HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/201102/6~'12ql f Towr~lerk Monthly Report Monthly Report / To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fu~l and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting onty such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise p~ovided for by law. Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Page 1~._.. AGENCY&TRUST CmditCa~ FISW INTEREST PART SWlVl D Agency & Trust Tree Book - Retail 3 23.85 Fishers Island Sewer District Interest Now Account Building Department Fees Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Zoning Board Solid Waste Management District SR.2130.10 SR.2130.20 SR.2130.30 SR.2130.40 SR.2130.50 S R. 2130.60 SR.2130.70 SR.2130.90 SR.2590.10 Sub-Total: $23.85 1/14/I 1 credit card fees 1 -21.33 1/21/11 Credit card fees 1 -27.13 1/28/11 credt card fees 1 -20.22 1/7/11 credit card fee 1 -19.46 credit card processing fee 1 -47.48 credit card service fee 1 -9.95 Sewer District Interest NOW Account Sub-Total: -$145.57 1 225.00 Sub-Total: $225.00 1 5.96 Sub-Total: $5.96 Application Fees 10 25,622.80 Death Trans. 95 950.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 3 33.00 House Trailer Permit 3 300.00 Application Fees 6 2,400.00 Sub-Totah $29,305.80 Tipping Fee Deposit 17 38,517.01 Tipping Interest 12 330.13 C G - Commercial 1 11.40 G R - Grass 1 6.50 T Tires 6 154,00 Propane Tanks - Used 1 2.00 R Rubbish 27 8,767.20 Refrigerants (appl) 7 140.00 C Construction/demolition 27 3,595.20 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 1 332.50 Sags - On Account 8 31,968.70 Bags - Retail - Large 204 459.00 Bags - Retail - Medium 445 667.50 Bags - Retail - Small 76 57.00 Bags - Vending Machine 31 5,053.60 Bags - Wholesale - Large 1 200.48 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid. Single Entry) Br- Brush Bags - Wholesale Leaf 2 year - 2011 2 year - 2011 Add'l 2010 Add'l 2 Year Disposal Permit - Guest 1 30.00 1 250.00 78 390.00 19 745.80 2220 799.20 68 2,040.00 4 60.00 31 465.00 6 150.00 021q7120.11 Town~erk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page ,~ary 01, 2011 - January 31, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the pebed stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Acceunt~ Account Description Fee Description SR.2590,20 SR.2650.00 8R.2650.10 Disposal Permit - Lessee Disposal Permit ~ Non Resident Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit-VOIDED 2010-11 Additional Permit 2010-11 First Permit 2011-12 Add'l Permit 2011 - 12 First Permit Sale Of Recyclables Outgoing Leaf Mulch SWC (Screened Wood Chips) VVHOLE Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoptions Dog Licensing Dog Redemption - 1 st Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemptions - 3+ Games Of Chance License Historical Items Landowner Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies 2 Sub-Totah $106,8t9.15 2007 Fines 1 100.00 2009 Fines 1 100.00 2009 Renewals 2 20.00 2010 Fines 25 2,500.00 Initial 14 350.00 Renewals 2008 1 10.00 Renewals 2010 13 130.00 Renewals 2011 63 630.00 Guest 12 360.00 Lessee 3 90.00 Motel 7 140.00 Non-Resident Seasonal 5 750.00 Replacement Sticker 4 0.00 Resident 676 4,056.00 Voided Sticker 4 0.00 Bingo Proceeds 3 10.89 Marriage Trans. 2 20.00 Marriage Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 Conservation (DECALS) 14 26.82 Dog Adoptions 1 10.00 53% License Fee 94 5.30 Exempt Dogs 1 0.00 Female, Spayed 49 473.50 Male, Neutered 45 438.50 Dog Redemption- 1st 4 50.00 Dog Redemption - 2nd 3 75.00 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 2 75.00 Games Of Chance License 1 10.00 "Houses" Hard Cover - Retail 1 9.00 "HouseS" Soft Cover - Retail 9 36.00 Fees 67 67.00 Void 1 0.00 Marriage License 1 7,50 Passport Fee - Town Portion 4 100.00 Photocopies 256 537.25 Qty Local Sham 5 125.00 I 50.00 56 0.00 2 0.00 5 150.00 3 360,00 1 30.00 2 240.00 4 10,501.53 2 77.70 3 92.70 02!?