HomeMy WebLinkAboutH. H. Huntting Scrapbook of Advertisements 1864-1911 • �•L �. �Z k '.1' W A. I N ' S`. fzar SOOK Lryflt'Mh 41�IN. illMf Reliq{'. r�Ab4k Jl/lf■ 14TN. 1$;j.. MAY 161", Is'- NM' IATIt, i8jj, I'ItAIW AfAFt{{t ; =y.T UrlTf4 •7�h�. GHAT WiA#e• k1a+TW1rn Vo �,Agts Itlrlerat+etl >o, 15.4TA l DIREC; UION5. Ute but little meluun•. awl OWY on the `umme.l blIV4. N•er<4 the Wrap an w,tbarut rflleril( it DANIKI. -CI. ITV .V Co i i I t i 1l i z - P TWA NS Rr SCRAP B02K 0 .P JJ v _ 1 , NE SOUTHOLD UVRVGS DAI L n II 1,17N EVERY ERY Saturday After- 1 ntwn., ONL to THREE o'aloek, at th, nihp'o of tho 'Irwsurer, w the vlllatto or a 6oetbu14. / Y . aYN89$T.ASA L!:BOTABEI{'!$,Pna. TH,EAUN B.W0*T6. Vfee Pro. yF�AA N H.UY .aTON, ..` r..tN NT a,t Trand I 7 D9 TIF du'J and l:ouaro7 •WWitl�'.' Wm.N.Wenn, Moves C.Cleveland, Israel Pock, !jibe o.Yreland, Mo , Rell"11.Terry, }I. 11120" 1, Jaow£. oKpa, 8o1ds6itW,. In B.T4th111, 1. ! J,C_aoklial,, _W4111Y till. t 9-1i `a'80UTHOIL D a T ;r led 0 BMW �4k HATS ROOTS k SITOPS, e J. ALI3Ji::T WE f L-,'Ag'ti Gun given 1 r 1 Y Y y .SWI.., ;• Y �.l A. ,! ..F.j V y ♦i�r Y • ] 4i AV �. f:i t i r. R. i T u E NEW ACADEMY SOUTHOLD SAVIINGS AT :n the village of 8authold,open every Tnrs S0U T H 0 L D. day,Thnrnday slid Saturday,fiom 10 dclock a.ro.to d o'clock,P.M. m, N now opoo fur the reception of liupila.whit 'jC(/, TRUSTEES, firs hvclvc ofallnld and upwonlai and ed. Rensselaer T: Goldsmith assn dame of all each is renprrtfull)' invited, , Iimisual mlr,etlonn are oR'ered to young Fen PRESIDENT, tlriro n anal ladi,a who wish to to raua either ALBERT ALBERTSON, P. H. OVERTON, ldugh.h, l'I a.,.irel, SvwMifle or Mathematical VICE PRESIDENTS stodir.. l•:,rr Gd nllrnlion will be given to H e n r y $ u n t t i n g, 1{rmling nod Rlocoli.m. TREASURERaod ��CRETARP, Tannts—$35 per Y,nq or$7 per Qnsrter.— 7 o s e p h H. Goldsmith, No a+ldittonal chargo for higher atndwe Good A'I"1'ORNEy and COUNSEL. I'om•d raahh he Its.In the village for f olr dollars ,Albert Allmrt.+nn, William H W,110,per week. E. 1V ILb1l1'I• CUbIISGti, blosea 0. Clevole Ad. Isranl Peck, 2 Principal, Jeremiah 0ol,lsroitn, John 0. Ireland, Sul(Llwld, Deeember17,18G7, Nathgni,•I Unrwin, Usury If. Torry, 0 -. - a l h Job 13 6ntham, R. n C1. SOI1T$OLD. gpy A ,;S John 9. fhwell, Jpmna fi. Nortoo, NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS E. L.Oobiamlth Im R. Tu 111 just :cceived at the Southold Fancy Sup- ' c: Thomoa J.Conklin, William Vali. nov2 ply Store J ALBERT NELLB, ng'E. -douthold, Got 24,1867. it z k �- r4 r _ _ ll y1� '_ T s 1„ r ; �. i�� �rl ��%�� � �' � , yC �:� ` �.ra� _� - t f: _w - Yt a �� . a 1 d y..� S' Wr � �.. F '�,. . b ��2 r y �_, f.., � U I Y IA � _ _ i t_. a.. f v' . � � -yY 4 a±y � �:n i. � � Mh�i 7 *� i �ilr���� p.. ,. .� ;�., _ lr.: ��'y� ' �, 3��,S ,( ,��� � �F'«f�+�, I'� .,� f iz i� :� L i. .� � 5l;. {' i, ��' ,� r �: � t_ Y.. �w {, $0G'1'11ULll'1ACADEMY.Y. SO U T H O L SOtiIIOLU.L.I.. TT.s.euud 1'.rm of lLr l.nntitutiun will mm ; >n.aW Boot and Shoe 1laendsy Nov- ISM 10 1872. b.1o:1 .nu habit Ith,li Arr.lrmr ut my tint.•. ST OR11 Ilmml m,o I,e aLLtiund Ie rue I amtillo., J. R lwemos, Principal GODFREY HAHN — -���-�•- IIia just reecived a largo assortment of I e vac W ISH TO m'v.11.1.a l.vl n OF BOOTS, SIIOES, GAITERS&c., 311il1lli vy- Qi t),odF4, of every description, and will sell thorn A as cheap to can be found elsowhoro. FOR CHEAP .[OR CASH, TLanks for the post favors,we would t :i A; i is be pleased to sea any ono in want of Mr-+. W. I I . XV I r,TIUR, anything in my lino of goods. a';u;.: n r.l�.:.nr .•. ,`; ;:. Custounrork solicited; and done in 1OUTHt1LD. i';. the best mminer. She baa jest r.dnnn•d fnan tho Cit} •, .:^" GODFREY IIAlIN co with n new stork, tlutt defy ntpc:titiwe t•' t � , /%>7 Z, lOUTILL)LD.L.I. in price and gnal:ty. Southold Nov.20th, 172. ALBEhTS0I1 CASE, COBE AND SEE! ATTORNEY &ACOUNSELOR Si A. Beckwith, NOTARY PUBLIC. SOUMOLD,L. I. Agemit 11omc 7n.nraesa•c Ctinynury' Has constantly on hand a first class as- Mee inth•Southold 110tol. sortment of 5uul ltolcl, N. Y. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, '`,y FOR SAL L HATOTS CIIr— .nl�i AND SHOES, AN 0191ENTAL STOVE. -lt/ And n general ussortmonG of such goods 1T' Inquire of De.A.L.SWEEt` as are generally found in o country store. WANTED by the subscri- ber t000bnsheis,++good red whest, J• B. TERRY. SEE HERE! PRINCE BRO'S limp coiutritly on hand a well so lectod stock of D11Y GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CHOICE GROCEItIrS, CROCKERY,PAINTS, 01.,8&c. Clothing out and mule to order, and fit ga:arautwl. Give us a osll. PIlIN(,p Rno's. •D Lc'. /87 Z Southold, L. .I I ik 9i`m to WIN _--- ". LAST ENTERTAINffiT ETT OF THE SEASOlI ONIVERSALIST CHURCH IN SOUTHOLD, *bop was around in Southold lookg in _ r �,,� ON t;sithaM•ef q+ple man" on Tuesday andTUesd3 Evenjn&8t tirealuge, to the great amu•amrntr'.,., IVI40nday & y y ,Ajmer,,. The ente4nimnent wa. March 4th & 5th,1872� ,MI'iA ao l ijimmily patmntsnl,the rewi&h•r eOIITJ[OiD tYr.RV k And(JIATIIX4 !MPs't' aIRhM 601 sheat elgl. "Thor iean:d �' gaenoante pelt mvd enb+rtatnnrwt • sa me MI,x wee a„yaod hard far the A"lallog, tib - Noap_ which la,mion,by pe NGWM"for'40”wlQ.repat Iolag I'll a lively, rollicking manner. ,w Wya'+,wail known 1411h Lama,M txo 4-""'q+ 4w amateur,p danld if the(aatore in the two '_:w:t_A:� "RAN DY -ASN DY ' be&ladled.jpdned.omoof them would 1 ,U.N.TnddwottAax. it to•there ylar stage. SQUIBjaltill 'ANDY........ q aI ViR6 F,tyµV•..............•.�.�.�..............A. M:RvnaL $aadaV nigbt the Association will Ilya 4 SQUIRE O'OltADY...... ...............U. U. Tel IllrrnM MURPHY............ 17=1. r treat—a iwturn by George W. 46� Bn�rY oa•'The Co4oio 6idn,.f Lifu" 31r.Bun- D14;8 DAWEON......:..:....:.:::....:•1;i.911 Vicar 11��sy ix wu 11 kpp t1a w nue of the meet popaldr Yu O 04•..................yH. N. Vooin. .. titin •W mllry, slid those kst o,vlaaint- I[IttltM � s.................. Dir TnTn4uu..x. d wiim ptnl4rt Thal 6a will give Lrttrr astir WKL+ `j k'ootyndb:::.::.:::.......IDlc moununx• v�r(aIpdm� i thio Da Chaillu. Southoll has Loan At noONeY.......................Mtm in.a. WaLu. F b,laf fnor+d with k,toren aid entertp lg anogts ■AD NANCY............................aro. A. L. 6waeT. IIJ bot wu truM M1eru ix men n aparo yuai- NASN[DAWSON.........................Mrx. W. Y. 1'Isu+1x. .*Wtpa tls!1 er nnafo;ag for Cilia onoaalom To W tolMwrd by the Laughable Camed:,dk, lu ono act LY J. i DOUIQU1lU fli ill .ii) Ill�.1A;RECUL,AR Bull 11-iton.U1,301 IX IIR t. Da NgA......................AJ ;lueaa -•ANL. L . N LECTURE �� ��� UIIAIILk�i tlpplg'LCH.... ..•..,.,.....A. M..4r W.•rUT11lIJ.. NL QLriL C. H.Taro,, "n' 1LCR ....A. M.aAlvaw. �U A H.TkltnL _ ..YURPLUo ...Mn. U. N. hudtdon.o. I om, ........in. A L.8`.� 1'fPRIC RECOND LNOf(TlU 1N Tlnt COQNIR or Ragitl�l a�ln t'1'it .....htax Ww Y.Y ' w. Ml the wmthold Lypatlm AIOiNaf"will MYH/er• ��A��;; ....ties HAnw.n W4TaMraa hk. e..,: �b noloy altp 11 P.116110 Ieinh Pette 0, m � pt, ,Y UECRUE H. OUXU of Nel York Caryq nw t: .tied . . .I UNIVERSALIST CHURL% T j�gSQAt PAT •T� •It d 1Qt.T R4c.nene. q 11 Yf H.Tornnu. �N11�1 i '0� - �1RN'..'n MkAtas L. H.CATs. • ON TUN Y. Ja aaar QP .�..y T v 4ati.... "-.}+ ,.slogs J. H k4xe. M NDAY. Ju arY �r lSTf. ................slog.7.R.'LLuxanATr Rubj."ATFFE*0MO RIDE 0FZL4Mr* Q1�R4}tu�ke: LY Cooda.t1(gusica�wicll eApe1�pt-ovide 't at fQ G , TefiQ°ai>CFR�•u'CMiul'to�e'� rte' rj ' 1..W h UlL,CreenpOrt: De_ L SW O.LTM. d bs n. y119aAa44tpe Pie Me.oini�Ml�t theoor.FMC• Adm yat. Olalas at t m mud door. tea• �No Ira t exoep{Cha Prean ;f d - hll i f1 The Lust public entertainment of thi, �tonthoid Lyceum AAVciution Imy nt The Traveler I10en porformed with tunny "!nerd."w, e Cain would dtont 01i)AcnLanatioa of thr l%I1TOI{(X yj1 N;, L. j, rytbtiu through the oolwnsa of for �CYlf�l 1» t'rarelM, Iholing that too much proiAr POiI(tf5 and tZftlfMOu. lewllpt lu BualnetcA. +agpat bo tht-im for the decidedly op. in6�ria"and wtnaing series of The', rit 1aduriogth, fngiiht:yofthe pAtt• (((\��l'rt1 �1�,t JN 1 t c1 rn6Usllt jeer - ,.i4r•' The ttct ort'wtt oriic•x bc;ing by R01011 Won AssuddIl01 "Irish d a dCplimtta of tile fry�rjr' "Irish dr'sit Ilan]y.tndy"wasorid _ of s/till A&'m LotA i'4440 and rrtf--th Literary i:IliCl'l;l�llm(+2It: •rltO thlre lbrtnmtia onongk to kA n MTs, Anna Randall DleW 6;rbt,at W" Able to poq N,iapartfe bui .light, wen uhbr to lira! iagnes; Uut (Formerly Mrs.Ann r V. k tiros!!4 wuy from the suburbs worn snHmfifAl; WI lit(l1v1.' p it cirenatmennoem) W orou rruuii at, REHINGS &RECITATIONS x-160% gowned and pare wie6 odwi- ration upon tA? tk fan}; who Moro saner FROM 8'TAYUAU AUrHOkd, i. `y crowding nt the entrance Por adudtj.. AT THD -t� ,iou, whon standing-rvo,n wm ulillad . ,Wvu par. we would aLAt add that methadut ehurdfu }3tititikt Itoy Fun not ocutaut with ueuvulsing d9d yming old, TuMfla a`a is uutil the very buttons burst from. Mm1'OH 18, IB73: ! n,r Faint-larkat —through the indefs �S/� �j w u wG igushln Andy,--hut th:ay roust uobdc, V X UU 131 CJL� a ':,W... uhj not ui W".t. "apolar fix" for tlii 11 Burning?riuriA Afka L' J)let of an lour ur so, when much t, ]. liow $ufband's Mither.ltd it -� ,ur surprimo butuodisonrdit to hirusoll J. LMgley Lane, Xu;.eM/RutAuMid, `Jet buuu4. cad upuu lbe stupe ••Thal ,jgl 8u tg� IAA o n P A r.:said Pat," whioh miraculously ortri. k. UoAtrtahip Ua ter ®nutiaa y > U 1 U: +S•s : :atol to from the nfurssid"fin" but wv. U, ButeayAadIal'0dot, WoUJt. tLrlt .;�" by nu means a relief to oar ovc:case tan. .augh:ug Jenehrn•r. Au'Jther featnrn o. 1. UL illi" MsohrLj Wl"m1 J./L'M :rcdit uhu ro.,td upon the association tot Pl"' mpluying—last ad of the old-thge,! d. B:trlti 6ra,n and Wt Itlytnif Mililed ineltuw,ntt—.tho Or,,npot; If_ hiuo, 1'rver:r{,10►. J. 1tu' L,mus, va"s"t B:,nd as an ordlestra, Whict, en. 'r°ue Unru ll of tho 11,1116 g-ov,l,, <umiudorl ono of him Turpil:hume,morite M U a I U. to such an ezhnst that our Methodist Side'lalimenGcatlltRtMtigy tpeurher ru(used de9cntly to remail. 1.9U'C:JEIt� luiut. L/conclusion we might porhapt without Objection etata that this popahn ADMISSION 25 CT t 3 ihuugh As yet an amatuor Lund of per- 'Pickets for&Ado et . S e L w havo Luca eugody Yolioi , "!� �� forum. ted t,. th'a 1 ast UID.:e' favor the suu•rpriaiug villugctm o9 r. Pemgie, by Ur.A.L.1WAtrtt PriUWB[Va .m (1.tl•,y bot qui ut ttt',r Post ti'♦ted kiverhosd with u displ•.y of tktdt at tha DQ* enlwrior!ahemedabutie, but understand 4110 invitation has not as yvt roatived an .enoulmuus uwuot. Wo trust they Jelly unn fnvurthe wishes of tbeit kind aryl:.. .!!arid uoigltbm,In Bivut!oadm4prpy `.o thvtu nhn; tl,_t we huvo neva/voyia the abilities of the du LI'pk W It AaAo ciston. ..'r. REPUBLICAN WA'ITh is _-- SOLIUM MIN MKIAT111 mAeetrwxf Meb`10,�„>,.—" PUBLIC EN'TfRTAINMENT At the 7t e4uebes Io lipml�d on pelt Tmep- .Axy�=1T )n r7r��7 of" Mh Aew Baodall Diehl %-IN give s- �1�i Ti'Dp IS'1'L'il UItVITf���U li;4lr.� aeiss of$eldlo v and Reekatioue before the Sodth- NIVLRISA Ii rY m Ano,rhtlun. InaaMher colump.may be or Ns ofgeW Yt 1� eas�T ttlplp who 1111"! Tuesday and lVedneai"m Yrer ai'ine plena are or Ire. DIepIL ro-! Dec. 3d aaui 4tp, IRy � miYlaam AS Caf1 W illy prum II nn IaiCIICCt,lai' 112. stormy On ellhoraf theebovo aimed."..! g.the anterWa• In the Dower of surfed IDtousoon and SAME v��apn,epnnud to s[Esx FAD. EYENINOR or TRE ility, eompat a mod sw'eetnesa of her wine, ti ranks as os a of (he few first clan female I the southold I.ymam Amwietloo bora the to ae- i l000doid+u of she dky, sod Icer hears I of all clam- ebi e o alenrwW be glroo W�llLo heerd Jxrroltm= jp oue ase*111 be Bare to Wit 1 i maYra ladety of selecdon, I N,.t or Is al"where annousap(I eammahing to if at nod :'�, COOL AS A CUCUMBER. fight them. BestsiL Wts'•li 01c will we doajM.` 0. RXIle, C.H.Tatbin, eat be of its.lr wor_t4 t�W dme of adin ion._ A.Irw1n Bw oa . _ _ Anwtt1,ou Cw4 ommom L"FVX WMATION. Main lever eowrrow Mi.a Led.A.Puri. Wi.lea, 11110m eeekh E.Appleby. entided PTUNRY ENTE13TAINMENTe I IISHASSURe followed by 6e ASSUpeeee toRANCE TwoANKEEM IRISH ASSURANCE AND YANKEE MODESTY. Perr C.m.C.T'sUngWel. & AMA RANDALL DIEHL� Im'CN•Cus�0.(Ia"xm. P. W. lLthol, cyrrryN, ;,.;g �hR ANNA T. 11emU1Ll1 M.A. MI"Thi,&.APploby; ����yyya��yytt�.'ryf,da��(,/Lntr�.a� WILL all.r. MAnAaeLu Haagen, Mlx BAU h L. C741.4 arpuuMr. �l.rll{kt0 ANA RECITATIONS '1'o uonclude W"the om ut Fa ,by 1.M.Mort p,o•e. YNUM arArDAlw AUU01'9, BOX AND COX. Ai rag nos, A.M.Seim coir Alhert.on(:ewe. ethofliet�Chnrch, 'SOIlTItOLD' Mn. Mr..A.Irwin9eoth. 'fie Molle will be fw i hod by the r eve a Qreenport Cornet Band. Tuesday Ev g, M ch 19, ISM,, 1Te Entertdnmeu to wmmenee It rK o'dook. 3rogramme: -AdrrefsetanA-26 cents. _..- V 4` hw find�IW e by de.ilm-, Dr.A.L.sweet, U.a.TWlee- tlt'NIC. _ r• Mill e1n.,9oethdd;.aid atilh.Postolthe,AU Pe• t' ` ' Mo tree THL IIt' neer elimpt the Free.. IIIIW'6. IU'IAn PitA1111C._. .. , .!Y.. .A' 1 'e LANgLAY LtNY. h\ ,LPYrV'LmlnCWis"daY ' Sho -d— LYco> 1 Associa ol music. I Aro I Aak nGT,... wawa will. Al. certw LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT. rALtlkE. . aeoekaAvuMIsvL.AmAtsrwcn, LLraJ H .gym RandallDiohl. C21=19 OF THe BELLA Bueeny. ; WILL GIVE MUNIC. OWD Mrsiv wL�L'ev FNU/7OCO. Readings and Reeitatimp; rtwtaeraite.�eaera Mi;e o'etad. PIROM STANDARD AUTHORS, �f+� tlyWpm,irlM;lfiM►Y rMli, - . � glfkal AT THE UWversaUst Church, sauthold, to UUI'LDt;ftS. ON . !FUlOmItJ � tp rvedrrd el the.lak.. If Jne.tluw.oao,ir,Aroklpat, Thareday Rv'g. )Iltee. lfpth, 1879. Yaae ebM. Urooklrn, when 1".sed .almtwUOne nr aalNl a m. atrµl d6mina NIM Eutbrtainment Conlmenoes at 7 o'clock. Adrrs"don . . . . fi6ots. Tickets for laic at the Poet Office Poconic,by Dr, A. L. Sweet, Prince Bro's., C. S,Tillinphadt and at the Post. Office Southold, nod at the door. �_2z at1 1 Seot�old IlYco�m A� OC131101! ICE CREAM SALOO1�a '1 ha Bui rel rila:r ixnaw .".,a W fa1oY IOl 1lU.AY h1 ll v 1'llae,Uu.n er OaWa. Pic-SIcsamlr RTIF8wpplkd .hart Soars will give a public entt I tilomut III tLe J. C.MEARILT„ -:dhnLl ,•, i1.I,L:. 11 I Unlrel'sallsl l:'hrrv6, Southo lJ, ON FOR MALE_ THURSDAY & FRIDAY Tm building Lits for mli-in the village Evg'H.Feb. la,mid 14. 187a (Foulliill Tu, ':il'rol' llns wkich oc,vsion this very papular Drnlrul in tw,r a;t4 rnLtl.l �a NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. "Dai Pmmi,•s will retumT Prank Robert M a c e l re has returned to HUCT1101.1),and opened will be prt+ernted with appropri.tc H+.- h alll�a�rr�g�e as,ortrnan`t if t l .H0()rjr`, '110L' ., &C.9 nury sud Tableau:. . The entire working fora•of the Asao- "" whlcb ho offals as cheap as any man ciathm is t�galral ni Ih.• (aaT, a.,d tto, ado s,dl th,'ul. Five per cent off for eNs,ntlllw M1anl.ev+;r�' co..edcncax Lhst -• cash on all wm work, and no an can do this stnndanl play will lay lurs4u4•d na better. G.F.H.OYYP.L, a style @%mri•.,r to anything hW erofore attema pted by the Lrst iatios. To con- Boathold. N.Y elude with this vory laughable A.wpy XUSICAL FARCE O. J. M CNSELL&CO. RN'1'ITLSD, '�'" f.::•.Lrrn.so Dul.uu. ANCY 90008, FAMILY JARS Notions, Hoelery; Clovedf IN aro acre. Centletnenle Fure1lNMMs 39 UPOIG 73Y THE COods,dia., GreeaportOernet Hand. le ,.a Fmk Caagay?.3arkw pec. c.11m,kr_ 1V7 n rie,w 11$ti elu;k. If Thursday Nc. 46 W1.1kor Street, NOW YarY. geepitlgshmildprovestomy,enwitain ;I. Ian cont s. 1W1.no Frinlay and Saturday evening. - i ,a /.tWt • Iw sot- fY.sw rt.t.w.t —- F aaa.�a"of I w«o r.v. 1 to 1 jilt I�gI 640T00LD eoau. 1 dw. ...c I d-- awkCla3M Mrs+, LYCEUX ASSOCIATION, it r— a8eno=.e TVD kb- F+��tyt�li�n +tea ptra of n .I. T 113HHIfA 't•1..t. JR/ALL-rm.�l,.a�"ammeter",.w LYCEUM ROOMS, F,s"'u TM�' ' �°° Tana. A NOUTHOLD, L. I., 5.1 Dcc.1 7 �irrotn,•v. r. a. AUFNTS OFBO,,[l; NACHININ THANNSGIVIN6 EVENING) MAT dad it anxi.nq W lW tJ,gin.1y W.eB. Thursday,hursday, Nov, 27, 1873. AORNTA 01'THE HO i#N:'DO NOT 'Tb ROPE 1.n,nnrtnM1W for w Il T' sha- �ntr, .dl lerht It..alae, lock+pee hltW aoi� C O N C ERT , n with trial I eh..rr.n titi0 Qin n it triol iu comlxtitim with otb EMMA THY DIH3t7TDN DP g w 3[achian., sec: I Y)? Us �o �' H��A�t :.{.tSLLIN.1Ilu'r,Anent, aoel4k,LL OP'HUNryNOT09. A - OYty'l l+Jlt tl./L00�1. !A11.nm aa. pr.grml 1+ tnrntd Onll,6 wwy 1�t,'f,. Onr n•tw'.tgo fm m �Mw. l;onnert in oommaue-, at 7 1.2 ocloak. oath. Y r1aMrNr.r ^S.ss, 13 � ellYMow 7th Cents. MMr+a.rrq.- weMNw If staaMyonTLureday evening, Concert t t0. I//L OF rIHNT 1'A[H LTLFIFO. See P mmme. A AT THETEN1' ' RT.A part of tho old Caw Ron". For part ulnre,Apply to KIN. A. 0. CAtlE, Southold,Utt.8,1879. SDUTHwID DRUB STDRE, F09 BALK.-The undwnigetl oBmr for III.me you oda always lied a choice Selectionr Luutenn Tncr., Mindy new, three TAat.n, Cone It.,at privatewale. j>L_ ,( 7 A rwo chu,ce:-cMl and rc. D8II68, buil arrc SoUlND OR .YALL ¢'Y. CHEMICALS, ANTED.—A how po ib on Inatruuiontnl Zu- DYE STUFFS, k W I*. Apply to M.LOUIRE PRINCE, PERFUMERY, SOOTIM0,p049.29,1879. e FRENCH GLASS the beet andohea �mSil'-!��"--�' NNOTICR.-111I.rxon.areherebyforbidefor thin pnpwpiue. C F' of hootsq QOn theuiltlo. o[tbeeALBERT PRiNOk:, PUTTY, gonthol�,Ort.is,I87s. ALL KINDS OF OILQ *TOTICE.-AR prow h art rnb).turbid.has" ASTRAL, COMMON and their CEI.- Nit or An othar e,m an of the Leads"I EBRATED RADIANT OIL, the uadarv1 td,ander pmnita o�the Law. Jan. 6 Rortm, J. R. Horan. PATENT a.aee of Remnol Dnrid.,deo. Roman, MEDICINES, eeOOMn, IVtb xererbr. tars. s"N FANCY AND NOTIC&.-ALL PERRONR 41W, $EREB4 TOILET ARTICLES, lwring on the land^p(the whaeyb• r are for the p11 of ahoodug quM1. pp T.wn.0 PMnpRON, Brunn J.RGTnalaeea, wn.unr L.Owrat, JONATaIN S.OrgaToa, A•ory9ae erortment of os"oaOa Thar, ow.aa Oraaroa, CUTLERY, B.H. Bs". J. W. BrarrtaO, arltwaa4%seer, S'nwpen.9. VIM, SCISSORS, AND BOPTHALD,lith as"., 1973. its RAZORS. NOTICE.-AO ptnoe1 w limby forUd tvea- STATIONERY, INITIAL PAPRR wrint oo tkc land.of tha.uiredbre for the BLANK AND MEMORANDUV P.V. Well., L. T. Pelle, ..o, le73. BOOKS,SCHOOL BOOKS. W.Reactor,, L. a woe., P Bdw.n!Fogarty, Oatrge And Everything uetas"dly fo3[Mhnitlud fa a Fetrlek y , Chad..Rorke, wdw, have.T. Roche, First Cor Drug SWre, Men a geed J.Ridnew. George C. w"ll.; J.Alanson Overton, 7%.MA.V.Tuthill, "I"Ortutont of WINES, and LIQUORS ar°ii lPo.Rlp, Oi° ^. r'd Ade •' for Medicinal perpome. B.T. waWno, NidoW Munch, EGGS TAKEN at MARKET RATES. SCrFOLK 0;0UN1TY NURSERY. AI COI PDeWauuaetMeaartM'hen,Pord te, AND Drarii�ta. IRRAELPECK, Iryrridw. - ap[rrmootj),8. r., not, 1176. l 1V o rrZCF.. ANT BU.-A lbw pupllL m(aenemoutal MI. TO FAMBI,I OWNERS @ FI wade' Appy to St. IAIUIRE PRINCY., � The onw d8a6YLN: Bot7'r9BiN Ott.24 IRIS.__ - e In getl e°. - rower I. tong boon _ —__ s"rpls"e doh(say any or lM (.gory owve'BOnir be uma a t�I/a�Of ttu tally mn- � 1wls"Ye heluris"g Ka Star),wk�esby gs"pp 1 rorbt Ire oYl toned. OL(Mill; Aeeot., 9saitbetl,Yq I is;a. WLeelor W � 6E W I1V(i MACHIN Ii:�, With LATFST IYPIIOYERENTN, LYSSTTRUUCTld TIIOEBB PEN Fg E. �.� M V-> d0. Mn,I6'Y. Y.FrrglAy ..annn�d,Nt Y. N.0;L.. 5� EXCURSION AND' BAY ROUTE t ryout Irro��itCCCwwWlC)� �Illnl _Wociatiou, .111F NT6061'11 A NI,FAST NIRF.WHF.fih !f y, P! j' A V N M E N T J• Y• UNWERNIL�t 11 I�rr. A. CAPT. CHA19. llIXOR, /K"]3 ti Southold Lyceum Rooms, rnn"a I'o.nenlfer noA Fmt�Lt Lnnt, Nun. dxrA eacndrtud, unt l further not m, ea funowa,. r„n Oera-wr,Lmu'enx, Pontnoto, New aurroe.a WEDN&DAY ;,l I 'I it[1 R.IDAY EVENING$, xo Ku, HAanVa: ./quel rt.'?I i 1"”' •Y', 1X74. • Z SA. lfN, WIiDNfiNUAi"P AND P8IUAYP. Lenvn timen rt t. AA.3f Prw mt At 8:16j Thr FuulhnLl lel-nvi, y1x Noutk.LlM xN• •New'Enik,{k et lb:a6r IHe� a 011111'•th"t oA lar ni��, .. . "'n h.,m tL, plee eau W nu. IInrLor nU 19�S h.AL; HuuthuhlW l:al; -IYew- lar'x pul,ular Dnw,a. I'•i ,:�i" thry"'11 ycWu-u 'P.m 'ny- nt It 9; IOre vj rt ut 7;1f; IOrient At 3 antllul t0xeniwrf of 3:40; Nog lforb., et 6:40 y1J ���J1L _I�il�',�i� ,.�1� �I�������, Nouthold.W x:401'ur UMpat. 1 l 1 TItEPUAYP,TWI NUATN AND SATURDAYS. I,Axvo 0r filawt at B A. hl.; 4nralxal at d:16; 'gym•,. ny lLn &.atloid &:Nj M Haclroe et 1:45 P. M.; +Pentnaidatlan, ,p,erMs: larwnpnnat USEENTOWl' i4/1iN1:'PBAND. 2:12; :nrtant M x; l O,.,,pnrt at 3:40; 1Fea Har- Eulerfalrnucut n,u,ni.,i,,. M,r At 5:40 A..(41 Wninn. ,i : 1-:"I rock .4Dx1.VNl f,.Y M Ibnn,roti' of Ued•npnr! IrL wx,t T4aix p1a L.L U_it- ALn, Rh Ill. . of Ntoamrn J. 11, 'l 11 REVS roll -a II.Yf p(1l;IMl',1L 11.,{UF.H. Nr'inlJ)lrr the NSM Yhrl,A.. Nf 1!,•Inr for NaMpprt t nd 76,xt".. ml /unahge ho New laud..mA 1' YY IiLi. I ait Wn , tl Inuuk .;t II tilr L. ti's 1 v. .lurml. bund lou ri un ar t.teunlon trip, r,xmd rha IeIAn'1 1 warn the -101102141k L Alouod.Wlp•Af mua. I CnnneelinP withNL lent. fm And Feat trala [ . from Nearfork. Vo fhe CA"tole aefulND-It"',.Itrfl,r P.,ll.reorr or like Ho.pmn.. NoltuppnP nu 1111•wnY Lebaeb j Oeeenpori melHn fL ThThisBouW be C un h. harbre]gar N.000llaYt lee,"--a, ;'2... —'h.8....rl to Orient, ; mnfe; UnU.C{w or ew ,t ,A NnneLbe n.nfa; bntwwn Al.thio- '.;a:' .11 pWx:ean rhe nate, 6fl,mnfe. - - .A. Boar., ..th" �WAS(tuiolml. J. 11. Tkan11�� Pn.,lLuld: am ow MAO. Naw ldu4oik; N. N. Wrar„u.a, a,rLL darhnr. tl 4w TAE STEAM YACHT /(A,{ CArT. LLWIP At. AOtM4, Will learn ;,;v. IIM,Parq at 1.30 A.M.,11Y anA 4 An P..Y.,, StPtoapMt ttM:ad."e:fo " , I,.:e " eld, " :GD 44.,Af Arris oe h BAN Herb.] 'ataeM" 1:46 " O:w Will I... RET I'H iTI3U Pq Ilarhor, At MW A.M.,UM aalfip 911uthold, q;a( 1'p,ejLLYl OroUnd," Il Mp " kilo' r:od y Arrivn at Oleenport, "1100. M,_ f:Ml FAeotf renfe. F..nnrMon tie Hckeb„1 meth�ffeae Ua• Uneuiart. Hund trip. Vaa.enpnrnm I .L! paPdAar- In,w/P leave 4 1.2 Luaw et WU„wp.4neua4 ,r The Voohr it,10,30trip wvaue, r mt?Arw+ Nar ke.A6. nplorteauaHunin fM �ew Lumlou. Eaw�lA1,. Melon produrad an lex,d. TLoIlia n11 a'eloclt 1rlp.cnn,wrD.Mt71 Ptea,n- erPnndl.0far Pnphrnolt, HotY fArrl, if.. hnro 11.63 to Saybrook, tJokab to M procured on hoard. The 6o, a omneen at PaP ID,rhor with UA ee K_MefW lWV an AmxPxnutl, T"j 1h Io[enefWrtnink la fh9 oW A. rwm•uta altil Nu Lmr ALL - �qpr"awn.n.a,N.Iheuh,.S,y A iY}oanl, 1,ruwp,.r, wM b' 41 ACAER .ir ro. i i 12 t <.4 300�O1d I,yC011ill ASS0011Ufl The Traveler. eOUTNOLD, N. Y. Public Entertainment, —Thnrteday, Murch i, 1876. .r',me _ SoutholdIJ$Oel1IIl (IOII38t L F. Terry Editor&Proprietor V ! 'f'utyddy k Wednesday F, i;s, _ The Southold Lyceum Associatiou UL Qu Igar-L 10 y� it ipV*14 thinking it x matter of public interest, and dwwing it ospuci:dly due to thow who by their attmdanius on the air p- ,t-n TM e.,,thota l,"east 4meutro. myeo.toer - 4+ >"? to of their last Entertainment, y non.un•• ,hal, au,oad dit4fo Ud,,r•.emaaa, r e h H rti.r.we. ,.om.rst d Lion MuMeruuw Na their contributions handed in to the Ae- aet l.,raWleet; ambition,so hoartily responded to Doir vrsf.® OCTOROON;- appeal for aid�n behalf of those w4u iiYY oil aro suffering id the far weA, submit 0" LRE IN LOVISLANA. following as the result ot'tbeir efftjrtix rlr'r,ese�sM far the fes k<. fhu+tnvu^^deot J%*rtNnWat. $l".00 Neeewnp and eatena egsu,i,aleass, tete Darla br*A Net ls'se„un. 0111-02f1BEkNPO1tT CORNET BANDe Contributions handed in N follows: SerW nment ttmsgtentxe st 7 td nr..Mr.and airs.J.W.simraau, „.eD 11[n.YiseNinh J.aulvgs, 1:40 Admission Jd cents. Tickets CµH1auer Corey, r. so wombat 25 a0 the usual plaom It either _ 8 prove stormy, auterWnmsot M.Mlnsn rad at go.so M 4td fair avinil* In the above amount of expenr*.the _ iudiridnaloutlaysof nu mlwre.p>ep,amt The Travelers included,ae it e n rule the n- i, , , tion that arch member shell ll hairheir iOUTHQLD, N. T. own as regards mttdt&n. A check for _ --y- the above amount(�i9.ti7j has been,for- �ynrgdey, . 4160 6, 1874. warded to thn"21 ane Association"who kindly receive and forward moo+ and L.F.Terry, Ed lter&Proprietor suppl1e8 to the Governors of the redpw- .. tive States whore the extreme sallwing 8.L. A.—Cha Tuesday and Wedntst- oxiets. I` day evenings of next week the Lyceum We doubt not hilt that the mosey wilt will be sacredly app ropriatled b Association will giro dobe OnSecthis Ion- thew for the, worthy ohjoet int rttalnment of the seasc,n. On this no- and that,at least,some burdens Alt 1be' nasion they will pnuhioc the well known made lighter,wmc hearts he made glad, play,duseriptivo of Southern life, enti- and woo sorrow and suffering via- , tled "The Ouloroon." The public are tod by the timAy assistance reudu too well alsivainted with the previous The Association are under gKileful efforts of the Association to need to be obligations to the wcutborw anwprlsing the"Catuada fdinstr.Is,"for their prof pt told that the play will be well put on, chearfulpey in furnishing tky+yl Jt and the parts suetained to the satblle. such eswllrut music withols moo r um of all. prim. To those who favored us with their individual subwriptiona and to the Pul- ppit end Press who so cordially mowmeu- dxd our aiforte to do gond we would smdgreating.—C.S.TlLtixott"r. Treosurm,S. L.Awrlation. 1. I. R. R.TIME TABLE. L.L CUT, Dar,17,1x77• Ant". Imare. s.rl.e.le,p.m. 1 V r r s�W PD its P.M. r.neR llFmd l'lt9 1060 6<• 11,717 II��1j lsi(llltl r��41 YIY11 /m 1 FIntF]�Aif�nue 10 i1 OlN II IuU: /65 1u1 um nun 10 TI r,07 ---- /f0 111 MlYedn IOUs 559THI'Ax1,Ar,\Ikit 1 W7, /Ir 1 f1 W. 933 U 53 1 4". ;: •s /n Mil,=, n 40 1 35 The B.,otht.ld Lvneum Ameia" /N 40 Cerltr,.l Pork 9 TU 5 23 Rap.th/if ilio pubhr. t1itA:rWlnlaba{of /N IIS TwminR,t de D 1/ 119 the year an TYaMse evveln Notwith. sl I e0 Alit Herr Park oil 6 O6 y y g /Oe 1 01 Hoer Park B 06 501 standing the oft nlpaetrd n•maijt, "She. 1/ 111 Hrrntwmd a 57 Ito Lyceum N dual:' a fuller house randy N 171 CrntrnI Islip /51 44 i r re., t/11 1t1 I.nknlnnd B41 eN y� tr W any a,mp.luy, aWuding raalr s 110 Helhrosk /9G 171 V being in dem'Ind au, aisle Choirs Willis lA 54 11t Medford 1 E/ 4 IR 1 M AM Tait 1 15 106 In greet request, eU mu1'h W that IlelaB '1 17 6 91 .oilblB Hollow 7 48 9 75 daagefeas to raeate line for even a kyr lis a 21 tlnnor set 1130 - mut— irifanl meaux neemtu W tx 11 10 6 16 AlvrrLr.ad 34 9 s - 'h' g 1102 65i L.mwlnrt i T6 417 l�¢frit them away. Thu stag., wahi . 1t 11 'M MnUil.eck i is an7 tire]new and in the meohAnieat 4 Y 11 i le Cuiub,0lue 7 Ox T 1tM7 7 eT P 11 ranput refle0qq ts runt credit on Ow 11 tx 2B Peamw 1334 119 Au1.1LMd 65n2 u ingenuityof its aruhiwct, Mr. L. Q. 12 46 To an OrefnpOrt Ivo. 615 T 5n Fila. The eceuery was really Num Yd AAO HARBOR HHANCH. W.Much ux,3 not be paid in 17rn10a w{' 1115 LTB Ma0nr 001 ;V, T 111663/ Mlnifbes '11 .1 - the arlisL Cdr, Dvnj. R. Fila. hr sons{ 1144 a/5 epow k i a9 3 T:' depicting Uuiuu Square w1N as Sne 1151 664 Wwdhnmpfow 7 23 x U' ioao of well 11 M 6 50 7 13 30x c YIIILVI gM i! efttla 12 lie 7 0.7 AtlmJiorilla 7 O5 104 . in New York Tal trhx. F'r awrpun 1113 7 15 O.A Oreuad a sR 161 treat the xkill dia LI ml L Lr. Fita 1111 '11 S,,Wbnmpt.0 6 a7 i iT I this, o well w in wfimr t hie uu 1".50 1 43 wmmrnm 109 7 60 Hridgkh. I a"n B 17 f 7t drAwing/, may by prop.a training YB'� 116 B O6 Ae{Har r B 119 BOB•' caoee him i,,xeupv the pi," he mpire b Of the;%ting 1t is .nil)y' oewsry to Cay it sew fully up to tba knows ability of thr Ali"Aittiou, by soma wall o,mliden,d their bwt Cenld we partiouhoin+alta critiahs dould p rhap*apeqI; Blore in Abut sen et say th lifla did W by •'t but enough ug did stalLw IleiptaAf both"aninga,$VAK A kism Mat sank.' SALE AT AUCTION. o,: SATURDAY, HEP >,sees, at t- P.H., on the premised J Richard 9. Sturgle,Southold, 60 TONauxii And ClanocRu Pi ha BOA1H1a7 TholNa,SontiaaY,C usTAINs,LAwls, t � `alo..,, the property of the r olk LYCROof SBBOCIATaD .: E TRAVELEiR,, rj ll. BCHAUdiI1CIZ17' FRIDAY, NOVBMBBR 18, 1881. rknarricnl. CHURCH DIRECTORY. PnasnyraauN.—Sunday errvicee at 11 A.M. and Watchnlakerand Jeweler, rnP.MSmnd^y-xoaoblat19:15Y.so. Prilgl-siI i.,Friday evml7s. Preaching.[ the Hail, Pa. ,.om,en,ryotherTuNd%avenin;ntwhcaI-homN, BO UTSOLD, L. 1. : Iley View,every other ne ^ddxy evening. Rea. EphOr Whitaker,D.D.,Pastor. ale dealer in HVIRODIxT FrIwIlIAL.—Sunday atevieve at I..M A.M.and 6:3e P.M.Sunday-rohoo1 at 1'1 M.Player. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ' ).... yTnedq eve.iaga. Chisel.. Frigay—doll, •.g o, Id .J.AS an, oven pwple'y Frldey avm- inae. Rarv.J.Brien.l;Yetor. SPECTACLES ETC. IINIvaaNAueT.—Sunday""Iwo at II A.M. and 1 >.ue e.a. Bnhdar-whool at 11 M. Rev.Abram aWkAel n Auriran and Prench Conklin,Pastor. WST.P, mows ROMA.C,Trim w.Mrs at South- O&Nk,OIM&W,Ifs,rare/u4 tenpaired and old every Sunday: let and 4th Sundays of seek waAWshd. month et I I A.M.;2d and td,9 n.M. Man et Cut- choNae at 9♦.M. hat Bnndey of month;at Il A.M. ad Sunday. Map at One Myatt At it •M.dd Bev- JIRD SZE4 Come-and pee da?of mouth at 9 A.Al. 4th Sooday. Rev.B.0. K � O / Fo ey,Faster. 11101 aand.pindn r rlmrt of FALL and BOCIETY DIRECTORY. WINTMR GOODS lust mwlvd, rorlating of S.T.S.—Southold Tewpewnw Seetety meets the sawad Monday ovouinq av seek mouth. D. Y. PLUSH, STRAW and IdLT HATH, of awry RALLIXIR,President. O.F.PAYIIa,Secretary. I.o.O.F.Southold Lodge,I.O.O.F.,No.hrg, Mlle rdquahty; F74TNMR3,kegs rd small; mew every•Coedsyy aveviv ,y O'tlek,in Odd Pal. low.•$ell. U.v.Paxxar, ,U.;H.H-.Hd11TeNo, 31LH3,31 TINS and PLVIRES; eewdedgnab gee. B16gO.Vs;LAUD!'N70LWZAM,of all kind., ' r��;�l rp I.0.of y.T.ening at 7 aFo,ko.i ATempery ce 1.0.of ern and many other WUal@. Hall. B.T.PAY", W. C. T.; Sea, Jun. L. C.N.I.W. We Aw aWt S.C.B.—The Southold Comet Band holds Ipaa� Vwgrd bdo DBBBB$AMINQ In Ing.on Medny nod Thursday event u W. 8. VAIL.PrtT.; G. B. JaNNmo., neo.;J"RDW. 0h AD the Ana.tyfss. .. . -. Nay,Loader. L.E.THOMAS. S.L,A.—The Southold Lywme Association'. It- J.R.HEAL. braxy and rein are In the war part of SoathaM Dra(•Store. Tho libra numbers a79 volomw. $01)T,4 AND NI160-, Y.U9041,Prodtent W.R.Trot,Be wbry. G. HAN NIS So A. PRINCE, !YY/ ! _ a.vmlJITCPT -A QI111-Sten who returned from tum City thin Week SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICIALS — 1881. with an unusually fine asnortmeat of MEN'S and 110YI 'BOOT.,—henv µlid flOuxrT JilUm<--T'homn+Young. Iluuthag[un. light; LA DIME slid EIOREe nu xxoanrx.—d11111CN II.Tuthill Bh'brho Il. UAITRRSopI'e, JoRTICM OF gE..IIIN.—Chsrlax It.Smith, Podoli gun SHORS. e sed109&l"BeI )gkof.CIIILl$Ex's —Jxn01Il.Foeter,Noutltm pJ'x I!HOEB, oto. .�Itq s 1Nrge.logk of EVE- DwTItICr Arnwxln'.—NntLm,U.Pmty,Itiverhmad vari BGOTH, ®811MB and A7[CTICe, 04 UNNimlisn ulFF—U Leril),Ileolwle,'tNnrth�im t. various six pa sad Quality. DxPPrv-5ualavv,— CergU III. Cooper, B .rt. . Mr.$elle my*; III will Bell fie olieap —J Writ A.llerrlx,kegHarbor.vm N any body.' .• —Lewl,Fath.Ilabl)ion. Making and repnirirtg,r'grxivo and.atprompt —Franal.A. 1111104.4.Rh,whe .1. lMatlga. _%`m. limtell.h.MIInYita+nmixlinhylu _ COUNTI"l'LERK.—Orville e.Ackerlp,Itivbrhee,l. �,II88 FA NN IE S+XWEB DEPUTY I'll. i WCLERK.—Win. RUNMR.W osr 111 11.Nawlo.,iii ve i' is 110".'IT PO1.OH.—Stephen It.tYilllama, Amive 1110. 11"JIst retarned from the City With tVm.T'.Bnlee,Po rt Ja a on, —J.Had91on IYell.,Greenport. We TUrndu.mrat lel of Ga11WL COMMINaIUNNIr.—Jnotne ltoe 1'xtChnglle. —Conloll0 U.'Blmer,Bnot hId FALL LbkON1348— .Ferroat preatnn,M.D„ Amityville. 1'.,1LL QAATO InWwnae S.Rdwnnia. GOODS SµpioM W.UhnppPel,M,D.,PnI, Ite — o m B.HertmaR,M. D., Itirerhom1. carr "'Il tad in Ais m4kw, BBAVRR nnAhn n►anlllltvato l.. RATS-10149 OaTBIoH PLDMMB—.11 001• SWiden, A.Titus.....�apTkkO�t�IIon.......P-II. it DMkNS. syr, PONPGMB, 1VINOS— il stephen C.Rogew....Xut17(ugl^n...nititnetm1. ell klnda, VRt4 John 1v cod ...........IaNp...........Sµpvllle. 1'RTe,AATM.PLPS11nS— Jeebll.Conklin......NmaMolm.....BmlthCn Br'ch. 611 colors,eta., Johit h. aye a......./hookaaben...l'ntrhogue. John It.POrkin,......724Nwpe.d.... Itiverheud. 7ranklln H, bverrttOn.Noulkaid..... liver Sonic. COME: A.ND"H$E', Ilam.O. .a.r ,IN o.,B le/maA.'ec IrlelenA. Jemoe ILI'lewoil...... in Na..Smnlhlamplon. Joni than hater..•. araPlnn out ft a I.n. Tbvddent H., n.Ulerk. ItiverhoaA. 15�;;H.CAEAK STEAM DULL, tH Y aau.vurm WA{ho br bml lb. .1-1,It 11 Cu,.JA\INS r Maes /lSnnl,wu aw omlatT,tvrinJlnq s urw b)L.1.It.U.far Grills Will ou rml After fkt&. ,,N. Iran•,New i�ednv oe rN las• nly Intl be medal :H. Et � aas�Kwi.lwlw MONDAYS, WEDNESIMYS AND FRIDAYS. think all, VIWOeaaYOfl. JAMES ALLEY..J for nr.,rup,n urd 8r°HArbm. licn,mi".In"Ing Hyborwe soofaol.n,April Ia.IM. Ja TUESDAYS.THURSDAYS AND SATUMUAYS, FRANK D. SCHAUMBURC. r+oam••ftrcr pam"q-.u, p,c1~ PMMCAL i yb7p ail Jldlvr. lit:EVES, A,,'rel u WaLtehrnnker OL Jeweler, SOIITHOLU - f e r wire,taJubmt bb friend.And Wo public to Iirunwl Oml hr - IJ 1yA V I N t.el br rmmurldb IN 'I'!Ig BA�$ SiOIITgOIaD, IA. I., VILLAGE OF SOUTHOLD WkimbewWkeep,,nutantl,nnhaml• wall erlc,, l -u.. Itl OPYN DALLY rROY la A.Y.TOt F,Y. WITCHKN.CIA OIl1.JEWNLIiY,Nt'F.t^I'v'Ll:v a. YEIVOI Sprout Atleatl"e R,env b Ove u,d rnngdln!rvl w�41.,.. 1„ LJtu T.HDLONIt riiPwWbm. PYANNUR U.OYIYTOv., Vi,}Peatyrah SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANS(, °A°"°A"°°�' IIKNSY YL'NTTINS,Tr..,urcr Yd Yar1Yr IN THA' VILLAGN OF SOUTHOLD, ALBSYTgOY I'ASE,wn.,mer .vd CoaWrr., Y OPEN duly I,.m 10 u'olvuk. A. a•,to g e'rl.mk, r. x. Jo-ph L.Wmm, t:mn I.0.1damilk (,(o, _ Hes"t.T". Hutwkwem R.Carr. O c t- TBUV"ms e U Agar. swomb4 J"hv It.How.°, HENSNW.AEII T.OOLDYICI'rH.Pnrldent. Jobs O.Lira, Jinn L Hunts. /IANKMN H.OYEETON, Yioe-prr„Idenim. TlaruaA.tYki Wlilimn W IARNAHAS H.BOOTH, HXMRT HUNrr11fO,Trauunr AnO tlroeelar>'. . Ttamu J.LbakW, WICKHAIr A CASE. Altorvmrm mild 0:lKarrlaas, N.rn.baa t.bask, Yoram0.111arrlavd, Tho9 J.Coutllu, Jame.E.Umrlon, In,."A.llalbek, Imrael Pack Augmvu Jen and SOUTHOLD ACADEMY. Jerepk IALWW. Johu O,Iraiaod. Johu N.Aowell, H.urf H.TORE. A.L.fialmmllb, H.VI Cue, WIILIAm Wttllam, H.H.Hontb. Thi. Ia,dlmlloe will trege ib raved tam ' __ Nerembm N,IMI. Ib nim wiH b the drrgaN/l! ONTADK AND NEW YOEK STKAI®OAT OONPANT, dmud.rm, high rh"lunhip mild ChriHlaa nUr16 mSaors i�lei fmdtUi a will br nRurdcd t"fa�aaaaKK I"in For Orient, Greenport. Yp Shelter Island r� ti ®who&,irc n,m.ke th.'r= rga. Southold, Sag Harbor and New Suffolk. •buaaer or the autWatpllrm ••f O r e-- 'rux AremaRx i � d C Wilson, seer dWIlrm m qumrb, am woks oV. -UV. d O I -MA&MOMIAebtainedin uta rHLsAr wrier f f :tan Fdlllsal will Rlallf mvmeobatr ryrraa4 l`mrr. ORO.O.(111113m, vkFkamr wlN mv)'wbo mmT dery lAA admmstesA 1<4rn Sew York.Plar m,E.It..fmd of Pcek Shp. j dra AMAMI,led would reit. le Tw°mft A. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, i.L7,D.,L.H.n.Pn. tr(galaW P, S Neff Hartmr taw.; al J e'elorA m. HelOruiu ,Irv. t.A;sad k;.erf ltealtiy.!<rq.,Tnr MONDAYS ANT) THURSDAYS, rr T4erbr,HourAoW,L.I. x W onuum Purlpr.uearlork m.,ovA Inn Kmll HmrW1 LW New Nupvlk on *Nkoo 1.Nor 11 lel NIONDAY'N. _ M11 who ebb b,wri l 010 It r N Ln lxlte rm W Abip by rT/ b".bull r,fiheirPM°hI.J. J.o It V)IeNrtivi., tlu xblp by CA• ��DY ETT, '�,JIV u„n ImAt. J. Y.e11d,L'iI51.ItNv e, upewf, Dentist. VIUMM _ ”""Oil h r�N"IV, SOUTHOLDLONG ISMI , .1p,Af,Sas HrDm. , O. 'Cdr- 11'0. `Z. - -- IPrice Litt: _ Arod sat oI Arti0pial Teeth for {10.06 r IS WARRANTED TO CURE f.Akil? IiAt'h,(01m.tAl Olive. ,IDR- WEBST R'S SALVE. NTIY8TOCS�PWE!} OCY! "WHI19..�ounna'�ptyolf"awu't.°ra.Ill maYoU:ti,: MBIl1S FllPIl1ShlIl 90,. 1.� _.. „ .rail of Will. 71e I Jar1°Sr tl LSsY' ' LEHWEAR Ni, HoMENA°tStAL- w,d 1a" .Griew. II ty�' Jlt'rclluu.lass,om ragas. TY. THN Itl Vt Ktilli Lfi ciO1.LAlllt TtI M JI KKMTXAI,E 1ILK HANLKK&91b. N a Inca' Clothing in Stook, Sara ' QaWrcoru. Haordr° and I xru Agent for Bananas r;aArv,OtaW"A "d If Yloar.11mild d. R. d J. IL PERKINS' Mt,ri mn mpTerfrm or gr111YM �' rad ak,+p•r. S d D UA anurallo Clstii.� u No.pFanRSf.,a '•"_� aM. CENTS' NECK WEAR. MIAC(v IN A',em1' u!erc. (%191 RX aJ' rpE J'lSEAT aKANON. -' ,r,vroxlrr Jrrr,Er¢ Wr. 1� FRANK GOMEZ ,mWtfully Wriha hi+potnnn,nn:l the public gee- , SYUTNOLB SAYINGS BANK, , nelly W all sm exemiuc Lis IN THA VILLAGE OF 800TH8pOLD, NEW FALL GOODS, I EMO IVIy tro TRUSTERS /G o'cl0UOk ' u' -muaintmS of RRNSSRLAER T.GOLDSMITH,President. t Cuhme;a, Dt® Plannola, etac.dod Ooods, fRANELIN R UVERTON,I vice-Plealdente. ' Nrmer,Arnalan Setting+. Debege, Cuban+ and RARNARAS H.ROMH, 11 IIRNRY HUNTTING,1're-uror end Socrehq'. Gia,hem4 Paul Sp,ataa, Preach and Teleneta yostu O.Olerelsnd, Tho's J.Conklin, James R.Horton I I+as4 R.I.Net,Illueinu,NtrY-ties, Lnre Col• 1'hn's A,Hell°ek, D.A. Dnoth. An R,utos Jerome We,Runhi Silk HamlkerehiofN, Delta, teary J."Ph tobu O,lreland. John 9.Aowell, ng4 P 11.U.Caen, n tbaD,Dau D povtenpr, 17adrnorar, JJorlrry, FaD : Henry H.Terry. R.L.6oldem{th, R.irt,,CmAA,Kid Glmv,eto.,n[c.t elan fhnryaW T\()lt lit{T�l'i'1(;,4 i+-�- Repo&a aria'n law and n ynnau no natant- 1 �°`YeOykap"°Ww LARGE STOCK OF Brick-Yard property, A. ' Will ire sold at n low Agnnr and on n,,.:,,oable IM.. the IWek Teea.k ytil laveh, o0aw at nS'lin."'