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Riverhead GIS Grant 2006-07
~l~: ~,~ J'.,,;,;,,;t~I)EPARTMENTITHE UNI¥[RSITY OF TH~ STATF. OFNEW YORI( IAL~,~ LGRMIF Grant Acceptance Form Town of Riverhead Project Number: 0580-07-7473 Budget Summary: Code i5 Professiottal Salaries $9,778 Code ]6 Support Staff Salaries $0 Code 40 ?urchased Services $2t,269 Code 4,5 Supplies and Materials $33,360 Code 46 Travel Expenses $0 Code 80 Employee Benefits $0 Code 90 Indirect Cost $0 Code 49 BOCES Services $0 Code 30 Minor Remodeling $0 Code 20 Equipment $9,889 Amount of Grant Award: :$74,296 I hereby accept a grant from the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund in the amount indicated above and agree lo comply with all reporting requirements. These funds will be expended it, accordance with the budget as detailed above and opproved by the State Education Department. The Stote Education Deportment has the right to recover funds if the services are not provided or if the funds are caT, ended inappropriately. Chief Administrative Officer: Signature: Title: Date: Complele this form and return it to: The New York State Arcl3ives Grant* Administration and Program Support Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center Albany, NY 12230 If you have any questions, please contact the Grants Administration and Program Support Unit: Telephone: (518) 474 - 6926 E-mail: archgrants@maiLnysed.gov 31 Government Records Ivlanag(¢mtCHt .-p ........... _-. L~'~u~Ter .' . 2006-2007 74 7 3 ApplicatiOn Type (Check one): ~ Individual L] Cooperative ~ Complex ' ',. 5 2t 5 [~] Disaster Recovery Applica n t I~n f_o_rm ation ~l-~,v~.~nm ent (N~--~m~e-) Depadment/Unit (REQUIRED) Engineering Town of Riverhead Cl~ief~dmini-~trative O~cer (Last Name, First Name, Mn/Ms) Phil Cardinale [Te lephone Number/Extension ~ Fax Number E~mail Address Title Town Supe~isor (631 )727-3200 (631-727-6712) mesiano~riverheadli.com ~'~ess (Street, C~ty, Zip Code) 200 Howell Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 Is Project Director the RMO? ~ Yes ~ No -~ject Director (Laet Name, First Name, Mr./Ms.) (~3~ )727-3200 x~2 Jennifer Mesiano FaxNumber ~ E-mail Address Title (631)727~6712} mesiano~riverheadlLcom Grants Coordinator Address (Street, City, Zip Code) 200 Howell Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901 Project Category (Check the appropriate category and sub-catego~. -- no more than I categor_y_ and 1 sub-category) -~-N~-SRY E] Reoord~lnvento~----- '- -- b~ INACTIVE [] Planning and Design AND PLANNING E~ Records inventory Streamlined (no narrative required) RECORDS [] Storage and Retrieval [] Office Retention Scheduling [~ Microfilming [] Records Survey/Pr_ogram Planning ~:~ ACTIVE [] Files Management [] Disaster/Business Recovery Planning E~ Indexing and Access RECORDS [] Imaging and Document Management [] Geographic information Systems [] eGovernment [] Records Systems [] Business Process Analysis [] Assessing Your Historical Records [] Historical Records Storage Facility Improvement HISTORICAL RECORDS [] Improving Access to Historical Records [] Microfilming [] Presen/ation [] Outreach/Public Programs [] EDUCATIONAL USES (no sub-categories) Amount Requested: $74,296.00 Number of Grants Previously Received: 1 Project Summary (Must be completed in this box. Briefly describe project, including scope and objectives) The Town of Riverhead Engineering Department is requesting this grant to implement the first of three phases of the Town's enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) Implementation Plan. The implementation Plan was developed by consulting company Bowne Management Systems, Inc., in close consultation with the Town in November 2005 under a LGRMIF grant funded project. The funds requested will support development of a centralized, secure electronic records management tool that will enhance intergovernmental access to records and the ongoing security and maintenance of those records. This project is focused on records utilized by the following departments: Building, Planning, Community Development, Water, Code Enforcement, Police and Engineering. Grant funds are requested to defray the cost of developing an enterprise GIS. Requested funds will support hardware and software purchases as well as consulting services to develop the database and train staff in the use of desktop GIS software and GtS server software products, Fom~ LG- I t 5 2t)(iS ) New York State Archives As.omble the applic2Vq"~ ' ; :" ~'~qow!qg order: ~ /terns Ihdi&,:a ~A i ~,r~ ;~5teri~l( ~t'¢ r~cltlired of aJ/ ~}rniects) a. *Grant Project Appllca[Ion (LG-1) b. Qther Local Governments PaRicipating in Cooperative Error (LG-2) c. *Application narrative, consisting of four sections [not required for Records I nventow Streamlined sub-categow] d. *Records Management Program Questionnaire Form (LG-3) e. *Projects P~viously Funded by the LGRMIF (LG~) Project Position Description Form (LG-5) [if hiring staff or consultants with g rant funds] g. Consultant r6sum8 Jif consultant is identified in the application] h. Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) i. Imaging and Microfilming Project lnfo~ation Fo~ (LG-7) [for each records series proposed for filming] Indexing Project Information Form (LG-8) [for all indexing projects] Other required materials: needs assessments, archival and conse~ation vendodconsultant treatment proposals, floor plans, consultant responses to RFPs, etc. I. Le~er of intent [for cooperative projects only] m. *Payee Information Form (PI) and Supplement n. *Proposed Budget for a Federal or State Project Form (FS-I 0) The application form (LG-I), not a cover letter or cover sheet, should be the first page reviewers see. When you flip over the grant proposal, page 8 of the FS-10 (the budget) should be face up so that reviewers and grants staff can access summary information without turning pages. Eligibility Checklist - Ineligible applications will not be processed Records Management Officer (RMO) appointed? [~Yes []No []NIA Appropriate schedule adopted? J~JYes [] No [] N/A Year RMO was appointed: 1995 Year schedule was adopted: 1997 Certification and Approval The following signatures provide certification that all eligibility requirements as outlined in Grant Application and Reference Materials 2005-2006 have been met, and indicate approval of the application by the Chief Administrative Officer and the Records Management Officer (RMO). Signature ; and title of the Chief Administrativ Phil Cardinale, Town S upervisor D ate RE...CORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER (RMO) Type or print the name and title of the Records Management Officer Barbara Grattan, Town Clerk Address (Street, City, Zip Cede) 200 HowellAve. Ri'cerhead, NY 11901 Date Telephone ~um ber/Extenslon ( 631 )727-3200 E-mail Address grattan@riverheadli,com Submit an original and eight (8) copies to: New York State Amhives Grants Administration and Program Support Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center Albany, New York 12230 Town of Riverhead Local,Government Records Improvement Fund ;, ,, 2006-2007 Enterprise GIS Implementation Grant Project Application Contents 1. Grant Project Application (LG-1) 2. Application Narrative 3. Records Management Program Questionnaire Form (LG-3) 4. Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF (LG~4) 5, Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) - Consultants 6. Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) - Hardware 7. Vendor Quote Form (LG-6) - Software 8. Payee Information Form 9. Payee Information Form Supplement 10. Proposed Budget for a Federal or State Project (FS-10) Attachments 1. Data analysis 2. Available GIS Data 3. Vendors' statements of cost and qualifications 4. Implementation Timeline 5. Town Board of Riverhead Resolution Enclosures 1. Town of Riverhead Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan (4 copies) 2. RFQ (4 copies) Town of Riverhead Grant Project Application Narrative Enterprise Geographic Information System Implementation I. Statement of the Problem A. Introduction The Town of Riverhead (TOR) Engineering Department requests $74,296 in funding from the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGIRMIF) to implement the first of three phases of the Town's enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) Implementation Plan. The funds requested will support development of a centralized, secure electronic records management tool that will enhance intergovernmental access to records and the ongoing security and maintenance of those records. In September 2005, the TOR received a LGRMIF grant to complete a GIS Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan. Consulting company Bowne Management Systems completed the Needs Assessment in November 2005, and their final report forms the basis for this grant application. The Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan follows NY State Archives recommendations and guidelines as described in Publication GIS-03, Local Government GIS Development Guide, and involved the following seventeen (17) Town departments: Accounting and Data Processing Assessor's Office Building Department The Police Department Community Development Sewer Department Water District Highway Department Recreation Department Planning Department Fire Protection and Code Enforcement Town Clerk Sanitation Department Town Attorney Senior Citizen Services Receiver of Taxes The Town of Riverhead, located on the East End of Long Island, is embracing GIS technology as a solution to a records management problem that has resulted from population and development growth in recent years. From 1990 to 2000, Riverhead's population increased by 20%, to 27,680 (Census 2000). More recent figures indicate the population has hit 30,000 and that it will continue to expand. This residential growth, and a corresponding increase in commercial development has increased the demand on Town departments to create, process, store and access real property and spatial information records, in addition, the Town's newly adopted Comprehensive Plan created residential and commercial zoning districts to guide future development; the Plan has spurred an increased workload for the Building, Assessor, Town of Riverhead Page 1 of 21 Planning, Water, Engineering, Code Enforcement, Community Development, and other departments. Further complicating the problem of increased volume of records is the fact that these and other Town departments are intricately bound together by their need to access common records. Some of the most requested records Town-wide are assessment rolls, tax information, building permits, zoning maps, district boundary maps and building plans. These and other spatial records (e.g. basemap, land, infrastructure, public safety, environmental, human services) are available to some staff but are not centrally located, maintained, and/or uniformly distributed to the user community. This grant application seeks to centralize storage and access to records via GIS as a way to facilitate more efficient records management on a Town-wide level. By creating an electronic GIS repository we will enhance our ability to preserve, secure and maintain records in accordance with local needs as well as with the MU-1 retention schedule. Staff access to records will be dramatically improved. The Town is well poised to implement an enterprise GIS as it has a well-designed and implemented network infrastructure that requires relatively few enhancements to support the new technology. In addition, some staff members and Department Heads are familiar with and supportive of GIS because they have acquired small-scale GIS applications to address specific records management problems. The Building and Planning Departments have made some basemap, land, infrastructure and public safety features available in an external web-based application hosted by National Geomatica. The Water Districl has a stand alone GIS with some infrastructure and environmental features. Also, the Planning Department had a GIS professional on staff for a short time, who acquired various land records and environmental data sets for spatial analysis using ESRI software. These efforts and their relation to enterprise GIS Implementation are discussed in the following section. Needs Assessment The full Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan report is included as Enclosure 1. It found several common GIS themes among the seventeen departments interviewed: The availability and accuracy of certain spatial datasets (basemap, land records, infrastructure, public safety, environmental, and human services) required to perform everyday functions is not clear; The organization of and access to certain spatial datasets is not clearly defined on a town-wide level, which leads to confusion and inefficiencies; Desktop GIS tools are needed to enable simple and complex analysis within many departments; The capability to quickly produce map products does not exist for all staff who need it to accomplish daily (and often time-sensitive) tasks; Town of Riverhead Page 2 of 21 The ability to link operational data (i.e., scanned records and database attributes) to an asset or land based map feature exists only in a limited fashion. In addition, the Needs Assessment determined what spatial components the Town currently possesses, and what it would need to acquire. The report recommends six key components for an enterprise GIS database structure: · Basemap · Public Safety · Land Records ° Human services · Infrastructure · Environmental Currently, the Town has some basemap, land and infrastructure features available in the National Geomatica application. It has some basemap and land features in the NYS Real Property System, and some public safety features available in the Town Police Department's Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). There are some infrastructure and environmental features available in the Water District's stand alone GIS, and some human service features available in ESRI shape files. However, this information is not centrally located, maintained, and/or distributed to the user community. Staff frequently report difficulty in accessing these records. Bowne identified, for each department it interviewed, many work activities that would be aided by centralized records management via enterprise GIS. These and other Town GIS needs are fully detailed in the Needs Assessment. Key issues are provided below. Building Department 'The Building Department processes approximately 1,500 permit applications each year. :;Permits and associated maps and plans must be readily available to Building Department staff as well as the Town Assessor, Code Enforcement, Town Attorney and Planning. Currently only some records (e.g. new permit applications) are available electronically to some departments via an external web application hosted by vendor National Geomatica. Staff is largely limited to paper files: there are currently approximately 40,000 files (20-30 pages each) that are not available electronically. The Department would like to scan its parcel records and store them in a secure, centralized GIS as a way to improve access to and management of their records. An effort to scan these files is currently being funded by the Town and will continue, however, a centralized GIS, owned and maintained by the Town, would become the logical repository for these records moving forward. GIS would enhance the Building Department's analysis capabilities. For example, desktop GIS software would provide a capability to geographically display outstanding code violations within the Town on a map; this would facilitate the inspection process and allow inspectors to query their data to identify repeat offenders or patterns of violations. Currently the department does not possess this capability. Town of Riverhead Page 3 of 21 The Department Head of the Building Department has designated a staff member to receive training and participate on the GIS Committee that is described in the Plan of Work. The appropriate training and desktop GIS software will enable this department to perform the mapping and analysis functions it needs. Community Development This department, with three full time staff including the Director, Assistant Director and a clerical assistant, is responsible for securing grants for capital projects within the Town including infrastructure, park improvements and housing rehabilitation. They are required to provide specialized maps (showing the results of spatial queries and analyses) to support their grant proposals. In addition, staff members receive approximately 20 requests per week from residents, realtors and developers asking for zoning information on Town parcels as well as lists of parcels that meet certain requirements (zoning, environmental, census, etc.) The inquiries often prompt hours of manual research. The majority of the maps and spatial data that Community Development requires is maintained and housed in other departments (Planning, Assessor, Engineering, etc.). All requests for maps must be routed to the Engineering Department. An electronic repository of centrally~located records with appropriate user-level security would greatly increase efficiency and access to records for this department. In addition, staff members stated that a Town-wide GIS would enable them to be more productive, and therefore to secure more grants. The Assistant Director has expressed great interest in receiving training in ESRI products as this would enable him to perform analyses independently. Planning Department The Planning Department is responsible for the Town's Master Plan and reviews 60-70 site plans and 50 subdivisions per year. The three (3) planners rely on approximately twenty (20) hard copy maps of land features (tidal and fresh water wetlands, soil maps, topological maps, FEMA flood maps, etc.) to perform complex analyses and respond to interdepartmental and public inquiries. In addition, the Department recently lost much of its mapping capability when one of the Planners left Town employment. He had acquired software licenses and data that were housed on his