//2011 Tow~erk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page ,. ,~ary 01, 2011 - January 31, 2011 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the pedod stated above, in connection with my office, excepting oniy such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law Account Description Fee Description Qt~ Local Share Postage Postage 2 9.80 Returned Check Charge 3 60.00 Shellfish Commercial 22 1.100.00 Free - Non-Commer. 127 0.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 78 390.00 Voided 2 0.00 Account# Sub-Total: $12,758.56 Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Total State, County & Local Revenues: $148,992.75 Total Local Shares Remitted: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax ............................ : ........................... 3.93 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Tree Book) ................................ 2.07 C-",:'.'~,~' T;ca;u;'c,r fc, r Dc,~ L~c,;.';;c: ._~,-~_._~. ~..~._~.~ (~[~,~l~, 4.70 NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 99.00 NYS Environmental Conservation 582,18 NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 22.50 State Share Of Games Of Chance License ................................................................................ 15.00 $149.713.13 Total Non-Local Revenues: $720.38 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. Southold Town Supervisor Date Sou/thold Tov~n Clerk Date SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERIfa~i~o~ 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HAL~ PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 2/7/2011 1709 PAY TO THE NYS Department of Health I ~) *'22.50 ORDER OF Twenty-Two and 5~~~~~****************~******************************************************************************* DOLLARS MLMO 1/11 marriage ,'DO i' ?OCi,' ~-'O 2 i'hD666 ?l.' O SOOO i' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-m 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 2/7/2011 1710 PAYTO THE NYS DEC / ~>*'606.75 ORDER OF J DOLLARS MEMO ~--~" ~ ~" decals 1/11 ~ f "'00 i, ? i,D"' 0 SOOO i' S SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 2/7/2011 1711 PAY TO THE Supervisor Scott A. Russell ORDER OF j ~**149,018.45 One Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Eighteen and ************************************************************************** DOLLARS I~1 ~ ,'OOi'?i'i,,' ~:02i'1,0~667': 05000i'5 02/07/2011 Cash Category Adoption Agency & Trust Alarm Fees Beach Permits Building Dept, Fees Certiflcation, Death Certification, Marriage Town of Southold S~mary Daily Cash Report January 01, 2011 - January 31, 2011 Sub-Category Qty Description Account # Credit Card Account # Credit Card Account # Credit Card Account # Credit Card Account # Credit Card Account # Credit Card Page: I Amount 1/14/11 credit card fees 1/21/11 Credit card fees 1/28/11 credt card fees 1/7/11 credit card fee credit card processing fee credit card service fee -21.33 -27.13 -20.22 -19.46 -47.48 -995 Category Sub-Total... -$146,67 Dog Adoptions 10.00 Category Sub-Total... $10.00 Tree Book - Retail 25.92 3 Category Sub-Total... $25.92 1 2007 Fines 100,00 1 2009 Fines 10000 2 2009 Renewals 20.00 25 2010 Fines 2,500.00 14 Initial 350.00 I Renewals 2008 10.00 13 Renewals 2010 130.00 