HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntting Scrapbook Vol. IX We've Had Other Storms T{$outy-Five Years A � 141onciay the -snow plow cleared Those of the resent r+ the�#* betwee'ea Riverhead and ! P generation who AY 12— � Greenport., :and then the plow began 1 think this winter has been the worst As the bays had been closed up for to work on to side track near Cuc- that ever hulcpened have another guess so long, seal€ops were bringing high claague and the Snowy was, thrown j coming. It's bad enough we'll all prices. back on the main track. Before it e could be removed the G pe 11)rn train agree, but "wag back in 18hbefore Steamer Shelter I,.land made two west bound Game al,ing unit threw (most of ua va4re worrying whether it trips per wceek to thµcity. the snow over orr the siding bu-ving snowed or froze, there was a storm as 1h- ''awn Board voted to ask that , the plow and they train Brat stucr in was a storm, according to_a nota sent the following appropriations loo voted a bank. After working about iv�, o hours hand shovelers cleared the to the News by Elihu S. Miller of on at the coming Town Meeting: Con- snow away and the Cage Horn was Wading River, a man decidedly well in-i tingent, $3,000; Support of Poor, able to proceed west, formed on many things. $1,500; Highways, $500. He says he remembers the big storm! The Prohibitionists nominated Gal- In the last issue of the TRAVELER of that date very well, and in addition 1-.ert E. Aldrich for JuFtiee of Peace, one of your correspondents referred to to that he has located and sent to the! ..chuyler B. H:arton and Charles H. the winter of 185ai5S showing that News a clipping from the New York Aldrich for Assessors, Joel Howell for `here have been other storms beside Spectator of Feb. 19, 1857, that seems 1 Commissioner of 1lighwa3s, Henry H. *hose of this winter. The writer of i to corroborate what he says of the Lichards for Collector, Charles S. Vail, these items well remembers that win- storm. 0. Bertram Fordham, Louis A. Tut- ter. There was a huge bank just to i In part the clipping reads: hill, Benjamin A. Horton and J. Ernest the east of Cutchogue post office that "We learn that a train on the LongI Howell for Constable,3, was so high it was not dug out, but a -,Ing c Henry W. Prince advertised the fol- tunnel was made and we went through Island Railroad succeeded in ge through from Brooklyn to Greenport, .lowing prices: Jones' Hour per bbl it. Such an experience makes an im-'I on Thursday last, being the first e..,_ $4 00; best dairy butter per !b, 22 Pression on one. munication by railroad with that place cents; 3 cans tomatoes, 25 cents; 7 High Priced Suds since the 22d of December, 1856. libs. p,;w-c3, 25 cents, 5 lbs. large 9 Trains had previously run, however, to I raisins, 25 cents; 3 cans corn, 25 cents; An exchange Says that tbu perfect. hlattituck, a point within 12 miles of 3-ho6p cedar pails, 21 cents. potato, which resists blight and other that place. A private letter dated Albert R. G,sIdsmith was instantly diseases, is said to have been devel- February 7, states that not a pound of Milled on the L. 1. R. R. He was oped in Lngland. Samuel nyder, bn.id flour could be bought in Greenport at brakeman on the Greenport freight of the seed firm of Ryder & Son, S�. that date. For many days the roads and while switching cars at t3cthliHgr Albans, England, is said to have paid were impassable to travellers on horse- junction attempted to jump froiu o;+(- $12,000 for potatoes which did not quite bads."—Riverhead News. car to another. He rliiipcd an.d fe; 03 a peck measure. POIIe School Money T under the train. The average potato yield in 1.91$, =aye the Beed World, was four tons Thea apportionment of Although them-was not so much per acre. With the new seed, 33 tons PP public school snow and it was of shorten dti-ra<- money for Soutbold Town has just been tion, the storm last Friday night' ` per acre can be produced. Full results (completed'. The net amount to be paid and Saturday Morning,in the,s may not be reaped for two or three by the Supervisor, when he receives it, opinion6r_`"`many, equalled the years. to the several school districts is as famous blizzard of 1,888 iu its }, Building follows, to be paid in two installments: severity on Eastern Long Island New High SChaol Building Dist. I—Orient Pointand added thousands of dollars $219.20 to the damage wrought, by the Sealed proposals will be received by 2—Orient 1,068.00 other storms during the past few the Board of Education of the South- 3—East Marion 406.21 weeks. There were no telephone old High School, on or before 8 P. m., 4—Fishere Island 576.04 nor telegraph communications be~ Friday, April 9, 1920, for furnishing 5—Southold 1,723.38 tween East End village and Brook- labor and materials for the construc- 6--Bay View 214,36 lyn and New York for several , tion of a High School building, Plans 7—Peconic 448.00 days. A washout on the railroad I and specifications may be examined at 8—East ue 236.0 Catcho betMattitk and Cutchogue, g ween uc the office of the architects, Tooker & 9—Mattituck 2.146.83 one of the worst the L,'1. R. R. has. 'Marsh, 101 Park Av., N. Y. City, on 10—Greenport 5,444.66 ever experienced, cut off all trav- and after Friday, March 12. II—Laurel 239.80 el from Mattituck to Greenport from Friday until Monday. A num- Fred Mannweiler and family are to 12—Cutchogue 667.40 ber of people who left Penn. Sta- leave into Mrs. Eimer's hnlise on up- 14—Oregon 497.22 tion Saturday afternoon for this rr Main Street, and Mr. and Mrs. 15—New Suffolk 456.10 village, were compelled to spend ',poses Taylor, who are n;w occupying! Total the night on train. When they $14;343.23 reached Mattituck Sunday noon ire. 1:imer's house, will move into tl: they hired a sleigh to bring them "cioms in Miss I3eebe's residence cn to Greenport. ti r Oak Lawn Ave., vacated by Mr. al annweiler. Nasipau oit , Meeting of Town Board to Floyd SPBronwn,club Plot 52,ropmapertiesOf. pro-,I St. Patrick's nay Exercises poise(I subdivision of Ser 1;, -,iibelvso, St. Patrick' Day was obqt?rve_d in The Southold Town Board met at the inmod tract. Peconic. 111"All office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenportt e High School by a very interesting NaAsau Point Club Properties, Tuesday, March 9, 1920. Preseut, to Sadie S TyleCit,11and, lot 83-A' WILp Program, which was arranged by Miss Supervisor Tuthill. Town Clerk Hal- of proposed SLI)Aiivioiozi Of Sce. B, Kenney. The program consisted of lock, Justices Griffin, Corey and Terry, property of above-,• name(I" compzln�, recitations and songs by various High and Supt, of Highways Fleet. peconic, nr>a School students.I Same to, Robert L Bacon, of 1; The numbers were announced in a It was voted that the price paid for Wall st, Manhattan, lot 157x200 furl,� work on the highways be advanced five man of above named trust, nom;very novel manner by Mary Carey. cents an hour, to take effect March lot. Same to 11 TT Pennock, lot 42.x201) The announcements were in the form The new rate will be as follows: Fore- feet, in above: named tract, noTn of a sketch dealing with the life and men, 40 cents an hour; men, 35 cents; Same to Philip 11 Horton, lot 131,i work of St. Patrick and Irish writers teams, 45 and 60 cents. map of above nanied tract, nom of songs and poems. Many of the Sarne, to Rowland 11 Smith, plot A, poems were by Sir Thomas Moore. William J. Grattan, our faithful R i map of above narne(l tract, norm. 1 The program was as follows, F. D. man, stops neither for floods nor� Sam e to Jogilic, C Smith, lots 9 anti 10, rniap of above, named tract, norn Song, Vesper Hyrrin, School. storms in attending to the needs of his Same to Ernc,.;t J Morgan, lots 72 Recitation, Erin ! the Tear and the patrons. He had a pretty exciting ex- and 78, map of above named tract, Smile in Thine Eyes, Marie Gagen. perience on Monday. His horse broke 110111 Victrola records: a. Medley of Irish through the Le in the flooded district Same to Walter E Morgan, lots 10 Songs; b, My Irish Sonof Songs, an , m d 16ap of above ed namtract.' on Tucker's Lane and would have nom' John McCormack. g drowned if help had not quickly comeRecitation, The Origin of the Harp, to his rescue. Mr. Grattan is receiving Twenty-We Years Ago Frances Leicht. much praise for his attention to duty 11 c-y / 1 4"� n, S_ Song, When I Dream of Old Erin, this hard winter and be deserves every Charles E. Case and Albert T. hick Girls' Quartette. word of it» erson were appoint.d Notaries, Public. Recitation, Widow Malone, Helen Rev, James B. Freeman commence(I :Miss -en- Booth. h the second grade, has his ministry here as pastor of the Pres• ge(j t=jr, who had been re I Recitation, Kitty of Coleraine, Alvah s-,en released by the Board of Educa- byterian church. I Goldsmith. ion, in order that she can accept a J. B. Terry retnrnFd home from Solo, Molly Dear, It's You i'm After, ,)Ositlon in the Greenport school. Miss trip to Florida. His orange grovo '"s Alice Louise Conklin, viarguerite Howell, a graduate of our greatly damaged by the cold weather. Closing song, B-lieve Me, if all those sclioul, has been secured in Miss Ap- The High LienDse and Law and Qr&rEodearing Young CbarmH, School. Carry Place. Primary nominated Charles G. C for Commissioner of I xcise. A flood Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Prince have The Anti-Saloon Primary nominated moved into H. W. Simons' house, until J. Albert Wells for Commis4ioner of tl The downpour of rain and the melt- the alterations made on the house ing snow resulted in a flood last Satur- Excise. d rg"—d, they recently purchased on Railroad The Repub�ican Town Primary nom- Highways were subme ed an' Ave., are completed. inated Sidney' P. Tu I UJI1 for Justice Of as a result there are some bad wash- the Peace, Frederick C. Beebe and outs, The worst one on the highway R. S. Sturges and Wm. R. Newbold John M. Lupton for Assessiors, ArthUr is at the Bowery. Great lakes were have been added to the Building Com- W. Turbush for Overseer of Poor, formed in all sections of the Town. In' mittee of the Southold High School. Luther B. Cox for Commissioner of many places ro,ds were impassable. Through the real es!ate agency of E. Highways, J. Sheridan Wella for Col- Cellars were flooded, Another wash- Through Mrs. John Dunkel has sold her lector, James S. Dewey, -for out on the railroad near Cutchogue p,ace to S J. Murray. Reeve, Alfred R. Vall, William Wagain disrupted the service between. Riverhead and Greenport. Trains were IJoseph Canfield is clerking in U.J Sterling and Edward O. Chapman for, Grattan's store. Constables, and Edward W. Latham, delayed about three hours. A similar .. . I George H. Cleaves, Jonathan B. Torry, annoyance occured reap Southampton, Jeremiah G. TuLhill,und Jaraes A. Gil- where trains were delayed about five Harold Booth, who has been at Syra euse, is home. dersiteve for Town TYUGteeS. hours. William O. Salmon of Southold has a spring in his cellar and he had to Daniel R. Grattan has taken a poli-{ -------------dMIG-0-- get the fire engine to pump the water tion with the W. C. Albertson Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C_. Maier have out, Brooklyn, March 8, William A. I moved into their place, corner Boisseau Frank L, Leslie, lately appointed to Booth of Southold and Miss Eleanor Av and th.> North Road, which they ' a fine T)"ition in the State Control- Brady of Brooklyn. recently purchased of Henry C. Prince. ier's office, Income Tax Department, Mr. Maier will continue to lease the ljjt�; now formally resigned his book- Peconic. March 6, Florence Green, -e he has been living aged 74 years, 6 months, 24 days. 1 Maier farm, where keeping position in the County Treas termeat at Sag Harbor. n- for several years. IE urers office here, A Civil Service ex- amination is likely to be held to fill Greenport, March 5 Martha, wife of his position here. rheodo e W. ffurto�. Interment at Cutetiogue. New High School Building TwenlPFive Years A90 I Interview Requested Mr. Tooker of Tooker & Marsh, ."V, 'j,"4 After reading the article signed Architects,of N. Y. City, met with the Wm.. C. Albertson, overseer of the "Taxpayer," in which $200 was do- Board of Education and the Building poor, eicpended for out-door relief the nated to the Ladies' Village Improve- Commi�tee Saturday afternoon. The pastyear $343,41, and his bill for per- went Society, the ladies made an ef- sonal expenses was$19-00. final plans of 'the new High School E, Mortimer Jewell was learning the fort to make good the condition put forth in said article. We learned on building were adopted. Fids for build- printer's trade at the Traveler office. Democrats made the following corresponding with the Long Island The ing same will he received on or before Lighting Co. that they were in no con- April 9. 1920. At the special school nominations for Town offices- Justice dition at present to extend the electric meeting the sum of $65,000 was appro- of Peace, John E. Gildersleeve; Asses- power through Southold, and still less piloted for building and equippissg Bors, Joseph A. Bracey, James L. Reeve; Overseer of Poor, William C. to purchase our acetylene plant. We the new building, purchasing an addli- Commissioner of Highways, know of no other company to take up Albertson; tional site and making necessary alter- this matter. ations and repairs on the present build- William A. Fleet; Collector, James P., The L. V. L S. will be glad to confer in c. Caution, Constables, Bryant L. Young personally with -Taxpayer," and not Fred E. Booth, Benjamin L. Horton: through the columns of the TRAVELER. Fishing for potatoes with a boat William L. Boutcher; Tewn Trustees, LADIES' VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT in a cellar is an unusual but effec- N. B. Sebelienger, George H. Cleaves, SOCIETY tive way of salvaging spuds. About Jonathan B. Terry, Jeremiah G. Tut- 1 80 bushels were gotten out of W. 0. hill, James A. Gildersleeve. TheL. R. R.has decided to run its Solmon's cellar by this method. The trains " standard t"dard time and not by day- small fire engine was used to pump Arthur Bennett, %vho was the high- light est bidder for the renting'of the ]a]-9f,' aving time, as was announced ago sonic of the water out. Good head- c' oil the some time This will make it bad farm of the late John Lindsay way was being made on Tuesday ut.- North road is planning to inove there for the commuters in the City, as New til the rain came, after which the sometime in the near ftiture, and al- York City is going under daylight saw though $1,600 seeing a big rent, with ing time. Pum p-aro could not make any gain. spuds at the present price an acre of J. E. Roney are having Fifty or more bushels of potatoes them might pay the bill. There ares Mr. and Mrs. are yet to be gotten out. 55 acres in the farm. their barn converted into a cosy buaga- HAY $74 A TON low, which they will occupy this sum- Mr. and Mrs. Gen. M. Hahn have re-I mer. Henry A. Goldsmith is doing the turned from New Bern, N. C., where And a Blind Horse at Lindsay Auction work. Mrs. E. Rutzler of Brooklyn they spent the winter. has rented the Rene residence for the Brought $150 summer. Potatoes are selling for $3 25 per Frank J. Corwin, the well known Theodore Nenninger and family bushel—the highest price ever known. and highly successful auctioneer, con- ducted one of the most remarkable will Move into the rooms over the Nassau Traveler office as soon as they are .sau point Club Prop to 6 auctions ever known, at the Lindsay I Tuthill, lots 57, 59, 70 and 71 111-1 of above named company's proile.rty' Yarm, Peconic, this week, when he in- vacated by S. J. Murray, who has Educed the bidders to put up the prev- Peeonic, sly unheard of price of $74 a ton purchased Mrs. Dunkel's house. Same to R 3 Case, lots lo, 0_07 -,301 IOU for loose hay in the mow. Apiece of genuine Shamrock from LID, 40, 42, 45, map of same PrOP0-LY, For a horse, blind in both eyes, he noon, got $150; for a team of better ani- Ireland was brought to our office re- gat to C S Barclay, lot oil Cut- mals he got $500; for a single horse, cantly by our Scotch friend, Joseph abogue harbor, inap Of Property Of $280. A lot of ordinary barnyard McKee. above-named company. no'n- hens brought $1.50 each; corn in the. William 11. Hummel returned Sun- crib sold for $2.371/2 per bushel, and W West New York, N_ J., March 8, by another situation that amazed the day night from a trip to California, Rev.John Lehnert, Moses Lindsay,Jr , auctioneer was when a buyer paid Arizona and Texas. and M iss Mattie E. Harris, both of $215 for a cow vard-full of manure. Cutchogue. All of the stuff brought about twice Mrs Bronson Smith of Brooklyn is uvk, erlthe inventory price, the auction net- Mattit * by son of March 16,W. Raynor Wickhay Apple-m, aged 7 visiting ting about $4,000. v ng her sister, Mrs. A. W. Albert- by, ye,.,rs, 7 months, 17 days. Silkworth, real estate agentof Greenport, March 16, by Rev. H. M.James D. Rushmore, who for many Mattituck, has sold to a Brooklyn Hancock, Charles Louis Sanford, Jr., years was conductor on the noon Main party the Old Mill near te W I and Mies Dorothy Van yck, both of Line mail train on the L. 1. R. R., has mouth of Mattituck Creek. This Southold. lately been retired on a pension. Ile I is 667 years old and had been employed mill, it is said, is over 100 years. Southold March 20, William A. by the railroad 54 years. His pension old and n,til a d was, used as a grist mill Williams, aged 74 years, 10 months, 11 U ,vill be $75 a month. One of the de- bout twenty years ago. days. cidedly unusual situations regarding The property is known to many Mr. Rushmore is that during all of his people all over the State as well long career as a conductor no train of as Connecticut. !his ever met with an accident worthy the narne. Parent.Teachers' Association Twenty-Five Years Ago Potatoes at $4 per Bashel Afl),v. J_ "Vi ' P. J. Mahoney gave us some inter- SECRETARY'S MINUTES Steamer Shelter Island made three es ting facts in regard to the Potato A meeting of the Parent-Teachers' trips a week to the city. market. He is now paying $4 00 per Association of Southold was held in the George J. Tillinghast moved to Riv- bushel for potatoes and was the first High School on March 19, 1920, and erbead. roan on Long Island to offer that price. was called to order by the President, The teachers of the Public School This is the highest price ever paid for Mrs. A. W. Albertson. Miss Esther were attending Teachers' Institute at potatoes. In 1917 Mr. Mahoney paid Watson was appointed Secretary pro Greenport. $3.50 per bushel for a small lot. Alex- tem, hiss rriinna L.Hummel returned from ander McNeill, who is on the Daniel The program for the afternoon was: her European trip. Thomas place, Arahamomoque,brought Piano Solo by Jennie Albertson; Vocal Krokoski Bros. of Greenport rented l Mr. Mahoney a full car load of pots- Selection by Helen Booth, Alice Louise the east part of L. W. Morn's store toes last week, for which he received Conklin, Marjorie Hagerman and Irma building. ° $4 00 per bushel. Mr. Mahoney baa Horton, both of which were oharmingly Mrs. Sands, the owner of Southold been in the potato business for about rendered, and an address by Rev. Ed- Hotel, took charge. Charles J. Hsnr•.s- thirty years. When be commenced ward F. McGrath. At the close of bury, whose lease expired, returned to 111 buying potatoes he loaded them at the address, Mrs. Eugene L. Conklin his place at Oregon- y g expressed the sentiment of the meeting r ec received for eight cents a bushel and P Mrs. Roxanne Wells of Bay View .received twa cents a bushel for hie by her enthusiastic praise of Father I died, aged 75 years. work. Quite a contrast between eight McGrath's "good,strongheart•..-heart I Mrs. Barney Rabbitt died, aged 50 cents and$4 00. In those days farmers talk." A rising vote of thanks to years were not on "Easy Street," and farms Father McGrath was taken. This year was an "off year" In were not selling foir fabulous prices, as At the business meeting following,. a Town politics, as no Supervisor or they are to-day. Then the farmer had constitution modeled after the Parente' Town Clerk was elected. There were hard work making both ends meet. Association cf the Horace Mann School' 1.509 votes cast. The Republicans Mr. Mahoney shipped Wednesday was proposed and discussed article by made a clean sweep, electing every Blight revision, this morning a car-load of potatoes, 255 article. After g man on their ticket. Charles G. Corey, sacks, at$11.00 per sack—$2805. This constitution was unanimously adopted. the High License candidate for Excise is undoubtedly the highest priced car- The motions were made and carried Commissionsr, was elected by 141 load of potatoes ever abipped from that the officers pro tem should contin- majority. Last year the Nis-License So uthold. ue in office until the annual meeting in candidate was elected by 3 majority. the fall and that the ideas embodied in The Town officers elected were: Jua- The will of Wm. A. Williams, late the constitution should be immediately Lice of Peace, Sidney P. Tuthill; Asses- of Southold, disposes of an estate adopted. sgrs, Fred C. Beebe and John M. Lup- valued at over $15,000, the income These are the officers : President, ton; Overseer of Poor, Arthur W. Tur- of which is given to Sarah A. Wil- Mrs. Albert W. Albertson, Secretary, bush; Commissioner of Highways, Lu- liarris, widow, during her lifetime or Miss Esther Watson; Parents' Com- ther B. Cox; Collector, J. Sheridan mittee (formerly known as the Moth- Wells Constables, James S. Dewey, until she re-marries. She is also to ers' or Visiting Committee), Mrs. A. Detmold Reeve, Alfred R. Vail, ' have an additional $300 a year or so W. Albertson, chairman, Mrs. M. I. William W. Sterling, Edward 0. Chap- much thereof as she may need for Booth, Mrs, J. M. Grattan, Mrs. F.W. man. het`proper care and support, After Bridge, Mrs. A. T. Dickerson. .5- A number of people immediately suet' cif'ath or re-marriage the joined the• Association. After the The barn on the property of the snainder of the principal is to be di,,- posed had adjourned, the l5nal lana of as follows: Sarah E. Baker g , p late Florence M, Green, at Peconic, and Lillian t . Young, daughters, of the new school building, which had was burned to the ground Wednes been brought by Mr. Fred K. Terry of ,day afternoon. It is said that the each $1,000; ruAdue to be equally the Hoard of Education, were exam- young son of Geo. Grathwohl, who divided among children, Mary R. ined. likes on the place, set fire to a stalk Williams, Edith J. Stacy, William L. Through the kindness of Mrs. J. N. Williams, Maude Louise Wells,Nellie Hailock, who has been appointed to of hay, which was near the barn. L. Williams, and Gladys B. Howell. take charge of the Publicity work in Sparks flew and set fire to the Horton The testator states that if any of the accordance with Article 4 of the Con- stitution, or attempt the history of the Aasocia- telephoned to Greenport for one of that he car she ;.;rill receive nothing tion to date is appended to these min- the chemical apparatus, which was utes. i STHER WATSON sent and saved his barn. Nearly all from the estate.. W,L.Williatns and �of the contents were removed from F'. K. Terry are the Executors. Oliver G. Edwards, who formerly the Green barn. There was a small ^���- ,� r In response to the unanimous call. of lived here with his grandfather, Law- the Official Board, Rev. I. T. Stafford yer J. H. Goldsmith, passed away at a insurance, hospital in Florida recently, aged about hes been returned to the pastorate of j 65 years. Louis Des Rosiers is to be clerk for I the!Southold M. E. church. F. F'ickeisaFn. sirs. M. lrtoornnelcl i rnyr�ysng k vs�tl V Daylight SaY��� The Will of Florence M. Green or Pe-!irom her father, Mr. 4'ondusrii, aY '-'�pw� : U t J conic disposes of an estate of over i url;, Congress repealed the Daylight Sav- $6,000. The following bequests are D. T Criniklsu hay '"d h.l, vill lge ing Law, but the New York Legisla- made: Oakland Cemetery, Sag Har- hogz.: to Frr6csr Lei( In, Svha rrlill niche tare declined to repeal the State law on bor, $100 for care of plot; harry G. ,t hi> pr..11:111ent ho-iJe ;tirh his iarndy,! that subject. Accordingly the clocks Case, nephew, $4,000; Mary C. Case, atter 411prCovirrg; it u-) srsi,t his businL-sa, were advanced one hour: at 2 a. m. on niece, $2,000; Harry G. Case Jr., .troth a•. real a tale dernier and clioe br_;i- Sunday and will remain that way until nephew, $1,000; residue to several nes`. the last Sr nd ry in October. The L. I, nephews and nieces. I, Marietta I'hillip;s to W illiata A ttor- R. R. a?uns its trains in conformity with Mrs Vine and family of five children, i 'on, lot 7, male of property of Cr WtIls the Daylight Saving Law. The Phillips, Southold, 1t", Who have wintered as well as sum- _. - , farmers are opposed to the WN, as it mered at Paradise Point, have proba- l;slrcllyd . litlrryer tiv to Ohristl,ph I interferes with their work, while those bly beaten the record for the first Le'icht &W, pr:rcel 100xS53z who work in stores, factories and of- „dip" into the bay. They all enjoyed .Pine Islerk road. rtclj land i.l cl .y y their first plunge into the icy waters on :econd part, Pine 1"�cclt, Sn:uhalr, ir'rtr fives are general) in favor of it, as it gives them more time at home in the March 25—and they enjoyed it, too. Nassau poust Club Tropertic.s:, In,.,. afternoon. Isome pluck in this family. to Daisy M vauston, plots A and '_ Some of our friends met the people map cif property of alsovs, nanircd clew. coming out of church after service as John Bucei's parents,Mr.and Mrs. Pc(,oni , M-W, they were going to church last Sunday. Theodore Bocci:and their daughter, Greenport, lurch 26, Hon. Ralph The uncertainty as to daylight saving have moved from Hoboken, N,J., to Of the Suffolk Thomas, editor and proprietor was responsible. of the Suffolk Times, aged 58. Inter- was Southold. They will live in the ment at Albany. The Southold Town Board met at house formerly occupied by Miss Greenport, March 25, at the E. L. I, the office of Supervisor Tuthill, in Sarah Case. Hospital, Miss Agnes Golden of Cut- c drogue. Greenport, Wednesday, Marcia 24th, Treasurer H. H. Huntting and Trus Southampton Hospital, March 29, 1920. Present, Supervisor Tuthill, tee J. N. Hallock represented the Maria, wife of Willis Hobson of South Town Clerk Hallock,Justices Griffin, Southold Savings Bank at the hearing old, Interment at Jefferson, Ya. Corey and Terry, and Supt.of High- on the Savings Bank bills before the ways Fleet. Banking Committees of the Legisla- 'TIWCIIty-Me Years Ago It was voted to transfer $2,000 1 ture at Albany on Thursday. I v` .v- j 4"4 Jr7,5 from the Excise Fund and $2,000 Charles Wells and family are to Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. made the from the Contingent Fund to the I move from Mrs.JohnDunkel's house following nominations for Fire Depart- to Fund. Payment for to Frank Cochran's house on Bois- ment offices: Chief J. E. Corey; Asst, digging snow is taken from the Mis- Beau Ave., lately occupied by James Chief, L. W.as Korn; Sec., Chas. T. Gordon;`Frees., Geer. R. Jennings. cellaneous Fund, and it was neces- Alen• W. Corey, Albertson was promoted to sary to transfer funds to this fund W. B. Christie and family wiil occu- Corpora!of his company at Claverack in order to pay bills for removal of py the lower rooms of Charles Down's College. snow. The bills for digging snow house in the western part of the vil- Rev. 1). W. Howell was returned to this Winter amount to over $8,000. lage. Ernest Tilley and family will oc-'` the pastorate of the Southold M. E. cupy the upper rooms. I church. Benefit for Library y i William Rich and family of Brooklyn Lightning struck the north east cor'' A Benefit for the Southoid Public are at their home on Hobart Avenue. ner of 0. L. Welis' house, but very Library in the form of a Card and They intend to hereafter make thin little damage was done, Domino Party. will be given in Bel- their permanent home. Mrs. Albertson Case died, aged 46 mont Hall on Thursday evening, Aprilairs. M. S wczek years. 8, at 8 o'clock. Light refresbments,M. Lehr m,t•trc to yr: idt '11sire t Mrs. Martin V. Gordan died, aged 63 (which in Southold always means some_ r,' calrly 1"c""cr Srrr:rfi.. :u years. thing goad) will be served. Tickets, ,',l,in �t,rt-(i. Jesse G. Case died, aged 58 years. 60 cents, for sale by any of the mens- Miss Murlin Young of the Secretarial --p— hers. Help every good cause by your School at Jamaica ie spending the! Arbor Day presence or admission tie) Easter vacation with her grandmother. 1 d John ]fllerwin of the Y. M. C. A. Col- Dr. John H. Finley, State Commis- As many as seven motor ears and sioner of Education, has fixed Friday,, r trucks were stuck in the mud in lege at Northfield, bass., is spending April 16, for the observance of Arbor front of Bat't'y P. Matthews' pi'crp- the Easter vacation at.Southold, Day. In closing his pruclttmation, Dr. ertv in Peconic on Thursday of last Nlrs. l! senor ll, l:rznrnburll., ni lltrl Finley says: "I express the hope that as � e week, dust at night. Some of them iand, hrtived in th,� 1"S".ti ` tn "nri I, the schools in cities, villages and coun- re all night and were :1fe%v 1vkek with her r l,tr ,'?• ties alike, will set apart some portion stayed the pulled out next morning with blrick E, Leiebt has sold his woodland at of the proper date for the observance and fall, or tractors that went to the�Indian Neck, 16 acres, to Mrs. Henry of the day. rescue. Preliwitz and Mrs. Irving R. Wiles, r A Lunch Ranco Old Fashioned Winters "duck pond" and putting us ouk of business in that line. Only for that., I Our village has added to its already DEAR EDITOR:—In a February issue don't know but we might be there yet, numerous attractions and utilities some- of the TRAVELER I found an article if the ice, ducks, ammunition and we thing which it has long needed, viz , a concerning the cold weather of the could have held out, as there seemed to place where a person in search of some- winter just past. I think I can safely be no end to the ducks corning and go- thinit to ea-,may go at any seasonable agree with the writer that it has been ing 6,.1"'of day or evening and find, at one of the old-fashioned sort, that we asrutable prices and in neat and clean had some 60 or 65 years ago. I will In regard to some of our cold win- r, hark back" that len �fere on the East End, I will add that surroundings. " food to suit any ordinary length of tima and the 8th and 9th day and night of Janu- demands. In the building where the make record of the winter of 1856-57. ary, 1866, were the coldest remembered genial Louis Baumann maintained for The three months of that winter were, I think, the '"banner months" of any b3' the oldest inhabitant up is that years a popular and like resort,Messrs. O. A. Prince and Harold Booth are winter in my experience of the last time. Cattle froze to death in several supplyingthe ei ht p cases, where exposed or not properly public with homemade eighty years or more. The seasons u housed. In those days of `°rnodern- eatables that are toothsome in the ex- to about Dec. 20th, was extremely ancient history o (perhaps that may b- treme:—Chowder, such as only a vet- warm and mild, so much so that a few called contradiction'(p of terms)„ the Bran fisherman can concoct; pies in`farmers piowed their sod-ground in farmer was seldom found having e variety, with such crust as can cause december for their spring planting thermometer on his premises, there- no damage to either teeth or digestion,.'On the 22d of December, about 4 p. m., fore was unable to know the exact and with plenty of filling, cut in such Ione of the worst snowstorms I ever temperature of cold or heat. sized pieces as "Mother used to cut;'"1knew commenced and continued for 24 Hamburgher sandwiches, plus or minus hours, without °`let or hindrance," Likely, a after years, some of the present generation will readily recall onion as taste demands; French fried blocking the roads and the L. I. R. R. the. severity of the past winter of 1919- potatoes; oysters; fried scallops; eggs l east of Riverhead for three or four 1920." '' i", t "� w, n W. in sandwich or otherwise, and cake— weeks. Mails and passengers were Brooklyn, March 29, 1920. big pieces of it—three stories high, and(taken from Riverhead by sleigh to crullers, tender ones. To all this may Greenport and intermediate stations. 't Old Peabody few " bs added the usual soft drinks and cof- The cull was intense and the snow so The "Old Peabody Pew,- by Kate ':fee and milk, and ice cream of course, thick one could not see across the Douglas Wiggin, will be given in the street most of the time. The well g of standard make and sorts, not served,: as Methodist church, Friday evening,specimens, but with war tax added.I known blizzard of March 12, 1888, may At the opening last Thursday night have equaled it in the quantity of snow, April 16, at 8:15 a,-ol-k, hT a very aloe 'there was good music furnished by the but the intense cold far exceeded the 1 local talent cast. Admission, 25 cents, String Trio, Messrs. Booth, Bucci and latter. The bays, L. Y. Sound and the payable at door, for those who have Ferretti, who delighted the large num. Atlantic Ocean (don't think across) not the regular lecture course ticket. her present by their able and tuneful were frozen out so far the keener Cf PROGRAM efforts. This feature will be an attrac- Montauk Light could see no water for Carpet Committee of the Southold tion from time to time during the com- several days. In fact, he and his as- Dorcas Society ing season. ,sistant skated out a mile or more to- Mrs, Baxter, the minister's wife A utilitarian convenience and neces- ward the "Eastern Continent." Don't iIsabelle Baissosn sity like this deserves—and likely will think they ever reached there—never I Mrs. Burbank, President of the receive—a generous patronage, not heard they did. i Dorcas Society Florence Moffat only local, but from the general pub- The writer and a friend and neighbor Mrs. Meller Miriam Boisseau lic. "Orrin A." and "Hari" are com- took it into their heads one day to ex- Mrs. ;Sargent, village historian petent and capable, and the general air plore Long Island Sound north. We Evelena Anderson of the place, inviting. What more got about a mile from shore and dis- The Widow Buzzell Mary Conklin could be asked for? SIMPLE SIMON cover(-d an "airhole" of water about ,• Silas Lobelia Brewster, who is no an acre in extent, full of ducks. We., lover of men Freida Williams Baseball "being of sound and disposing mind, Miss Maria SharpBuick of speech memory and understanding, and with Ruth Conklin, A meeting of those interested in evil aforethought," did return to our baseball was held in the High School Miss Nancy Wentworth, who has homes, procured our guns and ammu- waited for her romance ten Tuesday. Charles Gagen and Walter nition and proceeded to attack—not the Gagen were elected captain and man- years Doris Hagerman enemy—but.the ducks. We bagged a and ager of this year's team. Southold backload, depleting our stock of am- Justin Peabody, sole living claim- High School is to be represented in the munition. We returned home, expect- ant to the old Peabody Pew Interscholastic League this season, ing to renew the slaughter the next Wm. A. Wells Southold has some good material this day, but our expectations were slough- — year and it looks as if they would have tered, as the following day came in Reader Mrs. Minnie Terry Smith a fine team. Turn out, when the sea- with a souther] rainstorm breaking son starts, and witness some interest- y � reag Incidental Music Miss Mary Conklin ing games. the ice from the shore, spoiling our Director Margie W. Jennings The Keserrecuou Earl Cochran has been en- Reception Despite the inclement weather, a gaged as janitor of the Methodist Mrs. Eleanor Howell K.ranenberg, large gathering was present at the Church, in place of Forrest Terry, who has lived in Holland for the past Easter services at the Presbyterian who resigned. Mr. Terry and family nine years, is spending a month in this church last Sunday evening. The mus- have moved to Orient. country, visiting relatives and friends. ical program opened with an organ du- Mrs. Kranenberg was one of our pop. et, the second movement of Beethe- Boss J. E.Corey is adding a kitch- ular teachers in the High School at the yen's Fifth Symphony, played by Mrs en to Mrs. Emma Huntting's house. time of her marriage, and she is re- May Hummel and Miss Mnry Co kl,n. ceiving a warm welcome on every side. Then followed the cart r , "the Res- Miss Susie May is clerking in Mrs. A reception will be tendered her under urrection," by Cha*te. %or,'=': yn Man- H. G. Booth's store. the auspices of the Whiat Club, on ney, which was be"u ilry render,d by - Friday afternoon of this week, from 31 a chorus of tweet .es under the Diliss Catherine Cogan is clerking rn to 5 o'clock, at the home of. Mrs, L. N. leadership of Miss ,:in Thr ¢ot- W(r,. H. Rafford's store. Sanford, to which all her friends are nista were Miss Co Mrs. Maude Hobert and Joshua Overton have sold cordially invited. Sayre and John H. J,­ C. Much praise their farm to Sereno H. Smith. They Herbert Wella is clerking in the A. is due the singers and their accompa-shave taken in part paymant the Lydia & P. Store. Harrison Bennett is to nist for their good music and their wil- Ann Moore place. work for his uncle, Arthur Bennett, on lingness to assist on all special occa- C,eorge ll Wells & w to J Add'w:ion the John Lindsay farm. sions. liaker, €i acres s Mai1r South road,, W. R. Newbold and Yennicoch Utiicers :«lj land fo Screrro Smith, Peconic.,. J. H. Boieseau, nosh Herbert W. Wells were re-elected Court Yennicock, F. of A. elected Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickerson Trustees of the M. E- church Tuesday' the following officers last Wednesday; are now occupying their new horse I evening. Chief Banger, S. J. Murray; Sub Chief on Upper Main Street, recently pur- Mrs. Daisy L. Prince has ranted her a Ranger, Leroy Hutchinson; Treasurer, chased of Mrs. Josephine William- house to Miss Frances Rowland of Nat. E. Booth; Financial Secretary, Chas. T. Gordon; Recording Secretary, son. George H. Wells and family Brooklyn for the summer. L. W. Korn; Senior Woodward, George are moving into the house purchased The Blue Triangle Club will rise the T. Overton; Junior Woodward, Peter of Mr. Dickerson. upper room of Protection Engine Co. Warciski; Senior Beadle, William Il room as headquarters. Sweeney; Junior Beadle, William Ak- Phebe Ji Dunkel & ano to Sinron William H. Clark is acting as relief scio; Lecturer, Raymond Sears; Trus- .i Murray, parcel 100x1110 it, n s ?i3a:- chunic st, adj laud of 'Marry I Van lhr i agent at Aquebogue station during the tee, S. A. Walter. The above officers �cn, Southold. vacation of Station Agent Hnllock. were installed Wednesday evening of A N. Y Marion, ., April 3. Orrin David{ ` p A. G. Case is building a bungalow at this week by Deputy Grand Chief Crane and Miss Leah Geer Benedict. a 1�South Harbor for F. C. Horton i Michael Fisher. After business, a feed! former teacher in the Southold High 4M1 was enjoyed. ! School. N Huubarsl r level incl ` u" Peconic April Selden S. Bennett trustee t<+ Tlic Boarel of llduxrrtioti' Eagle Hook and Ladder Co., at its p of Union b r cc School Drstrr.t acli aged 75 ears 5 months 24 days.meeting last Thursday evening, made g y y ons h€sli: site v , Oak Lavtrr avc'rif,rnB the fallowing nominations for Fire De-; school proper°t4, Southold, Twenty-five �.C�ltrs Ago ! Philip lI Horton & ry to H ai rw° ly partment offices' Chief Engineer, qh'v, (� 4444 ;'2. j! Fforton, rtuit-clain, deed to 16 iarc, Nat. E. Booth; Asst. Engineer, Spen- 4 Irrr cox W. Petty; Secretary, A. T. Dickertrlu Neck lane ads lased- of I S. B. Corey, Gilbert H. Terry and L. l;lf}r,r pplcl5y. Son hold, 110111son; Treasurer, L. W. Korn. W. Korn were elect,d Trustees of the A ten pound son was born to Mr. M. E. church. The Southold Savings Bank was the Henry W. Prince was appointed and Mrs. J. Leo Thompson,Monday. only bidder for the$65,000 issue of live trustee of the estate of Moses C. Aril fi, Chandler G., per cent school bonds for the Southold Cleveland. Brooklyn, p High School District. The bid of the William H. Maier died, aged 33 son of Mrs. Josephine and the late Bank was$67,070.46,which was accept- years, I Albert Conklin, former residents of Id, 44y. Burial at Southold. ed by the Board of Education. `'� Southo Moffat Bros. are to have a porta- ,Southold, April 13, Joshua A. Over-g S. J. Murray and mother have ble house erected on their land on ton, aged 62 years, 10 months, 15 days. 'moved into the place recently porches Boisseau Av., recently purchased of Southold, April 10, Mrs. Mary E. led of Mrs. John Dunkel. Theo. Nen- R S. Sturges. The house will be Carro,l, aged 49 years, 2 months 26 'ninger and family have moved into the occupied by Frank Moffat and his days. rooms over the Traveler office, vacated p Southold, April 12, Nelson S. Bishop, by Mr. Murray. k mother and sisters, aged 78 years, 7 months. Interment Clarence Q. Conklin and family have at Cutchugue. Otto "Schafer of the Polytechnic lr.- moved from Glen Cove to Southold and Ititute, Brooklyn, visited his parents will occupy part of Miss Anna Beebe's I week. house. Mr. Conklin has a position as printer with the County Review. I 1 2- ' V ,,v..k t,,The Railroad Strlke) �1 The Brooklyn Eagle was the only 9 District firand Lom[llinee, The great railroad strike newspaper in Greater New York to be The District Grand Committee, 1. O. gripped the Long Island Railroad system Tuesdafound in scores of Lang Island towns O. F., met with Southold Lodge on y Tuesday night. They were delivered Wedn,eeday. Thirty-four Past Grands and crippled it badly. The train due b here at 12:14 did not arrive until 2:30. y motor trucks and did not reach' Were present. The address of welcome 'Eastern Long Island until Wednesday was given by Past D. D. G. M. Samuel{ The Cape Horn train failed to show up. L. Bennett, and was responded to l Only one evening morning. ey train arrived and p that at 7.0:30. The Brooklyn Eagles Strike May Hit Crops of G. G.Four 1 s Seymour received a and were delivered by automobiles arriving � others, F�sur Past Grands received the' here at 9 a. m.ed Wednesday. The farming situation is tbeatened+ Past Masters degree. 1i. Seymour The noon train on Wednesday was by the strike. Farmers are unable to� Case of Greenport Lodge was recom- gfertilizer, and as a consequence it qet fertili � mended for reappointment as District not very late, The Cape Horn again Deputy Grand Master, and S. B: Har- failed to ahow up. On evening train is quite likely that there will be a a big Hor- ton of Greenport Lodge, as District arrived about 9 o'clock. Only one reduction this year in acreage. ,Secretary. A fine dinner was furnish- train went out Thursday morning. ed the brethren by Mrs. L. N. Sanford. There are no freight trains. The sup- awing to the embargo on freight Ply of railroad coal at Greenport is and express, due to the strike, great Twenty-Five Years Ago about exhausted. The tieup on the L. motor trucks are bringing meats andh4. beam ?� S I, R. R. was wares Wednesday than provisions to our merchants, Return- M. Mazzo of Greenport]eased rooms Tuesday. ing, they take fish and oysters, lauded in Justice Case's tenement house to All steam trains on the Long Island at Greenport, to Fulton Market. road were tied up at 9 o'clock Tuesday, 1 Plant r� carry on his business of a barber, and the sale of tickets for stations Will Plant 2O,000 Acres { Cassidy Bros. caught 29 menhaden in reached by steam service was sto their pound in the bay—the first of the Aped. The five eastern towns of Suffolk season. Firemen refused to take out any care County will plant-this year at least 20,- except those carrying the United 000 acres of potatoes, and the number Rev. o H. Keens received rate of the Universalist call to States mails, but the sto a the pastorate church pp g� of the may run up to 21,D40, for it is observed at Hyannis, Maas. mails was foreshadowed when officials that many of the biggest farmers are said that the company would not run putting in more than they did last At o meeting s the Trustees of the mail cars without passenger cars at- year, when the total acreage was Southold Savings Bank, J. B. ferry, tacbed. around 19,000. To plant 20,000 acres 2d sice President, was elected 1st Vice Pres The firemen at the western termi- the farmers will invest in round figures President, in place of Jesse G. Case,'a nals through down their shovels at 3:20 $2,500,000. That sum is believed to be deceased, and Silas F. Overton was a. in. and quit in a body. Firemen on a conservative estimate of the amount elected 2d Vice President. Wm. C, eastbound trains quit their jobs at required for seed, fertilizer, plowing Albertson was elected a member of the Jamaica and then walked away from the land and.planting. It is based on Finanoe Committee, in place of Mr. their posts. an outlay of$125 per acre. The farm- Case. Westbound trains generally carne in ere pay $04 a ton for fertilizer alone. John Lellman of Greenport became Tuesday morning on time with the ex- and practically every farmer applies a proprietor of the Horton's Point Hotel. ception of the early train from Mon- ton to the acre and many of them put At the annual meeting of the South- tauk. The firemen of that train de- on more. They also plant about five old Fire District, John Singley was re- scended from their cabs at Amagansett sacks of seed to the acre, worth about elected Fire Commissioner, and H. G. and joined hands with the malcontents, $00. Suffolk County requires about Howell, Clerk. An appropriation of 250,000 bushels of seed potatoes to $ Train was voted. Department officers Fireman Dragged from lrtain plant this year's crop, most of which were elected as follows : Chief, J. E. are procured from n State Maine and Corey; Asst. Chief, L. W. Korn; See., ' The first instance of violence an p p Long Island which has marked the big Wisconsin. If the farmers applied only Chas, T. Gordon; Tress., George 12, one ton of fertilizer per acre they Jennings. strike, took place Wednesday warning at Babylon, when insurgent trainmen would require 20,000 tone, casting $1,- The big railroad strike was broken threw a volunteer fireman off the ten- 280,000. If the season is anywhere fat=e host week, since which time spec- der of the locomotive. The strikers near right, the farmer will harvest ial freights have been endeavoring to Prevented the departure of the train from 200 bushels up per acre or around catch up on deliveries of seed potatoFr 4,000,DD0 bushels, worth probably $g and fertilizer, commodities seriously and chased the volunteers from the - needed on Eastern Long Island. The scene. Sheriff Kelly came to Babylon 000,000, and quite likely more. On an duck growers were aLso badly pirr�hed with an automobile load of deputies outlay of from $135 to $150 an acre be RR by the strike. If it had lasted much and made plans to see that all trains ought to receive from$400 an acre up, f loniTer serious loss, due to lack of feed Many oindividual Mf the individl farmers are for the thou4ands of ducklings, would with volunteer crews were protected. I have resulted. going to plant 100 acres or more each. Haring the railroad strike last vee? the few potatoes sold to the loaders { and shipped by truck to New Yor brought the farmers as high as $4. a bushel. This week natatoes ha retailed in local stores for$G a bushel, RIVERHEAD THREATENED i.N EWS ISLAND Juhn Koch died of apoplexy on -,.I) YOR 120o.0000 Tuesday at the home of his daugh li BY BIG FIRE V; LEA91 tor,—Mrs. Stephen Walters, with Fire swept the business sectiona ears Ntackay the moillti-inil- 1 on Peconic Ave., Riverhead Mon- leased t;'o-rdiners island whom he resided. He was in his 86th day afternoon, causing damage of roe tw(trity youin .it art annual renta;, year. The burial was in the Sacred (if ,,loono a year. Mr. Mackay ha.*4 about $20,000. Riberio's vulcan- . ' Heart Cemetery, Cutchogue. ,--L-v rl thio sh�ntirlv privileges on thim izing plant, a big frame buildirv, lea- n I years past, A6 where the fire started is in coni- fD)' S Twenty-five Years Ago plete ruins. Smith's blacksmith i4 front the rpwner, Lion Gardi4 desecondaril of the original Lio"' shop is also a total loss Skid- Gardiner, who bought the i-`lund Tron"' The Town Board authorized the Com- m sash and blind factory, the Indians nearly 300 Years af�o. The; missioners of Highways to lay out Larsen's Prestolite plant and lease is to expire on April 1, 1940. Ira Feinberg's fruit store on the oppo- �addition to paying the rental nientiou-; three new roads on Fishers Island. site side of the street are so badly ed Mr. Mackay also Pgrec's tf-) pay alt Seth L. Tuthill planted 25 acres of damaged they will have to be torn taxes and assessments on the propertypotatoes. down, the firehouse adjoining lie can Ilse such timber as he need-M Our pound fishermen were catching Skidmore's factory is badly for firewood and other purposes =-, can eulivate the land and breed rnrl. some menhaden. scorched and the plate glass win- ho(,)t gattie there, including all decyl Southold Lodge, I. O. 0 F., cele- dows in others are ruined. Wick- th horns. The lease. g-i'ves hi-h-11 bested the founding of Odd Fellowship ham's garage is partly gutted, 'v",vur to, sublet if heap bat ri000li 110 in America. Hogen's blacksmith shop and the �%vitbj)ott writton consent. frvmi !1-4 garages and show rooms of Mon- The M. E. church choir paid a frater- toux and Morel] are badly nal visit to the East Marion Baptist : scorched. Can Receive $5,000 choir. The picturesque water tower of The Town Board of Health oaganized the old Riverhead Water Co. is The law permitting Savings Banks in by electing Supervisor Skinner, presi- 'badly blackened. Firebrands were New York State to receive from indi- dent; Town Clerk Fithian, secretary; wafted in showers by heat afid vidual depositors Five Thousand Doi- H. G. Howell, citizen member, and Dr. wind for several blocks setting tars, instead of Three Thousand Dol- J. M. Hartranft, health officer. fire to the Congregational Church, tars, went into effect an April 13th. 11 1 Meyer's department store and Mrs. E, Leicht has sold her houseThe Civics Club met with Mrs. H. E. Miss Lucy , C. Howell's residenceStevens on Monday p. M. Mrs. Eliza- and several other buildings, keep- and lot in the western part of the vil- beth Hall pegented in a thorough man- ing tho firemen jumping from-one lage to Constant WeygaDt of North Eliza- to the other. The entire equip- Bergen, N. J. Mr. Leicht and family ner the qualifications of Gov. Coolidge n..ent in the village was called out will move to their newly purchased for the U. S. Presidency; Mrs. Hallock and the departments at Camp Up- I property—the D. T. Conklin place. read from the Yale Review paragraphs ton and Greenport were held in relating to Mr. Hoover; and Mrs. Prell- readiness to rush to Riverhead. Owing to ill health, Samuel Dicker- witz from the New Republic, on Gov. Several explosions-of gasoline and son has resigned his position as Presi- Lowden. The subject of favorite can- oil in the different garages made dent and Treasurer of the Suffolk didates will be continued at the next the work extremely hazardous for County Mutual Insurance Co., to take meeting, one week from next Monday. the firemen. In fact, it was an effect May 1st. Huntington, and especially the Bul- of gas that 'it 'happy because it is W-0-d n original explosion It 1, is started the blaze in Riberio's. W. I. Hagerman is at home from that town has the highest point of The net estate is divided as follows. Camp Upton, on the sick list. land on Long Island. It is High TTill, Cornelia M. deBeixedon, the widow, agency of, said by the United States Geological Amityville, $59,504.06; Marie Louise Through the real estate agen Survey to be over 400 feet high. Coombs, Pasadena, sister; Floran- Thomas Farley, Charles Downs has While some people are trying to ime.lke ,everything come dawn," the Bulletin tine T. deBeixedon, New York, sister; sold his property on Upper Main St. I and Edward F. deBeixedon Babylon, has been trying to make this bill go brother, each $1,000; Edward Fo. to John Kenney. - up, and -wins out in its controversy.' ! Combs, Florantine Stimson, Edward David W Goliklin & w to Ern(--t ' 8. Win. A. Booth of P. deBeixedon, Philip deBeixedon and Leicht, lot 43-.053 ft, n s Main st, wb 11 Mr. and Mr Edna deBeixedon, nephews and nieces, hind of L. 1. R. R. Co, ou Southold. Brooklyn spent Sunday with their cash $500; Bennett deBeixedon, son, on Monday Mr. Booth sailed� 51,129- Edith deB. Barnes, dough- noiii parents. Josluta A OVertffll & Or.; to SeIT110 cer, Brooklyn, $29,182; Miriam dl�B. on one of the Black Diamond Line 11 Smith, -.)2 acres on South Harbor Penfield, Brooklyn, daughter, $67.711; hOW, ',i(lj land of Mary Glover, South- ' ships for Belgium. arch F, deBeixedon, daughter, $80,- nil Daniel Fremaux deBeixedon, Tit) SOreno H Smith & W to Robert A son, $92,968; persons not now deter- mined, $370,904.81. Ovt.-rton, parcel 183x225 ft, n s Main holl- oll Willt'" South Country road, adj land of Ali- i Mrs, John Quarty has moved to jacoo torip late of Feconic, gross, loll S:,1zer, between Southold arld'I Greenport. a,15,507,38; tin, $11.04. Out of ill,, 1,ovolllw-, no])] Miss Elsie Brown is clerking for neL ?.state vahAv-d at A Hip '%%iirli,)w, recchcs Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, April 18, Mrs. H. G. Booth. Job ilit), son, and J'yliwiw M. Alfred Terry Booth, formerly of Widdlani U flipp, daughtei'.. each, $3,959.04. Southold, aged 18 years. fl, 0-v 8 S sulyoll, ;Ivo, .111,i Of -:(TW1d J;jil'L, Cilt0i(ogtit�, 110M C changes In School Building );are abould be taken to keep the The Board of Education and the 9 Southold High School amount of money to be expended in such changed as low as conditions will Building Committee of the Southold Albany, N. Y., April 21, 1920 permit. If needful, it might be pref High School met with Architect E. MRt JOSEPH N, HALLOCK erable to rent some outside rooms Post Tooker and his heating engineer President Board of Education rather than to expend a large amount at the Southold High School on Mon- Southold, N. Y. of money in making improvements in day to talk over plans for necessary pear Sir: the present rooms, that would be un- changes in the present school building. Iver much regret that the bide necessary and After full discussion, it was voted that y y perhaps undesirable on your proposed new high school when you come to have the new build. Mr. Tooker prepare plans and esti- building were in excess of the appro- erg. 'Your architect will, I know,have mates for the necessary changes, as pria,tion, though I was not surprised this situation in mind and will make demanded by the State Department of b his recommendations and au Education. It is proposed to place the , y reason of the rapid rise in the Boat suggestions of construction which has taken place for general arrangement from this girls' toilet on the west side of the recently and because of the unsettled standpoint. baeement, using part of what is now conditions of theP resent times. I DY installing y a flush system of toil- the laboratory (by doing this the ' have given this situation very careful ets now, you will be not only making a. room will be light and much more sani- thought and am of the opinion that an most essential improvement, but ales tary); have another entrance in front to additional appropriation ought not to one that will work 0ut to excellent ad- the basement, instead of the one under be asked for, for the present at least. vantage in connection with the new the stairs, install a flush he drytem of son-' 1 am hopeful that prices will become building. You will, of course, recog- now toilets instead of the dry toilets stabilised after a little and that we nize the importance of having what- now in use, and install a small l bee- will know where we are and what we ever work is done in the old building are steam heater, he that , will heat must depend upon not only in the im- planned and carried out in harmon the cissa room at the north, built feet y y -year, and also the lunch rooms in the mediate present, but for some years to and in conformity with the plans that basement. Steam coils will be placed come. I am also very decidedly of the have already been approved for the in the corridors. opinion that it would be unwise to at- new building. It is also planned to rent a room far tempt to cut down the building and There is one further point about cheapen the structure in order to bring which I wish to speak, although per- use of one of the grades and separate the sixth and seventh grades (now in it within the appropriation. The build-, haPs it may not be necessary. I do so one room) which is greatly overcrowd- ing is none too large as planned, nor in order to preclude any possibility of ed does it have any features that could misunderstanding. Your Board can- In order to make these changes and be well omitted. In numerous cases not draw upon the money that was ap- in the past, districts have modified the propriated at the special school meat- employ an additional teacher, it is esti- plans in order to brio the cost within g y 14, 1920, as the cal mated that it will take about $5,000 g in on Januar more than is called for in the annual the appropriation, but the result has distinctly stated that this money wars budget. This would make the esti- commonly been very unsatisfactory. for a new school building and the ac- mated expenses $29,330.110, instead of There remains only the one other luisition of land to increase the school $24,330.00, and the amount to be raised course to pursue, namely, to defer the site. This must be reserved intact for by tax,$25,740.00,instead of$20,740.00, construction until the conditions be- the Purpose for which the district was as called for in the budget. This come more favorable, or at Ieast until bonded. The amount of money that would make the tax rate about prices become stable, would be needed for the repairs and 2.30. II If this third course is to be adopted, improvements in the Present building The attention of the people is called !it must be with the very clear and def- must be provided in some other way. to the letter of .Prank Id. Wood of the mite understanding that the needed It may be included in current expenses State Dept. of Education, published i changes and improvements in the eR- or can be properly regarded as a con- elsewhere. As will be seen by ti,e #isting building are to be Tanned at tingent expense. The pro er course letter, the $65,000, appropriated by the P p District for the building of a new �once' so as to be carried out before would be to include it in the annual school house and the purchase of a new the opening of school in September, budget. The Education Law makes it. site, cannot be touched for changes in The changes in the basement of the the duty of a Board to include con-' the present building. That was for a building, in thea s:ingent expenses in the annual tax specific purpose and must remain approaches to it, end P intact. The Board gave Mr. Tooker m providing a flush System at sanitary {ivy, but these expenses being fora- to understand that the appropria- toilets, are Of'special importance. This 3een before the time of the annual tion of $65,000 must erect the new is a condition that directly atrects the ineeting, should be brought before the building and make the necessary comfort, health and well being of the meeting for action, changes in the present school building, pupils. It does not seem to me need- `Wishing Bids being so far in excess of the ap• g your Board all success in propriation, they were all rejected. ful or desirable to make extensive the discharge of the duties that de- The people are urged to come out to changes in the general arrangement of volve upon it during these trouble- the Annual School Meeting, at the the rooms. Some comparative) lnex- some, trying days, and assuring you School Building next Tuesday evening, y of my earnest desire to render you any May 4, and discuss the subject. tertius changes can in made the bet- assistance that I can at any time, I am, ter to moat the existing co assistance to Ver truly J. N. IIALLOCK tide over the present emergency. It is y y yours President Board of Education E'i;a,N¢t H. 4rirOOO, Chief Southold High School the general sanitary conditions that School Buildings and Grounds need to be very tboroughly cared for. State Dept. of Education i 14 '1'ii( will hi F^lnrellcO 11. Green, hate 0 � ' Suffolk Eo. Mutual fns, In- Go, Supers�isors Finally Decide County In- of Peconie, nmkcs the following disrao- n n e At a special meeting of the Directors stitution at Yaphank Has put- sitioof atrite Valued ,it $6,000; 1�s{.viation, of the Suffolk County Mutual Insur- lived Its Usefulness ()aklaircl i'enrcar3°r' Sag lvh o'clock noon on May 1 the Harbor, $100 income to be arse(] for At once Co., hold an Wednesday, Franklin the care. of the tr siatr ix's plot; Myra F. Overton of Pecanic was unanimous- of� Hares G. ,a �_, tr., at' Southold, ly elected President and Treasurer of Children'a Roane at Yaphank will `t1,000 re,ielur to 1 lii•.ideei among' the Company, to succeed Samuel Dick- cease to exist as a home, the Supwr- tiro folloa ing, lie v allyl n ill a ivs and visors on Monday unanimously vat- 'he herr , 01' the,.-r' masa ;wc r!rLevwi vd: erson, who resigned on account of ill FIarr G, ('a e :Si:, ing to abolish it and to close the build- health. Vice President S. Lester Al- S. G),O n, llr le n i;,. Uull'�11rt til-Cl�ais inn at that time. F. linen, Fr ani: 11" { r,<�n, Sarah C. bertson positively declined election, as i The action has long been discussed Rnwelirfl'. ,i.erir E. s; ,, i, l;'Itrr l3. 13r.11 it would conflict with his duties as !and long contemplated. It has beet nc°tr„ f<:rli ate el 11 ta,c,4 tr, .i r,'i a I r;r•,;.t.r, Deputy County Clerk. Mr. Overton is ! nCl T1 } hir.r l h:l;ipr well qualified in every way to hold this Ira peatcdly pointed out thr+ the hurray position, and both he and the Comps.ny �had outlived its usefulness; that Twenty-Flive Years Ago i1wre was a better way to take care ' are to be congratulated an his election, y � of the county's poor children than by Tire following resolutions were unan- confining them in an institution of I Rev. H. Keens accepted the tail imously adopted by the Directors; that sort. That was the contention of to the pastorate of the Universalist Whereas, at a special meeting of the Superintendent of Poor Jonathan Ba-I church at Hyannis, Mass. Board of Directors of the 'Suffolk ker and others, and finally after tile Our pound fisherman caught some County Mutual Insurance Company board had acted upon his suggestion menhaden and weakfish. and had appointed Miss Ruth Ne , held at the office of the company in man of Bridge Hampton as Child The Board of Assessors organized by Southold, Suffolk County, New York, Placing Agent she quickly demon-I electing M. B. Brown, chairman, and on the 28th day of April, 1920, the res- -'steel that there were better i W, A. Cochran and S. Harmon Tuthill, Lo take care. of the ehildron and e.a i " ignation of Mr. Samuel Dickerson as c'eaxranstaa ed, too, that the papula secretaries. - President and Treasurer of said com- tion of the home could be reduced, Steamer Long Island was sold for parry was prevented and accepted, be it When sho began her work the home 1$40,000. _ Resolved„ that we accept such resig- was badly overcrowded; in fact be- -- nation with regret, solely because of cause of previous overcrowding an ex- The rece;pt of old crop root stacks his ill health and with a wish that fate onsive audition was built only a few from N. Y. State in tete New York City markets was very light last might not have decreed its necessity. years ago. Nov there are but twelve I Citchs t-en there and practically all of Resolved, that we express to Mr. thein are being paid for by t1heir par- ween. New crop vegetables from Dickerson our sincere thanks for and t'n is or other relatives, the South carne in, in increasing va- appreciation of the faithful and able The home has been in e.kisfenccas r;ety. New green produce from a county institution for about forty services he bas rendered for so many years. Lately it has been co4ting• the Long Island and New Jersey also years and now recognize that the sue- county about $15.000 a year to main- I arrived in larger cludntities. Pota- cess and prosperity of our company twin. Most of this expense will bn' toes were very scarce, one lot of has been due in large measure to the saved through abolishing it, ability with which he bas administered The report shows that Suffolk is Long Island potatoes sold for $20 the offices in question. now cawing for 174 children in homes per barrel. Two boat loads of pota- ble express rile hope that he may and in vaa•iods sorts of institutiowa , toes arrived from Bermuda, and 99 of whom were committed by be soon restored to health. May his courts. with them onions and other vegeta- autumn days be many and happy.' I In the nrfair future tile niacin bles. A steamer from Denmark May the evening of his life be long andthoi-ougtihfare runing along! the, som-la baought 45,000 sacks of potatoes of tranquil, secure as he is in the high re- silt, of 7 oli,-, 1,land from Jamaica to 165 lbs. ench. Live stock prices gard and esteem of the many friends i ",1Ir'aitarul., twill Tarobably, he offacaa{]l ' dropped y m uc ig;nated l,y the State High va; Epp d very materially. Calves and neighbors and associates whose I Commission .r,� the Montauk Highway. dropper] front 24c.to 15c., and lambs good fortune it lass been to knew him,, That big hw.:iy is now knovni by ,ever- from 24c. to-16c. Butter dropped, land while severing official relations at dit3e cont name-,, including the. Mer- with him, because of circumstances be- !` rich, road the° South Count.ry road and llc. per ]b. and our control we assure him our � 'llttra steed ire many of the villages l Boss) E Carey is to snake ex-1 y liar nug`h which at aunti_ continued interest, our unbroken 1.t the request of the State .FTighway tensive alterations to Mrs. Sarah C. friendship and our sincere good will. C o aniission Supervisor Benjamin G. ;Hirsch's house. The building will Resolved that a copy of these resole- 11 emery of Southampton Towel, chair-; be moved to the center of the fat. tions be spread upon the minutes of ruaan oaf tine Supervisors' contmittcc err roads and bridgis, iartroduccagl a resp-R Piazzas and bay windows on either our company, a copy transmitted to lutit u at they niveting of the Board'p 'side will he added. The interior will Mr. Dickerson anda copy published in 'elntrdaay afternoon decl arinx 'it to tray� ba remodeled, and a bath room ad- Traveler. next issue of the Long Island she si�nn tinic „ of that hudy that the Traveler. raL*hway should ire lesrc hated a; x.lae ded. Water and heating plants will Montauk Hi_;hiway. The a•esoltition! be installed. li a; unanimously adopted. A sinailar : resolution will -,00aa '!la° rntraduaed at Mrs. William 1. Hag;ei•rnan is hay,- ja ABOLISHED � a ane cting of the. Nassau County Board ing an addition made to her home• on BE I H Y I of Supervisors. lifter the name ak of- Youngs .avenue by Boss Leslie L+'I hr i ally uhupted ni tal signs bear�ing�1 dridge. ! che nein n anae will be erected at fre-, ctuent intervai aloner the highway. Annual School Meeting Physical Ahililly Honors French 1 The Annual School Meeting of the Eugene Lehr 90 Southold High School District was held In the preliminary triaki for the French II at the school building Tuesday evening. Sthtewide Phy-Riest Ability Tist Buri­, Beatrice Hodgins 90 and was largely attended. Meeting the past week. the following bays Helen Sayre 90 was called to order by J. N. Hollick, made honor records: 100 yd d sh, Helen Terry 90 Presid0l)t Of the Board of Education, Robert Booth, Harry C-sv, Harold Examinations who presided. Secretary Wm- H. Downs, Jack Munch and Ru-s,lt Tat- Biology hill-9 Standing broad Juw.p, Robert Marjorie Hagerman 93 ' Terry recorded, 11. L. Jewell and H. 'I Booth, George Stelzer, Flurry C3,4p, Geometry M. Hawkins were appointed tellers. ,I Harold Downs, Walter Gan, Russell Thomas Hall 92 Minutes of last annual meeting read I Tuthill and Herbert Wells. The great- Ancient History and approved. est achievement has been in 0- boys' Thomas Hall 96 The report of Treasurer A. T. Dick— Eugene Lehr 91 erson was read and approved. It ability to "chin the bar." Nearly American History showed total receipts of $21,405.20; to- every boy was able to pull himicif up Russell ruttijil 90 tal payments, $920,459.70; balance on by the arms five tunes and several0,459.70; a perfect Averages hand April 1, $1,945,50 or 100 p°°-riot record. Eugene Lehr Robert Newbold led by "chinning the 87 The report of Treasurer R. S. bar" fifteen times in succegiun. Thomas Hall 85 Sturges of the Free Library was read GRADE VII and accepted. It showed total receipts Charles A. Booth, who is enga-ged Helen Thompson 91 of $1260.15; total payments, $948 85; in the electrical bus'ness in New Robert Booth 88 balance on hand, $311.30. York City, spent several days at M. Alice Petty 85 The budget called for estimated ex- T. Horton's this week. GRADE vI pensee of$24,300 and estimated receipts Albert Hipp has shipped as fire- Katherine Thompson 87 of$3,590, leaving $20,330 to be raised Mirion Albertson 86 by tax. This was voted by a practical- rp,-,,n on the Greenport-Shelter Island Helen Boisieau 85 ly unanimous vote. ferry boall Menantic. Harry Vail GRADE V An additional appropriation of $5,000 will be the engineer. Katherine Hilliard 94 was voted by a vote of 43 to 32, to pro- Flora Albertson 92 Gen. M. Hahn left Monday for New- Mary Nierodzik 89 vide for changing the dry closets 11) bernlN. C., from which place be will Walter Zowe8ki 89 flush closets, installing a small auxiii- assist Capt. Willett Bond in sailing the Joseph Bond 89 ary i3tearn heater for beating the class sloop Christine to Southold waters. Harriet Dickerson 88 room on the north extension, making James Cogan 88 Daniel Smith 88 changes in the basement stairways, Gagoline advanced I e,'nt a gallon Bernice Simons 87 etc. the first, of the week and is now re- Charles Vreeland 87 It was voted to lease the. Albertson tailing at 34 cents. Alice Bloomfield 85 House at a yearly rental of $600, the GRADE IV District to have the privilege of sub- Fred T. Jennings is building a large Doris Williams 94 let4.irig what it does not want, and t` addition to his garage. Lillian Stelzer 92 hire an additional teacher for the We had a heavy frost Wednesday Grace Vreeland 90 i seventh grade. The sixth end seventh William Boerge--son 88 gra&-s are now taught by one teacher. morning and ice formed. Corey Albertson 87 tilgark 11. l)...1y111O to 1Joweii TJ Henrietta Fickeis8on 87 It is proposed to use the two West Fisher l 24: acre,;,, s s Sound Vie,"' Nellie Horton 86 lower rooms (which open together) ave adi land of vartY Of first pari Stanley Krukowski 86 for the use of probably the second e! . Ulyss Wadsworth 86 grade. 1xii-111 &W I,- Mary Goldsmith 86 William 11. Terry, E. Ernest Bois- 1: Qmltll, lol ora the south, rl.\ :ido of Floyd Van Wyck 85 seau and Nat. E. Booth were elected 11ino Nevk- road, adj land d' Chii­ GRADE III Members of the Board of Education for 'OuLhol& W01 Helen Dickerson 96 three years. l Southold, April 30, Miss Carrie L. Evelyn Van Wyck 94 Judd, aged 59 years, 5 months, 6 days. Dwight Bridge 93 I Marie Ducey 93 Bay view school Meeting Interment at Riverhead. Frances Gorden 92 HIGH SCHULIL, Alice Downs 91 The annual meeting of the Bay View Katie Stepnoski 91 school District was held Tuesday eve- Class Standings Annie Poliwoda 90 ning, When the following officere were Algebra A Frances Thompson 90 elected :Trustee.Howard Terry;Clerk, Helen Bond 90 Irene McKeon 89 Treasurer, G. C. Kole. Geometry Stanley Smith 88 Henry Fisher; TreEksu Thomas Hall 95 Albert Stepnoski 87 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Duryea of Eugene Lehr 95 Helen Kart 86 William Caley 85 sr(mklyn,forrner residents Of SOuti­ Ancient History GRADE 11 old, have returned here to INC. c)c- Eugene Lehr 95 Mary Dogherty 94 cupying Martin Lehr's cottage at American History I Esther Booth 93 Russell Tuthill 90 Noreen Wiseman 93 South flarbor. Jennie Romanski 93 Robert Gagen 92 Dorothy Christie 92 Largest Wireless In Riverhead Twenty-Five Years Ago Walter Williams 91 Helen Romamiki 91 The world's largest wireless station Helen Poliwoda 89 is to be located near Riverhead. The Rev. E. H. Keens preached his fare- Alfred Wells 88 Horace Symonds 89 site selected is near what is known as well sermon as pastor of the Universa- Donald Christie 98 Great Pond. It is said that a large list church. Stetna Poliwoda 86 tract of land has been bought by a J. E. Corey took the contract to Eileen Mahoney 85 radio company, and the Town Board of raise Gen. G. Richmond's house to two GRADE I Southampton has formally given per--stories and build an addition thereon. Norma Van Wyck 94 mission to the company to string wires The Suffolk Co. Mutual Insurance Stefna Poliwoda 91 along the Moriches road on which elec- Co. elected the following officers: Jerome Grattan 90 tric current for use by the station will Pres. and Treas., J. B. Terry; Vice Helen Krukowski 90 Anna Zoveski 90 be carried. Pres., Samuel Dickerson; See., Silas F. Anna Nasta 89 Overton;Attorney, N. D. Petty. Chas. Mary Nnsta 89 E Overton was elected a director, in Helen Warciaka 89 William H. Terry, who was re-elee- place ace of Jesse G. Case, deceased. Muriel Ynong 89 ted a member of the Board of Educa- Clifford Wiseman 88 tion at the annual meeting, has served 11'ALTER E. HAWKINS BUYS Violet BoergeBson 87 George Stepnoski 88 twenty-five years continuously in that JONES' A13TO BUS LINE James Ducey 86 capacity, and for many years he bas Fred Jones, who has operated a 'bus acted as secretary of the board. J. N. line between Riverhead and Greenport Perfect Attendance Hallock will have served twenty-four for several years, has sold the bus!- GRADE V iess to Walter E. Hawkins of this Clifford Tillinghast years continuously as a member of the village. Within a few days Mr. Charles Vreeland Board, when his term of office expires Hawkins expects to place a fine, lbig next year. Roo 'bus, with seating: :apacity of GRADE VII twenty persons, on the route. The Eunice Cox A new law lately signed by Gov. 'bus, will be driven by George Harrup, HIGH SCHOOL Smith gave Sheriff Kelly power to in- %vho recently moved hert, froin Gal- Helen Terry crease salaries in his office, ancl he vel'tOn. has iT.ised the following: Under Sher- The Nursing School of Mary Immac- iq Squires to $2,100; Warden Wig- Mate Hospital, Jamaica, will hold com- gins to $1,600; Thomas Parker, Geo. Twenty Five ears A90 /V4 I/ Goebel and Henry Jacobs, guards, to mencement exercises on Tuesday even- Miss Jackson, clerk, to $1,- ing, May 25. Miss Josephine Loretta in decorated this interior $1,400; A. H/Corw 000; Otto Magdefrau, cook, to $1,000. Grattan of Southold is the valedictori- of the Universalist church. Miss Jerusha Horton returned home, an of the class. Miss Josephine Isabel after spending the winter In Washing- Rev . Eugene L. Conklin has accepted v l May of Southold is also a member of a call to the pastorate of the Universa- the graduating class, ton. I We had a free defiv-cry of express. list church at Derdy Line, Vermont. Mrs. Sarah Hirsch will occupy H. W. h new house- Irs A reception was given to the church, Fred G. Prince moved his Glover's house this summer, while the pastor of the Presbyterian ch hold furniture to Jarnespor Rev. James B. Freeman and his bride. ialterations are being made to her � home. X. E. Corey added a kitchen to If. w Mrs. L. N. Sanford will begin the Jennings' house. Chas. G. Terry caught 6,000 menha I den in his two traps Wednesday morn- wile of ice cream for the season in Summer Train SerVICO iiig. I Belmont Hall, on Satnrday, May 29. The L. I. R. R. Co. will begin its The minimum monthly pension of A daughter was born to Mr. and summer train service on Wednesday. Veterans of the Civil War is nova $50 a Mrs. Wm. A. Wells on '�uesday. May 19, about ten days earlier than month. Southold. May 15, by Rev. Edward usual. Train No. 204, now leaving il'F. McGrath, Peter Warciski and Miss r �Sadie Schlitte. New York at 8:28 S. M. for Greenport, George Horton, jr., is clerking will depart at 8:49 a. _., and will make the A. & P. store. Brooklyn, May 7, Capt. Lewis Allen its first stop at Ronkonkoma instead of Woodhull, N. Y., April 29, John Hi Brown. a native of Southold, apd a Mineola. New train No. 208 will leave Symonds, father of A. W. Symonds o 'Veteran of the Civil War, aged 84 New York Saturday only at 1:08 P. In. Southold, years. for Greenport. New train No. 212 will 11 Brooklyn, May 13, Edward Carey of leave New York Fridays only at 6:47 p. Brooklyn, May 6, Frank W. Fanning Sothold, aged 38 years. Interment atj formerly of Southold. where interment 11 St. Patrick's Cemetery, Southold. in. for Greenport, making first took place on Sunday. Riverhead. Train No. 211 Cutchogue, May 14, Agnes, wife ofl Greenport at 3 P. m., instead of 2:40, Orlando W. Wells has gone on a ]dose, Lindsay, aged 75 years, 5 and run express from Ronkonkoma to business trip to Venzuela and other months. Interment at Southoid. Jamaica, arriving in New York the' MWa I South American countries, where he Peconic, May 16, Eugene ,, son same time as at present. The other will spend about three months. the Nte Mr. and Mrs John S. Lindsay, trairie at the east end on the Main Line aged 9 years, 2 months, 12 days. I will run as per present schedule, Jonathan G. Huritting, Southold� Track Meet Eo I value $5,�037.40; net, $4,326.24.1 Twenty-Five Years Ago i�,-h goes to Erntna L. Huritting,1 On Thursday, May 20th, Southold "I" Li &4 4"s, / "s— widow.. - I I High Sebool conducted its first Meet IlLeu K virry and .onn H. Lehr Harry D Horton &ano to Phillip 11 in recent years. The events were Hc,rwn, 3 lots s s Indian Neek lanc, those which had been sent out by the grad i it(-(i from ;h New Lordcn Busi- nic. atij land of Flora Appleby, Pec(i i ness CL liege 110M. Department of Physical Education at The p-u,d fisnermvr� at the Sound Phillip H Horton to Elizabeth G Albany and were designed to test the were caLeni ig larize ouentijes of weak- Horton, 30 acres n s Main Co try physical ability of the pupils of the 'An . 10 road, adj land of Joseph Krups , Seventh, Eighth and High Schoul fish. acres s s Main Country road, adi land Grades throughout the state. The John Ho3ey rented tfie Moadinger of Joseph Krupski; 5 acres s , Main cottage on the North Road. Country road, adi land of Christopher High School was very fortunate in Case, Southold Town, 11om having Mr. Wadsworth and Mr. George It was proposed that a meeting of . '�l Hartrarift &-w to joq the wheelmen of Southold be called to Joseph I �_eph! C. Terry to help conduct the events. form a Bicycle Association. liartrarift, lot e s Beckwith ave, adj! The owifness and efficiency with which rid of Mary F Youriv, Southold, noni; the events were run off were notable. The thermometer registered above Southold May 27, bv Rev.Wm. It I Many exeellerit records were made and 90 RLv. Willard S. Dallou was installed - ' I the average of the whole school was oyd, John Courtney of Riverhead,I "Honorable" with a score of 56,096. as pastor of the Huntington Univer8a- d Miss Mary E.Halpin of Peconic.I Those who made scores of High Honor, list church. rooklyn, May 22, Katherine. wid- 75 or more, were Harry Case, 95; Edward Huritting Post, G, A. R_ of Edward Allen, and sister of George Stelzer, 82; Charles Gagen, 81; held Memorial Day exercises in the e latp Wm. A. Williams of South- Russell Tuthill 80h; Marcella Bennett, Presbyterian church, Southold. Ad- 76y. Burial at Southold. 80; Robert Newbold, 79; Robert Booth' dresses were made by Comrade Robert 78; Walter Gagen 77J; Jack Munch, 76. 1 Jefferson, Rev. D. W. Howell and Rev. 'hc ��oiriof$75.000 was made .1%,ail i The girls who made an Honorable Dr. Whitaker. r ily t.lic Board of Supervisonn a( , record of 50 or more were, Mark "The Strange Visitors" were greet- uw�,�irig hero Monday afternoorii L: construction of a new Gagen, 61j; Winifred Gagen, 61j; ed by a large audience at the Presby- ilding at the county tuber- Florence Strasser,60J, Harriet Horton, terian church. -Anitarik'N", llolt,­illv. Th'�, 59j; Helen Terry, 59J; Helen Thomp- I plans callo'd fw- an adniini-. son, 58j; Ruth Vail, 56;Gertrude Koke, H build-ii- and two the! 1 56A Rose Akscin, 54J; Beatrice Hod- EAST ENO BASEBALL to take ru of the ifed ..; estimatml cost of a liolltiw- f de gins, 52f; Jennie Z3broski, 52j;Theresa structure %yan aboUt S200,- Fielder, 52. The boys who made an Honorable re- LEAR MANIZED rit of tho liigli cw.it. �jf la- cord were, Harold Downs, 73; John S�ason Opens On June 12—Six Good ,riateria4; the m(iuhc,%,. or Purcell 63J, Tom Hall 581; Clement of manaf�,�urs (if thv i�llsti- Donohue, 57; Herbert Wells, 55; Teams in. the League—May t�ed Beveral Weeks .11-ro lwy conscientiouAy ask the ;L;- Eugene Lehr, 53J. Play'at Fair to appropriale. so loq((- a The best records in individual events .c, they fult 1hat the lwild- were: Harry Cq.,3e in the 100 yd dash, be erected much chvaoer a The Eastern Long 1cland Amateur so it Ava.� decided �o 1)1_1 i I d 12 seconde; and in the Standing Broad i a part. of dic adluili�_: Jump, 7 feet Ili inches; Robert New. Baseball League was formallY organ- ing durin��, thl� �AlVilloq,r bold in the Chinning, 18 times; Helen ized for the ,�ea.ron at a meeting held at the Pro�pect House, Shelter [Sland, cost heing ah'.1 it $715,' Terry and Mary Akscin in the 60 yd last Saturdav a fternoon, Hurry H. he built of hollow tile dash, 7 seconds; Marcellla Bennett in Terry, of Ori�mt,iva,, elected president ,ior stuccoed. the Running and Catching, 194-5 and Major A. A. Prudent, of Fort Ter- 'Llsolution providing fkir seconds and in the Basket Ball Throw, yy, Plum Island, vice-president. The 5,000 available canie be- 62 feet 1 inch. latter is the cliapla')n at. Fort Terry. :'Supervisors for action six President Terrywas cnipowc.red to ap- or of the proposi i ion, two The total score for the girls was point a sweretary and trea�5urk�r. The e negative and twr, Wei,( 1 49 37 and for the boys 65 63. official unipires selected are "Ma'-joy" not voting. The Super- The Track Meet closed with informal William Thornhill, of Greeirpoil; Clar- voted agairist the proposI... races for the younger children which ence E. Bitchol7,, of Riverhead, and Mr. McDonald, of Sag Harboy. Abose Who (lid not Vote 'at, re much enjoyed. i that there [!; an IlegeW we h the new Imilditigr, but th(�­� The six teauis that comPose. the advisable to wait a fe%11 I Joseph Gomez and family have league and the respective managers 1%c r t e� MaLtitucl�, William B. R(,!?ve; I moved from Charles Edwin Terry's ]it, J. Leo Thompson; River- x, believing hat tll�, I Southo �saye scvLral thousand house into Mrs. Lucy Gomez'S house head, John Snow; Shelter Island, F .1 EIR11 on Main St. Thomas Carey and George N. Webster; Fort Terry, Ser- alter Gageu. is assisting Mrs. L. family have moved fro geant R. P. Fisher', S-19 H�Irb0r, m Mrs George 11. Farley, Jr., and Clarence Sanford in the ice cream store. Gomez's house to the rooms over J' Pulver. E. Cochran's store, vacated by Edward Carey. Mrs r Pupils registered during entire year, Headquarters Edward Huntting Post, Walter C. Grabie's personally pro- 265; pupils examined, 245; defective muted auto races at the Fair Grounds vision, 23; defective hearing, 10; defer- No. 353, Dept, of New York, G.A.R. tract: in Riverhead on Monday were a tive teeth, 138; defective nasal breath- EDITOR TRAVELER: Through the tremendous success. Never before in ing, 47;enlarged or diseased tonsils, 87; medium of your valuable paper the ;the history of Riverhead, it is said, defective nutrition, 33;cardiae disease, members of this Post desire to express �has a sporting event outside of the 5; Pulmonary disease, 3; nervous di,- their sense of appreciation and grati- COwi#.y Fair attracted such a large eases, 4;orthopedic defects, 1;skin di,- tude to all who in word or deed par- crowd. It is said that the day's re- eases or scalp conditions, 12; pupils ticipated in, the 141emorial event at ceip'ts were well upward of $3,000, treated for defective teeth, 30; for pul- Southold on Monday, Alay 31, 1920. Grabie has been Cordially thanked by monary disease, 1;for skin diseases or Edward Huntting Post was organized many people for backing an event that scalp conditions, 10. soon after the close of the Civil War, provided so much genuine sport, and The children have been weighed and under a charter granted by the De- ,it is already annourieed that he will measured every six months for the past partmeut of New York, G. A. R., and Promote another series of races oil tl,c year and a half, following a Modern was honored with the name of a South- Fourth of July. Health Crusade Movement, which old boy, Edward Huntting, who was The big crowd that came from al; awakened the community to the needs killed in action in the battle of Olustee, parts of the county to attend the of attention to health habits. Child Fla., February 20, 1864, k event seerned to be well pleased with Health Organization charts are used The records show that at one time their outing;•, for they saw many thrills and the results have been sent to the the Post had a membership of 143; an(] a lot of real speed; fortunately, parents. Cocoa and milk are served to only 21 now survive, 16 of whom were Yever, they,? We'e r;o bad accidents. all who do not go home to dinner and Present at our last nlamorial Day ex- When one considers that the track •and wish it. Those who ara 10 per ere i.aes a❑ 11 ay 31st. Regarding this I is only a half-mile track cornpara- cent underweight have what they wish, depreciation it may be said that a few t.ively narrow, with short and law- even though they may not always have have been transferred to other Posts, banked turn:s—built for horse°racier- the money to buy it with, with the re- but for the most part it has been in and not for automobile speeding it is salt that one boy with a tuberculosis answer to the "Final Roll Call." In realized that it requires real nerve to tendency has gained 10 lbs. since the a few short years it will be said of the do 25 rniles in 33 minutes and 2 sec- P serving of milk began last January. few who remain that we, too, have Rings that always ad ,ds; but that is what Suffolk County I Tbere are other gratifying cases. The been Mustered Out." vers did, in spite of "thi owin I money for starting this noon hot-drink We are ":Standing Guard" in life's ues'' and bursting tiresand sue or milk was provided by the Tuesday late afternoon, only waiting for the d excitement to j ra es of that kind. And there were ,Morning Club. call of the ferryman to cross the river 114 starters in four races, the conger- –-– Iand join in the great Reunion of Com- tion adding other hazards to the driv- Alain old Southold didl herself proud:. Trades gone before. ing, on Monday, when IVfemorial Day ex,�r•-1 ' In the One mile free for all Frankvise; were held. The Edrvar•dl 1-iunt-'. pours in F. C. and L., t, n btrG drove an Essex to victor in mail;• Post, t,. A. It., arr•vdrl sit 11. JAMES HENRY YOUNG beating Courtney Rogers n a o'clock, iiveoanpuriied by a l C Ford by one second; Percy Fordham ;Dosed of Orient, and Greenport rnu._i ommander in Rn Essex was third. �ci.ns. The schonl children, under the Grattan.—At the E. L. L Hos- -mI The -mile small car event went to direction of their' teachers, car•ryinr : �pital,.Saaturday, May 29th, to Mr. rBert Lane driving a Chevrolet, in I cluantitios of flowers—also Boy Saout.,, and Mrs. Christopher Grattan of l Frog Chapman in an Over- e.tc. funned in line and mare-hid Southold, a daughter. land was second, tine 7.12; and Har- i old Chapman, driving arOiar the chuirh around tit(, stile}lei . �mo;turnd third!, tune 8.{35, Ford was nit, then returning, dill,d the Southold, May 29, by Rev. Wm. H, fold, historic 1'teti'l.vtdrian church, LloydWi where the services, in ch }Jiam Frederick Krause and The 5-ole large car ra a went tocharge of ltc�v. Miss ,Gladys Arleine Case, both of Fre.9 Chapman in an Overland in 7 1 W. 11. Lloyd, were listened to with Peconic. gyri *rotes; Harold Chapman in a Ford rapt attention. The old Veterans occu- `vzs second, just one second behind tied the front gents Gonimai&r J. 11. Greenport, May 30 at the Hospi- the in it Ford was and Courtney his time be- Young giving orders in niilatrary form. tal, of pneumonia, Mrs. Lucretia A. J (TR r ine• 7 16. 1 The Chou of twenty-five voices c}aarm- The 25-mile r�aee went as follows. ed the Dirge audience. The Rev. 1. T. fatty of Laurel, formerly Of South. Frank Gurnbus, E.sex, 33.02; Harold III Stafford gave the welcome to the vet- old, 71y. Chapman, Ford, 94.03; Frog Chap- I trans. Prof. F. G. Wadsworth offered air^n, Overland!, 45.07_ Ja touching prayer. Mrs. Frank Srnitli The Boy Scouts of Southold are to he Report an Medical I Ins ectlon re'a'l, in liar ple i ing; manner, T incolri s reorganized with R. T. Merwin as t { Gettysburg address and Coen Logan'ai Scoutmaster. An annual report on Medical Inspec-f orders for Memorial D ry. At the con- clusion of the service the tetei•ans Mr. and •Mrs. V4. B. Clayton and i tion in the Southold High School has to W and host, of citizens repaired to Ed, ery,rld have come to Southold to live and� be forwarded to the State ]Dept, at Al-IHuntting grave and Strewed flowers; bany. The items taken from Mies upon -w it. Aftd�r this all ere invited' will occupy the east part of the house t i tl+d Fr(e, ,b,terian parish }i cr>,t. used by H. J. Booth as Telephone Cer.-' Watson's report will be of.interest to the friends of the school and reveal also where delicious refr s?intents, n•r=rU tral. niecly served and a mal reutiion tool: something of the character of the work place The open lobby at the Post Offiee is now required of the teacher of physical now open till 10 p P. In. education, Twenty-Five Years Ago EAST END LEAGUE Twenty-Fire Years Ago E 5-5'S! a,,0 /� / Won Lost P Mrs. M. E. Havens closed her millin- Southold . . . . . . 1 0 i, � e Montauk Steamboat Co. ran a ery establishment and moved to South- Riverhead . . . . 1 0 1000 y boat to and from the city. airy Graham of the Nampton. Sag Harbor 1 0 1000. Y. Police A number of our Grand Army min Mattituck . 0 1 000 rtment, formerly of this place, re- attended the reunion of the Grand Ar- Shelter Island 0 1 000 Ived a public service medal for one I the three bravest men on the police my of the Potomac at New London. Fort Terry. . . . . 0 1 000 e. Rev. J. B. Freeman preached the I Wm. C. Albertson purchased of J. B. Baccalaureate Sermon to the Graduat- RESIJLTS LAST SATURDAY his interest in the real estate at ing Class of, the Southold Public School. ISouthold 8 A—,(,j �_ Clarence A. Wood graduated from , Shelter Island I depot. Clarence 9, Mattituck I the Oneonta State Normal School. Sag Harbor 6, Fort Terry 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Glover at. Coal sold for$4.75 per ton• ed the commencement (xercises of Rev. F. G. Leonard filled the pulpit Lawrence University this week, of the Universalist church Ps a candi- GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE: 19 en their son, Myron H., was gradu- date. Southold at Riverhead d. Percy W. Clark purrhased the Knight Shelter Island at Sag Harbor place on Bay Ave. Mattituck at Fort Terry Miss Susie May has a position iril' Henry G. Elmer, Henry M. Payne W. H. Raff ord's sore. i and Theodore M. Shipherd graduated On the opening day of the League, Brooklyn, June 9, Edward P., son from Southold Academy. last Saturday, the schedule started in of the late Edward T.and Katherine The Fanny Ledyard Tablet in the three villages with prospects of all thel L. Allen, and nephew of the late W. Presbyterian Cemetery was unveiled old-time enthusiasm when once the . by members of Fanny Ledyard Chapter, race strikes a fast gait. Southold has A-Williams of Southold, 44g. BurialD. A, R., of Mystic, Conn. Miss Ab- a fairly strong club this year, and if at Southold. I bie Ledyard of Southold had the honor they are unable to set the pace all the COMBINATION SALES WITH of unveiling the tablet. time (which will be better for the, St(Telt ARE ILLEGAL Misi Mina L. Hummei, A. B., was game if no one club does), they will at w -w In vieof the fact that the hole- sale anti retail price of sugar has, wt_ engaged as Principal of Southold Acad- least be a factor in pulling some nine varied to from 20 to 28c. per pound, emy. down and making the race close, with I wish to announce that a maximuin Commeneement exercises of Southold their own chance excellent for a glori11111 - gross margin of profit of 1%c. on a Public School were held in Belmont' ous finish. Southold started off on the pound of sugar to the wholesaler and Hail. The graduates were Grace Wil- home lot by easily defeating Shelter 2%c, a junind to the retailer, above cost delivered at the freight terminal hams, Grace Wells, Mabel Quarty, island, 8 to 1. Salmon was in the box' at the point of destination will be a[- Lester Albertson, Floyd Sanford, How. and Cochran on the receiving end. The' lowed. . and Dickerson, Harold Skidmore and schedule calls for twenty garnes, and It is a well-known fact that tho Orlando Wells. I Southold has nine of that number on wholesaler and retailer must, due to the local diamond. the increased price to them, invest more capital in the suvar business. Heretofore, the marking of profit al- COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM lowed has been a maxiniuni gross profit of le, to the wholesaler and 2c. SOUTHOLD HIGH SCHOOL e-Lo the retailer. It is hereby announced that no ]Belmont Hall, Monday Evg., June 21 combination sales with sugar shall be allowed. At 8 o'clock Y The averagiiig of prices of two or more different invoices of sugar shall be perfitted. Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southold Orchestra These nflirgs shall be effective ini- rnediately for all wholesale and retail Salutatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russell Ii. Tuthill grocers in the State of New York outside of Nev, York City, V&Iedictorg . . . Irma G. Morton Senator Warren G. Harding, the Re- Presei?tation of Diplomas . . . . . . . . . . . hjublican candidate for President, iss a Selection . . orebestra 14ireet descendant on his mother's side Philemon Dickerson, one of the first Pilgrim's Vision Miers of Southold, whose borne lot .1ras on the site of Gilbert H. Terry's *me. All the Dickeratins of Southold Members o? Class Oct 1920 en therefore claim relationship to the 'presidential candidate, Sout�old t4igh School IRMA G. f1011TON President IRUSSELLI L. TUT14JLL Vice President Nan to subscrIbers ALICE LOUISE CONKLIN Secretaru and 'rreasurer Go and after July 1, 1920, the sub- s�riptionprice of the TRAVELER will be$2.00 per year. Red and White We have been loth to make this ad- vance in price, hoping that conditions CLASS FLOWEP, in the newspaper business would im- American Beauty Rose prove. Instead of improving, they are steadily growing worse. Newsprint CLASS MOTTO that wouesd to pay $2.60 per hundred for is now$15.00 per hundred, and hard YC580 q27e richai5se (Wisdom is better than riches) to get at that. Plate type-matter has within a few days taken a jump of 33i per cent. Everything that goes into I The Pilgrim's Visionthe makeup of a newspaper has ad-I . I vanced greatly in price. It has now Following is the cast of characters in the Graduation Pageant of ',come to a question of going out of Southold High School: thebusiness or raising our subscription PROLOGITJL- price. We cannot afford to conduct pp Pilgrim Maiden, Bolen Booth ' business at a loci, and we know that Scene 1. TheReception Cor 13etsey Ross our subscribers do not want Ls to. Betsey Ross, Alice Louise Conklin The father of Dr. J W. Stokes, Rev. Dolly Madison, Helen Terry Dr. J. D. Stokes of E*ast Hampton, is Lady Washington, Beryl Horton an intimate friend of the father of tio George Washington, Clarence Case Warren G. Harding, the Republican Lafayette, Walter Gagen candidate for Presbent. Our Dr. In French Ambassador, Bayles Munch Stokes is well acquainted with Senator TC Guests: Frances Lekcht, Florence Strasser, Rose Akscin, Charlotte Stelzer, Harding, having visited him at his Theresa Fielder, Winifred Gagen, Marjorie Hagerman, Marcella Bennett, home in Marion, Ohio. Jennie Albertson, Dorothy Case, Marion Albertson, Aftba Smith, m ith Tom Albert W. Albertson and family have Hall, Eugene Lehr, Alvah Goldsmith. moved to the Albertson House, having rented their home for the summer, Dancers: Lillian Stelzer, Doris Grace Vreeland, Sophie Step- Richard s Stug,,; &w to zano. 20 1-2 acre..; e �,, Bois noski, Muriel Young, Helen Krukowski,Williams,Zma Van Wyck, Alberta Dickerson, Aloffat & Wrn A Bertha Hipp. F-au *,ve adi hind of Ernest C Scene 2. Uncle Toxng.,4 Cabin Southold' Mammy, Ruth Vail P RQUI Brooklyn, , June 1, at St. Peter's Clarice, the slave owner's daughter, Irma Horton 'Brpta Topsy, Katie Stepnoski following an operation for appendicitis, Rev. Martin J. O'Malley Abraham Lincoln, Harry Case formerly Rector of St. Agnes' Church' Uncle Tom, John Purcell Greenport, and of St. Patrick's Church: 45 Pickaninnies: Rosemary Grattan, Helen Poliwoda, Hedwig WeSouthold, aged yganol, C Southold. June years. 14. Albert son f harles and Mary Grigonis, aged 13 Georgianna Stepnoski, Esther Booth. Marie Dogherty, Dorothy Jenninge Dorc- thy Christie, Eileen Mahoney, Stefan Poliwoda, Helen and Jennie ROmanski. Scene 3. V. W. C. A. nut Southold, June 9, Will-am A. Moffat, Red Cross Nurse, Helen, Sayre. aged 23 years, 11 month's" 12 days. Southampton, June French Woman, Marie Gagen �, Charles R. Fitz, formerly of Pecomc: in his 57th American Soldier, Russell Tuthill year. Wounded French Soldier, Charles Gagen Myron Glover has accepted a posi- Y. W. C. A. Workers: Gertrude Koke, Irene Griswold, Helen Bond. tion in Canton to Play ball with and French Girls: Mary Carey, Margaret Baker coach a local team. His time not French Soldiers: Willie Carroll, Arthur Gagen. required for base ball activities will American Soldiers: Max Newbold, Robert Looth, Alfred Wadsworth, be spent in Office work for a local Alvah Goldsmith, Walter Gagen, Charles Si.-I on. firm. Dancers: Mary Goldsmith, Mary NMyron H. Glover,who was graduatedierodzic. from St. Lawrence University this Scene 4. Irablean Of Entire Cast month, has a fine position With the De Management Grasse Paper Co., of Pirates, N. Y. This company furnishes newsprint for the New York World. PAYS $10,300 FOR 12 - Business Msnager: Mr. Sheldon ACRES AT CUTCHOGUE Costume Committee: Mies Kenney, ch airman; Mrs. Symonds, M!ss In front of the Court House atR,iv- Anderson, Miss McMann. erhead, Monday afternoon, Lawyer Property Committee: Miss Deal's, Miss Appelt, Mies Conklin. Russell E. Lupton, of Mattituck, as referee in the partition suit of Dr. Pantomime Committee: Miss Terry, Mrs. Jennings, Miss Watson. Frank D. Peterson against Edwin B. Stage Manager- Mrs. Overton. Gulick and others, sold twelve. acres 1. Music Committee: Miss Vera Terr,7, mire. Sturmdorf. of land opposite the Polish Catholic Chuich, on Depot road, Cutchogue, • •""„ for $10,300. Dr. Peterson was the SCENE I purchaser. A Polish farmer, the only other bidder, offered $10,250. The Tars RtcurTroN FOR Bnsnv Ross bidding started at $1,000. This is The guests arrive in eager anticipation of meeting the honored friends of the said to be a record-breaking price in ZWashingtons. Colonel and Lady Wasbintp;ton come in and greet them. Betse that section for land without build- y ings. A number of tracts of farm • Ross and the French Ambassadors enter and are introduced. George Washington land at Orient, however, have sold and Betsey Ross lead the Grand March. Little children entertain the guests with for more than $1,000 an acre during songs. A gavotte is danced. While the gtaests are saluting their partners, tLe the past year. dancers,,Red, White and Blue, enter and show with symbolic movement the forma-I �e oI}� } Uo tion of the first flag. I?--- U !1 , P t 00 G Ir :5C1To If A t the last meeting of the Trustees LtNcr Tows CABIN [of the Southold Savings Bank, the l Mammy, the wife of Uncle Tofu, who is an exile in slavery, is mending her Go'tstitutI-on and the ley-Laws were l mistress clothes and minding the pickaninnies, who roll and quarrel on the cabin amended, so that deposits can now be J 'floor. Clarice,the mistress, whom Mammy has brought up from babyhood, comes made up to$6,000, instead of $3,000 as f in with Abreiaan Lincoln, He is explaining to her the meaning of the > aeancipa- heretofore. the State Legislature pass� tion Proclamation, Delighted with the news that means the freeing of her I ed a law granting this power to Savings ,army's husband, Clarice runs over to Rummy and tells her the glad tidings. Banks at the last session. In the distance the voices of the returning slaves are heard. Coon Uncle Tom and Joseph 'Gomez and family have Topsy enter. Happiness prevails. The colored folk show their gratitude to moved from Charles Edwin Terry'a Abraham Lincoln and the pickaninnies dance with joy, house into Mrs. Lucy Gomez's house on SCENE III Main St. Thomas Carey and family Y. W. C. A. HUT IN E+RANCU have moved from Mrs. Gomez's house The Y.W.C.A. workers are preparing the canteen. A french girl enters to the rooms over J. E. Cochran's with a sick baby, to whom the Red Cross nurse ministers. An American soldier store, vacated by Mrs. Edward Carey. 1 brings a French soldier in and introduces him to the pleasures of the canteen. A " N. Hubbard Cleveland has. returned French woman enters and staggers to a chair,weary from a long,vain search. She from a visit to New England, where shows the letter which tells of her husband's wounds, and seeking assistance from his granddaughter, Dorothy G. Peck, dl the Y.SW, C.A.director,falls back fainting. The director sends the American was graduated from. Wellesley College. soldier in search. Soon he returns bearing the wounded man. The ;teed Cross This event took place on Mr. Cleve- nurse bandages the wound. The wife returning to consciousness, _recognizes her land's eighty-sixth birthday. husband. They go out together, assisted by the Americans. f�-4 Vi-FOOT MELON Doughboys and Poilus come in to witness an entertainment, which tries to keep 'em cheerful."" `William M. Jones received a barrel SCENE IV' of watermelons from his farm at Eus- Tasr r.�,v tire, Fla,., this week. The barrel was only large enough to hold four, how- N-+•..•�..r ,melon ever, as one alone measured four andAdmission, 25c Reserved seats on sale at HaWkIns, Store +melon- feet the long way. These s are of the Tom Watson vari- ety.Star. bANGINQ AF"l'>t~12 l~N�'E12'TAINME1�iT fAuslc by Harold Booth's Orchestral Miss Ethel Case hasaccepted apoli-I exercises a fine entertainment, e,,,- tion In the business house of Joshua T. Te ells f 1.rtau .f ngn,�.ers'd i."n X11,'- titled "The Pil tint, 1 Fanning, at Riverhead. mg the F a cl h.� ��een upo,a I}I J 9 g Vision,,, ��::s, _ onimew- ii at c r-,^i of the S:fnlll presented. About $48 tivas realized William A Moffatt, late of South- from the enterta:inmej.t. -,-- -A- 5` f old, value $113,000, letters to Florence d LighSc 001, h.1d o, Moii(kiy ev Pleasantville M. Moffatt widow. B 1tncri flail waiz not tare. N. Y. June b, at the - residence of the bride's parents,"by Monica R. Grattan and hose Mary austa h r t the people e.who ga-th- Rev. Richard S. Garr, �Wipfi Id Scott red to hear the very intent t ng lit ,. Bedell Jr of Peconic and Miss Ruth pi. The Southold orchestra ick:•-' Z"tkas have completed the Shorthand Foster. Course at Southold Academy. ed excellent nmsic:. Russell TLL- 1._was the salutatorian and lrcne+ Southampton, June 12, at the home n was the valedictorian of the I of her niece, Mrs. Charles R. Filz, Mics Prof. Watson added gip__t 1v Deborah Ann Moore, formerly of tertainment of th^ a,!dience' Gutehogue, aged 95 years. / lg&. After the ;graduation. 5trlcn I ttie 11'., tit stl;, t a.a nweall, It was voted that two sign boards be E&ST END LEAGUE r „'Is.•n,t tilrc. 