HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/2011I 7/1/2011 July, 2011 MONTHLY REPORT Road Inspection Investigation Investigation NatureDAMON RALLIS ZONINGstatus INSPECTOR Town BUILDING DEPT. MS4? Property Owner Name Illegal Housing Tickets Issued Greenport Palencia Illegal Sign New Complaint Cutchogue Best Property Maintenance New Complaint $outhold Romano IPaperwork INature IStatus ITown Ticket Creation Monthly Report for TB Milage Sheet Palencia Complaint for TA Palencia Complaint for JC Palencia Complaint for TA Palencia Complaint for JC Update Complaint File Time Sheet IPhone Complainant Attorney Brian Cummings (Planner) CPS Complainant IProperty Owner Name I MS4? I Multiple Violations New Complaint Greenport Palencia n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Construction without Permit New: Court Case Greenport Palencia Construction without Permit New: Court Case Greenport Palencia Illegal Apartment New: Court Case Greenport Palencia Illegal Apartment New: Court Case Greenport Palencia Multiple Violations New: Court Case Greenport Palencia n/a n/a n/a n/a INature I Status I Town IProperty Owner Name I MS4? I Illegal Sign New Complaint Cutchogue Best Open Site Plan Update Mattituck Price Illegal Housing Tickets Issued Greenport Palencia Rat Questions Forwarded to SCHD ? ? IMeetings INature IStatus ITown Michael Verity IProperty Owner Name I MS4?I Multiple Violations New Complaint Greenport Palencia 10:45-11:45 Lunch 7/2/2011 Weekend 7/3/2011 Weekend 7/4/2011 Holiday 7/5/2011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? From: Supervisor's Office L [Paperwork Complaint File Created: From MJV Complaint File Created: From KM Complaint File Created Violation Notice Prepared and Sent Violation Notice Prepared and Sent Violation Notice Prepared and Sent Case file closed: Remediated Complaint File Check L [Phone Defendant Rep Defendant Attorney Complainant Complainant Defendant L [Road Investigation Investigation: Follow Up Investigation: Follow Up Investigation:New Complaint Investigation:New Complaint L10:15-11:lS[Lunch Special Events n/a n/a n/a J.Nature [status [Town [Property Owner Name Boat/Vehicle Storage Occupancy without CO Property Maintenance Property Maintenance Occupancy without CO Boat/Vehicle Storage Property Maintenance Updates New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint Case Closed: Cleaned Scheduled Inspections Southold Mattituck Southold Southold Mattituck Southold East Marion n/a Nickart Gaffga/Krause Caminiti Caminiti Gaffga/Krause Nickart Oki Do n/a J.Nature [status JTown [Property Owner Name Property Maintencance Illegal Signs Unsafe Building Chickens Construction w/o building permit Open Complaint Open Complaint Status Update Open Court Case Open Complaint Mattituck Cutchogue Southold Mattituck Mattituck Asian Fusion Caminiti General Wayne Inn Santillo 10890 Main Road Corp J.Nature [status JTown [Property Owner Name Corner Visibility Property Maintenance Property Maintenance Boat/Vehicle Storage Dumping/Brush Unfounded Case Closed: Cleaned Cleaning Up: Dumpster New Complaint New Complaint Orient East Marion Greenport Southold Southold Corner Holyoake/Platt Oki Do Hughes Nickart Caminiti I 716120. IPaperwork INature IStatus ITown Complaint File Created Complaint File Created Violation Notice Prepared and Sent IPh°ne Defendant IR°ad Investigation: Follow Up IMeetings Michael Verity Window: Ques. Abt Maintenance Window: Ques. Dumping in water Window: Copies/Research Michael and Lori Lori (TC) 10:00-11:00 Lunch 7/7/2011 Road Investigation: Follow Up Investigation Mtg with complainant Property Maintenance Property Maintenance Property Maintenance IProperty Owner Name I MS4? I New Complaint $outhold Romano New Complaint Laurel Trampel New Complaint $outhold Romano INature I Status I Town IProperty Owner Name Use Open Court Case East Marion Vallis INature I Status I Town IProperty Owner Name Unregistered Vehicles Open Court Case: Removed East Marion Vallis INature I Status I Town Open Complaints Forwarded to Trustees Forwarded to Trustees Researched and Copied Open Complaints