HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntting Scrapbook Vol. IV 0~% - ~', '~. e~)~ TWENTVrFIVE YEARS ,A(IO[! ,; : The Tilden and Kendrioks Olub was ~ addressed by J. Wiokham ease in dough.: :old'~alL Tho Oounty Fair was the hes~ ~ver hpld, G ~ahn's now house was hs~ approach. T~qENTY- ~IV~ YEARS A~Ol~r ~awkins ~, ~L Diakinaon was employed tel teach I~he Locust Grove sohool, ] . ~he, winter term of the Bay Vmw]Soomty was school: was to open on Nov 6~h with Or- ]oaob, Henry ~ ' ~ Y H~ Ook, ~be~totlOwia~ were ~be o~oe~e eleo~ J e~ ~o be o~ A, R. 'Vail; W. A,, Mrs, A, IL Yail; S., Mfrs. Julia L, 0onklin; A, R, J, Bookley; F. ~., Berj, L, Prince; Troas,,'P. ~, Cantormon; Ohap,, O, Weeks; Assr, Oon,, Ettie Tuthill; I. B,, Lucy 8iiugle~; O, ~., ~ras~us Griffith. Oarpe~ator8 wore engaged tn making extensiw~ Mtorations in W, O. Albert- sea's store, An addition of ton fee~ was ma~o to tho roar nad the whole building w~ ma~e ~wo stories in height, The hO~'qt_ .~tory ~as partitioned off into dwelling apnrtmen~ for Mr. and Mrs. Albertson, The first snow of the season I~ll Sunday morning, Tho first frost was seen on ~he preoedlng Tu~day, day was pleasant and warm, but iu the nigh~ tho wind changed, and rain began to fall[ ~hioh soon tamed to hail and about 4 & ~ Sunday to snow, which oontiuue~ to hll until mid forenoon, when it had attained an inch ir depth, Icicles iormod during the day, Item I. I ~ayos epoke before the [.~ayos.~nd Wheeler Olub a~ Peoonio ~ H-alri~-'~a afternoon and Mr. ~aye~a~d Gel. ~. B, ~horpo gave addressee In Universalist ohmoh iu the evening. Tho ~opublioaas of the First gressio~al District nominated John ~King for Oongressman, and tho Demo. orate ncminated James W. Oovort, The ~spublioans of Suffolk nominated the following ticket: bet of kssambly, Mos~ ~. Smith,Bmigh- town, ~heriff, George W. Oooper, tituok;Ooun~y Olork, Orville B. Aoker. ly, ~ixerhead; Huperintendent of Poor, 8tephou ~, Williams, Amityville; ~too of Beasions~ Henry H, Preston, Shel~r IMand, subdued tile dldiugs were uninjured, 31ab was ad- [ N. Y, Oily, } drawn from at Oounty E. Overlon, otter, David r, Vlotor H, Club by Charles given by F, Tathill ~ee repro:ted sad it was d by tax to tho ensuing elated Road triote of Lhe ¥oungs; tg; 4, Osmn'n , Albert Ah n; 8, J,H. 10, Geo. O, 19 Ezra L, ~so; 14, Wm, Herren; lO, ~bas Garvey; B. Tathil, 91. F. fi.s- Terry; 28, Wells; 25, · W, Ilobin. secrets made Member of ~f lk~,~ ttituok I ;~heriff, Wa, II. Monfort, of Huntington; · lOounty Olerk, Wm. H ]Kctohem, of Riverhead; Supt. o! Poor, Woodhu ~kidmore, o[ Babylon; Justice of Sas. Ideas John B. Huntting, of 8mi~htown, 'WENTY - FIV2 .YEARS .A(]O~ Albcrlsou Cese, Ecq., addressed tho 'ilden and Hondrioks Olub of Green' port, Houthold and Peoonio wets well rep- resented at tho Oouuiy 8uuday Oonveution at Bag Harbor, Eugene HMiook, of ~or~hvi{Io, aud Francis Brill, of Matiituok, ad,reseed tho Tilden and Heudrioks Club at~outh- old Hall Wm. R. Clover returned home, hear- ty and robust, after a four weeks' stay at St, Mark's Hospital, ~. ~. Oily, ~ The Prinoipa Gl Sou~hold Academy ~offered a form's tuition free to the pupil {o~ District ~o. 5, who maintained ~ ina the year ti{e best claudius in deport. { meat and scholarship. These who had ~ been out t ~d to tho above during the pas~ three years were Jennie Halmon, 0atria Kern and J~sie Boiaseau, ~ra. Mary Tillinghast's house was fi~st approaohtug completion, O. ~, Hommol purchased the trot~iug holB% White Oloud, Prauk said he Gould trot somew{mro between ~:99 and 8:97 William ~, Whilakor was engaged to suppy the pulpit of tho Brtdgehnmptou presbyterian church ~or six mouths,' ~ His o~diuation was to take place at the ~ meeting of the P,esbytery in ~ovembor, ~ k Tilden and ~eudtioka hauser was {uuturled au~ was attached to trees on ~he premises et Israel Peek an~ David lA, Jeuniugs, It was painted by J. H, 0ochres, tho Republicans held a mass ma~t ug iu the vicinity et the church. Morgan ~orgau8, of Out- { ohogue was chairman of tho meetiug, { Addresses were made by Gen. Btuart ~ Woodford and John