.ti i.'4.ah°um a,Ja dd 1A en,and nbondws of go y; h nitrmtn)abort two Ad, Oil-Cloths . from Ommtpaland abnnttb,rmmo,i'In .o frmn eonlhold,or,. i ^ - to to leab of the I'roaprct (s'h:•h�r Wood) Cu l weoUog Y+sfa!' / laliou. 1'hara is a6uod heal lrsdo:nr brink,,m,l foe OF SHIPPINC e pal In nicely locsted,hnvh+yy a front"f 100 rads Olt ba Ray. ;n 1b n Pei^'w who Wada:and wl,n c+einta boslnasa, Win in a a. �TNIIQUE PATTERNS p to pmdny. P..rr&A It. pDEL1.1,1N. NnPplyto !d°Vnu Dunn+1..Dm„hlpn,L.L,or to :mCla J.ac ll.T'anr:v.Nw holt, L.I. JUST RECEIVED AT NTAUK HHd NEW YORK STEAMIOAT CO, QV. a • e Penney'$e For Orient, Greenport, Shelter Aland _ O Southold, Sag Harbor and J B. FkNNINCVS New Suffolk. a TDR STE— V TZ etaro is packed tall of WH W, COIT, New Goods, Capt. OEO. C. GIHHS, Ltoven New nark, Piet 21, E,l River, font of Slip, to meet his Fall and Winter trade. Peck ^,� Tuesday, Thursday a Saturday, No Ilettcr Place Ar A o'cLoox P. E. to buy,or exchange produce for,goods. Rotanning,leaves Has limbar Nonday, Wedneaday, cit Friday. (TALL AND BEE: _ AT-I WeLeex r. NOTICE. f Southold at 4:40. Whereon my Wife, Emna, hos left ,l.P,UILDERATAl':vR, on mV bed and !ward, I hovebv forbid any - (lace w the Pior, n tE. WC. ALBERTSON'S J.D.Trans,A 9,a I n t Sau W,dd. , IN NERD-QUARTERS ATTENTION if yell phago. I Lava an nrrang.d will, the bast mane m tm cru that i cm lur,r>I, L./SF2_ Z DRE88000Dp arch asie Me,k),vte,;lan- ansh.r.e,t'nitaa'.In latus.t„,•al,n/t,: FtGAIVS, PIANO$ $otioaa,o•,.ry.laa,i1^war BIIulyic I U*fDEl��YEAR, [.din',Oenta• am Chll- a Iunitrunrc+utas dro e; On"Lira nut Lot Lico" 1'ottnn, Hosier .n tensa piney I). I', I3'O�,Tp meta;sea dating(wasey,n nice vnrioty I 19J 1.uteyetW Ave.,Dno�Itl,yg. .OIL-C 81n Wnurasd le,vie)17Wela3t Jo- If Routh from IS scats Fnttema,of I=and neN V;Iday evening msna; eraiUK' stag on Honae Paints And Ka7eomfne t CROCKERY AND OLABBWARE, d s huge in-r.; Ene Pickle ---DpienennSjloed Kans a ryeniiDy • . 1 '1' di � 'Il�}�111 - NEW GOODS II.�' owei . , AT, DRUOOISTANDAPUTRKCART, (.j^I• y SOUTHOLD. L. I., �• Y• HOMASIS. T / t PAT NT m "" t~R �:mtnt at DRUB, .'.�;' ui IfRDICINge DYR-STUFFS,TOUJW ARTICLP.e,SOAP$,y„Ae. —a_ Al-STATIONRRTor Nl 4ivdr,Rod • fail eo r mrtm•tt of ►ANCT ARTI,LES. TOBACtOR, r PIPKe.A, 4o�L SID - SCHOOL BODER cot fbr ..l rata. winespin 'u! vn/6 ra-M- abor W fer,rnN.tPubli.AeWprbr Sow Pole menvteewrQw D,tivaar.'r wlabr.tai PRa I Trr thmm:thep Nelke b•t. ERNEBT LEICHT — --- _ { N. WILL IRRIVE cadence Lcs lime of a•hop to 1Le huwunt of RNltw'w ,U.it-t_ tbie week per stesmor W. q'. pai6�eth 90IITHOLD ' root pssite,Leuntes,9farDleaN (neer Btd•we`J-Aa 1, h wxro be wfll rats Red tout � rfr.. BOtrre,BHOP.B,etc.,1.ehr&ae waaa.., .t wawf We" Top Tables, Baby Car. - a• a tLe .{ro he wed na IwtNh•peU atna n ve Im•r. H•niklb t•aeq ee. riot$$, etc.,rte. Ctt$ED, LACN, ,•� �rLHy iaorAusd sate, wnttre me that ' li 11.111BBB, / People are aware that I well pooh torte at low prices. 6OUVROLD, L. I �[�patroow arc n„t aonfinad to this Battlo t prepnr•d 1 do Ardwnemi Ilelr USB. f,'d n,r, '11 11.1 Gratin Pillage,but come from tact and west, 8 Lndiw'Rd�t Old/dn•n'x Bair, 8 And tLe hews end count re.blu,,,,l,I naw.. in To dl,THANKS, mud nn invitatioU to !1M _ r of aha Uh mumar, 'flie tall agate. p lin ix rev•eetrUH w CQ M. LEDTARI7, - - . I han a lot of croquet which I ata OR111D11NN1O<I Merc•I1Rn1going to toll tLte Seaton, if n Lott PRIC11 A r will do it. UI-, UTIMLI). 1.. sw•rrun..vwrom ,eadPmdtue Y Arstiuroiwthin '%Pon of Bab -t�-. lart erer•Adwian. O, rountn taewvo4tW.�Y1 aU y y 1 ty. Lu)' mad men far it erWK Tnw,vnb Uarriages to olotod out: PRICK Dill IT. � lbvarr'. uI r.Kam•,vin R1 --+�.�,_.. If you rant any,umns won; I an La' eT, QORET, - - les to tell them. C111►Icnker AIId Iluildrr, Have a good awo:tmeutof Iieti re Freres—ROTPoiL PANBL, CAfiIKT. tlournotn, Ii. I. ate..etc. .. , 8•TyoALhig prampll>,and wen don.. Redfc,4 1.2 by S. - _.._.------ -- 8 by 10, Wo. Q. T1iRRY, 9 by 12, D[A1.ER IN • IO by 14, ('(1:111 ,�`1) �'(/1�1), 19 by 18; also 6tlsue ` 12 by 18 eon LAW pictarto. NUCTIWLD, �'. y, Tw anrnd-Asad$a Ay Carrityaw: ;�(. . I r!'Yenl et Twrs^•Fherf. _ w �:. . , Ni1;HAHD pABPEPr!'ER, We ]me o Re j HAVE GOT 20VT•1101-0.N. r. - r1•'nuWh•t'.,mlanusa•llaevwprtw, sfall lay shop-Wurn roma,and la two W lit �.a.lu1Pa a 1arRo rand Ane auorietea}01. year clothes sad return them looktR .M best; Syl r, ) of"16 latest acyl" lit Pinter" ail of "I am toiling•r., lur Wdir bears, we a 041 • ION w SOUTHOLSAVDINGGS BgNH,— i 1 I FOR B A L E /Z GR J IN THE MTO LET to s desirable tenant the VLLLA01. OR' EOUTHOi,D, house (with carriage house) on Bay IS oP$N DAILY ritow. 10 A, X.TOB P. H. Avenue,Southold,formerly occupied by RENSSELAER T.GOLD4111TH, Presidont. - Jas.Allen, Bell. J. B.TERRY, $RAN KLIN H.OVERTON,I Vlac presidents, t <r,?L Southold, L.I BAOTH RN&RAS B" WIT HUNTrIN4,Trestnwr and yecret"., r A.. C C O Il lI O D A T I 0 N Joseph Lathan, Rrra L. ColdsmiLl, •x„ �' Ll Hurry pL Terry, Hntcb. Unwell,Vaso, �i Stage line. Augnatun Jo ernur 011ie, Tn S. John O. Ireland, Jnmee E. Hortnu, Thomas A 1Is11oJr, Thnmm J. Conklin, Mines U. Cleveland, Rlrrinbm 11. Rooth. ][IN FANNIE NOSIER On and after Monday, July 23, a stage will leave SOUTHOLD HOTEL has received her daily, except Sundays, at 9 A...,2:30 P. 1[.,and S P.x. for ea GRE ee Returoiug wiA leave OREEI(PObT at 11 A. Y., 6 P. Y., and 10 P. Y. MILLINERY GOODS9 TOC IOF O D- (!¢ s ,C � saTmer Styles for Stale and Store to Lease 4 r,"I I oder for sale my entire stock of 6'411early and male yourselertions.i, � ''' gouda,and will lease my store for a DRINK PURE WATER. term of years to suit purchaser. Pay- Mr.Tboma C.Heneett,at aaoWoid,wiebn to meets made easy. obooaoew totto public that.nor 27 year.' expert- Will ex�•bno s for other property. ",euaatle6 swot! t�elssueq *hes at 1 g 1' P y ,W �ya��atyyr�(��4aryE�y�, This is a good opportunity to start w J►D VATUH�nn"d P48I��FIERI, and ill business. *99 111 sweate reason.for deeming,it a„ern: Until gold sha!1 continue basins” It I.downy 4alawd to nay W4,ur cide � as before. E"E '"d 5. A. BECKWITN rapldiT. It$ Cha.y.nd doral bammee it has we 1pcmd "a"ialw 4r plunges t4 gODTHOLD, L. I. w.tg, asaof creel; sad L...it le the nuns ewaaat at ea whin O.W. ata tae .0.." 1., thi. sae Also for sale d BAY MARE, six years ' ea,xhibitiun ni.hie haw. to",but of ha{aLo is noting In nay wMt p�— n rot' Ltee, .hNick anaat fad* LANDON & PRINCE THOIIA"C,BINNETT,y't. EW 415100 D H —KEI.OONBTANTLY ON HAXn— ` AT AT- All Kinds o4 Meats, --ynd aT en ralrr - _. F. De Schaumburg's, 1EEF, LAMB, MUTTON, VEAL, TONGUE, WON AND FOWLS. SOUTnoLD, — •1'rJ- Ota* Corn Ilett. 1 TMS RARKAT PAWS pAIO FOR HIDIS IVatchea Clarks, Jewelry. ere., eesfefudp We have I"I'll gud our MILIket and Sxerl repairer!, and w4rrnnted. it up la city style. Ois, uv a Ooll. All enters promptly attended to. "T 9perixl atantloa gtvan b elting glaeeea .a I LANDON d PRINCE. aa.y... r ! SOUTHOLD ACADEMY, I+. It I I AR I tmD.SEW LON fxtN,SHRLiu In1..1Sll, ORRBNPO$T, AND SAO Southold, L. I. """�-'---- SEASON iJF 1888 —AIMB AT— — 1- TnonoUJJn PBEPABATIOIr �('laea Leltcum yr _FOR_ 1� 1 CAPT. 11. A. BA1ES, fram fwt of C�ofIege, TUESDAY,THURSDAY &BATUROAY "I""" atMmdl.mntto:" ., Lama at Teaching^ 1:3o t u.,Saybrook Point eat 1:is r. u, and Haw London at con r.v_on..toal of the She" LIGe Eel"..11.1.thi,t lea,ae llwtoam IIPat rh�cngrtt 0.3o end Ties Harlem eat :;3U P. e, 31.m::.:n„t and Proepmt era aisual lnodm0a. Re• Business. < to alnr.lv,n sag Harbor MONDAY, WEDNESDAY 3 FRIDAY --� At e:13, 11raapeat ,.30, Groeopm1 ::In, xnd Lee• it N.,er ol!o,r!New Lon,lan at 10 v Y.and llartfmd al a P.N. The Fall term opens Sop .3d CONNECTIONS. N. . At Few Landau ill.N.Y., N. H.k R., Raalori sod Pmrideene,end`few London Narlb•,,, It,R. The eohool year Colne At Middlelownwlth Berlin Breach of th°N.V,N. prisee four terms of ten H'&H.R.R. At Hartlanl wild N. Y., N. R„ Weelcp each. Hartford and Sprues el R.R. THOS. GROSS,JR.,sea. The tuition is 87 a term. MONTAUH and NEW YORK ttive tor-1f tunFor the ,84,making /�5,/� � 67`EAJiBU.1T CO. $25 for a full year. For Orient, Greaaport, shelter Ir:aed, Southold, Tial Harbor and The parpogra for which the Acade. New Brilliant, My WAS bolt will continue,to be kept Steadily in dew. Fr M. HARSHBERGER, A. B., 1411 VeluelpELI. TV STRAW C A. HACHETT, Toe WitVO' 1T 9 ' /Q��� Qt t.GEO.C.GIBBS, Dentist, �Leay.e Sew York,Pier fl,flat of eakmen attbl But at",. PMeinmf.,Seat door..at of M.B.rAwehl, �Tlaeaday,Tharaday dt Saturday, SODTHoLD, L. 1. AT 3*brute r.u. Bacurnlaf,Inane N4 Nnrb,, ,FW'Offlce 11011111from 9 A.M. to 8 P M. Illondaay, WOdne"Uy 4 Friday, NOTICE . AT 1 o•ause r.e„ lin uthold at 4t46. All perm w hareby fotbidden—under penalty Ono.0.GIBBS,Arent, f We law-tea trnpar ao the aoand le1aA, withlu oan an the Pi. ,N.Y. ,he bunnda of the wrot eml.d Groat Pond wad the J.B.Tager Atlanta Soo Wold. fn„n running from Little Pond m We 9aand, n Purl.*earept Rehlug. ' yy� °tb.B. we rig.xlwnyfa,dl eaoaa to wok biR• Chocolate, Strewherry, vanilla and tawaiw an+r Aeg.aW,and beach plume a/wr Mp.Ms gtLeatda ICS-CE19AM t CANTSRMRl0. `ZIr11eL. Br oMMmm nmY. D.I,.�oxTVIN2 Store. SL W.v.BOSTON: I Tr o nu ONTAITII AND NEW YORK STEAMBOAT COMPANY. THE TRAVELER For and,OrieS, thold,ort, Shaper Isl. and, Southold,Baa-Hasbom and Now QuflPolk..,,,,�„.,-, rBmAY, A000ST 31 th, 1141. TOR STEAMER W. W. C O I T, O80H08 DISECTOBY, CAPT. GEORGE C. OIBBS, Lasvee AU HARBOR nt 8 P.X.. Pmsrrnux.-gundep serdaes at 11 A.Y. amt ,: '-.d.L RONDAY AND THURSDAY ':AI P.M Svudnr-waael at lYaa e.x. Pru fir-meet- lhgPrblse...alnrs. �Prenehiagst fh• Hall, P. SOUTHOLD AT 346. "life real a'Ler'Pwgs7)ereolvR;uL.ei.aol•Luuee. Leaver NEW YORK,Pier YS E.R., foot of Pack a �I•w,,req that Wotoeuta, ereuins. Re,. SIfP,every �saffoosellithlt.zinsi.D,Peatar. TUMSDAY AND FRIDAY, aRsoolsr S11l.flea -Haada aervimePrayer- a.a.•ad .. P.r.Suoss. Cl vx�m 19 nv.g Prayer- At*,'dock P.M. wwlivf Tursdq evevings. Clean-meetloge FrNlp' 11hlpperr who wilt. to take advautnge of Lar• e,•slys. Avr. A.A.Unm,PasWr. Ratty uodearefulhomili ` of their Freight, will Uwl,saartl,L-9aod.yarnkw at 11 A.M. and olid it so their interest to.hill by this boat. -'w P.M. mmd.T-Ahad at 19 da. Bvv, J. E. JAMBS F.UILDERSLBEVE,Apat. L.,44 Psrtor.IT.PATaiaa'a ROMAa CAnouc.-Mneat svulh. OlSae on the Pier,N.Y. old arm gundny: lat And 4th Hand4 . of eaeb J.B.TZRRY,Asset,Soat4oM. staeth at l l A.M.;td sod ld,s A.M. Man Of Cut. _ eavfue ate A.M. IH Sandiy ur mouth;At 11 A.M. )I'.I'I:FZPE'S SAI,Id.—till --_--- -- kdivadne. le.+ssat0m,oport otic A M.9d Suo• IZ he Court. v- ad afaoofh;att,.M. uhguml.y. Rnv.B.S. ��uRolk Canopy.-i9nnnnh nL Al burtnon ngAinst F q,Paster, l'hanon ll.Curhrnu nml others. In puntlauce ol' a .__ pndgmen4enier rth6 ranrt,IAds In the Attlee nn. tinea noWm.ou the31d,fay of co-Lobee,IMI,the it,).IOOIETY DIRECTORY. dernigued npmmnted a ml'ereo Al'Ihet purponn, will sell nl Vubli,neetion,fn front of Ibe Autel of palms H. tl.T.tl-MuNnIA'rrmpenmm Hoc(,<yfend tits Blllar,l,in the r lllugennd to%AorsnnrHol.u,nrSul'- wswa 91snd 1 +'amo(t I. .,Oh month. L. Y. I'tlk Vo.,N.1'. nAInHAA Y,the Seth d nyol']„vrnr her. LN.uv[,Ptw i.luot. 6.y PArw[,Seoreteq. IHtl I,al uno dcluak In the nilernoon, fill. Iollowing L O.D.l:tluu.hold l,rclge.L(1.0 F.,No.aH, Ilnedhedpremises.rb.: All thstrerlain pioneer put, +■aa•n'I11a'l•yy msnlar.a o'doek,in UdA Pal- Of Iand wife the dwelling hullse thereon• emmtu illewZ ' .il. M.S.PAX DuetS,N.Q.;O.A.P*lxc2, Om village Andwn b 01 Seulhuld. In the L'uualY all Suffolk and stole.nlNew York.And oonnde,l and du- 1 O.sf O.Y-WufrIad Ya.i:A,mm•ts armor eerlbell as follmve: On the north by life highw'ny or W,dnsyar 1,miny of a oOuak in T.rni,Or ea Moln Street; un the aunt Iry the lends of W illiam II. Terry And or the Minhod GL R leen lal Soelely And Hail. A.s.Vua,W.C.T.; I. pL.War.e,4•a the]and Into of Beelnmhl It. I 1-mei, rJ,,eaend; on I.C.J.Tho Bookenld Cornet Baud bold.most the south by the land or Thomas S.Later; Aad rat SW as Moods, ud Thuredsb srsvinp. VV. It the won by the ia... or Jaoe Skidamre.containing by POW; F.aowts,eea.: a.0. A. bAO"a . eemmolmn five sera,he the eeme more or kn, ue. LW W ginner with the np,urtenanae'. �.L.A.-The Sovth.14 Ly,,A,Aesid the-,11- Ontal,U-h,her lith,]Ml. Ung eas roam Are m the rear part of Sootkdd JOHN It.REED,Iteteme. _ -alar,. TLr libraryb H y lmmbee,olnaw. A A1.1f 411'I'fnV CAeg,P1Alcll PPAIIerne)'. in.`"loll,Pwidnut; W.H.Tesur,seetatary., - S.e.T.B.of P. C.b*rl (thueol T•mpkanw Py �j7Y1T ell , Psl*cP the Prr•bytnrisn CT.9". them F. -�'�(� hpwPspa.; Samoa L.I:oukllA,SN. S.a.T.e.of M.E. C.-Subbatk'Se►pol Tempe- DRDOOIMf AND HROABY. saw link of the Meth. RpM. 011ur b. T, P. WO*Pre.; J.W.Uaresn,aw. L.a.of P.C.--L,a4w'SM.ty,of the Prenhrewl- S O U T H O L D. L. Ir, eat'kerA. Mies Hula X.Tarry,Pm.; ALI,Lo- n L.4oldsauh,ase. .Owtloewto keep a full Assortment of DRI'OS, A,g H M.R.C.-f.odlss'Aid go,,i,q of tit, ?•}•RST MROICINEA.DYE-STUFFS, TOILZT 1A l W.FP4 Ckurch. will WilliamwPrw.; O, 5,SOAPS,ta..$a. S. L. A.L.Mookii. 000TATTO1f8RY4*allkinds,and a fail sse asytYlm1 of FANCY ARTICI,ES, TOBACCOS. All persons having any book or banks YIPBe.As beiengicg to the Southold Lyceum Ak.' aCHOOL BOOBS At redaead rates. WUlprome, e0010tion Library Are earnestly regnAet, any book published and forward at PubHsbeesprlw Sola in"ut.eture•of Be,Sweet's celebrated Pills ed b return them At Oil"to the Libra- Try them;they nretbebwt. Plan thatthey may bA reostAlogued. The --._.._... 1'brary will b^closed for one Week,whan "'�jIOR SALE OH TO LET—in link e new Cooke will be }.�, villi�rlit 'Southold,Southold, A neat TWO. added. xa rnnttey SPORY WELLING HOUSE, lceat- how long or short a time books lines ed 011 BAY-Svc.,1 5 thioates drive front been ont,if returned by Saturday no either Depot or Steamboat lending. Far ?barge will be made, city family desiring sumtnor residence -:'/k'-Y3 Pet order LIBBAWU(j fbe locatiutl ie eery plcsannt all $J= YonienI. Apply to or address, / f O.V.Penney,SOUTHOLD,L.L jg0:11'At It eed m,IV 101111 41 ce DIRE0T0ar. 1' y u r " Nundar mrncwµ11 6Y flTkdi113QA7 (,0. " x x,12.131•. IP-. r1 ,u: II ) 111x11 Prow:hing at is For Orient, Oroanpart, Phelter bland 1 nl -r`"11 1 1 -day'-wh ng:ni Southold and Aa Martine. 11 a II"\l'„ - -other Wedriway I 111 I t wf k,r:D.n.,pontor. n 1. 9n"ley mrvieltat lRlt xre '11114 T1 v Ir 1 h,xa at It y-pfy. �� .."r .e]`v_ 4�•..j all { Prl Inv v 11�:. It ce�Irljn TurIN'�P-tl~�`4t1A� .`.'••Fe -,- �+ .' Iwr 1 ,Iu n< I u arnnru'.-Bw tt SoW d�•�1 as m x WTI a01, on nh Nundxrtat .� I I 1'.IMerYGyl- ".'ilC WPRA3717t I 1 r x all q I wnntII:et !1 a.• p"rt xt ILL r. M F eni I I ,ni " uhNmWud. R.r.lt • co �W• � � p 90CfE 11 DIBEOTOItT<. Csyt. OEO. C.OIHB3, ❑I xr t ""I"-Nor lety reach the La'aros\ew York.Plur'.foal of De:kuun x11 e11 ^I - e W uu.h nrnntA, 0.T. Rut lover,evert tuna 11 ;�u : 1' IaInt �w.runmrf. Tnrxd2ty.Tlitor. o,y and 8u/erA•t III I+ y ol,lin ,•Inrlr. Xo'ekuk. In Oad ATLO 8-91',x. ,� PeCa„'e 11111. 11 I. LNb, I-rho B, ItenKN"rgJctvra Axg llurlmn:c.,ry -M'' ro - . ,tlonday, AT O'c gdny aed Friday ,.: 1' r every ale ',,,,n...I ra ni eR,eawei.In Ar 1 n'rtoda P.v.. 1 ani Deu r ti n,.H.e,'I'.:B.'r. ' BOlttholtl nt 424f%. :^n a1 u o,tlyI,. :�....,�wh•tl,11'urnel Azad"Wer 1 Hominy ro nI I N 1. t'ur¢rt e44*.. F'n'Ixhl received In Sew York up fol P.Y. NAtee,5,•.n.:.1 a 1'�•n Ilx.Tr.;J.6 LL�x� - J.l'.I11OBS,Age,,,, f Gx<W- 6 L A.1 n-o o-11 h.ml I1 tool lot .1LLnoutti m OOlee Ou llle pine.N.Y p�gra�r�t w, rn„p;;I r,.1,1 IIu: rear part of lbvt¢Wd J.B.TRILBY.Agent a Wmthul0. DrqR'nlurr. 'I'Ir it n:o, enwln•n sie rclumex.A. Hartford.Now Lovd,s,/Ita1Mr Id. k, Gae Twperanan wtad,Or•eouport. .",15119 Harbor. r FAyne Pr".: Ia luul hrru„� Ip�wirhl: UrgO F. t1 II S17A aON OF 1884 ss. N.I,t,1 ,: I 6abWIlo-Neh3y nutper• mlm Soal•al d lei 1L 111, h'Wx. l0ew$, OMKga 1 A. _ slats. c.a..tifl= ywr, Ylee hei. t SS '1'lu+ Kt rtl usl•r I L9 afl 1 I. it ,.IrU. of the Prost t3 V N !� H I N E 1"an" t Aur 1 III,,11 I n 'Pr y, 1,M&;, ex:KIM, IAmy I 1 J I.Inl v I A S of\I. 1:. 1 Ile.AW Fmlety a the OAPT. H. A. HA TLB, 4 ]Lem Rt 1, (7-11” y a'm.e.TxW11,Peen Bone u wRawe: I.1'tera IlxrOrKd,from foot of 1, J'�' MW llanu'W p r wva State Street.every :- L S.of C,r -1dure'Nnnktr of the i"nlvenW- TUE9DAY,THURSDAYA SATURDAY 'arew 311' I.G.tVydm Prom: NW N.L Richmond,N,v, A19"a.x.,HIAJlernw n al 1." A. N., 111 N w / ICE r.w..'eyln int 1'oml at I:M 1•. Y.. and New 0 C "] jf`/L1FY7 ' Xt 'duo x1110 r.x"on aRlrel of file More Unit Perth"loaves thmve at I r.x.,arrlvin, On Or About .rune leq the" (-BEAT Broeupnrt a1aa and Nag Ilgoal nt Tao r. X. POND ICE CU\IPL.\'Y.rill Shut Oteir Rtlltal and uleIpact are [goal InnAings, 8r. Arlt Inure SeR Nartnr WWIL 1111"'0 mjebiog k1 be MPPIW ONDAYt WEDNESDAY A FRIDAY wi610e will give their oniere tU tdther $:a,,Pruepect Tao timenporl ion. and Nan- WPI. E. or GEO• C. TliRRY. met 1;43 A.v.,NWh'Blg at Nnw EonAno at It a. 1 and Il ll, atar.Nv. D• N. GORDON, New GmArm lot NR T N.tl• F< - ln'311rel SIA N Y. I rL k N. Atxtoe "' mh it R. New}0,tdtln N1. o th.-N", Il R y •o an d At BntBu Arfit N. the N Y.,N. Boat O a T guilder, . fottf nod NRt4ile 4 B.'rlllr N. Y. N. a., 77 a•v"• • IR008. Ga0ys, JR., esti. 105STAg2.2Rvx1,1870. / Jd"t}/ SOUTHOLD, I.J. 8enryT.G}oldsmith Ce A. BAC]PETC, tFugtNerly of GOLntlNTrn RRUIL) Pnonlrgy, jtLLN7Va Dentist, II7 ,21118, and �QBOLY- ryry �'Yxa• MN2N.`HANT. moll".tut d,w trtN V.JL rLxn#] f,11i!l'911111t fltraet NOW]po- SOU14 a• te L'. dew Ytrk POxluoe Er- Iry1 t A.x tq t r.r sOUTHOLDmossy W. A. WILLIAMS Continues to keep in stock and BELL an SAYINGS ANK, assortment of Vf-t, P CENERAL —IN THE— MERCHANDISE... Village of Southold, ANYTHING YOU WANT Ir open daVy.froni 10 A. N. to 4 A Z ND— EVERY THING YOU WANT, T.GO[,DSMITH.Prelf,1011t. yK1iK1'f.N, U. Ovynrox) V0,1'residents. __F%OH AL__ RABNA RAS It.J100771, f HsNR)'ff(1%'TT1N1;, wATA9H to a COLLAR BUTTON, N.1101VA16 A.IA&Iot 7'rpamw —FROM A— Joseph Latham, Ezra L. Goldsmith, Henry H. Terry, Charles E. Overton RANGING LAMP to!t TEA CUP, 4 Augustus Jerome, John S. Howell, ­, —FROM A-- Benjamin H.Roeve,James E. Horton, CHUBS to a Found of BUTTER, Thomas A.Hallwk. Thomas J. Conklin. —FROM A__ H.0. HOWELL, WILLOW BASKETto ROB-HASLILE, LA--f —FROM A-- Druggist and Apothecary, pi.Sw LiBlESS to a HAIR PIN, BO'UTIEEOLD. L. I. —is SHORT,-- `"It you don't see what you want ask for Continue.to keepatun amornmClit of DRO T Its, DYE-STUFT's. To it,,and you will more than likely get it, PATENT and at a prim that you muy rely upon as A054 AW STATIONERY Of an Anda,and a fim W reasonable. wiment eI FARCY ASTICLiLti, TOBAODM PIPES. Ae. W Call and we the nine good8. W,9001,BOOM at redUMI MI&L Win can AM Walk published and forward at Pub= er's price. ALBERTSON CASE, sole mmotiouver of Dr. Rweet's odebrated 4�r PIRL Try HHOO;they are the 1"t- Attorney and Counselor at Law, SOUTHOLD,L.L j. B,Y0'UNG`8 Office to F.D.Sobaturibut,re,IdOn0#­dPm%ft% ICE-CREAM SALOON, J,W. HUNTTINGI—- V,g 2"Ouiamt Brick Steore. Jhatlee and Couveyanceri, _!OUTHOL , L. L -1BU.DVS PARK," ][0,.Cyj.emHHm,Choloo Con- SOUTHOU),L,3? reetiouery, Vresh-ronat- 'd Pea-nuts, Fruits, C1. wars, �rob ]FIraceo, ote-9 00111. TO CLOSE SEP. 132 at,mutly on hand. WPARTISS jUiTUIB,With Im-Crum by the Qv Air Or Until the above date I offer my stoek,d wy"Ph rapfift"from M.F. iountows Bakery "W"*4941 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- Southold Academy., ELRY, ETC., RE-OPENS Tnesdity, Sep. t2d, 1884. A T COST 1?111!VbTiflUr or other information, in- quire of C. N. SEVERANCE, F. B. SCHAUMBURG, Southold, L L SOUTHOLD, r IF YOU ;,;,,,.. tlu unl. hrlicvc 1 Holl xl FURNITURE, LOW call and got my FRICES ,before purchagin elsewhere. I now Use my whole build ins in my business, and have increased my stock as I have Increased my room. I have a men line of Fancy Chairiv, Parlor SuitRI Bedroom Finita (ill WALNUT, Asa, BIRCH, and PAINTGO), etc, I think I am selling the above atle vt errice p s than any ; other dealer in the County. Come and see what I hava whether you buy or not. WX- H. TERRY, SOUTHOLD I HAVE JUST arrived from Now York with a large Blank of fine Silks, tinting, Velvets, Plan- 31e19, Plalde,nnd other Dros$(prods ill a]I solore, also a Ilue stook of Ladies' and Children'$ Cloaks, Newmarketa and Dolmans, in lateet Styles, T...., �-k— A fine $k-k of Uout's and Youth's Ready Made Bud Uttatom Clothing and a new line of Carpets,and any other goods that are required. Come and give mo a call and examine the goods before you try any where else, W. W. SMITH, 48Yluod stook of FELT HATS. moi§ �Je n-. SO U T H O L D— �,F�s - GREAT REDUCTION —IN— SAYIXGS DANK, HATSANDBONNETS —Ix TRx_ Good ripply of Tillop of Southold, G'LOWE'RS, VJe'I.VRTS, L epee daily ftnm 10 A. Y. to 4 P. y, SATINS. RIBBONS, o MOURNING GOODS,RU. v2xnm =: 418'91�1 93 FILY111 JAA �RT Orou.OLMITH nwinki Southold,July 6,18en. War� T } 'and "`dm STOVES G.TraOntrnand abirelY,y. i QTILTT�I.�Na.`.d'vr(r(ant Treasurer .$. lflOnMy and L'UYnMI- ,•_ JONPIL Ism, Ern L, Goldemiik Honq H.Teat', Charles E Overton Aagoxha Jeromq John S. Howell, - #me C;.Ons, imam IL Hatloq WOLO — °°�' H . H. Lewis's SOUTHOLD SAYINGS BANK, tloaTuoLe, L. I., Deo. 17, 1886, The Trxstaoe hove directed that inter- S OUTHOLD est be allowed Depositors Jan. 1, 1886, on all sums entitled thereto under the by-laws for the pest three and si x months, at the rate of FOUR PER MATTITUCKe CENT. per sultana. jDeposits made on or before Jan.xo, draw ixterent from Jan.x. 1'071 YOUR STOVES,arenurlim R. T. OoLDU=President. Emmy H°°pnsty.Tnra1TeD• OIL STO`''ES58TOVE FUR- u-t"4 Post oetee Notice. iFYl - NIT'URE, TIN WARE, 3 Maids11 lilfor Ent at :4a A. . . LAMPS land LAMP FIX- .. •. •. wast •• 3:w. P. MM. Paeans desiring money orders or notes Vsill please procure them previous to 7 TURES. WOODEN& WIL. o'ollluk r. M.,as books mast be b htnoed doily. Ptat-of8oewiliopen at 7 A. M. LOW WARE, PUMPS of and uloee at 8 r. M. u1RtH furtber notion. wtc A. Ooeaxex, P. M. AU .Sends, R$FRIGRRA- 4.i,R,R.Tileae.tab9e. [cave I..Gly. arrive uSuuthold TORS+ WIRE NE a:ie. Y. 11:584x. TTINQ, e:es r.r. t:5e TIN ROONINp, p U2= x, pars only) °:06 •• p «yx.s�eonly) 1°:10 TERB :a 4 DMS P.x. LEADERS RE- VM.Le►tlSuulhnld. Arrive at L.1.qtr {AT..Y.(Mondap only) 7:55 A.x. PAIRING. ok.,etc. 6:9) 6:51 A.Y. T' 10:97 A.Y. r,. /,A.R.TluieMteble. 9:1e P.W a P.Y. sae P.Y.txaadap om))) t Ur,X. Leave L.I.LYtr• Arrive at F.11.Southold Arrlvea at Sax Harbor 8:55 A.X. 19:a P.Y. t: P.Y. 8:56 P.Y. w.,...,.,.,\ ,.,.,...... Leaves sax Harbor, "�' a:a P.N. THE-- v� e:a..haW.�.-�y, x�x. Leave sou Y'-i/'e l 10 ea P.Olq t:es..x. 'b lora .X. Great Pond Ice Cot °:el P•x�' � e:9e F.x. l:p r,x.'-T" ax er will begix deRreling ICF. to fitYilie �- ArrivBs at a:sHin Batnadry, May 30. Leave orders •_ 1'yrrtuttirs Btomsonthold,L.I. /Wrl NOT191 I ROCK BOTTOM . PRICES F •I have a lot of Cellar Rails that must be sold. BEDROOM AM,) Chestnut Posts and Rails. PARLOR SUITS BARBED WIRE...� ,.; � a, First - class paint W. H. Terry's, 75 cents per gallon, i Patent Mosquito SOUTNOLO, L. I, Frame Fixture. -- fe For CASH or on iN- Together with usual stock of 9TALLMENTS. Lumber, Lime, Gro- OF CO3[pL U T I C 1) ETION OF,fyyFj-;8UjV1, BOOB is hereby series, Oars, Rig- vea 1011 e Bt Tow%o=44!olat ht„B'� wetrement roll for the pzet- m •INTY thernnt wilt hB �1IIg, Twine, etc. a Browu, at his reai. ne ra 011ftl6 Som the 20th to 0624th With fismael it 'Nihill, at, Ws For sale at the wharf b to go W% oEwrJul ". fttna the s+th to the > July : wiw Ebeaeaer Y fAsrig Iii his bore in Gmw rR horn the lBeh of JgtP to the +w of A JJI3 TERRY Witchar, Overton at hie remugaa7n�os . ' dt 60M we atii ,rr Au" to et his waw-in • IW Fkd,len B.G•q 180 of A fa hJabtwyuef from the Sout1"Wb the l+th of A La N. Y... With Joshua W. Terry. mit hL, r FOuit WB A�Q*i6Vk the t+w w woQ t� Elia O1VLF.—P1111 • � � the amid CWw•ohtaq w. Nnllaing,, O M"hsYse of J.W,Hao 1 nteN •n,,, Steree•,•p�llewx,In,t•nt•ny�y� to&66ha" on In p•ln trNoa, ���,ii,ircu. auau YWi Ane'vai,YY�,,,,,_�y, the 18th at In PNC. * Onln tb= ter PNae•lowera7•a WOW=wt7d'. i0 review wBlr " Sam mit •ml w7era11m S�•r•nt•,IL iu11 of M WwtLe41 i!'MLC_ grxw+ 1pu eaaror Wt+N,a Pae. � eee,1Pd+at} P!!'a.Fe•aela L L 1Mh of y, I Trj .44Ba�Bb P71�•tasranYW. n �1•ts BBwNI nB r ce a 1♦ W. •wi' E. th'UUA. _ - Ina at. wm bb iu BY. r NFAv. -- NEW a 00 n S --Fall Goods-- -AT-- �� IN VARIETY. Latest styles. F. GOMEZ'S Low©; t Prices. Latest Patterns GINCNAMS,CALICOES/ Oil-cloths AND OTRCe LARGEST 8T(hk. Dress Goods. vairru:YT PATTRBRa. More than 500 yards sold and Delivered. CANNRD00018 and Duran r'RU1TO A spas COMING 1rrl:kLT. Speaiaity. Tho WOPkiRlmn'S Watch. ,. . : UNDERWEAR. H. D. SCOTT, Watchmak- er,Southold, has just reeeived a stock of AIR wad l r.t T'ftB-N 6117'eases fitted' with the best ELG711d and WALTHAM Saxony movements, which he will sell as low ae —AIPD-- $io. Every watch warrented. Now (lermantowti is your time if you want A snrvicnhle and cheap watch, the hast ever offered in the WOOLS. trade. Also a soleet line of jewelryt 'Silverware, Clocks etc., at -- equally low pries L©�� LOO W. C. ALBEBTIOB. Just come and see my new 5011>tatOld Aoademy. stock (received this Week from The nextsohoolyear will begin Sep. tembe•7th. Inetruetion w ll be given New York City)of Dry Goodso �hsl ianlal the renal atladen11cA1 stn he0. No llret3e Goods, lteitll '-made tl will be spared to make the inatitn oa adtsntsgsous to its pupils, and it is Wr&Vpera, Jersevs, Clothing, honedtdyst thepublio favor will be m Gent s Furnisbing Goodpj.acea, i and reosive,t This academy is da sicced for both sexes and all denomins- Needle Works, etc. Also a tions squall ,and the charge for tuition large new stock of '•ion's and will be w =Iotore gonerally #25 a esu Boys' Felt and Straw Hats and l ta,,umisrespeatfallymade to the Rov. president He ry Darlung, D. D., Caps,Toilet Artioiea,etc. Low- LL n sad Fret FAwaril North, L. H. eat prices. Give us a call be- 1).'Ann pl ai5i In aa.Clinton, x.Y., for a try any where else. snd the $ Ir§r faker, D. D., N. .. 118- t"_`l• Southold. t W . SMITH1Y. MG.RUSSELL, Principal. NW Two duore west of M. E. Ch.noh. �g11Bt& 18n5. w tl NION I'A I Ii and N Ell' YORK 7.­ - -;� I STEAMBOATC0. r4pw 1,0111K q F­ Orient- file-Port, Shelter island, STEAMER FRANCES Southold and Bag ll,,b,,. Call(- W. M. Val".I o....ae....... rLIj1jkj1,g 6(w-1, SAG RAR. nq)x all([ NIF.W VORK,stopping ":Ia_p. at 14011thold,4rc'C"Port, shei. 4!r Island Will Orlentt hying THE ITHANILIC SAG lIAltlj()jj We We C01Tv Nondays Wednosdays A Friday$ Capt. Ozo. O. album, At 4 P. Y., K111 lmld at 4:45.. rlau,A-4r.Y." Po",29 f....1 '4 and returning JoAN ex pier 17 p. R. (real E.0 III III Pine St.) NEW Yolty— Tileeday. Thurodity a %H1111.411gy, AT 6 Wvj"K P.X. Tuesdays Thursdays&Saturdays Iteloridiat.lcavt-Sea Haroor o,,,y at "p H. '90114111Y. Wedllc.dny d, FI-Idaij, For State .r rzrigbt apply AT 4 1.Y. "I to Agent at nlNI,vt! "Outliald at As4ts. Freight revely"to No,York np ta,P.Y. RACKETT & SRO., J 1'-(41 HBO,Agent, ""lle on the Plot.N.Y 42 S:.nth St., 'yjan YajL H "HIly,Agent It 811111,id. Por BVJMR ARICANG11311INT. r i�__ i ak'a"d. Now London, sh,HGO, 1885. Island, Greenport, kaA SIX VINVOIArld-ii Line hot....the RW kd*f Long Island and COL LIZINKIWO TON U0 3 01 Tax Tnl,,)Ia SEASON OF 19S,5. 711 The New Lc,rol,w afal Long Steamboat C;ompanyi (In and after Tueoay. jank rite. the roomer New Ste=er arkh1i&mna ftek CAPT.JA'.HXN F.8391TH.. brill expressly for thio louto, Lehi on CAPT- It A. BATRIt, 'I'd Attr MONDAY, June I-5th. Lanka N'w ran u Mown TRIPS ted) L&OV"Hartford teem foot of DAILY (Sunday excepted) slat"stivet,every betaf-en rUNSDA r,771URaDA y.8A 7-trIeDA y, NOW L*nba,(INOaport,She'Itqr hhd Bad 10 W A M.,Lyra.At In,p.I_at le ' Rullor, 1461'. 074heack Point &I ENOW London At 4 V. ­ re '", leaving NEW LONDON :1L N:66 .1, Exp�trade that learn, at M., ')a Affiml of t'io morning LI at ureen r.'". 9� train ft�in Hartioaml, New 11M.011, 1:90 P.a at 6:50"A algoal III. !% Springfield, Bl-al eg" H"are-119, W4�- MIS Harbor 'gepart 1111,1 111 every, fs.iflld On ('0110coch-vt I Allev and Shorn 1.1au A(USPA 4 WZDYX8DA Y&XRIDA Y "livall, AlliVing ai Grohril itAt e:ge.Pre.peot 7:&R nreenhnrt : TQ and M"han' A. Al., Sag Harbor• IS Tdi An, 10 A. X: turning land Sag jlnIjN,,r L P. AL Word At 4 P.A. VabigzNurtneraarlitaft-At New Londre, Greonpurt 2:05 11.M., ul-livilig In ?i;� H-4, Sao MIT h N Y ,X. Lq - I make One d Ftrovid N Lon -WW In Late p All WT "A Bramok Y. TT An PON. ybrook Or V. Irp Using guilig (vast Brad all pola.. A H. -Me the Y.V.. R.R. AS(bun Ou 139"It and east. VeR R.Iimd w WqjUrkkoLa4cvkA. wit N.T.N.a.man] den, At 114-1maturd liallhanset an I pro t 11 'tall.0016" WALLIS.GROW,JR,8"'r. I," Q*9te, H.A. Fare ca,li 1111ty New Loodom IlAg fiVk(.t3 u. Harbor to JMSE IXFEVE�, Agent,Gieonport. maut "conalon do".0- .-. S"� JOHN HOMAN, Agent,Sol Hates, (iRO. (I TFRny, AL F.lig"9684 Now Leaden, A" )MLER IN­ STY UFFOLK CuUNWN4SDW ANT. -4 0811"Ud Wood, S, IL VASL Pres.and Tree.Pocono.L L r.u.It vxin,um.swootary,PeoemeN SOUTHOLD, L.L I.in.lL Pts Aparnmay.EmW.14 L& Wheat. IL a HUWXLL ACCA liamea" Ctaurclt mrCCtorr. F. W. SIMON& W. a OygOKIlk' Pr!V-rY.urAV—sinurIaV al'sYl(tit at Il A.M.ups' y� �7�t Jlnul'a1'-nchaal at flan r.a.a. 1'ra7er BIM �7•(� lT✓ GLO Y LaR me,alug Frb111y Ac•ulnta. 1'rrachlag at the hall IJIMOLY U T_ Reenpq Yvvey otuer T`uesdey era, l ;at school- B-UT 1I 1 IIOt1eGH:AV Wul every D. WastOr. dap evvulug Z,1 � �' Ho r. Erla�r\\'llltuknr. D.D.. 1'nxl or. 1J Mg It IV FORT LI-MOI•AL.-,yeMlay RvrVICFa at MIN anti dealers In L u.and:.91 I•. a. eaadny-aahnd tit 14 a. Pray- tt-Fn,.-f int Tu'•arlll errnln". (laaa-OVUlinp Frldny elonitut. H,v V.(Arorte Taylor, Pmlwr, C11010E FRENA MEATS OF k:V6F=Y L'alrenaL'wr.—tgadav K rr We tit It A.m. and V30 r.a. sauday-adaeol at to u. HYV-1 L Dal. DES011111TION, VEGETABLES, ETC- 1".. finality. r.PA'I'ILWC A Sea"CATHOLIC:Maes,at Nank. SOUTHOLD, L. L old every huwar luy; land 4th 8unduya at It A. PV;Yd and ad.a A.H. Mnaa at Cuu:hogno erery Sunday. hit and 41h yuudaya at I A.a. ; Pd Rod All orde recelre runt t MI at I A.A. it.,at Ilreenpnrt ever Sundt'; P P &"I Often and tort^ lel.anti 811 aululaya at a L M.;Sa tlllrl bd Ill 11 A. delivered I1 dashed,fla we have two wages o.rn M. HCl.It.Y.FOLiCY.PaaHlr. ROr,P.MCEYnuey atantly au the rwd. lure m a call. Aeshewa. T` Society Ulr iVe Saa . I UC�,1-�J�T - B.T.H.-9t oci Tt+ut it ecti n". meso the iha saen,nd)leu lay evvuing In each mouth. D.T. COuklln Pmaldent. O. F.1 ayuc.Secretary. 1.0.0.F.Yr,uthuld Lodge.L 0.O.F..No.ate, meats every Tuvsaq aventnE,a o'cho.k. m (am The nuhaerther will ae11 at pul'.1h,aaaA'- FehoWr Hall. 0.A.Prov".N.O. W.iLVall.aea. tions at We rmirlduca ons 13ulaeaun-Hr., I L O.of G. T--Heaner ludpa, Vo. 993, wepta 4 every lVedw-qday eve muugg at a n'awck,m Tramps- SO U'F H U L U, ahve IIaH. 1[I+v.J.M.Halloo,W.C.T.; Mn.D.T. MoneYr, September ae. s98 Onllklln.IAac. 6- Y. L.A.Tue Hantiwud Lyoennl AuweLLtlonra D- 1116. M., the following property: 11eQ- hrary and rano are In the rear part of Souttrdd atrnd, 'Publr. ChniYe, a Dtug-atoro. The IJI1mry namh.re 570 volumes. A. Stove, BurCt3. 1-. M.Ymmon.President; W.11.'Parry.M•eCretsry. Urockery, tete. . a.S.T-a.of 1'.C.—SaMuth-fk:hool Temperance NO p setponament. Yordety of the Best WWI Church. Orrin F. Panne, Pres. ; Cada. P,homer,rev. Ceorgb Fisher- 9.8.T.H.IN M.E C'.—&[LLath+ichuul Temp"' ecHoTety of the em. Mjaw Church. NV.A. F. H. CAT^fF.rslxx, Auctioneer. aaM (lark.l ,:,.: Mm.Hey.Mark 101. Vice I're..; W.It.V.11.gets. L H.of 1`.a.—Laatee'nocictV. of thu PrmhyW To the Hditor of The Trawler, Dess'r awl ctlnroa. Mn. Mme Hpoauv. Rn.;IM Hate E.Miner,Hao. Bir: I til}>pr,s yon Arsw heard of our rssv L A.S.of M E.C.—L441ae'Ala 80.el", d the &Wsa loot haw you not y She hard u race Meth. Hpis. Charols. Mrs, H.Jominp, Pres.: Muds Hannstl CarPevi hes. to-d4Y with Fdrnainli s Point, and ors ane L,S..117.Q—WIDes'Society of the 1'1111enal; getting bealen. the u Yr fall<d C�et fist('heroin, Mrs.A.D.Crcahy,Prea.: MW Vlore M'9 Haar 9e 8 Dallau.Yea 8119M doFen Aero. She tone probably 6asilt -- --- T by the Nieatic Indians. But I haw ssa,W NOWIB THE the Colo and it tragi a grand spaeulatiosa for the mon that bow,ltit her, for the vera-y TIMEfart:tight after he got her Aound she browUnt j fortho;calf and his to fe a 1,7en4id batt'/. But lhasgat Veto aril Sewed-hand IT<ar- nep, Blatthta+ Whips,Rat and if Wnva want goal Butter,just wane here; I've got If yam went's good wail-broken COW that iC Ornnres, Lestonr, Apples, Hi4e,,,W 00 be fee sh the ffrat alAprix, I have got Putt; and I lams just got in sora, +oars ksr and would We to trade her far a fresh Crockery; anrt NI, 11 agoras that I sell ssss- ow Orr a.9ood Jarrow one; o- I wilt trader4 tt thnnselap. Those that bgy CW&ee �Ie'fin a begf tom; or I will eau yoY a Wringers of ma aro always satisfied bo_ splendid LAP RORH, or a new Lath Canso they are just what they want, Malt HARNF.'SS Im the best CI-OTHBS they don't knoar it undid they try Item. <Kr- Wringa ymL ever now ; and CODFISH, Hdltor,You ought to haw one; (Any are ene, AfAC.KHRHL add easrse SALT. OATS, nim t)dean your shirts. WAy don't yin CORN. F![HD and the bat of ORO(,'HR- try au} I midi NU it to yw for hall'a'j,4 . ISA,and the Apt BLHIOH that you has Lr less bsuwe I San terrain you'll advert iars stn in is long tions. Par other chirps and tAm. Particulars,cull on eT. G. CHAMPLIN J G. CHAXPLIN No.X Front strant, Ormnport, r �r No. S Profit slwef, Greenport, L. I. A REAL NICE LINE. OF t1 "u. Ill of fore n,.d, rpt I)rua'u to xerve.'at u Coontp Slippers, rI ('mube t of ,iue,louv to held af'IMs /� court Ho,.eo, Iln, hind, beginuipq'""""���yeggg CHEAPER r,\' fy)r \feu illy Snp. '!I Hun. '1'homae CYo* >.. I pn.utdwg THAN n,1- nnt,D llO to ra '. ql;.�v Shore : WiYiimi. EVER i oar -"t Shipwal. un: llr„k. R PlattAdl el }}ir all 1-!n, , 'ovLah Ha11ook, janw. 11 ; Cli:4 1 . l ud,dl, Polk Je[ w],bn'f M+il W Cama and Bee J9r. {).. _ - p'r:u l,nb•.: I. 1,,,t, CleutraI _ G. F. HOMMEL Jultnl l'is�•o ; fJ. FVA l 6n • �i ,e Houlivanpt m Il 1-r, Y. Gould, IW Incl' Wm lift nvita,l t10 e; Alvah IL ��OR HALE l'H PAP- a elle hmroeTnp &dmou, Pervmt 1 nudlwn H.I3o' Hu S.In Roel owua$otn. O,4ulm of 11.lI 8 mthold; 11.W v (r 11~11 Southold mnsT`rIO.ntnnhold. John Elliv 1-r,1"'n.I",a Jef3 rwn;non C - '1 $r umm 0 1'osl,r. \11,tor bi ill; Joint B. . M. LEDYARD, - ---- I �iwtut. Sohmket . Daniel B.CoOkWest. Lafnptou ; Euml„nx Jarvie,Hnhy p .COmnlig IOU Kerebant, Wm. T. Hulse. 1'„rt.TOHerion ; Rr HOIiTHO..D, L.I �, BradIev,G,mucHenry trek lad er T(an•,V,eelaele•eno 1'nxluru,.nt ROrMe �� hhamptou: Duuiol l3 Davi” ; -Oa law Wllllald,laa. (:a0d retllrtle NuaraatCe d, IV. YYoung, AgnrLu}1-o. I abo eny and sell for msu Prulla, Veretahles, r,:rrtr JCBOna. t•omoy,uuucaESra,etc._ .__.-_ James 11, W"IthIngtoo, Widgelilap- N (}. HOWELL, ton: 1Vm.unih:u,.Neithold; J.IAwNeoe a Sanford, Suuthsulpton;Hammel nrub, Jr., Orsenlawn.Juhu W. Hlaith. Ion;Frank ]torr, Cnimtc• Wiiitaa Druggist and APOUIOrary, Pbillip4 Hhelt.a• Island; Hr'oakk Eqt Marion; Daniels U. omen, River. S O U T H O L D, L. L head;Jmltl'a Ssnford, Ry'idgehamptou; Oliver H. Bishop. Orson port; George (;etttlnaa•to keep a full o,ol.o lme0t of DI(I'Ha, Hutton, Calvertou ; Oc.o. L Young. PAT VT Mgo L'IN6,e. MR-STI'left TOILLY Riverhead;Jaa Slotf, Greeopm't;Jos A a7�l LPoY1,x(111%.ac.,am � -; hue P. Jame, Amityville;Jenne Otdl,, AM111TATIONgaY et An kto lls end s nw ar r Northport;Benj. D. LaWam, Orient; aartutMi ar PANcY AttTICLge. TOBAM)s, JAMES L ReOve, MAttitnok;J,�fa IL PIPES, au Rialto , Southampton ; (fott��Howell, Dr,%WL BOOBS at reduead rates. will prp !a e : Wm. Ixae, HIIa pnti S�pp//aura 400114/-/11 Rod taMWd at PuLW@ er'e 0a. o,r H. C'nrt might, shelter Island; Ptna' n%onfactumr of Dr. Sweets aela0rand Willie$. Burtt, Northport„Goo. Now. rft. Try neem; they are ten neat. ton, St James;fg3otddey' BeLismiu. East iffrrttat,ICAM Y0KINATIO OGoMoriches;BTuthill, Fsat Patonotg`lu,�o�gnE; _ Lucky Eniaseat, Southold; E1Hhn_A�.. Nate. �'S' Hackett, Orient; Silas P.. J ' For Gore ,w—ire lMrenpor6 dile' '.I'hotWu+ R llaffl;= 9 Njl: ctmnvuormem s W.W f carr. tni�tano6 C'herl0a$.IJollyer, WeitCvwurotMr-dames W.Wa,14wmM' T. IVB+. tonam..,rrtatq-AOaon S.w.««,. 1' YnIau ; fh•Prin,•s, HOuthoId; J. 11:1 T,'w, 'wler--4.'Itarles ttldrieh. Dadi,Miler'a Platz. E.Wmso an(1 A0rHym—µ'e.&\'an N.....Ise r Aaawwrdty. A Splendid Chanes For Mxmber of Arwmbly, pie wishing to push n ► tieE: HENRY la Ticket. M bed,lstpiugbtlxiueaa Tha9ouHir Conor eriff, . ora Xnjlxtnr store, with all the lh. For NherilT, HENRY W. HALSF.Y. tmm and a goal stook of MaadEsr For County Clerk GOOD& Possess ..given immedia lj, HOLMEB W. SWEZEY. Apply to FOv CDuniy Judge, JEISIE K. PAYNE, THOMAS TOUNG.For Surrogate, SonthiYi L L JAMES H. TUTHILL paoetuber S0. [BSS Pot a,petialeudent of Poa3 WILLIAM W. HUBS for Justice of Seaiiutti, dwwaY - PRESTON. Y i "1Ig`y- CA1•__ UNCLE JOHN'S d. yeas wo dnays find something new. I __ haee jot rs,id a nine lot of Iforee Blank- c, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK sG and Robes,very Hire and akonya rhenp; nxrucvxr.lrrve rN CnNalovel. oW Bled,far the bnya, and 7ea seta for Perry Detmoot..............._............Babylon tM girt; Irringrrx for the ren.