is certainly* die`0rettkit:u; of4dor pas Iq�In VWMIL 11W1e4 Mn in- d' st11 Yt+laas pmeaoo of goads nw.—taa playsrs^laq'iglateAs` thc;isx+xaeC°pf th6 snene,thaligh'it rlcess?rit,'Ial�nl�ablyri r emhi so:ltsf pactu�*u+ritess. The lireeent is,attagother,tht bet treatise on Crogiet that has bewn pabllaltacl It ij pr,4usely illustrated Nrithengravings,t7huwntg the,diifore I pl>int.s of the gone. Tho work ought to have n very Icing© "e,for no new Croquet player sboirl(l be witit„clt it;ucia ever-body,with any pretension to f-bian,'will play Crate this summer. 5-_ _ , _ J a G X a.Utr Ir"'K�.r L111 and.FIG �I '\ f Jtii I�,i 9 /1. 1 Y C ET s' i to ba T'K II I For GOD has et a3e them fa ir teams au'"1 Lions prc)aV! and fight, r For 'tis their s'Ia, ;te teo, i3ut, phi±drt:n. Sct; ill�l�!{� ne�•er let sacc angry gry 'P:;fCiclp_ r`Ce y 'Your 1, m F L L Ti W.+ vcr' MI yrs. �t Let Loot i'hro' all your '(!:Ic1 s ruri, �h _ _ fail? th ISP Th bt ejy c like �. -4 a� f \� _ _ s o if Nvns rfr¢le. as ft ru f -- _ - - - _- Anda as b's ltatoe liri,'~, 6= i,� CvU is _j t1J, 0 bf'� r S �'tS �r a Ii AGci L.30D 171s FaEl;ft• tLC', Notiv Loird of all, Ie relays afore, �}— Ansi from his hexa{7eoly 1 hroue, DEATH-BED OF THE REV JOHN WESLEY, i - Ue fees that +Ch:]circa d'vell it? Love ---- - - ---- ws 3 el - -POPULAR SOVER�- howmuclnewspapers edepeiid�nce•here is to be.placed`�=-�--�—��--�-� t�Gd .>;nai;ks t}�icIsa for has tav�'la� Read Both Sides--- in part Y p p s which pronounce eithernshinesbrightandclear; Thenpret-ty Jane,my.r- EIGNTY AND DEMOCR ACY''s.REPUDLiCANISNI— of the above orator's weak, or third-rate In this village, April 2801, of cousump- Tile speeches Of DOUGLAS and LINCOLN,b0tl1 country lawyers. ,� tion, Richard Silvester 'Roberts, aged 19 in one volume, as delivered key them it] the l�'I,he above speeches in paper covers — = years. Campaign of 1858,when they both stumped — — And when I'm to die very cheap at L. MooRE s News O6lce. —�— �_ -�i ' the ,tate of.Illinois, nia,ny times from the s bas toelieve too,I'll cry.; Also copies of the above to be let from For Jews bas loved ate,1 cannot tell why. same stand, following and replying to each L. Moore's Circulatiuo Library. :et me,meetme in the eve - 'ning, Whil But this I do find, other. Any-,one by reading the above d reeu ort, �1a5 3U, I$GU. 'Ra two are so joined thetnselvt s speeches will b� able to udgc fo. — _That i�e'll not lir u in®lory and leave me beh' r. ------------