PC alone; these were not transferred to the staff member that replaced him. Planning could make extensive use of an enterprise GIS as it has a critical need to do complex spatial analysis of Town and State datasets. It needs to have digital access to all of the spatial data they are currently using in paper form (detailed in the Needs Assessment sec. 3.11 ) through desktop GIS software. With digitized maps, the required software, and the appropriate training, the Planners would be able to perform complex analyses in a fraction of the time that would be required to complete the tasks using hard copy maps. At least one Planner will participate in the GIS Committee discussed under the Plan of work and during the Town of Riverhead Page 4 of 21 Needs Assessment process emphasized her interest in utilizing ArcView and AmEditor in her daily work. Water Department The Water Department wants to expand on its current level of GIS functionality. In recent years, it worked with a consulting firm to create data in GIS and currently has eight layers available, including the Town's water distribution system. However, due to the Town's current de-centralized GIS, this data was never migrated to an environment that greatly benefited the Department. The effort resulted in the use of stand-alone GIS desktop software (ArcView) with limited access to the data. In order to make the Department more efficient, they would tike to move to a completely electronic system for records management. This would start with a secure GIS database and eventually provide the Department with the ability to store and spatially relate scanned and/or digitized records including: account worksheets for approximately 14,000 active accounts (which are currently kept in 20 bound books), work orders, follow up reports, complaints, hydrant permits (18,000) and service records. The appropriate training and desktop GIS software would facilitate this department's progress toward a papedess records management system. In addition, increased GIS functionality would allow for improvements such as: integrating electronic meter reading; plotting emergency shutoff valves, bacteria testing .results and facility testing reports; viewing connection diagrams by parcel; viewing service records for the distribution system; and creating a GIS layer for facilities containing locations, pump stations, garages and storage facilities. Code Enforcement and Fire Protection This department, with three full time enforcement officers, receives 5-10 complaints per day and receives 3,000 fire calls per year, including 100 large structure fires. To complete investigations they require access to residential and commercial permits, zoning information, and other land records. Most of this information is available only in paper format, though some is accessible on the National Geomatica application. In addition, they generate many records including complaint investigation reports, fire insurance reports, and others that could easily be related to a parcel or some geographic location. An enterprise GIS would enable Code Enforcement staff to quickly access basemap information and records generated by other departments, such as zoning maps, commercial and residential permits and parcel histories. A centralized GIS database would enhance Code Enforcement's records management capabilities by allowing it to electronically store and spatially relate its records. A well designed database, along with the appropriate training and desktop GIS software would provide a foundation for increased capabilities such as geographic analyses of code violations; fire pattern analysis; the ability to view permits, inspection reports and annual building inspection status; the ability to view complaint, fire insurance and Town of Riverhead Page 5 of 21 inspectiun reports in GIS; aha the a~.;;L, z ,~;u[ utli~[y equipment locations. T'he Town Fire Marshal has expressed interest in participating on the GIS Committee that is discussed in the Plan of Work. Police Department The Police Department uses a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for recording and tracking statistics. The CAD software has a GiS component but at the present time it is not being used. An enterprise GiS would provide the Police Department the capability of making full use of their CAD system, and it would enable the Police Department to integrate its operational data with various basemap features. An electronic repository of centrally-located records with appropriate user-level security would greatly increase efficiency and access to records for this department. The many potential uses for GIS in the Police Department would impact policy making, analysis, disaster mitigation planning and emergency management activities. Access to the appropriate training and desktop GiS software would enable Police Department staff the ability to perform the following: map speed limits and plot traffic violations; map crime incidents; map flood zones and storm drain locations; map traffic accident data; and map special needs people throughout the Town, which would enable prioritized response during emergencies. Engineering Department Engineering is responsible for the Town's GIS. A staff member maintains the Town's base map and zoning maps and has digitized the Town's 150 tax maps. He produces all GIS maps requested by other departments, but depending on his availability and the backlog of requests, it can take several days or longer for a map to be produced. in addition, Engineering has accumulated 3,279 GIS data files consisting of the following: 917 ESRI shape files 1821 TIFF image (mostly topo images) files 95 DWG (AutoCAD) files 446 ESRI MXD files 11 DGN (MicroStation) files Many of these files were created by a former staff member in the Planning Department for project-specific purposes. The Needs Assessment has determined that only 200 of these files should be used in the enterprise GiS, as the others are redundant, unclear or outdated. The files do not follow any standard naming conventions and are not centrally located - they reside on various network drives and on a local drive in the Engineering Department. The Engineering Department would like to make more efficient use of its staff resources by focusing on maintaining the Town's data sets, and letting other departments take on the responsibility for creating maps and performing spatial analysis. This would allow Town of Riverhead Page 6 of 21 Engineering to concentrate on a data management model that would centralize storage and maintenance and provide secure access to the data. The appropriate desktop GIS software and training would facilitate the re-definition of this department's GIS responsibilities. Data Processing This Department, with two full-time staff, is responsible for purchasing and maintaining all computer hardware and software for the Town. They provide help desk and PC support services and maintain network connections for approximately 100 users scattered amongst ten (10) buildings. These substantial responsibilities keep both staff members fully occupied. In response to departments' demand for GIS, Data Processing contracted with National Geomatica to provide the external web-based GIS services described in Section C. Now that the departments have seen the usefulness of that product, they have requested expanding the Town's GIS into an enterprise system. This creates a need beyond the scope of National Geomatica's services and also increases staffing demands on Data Processing. Due to limited local funding, any available grant support would be helpful to defray the cost of bringing additional staffing resources to this department. C. National Geomatica .As discussed in Section B, the Town has taken some steps toward establishing a GIS. The Town contracted with GIS hosting vendor National Geomatica for services related to land records. Town AutoCAD, operational, Tax and Assessor tabular data are :provided to the vendor, fax copies of Building, Planning, and Zoning applications are sent. Geomatica scans and processes the copies with optical character recognition (OCR) software. All data is related to the parcel and made available on the website. While the access to the data is free, Geomatica charges $5 to scan each document. Many TOR departments have access to this application, which provides the following internet, account-based GIS functionality: Land Records Viewer Property Change History Buffer Maps Building Department Applications and Permits Land Use and Zoning Mapping The most apparent positives in using National Geomatica have been its relatively Iow initial cost and that it provides functionality for data validation. With little up front cost, it also helped staff become familiar with GIS and demonstrated the power of the technology. Town of Riverhead Page 7 of 21 However, as discussed in the Needs Assessment, National Geomatica is at best a short-term solution. There are three primary reasons for this. First, it only addresses the land records component of the Town's GIS. Second, as the Town plans to move toward an enterprise GIS, it will migrate from a drawing based CAD environment to a more database oriented GIS environment -- the National Geomatica product lacks this traditional GIS functionality. Third is the risk of having sensitive data externally located and publicly available. For these reasons it will be optimal over the long-term to integrate the National Geomatica data into a new, secure, centralized enterprise GIS. Under the proposed project, the Town will continue its relationship with the vendor, as this will allow us to distribute GIS data to the GIS users for validation purposes. As data is validated, it will be migrated to the new GIS repository as described in the Needs Assessment (Section 7.2, Figure 2). Subsequent ~hases of GIS implementation will phase out this external application. Town of Riverhead Page 8 of 21 II. Intended Results To address its complex records management problem, the Town of Riverhead proposes a centralized, secure repository for all GIS data. Using NYS Archives guidelines and professionally accepted practices, we will create a single, seamless database wherein all departments will have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information. The system wilt have a robust, flexible design that will accommodate both current records management needs and new applications and expanded functionality for years to come. The Town will follow conceptual design recommendations included in the Needs Assessment, which point toward a web based (thin client) approach. Because the Town has invested a secure and extensive network, making GIS data available through a browser is a natural solution. Although the short term expenditures for this type of design are higher than a thick client approach, the return on investment will be significantly higher and will result in a more robust and flexible long-term solution. A. Network Infrastructure Since there is a well established network infrastructure in the Town, an enterprise GIS can be easily incorporated into the existing environment. This approach makes use of the existing infrastructure while centralizing the GIS data, whether newly created or acquired from external sources, in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The data will be widely accessible, unlike standalone desktop deployments, due to the creation of a secure central repository. Any related GIS applications would use this repository to "serve" the necessary data to thin (browser based) or thick (desktops) clients. The benefits of giving every Town employee access to vast amounts of data through the use of a web browser will result in the Town realizing long term savings. (A natural extension of this approach is to make a version of the GIS Viewer available to Riverhead residents via the internet, which is the goal of later phases of our GIS Implementation plan). The advantages to this approach are: Security: Having the data stored in a central repository will enable the Town to institute role based security. Thiswill ensure that access to the data will be controlled by the Town. This database wilt be backed up nightly along with other Town servers. Data Maintenance: Data maintenance will be greatly facilitated using a data repository. Data loading and editing can be done simultaneously by multiple users. In addition during these operations end users will have full access to the web based viewer. Town of Riverhead Page 9 of 21 Software Maintenance: A server based thin client implementation makes software upgrades and patches easy to install. There is no need f',ar redundant installations to all desktop PCs throughout the Town. Performance and Expansion Capability: Today's RDBMS can support extremely large amounts of data without degrading performance. Utilizing RDBMS the Town will have a scaleable system able to accommodate its future needs. (:llont Browser ~Thln (~llenO Connect r e~fl~toA,rcSDE rhick C tle n~J Figure 1 Figure 1 represents the proposed enterprise GtS configuration. Using National Geomatica, data is distributed to the users for display and validation purposes. As data is validated, it is migrated to the new GIS repository. Because the Town maintains Microsoft SQL Server databases for its Real Property System (lAPS), SQL Server will be used for the proposed system. ArcSDE is ESRI's gateway to the database and will be utilized in the proposed system. ESIAI software is currently the standard GIS software used in Suffolk County, Nassau Town of Riverhead Page 10 of 21 County, and New York State, and will be utilized here. This configuration is the backbone of the proposed system. B. Database Design Our objective is to create one central repository for all of the Town's GIS data. 'The data will be kept in a secure location backed up on a regular basis. Departments throughout the Town will have shared access to the records. One immediate benefit of sharing is that it eliminates the need to maintain multiple and sometimes redundant data sources. Through the utilization of a single seamless database all departments will have access to the most accurate and up to date information. We will define how graphics will be symbolized (i.e. color, weight, size symbols etc.), how graphic files will be structured, and how non graphic attribute files will be displayed. Decisions will be made on management and security restrictions with respect to limiting access to data. Access to sensitive information will be limited only to authorized users. C. Management approach A GIS Committee wilt be formed to determine the best method for maintaining and managing records. A schedule will be established for performing updates. D. Goals At the conclusion of this project, the following goals will have been achieved: Data access - all GIS data will be stored in a central GIS repository Data security - all GIS data will be secured in the central GIS repository Data availability - all GIS data will be defined, validated and available GIS user training - a group of employees will be trained on the GIS desktop software enabling them the ability to perform mapping and analysis on existing data in a secured fashion. GIS Committee - a GIS committee will be formed and led by a GIS Coordinator to properly guide the Town's GIS initiatives. Increased functionality for Town departments will include the following: Engineering - re-defined responsibilities to focus on editing and validating data instead of creating maps. In addition, can easily integrate data sources from County and State resources. Planning - capability to utilize GIS to increase efficiency of department activities through mapping and analysis. Community development - capability to utilize GIS to increase efficiency of department activities through mapping and analysis. Town of Riverhead Page 11 of 21 Water - capability to utilize GIS to increase efficiency of department activities through mapping and analysis. In addition, the ~IS data repository can be used to store and link operational information (~.g. work orders). Police - capability to integrate Computer Aided Dispatch and cFime data with the Town's GIS in an effort to increase mapping and analysis capabilities. · Fire Marshal - capability to access records and utilize GIS to increase efficiency of department activities through mapping and analysis, · Data Processing - ability to more efficiently manage and secure GIS related data. In addition to the records and data identified in the Needs Assessment (Attachments 1 and 2), the database structure will allow for centralized access to the following records as well as those that may be identified by the GIS Committee: · Assessment rolls · District boundary maps · Building plans · Permit applications · Permits · Site plans · NY State tidal & freshwater wetland maps · Conservation Advisory Council Town regulated wetland map · Suffolk County soil maps · Peconic Bay critical environmental areas map · Town Tax maps (150) Fire District maps · Zoning maps · Pine Barrens map · Sewer maps NYS coastal zone maps · Town landmarks map FEMA flood insurance rate maps · NYS Coastal management area maps E, Focus on Long-Term Planning The proposed project will provide a strong foundation for future GIS Development. This project is the first, and most important, of three phases of GIS implementaion which are described in our Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan. Phase II will build upon the strong foundation of Phase I by focusing on application development and completing the transition to a fully in-house enterprise GIS. Because Phase 1 will result in a system aligned with industry standards, we will be able to look to both Nassau and Suffolk counties to leverage existing Land Records based GIS technology solutions. By acquiring applications and additional data from government Town of Riverhead Page 12 of 21 partners (and avoiding the need to "re-invent the wheel") we will greatly increase our return on investment. In Phase Ill, we will develop an internet-based GIS application that will provide public access to a subset of the records stored in the GIS database. Increasing public access to records is a goal supported by the Town, but reaching that goal involves long-range planning; the first step toward reaching this goat will be to secure the necessar~ funding for Phase I. The Town realizes the financial and time commitments involved in developing a centralized, secure GiS database, and believes that the proposed plan of work is achievable within one year's time. We have designed the project in such a way that it balances the fact of limited local resources with the Town's need for a solution to its current records management problem. By leveraging both local and state resources in the most economical way possible, and through careful planning, our project will also result in a very strong foundation for implementing future GtS projects and initiatives. LGRMIF funds are understood to be seed money for this ambitious yet realistic and achievable plan. The Town will continue its support of the project into the future. We understand that maintaining the software licenses proposed under this grant would cost approximately $7,000 per year to maintain. We understand that the Network and Systems Technician, proposed at .25 FTE will continue to be supported by the Town at an approximate annual cost of $9,900. We also understand that hardware upgrades and other associated costs will be incurred. Town of Riverhead Page 13 of 21 III. Plan of Work The tasks described here relate to organizational structure, purchasing hardware and software, staffing and training needs, data acquisition, and data conversion. 