•h-have and STATS SENATOR. the eletgM1-./u BeiEdw.Fagan.a........O........EE...........Newtown Hfor J2A; ,4vpar and Tat r.RUER S•ASSw.v. T o�,lyee and d/nekBrei: the beat n(Flwrand _ henry E.ILndlhig...... . ......Dnlaga.hnniPtnn prepared B,,,kvhtat ; Pnrk, Beans and F COUNTY JULMN. and Shave the Pocket Ilni(e—nae 'rhaninS Tonng AORNI... ..ra..ATR. .. ...... ....Hnntingran Rice� _��. u you Ile it,Now YOU rlan'l sea it ; Ilnnaeaa• _s� - .lumen!I.Tnthlll........................P.Iverhena Whips; and brae. knobs for the cowed JOSTICES OF SESSIONS. horn,; and Iota of things up $fair$. If I Remy 11.rrealnn....................shelter lRlana Gwwrge T.OC.Orn............ .. ...... ,hand tea you as I have gut to sell. yon DISTRICT ATTORNI Y. could say"Uncle John is stretehing it Wilmot M.Smith.......................Patchogue Nome; but truth will stand. Now in order HUMPY. to be sot'•vIed that I have told the truth Just' Henry W.Halsey................. ......H( wc,a ef/lwd Under SheriB—W.if.nkiamore........Huntington step in to No.8 Front Rhee.oreenport.and Jailor—Devin T.Madam................Hlverhrnd yon mild my the hat/ has never bran tall. Deputy—Alfred R.Vail...................Sun-hold And I has. a very goal elsaortrnent c(1 CDUCha[. Holmen{V.BwezeY.... .. ................HITexLend Crakery and Dmdtoara.?f dif/'erent kinds, nOUNTY Toll and if yon um find a larger aart better se- J. henry Perkins.......................Rlverheua Seated aerrrlment of fake L Cutlery in theSRPERIMEND'EN"nr Poon. Win.W.Hulse...........................HRy Sbore teunty.then oma of our well posted Gra velem Theodore W.Smith...................st.Joh,mmi Tom told was a fib. You can ask for any .1.MedNim 11,015.........................GreeLpmt tltdag you mant,and jf I haven't it 1 mal 1.0sN oop>}laaLONRIIn. lirnry 11.Terry.............................Orlsnt Wy No. 1 wdlt nae close far this year and George A.Bonner.. ...................Amityv111e miA you all hapi•y in the one that it to soeool.CoanenlONnm. ' send, 44-L• %Kr5 George ti.Cleaves......................Greenport J, G. OSAMPLIN, Dougmaa Conklin......................uunuagton MRDNEI.B. `4111 No. IS Front etr'eell, (irse P"t, L.I. C.u.Vaughn..........................Bag Harbor 1.B.Edwarda..........................Pstehngne B.Forrest Preenln......................Anillyvitlx For Hartford. Now London,Skelter Barton B.Blumer m.D.... .. ....,,.,Greenport Island, Oreeaport, sad,ilatt Abrallgm Oltrura...................Pldel island H►ror.b �ry..� 1104,101 or gaPERTISORA. Jonathan BAer....................East Hampton SEASON OF 1885. James II.Pleraoe....................t3a11thamptoR —— Henry A.twores.......I........... 8011411014...... OR and s gnrte1r�Tundpny Jens Seth, the Steamer .Iohn R Perkins........................Rlverpea0 M Y`.N� Eames 4 BMarit.......... ................Hna;k Haven CA ' JemEbl-aewrltties ......... ...Buulhtonn CAI'R. U. A. HATES, Jmfah itWblps..... .................. .......Lllp WW Tae ae fnllowA: Leave H',G,ra from mot of Nrs Ptton A.TDu. Saisnnuvt,every T71$8DA 1-,Tei UMDA Y,BA T•URDA Y, Southold Academy. t At A:b A.n..CromMeg it]0 4 n.. Miametuwe at tu:au a.x•Lyme ai AN e.e., i" at.. Paipi u The next school yem will begin Sep- 1:{A P.X.anit t'ieM idaan atI?. Y.. a� of we chore t.ml. kal0 arse ts�ii !as- tember 7th. Instruction wiU be given tenet 1?.It."N ticea et ass giig all the usual aaidemical studies. No H tai 170 Y.a ®a Pry IaDJlpgs. Interning. Hare est HarY,or s will be Spared to]hake the institn- • on advantageorls to its pupils, and it is Y DAY,WRDF$BDAY m FRIIIAY, ho ed that t c public favor will be mer. "I r T;Q aA...,Aoy.1��pepmrrDIC "lql art t nil as Ilennnn- iced and 7'dueivxL Thio academy is de- WAdNatnrA lI a r.ntiLu Sew tAWdo¢et 10 A. u., 1dgnrNl per both eexta and all denomina- One At;talc Louaaa with N. v., N. time equally, and the charge for tuition H A t1.a,0a�yaWM as 1'torldepo,.ae New[andoa will be ag heretofore—generally $2t1 a Ne"t n a� At Bglreplt plop C.V.R.It At year. Ylddlomwp WrDO not h N.Y.t. H. Itefereuee is respectfully mode to the H.R R o ver wl IWlamnw it� ttam- wou to aaa inn Nerl A4 Retford Rev. Prosid ut Henry Darling, D. D., With 11'"T.N�H.u ono as road ILR LL. D., and Prof. Edward North, L. H. PF of row T�Yrq�'w1"a. fSt!" I D., of Hamilton College•Olintou, N.Y., eowd, p,gt.il�: s Harbor le and to the Rev. Eppher Whitaker, D. uaketet$laset a: a y.tu a.�D e:ournlon and Henry Huntting, Esq., Southold, toalmrtMIhlew. N. Y. WILLIAM O. RUSSELL, Principal. Southold, August 8, 18tlR. r y ri. I BE UII OPATdCR AALOONKEEP 1st dour tout of BcOlvato Ifalt, Iq Nsrlp �tted up• Oysters AFRV�D� r, r w J4Ywy StyL,x SOLD by RAs pint, Quart ar Oallon. Oysters in LAs BAell a A aMre ofµe pudiic Pa6rPRage b may. _ F:nd of.Ynt F.gys thot 1"u.,and It. L Q F•A. TBAO CLT. IMto.J,.,t y..t in's nem,lot of f'r.rnrry,aad it roo,ell pd_de flu !luulsuntesl W,men in the s,,ae II,✓in I ho R p , ima to m,ttrh. Itave _ tMuGl�,,..( snit Gft hnneled and on,-,yd ►cd will a n YhdoUTIi CO"--ALL at Dapo{ ✓' '". 1 rlu Chie},in re' , us I. pa tlrrus to Icoep it there Pour and-,i f N hiih and fiery ahn,p ; and navigation its. O. O. TBRRY,� it oughr Ir Iw, i,d•eggs an eery rIp noes, and if p.r erpr,a m rnir numl Po(ahax y,w G. Fred T1111PORst mmt Lu„ your photphae of Chtn,ytin. ! a Nom,.Vr.Fditor,:f you wet way badly LAat gOUSet Sip and Decorativ VIMn•l:t dud thing-to ur on the farm or some nice SAonts er a $&wing Afoehins PAINTER• sr a Fiddle or It plow or a Cdrget K Flnur or Tea or C,.,jlee er a Ries open F•rmily waidn,just tell thein!'sr got tAern nod one eery nue(Jwm Yotr. Why don't ynu atop - When g<m are down ettr wry? I/nae get Mme no,n✓m'14Aorlm"d AM�paell" V . CEULBEPdWN, �`eJ�_ 7p/A'tpai Rt,titenntrrt coach, Carriage and Sleigh A/rtificae) L,Itl Hoitctl�ll�g. painting. ILavn xtarladm �� ylarQeWwbafor(t tYgl- eeg ca r;'m and t[m atnnd3 hakhiug Furniture Repainted and IMth far myaalt and oate,da partitat Varnished. BmW along your eggs, W.H. Y. ITTIIIAN. Idouthuld. �atfafactlon guaranteed. SOUTHOLD, N. Y. UIIt21U1Q chop at Terry's Wharf. bepoe,le male in We Bank on or before Saturday, Apra it, IM, rINOLUTION.-1'Iu•oo-pnrtn eed inch a eawnng batwar•u g, or ','III draw interest from April 1. hover and Hlnhartl&ad,�ybd la hereb,y dtnotllW ii. b memo aoastmt. J.BDIrA RIO ttlRaY. t�.,,� R T. GOLDMTII, President. 6oacnotd.Hnr,tad le9E h:Rnrtn R.aTmtotxt. kENRY Iin'N'PTIN0. 'I'reaaarer. f it. & STURGES, -dies Monumental UIlion Carpenter and Builder, or So CTROLD. FJocrraonD, L.L IhureRtea turtfilbOd WIWI t,ude of hnadlya VUBLEC RHTURTALNMENT AT o JUbbluggarep"MiNd,me with neamess and -S63 -y-n O—t dlshetaa. Deana"" Blinds u,a Mwau�tgs fur- Southold TIIL:YSDAY and rWDAY ffee1nlupa,AprNS C,satI the Iowa" en. tWOPAa Oat Im,Ma Ay. � / aoddtap manager, Richard a.Sturgis. run r,.Ai or t. na�flntt. Rwpe Q 6bnma. n U Almy, Wm,n.Terry. IAm� , 8aO8�ta1tlar Ufstm Marquise,I n•11 SLmi Mrs.tiuD.T,uonklln. Mr1.41 rp JY l troy, o.C.Tmp. POW ME"Ida wtu u w o'aloct s COON. a Mot Oho alwn11is uOtertala- ' Iln admlttadt�to the ea yt 3 n k } r IJ e, /A,� y ya,t •yv xervleew t Il A.x.flnd 11111 PaRwxrrgaun R n st 1ffie r. x. Prayer• Kunaayep.o x. Poaching it. the meeWng Frldq 1�6 eYenln at wnhwl- t1711 1IPC Pream ev'RtN tsv� o hur Wodn!xIt f evI'sIt Bicycles afld TP1CyCIES bo0ae.11jtA�yYgnitatD ➢ Pwwtar Hev EQl1a9 W gunanv xervlcee nL IMSO aft M»-rgnnr�q/y$,I le05rA4 h•,:' ove ♦ n wed Tao% y 8❑md»gwo¢ml mt 12 M. Young AHC THE 6G9T. 1 n INx rMLeung wt s46 Iruverauerung _ Ott a XUdge Bwfety. Ymt cannot fall loam It nTu ndnwetin . Friday even- The AmerlWl Budge Is the heat theP mc¢Ihe love. flOT.ylor. agx CRlvrnxAr.m4-Bmul»y"t"Ofts at 11 A.M. and In me world. The RBdge Light Itoadatm b ,T.ns r.A. SPrldeysclmal»t 121- Hev.J.71. all- 1::0tightest and fastest wheel on the toarket. Tr las 1.P"leir. Xudgn Trleyclee uanot hr uxcelled. 9r.YAfltite »Ag Csenutde.—MnasatSaath- 1,mrk for tbb ad,nest Week. tlmt8 lat flnd th Suuda)a eat Il A. Dlcyde oil ePelaulty, a»d w»rru+md not t,I: Bnmlgayoolat♦ A{N 3 Inyw t t li A.A. ua9A an gum. Ad at Jt 1•tl »A,at Orm'Peart nrery Band IY For particulan call m or address 1st %1 44b HU Na eat 9 n n 91»ml 0d t Il A. At. Hey.X.g.- vy,Pastor. Rev..T: 1. Cahill. �?♦ J. C. CASE, Aaslsipnt. S.`: sty utrectors. _ PS(`ODflO Lr�, 8•T.II d rew wranue Boalmy muco the Fm'Hertford, New Londoid, Shxlte y ure0�nI{W e»Bh[sant¢t D.T. flnd. Orrcuport and Sag Harbor. OgnklW Pre i t. Pnym,BmrOtty SEASON OF 1888. 1.O.O F. Inh�ld Longo.L O O.F..No. rid, Waste e4fify.1). y owu.N.R o1 e ic W-U In odd- fifty. U.N.FlroNu.N.O.: W.H.VNl,tlen. S.O,of O. T.-Bari lodge, No. 999 Weeds On sad after Tuoal,Y. June 15N, the Beamer Ag.even Wean¢Iulnp TuUdlevening at, . T.Ik,W T. WPer- 6vnr lLxll. R➢ TUWIn,NW(:•o'clock, I F.T.WuN. Sea S V N S H I N P.X. .—Procect ee n 6 pe . meets. Funs l Thanas/In yeah rebut¢. 11.11.I[a y tlnq. Fare- C.APT. 11. A. BATES. I kilnX,aS�ece. Will ran ae lollnwo: I.xava Hartford from foot t ",; a 11.'0d L O. da of na rh month.Ladder A. of slate street,every 'Y c.1 Wants the peat MoP y Onabfs0,IlOseli,6. D.Young,gro. Tawdagy. Tharady, wd Saturday. g y A.' The BoatlWld LyOauw Aasmuetlam's 11• Until A.ystoyping at MI togular riverlaudings. brag and room ASO In the ren[ Peart oL Spnthold (aatleala at t'tanrwrll iron Vetlle0, at Middle- Drup-StOn.The Bbtargnoted'fefryTo&wrete7.A. W. frow NeW MILAN.et I,me with 10:55 A, a Y.ashnon,Presidet:..}F. trainf,m New llaeeu.at New loom With Shme ygT•p. tP. be4¢Ji0bo01 TemPN'anoo t ia,paPnr train leyving Xastan at I r.x.,ntop- ying t h11eeuyort w l anlrlmg At Nag Harbor 8mlety of t 0 PresDmKia cti Orrin B. ,Pon.;chat.I-Either.muh� signal ltndogs. Rain ning. lnart axv,Proaptail 8" Umber Pg ge T.8.Of X 8• t..-B»IJatn-Xc1rd+1 Temper. every ams goafety of the Meth. HPI» Church. Goo-IL 1[oladay.wedaeadaP and Friday, WeW. ,�,,•r Ma Rev.Gap.Taylor. Vim Pro&t At u:Ys.PttwPect T:M, Ote"Prvd 7:{o, and Mae• W.U, 141,amu• pareat 7:43 A.K, Itoppinf at New 11.040111 and L Yt.II.-IaWee' ".H.-Monumental ince,B c. D. Nlautre And mod into Iuartford pdoO with ut It.a. N.H. T.WmId10.IYes.:Mra.H:W.Prince,pea. •H.,Xwton And New wemee, and New ..0.U U. L 8.of P.C.-TAdIng SOCAmy Of the I'reshyte• CO urdh. Mrs. Annie gpo0ner. Pros.: n Ncrtben It B.At gsyhrouk Win V.V.g,R. At �y,Hortou.Sec. Middletown with Hu In Brown of LN N. Y. N. IL y B.of M.&.0.-L d4as'Ald Booimy Of the N.A H.L B. At t.nt»flweil with rldm a»d yreTy. a.Kids.M. 1.C.. Mn. H.dOoulope. Pros. Cltmwell Ifalxld to and from Meriden. At Mas 7" Anflle Howell.800.fell LOYL1511•Y.N.H. Hartfo[d and SpnOp- L S.of le C.-Lades'8.Italy of 4¢o IInlveyMb FAXBi-Ta New londm p:e:aanbn 11.60. Mn.J.H.Dallou.fres.:Mlw,]ra'y Tu itxrfar,l$1.40 evrn.xlnn St 60. I Hbbmoad.ayes. 1.110148.JR.,pea. -' SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK, I . riircTHo1.U, L. L. Juno I7, IBPB. ' SOTFOt7t COOVTY 1CGTOAL iNSURANCC C01 "J. B. TERRY, PRESIDENT AND TRIUBURFA SOUTHOLD, L. I. S. F. OVERTON, SECRETARY, PECONIC. L. L R,UDGE N. D. PETTY, , BIcYC�eS sari �C1CyC1BS ATTORNEY. HIVERHEAD, L. 1. ARE '1'311; SS iiR'1'. H.a.11QWZLL.Ad't,foath9ld,L.I. - - - ;ii' I/FJ , Therd 21,be eold at public anation it ENTERTAINMENT, 1/he Ieeideaee of I MUi1CAL AND DRAMATIC, Mrs. Jr Havous Case, under the direction of the Railroad Avenue, Sonthold, LADIES' UNWEMALIST SEWING MONDAY, JULY 19, 1889, 8 P. u, i S(OIETY, AT one. tu,onesin oovereA stage, one Bugg Belmont Hall, wagon, one single heIM68 , one doubly hn- loss, wheel barrow, army saddle, SOUTHOLD, fooling atensila, e,up"I"'8 a,nlK TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 27486, honxehold firoitnn{--tablas, chaire, bed- k : stands, wife, and other artiolee too nn- 6" --- merote W mention. , - There will bo a varied and att?RQU% No poetponemeut note"vert Stoney. program. 1f w, the next fair(lay. Torms each. THE PECONIC GLEE CLUB, �P. H. OANMHURN, Auctioneer. ander the direction of air. J. Q dant MONTAUHand NEW 1011A will sing se.veralchonnsoa In addi/iort to which there will be Bolos byy Mise A 8TEAN HOAT CO. L.Jewett of New Pork audotheo. MW For Orient, Greenport, Shelter inland, entertainment will conclude with the S"thotd sad SSS Harbor. popular play, THE LOAN OF A LOVER which will be ro ent ki b• 1 p 1 } ueetd Ili i - formerly repreamn.,l and with tile came e _ '' y cart. j:or pwtx.nlare wee progrzxa; Doors open at 7.30. Program W Inr .nanw rx at tl. If sturmy ,Tuew.hq the nest blr C O i Y�' evening. W. we � .1tlmteaion •3 f5 Ccatr Cet. OEO.O.OIBBS, , ()LD..F'AS1110NED F&N Levee New York.1`ler a,S.N.,ant of netkon, • waited at CAN'rF."II Ad Street, But Inver,every EwutbWd• Tat,Ydny,Tharaday s batardny„ AT t o'cSOUTHOLD SAVING uwa P.N. Reharalne,leavestag at rhor every --- Monday, WednP,"ay ak Friday, I Deposits made ou or bef AT a o'ctrsc T. a. 1 IIAY, October Y, will draw "0lathpltl at 424dS. I ' ( lkrtober 1. t/u�y 9 J.C.O1BSa.Areat; i ITENRYHIIXTTI\G, Omer oa the Pier, N.Y. TtatltY.A«at.t arNnhold. CENTRE M A' MONTAUK sadH NEW YOR STEAMBOAT CO. 16,-I'll-'o t"boy I.mr For Orient, Greenport, Shelter Irtand, Meats and Ve Southold and Sar Harbor, IT THY STEAMER SHELTER ISLAND, Oappt• OEO. O. OIB86, C l,enren New Yurk.Pier Ya. E.It.,rW t of Beekman "Ied 1. VN River,evert !F Taeselay,Thkrsday dt nalarday, Ar 9 o'mgcK T.N. Itenlramg.Iowa.nag barn..every 1110ndayr Wednesday ak Friday, .ir 1:80 e'rLOCr P. N. sn"t.110141 at r9:00. LIKE /Fj .1.C.OISM,Ageot. y uanee an u d,pier:N.Y. J.$-T88RY.A at>,nnhmn. 110MOL DD WAY 'P` f Hariu ppinoured Elle 9eutholp Bsk _ �., • „ of din. Iinlnn 1.I am now propared W � fareNh the public with all kmda of FRESH BAKERY, -OF- atraeanableprices. HOLIDAY GOODS .'. Orders Lulea at shortest notice, Yours Romp'y, 1S NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. _ Be T. MOORS. AI EVER BEFORE SHOWN OF . Ui ,i1S arm torn-ue indebted b to D®��^ Q�® youg, J r I E arm of wrn o Defer. eb hereof (VN �'( 'T.411c,l N a;.Hanle etm*without delar• sun 9 ,I Ran.Y. illri11AN. goalhoU In whoeu hands OW anmudm bere be eg laced tur wlleatlun. FOR THF1_LITTLE GIRLS I«V. o„v,F.J.MAIDR. A D BOYS. H.a:Rold.NOV.19,lose,. ` y VoLLECTOR'S NOTICE.—Notice IS GAM, -A A-�Q herebf gives 4 the ho Wltuee of Southold 1�1�..1V, E S 4 Wm I have unal"d m7 warrant for tba , of Won In a”Them sad that I will .. eimetoilmaof wn 4 a p mo'PA. �1' -r0 TILE ONES,jusr AND AND THE i wGlge thoRf diUe tram roe are tau no- BIO ONES TOO. r M W Wo[ DoaN In Ifattguog an Deo.let;r the them of Ona. V. WdnTleAO 1 90;at the Ist �A�CY 000089 1kMuPa't+R� at mom etnu D. I is Cao 10te0'10' Me tat'Na, �WHI WILL BESURETOPLEdIIE Bart m TaeMq-Dee, i U IoY,Wtoatos w�i `h-. YO FATHER WI YOUR IwoI etWeetae of R. Jetfe gi MOTHL+`R, YOUR WIFE OR To Dan.Dag INp i at me Stora of YOUR HUSBAND, YOUR BRO'rIIF.R u Yt rohet0d W a ednle`oi�'/DM OR YOUR Sj�TER (OR SOME It Greenport an There, OTHERFE'LLOW'SSIEITER.) eg remeum In gonthnld ntDea.sora.hatwoeo m, --IN.FACT— .. . e4ly I e.a:Os ears del. F°et.tons.ORATIO N.DoM Cohertor 1{OMA! PRESENTS — - SI� AGES LL D ClNDITrONS, an ALLOyster Saloon. IZESOF POOKE - BOOlW H. C. BOOTH hum-opeoedthe saw«ninbasement of rRUITS, NUTS, CANDIES, Brink Stora Southold, Qntelyy keppt�byy J. and the stocking to put them in. B. Young),uan OYSTER BALWN. �� - °,.qty...r,.t,7., CHRISTMAS& NEW YEAR'S CARDS. CeaAotfeaery, "- laraer Drinks, (�l III ML',nP �J��. �i �Sp flab, Ufl6U �J1J Toboeoo, '"" clave,site., Eto. Am n gganmrel nue, full assortment of IC&CRi•;Aki IN SEASON. Dry Ocodn, (]rooeriea, eta GI Y b. 11 I di A, ('A.L1.. Conte and.sea us. "Stave"will be da -- - - ---- -- lightod to saoyov,sue,se will SOUTHOLD SAYINGS BANRITTruly, 1)rposits maao ou or before SATUR- a- O M F �J 7 1l,{I'. 0dobr•l a , will draw iutereat from , Ocfobrr 1. BENBY RUXTTINO, Treasurct__ -- — �Otithold, T.J. �' A: Y S( FMOLD ` M' I`Il{P z., DEPART RENT, 4N. BELXOOT HALL, WEDNESDAY EVE., DEC. 29, m•, it stormy, nu first fair oex�uuig 4� HOLIDAY ," g FATEHMNMENT , —AND— , 686DdW PANTOMIMES, MIdIO, ete.,..eellee �oo-Plgeee tie eye and ear. A OHAND 8UPPER,CONI''EC1'ION FRY, FRIVITS. NUTS, eta to tickle the PA104 •+ud IW up tae •Saner wall.,. " 'rent Hoo Hanging ]CAMP, and Lewy Chair, da tlse Iswky oaes j The entire In w",th, will be used to tobato Htme, Irrddera, etc., for the .{. . a of the bonthold Piro Department ADMISSION 10 C. SUPPER 25 D. " MANAUEMENT COMMITTLE : R. S. (3turggem, C, Fred Tillisghnat, C'. 'A M. Ledyatd,Lowls W. Keru,O.A.Yrhwo 'Mrs. tied. K Joaaings. Mm W. Terry,Mri IL (i. Rowoll, Mrs Albert- son Olkso, Mrs. Wm, Y. FRthian, Mrs. .l. it. Vail. Admieainn and Seppor TJokets Ao Vale by UI members of the Cmnmittes sod At thin tauuthold post.offlor. - Having purchased the Frentrta Ge- zzrrn, late of K Warren Street, New York city, I now, gabled, the paper from (Jreouport, New York. I absdl endeavor to continuo all the leading teaturea of file Onzstn•w and to extnu,i topstroneevery advantage they born -J beretofore enjoyed. Iiespoettnlly, 'D a CL, M. I3. VeVnoae . - '� t S i THE MIKADO ! A eomie opera by Gilbert and Sullivan will be given in V4 u a 1� BELMONT HALL, d W BOUTHOLD, N. Y„ wTuesday&wednesdayEve'gs, E a FEBRUARY I dt 2, 1887, with the following out of Charactere : The Mikado, W. H. Terry, Southold, U Z W Nanki-Poo, Cortland Chea, Southold H Ko-Ko' Cutobogua. (A az W C. O. Moors, Pooh-Bah, G. H. Terx , Peconio, Pish-Tush, G. H. We ye, Go,To11 Southold, W F w x Z Tum-y Vernon Moore,Cutehogue dd A t---t Yum Yum, Miss Ma Rallou.Southold, N r 1 0 _ Pitti•Sing, Mi"Verazo Town,Cntebogue, o �y Peep.SO, Miss ion tile Wood, Katteh0. Mrs. Ullia Moore, Chorus of Sohoul Girls and Men i Ihreotor, Q' O. O. MOORE, S 7 -. Aaaompaniet,_ Miss MAY HORTON, ^ F] T - Tae stage will he lltnmina,tl%u brintrult rob• cimgllybt,,,ruenctgganvelerd antiful 1911, FFFFFF���lll+—^lll++� never iretore shown at the Rut R". ° Q P. „ Characwriatie costumes new U4 elegant 6.7 j e, uEtUnion.W be doW,e to-The fourthnet e1X4 fJG eta for sale at RLal ahpan,me.. Tlgce4e-AdmIMl.ntte' eoraeT. Curtaur oeqte. Cirrus they ordered at 10 e.a--- -- -- —T- - °�, C, J OPENING-. SATUAY, AP . MONTAUK 8TEAMBOIT CO.,(LIMITED.) 1887. MRS. ftEHu SE & S15ER2• For Oriont, Greenport, Shelter Ialaud. --WILL OPEN A— ' + Southold and deg Harbor. MILLINERY t� a —AND— Fancy Goods Store, THR eTRAMEE in SOUTHOLD, to oefto P. O.) with SHELTER ISLAND, ! ENTIRE NEW SWICKOFGOODS. Capt. CEO. C. Cla88. I r1 .P. & 1. G. 01!LLA aD, , Leaves New York Pier 22. foot of Beek I BAY-AV., BOUTHOLD, N. Y., man street,Eest Hirer,every 'Futonday and Friday, i AT:O'.cue[P. M. Will have it few TRUSTY HORSES Returning, beeves Hag Harbor every throughout the Season whieh they Monday and Thuraday, ' will let at LOWEST RATES. AT 4 O'rnmcg I'. M. —r"�— Woutlaold at 4s415. They will also meet the Steamer Shel- � J. C- GIBBS, Agent, b,r Island at eseh and every trip and OIDoe on the pprat N. I'. "I leave the Southold Post-offico at -- W11. :1. PRINCE, Agantat BonWid. 4:15 P. M. suit boat day canying ptie- -� - sotgere to or from the Steamer ami miy part of village for 25 otv. Stats at Post- . ofgoe where all orders may be left. I r- FIRST-CLASH N )TICE. I have left hell, will LIVERY STABLES, wuwold, Rt 114hr fora Ib11os J. H.Y u1'/x .Il. GREENFORT_ASOUTNOLD. 17.1147 MA 4E,Y SOUTHOLD �, gf 1 Dant Tam-Oats at Most IieasunnLL ay Prides, Day or N1'ght fliugle or Double - Itigs. Also dealer in Carriages, liar JAVINGS DANK, uesvea, Whips, Roluea, eta MONTAUK STEAMBOAT COIL p r Village of Noulhold, -" 1887. (LIMITED.) 1887, , is epee,dailyjmm 10 :1. N. to 4 P. Jr. For Orient, Greenport, Shelter Island, " —0— Southold and Bug Harbor. TR08TEEs . srl� xxe..at.•r.nw r•. uorr,.,NlrH, ❑ARNAl1AK 11 sdeTH. I"Ire Peva.. { ' :. HNS10"Hl'XTrEvu. 71 mxnrvr'nud AM.'rvnrry. +� � IL 11014 ARD IICSTTLh:..f.ri.Am./ TvaMM. NY.\7.H.RENYA•,Atm.....urvl r'usawf. Joseph Latham, Ezra L.Gohismith, Henry H. Terry, Charles E. Overlent T716 aTEAMEII Augustus Jerome, ,Tulin 4. Howell, SHELTER ISLAND, omJ''oontlm.lmdW.l: H°'�� Capt. CEO. C. CIBBs. Leaves New Yot Pier$8, foot of BFor Hartford, New Londonel e"k- and,(orf, portNess mid ling Hubdn. man street River,every S 'ZAXO f OF I S87. Tuesday, Thursday 0Z , 9atardari oo and Apar Teewap, Jane 111h, the stem AT s 11rr. Returning, leavvesmS8ag Harbor avary SUNSHINE 1[eladety, Wedisersdey X Friday, CAPT.R.A."ATM AT 4 o'I>LOaE P. a. I4"Ill ran as felbwa: Luev uartfore prom Not Southold at 4t4rs. of eteN street.e,rrp J. C. GIII Tuesdar.Tiaautar aad iiataaili BtI, Agent, \I a:8o a.Y.,stop at all malar river Ns� O®oe on the�ppeter N. Y. .,iv.. (nou si tkomwrx irum NerNO , st 'WY- A. PRINCE Agent at HORt6oid. akmwu troy New Belo n. I v sa m:e.,.r.trYa from New llaven.a Nat NEW ARRANGEMENTS. 1p. + OrelJoeytnatrenle.dets.lss 1 r.Y..mepger a arauport .ad Jeri '+a¢Narlar abdartl P.Y. NahaoYet epn Having taken my Yon into my W,;i- FIREMEN'S to e aeras Luer, Land in ornier to an- •ji a61e oa to r.1p up uur well "elected stook to supply the wants of our cu,. FAIR AND FESTIVALt b,mern we are obliged to do bu,ine,s on a new basis—that la, we will rive it" BELMONT HALL, per vout off tar ureb, and on I1 goods S' sold after May let we will po"itively i give no credit loug"r than godaya SOCiT HOLD. forflanking Last ourfriends and the i n m MONDAY EVG., JULY 4, me their lnwt im idol,o and hoping e merit the odntuuwtiml of rile wmw we remain rvspeetfnlir yuurx, Or. it stormy. deet fru,eveuiug. Gr R ROMMEL & SON. Entire pl+sv:rv,x fiq III, t"dt of N.B. Ho "all old a000nute'will be aluanYi up before May int Thr asafln.rd Fire IlrparlaNatt_ Useful slid 0ruumela,,1 FnucvArtiohs .t well stneked Fi.hmg Luke lire C the files out of the hoots. 1bavo got the amees door F uita. Nulls and c,ujfn•hunwv, 11j. that woo do It complete,and it 1,vary yd be.t 1plea rs will lx• prew•nt.,1 Wilk a pgl le°Yttlg woman oats put It lot- IIAngmg Lamp. Hammr..4 nud :41vsr dew smeps W lust as gasl. ,.: Cnkr basket haawr provide posfeslt with w ad yen '�plo °f farming Admission W Cents. mQTas�s alad.,applo Oros.,tarmin klsd: sad"warm westaar, -+; Sin Juho.H. Yuuug. Atr�. Uo,r. &. and Yst one of meas NodWON hod iwttar emus qulvk 4efob tet swee tlta. Nit- ', Slew kl It %ail. H. Q And If pen went a goosbyoke Jeweharp,A Sturgis, L A'. lions, Fr"I C. walraos% Yloha [have a-I them,Jed as Inso other• � IIYl1lgenL N oaalul as YOU esu and It yy m traveled a whole mile. JOHN I:.CIIAMPLIN •i No.8 FrontyL,d ee mora L 1. UNCLE JOHN MONVMG GRASS, About 5 acres will be offered at Auc- tion on line been b,New York again and lose got Monday, June Q7, Another let of Crookety,all mixed. They at 4 P. M, on the premises, East aide of are all nseh[l,lint some of them are very the road leading to Oak Lawn,and near aid and he will look for a good many the house of Aix. EJamual Eldridrre r., folks to nne in and sea them. When HENRY HUNT NO, Vn come yen had better look up stairs. Southold,June, 22, 1887. e has got that all full of everything, xnd it is no use for him to begin to enn• stig,Il(� �TB98&t AIlOt10Ilr mernta: if he nhnnld he would fill 'Pas . ..d.;_i .• g _ TEAtaeEn all hill. He has got a very ,d From 18 to 20 sores of tine standing accommodating clerk and if youwill just g ask him for what von want he will tell gram, on you right off and 3,ou used not take off l3aturday, June f26, your list. He hos a very ggood Buggy 8:80 P. al. On the promisee late of Thos. Shat he wants to sell, also Lawn Mow- 8. Lester. If stormy, next fair day. P. ere, Scythes, Rifles and Stones, and be H.Cantermen, Auctioneer. brought home some of the best Harness JOSIAH ALBERTSON, for the price.that I have men, and if you W M. C. ALBERTSON. wool a nice harness you had better go vegation, for I am certain they will be spIIt�l01d SAVin Bang sold. And if Charley is not in Ask U a- s ale John and just ase how quiek he will SouxaoLn. L.1, June le, 1887. give yon attention. The trustees direct that interest be al- lowed Deppositors July 1, 1887, on all J. G. CHAMPLIN for t e post t reeran nix er pion the by-1 we for the peat three and su[nouthe, at the f rate of FOUR PER CENTper annum. Deposita made on or before July xo 8 FRONT ST., OREENPORT. will draw interest from July If. R. T. GoLasMrrm President, 1�tt BGtiYC$ ARRANBEt6�Rf 1889, HENRY Hum sal, Treasurer. The New I,enlon and Lana hennd staambgt NOTICE. CampanJ a a New Ntmnr, XANHANSET, All perwone indebted to Leaden A Prince meet call nn or before August 1, CAM. dAMN P. SMITH. nollt ex real IW 1881, and hnlance navounta, or All hill! this mesa will on ane Met' MOPNDA I!, due niter Lhvt date will be pin<'ed in MAY Roth•contame Ie mase Dol(r rrry,x.(el 11MI rxu ,m e'.11 counselor's hands for,collection, M there far[bv, tunica, �,alweua to to he s change in the tlrnl. Now London, Greenport, shelter island LANDON PRINCE. and gag Har6r, Southold, June 27, 1887. Leaving VrwLondon a ,m A. r., arriving is Gteaolgr:at I t'so,wa;o n# nt]isataDW Natl, b Wg with IloAMnaaIsland leannnd Ih Long lid Harbor Y leb,4 to" a &e Ren 0,leave Her - at Lia F.if., with elem tar weq . pat,,n r. mad iron ata Rpt ewsImn11 dongalroattl:so R. Milds, Nawport Hxpreaa b �s;also and Helftl9r6 and war ata- Ilaa;also w[W�II Gatos w4t on shire 1,100 Dart d b OartEaalL l7ar MNoa and All pointe oar[ L NVC(,IL— gtNi,Q balorl HelRhla and seaman inaauMw. vat,.New 04, a rl-e me aa• sA. tare from NaR to UttenporL and Orel. xxqgl1nnk�a�udteb p.w. Field tad I�paaa lot, I hem al On. pMnla Aa 1 i 1daP $alhoad. same Nacoan4be ardowtta ae herew. lir P.MONGER,Yss;"a Tr. R,.R>Cil'Iw.AwnCOranlWet. - .m.,s Vit} A-_ cr.acpi D1ncMrat1 '� ` °'•. YMIt.pYT8xl1x.—RntDol t 19:15'A p/11 1 Y` or. ! / /l - \ r a ofellitWl LL rose p. Y. Yryfir 1` 1\ 1 C�� meetlel[ Friday.tyery Oiler YrgbYlOg at aahool ''���� Rev.b. bK 11ee,every ut her Plot.,dq avanIng. � Rev. gphcr N'hlWker.O.11.,I'aatur. llarenotxr Hn.twrAJ--SunQay.0 v!ret et lotto A ll.Yle 1.0 r.M. ayp hlrwukigrl at lip. yeuug YeopAYPn)er.4ee(IpQQ pm,rrmaElmg "day evmdnyp. (-ItW-lheetillp trriday ever, ng.. Ile`. W 4 lwugl)"• pan," � Belmont Hall, K[ W..euuJq-.cIjool u 1,t~ v.J.ll .yi 1.6 V.Poster. 9r.PATa1C[S lineal CATE.I.re:Hao at South nId every Al,a h, Lt aappd stn Snndyv. .t 11 , Thursday Eve., Juiy 2�, e :9d. let .A, 1, Hnx.t I I,,lwaC every �� sun lyy. lxt au 1/th gmldayx at/A-e, yd and 3.1 st 11 A a MqI at Greenlwrt every 'inn ity lot slid Ili]sundi"et/A.e. Id all(]&l at 11 A M. He,.It.n F(IMV,Paolo, 'i, I S Al I, OF 99 a�rOa:teity Y/recbrY. � :1¢'•ill• - j ttM Ata M(Md - m ramx guelRat1yynteooe IDO k t _ aye m.aeyatg,lHh. UTI( 'f Lr Fite (i.lrrw FunA. (70YIla Pmnldrnt. U.F' gyne 0eurelary. L O.O.F.—Southold L.alge.1.U.U.F..tin.Sia, till IIWMonday evanlug.M o'chrok In Wd. llall. X IArlohl,N.U.; B.LYr1um,See., C Bf n eh,rrnx )I La ce and Gentletltell L0.01 G.do T,--Harmer IIt R0 No. ere lner4 r" mdrl'dll't4)tlOn Of egryµ'Hol dajz eveq(�o[s_t,eW y i•lu.a,In Tem- swkWa,Hrr. a$ �trN W. l:. T.t'H. H. P.i TY C.--I'rotevlDo, &u rfrie lb. s - Prot A P. Horton. In tlpCh l u no., W.11. Nall.Vermont JL L Pleur, gbu. L 9..ild L C.—Hanle Ilook an, ]Adder 7=09=o;mN� � Fred TIIIIng � _ 40 g-I.A. room r.-Ili oor p ADMISSION Y5 CTS. erry 41d room an•lu the rear part of .'�'1Y taM):nnlpgHg y.-�ta eat:A H.Tq'I'Y. tam , !,or Orrin '1',.,ummeeoe at F o okwil Pr4V =- - �4tpH.ta(�x.1 To Ming A. G. BOHLEN R 7 prey," Pres.I yne Her. i': L• lrougtY.. Vla Pre.; U.T.Ygoa Sea L H.C.—Ladlro'Halaetenla Onto, Mrs, HOIITHOLD, L I., T.Panklla.1•rr..; Hry.H.W.Prinor,eee. L&(1f P.C.—Ladles' Suelely or the Pru rtesoA. JAM. Annie gpoaser, Pru.: HaPaper Hanger and Nail O..HHawn, Alae L A.S.of H.9,Q_.Gdhli AL1 An,lrry or Wt�.. �Ie,Chun.•h. Hra.M'm.11.Tu1h111, erea. YMF,Wi,Howell. Halsominer. L IP D.0 M %,-a' .Kill$.l thtl ;ruses. Nt M�rR1.'ilra N'at. 11.HWg.Area:Nla,ll O. �k4• W ov The Southold Academy oo�ready for . Plpllo or e APPY w.p far, J. B. will open for the Pall term SEP. .51 1887. Totme: V per quarter ; $2.5 per year- W. L. ELMER. ..r ,SECOND ANNUAL CLOSING_0__UT SALE ! EXCURSIONWATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, OF THE SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Southold Fire Depa.Itment. SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES, ETC. 'NiESTEAMER PUBLIC AUGQ I SHELTER ISLAND r 9, {. WILL LEAVE .��.. J. 5C siouthold W ltstrt Jeweler, being abort to leave So illi llredlle%dnyt Aug. '14,1887 offers for sale, at public aviation at hie more in "Brick.Store," At A O'clock A.-az., for SOUTHOLD, CRESCENT ' BEACH, ata P. IL, on MANTIC. CONN.lmnSaturday, Sep, 3, 1367, Remaining atolls thehourswt the Bea,'band, returning yypp Sett Harbor, the above named goods. P. H. Canter- reschiug tkmthold aborlt-6 a'cltwk P. H. man.ARatioueer Aff vd.--ug a tine sail sorsa SoL L uud --- Poll ntnmd Fbeltrr blind. Music and Now is your opportnnity. Refreahmeule on lxwr.l. DON'T—MISS IT 1 Tlekets, 5o Cent,4. __ TT��,,a number of Tiakebi is limited nod ,m At the we time as the above will be •i66ttid he pnonrra.t early. Tickets for sold Herring's Safe, Show-oases, stove, Pale at the " I... pnat.ogice Rod by eta, etc. jG, Frail TillllHirias 1V Hobart Gloves, H n WRL H. anigan, & I rem tfully return thanks. to my VIP—**W of Ar. Southold friends.for their pavt patron. age and shell now give them an appor. It stormy cn Wadu'aday, the exour. tunity to buy goods,n my line at their aiou wilt he snRda nn Friday, Aug. 26, own prioes, PUBLIC AUCTION, D. eooTT. ()a Tuaalay, Sep.6. at 1 P. V., will be Paid at auction on premises of the late S. d Veil. Soathold, Wagon, Plow and OW Perming Utensils, S"%w Qatk and Hecrebu'Y• and Uttar Icolitmeroll to mention. P, $ 0 terciiin, Auctioneer. Tnn,la cash. Itetorniy tben next fair dny at same Lotti. J. Il, VAIL. -,s rrnu?sxs—/Vo V. 21r 1'x1UAl'ualcu Fel ae au' wxEC h ,VANDUSEN .\\D TAIYER;' Poml,raHstw A7GL PAararjr nw, - Southold Savings Ban Sorrruo.m Dao. 15, Itty;. The trustees dhwt that interest be wad llelPxsiwre,tun. 1, IAiw, on entitled the"MAu Ruder the l,y-1 the pant thr.v.will Nix months. at Of POUR PEII CENT. per umt Deposits rlxuin on ar before Jars ill.Irnw intan±Rt from Jan. x. R. T.l'1ouRum P, Presiele•nt, LOOK HERE ! A NEW ETTS NESS ON A IS. .AN INDUOEMENTS FOH& I'EOPLF. WHO KNOW WHAT A CA-8H BARGAIN I$ v ::• / A' To BUry. I have bought out myy father's old r Stand in the B ick Store, Lfather'old, and am determined not to be bantam '- -P=.•<. prises My S *loss in Fall is noaSlat of Men a Laos, Button or t (�(.rfausSae for 11.611, 61.74 b2.uo `Y.bO,ba lla +>� 18.:6, 44.ut4 $4,60, .6U. P. C01I'a Iw. dies'French Kid Sboe for ra Toe or Comawu Sense, �a'�in mal line of (JOYS i besides a gen n Ladies; Misses' Boys', Youlhe', and Children's. Finished Duurwglae{uC.0-0 in OommonT. Sense or()as and E a Ladies'P (lost for atl and upp idda, vdk Patent Le Top wild Olaxed, Hid Fax sad Leather Ti �LG6 ; a9me is High Out. Y2.W. (WI on ma and a bargni 1. get I have nuw ai +t•=. of 20 Journtlyman shoemaker City, whoa. experiea» in Now Yerk 7-r...-. klad of 1Sdiea'a4dd tame cu the best �,. abuse and fe, but not at t,"Wb ode rybavo gotheretuforo. nt, to aoduLeta �e' ""with�.fellow shdxdroekere we willthe ewny'kinii of booth m eho,u out of the rery beet math tial with tlde (",-beat lik mu 'm had >at w reasoulble yrwies as , A fit had elsewhere• We guarantee Ind at»laider un uuc uhli ,r 14ything that is not gad tohdke 1'eTairing line we du ttef/ndary iu the t�4akrn s•. h^t intend to be *"for"neatness nud Arability ern omdweketl. Instead of tbv.ld style way of nnhf Sings o ,11dim' sad wrn'e woeailishgoes,alirheex on�More, the .#:. Halls are driven tktoaRh and clinched iiiairueido whish soils and toms Uie »took_ t ssw end sometimes kw'e tun fe.,t), wo Ju h o1e n all wr by banal, wbiuh makes eft sad eayy ae w'hen new. CIIIAS. $. HOMMEL. 42 Suffolk louulY U111Lnt1 1)D•I+etal•y, 1F1o8 w �Qqe�11 OlILe 111 ua. r. SIN Itep'vo in longloms Vero Nchuont Ylon I'I tlta[e tSunntm Bllnunl a. Ilya khle James /.4 [ 1) M nr.la�umhly 14nrY E.IiuuufuY '.. —uegsuseBo-- ty,Indge Younill er gt. "• nmer eaeslsa ov:x:n vasa er �wA H.'futMll i cnc�ud' - lylt. Itl oto �,E.univer Urlrut EDWARD 3 , T fIBE.H. i J a,ticc of Ng�iM ED 1 .. John MulllgaB Jhaalnwn FntTon AND PMOPIIIE. B. y District:tourneyy��It �p atcbirgud I at, ruf Ewa3'17plvarhnadl EDW ARD F. TA PER � U a P*q T[dt r mvlA.Bk[dato[s &agtlP 1 Counselor At IAw, $pn+tal ationtion Oven to i?znmination of Titles. Wills and Cuu veyancing. + Pa Io - \i edtg a euR i Traveler Buildiqg• - Et IIII SOUTHOLD, L. I. '• '• '• TaomBUH. Awra t.'ountY Clerk 1i011t1av W'.8waw.xy Nlva YueketF IpYrectory lleputy ,• James L. Millard dT.&-amrthom Temporsurs gullet➢meeu to& Cunnty JnUurer d..Hagry lnyklntl ab•s0004 Momiq,•venterr to seen month. D.T. sup-to[POur J.MAfliwn llblle Greenport tkaBna Pre4leat. D.V.I loo.tic.rewl. W,..W Hulse Nay hbrlra L 0.0.F.•ummold Lode,L O.O.F.,No.eta• }, „ n11V1d s.tlbe;rill Eastpgmptou Ipye evert YoaOar sveul0a.t ou1oa14 m Odd- Joseph r.b.Y Hm. w.HH Terri• .O.; tl.LPrmrw,Bxc. Loan Cumm�if Dist Che"tll.Torry U le Lo.of O. T'-tenor I,alse Na tile. meso �n0� x +�uJ 1' 10.b.liodlldg 14 bsi e every WOdoeads/l evenooa at T W o'". In Trnl' - lLaVd W,liuimoy BtldgxhBm'q !armee Bell. B.It Tuu1m,C.T..:C.1i.T.III)• 1 COMna[ henry P.Terry Cutenoguu set. „ Wm. U. Wcoamd lidstwouu L.A a.t(-TOe Literary ata 9-1,1Unionmato een Winfield d. nuunutt, Petchagu0 1 'beam j g yajd 11-4 l4"Bolelo These- •• Fishers Island Abratu ulRurd New Loudon - eT.Y.('.&-Young People C4rMgan Nonot7 BOARD OFSUPERVI.S'ORS. mebM 0 tls M. L uhureh rwseset arM t[ur- Aay erenlow• t(11. T. lay, Prw.l Mrs Blade I Tbn,g• Name. [t tf OjMv Addram Khan Sec. k;aetha BLdtwa A.ktfAEaa, tlP[mge P.It e.-ProlecddB Beres Ca mesa, needed q-pqr�,,(A[r�e Tbarwey la pea moats. W.H.Yell.ruremau: nhelkmr Inland, "1�{AN7:G C.txiKH('a u'r,Shelter Island ) b.L I'nero.sea. B.tl.sed I.G-tglt (look end Gunder Co tlulmb J0114 AItaBFaB, ltIverlport hm. ,B jho ant Monday of e"h mouth. A. N•I B",o bay, Jonv N feast➢' ',Ujrhrq'1 Feu,yonmes; o.@ea Tgaoghut.Bee. Brookhaven, NI,uLb Nauru, Cru1th 11•rtL^.. B.It L A.-TW getltllNd Btedmg Boum As-' BmithoJern, tlynxi,bl. .1n nEtvo, \urthP,�, 1m11D'. wea,lmh eeea,Is U. Hean's Islanment. H. u. 10 nn N anus Bay�h B Un"",par•;m6rose 1.Booth.Sm Ithb)Im Ur uuci 1111,n1 eu 1nUl) &LA.-74801111014 Lyceum Assmerlue 11' Ilwnmy�lol4� E,u[nl k"Awa \rn•Ltl1nl[ nrep and 1000 art In tae res*Part of B.0 Hash Cleew [rNlPrvlx rA Ia0•a I.' lllhf Yd NI ll'lup;. rano Tao =&ry Bumbera 510 eulumux. A. _ 11.s"Mae.PrOWeoil W.El.Terry,Beormtal 1. The Devil's Imp L B.T.S.of P.O.-gas4aWethau TemPmmes seetnly of use m1r ,terlaa Chure4. Orrin Y. Irl, ,t the Robes Bud to kee,them,but I Its hue.PM.:B.T. uses,Boa. gr �9 e,L T.B.at Y.L C.Ba4paR�ahoul Temprr. .out more Bosse,Blankets,lialtere, It Etching straps see Society of the Meth, RPM. Charas. o. I lurnene and they are all [or yule. UardeP Beed oftka H. War. Urex,: Mrs Hev. W. L Douglas,. hent yuellty,naw and Irenh,sll Ina Wd onto I peened Yea Pas.:B.T.Pant,W. np nn rkntlon dap lest Nnvomber. 16gvo n IYrgO I..M.F-LAIs'Mon imemal Union. Mrs.D. L+1Inn of oho chofcent varletl0a Peat, Nesta,CP. 'y T t'onkB11,Pees.:MYx.H.W,Proem,Bell. nuJ Bwlwt Cora.Clovlw,Tiypthy Wel Top Yd I,.B.aP.P.-Lades society of the Proel,yte- Urn sot geed. Apd t bare�ugt reoa�Ved g enpPjy'p[ rose (tem. Mrs. Annie spanner. Pres.: a MIs uulubruteJ Farmin6'Ibola,Hght from Mormonpind e6 MO.Bonar,bet. - know they can't be bent; Chap will make a 4s}'te� I' L A.e,o(M.B.O.-[a111e«Aid ple Buelety of the work. Aud yon know what the folk0 sgy,91 �traok _ Bcoeren, Mn,N'm.H TuthBh Pres.: ��xuytMnB,Fun aq 6nd H at nnele.lobe's. An yon. B Prima Bee. ,J• Ond a raze[there Ln plane YOnr beBrnl OR same Y a L L N U.C.-Lues•Society of the Universal. - { smnntblugg plana; no danger o[ ngtting. &,good Me. lel Casa►, Mn.A P.Lowara,Prns.I M4YM.E. -._ Nubo N'InJer the Devil bee yognd yon nqd will torment Tarry.See. 7 yon os inns Be Tun IWC. Jeslte Christ mOaaPree )set __. xach Chaps BA YOU afn but its will have no place In [ar- SOUTHOU) HOTEL. ad xo where you wlU 8L JOAN n. CIIAMPLIN. Na L Ismat-st., Greenport, The volt known Bud popular hostelry having b':ol} c1�` • C. 1 IP+1tRY, asuperior style,and ppyidli tiono,Is now r"d W yOOMye -DBAUBlt LN-- 1 wM1° Coal and Wood, Iw °MM't A, BtedwrM." low ' SovTuoLv, L. 1 dontheld,Ll.,May 1, .-..�, s.•. d ►" Ipw•Yaea al l..I. a 1;. u.vn. 11 J P LIVERY STABLES. Sum.k' ( & . $orgies and Carr;ageg to spring Let at Reasonable Rate, . CARRIAOES, HARxrsB, RU1;Pa, Inter Alillinery, WHIPS, IILANI YTS, ,ETC., __ I'ORBALE_ ALSO 1'©l oEllie House Stabler H. o. YOUNG_, Prop.