1.x11 ,. �t.ttris , laced in Southold Village, one each lnlat a 1a n. �t.tili� 11 r--A5 �t*s°1' p "Won Lost F. ti. i acrul,l. 1 1 a� —'+It twi t• 1tt MwLli to 1at1- side of the post office. marked „SIOw'Riverhead 2 0 1000 1+'t'• 1,itnt In 11 tit ttl 1.. . ttS•as,n. down to 15 tulles an hour." 1000 Ilt[ Ire I ttlt tFt a ns dlt rlt t 71I I n.. smi Sag Harbor . I tttse>r.l nRr... • sr asst's it Intl 11 t .ys's+ J. N, HALLOCK, Town Clerk I Irucl: gni Ire [ tch;7+.1 a hllnutsl• shol Southold , 1 1 600 1 rfl w It Irs 1 t,n•Y1t t I, oth-1r1. i 1 500 L.a .t1 Ir.0 11 1, .l3ru I .,.I ''W831tp-FYV+3 YBaf CC _ G19�. Fart ferry . ti •I'i.tr,, i z:a.11_1 1ta la toils. ^� it ^ Mattituck 0 000 tr;nipires Parker ana E aa'u. '�"r '— J. M 1 Sbipherd, who intended to en- $I,t 0 2 000 v 11e°s: Shelter Island iter the ministry, was supplying the $l,t 7 fLIr Our Departing Teachers pulpit of the Manorvill_� Presbyterian val RESULTS LAST SATURDAY L`�" It is with siecere regret that South- 'church. ma Riverhead 2. Southold 1 (10 innings) old loses three of its good teachers. George Henry Terry was elected a set Sag Harbor 4, Shelter Island 2 Mis3 Florence Appelt has d sue fine Trustee of the Southold Savings Bank, Fort Terry 5, mattituck 4 work in her grade, and we will^ it 1 in place of Jesse G. Case, deceased. mi might have continued; but when duty Poles for the New York and New iiol GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 26 calls in the form of a higher salary and Jersey Telephone Co. were distribute] on Southold at Mattituck in her home town, who can Marne a between Riverhead and Greenport. raa Shelter Island at Riverhead teacher in these days, if she amepts J. B. Terry was elected 1s't Vice; an President of the Long Island and New fu Sag harbor at Fort Terry the call? Miss Mildred Kenney's eilleiency is England Steamboat Co. to Southold played at Riverhead last apnken of in the highest terms. She Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. voted to I m Saturday with the same old result that has been tried out and found faithful attend the Firemen's Tournament. Ir ha for years ltas marked their trips to along many lines of work. If we felt President Austin Corbin of the L 1. that plane. Whether they play betterlike picking a quarrel with her, for R. R. came to Southold to see about or worse, it is quite certain they will leaving, we wouldn't dare do so, for in building a new and larger freight house be defeated at the finish of the meet- her case, it would be two to one,. Much here, [ ing. Saturday's game went ten in- a9 we want her to remain on the teach- Dings, and was tight the whole stretch. ing force, who can blarow her either, Orlando W. Wells, for the past: Riverhead tallied in the first frame,but for choosing the pretty little home up seventeen years connected with the ceased to count again until the tenth, .t'ucker's Lane for her future f'iei.l of General Asphalt Company, in Philadel- when their second run of the game was work rather than the high School? phia, and for the last few years Assis= big enough to make them winners by Miss Esther Watson in her eighteen tant Secretary of that company and its the close score of 2 to 1. Southold's months' stay with u1= as teacher of subsidiaries, has recently resigned to lone run was made by Strasser in the-physical trainir_g, has started and es- accept a position with important finan seventh chapter. He got a bit, stole tablished a work that ought to make sial interests in New York engaged In second, and rode home on an error, the road easy for all teacl4erj of her the development of oil fields in the Salmon occupied the mound for South- subject to follow. Seldom, if ever, Northern tier of South America. Mr. old, ]3e streak out seven men and al have we met a spirit quite so zealous Wells sailed from New York on June lowed eleven bits. Richard, who hurled (or "good works," so clear and reaeon- 9th, via Bermuda, for a four months' for Riverhead, struck out eight, and able in her aims, and so persistent in trip through the British West Indies, gave the visitors only five bits. accomplishing them as is this teariler. British Guiana, Venezulela, Colombia. ftt~r'i,.r.11EAn Her work has been new to us and we and Panama, to familiarize himself' 1'? 1 1' `,; ' � hardly realize tale many and devious with the operations of his new connee 1r 4 n i1 1 methods she bac been ohliwed to use to tions. Upon his return he will be to ... u 1 11 o sated in New York. 4 tat,I t.r. ..... 1, 14 a n make physical training a fact as we14 ( irle'lusl 117. 4 C [ .l @ as a name. 1 4tltt7 1'. .. 4 0 o V Miss Edith Breitatadt, who >3 t 1�tt .I.. • 4 D 2 ll a o Miss Watson has declined a posi- I1, r. } l o a I been teaching at Woodn for I r.rrntltll. C. •••' °' .1 .1 0 n � f1 tion in Tufts College, 11'l,issochu�aetts, � LrI1'I12V tl, 11• .; 1 11 o n 0 o'`and other line offers, and will take a y past four years, has resigned h trnr,•rsutl, 1. t. ..... _ rr.t:tls ............... ; 11 0 1= 1�course in the Agricultural College at position, and will where she witer t Amherst in preparation for a line of University on July 6, soUTHOT,T) P' rural work in which she is deeply in- take a Commercial Course. '°l, r It o a ...... . 'I o `y1 0 i1 terested. She has brought much to There will be a dance in Belmont 1., :1 '. ..... 4 0 0 -, t 1 aux town with her wide culture and Hall every Friday evening duril. .... ..••• 4 0 " +0 (I thorough training, for which we are 4 0 the summer, under the direction ti I'Ilt'it.Yr .'.�,ys. 4 1 1 4 5 1 very grateful. a D d 11 sl 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Salford. ills r 11'. v 01 It was voted that the pay of teams 4 n 0 I rri.tt,+, a•.'. 0 11 n u won the highway be increases) ten cents Moscow Pa., June '14, Mrs. R. 1. -- — - an hour, makingthe rate 55 and 60 Stratton, a former summer resident l,,rtnl,: s 1 4 ss 1 i " cents an hour, to take effect July 1, I Southold, aged 64 years. +• 0 1 ^ 1'920. � �.�Y- { � � 1Brooklyn, at the Hospital, ,lune xsv tlte•:t l 0—; a. G. Davenport, a summer resident "'(w 11 old ..... .I 1 At (I .l Q 1 0 U ,c/ e�G `✓ ^� °' 1-fl: Southold, where interment took pla, 'TWenty-FIVO YearS Ago were saved from being sent to the 3"Id SAW Bank bottom by other paddlers in the same The 124 aemi-annual statement of the a.-I, boat. Iouthold is floundering like a tbo'd Savings Bank, July 1, 1820, j t e V. J. P. Cur-tia filled the, pulpit of rudderless ship in a heavy sea, and if ws total assets at par va!u,:% the Univergalipt church. th,,y are not careful they will founder. 9.51; total amount due d"Pouittirs' The Universalist Sunday School plc- Once astraddle the baseball toboggan, 88I,968 87j; surplus at par value, as held at Gilbert Terry'6 grove,flic w it takes a mighty effort to arrest the O5t3,650 64;surplus at market value, Peconic. downward pace. If our athletes are ,$1,04o65_68; surplus at investment Moses Cleveland took the contract to to win games, they must couple swat- Value, ;1.0,35,784.73; total assets at 'Jig three more fire wells for the South ting with good pitching. Our boys de- =Wket value, $6,V-5,934 55; tots, as- old Fire District. serve to win, and long before the sea- gets at investment value, $6,967.75160. A syndicate of Brooklyn and New, son Gloss we feel they will find them- With total assets of nearly eeven York capitalists were talking cd con- selves and make good. Millions and a surplus of ov,-r one mil- strutting slid operating a trolley line Southold Savinga Btirikt stands lion, the Soat nds from Riverhead to Orient. The village of Southold stands as on a financial condition as strong as the Mrs. George Fischer did, aged 57 the grand champion of the State in rocks of Gibraltar. Depositors are 'as- the i physical development and abiltY years. sured of absolute safety for their I I of its school children, after a State- funds. This condition hasbeen at- FAST END LEAGUE I snide competition in which nr�arly tained by careful and conscrv'ltive� Won Lost P. C. 1300,000chfidren of the: FehDOIS (if Management and because the PeOPleRiverhead 4 0 1000 New York State took part. The � . . . . . have the most implicit confidence,,in the Sag Harbor . . . . 4 0 1000 annouriccment of the result of this institution. I Southold . . . . .. . 1 3 2550 interscholastic athie'tic competition Mattituck - - . . . 1 3 250 Distribute Income Tax Fort Terry . . . . . 1 3 250 conducted under the direction of the Be-fore the Super-visors went home plipsical education staff of the State I County Treasurer Tuthill handed to Shelter Island 3 250 Department of Education, shows each of them a substantial check, rep- resenting the State incorne tax re- RESULTS LAST SATURDUY, that Southold has made a total score N' turned to Suffolk County (a grand to- 1 of 54.6, based(in the averages of t_ tal of$133,860.48) to be distributed by All gftmes postponed (rain) boys,and girls. 80 per cent, of its the Supervisors 11-c the tov­s and ;tl- RESULTS MONDAY, JULY 5 eligible enrollment. AlthoughS0 uth- corporated villages. The division is shown by the follow- Sag Harbor 6, Southold 2 old, with only 9P, pupils computing, mg table: Riverhead 5, Mattituck 0 made the highest awn"ag; seore of Apvor- To 11) tioned r.tlbi Shelter Island 9, Fort Terry 1 all schools, there was only 1.3 of a To" of Fast 11nmiton ..46,168.76 Village of Sag Harbor... 524-58 $7,483-34 point separating the four ieaders in Town of Southampton .....M252.113 Village Sao Harbor 1.285.6-1 GAMES SATURDAY, JULY 10 the State. Southold also rank; the Village Southampton 4.060-81 19,598-51 Riverhead at Southold best in the Junior 1jivkion -xith a Town of Shelter Island ... 2.319.37 Village herring llarbor.. 332.54 2,651.91 Fort Terry at Mattituck score of 57.1. The nh,,,,rsi(-al1y best Town of Southold .-_-�.� -1 1949.03 VdIW Greenport ...... 1,770.99 9,-20.02 Sag Harbor at Shelter Island Town of Ri�rerhead ........ boys of the junior division are at, NO village ............. 6,105.38 Staatsburg, where an average of 69 To"of Brookhaven ......20,799.40 Jupiter Pluvius was not lined up Village Patchogue ...... 3,191.38 was made. Southold was second. rjLage Bonport _...... 1,130.75 with Southold last Saturday, to judge Village Shoreham ..... I I q.06 o5 950'59, The Southold girls of the Junior Di- Town of Islip .............27.004.67 ' , by the copious bucketsful from the vision were third in the contest. Village Brightwatery ... 1,128.12 28.132.79 skies, and a fine program was spoiled, IJ Town of Babylon ......... 5.570.65 Village Balylon ._.... 1.907.65 hence there was no rejoicing in tbisl Much credit for the excellent; show- Village Amityville ...... 1,462J4 9,990.35 town, win or lose, over what Old Jupe ing the Southold school children Town of Huntington ....:-715,143.76 Village Northport ...._ 3,469.62 19,613.30 Pluvi had on tap; otherwise it would have made is due to Miss, Esther of � Town Smithtown ...... 6.644.29 have been a big harvest day. Sag Watson, who has been the Physical _)&_a_te*iLlia_ni A. Williams, South-I Harbor did come and Southold lost Directress for the pa,.3t two years. old,,gross,$28,196-77; net, $25,177.19; . barrel of shecke1q, a very necessary tax, W.96, rebate if paid by Sept. adjunct to running a ball club. The Letters of administration in the 20. Net estate divided as follows- Whaleas always were a pulling card I estate of Damaries Jennings, late Sarah A. WiLlianis, widow, $9,586; of peconic, who died on January Sarah E. Baker, daughter, Peconic, here, and the lot receipts from the 121, 1895, have been granted to Car- $1000- Lillie C. Young. duaghter, Pe- l would have bulged plana- aline I. Pratt. At the time of her game surely conic,, SLOW; Mary R. Williams, ger ol"Ird"Iell combination leather bank death Mrs. Jennings left surviv- Peconic; Edith Stacey, Plainfield, N. J.; Maude L. and medicine kit, until the treasurer, ing her a son, William H. Rogers. 'aug"*'er'ughter. Peconic; with the police, relieved him r estate included a mortgage daul 'r We Nellie M. 4 C, d. Hc Williams,daughter, Brooklyn; Gladys Sout)I old lost another battle Monday, for $1,200. The son did not take B� W. I Howell, (laughter, Southal when they excuraioned to Sag Harbor out letter of administration and on- William L. Williams, son, each, and engaged in the small erd of a 6 to the mortgage has never been as- ii.2165A9. signed. The son died on June 16 2 contest. It was the third straight I HSM J. Cusack is station agent of defeat the Settlers have suffered, and 1912, leaving state to Caro- his e 'the L. L R. R. at Farmingdale. line L. Pratt, cousin, who was also named as executrix. 2- a in the aiatV riounds, and naturally that Open Air Service EAST END LEAGUE laze bunch bad a bunch they had bet- Won Lost P. C. ter reserve some of their articulation Open-air Services will be held on Sag Harbor . . . . 5 1 M vaives and levers for the flnisb. But Sunday afternoons, from 3 to 5 L'clock, Riverhead 5 i 833 the same old jinx got in the;game with during the month of August, in the Southold . . . . . . 2 4 333 lour boys and tripped the jubilant hopes grove of Geo. H. Wells, adjoining the i attituck 2 4 333 of the home majority. That spirit of Presbyterian parsonage. There will be Shelter Island . . . 2 4 333 victory was sadly crushed for the good speakers from Brooklyn, Green- Fort Terry . . . . . 2 4 333 fourth consecutive time. The united part and Southold, also good music and singing. All are cordially inviteto doleful wail re-echoes, "How much d I RESULTS LAST SATURDAY longer?" This Saturday the same attend. � irl Patriotic bunch, with their willing Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Elmer, Southold 3, Shelter Island 0 thirty-fire cents per, will are occupying Sag Harbor 3, Riverhead 2 again troop of N. Y. City, tiLuck 4 with faltering stride to the same old Frank C. Norton's new bungalow at Fort Terry 5, Mat lot, where. pray, Manager Gordon, South Harbor. GAMES SATURDAY, JULY 24 show them something! Shelter Island, Miss Mary Grattan, a teacher in Southold at Shelter Island all bessnudged with war paint, from Public School No. 83, Brooklyn, ie Fort Terry at Riverhead the victory over the Whalers, will be home for the summer vacation. Mattituck at Sag Harbor our welcome (or unwelcome) guests. - Southold!won from the Islanders their A deed filed in the County Clerk's Shelter Island again sampled the wl opening lone game of the season. office at Riverhead shores that Martha R. Goldsmith of New Suffolk has sold wares of Southold and found thein to "GOLDIE' TO INDIANAPOLIS to Paul Bedell of Pecorlic 14 acres, of, be anything but to their liking. Vic - A note from Thomas S. Rice in the land on the south side of the Mal" tory perched on the banner of our Eagle Tuesday night said that Harold road here adjoining land of Georgs Il. home nine in the opening engagement E. Goldsmith of Peconic, signed by Wells. The consideration exewith th the Islanders six weeks ago, and the Brooklyn Nationals as a pitcher, by the "war tax stamps was $6,pi000. had been sent to the Indianapolis Geu'rge H. Wells to J. Addison Ba again last Saturday in the best played team ol the American Association. ker, Peconic, 5 acres rarm land south I game of the season, resulting I to 0, "He will join the Indianapolis team side Main street, Peconic, $7,500. Southold covered itself with glory in an at St. Paul immediately for develop- Henry C. Prince to Ernest C. Maier, eleventh hour finish. The inner and,I ment under Jack Hendrix," the article Southold, 9 acres south side North outer defense were working good.. and added. road, Southold, $10,000. 1 "Goldie's" wonderful pitching work Salmon pitched in great form He New Brighton Staten IalandrJuly 10, in Riverhead and also at the St. Law- Peter Mahoney, Jr., of Southold and was the goods the entire leng.rth, aow- rence University attracted the atter- Miss Mary Mildred Kennvy, a former ing but four hits, but even at Mall mediately placed on a sa tion of the Brooklyns and he with was irn- teacher in the Southold High School. pace his box mate was just as tight in lary that team- In being farmed out fora at the residence of giving bitigles. In the ninth inning season to a minor team custom of the tally for either club, Sou'ho",July 'F I merely beingr followed. the bride parents, by Rev. Eugene with nary a Bi Lea a I W. Shrigley, brother of the groom, as- Turner upset the nest of goose eggs a m Lang League friends of "Goldie, sisled Rev. I. T. Stafford, Emmett by connecting with a single to right,, L. L, and Miss and they are numerous, expect to read A. S yf Roslyn - of some good work behig done by himMg le'y I on which Cassidy rode home, scoring for the Indianapolis team. ! Doris Elinor, daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. W. 1. Hagerman. the one run of the game. $850 Per Acre I Twenty-Five Years Ago Southold Lodge MUM The Orient farmers commenced to ij",I-q €3 *4+i� � k96_ District Deputy Grand Master dig4potatoea Tuesday. Russell Taborl Potatoes sold for 50 cents a bushel, Seymour Case and staff of Greenport reports a yield of 70 barrels per acre, W. C. Albertson fitted up a room in installed the officers of Southold Lodge, and John ff. Douglass reports an even the second story of his store building 1. O. O. F., on monday evening, as betteryield-85 barrels per acre. The for the use of J. B. Terry, President of follows: the Suffolk County Mutual Insurance N. G_ Tanis price received was $10 a barrel. Mr. S. Bergen; V. G., L P I Douglass is therefore getting $8,50 per Co. Terry; War., O. A. Prince; Con., are for his potatoes. How is that for William A. Fleet of Cutchogue was Harry Jennings; I. G., W. H- Raiford; farming elected a Trustee of the Southold Sav- O. G., J. I. Fanning;- R. S. V. G., C. The Southold farmers will commenceings Bank, in place of Capt. James E. G. Corey; L. S. V. G , F. Fickeissen; digging in about two weeks or less. Horton, deceased. it. S. S., Burnett Tuthill; L. & 9., The potato crop looks very prornis- Schooner Flying Dutchman, Capt. Harold Richmond; Chaplain, John ina. 'John Shepherd of Greenport, went Breitstadti R. S. V. G- R. G. Terry; Airs. Bowland and daughter Frances! ashore just east of Horton'B Point L. S. V. G., Roland Horton. Of Brooklyn are occupying Mrs lighthouse. J. 1. Fanning was elected delegate to prince,e bouse for the summer. 1131- the Grand Lodge, with W. R. Newbold Prince has rooms at S. J. Murray's. - Mts. Carrie J. Lewishas rented as alternate. -s Ice cream and cake were served and the west part of Mrs. Julia L. Conk- , social time was had. A large num- lin's house at Creekside, ber of brethren were present. AERIAL EXPRESS STOPS Last week a flying machine visitedl AT SHELTER ISLAND ' Twenty-Five Years Ago Greenport, and during its stay here _j 'L-Y 'S 11 "'" /�_9� did a thriving business in taking up The Commuters' aerial service Rev. F. G. Leonard began his work passengers and giving them a spin planned for stops on Eastern Long 1 here as pastor of the Universalist through space at$10 a trip, which con- Island, Connecticut and Massa- church. sisted of a ten minutes' sail. Even at Care the I chusetts, made its first landing The members of 'the Don't high fee of a dollar a minute fur a near the Poggattitcut Hotel at Club were on their annual cruise, per ride in the sky, several took advantage Shelter Island Heights Thursday' sch. Lillie Ernestine, Capt. J4allock. of the rare privilege and said it was afternoon. The destination was Ports up Soun€. worth the price. Five of the plane's passengers Mrs. Annie Brien, wife of Rev. John were prominent New York men,: Brien, a former pastor of the M. E, PlaygroUnd SUPOHISOr who are stopping at Shelter Island. church, died at Woodbury, Ct. This is the first stop at Shelter Isl- Rev. E. 11. Keens and Miss Janie John D. Merwin of Southold, who and of the regular service which is Hobart Horton were married, has been attending the Y. M C. A. to continue during the summer for A local council of the Jr, C. U. A. � College at Springfield, Mass., has been the convenience of commuters. M. was organized here. elected Supervisor of the Cherry Street The plan is to have the Aero Marine Co,, now operating be- Playgrounds, Wallingf rd, Ct. The tween New York and Boston, stop EAST END LEAGUE opening was held recently and over 200 at Southampton on the eastward Won Lost P. C. children gathered to participate in the 'trip then come across the bay to 11 Riverhead 6 1 857 celebration. The spirit of the play- !,the ferry landing in front of t e i Sag Harbor . . . . 5 2 714 ground was never demonstrated in a Poggattitent, thence to New Lo i- 429 better manner. The opening feature don, and oil to Boston. The same Mattituck 4 was the raising of the flag, when all I landings will be made on the'west- Shelter Island . . . 3 4 429 1 Southold . . . . . . 2 5 286 stood at attention reciting the pledge ward trip. . . 2 5 286 to the flag. Speeches were made by Fort Terry . . The run to Shelter Island can Supervisor Aferwin, who presided, and be made in 1 hour and 1.5� minutes, others and there was chorus singing beating the best o7�prcss train " I RESULTS LAST SATURDAY The playground is splendidly equipped., vice by about two houll. . Shelter Island 11, Southold 1 John has lots of push and ability, and Potatoes ToMbIO -,-,i':10 Mattituck 4, Sag Harbor 0 we know that he will make good in his Long Island potatoes, which a week Riverhead 4, Fort Terry 2 new position. age commanded$10.00 a barrel, sold in. Decrees have been entered in the Brooklyn Tuesday for$6.00 a barrel. At the Southcdd Free Library 1 Surrogate's Court fixing a tax in the The market k, ,aid to be flooded benefit in the Universalist Church estates of John S. Lindsay, a well both Ez?,,1.crn Shore, Tvid- and on Monday evening JV1jsq Lillian known farmer of Peconic, hi A E, wife, Maude Lindsay, and their son, up,ene Jcrr,oy rotatoe., at the same �tiyrpc-, Whiting delighted her audii-nee with Lindsay, all or whom died with'i'll a which hars knocked the props out of her recital of the play "Thc Boom- 1'(-%v months of each other. It is, tluitg the mLn-ket for all kinds, even the I erang." Miss Melva Itockefeiler of unusual to have three estaLos ill one Lar-famed Long Islands- Southold, and Mrs. Harry Snow d' I'amily taxed at the game time. Agnes Golden, gross value, $9,- ' The gross value of the e,:,_La',e left 038.66; tax, $367.82. The net es- Worcester, Mass., gave vocal 1,r- Mr. Lindsay, who died 11"S tate valued at $7,356.40 is equal-, with Mrs. May Hummel and M;.. li'e'n appraised at $29,091.64 by Trwi,�. ly divided between two cousins, Vera Terry as accompanists. liar'- I rer Tax Appraiser Arthur M. Tuslm' William E. Glover, of Milwaukee, old Booth of Southold rendered a and a.decree has been entered fixing Wis., and Agnes White, of Kansas violin solo, and Edgar Orffinloir of .1 tax of $117.52, subject to a rebate 1 City. if paid by August 8- The net estate, %,a n rs. Lawrence Horton of New York a piaro recital. ,�_jjrjejl at $26,280.12, was divided u Br y ji are to move to Southold follows: d M Maude Lindsay, v;,i^low, 528.04; Eugene W. Lindsay anti and will live with their father, Beni. Navy Balloon Iands Russell E. Lindsay, sons, each Horton. A Navy balloon, from Rockaway, �10,876.04. Mrs. Minna H. Edwards sailed this containing five Navy men, landed on The gross value of the estRte of week for Weesp, Holland, where she the Margaret Vail Farm, North Road, Mrs. Lindsay has been apprai`;ed a at will visit her daughterr, Mrs. D. J. Vat, Peconic, early Wednesday morning. $6,198.21, and it is exempt from t X- -Lion, net estato i,� valued at outen, Jr. They left Rockaway Tuesday after- f.,I The $5,066.19, which goes to Ri •ell E. Greenport, July 11, at the ]Flospit.,noon, and were obliged to land on Lindsay and the Suffolk Gofury Trust account of the cold air. They had on Company, as adminis-Li'at a], of pneumonia, Meryl, daughtel board a cage of carrier pigeons- 'One, gene W. Lindsay. of Samuel White, colored, of South 1 with a message wired to its leg,was re- Miss Mary Kenney, who has a fir, old, 2y. leased Wednesday morning, and started! Sposition as teacher in the school at, c , direct for Rockaway. The balloon outhola, July 17, George Eimer, y. Corry, Pa., is home for the summer. g�d 64 years, 10 months. started on its way Wednesday morning Kings Pa,k, July 14, Edward Barth, o I at 1) Her aunt, Miss Kate Kenney, who has f rmarly of Southold, aged 46 years. 'clock. been with tier, is also at home. Rev. Wm. H. Murray, a former pas- Twenty-Five Years Ago 1 Fire in chimney tor, will preach in the Universalist ' �` 4` { The alarm of fire was svunde Tues- church Sunday morning. 11Murray 1 Rev. F G Leonard commenced his f'da .15 o'clock ana-the has a responsible advisory position with I y afternoon, at 5 llacmillans, Publishers, for which his ''Fork,here as pastor of the Universalist Fire Department quickly responded. scholarship and literary ability well fit church` l'be eouth-east chimney in Gen. H. him. His many friends will welcome J. P. Lowery of gag Harbor was fit- Wells' residence was on fire. Fortu- an opportunity to hear him again in his tjng up his new drug store in the Korn nately the fire was soon under control, oI d pulpit. There will be violin selec- building. and no damage of any consequence was The annual picnic of the M. E. Sun- done. One of the other chimneys in tions 6y Miss Jean Murray. y day School was held at Fleet's Neck' this house, the south-west one, got Our commission men, W. C. Albert- Cutehogue. afire in the same manner several years son Co,, P. J. Mahoney, and O. V. Chas. E, Overton and Geo. H. Terry ago, when Samuel Dickerson was the Penney, loaded potatoes the forepart of purchased the Harriet N. Cole place. owner of the place, and quite a little the week. The price paid was $2.40 The Ladies' Society of the Presbyter damage was done before the flre was per bushel. The yield varies all the ion church presented Aunt 3erusha put out. way from 100 to 225 bushels per acre. Dow's Wonderful Family Album Orlando W. Wells writes us from Mrs. J. L. Conklin took the part of Georgetown. "Although only seven Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Francis of Aunt Jerusha to perfection. degrees from the Equator, it is not so LaGrange, Ill., and Mrs, K. G. Huyler The foll6wing officers were elected at hot. Evenings are delightful, being of N. Y. City are visiting Miss Addie the annual school meeting: Trustee, right on the ocean. Leave here in few Aston. Mrs. Huyler will spend the G. S. Conklin; Clerk, Wm. IL Glover; weeks for Trinidad, Venezuela, Colum- mrnmer with Mr, and Mrs. Francis at Collector, P. H. Cantermen; Librarian, bia and Panama. La Grange. IL S. S. Shaw. It was voted to raise Dr. Isaac Franklin Russell of Brook- Mrs. J. N. Halloek is taking a course $1525 by tax, Iyn is visiting old Southold friends. He 1 The following gentlemen scent on the in "Americanization" at the Harvard is always s welcome visitor at our of- annual cruise of the Don't Care Club, fice. Dr. Russell has a warm place in Summer School I the destination being ports a Sound: ,. p his heart for our village, where as a 1`1m a;k 1 H ,i� ds €„ 1 111 C Thw1i.. F. T. Wells, J. H. Boisseau, H. W-1 boy he spent three of the happiest years �ne1, lut Ss Sound Vi' wr ave, `li 1,"141 Prince, Rev. D. W. Howell, Rev. D.1 of his life in the Methodist parsons C Marg'arct Conway, 11ur.t s H. Overton, Chas. G. Corey, J. E.• parsonage.' - i1ou,` Corey, Win. H. Terry, Wm. H. Beebe, Paunionok Inn & Cottage Colony, r,0Y SCOUTS AT CAMP Geo. R. Jennings, Ezra G. Beebe, L. Inc., to Charles Ehlen &w, lot 100x150 The Boy Scouts of Suffolk f null_ W. Koen, A. T. Dickerson, H. G. ft at Horton;s .Paint, adj land of Mina ty opened their calm) at Rcpcky Howell, J. N. Hallock and Jabez Cor- Edwards, ok In lel, non, win of Riverhead. The trip was made c to Louise Inn cot Cottage Colony, Point, six miles east a:1f Port J off- on ash. Lillie Ernestine Cat Hallvek. Inr, to Louise L Balll;ert, lot 100x100 arson last Saturday. =fibwit_ 75 p it, Zt Morton's Point, adj land of Mina Have enrolled thus far. 11 Edwards, Southold, nom The outing will extend over EAST END LEAGUEMina H Edwards to Charles Ehlen gl ace pel•iods of ten days each and &w, lot 100x150 ft at Horton's. Point, ani- S:oltt mai-have the privilege Won Lost P. C. adj land. of Alfred Busch, Southold, apf renlainin; through the full Sag Harbor . . . . fi 2 750 novo l month if he so desires. Riverhead . . . . C?,lfrcrl B Busch �fzw to Louise L J, 17. IlrjTe is to be C Lii,,,3 Direc- Shelter Island. . . , 4 2 7501 B-mc t, lot 100x104 ft at Horton's tor, He vain 1.,2: a ,,atecl by 'Sheri- Southold 4 4 500 P,}int, adj land of Mina H Edwards, 3 5 375 ,c,'outhold, nom Ilan Linn, Ea,pe�.t (1 iumer and Mattituck . . . . . 3 5 375 Ernest Leicht &w to George R Jen Johnny Burns of I'frtc.}logue, Mr. Fart Terry . . . . . 2 6 2'50 ning , 1-2 acre n s 1, 1 R R, aclj land! Hermic U,, of Southampton, Shirley of James Carey, Southold, noir Iiav,kins of Greenport and C. A. GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 1 T. Uordfm bar, ce,:;;frIll y i„oved vii,gstone of Sete,uket, $fr. Drue plan.; to have the bOY', Sag Harbor at Southold )the Sarah.foundation, ra»i�l:=nee onto nsported to tate camp in votor Riverhead at Mattituck the new foundation, some v0 fret east 1 l of the former one, t ars of r'olunteer citizens. Fort Terry vs. Shelter Island _ - - Col. Arthur Johnson, cnnimand_ at Greenport Mrs Sarah Jane Thomas of Farm- ing Camp Upton, has shown pleiix_ ingdale, L. I., is visiting her old South- did co-operation and has assisted RESULT'S LAST SATURDAY � old friends. the heads of Suffolk County C01111- Southold 7, Fort Terry 1 4T tI'he price of potatoes dropped to$1.25 cil to a great extent by furnishing Sag Harbor 3, Riverhead 2 � per be the forepart of the week. several tents for the boys and Shelter Island 4, Mattituck 1 The outlook is not very encouraging through Lieut. Col. Ovenslibie a for the farmers. At that price there gilan. has been detailed to drill the The bottom fell out of the potato I is very little in potatoes, even if one -0. market the latter part of last week and has a good crop. On Wednesday„ we there was no demand at any price. are glad to state, the price went up to n&Edwards are building a lar l e' rhe trouble is that the New York slid,- $1.60 per bushel. The farmers would ition to their plant. p;rs cannot get vessels to ship to Cuba not dig them at $1.25, unless they had and elsewhere. to clear the ground for another crop. On Thursday evening, July 22nd, at Twenty-Five Years Ago WON Of TOWU Board the M. E. parsonage at Freeport, N. Thdlannual picnic of the M. E. Sun- The Southold Town Board met at the Y., by Rev. E. A. Burnes; Miss Grace office Of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, A. Pease Gardiner was married to day School was held at Fleet's Neck, Friday, Aug. 6, 1920. Present, Super- Corp. Matthew A. Smalldon, a world Cutchogue. visor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Jus- R. S. Sturges was ceiling the second t- Griffin, Corey,and Terry, Supt war veteran of Fortress Monroe, Va. story of F. Gomez's store building I Ices The bride is the daughter of Mr. and - Highways Fleet, Counsel Case -of Mrs. S. Harvey Gardiner and grand- Cassidy Bros. caught a 400-lb stur- Ifealth Officer Peterson. daughter of Mrs. H. A. Gardiner and geon in their pound. Bid of the Southold Lighting Com Mrs. H. F. Pease, both of Southold. Mrs. J. N. Hallock returned from pany for lighting the Southold Lighting Cambridge, Mass., where She took a District, with 64 lamps of I burner, A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. cause in physiology and hygiene at the acetylene gas, for the sum of$1,600, Tunis Bergen on July 30th—Norman Harvard Summer School. for the term of one year, Provided the Newbold. Potatoes sold for 40 cents a bushel. Company is able to purchase the car. Southold, July 30 W. C. Albertson chipped 2,000 bushels bide, was accepted. It was voted to Conway, aged 76 years,Mrs. Margaret in one day. enter into contract with said Southold Cutchogue, Aug. 2, Mrs. Margaret Rev. Abram Conklin gave an illustra- Lighting Company to do the work on Burns, aged 81 years. ted lecture on England and Scotland. said terms. Mr. Conklin and his brother recently Bid of Cicero B. King of Orient Southold SCOUIS al RIVerhead I made a pedestrian tour through some for maintaining and lighting the keno- Last Saturday, August 7ththe Boy I of the most interesting places in those sene lamps in the streets of School Scouts of Troop 1, Southold: went to countries Dist. No. 2, Orient for the terra of one An order of the Jr. O. U. A Riverhead to a meet held on the Fair, A. M. was year, for the sum of $650, was accept- organized with the following officers: Grounds. There was to have been sev-I It was voted to enter into a con. eral other troops there, but for un- Past Councilor, W. A. Clark;Councilor, ed tract with Mr. King to do the wolk on C. T. Gordon; Vice Councilor, 1. S. these terms. known reasons none showed up hilt Boisseau; Warden, F. E. Hutchinson; Southold and Riverhead. There were Secretary, H. R. Shipherd; Fi4ancial Uon't forget ten events, and they started about I Secretary, F. G. Prince; Treasurer, W. That Rdrold Booth is TIOW Soleprc. o'clock p, m., regardless of the weath- A. Smith; Conductor, F. E. Booth- prietor of the Lunch Room in tk.e er. Chaplain, H. W. Simons; Inside Guard' -Baumann buildiug, and has cake, crul. The event,,were as. follows: A. 0. Cafe; Outside Guard, G. H. lerg and pies in variety, and will 60 yd. Dash, Jr. Robert Booth, 3d Prince;Trustees, R. T. Morrell, L. P. furnish meals in good shape if Proper 60 yd. Sr. Harry Case, 2d Wilkinson, W. A. Clark. It was voted notice is given; and he can satisfy any i0o yd. " Jr. Robert Booth, 2d to hire the hall over F., Gomez's store reasonable appetite on immediate call. 100 yd, " Jr. Francis Carroll, 3d for headquarters. lee cream of, various , sorts served plain 100 yd. " Sr. Donald Robinson, 1st The annual Harvest Home, under the or in the common or less ordinary con- 100 yd. - Sr. . Harry Case, 31 direction of Prof. D. P. Horton, was binations of the Present day. Soft, high Jump Donald Robinson, 1st held at Oak Lawn. There was a grand sweet, fame drinks, of.course. Pule Vault 16 M bicycle parade, preceding the exec- Healso maintains a Victrola, which h 1220 yd. Dash 19t cines in the grove. Prof. Horton presid. will play On Call. Now and again the Running Broad Jump 1st ed. Prayer was offered by Rev. D. String Trio plays there to the delight J Mile Itace. Lost to Riverhead W. Howell. Addresses were made by and satisfaction of all there, and no 1760 yd. Relay Race Won by Southold PrIlf. Isaac Franklin Russell, Rev. D. hat is Passed. Team: Harry Case H. Overton, Rev. F. G. Leonard, and The village should generously help to Robert Booth Rev. D. W. Howell. About 800 people support such a convenient and neces- Eugene Lehr Donald Robinson were present on this joyous occasion. nary utility for its own benefit, and I,- Each Scout in this team received a duce the Public to patronize it as well. gold medal, and for this event also se- Misses Helen Booth and France SIMPLE SIMON cured the cup. The prizes may lie Leiebt'have been enjoying a week's The suit of Peter Smith against John seen in one of H. M. Hawkins' win. outing at the Y. W. C. A,Camp at Mt. Morrell of Riverhead for the death of flows. Sinai, L. I. his son, who was run over by Mr. Mor. All the Scouts had a fine time, and Edward C Osborn &ors to Chas A' rell's,car while coasting down the Sav- the Scouts of Troop I all agreed that Knesal, lot s s Main highway, adi land ings Bank hill, has been settled in the they couldn't ask for finer feiluws than Of Presbyterian parsonage, 'CutchogSurrogate's Court. Mr. the Riverbead Scouts to compete Mi 0 mue, ceived $350. Smith against. David T Conklin &w to Stanton If possible, these meets will be made Mott, 1-2 acre adi land of Stanton A. T. Dickerq-bn is having great In Mott and David T Conklin, Southold, annual, and no doubt the next one will nom. with his set-net. On Thursday mor-- bigger and more Of a Success. , I ing he caught 100 fish, far in excess of I Cutchogue, Aug. 1, by Rev., Joseph Cizmonski, Ludwik Sawastynowiez the catch of some of the older fisher- 47 and Miss Stafka Doroski, both of men. Cutchogue. ����,i�l��,� wflr� The potato market is very dull and at There will be no preaching services present there is no demand at any in the Methodist and Presbyterian price. The price fell 75 cents a barrel churches on Sunday evenings during During the severe ng struck storm sev- in Wallobcut Market on Tuesday. A the month of August. Friday night, lightning The pre, of cabbage ranges from era] places near here. The house of few were loaded here the forepart of in.which is the Fe- the week at$1.25 per bushel. one to two cents a head. String beans Mrs. Annie Prince,office, was struck and ball conic post oy Assistant Postmuster J. Irving Fan- sell for$1.00 to$1.25 a basket. Onions art of the house ning, as Representative of Southold sell from 50 to 75 cents a hamper- damaged. The rear p no one was all blown out. Fortunately Lodge, I. O. O. F`., is attending the The market is otf an potatoes and our was hurt. The barn on Daniel H. Ilor- sessions of the Grand Lodge at the. dealers have had orders to stop loading- ton's farm at eay View was struck and Metropolitan Temple, N. Y. City, this ?rice has been $1.50 this week. a horse was partly paralyzed for some week. Lima Beans are selling from $1 50 to time. The steeple of the EastbutMrs. Nancy Kane of Patchogue, for- Baptist church wss struck, merly of Peconic, mother of Mrs. U3.00 per bag. much damage was done. A bolt hit a Thomas M. Hodgins of this village, Twenty-Five Years Ago yacht lying in Greenport harbor. died on Friday. The interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Southold, on •�- Gwt r '7r7 J. E 'Corey built a shoe shop for E. POTATOES SELLING FOR Monday. Leicht just south of his residence. $1 A BUSHEL WHOLESALE Mrs, Flora B. Bliss, daughter Bar-j Mrs. Stuart T. Terry f urchased the ,The wholesale price of early pota- bara and son John of Brooklyn are oc-f George Fischer place on Main Street toes in most of the loading stations, cupying E. D. Cahoon's bungalow at for$2,000. in thin section dropper] to $1 a bush- the Sound. In one day W. C, Albertson loaded cl this week and a r umbel- of car.; 1;ren H Richmond &W to Lyilia P' 3500 Irusnela of potatoes, at 40 cents were loaded on Weclnes4lE;y at that 1 1-2 acres s s highv�ay! per bushel. priee. The growers claiyn that it cost Rosenberg, The annual reunion of the alumni of them about $1.50 a bushel to raise leading to Indian Neck Point, aalj land the early spade, but they are not of Mary L Wiles, Indian Neck, m! Southold Academy was held. Talks anxious to hold them much longer for conic, were given by Rev. D. H. Overton, fear of rot. There doesn't appear to Faith Baldwin to Josephine E GO-1 Rev. Dr. Whitaker, Rev. J. B. Free- be a very heavy demand for them at r,ey lot No 111 on n}ap of Nassau 1 a bushel. no"I man, Miss L. C. fond. and J. N. Hal- $ Point, Southold, I lock; Puss Mary H. Rowell gave an The crop of late potatoes does not Southold, Aug. 14, by Rev. John G. look very promising, blight having Hehr, George L. Gaffga and Mrs. exercise with Indian clubs; Miss Min- already appeared in some fields. nie E. Terry gave a recitation,and Miss Laura Crugar Schaefmawsr, pany at Anna Prince sang a solo. The follow- The Marconi Radio con' ing officers were elected : Pres., T. M. Rocky Point is experimenting with' EAST END LEAGUE C. Shipherd; 'Vice Pres., .hiss Mary H. sugar beet raising and have 5 acres Won Lost P000 Howell and Charles H. Dayton; See., of&-, vegetable growing on the fois r- Riverhead 3 0 1000 Miss May B. Case; Tress., H. G. El- mer farm of Amos Laws, tiy. The Sag Harbor . now ovhmed by the company. and Southold . . 1 2 333 mer. ere looks fine and promising, 2 333 Mrs. Hannah L. Goldsmith died, aged whe i gathered will be made into Mattituck . 1 52 years. sugar as a test. We understand the'i Fort Terry . . . . . 1 2 3u3 venture is under the p- _ _ sonal super- Shelter Island 0 3 000 personal 1 EAST END LEAGUE vision of Frank Fleet, of Cutchogue, 2� Won Lost P. C. a sugar beet expert, who has been 727 employed by the company for this RESULTS LAST SATURDAY 8 3 � Riverhead Mattituck 5, Southold 4 414 innings} Sag Harbor . . . . 7 3 700 purpose.� Riverhead 5, shelter Island 4 Shelter Island • 5 5 600 A very pleasing union song service Sag Harbor 4, Fort Terry Mattituck - 5 5 6110 400 was held in the Presbyterian church 'Southold 4 Sunday evening before a large congre-. GAMES SATURDAY, JULY 3 2 6 400 Fort Terry 182 gation. Solos were sung by Miss Sag Harbor at Southold Melva Rockefeller of Southold and Miss Riverhead at Fort 'ferry GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 Imogene Beebe and W. Nelson Moore Mattituck at Shelter island Southold at Sag Harbor of Cutchogue, a dust by Mrs. E. L. GAMES MONDAY, JULY 5 Riverhead at Fort Terry Conklin and John H. Lehr, and there Southold at :ag Harbor Mattituck vs. Shelter Island was singing by the choir and congrega- Mattituck t Riverhead at Greenport tion. Miss Mary Conklin played organ solos. Shelter Island at Fort 'ferry RESULTS LAST SATURDAY Riverhead 2, Fort Terry 0 Salvatore Tedeschi of Riverhead wall WAtituck's ambition to win a ga Riverhead 4, Fort Terry 1 open a shoo repairing and shoe shining was gratified last Saturday on th Sag harbor 7, Shelter Island 0 shop in the building adjoining the own playground. Beating South Mattituck 1, Southold 0 Library, on Beckwith Ave. and nailing up their first victory of t season, after a fourteen inn nings and nose out Riverhead for un- Twenty-Five Years Ago at 5 to inning cora , test, emerging with a 4 score disputed possession of upper berth. 2,-1 &.<3�4o v, will hearten them to co i end soon. �At a little after 3, word was flashed to Large quantities of potatoes were Mattituck is a game burgh, the city that the Whalers' ship had being shipped at 35 cents a bushel. has never tolerated anything but clean been cited in the offing under forced Henry W. Prince was elected a trus- baseball, and its manly crew of hall,speed,somewhat belated, and therefore tee of the Southold Savings Bank. players deserve all the winnings that would be allowed to dock without Large shipments of cauliflower were they can tuck under their belts. The--.r quarantine. As soon as advised, Man- shipped from here. The price was ability to bit won this long encounter, ager Gordon hopped into his super- very low, some netting only 15 cents a but minus excuses, Southold had the eight without opening the clear-way, barrel. game twice won before the twilight and flew noise(less)ly to corral up his Southold Academy was to open Sept. sessions. Too fol-de-rol of a couple of scattered forces. Sheriff Booth, in his 3d, with Miss Minna L. Hummel, A. poor throws by Southold carried the new patrol motor vehicle,was forced far B as Principal, and Clement G. El- �game hnvond the allotted nine stanzas down the turnpike in allowing the man- ;�,r, A. B., as assistant instructor, and pulled our boys down with the of to pass. Hesitating as to the advis- Miss Minnie E. Terry was to conduct a i miscues, ability of making another arrest, he al- class in voice training and reading. EAsrr END LEAGUE lowed the opportunity to escape, and The Union School was to open Sept. Won Lost P. C. on learniDg the cause of the c0mm0- 3d with S. S. Shaw as Principal; Miss Sag Harbor 6 3 667 tion, also entered in the round-up. Maud Terry, Intermediate, and Miss Riverhead . 6 3 667 A nine of sufficient strength was finally Margaret Deals, Primary. At the Shelter island 5 4 556 rushed to the then mud field to engage special school meeting, by a vote of 32 Southold . . . . . . 4 5 444 the visitors. The result was unlooked to 12, it was voted to change our dis- Mattituck . . . . . 4 5 444 for from both angles, and the Whalers trict school to a union school. Henry Fort Terry . . . . . 2 7 222 departed in a rather dejected mood. C. Prince and Wm. H. Terry were elec- This Saturday, at 3:30, Mattituck will ted members of the Board of Educa- GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 be with us, flushed with their last vie- tion, to act with the present Trustees, Mattituck at Southold tory over Riverhead, and the going for G. S. Conklin, W. C. Albertson and A. Fort Terry at Riverhead our home nine will not be rosy. An- R. Vail. Shelter Island at Sag Harbor other hasty round-up, or earnest prac- Mr. and Mrs. William Watts Ove-ton tice, will be necessary to set back that celebrated their 60th wedding anniver- RESULTS LAST SATURDAY hitting bunch of welcome invaders. i sary. 1 It's a safe gamble that when the frost John S. Vail died, aged 76 years. Southold 2, Sag Harbor 1 "7 Mis an the pumpkin, Shelter Island will Mattituck 2, Riverhead 1 (15 innings) Shelter Island 13, Fort 'Terry 5 have the flag. That club, recently a EAST END LEAGUE basement contender, is now shaking Southold "bloomed"themselves to at, clear from the dust of the mighty. Won Lost P. C. unexpected victory last Saturday wbew Riverhead . . . . . 9 3 750 they took a close game from Sag Har-I FORD ON GARDINER'S ISLAND Sag Harbor 7 4 636 bur by 2 to 1, the Whalers making For the first time in the history Mattituck 6 5 545 their lone tally in the ninth inning. of Gardiner's Island an nutomo- Southold 5 6 455 It was a hastily arranged game, for at bile is to be seen there. It's a Ford Shelter Island 5 6 455 and it is kept busy taking the men noon time Old Jup Pluvius let loose & back and forth from their shack to Fort Terry . 2 10 167 delulge upon the dry earth, and partic their work on the new docks, ularly the ball garden, so that a map;which Ralph Preston is building GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 had to be consulted to locate where the for Clarence Mackay. Mattituck at Southold paths should be. By getting the range, Shelter Island at Riverhead with the aid of an old cherry tree far The Merchant Marine steamer Fort Terry at Sag Harbor to the "lu'ard" athwart the field'West Langla, loaded with cotton out (which apparently exurberantly of New Orleans, La., arrived in RESULTS LAST SATURDAY thrived thereonthe boundary line for Manchester, Eng., on the 19th inst. Southold 7, Sag Harbor 0 the sole purpose of affording cooling shade to those who chose to witness Clement Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. MattitucRiverk 3. Shelter Island 2 the weekly combats these many years M. I. Booth, is 2d Mate of this ves- head 11, Fort Terry I and escape admission fees), and taking sel. While in port on the other side Sag Harbor's shut-out by Sokilliold�l soundings, it was thought the diamond Mr. Booth will be the guest of the was a staggering blow to the players was still there, but the manager called Ist Mate, whose home is in Liver- and supporters of the defeated team the game off and gave his athletes pool. The vessel on the return trip and a big surprise to fans veneratly on. Sag Harbor was- in the eastern part, of the county. Ian open afternoon. is expected to reach tne States on Southold got 10 hits off "Big Ed" game and, notwithstanding the flood,�Sept. 17. Wagner, and Al. Salmon, Sout.hold's came ten miles from across the bay on south-paw, allowed but 3. The "First its waves to add percentage to its win- Settlers" got their fir-it run in the fourth inning; they put five auross in, the eighth and added another in tile ninth. ' 261 p SAG H&RBOR I Greenport, Aug 19, Silas J. Baker, Turner got that in the sixth stanza_ ah r 11 b a e formerly of Southold, aged 77 years. It Was due. to Slags Reeve, though, t a» 3b. •....•. 4 4 n 1 i Interment at Cuichogue. I that at least one more hit wasn't LL 3 +0 n 1 I t'' New Suffolk, Aug. 2, James ilin I made for it was Slats, with a great rtr, c. ...... a tt 1 ri I i g• g. . , 3 It 1 1;: o formerly of Southold, aged 65 years. one-hand stab, who choked Salmon's -n r. e 4 U 0 j 1 Interment at St. Patrick's Cernetery, hot liner over first. During the game l iYagner, "b. ...... 1 u tt p Southold. Mattituck corralled seven hits off Sal- Fl E. s.s- ........ 3 Q 1 r Cr �ier, r.r. 4a I — — —t —tt —to Twenty-Five Years Ago Totals ............ :.'7 1 t 'T 11 F. .4L 2, fiyu,ss / '`yu Changes and Improvement SOrrTHOLr1 The Locust Grove school opened, The home of the late Albertson Case, at) r h n a e Esq. is certainly undergoing a change. ' sidy, 3t, 1 1 2 5 r, with Mr. Allen as principal. His daughter,Mrs. Hirsch, has had the tb, stet ....•..- 1 1 I s 1 Miss Ada Terry entered the aswego ;tl3�ehran, e.. . 4 tI a house moved.east to the center of her Imarg P. .......,,. 4 1 to 1- i, State Normal School. lot, some windows and a fine piazze ad- tras+Eer , ........ t t • n 1 n Misses Annie Korn and Dora Quart ttzaeh, `'-f. •••.••^••• .t 0 1 al u y deo, and the entire interior remodeled illftr, rb. .......... 4 o I 13 o tr returned to the Oneonta State Normal heat- 1"e7, r.f. ..,...... 3 0 o t, tr 41 School, with the modern improvements of heat- ott 1-17. ............11 1 _j ®tr o ing, water service, and electric wiring. Cauliflower was of very poor quality. g• t,:rts •�- When finished this residence will add ... ..... ..,, 13 1 t 2 I t 1 Miss Elizvbeth Terry entered the On- much to the appearance of this beauti- yatael r'4rnrc tic„yah I i, I. 1t,n,I,aSe eonta .State Normal School.. Its—Str Asea r jeh , ;,arrtn<., I,sr� The Southold 'Town Board a ful old village.' I uke Porten L I i tt tl anise, appointed Another change is noted in the addi- @tn1,n 8trock -tt � rtagner, Z,;” J. L. Reeve of Mattituek, a Town Sahnoto Bast. „ t�atlw ort Wag � 'Trustee, its place of James A. Gilder- t'o'n which Mr. Ernest Leicht has made r, a ort �altnlrc I Crit by r+ttriter— 1 to his frontage by Navin atnar„a, I era 1s, L,n,ab1e t,fays—E, sleeve, deceased. g his shop anter to t ttt` r t° 1t° a�ar ucr tt, Potatoes sold at 35 cents, and no moved into his dooryard on the west Iver; baw5e er to F. i4aea,e to I lrtea. side near the Savings Bank thus ob- CR 9q t b yak erri.rrt, a F;n¢tthrAl,l, great demand at that. g r Htth, t,n!1. iris err,r tis Tlar9an,^ s uring a fine view of the east aide of gra+ire t, t 1°mr,tre It,liar,st. I tine Fifty people from Southold attended. he, ,-- I hr. ;t. min. the Firemen's Tournament at Sayville. that substantial edifies. Utility has at Witte srorx by tnnin least been gained by this move, even at i •t r, t1 s James 1e Carroll and Miss Mary Ga- g Fl;arbrAr ,-... „ n „ n ai ,i ,a n ft--tr gen were marded, the expense, perhaps, of other concom- ath'A d .. I „ 0 II a 1-7 Walter Panzlalf died, aged 17 years, itants. The great. convenience of hav- 'The Potato UnttuoK ing a cobblery in the business center of EAST END LEAGUE the village' not to mention the obvious T'he Potato Market looks better. advantage of being able, during the ere is more of a demand, and the 'Won Lost P. C. absence of the proprietor on other busi• rice went up to $1.30 per bushel on Riverhead . 10 3 769 neas, to look thru the large plateglass ednesday. The price started hereat Sag Harbor . . . . 8 4 667 window and note if the necessaryre- .00 per bushel, then gradually fell Mattituck . , 7 5 533 lairs to one's shoes have been mae is til only $1 25 was paid, Potatoes Southold . . . . . . 5 7 417 no small item. The sound of the tap. Id as low as$1.00 in Riverhead. The Shelter Island . 5 7 417 ping hammer will doubtless keep time eather is cooler, potatoes are more bort Terry . 2 11 154 to the music of the neerby vi trolls, ature, and the shipping trade to Cuba and when darkness hides the as begun. The absence of this trade o£ this chars appearance was one great reason of the low price GAMES SATURDAY, SEPT. 4 change there will still be auric- of early potatoes. Many farmers would Southold at Riverhead ular proof that the soles of the inhabi- a not sell at $1 25 and ridged up their Mattituck at Fort Terry tants are being made whole, and the early crop of Cobblers in the field. Sag Harbor vs. Shelter Island ravages of wear and tear, in process of at Greenport neat and skilful repair. The outlook,. S. Edgar Tuthill is erecting a porta- LABOR DAY the inlook and the onlook will be in- ble house for Howell T. Fisher at the Fort Terry at Southold etructive, stimulating and suggestive. Sound. — Sag Harbor at Mattituck The outlooker can view from afar the Lynbrook, Aug.—, iverhead vs, Shelter Island approach of those who may be corning g•— 'PW, Van de Water and Miss Alicee,, daughter of at Greenport for their footgear and redoub:e his ef- Wm. P. Conway, formerly of Green- forts to have it finished on call, the in. port. RESULTS LAS r SATURDAY looker will be reminded of the adage, Brentwood, Aug- 2`3 Sag Harbor 9, Fort Terry 4 (forfeited) "By industry we thrive,” and the on- at Dr. Ross' Mattituck 2, Southold 0 411� Y looker cannot fail to note h w unique� 5anitariam, fallowing an operation Riverhead 5, Shelter Island 1 architectural effects bring out startling for abscess of the stomach,Rev.Dan'1 Riverhead wasn't the only team in' contrasts. .We have long desired elec- H.Qtierton, Pastor, of the Islip Pres- the League to play the Big League tricity and had almost given up hope; byterian Church, and father of IZt:v stuff. Mattituck likewise gave a true but now Providence has set a Leicht Daniel H. CIverton, jI-.,Pastor of the to life illustration of the same brand, plant right in our midst and when Mattituck Presbyterian Cliurch 5Qy, of btall when Southold Lawyer eto It was a flee properly lit up and in running order the Burial at Southold. game all the way through, with John Conditions will no doubt be sufficiently Barker pitching to a one-hit tune—I electrical to illumine the place enough to suit the public. SIMPLE SI3toN �3 0 Pal R00fley'S Shff,.�,j Miss Mary E. Kenney, accompanied by her aunt, Miss Kate Kenney, re- EAST END LEAGUE Pat Roney and Marion Bent gave a turned to Corry, Pa,, this week, where Won Lost P. C. great treat to all lovers of Vaudeville, the former will resume her sellool Riverhead . . . . . 10 4 714 in Belmont Hail Wedne0ay 6ening. duties. Sag Harbor . . . . 8 5 615 They were assisted by Pat Rooney's Mattituck 8 5 615 Celebrated JPz7 Band, Pat.Rooney, Jr., -t Miss Mary,McCaffery, a graduate f Shelter Island . . . 6 7 462 and several other vaudeville artists be Greenport Training Class, 11, Southold . . . . . . 6 8 429, from N. Y. City. The show waa'te6ch the-Bay View school this cnm ing Bound Avenue . . . 3 12 200� simply great and every number on th2 Year. _School will open Sept, 7th. I program was heartily encored. After — RESULTS LAST SATURDAY The annual reunion of the Sixth New the entertainment, dancing was enjoy- York Cavalry, of which Geo. S. Prince Southold 7, Riverhead 2 4,0�9 ed, and there was some fancy dancing is a member, took Place at Brooklyn on Shelter Island 7. Sag Harbor 3 by members of the company. The en-lWednes6y. Mattituck 13, Sound Avenue 2 tertainment will be repeated in Green- The Southold High School will open port Thursday evening, and in Matti- LABOR DAY tuck Friday evening, and we advise nextTuesday- The second grade, Miss Sound Avenue 11, Southold 7 Ne our friends in those villages to patrop- Marguerite Howell teacher, will be in Riverhead 4, Shelter Isl'd 4 (12 in.) ize it. the west room of the Albertson Home. Mattituck 2, Sag Harbor 2 (14 in Mr. Rooney said he was going to do- The wooden steps to the Metho nate the procoeds of the show towards dist Church are to be replaoed with ISOUTHOLD building_g bathing raft for Town Har- ab r h o FL bor. Next year he hopes to give an cement ones. Cassidy. ah. ........ 5 1 1 2 1) Booth, S,S. -------,-- ,, 41 1 0 :t Cochran c. -­.... .. 4 1 1 entertainment t, start a fund for th E. Leicht has movad his shoe-shop Prince, c.f. ......... 4 2 n 0 purchase of motor fire apparatus. Th from his lot on Beckwith Ave. to his Salmon, ri. ......... 4 1 :1, 1 Strasser, 21)� .......* 4 1 1 0 publicsljiritof Mr. Rooney is read front yard on Main Street. Diller, lb. �.......... 4 n 2 10 o 2 appreciated by the people of Southold. i Gomez, r.f.. ......... .4 0 0 1 o an The potato market continues very Scott, Lf. ........... 2. 0 0 0 A Bad Accident dull, tr and there is very little dern Totals ........1�1; 7 10 �7 111 , , , On Wednesday evening, about 8 p1VT-R111AD1) 1, o'clock, a,,3 Henry Wilkinson was cross-1 Southitl], Aug. 28, Mrs. Anna Hum- i. stark, r-f. ........`t4 I in g the street in front of J. E. Coch-1 mel, aged 77 years, 4 minths, 27 days. Berdan, :31). ..... 4 0 2 2 co-nivell, C- 4 A 1 1 1 ran's st,ire, lie was bit by an afitorno- Carjej,:Lo, 11.,. o 3 1 ........ 4 We(kwned and driven by W. F. Moore. Twenty-FiVO Years Ago mit,-Ildi, I.r. 4 1 2 SO t- Y"— 4tkl-k, s. 2 0 A 11 1, 1' Dr. Stokes was called, and Mr. Moore lvt �, . ...... 4 0 0 K 11 :� I i took Mr. Wilkinson to the E. L. I. School began at Bay View, with 0- 4 41 0. .......... 0 q o 1; 1 hospital, where it was found that his F. Payne as teacher. — — — collar hone and leg were broken. potatoes were selling for 30 cents a Thrt 9 27 17, I'W.-I,ase ' hht CABBAGE $10 A TON bushel. W stal'k. The Huntington Long Islander says J. E. Corey was making alterations OZ. , sacriflue fly -v 141 a r1i. ,oOpn, — Cn I-.I , that -cabbage is a glut on the market in the residence of M. B. Van Dusen ivpuis. Farne(l inns S',1[tiln1a- this year,the best heads bringing only Harry M. Payne entered Llifayette I elijcal. 2 TIMC of game-1 lir. oo mk,-, $10 a ton at the Recht & Rosenbaum College. ITropli-e—l-tenkle. I factory at the depot. Michael Fagan The Board of Education organized by Riverheads star in the baseball firnW one of the largest local growers, 1L91 electing Wm. C. Albertson, president, ainent tithe Long Island, stilll marketing a considerable quantity. it e , secretary and remains the brightest in spite of the! is said. that he plowed under several and Wm, H. Terry, bad tumble the team took at the F.Lirl. acres, as it (lid not pay to bother with treasurer. Grounds, Saturday, in the game with it. For several years past it has Suffolk County Lodge, I. O. G. T_ Southold (being defeated by a score brought from $20 to $40 a ton. met at Southold. of 7-2) and the twelve-inningr tie Louis A. Tuthill has purchased The Republican Town Primary en- game (score 4-4) with Shelter Isl- miebael Fisher's greenhouse at Bay dorsed the candidacy of 'William H. and at Greenport Monday afternoon. Member of Sag Harbor,Riverhead's nearc-st rival, View. Mr. Tuthill will take down the Beckwith of Greenport for Me Diet the same fate, being defeated by house and move it on his lot south of Assembly. Shelter Island on Saturday by a score his residence. His intention is to raise eo Gagen has purchased the of 6-3, and playing a fourteen-inning J. Lgame tomatoes, cucumbers, and Bunce Of tie gae (score 2-2) on Monday. The blacksmith business of D. C. net results of the genies on tlic 11 other garden produce. Greenport, for whom he has bten days are the same in respect lo the League leaders—with Rivorhead still Miss Frances Rockwell has sold her working for Horne time, leading by one and a half ganies and place on Maple Avenue, occupied by Henry Binns, and family of New apparently a sure winner of the 19241 Mrs. Steiner and Mrs. Hall, to Miss to Southold. Pennant, We say this advj,,Tdly, he. Gertrude Corwin of Brooklyn. Posses- Suffolk have.l -moved cause there are not enough unplayed sion will be given next June. Mr. Binns is employed by A. H,Cos- games in the series to afford Charlie Sanford's "Babe Ruthlets" an oppor- den. flinitv to win the. trophy. 5z a The "Babe Ruthlets," a to rot cuss- The game of base hall on the U my ,paced of "second line defense nrFn," Soolhold Nigh School Fair grounds Tnesday between South- `Of Riverhead, which has been ,;nbsti The Southold High School reopened old and Mattituck resulted in a score W for Fort Terry '(the latter ►:earn on Tuesday with the following cor is of of 4 to 2 in favor of Alattituck. .�1aa w-ithclraa n from the League) y g l' _ — caused a sensation on Labor Day by teachers : Edward 1. Sheldon, A. B., thrashing Southold in its owl' hall- Yale., Principal; Marion S. Terry,B. S., 1271h Regi, Reunioflw l#I yard by a score of 11 to 6. The "Ruth- St. Lawrence Preceptress; Charlotte I lets'" put eight counters across the About 20-of the 135 surviving members pan in the last spasm. At the ]login- C. Overton,A.B., St. Lawrence,French I r and Mathematics; Alice A. Manville, of the 127th Regt., New York Vrifun-I, llrting 44 the ninth the ecore was 5 to ,3 " teers, attended the 58th annual reunion favor of the "First Settlers." A B., Smith, Latin and Science; Helen G. held at Islip on Friday. With them hit by Harry Hansen, of the River- Johnson, Savage, Physijal Training; were wives, children and grandehil- ltead clan. tied the score. The bases Barbara D. Sawyer, Gorham, Seventh were filled when do4eph A. Kaelin, Grade; Ruth T. Symonds, A. B., Ro- dren. Sessions were held forenoon and first baseman for the "Ruthlets," Sixth x hasth Grade; Ii. ElAn- afternoon in the Methodist Church. slamwned the old pill for a two baVger•, cveena Between the two sessions the women bringing in three runs and later scar- derson, Cortland, Fifth tirade; Ruth D. of Islip served a dinner in the parish ing himself. Frani: Rogers, who iv, Conklin, Geneseo, Fourth Grade; Mar- employed ort a farm at Sound Avenue, guerite G. McMann, Geneseo, Third house of the Presbyterian Church. hurled a splendid rile far the Rnth_ Vice President Elliott E. Wells of k3;" Ire ;� a iai.lr h.r•;irrr Grade; Marguerite Howell, New Palt7, Piverbead was the presiding officer of Second Grade; Margaret M. Denle, y� presidency being vacant ed for the ,wrrtill known A..ttttin, the da tIt ',, teaii�- t#r ?Vlarwhmittan. First Grade. through the death of John S. Carr of V!l t °° rlr*tttart far Soutit i Charles Terry has added another Huntington. Robert F. gurney of ;atter"s t'z#fula ,4srn, Al. bungalow to awn was his Jockey Creek plop- Greenlin his lace as secre- �. t4 )"itelred for fire in t'fie p e witil' the Maujer Athletic. Club 'city. tart'. The exercises of the forenoon n- 1 afternoon in Gr^cnport. Wheel eluded prayer by the Rev. William e "Ruithlets"' arrived in Sonthold The price of potatoes has fallen to Carr of Islip, a welcoming address by et' were shoat two players, so the $1.05 a bushel. Charles G. Sands, a response by Vice First S^ttlers" loaned them a couple Louis A. Tuthill will discontinue his President Wails and an address by of lads„ Sanford and Carroll. milk: business on Oct. 1st. Supreme Court Justice Walter H. Jay- a regular Riverhead team made p 9- a miserable showing,• in the first in- Greenport, cox. ping of the me with Southold Sat- Sept. 3, at L. I. Hos- pital, Henry A. Wilkinson of Southold, In the course of his remarks Justice urday, allowing the. "First Settlers"` where interment took place, aged 71 Jaycox paid a tribute to the veterans to score five runs on two hits in the t years, 10 months 13 days, first stanza. The County Seat boys I of the Civil War by declaring that in made four errors in that inning alone.; Twenty-Five Years .Ago saving the American Union they had Joe Cassidy, of Greenport.:, who played I j VA,17 1z n � r g b perpetuated a nation that through its first for Southold, started the seor-I greatness and power had saved the ing. He got a hit, between short andA heavy frost in Northern and Cen- second, stole second, went to third on tral New York caused great damage, world from the menace of autocracy "Pink" Coehran's liner and caitae 1 T. M. Shipherd and H. G. Elmer en- involved in the recent war. During the home ore Prince's fly over second. There tared Willlams College. afternoon session there were addressee four rnore runs: were garnered before Corey Albertson began his sophomore by the Rev. William Carr, the Rev. Riyerbead was able to curb the. on` Louis I. Johnson of Patchogue and the slaoght. The "First Settlers'" didn't year at Claverack College. Lester Al- g :score ,gain uiitil the eighth, when two bertson and John Howell entered the Rev. William Garth of East Islip. rare ,:e,inters were put across the college as freshmen. - Before the election of officers was pan. Riverhead scored its first run Rev. John A. Edmonds a former pas- reached James Henry Young of Orient,. in the fifth chapter and added one for of the Southold M. E. church, ' who has been treasurer for the past 27 more in the sixth. In the third inning" years, asked by letter to be excused "011ie" Wells, Riverhead's crac' can- died• from further service, because of his tcr-fielder, made a sensations] one_ Mrs. Lucy Hubbard Cleveland died, band catch of Prince',, fly, "011ie" had aged 92 years, advanced age of 88 years. He received to run for the hall and then jump sev- a vote of thanks for his long and faith- eral feet in the air to connect with it.' a ful work. The officers elected are: tie made another ,good' catch andEAST END LEAGUE President, J. D. Cleveland of Orient; played an excellent fielding ;;arae.; Won Lost P. C. vice president, William B. Eaton of Prince and "Big Jim" Gagen cticl 5orntt IRiverhead 11 4 733 Bay Shore; Secretary Robert F. Gur- goTo fi`8'Flg for Southold. Sag Harbor 9 5 643 ney of Greenlawn, re-elected; treas- 7ion with Fleming has resigned his po- Mattituck . . . . . 8 6 572 1urer, Albert Terry of Riverhead, chap- toto with the Win. C. Albertson Co., Southold . . . . . . 7 8 467 lain, William W. Hulse of Bay Shore, to take effect Oct. 1st. Air. Fleming Shelter Island . . . 6 8 429 re-elected. has been in the employ of the above i Sound Avenue . . . 3 13 188 firm ever since A was started, 26 years iClarence Davis, who 1017 over aRESULTS LAST SATURDAY ye ,go. arn has been engaged as engineer, , Shelter Island 1�-1 f on boats at New London, Conn., and Southold 2 Q Soutbold Towyn receives $2,376.07 as whose health rer}uired a change and Sag Harbor 7, Sound Avenue I rest has returned to his native hone "its share of the motor vehicle fand. Riverhead 9, Mattituck 0 (forfeited) i ands is about to open a restaurant at Mattituck, and will reside there with his family. Nince our last meeting two of our Southold, Sept. 11,GeorRiannaR Comrades have passed away— Geo. B. well, wife of Edward D. Cahoon, aged COMPaRY Ho 127th ReUt. Reeve and Selden Bennett, and we 59 years, 3 months. -.9 Oil Wednesd4y, Sept. 8, 1920, this mourn also the familiar face of a very Greer port, Sept. 12. at E. L. L Veteran organization held its annual dear friend, Mrs. AnnaHurnmel. Hospital, ex-postmaster Moses T. n1—�, reunion in the Parish House of the too, Sfie.� Horton Of Southold. where interment has crossed to the othershare t(o) took Place, aged 75 years, Southold Presbyterian Church, in earn- meet her Soldier Boy who Memoration of the 58th anniversary of us and great) was one Of Manhattan Beach, California,being mustered into service as Union Y beloved by all. Sept In a few short years we shall s. Eloise T. W Maddren, forpp 11 aged 69 years, Soldiers in the war of tile Rebellion. summoned to the I'0i"of P,,O,i,,' Final all be r It was ala-) the 44th consecutive re- and our bodies be laid to res Roll months, 20 says' Funeral services at t, Our sowls I Greenwood Cemetery Chapel, BroW, union Of the members of the Old Com- fallowing the long column I lYn. Sept, 19, at 4 p. m. pally, to the realms Greenpo above. Let us so I Susie F.. rt, Aug. 30, at the Hoipitak' At the first reunion of this Veteran 've that when that widow of All ert L. Bennett, time shall come those we leave behind of Mattituck aged 70 ye)ars, Company, which was held in Southold us may "ay above our graves, "Here, Sept. 8, 1816, 34 members were pres- lies the body Of a brave and true heart- —Twenty-Five Years Ago ent. On the Present occasion only 12 ed defender Of Our Republic. 2,-/ <V444 of that number answered to their Respectfully, Harry M. Payne was names at Roll Call, viz , H. W. Prince, elected a mem. IJ. D. Cleveland, L. T. Butler, A. W. JAMrS HENRY yoTJNG ber of the Lafayette College Glee Case, Rol ert Ebbitts, J. T. Moore, EXPLOSION WRECKS OFFIUp� Club. Samuel Harris, William E. Price,H.M. &41 r OF J. P. MORGAN & Co.I Rev. George Taylor, a former pastor, Halloci,Chas. E Terry,John H.Youngr,,, The office Of J. P. Morgan &,r;o. preached in the M. E. church. Jas.Henry Young. These,with relatives Broad and Wall streets New )-ar.k I William Boutcher, a brakeman, while' �City was wrecked by an explosion Coupling cars at Southold, had his fin. and friends, to the number of 50 orl:ihortly after noon ThurEday, ger taken off. more made a delightful party present, 111Vnty persons were killed awSaturday was the hottest day of the i to celebrate the event. Many hurt. summer, the thermometer registering Promptly at 1:30 p. m. the dinner Various explanations of the nib 195 def7rees call was sounded and the Company tery were offered in the flush"of John Ferris , a N. Y. City fireman, took their Places at the tables to enjoy the first bxCiternent which all" out was fined $93 35 for abusing a borne so the sumptuous banquet provided by the threw the financial district into that it died. The horse belongfd to Ladies' Aid Society, and while standing panic. One attributed the blast to`Liveryman D. Y. Young. sang two stanzas of "Bleat be the tie a bomb. Another insisted it lynamite. that binds' and Dr. R. J. Kent invok- (� Still a third had it that the explosiol., ed the divine Blessing. When being auto, in an EAST END LEAGUE seated the business of the hour was front nobile standing directly in the Won Lost P. C. Morgan offices. Riverhead . . . . . given strict attention, and here let me Whatever it was, however, th" 12 4 750 Bay that again we take off our hate, Police were convinced that it rep- Sag Harbor . . . . 9 6 600 1make our beat bow and give three seated an atter-nPt to blow UP eith- Mattituck . . . . . 8 7 533 cheers for dear Mrs. Lloyd and her er the Alorgan Building or soniL, Shelter Island 7 8 467 able ants for their uniform kind- building close by. I Southold . . . . . . 7 9 488 I . . ness and the providing and serving the 4 13 235 bountiful repast. Potatoes are being loaaea at our Bound Avenue . 1station by the dealers at $1.05 per RESULTS LAST SATURDAY At the Close of the dinner hour and bushel. This is too low to make it while seated at the tables a series of profitable to grow them in these clays Sound Avenue 11, Southold 8 "Camp Fire Talks Were listened to (if Price of labor and high cost of fer- Riverhead 5, Sag Harbor 21?0/ with great Pleasure. The first was a J tilizer. Shelter Island 10, Mattituck 5 message from the venerable Secretar. Deputy Sheriff Fred E. Boo 11 as to the boys of "Company H,11 which full charge of policing the Suffolk Enlarged Fire D!Str!Ct t h er Lloyd and County Fair Grounds this week. Fred was read for him by Broth S ff, Depart- closed with the request that a poem, is "right on the job," Nat Booth, Chief of the Fire Depart- -Which is Better," be read from the I meat, and Geo. C. Terry, Esq , are pen of his life long friend, Dr. Minot Southold Grange again captured first canvassing with a petition to secure J. Savage, which was finely rendered prize for its exhibit at the County fifty-One per cent of the taxpayers in by Mrs. Lehr, a daughter of our below- Fair. the" larger fire district. The petition ed comrade, Sergeant David T. Conk- Wilson was order d by the Southold Fire De. lin. Glover fins a position with the N. Y, N. H. & H. Railroad at Mid- partment some time ago, and asks forl Following this irtading, brief but wa ,y, Conn. i an enlargement of the district, so that very interesting addresses were made by it will coincide with the school district. the Rev. R. J. Kent, Abram Conklin Philip 1-1 Horton to Elizabeth G Iif the district is enlarged, it is propos- and I. T. Stafford and Comrades John Horton, lot 110, map of proposed sub : ed to vote on the proposition to purchase- H. Young and H. W. Prin (livi.Ton, See A, Nassau Point Club Julia L. Conklin. ce, and Mrs, Properties, Peconiep nom' motor fire apparatus. It is felt that this will be a good thing, not only for fire protection, but it will also tend to ! lessen the fire insurance, rate. J - 5­"- --I f 9S All boys betwee i the ages of16 and d 11IL241 Population for Suffolk l Overton Estate to Family 18 inclusive must enroll for Military The will of the late Rev. Dr. Daniel Training at the schoolhouse nearest Suif.1k County bag a total population H. Overton, of Islip, disposes of an es- their residences on Thursday, Sept. 23, of 110,241, according to an announce- tate valued at Quer$5,000 a!1 personal.t went by the Census Bureau. This is p from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Ethel E. Overton, widow, is bequeath- an ioereaae of 14,104 over the census of ed the proceeds from six insurance Paul E. Taylor and family have re- 1910. The population in 1910 was 96,- tuned to their home at Cornwall-on- 138 In 1900 it 71,582. Babylon Hudson, N. Y., after a visit with Sirs. 3 policies, aggregating$12,000. The res- was idue of the estate (.except the testa-Towle. including Amityville and Baby- Taylor's brother and sister, tor's legal interest in the estate of his y , L. W. loo Pillages, has a 1920 census of 11,415 first wife, Carrie Terry Overton, Korn and Mrs. Mae Newbold. as compared with 9,030 in 1910. Brook- which haven.Town, including Bellport, Patch- given to his two ogue and Shoreham villages, now has a sone, Jonathan Terry Overton, of At the end of last week there was population of 21,347, as compared with Southampton, and the Rev. Daniel H. a good demand in the city market 16,735 in 1910. Easthampton Town in- Overton, jr., of Mattituck,) is to be, for L. I. Yellow Globe No. 1 onions eluding part of Sag Harbor village, has equally divided among the widow and at $2.25 and $2.75 per 100 lbs. a population of 4,852, as compared with the two sons. The widow is named as Lima. beans are brie r executrix. The testator prepared and g nn over $3 4,722 in 1910. Huntington Town, in- per bushel this week, and potatoes eluding Northport village, has a popu- signed two codicils to the- will but only $1. lation of 14,854„ as compared with 12,- neither was witnessed. One of the cod- icils in 1910. Illi Town including nils bequeathed each of the sons $500 Mrs. William A. Wells and family Islip g and the other gave the widow $3,000 in have moved to Herbert Simons house, Brightwaters and Saltaire villages, has 1 in the eastern part of the village. a population of 20,704, as compared Liberty Bonds. The codicils were not f Airs. Lottie Howard, of Brooklyn, with 18.346 in 1910. Riverhead Town's probated owing to the fact that they is passing a time at her fernier resi- 1920 population is 5,753, as compared were not witnessed. dence here. with 5,345 in 1910. Shelter Island Tax matters have been adjusted hi Town, including Deering Harbor vil the Surrogate's Court as follows: M. I. Booth has had anew piazza lage, has a papulation of 890, as cam- Estate Egbert V. Strong, Babylon,I built on his residence. pared with 1,064 in 1910. Smithtown gross value $52,78:3.93; net, $44,539- Harr Town has a 1920 population of 9,114, as 93; tax, $1,181.72; net divided a, fol- y Carroll has returned to his acrd with 7,073 in 1910. South- lows: Ellis Strong, nephew. $. ,000; studies at Syracuse University. compared Ildith. P. Kreuter, $17,658; Marion. S. Supt. of Highways Fleet has had amptoa Town, including Southampton Ilanllin, daughter, $18,766; person:} village and part of Sag Harbor village, j not naw determined, $6,115.93. more ail put on our main highway. has a population of 1.1,726. In 1910 itVineyard Haven, Mass., Sept. 16, had a population of 11,240. Southold Dr, Marshall Resigns Douglas Stuart ;Moore, son of Mrs. Town, including!Greenport village, has Resignation cf Dr. Joseph H. Mar- Stuart Hull M000e of Cutchogue, and a 1920 population of 10,141, as com- shall of Southold, president of the Miss Emily Bailey of Uarrisburg, Pa. pared with 10„577 in 1910. Eastern Long Island Hospital of Green-j Southold, Sept. 18, Patricia, daugh- The Census of incorporated villages port, and John L, Kahler, secretary, ter of Mr. and Mrs, James F. Mahoney, in Suffolk County for 1920, compared have been acted upon by the directors. aged 8 inontbs.. with 1910, is as follows: Harold L. Fish will succeed Dr. Mar- Twonty-Five Years Aga Amityville, 1920, 3,265; 1910. 2,517. shall, while George H. Corwin will take off,f- i q,�yp", / cp-F' - Babylon, 1920, 2,523,1910, 2,600. up Mr. Kahler's duties. Cars were loaded with little potatoes, Bellport, I920, 614 1'910, 419. Ilrigbtwaters, 1920, 250; 1910, no re- w W. I• Hagerman met with a serious at twelve cents a bushel. accident while a �the 61road station Julius B. Young was appointed port 'the first of the Weck, while. lrc tt<rg a Lighthouse Keeper at Watch Hill, Deering Harbor, 1920, 3; no report ' little do- owned by our statism a rent, 1910. Shields, The animal trrned on Ilia' [{. I. Greenport, 1920, 3,122; 1910, 3,089. Severely, lr,cin;­ his hand. It is quitHorton for a e The Town Trustees denied an ap- Nortlrport, 1920, 1,977; 1910, 2,096. I`hkely it will be his last bite. ill=•. plication of Henry O. Hagerman had the wound attencleu to Igrant of land under water at James Patchogue, 1920, 1,031; 1910, 3,824. 1 at once at the E. L. I. hospital. Creek, Cutchogue, for oyster culture, Sag Harbor, 1920, 2,993; 1910, 3,408. Walter Hannabury of Bay View died, 1 Saltaire, 1920, 22;no 1910 report. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Booth and aged 65 years. Shoreham, 1920, 11; no 1910 report, slaughter Hattie left Saturday for an Southampton, 1920, 2,635; 1910, automobile trip to St. Lawrence Louis A. Tuthill discontinued his 2 `County, N. Y., where they will visit milk business on Thursday. This is After conducting the Osborne h' Mr. Booth's son Elton. The latter has a r Douse at East Hampton for thirty_ the first time in a0 years or more 111 a fine position with the State En- that Southold has been without a one sears, fir, and Mrs. B. M. Os- gineer's Office. me we had two borne, will retire on October 1st. mill man. Atone They have rented the Osborne Out of 58 entries in fruit at 'lie Suf- milkmen. House to Mrs. Emmy Gabnelson Ekblad, of West. Brighton, Staten folk County Fair, Nat H. Booth took Earn P. Conklin of Keyport, N. J., Island, for a term of five years. 43 first and 11 second prizes. is visiting bis sister, Airs. Henrietta Conklin. i and Gal; ftarUor slioukl win all of Im remaining gameg the two tea0 , / 12— would be tied at the end of the officiai'l'. Nassau Point Club Propertie EAST END LEAGUE season makinv, an extra game ne ce to Walter L Johnson &ors, lots I the winner of the fia.T. , 109 and 110, amended map of SS Won Lost P. C. sary to decide map of Riverhead . . . . . 12 5 760 NY he n the Riverhead team returned Nassau Point Club Properties Col Sag Harbor . . . . jo, 6 625 from its fray with Southold `,at- Peconic, Mattituck 8 8 500 urday it didn't feel very good-naturek.1, Same to Geo F McAdams, lot er did the fans. All hanfl� map of proposed subdivision Se Southold . . . . . . 8 9 ,171 and 1 felt that the decision which gave above named tract, $111 Shelter Island 7 9 437" Southold the deciding run was a bad' 'Same to J Barclay Eakins, lot Bound Avenue. 5 13 278 one on the part of Umpire Thornhill,'XnaP of proposed subdivision, 8 —4" who is usually very good. It hap- above named tract, $1, RESULT'S LAST I Same to same, lot 48, map of SATURDAY pcned something like this, the News Sound Ave. 9, Shelter Isl. 0 (forfeited) is told: Southold led I to 0 up to the. Posed subdivision, See A, above eighth inning, when "Bill" Stark got tract, Southold 2, Riverhead I on base and was brought home by his Same to Charles W Elnic, Sag Harbor 3, Mattituck 2 brother, Jahn, which tied the score. and 2, map of proposed sub'Ili i- .SOUTHOLD Then in the Southold half of the See 1 and 2, above named tract, n ah r b po -I e eighth Wells aided Southold a bit by ;Sam(-, to George W Case, Iota Cassidy, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Booth doing something decidedly unusual for and 168, amended map of S 1 2 2 0 Cochran, i)-: ............... a 0 0 5 -2 a him—he dropped a ball. But eNFen :above named tract, n Prince, 3b ................ 4 0 0 1 1 o that wasn't sufficient- to, let Soutl,.(,,Id Salln0n, P .................. 4 1 1 1 4 ❑0 Strasser, 2b ............... 4 1 1 1 2 4) win the extra run. A stout blow to A Harding and Coolidge Qiub was I Diller, lb ................. 4 0 2 10 4) o right field was relayed in by J. Stark,formed here last Friday night and, U11riell, cl ................ 4 0 1 2 0 0 to Richard to Cornwell. Scott, if .................. 1 0 01 0 n That was the identical spot where the.following officers elected: Pres_ 30 2 6*25 11 0 the real trouble occurred. it is George C. Terry; Vice Pres., Fred *Richard out in 3d, hit by batted ball- claimed by the players and Riverhead D. Richmond; See., Fred K. Terry; Carleton out-in 9th, foul bunt on Id strike. fans that Due had the ball in his RIVERHEAD hands, and was actually blocking the Treas., Nathan Davis. ab r h po a e plate, when a Southold player came J. Stark, rf ............... 4 0 1 2 0 0 to the. plate standing- up—he didn't Our farmers are storing their late Berdan, 3b ............... 4 0 0 0 1 even attempt to slide—and yet Major potatoes, waiting for a better price. CCornwell, c ' ' ' 9 ' ❑ Thorn-hill called him safe. No ea 'a- With the present high price of farm arleton, III ..... ........ 3 0 0 8 0 0 ,•Mitchell, if _............ 3 0 1 0 0 -r) Hesney, ss ................ 3 0 0 0 1 1 labor, fertilizer and seed there is no ... Stark, 21 ............. I 1 1 2 1 1 mony for the farmer in raising potatoes Wells, ef ................. a 0 0 2, o I DONT Richard, p ................ at 91.00 ver bushel. 30 1 ---— 6*28 9 4 0 6'C/)L L TH Bids are now open for the position of *Cassidy out in 2d, foul bunt on 3d strike ON imail carrier from the Southold station ThreL-base hit—srasser. Two-base hit;— Booth, J. Stark. Sacrifice hits—Scott, nccouNT 4o the post office. The L 1. R� R. Co. Carle- 5 ? ton. Heaney. Stolen bases—Coebran, J. Stark,i ARK ME 5 is no longer required to carry the mails W. Stark. Struck out—by Salmon.5;by Rich- FI) ard. 8. Base on balls—off Salmon. 1; off between these two points, and th Richaad, 4, Passed ball—Cornwell, Left on bases—Southold. 9; Riverhead, 6. First base Past Office must bear the expense. on error—Southold, 3. Umpire--Mr.Thornhill. YE The long drought was broken Tue Score by innings: _WYE I Southold ..... ........ o 1 o 0 0 0 0 1 aa-2 day night. The rain will be of great Riverhead .... o o o 0 0 0 0 1 0_1 VVIT" VER benefit to the cauliflower and Brussel RIVERHEAD DROPS L-A M P,5? sprout crops. GAME TQ SOUTHOLD The estate of Moses T. Horton h lbeen appraised at $4,000. Letters Ak v-Cs administration have been granted 011111�� 0N That 2 to 1 Loss Last Saturday Leaves Ruth A. Varnum, daughter. Our Pennant "Still So Near A cement side walk has been lai N lit in front of St. Patrick's Church and and Yet So Far" rectory. Although Riverhead slipped a notch miaB Susie may is in enter ttle Mary In its race for the pennant in the I Immaculate Hospital at Jamaica to Eastern Long Island Baseball Leaiitue take a course of training for nursing N. when Southold was given the declsMl in a 2 to I victory at Southold last: Southold, Sept 26,Jahn,son of Stan Saturday, Ebbie Weir's team is not I What They Said (? to e Major ley and garbara Krupski,aged 4 months, yet beaten, by any manner of neons. After the Home Plate Decision 11 days. As the case stands now, accoroling to the best figuring of the dopfsters,1 nation is given for his unusual rel-• Southold, Sept. 25, by ReT soning, for it is not contended that Stafford, Wesley Lawrence Prince Sag Harbor can tie Riverhead but it Doe dropp-e-a the ball or failed to tug,Miss Gladys Latham-Hammond. cannot win the pennant without an the man. Late game. That is, if Riverhead The low score indicates that both Late Potatoes are selling I pitchers, Richard and Salmon, did per bushel. The price of Cobblers 'a should lose all of its remaining ning Larne: es I sterling work, and that both teams $1.0o played a fine brand of baseball. TO I i 1r • �7 ' prising to the people of I � The total value of the realty propsmkwd - Z'welltl+p"r'1Ve Years ASO I ert and special franchises both on. to )leers that the generous !`� 'U the equalizbasis, and the assessed attitntte d Mrs.Georgie Rockwell Ca- personal property in Suffolk. Count hoop in her lifetime is also found in i Harry R. Vail returned from Bay or this year, on which taxes will her wifll, which has been filed in the Shore, where he had been employed in be based, is $123,042,093.50, according Surrogate's Court at Riverhead. firs, the butcher tusineas. to the report of the equalization com- Cahoon, the wife of Edward D. Ca- Rev. Father R. S. Foley was trans- mittee of the Supervisors presented to hoon of Southold, was regarded in ferred from Blissville to Brooklyn, the full„ board at a session here Mon- that village almost as a Lady Bounti- Mrs. Ella B. Iiallnck was employed day afternoon. ful. She took an active part in pro- This is a jump of over $16,000,000 moting,village affairs, and was gene:r_ by the State Board of Education of above last year's figures, and the in- ons to institutions and to people Massachusetts to speak on physiology crease is chiefly in real property val- where charity is of real benefit. Much and hygiene before teachers' institutes. ues, for the personal property placed the same condition of affairs is found Alvin S, Booth and Miss Bessie Top- on the assessment roll is nearly $1,- in her will, which dispose, of prop:.- 000,000 less than last year. erty valued at snore than $35,000, and ping were married. The total value of the real property among the bequests in which are the. S, B. Terry sold his, property at and special franchises is $122,035,- following: Creekside to Wm. H. Joost of Brook- 818.50, as is detailed by towns in the Emil} Raughley Wilson, $100; Isla. lyn, following table: Berry Cahoon, $100; Presbyterkm Thd price of a hair cut was 10 cents ATo soa E ualTotizcta' CAmetery, Southold, $500, half for the ls and you could get shaved for 5 cents. East Hamaton is 190,780.00 $7,317,301.12 upkeep of a family grave and half for the improvement"of the, roads in the D. Laurens Horton celebrated his sh,lt�r Is and .. iz 1 5,051.00 ii 971984.43 cemetery; Rid bury C:eam ter Ilan- 90th birthday. Southoatt ... 7,906,421.00 e s,s 129.19 Y y' Riverhead .. 5,042,397.50 6 R„44it 31 bury, Conn., $200, for upkeep of Harry Lee of Riverhead and Miss Rrxkhaven .... 21,069,411.00 2t,4Gm.ar;.77 graves of relatives; Eastern Lo-,- g Clara L. Prince of Southold were mar r lit, ... 22,043,222.00 23,51 2.11 .01 Island Hospital at Greenport, $1,000; r..Ifuming 7,264,213.00 8.01 F18.50 William E. Taylor. Southold, called a rigid, Smithtown .... E9,n24,587.00 21341244,.:9 4mithtpw-n. 6,666,fi$7.D4 684u24ii.09 faithful chauffeur, $200; Cleveland L. Clarance D. Gordon and Miss Annie Howard, "faithful servant," 111 L. Horton were married. $122,035,818.0 S122,035,818.50 other &ervants employed for threw Mrs. Ann O'Neill died, aged 78 The basic rate used by the equaliz- years, $100 each; real estate to her ers was 662, which was obtained by husband for life, then to Edna Rock- years. _ adding all of the rates in the ten we?': Cahoot, daughter. towns. Huntington was the highest The trustees are given $10,000, in- Mrs. G. W. Phillips has sold a with :88, and East Hampton the low- come to Frances Rocz tivell, s yter, fcr building lot at Pine Neck to William est with .56, so from Huntington there life, men principal as follows. Ednawas '.Rockwell Cahoon, daughter, $55,000; C,hapburn of Yonkers. Leslie Ell. Shelter dIsla Island, assessing .72, there Anna May Addy, niece, $1,000; redge will build a bungalow for Mr• was deducted $173,066.57, and these Georgie Marshall Pettit, niece, $1,000; Chapburn for use next Summer. two deductions were added to all of Phebe Rockwell Bridge, niece, $1,000; the other towns. Josephine 31ay Addy anel George hla The will of George L. Carpenter East Hampton, having assessed at shall Bridge, each $500; Frederick only .56, had $1,126,521.28 added by l Marshall Bridge and Joseph Dwightgives $140 to George Prince, Peconic, the equalizers; Southampton, assesw- Brridge, each $300; Daniel Roek""'ll cousin, resi;lu3 to Susan T. Salmon and ing at 61, had $1,344,123.78 added; Bridge, $4104. The residue of the IS i Alice C. Salmon, cousins. Southold, assessing at .61, had $672, tate goes to the daughter. 6.vt 708.19 added; Brookhaven, assessing - - Miss Mabel Stone, a General Sec- at .65, has $385,966,77 added; Islip, Edward Horton and family of Brook retary of the Y. W. C. A, with head- asessing at .62, has $1,489,955.01 ad- 'lyn have rvilled the Moses T. Horton quarters in N. Y. City, spent the week- ded; Babylon, assessing at .60, has house. Mr. iiofton is a grandson of end with her another. $749,405.50 added; Smithtown, assess- Benj. Horton. ing at .58, has $784.657.09 added. Cauliflower $ selling well—$4 a.crate Twenty-Five Years Ago Mrs. Ida Van Scoy of Richmond for good, and $3 for second grade. . -2- 2 "*—,� I c�- S— Hill has been visiting for a week or Late potatoes are selling for $1 3' Arthur T. Downs had a find position so at her sister's, Mrs. Wm. 0. Sal- per bushel, and Cobblers for $1.25. in Knabe's large music store, Brook- tnon's. When these two sisters The rice of seallo s has dropped lyn. called on their cousin, Mrs. Sarah A p' There were 806 voters registered in Ecom$8 to $4, this election district. Wheeler, and were met there by Mystic, C,tnn., Oct. 8, by Rev. F. T. Committees of the Methodist, Pres- Mrs. Wheeler's sisters, they enjoyed Rhoad, Ellwood L. Glover of New byterian and Universalist churches a family reunion of seven fatal sous London' Conn., and Miss Mildred E. Peckham of Mystic, made arrangements with the Star Ly-, ins. When Mrs. Edward Dayton of ceum Bureau for a codrse of lectures. Easthampton drove over to take Southold, Oct. 14, Richard Smith Rev. F. G. Leonard attended the A her. Sturges, aged 73 years. Funeral ser- Universalist State Convention at Troy. sister-in-law, Mrs, Van Scoy to her vices at his home Sunday afternoon home for a resit, she was acconrpan- let 2:30, Mrs. Henry M. Beebe of Bay View I ied by her father, Henry Van Scoy, Peconic, Oct, 19, at the residence of died, aged 68 years. i 95 years old. He is hale and. hearty the bride's parents, by Rev. C. A. and was not at all fatigued by the Knesa, William Starr Midgley and Lachine, Canada, Sept. 29, by Rev. Miss Alberta Hull, daughter of Mr. A. A. Ireland, Earl P. Hagerman, for- trip, but greatly enjoyed it. and Mrs. D. V. Howell. merly of Southold, and Mass Betty Sowry. Meeting of Town Board Mr. and Mrs. -ff"y The Trustees of the Presby , Freeport, are visiting relatives tfi(,�f`11 Cemetery are about to Bend out notic The Southold Town Board met at the 11.1cetioll. to all plot-owners. If enough favor office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Henry Kaelin to Arnalia Kaelin, ble responses are had, a man will Saturday, Oct. 16, 1920. Present, Su-11 &w-one-half acre e s Cutchogue depot]an(,, employed to give all his time to keep- pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, : --dj land of Con. Smith, Cutchogue, ing the plot,, in order, Justices Griffin, Corey, Terry andnorn, Rambo, Supt. of Highways Fleet and Twenty-Five Years Ago Potatoes are selling for$1.25. Counsel Case. Q,-, 14 4c/ Philip R. Danz is at Tuscaloosa, Alt, Tax Receiver Everett L. Bennett of The new steamboat of the Montauk working for the Bankers' Service. East Marion and J. E. Bloomfield of Steamboat Co. was named Shinnecock. i 'l ne iv�.ij ca t-�iclrard S. Sturges, late Southold were present and addressed By a vote of 77 to 65, the Southold �,Jf 'SO"ItIlotd, eIi,�Poses (,'f all estatc Val- .� 'i .; )oo lty i)equeathin.., Ainy H. the Board in regard to the office. District School voted to become a Union ulv It was voted that the main office of School. A Board of Education was 'e" a mo, l=age l'or $4, "ITO the reidue, to Mary the Receiver of Taxes be at the home elected as follows: Win. C. Albertson widow. The latter and of said Receiver, Everrett L. Bennett, and Wm. H. Terry, 3 years; D. W. K. T01 - Dome,! 1� ex- East Marion, and that he be directed Grattan and Dr. J. M. Hartrarift, "Wi-I to sit also at the following places with- 2 years; Henry C. Prince, I year. Wm. Arnold W FisTner &w to William E in forty days from the delivery of the H. Glover was elected Clerk, Fay, parcel 100xlD2 ft, w s Bayhorne� warrant to him for the collection of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Payne celebrated ave, adj land of Henry Ritter, Sauth-� taxes: the 20th anniversary of their wedding. old, nolik Two days at Orient, 3 days at Green- Mrs. Charles E. Case died, aged 55 Southold, Oct. 27, by Rev. Wm, 1, port, 2 days at Southold, 2 days at Pe- years. Lloyd,Roland Curtis Horton of Peconic E at conic, 2 days at Cutchogue, 2 days -A and Miss Isabel Horton Boisseau. T The, trial of Samuel C. Swezey of i Mittituck and 1 day at Fishers Island, Peconic, who was recently indicted Twonty-Five Years Ago C On the days on which he sits at other, places the main office at East Marion i by the Grand Jury of assault in the will be closed. second degree in having horse- Steamer :.halter Island made two S' It was voted that the compensation whipped Benjamin F. Eubank, a trips a week to the city. of the Receiver of Taxes be placed at 12 year old buy that he took from Moses T. Horton and family moved to one per cent of the tax levy. the Children's Home at Yaphank, N. Y. City. It was voted that the compensation was held on Monday and Tuesday in There were 230 votes polled in this election district an Election Day-15 A of the Chief Clerk of the Receiver be the Supreme Court at Riverhead, Republican, 94 Democratic and 3 Pro- placed at$5 00 per day during the for. before Justice Arnon L. Squeirs and hibition. ty-day period, and on days on which,il,jury. There has been no case in J, Addison Baker and Miss Elnom the Receiver meets at other places recent years in Suffolk County that Williams were married. than the main office to collect taxes, created as much interest as this one. The election resulted in an over- except Fishers Island, that said Re. The Court Room was crowded dur- whelming victory for the Republican ceiver be allowed one additional clerk at$5.00 per day. ing the whole proceedings. District :party. In New York St ite the Repuh- It was voted that the rent for polling Attorney LeRoy M. Young prose-' licaris had 85,0(0 majority. Suffolk County went 2300 Republican and the places be placed at $10 per day for cuted the case, and ex-Judge T. M. Town of Soulho!d went 212 Repulli- Election and Primary Days and $6 for Grifling, Robert P. Griffing and� can. Richard Higbie was elected State Registration Days, name to take effect Rowland Miles were the attorneys Senator; Erastus F. Post and Carll S. Nov. 2. 1920. for the defendant. The jury found Burr, Jr- Members of Assembly. J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk Sam'l Swezey guilty of the crime as charged in the indictment. Carl Southold, Oct. 23, by Rev. J., T. Alarm of fire "f)-J) Vail of Peconic, who was also in_ Stafford, Waiter Wentworth McAslan On Tuesday, at 11 a, m.. the h i alarr dieted for assault n the second de- of Greenport and Miss Florence Evelyn .ni, Gordon of Southold. of fire_w7assounded, which was quickly;gree for the same offence, was to Sag Harbor, Oct., 11, by Rev. Win. responded to by the Southold Fire De-1 have been tried on Wednesday, but H Lloyd oj,%utho d, Kenneth Simons partment. The fire was in the shed of, .in motion trade by Lawyer Milesfall and Miss Clarice Helen, daughter Geo. H. Wells. It was quickly subdued,for the defense, the case was put r. and Mrs. Charles H. Tillinghast., before any damage of consequence weal over the term on the ground that Southold, Nov. 3, by Rev. Wm. H. done. The fire evidently started in a t Lloyd, Lewis William Korn and Mrs, barrel, filled with excelsior. the Ltmosphere created by the evi- Caroline Leicht Smith. Bence in the Swezey case was such -. ` Brooklyn, Oct, 11, Joseph T. T,ianor, The potato market is very dull. The that possibly Vail could not get a son-in-law of Thomas Farley of South- price has fallen to$1.15 per bushel. fair trial at this time. On Thursday ol 1, aged 49 years. Immense quantities of cauliflower Justice Squeirs sentenced Swezvy are being shipped daily from this sta- to not more than two yearg and !Six Vail.—At the E. L. 1. Hopital,1 tion. months non less than one year and Greenport, November 2j)d. to Pair. I and Mrs. Richard Vail of Pee(laic, three months in prison at -Sing Sing, and to pay a fine of$1,000. 1 a daughter. r ­ f J 3%7 _ SOUTH©LD TOWN ELECTION RETURNS PRESIDENT Districts-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total James M Cox D 24 22 47 67 59 82 82 25 130 56 72 84 42 87 879 Warren G Harding R 54 247 113 219 188 249 148 32 157 212 190 175 183 240 2407 Eugene V Debs 8 0 1 0 4 6 6 0 0 1 0 - 1 3 1 1 24 Aaron S Watkins P 1 5 2 2 0 2 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 1 20 Parley P Christiansen F-L 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 . 0 2 1 2 0 7 GOVERNOR, Alfred R Smith D 33 27 37 115 78 128 115 25 146 64 80 109 53 109 1120 Nathan L Miller R 45 233 113 157 158 189 101 30 140 196 179 137 169 213 1.860 UN'I'TED S'T'ATES SENATOR Harry C Walker D 23 28 42 72 62 82 69 24 129 55 65 83 36 89 859 James W Wadsworth R 49 164 82 151 144 195 105 30 127 177 153 92 157 188 1814 'IH91a A Boole P 0 64 10 36 1$ 2D 13 0 25 21 27 50 16 24 314 - JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT FAwi'n L Garin D 19 ;22 38 69 58 82 70 23 114 62 68 81 37 80 835 Burt J Humphreys D 20 19 33 68 49 73 74 22 111 58 58 78 39 74 776 , Edward W McMahon D 17 15 27 63 51 69 68 20 94 47 49 69 33 62 684 Townsend Scudder D 22 63 60 128 111 114 94 22 174 119 123 133 84 123 1.370: Charles J Druhan D 14 14 22 34 42 50 54 19 85 40 47 63 23 50 567 Joseph Aspinall R 48 226 85 180 146 191 106 29 148 184 180 132 169 224 2047 ; Selah B Strong R 43 202 72 181 138 219 114 29 107 151 124 113 145 192 1830 Norman S Dike R 48 225 85 175 149 197 113 29 150 187 169- 125 165 224 2041 John MacCrate R 43 215 84 173 145 194 115 30 128 179 169 133 153 212 1973' Walter H Jaycox R 45 234 97 214 168 224 127 31 171 206 193 159 177 231 2295 M REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Alfred J Kennedy D 16 11 24 81 55 88 77 24 112 54 59 80 35 75 7911 Fred C Hicks R 56 262 128 193 187 230 132 31 170 208 192 159 180 238 2276 j 4 STATE SENATOR William G Carroll D 29 17 30 88 61 86 77 26 118 57 58 82 36 86 850 n George L Thompson R 41 247 111 182 168 214 125 29 159 200 184 150 175 216 2201 MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY - Clarence Garvey D 27 24 30 92 61 95 81 27 127 62 67 97 41 91 922 e John G Downs R 42 240 111 178 163 205 122 29 149 196 179 143 1.79 221 2157 DISTRTC'T ATTORNEY .Wallace E J Collins D 25 20 27 73 61 87 67 22 112 59 57 90 36 84 820 Roy M Young R 43 247 114 204 173 226 138 32 167 197 188 141 176 225 2311 COUNTY TREASURER C Raynor D 21 17 37 71 56 81 70 24 117 52 59 83 39 82 809 Ln �n p-erd M Scudder R 51 242 95 199 165 223 128 30 151 201 187 102 174 224 2172 COUNTY AUDITOR. �s iam T Hulse D 25 22 32 77 55 76 66 23 117 57 59 80 37 77 803 or ght T Corwin R 47 233 98 195 169 227 131 32 154 200 189 149 1.73 232 2229 it CORONERS Luce D 25 32 29 70 67 78 75 23 120 55 64 98 65 110 911 rs. M Hodges D 20 11 16 39 38 49 46 19 83 50 48 66 29 59 573 ce C Miles R 47 247 1.27 228 182 241 146 35 165 201 185r 152 165 226 2347 in S Moore R 41 207 87 169 137 188 109 30 137 181 165 121 142 189 1903 SOLDIERS' BONUS 37 97 89 126 109 144 104 29 92 71 103 105 94 119 1299 35 106 33 80 73 70 50 12 123 111 86 96 76 96 1047 f r, ir,, Det, No. 1 is Fishers Island; 2, Orient; 3, East Marion; 4, 5, 6 and 7, Greenport; 8, Arshamotnoque; 9 thold; 11, Peconic; 12, Cutchoguc and New Suffolk; 13 and 14, Mattituck and Laurel. 2- (J Republican Landslide George L. Thompson carried Nassau Corporal B. H. Moore of 1st Co., C. and Suffolk for State Senator. A. C., Fort Williams, Coast Defense, While we think it was generally con- John G. Downs was elected to the of Portland, Me.,has just been honora- ceded by Democrats, as well as Repub- Assembly in the Ficst District, and bly discharged from the service of the licane, that Senator Warren G. Hard- Paul Bailey in the Second. II U.S.Army, after four years of faithful ing, the Republican candidate for Pres LeRoy M. Young was elected Dis-I service with the colors. He was over ident, would be elected, still neither trict Attorney; Shepherd M. Scudder, seas for a period of 29 months, in three the most pessimistic Democrat nor the County Treasurer; Dwight T. Corwin, major engagements and seriously wound- . most optimistic Republican looked for County Auditor; Jonathan Baker, Su- ed while on the line, but later full anything like the overwhelming Re- perintendent of Poor, and Dr. Clarence recovered. He is visiting his mother, publican majorities recorded on Tues- C. Miles and Dr. Edwin S. Moore, Cor- Mrs.G. M. Hahn, at present for a short day, The maj)ritie3 are something oners, stupendous—never heard of, never Haidiug carries SufYalk County byof time. dreamed of. It was a. Republican 16,434. Miller's majority in the county At Ow annual meeting (if the landslide and avalanche all combined in is 5,595, and Senator Wadaworth's, 10,- Southold Free Library Association, one. The Empire State leads the pro-038. Hicks is elected to Congress by Mrs, Ella B. Hallock was elected a. cession of States with over one million over 30,000. Thompson for Senate has Trustee in place of Richard S. Stur-' majority for Harding. Pennsylvania 17,500 majority. The 'Suffolk County ges, deceased, and J. Leo Thompson rolls up 750,000 majority; Illinois, 800,-nominees have from 12,000 to 15,000 was elected in place of Thomas C. 000; California, 500,000; Ohio, 400,000,majority. The tabulated returns for and so on all down the line„ Harding's Southold Town a Wed resigned, The Trustees met on appear elsewhere. Wednesday.and elected the follow- popular majority over Cox will be in Harding carries the Town by 1,528; excess of 6,000,000 votes.. He carriecMiller by 740; Wadsworth by 955; Hicks ing officers: Pres., Dr, J.W.Stokes; 33 states and has surely captured 37Eby 1485;'Thompson by 1351; Downs by Vice Pres., E. D. Cahoon, See.,R.G. electoral votes. He m'vy capture foue 1235, Terry; Treas., If. H. Huntting. more States—Tennessee, Ariz)na, New Mexico and Oklahoma, making his elec- Frank Sanford and Patrick Kelly Last Saturday avenin;; Myron toral vote 404. Cox captured 11 States ir'., have gone to Lake Placid, where Glover had an hoar or wore to Wait with a total of 127 electoral votes. they will engage in 'trappings during for a train at Albany. He took a Should he get the four doubtful States the Winter. walk about the City and when in a his electoral vote will be 155, The Re- lonely place he was held up by two publican majority in the United States Mrs, Mina H. Edwards tree returned++ Senate is raised from two to 14, with a� from her trip to Holland, where she I risen and,rpbbed of his gold Watch a chance of making it 18. The House of visited her daughter. and $50 in money. u Representatives will be heavily Repub- miss Fanny Case of Franklin, Maas, I Miss Louise Monsell, granddaughter bean„ is spending a time with her parents. + of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Prince, has been The Republicans made a clean sweep Arthur M. Joost and family have chosen accompanist for the orchestral in New York State. Cox carried only moved to their new home at Creekside. of the Harridy tichool, West Philad& one county—Hamilton. Governor 'phis. This is a big honor fora 13-year .q Snaith made a great run against tro_ mendous odds, but Miller Is elected by '1'W611xp-F �6 Years Ago old girl„ s ' D� I 60,000, Notwithstanding the fight, �luN. 1- 4*44 Through the real estate senc of made against Senator James W. Wads- Charles R. Skinner, Supt- ole Public E. Leicht, ,Benj. F. Gaffga bas sold 40 i{ Instruction, declared this district to be worth, he leads the Sta`e ticket, and acres of hie place to Vincent Puliwoda, will have at least 700,000 majority. a Union Free School District. Mr. Leiebt has also sold for Mrs. Hen. The Republicans will control both Judge W. B. Green gave a lecture in rietta Conklin one acre of land at South t branches of the State Legislature by the Southold Lecture Course. Harbor to Dr, H. Emerson.. two-thirds majorities. The Republican Rev. F. G. Leonard was giving a E D. Cahoon has gone to the Battle minees for Supreme Court Judges in series of sermons on "The Nature, Creek Sanitarium, Michigan, for trot• isd;strict have from 50,000 to 100,0+10 Evidences and Value of Universalian." ment. We trust he will be greatly y` William uart was badly scorched fhe Republicans of Suffolk elected y y benefitted thereby, ever man on their Judicial Con res- by an exploding cartridge. nest Monday lbe groc- y , g Beginning sional, Senatorial, Assembly and Coun- Frank Shields, who has given univer- cry stoires in Southold will el-c at6 � ty ticket by overwhelming majorities. sal satisfaction as Station Agent of the p, m,, except Saturdays. Joseph Aspinall, Selah B. Strong, L. I. R. R. at Southold, is to be trans- Norman S. Dike, John MacCrate and ferred to Ronkonkoma. We very much The house at Indian I'veck,Peconie, i Walter H. Jaycox were elected Jus- regret his departure, but at the same formerly owned by Elmer Stevens, r tices of the Supreme Court. Justice time we congratulate him on his de- was burned to the grnarnd early Townsend Scudder, Democrat, made a served promotion- He is to be suc- . was big run, but he could not overcome the ceeded by Harry J. Cusack, a former )wise ay morning. The hnn:;c� li. ,great Republican lead. assistant agent at this place. He was `+wised and occupied by tr 10l family. All their household Frederick C. Hicks carried all three well liked when he was here before, were also da strayed„ ..