1. Organizational Structure The Town of Riverhead's GIS implementation will require leadership and ownership. Therefore the following steps will be taken to ensure all stakeholders are appropriately involved: Form a GIS Committee - The committee will consist of department heads or a designated member from Planning, Building, Community Development, Water, Code Enforcement, Police, Engineering, Data Processing and other departments as appropriate. The committee will meet on a regularly scheduled basis, at a minimum monthly. Select a GIS Coordinator - The GIS Coordinator will be designated within the Engineering Department. He will take the lead in implementing the project plan. The GIS Coordinator will be responsible for acting as the interface between the GIS Committee and any outside consulting organizations. In addition, the GIS Coordinator will act as the liaison for the Town Board. 2, Hardware Acquisition The Town will purchase a GIS server and install GIS and database related software on this new dedicated GIS server. The server specifications are: Dual Intel Xeon 3.0GHz/2MB processors 4GB RAM PERC4/DC Add-in SCSI card RAID 5 (3) 146GB 10K RPM Ultra 320 SCSI Hard Drive Redundant Power Supply Intel Pro 1000MT Dual Port Gigabit Network Adapter 15" Flat Panel, Keyboard, Mouse, CD Drive, Floppy Windows® Server 2003, Standard Edition 3Yr SILVER Support, 4Hr Onsite, S/W Support PV110T, LTO-2-LT, 200/400GB, Half Height, Internal TBU w/39160 SCSI TAPE MEDIA, LTO-2,200/400GB, 5 Pack Symantec Backup Exec LAN Server Suite Stand Alone 1500 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) 120V We acquired three vendor quotes for this server as listed on Form LG-6 and have selected the Dell PowerEdge 1800 as the most cost efficient solution. Town of Riverhead Page 14 of 21 3. Software Acquisition As part of the first stages of implementation, the Town will purchase the following GIS software. 4 ArcView 9.x Concurrent Use license · 2 ArcEditor 9.x Concurrent Use license · I ArcSDE 9.x SQL Server 2000 The Arc software will be loaded as follows (the GIS Committee, once formed, may modify this plan as necessary and appropriate): ArcView Planning (2) Building (2) Community development (1) Water (1) Code Enforcement (1) Police (1) ArcEditor Planning (1) Engineering (1) ArcSDE Data Processing ArcView is full-featured GIS software for visualizing, managing, creating, and analyzing geographic data. Using ArcView, the above Town departments can: Build compelling maps to help us visualize patterns, trends, and exceptions in data. Integrate data from multiple sources including CAD drawings, aerial photographs, demographics, and databases. Create and edit geographic and associated attribute data. Analyze geographic data to answer questions such as: o What is the environmental impact of a new development? o Where are my constituents? o Who is impacted in an emergency? o Which commercial zones are close to schools? o What are the highest traffic areas of a Town? o What taxes are due for a land parcel? ArcEditor provides the ability to build and maintain geodatabases. The extensive tools and work flow processes in ArcEditor will allow Planning and Engineering staff to build and maintain GIS data simply and efficiently. Using ArcEditor, the Town can: Build GIS databases that include topology, relationships, attributes, and rules. Maintain integrity of relationships between features. Design new plans and work orders that can be shared across the enterprise. QNQC GIS data to validate relationship and data integrity. Town of Riverhead Page 15 of 21 One of the cornerstones of ArcGIS is the ability to access GIS data in any fornnat and to use data from multiple database management systems (RDBMS) and file-based data sets concurrently. ArcSDE is the gateway that fuses ArcGIS application logic with information management in a RDBMS. ArcSDE is an advanced data server, providing a gateway for storing, managing, and accessing spatial data in any of several leading RDBMSs from any ArcGIS application. It is a key component in managing a shared, multiuser geodatabase in a RDBMS. Because we need a large geodatabase that can be edited and viewed simultaneously by multiple users, ArcSDE will add the necessary capabilities to ArcGIS. SQL Server 2000 licenses are available at a discount to government agencies but there is a minimum purchase quantity of five (5) licenses. Bowne, the consulting company the completed the Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan, has advised us that the 5 licenses budgeted for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL 2000 are sufficient to meet our needs. 4. Data Acquisition, Load and Conversion To form the base of the Town GIS, data available from the Town, County, State and Federal sources (with direction from the GIS committee) will be incorporated into the GIS database for use in various GIS applications. Each of the five (5) key nodes will be addressed: Basemap, Land Records, Public Safety, Infrastructure and Human Services. Metadata for each dataset will be obtained. Information contained within Section 4 - GIS Data Analysis (Attachment 1) and the Section 7.8 - Available GIS Data (Attachment 2) of the Needs Assessment will be used as the basis for identifying which data should be included and where it should go within the GIS database. The GIS Data Analysis section indicates that approximately 200 GIS feature classes are useful to the Town and will also be loaded into the GIS database. Our goal is to acquire as many data sets indicated in Section 7.8 as possible. . ¢. The Town will also convert its existing AutoCAD data into an ESRI geodatabase. This effort will require additional analysis of existing AutoCAD data as well as the development of a methodology to perform the conversion. By converting our AutoCAD data, this will extend the Town's GIS capabilities beyond simple display and mapping. As LGRMIF only allows for up to $5,000 per project for vendor or personnel costs related to data conversion, acquisition, development, or cleansing for GIS implementation projects, the Town will contribute local funds of approximately $1,650 to this conversion effort. This is based upon the fact that the $5,000 will be required to load the required GIS feature classes. Once all spatial data is stored in geodatabase format, the Town will be in a much better position to share data with the County and the State. Town of Riverhead Page 16 of 21 5. Hardware and Software Design, Installation, and Configuration The following tasks and activities will be performed through the use of Town IT personnel and consultants: · Server Installation The new GIS server will be installed and configured by the Town. The Town will utilize the services of a GIS consultant to assist with the installation of the server. · Install and Configure SQL Server and ArcSDE The Town will install, configure, and test ESRI's ArcSDE 9.2 and Microsoft's SQL Server 2000. Once ArcSDE is successfully installed, the appropriate SQL Server security roles will be implemented. The Town will employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task. · Geodatabase Design The Town will review and update the geodatabase design identified in the Available GIS Data section of the report (Section 7.8) and implement the geodatabase model's structure within ArcSDE. The implementation will include required SQL Server security. The Town will employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task. · Install and Configure ArcGIS Desktop Software The Town will install and configure eight (8) PC workstations with ArcView 9.2 and two (2) PC workstations with ArcEditor 9.2. All PC workstations will be configured to point to the geodatabase located within ArcSDE on the GIS Server. While only four (4) concurrent ArcView licenses will be required, it is anticipated that up to eight (8) employees will require access to the GIS desktop software for advanced querying, mapping analysis, and map creation. The Town will employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task. 6. Training Training is essential to guaranteeing to success of this initiativel and will include: · Training for the GIS Coordinator- As the Town project leader, this person wilt be given both basic and advanced GIS training. This training will be a combination of training seminars conducted by ERSI as well as training offered as part of consultant services. Training to GIS Committee members - The committee, members will receive training in GIS basics and in the case of data editors, an introduction to more advanced data maintenance techniques. Town of Riverhead Page 17 of 21 User Training - With increased use of the existing and new G IS viewer applications place, users from each department will attend train lng in the use of the Viewer. GIS Administration Training - IT staff will receive advanced training in the administration of ArcSDE with SQL Server, The Town understands that training is an expensive service however we believe it is a cost effective alternative to relying on consultants to perform mapping and analysis functions. 7. Staffing A. Staff Adequate and appropriate staffing is a critical element of this project. We plan to leverage local resources and grant funding to address the staffing requirements that an enterprise GIS entails. GIS Coordinator: An existing staff member of the Engineering Department will be designated as GIS Coordinator. The Town will utilize local funds to support staff time allocated toward the GIS Coordinator and GIS Committee functions. GIS Committee: The Committee will consist of Department Heads or their designees from Engineering, Planning, Building, Community Development, Water, Data Processing, Police, Fire Marshal, and/or others as appropriate and necessary. The Town will utilize local funds to support staff time allocated toward the GIS Coordinator and GiS Committee functions. Role Responsibilities: The roles of certain individuals within certain Town departments (i.e. Community Development, Planning, Building, Code Enforcement, Police and Water District) will be expanded to include mapping and limited editing capabilities. Local funds will support staff time allocated toward these functions. Information Technology: The Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan determined that Data Processing will require an additional 0.25 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) in staff resources to maintain the new GIS environment, including server maintenance and desktop support. As Data Processing currently has two full-time staff members, and their time is fully utilized, this grant application requests .25 FTE to defray the cost of a new Network and Systems Technician position. The Town intends to utilize this project as a springboard to add a much-needed new position to this department. While this will be a full-time position only one-quarter of the time, equal to 455 hours for the project year, will be required for this project. The balance of this employee's time will be spent on other work activities as required by Data Processing. The Town commits to supporting this position beyond the end of the Town of Riverhead Page 18 of 21 grant period but requests the funds to defray the costs involved in startir~g up the enterprise GIS. Funding is requested to support salary only; the cost of ,~mployee benefits will be provided 100% by the Town. 13. Consultants The Town will utilize a consulting company, H2M, that is currently assisting the Town with its mapping activities to ensure a GIS professional, skilled in ArcGIS, supports the transition into the new enterprise GIS. Responsibilities will include addressing increased needs for data maintenance and validation. Local funds have supported this consultant in the past, and will continue to support this function. The Town will utilize a GIS consultant to complete the following tasks. We are requesting grant funding for these services. We have obtained three quotes from consultants to perform the following work. The quotes, from Bowne Management Systems, Parsons Brinckerhoff, and H2M Group are included with this grant application (Attachment 3). Each vendor responded to an RFQ containing identical information. The RFQ is included as Enclosure 2. Assist the Town in Obtaining County and State GIS Data - The Consultant shall assist the Town in obtaining all feature classes, identified in the GIS Needs Assessment from Suffolk County, New York State, and other municipal organizations. ,. Assist the Town in Installing and Configuring a GIS Server - The' Consultant will provide assistance to the Town in installing and configuring a new Windows 2003 server for the GIS. Install and configure MS SQL Sever 2000 and ArcSDE 9.2 - The Consultant will install, configure, and test ESRI's ArcSDE 9.2 and Microsoft's SQL Server 2000. Once ArcSDE is successfully installed, the appropriate SQL Server security roles will be implemented. 4. Geodatabase Design - The Consultant will review and update the Geodatabase design identified in the GIS Needs Assessment and implement the Geodatabase model's structure within ArcSDE. The implementation will include required SQL Server security. 5. Load GIS Data into ArcSDE and SQL Server 2000 - The Consultant will be required to load approximately 125 feature classes into ArcSDE. Installing and Configuring Ten (10) Workstations for ArcGIS 9.2 - The Consultant will install and configure eight (8) PC workstations with ArcView 9.2 and two (2) PC workstations with ArcEditor 9.2. All PC workstations will be configured to point to the Geodatabase located within ArcSDE on the GIS Server. Town of Riverhead Page 19 of 21 7. Training/Mentoring Services - The Consuita~lL will provide four (4) types of GIS related training/mentodng. a. One (1) day on-site GIS mentoring for the Town's GIS Coordinator. b. Two (2) day on-site "ESRI Introduction to ArcGIS I Course" c. Three (3) day on-site "ESRI Introduction to ArcGIS II Course" d. Three (3) day on-site mentoring for the use and operation of ArcSDE within the Town's current environment. The course should cover the following topics: i. Configuring Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for ArcSDE ii. Training on Geodatabase Concepts iii. Loading Data iv. Managing Storage v. Administrating ArcSDE and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 The Consultant will provide training manuals for b, c, and d. Data conversion costs, estimated at $1,650 wilt be supported by local funds as grant guidelines dictate a maximum of $5,000 toward data acquisition, loading and conversion. Data acquisition and loading are anticipated to bring us to the $5,000 limit. The Town has identified the quote submitted by Bowne Management Systems as the most responsive and cost effective quote. It therefore forms the basis of our proposed budget under Purchased Services. The company specializes in developing enterprise GIS and has successfully served many Long Island governments, including Nassau and Suffolk counties and many town and village governments. Their relatively close proximity to Riverhead will help us avoid incurring travel costs. In addition, their familiarity with the Town (because they conducted the Needs Assessment) would facilitate their work with us on the proposed project. This fact also explains why their quote came in the lowest out of the three quotes we obtained. 