` OtA,NFull Line of ra•uO7FJolxthold ttxbloe (Rear of Sonthohl Hotal,Noor Depot, H, E. YOUNG, Prop., Souraot.n Goods, at Do not 4x11 to attend the �I�h�' T!, �1 BEN EF'IT S1S WS, ff r liif r. iatarled M. Ledyard., ;. Ih•ltafmt Halo Afunday AIRY 91;th. _ 1�UN"1' Try SOUTHOLD, N. V. MIX DRINKS! MONrAUK — Ciller ix goaQ tordyx STEAM DAT 0 for• a bgwohfloluphtin bld wh6, 1888.ILIMITiTl)-) 1888. ri•r','.-,, fJr are141411 of fan ped xume ' For l Rieak l7teen]wrt, Shelter Island Nil tlne�i..are onre to rraao No4thokl and[tag$sole(( tllolgrfora I wuWd etal'se lsim"ty - a1e11 w autboritq, enlreol ti+a.hem o4k ally those will rcunh, orally ax a medieinf., f i nee m s4 - a Iwrttrago it will oraza�n mix them M MIN"6ha deet wit file 1, 1 'ad a nlislnior 1 4 if, earl till ooh M' higher tl411 Ito al - fonder will a dish of ilosr; Y ag - n n tiersb.al,rel (r � ,:, , _. i9- S H E L T�E R filaayy'eye ISLAND,_. yyflux tllioFla bad !°g to - Capt. CEO. C. CleeS 7•'armiuz.Vib� ItdOyou �o1,,� '.oqw make .. . 11 g��arm a g�;gond ,loth led Ifn.`tw• wlmM' HARTFORD, NEW LONDON, SHELTO Imx"a' oou Vir slid., _hurt 0d r9 8�e1'agaad 18LAN01 BREENPORT AND 8A8 HARKS 9mt, altsultler'x won't ]tnrtgy.ne, an.l thoem 8aaMn of l.•iety—Ort and aft<•r Juin tllh, Bard Ulstllea if that stand 1�{atlr Ium•, and life Iww fe ser nrravra went list yfm I ,,, t 1'"lour iu� towle t „..� Q N 8 g I Nil MriGi mare now. rn't mplind tine - e�R. A. A.AATAe, r or,f 2,aa: IINCLE JOHN, "'"aimiro ram at rift trelitevery,,,, \fr r dR7f Thu rani and lWn" of sill a.�l.,xtntwla4"m __ 1 'font Ni (#r�•�mpstl N q loetlingx, aoeit -a- with I,&, at C �o4.4 1.1'me,xatl el cw is of " with F r, I/lssulutlott PI't opitrl......sillp. - trate Lwring nua`en of 1 P. m.,orrtrarg nt Onr�apoll t shout s..tr ,'nf Narhor rat T.:ia p,ill Nubhaolal \'retic.+is Lrr•nb end H'OrP�'�i um Riunal Leadla4a. It ming.win nrr.hi r 1 Rivve flint ills Part. xg Pro, ,r Mondn'a Waffles] an IMdayA at 6.44 1 Ie�n h�Lirv, axxivtiep between a.m.,Prexix•a 7:81 �#re�a ::#µ .V hanrMi.at an flit.nn,h:raiqund Isw bma dixnilml b Nrlagat Nrw Limbo uaonf le n.m.nn hma . 'ordahort nurtonl oanxLut, old,, ,ill hills . 6P.in. alunding le nnr,f 6jQh ratty,z(!rlera: hnvn Leon' Idlglt p�gi At Now Lnudou with N. Y.,N 11..t n It.R,BMW fnu•� 1xfc5 „ill hu. fa ' �l dlrorl lefe' u,,I N,4I.nndns Northern B. g. ,ill Attor4ey.at- '14A of AINITti rel ii q.V. N. N. Snell aWn"'j4 ]a �f�1Retown with lbrgo Branch of tae N. P:,N. Lnndua fir O - d'U. A:'P ' At fb0awell wN(h Merldan k 'Dina NoNden. Ctana'o8 R. IL to old u`LANDOW, At Ilagford wit)i N.T., N.If., )1.,h Springarld R.8 • Ilontlrold,N i. illBftl�'f'�' r.aau: '��' TO New iambs,l I.lgt 'h_Ofoal, LKt aAirlen,round trip,p, ratan. resat 100 IflxB, yfttlgg,in. 44 � 1 Yj ' - ,- aoutholu ;;al iu:;a ltlti►k, !NOTICts 8onrm4.0, JUN1191, 188& 'Tho trumteee direct Unit intermit be al- - ----,.�•-- lnRed Dnpoeitors July 1, 1SHH, on all ,ami ontitlml thereto under the by-lava Southold, L. l., July 5, 1888. ter tho puatthree and mix months,at the _ •;, late of FCUR PER CENT. per annnm. '1'D TlIF, hF81DFIfTS of SOUT$- w,4..: l,leposi w ralulo on or before July 10, „1;19, PFOONTC AND VHIIN'TY. will drayintemet from July n. It. 'P.GOT.DRAM". Pres. 1 dP`JirC to inform you that I have .HuNTrftio. i,ln'cbnBe.d the Block, ffxturee 41111 DENTAL NOTICE i,l ` good will of the elft established business Molise or IKr. William A. Dr. It. (I. Russell, willialns, and intend to transact IMP AND MCNANICAL UNTMI he business in the Same manner, Rmpeatlfully Intoning the viounis of soriumid SDId Bell goads at the Plante Wagon- And rlalWty,that he hu Pernntealy Loaamd 111011970111`11- sod am 'poled PIIWT CLAW able Prices art he has always done. 1111i"AL PAnl.0a910 the aulwo or Yrs. plead, mlhlll R094Avc..11elrtbo Depat. He are art liopiug to receive yoarpatron– OrtYedrlbfmyrort,attire aVhenalhtu¢ta nnnF age, for wilich I shall alwayB be WA7•and Ly prom Pt Wnd "flied workuuushlit n $Ad Rememlrte]-,ovt,he Luau to share 0 per i`."'�-�$ r tbau lain, I am ttmat your Pakrme¢e: plttrorBo ,notlele r Very Respectfully, Alwgn frena ler the I'alnlnnu exnwdlen of Teeth. _ Frederick C.W lUame,. M'Nfciargo for tx tral!thh¢ N•hr11 urf lfla19l - -----. -.---__..—__._ III are ordered. ll Preaerrnh¢the Treth,oorr'ctie¢.durorudt} My Dental llooma will bo dosed on and la Leal tntrntnntlal Plltltf¢(lprarlabV tCdi,' the Lith, of Angnst. Petrone Wishing. rule,,.) We,maraat 1,axofaaedr theit work ootiplotal before the 16th of ltwr,eare mrd eteatluer JI III ,muerunY 8aptewer will please will early. teeth. Tours Respratfnlly, GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY, DR. C. A. SAVRa1T. tUnnnlhrnon o'd udr Lie tree. 8withold, Jolly lot 1, 1888. Ar110alal'reeth eutreld mh all khDun EW: '` ------- --- Inletaarare¢hµal.,rlthall,4�• reenat Irnp, - SOUTHOI.D mints. d ai work Will ealarttn ihur w.*}'I ,rxr a all ( T l i J �T Bad Bee 1919 Will tbor, reu whin i►t wu and �� Y e v ,Lf (� WW dad napmet 9r,m•erorl, lur'a'Aal1a. mai. The Southold AvIoad fitly will_re- tort and anpo.gmaa. N.R. nor.Rome hall hod afx yearn axpera open Sept. 10, 1888. lnstraitilgn 10 eaten towreorin,1,rptnentul $etYh74LmU,lt will Lr given in the Eptlish in the City m Rrii it". brntlohl. Irliuu til lcY Rr. ' ttaneea ---- -" T—r;; and 1LRIier. It111themali -4 , '*tn. RESERVED dentN 'thorollg hlv prrparori:raer Dolle�r Tran. $,1 1wr quarter, h:5 per for yrat ^;fa1t> lit, J. B. FANNING, tjN"`>'A`', 61100M FS,DRY 600Dsolo MCI. Sri Advertisetueut next week,... ! f e NOW OHIa We limn to hay in x good stook nt Ln- ^ND by orndhnt now they m'o ohanp; bol L7 EER when babies aro plouty aradla will I... j'T-U dear. I am selling aaytha suit anend, 111Jn Y so cheap now that women buy them b, p1.I, knot ovm•. Ona Minister of all denumi- �t � P48. nations nations and no donumiuntiou in kick,ug ��� ,tIP quite n dllak Ealvindicate nople know isetlnbllo By tyre BUBlfpr' PIsCR o I ohnanetr+r. but tho , PoPPYconk, New in the time b get y,el .`'' r 01 t a HALF effEr �IIAR'` sof a ohenp Hammock before coER C&ICAElIy lit oomes on. I have oL the weather t mssonnbh. R very bent �. �Lou't l k'attooer mG'nit ate New Orlease Ilolneaos in town, so sweof I +'Eat the • n etc. ole stand, ttwtla soya. with olutll and winF3ow - -. H and door earsons, get them before the ��--C'Boor gim leave. If you wire half as sensible _' DEPOSITS MADE 1.,q THEN_�- ne I think yen aro yon world boy ono of SOUlhOld Savin these B099Y Harneaaes and a 8hoet to oa oa s 9s Banky. kaep file flies uB the horse before pan ' 711r 0",1 al'osa ,7 done. T6+reo Fly fawpe pro uow randy. i i� r,edumday1 QCL `3t1 have not found those rob,s yet said Wo `rl II draw mi"fest lro 1 A'.""`'.: :, m Ootub¢r let pear mnornble diaLal that has gat them 1L T. OaLn L se ashamud o1 himself Witt Ile can't Ilawar N1n'w. I nh i japk ',took me In the11" - _ 'AorTrtva. Trenvnrar. eye;ho has a look something like a sheop stealer and ��1$Oy p be over will 1w long as he traces thou), �.A i GOOIDS VNOLE JOBN, New `"NTatxassr ,, No. N r,rout tit., t7r, npurt,N.Y, Games,R4UV for Old end Yo - Bp000e k111ver-Ptided Haivjo.eo, Ir t— - -- b menti jdor Bale other hapfarmMn QWW DR. - -- I Sogi� R D, H. LOKGENECgER, old SOWS But, NZOICAL AND YBCIlANlCAIt DBNTtSf SOUTHOLD, DEC. 2u, 188h. ane tru•nl,•n It nn l.ra, , wheSa ha la prepared 1. i• Tho Deposit direct Wet inkrsst bo al- p,rnmu nu olkrxtl out on the mouth enc M _ I lowed Depositors Jaa, 1, 1N,9A, on all Iwtb aeaalca[. snit Haeneafra1, In me mwi same entiliod W @IIIfa1manner. er&a under the by-laws Dr. I.ju enc fat wit pest Write end sir months, a the n ,,km Is ons of nu• fanwue .l: yak of FOUR PER CEN'P. nr,;ter elm hr ra ar DrooalYn,ao notes for their per aunam. ennu'tlell of bro[h wltyout Palo, by the one of .r nalmaiM mads on or balote wel,m' )rblo. or Lnaanln� taus, ppy.! 1 Q, will draw latawt fram Jan. laky ether,m home year tacw oanaotM, Jan. 1. �AA hP nlcN fur tea or{hr,, Any'. but Intro sits R T. Oo1,oaa,"u, PI'eA Wt you will Rel 411 richt In n taw tan Ole. attar Tb` tae o e jllou. Marina had roar Mrs HaasY HQwftl$a, Trnaa. praot�ee In' as York a4 entl lfnwk ln,ltive arm y°"-11.1 prrhatatl to make ""1 Y" Mute III trrolh lu the hent maania poaelble. plalur 611a SPECIAL NOTICE. IasWnwtaet4 hill g1 apo one 441M at we Patlantwah tae least a Uuloynum 10 t's, V Will be at or 1841, ModdnY Tueadq, In lloathold the once Of fill week. UVw • p. iw-Ulhn 1!,�uw hnUl, b- Mra. Lb,al'a h 1 .1 eppuell„Wu,byol. _ OR, D. H. LONGENECKER, ✓K iv/ 2 fJ_ - klt)u'PHOLwi jA 4G 4.. SUFFOLK POULTRY eF�FOR SAL F. . WELLS, LS, pItor, 1A F3. f30UTH0LD, I,. I. MANI PACT(II':"IIY'rul( M Broader ofthorough-bred YoWtry bOrient Guanoanf'g Co. it ItaANnr, eludiugthe following vadeties: Black Standard Ammoulotod Hone S.1i,,- bflnmOAQ Bed Caine, Plymouth Rooks, phosphate,Plain and Potash,Lung Light Brahmin and ' Wyaudottes. Eggs Weeder, Special Club High And for sale in season. Caah orders brads.(uene better la the * receive prompt attention, batiafaatiou E market > Also Ground guaranteed Write for particulate. I Fisk Borep• ffinriato "� -- -- and Raalt. Ee E. HULSE W. Y. I'`ITHIAN, eouruot.n,x. v., t�a W. IIIINTTIN(1, —nouns,or- Conveyancer ti Notary I'ul)llo. BLAmt MINORCA Y:ares Jana bans for aide spark,po,tkea,gaRoa Co., N. Y. st vey low Drives; ass ons jim, six Nrde of ' _ _ __ thoroughbred Hees Comb, Brmvu l.eghorna for — sate. Soma F011X--s BRpfrom book breeds In seuen. Cag or intron:rot nraeen. Pleeae mention cis popes Whontheyoomaln to the Store any, "t'nole Jobu,yon _ keop everything:hate you got nay Ooose Yokes 4" Yee, 1' r ��� ��� ����I���. lhnvgklie, uIrg. ptta'have vel have got front York ,iitst lank nQ ewlrn. 1 levo believe I gut Lome Irom York and when Charley unpacked the floods he said so,ton, Now Faith Is the eahstallme of things hoped for but in Tb0 �h83 BBi ! 6 Grade 9ie c;a mail. ",der to know this i'act you must have a fair sight. So P B . I you need not believe whet written here,Be(]1t you do, it will be of no good to you. Just color and see for. Bnroelee hen RYO•np, - yourself,and If you don't buy anything I will give you TNeyeles frac 1484 an an lee Cream Dish; and if you buy,I will give you two. Now due romp and Charley will ever please. Z;?�,pq Tn,pdears treks edu av: Buy your 8eeds of Champlin. He line them from the - "+ -- _ meet extensive Seed growers In the nation. Ills stook Sundries of all.ki and variety of fens and Sweet Corn le very lar a,and far bicycles. Call Clover Timothy Redtop and lawn (brass,and the dlf- y` latent Minds of dleWa in papers and In bulk,and Early write for Catalogues. Potatoes,Said Oats and Plants in time. And one new Ranahoat wagon and a few of those cheap Harnesses, G. A. GOU1,1), Clatters,Hitching Robpeos and Robes. NN that sneak Watchmaker anti.Teweler+ like s male.thBrit If he will fetch. must ave them fourlogs As a man Catellogue,N.Y. with two legaeuglit to I will give him some of the best Pass Agent f.,r Southold Town. Paand Sweet Corn that heaver had My name Is John .t G.Cbamplla;my Store Is No.s Front at.; Honeo No.S --- - - ` Ba Avemla,Greenport, L.I.,balfolk Co. New York. # ,f. (1, CASE. U. v �1.. Cliaraa Salley Is Mate of the Old Tioon'derova. Ve;erinry Surgeo (leudnWr .,l'take Auterican V.dir4nal,�l College of New York. liav ilia riuulitied myself by you, s`_careful study, I feel,wn Ndeut of giv s disfartion iu all enure. 1 respoolful ask,your patronage, ` e GrindA � Opening MONTAUK STEAMBOAT 00,, 188f7. i.lall'co.� laA9 �}"; HaThig plat returned from w:'Porl, .yhrler With a the eity �„uW.d,l ar nnrl,m _ 1ti LA Ito 1W bi'vc),o C Ur Beets, Ludiear,Qonta' K and Children's 9110ew, Rubbers, Hata, etc {' SNELTEf3 A Itake Pteaanrein an oncoming to the t is Public that I Leve th(un nu xele Capt, G.E C. (;_$� new store on Haiti atms L at in L'+t"' \, W 1'1):k. I'i,r nm!:+hrd. Ct•t 1;�3,hx[t of tTBelt, I will not boo odorsold. Tuoaday,Thuradp S �,, Y. at_rd 1'. M. trivt tun atYjp dud Nm IG tort,dl, I,�;," MY large stook MOnda og Iaf ratio At Prirnw that ramuot fail to Pleflem Y 1 W(., esd.y you. L1-LIt reaY 1'. r REPAIRING NEATLY & Southold at 3t1 O P M _ PROMPTLY DON a 1. 01811A AgwI Et ,on the pm, A RI9L'It. 4gant at 'Man E. LEIOBT, SOUTHOLD tfMi� y ! + L. L. NERC' as /'�g _ tankern take m V Y I - --_ -_toath Of bYP W .... WQW orad Irx'a wal up"a 0atitsoefy Bl slorltp dog. was that aRuir It It had h SOUTHOLD, L. bicycle that pP that man riding 1, yx"tea a full Roe mt got (tightened of a womon'x bnxtlo[het �r some one mus4bave lost,and hn was very eo.o Inst g 1TNt BON N E'1'J, Iu the distance ■ u distance than to and had mush butter be lost In the 5 �'FLVE [oxutl the robes and net vet to lreatm ed if lthnmhta�[ha pence n �' ' PLIi SH 1 Gave gmt small er now wxgone up stain that ere nor.mr. 1t►I3BOXS8. .. so easily[rlYhmner�. And chairs, table, bureaus,bad1IHB �• II• BA ::. Reade and lois of roobmK chain,lootln ar m some ge.ntne evergreen uorn to plant,lewugi���d {� IIIothy,sun rid top sued,end fl gaud h�441 0Tyit4h�e. MRS- Ma E. HA otheetre farm, nmlmne and wbtrlban•ox s,n� �YWtaa '- old other thio fa that I wonq,ell you.bort;you utnat sea have have get band and it. ging Ixtrtnnn,�tttAt �rRYYb RYR _�•.. have of a behat en fight rubber hoes add tea eeh,cpl ,�D peeR utJ RI tie any fle odd nx you pieces,and s!T r stn with uovon,and slop .i.ra twtR carthnu and h P wlx plmhere sed teller set s,law —�,4- anglug. If'Ypu come this Way.step io�od his unnd do John fe r t o.*1 for Charley,bat it Cbarle TV V.su.a T-,da<pT, ybke for uncia au. Y V to in- tinrou ::, J. f., t'1!. b We tM Pe>st am,,ItutlallYr��• I rt. Na.a IQvut sin, 1 NTLI S. dt.,eaoma�a,wry a run 14m of trout from new Pert. SOUTNDID SAVINGS BANK, T t.I't,., �iunlYB 1N "Glothold,a,.t..Juoa' so. raOgr t, - 'Ties troxle•w Ill Wmt liest iutr+r,-at 1, at. Sou(hold Sa`I�M✓fas, - lowed Do [tors July 1, 14% off all mea $time euti Ind thereto under the by.1aw$ %- for the ppmayt�three and oil mouths,at the + rate of$OUR IU(UENT. per wmun,. 1'11(11~) MPe$ite mads off or before Ju1y dA3', Oct. Sd,._._.,, 10 will draw interest trom Jul 1. "i'i a iu.,tost tf , Ucraauglat, President. or.lwvruR ta,tn licitxi HptgTt[#o. 7'rrntxurer. It f t) trrt, fi _T ,�{YtrRtya�17,•nwfrsf a � 80UTHO1, b �SAVINIGS ANK, r • " V111a9e of Southold open daily,except on Public Holidays, to 4 P. M. —o—_ .i,• TAOBTSEB : .i R&NX--MA&A T. OOLDWITN', PLilkide t. - AAN.YADAN H. NOOTIZ, rat J,U eeg, j. AUOUNTU.Y JN@ONa,ae rpe JYeeWM,t, ft-HOWARD NU1%'MA'p,dt.11,rt,, =101,x 2AW-dl.NORTH,I[Gm,ey ane rya , . as K GlOv t, Carlen Enldtimltlt, - Thomoe J.Conklin,John 8. Rowan WerGrii, Jaime O. Oaa0. James K Horton, ;lrmsd w.Oild®afeeve,8iloe F_. Overton. SOUTHOLD SAVINGS $ANK, Ta —ra i/-- Vlllage of Southold le upeu doily,except on Public Holilays, ' from 10 A IL to 4 P. M. o- :aoereae : NItO'tlaILAN$T GO-M, V"I.. JiwrtAer,t AVaANAM""" N. NOOr'H. Ypa J'r,,11,t Ire U.YrHF JTTLNG, Ya Y4v Yra+ldeW. N.HO AAD U lNO, INO.A.rer wa1 Tl,,, arp A -r WAND HUNTlnmaev H ,- IFeor„rar, •Ntlr.N,xAsrgr,Aner',w aaa caunst. Joaopph Lthonr, Eau L(loldemith, Glories K Glover, Charles E. Overton, ' '('heroes J.Conkliu, John ti Howell, Jaaae u. cam James K HOrmu, Ind W.(}ridirayav4�. Overton. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION, I Jliete Janie 11. 1-1rix•tou SOUTHOLD, [in lust reterneA tram tar City, wlirre eh. Ima rre,a atnng hmacli as s teuber. .1 L4 now PrePamd to give Inetraenoa m piauu urgaa at bar own or puppy'rcntacnee, 'i•I robso0able. Soolnol� Sa�lo�s Book,j bUUt'HOL1),DEC. lo, hent. The trubteea diroot that intermr lh. low,vl tors Jan 1,1890 on all n, enlitled thardo.under the hy.lawe the"t 1hie0 and six months,at thl nl FOUR PER CENT. por annum. Deposita mado on or before Jall 10, will draw iutereA from Jan. I R T. Gmmrru, Pr, ilrsny HIItv{mG. Trane. T. o NEVADAMo; oft, AUCTIO_ ND The Lost Mine THE INDIAN NEC cA Drama is Thin Acta) rr'' COVE FISHING CO. WILL It6 OIn A IN— -n 11.1.sef.L AT YL81.Ic AU(•TIDIf TUF.8141, 11AR. 18, Belmont Nall all S�i't. of M., llonitnrP Pr in t Aoolloln and 4 aoull IItmle, It tt Can,Sud a uamher of to R SOUTHOLD) � �`d 1110 rods of Netting, ha Small or large lata to edit poretueatr, p TUEFDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVBS., "'iif 000 1114d tw"JU0,IGgWq 00011. now Itoppnn, ] Fish Ilonse, I JAN. 28 and 29 oad otbxr Arlialea 11oSt 1i^ane, + meutiea. t1O oumxmnx [o ---")11 1118 NIN$FIT or— PROTECTION ENGINE CO, _ LOOK HERE I LOOK UP I Nevada.16,:µxpderrr, CENTRE MARKET Vvreww,av n P.T.\rn.1a F'011 - id MIIpT, 0.II.TI'rn,1.i. , Ill t:xl, , NEW 400DS ]hwb Lox. 1 Yv nE 7161,•n,r AlnrRM- R ly, NIIAw FGvdv,, L.W.$mal \IlNlunury..f 11-x116. J,N.D1Id.Wa Jug mess aed frons New York. Joulea¢noteaere, f Jobe.a L;lvk Mmer, w'A 11d:�sar .—__.______ wpldfe.aflNnao1:11. tv.tl.Taaar r1 �1:AMi'I+LI'tj, 4GOOI)r4. Nalhrr Mcr4ln' Maa D?Tt"an" F Call and Wake aQad(wu Arlt, Aanxn f'ulrl+e, "Naris ULEAUDINII n•ef Na6a�iSc a,u¢ Iris MIM 4aatn K.4"", � A.�Ir:' ask rates. .: liYxep ei6:.ft iVnd Also. w•.C.Ewa",v \wN aeaa asgJ erns N1:s,,. - '' April Ill. �atrat< all 1185. ll, L. 1l .% VEN& Southold_ Cornet Band. _ SOUiHOIiI SAVINGS BANG, Ailudshlnit. 25 el..; Res0l'red FNBtM, :1a r r1Nb."4110191.L.L,.l aux 14d Allo. ., for 9411, lit P(L4l 46 trustees direct that iuteftrt MO. Uoory open at i. Plat loved tore .illy 1. atio;, ` ram I('110Na18. MMSUllitledtb(,retnUuderJW for thepet throe and xis , Ir 6101'sly- next flair~ — -- rote of IV,R PEI1 el yr. parerxrt balC'x, Dpdy 700110 ou 1 r before will Awes iutxwl trove July New Goods iR a New Places R T. 0ougoot r. Prasidaw Hclrsr HtrxrnNo, 11ruSuter. r' 1I I'v. �. N:. IIRYPA9 ALBOTWN A TERRY, rs a look of b{rred are ., c,1 nx:,de!•I U aIle a ,Amer[w-. adv Ftr1'A deur IU tee Irpf :die afar awa t,, �Uvf�rapel ml. Qtrof C( W, irwe sm T uO P1 furl bm 111 1i i vin Ilxa R, at Saks.an. tl{el 1 ALDEN'rwUN, smith WL- xlnr,l,".;ul:x ou gpm•x. Ilr+w vhp•Itlx. (lase Yap• II pm d'ry M1n rLlltlp•u. Iprb,rY"x IAa✓ – �. _ ' 1'.I'r.,111141),I NIIIf C. IY•„''.;•1 r'„11„ ft rll(Yrt,Y. xWri and 1.nuc,roil ml n'I n mvl M�cdlra. y eb: •L•xh'ed.('mnY.la, t Iln,lkx and LJex, ilxurl kelaLl••fx. xnkq. Plc., ('nlllren'P IhaP rt61b1 anal Mftr.k, t"rglUr dull•V, K hlidn'n'P IIILI a \',Nx Pnd o 6cr ydAs tee nn111ONnq IU la•ellpll. Stamping to rho latent Httaroo. All n Ie„If:lrra,gad b t»togas 111 ropes ever I'6NTItP:MA119r1'art,Mame lot,19". a 50 � Montauk =:£ stoaboat , Co. POTATO 1880. (LIGHTED.) _1880. BUSINESS T[� T T For Orient,Greenport. Shelter Id. U t\ 1 n, S S and, SI tbold and Sag Harbor. �J ,(J 1890. 'rns ST ]III 1 :un pmpared to -handle the SHELTER ISLAND, of 1'tdntoes. Ifnve Capt. GEO. C. GIBBS: Willi. on blind to furnish for A ITP- Leaves Now York, Pier 20, foot of Beek- ping. mu street, Fast River, every Thimkiog you- fol- past fn%'ors, Tuesday cd Tbnrsday, I l would respectfully esk It cou- AT 0 o'CnoCK P. M. .tinuitsee of the dune. Aod every Saturday at Z o'olook P, V, i U111 at Office, or m1dreA8, hoh,rniug, I,wvou Sxg HmWor, every 101117, Wednesday and Priday, AT 4:000moos P. m[. W. S. Newbold, NOITTMOI.D lit 8115 P. M. J. E.9iaeae on the te Agent, Southold N. Y 0he pier, N. Y, W A. PRIVOE,_Agent at Southold. office opposite depot. a SOUTHOLD - J In N� o AVINGS ANK, .." O --IN Tg1— W Z x village or Southold .L O O a to o}wu daily,etaept on Pnblta Holidays, hZ y n Prow 10 A. X to 4 P. M. LL Ix til N /Ny w 2Y98TEEB Y h li z AMNA.VNLANA 2'. OOr.AVYM'rr, r'reelaerv. BA ANA RAN 9. ROOT!!, V"lYvxtaroa. p O W AUUONTUeJANUYE ya Vtal9'extaml. a^W i H. HOWARD IUMPTINr0 4o,.xvxreranzWM J ANNJ.if.AXHVY, dtr,wy ancl vplrANaawlr.lenlonrwp C/1 y IAlward W.Latham,Rhin Iv (lohiAilh, Q L Ohurlm C. (hover, Ohurllw F,. Ovorlory W Thowea d.Vonklin, dohu S. Huwall, J Lxree G. Ouse, James L. Horton, C Z Ey a IlvAl W.(tildersleeve,Nilal F. Overton. Jom. It. Terry. UJ LLJ F m x I- w O u ° Z L RECITAL. I !S'hOoOTHOR ACADEN1,FI \ ] manMlemant of '1'h� , Al E7 7 A HURTUN, Aendm y wank]uu,Ra IIu (dl,`itw al. —ATTpa— nrn,saem,m].fnrtheoomingyearo •n ourho x0gliah hrnnch,w .w ugLt n u PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 1nbiio wlltada tni 1w nffora) SOUTHOLD, tnitinuaL„rgox vA,x p,r term. For n nomiaol additional aum A wdlahre pro- (IV dafntrtmanttA n Wednesday Evg., Aug, 20. x,r;n�° IIqq peu W all 'h,. '- r,wdmg of Attic mas audthe svisdxPiul PBl)(#1fAM. I: eLn pt'G+ItNLad, an Herm,c, and Commit Thy Way, Civam nad'AP!I�"�i thorn (bA `r' } exiles (ltg0}efidd`TmtW t' Mrs. . Al. Howell and CLnrnr, ofxpntax is _ 'ted The Ekner. H. (}. IInwrll. doa,m - nett Cradle BOOK, Mrs. 51. B V01011401). geom Words by Mre, tio6uyler B. Ilortou. (IIaaeea 'lelia�WloA of eb chorale. and oatmis iormsd if durddrred. OLorus. Call Unto Me, (loo. H. Terry. ly ire an Y ayyxtemlttiot4. Bad ttody dly adhernl W as My ]tarty, illiss Barn(;avn. u rmr Itr ry eoL,r,M it is Words by_Mahn IloMou. A,7�0 f .-'moa and wrwa;�. In doing work tt PART 2. fwtory W 116 Val doing work ilk in I'rio -Fail-Summor, Mixsaa Howoli. xtr notrlli _ ThoPAOW'tpl apc+p at a time will, Womb+by Dr. C. Whifukor. other itukiptq�p,,��of its claws via, Rapt. Lift xp illy BaoR. oirtl'tud Coma. lid TLe tIHOatitm and Ixrtronugo of flu, Words fly T B. I•'ora� Piddle are J!"a9my wtliaihuL ('hntnle, chorusNee �Jr y t 'Chip Art a 01141, Goo. B. ]fell ' ry t Y' In Ll Cho 15eLar Iso), Mrs. A. F.Lowarro. petoc,p„t. li,•faroacu, AimermgoR CAeq Worth by Mrs, BuLaylar 11. Iiorton, I IL W.Plum, ILmt'lliou Not Knowto & J, HuwQ,t, : 1 Mrs, Goo. M. Howoli And CL,,lll . J.L CoAtY ` _. .- _ Q.A�unarngyK ADl)INfs')O1V, so CTS. HaNTmili HARTFORD, NEW LONDON, SHELTER' , upy `)TIDE Bre ISLAND, OREENPORT AND SAO HARBOR t M "• ^ e wb I� i.mplateJ nnxy- Season if 1"9—(lu And after June'd5 ,. I ,, rp.r. and a a fr,a xrurxn / `♦j ,/ ' ruaenuxr Ilvnr, A, `1 lewn.1 v , tiaae 8 V N $ H I W :W. �it.iu•" ciicenua f uy. o+r CAPT. H. A. AATVA, Will two ax f(dima1: �•.n�yt�Wllh xq hmwt+l have iLvlford from hent of tltnte Street over Tuu. y real x fill.y -,r N, earl.u,:+..n shred dAd, wMlWAd cadarJAygt with a.11 stop pingatali - nuauxt M.I.o . YY6op, DounraUn Now 4.in., rttmmwald YI -CRDs.and at l.ondou with Rxprat n ❑.xxax 1141114111 S6afo0 At 1 p m.,amldng at Ilmneron 6nexvaaI i. sigpt 611fr'Imd 811g Hs1Uor at 7:30p.in. MoadnC ix.t A-- avid Blgyi LmRuga, Noterntng,wIR Iaave d„w,m N'. r, RrP Wadmedsya asd PMdys at 8.18 T�su.titsayoet 7:1&YaaEasast?A.Ay it ah0at$ hadovi Jl600t 10/1,m.asdBMfonl at Phi Cty l'Ly mmlh IN THE - ahoAt71 `-,, _ Southold Savings Bank, 'K 3 n.R R. Reston 6t Mi dloto w11Y otthcro R.R. Ylddlotown wtlY BaAIR limeh of the N.Y.,N.H. � _—..n;u net nr rrn:r:alt.R.R. At Cromwull with.Vuldna & Cromwell R,R, to and from, Friday, 00. 3i, m Marldna. At Hartford with N,Y.,N. 11.,If.,&Sprint R.R FARM: v _ will dines intermt fr,nn llet.dxrt iat To New London,$1.00. Rxcuraion,mood trip,♦Leos. ]t. '1'. Cunu,urru. l',.ak]eal To IlArtford, Los. Rxcurxltm m tnp�U.W._ ..e T1108. II�tORR,da.,�I s� Ilanuv Ilaxrnao. Treutirer. 1" �T 52 ` Suffolk County Official Directory 1890. rlfg,e. X~. P. 0.Add. Hop'vu In coegraw Ja'. W.covert S Day-et.,NY ElB q-7) V 'v �.�. ate donator Edward Hawkins Jamesport JJ y ]femur Assembly James 11 Pierson Southampton 2^'gym t 1' County Judge Thomas Young Huntington r-' m IS a BmrogatoJames Il.Tuthill Riverhead _y m u r: 9°� G„ Jutted of Sessions Robert F.Gurney Greoniawn J� a vt z p e= Warren D.Lewle Babylon Llot"Attorney W ilmet M.Smith Patchogue2 g W _ Sheriff Robert L.Petty Riverhead gag -.9 o U ;�-q Uoder Sheriff Wm. H.Skidmore HuntiogttmI f.'h 'o .'+ ¢C A m Dcp'y - a Ja1rr David T.Madden Rlvorhead ;1 p o ' �" / =y•- , dpa;'1 Dep'y Sheriff W.Frank Smith East Moriches { 1, Q John 11, Elliott Oakdale rr °m S> a X1148 P.Jennings Greenport .4 W Alfred R.Vs14 Southold „ •, ,• Gourge B Buff Babylon C .• " James Bodeyy Patchogue W Thomas HA :.Iiaeve Mutituck 6 «8 ConaU Clerk Orange T Fanning BiverbwA `o'a m fs ar' Walter 11 Jaywr Depu[Y J. 1314 uylttof Poor J.Madlsm,Wells Greenport e"7 9 ass a GC O m 01 y s David S.Sherrill Rastbampinc X.p c �► o [ O;hulae L.Raynor Sayville -. m Loan Cone d1wa'r Joseph HY.Petty Aodtyvilla 3 A O -+Of School " lot Dist Chan"H.Howell Riverhead ... , h1 m 2nd 11 Wm. B.Codling Northport O ';s Coroner John Nugent Bouthsmpum Henry P.Torry 'r Cutchogno Swamies noam YDllan0 Huntington & v m C A loupe 7 0 T O " Fish,,tend Abram Gifford giaher'sl'Id,N �'�r. m� Yrsb Noank,l't Es p'� _ M d a 8 Clark m Supervisors,Jama,L,Millard,Rl.erheW. o^^y9Xgy m < q $S a 9 In Q BOARD Ol►RT1P�E1r/BORfr. Si ft I Seed E Tom Name. Jbal Offlq dddrervs to I! z � Q3 due e S fasthatlpton, Bwws A.Mez1a, Springs r.,,,� � ar Q., C3'Ow Jams=IRS BosaMmptm °° 3 dd 0.. inca Sam❑er,B-Ntoou,, SheeTlter I=d 1 Je S° F-, ` O c 8wt�dd, H6NRT A Rsavn, GRenppoortrt n JcmN R PERalwa, Rrmaasim, EIB. M. .P" a.JohalA S 0 U T H O L 1) BmlOhave Joax M J.Purr, St.Joape M��pp� tVluAAr R. [oras, 1a1fp Dylm, FICItAaD Hoven, Babylon c Huntington, Ommo*X.TIt ON,Huntington ►J A V I N G S $A N K, COQ / I n._ —in THS-- pµentCaq�asten• Patent wSIRlaaf�o an Wbi ; Mage of Southold 0 Bhorsls Hone BlaaTiNs and wniW; g r obeap; ariro Boat and.Hoofing Nails; Is open daily,ennept on Publio Holiday,, and Hbouldam; Bmokwhoatprepow and plain; from 10 A. Id. G1 d I'. M. Corn Mei,yellow and white;WOO Out Flakes X.Qmmaer Outs;Imtah Cocom Sbroded Conneaut for 0— a7d Cake, Powder,Shot,Fede and Guns Rod one TRUSTEES : aemmnI bind Ajog tb , b oLL Of Marion kNNNNNEANR T. G01,DA1fJT1e, 1,,, ra! M I was gulag tbreagll'EaI Mallon I e f Robe lost BARNABAS U.BOOTH. r,,.. ,•.yr,!,,,,,' I the street mad l horse was ams l had toned one r the toed 1 UGUSTUS✓AIIIOM . a, rn. ora,but my Gorse wY errand Of It and before I Gould HBNBr RUNTTINO, 'J'�',., get him reooecllnd • Yonrg woman grabbed It up end 1f. 1fO wdRD 4UN1'T' ..,n!nnr• I. run with lightning speed and I am not certain but she to I NRN✓.R.RRRr$ AUornry nus C,mn.'l. gojog yet. 1 find it is very dangerous u lose or find r emt. Ii. T urn r Robe or Hammock anywhere cant from Greenport. If J nu•Ino F.To car, ChttrlenUvertuuti NV you love one you can neva(Sed it and if you find one Tbomns .1,Uonklin, Johu S. Rowell, ��0aU ao'[got it aelew you are a goal rammer. 1 bare bbTy a tow Hobo on hand now and no Hammocks. Abad(`j "r JA Imon ,L' Hortou. too can't torso the remotest Idea how mueh tripod Abram F, LDwerr Mina F. Overton. Hackett has suffered for want*[ that Hammock tad be Beth W. Trtbill, lot on read to Commit. Ra bad never howled %asst It _._ 1g�a pwla Shaer ick dM shot the Crowbar;but W wet* ystisoon and nieafdreM@ bre been wilhaat WralIll. Dr.I. T7 .FURNAN, 1i am»tarso assist 12 su of lAt immtt As are -tar mum abMstO Plans" OR and rab. I evil Surgical k HeClIGGIcoi llenUa. aadebta4d$dMM Powders sad Mapk sugar NUC9'ogbLD, 'hwr7 4 I�:' x. c. J:. WHbM area - - p/w, s.Ne. 4i snpurt.S. Y. I c+:t'-r1.Ad8 GOLD DENTISTRY FILLINU h,ull lie bgarhes. A artm I_ PAMIR GAS EVERY DAY. +>Vf lee two doom caret of N1.1-9:,1,c,n I 1 4 et rzy zl A'L A:- yb I11i 1A n ti ,1 >w� I � 4 f it 1�4 filar_': `YtA .4 t 1 z � w I / 5h , AUCTION SALE. The Stolei W':Lt. 18 eaLU AT THE IAT, n1LWal@rea Of m A Comedy-Drama in three A D. TUTHILL TERRY, MOUTttOt.O. .Willi, lip, `il` 11:" ir— n Friday, Feb. 3911, at B o'oloot A, X., BELMONT HALL 1 d 11, Wlnr gild a yearning,a farrow l:,,lry, a tth j. 2I('IW Uern and anail,Cora on c r tiny.Ntru W and alallw.Carry-,ll,ene-hOne W on.ItOWing naMJne,Horwe,raltu.Plow. SOUTHOLD Fens. lin ., and au+er mrndop Imtttlemerda Mbmtt 9514-11,1Nof Mauum. ilauewanld N'nn1lhuT A cunaiatwa fr ,I.nmlae. Behr,,I w.Cltraee t ahalrw WED�DSDAY Ili T$$1;�DAY EPENI$GSI 11'antr•w, Ih,frlaaratoL Cann•;Yaekcrp•etc, If atornly PrLiay, a ict t'nlr day. JANUARY 21 AND 22, TERMS CASH. For BomO3t of Protection Engine G'. Israel case Tam. --'--- MATT.s rH.oeM. Ulf,4lLi G'TRRS: WeaL N'ay Mail 7:43 A. M. coq,nlnale.Wil,a Innes.len,euuntry ,. ,• .. 2:81 P. M. IU,y. J.N.13AI.1.q''w Etat Way Mail 11:42 A. Y. MNeter Marcy Utoir. UaaV ALNENTSON •• " " 8:82 P. M. Utn..)anlctiJrt.a vigha I. S.A tlaA% M1pntFR. Am.A u'emey,m old Heiner. N.T.Wat.ls Frurn West 11:52 A. u. Tammy Naaighim. •' '• '. 1. 8:42 P. M. nnaeOn POR 4f OrlLmlox t'mrrcn Told ' East 7:53 A. M. PIT.. Noggin eloh. W.it.Taaar , ,. 8:01 P. M. um.x4W.taWrlaht.Furehct Trntr.aer. L.W.soas Money Orders mud Postai! Notes Ntimmaa, a u.CONEY j firmed fully time during business hours. Coroner •' .. •' Pont-oHloo will elide at 7:15 A. a. and noclan 1. o.V.PENNY I close at 7.20P.M.until flrthernotioe. Vial,laemNaf y.0111,1AdOPOaL� r.L aMMAY na °e _ Wa. Y. FITHIAN. P. M. Asan fnter.smieny LIMN, MuNt t.Arni Hasan SOUTHOLD Madam WkegLsdy of the Period, mn W.C.ALnaa'r.ON Until,Gm's,an Only child. Mnax Ur NY TMuv w setaNy smith.laid Woman. MaN.J. T. 0)"11.iN tJA V I N G S PAN K vaha'en, MIW LUIV(bIYLtN Rusle by Southold Cornet Bftnd. —IR Tem �•,_ _ Villztige of Southold Is upon daily,oieept on Public Holidays, , Public_ Auction, irem1eA. M. 6o4P. M. TH There will be sold at the late nwsideuce of RRNIIIL.INN T. 0OLDSMI0LRRM1Tq, IY'e,lrllra. BA RIIA B44 IRA It.TUTHILL, Esq., AUUUNTL'N'a IT 8 9 1 P*rn dent. SOUTHOLD, RNNHr RUNTT(NU. Treaaarer Ana Wr etmy fy. RORAH)RUNTTMAI Aenxoent TYea a"". q-RAN r•. Loireft , If on Tuesda Feb, 17 1891, ii N.HNNPR, Anereary mat V011111184.yi 1 1 Jona. B. Terry, Edward W.Latham. Household Furniture, Ghouls,E. Glover, Charles R Overton, 1 nai,ting in art of Carpets, Chain, Thomas J.Conklin, John B. Hewell, co P P Jesse O. Ones, James E. Horton, 1 14blest, Crockery Ware, titevea, Bc,I_ Beth W. Tuthill, SdwN F. Qverten. ding, Feather Bode, Straw Beds, I'll- tows, Buremak and many other mticl.'I- Peat once Notice. i of valuable Household property. Go, MAtLs ouos { of A.T,9towart's Oil Painting& West Way Mail ti 8:15 A. a. veto wt,1, to 'dartrai onrinun. I.t 2:27 P. M.rca11:41 A. >Lnm all f 11 wwther M Mainly,MAIN aexL fair day. " 7:80 P. a. TERMS PnRITIVmLV VANII. "RIVM. By ordm of From Wast ill A. M. i C.W.TUTIII LL '• 1. 7:80 P. M. I P.W.,rurnild.I ldad,od al'.11 „ I ' F.mtlt 6:24 A. a. .. 2:27 P. a. Money Orders and Postal Notes issued arty time duriag business hours. PoaWtnas will open at 5:45 A. M. to make up west bound mail and close at s:AU P.M.until further natiol, Will Y. FrrmAN, P. M. { ry t y OROCERY@IOpE 1881. LIMIPRU.1 1881. aa/�SII C dit f] For OrUat. Orwaport, Shelter Ial- Ando Southold and daS Harbor. We As Cochran, Main St. & B_oiaseau Av. YT OOODB SATE ABBWBD An I WILL oPBN } 11"DAT, MAY 11. Choice Family Growrine,Canned (100,16 r.= of all kinds. Tons, Coffm% Spices d all THE STEAMERS other goods required for family van C-OOIDB ShowIsIOIld & MoIltaak MALL NSW MOODS DF.I,ITF.RED WSSEEVB'R ORDLRI-D. WILL LEAVE SAG HARBOR DAILY. SATUP,- _ I rta0edorully auk a Wmru of patronage Iron, DA Y6 EXCEPTED,AT m7 neiShbora and friends. Make me•OWI and I 4:90 P.M. W11 tq,f slid treat)on well./ LZ ,y k W. A. COCHRAN. LEA VK SOUTHOLD AT (. d Ttme-table. - bub P. M. AND WILL LEAVE NRH- YORE DAILY,b1;N Lento L.L CKt7• Arrive et Ro¢thold. J•. 8'er 4 W 11:61 e.Y. DAYS KXCEPTKU. Iris sm r•a• JNnLl i7. $:IT P.a. Pl4r YarE R. .5.1 4:40 P,a. at 8 o'elsok, F. M. 9:09 P.a.(Saturdays only) 4:41 P,a. .1. F.GILDS ISLEEVE, Ageut, 9.104 a.(Eund"a Only) 3AA P. a. Leave M.a. an Om "the Mur. Leave Spgt I ala P. b 9:H P.W 6;14 e:W old Arrive at L 1.(fly. ll'.M. A.PRINOE•Agent for Southold. ..°.,� 9:954 N. 0:99 4 Y. 10:94 4 a. 9:90 P.a. 9:69 P.M. MISFORTUNES 10:90 P.a. M.(RUudaJ1 only) ](I;Iq I.Y. r �T rr(ttT 7, rrrr will Come. The r°°algy Awa) of that blCyOle ..i. . eke & it beattad. '4."O dPtfrgid,heardth"It : r 1st�e.m°d tet frigid, 6 ,met s an be"yN M pas Stand of his nnny(pa,seJ aunt tEa fitter m • titer Where R.•�. </w 9L1 R 1'S'Ii ID. Ilmre wM w water finers loth 4m Into ons,1 Mid,a0tdhtorh left teeth, an 10last dl•of VI a 6k 4TH DF JOLY &EVERY DAY beg Chen the a pft m 0160r horaavedo Ofg in old.wawmab=,".:old r' a—resod the e9'RE NliH'S1'K3 Milt neva Atlas"I rmlgt mor elmeta wadd a after shaved SeeUm1*JSARAHaTHORP � "a f11010a mnd keepps Brml tUQtad rage tkNt Off,old keeps t kimik-ad will stem 411"01 to sell as Woes. Capt. C.M. Criffing toe sk,A IRA0- UP B U19 gale ,i.en T r Yyou a7brIs a Rata, ars Duwl, oP3tIs hors ll V (. UnrdOtW t"t loo"e Sad, and b nr LEAVES SAG HARBOR T e. M, WUTDOLD• houMllga MAktLor roll. Jkgae, eg9ap0p, qmd. 9 A.M., SHELTER ISLAND RKIGRrS,OREEN 1001 Pleparea EI"r. (rur os.5"It.) Rase°. PURT. NANRANSE'r. ORIENT, ARRIVINGthlnp m Ieay oar AT NEW LONDON 19 M. m ratWine.ami the pnLL lam• ' moo Sa9R JJau¢ever saw. FII".Sawa sod ouv '' LKAYK9 NK.V' LONDON 9 P. M., ARRIVING G,pea ZO[l hf6 Noot aetr tiUaat. At SOUTHOLD a P.M,,SAO HARBOR.T P. M. Duple John's[uptsllt Aso Gorge is thetanaw, F 4,RF. FOR I;XCI`RN101Mt1, •r. On deet hit me time TooTR4or the nl,ry"refight. PREMIZT3'S BIC:DODD TO SZT 1 'NCLE JOHN, EECUBOIIE TICEITB GOLD GOOD TO IIETODN o1T OTB. SANIIANOST AT BUDDED BATED. Per Order Capt. C. M. GrifHug,TreaE. So UT110L1) Q o �/ sOUTHOLD , SAYINGS $ANK, (SAYINGS DANK, —IN TRY-- / --IN TUB---- Village of Southold Village of Southold Is open daily,e:cept on Public Holidays, Is open daily,e:nept on Public Holiday's, from 6 A. M. to 4 P. M. from U A. M. to 4 P. M. _O-_ —o—__ TRUSTEES : TRUSTEES : RYNRaflLIYR T. 0OLDRYr7jL leruldrrd. hJUNAXA.v N. BOOV14 Yrripim _ BAPSAeA.Y Jr. tloOTll, vim Prwsldeed. AO!I t.S ITS Jainfix I tiro lYrrh{duf. AVIVUHTUX JYRaIIR 94 VIA,lYrrldent. It. Iff1V Afire YVNl'7rlKU,h'wen.rM'nwd.'kv,. AilRAH1AYRY.Hl,UO NN"BRIT flAlaillmuld TdYr. , fikol✓d,1f1IA.YItNFN:V Y.aAlton", ry"led mu 77wa nu'ar. aurae/. , YYR✓.R.RNNrR. utor,eey and Omerual, Jona. H. Terry, Henry }[coiling, Jona. E. Tarry, Hooryry Huotting, Charles,E. Glover, Moving E. oveatou, Obarlat E. (hover, Oba Zm E. Ovation, Thomels J(l�uklin, John fiHowell,Horton, ThowG J.CoCase, lin, Jolw}l. Howell, }Wth W. Tuthill, Edward W.LAtham, Moth W. Case, Jawed E. Horton, Silex F. Overton. Balk W. '}'othill, Edward W.Letham, '' Bilge P. Overton, --- - - - I,. 1. & Ni. L. Bleaulboat Us), xoTlt;H' Tim body of An u,km, half, wee round In CHANGEtook"➢I' , Iuuthold pillage 58111. 9i Lai, OF TIME. ttak Tec Golly was Thous UL. In. nl height rather To lake .mol ROSDIV, AL'/ll!ST O, I1ol. aunt[ helld, very light fair oomplerlon, dark t leowu Tutu.out short belied. Would JI'.dge was THE b TIC A M E R about[' to la yearn of age. read Vette dlaag. SARAHTHORP cent. Naler sack unit of , IIIwe drags, ,ly wY"outer aunt TwatltsynaIf aoawe abiraa X,t . Capt. C. K.GRXrFING, y' Under title ausa,m 141 w alWaf,[lint badly Le,oc" anti IIARIIOH 7:0u A, r.: (MEEN, turn In bony lega an, it were rt field together by a . PONT,and s.r.,arriving at NEW Lol tlt I ly 11111+cud pinaw of wino Had in dark R a. Rrturnia9'leaves NEW LONDON at y:mi Hula w uh rtnanw adore the knew aid pub o F.a..arrlv' gg to umo to ,Tunnel lot oil IAR At. I rtu'oP tlhora hullly wow. Under$be k9ee OREENI'u it T for the Went. i were alien of Teething tights. No whir idol' YrcarNre, reed far der (reed, 191.IIU, Wentlacalwn. FAIR, J. M. IIARTD4NVT, •a.00. Coro,,,-of buff.r-n. WSxuurtlon Tickaltl sold 90TH( to rc A,A on�j S.,1.R.R.Tlme-table. atM wmfl ahtenact,91.50 Ir Leave L.L 19y, y Arrive at Routhulrl FIrNIOYis RW NONABLR, a::IG A.r• SO�y(,. <) ll;W 4 a. e:lg .AIT,n.Y.O1/rRMq Thar. ('.(nde Irmoy) 19:19 r,a. --'" -----_-'-- rde A.a.leandartl only) 111.114 r.a. THF SOUTHOU ACADEMY e. Southold.apaYnrn•, Arr1v1093 1.My. vi IIA.''..?I?IENI'It ITS Tit':k N-1 RR l'EN, 124 r,K.Ouadara only) 71y, ., THNNIAL YE.All ON - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, f3o U T H O L D —iVlTil-- LC. POND,AIB., AsPNiNCIPAL. iSAVINGS ANK, Mies Pond is a grnduate of Otwrfin / --IN TRY --- Oo11e1geand comeRuly recommended' Village Of Southold building will h, a gi thorough]yy rouoviiwduring thin vast. 15 open destly,eloopt o9 Public Holidays, honto , akiag it one 011the most comfort- from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. able and attrootive eahools in the oomr ty, Tho liberal patronage of tho won- —o— manity as well Mothers Is eolloitolL The TRUSTEES : '}4ustree have the Income of the "Nur RAANARAN R. N009'R, 11rrrideal the Adams Food (win,46,5100) to bill),I JMSH a. OANN, Do vXr P,cmidra(. ♦VOUNTUN JYROYE,9d Vtea I•rextdrul. in free acholatublps, Appiteatiuna fut Y. HOWARD RVNTTLVO.yS'xaeurrr and See throe 0110011 be Wide to Henry Huht. ARAMIAN Y. l,OR'YIMNAAAfrrdat Trataxurer. ting, Loll,Clark of the Rlmt•/L and will 21111J.Al.RAINVA ANur•nay Brut Counsel. be ectod on in the order of their recap- Jona. R. Terre, Heuryy Hnutling, Von, preference being given to student.; Charles E. OVver, Chariest E. Overton, for the full year. Thomas J.Oouklin, John S. Howell, - —_ - - — — - Waaler Smith, James E. Horton, &lb w.Tuthill, Edward W.Latham, y u I(dtp]p, tivertun. 7 , [..[.IZ.K.TIWC•IAbIC. ' Leave L.1.City. I Arrive at Mathew 4:801.4. ^.•;yd. 11J0 A.M. 3:93 P.M. 4:11 P.M. (I Claim Hous") heig P.Y. J gem A.M.(tAlnd►$e only) 11Ae P.4. V Le►vs Scathe 4. Arriv rz at L.LlIQ. P:Be A.M. ].:its A. M. 1,1t,FA 1:se P.M. 0:ra P.A. 1A4 P.4.("(:ape Baru") LKn IH e'.W F.M.