-R. ` Counties for Representative in Con- and we know he will make good. gross. IF21 I Harry Cusack took Charge or tne to Twenty-Five Years Ago Suffolk CoUnly SWISHM Southold railroad station on Friday of this week. The bills audited against IeTow n by From the Long Island Railroad In- _ the Board of Auditors amounted to formation Bulletin we take the follow- Frederick S Taggart &ors to Rus- $4,075.00, ing etatisLics of interest to our read- sell S Walker, one-half of lands for- We had very mild weather. era: merly conveyed by Henry W Downs I The total number of acres in Suffolk'!to D A Taggart, Down-, Point, Cut-, It was reported that Geo. H. Wells County is 587,620, divided as follows: ichogue, 1,1011t. made more money than any farmer in Villages and towns60Tillie Bechtold to [,ucy M Leich ag , ,000; lots or this section this fall. parcel 1()0x353 it, s s Pine Neck roa Miss L. C. Pond again took the posi- farms under development, 25.000- adj land of Christc,-.)her LeichL, tion of Principal of Southold Academy, private estates occupied, 40,000; golf: Southold, Ta1 ofic, in place of Mrs. Mina H. Edwards, re- country and other clubs, 25,000; ceme- At the E. L. I. Hospital on Oct. 16, signed. teries, parks, etc. 10,000; farms un- der cultivation, 200,000; land under there was a son, Robert, born to Mr. Martin Fogarty of Bay View per- and Mrs. ]Bryant H. Overton. chased the Charles Ryder farm at Pe- water, land not cultivated, or devel- collie. iopment of any kind, 237,520,. The tax rate for Soulhold Town was The population of Suffolk County in Twenty-Five Years Ago 1890 was 62,491; 1900, 77,582; 1910, A4,1. 2—4e 44,3�i, fr- 1.25, outside of Greenport, where it 96,138; 1915, 104,342; 1920, 110,24L Presiding Elder Van Alstyne held was 1.06. The population of Long Isiand is as quarterly conference of the M. E. Melrose I. Booth and Miss Bertha follows: Kings, 2,018,356; Queens, church. Fickeisgen were married. 469,042; Nassau, 125,727; Suffolk, ` Thanksgiving services were held in SuWaflee Mixed M1031MIS 110,241, Total, 2,721,366. the Presbyterian and Universalist ,rm'o WELL KNOWN FIRMS churches. buy Suwanee Mixed Minstrels gave Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Baldwin returned two first-class entertain 1T en,ts in Bel- F01,11 NEIN CORPORATION to Brooklyn. mont flail Tuesday and Wednesday one of the largest and most impor- Hon. Roswell G. Horr gave a lecture evenings. Those in charge and all in n the M. E. Church on "Genius ve tent inergers of business interests in,i i the caste deserve great credit for the the county in many yeaars is that of IShams. pleasant evenings spent by all who at- Joshua T. Fanning, of Riverhead, and, tended. The songs, cliorusea, funny Cagen & Edwards, Inc., of Southold.' ! jokes, etc., were greatly enjoyed. The The new corporation will be knvw .a:-r �- ! SOME POTATOES costumes and decqrations of the stage 1--'anning, E(lwards & Gagen, Inc.. itild We were shown this week 15 pota- W111 15a capitalized at $150p0. T,Jlctoes, the Mills Pride variety, says the added much to the entertainment. _1•ticles of incorporation haw, bevil, Huntington Bulletin, which weighed Walter Gagen was interlocutor; -Wil- jrpared by AssistaiA 1)is,,-ict 27 lbs. 5 oz-9. They were rais,!d by Jo- liam Christie, Harry Myers, Jack Car- nay Gtorge W. 11 ildreth, of Riverhead. seph Tanner on the old Morris R. iroll and John Scott, end men. The The corporation will continue to, Brush farm at Woodbury. Mr. Tan- operate it) Riverh-ad and Soutbold, ner had 66 acres of potatoes this year circle consisted of Harold Downs, I and they yielded, part of them, at the and will have, a branch at Bridge- , Leslie Jewell, Fred Case, Jake Tyler, hanipton. -,Vli-. Fanning and his son- !'ate of more than 500 bushels to the Jack Munch, Albert Salmon, John Pur- in-law, William H. Housner, will con-1 acre. My. Tanner has Supplied one cell, George Stelzer, Margaret Furey, tillue in charge at Riverhead; hotel in New York with 200 barrels of I selected potatoes for baking, at $9 a Margery Van Wyck, Theresa Fielder,' hain T. Gagen at Southold, and 1, T. barrel. dwar , the of e , .11nd a Marie Gagen, Florence Strasser, Mary I` ,E, 'In ofdsEdwardlatter EdwardOrint s, it meniLw i- Master Russell Blair Quarty of Sum- Kelly,Catherine Cogan,Janet Samuels, ()f the firm of Gaven & Edwards, wili: rnit, N. J., a son of Mrs. Dora Quarty Agnes Butler and Edna Butler. "Be- bt� the inana.gvr of the Bridgehanipton, Blair, formerly of this village, will fore and Behind" was a screaming'I branch. play a violin solo at the Presbyterian sketch. Prof. A. T. Downs was thel Honor Hull Board Removed church next Sabbath morning. Russell pianist. on Wednesday evening the' is an artist, and those who have once entertainment was follow dant- The Honor [toll Board, which was so ing, with music by the Riverhead I thoughtfully erected by a committee beard him will want to bear him again. vincible Orchestra. The proceeds of of loyal and patriotic citizens in memo- New Suffolk, Nov. 20, at the resi- the, entertainment were for the benefit ry of our World War veterans, has i dence of the bride's parents, by Rev. of the Southold Free Library. been removed from its temporary rest F. G. Beebe, Ralph Wells Tuthill of I ing place to the grounds of the South- Mattituck and Miss Laura Hoagland, 1�jicbael M. Purcell has taken the old Savings Bank, The L. V. L S. is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fan- Government contract to carry the directing the work and greatly appre- ning. 'IM M. Purcell contract r et' to ed n Lo a I b G v mails Station to crates the courtesy of the Bank oine- Cutcbogue, Nov. 14, by Rev. Joseph mails, to and from the R. It Cizirionski, Joseph Kozlwski and Rp' t 08 in �0 the Post Office, for $540 per year. late. Amelia Hawrus. Rolwrt J. Carey will sever his N. Y. City, Nov. 20, by Rev. C. S. i night Slattery, Harry Hunttirig Reeve and Friday night was the coldest of the R. (I Miss Katherine Wells, both of Green- connection with the L. 1. R. Green- season, season, the thermometer registering 24 and enter the elllPl()Y of Far rtir,l_, port. degrees. lvl_a^� Edwards & Gagen Inc., at Wvl 1, Brooklyn, Nov. 15, Harold Booth and Bridgeltarril Miss Eunice Stnr4. both of Southold. ==MOM I .7)_U Battle Perfect Attendance T Nov. Creek Sanitarium, Evelyn Van Wyck, Francis Thomp- the Tax Rate 18, Edward D. Cahoon of Msch. son, Henry McCabe, Joe Krukoski, Ed- The Tax Rate for Southold Town will old, where interment took place, win Malmhorg, 6I years, be as follows: GRADE V State, County and Town, 1.155 SCHOOL NOTES Doris Williams 95 Highways .563 e • s Alice Bloomfield 94 Board of Health .032 Lillian Stelzer 92 Honer Roll—General Average — Grace Vreeland 91 Total Town Tax 1!750 GRADE I Marion Carey 90 Sophie Slavonik 92 Kathryn Butler 88 Greenport Village 1.155 Carol Gomez 91 Henrietta Fickeissen 86 Southold Lighting District .29 William U. Williams 91 John Shields 86 1. Rensselaer Terry 90 William Conway 85 41 Eire .08 Mary Butler 89 Perfect Attendance Park .025 Alberta Fickeiswwn 89 Alice Bloomfield, Doris Williams Orient Lighting .175 Pauline Albertson 89 Grace Vreeland, Stanley Krukoweki Fire .11 Joseph Conway 88 GRADE VI Mosquito .15 Vincentine Krupski 88 SCHOOL DISTRICT RATE Alfred Poliwoda 88 Bernice Simons 85 Agnes Ztbroski 86 Mary Stelzer 85 Dist 1—Orient Point .60 Christopher Grattan 85 Marguerite Ehrhardt 86 2—Orient 1.97 Stanley Rutkoskie 85 Walter Zoweski 86 3—East Marion 1.11 Perfect Attendance Flora Albertson 90 4—Vishera Island 1,107' Joseph Bond 90 Winifred Butler, Christopher Grat- James Cogan 90 5—Southold 2.00 tan, William Smith, William O. Will- Katherine Hilliard 93 6—Bay View .90 liams Perfect Attendance 7—Peconic ,87 GRADE II Mary Basta 85 Charles Vreeland, Bernice Simons' 8—East Cutchogue 1.20 Georgians Stepnoski 85 James Cogan 9—Mattituck 1,45 Hedwig Weygand 85 GRADE VII 10—Greenport 2.09 Anna Zaveski 88 Katherine Thompson 88 11—Laurel .3$ Perfect Attendance Nita Dickerson 87 12—Cutchogue 1,04 Murial Young, Norma Van Wyck, Helen Boisseau 87 Alberta Dickerson Alice Gordon 86 14—Oregon 1.30 I5—New Suffolk 1.00 GRADE III Perfect Attendance Hazel Baumann, Anna Shields, Vir- The total rate for Sowhold Village— Donald Coots ginia Malmborg State, County and Town, highways, Donald Christie e 90 Dorothy Christie 95 GRADE VIII Board of Health, School,° Light, Park Marie Doherty 94 Helen Thompson 90 and Fire, is 4.145. Edwin Fiakeissen 86 Perfect Attendance The Town Tax Rate is considerably Margaret Gailagher 87 lower than last ear, Robert Gagen 92 Alice Petty, Hilda Goldsmith, Helen y , but the State and. Rosemary Grattan 85 Thompson County are considerably higher, especi- Dorothy Jennings 86 HIGH SCHOOL ally the State. Eileen Mahoney 86 Thomas Hall 88 The Southold School Rate is high this Stefna Poliwoda 85 Eugene Lehr 86 year, but the Board of Education aims Helen Poliwoda 85 Helen Romanski 91 Class Work to raise quite a surplus, so we will not Jennie Romaneki 42 Willie Carrol, Algebra 90 have to borrow money next year to Horace Symonds 93 Alvah Goldsmith, Plane Geometry 90 carry on the school before the tax Alfred Wells 90 Thomas Hall, Solid Geometry 90 money is received. Next year we be- Walter Williams 92 Physics 90 Noreen Wiseman 94 Beatrice Hodgine, French 90 Neve the Southold School Rate will b6 Harriet Horton, French 90 considerably lower. Perfect Attendance Helen Sayre, French 90 The Tax Receiver is now on a salary, Esther Christie, Donald Christie, Dor- Helen Terry, French 90 athy Christie, Marie Doherty, Robert 9. and if the tax is paid within the first 30 Gagen, Walter Williams, Noreen Wise- Ruth Vail, Latin 91 days from the time the Receiver re- man Eugene Lehr, Solid Geometry 90 ceived his warrant, there will be no GRADE IV Physics 90 French 90 percentage added for collecting. Helen Dickerson 94 Examination Evelyn Van Wyck 93 F t Irene McKeon 93 Alvah Goldsmith, Geometry 94 Increased Interest Rate Dwight Bridge 92 I3�ryl Horton, Latin 1190 Alice Downs 91 Perfect Attendance The Southold Savings Bank will in- Annie Poliwoda 90 Helen Booth,Helen Cochran, Frances crease its interest rate to Depositors, Frances Gordon 89 Leic'A, Theresa Fielder, Helen Terry, for the three and six months ending Francis Thompson 86 Clement Donalage December 31, to 5 per cent on $500, Helen K rt 86 and continue the old rate of 4 per cent Stanley Smith 86 , Katie Stepnoski 85 on the excess up to $5,000. On ac- Henry McCabe 85 count of the present high interest rate on investments, the Trustees are able to do this and still retain a safe surplus for contingencies. Twenty-five Years Ago William H. Hummel has returned Will of Edwin D. Cahoon J Qo« / �--,�qr— from a trip to Porto Rico. He is now �. .Che will of Edwin D. Cahoon late Special meetings were beingheld in contemplating a trip to Florida. of Southold, disposing of an estate� M. E. church. The Open Lobby at the Southold of one million dollars, was probated John Breitstadt, Ezra G. Beebe and Post Office now closes at 9 p. M. on Tuesday at Riverhead. All of the amen R. Foster were elected Elders J E Reney is putting a metal roof real estate goes to the daughter, f the Presbyterian church. on his house. Edna R:Cahoon; Clarence M.Cahoon, Considerable snow fell here. Irene stack of the Montauk steamboat �e ene 13 Foster to Vttver A 3�oici- , nephew, Wilmington, Del., $5,000; smith &ors, parcel 130x1G0 feet on May Marshall Addy, Georgie Mar- Co. was increased Mar- from $100,000 to j New Suffolk t•d, adi land of Carolyn $150,000. Roache,New Suffolk, Fax $1.00 shall Pettit, and 'Phebe Marshall The Board of Education organized as '" ' Bride, nieces, each ni i Yatr3ck �rle31a3 �w to f-llaiies 1-ngs- �' $3r000; Cleve- follows:Pres., W. C. Albertson; Sec., ley, one-eighth of an acre 31 s Oreh-l land L. Howard, in recognition of W. H. Terry; Tress., W. H. Glover; avd st, ad,i land of Orrin i t=Diol- II ten years of faithful service, $1,000; Truant Officer, A. R. Vail. The other �nlitth, New w . ilco , Tax x'.'.00 1 Wm. E. Taylor, to wham testator members of the Board were Dr. 3, a7A daughter was born tc3 Mr, and had already given $1,000 in recogni- Harteanft, Ii, C. Prince and D. W. Mrs. Louis,DeRosier on Sunday.'kwlt tion of his Years of faithful service, Grattan. is given$100 for each full year of Golden weddin South Jamesport, Nov. 28, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. service since April, 1920; each other Witb much pleasure "Bench and and l'drs. Charles Morse, by Rev. D. H. employe$100, if in his employ three Board" learns of the 60th wedding an- Overton, Stirling B. Woodhull and lliisa Elizabeth C. Howell. Years. Among the trust funds are niversary of Mr. W. F. Terry of De- these: $17,500, income for sister, partment No. 4 and Mrs. Terry, who Barre, Vt., Nov. 26, Rev. E. W. Elizabeth Tracy, Delta, Utah, for celebrated the joyous occasion by giv- Cumingi, a former Principal of South- life, then 10,000 of South- old Academy, aged 73 years. $ principal to the ing a large reception Monday evening. _ _ Falmer Home for the Aged, Dover,' The house was attractively decorated Twenty-Five Years Ago Del„ balance to testator's daughter; with chrysanthemums and other �� J friends. Guests $17,500,income to brother, Joseph' flowers, gifts from numbering about one hundred, includ- J. P. Lowry of Sag Harbor closed his V H. Cahoon, Manhattan, then prinei- ing some of Bir. and Mrs. Terry's old drug store business in this place. pal to testator's daughter; $17,500, friends from New York, New London, Irrespective of party affiliations, the income to sister, Mary C.Fredericks, and other cities, were present. lawyers of Southold Town endorsed ex- Manhattan, for life, then principal l Many useful and beautiful gifts were District Attorney Benj. H, Reeve for to testator's daughter; $17,500, in-, received, including$100 in gold- Read- County Judge. come to sister, Clara B. Cahoon, ers of "Bench and Board ll join in Congressman McCormick introduced congratulating Mr, and Mrs. Terry and a bill for the erection of a lighthouse Manhattan t, for life, then $10,000 of "' a wishing them many more years of hap- at Orient Point. p pal to the E. L. I. Hospital of piness and prosperity.—Bench and Alfred E. Pearsall gave "A Soldier's Greenport, and balance to testator's Board, Hartford, Ct. Story" in the M. E. church, daughter; $17,500, income to sister, Frank L. Downs received a license as Anna D. Whitenack, Philadelphia, A special meeting of the L. V. I. S. a pharmacist. for life, then principal to her child- was bold with Mrs. M. B. Van Dusen - ren; $17,500, income to sister, Lida on Monday, to consider the feasibility The members of Southold Lodge, 1. C TenEyck, Springfield, Mass., for i of a new hall. Mrs. W. 1. Hagerman IO O F., enjoyed pancakes and sau- life, then principal to her children, and Mise Margaret Harper were ap sage at their meeting Monday evening, Residue of estate to the trustee for pointed a committee to confer with Estate 53'i1iian3 A. Pin .'.'_ other societies. $12,407.56 'let, 3,'vlf� 'b, the use of the daughter, Principal Net est it3 as follows: a l 'n1 e is to be paid to her as follows: $100,- ry So�1;lzold, b'�1 000 when she is 30 ears old fat wido Y $100,_ Orlando W. Wells, of Philadelphiapain Moffat, soli ivTay F. .t, spent the week-end recently with his daughter, Southold, each $2,4ah 's, Q00 more when she is 35,and balance parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Wells, when she is 40. Such part as is un. He returned Nov. 1st from a five Mattituek, Dec. 1, suddenlMagoey of Laurel, father y, John of Mrss• paid at her death goes to her child- months' business trip to South Amer- Robert J. Carey of Southold, aged 60 ren, if any. Alfred H. Cosden is ca, vi3iting the Panama Canal, Colon, years, made the executor and trustee,with- and Havana on his way home. Holtsville, Nov. 23, at the Sanitar- out bonds,and is given broad powers' ium, Mrs. Nellie Shalvey McCaffery of Cutchogue, where burial took place. in administering the estate. The will Mrs. Ella Wells and sister, Miss was executed on Nov. 8th, 1920, and iLeek, of Amagansett, started last Southold, Dec. 3, Benjamin Wells was witnessed by H. H. Huntting,I. week for Pasadena, Cal., where they Case, aged 73 years, 9 months. 13 days. respect to make their home. Mattituck, Dec. 4, Russell Edward P. Terry and F. K. Terry, Lupton, aged 30 years, 3 months, 29 days. rte— Southold Sarin Bank Twenty-Five YearsAw Twenty-k"Ive Y ears .ego '7' Q 1:. a� �wm© , 92-# 5 Vu on $500 H. R. Vail returned fron Bay where he had been employed. January 1, 1921, the Southold Savings Charles Davis and family of Bay Hank will credit its Depositors with View moved to Greenport. ReV• Wm. M. 'Willett, who was Via' interest, for the past three and six Sneak thieves were around. of the first preachers stationed at the' months at the rate of . Southold M. E. church, died at bis; 5% per annum on William Hommel left for Micanopy, , home is Jersey deposits up to and including $500, and Fla. li The Trustee orfytbe eSouth Id Sea-I at the rate of 4% on the excess up to The total tax levy of Southold Town $5,000. was $30,3$2.07. This did not include Ings Bank directed that interest be credited The Hank opened for business July 5, schools and roads. de per nuu at the rate of font ' y 1858,and for the next six years paid 5% Annie M., wife of H. Howard Hunt- per cent poannum. interest. The rate was raised to f% ting, died. The Southold Fire Department had a January x, 1865, and continued forDennis Feeley died. Parade on Christmas, twelve years, January x, 18yq the rate The Republican County Committee Protection Engine Co. elected the '"was lowered t0 5%. From July x, 1879, endorsed Benj. H. Reeve fora following: Foreman, R. S. Sturges; '.S90 was paid on $r,00a, and 4,10 on the Ment for County Judge. P;ioint- Aest. Foreman, Wm. H. Terry; See,, excess. January I, 1881, the rate was 0. V. Fenney; Tress., F. T. Wets• made 4% on all sums. From July 1, Trustee, A. F. Lowerre. 1915, llroleciion Engine Co. S. Moses Terry died, aged 77 years. 9 5, 4ya`i� was paid an deposits up to $500, and 4% on the excess. The annual meeting of Protection Alfred Bennett died aged 78 years. The Bank now has a surplus of 18% Engine Co. was held last Friday even- for the protectiou of its Depositors ing, when the following officers were j i WE'RE Z<IJLL PROTECTED against any depreciation of,loss, and the elected. Foreman, Fred T. Jennings; Trustees consider this sufficient protec-d Asst. Foreman, Teunis S. Bergen; 'New 16-inch Gun to Protect Long Ial- tion against any possible contingency, Secretary, R. G. Terry; Treasurer, I acid's East End and that the interest rate can now be Fred K. ferry; Trustees, Wm. H. Ter- II A new 16-inch disappearing rifle,' safely increased. ry and J. Edward Corey. J. N. Hal- having a range of twenty-two nr�les," Class fur foreigners lock and S. L. Bennett were appointed will soon be installed as part of the g Auditing Committee. coast defenses of Long Island 5ouird An foreign born adults who would the Secretor was directed to can- at Foa-t Michie, New London, Conn. Y g y The ;great gun, sixty-two feast long, is, like to join a class in learning to read vey to the family of the late Richard capable of firing a shot a ruin atr,each and write English, will please notify S. Sturges, a charter member and for Shat causing it to recoil and sink back Principal Sheldon of the High Schcol, many years Foreman of the company, into position, out of sight,for reload- or J. N. Hallock resident of the their sense of great lose in the death Ing' The gun is no at the Gov;rn- P g r;aent arsenal at Watertown, mass„ Board of Education. The class will be of Mr. Sturges and deep sympathy for .here it was built and tested. held in the High School building twice the bereaved. a week, on such evenings as are most A Christmas donation of $25 was Beginning Jan. 3d, the two barber convenient for the class. The tuition made to the Firemen's home at Hud- shops of tha village wiyl close at 8 p. will be free, sen. N. Y. in., except Saturdays, when it will be Sodthold wants the largest class on Frank L. Wells has entered the em- 10 P. M. this end of the Island. Any one who ploy of Fanning, Edwards & Gagen, William H. Hummel has returned desires to learn to read and write En Inc., at their Bridgehampton brsrnch, from a trip to Tampa, Florida. Mr. glish is cordially invited to come into and Mr. and Mrs. Wells have moved to Hummel has also made trips to Ken- the class, that village. tucky and Porto Rico this fall. The Domino Club has elected the fol- A daughter, Jean Louise, was born Marion 13 Johnson to Ralph 5 lowing offlcera for the ensuing year: to Mr. and Mrs. James Criet of Wal- lots Sit and 1E; mala of propose:l president:, Benjamin Horton; Secretary den, N. Y., on Nov. 25th. Mra. Crist subdivisios of Sec C. lk.as<'.au Point. and Tre surer, John Carey; Trustees, was formerly Miss Nina Howe, a for- C;Ictt, Properties, Nassau Ta�PO�,. 6 Thomas Farley, Andrew Gagen, Harry mer teacher in the Southold School. - ,t Howell. John F Fanning; &w to Chas Kru_� William A. Booth has just received a koske, lot w s Fifth st adj land of The farmers of Southold and Feconic Chief Engineer's license, unlimited, Geo F Grathwohl, New Suffolk, . $2500; Tax $2.511 have formed a transportation company, good for any size vessel. Congratula- capitalized at $15.000. The company tions] (`harles Pugsley &W to Victor Sato- has already purchased one truck and It is requested that there be no, lcnskl, parcel Rte 1 Ci ft n s7 Orchard st, adj land of Orrin T Goldsmith,' will purchase another, and lease two smoking in the Auditorium of Belmont New Suffolk, 'Fax $2,50. more trucks. The company will use Hall during any of the High School - the trucks for transporting produce tc basket-ball games or entertainments. Peconic. Dec. 20. at the residence the city markets. – of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rose,! � 1 New York, Dec. 11, Slgmund Tan- Mrs. Julia 11, t_irit{in t)f Westhamp hauser of Southold, and Miss Flor- torn, af►y. Burial at Gtltchogue. 1 ence Reif of New York. Twenty-Five Years Ago12 Frank D Peterson &N, to Con Smit 1-o Southold, Dec. 18, David Tuthill acres w g cutch,,�nre DepotI�r,9� Conklin, a veteran of the Civil War, 11dJ land of heirs of Isaar Aldria.Gh', I aged 81 years, 2 months, 10 days. L. W. Korn moved into the rooms Cutchogue,I over his store. Tax miyan B , rooklyn, Dec. 18, Charles H. Bixby, a former resident of Southold, aged 661 ov Terry Bros. and W. A. Williams fl!l- $1,000 AN ACRE PAID 13 1 years. I ed their ice houses with 6-inch ice. Felix Krukowebi, who had a shoe FOR CUTCHOGUE FARM Twenty-Five Years Ago store im the Korn building, returned to e,. J 1 4,44+ Greenport. For the first time since the year in H. M, Hawkins sold his bakery to Tlils Is Top Price in Many Sensational which Christ was born, there were two Herbert E. Benjamin and moved to Deals in Eastern Suffolk full moons in December. Greenport, where he entered the em. This Winter The Week of Prayer was observed lu ploy of the Suffolk Times. Mr. Ben- the Presbyterian and Methodist church- I jamin leased part of the Korn building According to the war tax stamps oil for a bakery. -1 deed filed iii the County Clerk's of- es Mrs. Franklin N. Terry died aged The thermometer registered six be- flee at Riverhead last week Dr. Frank 72 years. low zero. Monday was the coldest day D. Peterson of Cutchogue receives Mrs. William Gagen died, aged 60 since 1880. 1.,121.000 for 12 acres of farm land sold to con Snuth, a Pa!i:;h nian. years. Thomas B. Wells, Charles E. Case I and Waldo Brown were elected Trus- The tract is on the west side of De- The ,�"A kino� Cutchogue. The land i-, said Prize for the 1)iggrest tree in tees of the Presbyterian church to bo exceptionally good, and all will New York State has been awarded The 13th anniversary of Banner probably agree that the price is in to Cliar!es J. Richards, Editor of Lodge, I. 0. G. T., was celebrated. flilitt class, too. tile G�Uwanca News, for aMartin W. Fogarty of Southold and n elan In fact this is believed to be the ti::ewbich i-, n2arly thirty feet in i,e,,or(l price paid in the inany sensa- eircuinference at 4V2 feet from the Miss Annie Burns of Cutchogue were tiorial deals in farm land during the r ,"d, married. paz­t Tall and -inter. There have Rev. Willard S. Ballou of Hunting- been many $500-an-acre transactions, The winning tree has these re- ton, formerly of Southold, was mar- nmj ��ome even higher, but so far as markable dimensions: Circumfer- Tied to Miss Lela Merrill of Hop Bot- I has been learned this is the only efface 30 inches from the ground �1,000-an neve de-al. 34 feet, 2 inches; at six feet, cir-' 3 tom, Pa. "uniference, 2.3 feet, 7 inches, SoUthold Lodge Officers height over 100 feet: It has no Robert 0. Pelletreau of Patchogue branches for 50 feet above the has been appointed by Governor Miller The officers of Southold Lodge I. grol — and, and its circumference at as Surrogate of Suffolk, in place of 0. 0. F. were installed on Monday that voint is 20 feet. Selah B. Strong, who resigned to take evening by District Deputy Grand Clement Booth, mate of an ocean-go- a seat on the Supreme Court Bench. Master H. Seymour Case and staff , ing vessel, came up4rom New Orleans of Greenport. The officers are: N. to spend Christmas with his parents. Sheriff Kelly has appointed Constable G. Israel P. Te Mr- Booth has made several trips to Fred T. Jennings as a Special Deputy , Terry; V. G., Charles European parts since be was i I T. Gordon; P. G., Tunis S. Bergen; n South- Sheriff. old. War., Charles T. Gordon; Con.,Wm. Edwin 1-1 Brovrn &w t, 'I Charles IN, We had the first snowfall of the sea- Elmer, 2 1-�� acres 11 , Cedar Beach H. Terry; Chap., John Brietstadt; road, Bay View. Rec. See., George C. Te rry; Fin. son Sunday night. The snow later Riverhead, Tzix See., Lewis W. Korn; Treas., Wm. turned to rain and there was no trace Jan. 1, Earle WHiam of snow left in a few hours. Baker of Peconic and Aiwa Florence R Newbold; Inside Guardian, J. I. Mildred Elton of Riverhead. ,arming; Outside Guardian, Carlisle Saturday night was the coldest of the Cochran; R. S. N. G., R. G. Terry; H. M. Hawkins; R. S. season, the thermometer registering Twenty-Five Years Ago L. S. N. G., 14 above zero. 44a 4 9, V. G., Fred T. Jennings; L. S. V.G. 4 IWm. H. Rafford; R. S. S., Henry A daughter, Muriel Hobart, wast The directors of the Montauk Steam- W. Fisher; L. S. S., Herbert W. boat Go. declared a dividend of six per Wells. A fine supper was served born to Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Van R)lu �cent. after the meeting. The Lodge ac- on Dec. 16th. Arthur B. Gordon purchased the cepted the invitation of Greenport Brooklyn, Dec. 23, Lucinda, wife of John P. Wells place. Lodge to meet with them next Mon- William 'reaz and mother of Mrs. Wm. Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. elected day evening. R. Taylor of Southold, the following officers; Forema,i, Win. las Arthur M. J I Brooklyn, Dec. 25, Russell S. Walker, Thomas J, Phillips has purchased of President of the Dime Savings Bank H. Gagen; ABB4 Foreman, Nichocost, a lot 60 feet front on and a su rmer resident of New Suffolk, Carey; See., L. Baumann; Treas., Geo. maple Avenue next south Of the pis T aged 65 years. A. Maier;Trustee, A. R. Vail, oceupied by Avenue, sister, Mrs. Albert G. Wells Phillips and Miss Mattie have a cot- �4arion B. Johii,��on to 1�,jlph S. Green were married. Steiner. Mr. Phillips'a to 'Case, lots 314 and 3!6, map of tape erected on the lot for the use Of proposed subdivisions of See. Mrs. Hannah W. Case died, aged 91 Mrs. Steiner and d,,gbter, Mrs. Hall. Nassau Point, Club Properties, yearl. Naqasu Point. / 9 2V Meeting of Town Board Hot Lunch at S. H. S. Mrs, Maria J. Hallock celebrated, in The Southold Town Board met on Yes, we commenced serving 11 Hot a quiet way, her ninetieth birthday on both old' 'd new, and 11. Her many friends,, made it a very happy Monday, Jan. 10, 1920, for the purpose Cocoa and Milk od, y on Monday and the of inspecting bridges in the Town. children seemed to enjoy it. About Present, Supervisor Tuthill,Town Clerk seventy were served on Monday and on occasion by their thoughtful remember. Hallock, Justices Griffin, Corey and Tuesday eighty-five were served. antes, including a "shower" of over Terry, and Supt. of Highways Fleet., Some boys have been heard to say ninety portals and letters. The years Bridge Builder Harry Tuthill accom. ' have dealt kindly with this nonogenari- panied the Board, I "My. but that's good; may we have an. Life, with all it holds, is very en- It was deemed advisable . another cup?" The first cup is given - to Put a free, but a ehirge of three cents is joyable to her. She feels she bag its weight-limit on some of the bridges placed on the second. i best gifts in retaining her health and inspected, and this was done, as fol- We are trying to give these mental faculties, in the Possession of lows: ve children, love of her relatives and friends, Hall's Creek Bridge, on New Suffolk who have to stay for lunch, something and,without doubt, above all in the con- Avenue, 12,000 tbs. hot to help enjoy the sandwiches, solations of her religion. hich naturally do be,.-ome tiresome. Brush's Creek Bridge, on Laurel WSeveral persons and organizations The will of Deborah A. Moore of Boulevard, 6,000 tbs. have given and we hope that others Peconic, value of estate not given, Two Gull Pond Bridges,at Greenport, makes these bequests: Abigail Terry, 4,000 lbs. each, will also help us out. We need money sister; Ann Eliza Davis, niece; Eliza- to buy cocoa, sugar and milk and since beth King, sister; Matilda Moore, Oak Lawn Bridge, over Jockey Creek we buy th�se things in large quantities niece; Edmund Lupton, great nephew; at Southold, 8,000 lbs. '% we are able to save considerable Olive Lupton and Mildred Fischer, Goose Creek Bridge at Bay View, money. Then, too, if there is anyone great nieces, each $200, and personal '6,000 lbs. who is not tied down to the home, effects to some of them; Jeanette Notices will be posted on the above Fischer, Belle Lupton Pike, Martha G. bridges that drivers carrying loads, in. could you please come and help us. Barker, Mary Downs, Elizabeth Fitz, So in closing, could we ask each Helen Fitz, Julia Fitz, great nieces, cludWg vehicles, in excess of weights each $100; Emily Fitz, niece, $300; family to give a little toward the,11e . mentioned, will do so at their own risk. health" of our Southold children. residue also to the above. Other bridges were inspected and Lewis W. Korn has had one of his found in good condition. The new buildings removed from Korn Ave. to a credit bridge over Tuthill's Creek, on the found Indian Skeleton lot at Pine Neck, where it will be made New Suffolk Boulevard, is a edit to Nat. E. Booth, while exploring an into a summer bungalow. the builder, Harry Tuthill, and the ancient Indian village site at Southold Town. last week, uncovered the skeleton of a Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fisher of Bay Other bridges in the eastern part of verand one-half feet. This is the sixth large ixth e Indian at a depth of three View have moved to Southold, Mr. the town will be inspected Saturday. Fisher will be superintendent of J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk. burial found at this site, which proba- Thomas J. Phillips' place. The Evening UaSS bly was not occupied by its aboriginal We had a snow storm Wednesday, The Evening Class for adult foreign- inhabitants after settlement of the and Thursday morning was the coldest ere opened on Tuesday evening with town in 1640. The skeleton has been of the season-12 above zero.4-- tLs nine in attendance. So interested are Bent to the Museum of the American Brooklyn, Jan. 4, Albert Salmon our teachers, four were in the room at Indians, N. X. City. and Miss Marcella Bennett, both of one time, and all cooperated in some Eagle stook and Ladder Co. Southold. way to the success of the work. Miss Sawyer took charge of the writing, and The annual meeting of T agle Hook Southold, Jan. 8, by Rev. Father all alike became pupils. The teaching and Ladder Co. was held last Thursday McGrath, Charles William Turner of promises to be most interesting, be- evening, when the following officer8 Southold and Miss Marguerite Mary cause of the character of the Pupilf?• were re-elected: Captain, Nicholas Dietz of Peconic. There will have to be swift work tol Carey; Asst. Captain, Beni F. Gaffga; Southold Jan. 9, Edwin 0. Harri keep up with their eagerness to learn. Secretary, L. W. Korn; Treasurer, �on Veteran of the Civil War,81Y. If others want to join, they are urged Nat. E Booth-, Tfllerman, Geo. L. I- Stuart T. Terry to do so at once. The class meets Gaffga; Trustee, L. W. Korn; Janitor, At Southold the John Berry, Sr. farm of 60 acres has been sold to every Tuesday and Thursday evening I John G. T. Finn of New York, for in the Albertson House at 7 O'clock Chowder was furnished by Captain, about $40,000,. The tract, which also sharp. Carey, and cigars by Sinclair Smith. has an extensive shore front, we% owned by Philip H. Horton. Nassau Point Club Properties. Inc, Vincent Poliwoda has bought frons The Peconic Trucking Co. of Pe- t Alfred L Seaver, 5 acres e s Vans- Benjamin F. Gaffga and another, 44 Capital 0 lane, Southold, for 1conic has been chartered. ton road, Little Hog Neck Peconic, acres on Laurel $15,000. The Directors are Geo. H. ,'deck., 1. Ziame to F Wal-ner Robinsoni lot Wells of Southold, and Horace C. . oox5oo ft, Nassau PointTax $5.001 CCutchogue, Jan. 9, by Rev. Joseph VVV I � , , King and Forrest H.Gordon,Peconic. Sonne to Minnie tori Cleveland, lotl lzm9nalki, Joseph Brynda and Mrs. o ­ B2, map of 8 , Nassau point Club l Malwina Rajkowska. Plropertie--, Nassau Point, Tax $1.507 ' 9 ,� ". _ -o Twenty-Five Years Ago of farm labor seexing ions tars Year, Twenty-Five Years A �r /g L/'Lv% z � pip /S'9 and he believed farmers could get all V George Johnstonentered the employ The Salvation Army, under the lead- the experienced help they needed for 'e, ership of Capt. and Mrs. Ray held a not more than$50 a month for amar- of L- W. Korn. meeting in Belmont Hall. ried man. ne Edward Fox was learning telegraphy The Southold Town Agricultural As- Mr. Talmage put this question, be of Station Agent George Morrell at sociation held its annual reunion in "How much will it cost to raise a ,is Cutelmque. Relmont Bail. bushel of potatoes the coming year?" J. B. Terry made a trip to Florida. George C. Wells and Miss Sarah He has been keeping careful records on v_ Ti* Southold Sa�iogs Bank elected .Raekett were married. his farm for years and is one of the i De the following officers: President, B. best qualified men in the state to give ar R. `Booth; 1st Vice President; J. B' lo force mg swage ' to the 'Terry; 2d' Vice President, S. F. ul cast accou anyone who figures, He asked that who took exception a Overton; Secretary and Treasurer, H. Farm labor in Eastern Suffolk figures should feel free to suggest H. Huntting; AFst. "Treasurer, A. County will suffer a severe cut in changes. He stated that in part they 1s F. Loner€e; Counsel, B. H. Reeve. wages from the 1920 and 1919 rates. were estimates, but at the same time B; The official board of the M. E. This was the decision reached at a big past experience was the basis on which church extended 'a unanimous call to conference of prominent farmers in the they were made. ®' Etev. D. W. Howell to remain as pas- courthouse, Riverhead, Friday after- Land rent $25.00 for another year. noon. Fertilizer, one ton per acre 60 00 It is probable that the cut for mar- ried n en who are Cover crop 500 Southold Savings Bank ( given house rent of ll?1 and some "trimmings" as the farmers Storage of seed, crop, etc., 2.50 During the first.ten daysofit) will suffer reductions from Seed• 35.00 S.) 0.000 was deposited in the Soath- not more 10 mo. interest at 6 per cent 460 as high as $125 a month u old SmIngs Bank by 1510 depositors, than $70, and single men, who aro Spray material 3.25 I of which 170 were new a^counts. boarded in the farmers' families, will Use of truck 400 During the six months ending be reduced from$65 to$40. Moreover, 84 man hours 32.03 -Dec.31, 1020,$5'75,000 was deposited it seems likely now, from the attitude 72 horse hours 16.27 and; new accounts opened 72 machine hours 3.75 In of the farmerE, that the eats may be -- December,18213, $31,000 was depos- even more drastic. $181.30 ited. This is the largest amount de- Those are the wages it would be ,jus- These figures do not provide any- posited in any Sia.months, or month tifiable to pay at the present commodi- thing for the time of the farmer him- of December, in the history of the ty prices, according to figures submit- self. The average yield for the last ted by Henry R. "Talmage, and if prices sixteen years, according to Mr. Tal- Bank. recede to a lower level then now—and This Bask now hoids no real t s- mage, not including 1920, was 178 the best minds among the farmers are bushels per acre on his farm, or in tate,except the banking house. looking for considerable reductions round figures, 1$0 bushels. If it cost Weather wid yet—the wages justifiable to pay farm $181 at $65 a month for married men l Wl f� 111 labor will be further ruaterially re- and $44 for single men, Mr. Talmage r duced. continued, if you produce a normal A cold wave struck this section Mon-+ and Tuesday morning In fact, Mr. Talmage's figures show- crop based on this sixteen year aver- day, ed that if the farmers are to get no age, or 180 bushels, it will be necessary mmeter registered 5 shove zero the more than an average of $1 a bushel for potatoes to Bell next fall at more ���f the season. Twelve arevbovi the coldest we had had p for their potatoes next year the proper than a dollar a bushel in order to make' prices should be $62.50 for a married any profit at all. He gave the follow- The w fell to 2 above zero man and $46.25 for a Bingle man—and ' ing figures: We&effigy morning. 4__ 1111 only one man in the audience 'believed At$1.00 a bushel the loss per acre that the average price for spuds would would be$1.00: at 90 cents,$19.00; at 80 E. LHorton and family, who be as high as that. have b.in lir•ing in the house of the cents, $37.00; at 75 cents, $46; at 70 The general impression, gained from cents, $55.00; at 60 cents, $72 00; at 50 late M.'P. Horton for the past few the addresses at the conference, was ' cents, $91.00. months, have moved bacl- to the that married men would be paid no Mr. Talmage added that according to City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Cu- more than $70 at the outside. his figures the cost per acre in 1919 sack will occupy the house vacated No resolution was adopted fixing a was$218. Last year our fertilizer cost by Mr. Horton. hard and fast price, but it was voted to was slightly lower but wages were utcttogue, Jan. 16, by Rev. Joseph have the figures submitted by Mr. Tal- higher. 'Cmade u y -— Cizmanski. Jovph Truskal ,wski of g published b the Farm Bureau The estate of the late Richard S. Cu;ch„gtae and Mrs. Wiry Miller of as an illustration of what farmers Sturges, Southold, has been appraised Lp�c inic- ought to pay. Samuel S. Board of the at gross, $19,737'65; net, $18,351.79; Ir United Employment Service Bureau, tax, $83,52. Net estate divided as fol- SouthiId, Jan. 18. Capt William Mineola, delivered an address during lows: Mary A. Sturges, widow, $12, - Lewis Bowman, aged 81 yPara, 2 which be declared that there waslent months. 1 day. p y 668 14; Amy H. Sturges, daughter, 85.753 65. 1' '2- M. Faith Prince is assisting Mrs. TWO]ItY-Five Years Ago Prederick J Grathwohl to Charley" Hall"I in teaching tee Evening Class. �'6- 1 P Tuthill, lot iooxtp.5 ft, g s Main 9-� 91 She will give help especially to the 10 Solt'li road, adj land (4 J Henry women and to any otqers who may want The mumps were quite prevalent hee W—c'lfe, Cutchogue,- Tax $3.50 ; to join even now. Will not every per- Potwere were being loaded at 15 1 P Thomas & Son Co. to Adam son in the village who is acquainted cents a bushel. CA-Lik &w, 6 acres s -3 New road, adj with the foreign born, urge both men James H. Lahy exchanland of Patrick Burns, Cutchogue, and women to come NOW to the Even- ged his farm n the North Road with G. F Tax $3.501 ing School? With Miss Prince's help 0 1 H ornmel t Sayville. Southold, Jan. 29, by Rev. Wm. B. several more can be enrolled. for his house Lloyd, David A. Dickinson and Miss Zero Weather , j ted their Crystal wedding anniver.Mr. and Mrs, Benj, L. Prince cele.,IF,4111Y M. Christiansen, br. sary. AN UNUSUAL EGG For the first time this winter the mercury fell below the zero mark on Tuesday morning. The thermometer Mr. and Mrs.Fred Manweiler have Mampaey's Duck Farm Produces One, O on that morning registered one below moved their furniture into the bak- WeighingV2 Ounces zero. The wind blew a gale Monday ery building, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harry F. Tdampaey's model duck night and all day Tuesday. On Wed- H. Rafford have moved from Mrs, farm oil Riverside Drive that is con- Jy doing unusual things rather nesday morning it was eight above J. G. Huntting's house to the house' "taut eek when it pro- Outdid it this w zero. vacated by Mr. ManAeil,,. duced an egg that weigehed 9�42 ounces. Vital Statistics . As to measurements it is what is Henry A. Goldsmith will move the 1-nown in a printing office as "letter During the past year there have been building belonging to the Hippo- head size"-8V2x11 inches, recorded in the Southold Town Regis- All will readily agree that an egg trar's office 167 Births and 84 Deaths. drome 'Bungalow Club, from the of that weight and measurement is This does not include the incorporated Stuart Terry farm which has recent- really a whopper. Mr. Mampaey,who turned it over to the News without village of Greenport, which has a Reg- ly been sold, to land belonging to weighing or 1-ne.-ILSuring it himself, istrar of its own. Christopher Leicht at Pine Neck. says it is the largest duck egg be I W. B. Christie, manager of the A. &I ever, saw. Mrs. Frank Shields and family have P. store, has moved into Charles S. Twenty-$+'1V0 Years A o m moved to Riverhead. Mr. Shields is Wells' house, Mr. Wells and family — I the station agent at Ronkonkoma, and having returned to their old hoe at "7 / 1 6144" /" commutes." Sound Avenue. Exercises commemorative of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln were D. H. Horton has sold to P' John Malmberg and family J. have hold in the M. E. Church, under the Mahoney, Jr. the lot on Tucker's Lane, moved into the house near the depotl ._Spices of U. S. Grant Camp, Sons of just west of Mr. Mahoney's residence. I . Veterans. d recently vacateby Frank Shields. ! Edwin H. Brown has sold to Charles, A union meeting was held in behalf of Armenian Relief, W. Elmer the house and lot next to the' Gen. L. Gajffga has entered the em- A farmers' meeting, under the aus- i Cedar Beach Road, Bay View. PlOY of the new owner Of the S. T. picos of the Geneva Experiment Sta- Terry farm. as superintendent. (Tagen& Edward-,, Inc., Vi Fannin r_ don, was held in Belmont Hall, J Edwards & Gwgell, Inc... 1arcel i Fred Hutchinson is building an ex- H, I .11111-nel ave, adj land of L I It R Cc' tension to his residence at South Har. ax IS2.2 Orlando W. Southold, bor. Wells, former assistant Katharine F Sullivan &ovs to It i secretary of the General Asphalt Co ti liam. Sullivan, lot 50X100 ft, w s Fro, Fanning, Edwards & Gagen, Inc., and its subsidiaries,has recently return. &t, adj land of Frank Jacobs, Nevv. are filling their ice houses at Great Suffolk, - liom! Pond with 6-inch ice. ed to the States after five months spent Nassau Point Club Proncrl:i"., inc,1 in exp'oring various parts of British to Clarence hl Cnrn6l, lot 277. map Through the real estate agency of E. Guiana, Trinidad, Venezuela, Columbia of prupLsed subdivision S(',c C, Mall 14 Letcht, Mike,Vetkowski has purchased ani Pamama. Since his return he has Nasrrau 'Point Cluny Propertie,, IncIthe George Ellis Horton place on Hor-i become associated with the Carib Syn. Nacsau Point, Pcoonic, Tai. 0 0 dicate, Lt]. Mr. Wells reports great Sa-aiti io same, lots 4f) and 47, Secton'B Lane. interest and act activity A, map of above teamed tract, Nassau Point Club Propertles', Inc, i displayed by Tax S2-01to Howard A Baylis, lot 87, map ,f American and British companies in the proposed subdivision of See B, -Nas- countries visited by him, which he de. 41yn, Jan. 13, Joseph DonaheY, sau Point C!ub Properties, Peconic, scribes in a well-written article in the formerly irly f Cutchogue, where the Tax ls2.00 Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter of N. Y. burial r%I took place. George H Terry &ors to ! City- The article receives favorable Newark, N. J., Jan. 25,Laura W., A Golder, about 1 acre 11 s Flue Ne,­h' editorial mention. rOa(1, adi land of nriette 3 Hifton widow of Rev. Edwin Warriner, a Pine IleNeck, Soulhom, Tax !r,Lff 1 11 Benjamin F Graffga &w to George former Pastor of the Southold M.E. Marletta. Phillipo-; to Will ill 1L. G affga, 1 14 acres w % Laurel ave, I adj land of Rev John G Hebr, South- hurch, 65y. �Chadburn, I �cre n s Pine Nc,�k rt:-Ud, South- adj land of William A ffwfton, Piiw. old, Tax 91.00 Neck, Southold, Tax $1.00 In opening his lecture here in the, GRADE VI Presbyterian church last Thursday SCHOOL NOTES Katherine Milliard 89 evening, Dr. Cadman said he hoped� James Cogan s .R RLL lliarguerito Ehrhardt 88 that church would never be replaced HgNOFlora. Albertson 87 by a modern building, that the present ' Second Quarter Joseph Bond 86 edifice was far more unique than any e GRADE I GRADE V1I building that could be erected. We e William Orrin Williams 98 Katherine Thompson 90 most heartily endorse that sentiment, a Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr. 93S7 Helen Boiseeau Pauline Albertson 91 Chester Rich 86 Dr. Gadm��t's Lecture Gomez 91 Alice Gordon 85 e Alberta Fiekeissen 91 Stanley Stepnowski 85 Rev- Dr. S. Parkes Cadman of Joseph Conway 91 r Agnes Zebroski 89 TIRADE VIII Brooklyn was greeted with a large and Tarp Butler 89 Helen Thompson 86 enthusiastic audience at the Presby- a Alfred Poliwoda 88 Robert Booth 86 terian church last Thursday evening. James Baker 88 HIGH SCHOOL The body of the church was completely e Christopher Grattan 88 Eugene GRADE II ugene Lehr 85 filled and many sat in the gallery. Dr. iy Thomas Hall Cadman in this lecture fully sustai-ped Anna Ziveski 90 High School Students with 90 per his reputation as a great speaker. His James Ducey 88 a` cent or more. subject was observations on his recent Hedwig Weggand 88 Jerome Grattan 87 Class work trip to Europe. He represented this Anna Naster 86 Willie Carroll—Algebra 90 country at the Plymouth Celebration in Muriel Young 86 Alvah Goldsmith--Geoinetrp 90 England a few months ago. The Bertha Hipp 85 Harriet Horton—French 90 —French II 90 speaker first paid a glowing tribute to Mary Natter 85 Eugene Lehr French III 90 the Puritans who landed at Plymouth, Georgians 'Stepnoski 85 Bea.triee Hodgins— 90 Frances Wadsworth 85 Helen°terry—•French III Mass., and said that nothing should I- GRADE III Examinations mar the good feeling of the English- Esther Booth 95 Harry Case—Biology 90 speaking people. His observations on Dorothy Christie 95 Charles Gagen—Lain I� 94 93 conditions in Europe were very enlight- e..' Marie Doherty 94 Ruth Vail— Noreen Wiseman 95 Marie Garen— << 92 sening, It is certainly, a great treat to ie Horace Symonds 93 Alvah Goldsmith—Physics 90 hear a speaker of Dr. Cadman's intel- id Walter Williams 93 Eugene Lehr— 92 lectual calibre speak, and we are glad ii Robert Gagen 92 Marjorie Hagerman—Eng, II 90 94 that so many of our people availed Jennie Romanski 92 Walter Gagen—History B. themselves of the opportunity of hear- ,h Helen Romanski 91 PERFECT ATTENDANCE ,k Alfred Wells 91 I ing him. Donald Christie 90 Grade I—Sophie Slavonik. ; colored church �� �fl�t ��a '- Edwin Pickeissen 87 Grade II—Elmer Butler. 1 Marguerite Gallagher 87 Grade III—Paul Baker, Esther The people of Southold are Helen Poliwoda 87 Booth, Richard Butler, Donald.Christie, ,r Eileen Mahoney 86 Dorothy Christie, Marie Doherty, circulating the following petition for r Stefna Po!iwoda 85 finds: GRADE IV Robert Gagen, Eileen. Mahoney„ Nor- We, the colored residents of this to een Wiseman. wishing to secure a suit Helen Dickerson 94 community, t3 Evelyn Van IVyck �3 Grade IV—Helen Dickerson, Gerald ammo place for divine worship and Chris- ed Evelyn Gordon 92 Robson, Joe Krukowski, Edwin Malm Bari fellowship, being few in number Ir. Dwight Bridge 92 Borg, Francis "lliompson, Evelyn Van and not rich in wordly goods,feel that ,n- Irene McKeon 91 Wyck. Francis Thompson 88 Grade V—Stanley Krukowski, Doris many of our friends, and the friends of Annie Poliwoda 88 every Christian work, will be willing to Alice Downs 88 Leicht, Lillian 'Stelzer, Charles Weg- assist us in our effort. Every dollar Stanley Smith 87 ,Band, subscribed will be carefully accounted Marie Dacey 86 Grade VI—Flora Albertson, Freder- ent for what we believe a Katie Ste noski 85 for, and sp K8t. p $5 I ick Prince. Herbert Smith most worthy enterprise. Henry t Smite 85 Grade VII—Marion Albertson, Rita The Rev. Melton Sparks, pastor of Helen Kart 85 Dickerson, Jerome Conway, Virginia the Harlem (Colored) Baptist Church, f Ernest Dickerson 85 Malmborg. New York City, visited Southold and w'. GRADE V Grade VIII—Henry Dickerson, Hilda saw here the nucleus of what should Dons Williams 95 Goldsmith, Frances Mahoney, Helen result in a thriving religious nrganiza- 10- Alice Bloomfield 93 Thompson. tion. He called to-gether a number of 11•4l Marian Carey 91 High School—Helen Bond, William Grace Vreeland g the colored brethen and duly organized .'.tt Lillian Stelzer 90 Carroll, Harriet Horton, Eu enc Lehr, a church with fourteen names enrolled, Katbr}n Butler 89 Frances Leicht. and the prospect for more than double :re Henrietta F ickeissen 86 that number, se. Joseph Stelzer 86 George E Horton &ors to Michael lip. William Conway 85 �Witkoski &w, 3 1-2 .acres e s Horton's We trust the people of Southold will lane, adj land of Daniel W Grattan, encourage our colored folks, by their, Southold, Tax $1.00 generous subscriptions, in their most laudable enterprise. F� John. tLenney &w to Daniel R(i j We Ivy-Five Years Ago tan, 1 1-2 acres w s Horton's lane, Rainfall for f92aj - �a©« land of L I R R Co, Southold January 1.46 J. B. Terry made a trip to Florida, Edwin R Horton to John Kenury, Y 1-2 acres w s Horton's lane, adj I&M February 1.45 Rev. Dr. Epher Whita4er was re- of Daniel R Grattan, Southold, SW March 3 60 elect-2d 1st vice president of the Suffolk Lraw"rence M Bainbridge &w to Ai April 5.14 Co. Historical Society. bert C Aborn, undivided one-half in- May 2.70 H. T. Payne was engaged as awls- 'terest in parcel 175x320 ft, mals of June 7.82 leant principal of Southold Academy. Nassau Point Club Properties, Nassau July 4.78 The Salvation Army held a meeting Point. Peconic, nota August 3.25 1 in Belmont Hall. Albert C A,born 8:w to Lawrence M September .80 Rev. J. H. Judson of Hong Chow, Bainbridge, parcel 132x434 ft, map of Nassau Point Club Properties,Nas- October 2.80 China, gave an address in the Presby- sau Point, naso November 4.60 terian church. Cutchogue, Feb. 7, Bridget Maria, December 4.20 The mercury dropped to eight below wife of Michael Carey, aged 77 years. Total 42 60 zero—the coldest day ever seen on Greenport, Feb. 2, at E. L. I. floc 49.62. Long Island. pital, Charles Seymour of New Suffolk, Rainfall for al WPI. O. 49 662. , Peconic I 'Seth Overton died, aged 87 years. a veteran of the Civil afar, aged 62 , years. Mrs. Annie A. Spooner has resigned -� Light Fall sof Snow Arlington, Mass., Feb.I2,ol pneu=' as Librarian of the Southold Free Li- atonia, Edgar E. Hulse, a former hrary, greatly to the regret of its pa- So far, this has been a winter re- Principal of the Sou thold School,—y. trons, and has gone to Cutebogue to markable for the light fall of snow. live. In that respect it has only one superior Twenty-Five Years Ago in the records of the years running lS Miss Jane Robinson has been elected back to 1891. In 1918-19 the total Librarian of the Southold Free Librax Potatoes were being Shipped y, snowfall was 3 3 inches. That broke g peed at 18' 'tis place el Mrs. Spooner, resigned,—a all records up to then. Before that the cents a bushel. moat excellent selection. S. D. Goldsmith and Charles E.Over- lightest snowfall was In the winter of ton were elected trustees of the Uni- I f koJoh Kenney 1901, when 9.2 inches fell. Last win versalist church. j Y Btv to 14iieha ad `� ' S acres e s Ifortors=� Wit_ ter the snowfall totaled 40 inches. This James Lahy and family moved from A Her° oScutlacor fslrl, exly of V 31ai� year the record stands As follows, to Southold to Brooklyn. Tai: $2.Po date: R,-v. Dr. D. N. Vandeveer gave a N- Y. City, Feb. 8, at November, a trace; December, 1,5; great lecture here on "U. S. &Ca." Transfiguration, Harold Churc Ofcil theson January, 2.6, and February, .4 of an Stearner Shelter Island struck on a and bliss Dorothy .Louise, dao titer of inch. There is still half of February shoal off the Florida coast and became [41x. and Kira. John 5. Jenkins of !and March and April to come, and a total wreck. Brooklyn and Paradise Point, 'there has been a snowfall in April p Southold, Feb, 5 by Rev. Wm, H. amounting to 10 inches. Yet, so far, r .ii-oR lg Snow Storm Lloyd. Frank Gerard Dries and Miss Dorothy Marie Warner, this winter stands second, with a total Snow Commeneed to fall Saturday snowfall of 4.5 inches. night and continued all day Sunday, , Henry L. Van Scoq of East Ham Last p- year the snowfall began with and as a result we had an old-fashioned ton, father of the late Benj. H. Van December, when there was a fall of 15 snow-storm. The L. I. R. It, snow Scoy, a former Principal of the South- inches; February, 24 2; March, 5,7, plow was running and the road was old School, died last week, aged 95 and in April a trace. The total snow- kept clear The crass highways were years. fall was a fraction of an inch over 39 banked and had to be dug out. This is Soldiers' Horne, Vineland, N. inches. the first snow of any account that we Feb. 1, Edwin A. Hubbs, me ber of Thom a Farley met with a very bed have had this winter. William McKinley Post, G. A. R., aged accident on Sunday. He was starting Treasurer H. H. Huntling and Trus- 77 years, 8 months. Funeral services at home of his cousin, Wm. 0. Davids, hip sofa and jump inwhen he trip- tee J. N. Hallock of the Southold Say. Peconic, Feb. 4tb, and interment at ped and fell, striking one eye against a ings Bank attended Cutchogue. a joint hearing projection. The eye was so badly in- before the Senate and Assembly Com. NewSuffolk, Feb. 2, Barnabas Bur- jured that Mr. Farley bad to go to the mittees on Hanka at Albany on Tueo- i nett Horton, aged 88 years, 11 months, city Monday morning to consult aI day. Several important bills affecting 14 days, specialist. 8 avings Hanks were before the com_ Brooklyn, Feb. 8, Charles G. �rnittees, Osborne, aged 80 years. Interment at I ' Mrs. Anna Spooner has assismad Southold. r the duties of housekeeper at O, B• The house and lot of the Geo. B. ii Goldsmith's. - Simons estate was sold by me to Mira. Through the re31 estate agency of H Emily A..,Baker of Greenport, not to Webster Gordon, Orange T. Fanning of Mr and tate agency and Mrs. Tilley have hired rooms Port Jefferson has sold a lot at S..mth in the house next South of M. I. Edward c faker, through the real en Harbor to Fre-I and Gua Boergesscin of Booth's. y of E. Leicht, as stated in the TRAVELER last week. Southold. ANNA M. ELDRIDGE An order for new books for the Pub- all the married men were made citizens —Twenty-Five Years �qU Library is soon to be sent. Any- also. Nine men who applied were re- PZC-U, . j" "44 r U dy who has a desire for a special lected until a later court should be Mr. Mazzo moved his barber business k is requested to send the title to held' from Southold to gnogue. ifA . Stokes or the librarian, Miss ,lane Twenty-Five Years �A.go Wm. H. Hommel returned home, af- binson. If it is thought advisable byj -`!l ® �a� /'- ter spending the winter in Florida. ebook committee, the title will be I Southold Town had the lowest death The Salvation Army held a meeting t on the list now under preparation. rate of any Long Island Town, in Belmont Hall.o .Presiding Elder Van Alstyne preach- bill was introduced in the Legisla- Marjorie Hagerman, for the high ture, providing for the making of biey. e. R At the Rhool, and Robert Booth, for the ed in the E. church. cle paths. epublican District Primary, seventh and eighth grades, won the J. H. Boisseau, Chas. E. Terry and Joseph Gomez died, aged 80 years. ;prizes for the best essays on Alexander Geo. A. Maier were elected delegates The Prohibitionists nominated the fol- 'Hamilton. The contest was conducted to the Republican Town Convention, lowing 'Down 'Picket; Supervisor, Illy the D. lt.'s, Schuyler B. Horton; Town Clerk, Benj„ y A conversation of about 20 minutes B Tuthill; Justice of Peace, Clarence At the last meeting of the Trustees was carried on over the telephone wires H T. Bly, Assessor, William H. Tut- the Southold Savings Bank, John between Mrs. A. L. Huyler, who was i Rich- VIM here, and her sister, Mrs. Fan- hill; Overseer of Poor, Henry H. Rich- ney of Southold waa elected a Trus- arils; Commissioner of Highways, Wil- in place of the late E. D. Cahoon. Qy Glover Francis of C hicsgo. The Ladies' Society of the Universa- liam T. Terry; Collector, Frank J. Tut- list church held a Lea Year Part hill; Constables, Charles L. Young, the residence of Miss Jerusha W. Ho r- P. Wilkinson, Jr., is clerking p y r- James D. Kiel, Louis A, Tuthill, H. F. Fickehsen. Elbert Horton, Henry B. Reeve, Town iott C Ackerly &ors to Michael l J Mrs. Mary MAer died, aged 66 years. Trustees, Geo. M. Vail, J. Morrison to 12 acres ads lands of the 1 d�__ Raynor, S. Bailey Corey, Austin B. ,of Ezra V Corey and the heirsI Fred T. Jennings left on Tuesday for Tuthill, Daniel E. Tuthill. cbinson Davids; also 11 acres,` North Carolina, for the benefit of his d of L T R Co and ]and now o of Isaac Ackerly, Southold,! health. May he return fully restored. Uaylighf Saving Repeal t Tax X6.01) Harrison Bennett is again clerking in The Betts daylight saving repeal bill rough the real estate agency of s the Southold A. & P. Store. passed the Senate by a vote of 27 to 22. Gorlin the farm of 21 acres'i Millard W Golder &w to William L The measure had already gone through e Bay View Road, known as the Williams, parcel 80x200 feet ri s Tuck- the Assembly, Suffolk's represents ge T. Fanning farm, has been er's lane, adj land of D H Horton, tives, Senator Thompson and Aesem- to Iiergersan Bros. Southold, Tax $1 blymen Downs and Bailey, voted for the - Greenport, at E. L. L Hospital, Feb, repeal. As passed, the bill repeals John T Monalian &w to Arthur J 28, Rev. Daniel H. Overton, flatly the daylight saving provision in Donna lv, one-half acre, n s middle, the eat anis Pre v to pastor of the State law and contains a local OP- Void, ad j land of Harold P Ilallock, y ri�an church jCutchogue, Tax $1.50 aged 23 years, 5 months, 23 days. In- tion provision which will enable New ferment at Southold. York and other cities to adopt daylight Through (be agency of E. Leiebt, Saffolk Coanly Cars saving time locally if their governing M. W. Golder has sold his lot on Tuck- bodies see fic to do so. er's Lane to W. L. Williams. With a total of 13,767 care, repre- senting a gain of 648 for the year► Suf- Ralph E. Wales of Worcester, Mass., Southold, Feb. 22, Elizabeth, wife of folk county has a car to every 8 of its died at the hospital from injuries re- ter A. Gaffga, aged 76 years. residents. The report of Secretary of ceived at the plant of the 'W'orecster t State John Lyons shows a total of 682,. Gas. Co., where a 50-ft. wall collapsed Nalurallzatlan COUTI ! 819 motor vehicles, exclusive of motor- and fell on him. Mr. Wales was the On February 25, fifty-three mcM and cycles, registered in New York state` husband of Sue Cummings, daughter of e woman received their final papers last year, an increase of 111,257, or 18 the late Rev. E. Wilmot Cummings, of per cent. This gives the state a car to Barre, Vt. Mr. Cummings was the the Naturalization Court, conduct,°d every 16 of its population. first Principal of the present Southold Judge Arnon L. Squiers at River Suffolk county now has 10,414 passen- Academy. Mrs. Wales visited South- ad, and were admitted as full-fledged ger cars, a gain of 336 for the year, old a few years ago. She has the tizens of the U. S. It is interesting; 2,465 commercials, an increase of 381, sympathy of Southold friends. note their nationalities:—14 were while its chauffeurs number 9,402, a om Italy; 12 from Russia; 9 from gain of 117. There are 92 deal677 5 from g ers, The Stork came to the dome of Mr. Germany; 9 from England" omnibuses, 119 trailers and 399 motor- and Mrs. Harry W. Glover on last Austria; 2 from Turkey; and 1 each cycles in the county. The sum of Saturday morning and left a little baby from Sweden, Holland, and Greece. $36,849.47 was received from the Secre- girl for Mr. and Mrs. Rollins White. Two of these were soldiers; the wo- tarp of State's office in the division of The little girl. the parents, the aunt, man admitted on her own rights was automobile receipts. Mrs, R. J. Peacock and the grand. a Sister of a Catholic Order; automat- The automobile bureau took in ap- parents are all doing finely. '►^^ry r ically, according to law, the wives of proximately$9,000,000 last year. I Robert F. Carey has gone to Bridge- Twenty-Five Yeap Ago Pat Rooney Dined hampton to enter the employ of Fan. 'A Y©444 f 19 2-,/ I More than one hundred admirers and ping, Edwards & Gagen, Inc, His We had the biggest snowfall of the friends of Pat Rooney and Marion Bent place as Freight Agent of the L. R. R. season-about 8 inches. attended the performance Friday night is taken by Harry Kaelin of Cutchogue. Steamer Mon,auk made two trips a at the Majestic Theatre, Brooklyn, Michael Fisher is repairing the W. week to the city. s where the pair are starring in their H. H. Glover place, corner Main St. John J. Conklin and Bert Rowland own musical comedy entitled, "Love' and Bay Av. Frank Dries has moved shipped on sell E-len P., Capt. Rowland B,rds." After the performance they F into the west part and James Lucey of Greenport. partook of a dinner given as a testi- will occupy the east part. Rev. Dr. P. J. Tuigg delivered a lee-'! Imonial by Thomas. F. Kiley, president ture on "St. Patrick and Ireland's of the Brooklyn Chauffeurs A6socia- V I I Farmers are busy carting potatoes at tion, to thFm at the Palace Restaurant, U. Past and Future," in St. sea o per busheC. This is nue of the Patrick's Church. 27 Flatbush ave. The boat of the even- ; seasons when the farmers missed it in Protection Engine Co. made the fol- is an an old friend of the actor, having not selling their potatoes out of the lot. lowing nominations for Fire Department been his churn when the two sold news- I i 14af6cera: Chief, L. W. Korn; Aset. f papers many years i go in Brooklyn, Dockbuilder Harry Tuthill has been Chief, F. G. Prince; Sec., E. W. Mor- ' Prominent among those pressnt be- Placing a clunntity ofstone aroune, tell; Tress., L- P. Wilkinson. Isides Mr, and Mrs. Rooney were Demo the bulkhead th at Town Creek Park, tc F. Maxwell exchanged his place at cratic County 'Leader John H. Me- reenfc,i ee the cement work, greatly tc ; the delight of the ladies of the Im_ Southold with L. A. Robinson for pro- iI Coney, County {clerk William E. Kelly, provement society, perty in Brooklyn. Borough President Edward Riegel- I David C. Petty of Greenport was I mann, Supreme Court Justice Norman Misses Mary and Catherine Cogan nominated as the High License condi S. Dike and Municipal Court Justice bave entered St. Catherine's Hospital, date for Excise Commissioner. James A. Dunne. Brookl„n, for study and training in The Republicans nominated the fol- The New York Times says; Pat nursing. lowing ticket for Town officers: Sup- Rooney is an amazing, phenomenon— John Schimschik &w to Staniey ervisor, Dr, B. D. Skinner; Town not merely as an indestructible dancer, Juba, lot w s. Alvwah's lane, adj land I Clerk, Wm. Y. Fithian; Justice of for be has always been that, but as a of John Schim-achik, Cutchogue, $190 9 Peace, Baldwin T. Payne; Assessors, permanent youngster. He looks (and -Brooklyn, March 4, Matilda J.,I S. Harmon Tuthill and Charles E. behaves) now like one of the younger widow of the late Enoch Hutzler, and a Overton; Overseer of Poor, John B. sophomores at Rutgers. Yet this is summer resident of Southold in her Reeve; Commissioner of Highways, set down by one whouite defiaitel 74th year. Elbert W. Tabor; Collector, George H. y Dickerson; Constables, James S. Dew,- recalls having seen him and Marion Brentwood, March 6, James Henry ey, Detmold Reeve, Alfred R. Vail, Bent cutting these same capers in Young of Orient, where interment took Wm. W. Sterling, Edward O. Chapl vaudeville fully sixteen years egos place, in his 89th year. I man; Town Trustees. Edward W. La- that interval has not altered him in them, George H. Cleaves, Jonathan B, any way at all. Very likely he is Readjustment �It HfBgeS Terry, Jeremiah G. Tuthill, James L. !1 ninety and has ten grandchildren in the Ralph Peters, President of the Long army. Island Railroad Company. announced EASTERN L. I. FARMERS p y. Arthur F. $ennett.who rented the Monday that the Company will take BEGIN PLANTING I faros of the late John S. Lindsay at arch-steps as may be necessay, under 'faking advantage, of the onus- the transportation Act of 1920, to ac- Taal weather now prevailing, the Pecanic last season, will be manager compliah a readjustment of the wages farmers have begun nlanting PO- of the farm known as the Daniel and salaries of its officers and m- tatoes. It is t,ndp,-stood that tae Thomas place, at Arshamomoclue. ployes. Mr. Peters stated that the] farmers figure that even if �atxatb- Capt. C. L. Sanford is installing a Long Island, like other railroads. is, eV cold spell does Come it is ,+� '. suffering from the high cost of opera-' lilcc:ly to damage the seed• steam shovel at the Arshamomoque It is, reported that several rnr,.- Brick Works. which will be a great' tion due to the wages and working con- labor saver. clition establish,d by the Federal Ad-h era at Clrient planted froth ten t. ministration end the Railroad Labor? fifteen acres of potatoes liLr:t Orange '1" Fanning &w to Frederick Board. "The wage increases ordered week. Boergesson Beano, 20 acres on Wood-' by the Railroad [,shot Board in July,f It iti unusually- early for [,v€+n ekes Neck, s .s highway leading to 1920, added approximately $3,200,000' Potato planting. The farmers 00 Bayview, acli land o£ Henry A Clark, per annum to the payrolls of the Com- not usually begtn a plant until autholc➢, nc,ru, Charles 11 Allen &w to fired A i the later inert orf March. 1 pony. Io 1920 the total amount paid If t.ltie favorable vTreather condi- Schrnucher, lot s s East road, adj lanai out!or wages was$16 867,000. In 1917 the payrolls amounted to $7,220,794, so l ion� continue it is expected that of Geo Fleet, an Fleet's Neck, Cut- i ne,e will be a large acerage chogue, -- nom that there has been an increase in em- lasted next ,,Week. Wm A-Hui-ton ployees' wages in 1920 of Ia3 per cent nings, ]at of �? New York, "'injuries 17, at Bellevue I � Q Q3� March oay t 9a.,r Twenty-Five Year" Agt3 spital,from injuries received in �• �. p<aor F' e Edison Electric Plant, Michael I The mercury touched 84 on the first I day of Spring—Monday—thus breaking Rev. D. W. Howell was attending the ally of Southold, 24y. all known records r -N rch. In the New York East Conference at New afternoon we had a thunder storm and Haven. Twenty-Five Y62trB Ago Corey and Lester Albertson and John poo for a few minutes the rein fell in kr sheets. Howell of Claverack College were home J. B. Terry returned from a trip to HOT MARCH WEATHER for the Easter vacation. Florida. 1�"IT MA PREVIOUS RECORDS Miss Parsons of Moorhead, Miss., Clifford Booth was clerking for L. The v either this month has was assisting Miss L. C. Pond at W. Korn. 1)voken all previous records for Southold Academy. Frank Maier retired from railroading heat. In New York on March 21st Steamer Montauk made three trips a and took charge of his mother's farm, the thermometer registered 80 de` week to the city. Frederick Klipp resigned as Excise grees the highest temperature reg- A temperance mass meeting was held Commissioner, and Julius D. Boeram i.stered in March :since the Bureau in Belmont Hall. Addresses were was appointed in his place. was established in 1910. Not for 45 made by H. W. Prince, Revs.. J. B. The Southold Public School receivedyears has there been so warm P. Freeman, D. W. Howell and F. G. $421.93 public school money. clay in the period between October Leonard. The Democrats nominated the follow- l8th and April 10th in the city. In Rev, Abram Conklin of Bath, Me., ing Town ticket: Supervisor, John E. f reenporrt varied reports have accepted a unanimous call to the pas- Gildersleeve; Town Clerk, J. Edward , "-en received, but we know that on torate of the Universalist church at Carey; Justice of Peace, Albertson lndo" '•Iercury hovered well up*,e nineties during the middle Fitchburg, Mass. Case; Assessors, Wilbur A. Hedges, lyeda4• Wm. A. Cochran; Overseer of Poor, S. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Clayton, Mrs. Margie Jennings has proved her Truman Preston; H. Tuthill; Co of who have been spending the winter up ability many times as a manager of Highways, Samuel u Tuthill; Collect- the Hudson, have returned to their dramatic productions. No one ever �juor, D. Frank. Youngs; Constables, home on Hummel Avenue. handled and trained largecrowdsofact- Julius C. Terry, Detmold Reeve,Albert ors with lase effort and better results G. Case, W m. H. Shalvey, Philip lll<. Henry L. Jewell has purchased of than she has done. Now she is prov- Duryea, Jr.; Town Trustees, Edwsrd S. Julia L. Conklin the property. ing her managerial ability along an- W. Latham, Geo. H. Cleaves, J. B. which he has occupied for several other line. During her husband's ab- Terry, Jeremiah G. Tuthill, James L. years as a market. sence in North Carolina, she is running Reeve. _ - the Southold Garage with the same J. Leo Thompson is building al _quietness and confidence" she al Suffolk Tax Rules bungalow at South Harbor for Edw. ways displays, and we have no doubt A bill that makes several important Forth. as to her success. changes in Suffolk County tax matters Miss R. Bergamini and her niece, was signed Monday by Gov. A�liller, Geo. R. Jennings has joined his son, Tex receivers to make a carbon cagy of Frederick T., at Asheville, N. C Miss France, of N. Y. City, spent the the tax receipt, giving the taxpayer Catherine t tw.i,i o Franl Hall- i week-end at Southold. the original and leaving the carbon in req, 22 acres e a Alvah s lane adi 1Rs`u� Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bennett the book for the officials in the County of John Howell, 'CutchogueF.— —nor''f have moved into part of Mrs. Bennett`s Treasurer's office to check by when the Cornelia C Stone to Harold A Stolle,,of 1 mother's house in the eastern part of returns for that town are to be ap- 14 acres on L I sound, adj lsncl`o m I the village. proved. ' Will A Rayner, Pecori . _ . , It does away with the payment of High Bridge, N. Y., March 21, Wm. H. Clark, towerman of the N. taxes by installments. That provision .Robert Brennicke, father of Mrs. Min- Y & N H. Railroad at South Nor- I lived only one year. It was found to Die Manweiller of Southold, aged 65 walk, Ct., is spending a few days with be useless in Suffolk, according to the ye&rs• his parents. officials. Up to Jan. 1 taxes are paid New York City, March 23, of y Hollow without fee for collection; after that a pneumonia, Susie Sweet, wife of Mise ng Miss c Me aann'sgplace as flat b percent fee for collection is im- is taking Franklin F. Overton of Peconic,39y• teacher in the High School for the bal- posed, but when the taxes are paid soca of the year. they are to be paid all in one lump. The bill also provides that hereafter 'rank Gagen has purchased the Edwin H Brown &w to Oscan M Schloss, lot e s Cedar Beach road, adi the Clerk of the Supervisors need not blacksmith business of Wm. H. Glover land ss Edwin II Cedar Bea Bap Via.di send a tax bill to railroads and other 'and will take possession Aprtplsaf Mr. Southold, nom, corporations. This is a roundabout Gagen has been in the amp y method that is abolished. It was the Glover for twenty years. We wish the W. Corey Albertson and Michael old law that the clerk had to notify old blacksmith happiness in his retire Flemming, who have been employed. corporations that their taxes were due. went, which he has so well earned, at Cam Upton for a lot.g tlme,were� Now be need not. Corporations will and to the new owner we wish shun p p pap their taxes like any other citizen. dant success, for he will merit it. laid off last Saturday. ' -�----- ElectridlY | J i,V. V- / q;1 / SUFFOLK COUNTY Representatives of the Long island Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. made the With 157 enrollments in the Lighting Co. were at Southold last Sat Third Election District of Brook following nominations for Fire tot�� haven Town missing, the i urday and met the directors of the Department offices: Chief, A. R. number of persons enrolled in the Southold Lighting Co. and others. The Vail; Asst. Chief, A. T. Dickerson; See.. C. T. Gordon; Tress., James J. four parties in Suffolk County th's Long Island Lighting Co. made a Prop I several Gagen. year, is 21,172, wbich is 9 ogition to install electricity in the vil The Demosthean Debating Society thousand more than in 1 20. The in the near future. The company Y)umber of enrolled Republicans lage elected these offices: Pres., Harold is 22,422, an increase over la-�At now has a franchise in this town and is Skidmore; Vice Pres , H. R. Shipherd; year of 4,506. There are 1,285 operating electricity as far east He See. and Treas., J. 11. Lehr: Critic, F, Demo�ffttq less than last year, the East Cutchogue. The franchise allows C. Williams. total of Prohibitionists is �88, a them to run their lines through South M. B, Van Dusen was appointed a loss of 74. The Socialists enroll- old, but not to furnish electricity with Notary Public. nient shows an increase of 13, tile in the boundaries, of the Southold Rev. D. W. Howell was returned as total being 191. Lighting District. This proviso was pastor of the M. E. church for the The enrollment by towns of the put in the franchise to protect the Coming year. four parties for 1921 follows: stockholders of the Southold Lighting Th;) ladies Monumentul Society was Rep. Dem. Soc.- Pro. Co., who invested their money as a royally entertained at the residence of Huntington 2943 932 49 55 public benefit. if some arrangement Mrs. G. F. Hommel. Smithtown 932 507 10 8 ),� can be made whereby the Long Island The Annual Town Meeting in South- Babylon 2282 842 25 Lighting Co. will acquire the stock of old Town resulted in a clean sweap for ` 8- the Southold Lighting Co., —Brookhaven A698 1779 49 0 the Republicans. This made three Riverhead .1156 390 0 I.f l) proviso prohibiting the company from straight victories. The majority we,, Southold 2035 789 9 4. furniBbing electricity in this village can 195. Dr. Skinner was elected Super- Shelter Island 281 65 0 3 be annuled. The acetylene gas plant visor; Wrn. Y. Fithian, Town Clerk; East Ha'pton 1108 458 .5 26 filled a need here and has been of great Baldwin T. Payne, Justice of Peace; — — — public benefit. Many feel that the S. Harmon Tuthill and Charles_~ ~ Totals_ time has Overton, Assessors; Elbert W. Tabor, *157 enrollments missing f_O`m There is no question but that electricity t Of uses has its advantages i ------'--' - -°^^'~"~ ~~~w" ^^ `,^ s _____ _ Dickerson, Collector; John B. Reeve, Brookhaven Town, over acetylene gas. In case a � Overseer of cvvr. All m w�um prvp - - - � - -`egi �� mrxuo~~u"m~^^^~ ~--- -between the i for U� b ,~~ ~/ '~~~'~ -' - Island Lo�nu Co. and the � large"=j°`.^=" The """, m Super- Superintendent z o""="= ~g~~-g Co' and we think visors stood eight Republicans to two Elections and cannot be found ill there will be, we shall expect to see Democrats. The latter were success- that office. It will be liecessary for elcetricity installed in Southold in a ful in East Hampton and Smithtown. b very short time. tile persons who filled out thegc blanks to obtain a court order di- and grocers are now. having their ey canitruck and every (lay two or three ov the primaries next fall. adj cke their names on the enroll,- Ru-s%Qll E Lindsay to Louis 1U40 �^ m,r� » � � ment list beforea of John xvxoa Pmn ithe big machine.,, stop here in their $22,100.1 trips throuFrh to Greenport. The George 1. Johnston, who has been at Alfred L Seaver &W to Pro].)erty iA&P and itgulston stores have prae- work at Newark, N. J., for Home acres e s' Van- ticallv all their groceries coine. by Holders Realty CO, 5 charged by tile years, has returned to Southold and ston road on 'Nassau point, Peconic, ,truck. The rate Tax $15 � express company ~^'*`~one `~''less,| ^~^^~ The --~ friends of IULr. John � Gordon ^^°° been appointed but there are certain advantages Of ston are glad to see him here again. - N � p" "°"" ~`~^ ~^^` `'-' -'v-- d zJCnram °' ` ,, u be u by notice published E. t1. Cahoon Estate800,000 _jarge Sommer Hotel ifi-.r Two April Snowstorms �Bennett De Beixedou, of Brooklyn, The attorneys for the estate of the who recently purchased the Stuart T. Our old residents, when they caw the late Edward D. Cahoon of Southold Terrylace on Peconic Bay, is to erect quite heavy snow storm of April 11, A Y have filed in the Surrogate's Court a' thereon a large summer hotel. The 1921, were reminded of the snow storm petition for the transfer tax proceeding house has been moved, and on its site a of April 10, 1854—only the snow storm in which it is indicated they believe the hotel, 12048 ft., 3 stories, will be of 67 years ago was much more intense. estate will appraise at about $800,000. built. There will be three rooms on Then the roads were impassable and The petition in some respects is unus- the main floor—large public room, din- one had to drive out into the fields to ual, for it is said to be seldom that such irig room, and kitchen. There will be get from one place to another. petitions set forth any schedule of the 16 rooms, 14x14 on the second story The months have been scrambled• decedent's property. and 19 rooms on the third story. hien- MarcApril h March.hould have bepn line`Aurifol and the The petition shows that the bulk of ry A. Goldsmith has the contract to do weather. Still, snow in April is far' the estate consists of stock in the Uni- the work, which is to be finished by from exceptional, as witness the fol- ted Drug Company. Mr. Cahoon held July 1. The lake to the east will be lowine facts, culled from the tiveath- $362,000 worth of the common and dredged out and there will also be er archives- $11,093 worth of the tient preferred. dredging done in front of the hotel. Ali April ilril 911. 1918. .4; Anril 12.6,5 inches sarnesyear, Building lots will be for sale on the ,� His life insurance is fixed at $10,500, g ! April 13, same year. .2° April 14, cash in banks $21,780, motorcars and property. This improvement will be a ]1104, .1; April 15, 1892, .3; April 8, farm implements on his estate at great thing for Southold. 1 1987. 2.1. Southold$10,654.55, Liberty Bonds and Meeting U1 Town Board A representative of the Long Isl- War 'Saving Stamps $1$,'718. Certain et at the and Lighting Mon- real estate in Southold is valued at The Southold Town Board magreed to purchase the was in town Mon- $15,100, but it is understood this does office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, day. He agree not include the handsome country es Saturday April 9, 1921• Present, Su- Southold Lighting Co. plant, if the tate. pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, ,people of the section east of Laurel In the list of estimated expenses Justices Griffin, Corey and Terry, Supt• would subscribe for stock in the $77,000 is set down as an estimate for Fleet, and Counsel Case. former company to the amount Of counsel fees, administration expenses, The following bids for furnishing up- $120,000. The representative be-it inheritance taxes, commissions, etc„ proximately 250,000 gallons of 40 per lieves there will be no difficulty in} the sum of $20,000 being estimated as cent asphalt road oil for the. Town for lacing this amount of stock and if necessary for counsel fees alone. the year 1921, delivered at the differ- the people respond quickly the Co. bliss Edna R. Cahoon, the petition ent railroad stations in the Town, were guarantees that we will have elec- 1 states,is entitled to about seven-elghtbs received: of the entire estate, her mother being The Texas Co., 0723 per gal. tricity in Southold by Sept. 1st.Jt i also deceased.--Brooklyn Eagle . Standard Oil Co., .0732 D. A. Rothman and family have HURRAH FOR 'GANSETT Carson Petroleum Co., .076 `" L` Paragon Refining CO-, .10 " moved into the lower part of Mrs. .0975 " Sturmdorf's house. Mrs. Sturmdorf Woman There Has 16 Children and Kenneth Tuthill, ,� „ occupies the second floor. 68 Grandchildren U.S.AphaltRefiningCo. •0925 Johnson Oil Refining Co. .09 Mrs. Daisy L. Prince has rented her Little Amagansett, a hamlet 'way The bid of the Texas Oil CO- at .0723 house to S. L. Itowland of Brooklyn, down on the tip-up end of this blessed per Allan was accepted. the same party who had the house last Isle, .seems to be setting a good ex- A g year. ample in Americanization work-of the Voted that contract be entered into good old-fashioned sort. Or at least with the Burroughs Adding Machine i L W. Korn has rented his home to one of its American women is, Co. to keep Town machine in repair for F. G. Wadswortb, who will take pos- The why is explained in an item in six months, ending July 24, 1921, for session May 1st. city papers Monday night, which says: $5.20. with day; of early set- $5.20.As there is no use for the lock-up at I Henry L. Jewell has rented the room tlement on Long Island, large fanLi- Orient, prisoners from that village be- IG over his market to the Ladies' Guild of lies are the exception rather than the ing taken to the Greenport lock-up, it St. Patrick's Church. rule in the twentieth century. There is a notworthy exception, however, in was voted that said Orient lock-up be - Amagansett, where Mrs. Phebe Lo- sold to N. Alfred Luce for$65. ` W. B. Christie is now sl)ecial read per Scott has given birth to sixteen Supervisor Tuthill was authorized to agent for Frederick Fickeissen. children, thirteen of whom are liv- urehase the.assessment roils for the ing and married. Two of her daugh- A Through the real estate agen^y of H. teas have thirteen children each. Town. W. G. Bond has sold a Mrs. Scott has had sixty-eight J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk buildingdlot�on the Bay View Road to grandchildren„ of whom sixty-four A. T. Dickerson and H. L. Jewell Walter W. Me-Aslin. Mr. Bond has at,- are living. She has eight great- . grandchildren, the oldest nine. She have purchased of E. Leicht his lot on so said a barn to Mr. McAahn, which I will be 67 years old in June. She is Beckwith Avenue. This property, ad- will be torn down and the material used a seion of Colonial stock. ded to their lots, will make a great im-I In the construction of a house. provement in their places. t / �2 Twonty-Five Years Ago Carpenter Accounting Rev. John T. Langlois, Pastor 4�6.7. h _4444 /2�f� as Pastor of the Saut 5 years at East Quogue, has The final accounting in the estate of assigned The thermometer registered assignedtaoi�. t The W. Carpenter of Brooklyn green last Saturday afternoon, � Met.liodst.Church. Rev.I.T.Stat'l'+arg i filed l h d Southold, has been ed at River-J. E. Corey took the contract to angroes, to Kings Park,"under the t put on a mansard roof and make general head. The decree shows that out of alterations to C. M. Post's house, the balance of $55,087.93 remaining in told appointment as P'as'tor of d* Frank L. Downs graduated from the the hands of the trustees, Albert E. Protestant element in the State All Brooklyn College of Pharmacy. Salmon, Samuel [Dickerson and J. Vic- lum located at Kings Park and 4 The L. I. R. R. gave an excursion to for Wilson, they are to retain $976.51 Pastor of the Village Methodist Brooklyn. The round trip fare from as commiaBions and $307.46 costs, giv- Church. The State As,---lura employ: Southold, including ticket to Barnum ing an annuity of $2,800 to Susan T. a Jewish Rabbi who holds his relig•, Salmon. The Surrogate also holds that ions service on Saturday, a Catholic $a.Bailey's circus, was$3. y, Rev. E. Wilmot Comings of Barre, the next of kin are not entitled to priest who holds mass on Sunday Vt., the first principal of Southold share in the residuary,but that it goes from 9 to 9:45 a. in., and a Protest Academy, retired from the ministry to persons mentioned in the fourth clause of the will, and the decree dis- ant.Minister' who warships with and purchased a jab printing business Protestants on Sundae's from I6 td. at Barre. tributes it in twenty-fourths as fellows: . L.W.Korn and Harry R.Vail formed Samuel Dickerson, J. Victor Wilson, 110:45 a. m• a partnership in the butcher business. Don S. Whitcomb, and Henry C. Prank Green went to New Haven, Prince, each two twenty-fourths; Wil- Harry Case is clerking in the A.&P. Ct., where he was employed in the car liam ©. Salman and Albert E. Salmon,stare. works. each 4 twenty-fourths, and Alice C. Thomas Farlcy &-w to Samuel TT The Thermometer registered 82 de- Salmon, 8 twenty-fourths. Morris, 2 parcels, s s Old Kings high-i green. ointments S thcidj land of Wni A IiichmantL', Conference App -ayTax $1.50' The N. Y. and N. J. Telephone Co. The following appointments at put in a switchboard at H. W. Prince's 11 store. the close of the N. Y. East Confer- G g n, lot w se Main sto adialand of� In Central New York potatoes were ence on Tuesday are of local interest: C Lcicht., Southold. Tax $4�., so cheap that farmers were throwing Wm L Davison, Supt of Brooklyn N y City, April 19, at the eee idee. them away. North District of the bride's uncle, Dr. J. H. Cahaao, The Southold Presbyterian church Southold, John T Langlois Clement W. Booth and Miss 111 had a membership of 155. Kings Park, I T Stafford Rockwell Cahoon, both of Southold. John J. Burns of Greenport and Miss Greenport, Chas A Quigley Brooklyn, April 0, at the ho•m-e►�j Mamie Conway of Southold were mar- of her son Georize E. McMann,J> ried. Orient, T C Bobilin A Y Colter wife of Capt. James M. McMann Of i Mrs. Patrick Rorke of Bay View Cutchogu Greenport,59y. Burial at GreenPOTL i died, aged 61 Years. Riverhead, H W Richard _ l Charles Davis died, aged 65 years. Huntington, H M Hancock Twenty-Five Yeats Agfa At the annual meeting of the 'South- Woodbury Circuit, E W Shrigley old Fire District, J. H. Boisseau was Commack and East Northport, C AThe pound fishermen were gettitc re-elected Trustee for three years, and Knesal ready for the season'B work. H. G. Howell, Clerk. O. V. Penney, Centerport, W C Blakeman The East End Clerical Club was or- W. H. Gagen and A. T. Dickerson Cornerstone Temple, Bklyn, D © Os- ganized' were elected Inspectors of Election. terheld The Presbyterian Sunday School The following appropriations were Bklyn, W W Gillies elected the following officers: Supt., voted: Rent Protection Engine Co., Buffalo Aw, y Islip, W M Carr ' A. C. Simons; Asst. Supt.,. Orrin A. $30; rent Eagle Hook and Ladder Co., Westhampton Beach, T B Miller Prince; Sec., E. Beebe; . $30; building cistern on R. R. Ave., Mar H. Hantting. above railroad, $60; building cistern in Patchogue, W E Schoonhoven y vicinity of Bchoolhuuse, $60; incidental Janes St, Bklyn, Paul E Edwards A number of nurses of the Mary Ian- expenaes, $411; total, 1b220. In the elec- New Rochelle, St Johns,H H Beattys maculate Hospital, Jamaica, including tion for Fire Department officers the Nichols, Ct, H E Marsland the Misses Susan May and Josephine ticket nominated by Eagle Hook and Plainville, Ct, J M Tranmer Grattan of Southold, are to present the Ladder Co. was elected, as follows: Bristol, Ct, W B West comedy "Miss Fearless & Co.," for Chief, A. R. Vail; Asst. Chief, A. T. I the benefit of the trace Memorial Dickerson; Secretary, Chas. T. Gor- P. J. Mahoney, Sr., has leased his House, Jamaica. 1don; Treasurer, Jas. J. Gagen. 1 house to Dr. Gallagher of Brooklyn for the Bummer. Mr. Mahoney will occu- Treasurer H. H. Huntting of t R., he Poet Office,Southold py part of M. M. Purcell's house. Southold Savings Bank attended the The L. I. R. National Convention of Savings Banka Savings Bank and Bank of Southold will operate under the Daylight Sav- J. E. Reney filled the pulpit of the at Philadelphia this week. ,ing Pian. M. E. church very acceptably last Sun- day. ` Suffolk to be Bone Dry 1 Georgiana Stepnoski Southold Savings Bank Frances Wadsworth 86 The Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Hedwlg Weygand 86 Runtting of the 85 Treasurer H. H, State Troopers is Suffolk County will Bertha Hipp outhold 'Savings Bank has been with meet with District Attorney Young at GRADE III ,tat institution forty years. At the the Riverhead court house on Thursday Dorothy Christie 94 last meeting of the Trustees of the 93 stalls- of this week. The officials will be in- Esther Booth 93 etructed by the District Attorney in Noreen Wiseman 92 9Bank he gave some interesting Marie Dogherty tics, comparing the business of today their duties under the new State En- Horace Symonds 91 with that of forty years ago. forcemeat Act, will be shown the Walter Williams 90 On Jan. 1, 1881, there was due depos- proper legal forms for arrests and in- Robert Gagen 89 ito.tIialen Poliwoda 89 772, $899,836.39, and a surplus w s due dictments, and impressed with the Alfred Wells 89 772.53. On Jan. 1, 1921, there was due thoroughness that will be expected of Donald Christie 88 depositors $6,076,067.01, and a surplus them in the prosecution of offenders Jennie Romanski 88 $1,097,018.15. against the liquor laws. Marguerite Gallagher 87 In 1881, there were 2,161 open ac- Edwin Fickeissen 85 counts, now there are 7,433. p. J. Mahoney shipped 208 carloads GRADE IV The mortgages in 1881 amounted tc of potatoes the past season. Helen Dickerson 94 ! Evelyn Van Wyek 93 $435,253.93. Now they amount to $4, Dwight Bridge Horace J. Booth, with his auto truck, D 92 430, 717.66. Year 1880 took Rev. I. T. Stafford's household Irene McKeon 91 The deposits during the y 91 amounted to $124,674.19, and the goods to his new charge at King's Park 10rances Gordon88 the year on Tuesday. Helen Kart 88 drafts, $156,674.19. During Alice Downs 87 his truck, Katie Stepnoski 86 1920 the deposits amounted to $1,1I6,- Horace J. Booth, withs au Smith ey Stanly 607.97. and the drafts, $1,117,775,85. brought the household goods of Rev. J. i Stant Thompson 86 The salaries in 1880 smauWIT.T. Langlois from East Quogue this Annie Poliwoda Fran86 week. Ernest Dickerson 85 $1,250,00, and other expenses$1,613,23, 85 The past year salai ies amounted to Marie Ducey eases, $17,- Thomas Parley has sold to Samuel GRADE.' V $16,306,66, and other exp 'Morris a lot on the south side of the 97 496.22. Doris Williams95 During the past fumy years the Bank North Road, on which a church for Alice ,Bloomfield 93 colored eo 1e will be erected. Marion Carey has received from depositor§ $19,346, r p p Lillian Stelzer 93 r 990.87, and has paid depositors$18,725,- G92 reenport, April 21, Arthur James Grace Vreeland 87 542.81. During the same period $4,-f Donnelly of Cutchogue and Miss Georg-( litanley Kukowaki 557,475.80 interest vzos paid depositors.I;iiana Gagen of Greenport,. g l Kathryn Butler 85 The daYi tat savnnk tluestion is Greenport, April 27. at the Hos- GRADE VI 92 causing eonsiJerable catnnenot.ioly here, pital, Frances, wife of William H. KatherJusephrne Ba Billiard 92 Cin Sunday a number of people were 11 Rafford of Southold, —y. Marguerite Ehrhardt 88 I New 'York Cit Aril 27, Mrs. James Cogan 87 at church in hour earlier than neo€s-� 86 � $� One of out largest farmer.,,I y' p Flora Albertson c<•1iled his help toc,ether and told the71S ' Annie J. McAvoy, sister of Mrs.Jas. Bernice Simons $6 ht should Tull his farm worl. on Sts"i Lucey of Southold, 34y. Walter Joweski Baud tune. All wvkro cared to �taNr and SCHOOL NOTES GRADE VII 91 �I vF,ork to do so; t}S se not vtii}lira to, Helen Boisseau 89 could leave at once- – • , . Alice Gordon 89 Mita Dickerson The congregation of the Universalist HONOR ROLL THIRD QUARTER Katherine Dickerson eon 88 86 church on Sunday morning voted to GRAVE I Chester Rich 86 hold services on daylight-saving time, 5 beginning with next Sunday. The sub- ttensselaer T. 'terry, Jr.J93 Ma'ryStas Strasser Pauline Albertson jest of Mr. Conklin's sermon next Sun- Alberta Fic�eisseu GRADE VIII 88 day morning will be "Tact." There William Orlin Williams 9121 Helen Thompson 85 will he special music. Service at 10 Mary Butler 90 Robert Booth VIncentina Krupski 89 Henry Dickerson 85 stacdard time, 11. d-s time. Agnes Zebroski i 89 HIGH SCHOOL During the daylight saving period Joseph Conway88 Thomas Hal[ 89 Southold Lodge, 1, O. O. F., will be- James Baker 88 Ba les Munch 88 in its meetings 7:30 m. standard Carol Gomez y 87 g g p• Alfred Poliwoda 886 Eugene Lehr time, or 8:30 daylight saving time. Fannie Ovsianik 85 90 or above in examinations St. Patrick's Church will hold its! Barney Ovsianik Biology 98 GRADE II John Purcell 97 services on daylight saving time. 90 Frances Overton Anna Zaveski 88 94 Jerome Grattan 87 Jennie Albertson 94 Floyd Stelranoski &w to Maria + Murial Young 86 Charles Simon 93 �rweelkea en, I L„ :;`> and ;3 on nralr orf James 1lucey 86 Harry Case 92 property of Jane A Cochran, South- Anna Naster 86 William Carrell old. Tax $2.I Mary Naster 2-/ Int. Algebra Twenty-Five Years A ,� School on Standard Time Tom Hall 94 .Helen Bond 93 f-1-1 G ©oma� ) *'� At a meeting of the Board of Edna Bayles Munch 93 Our pound fishermen were catching a tion of the Southold High School last it History B few menhaden and butter fish. Friday evening, it was unanimously ' Walter Gagen 92 William Conway leased Yetter's Ho- voted to Continue the shool on Btandard' Bayles Munch 90 tel, Greenport. time. English Grammar N. H. Cleveland attended the 250th A "straw vote" had bean taken by Helen Cochran 96 anniversary of the founding of New tlle parents of the school children, and Alvah Goldsmith 95 London. Prin. Sheld°ln announced that a large majority was in favor of running the Physics The Republicans of California venom- Tom Hall 95 inated Congressman W. W. Bowers, school tda light saving time. At. Eugene Lehr 92 who with his family spent several sum' the meoing of the Board Friday even- Mechanical DrawingI ng, a large delegation of farmers was mars at the home of H. Jennings. Tom Hall 95 About 200 acres of woodland were present, and they presented a petition Bayles Munch 98 signed by seventy taxpayers and others momoque. Most of the woods English.III burned over in a forest fires belong-belong.Arsha- in the district, asking that the school Tom Hall 92 ed to James Wickham of Cutchogue. continue onr standard time. They said i Class Average many more names could have been ad- Int. Algebra - ded to the petition if they had had time Helen Bond 90 Annual Schaal Keeling to make a thorough canvass. Several Torn Hall 90Tho Annual School Meeting of the of thn�.c present voiced their sentiments Eugene Lehr 90 against the change. Mechanical Drawing Southold High School District was held rho fact above all others that influ Tom Hall 93 at the school house Tuesday evening. enced the decision of the Board was Bayles Munch 98 It was one of the largest school meet- that standard time is the law of New Clarence Case 90 ings ever held in the district, 125 votes York State for rural Communities. History B being cast., meeting was called to or- Walter Gagen 90 der by J.. N. Hallock, President of the The Bank of Southold has changed French III Board of Education, and on motion he back its office hours to standard time. Beatrice Hodgins 90 was eleeted chairman. 'Secretary Wm. rhe Bank is open from 9 a. m. to 12 In. Helen Sayre90 H. Terry recorded. Wm. A. Wells and i and 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. standard. French II Harold E. Tuthill were appointed tell- New York City, April 27, Mrs. Annis Eugene Lehr 90 ers. J. McAvoy, sister of Mrs Jas, Lucey French I Minutes of last annual meeting read of Southold, aged 34 years. j,i Harriet Horton 90 and approved, as was also the report of TgreIItp-Five Years Ago J English II Treasurer A. T. Dickerson.. 1J1"�y1�+' The annual budget called for estimot W t3 94004 1 a Marjorie Hagerman 92 Wit'Y r ed expenses of $24,110, and estimated We had very hot weather. I PERFECT ATTENDANCE receipts of$6,500, leaving $17,600 to be Our pound fishermen were doing very Grade I—Mary Hobson, Rensselaer raised by tax. This was carried by a poorly. oorl G. Terry, Jr, practically unanimous vote. C. M. Post and family arrived at Grade II—Sophie Stepnoski For Member of the Board of Educa- their Southold residence for the sum., Grade III—Donald Christie tion for three years to succeed Geo. H. mer. Gaade IV—Henry McCabe Dickerson, Mr Dickerson and Mrs. J. H. Boieseau, B. T. Payne and B.. Grade V—Joseph Romanski, Grace William J. Rich were nominated. Mr. L. Prince were elected Trustees of the fi Vreeland Dickerson was elected. M. E. church. Grade VI—Frederick Prince J. N. He lock, after twenty-four Rev. Abram Conklin began his pas- Grade VII—Rita Dickerson, William years of sei ice as a member of the torate of the Universalist church at l McKeon Board, about half that time serving as Fitchburg, Mass. 1 Grade VIII—Robert Booth, Henry President, declined a re-election. Hen- The Southold Lyceum Association I Dickerson, Eunice Cox, Hilda Gold- ry Jennings and Mrs Rich were nomin- voted to domate its library of 600 books smith ated. Mr. Jennings was elected. A to the Southold Union School. The I High School—Helen Bond, Altha vote yf thanks was tendered Mr. Hal- money on hand, $100, was divided Smith, Eugene Lehr lock for his faithful service. equally between the Locust Grove and The hlachsmiths of Southould, S. W. The chairman informed the meeting Peconic schools. Petty and F. M. Cagen, will work by that the school heaters were in bad The Southold Town Clerics[ Club or. standard time-7 to 12 and 1 to 5 shape, and in all probability a special ganized by electing Rev. J. J. Dunlop During .'une, July and August the school meeting would have to be held of Greenport as Moderator and Rev. D. shops will be closed Saturday after- to vote on a proposition to install new W. Howell of Southold as Secretary noons. The blacksmiths work 9 hours heaters in the building. Ik and Treasurer. a day, while other mechanics work $, )ldattFrances Wells,� Mrs. Ettie C. Fischer of Bay View and they feel they earn the Saturday E half-holiday. wife off EddMay 3,ward S. Ilortun, ag�'d 58�died, aged 45 years` years, 3 months, 11 days. 1(IHV- 'twenty-Five yearn ggo L. �� �. �. Time ot"tb East �1�� LeaguC ` 111 A,-f -a-v 44s"" �'At the meeting of the directors of Miss Kinnie Gaffga, telegraph opera- The summer time table e L. I. the Fast End Amateur Ba-ball League for at Jamesport, was transferred to R. R. will go into effect liay 24. There Greenport, William ("Major") Greenlawn, are to be 12 new trains on the Mon.c harnhill, of that village, ane of the our pound fishermen were catching a tauk Division alone. In 1906 the com- guud many bunkers. pany had 668 passenger cars, all wood- est known umpires and baseball fans en construction, valued at $5,000,000. f the county, was elected president. The long drought of over a month To day it has 1,314 passenger care, 82fi Hurry H. ferry, who rendered vela- was broken. ed service as president and refused a John H. Lehr obtained a position in steel constructed,of an estimated value N. Y. City, of$21,000,000. re-election to that posit ion, was chosen The company has added to its equip- as secretary and treasurer. The latter The Suffolk County Mutual Insurance the past winter 100 new was appointed a committee to prepare Co. elected the following officers: meat during a schedule of games for the season and Pres. and Treas., J. B. Terry; Vice steel care, 70 electric and 30 standard submit same to the managers of the re- Pres„ Samuel Dickerson; See., S. F. coaches, representing an outlay of spective teams for their approval. The Overton; Attorney, N. D. Petty. $2.000,000' opening game will be played on 5atur- John M. Donahue, who had been Train 204, now leaving at 828 lvama day, May 21. with Jeweler F. D. Schaumburg for Station for Greenport, `��b��4®Q ui Ion several years, leased a jewelry store at wopl$t leave at 8:49 instead oesM first Centre Moriches. present. Bennett De lleixedon's new hotel on } ola, as at p tits S. T. 7"erry;place, which Henry soulhold U9111109 M A new train, No. 208, Saturdays on- the is building, will he named ly, will leave Pennsylvania Station at A Goldsmith Ion. It will be open At a special meeting of the stock- 1:06 P. m., making its first stop at for guests June 16th, but ill beao ins holders of the Southold Lighting Co. Medford and all stops east of that, ar- last Saturday evening, it was unani- riving at Greenport bt 4:05 p. m. No.. may be made now by applying to the will mausly voted to sell the stock of the 212, anew train, Fridays only, proprietor at Southold. The hotel will company to the Long Island Lighting be open into the Fail in order to aceam- leave Pennsylvania Station at 3:49 p. modate week-end guests who may close Co. `The sale is contingent on the sale m. making iia first stop after Jamaica between Riverhead and Southold of at Riverhead at 5:40 P. m., and arriv- their summer homes early in the Fall. $130,000 bonds and preferred stock of in at Greenport at 6:24 P. in• There will be dancing every Saturday g the Long Island Lighting Co. The No 211 will leave Greenport at 3:12 night for the hotel guests. I above company pays 60 per cent of the p m.. instead of 2:49 P. m., and run ex- have value of the stock of the Southold press from itonkonkoms to Jamaica, Mr. and Mrs.Clemet Booth,who have Lighting Co. With the amount of the 4 just returned from their honeymoon in and arrive at Psnnsy►vania Station at sinking fund on hand, it is believed the 6:39 p m., as at present. Jacksonville, Fla., spent the week end stockholders of the Southold company with Mr. Booth's parents. They will Train 23 will leave Greenport at 7:30 reside at Far Rockaway where Mr. will receive 100 cents on the dollar for',' p m. This will be a great accommo their investment. The acetylene gas dation to those wishing to ship vegeta- Booth is in business. plant has been of great benefit to blas. Treasurer H. H. Huntting of the Southold, both in lighting the streets Southold Savings Bank is attending the and furnishing gas for private homes NeW 1,000 ROUTe Bankers' Convention of New York and business places. The people who The L. I. R R resumed on Saturday State at Briarcliffe Manor. invested their money in this enterprise its freight and.passenger boat between Henry Goldsmith is building a garage deserve the thanks of the people for Eastern Long Island and New London. their public spirited action. No place daylight sav- #ar bliss Grace Corwin and Mr. Pettitt. P p The boat will operate on day g can grow and prosper where there is a ing time. Boat will run daily except Mrs. Sarah C. Hirsch is having her lack of public spirit. We are very glad Sundays, leaving Sag Harbor at 7:30 a. grounds put in order by J. A. Thi- to note that these public-spirited Citi- m ; Shelter Island, 8:30 a. in ; Green- bauldt. The work will therefore be z-na, who invested their money for the port, 8:40 a. in., and arrive at New thoroughly and well done. The home good of Southold, are not to be pecuni- London at 11:40 a. m. The boat will of Albertson Case, Es ary losers thereby. Acetylene gas fill- leave New London at 1 P. m., Green- q., standing now in the middle of the lot, we hardly rec- ed a need. Now is the time for alae- port at 3:20 P. m„ Shelter Island at ognize. Boss J. E. Carey and Iiia map tricity. We trust our people will show 3.30 P. m and arrive at Sag Harbor at have been busy on it far many months. the same public spirit in subscribing 4:30 P m. This schedule will be opera- As a result, a larger, more modern,but for the stock and Bonds of the Long tl;a until July 21 when two boats will very homelike residence meets the eye, Island Lighting Co. If you want e1ec, run until Sept. 10. one glimpse at the mane windows tricity for Southold, you must boost' a proves to passersby, that the new t,y your financial help. Station Agent Cusack has received house has gained in space and light and _ word that on May 24th a train will be sunshine, if it has lost the old time lines J. Leo Thompson has purchased the put on, leaving Greenport at 7:30P•m., and atmosphere of the past with which carpenter tools and rented the shop of for the accommodation of those wish- we have long been familiar. the late R. S- Sturges. ing to ship vegetables to the city. L Antoine Stanislai Gmdkowski and PRICES OF FOOD COMING DOWN progress in Southold Town John Pllul Charnews, both Of 8"Uth0l� � A considerable falling off ill prices It I �with their wives, were m-nde citizens I of foodstuffs, especially in meats and Not only Southold voted $200 for an last Friday at the Naturalization Court sol-ne of tbe staples, is shown by re- Evening Class for Adult Foreigners, ports obtained May 1, as compared but adjoining communities did as held at Riverhead, Judge lease M- -�vith pricies. Oil 'Mai 1, 1919, an(i Mv., on we'll' Kapper, presiding. 