HomeMy WebLinkAboutRiverhead GIS UNA 2005-06 Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund 2005-2006 Grant Project Application Contents 1. Grant Project Application (LG-1) 2. Application Narrative 3. Records Management Program Questionnaire Form (LG-3) 4. Projects Previously Funded by fhe LGRMIF (LG-4) 5. Consultant's Resume 6. Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) 7. Request for Proposals fbr GIS Needs Assessment Project 8. Vendor Quotes 9. Proposed Budget for a Federal or State Project (FS-10) 1. Grant Project Application Form LG-1 Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grant Project Application 2005-2006 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Log Number Date Received Application Type (Check one): [] Individual [--1 Cooperative [] Complex [] Disaster Recovery Applicant Information Local Government (Nome) Department/Unit (REQUIRED) County Town of Riverhead Planning Suffolk Chief Administrative Officer (Last Nome, First Nome, Mr./Ms.) Cardinale, Phil Title Telephone Number/Extension Fax Number E-mail Address Town Supervisor (631 )727-3200 (631 )727-6712 mesiano@dverheadli.com Address (Street, City, Zip Code) 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Project Director (Lest Name, First Name, Mr./Ms.) Roseman, Eric is Project Director the RMO? [] Yes [] No Title Telephone Number/Extension Fax Number E-mail Address Planner (631 )727-3200 x 206 (631)727-9101 roseman~riverheadli.com Address (Street, City, Zip Code) 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Project Category (Check the appropriate category and sub-category -- no more than 1 category and I sub-category) [] INVENTORY [] Records Inventory [] INACTIVE [] Planning and Design AND PLANNING ~--] Records Inventory Streamlined (no narrative required) RECORDS [] Storage and Retrieval Office Retention Scheduling [] Microfilming [] Records Survey/Program Planning [] ACTIVE [] Files Management [] DisastedBusiness Recovery Planning [] Indexing and Access RECORDS [] Imaging and Document Management [] Geographic information Systems [] eGovernment [] Records Systems [] Business Process Analysis [] HISTORICAL [] Assessing Your Historical Records [] Historical Records Storage Facility Improvement RECORDS [] Improving Access to Historical Records [] Microfilming [] Preservation [] Outreach/Public Programs [] EDUCATIONAL USES (no sub-categories) Amount Requested: $30,960,00 Number of Grants Previously Received: 1 Project Su_mmary (Must be completed in this box, Briefly describe project, including scope and objectives) The proposed project is a GIS needs assessment that will focus on eight departments of the Town of Riverhead: Planning, Building, Assessor, Sewer, Water, Highway, Police and Accounting. The study will determine the role of GIS in each department, develop a conceptual enterprise system design, and establish overarching policies for implementation. The study will enable the Town to optimize its current and planned GIS applications and adapt them for use in an enterprise GIS. The needs assessment will enable the Town to realize its objectives of streamlined business practices and increased public access to land use information and other spacial data. New York State Archives Fm~ LG-! ¢/2004) Assemble the application in the following order: (*/terns marked with an asterisk are required of ell projects) a. *Grant Project Appfication (LG-1) b. Other Local Governments Participating in Cooperative Effort (LG-2) c. *Application narrative, consisting of four sections [not required for Records Inventory Streamlined sub-category] d. *Records Management Program Questionnaire Form (LG-3) e. *Projects Previous/y Funded by the LGRMIF (LG-4) f. Project Position Description Form (LG-5) [if hiring staff or consultants with grant funds] g, Consultant r6sum6 [if consultant is identified in the application] h. Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (LG-7) [for each records series proposed for filming] Indexing Project Information Form (LG-8) [for all indexing projects] k. Other required materials: needs assessments, archival and conservation vendodconsultant treatment proposals, floor plans, consultant responses to RFPs, etc. I. Letter of intent [for cooperative projects only] m. *Proposed Budget for a Federal or State Project Form (FS-10) The application form (LG-1), not a cover letter or cover sheet, should be the first page reviewers see. When you flip over the grant proposal, page 8 of the budget should be face up so that reviewers and grants staff can access summary information without turning pages. Eligibility Checklist- Ineligible applications will not be processed Records Management Officer (RMO) appointed? [~]Yes [] No E~]N/A Appropriate schedule adopted? r~;~Yes [] No [] N/A Year schedu e was adopted: 1997 Year RMO was appointed: 1995 Certification and Approval The following signatures provide certification that all eligibility requirements as outlined in Grant Application and Reference Materials 2005-2006 have been met, and indicate approval of the application by the Chief Administrative Officer and the Records Management Officer (RMO). CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Signature ~ ~ ~;"~ a)ffd title of Phil Cardinale, Town Supervisor Date MANAGE~, OFFICER (RMO) Type or print the name and title of the Records Management Officer Barbara Grattan, Town Clerk Dote Address (Street, City, Zip Code) 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Submit an original and eight (8) copies to: New York State Archives Grants Administration and Program Support Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center Albany, New York 12230 New York State Archives Form bG-1 (1/2004) 2. Application Narrative Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management hnprovement Fund GIS Needs Assessment TOWN OF R1VERHEAD, NEW YORK GRANT PROJECT APPLICATION NARRATIVE ENTERPRISE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I. Statement of Problem The Town of Riverhead is located in eastern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, approximately 75 miles east of Manhattan. It is bounded on the west by the Town of Brookhaven, on the north by the Long Island Sound, on the east by the Town of Southold, and on the south by the Peconic River and the Great Peconic Bay. The Town was established in 1792 and has a land area of 78 square miles. The population of the Town of R/verhead increased by approximately 20 percent to 27,680 in 2000 from 23,011 in 1990, according to the decennial U.S. Census. This population growth has seen a corollary increase in paperwork and inquiries to Town Hall departments for real property and spatial information records. The newly adopted residential and co~r~nercial zoning use districts pursuant to the Town of Riverhead Comprehensive Plan are also expected to result in an increased workload on Town departments such as Building, Assessor, Planning, Water and Sewer. A comprehensive, integrated GIS will be instrumental to efficient and effective records management in the future. The purpose of this grant application is to secure funding fbr a Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan for enterprise GIS. The Town wishes to conduct a needs assessment and implementation plan that will focus on eight Town departments: Plauning, Building, Assessor, Sewer, Water, Highway, Police, Accounting. This project would determine the role of GIS in each department, develop a conceptual enterprise system design, and establish overarching policies for implementation. A fully integrated GIS would-greatly benefit the operational efficiency and decision-making effectiveness of Town government, and introduce a fundamental change into the way business is conducted. Over the past two years, the Planning Department and the Town of Riverhead have made significant progress in laying the groundwork fbr local GIS resources and capabilities. As described in greater detail in Section IV, the Planning Department hired a new employee to manage its growing GIS database and the Town partnered with County and State agencies for the acquisition of essential GIS layers. Similarly, the Town is in the process of expanding GIS from a one-person system to the deployment of an enterprise system through iproprietary spatial database sof~ware provided by National Geomatica (NatGeo). However, the Town recognizes that GIS administration is in its infancy and that a needs assessment and implementation plan are necessary to realize the full potential of GIS. Application Narrative Page 1 of 6 While there has been significant progress in establishing a GIS, the Town of Riverhead has encountered three general opportunities for improvement with respect to its digital management of active records: A. Obstacles to cooperative data sharing and communication between Town departments. The lack ora centralized GIS database has resulted in redundant data collection and storage as well as duplication of data across departments. For example, several departments, including the Planning, Building, Assessors, Accounting and the Water District, store their spatial data and land related information in separate databases and use different applications. Interdepartmental use of this information is limited and, as a result, operational efficiency has not been optimized. Moreover, the absence of uniform data sharing and records management policies has created communication difficulties between departments. B. Absence of a master list of geographic data in a standard format. The Town of Riverhead currently stores its spatial data and land related information in four different fon~nats. Specifically, the Planning Department stores its spatial data in GIS; the Building and Assessor Departments store their land related information in access databases and RPS V4 (New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services), and the Engineering Department stores its spatial data in AutoCAD. A master list of data in a standard format that is accessible at an enterprise level would improve operational efficiency. C. Need for an implementation plan to expand utilization of GIS technology. The Town of Riverhead is in the process of expanding its GIS into the Building and Planning Departments via the deployment of a proprietary spatial database software agreement with National Geomatica (NatGco). Successful integration of the NatGeo applications into an enterprise system will be greatly aided by a set of policies and implementation guidelines for a centralized GIS database. At present, the role of GIS in each department has not been determined. An implementation plan would act as both a blueprint for GIS deployment and a learning tool that would teach users about the value of GIS and how it can serve their departments. II. Intended Results A needs assessment report and implementation plan would improve the operational efficiency, decision-making effectiveness, sharing of data and cooperation between Town Hall departments. Specifically, the Town of Riverhead will retain a consultant to achieve the following results in the needs assessment: A. Identify and recommend the GIS applications to be developed for each Town department. Several departments face the challenge of identifying their GIS needs and how GIS can streamline their daily tasks. To a certain degree, these departments are comfortable in their long-established business practices and have not fully understood the full value of GIS. The needs assessment will focus On identifying the potential GIS ftmctions and needs of eight (8) departments: Planning, Building, Assessor, Accounting, Sewer, Water, Highway, and Police. The consultant's findings Application Nan'ative Page 2 of 6 and report wilt benefit potential users who are unfamiliar with GIS by informing them about the value and functions of GIS applications relative to their departments' needs. B. Examine and document the workflow processes and determine GIS activities / functions for Town departments. The needs assessment represents an opportunity to introduce fundamental change into the way the Town of Riverhead conducts its business. The needs assessment will develop strategies and recormnendations intended to integrate GIS into the daily routines of the eight departments listed above. The consultant would identify techniques to streamline the workflow processes of each department through GIS deployment. Departmental efficiency would greatly benefit from the consultant's in-depth research and findings because future GIS hnplcmentation would be fully alined with iDepartmental missions and staff would be supportive and enthusiastic about adopting updated records management practices. C. Develop master list of geographic data to integrate GIS data on an enterprise level. The Town of Riverhead has made sigrfificant progress in acquiring and collecting GIS dhta. The Planning Department partnered with several agencies at the County of Suffolk and State of New York and acquired essential GiS layers, including, but not limited to: 2001 aerial ECW orthoimagery, real property polygon shapefiles (with tax map numbers and parcel information), as well as wetlands and topograph/c layers. Similarly, the Town pursued a separate GIS-related initiative by retaining a consultant to develop an inventory of Town-owned transportation assets and infrastructure for GASB 34 requirements. However, it is crucial that a consultant develop a master data list that identifies the data entities and the attributes associated with the entities. Town departments would benefit from the accessibility to a master list of GIS data and would ultimately save time in locating data that is necessary for their daily tasks. D. Develop a conceptual enterprise system design and implementation plan for enterprise GIS. As stated above, the Town of Riverhead is in the process of expanding GIS from a one-person system in the Plarming Department to a Town-wide system through the web-based software provided by NatGeo. The Town of Riverhead contracted with NatGeo to digitize Planning Board applications, Zoning Board applications, Site Plan applications, Building Permits, and Certificates of Occupancy. The value of the software is that it stores the digitized infon~nation in a centralized database and spatially references the data to tax map parcels on the Town's base map. The goal would be for the consultant to collaborate with NatGeo and determine how Town departments can most effectively use the web-based GIS software. The implementation plan would identify the long-term opportunities of enterprise GIS and how the benefits of the NatGeo software can be optimized. E. Establish GIS best management practices so the needs assessment can serve as a stand-alone document. Since the Town of Riverhead has already made progress in acquiring data and expanding its web-based GIS capabilities through the NatGeo sofiware, the consultant's role would be to define and reinforce the responsibilities for data creation, management, and maintenance. The consultant's experience with previous needs assessments and knowledge of best management practices would be instrumental to the administration of GIS in the Town of R/verhead. In this respect, the Application NmTative Page 3 of 6 needs assessment will serve as a stand-alone document that provides GIS users with best management practices. III. Plan of Work The main deliverable will be the needs assessment report and implementation plan, which will include components listed below. In order to ensure that an implementation project proposal can be submitted in the next LGRMIF grant cycle, the final needs assessment report will be due no later than November 15, 2005. All work is expected to be completed within a three-month project period beginning August 1, 2005 and ending November 15, 2005. The three vendors who provided quotes for this grant application continued that this three-month project period is feasible. The following is a preliminary list of the tasks that will be part of the work plan for the needs assessment and implementation plan. In the course of conducting the needs assessment, other tasks may be deemed necessary for the successful completion of the project. 'NrY State Archives Publication GIS03, Local Government GIS Development Guides, will be utilized during the project period. A. Contract with consultant for needs assessment (July - August 2005). The Town of Riverhead has selected Bowne Management Systems, Inc. to carry out the proposed needs assessment. Bowne's proposal is the strongest and most comprehensive of the three most responsive proposals received. The depth of Bowne's expertise as a leading integrator of Information Technology (IT) and G1S is unparalleled. Bowne's local presence and project experience with needs assessments and GIS implementation, namely with the Nassau County Geographic Information System, surpasses the experience of the other vendors. While Bowne's projecte~ budget is the highest among the three vendors, this cost is justified by its exemplary qualifications and experience. Bowne sets itself apart from the other vendors with its IT expertise and ability to understand both the intricacies and "big picture" of GIS implementation on the enterprise level. Located in Mineola on Long Island, Bowne is also the best candidate for the project because of its close proximity to Riverhead. Bowne representatives can serve as the Town's lead consultant for the entire GIS development cycle and make frequent trips to Riverhead without the cost or time constraints that the other finns may encounter with long-distance travel. B. Introduce personnel to GIS and conduct initial interviews (August - September 15, 2005). The consultant will hold an introductory meeting with the Town Board and the department heads involved with the project. Basic GIS concepts will be discussed as well as the added benefits of implementation of GIS on an enterprise level. The consultant will begin taking an inventory of department services and workflow processes. C. Document the needs and conduct worldlow analysis of the following departments: Planning, Building, Assessor, Sewer, Water, Highway, Police, and Accounting (August - September 15, 2005). This step is crucial to the success of the needs assessment and implementation plan. The consultant will collect relevant data and leverage its professional expertise to evaluate the workflow processes of each Application Nan'ative Page 4 of 6 department. The consultant will survey the needs and duties of the personnel and locate employees that would be willing and able to assume GIS responsibilities. The consultant will document the overall extent of automation and IT resources within each department. The goal is to develop strategies and recommendations that identify the role of GIS in these departments. The consultant wilt submit a written surmnary of findings as well as diagrams of the workflow processes of the eight departments. D. Create a master list of geographic data (September 15, 2005 - October 15, 2005). The consultant will create a plan to standardize all map layers and data across the departments. As stated above, the spatial data and land related information can be consolidated into a single format and ultimately be stored on a