Court Prep IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a Forwarded to Trustees n/a n/a Forwarded to Trustees n/a n/a Done n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Open Cases n/a n/a Nature Status Town I MS4? I I s471 I s471 Property Owner Name MS4? Multiple Violations Open Court Case Greenport Lopez/Palencia Property Maintenance/Unsafe New Complaint Laurel Trampel Property Maintenance/Unsafe New Complaint Laurel Trampel I 7/7/2011 IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I MS4? I Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Questions Answered n/a n/a Variance Application Got one for her n/a n/a Construction Questions Answered $outholdq n/a Michael Window: Public Window: Public Window: Landmark Owner I IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I MS4?I Questions Open Court Case Mattituck Sherwood House Unsafe Building Open Complaint $outhold General Wayne Inn Press Lynne (TA) I IPaperw°rk INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name I MS4?I Property Maintenance New Complaint Laurel Trampel Complaint File Created 12:30 PM Left for day 7/8/2011 Off-Vacation 7/9/2011 Weekend 7/10/2011 Weekend 7/11/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? Complainiant Heather (Planning) Defendant Complainiant Defendant Martin Finnigan Complainiant Complainiant Public Questions Ruthanne (Sup's Cfc) Heather (Planning) Complanant Complanant Defendant L [Road Too many cats Use Violation Use Illegal Dog Breeding?????? Use/Illegal Apartment Multiple Violations Illegal car/boat Corner Obstruction Yard Sale Questions Cancel Unsafe Building Hearing Use Violation Illegal Use Unsafe Structure Property Maintenance Forwarded to Animal Control n/a n/a Open Complaints Mattituck Smithen/Sherwood Checking on Court Time East Marion Vallis Forwarded to Animal Control Mattituck n/a Scheduled Inspection Greenport Lopez/Palencia Open Complaints Mattituck Smithen/Sherwood Moving Greenport Nickart New Complaint Orient n/a? Forwarded to Town Clerks Greenport Portly Grape Canclled Southold General Wayne Inn Open Complaints Mattituck Smithen/Sherwood Possible Complaint ? ? New Complaint New Suffolk n/a? Open Complaint Southold Romano ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Inspection Illegal Housing Open Court Case Greenport Palencia PaperW°rk Update Municity Complaint File Created: James R. Violation Notice Prepared and Sent Closed Case Files Update Case File Update Case File IMeetings Kimball Court Conference Court Appearance Court Conference Court Appearance Court Conference Court Appearance Court Appearance 11:15-12:15 Lunch 7/12/2011 Paperwork Inspection Sheet for Day Complaint File Created Violation Notice Created/Sent Close Case File File?Calendar Updates IR°ad Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection IPh°ne INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name I MS4?I Update Complaint Types Done n/a n/a Y Illicet Discharge New Complaint New Suffolk Rogers Y Illicet Discharge New Complaint New Suffolk Rogers Y Multiple Violations Case Closed: $150 Fine East Marion Vallis Illegal Housing Adjourned Greenport Palencia Construction without Permit Adjourned Matt/tuck Burden INature I Status I Town Fee Questions Multiple Violations Multiple Violations Illegal Housing Illegal Housing Construction without Permit Construction without Permit Occupancy without CO Answered Open Court Case Case Closed: $150 Fine Adjourned Adjourned Adjourned Adjourned Adjourned IProperty Owner Name I MS4?I n/a n/a East Marion Vallis East Marion Vallis Greenport Palencia Greenport Palencia Matt/tuck Burden Matt/tuck Burden Laurel DiCandia Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? n/a n/a n/a n/a Property Maintenance New Complaint New Suffolk Karg Property Maintenance New Complaint New Suffolk Karg Occupancy without CO Renewed: Closed Matt/tuck Ragone INature I Status I Town IProperty Owner Name I MS4?I Property Maintenance Trailer: Status Property Maintenance Construction w/o building permit Corner Lot Obstruction New Complaint New Suffolk Karg Open Complaint Cutchogue Teresko