1, 1920. Retail Pl:iccs of foodstui�s tt East and West Cotchogue districts each 11arills to Sarah Ann� at the prevailing rriarket were. ob- voted $100. Orient was the first to C113-istian =-�V, I 4 acres Main tained in New York City for 31:q 1, start a class and pay the teacher a sal- 161) 1921, May 1, 1920, and May 1, 019. at T Wells, The report shows that, in general, the I ary. It Voted to CODtin0e the work on adi land of Scth prices of foodstliffs were proater in p the same basis. Peconie will install ril 21, Chas. S. Miller of 1920 than they were in 1919. luultrY ri 11 electric lights for the benefit of thel Freeport, Api I Baldwin, and Miss Florence G. We 0 shows very little falling elf in the class. Greenport has had a large and daughter Of Mrs. Lail last three years, but beef, I-autton and It esssul class and will continue of Freeport, reduced. very sueo �Wells, formerly of Greenport. pork are somewhat Sorno of the, f1 A marked failing off in tile Price as the work next year. Southold, May 12, Ella I., wife o of eggs is shown, as well as in gramt- ai( western districts in Southold Town are Fred E. Hutchinson, aged 57 years, lated sugar, 'cheese, butter, cabbage, considering favorably the matter of months, 10 days. onions, old and new potatoes, and to K forming classes next winter. We be- Vineland, N. J., may 13. Amandal some extent in canned goods. t lieve every one of these communities Pike L)avids Hubbs, widow of the late .7hea flour commanded a price of e would have voted these sums, even if Edwin Hubbs, aged 74 years. 4 months, 7 cen per pound on May 1, 1919; e�; the "50-50 bill" reimbursing districts 38 days. Interment at Cutchugue, 9 iclentq on May 1, 1920, but could be rt urchased for 51b. cents pier pound on ni had not become a law, We are very P I Twenty-FiV8 Years Ago May 1, 1921. cul glad, though. that the State shows its butter, which cog in " " 12- 1 Clrinamery t appreciation of the work by paying I D ew York City retail l-narkets 69 one-half of the sum voted by any dis- )r. heeler sold his two houses cents per pound May 1, 11919, and 77 tTiCt for the toacher's salary. and lot at Sag Harbor. cents per pound MaY 1, lq�in, could ,outhold and Pe- The wheelmen of 9 be bought in New York City markets Mattituck will play Southold on the conic rode to Mattituck on Decoration May 1, 1921, for 41 cents. local diamond Saturday afternoon at Day. . Fresh New York st�lte eggs were 3 o'clock standard. uthold will be ge of East Marion paid a listed for 57 cents per dozen �1,v I, So 1) Hope Lod 1919; 59 cents per dozen May I, 1'920, all dolled up" in their new suits and t to Banner Lodge. sed May 1, 1921, fraternal visi and could be purchais should give a good account of them- The Epworth League Group mee ing for 34 cents per dozen. We-.tern, selves by turning in a victory on their was held at the Southold M. E. church. eggs showed a clrop from 56-58 cents, home lot. The admission will be 35 in 1919-1.920 to 22 cents in May, 1021. Oleomargarine was worth 216 cent% cents. It is hoped there will be a good E&ST END L_EkGUF' May 1., 1919,and 25 cents May 1,1921. attendance at this opening league gAy 28 game. The next game to be played GAMES SATURDAY, Lard was worth 37 cents per Pound 1%,Tay 1, 1919, in New Yorl� CitY Tliar- here will be on Decoration Day, when SouLliold at Southampton 'ad kets; 26 cents per pound May 1, 1920, Greenport comes to town. The circuit Greenport at Riv'rhe Mattituck and 121h cents per pound Mal, 1, 1921. embraces six villages, Southampton be- sag Harbor at Granulated sugar, which was listed ing a new comer in the league, taking GAMES DECORATION DAY at 23 cents Per Pound May 1, 3920, was down to 7 cents May 1, 1921. the piace so long held by Shelter Island, (,repnport at Southold Full erearn cheese cost 39 cents I Riverhead at Mattituck per pound in 1919; '37 cents per podlid 92d Birthday I Harbor Southampton at 609 in 1920 and 30 cents per pound May one of south 1,R19 Jonathan H. BoisseElcl, . i 21: ilzens celebrated RESULTS �AST SAT'JRD" ice N btainable in 191q it 13 old's most honored cit 1-1 2- cents per pound, and in 1920 at 19 y, M Ely 14 , I IL cents per pound, and could he pqr- his 92d birthday on Saturd, Mattituck 3 Southold 0 if, many friends pto He wishes to thank h Riverhead 2, Southam n chased for 7 cents per pound,May 1, who showered him with cards, fruit, Sag Harbor 2, Greenport 0 1921. fl,1wers and a birthday cake ay.A ixteFn-ounce loaf of brcad was candy, CLU 1,S ,,:be n New York City at 8 centsj many candles. May our old STANDING OF THE with its f Won Lost P. C. in 1919; 10 cents in 1920, and �ol7ld: friend have many '$happy returns 0 0 100,,, The purchased for 7 cents May 1i 1921,'' the day." Mattituck 1000 at retail stores. 0 Riverhead 1000 The Peconic Trucking Co, has PUT Sag Harbor 000 wtb& a half-acre of land on PlIonic ,outbold . . . . . . 0 1 000 We regret to state that Miss 13�, chased,f H. W. Wells and will erect EL 0 1 Ft. Stoddard, who has been the very ef- Lane c SouLbarnPton - - - - garage and loading station, says th#� 0 1 000 ficient Principal of Southold Academy Times. The company expects to have Greenport or the past ten years, has decided Dot six trucks running between the East f stle will teach One truck has al- M, Mary Keily, who has finished to return another year- Iss 'd I next year as teacher End and the city and will start I outhold Aca -I in her home city ready been purchased .�:I the shorthand course at S business next week. A gasoline se emy, has a position in the office of of the Commercial Department of the vice station will be erected. Lawyer F. C. Barker, Mat Saratoga Spring8 High School. L � 4_ A Mattress for S. H. S. A True fish Story FkAST END LEAGUE It really isn't as bad as it sounds; Quite frequently "fish stories" are GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 4 we're not going to retire for four somewhat exaggerated and a fisher- ks. It is what we need for gradu- man's imagination is very vivid in de- S'r W,o'd at Riverhead 'on, and if any one has an old straw scribing his catch. This catch was so Sag Barbar at Greenport ttress, will they please give it to large there is no need to call on one's Mattituck at Southampton 1 Just look up in the attic, and we imaginative powers. KSUI,TS DECtMRAi'141V DAY Bare that some one will find one 4n Tuesday afternoon Commodore A. ut really so't of any use. 1t would T. Dickerson, Bass Seine-thrower Win. Greeaaport 10, Sout.hal l 2 1p un a hundred per cont with our H Beebe, E. E. Boisseau, Harold, Sag Harbor 10, Southampton 1 rk, no please look. S. R. S. Tuthill, Wilbur Petty and J. N. Hal- Riverhead 4, Mattituck 3 In the estate of Miss Maria i,, lock left Town Harbor for the fishing RESULTS LAST SATURDAX�Y 'Wood, of Greenport,a tax of$6,934.56 i Kr,,unds at Cedar Beach. They made Southold 4, Southampton 3 (11 iflna.) has been levied, subject to a reb=ate if i one draw with their seine, and that was Mattituck 2, Sag Harbor 1 (10 inns.) aid by September 12. The gross value 1 virough. We never saw such a sight Greenport-Riverhead game postponed is $148,192,28; net $136,922-34, of V before in pulling a draw-seine, and we vhich the Eastern L. I. 1-l0spital l have pulled one hundreds of times. STANDING (3F THE CLUES at Greenport receives $20,000 and they, "im catch by actual count was 160 Won Lost P. C. residue goes to the Rev. Charles A. weakfish one kin fish and one swell- Jessup, of Buffalo,,foranerly of Green g Riverhead 2 0 1000: pa•t, to be used bre him alone; the Eines fish. Many of the fish weighed ten Mattituck . 2 1 667 I and for the purposes "so often dis- pounds each, and the catch would easi- Sag Harbor . . . . 2 1 667 cussed between us," Miss Wood says ly average five pounds each. That be- Greenport . . . . . 1 1 600 a in her will. ing the ease, the total catch amounted ., Southold 1 2 333 Mrs. Gaynor will be ready to nerve to S00 pounds. Some map be inclined Southampton . . 0 3 000 1 shore dinners on Decoration Day at .the to doubt the above, but we will vouch ` famous old-time resort at Paradise, for the accuracy of the statement on To Enlarge fire District i Point. She would prefer to be notified our honor an a man. e` beforehand. A dinner of her serving, The fishing trip of Tuesday brought The Board of Supervisors, at its last E'aunder the trees, or within doors, is a back to the editor memories of the old meeting, passed the following renalu- delightful feature of any holiday. days of 35 or 40 years ago when Wm. tion: nAt the partition sale of the Quarty H. Beebe, the late Jesse H. Terrry and Resolved, That the Board of Super- s the writer drew a seine at Bay View visors of Suffolk County hereby con- s party, Pine Nock, on Saturday, for a business and shipped the fish to ,, . Mabel Q. Case was the purchaser. sesta to the annexation to the Southold Fulton Market, but never in our exper-, Fire District of the territory adjacent i. he price paid was$4,825. fence did we get a catch equal to the p d thereto described in the petition of Miss Florence Strasser is waitress at one of Tuesday afternoon. John C. McCabe and others, verified l H. Booth's ice cream emporium. r,� Bonded Debt the Board.May 6, 1921 and this day submitted to 1. S l rl Brockton, Maes., May 23, Patrick J�iiQt E. idurphy, brother of the late Rev, When Suffolk County actually raises It will now be necessary for the pres- ltl. ]. Murphy, and beloved husband ofwhich eat fire district to call a special meet by a bond issue $314,089.99, for - ; Sarah B. (nee) Icahn. Funeral on it recently obligated itself in road can- ing to vote on whether it will take in !l Thursday, May 26th, from 206 West etructiin matters and definitely apps- the proposed adjacent territory. This ;, ' 132nd St., New York City. Interment i at St. Mary" Star of The Sea Came- priates$58,590 under the Lowman Act, will undoubtedly be done. Then the 3 tery, Lawrence, L. I. the total bonded debt will$1,200,679.99, district will be the same as the present 91 rl'We11tp-Five Years Ago according to an interesting report late- school district. Lr .,,r. � � ly filed by County Auditor Dwight T. 1y About 60 bicyclists from Southold Corwin,with the Supervisors. Most of Baer Directs Aimsllouse as I and Peconic rode to Mattituck on Dec- the bonded debt is for highway work. Superintendent of the Poor Jonathan rs; illation Day. Outside of road construction bonds, Baker has personally taken charge of Pd Serena H. Smith was spending the the bonded debt of the county is as fol- the almshouse, in place of Albert W. summer at Sag Harbor. Iowa: Jail construction, $65,000; Cat10- young, who resigned recently as keep- j. Frank. Van Nostrand, who had ty Clerk's office construction, $35,000; er of tfM almshouse. Superintendent been attending Southold Academy, re- tuberculosis hospital No. 1, $25.000,and Baker was himself keeper for 30 yearn, & turned to his home at Blue Point. No. 2, $76,000; County Treasurer, so he is well acquainted with the duties Lester Albertson was a member of $40,000. of the office. He said that he had nev- i the baseball nine at Claverack College. Nowadays, interest, Mr. Corwin eral names under consideration to fill t E, Leicht leased Daniel Terry's shows, is a big item'each year in the the vacancy, but that he had reached h bakery county's expense family. For instance, no decision as to an appointme.t. ar Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carey celebrated I out of a total sum of$381,430.49, levied Walter R. Willis of Islip of the Long I0 i the 30th anniversary of their marriage. by direct tax for county purposes forecrip- Rev D. W. Howell gave a lecture in 1921, levied and collected in 1920, $108,' Ions fort ehtin and bondskofgthatscom- the M. E. church. 675 was for retiring bonds and paying We consider it a good, safe in- interest. pang' vestment. Holiday Ends Supt. of Highways Fleet applied road EAST END LEAGUE The holiday traffic on the Long Isl oil on Southold streets the latter .part GAMES 'SATURDAY, JUNE 11 and Railroad was abnormallyheav of last week. 1 Southampton at Southoldeven for Decoration Day records. Th Arthur Goldsmith and tamuy of Riverhead at Greenport situation was relieved somewhat as t+ Orange, N. J., are occupying L. W. j Mat.tituek at Sag Harbor, the eastbound traffic as it was divide Korn's bungalow at Pine Neck. between Friday and Saturday. Th RESULTS LAST SATURDAY trains to the Hamptons and Greenport, Wm. J. Grattan, our popular R.F.D. Riverhead 7, Southold 6 averaging ten cars each, were crowded man, extended his route on 'Wednesday Southampton 3, Mattituck 2 to capacity. The parlor car seats f to Paradise Point. Greenport 8, Sag Harbor 2 were all engaged days ahead. I - - -. .L Benjamin Hunter has purchased the STANDING OF THE CLUBS George W. Smith is to build two ice business of Fanning, Edward agt ,stores for Ernest Leicht in front of Gagen, Inc., and is prepared to furnish Wen Lost P. C. his residence on Main St., next east ice to any customers. Riverhead . . - 3 1 1000 Greenport . 2 1 667 to the Savings Bank. One r stare, Ir. and Mrs. Fitall and Mr. and Mattituck . . 2 2 500 12x;a, Will be for Mr. L�ice s use, Mrs. Close of B.rooklvn, are at the old Sag Harbor 2 2 500 and the other, 21x35, Will be used as Landon house at Creekside for the1 a 250 a'Thos. Roulston store, Which firmIsummer. Southamd . . . . . . . - Southampton . 1 3 250 has taken a five year lease of the;I F D Peterson &ors to C J Hanna-1 - property. bury, lot e s Bridme lane, adz land J The box score: S Lindsay estate, Peconic, noire. S vmz3KZA3D Tractor for Southold ToW�1 _ ...... a� r h pb a East Hampton, May 28, Bev.. Dr. �. sxarx rr.. .5 1 1 t "" 1 N At the last meeting of the Board of John D. Stokes, pastor emeritus of the Berdan, "1' .,a 0 i i 0 i 4litck elt If Supervisors the six 10-tan tractors, East Hampton Presbyterian church, by Marx, >J .,,.....4 0 1 q' and father of Dr. John W. Stokes of t3. Stark,ss -.••••- •� 1 2 o 4 l I given to the county by the State, were Southold, aged 81 years, 7 months, 11 ,alter', Ir .... ... U i o tl awarded by lot. The lucky towns are days. aeli telt, ..........• s 1 sl 10 0 0 Iiael{n, lb ...4 � 1 11 ° � Southold, Islip, Brookhaven, Babylon, Edgar, c .. ..... _ _ — Huntington and Smithtown. Twenty-Five Years Ago Totals ........35 7 s 27 t!l 4 rlww sovxxor;m r h nc a e. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elmer are esab- tablished in their new summer home at Henry Waterman of Brooklyn was in Booth, ss .,.r +11 a 0 1 i Cedar Beach. They miss the woods Southold for the summer. (;ager, sl' ,, 0 2 5 1 ngeij.coc4lrtin, Ii dr lrl)., d for a background, but Swan. River The special train to take strawber- salr,lun, 1t, & ", -•� 0 1 n 1 0 . 1 'L 1 1) 0 Nursery is doing much to add to the ries to Greenport was put on. From S?ia �tc' 21 _ ..„9 tl 1 n [Y i natural beauty of the fields at their there they were shipped across the sectt, If .......4 6 t i rear. Sound for the Boston market. sar,rcrd, c ...".....3 1 0 0 0 0 Coveleskl, rr Mrs. Albert Steiner and. Mrs. Eliza- The summer terra of Southold Acade- Totals iq 9 ?I 11 5 beth Ball and eon Tom are occupying my closed, after a very successful year tt;verl,eaa .� I '1 I0 t d t} a i—c one of Mrs. Frank D. Smith's bungs- under the Principalship of Mies L. C. 5to1len ba .. R:almnrr, c_'SleLr Slrt,lows at Town Harbor this summer, Pond. dare B. t,tar x dt 1 tl ,u Soot I rerase Rev. D.W. Howell was elected Till— l,�se ldt rlllast—Strasser tct,ekt, while their cottage is being built an ` j, stark. 5 rt I Ilkri= 1111 —K.i,.ln. 5�rtlly Maple Ave. gate to the International Sunday School La,t lay i last di r 1,%, a arkrrnn, S[Iln ln, Tkrso iron hRl%, coeif r'arhlan, Association at 13'Oatan. i- keit Ivy 1�111hPr (Veit; twill C`�:�r'kiran Every bungalow is occupied and if a 1, Dr. J. H. Marshall and family ar- l uvete4lc� Left on k a e�—tiinitltnl k, score more were ready all would be rived at their cottage at Sound View S; kiveeleak, trnll1ire lues. lfetland- taken. Southold promises to be a fr the summer. 141iss Constance Leah Jenkins of great resort. The nearness of salt Miss Mary L. Dayton graduated from Brooklyn and Southold has been oap II water on both sides and the m.agnifi- Packer Institute, Brooklyn. pointed Teacher of Science at Berkeley Gently shaded streets seems to be a : Presiding Elder Van Alstyne preach- Institute, Ilrooklytt. Miss Jenkins is a drawing card. W. J. Carter, who has been chauf- ed in the M. E. church. � graduate of Packer and Adelphi and D. Lodowick Beebe sold the Southold did post-graduate work at Adelphi. feur for Dr. J. H. Marshall for sev- wharf property to J. B. Terry and W. Our young friend of Paradise Puint is eral years, has resigned his position. C.Albertson. Ito be congratulated on this honor. Mr, and Mrs. Carter have moved to Rev. W. W. T. Duncan of Cutchogue Barry Carroll is home from Syracuse Greenport, lectured before the Southold Temper 1Jn"ersity for the summer vacation. ante Society. medicine as Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Hallock are Harry is going to take up a six-years' spending the summer at the "Band- The Clarksdale B. B. Club of the a profession and is taking y course at the University. He has com- pleted Paradise Paint, the editor com- Mississippi State League is now lead- his fourth year (hero. We pre muting daily to his business on his 'er in that League. -Harold (Goldie) i ,bicycle. Goldsmith of Peconic is a member of dict he will make a name for himself that Club's pitching staff, in his chosen work. Surrogate Robert S. Pelletreau has c p } entered an order hold, on Samuel.�SAMUEL SWEEZY'S FINE Boy scout Camp Houseveit Drcltcrroar, of >orrrhold, one-half of tJ the corrrrnissiorns amounting to �E Q MOO 1S REMITTED County Boy Scout Council $;f4;7.51, due the exe;utors on the final �J cP will unite with the Suffolk County Boy Frederick the (estate of the hate Frederick Carpenter of Southold, and Scout Council in a joint Scout Camp the other two executor:;, J. Victor for their Troops this summer. The Wilson, of Brooklyn, and Albert Sal- This i4 Regarded as Forerunner of p site will be Camp Roosevelt at Rocky mon, of :Southold, each one fourth. Pardon from Sing Sing of 1'e- Point, six miles east of Port Jefferson, At a hearing held before Surrogate conic Farmer Pelletreau Monday afternoon Mr. on the property of the Radio Corpora- Dickerson testified that he had done The belief is growing in this see- tion of America, the Suffolk County most of the work in caring for tine' tion that Samuel C. Sweet of Pei Scout Camp. This union of councils estate and believed that he was en- Y tatted to move of the commiss'sons conic,, sent to Sing Sing last fall will allow a larger and better camp than his co-executors ori the final ae- after being convicted of inhumanly through a longer lesson from July 16th di- counting. I4Ir, Wilson was unable to beating Benjamin Franklin Eubank, to August 28th. The camp will be di- attend the hearing, a boy he had taken from a home, is vided into six one-week periods with a but Mr. Salmon soon to be pardoned. was present and stated that IIIc. Dick- This belief is strengthened by the capacity of 100 Scouts each period. erson hacl assumed full charge of the fact that Supreme Court Justice John Burnett, for 28 years Captain's affairs without any suggestion on his Snuiers this week filed with County cook in the U. S. Navy, will again be part. Mr. Dickerson had testified Clerk Richardson an order remiLtinc; chef. Added attractions are being that Mr. Wilson suggested that he the $1,000 fine imposed on Sweezy ]cerin the books. Wilson and Salmon together with his sentence, which was made to the camp site and many in-. believed that the connnissions should not less than one year and three structors of national prominence in be equally divided among the three months nor more than two years and Scout-craft have volunteered their ser- executors. Surrogate Pelletreau de- six months in Sing Sing. The order vices. The success of last year's camp cided that Dickerson had done rno;;t states that the remission of the fine of the work and was therefore enti- is deemed to be in accordance with has already brought g a large number of t.led to more compensation than his justice and equity. inquiries to Scout Headquarters from co-executors. - It is also reported here that SweezY Troops all over the country. Camp is now ill in the prison hospital. pamphlets and applications will Le for- Carpenter Stake Off Since the Carl Vail trial there has warded to the Scoutmasters at the end been a great reversal of feeling it, Strike of carpenters of Easthampton, i Sweeuy's favox. One of the lur, en of this we ;rnek. H. Guttridge of Patch- Bridgehapmpton and. Southampton is'BI even prepared and circulated + apeti- ogee, President of the Council, and A. Com- off. The men have returned to work I tion asking that he be pardoned am H. Cosden of Southold, Council Com- the idea is growing that he has beer mieeioner, are Suffolk's Camp Com- at the old wage sca•e of$6 for an eight- already sufficiently Punished. It r, misses. hour day. They have been out since believed, too, that Justice S niers ha: reached the same conclusion and •vill May 1, asking for $7 for eight hours Norwalk Ct.. May 2 interpose no objection if i srrious r f- y 8, Roland work. �Ifort is made seeking his pardon by Schneider of Norwalk, formerly of Southold, and Miss Doris Louden of Ata recent meeting of the Boys' the pardoning power, Norwalk. Club of the Universalist Church, Allan Army Camp at Montauk Greenport, June 1, by Rev. C. A. Baker was elected president. The Shrigley, G. Thomas Black and Mrs. other officers elected are: Israei Terry, Preparations are being made at Mon Mabel Elrina Buckley. vice president; Emmett Young, seer(- tauk for the accommodation of the 4,000 5outkola ked Cross Boxes I tar and treasurer. artillerymen and cavalrymen who will u 4 y spend the summer in camp. Army American National Red Cross The Champion Draw-seine eCo., Com- motortrucks have brought quantities of Philippines Chapter bigha A. T. Dickerson, made another material and a pumping station has Manila, Philippine Islands big haul ft weakfish at e;'edar Beach been installed. Trains arriving at April 29, 1921 Monday afternoon, Thera was a big Montauk terminal daily bring in equip- Secretary Southold Chapter, ca on the ropes and much elation ment for the camp. My dear Secretary- wass shown as the fish were drawn in. The First Artillery Brigade has left The thought has come to Mrs. 0. A. Prince has gore to Dr. Camp Dix and is now on hike for Mon- me that you would like to know just Ross' Sanitarium at Brentwood for, tauk Point. It is expected to arrive how toe contents of some of your Red treatment. June lb, when the summer camp will Cross Boxes of Baby Layettes have be ready. It is now four years since a been used. The history I think is in- W. B. Christie is now employed in summer camp has been maintained at teresting. the Roulston store at Greenport. Montauk. The boxes were first sent to Russia Geo Ii Terry &w to Stanton Matt. During the months of June, July and for the children there. They could not 1$! A n s Corey's creek, adj land of August other brigades of artillery are all be distributed there because of lack Wm Horton,Southold. Tax $1. 1 scheduled to come to Montauk for of transportation, so they were sent to training. the Philippine Islands. Many boxes John P, Reubeamen of Southold was have been sent all over the Islands to married on May 28th to Miss Elizabeth II Wm T Robertson &ano to Belle 0 towns and provinces. In February and Mayer of Brooklyn. The bride is a 4I&Kee, 12% A n c; Peconie bay, adj March of this year,the Red Cross nurses nice of the late Mayor Gaynor. land_ of Win iC Case, Peconie, nom. of the Philippines Chapter in Manila took much pleasure in distributing the 6 � little things amongst the babies and , little children in the poor district of the '�'VPeI].ty-�'1V9 Years Ago The Commencement Exercises of the t,% o I ! q404s, r �-1 1^ Southold High School will be held inl ' city` On April lot we had a trig fire in the The Republican National Convention Belmont Hall, Monday g, June city of Manila. About fifteen hundred nominated William McKinley for Presi. twentieth, at eight o'clock standard cal families were burned out. They lost dent and Garret A. Hobart for Vice time. 1 everything. The Red Cross camenobly President, The speaker to the graduates will to va to the rescue with food, clothing and Rev. F. G. Leonard moved into the Charles R. Skinner L. L. D., Legisla- Ishelter. Your layettes played a prom- Coles' place. tive Librarian. vri �inent part in clothing the children. The The 14ontauk Steamboat Co's. boats The members of the Senior Claes are w4 I Filipino children are small, so out of made daily trips to the city. Helen Cochran, Walter Gagen, Beryl; your boxes we clothed many children The Bay 'View School, fl. F. Payne Horton. Bayles Munch, Helen Sayre, in four and five years of age. teacher, celebrated its closing exercises Helen Terry. Bayles Munch is Vale-, be I wish you could have seen the de- by a picnic. dictorian, and Beryl Horton, Saluta.l lighted mothers and children when they The Trustees of the Southold Savings toriam. G tt received the pretty little blankets, Bank directed that interest be credited The program is as follows : pi shirts, booties, shawls and towels. Can. depositors at the rate of four per cent Selection, Orchestra, E Eon flannel diapers are the shawls; the per annum. Clown Dance; Six High School Boys. 9 Bird's Eye diaper cotton, the towels. A number from Southold attended Dutch Dance, Helen Booth and Rob. Diapers are not used bore amongst the the Barnum and Bailey circus at New ert Booth. L poor, so we gave them and use theta it Landon. Presentation of Physical Ability Test 1 our work in place of towels. The litth Strawberries were of unusually good Fins. 1 uSalutatory, Beryl s costs were given to children four qalit this The Shin ecock, the handsome new ValedictorJohn B.Munch. five years old to sleep in, far�the nights y, are cool even in the tropics and espe-steamer of the Montauk Steamboat Presentation of Diplomas. cially as many are living it tents for Co., arrived in these waters. Selection, Orchestra. temporary shelter. We opened twelve Address, Hon. Charles R. Skinner, boxes. I doubt if any of the many I EAST END LEAGUE L. L. D., Librarian N. Y. State Legis. boxes that you have sent out from the 'lative Library. different Chapters ever served a better GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE i8 Selection Orchestra. purpose or gave more pleasure. Southold er a attit Walter R. Willis is meeting with I am enclosing a picture of the crowd Riverhead at Sag Harbor good success in securinti subscriptions outside of the headquarters of the Southampton at. Greenport to the bonds and stock of the Long Philippines Chapter awaiting their turn RESULTS LAST SATURDAY Island Lighting Co., which proposes to R to get clothing. There was a larger furnish Southold with electricity. crowd inside where distribution was Southold, 2; Southampton, 1 being made The distribution lasted Greenport, 13; Riverhead, 7 F. G. Carter of Plainfield, N- J., has for three days, from 2 to 6 p. m. Sag Harbor, 6; Mattituck, 3 rented Frank C. Horton's bungalow at We thank you all most sincerely for STANDING OF THE CLUBS South Harbor for the summer. the layettes, and wish to assure you Cutchogue, June '8, by Rev A. X.. that your efforts have been greatly ap- Won Lost P. C. Holter, Edward E. Samobel of River- preciated. _ Greenport 3 1 750 head and Miss Isabel Terry Gould of Very sincerely, I Riverhead 3 1 750 Cutchogue. C. 13, MAc.F.F, Manager Mattituck . . 3 2 600 Southold , 2 3 400 Pastor's will } Southold, June 6, John Naster, aged Sag Harbor . . . . 2 3 400 '8 days. Southampton . . . . 1 4 200 The will of the Rev. John D. Stokes Ger, W. Smith is to build two stores I of Easthampton, disposing of over for E. Leicht in front of his residence. Thomas A Stacy of Plainfield, N. $10,000, makes several bequests for re- One store, 21x35, will be used as a ligious purposes—$300 to the Board of Thomas Roulston stare, which firm has J., an electrician, is to locate in; Education of the Presbyterian Church f taken a five-year lease of the property. Southold and will da all kinds of of America; $200 to the Board of Home The other store, 12x35, will either be electrical work. He will also carry Missions ofthe same church; $200 to rented by 114r. Leicht or used by him- a stock of electric accessories of ev- the Board of Foreign Missions of the self. on Monday pear. Leicht moved ery description. Mr. Stacy is well same church, and $200 to the Children's his shoe shop back of his house. known in Southold having married Aid Society of New York for transpor. J. Y. Reeve, who has been in the Miss Edith Williams, He is now'en- tation of children to homes. The will. selling automobiles gaged in wiring Wm. L. Williams` also gives Jean Griswold and George:' business of house. John Lynde Griswold, grandchildren, throughout the State of North Car- $1,000 each, and residue to testator's oliva, has decided for a short time Mrs Wm. Rich has been elected a children, Jean W. Stokes, Mary Stokes to assist F. T. Jennings of Southold ij Trustee of the )Free Library in the Griswold and Dr. Jahn W. Stokes of in the disposal of Studebaker cars. ` place of the late E, D. Cahoon. Southold. Twenty-Five Years Ago EAST ENI? LEAGUEMr. and Mrs. T. P. Cunningham of GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Eaat Orange, N. J., spent a few days farmer, commenced to set out at Geo. R. Jennings'. Mrs. Cunning- TheMattituck at 4outhold ham, who was Miss Josephine Stark, cauliflower. Greenport at Southampton Prin. S. S. Shaw was spending his i one of our former highly esteemed Sag Harbor at Riverhead teachers, was greatly interested in the vacation at Central Valley, N. Y. The members of the Don't Care Club RESULTS LAST SATURDAY Commencement Exercises °f our were to go on their annual sail the firstschool. The graduates were pupils in Mattituck, 15; Southold, 8 1 her grade when she was here, and they week in August. Sag Harbor, 8; Riverhead, 0 Rev. Dr. Epher Whitaker took part all remember her with much affection. Greenport, 7; Southampton, 5 in the baccalaureate services of the Al- Natlian F. (green to George W. bony State Normal College. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Grathwold, 55 acres s s North rd ad} The following carps of teachers for Won Lost P. C. land of Ntiannie W. II, f,oaiklin, Pe-, the Union School were engaged; Princi- sonic, T tax X1:00 Greenport . 4 1 800' pal, S. S. Shaw; Intermediate, Miss Riverhead . . . . . 3 2 600 Georsgve W. hose to Arthur it. hose, Elizabeth Benham; Primary, Miss htar Mattituck . . . . . 4 2 667 `r acres; s s Main South rd adi land Qaret Deale. of George 11. Wells, Peconic _ nom The graduating exercises of the Sag Harbor . . . . 3 3 500 Union School were held at Belmont Southold . . . . . . 2 4 333 Ithaca, N. Y., June 18, James Evart Southampton . 1 b 167 Matthew,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall. The graduates were Eva Gomez, P. Matthews of Southold, and Miss Katherine E. Carey and J. Leo Thomp- The box score: Eleanor De Forest Evans, both of son, 39ATTIT03K lItbaca. { ` �+ Thomas A. Terry died, aged 76 R. Marker, as ........a5 1 1 2 3 u 1l pbyslcal Ability les#S ears. F, Reeve, 2b ........ 6 2 2 2 0 Y AVolka c 5 5 5 6 2 0 Downs, n &rf........ 4 0 1 2 0 0 At the Commencement Exercises of Butanil, 3b ....... 5 2 . 2 2 a 0 the Southold High School Monday ev- - Afdrtch, cf ....... 4 *1 :1 0 0 1 Miss John>ron, the physical train- The Class of 1.32'1 of the Southold� L. Reeve, 1v .,...... s 0 0 13 0 0' ening, 4 1 2 0 0 1 ing teacher, presented pins to the fol- High Schoolfielen Cochran, Wafter, T. Barker, rf &,p .... 4 1 0 2 1 Iiudscn, if —1 ]owing pupils Gagen, :Seryl Horton, Bayles Munc3�, ' 39 15 18 27 10 s Silver Pins, for record of 75 per cent Helen Sayre and Helen 'ferry, wit:) Totals SOUTHO LII Elisa Vera Terry as chaperone, left Ais r b U a e or above—Marion Albertson, Winifred . 4 1 1 1 0 0 Gagen, Robert Both, John Purcell, Tuesday noon in Antoine Grodkowski's Booth, 1b & rf ....... 5 1 1 0 1 1 g Bayles Munch. f (:.oehran, c .. 4 2 1 . 4 1 1 Walter Gagen, y touring car for their graduation tri Bronze Pins, for record of 50 to 75 The first stop was in N. Y. City, where Stragser, 2b& Sty 5 1 2 4 0 0 tTlierfch, of & lb ... ri 0 2 5 0 0 they took in the theatre and went right- t atmos, n ... 6 a 1 2 1 per cent—Hazel Baumann, Francis Car- seeing. All ar°angrtn+>nts for th.,ir Scott, if ..... . § � � 6 a o roll, Helen Boisseall, Jerome Conway, Sanford, ib y )"Lunch,rf& 2b....... 1 0 0 0 0 Rita Dickerson, William McKeon, Mary stay in New York were airty t> W. covete.5ki cf .. .. .0 0 n 0 0 0 Goldsmith Horton, Charles Germond Cochran. The party proceed- — — — — — — Strasser, 'Simon, Katherine Thompson, Eunice ed to P0144]n eepsie the neat nrornimig, Two-basil frits-Strasse,12 7mlericti Case, Hi]da Goldsmith. wtri:re they aitneased the boat races, sarirc•rd, .T. Barkere. 9, Do�rua, Sacrifice Ccrx, Harry saw )gasser College, had a the pug' StotenTtzases��'�'01�o�5rreReeti® nuland, (,lenient Donahue,Marian Sayre.Charles ty, etc„ etc. 7fiud on . Gas;r?n, tillerleh, Salmon. Gagen, Jennie Zebroski, Alvahone Lehd- C'+oveleskt Struck out—by 1?o�vns 3 smith, Charlotte Stelzer, Eug J. Barker, 5' Salmon, 4. Base cu ball-,,--I W. U. T. U. off .1. Barber 1. Number of mnlnca Florence Strasser, Helen Booth, Helen pitchecl by ")owns ': J. Barker, 7. T'a�%PdIielen Sayre. e At the annual meeting of the W. C. basis—coebran. >-1.t b pitcher c,an- Cochran, ford. Coveleski. Left. on bases—Matti,- The event, were: T. U., belt] on Tuesday afternoon, the ;1 t �k . ;outbold 7. First base on error— Senior Boys-100 yard dash, standing following officers were elected: Pres., ',fattituck. 2: Southold, 1, umpire—H. Terry, broad jump, chinning. f Mrs. J. L. Conklin; list Vice Pres,, rhe score by tn,1tn9s y 0 t x-15 yard dash, standing Mrs. Louise G. Booth; 2d Vice Pres., Nlattituck a 4 junior Boyo-60 y h Southold ........z 2 2 1 0 0 0 g 0— S broad jump, chinning. e Mrs, I. T. Stafford: 3d Vice Pres., Senior Gir1s-50 yard dash, running 0 Mins Sarah Case; Sec., Mrs, Louise G. Charles G. Corey was installed at and catching, basketball throw. e Booth; Treas., Mrs. Agnes Cochran. Patchogue as Deputy Grand Patriarch I Junior Girls-60 Yard dash, running 'oTt is pleasant to know of the of the I. O. O. F. Encampment of this good and Batching basketball throw. t, �ifortune that comes to our friends, district. The term Senior in these events Il h Deming Jackson, formerly of this Jesse L. Case, Esq., is attending the means a member of the Second, Third Pharr, has been elected a delegate to Commencement of his Aima Idater, or Fourth Year Hig h School Classes. ' the Elks' convention, which meet% in Yale College, this week. The term Junior means a member of 1, Los Angeles, Cal., ,the first of July. 's His ticket includes his wife,which per- the Seventh or Eighth Grades, or the snits a visit to his brothor, Arthur, zl First Year High School. M W edoesdray was the hottest day of Seattle, Washington. This fine trip - -_�� ©f the season—the thermometer register- will use the vacation of a month from ling 85. William B. Clayton and family have his duties of the Cr°and Central R. it. of New Fork. moved into part of stirs. Emma Hunt- � ting's house Electricity for Southold WAR TAX RECEIPTS Twenty-Five Years A A meeting of those interested in Suffolk County Supplies Uncle San 'a Electricity for Southold was held in T E. Leieht opened his new bakery in Belmont Hall last Friday evening. Mr. With a Lot of Cash sl Stoltz of the Long Island Lighting Co. the Daniel Terry building. was present and explained the situation The amount of the war tax stanp, ig placed on the deeds filed in the �uf_ Miss Ada Terry of the Oswego Nor- confronting the company and the peo- folk County Clerk's office runs into a rs mal School was home for the summer. ple of Bouthold. It is a question of fi- 11erY large surn of nioney in thecourse Ralph Booth was expressman On the nance. If our people want electricity of a Year, and forms an acceptable part of Uncle sanl,s income. L. I. R. R.. to light our streets, our homes and our This was learned a few days ago by Wm. N. Carey became assistant ata. business places and to furnish us power a person of inquiring mind who fig. tion agent at Southold. for innumerable uses, then we must u,red up one day's cancellations and Misses Annie Korn, Dora Quarty and subscribe to the stock and bonds of the '1.;1cavered that the total ,uu, Ilue Uncle Sam frorn that day's burine,_s Elizabeth Terry were home from One- company that is to furnish us the cur- in deeds alone amounted to S2:18�).,,o. onta State Normal. rent. Representatives of the company This was known as a bigg,,, day th"i Melrose 1. Spooner was news agent have been canvassing the village and the ordinary run—in it were some on the morning and evening trains. adjacent territory for some time, but deeds conveyin�_ , land for large con- �,iderations—but it is figured -that a Mrs. Ezra T. Beebe died, aged 66! the financial backing is not what was " Mos conservative estimate of Ivar years. 9xpected. About$50,000 has been sub- tax stamp cancellations in the County Mrs. Andrew Schuboltz died, aged 71 scribed to date. In order for the com- Clerk's office on deeds alone will ay. years. pany to install electricity in Southold, it erage at least *1,000 a day. will be necessary to raise $25 000 more. And Suffolk County, while a most EAST END LEAGUE by July 6tb. Then it is hopeii to raise important SADt on the map ill ill.-Iily particular-q, is of course very small in GAMES SATURDAY, JULY 2 the balance of the$120,000 asked for in war tax receipts, taking the country the fall. If$75,000 is raised by Julyas a whole. Riverhead at Southold 5th, then the company will commence Southampton at Mattituck operations at once. We believe the The long drought was broken by a Greenport at Sag Harbor company is perfectly sound, and that fall of rain Wednesday night and GAMES JULY FOURTH aninvestmentin itssecuritiaBis abso- Thursday. It will do thousands of Southold at Greenport lutely safe,—and they pay seven per dollars worth otgood for our farmers, Sag Harbor at Southampton cent. What better can one ask—saf ety and the parched lawns will take on� Mattiluck at Riverhead and a good return on one's investment? new life. Southold wants electricity. It needs The Arshamomoque Inn will open on RESULTS LAST SATURDAY it. Show your public-spirit by doing Friday, July 18t, for the season, and Mattituck, 5; Southold, 1 your part to boost the project—sub- there will be a dance for the guests and scribe to the stock and bonds of the Southampton, 7; Greenport, 3 their friends on Saturday night and al- Sag Harbor, 3; Riverhead, 1 Long Island Lighting Co. And you so on the night of July 4th. must act at once, The time-limit is I STANDING OF THE CLUBS July 5th. Miss Lucy kano'14 graZluateid trom Won Lost P. C. the New Peitz Normal School at the Mattituck 6 2 714 1,,outliold is to have a great Fouvth June Commencement and is at home of July celebration this year. The for the summer. She will teach at Greenport . . . . . 4 2 667 committee in charge has arran_gcd all East Islip the coming year. Sag Harbor . . . . 4 3 571 extensive program, consisting of a pa- I Riverhead . . . . . 3 3 500 ti-iotiC rally, community picnic, fire- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. G-ffga-hays Southold . . . . . . 2 5 286 works, block party and other aftrav- moved to Paradise Point. Mr. Gaffga Southampton 2 5 286 tion4 too numerous to men tion. At will act as caretaker of Mr. Byron'sl the Village Park at Town Creek at I P M the patriotic rally will be held. place, "The Woods." Owing to the illness of two of their It* wil'I consist of a community song Helen S. Joost to Dwight 31, Pettit, children, Rev. and Mrs. Charles E. service and an address by Judge lot e s Maple ave adj land of Saran Sharpe, who are missionaries in Korea, Isaac Franklin Russell, ane Of New A. Fithian, Southold, tax, $1.50 have sailed for the United States. York's ablest speakers. After the i�ew London, Conn., June 4, Rich- rally, the community picnic w114 be Their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, was I held at Founders Landing Pa-rk. At ard Jones of St. Louis, and Miss r.ecently. severely burned, 7 P. M. the big block party will be Katherine Schaefer of Southold. Estate Selden-9. Bennett, gross $4,- field on the lower end of Youngs Ave. I I 221).39; -net, $3,740.41; tax, $74.80. :twt Villave Park. Many attraction's N. Y. City, June 23, by Rev. Perci- Net estate divided as follows: Hor- ��vill amuse and entertain the..gather- val C. Pyle, Edward Roger Foutln ace G. Bennett, brother, Ivan A. Ben- ing. A big vaudeville prog-rain witi, and Miss Agnes Stanley Scott, former- nett, brother, Matilda C. Whitman, flat Roonev as the be:idiiner, will be ly of Southold. sister. Ida W. Halpin, sister, each oiven. Besides this thu�ri� will be fire- $935.10. work.4, a Nand, dancing and other Mattituck, June 25, at the residenee Herbert L. Fordham, Ref., to Alabe and o1her ainuseniviiLs. The proceedz, of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Q. Cage &ano, 6 acres e s Oak Lawt If the block partv will be wed for Walter L. Robinson, by Rev. F. G. ave adj land of George W. Phillips the erection of a permanent muniorial Beebe, Carl E. Vail of Peconic and Southold tax $5.01� rOr the boys who -served in the World I Miss Inez Harbars. Robinson. War. GRADE IV ^ Helen Dickerson 95 GRADE VIII Evelyn Van Wyck 92 Robert Booth 86 86 SCHOOL NOTES 1 Dwight Bridge 92 Helen Thompson 89 89 • + • Frances Gordon 91 Examination—Above 90 HONOR ROLL Alice Downs 87 Robert Booth—Civica 90, Reading GRADE I Marie Ducey 87 Regents 90, Physiology 96, El. Latin 90. Williaaa O. Williams 95 I Helen Kart Henry Dickerson—El. U. S. History Alberta Fickeissen 94 Stanley Smith 86 Regents 90, Physiology 94,El. Latin 93. Rensselaer G. Terry Jr. 93 Katie Stepnoski 86 Arthur Gagen—EI. U. S. History Pauline Albertson 92 Francis Thompson 86 Regents 92. Alfred Poliwoda 90 Ernest Dickerson $5 Goldsmith Horton—El. U. S. History Vincentina Krupaki 90 Irene McKeon 85 Regents 96, El. Latin 90. James Baker 89 c s Perfect Attendance Alice Petty—El. U. S. History, Re- Carol Gomez 89 Joseph Butler gents 93, Physiology 95, El. Latin 95, Fanny Oveianik 89 Ernest Dickerson Civics 91.- Mary 1:Mary Butler 88 Gerald Hobson Helen Thompson—Language Regents William Shiminsky 86 Edwin Malmborg 92,Civics 96, El. U. S. History Regents Barney Ovsianik 85 Henry McCabe 92, Physiology 9'4, El. Latin 98. GRADE II Francis Thompson Perfect Attendance Bertha Hipp 85 I Evelyn Van Wyck Fourth Quarter Helen Krukowski 85 GRADE V - Hilda Goldsmith Anna Naster 86 Alice Bloomfield 95 Henry Dickerson Mary Naster 86 Kathryn Butler 86 93 Year Stefna Poliwoda 88 Marion Carey Kilda Goldsmith Georgiana Stepnoski 87 Henrietta Fickeisaen 87 Norma Van Wyck 86 Lillian Stelzer 90 HIGH SCHOOL Frances Wadsworth 85 Grace Vreeland 91 Average for year Hedwig Weygand 87 Doris Williams 95 88 Corey Albertson S6 Helen Bond—Intermediate Alge- Muriel Young bra 91. Anna Zaveski 89 Stanley Krukowski 85 William Carroll—Elementary Alge- Jerome Grattan 91 William Boergesson 85 bra 87. Clifford Wieeman 85 Perfect Attendance William Conway Helen Cochran--English Grammar 85. Perfect Attendance Corey Albertson Walter Gagen—History B 86. Norma Van'Wyck Grace Vreeland Alvah Gold8mith--English Gram- Muriel Young mar 85. Elmer Butler Lillian Stelzer Doris Leicht Tom Hall—English IlI 85, Physics Robert Grattan 88, Mechanical Drawing 98, Interme- } GRADE III GRADE VI diate Algebra 93. Donald Christie 90 Term Year 1 Beatrice Hodgins—French III 88, ® Flora Albertson 87 89 a Edwin Fickeisaen $5 English 11186, Geometry 85. t Robert Gagen 90 Joseph Bond 91 90 Eugene Lehr—English 11188, Physics Horace Symonds 90 Frederick Bridge 85 88, French 11 89, Intermediate Alge- Alfred Wells 87 James Cogan 89 bra 90. Walter Williams 91 Marguerite Ehrhardt 88 88 John B. Munch—History B. 90, In- Eather Booth 93 Martha Gallagher 85 termediate Algebra 87, Mechanical Dorothy Christie 93 Katherine Hilliard 94 93 Drawing 98. Marie Doherty 91 Bernice Simons 87 85 John Parcell—Civics 86. Helen Romanski 86 Daniel Smith 87 85 Altha Smith—Latin 186. t, Mar Stelzer 87 85 ,h�, Jennie Ramaneki 88 Y Average fourth quarter 0 Noreen Wiseman 92 Walter Zoweski 88 86 William Carroll—Elementary Alge Perfect Attendance GRADE VII bra 90. Richard Butler Katherine Thompson 90 89 Walter Gagen—History B 92. S Donald Christie Helen Boisseau 88 89 Tom Hall—Physics 87, Mechanical Horace Symonds Alice Gordon 86 87 Drawing 98, Intermediate Algebra 95. i Walter Williams Cheater Rich 86 85 Beatrice Hodgins—French I11 85, Dorothy Christie Rita Dickerson 86 English 11185, Geometry 85. Marie Doherty William McKeon 85 Eugene Lehr—English II1 88, Latin Dorothy Jennings Perfect Attendance IV 88, Physics 87, French II 90, Inter- Henrietta Taylor Hazel Baumann mediate Algebra 92. a, Rita Dickerson John B. Munch—History B 90, In- Virginia Malmborg termediate Algebra 88, Physics 89, Me- id Thompaon chanical Drawing 98. Mary tltrasser Wm. McKeon Regents ExaminationsEAST ENDS LEAGUE Mrs. George B. Morton and children, William. Carroll—El. Algebra 96. John, Robert and Margaret, of Demor- Helen Cochran—English Grammar 90. GAMES SATURDAY, JULY 9 est, N. J., are visiting Mrs. Morton's Alvah Goldsmith—English Gram- Southold at Sag 'Harbor parents, Justice and Mrs. Chas. G. mar 96. Riverhead at Southampton Corey. Tom Hall—Physics 93, Mechanical Greenport at Mattituck Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Mitchell and Drawing 96, Intermediate Algebra 97j. dau daughter Helen Frances and Mrs. Julia Eugene Lehr—Intermediate Ale- RESULTS JULY FOURTH g KDanz of Woodhaven, L. I., are occupy. bra 93j. Greenport, 6; Southold, 2 ing Miss Lucy Leicht's bungalow at John Munch—Physics 91, Mechanical Sag Harbor, 12; Southampton, 6 Drawing 96. Mattituck, 8; Riverhead, 1 Pine Neck. Charles Simon—Civics 90. Thomas A. Stacy has rented the t RESULTS JULY 2 west store of E. Leicht's new building Fourth-Quarter of carter 1; Mattituck, 0 Southampton, and will Barry a line of electrical OUP` 111verage of 85 or more Sag Harbor, 5; Greenport, 0 plies Thomas Hall 89 Riverhead, 4, Southold, 3 Eugene Lehr 89 1 A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Bayles Munch 89 STANDING OF THE CLUBS Albert T. Dickerson on July tri. Perfect Attendance Won Lost P. C. William Carroll Mattituck 6 3 667 i Twenty-Five Years Ago Eugene Lehr Sag Harbor . . . . 6 3 667 Y Harriet Horton (Greenport . - 5 3 625 The thermometer registered over 90• Riverhead 4 4 500 Twenty-five Years Ago Southampton . 3 At a meetieg of the Southold Town 6 333 / 2 7 222 j Bicyclists' Association it was voted to U41y � o©4e� / SY Southold . . . . • I request the road overseers to improve Misses Louise C. and Alice Pond and the roads by honing. Mary E. and Annie Bennett leased July 4, 192t Mrs. Carrie Stelzer died, aged 19 Mrs. Hannah Wells' house on Bay GILMENFORT k years. Ave. for the summer. ab r h u a a The Democratic National Convention Joseph P. Wells was learning the Kent<le. 11M .......... 4 1 1 12 " " nominated William J. Bryan of Nebtaa•' printer's trade at this office. Dort, 4 0 1 4 0 �i p � Dickerson. rf.. 4 1 1 u fi 0 .ka for President and Arthur Sewall of ' E. M. Jewell was expressman at the Casfiirly, c . 4 3 2 4 0 ° Maine for Vice President, The plat. Southold railroad station. A. tiquireg 3ie 4 1 3 4 1 0 n. Sgniaeg as .. 4 1 0 1 s a ;form demanded the free coinage of oil.' Other than the noise of firecrackers, 'Pemberton zh .. :1 0' 0 1 rer at if to 1. Price. If 3 0 1 0 0 t3 the Fourth passed very quietly in Gagen, cf 4 0 1 1 0 a Southold. Totals ........33 s s Y7 11 -1 Southold Lodge Ottice� T. M. Shipherd of Williams College SOUTHOLD was borne for the summer vacation. On Monday evening District a Deft- Geor Stelzer was severely hurt by ala r h o a uty Grand Master H. Seymour Case Dep- George Princ3b 0 1 1 1 tr being thrown from his bicycle, his head Scott, ife, .. ...... 4 a 0 0 0 0 of Greenport, installed the following striking a tree. Cochran, rf .......... 4 0 1 2 0 0 officers of Southold Lodge I.O.O.F.: Strausser, 2h .,...... 3 0 u 0 `2 r' The total resources of the Southold Rltrnch. ss ... 4 1 1 n 0 tr N. G., Charles T. Gordon; V. G, Savings Bank were $2,053,087.68, and tTlrich, c ............ 3 0 1 10 1 rl Salmon, 3 0 0 0 .4 o Wm. H. Rafford; P. G., Israel. P. the surplus was$310,446.49. Sandfurd, 1h 4 1 0 s 0 + Terry; War. y. Gagen. of ...........04 1 1 0 0 y. , Charles G.Care Con., There has been installed at P- J. Ma- Totals ........34 2 5 4 s' 0 Wm. H. Terry; Chap., John Briet honey's potato loadingstation, also at stadt; R. S, }• G., R. G. Terry; L. These-tress htts--�('ass3dy. Tu�n-4aase the W. C. Albertson Co., an elevator faits-1lenkle, A Squires, Ulrich Str�irn S. N. G., H. M. Hawkins; R.S.V.G,, banes—Dickerson, Strausser. Strraiek Edwin O. Flckelssen; L. S. V. G.,W. or conveyor for loading potatoes into cur—ht raven 4. by S,,irnon 0 Bis, -11 cars, also an engine and electric dy- halls—ori' Gagen 4. I,eft on ha'q�: B. Clayton; R. S. S., Geo. A. Maier; Greenpnt 3, Southold 7. First h,r e on L. S. S.wa°ror—Se utiaold 1.. umpire—Harry T �°�° - , Harry J. Smith; I. G., J. I. Greennat�rt ..0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 } 11 namo. Thomas A. Stacy is doing the Fannin • Q. G. A. W. Albertson. wiring. Southold .... ....0 0 0 1 fl 0 0 0 1—'-' �', + � During July and August the lode The ccratintrrl rains of last week 11 ____ _ g caused so much oil from the ro id-; meetings will be held every other :o find its way to our creeks that fish The attendance to date would not week. Refreshments were served at ,and crabs were found dead along; the warrant the continuance of pictures by the close of the meeting. shores, but a few days of the flowing- Jay Harry Ott& Staff, so the coming tides will soon purify the waters and two performances will determine Miss Mary Kenney, who has been manse it safe to use then again. whether or not Southold is to have its teaching at Cory, 1'a., and her aunt, The Southold. Free Library will be own pictures, Miss Kate Denney, are home for the open by daylight saving time, begin-ieumm s vacation. Mira Kenney has ning July 6. Fourth of July was the hottest day been re-eng bged in the Corry schools. of the year. Mrs. Ella B. Hallock is attendings course of lectures on the teaching of Special lire Dist. Meeting Electricity for Southold English to Foreign Women, under the A special meeting of the Southold The necessary stock and bonds of the tate Department of Education, at Fire District was held at the rooms of Long Island Lighting Co. have been Hunter College, New York City. Miss Protection Engine Co., Saturday even- subscribed, and the people of Southold Elizabeth A. Woodward, State Super- fng. Meeting was called to order by are promised electricity by fall or as f Fire.Commissioner N. Davis, and on! soon as the poles and lines can be erect- .visor of Classes for Women, has charge a of the course. tar J. N. Hallock recorded. Se A. ed from Cutchogue to this village. motion he was elected chairman. Secre- r. y We feel this will be a great thing for t During the thunder storm of last Maier and G.R.Jennings were appoint-lighting struck and demolished g P� Southold and will prove a great conven-� a pail in Conrad struck end yard. One ed tellers. Officers were sworn by ience to our people. Those who sub- is Notary Public Geo. C. Terry. scribed for the stock and bonds (mak- Ig of the children was shocked. Another The call for the meeting was read by ing the installation of electricity possi- 6 bolt struck a telephone pole near J. the secretary. ble) are to be commended for their ar- Albert Goldsmith's and put the Bay The meeting was called for the 'View line out of order. A public-spirit. At the same time we be- - -.—-- pose of voting on the proposition: lieve they have made a good invest- Shall the petition of John C. McCabe ment. Mrs. Jennie Bryan will leave. July Ph to take a four weeks' course in�; and others, verified the 5th day of May, The Long Island Lighting Co. will - "Institute of Politics, " at Williams 1921, and duly submitted to and ap- take over the acetylene gas plant of college, proved by the Suffolk County Board of the Southold Lighting Co. After elec - -- --- - Supervisors, praying that the territory tricity has been installed here, the gas Aluch anxiety is felt by our farmers I therein described and adjacent to South- plant will in all probability be aban- wer the continued danlp weather as old Fire District,- of the Town of doned. in dte wheat crop .is in danger of being Southold, County of Suffolk and State N f to '.'tired. of New York (being that portion of $WEEZY OUT OF JAIL ve New Suffolk, July 9, at the residence Union Free School District No. 5, of of the brwe's parents, Mr. and Mra, said Town of Southold, not now includ- Henry Anderson, by Rev. H'. G- Beebe ed in said Southold Fire District), be >� Governor an Tuesday Reduced Sent- of Cutchogue, Jay Marshall Glover of Southold'and Miss H lma Evelena An- annexed to the said Southold Fire Dis- ence of Peconic Child Beater, ,on derson, a teacher in the Southold High trict in the said Town of Southold i" According to dispatches from Al ss- crhnnl The chairman ruled that only tax- Of Southold, July 10, M. Louise Conklin y bany,it is,understood.that Samuel C., wife of John H. Lehr. ' payers in the present Southold Fire Sweezy of Peconic has already beeni at Lynbrook, June 25, Samuel Grover District had the right to vote at this released from Sing Sing where he ail• Gardiner, formerly of Southold aged meeting. was sent last October by Justice; 92 years. g ( Squiers after having been convicted _ Dr. J. H. Marshall, a resident in the I of flogging a child with a horsewhip.I TWent�'-Five Years g® adjacent territory proposed to be an- It is no surprise to Long Island l tl+H2` Z Z ppp� 0 q hexed to the present Fire District, en- people to learn that Sweezy1s sent- ` tered his protest against the meeting, ence has been reduced by Governor Frank W. Green left for St. Louis,'claiming that it was illegal, and that he Miller, for it has been known that a tae Mo• move to obtain clemencyrhad been The members of Southold Lode I, as a taxpayer in the proposed annexed inadeg and would undoubtedly go •ng Lodge, territoryhad the right to vote at this through. In fact 'Justice Squiers F',: 0. 0. F , attended the celebration of meeting, lately remitted the fine of $1,000 im- G,, Roanoke Lodge of Riverhead. Eley n votes were cast, eight in fav- posed in addition to the prison sent- J. Metz of Summerville, N. J., a ence, and also recommended clemency P or of the proposition two against, and to the Governor. graduate of Rutgers College, was n- one blank. Sweezy's original sentence was one' n-, gaged as'Principal of Southold Acadew -number of vivid streaks o year and .three months minimum; et•, my. �� this the Governor reducedto eight Station Agent E. W. Morrell and as. lightning and distant thunder was months and 10 days minimum._ G. sistants were busy beautifying the the fcrevvarning of the storm-,that A LETTER TO THE PEOPLE W: grounds of the railroad station. dense up just after noon last Satur- OF SOUTHOLD TOWN ier; The baymen were busy shipping off day. Iain, with a mixture of_T�ail their shelis for oyster culture. � Dear Friends: L _ S.5—nes, fell in torrents for, a few I In behalf of the Board of Direc on, minutes. The hail stones were unu-# I tors of the Suffolk County Tuber- The oldest business in Greenport has age p - sually.`.large. . One, measured in the ' I eulosis Committee I wish to thank. changed hands. Roy Taplan, who for the people Of Southold Town for' her reporter's presence, was 9-16th in 1 a number of years has been employed the beautiful piano that they gave i I at b the late(leo. H. Corwin as prescri diameter. At Mattituck, Where a' y p for the pleasure of the patients a tion clerk, has purchased the business. -bail game between Greenport and the Suffolk. County Tuberculosis ; >en .It was started over 60 years ago by 1Vlattituck was taking place, there Sanatorium. They would feel nt, Geo. H. Corwin and at his death was, Pwas sunshine and no sign of rain. greatly repaid could they visit the the Sanatorium and see the pleasure it has handed down to his son, the late Geo. `Only a few drr�ps fell in Southold has and will continue to give. l H. Corwin. For years it has been con- nand EasI Marion. The shatter was sidered one of the hest equipped drug confined to Greenport and Shelter Very sincerely yours stores on this end of the Island. , G ti H. Ross. Island, _ Mr, and 1!'Irt.Charles Seeger and Twenty-Five Yeah' gQ Last Saturday it took the Southold the neces r stock and bonds of the Last Saturday ni0 ght G.J,Grattan's Y Twenty-Five Years tl Y • thr'ee children arrived Tuesdayin t.,`�..'ts, J- F ®a®� / �`� tearn. 11 hot innings to finally Spin the Long Islatic Lighting Co. have been q,"- �.. game played here. The score was G at oOOO / ,� 13taire# was broken into and robbed of ,: " JoseP6 Prince went to Ashland N. to 3. After the score was tied in the E'ub `rihecl, and the people of Southold D. T. Conklin a veteran of the Civil sono:;change and about$,,i5 worth of tlta'ir tl'ret,r little retsidence at the p ngare proyr8ed electricity by fall or as c ,1;tte of Ter. Haven Eirictrson where C., for the benefit of his health, eighth the teams fought out , only dWar received a ension. groceries. Ahcrut ai Week Itre#vieius ' Potatoes sold for 26 conte a b until .the 11th, when Mitchell, wetly .recon as they pales otic)linea can be erect- Prn. . P that storewas.t5 brokenbrokeninto tine) 11t 1Ilc,e+ will vatlrllt ftrr a few days. Their ushel. had'been pitching great ball, weak- e d from Cutehogue to this village. iSS. h� Saw and family returned „ There was a large acreage planted and ened and some of the te:iin behind himo Southold. r tt=au:,€: et n insist',ul'ai faithful, hard- The Long Island Lighting Co.Go, will Steamer Shinnecock was taken off $i,a in trrolie,y stolen. On Sunda, , . , the yield was big---from 175 to 276 � mule cost) erx•vxs, This situation kake over the acetylene gas plant of il Deputy Sheriff Fred E. Booth ax illy lar�il`t' atrial ai tratile�r that bushels to the acre» accompanied by heavy stick Svori:let the Block Island route. ,1t,ateti iiownrtl Z,4tnct, ;lU years old eont«litw all the voinforts of holne, r Southold crowd in three runs. the Southold Lighting Co. After glee- Mr. and Mrs. D. Lodowick Beebe re Rev. William F. Whitaker was visit got away with tricity has been installed here the as + a.trttl tht it at+tile, inCt� last October - The Riverhead team ' g turned to their former home at Orient• degree. with burglary In the third Ho Denmark, Sweden, Norway and i three fast double plays. Another fea- plant will in all probability be aban- degrte, Justice Corey held him in t}tt tiny' cairaivttit lac; been trundling Holland. ture of the game was the fast work of The Locust "Grove sebooi district' over the; highways and byways of Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T., had a pie- p dordod. - g officers: "Trustee, $1.5007 bond for the Gland JurBe. Booth, Southold's short stn lie was elected the following Jury. Re tete c:cttnat'.ry, )tali king at any time 1 nic at Trout Ponds, Noyac, all over the field and diamond, taking The departure from this village of W A. Williams; Clerk, Geo. M. irig ttriatlale to furnish the bond he them low:and jumping- in the air for Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Penne is re- Howell; Collector Elijah Hutchinson. attict tit till platers, the; fallli'y moving' The annual Harvest Home Festival theme-the all.looked alike to Bootlr. Y � + � J� Wnq taken to Riverhead jail. Lance �'_---__-- -___-_ herr many friends here.; Members of the Dont Care Club and is a native of Pennsylvania and has i 1 was to be held at Oak Lawn on Aug. rutted by t sk�•lieli tete. illi tulsc. tliovt.rl the family, g• Mr. Penney .Ear ,years has been one of. 1'ht,y cultic' hera front 1°'ine:hurst, N. 5th. A Nove! Entertain ent ; the Northville Farmers' Club started lived in Southold but a few months James Care of Southold died in al This next Saturda avenin Jul 30, our trusted business men—and Mrs. + C tthc.-re they passed the Wither, Y y g, y Penney a helper, in our village lifts. on their annual cruise to Eastern porta. asci, ',�otnL 1's ktridk� New York Hospital aged 24 ears. es ccially in the Ladies Aid society The Southold party comprised F. T, being employed at Sanfoi'c :ind ati�cy a,u tltr�rr watt' to 14laine» '1'lle• g Y at 8 o'clock, in the parish house of the p yardof the, stolen goods y P of the Presbyterian chinch, blit—the Wella, Rev. Abram Conklin, Rev. D. In e.rn recovered. I hili to bei ill Florida next Winter, � —� "�" Presbyterian Church, at Southold, .failing health of Mr. Penney makes W. Howell, H. H. Huntting, N. Hub- SOU" HOLD PROSPEROUS x'00 i l Iie� l e,",ncl hc,ttSo was built b Mr. EAST END LEAGUE Charles Louis Seeger, Jr.,and his wife it neo c.ssary 1;o lease ain ea,-,ser life-. and y g ' as the relatives of Mrs. Penney re- y ' �c c car. �"tt'ir,ttg}�tlxe> c�ctrt�:fort.;arty tL STANDING + THE, TEAMS.- bard Cleveland, Wm. H. Tarr and T. STANI�7INCr OI' W L PC Constance Edson Seeger, will give an G. Thorne. -•� let4.t,rihi tt tlliJl', :t 5t'}y`lrtfi; itlae'.111i1E',atli, aide at NCwi.aTlclan.-C011n., thcy have, Savings l3atllt Report for .Tiny Shows a,r,;ti,n, tluoh �ti:i+olittg aunt) r t Sa Harbor .....,.• entertainment in aid of the Ladies' Vil- concluded to make their future home At the annual school meeting of Dist. g,atnlc S fair k "' 8 3 '728 there No. 5, it was voted to raise $1,550 by _ - � tartu�itport ..,...... ..., 7 4 .636 lags Improvement Society Memorial tax. J. N. Hallock was elected Drs- 'Toted Resources of $7,246,195.01 0 I lalie n. Tho three boys circ. Mattituek . .'.+, ... 7 G .534 � Fund. Mr. Seeger will talk of their J. H. Cimiotti and family have rent- trict Clerk. No member of the Board The semi-anliuitl report of the C h tr los,lt John and Nteir,and thein` Southampton .. r g p of Education was elected. r <t"e t•aerts e from nine to two � 16ve�rhe�ad ........ .. 4 7 364 �� interestin and humorous ex eriencee ed the upper part of Louie A. Tuthill's outhold Savings Blink, the. seconel years, 3 3 .273 while ruin g house. strongest savingrA bane: in the State, 1 it. Sc ,,ea b,at composer and until} `'outhold ............... giving concerts and living on the The Annual Harvest Home Festival 'r titian of which Suffolk 1 ------,----- -� road, and with Mrs. Seeger will give a Mr and Mrs. Lester Dennis and eon, was held at Oak Lawn. The day open- and apt institution r c a e utly Nvas heard of the Depart-i 1 y e�nig� beetn }�rottcl, shovr.4 1• , , short musical program. Lester, Jr., are visiting�Mr. and Mrs. ed.with a grand bicycle parade, led by C,<runt lta� i , 1tI.�1ULTS O1� GAll41C+aS total resources eat, par value of $7,- nwilt of Al a;ic.at the University oft PLAYED SATURDAY, JiTLY 23 The trailer will be on exhibition on� ��Qeo. Hahn. � Chas. F. Smith. About 100 wheels ? 246,1;35.01, which is ai substantial in- (,alifc;rl-ni.a. hies is a brother of tht;' -_ ____ crease over the January report. � Southold,G; Riverhead, 3 (11 innings) the Parish Hoarse - _ __.__ -___---- .grounds after the were in line, many of them gayly dee- ., lnte. Alain Seeger, the poet and For.i Sag Harbor, 8; Southampton, 1 concert. The Thomas Roulston Store, with orated. It is estimated that 1200 This bank, er the Riverhead on Sm »r "a 1 Mattituck, :11; Greenport, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Seeger arrived in this Wm, B. Christie in charge, opened on� y T g f� P ing;a, pays 5 per rent interest on sums e i ,ta Legionnaire, immortalized kit' g g , � .people were on the grounds. Owing to front $1 to $OCI{I and 4 per cent oil the lri,line lit, "I )lour a Rendezvous' part of the counts with their celebra Tuesday. y the illness of Prof. D. P. Horton, the excess imp to �,,,{10{l, More than half V it:t 1_)c�attl " r j Edgar, e ab r 1 o, 2 P ted trailer-home and their three chic- W. 0. Salmon has purchased a house founder of the day, M. B. Van Dusen the bank's funds are invested is V' l a, Mrs. Seeger is fatntacl, a .......... 5 1. 1 a 2 a' p Y ni• 13esiaan, at) ...,...,.. � 1 2. 0 n o dren, last week. They have been the in Edincott, N. Y., and will move there'; presided. Delightful music was fur- fira,t mortgages on real estate, a total t t +,vIollitt;t, and and there i.tawnti, ire & its 0 0 11 Dr- of $4, 17,996, here' , lAltt+:bell, i ... � 0 1 Y a o guests of Mrs. Raven Emerson, at Bay in the near future. niched by a large chair. Rev. Dr: ttiCy g;iVa i+arte:crtti, Mr. Seeger tie 2 0 1 Side Farm. After their entertainment I Whitaker v The amount clue depositors is $6,- ,. � , •4, w 'g 1 ttipaerin, it, ...•... o o n z o i, E. W._$.__ .. ' _� - __ gave the address of welcome, 103,689.71, and the surplus at par c-c,r ipan•giog;'his weft. on a portable t W-- start., ar x ,z :.. a Bedell in inatallm a water. 13. Stark,It ys A o a 1 0 1 next Saturday evening, they plan to g. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. B. Free- value is $1,142,505.,/0. t ,gr til. low,ntb c�>.t, ..... 2 5 o plant at the Southold High School. Thr, Lockwood Committee lately _.... ------_ 1 leave directly for East Hampton. _� man. Addresses were made by Rev. .. _. . __ "T END LEAGUE lite baa et, c r ...... '5 0 gave this blink a 1{}0 per cent rating, EAST r llul,i,atd, rr s 0 i 3 n o They have but recently returned from Potatoes are selling for $1.15 per IJ. N. Taft, Rev. Charles E. Craven, STANDING OF TEAM'S _ — _. _ a rat}nf+ given tc, only three other a winter tour of the South. bushel. Rev. D: H. Overton and Rev: W. W. . .,'W L 1''G' Trta,1;� ......,.9L' 3 9 33 1S 4 . _ norrxi0icii5s� Although their _____ - 1 _ ___ .. ____:____, - T. Duncan. others being the Riverhead Savings. ' Harbor 7 3 .700 g present nomadic �institutit:ertw of that Rind Otte of the Greettgtart 7 3 700 Booth, air r h o a. e ._. ........,,. •;s ,t 7 a o g p Sanford.—At the E. L. i. I3osgli-' �T------._ Another of our bays is making good. IvIatttituck ••.^••.••1".. 6 5 54Ci hear"'lt, st, c 1 1 1 0 only as a vocational and possible way ta,l, July 9th, to Mr. and Mrs• franchise ialuatlon scheme of life was regarded, at first, r`o atn en ,r & 1lr .. c, .0 1 3 0 0 £�:narles Sanford, of Southold, a Special Gordon Taylor has completed his first Southampton .. ,• .. 5 0 •455 One rae r, .,i, ... r, 0 2 Rt 1 1 of seeing the country, while keeping Following p Riverhead .............. 4 C; 400 Trtri+t,, et t> 0 1 1 1 0 with them and maintaining their little Solt , I g are the Special Franchise year at Pratt'a Institute in a coursefor r • g Southold ............... 2 8 .200 salmon, 1t, & *, i. 1 5 0 0 Tamil on p - _._ _. _ ___._ __..-, ____ I Valuations for Southold Town: Industrial, Mechanical Engineering, omni,), e h a 0 11 1 1 y that almost prehistorical aur- A daughter was born to Mr, and Consumers' Gas Company of Long and has cased with a high ercetita p RESULTS OF (TAMES Sotott If . ..... 5 1 3 0 0 0 vival, the professor's salary, they con- Mrs,Earle P. Hagerman on Sunday Island $ p g p K , e'ovelerld,'.) & rf ...., 5 2 3 0 1 0 3465. all the subjects so far taken up. Dur- I'I.AYI+'.D SATURDAY, JULY 1.6 I __: . .,� .-.. template continuing indefinitely the ex- 4 , Greenport, 7• , rrotals 4s 0 1., 3 9 2 periment because the at th4 Cixec npctrt Hospital._ :, East Side Sewerage Co., Greenport, ing the summer he has a good poli- , 1 , Riverhead, 4 mttre�-t,sd�c. rilt.s--Strasser, s. Two p find their house- tion as clerk in one of the hotels at Southampton, 7; SnuUheild, 1 i,ase hits-cwave,lestcl 'rtictarea, iaworth, keeping more economical and much - __..__ _ -.. Y $315. Sag Harbor, 5• Mattituck 1 sir<�rifive tial -SanfoY..l.r� stolenYb Scott simplified, and the life most varied and Y Y Greenport Sewerage Co.,$1,260. Coney Island. "'' ! Milne]), Struci�a.011t---bv Mitchell. G: by interesting; healthful and rich withLJennie homas�CoyBleac At ce°Davenport 0. V. Penney has sold his house and x Sterling Sewerage Co., Greenport, lot on Maple Avenue to Mrs. Martin, p c'ovc'teylsl: 7 ]sa,�ae on batty;—ort 144 ws and Miss $630. p Wm. H. Swartwout has sold his ]ace t,l,rall, 1; rrtf e�ove,leykt, t. Double nava educational possibilities. ws of Southold. Joost of Brooklyn, who will take pos- on the North Road to city parties and hllt.c:hell to Haworth to Downs. llu}1M • --- _. -'� _ was' the a - River, N. J., July 23, Arthur Southold Lighting Co., $2,206. t,:iral to 1+:alE air, TIawartlt to Jho Fisher's Island Farms, $4,725, session Sept. 1st. Mr. and Mrs. plie riayrty z,ei,r. Fitz, formerly of Peconic, and is building a house and garage on his tt,,,. t 0 1 0 o n 0 0 0 game of ball scheduled to be Penney property on the Sound bluffs. J. Leo Sntrthr,tcl 2 '1 Played here Saturda afternoon be. !Ii" Matilda, daughter of gr. and New York Telephone Co., $63,437. 1 enney will move to New London, � P P Y,. [ttvertcca+r o er o 0'0 0 0 3 0 0 u rans Jensen of Mayhor Den- Amount outside of incorporated village Mrs. Janie t.atham htas sold her in- `Thompson and force are doing the twean Southold and Gr+senport, has._._.__ . r.rru:,et,in tet+t place of her lata father, 'work.. g __----_-- of Greenport,. $42,336. Amount in "T Greenport, $11,151, grounds not barn available on account ' been transferred to Greenport, the iVlu:ia T. Burton, to hos sister, Mrs. y, July 22 Louis Free.� Western Union Telegraph Co„ $346-- liulh Varnum, of repairs to the school. man former) of Southold Southam ' ,--.Y. loll,n !`_.a� a IFA i3siPif EAST E�]� LEAGUE with the necessary pales, wires, can- i The Southold Town Board met at the Twenty-Five Yc dg0 + Xa�� � �jo�'m LE f�r�E office of Supervisor Tuthill Greenport '! m000 f6" duits, pipes or other fixtures for con-I JAST ESE Friday, Aug. 6, 1921. Present, Super- Two of the worst electric storms that' °— due°ting and distributing electricity in, --° o J Fred Hummel was clerking for H. we eves had swept over Long Island on GAMES SATURDAY, AUG. 6 on, over and under the streets and AUG. 13 visor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Jus- W. Prince. Sunda 1d s first was about noon and Southold at Mnttitucle GAMES SATURDAY, tires Griffin, Corey and Terry, Supt. H. W. Simons and A. G. Case were Sunday. avenues, public parks and places, in of Highways Fleot and Counsel Case. tern ee*catid a few hours later, Southold Riverhead at Sag Ilarbor Sag Harbor at Southold two at work at their trade in East Hamp- the Town of Southold, except that por- Greenport at Riverhead (two) Contract was made with the Southold dill not feel the brunt of the latter, but Southampton at Greenport! tion of said Town included within the Mattituck at Southampton. Lighting Co. to light the streets of the J• N. Hallock gave a political addres we never had a harder thunder storm ( ton s RESULTS JULY 30 incorporated Village of Greenport, Southold Lighting District with 64 before the McKinley and Hobart Club than the one about noon. It was so 'Chs laying of the wires and other con- RESULTS AUG. 6 ;dark that lamps land to be lighted, the Greenport 9, Southold 2 '.lamps, acetylene gas, at the rate of of Huntington. I ductors and the placing of the neces- Sag Harbor 1, Riverhead 0 ton 4 $1600 per year, until such time as the The Kickapoo Indians were giving wind blow a gala, the rain fall in tor- Sag harbor 4, Mattituck 3 eary poles, pipes or other fixtures in ort 6, Southampton Lon Island Lighting Co. exercises its rents, then came hail with the stones of Riverhead 2, Southampton 0 said highways shall be done under the GreenpMattituck 12, Southold 0 g g g entertainments and selling medicine in y rights of purchase under the terms of a 0 L. Wells' lot. immense size, and the lightning was supervision and with the approval of _�— STANDING OF THE CLUBS contract of sale made between the two Mr. Blake was digging out the chan- incossant, with a continual roll of tlaun the'Town Superintendent of Highways STANDING OF THE CLUBS companies, and at such time it is mutu- d' g :der. J. E. Corey's house on Railroad Won Last P. C. of the Town of Southold. On motion Won Lost P• C p nal at C. L. Sanford's brickyard. all understood that the said Long Isl- Eagle Hook and Ladder Co., was Avenue was struck by lightning, A Sag Harbor J 3 750 the franchise applied for was granted 10 3 769 and Lighting Co. will continua to < r large hats was made in the roof near Greenport , . . . 8 4 667 Sag Harbor 4 692, g g i practicing for the Firemen's Tourna- g P by the Town Board. �r 9 li ht the streets of the district at the the chimney and the boards at the base Mattituck 7 6 r` Greenport . 671 g ment. y 530 � 8 6 same rate for the balance of the year. � Mattituck • $S6 _ Henry Talmage rented his place on of the north side of the house and east Riverhead f 7 417 Twenty-d'iv'e Years 0 6 8 1 Counsel Case was directed to have side of the kitchen were splintered in Southampton . . r Riverhead 364 Main Street to Mrs. Katherine Prince • � 3 336 �� `''��'® ��rm Southampton. 6 10 231!th®plot of ground at the foot of South' of New London. several places. t'hs ground was plowed Southold , 3 9 260 m July 30 to Aug. 13, . C. Southold . . • • • 3 - - Harbor Lane, Southold, surveyed and The Board of Education organized by the north. Mr. tlorey was in the house p p Txrrucic a, o a the necessary deed drawn from for the electing Wm. C. Albertson, president; up by the bolt around the iron fence onup, The pries of potatoes has risen to Albertson shipped 16,000 bushels of o- �, $1.60 per bushel, and our farmers are tatoes from this station. !transfer of said property from Dr. and ,gym H Terry, secretary, and Wm. and felt a pricking sensation in his ppy. g Y c, pars; Haven Emerson of Bay Side H. Glover, treasurer. The Board ap �ha Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. voted to Cantclnu ct thumb but did not ktaitw Haat his ]tome LinitgtL3 c,r: s 1 �, 1. r, ° Farm to the Town. Dr. and Mrs. Motion i attend the Firemen's Tournament at E. R3 11, 21, r; z 2 z y pointed the following officers: Collect- bad been struck until he saw the peo- pictures in Belmont Hall Sat- Amityville and enter the contests. 1a. r;tili er, s: .... r, z s 0 r c� Emerson, with commendable public or, P. H. Cantermen; librarian, S. S. pie looking at the damage done. The uxday evening. Stows & Co. presented `Uccle �ti'ot o r, .. Downs if .. � 1 � '6 o o�,sal4irit, donate this water-front property Shaw; janitor, Wm.Y. Fithian; truant nest of Mr. Corey's family were at , „ twicifli;M, rf s 0 y a 0'to the Town for a Public Park. Later, officer, A. R. Vail Fred Caste, who has been employed in Toms Cabin, in a tent on 0. L, 1.,,1anc7 t, church. Fortunately the damage done Jennings' garage for some years,is now I Wells' lot, L. Reeve. ]U 4 0 i" 0 ;1 if it seems best when an act of the was slight. This is the second time 4 1 2 ^0 1 n Rev. and Mrs. James R. Robinson g employed by Fanning, Edwards & Mrs. 0. F. Payne and son Harry and f.Barker, n Legislature can be secured, this park celebrated their silver wedding at Mr. Corey's house has been struck by Gwen Mrs. Dixion ware slightly shocked by a Totals . ••41 i'2 10 ~7 11 Imay be transferred by the Town to the lightning and in exactly the same place bolt of lightning which struck near SOUMroLD Southold Park District. __ -.._-. paLightn Lightning struck Natban was Davis'!one on the roof. 'frees in various parts of J. E. Reney is clerking in the Roul- g g I u13 ,• 11 n at, ,:Southold — g g the village were either struck by light- Mrs. Pbad t home. sten store. ' Root,, .ss .• J H. Latham to R. H, Varnum, to house, but very little damage Hing or were blown down by tits Halo We had the longest spell of hot 131lrlch c . • 4 0 1 1 a u' S S Main. st adj land of M E clitircit-- __ — ---- -._-- . Riverhead, July 26, Wm. B. Ford. weather ever known. One day the ther- Coch,an; rf ....... 4 o which accompanied the storm. John horn of ltemsenbur a native of Cutch- 9tra sc., al, .k ii 7 a 0 Southold,,, _ Hoot g, urometer registered 98 degrees. cots t,h . $, by Rev. Edward F. Bumper OfiatO CPOjI Hoffman's bungalow on the North Road ague, and brother of Mrs. Harriet F. A Silver Medal Contest under the salmon. I-1 ., a n a n 1 n Southold, Aug. at Arshamornnque and Jason Hilton's Pease of Southold, aged 90 years. ' Covelesui, cP n .. R o 1 7 1 0 BMcGratb, Leroy Franklin Hutchinson That the farmers in Riverhead and auspices of the W. C. T. U., took yoore, lb ry 0 0 y, 0 1 and Miss Mary Alice Bond Southold towns received last week a 11 house at Greenport were also struck. Gagen, to ....... _ _ Aug. place. The contestants were May C. ---- total of more than$336,040 for potatoes In other parts of the Island the storm Lattituc k, b, 1, kion. John Totals.•.••.•..31 0 4 44 t^ _ Brooklyn, Aug. 2, Samuel Teat, was equally or more severe and other Mather Lupton, a farther Assembly- Cass, Kittle Van Dusan, Anna Terry, _ broth . of Edith Prince, Ruby Corwin, Lucy Ttivo-!)&9e hit—�'oIPM- fSt'�jiliScl slat- old, aged 48 yea a H. Taylor of South estimate.moved is By the eved tSame figuringo be a itis sections felt the full force of the second man from the First District of Suf- Leicht and Carrie Corey. The medal Down,;,anStr,.uat out---1,y s�aiinon, a;, ,,y 7, Sarah L., widow concluded that the total shipments ex- storm. The hail, at times reaching a folk County, 65y. ' iaa5e c,n Cutchogue, Aug aged 82 ears. k havoc with was awarded to Miss Corey, Mlse Van bi sleek!; o by d 1a;,ricer, diameter of an inch, worked v !,sill ere C,nv�letilct, t; c,reJr. laara;er. of Wm. W. Sterling, g _ years. ceeded 210,000 bushels in the .same length of time. This big movement Dusan receiving honorable mention. Number or inning's a,ttche,Z by ;,tmnn, __._._._-.__ g small Vegetable crops. The terrific The Southold Town Board met at the g 1' J-3, Covc.le let, s ' tviscl 1'atLeft Pipe Organ Fund „ Rev. Daniel H. Overton addressed Coveie54,1. ,4,a,,,;,,�ct 4>ail--��a1tr;'n, z.c.et Y does not take into consideration the wind tors great limbs from hundreds of office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, the Local Temperance Society, on h•,sesm 1iTattituck, a; Sa,uttaolcl a: shipments from the Hamptons nor trees and uprooted many. `Telephone, Saturday, July 30, 1921. Present, tJu,a,lre=-nr, Par1c�,. 2 Y—tn 1 The pariah meeting of the Universa-from an other art of Suffolk County, - -- — Mattituck u 7 a ]. 0 n d - 111 y- p telegraph and electric light systems Supervisor'Tuthill,Town Clerk Hallock, - �" souti1eq(I 0 0 n n o 0 0 ti a--- 0 list church was held on Monday even were put out of business. Several barns Justices Griffin, Corey, 'Terry and 'Phomas H. Bennett, who has charge _ ---- � ing and was well attended. The com The Southold Colored Church will were struck by lightning, and a number Mambo, Supt. of Highways Fleet, and of the handsome country place of j rn has been engaged mit�tee reported that $2100 bad been hold an evening service at the Presby of roads, especially in the hilly sections Counsel Case. Robert Lang in the eastern part of the - z t; , , , r;r a, r oras; the; PcAcunic subscribed for the pipe organ fund, terian Parish House next Sunday, along the nortlaside, were undermined Mr. Willie of the Long Island Light- village, is making that place look more pCo. and th it$1900 more would b® needed. This will be a communion service. A by the floods of water. Ing Co. and Fred K. Terry of the handsome everyday. - - - The trustees were authorized to raise week of prayer will follow, with the Potatoes are selling for $1,66 per astor, Rev. Milton S ; g I Southold Lighting Co, were present, I a 1• t a bushel, money and spend the same for the pur- P _ parkes in charge, :�, , . t�trarr<c;n l�ruk� round! ' M • ,, .. � and Spoke in regard to the trans-! chess of an organ and for necessary al- past Grand Wm. R. Newbold xepre- ai<w itd.,:itl.it+a! ;.. .i i,..cl1lie.a all p g ' ` .. l,aau;3E lti� t0 ...----_... ._ fer of tits stock of the Southold i �lafa Fifty-six carloads of potatoes from terations. A committee was appointed rented Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., at tit t i;, 1�, ,J, air It+;g fit.�.;:s n, on the the East End left Manorville Wednes- to secure subacriptione and to reeom- the State Grand Lode at Rochester Lighting Co. to the Long Island g #r,ci j.,tr I' Ii,.,, 6a,rerrl ctta,a;;a;aatl tt;' Lighting Co., and of a franchise ' da mornan .._...,,_ mend as organ. All friends of the this week. for the latter company. The Long l Lima beans are being shipped in',church and of good music are invited o -Amon Island Lighting Co. applied for a frau- 1t M. Searle is likely to be the g q y -give to_this flne project__;,_,. day, onsMrsarc catch o n rabsoon which iYlaGGIGUetf, sang. e, Wtutam Gordon chise for fife years for the right to champion crab fisherman of Southold. lar a uantities, and the price is ver y g lo.w, some selling for 60 cents a ba s Geo. H. Stelzer is working for the measured 21 inches and three others 2C Hazard, aged 61 years, Ulr to-data his largest catch measures - Government at Long�Beach: inebee, Who is champion now? - _. __. lay, construct, maintain and operate -�---- suitable wires, or other conductors, 20 inches. - " L�lD LEAGUE Ralph"PliBooth is takingtlre•seh0o Twenty-Vivo Years Ago Frank Grattan is now drivar of the EAER E c c nasus. I The Potato Situation express wagon at teals station. ..-----;, • I' oQ Meeting of Tows and ___ _ The prico of potatoes started at 85 Miss Ida Leslie of Pecon-c was en New York City, Aug. 6th, by Itev. GAMES SATURDAY, AUG. 2? IVtrs, Hardy of Greenport will teach cents a bushel and rose steadily to The Southold Town Board met at the e ed to teach the Ba View school, W. F. Cameron} Wilmot l3, Van Dustin ) y $1.00, $1.15, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.65 g y utiles of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, of Southold and Miss Augusta Schwarz Southold tucks at Green aorto the Ba VirVw school this year. and finally reached $1.75 for a £evJ The Southold Union School opened Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1921. Present, Su- I il'+ ll —.At the I+ a under the guidance of Prin. S. S. Shaw Of Astoria, L. 1. i r , T'• f• 1.3ospital days. Then the price gradually decile- pery-sur Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Riverhead at Southampton l a,lt,c=al ij 'att Dual )djh and Misses Benham and Deale. Justices Griffin, Core and Ter andl Aug. 0 lllor- to Mr. ed until on Tuesday only$1.40 was of- y r1' 1 Minneapolis, Minn.,, g• , 1 .11t r l)e t IX. Wr lis of Pe- fared and the city dealers were not Capt. Robert Ebbitts of Orient, re Supt, of Highwa s Fleet. _ ence, wife of Ed Gaetx, and daughter RESULTS AUG. 20 t'cirotir, t wart, lie rl,ert cantly keeper of Cedar Island light- . y of b', Fickeissen of Southold, where in- , Walsola, Jr, anxious for them at that figure. The Fred K. Terry of Southold appeared terrnent took place, aged 30 ears. Sag Harbor 3, Riverhead 2 (14 innings) house, was oppointed keeper of H[or- y Southold 9, Greenport 2 Twenty-Five Years o potato dealers of Southold, Peconic, before the Board and presented a peti- tons Point lighthouse. Wont 'lvg Years A90 Mattituck 10, Southampton 2 ? ao®<y / �'9 Cutchogue and Mattituck then decided Southold Academy opened with Wm, tion, stating that certain property rhe Locust Grove School opened with not to purchase any more potatoes un- xvners in Southold Village wished to „ ; / , 8, Metz and 1kQ-ss Mary B. Case in 1 STANDING OI+' THE CLUBS Mr. Lockwood in charge. til after Labor Day, It is hoped and lay cement sidewalks in front of their i k�tatacs were Belting for JO cents a Wan Lost P. C. Miss Elizabeth Terry, Dora believed the market will be better Charge” respective properties, and feeling that I pub- bushel. 12 3 800 y, Quarty then—that there will be more of a de- Capt. Joshua Gibbs of the Montauk such a movement would be for the pub f The members o4 tete M. E• Sunday Sag Harbor and Annie Korn returned to the Ooeon- mand and at an advanced price. Ac- Steamboat Co deed. 1[c as well as private benefit, they. School held their annual picnic at Mattituck r 10 6 6211 to State Normal School, and Miss Ada cording to crop reports the potato crop •A McKinley and Hobart Club was asked the Town to aid them in the urs- Greenport . 9 7 663, Terry returned to the Oswego State is short this farmed here with Fred C. Williams as j Fleet's Neck, Cutchoiue. I 7 g 438 g year and the farmersdertaking as far as able. It was voted i Col. Andrew 1), Baird of Brooklyn Riverhead Normal School. should realize a good price for their president."; that the Town do the excavating for sold the Maadinger pisco on the North Southampton . . . . 6 11 313; Silas A. H. Dayton entered Andover stock. The 21st annual reunion of Co. H[, 4 11 267'�I said Cement:sidewalk and furnish' the Road to Richard W. I3eeha of White- Southold . Preparatory SchoaL - --- 127th Regt., was held at Fleet's Neck, necessary sand and gravel. Those "`� "' A concrete wall was built in front of Nett E.Booth is gathering,a small- General Stuart L. Woodford was pres signing the petition were Southold Sav atone, the Southold Savings Bank. er'crop of peaches but of excellent tint and made an address. The Alumni Assacratiun o£ 13outhald'; Jvhrt �+. Jenkins has purchased of Barr M. Payne mads the trip to unlit He finds a sufficient rnitrlt- _. _. ��� �gs Bank, H. L. Jewell,�^Fred K. Ter- Academy held its annual reunion. Rev. l�:Jwiri 11, Brown fourteen acres of y y y y Fred T. Jennies Dr. J. W. Lafayette College on his bicycle, etarnong ap�z'c+ciative residents of EAST ]�;j�D LEA( DE Stokes, W. A. Ooebran, Thomas Far- ` Dr. Whitaker gave tho address Of wol- woodland ur►the west side of the Fara- le Mrs. Anna B. Eimer Dr. EI. E. come. Itev. D. 1i, Overton of Brook- ditto faint Road. Mr. Jenkins will Louring tkie mon h of AugusxY Wrn. C. Shelter Island. His crop of apples o y, , i Albertson shipped 70 carloads of pota- lyn gave an addross an l�ln t'retl 'Of- a�buni on the Aleck I�onskis and fam- toss to the City. bids fair t0 total ti(!4l barrels.ls. Stevens, E Lei and J. I. Fanning. -__- i GAMES SATURDAY, SEPT. 10 A musical prograrn was rend P GIRL SWIMS 8 MILES � Miss Beryl Horton who fleets were elected as (allows; fres., ily. J. E. Carey will do tele car enter Capt. Wm, M. Maynard drew a china a (Completion of Schedule) y , graduated Miss work set at tho Kickapoo Indian entertain- TO GItIS]ENPORT IN 4 IIOUR from the Southold l gh School in June, Charles Dayton; 1st Vico fres.. Miss worlc and II. N. Van Wyek the mason Against wind and tide Miss Allec. a Southold at Southampton Anna W Prince; 2d Vice Pres., meat. Gribbon, spending the summer at < Riverhead"at Mattituck left this week:for Syracuse University,! Minnie E. Terry; Soc, Miss Nary B. (,le,vel,;tricl Howard haat purchased' Southold Academy opened, with Wm. Orient, swam from Orient'pier ti: Sag Harb.r at Greenport where she will take the four-year Case; Tress., F. C. Williams. •);,lvr`ita tD. Fickeitsen's farraa•cif eight F. Metz of Principal, and Miss May B. Greenport poet, a distance of eight course in Liberal Arts. -- - -- he Two Days' Saii" was enjoyotl r» Case as Assistment. ineiethe for e of ths in four e current toe. nsil a' RESULTS SF.FT, 3 _ f at,ros c,ta l ailro.acl Ave,., tokens p i and hn Merwin is visiting bis brother er people ale on sloop -- ___ ._ Sa Jo i by a company of young p i remarkable good time. Miss Gribbon g Harbor 3, Southold 2 ar Capt. Overton. I'hts party put ,uF8ir,n Jiinuiary 'L. Mr. Howarth has I sister for a few days before re- Harp, EAST END LEAGUE 1 I is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs.T. A. Greenport 5, Southampton 4 (Il in.) turning to his studies at the Y. M. C. t Fishers Island and spent the night ;ilio lr a,c d of t 1a' ortaza a�lyttho E�tlh o / ''(gibbon, of_POughk9apsie. __ Riverhead 4, Mattituck 2 A. College at Springfield, Masa. an a 4 ' at New London, where the tarn fell tai lt, att.ri.t, if land, _ -_-- (4 innings, called; rain 0oubtlesa many of the par- I l'altc r i<ta't'it. moved from Ba Ave. and are settled LABOR DAY ) spending a wedthe librarian, is torrents. � GAMES SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Booth have � ' Miss Jane Robinson, ty remembar the niE,ht. The editor rite L. V. I, S. gratefully acknowl- Sa Harbor at Southold y kat Ithaca, attending y g on Hummel Ave Southold 2, Riverhead 1 rev the receipt of$442.22, represent- Greenport at Southampton the New York State Library Confer- does at any rate. ed6 _ Mrs Sarah W. l{:dtvards diad, aged ins the net proceeds of the Fourth of Mattituck at Riverhead, Port'Jefferson Station. Aug. 16, Mre. Mattituck 15, Greenport encs._ 73 years- July Celebration. This fund will be LABOR DAY Florence M. Culver, a native of South- Southampton 6, Sag Harbor 3 Miss Lucy Kanold has commenced I The Repubiicatas nominated I+rank S. old, aged 65 years. eroar, rand 'Vimotl)y L. ust�d in the near future toward a me- Riverhead at Southold Southold, Aug. 28, John Budzilek, STANDING OF THE CLUBS I her wont as teacher in the East Islip Black for Gov . morias to our World War Veterans. Southampton at Sag Harbor aged 13 days. __ _ __ school. s Woodruff for Lieutenant (,r,vernor• Greenport at Mattituck ?--_..._.._. _ Won Lost Pct. - ___ � � .os. A Stacy has rented H:'W. Sag Harbor 15 4 , 789 Simons' residence, Masa Ida l+rant of Newport, R. I., a Orlando W. Wells, for nineteen years Mattituck . Southold Academy will op ri lues- graduate of Brown University, will RESULTS AUG, 27 intimately associated with-corporations Greenport . ' ' 12 6 667 Sept- 6, with Miss N ants Bethel teanh French and Mathematics in the' in their development of oil fields and Riverhead IO 9 526 a• V. Penny &vv to .S. F Joust, lot d,y, p as Principal. Southold High School, in place of Mrs. ' :Sag Harbor 9, Southold 3 (let) 8 10 444 e s Maple av add land J. N. Hallock, of Horse Cave, Icy., Sag Harbor 7, Southold 4 (2nd) mining concessions in Venezuela, Col-, Southampton . , 6 13 316 Soutil>.o . ombia and Trinidad, -announces the ,Southold ---- ------pom. Mitts Bethel is a graduate of t3oNlana Charlotte Overton, resigned. Mattituck 21, Greenport 0 5 14 263, Cs F. Hummel to L. d Hummel, tat The Peconic Trucking Co., Inc., has Riverhead 5, Southampton , f his Now York affiice at 95= __�_ __ _ 1 ortoaa's Point 1 : (areae Business University, Ky , ton 0 o w s Lighthouse rd ail' I aconic rd year's experkr�n¢ca in " ordered a now 7-ton Sterling truck to I 97 Liberty Street, where he will an. Mr. and Mrs. Clement W Booth have � _.._ jigs had one y - ,ouisiana school. Southold Asad ca'Y rneet the needs of the company's in- STANDING OF THE CLUBS gage in,the negotiation for, and Bevel- returned to Southold, after spending M. R. Goldsmith &ono to _M, F. I ( Supplee, lot n s King st adj Iand offers a splendid cltaucC to aa,yut,� dill, Creasing business. Won Lost Pet. iopment and'sale of oil and mining sometime at Rockaway, where Mr, Goldsmith,, Suffolk, noara. sirint a bus-ness education. The Mid,Sumzraer Sales andel the Sag Harbor 14 3 824 :properties in the United States, Maxi-. ;Booth was learning the insurance bust- Ul Southampton, Sept, ..3,M by RevW argent, laaid in alma ttla&-Uuiversaliat I�datt-tuck . 11 6 647 co, Central and South America, Wase" Mr• Booth has opened an insur- Abram Conklin, George White Baird ' Miss ladith I3reitstadt, who teak a y g 629 -- -— --.- _______ __i_ ance office in the S. L. Albertson &Ca. 1.adias' $set y Ilreenport t3 g 471 and Julia We11s Fitz, both. of Soatt}i:'. Miss Anita Gomez has been engaget al estate office. ' e'.ammer aurae s", Now York Univerel- Jodi ch four hundred dol-ars. Riverhead • . . . . as office stenographer and secretary oatnptonr ty, is at hurtle• She `x'a�ltif tkit>ach gn tileWtst ., Southampton . A. 4 13 236 the Board of Child Welfare for Suffolons Case is malting extensive.alter- Greenport, Aug, 30,'`Capt. ��t 11a 5 12 Cumaaaerckal Department Nathan Davis is new " high hook Southold , . County. __ ._______. on Mrs, Martin Jost , house, Daniels, forme bury High School next year. Crab fisherman, His latest catch _-s____ formerly of Peconic, aged 194 cently purchased of O. V Penney, years. - -- , measured 222 in. long. ___ .__-_,.�__ _ _�_�� W r Southold High School opened Tates- De ut Sheriff Fred" E. Booth wil Southampton Hospital, Sept. -.1b, p Brooklyn, Sept, 4, George Frederick g P y t FI�EICxf�T STEAMER CDYSTEit The judges at the County Fair d I d- g y i g P Louir D, Des Rosiexs of Southold aged ed that the best potato grower in Suf- 'I'il1ln haat, formed of Southold, day Sept. G, with an exception a ain have full char a of the policing, ' 13 O large enrollment in the first and eighth of the Suffolk County Fair Grounds Cemetery, Southoldnt, at St. Patrick's r�BAY�N NEW an�RNewOYo� folk County, in the Green Mountain T'pP81t1ay" Years g grades and in the Iiigh School. `file next week. He is a good man for the, Medford, Wis., Sept. 16, William Al- Steamboat Co.; with terminals pit group-the principal variety-was Ear. $Vhz-j *40" A Wachers are: Edward L. ;3, Sholdw), job. ^ 41 len,,brother.of Mrs. J. M. Hartranft the Recreation Pier, foot of Easp ry Jennings of Southold, sad Lester Albertson returned Principal; 1llariati S. 'Tory, 1'rctkep-� and Miss Flora Allen of Southold, aged ; Third St., New Yor1E City, aTM.icl at Norina H. Fleet to __. > �, Walter Oral,"t;i1 leases on Sunday to b7 years'. Interment at Fulton, N. Y. inions r Warren S Sim-i *o Cleverack College. tress; Dorothy S. l earcr:, 8kienct, llis n Sept. i2' JamEs I Stonin,gton, Conn., have placed in , lot 52x363 ft s s East rd ad l K Terry was appointed station tory; Ida b'rant, F'rtalac}i, DiatlaaiztatWIS attend Villinova Gollege,at Villinova, Willimantic, Conn., P j 'hold, ;Operation on the Stellingrton, land of Valentine Gangert,' fleet's' e L. I. R. R„ at Aquebogue. Glade 11. Johnson, Seventh as rade l'a= J. Ricbmond, rlaceya ed BG of tears. Greenport, Shelter Island, Orient, Nec ,Cutc'hogue, tax, $2.I ggtt ref. y , where burial took p , g y _ _ _ _ J. Steamer Sttiilanecack was taken Muth T. Symonds, Sixth (;rattle; Il, T�•e�xy-Five Years Ago Cutchogue, Sept. 21, Bertha Haurua, and Orient Point route, tlit� 2,000 •illiant A. Fleet dCors, as trustees" the route between Rastern Long Island Evelena allover, Fifth Grade; Ruth ,1), c�P aged I month, 12 days. Barrell capacity, twin-seresv, light­:fa ,a�ittee"to Warren S.Si, i S,Ib , I. �u /' "� ---- --__-_-;_ _-.- -- draft, up-to-date freiglit s 0raer pat'S51e3fi3 ft s s East rd adi laxxrl ,. sad I+lew York. Conklin, Fourth Grade; lllargri+rite G. Theo. M. Shi herd returned to Wi'.7., Talent Flv'e Years Ago Oyster Ba pat a L. C. Pond entered on her du" McMann, Third Grade; Mar uirite Shipherd � Y," and made their first o�Norma.I1 Fleet,Fleet's Neck,'t✓at- r S I trip West on Wednesday, stoppilfg _elarku � --__- nom. Nowell, Secohd Gradt:; Margaret' M. Hams College. �p�i�, !1 ®om® ,� r at Orient Point and loading a car- - ---_._ alae sr.prineipal of,the preparatory de" t The blackbirds loft this season much J. N. Hallock addressed the McKin-; t .. {gtietmaent of the Barnard School for Deale, First Grads. go of potatoes and bea s fes: Neiv Walters.—At the E. L. I. Hospi ,gms t o City. earlier than usual. ley and Hobart Club of East Quogue. York, tel, Greenport, Friday, Sept. 28rd, William i Taylor left Southold this p From six acres Chas. E. Terry raised to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Walters,of A rewire blow wrought havoc with week for Riverhead. Mr. `Taylor came' The Republicans of Southold o erred y The schedule on which the "'Oy- tbe Presidential campaign by raising a 243 bushels of wheat. seer Bay" will start operathng is as` Southold, a son. Ahe pgiunds In the Sound, here from Virginia 17 years ago and McKinley and Hobart banner in front ` , Suffolk Council. Jr. 0. U. A. M., �follows entered the employ of the late Geo, C. Roftham.—At the E.L.I. Hospi- of Belmont Hall. An address wap moved its quarters from Gomez's Hall i 1•eKave Eastern L. 1. is' s oil tal, Greenport, Wednesday, Sept. Mbiidays, Wednesdays and Fri- 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roftham, of VAST I.4'ND LEAGUE Terry, for whom he worked five years.' made by Prof, Joseph M. Belford of i to Terry's Halt. � r He than was employed by the late Eli drL s Arrive at Careen Southold,_a son. »- Riverhead. w�_____ The Juvenile Temple picnic was held 3'•' port �;n,the�.e _ _ _ D, Cahoon and remained with him and - clays at 7 a. m. Leave Shelter Isl- RESULTS SEPT, 10 his family until the present time. Mr at Qreekeide. New London, Ct., Septa 22, Eva C., At the exhibition ball game at the The Republicans made the following I incl 9 a m, � rriva° at Orient Vil wife of Grover C Colakltn, formerly of (Completion of Schedule) Taylor was very highly esteemed by Fair on Tuesday, Southold won aigainst nominations for County offices: Mem- lage 10 a. in Arrive Orient Point Southold, in ber"48th year. Southold 14, Southampton 4 both of his employers and also by the Riverhead by 18 to 6 The ams was 12 M. Arrive Stohington so•as. to. - - -- bens of Assembly, Erastus F. Post and E -- - --- Greenport 8, :lig Harbor 1 people of Southold, William is all to have been between Southampton. I arrive in New Fork City boot v Twenty-Five Years Ago Carll S. Burr, Jr.; County Judge, Ben• a• m, Leaves New York ler -it 4 Mattitack 8, Riverhead 1 right and Southold will be glad to we]. and Southold, but Southampton could p Jamin H. Reeve; County Treasurer, Thursdays and p. m. on Tuesdays, ---F come him back at any time, not get together a suitable nine robn Sherry;fDistrict Attorney, Wal- Saturdays. The "Oyster flay" is 'Cauliflower was selling for a good STANDING OF THE CLUBS __. Ekis( f E. ter H.Jaycox; Supt. of Poor, David S, equipped ' Wan Lost Pet. 'Chas h�a»,t linin luul h,ar•txw the t.h++n P' Sullivan with two reliable J, W. �Price. Through the real estate agency of E. Sherrill; School Commissioner, Charley n triple expansion engines Potatoes were selling for 40 cents a Bag harbor . , 15 6 760 fatitri;t tttittitt• hires in the ,aisritl, Leicht, Wm. J. Conway and W. Corey ,,y, Ii. C';.rh�len'.5 1.'c!t.�r i�'irittnii'i;;.ca'c:rtt 'i H, Howell; Coroners, Dr. Clarence C. which ,give her,a speed of about bushel. MAttituck 13 6 684 Albertson have sold the Fithian place Miles, Dr.Winfield S. Bennett, 12% miles per hour and enabling W. C. Albertson was extending his G port 11 9 bb0 a mile+?n Wecliwsday in .1:58, tying to E. E. Bick of Irvington, N. J. Mr, � her to make the run from. Orient Riverhead . 8 11 421 flit+ tc cnrcl, ills t.irivrar, Murphy, j bulkhead at the station ninety feet. and Mrs. Bick have been coming to Alonzo •Hulse, Wading River, Recu- to New York in about 9 hpurs. Can . ti Southold . . . . . 6 14 300 say,; he can beat it. ThO f;'St('8t Southold and Bay View for many years get in and out of Orient docks, The Southold Cornet Band was leader; x Aerating in.Hospital loaded, 'at an time; drawing not ganized with Gen. H. Wells se leader; Southampton . 6 14 3001 h,)r;+t..will lit; Figain Owned by Girl and always spent their vacation at Y ' d. Arthur TiDowns, assistant leader, and i for M air ikty kn+�tvs, Thomas H. Bennett's. Gen, W. Smith Friends of Alonzo 1•Iulse of Wading.. over 9 feet- fully loaded.' ���� p T,aa�t End0r,i, t River, and they are man g M.B. Van Dairen, secretary and treas- has been engaged to make extensive pleased to learn he is apparently will"be .NEW BOAT FOR EAST Rev. Daniel II. Overton, lata of pparentl• mal., urer. repairs on the place. _ _- outhain Excellent recovery in the END FREIGHT SERVICE J. N. Halloek addressed the McKin- ' he Reunion of Co. H, 127th 13etgt., Mai:tituck, grass value $6,158.98;rhi pton Hospital after having a p p N, Y. Vol,, was held at the Wyaladank 11 $a,1t10.74, of wllichrlE'I<ai•isiaa F. ,A little card' announces the arrival P The steamer Cape Cod operated ley and Hobart Club of Orient. art of one of his legs amputated be- by the Thames River Line will The M, E. church was making ar- Hause, Greenport, pt. 8th. A social n�rerton, widow, of 8<it)8 108th on Sept. 8 of a son, David Benedict low the knee last Friday night. mare threQ' trips weekly between ments fora lecture course. hour was enjoyed before dinner. For- `,treet, Richmond hill, receives Crane, to lldr. and Kra. 'Orrin David Several weeks ago Mr. Hulse met Greenport, Shelter Island New I' range r Wm, C. Albertson eels tl .lGG.91, and Daniel Overton and ith a'serious and peculiar accident + Mr.and.Mrs. tyfive were present. The menu was Terry F. Overton, sons, each Crane (nee Leah Benedict, a former (London, Norwich, and New York all that could be desired. On the spa- ' teacher of Southold ., bile cranking his car.. He stood be- City. The first trip was niade on ebrated the 20th anniversary of their 1.8Ei6.92. _.__he __. , een ft and the end of the garage. efoaus lawn. addresses were made by�_fi ___ At the partition sale of the Conway hen the engine started it propelled I Tuesday of this week, The boat marriage by giving a large party. A Rev. W. H. Lloyd and Rev, Dr. Kent. Orrin C:orcy, ,yin of Mr. and Mrs, y he car against him, it his leg Beside carrying freight has accom tea set was presented by their friends. v , property at Horton a Point on Monde ,ainst a ion y g mod Elliott W.Peck and Miss Mar Cor- ' Editor S, L. 'Bennett and Mrs, D. T. (phasic ti C�. Gorey Of Strttthul(l, c�h',+. Alice and John Conway were the Aur- g protruding nail in -the anon #t?r passengers. The fare� Conklin added to the entertainment ids of the building. This punctured to New York is $2,00 The boat has Belie, only daughter of N. Hubbard Conn has had char;;e of alit? ltoulston store i chasers. :_. _ - _ $artery, It was a long time before all outside staterooms, the rice of Cleveland were married. John D. Cleveland admirably filled the at 1Jastpt:)rt, is nit'anai;er of the new; cities, Inc., to: plight was discovered, and during which is $1.10. Che. Cape Cod The Republicans nominated .Joseph �` is time he was. ,place of the late J. H. Young, and A. ,oulston store at lLiverhead. `.l'here Nassau Paint Pxap pinned solidly p , P r lot b4, maP °f sins y leaves Main street Greenport , M, Belford of Riverhead for Member W. Case acted as secretary, During Ia Christina L. Cada;an,Sec. B, Nassau 8 t the building•. He lost a esti naw two 1Zottlsttiit stores in illy- 1>raposed subdivisiran, Inc, PeconiE' rge quantity of blood and fainted Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays I of;Congress. the past year three comrades answered rad point Club I i operties, tax,.$1 0 or three times. rat `l:410 p,. rya. 'I')ite steamer leaves the last roll cal!-Sergt. D.T. Conklin, c l li r » Although careful attention was The Democrats made the following sout;hold is to Albert W• Baylis, lot 8a, ven to-the wound as gir l e §stark,+Pier 27, foot of�Catlt- nominations for County offices; County Lieut, J. if. Young and William Price, Wheat in vicinity rat w Sxime above named eom- le an soon as pos- street Monday s, Wedner- ro xErty of ,g grene set in, making an am-I days ::and Fridays. 