centralized database. It will be the consultant's responsibility to inventory the existing data and determine where additional data is needed. The consultant will also identify records that ought to be digitized and develop best management practices for each depaOJnent with respect to digital records management. The findings and procedures will be submitted to the Town of Riverhead in the needs assessment. E. Develop conceptual system design for enterprise GIS (September 15, 2005 - October 15, 2005). The consultant will develop policies and an organizational structure for data input and data management. The conceptual system design will address hardware and software needs; database construction, management and maintenance; and GIS user applications and activities. The consultant will submit a written summary of the recommendations as well as graph/cai representations of the conceptual system design. F. Develop implementation plan (September 15, 2005 - October 15, 2005). The results of the preceding tasks will fbrm the basis for the implementation plan. The consultant will address the IT requirements, the database requirements, a staffing plan, and the overall feasibility of GIS in the Town of Riverhead. The conSUltant shall submit an outline of the procedures to be followed during implementation as well as personnel training recommendations. G. Develop a plan for making GIS publicly accessible (September 15, 2005 - October 15, 2005). One of the goals of implementation is to make GIS accessible to the public. The consultant will be responsible for developing a preliminary assessment of the needs and requirements for publicly accessible GIS capabilities. The Town of Riverhead intends to develop web-based GIS capabilities as well as GIS workstations or kiosks at Town Hall. The consultant shall submit a plan with procedures and strategies to create publicly accessible GIS applications. H. Recommend and develop framework for the creation of a town hall GIS Users Group (September 15, 2005 - October 15, 2005). A GIS Users Group would promote communication and professional development between Town personnel. It would also create a forum for personnel to share how GIS has impacted their depmqments and what improvements are needed to achieve greater efficiencies. The consultant will prepare a brief report outlining the role of a GIS users group in the Town of Riverhead. Applicalion Nan~atlve Page 5 of 6 Submit draft needs assessment report and implementation plan to Riverhea~l Town Board (October 15, 2005). The consultant will suhinit a draft to the Riverhead Town Board and depam~ent heads with the background and overview of the project, along with the findings and recommendations. Town personnel will review the draft and submit conunents and feedback to the consultant. J. Submit final needs assessment report and implementation plan to Riverhead Town Board and to State Archives (November 15, 2005). IV. Local Government Support for Records Management The Town of Rivcrhead has demonstrated a strong ongoing con'n~itment to developing and supporting its records management program. Its GIS-related support is indicated above, and as follows: A. Staffing The Planning Department hired a GIS Specialist to manage its growing GIS database, conduct spatial analyses, prepare maps for long-range planning projects and subdivision applications, and enhance the decision-making effectiveness of local boards. The GIS specialist dedicates approximately 12 hours per week, or 1/3 of his time per week, to management of active records in GIS. He maintains current knowledge of GIS technology, and is an active member of the Long Island GIS Users Group, which was established in 1987 to enhance cooperation and collaboration among GIS professionals on Long Island. This Specialist is also the designated Project Director for the proposed project. The Town has partnered with several agencies at the County of Suffolk and State of New York and acquired essential GIS layers, including 2001 aerial orthoimagery, real property polygon shapefiles (with tax map numbers and parcel information), as well as wetlands and topographic layers. The Town has pursued a separate GIS-related initiative by retaining a consultant to develop an inventory of Town-owned transportation assets and infi'astructure for Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 34 requirements. The Town of Riverhead has a Records Management Officer and follows the Now York State Archives Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU-1. B. Equipment Employees are supplied with desktop computers and access to the internet and the Town's Local Area Network. Data Processing staffis responsible for in-house network design, maintenance and data storage. C. Supplies Two licenses for ArcView 9 were recently set up in Planning Department and Water District. As stated above, the Town is in the process of deploying NatGeo software that will contribute to an enterprise system. Application Narrative Page 6 of 6 3. Records Management Program Questionnaire Form LG-3 Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Local Government Records Management improvement Fund RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE FORM Each applicant and each member of a proposed cooperative project must complete this form. Attach additional sheets if further explanation is necessary. Local Government Name Town of Riverhead Population Served 27,600 Annual Operating Budget $64,361,234 Total Number of Employees Full-time: 301 Part-time: 51 Program Development Records management program has been formalized through the adoption of [] Yes [] No local legislation, ordinances, or resolutions Records Advisory Board has been appointed [] Yes [] No Records management plan has been written [] Yes [] No Separate line item for records management has been established in the budget [] Yes [] No Support for Records Management Level of funding budgeted for records management Number of employees dedicated to records management Inventory Information A records inventory has been completed State Archives inventory worksheets were used in conducting the inventory Results of the inventory were used to complete a needs assessment Total volume of active records in the custody of the local government Total volume of inactive records in the custody of the local government Total volume of records involved in the project Volume of active and inactive records with archival (permanent) value (Continued on reverse) * Figures reflect total budget and personnel for Town Clerk's office. ** Estimate *** Project targets dig/tal records management. $189,940' 4* [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes 2678** 2256** n/a*** 2187** [] No [] No [] No cu. ft. cu. ft cu. ff. cu. ft. New York State Archives Form LG-3 (1/2004) Program Activities Records are destroyed when their minimum retention periods are met [] Yes [No Inactive records are stored in a secure inactive storage area or facility [] Yes []No If yes, is steel shelving designed for one-cubic-foot boxes used? [] Yes r-]No Policies and procedures are in place to ensure inactive records are routinely i-]Yes []No transferred from office space to inactive storage A program is in place to ensure the security, permanent storage, preservation, I-lYes []No and use of archival records Micrographic and/or digital imaging processes are used as a records []Yes []No management tool Automated information systems are used to assist in the management of records []Yes []No Do you have an up-to-date disaster plan covering records? [Yes []No ,-Local Government: Name of the local government whose information is being reported. ~Population Served: Data from the 2000 Census or a recent official estimate. School districts should enter total resident population of the geographic area covered by the school district. Certain special-purpose units of local government may not be able to provide population figures. -->Annual Operating Budget: Local government's total operating budget figure for the current fiscal year, not just the budget for records management. ,J, Total Number of Employees: Total number of employees working for your local government, not just records management staff. New York State Archives Form LG-3 (1/2004) 4. Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF Form LG-4 Town of Riverhead Local Govem:ment Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF This form must be completed by each applicant and by each member cfa proposed cooperative project. Describe all LGRMIF grants your local government has received in the last five (§) years. Include special initiatives. Space has been allowed to enter information on up to six (6) grants. Photocopy this form as needed. Name of Local Government: Town of Riverhead Local government has never participated in an LGRMIF grant [] Local government participated in an LGRMIF grant awarded prior to 2000 [] Grant year: 1999 I Category: Microfilm Birth, Death Marriage Records I Award: $ 5,690.87 Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Microfilming project to provide a security copy of original vital, permanent and historical records, which previously would have been irreplaceable in case of fire or natural disaster. Under this project, Birth Certificates from 1881- 1995; Marriage Certificates from 1881-1998; and Death Certificates from 1881-1998 were put on 52 rolls of microfilm. Grant year: I Category: I Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year: I Category: I Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year: I Category: I Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year: J Category: [ Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year: I Category: l Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): PHOTOCOPY THIS FOP,3vl AS NEEDED New York State Archives Form LG-4 (1/2004) 5. Consultant's Resume Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Information System BOWNE COMPANY PROFILE Bowne Management Systems, Inc. is a leading integrator of IT and GIS. Since 1982, Bowne Management Systems has been providing full lifecycle consulting and management for GIS implementation, wireless and handheld application development, systems integration, document and workflow management, data conversion and integration, and quality control. Bowne has extensive experience delivering GIS and related services. Applications and services developed by Bowne include geodatabase design, parcel and property information management, land records management, spatial data warehousing, infrastructure management, global positioning systems (GPS), cartographic transformations field data collection, and data conversion quality control. Our proposed project team is highly experienced with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) GIS software, including ArcGIS, Arclnfo, ArclMS, ArcView, MapObjects, and Spatial Database Engine (ArcSDE). BMS is an ESRI Business Partner and has been named ESRI Partner of the Year for the New York region for our record of successful GIS implementations. Bowne's services include: Geographic information systems · Spatial data warehouses · Enterprise · Asset management / constituent response (311) · Public records management and document imaging · Workflow management · Handheld computing and wireless applications · Web-based application development · Legacy system and data integration · Map and data products preparation © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 1 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic information System RELATED EXPERIENCE Nassau County Geographic Information System CLIENT Nassau County (NY) Dept. of Planning DESCRIPTION In June of 1990 Bowne Managemenl Systems was designated as the County's consultant for the design and implementation of a County-wide Geographic information System. Bowne's responsibilities and work tasks included: Project Management and Oversight - Throughout the project Bowne has been providing oversight, management, and related activities to the County's Technical © 2002, Nassau County NY Committee. This includes coordination with user departments and multi-participants, publication of a periodic project newsletter, oversight of other contractors involved with the project and other support services required by the Technical Committee. GPS Monumentation - Bowne completed the installation and coordination of 3-D National Geodetic Survey first order monuments on a one-mile grid by use of Global Positioning System (GPS). This task was completed in 1990 and provides control for GIS, survey, and mapping activities. · Introductory Seminar & Questionnaire: A seminar for management personnel from all County Departments was held in December 1990. Over 120 individuals representing about 40 departments attended. Following the introductory seminar, ever 4,000 survey questionnaires were mailed out to County employees. The survey collected basic information about functions, data use and requirements, and GIS experience. Over 1,700 questionnaires were returned and analyzed as part of the User Needs Assessment Study. · User Needs Assessment: The User Needs Assessment, which was a year long undertaking, involved interviewing 348 County employees representing all 55 departments and agencies, and was completed in April 1992. Following a review period during which almost 100 copies were distributed to the upper management of every department, the final report was submitted in July 1992. Accelerated Basemap Development: Development of an Accelerated Basemap was completed in December 1992. During this eight-month effort, Bowne combined the best digital data available from local, state, and Federal sources into an interim product that could be used while the County developed its final product. o Accelerated Basemap Operation and Support: With the release of the Accelerated Basemap the Technical Committee committed to maintaining and supporting it in a variety of platforms (Amlnfo, Maplnfo, ArcView) for all of the user agencies. Over the following four-year period, Bowne and the Technical Committee continued to maintain, improve and expand the Accelerated Basemap. To guide this process an Accelerated Basemap User Subcommittee was formed with representatives of every user agency. This committee has been meeting monthly since 1992 and has now been transitioned into the Basemap User Committee. © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 1 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Information System Aerial Photography: Bowne developed a detailed technical specification for aerial photography, which was released as a bid in late 1992. The contract was awarded in early 1993 and color aerial photography was completed in Apd11993. Features of the photography included: o 752 color photos 22 Flight Lines o Flight Scale: 1" = 800' The County's first order GPS monumentation network formed the basis for the ground control. Photogrammetric Compilation: A second bid specification was prepared for digital compilation, which was awarded in January 1994. A total of 64 different features were collected. Some of the features of the compilation activity included: o Compilation Scale: 1" = 100' 1104 'E' size map sheets o Completion Date: February 1995 o Horizontal Accuracy: 2.5 ft. Vertical Accuracy: 1.0 ft. o Contour Interval: 2 ft. o Bowne provided comprehensive quality control services on the digital photogrammetric data, using tools such as Microstation, ARC/INFO, and AutoCAD. Frame Relay Wide Area Network Specification and Implementation: At the end of 1994, the first phase of the County's Frame Relay data communications network went on-line providing service to 16 Police Department sites and the County's central data processing center. It was subsequently expanded to incorporate the other phase I GIS sites at the Office of the Fire Marshal, Public Works treatment plants at Bay Park and Cedar Creek, and the Public Works office in Hicksville. Bowne developed the specification and provided implementation oversight services. Mineola Fiber Network ~ Working with the County's Department of General Services, the Technical Committee and Bowne developed and implemented a high-speed fiber network with an ATM backbone. The ring was developed from existing elements of a private fiber network and new segments that were added to support the GIS. The resulting ring connects ten County buildings within the downtown area. RFP Development and Evaluation for Phase I Implementation: During the second half of 1994, Bowne worked with the County's Technical Committee to develop a comprehensive GtS RFP. On January 31,1995 copies of the RFP were sent to leading GIS vendors through out the country. On April 7~, responses were received from Environmental Systems Reseamh Institute, Inc. (ESRI) and Intergraph Corp. An Evaluation Committee worked through thb summer to determine the best response. The review process included a detailed review of each proposal, follow-up questions and meetings with each proposer, and a formal system benchmark. Upon completion of its review process, the Evaluation Committee made its recommendation to the Executive Committee and on September 13, 1995, ESRI was notified that it had been selected. Contract negotiations were begun and a formal agreement was signed in December 1995. Phase I Implementation: The Phase I implementation began in January 1996 and included data conversion, software, hardware, training, and implementation of a County-wide GIS capability within eight County departments. The implementation consists of a central GIS server, seven new departmental servers, and 340 GIS workstations throughout the County. These units have been distributed to eight departments in over 30 locations throughout the County. Bowne provided design, oversight, and technical assistance to both the County's Technical Committee and ESRI. DPW Infrastructure Conversion pilot - The Technical Committee, working with the Department of Public Works, coordinated a pilot project to scan and digitize a sample of the County's sewer construction drawings. Bowne was the prime contractor for the pilot project and was responsible for the design, scanning, and data collection. Features of the pilot included: © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 2 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Inforrr~tion System 400 1"=50' scale as built drawings Scanning and registration of images Collection of sanitary sewer, drainage, gas, water, and electrical systems Conversion and integration of all utility data into ESRI's SDE product. Acceptance Testing - In early 1998, Bowne conducted the formal, contractually obligated acceptance test. This test involved all system components, and tested data, network communications, GIS servers and workstations, configurations, and functionality. The test resulted in a formal acceptance test document, submitted to the County's Technical Committee. Expansion and Upgrade - Beginning in 1998, Bowne entered a new phase of activity to expand GIS access and use within additional County departments. In response to growing demand and to changes in GIS software technology, Bowne began planning for the total upgrade of the County's GIS platform to the latest versions of Oracle, SDE, IMS, and other ESRI