New Complaint Matt/tuck ? Ongoing/Court/Abated Laurel Minnick Unfounded Orient Unknown INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name l US4?I Defendant Property Maintenance Open Complaint Southold Stankevich Complainant Site Plan? Gary's Case: Forwarded Southold Mullen Motors Defendant Discharge into ROW Open Complaint New Suffolk Rogers Complaint Property Maintenance Owned by Bank in Texas Matt/tuck Crown land Lane Prop. I IMeetings INature Istatus Public: Complaint: Use Questions Does not want to file Town Property Owner Name I MS4?I 11:00-12:00 Lunch 7/13/2011 Off- Vacation 7/14/2011 Off- Vacation 7/15/2011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? Heather (Planning) Municity Questions Answered n/a n/a Heather (Planning) Violations Sent Copies Matt/tuck Sherwood House Public: Complaint: Questions Does not want to file ? ? Rob Walden Jr Questions/Ramp Landmark approved material Orient Poquatuk Hall Draft Minutes Landmarks n/a n/a n/a Agenda Landmarks n/a n/a n/a [Phone ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) Meeting Prep n/a n/a n/a den (TA) Code of Conduct Landmarks n/a n/a n/a Public: Questions Public: Questions Defendant Attorney Defendant Attorney Public: Questions Defendant Rep Public: Complaint: To: Police: Complaint Public: Complaint: Property Maintenance Questions Answered Matt/tuck Farm Stands Answered n/a Illegal Trailer Left Message Cutchogue Illegal Trailer Open Complaint Cutchogue Noise Ordinance Answered n/a Unsafe Building Cancelled Unsafe Hearing Southold Festival?????? ??????? Orient Festival?????? Forwarded to Police Orient Festival?????? ??????? Orient IMeetings INature IStatus ITown Mike (BD) Site Plan? n/a n/a Defendant Property Maintence Open Complaint Matt/tuck Defendant Use Closed Case - Thanking me East Marion n/a n/a Tresko Tresko n/a General Wayne Inn Ezair Farms Ezair Farms Ezair Farms IProperty Owner Name I MS4? I n/a Matthews Vallis IPaperwork Nature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I MS4? I Draft Minutes Landmarks n/a n/a n/a Agenda Landmarks n/a n/a n/a Draft Letter Landmarks Denial for Betta Hotel Cutchogue Bennett Complaint File Created Illegal Deck New Complaint Laurel Gregory Violation Notice Created/Sent Illegal Deck New Complaint Laurel Gregory 10:00-11:00 Lunch 7/16/2011 Weekend 7/17/2011 Weekend 7/18/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? Public: Schedule Inspection Public Complaint: Public Complaint: Town Attorney (Martin) Public Complaint: Bank Rep Inspection Scheduled n/a Runoff Open Permit Cutchogue Property Maintenance Open Complaint Cutchogue Use Open Court Case Matt/tuck Property Maintenance Open Complaint Cutchogue Property Maintenance Open Complaint Cutchogue n/a Across Kal/ns. Crown land Lane Prop. Sherwood House Crown land Lane Prop. Crown land Lane Prop. [Email Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Defendant Attorney Architect L [Road Summons Service Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection L [Meetings Mike (BD) Lori Public tll :00-12:00~ 7/19/2011 IMeetings Trailer Open Complaint New Suffolk Landmarks Open Project Orient ].Nature [Status [Town Teresko Payton Fowler Per Town Attorney Served Orient Property Maintenance Unfounded Southold Use Unfounded Matt/tuck Dumping Unfounded Matt/tuck Property Maintenance Unfounded Matt/tuck [Property Owner Name ].Nature [Status [Town Rodriguez Hydell Shamrock Tree Co. Grand Avenue Paccione Open Complaints n/a n/a Open Court Cases n/a n/a Rental Questions Answered n/a [Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a tNature [Status tTown Property Owner Name Chris Talbot Municity n/a n/a n/a [Paperwork Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Complaint File Created Landmark Meeting Prep Unsafe Building New Complaint East Marion Meeting Prep n/a n/a Raimi n/a L [Road ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Inspection Boat/Vehicle Storage Open Complaint Matt/tuck Matthews Inspection Unsafe Building New Complaint East Marion Raimi Inspection Property Maintenance New Complaint Orient Village Lane