HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLT Dam Pond 2002 31.-5-1.2 (Ruth Oliva Preserve)1000-31-5-1.2 Baseline Documentation Premises: Rt 25 at Dam Pond E:~St Marion, New York .~ 14.99 acres Open Space Acquisition PECONIC LAND TRUST, INCORPORATED to COUNTY OF SUFFOLK and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Deed dated May 30, 2002 Recorded June 11, 2002 Suffolk County Clerk - Liber D00012191, Page 108 SCTM #: 1000-31-5-1.2 Premises: 11855 NYS Route 25 at Dam Pond Hamlet: East Marion Purchase Price: Funding: $946,000.00 50/50 split with County of Suffolk $473,000; Community Preservation Funds (2% land bank) $473,000 CPF Project Plan: Yes Total Parcel Acreage: 14.99 acres Zoned: R-80 and R-40 Existing Improvements: In 2002 - none vacant land, wood fencing along entranceway (easterly side); traveled dirt road, trails, ditch along part of northerly boundary line, dense brush & trees A P P R A I S A L R E Q U E S T LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, MAY 7, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Dick Ryan, Ray Huntington, Ray Blum, Bill Edwards, Melissa Spiro and Marian Sumner Melissa and Dick met with the Town Board and after some discussion, they were asked to get appraisals on two properties; Tuthill 17-6-6 and Lettieri 31-5-1,2. P R 0 P E R T Y V I S U A L S I ..~. ' , ",,, ~ ,~ ~, ~ '~ ~;. ~ ~(.~ x, -:, , 'x ..... ~ / ~ '.~ le [ Tax Map Location I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Pond 36418 NYS Route 25 Title: Subject Sketch Date: 07-20-2000 Scale: I tach -- 227 feet /File: 2000219 - Lettien.des Tract I: I4.995 Acres: 653174 Sq Feet: Closure = n72.1420e 0 O0 Feet: Precision >11999999: Perimeter = 4249 Feet 001 =*n81.1820w 53.68 002-*n[2 39w 242.90 003-*s75 53w 23 10 004-*nl 3 5420w 387 42 (105--*n 12.2050w 598 78 O06-*n1455wllI96 007=*n14.155Ow 71 14 O08=*n191720w I44 10 009-*s681730e 312 90 010-*so0.2530e 40383 Oll-*s132230e 84 94 012=*s14 5140e 977 58 013-*s893720w 364 18 014-*n9 1530w 77 6 i 015-*s893720w14514 016=*s12.3900e 290 I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Subject Facing Northerly Facing Easterly Along Main Road I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Facing Westerly Along Main Road View of Subject - Facing Northerly from Main Road ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Dam Pond and Long ~s~and Sound View of Subject from Across Dam Pond ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I Zoning Map 1 52 E N V I R O N M E N T A L S U M M A R Y MELISSA A. SPIRO LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box ]_179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-5711 Fax (631) 765-1366 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 12, 2002 Bob Bhatt Suffolk County Division of Real Estate H. Lee Dennison Building, 2nd Floor 100 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppaugc, New York 11788-0099 Dam Pond Town/County Acquisition SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 Dear Mr. Bhatt: This letter is to confirm that the clean-up has been completed on the above mentioned site. The Town's Highway Department removed the old building, cars, boats and miscellaneous debris that were on the site. Please accept my apoloj~, for the delay in sending this letter. Sincerer/, ~ ,,~'~//? Land PreservatiorffCoordinator cc: Peri Youmans, PLT PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Main Road, East Marion Town of Southoid, New York Tax Map #: 1000-023-001-3.4 & 20 and 1000-031-005-1.2 May 9, 2002 ACT File #: 2806-EMNY Prepared for: Ms. Peri Youmans Peconic Land Trust 296 Hampton Road P.O. Box 1776 Southampton, New York 11969 Mr. Greg Yakaboski, Esq. Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Mr. Bob Bhatt Suffolk County Division of Real Estate H. Lee Dennison Building, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, New York 11780 115 Rome Street · Farmingdale, New York 11735 · Tel: 631/293-4992 · Fax: 631/293-4986 1000 7th North Street, Suite B-30 · Liverpool, New York 13088 · Tel: 315/451-9720 · Fax: 315/451-9727 E-mail: advancedcleanuptech.com 1 2.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Vicinity The subject property, Tax Map #: 1000-023 -001-3.4 & 20 and 1000-031-005-1.2, is located along the north side of Main Road in East Marion, Town of Southold. The property is located in the northeast portion of Suffolk County in New York State. For the purposes of this report, the three lots of the property will be referred to as the subject property. A Locational Diagram showing the site and its immediate vicinity is provided as Figure 1. Marion Lake is located approximately 3,500 feet to the southwest of the subject property and Oriem Harbor is located approximately 1,000 feet to the south of the subject property. Vacant undeveloped land is located to the north and west of Lot 1.2. Two-story residential houses are located to the south of Lot 1.2. The waters of Dam Pond and vacant undeveloped land are located to the east of Lot 1.2. The Long Island Sound is located