1+'ui tiler ialfos-� fudge, Thomas S. Mount; District`At- lilxs. Wm, W. Stealing also passed on. i turning out on ori average of 4'."r bu. Tna)a of p l • ma2" talion of the leg necessary to save m: 'ar A pevolxic, 'taxr torney,Clinton V.B. Pedrick; Sherlg, Ten old veterans were present, all ap- to acre. Cats are vary poor. best i pn"'dine to 13asil D'Emo, lot i m, anp," life.' y be `�i i egartling apses service can hliaar Ileuses; County Treaeuaer, Edarently in good health. rt;ad is "ail bu,"pc'r ac:aci,Aiut cents of rt,berty of above reamed P $,l __ cuz ed .from, Larned. M tcom- �P rt li a p •, ax Through the real estate at erre1 of ber, who is the local agent for this ward Hawkins; Supt. of Poor, 'Charlesflc idsh the hardly any sc ocl in ht:atls. I'c.ionic, t n 1i.Thorndik �Sw,lot b eoitipany. Bush; School Commissioner, William Tlie Southold ecwlnred church will have- _..___, Same to JohWines&Homan of Mattituck are re- make of property of above $L W. Gordon, Jameslhnmpron has' — H; Howell. a baptizing at the town wharf, Sunday 48' Pecanic, ented his farm on the North Road The Primary Department of thcs afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Milton modeling the house lately occupied by -caany� _ _.____ .. i ar , i•neo or a ter of three e Southold School is filled to capacity, rks will a the tits pastor. Wm•a E• Taylor. When completed it William A. Bangerr, &W to bd rd, years at 1EN?71 a; , Sp� b acting ._ _ . every .sew A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. :.` will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Clem- done Breiling,Diapmel on Fleetwo. bOc ear, to.Jos, Eruzkosgi of Orient. t being occupied.' There Harold Booth on Wednesday, ant W. Booth. Fleet's jNeck Cutcliogue, taus_ -- - _ —_-__._ are�2 scholars. `' el 1111 . . .� Friday , _ aatiirtla Frei, K. Terry and fatally have DOS MUIrED 556,625 (MILES a y y "went -Five The Ago The following table shows, the to �a OP Gl0Y6C QI1 �O110r �Qrd ix.•� f On i rtday t buil or oor, moved into their rebuilt home. The morning, a cat haat tic l„aging t<) Win. house to renovated from attic to cellar, " peial 'value of zeal property ' tel equalized. ' d. Rich and an auxiliary boat,iu�l,�i,l;int; � ����-'� ssese special franchi esu and the as- has all modern conveniences,and is one That is the Record of Lawyer Gaines our farmers were shipping many and ,d personal Major Thaddeus B. Glover,'U. S. A., „ p property, It is this, retired now chief clerk in the . to Spencer Petty and a canoe. belong ng of the bests appointed pauses in the total on which taxes will be basted to pia span Wiilitir wtorra :9ti?lith Fr+,i,i pp on the L. I. R.R. cauliflower. The price was low -from , as referred to above: master Department at Fort Tarter, is Town C;r�.�c+k, Tho tati��t eavnlr+llt.la ±i ,;l. village. r Borne of the records of ?6 cents to$1.60 per bbl. 1.1:;t xamnton ......... one of the holders of the Congressional T 1 etailint, There were 811 names laced on the Southampton 17,989,971.66 R k &lr. 1'ct s liaise and thea tt.�idc,a, , �• A 17,988,97)88 Medal of Honor who will o to Wash- took y Not. H. 1.00th, the apple !zing," is' cammlater5 oaa the L.T. R, R.thore It �regietry list in Southold. ��u�ihotar�lana 2,034,854.•)4 g rttit) Hitt of tt,i� crock,�It. t,«a 1 barrels a£his celebrated int;!ton Bulletin tells z`few more in ...................... 8,884,076.46 ingtoo November 11th,to form a Guard but in kt to alnp severe D. Laurens Horton celebrated his Riverhead .................... g s about Lawyer Gains 6160,64402 rounded the,hoist lin tho, tl; Eta ail' i ai.�i• Kin apples to Iialland, lie receives tele'sting fact Brookhaven .................. of.Honor for the "Unknown Soldier" 22,565,927.54 g g pP of Huntington, who iso 'still going�, 91st birthday. .., ,..•............. Babylon lin ••• ... 24ss6soz.ps who will be buried in Arlington Ceme.- 8;796,886.71 Wines; and ay it was frdliiti tit°,, 1,r,'1,$16 a barreh strong after haunt Judge John R, Reid of Babylon and ton ................... 22,663,405,80 tery. The Congressional Medal is the ',:could not gest it cuff. ilii th,uu hat))t in l viA 1877. 111es dealares�he h saveraged�� Clinton V. B. 'Tedriek of Smithtown Smithtown the canna niid took Mr, lii<sb' Boit;i:ul Mr, and N1rs, kt. �'. Merwln ti 1VIr. Ga 8,648,046.08 highest award the United States can away Witt) it taking the ct)nrne move into the east part of Oscar L., not less than 275 clays' a year and 70 Branch addressed a Democratic meet- $127,790,746.60 bestow on a soldier. The trip to and dot a Y miles ti day, which makes 850,625 ing in Beimont Hall. At Full Value County Realty Value from Washington will be made at the ( ,along. oil Sunday morning Mr. lt),h', Wellshouse. i • � las traveled ass a aommuter.� i-.- l ;reelz �l,e+ii:c•i•' � , )pile:; hG 1 �Count Jud a Ben amity H. Reeve of ' Lout was found at Crit) C e matter of 34* ti'm'es.: y g j Would Be $186,237,745.09 expense of the government,and every. This ).: a ilii! t) trace of t,hc: arnrs� C x Tlecktold hf39 rented II, Z1T M.i iic�uncl the earth at the equator. The Greenport addressed the McKinley and Appended to'the re ort of the u _ Medal of Honor man, it is hoped, will:. Island, but tis yc t o Hawkins' Office for the, display of l ams to his office and Hobart Club. pp p eq al has been found, trip fro)n 'his hom four hours a day, able showing that if each' Participate in the ceremonies. p i itturn has rc gu )zees 1s a t electrical c I fixtures and ,su !ilii a, 1 ir5, equal to 5 town in the county had assess=ed at Major Glover's army record dates; nn SdU�hO KL tc,tal of 48,:50 hot NA the full rate of equalization, .681, the from 1877, when he enlisted in the Charles T. Gordon bad snotber big yearn, 7 months, 15 days,. :The com School received this week "iii shipping tomatoes--over 300 jnutat)on Ile fax 44 years' has aver-; ASSESSORS value of the realty alone in the,county- 44 be. 8186,237,745.09, and each Second United States Cavalry. He re Southold High S PP `c `r r styes to town would be assessed as is shout)in ceived his early military training in weak several certificates wan in the boxes. g 1 , )62,50ARE AGAIN MT the table below: warfare against the Indians to Montana Second New York State E'hyeica!Abili- the�com�iany$5., it his Payor the t table stnn ... and Wyoming. In 1879 an won s Montano Miss Alice Carroll is acting as ` i .. .......... $10,878,855.66 y g ty Test which was bold last May. Snuthamnton Southold !)lisp School Boys won bookkeeper for W. Ii. Rafford, i Ode, A N���® E$�;ape •.......••.•....., 28,280,577.04 tion far his heroic stand when ambush Shelter Ishtnd 2,938,747.36 So Through the real estate agency of S. Ralp Hawkins, the little 4-year-old Southold 12,984;811,29 ed by a-band of Sioux. A year later ..second place among all the schools in Total Valuation in BY onnty_ , ,- l'tiverhe,ui ..................... s,ess,68a.6z ...,........ the entire state, regardless of sire, [,, Albertson c c o.» henry and Michael sen of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hawkins, Brnnlchaven 32,975,456,38 while serving under the late General lass of 1.921 won first 746.50 Issn en sof the c Fisher Have sold their farms at Bay had a narrow escape from death Mon 13aby]on ... ,,., 35,625,393.54 Nelson A. Miles, he won a second cita-, w The y The tonal value of the equalized real 12,861,491.54 trioti schools of its size; the 'Visa' to Mr. Mills of N. Y:-City. "1'hs� day afternoon. He was playing in a Huntington ................... 38,208,470"45 tion for his successful stand against the Place a , which 11aCludes special. Smithtown 9,507,269.3L, tin rade, third place; the Junior purchaser intends to make big improve- sane!hole back of Mrs. Eimer s, when ro erty ( C,, o, redskins in the .vicinity of Fort Keog.; Wgh g franchises) and the a..sessed value' f p. p Division boys, third place, and second menta on the property. Bay 'View is the bank caved in on hint. Bertie, the personal pxaperty makes a total this $186,237,745,09 ' These two citations won him the Con year of $1127,79 __ __. l place In the total boys, score. booming, y g Q,746.50. This 1s the the claim is made by those well` gresaional Medal. � Tittle three- ear-old daughter of Mr. �, c Southold High 'School and Southold - and Mrs. Fred Mannweiler, who was slain on which the taxes for;1922 will acquainted ainted with taxation matters that During the World War, Major e in these Boys why Mrs. William Evens has sold her playing A based. a higher rate of assessment will save Glover was Executive Officer at the have a lust lirid ism with Ra! h instantly ran be the town money on State taxes, and screaming to her mother, saying that The total sum is an increase of o is Port of Embarkation at Hoboken, He won ,ri s competition.which was Parti- place at Willow Hill to Lawyer Gee. C. 7.18,653 over last year. Nearly, all of it is also, shown, by State reports anal thousands of New York Terry. Ralph was buried u in the sand. Mr: property and the criticism, of the Sita•te Tax Com retired from active service iry1920, a cleated In by P p this valuation is in real y Registered } which was vigorously con- and Mrs. Mannweiler and George Stel= p franchises,, it is shown, ba- boys, and L. W. Dorn has sold his place on Ho- special fran nais,ioners that we lase'mane 1n get ®1�r S -- bart occupied b Felix Krokoaki I zer, who was working there,rushed ly cause the table devoted d to per sopa! words, -the town pays on the rate fixed' tin back income tax mons In other created.- ._.. _ .. . .......... Ave.,, o p 3' � lets! assessment totals only ,$952,625.to Albert Iii the place. Ralph vvaa completely . Most of the net increase this year by the equalizers and receives on th,e The following are the registered vot-I Reiss J. i!.,, Gore hiis received the Hipp, - buried up a foot of sand over him. is on realty values alone, an increa y era of.Southold Town; Corey rete fired b the localA'ssessors. So contract to build a hunlralow at Par- .1. S. 111orrf�ll d.ano to It l� Moa- They pulled it away and uncovered the help shown in pr�actically every town. a low assessment rate seems to cut 166 rt,Il, lot c s C'litc�finl.;ue l:uu, .wj l_,,j Dist. 1, Fishers 347 r g, ' both ways, 2, prient ldise Point for Itcv. Dr. lwbt,iL J. . R. G91x11!, C,il,610 lit', norm,. bay, who had not yet lost conscious- and special fran hi s�hs $126,818,121.- The basic rate of equalization this, 212, Kerit of Orient. nese. He was shocked and very much 50, detailed as follows, showing the sear was ,651. A11 towns that assessed) 3, East Marion # Southold, Oct. 6 Robert, son of Mr. frightened, but otherwise than that additions or deductions' made by tie 1 less than that rate were jacked up' 4, Greenport 514 Through the real estate agency of E. 1t 487 and Mrs. Fred Schreifer, aged 7 was not injured. But for the great equalizers in performing their wKir by elle equalizers; all towns assessing: " l+elie t, Thomas }antler has sold 201 months, 17 days. y assessors Equalizers' 540 urea on the north aide of the North presence of mind of Bertie in instant) above that sum were given decreases. 5' -Ralph would have Towns totals Totals 1 or instance, Huntington assessed at 6' 869 Road to Ernest Ullerich• Mrs, Mae Newbold has sold the� giving the alarm,the and. rest Hampton . $7,829,176.00 $7,495,691-as , and gets a redvetion »� 83 -_. , list been smothered by 16,031,152.00 17,898,496.66 the rat( of .88 7D residence formerly occupied by Rnnthampton Shelter Island.. 2,233,448.00 2,001,454.44 of over $6,600 000, w'hi.le'Riverhead, 8, Arahemomoque 420 Charles T. Gordon has seen very sue John Korn, to Felix) __ .------ Southold s,o60,5s3.ao 8,343,326,48 l at, assessed at .58 and gets an 9, Southold father, the late J Southold, Oct. 15 at the residence of ";; in re ase cessful in raisin tomatoes. He ship- , I Riverhead 5,164,076.50 2,069,144.02 389 g p-, Brookhaven ... 21,434,848,00 .22,468.127.6h � t,ri'C1eaS.: of over $899,QQ0. 1Q, c� ed 279 boxes Irakoski• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas-H, the bride's parents, by Rev. Wm. K. 22,087,744.00 24,262,902.93 East Hampton assessed at .72 and' 420 p xe last week. Llo d Frank Marshall Bly o£ Hander-i Islip 9,124,559.00 8,752,535,71: 11 Peconle Bennett,who have beers living in the sonville, an M and Mrs. Caroline Babylon ....... gets a deduction of $423,494.14,' , g83 will LYioVe : Huntington ... 29,219,054.00 22,613,405,$0 Southampton, at .61, increase Of $1, 12, (Jptg110gue 1!., W.A. l�lec�t ptal to W. SiKorn house for some t1lrle, Louise Terry, daughter of Mr. and_ Smithtown 5,888,233.00 8.548,086.08 867,344.66; Shelter Island, at .76, ale I% Mattituek �� �rt,s i East rc1 R)t.i" laid Slniiuo)acq' o Christopher I,eicht's tenement Mrs. Wrn, H. Taylor. j $126,883,121.50 $126,838,121,50 i 14, 448 int l Mi y' Ghathsm, N. J. Oct. I1 Norman Auction of $L31,993{5fi; Southold, at J ci bl. .l[. l"lent the as- .62, increase of $792,743.46; Brook W_ i Nc ek, , pain). liaises, the former residence of S Millier and Miss Helen Johnson, a for The fallowing table shows _ '" 'ase, teacher of physical culture in the sess�ed value of special franchises and! havei�li� increase of increase ot�$2,175,- Total 6,015 Twenty-Five Xear4 Ago Sarah-Case. mer teach P y 5 p e istered Cw� /Y 00401W _-���� .�_�- rchased of S. Southold High School. the personal assessment Hent in each town. 1.58.93; Babylon, at .71, deduction of Last year,there were 5,089 r gi Cauliflower were selling�fr Michael Fisher has purchased a a Southold, October 9, by Rev. Shelton Towns rranohises 'Personal. $872,023.29; Smithtown•, at .59, hi•' voters in the Town. g (,m $2.00 Lester Albertson and H. W. Sim no Anderson, Samuel T. Morris and Mary East Hampton $139,961.00 �- ---to$3,50 per bbl. Southampton 389,560.00 $91,475.00 lea's Of $874,763.Q8. Garr. _ -- - -_y shelter Island 66,433.00 01,500.00 Capt,Charles G. Terry, $i.,J, Butler,,, The demand was light for potati6es at 00 ;38,100.00 lot an,�Korn Avenue, South of y Southold ... •••• The Long Island Lighting Co. men 49 cents er"bu. Lueey a. Riverhead es,s94.0o 1 John Conway, and Michael Furey P Southold, Oct. 17, ,Phoebe Ann, Brookhaven 7iz:iso:ao sm,7ooxf) are busy fixing poles and trimming p y, Islip z78,2so.00 88,300.00 ar to to stringing thea caught, 4150 lbs. of chub mackerel in, Slog Fanny, Capt. Albert Freetra,an, Henry W. Fisher has purchased the, wldo v of John Dunkel, aged 77 years. i drove ashore on Tine Neck beach ar a in the western' Southold, Oct. 19, Mary, widow of Babylon u t gton , 477,277.00 40,000:08 trees, .pre lectricity.. g g Capt, Terry's draw ®sine on Mt►nda , nd Charles S. Wells Pisa William Furey; aged 84 years, _ wires for e y was badly damaged. ext of the village. sxnitntown 88,388.00 1oo,oao.00 i A $2,796,926.00 $952,626.00 -- -- Ir . Southold r 01strict Tri Outk Five Years ,J.1►.go Third Annual National Children's JUSTICE SOF SUPREME COURT Atrangesxreuts are being made by the a aa1'./ 0**0 Book eek--Nova 13®l Harry E Lewis I<t 27 209 66 139 .155. 181 104 35 100 145 137 .117 116. 161 1692' mnleaiouars of the Southold Park Dr. Arthur C. Loper was snaking ar- Prank S Gammon jr R 22 181 50 116 114 147 89 35 85 127 129 93 102 144 1429 et to take over the beautiful park rangements to locate at,Southold. What is "Children's Book Week"? Mitchell May D 8 16 33 83 72 85 80 27 96 46 49. 46 37 58 735 at South Harbor so generously donated Charles E. Terry killed a dear at 1t is a joint effort, sponsored by the I Wrn F Hagarty D 6 13 24 85 69 73 75 25 94 47 ' 52 73 43 85 764 by Or. Haven Emerson. This park Ronkonkoma. American Library Association, to en-1 should be under then jurisdiction of the courage the love of books among chil-' MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY Southold Park District, rather than Maes T. Hoxton and B. T. Payne 1 dreg and the discussion of children's tgaasthold'rowu. The people of South. were circulating pet[tions, asking for; reading in our communities. John G Peck R 23 201 80 Z26 131 191 95 33 103 190 137< 111 120 157 1698 old will the appointment of Postmaster of William M Hodges D 9 22 27 97 71 74 88 28 103 52 59 59 41 76 80G', ags,,.the ones most directly' Ing How can we help "Children's Book v Southold. totooted, should maintain it. Week"Z By entering heartily into all SURROGATE The Par* District should also take Bev. James B. Freeman preached the various entertainments and exhib- Robert S Pelletreu,R 23 210 75 141 137 177 92 34 118 143 135 1.25 12 his farewell sermon as sitar of the g 166 1697 ever Town Creek Park and maintain It, p its, during the comic week, which our Frank P Nohowel D 10 13 30 93 67 79 93 27 84 50 57 5G 32 66 ?57' 4ba same as It does the one at Town a byterian church. Librarian has planned for sae. COUNTY CLERK Presbyterian $ large bed of oysters was discover- � The library will be open every after..ed in Long Island sound from Horton's noon all through the week and books Frederick S Pulver Il 25 197 S$ 188 135 178 98 35 98 143 140 110 116 159 1635 1 Mexico Now Sate Point to Mattituck. from different publishing houses will' Benj J Boyle D 8 17 30 97 65 93 111 28 112 52 52 -65 41 72 843' Dr. Henry Mace Payne, shining en- Mrs. Henry C. Cleveland died, aged ;be on exhibit. It is your library. Spend CORONER gieseer, has just returned from Mexico 64 years. some time there during the tsoming Morley B Lewis R 24' 187 73 120 117 162 85 34 102 138 129 98 95 180 14eJ4 on a tour trade in the Interest of a syn- week. According to the appndI sal filed in I Hallock Luce jr D 7 31 31 109 84 92 98 29 102 65 63 76 65 111 963 as,w with eastern bankers, n bank, I,clwaacl 1J�rCahoan of 4outhe>lcl leaves ams Lowe w ll talk Mr. Johsi Ad- SUPERVISOR the Surrogate's Court here the. late On Thursdayevening ere,v►3th extensive interests in Mexico on "The Small, ,wished to learn whether mines and an estate of $853,058.06,gross, and the Town Library Building." He is fine. f Edward W Latham R 16 160 41 67 72 111 45 23 67 105 96 77 100 149 1129' plants could be safely opened, whether ilea value is flied at $818,.185.76, You will want to bear him. The lecture f David W Tuthill D 18 80 85 221 184 219 180 43 159 95 107 111 68 9 1662 it Is wise to Invest additional money in which is distributed as follows; RECEIVER R Q1<' TAKES E dna R. Cahoon, dau hter, $1166,_ will be given in the Nigh School Build.' existing properties, and whether re- 102; Clara M. Cahoon, NOW; May ing at 8 o'clock. Frank B Thornhill R 25 75 47 68 71 144 73 24 66 10$ 107 85 97 154 ' establiabment of business relations 111. Addy, niece, $5,000; Georgie M. Un Friday evening there ^will he an Anton Krancher D ? 160 ?6 218 185 189 154 41 149 89 90 95 ,9 1144 ;eliould be delayed for another year or Pettit and Phe;be M. Bridge, nieces, 4 83 1600 snore. '"Mexico is at work and as each ,$1,000; Elizabeth G. Tracey, sis- entertainment by the children,prepared tor, $8,598; Cleveland L. Howard, $1,- by Miss Ida Frant and Mrs. Margie ASSESSORS . tweir s the city of Washington id, 00x1; ]'alone` House for Alred, )8,1112; Jennings. After the entertainment (John H Brown R 27 225 80 149 143 184 94 40 114 145 138 113 115 1 tweeze sessions of congress he said, loscph 11. Cahoon, brother, $4,5537, there will be dancing for the young Irving M Rogers R 23 170 110 154 137 183 95 37 94 137 134 '108 110 52 1719 at a meeting of the Mining Congress Tda B. Cahoon, sister-in-law, $4,655 153 1645 it Washington. Mary C. `rederies, ;sister, $10,204;' people, Admission to entertainment, Frederick C Beebe R. 24 168 83 170 177 187 100 40 94 143 139 115 116 15$` 1714 'l"`"I0 11�y-I ry 8 "�"El Ago Clara T3. Gahoony.sister, $8,086; Last 35 cents;dancing, 15 cents extra. The I George Henry Terry R 23 1.63 68 137 131 168 89 38 120 150 147 110 124, 161' 1 ern Long Island ]Hospital, C,reenport, entertainment wi.l] be held at Belmont': 629 NAV. e�o-� $9,91.4; An,za D. Whitenftk sister, John F Fanning R 22 158 65 132 130' 160 87 34 100 143 140 135 128 Hall. __ 8,', y , , ... Lather G Tuthill R 26 160 60 118 123 145 $3 3G' 141 140 142 120 129 0 1558 *8 1602 William McKinley was elected Press r ,},a6t Lida TanlJ ck, Siste;r $9, Thebe A. Dunkel,value of estate I Beat of the United States by over a ,x-1i,, balance to persons not now cls 542; nal. X5,500,letters to Theresa A. Ren-, Samuel H Tuthill D 10 19 82 69 53 65 ?6 29 79 51 47 47 35 67 678 Million >plurality. He votes and Williamlv J. Bryan' Miss Ruth LoAzlois has resigned bar ey, daughter, of Southold. I Wm J Sherwood D 9 34 30 118 95 137 106 22 '96 52 50 53 36 65 903 electors eitlon as organist in the M, EHenry 'Terry S. FrOnk T Wells D 9 14 24 69 56 72 83 21 106 52 49 55 40 69 719 received 1700, The Republicans swept Church urch at Riverhead and Inas accept;i �Terry rhave sold theproperty of the Merlyn Peter Hand D 9 13 26 81 61 81 , 82 24 91 .48 61 80 35 75 767 everything, electing their entire Mew the same position in her father's churchlate 13. B. Carey at peconic y Edward L Tuthill D 12 17 30 84 62 72 88 23 84 47 60 56 43 . 85 758 'fork State and Suffolk (County tickets is Southold. Any one who knows Miss B. Terry. CONSTABLES by immense pluralitiets. Lassgtai gists as a mnsiciata realizes Felix Srokos>ci and family have mov- Fred K.Terry was freight agent of W Forrest Conklin R 22 172 79 182 165 212 112 44 110 136 127 109 113 151 1734' 'I with what regret R.iverhend most have ed into the lower part of Geo. H. Fred Jennings R 23 178 69 135 125 151 $5 35 110 148 129. 101 115 155 1559 the L.I. IL R. at Flushing. . consented to her leaving them. South- Wells' brick house at Jockey Creek. — - Wert Mason jr R 22 164 57 ,127 120 146 86 32 101 127 133 '126 114 153 . 15Q8 Rep. Dr. 1!!.N. Vandarveer of Green- uld,In tarn, is more than grateful that Nan. 6, Carl Edward Gallagher R 22 167 49 119 107 151 $2 36 92 127 121 107 133 186 1499 port gave the closing address before it can now claim her services, its a. South Coventry, Conn., r George ]Franz, formerly of Pecome, Mextaley and Hobart Club. pleasure, as Its eery own. During the, and Mies Anna Mary'Koval. Wrn Kolb D 8 13 28 97 76 98 80 22 67 41 38 35 29 62 Sherburne A. Beckwith died,aged 74. coming season, Miss Langlois will meet' - F Harold Booth D 8 20 84 75 59 80 76 23 119 65 66 56 40 65 684 years. scents In New York W. cr. Schelker &ors to H. B. Hoyt, 786 Edward M, McCabe flied, aged 26 important ere. lot 4 Beachwood Colony-, Cutchogue, James Hand D . 9 25 36 95 61i 99 87 26 90 56 63 $3 46 83 861 and elsewhere. ___..npns 1 Wrn SCHOOL DIRECTOR ' ' 8 9 27 62 44 58 70 23 72 42 37 43 37 69 601 } ��i� ' °LL'�ir,�'I®N RETURNS Lewelen F Terry R 26 202 87 142 151 172 1.00 29 97 -133 130 .110 117 153 1651, Districts--1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13" 14 Total Joseph F Cassidyy D 5 11 19 82 60 85 85 27 8 46 58 44 33' 69712; PROPOSITION No. 7 ASSOCIATE JUDGE Off' COURT OF APPEALS William S Andrews It 22 195 60 120 121 161 86 34 75 130 123 101 111 163 1602 Jockey Creek Bridge, Yes 3 40 12 81 44 46 36 11 140 134 44 57 5Q 7' Townsend Scudder D 12 28 45 114 96 116 110 28 134 65 77 76 54 78 1033 Na 5 28 11' 64 28 ;i2 39 6 29 23,,: 37- 24" "29 41 Dist. No. 1 is Fishers Island; 2, Orient; 3, East Marion; 4, 5,6 and 7, Greenport; 8, Arshatnj0M'oque,,­ 9 and 10.•Southold.,jI,Peconic 12, Cutchogue and New Suffolk; 13 and 14, Mattituck and Laurel,1111 =mom ! ,v,: siult of Election Constable for 1~ialie>,s Island Dist.f2--Linnaeus Allen i the School Chjidren' Marti "Mid7inkiewier< to -john Rohi The PlaYers `of the Southold Com_' James S. Young 1979 Imogene Beebe Folk Dances by � tan three fr,:±�t:>2s of." an airs +� s munity Dramatic Club will Pre- Justice William S. Andrews, Repub- Town Trustees Kathryn Fleet an entertainment for the benefit of the plays ri, has Apparently ctefuateil `l'crwnM >3owrr.�r adj heirs of john �[7illrt„ sent two one-act la s at Belmont. Public Library, will be given in Bel• Southold. Tax 50 conte, needs and Thursday Frederick Tabor 2078 Edward M. Bette _ .__ . Hall on Wed y �. Scudder, Democrat, for Court of wont Hall Friday evening of this week Frank D. Schaumburg 2042 Dist,13—lease W. Tuthill El,Iipeals by a small majority. Nov. 18. Program is as follows : `l'W�I1ty-1'1'Ps Ye&rf3 .EL�O evenings, Nov.30 and Dec. 1. In this Judicial District District At- Henry W. Prince 203$ J. Wood Wickham The cast of "Suppressed Desires" is: 'William M. Beebe 2045 John F. McNulty Japanese Fan Dance—Esther Booth, /1f ay. Z _ 0000 / ! HenriettaTirewater,Fiances M.Jackson thrice Barry E. Lewis, Republican, Doris Williams, Catherine Hilliard, Chary J. McNulty 2022 William L. Stewart We had the first snow of the season. Stephen Brewster, Harold Goldsmith sind County Judgo Mitchell May, Dern- Helen Romanski, Muriel Young, Irene Thanksgiving services were held in i Marguerite McMann I trcrat, defeated Justice Frank S. Can- Town Auditors Dist.14—Oscar it. Robinson. McKeon, Leonie Stacy, Helen Dicker- the Presbyterian church, the Rev. Dr. Mabel, cast of "Neighbors" is: Edward 3�'« Louis C. Bei Whitaker preaching the sermon. Mrs. 1arrison C. Goldsmith pan, Republican, Wiilnrti F. Hegarty, Dewey 2{f81 g son,Hedway Weygard. p g " raoorat, for Juetiees of the Supreme H. Seymour Casa 2048 N. Curtis Bergen , Grandma, Tinker•a .Song and Dance—Ilsther George G. Richmond leased land un- Mia ltiantha Abel,' Mrs.E'eie Hilliard Court. 'Arthur L. Downs 2057 LeRoy a. Reeve Bootb, Frances Gordon, Leonie Stacy,, der water in Town Harbor, on which The Republicans swept Stcolk Ipspeetore of Election Ezra Williams, Harry Myers 3'red ,T. C,i ath�vohI to Arthur-S: Muriel Young, Irene Ms Keon, Eileen was planting oysters. J. Leo Thompson p Ibl.00rr. t�iLnn s he Peter Cn ty for their County candidates by The following were appointed Iaspee- , 2 A n s Mahoney, Helen Romanski, Sophie Union Thanksgiving services of the � Helen Booth ' ±, tiustet. majorities. John G. Peck for the tore of Election for the ensuing two main S'n�th Be,ou_gt.±y I'd adj land of Slavonik. Selection from Da Koven's ' Universalist and Methodist congrega Inez, y ,ilf c d G. 1, , e, C,utcho ue lax 2. Mis Elmira Moran, Ida Frant ,First District and Nelson Westerbeke years; h -' � - Robin Hood. tions were held in the M. E. church Nancy Bethel Two ntY- 1'17'e Years Ago Tarantella--Doris Williams, Helen Rev. F. G. Leonard machin the ser- Members Trot; for the Second District are elected plat« 1-A, re Eldredge 13 p g Meraabers of Assembly. Judge Robert 72- Mie Carry Ell . Jennings, Director oweIl y• g Clarence J. Chester �• lb'` Gs�4OCe� Romanskj, Catherine Hilliard. Frances mon, Margie W. Jennings, Director 8. Pelletreau Is ro-elected Surrogate, Radford C. �hanklin Arthur B. Gordon was building a Gordon, Leonie Stacy, Eileen Mahoney, Thousands of bushels of oysters were Thera will be Community Singing,led Fred S. Pulver will be the next County John M. Gri#ling barn on his premises, Muriel Young, Trene'McKeon. Italian baing taken from the bed in. Long Isl- by Prof. C. W. Whitney,04 Cornell evening- Clerk. Morley B. Lewis and Frank N. Dist. 2--Joseph B. Adams Percy W. Clark and family moved Folk Dance: and Sound. on Wednesday evening. RCIne are elected Coroners. Harold A. Latham to Philadelphia. Green Caps—Girl,Leociie Stacy; Boy, Rev. J. B. 'Freeman and family left UniverEft,y, The next Board of Supervisors will ! for Brownsville,'Canada. musiOn c by sday evening there will be Samuel H. Tuthill H. Webster Gordon was to build a Esther Booth;Old Man,Doris Williams; music by I{ing'e Orchestra. Dancing ' stand six Republicans to four Demo- Frank Brooks house on his lot at Bay View. First Speaker, Frances Gordon, Second Fire in the woods at L. 1, Sound Green C ekj� Wilson of Brooklyn' wall fo'low the entertainment._____'...__. e Democrats gain In River. Hist. 3--•Cbarles H. G e ins proprietors, was Laundry, Beebe&1Rose Eileen Mahoney,Young; Roma , burned Dr. Jabot W is n _ --..--_—-- trtate. `i'ho present Board is eight to y, two. Th s g n W. Halsey Wiggins p ,� to begin opera pBurton Terry of Southold parked Ii Ll head and Islip. The Board is as fol- Louis H. 'Rackett tions. Catherine Hllliard, Helen Dickerson, opened the M. E. Lecture Course. Dodge touring car in front of E S. lows; Irene McKeon, Sophie Smith. Hedwig Albert G. Case and Miss Amy Conk- Young's restaurant, Main street, Walton C. Brooks, Jr. Rev. D. W. Howell received a unani- Riverhead, a'b(out 1 A,. M. Sunday filet. 4--LeRoy E• Raynor p Weygard, Anna Nestor,Katherine But- lin were married. morning and he and another young, lip3-J. F. Richardson, D. It. Fred W. Roblo#f M�z E. church another year etor of the ler, Henrietta Fickeissen, Jennie Ro �_ __.� g y , man who was with him went into t±Zn Huntington---A..I., Field, R. Benjamin B, Rogers j A farewell reception was given to manskt; Sophie Slavonik, Marie Duey, While Robert S.Pelletreau far Sux- restaurant to get something to eat.:1 Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Freeman of the Alice Bloomfield. Doris Leicht, Helen rogate has a plurality of 8,254 and When they returned about fifteen Srnithtown—Charles D. Miller, R Joseph Kearney ininutes later the car was gone. f Dist, 6—Henry A. Clark Presbyterian church. Stepnowski. A Singing Game. Pulver for County Clerk wins by 7,945, Mr. Tear immediately notified Fast Hampton---Kenneth F.Davis,R. Southarppton.—•ll, G. Halsey, R. Fred L. Corwin There was a big parade in Southold Accompanist, Miss Jennie Albertson. the official canvass of the election com- Constable Andrew H. Prudent'of the Brookhaven—R. B. Macintosh, R. Frank L. Bereengec' to celebrate the election of William Miss Nancy Bethel has kindly offered pleted this week, shows that,Andrews', theft and ".Andy", immediately got I McKinley to sing, with Miss Ruth Langlois as lead for Court of Appeals was cut busy and after motoring to several o Southold-,David W. 'Tuthill, D. I Antone Strausner y as President of the United down by Judge Scudder to 2,772. The g staying Riverbead•-•D. G. Homan, D. the-adjacent ent villa es +eta in out until Diet 6-Wolsey T. Hempstead States, accom anist`_ figures are considered highly corn l wetter Island--Charles H. Smith, D, Arthur Halsey Edwin O. Harrison and Miss Mary E. Geor7 Henry Terry &ors to Mer- y F I- ,4 a."m., but was unable to locate th, inentary for Judge Scudder, who is e. Later that morning P'erbaps the greatest Interest in the Charles W.Cass Overton were married. lyn B T_rry, 17 3-4 A n s Main South, well known, and highly esteemed in stolen maehiii election was in Greater New fork. road, ad:j land of George II Terry, this county g y he was notified that the car had been Thomas Hassett _ ___ _ .._.._ Southold, Tax^�+l 00. found'in the highway at Bayview, 'I' ere Mayor II lace lied over 400,000 _Richard B. Conklin lila I±ii roveme±it — -- -- - The complete canvass follows: y Y Dist. 7 The Ludic s V ge p Sa�ixuel J Morris &W to ,'rTu ees or. Court of Appeals--Azidrews, 17,189; ,which is near Southold, One o£ the majority and every baro is Democratic. Ralph G, Adams socjoty met at Mrs. M. B. Vandusen's; Shilo Baptist church, lot s s No'i°th Scudder, 12,417; Wilcox, 655. front hales of the reasoine:was broker; The Republicans still control the on Tuesday, to confer-with Alexander� road, adj land of Thos. Farley, South- Supreme Court-Lewis, 18;809; and that was the reason for its abtrn James P. Caution Tae:$1. Gannon 17 540• May,9 807• Ha art donanerit., New fork Assembly, but by a reduced Muntlie, of Quincy; Mass.,,regardin� old, . -. __-s.. , y, g y, Harry Thornhill �___-- _____.. g W,hit.ehbrn, 652, tA. Polish man living nearby tole! majority. the,proposed soldiers'memorial. Plans) --- ,833; rDist. 8—Bessie E. Davis and siecifica'tioiis were favorably con-1 Marion B Johnson -to Fannie J, Assembly; First District—Peck, 10,- 'I'xzc��iit' that :about 2 o'�loclt tl±i i 'dire following were on both Republi- Edwin S. Tillinghast 1 Hard, lots [2 and 73 on Mai) c f Nas- 409; Hodges, 5,159; Gransaike, 197. „moriting he and his family eidered and; a vote.prevailed that the awakened by a young colored max., e and Democratic tickets, Robert P.Judge Mundic &: Sons.' 'Co. be authorized,to au Point, Southold, Ta.. X2.50' Assembly, Second District—Wester- . I beke 7 676 -Who wi ntad a lantern lace the monument as earlyas possi , Russick, 6.10&; Dxeusika, -- Coroner for Fisihem Island Isadore Judge p Southold, .Nov. 14, at the residence 410; Gardiner Proh. , 192. Of the 263,330 dogs listed in New Frank & Mine 2088e. The generous people are helping , y Surro ate—Pelletreau, 18,942 Dist. 9-•NlChatles T. Gordonfiordon of the bride's mother, b Rev. Wm, H. g Na- 'Park �Statg the past ,year, 10,Q4�3 at3�c� , Town Clerk Raymond R. Hummel to raise the needed,e�ctra $200 in time Lloyd, William Mengeweit and Miss howel, 10;688; Meserole, 576. in Suffolk County,which stands fourth to psty foe the stone --_.__ Florence May Bowman. Rev. 41Tm. H. BoCou 1e n10 a90 lESchneider,�Pulver, 18,535: • , • Joseph N. Hallock 229'7 J. Lea Thompson __ __ _... who is now at [LSh uthold, Nov. 14, by y , ," , 5b4, Teiry, c'n the list nunxerically. brie County Michael Purt ell F. Clair Van Dasen• d Willis Hobson and Jose Bine 4130, is first with 23,695± dogs; Nassau,sec Superintendent of Highways y Bluefield, West Va., with Architect , p ond, 11,391 and Monroe, third, 10„675. George H. Fleet 2851 Diet.10--Henr W. ll''Isber don Lewis. Coroner—Lewis, 1;8,293; Luce, 10,- Raymond W. Terry Alex B. Mahood, has recently made thetchogue, Nov. 6, by Rev. Joseph 71a _N.a . 525.---- —R The total amount collected in fees Justices of the Peace flatnuel I,, Beanwtt drawings for Christ Episcopal Chur®howski, John Sezcntki of 1'econic from dog owne'r>or harboxers between Harry H. Terry 2130 Robert pverton Ile also made the draw- Land Miss Mary Mortka of Mattituck, Extensive improvements are being July 1 aisle Nov. 12 in the State, wars William W Griffin 2®61 of that city. made to the Presbyterianparsonage. $504,48@, of which $48,918.50' tivas j Dist. D. Baldwin jogs for a 14-story hotel, the, biggest turned over to the treasurei!.o1.Ile�v Overseers of the Poor erhead, Nov. 13, at the residence Harry J. Smith botel in Bluefield. Clair is makingr daughter, Mrs Harriet Pease ofwet liar has been dug, heating and Folk State and the rceina ae are-Albert W. Albsrteo>n 2(153 f er plants are to be installed rutted to C�outO and CityTgei curers gored X. Hutebit tion ! good in hie profession. hold, where interment took place, , a 1Thomas Ifassett 2281 Hugh Mccaffsee 83 ears batn room fitted up,and the building a turnard o�rer t+r Cite pe,litGeo. W.,Smith is to put on a newy nsion Rind,Constable for Orient roof and add dormer windows 'to the thampton, Oct. 26, Annie Phil wired for electric lghts. HenryAearl Hagerman and family; have Edward '. floaimel 17&f Fithian place, recently purchased by E. ife of Burnett M. Goldsmith has charge of the workmoved to the city,. where they havrl of Osborne,i Y Shelter Island. Sc),, I , C, Rick. .. - ,.•. i i �- all B" 1111--- 1111 i ".., :. SCHOOL NOTES Marguerite Gallagher 86 Perfect Attendance Twenty-Five "ears g® The Tax ate G West," thou Long Island For. Eileen Mahone 1I Mar, and learn how to raise cauliflower, s � � y g5 Harry Case, Harriet Horton, Charles "D94'; 7— p®"4 The Tax Rate in Southold Town is as Jennie Romanski The garden of 1), T. Elmer, of Monroe, Hanar Boll Walter Simon, Helen Thompson. Benjamin G. Conklin went to Hunt- follows: i kick brother of C. W. h3mer, of Cts- GRADE WilliamstVilliaState County and Town 1,21 ` ' CTl�z1I3E I William Cale 85 Honor Marks in Examinations ington to assist his brother George. ' r filar Tinsels, lartrdtac tstl a giant head of Terry Jennings y 85 Algebra There were still plenty, of seed Highways 662 Cauliflower, that measured sixteen 95 Perfect Attendance Board of Health .03 Dorothy Iawepl 93 Joseph l.intler, Arthur Gagen 100 . oysters on the bed at Horton.s Paint. ! lnehe,i in diamoter, fifty inches in sir- Constance Terry MJOsePh ' William Caley, Edwin Donald Robinson 100 We had quite a heavy snow storm. Total Town Rate 1.902 ` cttinCersnce ante weighed tvs°slue and y 9;i g° henry Stelzer, Horace Adelaide Sterling 100 The students of the Academy organ- a hal ounds. We can't beat it this Ruth Christiansen 93 monde, Walter Williams, Esther Booth r Greenport Village 1.21 Wilson Tuthill 100 ized a literary and debating society. P Edgar Smith 91 Dorothy Jennings, Eileen Mahoney. District Rates year. Lloyd Dickerson Ruth Silleck 95 Rev. E. W. Comings, a former Prim Orient Lighting .14 ' Anne Thom 90 GRADE V Robert Booth 92 cipal of Southold Academy, became f'11st'lr teltrta>,, 11c�rTc�r of t4yc9 tEti«0 ' peon 89 Helen Dickerson publisher of a newspaper at Barre Vt. Fire ,11 � �larirt+rpt tc It�:�t•ctlatp;, csC' ?t��• trtt,�#.c bir Elizabeth Baker 95 Trigonometry P , 1rltlrctrtrstirtyr ill flet t°i ile,a.l Tatou Doris Leicht The 225-ton schooner H. W. French " Mosquito 13 Julius r ebroski 89 Eugene Lebr 100 Southold Lighting 29 'l bavicap, :tta cal, t r�;ttryl3° {�rat1 tett- Dorothy Lucey 86 Evelyn Van Wyck 89 Thomas Hall 94 of Stonington, loaded with coal, was 86 Dwight Bridge English I wrecked off Peconic. Fire 06 ite;tr l`,1r tl1 qtr t'aalryf dl1 l'In1tul Mary Hobson89 ff+' ' 1#gc �1° 11c1i1�i11) 1c1t h1s; r •»lat�lt• 85 Frances Gordon 88 Helen Thompson 90 I •• Park .OIlS [fed €tthor°, I) T. l;lluer, lio 1 rt:sidt"llt w Lloyd Dickerson,Perfect tendance Dorothy Ho Ma hie Ducey ldattituclt Fire 3:9 85 Physical Geography 14A�Qt�� d 1®Wn B��I�t► cal a°1°ate r a a ".' Y wolf, Marie Ducey School Districts lrt,i y; 311.11 1t1Tta3,411 in John Lucey, Anne Thompson, 85 Thomas Hall 100 The Southold Town Board met at the fart"rtl',ryt 1st' ti w a etllli11` ila,aT' p Julius Perfect Attendance Alvah Goldsmith 97 District 1-�-Orient Point � .50 ! � �ebroski. Helen Dickerson office of Supervisor D. W. Tuthill, t for the sillrrally Thll !i forty-skirt (YRADE II Eugene Lehr 92 Saturday, Nov. 26, 1921. 2-Orient 106 s ate ca , ra)q',a , Delon Kart Irene Groenport, Rensselaer Terry 89 McKeon, Ernest Dickerson. Geometry 3-East Marion 1 2r' Helen Bond Present,Supervisor Tuthill,Town Clerk 41 4-Fishera Island 1.01511 Mr, and Mrs. is', t;, Bick of Irving.. William Williams 89 GRADE VI Helen Terry 100 Hallock Justices Griffin, Corey, Terry 1 ton, N, J., are at their newly purchaaM Margaret Kart Doris Williams y ed fTortle«•the Fithian place. b4r, hick Fannie fJ"Ctszanik 96 Harriet Horton 198 and Rambo,Supt. of Highways Fleet, 5-Southold 51; Is a very fiT1a musician, We c►rts glad Alice 131aorrafield 91 Charles Gagen 96 Counsel Casa,and Health Officer Peter- i� 6—Bay View C,t James Baker Louise Overton Theresa Fielder 95 7—Feeanic 1:¢ son` 8—East Cutchogue 1 " ' to welcome this worthy couple to:south- Vincentina Yi`rupski �� Greco 'Vreeland �� Marjorie Hagerman 94 The Tax Budget far Southold Town old. Pauline Albortson Gertrude Doke 91 g " 9--Mattituck 1 46 85 Perfect Attendance English III was approved as follows: 4' 10-Greenport z.00 Carol Gomez Katherine Butler, David Lehr Mar- Marjorie Hagerman 91 Highways 11--Laurel .135 l „ h d 1 t t ���r i t tlye i�;,t r:a� Cin Lehr OOO.OQ s�;t 1 �trr cls+ a `ate;e 111 a y Agnes Lebraski 85 Hams. , Grace Vreeland, Doris Wil, Harriet Horton 90 Highway Fund $42, " 12-Cutchogue L.adD t�1 W 6,000.00 v.alrlaal ,i? rrt 1, y, cr IM th:1i. Barney O'Vsiank 85 English IV Jockey Creek Bridge '° 14-Oregon 1.2 claw tho the tura r a:r r u t;i:tr rc sl 24 rlt­ Perfect Attendance GRADE VII Eugene Lehr 90 Bridge Fund 2,000.00 „� 15_-.blew Suffolk 1.-t3 lgrt-ot% tho colt. .. dtlp, of ,..r .c,r1.V111, James Makerora Albertson _ t William8 History C Machinery Fund 3 000.00 ° Rensselaer",l'erx� Mildred BexrV�ll Williams,amsHarry Weygand 7,000.00 ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Searle oV! " S" r Tuthill is building a y, y Katherine Hilliard 86 Thomas Hall 96 Miscellaneous Fund Rochester spent the week-end at Soaa4Tr- " hon a fr r lttlymmid W. Terry,acraies GRADE YYI 86 Helen Bond 90 Town Expenses old. The a Martha Gallagher Beatrice Hodgins 90 P y are much teased with itis I Lennie Stacy n 8b g $5,000.00 P the street fc+,lxi Iiia father's zeei y Bernice Simons 85 Biology Contingent Fund $ ° progress being made on their suinina.m} i clt�sac;a. Anna�'ovoski 3,656.62 92 Harriet Dickerson Donald Robinson gl Audited Bills 4 000 00 home now inroeess of building 'It Muriel Young 91 Perfect Attendance 85 Helen Thompson 91 Support of Poor Paradise Point. Their genuine lug- Ruth r Through the real estate agency of E. I'"reuses Wadsworth Katherine Hilliard, Charles Vreeland Ade illSterlin 90 Board of Health 2,000.00 `�t, W. B. Christie has rented the Anna blaster 9150.00 house,under the supervison of S.Rdgar 9 91 Harry Weygand. ' g j Memorial Day Tuthill, promises to be`a most interest- Faramel pleas on Railroad Av. Bertha Hipp < Latin Y District Taxes Entity 1) Wilson to Nassau Point, Hedwi 91 GRADE VIll Donald Robinson 9b ing structure. g Weygand Southold.Lighting District $1,601.27 C,lul, Properties, Inc., lots; ;1 and 4 on James Deco 91 Marion Albertson r Jennie Albertson 92 181.35 __-- niap of Nassau Point Club Proal, Inc„ Norma Van W _ 90 Helen Boiaseau 8a " Park Wm. J. Grattan had about 30 bushelo Charles Simon 91 384 67 �Toutltal<i. Tax $`l. Alberta Dickers 89 ! peon 85 Alice Petty 90 Fire „ of corn stolen from his field recently Catherine Thom ,Alvah N1 Salmon to Wm C Salmon, 89 85 Adelaide Sterling 90 [L " 404.3p -__ _ Jerome Grattan Clara Tuthlill 85 Helen Thompson 90 Orient 594 59 William C. Albertson to E ver4s. n yyrtrrsdow CYTS T3 �5{:aI*fay;a C'.rac;k,l3ClI' r tc r .Perfect Attendance Latin 1V •` Lighting T3ho &w, lot s s Main at ad1 land of I Sou of Sylvester 1t1sr T.e iter, 1Iryg Netic,` Mary Nestor Mosquito 791.07 ThoTtias Quinry, SautholdL tax $5. ScrullTrald, rtam. Yialen Krukuski William McKeon, Marion Albertson, Beatrice Hodgins 90 Mattituck Fire 2,034 22 ^ .` - �- -- - 87 - Violet 13oergessan 87 Hazel Baumann, Helen Boisseau, Edna History A Voted that the salary of the Tax Peconie, Dec. 5, . William Austin l Bellmore,hi ll I., ter, 1#1, at Frisch res- Clifl'ard Wiseman 87 Butler, Mary Strasser, Catherine Helen Thompson 94 Haynes; o-,ged 86 years, 9 months, ldsnee of his daughter, Melvina , 86 Thompson, Robert Booth gl Receiver be placed at$1500 per year, Inwood, L. I, Nov. 30, 1IrEaid i I Albert H. Brown, son of Leander and Howard Caley 85 Voted that the Tax Receiver be given Strang, , child of Harald and far ld, 1 inn(l4lattet>) formerlyI3raa;+n, of South- Perfect Attendance HIGH SCHOOL French Y a Clerk for forty days at$5 QO per day,' Strang and grandchild of 'Mrs Hn.Die old, aged 79 years, Alberta Dickerson, Anna Nseter, c 1:Ielen Terry 94 Frances Overton 96 Frances Wadsworth, Anna Zaveski, Eugene Lehr Jennie Albertson 90 and an additional Clerk on the days H. Strang of Sauthold, aged b ys Tq *It)lrrT "I. Cz. 1+'31121 try 1;,.r111tstl. lJtr_ Howard Caley, Ro tht Grattan Thomas Halt 92 French.YYI that he sits at ether.villages than his Si�mtznd'T'anhauser, who has r �3 Eoixetltrrl, 60 aereg Eugene]Lehr 95 home office, at$5.00 per day. way x,s hi k1- Grattan , Jams Theresa fielder Sg . g telegraph operator here for se ,a! Y 1Gcl. . hUld ca f s ')Ci to r g ,. Louis Stelzer, Leonia Stat Harriet Horton Sou.fhoicl 401)(1w,"'; l„1T'�Y C,lifl`ord Wiseman. Beatrice Hodgins 92 Voted that the salary of the Super- Marjorie Hagerman 8$ Helen Terry 91 intendant of Highways be placed at years, has accepted a better r,c> a„icara! GRADE IV fllgah Goldsmiit>t ��' $7.00 per day, to take effect Jan. 1, at Springfield, L. I.Ruth A.A. llrli•ttati to ,10111) ",('• I';sther 13<yoth Helen Thompson 88 t -orte dollars, re- Firiir,#6f) acre” ; fl, 92 Beatrice Hodgins 87 LDr. Richard Hodgens has a fine poai- _1923 _-.-`--___ � - - The balance of thtr y:rcl,i. iaucl to}• Bitty; IBi)r} ads<ii Y)orothy Christie < maining in the treasury of the Blue ItlNai .i2t Adelaide Sterling 87 n the St. Lawrence County State50fh -Korean Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Salmon areMarie Dohert 92Helen Bond 86 ital at Ogdensburgb, N. Y. Triangle Club' when it disbanded, lyse 89 Robert Booth 85 ____._�_____ I now nicely settled in their new home at` been donated to the Near East Re ie IYorarce Symonds f 89 Alvah Goldsmith Eadreott; N Y. fund. Robert Gagen85 ---- -- -�- �--_-__ Twenty-Five�+'j�8 ODS i4O Years ?;q SUFFOLK HAS FIRST �Mrs. M. I: Booth has returned from , , y,Christwas tragi; ways , The eoilliiaunt - ears AQP e ill, Door. .B64 I IQUOR CONVICTIO endersonvi�le, N. C. Miss Emma ;certainly a novelty, Z'W8]� g"�'1V® Years AM C�446p 1 y yin tzar vzll.lge and / i p ._g _ �d,e1v out a host of P„yaple. The l,awla t/o" � ®m®® Mises T. Horton was clerlkln for ooth is spending the winter there. 1 Frank Cogen leased the Matcituek the S. A. Beckwith estate g The ins onvaction an Suffolk of G or e R. Jennin House. }County under the Mullen-Gage law , a teat, ni L g, ars by cdn to J C 111onar. Jennings was a mast rt 1- Orlando Wells entered Ea man e George Barton Terry and mother was returned at Riverhead b a; 8,t lot w s Boll:ea,, av aa; iac,d 'c iz r> ,tri, praprlatr -place, she grow±iCl being els- Business College at Poughkeepsie, ' o Baldwin T. Payne succeeded Albert. Very leve riystermen were at work an moved into Percy W. Clark's house. jury which heard evid2nc,, in the oco- too, the large veluncidofetherdwellhn � • 3 ` )�utiier taet,, Sud"��'ld. •-.. . the bed off Horton's Point. P _ g� son Case as Justice of the Peace. November was the warmest Novem- case against Peter Josten , of i. - 7,'iiP'8l1$y'�''ig@ �8ar8 .�.�0 `.as ;lust 'tile sht,lterctl plant; far-the On Thursday afternoon 1013 barrels of der known since the Weather Bureau g Z with{ I musicians and sneakers, all of which J. B.Terry was elected President of Huntington. He was char er, k) P G; 3 J ®®�o. / "� was of a high and gratifyinl; aider. the L. I. and N. E. Steamboat Co. Cauliflower were sent to New York was established. unlawfully having liquor in his• from Southold-the largest nunllzer J. B. Tern W. C. I possession, and following his con-1 The mercury was near the zero point.1 The gree was lighted with red, white°I George H. Terry, Waldo Brown and ever sent b express. y, Albertson and G. vietion before Count Jude The puPils of the Grammar Depart- a d blue bulks, Fred Jennings fu1•- D, P. Horton were elected trustees of y p F. pommel purchased 40 acres of land y e(l, presented ril._hinl the+ electric spark, tha Presbyterian church. George l?. Furman it was stated inept of the Union School ._ . . _. Rev. 1+', B. taekdala delivered a lee- under water at Town Harbor on which that all appeal would be taken on l Frio. - SO S. Shaw a handsome CONDUCTOR RUSHMORE DIES Daniel H. Horton and Miss Emma ture, "The Making of Character," in to plant oysters. the M., . Lecture Course, the ground that the arrest was chair.on Christmas, Misses Benham Rayner were married. The cauliflower seasarl was the most James D. Rushmore, for more than l made without a warrant. and Deals were also pleasantly remem- 50 years an employee of the L.L R.R.,---- ---- ---- ,- ---__ The plass belonging to ills hei'1•s of successful for filen ----- y years. } Josten owns a; cafe, pool room beredA died at his home in Queens last Friday, 'MANY, C1I1'FICIAL the late Mrs. ural W. Edwards was Great numbers of star fish came on and lunch room near the Hunting- Mr, and Mrs. David H. Jackson cele- in his 69th year, For many years Mr. sold to Martin Strasser. the oyster bed at Morton's Point. !ton station. It was alleged that At the request of Postmaster W A, We bad a young blizzard and traffic on countyr officers, when they entered braced the 26th anniversary o£ their ofRushmore noon mailCCHANGES IN SUFFOLK! to Greenport. The New Year has 'wrought a marriage. He was well known and his genial dig- number of changes in Suffolk's of- Cochran, weather bulletins were dies. the L, I. It. It. was delayed for some his place last June found a bottlet prom Wednesday noon till Saturday Position made him well liked. About ficial family. Ralph C, Greene, of; played daily iii the past office, time. containinbr whiskey on the bar.; t years alto Mr. Rushmore wits re- ',Sayville, assumed the office of Mr, and Mrs, Martin Lehr, Conrad Rev. J.-N. 'Taft of Orient addressed i Search revealed four other bottles, morning Southold was cut off -from •pro Leicht and Fred Leicht left for Mr. the Southold Temperance Society. ill the room. Josten and George. communication with the outside world of tireMatinnd on a ec ck LcdHr;�,was �i�eralb�er wiUnited States eDistrict nAttorney P y }Weiler, an employee, were 'ar- Iby a snow blockade. , ,with headquarters in Brooklyn, to and Mrs, Lehr"s old home at lldaxburg, Henry Huntting, fur many years Oyster Bay. which office he was recently ap- _. - i°este 7'he goo s val,ic of the estate of the i. painted by President Harding, Germany, to sllead two months. Treasurer of ills Southold Savings •1 In his defense Josten contende(i late Mrs.Georgic R. Cahooia, of Sonth- Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Vail celebrates] Hank died aged 78 Years. � OVER 2100 MORE MALES � I This is the first time that a Suffolk', their 25th wedding anniversary. ' g that the liquor was his persons old. has been appraised at $34,875.10 'PXIAN FE MALES IN SUFP OLI I propertyand none had been sold. heap Year aught not to cut an (Count Tho Southold Town tax rate was Phe therm Ile tal;ed that i hs , ��ti2.i4. ZVirs. f.thoaaa wa3 the wife in this important`position. 1 18. g and the amount transfer tax lrvled figure in Suffolk County.Accaxd hs The ostuimpoi tcan ai is change ever held t id been u 5 Thursday morning-the tercoldeateof he ased before the prohibition 1a* of Edward , Cahoon, one of the or- to a bulletin of the 1920 census t e :, _. .r .r,° ^ season. ;went into elect, and that it was r•aniz,irs Nnrl a former president of psypulation of the county is 110,246 I the county ;is in the County' TiAS tl,3xt.t►e iia]. 41:x1.:.. s.-/ the Riker-Ilegeinun Dl�zn Co., tylia , Clerks olffce, where James F. made up of 56,198 males and 54,1 ,; for his personal use, Richardson resigns' as County A illi 1 ' '1'&1I ' •i='I.I`:`» The Bank of Southold has declared a � Juiige I'urmsin ruled that no died ,about a 77011* ae0. �I,s. C�alaooll females. The bulletin states thee€ � f�,9 ed�arF'a ilei iter li,-Isbandl Tho,follow-l were 28 Chinese and 30 Japanese. I Clerk after nine years in office, to + dividend of five per Cant far the past ,yeFt}°Cil warrant was necessary, as isoost'tio n is 111:4 K of b(T •net r 'become Supervisor A. '4'irilfrnit l t , 1 Il, <+ a t 1°.F+ rs, 1 s,t ! ins d r Nearly every known country is pervisor of the Tativn of ilrtt'f'tl c/'ttr•;itl1 ."!lair:' six months. the oflicefi saw the law violated ttA va'Ut'ri .,t ;1i•_7�",.rml-1.,, R-1-1 tl e Islip.141st.iola, h.a n.l by the presence of the liquor. t represented in the:population. Til p. Mr, Richardson is succeeded; ' q C,,il",an. 1„7shanrl. ts�hFA: 7'rina 12. number of persons of different by Fred S. Pulver of Sag Harbor.` 'lti'W�Tr�y-7C!°l 1T0 �0�P8 �U � _ ft,honri. dHy,ohte,• gra 01R.2s: Fray-es nationalities rvexe; Germany,3,792; Politicallyspeaking t who ,F, lllslrt:l„;`n of tilt lrtl l:,.a 1, tlow°e ! Z)GU 1 gy s�w� �/�y^/ __, i,t:d'tnat"tit d,f w;t? ,:., 1''i,,llti ati f.,. 1.1 J ¢' 1� 1115 1c s! ,.. six Editor Samuel L. Bennett has char j,'nek�emil sista,. r 321: �•jVfn„A.lrl,t g gives the Republicans , r y ill'+ ,tart,of B•ii>,,� in 1 rhe tbermometer registered � ! irel,,nd,'3,503; Poland 2,722;Italy, change that .,4 .York, )71.x; rl • f p „ _,, , � r.8. r nr!,•e I' i'i $ „R� , Joy, for it brings to that part... zt tl,s fie°r,•rrssl fr:ct tl r f,1,z1 ental Rt ` `il'.°i abov©zero, ed the name of th® Republican Watch- ( 2,6118 Russia 2.544 En�1�nR, y Xxnnt,o R. I3r,�1rr:, 1nr e ;d6g, 1,758; Austria, 943; Sweden, 755, ,y „ were selling at from $5 n•h;ne NI. •4dd�r, rlr:inrinsnr: "3'i= g patronage ” t c t,`ar:t 7`'., ee f+lt'l, a ,ts a t ,lt=I;r Cauliflower w g man to the Greenport WatCbman, are .amount of atrona e denied ttihr,evn at chit l4letrr, '1'it'.its{= i a 4r t'r,lt- This is a change more In keeping with ,,tP,,,,.k IT. P";rlr,•e, gz„nrinr�,hQeti. Scotland, 41(1. the Republicans for nine year•,, ` 11•r, OF ?+lr. rE t+:1: '1':1 to$S per bill. present times. When the Watchman and restores the office to a fold in ,,Uri... A fat,.,,@, t , +fi1R�! (`.'c-.r1NA'P.TIT.�,•irirrr Li•1`h,�r1„f:T�•1'I P.W. • 1 ruirttlt<rrtc::� 11, Il:t`e liar-} Miss Annie Dorn graduated from the PTes the resent Democratic ? 4; 1nse,�ta fz. 7C*iirre. ,°a,zdneplaew,� Don't forget the Cleaning-up Picnic 1�rhich,,ihad safely reposed all of i tt.,tl rl.ltl t A Oneonta State Normal School. was founded P lain, l",rc r.itr;r:rt :filo] nth]„^ t r s,t c n, art was known as Republican, in op. 0,140: Darilel R. Bridge, $187. at South Harbor Pack on Saturday, 50 years lentil Mr. Richardsozl vill,rgt*y .rt i.tr ni,rtl ilii^ l,r r! i 1°:' ,c c ..t.c ; Steamer Montauk made the last trip parity ___-.._ ._..._ Dtc. 31st, at 9 a. m. Coffee served; broke the ,pelf. illi ;f,tip;=,lend �.°:itli li ., .t°. its>. position to the Federalist party.' When the transfer tax papers in our own lunch and tools } of the season. Brother Bennett is putting Greenport the estate of the late Rev. John D. bring y John G. Peck of Southamptoxa The authaId Savings Bank credited -- _ _.__. succeeds John G. Downs of Cuteh good shape. We wish �Q® depositors with interest at the rate of P East Hampton Presbyterian P Church, is s ending the hnlidays_at„home. g Vogue as Assemblyman in the 1''irsai. on the ma in P Stokes, or man ears as Protection 'Engine him abundant success in his efforts to for for of the Walter Gagen of Villanovia Colle a District and Pahl Westerbeke of _ four per sent per annum. boom his village. _. T ,___�.. _ were filed in the Surrogate's Court' The annual meeting Edwin FI. I3aoe►�r &w to Caic;lin€. 'SaSrville, succeeds Paul Baile,r,of r last Frfdatq even- •mother severe snow storm greatly this week'by Transfer Ta r Appraiser Jenkins, lot w s New rd, adi land i Ami,tyville,:as Assemblyman in the Engine Co. was hell delayed traffic on the L. I. R. R. Wines & Homan have commenced Arthur M Tasker of Greenport, it; Sarah L Beebe, utlltzlqfollowingOffy escaped drown- church for the colored p , Bay View, S Tax .M Ing, when the , John Berry narrowly P work on the new ehu surprised many to learn that the mile- :; elycted: l+Dreman, ]!'red T. J,nninga; Ing in Milt Creek, when his boat cap- people o£Southold, situate on the North Beresford, M C & aao to,T rt Pender, lot 1 The Southold Town Board met at; Asst. E'oreman, Won. li• Rattord; Sec., sized. He was rescued by L. N. San' Road, on the lot recently purchased of ister had left a gross estate of $91,-, w s rd adj land of Government, Iiortons i the office of Supervisor Tuthill, 904,54. wit. G. Terry; Trees., pxr•cl I�, 1"•rry; ford, Thomas Farley. Point Greenport, Friday, December 30, H kl, ]Aunt- { _.. --»-- --- _____ ___.___.__.--.__� The net estate is valued at $86,330.-1 _ _.Y _ ___.. nom' 1921 Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Trustee fur throe ys,ars, 1 Through the real estate agency of- Gaffga.---At the E. L. L Hosp1- i. t ting. n e evening of the 24th the corn- T g rte has yolf, and George J,L, Griswold as: Jean tal, Greenport, Sunday, December 1 Coven Clerk Hillock, Justices e 26 which is divided as follows: Jean r n excellent clam,eieowder, prepared O thGriffin, Corey,and Terry, and Supt. It mun.ity Christmas tree The Le a new W. Gtordon, Thomas Road to'James ren, each $1,000; Board of�Education! 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Gaff- l of Highways Fleet. b Chef O, A. Prince, was enjoyed. anti Ftttraetive aflau, the tree as on place on the N of the Presbyterian Church, $300, bra,,of Southold,a son, Y e members voted to Voted that Supt. Fleet be auk 0 good that th the Presbyterian churr�h ]awn. It will of Jersey CilY•_Y Board of Missions, same cliurch, ,200; u P ___._� was s g supplied $ Nassau Paint Club, I'ral•, o orized to purchase a snow plow dor i one at the January meet- lie litrhterl by electricity _ �._. .�__ o make extensive e Children's Aid Society, $200; Jean W. Inc,,, have another , 5n {gar:g'o% A fine J. E, Corey is t Stokes, Max Stokes Griswold and Dr. Oscar°P, Gadmrls; fat Nei.102 on nzap;the town tractor, at a east nflt to '1 F, Fickeissen donated the cigars. 1 froln ]1 red Jt nn g and of Nassau Poan.t,_;outht;Id: tax, r! _ Ing. was ranted the +zrag, tm, eonsl,�tlrli, rrf music terations and Ilaiprovemesne PO1nt.J Jahn W. Stakes, children, each $27,- --- atk. exceed The Rome Bureau g brief addresses by all the pastors (if � I 810.74. --- ' Jenkins' house at farad -- �_. ..__-- _--_--- .. ____.-_. Bound Brook,N.J., Dec. 24,Leonora '`Phe year 1'922 certainly ca-Als in Pike use of the ream for their meetings. _ __.___.�------ the village will lnalce it well worth __ -.___ e while to be pxesrlait. Peconic, Dec. 14, Ellen E. widow '{� The Bank of Southold has installed a � , wife of Charles H. ,Dobson and st lion. Monday was the coldest day of _ I James W, Horton, aged 84 years. I daughter of.Charles M. Post of south- k i Bless heater. � old. P 4,gale. - —� P P the ear, vetch the, near t11 _ -_ _ zero point and the wind blowing a ale. r /.4� ' 2 Ted �pp }}�,, gg,, �+ �® � enel3�eW' bad one of the. hardest snow CROPS RAISED AT HALYO 19 El,�I, Norma H. Fleet &ano to�'Harry South AA #!e SeUtll®� Sa�ing8 ' 2 Annabel &w, parcel-200x26G ft adj It is always pleasant to hIt 1 oked intthe morning as if�We wee , '.Che following reportreceived�lands on East cre:,k adj landof Nor-Alaaut twenty-five persottia, including One of the time-honored institutions ma H. Fleet,CCutebo��ae, ._. �farmer Southoldere howevto have a big snow storm, but this. lat- from George W. Hallock & Son, of��. _ - n°n'oae woaoan, xespanded to the call for of Southold"lawn is the Southold Sav- - one or far awa A card frer urned to rain, The wind blew a Orient, gives the amount of crops C4 Smith -to 1, jAarcus, lot w s Devolunteer workers to come to South Inge Bank, incorporated April 7, 1868. Emma Korn McGovern showaje. Had it continued t.o snow ah !raised at Halyoake Farm during pot rd adj land J Alikrich, C)utelio�om, Harbor Park (donated recently by Dr. From small and modest beginnings, the g the season of 1921 : true to the literar tastes thada we would have had a blizzard, I and Mrs. Emerson), an the last day of Bank now ranks as the second strong- YY� 51x/ acres potatoes 6,298 bar- J. S. Wickham, by gdn, to J. Piet- the year, and help clear out the under eat country savings bank in the United he girlhood. In her San The tides ran very high. . d-d - rely, (1G5 Tlas.} 1re�viczinterest in lot tv s Coxs ane! growth and snake a beginning at laylve States, Riverhead ranking first. This home she is a member of the 10!/� acres Onions, 3,477 bags, "di land late of J. A. Glover, Cut-'out the Park. Some came for half, is due to the able and conservative Club+ connected with the First ,itr Several loads of Cord and Refuse fan Church. The members axe readin uod on South Harbor Park, Southold, ! (100 ib s.) a day and ethers for all day. Good, management of the Bank and the faith g 3 acres Ely carrots, 908 bags, Twenty-Five Years Ago during the winter, plays from the old ill be sold at p bard, enthusiastic work was done and that the people have always had in the I , � � - ublic�auction an Saturn � i ��0 lbs.) g �� .�•� `� the result was mast satisfactory. institution, p and new classics such as Sheridan s °ay,Jan. 14, at 1:30 p, m '1• acres late carrots, 1,943 ba s, WilliamsIs. School for Scandal, Molnar's Liliom `-_�- i (.100 lbs.) Geo.C. Terry and Wm. A. W Edwin Prellwitz,"instructor In ds- The 127th semi-annual statement, s- James Lee and Mr. and Hors. W. A, 4�./ acres Ely beets, 1,465 barrels. !vers filing their ice houses at Great Drinkwater s Abraham Lincoln and sigh in Landscape Architecture at sued Jan. 1, 1922, shows assets of $7,- Thompson have moved to their newly 5e, acres late beets 880 sacks. others equally great, / , Pond with 8-inch ice. Sew- Cornell, directed the wank to fine ad 889,146,66. The total amount due de- purchased home on the North Road. 1 4i;" acres celery,2,151 crates. . The ladios. of the.Presbyterian Sew- vanta e. Such trees and shrubs re positore is 6,207,766.10. The surplus In a recant Literary Digest, we learn ._ g a �is$1,181,391.46; sur lus at also something of the work of her hue- Rev. ev William H. lJloyd has been a et1eT- ',hels2-a acres:lima beans, 978 bus-i; , ing society gave a reception in the par•• conserved as would add to the beauty at par value p sonage to celebrate the forty-fiftb of the Park. Useless underbrush and market value, $1,162,188.11; surplus at band, Chesney"McGovern, who is an ted Chaplain of Molly Pitcher Chapter, I g acres cucumbers, 240 barrels. examiner of documents in dispute and a Daughters of the Revolution. I „ wedding anniversary of Rev. Dr. and other debris were completely cleared investmont value, $1,203,074.10. The _ _ __.._ ! a acres hay, 14 tons. Mrs. Epher Whitaker. out and burned. A road was laid out, total assets at morket value are $7,» recognized "'handwriting expert." erlert Y• SiixionN; &%v to Michael P ! 23 1-3 acres sprouts, 80,000 1 work one necessarily reline- 31iJ,943.21, and at investment value He has written books on the subject fisher &tiv, lot; 2 6 :and `?i map of i quarts, (estirnate.) The- biggest snow storm of the and al w d y p ' and has been connected with man in- a7erty belan, iu to ,lane A. Goch-; i o. season was in progress; 16 inches of Inary to the completion of the job in $7,410,829,20, Y : s Sprout seed, 21/z lbs. the spring. p y p P teresting forgery eases. He is devel- >l, Southcild, to c, +i0e Carrot seed, 25 lbs., (estimate.) snow had fallen on a level. The mer- ' The Bank pays to its depositors 6 per k raniti Haurus &°�. to Frank Stove*-1 i 14, acre small onion sets, 100 cury fell to 7 above zero. Our people should feel much ride in cent on all sums u to 600, and 4 per !opcng a device now that utilizes the .18 A e s Aivah'c, lane adj land 1 Bushels (estimate.) The jury disagreed,in the case of ['P the fact that our village now owns cent on the balance u $to $6,000. De» camera in the detection of forged aig- ;Philip Monahan;,also 4 A e s Al- i 78 as corn, 1,200 bushel corn; g P natures-a simple, but effective method °f h s lane adi land of Jacob A. 13111-� Charles C. Alfl vs. Howard Franklin. Y l ;ti,-i 1 5,000 sheaves of stover. Defendant was charged with disturbing three water-front parks-two anthe ba draw from Jan, Now alai .that has attracted attention from ver- look, CutchoI e, tax, _ .__. _. 1 seas,250;000 sprout plants. the ease and threatening to shoot and one on the creek, Those who come _ p 1 .< ar sous parts of the world. An account of Edvnn H. Brown &w to Ch rl s W. j after'us will add to pride , a thank- good time to start an account, Your I __-_- -.....— ,Alff. f loess that we perhaps do not realize investment is absolutely safe, it was given in the LiteraryDigest of Minei about 1 cow- hi_-d rA e s New Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Watson of ' Daniel-,W. Leonard, father of Rev. n p p ('Cda Beach to plu dis P()i?t 1cl ar1J Bank of Southold Oct, 1. to-day, as was evinced possibly in the _ __ --_-- --.- l:until of part, of seemed part, llac, Boston announce the-marriage of their F. G. Leonard of the Universalist William E. Booth, formerly of South- View Southold, tax, 7.,i9i. daughter, Esther, to Mr. Albert Nel- Y I fact that only two from Southold, ra- The condition of the Bank of South- old, is now at the Masonic Home, + + church, died, aged 73 ears. r side from Commissioners Marshall and Tipple' y ,bered, not Y Mrs, Gilbert W.Horton of Bay View.; old at the close of business on Dec. 31, Utica, N. Y. Mr. Booth is the third Brooklyn, Jan. 7, William Bar Beebe,were among the workers.Peen n• Boot of Southolbrother d, sed 79 ears Wil as otos of our be successful teachers died, aged 53 years. * son Ti le" on Januar 8 922. Miss son will ame lc, Indian Neck, and South Harbor + Home. Next 259,44. The capitalr is $25,000; surplus month- oldest ihewill Masonry nter this .64h year is >; Y John A. 'Purner died, aged 4l years. nNaturally responded to this first call. - every High t that in way tended in the High School but a a friend t Southold will answer later, for East and undivided profits, $18,422.64. The this great Order. Five Years, go v Y Y y -- e - E_ _ ____ __. - -- --- TW®]1.ty. ®®G•Q � to promote the interests of Southold. r deposits are$347 836.80. - " -�#�� 1n�heS iD 'Hain In ���� Isn't East oar �U'•eat, West in this oldj This Bank opened for business on Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Salmon Are t1a.,w, 2..(r fawn. All her people are one and' spending the winter in Florida. people attend- AThi 13, 1908, and has hada steady _.__. � ukte.a number of our p p Since she left here, she has specialized Wm. 0. Davids of Pecomc, who has. p precipitation what benefits part, benefits all. rest convenience to the dedication of the Mattituck M. in the study and demonstration of prob- kept a record of the rain reci itation growth, It is a g ilei 3 C.FlerrEsCor<1 Cana to Thomas lems relating to rural life. The best o� an t� Christmas 'free the people of Southold and has proved a ""Ll, Pender, lot w . highway let lt,church'Southard rented the Villefeu for many years, reports the fall for x Josephwishes of many friends are extended 1921 as follows:. FINANCIAL. STAT�ME�1T good financial investment for its stock- iy'entlui-1 til tnn's��I"aint,_tax��C�tS1�0. her at this time. i holders, now paying a semi-annual div- house. Payne entered McGill Uni- T__ January 3.03 F. T.Jennings submits the following fleury M. Pay _ _.__._.___ - _--- February 1.50 report, shaving the receipts and ex- idend of five per dent. The careful and Twenty-Five Years Ago Otto L. Kramer sailed Tuesday on I March 4.00 conservative management of the Bank a:e �+ �p®® /�� a yersity,Montreal. the S. S. George pensee connected with the L`ommunity Evangelistic services were being held old home at H�imburVa Germtan for April 2 73 Christmas Tree. deserves great crediC for its financial The thermometer regietered�8-above in Southold every afternoon and even- -g:_..---- 3'y _._._ May 3.53 -� 1 standintz.. __. zero. E.0.Fickeissen&w to C.L.Howard Received D. H. Jackson was re-engaged as 10g' Fleet and Mise Jane lot w s Railroad ave oda land J. Co-1 June 6.78 . Subscriptions $46.00 Hunting uceDses, Rlfllfam A. July 6.30 sexton of the Presbyterian church. g•tw1, Southold non id p _.__ z.__ _.. _. u During the year 1921 Tawn Clerk J• L+agle Hook and Ladder Co. elected Smith were married. Y .• August 3.40 30.00 David Lee, formerly of Jersey City, lot s s Kar. 1 Ave,evrdj land William September 1.50 Collection _ Tafel $ 6.00 bt. Hallnek of Southold Town issued the following offiaers Foreman W. H. ry -, ad -__ October 1.06 . l Paid 1522,resident hunting licenses and 42 Gagen;Aset.Foreman,N.Carey; Sec.," N.J., has purchased the property from Lowery, Sau hold, tax bold to uevvis $oro, F i U0. November 6 36 ,.,Jectrical Fixtures and 'Work $60.00; non-resident end alien hunting licenses• Louis Baumann; Treas., C. T. Gordon. Thos. Farley on the North Road, where 7 �rilliam H. Swartout &w to Anna December 1.70 Oranges and,Express 13.60 Most of the latter gn to those who Dr. A. C. Loper, who recently locat- he,and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson Boschen, parcel 288x94`2 ft n s Kings, $68.60%hunt on the preserve at Fishers Island. ed here, decided to move to Greenport. of Bay'View, will conduct a first class highway adj land W. H. 'Swaxtout,� Total 36,87 Total The Southold lawn Clerk issues more Southold, tax, $1,0.50•, The total rainfall of 1920 was 42,60. Balance on hand deposited in the nen-resident licenses than all the other --- boarding house. Charles Brown of Matt"stuck takes - Nassau Point Club Properties to The average for the past eight years Southold Savings Bank as a towns of Suffolk. Mica Marjorie Van Wyck has entered •W• J. Foster, lot lel., Nassav-Point,! was 36.37. the place of S. J. Tannhauser as Asses- Community Christmas Tree __C. " Fand $12.60 C. R, Becktold wired the echcoN. tent Station Agent of the L. I. R. It. the Carson: Peck Memorial Hospital, ---'-----�` -----__.-__,._..__ _ house for electric light during vacation Mr, Tannhauser bas been transferred Nassau faint ~C;lon Inc., to,Philip Through the real estate agency n ed .. Brooklyn, in training for a trained Y + g Leicht, Mrs. Hattie Zenzius has rented v week- to Springfield, L. I. nurse. Hussa, lot No. 9 pan xrsa of r air place at Bay View to Joe Savage. set Attendance A« Antone Blaaos, Lloyd Dickerson, YThe will of Jonathan H. BgiB-1 Constance Terry,Julius Zebroskc. Perfect Attendance French I Twenty-Five Walks on Civics ears Ago Charlotte Kart Frances Overton 94 scan, late of Southold, disiaa5es of l Gerald , Hobson, ; The following• 41 of tentative outline " ®�'�' tai] e:;t<..te valued at $3,500 by be- GRADE TI Joseph Krukowski Francis Thom son. French III, Rev. J. A. Matheson filled`the r Rensselaer Tarry 90 P P of the taikia to iia+given on some topics pulpit riueathing John S. Boiaseau, son,igene Lehr 91 b our local t.alvuL." Tile cmmse has of the Presbyterian church, "if,0• lsctlrel Boisseeau, LIf,mci_ Marg m Williams9Vilirt90 GRADE VI y C' ' '- � Margaret Kart 89 Helen Terry 91 been arranged by ;a uc,n,ntitlee rilipuink- Rev. D, W. Howell of the M. E, 1 daughter, $250 and gives the resi-, Doris Williams 96 ed by the Home Bureau. 7'he talks church was preaching a series of ser- (due to Emma C. Boisseatt, laugh-1 Agnes Zebroski 89 AliceBloomfield .92 History C. Will bpi Igiveri in 1'r,rtec Herr I;nl inr. mons on Christ. Ltey,_ ylio is named as executrix. II Pauline Albertson 88 Eugene Lehr 90 James Baker Louise Overton 91 . 88 Examinations-90 or over The snow storm of last week was the Grace Vreeland 90 English III 1ioa;se, on thcs iei'tc�i•neons of the regu- The Southold town tractor snowplow Fannie O'Vsianik greatest sines the blizzard and more w is Join good work in di in out our Carol Gomez 88 Lillian Stelzer 89 lar me,°tinge of alis 1lorna Bureau at g g gg' g• 2,30. snow fell than in March, 1880. It was l roads, some of which were badly block Helen Warciski $6 � Henrietta Fickeissen 88 Marjorie Hagerman 93 Jan. 2u--�Coullt:y Government, J. N, the largest snowfall in forty years, and ed by the recent snow storm. 86 Martin Lehr 87 English IV Mary Butler 85 Elalicick. 80 inches full on a level. The roads - __----- Frederick Kart 86 Eugene Lehr 90 were impassable and it was several Congressman Hicks has appointed to Barney O'Vsiapik 86 Robert Carroll 85 f Feb. 10--•:hate_ Government, ll,)n. P the West Point Military AcademyEd- French I John G. 1?uwn i. days before the were du out. There ward Ehrhardt of Southold and Lew- Perfect Attendance Perfect Attendance � Frances Overton 98 Y Y g Feb. 24—Inauranco, Israel 1'. 'T'erry. was no train from the city from Wed- I James Baker March 1()_-•10inanuial 1'rublerns, A. li. nesday to Saturday night. The train is Grif6ng of Last Hampton. Grace Vreeland` English I due here Thursday noon got stuck in a p GRADE III Helen Thomson 91. Cosden. Geo. A. Maier has purchased the , GRADE VII hank between Mattituck and Cutch- residence of H W. Simons. Leonie Stacy 95 l Latin T Marr ti Z4—W„men, Children and the sBertha Hipp 92 Katherine Hilliard 88 ogue and remained there until Saturday ._ Donald Robinson 95 «, y -” Flora Albertson 88 L>aw, tx,aorga(;, 1.:.,rry, merry, o x 3c w to R w merry, lot w a Frances Wadsworth 92 Course co he coi,tinu d next fall. might. Marguerite Ehrhardt, 86 History C Main st adi land late of H E Huxtt,ng, South-I Annaaveski Thomas IIaII 9 nom 92 Joseph Bond 86 The biggest snow storm for years Lold .. :. Hedwig Weygand' 90 Dr henry M. 1'aiync rc eerrtly wrote swept over part of the country an Sat Charles S. Well=s drw to llenry W. Norma Van Wyek 90 ; Harry Weygand 85 Geometry Engineering and Mining Jour- Fishes lot e s Main, st adi 1 and of, James.Duce Marjorie Hagerman S)5 for alis E urday and Sunday, with its center at 1 . 0. 1�Iarrisun, Soutli Id,_ta,x tS7.1 3' 90 Perfect Attendance nal an article on Roe pit Developments Samuel p _ Helen Krukuski Harriet Horton 93 g ., « J. Conwaysirno 10 Bernice Simone, Harry Weygand ai in Mining in Jalisco and Nagarit, now'Washf ton, a It where"tail inches of 1y P. Hildreth, ref, Alice i a Jerome Grattan $8. Frances Overton �8 j Mexico. snow fell. We felt the tail end of Anna Nester � GRADE VIII Gertrude K+eke �G the storm here. In some places the ton's Point, known as 13ru�,vn ;oirrt 88 Biology A cold wave struck here Sunday roads bad to be dug out, The L. I. R. ,Sout,ho'd,,tax, r ' Violet Boergeason 86 Catherine Thompson 88. gY 4.v0. Mary Naster 8B Clara Tuthill 85 Henry Dickerson 90 nlgtit and it has continued to tate proe- R. ran a snow plow and the Sunday Lillian W.rBillard &ano to George Helen Thompson 90 ent time. On Monday the mercury noon train was not very late. We Stepnw,kl, 15 A s s Main South rd Francis Strasser 86 Perfect Attendance registered 9; Tuesday, 8; Wednesday, never had better sleigbing than we had 'di hand S. Edgar Tuthill, Pcconic, Howard Caley g5 Helen Boiaseau, Marion Sayre, Clara Physical Geography tax, P cyFc. $5. Georgiana Ste noski 85 Tuthill. Thomas Hall __ HIGH SCHOOL J5 t; 2; 'T'hursday, 7, the first of the week, but there are not George A. Maier &w .to Felix Ta in- Wifford Wiseman 85 Eugene Lehr £rain Bedell &w to Jahn Prouder- many sleighs nowadays, .2's-tt� I{owsl i ! w, Helen Terry 91 Trigonometry Regents r _ 11 A n s IClain South rd Last ,Monday Molida r Perfect Attendance Y g g 1 itclj land of G. Cr. Richtnoitd, Southold„ 95 Fast„ lot e s Bridge lane adj land of Y night Miss Ruth tax, $9,i Paul Baker, Howard Caley, Alberta Eugene Lehr 90 Thomas Hall ''W. 0, Davids, Peconic,_tax, $2, Hummel and Mr. Percy Vreeland -- --_— = i Dickerson, Robert Grattan, James Thomas Hall 89 i Greenport, Jan. 21, by Rev. C. A 'Fi=re married by Rev. W. H. Lloyd, New Suffolk, Jan. s, Harrison H. Grattan, Francis Strasser Hedwi Marjorie Hagerman 86 Regents Examinations Tuthill, aged 68 years, 9 months, 1b ygand ' . HarrietHorton86 tuigley, Hurry S. Horton and Miss Mr. Vreeland is pleasantly known days. We , Muriel Young. Spelling ' Ia thel May Raynor, butte of New Suf- Beatrice Hodgins 85 folk, here by his ringing and contact Brooklyn, Jan. 20, Benjamin Duryee GRADE IV Clara Tuthill of Southold aged about 70, ears. Adelaide`Sterling 85 97 99 with the public while in one of aur g Y Esther Booth Catherine,Thom son l Southold, Jan. 21, Jonathan H. Bois- Southampton Hospital, Jan. 24 Mar 92 Helen Thompson 85 P ,. red front ,stores. Miss Hummel P P y Noreen Wiseman 91 Virginia Malmborg 9 aeon, :,gad JZ years, 8 months, 7 days, Zeneska of Bay View,aged 11 years. Perfect Attendance Marion Albertson J6 1 Hauppauge, Jan. 19,-Mrs. Benjamin also is known in business, having __._ __- _ Dorothy Christie yo _ F. Prince, aged 71 ,years. been for Sometime in the Bank of Robert Gagen 90 Henry Dickerson. Arthur Gagen,, Florence;Akscin 93 SCHOOL NOTES Donald elen i r, l Cutcholzue, Jan. 23, Samuel S, Har- Southold. � '�f Horace Symonds 90 Eugene Lehr, Robinson,, Helen;Boissesu 93 rix, aged 85 years, 5 months, 2 days. ___._ ® • a Marie Dogherty 89 Thompson. j Hazel Baumann 91 _,- Mr, and Mrs, H. V. Neal have just Report for Second Quarter Alfred Baker 86 Class Averages of 90 or over 1 Chester Rich 90 Nassau Point Club to Freida E. returned from their seven months' stay Average of 85 and over Marguerite Gallagher 85 Morgan, lot "">76 & rig of 275`on nia i Algebra Alfred Wadsworth 86 "1 l in England, where Mr. Neap studied in Eileen Mahoney 85 Frances Carroll 86 of Nassau Point Prop., tax, tfi'l' Oxford and London Universities. Mrs. GRADE I Robert Booth 90. Same to Arthur 'DeBehan, lot No. Jennie Romanski 85 William McKeon 85 '78,'tax, , .k.>0. Neal was enrolled in the courses of the Terry,Tannings 94 Walter Williams 85 Max Newbold 9U Edna Butler 84 Same to 11arriet I., Rosman, lot: Summer Meetings at Oxford. During Edgar Smith 94 Perfect Attendance Geometry Charles Gagen 82 Nu. 65, tax, 1 50 ' their absence, Mr. and Mrs.Neal visit- Constance Terry 93 Helen Bond 95 Goldsmith Horton 81 ,same to Leon B. Tuekur &w, lot; Dorothy Jennings, Eileen Mahoney, Helen Terry 94 No. E14, tax, 1.Gti.' ed Mia• Neil's sister, Eleanor, in Am Julius Zebroski 91 elen Romanski Horace Symonds. Mary Strasser 81 tiami� to «lahn H. C;aviti, 1'� A s sterdam and made a tour of the French Dorothy Howell 89 Y Marjorie Hagerman 90 TTorsc Shoe rd, tax, ��'.. battlefields. They stepped .for one Ruth Cbristiansen 89 � GRADE V. Harriet Horton 90 Elementary English Same to Marguerite ;. '1'hnm;ort, night in Southold enroute for their Elizabeth Baker 89 t Evel n Van W ck g2 Gertrude K e 90 Anita Jacobsen 76 lots '3 & 4, tax, Ali home in Boston. Helen Nester 88 Helen Dickerson 91 TrigonometryMary Lenahan 95 Pan , Inez Myers 87 Dwight Bridge 90 Eugene Lehr 94 United States History and Civics Na ,,ctu Point Club to Ilarceld P. Beverly Gordon 87 Alice Downs g Mar Lenaban 82 Martin, lot 11 & 12 Scut'o!d, tai 82. Y 87 Thomas Hall 93 Marion Sayre 76 .- .. _ .;.._ The Shiloh Baptist.Church had . ( Y ' Anne Thompson 87' Marie Ducey 86 Rtti'ulc T. Mol'rc+Il &w to 'taco., , Latin I tut cs s Citchogue Deg,ot ltsnc+I its first annual meeting in the Mary Hobson 86 Frances Gordon 86 Presbyterian ; Parish House on Josie Zaneski 95 Geography- Emery, aacij land of A. R. Gould, Cautcha,gue,I � Miriam-Fickeissen 85 � Doris Leicht 86 George Warciski 78 tax, $8� I Wednesday afternoon So hie Smith 86 Latin III _ _ _-. ._._ Edna Butler 75 Harriet Horton 91 -- HEM i t, ,� iJharh Ed Gaetz of Minneapolis. Minn., u. i J English It Southold Co visiting nis father-in-law, F. Fick®ia-' Electricity v Southold. We are glad to announce that MT. `•�•'wenty-Fi.ve, Years Ago f and Mrs. Harold Kellock and family, `• v^000 fr 97 Charles Gagen 71 The members of the Southold Colored sen. The Public Service Commission has Harry Case 87 Ghnrch wish to thank the people for -- - gluten consent for the sale of the prop- who spent last season in one of Edwn Henry Edgar leased his farm to Latin 11 j what they have done for the church The Southold Evening Class for For arty of the Southold Lighting Co. to H. Brown's places,are to become more Charles B. Ullerich and moved to Gertrude Koko g{l since they have been raising money to ei ners now numbers ten pupils. or lees permanent residents at Cedar Greenport, g p the Long Island Lighting Co., under p Altha Smith 60 purchase the land and build a church. Lucinda Ludlow, the terms agreed upon between the two Beach. Mr. Kellock has bought the R. S. Sturges took a contract to. The Burn of$1,772,20 has thus far been Peconic, Feb. 2r , house that they occupied and will make build a house for Martin Lehr. French It widow of Josbus Smifib, aged 92 years companies. it an all-year-round home. Mr. Kel- Rev. J. A. Parsons completed his Irene Griswold collected. The collection at the Parish I$months, 29 dayB. Word, has been received from the y p P 60 House last Thursday evening am Long'•Island Lightin%Co. that it. hopes lock is a writer of high standing, Mrs. evangelistic work at the M. E.church. French III y Twenty-Five Years Ago to install electricity in Southold within Kellock y y y tq $,2,3.7$, More mons is needed to ,a lad abreast with the times- Some small boys set fire to some ha Beatrice Hodgins 70 complete the ghurch and the members " _ - devoted to her familybut alive to all in Miss Susie B. Huntting's barn,but it watac� t he next 15 days. �OT�'� have them all comet stay, pleased to was put out before any damage was The first robin of theson was __._.____..__ interests. We are indeed Algebra awillbe id, very thankful to all who will seen, SC;R O done. Max Newbold p e ® - - --- - The soot in the chimney of the M. I;. Geometry Baltimore parties chartered steamer Felix Krokoski and familyhave mov church caught fire. Salt and water Helen'Bond 65 (,,, v,World 1A a orial mvi.-, Shinnecock to run on Chesapeake Bay. ASIIINGTON's BIRTHDAY PICOGRAM ed into their newt I Mrs, Frank 'Fleishmann returned a purchased home- were placed in the furnace to create Trigonometry The Memorial Monument to our boys from a trip to her old home in Ger- �Song, "Americas`' followed by flag the Goo. •A, Maier glace. Mr, and' steam and water was poured down the "Phomas hall 95 and girl who served in the World War many. salute; reading, Show the Flag, Mrs. Maier will live with their son chimney. In a short time all danger Eugene Lehr 85 was placed on its base in front of the The Jail Bird, a 5-act drama, was Mary Strasser; a Washington Exercise; Ernest for a few weeks until Mr. Stacy was past. Chemistry Southold Savings Bank on Wednesday presented in Belmont Hall by the Fifth Grade Girls; recitation, George moves out of their newly purchased David Laurens Horton died, aged 91 Thomas Ball $7 morning by Wm. M. Beebe. The mon- Greenpartanother biDramatic g to R►aabington," Florecce HortAlison; Cur- home-the Herbert W. Simons glace. on•. son ..- -._... years Writing anent is of unhown granite and on its We bad g storm and rent. Topic, Goldsmith , •. g, - _— the roads were blocked in laces; Goldsmith Horton front is a bronze tablet containing the p d6 Washington," Chorus of H. S. and Last'..Friday morning the mercury We hear mush praise for our young! 86 Prof. D. P. Horton gave a very in; Telling about George registered four below zero, and we.bad I i Charles Gagen 85 names of those who Served in the Army teresting "Chat with Boys and Girls," 8th grade girls; g friend, Israel P. Terry, from the fe r Marion Sayre and Navy and In the Nurse% Corps,� at Belmont Hall, Washington, Fifth grhde boys; read- uhda oldest.dag of the season. On Sat-i but interested people, who attended the: y 82 Suitable dedicatory exerciBes will be: g e r g y Mary Lenaban g0 M- - � g America the Beand- , but it began to moderate very Civics Claes, held last Friday after• in , The Fla on the Farm, .Alice y marnin at was only four above, f held on Decoration]Day. The monument i The vJ i.11 of William A Haynes, Gordon; song, (aero noon, in the Home Bureau room. P,re. i Reading was purchased of pdr. Beebe, and the ;l ai,ca csf l't'.+.o'i ic, ils nor 4:, of iii es- ! er _..--____..P �_�-_ Terry spoke on Insurance, a subject in Charles Gagen U, 3 stanzas; recitation r; I Ode fast after the sun.came u fonds for its purchase were obtained t.°tte v..Ilu ed at $3,00€➢. 11%rTlet A, to Washington," Eugene Lehr; Impor-I Mrs Ella B. Hillock was one of the which be is deeply interested and o i Goldsmith Horton I-layne; widow;, r`',;sive i r her �� which be has put much study. There Mary Lenaban i.by the L. V, I, S. or- 1 tjvyt,%ct it, tl�c tostato, s rnal en -to boys;,recitatiion, "The SeMo Monument," guests and speakers at the Annual p , February, Marian Sayre An Evening School for Adult F ;arid the iter oC lioi��ecateacl diaril2g y ' Luncheon of the Woman'e-Club of Riv were less than twentyladies resent, farted in Arahamom- Grace Vreeland; Recitation, "A Petri-� but Israel has every one of thein solid - her li 9tirne o:°tat:til slap remarries , �: ,erhead, held'last Saturday. Her soh- etgners has been s „ John Purcell; son The - o ae, Thep l ' otic Creed, 3 , g, q principal of the achooJludMe, i ttiiil ,,�, oafi c.t to l`.'li's. Iiaync�a' do�v- I�ectwas, `.`Mary, the Mather of Wash- for him as a friend and admirer. �'�lren$y�Five Yearsl go Gallup, and Mrs. Robert P. g or in a•n,t a., of reel estate, all of Star Spangled Banner. - . o "'. jay - _-. - - The electricity current has lincri e r > � ! tl e ic,rlty ori beciaettthecl to _ .._-_.__- i ,who is a well known ex-teacher in that', _ y g an turned on and connections with busi- 1~red B, Booth was appointed Special community, have charge of the class. C S,weear:Y. in trust, lie to collect' Twenty-Five Years A90 Israel P. Terry will give a talk �-, . � ®4" � �, � Insurance before the Home Bureau on nese places and residences will soon be Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff Woad. Five pupils were enrolled the first even I r�nts and income and to >apply I, ' Friday afternoon of this week. 'Mr. made. Special evangelistic services were be* join. ' sonic: toward the. sup'y,.1 t o, Miss erusba W. Horton w�making Terry is well qualified,to s eek on.this '--- ing and more are expected to 3 _ Clastics �il�. Hubbard, �rF ndsoli,l y 9 p Log hold in the M. E. church. The pus- -- , I a two months stay in Washington, D. I The sale of the place o£S. Tannhrans- ttnless the testators daughter,,. subject. ._- i er to Charles W. Turner was made tot was assisted by Rev. J. A. Parsons pECONIC + C, Acle A, Schultz, of Babylon, Herbert W. Siinaus &w to Geor a through the real estate agency of H. of Grove City, Pa. M I;• Carrington and others have �ihauld b"corie a vlidau' and in that' Miss Annie Korn was teaching at g y J. B. Terry made a trip to Florida. G. II. Terry and another a lot Ata�ei, let onTarth t�Ianz st oda '1W._Gordon. ease to divide the income between Grassy Point; N. Y. -- - .g sold to i�idn }z..I,trev_ Rev. Dr. Louis Albert Banks of the on the south side of the, main road ad- the grandson and the daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lehr, Conrad Sm,:hold'- A, $3.01 Michael Purcell has resigned as aiia$1� rc Brooklyn, joining land of J, Grathwohl,this vii- ,After the remarriage or death of Leicbt and Fred Leicht returned from I�• S. Jo'wt to 'T. J. Pliillius, lot a carrier and J. E. Reney takes his place. Hanson Place M. E. Church, Y , � g 0, and Franklin F. Ov- , , ' Maple ave adj hair D. M Pettii., - gave a lactate in the me lage, for $5,5( , an extended visit to Mr. Lebr a old �Ovmthold, tax, _ _ k1,,p• ' Inheritance." erton has bought from Muth side .which she is�gizreneto tl e�u�e dux- home in German - We had quite a heavy snow storm Cause an Women e.Yah and ethers a lot on the y 117. E. Moot e &ora to I',F. Cve rton; Martin V. Gordon sold his fetus to The Ladies' Society of the Presbyte- lot s,s Main rd.adj land J. Victoria., Wednesday eveni 'YYtA"' � of J. Victoria. ' equally nom.i s the proceeds n divided ; rian church celebrated Washington's t� -- --__-__��_ «y Grattan.--At the E. L. I. .i. the Main road adjoining land formerly �ing bei• lil'�i;im�, is to be sold an Thornes H. Bennett. � T� i i � .. 1 occasion of the 45th wedding ar.ring the daughte_, „rar "on, I Birthday in ye olden style. George and.. ,l. F. Carrington &oxo to 'G. H. Cal; Saturday, February 2,�t�i, r 4°the George Ehrhardt, who is now a stu- za•nrt Mabel E. Iliibhard. Arid Mt ' creno Smith and torr &ono l' anniversary of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. sit will enter •lett A. Hubbard, granddaughters. Martha Washington ($ Y , lot i s bfairt rd �IdJ laud Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grattttha wall Dr. Whitaker was dent at Syracuse Uoiver y, �t J fx a $ab00, Mr. a ld, a daughter. }Epher Whitaker, the West Point Military Academy next There was a big full-of enaw on'Dues- Amy Sturges) were'present, as were __ tthtivolil_Peronic, __ �__ Feb. 18, by Rev. Earl H. J - preBerttad with ; beautiful chair, and g also several o£their-friends. Ndattituck, _ I Mrs. Wed with was the recipient of a June. - day night and Wednesday--one of the The Farmers' Meeting at Belmont Devanny, Gray Waldron Clark of Bordeaux, France, Feb. 4, Bartlett g 1 H. Moore of Southold and Mme. Andre sum of money. Dr. Henry Msee Payne has been heaviest storms of the season. The big Hall;under the auspices of the State ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. 'Macomber Roubet of Bordeaux Laurel and iMdias Eunice White dao h- -- •�°-- '" elected President of the Anthracite tractor was out in the afternoon clear- Agricultural Experiment Station, was of Greenport. iC� Gaal consumers' Association, Inc" lust ing th etrfoaowed by another big snow largely attended. - Southold, Feb. 22, Anna, wife of An- Vital Slatla the sacristy of the Church of' tone Jernick, aged 62 years. organized in N. X. City. ___ _. had sleet, N l S_ Charles HenryHenr Der of Mr.and Mrs Notre Dame, at Bordeaux, France, on y During the year 1921 there were 1q1 storm. _ °7 Cutcbogue, Feb. 25, Elizabeth, v1d- Miss Langlois is meeting concert en- Lenora Viola,dough Chas. M. Post, were married. Feb. 4, Bartlett H. Moore was united ow of John Dixon, aged 74 years, 5 births and 615 deaths In the Town of ementsWe had another snow storm Saturday in marriage to Mme. Andre Roubet. months, 26 days. Interment at St. p and New p _ night and Sunday. j"'�t• "�' Mr. Moore is the only ex-service man Patrick's Cemetery, Southold. in - --- S4outhold, exclusive of the i,ncar orated Brunswick this weielrr eI his a "Village of Greenport. There were 68 ___ - �__- -- Mr. and Mrs.•L: W. Korn and Mr. _...__- are noy� payable at � on the East End, to our knowledge, to Leon Stepnosky and family will move marriagee in the Town, including Miss Elsie Hummel is employed as Thrift'Stamps and Mks. Thomas Farley left 01) Sunday take a war bride. We wish the couple this week to Bridgebampton, where Green rt• Clerk in the Bank of Southold. the Post OfCice:' for a trip t the 1'Sunny South." a long life of happiness and success. Mr. Slepnosky has a fine position on an _... -- r,�.. ~" 'Franklin F, Overton to Josepli Twenty-Five YeR1CS ® O ]C)ulccrwsl:i,ryl3 A s iYlaiit rd oda land bifss Ethel Jones has been engaged L. W. Korn has sold his place to T'�en -Five Years Ago y o1 l)anlel aiitith,_1 aconic, tax, $2.50, is bookkeeper for the W. C. Albertson UIlY fling 0� � orlal - --I g _. _ Wm H Rufford. Southold, March IO ii Rev, Abram _ The _ _ _ -- d South- The , y Co. -^-- _ . old Villa QelwilWbe unvmealed in frontof Lewis,W. Born to Albert D. Kipp, Republican Town Convention Conklin, Arthur L'Hommedieu of Bab. g George M. Nowell attended the in- 1 Tanhauaer, S u va to C W Turner, lot n s fat S s Cottage Place adj land.of Lersvas ariacle the following nominations fir 9 on and Miss Lois Iva Baker of South• ga Bank on Satur. I , auguration of President McKinley. I 'rc)wn offices: Jalatice of the-Peace, old. bl�chanic st adj land C M Dowell, Soixtnold, the Southold Savin Southold tax, - liulitl)l;own Branch Methodists called ._ $2,000 day, April 1, at 2 p. m. W. Korn, _. k E'lisha M. Rackett; Assessors, Marcus Twenty-Five �BR�s gga .- - The program is as follows: John C Moffat&ors to C' J dofi'at P,' Rea.J. W. Simpiion for another year. Stepnoski, L & w to L 141 Wiseman, lot w s ICI. Brown, fleury C}, Horton; Overseer Singing, &ors, 1 A e . Boisseau ave, veli) land i#ao. L. Worth of 1'eConiC 1t30Vet1 1R)t4 t Til Hall" f'i0 rn19- • '�" ��� B / rd ad] land L A Tuthill. Southold .....$2,OQb America. Of Benjaniln B Tuthill,Southold,n;ni). ` y of four, Arthur W. rb m _.. _.._._ _ - Prayer, Rev. Abram Conklin, _ _ .�,...__. _. _. Mrs. It. L. Downs house at Greeks)de, sioner of Highways, Robert V. A. Fitz; Rev. William H. Lloyd preached In Case, G H & w to L T Horton, lot n s New Gafien, W T to J P Carroll, lot e s P,ailroad Conklin g - Suffolk lane adj land S C Beebe, Cutchogue, Poem, Ren, J.T.Langlois• : John J. Conklin and Bert Rowland + av adi land W T Gagen, Southold ......nom Capt. ' B. Terry returned home from his -__- -._ nom Singing,Battle Hymu of the Republic ------.-- ._---- I Gollsctar, ]±rank'r, 1lortan; Game Can- the Presbyterian church as a candidate. J. y _ again shipped on sell. Halon 1., Gap stable, Fred G. Mulford; Constables, i Overton.—.fit the P. L. 1. Ho�,pi-! Address, Rev, Father McGrath. Greenport, March 23, by Rev, Mr. i Rowlaud. rip to Florida.. Singing, America Eeautiful, Heady, J. Roy Grover of Cutofaoue James S. ail, W, Iletmald Reeve, Al-A1- ta,l Tuesday, March 21St to Afr. and Mise Louise U.over of Macomber ee e W. Corey Albertson was elected fred R. Vail, Wrn, W. Sterling, Ed- Alfred R. Vail declined the Republi• ,t Glad Mrs. Bryant rg ' Pros i�ellt of the Eastern llasw York In S' r °flit Overtoil of� 11th_ Unveiling Song,School Children, ort. can nomination for Constable,sand the -- ward 0. Chapman; Town trustees old, a son. Roll Call,Fred K. Terry. ter ' Otic Athletic Association, ladward W,Latham,George H,Cieavea, name of Daniel W, C3rattan was substi- ___ .. Response, Rev. Win. H. Lloyd. Twenty-FivB Years rto�C� _ - QlIj*t V. Penney and Miss May C Jonathan B, Terry, Jeremiah G, toted in his place. Auburn, N. A March 13, jtmer . Singing, Star Spangled Banner. ���, � Prince were married. Tuthill, James L. Reeve. r Terry & Albertson contracted with ,,Quarty of Southold and Miss Bertha Ta s. Ali ht vote was w-- , Shornhitl Bros:of Greenport to rebuild '`Sawyer of Riverhead: p g polled 'at `Town The 1 rohibitionisis made the follow- <, Bros. Sao _ _-�_ _ -._.. Director of Program, F. G. Wads- Meeting, only 1125 votes being dolled. 'Through the real vetate agency of I. iog nominations: Justice of Peace, Southold w e Lloyd, March 18, by Rev. Wm. H. worth, The Republicans made a clean 6weep, Leicbt, the fallowing gaffs kava been George W. .Hallack; Aaseasazs, Rna- Rev. H. H. Beattya of Jamaica gay. Lloyd, John A artin bchriefer and Miss Director of Music, Miss Ruth Lang electing every man on their Uel at by made: Conrad Ilipp to Louls Bednos- a lecture under the auspices of the Ep Matilda Case, both of Pe- well H. Tuthill, S. Bailey Carey; Ov, conic. Joie, the largest majorities ever reczla•ued in ki; )lace an I3oisHc#au Av.; Lec>rl Step- o worth League on "The Duty and Re- - >.__ �__;-_>._ _ ___.-._ ---__ y� g �, I i erseer of lour, Austin B. Tuthill; Com -.1 to Richard Wiseman, place an iniseioner of Hi hwa s, Clarence H. T. sponsib)lity of the American Citizen. New Rochelle, N. Y,, March 20, Lee- If storm the service will be heldinthe Town, The average ex east was Belmnot Hall. 325. The officers elected were. Justice Mechanic St., F. F. Overton to Joseph Bl Collector, James Riel° Game At the auction sale of woodland.and ter C. Albertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. ° � Constable � • Vail;� building lots belonging to the late Hen- Joseph C. Albertson of Cutebague, ', If`pleasant, and the meeting is held of Peace, Elisha,M. Rockett; Asses- , Krukowaki, property at kiei anic. Ganatable, William H. Consta- b i g aged 41 years. Interment' at Cutch- out doors,it is requested that there be cors, Marcus B. Brown, Henry 4.:1, Hor- " blas, Frederick Latham, Jesse Reeve, ry Huotting, Nathan Davis ptirciaased, ague. no more passing of automobiles than is lou; Overseer of Poor, ?.rthur 'J, pur• i C, Mortimer Glover, formerly of Westhampton Beach, March 20 La- absolutely necessary durin the hour of bush; Commissioner of- Hip,`hways, Southold,is now sales manager of the Benjamin 13. luthill, Joel Howell; the 6 sereno A,wF.dLower� purchased, Vint wife of John Rogers, 9 9 g Mission Tavern, an up to-date Euro Town Trustees, Jeremiah H• Vail, Wil- for$267, g s, and sister service. If vehicles have to.pass, it is. Robert V. A. Fitz, Collector, i auk T. eats len hotel at B Ilam H. tariffing, Gilbert E. Aldrich, the building:lots on Horton's Lane be: of Mrs. H. W. Gordon and Mrs. Mary hoped they will go very slowly and make Horton; Game Constable, Fred Cil. Mal. � Plan , Barbara, Cali- farnia. He is els The Democratic nominations will be tween Miss Ettie Payne's and the rail Sweezep, of Southold, aged^68NJrears. - as little noise as possible. Owners will. � o the manager of ford; Constables. James S Dewey, ' 'Granada, a unique home building pro- made next week. road for$210. "j.'wOuty-Five Years Ago please not park their cars inthevicini- Detmold Reeve, Daniel W. G ettun, The Democrats made the following j: t William W. Sterling,Edward 0. Chap- j jest. This involves the Construction of The Town Board estimated that the 9• from 40 to 50 high class homes. following sums would be necessary for nominations for Town offices: it > �-a s tofu year; of Peace, Bryant L. Young; Assessors, Ralph P. Booth was cl®rkifig for H. The public as cordially invited to do roan. It arts. va s•4 ,ta.i- ']Town expenses for the ensuing y W. Prince. honor on this day to our boys and girl At the annual pariah meeting i f the t ln;, L,� t,IW,4 of Roswell H..Tuthill, George H. Fleet; !)iii ca wirv�l tlu>ir ljt)'o(+ f., t ontingent Fund, $3,000; Highway ex- Cochran; Wm. H. Tuthill had a cherry tree in who served their country in.the World Universalist church, Gen. C. V ells was °Ik c ll•a,i a War. The Memorial is erected under elected trustee, and Moses T. Horton, to 1"r•o-ti•i) the cilE°rfa t h;t�, 1 ri t,it�,c:•�I� p ansae, $1,710 (taxpayers worked out Overseer of poor, William A. C , i kill Tho h anti .,crit bu int:?, iai.tc a•.�i most of highway expenses); Board of Commissioner of Highways, F. Asbury --i blossom' the auspices- ' g - are .a•lr,,lady Polo.iog, „ ' t ,. Tuthill; Collector, John L. Burns; Fred`G. prince entered the employofof the Ladies Village Im- treasurer. I Ilii ai�.,}lt. Health, $3UU, Excise money was used Francis Gerber Sayville, provement Society: _ Eagle Hook and Ladder Co, made the - far Overseers of Poor. Game Constable, Michael Burns; Con- ' following nominations for Fires i:Dopart- Garret @V. J. E. Corey was-adding an annex to On Thursday of last week the Junior Greenport, March 8, Jahn J. Bart- _... �stables, .Julius C. Terry, Mr. NicLure's house on Bay Avenue. meet officers: Chief,A.R. Mail; Asst. lett, in his 69th year. Funeral services >�, Il Howard, Jr., Albert G. Case, William Cooking Class of the"Home Bureau held At his late home Saturday, at 1 p. m. H'EAD'Y ° F.,Hommel purchased ,Mrs. Mar- an unusually interesting meeting. Chief, Frank, Wells;. ai T. John P. Zenzius; Town G p Ban Diego, Cal,, March 4, Charles M. - -- J. Bouteher, tha Baker's bouae on Railroad Avenue. Gordon; Treas., James J. Gakeua, I I.edyard, formerly of Southold, aged 75 ) Flatbush Trustees, Edward W. Latham, George R S. Sturges took the contraet _to Henry Jewell received them at his F. A. Barbour sold his place oaf Main year • , g 33 000,000 People Used the H. Cleaves, Jonathan B. Terry, Jere- shop;and instructed them in the differ- St. to Edwin 0. Harrison. build'a. holtse for M. V.Gordon. Avenue Depot in 1921 - " miah G. Tuthill, James L. Reeve. 13teamer Montauk made three trips a int cuts of bee*dissecting the whole ; �TA { ..Mrs. Thomas Carroll of Brooklyn, a animal, explaining each part, its use, a UaU�ri4�Il Ua �� During the year 1921, according to week to the city, coat, etc. Eleven of the class were j The will of the late John J. Bait et ores lately made public,.nearly 33; former Bummer resident of Southold, Rev D. W. Howell received a unani- I lett of Greenport leaves his entire The Thorndike-McCall Reading Scal , fig passed through the diad, aged 68 years. present and they took notes with pen- OOO OOA people p anoua call to return as pastor of the M•' ci]s which Mr. Jewell assented estate to his widow•, Mrs. Annie E. which is a test for ability to understand Flatbush Avenue depot of the Long ---___---_- p I Bartlett. En lith sentences, was given recently Railraacl Ca.; and around 20;, .--------- E. Ckiareh. g Tsl,in(, Wood, far seventeen them as souvenir$. A vote of thanks The will was filed for probate Mon- in the Southold High School. Thous- oo0,000 more passed through the Long l Prin. Wm. M. l e r lVewtou Goldsmith died, aged 8U was even to Mr, Jewell for his lustros- day by Lawyer Harr H. Reeve. The years Principal of'the East Bampton g' Y Y ands of pupils have been given this Island side of the big Penn Station in _ - petition for its probate fixes the value l p and High School and a former Principal of rive talk, ea interestingly given. :P test, making it possible for schools to New York. _--. __... ._.m . at upward of$13,000. Just lio�v much' >` given from the Gr -- - The, figures g Stance Shaw the Southold Union School, has accept- A grass`fire' last Thursday noon more than that sum swill be later g , compare their work with the average Central Statian> for instance, 1- act from the Board of Educt- Just °a, was expected the supper threatened •- shown on the transfer tea proceeding � i s travel to and from Long 15 1-1 a contr a ed the destruction-of Geo. C. is unknown. Mr. Reeve says the es ; obtained from hundreds of schools, th t the the Central h School, Sag Har- iven by the men of the Presbyterian tion of Pierson Hig velar last xliur„tla ayeninr was a Terry's barn at GVilloav Hill, ;The l+"iro tate will not be a ver large one. It( The pupils of each year of the South- and. is greater than later there were set as principal for the ensuing y 3 Y Lines, for over theis understood here that several years Grand Cen_ bur, to l�•eenrd breaker xiacl rather ecliprsed ; Department was called. out, but the old high School had vii average above' n,l 20 000,000 using the G hoof Bar. _ --� rdinary qu per effort,, elf then fait .fire was even extinguished., Ago Mr. Bartlett transferred consid- � e the general average of pupils from o school y _-� _ erable of his property, ex lout tliL'la<lies claim some of life -. tri Stations . _ t. ___ s widely known other schools. •turels as, they fried the' crullers. Mr. Bartlett wa _. .._ Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Henninger were Mrs. Mina H. Edwards Is spending `` Mr. and Mrs. Albert E._`Salmon re- ,throughout Long Island as a reales ” was the cleargain. The no their ver W' 1 tate ex art and founder of the well at Southold this week, packing same time with her daughter in Hal•' rain, which was impromptu, was to, last Wednesday from Jackson- I? Mr, and Mrs. Geo. C. Terry have N. J. I known title searching firm of Reeve 1. goods for shipment to Milltown, I_la�d. -- ighly enjrab'c'rl after sunpc�r;. Ville, Fla., where they have spent the Bartlett. moved into their new home at Willow g --.------- _after s_.. „ , Bart et Mir, Nenninger has purchased a 18- winter, 1 llCill. _- - _- _--_ _ gore-_farm at that place,._ _- SOUTHOLD UNVEILS FUGITIVU, NOW Southolds Llbrdrin /f,2ZIVAR MEMORIAL HELD ON TNNO CHARGES At the recent monthly meetior The large, rough granite mo nu trustees of Southold's Free ment, bearing a bronze plate, that orer of ��outhuld, who .1 �, " 1 has been erected at Southold by i,`nnth., �Igi on 1,I)L, ;:, Miss Jane Robinson tendered bww R��ip Co6ii-wi, nation as librarian, and Km citizens as a memorial to the a., L Greevrivit and stealilg a quam, Booth sent in her application for Ilk Southold men who fought in the and who 11ater esen-r(l Place. Both were accepted. Irm World War, was unveiled Saturday was rearreAtO(i It SrWth- Robinson has filled this difficult ill with appropriate ceremoiiii-s.-Tho old 1pst iv-,ek by Dc-puty Sheri�r Fi.;,' memorial stands on the high Booth and turned over to Deput;,! for a year, and the fine condition of On ground in front of the Southold Sberiff Forres, Conklin or Grpenp,): Library testifies how ably she has U&d Savings Bank. The Tatter took b(,r-):-., it. Indeed she has put her whole oW. The bronze plate contains the J,,;Aieu of th- Prlfie,_� W. �V. Griil'�� into the work. With an intimm" names of Southold's young men alld the Pri.snllel' wa, knowledge of books and authors, abe and one young woman who were lor t1w Jury (in two C!I:T has brought high ideals to the Library. called to the colors and saw ser- i,lti,rp�!ary, at�pl I")!� C"I��1 1)1 T I_1' 1:11 sorne of which she has been able to am vice overseas with army or navy 'U, �ustod�, Czcnijow-ki P"n� :il Southold t') CoPc,(.� $11;1, V ; materialize Inadcoluate physicall' during the World War. ainied wa-i owin- hiiii f' The Ladies' Village Improvement (I 1 01- 1:0)w- strength and the fact that within a few Society has had full charge of se- nnd 1--l-formed wi a farm tliere. if months her home will probably cot be) had 1wen in th_- viPage 0Wv a in this vicinity have made it seem win lecting and erecting the memorial. 'Inro whLn Deputy Sli^lriff Booth w 1 Of the seventy-eight names which 1,1f(,!.1Ilcd all(i Ile wag soon placed uj"­ for her to take this step. We congrat. it contains, five have made the gu- (k:i urrest. ulate her successor, Mrs. Booth, that preme sacrifie--William Griqwold, Tlw day Czerillowski e(;caped 'f;- ��ii she can in a degree enjoy the fruits of Graham Glover, Milton Terv. 'he ofllwz�r,:; lit, wnF: taken fronl- 'I",' Miss Robinson's labor, and take up bar Frank Bly and Florence Fickelg_ lage loel­uii I,, G I-venTn)rt t�) thw r work in a place so tidy and well ar. sen. Miss Fickeissen had just re- 1t S(N�Itllz'M Wh-�-eAle was em-n1w,"IJ j�: —in fact quite the "cozy cor- art�ele d st,a I L, ranged ceived her R. N. diploma when the e:et �,ome he arlmittL i;I United States entered into the �111'l which ner" of our viilage. And we coagrat- 11 barn. left the offlcers ulate our fellow trustees and the users great conflict and she gave her ` ,tutsidt, services to her country, being with of the Library that so promising a li- 0A noL return brarian is to serve them. Southold ban the Nurses' Corp-, in France, 1,ow 111�11ute.� (he Olivc!.s -vvcm,1, int�� I hc been most fortunate in her librarians, km.n and -�oorl I[;�;e-)v 1,111 C(I that hx� I :d 'The lolloWing seniors of our High 113-flugh allothel and we feel sure that our new one will h.., 't'rt - door anil i ..� trip to Ids,. The iZic,�Y-s wer(! iii.i. prove no exception. s" Oil the Easter 114, TRUSTKE n,,a.Rh,1,n 'ton,, D, �C,, next Monday �rn � 11 4 Ml Iliq trail, but lie .,uc!cceILd �n f�Tid- w Principal E L. Shel- i�lfr , a t)jace to hi(je llrtil doll: Alva 13 Goldsinith, The annual banquet of Southold kV, R 0,I,e A k'scin Beatric kl.lgene L dark and then left that section. Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F., was held at the, h', e Jiodg trip, i§ Under tLe guidance of cn�s' Masonic Temple, GreenPort, Tuesday wii- Twenty-Five Yeara Ago Nain Higbie, a fornler' SUPerinten.Clent I evening. There were 125 who sat down of Schools on Long Island, now of /�A V. )Y to the well-laden tables and enjoyed We had a light fall of snow. the fine menu. At the conclurion of Rich brothers, Fred alld Henry ()f The school teachers were attending La'Alrenceville School I the banquet, there was dancing, with I N. J., are ell- Teachers' Institute at Riverhead- music by King's Orchestra. joYing their Easter vacatior2 with tile Rich family here.. Dr. W. H. Van Nostrand and family left for Sag Harbor to make their borne Ptin. E. L. Sheldon and four mem- The Long Island Lighting Co. took there. bers of the Senior class, over the property of the Southold The Board of Education re-engavedl Beatrice flodgins, Alvah Rose Akscin, Lighting Co. on April lat. the corps of teachers of the Union Eugene Lehr, Goldsmith and AT E to C M School—Prin. Shaw and Misses Ben-,I week in are spending Easter P�rdyl Washington, D. C. --�Jj orchard it, lVew Su King I barn and Deale. WM Ulmer Brewcry ffolk ........ Our pound fishermen were driving Davton, Ict 1v S hi to �Silas A H Bond, M C & ano to N" W McAslan. lot ghway leading from p s rd adi land M SweezY� '!�uthold ....$1,000 their pound stakes. South to north road,ad.j land 010 James I The Southold Town Board of Health Carey, SOUthold, Tax $5. BIVIII, E H & W to T Kellock, lot e s rd organized by electing Supervisor Skin- Alice Evall�; to Cie, P--dis. Point 358 ft 1'errY&W, 3 A 113ay V30W ....... ......... Ced r Reach rd. ner, chairman; Town Clerk Fithian, s '; UP-Pel* road adi road ca'flfd Hog ........$8,000 secretary; H. G. Howell, citizen mem- Neok, Sau thold,l Tax $rp, Brooklyn, March 31, Ella Bur ber, and Dr. J. M. Hartranft, health Korn, L W & w to W T1 Raffard, lot 9 (S daughter of the late Ed wa r r Main A adi CiAta7e pl, Southold S6100 rd W. ano� officer. Catherine Ann Burr, aged 60 years. Interment at Cutchogue. Mrs. Elthea 0. Jones of Patchogue. Southold, April 13, George S. Prince, Overton.—E mnia H. Overton, formerly .of Bay View, died, aged 60 in his 80th year. years. Gutchogue, April 11, Lulu Tuthill, died in Brooklyn, Friday, Marcil wife of Ralph Tyler, aged 35years. 31st. Funeral serviceg were held, The hot weather of Monday and Cutchague, April 10, Robert L. Pos- Sunday, April 2, in Brooklyn and Tuesday broke April records. On ter, hized 56 years. Interment at interni�ent was at Southold. Taesday evening we had Ft thunder Southold. ,atorm, which broke the heat wave- ! 9 TWe3It -1''1V8 J�8&fig Agip He now desires to leave the metropol►- utehogue, April 12, in the itl. E. rch, by Rev. A. Y. Halter, Charles tan district and enter village life—to for Brown of Southold and Miss Su- Ah,(, ),I 44Qa4 1 rf/ become associated with men and women Beatrice Case of Peconic. d Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd received a unan, in unison who as neighbors are working Home areae Notes imous call to the pastorate of the Pres to develop youthful minds and advance byt.erian church, at a salary of$900. general public interests. He sees in Again the sun refused to shine on the Charles Dickerson entered the em Riverhead the opportunity he is seek- Again given in the Civics Course on last ploy of Roswell Davie of Yaphank. ing. Friday afternoon, under the auspices H. Jennings, L. H. Tuthill and A C. ..Special interest attaches to Mr. by reason of the of the home Bureau, but a lays! group Albertson were re-elected trustees o! Shafer's engagement of ladies refused to stay bonne and the M. E. church. fact that he was once before elected as turned out in good force to hear Mr. Moses T. Horton was endorsed for principal of Riverhead. This occurred George C. Terry speak on "Women, the position of Postmaster at Southold. same fourteen years ago, when be was 1' Cbildren, and the Law.," Just the fact Orlando W. Wells was graduated located at Southold, and out Board that one of our own grown-up boys was from Eastman's Business College. chose him as the successor of Mr. now to turn the tables and lay down Rev. E. K. Creed was appointed pas- Bearce. The Southold Board of Edu- the law to his elders, elicited the kind- for of the M. E. church. Rev. D. W• cation declined then to release Mr. Beet attention. But, at the close, age Howell went to Waterbury, Ct. Shafer, and our Board filled the vacan- and former relationships were forgot G. Wells Phillips was erecting a cy by electing Mr. Robinson. ten and his auditors realized that a bowling alley in the Pines. man of the legal profession, well train- The Southold Fire District elected SCHOOL NOTES ed and well read, had addressed them the following Officers: Eire Comm's. , t and given them at least a glimpse of sioner, Wm. C. Albertson; Clerk, HONOR ROLL the great fundamantals of the law in G. Howe]]. An appropriation of $206 4 GRADE 11 its relation to women. The speaker was voted. 4 James Baker 95 traced with considerable detail the im- The Fire Department elected the f 1- Rensselaer Terry 90 provement in the legal status of wom- lowing: Chief, A. T. Dickerson; Asst. 89 Margaret Kart en. Ile made intelligible also certain Chief, L. W. Korn; See., Chas. T. 88 legal terms and rights with which wom- Gordon; Treas., James J. Gagen. William Williams $6 en should be familiar, His tribute to Charles De Witt Hedges and Miss Carol Gomez 86 the colonial women and their part in Anna W. Prince were married. Fannie O'Vsianik 85 the founding of the commonwealth was Mrs. Josephine Vail died, aged 77 Mary Butler 85 Haien Warciski especially fine. Altogether, it was a'.years. ,panes Zebroski 85 talk, that while it gave much, yet it Fa Brown, lot or No Perfect Attendance made the hearers feei that they must Bergen, Y z � t� j ssoc know more, and it was with genuine !b.1jer islTd55+u ars t So.oun(LtE1fI 73xown,�same GRADE Vl 91 sincerity that they thanked Mr. Terry .....MOO() and hoped they might hear him again. nrQn�'�5` ��se SeTsbed .; Esther Booth 91 . - Noreen Wiseman 89 Greenport, April 17, by Rev. C. A• Dorothy Christie P 89 John Merwin of Southall, 1Vlyron ui le George Laurens Marton of Downs of South Jamesport and Cyril ,Quigley,y' Marie Dagherty 88 Fitch of Sound Avenue were among l Southall ant! Della Marie llefl ron of 1 Horace Symonds reenport. 88 the ten high-standing students of the AG Robert Gagen 86 senior class of Springfield College re- Mr. siYater Goes to Riverhea Joseph Sutler Gently elected to membership in the Adele Payne 86 Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society, which, Our people will be interested to read Eileen Mahoney 86 is the Springfield• equivalent of the, the following from the Riverhead 85 Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. Jennie Romaneki The election is on the basis of News. Walter Williams 85 s scholarship, character and leadership "At its meeting Monday evening the 3 Perfect Attendance and is by a counter-balanced vote of Riverhead Board of Education elected Marie Dogherty the faculty and the student body. Elwood W. Shafer, A. B., principal of Helen Romanski During their visit at Washington, the Mamaroneck, N. Y., High School, Horace Symonds U.�Prin. Sheldon and the four members of to the position of principal of the Riv- Walter Williams ri the Senior Ctass who accompanied him erhead High School, to serve during GRADE V on the trip had the pleasure of meeting the coming year as the successor Of 93 President and Mrs. Harding at the Earl B. Robinson, who goes to Islip. Evelyn Van Wyck 93 White House. The salary mentioned in the engage- Helen Dickerson 90 ment is$3,000 per year. Frances Gordon 87 Henry A. Goldsmith has taken the Alice Downs 87 contract to build another cottage for People who know Mr. Shafer well, Irene McKeon 86 Edwin H. Brown on the south aide of particularly those who had opportunity Francis Thompson 86 Bay View, to observe his work at Southold and Stanley Smith 85 Mamaroneck, speak in the highest Marie Ducey85 Miss Jean Grandy of Hermon, N. Y• terms of his capacity and adaptability. Doris Leicht 85 is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo.C.Terry., Sophie Smith C, Physical Geography Clement Donahue 95 SCHOOL NOTES Perfect Attendance Alvah?oldsmith 93 Frances Gordon Marjorie Hagerman 97 Ernest Dickerson ThL Thomas Hall 98 o" ,Roll GRADE IV Eugene Lehr 98 GRADE I Doris Williams 94 French III Terry Jenning 96 Alice Bloomfield 91 Eugene Lehr 91 Edgar Smith 96 Louise Overton 98 French I Dorothy Howell 94 Lillian Stelzer 87 Frances Overton 92 Constance Terry 94 Grace Vreeland 87 Algebra Lloyd Dickerson 94 Perfect Attendance Arthur Gagen 90 Julius Zebroski 93 Lillian Stelzer Donald Robinson 90 Ruth Christiansen 91 Grace Vreeland Ruth Sillick 94 Loretta Stelzer 90 Charles Weygand Charles Simun 93 Helen Naster 90 GRADE V11 Adelaide Sterling 99 Anne Thompson 90 Z Wilson Tuthill 96 Miriam Fickeissen 88 Katherine Hilliard 88 Geometry Beverly Gordon 81 Marguerite Ehrhardt 87 90 Elizabeth Baker Charles Gagen 87 Flora Albertson 86 Marie Gagen 90 Henry Stepnoski 86 Harry Weygand 86 Marjorie Hagerman 95 Perfect Attendance Harriet Dickerson 85 Gertrude Koke 99 Loretta Stelzer Caroline Stelzer 85 Frances Overton 93 GRADE III Charles Vreeland 85 Theresa Fielder 92 Leonie Stacy 95 Parfect Attendance Class Marks Anna Z-kveski 94 Steve Romanski Latin It Frances Wadsworth 94 Harry Weygand Frances Overton 90 Muriel Young 93 GRADE Vill Latin III Bertha Hipp 92 Catherine Thompson 86 Harriet Horton 91 Hedwig Weygand 91 Helen Boisseau 85 Beatrice Hodgins 90 Norma Van Wyck 91 Perfect Attendance History C Anna Neste 91 Catherine Thompson Eugene Lehr 91 James Ducey 90 HIGH SCHOOL John Purcell 91 Helen Krukowski 90 Examinations Civics Jerome Grattan 89 English Grammar Robert Booth 94 Violet Boergeason 88 Marjorie Hagerman 94 Helen Thompson 90 Georgians.Stepnoski 88 Harriet Horton 94 English Grammar Alberta Dickerson 87 Gertrude Koke 91 Marjorie Hagerman 90 Francis Strasser 87 English III French III Mary Nesta 87 Marjorie Hagermar 93 Eugene Lehr 94 Robert Grattan 86 English IV Helen Terry 93 Clifford Wiseman 85 Eugene Lehr 92 French I Stefna Poliwoda 85 History A Frances Overton 95 Howard Caley 85 Helen Thompson 98 Jennie Albertson 90 Perfect Attendance History C Geometry Alberta Dickerson Thomas Hall 98 Harriet Horton 92 Eugene Lehr 97 Algebra Twenty-pive Years Ago Clement Donahue 90 Arthur Gagen 90 A_�4 2/ JL�— 4<S�4 Civics Donald Robinson 93 We had a very early spring Robert Booth 100 Averages for Third Quarter kdward Huntt'ing Post Goldsmith Horton 95 Eugene Lehr 91 tended the dedicationI , G. A. R at- Frances Overton 94 Helen Terry 90 Grantexercises at Gen. 'Grants Tomb at Riverside, Harry Case 92 Thomas Hall 89 A few menhaden were being caught Helen Thompson 90 H,Ien Thompson 88 in the Pounds. Chas- E. Terry caught Biology Marjorie Hagerman 87 24 river shad one morning. Adelaide Sterling 93 Harriet Horton 87 i Rev. D. W- Howell and family left Helen Thompson 98 Frances Overton 87 for their new field Of labor at Water- Wilson Tuthill 92 Jennie Albertson 86 bury, Ct. Latin I Beatrice Hodgins 86 Rev. E. K. Creed, the new pastor of Robert Booth 91 Donald Robinson 85 85 the m. E. church' and family arrived Donald Robinson 93 Adelaide Sterling at the parsonage. Charles Simon 95 Perfect Attendance Helen Thompson 92 Henry Dickerson Harold Downs 91 Eugene Lehr Helen Thompson lJugene Lrehrf bas been ahoaen Vale- - meeting of Tod BOB? ��a! School Meeting � The Southold Town Boal Saturday of tthe BeniorhC ass.H�BotSh of thea 'fhe Annual School Meeting of the Club House, Nassau Point, Southall Iligh School District was held labr% 22, 1922. Present, Supervisor Seniors have done remarkable work in Justices the Southold High Scbool snd Sive at the school house Tuesday evening. Tuthill, Town Clerk I3allock, ,Sup , promise of high achieveinent in the fu- It was largely attended, about eighty Griffin, Corey, Tey and Rambo, t of Highway Fleet and Cqunse1 Case. tore. being present, lawny of whom were s Island ladies. The meeting was called to or- The following resolution was unani The linemen"of the L,)ng g der by F. K. Terry, President of the moualy adopted, erin setting poles Board of Education, and on motion he Resolved, That the Town Sup . Lighting Co. are busy was elected chairman. In the absence teudent of I the reconstruction s be directed t,0:1and stringing wires for electric light � service fore Bay View and Paradise of Secretary �Trn. H. Terry, Henry proceed with the seeonatrUue o Southold' Point--. __ _ -- Jennings of the Board of Education re- bridge on Oak Lawn Avenue, a corded. John H. Lehr and A. W. Sy- Village, across Jockey Crack, to Pine Fraiest Leicht is making a thong voted for at the last down in ills house in fthe village transform- mondes�ere appointed tellers. Neck, as 1921, and that ing'the kitchen into a,convenient 7 oon� Minutes of last meeting read and sew 1jeeting,held Nov. 8, and the for his shoe business• - . __..l cepted. the Superintendent of Highway The report of Treasurer A. T Dick- ,y, Town clerk are heredirected to Mre, Editli Pierean and son anra, eraoii eras read and accepted. It shoa�a c3 make application in behalf of the fawn ijaughteY, of IStaten Island, spent a total receipts the past year of $4 of Southold to the Chief,of Engineers few days with their unt,,Miss Carni e 252.34 and total payments of$3u 142 Of Viler of the United Hutchinson, an youth Harbor road. leaving„ a�balance on hand April Ut and Secretary roval of States of America for their app The Southold Savings .Bank willl $4,110.24. The bonds remaining unlaaM the plans of the bridge to be so con- from May Ito September a g i amou:�at to$2,800.,10. _-_, t iperiod the A p - structed y p The budget was adopted as a whirl operate under a i t saving time The Board of Education has engaged During the.dayligh saving by a ti>OW of 74 ayes, cne no and a:as j I,T a�is A. Blodgett, A. B., of Corning, meetings of Southold Lodge, I.O.O.1! blanlua The estimated cast ole�a�yes, N, y„ is Principal of the Southold will begin at 7:30 p. m., standard time.I estimated receipts, ear. Mr. -- st p .w the school next year is 'anvi High School for the coining y Blodgett was.graduated from the Arts The L. I. R. R. will begin to run on $16,810.00 to be raised by tax. It School of Cornell University and tial Daylight saving Time Sunday, April, estimatE d that the tax"rata will firs leaching. 36. Don't get left. 1 fly had two years' exp _-- -.-.._ He is now lPriucipaliofc the school at The 13ant of Southold will eontiate President Terry gave a fine xe�iaai« " j Tort's River, N J. _-� to do business on standard time, of tiirW work of the Board of Edua atA a pP ^ y people. - - ces atthe the - ear. The stewardship of t'ora _._ a y The game of ball at the Riverhead church wililbegin on foulard time. Board y 13oaal i.,appreciated b the Pair grounds last Saturday _`-- _ F ca rU K. Tera and Thomas C_ the Southold Cubs.and the the �N City,itbApril 22, Louis Albers Fox were re-elected members of C:',m Hose Co. of Riverhead resulted in a Board of Education for three years former -- — _ iss score of 7 to 6 in favor n hold fwasuFloyd and Mrs.Charlles EALmdwina'Terry,ughter of Mr• The battery lv of Southold -- --_-_ __:—_ M , henrietta Conklin and daug&iter Van Wyck, pitcher,and Joseph Stelzer, Twenty-rive rive Years .ego , Mary are pleasantly located in silo leadingbitter. catcher. atcher Clifford Tillinghast was the g. moo® I Lehr cottage on South Hsrbor,Lane. I � GilberlH. Terry added a -kitchen to ` he � we shops will °gsf s -­ at 41:30 standard time and close at a:8s The play last Friday eveninm, "Tine his residence. Clancy Kid&,,, ,was laygely attended J. E. Carly took the contract to standard. They will close Saturc. aril thoroughly enjoyed. ThenSenioi ]aftenicons. class of our, fligh: Echaol are very build a home for Michael Furey. I 3 i all who have helped miakE, The C. M. Parker Concert Co. gave a lfiu. and Mrs. F.er during atefwl fur a affair and en- free concert in Belmont Mall. Seal Cliff- were en tertai Da e of 0 grateful dwrurtk el h such a success of t1w aoicl rich their treasury,for graduation ex- Pxof. Wm. F., Mets made the run week.-end stn in Southold,by t- of - from Southold to Brooklyn, on his frieagda, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Corey, at — ghe lin rovements'on the and 1 res Gen, p wheel, in six;hours. `l'die Southold Lockup has been sold byteiljvj nianse are about complerted,-, Bicycle paths were being built is to t'tiasel V. Young of Greenport fol' making it very pleasant, with gvory, aght modern convenience and ,yet keepinw Southold Town. $1(00. Il<lx. Young will move n le fight the exterior of the building as inueh Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., cele Greem?ort and add it to his kitchen. orated the 78th anniversary of the as Possible in its old-sane conditions a few left to compare with -the old Historic p Coir nsliin the are catching church. g menhaden in their nets, and once in a :er•: _ _ -.. _..�-.� hirudin of Odd)+elioevshi in America. , 1' ° while a stray weakfish_ - _The Universalist �churoh is about to Wm. 11 Terry daano to 'Israel --- o f instalfl an up-to-date pipe organ, Terry, lot bounded by l and of �Sh'paa Greenport, April 23, Mrs. Mary Hod-i ,ed tuildling Materials are on the sr,ound: i?ist. No• 5, Town of aouthold,nom. gins of Southold, aged 86 years. Inter- i to looks an addition to the church ozf Oak I_.ta�wn ave,,SaGrthalcl,�._�. ____,meat at St. Patrick's Cemetery the South, which will add greatly to — rr, pp A Hames,ad land T G1Fox, Peeonic...$50 as to acconamodate the organ.the a earance of the Ihuildin aer well oa i 8 erry r, c - — - the Scriptures at each Meeting of Town Board Marcella Akscin of the 7th. Grade. R° G. Terry represented the Southold i' a R Grattan to Thomas D. '� Mollie �'- The Southold Town Board met at the Savings Bank at the National Conven-' Virginia Malmbor was one of the Wellty®F1V® Years Ago Bay View School, won first prize of- rd &ano lot north of the villaie g I off ce of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, y ption of Savings Banks held at Atlantic' Southold�'w s Boisseau ave, 'South• two spellera who stood highest in theSaturday, April 29, 1922. Present, Cit last week. @c 'faxed b the Yenmeott Cha ter ofDaughters of the Revolution for th� Y contest of all schools in the town of te a number of boats, »oat of Supervisor Tuthill, Town'Clerk Hal- - 'liens 'M Baiacl to 'Monica R G at- Southold held at Greenport, May 13. then from Part Jefferson, were catch- 1ock, Justices Griffin, Corey, Terry aqd best ®easy ®n The 1Liberty BeIL The Greenport Ice'Co, has started ,lot w s B :„eau"ave, ad,j land of Sha will re resent the townat the ing' eed oystere on the beds off IcorThis competition was between the making dail deliver of ice. anon 'Southold, noiai p ton's •Ramba, Supt, of Highways Fleet, and y- y____ , count c Point. pupils of the 7th Grade in ail Ungrad- ___._ .__, ___.___� _____ _ ___ y ontest to be held at the River- Counsel Case, Ella B, 'Sweet to Wm. H. Sweet,' Bois Ella Webb to L. I, Lig-hting head Hi h School, Saturda June 3. E' ward Huntting Post,G. A:,R.,and ed Schools from Orient to Laurel. g y' I U. St. Grant Camp, S, V., held Memo- . It was voted to advertise for bids for = Mrs. Charles Hardy is the principal of�°lot on north side of Pine Neck: road . 1-2 acre near Cratc'^os�ne depot,I The winner of the county contest.will ;l Jl approximately g View School. d by west j land of Goldsmith Ss Tuthill rial,0a exercises in Greenport. furnishin a roximatel 260,000 al- where basn� is uatersexste represent the county at the State Fair. y Ions of road oil bids to be opened Sat- land of Rebecca A. Golder and tcho ue. Tax 60c, ' P - G. y thence north along: lapel of g __ �_.�_� _�_— __,____ _ BE,Imont Hall was crowded with pee- ' the a lame ad' 1 h runningCharles E. Kneasal &ano to Oli- At the last mental meetin of the a l• 1 urday, May 6, 1922, at I p, m., day uO�e said Rebecca A. Gilder, Southold. y g i pie who laughed over the pranks of j light saving time, at the office of theOr ® �® es $ nom, r W. Case, 2 acres bounded {Southold Savings Bank, Fred B. Corey, Pecl,'s Ball Bay. Supervisor. A torpedo came ashore in L. I. ---- -_ ____- I rth by main hil;i,w,ay, adj land Cashier of the First National Bank of ` A street lighting contract between PP Southold, May 8, Miss Sarah M'! P;;esbyteriai narsonage, Cut- D1�ring a severe thunder storm Bel- Sound opposite the James Thompson Greenport, was elected a Trustee, in g g p mon:�t Hall was struck by lightning and the Town^''of Southold and the Lan Is place last Friday. Not knowing what Case, aged 82 years 1 of-Ate. Tax $7,00, lace of the late John J. Bartlett. Long __ p dam aged about$150: land Lighting Co. for the lighting of it was, a Polish man hitched bis team - C`A Bra to R E Bottenue.23 A w )v E. g g g g Sag Haxbox, May 9,Henry C.Foster, Y Treasurer H. H. Huntting and Israel Rii; K. Creed,the new pastor of the Southold Lighting District of horses to it and dragged it home. in his 75i.h year. Funeral in Presby-' ,oad, adj Iand'F'T Acker,near iCut- g g Y Y- i P. Terry of the Southold Savings Bank the ;yl B, ctiurch, gave the Memorial was accepted b the Town Board. The torpedo is 17 feet in length and 18 terian Chapel, Sag Harbor, Friday at Bogue,_ Tax $7. t lay evening address. p y - - attended the annual convention of the Sun,# The contract is to run for five years inches in diameter. The.Government 2:30 p. rn. ® .. ..__---__ _____:- __` �ITItC)I�D ®?IiVE Savings Banks' Association of New { -__--- and provides for 62 lights in the die f has been_notified of the find. Cutebogue, April 30, by Rev. John R. NEW FIRE APPARATUS York State at Briarcliff Manor last 1 .'EAST END LEAGUE ' McCoy, and Miss m H. Mason of New Suf- At the annual meeting of South- I --- trio at$25 a light per annum, Thera, A. J. F. Van Laer, Archivist of the y/ g zgh_ week. � is to bean all-night service. The lights Division of Archives and History of sof South- 1. Fire District Saturday night. p• ESULTS DECORATION DAY are to be placed as near as possible to the University of the State of New old a A. Binns The Champion Fishing Co., Commo- _- __-_ _______ _. proposition to raise$10,000 for w fire apparatus was carried by; dare A, T. Dickerson, made their first 'Sothold 3, Shelter island 2 (10-ins.) a the existing acetylene gas lamps. Jus- York, was in Southold. on Wednesday Twenty-Five Years Ago haul with their draw-seine Monday y uck 11 West Bamptonarg3- ties Corey and Town Clerk Hallack for the purpose of taking,a xecnrd of �pp� l The district will be bonded fax li night at Cedar Beach. They proved Mattit Harbor 12 were appointed committee on location ' all,.books and papers in the Town The,T wn Assessors chang their ! t - Southampton 15, Sag 0,000 in bonds of $1,000 each i that the name, "Champion," was not ss of ligate. Clerk's office. He was much interest- headquarters from the old gloat office- III i RESULTS MAY 27 It was voted that the contract for r,the first of which will be pay- misplaced. ed in our records, which go back to building to O. V. Penney's store. e April 1, 1923. The new appa-1 e--- _._._ - Sar Harbor 5, Southold 1 building the Jockey Creek Bridge be 1651. The Greenport Salvation Army held', us will be in addition to the l Fred 9. Terry,assistant treasurer of advertised for bldg. _-__ ---- ---- - a meeting in Belmont Hall. sent equipment triple comb!- I the Southold Savings Bank, was Oper- Sheltet Island!12, Went Hampton 5 i _ g� __._ Next Sunday, and until the impxove- , Southampton 5, Mattituck'I All Miged �A" ments'in the church are completed all Mise:Minnie E. Terry and Mrs. Geo, ; ion fire engine, hos chemical ated on for appendicita9 at alae E. L. I• going M. Howell gave a concert in the Uni- 3 pumper, and a motor driven Hospital Monday morning. We are TAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 3 ist II " f1Parish lea ethoid is oin •'S0-60" /re arils � Che ser held n the House.huM b' versalist church. ak and ladder tr�icic_ - .^ Pleased to state that he is getting ;,So.ahold at West Hampton � y , g will be al standard and daylight saving time. Conklin will preach a series of sermons A reception was given to the new along finely.p s , or an old time asg _g__ y. ,___� _— --- Southa Mattituck at1Sagter laland you are going, t ake the train, you on "A Working Fault." The special pastor of the M. E.church, Rev. E. K.' �(.Ht FI®Q Years A e Foadyce A. Cobb to Ruth A.Horton, Harbor Southold, n of A y 9 g- Y daylight g P Creed, and family. STANDING OF THE CLUBS must set your clock b da li ht Savin ' to is on Sunday will be "A Religion to The Suffolk County Mutual Insurance Me"Jrarastram opened a shoe shop b°larasApplebyNeck lane ad) lands S d time, and likewise if you want to catch Live By." g, y ton &ano to Fordyce _ _ _- -----____._- Co. elected the following officers at the; in the Gomez lauildiri Harr D. Ilei Won Lost P.C. ° the email, for the post office is governed I:ev, Dr. Eplaer Whitaker was elect- A. Cobb lot s s 'Indian Neck lane adj I Twenty-Five Years Ago annual:meeting: Pres. and Tress., J.' -and------ SO'lora A�alaleby,_SouthoId,nom. Sod thampton. . 2 0 1000 ed a Councilor of the Lon Island His Griswold to Win A i Metthodist churches go ebyt®standard � .�t I oc,�o4 torieal Society. - , thold . . . . 1 1 500 time and St.Patrick's and the Univer- CassidyBros. caught 20 00 bunkers B Terry.; Vacs Pres., Samuel Dicker, g M • � i � • ` 1 1 50(i son, Sec,, Silas F. Overton, .Attorney, of Th Conway,,.South-old. Sa ttituck 1 1 - 500 � , ' g Y• David TVI g 4 A on highway itis M l salist churches by daylight saving. in their pound one morning. N;D. Petty. Rev. Wm. fit Lloyd accepted the sill . Thompson&ano,.- Harbor . I - The Southold Savings Bank goes b J. E. Core had the contract t build' to the pastorate of the Southold Pres- land '1 Tax, 50c. Sh Her Island g _ g y Y --- --- b terlan cburch. _-. --- 0 2 000 Print Lewis R, Blodgett, the new Y We t Hampton. . daylight saving, :and the Bank of a hawse for M. V. Gordon. � Rev. rather Grumuak of N. Y. Cit ,I3�L Fleet to 'M 'Hand' bat s s Main s" Southold by standard. The Southold ' O. A.Prince leased W.C.Albertson's' Frincip&1 of the Southold high School Y y st,_a_dj land Fleet,,Cutchogue. 'Tax $�1. s hie rented Mrs. Dais L. Prince a held,a missionary service for the Polish Cutcho uP Ma 14 b 'Rev Sass h' Odd fellOWJ SerVICe Sigh,Schoal goes on standard, and the market. Henry Jewell was to be an: Y eo le in St. Patrick's Church, q , Y Y p ° Academy opens on daylight but dinner charge. Lreaidence`for the coming Be 001 year. P Barnabas H. Booth, Jr., and Miss Cizmauaki, Antane Joseph Maeiejko- Seti�uthold Lodge,I. 0, 0• F., observ- ;� hour is on standard. The Riverhead- : The Board of Assessors voted ter raise As Nat E. $ooth was di Winifred C. Half were married. wiez,and Jennie Sophie Kanaski, both ed l'�amorial Day on Sunday afternoon, .ggfng on his _ of Peconic. r ,was carried out gxeen art hue goes an daylight. The the assessed valuation of all property The Arshamomo ue inn o The ritual of the day p gto its actual value. lawn Monday he unearthed.two 11 inch �autlicald.Places Order for Two Motors � opened on a in t' a hall and cemetery, with Noble Odd Fellows Lodge splits the differ Nathaniel T. Beebe of Bay View pestles, used by'tbe Indians for pound- May 27th for the season. Baths have 1 once in its opening The stores and in c..orn. at $1:1000 Gra d Chas. T. ,Gordon presiding, and died, aged 19 years. , been installed in all the corner rooms markets are all mixed u and some of''w — - H. d. Hawkins as Chaplain. Tributes them p a _...-_—.__... --..-- A. H. Cosden is installing a radio 'S. L esstei• Albertson, ,commissioner and the third floor-has been added t erg', P s ' p aid to the brothers who have em kee both. The mechanics are CO. receiving machine in his residence, of the S ithold Fire District, has junk the building. The owner is construct. p 6 all working on daylight time, the i,1 1�• I. LIGHTING -, _..._ I died-'during the past year-Henry E• i 1 'Conrad Hipp cyano o Loum •Bed- �. r L . , ti4 +'it A\TC)'.I'TllSit (',(. s1=ned a cont�ac; to, purelsas for to ing an annex to accommodate those ar- a d Henryauer. The ar �hwohl an y farmers for the most part work on i, 1:AK11,S,OVI. nosky &ana lot ibounded by Boissen; district a I'V'atrous pumper at 26,500 riving during the-summer-season for in standard. The TRAVEt -11 office is also r Island Li rutin' , aye on the east, by lands of Wig. A. ,_ �• gra'les of about forty Odd Fellows L.a;t week the Lint t� end a combination hook pend ladder� week-ends only. Mr. De.Beixedon,ex- iai the fashion, part of the force work onsuiners' Gas Co.; and J. Edw.°Cochran, Geo.,Stelzer and � the� Presbyterian Cemetery, Willow, i t.,n. took ovcs tact G I and chendcal inaclune frons. the Buf- pects to have a full hones during July Cemetery in on standard and art on daylight h lass been operating Mattituck; Alberts Case, Southold. Tax,$3:50, ry Hili Cemetery and CutchogueCem y g pwhit 1 talo Chemical Co,, for, X4,500. Eutlx and August. The hotel wilt remain time and ,the boas works on all � and;C;utchol,ue. The Riverhead Elec- we>ti decorated with flags-and flowers. anf t.ric. Li<>ht Go. was also recently ac- Southold,May 11, at the residence of irachines are motor cix2ven. Smthold, open until October lett es. When ou C 1 c a R, G., Y s cluired by ills Long Tslaiacl Lightmi; the brides sister, Mrs.'Harold E. Tut- one of the sinalle.°, d.epartments in _�__—^__ Terry read an appropriate ver5c; lI occu in commercial office for hill b Rev. J. T. Langlois, Mahlon D. A �� fro the Scriptures at each gin^"` __-_... 1., (o• c'rie county, will so•,,..:: i e one of the, — Eaitems Lon Island is at,Rsverhead. Lillian E. Bergen. est equipped. .�_. � Dickerson and Miss L --- ,.... Twenty-Five Years AgoView / 4'lre at Bay y Twenty Fite Years .A Meeting of Town Board g oo�o � V Twenty-Five Years Ago Block Party g° Southold Town Board met at,the On Sunday evening, about 9 o'clock, O tl Q 13 b`o®o � The S The strawberry train starts . ,�,�.c �Cp ®o®� ' " Tuthill Greenport, E. M. Jewell was in the employ, of the barn of Joseph Zenoski at Bay View Hay promised to be unusually heavy. A Block Party will be geld at Creek- Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Cahoon of Brook- office of Supervisor (the old John H. Young plat ) side, Southold, on Saturday evening, lyn rented Dr. J. H, Marshall's cot- Sturday, May. 27, Present,Supervisor• the L, I. R. R. in Brooklyn, diseovered.to be on fire, The Southold The M. E. Sunday School held a Pic- Jul 1 at 8:30 daylight saving time. Town Clerk Hillock, Justices txeo. J. Tillinghast was engaged as nic at Fleet's Neck, Cutchogue. y g g tags at Sound Vfew for the summer, „ Tuthali, Su t• of�, a M. E, church, in place of Fire Department responded to the A Dancing Pavilion will b®erected,and Orlando W. Wella broke-all records f; Griffin, Corey and Terry, F sexton of the alarm, but the barn was nearlyconsum- Mrs.Julia Wideman of Micanopy,Fla., _ s Fleet, and Counsel Case. A. R. Vail, resiguod.• there will be Band:Music. A pleasing in Plastman's College b, passing in l agbway a cock of aground off ed when the firemen arrived. The leased the lower part of W. A. Clark's g y F g � entertainment will be.given,: in which short-hand in eight weeks, i Steamer Shinne K K , g house for the summer. I some of our city friends will take part. The Southold'Town Bicyclists held' a Morri an G. Wines of Mattituck t Southold wharf. barn with its contents including two eared before he Board in regard to Steamer Long Island went on the; t P r build Levinson of GFeenpart leased horses, was burned to the ground. A Refreshments will be served. picnic at Fleet's Neck, Cutchogue, urchasing steel road forms for Louis I,e number of fowl also perished. The route between Sag harbor and New There will be dancing on the Creek- Belmont Hall was packed-to its ut S. B. Corey s house and store. i side Pavilion Tuesday evening, July 4, most capacity at the Southold -Union jug concrete sada. It was gated toi Terry& Albertson were making big cows and all but one pig were rescued. London. ,iurcbase 800 feet of the forms' y Fortunately the barn stood a consider- The Trustees of the Southold Savings{ with good music, and refreshments will School Commencement Exercises. The The Superintendent of Highways and ` improvements on Southold wharf. able distance from the house and there d be for sale, graduates were Hettie M. Hartranft, F Bank directed that interest be credited Town Clerk were directed to maks Many farmers were plowing up their the T was a light wind blowing,otherwise the depositors at the rate of four per cent The admission:for each evening, is 50 John J. Carey, Edith W. Prince and application, potato fields as the vines ebowed 'much per annum. on behalf of the Town of ' lass might have been much greater: p cents. Cora S. Glover. Miss Glover gave an. It is not known how the fire originated. Lightning struck a pump at Robert The party is given under the auspices; essay on Character and its Elements, ' Southold, to the Board of Supervisors, ,, blight. - or their approval of the plans for the Nicholas McQuillon, uncle of James Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Zenoski Maxwell's place on the North Road. of the Southold Fire Department, and Mr. Carey the class history, Mies Haxt- f on Qak-I reconstruction of the bridge t Thompson, with whom he resided, was in his loss, and we trust that sympathy F Lightning also came in on the switch- the proceeds will be used-to purchase a ', ranft the class prophecy, and Miss Av®nue, across Jockey Creek to-? in his 100th year. will be shown in a practical manner, I board of the railroad station. One of fire-alarm siren. lawn rat the last : , F _ ___-_ --____ irfnce the valedictory. The diplomas k as voted fo Prank McCarthy died, aged 52'years. - - -- - the section men who was working near' ------ - Pane Neck, -- g were awarded by School Commissioner Town Keeting,held Nov 8, 1921. Mrs. Lydia Camp died,aged 64 years. The small engine of Protection En- r the station received a slight shock. Shiloh Baptist church Charles H. Howell. voted to Par one acre o: _�.,, ,__�-- ___ gine Co. as now stored on the premises Mrs. J. H. 13oisaeau, who was in her{ It was u n 1 Bowery Lino, Southold, a of Mrs, Lucy Brown in the western home,'felt the effect of electricity. The corner Stone of the Shiloh Bap- Simeon B. Horton died, 'aged; 73 I land at �Bow y _ I EAST END LEAGUE James Gallagher, :for $200' Pb part of the village. This has been The Christian Endeavor Convention teat Church, Milton Sparks, Minister, :years. lira -o---� done so it can be readily used in case was'held at the Presbyterian church. ; will be laid on Sunday, June 18th, at 3 ��Ss�����b��e� S���Q�s ' land is the highways.sed for sand for use or RESULTS JUNE 3 of fire in that locality. L Children's Day exercises were held in p. m. daylight saving time, with the ted to hav _._ _ - the Methodist,Presbyterian and Uuiver- usual order of serriee, which will be by The Russell Jubilee Singers of Supt; Fleet was directed Southold 13, West Hampton 8 Let everybody be present at Grin the ministry.of Christ and His Deacons. Charleston, S. C., will be at the Meth- Builder Harry Tuthill make necessar ! Southampton 9, Shelter Island 3 Wold Memorial Park, South Harbor, enlist churches. Sunday eve- rs on the Goose Creek Bridge. Mattituck 4, Sag Harbor 3 next Monday afternoon, and help the The Champion Fishing Club, Comoro- The officers and members invite the i odist Church, Southold,. repairs wn Clerk Park Commissioners clean up the dors L. H. Tuthill, went on atwo-days' general public, to this service. The Hing, June 25, at 7:30- o'clock. They J. N HAii.ocx, 7l0 _.. ....__-.n GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 10 ® fishing trip to Gardiner's Island and re church was organized Jan. 19, 1921. are representatives of the Jenkins Or- - - G S U , , ground. Thin is most commendabl _._ _ pain Home, and render a program of, May ' . Sag Harbor at Southold Mra, Anna Prince Hedges of West „ Miss Ma Case trained nurse, wa g work. Help it along turned with a large number of sea plantation Melodies, such as Goin' to called to Southold_ to care for Mie Shelter Island at West Hampton __ --.._.-. - bass, , _ _ , ., p Orange, N. J, has rented .the rooms Shout All Over Gods 'Heaven, I Je'rusbe Horton, who has been serious 'Win, J, Rich has added greatly to the _ --- - Mattituck at Southampton -- I over the TRAvs i.> office"and is here Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray," ety' be of his place on 'the Creek by FAST END LEAGUE ? for the summer with ber daughter Lois. . I ly ill. We are glad to state that Mir - - - and Nine," and many other Folk Hotton is improving. -- STANDING OF THE CLUBS erecting a handsome brick gateway. ___ - - "-"O""'"- 1 The ashes of file late Charles M. Songs. Everybody is invited to heat Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Boisseau Terr - Won Lost P.C. Improvements to the 'house have also i RESULTS JUNE 10 anion the best in their race. Rev. E (nee Alice D. Matthews) are receiviai Southampton. 3 0 1000 been made. --- -_,._-____ I Ledyard, who pog ted in Hili the Jubilee Sin era, who at is said are , ciiangratulations on the birth of the Southold . 2 1 667 Fred E. Booth has purchased for his Shelter Island 9; We3t Hampton 0 March, were dep I C. Branch, one of the National Negro (forfeited) Cemetery on Tuesday _ a son, born on Wednesday, May 17, i Mattituck 2- 1 667 - - - - Preachers,will be char e.of the Ju ion Harold the west part of the Boa- :Sag.Harbor 6, Southold ----- — g The Maples, Southold, L 1, Sag Harbor . . . . 1 2 333 mann property,erty, 50 feet in width. Ian- { 1 A through in and from the South bilee Singers. A silver offering will be __... _ .___ m F F Mattituck 2, Southampton C t. C. PP. Hard of Paradise 1 Shelter Island . . . 1 2 333 provemeuts will be made on the place. _ Side villages comes,in on the It taken for the Orphans' Home. Capt. y -- F _ __._._ _ _.._� - West Hampton . 0 3 000 ----._ GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Horn" train, arriving 'he're at L22 champion net fisherman, He made Pipe Organ Fuad ---� Southold, June 2, Benjamin C. -Hor- P.M.aul the .other evening that netto . Southold at Mattituck �__�_- --- -�- t The improvements in the Universal- eight hundred pounds of chequit. Fire District BOR43 Cutchogue. ss years. Interment Sag Harbor at Shelter Island ' -, E. L. Nortonhasopened s general iet'Churchare nearly completed, and _._ ___..-____ _ _._ __-___-nt a West Hampton at Southampton John B,- Munch, with the Westei The Fire Commissioners of the auto repairing shop on Horton's Lane, the new pipe organ will arrive in a few s ent Memorl 'Southold Fire District, with Nathan Greenport, June 6, 'Alice Amelia, Electric Co.,"Brooklyn, p Southold. widow- of the late Jahn P. Wells of STANDING OF TI$F. CLUBS days. The subscriptions to the fund Day with his parents. - _. _ Davis in the chair and Clerk J. N.Hal- Southold,,aged 70 ears, 1 month, 7. Won Lost P.C. The outlook for a bigcropof o a- now amount to$4340. The committ®e _---.--_- lock recording, met on Monday ev,n- F t will need about$500 more and are can- ; Edward Iiuntting Post, G. A. fiq g, days. Interment in Willow Hill Come. i 3 1 700 toesrwas Hover better. I-i exercises ing, June 6, 1922. A resolution was tery---T Mattituck - . w fident that this amount will be given, held its Decoration Dox, V Southampton. 3 1 7,50 _. T J. Orient this year. carried unanimously, all members being We have another auto bus running- p Terry.---At Southold, May 31st, friends of good mush and the 0 .. ..-__.__- _..._._. . ..__ resent that the District proceed to from Mattituck to Greenport. We Southold . 2 2 500 to Mr.. and Mrs; Howard Terry, a by _ p Church. No general canvass is being Miss Mary Kenney, a teacher an t! ,advertise for bids for furmehing $10,- see no need for another bus. Hawkins' Sag Harbor 2 2 500 son, Jonathan I3untting, made, but those who desire to give to I Pa., and her aura.;000 bonds, in$1,000 yearl installments, Shelter Island 2 2 b00 od- ch I the fund are requested to send ecuitri- schools at Corey, P , I Y auto-bus has always given us good eer-, West Hampton . . . 0 4 000 Kenney, are home for tI at five per cent,as voted for at the an- vice, and it should be patronized as a F Langwoat�, Mass., June 14, at Church Miss �Kate'Ke y, ---or Our Saviour, Earle Brandon Gold- butions eitbeis to Rev. Mr.. Conkil or p great public benefit.. ,inmer, The Misses ]Kenney will r nail meeting of the Distract. Adver smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Addison M: _ when ed i --- - - --_-L A_band of? Gypsies were here Mon-: :Goldsmith of Winchester, Mass., 'for_ to W Williams, Treasurer, walk to Corey in the fall, .,,.,,n Mar y vertasement was ordered publish n Go de Will of Henry C. Fort 'day, but De ut Sherif£ :Booth ave merl 'of'Southold, and Miss Frances Harry W. Glover of New her dut -aa teacher,:; ,the I'RAvLER. bor vola r er, Sag Iyer- p ,y K Y . wood Mase. r , e of estate$3,000; be assts: gentle hint that their room''was Geraldine Street of Long , in Southold this week to get liiaa --- - them a e boom Ch e v` y�aucee Audrey B. Gates, granddaughter -. !in readiness for Mrs. R.C, Collies enol He) o .. i ' Mr. and Mrs. Clement W. Booth Sall $59'0; residue � ughter,' � preferable to their -company and they neo to Miriam 1'• Gates Cutchogue, Juno 14, Mary AK daughters of Brooklyn, who will ',occu w. for Europe m July. They will travel dau liter. _ _: departed w®atvyard. 1Flarold Dow 3 91 in th!?north nn,ankria nv ainlsr __ _ _._ 8. I Horton, a eq d 72 years. ___ ._ nv it this year. _ �..__....�-�•-•- ��, w _ �things. It is due the speaker to give THE RIVERHEAD 1EVV�r T - re _ Seven more have. been adder in closing the thought toward which he Meeting- of Town Bard { EAST END LEAGUE w .View and Paradise Point ur- The Sauth°ald team, which looks like was aimin from the start that the o now connected with the electric c areal baseball team this year, gave ed to the Honor Idols of Southold'High', g The Southold Town Board met at the M' rent, - Mattituck a good trouncing last Sat- School. Seven of our youths, threes greatest practical achievements would ,afflce of Supoxvisor Tuthill, Greenport, RESULTS JUNE 17 Rev, Earl knocking boys and four girls, received an M (result when the higher ends of eduea-. Saturday,June 24 1922. Present,Sup- - on the Southold lot, y g . y, p_ East, Marton, June 17, by y tion were sought and found. All the Mattituck 5, Southold Gl E. Cookson, Wilson L. Glover of South f i Mitchell, who started for Mattituck, ,dray.evening, diplomas on the corup"�e». ervisor Tuthill; Town Clark Balloak, t Sag Harbor 22, Shelter Island 1 old and allies Clara Kate, daughter est Barker i social problems might be solved if men Justices Griffin, Corey and Terry, and out of the box in two innings. tion of the regular four years course. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Beckett a£ E epla�ced Mitchell in the third,and got : Never were we more impressed than at' g Supt,of Highways Fleet, i Southampton 6, gest Hampton Marion. __ _ along nicely until the sixth,when a p deep enough tolookon theotherside The following i i combination of hits,bases on balls and this time, that these occasions are mo w g b ds were received for GAMES SATURDAY, JUNE 24 mentons. The village has done what its from tholes, see the rights of that oth-ii building the bridge over Jockey.Creek, Fort Bayard, New Mexico# June 1S, errors, gave the First Settlers three er side and work for them. To do this on Oak Lawn Avenue, Southold ruaus, to which they added two more could to equip:seven youths to make':, i l Mattituck at Southold Henry Irving Fitz, son of Henry Q+.and good in the battle of life. If seven , is to be educated. "Not my rights, T..A.ScottCo.,NewLondon 8,319,70 Shelter Island at Sag Harbor. Mary R. Fitz of Peaanic,aged 27 years. in the eighth. The final score was 8 __ to 2. A great catch in "right field by t r g but the rights of the other man"should Harr , Greenport,$ ,600. t Southampton at West Hampton _ Y- "Pink"Cochran, and a couple of plays only, march out every year to loin the y H.Tuthill Green ort 6 640.OG be and will be the slogan of the truly Voted that the contract for building _- _ have a , Twee. Five Years A o .g � STANDING OF' THE CLU13S � �€�'�r+ �G too® Y Strasser, Cochran andAlSalmon High willlave t works n the educated hnman being, the bridge be awarded to Harry H. t, Won Lost P.C, T M. Shipheid of Williams College d1d e&ctive hitting• The only bright world's work and Southold may well Too much cannot be said in praise of, .Tuthill, Mattituck 4 1 g00 'pot for they Mattituck fans was the feel rood and satisfied, the Class of 22, of their—we cant given to the people was hams far the summer. ' Permission was A baggage room was built on the stickwork of those two rollicking bud- p of East Marion to close play Avenue 4 Southampton. 4, 1 800 dies, Muff Wickham and Wal Downs- Father McGrath, in his prayer, help but say 1t—fine appearance, of ; east side of the freight building of the one evening for a Bloch fart Sag Harbor . .3 2 600 Mufl llad .a perfect batting average sounded the first note as to the'moan-,'their management of details, of their y, also to Southold , 2 3 400 L. I. R. R depot, for.'the gauze, making three sin glse� ins of the the exercise. The special part in the exercises, and especially of; the people of Southold to close.Youngs,, j Shelter Island 2 $ 4Q0 Dr. J. G. I3untting of Huntington and a double out of four times up, I their joint literary product the class Avenue on evening of July lst for est Ilam ton„ purchased of Henry Talmage his place Downs had the same amount Out of guidance that he invoked for graduates,!magazine, known as The X-Ray. :i W _ P___...^ U 6 40Q, five times at bat, but the rest of the parents, teachers, and all the directing" , y '.' Block Party:also to the people of Or!,, 1 1A7 PYTucx on Main St., opposite Oak Lawn Av. team was found wanting nz this re- and supporting Xnfluences Qf the school, The Program of the evening, as ar• ent to close Main St;, from Orchard 1 els r h pa a Melrose I. Spooner was news agent spect. The score: ,:brought the audience face to face with:,ranged by the class was as follows: �;St.to Vincent.St., for a Block Party. k waltro, n ,............... 4 u z ;, i u on the morning and evening train. soUTHOLI) ,. , Voted to transfer.$%tiO4 from telae L. Reeve, Ili ............. 4 o o s 0 0 the responsibiiities of all concerned, la, liesve, 211 .....,..... 3 2 0 3 4 a Miss Lillie Rowell lied charge of ab r h no a e Millenlal heverie King's prahestra Miscellaneous Fund to the machinery y 1lawiia, of ................. a 2 2 n o 1 crippled children sent from St. Ptiter's Cassidy, c ...,..... Invocation Rev. E. F. McGrath Fund. 1 lnowatty, a .... 2 0 0 1 C1 o pp 3 1 2 6 0 0 and awakened a consciousness that all ..,........, Burt, of ., •...••••••• 3 1 o 1 6 0 i might not be measuring up to what was =. -- Norris. if ........... .... 2 0 0 0 0 o Hospital, Boston. Cochran, rf ........... G 1 2 2 o n g Chorus, The Stars Are Gleaming J. N. HALLoax,Town Clerk l �. Ruland, ab a 0 2 1 2 6 Miss Helen lG3owo1X had charge of the strasaer, 2b ,......... 4 0 o z i involved is the word"education." High School Girls Wickham, rf .............. 3 0 0 1 0 0 , s Beath, as - _ _..-__. Breaker, ss ..,., 3 0 1 4 i 1'?Providence R, T., playgrounds for poor Scott, ab .................. 3 1 6 2 3 2 Tho speaker of the evening., 114x. Al- .Salutatory Thomas Hall Universalist Church r Barker, Ii .... ............ 2 t)„,0 0 3 z salmon. p To Tbee, Serenade and Waltz 2 3 0 3 0 22 4 7 2•11 '3 children. Coveleski, �t :::.:::.:..... z 2 i 1i o u I and the New York Law School laced King's;Orchestra The improvements is the L7niversaii:ai ? Southold commenced to have aSun- Conflict, 1 T-—— —^ £red E. Hinrichs of the New York Bax sCIsYTHOLD 32 s 11 2? z0 3 an emphasis on the higher' meaning of l' Valedictory Eugene Lehr, ebureb are nearing completion, In act.i P 1� ata r b po ti o day mail p g Presentation of Diploma F. K. Terry l dition to the new pipe organ which is II, Booth, c ............... G x 1 s 0 a A reception was given to the new MA'l`TITUCK education that we, with the world in president Board of Education 11, Bat,tn, It ................ r, 1 2 a o 0: Brian church Rev. ab r h po a e g , g now being put in place, there will ia+ u. hurt, of pastor of the Presbyt• s o 0 7 a 2 eneral are waitin to hear. From.'Chorus,"The River" High School Girls , 1, ......,... G 1 2 1 0 o p of Miss ',Woico, a ,.......•..,....,. r 1 z o 0 1 various quarters recently the cry haR, new carpets, new interior decaratio c bran. . ............... a o u o o u; Wen. H, Lloyd,at the residence E. Reeve, 2b ....... Introduction of Speaker Strastwr, 2h ............... 3 0 1 2 3- Lindsay, If .........•..... G 0 U 1 2 U Come front Seboolmen and -to school-•1 and new electric lighting. , ll4r nnO' >tl, Ullrich, so ............... a 0 1 i G 1 : Susie B: Huntting. Downs, of ..... 0 3 0 t education must mean more Rev. Wm. J3, Lloyd G 0 � 1 li 0 � y $tat li,i@T..'. its" ".."." ,,.. G o 1 'men, the a Address Mr. Alfred E, Hinrichs i Mrs.-Henry Prellwitz the arta v , Calera+an, p ........... 2_o 0­0 i• ,1 { ,rte '"^^'"y*r'r Ruland, 3b , Scott, 3b .................. 3 0 0 1 2 u _ - _ __ , elect, ib ....,... - 3 0 0 a 0 o than tools for making a laving, or It is F' ; given the committee valuable sugi,es Sanford, lb ................ 4 o o to 0 0 (+,',AST ENI! LEAGUE L, peeve, 1b ,............. 1 0 0 4 0 o g Benediction Rev. Abram(onkhn 1 0 o u 1 0 'not worthwhile; To have,an able New i tions as to the interior colorings. Nl*. i ir.-l Mitcholl, p Selection' King's f�rchestra 3G 3 ?*LH 11 q I �^�'^"^0-"" Wickham, rf .............. i 0 4 1 0 0 Prellwitz with great, generosity hof✓ rad e *Wickham out, hit by batted ball. Breaker, ss 3 0 U 1 2 2 York lawyer Come t0 Southold, et,this t!" RESULTS JUNE 24 , 3 1 1 0 o a l time:.before a packed audience, and The members of the Class of 1922 personally undertaken the decoration of Sain•ilier•._..Cochran, Strasser.: Stol-l Barker, p •....., WoltfiaThree-bnsc bit---Downs. Two-base hit-. RESULTS -------- are, - Wcit baass---asn,t, ott, Woluo, L. Rewe. I, Southold 8, Mattituck 2 40 2 11 24 16 s plead the cause o£education because it the pulpit end of the church. It is t.t l - Uccve, Roland. Double plays---Wolgo to B. 7 Southampton 6 xuo-base hits-Downs, Ruland, Wickham, enriches the higher life of man, opens Beatrice Hodgina, President derstood that Mrs. Prellwitz is engage a i olk West Hampton , Ateve to L. Itecve; Ullrich to Strumer to @ I31and 4 Barker, Cochralt, 2; Strasser. Sacrifices--- r e'T Thomas Hall, Vice-President upon an important work of art to t,w I to mord, Slrucic t7nt by Salmon, 8; b i better et sa y Sag Harbor 9, ti santord, 2: watt, Coveleski, Breaker. Stolen it up to all that human beings are h i , 7latkct, J. Bass on balls--orf Salnto�i, 1: lied base-Wickham, ,Struck out-by Mitchell,. 1, Eugene Lehr, Secretary placed in this position later. in to adds'to the fullness contentment �_ ..—__ ___..__I lin- r oil' Barker, 3, Hit b pitcher-..Sslnton. Left fOr£e } Helen Band Treasurer a 1 Y ( b Barker G; kty Salman,.6. Bases an balls- i , on baste_..Mattituck, 6; Southold, S. I;larnod: ^-^ — by Barker, d. Passed ball-WoI9o, Hit 'by and happiness of life, whether bank ac- ' runs :Southold, 1; Mattituck. 1. L7tnt"rea---• SATURDAY, f IDLY 1 i eked ball-Burt. Left on bases--Mattitack, Rose Akee'ln With commendable pride (and seen age Mcssrs. 'Tuthill and Thornhill. GAMES 10; Southold, 7. Hits-off Mitchell, G in 2 counts are.enriobed or not, was One of • the members of Eagle Hook and West Hampton at Southold innings; oft Barker,6 in s innin�z9. Umpire-•- the most timely thing's that ever bap-'. Alvah Goldsmith omy) g �xns- 1 after at- Southampton x Terry_ ___.:_ ____:_____-- The attention of the"' Irene Griswold Ladder Co. Jaid a concrete run the, stic Miss Alice Louise Cank in, Shelter Island at pened to us. tending Lombard College, Illinois, the Sag Harbor at Mattituckinterest' --- width of the building to the edge w i 'tile Block Party Auto Palade audience showed its seep ands_ John:R. Tillinghast showed us" this the roadway, Monday night. Work s lbs. past year, is at home with her parents GAMES JULY 4 rest raved, too,the admirable . and with them will All members of the :Southold Fire that irate, p week an interesting relic. It was a started after supper and the concreting� he at Derby Line Vt., a all others who have power of the speaker to get his brief home here next i Southold at Shelter Island Department and over to the audio,. e. It was a wonder-; leaf from a copy book, written by was'finished at 10 o'clock, autos being g a be at their summer a u. Joseph Tillinghast, grandfather of Mr. eek. _ l Mattituck at West Hampton automobiles are requested to take part ful 'th?me, presented in a wondIorful, stationed to furnish light. , a _ Tillinghast, at Clinton Academy, $oast Southampton at Sag Harbor in a parade on Friday evening,June.30, � .manner—clear, cool,:logical, deliberate, Russell and William $lair were G and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Prince have re- _ at 7 p. in, daylight saving time. The Hampton, March 13, ,1791. It was will turned from South Jamesport and leave THE CLUBS but corrin from a mind teoming' with among those who furnished music for STANDING OF purpose o£thin parade is to advertise � written with a quill pen'and looks likethe Summit, Bing rented art of Mies gimme Botaseau s enthusiasm fox the possibilities that p p Won Lost P.C. the Firemen s Plock Party, which will ; r copper plate. Peo le took time to encement E Exercises. Thegh h are the of house on Horton's Lane. 667 held at Creekside as July let at 8:30 might be opened up to man along the; write legibly to those-days. Wemust ilt a -__-__ _ _ ._...._.__ _... 4 L be sons of Mrs. Dora 4 a MattttucXt simple way of the school xoom. ,What confess that the writing is quite a"son Quaxty Blsir, foram i Earl P. Hagerman, of the Mohawk Southampton . 4 2 667 p, rsi. The Engine Co. will form on eel of Southold. g ,, haw 2 667 Beckwith avenue and the Ilook and a burden of responsibilit'$ too,rolled on tract to that of the editor's. y t - Dred in and Contract,in s lay. Sag Harbor .. . . 4 (not oif) our minds, bat.wit h carne a Jesse L. Case attan4ad CoomR d 1 Dredging g Co.,' y 3 3 600 Ladder`do. will form on Mechanic „ iii concrete roads walks and curbing Southold . feeling of Hope that sometime�o,alrould ,, Tbis June lies been th® %'attest m mencemeat L rcises._'of Alegi with a. Ing ' g 333 street. Come out and show your pub riser Rockaway BeaetF"`' Shelter Island satire the,meaning of these betier�` (aft ;one ears.; 167 tic spirit towards the fixe department. r-= Y y Ma Yale College, l>ltt _ .__ West Hampton . 1 6 tai, NAT .E, B2o13, Chief Engineer- __ 2— i#`Edw J Carey &ors to Silas A it The opposition auto-hus from South. A kului Accident Southold Lodge Ofticers' �,t t f�` #v on; lot on Railroad ave, .' land Nlt�th Anniversary, - - _ *� Old 10 Greenport has been taken off for, yi Police Sergeant Hubert L. Howard District Deputy Grand Master J. J. SFGea R Jennings, South d` 1 50 he Tues Morning lib celebrated The �1nl�ec�allst organ patronage. There lack of It is well, (retired) of N. Y. City was so badly Haff and staff of Northport installed emical National Bank of New Yark anoi day o. g C The new pipe organ far the Untver as no room for two lines. Mr. Hawkins burned its ninth birthday in a most fitting and hurried on Tuesday that he flied at the the following officers of Southold Lodge, C rt Griswold, tot u s Pecivash av adi delightful manner at the home its Balfst church is nearing-completion:i serves the people well. E, L.I. Hospital the next day at 1 p. I.0:0.F,, on Monday evening: N. G., �Jr d deet,tot a Penllash av ad7 land Holden, b It is made by M.P.Moller, of Hagers- m. On Jul 4th about, o'clock, the Wm. H. Rafford; , Thomas D. I tehoccue ........ ..._.• _ ...tlr 000 originator, Mrs. J. H. Marshall, Spec- town, Maryland, one of the largest Gordon Taylor has accepted a oai- Y V. G. ial invitations bad been sent out to the y P bungalow of Sergeant Howard an Town Baird; F. G,, Charles T. Gordon; War., organ manufacturers in the country Mian with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- Torpedo Beat Co.�Co. to.flow• members, special hints had been, given °T' type, r_+ Holland 'T The organ is'of the modern yp , ?xial at Cumberland, Md„ beingt Creek was discovered to be on fire. The Charles G. Corey, Con., Wm, H. Terry; I rd G Tuthill,let a e Fir it st, ad[ land „ti (aa`' candidate ace be alarm was given and the Fire Depart-, Chap., John Breitstadt; I. G., Tennis f •George W. King, New Suffnllti• 3 as to the.raper gowns for tle arranQ two manuals and pedal :orgaD, with i opted out of four Tax$ and a special program had been g ment and a large number of people were S. Bergen; ,O. G., H. W. Gordon; R. _. _ - tubular pneumatic action. It is coca 1 _�. ratt,Institute. E. L. I, Hospital, Greenport, July 4, :;ed by the hostess in honor of the tie- nested with an electric blower, The soon on hand. Albert Hipp, Frank S. N. G., H. M. Hawkins; L. S. N. G , P casion. The Club was never more E L. Rowland and family of Brook- Kloss and Tom Hall were the first to A. W. Albertson; R. S. V. G., George "ioliver Goldsmith of Southold, where case is of black:walnut, and the front lyo are occupying Mrs, Daisy L. interment took place. obliging than on this day,and mem are furnished in.old gold. A. Maier; L. S. V. G., O. A. Prince; y bars proved themselves `worthy of all get to the bungalow, They heard a E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport, Jul 5, pipes The stops are as follows: Prime's house for the summer. Mrs, noise inside and brake open the door, R. S. S., Albert Salman; L. S. S., Wil Police Sergeant Hubert L. Howard, a the compliments showered•ou tbem, as i time her o Robert occupied. tB' during the which was locked, and Sergeant How- bur S. Petty; Representative to Grand g summer resident 'of Southold. Inter- well as the good fortune, wished or: Great Organ time bar home is occupied, _, _ and fell out, He was carried to a place Lodge, Tennis S. .Bergen; Proxy, l' ment at Southampton- 1 8 ft. Open Diapason a _ them. Simply to print the .ingrain P � Mx. and Mrs. Moses Taylor attended of safety, and Drs. Stokes and Stevens Charles T. Gordon. r` --__ - 2 8 ft, Viola Y Twenty-Five Years Ago tells,of the jollity of the afternoon: were called. Sergeant Howard was _ ..__ _.. __._ _ 3 8ft. Duiciana the Commencement Exercises of Pratt I J, very badly burned about.the face Touch•the Button Mrs. Bell ; Institute, 'Brooklyn, last week, Y , tlw /_ / 0000 M 4 4 ft. Viola when their son Gordon graduated, and cheat. He was taken to the E. L. here at 6e30 aormTrThe eTribunes riare Consiflerable damage.was d oe the Y Ambition The IEIoBteBa y 16 ft, Dulctana Blisss from Mrs. I, Hospital. The bungalow and its eon- brought in an airplane to Riverhead, wheat crop by a hard storm. Greetingread b Mrs. Addy 6 8 ft.'Salicional , p, Hudgins of N. tents were soon burned to the y Mr. and Mr Claude ground. and then autos cover the North and i. The Junior Baseball Team, through X. City and Dr, Richard Hudgins of Glub Song (words by a member) swell Organ The origin of the fire is not known. South Forks of the Island. There is t the°manager,. J. Leo Thompson, chat sung by Edith Prince 7 81t..Salicionai 9 Ogdensburg, N. Y., are home for a Sergeant,Howard has spent his sum- enterprise for you. Country as well as ;i lenged all junior baseball teams in the .Joke Mrs. Phillips 8 8 ft. Geiger Principal haw dayB. , mere here fox a number of years and city dwellers can read their paper be- Town. . _._ Humorous History Mrs. Smith ; 9 $£t. Stopped Diapason The Southold Library is naw open on was well thought of for his genial fore breakfast. Mise Laura V. Henry, a farmer Something Said Mrs.Williams 10 4 ft. Stopped'Flute i�ayligbt saying time, qualities. He was a native of NorthTwenty Years Ahead Mrs. Hallock 11 8 ft. Orchestral Oboe 1 A new industry is being established '' teacher in our }fliblic school, was mar- j -W-� Sea, Southampton, and when a your " Them's Mies Robinson 12 8 ft. ulintadena 'Cutchogue,June 12 b Rev, John- R, g m Southold,known as the Suffolk Coun reed to Philip D. Meagher of N. Y, Q y man the late Police Commissioner Ste ty Tile & Mantle Co. Work is being 1 McCoy, Charles Edward Hs bur; g City, Thoughts .. Mrs.Cosden Pedal Organ .lien B. French got him on the New done b Charles Edwin Terry. Floors Geo, G. Richmond, son William and a My Ideas of Men Miss.Harper, and Miss Letitia Agnes Gallagher. Y Y• 18 16 ft. Bourdon York Police Force. His rise was rapid and walls have been built in bathrooms party of guests had a narrow 'escape Little Dan's Puzzle Mrs. Bridge Twenty-Five Years Ago 14 16 ft. Lieblich Gedeckt 040 �; from drowning, when their catboat 'Answer to the Conundrum-- A system of duplexing and large x and he became a Sergeant. When be , for several parties here to their real �f o l had served 25 years on the force be re. satisfaction• We wish the new c om- J was rum into and capsized by a'yacht. "What is so rare as a day in Jane ?" number of couplers;give the or an uki•••° Orlando W. Wells retuxnehome tired on a pension. The remains of 1: r m Eastman's Business College. .any success. ; sailed by Capt. Worthington of Shelter read by Mrs. Hall and Miss Mitchell ' usual range and flexibility. f o g Sergeant Howard were taken to his old Island. We had the hottest weather of the I home at Southampton for inter The ox'gi[il for the: Utiivcr;alist Prize was awarded by,Miall .Jo Addy The church has been newly decorated, j E_.. ?� t•_..._JChurch has arrived and is cin tihc > season, ? -�---- ----._T-"-- -....___.____" "-�^ 'to the .beet answer--given by Mrs., the:decorations at the pulpit end being mil sent Wverhend 5aviii,:r, S1ic,Tvs Pldet Gain of premises awaiting, the arrival of Dr, J. H. Marshall and family p ]EAST END Yah+'AGU '' Mitchell. planned and executed by Mr. L i.ellrvitr, w N .y $ t123801<,i91 Si;, lleliiths the men who are to tnstrill it. The program was followed bye boon the artist, The electric lighting, ar- the summer at Mountainville, , - , t of People are surprised at the size: "-'-- tiful supper and a beautiful sunset,aft- ranged by Mr. Stacy;.is artistic and The Fourth .sexed off very quietly Elle 100th aeilii-1?inual statein nt and number of the parts which RESULTS JULY 8 ,. t lin doing,except Riverhead Savin,;; Bank issued er which the TuesdayiteH went .home' beautiful. @ There was na 1 g g, P tb. }iotivs a net, gain of made a full cert load in tr<:in;Alor- *I -_ here a i! icnics. 1.tIst Saturday . ' Southold 8, Southampton 0 with their pretty souvenirs, as happy � c a`feW f m y P n 3 gag Harbor 0 This antic Chas: Edwin Terry, of the Suffolk ,; 'nn s, n tatloll ° i of I 1 _ _ . _-..._. . _.___..-_.. __-_-- _.._____ •_ gin at Hampton �' as nine year old children. s p i T. M. Sh[pherd filled the pulpit 1G..,8_.9 in total re,�onrc,.a during � the mast innclths, tkle resources a ave- L „1, ,t , Mrs. Eliza Howell Sharp,whose home Mattituck 12, Shelter Island 2Pular birthday had meant for them one: Co. Tile and Mantle Co.,who expects to tbe�raBb,terian Church Sunday nog ac ii:; r.)U_.�,•.�,�•1- i now is not in Korea, but with her hUs- ;, kh;r 'gine, ccrnl:paretl, of peculiar sweetness, for there was,an`,1 make Southold his permanent home in ping. Iu de,,to,it al y s GAI ES 'SATURDAY, JULY 15 ,' iarriitlls 7 e, i;h^ ialstitution band and family is the State o£ Wash- ','sold lang Syne" spirit prevailing those the near future, has made rosily im- $1ie semi-annual statement of the lvitll .i vTe11, f«r it is does not .f,.le 11111 e ington, is spending a few weeks in her 'n s Bank showed total r � „ � Sa,g,Harbor at Southold Breezy Bluff rooms and porches which� provemAnts:ta his property on Cottage Southold Savi g observed th,!.t f.ai~ lle ,ri.,t time in old home town. ____.. ._--._ West Hampton at Shelter Is land;'w'asunmistakably due to the :friendly; Place. Besides adding a batlarooara, assets of$2,051,730 35, and a aur.us many poriod's the .,.nount clue spent tt e 1 ,_•• s b iri on Brooklyn sue Mattituck at Southamptoaq�f unity and con panionshipa a£ the nine, fully tiled, and one of the most artistic of X200,476.06, depositors c>n Jul., ., ,� a,, lc� s George Fauth of g .-.�-- a rs' standin iii tbese arta he has also laid a tyle I o be exact the. deprc,.it� at with his Bon Edward at South P ,: - Fourth w • 1 raw tilnc• arw, $7;$'s,"r,3.i4?1:'l., including� } - STANDING SOF'THE CLUB S �•.j'a==-�_._._.._._�_.._.._ floor ap Ills veranda. . . Phil W�.�.keB ! r Capt. Robert Ebbitts, one of our hon- th they Harbor. Lebased hn J, Burns of Greenport has'Pier- ' trte, t c• ,cl, ,F.rl, ,..;l,ilr• on Jnn. I t y Harbor ___ --- _ - � Won Lost �C. - tired veterans of the Civil War I n'* in-! i1-t athe property, corner. of Rail- ser,a neighbor, got a hunch that he; lied on �vevc .11,1,591,i,br,r,E,7, ..1, .> inc.ludi , ;1 Eugene Eldredge and daughter M 1 . 't ek . , 6 2 75Q i Pou ht to do something,_ and being a: t exhibition by his flagstaff on July 4th teres't creditc;:l. , I g Roosevelt, L. I„ spent the� � Matti u 5 fl 625d -Av. and Traveler St., of Theo.] �,Jack at all trades," has built a 1 ' died of Roos Southampton. . treasured relics that he carried in 1861- '1 h ,,cls at'1 nl to o.,, 611 ]?,ink is , ,. vc,rc r, for the wi,dom .colt-end at Leslie Eldredge s, hold , . > 4 3` 51nkia ___�� -_- commodious piazza across the front and 86, They were three muzzle n3 ti,c,ti.ci, he v Soot __. g , cn- tho inrtii;iltion nl — _ -___. ,i Ole c ilic..�. ndsa of Pecollic, Sag Harbor . . , . 4 4 5t)it Mrs. Anna Prince Hedges' of West north side of'. his residence; which will muskets, cartridge box and belt, old ,, u' v ;;ti°nn- iir}?liis while Robert F. Lt Y lii�.lria.a,€ p iter Island _ 2 ': Orange, N. J, has been engaged :to later be inclosed with glass, It laaliig canteen and bullets. The ' " r diviclenl,: is Strom;•- has a positionvliit h tiikta him to `i S e uniform that also payrnf l.iri„e , • ,. .., . � 't• time. r�o.N it nth America. � � ;b Wiest Hainptan:. � 2 sing at the Methodist church during her more, than leas a neighborhood of ,tie proudly wore is all worn out. ly emplizv4zed at tllc„ „ir .So _ _-- __� ��,Liizzies,” Mr. Weckesser then built a nbsex'Jerl that the :a+irpl[ar has grown to William el Bond; stay this summer in Soathald - ,F Mr, anti Mrs. Sixtus Heather of a a.st six A. Eustaca � cin and Helen B —_---- "garage and has purchased the prevailing' fiver $46,000 duTiiithe p r Helen n South road, ad t Misses Rose Aka Chico o 11".`l South Coventry, Ct. and Mr, sod Mrs, ,;; '7.Z(; to a,1 /a,- n lot on Mai Son and i Mrs. E. C.Ituby,of 1; type of ear: `°Mike" Sulzer is an- 9' ' y tnt7ntll,,,,f.ralfl �1,OJ_,.37 COClrxa , ,7 of . artie6 o£ first and second who graduated:from the a sum- a °t George Heather of. Willimantic, C t., _ - ----- -- "1•ancls p _ el 'other to get the bee in his bonnet,and _].�`3 0,,, __..-.__- old..... Tax 50c. r School,Past month, are taking,;, :Py Geo:-L. Gaffga s house on Lau? spent the Sabbath with Mrs, Heather's i _ is building a veranda to his place, with Thea. W. VYood and family have I part'.. aSoufih sister, Mrs. John Shaffer." I moved to their new Boma at Riverbead. -.` �� li mer course at the Naw Paltz Normal LAv,�_ _ T _ r'' Cnhnnl. 4-600Crete floor, r„ ~ 'm. Perfect Attendance , , Mary j Frederic Borgessoq - Miss Mar Kenny is attending the Mary Nasty 87 Thomas Conway Twenty-Five Years Ago t'-��oll��d]d ���°��� �J����. hummer School at Columbia University. Alberta Dickerson 87 Steve Romanski cru - American History » f ®000 a " The Southold Lighting District was : Riverhead, Jul. 11, Charles W. Ilal- Howard Coley 85 g g y Perfect Attendance. GRADE VIII Eugene Lehr 92 The continued spell of`hot" weather lighted for the first time by electricity ecoan erof ase 3 rrearaeno 11. Smith ,Alberta Dickerson Helen Boisseau 86 John Purcell 90 was causing much anxiety to those who last Friday night. There are 64 lights Alice Gordon 8g i Clement Donahue 89 Frew cabbage seed. of 80-watt power..- The Southold Town' SCHOOL NOTES Helen Krukowaki Katherine Thompson 86 Helen Booth 86 Rev, James R. Robinson was called Board has entered into a contract with ° Muriel Young - r a o Clara:Tuthill 86 Thomas Hall 86 to.the pastorate"of the Presbyterian the Long'Island .Lighting Co. to light Perfect Attendance for Year church at Galeton Pa. the district for 1600 per ear—$25 a iatrurt RQIt Alberta Dickerson Perfect Attendance Latin II ' $ y Hazel Baumann Frances Overton 90 Rev. James B. Freeman was called:light—for a term of five years. phe GRADE I GRADE IV Latin III to the pastorate of one of the largest company gives an all-night service and V, Terry Jennings, Jr. 96 Esther Booth 93 HIGH SCI.06L Clement Donahue .90 Presbyterian churches;of Minneapolis,_every night in the year; The lighting 4 *. Ruth Christiansen 95 Noreen Wiseman 92 Class Averages Harriet Horton 90_ Minn. of.the streets is certainlya teat sur Dorothy Rowell 94 Horace Symonds 91 Robert Booth 98 g g g nstanee Terry y Biology Beatrice Hodgins 94 The Southold Cornet Band ave an cess and if there Gould be some tavisaa- 94 Julius Zebroaki 93 y Helen Thom P ming of trees where necessary viae j ' Edgar.Snaith _ 93 Dorothy Chhe��sytie �$ peon 88 1 Helen Booth 85 open air concert on Dr. Hartranft a eight would be still hotter, 85 Examinations lawn. _ ill _ 4 Helen Neater 9$ Robert Gagen 88 History A 87 Civics The potato crop was good. The ® u Kv Lloyd,Dickerson 92 P Lighting T can gl Walter.WiJennie lliams msi 86 Helen Tho Latin .1 Helen tThompson 98 price public road wcents s!is out to the Pe The tstoc stockholders f theSouthold Anne Thompson Marguerite Gallagher 86 Adelaide Sterling y q g ' g- ` ,` g g American History quash Club House, Fleet's Neck. Li htin Co. received this week fir War Miriam Fickeissen 90 !t' 85 Dorothy Jennings 85 Charles Simon Thomas Hall 90 The F. Maxwell place in the eastern checks for their stock. They not anly Loretta Stelzer 90 Perfect Attendance 85 Alvah Goldsmith 87 part of the village was sold to F'erdi- received the par value, $25.00 a Snare, Mar Hobson 89 � Helen Thompson 88 != e Joseph Butler Eugene Lehr 87 1 nand Kreutzer. but also nine per cent`additional. vo-ae Beverly Gordan 87 Physical Geography Dorothy Christie Biology H. R. Shipherd won the$10 prize of are very glad to note.this. The peel Iv Elizabeth Baker 86 Dorothy Jennings Clement Donahue g 85 Donald Robinson . 87 fared by the Feconia Mfg, Co. for the who subscribed for this stook did i as Charles Bennett 86 Edwin Malmborg Alvah Goldsmith Helen Thompson 86 one forming the largest number of public-spirited citizens for a public ben- James James Gagen 86 "•Eugene Lehr :Perfect Attendance r Horace Symonds ie,- History A words from the. letters in "2incuta efit—the lighting of our streets—as Walter Williams English IV 90 Helen Thompson .88 Ointment.'' Mr. Shipherd formed-619 well as the lighting of resideaees and F. Terry Jennings, Jr. Thomas Hall .a Noreen Wiseman 85 Latin I " . words, places of business, When they put Joseph Slavonik Perfect Attendance for Year Eugene Leis 89 Donald Rubinson 91 The annual report of the treasurer of their money In the . company the; Constance TerryHorace"Symonds English Ii Adelaide Sterling 91 the Southold Union School District thought it very doubtful if they ever GRADE II GRADE V Marjorie Hagerman 87 Helen Thompson 95 f showed total receipts of $2,059,63,` and received a cent back, but they veere l Rensselaer G.Terry92 Evelyn Van Wyck 93 English I Wilson Tuthill 91 ; total expenses of $1,995.32. The Prin- willing to do it for the good•of tht'i eovi,- William 0, Williams 91 Helen Dickerson 93 Adelaide Sterling 87 Physical Geography eipal was paid$900 a year salary, and munity. It is-a pleasure to kgaas Margaret Kart 91 Frances Gordan 92 Helen Thompson g2 Clement Donahue 92 his two assistants, $400 each. the _are wnot to be the lasers thszcl:: James Baker 88 Dwight]Bridge 91 English Grammar Thomas Hall 85 Mrs,John Korn died; aged 64 years. put commission men loaded potatoes Mary Butler 88 �. : Marjorie Eugene Lehr 95 . and Mrs. William uzriz�made Monda at 1.00 Alice Dawns 90 J rie Hagerman 91 r y $ per bushel, but on!, x Tannic O Vaianik 88 Irene McKeon 87 Harriet Horton English IV their first visit to Southold. Tuesday the market was flat. Thee is Agnea 7ehroaki 88 Stanley Smith 87 Gertrude]Koke 89 Eugene Lehr 90 p. every indication of a big ere Carol Gomez 87 Francis Thompson 87 w Aitba Smith 88 English III A 'END LEAGUE - r Pauline Albertson 85 Marie Ducey 86 French I lilarjorie Hagerman 91 'TWentp-Else@pS :. Helen'Warciski 86Aoris eicht 85 Frances Overton 86 English I ,x Sophie Slavanik Perfect Attendance French II Helen English son Grammar 92 Southold 9,RESULTS Harbor 0 (forfeited) '', record. Rensselaer was the wettest Al ce' Downs Harriet Horton 8595 g r Perfect Attendance n Rensselaer Torry Southampton 5 Matt;tuck 2 Clarence L, Davis shipped as.°�o� on Harriet,Horton P Pp GRADE VI French Iii AlgebragP I ev, Wm. Force Whitaber wH, visit GRADE III 85 West Hampton 4, Shelter Island 8 sob. Copy. Alice Bloomfield 92 Beatrice Hodgins Adelaide Sterlin 94 R Leonie Stacey 95 Robert Carroll 87 Eugene Lehr 91 Anna ?,aveski ` Helen Terr Perfect Attendance GAMES SATURDAY, JULY 22 ing places of interest in England. ,. 94 Henrietta Fickeissen 86 y 88 Helen.Bond Southold at.West Hampton Rev, F. B. Stockdale of Scmthaazipton Muriel Young Louise Overton 90 Frances Wadsworth 94 Geometry Eugene Lehr Mattituek at Shelter Island addressed a Parlor W.,C, T. LT, inet-' Lillian Stelzer 89. Helen Terry c 85 Donald Robinson Norma Van Wyck J2 Southampton at Sag Harbor ing• Grace Vreeland 90 Algebra Charles Simon Some wheat was stacked in the lot Bertha Hipp, 92 Doris Williams 95 Robert Booth Helen Thompson STANDING OF THE CLUBS three weeks before it was di;r enough Bedwig Weygand 91 Perfect Attendance ` Harold Downs 90 Perfect Attendance for Year Won Lost P.C. to put.in the barn. Georgians Stepnoski 91 Grace Vreeland Arthur Gagen Helen Thompson Mattituek 6 3 667 ! Joseph Dries, while couplin;; cera at Jerome Grattan 91 Perfect Attendance for Year, 90 . . Jamey Ducey 91 Donald Robinson 90 _ � Southampton, , . . 6 3 _. 667 Southold,load his hand-badly crushed. Anna Nasta 9p Grace Vreeland Adelaide Sterling gg Southold . . , 5 3 625 Ia three days W. C. Albertson ship_ GRADE VII Wilson Tuthill 87 George H. Smith of Peconic has pur-�. Sag Harbor ._ 4 5 445 Ped 9,6600 bushels of potatoes, for which r liaise Krukowaki 89 - chased the, Ch rise Williams place in�! West Ham 3 6 393;; he paid 60 cents a bushel. The farm- Violet Borgeseon 89 Katherine Hilliard 88 Civics Hampton . era were rejoicing over the good times. Robert Grattan 88 Flora Albertson $6 Robert 95 E the western part of the village.- h iter Island . . 2 6 26 The'receipts of the Southold Savings Clifford Wiseman 87 Joseph Bond 85 Goldsmith Horton 91_ -- - � �— Bank'for the Past `six naontlia were.. Francis Strasser• 87 Harriet Dickerson 85 Frances Ovorton SI' Brooklyn,July 13, Rev. W. W.'Gil Southold, July 15, by Rev. 'E F Stefna Poliwoda 8? Marguerite Ehrhardt 85 Helen Thoa�paols lies, a former pastor of the''Southold M. McGrath, William H. Rafford an( 141iss M&M-7- 87 church, aged 74 years. Alice Regina Carroll,_ _ a� Boss;i- E. Corey has taken a con. TW®llt�^�'il've Years Ago MATTITUCK HAS NEW ing in bringing out'the purpose of the' Twenty-Five "ear13 Ago play. No actor can take his part 'in- g s7 ,s 9 z7 14 2 �racMt t�build a bungalow f0i• Rev. ' +.lr^_ i®Od,4a > "� I�IEWSI'APEIEt. t one-set la is,a eo �# ®oom �' IKa�mrTucx ' Ponder of South Orange, N.J. The Mattituck Reporter is the differently. A play m Large quantities of potatoes were set whole, much packed into little,not 0. Penne moved to rs. J, ab r h no a e ori the land at the Sound formerly name o£ the new weekl P y wolgo. e a o z 11 x o shipped, at 56 cents a bushel. y news" one small part of which can be missed Wickham's house. L. Reeve, 1b ,..:..:.,...., a o o s o 1 owned by the late Albertson Case papal which made its be to the Lindsay p :............... 4 o'o 1 o a t - A merry-go-round was in the lot public on 'Wednesda without'spoilingthe unity. Therefore, A number of our people attended the Downs,: er ' Joseph 1'. Caroli' is having Geo• south of the W. C. Albertson store. It is 01 published by J hnguHagerl, it is no wonder hat these directors, as- � Jamesport camp meeting. Rulana, sb ,:, ....,.:-s o i i i' 1. W. Sliiitli build for him a cottageengaged Wickham rf ..........,, a o 1 0 o 0 $y Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd was taking a who is en a ed in the T on his recently Purchased .property , vacation at his old home in Wales. business at Mattituck, printing listed by Mise Langlois and Miss King, There was a good demand for pots- rhea en,']f a 0 .o a o 1 where he bave been holding 3 rehearsals a week toes at 55 cents a bushel, On one da Breaker, ss a 0 0 0 2 1 ,� The ladies of the Universalist church established himself several a o a s a o just north of W. '1'. Gagen's on years daring much of the past month and will W. C. Albertson:broke the record by %E. Reeve, 2h � - i Railroad Avenue. as o 4 27 10 s presented their pastor, Rev. F, G. ago after severing his connections continue in trying to perfect tbeir work shipping nine carloads, 4950 bushels. Two-base hits—Cassidy, 2; Wickham, Burt. with the County Review at River- Sacri$ce hit—L. Reeve. Stolen bases--wolso, Leonard with a sum of money, and s men worked until 1 o clock tbe' F ]' het( will hf Henry 1Y Iri r '1t7. 0t e n resented him with aCraw- head' The Paper Contains twelve Urtil AUg. 9 and 10. i 2. ,Double plays—Strasser to Sanford, Break. ,q <.i.t Bayard, hew Mexico, and Pe- the m n P ,pages Of dews and a The plpys, with the cast named, will next morning. er to E. Reeve to L. Reeve. struck out-by C'liiiC, C1isposinfr of less than ;1,000, ford biCYCI®.' dVerty illlg. , Lindsay, 8; by Salmon, 7. Bases on balls_ gi r^,s all of it to his me Meetin J. N. This is the third new newspaper try given in the following Greer: Rev. L. A. Routley of East MariOn off Lindsay. 2; off salmon, 1. Hit by pitched �thei M1s. At the Annual School g, ,,, addressed the Southold Temperance ball-by Lindsay, Strasser. Left on basin--. c°stablished in Suffolk County 1, "The Heart of a Clown, by P ilvzattatvek, a; Southold, s. mm�ire mr. Hi liry t: Pitz. P3 anlclin T'. Overton Hallock was elected a member of the within a few months one t P ail-An arson under the Society. ? of Pe.conxc is named as executor. at Sag Cons once out d _..... - Board of Education, and PM m. Y. Fith-' Harbor, one at Sayville and this direction of Miss Ann Hallock. The body of Horace Bartell of $ay-I, a i ian District Clerk. It was voted to one, The Three nays i Mrs. Margie Jennings will spend sev-, ' Cast • onne N._J,, was found in Peconic Bay, Oral weeks at a girls'camp. Camp Ak-i raise$1,550 by tax. __ off,Cedar Bosch. The largest-pay audience that even na, Belgrade Lakes, Maine where ' Sebastian Waiters died, aged 71 Gallagher, s M to Town of Southold, lot Columbine Miss Marguerite McMann - - gathered i Belmont Hall was on Maine, she w s Bowery, adl land L Q G Southold.,$2a0 _ .______,_ g n will act ps director of dramatics. I years. Clown Mr. J. Leo Thompson - - Wednesday evening, when the three —__ _ _. . Harlequin Mr. Allan Baker EAST END LEAGUE „ t one-act`plays, The Heart of a George Henry Terry 16 making 'im-E EAST �1 p�py g Ey��gr wy FJummel, G F & ono a cis to it H Hummel,. i rovemente On his END Jaarie id IM lot e s Railroad av adJ land M H ruminal, Gipsy Miss Frances LP.1CIlt �_�,,•M (�lOWn,aa ".c'iallifl-for-I�eepS,a' and 1' property in the Southold $�o0 2. "Sallie-for-Keeps,"by Miss Fran RESULTS AUGUST 5 "The Proposal," ,were presented. A western part of the village. S. Edgar _ I ces Jackson, undar the direction of the still larger audience is expected on g Tuthill is doing the work. RESULTS JULY 29 Prince.—At the E. L. I. Hospi- i Southold 6, Mattituck 0 Thursday evening. We are pleased to --- S tal, Greenport, July 30th, to Mr.I author. Cast West Hampton 9, Southampton 4 ; ' r.._-- .__ __._.es Southampton 15, Mattituck 7 state that the Dramatic Club has been Mr; and Mrs. Mases Taylor hay®( Sag Harbor 3, West Ham ton 1 and Mrs. Clifford Prince, of South- Sag Harbor 4, Shelter Island 0 p moved into the rooms over the TRAvna. p old, a son, Clifford Prince, Jr. Sallie-Jane-Amy promised a write-up of the plays for Ex office. - FSouthold 9, Shelter Island 0 Miss Frances Jackson , (Forfeited-S.I.failed to appear) Ted Allen Mr. Harry.Myers GAMES SATURDAY, AUG. 12 next weeks TRAVELER, by the-drama- ----_ PP ) Green ort Jul 29, at St. Agnes The potato market is flat and our; A—TU y g tic critic and playwright, G. F. Hurn- Churcb,pby Rev. Father Connelly, as- Fred Morris Ma P. J. Mahoney, Jr. Southampton at.Southold dealers GAMES SATURDAY, AUG, 5 sisted by Rev. E. F. McGrath of Ned Valentine Mr.William H. Wells Shelter Island at West Hampton mel --- — PP y Southold at Mattituck Southold, Joseph F. Carroll of South- The Butler Mr, Jake Tyler Mattituck at Sag Harbor present.-have stopped buying for the CRABS IN CREEDS ' - - -- old and Miss Elsie V. McMann of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bennett, who I West Hampton at Southampton Greenport, a former teacher in the S.- "She Proposal," by, checkoff,I STANDING OF 'THE CLUBS FILLED BY 01L. have been living at Peconic, have ' Sag Harbor at Shelter Island Southold High School.-- --- m under the direction of Miss Eunice The heavy rains have cashed' Won Lost P.PPPBrowning. the oil from the roads into the ]roved to Southampton. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Three °lay Cast Southold . 8 4 667 creels and kiIlecl the crabs. Large Mattituck 7 5 583 Geo. W. Smith is building a cottage' Won Last H.C. Wednesday and Thursday,August 9th Natalya Stepanavna quantities of fish have also been 44-498 eph F..Carroll on Railroad AV.' Mattituck 7 4 686 Pond 10th not.the 10th find 11th se at' Miss Eunice Browning Southampton 7 5 583 killed by the oil. The high rate of �.--- -_-- Southampton. 7 ) Sag harbor T 5 583 - Ste an Ste anoviteh Chubukov g mortalit amon the mos uitoCs. s carpenter, x L to x M Terry,.lot.. s Main� P 4 686 'first advertised) are the dates..that all � P P �mortality 8', q rd ads lana A Elderidge, Southold ....$a,o0o Southold . , , , , 6 4 600 our towns eo le and others so ournin Mr. Richmond Conklin west Hampton. . 5, 7 417 from this cause is said to be i its - Shelter Island 2 10 167 factory to residents of the count lLrdiaAj x L to ,r M Wickham, it s s South Sag Harbor . . 6 5 p A I gIyan Vassilevitch Lomrov y 645 • here, should keep in mind. On the this year,making them very scarceland M Hand, Cutchobue ..... ..,$l,a(10+ West Hampton• 4 7 364 avenin sof these dates, . Mr. Paul]Browning - r. • g three one-act r 'TTae� first shiitout of the Mattituck _ swartout, w H & Av to M L Mulvaney, Vit' Shelter Island 2 8 200 plays will be put on in Belmont Hall, Dancing both evenings. baseball team in several years was 171 most sectio is_-_ n a north rd adi sound view av,lot n s sound P , scored by Southold Saturday at the Potatoes sold for 65 cents s bushel on �___-____ under the auspices of the Southold' Music by Kings Orchestra. ......$2,000 Athletic Grounds, when they tamed Wednesday--just the same price as view a° Southold Town " The carpenters are certainly 'busy, Community Dramatic Club. Admission, 50 cents. Reserved seats,. , ---. . -- _ y , �, y - � Joe'Hudson s sluggers by a score of 6 William Welts' new house is going- a Three at ant 'of the drama,- Miss 75 cents for sale -at Hawkins' Store to-0. "AI"Balmon`.the � they sold 25 gears ago._ Peconic Day adi lana �I ii Pennock, Nassau d $ , a ,. Gyulai .south — Bacon, 1r L & v� to D M Vanston, lot on �o rapidly; a ne:w porch on Miss Hannab Eunice Browning, a graduate from, after Aug. 1st. SECRETeI�x Paw of the F1rst S�tt�ers, 'wad the ors to W Wells ;lot w s Point $a,, 0 Carpenter's residence is great]•y add , M Vlay Edith Coburn Noyes' Sebool of Boston' ---- main cause of Ma�ttituck's downfall- Main at, adi Bowery lane, Southold.' _ __ - _.< in to thea Y r! When Al is right, he is a problem for a 1 g appearance of the 'house; Percy W. Snaith, who pleaded guilt Tax $_ Riverhead, July 22, Clarence C. IRev. E.. L. Conklin is having asec- Miss Frances Jackson, of the Vassar Y any batter to 'salve. Saturday was --- - ----_T _ Cooper, aged 71 years, and story added to the kitchen;; Mrs. Workshop and also of Prof. Baker's to-having forged a check for $40 on ,one of his "right" days, and WoI o, ' C. Hoinkis to J. J. Burns, Iot s. s. Riverhead, July 23, ex-Sheriff George '0. Mayo is making repairs on her "4 7 Work a h o " H a r v a r d the Citizens' Bank of Freeport and 'Wickhain and Ruland were the only Traveler street, adjoining Railroad' W. Cooper,aged 95 years. Interment house. P, and d Miss who was indicted as a second offender Mattitucki�ans'to hit safely. Lindsay avenue, Southold,. Consideration at Mattituck. - - ---. __ -_-.__ and a playwright, was sentenced to serve ' pitched a.fairly good game for'Mat The dedication of the pipe organ on Ann Hallock from the two last a term of 10 -_ _ tituck, striking out eight and allow,,' New Suffolk, July 22, Benjamin L. Sunday morning' in the Universalist named dramatic schools and now + Sears in Sing Sing by County Judge ing nine hits, but his support was F. H• Richmond to L. P. Griswold, Horton, aged 68 years. church was a very enaoyable occasion rector o _dram ice in the Mar aret Lewis J. Smith, in the County Court at nothingto boast of. ,Southold a ed. ' lot s. s. Indian heck road, adjoining, -- - - _ .- for the large congregation present, di f at g Mineola; Saturday.' Smith who is 62 well through the game, a catch�y land of A. Houghton, Pecunic. Con Miss Esther Christi The Rev. A. �Conklin's address upon Fuller house Settlement, Cambridge,' old had sere Sanford being worthy of particular sideration nominal. • Christiansen Deft on : ,, Mass. each ver kindly consented years a v d several terms in Wednesdayto enter the Religion and Music, was. inspiring. , Y yin Sin far for mention., t^ .__. The solos b Miss Alice Louise to direct a lay. Sing g fiery or robbery, or Cutchogue, July 30, b Rev. Jos lr'.' e Infants Hos- . y passing worthless checks. He took the soUTxoLD Giz�riowski, Antone Jernick an`Mer pital, Brooklyn, where she will study lin and Mrs. W. L. Williams, charmed One-act plays may, be short, the ab r h a e - tri SI s@ {to become a trained nurse. Her sister the audience. t sentence without a murmur. Burt, of :................... a 0:1 0 9 a Amelia-W o%eoski, both of South -- characters few, and they may take but Scott, ab .................. s 1 1 1 1 1 (Ruth will go to Brooklyn also in Septem- a for- xesentation but if -Cochran, rf ...:........... s, 1-2 Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Terry ami i 9 a short tim p Ch>te, T. Gordon has moved ,hack a Cassidy, a 1 a , , her and enter_a hospital Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Pen p - to become a ney have re- ass se ;c 4. 1 2 9; s,.o dren are visiting Mrs. Terry"a r they are:well Written plays, every tine, : few.#set the store occupied by John I.. Strasser, 2b .....:......... 4 o r 4 t 4 nurse. turned to live in Southold, and are oc- t e Strap , ]R . .,:,:,..,,.,... 4 2 a o;., at:Smiths Basin, N. Y. They made, i and every movement, have heir m an- Dennis and owned by John J. Burns of Salmon py g rooms in the Payne house. Greenporta r 4 o q ;• the tri in thein car and went h way i cu in loath, es .:....,...., p Y y i - - Sanford, 1b ,. 4 0 1 1sif, 0 of the Berkshires. Z% - i It wag l c>t,uu1 n+re n y Lo cnitu„c+ (� .� the or - Grattan.—At the E. L. 1. Hos- The Sag Harbor-So the ( p Twenty-Five Ye&>~S t�g0 the c"onth"l�ithtl`lE.cic�litcrc{,��tio Mon l�e� T. .fi. Post i�;, 1 Tuesday, August 15th, to game of July 15, at Southold, will be 1 E. L, 1. Hospital .d pG d� - On Monday evening, Aug. 14, twelve ) iiia ” d t�� ev+uin r1n o t t at t: .0 p. m., �, r,and Mrs. William Grattan of played off on Tuesday, Aug. 29, on The annual meeting of the E. L. 1, The L. h R. ran ane pot&-, (d�c -li;+lit ,..n ay titr�c 14Lr., l.uia(i� ; men� met at the Engine House to or-.t. +outhold, a sOn. "on Sunda to ship potatoes I1r,sa nt:rn „i, i Itow l�ark. at i ci t-pui,ill ganize�a local-post of the American p' --- �j- �': neutral ground at Southampton,. 'the Hospital Association was held at the to freight y _ _- ...___ ____. _ __... . to market. o!' 1t7ad,anac� Newkirk, who d ]r.;'hiecl ' Legion. � receipts to go to the winner, The Hospital last Wednesday evening. r i bard preached in' hey ;nn{ic�necra ht�r<' l:c.=.l, ntrulac�r tiritla East Marion, Aug. 1.2, by Rev. John game at that time was forfeited to Theodore M. Shp p The following officers were elected: `. Haight, Otto William Schafer of The following were elected to serve church. hrr votrth tnd art, t sulk's, with as Commander, Harry J. Cusack; 1st Vice outbold ,and Miss Emma Adelaide Southold by the umpire in the sixth on the House Committee: Nathan Gol- the Presbyterian c tharrt,ur�t±hoi,o of son +g : " e;hI athill of East Marton. inning. At a meeting of the Board of. I'lir Nt, George Smith purchased the bakery •tomo,," (L;ugonu Fioid) <and "tl.,rd Commander, Wm. H. Rafford 2nd Vice din, William o Sherwood, Miss Grace Jo- business formerly owned by H. E. Ben- 1'ri;als," i,� l urleipdi; Il:arlyn's "Sho Commander, Wm. B. Clayton; Post Managers last week, the ruling was Floyd, Mrs, Louis Jaeger and Mrs. Jo- ' Bay View, Aug, 11, Mrs. Nancy overthrown and the game ordered re- septi L. Townsend. r Jamin, 'Never Told Ilii Lovc,' Arr,tto int; Adjt., R. T. Merwin; Tress., John Landon Horton, aged _94 years 4 - " 'Y • "ti a k 3-:ion, Lovt " Bucci, Meetings will be held twice a months. 26 days. played, Wardrobe Committee: Mrs. Ralph The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E, I(,tli:in 1, "Spoak �' ----- of Ind,t fill Int ,tl o llau>>+iii; tun', month, the tad and 4th Tueada a to Twent -Five �6a�P8 L3 13 �y Preston, Mrs, C. W, Thorn, Pffra. church gave'lhe feast of Days at Bal= l o4'c;c:dnt t,i , ``.I +v nl in ua toll ole, y Y m, , A[bertSon CQ. Fire P g- giont~,Hall. 1 c i_ : each month, 7;30 s. t. Awl - 0®40 .y�- - Jose h N. Hallock, Mrs. C. P. la°B t ou;; for e rtont r 1lr 6J ham Mrs. Harold L. Fish. Withia the last six days, W. C. Al- ti�rcl:,e c,l" I t,.(on, linrst, h t:~ s+. Dr, L. P: Hoole, Win, T. Hulse, Co. M. B. Van Dusen purchased the liv- ne t e worst fires that ever oc so the lar est shipper of potatoes l,a.,Led till Orielfl al I:hcwlo i'or Llus con- ' Trees., and Carl Vail, Commander of erybusiness of D. F. Young, curred in Southold was discovered Three additional members elected to bort n, g serve on the Executive Committee on Lon I land,,shipped 16,750 laushels rt+r L, in :uitlitinn 9:a the `ar:rryu.sl nano;;' Raymond Cleaves fast,were present to The gouthold Cornet Band gave an about 3 o'clock Sunda morning, when Long. ¢ were: ;Mrs. Brewster Smith, Fade, potatoes, for which he paid 66 cents I i,t rr." th;tt :,h, �,tl1 h my y'oac Cln< l,1 help organize the meeting. It was de-. excursion to Naw London, via steamer the QV. C. Albert on Co.'store was of ' (la, ltuic+ , blr.oto f he ' d Louis Jaeger and Mr. William J. Sher- the bushel. Since the 22d of July Mr. I)uci.:or tl:,cion io tdli c:� I„iat'tnai .- 'aided that the Past should be named Long Island. found to be on fire. The firs was first Albertson lead shipped 36;760 bushels' ' after the three Southold boys who lost Mr, and Mrs. D. T. Conklin and Miss discovered by Mrs, Geo, M. Hahn, who wood. tngrhl will 1,+ this r3c c ivelli4 l,opultar y The number of eases admitted to,°a i More potatoes had been shipped from Indian on ;. ' 1,:,° flit ti� ti:erw of i`,l;n their lives during the late war, William Abbie Ledyard attended the G..A, R. lives nearly,across the street, Mrs. 1 p Griswold Milton Terry and Graham Hospital the past year was 401, of I$outbold;that,all other stations east of not,onka,” l';rt,im-, lir, irrtermh;:41or, :a , y Encampment at Buffalo. Hahn heard noises in the store and Riverhead. Moet of the potatoes were (,otic= ,ft'n,ir ":VIiiI nsa;uiet Ni'''lat:'s, Glover and to be known as the G. T. G. Frank. T. Wells leased the S. A. thought someone was breaking in and whom 13 died. R The Treasurer's report showed w bK 1- shi ped to Cuba. Itrcivai,' ,viliht ul..rrtdlt} Post, Beckwith Estate store and opened it soon smelled smoke. She awoke her 1, ,;1 !' tttlt llahiaa. ^t fere d ill bo ,in' The Past begins with a membership ante on hand Aug. 9, 1921, of$I,4pJ.71. John I+', Fish of Greenport was >}P- arlaanro s;cle nl' titl:cl,, aclntr5 itm ol, g p with a stock of general merchandise. husband and Mr. Hahn went over to r in lace of ,, 7rxn. Tho :rrvonl- of 19 men,_._. .--__-__----_ The annual reunion of the students the store and found it on fire. Heimmedi- The receipts the past year.-were $46,- Fish Overseer of Poor, p -----,-_.-- ,(l c.enl, �.al.cn tt { _.,. . , 839.98. Total, $47,649.69. The ��is- JohirB, Reeve, resigned. 1 :this' ('or th owid a., fire o,Inn eCk��SS 5(n!e�[��n� of Southold Academy was held. '..Ad- ately ran over to A. T. Dickerson's and Henry M. Payne and Miss Annie A. ;t,ld piano gill lac+ ittitlh �.,L:an lws. Y dresses were made by Dr. I. F. Ras. woke him up and the fire alarm was buraements were $46,676.83, leaping a - ---I sounded. The Fire Department re- balanee.on hand Aug. 8,' 1922, of $2,-I married. -__.." -- Something' should be done to atop the sill, Prof. Lemuel Whitaker and Rev, P Allis were m ! p D. H. Overton. sponded promptly and did good work. 072.86. The total Endowment Fund is .�.-- 1'AILEV HOME _ ._.., IiCLYDE� H ' reckls e eedangg of sutamobiles The. fire had $67,640.00, and. the.Totlives of eo le aYe endan toed thereby The Annual Harvest Home was held gained such headway;EAST END LE9.GUA2 � 1� DEri` ROYED I,� I.II$E,I livesthrough our villa a and town• The ''at Oak Lawn. The speaker of the day when discovered,however, that the on. Fund$9,760.00. . .o_--- he home of Clyde Bailey on the+ and some day there will be a terrible I was Congressman Joseph M. Belford fire first story was gutted, and tlis in- Black Party RESULTS AUGUST 12 North Road, t'econic, was totally accident, and then it will be too late.,pf'Riverbead,,well termed by Dr. Whit- side of the store on this floor and its, All games postponed-rain destroyed by fire early Wednes- Let teeth be put in the law, and if sker as the "consummate orator of contents are'destroyed, The firs was G.T. G. Post, American Legion day morning, the family barely there is not sufficient.law on the stat-!SUfffolk." Short speeches were made controlled to the lower story and very,, Wednesday Evening, Aug. 30 GAMES SATURDAY, AUG. 19 I escaping with their lives. Mr, ute books, then pass laws that wf11'1y M. B. Van Dusen, who presided, little'damage was done to the upper. The Southold American Legion Post ? 1 at Shelter Island Palle with his two sons, aged I curb automobllists in this reckless driv-�pr. ZF*er Whitaker and Dr. I. F. Rus- floor or its contents. Owing to the will hold a Block Party and Dance at Southold Y, good work of the firemen, the fire did , Southampton at West Hampton four Laud eight years, were asleep ing that endangers the lives of others. 'r1�ee11. Music was furaiahed by the g t,reekside Park, Southold Wednesday Sag Harbor at Mattituck on the first floor of the house. At Through the agency of E. Leicht, and• not break through the building. The evening, Aug. 30th, - ---- - about two o'clock the elder boy Geo. Henry Terry and Franklin F, Southold Cornet B ' building was owned'by W. Corey Al- . This is the initial affair of the Post i STANDING OF THE CLUBS was aroused by the the of smoke.i Overton have sold the farm jointly �'�"�� I+'iND LEAGUE bertaon and the stock. by Fred W. and the members wish to earn, not so- STANDING Won Lost P.C. He called his father, who immedi••! Brill a who is the owner of the W. C. licit, the necessary amount needed to Southold 8 4 667 ately carried the children outside.' owned by them, opposite Mr. Terry's Albertson Co„ one of the leading cont- "carry on." Southolders are called, i Sou 'I' 6 683 The fire bad started in the kite',- Peconic property, to Ben Nester of RESULTS AUGUST 19 mission houses and hardware dealers on, Upon to support the Post by their full 4 Mattituck 7 en, from unknown origin, and Mr. Southold. West Hampton 4; Southampton 1 the Island. The store was insured for attendance Wednesday evening. Southampton . , 7 6 683 I Bailey, going into the roort to loci, Tennis S. Bergin leaves Saturday to Southold 9, Shelter Isi'd 0 (forfeited) $1750 in the Hartford Fire Insurance' Visitors and adjoining villagers are Sag Harbor . . . ? 5 683his.safe, inhaled so much stroke attend the session of the Grand Lodge,; Sag Harbor 2, Mattituck 1; 4 ins., rain Co., and the stock was insured for" earnestly requested to appear enwasse West Hampton , 5 7 417 that he was taken to the E, L. I• I. O. O. F., at Albany, as the repre $5900 in the same company. It was Have a good time and have a Good-bye Shelter Island . . 2 .10 16711 Hospital for treatment. Mrs. sentative of Southold Lodge. GAMES SATURDAY, AUG. 26' Dailey was at the Hospital also, _ _ J g the p y or Summer Dance at Old Creekside. It is understood that Shelter where she heel been operated inion _ �Terr has enrolled as a Southold at at Island net r the height achy s for See posters for full details, of pro- alter Island Mr. Bridge, and m has withdrawn from the League, and Mies Helen G. yfor him in his great loss, as well as for gram. for appendicitis on Monday. , all remaining games scheduled with The house and its contents were student in Lasell Seminary, Auburn West Hampton at Sag Harbor Mr,Albertson. The origin of the fire Donations of cakes, prizes, etc„ will, that club far balance of season will completely destroyed. This marks dale, Mass.,for the coming year, is not kanwn. _ be accepted gladly by Adjutant R. T. - ,-r STANDING OF THE CLUBS be forfeited each week to the nine'as-! the psassing of another land-,nark Mr, and Mrs. Win. R. Newbold have - Merwin of Southold Post, ,-___ signed to play the Islanders. of this section of Long Island, a5 returned from a tri to the Eerkehfres.l Won Lost P.C. Samuel Dickerson has sold the Nano the house was about one hundred I p __--- _._.. y Miss Dorothy Case is acting as ate- - Sage Harbor 7 4 63fz the village, in ]✓late western of nograof Iph head. c --- 1 r ,r ry '.tory ii7+ i,nd; Years old, and was looked for by erkkeeper to the store Potatoes' are selling for -60 cents a , y many people when passing that Mattituck : ` 7 6 683 Brooklyn. of Jacob Meyer,River ul 111, f?. l;nt .lt+r, ur New l,n,,tc�lle bushel -- ------ �Southampton. .7 6 63g u l:ru,n* ahr, ii a.,, ;:iu'c h.t;c d oI l e.)wil;; way. 1 Louise Ruebsamen to John P.Rueb- _. Miss Gertrude Koke is visiting at the ,". ,!, e s, 1 oun=:ry ' -- ----- -A;- ..i. Harbor lane andilWtst Hampton. , 6 7 46 Miss Rosalie G. Jones of $yosstt, L. home of her uncle, Dr';W. A, Poke of 10-1dIt(. ,,i.hr ulri ht,,uc.r ,cc1 r a -- - r,t;a encnui<t+�..rt r, $amen,'lot coo Town r+ nI will IMVil it lrect in ;;•:ilii : flits creelx, h, hwa fooin said lane to.the har- halter Island 2 11 16 I. of!?ers building lots at the foot of nvrartt., a l aua(q' rc r nt g y Brooklyn, c�,url1(lon l'or•hor lwlnc�. Niki ttn:;i she the. h,.ttcr nixrl;ettor`lie�ttool, a tu,ii- Vor;"Southod._- Tax $20: � ' - y 1..,I1 a`bstt l,ut tol sato __. Kenney's Road, on-Long Island Sound, - ----- i mit t„ un;; a for sale. Ste adv. in For Sale column. . _ . _.. Southold, Aug. 16, E. Willis Horton, (� , lyorttu ina,�l,et c(utet�_�.--- ^ I aged 68 years, l` INN - 2, � Cutchogue, Aug,are., Henrybert STANDING OF THE CLUBS Meet�n of 'down Board miss Beatrice. Hodgins, who gradu- y g Iiartoa, aged 86 y Won Lost P.C. �s�ed from Southold High School last, T>l�enty-Flg9 Y®Brl3 ASO l The Southold Town Board met at the miss Rose .Qkac4 is teaching at Mt.. o ue Aug, 21, at Church of Southold . . . . . . 9 4 692 Greenport, lune, will enter Smith College, North-, ; a�®o Sinai this ear, i Helen Bond Cutch g Rev" John McCa , settee of Supervisor Tuthill, Greea art ton, Mase., y and Miss amp this month. Potatoes were selling for 75 cents a; at Speonk. Both young ladies gradual- ; ! Sacred Heart, by y Ma . . . . . 8 5 bib Saturday, Aug. 26, 1922. Present, Su- _ ____ h _- __..._ bushel, gip, B. Christie has severed his con- ed from the Southold High School last assisted by Rev. Edward F. McGrat., Sag Harbor . . . . 7 5 683 .pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Halloek,: A few earl cauliflower had been June and then took a summer course at Francis A. Grattan of Southold and Southampton. . . . 7 6 538 1Vlisa Agnea Marie, daughter of Mr. Justices Griffin, Corey, Terry and vection with the Rauleton store and shipped Wells had a Asad Airs. Martin W- Fogarty of Cutch- West Hampton. 6 7 462 one to Riverhead his stare, the Throughatbelrea al School. g y ' Rambo, and Supt. of Highways Fleet, has g grand opening at: ague, Shelter Island . . . 2 12 143 _...-. _ Fred E. Booth of Southold was res- --- - 1 estate agency of The'first s.veri� thunder shower of Toe Southold ball club went to South- ommended for reappointment as At Potatoes are selling for 65 cents a I Dello Ehnen entered Cushing Acade- Gen. A. Mater, Mrs. Sarah Hirsch has the eeaiun sante last Saturday and arnpton on Tuesday, as pre-arranged tendance Officer for the district schools bushel my, Mass. Bold her lot, between H. 1 . Van torrents until alxout 1 -. - --- , d. After, at a recent "confab" of the league of Southold Town, excapt Fishers �Samuei Dickerson &w to Elsie Gal- QVyck'e and Geo. H. Stelzer's, to Mr. rain fell zat tt o'clock, when the cloud. •pawse 1 12, lands' --____.___-- -----___.__--._-- -- McKensie of South Orange, N. J. A few hours. of comparatively clear board of managers, and what's more, Island-Dista. Nos.1, 3, 6, 7, 1+ loway, lot on Main st add other gloriously vindicated '14 15-at a salary of$500 per y of Samuel Dickerson, Southold. EAST END LEAGUE Mr: McKensie will build a residence on y year, in- tivetrti.er; copious showers znad<r. rivet s our ball players g ` _, Tax $3,50. all altit>g tlae lei+]away and submerged •'bringin home the cludin expenses. __ ___-_- _. the lot in the near future. by g !3_ p.. _..___-- Gc o.gt+ W Smith �uw to Jennie S. o ----- themselves __- ---- - the fields. At a. m.blinding flush" bacon." The bone of contention was Bridge Builder Harry Tuthill said he Hasbrouck,lot')1, map of Indian'Neck RESULTS SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 Mrs.Charlotte Overton has been an. of lil;litning otartied the people. and ant a ball of fire lilts Alhertsoti SeJ the result of the game Sad Harbor would build a bridge over Jockey Park, George W. Smith, owner, Soutli Gaged to teach the Ba view School � railroad ;lotion.1 la ed bore on July ]l5. Southold was ; Creek, Southold, with a 32-foot opening olrl. nom, Southall 6, Southampton 3 y a the i a i p y __. ._ , this year. Mrs. Overton is a very su- C:o•s stoic nee Mattituck 3 West Hampton 2 T.he fire department was quick to re leading in the fifth frame, when the 1 in the center and two 10-Eget openings Stewart W. Horton &ors to Jesse A parlor teacher, and was verb successful ' Whalers disputed a ball knocked on on the sides, for $8500. It was voted Curtis Horton &w, lot on Bay ave Sag Harbor 9, Shelter Island 0 and saved the Aorc: but the. adj lands of George Tuthill, Peconic. (Forfeited) as Preceptress of the Southold High spend I µ' Mack of vaiutul:>lcx goods of the pro- fair territory while Soathold was at that the contract be given Mr. Tuthill, Tax _$:1,5U. School. j prietax, W. Bridge, were practically _. RESiJLTS LABOR DAY bat. The umpire ruled it fair, as did for the sum named, on plana and adieei- Nassau Point Club Properties to H d ruin(M by 'the smokc, anal water. A whereupon the visitors gath A Tuthill,lot 77, Nassau Point;.1 000. Mra. Charles H. Hardy has comanenc j partial insurance will help restock the Gall others, P fications furnished.by Mr. Tuthill and West Hampton-Southold--rain I ed her duties as Priacipai of the East lauiinc�ss and diuildin r. axed up their clubs and prepared to a proved by the Board. Same to [ D Peterson, lot 37, same` Sag Harbor-Southampton-mitt €, ---_---.. ap;_ X.000, ___ ...._ Mattituck 9, Shelter 0 c. _ P _..-.