IPh°ne Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) Public Questions Public Questions State Police: FI: Questions Public Complaint: Lynne (TA) INature IStatus Meetin9 Prep n/a Lightin9 n/a Questions About Inspection: BD Answered Noise Ordinance Answered Music Festival Orient New Complaint Unsafe Building Update ITown IProperty Owner Name I MS4?I n/a n/a n/a n/a Matt/tuck O'Shea n/a n/a Orient Ezair Farms Southold General Wayne Inn 10:00-11:00 Lunch 3:00 Landmark Meeting Nature Status Town 7/20/2011 Paperwork C/agio Complaint for TA C/agio Complaint for JC C/agio Complaint for TA C/agio Complaint for JC Violation Notice Created & Sent IPh°ne Public: Complaint Press: Landmark Questions Press: Landmark Questions Attorney (Complainant) Attorney (Complainant) Public: Complaint Property Owner Name Construction without Permit New: Court Case Southold C/agio Construction without Permit New: Court Case Southold C/agio Illegal Use New: Court Case Southold C/agio Illegal Use New: Court Case Southold C/agio Multiple Violations Ongoing Complaints Fisher's Island Coleman MS4? INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I MS4?I Property Maintenance Unfounded: Vacant Land! n/a n/a Left Message n/a n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a n/a Illegal Use New: Court Case $outhold C/agio Illegal Use New: Court Case $outhold C/agio Property Maintenance Ongoing Southold Braudigan I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name I MS4?I Lori and Mike Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Mike Unsafe Building Open Complaint East Marion n/a 10:00-11:00 Lunch 7/21/2011 Phone Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Multiple Violations Ongoing Complaints Fisher's Island Coleman Property Maintenance Ongoing Complaints Cutchogue Crown land Lane Prop. Bob Wohl Complainant I IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name I I Gary Fish Multiple Violations Ongoing Complaints Fisher's Island Coleman COMPUTER CRASHED - 3:02: Lost all information from this document...for this day... 7/22 10:30-11:30 Lunch 7/22/2011 Off 7/23/2011 Weekend 7/24/2011 Weekend 7/25/2011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name To/From: Public To/From: Garresttson Landmark To/From: Schnitzler Landmark To/From: Architect No fence around pool Open Permit - Sched. Inspect Cutchogue Geroulanos Summer Intern n/a n/a n/a To Forward Forwarded n/a n/a Landmarks Open Application Orient Payton Fowler [Paperwork .[Nature [Status [Town Complaint file created Violation Notice Prepared/Sent Update File [Phone Public: Questions Unsafe Building New Complaint Matt/tuck Unsafe Building New Complaint Matt/tuck Illegal Apartment Removed Greenport J.Nature [status [Town Boulders? Answered n/a [Property Owner Name Lessard Lessard Palencia [Property Owner Name n/a Defendant Jim Mcmahon (DPW) Defendant Attorney Applicant Public: Complaint Public: Questions IR°ad Inspection Inspection IMeetings Lori and Mike Court Public: Complaint 10:30-11:30 Lunch 7/26/2011 Meet ngs Mike Mike Lori Lori/Complainant/Complaint Attorney Defendant Attorney/Conference Call IPaperW°rk Complaint file created Violation Notice Prepared/Sent Complaint file created Notice created and sent IPh°ne Schedule Inspection Yard Sale Questions Open Violations Landmark Project Site Plan Unknown Scheduled Greenport Palencia Answered n/a n/a Left Message New Suffolk Teresko Scheduled Meeting Orient Rose Forwarded to Planning Southold Furniture Shop Left Message n/a n/a INature I Status I Town IProperty Owner Name Illegal Apartment Unsafe Building Removed Greenport Palencia Open Complaint Southold General Wayne Inn INature I Status I Town IProperty Owner Name Open Complaints Use Violations Property Maintenance n/a n/a n/a Open Court Case: Adjourned Mattituck Sherwood House New (Old) Complaint Cutchogue Goodwin Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Unsafe Building n/a Cutchogue Sachitano Unsafe Building n/a East Marion Remi Family Trust Open Violations n/a n/a n/a Numerous Complaints n/a n/a n/a Open Violations Updates Mattituck Sherwood House I MS4? I I MS4?I Boat/Trailer