8. Implementation Timeline An implementation timeline is included as Attachment 4, however it may be modified and refined once the GIS Committee and GIS Coordinator are in place. Town of Riverhead Page 20 of 21 IV. Local Government Support for Records Management The Town Board of Riverhead, at its December 1 Work Session, discussed the Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan report submitted by Bowne Management Systems, Inc., and agreed to pass a resolution at the December 6, 2005 Town Board meeting supporting and accepting the Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan. Time constraints did not allow for the Resolution to be passed prior to the Deoember 1 grant application deadline; a copy of the Resolution is included as Attachment 5. The Town, through its Grants Coordinator, continually seeks funding to support technology acquisition for records management. The proposed project could not be funded in whole by local dollars, and other grant sources are not currently available. We will continue to seek funding to further our GIS implementation efforts through the NYS Office of Real Property Services and other sources. The Town accepts responsibility to maintain all proposed technology at the end of the grant period, including necessary hardware and software upgrades, annual maintenance agreements and staff costs to run the system. Other records management activities supported by the Town include the following: 1. GIS applications funded fully by the Town, as described in Sections I.B. and I.C.: · National Geomatica external web-based application · Water Department stand-alone GIS 2. Town-wide document imaging scanning initiative. The project began in 2005 and to date, about 14,000 images have been stored. Resolutions, Town Board meeting minutes, Dog Licenses, birth records, death records, personnel and payroll files, vouchers, accounts payable, and other records have been scanned, indexed and stored for easy access. The Town currently uses RICOH scanners and an e-cabinet for digital archiving with a SNAP server. This project is funded entirely by the local government. Under this project, the Town has purchased several large photocopiers that have scanning capabilities as a part of this project; the scanners will greatly benefit Town departments as they move toward scanning and storing paper records electronically in the GIS database. Town of Riverhead Page 21 of 21 Local Government Records Management improvement Fund RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE FORM Each applicant and each member of a proposed cooperative project must complete this form. Attach additional sheets if fur[her explanation is necessary. Local Government Name <- Town of Riverhead Population Served 1' Annual Operating Budget -+ Total Number of Employees ~ 27,600 $67,723,023 Full-time: 293 Part-time: 55 Program Development Records management program has been formalized through the adoption of [] 'Yes local legislation, ordinances, or resolutions Records Advisory Board has been appointed [] Yes Records management plan has been written [] 'Yes Separate line item for records management has been established in the budget [] Yes [] No [] No [] No [] No Support for Records Management Level of funding budgeted for records management Number of employees dedicated to records management $202,535* 4* Inventory Information A records inventory has been completed [] Yes [] No State Archives inventory worksheets were used in conducting the inventory [] Yes [] No Results of the inventory were used to complete a needs assessment [] Yes [] No Total volume of active records in the custody of the local government 2700** cu. ft. Total volume of inactive records in the custody of the local government 2300** cu. ft. Total volume of records involved in the project na*** cu. ft. Volume of active and inactive records with archival (permanent) value unknown** cf (Continued on reverse) *Figures reflect total budget and personnel for Town Clerk's office ** Estimate ***Although project targets digital records management, it will impact paper records by creating an electronic repository for use in current and future scanning initiatives. New York State Archives Form LG-3 (5/2005} Program Activities Records are not destroyed until their minimum retention periods have been met [] Yes E]No Inactive records are stored in a secure inactive storage area or facility [] Yes []No If yes, is steel shelving designed for one-cubic-foot boxes used? [] Yes []No Policies and procedures are in place to ensure inactive records are routinely E]Yes []No transferred from office space to inactive storage A program is in place to ensure the security, permanent storage, preservation, []Yes []No and use of archival records Micregraphic and/or digital imaging processes are used as a records []Yes []No management tool Automated information systems are used to assist in the management of records []Yes []No Do you have an up-to-date disaster plan covering records? [~Yes []No Official policies have been established for managing electronic records []Yes []No A policy for maintaining intelligible access to the information contained in electronic records over the life of the records has been established I-lYes []No <--Local Government: Name of the local government whose information is being reported. 1'Population Served: Data from the 2000 Census or a recent official estimate. School districts should enter total resident population of the geographic area covered by the school district. Certain special-purpose units of local government may not be able to provide population figures. ->Annual Operating Budget: Local government'S total operating budget figure for the current fiscal year, not just the budget for records management. ,l, Total Number of Employees: Total number of employees working for your local government, not just records management staff. New York State Archives Form LG-3 (5/2005) Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Projects Previousiy by the LGRMIF This form rnust be completed by each applicant and by each member of a proposed cooperative project. Describe all LGRMIF grants your local government has received in the last five (5) years. Include special initiatives. Space has been allowed to enter information on up to six (6) grants. Photocopy this form as needed. Name of Local Government: Town of Riverhead Local government has never participated in an LGRMIF grant [] Local government participated in an LGRMIF grant awarded prior to 2001 [] Grant year: 2005 I Category: Active Records - GIS I Award: $ 30,960 -P~ject's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): The grant funded a consultant study to conduct an enterprise 61S needs assessment and implementation plan. Bowne Management Systems, tnc. completed the report thatis attached tothis grant application. Key activities were in-depth interviews with 17 Town Departments; a comprehensive dataset analysis involving 3,289 data files, and the presentation of a conceptual design and three-phase implementation plan for an enterprise GIS. The Riverhead Town Board is scheduled to adopt a resolution accepting and supporting the Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan at the December 6, 2005 Town Board Meeting. Grant year: I Category: I-Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year: I Category: ~ Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): year: I Category: Grant Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): I Award: $ Grant year: I Category: I Award: $ Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year: I Category: Project's purpose, objectives, and results (qualitative and quantitative): Award: $ PHOTOCOPY THIS FORM AS NEEDED New York State Archives Form LG-4 (5/2005) Local Government Records Manaoement Improvement Fund Project Position Description Form Please complete this form for each proposed employee position (including consul- tants) to be paid with 9rant funds. Do not complete this form for any position to be paid solely with local government funds, Instructions for completing this form are on the reverse side, Name of Lead Local Government Town of Riverhead GRANT PROJECT EMPLOYMENT Title of Proposed Position: .~!.~).[k_an.d...~.S.~...~Chnician [] Full-time [] Part-time Hours PerWeek 35 x Total Number of Weeks 52 = Total Hours 1820 Hourly Rate of Pay 21.49 x Total Number of Hours 455 = Total Salary 9777.82. *JUSTIFY SALARY REQUEST IN THE NARRATIVE UNDER "PLAN OF WORK" Complete the followin_g, information for the grant-funded position. Required Qualifications and Description of Project Duties and Activities (Attach the consultant's r~sum~ if applicable and additional sheets if necessary) Qualifications: Graduation from a standard senior high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and two (2) years of experience in a position working with automated office equipment. At least one (1) year of experience must include system installation, ~_tioq, evaluation and troubleshooting. Duties and Activities: Provide GIS desktop software support services for Town users. Assist in GIS server support services, including installation, upgrades, patch installations, backups, and various server related support services. Provide relational database management software (RDBMS) support services, including installation upgrades, patch installations, backup and recovery, and various RDBMS related support services. Provide "help desk" support to users including troubleshooting issues with GIS software, desktop GIS applications and intranet based GIS applications. EMPLOYMENT PAID WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS Will the person also be paid with local government funds? [] Yes [] No If so, for how many hours per week? 26.25. This position is discussed in the Statement of Work. New York State Archives Form LG-5 (5/2005) Local Government Records Management i;:;pr~¢ement Fund Vendor Quote Form Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for p~rice quotes, One or more of the quotes may be derived from State Contract Listing (www.ogs.state.I~¥.Lts/j~urchas¢). Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Description of Item State Contract Quoted or Service* Number Price 1~ Bowne Management Systems, Inc, Professional GtS Services CMS696A 24,166.20 235 Ease Jericho Tpke. as described in attached Mineola, NY 11501 RFQ. Quote included as Attachment 3. 2. Parsons Brinckerhoff Professional GIS Services CMS123A 4-7,520. One Penn Plaza as described in attached New York, NY 10119 RFQ. Quote included as Attachment 3. 3. H2M Group Professional GIS Services n/a 32,640. 575 Broad Hollow Road as described in attached Melville, NY 11747 RFQ. Quote included as Attachment 3. *For services rendered, provide more detail in the grant narrative. New York State Archives Farm LG-6 (5/2005) Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Vendor Quote Form Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for price quotes. One or more of the quotes may be derived from State Contract Listing (w'ccw. oss.stat¢.ny.us/purchase). Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Description of Item State Contract Quoted or Service* Number Price ~. Hewlett Packard HP ProLiant ML370 PT55722 10,687.01 Rockville Customer Business Center G4 Tower Server Two Washingtonian Center 9737 Washington Blvd. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 2, Dell Computer Corp. Poweredge 1800 PT55666 9,889.20 One Dell Way server RR8707 Round Rock, TX 78682 IBM xSeries 236 10,220.03 3. IBM Corp. PT55524 80 State St. 8841 El U server Albany, NY 12207 *For services rendered, provide more detail in the grant narrative. New York State Archives Form LG-6 (5/2005) SHOPPING CART Today's Date: 11/21/2005 3:17:42 PM Contract: STATE AND LOCAL PRICELIST ( S&LWEB ) Product availability and product discontinuation are subject to change without notice, The prices in this Order form are valid for 30 days from the date above. If you do not wish to place this order electronically, pleas e include this form when submitting your purchase order. Show addre&~ and comment fields, Use the File - Print option lo pfillt this fon~ for your future reference. items/description Part no Unit price Qty E×t price -Configurable-HP ProLiant ML370 G4 Base $6,053.01 1 $6,053.01 Tower Server ProLiant ML370 G4 Tower Model 368730405 TPR: Promotion pricing ends on 1/31/2006 Intel® XeonTM 3.00GHz/80OMHz, 2MB Processor Intel® XeonTM 3.00GHz/2MB Processor 4GB Total PEG PC2-3200 (4x1024MB) memory Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Standard Edition with SP1 + 5 CALs (Pre-installed) Drive cage Hot plug drive cage - Ultra3 (6X1") Storage controller Integrated Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter Smart Array 641 Controller (RAID) RAiD 5 drive set (requires matching 3 hard drives) HP 146.8GB Pluggable Ultra320 SCSi I0,000 rpm (1") Universal Hard Drive HP 146.8GB Pluggable Ultra320 SCSi 10,000 rpm (1") Universal Hard Drive HP 146.8GB Pluggable Ultra320 SCSI 10,000 rpm (1") Universal Hard Drive Network card NC7781 Single Port PCI-X embedded NIC HP NC7170 Dual Port PCI-X 1000T Gigabit Server Adapter 48x IDE CD-ROM Drive Hot plug redundant power supply module Warranty Warranty - 3 year next business day onsite HP Care Pack, 3 Years, 4 Hours, 13x5, Hardware, ProLiant ML370 SDLT 320 (Full-Height, 160GB) HP L1506 15qnch TFT Flat Panel Monitor- Analog only UPS Model T700, NA (700VA, 500 378748-L21 378748-B21 343056-461 345167-B21 291966-B21 339779-B21 286716-B22 286716-B22 28671~*B22 313881-B21 367920-B21 356544-001 U4528E $547.00 I $547.00 257319-001 $3,562.00 I $3,562.00 PX848AA#ABA $242.00 1 $242,00 204015-001 $283,00 1 $283.00 htt //oem compaq com/aemstore/ emcatt/ lint age aso~ e c[t& "P:' g " " ~ ' g ' P" P . ,1 .pag ='a' printview=yes&oi=... 11/21/2005 Subtotal: $1 (3,687,01 Estimated Lease Cost: $346A5 The terms and conditions of the STATE AND LOCAL PRICELIST will apply to any order placed as a result of this inquiry, no other terms or conditions shall apply. To access the HP Public Sector Online Store where this form was created, go to: http:i/gem.compaq.com/gemstore/entry~asp?SitelD:3000 * The estimated lease cost is the monthly payment amount for a lease commencing on or before 12/21/2005 with a term of 36 months and a fair market value purchase option at the end o[ the lease term~ This and other leasing and financing options are available through Hewlett-Packard Financial Service Company (HPFSC) or one of its affiliates to qualified education and state and local customers in the U~S. and subject to credit approval and execution of standard HPFSC documentation. Fees and other restrictions may apply. This is not a commitment to lease. Rates and payments are subject to change at any time without notice. Leasing and financing options [or Federal governmental agencies (subject to a $50,000 minimum) are available from Hewlett-Packard Company. For more information, calf Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Company at 1-888-277-5942 and talk to a financial services representative who specializes in supporting government and education entitles. * HP is not liable for prising errors. If you place an order for a product that was incorrectly priced, we will cancel your order and credit you for any charges. In the event that we inadvedently ship an order based on a pricing error, we will issue a revised invoice to you for the correct price and contact you to obtain your authorization for the additional charge, or assist you with return of the product. If the pricing error results in an overcharge to you, HP will credit your account for the amount overcharged. * Please contact HP Public Sector Sales with any questions or for additional information: K1 2 Education: 800-888-3224 Higher Education: 877-480-4433 State Local Govt: 888-202-4662 Federal Govt: 800-727-5472 Fax: 800-825-2329 Returns: 800-888-3224 * For detailed warranty information, please go to www.hp.com/go/specificwarrantyinfo · Sales taxes added where applicable. Freight is FOB Destination. HP CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. DO NOT SHARE. http://gem~c~mpaq~c~m/gemst~re/gemcardprintpage.asp?page=cart&printview=yes&~i=... 11/21/2005 ~d~L~ USA~ New York State Government Store Systems Software & Peripherals BACK TO: PrCm~.r Borne Configure Your Sgstem Buy Online or Call %888 New York Links Con PowerEdge 1800 The DeliTM PowerEdgem 1800 is an entry level, rackable tower server that delivers 2P performance with entw level features and affordability, Features include dual Xeon processors, up to 12GB of RAM, hot-plug power (optional), and embedded remote management (optional). $9,889.20 Configure by Dropdown Configure by List Configuration Details Date Catalog Number PowerEdge 1800 Additional Processor Memory Hard Drive Confi~uradm~ 11/15/2005 3:42 PM 84 Retail RC956848 Intel® XeonTM processor at 3,0GHz/2MB Cache, 800MHz FS 18302 * I221-7728 ] intel® XeonTM processor at 3.0GHz/2MB Cache, 800MHz FS 2P302 ·[ 311-4782 ] 4GB DDR2 400MHz (2X2GB), Dual Ranked DIMMs 4G2D4D - [ 31%3593 ] Addqn SCSI card RAID 5, with SCSI Backplane, minimum 3, required http://premierconfig, dell.com/config/config.aspx?c=&ci=W 101 &customer_Jd=RC95684_. 