__ _ . nit the field. Tile game was forfeited ---- r h P P of hat; � ----- -__.. . congratulated on s ut o w # 1 a ch Sue School The eo le t tI"W0I1ty"V1'Pe Years Ago 4I1®n tale SC�®tac�blps Kin C C� & w to E J F3raudreth, (Forfeited) district are to be a-� i to Southold. A conclave of ties grand curing her services. ► f moguls of the league was called to set Iota 4E, 47, Nassau Point vont. Eugene L. Lebr, who graduated from ____._ GAMES SEPTEMBER 9 E. _- Many o! the cauliflower ZeZdswere to the matter,an Sag Harbor refusing the Southold High School in June, has Southold, Aug. 26, at,the residence Southold,at Sag Harbor E. L. Sheldon, a forever highly es- teemed Principal of the Southold High affected with blight and stamp-rot. Ito allow Southold the Same: The pion beau awarded a State Scholarship, of the grooin's parents, by Rev. Wm. Southampton at Shelter Island School, is teaching this year at the The Salvation Army held services in,and cons of that ill-starred ball, which This means that he will receive $1()0 a ` B• Lloyd, Raymond H. Maier of N. Y. the Methodist church. upset the game and called all the man- City and Miss 1. M. Pauline Kahre of West Hampton.at Mattituck Ca' Township High School, Pottsville, Priv, S, S. Shaw went to the city to ors in extra session, were batted at year for the four years of his college DIutley, N. J. - STANDING OF THE CLUBS Pa--- procure the necessary apparatus to an the honorable board so thick and feat course, He will enter Cornell Univer - - -y 0 __ - city this fail, Bock' Party a The Southold Sigh School opened on able the Union School to come under Won Lost' P.C. y Blodgett that they dodged the contentions and Thomas L. Hall, who also graduated as Principal. , with Prof. Louis R. - the regents. ' The Block Party held at Creekside' Southold . 10 4 714 lives of'profee °rdered the game xe-played. South- from S. H. S. in Juoe, is also on the, i as Principal Miss Margiaet°etc McMann], Wednesday evening, for the benefit of Mattituck ti. . xy A number of the tela ampton was selected as neutral ground list from Suffolk County, but he will G. T. G. Post, American Legion, was a Sag Harbor.. 10 5 667 teaches the Third Grade at the Albert- sax and Mrs• D. P. Horton gathered at615 -_-- I : bate Prof. Horton'a for the play-off. The two nines met not be eligible, as he enters Stevens big success both socially and financial Southampton. . . . 7 7 son House._ their home to eelo x for a battle royal,,and Southold again Institute, New Jersey, this fall, and Mrs: E. 0. Fiekeiasen acid children' ' 70th birthday. ly. rhe receipts were upwards of$200, West Hampton, 6 8 429 assessment for Southold '°ton' trimming the Whalers�n a score the awards are limited to New York and the large crowd present spent one Shelter Island . _2 14 - 125 have moved to Hay Ground, where The total assess of 7 to 4. And that wasn't all they Colleges. of the pleasantest evenings of-the sea-' — Mrs. Fickeissen will have charge of her; Town was The largest tax- woo.woo. It was at this league Others from Southold Town' on they Prof. Wm. F. Metz, wife s n. It was a fine class of the sum- , on and old school, payers were E. M. & W. Ferguson, managers meeting that ' d the victor Suffolk County list are Kathryn Corey men's festivities., The vaudeville pro daughter of New Market, N. J„ camp- Through the real estate agency of E. t Fishers Isihnd. belonged the spoils, and our club and Edythe L. Grosbouer of Greenport ed at Horton's Point over the week- `brought home a nice sum of gate re- gram was great and every,number woe, Leicht, Theo. W. Wood has sold 18 • Manager Gordon's medicine High School. heartily enjoyed. The program includ�iill acres of woodland at Great Pond to ' EAST END LEAGUE Fa ceipts in Manag yEdgar �� l asoma formerd esteemed ePr nc®abated chest, The game was needed to'keepohn Merwin has aces ted the office ed piano blo by ellerahemplaying- Southold Academy. He is now Super- chest. Charles G. Terry. _ -- - p -------o our boys in the van, for there are�Fbraska. Y. M. C. A. secretary of, Burt Co., hes awn'banjo accompaniment, violin The veterans of the Cavil War have cal sol, s y K y, RESULTS AUGUST 26 roads ahead. He left Southold Aug. 16 p J., and has fourteen schools under his been made honorary members of G. T. intendant of Schools at Somerville, 1V. a rockysolos b Prof. E. E. Bick, dancing by f Mattituck J Shelter Island 0 forfeits - _._ ., ---- ^- and will take charge Sept. 15, spending' 3' supervi ion. His father, Rev. J. A. G. Post,American Legion _ . . - --- d) Shocked by Llghtptnd the intervening time in getting Be- Pat Mooney, Jr., song and dance by Ed Metz, is still active and able to reach Jacob A. A le of N. Y. Cit vis West Hampton-Sag harbor; rain d with the work and the eople. M xtin, ardor's hornpipe by little Pin- P Appley y S A , George Griffin and quainte P Southold. outham ton• rain +dward d• Butler, cent Sardi fancy dancing b Lawzen a occasionally, though 90 years of age, ited his cousin, Miss Mattie Fells, and Arthur Rose had a narrow escape from He writes he is,well pleased-with the g, y g y GAME AUGUST 29 Du an, and solos by Rita Furey. -'� friends in Southall last week. Henry R. ShJpherd of Cincinnati Southold 7 Sag serious injury or death in the severe town'of Tekamab where he will reside. i Excellent music was furnished for --- S g Harbor 4 thunder storm of last Saturday morn- dlr. Cyril Fitch, his chum and room 9 University, formerly of Southold, has dancing'b Geehren s Orchestra. he Nassau Point Cham t 5 r z,Prtie�, Inc.. in The men are employea'"by Geo. mate at college, preceded John about Y g acceptod a position as'Professor of _ to John E Gavin, lot '3°z o,,i amended C#AMES SATURDAY, SEPT, 2 i on Joseph four weeks, as Y. M. C. A. secretary large dancing platform was filled every English in Beaton University. "Rob"J, map A of Nassau Point, :vassaet Paint W. Smith and were working d? ? Southampton at Southold F. Carroll's Borne on Mailraad Av. of Jefferson county, .about fifty miles set with merry dancers. _ hoe held fine positions as a teacher,and „tax. . Shelter Island at Sag Harbor _- Mr. Lan we follow his'course with pleasure,g. , g! --� years 1? , Franklin, M'ase., Sept. 2, Miss Fann ' Lightning.struck the house enteric fralin Burt Ca�.�__.._ , Sham, who several Mattituck at West Hampton the foundation, but did very little dam- Henry C. Poster, late of SagHar- i has been a summer resident of South- congratulating him now on his return Case of Southold, aged 52 years. In- to to Boston. ferment at Willow Hilt Ceineter n GAMES LABOR DAY age to the building. Mr. Butler was oor, gross, $7,545.93; tax, $14,47. of old and a great lover of the place, has --- ---- 3'__.__ severe] shocked and woeunconscioushe .net estate valued at $6,9.46.56, decided to have a permanent interest : The bays are white with sails of all .,Misses Ruth and Wept Hampton at Southold y 4udze- B. Gates, granddaughter, re- here and to that end lies Purchased itis sorts of boats gathering in the ca Esther Christiansen Shelter Island at Mattituck for some time. Messrs. Griffin and ,a,ivey $B. and Miriam P. ;;Gates los seal-, have entered the Norwegian Hospital attractive bun slow of-William Taylor lops- Dwellers at the bungalows in Brooklyn to study t�h--­ Sag Harbor at Southampson ;Rose also felt the effects of the bolt. laughter, y 0,446.51;. g _at Pine Nerk. counted ,65 nff Cn,++a,.u ,, ti� _ nurses. WILL PUT UP L. 1;. SPUDS EAST END LE The will 3I.�TTITCb. LEADS IN - Twenty-Five Years .a9,ga CO® Reti91i011 PURSE FOR PITCF�ER � AGIJ1;, of George S. Prince of ®oc�w I Co.. H, 127th Regt., N. Y. Vol., held IN ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES 13Y defeating Southold Saturday, I Southold, disposing of $2,100, gives y° by a Score of 7 tq 2, Matti,cte d Prince,the 1tire estate 'to the widow, for life usCaroline E. theen Steamer Long Island went ifl' the their sixtieth annual reunion on Friday, Iia order to prevent unscrupulous rants between Sag harbor and New Sept. 8th, at the Wyandank House, city wholesalers and retailers from Southall Loves Salmon; Gives Him vaneed to Inst place in the East principal to SteIia M. Terry and Lucy London. Greenport, From Orient to Patchogue selling potatoes raised in other $200 and Much Praise End Paschall League. Just before M. Scott daughters. -3.tA*1- a States for the celebrated Long the Iast half of the 9th, "Al" Sal- Daniel I3 Horton lily to lvaicf. I 1. Corey and Lester Albertson returned the veterans carne, full of the old time Island "spuds," which always Coln Although Al. Salmon didn't win laic;�anon, Southold s star pitcher, vas to Claverack College. loyalty and comradeship. John D. Brooklyn dine a r Malls lot n s Bay View xd adj other nand a higher price, a I3roakl game against Mattituck last Satur- +called 'to the plate and presented lairds of party of second art South- merchant f 5 The Southold Union School tax rate Cleveland, John H.Young,A. Wickham commission merchant 'has secured day,crowd wYaen a s'olia ofgSmand k f Jae !with Atli se said to contain $200, old p u1:h- ualters i.n the warehouse of the i a,tr. was.24. Case, Robert Ebbitts,Henry W.Prince, q 1 and Pro I Martin presented him with a nice of the gift of friends: Sag Haa,bor Smith, s x & w to R..G Overton, lot e + McDermott Farm Supply p Rev. Wm. Force Whitaker returned Henry 0. Horton, Henry Hallock and duce Co. at Aquebogue and will $200 and a gold baseball just before forfeited to Westhampton, o�vili South Harbor lane aa; Lana smith, scu2hala,1 from his Earopean trip. Isaac T. Moore comprised the "compo wash, sort and pack potatoes in at- I the-last inning. too being tenable to secure a pitch I ;.. -®____. _.___ ..__ sz• 'a'�} Prank J. Cogan rented Mrs. Susan ny boys." The widows of the soldiers tractive packages with a label non thinks.so much of h1s home. Southampton. and Shelter Island forfeited to Nassau Point Club Properties, 'Ine., Conway's place on Railroad Av. who had answered the last "roll call" stating that they are genuine Long toNvii that he gives up other duties to Southampton, The schedule has to Alonzo Jersey, lot 282 map of pro- Island grown. The packages will pitch'on the,baseball team, and wont been completed. Southold has four, posed subdivision, Sec: C, Nassau The,fall term of Southold Academy were gresent. With the relatives and be of a size that will be convenient charge a cent for it. That was the postpolred games, Alattituck three Point Club Pro ertiea Nassau Point, opened with Prof. Wm. F. Metz of invited guests, the Spacious dining room to carr hoine under one's arm. reason a tat of alae summer residents!,ranges all with Sa*r r2 tax, p Somerville, N. J., and Miss Lizzie was filled, and a sumptuous dinner was The.,concern, which is represented �and others surprised him with a'gen,-' barn tog Harbor, West- $10•x10• served consisting of the by H. E. Kondalf, stated this week erous purse Saturday, p r four and Solitlaanlptoa� Nassau Point, Club Properties to Deale of Greenport in charge, splendidly It is reported that he is,to be given three' It is not yet decided as to John H Thorndike&w,lot 144 anletrcY- that at least 100,000 packages of �tivhethe.r the o, , ed map .4, Sec A, Nassau Point Clog g p g g these selected potatoes will soon the Bi League tea b one of! be played. postpo?led. �anies Will properties, -Nassau Point, tax, Trading stamps were all the rage. following menu: Orange cocktail, clam a tr out late this week with o Rev. E. K. Creed addressed the chowder, barley soup. roasted Ham be shipped to Brooklyn and will ly thought he ever will become firharst: The of the , Emilie T Fleet &dna to Fdw,ird �i Southold Temperance Society, burg and peas, roast lamb, roast veal, a East land Alberto ha hi led oysters, mashed potatoes, stewed be on sale in all city stores, St1°rad pitcher in bi com an because' Baseball League William C Dodge l F Mammen, lot on highway adj land g company I W. C. Albertson d shipped thus fr Y , P .__ _ _ _.._ _ of Ilia light weight. He has all the has received notice of a protest 1 of George H Fleet, Cutchogue, ctax. far 6,000 bushels of potatoes this sea- tomatoes, stringless beans, banana sal- other charaeteristics_lfast and aecur from Southold team in the 2"t10' son. The price ranged from 55 to 75 ad, tomato salad, watermelon ie tap- Eugene L. Lehr leaves this week to P P - ate and always with a smile that 1s game - --- _-- which 4he lost with Mattituck - ea, milk. After enter Cornell University. _ gama is going. "last Suttirday. Saufhclaims: Nassau Point Club Properties to P never disturbed no matter how the J ' - - y 1; d claims lots i79 181 Nassau Paint cents had thehottestda of the , ioca dinner alpudding, icedoff the pay or, where Max Newbold has entered-Greenwich The that Mattituck had ori its team ' y year, dianor al]repaired to game Saturday was played un- -� the thermometer registering in the A, W. Case red the minutes of the `academy, Greenwich, R. I. der protest because Heaney of Green- same to F n crown, Iota 2A-26, same snap,I violation of the rules a man named $3,000 -- -- - nineties, last gathering and the election of of- - ------ -- - pert Inlayed with Mattituck. The lot Heaney of Greenport. Heaney -____._. James S. Dewey of Orient was ap- ficers and necessary business were at- Theodore W. Wood &w to Charles ter team won, 7 to 2,four of the runs made five hits and won the game Wilfred F Mills to Emilie 'Tuthill G.painted Truant Officer of the Town, tended to. An informal program was and land formerly of ThomasaS. Lelia lector made_ in the last inning. This for Mattituck. We understand that Fleet, rat on highway adj land cal° p $ p g ter, near Southold. Tai: $3, percentage columnti nstead.on tof South- the game was played under pia- George $ Fleet, Cutchogue, noon, „ test. President Dodge will probe-, "Mceb " da an g and consiatin Marietta Phillips to Frank Dries Thecompensation ensation was fixed at 2 per rendered, full of cheer, a y d 6 cents mileage, of instrumental music and old familiar Sw; lot n s Pine Neck rd adj land of - - bly call a meeting sus, K to x M >r ward, lot n s MLi;,? 'patClOtic Bongs, with MTs.Allen Heath Said 10 , g of the mana- rd adi land S B Glover, Cutchogue ---- - - - William F. Chadbur•n and STANDING OF THE gers of the several teams to take - -_.. e AS's' ]FJ''N1) Y,EI�G�TE at the piano. Comrade: J. H. Young Southold. _-_-_-- -, _ TEAMS action oar the protest. -- ---- nom. WE'RE ON COAL RATI®l�."sco „ gave several very enjoyable 'readings - _ Mattituck ........_ Won Lost P.C. _ ^--o---' Comrade A. W. Case, in a very felic I rani: L Downs dors to Emma l .705 A transfer t jlting-to $1 �Warning Issued To IDealer, by �r41 Southold 12 5 RESULTS SATURDAY, SEPT. 9 itous speech, gave wonderful bouquets Rutzler, lot all other lands parties of 11 5 q first-_rLalt_Southold, las, b250 Sag Harbor 686 267.63, has been legged in the es I Administrator Southampton ....• , g 7 •562 tate of the late Annie P. Osborne,f W H. Woodin, State Fuel ,A dniip- Southold 3, Sag Harbor 1 to "Comrade" J. L. Conklin concern- L Jewell,1, 8 .529 I of East Hampton,the gross value istrator, in a statement issued 1;:5r Julia L Couldill to Mena y l,�mer,' Westhampton 8 8 .500 Saturday, called attention to his h,st Mattituck 2, West Hampton 1 lag her life with "the boys" an the land of Anna E field. MrE. Conklin was called n to lot adj to $5 09_ Shelter Island 2 13 .133 of which has been appraised by Southampton 9, Shelter Island 0 - — _ _ _ SQutho_lcl-- _-�_._._.__;- ---- (Forfeited) give memories of war-time incidents, _-__ Transfer Tax Appraiser Arthur l e e Order Na. 1, which went into Mary M. H. Dayton &ors to Howell I �MATTITuCK M. Tasker, at I effect on Monday, and to the cite Con which stirred others, to add to the T .Fisher, lot s s Sound View ave, 1 ab r h $52,540.37. the net that the delivery of anthracite colli GAMES SEPT2�MBER 16 pleasure of the hour. The time came peconic. - _ nom, wolgq, po a e P e e, valued at $50,269.37, is di !is restricted to two weeks' supply Top - Heavy, of 3 2 e 0 1 d of as follows: Burnett M. each householder applies to bu}cr; �s Nassala i Dint( rub Properties to J B L. Reeve, 1b """""' f Mattituck at Southold a ! t6 separate and "Blest be the tie that � �• ......,..•, Osborn • 6 2 b 2 0 -0 Sag Harbor at West Hampton binda" was sung heartily. The hope Eakins, lots 32, 33, Nassau Point; Lindsay, if ...... e u 0 0 o 1 Benjamin husband, $16, 83.37; well as sellers. Roland, 3b b 0 2 3 0 0 njamin Conklin,'cousin, $6,296. General Order hTa. 1 follows: Shelter Island at.Southampton' was expressed to meet again at the $2,500. Barker, p 82 Fred Conklin cousin "(1) By virtue of the Sanie to same, lot 131, same maps; Mitchell, rf .....:......... 4 0 i 3 0 0 82 ' $6'296' vested in me under Act�Qnevof thio _ 81,000. ......,-..,... a o 0 2 a o p Fred Edwards, cousin Wyandank in 1923 _ Breaker, ae , Z. Reeve, 2b ' 3 1 0 3 2 1 $500; Ola Halsey, cousin, $355, extraordinary session Of Aug. 28, y-- - _--- - ----- —- .... THE S'1,ANDING OF Won Lost CLUBS C. The new motor-dariveen engine wns shi ped Browning. At the E.L. I. Hos- """' "_-_--- M $ 1 1922, it is directed that no dealer ay Clifford cousin 40(1• Fran- Southold Fire Department P pital, Greenport, to Air. and Mrs. 3s'7 u 27 11 a $ or distributor within the confines 3 Southold . . . . . . 11 4 733 f ccs.Reale, cousin, 500;- Minnie of New York State shall delivir a 1 Mattituck .:. 11 5 688 from St. Paul, Minn„ on .Sept. 2d. Paul Browning, of Peconic, twin i souTxoLD Conklin cousin $400 Esther Wil- ` The truck will be Shipped later. JgnathaliC:ronawell and Dav- ab r h po a e ' greater quantity than two weeps' ; " • • err a hi h- idrBabcock -' __.__.T Scott, b """""""" 4 0 o i z° .i $400;c Russell Conklin,ie$9Homan; supply of the domestic sizes of an- Sag Harbor . . 8 6 571 $ X48 32� thracite coal known as grate, egg, Southampton 8 7 533 Prin. E. iN. Shafer, formerly g Strasser; 2b ::.... :: a i 0 a z z Shelter Island Cemetery Associa- stove, chestnut and pea, 4nclu5i�-:,, I I esteemed Principal of the Southold GRIP AROUND �VURLD Ullerich, c Y oltisive West Hampton. 6 9 400 Y . 4 0 1 8 2 0 tion, $2,000; Perry White, afaith- f " High School,'•began his duties as Prin- The T'imes of Greenport notes that I 'Strang, ]f or an one householder or c. Shelter Island . . . 2 15 118 g Salmon, 4 0 1 2 0 o er of such sizes. Not slaai_1 he ce C. Miles of that p 4 0 2 0 2 1 fol servant for many years $1- - - ---- - cipal of the Riverhead High School last Dr. and Mrs, Claxen I Booth; ss •.,;,,,,, 4 0 2 4 1 1 000' Robert White, $200; `George deliver said two weeks' supp?,�,_or forvillageiri p cl to roundtart about theworld beers--. Sanford, 1b 4 1 0 a 0 0 any part thereof where they week. "" _ Burchaat, $500; Clarence Wilcox, ahead 1n the y Through the real estate agency of p - - -` Y premises, in tin LeiCht, W. B. Christie has rented the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Rafford are about turningto first of May next Gear.port i 34 2 8 27 9 4 Jr., $500; Clarence Wilcox,Sr., cellar., or within the posses;ron of ' Iy y Two-base hits—Heany, 3; Mitchell, Stras $500; William Wilcox, $100; East the consumer a quantity equal to now occupying,their new home in the l________._-_ ser, Ullerich, Booth. Stolen bases-wolgo, IHamptOn HOSp1taI; $2,OOd (there or in excess of two Conway place, across from 'the rail- - ---- I3eany, Cochran,Sanford. Double play-Booth, weeks' supply, , road, of Silas A. H. Dayton, Mr, eastern part of the village. !unassisted. Struck out-by Barker, 6; by is no hospital in that village at meaning thereby twice the average Terry.—At Southold, Saturday, Salmon, 8. Bases on balls--off Barker, 1 resent weekly ! g J Tlie unusual rainy weather `kids Sept. 16th, to Mr,and Mrs. Ray off salmon, 2. Hit by pitched ball—by Bark. present), Southampton` Hospital, consumption for the present Christie is again on the job at Ron] er, Cochran. Passed ball—Ullericb: Left $2 000; Isaac HalSe 100'' Ada date to April 1, 1923. Ston a store. ruined the late lima bean crop, which mond Terry. (nee.Miss Edith Mon- bases—•Mattituck, 5; Southold, 7. Umpire---n Thompson, .$50; Roy Thom son "This order under all nenaltics of - ---- has sent prices up to$2.75 per bag. sell of Greenport) a sun. � Major Thornhill. p , - $ 0; Joseph Lester, $50. + the act will be strictly enforced, _� - until modified. 16 , '•i bni;or is not inS 0 ! ` (2) If t1 lo dis c i T'w'enty-Five Yea g The Southold club of the F. L; I, Curtis and Edward Cosden, the two possession of the I%lets necessary to pian to order out the fore- m�j�, 2-�7 ®QQ° ! League, played Greenport last Sun- young-sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. '�'Wd�lllty-Else YBS,TS 8g0 Bus Line Resumed enabl have entered Fay School, 000� / g•ninf',•, it is then a further' pax't of Mies Mary H. Howell had a position clay_ on the Polo Grounds, beating Cosden, ha + The bus line between Riverhead and the order that. be can require the t cher in St. Mary's School, Knox- U�reenport by the score of 0 to 7. Sontbboro, Mass. This is one of- the We bad heavy frosts. consluller to furnish hint with-' as ea ams through ifinest boy's schools in the country. "' The Board of Education appointed D. Greenport has been resumed, much to Greenport lost the g ( ----- - - the pleasure of its patrons. Sweez.y i,(ti) A statement or his aCtnstl ville,Tenn, ~- - _ - T. Conklin, Collector, 'and A. R. Vail, requn trincnts to April 1, 1)2,>. Sereno H. Smith was teaching school. poor base running and passed. up Myron H. Glover of Southold, Truant Officer. &Cooper succeed Mr. Hawkins as pro- ''(b) Size and tonnage of coal he at North Sea. many a chance to score in this way. has taken a position as Assistant prietors. The bus is a great conven- noNv has on hand. Moses T. Horton was appointed Post- Principal of the high School at Large quantities of cauliflower were ience to our.people, and we trust it will „( ) ler is an file with pp Manager Beaty, of Greenl,nrt;�vas Nein pp y y c That no ore master of Southold. North Guard, Pa. g shipped daily. The sold for any other. source of supply. forced to shift his line p around --- -- - -- ------ $1.50 to$3.50 per bbl. be well patronized. r.� g Should the consumer make a false J. Henry Cochran of edN. Y. City, owing to three of his players PlayingPrice's Big-Comedy Co.-gave an en- In accordance with law, tbe.Southold si;atement to the distributor he will formerly of Southold, died, g tivith Southold, but has no excuse to daynmorninK.It made iusethink of our tectainment in Belmont Hall. Savings Bank advertised for informa- be held liable under the provisions of years. „ -,- ___._._._ offer for this defeat, only flail his empty coal-bins _a. } ___.__ George Harper was having a. largo tion of the account of Frederick H. this act. awe off color and clid ben house built. Smith of Brooklyn, whose account bad l�atchague, winner of the Southside. Tn the ball .game -Saturday after- 'players were Y George G Richnxond &w to Louise � laid dormant or e i.t• e rc+nn irat for 1,)22 with the re ani c ilitained lay Jiniiliy Rae, anal standa d. Sleckman, lot on North rd a.dj land of he price of potatoes dropped from f twenty years. Mr. at u ) noon,a to l a the rix ,asily for,several yeai�,,a a crack not play up to their a party of 1st part, Southold, __ .50c. $1.00 to 80 cents a bushel. Smith responded to the adv. He had d ubtabll Kuttli in ill i a box, I of Flushing, He has 1"datbitucic fc�i' this c ---_ --- -'� Another large oyster bed was discov- forgotten that he had an account here. defeated Southold by ai score of G to player Bial the Shelter Island'nine, cls- - -� - 1 Thursdaya'rternoon. About 1 000 ,d the East End Amateur League Sunday on the Polo Grounds and Hummel, F L f. flno exrs to G F Hummel, 1 £sate ) ered in Lon Island .Sound _—__._�__-. -- ti>c>ctt4tcki,ti turned out to aurt.na ;a whorl 1> a sense of 4 'to & A big lot n• s soisseau av adi Hummel av, & other LOBSTER. BRINGS,$4.21. � , Star: v xi ';s clan promises better blall and results in. „no,�, N Thomas'. off Darnel promised to ho a pitchers battle lac- crowd enjoyed the ,game,Jima y +lareels Southold c included menaberta of this game, This game Will be the - __ --_ ---- During September adore money was Captain Walter Rathbun of the t;wv.c,n Al, Salmon and l�ottnlan. But on this occasion Peconia, Sept. 23, at the residence of Noank powerboat Alden, brought "Al" hat an oil' day. Not oo with Id's -awana Athletic club team at last Greegport Will play this .year,( the bride's parents, by Rev. Abram deposited in the Southold Savings Bank ,in a lobster caught t . �' I _ l ill strive kiard to . . y y p 1 ti the A rival lions the wt,.t olid; whoa lac.lct theFlushing and Shelter Island player,. and Greenport W Conklin Willard Hear Howell and than in an other September in the his- ug off Watch Hill it&t r,." . .. i ,; ; s are the champions of Miss Louise Fitz recently in his otter trawl, which L ir,�t 5cttic.i,s to rnui sate lilt., an.l The Aiawana it an the credit side of then �— _____._.. ,... _..__ __.-___ tory of that institution. weighed 21 pounds. It is the big- strack out: tcii niers, hurlino- his best. Queene, County. n put Southold, Sept. 22, Frances Hellas, Benjamin Horton sold his place at 1est lobster ever brought into New ' �r So hold scum tl , Ledger. widow of Capt. Win.: M. M g g 9 , tnie, of the sca, .aa. ut p a nard the creek to E. M.Millard of Brooklyn. London markets and sold for$4.21.. �'` 'The box score. Maynard: thc,ir only run in the c3,ghth, wbon Manager Reeves will _bring up aged 78 years. --- _ Capt. C. Sanford purchased the J. ,ccitt "'ingpled, advanced to :secolid on FLUSHING ALL SrA1?S team from Matl,ituck as be is Bay Shore,_-Sept. 24, Staple pi. • Some of the good cauliflower all ii,1tie,ld out and scored on Ca .sidy'.i AB R H PO A E, strong Shaw, a former Principal of.the South- ' Richwood place. shipped this week brought as high as ;si >•le. St ikem the. Nttelio)•ue catch- 5 2 4 0� 0 0, anxious to wipe out the 8-2 defeat old Union School. The Southold Cornet Band gave an $5.50, cash, per crate at the loading , int c , L. Donohue, 3b of anatle four sad'c hitc�. Stoke scree 5 1 1 11 5 1 ry en ort ave Mattituck two -- - --- --- - entertainment in Belmont Hall for the : station, .but the price sagged the next, Connors, ss that tare p g Detroit Mich., 5, Thomas M,. could pnhru , Lc.scy pi11'i r•cd two x 2b 4 0 1 1 7 0 , o Sunday's gltnie will be Sept. benefit of Joseph A. Fisher,`who was to day: .Good staff has ruled high all asaelc i slid 13'rusli :+lionised nut two Moran. c weeks ago. Close of Brooklyn. she week, however, and larger Worthington, of .. i Q 1 0 0 0 _.:. Y _-- _ -- - leave for the Klondike. s ' doubles. 4 0 4 0 0 1 Called.at 3.30 P.xir•, __-._ meats have been made this wool i st:i Farrell, rf ....... _ _ before. The box score: 1 1 0 1 0 0 Score of last Sunday's game was An estate of over $15,000 is disposeriT__--__ t Barlow, rf •••,•• • of b the will of the late Edwin 4 0 2 3 0 0 Y The last scheduled ball ams 1 Potatoes have ruled at 50 cents i. 1'�A:T01-10GUE Simmons, ]f .. ,.. as follows: Willis Horton of Southold. A.11 of it( g payed o• week and thousoc s bushel again this Orth, lb .•••••••• 0 0 1'� 1 l Southold- R H E is bequeathed to the widow, Esther;here Sept. 16, made Mattituck win.' of bushels have been moved at tl.rt i All It H PO A Ii: 4 0 0 J. Horton. ner of the 1922 pennant by half 'a figure, an average of better than 5t) Lvssey, ..... Meueliner, c • 0 0 0 2 1 6 1 2 0 4 0 0 2 0-9 12 S P. Sti)l, 2.1i ••.••.• 4 2 0 0 2 0 4, game over Southold, The Board of cars per day from Southold to i1Ia _- 1 Robertson p _ _ i 2 0 .1. 2 394-13 27_15,-��',Greenport A. A.-- 0 2 � 0�7 8 } NO BUS SERVICE NOW Managers met the other da con-I vine,inclusive, to say nothing of ship-i Bru,4h, ss ,_•• - z 0 1 2 0 The auto bus hoe latel operated b y' ments from the South Side ^gid shilz-c Ryther, 1b ..,.... 5 0 1 1(i 0 J - Y p Y ceded floe protest by Southold well EAST ENiD ALL STARS Walter E.Hawkins between Riverhead uj Stoke.ial, c. ,...,... t) 4 8 2 0 Batteries-Downs, Cassidy, Salmon, and voted to meats by trucks and boats Norton, rf .... 4 0 0 0 0 0 AB R H PO A F Ulrich, Gagen, Hinkel and Hubbard. It d Greenport has been discontinued. ;taken,meover whf b there throw out the Harold Booth and family have one Stryker, If ...... 4 0 2 1 0 0 Wolgo, c .•••••••1 � r �, s understood that a man from Port g as been so y g 4 0 1 r3 4 0 i „1 Umpire-Wilcox, Jefferson has been over the route, and,i, contention. By this decision,' to Brooklyn, where they will spend the Musrso, of 4 1 1. 1 0, () Barker, ss •x 4 0 1 0 2 0 -- - also a man from New York City,both 'the standing of the ,two clubs reverts winter. Mr: Booth will work.for the 4 2 2 0 8 g M. Raynor, 21 : - - --- Salmon, 11) ...,,. 4 0 0 12 01' 0 fire Alarm siren � of whom might consider resumption of'�back to where Southold was half a� Reid Ice. (o. Philip Weckesser will 39 �6 13' '27 15 . J. Donohue, If .... 4 0 �0 this service. I O 0 1 1 0 A platform for the installation of the __.._- _ game in the lead. Southpldand Matti. run Mr, Booth's business at South„]d 8OUTHOLD Barbour, p " �' The trknsfer of The Suffolk tack have agreed to replay the game until Mr.Booth returns in the Spring. Perrottet, of .,,,. 4 1 1 1 0 0 fire alarm siren has been erected on trots ' AB, It if l (> A L n or 3b .... 4 .1, 1 0 l) of Goldsmith & Tuthill's coal pockets, one of the best known of Sept. 16, on Saturday afternoon of Burt cf ......,• 4 0 (1 0. 0 l. .Ray 1. 1 2 0 0 o orated from the Central this week, at Mattituck, which will For the first time in six months the l o Cassidy, rf It will be P weekly newspapers on Long Is- welcome sight was triad of carloads of Is- Scott, <ib ........ ,, ] L' 1 1 _ _ _ -- -- settle the dispute and undoubtedly Cochran, rf ...... it 0 ;1 0 (1 0 3 5 27 1.1 2 telephone office, oro that everyone hav-� land, from the Estate of Ralph W" � coal running�into our railroad siding. Ca silly c ....... 4 0 1' Z 0 0 33 g bat in the winner of the flag in the ,.core by imm��5:, ing a telephone in his house can call n. East End League. Strasser, 21a ....,. 4 0 1. 3 2 1. " Gold with&Tuthill had a carload ar- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g Central and the alarm will vi given. Thomas to Mr. Louis A. both n rive last week and another carload this Ullrich, If .,.... 4 0 0 t3 .0 0 g �0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1-4 The Fire District will be divided into and Mr. Fred L. Corwin, both of � Sttlmon,n ........ �4 0 00 1. O l+lushiilgA. 5..1 Th the in: Greenport, took lace this week Ct Department week. t s . .,•... 4 0 0 0 ,5 0 ' 0 0 0 0-;i zones and we will know by p , p !OU1110111 Flre llepaP!®efttiloo 'h, s t hand A. 5.0 0 0 0Esc, and the new ownerswill take pos- T�Zvo-base lxits-T a!ixela, SirnrnA>n�:: Mr.and Mra. t�lement W. Booth, inSaaiforcl, 1Ir .,.... 0� n 1.0 0 0 Donahue. 5�tolen what zone the fire is. The siren fund ThWatrous motor fire engine for Three-base hit- Sae_ is not yet complete, and contributions session of the business on Satur the Southold Fire De artmentarrived the course of their travels in Europe, l d 4 I ksasee-�L. Donohue (2),-Connor hankfully received. �_�. day. The Times was purchased p attended the Passion Play,at Oberam- c l 24 10 d assid rihce hits-Orth, ,Banker, Y• will be __ -- )the late Ralph W. Thomas in ieb- , ,'ta]cein Robertson' 1; nil — last anddemonstrationsofits mergaq, Bavaria. Saturday Tw�oaBaise rrlits-Brush 2, S , Bases on balls Off R b Mrs. Alma Alley of Paducah, Ky,, is ' rust 1c 1 work have been made this week, The — _ -- ihs-Still Cochran, l-out-,By Robert y, J 0. . Mr. `Thomas was Musso. Sacrifice Il Bas haus., 1; Struc ti engine is cagable of doing efficient ser- Mary C Berresfard &ono to Alex- S 1 V. Double play- acting as::substitute for Miss Nancy taken seriously ill the following Stolen Bases LcF .y, 2, .tay,c _ st>n o;+By, Barbour,6. _-ander E Mackenzie &ano, lot adz land s _ _ By ion, tlr, Bethel as Principal of Southold Aead November and si=41hat time the rice and will add greatly to the protec of Louis ,Beduoski, Southold, tax,! i Kottman, Scott. Struck-out Rottman, it�eran to Connors to Or, �_-°�a Miss Bethel is unable to fill her business has been managed by his ; tion of our village from fire. The Reo Cxattman,.10, by Salmon, 1. Base on _ --� �_, '�.._ emy. Balks-Off Kottman, 1; off Salmon, 1. engagement On account .of the serious' .daughter for the;estate.. motor book and ladder truck is expect. =a "'—'- � ad o arrive in afew da s. South®IdDowns &w to Lle3yct' a scorebyinninge,: l Harry Carroll left on Wednesday for illness of her mother. , ht -rs. Chas y , H Henryy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7'8 9 is,medical studies • T. .Gordon is enter- will have one of the beat'equipped q Fire Thompson, lot s s New Suffolk ase Boston, to pursue h --- zng. her friend r i I t) 0 0 0 4 �0, 0 1 0-1 - Walter Ga en has returned to' his , M S._W xt Cr. De'artmentsoo t e I , adj land formerly of Russell S Walker,; Southo d g P h sland a credit to ho ue 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 *-6 at Boston University. st Villnova College, Pa. 'a an' f':etc..-_ __.. __ - — studies . the village. Cutchogue, tax. a a l • � The wind blewa galef MATTITUCK WINS EAST nRm the noxth What is considered as `another Mr, and Mrs. Charles F. Hard are e n front, Orient who have � 1VD TENIb1AliTT. west Wednesday night and the ther- strange kink in the reports of the as- Twenty'-Five Yeal'8-Ago Hardy The fisherine established in their winter quarters been employed' in fishing at Montauk ,1' 22 pennant of the E ist1 urometer registered 30 Thursday more_ sessoxs is that sa little personal prop- as- now e , report the poo3est fishing i years, The la - 9©00 / � p ing-the coldest yet and the first ice of erty is reported. Some towns notably ►a M. W. Golders house at Pine bleak .some not making e�penses. The catch ern .Long Island Baseball League 1t 1lethia, the season Hampton, P Moses T. Horton took charge of the 0, E• a of the entire season has not been as was awarded to Mattituck last Sat-' East Ham ton Southampton and _.____-_. _ _ _---_ Southold do not report a cent per- Southold Post Office. :.._ p Peconic, Sept- a 62 ears• big as a two weeks' catch in past Lirdriy, when Southold was defeat-IHannah L Tillinghast to Everett T conal assessments. lit is true, a�ay Clarence H. T. Bl sand family�of Wm. Fi. Sweet, aged y.. _ widow ed by the :cornier team by the score' r ,Goldsmith, lot adj land of Will H those acquainted with taxation laws, intendingto leave o Elizabeth 13,, �yeaxs. The prices at present are y mi y were ' Southall, Oct. 2, aged 72 years. good, which.make conditions a little of 5 to 4. Though late in the sea-I Taylor, Southold. Tax 50e that the bulk o£ stocks and bonds and. Render S uthold soon for George C. err -- more enconragmg, - -__.______ -_-_ mort a es is now exempted by law, Hendersonville, N. C. of G son for baseball, there was a bi y l; g Scallops were being- g Wm. H. Ta for &w to Henxy J. fiat according to their reports in fail- P g caught in large Fred E.Booth,Attendance Officer for I cro�i dw'i;n attendance. The game halm lot n s Pine Neck rd ad' in to list an Twenty'^Five Years Ago r ) g y personal property the quantities and were bringing good the Southold Town district schools, has I was lull of �3c tion trom stair to �sii'd' of W.m. Sweet, Southold. Tax 3. a^sensors say$ yin effect that in South- prices. also been appointed Attendance Officer finish. Darker pitched a good B,idan, a & w to ra Bohaan, lot w sBow. old, Southampton and East Hampton,' Wm, N. Carey was transferaed to for the Mattituck High School, Hel gime, as clic] Sallnoli for South lsaa, lana w G Framer, Southold ..... 600 rich agricultural .sections, the eat G`I'' Hommel sold his £arm on the the L. I. R. R. station at Floral Park. has been for some time Attendance Of- old, but the latter lacked support h Road (Capt. actio as _._.-_ mass of farm machinery, -the North { g . 0. E. Prince home- the W. Wella was g fiver of the Southold High School. He when It was most needed. Fleet, u x & w to w H vanwart; lot n flocks of ducks,, the flocks, of hens, stead) to Warren H. Howell of Cutch- West rd adi land Fleet Cutchogue .....55001 the stocks in the stores, the tractors ogue. stenographer and typewriter in the is an excellent official. ,, _ __ _ n._ _.-- & Son, N. Y. ____ _ - .___-- wiBesalhaids meiilatinx��Mt pi prey l Wickham, s P & ors by gdn to F BIossiek; and such things, are not worth a red C. H, Hempstead of Riverhead w firm of Robert Crooks cent in the three towns while the P as 1'he C. L. Sanford Brick Com-! stented to the winning team by All-, tot,r_s First st adj land o,T Goldsmith, rl�w � building a fine large residence for Geo. City,° Suffolk - Ill personal vaunt Shelter The public sclioel teachers were at pan•v•of Southold, has been ineor-4 dy prudent, independent calididlte' �3,soo( sur Island, reports p W. Dayton smallest town in the _ -__ ._._._ p o al property vel- yon at Bay View: posted. The officers are; C. L•4 for Sheriff,and one-time star pitch- Burnett M. Osborne, a wealthy ued at $31,100, and Islip, with no Rev. F, G. Leonard resigned as pas. tending Teachers' Institute; at South- Sanford, President; F• S. Sanford, er on the Riverhead team.___ I widower of East Hampton, was mar-, farms and no more stares than the for of the Universalist_--- a Burcher her towns, reports Personal niversahst church, much to Vie President and and L. N. Sanford,+ Mei GIQb reed on Oct. 5 to Miss Lin of There were 290 names placed on the Secretary m ! of Zurich, Switzerland, also a resi- erty valued at $293,800, The Prop- the regret of laic people. n register in this district. - ' , dent of aouthamtont „Tile marriage,i amount of personal 'property in the The Orient District Sunday School electro g Miss Mollie B. Henderson of Port A Mens Club of twenty-two mem- I ixihized m the"French Evan- county, .subject to taxation, is $647; Association mot a£Southold. ryas sole Chester, N. Y., a former highly es- hers was organized at the Presbyterian; gelical Church, New York. 409 t _. ___:_ ___ _ : —�- Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Terry died,aged Southold free Library teemed teacher in the Southold High Parish House on Thursday evening,� �� ��,� -- propria-. � real prop-'71 years. A. E. Mackenzie one of the Thr, total amount of the The annual melting of the 'Southold School, spent the week-end at Mrs. El- Oct. 12, and the 7Poliowing officers;wereeity and special franchises is.$139,-. ..d elected: '.Pres., J. E. Bloomfield; Vice tors of the South Orange,,N. J., Re- 483,'732,50, and the following table- sie E. Williams'. _.,__ eord, was taken suddenly ill at the,Vf- shows tlxe amounts reported 'by the Price of Potatoes Free Library was held Wednesday ev- _ -- Pres., Frederick Fickeissen; Sec., ening, with President J. W. Stokes in Southold, Oct. 7, Caroline G., widow enna Restaurant, Greenport, early assessors and the amounts as fixed by On Oct. 18th the of potatoes of Henry G. Howell.aged 81 years. Harry red Treas., Fred O. Leicht.` Sunday morning with acute indigestion the equalizers, with the additions or: 'priceP the chair. deductions: was 50 cents a bushel. This price had Report of Trersurer read and ap=[ol iverhead, Oct. 5, Fanny B., widow HQeetings for social and educational in- and died within an hour. Mr. Macken- homas H. Wood,formerly of South- terewurse are to be held',in the Parish Assessors. Equalizers, ruled for about 'two months. During roved, ed 94 ears. Interment at Wil* zie came to Southold Saturday to make Totals Totals P The Librarian gave her report far the aged y Howse from 7 to 11 o'clock every the past week the price has steadilg arrangements about building a bungs reset Southampton on. $7,910,687.00 $21,954,636.50 P Hill Cemetery. Thursday evening. The Club is non- soutl,a,npton .. z2,o27,2ss.00 2x,s64,sss.5e advanced until on Oct. 26t1i potatoes� year, ew.London, Ct.,Oct. 4, Mrs. Belle low on the lot he recently purchased of sold for 80 cents. We are very gliid u tees were elected: smith, formerly of Southold, where sectarian, and any gentleman of the shelter Island.. 2,234,813.00 2,773,677.7The following Tr s t took lace a ed 86 years, village who would like to ,oin will be Mrs• Sarah Hirsch, anBt ©act Of H. F, Southold 8,233,876.00 9,443:619.46Riverhead 5,544,832,60 7067,799.82 indeed of this good news for our far- H.'ffuntting '25,Mrs. Wm.Rich'26rmen P , g Van Wyck s. Mr.1VIackenzie and fam- Brookhaven 22,499,397.00 22,x23,934.98 ...-- welcome. __ :___; _.:...__ Islip 25,640,$43.00 23,440;$18.1.9 mere. At 80 cents.a bushel there is a It. G.'Terry '26, Mrs. H. M. Payne'27, -: - __- ____.._ ily:apenc the summer hese at George Terry,G II et al to B Naster,lot S 5 Babylon ...:.: 9,630,394.00 9,688,976:07 Thompson '27. and formerly y G. Howell and Elizabeth eC• gat er's bun aloes.ou the creek. The. Huntington 30,007;056.00 27,176,862.8 margin ofprofit; at 50 cents there is J. Lea p cerin Main Rd adj 1 00. of C G Harr andelulcrext if P g The Trustees organized by electing Southeld $6,0 Howell,'aft Southold, late body was taken to South Orange Sun- smithown ,.... s,s9s,s7s.00 6,244,er6.4s none. Many of our farmers, however. Th Co ,- --- - Caroline M. Howell, late of Southold, day afternoon. $13s,4ss,7s2.6o axss,4a3,73z.6o' have sold practically all their crop. The 'tile following officers Pres., Dr. J. W. Schloss, 0 M to E H Brown, lot e s are to receive the bulk of testatrixes ones that have not done so are in luck. T ----___- If all of the assessors had assessed __— Stokes; Vice Pres., Mrs. H. M. Payne; Cedar Beach Rd adj land A Kelloek, $20,000 estate, according to the terms -The re ort is signed - rs • Sec. ay e, + 1000. _ of the will filed here for probate.They, P greed by Hobert 112ac- at .62, the county basic rate, the%real Through the real-estate agen2y of E. Tress., H. H. Huntti g, I_Soutlrold,_-$ ___ intosh ._�__1 A xeiiook,lot e s cedar together with Ruth E. Morse, Gladys , James F. Richardson and Ben- estate and special franchises in +he Geicht Frank re and Arthur T. Downs Term _ --- P,ra�,n, E x& t+to W, Howell, Pauline G. Howell and �am1n G. Halsey. county would have ,an assessment , ,'` rd adj land Schloss, Bay View,--$1001 l given/personal, The equalizers used .68 and a frac ALBERT S BVI�L tr HAS I9 ash _-_-.__- _-_.._. ..,____ Philip R. Tuthill, are given•p q value of $202,644,127.30, the report have sold the place at Creekside, form- NAiROW ESCAFE. - effects, then the residue of the estate tion as the basic rate for equalization shows, instead of only$140,131„132.50 erly occupied by D. H. Jackson, to Al- e Years Ago goes to the two grandchildren first sessed highin.thecounte• than .68 had deductions towns a -and if the values were raised, it is . Tuesday morning while loading vab M. Salmon of Pecanic. We under- 7 -�--” ^� made from the total re orted b the i creased d pr the tax rate would be de stand Mr. Salmon's son Harry and N 4000 / � named._.___._� P y creased proportionately. cauliflower, Albert Sweezy of Mr. and Mks. D. Frank Ydfungs (:harlea H. Becktold has installed for assessors-; those towns that assessed Southold, sustained severe inlur- - H. M, Hawkins a three-in-ane combs- r �----� T - -V--family are to occupy the place. at les„ than .G8 had sums added to I __----- fes when kI creta fell from the car, i moved to Brooklyn. OrsoOLD MORTGAGE DATED 1867. Mrs. A. W. Albertson lies gone to r head Edward Fox was acting as station nation electric range, There are three kar instance pEast Ha ret tan Sassessed 4 a corner o, which struck his , A One`of the oldest mortgages,. Albany to attend the State Convention is seal so bad] that it agent of the L. I. R. R. at Aquebogue. compartments, one for coal or e-fire- •it ,53, sg the equalizers added the big ! ki�lown in Suffolk w the Parent-Teachers Association as tearing his p Y and one for the County e one of was necessary to take fifteen The ebarpie oyster schooner Anna of one for electricity, sum of $2,362,985.02; Shelter Island, dated 1867 that has,just been as a dele ate from the local branch ' stitches. He was taken to the Port Jefferson was wrecked on the less cooker. We believe this is the at .55, with $556,952.67 added; South $. - ~-- first electric range to be installed in old at 60 will! $1211 704.46 added signed by the Southold Savings Eastern Long Island Hospital- for Sound shore off Southold in a gale. Riverhead�at ,54, with .$1,522,966.82 Bank to Capt. James Elton of Itiv- Mr, and Mrs: Wm. A new ehome in treatment and at present is doing The bond of Moses T. Horton, re any home in.Southold. _ added Smithtown at .65, with $3472,, erhead. The mortgage covers prop- the western part of the villag __- moved into their prettyn w cent] appointed Postmaster of. South, ._"- -- y Miss Ida Front,one of the teachers in 637.48 added. err an.the north side of .second ® --" On the other hand, Southampton street in Riverhead, It•was given The Wm, C, Albertson Co. sent out, The view motor fire engine was tested old, was approved by the Government. the Southold High School, has kindly assessed at .71,so from the total re- Fire Department. _..__ -:__.-� - - -T-- - aented to read to the children,in the] turned by that town the equalizers de by Gershom Wells and his wife to potatoes in one car one' last_Friday by the P con - the�bank in 1867. Originally the 1300 bushels of P It t ook water from the creek at Creek- Ralph P. Booth has purchased the public Library, every Friday after- ducted $672,649.50; Brookhaven as mortgage carried interest of da last week�QB -?---- --'`t throwing a stream of water confectionery business of Mrs. H. G. noon. from 4 to 5 o'clock, and will be- aessed at .70 and has $375,462.08 de I Cent, and at another ti e 7 per l George G Richmond &w to Mary L side Park, g m onl feet of hose so that,the Booth and.took possession on Monday. fn this week._�:. ducted; Islip, assessed at .75,and has y 5 through 1450 f , 1 per cent. During Mulvaney, lot adj land of William A � -- _ $2,100,524:81 deducted• Babylon, at ,p g the existence of _� ? ` stream would go.over the Methodist Mr. Booth;is well liked by our people- :q%9 with $23,417.93 deducted Hunt the mortgage the principal has Richmond 250 e The', new motor-driven truck for steeple. This was a severe and we ar®sure he will make a success iiigton.at,76, the highest in the ccaun- been eaten up in interest;two or San£ora, G I & to c E Sanford nr€oi;Co. i churchP I Eagle Hoak and Ladder Co. arrived and has the large total-of $2,8.30,- 4 three,times, yet is 'still in opera 17a on south ra aa;n4in Creek&other tree;.. test, as the bose was laid.up hill. of his new venture. g y 92,13 deducted. tion paying. more°interest. soutl,ola Town :. ... 84±I,0oo l Wednesda night. Great Democratic victory r The schedules filed in the estate or re , d Mahoney,—At the E. L. I. Hos- 6.T.6. Post Charter Presentation the late George W. Cooper of River ; publican Congress and dissatisfaction UreEnport Man and � ! head show a gross value of �11,904.G4; The result of the election is a . re Wife Start on t�il, Saturday, October 21,to Mr. At Belmont Hall, on Armistice even- net value, $11,024.49; tax_, 870 follows: Democratic victory all aloe the at Thth the tariff passed by this Congress. Trip ground Worid i and Mrs. P. J. Mahoney, Jr,, of ina, Nov. 10th,Count Chairman Hoole The net estate is divided as g ins, a wet and dry issue also bad a r d g P g - Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Y L. Fleet, grandson, w3,500; The political endulum has swan back let to do with it. Then, again, history, Miles left Green- Southold, iti son, Peter J. will publicly present our G. T. G. Poet Henryport last Wednesday, Clarence C. fleet, gdandsan, �,6DD from the elections of two years ago. is only repeating itself when the party for ati•i y,,says the Times; i Rev,'Wm• H• Charter. g Avalanches and Landslide, are the in power meets with a ray t e * praiuid the world. They ex- Southold, Oct, 25, by Annie M. Duvall daughter, $4.,024.49. "Avalanche,' ' Lloyd, William Doane Faulkner and ' Ceremony of. presentation will c arxi- only fit terms in describing the result.` years from the time when it came two P ��to arrive a� San Francisco on the in seventlr, leaving the life of an Our cauliflower growers are doing In New York State AI Smith is elect Power in the State and Nation. Sail Francisco Nov. Mrs. Sara Caee Hirsch, that occurs but once in y 14 on the steal:er Tenyo 14Iaru of the — .— mence at 8:15 p. _ y fine q ere is a good crop, and it of m, This is an even ' well. Th ed Governor by over 400,000, .and the p 'j'w'entY-F1.Ve Fears Ago Post,and needless to �a it is a mo- quality. They sold Thursday entire Democratic State ticket is elect- Jap anese Lire On the way to Japan hlvV, ed. Dr:Copeland defeats William M. they will stop at the Hawaiian Islands _ crate at P - are 29i! at T ohohoina, Japan, about Suffolk Remains Sfieadtast the 2,.h of D?,vembum Dr. and Mrs. Henry Jewell was clerking for F. T. one of us. . Calder for United States Senator Suffolk County remains steadfast in Ndiles intend to spend a month or sig meatoua occasion to each and every morning for$3 50 to a the station _ .___ 2.5 000. This was the bi weeks r„-Ln, From Wells. The public is cordially invited to at- --- -- ggegt s r ri a. l Dr. J.. M. Hartranft evld to G. F. Mrs J. Richards,better known Dere of the election. Every u P se the Republican faith, and all its candi- Japan they tend, and is requested to bear this date as itilary Moore spent a short time ery big city above dates successfully stemmed the Dem_ have lanned a journey through Ko_ Hommel 15 acres of land, adjoining the in mind above all other engagements. ' the Bronx returned a majority for oeratic tide that swept toR Manchuria to China, from there with Mrs. Eniina Iluntting, Mrs: p the State. Manila from which place the will _ y l letter's'property on the East. f There will be no charge>co charter pre- I3untting also entertained Stay Dauch Smith while he carried New York.City Robert Low Bacon, who will succeed ;return to China: Fion i China the Dr. and Mrs. J. ,G. Huntting o y, and wife. (Mildred Goy} last vJ(EIS, by 500,000 and Brooklyn by 150,000, Frederick C. Hicks iai.Con reqs, made ,travelers will go to Java, Siam Sin •- _ ___ The,Legislature g spare to Calcutta, India, through the septation ceremony. Cau'nty Chairman stip in behalf o N g Huntington moved to Southold. Hoole and State Treasurer Hulse will The new fire apparatus was tried g lature was saved for the Re- a fine run in Nassau and Suffolk and Arabian, lied Sea and Suez M. B.Van l�usen purchased the store both address the me g out Saturday evening. A large pile publicans by a small margin. They wins by a majority of 14,319. He car. arrivin.r lir` - Canal, and plumbing business of Jedlieka the Legion, and endeavor to tell fn ae of boxes was oiled and,set on fire have one majority in the Senate and 13 tied every town in the two counties, a.ly. zit Southern France a, li here they ��,l' alae a steamer for clear a manner as passible ust what Ii and the chemical stream turned on. in the Assembly. The Democrats elect with the exception of Smithtown. hcinE about 11ay 1. 'fie all 4vish Bros, J The Ladies' Society of'the Univer- the American Legion is organized a_)r, Ttesults were highly gratifying--...--,----- a majority of the Congressmen fPom J6�ln G, Peck was re-elected good doctor and his-wife bon voyage __--. Ballet church held a Hallowe'en Party what its chief aims are, with main ob- Mr. and Mrs. William Neuman will this State; amber and may they have a deiightful,trigp� ' at Belmont Hall. ject--colfiimunit co-operation. There ane of Assembly from the First District by Dr.Miles has been on the job for inan Y occupy the cottage of Rev. fug William B. Carswell and William F. !3,000, and Cecil W. Praetor, in the years, ready at ar y 5dr6, Horton and Mrs. Carrie J. are few of our townsmen who know Hagerty, Democratic candidates for Second'District, won out by 400, y_ 'pie °£ the day Lewis acted as assistants to the new Conklin on Town Harbor Lane this or night, summer or winter, to 'help just what is being done by the Legions ;coming winter. --- Justices o€ the Supreme Court won'' those who needed his services. Ile _ P For Sheriff,with nine districts miB6- deserves his vacation-but we will all Postmaster, Moses T. Horton. Come and hear what our visitors hav _____------ with ease in this Judicial.District. ing, Amza W. Biggs, Republican, poli. be,v1 ' d to see him Back again in the Large Democratic gains were made to say. The price of potatoes has dropped The enormorous Republican majority ed 14,559 votes; George Kreamer,Darn. Spring. at the election throughout the country, from 80 to 70 cents per bushel. Of 168 in Congress is almost wiped out,, ocrat,9,719, and Andrew H. Prudent ----.--_ The charter presentation .will be the I ` ---_---.- -----_....-_------ but they still<hold it by a small margin. Progressive, 2,204. Per®anent ®ad Isn r® � New York State went Democratic by Post's means of celebrating Armistice p reent � 60,000, electing.Alton B. Parker Chief Day. Dancing will follow the cera- pay Shore, Oct: 28, Frank A. Page They.will also retain the United States William F.4-Flanagan,an for Count Justice of the Court of Appeals. Suf- many,with music by Sings(five-pisco) and Miss Florence Greenleaf, daughtex Senate by a reduced majority. g Y Morrison G. Wines of Mattituck,bav- folk County remained steadfast in the Orchestra. Dancing will commeuce at )' NEW Jersey elects Elie "wet” candi- William B. Gibson, for Coroner, w ® ing completed the work on the cement of Mrs. Stanley S. Shaw, formerly of J Y• Auditor, won out by 3,5o0 Republican faith, electing all the can about 10:15 P- m. and finish at 1 a. m. Southold. date for U. S. Senator, Governor Ed- endorsed by all parties. a road at Mattituck, commenced work lte£reshments will be vn sale k•y the Riverhead, Oct, 21, Raymond'San* be by didates by about 2,400. Southold ford of Mattituck and Mies (:ora Price atac�Governo0so and elects aDemo- Al Smith made.a big run in Suffolk from athe Southold Hotel to corner to Tawn went Republiban by 300. Eras Ladies' Auxiliary. See posters for de- of Peconic. i as elsewhere,, for Governor, and lost the railroad. This work is done --- Henry Cabot Lodge is re-elected U. the County by only 1600. .,He carried with mono received tus F. post and Carll S. Burr were _ ___—_�-� , tails, dancing admdasipn, ate. _ � y red from the State, ' glected Members of Assembly; Natbao G T G. 'POST 'Twenty-FiVe Years Ago S. Senator from Massachusetts by less the Towns of Islip and Smithtown. under the _.-__ ___:_____. . than 2,000. provisions of the Lowman D. Petty, Surrogate; William R. __------ � Nov, /V o000� Duvall, County Clerk; and John Nu-'I CItILURIIN'+ C UItT/vtiav, Pennsylvania Act. All moneys from this fund moat The Southold Union Schooreceived y anis and Connecticut remain p i ;gent, Coroner. 1 NOW IN, OPERATION in the Republican Southold Town Rep®bllCan be used for permanent road improve- 'Duvall, , l its charter from the State Regents. P bhcan column. In the for- mer State Gifford Pinebot is elected Southold Town remained true to its inept. Last year the money under the Meeting of Town hoard County Judge George H.Furman, G. F. Hommel was to open a road Governor b who is to pkeside over the Chil- through his land from Railroad Av., y 300,000. Republican traditions and g Act was used in building a cement road Many new Democratic Governors majorities for all the candidates of that from the Soldiers' Monument, Orient; The Southold Town Board met at the"j dren's Court,sent a communication and sell off buildiug late. were Eluted in Republican States-ev- party. The full returns- to Orient Wharf. office of Supervisor David. W. Tuthill) ! to the Board of Supervisors this BValdron's Glass Blowers were giving b districts Wednesday, an exhibition in Belmont Hall. Y It looks now Be if a State Road (ce- Greenport, Saturday, Oct, 28, 1922, ', week stating that the court would I en 'rock-ribbed New Hampshire: In appear in our next columns. With the meat) would be built in Southold Town i begin to function on We y, Ohio the Democrats have apparently i Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Town with headquarters In P`aFc ice- Rev: William F. Whitaker 'was ad pparentl Fisbers Island district-missing, wbich Clerk Hallock, Justices Corey and Ter 1 The South Side Inn in that village mitted to the Society of the Sons of won the Governor and lost the Senator, from the Laurel Line to Mattituck,and ry, Supt. of Highways Fleet, Counsel has been rented for the detention s the Revolution. Republicans lose Senate seats in New Southold Town dally affect the result, later it will be continued through .the gives Governor Mines Town on the.Main South highway to home required by law, where chil- 'York, New Jersey, Delaware, Indiana, '552 majority, Assemblyman Peck led Case, and Health Officer Peterson. 1 q The following Overseers of Highways Maryland, Greenport Wharf. Letter was received from Silas A. H. dren ,who .are detained as defen- dren or witnesses may be def en- , were appointed in this vibinity: Geo. Y nd, West Virginia, Bfichigsn and his ticket with 823 majority; Senate;' The Mas Dayton, Esq., clairnio that the ate a A. Maier, Wm, H. Gagen, Henry Gaff- North Dakotah, but have won two in Thompson's majority was 730;, Amse Masquerade Ball held in Bel g p i modated. Nebraska and Ohio. mont Hall on October 30th was a great at the Sound at Horton's Point en- At the last meeting of the Board ga, John Breitstadt, Waldo,Brown and W. Biggs plurality for Sheriff was success both financially and socially. croacbed on the property of the Albert- of Supervisors;a resolution was Charles E. Terry. Wine and beer advocates score hegv- 410; Robert L. Bacon's majority for Every one reports a good time. The son Case estate, and asked that they be unanimously adopted recommend- George H. Wells purchased of Or, ily in many States. Congregs was 623;Wm. F. Flanagan's costumes were veryg ori dual and ex- moved on the Town property. Supt. ing that Suffolk County be Exempt- ,James A. Squier his 60-acre farm at What is,the cause of this tremendous `majority for County Auditor was 555. eeptionally clever in their get-up. The ed from the provisions of. the law. overturn is public sentiment? Of Win, M. Calder's majority for U. s. receipts amounted to about$90,which of Highways Fleet was directed to course in New York State the wonder. Senator was 397. will be carefully tucked away m the t iecluiring a Childrens Court for Peconic. move the steps on the Town property, the reason that such a court was I)- P. Horton sold 16 acres of land to fol personal Popularity of Al On bank for that new Town Hall. This In response to a request from the not needed in Suffolk but until the I Wm. O. Salmon. Y Smith had Governor, the Prohibitionists' affair was an opening wedge to inter- Disabled Americana of the World War, county is exempted the law makes ti good deal to do with it, but Al was pulled 21 votes in the Town. and the ,est the public in the drive for this hall it mandatory that the court be es- i Assessor 'George Henry Terry -and l not running in other States. We be socialists 15. On U. S. Sen ` which will actuallystart i , permission was given that organization tablished. family are located in their new and lieve the chief reason f _ star cads est next summern full earn to sell poppies in Southold Town during modernly-iinproved home,, in the wes- or the Demo Congress, however, the Prohibitionists .- ---- ccatia;victory was disgust with the Re. polled 12?votes, the candidates o€ the Theodore-Hoinls the month of Novembertern part,of the,vdlis ie"making marked . � �_ _ lagE. , major parties being classed as "wets." impro__ _n—__ements on the Southold Hotel. Twenty-Five Years A i The coat at int arld is receiving Ago The Charter 'Presebtation eludes State Count' and 'Yawn High- anew coat of paint uui is being ap- J`l�y, ®®mw • flet, and Mrs. Clement W.' Booth y The Word Do Move I plied by Alfired Robottoen of Green- ,fir To the G, T• G. Post hevereturned from an extended Euro ways, School, Park, Fire and Light. It is not ' William Bassett rented for 2, win- ,American Legion, The Southold Light Tax is very heavy ed that the Young Men's port. This station o surely sloes shine ter the place formerly occupied by D. which took place in Belmont Hall on peen trip. While away, they visated Christian Association of the United bath inside once out. It looks very H.Jackson. Friday evening last, was so far as the tI this year. In order not to have to bor- xri:fty around the depot, but just step England,. Scotland France Germany, row money to pay bills, it was deemed Mates and Canada, at its last session inside and sere how immaculate things The recent storms covered the nater- members of the Post and their efforts, holland and Switzerland, In,Holland beat to roes one and in Atlantic City, by an almost unani- and those who occupied they visited our old friend,Mrs.Eleanor' a one-half years mous vote fools. Charlie and Harry must clean al growth oyster beds 'at the Souiid ' pled the stage con- , allows that henceforth 10 house every day. Aside from this fact with sand. cerned, an unqualified success: The light taxes this year. After this year per of the membership of its man- Howe?ll Kranenberg. Mr, and Mrs. , there is a great deal of business at lack of numbers in the audience was a only one year's taxes will be raised- Charlie Schmitt received the most aging boards may be taken from mem- .this depot these Gays. This station Booth report a delightful time abroad. votes for been the handsomest bob reproach to the 'absentees of the v➢1- $1600. Thi year approximately $2400 has shipped over 400 carloads of pota- votes fo and was y in ge and vicine:. � Poai- hers who are not identified with church- has raised. The Southold Fire Tax is es taco g toes. Cauliflowers sold last week as I : Presented with a la Y who failed to come Miss Frances Leicht has a' fine recognized as "evangelical, out and show b their tion as stenographer with the New also much higher than Iasi year, hilt This'action of the forty-first inter- i high a.> $9 a barrel and $4 per crate, �handeame case of glass fruit by..the y presence that� we must remember that we have ur- y ' For the information of those farmers Waldron Glass Blowers. Joe Carrq,i, they wished to encourage this organ-� Fork Life Insurance Co., in N. Y. P nations,1 convention spans the execu- who r.ay be interested the best mar- lzation at its inception and manifest a' Cit chased motor fire apparatus and are l was a close second' p 9 -- paying off$1,000 a year with interest live boards to Catholics, d others 9 s ho kat days in the Brooklyn market are - _ - entista, Univerealiete and others wits Island y n -. becoming sympathy for, and a rat's N. II:' Cleveland is on$10,000: Southoid's School Tax is Tuesdays, Fridays, aucl Saturdays. Long Island Dinner Pp 1 quite ill. In heretofore have not been generally can- 9 tion of the deeds which the{Boys al fact, is in a very serious condition. 10 points lower than last year: A special service will be held at the' ready have accomplist, - - - _ sidered eligible. P _ _- ckel Purcell is clerking in Fred Last year the total Town Tax Rate Shiloh Baptist Church an Sunday even,. Long Island communities are vieing Which shows that this hitherto some- Ob one another to produce the largest Harry J. Cusack acted as master of Fickessen's store. was 1.902, and the Greenport Village ng,at 7 O'clock, for the purpose of or o remonies cnd met the requirements -- --- what select body has came to realiza- delegation at the forthcoming "Long _. -------_ rate was 1.27.. dsinin Deacon WillisRobson, Rev, „ f that:office Pleasingly and acceptably. Miss Beatrice Hodgins is attending- tion of common sense and justice and Jg Island Dinner, to be held under the g y Dr. Anderson of Virginia and Rev. Mil- The actual presentation of the Char, the Albany Normal College, �, � the need for concrete effort in working auspices of the Long Island .Hotel and __.._ - ___ Twenty-Five Years A ton Sparks of New York will b° res- ter by County Chairman Hoole and its Sw�rtout;w Ii 8 w to r L Corporation, loth for the common good, phis Wast be a P P Restaurant Association, in the Qommo- eat at chis meeting• acceptance by the fourteen members of scent? vte�s av nae land It2nlvanev, ��u h- I /V u.4,24 0*0,3a / 70f little late to have much efl'ect in ma- do�e 13otei, Manhattan, on Tuesday ° We had the first snow storm the ythe Post present, was a somewhat brief old Towntore minds who naturally wi➢l retain Miss Annie Hod-ins is caring, for evening, November 21st..; _._. _._-._ $osoo Miss Jerusha Horton while the .faith- This memorable event which tome- affair. State Treasurer Holse stated - -- season-about 5 inches, and the music .some prejudice because the-action has P Southold, Nov fel housekceper, - 14,N.Hubbard Cleve- of sleigh bells was heard. been so long delayed. But the influ- Miss Ernnric Teage, the objects for which ses to bring .together the biggest and ch the Post stands, land, aged 88 years, 4 months, 27 daps. Those who had encs • takes a well-earned, two months' va i'and Dr. Hoole emphasized the state- cauliflower out made on those•now growing a toward cation, most representative group of business' ments b telling what had already beer! fergaklsnraimer�reeadenet�of Southold manhood cannot be otherwise than -' and other interests ever assembled, will y g haste to at them. beneficial. It will y ' aged 70 years. ' i W H. Howell moved from Cutch- give the Y. M. C, mark the most➢m ortans step thus far accomplished: The Rev. W. H. Lloyd o ue to his newt A. which has come to be recognized as 0 Lewis Wilkinson has severed his con-! gave some pleasing reminiscences. Rev. "�----- g y purchased farm on P, P � nections with F. Fickeissen and has taken to t nite.the varto s interests into 1 � ¢ the North Road. a world-wide and powerfrl organizq- "s one barmonius body for the purpose of Abram Conklin spoke a timely word of Southold TOWn la Rate The mercury registered 18 der tion for the great benefit of its mem- p gone to Southampton, wh,re he will ,p g general welfare and g _ The Tax Rate in Southold Town will degrees. promoting the warning and paid a most raceful Crib- engage to carpentering, ute of respect to his immediate prede- Joseph Fisher and George Brown ar_ harshen,an increased scope ranrestrict-I prosperity of all Long Island. be as follows: rived at Seattle, Wash., on their way ed by the hampering effect which Fred E. Booth is the local represen- A "Long Island Dinner," with food• ` j drafted, Rev. C. D. Newton, who, being to the Klondike, comes from a formulated, religious be-I tative for the Lang Island Lighting dispensed that emanated from an drafted, elalmed his exemption, then State, County, Town 1.09 3' Highways .816 John Goodwin, Jr., and family moved lief, C0• If.you have any trouble,. notify place other than "The Land of the applied for the position of chaplain, to Southampton. God is Lord of the universe, ;incl why T' him. „ which he failed to receive, surrendered _ Sunrise Trails, would, of course, be u' his exemption The Southold Fire District raised$200 should any who recognize and follow 1an'imett 'loiing� o#' I'eco:iic, has misnomer, Therefore, each article of drafted ption served his Greenport VillageTotal r Town 11,.06 C P Papers, went in as a by tax. the principles that Christ taught and lcttrchased of Chris. Leicht the food on the menu will represent a home P time, was DISTRICT TAXES Union Thanksgiving services were Practised, be excluded from equal par- CRse farm xxext the fret r. grown product. Long Island ducks,! wounded, but returned cured. Rev. J: Orient Fire District .095 held in the Presbyterian church, ticipation and help in using hi,,i best ttrxxitlx. 4,Cn lal`ic'k- T. Langlois told of lies active interests h, the ,, p b t eF•• .__.__._. potatoes, cauliflower, oysters-these Orient Light District. 14 sermon being preached by Rev. E. K. forts for that which relieves want, ed- - and participation so far as able during 111 People ora picking, up Waite a peon- are only a few of the nationally and p Orient Mosquito District ,Zll Creed. ucatee the ignorant, and !tabors for tity Of,seallops at low title in the'ba internationally famous edibles which the period from 1917until the Armistice cod of all God's creatures? f was declared, and wished the Post Southold Park District .04 C. H, T.Bly and fancily left for their g and find them of air size. y' shall grace the banquet tables, Southold Fire District .17 new home at Hendersonville, N. C. SIMPLE SII41ON ,abundant suttees. _`-- The Long Island Steal Estate B6ird Southold Light District 43 Some large stones and spikes were SCHOOL NOTES New•�Suffolk 0°t. 26 Jesse A. • --- ----- ! ton, aged 63 years, H0r' has arranged to exhibit a replica of The members of the Posh are: SCHOOL DISTRICTS placed on the railroad track about a r - ---.--_-_-_. their prize-winning table at the New J. Cusack, LeRoy Pottinger, Harty Dist. 1-Orient Point ,84 mile east of the station, The were R D f Southold, Oct, 31, Sarah Peckham, Y HONOR STUDENTS 1 wife of.Joseph C. .Booth, in her 87th York State Real Estate Board Banquet Moffat Benjamin Diller, JosePhFBen. 2-(?tient 1191- discovered by Isaac Osborn and Harry k year, held in Albany recently. On this unique nett, W. A. Thompson, Wm. " 3-East Marion 1,26 Carry, who threw them off. FIRST QUARTER P $, Raf. „ _ .Deputy Sheriff Fred E. Booth was High School Students with a mark of Peconic, Nov, 4, Joseph Moore Terry, � . exhibit table to reproduced a large ford, Antons Strasser, John Carroll, • aged ?3 years, map of Long Island, and by means of John Bucci, Earl Ha 'e, " 5-So thole eland 1.401 employed as night watchman at the 90 per cent or over in quarterly tests. --- es ---- B man, Harold Southold Savings Bank. En ! electricity miniature automobiles etre Booth, Carlisle Cochran, Wm, B, " 6-Ba View 87 g English 4th James Gallagher,set a wire cage rat Clay- Y � year-Marjorie Mager-, trap a few nights ago and the next run over the highways and wjniature ton, Jose C. Gonzales, Chas. W morn " 7-»Peconic 1.06 William L. Goldtmith and Miss Hit- man 98. morning had fifteen rats in it. He sat trains aperated'ob the railroad tracks. er, Adiel Strang, Geo. Sweeney, R T " 8-East Cutchogue 1.11 degard C. Johnson were married, English 2nd year-Hs➢en i'homp- 1 it Again the following night and cap- g ___ -_ _ ._- _ -__ •' 9-Mattituck 1.92 Philip H. Cantermen deed, aged 84 son 90; All the lighthouses along the-ohorefront, Merwin, tared eight more rodents. The old of Long Island are reprod6eed and i! — " 10-Greenport 2.00 years. English let year-Katherine Tbomp-, luminated, while at Shoreham is shown James Grattan, of Southold, paid 11 11-Laurel ,54 Mrs, Betsey M.Conklin died, aged 88' Bon 90, way of exterminating Chase pests le the wireless towers of the Radio Cox. George Warsicki, a farmer of that „ ears. Mra Conklin oyes still very satisfactory to Mr.Gallagher. . 12 Cutchogue 1,29 Y the oldest History A-Frances Overton 92, P°ration of America, It is the finest', section, $4 a crate for a'load of I „ member �f a family whose a aggregate, Biology-Florence 14 Oregon 1,12 gg g to, Ackscin 90, Rita Nat. H. Booth is;attending the rand; exhibit of its kind ever 'prepared,''and- cauliflower one day last week.' This _ ago was more than that of as family Dickerson 92 Ei'1 g 15- New Suffolk 1.50 y Blida Goldsmith 92, Clara opening of the Museum of the .Ameri- reflects:the great,entbusiasm bank of is one of the highest prices that { in,the'Town: Tuthill 94. an farmer in the "caulifiowex belt" For those who live.in Southold village the proposed Lon Island eeociAttion• y g Cbemistr -Altba Smith can Indian in New York City this p__p -_-----_- _�+� ie tax rate will be '3;946. This in-i�. y th 95. f has received this fall. I .�_ c 1r?eaiith, hi , 9 f s ^ca _ to w s.i, lot year— Frances Dyer i ono to ? Graho� -' we '' - -- _ __ _ -_ or.?sC aii3 Pram st, v-u uffoht French 2nd X2,0 0 - --.�_-_ _ _.---_ �_. _____ .tan 90. I _a. e. ,a. P g IBOARD OF SUPERVISORS � H. C. Moore entertained his old aeso- �nlfg l l HoyS blob / 2- Twenty-Five Students who have been perfect in Years Ago � French lot year-Adelaide Sterl- 0000 ciates of the L. I. R. R. Co- at dinner attendance for the quarter. ! CANVASS VOTES. on Sunday, The hospitality of the The Annual Dinner of the Boys' ing 96, Helen Thompson 97, Charles High School-Harry Case, Henry Charles E. Case took his son Harry The Board'of Supervisors or_ Club of the Universalist Church was Sudan 92. in partnership with him. L ganized last week as a genial boat was greatly. enjoyed and Dickerson, Francea Overton, Charlea; Board of held at the Universalist Parish House History B.-Marjorie Hagerman 98, Simon Helen Tiiurn son Josie Zaneski. The late Mrs. Betsey. M. Conklin Canvassers to canvass the vote the days of "Auld lang Syne" were ' P cast on Nov. 7th b recalled with pleasure. last Friday evening. These annual oc- ' Helen Thompson 96. ,• A • was a member of the Methodist church y electro Su ___ __ _ Civics-Flora Albertson 97, Kather Grade Eight-Fred Boorgesson, Wil for 72 years. a p' erviaor Benjamin G. Halsey of - _--- _...- --- casions are always looked Forward, to 1 liar McKeon, Harry Weygand, Marcel- "Southam to Diller Brothers, Southold, are toil-( kith much pleasure,and the realization ine Hilliard 98, Marguerite Ehrhardt At the hog guessing at the Depot p n, as chairman. Ac- rson 96 Joseph Bond la Akscin, Cora Booth, Marguerite House on IThanksgiving Day, Thomas cording to the official canvass Watchers oil the 1VValliabaut ci uliHo ver, on Friday evening fully equalled the 97 Harriet Dicke Py Simon. Governor`Miller carried the coil market, their mark selling as hi-•h las° ,anticipation. About fifty men and boys 91,James Cogan 96. t b y of 1,689; U. S. Ehrhardt,Grade Seven-Mar op Carey, Cat J, Carey won the hog, his guess being y y a Plurality 6.50 a crate, eat down to the tables filled Gvrtla every Latin 2nd year-Adelaide Sterling 95. i her' within one pound of the correct weight. Y ins Grattan, Stanley Krukowski, Leone Senator. Calder by a Pluralityof thing good to eat and the menu was Geometry-Frances Overton 97, Het- Fred Hummel cut his foot quite bad `�148• Count . Joseph F. Carroll has moved into his l Simon, Grace Vreeland, Doris Wil- '� y Auditor Will F. very satisfying to the inner roan. en Thompson 91, Charles Gagen 91, liams, ly, while cutting wood in the woods. Flanagan by a plurality of 4,163; new home on Railroad Avenue, and Then came the "feast of.reason and Adelaide Sterling 90. His brother William carried him in his Sheriff-elect Amza W. Bi his sister-in-law, Miss Margaret Me- „ Grade Six-Henry Kress, Alice Big by a 'Mann Y ' the flow of soul.". George Horton Ter Algebra-!Katherine Thompson 96, arms to H. N� Booth's, and from there plurality of 5,280 over George , the leading lad of the South- Downs, Dwight Bridge, Joseph Stelzer, he was taken home in a carriage. Kreani his Democratic opo- ole Dramatic Society, will make her ry sated as toastmaster,end he proved klenry,Dickerson 92, Winifred Gagen' E B an admirable chairman o' ceremonies. $ Evelyn Van Wyck, Francis Thompson, Antone Stelzer,and Mise Julia Walter ent, and by 14,441 over Azidrevv home with him. He added mach to the plessors of the x 93, Clara Tuthill 90. Grade Five-Esther Booth,,Dorothy were married. H. Prudent; 'Iudependent. Students who' have maintained an Christie, Marie Doherty. -._.---._..__ __..._ _ _ - occasion by giving in verse air account average of 86 per cent or avec for the p - The thanks of the people are due Grade Four-Alberta Dickerson, Le- PA E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport, Nov. � of the activities of the Club. The fid- �yy i, 'E.A Sad ACCldent + 7,y, 29 Nicholas Care Ralph Booth, R. G. Terry and Corey entire quarter. onie Stacy, James Grattan, y of Southold, aged dress of Welcome was made :ai a falici- High School-Helen Helen Thompson 91, Nicholas Care one of Southold's 63 years, Funeral services at St. ; Albertson for caring for the plot Sterling p Grade Three-Pauline Albertson, most esteemed c tizens, met with iter- Patrick's Church Saturday morning. around the Soldiers Monument at tioua manner by Allan Baker, i' evident Adelaide Sterling 90, Katherine Thomp- Mary Butler, John Droscoski. E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport, Nov. _ g the summer. lof the Club. The Club , `' o y cnizd' son$8, Adelaide, Hagerman $7, Donald. Grade Two-Joseph Conway, Vincent rfble accident on Sunday afternoon. In 24, Christina, wife of Conrad Hi p of Budd's Park during _ about four years ago now, has Robinson 85, Frances Overton 87. Droscoski, Howard Herman, Robert company with his sister Elizabeth, be Southold, where interment took place, Antone Stolzer has purchased the about twenty-five__mY en1'aar'4, F. D Grade Eight--Flora Albertson 88, Leicht, Edgar:Smith, Clarence Tilling- g up Boisseau Ave. aged 64 years. Lydia Moore y, his Smith, R. G. Tarry and 1. P. Terry g was driving his car property, arljainiia�� nauch of the just as the aternoon train was going Li - Harriet Dickerson 86, Katherine Till•, hast, Elizabeth Baker, Ruth Christian- hfi i g g hCWe7:1$y-Fip"e Years--9.g0 Own property, were the ruling Spirits ati liard 89. sen, Dorothy Lucey, Constance Terry, west. He evidently did not notice the - - - success of the Ciub is dui k o their of j Grade Seven--Doris Williams 90 Anne Thompson. train in time and when he did was so, Friday. December 16^19� forte. The Club was formic d for siautu a P Win. H. Beebe p:ircha:ed!2anklinLouise Overton 85, Grace Vreeland 85. Grade One-Pauline Howell Mar fivatered that he put his foot on the `4. 'y' at helpfulnesas and also to help' the Y N. Terry's farm an Boisaeau Avenue. , „Chest- Grade Louis Des Rosiers Joseph Sia- accelerator instead'of the brake, and The La church. A number of cmu,'4q)s Chest- Grade Six--Helen Dickerson. 9Q, , p Wm. R. Newbold and family moved g Alice Downs 87 William Grattan Clarence ran head,on into the parlor car of the improvement has been l nuts which were iia e+F b the Frances Gordan 87, vonik, P from Fair Ground to Bay View. Mr, d`gain an im , prc y Dwight Bridge 86, Joseph Stelzer 86, Sebriefer. train. The auto was completely de- made at the Town Park at the Wh$rf `' pastor of file churcb, Rev. Abram ------ and Mrs. Chas. E. Terry moved from y molished. Mr. Care received a terra- r - Y known in the histor of Southold as Conklin, were read b na a a,?ens. Law- 'Evelyn Van Wyck 86, Francis Thomp-' The Fire Alarm Siren for the South Bay View to Southold to reside with Y Y son 86. ble wound on the head, and Miss Carey "The LandiA " Mrs. Emma Ga yet Ga, C. Teri , being called on, Noreen old Fire District has arrived and will be was''badly bruised, but not seriously their mother.t g Y Y •- Grads Five-Esther Booth 92, The tax rate for Southold Town was ' nor,..formerly of Paradise Point, has made a good speech. He congratulated Wiseman 91, Horace Symonds 90, Wal- installed on the top of Goldsmith & injured. Mr. Carey was inched to the .4s left the resort long connected'with her the boys on getting so inaeaay rrret' to- Tuthill'a,coal pockets next week. It• E. L. 1, Hospital and everything pos. , name and has Teased the building on gether. He believed in doing all we ter Williams 90, Katie Stepnoski 89, P will be connected with the Central Bible was done for his recovery, Dr. Gilder-8. ;Helen Kart 88, "Marie Doherty 87, ro1w, escape fromnfire.�USomese �clotbes ' the public park at the bay. Here abe' could to encouragenklithis organization, 1 Eileen Mahoney 86, Herbert Smith 86. Telephone Office and the operator will pilcher, the eminent Brooklyn surgeon, will reside in the summertime actin a which was a powbr for goad it,the coin- le y five the alarm. The contributions to near�a`8tove up stairs caught fire, but , Grade Four-Aima Zaveski 89, Leonie 'g i being'called in consultation. The sad it was soon extinguished. Y keeper, B, i Y y �' • way.as kee er of the building, and will mann . He said truly t.at this Parish Stacy 87 Norma Van Wyck 87, Muriel this fund do not et a ual the coat of serve refreshments and lunches, or ev. House was the nearest approach to a a y Y q news came Wednesday morning that S•"'Edgar Tuthill and Mise beziah P. l ! Young86 Jerome Grattan 86, Itase- the siren, and further contributions will "Nick," as he was familiarly called, given. had ' + ' be thankfully received. had sexed awe fihere is a gloom Fanning werrmarried. p- ect winners if due notice is even, The' community house we hnc� in Southold. l wary Grattan, 86, Bertha Hipp 86, p y - coming of ouch a capable person to this J. N. Hallo spoke a few words of a Evelyn Malmborg 86• llarold Booth and family and Mrs. over the entire village, for everybody The neral services for Nicholas deserted building ought to mean much. preciation. Then, wi�b Lir. J. C. Case{ ! Y y to the ark and to Southold. Al at the piano and Herbert 1+,r. Tells act-j ' - Grade Three-William Williams 92, �Hattie Strang are occupying the Car- loved ' Nick. Funeral services will Care on Saturday last called out a P P a eneaelaer Terry'92, Pauline Albertson col house next to the TRAVELER office. be held m St, Patrick s Church Satur- larger number of people than St. ! ready the place has been thoroughly ing as song leader, the company sang R Patrick's Church has ever held before 'cleaned necess r r alta made and the whale repertoire o_ stings in the 90,'Mary Butler 90, Carol Gomez 88, Mr. Booth will act as manager of the day morning. A fitting tribute to I �Y ep - i E Fannie O'Valanik 87,'•James Baker 86, Southold A. & P. store on Dec, 4tb. our friend will appear next week. _ on a like occasion. Several members Leone iences added that well-wishes song book. Later,cards acid dominoes of the Fire Truck Company were out• -- in uniform, and with the truck Ied the Agnes Zebroeki 86, Margaret Kart,8$, ,k}t present be is Clerking in the A. & -- --- ---- - park have desired much to see ! were enjoyed. I i89 P,.,_store at Mattituck Former Deputy Sheriff Thomas.Jprocession to the cemetery, Mr. CareW ith a safe dock and nearness ecial officer for the Y Prepa:atfans are being Wade for' a Grads Twa -Dorothy Howel _.---_._____- ---_----___-- -- had been captain of the truck cam- maiA bigbwat and to the'yillage, om. unit hristmaa free. A row-Furey is now a sp pany for 22 years. Three priests offs- cilities for boatin an :bat C m 9 gAnne Thompson 89, Terry Jennings 87, The thermometer registered '9oeehawken R. R. Go. and ie stationedLloyd Dickerson 86, Mildred Berry 86, Thursday' morning-the cold�st of the 'sated at the mass, g d hing, ing ergreea tree in front of the Pres- th Cbristianaen, 86, Ethel Conklin season. .^3 at Hoboken, N:J. _ -- - aynor ought to have a prosperbytenian church will be used this year,rnce _ ___- F; L Tlioc'nlrill fano to Geor;e CauBfiower is selling as high as 50ason, and the public an-attrac- instead of sacrificin a live one from 85, Jost+ph Conway 8a, (.ansta Cauliflower is selling from $8,50to �*rac �I 60 cents a head in Brooklyn, Can- gTeri 85. H Smith, tat on leVeland,dSouthold otaveAfence that will he valued the woods aAd transporting it to the Y $4.50 per crate, uie'rly of id0s s wiwer has never been as hi h or asnd m�oreias time saes.. village. The,. Parent-Teachers have Grade Una-Pauline Howell 98, Edna Tax'13. B pa Sett Hi 91, William Greenport, Nov..16, James T. Carley, _ _ _._. __. tee, in Brooklyn as this season. Rev. Abram Conklin was not able charge of the services, that will be Dickerson 92, Al Pp Gree P tial in.Riverhead, + 'z449 ,ii �W by ,,I a„ s"� i Smith, l t«:' f file the crop on Long Island is the to r Christmas Da Pare Il4rtitn st a;1j laird C 13 ,irtnns: EJ uthole:T.y3,i.:,U preach on Sunday morning. Trus- held a`t 5:3Q aA Ch is y Grattan 91, Robert Romanski 91, Eliza in his 92nd year: Bu _� �t it has been in years,it is a failure tee Melrose Booth conducted the ser- titillate later. Eastern L. I. Iiospit�l, Nov. 12, ' beth Jennings $8, Jahn Grattan $$, other parts of the country., vices, which consisted larmely of via- =--------y-^J" isher$7, Faye Goldsmith, 87, Clara S. Goldsmith, widow of Herman Southold, Nov. 28, by Rev; Father z ShirleyY Goldsmith, aged 76 years, Burial in McGrath, Hugh S. Drumm of Cut-j 1• Y• City, Nov. 27; _Fra lin playing by,Mr. Samuel, and sing- Mrs. Thomas D, Baird is receiv Sylvia Payne 86, Clarence Sebriefer F16, cutchogoe. _ _ _ chogue and Miss Ethel Mary Case of A 63:years. Intermentna J.'Vail,i ing. M . Con,lin expects to be out treatment at a New Fork City b el Bridge 85, John Bedooaki 85, - - lICCerneter at Willow; neat Sunday. radium Dal __-_ _ Romanski W. Peterson, F D & w to C C Berson, lot 315 Southold. G�orgeKlos86' .__ -- - ---v--"� Hospital. - ----- -- - - ' HenryY N m n Point ....... $S.ti60 -_ � '" McKnight, G W to 4 Hearn,. iat an J a 'Sar. . i+ V t adj ]and Hearn, New Suffolk ........41,50x Miss Nellie Williams of White R,av- l t � Twen>wy F'lY@ Years,Ago # (. ® (tea OSS American Legion, ® np "�r , erscy, �] p Ora Tamil �� �j �, Pa: is epeq'ding the }�trli�}ays with t l I ll 6Dg7{ IiR�n1A4aUll i Gg lBl® o**o r' Nassau Point C1nh Prop ti a to G r4 r 0x0 +'eW fire Siren ion D 0 0" � 2 � lot 281, Nassau Pout Officers for the year 1923 were elect- -___._ ____ _ - __� -_ - Office Y Tete L. 1. R. R. was givinghe new fire siren is now , In all probability the biggest`familyher mother. on 'I uesdav evening, g Abner Street Realty CoCa to d Eksteros..iez> installed g r and in working order. It ea In on Christmas Da Jose b B. 13artranft og Cincinnati ad by the Post g h been pur- Lon yon :Eastern p > eXCgTeians t0 the City. I lot s,s Main et adj Fourth-at, New Suffolk, �ec.3a, as follows; Post Commander, Benjamin$orlon rented the lace at J,: 3c0o I chased by Popular subscription g Island was held at the hos ftabl Obiq, visited his parents last week rr Cusack; Vice Commander, Wm. 7 p C _ P bscription and will home of Mr. and Mrs. Danis P e be turned over to the Fire Commission Daniel,W. Grat- Waltei- E 'Morgan b'ca,' to George F , a Y Bay View, then occupied by Wm. H. ' Rnynor, D 8a ono'ta'U.Aikievicz, Iot''w s tett. This la an Raiford; Finance Officer, John Bpebe. Fust st-aai lana M Fitwnatriek, New snt£olk, annual affair and each i�e da:r., lot 277 amended map _�, of i Post Chaplain, Arthur .Tbomp $1,609 need Jan: lst, There is still about$50 'yeaf the number present i - Nassau oalri. horn. _ --- ---. isa little lar • - - ,._ uCi, P The Commissioners of highway to ccnaplste payment, and Con- ler than the' $" _._ i x n, Anthony Strasser was named for''went t Fishers Island to lay, out new til December tributlone-will be to Year before, This year° Southampton 'Hospi , gladly received. r Foster, I FI to.H Ryno, lot n s Jackson at ,'oat Adjutant; Joe Bennett, 2d 'Vices.roads. �15, William E. Gee of Cutchague, aged on account of the Telephone thirty-nine sat down to the tables,and adj laud C Hearn, New Suffolk .........ssxo t mmarider• and John Carroll, Ser 55 ears, bein wil in P lac not everyone present was a member �� ---- Mrs.John Danz of Peconic purchased y g l g to have a bottonplacedin ;= b of the; -. n. $e , 18`Frank, son of Mr. t immediate family, Peconic, Dei. 27,at the,home of tba. ant at Arnie. ` a building lot on Horton Lane and Southold, Dec. � a aged 1 heir central office, it la very desirable ,-Mrs. Grattan had year. and Dors, Vincent Poliwod , g provided so bountifull brd.'s Mister,Mrs. Wm. H. Richmond } 1923$promises to be Legion y was to have a residence erected. to place a small alarm box for each F y, that one mem- b Rev, Win.H. Lloyd, John Miller a cisll closed year, 4 months, 21 days. Interment at zo her of the fam]I sal Y Y ' i P ed Heart Cemetery, Cuteho ue. Y, d there was enough Pleasantville,'N. Y,. and Mrs. Agnea #Post has not yet oif'i y - Steamer Montauk made her last tri Sacred y, g ne at a central point: These, horse for anothe $� srter, land extends to all prOspec _-_----- operate by simply pu111ng down a hook r meal after all had been Lindsey Biles. for the season. --- r enrolling during the and it repeats fully satisfied: It was a. most� - ,_ t h Cutchogue, Dec. 23, by Rev. F. G. ,,B a >iriembe s g. Oysters were once more plentiful at TW@ll��'-�'1V'0 Y�®8,r8 �.g'0 P is the alarm a number of ,;o happy anth of January, the privilege of be times. By their use t occasion, Mr, and Mrs. Grattan. have Beebe, William Harrison Case of Cut l m Horton's Point. G oo®p he alarm is sound- 8 farm] ® ebogue'and Miss Jessie Campbell M4Z, y of children and " The Trustees of the Southold Savings � Y grattebildren ,eQxning charter members. _. .��.__. g Fred C. Beebe of Greenport was ed correctly. Fred Jennings has donat- zo of Greenport. ; P ed one for the zone in which her idea of which they may, well feel proud. --- Tuesdaxs Evening World contained Bank directed that interest be Credited : building a 'sail boat for Capt. John esides, hoo may --�—i-� A well.-written illustrated article ,on depositors at the rate of four per cent P and probably others will be glad to do. --�-- y the Grattan clan flourish, The following persons came home Dunkel. nate a box for their zrjne,ar a number Soathold and Greenport. There were 'per annum. Good work'was being do :- L visit during the holidays: Misses g ne on the could join Mr.and Mrs.Joseph W.Turner enter. Tillie Hood from Boston, Frances pictures'of Treasurer H. H. Hunttingi Southold Town raised $29,090.33 by road through Arsbamorno ue J in doing so. The boxes cost Leleht from New York, Edith Breit- ;of the Southold Savings Bank, Theo-' tax: g 4 $7:eIach, and it requires eight to cover tamed twenty-three of the immediate Ufa Hoinkis of the Southold Hotel and Harry M. Payne secured a position the manes, family on Christmas Day. Thirt'-seven fromstadt from Westbury, Beryl Horton y y v from Canton, Ann HalIock from Cam- „ re _ G. F. Hommel laid out a new read as professor of Methernaties'in a Train- = - i lbs. of turkey, etc., etc. raced bridge, Ethel ' he Co:John Youngs'hoilse, the oldest through his land, running from Bail- Thr siren will blow long blasts of 20 Y , the Osborn, Amityville; t 1 mg School at Vineland, N.J, Christmas table, Long life to the Tur- Lucy Kanold, Patchogue; also John house in Southold Town. ' iu � road Av. to Boisseau Av. A deed for three_ acres of meadow seconds each for the first numbers of ner clan'and may their number eon. Turner, Glen Cove; B. 0. Wells, Ama- 1 Adrwi. J. Alanson Overton died aged thB zone sgttals, falla.wed by blasts of gansett; Joe B. Hartranft, Cfncin 6 load in the village of Southold, from stantly increase t S seconds izeb for the last numbers. nati; Walter Gagen, Villanova; Eu- Geo, W. Smith is building a garage 517 years. Thomas Moore to-8arnabas -Hayton, Familiarize yourself with our-zone gene Lehr, Ithaca; Elton Booth, state Eu- :for Jay M. Glover and Artane Grodney, `� _ --- dated Oct. ,11, 1667, was filed in the y number and in case of fire ea]h Centrale u g Lawrence County; Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Marshall Mr. civil engineer, St. Lai out land` ]eased of Diss. E. P.Baker,' SUFFOf K'S CARS and Mrs, Sinclair Smith and dau.htei Dr. Richard Hodgins, Glen Head, N. .north of her home. land ty Clerk's office ce by N. H. Cleve.+ and.give correct zone numberand name Adah occupied their homes here over Y. City; Beatrice Hodgins, Albany t of oivnsr. The Telephone Co. allows Christmas and so inany of the out-of- Normal; Ferdinand Bauroll, Boston; - Merle Wilkinson, Brom Newark - - H. Everett Young and -Mies Susie f town ie Fords, of Course, Head the List in Central to call a party to give an alarm: People were here that your cor- Frederick and Harvey Rich, Law- with his wife and two children were Salmo>o were married. ' Number; Buicka Second A___ � The siren will blow at 12 o.'elock each respondent failed to discover thein all, renceville; Clinton Carroll, Newark; home over the weekend. — but saw the Cogan sisters, Bayles Dr. C. H. Tillinghast and wife Sa day, being by a time switch: g g Nllulch, Wesley Prince and wife,Perry Harbor; Prof. S. 0. Salmon and wife, Someone has compiled what is called SANATORIUM RE,PORI' NAT. E �p07eHt , ,Philip Wee es ]e now handling all an offieiaP list of the number of dif r of Dr. Vreeland and wife, Perry Tru4tt and 'Endicott; Earl Hagerman, wife and rbc horning daily papers• ferent makes of cars, in Suffolk According to the repo t Chief Engineer wife, Mrs. Jane Bryan, Walter Gagen, daughter, Brooklyn; E. W. Shigley registered 16 Sufi County: Fords, of course, head the Edv,,in Y. Kolb, superintenden 0 The Comm Dudley IIanerman, Milton Samuel and wife, and Dudley Hagerman. The thermometer g n list, with Buicks second and Dodges Y r, ' the County Tuberculosis Senator' �unit Christmas Tree, a anti wife, Hattie incl Elton Booth, ---- , real sure ruff tree m the door- Mar Care Helen Terry, Bel day night-the coldest"of the season. third. _.._ t Holtsville, during the fiscal I tum a Y Y, Y, _tl Har- ' At the bankruptcy sale of the M. 9P,, � Yard of the Presbyterian Church, was ton, Dr. Richard Hodgins, Clare Van Golder drug store last Friday, L, W, z n!� ;au 1'{l n.`e itib Piapn fico to V7 + Ti>. ' Here is the list: year ending ®ctober 31, 1922,@82 ; set alight on Christmas night, ��x"" 2 LocomoWe 21 sural alt, and Dusan and this does not include thein. i mann los ass .^* ssnv Point .T -- Alien Y was a lovely sight. It really all. _—`_ _ ,,. lot n . rd adj Mien so.. 12 Harmon 19 patients were admitted t0 the h SKOrn,and Sereno H, Smith plarChased'` i ce E E to Si'D Price, 1,070, Maxwell 489 pital and there 1S still a welting Was a Joy t0 see the people meet be- � ---, the fixtures And stock for $1085: '.[`ham, i Pryi Oadiliac :., 26$ Mercer ., .,. 24 Dr. Richard> Hodgins, who ns flaw $3,bau fol- and bear the tree and-sine hymns land F.O Sellick Jr, Pcconie� ••�, ^-_- Case 9 Mitchell ...... 66 list. The lIUlllber Of patients froDi the are now selling.ofE the stock, -�-" •7s practising.his dental Profession Glen'' t' Chalmers ..,., 1as:Naah ... 2 s ;the diffsererit towns are as ministers who talks from priest and g P lVormn H, fleet to Barry Anna- se walks take differentHead, L. I., and Mies' Beatrice' Hod- _`. bel &w,,, lot adi land of Norma It. Chevrolet .... 6as Oldsmo Oldsmobile i36 lows: sli �4; paths along the ro 1,itst (reek,_Southold�nonl.� Golgi s9 Overland 756 Brookhavel2 Town, 31, I P, ad which leads to George Harper and daughter ffi8it Fleet ani _ ____.� - the one and only God. A 'o it Bina of the Albany Normal College are g y . -- - Crow-Flkart .. 7 Packard ... 69 Ion �; Huntington, $; South- to be , joy was aret and Miss Emil Parcell, are Brookl n. Dec. 8,. Mrs, Mary E:, Dodge 1,00s'Paine .•••.••• 68 Baby on 3, River_ hold this tree, set with ewer spending the holiday vacation at home, spending the winter at New Smyrna i Y s old, S, East Hampton, 9 jewels so - P r Huntington Bridge, mother of F'reder- Dort 72 Peerless tastefully; and ever g j e of Southold, aged 69 Essex ,.,.• so Pierce Arrow 260 head, 5; Smithtown, 3; ,Jouthamp- ed to say, "Here's light est seem- Through the agency of E,Leicht, Fla. Ick W. Brldg Ford 6,a60 l2eo ..;. 9 joy to — ears, Franklin ...:.i 65 Saxon ;.... "136 ton, `�, Shelter Island,none. Christmas Day." You this 'Alexander Raynor.has purchased of Y Haynes ..::... a0 Studebaker_ 29.6 I hose admitted were un..; Old Southold has a Y p J. Leo Thompson is building a two -- ay 85 f t fight to be very proud of her Christ- y P et Vour, carloads of fuel have been Hudson .... 222 Stutz .,..:...: 30 �1n Michael Fisher the Cassidy Ince in the qrystorage house,2$x36, for Jame#` brought into this lace and the worry HunmobiiQ 230 Velie ...;.•... 2s der 40 years , age and 1 r &' mos_tree. -- eastern part of.the village. _ J:Gagen. g P King 26 Willys-Knight 60 • stated that 28% Of the: fa _ ___� _�______-- , . , in housewives are once more happy.. :'.Coke �g p ICiasel 15 Winton ..,.. i6 L oke`5c.eni to ruff a i lost c�:otlrl Lexington 21 vaned cases were discharged a3 COLDER QUITS Potatoes are selling for 90cents a 'Terry, G x d ors to S s sonxins, lUa s to coal. ' 7 U quiescent and able to resume their Papers filed in the office of the : 'bushel. , At one time .they reach •; North d ads other land Jenkiie, Bay Viers, 1.F _ -._. _._ Besides these`cars there are 7 cars of miscellaneous makes listed usual occupations. A large tiddi_, Golder th Clerk show that Millard W. $1.00, but only for a day. _ t2 Mr. Golder ]laving left the place, e Southold druggist, _ i the drug store being closed,people l in the number sof cars in`operation, tion is to be erected to the hosl�x an ggishe b has Charles Brown, telegraph operator at and g e store of Philip Week- The total.number of pleasure cars in al,and when completed,the plant of his creditors,assignment toWaltertM. Jaeofi' the L.'I. R, R. station, has been mint go to th s o P ,vil1 be one of the finest In file son of Long Beach. There are nope- traneferxed to Mattituck. t e�:5er to buy daily papers. c Suffolk County is 13,855., ' __..to buy_— aI ern -- --- � state. ferred creditors and the assets and Monday night Was the Coldest of the,; toward, T A err to E H Gates. lot w s rd' '!he t0.:. L„s? 'of the iuStitution liabilities are not set forth. thermometer registering 15, 1 ad3 )And r Carpenter, Southold .......:.nom a IT VVNs $53,5k. 11 , total We had the mildeet CHAstmas we&tha- i c)r the Y yBet'' the the Horton, D Ti 8x w to J B Coleman, lot on irks 210, I so0 cdst of lnaintenanca vvas $47,770,- i; etajaInip 0.'-"Wella... f Amagansett -_ er on record. Christmas'was tike W Gyuinbv, ) Ii w to J A Dat cda�n, t71d rd adj land H H rezrY, Bey View $ i $1,090 --= 20, or $15.£1 per capita per weep. a Cbrietmas'with his Parents. "tl ld3tisaii Paint ::..... summer day. -7 x . NOR 9 Z.,-& eY1ty7N'iVe Years Ago '1'W871ty-1'i�e Years ®g� The Bank 7' of Southall on Jan. 1 had a total resources of $413,534.56,and had Parent-Teachers' Association bang Island lighting GD, �g n </° °1 om�o +� d built up a surplus of $22,446.33 ar. its Southold Savings Bank tfRegular meeting of the Parent-Teach- ' the Long Island Lighting Co., which There was fine skating on Town The 129th semi-annual statement-of Ralph P. Booth was clerking for F. capital of $25,000. A. T. Dickerson is y through the acquisition of the Nassau p the 'bgrik's cashier. ers' Association was held on Tuesday, g q Creek. the condition of the Southold Savings T. Wells. — =-- -. -- -- Jan. 16, in the High School, with the Light and Power properties now eon- Rev. F. 0. Leonard closed his labors ! Bank, Jan. 1, 1923, shows total assets M.B.Van Dusan sold his livery buei Gilbert H. Terry killed a pig on, President, Mrs. Margie Jennings, in troll practically all electric and gas at par value of 7673,870.48, assets at nese to Robert L. Hadley. the chair. business on Long Island to the Queens as pastor of the Universalist Church. A $ Tuesday, which weighed 608 ihs. Haw Prof. William F. Mete Principal of market value, $7,697,467.95; assets at Edward R. Fox was Asst. Station ° The minutes of the last two meetings Count line h ' Y, $7,703,362,49. r is that fora i 2 y as entered into a contract $ pig --.- were read and approved. with the Radio Corporation to supply Southold Academ and Miss Ella Re. Investment value, 7,703 362,49. The Agent of the L. I. R. R. at Floral ger were married at Somerville. N. J, total amount due depositors is $6,415,- Park. ! I Frank Strasser is again in his old Bliss Marion Terry gave a short'talk power for the station at Rocky Point, The war drama, "In the Enemy's p p value is Geo. C. .err and Wm; A. Williams, p_:_--_^ e k i ____.__-_--____o_' parliamentary 749.24. The surplus at par Terry lace as clerk in F. Fickeissen'a store, an artianaentar law and constitutional the largest in the Warta. The Com- Camp," was given in Belmont Hall by $1,258,121.24; surplus at market value, were filling their large lee houses at procedure of a regular meeting of an Jia} 119 ( ror c i u or>; lu Thunia t'. g Y ',parry's main power stations at North- Orient talent, $1,281,718,71; surplus at investment Great pond with 7-inch ice. lox, lot idj laicals of `liarnu:ts C. 1 0.' association, port and Glenwood, with sub-stations, ' Nicholas McQuillan, the oldest resi- value,$1,287,613.25, D. P. Horton and J. B. Fanning and ai Stanley Stepna�l�s, Canithord.� The Community Christmas Tree Com- have generating capacity of 25,6901silo- I dent of Southold Town, celebrated his I The above figures are eloquent of the were re-elected Trustees of the Pres- _. l-'a: 1,.�0 mittae made its report and it was voted watts with 240 miles of high tension eicht, G & w-to. E Youni;, lot-w s Main that balance of'money be placed with transmission fines and 1,512 miles of 2I)_- 100th birthday on Jan. 1st. � sound financial condition of an institu- byteriau Church:. .. _ st adj land G 11 Tuthill, Southold •.:,ria„oo rale Community Christmas Tree Fund in 'distributing lines. Energy generated in MrovCpnrad Adams died, aged 62 tion of which Southold Town has just r p t — --- _ years. cause to be proud. This,Bank ranks as Re Gross Drive Walter, S A 8 w to r woienski; tot s s the Southold Savings Bank. Voted that;1922 was in excess of 18,000,000 k.w.h. he Si$th Annual Roil Call under Walter, adi lana A_s Terri,`Southold x,%000 the Christmas tree fights be stored with ,and this is expected to be doubled in -- the second strongest country Savings T+ -- - the resident of the Association. 1923. The main gas plant at Bay Shore 1914 Glass RennlOn Bank in the United States, Since its rile allaplCi'e of the American Red Smith, G II & w to T Kalachuk, 2aa s-s In- p Cross, has been completed b the Rives The constitution as recently amended has daily capacity of 1,125,000 cubic 'lush again for Class '14 of S. H. S. 1 organization on April 7, 1858,the Bank P y all than Neck rd add land D A smith, & other was read and it wasvoted to accept the feet, The Company also has a contract On Thursday evening, Dao. 20, mem had the confidence of the people, erhead Town Chapter, which covers tracts, Peconic p Y ..... ... .:tis.000 Y the territory between Msaorville sad ---- co notitution as amended. to furnish electrical energy to the Uni- bers of that class met for dinner at the and deservedly so. It has alwa s.been .' i A communication was read from the ted States Naval Radio Station at Say- port.` Smith, G F to A l3ar_knsl.i, Ga.'n s .and J Wyandank Hotel, GreenWith all ably and conservatively managed. A Orient. pNl nahan ads lanae F Stawgki, Gutchogue., 0o l LLL��.--�---- (National Parent-Teachers' Association ville. In 1922 more than 7,700 new cus- the work and honors S. H. S. '14 has Savings Bank is the beet institution in The following shows the results sit- Rutherford, N. T., Jan.` ,6; Victor proteSting against the re-appearance of Comers-electric an-Tr as-were added the county A o d been carrying. oft' in the past eight y for developing habits of rained in each villiige: 'Corwin of Brooklyn and Mias,kllizabeth Arbuckle in motion pictures, but Inas- .and 10,000 new ones for I923 are ex- years, it has retained throughout its thrift. Riverhead $468.50 Suffolk Y matter had already been petted. The net earnings for 12 months' 3 class spirit and interest. Those pros- The Bank pays five per cent per an- Jamesport 56.00 54 00 Southold, Jan.Jan.Rutherford,7 grrmerl of New 1 Clement 'num on deposits u to and including � _.____-_ __� much ash the rna Y 1 ending.Sept. 30, 1922, were $957,231 closed b Mr. Hays, no action was -1 were Edwin Donahue, p P g Orient -� - , S ah Elizabeth, Booth, Carl Vail, Stephen Salmon, Ann $500, and at the rate of four per cent uebogue 45.50 wife of Justiee Charles G. Corey, aged t taken. against charges of $382,125, leaving Aq years,'1O months. Another communication from the' $504,632 for depreciation, dividends and, p $ , 00. Baiting Hollaw 42.0Q1.71------------.______ ______ -- National Parent-Teachers' Association' surplus. The Company has now only Hillock members, Mrs. Stephen 0. on the ex"es eas u to 5 0 Salmon, Mrs, Clement Booth, and Mrs. Deposits made on or before ,Friday, Greenport $9.00 Twenty-Fire Years Ago urged the Association to celebrate' 1008,200 7 per cent. y $ , p preferred stock� Carl Vail, Sound Avenue "44, /6-1p Founders Day, Feb. 17. It was voted and$1,334,400 common stock outstared. guests. Members of the .Jan. 12, will draw interest from Tan. 1. 3$.OQ 4%a-va., g , Class who were not present were Dud- Now is a good time to start an account, 37,60 g y not to recognize_ � , Southall � George C..Terr and W. A, Williams g ze formally Founders' ing. -- - 85.UO Da but to have one feature on the -- -- lay Hagerman, Philadelphia, Robert J. i Mattituck each stored about SOO tons of fine ice.. Y t-. f i'l�; li 1. ➢1,� t;ati .�.�ii- ,F. Lindsay, South America, Emmett iR , ill li rtc. -V ' 24.00 ro rani of the February Prisoners in Jail Maung, Myra Newbold Bergen and t ii- Peconie In their lee houses at Great Pond. program y meeting in � ' ie 1 c loolic,aiii i:.