HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC RES 638 Housing & Urban DevelopmentIntro. Res. No. 1696-2011 Introduced by Presiding Officer, on request of County Executive Laid on Table 8/2/2011 RESOLUTION NO. ~' 300 -2011, ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING A 100% REIMBURSED GRANT FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the County Legislature by Resolution No. authorized the County Executive to enter into cooperation agreements with towns and villages to apply for Federal Aid for Community Development; and WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development/Community Development Division has submitted an application for a Community Development Entitlement Block Grant for Federal Fiscal Year 2011 under the Housing and Community Development Acts of 1974 (P,L, 93-383) as amended; and WHEREAS, the County Consortium has been awarded a FY 2011 Entitlement Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $3,335,420; and WHEREAS, $333,542 of said funds are to be used for operational costs; and WHEREAS, these funds have already been included in the 2011 Adopted Operating Budget to offset operational costs; and WHEREAS, the programs developed under the grant have been approved by the Consortium municipalities and coordination of these programs is essential to the success and continuation of the program; now, therefore be it 1st RESOLVED, that the Suffolk County Legislature hereby authorizes the County Executive to accept the Community Development Block Grant and to contract with HUD and the cooperating municipalities for the expenditure of these funds; and be it further 2"<~ RESOLVED, that $333,542 of these funds be used to reimburse budgeted County expenses and that the County Comptroller and the County Treasurer be and they hereby are authorized to accept and appropriate the following funds. REVENUES: Amount 352-4920 Federal Aid: Community Development $3,335,420 ORGANIZATIONS: Economic Development Grants To Cooperating Municipalities 352-CDV~8035 4980-Contracted Services 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4960-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies 4980-Contracted Agencies VILLAGE OF 4980-Contracted Agencies VILLAGE OF 4980-Contracted Agencies VILLAGE OF 4980~Contracted Agencies VILLAGE OF 4980-Contracted Agencies VILLAGE OF $3,001,878 TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN 352-9282-JND1 $1,938,360 TOWN OF EAST HAMPTON 352-9282-JNE1 116,705 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD 352-9282-JNF1 140,903 TOWN OF SHELTER ISLAND 352-9282-JNG1 13,600 TOWN OF SMITHTOWN 352-9282-JNH1 273,632 TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON 352-9282-JNI1 94,528 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 352-9282-JNJ 1 110,500 VILLAGE OF BELLPORT 352-9282-JNKI 15,300 VILLAGE OF LAKE GROVE 352-9282-JNLI 44,200 PATCHOGUE 352-9282-JNMI 188,700 PORT JEFFERSON 352-9282-JNN1 19,550 SAG HARBOR 352-9282-JNO1 13,600 SOUTHAMPTON 352~9282-JNP1 21,250 WESTHAMPTON BEACH 352~9282-JNQ1 11,050 Interfund Transfer Transfer To Fund 351 IFT-9600 352-1FT-E351Transfer to Fund 351 Comm. Dev. Admin, $333,542 and be it further 3~ RESOLVED, that the reporting category for the County Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) is CD11; and be it further 4th RESOLVED, that this Legislature being the lead agency under SEQRA and Chapter 279 of the Suffolk County Code, hereby determines that this resolution constitutes a Type II action, pursuant to 6 NYCRR. DATED: AU$ 0 2 2011 APPROVED BY: , County Executive of Suffolk (Younty Date: AUG 0 9 2011 2 SUFFOLK COUNTY Count~. Legislature RIVERHEAD, NY ~l~¢s ~s to Cert~j ~t~at L TIM LAUBE, Clerk of the County Legislature of the County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was duty adopted by the County Legislature of said County on Aug 2,2011 and that the same is a true and correct transcript of said resolution and of the whole thereof. Itt ~W~tttess ~4zFzereo~ I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the County Legislature of the County of Suffolk. Clerk ofthe Legislature IMotion_____F'~d imna ig~ ,S~ te iadnel,mc~ in~ i~ ~gy'' vMi i[ ~r~ ta~ Fr~ 's hAe;k, e~ a r r a g a, ennedy, Nowick, Horsley, Gregory, Stern, D'Amaro, Cooper Isecond: Kennedy, Nowick, Horsley, Gregory, Stern, D'Arnaro, Cooper August 2, 2011 Co-Spollsors: tRomaine, Schneiderman, Browningr Muratore, Anker IEddington, Monteno, Cilrni, Linds@y, Viloda-Fisher, Barraga, [Kennedy, Nowick, Horsley, Gregory, Stern, D'Amaro, Cooper MOTION J( Approve Table: Send To Committee __Table Subject To Call __Lay On The Table __Discharge Take Out of Order Reconsider Waive Rule Override Veto Close Recess APPROVED ?X FAILED No Motion No Second x~RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED NOT ADOPTED Roll Call Voice Vot~ LD Legislator Yes No Abs NP R I Edward P. ROMAINE 2 Jay H. SCHNEIDERMAN 3 Kate M. BROWNING 4 Thomas MURATORE 6 Sarah S. ANKER 7 Jack EDDINGTON 9 Ricardo MONTANO 10 Thomas CILMI 11 Thomas F. BARRAGA 12 John M. KENNEDY, JR. 13 Lynne C. NOWICK 14 Wayne R. HORSLEY 15 DuWayne GREGORY 16 Steven H. STERN 17 Lou D'AMARO t 18 Jori COOPER 5 Vivian VILORIA-FISHER, D.P.O. 8 William J. LINDSAY, P.O. t,. / Totals / ~ ~----~ ~---. .... Tim Laube, Clerk of the Legislature