11/15/2005 Primary Controller Primary Hard Drive 2nd Hard Drive 3rd Hard Drive Network Adapter Chassis Configuration Operating System Tape Backup Tape Backup Software Tape Media Documentation Power Supply Uninterrupted Power Supply CD/DVD Drive Floppy Drive Monitor Keyboard Mouse Hardware Support Services Installation Support Services PERC4/DC, I internal and I External Channel P4D1281 ~ [ 341-1284 ~ 146GB 10K RPM Ultra 320 SCSi Hard Drive 146G103 -[ 341-0653 ] 146GB 10K RPM Ui[ra 320 SCSI Mard Drive 145GI03-[34%0853 ] 146GB 10K RPM Ultra 320 SCSI Hard Ddve 146G103 - [ 341-0853 ] Intel Pro 1000MT Dual Port Gigabit Network Ad apter 1000MDP -[430-1026 ] Tower Style Chassis TOWER- [310-5379 ] Windows® Server 2003, Standard Edition, InchJdes 5 CALs W2K3SVR - [ 420-4042 1 PV110% LTO~2*LT, 2001400GB, Half Height, Internal TBU w¢ SCSI Control LTO2LC ~ [ 341-2604 ] Symantec Backup Exec Upgrade from QuickStart to LAN Sol SBEUPGR ~ [ 410-0815 l 'TAPE MEDIA, LTO-2, 200/400GB, 5 Pack LTO2M5 - 1340*8693 ] Electronic Documentation and OpenManage CD Kit EDOCS -[ 310-5391 ] Redundant Power Supply with Straight Cords (No Y Cord) RPSNY - [ 310~5394 I Stand Alone 1500 UPS 120V UPS150R- [310.4335 ] 48X IDE CD-ROM CD48X-[ 313-2635 ] t .44MB Floppy Drive FD - [ 341-1095 ] Dell EI53FP Digital Flat Panel Panel Monitor,15 inch(15in Vi, E153FPC - [ 320-3968 } Dell Quietkey USB Keyboard USBK4 - [ 310-5542 ] USB 2~button Mouse USaM - [310-5545 ] 3Yr SILVER Support, 4Hr Onsite, SAN Support SILVERU - [ 902~7522 950-0227 950-5322 960-4130 963-2207 983-221 No Installation Assessment NOINSTL - t 900-9997 ] ttp'//pre, n erconfiz~, de 1 . com/config/co, ~fi g, as p x'~c=&ci=W i 01 &customer .... id=RC95684 11/15/2005 Povvu, Edge 1300 The DellTM PowerEdgeTM 1800 is an entry level, rackable tower server that delivers 2P performance with entry level features and affordability. Features include dual Xeon processors, up to 12GB of RAM, hot-plug power (optional), and embedded remote maeagement (optional). $9,889.20 ~{~ Update Price '~) Save as E~Quote BACK TO: Premier Home For shipments of cedain products 1o California, slate environmental fee of up 1o St 0 per item will be added at order invoice. For shipmen certain items to Albeda, Canada, a provincial environmental fee will be applied to your invoice. Pricing, specifications, ava ilabifity, and te offers may change without notice and DO NOT INCLUDE APPLICABLE SNIPPING AND/OR HANDLING CHARGES OF~ TAXES, Pleas that Dell cannot be responsible for ~pographical or other errors, and reserves the right to modify or cancel any orders resulting from suc Refer to your invoice for final information regarding order detail, including tax & shipping amounts. Offers not necessarily Combinable. Pr been tau nded to lhe nearest dollar for online display, All sales are subiecl to DeWs Terms and Conditions of Sale located at www,dell.col you have a separate written agreement with Dell. Picture is far illustrative purposes only. Price may increase or decrease depending on options selected. CopyrigN 1999-2005 Dell thc. For customers of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia only. Site Terms I Terms and Conditions of Sale I Privacy Policy sn PCF1 http://premierconfig.dell.com/config/config.aspx?c=&ci=W 101 &custolner_id=RC95684.., 11/15/2005 Horace [ _Products & services I ~p_port & downloads I Mx' account View summary of xSeries 236 xSeries 236 Model Configured price 8841EIU $'~ 0f220.03 * Monday, November 21,2005 3:18:12 PM EST rz~ ~N eed help wi Messages O ServicePacs are available only Cor machines nom~atly used for business, professional, or trade pui-poses, rathe] personal, family or household pul])oses. xSerie~ 236 8841E1U Description Part no Unit price'~? Quantity xSeries 236 8841E 1U 884IE1U $2~999.25 1 ~ Customize Form factor: x236 Cabinet (Standard) 1 Processor: 3.0G]lz 800MItz 2MB L2 intel Processor I (Standard) Graphics: 8MB AT1 RADEON 7000-M (SHELL) (Standard) I Memory: 1BM l GB PC2-3200 ECC DDR2 RDIMM 2 (Standard) Controller: Integrated Dual-Channel Ultra320 SCSi 1 Controller (Standard) Controller: IBM Serve~&lD~7k Ultra320 Iategrated SCSI 1 Controller (Standard) Hard disk drive: 73.4 GB 10000 rpm SCSi U320 Hard Drive 3 (Standard) Diskette drive: IBM tA4MB 3.54nch Diskette Drive 1 (Standard) Optical device: 48X Max CD-ROM Drive (Standard) 1 Ed~ernet: Bmadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (Standard) 1 System nmnagement: integrated System Management I Processor (ISMP) (Standard) Pointing de, ice: !BM Sleek tPS/2) Business 131ack (Standard) power supply: 670W Itot-S~x ap Power Supply (Standm'd) Additional processors: IBM 3.0 GIlm;800MI Iz/2MB L2 CPU w,EM64T 25R8902 $573.33 Operating system: Windows Sins'er 2003. Standard Edition ~ Preloaded) 90P0221 $759.05 Memory: 2GB (2xl G~) PC2-3200 ECC DDR SDRAM RDIM M Kh 73P2866 $608.13 Configuration option: lnternal I~ID - Cabled and Setup 32P9667 Primm7 array: RAID 5 - Prima~5 Array - minimum of 3 IIDDs required 32P9660 Primary array hm'd disk drives: 146GB 10K U320 SCSI IlS Express Model Option 30R5095 $390.63 Tape drive: LTO 200~400GB Full High Internal Back -Up 59P6744 $2,722.23 Additional I C i and PCbX adapters. NetXu eme 1000+ Dual PmX S e~x,et' Adapter 73P4201 $216.63 Monitor: L 150p 15" TFT Monitor (1 [ybrid) 90P0717 $283.65 Kevt oard: Enhanced Pel%rmance Keyboard - USI3 - US English 90P0777 $33.93 Additional pointing device: Optical Wheel Mouse - USB 90P0743 $1>.0~' 5 Uninterruptible pox~er supply: 750TLV Uninterruptible Power Supplies 21301 TX $260. ] 3 lB M ServicePac~{{: for warranty and maintenance options: Warranty service upgrade: 3 year m~ite repair 24xTx4 hour 21P2084 $578.76 xSeries 236 Model Configured price ~Add to ca~t 8841E1U $10~220,O3 * Availability: All off~rs subject to availability. IBM reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time, with is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors, * Please note that orders shipped to California may include fees imposed by the State of California Electronic Waste Recycling Act of; ~¢arraaty: For a copy of applicable product warranties, write to: Warranty Information P.O, Box 12195, RTP, NC 27709, Attn: De IBN makes no representation or warlanty regardin9 third party products or services, Footnotes: (1) Hard drive: GB equals 1,000,000,000 bytes. Accessible capacity is less; up to 4GB service position. (3) Tape drive sim'age capacity: will vary based upon many factors and may be less than stated m~×imum cap e~city. Humber: (6) CD-I>-OM and I)VD-ROM drive speeds: list maximum rates; *ares are variable and a~e often less than t he maximum. (7) ~'lodem speeds: 561( v,9(} modems - Pubhc network download speeds a:e limited to 53 Kbps. Opioad speeds are limited t (~)ADS~ modems - Actual modem ~p~ed~ depend on many factors~ indudh~g the plan you s~gn up for w~th you~ ~DSL provider, (9)56K v.92 modems - Public ~etwork download speeds are limited to 53 Kbps. Upload speeds are hmited to 48 K bps for v,92 m (1 0) Wireless upgradeable models: c]n be w}reJess enabled with the addition of optional wire[ess ~N Nini-PCZ Card. (1 l)Wireless 1 la, lib and llg wireless: [s based on IEEE g02 I1~, 802.Z~b and 802.Zig, respectively. An ~dapter with (12) Wireless range/speed: Actual devJce range and data transfer speed depend upon many hctors and are ortega less than the (13)Included software: may differ from its retail version (if available), and may not include user manuals or all program functio (14) ISP service: Telephone charges may apply depending on customer location and calling plan, To determine wh other telephon (! 5) Limited warranty: Support ~Jnrelated to a warranty issue may be subject to addltional charges. (16) hlteraational Warranty Service: is ava[hble in ally country in which this product i5 sold and serviced, S~rvice delivery part~ availability vary by counbT, may be d~fferent from that [n the country of purchase, and are subject to ckange without notice. F (! 7) Parts-only warranty systems: are d.signed to be repaired enthely with customer-replaceable parts. IBlq will only pt'ovid (l 8) Systems with limited on-site service: ~r~ designed to be repaired during the applicable warranty per~ed pr[madly with (! 9) ServicePac services: (~pphes to United 5tat~s on[y) are available for machines normally used for busmess~ professional or objectives and are not guarantees, [f the machine p~oblem turns out to be a Custmner Replaceable Unit (CRU), ZBN t~i~l express shig (20) PC Recycling: hlonitors that have been disassembled, or have shattered or broken Cass or [oose b~tteries cannot be sent t (21) Certahl IBM logo products: are not manufactured, warranted or supported by IBIS. ZBN Iogos and trademarks used und (22) Microsoft Office prod,cts: Certain Hicrosoft,~ software product(s) included with this computer may use technological m, reinstallat~ons of the software product(s) or reconfiguration~ of the computer, and may be completed by Interact or telephone (toll c apply), ' ' (23) Embedded Security Subsyslem: requil'e~ software download. (24) Full-size keyboard: A, defined by IS0/IEC 15412. Visit www.lbm.com/pc/safeconlputing periodically for the l~test in[ormation on sale and effective tompulin Local Government Records Management Improvemr"-~ Vendor Quote Form Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for p~rice quotes. One or more of the quotes may be derived from State Contract Listing (www.ogs.state.ny.L~s/purchase). Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Description of Item State Contract Quoted or Service* Number Price 1. ESRI,Inc. 4- ArcView 9.1 Concurrent PT56395 30,535.00 380 New York Street Use license Redlands, CA 92373-8100 2 -ArcEditor 9.1 Concurrent Use license 1 - ArcSDE Server 2. 3. *For services rendered, provide more detail in the grant narrative. NOTE: Only one vendor quote obtained as there is a standard NYS OGS price for ESRI software sold by ESRI and other resellers. New York State Archives Form LG-6 (5/2005) ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC, ESRI, Inc. 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373-8100 Phone: 909-793-2853 Fax: 909-307-3049 To expedite your order, please attach a copy of this quotation to your purchase order. Quote is valid from: I II1612005 To: 0211412006 Quotation # 20211658 Date: November 16, 2005 Customer # 234105 Contract # TOWN OF RWERHEAD COMPUTER DEPT 200 HOWELL AVE RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ATTENTION: Lori Pipczynski PHONE: 631-727-3200 FAX: 631-727-4230 Material Qty Description Unit Pric~-- Total 87143 100444 86353 100442 86443 4 GIS0200 AG AV (ArcView) CU LIC 4 ArcView 9.1 Concurrent Use with USB Key Installation Package 2 GIS0100 AG AE (ArcEditor) CU LIC 2 ArcGIS 9.1 with USB Key Installation Package A1130-S ASDE SRVR, 2-CPU BNDL, SQL 2,820.00- 0.00 5,620.00 0.00 8,015.00 11,280.00 0.00 11,240.00 0.00 8,015.00 item Total: Subtotal: Estimated Shipping & Handling (2 Day Delivery): Total (excludes applicable sales tax): 30,535.00 30,535.00 0.00 $30,535.00 Quoted By: Tessa Lukito, 1 (800) 447-9778 x1296 Account Manager: Dave Lashell Email: tlukito~esri.com Email: dlashell@esrLcom Acceptance of this quotation is limited to the ESRI License Agreement and the Quotation Terms and Conditions This Quotation is made in confidence for your review. It may not be disclosed to third par'Jes, except as required by law. If sending remittance, please address to: ESRI, File No. 54630, Los Angeles, Ca 900?4-4630 LUKITOT This offer is limited to the terms and conditions incorporated and attached herein. ~~~l ' ESRI QUOTATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS ES RI, 380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA - TEL 909-793~2853. FAX 909-793-5953 All quotations are valid for ninety (90) days unless otherwise stated on the quotation form. These prices and terrns are valid only for items purchased for use and delivery within the United States. This quotation information is proprietary and may not be copied or released other than for the express purpose o f the current system selection and purchase. This information may not be given to outside parties or used for any other purpo se without written consent from Enviromnental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). expedite your order, please reference the quotation number on your purchase order. ORDER PROCESS The order process is initiated when ESRI receives an original purchase order or some form of advance payment- Several additional documents (e.g., Master License Agreement, credit application, 'Fax Exemption Certificate, etc.) may be required to complete the order process. Generally, the need for these documents varies by the type of software, data, Web-enabled services, subscriptions, professional services or other products ordered, which is determined upon receipt of the .purchase order (or advance payment). If delivery must be expedited, please contact your marketing representative for assistance. IMPORTANT! Collectively, these documents contain the authorizations and information necessary to ship pro'perversions of the software or data on the correct media, or to initiate Web-enabled services, subscriptions, or professional services. Please return them promptly to avoid unnecessary delays in shipping or delivery. Please return all documents to ESRI Customer Service, or as otherwise directed. Please show the following remittance address on your purchase order: ESRI, File No. 54630, Los Angeles, CA 90074-4630 ESR1 LICENSE AGREEMENTS All ESRI software, data, Web-enabled sen, ices, and subscriptions offered in this quotation are commercial off-the-shelf items developed at private expense and subject to ESR1 commercial license terms, unless specifically identified by ESRI as a non- commercial item. Professional services agreements may also include license terms. Most ESRI software, data, Web-enabled smwices and subscriptions are subject to the ESRI License Agreement included with the deliverable item as an on-line agreement or in the packaging as a shrink-wrap agreement. A copy is enclosed. If you license certain software or data, a Master License Agreement signed by both parties may be required. Some ESR1 software is copy protected with a software keycode or hardware key, and some software, data, Web-enabled services or subscriptions require registration or a password. You will be given instructions to access the keycode, register, or obtain a password through the ESRI Web site or by other means. MAINTENANCE After expiration of any complimentary period of maintenance that may apply to the licensed software, ESRt will quote maintenance payable annually in advance. A reinstatement fee applies when maintenance has lapsed. For software and data with optional multiyear maintenance for a discounted fee, the discounted maintenance fees are in consideration of, and contingent upon, your commitment to the maintenance term you elect in your order. For such multiyear maintenance, you may cancel the maintenance upon ninety (90) days advanced written notice to ESRI Customer Service, sub~ect to payment of rifty percent (50%) of the outstanding maintenance fees for the maintenance term initially ordered. No other refund or reduction for cancellation is available, lfyou are ordering multi-year maintenance, please indicate a billing option on your purchase order by selecting a statement aa indicated below. Option 1. If you are purchasing a prodoct with multi-year maintenance terms and are issuin~ tile purchase order fYr all years ~fton[, please include the following intbrmation on your purchase order: "This PO is in acceptance of quote #XXXXXXX and eo','ers tho total amouot rot all years included in tile multi-year maintenance term. ESRI may invoice the entire amount upon shipment." Option 2. If you are purchasing a product with multi-year maintenance tenns and are issuing.the pnrcb se ¢ rder fro' the first year only. please include the following infonnatim~ on your pm'chase order (PO): "This PO is in acceptance of quote G-272/KMM Page 1 7/1/05 #XXXXXXX. This order is for the initial year of the multi-year maiutenance term. We agree to issue a P 43 for each subsequent year iu a pro rata amount per year to be invoiced annually in advance." Optioo 3: If you are purchasing a product with muhi-year maintenance terms and are issoing_tbe purchase order for all years U32t~'ont bt~t want to be hlvoiced annually, please irtclude the ~bllowiag information on your purchase order: "'l'l~is PO is in acceptance of quote #XXXXXXX and covers the lotal amount for all years iucluded in the multi-year mai rltcaance term. }lowever, ESRI shall invoice annually in advance a pro rata amount for each year of the term." DATA DISCLAIMER Data is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. The data has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The data may contain some nonconformities, defects, errors, or omissions. ESRI AND ITS LICENSOR(S) MAKE NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE DATA. Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, ESRI and its licensor(s) do not warrant that the data will meet Licensee's needs or expectations, that the use of the data will be uninterrupted, or that all nonconformities can or will be corrected. 13SRI and its licensor(s) are not inviting reliance on this data, and Licensee should always verify actual data including, but not limited to, map, spatial, raster, and tabular information. DELIVERY FOB Redland;, CA, USA Software: Allow thirty (30) days from ESRI's receipt of purchase order, signed Software License Agreement(s), and other documents, as required. Hardware: Manufacturer's terms apply. Lead times depend on make/models purchased. Note: Standard delivery method is ground or two-day air for software and surface carrier for hardware. Actual delivery method may vaq, depending on weight~ Other service is available for an additional fee (e.g., overnight delivery). PAYMENT TERMS Net thirty (30) days, on approved credit. Orders less than $800 require prepayment by check or credit card unless your organization is a government agency, university, college, or Portune 500 company. TAXES iPrices quoted do not include applicable sales or use taxes unless so stated. In preparing your budget, please allow for applicable sales tax. ESRI reserves the right to collect sales tax assessed by states as required by law. ESRI will add state sales tax to the invoice unless proof with the order is shown to ESRI that your organization is tax exempt or pays state tax directly. G-272/KMM Page 2 7/1/05 ESRI, 380 New York St,, Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA - TEL 909-793-2853 · FAX 909-793-5953 IMPORTANT- -READ CAREFULLY uNLESS IT IS SUPERSEDED BY A SIGNED LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND ESRI, ESR[ IS WILLING TO L1CENSE THE SOFTWARE, DATA, OR DOCUMENTATION TO YOU ONLY ON THE CO'INDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS ESRI LICENSE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY. THE SOFTWARE, DAI'A, OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT BEGIN DOWNLOADING TO OR INSTALL ONTO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM uNTIL YOU HAVE MANIFESTED YOUR ASSENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ESRt I.ICENSE AGREEMENT BY CLICKING '*1 accept the License Agreement" BELOW. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO TIlE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED, THEN ESRI IS UNWILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE, DATA, OR DOCUMENTATION TO YOU AND YOU SHOULD CLICK "I do not accept the License Agreement" BELOW, IN WHICH EVENT, TItE SOFTWARE, DATA, OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT BE DOWNLOADED TO OR IN STALLED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM. ESRI LICENSE AGREEMENT (E204 3/05) This ESRI License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "License Agreement") is between you ("Licensee") and Environmental Systems Research Insntu e, Inc. ("ESRI"), a California corporation, with its principal place ofbn siness at 380 New York Street, Redlands, Califoruia, 92373-8100, USA. ARTICLE 1--DEFINITIONS (c) (d) Definitions--As used herein, the following words, phrases, or terms in this License Agreemcut shall have the following meanings: (a) "Data" means any ESRI or third party data vendor(s) digital data set(s) including, but not limited to, geographic, vector data coordinates, raster, reports, or associated tabular attributes in ESRI GIS software compatible format(s) supplied under this License Agreement. (b) "Documentation" means all of the printed and digital materials including, but not limited to, user documentation, training documentation, or technical information and briefings supplied under this License Agreement. "License Manager" means the nondestructive license management software program or hardware key, or similar copy protection mechanism, which controls the distribution of the licensed number of Software copies to requesting end user(s) of Licensee. "Software" means the actual copy of all or any portion of ESRI's proprietary geographic information system (GIS) softw, are technology, computer software code, components, dynamic link libraries (DLLs), and programs delivered on any media, including, but not limited to, alpha, beta, prerelease, restricted version(s), or final commercial release provided in source, object, or executable code format(s), inclusive of backups, updates, service packs, sample code, or merged copies permitted hereunder or subsequently supplied under this License Agmemenk ARTICLE 2--INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY P. IGHTS AND RESERVATION OF OWNERSHIP The Software, Data, and Documentation are owned by ESRI and its licensor(s) and are protected by United States laws and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions regardinp~ intellectual property or proprietary rights inclusive of trade secrets. ESRI and its licensor(s) retain all rights, ritle, and ownership not granted herein to all copies of the Software, Data, and Documentation licensed under this License Agreement. From the date of receipt, Licensee agrees to use reasonable effort to protect the Software, Data, and Documentation from unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or publication. All rights not specifically granted in this License Agreemeut are reserved to ESRI and its licensor(s). ARTICLE 3--GRANT OF LICENSE 3.1 Grant of License--In consideration of the mutual promises and covenanLs provided herein and for other good and valuable consideration, and conditioned upon compliance with all of the terms and conditions set forth in this License Page 1 of 6 E204 3/05 Agreement including, but not limited to, Article 4, ESRI grants to Licensee a personal, nonexclusive, nontransfe:rable license to (a) Use the Software, Data, and Documentation as a single package for Licensee's own internal use only; amd (b) Access and use any secure ESRI Web site resources made available to Licensee for Licensee*s internal X~se only, provided that Licensee fbllows ESRI's terms of use policy specified therein~ All password or controlled access information provided by ESR! or its authorized distributor shall be treated as ESRI confidential information. 3,2 Beta License.--ln the event ESi~ accepts Licensee into a current Beta Testing program, Licensee may be provided copies of alpha, beta, and/or prerelease (hereinafmr collectively mt'erred to as "Beta") Software for the limited purpose o f testing the Beta Sof~tware in accordance with the Beta testing policies then in effect. Beta Software and Documentation delivered are confidential and proprietary to ESRI and contain trade secrets, inclusive of unpublished specificati,ons~ In consideration of the rights granted herein, Licensee agrees to retain all Beta Software and Documentation provided to Licensee in confidence. Licensee shall maintain all results of testing in confidence and agrees not to disclose to any third party details pertaining to the Beta Sofiware, Documentation, test results, or errors encountered. ESRI resmwes the right to determine which Beta Software and Documentation, subsequent interim beta release(s), or patch(es) will be made available to Licensee to test during the term of the License Agreement. Beta Software is subject to change prior to its commercial release and may never be commercially released. Licensee is advised that such Software is not suitable or licensed for full use and accepts all responsibility for use of the same and any results generated~ 3.3 Evaluation License--ESRI may from time to time extend a limited term evaluation lineuse(s) under the tetras of this License A~eement, for the duration authorized in any supporting documentation supplied by ESRI. 3.4 Consultant Access--Licensee may provide access to the Software, Data, or Documentation to any consultant or contractor of Licensee, provided that the consultant or contractor is using the Software, Data, or Documentation exclusively for the benefit of Licensee. Licensee shall be responsible for compliance by consultants or contractors with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. 3.5 Commercial Application Service Provider--Use of ESRI Software, Data, or Documentation in a commercial Application Service Provider (ASP) business model is subject to execnfion ora written ASP license agreement and the payment of the appropriate additional license fees. For purposes of this License Agreement, a commercial ASP means a Licensee who uses ESRI Software, Data, or Documentation for a site or service, operates the site or the service for a profit, and generates revenue by charging for access to the site or service (by selling data, pay-per-view, subscription fee, or similar means). ARTICLE 4---SCOPE OF USE 4.1 Permitted Uses (a) Licensee may (i) install and store copies onto electronic storage device(s) and (ii) only use the Software, Data, and Documentation as described in Exhibit 1--Scope of Use and in accordance with the licensed configuration provided at the time of order, Software registration, or License Manager issuance. (b) LicenSee may make one (I) copy of the Software, Data, and Documentation for archival purposes during the term of this License Agreement. Additionally, Licensee may make routine computer backups and implement a redundant Software installation for failover operations during the period the pr/mary site is not operational. The redundant Software installation shall remain dormant except for system maintenance and updating of databases while the primary site is operational. (c) Licensee may customize the Software using any (i) macro or scripting language, (ii) open application programming interface (APl), or (iii) source or object code libraries, but only to the extent that such customization is described in the Documentation. (d) Excluding ESRI BlS Data and unless there is a statement to the contrary in the metadata, Licensee may use, copy, reproduce, publish, publicly display, or redistribute map images derived from ESRI branded Data in hard-copy or static, electronic formats (i.e., .gif, .tif, etc.) provided that Licensee affixes an attribution statement to the map images acknowledging ESR1 or its lieensors as the source of the portion(s) of such Data displayed, printed, or plotted. The ESRI branded Data shall not be used separately from ESRI Software. Otherwise, Licensee may use the Data only as described in the Distribution Rights section of the help or metadata files delivered with the Software, Data, and Documentation, or subject to the third party Data vendor's terms. (e) Licensee may use, copy, or prepare derivative works of the Documentation supplied in digital format and thereafter reproduce, display, and redistribute the customized documentation only for Licensee's own internal use. The portion(s) of the Documentation supplied in digital format merged with other software and printed or digital documentation shall Page 2 of 6 E204 3/05 (f) continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement and shall provide the followin~ copyright attribution notice acknowledging the proprietary rights of ESR1 and its licensor(s) in the Documentation SUl~ l)lied in digital format: "Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensor(s) and are u. aed herein under license. Copyright © [Insert the actual coiJyright date(s)fi'om the source materials] ESRi and its lice ~sor(s). All r'ghts reserved. Lmensee may include ESRI BIS reports and other outpu in presentation packages or marketing studies for Subsidiaries and customers where the value of the ESRI BIS report or other Data output is less than twenty percent (20°/'0) of Licensee's total value of the presentation package or marketing st-ady. Full, complete, stand-alone reports Created from the ESRI BIS Software or Data cannot be resold without prior written permission of ESR[ BIS. Licensee's third party customer may only receive reports and maps generated by Licensee and may only use the tnaps and reports received from Licensee for internal proposes. 4.2 Uses Not Permitted (a) Licensee shall not sell; rent; lease; sublicense; lend; assign; time-share; m- act as a semite bureau or Applica_tion Service Provider (ASP) that allows third party access to the Software, Data, and Documentation except aa provided herein; or transfer, in whole or in part, access to prior or present versions of the Software, Data, or Documentation, ann updates, or Licensee's rights under this License Agreement. (b) Licensee shall not redistribute the Software registration numbefflicense authorization file(s). (c) Licensee shall not redistribute the Software, in whole or in part, including, but not limited to, extensions, components, or DLLs without the prior written approval of ESRI as set forth in an appropriate redistribution license agreernent. (d) Licensee shall not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the So.are, Data, or Docmnentation, except to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this restriction in order to protect ESRI and its licensor(s) trade secrets and proprietary information contained in the Software, Data, or DocumentatSon. (e) Licensee shall not make any attempt to circumvent the technological measure(s) (e.g., License Manager, etc.) that controls access to or use of the Software, Dam, and Documentation, except to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this restriction. (f) Licensee shall not use the Software to transfer or exchange any material where such transfer or exchange is prohibited by copyright or any other law. (g) Licensee shall not remove or obscm:e any ESRI or its licensor(s) patent, copyright, trademark, or proprietary rights notices contained in or affixed to the Software, Data, or Documentation. (h) After a reasonable transition period for updating to the most current version of the Software, Licensee shall cease using all prior version(s) of the Software that Licensee has elected to update to the most current version(s) of the Software. When the ~ansition to the most current version(s) of the Software is complete, the quantity of Software licenses in use by Licensee at any given time shall not exceed the total quantity licensed by ESRI in accordance with the licensed configuration on file with ESRI Customer Service or ESRI's authorized distributor. (i) With the exception of Server Software application licenses for which such licensed use are c°ntemplated, Licensee shall not provide access to or allow affiliates or other third parties to use the Software, Data, or Documentation in a distributed computing environment, This restriction shall not apply to Section 3,4, Consultant Access. (j) Licensee may not distribute or post Data, reports, or other output from ESRI BIS Software or Data or services on the Intemet without thefixpress written consent of ESRI BIS. ARTICLE 5-.. MAINTENANCE Maintenance consists of Software, Data, or Documentation updates and access to technical support and other benefits specified in the most current applicable ESRI or its distributor's Suppor~ Services Policy. ARTICLE 6--TERM AND TERMINATION The license granted to Licensee by this License Agreement shall commence upon the acceptance of this License Agreement and shall continue until such time that (i) Licensee elects in writing to discontinue use of the Software, Data, or - Documentation and terminates this License Agreement or (ii) either party terminates this Licens? Asree.m~nt for,.a ma~terial breach that is not cured within ten (10) days of written notice to the other party, except that tem~matmn ~s rmmeomte mr a material breach ora nature that it is impossible to cure, Upon termination of this License Agreement, Licensee shall uninstall, remove, and destroy all Software, Data, and Documentation, and any whole or partial copies, modifications, or merged portions in any form and execute and deliver evidence of such deinstallafion and destruction to ESR[ or its authorized distributor. Page 3 of 6 E204 3/05 ARTICLE 7- -LIM1TED WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS 7.1 Limited Warranties--For a period of ninety (90) days from the later of the date ofkeycode issuance or date of delivery of the Software, Data, or Documentation to Licensee, ESRI represents and warrants that (i) the unmodified Software will substautially conform to the published Documentation and (ii) the media upon which the Software, Data, and Documentation is provided will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service~ 7.2 Data Disclaimer--If included under this License Agreement, the Data has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The Data may contain some nonconformities, defects, errors, or omissions. ESRI AND ITS LICENSOR(S) MAKE NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE DATA. Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, ESRI and its licensor(s) do not warrant that the Data will meet Licensee's needs or expectations, the uae of the Data will be uninterrupted, or that all nonconformities can or will be corrected. ESRI and its Iicensor(s) are not inviting reliance on this Data, and Licensee should always verify actual Data including, but not limited to, map, spatial, raster, and tabular informatiom 7.3 High Risk Activities (a) The Software, Data, and Documentation are not fault-tolerant and are not designed, manufactured, or intencIed for use or resale for insurance underwriting or with critical health and safety or online control equipment in hazardous environments that require fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, akcraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, emergency response, terrorism prevention or response, life support, or weapons systems ("High Risk Activities"). ESR1 SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES~ (b) To the extent permitted by law, Licensee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold ESRI, its officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors, licensors, successors, and assigns harmless from and against any and all liability, losses, claims, expenses (including attomeys' fees), demands, or damages of any kind, including direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of or in any way connected with Licensee's use or permitting the use by others of the Software, Data, and vendor's hardware for High Risk Activities. Delivery of the Software, Data, and vendor's hardware does not constitute a waiver of the rights and obligations set forth in this Article. 7.4 General Disclaimer--EXCEPT FOR THE ABOVE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTIES, ESRI DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINTERFERENCE, SYSTEM INTEGKATION, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ESRI DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE, DATA, OR DOCUMENTATION WILL MEET LICENSEE'S NEEDS, OR THAT LICEN SEE'S OPERATION OF THE SAME WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, OR THAT ALL NONCONFORMITIES CAN OR WILL BE CORRECTED. LICENSEE EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ALPHA, BETA, PRERELEASE, RESTRICTED VERSION, SAMPLE CODE AND EVALUATION SOFTWARE ARE DELIVERED "AS-IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, iNCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINTERFERENCE, SYSTEM INTEGRATION~ AND NONINFR2NGEMENT. LICENSEE ASSUMES ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE BETA ANrD EVALUATION SOFTWARE. 7.5 Exclusive Remedy--Licensee's exclusive remedy and ESRI's entire liability for breach of the limited warranties set forth in this Article 7 shall be limited, at ESRI's sole discretion, to (i) replacement of any defective media; (ii) repair, correction, or a work-around for the Software subject to the ESRI Support Services Policy; or (iii) return of the license fees paid by Licensee for the Software, Data, or Documentation that does not meet ESRI's Limited Warranty, provided that Licensee nninstalls, removes, and destroys all copies of the Software, Data, or Documentation and executes and delivers evidence of such deinstallation and destruction to ESRI or its authorized distributor. ARTICLE 8--LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 8.1 Disclaimer of Certain Types of Liability--IN NO EVENT SHALL ESRI OR ITS LICENSOR(S) BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR COSTS OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOST PROF1TS; LOST SALES OR BUSINESS EXPENDITURES; INVESTMENTS; OR COMMITMENTS IN CONNECI~ON WITH ANY BUSINESS, LOSS OF ANY GOODWILL, OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, DATA, OR DOCUMENTATION, HOWEVER CAUSED, ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, AND WHETHER OR Page 4 of 6 E204 3/05 NOT ESRI OR ITS LICENSOR(S) HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. TFIESE LIMIT^TIONS SIIALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANIy LIMITED REMEDY. 8.2 General Limitation of Liability-.-EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE 9--1NFRINGEMENT INDEIvlD~ITY, IN NO EVENT WILL ESRI'S TOTAL CUMULATIVE LIABILITY HEREUNDER, FROM ALL CAUSES OF AfnTION OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO; CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), S~I'RtCT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, MISREPRESENTATION, OR OTHERWISE, EXCEED THE AMOUNTS PAID TO ESRI BY LICENSEE FOR SOFTWARE, DATA, OR DOCUMENTATION PURSUANT TO THIS LICENISE AGREEMENT. 