software versions. This upgrade, which included a complete redesign of the GIS database, was completed in 2002. Digital Orthophotography - Working with the Digital Or[hophotography committee of the NYS GiS Coordinating Body, the County was included in a state program to obtain new digital photography on a regular basis. A set of full-color digital orthophotography files was delivered to the County in 2001. This data was added to the County's new geodatabase and is viewable through all the GIS viewers. Through cooperative arrangements with neighboring counties, the abutting portion of Suffolk County has also been added to the database. Data Maintenance and Management - As part ef the system upgrade, Bowne has implemented a comprehensive process for maintaining and updating data across all user departments. Taking advantage of the geodatabase concept of 'versioning', managed editing procedures have been established for primary datasets. Data editing responsibilities have been assigned to appropriate custodians who have received specialized training in data maintenance procedures. Each month, all of the data updates are assembled, checked, and incorporated into the master database following a set of defined procedures to ensure data integdty. · Additional and Related Activities: The GIS project has also spawned a number of related projects and supported othem which have already been of great benefit to the County. Some examples include: DPW Infrastructure Conversion Pilot - Bowne, working with the Department of Public Works, coordinated a pilot project to scan and digitize a sample of the County's sewer construction drawings. This information wilt help in the organization and preservation of detailed infrastructure information and will become an integral part of the GIS and of DPW's sewer-maintenance procedures. County-wide Tax Mapping - Bowne defined the project requirements and assisted the Assessor in the preparation of specifications. The data conversion began in 1998 and Bowne has provided oversight, quality control, GIS integration, and tax map application development services. Features of the tax mapping project include: ,, 410,00 parcels o 18,000 block based tax maps o Use of tools such as AutoCAD Map, ArcView, and ARC/INFO. o Conversion and integration of all tax map data into ESRI's SDE product. Economic Development - Bowne designed and implemented the underlying data management structure to support a County-wide initiative to encourage planned economic growth and redevelopment within 35 defined economic development areas. The foundation of the process is a comprehensive set of versioned databases within the GIS that are used to develop a series of detailed maps for each area. The maps identify open space, transportation, high tach/high skill jobs, housing, sports/entertainment/tourism, opportunities for redevelopment, and contaminated sites. © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc, Related Experience - Page 3 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Information System Application Development: As the system moves into the operational phase, Bowne foresees the need to develop custom applications to support major County activities. Some of the applications which are already in production are: GIS Intranet Portal - The County GIS project implemented an Intranet Portal for users within the County as part of the 2003 system upgrade. The portal concept is being adopted by many organizations as a means of providing information to users via a web browser interface. Electronic Help Desk - To assist in disseminating information, responding to questions, and resolving problems, an Electronic Help Desk was implemented in 1997. This browser-based application, running in an Intranet environment, is accessible to all GIS users to obtain information about project activities and upcoming events. It also contains compiete metadata and an area where users can register problems with GIS hardware, software, and data, The problem reporting component allows the Technical Committee and Bowne to assign problems to the correct support personnel for resolution and to track their progress. o Centerline Maintenance - This application is being used on a daily basis by personnel in the Fire Communications center to maintain attribute information about the street centedine layer. This layer is the basis for the County's emergency dispatch operations. · Address Maintenance - This is a specialized data maintenance application used on a dai~y basis by FireCom personnel to maintain addresses of each building within the County. · License Manager - As part of expanding the GIS into a County-wide, multi-participant system, Bowne developed this application to enable the Technical Committee to monitor recipients and users of the County's data. There are over 500 licensed multi-participants throughout the County, state and Federal governments. Data Distribution Manager- This application is used by the GIS support staff to process and track the distribution of data to multi-participants. By tracking which layers and which geographic areas have been distributed to different users, the County is better able to ensure that updated data is returned to the GIS. CONTACT Joseph T. Jones, GIS Coordinator Nassau County Department of Planning 400 County Seat Drive Mineola, NY 11501 Tel: (516) 571-4096 Fax: (516) 571-6110 Email: Joseph. Jones@maiLco.nassau.ny.us © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 4 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Inforrr~ation System New York City Department of Transportation Data Warehouse Initial Implementation Project New York City Department of Transportation DESCRIPTION: The MIS group of NYC's Department of Transportation defined the Data Warehouse Initial Implementation Project in order to integrate disparate data from operational systems reflecting typical DOT data repositories. The design task structured the data in order to facilitate and optimize queries and analyses via a web browser interface. It also supports spatial queries and analyses via a map-enabled browser interface. Specific tasks of the contract included: Needs Assessment and Analysis High Level and Detailed Designs for Phase I System Implementation Training and Mentoring DOT staff to enable them to use, maintain, and expand the system. Bowne personnel also provided formal classroom training and both formal and informal one-on-one mentoring to DOT staff. Training was directed at MIS staff and the various levels of DOT user personnel. User and System Documentation - in addition to the normal systems, user, and programmer's guides, Metadata was also provided for all datasets within the warehouse. Key documents were provided in both hardcopy and online formats. System Administration and Maintenance - Upon completion of the initial implementation Bowne personnel continued to administer and maintain the system during the startup period. Detailed Design for Phase II - Using the results of the needs assessment and the initial implementation detailed plans were prepared for the expansion of the data warehouse into a true enterprise system, The system architecture is a Windows clustered and network Icad balancing environment which provides maximum reliability and fault tolerance. The data repository is SAN-based and provides a high level of performance. Client access tools include an Internet map sen/lng environment, traditional desktop GIS, office automation tools, custom applications, and CLAP clients. Bowne's responsibilities on the project spanned the full project life cycle from needs analysis and design through implementation, documentation, training, and post-implementation maintenance and system administration. © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 5 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Inforrr~etion System Bowne continues to be responsible for subsequent expansion and upgrade of the Spatial Data Warehouse. As part of these activities Bowne personnel also assisted DOT as technical representatives on a number of special purpose committees, including: City-wide GIS Utility integration and coordination issues Routing working group to define GIS data requirements for routing applications NYCMAP - LION integration with respect to road polygons and street centeriines John Griffin, GIS Coordinator New York City Department of Transportation 40 Worth Street New York. NY 10013 Tel: (212) 676-9618 Fax: (212) 442-7431 Email: jgriffin@dot.nyc.gov © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, inc. Related Experience - Page 6 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Inforr~ation System ' City of New Orleans Enterprise Geographic Information System Committee for a Better New Orleans The Committee for a Better New Orleans is a civic organization supported by many of the City's major businesses. In the interest of improving government operations and the quality of life in the City, the Committee has provided funding to upgrade the City-wide GIS that was first developed by Bowne in 1996 under the auspices of the Planning Commission. Working in close cooperation with the Mayor's Office of Technology a plan was devised to help the City move forward with the expansion to a City-wide Enterprise GIS, Bowne's assigned tasks under this authorization were: · Design and Implement an Enhanced GIS Architecture - In order to support the growing needs of the City's GIS community and initiatives (e,g. Economic Development, Public Safety, and Homeland Defense), the original GIS architecture based on Arclnfo coverages was redefined as a Geodatabase using SQL Server to accommodate centralized access by more users and applications, Additional requirements for hardware (e.g. database servers, web servers, application servers), software (e.g. relational database management software, spatial database software, and internet map products), and related components (e.g. security, networking) were also defined. Design and Implement a Revised GIS Data Model - This data model was developed as an ESRI Geodatabase model focusing on the datasets currently operational in the City of New Orleans GIS (NOGIS). Some of the major components of the dataset included an Address Data Model; Basemap and Administrative Boundary layers; Census and Statistical Boundaries; and Planning and Emergency Response Layers. Application Development - A web based viewer using ESRI's AmlMS, version 4.0, and Microsoft Intemet Information System (liS) was developed and implemented for the City. The viewer provides extensive access to the City's land information data, Working in conjunction with the City's Information Technology Department, all systems and components were installed within the City's computer infrastructure. Marseyas Fernandez GIS Coordinator City of New Orleans Mayor's Office of Technology 1515 Poydras Street, Suite 1150 New Orleans, LA 70112 Tel: (504) 565-7865 Fax: (504) 565-7915 © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, inc. Related Experience - Page 7 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Information System Email: Marseyas. Fernandez@mayorofno,com © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 8 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Inforrrtation System Enterprise Geographic Information System CLIENT Suffolk County, Bowne has been working with Suffolk County and a number of its departments to help it migrate from a sedes of unconnected GIS systems to an integrated Enterprise system. Some of Bowne's assigned tasks under these authorizations have included: Design and Implement an Enterprise GIS Architecture - Under the auspices of the County's iT Department Bowne designed and populated a single county-wide geodatabase that is now used by a number of applications. · GIS Training - Bowne provided customized ArcGIS training classes to County personnel using the County's data. Data Retrieval, Integration and Visualization Engine (DRIVE) - This customized ArclMS application provides multiple functions including Accident Reporting, Road Network Management, Capital Project GeoLocating and Reporting, Dynamic Traffic Volume, Positive Drainage System Integration, and Traffic Signalized Intersections. Robert Donnelly, Information Technology Building #50 PO Box 6110 Hauppauge, NY 11788- Tel: (631) 853-5014 Emaih Robert. Donnellv~co~suffolk.nv.us Laura Palmer, Public Works Chief Transportation Planner 335 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980~9736 Tel: (631) 853-5014 Fax: (631 ) 852-4150 Email: laura.palmerCb, co.suffolk,n¥'.us © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, lac, Related Experience- Page 9 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic information System Geographic Information System Upgrade Design and Phase I Implementation 77th U.S. Army Reserve - Regional Readiness Command (RRC), Fort Totten NY The Environmental Division of the 77~h Regional Readiness Command is responsible for the management of all U.S. Army Reserve centers throughout the states of New York and New Jersey. The goal of this project was to design and implement an enterprise GIS system that would replace the Command's reliance on the use of shape files and ArclNFO coverages and replace it with a modern geodatabase structure. This new system had to be compliant with the Federal Spatial Data Standard / Facility Management Standard for Facilities, infrastructure and Environment (SDSFIE/FMSFIE) and the October 16, 2001 directive from Department of the Army, Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM). This directive mandated adherence to a set of standards for the development of CADD and GIS implementations throughout the Army. Bowne's assigned tasks under this authorization were: Preparation of a GIS Architecture and Data Model Design - The Spatial Data Standard / Facility Management Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment is a complex, highly detailed structure des gned to accommodate all military requirements for GIS data storage, Bowne analyzed this standard and developed an implementation that satisfied the specific requirements of the 77th RRC while still conforming to the global specifications. Additional hardware and software requirements were also defined. Dataset Analysis - The Reserve provided a wide variety of proprietary and COmmercial datasets including GIS data, raster images and AutoCAD drawings. Where data was unavailable, Bowne researched and obtained various government and commercial datasets to augment the Reserve's files. Geodatabase Creation and Data Loading - The geodatabase structure was created and all previously identified data was integrated into the geodatabase. FGDC compliant metadata was created, o On-site Installation - The completed system and all of its data will be installed on one of the Reserve's file servers. · Application Development - Two applications have been developed; the first is an ArelMS data viewer that provides easy, multi-user query access to the data via the Reserve's intranet. The second is an ArcView project to give certain staff greater access to the data for analysis and mapping. · Training - Bowne is providing both formal instruction in the use of the delivered data and applications and informal mentoring in the configuration and installation processes. Completion is scheduled as soon as a Certificate of Compliance from the Army Reserve information Techn¢logy Command is received. This will be the first Army Reserve GIS implementation in the country to be compliant with the standards mentioned above. © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, inc. Related Experience - Page 10 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Information System Ravi Ajodah Environmental Scientist U.S. Army Reserve ARIM Fort Totten Flushing, NY 11359-1016 Tel: (718) 352-5155 Email: AjodahR@USARC-EM H2,ARMY.MIL © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, inc, Related Experience - Page 11 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Inforrctation System Incorporated Village of Garden City, NY Village GIS Incorporated Village of Garden City, NY DESCRIPTION: Since 1993, Bowne has served as the Village GIS implementation consultant. During this time we have successfully completed a host of GIS data creation, application development, and training activities. Some of the key projects have included: Integration of Nassau County GIS data - As one of the first Villages to become a multFparticipant partner with the County, Bowne worked with Garden City and the County to extract the required data from the County database and transfer it to the Village's GIS database. This included both planimetric data and orthophotography. ©1995 VillageofGardenCity, N¥ Digitization of property lines for all parcels in the Village (approximately 7,000). Bowne converted the Village's original hand-drawn tax maps into a layer of the Village's GIS, All line work and annotation was digitized to create cartographically correct tax maps, Rubber-sheeting techniques were utilized where needed to fit the tax parcels to the photogrammetrically obtained block boundaries. Historically, the Village had maintained its own system of parcel identification which was never correlated to the County's Section - Block - Lot identifier. As part of the task of creating the cadastral layer Bowne was able to build a cross- reference between Village and County parcel identification numbers, making it possible to move information between the two systems. · Digitization of Village boundary. · Creation of Village Zoning layer - The Village zoning map was converted from its original paper format to a layer within the GIS database. Collection, via GPS and EDM surveying of street infrastructure data, including signs, light poles, catch basins, manhole locations, water valves and mains, street lights, traffic signals, f~re hydrants, and sewer pipes. Bowne was responsible for designing the hand-held computer interface for field data collection, providing the fields crews, and converting existing drawing information into the GIS. GIS based Tree Maintenance System - The Village of Garden City maintains current data on over 15,000 street trees throughout the village. Bowne developed a custom application that tracks condition, age, size, canopy, and other pertinent information regarding the individual trees. This information was collected by village staff and a professional botanist using hand-held computers with a custom application developed by Bowne. The system also maintains a list of associated contractors and supply nurseries associated with the planting and maintenance of the trees. A geographic information system ties everything together visually for the operators. Locations are accessed by address, and the map is brought up on the screen with all required background information such as street name, curb line, trees and building footprints. © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc, Related Experience - Page 12 November 2004 Town of Riverhead Enterprise Geographic Infomtation System Fire Incident Response System (GIS based). GIS Data maintenance application (using AutoCAD map and SQL Server). Robert J. Mangan, P.E. Superintendent of Public Works Incorporated Village of Garden City 351 Stewart Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 Tek: (516) 742-5800 Fax: (516) 742-5223 © 2004, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Related Experience - Page 13 November 2004 6. Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Vendor Quote Form Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for price quotes. One or more of the quotes may be derived from State Contract Listing (vvww.ogs.stat¢.n¥.us/]~urchas¢). Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Description of Item State Contract Quoted or Service* Number Price 4. Applied Geopraphics, Inc. Needs Assessment n/a $21,700 2. Bowne Management Needs Assessment n/a $30,960 Systems, Inc. 3. Plan Graphics, Inc. Needs Assessment n/a $25,000 *For services rendered, provide more detail in the grant narrative. New York State Archives Form LG-6 (1/2004) 7. Request for Proposals GIS Needs Assessment Project Town of Riverhead Local Govermnent Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Request for Proposals Enterprisewide Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment Town of Riverhead, New York I. Introduction and Background The Town of Riverhead hereby solicits written quotes for a needs assessment project that will enable the Town to adapt its current GIS applications for use in an enterprise GIS. Enterprise GIS will provide interdepartmental access to multiple layers of information on a centralized GIS platform. Quotes deemed responsive to this solicitation will be included for grantor review in a proposal for funding under the New York State Archives (NYSA) grant program entitled Local Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF). The vendor submitting the most competitive responsive quote will be selected to conduct the requested services, at the discretion of the Town of Riverhead and upon NYSA approval of grant funding. Background The Town of Riverhead is located in eastern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, approximately 75 miles east of Manhattan. It is bounded on the west by the Town of Brookhaven, on the north by the Long Island Sound, on the east by the Town of Southold, and on the south by the Peconic River and the Great Peconic Bay. The Town was established in 1792 and has a land area of 78 square miles. The population of the Town is approximately 27,680, according to the 2000 U.S. Census. The Town of Riverhead Planning Department was established in the mid-1980s to assist the Riverhead Town Board and the Riverhead Planning Board in both the proper planning of the Town as well as the review of development petitions. The Planning Department staff provides professional review of all subdivisions and site plans, and it is responsible for gathering all planning, engineering and environmental information necessary to allow the Town Board to properly evaluate site plans. The Planning Department also manages the Town GIS and offers mapping capabilities for other Town Hall departments. The Planning Department and the Town have made great strides in expanding its GIS resources and capabilities within the past two years. The Planning Department hired a new employee to manage its growing GIS database, conduct spatial analyses, prepare maps for long-range planning projects and subdivision applications, and enhance the decision-making effectiveness of local boards. The Town partnered with County and State agencies for the acquisition of essential GIS layers, including aerial, land use, and environmental data, and procured the latest version of GIS software. Similarly, the Town Request for Proposals Page 1 of 4 pursued a separate GIS~related initiative by retaining a consultant to develop an inventory of Town-owned transportation assets and infrastructure for GASB 34 requirements. Despite these accomplishments, GIS administration at the Town of Riverhead is still in its infancy, For example, the Building and Assessors departments are dependent on spatial queries and mapping precision that can only be realized through GIS technology. However, GIS is underutilized in these departments and employees require training in order to obtain a full understanding of the value of GIS. To a certain degree, these departments are comfortable in their long-established business practices and will need to understand the full value of GIS in order to embrace the changes that new GIS technology will introduce to their daily routines. Employee productivity is not currently maximized due to the increasing amount of staff hours dedicated to processing information and querying multiple databases without a technologically advanced system, such as GIS. The lack of a centralized GIS database has resulted in redundant data collection and storage as well as duplication of data across departments. This disconnect between Town Hall departments and lack of a uniform protocol to manage data can be remedied by developing management strategies and recommendations in a needs assessment. II. Scope of Services A. Goals of the project. A needs assessment would address these problems and provide a cohesive plan for implementing an enterprise-wide GIS at Riverhead Town Hall. The needs assessment would first establish an overall GIS implementation mission for the Town as well as specific department goals for using GIS to streamline workflow activities. It would provide recommendations for data sharing and promotion of interdepartmental coordination. The needs assessment would also address accessibility issues and develop strategies to make GIS more publicly accessible. Similarly, it would develop a training program for Town employees who are unfamiliar with GIS. Ultimately, the implementation of GIS on an enterprise level would greatly benefit the operational efficiency and decision-making effectiveness of Town Hall departments. B. Consultant's responsibilities. The following is a preliminary list of the tasks that will be part of the work plan for the needs assessment: · Document the needs of each department and explore how department services and workflow processes can be enhanced through GIS. · Conduct workflow analysis of the following departments: Planning, Building, Assessor, Sewer, Water, Highway, Police, Accounting. Request for Proposals Page 2 of 4 Develop a list of recommended computer hardware and software components for enterprise GIS. · Conceptualize the town-wide enterprise GIS alternative and recommend the preferred alternative. · Create a master list of geographic data. · Identify records to be digitized and create a digital records management policy for each department · Standardize all map layers and data across departments. · Develop policies and organizational structure for data input and data management. · Create a Town Hall GIS Users group to promote communication and professional development. · Prepare a long-term GIS staffing, training, and management plan Vendor will be expected to minimize duplicative effort and ensure consistency with local GIS initiatives by utilizing appropriate resources available through Suffolk County information Services' GIS coordination effort and other local stakeholders, such as the Long Island Geographic information Systems Users Group. Other tasks may be deemed necessary for the successful completion of the needs assessment. Outcomes, The main deliverable will be the needs assessment report, which will consist of several components: background and overview of the project; findings and recommendations with respect to GIS administration; documentation of the GIS needs and workflow activities of each department; preparation of a list with recommended computer hardware and software components for enterprise GIS; Conceptualization of the town- wide enterprise GIS alternatives and recommendation of the preferred alternative, and a long-term GIS staffing, traidi-ng, and management plan. Outcomes should be consistent with NYSA regulations, guidelines and publications, such as those indicated in the LGRMIF grant application materials. D. Consultant's qualifications. Please attach resume for consultant staff to be assigned to the project. E, Timeframe. All work must be completed within a project period which is anticipated to begin August 1, 2005 and end November 15, 2005. The final needs assessment report will be due no later than November 15. Request for Proposals Page 3 of 4 F. PaymenL Payments are anticipated to be made on a reimbursement basis and in accordance with local and NYSA guidelines. Narrative and budget reports will be required prior to reimbursement. III. Requested Information A detailed quote for performing the work described above must be submitted, clearly delineating individual project costs, including personnel hours for services provided. Consultant resume is also required. IV. Submission Requirements Responses must be received by 4:30 pm on November 26, 2004. It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to ensure that its response is received by the Town of Riverhead Planning Department on or before the submission deadline. Responses are to be sent to: Town of Riverhead Planning Department 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Attn: Eric Roseman, Planner Tel: 631-727~3200 ext. 206 Fax: 631-727-9101 Email: rosemanC, riverheadli.com- Request for Proposals Page 4 of 4 8. Vendor Quotes Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Applied Geographics, Inc. Plan Graphics, Inc. Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management hnprovement Fund GIS Needs Assessment Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund G1S Needs Assessment E Experience Empowers Vision Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 235 East Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516-746-2350 Fax: 516-747-1396 wvv~v, bownegroup,com November 29, 2004 Eric Roseman Town of Riverhead Planning Department 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 1 t901 Re: Request for Proposals Enterprisewide Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment Dear Mr. Roseman: Bowne Management Systems, Inc. (BMS) is pleased to present this proposal to provide the Town of Riverhead with a scope of work and budget estimate in acquir'mg New York State Amhives' Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMiF) funds for a GIS Needs Assessment. BMS is a leading integrator of Information Technology (IT) and GIS, located in Mineola, NY. Since 1982, BMS has been supporting clients in both the public and private sectors with the highest quahty information system solutions rang/ng from needs assessment plans, enterprise- wide spatial data warehouses utilizing Intemet and Intranet technology to custom applications and network solutions. BMS is highly experienced with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) GIS software, including ArclMS, Spatial Database Engine (ArcSDE), ArcGIS, Arclnfo, ArcView, and MapObjects. BMS is an ESRI Business Partner, named ESRI Partner of the Year for the New York region for our record of successful GIS implementations. BMS has reviewed the RFP and understands the Town's need for the technical expertise to acquire a GIS needs assessment, conceptual system design, and implementation plan. A needs assessment plan is one of the most important first steps getting a robust GIS system in place. Having functioned successfully in similar roles for other local municipalities, we not only understand the types of GIS services that will be most valuable to the Town, but are highly experienced with the issues the Town will likely encounter in pursuing its GIS initiatives, the alternative solutions available, and the right solution for each situation. In short, our expertise and our approach will enable the Town to optimize the use of consultant services and get the most "bang for the buck". Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 2 Based on your Request for Proposal, the follow/rig Town Departments will participate in the Needs Assessment (alphabetically listed): Accounting · Assessor · Building · Highway · Planning · Police · Sewer · Water The Town's Phase I Department list ~ors the trend that we have observed in NYS local government to focus GIS on Homeland Defense/Public Safety, Economic Development, and Infrastructure Management. The following paragraphs define our proposed scope of work to meet the Town's requ/rements. Task 1 - Kickoff Meeting (includes Introductory Seminar) The first task in the Town's GiS Needs Assessment is a Kickoff Meeting which will be held on-site with the appropriate Town Personnel and Bowne Project Team. The goals of the Kickoff Meeting are the following: Introduce the Bowne Project Team and establish the project schedule_ Define the concept of Enterprise GIS and how it benefits the Town of Riverhead · Review Departments to be interviewed, identify Subject Matter Experts (SME) within each Department, and determine the sequence of the interviews Present an overview of the major components of a municipal GIS, including relevant demonstrations of GIS and related technologies, current trends in New York State, and how GIS can be utilized in the Town of Riverhead (e.g., GASB34, Crime Analysis and Mapping, Property Assessment and Valuation, Stormwater Inventory). It is anticipated that the Kickoff Meeting will be a full day event consist'mg of two components: ,, A morning introductory and educational seminar for all project participants Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 3 · An afternoon meeting of the project team to define schedules and procedures Task 2 - Information Collection (including Interviews) The Information Collection Task is the one of the two key components of the Town's Needs Assessment. Based on the def'mition of SMEs (Task 1), interviews will be conducted with Town personnel and relevant Bow-ne subject experts. Our approach to the interview process differentiates us from our competition in that we utilize a two person team rather than a single interviewer. Our two person team consists of the project manager (who is also the primary analyst) and a second person who is a subject matter expert. For example, the Bowne subject expert who will assist in the Highway interview will be an experienced professional engineer, while the Police interview will be conducted with an analyst experienced with the operations of a municipal Police Department. In addition to the eight Departments already listed (Accounting, Assessor, Building, Highway, Planning, Police, Sewer and Water), we anticipate interviews/meetings with the Town's Information Technology Department (to review the Town's Servers, LAN, WAN' and other critical infrastructure required to support GIS in the Town). The needs interviews can be held in two ways - a group setting (e.g., all of the Public Works SMEs) or on an individual or small group set(rog (e.g., one or two SMEs). This decision can be made during Task 1. During the interviews, we generally collect the following information: · The organization of the Department and relevant facts regarding its business operations · Workilow analysis on how critical work ils performed witb~ each department Typical critical indicators used within the Department to measure efficiency and productivity (e.g., number of miles paved, number of potholes filled, number of building permits issued) · The current role of GIS in the iDepartment and the tools and datasets currently in use · The types of paper maps used on a regular basis or maintained by the Department · The overall extent of automation and IT resources within each Department · Current datasets in use within the Department and locati.on reference keys used in each dataset Bowne Management Systems, Inc~ Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 4 · Current staffing levels in each Department and the overall computer training/proficiencies in the Department · Staff comments and ideas on how GIS can be effectively used in the Department As part of Task 2, we will also conduct a Dataset Analysis, in which sample datasets are provided by the Town (e.g., parcels and associated tax roll information, planimetric data) and evaluated for incorporation into a Town-wide Enterprise GIS. The interview with the Information Technology Department will focus on the "nuts and bolts" needed to support GIS, including overall IT standards, operating systems, WAN/LAN environment, web standards (includ'mg intemet portals), current IT staffing and support levels, and core iT competencies. We have budgeted enough time for ten (10) interview sessions. This number can be ref'med during Task 1. After each interview is completed, the compiled notes will be returned to the interviewees to ensure that the information collected is accurately presented. Task 3 - User Needs Assessment After receipt and processing of comments from the interviewees a draft User Needs Assessment Report will be delivered to the Town for review and comment. Once approved a final document will be submitted detailing the background and overview of the project, findings and recommendations, documentation of GIS needs for each department and wor!cflow recommendations. All documentation provided in the assessment will be consistent with NYSA regulations, guidelines and publications, such as those indicated in the LGRMIF grant application mated'als. The Town's GIS requires a conceptual design, prior to any implementation. The approved User Needs Assessment Report will form the foundation for the development ora Conceptual Design report. The system design will identify the core components of the GIS, as described in Table 1. Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 5 Table 1 - Conceptual System Design Components iTEM DESCRIPTION Hardware and Software This will /nclude database server(s), map and web server (2), GIS workstations, web based clients, and data communications. Because the Town is an ESRI software site, the relevant GIS software will also be identified. Database The Conceptual System architecture will identify the core layers of the Town's GIS and associated business tables, which may be extracted from other Town systems. This will be a conceptual database design. Tiered GIS Users Riverhead will not require an enormous number of desktop GIS software licenses, which tend to be expensive and difficult to mainta'm. We estimate that 90% of the Town's users will access and view GIS (and related) data through a web-based application. The desktop GIS users will be data maintainers, map makers, and analysts. The Conceptual System Design will also address Disaster Recovery, which has become an knportant GIS issue as the technology becomes embedded in operational and mission critical applications. The required System Design diagrams will be created using Microsoft Visio and delivered to the Town in native or PDF format. Task 4 ~ Implementation Plan The results of Tasks 2 and 3 will provide the foundation for the Town's GIS Implementation Plan, which will define the steps and budget costs required to implement a Town-wide GIS. This plan will address the IT requirements, the database requ'u:ements~ a staffing plan, and the overall feasibility of GIS in the Town of Riverhead. If req2ired, due to budget or staffing issues, phased approaches will be developed within the Implementation Plan to make GIS practical. A realistic schedule will be developed that identifies the steps required to build a Town-wide GIS and the associated inter-dependencies. Bowne Management Systems, Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 6 Task 5 - Final Presentation The fmal task is a presentation of the find'rags of the User Needs Assessment and relevant recommendations. The presentation will be structured as an executive summary, with ample opportunity for a question and answer session. The final presentation will be in PowerPofint format. Summary and Budget Estimate The formal deliverables for this project will consist of the following items: Kickoff Meeting and associated PowerPoint file · User Needs Assessment Report incorporating dataset inventory and analysis · Conceptual System Design Report · Implementation Plan Report Final Presentation and associated PowerPoint file Upon completion of the project all files will be delivered to the Town in hard copy, in their native digital format, and as pdf files. The following table comains our budget est/mate for the specified tasks. This est/mate is based on a twenty percent (20%) discount from our approved 2004 rates under our NYS OGS contract, number CMS696A. Attached to this proposal are a series of pages extracted from the NYS OGS website. During the course of the project, Bowne Management Systems may provide different labor grades and hours from those indicated in the table as necessary to meet the specific requirements of the project, however, the total billing would not exceed the specified limits without Town approval. Should staff of other grades be utilized, the same 20% discount will apply to their published OGS rates. Bowne Management Systems strongly believes that the proper execution of this phase of the development is critical to the ultimate success of the Town's GIS project. For this reason, we use a team based approach consisting of experienced experts in all phases of GIS, IT, and municipal government operations. As part of our formal RFP response we will identify our proposed project team and provide resumes of their extensive experience. We are confident that this approach will result in a success solution for the Town of Riverhead. We anticipate that these activities can be completed within approximately six (6) to eight (8) weeks from receiving a notice to proceed. A detailed schedule will be defined once a starting date is determined. Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 7 Table 2 - Budget Estimate NYS OGg Nys OGs Titl~ 2004 OGS Discount Project Hours Amount ~r~cle RATE (%) Rate Kickoff Meeting PM III Project Manager III 208.86 20 167.09 10 1,670.88 PM II Project Manager II 195.43 20 156.34 10 1,563.44 Sub-Total 3,234.32 Information Collection PM ill Project Manager III 208.86 20 167.09 24 4,010.11 PM 11 Project Manager II 195.43 20 156.34 32 5,003.01 SP I Specialist I 121.08 20 96.86 20 1,937.28 Sub-Total 10,950.4t2 User Needs Assessment PM III Project Manager Iii 208.86 20 167.09 16 2,673.41 PM II Project Manager II 195.43 20 156.34 32 5,003.01 Sub-Total 7,676.42 Implementation Plan PM III Project Manager I11 208.86 20 167.09 24 4,010.11 PM II Project Manager Il 195.43 20 156~34 16 2,501.50 Sub-Total 6,511 Final Presentation PM III Project Manager Ill 208.86 20 167.09 8 1,336~70 PM tl Project Manager II 195,43 20 156~34 8 1,250.75 Sub-Total 2,587.46 PROJECT TOTAL 30,960,21 We look forward to working with you on this activity and are available to answer any additional questions you may have. Sincerely, Frank Prisciandaro Senior Project Manager eric: NYS OGS Contract Information Corporate Profile Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 8 Click on 'Contractor Name' for detailed contract & contact information Back to Selection Page Definition of Abbreviations Based { Web Going ]Training Based IServices Training [ '54~ Contractors Listed Contractor Name IConsniting[Systems ~-~iv~ Computer Video IIntegration Training Based t Based Training Training ~CIVlS696A 3IS C-AD-PC SI-AD-PC C-SM-MR SI-BPAfBPR ~-BPMBPR SI-DC 2-1MG SI-LAN Z-1NT SI-POS 2-LAN 2-Y2K 0-AD-MR O-CADD o-sM-pc O-DC O-FI:DS Bowne Minagement Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 9 Procurement Services liome Pa~e ] Commodities I Information Technolo[~ ] Scrvice~ ] Tel ¢cq Ln_n3? n j ~ion s iCMS696A B0wne Managemeat Systems, Incorporated 7ITel: (516)746-2350 11-2630268 iSBE Mr. Richard P. Slutzah JFax; (516)747-1396 j-- PiO. BOX i09 Irfp~bownemgmt.corn ] 235 East Jericho TurnPike CONTRACT PRICING INFORMATION iBowne !Management ISystems, [incorporated $i38.56] $172.55 $206.86 15110.0915138.24 [$1r~'~-[~'~'l $SS~q~.~i$121.0~[$138.24 7155.40 iNOTE: ALL ON GOING SERVICES FIRMS HAVE AGREED TO A M/NIMUM 10% DISCOUNT FROM LIST tPRICE. Bowne Management'Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 10 [Systems, InCOrP°rated ~owne Management Systems, IncorPorated I i!GIS Technictan I [ $92.49 er hour [GIS Technician II ---~.-~ per hour~ [ lOIS Technician HI '[-""~-~ 09-'-- ~l~er hour SERVICES NOT CURRENTLY PROVIDED Computer Based Training (CBT) Services Video Based Training (VBT) Services Web Based Training (WBT) Services Interactive Web Based Training (IWBT) Services Equipment Maintenance & Support Services In Any County Bowne Management Systems, I~¢. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: 11 [ Procurement Services Home P~ ] Commodities_ [ ln£ormallon Technolop, y Back To Detailed Listing of All Contractors !Applications Development Mainframe (MF) Applications Development Mid Range (MR) Applications Development Personal Computer (PC) ...................................................Systems Management Mainframe [MF) Systems Management Mid Range (MR) Systems Management Personal Computer (PC) Business Process Analysis & Business Process Re-Engineenng IComputer Aided Design & Drafting ]BPA/BPR [~ADD Data Conversion DC ~esktop Asset ~l-a~a~ ~-t ..... DA~ Electronic Commerce & Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Output Management Geographic Information Systems [~t--S lHelp Desk Services IHDS Imaging Services Information Security [IMG ilnteractive Voice Response (IVR) Application Development Services )VR-AD Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Hosting Services InternetJ'lntranet Application Services lINT IT Management & Planning IITM&P Local Area Network Services ]LAN Point-Of-Sale Systems Technology Procurement (Marketwatching) iTelecommumcat~ons Services [TELCOM 'Web Hosting Services Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Eric Roseman Date: November 29, 2004 Page: t2 'Workflow Management Services Year 2000 Services Equipment Maintenance Mainframe [EM-MF Equipment Maintenance Mid Range E~-i~-MR Equipment Maintenance PC E~I~I-~C ]EM-PR Equipment Maintenance Printer Additional Abbreviations Authorized Autodesk Systems Center ~AASC Corel Training Partner Human Resources & Financials ~RF Lotus Authorized Education Center Microsoft Authorized Technical Education Center !MATEC Minority Owned Business Enterprise ~lovetl Authorized Technical Education Center ItNATEC ,OGS 'Master' Back-Drop Contract Number ICMSnnnA /Oracte Authorized Training Education Center ]OAEC Small Business Enterprise ~rT~,uthorized Java Center ¢Sybase Authorized Training Education Center ;SAEC '~A/oman Owned Business Enterprise ~- ............... Applied Geographics, Inc. Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment November 24, 2004 Mr. Er/c Roseman, Planner Town of Riverhead Plamting Department 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Quotation for a GIS Needs Assessment Dear Mr. Roseman: Applied Geographics, Inc. (AppGeo) is pleased to presem this quotation for a GIS Needs Assessment for your community. Enclosed you will f'md a brief overview of our company's experience and qualifications as well as our estimate to perform a GIS needs assessment in accordance with the State of New York's' guidelines. We would love to have the opportunity to present our qualifications to you/n person and talk in more detail about the process that we follow with these types of projects. Please contact me if you have any questions about AppGeo or wish to schedule a face-to-face meeting. Sincerely, Steven Anderson V/ce-President 48 PURNF, IJ~ PLACE. · SUITE 16 · MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 860-643-440I · FAX: 860 643-8028 · \XrXK~k'tLAI~PGEO.C( IM Quotation and Qualifications For GIS Needs Assessment Submitted To Town of Riverhead New York November 24, 2004 ~rapovv~ring Peopk ~tb Spatial Solutions 48 Purnell Place, Suite 16, Manchester, CT 06040 Tel: 860-643-4401 Fax: 860-643-8028 1 Corporate Background Applied Geographics, Inc. (AppGeo) is a privately held business incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. AppGeo was formed in 1991 in order to provide comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) consulting services to government and private sector clients. These services have grown to include a broad range of spatial information solutions for a diverse clientele, including all levels of government and the private sector, and for a variety of markets. Since its founding, AppGeo has grown into one of the Northeast's largest GIS-focused consulting firms with professional staff including senior project managers, programmers, database developers, software and system architects, GIS analysts and modelers, data conversion and automation specialists, and Web-mapping and Web-based data integration specialists. AppGeo's five senior staff members have more than 80 years of combined experience in the application of GIS technology to complex and diverse problems. AppGeo provides its clients with a full range of GIS consulting service options including: · Needs Assessment · Implementation Planning · System Design and Architecture · Database Design/Documentation · Data Development and Conversion · GIS Sof~ware Testing · Training · Custom Applications Development · Spatial Analysis, 3-D Analysis and Modeling · Internet and lntranet GIS Development & Hosting · Cartography AppGeo clients are based primarily on the East Coast, from North Carolina to Maine, with particular specialization in the northeas~effi United States. AppGeo has also worked in California and the Midwest, and in other countries, including Mexico and Eastern Europe. AppGeo maintains a neutrai status in its relationships with product vendors and does not resell hardware or software. Consequently, AppGeo's system recommendations and solutions are tailored to clients' current and anticipated needs, business processes, computing environments and legacy data. Additionally, AppGeo can work natively with the client's software and data. Further, AppGeo maintains close and collaborative relationships with many vendors, and is consequently able to recommend and implement state-of-the-art software-specific solutions. AppGeo'is an ESRI Business Partner, Bentley GeoSource Provider, Intergraph Applied Geographics Inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation Team Geomedia Member, and is a corporate member of the Society of American Military Engineers. In 2001, AppGeo was named ESRi's Foundation Parmer of the Year for the Northeast. Over the past thirteen years, AppGeo has built an hnpressive portfolio of successful GtS projects, including the completion of over 50 GIS needs assessments and implementation plans for county and municipal governments. In addition, AppGeo has conducted needs assessments for state agencies, regional water authorities, the Massachusetts Port Authority, and the State of Maine. AppGeo has worked with several counties and municipalities in New York State and has a depth of familiarity with SARA and other state guidelines based on project work, including needs assessments. AppGeo is proud of its record of client retention. Our project experience shows that we have helped clients, large and small, proceed from their initial needs assessment through to system deployment and customization, and recently, to the creation of intemet-based mapping and data display applications. Through such multi-year relationships, AppGeo has worked with its clients to incrementally and intelligently grow their GIS in keeping with budget resources and analytical needs. 2 Selected Needs Assessment Project Experience AppGeo is proud of its experience working in New York State and in its breadth of experience in GIS needs assessment and implementation pla~'mg. AppGeo's approach is business process-based. AppGeo experience covers the design of systems that incorporate large legacy databases and specific software and that involve a diverse array of interests and needs, such as for the State of Maine. AppGeo remains active in assessing and developing recommendations for the integration of GIS technology into c- government systems and applications, including needs assessments and strategic plans, such as for the MA Executive Office of Environmental Affaks, and in the development of Web-based GIS applications. The section following this provides examples of AppGeo experience developing applications for citizen-to-government and government- to-government Web-based mapping and data visualization, such as Web-based real property mapping application development for Westchester County. Applied Geographics Inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation 2.1 New York Project Experience and SARA-Funded Needs Assessments The following table provides an overview of the project experience of AppGeo in New York State, including several county and town-level needs assessment projects. Client \VESTCHESTER COUNTY CITY OF RYE OSWEGO COUNTY CLINTON COUNTY Project · Software Installation · Web-based ArclMS Applications Development · RFiP Editing & Vendor Selection · QA/QC Services · SARA grant to geomference historic aer/al photography · Web-based ArclMS Applications Development · SARA Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan · RFP Development for Pamel Automation · QA/QC o£Parcel Data · Parcel Maintenance Training · ArcView Map Production Extensions · SARA GIS Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan · RFP Development for Parcel Automation CHENANGO COUNTY · SARA GIS Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan TOWNS OF ULSTER, RYE, · SARA GIS Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan LLOYD, KINGSTON, PLATTEKILL, RAMAPO LONG ISLAND RAILROAD · GIS Implementation Services CON EDISON · Nuclear Power Plant Demographic Analysis NEW YORK POWER · Data Integration for FERC Relicensing AUTHORITY · Atlas Design and Production SARATOGA NATIONAL · GIS Database for the NPS the GRASS system HISTORIC PARK KODAK · Development of ArcView software tools to monitor air emissions · GIS enhancements and maintenance I-IARTZ MOUNTAIN · Regignat marketing Map INDUSTRIES Applied Geographics lnc, SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation ~::: APPL!ED GEOGRAPHIC$, INC, 2.2 Selected Municipal Needs Assessments AppGeo has completed more than 50 municipal needs assessments and implementation planning projects in the northeastern United States, giving AppGeo probably the broadest experience with the assessment and formulation of recommendations for GIS implementation of any consulting firm in the region. This section provides descriptions of a selection of municipal-level needs assessments completed by AppGeo. AppGeo is proud of the fact that many of these clients cont'mued to work with AppGeo during the GIS implementation process, including the acquisition of planimetric data, creation of cadastral data, custom applications and maps, and other forms of technical assistance. Nantucket, Massachusetts (pop: 6,000 year/30,000 summer) GIS Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan; Photogrammetric RFP Development; Ongoing GIS Implementation Assistance AppGeo performed a comprehensive GIS needs assessment and implementation plan for Nantucket. These services included interviews with multiple departments, GIS system design and recorm~aendations, an analysis of GIS costs and benefits, and development of a multi-year implementation plan. Based on these recommendations, Nantucket approved more than $500,000 toward GIS implementation. AppGeo contiunes to assist Nantucket in development of the GIS program on an as- needed basis. Specific tasks have included: · Automation of the parcel maps · Development of a graphical user interface for producing hard copy maps · Assistance in ad hoc distribution of the GIS data · Assistance in ad hoc map making · Conducting a pilot project for water and sewer data automation Worcester, Massachusetts GIS System Audit, User Needs Assessment & Strategic' Implementation Plan The City of Worcester had an excellent foundation in GIS with a diversity of skills in various departments. It was ready to develop a state of the art GIS and needed assistance in making this move. AppGeo conducted a detailed GIS system audit for the City of Worcester and created an accompanying User Needs Assessment and Strategic Implementation Plan. This allowed the City to reassess its ongoing GIS activities and to set a clear Appfied Geographics Inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation vision for the future, as its GIS system was moved from the Planning Department to MIS. AppGeo began the process with a structured system audit, including a review of existing GIS system documentation and planning mater/als. AppGeo then developed a concise and compact GIS User Needs Assessment. This document explored the unmet needs of City Departments that used the GIS, and the requirements of the departments had not yet gamed access to the system. Following the system audit and needs assessment, AppGeo worked closely with Worcester's MIS and GIS staffto formulate a strategic plan that would move the Worcester GIS forward. This plan coordinated the processes of updating key data sets, deploying a web-based user interface, and acquiring staffing within the MIS department. Town of Ipswich, Massachusetts (population: 13,000) GIS Needs Assessment, Pilot Project, and Implementation Plan, RFP Development, Data QA/QC, Parcel Automation AppGeo planned and is assisting the development of a GIS for the Town of ipswich. Departments interviewed incinde Public Works, MIS, Electric Utility, Water Utility, City Clerk & Elections, Assessor, Public Safety (Police & Fire), City Manager, Schools, Library, Planning, Code Enforcement (Building Inspection & Public Health), Conservation Commission, Human Services (Recreation & Aging). Among many suggestions the report recommended the production of planlmetric, topographic, and digital orthophoto Townwide basemap using existing aerial photography. AppGeo recommended the development of parcels and other infrastructure data sets to fit the new basemap. AppGeo wrote the conversion RFP, assisted in vendor selection, database design, and is preparing the QA/QC of the pilot project now that the B asemap production is underway. We have also begun a parcel automation project for the Town. Town of Bedford, Massachusetts (population: 12,800) Needs Assessment, Implementation Plan & Pilot Study AppGeo developed a needs analysis, implementation plan and pilot study for the Town of Bedford. The pilot study, involved collecting data from external sources (e.g. MassGIS, MWRA), developing