to the north of Lots 3.4 and 20. The waters of Dam Pond are located to the south of Lots 3.4 and 20. Vacant undeveloped beach land is located to the east and west of Lots 3.4 and 20. The topography of the property is level. The vicinity of the site is approximately 5-20 feet above mean sea level2. The ground surface in the vicinity of the property is covered with deciduous trees and shrubs and marsh grasses. The subsurface beneath the site consists of unconsolidated sand and gravel layers from the ground surface to approximately 600 feet below ground surface. The major aquifer systems beneath the subject property, from ground surface down, is the Magothy aquifer. Bedrock beneath the subject property is approximately 600 feet below ground surface.3 Regional ground water flow in the vicinity of the site is tidally influenced. The water table beneath the subject property is approximately 2-17 feet below ground surface. Figure 2 provides a diagram of the ground water elevation beneath the site? USGS 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Map, Orient, New York Quadrangle. From Hydrogeologic Framework Of Long Island, New York by Smolensky,. D.A., Buxton, H.T., and Shernoff; P.K., 1989. Suffolk Cotmty Department of Health Services, Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells, March 1995. 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 The New York State Departmem of Environmental Conservation 0qYSDEC) Freshwater Wetlands Map #3 indicates that Lots 1.2, 3.4 and 20 are located in a fi, eshwater wetland area labeled O-1. According to the iWfSDEC, this area is ranked as a Class II freshwater wetland. The NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Map indicates the shoreline along Dam Pond of Lots 1.2, 3.4 and 20 are located in a tidal wetland area identified as Intertidal Marsh OM). The NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Map indicates the shoreline along the Long Island Sound of Lots 3.4 and 20 are located in a tidal wetland area identified as a Littoral Zone (LZ). The subject property is located in Hydrogeologic Zone IV. This area encompasses the North Fork, Shelter Island and northern and eastern portions of the South Fork. The ground water underlying this area is generally of excellent quality. Zone IV contains shallow flow systems that discharge to streams and marine waters. The subject property is not located in a Special Groundwater Protection Area (SGPA) s. The ground water beneaththe subject property is classified GA~ The Soil Survey of Suffolk County was reviewed and evaluated with respect to the subject property. The property is located within the Riverhead Sandy Loam, Plymouth Loamy Sand, Deerfield Sand and Beaches soil series. These soils series are well suited for all crops grown in the county. The land series have gentle slopes and the hazard for erosion is slight. Figure 3 provides a diagram of the soil survey for the vicinity of the property.6 2.2 Site Details The subject property consists ofthree vacant lots which comain no improvements. The total area of the three lots is approximately 16 acres. A Site Diagram is provided as Figure 4. No evidence ofbaTardous waste or hazardous material usage was identified throughout the property. No stains, odors or evidence of spills were identified throughout the property. No utility service was identified at the subject property. The Long Island Comprehensive Special Groundwater Protection Area Plan. Long Island Regional Planning Board. 1992. Soil Survey of Suffolk County, New York. Photograph 1: Northern Portion of Lot 1.2 Looking South Photograph 2: Eastern Portion of Lot 1 2 Looking West Photograph 3: Eastern Portion of Lot 1.2 Looking South Photograph 4: Western Portion of Lot 1.2 Looking East Photograph 5: Western Portion of Lot 1.2 Looking North Photograph 6: Southern Portion of Lot 1.2 Looking North Photograph 7: Automobile and Farm Equipment Located in the Northern Portion of Lot 1.2 Photograph 8: Dilapidated Shed Located in the Northwest Portion of Lot 1 2 Photograph 9: Snmll Wooden Boats Located in the Northwest Portion of Lot 1.2 Photograph l 0: Eastern Portion of Lot 20 Looking West 2t St ORIEN HARt From USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Of Orient, New York Quadrangle Figure 1 Locational Diagram /ob lifo. 2806-~ [ Date: 5/7/02 Dveg. No. 2806-01 [ Scale: Drawn B~. w. sisco Advanced Cleanup Technologies i 1 ] SITE From Suffolk County DPW Water Table Map v ~-~20' '~' ,33s2~ = Figure 2 Regional Ground Water Flow Job No. 2806-EMIqY Date: 5/7/02 Dwg. No. 2806-02 Scale: 1"--'2,000' .Drawn By: W. Sisco A, ppr. By: T. Robinson ~4dvanced Cleanup Technologies i! i From Suffolk County Soil Survey Figme 3 Soil Survey Job No~ 2g06-F2dlqY Date: 5/7/02 Dwg. No. 2806-03 Scale: I'=2,00(Y Appr. By: T. Robinson Drawn 13~y: W. Sim AdvancedCleanupTechnologies Lot 1.2 is located on the northern side of Main Road and the western side of Dam Pond. Lot 1.2 is covered with deciduous trees, small shrubs, coniferous shrubs, vegetation and fallen trees, branches and leaves (Photographs 1 through 6). A dirt path is located along the western boundary of Lot 1.2. The shoreline of Dam Pond is located along the northeast portion of Lot 1.2. Small pieces of debris and litter are located along the shoreline of Dam Pond. An automobile and farm equipment are located in the northern portion of Lot 1.2 (Photograph 7). A dilapidated shed and small wooden boats are located in the northwest portion of Lot 1.2 (Photographs 8 and 9). No additional debris were located throughout Lot 1.2. 