➢ �liicat- CalvOrton 22.00 J. E, Coney contracted to brill a honor of the day. During 1922, according to a report 1Vlitiain Boiaseap. When the reunion z , ,%fl - ,"rias; iu:-0i,u.ti;>ii i Laurel 17.00 _ house for Mrs. Julia Danz on Horton's ' Inasmuch as Miss Ida Frant is leav-1 just made public by John F. Kelly, Baas•.planned originally, nine of the c r i:.,c➢1 t i l➢ 1 at. 18,00 P class were in town but at the time ap- - -- - - ---- -- - East Marion Lane.' 12.00 In.' natioo�a siSecretart NUS ted to accept her; .whose term as Sheriff of lire county ex- Southold illness claimed Southold is faring well in regard to reg` Aired on Dec. 31, there were committed , the coal situation. Our dealers New fry a Sturges was building Terry a two 11ne Treasurers report : to the county jail in Riverhead a total pointed absence an - * . four. During the dinner there were r are Cutehogue 82.00 building.addition to Wm. H. Terry's store ecce ad, A . was read and ., well supplied, and both dealers and Oregon '' of 266 people, and the gross receipts many humorous recollections of the i p H. W. Simons was buil a use MI's. Minnie Terry Smith opened.the , !,patrons are ha _ g > A from fees were $13 351.72 which is j times when--.” The names of Mr. ---- _,- --PPM• — - - •p Symondh,.Mica Chandler, Miss Hander-� Total_ �g25.60 1 for G. Wells Phillips on the site of the Program with a reading on The Mod- about$2,245 more than the receipts of I We were misinformed last weak In =--- - old wind mill. ern Boy and Girl." Mrs. Hillock then 1921. son,Louise Fitz, Miss Vin Dyck, were i regard to Michael Fisher selling the A the 'annual meeting of Eagle The total assets of the Southold San- spoke briLfly on the same subject, sup. The prisoners were committed from often repeated and that of Henry Fitz,Cassidy place to Alexander Raynor. Hoof and Ladder Co., Thursday even- logs Bank were$2,139,228.94, and the plemerting her talk with a short paper the towns as follows, none being from ,was prominent in many of the stories. i - -- - _ ing of last week officers were elected •�-- — surplus was $263,257.46, by Mrs. Alberta il;eltock, who it was the modal town of Shelter Island: After the dinner of good food and fair l We had the heaviest'snowfall of the as follows: Captain, Benj, F. GafFga 1 J. Halsey Tuthill died, aged 82y; hoped would,be present and open each Class member related season Wednesdaythe Brookhaven 40 Riverhead, 47 Smith- memories,_ night. _ Lieutenant, Chas. T, Gordon; $etre- discussion. The last number on the town, 14; Huntington, 44; Babylon, 21; f his eight years' history and the reunion Canton, N. Y., Dee. 27, Myron H. tart', Lewis W. Korn; Treasurer, Nat. George U. Perry;a druggist of West Program was a violin solo by Mr. Bick,, Southampton, 31; Southold 20; East- of'14 bald Dec, 28, 1922, was complet-' Glover of North Gerard, Pa., son of E. Booth. . The annual feed was pre- Hampton, is to take possession of'the accompanied li Miss Ver*, Terry on, l y Y hampton, 30; I.f, 19. A r Mr, and Mrs. Wm. H. Glover of South- red b H. ft. Veil, and' Mr. Korn the fano. Ina F, Sae. _._.�.-.� >__._.-___._ Y Southold Drug Store owned b Barr A The hi hest number of prisoners on old, and Miss Mabel F.Cook of Canton. 'furnished, as yet, the unbanned wee g Y y k f any one day was 46, on Jan. 10, and the I � Howell Z;nd Mrs, Elizabeth Woodhull. Protection Mine GO A. R. Vail has received his appoint- want as Deputy Sheriff from Sheriff Southold, Dec. 31,' Mrs. Lydia Ann that t$Bally "taps off" a good clam! Mr.Perry takes the store for his soa- I 9 ' lowest on April 16, when there were 16 Biggs. Mr. Vail is the oldest Deputy ,Hutchinson, 89 years. Interment at chowder at gatherings of this sort. in-law, who will fit it up and carry on The annual meeting of Protection prisoners. During the year nine fe- _ - Cutchogue. Sheriff in Suffolk County, in years of - the business. Engine Co. was held last Friday eve- males were among the total number ice He is a familiar figure about Antone Strasser takes charge of the The purchasers of the .stock of the Charles F. Kramer of Brooklyn, who l nine, when the following officers were committed, and the total number, it is the freight office hare, and In place of Mr. �, 4q; Calder drugstore, L. W. Korli re-elected: Foreman, Fred T.Jennings reported by Sheriff Kelly, was six more the Court House yvhen court is in sea- Brown, who Seas to Mattituck, will has done a arca y cion. come A young man from Flushing. We an d'Sereno H. Snaith, will hold a ape- g business in has p - ,Asst. Foreman Wm. H. Rafford; See.; than in 1921. asion. J are sorry to lose Brawn from the tick- eta]sale of goods on Friday mild Satur- for the past twenty years, hie Aur- Y chased the residence and property of R. G. Terry; Treas., F.K.Terry;Trus- lit et off and Kaelin from the'freigday, Jan. 12.and 13, with aR=auction on tee, J. E. Corey; Auditing Committee, Samuel Dickerson had a slight at- Sheriff Amza W. Biggs has reap ca for both have proved courteous raderick Fickeissen. Mr. Kramer Fred E, Booth as a Deputy' office, Saturday ternocin and'e¢emng. J.N. Hallock S. L. Bennett, Frank K. tack of apoplexy Saturday last. He iaointed. Fra eA y and abhging.while here'. I ill build a drug. store adjoining the has been in feeble health for a long sheriff. - Cochran. �: Buse on the east. ----- _-�_ time. The remains of David Edward Southold savings Bank s, � Thompson, who formerly lived in the 11 � �D•�7���•Fg '�8&1'B •�g0 I Substantial bequests are made by 2 Years Q� ser�fee Odd Feilo s Installation ,d rt' :F!" the will of the late Mrs. Annie E. r place now owned by Frank C. Horton The annual meeting of the Trustees Bartlett,tividow of Jahn J.Bartlett, of service o€ 26 years On Monday evening District Deputy', at Willow Hill, were brought here for of the Southold Savings Bank was held Jahn S. Gaffga,formerly foreman of, Greenport,to the Eastern Long Island After a faithful s the Sterling Oil Works, Springs, was',Hospital,the Presbyterian church,tl a as Secretary and a member of the Grand Master Peter M. Campbell and burial in Willow Hill Cemetery om' last Ttlursday. The following officers y, Green- ion of the Southold suite of Huntington installed the £ol Tuesday. employed by°Tuthila.& Higbie, Green-' Floyd Memorial •Librar- of --- were unanimously elected: President,; ort, relatives and friends and former Board of Education The p Y High Spool, William H. `Parry lags re- lowing officers of Southold Lodge, I. (). yHenryP members of Southold Lode I. Bartlett, who was a g Wednesday was the coldest da of Henr W. Prince let Vice President eintrlo sea of Mr. 0. F.: N. G., Wm. H. Rafford;V.G. g signed as a member of the Board, and the year, the thermometer registering H. H. Huntting; 2d Vice President,' member of the well known real cstaie s has been elected Thomas D. Baird; Ree. Sec., Frederick 15 in the morning, and 11 at midnight. + Dr. C. C. Miles; Secretary and Treas 0, 0. F., went to East Hampton to and title eearl:hing f"irni of,Reeve William L. William attend the dedidation of the Odd Fel- Bartlett and served as Republican , - - -- - urer, H. H. Huntting; let Asst, Treas- , ' c y, • Sec., Lewis•W. Kora; --- .in his place b the Board. E ickeisyen Fin. War., Chanes' Ct4orfle lI 'S:nl-ith �Cano to John . urer, Fred K. Terry; 2d Aast: Treasur tows lodge at that place. State Corr�niittewman in tiuffolk's First We know we do not exaggerate at Tr., Wm. R. Newbold; ti f, l ,id land of John A All-, y. o . i 1 Misses Frost and Simpson were hold- district for several years. we as that Mr. Terry has G• Curet'; Con., Wm. H. Terry; Chap., app `' :va, - er, R. G. Terry; Member Finance Com all when Y N. G. Herbert' lri�by; esnr, land i= - of Olin°er L o05 M ing evangelistic meetings in the M. F,; The instrument, which disposes o` more for'the advancement of the John Breitstadt,; R. S la; 4uhci!rl,___ ._ ___.- ___-. _ Y rry= church. Tho meetings 'were well at- an estate vali,ed at "o3rer_ $20,000; done inittee far three oars Geo. H. Te M. Hawkins; L. S. N. G., Albert W. -- . ak Southold High School than any other �. Maier; Mr. and Mrs. Lea Thompson are Member Examining Committee for tended. Longs Isandthe f levingHo ptaluePtesbyter�a!'- one i di 'dual. He was eleoted a mem- Albertson; R. S. V. G., Geo hanpy in having another additr:Hero three years, Edward W, Lattaam. Terry& Albertson and G. F. Iiom• church anel Floyd Memorial Lrbrary, ber o the Board when the school was L. S. V.G,, Wilbur Petty; R. S. S., thrs time,a girl, bring- ,i g "The Trustees and the Counsel; Geo, mel sold a .one-fourth interest 40 p y � f Greenport, each $1;000, Ster- G. Terry o£ Southold and Mr. Willett 11 0 } Afisocia,tion, $500 to 4bL� situated on the lot east of Henry F. Henry Fisher; L. S. S. Henryen ing r .fanlrly; - _ —--_-_---- , acres of their Oyster groped at Town m Cemetery y the number of children u to Van Wyek's and he has seen the school Hinge; I, G., Tunis Bergen, 0. G., H. seven. of Jamaica, were the guests of Trees- or the care of. the Char i@S Cut- s to Charles E Terry. I used f ow from a District School to a Union �V, Gordon; Trustee,Charles T.Gordon• i SquthoId, Jan. 12, 1Vlargaret,,wife of urer Huntting at a fine turkey dinner i ton plot; '1�2i4s diary Barker' g1ars. Inter- at the Southold Hotel ___- _ . Greenport, tvho was a faithful ens- School and later to our present High Speeches and refreshments followed Thomas Quinn,inaged 65•y Agnes' Cemetery, Green- __--------- qployee of the firm of Reese &Bar tient He was very active in the the installation, _� __.._ _ meat at St. Ag _--__ __----_`—_- 9Gd Birtbda�r School. The Lo6g Island' Lighting Co. has G lD 1 !1 for 32;,ears,$5,0110; Lawyer Harry l:l. building of the present school building. 11AL AGE 1,'t1Id111 CROP' i Pott, _ _---__. --.---- ding I placed an additional street light in Benjamin Horton celebrated his 92d 1Reeve, of Greenport, r�on of the date Mr. Terry was always ready FOR, 1922. `.j,°Wellty'-five Years g0 Jan. "31st.� County Judge Benj:ainin Reeve, tivlr�n o be dune for the front of the post office and one just Birthday on Wednesday, sero, rr ember of the 11rill Of there was anything t The following is a list of the kf;".,+, 2 �m4� north of the Soldiers Monument at the was Mr.'Horton is a wonder. He.is in furl Reeve & Baxiiett,.all fire stork school. He believed in it and was al- !crops raised on the Halyoake Seed potatoes were selling for $3 00 turn of the road, Both of these lights by the testatrix ill the F n Na ion l ways willing to do anything and every- Farm, Orient, George W. Hallock g possession of all his mental faculties(if interests. per barrel were mach needed. 'live now have 64 you don't believe it play a block game Bank of Greenpor , of which her Ian thing that would advance its & Son proprietors, of the yearMurrayy lights in the Southold Li htin Dig of dominoes with hien and ou will soon hand was one of the dire hall The writer ought to know what he is 1922. This farm is one of the best Rev, it o the Univof Tro filled q g �' Zh g - the pulpit of-the Universalist church, tract, for which we pay$2600 per,year. find out) and physically' he is in fine� many years,• Ida F. Cunn:inghani, y� talking about, for he served on the known and most efficiently con ones were'bein put up an the road l Richmond Hill, daughter of the t t.x • r 24 ears. an in New York State: St g p The electric street lighting is a great condition. He will walk down to the 1 Judge Reeve, $3;110(}in trust, the Board with Mr. Gerry for y dusted of Y at Arshamomoque to mark,the boun ,success and gives universal satisfaction. club or a n i hbor s, play dominoes all _._._ Potatoes, 6401 barrels; Onions, _ __ -� - ---�_--- g 1 come to be paid to her ani n l 1; " El Carrots 737 bags; dories of the road. �- - the evening and walk home at mid-f 'lifetime anis at her death the;rircip 922 ftainlall 2461 bags, Y I. a. O, I+". . was Elliott J. Barnard, who has just acv- to �o to her children Mr )-lary 1 Late Carrots, 10,000 bushels; Ely Southold Lodge, ni ht, He is still able to do a good�' ered his connection with the W. F. E. 2`barrels• Cele 121 rapidly increasing in membership. ' Wm.O. Davids of Peeoaic, who for .Beets, 57 , .rt',. P deal of work, his farm, 113x. Horton{ Hadden, sister-fn-la�, bf Riserh� ci kept a record eachhite Drug Store of Glen't Cove, was in , u 000; Jahn Mad .:,t of I'irdei nc ' man years has p Beets, $06 barrels; Late Be'Bets, The Central Park Pickle Worksl is older.member Pecanic Lodge,. '�, + y n of rasa, re- town during the week making arrange- nephew of the to iti, d Lel" `; g E, and A. M., and s highly esteemed 5 000 David AM,-! sir, year of the precipitation 572 barrels; Celery, 1,121 crates; agreed to take 30 acres of cucumbers meets for. opening a first class drug llusbanid, $ , ' ports the Pall for 1922 as follows: Lima Beans, 93 bushels, Cucum if our farmers would raise them. by the craft. We see no reason why l Riverhead, nephew n' testiati �'S rat store at the Howell store formerly oc Inches bees; 236 barrels; Hay, 8 tons; 'There was talk of building a pickl® our old friend should pass the sen '1 ceased..husband, $3,000; '�"L'• 1.00 S routs, 80,000 quarts; Sprout oapied by Millard W. Golder. Mr. turg mark. 6dr: Horton is 21 days Vladdeir, wife of 'Stephen Madden',testa January p house here. Barnard was recentl married to the , t;entral Part:, L. I., Hep a 2 38 Seed, 20 lbs.; CaulitioW'er,296 bar. -- y new of February ____-- dau titer of Geor a M. Perr of West- ' younger than Mrs. Maria J. Hallaok,? i E 1 Marsh 4.03 refs �n ®,� Cont MQtuai las' Goa g g y trix's deceased hu i, Fla $3,000, L ►t y Hampton Beach. + who also is in ful}possession of all her L Terry, of Miami, Fla.; farni�il, o April 2.67 — - _—T _. .__�_-_-- faculties. Both are former'residents (zreeaport, a former enrnloyes o.i Thr Id May 3.30 hank of Spathald At the annual meeting a£ the Suffolk Contributions were,taken;on Sunda - r ' y of Bay View. _---- firm of Reeve&.Bartlett $a00 r:. Count Mutual Insurance Company, i �� June 3.26 The annual meeting of the Directors ys at all the churches for Louis Adams,, —{� n t:o Mrs Ethel L. Cotton �uu5ft, Jul 1.92 of the Bank of Southold was held on held at'its office in Southold on Tues- to help bim replace the$75 he lost re- Southold .Drag $tore Greenport, The latter and Liar y July g p, centl It was a fine example of ran harry I3: Reeve are named la August 6•i8 Tuesday afternoon. The following ofl'i da Directors were elected as follows: y, p P The Southold Drug Store is belag tori The instrument was exe ute+ ui September •40 cers and committees were elected by a Nathan 0. Petty, Jonathan Baker, tical Christianity. T_ � thoroughl renovated�by the owners, n �� and v itn�5„ci ran William A. Fleet,; Marcus W. Terry, y �ngust 3- , 1��2, 2,25 unanimous vote: President Albert A. ---- October Samuel Morrie was heating some tar New floors are being laid and the inside red B. Corey, of Greenport, November 1.60 Folk; 1st Vice President, Howard G. Franklin F. Overton,,Erastu6 F. Post, K. Terry, of SouthoIc 1.60 Tuthill 2d Vice President, S. Lester Archibald S. Havens,,S. Lester Albert- in his garage and left it to go into the is being painted. The store will be re-. Frederick December , - _ Albertson; Cashier and Secretary, Al- son, William H. Glover, J, Sheridan house. While there the tar boiled over opened next Thursday. The proprietor ford Total 30.59 rt T. Dickerson; Asst. Cashier, R. 'Wells and David H. Young. The elee- and the garage caught fire. Both: gar- wants you to come in and say ” l" Brick,Gom]astSat rdtaay he f llonwing be in 1921 was 36.87 inches. Treat Mersin; Counsel, Jesee L. Case; tion of officers resulted a6 follows: age and car were consumed. Southold will have the service of a directors were re-elected: Charles L, The rainfallpast eight ear - __-- - =� first-class Pharmacy; Geo. M. Perry, The average for the p g years Finance Committee, A. A. Folk, A. T. President and Treasurer, Franklin F. Terry; B w tQ 0 Berkoeki, 17 a who has one of the finest drug stores Sanford, Louis N. Sanford and Floyd Th g 36,37 inches. Dickerson, Samuel Dickerson; L: W. Overton; ViceiPresident', S, Lester n s pzain ra adi land x Terry PeconiU06 on.Long Island at West Hampton, is S. Sanford, New machinery is to be was $4, Francis J.Buckley;after an absence Korn; Examining Committee, Wm. H. Albertson; Secretary, Albert A. Folk; t W s the proprietor, and Elliott J: Barnard, installed in the yard to increase the his native vii- Glover, S. Lester Albertson, J. N.Hat Attorney, Nathan 0. Petty. n. A. Terry, A s ore to, 1i, hold irr 2 000 his son-in-law, who is a thoroughly ur manufacturing brick. mf five years is visiting G v facilities f _ __-_ la a for a week. Everybody 'is ex- lock; Committee on Loans, Jesse L. Fleet, S. L. Albertson and Wm. H. Main et ads lana s Glover, seuthala . $ . g --_ competent pharmacist, will be the,real:- celebrated Mrs. J L. Dennis quietly I tending the glad hand to this young Case, Albert W. Albertson, W. Corey; Glover were elected the Examining Greenport,Tan. 16, Annie Pl., widow dent manager. We,extend a heart their. 52d wedding anniver- man, who, like so many of our boys Alertson,W. H, Glover,J•N. Haliock„ Committee, and Geo. R. Jennings, of Sohn J. Bartlett, aged b4 years. welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Barnard who who have gone :lit of Southold, is V Chas. D. Terry and.John V. M. Howell i �_.. _ harp on Thursday. May there be many _-.-----�-- — - - ----- ea le. ha returns of the da for this•wor- __...-_.g. ..__. y P P , , e yery estimable young P P PPY y rel_y_makin nod. - Jay M. Glgver has o ered his West 1 Southold, Jan. 20 Samuel l?ickeraon ar were elected Ins ectors of Election. 1 ,ti p couple t _�:____ Miss Ida Front has resigned her posi- End Service Auto Station and will ap- aged 79 years. Newbold is home f vl -Gr -, _ o • - reciate.a share of the patronage of Brooklyn, N. •Y., Jan. 20, Robert Mattitaek. din. 20, Glary L., wife of Maxwish-Academ R. L, for ar short timv,' Mr. and Mrs: Geo. R. Senniiags left tion in the High School in order to Con. P Columbia Univer- the people. An#one S. Grodndy will Stanton.Browning of Peconic and Ens Le Ray S. Reeve, aged 38 years, IO i - tinue her'studies in,Col {Louise Brigham of Brooklyn., months, 28 days ___-_ ___ on account of illness. an Saturday for a trip tolorida° ., aseist Mr. Glover. prim PNP111=1111 11wal111111il'11 1111 11 , The Lon • Island Railroad ` will be tested for sig- Grade VI--•Helen Dickerson,89•Eve-- ' bliss Charlotte Stelzer has entered' F. G.�Prince who has been assistant j i A fatale Accident Atm � 8 o d Co.my The Saturday wi g • , �propose to run a new Friday only.Dais on Saturday noon. lyu Vain Wyck, 88;;Alice Downs, 88, � L' the Peck Memorial Hospital, Brook-; s t P at the Thomas Roulston store, South: As Jesse Lewis Case was crossing express to Greenport, commeneing William Boergesson, $7; Eugene Ga 10,to became a trained nurse, George Henry Terry has sa1sl his y old far sometime has one to Green- the street from the ort office, after i Friday,:June 29th, and continuing en 87; Frances Thompson,87•Dwight P _ port, where be has charge of the Suf- getting'his mail, on Saturday evening,' until Friday, August 31st, inclu farm to John >r4okus. gen, 86. P g � Frederick Fickeissen has purchased -- sive, This train will be known as The N. Hubbard Cleveland farm has Grade V-Esther Booth 92 H©race' g g ' folk Food Store. Harold Downs takes he was struck by a car going east, of Mrs.F. Willis Horton her lot, next the "Shelter Island Express"ress" and been sold to John Charnews, Symonds, 90 Noreen Wiseman 90' ihtth"ofMrs. E. 0. Harrison's. Mr. Mr. Princes place in the. Roulston driven b Frank Miller, aged 18 years, P y y will leave Now York (Penn. Sta --- - ��- -" i s nwil b store. of Peconic. Mr. Case was picked up tion' gat 2:51 m. Marie Doberty,�,89; Walter Willia�s, itke a e 1 have a residence erect- ____ __- _-_�___�_.,_ Y p , with no change' ��;�_,�. T. �;os�.c.1 has installed a time by friends and taken to the Williams' 87 Katie Sts noski S6 RobeitGa en, d at Jamaica, making stops at Riv his ptli _--- --- P g ped on the lot�p the spring. po$t®a$ter at SQ hDlu stare stoop. Dr. Stokes was called, erhead, Jamesport, " tilattituck 85. the p ��. ' William A Cochran to Hannah _ :1Ui eola Hospital, Jan. 29, MiFts. Li.l• e n Wednesday sent o but evidently death came to our.friend Southold and Green ort. Thzs eek- > l Th President o e d y p O O'Neil,Neillot adj land of Philip 4 lean$ersenger, formerly of Southold, J. C. Case was means that' thes . mar G a tan, 87 Ehrhardt tha Hi Rose- the t' the Senate the nomination of J. Irving almost instantly, Dr. e stations wall esser, Southold tai., •00. y PF, at ant took her 66th Fanning to be Postmaster at Southold notified and had the body of his brother have two Friday only trains, one $acetas, C S to C x Muncie, lot,on Cutch- taken to his home. Coroner Morley B. at 2:51 p. in. and the other at 4:00 ogee Harbor, Nassau Point ... ..$7,,00 85. Years 'Ago L. W. Bauman has a clerical ,pa- Asst. District Attorney Geo. P. M. -- ---- i.,t� Grade III—William 9 Lewis and -- ;' Sitlon with Wines +�b-Homq at 'Matti- maiceissen,'F I3 L & w to C I K�nn7e, Williams, ; W.Hildreth held an inquest on Sunday. tuck. — Rensselaer Terry, 93; Pauline.Albert- - ----- - ,._-__:_- ---- MISSING COUPLE FOUI D. s Main�t ail; Mechanics fit, Sou t ora �" � __ and __. _ _ J. B, ferry left for Tttuaville, Fla„ Frank Miller was arrested Monday -- son, 92• Mar Butler, 92• Carol Gomez . We hadquite a fall of snow Tuesday tion ; . me time. is under 5 000 ball to await the ac y r�$pend 80 night. � , k"rLd L', l5'(leth'4f Southold, � xd adi3land�G Berlcc�sl�xi)PeconrcGa n k1�D0' g9; h'annle Q'V3lanik, $9; Agnes �eL�- � gbt.-- _�_-T _.. �' - _ : , g y ---- o y - — well kliown Deputy Sheriff, �,�,.± b Rev. James ' R The .ha hways were badly FTatseq, E R pre to S E Tuthill, lot �, s f the Grand Jury. _—_-- 'Southold on Saturday, Feb �,d, Cutehogue, Feb. 12, y broski 89� Margaret art $8 Chris- v¢ith slow. adi land W o Dari n '$ x r J. Reilly, ,Michael Stephen Hand of topper Grattan, 86, Joseph Ostroskie, da Peconic ... .$>,0 D BLIZZARD ®�' . $ )i C, li'Lornia in sealch o.. 0'.r. B. D, Bovm, of Tufts 'College, Vsianik 85. ' - - Cutcho ueand Miss Margaret Burns of 85; Barneyy , 1 Goldsmith, C B r o. to Pn,_r,v,.a7c1 o_u ' From an old faded copy of the Long Frank ]Douglass andNrs, Dorothy g g occw ied,the ulp#.of the Universalist March 16 r, r Peconic. Grade 11-Terry Jennings, 90; Anne t_r co, lot u vi s, st adi ra., iQtw ,i �r�. Island Traveler of Friday, t:,a,r=..m. Mr. Booth arrived at 1.as _:—_ -- ` 35 g Il,itt)a an Thursday; Feb. nth, ins# Thompson, 90; Dorothy Howell, 89; ,: church. we note the fol- . �.. _---__ ___-- —____ _.__ Southold, Feb. 10 Jesse Case no-: 188u ( years ago) The thermometer- registercd 2 lowing::Owing to the snow storm of :ta1ted'on his search for tl e ro.is5• aged 67 years, 10 montbs, 6 days. Lloyd Dickerson,88; Edgar Smith, $$; Tuthill, R B&ors to C corn-Ii,tot adi ia,:: unusual severity and duration, South- Constance Terry, 88; Mildred Berry, below hero. > Lane & lana estate YI TathlA,PTaw Suffcl:, ingr couple. About seveo. o'clock Southold, Feb- 9, Ellena-M. wife of � Eastern Long Island was.cut off from r as I old has beer off from all commiin- E that same evening + 87 Charles Bennerti,-86 Beverly Got �_-__- -------" - - a R 1cation with the oulter world since hlr, Booth Thomas D. Baird, 45 years. , y illtrain for three days on ac �'n No trains I walked Into a house in the Mw' , Southold,Feb. 11, Francis 'George, don, 86; Ruth Chr!BG ansen, 85 Ether i tr. y i Leon E Tucker&w to Gertrude Sao- early;Monday mornz g. Mr. 'Douglass atzd Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Warciski, i Conklin, 85; Josepb Conway, 85. tint of tha snow blockade. at��e of 64, 1Vla s of Nassau Point club have passed since then, and no mail where fi e is were seen n the water 1 '. has'been received from t'he city since Latham were enjoying supper, i,1r, aged 15 days. � Grade I-Yaaline Howell, 95; Edna n,Several s a w t a Nassau Point _ Tai 2� c�aturda P�aeds• are imp:as-sable by Booth i expected hord in a few Southold, Feb. 7, John, son of Mr. Dickerson, 82• William Grattan 91• i o Pacopic Bay. „ Southold, Feb."1, Eva Augusta, wife' reason ,of, 'snaw drifts, and even the days ' s I and Mrs, JamesJ. Gagen, aged 2, ' Henryomaneki, 91; Sylvia Payne, 90�- Crrover M: Cook died,gaged 87 years, of Som. H.,Beebe, aged 67 years. te'legre ph lines are o:ataforder. We - t years,9 months. y : —� must therefore of necessity forego The "Southold Community Dramatic Robert Ror anski, 89; John Grattan, t 'I''IVe years A90 the leasure of any very recent news, Society n9aking arrangements to put I Riverhead, Feb. 9, Otis Grey Pike, ,"RUCK CO, PROSPERS `�'Wea y P � Secretary of the Riverhead Savings 89; George Ostroeki;88; Shirley,Fish - TRUCK ,'s, save that relating to our own village, on "The Stolen Will" immediately'af- Bank, in his 52d year. Interment at at, 87; Daniel Bridge, 86; John Bed No such-snow istorm has been exper- ter Lent. This play was given with Mattituck.` _ nosky, 85; George Klos, 85. Pe n:c Concern r A petition against having a Sunday fenced in thirty years. : cn ,oncern Carred 825 Loads The L. 'h Traveler was then eight' great success thirty years ago and -�CH(�t�L The following rodents have bad per- mail was`being circulated in Southold. g NOTES P feet attendance for thequarter— d During 1922 •s � puiy3ished by Edward�F. � again twenty years ago. _ � � a Hi h School-Henry.Dickerson, Ani The revival meetings in the Metho� T gee and Esher, g - Unler the able 'direction of Lewis '. diet church, with Misses Frost and -- The Long Island Lighting Co. has ,g s a result of th® re , to Jacobsen, Frances Overton, Donald ,, W. Korn, its general manager, the im pson in charge,_ were continued waS��l�gt0� sapper opened a new 11-mite service line. It regular quarterly r g g , S p tests which were recently. held at the IRobinson, Thompson,p Robinson Helen Thom son Katherine l :Peconic Truching Co, had a mast sire with increasing interest. The ladies of the M. E. Aid Society starts north of the village of Greenport Southold High School the follow'w Thompson, Clara Tuthill. � cessful year in 1522, according to a a er's Meeting under-thee diree" ill hold their annual chicken-pie sup- and runs east to East Marion, Orient students attained ng Grade VIII-Fred Boergesson, Wil f formal report printed last week in the and Orient Point. e a mark of 90 per cent A F xin w i tion of the New York Agricultural`Ex- 'per in the church parlors, Thursday, or over: , liam McKeon, Harry Weygand. Traveler. periment Station was held at Belment Feb. 22, from 6 to 8 p. m. Supper will D r' _ A cold wave struck us Wednesday English IP—Marjorie Hagerman, 93, Grade VII—David Lehr. ti inp the year the company's_ Hall. be served on the European plan. g g Grade VI—Doris Leicht, Evelyn Van trr:cl s' carried 825 leads cf produce, and Mrs. J. G. night, and the thermometer re istered En lish II-Helen Thompson, 92. The old friends of Dr o Thursday morning. The English I--Clara Tuthill 93• Kathar Wyck. E between Eastern Long Island points MENU 10 above zer 9 ins —Doroth Christie Helen and the city markets,which is a ui va- Huntting gave them a big surprise par- Roast Beef weather prophets say we are in for( i Thompson, 91, Grade- V y , ent to 415"carloads-frei. ht cars- t , in welcoming them to Southold. Chicken Pie g y Mashed Potatoes.and:Turnips several days.of cold weather. . Latin II-Donald`Robinson, 90. Romaneki, Horace Symonds. and the gross -receipts were about Beans `� History B-Helen Thompson, 98 Grade IV-Alberta Dickerson. 1)0,000.- The address of welcome was made by Maccaroni Baked H. G. Howell. e++t1=,n"titla w '1"uthii'l had Several Marjorie Hagerman, 93. Grade III-Christopher Grattan. I+' rmers have stated, 'the artic.e Creamed Onions Scalloped Potatoes cm, of lunlT;or arrive this week. sayi, that the service given by the Cranberry Sauce � t, 'i_,_o)id �lllexiclr is back again: driv- Ciyies-,Katherine Hilliard, 94. Grade II-Edgar Smith. concern was highly satisfactory. 1 - Bread r,i, i ne c this firms trucks. French:I--Hielen Thompson, 95;Ade Grade I--Shirley Fisher. ' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hoinkis cel White and:Brown _-� - - laide Sterling, 91; Donald Robinson, 90. - era next eason the fleet l trucks br e last eek the twenty-fifth an- Pickles he Southold Drug'Store will be open F ,AL e at d as w y T S g MOVEMENT� CQ , 'operated by the company will be jug- � a � ' din The following students are on'the mented by a new 71/_--ton Ster,ing and , nivereary of their marriage. They made Pie Calte Plum Pudding. on Sundays as,follows: 9 to 10,30 a. h BY THE L. I.R . a tie4v 2 -tan Sterling, the latter to their. ea' Coffee 6 to 7 3Q m: onor roll, having attained an average be equipped a short trip to the -city, visiting T m., 12 to 1:30 p.m.:, • p• 1 pped wLh pneumatic tires all f at Hoboken. ' of 85 percent, for the quarter, with no "To reassure the people of Brook", } around and used to rush strawberries son Wilhaku and his wife I Teague, is at the is subject below 75 per cent.; lyan'anA Long Island that there haaa C o'' On their return a lovely surprise,plan• Lsi3NG`r' LA I'()'l'A'I`d)ld l Miss Emma T gu , asparaga.., etc., to i,tarket, runnint, y la el not let-up in the strelan i� l ` u to January 13, Brentwood: `Sanitarium suffering high' School=Helen:Thompson, 92, cmlire.y during the night; when It is ! ned and executed by Miss Matilda Bauer, This season, P l ( efforts of the hong Island Railii*oa as s read in n Island has hipped 6,069 ear- froirl a nervous co lapse. Adelaide`Sterling, 86, Marjorie Hager-" + ' awaited them. A table w p Log with prpes to reliev "the acute loealf i man, 86;,Katherine Thompson,$6. 'i their room laden with flowers and other loads of potatoes as compared Mise HelenCachrao ie talon a coin- caal";ahortage,"w %ch 'i'e rilefr= f the corresponding, B Grade-VIII-Katherine-Hilliard 89• e the Dickenson Bros., of Petenrc "t a utiful: 4,130 cars for mercial course t Ir> tli, 01 heritage of the r : gifts from friends, and most la a r is an increase a the College of, the Harriet Dickerson 85. 6 have:,been filling the zee house at date last gear. Th g-riles p1F foal mil rs C. Dwi of all, a wadding cake in the midst„ period. City-of New York. Great. Pond this week. This seems at 2 OOU,cars for tlae�__,___ i Grade VII race Vreeland 87 Lou- - ixt ., 9 Lou- w:,alrlo s r ,,r; like old ,times again, to have mine decorated as if for a bride. We join in -_ ire Overton 86. natural ice once more, ! congratulations to the happy couple. ' -- - � Irving Fanning Samuel Dickeraon's Will The engagemWaet'=xa ani?oaznoed jea l 13 Postmaster Our New Drug Store � POND- � I<»� N. °� Mrs, Mary C. Berresfard, of 620 west "Record-breakingmovement. of The, will. of Samuel Dickerson of, s received his Have you been in to see it? If not 114th Street;New York City, formerly ry "oft fond Bay stud .Block Island onameie i al coal via the Long Isl J. Irving Fanning has Southold, in his lifetime one of the , o g ter of Southold. county's best known nen,-lis osin go. You will be repaid, It is a place of Southold, to Mr. HenryPardon Sin Sound have been frozen o<ei #;1 > Sin- and Railroad, for Brooklyn and appointment as Postman p g t^reek from tl,e shore <a di r ince, ill not be new to the of over $20,000, has these beiquesta: of neatness, order, and beauty. You claire, of Corning, New York. Mrs. Long Island coti.rtlmption, oontiri Mr. Fanning w Susan J. Dickerson, widow, income k tori*ard open water e:nd chz.zr.s a!. ued throughout the month of Jan duties, ae he has served as Assistant , may not need drugs, but a drug store Berresford and Mr. Sinclaire will be � , He is from $8,1000 as Tong as she remains nowadays means so much inure than married in the Spring. �your ori_�s.t c uAry. Postmaster for several years. testators widow, then principal to _ Old residents -ay ++ r, osi- drugs, 'Here we have toilet articles — ria sue t It ii-iriclecd tati� in to re _ ___ i> well ualified yn-every way for the p four sonar,, George':H., Albert T., Chas. ,L was arra rcuii ,y str�iecr last i eel:! �inu'latioii of icy has been q n Reward E. Dickerson- the and little personal accessories that are I , t Iilaft that a summary of o'ur daily, ,s a ou iman of ability S. and H w P _ t ' since ebrri..iy; 1t,.6, , tion. .He y ► r „ r ; -_ .,. drat the i_o.c,.,, c.t t1r, !ate liu c.; , .,,, , , t af'fic statistics for the last widow is also given the life use,of the exclusively fine and so daintily display- [C. Glevelan,l ,.. yc}17f,?,1. v i.. ..+L>, ewe sl las s tient e olcl pr ,:::,•_. Coin r and high character, and has the univer r which is later g homestead in Southold, w tempt you to purchase aolieth- to a 1'nlish r7ia:r. 'I'h Ilii chs,!. ,va t- ttionth; sliov�s.tho ltiindlti.g of„an ed, as to s ci;e tlieririainet<r sta.icli7i; sal esteem of the people of Southold: to be sollcl and the -proceeds, divided P y p 7, ,,rne•,t•s wtio ti,.: ltio ri rr ' unprecedented total of.61x00 car tmight Jon__ Gl I ic,lo:v zero and iiia :� l+_!.i. ' td 1 circulated his pati moon 'testator's randchildren• Dose er yin reed them or not. Much mi and who i,; na�c.r ar; �:tie,-, loads of coal, equivalent to 329,5 Q When Mr: Fanning c g g Lithuania, , t e office it A. Kenney, long a member of testa-' be said about the attractiveness of our . t �t;'izs frozen ovcr o e was deliv- tion for appointment to h , tca,n c rtrzeu, l. tons. This vast tonn�tg a cans of too s household, is given life use of now store, ata which the ,sung man _-.___--_ , iva ]riles Cra i T:o 4, float laird e' in T,on was generally signed by the Pat ere'd'to our a g g a residence ori, Oak Lavvn venue, , --- _ .Y d ru s,_ i to Inn c€ i always has been �` ager and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bar- Mr, aod'Mrs. Charles F. Kramer of lslan_i Oity and at Bay Ridge by no, the office. He is, and a y Southold, then to the grandchildren, and Z'`onre then €rCS `d a``it e bad the 1 i nard, have spent so much thought Brooklyn have moved into their new i ,.;_ r y�ii�;.s l i°a i mar.lire_' 't less than seven differr�nt connect- a strong_Republican, and h M0ilon Dicl ers�on, grandson, go d, y labor,. It:is •i st the kind of store we G t the :, d i 9 inlr, iii trunk line railroads, and r y , Henrya Homo, recently purchased of F. Fick �o �l.e ii t.tz:.a r l .,� la z, f?!` , endorsement of the Republican Count watch s;ntl chain Henx Perkins, o` nice it - ;-�, , drove., -. �,. _,- ,u ,.,. '- re to const -•j' afro from Diekexscn, grandson, diamond stud, need liege: Step in and see how eissen. Mr. Kramer, who is a drug- :zea drove from ,�_.�; Nkav .:. thence trans shzpl cl fI . Committee. After gradu g income of '$a,000 to Samuel , Dick- is—and meet the young, enthusiastic nees in Brooklyn and in every see I bold High School and Southold e, r e I gist, is to build a drug store on the let, c ecoiz c Ba s to attend 11 1L the Sout g arson, son,for life, Residue t.o,G o g , who are running it. (held in Sout"o`d. A brig tion of Long' Island. he went to New York City Albert Charles and Howard i)icicer-, people - -=_�,_ - ----: in the spring. "Needless to say, this excellent Academy, ' t w Ilam are - asziore at '.Hontauk and i y F served for several yearEr, as a clerk son, sons, the first ,hree of v ----- ____ f.__ _._._ __--__ --- -_. record could not have been.accom-r ands V named as executors and it i,s provid- ane name' of Frances Gordory, in bodies were thrown up o+i ef�' in a.Bank: Returning to Southold, he; an writln Expert ae and recoy ed and b pli,,laed bvithoUt ilia relentless c clerk ed that each be paid $100 for his Grade VI was .inadvertently left off 1.: , served as clerk in stores and also l. cervices as such in place of the fees We are in receipt, from Chauncey nor Roll of the .Southold High the faint 4 Carts of our employees stationed at ii k of Southold, fined b law. It is, also provided that _ the Ho -in the Ban Y p M Govern a£ San Francisco, who mar 9 the float bridges, nor without iiia the retiring the executers erect a fanii3y ill School, published in the ilirAvr;i>sii. Among tbe mane birds that gather) efficiency of. our train operation, William A. Cochran, itg! ment costing from $500 to $600. tied Emily Korn of Southold, spee►mon Last quarter Frances bad an average daily at Albert A. Folk's. where food adequacy of locomotive sial; Postmaster, has served in that capacity ___ -�__.�� .._,_. pages of a brdchure. entitled "Prepar- of 88, and this quarter, 87. __ is awaiting them the year around, is to e i meat nor with-, ears, He was first' s, freight :car flu p , for over sixteen y Sunshine SQCiet • - 'in y ing for Trials Involving Forgery." Mr. T----- --- otdt.the whole-hearted co-ope.ratto�i r b President Clevelandbe noted a mocking bird-a visitor that of consignees in the rapid utrload-� appointedcceedin Jonathan W. Hunt-i, Anew society is to be started in M'Govern has been at work for twenty- Mr_ and :Mrs, Frederick Fickeisson is not common in these parts. Bird f e ti a- 1885, su g we have man five years on a most interesting meth- have moved into part of Mrs. J. G. pea le say he will stay till spring; and rng of cars at points o d s tin and' served four years. When Southold. Although Y, P od or device, for detecting .forgery. , ill then he will'be gone. In or near tli:s; Mom � g, Iluntting-s house,, Mr. Fic.keisaen w .z President Cleveland waa elected for a yet who-can resist the appeal of this is now are rscagnized •l a bungalow in the spring on the a be observed i To mo,ce clearly grasp the sig- J ? His achievements build g ` r term in 1592, Mr. Cochran, one. Its object is to give sunshine to f an Francis- of Mrs. E Willis Hor- .fliyck of beneficiaries may i nif°icance'of moving 320,500 tons of, second. l hildren. The de by the legal profession o S lot-be purchased now the golden crowned kinglet, song M i 1 coal during Januar i again appointed Postmaster and served the blind, especially c o s of the.bi heat value. ton: coriixii it a • g S',i . the else- triands on members are slight,-the dues c a g sparrow, downy woodpecker,'and rhea- 2 it ins b pointed out that t for another four years, On ___ _—__-- 1J , y e I7 t in the chief thin and&hese only five` overn of San 3 low lark--not to mention starlings air.)o res with 261 80Q tons Woodrow Wilson as President, being g Mra.`Emily'horn 'M'G i'her E ii '1,n= cx '.i i t�i'hle 1111 compares tion 0 extra for - • r- t and a eon inner of the. here tl2ab the cloct,r°��si c. E,o r the everywhere present English s;oar-i handled.zri Teeember, 1922, 74(3;- Mr. Cochran' succeeded.Moses T. Ho cents a moa h p y Francisco was the happy w -movement is he San t.::1e "cud n-et HLtle ie c. 1+,n� E trtr raw. A heaping plate of chnirpsd-rip 22, and has served until eves rainy day. This raze offfered by.t C {1130;tons in January, 1� tan as Postmaster and y 50.80 cash p l „ E Bick $ 0 . rile:;:�:e pril.�t,i tea• '� , tin,vcr ,1 ..-• r Januar h921. in sll itf bis started here by Mrs.'Ernest :, - omcie for the best 1 0 r ;rc, declare" i 'tn.o "rev griddle cakes that the insurance ii'an} 7 AOD tong-inYa the present time. Dur g Francisco Cbr the heaps aft._ . _ ,:. . ------ - er home has observed' l,.x eater, Mr.Cochran has who in , er form I carries out laity goes a long w.ry to-i service as Postm , word article in a recent Business-Ad- ,ilent9, t be reported.ei. „ - from the donations of Sun- V 'Govern'has: --- -- -- ward establishing a rest Bird S'liictia Twenty Five Years Ago nen excellent satisfaction, bath to the much goad fx yertysyng Contest. )firs. M u g slight organization is he last`one: Announcement has been made of the y I �s �'� ffice De artment and the people shine Society. A g g on several prizes lately, tIrene L Griswold, ar vii engagement of Miss �I Post-O p le will be leased! necessary in order to form a branch barn one hundred dollarsFTND RARE, �1 We bad the most uncomfortable, aftg thold. The people _ . P before this g dao daughter of Mr> and Mrs. William D. will continue in the i here; and Mrs.Bick has invited all who in the beet title to a star. g weather of the winter. I.to kyrpw that he • _. ' far supplying y S. Davie; Jr., son j ,A r;rsoi• !)a{lic t There are interested in the aim of the work, k, Western air'is good Griswold, to Oscar George.Froamuller, grandson of the i office as Assistant Postmya er _ in The Red Boo of Mr,and Mre..0: S. Davis of Bab- bird ill this l it nude was ° of1*i late dam Been • ane in the businesslike to be present at a meeting to be held Soutbalder. We congratulate +rozet1 to ticau:i viii the i at A r e ger, successfully will be no change for a ylon,�LL e. t her: home on::Thursday evening,` -__ ._._.—___._..� i�_le�.oli. l~]r�i eriia1 a;1,'akei' _ passed examinations in Berlin, Munir..h and courteous running of the afire —_ a this prize-winner, —_-- as ]teen — March 1, at 7;30 o'clock. and Erlanger. _� --- `.L'iYO71ty-�'1V8 F0sr8 O I Ilecies o$ bzr ? Ici:anal ;.: Dramatic 5acxei __ -- tt a Misses Frost and Simpson the even- '.i. SiCr r - Southold pare DIStrlct /' 'k^. ©oQo f'Sr ter .ar sari . , fa 3 , t 1 it 1 ., n Bower 1353, t.en a nerd surd gel►sts, closed their three weeks labors regular meeting of the South d., F,re ' � l eet►ng of the.Southpl3 Rev, wni, H. Lloyd filled the y p lie be:riilr�ariLio�iti Ursa �i., 1 f Ina reg g The annual m E , s held ince) t Belriiont Hall Welsh church at Cincinnati, ,tn t _ in the M. church. Community Dramatic Society wa The fire siren, for the first times Park District was held a of :the W ,, t The l'ae:�v London palb-� Mrs. Darnel lover d sada evening,, m of fire; • oiiio, and preached in his native cs the report tlrzut the s3 k > G red, aged 71 at J, N. Hallock s on 10 y g its installation, gave the'alar Monday evening. I re- y Feb. 13. Officers present: Pres. J. N. Wednesday evening', W,.Korn was unanimously tongue. : ndot'te lras been sold to tii sera. re and the new Lewis ' Rev. J. W. Simpson, I+ b Sec. on Wed y- old Fire 'ssianer for three r. W. S. Bennett of Patebogae, a artier. The Sliini ei Gaul } mp an, a former pastor• EIallock; Tress. Wm. T. Gagen, motor apparatus of the South elected"Park Comms a D ;.school P ii i : of:the'Southold M. E. church died l row.nin Department made its initial,appearance former principal of the Southold , now at Whitestone wil 1�- olit :ori a ► Pau Browning. De artm ears, �.�®d?I-years The Treasurer reported that the total p y Dickerson was unanimous- was spoken of as the probable Re ubli- p Iter I „ :E <.tail ata fire. The small barn of John Albert;). P �l'ie Greenport, 6 from "The Successful Calami- n Bawer Lane, serosa from ed Treasurer for three years. can nominee for Supervisor of Brook- wTeW Lai�doii ratite about d SPUDS AT $1 receipts Bodhan o y ly re-elected called for ty„ were$211.60. In view ofthefact Diller Bros.,caught firefrom a smoke The appropriation of $500, haven Town. Due pr to the excessive cold netted but $20, it was the building. The Fire Commissioners, was carried by a H, W Prince presented the M E The Southold Fire Department took he snow blo•ekades throughout that the play for house side aft g by the Com and t that the Director be paid $25 church with.-a handsome baptismal part in the parade at ire Greenport se the ilia country,'which hindered,the inane- voted _ Department was soon on hand and wi ! ;unanimous vote. —= -' 22nd lost. The new fire endue seat a of ,which the p'• her services., She was also ex endad a inert p rice for the from both,engine and truckbowl. jumped r the>nanner in chemicals oil had the Nathan Davis has bought the 'rhos. ________�____ stream even further than the one toe; Eastern Long Island potatoes p rising vote of thanks for and water from a well so -----�` — an -ho ed-fox dollar this week. roduced. "`The damage was Quinn place on Hobart avenue, pre- S Edgar'Tuthill is malting altera- have in Greenport, much to the joy c,£ to the 1 g Pych tle,plv.ao.p - fire under control. g suinably for the use and occupancy of our boys. It is believed that there are many ---- tions �� de to Dr. J. M. Hartranft s rear- -- �ot t $100: John Berry, Jr. _T carloads left yet in storage cellars in ,,,,a C „thrNlrl T.nwn's:. nee. f Mrs. A, 11. Coaden and Mrs. L:_ N d, tuck,Cirrepoport sod -orb sta>ad- 1. Loo 'i'hompscon and his men are for a period not exceeding ten minutes, �� �� Sanford have been elected Directors of tt ry+ - buildiil;; a two-star house near the,,in the case of loading- or. unloading I the ����e���j����" ig room even' being it a premium.' y 6 > the E. L. L Hos tt Sound for L. Sleckman, who has been and twenty minutes in the A play given by the Senior Class of Hospital, in place of Mrs. The play is under the capable manage-; passengers, J: N. Halloek,_resigned,.and Mrs. J. J. The cast of the Stolen Will," the 'ment of Mrs. Margie W. Jennings. I connin;, to Southold in the sunnier for oasc.of loading or ut!}Dialog merchan-'Southard high School. It is a lively, U uuxubez o:['.. years. n that no such vehicles shall be funny comedy, "Miss Molly," by _._ '___--_ old-timeh Bartlett, deceased. -: - „ „ -:arse and _- _____-- -- � will be given by the Southold Cotton Rehearsals of The Stolen Will, allowed to stand at right angle to the Elizabeth Gale. The date is act for The Town Clerk's office after rest nit Dramatic�Soc►etmsoon after�whic comedy -drama, is as follows: IMPASSABLE with Tvlxa. Mar ie Jennings as director, March 23. The cast: ink in its present location for several y Y EastROADS- Margie naw being held. The flap will be affect April lst s1923 mance shall take Reginald Peters, a crabbed old Years, has been ordered to move. E. April , E. Fick who owns the land where ii Chip Winkle,Esq., a long,lank Country ; misogynist Robert Booth luso immediately after Easter. NArxAx DAVzs gy stands, wishes it out of the way, LOSTWILL Julian Hewitt lila ward Harry Case _ _ Boy J. N. Hal'oek 3- LE. 11 1 i S. STER ALBERTSON - ld for$1.16 per bushel as IIEzsRx F. VAN WYcx Joe Johnson, his colored servant Bridge Bu Iasi Harry Tuthill of g Jameson a Villian John Purcell , p . , roJ4 Monday.Potatof The loo continued spell of Geor e , Greenport bac fixed up the Cavae(,reek J. Leo Tbom son g p Fire Cariinriisionera of p cold weather was the cause of the rise Annie Peters, his twin sister bridge in fine shape. Deacon Cuff, Deacon of the Orthodox y,.- Trac Southold Fire District Harriet Hortonm1Yt�1lACAYaa $�x� µ a,l Church and'President of the Town in ' MOl1y.Patera, hfan1eC8 ( .l�tssau Point Club Prolierties to M L Lien-� R.form Club '• "f,:. •, ..e; G !. Twenty`-Five Years Ago Marjorie Hagerman dal, Int 4A, Nassau Point Wm. T. Gagen tw�6V l�$Y1 $�1 lYkaE�� Harm 3c w to it w titornnl,, im i, x ru j � o a - _-- . - $i.596( Master Marky Loker, an Overgrown etdj land J C Albertson t'ntchoy:ue ....$•4,Gti(1 i�' Q Lr, G®C x �r ail:vt11.—A t:'a 1 _ . _.. Cissie. Saunders, a girl from P t e E. L. I. ltospi , Booby Pr J. Mahoney, Jr Officials ��Ct' Pr � ..,.,,n , „Noo York" Marie Gagen Maeweici4c,J w to z'Tiaurus, lot C t land March in like a lamb. 1 ;,.tl, ',iuesday, hfarch 6th, to idr. Hon. Edward Enwri ht 'a Fo ei J C Ali�ertsan, Cutr.hntcixe .... ..... 4,0011 Seth L. 'Tuthill sold his farm to Pearl White,:a colored girl ;ti :t,i.rt�. hitch tel 1'urcc g- r gn _ Helen Thompson I Il, of Traveler Alvah Goldsmith, Th:t conditions of the r Di,7- i 1 !v- James Wickham. ti,.itr,riltl, a soar, erhead and other town aplianlr Feb. 2fS, Georges F. Haw Lady Elusia Miston,MissrAnnie's �� J Amos Wenley,a Farmer Harry Myers bins of Southold, ag9d 71 years, 7 Rev. S. G. Ayers of Carlton preached _ ....___ __...._. _ .,___ j Policeman � count are :worse to-day th,l3; ilr y y ,y monChs, Funeral services at the zest- in the Universalist church. v invite J guest Gertrude Kake, Brooklyn, Feb. 28 Miss Ada to _ Coroner Jacob years, Many thousancla deuce of F3is brother, Herbert M. Haw- Y , d Wa r coli T icr Fred T. Conklin was. attendingthe W. 1). I+ man daughter of the late Henryootman : << Y will be needed thus spin,✓~ xu kins, on Saturday, at 2 p. in, bought the I g y l building now occupied has D Waterman,.formerly of Southold, aged Tommy 8 tundere, bright and saucythe damage tions by the +,, School of Instruction in `Tool Work at pled b Philip i Weis- 1 72 Years. the thaw. One practical roe Lr i 11i;der Greenport, Feb. 2fn, Capt. John 'Pittston, Pa. ser as an ic.e creanx,and candy place, ---..-.--____� ..__-..__ ..- - Jose h Grattan; Franck Mullen, formerly of :3outhvld, and a resort for the oxen of the vil- ASltlae P told the writer that txueh, r., & �a aged 49 yearsl. A number of our farmers entered in- Ja:e in which to 3' :s, Abigail Hull Newsboy Bob Carroll this week dict at'least 85.000 to a contract to grow cucumbers f„r play ganxt.S. This A libi y, beloved wife of Charles Betsey Smithy a Bald, Bad Woman to the road'between here tt a Attention 9 store was olle ierl. lay pours B,tnmann Stillman Ashley, and daughter Mrs. Lout Not oil have the dirt i lr..::s t;; At l i the Central Park Pickle Works. thirty or nloro ),ears at; g� u ,� L. casErs v {L� Dorothy Sayre Endorsedllot a flan in the Noose At a meeting held under the auspices The rneanbers of St. P.strick's Junior Daughter to Receive Bulk of Late of the ,American Committee for Dev- Goild are rehtarsing the two-act eom- Lawyer's Property astated France in the Universalist Par- edy, "Not a Man in the House," to be The will of the late Lawyer Jesse L. ish House Sunday afternoon, Miss presented at the Annual St. Patrick's ca of Southold,'killed there recently Dorothy Sayre was heartily endorsed Entertainment at Belmont Hall on by a motorcar, disposing of an estate as a delegate from this section to carry, valued at more than $7,000 of which Monday evening, March 19. Be sure :$;1,000 is perGonal property,}gives the Long Island's message of Good Will to see this play, which has made a hit realty and half of the personal to his and its contribut,on to the stricken re- rodced. daughter, Encie H. Davison of Barre, The cast u ion of France. It is hoped to secure wherever produced.follows to a: Vt., son, Gordon Case, who, hotivever, and the other half of the personal; several thousand votes at ten cents per , Mrs. Maria Bings, who has had a rough prc-dbased his father, leaving a` vote. All money received will betaken tv experience with a cruel husband, widow axd a daughter. I directly to the places where it is most death declares that no tin of the Bowd needed in rebuilding homes and reator- and after his de At the monthly mee g Y man sball enter her house of Directors of the Bank of Southold on ing farms destroyed in the war. The Florence Strasser Tuesday, Silas A. H. Dayton, Esq., executive committee chosen consists of Miaa Lucy Ryder, her timid maiden was elected Counsel of the Bank, in Mrs. E. A. Bell, Mrs. F. l3. Smith, Mr. Thompson a deceased. E. W. Bedell, Mrs. J. W. Stokes, Mrs. sister Katherine p place of Jepse Lewis Case, Jessie Ra a pretty niece who has come Annie Prince and Rev. Abram Conklin. Y, p y Iiatchinson. �1t the 1 . L.. L IIospi- Books with votes will be placed in Con- on a visit Marie Gagen 'tal, Tuesdays March 13th, yo Mr. an([ venient stores and in the bands o f Aunt Belinda, an old-fashioned, elderly Mrs. Leroy Hutchi/lson of Southold, a canvassers. Any who prefer to do 130I lady who sympathizes with the daughter. young Winifred Gagen may send the amount they wish to give Kate, a servant, who has a gentleman St. Anthony's Ho9vital, Woodhaven, for Miss 'Sayre's election and to France L. I , March 4, Miss Catherine M. cousin whom she greatly admires Hughes of Peconie. Interment at Mt. to Re Mr. Conklin. One dollar se- Helen Thompson Calvary cemetery, Valley Falls, Rhode cures for 'M,iss Sayre ten votes. last Dancing after the play, with mucic Island, March 7th. dollars will give her 100 votes. At least by Picadilly Orchestra. Twenty-Five Years Ago 60,000 votes are required for her elec- tion. Southold's quota will be about �1ofld {Il{�11 meeting 5,000 votes. All votes must be in by if H. W. Prince was making big im April 10. one of our girls, Miss Dorothy Sayre provements in the interior of his store. of Peconic, has been hen,'red by the The gram-o-phone, described as the The contnzon Wille of conversation noted publishing house of Doubleday, It talking machine in the world, for several clays has,been the dreadful page & Co. of G,rden City, I,. [. She was exhibited at Belmont Hall. condition of our rokds. "Phe oldest orit vote of Charlgs G. Corey became the }sere- inhabitant" has a io,recollection of any- has been electe l by a maj Y ;thing to nate'} u,p with it. A car or the employees to go with the Good sentative of Joseph H. Bauland&Co. }truck mired to the axles, has been a Will delegation to France on a e1x J. B. Terry returned from his trip to e.oninnran Sight, acid he despised horse weeks' trip. bliss Sayre is not only Florida. feam has been called into play to yank I2ev. E. K. Creed addressed the 'city out. One wouicl sympathize with the first girl from this section to he the animals if they' kicked some- thus honored, list the ti.cst fro.:� Lang .Southold'temperance Society. Island. The Prohibition party made the fol- On account of the had condition of With this Good Will delegate roust lowing nominations far Town offices: the roads the Southold Town Syrrt- go our good will gond will of one Supervisor, Frank J. Tuthill; Town phony Orchestra and the Greenport hundred thousand persons. lyttas L. W. Clerk, Benj. B. Tuthill; Justice of the Choral Society thought it unwise `tvf Gerard, representing DoublNday, Page Peace, e.N.Flack a.d Gibber E EA Aldrich, dayessors, trt fight to pr€ett to 0 RivCoyne terhead hundred h���tit s-I &Cu , will coine to us on 'Sunday af- Overseer of Poor, J. Morrison Raynor; ther" in the Methodist Church, so the tertvart of this week and explain the Commissioner of Highways, Charles U. 6ntertaimnent was postponrl to Apr., Aldrich; Collector, William H. Potter. 10, simple part we, each and all, acre to Geo. Weber of Greenport and Mre. have in the work of the rebuilding of Commencing Sunday, April lat, E. devastated France. Let us show a Mary Gill of Southold were married. J Barnard, the new manager of the whole-hearted interest by attending elle old drug store, will Carry a full line of meeting to be held in the Universaiia+ I'ar sh House, "n Sanday afternoon, at plc ore and write-up Brooktiyn contained a will accept ordersrfor morning and Sun- 2:,303 o"cluck. Itionis of the Salmon Family, covering day papers, due to the fact that the Theodore Breiling &tv to F'ii at Na- ' 92 years. Those in the picture were building has been sold were papers —tional of Jam. Holding Co., Inc., lot tides. Susan Tuthill Salmon, now in her were formerly carried. adj hind of Norma 'H Fleet, Southold, 92d year; her daughter, Mrs. Janie S. tax, $1•()0' grandson, eon Salmon Whit_ A cold wave struck here Monday Bryan; g night and Tuesday morning the ther- Esther J Horton to Frederick Fick- comb, and great granddaughter, Har- Y g eissen, lot e s Main st adj land of John riett Whitcomb. urometer registered 12 above zeta. Not Kenney, Southold, tax, X1.50.# a very good harbinger of spring. Bos" 110111-3� Goldsinith will do th,,!' FFORUF M. BURNS NEW required repair work on Miss Gallo- The will of Charles Grant Terry dis- way's house, and Charles T. Gordon, poses ollon estate valued at over seven a the moving. thousand dollars. Norman N. Bergen, SECRETARY OF BANK , great-nephew, is bequeathed property IPotatoes are selling for$1.60 a bush- where the testator resided on the north Chosen By Trustees (yf River- el, but th .e are practically no potatoes side of Pine Neck Road, Southold, a left in Southold for shipment. bungalow and lot on Jockey Creek, land head Savings Bank Friday Paul J. fez, of to Kathrina on the south side off Pine Neck Road, to Fill Vacancy Caused By Krysztopowiez, lot on Main South rd adjoining property of Andrew Gagen, Death of 0. G. Pike, adj land of Mrs. William C. Gee, Cut- and four shares of the capital stock of - chogue. the Bank of Southold. The residue of Salmon &w Th tJVuL.Kt William C: , the estate is to be equally divided At the imeeting of tj,,, 1.ioai.�i of W. Stepnoski lot adi land of Wil B. Cc)(iling_ pecollic, tax, $&�o among the following : Charles E. Ter- tees of the Riverhead SnvingL�� Ban]. 11) ry, fattier; Mary Terry, mother; Myra ia-it Friday, George Al. Burns was ap- Uutchogne, March 16, Miss Eliza Ann Pointed R(?(!MtarY I to fill the vacancy Aldrich, aged 91 years. Bergen, niece, and the latter's husband, caused by the d,,ath of Otis G, Pike. Kings Park, L. I., March 18, Rev. Teunis S. Bergen. Lawyer George C. Mr. Burnt r "'s wa autinsecretary dur- in�� 0e long illness -M � of r. Pike and Isaac Thomas Stafford, a former pas-1 Terry to named as executor. f..Alow�ng the latter's death on Febru- for of the Southold M. E. church, in ary 8, Be is only 34 yeare, old and his 64t.h year. Interment at Rhine- Hospital cookie jar .8 Of -. youngest sce- The American Legion Auxiliaries b�!lieved to be ung of the is beck-on-the-Hudson. Mason'c Herne, Utica, N. Y., March rctaries of any saving's hank in the of Suffolk County each week fill the Cook- State NT State of. York. Mr,Burns entered 14, William E. Booth, formerly the employ of the Riverhead Savings Southold. aged 88 years. is Jar at Kings Park State Hospital. The cookies are, distributed to the in- Bank in January, 1907, an(I lije aTwent Five Years Ago mat#s, among whom are several of our vary thorough knowledge of the bank- iX­ in- buainet3c, and ip exceptioii ally well .1 %Z County ex-service men. South- qualified in every discharge the J ay to discharge R. S. Sturges was building a two- old's quota is 50 doz. cookies every nine duties of the important and i:esponsi- story addition to William H. Terry's weeks. Anyone wishing to help this Nle position to which he hac; herrnhouse. worthy cause will please call Mrs. Geo. i cho<,2n n a very efficient manner. The L. I. R.R. carpenters took down W. Smith on telephone or send postal Secretary Burn= is one of River- the high Platform at the west end of card. Cookies will be called for on head's best kno-wn and most popular young men. Froin boyhood he lias at- the station. Wednesday, April 3- ways commanded the highest'respect Rev. B. D. Boivin of CollegeTuft's Broke all Records and cinfiden(!e of ail who have had the aceppted the call to the pastorate of plea are of his acquaintance. He is a the Universalist church. All records for cold weather so late graduate of the Riverhead High in the season were broken Wednesday .,clicol. Soon after the United States John H-)wRrd's ho:ise and all its ce)n- night and Thursday. On Thursday af- Unt-ared the World War he enlisted in tents, at Mill Creek, were burned, tPrnoon the wind began to blow a gale the army and was stationed at a camp Dr. Won. H.'Van Nogtrand of Sag and it kept up all night and Thuraday, ��in the 'South. . I Harbor, formerly of this place, and and in the morning it registered 7 After the signing of the armistice he was active in Red Cross and peat .Miss Carrie Smith were married. above zero. Last Friday broke all,, war relief work and for several years Capt. Wm. W. Sands, proprietor of records for heat so early in the season, ha!-, served as ,er(_Aary of the River- Sou hold Hotel, died, aged 66 years, when the thermometer registered 70. 'head Lecture association. He is the eldes'. son of Mr. and Mr,% Mitchell The Republicans made the following The Southold High School will be purrs. who are among the most highly nominations for Town offices: Super- closed next week for the Easter vaca- rcspected residents of the'County Seat. visor, Dr. B. D.,Skinner; Town Clerk. tion. The members of the Senior Class The 'Riverhead 'Saving, Bank now Wm. Y. Fithian; Justice of the Peace, will take a trip to Washington, D. C. has total resources in exce.-s Of $1(),- Lewelen F. Terry; Assessors, Fred'k They will be chaperoned by Miss 000,000 and a surplus of about $1,- C. Beebe and Isaac N. Teed; Overseer Marion S. Terry, the Preceptress, and of Poor, John F. Fish, Com. of High. her sister. Miss Elizabeth A. Terry, of F. FickeisBen -has sold his stock of ways, L-ather B. Cox; Collector, Wm. Bloomfield, N. J. goods to Nathan Goldin and Samuel W. Sterling; Constables, James 8 ''Uernbers of the !Senior Class of Levine of Greenport. These gentle- Dewey, Detmold Reeve, Daniel W. S.. 11. played "Miss Molly" to a fair- Grattan, Wm. H. Turbush, E, sized audibnee in Belmont Hall last Chapman. Friday- evening, with great success. cost prices. Read their adv, in this The rain and uncertain road condi- week's paper, if you want to secure The Democrats.made the following tions kept inany People away, inuch some real bargains. I nominations for Town offices: Super- to their disappointment. The play visor, William A. Cochran; Town I may be repeated later in the spring. "Phil" Weekeseer has leased the Clerk, Samuel L. Bennett; Assessors, The roads are very much improved. ground floor of Gen. H. Stelzer's Prop- John T. Gallup and Otto P. Hallock; ft is possible to go over them now arty, where he will carry on his con- Overseer of Poor, George B. Preston- rather than through them as afore- fectionLry and ice cream business and Co,m. of Highways, Charle P time. "When and how I gat. stuck" Charles Betts; - distribute daily and Sunday papers. Collector, Edward M. Betts; Cansta- "low, but the concreting of roads has Alterations will be made at once to blas, Bryant L Young,Albert G. C se a , received a new impetus. make suitable accommodations, Wm. J. Boutcher,Howard Hallock. A Som4eof our si-ek people are Made The firemen's Ball glad to see Dr. 11. E, Stevens busy Suffolk Students at Capitol so widely again, though he still needs Joe. Wai This function, so long and teas for a chauffvac. Dr, J. W. Stokes The members of the graduating advertised, came off as per announce- has been so fortunate as not to have Iclasses of the Southold, Mattituck, Riv- merit on Tuesday evening, the 3d d Iiia activities eurtailed for wjl (ql the erbead, Huntington, Port Jefferson, inst., in fine shape- A large, enthl.191- ailing ones are very thankfifl. Moriches and Amityville High Schools, antic and well-pleased crowd filled the J. Irving Fanning will assume the with a number of friends, numbpring' dancing floor of Balmont Hall, and en- duties of Postmaster of Sedthold on 170 in all, left New York Monday I joyed the perfect time of the Music, a April Ist, and Postmaster Wm. A. morning in three special coaches, for little heavy in tone, perhaps, once in a Cochran will take Mr. Fanning's place Washington, D. C. While in Wash,,, while. Everybody seemed to be glad as Ags:st,int Post I master. ington the party will have accommoda- to see everybody else, and there was Our farmers have commenced plow- tions at the Hotel Driscoll, the Frank- more changing partners in the dances ing for potatoes. fin Square Hotel,and the George Wash- than is commonly observed—a desir- ington Ina. The first five days will be able feature, if sociability is to be pro- 1, Downs &ors to H G,Salm")iI, lot spent in the Capitol City, during which moted. one of the most striking and rial.j ialW of_S ISmith and Town (rpek, time Bide trips will be made to Mount well-advised features of the affair, in Tax $5.1 Vernon, Arlington National Cemetery, these days of high prices, was the 50 1Philip Weekesaer will move his con- Alexandria, and possibly to Annapolis. cent tickets, the 10 cent Plates Of fectionery and tobacco business tri, the The party will be greeted by Congress- crearn, and the 10 cent charge for coat Stelzer basement Saturday of this man Robert L. Bacon, in his office, and and hat checks. It really made one week, where be will continue the stile by Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Assistant think of old days and wonder if some of daily and Sunday papers, Secretary of the Navy. Arrangements feature of thein Might not return. The Richmond Hill, March 22 S will also be made to have the boys and Truck Company will realize a net re- wife Of Henry J. Brown' a Susan J., girls meet Secretary of State Charles turn for their efforts of about $125, summer I E. Hughes and President Harding, in resident of South Harbor', aged 791 for which they graciously thank the years. Interment at Southold. I case the latter has returned from his public. Mattituck March 21, Tyson Hamil_� Florida vacation. Congressman Bacon EASTER SUNDAY WAS THE ton Bond, 4ed 65 Years. Interment has prepared a personal courtesy card at Cutchogue. for each member of the Long Island COLDEST IN 50 YEARS Horse Cave, Ky., Mar. 23, Mrs. An party, admitting to any place or de-' According to the records of the B athel, mother of Miss Nancy Bethel, part�ent in Washington. Leaving Weather Bureau last Sunday was a former Principal of Southold Aca- Washington on Friday aft the coldest Easter in 50 years in demy, afternoon, the party will spend that night and all day this section of the country, which Saturday in Philadelphia, having ac- made it rather uncomfortable to Twenty-Five Years Ago commodations at the Bellevue-Strat- appear in the Easter dress parade q>44(5, 1�5y— ford Hotel. Saturday morning the in spring attire. Owing to the - Worth and family rnoved� e.rge L young people will be taken on an auto- fact, however, that many of the T_ h gue. mobile tour of the city and Fairmount fair sex in these days begin wear- Albert 1k,e�,tA. Folk of Chicago was visit' Park. They will enjoy a privately con- inti straw hats long before the ing Southold relatives, ducted trip through the United States winter season ends, Easter does not Miss E. B. Cady opened a millinery Mint, and will also be taken through mean so much as in the days of ,tore in the W. H. Terry building. the Curtis Publishing Company plant yore. Robert Maxwell and family moved to by special guides. The Saturday noon The freeze-up la.,l Wednesday New York. luncheon will be served in the Crystal damaged seed that had Ralph Booth agaiu entered the ern- Dining Room at the Wanamaker de- been cut preparatory to planting ploy Of H. W. Prince, and George partment store, after which those who and had not been protected from Simons took his place in F. T. Wells' wish will be taken on a complete tour the cold. It is not believed that store. of the store by stone guides. Leaving any damage was done to the spuds Grover C. Conklin was fireman on a at 5 p. m., the party will reach New that had been planted. steamer running between Huntington York on the return trip at 7 p. m. Sat- Misses Harriet Horton, Gertrude and New York. urday. koke, Marjory Hagerman and Marie The M. E. Ladies' Aid Societygav( The following members of the Senior (,Iiageii. Harry Case, Clement Dono- The Feast of All Nations in Belnont) Class have gone from the Southold hue, and Charles Gagen started for .f High School: Marie Gagen Marjorie Washington Monday morning, being Hall. Wells cele- Gertrude chaperoned by Misscs Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hagerman, Harriet Horton: Elizabeth Terry. prated their Crystal Wedding. Koke, Harry Case, Clement,Donahue and Charles Gagen. The Preceptress Druggist and Mrs. E. J. Barnard, of the Schonl, Miss Marion S. Terry, arekeeping house in part of Wm. H. Chester Rich accompanied his broth- and her sister, Miss Elizabeth A. Beebe's house on Boisaeau Ave, ers Fred and James on their return to school at Lawrenceville, N. J. He will Terry, of Bloomfield, N. J., accompany enroll sa a student with his brothers at the party. Our farmers have begun planting po- this fine private institution of learning. Itatoes. Albert Hipp &ons to Conrad Hii,i), t w s Bois! au ave, adi land of Louis Costumes &Songs of 30 Years Ago Mise Elise Ettlinger, so well-known edno:�;ki, Soudiold, DOM. here 4 few years ago while ataying Buckely, D C P & ono to i charnews, lot How can the audience and perform- with the Mitchells at the Albertson a Main rd adi land W JI Terry. Southold, ers get nearer together?" is one of House, visited her aunt, Mrs' William' $12;000 the important questions being asked to- Neuman, and Mr. Neuman, over the Dickerson has a daugh- day. Not only distance, but an icy week-end. trrchild to call "Bert" barrier seems to be between Stage I j-he ninth and the spectators. With the help of Mrs, Elsie E. Williams has sold her uth ld 12, Oliver V. Penney, �the people ail this is to vanish on the place near the Soldiers' Monument to 6" first night of "The Stolen Will." The Stacy, aged 7 Southold, Funeral services at I Thomas A. ta - Presbyterian church Thursday, at 2 p. audience is to have a delightful, jolly in. part in the revival of this play of thirty Samuel N Broadbent to Harold N E, L, I. Hospital, Greenport, March years ago, that is if it wishes to do so. F ,,roadhent, lot 106 map of Proposed 30, Frances Jane, widow of Willhsrn� It has been proposed (and thus far SubdiviSion, see B,Nassau Point Prop- Horace Case of Peconi(,, in her 87th acceded to with enthusiasm) that ev- el,tiew_ Inc.. Nassau Point, nom. year, interment at Southold. erybody who attends on the first night', Thomas H Quinn to John H Berry, Twenty-Five Years Ago (April 19), man or woman, wear a cos- Jr., lot w s Nobart ave adi 1,1nd 0i' ,4 tume of twenty-five or thirty years ago. L I Lightin-- Co,., Southold, tax, $2.00. Now to the attics and see what we can Zuhoski,-J & A,to J Zuhoski, 46a s s Middle As a result of the Town Meeting !find there! Graduating dresses, wed- election, the Republicans again made ading finery, work clothes, owned or d adi land i A Hallock, Cutchogue ..$12,0001 clean sweep in Southold Town, electingborrowedSouthold, April 10, at St. Patrick's every man on their ticket. , will answer. This is in Do- Church, by Rev. Father McGrath, Dr. This made wise compulsory. Ticket-holdem "a" Thomas A. Higgins of Jersey City, N. five Straight victories. On the local do just as they please, dress as they J , and Miss Josephine Loretta, daugh- option Provisions the majority for saloons was 1; majority against store- like, in old or present day dregs, but it ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Grattan is hoped strongly that everybody will of Southold. keepers, 42; majority for hotels, 48, come with heart a*tuned to enjoy thel Bay View, April 9, J. Nelson Dickin- and majority for drug stores, 483, fan, and ready to "let loose" in un- son, aged 80 years, 5 month@, 27 di I Steamer Montauk made three trips gloved hand-clapping. per week to the city. Theo. Hoinkis of Jamesport leased All, too, are requested to show fur- Twenty-Five Years A 0 ther that they are a part of the show #AV, 10(&4�0* /";A the Suuthold Hotel for two years. by joining in the old songs that will be William Bassett moved to James J. i The snow fell all day on Town Meet- ing Day. played by the orchestra. Gagen's place. Rev. H. Thus it is hoped that the first night D. H. Jackson moved to Mrs. R. L. W_ Byrnes was the new of "The Stolen Will" will be a tri- Downs' house at Creekside. pastor of the Southold M. E. church. umph such as seldom is witnessed in Our pound fiiiherman were putting in Rev. 13. K. Creed, the retiring pasto went to.Port Jefferson, r, Southold. Let us on this night throw their nets. off the shackles of reserve and enter The Epworth League held a memori, Win. A. Cochran, the Democratic heartily into an evening of old-fashion- al meeting in honor of P. R. Center- candidate for Supervisor, ran 659 ahead ed enjoyment, neighbors seeing and man and John Danz. Canter- of his ticket at the Southold poll. and greeting one another as they looked S. B. Corey, H. W. Prince and Gil- bunkers in their Pounds, thirty years ago and all joining once Bert H. Terry were elected Trustees of more in the good old songs. the M. E. church. X. E. Church Notes J. E. Corey was building a h.uso for ado Caroline M. Howell, late of South- John Howard at Mill Creek in place of old, gross, $25,270.87; iwt, $2t,312.67. the one recently destroyed by fire. He Sunday School at 10 a. m. The value of the bequests, each of also contracted to rebuild Thomas Hod- The other Sunday services will be the legatees receive follow: Harry G. gins' house, omitted, owing to the absence of the Howell, grandson, Southold, $10,-, pastor. (;52.34; Mrs. Sterling Woodhull, River-I Rev. H. W. Byrnes, the new pastor, head, $10,646.33; Mrs. Charles Morse,, filled the pulpit of the M. E. church. The Benevolence Collections of the South Jamesport, daughter-in-law, $7; Geo. J. Tillinghast moved to his church amounted to$927 the past year. Mrs, Harry G. Howell, Southold, $5; house in the eastern part of the village, The improvements in electrifying the Pauline G. Howell, great-granddaugh- church and parsonage and other im- lor, Southold, $2, The Board of Education voted to re- provemente amount to about$1800, engage the present corps of teachers— The earnings of the Ladies' Aid So- Mrs, Emily Heinmaller and Mrs.I Prin, S. S. Shaw and Missea Elizabeth ciety the past year amount to$1214, Clara Autenreitb of Manhattan were Benham and Margaret Deale. Rev. 0. T. Langicis will fill the pul- in Southold last week, visiting their Rev. Dr, J. N. Taft of Orient ad. pit of his old church at Amityville next brother, William Neuman,and his wife, dreo3ed the Local Temperance Society. Sunday. on Bay Ave. This was a familiar J. Albert Wells died, aged 61 years. Some time ago the Sunday school of neighborhood to them, as they boarded the M. E. church, R. T. Merwin, with "Aunt" Betsy Tuthill when she kept a boarding house in the place now John Berry, Jr., has moved into the Supt., donated $89 to the Near East owned by Mrs. Cornelia Stone. house on Hobart Av., recently purchas- Relief. Sixteen dollars were also Sent ed of Thomas Quinn. ti i the Five Points Miasion. d& tri , �•-w. ..A Y _- 1j BRIG( DRYING MACHINE Rev. Dr. S. H. Henderson of Ramp- Southold Fire Departme0t ton, Va., has been called to the pastor- ate of Shiloh Baptist church and will The annual meeting of the Southold Arshamomoque Yard Prepares for fill the pulpit every Sunday. Fire Department was held at the room Year 'bound Business The New York East Conference has of Protection Engine Co. on Saturday returned Rev. J. T. Langlois to the evening, April 21, 1923. Chief Nat E. A novel arrangement for dr its absence of y i pastorate of the Southold M. E. church, Booth Presided, and in the _ bricks quickly aed but thoroughly has p Secretary A. T. Dickerson, J. N. Hal- theinstalled in the brick yard of,. much to the delight of all our people. the Sage concern at Arshamomogue,, - lock acted in his place. anal by which the time ofd Maria L Bo,ih to William ll k,aulx eying has The report of'Treasurer L. W. Korn been decreased from three weeks toner, lot on Main st adi land of Joseph showed $68.62 received from foreign ,18 hours. ` M_Hartrarift_Southold, tax X3.00. fire insurance companies. Paid $6 86 The plan consists chiefly of steam P Dorothy G Bulkeley&ano to Edwaru for Fireman's Home and 34 cents for pipes in a building 150 feet long. The Kant, 1 acre adi land of Sereno Smith, n .42. bricks are carried to this building oar, Southold, nom. postage, leavig a balance of $61 an endless cable-type conveyor ana Out of this the Treasurer wasinstruct- stored on drying racks over the steam Dainirid,2e, L M & w to A C Atrorn, lot w pipes. The building has a capacitys Nassau Print rd, Nassau Point 'orn''ot w I ed to pay the rent for the Korn lot, for 50,000 bricks and contains 35,00which will be used this summer for the feet of piping, s an was installed 00 Wickham tease to tltrver W ruse, lot Carnival for the benefit of the Fire Edwin U. Tuthill of Greenport, the an Peconic Bay adi land of Clifford T Department. The balance will be left building having been erected by D. , Case, New •Suf-yolk, nom. Stanley Corwin. The new arrange- The-will of John N. Dickinson of in the treasury. ment also permits year-round work in Bay View gives his $2,000 estate to In the absence of Clerk of Elections brick making. his widow, Mary Louise Dickinson. Geo. C. 'ferry, S. Lester Alberts.m wasi Cutchogue, April i6, by Rev. F. tU, e:eeted in his place for the meeting. Dorothy Sayre Wins Beebe, Henry Ellsworth Case and Miss Chief Booth said the rules and reg- Aiice Brown Wolfe. ulations of the Fire Department should Among the candidates elected to car- N, Y, City, Apr. 11, at St. Matthew's be enforced. ry funds to France to rebuild the Church, Henry Purdon Sinclaire and A R Vail was elected Irsp iefor of homes, factories and schools destroyed Mrs. Mary Case Berresford, formerly Elections, and Chas G. Corey, Clerk. in the late war, Miss Dorothy Sayre, ! of South,+id. of Peconic and Garden City,stood fifth, Montclair, N. J., April 14, Charles The following officers were unani- having received 69,000 votes. The local van r yvt-rden and Mise Mary Alettha, mously re-elected - Chief Engineer, campaign committee sent in from the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H Nat. E. Booth; Asst. En,ghreer, Spencer district from Riverhead to Orient shout Rebinson of Montclair and Peconic. W. Petty; Secretary, A. T. Dickerson; 6800 votes. Riverhead contributed 900 Twenty-Five Years .Ago Treasurer, L. W. Ks,rn. votes, Mattituck nearly 1000 votes, j7'6y. .2-7 '" *4 /�57Y Minutes read and approved. Southold and Peconic about 2000 votes Congress adopted a resolution recog- - -�---- eaeh. Miss Sayre will start for France nizin the Cuban Republic, and we The old "Wharf House" at Southold; about May 1. y weren the eve of the Spanish-Ameri- lately known as "The Landing," was destroyed by fire early Tuesday morn- UNION CARPENTERS TO can War, !ng. The fire was not di:-covered until C'RARGE$7 DAY AFTER MAY 15 Engle Hook and Ladder Co. elect<aal it had gained such headway that be- At the last district council meet- the following officers: Foreman, Nich- fore the fire department could arrive ing of the United Carpenters' anal olas Carey; Asst. Foreman, Chas. TIN the flames were beyond control. The Joiners' Union, it was decided to Gordon; Sec., Louis Baumann; Tress„ fire started in the north east corner of establish a uniform wage of $7 per .Gen. A. Maier; Trustees, A. fl. Avail, the building away from the stove and day east of Patchogue, the increase L. W. Korn, Victor Overton. must have been smouldering some to take effr_t. on May 15, The car- penters breaking a�,e now receiving $6 per day At the annual meeting of the South- g o vi• in this tiyc` Un. old Fire District, it was voted to raise. Mrs. Emma Gaynor, who for sever- $y00 for expenses for the coming year. al years has successfully conducted Wm. H. Terry has resigned as Secre- the resort at Paradise Point had a five tary of the Board of Education of the John Singley was re-elected Fire Com- year lease on the wharf house and Southold High School, after more than missioner, and H. G. Howell, Clerk. was engaged in getting the building The following were elected officers of read Ito open as a tea room. Consider-I e quarter of a century faithful and ef-� y p ficient service. Wm. L. Williams has the Fire Department; Chief, A. R. able improvements had already been; been elected in his place. Vail; Aset. trhief, Gen. C. 'Perry; Sec., made to the interior of the building.' C. T. Gordon; Tress., A. T. Dickerson. The day before the fire 500 feet of Win the Lollies new lumber for the completion of the guess of 458, S, Edgar Hti"orec-:trativn has been begun work, had been stored the building. With an exact g g This lumber together with a large Tuthill of Peconic may claim his prize here by Harold Stone, who is placing 1;000 pine trees on tiffs property neo quantity of furniture belonging to Mrs. Gaynor, was also destroyed. by calling at the Southold Pharmacy. Long Island Sound. 'The State fur We hope Mr. Tuthill has a "licking', niches the tre which are about sig good time l inches in height. The Pine Neck road is. dosed Edna C Booth to Clement W Booth Work has been begun on Miss May do the work which `I1:ai ry '.Pr,thi l is ' Cases building„ preparatory to con- cloirig, building bulr;heatia anti a new lot adi lands of 11lartin Meyer, South- old Town, riom, venting it into a 'two-Family diwelling. � bridge over Jockey creek; a iuuch- __ Leslie Eldredge is doing the work, needed 7mpxoveiilent, Wrench 1-Helen Thompson 90. Algebra-Katherine Thomps.-)n 95A, Rensselaer G. Terry has bought the Biology-Katherine Thompson 90. old home place, corner of Hartan's Missionary soclety Eighth Grade Algebra-Flora Albert-1 Lane and the Main Road, and expecte ThA annual meeting of the Woman's son 93, Harriet Dickerson 90. to move there in the near future. This Missionary Society was held in the Eighth Grade Latin-Joseph Bond 92, was the Barnabas Horton lot, and the Parish House Friday afternoon. The Flora Albertson 91, Marguerite Ehr- house built on it by Mr. Horton about treasurer's report kh6wed that all fi- hardt 92. 1640 stood on it for about 225 years, nancial obligations had been met and a History-Joseph Bond 98, Charles being the oldest house in Southold'. It small balance was on hand Vreeland 90, was torn down by the late Dr. A. L. Offic-rs were elected no follows: The fallowing wtudenis in the whole: Sweet and the present residence erect. Pres., Miss Oriette M Corwin; tat Vi a schoo; are on the honor roll, which in- ed. The late D. P. Horton purchased C Pres., Miss Mary L. Dayton; 2d Vice eludes those who have an average of the place of DrSweet, and on his de. Pres., Mrs. May H. Hummel; 3d Vice 85 per cant or over for the entire quar- cease it was purchased by Mrs. Geo, C. Prep-, Mis. Robert Jetferson; Treas , ter, with no subject below 75 per cent: Terry, mother of the present purchas- Mrs. George 11. Terry; Sec , Miss Amy High School- Helen Thompson 89. er. The only thing connected with the H. Sturges; Sec. of Literature, Miss Katherine Thompson 87 past on the lot is the old well in front Mary L Dayton. Eighth Grade-Joseph Bernd 86 of UfeSeventh Grad --Louiqe Overton 88, 1 J. Leo Thompson has taken the con- Alice Bloomfield 87, Grace Vreeland 87. tract to build a six-room bungalow for Sixth Grade-Evelyn Van Wyck 90, i:.yICKLAYERS IN DEMAND AT WAGES OF X12 PER DAY Fred Fickeisaen on his recently Dur- Helen Dickerson 89, Francis "Thompson The most lucrative trade in this chased lot in the western part of the 88, Alice Downs 86, Frances Gordon 85. section at the present time is that village, Firth Grade-Esther Booth 90, Marie of bricklaying. Bricklayers on the At the Presbyterian Church last inn- Doherty 89, Horace Symonds 89, Nor- new HIgh school building in River- day morning the congregation voted in een Wiseman 89. Walter Williams 88, head are receiving $12 per day. In favor of holding the church services by Robert Gagen 86. order to rush the work on the new Fourth Grade-Norma Van W ck 91, building, being constructed at the daylight saving time, commencing next w receiving plant of the Radio Cor- Sunday. Anna Z weski 89, Leta Ehrhardt 88, poration of Amea.ca at RiversideJerome Grattan 88, Rosemary Grattan' bricklayers are being paid $12 per Commencing next 'Monday the Bay 87, Bertha Hipp 87, Muriel Young 86, day and it is said that considerable View School will be conducted by day- Clifford Wiseman 85, Georgians Step- difficulty is being experienced by light saving time. noski 85. the contractors in obtaining a suffi- cient number of mechanics at that Commencing next week, the Bank of Third Grade-Rensselaer Terry 93, high figure. Plasterers at the west Southold will be open from 8 a. m to 4 VyAilliam 'ilililliame 93, Carol Gomez 91, end of the Island and in Brooklyn and New York are reported to be P. m•, with no intermission at noon. Pauline Albertson 9t, Agnes Z rbroski acceiving•as High as $25 per day- ill94, Margaret Kart 89, Mary Butler 88, The Public Library woperate on Fannie O'Visianik 88, Joe Savage 86, Daylight Saving time. Joe Ostroskie 86. Men's Bible Class Daylight Saving will go into effect Second Grade-Lloyd Dickerson 91, The men's meeting held in the M. E. neat Saturday night at 12 o'cl(ck. Terry Jennings 90, Edgar Smith 90, Sunday School room Sunday afternoon Bidwell, B 'v to E x Brown, tot n a rd ado Beverly Gordon 89, Anne Thompson 89, was a great success. A Men's .bible �land N x©rton, BaYview ...............to,otia Dorothy Howell 88, Charles Bennett 87, Constane: Terry 87, Ethel Conklin 86, Class was organized, .starting with a B,rouidyn, April 12, Joseph Wallace' Ruth Christiansen 85, Vincent Droskos- membership of twenty. The following i'YR.acAipin'j and Miss Edna DeForest officers were elected: Pres., Wm. A. Horton, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. ki 85, Clarence Tillinghast 85. Wella; Vice Pres , B. B. Tuthill; Sec., George Edwin Horton, formerly of First Grade--William Grattan 93, Ed- Southold. na Dickerson 93, Pauline Howell 93, Fred Case; Tress., Teunis Bergen There were speakers from Bridge- MOI,RI~:LL.-Miss Lois Morrell, Robert Romanski 93, Daniel Bridge 92, hamptun and Cutchogue besides the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mor- Henry Romanski 92, Gecrge Ostroskie local speakers, and a good sing was en- rell of Cutchogue, died at the Holts- 89, .lohn Grattan 88, Sylvia Payne 88, joyed by all. ville Sanatorium, Monday, April 23rd. Elizabeth Jennings 88, Shirley Risher Funeral services were held at her 88, John Bednosky 86, Laura Kramer Next Sunday morning County Supt. late home in Cutchogue, Wednesday 85, Edwin Lucey 85. Harry Weeks, from Patchogue, will afternoon and were conducted by her The following named students had speak to the Men's Class and it is hop- pastor, Rev. F. G. Beebe. - perfect attendance for the quarter, ed there will be a good turn-out. IAs a result of the regular quarterly having ben neither absent nor tardy: FREI) CASE, SEC. examinations which were held recently High School-Helen 'Thompson. The total net receipts of "The Stolen In the Sou4hold High.School, the follow- Grade Eight-Bernice Simons, Harry Will" entertainment at Belmont Hall log pupils attained an average of 90 per Weygand. .;last Thursday and Friday evening were, cent or over: Grade Five-Marie Doherty, Helen about$210. The Society's share of the English 4-Marjorie Hagerman 91. Romanski. Greenport production was about $70. English 2-Helen Thompson 91. Grade Four-Hedwig Weygand, Jo- English I-Katherine Thompson 9'2, septi Satkoski. Clara Tuthilrgo. Grade Two-Lloyd Dickerson, Edgar History A-Frances Overton 90. Smith, Jennie Smith. History B-Helen Thompson 91, __(}rade One_-Elizab,eth Jennings,, By a vote of 176 to 4. it was voted to Twenty-FiVO Years Ago Annual School meelinq wirchase of the M. C. Cleveland Estate The Annual School Meeting of School one acre of land adi.)ining the present I Dist. No. 5 was held in the school build- school property on the south- Christopher Leicht rented the J. E. For member of the Board of Educa- Bly farm. special news- special Tuesday evening. Aside from tion for three years in place of H. E. The L. 1. R. R. ran a ape special school meetings held for the Vo'sseau, Mr. Boisscau received ninety- paper train, arriving here at 9 a. In. purpose of building new school houses, Beni. F. Moore caught over 100.000 three votes and J. Leo Thompson nine- One it was the most largely attended of any bunkers in his pound this spring. school meeting ever held in Southold, ty four, morning he took out 60,000. All the It was really a contest between the ad- For rnemb-r.of the Board of Educa- tion for three years in place of Nat. E. 1 pound fishermen were doing well, bereats of Standard Time and Daylight outh, Mr. Booth received eighty-five The road through the meadows West Saving Time arid the friends of both 13 of Mill Creek was being widened. times were out in full force. The votes and Albert W. Albertson one Albert B. Tuthill of Peconia was aP- school has always been run on Standard hundred and three. William L. Williams was re-elected a pointed overseer of Poor in place of Time. Last week a largely-signed pe- member of the. Board for three years Arthur W. Turbu8b, deceased, jitibn of parents of children attending In Southold Lodge, 1. 0. Q. F., celpbrat- !school was presented to the Board of without OpPosition- Chairman Terry spoke at length on ed the 79th anniversary of the founding Education, asking that the school be of Odd Fellowship in America. By a plans for an addition to the school ran on Daylight Saving Time. H. Henry Halterman and Miss Louis vote of four to three the Board declined building, to cost from$50,000 to$60,000, Josephine Farrar were married, that had been drawn by Tooker & to accede to the petition. The follow- s., 11$50,000 is voted, lag resolution was then presented and Marsh, Architect 20-year to the Soidw­ I the additional tax rate for a 'M�Th 11striiel 'nu�rnl "it carried: School to convene at Sz a. W. , receiving considerable recess at 11:20 a. period will be approximately .35 and attention. 'Thomas 'Stacey will Put in Standard Time, noon If $60,- shape Williams place which he rp- m., school reconvene at 12;50 1), m.,. then a point lower each year. )c the W school to close at 3:45. Two of the re- 000 is raised,the additional tax rate wiAntly bought. Leo Thompson will tiring members of the Board, E. E. be.46, to reduce a point and a half a Icieonuildthe'a bungw Willis alofor Fred Fred.Miss EFickeislsie sen Boipseau and Nat. E. Booth, voted in year. The plan3 call for a two-story IHortot. �Galloway's house is moved and being favor of koeping the school on Standard addition on the north, to be connected I improved. Emmett Young is rehab- with passageways with the old build- ilitating the old Case s where, other retiring member, =e a wife. Time, and the seating it is rumored, be will pieces Win, L. Williams, voted in favor of inti, containing an auditorium, Leslie Eldredge is tearing to changing to Daylight Saving Time. 400 people, and six class rooms, princi- and "modeling the old Case store for Mr. Buisseau and Mr. Booth were de- Pal's office and teachers' room, both a two family house for its owner, heated by one steam Miss May Case, so with the two new [sated for re-election by a close buildings to be William nisrgi!,, Mr. 13oisseau by one vote, No plant. It was v Willi,m voted as the sense of houses of Raymond Terry and of the Wells on the hither side of "The one was nopiriated against Mr. Wil- the ITILeting that the plans Run," there is considerable improve-1 l liarns, There was no question of the Board b� approved and that a special ment in a quarter mile stretch. I school mr�eting be called to vote on a faithfulness of the service Messrs. Boisseau and Booth have rendered the proposition to bond the district for a The Southold Community Dramatic District, it was simply a question of 20-year period to erect the proposed ad- Club presented "The Stolen Will" at the Riverhead Auditorium last Friday difference of opinion of the people in I dition. regard to Time. By a vote of 117'to 52, it Was voted night before a packed house, the total The meeting was called to order by I that commencing May ad the school be receipts being$325.' The play was giv F. K. Terry, President of the Board of 1conducted on time t,) correspond with en undersClub,the auspicesSouthold'of thea Rireceiverheadpts Education, and on motion he was elect. Daylight Saving Time. Woman' net ed chairman, Clerk Win. L. Williams At a meeting of the Buard of Educa- were$125. recorded. Win. A. Wella acrd Raymond t,on, held •af Ler the meeting, Harry Christopher J. Urattan is moving his Jeiinings presented his resignation as a Hummel were mp�winted tellers. They I stock of goods from the Hartratiftstore FAICIIc- assisted in their work by Gen. C. member of the Board of.Education. to the Brick Store, which he will Boon J,L4ry, J. H, L,2hr, A, 1'. Dickerson and open. 1� it G. Terry. 't, April 2, by Rev, It. R. Call for the meeting was road by the The total receipts of "The Stolen Greenpor Will" production, given at Library Roberts, O'iver Robinson Horton of Gl�rk. �Hall, Matttituck, Wednesday evening New Suff,4k and Miss Nellie Gertrude Minutes of last meeting .--- and — I Horton of Southold. I — I proved. under the auspices of Raymond Cleaves W. D. Faulkner has kindly donated Treasurer's report read and accepted. post., 'A. L., were $268. The play the two buildings now standing acro"a The qualifications of voters was read went off as -smooth as silk" Find the le of Mattituck and vicinity were 4. e street from Mrs. Faulkner's to people by the chairman. the Town Harbor Park I o help repla n The regular budget for school ex- well pleased. This completes the tour tl-e one lately destroyed by fire. The p,�nses, calling f.or total expenses of of the Southold Dramatic Society' L. V. 1. S. is to look ouL for tbeTr., a-1 $23,850, and tutul receipts of $6,400, The presentation of this old play has see they are kept insured. It is ';ri lep.,,irig $16,950 to be raised by tax, was been a great success in all the villages further improvements may be -riade it.has been played. at this most desirable part of t1l carti�d by a unanimous vote. Town's property. Twe'PitY-FiVO Years Ago i Beginning Sunday, May 13 = Churches, School and Banks Split a Booth, violinist, will aa;-fiat the A. B. 'Gordon went as fireman on fist and choir of the Universalist church la Daylight Saving steamer Menantic. at the morning services. Peaceable Southold is having a Benj. G. Conklin returned from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Clark have bloodless but interesting little war all Huntington, where he had been assist- �m,)ved from South Norwalk, Ct, to its own. The village is more split up ing his brother George. 'Southold and are occupying rooms in on what time it is than any other vil- The Town Assessors rented Gomez's the home of their parents. lige in the county, so far as reported. One church, the Methodist, sticks to Hall for their meetings, I The Board of Education has rented God's time; another church is con- The big run of bunkers was over and!Ithe small building in the rear of the ducted a la Daylight Saving; one our pound fishermen were not doing Albertson House to a family of col-R bank operates on Daylight Saving, very well. ored people. while another sticks to Standard, and E,d ward J. Butler and MrA. Sadie it goes. ;alis Helen Cochran is playing the Last week when the annual school Williams were married. organ in the M. E. church very ac-meeting was held the taxpayers oust- Michael Sweeney and Miss Nellie F. ceptably during the temporary indis-ed two of the Board of Education 1,e- McCabe were married. position of Miss Ruth Langlois. cause, after having had presented to Mrs. Wm. E. Bragraw, formerly of Score again for our Academy. C),,,it a liberally signed petition asking 4outhold, died at Jacksonville, Fla. of its graduates, Miss F101-C110 that the school be conducted on the Strasser is doing office work for Ca=r Daylight 'Riving variety the Rovrd win and Vail at Riverhead. refused and continued the school on Standard Time—and then after oust- New Town Park Building Theodore Barnard of Rochester will ing, or refusing to re-elect the nien who Everyone interested in building a new assist his brother, E. J. Barnard, -113 the wanted to stick to Standard Time, taxpayer, almost un-iiiniously Park House at Town Harbor Park, in the Southold Drug Store, voted to request the new Board of place of the one recently destroyed by, The. S. L. Albertson and Co. has Education to conduct the school on fire, is urgently requested to be pres-1 sold both the Christiansen and the the time now most in vogue through- ent at a public meeting to be held at'l Edward Fogarty places on Bay View out the East, and the school is so be- the rooms of Protection Engine Co. on to Edward U. Brown. Mr. Br6wn has ing conducted. aIF-,o bought, the Geo. Bidwell place. Although there are three kinds of Saturday evening of this week, at 8 time, Standard, Daylight Saving and o'clock D. S. If the sentiment of the Hereafter the Southold Drug Store Muddle Time, ail, hand,; a, ecd lar- people is favorable, a special meeting will be open all day on Sundays. week not to let such a mix Ftp ititor- of the Park District will be called to Christopher J. Grattan is now in- fere with any-old-time the Methe.lists .,,w fit to ring the supper bell at one vote on a proposition to build a suitable stalled for business at the Brick Store. of their delicious church suppers—so building. PARK COMMISSIONERS. Elsie E Williams to Th- - ' when the MethodistsMethodistssaid supper was onims A ready about half the village and a lot Mrs. Jane Bryan and her son, Don �Stacy &w, lot on Main St, adj land of of outsider., sat down, and each and Southold. Ti_, %7 Whitcomb, were here over Sunday, to.I Oliver A Mayo. 50 called the supper good, see one of our most cherished nona- genarians,Mrs. Susan T. Salmon,-whoTprry, R G & w to R P Booth, lot 7 Hunt- is in very good health. Mrs. Bryan tinghurst, Southold ...................$4,500 Blanche Pickert In Southold is vice principal of a large Broolrlyn � Peterson, F D & I to T 0 Beek,-' 1,f , On Thursday evening, June 7th, the school and Don is teacbing applied rd adi land W M Beebe, Catchogue ...'.'.n 0M a 11 mechanics. Blanche Pickert Stock Co. will play in There is a inoven-lit on foot to put Belmont Hall, under the auspices of The fire-alarm siren now blows at 12 up an adequate building at Town G. T. G. Post, A. L. They will offer m. daylight or 11 a. m. standard, and harbor Park for .summer use. The "The Storm." a forceful, human dra- buildings offered by W. D. Faulkner 12 m standard or 1 p. m. daylight. Avill not be suitable, ma of the great woods. The play will Take your choice as to the dinner hour. Will Newbold's house has been be presented in every detail just as it The siren is neutral and wants to please shingled over, new window sash put was originally produced. Without re- everybody, in land the trim painted. gard to the expense, Manager Wilcox The total net 'receipts for the South- has arranged by procuring a special old Community Dramatic Society of NEW HOTEL OPEN electrical equipment to effect the vivid -The Stolen Will" were $405. The The old Burr Homestead, which has forest-fire scene which startled theatre. old play waa a big success financially, keen known in late years as the Nas- goers who witnessed the play during .,an Point Club, has been entirely re- its recent sensational ran on Broadway, an well is in every other way. modelled and refurnished as a modern The Pickert Co. have altered their Miao Marion S. Terry, Preceptress hostelry, and the owners, The Nassau schedule for the week of June 7th, sac- of the Southold High School, having Point Club Properties, Inc., opened the season on May 5 with H. Weslev, rificing their date in Greenport Qr the declined a re-election, has secured a merly of Sherry's of New York' for- City, special benefit of G. T. G. Post.'z-Tick- position as Teacher of English in the in charge. Tm his famous old Iandmark eta will be on sale soon. Dancing,with on N Great Neck High School. is situated in a secluded spot sau Point, yet bathing, boating, fish- saw Music.will follow the play. high School Principal, Lewis Blod. ing, golf and tennis are at hand, and Christopher Grattan with his stock. geft anid the place is easily reached from the ad assistants, Joseph Cannaw wife will move into a part of Sunrise Trail running to Orient Point, Dr. Er-in anft's house it having berm George Horton are all installed in the ' The management is especially fitted up for double it , cater- Blodgeff ', out in a new car. ing to week-end and automobile par- brick store, ready for the business or ties. furnishing t1in where-with-all to sat- Bay �"iew election was quiet. riow- isfy the necessities of the inner man. and H, Terry, TFUstee; Wm. Acksin, Clerk; G. C. Koke, Treasurer. tionally low prices, going as low as t;uof administration rlgurea up to X66,- r cents a bag after bringing as high as i "lfty Years ,Ago,'�'j.�' 513.97, the papers show, $3 a bag early in the season. Cucum.t Arthur H. Terry entered Yale Col- Stock in Publishing Co. $90,100 bers have also been so low that the lege. growers have not received enough to The bulk of his personal estate is pay them for the trouble of picking. Jesse L. Case began his Senior year made up of 1,700 shares of stack in One grower, who sport two hours at Yale College. the Harry Lee Publishing Co., which packing and paeking two bushels of William H. Wells entered the Uni- were appraised by Hiram A, Baylis "eukes" received the sum of .50 cents versity of the City of New York. of Huntington and Frank A. Burling net. Green corn ;has netted :gime of of Southampton as worth $53 per the growers less than .half a cent an of W Belle Terry entered Packer share, making a total valuation for ear. Green tomatoes are selling for Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn. this stock of $90,100. Iii addition to about 50 cents a bushel and squash is Rev. Epher Whitaker preached his this stock his personal estate was bringing a small price. The same is 24th anniversary sermon as pastor of made up of $2,271.58 cash in banks,� true of other vegetables. the Southold Presbyterian Church. C27 shareof Suffolk. stocks 20 shares of GardenT 0Cit ! Southold, Sept. 3, by the bride'a' William F. Whitaker entered on his Bond & Mortgage Co. stock; 5 shares father, Rev. E. L. Conklin, Maxwell last year at Union Theological Semin_ of Osborne Trust. Co.; 18 shares A. Alvord biller of Freehold, New Jersey, I ary. T. & T.; 8 shares New York Tele- and Miss Alice Louise Conklin of South- , phone Co.; 2 bonds of the American old and Derby Line, Vermont. EAST END LEAGUE Bond & Mortgage Co.; 10 shares Na-i tional Bank, Riverhead,; 15 of the l Twepty-Five Years Ago o- Long Island State Bank; a small sum "New York State Republicans STANDING OF THE CLUB'S �in jewelry and two motorcars. Most, nominated Benjamin B. Odell for Gov. of the debts owing by him consisted i Won Lost P.C. of notes—about $20,400. ernor and Timothy L. Woodruff for it Mattituck 14 4 .778 Lieutenant Governor. The Democrats East Hampton . 12 5 ,705 Review Plant $101,000 nominated John B. Stanchfield for Gov- Southold 108 „556 For the purpose of arriving at the ernor and William F. Mackey for Lieu- Southampton 9 9 500 value of the stock in the harry Lee , . tenant Governor. Greenport Co. the appraisers figured l Greenport . . . . , 7 11 .389 the real estate connected with the; Large quantities of potatoes were Hampton Bays . 1 16 ,059 Riverhead plant at $48,000; the shipped from here at 50 cents per bu, equipment, $34,004; accounts- re Only two persons went from here to RESULTS SEPT. 12 ceivable, $14,618.27; and cash, $4,-' the Firemen's Tournament at Linden- Southold b Southam ton 4 I 137.93, making a total of $101,129.51, p and after deducting the accounts pay- burst. Mattituck 5, Greenport 4 able and notes it is figured there was E. Leicht and family moved from Eist Hampton-Hampton Bays ant ng a ui $$85ton 8 8t s .47, he equity i uin Mattittheuck to the Villefeu cottage in Postponed the western part of the village, and the equity in the Bay Shore plant is $5,833.89. The good will was Mrs, Alice Evans of N. Y. City pur- Joseph Hewitt of Jamaica closed his appraised at $5,000. chased the Wm, E. Booth place at Riding Academy at Albertson's stables Willow Hill. on Tuesday, after a very successful Mrs. Wm, H. Tuthill sold her place season. He intends to return here next gwL �Flve Years p on Bay Avenue to Arthur G. 'Stone of year, J. N. 11allock was renominated for J Brooklyn for$3,000. Member of Assembly fir a third term. I Miss Jennie Baker was teaching the I Miss f£. Bergamini has returne�I to The rest of the Republican ticket was II Locust Grove School, her school duties in N. Y. City, after as follows: State Senator, Wm. M John A. Bliss was building a brick spending the summer at her Southold McKinney; County Clerk, Salomon barn in place of the one destroyed by I home oil Horton's Lane. Ketcham; Coroner, Dr. John Nugent, Etre. Charlewo Southold, Sept, 13, Earle A. Cochran, prizes atathe CountyT. GordnFairn seven first Mr, and Mrs. Paul Taylor left for aged 37 years. Porto Rico, where Mr, Taylor bad a _ A large quantity of seed oysters was Position as a government teacher, F One of the transfer tax appraisals I being caught in the Sound off Horton's The annual reunion of Co. H, 127th °r' which the public has been consid• Point. Regt., N. Y. Vol., was held in the M, erably interested, filed a few days ago Miss Bila Skidmore entered her E. church in the Sarrogate's Court here, con second year at the Jamaica Normal parlors, Southold. Over cerns the estate of the late Harry Lee fifty were present. of Riverhead, who dropped dead in 'School. Mrs, Catherine Wells died, aged 80 his flower garden a few months ago. Hopping Bros, were moving the old years. The formal papers fix the ap M. E. parsonage to Win. H. 'ferry's praised gross value of his estate at lot. Mr. and Mrs. Israel P. "ferry and Mr, $133 ,191.58, and the net value, all of 3 goes to his widow, Clara Lee, Misses Hettie Hartrarift Edith Prince and Mrs. Harry G. Howell are taking i placed at $96,672.61. Upward of and Hattie Van Dusen entered Pen- ian auto trip through New York State $"I1,000 is taxable, and on this an in- aington Seminary, New Jersey, + tante sa s f $1 83.45 usual ren The school tax rate was .24. this weak, with Niagara Falls as their Levi tl within a Thomas C. Bennett died, aged 73 destination. bate of 5 per cent if paid wit certain time. years. Miss Marjorie Hagerman is teachingMr. Lee's personal estate was ap, Baa C at Cutchogue this year. praised at $119,563.58 and his realty at $17,000. ,This is his home place in Riverhead. The debts and expenses _..