detailed data layers for a specified area of Town (e.g. Parcels, water, sewer, wetlands), and creating customized applications (e.g. abutters tool, interactive buffering, user friendly interfaces for data management). AppGeo developed the pilot in the ArcView environment, and will install the application on a desktop computer in the City's engineering department. AppGeo worked with Bedford's GIS committee in developing and presenting a detailed cost savings analysis that was successful in convincing the Town Selectmen and Capital Expenditures Committee to support a request for a $53,000 capital item for FY99. In addition, AppGeo provided support to the committee in preparation for the Mamh Town meeting, at which the GIS budget request was passed. AppGeo presented the pilot project at this meeting to edacate the public on the benefits of G1S in municipal govermnent. Applied Geographics inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation 5 APPLIED GEOGRAPHICS, I~c, Town of Foxborough, Massachusetts (population: 15,000) Needs Analysis/I~nplementation Plan; GIS Implementation Assistance and Project Management AppGeo conducted a needs analysis and developed an imple:mentation plan for the Town of Foxborough. These plans included interviews with multiple Town departments and the development ora multi-year GIS implementation strategy. Foxborough successfully used the plan to gain FY98 and FY99 funding for GIS development. AppGeo has continued to assist Foxborough with the knplementation stages, including writing an RFP for an aerial flyover, providing QA/QC and project management on the flyover, and developing customized GIS applications. Town of Darien, Connecticut (population: 18,720) GIS Needs Assessment, Implementation Plan AppGeo completed a needs assessment and implementation plan for the Town of Darien, CT. The report included summaries of the various Town departments, recommendations for further implementing the Town's GiS from a one-person system to a Town-wide deployment (including data production priorities, applications, and software selection), and appropriate cost estimates and timeframes for completing the implementation. AppGeo also restructured the Town's existing Intergraph-based GIS data into a more manageable database design, and has been providing continuing support through data production projects, including the automation of the Town's wetlands and street centerlines. Town of Weymouth, Massachusetts (population: 54,000) GIS Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan; Ongoing GI$ Implementation Assistance Consulting AppGeo recently completed a comprehensive GIS Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan for the Town of Weymouth. The needs assessment process covered katerviews with 20 individual Town departments. The accompanying Implementation Plan was produced on an extremely tight schedule in order to match a unique "free cash" funding opporminty that involved a special Town meeting. The plan was produced in the appropriate timeframe and set forth a comprehensive development plan that covered: · Requirements to develop a Town wide computer network (LAN/WAN) · GIS hardware and software · GIS data development New base map via a new flyover Thematic data layer development (pamels, zoning, etc.) Supplemental field work for utility (water, sewer, drain) mapping Applied Geographics Inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation 6 Al APPLIED GEOGRAPHIC~, INC. · GIS application development · GIS training and staffmg The contents of the plan were validated and the accelerated planning cycle was proven successful when the Special Town Meet'mg, voted to allocate $503,000 for GIS development. AppGeo :made a presentation at that meeting. In addition, the £mal Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan reports were formally p:resented by AppGeo at both a Department Head's meeting and a special meeting of elected officials (representatives from Selectmen, Appropriations Committee, and Water & Sewer Board attended). AppGeo is continuing to work with the Town by providing ongoing implementation assistance. Initial implementation assistance tasks have included preparing GIS job descriptions, a scope of work for a Town wide networking planning study, and developing an RFP for aerial photogrammetric services. Town of Wellesley, Massachusetts/Wellesley Municipal Light Plant (population: 26,600) GIS Strategic Implementation Plan; GIS Pilot Project; Ongoing GIS Implementation Assistance Consulting AppGeo was contracted to develop a GIS Strategic Implementation Plan and a detailed GIS pilot study and for the Town of Wellesley, Massachusetts. The Strategic Plan presented a four-year GIS development program covering all elements of the GIS including: hardware, software, database development and staf£mg. This plan was the basis fur the successful effort to gain GIS implementation funding in FY97. The pilot stndy was conducted concurrently with the strategic plan. This pilot consisted of automating numerous data layers for a limited area of downtown to demonstrate various applications that the GIS would be able to provide. In addition, AppGeo provided Town personnel training in the use of the ArcView based pilot project. During the FY97 budget cycle, AppGeo presented the Strategic Plan and pilot to various Town boards in support of the funding requests. Subsequent to completing the GIS Strategic Plan and pilot study, AppGeo was retained by the Town to provide ongoing GIS implementation assistance consulting. This work involved helping the Town conduct a procurement to receive photograrnmetric base mapping services; performing database design and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) on the photogrammetry project; and performing ad hoc GIS tasks such as map making and assistance in creating GIS staff job descriptions. 3 Client Reference List Westchester County New York Sam Wear, GIS Manager, (914) 285-3047 Oswego County, New York Applied Geographics Inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation APPLIED ?EOGRAPHIC5. Irqc, David Hastings, Real Property Director, (315) 349-8289 Clinton County, New York Rodney Brown, Planner, (518) 565-4709 City of Rye New York Christian Miller, Planner, (914) 967-7167 Nantucket County, Massachusetts Hilliard Wood, GIS Coord'mator, (508) 325-5346 Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Christian Jacqz, Director of MassGIS, (617) 626-1000 State of Maine, Office of GIS Dan Walters, GIS Coordinator, (207) 624-9435 4 GIS Needs Assessment Process AppGeo is very familiar with the methodology outlined in the State Archives Publication #GIS03, entitled Local Government GiS Development Guides. The process we will follow will include the following major tasks: 1. Conduct project initiation meet'mg with the staff 2. Conduct on-site interviews with key town staff for up to seven (7) departments 3. Develop needs assessment 4. Develop conceptual system design 5. Develop implementation plan 6. Project conclusion meeting / presentation of results Estimated Effort Total Estimated Hours: 190 Total Esfnnated Cost: $21,700 Applied Geographics Inc. SARA GIS Needs Assessment Quotation 8 Plan Graphics, Inc. Town of Riverhead Local Govermnent Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment November26,2004 Mr. Eric Roseman, Planner Town of Riverhead Planning Department 200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Proposal to Develop a GIS Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan Dear Er/c: PlanGraphics is pleased to present our proposal for the development of a Geographic ]nformation Systems (GIS) Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan for the Town of Riverhead. The PlanGraphics project team proposes to conduct the following activities as part of this project: · Conduct up to eleven (11) work sessions with Town departments · Conduct one (1) work session with the Suffolk County GIS program (subject to agreement by Suffolk County's Information Services) Conduct one work session (1) with the chairman of the Long Island GIS Users Group (subject to agreement by the chairman) · Develop and deliver a draft GIS Needs Assessment document · Review with Town staff Develop and deliver a final GIS Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan. The PlanGraphics Project Team has determined that the activities defined in this proposal can be completed within a three-month timefi'ame for a cost of $25,000. PlanGraphics is pleased to be considered to t'~e on this important project for the Town of Riverhead. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments that you may have. I can be reached at (212) 813-2998 (desk), (646) 263-6656 (cell), or by e-mail at jhatl~plangraphics.com. Sincerely, Jim Hall, Executive Consultant cc: Shawn Wampler, PlanGraphics Attachment PROPOSAL TO TOWN OF R1V~RHEAD FOR THE DEVELOMENT OF A GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS NEEDS ASSESSMENT & PHASED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION PlanGraphics presents this proposal in response to the Town of Riverhead's request for proposal entitled "Enterprisewide Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment," which defines a needs assessment project that will enable the Town to adapt its current GIS applications and data for use in an enterprise GIS configuration. Ultimately, this project will be the first step in implementing a GIS on an enterprise level, which would greatly benefit the operational efficiency and decision-making effectiveness of several Town departments. The successful proposal will be included for grantor review in a proposal for funding under the New York State Archives (NYSA) grant program entitled Local Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF). PlanGraphics' proposal includes our proposed scope of work, a proposeA schedule, a description of the project team, and a detailed price quote. A cover letter and resumes of the two members of PlanGraphics' proposed project team are also being sent (as separate Word files) with this proposal. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The PlanGraphics project team plans to take a top-down view of the Town and review and assess the needs of all entities within the Town government that currently use or might have a use for GIS technology. To do so, PlanGraphics proposes the following three-task scope of work. Task 1: Information Gathering The PlanGraphics project team will begin the project by scheduling and conducting work sessions with Town departments and supporting orga~zations including the Suffolk County GIS program and the Long Island GIS Users Group (LIGIS). It is expected that a single work session will be needed with each of five Town departments: 1. Assessor 2. Sewer 3. Water 81119 PlanGraphics, Inc. Page 1 Proposal for a GIS Needs Assessment & Phased Implementation Plan November 26, 2004 4. Highway 5. Police Each work session will last between one and two hours and will take place on~site at Town government offices. It may be advantageous to include more than one department in a work session to take advantage of synergies and potential common needs (e.g, Sewer and Water); this will be determined in cooperation with the Town's project manager before the first work session is conducted. It is also expected that the PlanGraphics project team will need two work sessions with each of these three departments: 6. Planning 7. Building 8. Accounting The focus of each of these sessions will be to have the attendees describe their responsibilities and departmental operations, their use of and needs for data, and their current and expected use of technology. This information will allow the PlanGraphics project team to develop a sound understanding of the Town's current operations and GIS needs. If it can be arranged, one work session with representatives from the Suffolk County GIS program (based in the County's Infonnation Services organization) will also be conducted to review the resources of the County program, the current relationship with the Town, and oppomm/ties for coordination and mutual benefit in the furore. A similar work session with the cha/rman of the LIGIS will also be sought. Task 2: Compilation of Draft GIS Needs Assessment Document The findings of the first task will enable the PlanGraphics project team to compile a draft GIS Needs Assessment document that will include documentation of the Town's needs for GIS and the current GIS infrastructure organized in the following general categories: · Data · Applications · Systems infrastructure · Organizational structure, staffing and training The document generated will be provided to key Town staff for review and comment. This will ensure that the PlanGraphics project team has an accurate 'understanding of the Town's GIS needs and infrastructure. The modifications to the document suggested by Town staff will be implemented and delivered as part of the final GIS Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan, which will be delivered in Task 3. 81119 PlanGraphics, Inc, Page 2 Proposal for a GIS Needs Assessment & Phased Implementation Plan November 26, 2004 Task 2 deliverable: Draft GJS Needs Assessment document Task 3: Compilation of Final GIS Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan The th/rd task will be focused on presenting recommendations for the growth of GIS into an enterprise-wide configuration with/n the Town. The recommendations will be presented ha the same categories used for Task 2 (i.e., data, applications, systems infrastructure and organizational structure, staffing, and training) and will be grouped into multiple implementation phases that will allow the Town to perform logical groupings of implementation activities that will establish improved capabilities in an incremental manner. The following will be addressed and relevant content incorporated into the fmal GIS Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan: Definition of the optimal role for and use of GIS technology within the Town · Exploration of how department services and workflow processes can be enhanced through GIS. · Analysis and recommendations for the streamlining of GIS-related workflows for the following departments: Planning, Building, Assessor, Sewer, Water, Highway, Police, Accounting. · Documentation of the recommended computer hardware and software components for enterprise GIS. Conceptualization of the town-wide enterprise GIS alternatives and a recommendation for the preferred alternative. Creation of a master list of geographic data. Identification of records to be digitized and creation of a digital records management policy for each department. · Presentation of standards for mapping and geographic data for use by all of the Town's departments. · Provision of recommendations for data sharing and promotion of interdepartmental coordination. · Development of policies, standards, and organizational structure for data input and data management. · A reconnnended plan for creating a Town Hall GIS Users Group to promote communication and professional development. · Review of accessibility issues and presentation of strategies to make the Town's GIS resources more accessible to the public. 81119 PlanGraphics, Inc. Page 3 _Proposal for a GIS Needs Assessment & Phased implementation Plan November 26, 2004 · Preparation of a long-term GIS staffing, training and management plan. The document delivered for this Task will also include the revised GISNeeds Assessment. PlanGraphics will also be available to lead or participate in a brief presentation to Town management and/or other stakeholders. Task 3 deliverable: Final GIS Needs Assessment and Phased Implementation Plan 3. PROJECT SCHEDULE This project is planned to begin on August 1, 2005. The proposed project schedule will be three months (or 13 weeks), which would ensure that the project is complete and the final report delivered prior to the November 15, 2005 deadline stipulated by the NYSA grant program. The PlanGraphics project team proposes to adhere to the schedule presented in Table 1 below. Table 1: Proposed Project Schedule 1. Information Gathering End of week 5 2~ Compilation of Draft GIS Needs Assessment Document End of week 9 3. Compilation of Final GIS Needs Assessment and Phased End ofweek13 Implementation Plan 4. PROJECT TEAM PlanGraphics proposes to use a two-person project team to complete this project. Jim Hall, who has been with PlanGraphics for more than 10 years and in the GIS industry for more than. 15, will be the company's project lead. He will be supported by Shawn Wampler, a systems analyst who has been with PlanGraphics for five years and in the GIS industry for 11. Both Jim and Shawn will participate in the on-site work sessions, and both will work to develop both the draft and fmal documents. Resumes for each are being delivered separately with this proposal. 