1~ Lots 3.4 and 20 are located on the southern side of the Long Island Sound and northern side of Dam Pond. Lots 3.4 and 20 are covered with rocks and stones and small shrubs and vegetation l[ (Photographs 10 and 13). Small pieces of debris and litter are located throughout Lots 3.4 and 20. The debris and litter consist of tree branches and pieces of plastic and paper. No additional debris were located throughout Lots 3.4 and 20. Long Island Sound Automobile Dam Pond Dirt Lot 1.2 Orient Harbor N Figure 4 Site Diagram Job No. 2806-EMNYI Date: 5/8/02 Drawing3 No. 2806-04I sc~e: ms Drawn By: William K. Sisc~ Approved By: Paul Stewat Advanced Cleanup Technologiesr Ina 6.0 CONCLUSIONS There are no Recognized Environmental Conditions present at the site or its immediate vicinity which could adversely impact upon its environmental quality. No releases ofcbemicals were noted during the site inspection, nor were any documented releases identified in records maintained by any public agencies having jurisdiction over the subject property. After visually inspecting the property and surrounding land, it is also our opinion that this property will not be impacted by releases of chemicals in the foreseeable future. Based on the findings d~scribed above, ACT concludes that the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the property has revealed no substantial evidence of material contamination of the property (within the scope of this assessmem) and no further assessment work is necessary in order ~'~' ~ tofvaluate the environmental condition of the property. Toxics Targeting 1 Mile Radius Map Main Rd East Marion, NY 11939 W E '-'~ Suffolk County i~ N PL/C ERCLIS,/N YS DEC Inactive Hezardous Waste Oisp(3sal Site ] Hazardous Waste Treater, Storer, Disposer Solid Waste {~ HazardousSubstance [~ Facility Waste Disposal Site ~ Major Oil Storage Facility Major I ~ C~n~ 1 0 1/~ 1/2 1 Distance in Miles Main Rd Toxics Targeting 1/4 Mile Radius Map Main Rd East Marion, NY 11939 N Suffolk County Chemical Storage ,~ Facility Toxic ~ Release Wastewater V DIschar~e Petr~eum Bulk · Storage Facility Hazardous Waste [] Generator, Transp. ~ Air Release ~[~ Civil Enforcement Dccket Facility Location Minor Reads Major Roads Expressways Radius Radius ~ Waterbody County Be~der 1/4 0 1/~ 1/4 OtstancelnMIles Main Rd Toxics Targeting 1/2 Mile Radius Map Main Rd East Marion, NY 11939 N Suffoik County Hazardous Material Spill Site Location Minor Roads Major Roads Expressways 1 Mile Radius 1/4 Mile Radius Waterbody County Border Distance in Miles P U B L I C H E A R I N G ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 309 OF 2002 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 7, 2002: WHEREAS, on the 8th day of November 2001, the Town Board held a public hearing and elected to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3:4 & 20 and SCTM# 1000-31- 5-1.2, comprising approximately 15.55 acres of property at the price of $950,000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS, the approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approx, imately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts Road and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound; and WHEREAS, the purchase was to be in partnership with Suffolk County as tenants in common and the purchase price and all costs associated with the acquisition were to be shared 50%/50% between the Town 'of Southold and the County of Suffolk; and WHEREAS, due to certain time constraints, the Town may wish to purchase the property in total, without the 50% partnership participation with Suffolk County, or in partnership with Suffolk County but at a partnership percentage other than 50/50, or may wish to purchase the 14.995 acre property (SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2):in partnership with the County and the beach parcels (SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20) without partnership partigipation from the County; be it therefore RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of ChaPter 6 (2% Conununity Preservation Fund) of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets a public hearing at the Southold High School Auditorium~ Oaklawn Avenue~ New York on the 21st day of Ma¥~ 2002 at 1:33 p.m as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the fee title acquisition by the Town of Southold of the property of Peconic Land Trust at Dam Pond. Said property is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately 15.