(Sondays only) 1:2>r.M. ppp�lii�' f OUTHOLD 'h v t/ �BlUllh I 1 i . .,,-ot and oil. oitctr A V I N G S $A N K Cmint, whioh to •1 I I lodge, were fourteen yea; ;, opeuod wore found to t`, -- --IN THR- — 1i��i Swm eet end good, and pn Y111SOY ti0p1�1011� ... ,)ynurkwal epiouros per S: ]t 11r. Case carries a full line of Is open daily,except on public Holidays, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. iaiNED COODS unsurpassed. But the Little TRUSITEEd _: sYae he w preBorving as relic of RARRARAR/1. 900TH, 4PV-Wlt �j,and may oahibit them at the .1xRNR 0. CARR, Mt YAM Pr'n"I"a. " Will Ha is also sole eg't for the A 1/0"TUR✓xROMg b1 Y4'n 1'rtden ext. R. /IOMARD R'ORTT7x0,lwasurer aunt yea. Tr4e.ntrm'. J'N BEND Pl ')W A BF AIIAR P.LOWRR Rx,daaleleru RrRJ.R.IIRRFR, Atwrelw and Cwa,url. are prou , ed by `. Jona. R. 'ferry, Charles R Overton, i ` 'fsrmem' it to Charles F. Glover, James E. Horton, Thom an J.Conklin. FAlward W.Latbam, We,lay South, Wm. O. Albertson, , t. Seth W. Tuthill, Silas F. Overton, Will II. Terry. - Better than Gold r Me above 4-Act ])mina by GEO. Id. 1 BAKER, will be given in BELMONT HALL, y SOUTHOLD, !F' Wednesday & Thursday Evgg., December 16 and 27, POT Boadtt Of Protict100 heal compay, 1'11.1 R:1(71,WA' i'Par I'vri:hoot.a I:,wyer. R.e.drraata U llbn rl.Mta,loch, c. 'Pon,t'nyson, J.N.HAl.mi s )Dalian Usrlon, R.T. W[us Anti.it tmorell al rvaat, W.a.Tx%uV M,v,Fur Orhl,hnnsaaeeryip Moe.J. L.,'eAa1Ja Monk Gernrid,dwllrbeer, Mrav Emmy C. Base,L4 Melte Healon. Mrea carnes s.E4nt ' Jnnale Joy,a al`a ours, Mnc W.l;.AL411maal ACT I.—Awaiting Fortuna ACT II.—Tho Indy of Gilroy. ACT Ili.— What might have beou. AOT IV. The Awakening. --WISIC BY TUR- 8(IUrlIOLD CORNET I Nll. Admission YS ots.t Reserved Seats. 35 eta., for sale at Poet ORoo, Door+oPro at Iiia. Play-Lrµlu.at a. 1' RrM.V I\`;,e. 8 2- —� o M Stoves, Tinware, m Hardw"` re; etc. 2- _4 x 1, Be pnrohnsod the slow tied till m-a business ut 11. FL Lowiu, decd, I urn y V1 prepared to tarnish anything in my liar N m m at prroea that nauuot ta+beat. Op JT'/�� Jobbing profbplly attended to. Cr�' V� IT tiTORtl OPKF tlrK,Yf,1',X. (� C prom -- "]i I � CA0. T. HORTON, so�Tsoca, rncss � P tvt 0� W r so' N C. E . CASE, c+ r r'" n=� taece"W b J.11.FANNING,) Mr-1,�= ��i+ Ls' —DRALERIN-- d � a 3—t � GaIlaral �arc�a�disa, C1 m blade no a all this weak and exhibited n O sun of Little Nook Olams, which to hie M x certain knowledge, wore fourteen yearn A old and when opened were found to be Qperfectly sweet and good, and prv,- 7i unarmed by our local epicures par rx- ar� a11eut. Mr. tJaae carries u full line of .. _ CANNED COODS whioh are unsurpassed. But the &tth Neck Olams he is preserving as relics of AUCTION SALE rnth pity, er. may exhibit s e ag' for the Worid's Fair. he is also sole em for the THP WELL-KNUWN SOUTH SEND PLOW -FRFxX&N,, FARM xud fixtures, which are pronounced by AT - the most progn.iesive farmers the bast to BOUTS HARBOR, Ira COLE'S HAMS, of about So eeree with dwelling hot,", out-baildwilim, orchard, g exi water etc., I the beet Roots end Sboos, Flour and will be sold at Public Auetiou on the Feed, Drees Goode, Baltona, espeoially pmmissa, on MONDAY, PER. n at 9 buttons, Drid Fruits, Dry goods end o'clomk F. AL This farm is pleneuetiv lirowries, hardware, eta hrat4daMmt 11 miles from Southold depot,pis Well , ahnI to and atnn<;. �r� oo 1`heeofliswodladaPp(tkeldT coaxial Burd ♦ eward ! wringg Sone a Then O le next 1Vfanday procto stormy, then esu the next - --- fair day. Ia hereby offered by the Trustees IEDated, Southold, Feb. 1, U19'3. of The First Church, Con. STUAR'J' T. TERRY. Irregatiou or Society, in a¢ent tar Southold for information whioh BIC luted S. I am sole I + aycLF Town fur Wn t.uree Dt 1`1r will heal to lilt, dirku,very, appreheonion hisu VW-aataV B,rrr,ea, Frua. aura ere.pa and conviction of the person or peraons wh, u Iso, pa ,cone%ens. eau un ur saareex who on the evemu o[way 15, lFiI8, sot JOHN gUAKI betouln. Ili Y fire to the burn be onging to the parsou- age of said Ohurob and Society,by which the the here and valuables property therein were totally destroyed. 13y order of the Trustees, n til Id,Billy 6UNTMO, Clark. M� NFw STOCK of 1892. 1892, LOPE Island & Now Lab! B T S !J7 BASgBOAT Co. Un and after Way 3o, steevler SARAH THORPE, 1 A N :ED rept. efle.t.intimlte, will Cute ipllr rapt F"1 sggspleA) bet t., fkg Wrtgr snA ](((Farr jAs,bR (l Nsq Hsrcm i:i6 1.Y.,gpelta,4l He1pEG B:vs ■■//yy■■ H T w Orient fats A.I.nr(iv Y.,at Now spt e: A,:0 So Urlept aa A.W,nefta ng o New lgpSag 11:r 0 A N. $etplpiny IN1er Nrw INdep lee r. Y.. [soaping abnre IBgdip(e apA IYaptlt4g Sag liar rqr ppOpt t:Ji�P,Y. Fare, si1.00 aonnd trip('awe dap ttckels, $1.00 Tickets Rood (pr session, . dr.so ende;%C1 "ceommodatienr for Psteeegere �� Sizes to fit all THE F3 td.ORIFFINO. TT,.. classes of MONTAUK STEAMBOAT CO,, 11.1.111TED.) r;l-;.ANlIN' OF 1811.. feet. For Orient, Creenport, Shelter Island Southold,and Sag Harbor, a'I'F.AMEIi -- --- Shelter Island Bili leave Sag Ilarbor every Monday,Wednesday and FANNINGi. y andday,at t ee o'clock p c And will leave Now York Pier g9, R.R.,every Tuesday � �. B. Thursday and Saturday,at 6 o'clock,p m r D J. F. GIBBS,Agent, 011lco on the pier. 1 RLua P.Jexmrvus,Agent,Oreenport. 1I T. Hi nose,Arent,Sag Harbor. k I.RICK STORli:, INew London and Long Islan Tx-;IM STEAMBOAT CO. MONTAUK STEAMBOAT CO,, Tn srAUNCR AND RELIABLE D, Steamer Manhanset, For Orlont, Creonport, Shelter Talent, - Capt. JAMES F. SMITH, Southold, and Sag Harbor, Onand after Monday, June 18, 1892, Will continue to make Deily Trips,(Sundays excepted) HiH F'1'F,.\Stain:+ betwoen New London, Onwnport,Shelter lalsnd and Sag Harbor,leaving Now I radon at 9:30 a in., on u. Shelter Island and Montauk, rival of so Pr freer Hartford,New Haven and pay ata- Montan� time,also vice ae Gr and way stations sod from the North, Harbor at Greenport at II:fiU,Prospect 12100, f� and Bag llarUUr 1 Axl p. in. I1'lll leave Nn¢ Ilarl-r d.,al', Saturdays r,,tplodyl ' Returning,leave Hag Harbor at 1:15 p. m., Profpect C Gso,,, m. 2:86,Drennpnrt 9:211,arrivlag in New London about 5.00 p.in.,Weaseling with ali Upbeat and Accommodation And will teavo New York dudl'. Nnudays exceptel, Pict I trains North,Fast and Wen. 'L't, R. R., at A o'ctock,FF m. Fare,$1.00. Sxcursloa Tickets$1.60. UUMn, Ill% :uld:leguat will I'll,N. Y.nn S.ttorinl• Tlok ets sold and baggage checked to all Important ' lota. _ J. F. GIBBS, Agent, ONco un rho pint. peMenbanaoq flag lauding. L" la.us F.JxNnlNns,Agent,Greenport. - Jesse Rasivge,Asestr Sresaport, It 1% Asturss,Agent,Nall llarbor, Joint 110MAN, Agent,Sag Harrow. tr.r .�., F.. F. Kong",Ssstebte►sad lYMsnlgr. ror low London& Now England. $ontl)GlD 5auingsRnnk ' THE 4'TRAME11, Sarah Tlio=i Capt. C. M. Criffing, ON AND AptElt JUNE 23 will asks round tripe dally(9uudape erwptedl leaving -Sag Harbor m 1F.:to a.nt.;Rbalar slaoJ Ilalgha,7::55; G,uon 1,7:45 lccnnuctlng with train from silvol htaJ and way stations); kimbamst,7:G.;Grlunt,8:16; lar- ' flying at Now IumWu about iLOea.in. ' On.Grand Day's luting Round mffr ticket samo day, J st.0o,giving a splendid sail across ud s (iarllner's Itxy u — , • -- Lang howl sound to the city of New London for trial. SOUTNOID, BUFF/ CO., N. 1', none or hseure. Pointe of Internet; JIM MITI Groton Monument, Fort'rrumball, Poyuot and Fort (Srlawold Dotele with their nnrroundings. Upon daily from tl A. M. t,4 1•. 31.Hans ruing,have Now Loudon It lase p.m.,touch Gro cm0. kIAud mt.Gramport about 4:45 p.m.(commating — -- – tneh tele for IOvorhoad and way eatlous).Ehelbr lei Clewed on all Pabltc atonalboyw. and lietgba. Arrtyu at Rag llarbor about il:9e p.m. yarn,filso. Excurslos dckoa for comes,416THORTSHa For farther Information address Hd RNABdB B. BOOTH. rYeIWr,K. CAIS.CRARLFFe N.GR4'FINII, JRRHH o. CARR, tat Viae M'esderK, W Ureonport,BuRolk Co,,N. V. AOOURTOB JRROXIL W Vier Preade2U. SOUTHOLD ACADEMY. ABRRAHAM FF,RD tl°o ArrTierRAEAmiiatton, nor,W, HRRJ.B.RRRVR, Atlorney ,it Ceas,,el. The fall term of the 261h year will ba- Jena. B. Terry, Charles E. Overton, N�rCman (ith, 1892, under very OINIXIM E. Olover, Jamas E. Horton, bvotabIs conditions and the saws man- rhomaa J.Cohklin, Fwlward W.7mtham, agement m legit year. Weeleg�y Smtbm, , , WO. Albertson, Aaademio and College preparatory Neth W. Tuthill, Silm F. Overton, ) 000ram will be pursued. Wed. H. Terry. Good board an be obtained near by —' -------- at reasonable rates. De peau of from one dollar to name Rlonaaad Thirteen Free Scholarships are to be dollars reoetve,i. awarded,open to all who an enter ex- lut+rrxt a:eau...I Jan. I and July i In rack. isting daaea• For these apply to Henry you. Huatting,Clerk of the board of trustees. Lutemat to Ourhal to too crea0 of raob dapdaE Circulars or other Information may be Of an the Books of Lire Bank ane If not witharlwe obtained from Mrs. Ella B. Hadlock, will res mmodd to,Interest the acme u a dep,so Southold, or the Principal after Sept 1. of rash os are flat daynof January and duly Bldg L.C. POND. A.B., Nb,dpd. The pawn tarok 1114111 1"proanuted for depuanog p tee,. eLLA B.BALLOCK, AaWsuL. indrawing. _ Money MAY be neat from a d atanrt by cheek or ITm- j BTORE:. arae.realsared letter,mow order or express. Blauk"Or 0pemaa aaapma and delaraitiug via SCOTT wttmrat wo ue mtbe Bank neat on application. ' �, !0�� Always address and make rem"Quos V PayulJe + I ❑,N,mlhut 4avinp Benk. Matra Neuey onlrrn ' payublr It 116dtriaLl.N. S. Watchmaker & Jeweler,' Lss opened a now store In the wut part of '3011001b loaning$ bank. W.H.Terry's Furniture Store,� snuTeoLn, N. x., nee ,_,, 18p". SOUTA01,D, The Trusteast direct that interest Iso which he Iran fitted Bp in good shape credited Depositor, BI nary 1, n and bas a supply of 1893,on all sums entitll"ad thereto Du- der the byJawe for the Peat three and ICCs]W ac)ODS. sir months, at the rate of FOUR PER, Having had many Pears'experiouou be CENT. par annum. in prepared to do all kinds of One repair- This interest will be written on ih,- iug at short notieo. i pilaf-bcoks of the Depositors and plod,if T--- ------ dmirod, on and after the 80th of Jams. nary, 1883. Deposits made on or before Tuesday, jan.xo,will draw interest from Jan.t. �.... On Monday, Deo. 2R, and Monday, - F Jan. 8, being Holidays, file Bak will t o closed. ,'� ; ♦ BARNAnAa H. BOOT:,,. Fren. ew�sar: r:�txxnit��i�agf +g....- �4l1: �3outl►o!D 5nuings bank :)ounp nnh tltol� 5aui13 C � < IT I SOUTUOID, SUFF, Y. SOUTHOLD, BUFF, CO., N. Y, Upe1, daily from 0 A. M, to 4 P. 1N. Open daily Irem 9 A. M.to 4 P.111. Closed oil all Public Holltlure. , VAON" ou all Public Hallways T1tUBTEEB TRUBTEEB t J A48M G. O R. H00TX. /Yeatnn„t ✓AHHR G. 04HR. Isf rHv YraeldrvN, l ,U/1 R.800TH, Aas1QeN. ./Odd. N. TD" )d 'Vo I'reMUe,rt, �J�Ii 0. OtB& Ul ria Aulaertf. U. /IOWAND 710NT9'lNll.7)rounnrn urnt.ti'nt e• T�BHr fd r(p P111Q(GQY• IM141MY LONRA.RR,deatrtaut aull.urer•, R.RO►110 BUd`TTfdB.T,•Mawar seed disc. tl NNJ./1.H B YR. dqurnop nfW tvoonel, IB8JJffJXAR t.LOABARllyptuA, lYgMer. BlrY.J.n.Raer1, Atforneya"Ooaaee,. Churns E. Glover, Churlta , Overton, John B. Brown, OharlesE. Overton, cele a math,Conklin, Edwajuluord d Horten, Thomas J.Oonklin, Jamee E. Horton, N"thWexler Smith, Wol. C. W.l.ath n,' Wosle Smith, Falward W.ILfLam, W10W. Terry, Wm. O. 0eldrium,n, Wpi. (i:'Peer§. HileH N. OverGm, SeYI�. Tuthill, Will.O. Albertson, OlaMnoo O. Al ilmt, M.1), WaL 4 Terry, Hilae F. Ovarton, _ ,Olarenae O. Miles, M.D. Pep-ow of train opo dollar t0 threeFlhouaghd ' 4Q4M reuervad.4 Dep"iM of from one donor to three thousand fateregt oredued is,. 1 Boll July 1 1, e,,u dptr ivb& _ yeaiOla*er001/ed Jan. 1 Nd July 1 in atoll � E lot reYt Is 011 Neil to the eredlt of each depwit. year. ' t5 I ur up the Boots of theBeak Bpd U not w0hdrewn towrostIt outled[o the ored It of each depoeY or on the Books of the Bank and If not witheralm at ba`aptQllfit r. dus,fthedame , a dePusll. y of tach on t}ti pret Au)aof Japua� will tie eunticAwlnteron the umeuadapWtt 7 7andviout of c away uo the Ent dap of January and July. 1 j The pang puck most Ln prraunteA for Aeptmll IIIy un drawing. ')llcpw twok nun Dr preaeot'd for okpepa,Iug 1R1 Money may pe sent Irnm a dktauce fly'keek or if dra„Ipta. :: A. start.registered letter,money ardor or erprea,. Yocay MAY ke cent tram a dum inee,by Wspt or nj Blank,for o Q W'muna surd Jepoaltl0.all draft.registered letter,moue)"der or er►raa Vculn I'!� without uammg to one flank went OII application, Weeks ltr for ng opening au'ounta anA deputizing atio aatlu at aommg to the Bank sent an appU�wtnu At,ra'a g,lUreaY Bpd mflte rn1111ttallm'a pgalAU ' to lfSn[hnkl ynviuga Haut. slake mono Always address and make remltuueta payable drier to Sou Wold Saylne,Bank. Make moa" orders .'�, ply-bk eL 80111311 )it.N. Y. payable at Southold,N.Y. Southold Academy. The Southold Adedomy's Fall term will hnglo an Tuesday, Se t. S, ,Inde,the are of Afire L.O. Pond. &B., as Prinelpal, and Mule M E. Booueit � A B.,tlMleGmt Mlwn Pond's manage- , melpl the acboul Grr the past tt,o aware fray, moat watiwfadtory. Mine Ban- �tt ff*graduate of Oberlin College and Ie i,gY ree immendod. It would seem j SitMi■d better opportnuityy for the ad. -firesgemabtof pupils oould be provided. board emu Ire seemed in the fin. m ate ,"t5, at reasonable rates. Nur further partioniprw and soldi ihipi addrupl J. B. FAN,ITI'NG, Clerk of Ituard ` r- I I8uulhold L. L ut Truwtww. " i 62 i 3I OVIXICIL ARIMANGH511tNr. 1893 7903 BETWEEN EAST END OF LONO ISLAND AND CON NEC T IOD T. The L, It and New London lTRAMSH i Steamboat Co. ISA A N N A Its $ E T , TOA NNW mart.ITTRAYaa Capt.JAMES F. SMITH, (Res)denee conne.ukd by Telephone) LONG ISLAND Ihtllt expressly t to, route,wilt on, amt cher >towduY, Until J tmtke cel uL ween unduys 1 Tx.•epttvO until fur lhnt notice, between With water""Ilt m,mparoaeete"'I au the 0iDi1 NOW I.oNtdOM, glreeHPert, Sbwlt- Stsy' ern ImprovemeOW In AalornY,state thePont a r L]a add s¢dd Bak Harbor. ape Innrp <nustem.for We rour- I..Yin q New London at o:YS A.Y., sharp, on or• _l tort and convenience of p:u- rival of trams front New haven.Hartford.Provt• eeagem and parties deuce and-waJ stations arriving m Oneoport at : LeavIsland . Ilarlgr tress JaT/649 A.r.. Bheltur 11:50.no W We with Long Island Railroad.Island "p. Isnd H1easp(gu 4:16.(3rcport an1000 (Hat , o leaves Ing wentL BEelbr Island Ileigala at few r., Mg. v' Ninnies :U06YJ . I to GrasOoore,)X ban- - Harbor at l:ID P.M..connecting with Wog 1815 set 10:06,Ot1Ca Pp1n1 (MIYg Btup0 a1Rg'_"aN'S•t RWtrpW(Smith Bide)w rill paints west. Into DnrNiltto 19.45.wrrivmf at blew-70 r RBtnrmlow, leave Sag Ilarhor at 1:15 P,w,,. Asea 11.167.0omooming with Wag Inland Railroad from the New York.New Helen and H.H R, wart;B.I. olfhla at 4:05 and Greenport 9:41)rift., WHO Iavwl New landau 14:99 P.M.64 lKi Wbuoating w tit Long Island 1Wllroad from thealma 1:35 P.Y..True P.m train'1116 at 11 trot,arrlvill In New W elmi alwut 5:n1 l.ltnan9:45 P.Y: Erpresa ttaa 11AVO 19:A noting with Daeton and Newport expreeaaProvldeOUe Y:oi.gostar a0n r.Y.1 TW Providence, Hwmn ami Newport and wyBtoningtan. Weateriwith BIT trains Wee,int Share Llan, Jnuutaq due at f"Vide •U Barnard,Naw haven,add all Salina 4:110 P.m.;New Lomlod Northorn north and wapp P.,for Norwich:t:w train for Willmou It',Hart- : arc PaC1AL NOTICR.-M urbahsetmW Pallas ford and Wlum. g stations. I n urn".lave New Wddou at 4:90 r.r., sr. Passengers by this boat mate eloollenl winds" riving atBqg haruor ale ut '45. Train Icavw thane with rallroeds W all ppuulfeast And coat a9 Omnlim 7.56 P.r.,Tomo]to Rlverhe" exprea New I. Bann,and to all im un, on Long Isb d- toPlamab ave.and Wag Island Coy. Railroad faun Urem:J and Sag Ilarta r. ♦apladld sent wren,G&HMaetl Bay And tang Vara rrou, Now Iaadoa, /4rmewport wad y Wand!bondw New Lomlem Ample torte to ear lLtrhor,Slr RaewMWn tick IN,krt.IW , R vest poWn,of Interest about New WadaO, TIPkew NW11 And tangle Faro te /1.¢I. Round trip tlat4,eame day pan ortt polmn on Same Liao Ilai r,rd.theeked from all la- /1.90. IsmoaWn tbtsYfor awpn9L4U. hal lea. nW Mao.nocd LN day pr goome,partes or ,ant - R. F.MOUGAN,Bee.and Trees. vulneg. Pani"OtaUorID ewltltonr treaaar- Jesse 7lRavas.Agent,Grampian. or.Tia 6Aah. Pias gee Herb"W cosy loadings In aipgle[Ic111ta 9adn e'SOUrala tld/ata Name JAY. - JOHN HOMAN.Agent.89e 1larbor. Tsr,..10 tluteu t9.fe,good for day Or a0111m. p.r -.. ties °Lamm vino. i�o�taak Sioamboat Co, Mm tartrar lvArv.eHdn adda6a CArt.VHAB. M.4HIMIINU, Grecaport,N. Y. •I., On no atter Ang. l•will leave New London at 3893. (LI SI I PP.U.) 1883. 6:W Y.Y.,arriving at Bag Itarbor About 6:15 P.M. Far Say H.rboe, Southold, Pros. p-Ot Qree¢p ort.•Ma¢ha¢est, Orient andliev York. '�,r�.�1.1 a'll'N:LY.IGR.Nk YT. 6(I rrr)1')vD rr'SL67f [,. 1. R. 10. TINM46•taLte. 121'SPC Lean f.L 111) Arrive at loan A.Y. O(Haul H:97 A.r. rel,r,a. lespr0as) ap7 P.a. - 5:110r.Y. ML14 7:44 Jr.Y. (•Oape Ilurn") able P.Y. 1:30 r.a. (satard.y.orry) 4:111 r.Y. ON AND AMTRITJUNI'14, 9:10 Cal Atindays only) IMUS r,M. [ONTO 4isA.a`. 1AN a.Y. THE MONTAUK STEAMBOAT CO.'S 0O6 A.Y Lee vs Southold. Arrive at L.L CITY. 1171"16A 79 A.9. (Mail) •dw A.Y. STIAMIR WIIL LgAVR 7:O A,Y. (erpmu) 1091 A.Y. _ 10r.IN (mail) Is;�e.y: :j, l '$;lg IIHI'Lnr daily,Haturdaya nzdepte,1, 2:17 P.r. ("t'Aps HMa" :.5; at 4:00 P M., rrut7� 9:511 P.Y. ,youthOlt, 9:4.5. 7:0 P.r. (suadap T:44A.r.tram e0emeeta at Rustport for 6W- Lwtva gttthold Siuldays at 0:15 r.51. three OWL 9:17 P.M.train Torreon, at Mahar - far st"um net Of Speout,and at Iutport for .- etatWa• WILL LBAVR NP W York,Pior'w3,daily,exoap0 HHU&ys at 6:00 P. H. Ua dial aft T JIlly I,will hats 9atardays • at 8:00 P. M, A.N. FRENCH. Agoo. Once on the I'ler. WM.A.PR(NVI, AgdotfuraDUTHOLD. . CHASaE. CASE, IA-ave L.1.191 y. Arrive at FolvhnlJ. *F.NF:RA X, YWe.a. W.08 r. M RCHARDISE. 661)r.a. 6:97 r.a. pv ape Hoof") 19:118 r.a. i Sao A. to IennJX7X oWY) 181061..( Leave dW W. Al rive,64 L.L r:Ity. N 117PToiITl) 7:09 Y W. 10:66 A.Is. upF..a. p 6:6°1',Y.W. '�Id ndq. CASH PRICES : r t Hlral[ht pppaetue rrsdered N.o.Ro r EAD 4ua, 0094 , ,6 r ultaoa Pe.I WmefJling new, req 1, ane,Per Ili, 436 tuns Flodgoor own apeclnl brand.per bhl.. 11676 Farcy N.Y.nultlr. per it. „ Ilome • �' 'IlIP:4i' canned pos has. 8nlld wppar,n1oYe4plat,•d tra.ae i!!rY. =0r SPOT CASH PRICES flet"r °a t1uU Fig..seror pleated paper carpet lining per Y6. 1[e slid Hand your a'at L4aW0a,perpa„ a1! Rmaf msec Palata.per 7ei., 6 a nitierH at UnW T60rbarp'a 4Y611abwer ae fL(5 ellenY lMpmer6 . ed,per 6a„ 1.78 duXl rerrlYed 8u de9.call,u1 (new stratwos. L7a I)r!trf Be," pro.,,scud,per W., ISr Ys1low PaaoheaBOrvsa Oag-Plama Is 3 la. e--e. 141-16 -bell.. AL1, ))TARSI final)" , N'll1 0111 Mr all¢ntwl ilmo for Ili ria• per c6a u BOTTOM P BO YDn. GOOD RAO CARPET, RICES .h p_«• Pa=yd. SUFFOLK COUNTY 9 Ar,,Gran., 22 Its. for $1.00 p'` I Starob Gro ler b�' '47 MUTUAL INSURANCE CO 2.5 Ozone 1, Calap. (i cakes 4111 for Southold H. Y. t Ozone Soap. 0 nakee for ,� + + Aug., 93• Citron, P�n' .15 — Mt Vernon flow, pmtll .10 in 1a19 1t reduced is rates 96 per vont-for Fnnr New amp N, O. Molsa9oe, per gal. .4E Y,ura'1na°ra6ue. It now l6aures un ne Notssl Sugar Syrup, per gut „y6 ar Nau Illaa or all tan°wltnn°t Nolen. Now 1. Bluing, qt. bottle,m ,10 ratty.ttt thiso reavillas l 1'nllqWk �P•ne Ul lEllelt Conn. rauaalY C Leouedo Sots,O Tumblers, Pitch. ly l hrnuaa Its Affronts. er and Tray ,40 ..__.-. Prunes, California,4 fl,for .24 (linger, per 16 .211 dONA.H.TE$$Y+Pree.A Treag. replier, '• ,20 8OUTDOLD,N.Y. SILAS F.OVE$TON, Secretary. ORDERS RECEIVED BY MAIL PWONIO,N. Y. Will lueelve NATHAN D.PETTY, Attorney, i x1vcGRAD,N. Y. PROMPT ATTENTION —_--_-- AENTg: II. C. Howl')L7., Southold; GOODS DELIVERED FREE J. MADl50N WELCH, (,reenport; In village and 31. W.TERRY-, Orient; - t0 the depot PRESTON S D77VALL.Shelt+erItlPd; 81LAS F. OVERTON, Peooulo; L . W. Korn, J W I0. WE J^ Cutitti ; de8x O. WgLls, lltattituck; N. A.119r,T�r !::.•erhen(1. SOUTHOLO. The Southold Tin Store, A FEW OF THE ANDREWS & PHSLEY, I SPOT CASH . . SOUTHOLD, L.y., BARGAIN II DEALLnd 1N Stoves,Tin,Sheet Iron and AT Copper Ware, Furnaces KpR�11� and Ranges. S■ Ilan an nand n large stook and good amort- -------_' ' meat of tae 6Mv0 aOpJa. TlOware or every dc- sMptlneseptlnamoksnduudatooldn��� $ttrow Naftin{{, Unr yard, 14 and 18 et+ AuhldOg promptly attended to.'ML T;ianoll'n 0arpet 8woepete, I store open ovetnnae. __ I Lawu Mowerw 8 4l1 Ok. Fanoy Driven Oioghame,per fid., 2. LFJc'1'RIi O. BALDB'IN, M. D., loo+.orenm Freezer', t gal . Oarpet, per yd., .40 .70 Physician and Surgeon, Jj,nm Flour pper bbl., 4.14 Nt. Verend Hsmn, Pee ib„ 1.00 8OUT110LUuga , N. Y. Sr, Qraa.,22 ttw, for dlaroh, (r tier for .25 ,40 Z5 —_ 01 ea, per sal.• .30 Renideao,01 door west of Horton'a Lino Syrup, 6 for Ozone soap. MRS. M. E. HAVENS, (linger. l;nr ia,iogor, .a --- 'll SOUTMOLD, L1611,Gant11211,11 X15111 Cb11d18Il1I ILAS AJST RECEIVED k FULL UNE OF SPRING MILLINERY iTan Colored Shoes; from New Yofk.whioh nhe will be pb iaad to ehow nil who will favor her with a shall ---- --- ----- Inauguration ! DEL W. H. VAN NOBTRAND, to Surgical and Mechanical MUM, Coo. W. Earle's (uraauate of the Vulveralty of Maryland,) BOUTHOI.D. FINE PIPE ORGAN Otline boom N to 12 and l to 4. JN Ta¢ All dental operations Skilfully performed _ _ Presbyterian Church, ' E. D. SCOTT,I Southold, JI7WELFilR, Wednesday Evg., May 23, BY has opened a Stare at we residence ea r-IFICRANIC et'r.,80trJ'110T.D, JOHN HYATT BREWER, where he has for sale a gond stock of dr uln of Ltfay oto Ar- lialty. talo Ohumh, Trocklyn, N. Y. WATCHES, OLOOKfi. •IEWELRY, -- — AND SPECTAOLEi. �SrINGING -j^7 _ 8y plre.Nnllle Jewell Nowell, aBPAININO PROMMY DON& Nle.Kitty dliteaell, ------- or Philadelphia, and Fiat* ranted a store neat t,, the Msovuet George K.peeve, will,the Monne.Matthoca,and will be there every Moe- ••Jluultnek Quartet:' :V.4 y and Thursday. far the parp�Ice of snlllag g,waa and recebing wort to my Ilne. Itecitatfon vilnele T,•ttv. Tickets 25c.; Reserved 35c, fro"o/ dosto for tale at J.131anolay't Store. •' Duore open at 4:30. Inauguration at s. 140 PONTPONarILNT. 9 GJ Datta Aug A FXW Or Tab I: BARGAINS ` .'. SUPPER .a. YOU CAN OST FROM it AT W. A. CLARKS Peconic Hall, WHILE THEY LAST. WED, EV6.1 JUNE ] 3, Wly' t0..iW.tae,iss sod tan. nIVSg BY THE OasW NO s.a Iso ape s/e. Oap4� PPWrq 40. eVanlq meruhaolx l Lad166° EEOC, Or IhoUniv. ♦ patter. cans, cont wood. e1.4, 1 i church Mr1V Willebarge you a awlsi, for the WGuse ON toWpyio sen. °°Cr r SUPPER anntWarj4pa ' Will be nerved from 8:811[o e:80 o'cloar. Nytldn■7Y� too. a aim lite.'Hosaalooa and fen lua. Al atohin Oepb'Sol Ice Pair for ale. C gCollection pCaotiolee and Corse,[bsrs/bap. Committed Comp eitiooe Night(101,1111 loo up. Gomm at 8:70, Double Oil amwa II.4. C000ludiug Cooll ana y T-11K aoap 1°o•a dit Ammmia as Y Comfortably Pride of the ttuMeu,sa Bixby's ale"Palish h with COnsumphon of Congealed Cptlema 80Ap DP.. .nnrpa tan tjbllllkA of (0°ntlOna ( team WIIl!swiss Your conn costingfor " Dood's NaDap.rilla a>r. trapY llsrrpra T/0. �� (0°eDt(L Segund}'a hv.liem.i0. Cullopra RMlli rapt Pec. Calico or Cotton Costomea Considered sad Wher went wedmha.at - Completely Corra;t. Come all yo Curious comeana c, STORE OPEN There's nothing Counterfeit At our big -IC,,I AFTERNOONS & EVENINGS. Doors open &1 6 O'olootr. COMING IN -'°Noipe— 35 CENTS. a.�VONLY CASH If Clouds weep Copiouny,then ant Clear erg. CUSTOMERS INVITED. Reduced Prices. JEDLICKA BROS., Practical Plumbers; MENS' HALF SOLES, foto -- BOY'S 1, 1. !rue Oaa Fitter., Hot Air WOMEN'S ^ " 450 and Steam Heating. YOUTHS' „ „ 4o0 --- OHILDREN'd " 700 Dent.gav IN E. LEICIIT, Agt., Stoves, Ranges, 6onshe.Pe, r. v. and Heaters. dedlicks Bros. oppened their plumbing -- and tiff store in W. H. Terry'd building, Alao Cas and Vapor Stoves, Southold, on Monday, June 11. They AND are read 7 to do plumbing, rooting, at Tinware or ever deacrl tion 'Iny work in their line. _ y p ROOFING AND REPAIR- ING DONE PROMPTLY. t JEDLICKA BROS., 5OUTHOLD, N. Y. n NOW OPEN HOW OPENI BEEBE & CO-1 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ns,,I.l:Ita IN IN SPRUCE & HEMLOCK TIMBER, SOUTHOLDI PICKETS, LATH, LIME, COAL, TgaaT's BUILDING,Jost DEBT or tax,tmot. CEMIENT, PLASTER, NAILS, RIBBON & BARBED WIRE, ssar FIxISWtD ROPE, OARS. FIN E CABINET PHOTOS $3.00 QUALITY BOARDS, A D04GN. rough & a,rrfaced, Children's Pictures 1 1p owtj, KEROSENE. Ref_ fon or barrel. Enlarging & Capping DONG AT IIEAeONAWLE 1'MeRS. „tmgtl tog Robert R7, Lamprecht, TBE SBEBWIN-WILLIIMS 00.1; LINTS, nBxT IN THE WORLD. rtOT00lAPg7L � 609TgOL11. __.._ SO UTH_OLD MER 14o uak torn Where of your ppet• rrmnRo Dud will call on a clesu margin for V. CASH . . 'fh„tluuthold Aouderuy will r,-epeu fur the fall term on Tuesday,Sept. BEBBE COg , , $Otitb9la Wharf. gtir,with AUKS A. A. ALIAS, of Ar• is an m, Mesa, d tomah a alrsa Allif AFTER NOV,1 WILL RENT the -- is .'zp�nnt o d and is r,n grn:!nnto of �Itof opgzD1E.Box 16,with home rSmith t:ollege. Dud 'sat Dik iy rvenm" meat same %w care n We beet psn of mrhdrd. 'Phe!rnxhat•x have spared no soathold. E. L810H'r. PetLa to meonre a texohnr able to main• v ` twin the high olmreol«r of the school at MIBCELLANE01118•v _ mined under Al tae L. O. Pond. ------- --- - - - ForPartionlors and aoholarshiPs all WILL GRIND HAUHAOE by HORBEPOWgft,.I ply to Dearpu r Pound. FANNIN(l, Clark, 9A.PRItYUE,80araold. SouTurom N.Y. TYEN rriOV.—I have jnst received --- - — ---- 1 a Bae Ion of Florlda Orauyee, Ndeluv FOR SALE. Lemnos.l4ue Apples.White OMMS, Fme Oau dl - ea,OhWZta breams from 1a am u0. Ala, hsve in start chame Oro sides, Gond near ami At rol000l prices, the Tarteys. Ismesaing at lowest agents m xeu herd umae. H rru ou W Game Wed,we. LUMBERda .1�Tl4 1Nallaalla, 4 1. _ _ and all PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging to the eshdr - - of Won. A Prince, lie ceased. For portion lam iuquiru of At_SERTINE PRINCE, SAMUEL DICKERSON, em HENRY W. PRINCE, AIMINFTill i�'R, SOUTHOLD, - N. Y. �c. 67 .Fe T. WELLS, Z7 e A w Deu.ea Ix FQBBH LONG Isir.ANO I GGIO O rJ it POULTRY NOO1/ O y CD .atl C1.1 ro qg L4 roar hs.. I.,-� N ° .hd My fCedln� PICpared Neat, cl Q oroaad Rome sent oyewr eeelle, made ex Dreaal7 ® 0 for poultry.-Office In Traveler B'ld'g,Southold0 CdD EXAMINE 1 : cm i' cso D EA WHAT 'm N G rEl a. p 0 v 0 m 1. o �- Good" Illms w � a " x wily, e`rleex on nil Q 0 -� F-1 O } mi ° ai .� O q • m k KORN'8 _ as F and wx+it a Dollar will Hut qd fnrthor a � a" y ' � QW A ca 0�7 u t tLan nt au pthor afore. A lluller r tiuvwl in u llulldr Mude. O ` N� Nere are o few ....een Bargain, y9y �O p.y 1 our.Jauea'SupeNntivo ...til NI L Supper.6ranulawd.91 me,tor........ Up Bafoa roe,for........... ............ ... .vo 0 Whole HIM. a ro",for. . ... . ..... . .el O em a Soap.a usual for.... .. .>k Promise,tbllforela.UL roe.for................ .ep y 4 New Crop N.O.Moleap,per gal............ .a ■ ■� p � Il'rap.per Ball............... ........ ....... .m ` p ................... ............ .te ..... ..... . ............ .19 (jmdaepap orOoltTu. .le i Dbele,pIDDe .I D1104 AV]foots.ease per ID.... ...... 2 Citron ppeer ro..............................._ .�� Siam ia 94grec,a,6 a VA pr.for..... ... .......... .e: 20 Drlta'e Imteroe.ttle.vs, ' „ FB.ES"Fi MEATS. Beat flat Porterhoae . .16 Beet Cut Sirloin .16 in We Chops - .11; �F tlaueage.... ........ ....... .1 1 All other meet at proportionate Icer prlcee. (leve y/e a Oall. 141od. DOWerrd Vrer. L. We KORM, i I a 68 gXTRAAARRY EXTRAORDINARY I I Presto ! " EXTRAORDINARY I presto ! " EXTRAORDINARY t'` at :L;- � C, E, CASE'S. GROCERIES, ETC. SAMPLE PACKAGES FREE. New Crop N.OL )lolsaeee, gsl., x.411 N of hing like iE ever known. Bap now 1.W End buy m ganntituee, ae.prions are euro pure 1116pIo Syrup(bulb, hive Cottee, IL., to Kn higher. Ever ythlogi es are four Choice Coloug Tea, tb, .36 to bo Orst•claea. These prices until epof cash only. All price, gg Nice Muscatel lieieine, 4 ihY., ,26 tiro next issue of Tae TUAPnban. Fine Canned Corn, 3 nano, •°3 ----- Sods Crackers. 4 14., .'`:I .....N:so door,Jona'su�arptive............... 'Be Nare(oa.(:atuorn a.a m..tor............ .. Caused I'eaahea,Aprioota,'romstoes, N.U.Molaeee6,Par Iat......................', .0 pineapples, 1'lurna. Evaporated Pwo9 .b B6twr.Per n.................... I,umP ItarcR.6 ae.tor.................. :... .Y Apphw. Aprioo0., reaches, cars a bops.ro.Pao.a/e........... Bisekberrice, plum'. Otnrer abs dated,44 M.Ior..........-..... 1.00 SUNNI,Iran ..... .Y6 whole ne.4ta.tor.................... $4.wU sx 9alar erraP,Per�...................... .p= Choico Family Flour, r C1no,Per a............................. or. 1.66 Bo ca orwlaa,4m all.tor..................... as T1lorbarnra CAulir.Seed, , B call CLgipaampf,orr.a.J.a.. .......................... .a:1 . , ontld AS=9, a'im pm, ..�............� 9 rled .12 AUCTION ansa'call till pw%... ::: 08 :.::::'........... .a j Need l9artla,Der ID....................••„ ,W; Pffor. . . . . ... ... ...... R�,and.a water i'aiu.'alir.......,.::::; .06 The largest able of Agricultural fmple. a�u 6.". •la menta over held ou the East End of aw.s,p1m, 'sail Lon Ielx nd. The subsoriber,ou a000nnE ClotRa Pew.Y daY•tor..... g Ik•Ita'e tanema.the raq nae,wir�•�����- of ill health, will sell at auction at hie -.— I residence in the villcge of ....term.4RTIe1.�,Seen Y �:. gtnll reVcr. ort Clotbs, Dry SOUTHOLD, t„ooas. etc.. etc. — I Thursday, Mar. 28, Pull stock of lirresix Meals. AT 14) Good.de]lr�rad rraa to oilLya' a lIIe6P nr.;a of . . . . ya W. BORN, � Farm Implements SOUTUOLD. of all kinds, as well sa HORSES, COWS, WAGONS, HARNESS . . . . . . mid other articles too numerous to men- tion. if stormy, Dext fair day I F. A. BLY. C. F.SXITII, Auelioneer. vi a : ' 1L,ATE O►NSW 10RI IIpm lootaok Sloamboal Col she Voluntary daeooned of L"M Lu(I Hew lAmduo gteamooet tbnlpauy. la 1894. (LIMITED.) 1894. Of a Jet t894. xan d"ft."tlpmt duly ynu ea Ib too abore noI Por Sax Harbor, Soatbold, and duly eorerM and nlee to mt ('leak'soire,,lad In paaaaode of the �. Prospect. Qteaaport, Oro frontier boder wld decree and !m out and Now York. aodemgued realrervitn"ll at dre on Lumg Whert.m Mag Henad. Ringgold, 0s®tr wAK Few York,un In.let day of ad, 1WI at •' and o'clock P. a,tee followingdrxurleed at) e • b wit: Tee steel ec,ew''nomr w 1 Y�'„ Irlsmd;•Oer lx�•slu,apysrel nod furniture. Tkj aid rte finer la aheut ICO fret II and drawn average depth of abnal Nue feet of water.10 was built to Iden Year IX93 by Need, A Lev` of Philadelphia;ahv baa eowpua I esgteea, .Ib HTICAHHH ', bole we '"Ii fe ltkm d amaterr��a,f What long. 1 '. Shelter Island Vied her ler m. 'lin, a im IIt,, (ream Trots and aba 1 n,ld at We xame time o freight and file end coal ne, In",ghfig to aa1J uampaay, ` •I WILL 1.01yr and pal on ban,ri)18,149.a 4i,b16 :V, fi SAG HARBOR NAMCSL URIFFIN,Receivers of she L.L and N.I.H4l0bOU tb, syalx BIN.H. Naevi, &No Traomv IL Oittrp0. Attorney'Ina Hcneb er. MONDAY AND TILUHIUAY, _ t �,.,11_-.,,1-1mm,11 All1111 A AT a:flo P.AL, �oL{8[1K SloalLL�oal CY1: SOUTHOLD a:at; P.m. WILL ijuvo 1896. (LIFAITED.) NEW YORK, P1HR 20, E. It., 18d " For 8i,` Harker, ai ail. idOrl., FOOT OF PHr'% ai.IP, Proopoa, fieri,■ lv/mr ant and New wY . ' TUFRDAY AND FRIDAY, '1 I ark. � n AT 5:00 P.M. d,Francis. Dttlon the Pier. W. •.,QI,r_ Hubert Glover, or,A Agent for SOUTHOLD. � 5cutholD nuings Baiik U.'aa,ra,ivanuerlarJoe.nth. Ly x'reeueme . . . . u �ry5 Shelter Island` 'bob Montauk %ILL LIAYm 1 ' ,� ��enn••Mii lL\\1'�y�glgl d,e SAO HARBOR - DAILY { �yy hr y �"It'.1.�y��• (Saturday,excepted) AT 4:30 P.Y, (l an ey.W aaaB SOUTHOLD - DAILY SOUTHOLD, SVFFI 00.1 Nr Y' ; AT 5;15 P.Y, (SamAgy.Tlly) NW YORK DAILY I UptxY daily from t) A.M.to 41'. Al. AT 4 P u (Sundays excepted) CIsCCd Oa all publle Holiday" renah.Ageul,bimbo oro afro Prep (WA,]S;,Fart OluI Agent for SOUTHOLD. ase mARNAHAR R.pf�T�lfhroadens ' SILASB.V.O RR4'ONList d�o,�„ ,,�, NORTON'S POINT HOTEL •. R.HOWARD NUNTTINU.Treaaarer prat Rue. SOUTHOLD, L. 1. 'T,I' ARRAHAY P.LOWHRR$A,oNstmmt Trca,r.rer. IXN✓.N,ftRNVR, I uurYMp ttM L'ouneei. John II. Itro nk Charles E. Horton,Overto , ECT}�� wN. vs4o„r. Yuwer ThomnH J.Ubnklty, Jsmee E. IIDrtov. ;a•�' Wesley Nwith. Edwerd W.Latham, Haw 011:1 cog Tea Cal m IiF Bead . 'lOW11, Will. U. Allfortxnv, - Wm. H. 'Perry, C. U. Milani, M.D. '', aYa III Lading, asking. aatDlamu Ir i• ___�_ _ ._.—__ i.. or/p prnbn, fla "" of "a Ip0 wto U ntuub a Lost Ujung uk1.an LLYN . mile from wx'edd dllsge. For balm told r 1 f� I 70 COMMENCING JUNE 1, 1896 SQutbolb Oaubl$s 0.11 —. r 'J. 3 � !%. 4.MAIL RTPAMEII r LONG ISLAND �r LF Will make two round Ill (week e) hetwew SAO HARBOR and NBw IA �N. P.Y. 'fter! lm.Sag Avlwr.................. 6.1e 1.80 Slos, lelmd Heights............... 7.08 9.v0' 4r,:' Ifreenport........................... 7.90 2.he , Y Ar.Ill IL nndol o ...b..................... 7.96 0.81) . ' London about.................. 9.80 6.9) ; ' Lu.New Wudoo. � f ....... ..:10a. 609 Y - `1`' Mmmlansar. .. ................... ..11:55 unmpovt. .... ....................12St. 0.5b. . '• SDUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y Shclurc Wand HeelI¢¢hta...............1a10 ,.W, >,w„ Ar.Bag Harbor tllouC.................. ]AV H1 N a Open daily from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Pare................. 1Runrsbo acket foretell .........I......p u . Hound trip,emus day............. i ,ns ,�V Cloned ou all Public ■lolldeyr .. - Vara Latae sell to All mftko et veal J.1e.ILl lf, apes,A.O ally lfN Ttean TRUBTEE8 : Owl''M'¢4, Nag Amar,N. Y RAN .B.T IL , lAt Vie 1e oxenr JONA.N. TRNRI', Inr Pp,n eYn.afr[ru[, 6. 1. It. Q. Tlme.table RILAR V OVNRTO.N. 9d View t rad' HMnt. H. HOWARD XONY'TfNO.T'eMurer'arM Ren. Leave Manor Arrive at Foothold ABRAHAM P.LOWXRRX,AneatarY 16wonurer. 6:00 A.r. T:is&N. RNNJ,H.RXRVN, Atfdrrarp ma Coll lean it t.try 'I,� lnbn H. Brown, Oharlea E. Overton. 8:66 A.r. IS 07 A.r. Henry W. Prinvil Oen. Hepry'Prrry, ((Y u only 19:07 P.r. I:W P.V. Dy A,dYJdy ons v:20 P.X. Weelav Smith, Fnlward W.Latham, 9:00 Y.Y. (Fr'a'y k gal'Jy Only) 6;90 P.Y, Beth W. Tuthill, W'm. O- Albertson, 1:W r.r. s:w r.r. Wm, H. Terry, O. O. Miloa,'M.D. Led e.r. 7::a r.r. 9:10 V K. (Sunday%only) Iv:ta r.a. Wm. A. Fleet lean Southold. Arrive at:06 A.Y.L.t.coy: A few ohoice Iota at "Breezy Molly - le A. h 9:6 9.01 A.W 10:96 A.M. L on the boaed,jhst east of Horton's Point 9:14 F.U. (^Cape Rol 1:N r.Y. 6,R P.a. I Lighthouse,Bouthold, for gale; all lots T:ee P.r. 10:¢l r.r. shore front Du. MARavabr, t il(L I:Iv P.w. (Bmtlafa only) IU:10 P.r. W Vl l`Wege real of IAglahouao Real Estate O. A. Prince's L.s and . . . Insurance Meat Market The undersigned respectfully Informs the pro. Southold -" l Wilt he a n01P Prepared to On a general Real .�IIW sed IWnra909 hnalum. rrlth partlrnlrr 'M6rael b the townships of Internaul South. Porter House Steak................ .18 alldebeitw lst.O sirloin Still....................... .16 PWIDU having Beal Mrl or a Business. for " ....................... .14 rW.Orne ,sauba ,or Money to Loan on Bond and I )screed 'PArfBeR are Invited to leave,or"no. me per- Obuck " ....................... .18 111l these who want to buy - ex-I Prime Rib......................... rib ola9aa Rel BaLutc or a Business, or Borrow Samage, by the beg....... ........ .1H M:pay'na bond and mortgage security. „ BpgaW attention given la Baebooalaa noun- " III ................. .14 MP Propant for good city propertRor vice nerna. ... Perk Chops........................ .14 n eace 1f yh Bllosar1 have We ageney for snv- Lege of Lamb............... .... .to sure vas Bret class tbmlutmes,and can InRant-I. -' Mutton Chops........., 16 ^,Va all bawd property iwoollRp, drrurefp' flolegoa. ..... ... ..... .. .. .12' d at the level rater. -4so Live Start and Plate atm Insurance. Frankfurters....................... .14 In life lool..e 1 have the agency for the Puts Leaf Lard, in R 111. callable Llfe(the greatest m the world) Bonteabl nod shelter I.Iwa awwhtw• 1 6MillE BHOOMd for Sala It ^-QuitM1j! -9 0, whetted, or betur yet. give made rep. Axle Ore"pa a all 02m at renldentr.neil to Drupov'e, altay,�obmeq uses. alreet. ori L S MCHI, L. ItRNNI['1"f, unuthold'� Me B. Vandusen Southold, L. I. I Al NOTICE ?1 Tits nodersigned trusteed of School Uietriot No. 5, in tae Towu of Southold, t., ,•., in compliance with a call of mora than fifteen persons, entitled to vote at any meeting of the iuhabitantA of said da. . mot, her=give notice that a meeting of the tubebitants of mid district, an. p4 titled to vote thereat, will be held at the i; Public School House on the moth day of October next, at e P m. o'olook, for the purpose of determining by a i vote of snob district whether a Union Free School shall be established there- in, in conformity with the provisions to -•If that end of Title VIII, Art, I, Sen 1, of -130 the Laws of 1894, and amendments thereof. - The persons entitled to veto at snob meeting are those who possess one or more of the following fourgnaliricatioue: 1st. Every person of tuff age,who is a resident of the district, entitled to hold lands in this State, who either owxa or Nines real estate in the district liable to ! taxation for school purposes. 