5. PROJECT COST The PlanGraphics project team proposes to complete this project for a fee of $25,000 for labor and expenses. A detailed price quote is presented in Table 2 on the next page. 81119 PlanGraphics, thC, Page 4 .Proposal for a GIS Needs Assessment & Phased implementation Plan November 26, 2004 Table 2: Detailed Price Quote Information Gathering 40 hours 54 hours $410 $11,670 2. Compilation of Draft GIS Needs Assessment 32 hours 48 hours $175 $9,615 Document 3. Compilation of Final GIS Needs Assessment 12 hours 18 hours $175 $3,715 and Phased Implementation Plan Total $25,000 * Hourly rate of $160 ** Hourly rate of $90 81119 PianGraphics, Inc. Page 5 RESUME JIM HALL EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE SYNOPSIS 1994-Present 1989-1994 1989 1988-1989 Executive Consultant, New York, NY (2001-Present) Project Manager/Senior Analyst, New York, NY (2000-2001) Project ManagedSenior Analyst, Silver Spring, Maryland (1998-2000) Project Manager/Systems Analyst, Jacksonville, Florida (1996-1998) Systems Analyst, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman (1994-1996) PtanGraphics, Inc. Computer Mapping/GIS Department Manager (1993-1994) Computer Mapping/GIS Technician (1989-1993) Air Survey Corporation, Sterling, Virginia. B.A., Geography, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. Programmer (part-time), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PlanGraphics, Inc. Executive Consultant, New York, New York (2001-Present): Having turned over day-to-day project management in mid-2002, Mr. Hall now focuses on business development and managing small- to medium-sized projects for customers in the New York City area (larger projects are handed off to dedicated project managers). Notable projects managed and/or worked on dudng this time period have included: · New York City Economic Development CorporationiEnhancement of property data, development of a GIS Web application ("Propertylnfo"), and design and installation of a GIS database server · New York City Department of Corrections--Development of a specification for an address normalization and geocoding Web service Township of Morris, New Jersey--Compilation of a GIS Needs Assessment and Strategic Implementation Plan · New York City Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Water and Sewer Operations--Management of procurement, installation, and configuration of four GIS servers and software New' York City Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Emergency Response and Technical Assessment--Deployment of facility inspection and chemical inventory databases on Toughbook computers for field use and assistance with software selection for the City's Right To Know program 11/8/04 Page 2 of 10 Jim Hall · New York City Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Water: and Sewer Operations--Developed database designs for document indexes for the Bureau's scanned drainage plans and tap cards · New York State Office for Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination-- Evaluated the SDSFIE standard and compiled a Critical Infrastructure Management Plan · Department of Sanitation, New York--Developed a routing database and applications to optimize garbage truck routing. Project Manager/Senior Analyst, New York, New York (2000-2001): New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DolTT): Between June 2000 and mid-2002, Mr. Hall served as PlanGraphics' project manager for the company's largest project. Mr. Hall managed the efforts of six on-site analysts and mere than a dozen off-site specialists in the implementation of a citywide GIS utility. Key project activities included: · Design and implementation of an Oracle Spatial-based object relational database to house the range of geographic and associated tabular data developed by and for the government of the City of New York · Client/Server and web-based application development for over half a dozen City departments, including DoITT, the NYPD, the Department of Design and Construction, the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management and the Economic Development Corporation · Development of a quality control program · Development of data sharing agreements with New York State and local utility companies (including Consolidated Edison and Empire City Subway) · Compilation of a spatial data metadata standard based on FGDC's and synchronized with New York State's · Completion of GIS needs assessments for several City agencies, including the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, the NYC Department of Design and Construction, the NYC Department of Finance, and the NYC Mayor's Office of Emergency Management · Specialized training and technology transfer · Mobilization to quickly and effectively staff the Emergency Mapping and Data Center within the City's Emergency Operations Center on 9/12/2001 and through the end of January 2002. Involved working with other consultants, City staff, and volunteers to process more than 2,600 requests for products or information from more than 70 organizations. While based in New York City, Mr. Hall also participated in the following project: · Water and Waste Department, City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Mr, Hall performed a thorough technical review and testing of Intergraph's GeoMedia PublicWorks software package prior to the first commercial release. Page 3 of 10 Jim. Hall Project Manager/Senior Analyst, Silver Spring, Maryland (1998-2000): City of Lynchburg, Virginia: As PlanGraphics' project manager, Mr. Hall was been involved in alt of PlanGraphics' activities for four consecutive projects for this customer. The City migrated its GDS~based GIS system to a new environment based on Intergraph's GeoMedia software suite and Oracle Spatial. Mr. Hall completed data modeling and database designs for base map, property mapping, zoning, and underground utility data in both GeoMedia/Access and Oracle Spatial formats. He also designed and implemented a two-tiered data architecture--operational systems with a variety of maintenance interfaces and formats (both GIS and tabular) periodically feed an Oracle Spatial-based data warehouse for city-wide access. Eleven applications were developed for this project. Mr. Hall wrote the majority of the custom code for the first two GeoMedia applications before turning development over to a two-person programming team dedicated to the project for more than six months. He maintained a mentoring role throughout the project and also did the majority of the coding for the initial delivery of both Web applications. Those nine applications, developed with Visual Basic and GeoMedia or GeoMedia Pro, included the following: · Proof-of-Concept Application · Quality Control Application · Parcel Maintenance Application · Address Maintenance Application · Water and Sewer Data Maintenance Application · Standard Map Production Application · Zoning Maintenance Application · GeoMedia to Oracle Spatial Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading Application · General User Application--GeoMedia. The two applications developed with Active Server Pages, HTML, VBScript, JavaScript, and GeoMedia WebMap included the following: · General User Application--GeoMedia WebMap · GIS Metadata Maintenance and Query Application. A key document was compiled pdor to the beginning of development--Application Development Methodologies and Standards--which serves as a guiding document for both PlanGraphics' application development team and the City. First published in July 1999, this document is platform-independent and is now being used on other projects. Berkeley County, West Virginia: Mr. Hall worked with the Assessor's staff to publish an RFP for tax map conversion services. The RFP covered requirements for digitizing into AutoCAD 2000 format from existing hard copy tax maps and adjusting the property data to ensure a high level of relative positional accuracy with the County's existing digital base map. City of Roanoke, Virginia: In an attempt to help the City's GIS implementation stay on track, Mr. Hall worked with a team of PlanGraphics consultants in the spring of 2000 to revise the City's 1997 GIS Master Plan. He concentrated on the GIS application and data issues. Kent County, Delaware: Mr. Hall performed a GIS situation assessment and compiled an action plan to help the County prioritize tasks and focus their GIS implementation efforts. Page 4 of 10 Jim Hail Horry County, South Carolina: Mr. Hall completed the logical database design for the GIS base map. He also worked with the data conversion vendor and PlanGraphics staff to define the conversion and quality control workflow and customized an existing Arclnfo-based quality control application for use with Horny County data. Mr, Hall also provided ongoing technical advice to PlanGraphics' quality control team. Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Wisconsin: Mr, Hall developed the proof-of-concept application using Visual Basic against GeoMedia. He also led the process of generating requirement specifications for the high-priority applications before passing his development role to other PlanGraphics staff. New York City Department of Environmental Protection, New York: Mr. Halt participated in a GIS needs assessment of the entire department that provides public water and sewer services for the City of New York. A combined needs assessment report/implementation plan was compiled and delivered. Project Manager/Systems Analyst, Jacksonville, Florida (1996-1998): Jacksonville Electric Authority, Jacksonville, Florida: Mr. Hall worked on-site with Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) to design and implement a GIS system for the water and sewer components of the Jacksonville Electdc Authority (JEA). The project was divided into two phases--Mr. Hall's responsibilities included serving as PlanGraphics' on-site coordinator for Phase I and as PlanGraphics' project manager for Phase 2. Phase I focused on developing a water and sewer GIS Master Plan used to guide Phase 2 implementation. The components of the Phase I GIS Master Plan included: · Existing GIS Environment Review · GIS Needs Assessment Report · Utility Applications Report · Data Conversion Plan · Raster Imaging System Plan · A proof-of-concept GIS dataset and customized graphical user interface, Phase 2 involved application development, data conversion, raster imaging system implementation, and development of interagency data exchang.~ procedures/standards. During this phase, Mr. Hall took the lead role in compiling and presenting a six-pad JEA/City base map enhancement plan that involved publishing the following documents: · Existing JEA/City Base Map Review · Digital Aerial Photography and Satellite Imagery Acquisition Report · Centerline Process and Data Review and Enhancement Recommendations · Land Base Graphics Review and Enhancement Recommendations · Land Base Attribution Review and Enhancement Recommendations · Assessment of JEA/City Data Linkages and Applications. Also during Phase 2, Mr. Hall conducted user needs assessments and developed custom GIS applications to improve several key water and sewer processes, including the following: ,, Water and sewer master planning · Septic tank phase-out · Sewer system event reporting to regulatory agencies · Emergency preparedness planning · Community outreach/public relations support Page 5 of 10 Jim Hall · Data processing to support collection of water meter permit fees · Data translation to support water and sewer data conversion. The software tools used to meet these needs included ESRI's AML and Avenue, SQL Server and T-SQL, Oracle's Developed2000 and PL/SQL, SQL Navigator, peri, VBA, GeoMedia, and Imagineer. A key work task, completed in the summer of 1998, resulted in the first release of the "GroundWorks Project Tracking System" with water and sewer capital improvements data integrated with both raster and vector base map datasets. The development involved the creation of a relational data model and database in MS Access, and both a customized desktop interface and a set of web pages for JEA's intranet site. The software used included GeoMedia, MS Access, and Visual Basic for the desktop interface and project tracking data model. GeoMedia WebMap, FrontPage and HTML were used for the intranet site. While based in Jacksonville, Mr. Hall also participated in the following projects: City of Largo, Florida: Helped compile an existing environment review, needs assessment report, and GIS implementation plan for the City with primary responsibility for hardware/ software/networking issues and systems design work. Gainesville Regional Utilities, Florida: Participated in the compilation of a request for proposal, proposal review, and contractor selection for a field data collection project for this electric utility. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania: Completed a database design for the County's vector and raster mapping and developed a database design application using MS Access. Greenville Utilities, North Carolina: Compiled a phased GIS system design for the water, sewer, electric, and gas components of GU. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania: Assisted in developing parcel map conversion procedures using AutoCAD and ArcCAD. Conducted training to teach County staff how to perform the conversion process. Systems Analyst, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman (1994-1996): Mr. Hall was previously assigned full-time as a member of a two-man, 24-month project to improve the base mapping operations of the National Survey Authority (~SA) of the Sultanate of Oman. He led or participated in the following tasks: · Development of a comprehensive operational tDEF model covering everything from project planning and initiation through delivery of spatial data and/or maps to the organization's client community and project closure · Modernization of NSA's base mapping specifications for digital planimetric and topographic mapping at scales of 1:2,000; 1:5,000; 1:10,000; 1:20,000; 1:50,000; and 1:100,000 · Design and implementation of a staged production workflow and a system development plan with software, hardware, and networking components · Design and implementation of a spatial metadata management system with both a metadata entry application ("ADDMETA") and a query application ("ATLAS") · Design and implementation of a cartographic hardcopy map and spatial data production applications ,, Design and implementation of procedures and software for the quality assurance/ quality control of both hardcopy and digital mapping/GIS data · Creation of educational materials and delivery of training to the NSA staff. Page 6 of 10 Jim Hall Mr. Hall performed logical application development using a variety of structured analysis and design techniques and application coding using Qracle's Developed2000 with Maptitude as a geographic front-end, PL/SQL, and Arclnfo AML Applications were documented with user's guides and demonstrated in technical and managerial workshops. Mr. Hall also served as NSA's primary technical computer mapping/GIS contact with all of NSA's mapping contractors, which included the following: · Arabian Mapping Company (Muscat, Oman) · Cairo Engineering (Cairo, Egypt) · Hansa Luftbild (Munich, Germany) · KLM AeroCarto (Eindhoven, Holland) · MAPS Geosystems (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates) · Speck Systems (Hyderabad, India). Computer Mapping/GIS Department Manager (1993-1994) Computer Mapping/G IS Technician (1989-1993) Air Survey Corporation Sterling, Virginia Computer Mapping/GIS Department Manager (1993-1994): Responsible for managing the day-to-day activity of six operators involved in the production of large-scale topographic maps, GIS databases, digital terrain models, volumetric studies, and digital orthophotos. Responsible for resource planning and for handling personnel matters. Wrote computer programs to help maximize the workflow and managed more than a dozen long-term AM/FM/GIS and civil engineering-related mapping projects, including the following. Loudoun County, Virginia: Supervised and performed much of the work for this long-term mapping project. Checked photogrammetric data for spatial accuracy and content and delivered the data in Arclnfo form. Whatcom County, Washington: Oversaw the post-compilation processing of photogrammetrically compiled data for a FEMA flood study of the Lower Nooksack River Valley (about half of the County). Converted data from KORK KDMS digital files to MicroStation for edits and plotting. Provided the client with AutoCAD files and tgc__h_nical guidance with translation to Arclnfo. U.S. Route 58, Virginia: Managed six projects covedng more than 50 kilometers of 1:500 scale road mapping. Involved in overseeing data flow from stereoplotter through edit, quality control, and data conversion phases. Provided digital AutoCAD data and hardcopy mylars to five different engineering clients. Charlottesville, Virginia: Teamed with two other mapping firms as Air Survey's project manager for delivery of vector base mapping and orthophotography to the City for their GIS. Tasks included quality control, post-compilation batch editing, and translation to AutoCAD for data encompassing the entire municipality. As Computer Mapping/GIS Department Manager, Mr. Hall also managed more than 100 quick turnaround GIS and civil engineering-related mapping projects. Page 7 of 10 Jim Hall Computer Mapping/GIS Technician (1989-1993): Responsibilities included all Arclnfo and UNIX work, as well as editing, plotting, translating, and archiving--wrote computer programs to assist in all of these areas. Learned to access map data accuracy through vigorous hardcopy and digital checks. Also performed analytical stereoplotter compilation, survey control acquisition, and field inventory/classification on an as needed basis. Prince William Institute, Virginia: Completed this large Arclnfo conversion project involving the generation of more than 70 color checkplots and the creation of comprehensive Arclnfo markersets and linesets. Wrote more than 100 AMLs to facilitate creation of coverages, database population, quality control, and plotting. Hanover County, Virginia: Assisted with development of planimetric and topographic mapping of the entire County for use in an E~911 system. Tasks included editing in KORK KDMS and AutoCAD, plotting to drum and electrostatic plotters, and data translation. Rocky Pen Run, Virginia: Designed a database schema for the client, Stafford County. Took compiled data through all cartographic edit phases to produce mylar plots, AutoCAD files, and Arclnfo coverages. Guilford County, North Carolina: Worked on this countywide mapping project that produced a planimetric GIS database. Performed photogrammetric data compilation on an analytical stereoplotter, as well as post-compilation quality control, editing, and data translation. Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority: Participated in numerous projects to survey and map both National and Dulles Airports. Tasks included data model design, data translation, cartographic edits, and hardcopy generation in both MicroStation and AutoCAD. Also occasionally performed field survey and field inventory work. Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D.C.: Performed a complete field inventory to identify and locate the plant's facility infrastructure to support the compilation and delivery of photogrammetric mapping. Programmer (Part-time) Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia (1988-1989) Designed and wrote FORTRAN programs for the Geography Department that were used to ~ generate triangulated irregular networks (TINs) and plots for field use in the Caribbean by the Geography Department faculty. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Completed two graduate-level GIS courses, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia Also completed courses in the following: · Active Server Pages · ArcFM · ArcIMS customization · Arclnfo · Awk · Bourne, Korn and C-Shell · GeoMedia customization · GeoMedia WebMap customization · Intranet implementation · Microsoft Project · Microsoft SQL Server administration · Oracle RDBMS ,, Oracle Spatial · Project management · SDSFIE implementation ·Sed · SQL UNiX administration · VBScript · Visual Basic · Windows administration Page 8 of 10 Jim Hall PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Application - Visual Basic and VBA - SQL, PL/SQL, and Transact SQL Development/ - Awk and Sed - Oracle's Developer/2000 Programming: - Bentley's UCM - Visual Source Safe/Microsoft Repository - AutoCAD scripting - UNIX scripting (Bourne, Korn and C-Shell) GIS/Mapping Heavy and extended use: - Arclnfo and GeoMedia/GeoMedia Pro Applications: Regular use: - ArcView, Maplnfo Occasional use: - MicroStation, AutoCAD Databases: - Oracle (including SQL*Plus, Forms, Reports, and Oracle Spatial) ~ Microsoft SQL Server (including DTS, bcp, osql, Full Text indexing, and Seamhing) - Microsoft Access (including the full range of native automation tools) Web Development: - Active Server Pages - ArclMS - HTML - GeoMedia WebMap - VBScript Structured - Design IDEF - Visio Enterprise Analysis/Design: - Visio Modeler Operating Systems: - Windows 2000, NT and XP - UNIX (Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX) - VMS Office Software: - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Project Image Processing: - Adobe Photoshop - Microsoft Image Composer - MrSID Publisher PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS The Future of GIS--A Big Apple Perspective, GIS and Mapping Operations Users Group, New York, New York, July 2004. GIS and Public Safety--A Big Apple Perspective (Keynote address), Live video link co- presentation with Alan Leidner, GIS for Emergency Management Conference, Sydney, Australia, June 2004. Innovative GIS at the New York City GIS Utility, 19th Annual New York State GIS Conference, Liverpool, New York, October 2003. Innovative GIS in the Big Apple, 23~d Annual ESRI Users Conference, San Diego, California, July 2003. Data Integration in NYC Government, New York Area Data Council's Data Connections XlII, New York, New York, March 2003. Implementing the New York City GIS Utility, 21st Annual GITA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 2003. GIS as a Tool for Managing Terrorist Attacks and Other Emergencies (Keynote address), Harvard University's GIS Day, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2002. Spatial Systems Integration, Data Warehousing, and OLAP, Co-presentation with Rich Annitto (Bowne AE&T) and Beth Desmarais (SI Systems), Long Island GIS Conference, Upton, New York, November 2002. A Standard Information Architecture to Support both the Enterprise and First Re'sponders Co-presentation with Bruce Goldsmith (PlanGraphics), Oracle's Critical Solutions Partner Forum, Reston, Virginia, November 2002. Page 9 of 10 Jim Hall Technical Observations on the WTC Emergency Mapping and Data Center and the GIS Utility Activities Since 9/11, 40th Annual URISA Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 2002. Annual Report on the New York City GIS Utility, 18th Annual New York State GIS Conference, Liverpool, New York, October 2002. Update on NYC GIS Utility Accomplishments and Goals, 3rd Annual New York Technology Forum, Brooklyn, New York, October 2002. Update on NYC GIS Utility Accomplishments and Goals, GIS and Mapping Users Group, New York, New York, September 2002. 9/11 Lessons Learned and Adjustments to the NYC GIS Program, New England GIS Conference, Massachusetts, May 2002. World Trade Center Response and Recovery Effort: Lessons Learned, The GeoTEC Event, Toronto, Canada, April 2002. The Effect of September 11~h on Information Technology, Panel discussion/presentation, Fordham University, New York, New York, April 2002. "Notes from a Yankee's Trip through Australasia," GIS User magazine, January-February 2002. Contributing writer to Wodd Trade Center issue of GEOWorld magazine, January 2002. Speaking Tour of Australia and New Zealand coordinated by AURISA - GIS Responds to the WTC Disaster, 16 presentations in nine cities, November - December 2001. Included keynote address at AURISA's 29th Annual Conference, two radio interviews, two newspaper articles and one magazine article. GIS Responds to the WTC Disaster, GIS Day Showcase, Detroit, Michigan, November 2001. GIS in New York City: Response to the World Trade Center Disaster, Co-presentation with Alan Leidner (New York City GIS Director), 17th Annual New York State GIS Conference, Albany, New York, October 2001. Design and Implementation of the New York City GIS Utility, 39th Annual URISA Conference, Long Beach, California, October 2001. GIS in New York City: Response to the World Trade Center Disaster (Special Plenary Session), 39th Annual URISA Conference, Long Beach, California, October 2001. GIS Responds to the WTC Disaster, Co-presentation with Alan Leidner (New York City GIS Director), GIS and Mapping Operations Users Group, New York, New York, October 2001. Design and Implementation of the New York City GIS Utility, 21st Annual ESRI Users Conference, San Diego, California, July 2001. Implementation of the New York City GIS Utility, 14th Annual Towson University GIS Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2001. Application Development for the New York City GIS Utility, 1st Annual New York Technology Forum, Brooklyn, New York, October 2000. Creating the New York City GIS Utility, 1st Annual New York Technology Forum, Brooklyn, New York, October 2000. Just what have we thgOt here? GIS Metadata Implementation for Four Quite Different Organizations, 13 Annual Towson University GIS Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2000. Application Development Methodologies and Standards, 13th Annual Towson University GIS Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2000. Page 10 of 10 Jim Hall A GIS Migration Report- City of Lynchburg, Virginia, 10th Annual Virginia GIS Conference, Abingdon, Virginia, October 1999. Improving Water and Sewer Utility Operations through GIS Implementation, Florida Atlantic University GIS Workshop, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 1997. Digital Mapping for the Sultanate, Florida Joint Geographic Information/Mapping Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida, April 1997. The Quality Control of Digital Mapping Data, 2nd Annual Middle East ESRI Users Group, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 1995. AWARDS 1st Annual Friend of AURISA Award from the Australasian Urban Regional Information Systems Organization, October 2002. 2001 Individual ETAP (Excellence in Technology Awards Program) for role in City GIS implementation, awarded by New York City's Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, June 2001. ORGANIZATIONS Member of: · (New York City's) Geographic Information Systems and Mapping Organization (GISMO) · New York Area Data Council (NYADC) RESUME SHAWN WAMPLER EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION SYNOPSIS 1999-Present 1998-1999 1997-f998 1995-1997 1995 1995 1994 1993-1995 Systems Analyst (2004-Present) Senior Research Analyst (1999-2004) PlanGraphics, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland. GIS Specialist, KCl Technologies, Hunt Valley, Maryland. GIS Specialist, General Physics Corporation, Columbia, Maryland. Cartographer, The Atlantic Group, Inc., Baltimore City, Maryland. B.S., Geography, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland. Research Intern, Earth Observation Satellite, Lanham, Maryland. Soil Conservation Technician/Critical Area Inspector, Dorchester County Planning and Zoning, Cambridge, Maryland. Resident Assistant, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland. DETAILS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Systems Analyst (2004-Present) Sr. Research Analyst (1999-2004) PlanGraphics, Inc. Silver Spring, Maryland Systems Analyst (2004-Present) Shawn's responsibilities include documentation, development and quality control of data, research, and analysis of project requirements. She is responsible for analyzing client needs, GIS database design development, GIS training, and data quality insurance. Shawn has been involved in several parcel and address database design projects. She is also responsible for general and market research and support of senior consultants in data analysis and report preparation. In addition, she assists in the performance of technical work relating to researching existing digital data resources and GIS system products. Shawn has attended several training courses through ESRI for ArcSDE and Geodatabase. The New York City Department of Sanitation--In-house Complaint Mapping (2004- Present): This project includes application development and data integration with New York City GeoSupport and 311 Systems. Ms. Wampler is the task manager responsible for communicating with client staff to define application functions and output requirements, as 11/11/04 Page 2 of 4. Shawn Wampler well as to work through data development issues. She is also working to enable the DSNY staff to conduct their own GIS analysis and mapping effort. Sr. Research Analyst (1999-2004): Henrico County, Virginia, Master Address Database Development and Implementation (2002-Present): Ms. Wampler is a core team member for the compilation and implementation of the master address database. She is leading the field verification portion of the project, which is the collection of 32,000 addresses, as well as incorporating more than 95,000 existing addresses into a geodatabase. Shawn is in charge of all database changes and is one of the lead client contacts on the project. She is assisting in the development of four applications that will query and maintain the addresses created in the conversion process. Charleston County, South Carolina (2003-Present): Ms. Wampler is developing an address database design for Charleston County that will integrate several key County departments to reduce data redundancy and supply the County with "one source" for addressing. Shawn is assessing County needs and providing a custom data model to meet the County's needs that will take the County's current Arclnfo 7.x data and convert it to Geodatabase, She will also make recommendations to the County for customized applications to assist in data maintenance Anne Arundel County, Maryland (2002): Ms. Wampler provided quality control for the County parcel pilot project. She prepared a parcel database design using ESRI's Parcel Geodatabase model for full data collection of the County. Shawn assisted in providing the County with recommendations for parcel maintenance applications, as well as recommendations for full data collection procedures. Verizon (2001): Created a geodatabase from existing CADD data using linear referencing to enable efficient data management. Other projects: · Horry County, SC - QC of Planimetdcs/Parcels/Orthophotography · Lower Merion Township, PA - QC of Planimetrics/Orthophotography/Parcels · Wake County, SC - QC of Orthophotography · Charleston, SC - QC of Parcels · Providence Gas, RI - QC of Gas Line Conversion · Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) - QC of Indexing · New York City, NY - QC of Planimetrics GIS Specialist KCI Technologies Hunt Valley, Maryland (1998-1999) Created storm drain and sanitary sewer coverages for Baltimore City. Assisted with proposal writing. Performed QA/QC macros and made corrections to existing coverages. Assisted in the creation of a detailed database for Baltimore City using City drawings. Assisted colleagues with drawing interpretations. Attended conferences to promote the GIS department. Trained new employees on procedures and assisted them with troubleshooting. Page 3 of 4 Shawn Wampler GIS Specialist General Physics Corporation Columbia, Maryland (1997-1998) Converted existing maps in CorelDraw to MicroStation using coordinates and sample data provided by surveyors, Consulted with surveyors and geologists on data discrepancies. Updated databases and existing maps. Analyzed raw data provided by the hydrologist and geologist. Prioritized and performed GIS and cartographic needs of the Edgewood field office. Interpreted statistical data to be represented in graphical presentations for proposals and remediation work. Cartographer The Atlantic Group, Inc. Baltimore City, Maryland (1995-1997) Designed and implemented a computer cartographic division. Diagnosed and repaired computer software and hardware problems. Performed system updates and backups. Produced geologic cross-sections, diagrams, and maps for clients with various needs. Prepared all work for publication in scientific journals. Trained new employees and managed their performance. Interacted with clients to elicit their needs and resolve their problems. Research Intern Earth Observation Satellite Lanham, Maryland (~99S) Researched how remote sensing is used to determine disease insect vectors. Created an annotated bibliography of sources. Communicated with people in the field of epidemiology and remote sensing (mainly the National Air and Space Administration, the National Institute of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control). Soil Conservation Technician/Critical Area Inspector Dorchester County Planning and Zoning Cambridge, Maryland (1994) Inspected farms for water quality regulation compliance. Assisted USDA by reporting farms with soil conservation concerns. Assisted the Soil Conservation Service in surveying. Interpreted aerial photographs of farms. Recorded farms not in compliance with regulations. Page 4 of 4 Shawn Wampler Resident Assistant University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore, Maryland (1993-1995) Managed 45 people living in a residence hall. Enforced policies. Provided both educationally- and socially-based programs. Assisted with the hiring and training process for existing and new resident assistants, Worked with students of differing cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Held a leadership position while working with other staff members as a team. SKILLS Arclnfo Intergraph MGE IPLOT Programming Corpscon Idrisi Canvas Illustrator Geocart MS Word Excel PhotoShop Pagemaker DeltaGraph Surfer CorelDraw Access CERTIFICATIONS Cedification in MicroStation Cartography Certificate, 1995 9. Proposed Budget for a Federal or State Project Form FS-10 Town of Riverhead Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund GIS Needs Assessment The University of the State of New York THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (see instructions for mailing address) PROPOSED BUDGET FOR A FEDERAL OR STATE PROJECT FS-10 (10/02) Funding Source: Local Agency Information Local Government Records Management hnprovement Fund Report Prepared By: Agency Name: Mailing Address: Jennifbr Mesiano Town of Riverhead 200 }lowell Avenue Street Riverhead NY 11901 City Stme Zip Code Telephone #: 631-727-3200 x 612 E-Mail Address: mesiano(Oriverheadli.com Dates: 8 / 1 Project Operation Start County: Suffolk / 05 7 / 31 / 06 End INSTRUCTIONS Submit the original budget and the required number of copies along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. DO NOT submit this form to the Grants Finance. Enter whole dollar amounts only. Prior approval by means of an approved budget (FS-10) or budget amendment (FS-I 0-A) is required for: ,, Personnel positions, number and type · Equipment items having a unit value orS1,000 or mom, number and type · Minor relnodeling · Any increase in a budget subtotal (professional salaries, purchased services, travel, etc.) by more than 10 percent or $1,000, whichever is greater · Any increase in the total budget amount. o.*. Certification on page 8 must be signed by Chief Administrative Officer or desi~ee. °5° High quality computer generated reproductions of this form may be used. For changes in agency or payee address contact the State Education Department office indicated on the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. °5' For further information on budgeting, please refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants which may be accessed at w,~v.nysed.gov/cafe/or call Grants Finance at (5 l 8) 474-4815. FS-IO Page 2 . SALARIES FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF: Code 15 Include only staff that are employees of the agency. Do not include consultants or per diem staff: Do not include central admin/strative staff that are considered to be indirect costs, e.g., business office staft: One full-time equivalent (FTE) equals one person working an entire week each week of the prnject. Express partial FTE's in decimals, e.g., a teacher working one day per week equals .2 FTE. Full-Time Annualized Rate Project Specific Position Title Equivalent of Pay Salary Subtotal - Code 15 0 SALARIES FOR SUPPORT STAFF: Code 16 Include salaries for teacher aides, secretarial and clerical assistance, and for personnel in pupil transportation and building operation and maintenance. Do not include central achninistrative staff that are considered to be indirect costs, e.g., account clerks. Full-Time Annualized Rate Project Specific Position Title Equivalent of Pay Salary __ Subtotal - Code 16 0 FS~10 iPage 3 PURCHASED SERVICES: Code 40 Include consultants (indicate per diem rate), rentals, mit/on, and other contractual services. Copies of contracts may be requested by the State Education Department. Purchased Services From a BOCES, if other than applicant agency, should be budgeted under Purchased Services with BOCES, Code 49. Provider of Calculation Proposed Description of Item Services of Cost Expenditure Needs Assessment Bowne Management, Specialist I- $30,960 Study Inc. 20 hrs. ~ $96.86 Project Manager II- 98 hrs. ~ $167.09 Project Manager III- 82 hrs. ~ $156.34 Subtotal - Code 40 $30,960. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: Code 45 Include computer software, library books and equipment items under $1,000 per unit. Proposed Description ofltem Quantity Unit Cost Expenditure Subtotal - Code 45 0 FS-10 Page 4 TRAVEL EXPENSES: Code 46 Include pupil transportation, conference costs and travel of staff between instructional sites. Specify agency approved mileage rate for travel by personal car or school-owned vehicle. Destination Calculation Proposed Position of Traveler and Purpose of Cost Ex~lpenditures Subtotal - Code 46 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: Code 80 Rates used for project personnel must be the same as those used for other agency personnel. Benefit Proposed Expenditure Social Security New York StaLe_Teachers Retirement New York State Employees Other Health Insurance Worker's Compensation Unemployment Insurance Other (Identify) 0 Subtotal - Code 80 FS-10 Page 5 INDIRECT COST: Code 90 A. Modified Direct Cost Base - Sum of all preceding subtotals (codes 15, 16, 40, 45, 46, and 80 and excludes the portion of each subcontract exceeding $25,000 and any flow through funds) B. Approved Restricted Indirect Cost Rate C. (A) x (B) = Total Indirect Cost Subtotal - Code 90 $ % $ PURCHASED SERVICES WITH BOCES: Code 49 (A) (C) Calculation Proposed Description of Services Name of BOCES of Cost Expenditure Subtotal - Code 49 0 MINOR REMODELING: Code 30 Allowable costs include salaries, associated employee benefits, purchased services, and supplies and materials related to alterations to existing sites. - Description of Work Calculation of Proposed To be Performed Cost Expenditure Subtotal - Code 30 0 FS-10 Page 6 EQUIPMENT: Code 20 All equipment to be purchased in support of this project with a unit cost of $1,000 or more should be itemized in this category. Equipment items under $1,000 should be budgeted under Supplies and Materials, Code 45. Repairs of equipment should be budgeted under Purchased Services, Code 40. Description of Item Quantity Unit Cost Subtotal - Code 20 Proposed Expenditure FS-10 Page 8 BUDGET SUMMARY SUBTOTAL CODE PROJECT COSTS Professional Salaries 15 Support Staff Salm'ies 16 Purchased Services 40 Supplies and Materials 45 Travel Expenses 46 Employee Benefits 80 Indh'ect Cost 90 BOCES Services 49 Minor Remodeling 30 Equipment 20 Grand Total CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project and that this agency is in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and re.g~ation~ ...7 // Date Sign~ffure Phil Cardinale, Town Supervisor Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer Agency Code: Project #: (lf pre-assigned) Tracking/Contract #: (Special legislative projects only) Federal Employer ID #: (New non-municipal agencies only) Agency Name: Funding Dates: Program Approval: FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY I I / From To Date: Fiscal Year Amount Budgeted First Payment Finance: Voucher# Log First Payment Approved MIR