63 Renewals 2011 630.00 120 Category Sub-Total... $3,840.00 12 Guest 360.00 3 Lessee 9000 7 Motel 140.00 5 Non-Resident Seasonal 750.00 4 Replacement Sticker 0.00 676 Resident 4,056.00 4 Voided Sticker 000 711 Category Sub-Total... $5,396.00 10 Application Fees 25,622.80 10 Category Sub-Total... $25,622.80 95 Death Trans 950.00 3 Death Trans - Genealogical 33.00 98 Category Sub-Total... $983.00 2 Marriage Trans~ 20.00 02/07/2011 Page: 2 Cash Category Sub-Category Conservation (DECALS) Dog Licenses Original Original Renewal Renewal Renewal Fishers Island Sewer District Historical Items House Trailer Permits Interest Now Account Landowner Misc Cash Passport Fee Postage Racing And Wagering Bingo Games Of Chance Town of Southold S~mary Daily Cash Report January 01,2011 - January 31,2011 Qty Description Amount 1 Marriage Trans. - Genealogical 11.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $31.00 14 Conservation (DECALS) 609~00 ~14 Category Sub-Total... $609.00 8 Female, Spayed 85.00 13 Male, Neutered 138.00 21 Category Sub-Total... $223.00 1 Exempt Dogs 0,00 41 Female, Spayed 442.00 32 Male, Neutered 347.00 74 Category Sub-Total,.. $789.00 1 Sewer District 225.00 1 Category Sub-Total... $225.00 1 "Houses" Hard Cover- Retail 9~78 9 "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 39 15 10 Category Sub-Total... $48.03 3 House Trailer Permit 30Q00 3 Category Sub-Total... $300.00 1 Interest NOWAccount 5.96 I Category Sub-Total... $5.96 67 Fees 67.00 1 Void 0.00 68 Category Sub-Total... $67.00 256 Photocopies 537.25 256 Category Sub-Total... $537.25 4 Passport Fee - Town Portion 100.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $100.00 2 Postage 9.80 2 Category Sub-Total... $9.80 3 Bingo Proceeds 10.89 3 Category Sub-Total... $10.89 1 Games Of Chance License 25.00 1 Category Sub-Total... $25.00 Redemptions 4 Dog Redemption - 1st 5000 02/07/2011 Page: 3 Cash Cateqory Returned Shellfish Solid Waste Management District Sub-Catefiory Town of Southold 5~mary Daily Cash Report January 01,2011 - January 31,2011 Qty Description 3 Dog Redemption - 2nd 2 Dog Redemptions- 3+ 9 Category Sub-Total... 3 Check Charge 3 Category Sub-Total... 22 Commercial 127 Free- Non-Commer. 78 Resid - Non-Comm 2 Voided 229 Category Sub-Total... 68 2 year- 2011 4 2 year-2011 Add'l 31 2010Add'l 2 Year 5 2010-11 Additional Permit 3 2010-11 First Permit 1 2011-12 Add'l Permit 2 2011-12 First Permit 8 Bags - On Account 204 Bags - Retail - Large 445 Bags - Retail - Medium 76 Bags - Retail - Small 31 Bags - Vending Machine 1 Bags - Wholesale - Large 2220 Bags - Wholesale Leaf 19 hr- Brush 27 C Construction/demolition 1 C G - Commercial 1 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 1 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) 6 Disposal Permit - Guest 5 Disposal Permit- Lessee I Disposal Permit- Non Resident 56 Disposal Permit - Replace 2 Disposal Permit-VOIDED Amount 7500 75.00 $200.00 60.00 $60.00 1,100.00 0.00 39000 0.00 $1,490.00 2,040.00 60.00 465.00 150.00 36000 30.00 240.00 31,96870 45900 667.50 5700 5,053.60 200.48 79920 74580 3,595.20 1140 33250 30.00 150.00 125.00 50.00 000 000 02/07/2011 Cash Category Sub-Category Town of Southold S~mary Daily Cash Report January 01,2011 - January 31,2011 Qty Description 1 G R - Grass 2 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 1 Propane Tanks - Used 27 R Rubbish 7 Refrigerants (appl) 1 Residential Single Entry 78 Resse (resid Single Entry) 4 Sale Of Recyclables 3 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 6 T Tires 17 Tipping Fee Deposit 12 Tipping Interest Vital Statistics Marriage Zoning Board