2nd. Every roeident of the district, ,r who is a citizen of the United States, 21 ' yPBta of agge, and who iso parent of a obild of school age, provided such child shall have attended the district school for a period of at least eight (8) weeks within one year preceding. 9rd. Every resident of the district,a citizen of the United States, 21 years of age, not being a parrot, who shall have permanently residing witb him or her a child of school age, which shall have at. tended the district school for At least 40" 1 eigbt weeks within one year preoedia }. - I 4th. Every resident and oitizeu of falg l t' age, who owns any personal property aa- semed on the last preceding assessment roll of the town, exceeding fifty dollars in value exclusive of property exempt from execution. Dated this 24tb day of Sept., 1895. Sigued— W, U. ALnanTsoN Q. S. GONaLrN A. A. VAyL 7rifslem of District . No, 5, Toon of Sou"i, N.Y. SPECIAL ...sus a-... ` 1'f. . . Groceries, etc .y V Korn's At Hock Oottona Price" dCOAR,xl Its for RAISINS,alta for - - ,is CITHON.per M ,14 CANDY,enc mixed,11,4nos for .Yh 1'61-11911, per It - - - ,IS OWNER, per It, _ ,1e LEMONS, per ha ,I5 1 NILS, )Vy{unlltl Drantl.a rune for - ,Y5 OZONE rN/AP 5 ears tur r N DAMI RBAt1H 6NP� 10 W fuer - .05 .113 OINO9d SNAPS. a @a For - .25 LH-WON CARES.4 the for - - ,95 I svItOP, very ol,w, per oaf - - .as MOLA8$9&saw orop.per ata - - .ss sad mast'other harowm I'rlrml rnod until NrN Yuara, wve we a rail t, sod I wll wrehun may h,r Suu. L. W. HORN, Southold 72 Southold Academy . AUCTION SALE oe The Ho¢tbold Aoatlamy will re-open —WOODLAND n¢ Sept. s, ls2tl, with Wu. F. MET% - A. R, a graduate of Rutgers College, t and dl.That iti(aslil.as Pribeipai' - BUILDINQI LOTS The t¢itio¢will be as heretofore, at ��yl:cal the rate of $7.50 per term for English •�3" j;1 1 brushes still St extra per term for The achenrihdx will cell at Y¢blio Ana- eadh of the languages, Imtin, Greek and - r tiou at, or is, front of the German. POST OFFICE Good board ca¢be secured in the b" mediate vidinity at reasonable [Idea. o,.. Southold Applications toy entrsuoe and for 801101• g` ,arships may be addressed to ,¢;.� Saturday, Mar. 20, '97 J. 13. FANNING, at 2 o'clock r. it. Clerk Batrd of 1 about 5 aortia of Woodland, situated on (xWD FAMILY FLOUR for IC75I the Weat side of Horton's Lane, at at depot,ora't.ee delivered. Ladle' but Southold end bounded North by wood. Slerm Rubberd r tar r9 oe1 - land of ilez^kink Jenningm tire South (110.J. TILLINGHAST, Southold by woodland of the lata Richard L.Poters SPECIAL MIDWINTER. also 4 /� ' two Building Lot"on the Weet side of ISpOt Cash Prises Prod Hortone Lane, bounded North by the L.I.It.R. and South by land of Ettie on H. Payee. Said Iota taken together be- ing about 10.3 It. front still 166 ft. deep, GROCERIES Terms nolle known on day of pale, H. Elowsan Bowman, Fluontnr . at - of Henry Hantnua, dtaeaeed KORN'S Dated, auutketd,N.Y.,rtn.ar.tar_ THIS WEEK/ ) Y C sh NOS ✓� . AT . P`, o ranulaletl Hagar, 23 Rha......... #1 00 ocane.... .... .............. rYe Old Stand oma(matoel, 301us.................. -.. Cucumber Pickle-l. 4 doe.......... .^:, aw ifadkerr•i, very nine, 8..._........ rt5 _ 9. O. Molxace, gal........ .37 " i¢gsr Syrup, gal. ........... .8o I New Crop N. O. INubweus, per gal.. 370 -' 5feple Syrup, Nal.................. .BU Cboiae mixol Tes, per lb....... .... 810 Ylitioe Meat, 8 boxes .... 24 Hest cauued Tomatcea. 3 for... Me Ftg& 9 lbs .. ... .. .... ... 25 � .. ]boaolate Dreams, Ill....... .... 12 1 :.1 1 doz oaken Snap........ .. . 24u J L, Citrus, Ib............ .... 16 F' 3-lb. pkg. Prepared tinokwboat..... 130 Raisins, Sb Ila.................... .20 ! 3-Ib. •• •. „ ' raster Urackers, 4 lbs.,........... .25 i Ib83.Crnakors.... .......... Ino . 0 i(sla Craniums,4 Its............... .25 ... 06, diuger Soxls, 41tz................ .25 ' 1 Ib. Girgor Soaps................ . 060 Lemou Ue krw, t Its,................ .2!i 1 lb. Lemon Cracker".............. 080 floudensed N111k, 8 dans........... .2;1 � pin Whole Codileb,malted,Ib.......... .00 '1 pint 2,,S, jure Gar[ant Jelly .... 2,,S, Pepper, Ib..................... 14 Sent Cocoa, per box... ............ 141: . lmmouia,8 bottles................ .23 _ Premium Chooulate, per(take....... 1&. )zcue Soap,0 rakes.............. .`N Copper-hot.uickol-plated Tea Kettles 75o Lump Starch, o ]be............... 2i Qoffee nod Spies Mill"......... .... 380 1 Mice, whole. 4 Ibo................. .23 Broome,each.... .18 1lcokaheat, Ib.................... .03 14tnkwkePrepared,,lb. pkg..,, .210CharleS E. Case 4utl_e, best et Mxrecaihw lb.... .. .2s 1)ON'T FORGET that the under- 11100111 nder- `'O— 11100,111atillweavingcarver. aS etngable UTHOLD w eves,were Line to the Mora tsar before, de l lark will he avoided. It dalred. raga Fill be eased for cad oarpeui(severed. (iatl, ¢t1aTON TERRY, Town Ssrrwr Isne,eontboir, l.. 1. e ,I� BAKERY Thanksgiving Having purobased the Bakery lbini• {�Paan formerly boloaging to H. E. Benjn. Specials +r, j min, I shall keep oonvtantly on hand a .i fresh sapply of Broad, (lake, Pie,oto. at . I use only the best floor, butter, ote. Sade Water, Oaudios,Fancy Oakes,oto. Kor �� Would respectfully eol. Korn 's your patron. 1 1 age. — Oitrnu 1, i Ib ..t.16 Geo. Schmitt, Southold Balsury IL ......... .96 Ournwl, , leaned, Ib pkgo. . . ,00 Breaking Up Salei Iosco M"„I, :1 boxes.... .... .26 Ortmbrri -, 3 qts. .......... . .26 'Meet Pot does, per peek. ... All MISS SUSIE B. HURTING Gigs, 9e. Ih. ; 3 ths... ....... . ,2b 1-up about to br, A up housek, ,n'rj bemoan, per dor............ .. .12 vnd ionove from Bootbold, sal eo , at ¢" Qh000latr Cream Drops, ib. . . .Ie PUBLIC AUCTION " lasses, per gal....... .... . .so ON .._ t cotl'Pe. .... .. . ....... .. 1 .24 '1 t Tea................... . .40 SATURDAY, SEPT. 4 Imon, per can. ..:. .... . . . . .14- . At I o'clock r. IL hnc . . . . .'til at her n iidenea in SOUTH0=,1D Household Furniture Carponte►'s Tools Crockery and J Farming Implements _ Aaoteut Bodv'csda, 0— 'a end Tables, t, Wood sad Ooal Staves, &ten, Ol, ,ks, Foot Stove, Desks, Wheelbsrrou+, Grindstone,Refrigerator,Kitebon � Utensils,Farmer's and Or,pan. tela Tool, at, , eta., ete. t. TERMS CASH $Ait.F SMITH, A130TIONEER 74 NauCe " Southold Ravings Bank !4r Having seanre<1 the raeiatauce of Mr " J. W P,•ltes, of Montreal, Canada. I shall be prepared after July 10th, 1898. to accommodate mypstrong m all Buse . of photographic work, including devel- 1� -- opinR printing, toning, eta., for tour- ists,or those having no dark room of their own. lletonobing n apecislty. We `�'�. will also give instruction in any of the above departments, by private Imsone n or class, at ractionable telt • (An ober r ',{a w never made before in this part of the .. Island). t Wo will also da bromide enlarging or crayon workthus saving people thevuhol A, euW Co.. N Y. trouble of sending pictures if arhsps the �e •,. R4t only one they have)out of the place to F .� >_ makuown parties, with the very poesi. pec daily from 9 A M. to 4 8.M his risk of losing them. -„J '-b1 (,4i' •� , �u �j We keep on hand a supply of plates, (� / Closed oil all Public Holiday filing, printing paper(including the new _ self-toning), tarda, chemicals, etc. TMUNTNMe We are agents for the celebrated "Viva"Uamars, one of the Moet 0013- rr1NA. U.TERRY. Frfoletget r variant modern in the market for tour- It LAK F. uVKIITUN, .1 Vice 're'l'ent A. 16b, Nit will mR t}I glass teles, Ot !U It 9VHY W. )H UNT I . T e surer a y P .S tl. tlUWANU HUNT CINU. Treasurer and See. 72 out films without reloading. Band ABHAtl AM F. I.OWSKHS,AsalAtau9 Truaaurer for circular. Citing, hours from 9 Am USN'. if, Saliva. Att•ruey and Waninl to 6p.M. Cabinet pictures, $3.00 per IIAKNAHAe a. BOTH CHAS. B. OVSHTON dca. O[deTa solicited. wpcLMY SM CHN SUW.IW. TI AM RNhY Y Fa H. PAYNE' HSTM W.TUI'dl Ll. Wt. U. ALDWRTSON Horton Avenue, t. Will. U. I•SHUY c:,U. M 11 K+. 61.u. oppoli to Bontbold Academy. - I WW A. PLSMT k9 soerr royO, IL Y. ----L. t. i. R. Tlmmtabie H. H. PAVNZ Leave Southold Arrive at L.1.City PHOTOGRAPHER add &a 99e A M Aon nKAtan :a e:16 A M m:u A M Camerae, Photo supplies,etc. _ t:u r M , ' ! e:u PH Developing and Cr!YUng done al re6Yellahle 7:67 r M -(. II:a6 PH M rates. Masons given In cls.uoa or ey single July our. F "},1 Arrive at ManorFromlJulye W Oetld,er 0,I,heflXlle 1:09 PH 9:I9 P Y Southold Academy, Southold, L. 1. 1:611 P Y f 946 P M 1 a:ho A M (auadays call I e:6n .M Arrive at L I'city 494 r M •• •• 7:1111 r M 99r PM I1:I7 r Leave L.1.City Arrive at Southold 8:81 A Y 11:88 A M 4:06 r 6:15 YY 696 PH 7:67 PH Leave Mauer 6:W A M lelf A Y 11'16 A Y 19:911 PH 11:66 PM 196 P Leave L I.city l:h r M (Saturdays only) 8:48 pill 9:14 A M (Sundays only) lY:e9 pill Leave Manor 7:119 tY •' 9:19 AM Montauk oternahoal Co. J I, STKAMSH MONTAUK IXAv W Southold every Tuesday.t'1'nersday at 6:46 P.M. and Sunday,nt 4:46 P.M., for Cm city. HarllaNlMd, LIIAV9K New York every Meader. Wednesday and ro day at So, P.M. arriving at &mthald next morning anon:. e:t6. r't 1 C Christmas and New Years �� KoR�v's HOME In the Brick Store until Christmas ,A aloe rise or utlefalrose t. caro, ing of for A cordial invitation is extended Christiana presents, conalalang of t0 0very. Red Blankets, horsibody to call and examine our stock of e Blankets, L¢ Robes, en Gloves anddMittens, and Bars'all, kinds of HOLIDAY GOODS Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Box which surpasses any we have ever had. It will pay Paper, BoxToilrt Soap, Cologne, ou to comp from a distance to Silverware, Towels, Tabia y purchase. Linen, Suspenders, Neck-ties, For the littlo folk wt' liavo Toys, Books, and many things to Shoes, Slippers, Deoorated I)lease t.hent. No age or class on'rlooked in seenrin suitable Dinner .Seta, 10 pieces, for g x$7.76; Decorated Chamber (presents. Sterling Silver Novelties, Elegant Photograph Sets, S•e.25, and other articles Albums, Perfumery, Fern Dishes, Toilet Sete, Hand- too numerous to mention. kerchiefs, Table Lint'n, Towels, Blankets, 85c up, Ciente Agent for In. n. Menses Tolletare Underwear. Grocery Dept. not neglected. Stook fresh and any Stan, aalt Ffavorintr Ea- no interior goods. tract, so wall caberlatel a elven tlma Ago. TOMATOES, solid pack cans, - 100 Aha Spot oueA Spaokb: SWEET CORN, 3 cans for - - - 250 untag. granulated,16 we.nr..........01.00 ACME SOAP, large size - - - 4p 4]UHHNtl, wd¢d,Dar m. Ill.lig pa....... .1x 11 O BREAKFAST WHEAT, package - - 50 ItUSNANTtl, clraaod, par lb.Dkga...... .ap UIT2ON, per m.......................... .13 HOMINY, 5 lb. package - - - lea MINUS VSAT. 6 boxes for.............. •03 TRYPHOSA, a delicious jelly dessert CAT6UP, per large hotgo................ .10 9Cgb1EADISII, per bottle............. .14o SUGAR, 1S lbs. granulat d - - WNN,a ase for........................ .23 TOMATOES, 6 Bane rot................. •a3 H . We _ PRINCE So uthol. tlTNE PINEAPPLE. 18S, per can.............. .[s PtN BAPPLS, Ver can. .:S PLUMB, Greengage,per can............ .xs DAILY TRIPS MIXED CANDY, a It for.............. .23 1 .� •n UGWOLATg U1tBAMs, v llm. tor...... ,as Between bong 6tend and New London MIX1D N2T8,9 1h6�'CTZ�S302.,na/ / STRAMEa ' TED DIE S a i n g s B a n k' CAPT,P.L.ULENN 1 On and later n..ar April w, poo,until ata. f ��4 —INTng— ` 9�d h'- LU Weaatertall on not PermlttiUg.maw, run Nfel- Village of Southold Naw Bad $0 Newlwdod 10 { Southold, Southold 6110 orient tslaoA 1:wr m open Baily,except on Public Uo2daye,from 6 S.1.oport a tan talent I to A.M.t01 P.M. Breen Wrt tan - Qt1.bil 6:10 Flom /:W S•1.Nlltha e.m — - Flom Island 110.10 Southd 4 a TRUSTEES: Arr.N.lnadm"n An.N.Woll IN JON AMAN B.TAUT. President teal aoarmmoAetlma for Aa trade of freight Su.ae P.OTNa N. Vico 1'randmU sod paafengert Ptiw read MMM. Ill W.PalNM. nates mih to 6,A)w to ub&W without aletraa. H.novella elONlTINe. Seery and Trees Alin P.Lotrgala, Assistant Treas 11/0-tee to Credltore Hal U.Itarrg. Attorney and Counsel SAMOAN"N•]]mth Cherlos S.Overton 'W To pareuaa0e of an Order We Em.Nathan It Cao.tlapry Terry we" A.PCoet i Pett,Surrogate of the tbomr or fa lt, John IL BlOwu Seth W.TUNta uW10 1St bWbr given,a rdla� he law,to aft yyddward tA.I.OLhaO¢ W'eeter gmt4k. - peaotra having olhm9 ep'net Wlllhm C.Albert. Cy z.Tem ie/epph N.9.2001 -I as late of the To"oftloarbold,ftonolk County, Hlltmee0. Y.D. - law Yorx,dloeeaed,eh.t they an Metal to ;f - Inhibit utlN e,with the vomaen Iperc OL IO th1 aobmlber,H.90werd laYda&m otue "Ulna of the lax well em 7htaatst of geld '1 1114 ylate of Indiana,the Southp�f 1150 halt.It Smthom•84111011,Coolly.N. . 2., R before th0 at\lar wf Aweea. apes. . 1leted Je.uNy 11111, Aqp � 11.vgelr f}' oB 76 Notice of School District nestling Organ RecitalNotice IN hereby givsa that&Special --meeting of the treehol&rs and iuhabi. --ON 'tart— snots of 80bool Diktriot Number Five,of ' the of tl°Dtholis tbo OCCASION OF THE FORMAL HITolk. authorized by law to vote there, OPENING in, will he bald at the Bohoal If mo on Mein St reet.in the Q ARA,r Houthold, —o► Tut— nn the 22nd day of October, loco, at T:30 o'clook, P a, for the purpaso of NEW M. E. CHURCH dutermining whether the district shall purahsee either of the follow1bg school house sit,e, vim SOUTHOLD, L. L lam A lot on Oak Lawn Avenue ' heunded northerly by land of William RAY EoOIX Joao V It Tarty, Es an I y me yL%wnby l Ave. f ;� nue, Hnutbrrly and W°HEerly by land Ot / BO Mary Pock containing just two scree, at At 8 P. M., by ; - the price oll F2 fiW; or IP1 2xD The lot of Daniel'Ferry. bound. !prof. Henry Philip Noll Ad Northerly by The Lnng Island Bull ttosd, Enetrrly by kind of It esklab MW Kathryn hatcher, Mrs. Ade H. AHOrleOn Jdoblt, ", kbmtherl,y by the Maio and W.ear Young,weal noncom;and D. Nun- tltreet, Westerly by laud of Mary E H 1¢](%urwlu.violinist,have Promised re he prele Terry, that, Sol ,ell; by the several j ant to male!prof.Nil, a professional organist, laude of Mary E TI Perry, Philip W, 1 mmtrtying out enrogram welch cannot ren t„ �grPHtionlor t. Tile tl°oiot nt H,uthuld Land to n 1. afford entertainment to all till',"steed. `'.t ito v by load of les acid First ADMIH8ICN—Adalts, - 25 at« Cl°rch C coronation and eoataihing two acres, more or leas, at the price of Children under elA ander 12, �;�. $1 loo To the People of Bonthold and viniaity: or shall purohnso tbd followion docaribnd pieao of land for the 1) rpt,'a Having purchased the Ice- Cream, of scintilla its protect Rohnot bongo Fruit had Confectionery business of Mr, slut fila : ttOunded Northerly by the y, O. Boctb, I desire to gay that the ' Inuit of Oioer L t1k. Easterly by same high quality of goods will be mail'. Boiasean A,enne, 8n°tborly by land of tlellool Dlatriat No 5. and Westerly by tainnL and Abell try to planes, Out. cue land of Oscar L Wells and alntniuiog ll�I comers in every way. Wonld be ploaesd jnxE oun oor°at ten price of V100. to have you call. Dated, at Hocthold, N. Y , I ltb Ooto- 'Pbe bar, IUUO Blore will be at will on Hundn s. 9 damn Tlao>bPnox. PreOil nE M. BAWKINN, R1 LfdAM II 't'nIt11Y, tl9a YHtat,y e Opp. New It. K Church, Main Ht. Board of Ella- TIIK noacD OF acute natknu Hohool Dart. No, 5. Town of NOTIM TION of lk:hWl Doitrlet lin. Southold. 0,Town or Southold,ha.made cut the u[ lint Hegar, 1T} Ibo for................,t pfI' its p it year for ore CoCoal l u ai. 'e q sin Chocolate Creams. per 16-......... .12 neent gµurdar.tb� when tt wnl„e pat In the hands Mixed L'mdy 9 the tor........... .&9 t order.( O. .Penaey for aulleotlun. The Citron, per Ili........ ............ .t4 ny ll"t Baines, seeded, per in............ .1B' (� in 24- Wit H•TERRY,ted.of Ward gouthola,eeDt•ek rein. Crnbetriev, per 9E............... _ . H°de Crackers, 4 Ibe tor...... r ,.t NEW COAL YARD— We havt. Milk Crackers, 4 IbR tor...... + 1 ' sten,,a war yard at the depot ht Soul),- oyster OreOkere,4 lbs for...... pit Old,red we to th,ok coir friends If they would (huger tlnnpP, 4 lbs tat...... ;; r° give ux pen onheh tiis�a ueOaRMAN Lam on (]Ike& 4 III for wheat.... 2A16r _ 0 Ib pkge Prepare3 Bnakwheat.... ,20 COAL—Nat. Egg. tltnve, Foresee - Flaked Bene, Pea,suit Rice, pkge .08 Drive your wxam to onr pectose, or learn N. O, Molorees,per gal............ .40 )Cor�rderon eureiareetn.W.Prluoe'e store. Axes, each........................ .Tb or ma n u¢R"adl.ROMMKt.A IIAOa1iMAx _ Starch, B the for.................. 24 ---..�.F--, -- - Butter, ferkin, per Ib............. .2811 Dd not he deaolred sod think you Chu _ buy(senator/mm city stores: we can and '1 will compete with them In any Mittel o oI the Bunn kind. - floods delivered to any part of villsgd W KORN Main Street, SOUTHOLD I t - ice . Business For Sale bale of School B°nag The Board of Eduoatiou of Us At Southold Free hOhoOl Dettrics No. 5 of the Tlrtewe 1 of tloutbuld,Suffolk Uouusy,New Yuck, ' r+ will receive sealed bide op to 12 o'cloot I' settle the estate of the rete noon of March 26, 1001, for five boade, In order to setr L• of Five Huudred bottom each, to he is ¢(" WILLIAM C. ALBERTSON,the Executors offer good in pnrYauce of A reculabonadopted for Emle the ought m cetablleeed and se success. e4a Jut]]convened special tldh001 meet• fully oun hinted Ly nim at the Railroad Station leg of thg voteva of the district, held on at Southold. 13 the 16th day of February, 1001, to raise -` The stook eomprlaee a ocmp:ete line of Aamr by tax in iu"Winoreks the Aum of Twenty. OULTUNAL IMPLEMENT, HAY and GRAIN, RAmn live Hundred Dollars far the punihment wAaE. Llra and Carex;. PAinTa add 01LA, a new mite for a school hun le. FAKTn.rzrxa and BENDA,eta.,ete, Also exturea The principal of one of Slid bonds bur for the General Produce Buetnces. enures due on the let day of January in Tne Real Estate will be sold or leased, as or. the yto re 1002. 19w, 1901, 1005 Rud 1906 slred,and consists of about two acres of lend The buuda will burr iutereat from date ., with Store and storage Building, and private of 198110 At the rate of four per Dant per uucum, payable sem mi-smslly on the Railroad Siding. ttrat day of January and July in mnh Apply W year. H. HOWARD HUNTTINet Bide must he aaelosed in sealed an- W. LUSBY ALBEBTaGN j} gaecmura valope, endorsed ^Bide for School S. LESTER ALBERI'SON ) ]louse bite Bouds,"and directed b W Souutold,N.Y.,Feb,vs.,dol. H. 'ferry, Secretary Boardof Educe of Union Free boboul District M Special Sales 1 Southold, SuQ,IkUo, N. Y Snab will be opened at the Southold So During the mouth of Mxroh we will Itauk,bUUthrdd, N. Y. at 1:30 o" have special sales—one article for each it n9 Tuesday,March 26,1 •lay. For the first week xe offer the - Th i void Board reunrves the rig f following: l jest any and all bide. Friday, March 1: Table Oil Cloth— - By order of the Board of Education. Rnod quality, 35 inches wide, worth - - W. H. 'Torry, Bear"" 20x, at 17a yard. Uatod Southold, N Y., March 12, 1001, =''r Saturday, March 2: All articles an the 10 coat counter, at d cent, - '..�,. Monday, March 9: pipes. A French Sale of Sohool Bondi'. ',I B far, Gold Mounted Pip, in plush The Board of Education of Us %se, worth $2 50. at garua e. Home quality Free Saboof the ar District uc 6 Pipe, Silver Mounted, worth $2, of of Southold, Suffolk Do. Nov $1 fi0, All other Pipes at 20 per cent.nB' Tuesday, March 5: Lamp Burners-- will receive eesied bide up to 12 a'olpgg: 150.ones at 100 1 30. ones at 5e. Lamp noon of March 26, 1901, for twfib bonds(if Five Hundred Dollars Wtoks at half price. Bask Wedneedxv, March G : UhilJreu'e be f9sund i11 purouaaDa of a reeclglo8 Uhafra and Rockers. worth 250, at 100. .. adopted at a duly couveued spa" Thursday. March 7: Lot of largo size school meeting of the voters of the Dis. tfddete, worth 7 cents, ar 5 acute each. trict, held on the fifth day of February, More bargains next work. 1901, to raise by instalbmenle the mom of , H M. HAWKINS Ten rhommnd Dollars for the ending, . _., and furnishing of a new Sobool lions, - I in said diatriat R The principal et oneJa oar in oamse due no let of January in MEY ANCES year from 1907 to 1926 inolusive, The bonds will bear interest at the rate ' BASE BURNERS, PARLOR tour per mot per mourn p9y able se AND COOK STOVES annually on the fires day of January duly in Each year. TINWARE,WOODENWARE, LAMPS Bide must be enclosed in sealed DIETZ'S DASHBOARD I,AN19aNS vellpes sudormed "Bids for ani norything round in A well apvoluted tie stare Hou=e Bonds,"and directed to WB _ H. Terry,Secreta, Board of Elena TINSMITHINC of Union Free 0Diatrib e. Southold,Suffolkk00, S N Y. Sash Dills will be opened at the Southold Savings PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING Marctot,bid, 90 , ost au dlay,, tBENJ. F. MACOMBER Id Main ,treat 80UTHOLD The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Fwiuoetfcs. War H. THDAY, Heoretaily Dattel Bouthold, N. Y„ Marsh 12, IDSYL'� I Pupniatfnn about 1500. Aeaf✓gq. volueNnn 411790000. Total aa!bnd" debt$125W Vote for School NOW Bonds 130 to 1 I 78 W1, C. fiBERTSON CO, A Penney saved Is a penny earned sell the following good and Invite the paeple u(e get end fore put towns WELLS ' b,wito duet primes Lafora porch"mg eine where. • • • Wiard Plows .i> GROCERY Oliver Plows South Bead Plows Iron Agge Cultivators is the place to do It Planet Jr.Cultivators here are a few midsummer epecfa)e for Planet Jr. Seed Drills CASH Standard Harrows a 110.gager and$34 lig,too ooe"........ $Lne Grind Stones BOA Colles.....I...... ...._............ 150 lb Corn Shelters o x Ib.mans Bahlillng's Beat eating Pow- SI'm . der.calling hotter.............. .. Weeders 1 to,NO................................. etc Plow Castings t mates Acme soap..... ............ . we Stalk Cutters 't . S ossa Nestle's Mils,ouch No guaranteed the The garatogaapes al blood Ling":anb, Grass Seoda ng better "n be produced As e 1 Garden Seeds i"der we emu it tor....... FertilizersThese are •taw o!the many ar- . Baine we havee to offer. We are head. Lime Cement, Plastergaarteto for Fanoy Uskes and Unokers; Flour, Feed, Grain have a0 vertietiee,from IBe to On per lb ; Baled Ha eomethin6 new every wast. we ee11 the Y Daisy it Uroamery sod the Ulover Harrison Bros.' Paints Hill Priste, made by the FuI River Bridgeport Stileate Paints Batter of nrore, Ill. ; nothing Hoer out sap. Is tao4 we Ball about H99ury's Paints everything. We have the largest and ?•! gqrrasEeat variety of Staple and Fancy Berry Bros.' Varnishes arooeries in town, and can give you Vaieutine Co.'s Varnishes x sbout ll ahespp go° y but sel goodegoo s as 1 liinett Co.'s Varnishes ohm as can be had elsewhere. All Paint and Varnish Brushes =a qqu�ara�nteed; money refunded it not satielaobry. ticode delivered. Kalsomine Brushes - F. T. WELLS Horse Brushes - -- a1 Heisomiue, Hardware Special School Meeting {VOOdenWarO - .fit; D1Ernlor No. B, TOWN o1' SOUTHOLD N PURSUANCE of the pprovisions of'. $tiC etc etc etc -.` :•- the consolidated Whool Lee of the, State of New York, Title Eight, WN. C. ALBERTBON CO., NOUTHOLe weal E6 a ecti Special 1 Behcet antis hereby $S�G1�o will bay my glace on dill! gg OO Vlaw road.soar old,aontamlag the 10!lo�`moot the Town o! Southold, is about four ear" or land. large sad deelnhie - bo"e,barn and ootbaemur. Pine Is worn ,': thg Uoanty of Suffolk, N. Y., will be several hundred more. W I I rent esu°ore said `r F '.. bold in tiro Union School Building in terms nota Bold. AW for sale on opponi of lue"t.5121•area a uname land mW four acres a >y _ the village of Southold, h said Sa�lOaf of woodland. Can he on 2. at a bargain—Salo. i. District, eR the It q:1 dap Of Addme" MBs.TOO11.0. lIN AT ,�I. - : October, 1901, at 7:80 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of voting " WE HAVE taken the agency for the upon the following proposition : Eldredge facilely. a stdaq wsb-grade: To raise the eam of Two Thousand wh"I. Also The Eldredge automatic, The Eid- Five Hundred (2600) for imPreveme ds radQa B.Th0 9eAmsk"e and Vanda Sawi to the new school building now bet Ma AIon. we will mow yon sampl"aid qQA ill- mooted said amomE to be Wised uq�� 1°°prlep a m°will WELLU Southold,x.y. installments and in such moaner all tttl arohaae me°tiog tray determine. IF YOU wish to bay s farm, P Dated, SoaEhold,N. Y., dept. 12, 1901 a home cart la,or reit s m"Lome for the I.. TMoarenu. Presides) mummer months.*VMS W11.riMtp� TDBny, Secretary Bcarti. Jr.'P'WELES.eputhmld,N Y sT�n Uon School Dig lyns 6, Town of son Id.,l Than_. l Southold Academy l 7s mise Er 011hil hoc, I Aa, Principal Will Will open SEPT. q, x9ox !Nle 8omex Is n gradin to from WWenlry In the uleas of'vu ami Ix Yuen [o prepare student" of hoth sexes for oolloge or humb era. :;;r dtutlents admitted W leading colleges on tlortmrAte Itiar notion glVen on the Type-Writer. German, French, Latin, Greek taught The Endowment Funds provide arholamb 1ps, ' artardloR desnrvlog students Irco [u111en. Ap• plloatlen should be made early. Board can to obtained In the village at reason• abte rates. For further inlortnation apply to the Chairman or Clerk of the Board of Trustees. (hua. E.CAaa, Uhalrlllan ALomtx 7s,D.wAajlptW..-(perk Fall Hats MISS M. L . PRINCE I calla your attention to A complete line of 11Lllinery, iooloding t Ready-to-Wear Hats,Tourist Hats, School Hats for Chil- dron, and Fancy Shapes in Trimmed and Untrimmed'' Hats,Silks,Velvets,Feathers and all the newest Millinery Noyoltimi ` PARLOR MILLINERY SOUTHOLD, N. Y. J;AVING FUROBABED the Even tug News Business of Mr. Benjamin ..'j Wmla, 1 rnapectfully "MMMce to rho pahW+I 9 u,at 1 wuI hxra un oats every night.At my store i ,Wae bugle,Tlmee,Bou,World and Journal. omy N4Y 29 11. M. IiA%%ION, 1 r- s , h � 1 t / C, �, �louUlold savinxv 111111hs /9c 1 REEVE BARTLETT. Th, nndnreigned, Herbert L. Ford• bean and Jollti J. Bartlett, de hereby certify that the said Herbert L. Ford. 'i .� hem resides in the Borough of Man- hattan, in the City and State of New York, and the said John J. Bartlett resides in the village of Greenport, in I, the County of Suffolk, and State of New York; that they have formed a t general partnership to continue to "A` 113utt. 400., N. Y. conduct.and as such they will dentin- us to conduct under the firm name Opet- doily from R A.a, to 4 P N of Reeve & Bartlett the business which down to the death of the late Vloned on all pahlic Hoildaya Hoa Benjamin H. Reeve, which . occurred on January 0, 11702, wag'' TuuNTRaB conducted under the Baine firm name JONA. B.TERRY, President by a partnership of which the said .gaAti F. UVR ITON, let Vice Prualdaut HENRY W. Pill 91:3,911 VIC* PraAldant Benjamin H. Reeve, deceased, and H. BUWARO RUNTPING, 'treasurer and Ree. the said John J. Bartlett were part. ?,>- ABEAl1AH B.LUWRRRR,Aulsum Treasure, ners; that the said former partnership - HERBERT L. FORDOAR, Att'y sad Bonnael Reeve & Bartlett transacted busi- JOHN H. BROWN UTAS. E. OVERTON ase in this State for more than three W RISLEY SMITH UEU. HRNRY TERRY ears lest past; and that the principal BETH W.TU'VDILL EUW. W. LATBAR LOCIS ,place of business of our said partner- w'Y,A.U. FLOSTTERRY C.U. MI N.11 AL1). Will.A. FLEET C.C. YILEN. Y.U. ship is to be in the village of Green- • JOHN J. BARTI,ETr ELIAS P. JNNNl NOR .port, in the County of Suffolk and — State of Now York. ,["' 1)apualta or tram me dollar to three thousand Dated January 7, 1902, dollars reunwud, HERBERT L. FORDHAM, Urtereat credited JAn. 1 and July i In each JOHN J. BARTLETT. year. interest le narrled to the vrcoR of eaon depo9l• �1� we ou the Book-OI Ilse Bank and If nut with• School House Tots drawn will be nuts led ks interest the seine keit tl + lilt,l,♦tk7 Lots deposit of sun on Wee arxt day of J°nuaq and and Balldings JTh' Tau PARA hook moat be Presented for deposit- AT AUCTION ng or yawing. Money mil,ha soot from s Aletance b) chest or draft, registered letter, Ikon)order Or ex- The riehool Hoban Low and Buildings or slat. '1 Peru, a, at sonlhold and issue[ Grove. will be Hlsaka for opening acconn and depuaUmg It Dnhllo auction on ilia school gloating, of on hold Voice school on Sau trday, - without seining w ma Baet,atia"t applh+a410a,. 1 ea, at 11 p.m. r 9 11 Always Rootlike and make rewlttxnwe Pays, w111 ro able either with or without build- are W soathold Savings Blink. Naito monaF in ga Orden Payable at Wmaoid,N.Y, Toe lot at gouthold U 190 n,faaat by and deep. to on high ground,ban bank entrance on &rw- uaa Av.alio le doe of the meet JeairAWa build- , rola Allen In Southold. The PECONIC rha[must Grove lot obetum about one-nut sen. Mule Breeders' Association. r�URN13BED COTTAGES at Beuia4.a'.Long Isla°I Sbnnd, Scott, desires to announce abut the well bred to rent At from 61 50 to 13011 for the Room i Also farina ferule' ISAAC Lt. nEHE1{N Jamalo4 4 I. Spuuish Jack, "DAudy Jim," will stand MY LANDS are out pnbllo hiehwayi, f,r service after April 7lb At the farm of liesearter Penns wlll pleas°°void U.109West As u.h. VeCAR L. WELLS,boulltold Beaij Amin Yant Peconlc. Tus charge for service will be lcn dolt FIBEWORHH—Torpedoe& 6e flask; Paper mils.tit,9c les; Paper CAP PiatO`s, talar payable when mere proves wit1g, An,14; Firecrackers,ae,too.R-IO, sae package; epinglag whaela,lea Flown Pats.loo: Homan foil. Any desiring to raise .first claps W41M.ao.IMn Sky ItoekOa.7W. 100; POok,to; Fay. so Ic.l lac. 1p tic,Rod; Red.White writes can obtain loll particulars co, and-Elan Hoke paPor pesproofor decorating garD9aaa,dla WpL H.gI.HAS BINS corning "Dandy Jim" by addxca9fo . D11. J. C. CASE, Peoonid, L. L i } Shore Dinners wen,Aek Steamboat Co. ` A-J. Steamer city of Lawre❑oe uAvw Paradise Point enmlmid every 7ocadey and Thursday F.. at 6:6 r.a, ISI=AM Clam Bake@,Dinner Parties,Boating,Bath ing, iMFu BwrURNINa. Luvra Dancing?(lames. Amueemeate, etc. New Yerk, Pier 111, Pwet River, every M Awgmmodatlone for any number at short 1 �. Wednesday ehJ Fridaynotice. A Rhode Inland Clam Bake a specialty, at s:a P. N. ' C7ame,Broilers,Fish.Lobsters,0onfeetlmmry, 4 r 1 (Agars,fee Cream and Mineral Waters aiwafa rgrrlvleg at Southold next morning slwat Y on hand. No Intoxicating drinks gold. ? Come "a holt our Is g department: ymt Ieew• t,oudon Route 4i,. should know how cocking ingm done end what yon Steamer Went leaves Greenport week ds ir15 a.M.and LvnrM..arrlving at New are eatlog. Fifteen years in the business, that + at Vol AW.aud'3:a P.M. Beturuln J.leaves In aft. ':� : 1,0111101)At In A.M. (direct for gag Ilareon Open June x4, x9091 " 4:10 P.M.,arelhing at tovereport at a In P.Y. eUYmer Mailhat leaves New Iunokm acus - - Jaya at 8 A.M.,11"I't g At Urtemport at lG:at . N. I{¢tuloIng.leaves Gr"Wort at 190 ba. (i EO. W. BULLOCK, Proprietor Post Omce address 4QY7"O`°' N. yEXCURSION M ORItawtr Steamboat Co. - S'PEAMBR SMINNEWCK TO IS, W1 Rockaway Beac ` Nnuihold Query Monday, We InWday and Frldy .'',�;� at bAb P. V. Friday, Aug. 15 I{ID'UANINe, IdAYw New York, Pier 13, gust River, ever TuoWda +•-t_};_j via L.1.It.It.,,manw,ing at 1,.1,(Ill with 7 7 .- _ nen etesrubmat TAUBIIS(Cepaoly,lr.Wl), egeea.. TLLuro,lay 9❑d Saturday Ing 9% mare' delightful WI down the Meq love', through the harbor MdLha w m8r at @:Iw P.M. Kp .Ing Coney Island acd Manbattas Base,. N arriving at Southold next morning alio{ a:80 1{toaaway Beach and refers. Aeon four boon will be allowed at - Beach. mtnrslno at 40,Clook. A special t Will rum about W minutes 4411 of the m `tv(�N BALE—Cote[naai0 from Pine 1 tel",leaving ureanpm at 690 wad stn Lo d '�" Wi statio❑s(except Riverhead)WT.ptiaea� Nock Lllo W Juoke,y}Creek, opposite Uak rY. i.nwu• u.WELtM YWLLI PH,Sum ho0.l, aseunbnlep from BlverbMd it lac taken _----�2 ': resew train No, It total empo wmmwlatlooe fob alt Tbit on Wa 9t Piro Gr000 �o�illl� Alloys .'SmareYourenks" to Wamac�at etI MS Your ueaeh b yhaaae that m room mar he provt m the trim 710tMs RK Wed will be re0e4If P<!eatad W ageast SOUTHOLD. L. 1. ally of elemental The return capM of tpaWd llekpW most be sarr¢❑dered to thisostt��ggtt OtlWamer far mass. uellaul ami wn.IlN�g:.aocepted for retufP Upon every day except sunder from th A.a. PWOS unlew eo W66e�Riaag.. W 12 midnight,June In to SePL.to Tesla IeavgMfelbwa: uwoo min a.t OPEN GAMES - " Soutthold 18%QMnv msaw, anter,rtuP Aaa,It►F. Iw+guo 91614 tldUri 11a4}1yaty1ly I ' lw Cigars Buda Water Ice Dream evn . o . apeak 145. W. S. SWEET. Prop• Tickets, $1.50 Half Excursion, 7fin $50 REWARD F o �f(rerl f, A reward of fifty dollars will be paid 1 - to an person of person wbo will furu- leh to the undersigned evidence leadiup to the Hil l and conviction of any Per- son or per4pm operating an antonelI- or losotr�Na on any public street o, lits w�1NIT any incorporated villap. 11 o sty of Suffolk at a grant le rite of speed than eight miles p," hoar, or uon Pay public street or big[I way on WT of any incorporated villa),, within the Uoantyy of Suffolk at a great',, rate of speed Ihaa lwe❑ty miles pet hour, or anon say bridge at a greet.,, rata ee of"pd ihPa icor miles per hour listed, July 14. 1901 Livnin STON t?MITB Uintript Attorney of'91111 ilk('n 117 40 lANNUAL Lem91111 T flLNAItAtl('6aAI :e,he' U.K. Us What You Like Bawttea, aonorrnson „W, Novena- der i.and rnmlann nnrmethe mootth c treett. AIt ��)d We Will SI1j�IPly YOU erg ma;enrgsma w11i W Dacron ml tn teroent mud 15 t at toatnre,sot follows: til , uA8 have many newThreert enu,'fud”"It ,aentaWBat- atercm4po Vlewa.N.10a xaeour hoe of 97MM1CR GOODS H77� la0a. Ila! 1'W IlatncercldI r Pnom tremae, 3 Tooth Plat Ifo:rL.ra,Balt Onllere. Veeellne, Hair °the leadinstook a dA�IMtE ]NLNvnria vNO.. �n OANNj£ ' Y1aa,Phe 6rosnas.teHamI o'ItFruitl it 'ta, _ rulers, Nlrll Mnpe, Marcy Nn'ra, Wn Norewe. P[remero. Iron we have everything in Vegolables, all kinds of Fruit, FAIL' aplona 4,wuTam Ph;ta.tadlM,elate holders, variety of MEATS. ... . In UPHRAL9 Wtl have the Olsen, ILsosoll t, aaake Tulles soap,uta Three It ccnl aruolea for aG aetm, mnamun¢ Ur1118 Foods : Force, Dream of Wbeat, Pe.ttijohn a i't s> .'Or Mston mea., c,t holden. 113nnteronlerm, at Food, Flaked Rice, Oormea, Oat Makell IL—O. Goa Nrhtme,WllaI Bultemll, Sue I'Ine. Pin Train. i*' Gives Umdes, [tram 1'Itahets, Ours and Nat- H.—Q'. Bie-Kit, the 6next preppaarod flour far tea baso, Sora,ano.4a,dcaen Indrolanal tlaIt., Nuh !or' on the market. . ...In FANOT GOOD B AND 9PEOlet1 �'- mo Na11 it i'tee,Tulle&!bap, Nall Bmahu, -rmnTWtheomlw.Nm+tt'oraneCheatertloards. a have Olivet, Staffed Olives, Oapres, Tamarinds, Ja•>n'A'=' Mas[ Ten ere A, op air as+tet•, lipnpoten pp Oran A TmaliNlO, 011e QIIs, Salad Dreaxill B' halm, 'I swot Peat'. Pit, at,IreL tNwp lY��yf �p $ DaHera Nee,, Eaten, amour ala.ea rotaw iypder,Tryllhoea,Maple $Lrnp, Plum PuiltiriRa,Qall ki�TBi .Latd,ra.Tangs..Lamp nurnen, late Ttrun. swats eaLere,ua,tam,Tnr wamoa., emmom.. as,Ohili-Souse, Yioklut, Boneless Herringin lass j a,Soused Mackerel, all kinds Of 90110, 0811fined OyetPa'al' anu l6Kxm[ar,clea for 9.5 sono,caaemNa{01 ,a, Huylel's, Baker's, London Breakfast and W011W O000>a L Oh So us,Ila Tra Olalana t'dpular Novell w- 2 ahelm.iMo Tfare,Plains, Vu1N and eeaoen. Boom, Ink Rena, pante. nominuas. Cnecten ..A great variety tof fine TEA$ AND DOFF Hj9, all wA� P'S •od&orda,'lova Brunet, list N.-M.Bukela, Lunch W11"',etaa big line Of There are sm,t a another of other thlroa an C,yN have !110 exclusive of FURNISHINGS, Seely�:91'n a� $N;y whluh wt nave redncrd ill. Prlee-acme of ' a whmh will he atad at Im . to andN u,a.`uewK¢Y'N.nlb oLnnia L alts Ito found tin an al)-lo-date store..hiugs too nhmero4R' WE 90 NOT HELI. CHEAP Otto DN, MIT GOOD GOOD% All CHWP As rile 08 POUND RNIUDD¢IN. wAT1aPAt:r101e OUAVANTIir'D. GOODS DIMMED ANTWNk¢NNa Fee To WELLS . THE FALL TERM c $ Or Tek Southold Union School 0 d p � gmp � � � c Tuesday. Sept. 2, 1902 0a. v With the inareNtrNl oea0 that Live m o' C B r son i and the sbin teaching tame Lust have - e` R 5 `� f° c to 1� ~w been sugigeti, this ealmol in hotter pre. .l y e,Jit y 1 • �' ,� .1 � pared t1jan ever hefore to do gtud work. my IS o P , O areniLl and Rus[disua wishing to ensure p o r p Of Ito e,perior odwNfagee for their ahildreni of o b a m O og $ 'O a omoderstn acct. will 9nd it 6o their in- 'j �', o .