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road, and the north side of Dam Pond, East Marion, New York, identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The purchase price is $950,000 (nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars.) Said property is to be purchased either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. A more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 (2% Community Preservation Fund) of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets a public hearing at the Southold High School Auditorium~ Oak, lawn Avenue~ New York on the 21st day of May~ 2002 at 1:33 p.m as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the fee title acquisition by the Town of Southold of the property of Peennic Land Trust at Dam Pond, at which time all interested persons will be heard. Said proper~y is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately i5.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road, and the north side of Dam Pond~ East Marion, New York, identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5- 1.2. The purchase price is $950,000 (nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars.) Said property is to be purchased either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the property in question is approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the n~rth side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts Road and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. A more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: May 9, 2002 BY oRDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TO~N CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 16, 2002, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney John Cushman, Accounting Land Preservation Committee Department of Land Preservation Town Clerk's Bulletin Board PUBLIC HEARING MAY 21, 2002 1:33 P.M. ON THE FEE TITLE ASQLrlSITION OF THE PROPERTY OF PECONIC LAND TRUST AT DAM POND, SCTM # 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 AND SCTM # 1000-31-5-1.2 Present: Absent: Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman Craig D. Richter Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory A. Yakaboski Councilman John M. Romanelli COUNCILMAN WlCKHAM: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of C ~h. apter 6 (2% Community Preservation Fund) of the Code of the Town of Southold, the Town Board of-the Town of Southold hereby sets a public hearing at the Southold High School Anditoriunh Oaklawn Avenue~ New York on the 21st day of May~ 2002 at 1:33 p.m as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the fee title acquisition by the Town of Southold of the property of Peconic Land Trust at Dam Pond, at which time all interested persons will be heard. Said property is comprised of 3 tax parcels totaling approximately 15.55 acres, (subject to survey), located on the north side of Main Road, and the north side of Dam Pond, East Marion, New York, identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 and SCTM# 1000-31..-5-1.2. The purchase price is $950,000 (nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars.) Said property is to be purchased either outright by the Town of Southold, or acquired totally or partly under joint partnership with Suffolk County. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the property in question is approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area arid is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900'east of the intersection of Starts Rdad and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0..26 acres in area; located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. 2 A more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation D~partment, Southold Town Hall, Feather Hill Annex, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: May 9, 2002 By order of the Southold Town Board of the Town of Southold, May 9, 2002. Elizabeth A. Neville, S0'uthold Town Clerk. COUNCILMAN WlCKHAM: I have before me a notice that this official notice has been published in the Suffolk Times newspaper and it has also been published on the bulletin board of the Town Clerk so that everybody can have access to the information in this public hearing. SUPERVISOR HORTON: At this point if there are any questions about this purchase, I would offer the floor to anyone who would like to address the Town Board. Melissa, do you have anything that you would like to set forth? Just to give you a little insight into what this particular portion is, this is Melissa Spiro, she is the CoOrdinator for Land Preservation or Community Preservation Fund of Southold which is basically a bank of money that we utilize to purchase open space within Southold wn and Melissa Spiro is in Charge of that. She is the director and does all tho coordination with the ~ous entities and the research necessary to accomplish these goals of open space preservation and what we are talking about this afternoon is the purchase of a piece of property that will be in p~erShip with the Town of Southold and Suffolk County in East Marion. I don't know if you are l~liar with the Dam Pond area but if just as soon as you get on the Causeway heading east on the NiSi'th Road, it's that piece of property just to your left, that large pond in the heavily wooded area there. So we are in the midst of purchasing that piece of property in a partnership with the County. COUNCILMAN RICHTER: I think just to add one little better location mark. You may know where Secret Beach is. I know in Greenport that was pretty well known years ago, so it is just east of Secret Beach. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Councilmkn Richter is dating himself because Secret Beach has been clrsed for about 20 years. ~LISSA SPIRO: Good Afternoon, Supervisor Horton and members of the Town Board. First I ~Uld like to apologize for the map. You can't see the map because I put it so that the students could ~i I also apologize because it seems like the base lines are not.. so dark, I'm not sure why but you can kind of make out where the property is due to the colors. The property that is the subject of today's h~'/~ng is part of the Dam Pond area that has been on the Town's priority acquisition list for many 9e!firs. There are two different properties involved in the acquisition. One tax parcel is approximately 14~99 acres in area and is located on the north side of the Main Road approximately 1900 feet east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road. This property is the large red rectangle shown on the map. There is another parcel that is the beach parcel and that is the very small red parcel and that iotals about .54 acres. It is located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. It is actually a beach parcel. This parcel was formally two separate parcels, SCTM #1000-23-1-3.4 & 23-1-20 that were combined recently due to a change in ownership. The hearing notice and the prior resolutions in regard to this purchase refer to this beach parcel as two separate parcels but as I explained they are now combined to one parcel. The purchase is important because it is located within an area of land already preserved through Town, County and private easement efforts. In 1999 the Town and Cotmty jointly 3 preserved the adjacent 21 acre peninsula area shown in the light blue on the map. The Town has already started developing trails in this area. The access to the existing preserved property is over the property that is the subject of today's hearing. In addition to being adjacent to the existing preserved Dam Pond property the subject property is adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west on which there is a private conservation easement to the Pecouic Land Trust and that property is shown in the sandy color and I can see that that is really hard to see that but it kind of surrounds the blue and the red parcel. The acquisition of the subject land allows for the establishment of a nature preserve, a passive recreational area and limited parking for access purposes all in conjunction with the peninsula land currently owned jointly by the Town and the County. In November of 2001, the Town Board held a public hearing in regard to the purchase of the subject parcels and elected to purchase them in partnership with the County as tenants in common for $950,000. Due to new considerations, the property has changed a bit or actually the project has changed a bit, the property stayed the same, necessitating a new public hearing and that is what we are having today. The current proposal is to buy the same amount of land but for the Town to purchase the 14.99 acre the large red parcel in par~ership with the County as tenants in common for $946,000 and for the Town to purchase on its own without the County partnership the beach parcel for $4,000. The Land Preservation Committee hZ reviewed the proposed purchase and the Committee and I both support the acquisition of this important property and recommend that the Town Board proceed with the proposed acquisition. I would also like to thank the Peconic Land Trust and especially Tim Caulfield for his dedication and hard work over the years, really long-a lot of time, in helping make this purchase become a reality. Thank-you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Would anybody else from the public care to address the Town Board on this public heating? JOAN EGAN: Good Afternoon everybody. My name is Joan Egan, I think that I know most of you- y0~ hear me honking my horn quite frequently-giving you a wake-up. Good Afternoon Josh, Mr. ~hter, Mr. Moore, Miss Evans, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Romanelli and Mr. Yakaboski. Did I get it right? ~s, as far as if we are talking about the same thing this is the parcel there by the school where you want to...i went to that public meeting in Orient. Now I may be wrong here so stop me if I am. Where they want to put the ball field? S~ERVISOR HORTON: I don't mean to interrupt you but you are speaking about a different parcel. JOAN EGAN: Oh, that is what confused me because I understood that you were going to rent part of it or ... SUPERVISOR HORTON: No, this is an entirely different property, Mrs. Egan. JOAN EGAN: Okay, well then I will go further on to say that any park any property that the Town acquires is a site for children to be on and to walk and explore, correct? And with what is going on in ou~ Town which is getting worse and worse and worse you are going to need security. Our Police !