Of Appeals Payment Method Received Thru CASH $122,144.19 COUNTER $123,814.83 CHECK $27,517.94 MAIL $257.25 CREDIT CARD $51.0(2 OFFICE $25,641.25 Page: 4 Amount 6.50 77~70 2.00 8,767.20 140.00 25000 390.00 10,50153 92.70 154.00 38,51701 33013 3377 Category Sub-Total... $106,819.15 1 Marriage License 30.00 I Category Sub-Total... $30.00 6 Application Fees 2,400.00 6 Category Sub-Total... $2,400.00 Grand Total ......................... $149,7'13.13 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 03-01 53095 MAiN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 2/7/2011 1708 PAY TO THE NYS Agriculture & M~keB I ~ **90.00 ORDER OF DOLLARS I~i .~ MEMO 1/11 dogs ,'OB i,?OP,,' ':O Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 Transfer Confirmation Completed: 02/071201t t0:50:00 AM EST IT ranefer From Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance ..... 5466 TOWN CLERK 606.75 163971.78 Transfer To Deposits Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number .... 7685 TOWN CLERK - CONS LICENSES 606.75 606.75 400180482 https://ns.bankbyweb.netYpbi~bi1961/Pbi1961.Asp?WCI=ExpressXfr&WCE=PFConfirm... 2/7/2011 $OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o.~ol THE BRIDQEHAMPTON NA~IONAL BANK 1710 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL 54970 MAIN ROAD PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 50-666/2t4 2/7/20! 1 'l'DO ~.7 ~.OIm' m.'O 2 i,t,O~.r=r=?m.' 05000 From: 1/1/2011 TO: 1/31/2011 DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT 02/07/2011 Suffolk 47 Send Copy To: Animal Population Control Elizabeth A. Neville Town of Southold 10 Southold Town Clerk LICENSE TYPES ~ AND FEES ~ ~ Unspayed Spayed 0 ~ ~ Statutory Fee Statutory Fee U ~ ~ Local Fee (D) Late Penalty (E) Spayed Fee (F) Unspayed Fee (Gl ~ (B) (C) 94 ...... 9o.--< 2. Unspay/Unneuter 000@ 0.000.001 NO FEE /* ".00 0.00/0 *0.00 0.00/ NOF~I* 3.00 0.' 3. Exemption 1 1 NO FEE NO FEE! NO FEE! NO FEE! NO FEEEEt NO F] 4. Purebred (1 10) 0 0 0 ~ 25.00 0.00 @ 25 00 0.001 @ 0.00 0.00'@ 0.00 0.00 1@ 1.00 0.001@ 3.00 0.{ 5. Purebred (11-25)0 0 0 @ 50.00 0.00 /@ 50.00 0.00t @ 0.00 0.00I@ 0.00 0.00 I@ 1.00 0.001@ 3.00 ~.( ~. ?~, (2~+) o o.~ ~ov.! o..?!..1~1oo.oo ~'O~L° o.oo o.oo v°1~_'0! ~ooI oo0~' 7. TOTALS 95 95 0 $0.00 $10.00 $912.00 $0.00 $90.00 $0., REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED Column H Column I (Local) Column J (Statutory) TAG ORDERS PROCESSED # Each Tag Fees Tag Fees 8. Replacement Tags 0 0.00 0.00 9. Purebred Tags 0 0.00 0.00 10. TOTALS 0 $0.00 $0.00 (to T.C.V.) (to County) (to Animal Population Control) DISBURSEMENTS Local% of 7B + 7C $5.30 Local% of 7D + 7E + 10I $912.00 Total $917.30 15. Stat% of 7B + 7C $4.70 16. Stat% of 10J $0.00 17. Total $4.70 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses ........................ Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ................ 18. 100% of 7F + 7G $90.00 $4.70 $9o.oo LICENSE SUMMARY 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 2. Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses: 3. Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses): 4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 5. Total of Lines 1-3: 0 74 0 95 STATE OF NEW YORK REPORT OF GAME "OF CHANCE FEES COLLECTED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 960, LAWS OF 1976 NAME OF MUNICIPALITY_ Town of Southold P.O. ADDRESS P.O Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE AMOUNT RE~. ENT. BY REFUND CHECKED BY DEPOSITED CODE SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 MONTH OF January , 2Ol 1 COUNTY Suffolk CODE NUMBER 4737900 