�° ^ �' ly 4; O l tereet to patronise thin school. The ela,dard required for graduation O 8 m 9 is a 24 count Rogeu{e'Uartifloaa,t gnivo• pq. lent to two years'Amdemio work. In- td y y G struallou will be give, in the fa11,wtng n lye tC c,Academia nut facts: Advem I Englie b, •tp° + N ^, E,glie h UomytxiThin, Ithetoria Iwli0. o O �y ,� 1+•' Algebra. Plate Ucc]metry, Phyalool m G' (leagrnpby, Physiol and Hygin 0. o •+• o ,> m 6istnrv, ':Tian, Oak keepingI and y m cin Drawing. Other Aoedemff,ecbjscte will M w7 to CJI be tonight if occasion regniree. o te !3, m i� Sohtol library, numtering over ri(al volume^ fres tri atudenta. Trillion. Academia department, per}}GOO. For further iuformstion, op. o e •� �+ J ,ly v ply to any of the following : W. M. " o Pr 0 Wotsl. Priatopp•i; Wm. H.Terry, Ytrxe ?, • ea ►' p James'1-liompea0. Prcei,L,nt, np &a � 0 i� 82 ' Prices. ,.I, Tell Us What You Like l7NDF.RWE.1R, Many new thilwl And We Will Supply You WHEAT, MANE In our line of SUMMU GOODS we have many ne.w and node arriving ale"'s attractive things. . .. . In STAPLE AND FANCY GkOCIORIES Are take the lead in stock and gra ttoot variety. . . . In CANNED GOODS we have everything in Vegetables, all kinds of Fruit, and ELLS n great variety of MEATS. ... In CEREALS we have the Ral- Hton Purina Foods : Force, Cream of Wheat, Petti,jnhu s Malt Breakfast Food, Flaked Rice, Gormea, Oat Flakes, 1I.-0. Goods, and the H.-O. Bis-Kit, the finest 1weparod floor for tea biscuit, cake, etc , on the market. ....In FANOY OOODS AND SPHOIAL- - - -- - TIN3 we have Olives, staffed Olives, Capras, T:unarinds, Janna, Jeiliea, IItwey, Oraugp, armalln lo, Olive oils, Salad Dressings; Jelly Powder,Tryphoss,1aplo S%rnl), Plum Puildings, all kinds of Pickles, Chili-Sanee, Pioklet, Boneless herring in glass jars, 8ardinos, Sonsed Mackerel, all kinds of Soups, Canned Oysters, ; Rnnkel's, Huyler's, Baker's, London Breakfast and Wells' COCORs. MING .. have forty oa of (TANSY SAKES AND SRAOK- I;RS. ...A great varietyriety of flue TEAS AND COFFEES, all �riaaa . . We carry a big line of GENTS' FQRNISHINOS, NOTIONS, I;TC. .... We have the exclusive sale of G. B. Seely 3c Sins' Soda Water, all Ibwors, and a thousand and one things too numerous to mention, to bo found In all up-lo-date store. WE De NOT HALL CHEAP n000ll, NUT 0000 000DN AN CREEP AN CAN IIs FOUND ElALWHxltr.. SATISFACTION nUARANTRFO. GOODi 111(LITNUND ANTWIRITE F. T. WELLS THE FALL TERM G 9 o "4 OF Tea t0 I South e . a old Union School � g � � -• � 9 00WILL 11ROIa r7 d S p G C Tuesday. Sept. 2. 1902 V%ith the iuoreaeed Ancommodatiou v m "{ �• and the able tesohinR tore, %bat have .» mos Pw'r FbFeou eugaged, thin sohnol is hotter pro- -, E,eR if k'ar nta and guerdiaue w�ishingdo oto socnro „oV a ( 'OC ~ superior advantages for their ohildwo at m W a moderate cost, will find it to their iu- �-� O «r W y roO tereat to patronize this school. o F • j The etaudard required for graduation is a&t oOmit Ra auto'certificate n l viva- �• E• m O' c3' O ty 1 feat ki two years Academic work. in. etruction will be given in the following Academic but jmta: Advaaoed EnRliab. English composition, liheiorio. Lidw, o -• lD O Algebra, Plane Geometry, Pbysicul ♦a' p $I .+ o Geography, Physiology and dygioun, .,,s' o y ►'a• U. B. Bislorv, Civics, Bookkeeping,m„I Urawies Other Aoademlo eobjeata will p' rp :* ta as . be tang t it inanition regnima. o to ° :1 k Nohord library, numbering over i;on A a m 11• .. I,y r •3+ vnlnlse, tree to atudants. 'onion, Academie department, rla per leer. For further information, np_ o`a • n u ply lc aM ny the followioR : W. 1t. o t WwsL Pnaoipal: Wm. H.Teary, t•1oore, n v r rr m Pr V 11 tars ; .f.mas lhunipaoo, Presidnt. y m ^+ r0+, 'G b Dp SPECIAL laterNfD HUIDtpWQ vuAt6PJoRTRRCLEARANCE SALE amruM owBTm OB— to r (Mta ° the it ofI plJolkfthe B I C Y C L E S Lit wePer er rtnrt,f rm,,, IMAM' lila[•Y her ..atter ixyor"IQ 0glg�kg calltw le the Itosrd of TlWtya gr Town. d We om' of Hak Rsby A. AND SUNDRIES 111 rY11 1b all in the � � I 0141h OBy O! NOve OtaOwr g l ooe lityWr etoeMmid u, lyra grg tg peony 4 me,me earl JO N, B, EVERYTHING IN STOCK hn WaTbwn,•Ir We nrpue lir toe '•4• WIII be Closed OUt, 8t great- ""Jnyme11t of the orae Rc ma,of the lskp►. ler wa4r Rod Ixaow high water mark to O,a u1,lap,I owpe.f slid occupied by ly reduced prices hmemar4r dlwunned. wla,a, ugJe an Riotinge;umud slid.Iru.l'ored as rgllowk r; A few of the Bargains :: motk xt role t w the 11ne of nig¢ g Ixu4 applied fur annirfr•mew li�pporoer W Cents' "Oyroe" Bicycle, former alavinq the w,4rlowernf the vlllege of OI fico 162000, reduced to. IRA pear. mm11 mny� Iger err", etµ; P . ....$It,UD Ips gnmroor too rase,Imnnmg Of the It Cents' "Cornell" Bicycle, former "''t a^neo bear. porch @lupus degree P ) and rupplug tWi ".art,, alnpthrN doe $2500, l" "icy le, former l61n ul x, tweoy-p re mlit e4t one nmdred Gents' Cornell" Bicycle, former the card tact pained enure and ileaWe to. �rt lo4ndwl Iq Iro along the ewterl am at price 9nN le red¢esd Fra ..,...X14 up IIt t.r here4rgro ranted It U.Tarr Gents'"Yale"Uwhion Frame Bl. �� rtNPatg or Naw York; � cycle,former price$.35 00, now.,. '�t$1 11 eeveu4eq dxgreex and pvv mlgpOtk' nlo�h twee red apd Pete,Iy.aereq hetY'. Centel"Lindhvrst"Bicycle,form• yeP�nt degrm:e wd erey.Brg er rice *23.oU, reduced to.... 1"00 "t"eat rare@ upnred .nd mnaoy.mree P 9' .. then 11wtn alxq-con degnxa sed vat elk dBNDBIEy Iw„et ooe ha0ervn Poet, w wn Imo or oNl gl.water mart: mennee„otn twepyrolgkE ,20th Century to. Oso Lamp, $2 24, .;.. :eireeo 4etr�y tnrnr'Inn at weer root 4 reduced to..................... Ibl.g6 + ' and ata 4lsotte wtell leupo[dr°ea�a°pp Graphite, one dozen stick@....... toe �' Poor reef, me two «ranee lead paha. Good Bicycle Oil, per bottle..... 9c al". ma line of ornmary high wa4r m wk, . _ vey uu0 lire t itprpJ eevnn l 11 undra ll 11turp,ghl Co@stet IIrekoe, BarweaE, or New uu,Wandun(nlaeV lir a., wra. To DNPBtlllre,were 919 OD,pct 0¢ for 919!IH rage on the•eatery add n,tarll ire" P thud app-dad for .at a dlalnw.e Of,fty fee Have yon tested our "Biiver Flake *r” I.na line ul urdio,ry nigh water mark we Puncture UvreP One application in 4rkL ct,and At a dretsum one oundred reef . rrom,Place,heat and six IpeloW kg guaranteed to reader your tires abso. Ih.ea4dor line of ain't lana from tea wl I Pnuat¢re proof. Dome m slid Ilna to the w4rty line thereat, taro la e, este it t^ated. We have the Hole enc corm depth evgq any road lid three rept aW 4g aR ➢ In•'.hoe. Tile 111,1,114 adtolnlgg the Ia00 to p for Hntl'olk Uo¢¢Ey. applied for to 1)(111.1hod"therty by the hd(away, We have left in stook a few opus of 1i10) rof oaaTowo creek y Old o easterly hOld Town Laos (° tag the celebrated "Carate" Fly Killer, Be fuer lace: noti by 1'mugb; Bay. am which we are closing out at 911 cents per y by the sew nhennrl lir Tvwn cywgk, gallon, was$1 05. All of the said emndings theta, tpnen at Omt. nary high waWr call laid eoreax help,the trick +�:.. Cyclone Sprayers reduced from 161.U11 ul PNnul e eoureea of mild boundary nam to Ertl Ceuta, Daly 1 nth O,Aaher.em. Buy a Little Giant Heiress Winter Arxakw;oN odONAPa1M It Tit Apparelgee and repair yonr own harnexw• Price, 'h • Angmty Por a1, including box of Tubular Copper BivetO, ,holq 65 conte. i Above private are for SPOT UA@U ONLY qa 4 L. W. OVERTON kik,M J 13 ' L x "let SemhAnnud r The Him rd of Trustees of the River- bred savings Bank hes decided that in- ,a d L+rraL shall be credited Jan. 1, 1008,to I del,Whord entitled thereto, at the +„rr of h per cent, per annum on alt sum from yt to $I,(A)0,and 81-2 per ,(�� ( +ul, On Hunts in excess to$.,{1110. Riverhead, N. Y., Jan. 1,1908, UBIIgit B. 11ovix.L, j� �I a d B "d Secretary. :I ABEL BALDWIN =aI: a 1 ;h 210 PAINTING, DECORATING 3 .,3 r+ and PAPER RANGING mo $ � F IN ALL ITS nnexaune �ct1 I % � �TY W Incl. eaalem Lock Box 6 I .4 � ��,� '�, � � ..x Southold' j� ^ or care M11 J. H. THUMPBONas In + North Road, doUTnOLD r p� a° y I 0 A set of Dishes I ¢ v 9 FREE y H j or as many gets as you F q CAU carry away -- --” N1Y RENd are fur elle at 10 ote. per to.ape peau. We take pleasure in anounning to ` r2a t 2 A. A. FULa, sogthuid our many friends and cosEomers the feet - --_ that we have jnet cloned a anntraot with NEW OUODd just received at IL M. e to of the largest potteries in the United DAMILINW. uWasitlug In Part or Ham. dtatow to furofsh es with Decorated 1aucka,ur,°lutt sop, Mxprtsa wgQcu , whom. Chins. whish we ibtsnd givinaway Uert'Owa,,.wdca sats.Wall Halle, whips, lassIssue,Iwtw,eau Seale, ao-uwta 1),a", Wma ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COAT. i sad Irba '!lays, rioters codas, JapanCaa Lau• Aswearesivi on the lockout for talus, Calldlaa. Ubdomq'a nrWma aed Dast nsw ir4" as well an being extremelyma Yaw,uel us. art u ,riagr. dsWtons of pleasing one oldonstomers, X"Q ee Muivuit (yepst l+uee�il pnuiuy aiVbr we have dmided that the beet way of. Taus Ilamu"In, (nit UVW.1s, rang arWL rly showing our appreciation of both toVAPur,WWI uuaers,Dat itacaa, ''J"wel Unions, by sPhigm. OPmea raaketa, hey 1LleP, buts giving away a complete set of Ohio& Dauusrs,Mum eal:gt 7Yu 'fray,..0=. 'a Tla l' ware to mob of our cash customers. 'Playa, Amm"nts6 ala rlcks. Lamp lamb, We will guarantee to sell all goods m bwva led bore" Brwbee. We ua avuaaaen, chew i11Ywg opWom,Man tlups,I'leture Wit,Crumb D. if not cheaper, than ever belOre,. 7rayn.nos beaten,W mg Bassists,scrap nese. Bud with each cash purchase will iewa Ow Gwua lad ul.au ware,'Ptasea ruuunurs. ounpous r(preeentieg the amount Of eudu"aq orad Wuda.Juren"v raper,bugvetdr your urabase. rest,d.arw,I'uar:w,'rableu,wt,Drupe rape, S p When your ecnp0n� Tidddb Papal—ah Wwn; WId and bnynr lilpbrt 1. reach epeoifi'A amounts, you are ental. standard b"elf rapar(wu wet quauty), paper. 1. titled to different dishes, each as dioses' bapusa,Tramng raper,Tooal raper. piston, pie plates, handsomely decoratsA ragcy Aruww, luwuasrmluta, Tuuet soap, T"wu"t 1•uwdur, Twth eu mer, Vasanue, anpe and esuanre, exquisite dnnigno to (wwea, crudae. y' covered diehon, bakers, orange bowI Tua.awlat tmmrtmem of Cunrectimw'y W mum dishes, water Ings, tea ppof$, ann '� ION", banau/a, Usages, Outs, Quid Dr1eb, in fact everything that goes to a0vall Ila uraaw. h 9'c1"Jum, (.7atn, Pipes, Tuteccu roucaaa, tate a complete set of die en. 1 u'IAer caa a,Atatoo WIW, We cordially mqumt you to Gall at onr w"have nonce ouwr Wool out Will Interest store and inspect these Ronda, and we yoq'-Mall'ar'd Wua We gouda over, will hp Aplivhted to explain the offer lr, /"1 ti t/1. U.M• nAwaldb, you to detail. OPPeslts m. H. church Fw COIN EZ I SOUTHOLD 19,My n YOUr--..wqw, ;. � Summer Hat Talking Machine. can be purchased Winner of the Gold Medal at with ease after Buffalo and of Golden Opinions examining the Well the World over. selected stock at Miss Prince's Millinery Parlors WHITE HATS and OUTING HATS a specialty + FLOWERS at all prices "'MIL lLS1[q'S VOILL" NEW STOCK A 110911. ENTERTAINER. STOCK Sings Everything, Play$ Everything, Menof LOUD AND CLEAR AS THE iRi 'S Shoes ORIGINAL, $15. to $50. Zad1QS' Oxfords GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. In all the A Postal brings Illustrated Catalog, latent styles and List of over 2000 Select- at reasonable prions Ions by Celebrated Artists. Victor Distributing 6 Export Co. A few bargains » Chambers Street, Now York. left of the old stook IRVING 1'. II.\l.l.et'I(, Local As,. I9oj. S 291, Uie0ap011,N, Y. J. E. Howell PINE GROVE SUUTHULh _— $OwlingAliey SOUTHOLD Open for the winter season AVINGS BANK from 1 12 o'c1,11" I k 'p.s m, i q`,nnly heated. Upon Lanae9every Southold,N.T.,June Id, I/o,, ^'-n and Tuesday, Wede--.dar. Thu 1-1 Friday econinge for the prese The tort Jes eYeat that Iutornt 1w ons 'd .t,lhu paper fur ch amr-m and Items Mote JnIJ r. =903. On all nulls res- ,, t thereto under the by-laws for tho past Lu ueh.es furnlshW ou pruper notloe. months sed all months at the rate nl (Haan,and Saha Wnter. air per cent per s unarn This Interest will be writteoon the;Rea Ana>tn W. X SWEET, Prop. of the Depositors,and paid, If deslrml, on q,a alter July Yes.Ion. Deposlls made au or lecture Friday,July a 'l .: ta,will draw IYlo"m front July s. JU$ATHAN B. Taney, President o, Treasurer 86 -' PARADISE POINT New Tin Store 89C01111) 9914ON CLAM SAKES, DINNER PARTIES I :,in now prepared to do Pluralung' BOATING,BATHING,DANCING,etc Roofing, Steam and Gas Fitting, Lead Centrally altuaed on Pecontu as ,o - cr Work, etc., also Pump and Wind, noose West Neck,blister Island,ayaors. Mill Work. All orders for stove re-, Letter facilities than any other grounds - , Ll attended t0, and a full on Ula east end of Lnng Inland. Gond )aura Qcomp y Wet landing, good driving. �ine of Tin and Agateware can be seen� o. told: llaid and soft Clam., Nlxh,Lobster at my shoplin the l work neatly rnapart of the Pollen,air. Oreo.Corn In seam.. (ao village. AA rerllo.arf, mistral Water, Ire Cram, Cigars 'e;''",',� attended to tbme early and come ores. Wlist we don't I '„ sAX'L L. TUTHILL wink of, plow Mussmt. we alau run this soathol. Grove t.salt Its Patrons and will pay you to tell _ -- us now to sine you better. M no t doubt, bot and ns out. There m more aL this Grove than rte- °:3•�_4 you ever have sueaud, if you come Mae, you'll ohms salla, I ( H tJ Z O CEO. Ws BULLOCK, Proprietor P.O.AaarsY, Southold, lg. v. ? ?" ,I. a j Q in Ah! ,Prepared to do well-diggin¢ of f lti'•.t '_4 •L si Ylnda,from Msyy to the most'a fil "'111 reit IoM. O.T.(I RIION•Mouth ld _' v y G p D s a O _ �u E�rraordluary 0 �r .,_P4 To the first four purchasers y 1 which buy sufficient paint Flom us to cover their houses, we will allow them a speceial reduction of 20 per cent from our regularI y price. We urge you to embrace this offer and obtain a good, { S pure and reliable paint such as TlIE COLONIAL PAINT, at a � reduced figure. Goldsmith & Tuthill SOUTHOLD, L. 1. „ -- ----+ NOTICE SellingOut{J t The excursion boat to and from Par- I �:adise Point will commence running Set- /�O�4• jurday, June 18, and will continue daily at LJ !J until further notice. Its regular time 4 1t. / 60 leaving Southold Wharf will be as near as possible.hour 1 will sell my entire stock of the even GEG. W. BULLOCK. >_ruods at cost, and a great many !• bt?IoNNA ROSARY TERRY, gradual W COSI, for cash only. I A of the etsmuol n. Kt•Ih,yy sehnul t .Store. Will Ile, closed every 5 da ' ' Oratovof lhtxtrul,tonuharof Aysloul Cul tura. Voice lfulld led slid Eloeuthnt. lit G o'clock p. m., until.sold out. L�XPRESS SERVICE. On and af- Many thanks to the public for! L' . for'ru-,ada ,l�ov.1. %111 nn rmpared to toll for and Sol ver asprexx of rrnuo patronage. Ohio rata.. (tartiag 110.11 ae horetofur�/r. ' N•ueOarticnlMti Innulre of N. K. TEILRJI' W. A. WILLIAMS SOUTHOLD THE FALL TERM r Vllhah, L x••ry; aouthdi Y, h5'Gxulb'::akl and Wnsl.•tIY by land er Her.,n L.tluwnrvl. An U[t h•Mid lmQnde' SODTIIOLD e.4 , I sw,1 es tb tome maP_I UNION SCHOOL nit d �,+Fee 11 ; el,lr ill F4;k IIt tl 6 K. �'I ygr6u r' tt Utsr Atf y \VDllyatlt WILL BEGIN Ithold•suit U, V.1. 1 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1904 m we._'�a Free tuition in the Academic depart- ment for non-resident: students holding Of the Universalist Society, in a preliminary certificate from the Re- gents or a Ninth Grade certificate from BELaIDINT HALL the Detlartment of Public Instruction. $Outll0l(1 Suitable apparatus approved by the " Regents for labra Wry work In physics. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings The standard required for ggrreduation si ad count Runts. certiecate and Altg. 9 tend IO six additional counts, Instruction will hO given in the fol- lowing Academic subjects: Advanced Aunt Chloe's "Englgah, Engglish Composition,Rhetoric, Latin, Ake lee,Plane Geomettryry 1'hysi- calGeography,Phyyeiologyand Hygiene, Surprise Party U. S. History, Civiessn , Bookkeeping, DraOther Academic fit bjetisswilll be naught 6y the COLORED GALS el Crow Valk if occasion requires. - Mid,r it,,. WO."tlan ill Pupils who desire to enter college i .: i- Dr. J. G. Huntting; I will be able W get ful the school- )I^ I preparation In Dr. J. C. CAS I. Accomp ,,. School library, numbering over 5W New Songs New Jokes Local Nita ,volumes, free W students, Tuition, Academic department, Vo ; ` CHILUkEN'S f1A'1'INBS ;Per year. For further information,ap- " ppgy to any of the followingg: F. E. De- WeAueoda3 aflern4on Gelleke, inclpaI; Wm. H. Terry, Sec. rotary; James Thtm,no„� n- MUSIC TABLEAUX PLAY ) ` �PPLICATION,FR GRANT OF LANA LINURR WATaK.—Notice is hen,l,y HRII opens 1:45 Eptertainment Y: given that I, Frederick W. Csiplmter, of ADMISSION : fit florauglt of arooalyn. In the Ofty Of {New York.Oounty of lugs not auto of ' Adults, 20o Children. 100 _ New York, owner In fee mud Occupant of I� ;1 1 the upland ndfMling the fund below h17h -------- ,1, water mark of'i'ow'n creek,ut eouthni tl I ,.,H ;; Useful and Fancy Articles the Town.of sauthold. Ouuatyy or suffMk and State shimmed, ns hom Asher do. 1, Ice (dream, Cak%, le rlbmd.will mak,application W the Ward of 1 lusteas of the sald'Town,est the ufllce of n ��y Nun.Henry A.R*Ivex,(1w.k of said vara - �/lIIlls/30D p6 �o4gt g. :.t III tile tillage of Otecttl h't 1, sold Town. r a on the 3rd I It of September, tilos, est one Malin or- J; 1 Daopen at 7 o'CIOCk• oWiOnk bl t,)y esti rnnnn,ter o Cpi,. de ,.t pOtnny In a est,said Frederick W. eiar _ yam------ Lyenler,l! lleseld Town, for the purposei; y if xoq' .tarn) ,hoar dote, Fair fail` alto,IaneAMal enjoyment Of the Hanle by r .''�{' pnalpou-I till Aug, Il or it. - ,' me, of the leads under water and below blgh water lasrk in fr,ntt.of nDland owned .i andrl oo4�ouplic b nd afoond applied fpm aa. farness l�da cribs. and de urree as 0.Dpws: for Bre uadeS and described d[allows: yM? t 84+glnmos stRR point on the lino of high water mart,4ud at the northwesterly yet. { a nor ofthe laud gppiled for, whloh U 4180 ' Having purchased the har- > 1110 eoutpwesterlly corm,r of sald'YDland, sad refund”thenen shUth aX forts-Ave fifty- x degrees aveaurfdonthre� ` Oce ness business of T, Baunlanf;, piron" luu . and Japty-s(s foot; thence south th rty-two �; digrNde unci o 0 hundre6 a W font; I am nolo ready for business - p,headnl gnl'4b of VNIs degra, �ast ono vudruds and sot; thenastlYgF1{bhlrtr- at the old stand. two degrees west one hund.11 end tour feet: thenC north rOrty f,a degrees west �1:^ one hundred and fel'ty-xfk feet,tha Inst two -!I FRANK H ':4Li canvass afor.ntdd below alonot pica fill, of . ROTH P ordlunry h1wh vv.0 r murk 1., the PIUnt of leglnumg, mild ontnlnnta by survey six GSouthold h1ryaUntp.ni wed Iwenl -uhroo thousandths 1 -Ilspl est nn se.re. C ho anund "oh,Onus In ael•y fifty foo{ on the whole exterlor lUm d{ go\1cyo18 Fv7oIIe 7-dbraxy li said pleas of land to les vo OPpnw1 for,be- • ' abtnina at the nhrthweat rty corner there- - Mondays shot Wednswelara lnne, Y . of Rod gamy Ghees r nn dud wrW plate are: m.,W Mturdsys from f. a_P.m. t �p� link loot lid tu7th lucAnsive,four feet it y.- Lwe lee f. at four het; and ppb, fwe r ngites. 'j'116 UM-ml sdlohlbur the land to t� 1 led we U I%)UIIQ d northerly by 1 nl�i a own Harbor: Motet 9 t I W t. 88 HEFFLEY DRUG CO. `OUSE PS TIME ISS HERE HERE LONG ISLAND STORES Good Paint will stand Z ;Fd - wind, water and Southold Store weather iT WILL still be some little time before we get our store comChilton Paint to the Beat ii pletely arranged and our stocks here and in place. In thraint made. We sell it. lallantime we wish to do our best to make it interesting for ouV. K. COCH RAN well-wishers who no doubt are anxious to see us in perfect running'T`/ -SOUTHOLD shape, To this end we have placed on sale below cost a miscellan- sous collection of goods which were in the store when we boughr a;u it ; they are all perfectly good. The lot consists of Stationery(,>•'0 mT� �rIOndd Toilet Soaps, Fancy Articles, Cigars, etc. Our only objet LL`" in disposing of them is to make room for our own lines. We carrl `� J OS SOUTHOLD .4 in each of our stores the same brands of Cigars, makes of Toilei ' y VICI.N•ITr: / 90�' i, Goods, Brushes, Stationery, etc., having been through the whole- Beginning Thursday, sale market very thoroughly and being satisfied that we have se May 18, 1 Will Closet feted the beat in every department of our business. Out my stock Of Boots,'i An especially good opportunity for smokers to buy 5c straight Shoes, Hats and Caps, Cigars at $1_50 per box of fifty ; 3c each. Only a emallRubbers Tennis Shoes, stock. Come early. ' and Finding far below'' ..-.....14OLP: AGENT I........ the regular price of Hagler',, EasEutan B'otlaks and Supptdes, Caesar�lwpuattes Cigars these goods. De WW's, (IoM's, and Foley's Remedies Thanking you for Kennt's Bru&,)w, Ideal Perfumes, Hendrick-soles las Cram unlet One black Crow oalo Ill. mere. your patronage during What emw we do Tor focal to ot,.?- Robertson's Prolecloscope Co. the peat two years, and (Haw Haw to Rase's) 11. W. Robertson's Projectoscope Co., �.'�. the only show that has ''•lived" to hoping for a contlnu- Choice Coffee, per ib......... ... . . .lecome to Southold two and three times ance of your favors, 1 " Family Flour, per bag..... .90 a year for the peat eight years, and is Soda Crackers, 3 Ihs............ .. .25 still very popular, will again be at remain, Baking Powder, per Ib............ .'20 13elmont Hall on Monday evening, Map yours very truly, Canned Pumpkin, per can......... .lo 0, with a bran new program. Two String Beans;3 cans ..... .25 wonderful moving pictures--the Inaug- J. E. HOWELL Peas, 3 cans......... . .25 oration Ceremonies at Washington ' — .�. _— --.•.�� Tomatoes, S cans........4 .25 showing President Roosevelt. West) Sweet Potatoes, per can .12 Point Cadets, Rough Riders, U. S. FOR SALE '.'.Sweet Pickles, 3 doz... I.......... .25 Seamen, Artillery, Infantry, Brigade,.' Fancy Brick Codfish, per lb....... .lo Cavalry, National Guam, and many Belgian and Flemish Giant Po : Beat Butter, per lb.... . ........ .3u ,there in line,and "The Mnonshiners, greed Hares; Females, $1.110 ea, i '!✓,;. 44Oregon Prunes, 3 )be........ .25 in ten marvelous and sensational! Males, $3.00 each. 3 pkgs. Nonesuch Mince Meat.... .25 scones—will along pay fur your ad- 'thoroughbred Homer Pigca; "Pointry Grit and Ground Oyster mission. Among other pictures shown, $1.25 per pair. shells, per lb..... ... .. ....... . -02 will be Land of the Midnight Sun, Fire-1 17 pt. Dory Launch, 2 N. I sore preventive of Colds, ,Grippe, works, Hop a' My Thumb, a Frightful. etc.—Sliced Raw onions in Vine- - Motor, $125.00. gar, per qt...... . ..... pg, Night, and The Bewitched Lover. Mr.' (More to Ldlow) Add Hoyt, comedian, will entertain' DR. JIARSHALL with latest songs and stories. Belmont Southold, L. I. Charles Es Case Hall, Mays, at 8 P. m. Admission. , 'LSc.;children, lbc.; reserved sea a5c., -- � --� - -- y at H. M. Hawkins'. .�'j,y Si/l'!/S; „`"' _ Uetiwal 1V;(rchandisN . PARTITION SALE IAUCTION SALia: . at SOUTHOLDro- Buff. Co., Long island Household Goods be on SATURDAY RICHMOND BROS., � JUNE 3, 1906 BAY SIDE FARM t P. M. Southold .� ' d a Fine water front property Friday, June 16 , 0 0o ` - If sb-rmy, June 17 t; at (ionth Harbor, Southold, �! y �U .�. ANTI 1'11 b; M61`CNU UAY RRR��� , consisting of 85 acres, ❑ bo Y, an island and Indian Neck Point, Main Saturday, Juno 24 pp, is •� :- House, Annex, Lodge, Main Barn,Cow If stormy, June L6 i $a m Barn, Milk House, Granary, Carriage commence et lU a. m. char I House, Carpenter Shop, Scale House, I ;9 �•] Machine House, Water Tower and Tank, Pumping and Power Engine, Bedlam! Itedde's, Mattreean,lulnah•and furnishing complete water plant, .Boat triable oma R,•d Mpriass.varlet. Rup all House and four Bath Houses. One- .iia. laDaueaa McLtla{. Lhwlnum, alt r, iAtif l/iild o4 shore front an Little, 'Olothe Uroak«rr.Uiaarware, tamp.7\Wo� 1<�«�i p I aconic Bey and Richmond Cres_). Matta. leu,aelaa Told... plains Main. � Particularl suitable for untr '�=I a u y y 1leaka, Morrl. end i, i awn, aunien, Seat, Model Farm Hotel, Country Club b � 8 = B Ct 8igiro Ul%firr rn, paean. He. Hall a or Villa Plots. Wettdrobaa. )Ilrn,ra, Bwlrarm xmL., Hail � .c° PREPERICg N. LYKP., 143Cree moan, Anp'es. Fork., gpoons. Ia1LHee,ii it w t,Jt)S. N. U111.1)BACHER, Plaintiffs At- FBtwant.(look Swve,Bnw,ftwe and at h„r ia'pg o it nay,Yds Br.etdway. New York CRY uH1 ebVea, l,yladeadrrs, Bnmhnl WILLIAM 11 M. JAY, IMla' urues.9b.Mon[a{ u bL. HV,oklyl.N.Y. M YC a gr, 5 Desire Oven. W It.(-inch llsad' _ Other Belting,Belting, (blpliantlnu Power UerD IWILL. OPEN .LUNE 17th a first- Sheller, Hand Caro Sheller, Power F«.•d elnna Hour, SHr,E, RA's unci CAP MIII,OIraplxr W,w'ri•tech Glade with In. J E am store to bau Lhald. wit Ue01-11[[" J. 1'1111 oar Mongol,etc.,ate, ,. e haet.alark. W.A. W'I LIAit HS AddlUotul fenturoe al theauctWp "I. as B A large stook of ladle' 41ne«a 4uantY +J� Same,auttau sod Iaoe,AIW o large stoat„f Itlrlupond lir,,,'. ItnY side ram Friday W. L. puualaa Rmtalne eha«„ at W. A. will be dopony of Laeust Poeb.I Hone, Williams' shoe Swml w PCcan1". I tbrod-sie t Ideal, Rouble Wagon, 1 .null �RTHUR T. DOWNS, Piano and C1rLbu f e men"Vnati" and ouwr tmup not HheeL Miele, nl N,mtnmd Aye.. Gam Gdon urn Uoned. Brooklyn. All tho vory latest popular ee- laetlolu,le Centel by mall. An eJteeytlonal opportunity for U.nehr nppd guaro as ]Italy e W nplonleh gawk. RE Hundm,pp(ntbaranlabearoadaurous10 Q► w aW IACaen cant rill sive end rave ..sociis. eAraWb t:eaee0u the arnrL of pn nos w TERMS ('A S H A. whC broku,dawn nq lenoo uttl I Pa aaliad all tai hitobin{ peat and Wtote Ir Vulgar ,r�ttIn �y�IA Nn aI„cohthela�re. W.A, W GEO. W. BULLOCK, th wderuar Acoylene Pipe§ Notice oftheehereblders T a outh- Ing of the stockholders at The South. old Lighting Co. will be held at Bel- , An ortnnaamvul, at papa. I` nr tybee mont Hall, Soulhohi, on the 6th day of ,�yy{{{ {boos bo town by an, wen ytarp ht theYerytwit grade of attic and August, 19116, at 8 o'cloek p. m,,. f"r Iltttaae and aaa'ties atnmx9 dare In their the purpose of electing seven prroaflanoo: iA,naat.tot, manna Alzu'Wl for the ensuing year attd two &Addle and ex sill"' of election, w serve at the spin and carry w.uc' J sat ,;astl(I p M meeting; for the tn,.rilut Iseee i aerA•ct ny+l.r/Ill, iffe tlg pifpOse thuroualdy. Iretrd. aJ,a]_�7� WJE °P"u a Pn1P'"9ition to indeeseo its a4pk tnl chick from$(i,fkq,t'mai'Wg of Sain'l L. Tuthill shares of the par valise of$0 each, ti ells-.grllLduv, 1'i..ntld n:. ,n. votl,g u,.,l $7,:N 4), of W shard of the PW value each, sod for the transection .-f , I��(iEN SEE'I'FiIS hNPI: Carpenter-.Huth other busineN, t„a; (axdb,. It.4r,lrlug'-4t alwarlYleme before said ;,thlna N"o'I R. T. ('.Al'NE Polls will rernaiq' —',m. to 931111p. tn. fit of old alre and other'. .y,utltold. Jul else,I1 m11k y NK ft. (ISN. gp Scotch Recital with Prelude of Hunting Song it 4 Belmont Hall, Monday Evg., Feb. b We Le Douglas M. M. COOK �.�h (kraclor G r O r Mr, SAMUEL TUTHILL, Conductor of Music in Orient Congregational Church p; t t Mr. CHARLES VAIL, Conductor of Music in Orient M. E. Church A School shoe for your boys, Mr. ALEX. TUTHILL, Conductor of Music in Greenport M. E. Church 1( Wlty n=ot a little more and Mks JESSIE VAIL, Organist of Orient M. E. Church, Asst. Accompanist a gogi sehool shoe for your Ago FLDRENCE REDMOND, Organist Greenport M.E.Church, Awt.Accomp't ys that will last them six Mir E15NA YOUNG, Teacher of Music in Greenport High School, Soloist rponths or more? Mr. W. M. KING, Violinist Boys W. of DOUGLAS Bre R{HARRY GEE RENO, Pianist If . C. CHUTE, Cornetist Sze 11 o 2 Mies EMILY PARKS, Graduate Emerson's School Oratory, Boston, Elocutionist IE Youths' size 11 t0 2 �L6U 2 6 $19b Mr. JAMES FERGUSON, Scotch Humorist " _ -r{ u 6 •` 11 $2 to . . PROGRAM large stork of ladies QUEEII I Chorus of Forty Ya 'QUALITY SHOE size 2 to lcer—Prelade pry .._.......................MIX 1 Choms—Hunting Glee W. Perki,101 Beat made ladies' shoe in America. 2 School Girls' Holiday in the Woods W. A. WILLIAMS Twenty Children Cstores — SOUTHOLD and PFCONIC 3 Chorus—Foreatern, Sound the Horn H Bisho tLeieh 4 Duch—The Happy Hunter l;tte Ernes Misses Eleanor and Iva I.ewia _ Southold / ✓�d 6 Comet, Trombone and Piano SVjCCU4 124110 y, Messrs. W. M. King, R. C. Chute, Mrs. H. Geehreng Real Estate 6 Sob—Hunter's Song tL R Shallow Mr. A. Tothill Have on hand five farms, each wi tN 7 Chorus—Hunter's Glee L. 11. .SuIsihard water front; also ten Beres put 8 Radiation— Selee.w near Sound with part creal Miss Emily Parks ary. 8 Violin Duet with Piano Seieew Several tenement houses for sale an Messrs. King and Chute and Mrs. Geehreng t,famished or unfumishevl. U' Ifiolo 3dee4sd Nr. Bing YeKmg at HartOngharat, Seat) ! __ rant, tereoae wLplug W 1— rent. nt. ere et a. L Ibnuel Scotch Music u.H_H/ShsfON,tiuuehmd I Sketch of Scotch Music —Sane one to clear up I' M. If. Cook ." i orus— Lang r "ruo ask land lar gas of, 2 ChAuld LSyne R. Bumf , ne lax"6emr lmrr. r.Jttf1 U RENNIN.Maulbnld 3 Quartette—Annie Irurie Old Scotch Malaly arrangqed for Men's Volcea by Dudley Bve! Real Estate Messrs. Lemuel Rackett, Lyle Tuthill, Charles Vail, Charles Tuthill Tee room aou.e,load barn,sew wwltry 4 Solo—Bonnie Sweet Hassle (Scotch Imitation) J. Gd" r haa ,ahoatz soot.sheds all.,rrelt(1i'1; Mrs. Nellie David* ingil via}; waabrn Dartlrvillaw. /Ater.Yras mrd water trona. 6 Solos—Scotch Humorous Songs ;,hated I H. W. PRINCE, Southold Mr. J. Fergusm 6 Duet--Do You Think of the DaysT (Scotch Imitation) J. ntsm lhat i JOHN W,0 STOKES, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gula 1 ,i SOUTHOLD. N•,V• 7 Quartette--My Love is Like a Robe R. Euro I y^ . v Maass C. Case, G. Wells, It. Reeve, W. (cover IT 0111 - °.w s o.m. i is Solo—Cumin' Thro' the Rye Old Scotch Melody AsenrwwW" Orhaa at Gea C Terry's Mica Edna Young bie Quartette—Old Scot -- - 8 IWuch Melody, Robin Adair Mtwsre. L Rackett, L. Tuthill, S. Tuthill, C. Tuthill C. Vail, W. Terry, H. Terry, W. Brown tt .. i 0 Solo-Man's a Man For A'That )/, ,t n 6 Mr. Havens Payne E ;,I. 111' 1' Quartette-Blue Belle of Scotland Old Scotch Melodl+areeagad Every Day fs Bargain for Iadie'a Vote"by M, H. CookMiaeee Edna Young, May W1149, Emily Parka, Plorenee RedmondDay at thef Solo-Star of Glengary (Scotch Imitation) 'Mr. Serena Smith M• 8porteBrick More 13 Male Quartette-Within A "df Edinboro Town r. DI Urf y (With sop ro and Tester iwi) and don't forget we are head. Mrs' EmoUne Tuthill, Mr. Mtlg Young quarters for Messrs. S. Tuthill, L. Hackett, L. Tuthill, C. Tuthill J. Ferguson 14 Funny Side of Scottish Life I G E N T S t ht lF Chorus-Kelvin Gdve Old Scotch Air FURNISHINGS Adtntaaton, 28 cents; no reserved note. Ll,ncert at r. Have just received a jam BRING THIS WITH YOU variety of Gents' Shirts and' Half of net proceeds for Eastern Long Island Hospital Association Neckties, also largest &&%rtr• 4 1 as 1" If very stormy, concert next fair evening ❑lent of t%oliarf ill town, - "Crawlord's claim" /g> E -__- - - Here Are a FOWL St. Patrick's, Dramatic Club will C [1 in the (3 rotary V ' - 'present ,Crawford'sClaim" in I;,,I r_� .\^,* �■* ` On. Old a; mont (fall on Wedneedq' and Thurs- aa.�er v �-+ v �.;cans ��y.e Mllk day evenings, Jan. YA and Z6. The •••••� t'rry dee OMtonber Pirilea,dr„ d.� members of the company feel that for Hatching t'hoice Corn, 3cana for. ,,,,, they will surpass till previous elrorte in :1 pkge. Non,rSaa►Mince Meat.... the pruducibn of this drama. It is In•nt Spinach,par an y„� !dull of startling situations and han s , Palmer's and A11der5011,a , ,::vein of comedy running throrgh it that R. C. Rhode Island Reda ti _-will keep the audience is roars of AND PRI t` 'laughter, Admission, M cents; re- t served aunts,au cents, at L Baomann'N. �natOn'B white synodOtter F a J ancing will follow the performance The two best varieties in lhr world PIUTHOLt), N, ')on the last night. Following is the for Farm PoultryEffe"Al- -and - - {haat: Hardy- at conn. H.ary [Aytar 01ralM ++ I'RiH.nrll'FI Nr. h•nler Market Vital un north D. W. 1lohitraa's Prnjeetoaeap�•` .pierdrrt Nl*ntm, nrmt J. (..TA mVu+n lyt Ina anti Nhlln 1tNl are at Il nuA ria will beat Bdwmt Hod!I ea next ' IUNe7 WOWwa nl.I raliter W.F. If, LI'Y wl l have y but unae,bad nae. day arytdrg May 31. with a Mlles hlaoh,IYvyv w'. 4 I.r valaapl� b �taa�, �,a1.a till Mulllpn annla. Harry 1. , 'l n(A`rC>�. � arYf1'ianp,r .+TLfYI MferlaiMlptt of pan/ap �ht�.- 'U,M itn+mn.ar4•r W.J.Ootttau 'e'�aty Il n�tl,+a qra� twr1U a td.nA �1tafMt• illustrated' F 1111olls.Nldueyb wIfn Mlu Au,os, MrgaM hot•rrl., p as a ~II, aen+nitnr 4 AMA a1N1°r Baa. Mand ebtrica. The Su t picturehq erre dUr n uad HunitWnt.•hurt J.to TbmtsRICHARD HOGAHum s p Pnstedeeo by harttCrake WaalLeis(thee. V.W. fluralrvn` $OE 149 A Mika M an•ata ".. W.N.t'nr r , C/ULl101d, N. Y. will M prt•salad h many i• Il MulIMO I.Intucldnt Harry Va,o I datroalae, AaN,ng 10.II16 Lina•a vo o.tiat W.T.rinv orae will be How t1a Iles no"”.a rrtnnd N_J.Umtten Singlet' & Gcme$ Pup, a Ctney :•vencou"e rawlard RraOMn ttNsen. `;"Jack nava oarlsvilbit r(Panna SOUTHOLD t the Stormww�Srare on imd m 1(,_,�. Jim Bawyq,nbrnff J.V.xb,l,r.oer Nuaaet Nan r 1'ha Happy Family, The 'i Abbratl Orwatwt All kinds of ti blvers at work U\11r . Bell*Wood•anl Carriage and Wagon y _ p.., rm k a ar'e Otiaa OF BICYCIe3 on hand tile+ Y" my 1* AutaatahYU_., . 13 "l - arab .lore-hr aantkm•a. Building and Repairing Funny Nonni and the Coes Indian and ehnkno., Real basals In bare IsxpaAencaa, TM Ha wbaeN rm M hbnA alth Happy •^�Ya'• BKAKNo 14M IT11.la+uthobl Fainting and Varnishing tM Geod OW 9aawa\ae Time, a epwiew slsa, me; chiWrta. Me, Aft.at H. M. HatrhhM' and 10" rips las gm rtes' a�lRnof�mtgtiilleat. } erw aMA11 +'"i Itimlow etwth.•al WML tM IWile. . . ,J �aaa�easllana T, � :. atitlA of sCbOThe , To Bicycle Riders. v • 'rite %vibite � IND annual ammo, j Sewing KIND SeAuol lthedr No: 1 11-ltd l ndvir, y,iu out to buy' lLLt(11. Plrabl 90uth01d, fur the elx.,lou u I re ,,,fill",un e.-nte with trip uudprrl u,•d, a and H the teeep .f Pt J. N.l 11 In D "ea g H. M. the AOA J. N. Il.11oekpbr Lhroe bL L«I.HI', Hu°[hold. _ Machines Jean, the nDW rpnatln,l er pepre{q -_—_ Qp4:en DpO.uea and life tnnmeLlo, of Mob Malmuw as may owl. White we mue{tD�. a will be bald la too Whrwl Witill m1W- A CHOICE rb„ WhIW and Quueo Snwing Mnchfpas. 4p eexnlAa•AUF;Iwo.at 7:� - �golA on easy termq. Llbond discount for t TW folowln. Is the o.Wu t of $k6 Vmnertl, em lA charming 1 peel,. mat°Wning tIle•ehoel duan[/ aR rurmundin ., who year• as Dn•parad by tb., Ikrord of {tri;, a ru Ins c n u Il makaa o[n,aphlnne repaired. QX- mum: Dumb"O An sem or two or w'atar lAlr allowlnpa for old nupmne. In EXPENSEH front for the ereutlon of n 80,11. Oh•Dse for new. tS"all." WAR.. VI,T�AM n,e' dwelllna. No more Idun1 Sddt9OII I�ldsmltll Sall 8" location•1m Inma bland than ,f LO.OIe1,W N11n / 9 p SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Vhalk,Erasers,etc. p tt Holm " �1r Ins Harbor n Itunldoncu• ' IIDnttfaahunt" t]gnae ' n.tt, At of one Mmd fxu.lp .. 'uDt:;`""""'" LougIsland R.R.Time Table ..Iasi i0.olb.lp one"filo fmm Southold giant r, NEOEI l'Tfl thrWaltr 9holMr lelend. B.AeI• Effective Nuve",b•r 21, LM Wted rmnlpb from state t 71a.00 loot Ixnt W,a, bathing And flab.- i,eave Paul hl h.r Now York. Brookill pDq-rcxWnnl U IIx lm.lq In and rnwmlwllAte"Alinas. week day.,7 ltQ1N DD g: ehxa",p,Iy DOM drbkne, ".nL,9.IN p.m. Hunda7a•T.eP e.m.,8,811 D, To nWd b7 ta: {-AW.00 water, ec"ill R boon...and Dlwq- IssOave Prconlo.7.14 a. in.. :.FB D. In. Au 1y„ts,ul ant arty". Fully matrl°ted. da,ra,P.m a.m»nL•�tt1 p,;pl. Natlee delve hxrebrid Ven that outwear Iioy while Ibex uptortualty Data Lon a. In r.raf P. - W 06CUelt M fit f1haptxr Mx of the laws of a u d buildIUG r 1 f nood b n. Hnuday a,8.01 a.At..k4b P.m. IIM."woonded AynhWe Ler k0of tl, Iawr L.-ave Abutltnok, S.Ib 1. m.. 8.01 p- U OU r,ltt+oo it takenoathe Dn•Wel- tlDadaye.AI{a.m..AOS D•at. thrill DAmte will be nithep Ne.x T. B. Ackerson p V W the seeopLnnW of . lhlrn-vto l:.tlttlpany _`al'telnk laeTefWptituld fnrGreAapoM.W 9W 101 ur for the Wm filen us"or the dAyt• ILa1 a. Ill., ll.c', u.5-' P. m• sulk n01141threelibullet•, _ 140 Nassau St., New fork City 0.It,T.OID.m. -. It No. a•areel,q by LAW your W TrelR ledVe.IlnOt hold fo:Sag Rerhl,[6 ILIe�ta06a,,ro0eAnnually In p+rWtu.to- /� AoUaanfelt ria iia oar and Nestport..0 iM Wallacema111of the Southold Nreo 11 ■� � ' O pnOaCWog with ""d solo on Mob In W Interest In the Garde W U ■6I• lavlxloa,wank de7I Id.D.tn. PoattAtpp... Neal the aabod nlent�Ae p•m. GUMuu[ua•, IAl/p.nl. klaittrlc. . 1t the ashool WUf ldutlp b halm at Hall. ",°ate 'i'u me room for the Poet Oflitr _W 'ilnit taa0 10•cna �'aw vert,sub t w LrYI blue the*uo*aVentn0 Igilre a.W aMilnR At ntait sok,:L•; ullOOa. Wm. H. ue, s's; Pool, e, r,fii; Nouthold. 7 ws-a.'rRitin. sterslary H ferry .port. 1.40, slonpine only on ng will sell at public auction at his N..Hr00klyn c"nulcttun. 75.1 Leeve New York•04th street station, f _. Mau Inlet. Vuelerne, lopWnle, fho A ;t Furniture Store Greenport And prltlel/ai 1 ,t"rale fele a - gOII'1'gOLD /r/,y long.weeeek dol a.wADn.nl 4.00 D. m. s i deet.970.nl ,a lop.Ill. ber• Brooklyn, Flat Avon Stationaf66 nGt,ote tater that, 341Southold AV] e1Z Friday, Oct, iN1I"-. 7111 little table .U4ert p ,■t net An. -change without natice. 