8.3 Applicability of Disclaimers and Limitations--Licensee agrees that the limitations of liability and disclaix~ers set forth in this License Agreement will apply regardless of whether Licensee has accepted thn Software, Data, or Documentation or any other product or service delivered by ESRL The parties agree that ESRI has sat its prices end entered into this License Agreement in reliance upon the disclaimers and limitations set fm~.h herein, that the same reflect an allocation of' risk between the parties (including the risk that a contract remedy may fail of its essential purpose and cause consequential loss), and that the same form an essential basis of the bargain between the parties. ARTICLE 9--INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY 9.1 ESRI shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Licensee from and against any loss, liability, cost, or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which may be incurred by Licensee against any claims, actions, or demands by a third party alleging that the Software, Date, or Documentation infi'inges a U.S. patent, copyright, or trademark provided (a) Licensee prmnptly notifies ESRI in writing of the claim thereof; (b) ESRi has sole control of the defense of any actions and negotiations related to the defense or settlement of any claim; and (c) Licensee cooperates fully in the defense of the claim. 9.2 IfESRI believes that the Software, Data, or Documentation is or will become the subject of an infringement claim, or in the event that use of the Software, Data, or Documentation is enjoined, ESRI, at its own expense, may ether (i) obtain the right for Licensee to continue using the Sofi~are, Data, or Documentation or (ii) modify the Software, Data, or Documentation to make it noninffinging while maintaining substantially similar software functionality or data/informational content. If neither of such alternatives is commemially reasonable, the infringing items shall be rammed to ESP~I and ESRI's sole liability shall be to refund license fees paid by Licensee prorated on a five (5) year, straight line depreciation basis begim~ing from the initial date of delivery. 9.3 ESRI shall have no obligation hereunder to defend Licensee or to pay any resulting costs, damages, or reasonable attorneys' fees for or with respect to any claims, actions, or demands alleging (i) infringement that arises by mason of combination o f noninfringing items, however acquired, with any items not supplied by ESRI; (ii) infringement to the extent arising from material alteration of the Software, Data, or Documentation by anyone other than ESRI, its agents, or/ts contractors; (iii) the direct or contributory infringement of any process patent by Licensee through the use of the Software, Data, or Documentation other than a process patent that is necessarily infringed by the internal processes executed within the Software or Data itself when the Software or Data is executed for its intended purpose; (iv) nontinued allegedly infringing activity by Licensee after it has been notified of the possible infringement; or (v) nontinued allegedly infringing activity by Licensee to the extent it arises from failure of Licensee to use the updated or modified Software, Data, or Documentation provided by ESRI for avoiding infringement. THE FOREGOING STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF ESRI WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OR ALLEGATION OF INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY TIIlRD PARTY. ARTICLE 10 --GENERAL PROVISIONS 10.1 Export Control Regulations--Licensee expressly acknowledges and agrees that Licensee shall not export, reexport, or pm-vide the Software, Data, or Documentation, in whole or in part, to (i) any country to which the United States has embargoed goods; (ii) any person on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals; (iii) any person or entity on the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Denial Orders; or (iv) any person or entity where such export, reexport, or provision violates any U.S. export control law or regulation. Licensee shall not export the Software, Data, and/or Documentation or any underlying in formation or technology to any facility in violation of these or other applicable laws and re~,mlations. Licensee represents and warrants that it or its employees, consultants, or customers who gain access to tho Page 5 of 6 E204 3/05 Software, Data, or Documentation are not a national, resident, located in or under the control of, or acting on belualf of any person, entity, or country su~iect to such U.S. export controls. 10.2 Taxes and Fees, Shipping Charges---License fees quoted to Licensee are exclusive of any and all taxes ox" fees including, but not limited to, sales tax, use tax, value-added tax (VAT), customs, duties, or tariffs, and shipping and handling charges. 10.3 No Implied Waivers--The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this License Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of the provisions or of the right of such party thereafter to enfome that or any other provision. 10.4 Severability--The parties mutually agree that if any provision of this License Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make the intent of the language enforceable. 10.5 Successor and Assigns--Licensee shall not assign, sublicense, or transfer Licensee's rights or delegate its obligations under this License Agreement without ESRI's prior written consent, and any attempt to do so without consent shall be void. This License Agreement shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the parties to this License Agreement. Notwithstanding, a U.S. Government contractor may assign its rights under this License Agreement to a U.S. Government Agency upon written notice to ESRI if the U.S. Government Agency assents to the terms of this License Agreement. 10.6 Survival of Terms---The provisions of Articles 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of this License Agreement shall survive the expiration or termination of this License Agreement for any reason. 10.7 Equitable Relief--Licensee agrees that any broach of this License Agreement by Licensee may cause irreparable damage and that, in the event of such breach, in addition to any and all remedies at law, ESRI shall have the right to seek an injunction, specific performance, or other equitable relief in any court of competent jurisdiction to prevent violation of these terms and without the requirement of posting a bond or undertaking or proving injury as a condition for relief. 10.8 Commercial Terms aud Conditions for U.S. Government Use--This License Agreement contains ESRI's commercial terms and conditions. Licensee's rights in the Software, Data, and Documentation are strictly limited to the uses granted by this License Agreement pursuant to FAR 12.211, FAR 12.212, and DFARS 227.7202. In the event any court, arbitrator, or board holds that the U.S. Government has greater rights to any portion of the Software, Data, or Documentation, such rights shall extend only to the portion(s) affected and use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as provided in FAR 52.227-19 (June I987), FAR 52.227-14 (ALT III) (June 1987), DFARS 252.227-7015 (NOV 1995), or NFS 1852.227-86 (December 1987), as applicable. No other license terms or conditions shall apply unless expressly agreed in whting by ESRI and Licensee. ESRI Software is unpublished and all rights reserved under copyright laws of the United States. 10.9 Governing Law, Arbitration A. Licensees in the United States ~f America~ ~ts Territ~ries~ and ~utlying Areas-~This License Agmement sha~ be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California without reference to conflict of laws principles. Except as provided in Article 10.7 above, any dispute arising out of or relating to this License Agreement, or the breach thereof, which camrot be settled tbrough negotiation, shall be finally settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Ar.oitration Rules, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. If Linensee is a U.S. Government agency, this License Agreement is subject to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, as amended (41 U.S.C. 601413), in lieu of the Arbitration provisions of this clause. B. All Other Licensees--Except as provided in Article 10.7 above, all disputes arising in connection with this License Agreement that cannot be settled through negotiation shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the lnternatinnal Chamber of Commerce by one (1) arbitrator appointed in accordance with said Rules. The language of the arbitration shall be in English. The place of the arbitration shall be at a mutually agreed location. This License Agreement shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded. Either party shall, at the request of the other, make available documents or witnesses relevant to the major aspects of the dispute. This License Agreement constitutes the sole and entire License Agreement of the parties as to the subject matter set forth herein and supersedes any previous License Agreements, understandings, and arrangements between the parties relating to such subject matter, and any terms on Linensee~s purchase orders. Any modification(s) or amendment(s) to this License Agreement must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. Page 6 of 6 E204 3/05 EXHIBIT 1 SCOPE OF USE (E300 9/05B) ESRL 380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-§100 USA · TEL 909~793~2853 · FAX 909-793-5953 The scope of use for each ESRI Software identified below is described in the applicable footnotes listed in pamnttheses. Desktop Software Tracking Server (7 and 22) ArcGIS Desktop - ArcReader (1 and 18) - ArcView (1, 2, 6, and 14) -- AmEditor (I, 2, 6, and 14) Arctnfo (2,6, and 14) - Arclnfo Workstation Extensions (2 and 6) - ArcGIS Desktop Extensions (1,2, and 6) Production Line Tool Set for ArcGIS (PLTS); GIS Data ReViewer; Job Tracking for ArcGIS (1 and 2) ArcView GIS 3.x - ArcView and Extensions (1) ArcPad (1,9, and 10) AmPad StreetMap (I, 9, and 19) ArcLogistics Route (1 and 8) BusinessMAP (1) Maplex (1) MOLE (1) ArcExplorer (1 and 18) Data Sets (1) Server Software ArcGIS Server ArcGIS Server Base License (3, 5, 7, and 22) - Extensions (3, 6, 7, and 22) ArcSDE - ArcSDE Application and Connection Server (3, 5, 7, 17, and 22) - ArcSDE for Coverages (3, 5, 7, 17, and 22) - AroSDE Client Access (2, 17, and 22) - AmSDE CAD Client (2, 17, and 22) ArclMS - ArclMS and Extensions (3, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 22) - ArclMS ArcMap Server (3, 5, 7, I2, and 22) - RouteMap IMS (3, 5, 7, 12, and 22) ESRI Image Sen, er - ESR1 Image Server Base License (3, 5, 7, and 22) Extensions (3, 6, 7, and 22) Developer Software ArcG1S Schematics SDK (1,4, t2, and 15) ArcG1S Engine ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit (1, 12, and 21) ArcG1S Engine Runtime (1, 12, and 21 ) - Extensions (I, 6, 12, and 21) MOLE SDK (1,4, and 12) ArcPad Application Builder (1) MapObjects--Windows Edition (1,4, t 1, 12, and 15) MapObjects--Java Edition (I, 3, 4, 5, 7, 1 2, 15, 16, and 22) MapObjects LT (1,4, 11, and 12) NetEngine (1, 5, and 12) NetEngine Intemet (3, 5, and 13) Geocoding Development Kit (1) ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation ArcGIS Business Analyst (1,2, and 20) ArcView BusMess Analyst (1 and 20) Demographic Data (l and 20) - Communitylnfo - Retail Marketplace Consumer Expenditure Cormmun~ity Tapestry Data (1 and 20) Third P~rty Data (1 and 20) Community Coder (1 and 20) Sourcebook America (included with ArcP, eader) (1, 18, and 20) Portfolio - Allocate (1 and 20) - Solocast (i and 20) 1. "Single use license" means a license must be dedicated for each computer or network access point that has use rights for the Software, Data, or Documentation. Licensee may make a second copy for Licensee's exclusive nsc on a portable computer so long as only one ( 1 ) copy of the Software, Data, and Documentation is in use at any one time. 2. "Concurrent use license" means a license that permits execution of the Software on any computer on the network. The number of simultaneous/concurrent users may be controlled by a License Manager to access and use the Software, Data, or Documentation. 3. "Server license" means a license for (server-side) Software that (i) resides on a server computer and provides services to multiple users and/or client computers in a distributed computing environment, or (ii) resides on an individual desktop computer and provides services to that computer in conjunction with AmGIS Desktop or other Server Software. For Page 1 of 4 E300 9/05B example, an ArcSDE direct connection with an ArcGIS Desktop application, or an ArcSDE direct connectiotl with ArclMS or AreGIS Server is a server license. 4. A "Stand-alone Deployment license, grants the fight to Licensee to redistribute a stand-alone application to end users, provided the application is installed on each computer on which the application is run. The Stand-alone Deployment license requires payment of redistribution or deployment fees, except for MapObjects LT. 5. A "Server Deployment license" grants the right to Licensee to redistribute an application via a network, the lntemet, or Intranet to end users of the application (also known as an 'httemet Redistribution license'). The Server Deployment license does not require payment of additional deployment or redistribution fees, except for MapObjects--Java Edition. 6. Extensions to Software programs follow the same scope of use as that granted for the corresponding Sofrwa~-e programs. For example, if Licensee orders Concurrent Use ArcInfo, then any associated extension is also licensed for Concurrent use or if Licensee orders an AmGIS Server extension, that extension is also licensed for use on a server. 7. MapObjects--Java Edition and "Server Software" licenses are licensed per Server/CPU. Each Server Softw~are license may be installed on up to 2 CPUs in one server; licenses for additional CPUs am available. Server licenses include the rights to develop, test, and deploy applications to end users via a network, the Interact, or Intranet on or from the same licensed server, provided the source and object code are not accessible to users of the application and that Licensee does not generate revenue directly by charging for access to the site or service by selling data, pay*per-view, subscr/ption fee, or similar means by utilization of the Software. Licensee shall not use any type of development or testing licenses, including those licenses installed in a staging server environment (Staging Server licenses) to deploy applications for production use by end asers. The administration tools for ArclMS, ArcSDE, ESRI Image Server, and MapObjects-- Java Edition may be copied and redistributed throughout Licensee's organization. User developed ArcGIS Server administration tools may be copied throughout Licensee's organization, but the AmCatalog application (fuuxad in the AreGIS Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor, or Amlnfo) may not be copied unless part ufa licensed ArcGIS Desktop installation. The ArclMS license includes the right to deploy MapObjects--Windows Edition applications on the Interact or Intranet. Liennsee shall not develop client/server solutions with the ArcIMS Java Archive (JAR) files without a license for the MapObjects--Java Edition Developer K/t. 8. ESRI and its licensor(s) grant Licensee a nonexclusive, nontransferable, timited license to use, copy, and prepare derivative works by (a) Translating "akoute.mld" (hereinafter "Dictionary") from the original text in the English langnage; (b) Editing Geographic Data Technology (GDT) Data ineluded within ArcLogistics Route; and (c) Adding Data (owned by Licensee or ethers) to ArcLogistics Route Software. The license grant is conditioned as follows: (a) The derivative works are for Licensee's internal use only; (b) ESRI and its licensor(s) retain all exclusive right, title, and interest in and benefits from the derivative works, except Data owned by Licensee or others; and (c) Licensee expressly waives and relinquishes any and all ownership including, but not limited to, copyright, moral rights, or any other statutory or common law claims to the derivative works, except for Data owned by Licensee or others. Licensee shall not translate, modify, or edit in any way tbe software name "ArcLogistics-Route," software logo, any ttfird party software, any text other than the Dictionary, or any Data other than GDT's. The amount of Data used by Licensee is limited by Data credits purchased. Additional license fees are required if ArcLogistics Route with Data is to be accessed by more than one (1) ArcLogistics Route license. 9. ArcPad SOFTWARE IS NOT LICENSED FOR NAVIGATIONAL USE. 10. This is a "Dual Use License," meaning the Software may be installed on a desktop computer and may be used simultaneously with either a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or h~ndheld mobile computer provided that the Soflware is only used by a single individual at any one (1) time. 11. Licensee shall not redistribute or disclose the MapObjects developer license file (*.lin). Developers must attribute as follows: "Portions of this computer program am owned by LizardTech, Inc., and are Copyright © I995-2002 LizardTech, Inc, and/or the University of California. Ail fights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 5,710,8357' Page 2 of 4 E300 9/05B 12- Redistribution rights for standard or lntemet application(s) may be subject to payment of additional license fees. Other restrictions notwithstanding, Licensee may redistrthute commemial applications to its sublicensee(s) provided Licensee uses a written sublicense agreement that protects ESRPs rights in its Software, Data, and Documentation to t:he same extent as the ESRI License Agreement, and that includes the following terms, as a minimum: (a) Sub~censeemayn~treverseengineer~dec~mpi~e~rdisassemb~etheESR~S~ftware~Data~rD~c~.mentati~n~ except to the extent permitted by applicable law, copy for commercial use, transfer, or assign its rights under the license grant; and (b) Sublicensee may not use any ESRI Software, Data, or Documentation, in whole or in part, separate ~¥om Licensee*s executable application. (c) Third pariy dependent or required components am redistributable subject to permission from the ox;vnet or author. I3. Subject to an ammal renewal fee. 14. Licensee may use Business Objects Crystal Reports software only with the ESRI Software with which it was acquired and subject to the Crystal Reports Professional License Agreement available on the media. However, for use of Crystal Reports software with Concurrent Use ArcGIS Software licenses, Licensee may install and use a Crystal Reports license on any computer on the network on which the ArcGIS Desktop Concurrent Use Soft:ware is used, but it may- only be used with the ESRI Software with which it was acquired, as previously noted. Licensee may not use a software program or system to cache or queue report requests. 