A King, nominee Bouthold, Ook ~8, at souage, by ~ev. ~, ~ ~iler, David W, t Wobb, of Oreeuport, and Miss Cora . daughter of Mr, and Mrs, B T, ; t et Peoouio. Btouy ~rook, Oak 22, at tho home of tile bride s putouts, by ~ov. Archdeacon golden of Bt, James Episcopal church, W lliam Bmlmou et Peoouio, aud 0arrle 0apitola, daughter ol Mr, aud Mfs, Walter B, Bherry. '~orth Byraouso,, ~, Y, Oct. 17, at the hem6 of tho brido8 parents, by tho {W, O, MoKuight, Fred B, Oorey, ~l ]~teO~pot~, aBd ~1~8 Florence Ab ]~arretL ................... TWENTY,,- FIVI~ YEA[ The Tilden and ttondrioks Olub addressed by J. Wlokham Ouse in South. ' old'Hall. The Oounty Fair was tho best ever held. · G 'Hahn'a new hesse w~s fast approaoh. mg oomple[lon, A young ~on of S~lvester Hawkins had his arm broken while play ng "~'1:~ Local Tom~eranae Saoia~y ~dffi'os~ed by Rev, T, O, Boaoh. Henry Hun[ting, Samuel Weeks, D, ~. H~llook, and D, T, Gonklin, . A atraw stack in the rear of Mrs, Gaffga's house was discovered [o bo on fire and before i~ ooald be subdued the a~aok, barn and other out-buildings were destroyed, Tho house wa~ uninjured, The Hays, and Wheeler 01nb was ad. 'dressed by Win, H, ~ago, of N, Y, 0i~y, The following ~arora were drawn from ~' %utbold Town ~o ~ervo a~ Oounty Oourt: Lu~herO~x, Ohas, E Overran Bevj E Mull, Bani ~. Pot~or, David A. Pe~ty, Daniel Broderiok, VieWer H. ~xWofis, Jonailmu H, Boissoan, Marous ~led a fi,in bauner~ painted by ~reen. An addres~ wa~ given by · 'At thesehoo meeting A, F, Tathlll ated Trustee The Trustees reported 4~alanao of $168 on hand and it was ~oted to raise $650 additional by mx to ~lefray tho oxpeaae~ for the ensuing ~ o following were ap ointed I)~.~ears in ~he aevaral distrio~s of the ~O~n[ 1, James Hoary Youngs; ~; 6, Bnel 0orwin, 0, Alber~ ~%~C~u: 9, O, D, Elmer; 10, Geo. ~n,oO~ ~ Waters; 10, Ira B ~a~hill, ~ arvey W, Howell; 21, F. Aa. 'V~i~I; 2z, Joshua W. Terry; ~(a~ a~eriok; 2t, Joseph Wells; 25, u~l~look; 26, Goo, W, nobin~ -,~12~ ~l~minations: ~embor od Sheriff, Win, H Monfort, of Huntington;. Uoun~y Olerk, Win, H Ketoham, ~Riverhead; Supt, of Poor, Woodhull/ ~kidmore, of Babylon; Justt~ of TWENTY- FIVE YEARS AQO 5 Albertson Case, E~q., addressed the Tildenand Heedrioks Club of Green' port. Southold and Peeonio wore well rep- resented a~ the Oounty Sunday School Convention st Sag Harbor. Eugene Halleck, of r/orthville, and Franais Brill, of Mattituok, addressed tho Tilden and Hendrioks Club atSou~h. cia Hall Wm. H. Glarer returned home, hear. ty and robust, after a four weeks' stay at St, Mark's Hospital, 51. Y. Oily, The Principal of Southold Academy ~,ltered a term's tuition free to the pupil of DietriotHo. 5, who maintained dur-. ina the year tho best standing in deport. meat and scholarship, Those who had been entitled to thc above during the pest three years were Jennie Salmon, Omrie Kern and Jessie Boissnau, l~[¢s, l~ary Tillinghast's house was fast approaching nompletion. G. P. Hommol purohasod the fad trotting ho~s", White Cloud. rranl~ said he could trot somewhere between 2:99 and 8:97 William E. Whitaknr was engaged to supply tho pulpit of tho Bridgehampton Presbyterian ehurnh /or six months,' Ilia ordination was to take place at the meeting of the Presbytery in November, A Tilden end Hendrioks banner was unfurled and was attaohed to trees on the premises of Israel Peek and David A, Jenniegs, It was painted by J. ft. 'Ooolirafi, Sr. £ho Ropublloans held a mass meetieg in tho ¥ioinity of the Universalist church, Morgan ~organs, of Out- thegns, was ohairma~ of tho meeting, i. ddresses were made by Gen. Stuart Woodfnrd and John & King, nominee for Oongrees, Hilor, David W. port, and Miss Dora daughter of Mr, and Mrs, R. T. Metre I, of Peoonio. Stony Brook Oct, 22, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. Arohdesoon Holden of St, James Episcopal church, William Salmon~ of Pooonio, and 0arrio Oapttola, daughter of Mr. and M~'s, Walter B, Sherry. North Syracuse, iq, ¥, Oat. 17, st the home, of the bride's parents, by thc Rev, O, MoKnight, Fred B, Gutsy el and Miss Florence Abby