NUMBER OF NAME OF ORGANIZATION LICENSE NO. OCCASIONS AMOUNT Greenport Fire Department 47-210-3-1-05588 I 25.00 $25.00 A.) TOTAL FEES COLLECTED S,) DELIVERED TO MUNICIPAL TREASURY C.) TRANSMITTED HEREWITH TO STATE COMPTROLLER $10.00 $15,00 TOTALS CERTIFICATION OF ISSUING OFFICER: FLinda J.. Cooper , hereby certifies that - he is the Southold Deputy Town L;lerKofthe Town of Southold State of New Yod(; that - he has prepared the annexed report, issued the licenses listed therein and that such report is a true and correct statement of operations for the period which it covers. Issuing/Officer CERTIFICATION OF REMITTING OFFICER: John Cushman , hereby codifies that - he is the Comptroller of the Town of Southold State of New York; that - he has examined the annexed report, that - he knows such report to be a true and correct statement of operations for the period which it covers and that the amount remitted herewith is the full amount payable to the State Comptroller for such period pursuant to Chapter 960 of the Laws of 1976, as amended. Remitting officer NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Empire State Plaza - Coming Tower Bureau of A¢coants Management - Revenue Unit - Ro1~258 Albany, New York 122374)016 Monthly Report of Marriage Licenses Issued SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. January 2011 $ CityorTown of Southold Check # DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE County of Suffolk Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2003, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 1 to inclusive. (lf ONE license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name &City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State DepartmentofHealth Linda J. Cooper, Southold Deputy Town Clerk Signature of City or Town Clerk,. Date DO NOT SEND CASH M ~ ~fi~,'r.~, ~ 02/07/2011 Amount of remitlance with this report P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 $ 22.50 E-mail Address Phone Eneville~/town.southold.ny.us (631) 765-1800 THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number I at the beginning of EACH calendar Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above : mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (09/2004) 02/07/2011 Town of Southold Proceeds Report For: All License Types Date Range: 01/01/2011 to 01/31/201 Page: 1 License Type 2010-Bingo 2011-Bingo 2011-Bingo 2011-Bingo License # 4011 4012 4012 4012 O~,anizafion Name Receipt Date Occasion Receipts Expenses American, Legion Post 803 01/04/2011 12/28/2010 $0.00 SQ00 American, Legion Post 803 01/04/2011 01/04/2011 $911.00 $798.75 American, Legion Post 803 01/11/2011 01/11/2011 $930.00 $786.72 American, Legion Post 803 01/18/2011 01/18/2011 $846.00 $738.75 Profits Cash $0.00 $000 $108.88 $3,37 $138.98 $4.30 $104.03 $3.22 Totals: $2,687.00 $2,324.22 $351.89 $10,89 02/07/2011 Town of Southold Repo ,~Irt'~' ~I~CAL$ Import Transaction January 01,2011 - January 31,2011 Page: Date 01/03/2011 01/04/2011 01/05/2011 01/06/2011 01/07/2011 01/10/2011 01/13/2011 01/18/2011 01/19/2011 01/21/2011 01/24/2011 01/25/2011 01/26/2011 01/28/2011 01/31/2011 A~lent Total Sales 78.00 10.00 55.00 134.00 29.00 30.00 5.00 10.00 29.00 10.00 39.00 20.00 20.00 140.00 26.00 Less Commission 3.75 0.55 3.03 7~37 1,60 1.65 0.28 Q55 1,60 055 2,15 1~10 1,10 1.54 1,43 Net Due to Encon 74.25 9.45 51.97 126.63 27~40 28.35 4.72 9,45 27.40 9.45 36,85 18,90 18.90 138.46 24.57 UserlD CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH BONNIED CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH CAROLH Report Totals: $635,00 $28.25 $606.75