15. The Redistribution Stand-alone (or Deployment) license is per application per computer. For MapObjccts--~Windows Edition, Internet or Intranet Deployment requires an ArclMS Internet Deployment License. Except for AmlMS licenses, one (I) Intemet Deployment license is required for each ArclMS sewer/CPU that runs Web mapping applications built with MapObjects--Windows Edition. For MapObjecta--Java Edition, Internet or Intranet Deployment requires a MapObjects--Java Interact Deployment License. An application upgrade is not a redeployment as long as it uses the same major revision of ArcG1S Schematics SDK, MapObjects--Windows Edition, or MapObjects--Java Edition. 16. The MapObjects--Java Edition contains Java Archive (JAR) files, which indicate they are authentic ESRI~certificated flies when used over the Internet. Any Licensee certificate placed on the modified "re-jarred" files cannot reference ESRI as a source of trusted content. In addition to any other rights and restrictions in the Agreement, Licensee may use the MapObjects--Java Edition on a single computer to (a) Build applet(s) that are used only as an internal component in end user interfaces, and to copy the applet(s) to additional computers (e.g., Web Server) from which Licensee may deploy the applet(s) to end users via download in the course of browsing or interactiug with Licensee's Web pages. End user redistribution of the applet(s) is not allowed; and (b) Build stand-atone Java Applications. Licensee may deploy the Java class ESR1 certificated libraries as an integral part of Licensee's application(s); and (c) Build servlets anddor Enterprise JavaBeans with MapObjects--~Java components, requiring a MapObjects--Java luternet Deployment License for each sewer configuration; and (d) Distribute MapObjecta Java applets, provided (i) Licensee% Web pages or software application(s) is targeted at end users and not as a development tool; (ii) Licensee does not use ESRI% name, logos, or trademark to market Licensee's Web pages or application(s); and (iii) Licensee includes a valid Licensee copyright notice on Licensee% Web pages and software application(s). 17. ArcSDE is licensed on a Server/CPU basis and on a one-m-one basis with a relational database. Licensee may run ArcSDE on a Server to connect to a DBMS, or may connect directly to a DBMS by running ArcSDE on an individual desktop computer. Each ArcSDE Sewer license permits multiple ArcSDE instances on one (1) server or one (1) desktop computer if Licensee has multiple database instances on the corresponding database Server. Licensee may not connect to more than one (1) database sewer with an ArcSDE license. ArcSDE tbr Coverages is licensed only in conjunction with ArcView, ArcEditor, or Arcln£o concurrent use licenses, or ArcSDE Server or ArcFMS Sewer licenses. Licensee may reproduce and redistribute ArcSDE for Coverages for its internal use. 18. Licensee may reproduce and redistribute the ArcReader and/or ArcExplorer Software provided all of the tbllowing (a) The ArcReader or AmExplorer Software is reproduced and redistributed in its entirety whether as a stand-alone application or as an embedded GIS viewing tool on Licensee's own deliverable; (b) An Agreement accompanies each copy of the ArcReader or ArcExplorer Software that protects the ArcReader or ArcExplorer Software to the same extent as the ESRI License Agreement, and the recipient agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement; (c) Ail copyright and trademark attributions/notices am reproduced; Page 3 of 4 E300 (d) There is no charge or fee attributable to the use of the ArcReader or ArcExplorer Software; and (e) Sourcebook Ame~qca may not be redistributed. 19. Data provided with ArcPad StreetMap may be used for mapping, geocoding, and routing purposes but may ~o~ be used for dynamic routing purposes. Dynamic routing or "real-time guidance" is predictive routing and is not included in the ArcPad StreetMap functionality. For instance, ArcPad StreetMap may not be used to alert a user about upcoming maneuvers (such as warning of an upcoming turn) or calculating an alternate route ifa turn is missed. 20. Notwithstanding the Term and Termination provision of the General License Terms and Conditions, Tapestry and Community Coder are term licenses. ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation shall be subject to the Perrntitted Uses and Uses Not Permitted described below "Permitted Uses: (a) Licensee is granted permission to include resultant maps, reports, or other data output derived fi.om ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation only as part of Licensee's value-added products and/or services (e.g., Licensee's client reports, presentation packages, marketing studies, etc.) to current or prospective clients, so long as the resultant maps, reports, or other dala output derived from ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation comprises less than twenty percent (20%) of the total value of the Licensee's client reports, presentation packages, or ~narketing stodies. (b) If Licensee orders a license for ArcGIS Business Analyst with a subset of the national data set (i.e., Region, State, Local), Licensee may use only the licensed subset, and may not use any other portion of the national data set. Uses Not Permitted: (a) Licensee shall not sell; rent; lease; sublicense; lend; assign; t/me-share; or act as a service bureau or Application Service Provider (ASP) of full, complete, stand-alone reports, maps, or data output created from ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation without first entering into an appropriate reseller-type agreement with ESRI. (b) Unless Licensee has separately licensed a copy of Community Coder, or ESRI Data that perm/ts appending of the Community Tapestry market segmentation system codes ("Tapestry Codes"), Licensee shall not use the ESRI Data to assign or append Tapestry Codes to addresses or geographical data not included with ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation. If Licensee is granted th~ right to assign Tapestry Codes to Licensee's own files or records (i.e., profiling), Tapestry Codes shall not be disclosed to or used for the benefit of third parties nor shall Licensee provide any third party with mapping, indexing or delivery services made possible through the use of the deliverables without ESRI's express written permission. (c) Licensee shall not use, copy, redistribute, publicly display, rebroadcast, or otherwise mtransmit the ESRI Software, Data, and Documentation on the Internet without first entering into an appropriate Internet/Intranet Deployment-type agreement with ESRI. (d) Licensee shall not withhold any substantial right (e.g., extension of credit) from any individual based solely on the Community Tapestry market segmentation systems type of said individual's place of residence. 21. The ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit grants the right to develop an unlimited number of applications m~ a single co~puter and to deliver the applications with or without the Engine Runtime Sofiware to end users. The ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit licenses and Engine Runrime licenses may be licensed independent of the other. Licensee shall not redistribute the Engine Developer Kit authorization file. The Engine Runtime licenses shall not be used for development of Engine applications, lntemet and Server development and deployment is not permitted. An end user must license either ArcGIS Engine Runtlme Software or other ArcGIS Desktop Software (ArcView, ArcEditor, or Arclnfo) to obtain the right to run an unlimited number of applications built from the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit on one (l) computer. The AmGIS Engine Runtime Extensions shall not be used in combination with ArcGIS Desktop Software to run ArcGIS Engine applications. Developers must attribute as follows: "Portions of this computer program are owned by LizardTech, Inc., and are Copyright © 1995-2002 LizardTech, Inc., and/or the University of California. Ail rights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 5,710,8357' 22. Server Software may be used in logical, virtoaI, and "on-demand" server configurations. When counting the number of CPU licenses required for each type of server configuration, ESRI counts alt the physical CPUs in a server where the Server Software is installed and/or running. In Ioginal server configurations each Server Software license may be installed on up to two (2) CPUs in one (1) logical server. For "on-demand computing" dormant CPUs do not need to be licensed until they are activated. In virtual server configurations all CPUs in the server must be licensed. Page 4 of 4 E300 9/05B iTown of Riverhead VERSION: '~.S I-- Z F- , [ GIS Needs Assessment DATE: November17,2005 4. (2IS DATA ANALYSIS A~ summarlzed previous/y, the Town currently has a [Dial of 3,289 GIS related datasets. BMS has reviewed each dataset to determine if that dataset should be included as part of the Town's enterprise GIS data model. For those datasets that should be included, summary information about that dataset is provided as part of our analysis, This analysis will enable to the Town to easily define the appropriate feature datasets and feature classes to be included in the Town's Geodatabase model as well as define a roadmap in migrating those datasets. Data Description Records Source Data Type 766 SC DPW Topos~27,shp Topo*,tiff 20011ndex.shp Downtown~Parking,shp Bike=Routes.shp DOTRoute_Aitemative2,s h p Index of all the topo maps Topo maps Index of al aeriai photos Downtown parking Routes for bikes 1815 5716 3 667 SC DPW Unknown Riverhead Riverhead DOT alternate routes 37 Riverhead DOTRoute Alternative2_EasternPortion.shp DOT alternate routes 5 Riverhead Riverhead 48 14586 225 Proposed on-road route.spring05,shp 2003BaseMap,shp EDZ~Properties.shp Town Sidewalks,dwg Proposed on-road route for spring of 2005 Basemap in 2003 Empire Zone properties Riverhead Riverhead Polygon Images Polygon P~on Polygon Polygon Polygon P~n Polygon Polygon Sidewalks and speed limits Riverhead CAD Downtown_Streets.shp Streets in downtown area 137 Riverhead Polyline EPCAL_AutoCad Lines.shp Calverton Park 99215 Riverhead EPCAL_AutoCad_Linesl.shp EPCAL~AutoCad~Lines2.shp EPCAL ,Lines,shp BLD.shp BRWNFLD.shp Calverton Park 7,526 Catverton Park 3,753 Calverton Park 1360 52 49 1348 6873 Gabreski Airport buildings Gabreski Airport brownfield GabresM Airport Lots Gabreski Airport boundary Contour lines Riverhead Riverhead Rivorhead Riverhead Riverhead Riverhnad Riverhead Riverhead Riverhead Catverton Park Geodatabase PLLOT.shp SlTE.shp TOPO.shp EPCAL,mdb Polyline PoIyline Polyline Polyline Polyline Polyline PolyIine Polygon Polyline Geodatabase 1999BasMa~p,shp Basemap in 1999 13473 Riverhead Polygon 2001index.shp 2001 aerial photo index I 5617 Riverhead Polygon Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 40 I VERSION: 1,5 Town of Riverhead GIS Needs Assessment I DATE: November 17, 2005 Data 2003 Base Description Records Source 2003 Base Map 14609 Riverhead 2003_updated_parceLlines.shp 2003 update parcel lines 6'f908 Riverhead Polyline bounds.shp Town Boundaries 76 Riverhead Polygon Connecticut Towns,shp LIRR.shp LIE.shp licoastsp.shp mroadssp.shp nys..,qu adin dex.sh_p. population growth.shp Riverhead 2003 Lot Lines.shp Connecticut towns boundaries Long Island Rail road Long Island Express County boundaries in Long Island Long Island Major Roads NYS quad index Population growth by county Riverhead lot lines in 2003 Riverhead borders Riverhead_Borders.shp 169 52 13 14 667 968 150~2 61744 Riverhead_Bounds,shp Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown NYS Census Riverhead Riverhead Data Type Polygon Polygon Po_lyline _Poiyline Polygon Poly_lin_~_ s __ Polygon Polygon Polyiine Polygon Riverhead Properties Boundaries 13434 Riverhead Polygon Riverhead_Parks_and_Recreation_Facilifies4.shp Riverhead Parks and Recreation Facilities 50 Riverhead Polygon Riverhead_Sewer_District.shp Riverhead Sewer District 3 Riverhead Polygon riverhead_zoning_export,shp Riverhead zoning district 13956 Riverhead Polygon SchooLDistricts.shp Riverhead School District 47 Riverhead Polygon Water Boundaries.shp Water boundaries 46 Riverhead Polygon Solid Waste Collection Districts 5 244 14479 Riverhead roadway speed limits Real Property database Riverhead Riverhead Riverhead Solid Waste_Collection_Districts,sh p Speed Limits.shp TOR Real Property_Database.shp Polylines PolyIines Point Town_owned_property.shp Town owned property 144 Riverhead Point Town_owned_propertyl,shp Town owned property 343 Riverhead Polygon Town Roadsl.shp Town roads, simiIar to the roads speed 226 Riverhead Polyline - limit features class tgr36059wat.shp 111 Nassau tgr36103wat.shp bus_a. Suffolk Polygon Riverhead Feature class Riverhead Feature class Riverhead Rivnrhead Water Polygon around Nassau Co~lnty Water Polygon around Suffolk County business zone A business zone C business zone D business zone G bus_c bus_d bus_9 371 Feature class Feature class defence Defence Riverhead Feature class IndustriaLa industrial zone A Riverhead ' Feature class IndustdaLb Industrial zone B Riverhead Feature class Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 41 0 -~ ....... '~ber 17 -~2005 Basemap "Node" Co_~ntrol Control Points Point GPS Monuments Point NAD 27 Grid Line 1993 Photography Grid Line 1993 DGN Grid Line Grid Atlas Grid Line Map Grid Line _~pt/l_ong_G[!~_ Line LILCO GrM Lin~- Elevation Contours Line Spot Elevations Point TIN )oint Basemap Planimetric Polygons Polygon Planimetdc Lines Line Planimetric Points Point Shoreline Line Inland Water Polygon Building Polygon Recreation Features Polygon Wetlands Polygon ___ __Parking__ Po}ygon _ Roadway Line Tanks Point _ B_t~.°)/___ Point Handicapped Ram.. ~ .................. ~_o_! n_~_' _ Complex F~e.~!p__re s Point Complex Lines Point Parks Polygon Places Point County Boundary Polygon CSCIC t. Civil and Public Land Boundaries Polygon CSCIC iee CSClC __ Tiger (Census) Roads line Census-CSCIC _. Digital_.El_e~ati_~on Moda s 7 5min) ASCII DEM USGC V~e~etation Tree Point __ Tj'~ ~. ~_oy_e r Polygon __ Vegetation Polygons Polygon Vegetation Lines Line Imagery Digital Or~bos sid Ortho Imagery (Ift resolution) sid CSCIC 1:24000 quad sheet (ii49) geotiff __C_S. CIC 1:24000 Digital Raster Graphic geotiff USGS Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 70 Town of Riverhead VERSION: GIS Need; ,L,. DATE: Novembc*r !7. -- Infrastructure "Node" Railroad Railroad Cenlerline ?r_ans__po__rta~tion Traffic Water Drainage Sewer Railroad Buildings Railroad Canopies Railroad Platforms Railroad Grade Crossings Street Centerlines Bus Routes Snow Removal Jurisdictions Road Maintenance Garage Boundaries Signalized Intersections Traffic Signals _T. raffi~_Ducts Traffic Signs Traffic Pull Boxes Pavement Markings Plowable Markers Public Water Supply Wells Groundwater Monitoring Wells Water Mains Water Valves Interconnect Points FiFe Hyd rants __ Water Supply.~Tanks Water SuREly District Boundaries Drainage Areas ~rainage Lines Drainage PilT~s Catch Basins Drainage Features __Rech~r~Le Basins Sanitary Sewer Disposal Districts San!t~ S~ewer Collection Districts Sanitary Sewer Contract Areas _~nita~ S_ewer P!~es ...~anita~Sewer House Connection Points SE_n!tary ~_ewer House Connection Lines SanitaFy Sewer Manholes Line CSCIC Point CSCIC Point Point Point Line Line Polygon ~--- Polygon Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Line Point Point Point Point Pofygon Polygon Line -- Line Polygon Point Polygon Polygon Polygon Polygon Line Point Line Point Bowne Management Systems, lnc, 71 VERSION; DATE: Infrastructure "Node" Continuec Electric Transmission Lines Line DPS-CSCI Transmission Towers Point Transmission Substations Point Underground Circuitry Line Pull Boxes Point Fuse Boxes -Point Electric Manholes Point Gas Gas Mains Line Gas Valves Point Gas Transmission Lines line DPS-CSCI Cable Telephone Manholes Point Telephone Ducts Point Poles Poles Point Fuel Fuel Pumps Point Fuel Tanks Point Municipal Fue!!Dg Locations Point Fuel Lines Line Land Records "Node" Land Records Parcels Polygon Lots Polygon Parcel Centroids Point Subdivisions Po~,gon Zoning Polygon Real Property Centroids p0!_nt ORPS~CSCIC Hc~s~!p point DOH-CSCIC Public Schools point ED~CSCIC Special Tax Districts School Districts Polygon CSCIC, and ORPS Bowne Management Systems, Inc, 72 Tgwn of Riverhead GIS Needs Assessment DA}E: November 17, ~n~] Public Safety "Node" Fire Fire Battalion Boundaries Polygon Fire _Department Boundaries Polygon Ambulance Response Zones Polygon Fire Prevention and Control (stations, hydrants etc) Point DOS-CSCIC Police Police Precinct Boundaries Polygon -- Police Sector Car Boundaries Polygon Traffic Accident Locations Point CAD Places Point E_.merg~en_cy Management FEMA Grid Line FEMA Flood Zones Polygon Evacuation Zones Polygon SLOSH Polygon Human Services "Node" Postal I Zip Code Boundaries Polygon CSCIC Census Census Tracts p_o]ygon Census Blocks Polygon Census, and CUGIR Census Block Groups Polygoq Census-CUGIR ,Census Places I Po!y_gon Census~CUGIR Electoral I State Assembly Districts Polygon ESD __l State%- Senatortat Districts pglygon ESD I US Congressional Districts Polygon I Voter Tabulation Districts Polygon Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 73