~0!'Ce is way, way down we have a number of people out, there are vacations. I think that I addressed thC fact that you were sending someone away in June, which is wrong in my estimation. So I think that it is great the Town acquires, I think it is great that the County supports it but I think that you have to lo~k into it very carefully for the protection of the people that use it. That regard for insurance for 4 anything. We do not have enough Police to protect these places and we are in trouble. We don't want any of you to get into any further trouble, do you? Thank-you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank-you, Mrs. Egan. Is there anybody else who would like to address the Town Board on the Dam Pond purchase? Well, I am excited about this purchase. This is one that has been in the works for quite some time and thanks again to Melissa and Tim with the Peconic Land .T/~st for hanging in there and working with the County to make that possible. Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 744 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 23, 2001: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 4:37 p.m. Thursda¥~ November 8~ 2001, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the purchase of certain parcels of property from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettier[ Said property is identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3~4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchase price is $950,000.00 (nine hundred fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk County, the total costs of the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk OCT 2 9 200~ DEPI Of LAND PRESERVATION LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold the possibility of acquisition by purchase o f property from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Thursday, November 8, 2001, 2001 at 4:37 p.m., Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing fo~ the purchase of certain parcels of property from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. Said property is identified as SCTM# 1000-23- 1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-3 I-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchase price is $950,000.00 (nine hundred fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in purlxtership with Suffolk County, the total costs of the acquisition to be ~hared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. YURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in the Southold Town Clock's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: October 23, 2001 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOW2N CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON NOVEMBER I, 2001, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times To,wa Board Members Land Preservation Committee Department of Land Preservation Peconic Land Trust Andrew & Bernice Lettiari Town Clerk's Bulletin Board PUBLIC HEARING November 8, 2001 4:37 P.M. ON THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY FROM THE PECONIC LAND TRUST AS CONTRACT VENDEE WITH OWNERS ANDREW AND BERNICE LETTIERI, SCTM #1000-23-1- 3.4 AND 20, AND SCTM #1000-31-5-1.2. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Justice Louisa P. Evans Cotmcilman William D. Moore Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Brian G. Murphy Councilman Craig A. Richter Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory A. Yakaboski SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have another hearing. Brian, why don't you read it? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold the possibility of acquisition by purchase of property fi.om the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and B,emice Lettieri. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Thursda¥~ November 8~ 2001, 2001 at 4:37 p.m, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time. and place for a public hearing for the purchase of certain parcels of property from the Peeonie Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri. Said property is identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2. The parcels total approximately 15.55 acres. The purchase price is $950,000.00 (nine hundred fifty thousand dollars). The properties are to be purchased in partnership with Suffolk County, the total costs of the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and t.h.e County of Suffolk. The parcels are located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900~ east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road and on the north side of Dam Pond, in East Marion. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: October 23, 2001. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk." I have a notice that it was published in the paper, and a notice that it was on the Bulletin Board of the Town Clerk. Other than that there is no correspondence in the file. SLrPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Councilman. You have heard the reading of the public notice in relation to the purchase of certain parcels in the Orient area down by Dam Pond, and at this time we would like any pros and cons. Before I go to the general public I would like call on Melissa 2 Spiro, who is our department head for Land Preservation and if you would explain to the public what we are doing. MELISSA SPIRO: Good afternoon, Supervisor Cochran and members of the Town Board. The property that is the subject of today's hearing is part of the Dam Pond area that had been on the Town's priority acquisition list for many years. The 15.55 acre proposed purchase area includes three separate tax parcels. The main area is approximately fifteen acres in area, and is located on the north side of Main Road near Dam Pond in East Marion. It is the large red area on the map.. In the early 1980's this parcel was subdivided into two lots, one approximately 2.6 acres in area, and the other approximately 12.3 acres. The subdivision included a fifty-foot right of way for access to the peninsula, which is now owned jointly by the Town and the County. There are two smaller beach parcels included in the proposed purchase. Each is approximately .26 acres. They are located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound. You can get there by the water and they are the smaller red parcels marked on there. The purchase is important because it is located within an area of land already preserved through Town, County, and private easement efforts. In 1999 the Town and County jointly preserved the adjacent 21 acre peninsula are which is shown in, I am not quite sure what color that is, a bluish color on the map. The Town has already started developing trails in this area. The access to the preserve property, as I mentioned, is over the property that is the subject of tonight's hearing. In addition to being adjacent to the preserved property we spoke of the subject property is a adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west in which there is a private conservation easement to the Peconic Land Trust. That property shows in a lighter sandy color on the map. The purchase, as Brian mentioned, is to be a partnership between the County and the Town. The total purchase price is $950,000. The Town and the County will share the acquisition costs, and all costs a~sociated with the acquisition, fifty-fifty. The Land Preservation Committee has reviewed the proposed purchase. The Committee and I both support the acquisition of this important prope~y, and recommend that the Town Board proceed with the proposed acquisition. Before I close I would just like to thank Tim Caufield and Peconic Land Trust for really putting this deal together, and doing a lot of hard work. I don't know if Tim has anything else to say. TIM CAUFIELD: Good afternoon. My name is Tim Caufield. I am with the Peconic Land Trust. Melissa has pretty much covered the specifics of the project. I really just want on. behalf of our Board of Directors to say, thank you to this Board for your patience and commitment to this important conservation effort. As you know some of these projects are .years in the making. This one falls into that category. Our involvement in it goes all the way back 1.989, when the Town Board at that time, and Jean, you might recall. I think you were on the Town Board then. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, I was TIM CAUFIELD: The Town Board focused on this area, made it a priority. They authorized the Pecouic Land Trust to start working on conservation alternatives. That led to the private acquisitions of easemems that Melissa referred to, the major acquisition of the peninsula two years ago, and now we have this opportunity to get the last major piece of the puzzle. So, we are just looking forward to closing the book on it, and thank you again for sticking with it. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Come and show us the properties that are now protected. I know we have different colors there. 