HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/2011JAMES C. McMAHON Chairman Telephone (631) 765-1283 Ext. 235 Fax (631) 765-9015 Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES August 3, 2011 6:30 P.M. Town Hall Annex, Executive Boardroom A meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee was held Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at the Town Hall Annex Executive Boardroom, corner of Youngs Avenue and Main Road in Southold. Present were: James McMahon, Chairman Philip Beltz, Guest John Betsch, Member Ken Reeves, Member Carlos Gonzalez, Member Nancy Foote, Secretary Call to order Chairman Jim McMahon called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Discussion I. Recreation Survey Results Philip Beltz and Ken Reeves presented results from the Parks and Recreation Program Survey. Ken sent surveys out via email and posted it on Survey Monkey. Other ideas for collecting information from the community were discussed: go into the local schools, public meetings at the Recreation Center and exit surveys when a resident participates in a Town program. Philip informed the committee of a notice being posted in the Suffolk Times (Aug 4, 2011 issue) to invite residents to attend a focus group discussion regarding future development and implementation of parks and recreation programs and facilities. This meeting will highlight results and comments from the public regarding the survey. The focus group will discuss existing inventory and brainstorm on Recreation Center features in the future. There are different levels of interest. During summer months, residents look for ways to keep children engage in programs. Philip added that some parents look at summer REC programs as a substitute for daycare. Some other local programs are popular in the summer ie: Peconic Dunes offers day and sleep away camps and reach capacity. Philip reported on popular responses on the Town survey. 83% believed the Town needed a community swimming pool and 63% responded that the Town has enough baseball fields. Committee dicussed possible corporate entity (ie: YMCA) build a pool and residents pay for programs. Southampton has a program gifted through volunteers, started out with philanthropic support and is now self sufficient. East Hampton has a pool and full gym which was developed with an initial donation from the Frack family. Further discussion included county provided land with a long term lease to a private builder. Philip added that any program presented will have to be attractive due to the fact that Southold does not have as large population and it needs to be profitable. Philip and John Betsch exchanged thoughts on who in the population of Southold filled out the surveys. Reponders to the survey use the REC to a certain degree. Philip found that survey demographics are not far off; always a give and take. Jim McMahon thought a list of ideas could be part of a survey, asking responder to place a value on each item that interests them to give the committee an idea of what the population is looking for. (ie: pick 5 things out of 50) Philip and Ken Reeves reported the REC objective is to develop a website by years end, offering a suggestion box link. Other ideas discussed that are and could be popular in the area: Audubon area programs, "How to Fish" is well attended, Great Pond Fly Fishing, Pick a Preserve and Take a hike (with a guide). Meeting dates for focus group are August 23 ~ 7:00 PM and August 31 ~ 2:00 PM, both being held atthe REC. II. Town Parks and Recreatiom Schools and Park Districts Philip informed the committee that Lt. Krupski will be scheduling a meeting with Town Parks & Recreation and schools, park districts to discuss use of athletic fields, resting of fields and equitable sharing. Schools use Town fields with no reciprocity. Park districts lend to the schools but not the Town. Schools request to use the tennis courts, lacrosse fields without having to pay. The Town would like to develop a uniform policy for coordinated use of properties. The Town usually works around school schedules, and the Town needs to move ahead with a plan that utilizes more of the schools properties when school is not in session. Jim added that many of the organizations schedule time to use the fields but then don't. The entire system needs to be better organized. Also discussed was segregation of parks (ie: live in Peconic but can't use Founder's Park which is in Southold). A meeting with Scott and A1 will be set up to further discuss. III. Park Lights Presently the lights at the Town parks are operated by a key that can be picked up at the Police Dept. The committee discussed limiting the use of the lights to organizations with scheduled events only with a policy in place to limit the use of lights after a certain time at night. Philip offered 11:00 PM to be a reasonable time frame and use of timers could also be considered. IV. ADA Play~ronnd Jim informed the committee that a generous donation of $10,000 has been made by Charles Reichert for the completion of the ADA playground development. V. Peconic Community Center Summer projects have delayed the PCC completion time frame but Philip informed the group that the grand opening will be scheduled for late September. Jim updated the committee on the progress being made at the PCC. The water has been turned on. Carpet has been ordered. The panels in the classrooms have about another day of work to be finished. Philip stressed that it is crucial that the PCC be updated with much needed technology and would like the committee have this as an objective for 2012. The Town Board agreed to go ahead with website development and other class ideas. John questioned whether Town Department heads attend forums with other department heads of other Long Island Towns to brainstorm ideas. Philip meets with LI Youth Bureau directors and other groups for different ideas but also finds there are different challenges for different Towns. Ken meets with other Recreation Directors. John suggested collecting brochures from other community programs for additional ideas. Jim wanted to know if the Town still offers a horseback riding program and Ken informed him that presently the Town works with the Little Red Riding Hood Farm. The meeting concluded at 7:30 P.M. The committee did not schedule a future meeting at this time. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Foote Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee Secretary Below please find correction to the minutes for Parks and Recreation Committee meeting held on August 3, 2011 II. Town Parks and Recreation, Schools and Park Districts Philip Beltz informed the committee that Councilman A1 Krupski requested meeting of Parks and Recreation committee with Parks Districts and Schools to coordinate utilization of fields. Philip will set up meeting with Supervisor Russell and Al. Schools use Town fields with no reciprocity. Park districts lend to the schools but not the Town. Schools request to use the tennis courts, lacrosse fields without having to pay. The Town would like to develop a uniform policy for coordinated use of properties. The Town usually works around school schedules, and the Town needs to move ahead with a plan that utilizes more of the schools properties when school is not in session. Jim added that many of the organizations schedule time to use the fields but then don't. The entire system needs to be better organized. Also discussed was segregation of parks (ie: live in Peconic but can't use Founder's Park which is in Southold).