0114111111101141111111 September 4th, 19116 at 1 p' _LONG ISLAND RAILROAD tura SAkA ta. REAH, principal Household Furniture Will 14of n o,nupWd o""o,.rolul n, consisting of Bedroom Suit, Bookcase, a-w1I1t0r tta"Biosesliall Lo,l n.:. Sewilfg Machine drop Load, Bedsteads, EXCURSION pmtwn tnlnnote ba nwu,gmN"'r• Chairs end Rockers, Locking Classes, +:: rmkkeerfe",Amr•,m,d wdaeeq vel.pun•, and Dole,Mil dull,•. Picture Fl Smog, Net Doors and other I C O U R S 11 articles of Furniture and House Furnish- _ _ TO ttr,t T•,r:,, 'Ing Goods. All New. Also new and BROOKLYN ".. mond ,Pup,"n Sya•„nI second-hand Sash. IIlove?. mid Ik,ubb• Kul', so,:tk,.. Ir,r etn,a0,narx,,,l .'•,mn,•.,:,.,,, B. F. Macomber Burt Long ttltnna coy t.n ,S.non.-al 4l .�.e it Uj p,'lunc`non ,,,. ,�•„� �, will sell at the name time; Oil Cook December 28th, 1808 Stoves, Oil Heaters, Cook Stove. Heat- sN+,rtnaaa in�5 SWve, ('ream Sepnratore, Tinware, Special tickets will be sold for train 1h=11ter M,.••hanl.,n 011 Cana, f.tunpe, Chimneys, Cooking leaving Southold at 7184 A. m., good Aar.ae.d lkxn"k—pbo, Utensils, etc. only going on Derember 24th, at the w«Als.hra lull hrnl" h«r. rate of 01.80 for the round trip Star• Aflet ural.l 'telhu,.,u` GEO. A• MAIER, - Auctioneer Tickets gond to return on any tegular. Aud Potrn.:n Ilu.nu.x: e.4kfrr,..pnad,•ay.: train Decem her 29th, 30th fir$t pt, 1408. Skip if very star", neat fair day /}w per To. of I” wan, -_ I lianut to buy a few tiowa, i edea+"` There am• hw Ile.. 1 fl, - either Berkshire or Jersey Beds, Do W le 4"11,1144,aOWkot A.n au 1 N'. STACK &. CO. (2d house t q'apa7d4st made at one, b, • a,•rt h .,r h. a. HMu....,, swithold. must be fine stock and well bred, and I 1 r s E. VA" avedao,n"r.for III', Edl•t, ph„noAmp ha 1 I ILt�Iwlrman,or And,i•dd ,u,dded H,eopr. laryp a reg : t.g nasus,talptt ppb of Atl wont to sell a forequarter of n mum Isadlae re,•epe always on bea�srq,.r V p Brst•clnas prime Beef,eorn fat. 'f 'POST OFFICE Fixtures, lacludii,g II{�tened, at g rte per pound. Jar, j- M r 4a•k . Bbl. vamp .°t " " Dr. Marshall, Southold �1verT wlnduky, light WD tar taeulrc f I1. w. PRtNe.E.Southold. ] 4u7 Shooting Match93 or Quarter of Beef Edison Phonographs , `a Turkeys and Fowl ill / 9,7 The Edison k'hon :tto hs At ata �Mi ret sour er 1jedison day th honograph e roust verset P FENCER W. PETTY instrument in the a, ' t k10UTHULD 1jt AIME stands alone as an entertainer New.15Yearfis Day ` n ;or RLAtlsw A 11.411110, even in the hands of 1 qo� at 1:30 p. in. maaber, will only play p• _ Fur Vn rtleuiu ra Inrluhre of a.W. Femusic. The hill guitar,Or any other Instr ument, , f] a —•- — -- VICTOR TAG °°"'"° ° °a"° play but one kind of music. singer can only sing in one voice, The Edison Phonograph pia ((MACHINE$ and singe everything. At your pleasure it will e �'"" Orchestra, piano, violin, flute, banjl,, or an give You band And Supplies, music. It will sing selections in an y other instrumental --- duet, trio, quartette Y ulllity Of TOL-e. and' in solo, FA The victor Is the brit Inetrumeut of it, toned a r gUlntette, Ur C The smooth, pur A kind on the market. urnr recon milli... ltteu'""Tinatural reproductions of Edison Phonograph dNlara'worth of there good. were told Ier401 I. That-the Vlelor Is the�e+t.W n, tnproved reproducer, which$oes not wear i gor a duoannn, I,* as t i ser, record, Its reproducing point does sari( n soled • 61¢heat prlc,•x aL [br sot requfl'a changing. .A werrr n ana NL. molls yr. nt elates all harsh, scratching sounds You must herr the Edi er re nos m mearrr and mor, Phonograph Bing or play the kind of musio you like. Then lural Loner than any other. They or, you t t a mere novelty, but a aLadesl Imtrn will know. It is very easy to hear• the Edison. You can hear if t it of ggr••ntnri merle. No rest renulre, f,• at the home of the agent, Who Will gt y r thn Victor herb. The records are , rt of art and nee precllcuily Indistinct adl shoal it t0 y0a. tl e, and will wear Im.n•r thus whet T W. STACK !' rd a, aides adl+e record they lake ill T. & r0. F# a IN0 rotwn then ayllnJor roe0fde. 11 (ti,.ilyoad Ave., lad house above de tare cat wkelhor you listen 90 a I.-fl. pot) FOr'raot.U, N. V. e hand, oroh0,dra, vinlln or vora1 ^ _ 1�T - 4the floortensa am" t"u, efar. lelnsl I• E D I S O N r LIN tteppMTd Vlc.Lm herUPo Yon hu) I f_( Instramslkk• The orient are within to, 8R@toW4;I;-7ir�N ;i eh Of all. Ask for InformAllan or rend r ea&&loans. s Phonographs Ie lHistory :9 ar Ibr.A. C. SIOS �� C•E,CRA MIiT lib x isc enl t - rnn1lM� Mattituck LL N�r ,b'r."I""' I r 1'b It Ialta,l �r Southold lam• Y 1,, 1"" ooct nus , Ilft tl T 7 N .11 r d mualu,l I n , ,• I en M�� true trills. a,ralr•d at .r, Ilttl.. , can A Lo n V Island 4 -•at Ie ,aa, t{tri r ll r I my ul t be latoyl Hreunb n ut4no Uy I G J_NathanH . Sayre nuldYCost, [,nn it We �•'bpm•altlewt .I .,:.1.h m ps cote rn na me • y d,, 3IvT147t47itdf. r M all Ind 1 all.bA. oar W sone hems any dq' r ,vnning. AM Int no boor It free of 4 1110 vk"With mnP°Nd 10Ilio°,ret U+m. PECONIC, L. L hnrael or It toll cost yw nothing to bear i It ill .,Ir Inluu•. tip a"nralMlMl IuRumallap CARPENTER & BUILDER -- - "a� ler old nt Sewina The White Il xis nxat•d,li•I,..b. reatau nc•arrea g' AVrKMn.1 K •L-Y• 6eNTRACTINO AND PERCENTAGE ana I"""^'•')"1° YAr- J0881NO A SPECIALTY th" , +: ill n. --- Machines In cbh,_a .a01 bIN1Ls� _ QYellt Ilh Nu [ry"r.nnhN rNPb Mannlurt. AOP.NT FOK :rete e. cel. 1'.to zi. a'coaly . Thu White and Ll. Li n«win¢ Yeah.Ma •u I „nlme to]ae-•. Z. F. W. Devoe ft L'o.'6 Paints .old on sees L,•nnt. Lm..r,d nlaooaat M tue.aeky sr., r. I�. sun. Varnishes, Brushes, etc. All rankel,of eaapnee rnpplrw. �" YB. CRRRF:r i'ANWES; aA' A f°Irallowenm for old mnellmer In AA- A^.,v); Crlw.m ItanNler aan e tlto\l'n 11 ern',:n ecu nlvd Yl,hl¢I•:+Nile Tlle. chun¢e for now. b�n, ty I'„rkn,e tow... tan-ywr. Ill., xb.nylr nen ah•'op"r Ihau Lhu Twat Poli,.. ,.,uh Urr;u,tum and,Abnr - Y,x~I xh hl glc,annrnnlred .10 to Nxt,ata• Ad&wu JLL. Goldsmith "' 1'I:udx: "I .T- u- 1'aahe¢- and j - YnroL and roe ulre .1.. PNInt. rol.ed r:Arllana T.Huta, ISmirw r+ael, A CA RD SOUTHOLD, N. T,.'wh°°-Anted. All,Iron, t..a•.;.ton Mill. to swan",Ito Mat.by To M' Patrons: The proprietors of aesldenes,'•Haattinghnrx["aom0 l`s nhn, a, I, j ale Independent Lenox Oil have in- pgT ARRIVED—A Full Line of ledlaa Yae1 saris I t•„rlr 1 formed me that they have &hipped me J WelIr. In oil len Iawt 6. k IarRe COnelgnmeOl of the only relic- And r doill1�aI. 0.1 grad a+. Aho bee oil in the market to-do LENOI(. yr. • .Placa, chair.,one 1 , Have juet received ten hirreis, and r cowl meta"°w d lees t will eonatantlp keep it on hand at the b.8. afectil. L 1'econic Mill Homo, for egah only. k .t�yo WILSON L. PETTY YOU WANT TO !) fie' - Sole agent for Southold, Peconic, Cut- noell t dna—aft tbttan or a ,u. cheigue and MattiWek. tI. nANaf,. I ktaL'.I_ F t � pDoial ection 'n' rI�H o Ll) Notice it hereby elven. Y proscribed by LONG ISLAND RAILROAD OU .qupter lw of the Keulull JAWS of lett, of - e �ry the Wtsuf pew York. entitled. • Ak div Spring Escursion�SAVING BANK to,t in tin,lauformf o t l News trlr[ h the lbws of apodia park Moffat 40 —TO— Smttbold, N. Y., June 20, 1907 (wu uLy.waillcum", W.de for park tjoo,afor." that A meet- NEW YC'8.K The Trustees direct that interest 19e7 lna of the.��♦pion of saw district,tithe '. I16P�itors Jury 1, these _ON— I alcredil Some ontitht thereinhmonths and o er the bwWold Ualoailarloll bnuh,wl llbtrlet, DO or Saturday( April 6th by-laws for the P per ler rival for the election of a treasurer Ik elK months t the ra rOe of CUnr p such d/nitut,to all the vacancy oecanloned ° An opportunity to visit the cent tie ray the 4011"Ir Non of Albert A- Folk (who _ This mtereat will be w m id, recooLly elnewd such umrurl ur W- Barnum &. Bailey Circus base-books of the Gepooi i long an u the duo«n .hereat. °are Garden d desired, on and after July 20, 1907-ISKYOun b.Id at 11KI,MONT H Ala., in eue11' at Madison Sq its made ON or ddd��� A 7 Special Excursfua tickets will be told Deposits Jm1Y 10, will draw i �t•a�,'/°tawtb taeaD Ile•�l cibu,":I{ for train leaving Southold at 7 I SI -Interest from July 1' w.,twued at alt o'a kava a.m.and cloned a ova uhbwk p m.of tha4 day L he on April lith.at the extreme tbta ash ay of aty.IWt• 13w sotto of �1 D0 for the round trip. f6anY, president JoeEFH N. NALWOit,Town Oleo -Tickeb will tie good Koing only on the Jowl, B. _.._--s+•-- -�"-""` thin shown above.M April 6th,►rod H, H. HuNTrtN°• Treasurer - yb" for rerun trip on an regular train _- _ Noliee to tM pa6fic: April Eth, 7th or 8th, 1907. School Meelia{ Coit" 116 Nov- 4 the barbers of The annual School Meeting of South- Southold Will put into effect new toles, W Co g ices, and 169; hours as follows: T"E BAY t�1 .pr4having, l6oi , 26c; Fug l �Pulwor said i d Yen,x� i4 ��"' TTodwa 01 Southold, f* tMosketlon of o`'`uting, 2fic: ' ampToroim, tile; fl4R tW+ee.too pry dos. ar per loo, n•' two members of tJlp Bead of Edtlea• Massage, 26e; Hair Stage, 26c; Resor by L. HAUNANN,eller lois« ah. ; tion. in bw of Jtaar Tilmapsttn and 9haryonmg, 26c. AGO(1ls BT1RFeD `-�1'e1ekl�• Kom for three years OtAk i Closing hours : g:W1 o'clock abnrp Ny .appropriation of naceesary OR. every night ezeept Wednesday, 8, and the transaction of such and tardily 11 o'clock. t 8 o'cicing ock, ve you wagon using Cushion lubber Pgpr will close lit 8 o'clock, will rethe them in a TaechWi" °tkell b°, will as may come before the Jan. 1, 19ed to•thts fire eettim aieKlnK, will W held in the school elefu WedneadaY and Satut'dsY, -)atemer by u W building on Tuesday evening, August til further notice. mtchine. S. W PETTY 6, 1997, at 7:30 o'clock. SOUTBOLU Tbefollowing is the utimated test ng Island R.R.Time Tab] _ —>��-- -- of nminteming the school during LM Frtnotivo Nov. I, fur sourcing ar, pared by the Notice of Election I� Hoard of Uucalioo: Leta, ewuthold for w,w• York, Uroukt EXPENeat pnKelpel Iatermedlate tlatlory, Notice is hereby given. ax proscribed an,8.ell.n.m,L40 p. n.. auuda7p T by Chapter 'L3A of the Seaswo Lows of Teachers' Wages $11,926.00 n.., 3.0 V.M. "i 1907 of the State of New look. en. Janitor am.01) "'— ani am.W TyalM leave Romhad rot titled, "An act to wthoriee the for >•(10. IIM a. m., mation of a park district in Ow "I%ovll Inaunllee 60.00 ds», d.•Nn a.m. Sa ilirx 100.00 TrW Wrea t4ouN.ota fo: = of Southold, Su fulk(:ouoty, to nryui re PI ItndaforPark purposes, and W teeuel Inridenluk 800.00 NMfiak. ria Nanny satl East '. tl Printing ,yo,(q oouaaOetNyla■ w9th wuat grains un 11 therefor," that a meeting of I • meat on bald mete levino l t'm itis ,I.M. a. 1 i toter o1 sell district rthe Y obafae, ;4t: sr°iiptuoa,I.M. IF aft the xame ax Inlenst on dul,t /60.lq Leave flew Yort,stt4 fittest sy t UMN School Dia- Libra? 60.00 NatHtuot. ou[ehaaue, eta al,.a __ [InenW,rpaad Drlmdpal latee'.^a��y�'.�' pal fast lilt.election of I. I46.� 'tions. Hook 0a7e.dose,tall a. ri-' ��ep� u park coni- S6, nnudar..am a, .u.. of tllei seat'bo ant to Rrt:klPTs Tram,soave rookily� y of age, Hn•elpla from State $ 726.00 JmLlOa,wla.ut 6 ee r Lreet tl.n ,raw telda a ,o0 ' �p� Yid yyeas krumroo-ruident pupils 100.00 obswewnhouta�o.lc,,. Tor a To be rll}aed by tax 6,8f0.00 _ --- Bel° three ysen district, w MM he Watch, Clock Belmont of J, n such dieAAet, on qts b E/N da ut June, 191ri, ted that file WN. Il. T4WaY P016 of election Will be opened at alk o'clock and ckmed at five o'clock oL �]h: hav,• a mnR•alii'. land jelYelry that dayy. l.,) i1.,,It „u Ill a ,i Dated this lith day of Jure, 1917. work u H kL. W is PAIRING of every di scrip0as JosEPH N. HAIJJK:K. Town CLtt ahte If Iva. Clof4ing t°' h;r'w,�k. L. W. OVERTON'8 apply a ay OTH(ILD 8.I1'!X03 peor,ntrSUUTHULD I?-4.IrK will close Satlenlays at EES FOR BALM )0Yr pini It O'afoc✓k rer4ln, durlttd June, Winner honer east year. 1Wlaa neM la work caned for and deuv v d_ stly, �ngleet sett Septrnebar. labeet go NITI, etp L boueht now. ROL" Irr Ylaw.tl.uth010 NO710E—Commencing Kooday, N. J. N.TKkUT, "other M toe prlca of the Me seal: 0.49,NUMTTINU.Noe, eos°laf aewapapen will be Wvwnewf to ' (tollo Per early or artysesta qpetrr nqk H. N. p♦W6f - � l ,. ENTERTAINMENT �N�- - nso� a.a6 'I1P°i, SE" BELMONT HALL Southold N ° """ ar,r41 ps w bw,raY/ , etmeaf HALL, yore r the . ut•prcIW rill Friday Evening, August 2, 1907 e: Mw a un, dlr oop a.d W eawa' I..eiSl, Aa:ae,Watl t [ :w.sL1►ArArArAir w_, 41r.�1/ WOW b a m"a m aOWW °tanoorr or, dqs ,_4., "rird ujr W Wt pt �. PROG RA M 42p* tpwp,mq 114Nc6 eleopto 7ba rn M ; i Prelude by Southold Talent :.° OOe'I `'° � abs NlD Ieel FNt of '^��., M. H. COOK, Director ro mlpabr,rppm l6rua,ir"a at N y, ? mlpule., Wmt alY fM b . elelalw �M9 CHORUS—$OUTHOLD Cila49 tit°per r.nnleS JfpnB ul A.I.r Jl. H f'•rok fade t.aaen pY1Yi. Ina.Dn�a I SONG—"The Hard Leeson" Opera Air Wr►ep.N+.r,aspmQ ute( 11411ael lu 6 4 its Marline Young or Pee e4 Nbs,law,.ru t• the D°mle PDPmi,�81ro b t•••lisle �. RECITATION— "Watchio' the Sparkin"' Miss Leila Thorne (Brooklyn) alrerkaa1.V V Varroyee J0 1. d Lae ern ;311 VIOLIN SOLO—"Ada lo" I., 6nlftrrritor> :,,Yla;asa on.F° g al. 11 � w�°n:from[Ee euuwaralinolly, Mr. Tyson $50.00 IZewar I REMINISCENCE of Oki Time Folks Mr. G. N. 'Furry `. THREE PART SONG—"Southold" .11. u. r',„,I. A reward of $50.00 will be Mise Irene Glover Mies Eleanor Lewi;1 paid any person glVMS infov' Mise Beatrice Mitchell Miss Carolvn Goldsmith matlDn leading to the rest and Mise Rose Mahoney Mian May Cane aaconviction of an ' person or sone who u, or has be f directly or indirectly Q . Entertainment by New York Talent In defacing or darrin , form my place of b M. F. MILLS, Director L. W. OVERTp VIOLIN SOLO--"Traumerei" Xukt. .ti'rl,u,aann �. SOUTHOLD Mr. 'ry.orl ,Long Islaud R.R.Time READINGS from hie play—"Tha Anarchist" tit► g Mr. lVaften yar„�` a br ttrw y SOPRANO SOU) �elecfed d+srDr so tt p.disy Mean Lyons in_a.�! W. HUMOR land lots of it) 71+1��l6 ra aatrvD ..: ,terD.aD4 11.98.. p,.. I.S'. ede t Mr. Areh. Selwin den, All P.m, Sq4 sea ed br ` illy kind permission of Joel) Yon�•b YwMan,,rur eW naeypeetep{t�ty�,w{its erxt ip�ts. NO POSTPONEMENT 1eA Eel:ya' 'f•0D11t°' t ain% attuo,ii'laa ew Tort.rue Admission, 25 cents ° r'•;,r;",;a;w Doors open at 7::a1 t;nt.•rLunrn r,lr •.1 +!� Mel(}m.,ilu P.,4 araoklr4 { 6 Menu Dr. J. W. STORES a T�",l,m• SOUTHOLD _.._,. Otnce of A. F. I.ON'idllRRjs COLD • �• Utnre Loan: n to u a,m.,I e." n:.r,to x nen.'� Druggist and Ch I suctec, r 1 1 I! It cy DruE Co.) y,l .Tr,,,l [tJ 56 Notice At the Corner Grocery The firm of Smith A Fickeiesen wee I You will find an up to date and fresh stock of best Grocerie dissolved by mutual consent on s, at Jan. l6, ;Well, and Mr. Fickelmen will continue, live and let live prices. Please note prices on following: the business. All Wile owing the firm Armour Star Hams 1311 lb. are payable to Mr. Fickeissen. S. H, SMITH White Label Bacon lBc lb. F. FICKRISSEN Fancy large Oregon Prunes, 2 lb. for 25o S`EED POTATOES, 100 bu. Cobblers, 11 California Prunes, 3 lb. for 25a new teed wt yLar•u.ao per a,. r.�.h. gma110r .1 1. SC lb. eouthold. H I.BZNN STT.math---- Same, 10 lb. for 75c Notice of Election Fine, tender Sugar Corn, per can 12C Notice is hereby given Y prescribed Best Peas, per Can 14c lee by Chapter 234 of the Sesd= Laws of 1807 a the state of New York, en Best full Cream Cheese 22o lb. titled "An Act to authorize the for- =ties of a park district in the Town Good Tub Butter 340 lb. of Southold, Suffolk County, to acquire Indian River Oranges, per doz. 25c lands for park purposes, and to Issue donde therefor," that a meeting of the Fresh Celery, 3 bunches for 25c legal voter of said district (the boundaries of which are the same as Just received, barrel of Sauer Kraut those of Southold Union School District, number five) for the election of three Goods delivered free of charge to any part of village resident$thereof as park commission- C/ _ ars,as of whom may be a female over LJ 1 twenty-one yam of age, for a term o `'�'1 l ' F e F I C K E I SSE N one. two and three years respectively, - _ and a treasurer for a term of three - The Bay' View �g Ialand R,R,Time Table years will be held at Belmont Hell, in i ouch district.as the first day of Febru Eevetive may N. Hsrl :WLb1a�ty�r 1808. sd that the pulls of election Floral Company w�M at sunrise and closed at ` L.arx anuthold for New York, Hronklrn o that day. and princlpa I lutormedlate statious, week Dated this 16th day of January,1908. Offers a full line of days.TA I M„Aday wily i,7.ne a.n,., Hunda0a,7.66 a.nl.,ltal P.n,, .loesFH N. Hat.Locx, Town lack BEDDING PLANTS Trotnatnavits"Lhetsfor rywMk d - ay, c.W, n,wo. m., ive�a:t � Ml p• at. fur Spring Planting such as GERANI-hund„ya,It.16.7.01 p.m. Becktold & Acker OMS, SALVIAS, COLEUS, CAN. Train nta k va, aputnold far na B�r and Montauk via Mawr cud or Mg If to ' .NAS, VERBENAS, PETUNIAS Poewnia. tun: Outel,usue. 7.C; M Y. t + BOIITHOLD, N. Y.' r.T PANSIES, ear. 'rraloleavee[l Marini form tril•It. Store in Carroll Bldg on new HarMrc Road tnnm,k, vtn Muto1 and F,aatWrt. e '1,aepb,n„. :.:F-s pntehoaa,. Also VEGETABLE PLANTS of all onnerl.lna with west trolht on Mop ___ �!uvi.Ina' t�.,Is P. m.i P"onla, 1.11; at- —BTOVp p kinds, CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER,Fhwt°e.r.rr; Mattauok,est. E8— •'rataler.ves 11oaLhold for New Tookaq d TOMATO, EGG, PEPPER and Wrapklyu, via Rn.typrt and Mnptruk UI- and STOVE REPAIRING Hina,nml p.w,; eowale. [.M:eatahoaue, 1 Plumbing, Healing and SWEET POTATO PLANTS in any 10; Mat"Wek,S.M. . inutily. tntave New York.Nth street station, for I MatUtuoR. Outthtr$ue. Peoonla, &mthpld. Gas Filling �,�,;,wristdays`ta20alW., lMoon u Bay View Floral Co. rvHlopl M a. w,.,r.le p.m. (Montauk Di-In- 7lWind ing end Sheet Iron EngiNyorne, •Htoa ,4.00 p,lel. duamy, 11.40 a. m., L.Ie Wind Mills,Pumps, lila nnrinee SOlithOld, L. I. �v. tat. ' STOVES STORED rsllmaty. , TllHrooklyu, Rt Areaus G thole l&te, L114” Nth lhrrlahr lmnl"t. MERCHANTLINE tr,,n thn, iLh t 11111 tuna tahle anh)aat to _ --^ unuau Wont rutins. Notice CA traf1011T ONLY / YU'tf aonthold o,111 h.,lw let.FTER Oct. lat. 19W my house of Notice a hereby gluon that school "�— fHt ro, It HR79MOH47 children and others must not make foot Steamer City of Have'hill leave 1 Batt run"n st brookly.n paths through private plots in the cern Pier 31 (old) F. R, N. Y. Tuesday, plryadjoiningthePresbyterianchurch. Thtu•edav and aatnrday at 6 P. M„ . Powis laid out are open to all;plots for (}reappork, Orient end Shelter pTlvats property. Island. Lease(iraenport alternate Ca F. Cast~ Chairman dove et P. M. A1.9a9T T. DI�x�.voN,Secretary Lowest rates consistent with best �•,� b:gry'#QW, of Trustee,. 'vice. Freight teoeited daily. I?uIt 3A1.�`'— Fares-and most T. F. Shaw, manager. •d.:,Wr ldeveof prop,rty to souLm,W. g , a.n. n,ty ii ma . with havemeM; Is,rm 3, - a.n..an.and.aAeOrr'lard. R. 1.BIottT,Aau:hold .. .... to g]endeaver THE , i �„ Sly FAMOUSFRANKLI Cash PriAi�, QOIOn and after CaUTOMOBIL ° I will do business onno book, basis. Ishall Handiness, Durability to keep all kinds of me88d best quality, and at th]1 possib!e prices. Nu EXOR44 WEIGHT ; hollowing are the p -� YOU SAVE 1N POWEI this week' Ik.1 and lore non•omlyi ear o. wx nark,SIRLOIN STEAK �..�• 16 111 p. Itm,ahoct ![1.550 tad.y. Yuu Save MONEY EVERY TIMROUND The2131 YOU DHIVETHIBCAR Ia nmlfarJnr,e m I CHUCK heavy(though lower Rrst'.. rlrel•, IN TH . . . . I11' eNU THE FRANEBIN PRICE ReATA 'rue RIB ROAST 22(, �W PORK CHOPS a , Wh ore.f tk xe•slang fat ale Franklin Palc . . . . . . .INPOW - IINt haw ewes of,,.A Island art or Patclrass PLATES and Port Ja•anrvm. We w1116n Klnd to Klre aHpoelLls lufm Uolirtlred on,whor,, In the vlllwae 16 It.p.Touring Car tioo.nn ^ As au.rn(an pronI • 1 rince 61,duU , ■ 1, W. F. MORELL"& SON, P E C O N I C AVENUE, R I V E R N E A P The Famous 1Oa,4 df ) AW ` —F O R , AUTOMOBILES r I l I... It,,,.. v:,n of nun Imxkd .- -Id In I•; "❑ #Ir,^ea,d gra dpT1 .• VVP ARM I4 POSITION TO MAK F, IMMEDIA'CE; ,,gaga ,�!u,'k lower tlua4 . llELTVf RY ON THE r I alar t nlrnunn. Model F BUICK n, .,wt„ E11 . f��� I R,ixp Th cin❑rtt laa tip(R•er SS Illnt � nt IYn#{ran1Y IY NtlY �r 1 !t^ .?rel«la *J1I be un e#hlblNrl Tilli 51Ud1' KELIAIiLI': FAMILY CAR HIJILr• After CAJI 86 "0r " ` amu In Ktlltuek, HANUJ.BP BY THM MU81' INV,kPQI11ENCIll) PENYON fsr 1{Ilt. mrl,lAb,aux and Delos to of dnmaae. NothinK lo Jo L It drive, ag ll Ill,, workll,a Verb go roto- - matloAlly idled, THE (;HNAI'N9T CAB TO MAINTAIN ON WOREJAI E �' .MPA ffi8ttitrlck,LL.�- j rnr R Practlnal dela,nl«I ration of nay BUICK Modal Addrwx drmrer nt l ntnn moue. Fine (%,rise 00011110111111 Hagen & Corwin, , �•` „���a Riverhead "°"`'i'°w"Yy�� �. W. H. GttQ , �`s�-r�-► MY plate on Man Sl Southold WE KILL HOGS. I fu 40 )d 1 nafh twin d n rod %ata MUM 1 aA7lou I wlw fruAt (loud rooter . l,lf AH. EDWIN Te7RRY,6oulhuw MHN KATY 111.INM PIO N , ,a U, V•/'�'�`- rMNNLY Ronlil„Id._ IAWERING P '_ -- FRANKLIN F OV ERTON, M. E, purchased O1nM HOUSE and Lot RL the-head of aosar vlxw Floryl� Muln NI Hnn Lu,Id Bald ". I hn Surveyor and Engineer - Muai fol Igo or so 111y. V„o lutx m1 lDnker'e lm xJ I 11. HUILTON, Nonthold. r Spec al Cash Prices AT KO RN " S I Holiday Groceries, etc. 4l, Gold Medal Flour, bbl. . . $6.615 , William Tell Flour,just as good 6.00 100 Ib. bag Gran. Sugar . 5.10it 25 Ih. bag Gran. Sugar 1.30 _ Hams, per ftp . . . . . .12} Shoulders, per it, .10 � 4' A 40c Tea reduced to . .26 ` Good Coffee,per 1b. . .15 = Can each Peas,Corn,Tomatoes .25 _ — - ' Raisins, seeded, th pkg 11 Currants, cleaned, 16 pkg . .11 _ y Citron, per ib . . . . . . * .25 f Heinz's S. Mixed Pickles,gt. .18 jo Sweet Florida Oranges,doz. .20 7! i,ii Mixed Nuts, per fl, .16 - � '1 Fine English Walnuts, to • .16 - �- n Chogolate Creams, fine, 2 Ibs .26i� Mixed Candy,good, 3 Its for .26 1 Kirkman's Borax Soap. 6 for .26 `Pr ces This Week ,AT � /' I • rince Bros ' , Market Beet Steaks . 20c 22c It. bl— !Round 16e 18c ib i = Prime Roast . . . . . . 18c It, Pot 12c 14e 16e lb �\ ", rt�;ij Lamb 14e 18c I r II 4 Pork 12c 14c Ib I Chops . . . . . . . 16c is Sausage . 15c th }a 4� c Bologna . . . . 16c it, One Week's Credit Given ` Prompt Delivery in Village RUBBISH, auch au old cane um7 bs Jumped ,u mr pl,, Am Now Prepared to 'Pry Ynur Laid "k,IIG�� '(f iii Kill Hogs MaknYaur Nauxngc p 1 �A y. t }y r.y 1 .1rx,rd wtll brhae lel y, C. Edwin Terry, Southold o ji. 11As A RRTIH, BE i;t>()II 99 The '� �6 ,E-MVoyyiIC E . ICEI. On a,nd after Monday, April 26 We we be prepared to furnish ffygiea fee to all needing same.I All orders will receive prompt attention. Vutchogue Ice 00. urcnoaue, L. I. -_ - G110. 1'. BILLARD, Gen. Manager f.,J Bion to id entirety by the EverittdVlstngt, I,'] .I v-. dl ,,:uatpui a,r J heonggidentidwl with the autotbobile tydnatry- 1, wj,.wfi Date.. !' the toad �an�Fmture"factories and am hese Kl in hl�i:;,. �nule<r:'d eilhI -. t .7.. AI ,rolw LONG ISLAND RAILROAD tion of 12,000 sal,"of one model to tile onk res ,n •, :ru 1. n ,r a L, R014,for so low apriwi l) thesin the any ix pi th°' l '' 't i'"Spring ExcursiOnl nearest oompetitur wltb the same xyyipw em X1275 star,life arii.lIncludes p,ja( lull uta w n•nvr —Tu- - atnr, herb, Imnp Jurh, ,gyp L li to 1 ,ttbt. ryMfN�r outnl. larldlaxbb°�°nt leastWitlinf`I'u_' r, wftJtm tllpl',t,of New York and Brooklyn On machinery nod not an eztm A pateuted estansic t.,n tpith 1s66t,tori, portains and all nutomatir:814M wind shield „uu$11N1 1.111 i„ual. —ON— � S+ Let's give you a ride after you have tried all it IV "r r kinds,ag7 we will tesva it to you tw to which ear suits you the Lott+i Saturday, April 17 Special excursion tickets will be sell JOHN He H A E� D, L, for .,train leaving 11th, at he"At 7ta I;I \ it,'1i HEAD, L,1. o m., on April 17th, at the Trolley Meeting 9e 9 ! - -- - low fare of 01.80 for the rou tltp. To the Inhabitants of the Tmmn of AUCTION Tickets will be Qoar to retain on any South.otd: regular train April 1711, IRth and 111th. l } Ana lication having been resented See posters in stations l pp p at late residence of the late 11 Ito the Town Sonora of the Tawe of. I DANIEL TERRY U�ALU U, Bb�Cg & SOH i Soutbold, by John 1. 'not, Geeryje W. Reeves, re or E. Lewis, George F. ! Stackpoie, and .I, Madison Wells, for ' the consent of the Town Board of the SOUTHOLD o"fw, SOUTHOLD. N. Y. /9CI Town of Southold to enable the petition- (Nara well of Y. 1, leaota'r) ers,their succeesororsuceessors, Iusees y Thursda ,April ■ + and assigns, and the corporation to be ,r p � , plo��ifle aad ge�tiflg l organized by them, to construct and operate a street surface railroad for at 1 P. ui. sharp,90 CiI � public use, through, upon and along the Contractors I 41 avenues, streets and highways set'i Household (iootii t forth in the epplleatinn. Notice is Tin and Sheet Iron Work hereby given that It public meeting of consisting of Bede, Beddhng, Stoves, In 1u Ila branch". 1' the inhabitants of the Town of South- Carpets, Chairs, Dis6se, Cook old will be held at Belmont Hall, in the Utensils, etc., will be sold Furnace and Range Repairs village of Southold, N. Y., on Monday, April 19th, at 10 a. in , for the purpose I Itum,eta, Murnfrbaa of considering such application. It stormy,[text fir day 30 Years' practical Experience J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk -�M to burin!" In gest Urnap'. N.J. t5 years - --.•'j..._..D_-�rr+- rr� t, .rr.ari611I1TH. LongI,OIlIelaud R. lafYtB 1$tf�Q� "a mow• "utbofd for oreeoxrt. Aa wort saaraotead w"A da�a,a.rN,, II.NN a 11,11, s nl.,7,51_. • I o m. -dnyN, N IN a all. 19.17 T.UI P. w. I•m,.New' Iork,alta street ddlon, for E fAtfrp .len. 21, 11Xe 'mtardaye only.9.500 t,at, I v.k.,'1Wht na-. Rr.nle. "aUthold. 1. Tntln Ips cn4 tlpq far aaa H.""r ureenport and ornwlWtl Intermed Leave sol�tntia ter Now Ynrk, aroek Un 4lud alounulk. tis or a elat0ort �sWtloux weer ,at M,5.#A N,.q a w., adit and prinotpa AtA,',oedlnta NlatlonN, wpak!l.90 o nt.; YW 777......������ W 9.19 0 M. Haturdaya only 1.10 o W. '.—. A ,7.:7 n m. moods". Hattll un k.:.W. aeb oalt. Mulc. aEe a m.610 y in. �days 0:37 a13/,m..3:0 p..1Rll 7 Ntl alta.,tl s t1 p en am;01 1.0 if, i� to Tralne leave areyklyn, alae ♦ - v - Trninx [anus old York tNtbq, stout 6 1➢utas later ! w eirwi Ntna. pate Ybh .. L slid Hl uokl7➢, vlw: Asta e.ul, 7.ti . �' pm 1'eW4 of see.l.7s,.atones wAltoull it :j it 8.A,1.4 I I 100 -- Buy r tewartt Iron Fence Chegyerthnnw d' Will wt a lNerlme. Rllluel A.elee tlwls',Fro,ft.Lg0j,INC. y EW�IROIi ROW Y CINCINNATI. O. O...IUD degilug of Pro,Fee,.,bo..le led.. L,.Flu,.111 gle g,.ee I.e. C,11 ,d gee 4, f For Sale by ; J. E. COREY, Southold WILLIAM E. BROWN ` At the Old Stand Int tile Saleculent Agent for IN'T'ERNATIONAL AUTO BUGGY I Ti rw o J'riende and neighbors in Southold -- __ ORIENT. N. Y. For July Fourth �� III C H E L L I am prepared to furnish you with nice Fruit, Nuts and Con. fectionery, Melons, Pine Apples, • Lemons, EIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES, SPARKLERS, FLAGS, Etc., Etc. t sullen Is timall O,srt of your tm j,r. - 1_ 6i•sl,,(Ithdly sours. H. G. Booth lie K. Tyson SoUTHOLE AL I', L. N,ninnl§1 instructor in Violin Playing Tuning and Repairing 'Pluvt- I *llr ''u ItI.., -I-rycie, *1,000; 30-h.p.1 of Pianos I t .N it,, $1,500 ; -lu-h.la., 4-c yelly, $2,000 Fine grade of Pianos for sale. {--1 1 U T PO (�•� �B I L E ,.: de — 1 , • us FINE Strawberries for sole, eight L"'11tY u I", ti,i. 't'. aiL4A la,. r'uta.holuc `'IYPHEH'S Incubrdur, liPh;, Chichr-n - -- Iloo........11 1'u tat• 1 V u f la' I'3 n16t14hR uld furs 1` �I l- Y t -- I'luu 1 � � lull aN I larhor•nulot 1 1 I Lon .bland R,R. i i m <t�"� l Announcement of Opening o LONG ISLAND RAILROAD Ln NEW STORE p ? ,, ^/ EXCURSION - --TO ' Dn Monday, Oct. 1S, we will open the Manhattan Beach ' Store at Peconic, recently vacated Sunday, August S by GORDON & CASE Affording an op(wrtunity to visit Coney Island This Store will be run as a Branch to our and itd wonderful and attzactivr Southold Store. EDWIN O. FICBEISSEN AMUSEMENTS will have charge of the new aDe'lel❑ckntt•g xv Daly en tale wrlaa Hotlttl -e-rot Toa f- m.,•111 -twid at establlshaneIIte ins low nronf�s.aa for tab npnd•trlp. A full line of Staple and Fancy a R=l o;ua rest"M`naetwa IM vb P.Groceries and Provisions I frrtOt„etWuyntoa aoeHntastetlppa BIG A U CT I 0 N with a, nice side line of OF ENTIRE General Merchandise Household Furniture ecials i Yrktlfally GYN, Cnrrylas C,qa Inearaaea pat the Corner AT RESIDENCE OF Grocery HARRY TAYLOR �Best Tub 116,Butter, lb. SOUTHOLD 24 Ib. Tub, at 37oTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 211 IQ• M. Flour, bbl.24J " 24} lb. bag $7.00 AT to A. M. /So9 ,.6 lb, pkg. Prepared Buckwheat Flour 33o we enumerate FlOdR "s. .1`111111 of the all Met. 3 a ualr Mat. rr ,r ena.w.Webb Rtand:.Tbu.•I.S.,,..lmddlar Beat Now Orleans 13c eaeln, Parnv,uende. Rslanrwa Tatya M0188sOB, gal. IL.kbu, nmmr Raaw aamn,h 1 qt. bottle Pure Maple Syrup 600 Ruga,Malone.WIadew alnda,0t(y ,1 pt. 45c wnn,Plettlns,nne kerb arte=bm u u u u Rltebon Wave. Range, etc., tta. ' Large bottle Maple and Corn Syrup 25c ourraox Goons 23c ' ltobber-tiro Road Wagon (abw1. wyyl•' 1 Ib. Good COtTee, small beans borrow' Forks, shovels, I= ILpodw 3 lb. sameISD Win.t•aane[h1ltlrnNrr.Garden Toby Coffee etc., eta.. Or... rot,-.. rte. ;I lb, Good Tea, Oolong or mixed 50o TEaanEM eaNaa 13 lb. same Tea 35C GEO. A. MAIER, • $1.00 .. - Agrtlennr I EXTRA SPECIAL 1 Long Island RJL,Tiaie Table Can offer a few cases only of following: t$eCtlrb Nov „ Iw., i; Ib. can Corned Beef Hash noutenldwrNbw Ml,, 15C and vrinalnal IIItb1'r11 Tmk, Elrvnklyn ;t lb. can Luncheon Tongue ` i,uys. T,,., ,.� a. 1„ a�t�„a,l,,SU� 160 Telt a.w.,t.ar p..11. �.au Sliced Bacon, 25c size lmara POO-Ule :.Io, 7.M a re., sub V. W. ;d cans Whito Cheerios fine 15c Rundna,r.waw.,leapw• 150 „ Mntuwek,;7,.tlut,.&buAke oa,.in.. F&iIrS j,. large C9II Apricots 150 my*. e . 6al. lgng•. nOnda)'n.F.Ul r.w..t.at0.0. Peaches lSC rralnxy wave tawtho14 tot Grow 1�11 4Wweek du b,Y.ak Ile/a.DL,till•&IY.e.Y)a; � . Yu nLLayx,19.G.Lie D.In. We have on hand a nice lino of LINOLEUMS Train leaves R4etaold lair sad Montauk. via Maaar gait gild alxocunn"Lj NyN�r,�,t,AOa 14LCLOTH RUGS, and cordially invite your inspection. P. ola.t wsomww{,t►;a0 ;rices are right, ` (roave New vara,aux ratnat to t�.�r•. ; y t' �'` Mattltuak,ouWagha, Feeagyk F I C K E I SS E N 11a°°rt and OttDelpal /� •tatlon.. west dna,_Volga[ g�, aJ a Dm. Rulldaya llR a W..uAlp. Tnlna IWve STORES : Southold and Peconic s4ltlan..seat dtreat Mlate i. —. - •otaure�pLWt — a r.,,.. Chas. Be Becktold Something for Nothing ! Sotrtlm.D, 1.. 1. / 5'/ !/' Call and get a Premium Coupon Card. When your cash Plumbing, $9At1I1g purchases amount to $5.00, we will sell you a Imperial Mazarin0 ;" (las Fitting and Tinning Underglaze Blue 7-piece Dinner Set for 49 cents; or for ungines and Well Work Bs cents a 7-piece Berry Set with Sugar Bowl and Cream Note.hent In Itanthold Town for Pitcher, or Cake Set with Salad Dish and Meat Platter. "CRAIL , Eflf.F.�• wind M111s 4■a ••DAN,)V�• These are fine goods. 1 "ek[wfod^ and "Canopy^ Ranges Would you like a lot of Pure Baking Powder with a 1 EsUrate. turolahed on applloatlon nice Agate Pail or Dish Pan, or Double Cooker, or large Telephone,9.r.47 I Stew Kettle, for b0 cents ? All first-class goods. Long Island R.R.Time Table Hew about the Free Sewing Machine ? The light0st Rotative Jupe M UIU 'running machine in the world. All ball bearings and the IataAk LEAVE SOUTRW.D POR NEW YORK, Ina and Prbhalval Intermediate improvements. Call and see it. Alia.stations. twluandas.7.LJ a.m�.bL:r• 7 a. Just received a new line of Ladies' and (yenta' Furnish. 0 LEAVEmadad%'s.7.47 a..m..UY Y L D.,w 7.01 LEAVE OUTQWUtJE,euL, e.fl a.1"" "5&' tugs, Oiloloths and Linoleum%. t.Main. tl.ndafs.7Ata.m.IA.b.16P.in. Have you had the winter number of Butterick Fashions .. LeAYe MATnTum am. &.9 a.m., 7.ts. �Tda P• tldLEAT.atl►,m.,6M.s.Pt P. R (r2r Cents) and a pattern free .a TRAINS LEAVE IiUUTROLD POR \L gRWWPORT, wok d%74 Y.dl. II.N a. m.. Iadb d=7b1 P.m. tl%Lurdars anl7.3.111 p. C ' ■ ) WELLS. South 71 ,.. gym. gaud%,%.9.10 a.m., 12.17,7.10 a.m. r arcs ! y,' .Ins lest•% Neldo Id for , I. HArbnr ---'�" TO LET y[A Monadk. via Manor sad Xmi t, __—_- .1f.aam,0a61ng with west trail,Crum L- R001[S in lower part of my 60 a'W BouW tads Ulvbdm, 7.1n P.m.: leaving Sour, 7d1; am V.in• at tlaPWlam,to rent, }, ELfm lwalaf Earth Hide at diel n, m. G OMEZMnB.J. B. FANNING. Yaao .hiWaWYOp with iMUWh tllda lllvWOn[o- tLLg awl AND HOUSE on Korn Avenue, 9aa LaAVB Itaq YORY,MLP Street euuaw n I to rout. JUMN HORN,South .tom -on argue,raarula,Mouth- 9 .�T —.—_. .. arl Iobi p m. Bund yt, POST j 0 RENT—Dandfloo rooms, c 11.41 a.ha..L.UO,4.50 D+m. - sub.l.lU D:m. tlumda7s. Mornirenusaiable. wnh A00..tlall P-M p.m. Lle D m nm. Telma ruAAOMbIo. Apply Lo J. 11. RARTEAN FT, sou Who ms Traleave Brooklyn. Fla0 mail ATenP __ _ - aatmn,%tout a rmualas later than M `�1Q LE'T—Hopee, Harn, end 111 anraut tlmn. Tata time Wille rubloo6 �;i of land to the western Part of °w"P""`mama Wheelwrights tillage. carr.cigar Information AA 17 LET OR FOR SALE—My prop W. A. w1LL1AnlN, Rent 01 t"sRostodon dlarteuylnne.lntbe Q RENT—One 4 ream Hung& VI1lys6f aou ag,I4 N.Y. Hot water hest 1 T slalom a icehouse,and mine brander lar[%t'arlLnda;one T rUWhl outman Brooder room, WIN; nen hl"-, wxeteen pari of vltlRga.o,th furnlehad, ka0: small shop and bee byUsa ell In have moved to their bastion:one la count aoLL"o, near w. ardor. Terms eu� .a.Ll�a uafuru,ahed—aoo Piuee fur sumnher. ALEaRT A. FO.a.8.1'.d.N.Y• Old stand at the east U.W.ENITH, 1Wutmuld.L.. $gESp_Having pntcAnEed the entire; ROOMS TO LET. peak M lAm WedP foo° '.a�'I �,,. end of Southold Vil- NETTIM HU'1'OIIINNUN, South IMIed,t onor for Lalo aomc cb�„�... �'.,r•-. Y Cottage to rent. i4abs.Rams Rod wothen. k b',�I I n, lei a -E-dressed. Tanto r "nAbl... wrl” L. A.TUTHILL.South of Will. ]. M.GRATTAN.g0litbold la a where t h e T a nl ants.W Fla- v r /9/U g f y LIVERY STABLE on Railroad A A BAKER will carry on their rent. If. A DE N Railroad . W rent. l WADE Nl1XVN, Bad hold • F�a TO RENT OR FOR SALE— ' DEALER IN i mullions home m the wvaterot �•.� business. dryty,ChJ ppAnrrtG of our vilhpo, floor the wit/ l aehuol,aterha.chos urch .elo. For PA)M. GREAT ' ;Inquire w MRS. D.T.CONKLIN,tlouthdl P o N n C E Blacksmith Shop TEN cava a�iitLfeen bel sdll,%lVrotupL delivery as follows: in connection. andt'utaboaueAromdto70a0 In quantity from 40 to 300",a., Inch good l cult es n for ng rt Ith good ater Ifo and Duna 3011 per 100. water troutfurnished and Pn _ N'111 also soli building lot.Maisie-in In quantity from 300 to 000 Work called for 112tof Southold. ni8., per 100. ftl(311T.Nont�ld nd delivered. I have for sale some a ICue aFore By the ton, $3.00. ndina lotR, lust right for be arose Alia Uau W anre farm: one 20 earn Win an Sold at ice houses, 10C per 100 see, to rent,about Sal tt.snore f TIP Weight. 7 room ,,,M1rasa: u aeras shma rttmL.Pr .G arty on 1•ecoule Ilay. _l.41 1 U. W.ghf ITII.e..uthuld.L. an lve Juan 1Kt{LRA%I. AUU M PLE, VOR ELI ° Ir un,>I.6uMet.itortiaNvctnerRmA oID61 .49 a aedKN.�yy�yytaea, Yraes i.fa, f IN syn, t.bo,f,11.pm: BoWye� " a _ nm, I spnt. Inner TubesRcowc 717, fipo, Vol.e m. Sunday, :.I, a M. 4 ill f: Ik p, LUAVR OUnn0u1 r. •r 3i 7M a m, \ t ..6.47 Dtb Rn .m 5.i. 17 nm. #M Dm. rlKichelm and all other Envelopes l LIJAVIEM. U I I l7 LICK. •7.Df, A,b1 a M.at4 ., 6,y1 p m M„uI111 L 7K. a m..6.al a M. TRAINS LEAVE S*UrHOLD FOR 62tla6. c i/J� f,i PORI', week Npye,D.p.LJI A m,IY)1.K�( (141„e, .. ,.r,6 D W. lnaiurONSBnis.e:u p uq. s°e• ,lays,9 I a In, D w. The majority of motor- "� Athil 6 LEAVE SOUTHOL0 VOR $AO' 1 J HARRBolt ANO MONI4UK, via Manor mW _ ists throughout the WOrltl Rut46r6,nlya n..Il tin w4th w. 1It1�{ (irwu knaeWrt on MouthiMyLlna.}w _ Jm.: Pepm16.9R7; U„ are satisfied users of s Utu6k.x.17. LBAYR NEW Yd.5 . 4,21(pena n.-4. R Unn) for Men4hnld,6.31. e.±t p m. •IN, Michelin Inner Tubes. ym. (Manrdars only.1.16 D mI, buatlaeey /a0.p.N a na t.la p rn. j w LEAVE BROOKLYN ID'IatWtsh Ayalw The are the best judges. Btaeleal for wruthnld.6s;y� a„ •Ltq Y 6.010M. (Hol urdnys nati. Huadary ' Ask them. Lm,s.w a 114 4 11 p m. •paeept nuunwe. t) Montauk Steamboat &I ] Loss!er l"d!"4 Greenport and New London dir syp A"'^tlrs 11411, "Rept Bmu1pU LeaYe (i rnco port 6atl R.nr.. 1:10 0.)♦; 1"Ve New Iwmdo: -Direct to Man Asrbnr. Inpvlua thbfi as S I 13:1i p.m. fir other Iaadbgs. IN STOCK BY Subject to ausnae w14hp„t Re6tNr' �..... notion with his CASE'S GARAGE kj� kdia ° ed with viii r.aeln rom the Main Street Southold t in this etc sod `e®fs,ham Pr c; I i —•/kN R TO FOR HIRE rMIS Seven evenpierce-Arrow, 451 passenger issenger V"' 9 By Day, Sour or Trip 1 _V "tea h r,v Se He BONNY �1 �J ,I 'flTraveler Phone Southold, N. I i Street n li ��I'14/6'W w '( „r t 09 r.,�,•r�... _ ytr/aa' 1C -