Location Boat/Trailer Location Unsafe Building Unsafe Building New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint Southold Scott Southold Scott East Marion Remi Family Trust East Marion Remi Family Trust INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name I I Defendant Public: Questions Public: Questions Public: Questions Public: Complaint Defendant Rep Defendant Rep Update on Violation Pooper Scooper Questions Landmarks Tresspassing? Garbage Unsafe Building Unsafe Building Updated Laurel Kujawski Forwarded to TA Cutchogue Fleet's Neck Answered East Marion n/a Left Message Southold Rankin Left Message unknown unknown Left Message Southold General Wayne Inn Status Update Southold General Wayne Inn Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Complainant ~arking Forwarded to PD Southold DiCandia 10:30-11:30 Lunch 7/27/2011 Meetings Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Gary Fish Unsafe Building n/a n/a n/a Defendant Boats/Trailers Will Clean Up Southold Scott L [Phone Defendant Rep Mortgage Company Mortgage Company Complainant Complainant Bob Scott (Assessors) Defendant Attorney Complainant Defendant L [Road J.Nature [status [Town [Property Owner Name Property Maintenance Property Maintenance Property Maintenance Construction w/o permit Schedule Meeting Unsafe Building Update Unsafe Building Update Unsafe Building Update Construction w/o Permit Gave me another # Cutchogue Gave me another # Cutchogue Left Message AGAIN Cutchogue New Complaint Southold Open Complaints n/a Update Orient Update Orient Open Complaint East Marion Update n/a 1350 Crown Land Lane 1350 Crown Land Lane 1350 Crown Land Lane 920 Kimberly n/a Kikaras Kikaras Remi Family Trust n/a J.Nature [status [Town [Property Owner Name INature IStatus ITown IPropertyOwner Name I I Inspection Inspection Inspection L [Paperwork Update File L [Email To/From: Martin (Town Attorney) To/From: Chris Talbot To: North Fork Century 0:00-11:00 ~ 7/28/2011 IMeetings Jen (Town Attorney) Lori (Town Attorney) Mike and Lori Public Questions L [Email To/From: Complainant L [Phone To/From: Complanant To/From: Public Question Public Complaint: Construction w/o permit Unsafe Building Property Maintenance Forwarded to ZBA Open Complaint New/Old Complaint Southold Mandlebaum Southold General Wayne Inn Cutchogue Goodwin ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Boats/Trailers Will Clean Up Southold Scott ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Unsafe Building Update Southold General Wayne Inn Special Events New Complaint n/a Bike Race Special Events Copy of Code n/a Bike Race tNature [Status tTown Property Owner Name Use/Zoning Decision Being Considered Greenport Spanos Multiple Violations Updates n/a n/a Open violatins Updates n/a n/a Single and Separate Answered n/a n/a ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Property Maintenance Update Cutchogue Crown land Lane Prop. ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Construction/Zoning Update Southold Mandlebaum n/a n/a n/a n/a Property Maintenance New Complaint Greenport Mulvaney MUNICTY NOT WORKING CAN'T UPDATE FILES OR DO PAPERWORK t 10:00-11:00 Lu~ tNature 712912011 IEmail MUNICTY NOT WORKING CAN'T UPDATE FILES OR DO PAPERWORK To/From: Landmarks To/From: Doug (Landmarks) L [Phone To/From: Complanant To/From: Complanant L [Road Personal Service Inspection Inspection L [Paperwork Update File L [Meetings Public/Mike Verity Status tTown Property Owner Name Intern n/a n/a n/a Upcomin9 meetin9 n/a n/a n/a ].Nature [Status [Town Construction/Zoning Property Maintenance Unfounded Southold Open Complaint Cutchogue [Property Owner Name ].Nature [Status [Town Mandlebaum Crown land Lane Prop. Trash/Property Maintenance Complaint of Junk on Roadside Property Maintenance Open Complaint Unfounded: Cleaned Up Unfounded: No violation Southold Southold Greenport [Property Owner Name ].Nature [Status [Town Braudigan Market/SAVES Mulvaney [Property Owner Name property Maintenance Unfounded Greenport Mulvaney ].Nature [Status [Town [Property Owner Name Use Questions Answered Cutchogue n/a