HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1413 · MATTITUCK, NEWYORK 11952 RECEIVED Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mrs. Neville: August 11,2011 Re: 2012 Budget AU6 12 3)TI Southold Town Be advised that the voters of the Mattituck Park District have approved the following budget for the 2012 fiscal year: Appropriations: Payroll $171,250 Fringe Benefits 31,700 Site Improvements 205,000 Equipment 26,000 Supplies & Materials 50,450 Utilities 22,500 Insurance 30,000 Facility Repairs 20,000 Equipment Repairs 5,000 Auditing Services 15,000 Legal Counsel 10,000 Miscellaneous 1,460 Total Appropriations $588,360 Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $3,500 Permits 10,000 Miscellaneous 20,000 Total Revenues Less: Appropriated Fund Balance 33,500 150,000 Amount to be Raised By Taxes $404,860 ~.--'~John Cushman ' ~ Treasurer LEGAL NOTICE MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF BUDGET VOTE NOTICE is hereby given, as prescribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended, of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 1 lth day of August, 2011 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York, for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2012. All those people who reside in the District and are eligible to vote, as determined by the Suffolk County Board of Elections' list of eligible voters, shall be permitted to vote. Residency within the Mattituck Park District shall be determined by the voter's address, as set forth on the Suffolk County Board of Elections' list of eligible voters, and said address being within the Mattituck Park District boundaries, as set forth in the New York State Laws of 1941, Chapter 924. Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the same location between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday on or after July 28, 2011. Applications must be received by the Park District at least seven days before the vote, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter; or the day before the vote, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or his or her agent. The ballot itself must either be delivered to the Mattituck Park District no later than the close of polls on the day of election, or postmarked by a governmental postal service not later than the day before election and received no later than the 7th day after election. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Charles Zaloom, Chairperson Nicholas Deegan, Doris McGreevy, Commissioners AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS: BEVERLY VLCEK, residing at 820 New Suffolk Aver York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners District and am over the age of 18 years, and; That on the 27th and 28th days of July, 2011, I posted of Budget Vote of the Mattituck Park District, copy of which six (6) public places in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, State of follows: Bulletin Board, United States Post Office, 140 New York; Handy Pantry Posting Board, 12250 Main Ro~ York; Bulletin Board, Waldbaums, 10095 Main Roa( York; Bulletin Board, Mattituck-Laurel Free Library, Mattituck, New York; Bulletin Board, Capital One Bank, 245 Love York Posting Board, Mattituck Park District Office Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattitu Sworn to before me this day of August, 2011 I UC, ~01S~O~2 I Je, Mattituck, New o! the Mattituck Park a copy of the Notice is annexed hereto, in New York, as Love Lane, Mattituck, d, Mattituck, New Mattituck, New 3900 Main Road, me, Mattituck, New 'eterans Memorial New York. rl~; Vlcek LEGAL NOTICE MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF BUDGET VOTE NOTICE is hereby given, as prescribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended, of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the llth day of August, 2011 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York, for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2012. Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the same location between 9 a.m. and ! p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday on or after July 28, 2011. Applications must be received by the Park District at least seven days before the vote, if the baIlnt is to be mailed to the voter; or the day before the vote, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or his agent. The ballot itself must either be delivered to the Matiituck Park District no later than the close of polls on the day of election, or postmarked by a governmental postal service not later than the day before election and received no later than the 7~h day al~er election. The Commissioners of the Matiituck Park District have submilted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS 2012 Appropriations Payroll Fringe Benefit Site Improvements Equipment Supplies & Materials Utilities Insurance Facility Repairs Equipment Repairs Auditing Services Legal Counsel Commissioners' Fees Debt Service Miscellaneous Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues Interest & Earnings Permits Miscellaneous/facility rentals Total Revenues Less: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be raised by taxes BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Charles Zaloom, Chairperson Nicholas Deegan,Doris McGreevy Park Commissioners Beverly Vlcek, Secretary 171,250 31,700 205,000 26,000 50,450 22,500 30,000 20,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 0 0 1,460 $ 588,360 3,500 10,000 20,000 $ 33,500 150,000 $ 404,860 HATTITUOK PARK #10339 STATE OF NEW YORK.) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Candice Schoff of Mattituck, in said co PnncJpal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly Mattituck, in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been said Newspaper once each week for ~ week(s), 28th day of.July, 20~1. Sworn to before roe. this __ day ST PAGE that she is )ublished at and that in on the Pt ncipal Clerk 2011. NEW YORK In Surf, County EXDfrel ~ 88, ~012 81/01 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Mattituck, Long Island, New York We, the undersigned appointed election inspectors hereby cert of the votes cast on Thursday, August 11, 2010 from 5:00 p;n Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 P Mattituckl New York, 11952, to approve or disapprove the prol August 11, 2011 the following results to 8:00 p.m., at the ;conic Bay Boulevard, osed budget for fiscal year2012. Number of Voters Registered Number of Ballots Cast Number of Poll Votes Cast Number of Absentee Ballots Received Number 0f Affidavit Ballots Votes in Favor of the Budget Votes Against the Budget Number of Void Ballots '/I.l.l.l~ia Tor'tora, Election Coordinator E~ever~retary Signed: Theresa Kuhn J(¢~'~ e Kropp ~ Virg' ii. Neville O O I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a qualified voter in the IV Southold, and that I am eligible to vote this Aul~ust 11, 2011 on the prol beginning January :1, 20:12. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE 20. 3ttituck Park District, in the Town of )osed budget for the fiscal year ADDRESS I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a qualified voter in the Ma1 Southold, and that I am eligible to vote this Aul~ust 11, 2011 on the propo beginning January 1, 2012. PRINT NAME , ~;IGNATEtRE tJtuck Park District, in the Town of led budget for the fiscal year ADDRESS 16. 18. ~.9. 20. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a qualified voter in the M Southold, and that I am eligible to vote this Aul~ust 1:1, 2011 on the prc beginning January 1, 2012. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ]ttituck Park District, in the Town of osed budget for the fiscal year ADDRESS