3 TIM CAUFIELD: The whole Dam Pond area is really this whole region, priorities, New York State priorities, and the environmental orgauizations. The private easements are this area in the back. Them is about a 96 acre property. That is of course is the number of private (unintelligible.) That really came out of the initial work with the Town Board, and with perseverance on the Town's part we were able to finally put this partnership acquisition on the peninsula part, which to me is the most important visual from the State road. (unintelligible.) SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That is wonderful. We would like to thank the Trust in the part that they played in this, and, Melissa, all the work that you have done in your committee and department. Thank you. It is an important purchase. Anyone else like to address the Town Board? Jim? JIM MCMAHON: Jim McMahon, private citizen, Southold Town. Just one little thing, over the summer the Peconic Land Trust on a voltmteer day went down there, one day went down there with a group of kids fi.om AmericCorp. There is a trail down there that they have fashioned which was part of an existing farm road. The acquisition of this red parcel will give off street parking for maybe three or four cars, and I think for the people who haven't been out there it is a wonderful, wonderful vista fi.om the blue parcel, and this other parcel with a little work will be certainly be a great addition to that whole Dam Pond preserve. sUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Tim took me on a hike one day, and we walked the blue parcel, and I thought I was going to sit and rest for twenty days, but he didn't let me. He made me keep forging on, but it is absolutely magnificent. JIM MCMAHON: There is a trail aro~und there now that has been brushed hogged, and it probably needs to be done. You can see it now with the trail. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It is beautiful, beautiful. Anyone else like to address the Town Board? COUNCILMAN RICHTER: Melissa, isn't there two parcels up on the SOund that come with that also? MELISSA SPIRO: Yes. The two little red parcels. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That is at the small part of that causeway. We would love to see all of thc causeway preserved, you know, like a little barrier beach, but I would like to see that some day added to the cache. Anyone else like to address the Town Board? ( No response.) If not, I will close the hearing. Southold Town Clerk S E R E S 0 L U T I 0 N ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 788 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 8, 2001: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2, comprising approximately 15.55 acres of property at the price of $950,000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold._The purchase price and all costs associated with the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The exact area of the property to be purchased is subject to survey; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the subject property together with the County of Suffolk, for open space preservation purposes in e0njunction with the existing Town/County owned land, which may include the establishment of a nature preserve or passive recreational area, including limited parking for access purposes; now therefore be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that this action be classified as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and Regulations, 6NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq.; be it further RESOLVED by the Town'Board of the Town of Southold that the Town of Southold is the only involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Short Environmental Form prepared for this project is accepted and attached hereto; be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds no significant impact on the environment and declares a negative declaration pursuant to SE(~RA Rules and Regulations for this action. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk IPROJECTLD. NUMBER I e~?.20 SEQR Appendix C State Envlmnmenta! Quality Re~,lew SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) lr; ;3, PBO4ECr LOCAI~ON: 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersec~lons, prominent landmarks, e{c., or provide map} 5. IS PROPOSED Ac'rlON: [] Modif k3atlo~alterat Ion 9. WHAT ISIPRESF-.N~' LAND USE IN VICINn'Y OFIpROJEC~* [] Agriculture 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTA, AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? Yes ~o If yes, list aganc~sl and I~em~lt/approva s 11. DOES ANY ASPE~ OF THE ACTION HAVE A C. JJRRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ,:. ~ A .ESULT O~.rRO.O~ED A~r:o, WILL mm.~ PRB.rr~APPROVA. RE~:.E mD:FICAT,O.? t ~1~ ~AT THE IN~RMATI~ PROVIDED ABO~E IS .tRUE TO THE BEST OF MY ~OW~DGE If the action is in the Coastal Ama, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 A. DOES ACTION EXCE~ED ANY TYpE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR PART 617.47 If ye~, coordinate the · '~w process and use the FULL FAF. [] Yes B. Will- ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVI~-%, .~S PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR, PAinT 617.67 If NO, a negative declaration may be superse ::led~)y another iilvolved agency. [] Yes ~, o , C. COULD ACTION' RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH t-HE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be handwritte~ if legth{e) C1. Existing air quality, surtace ~x groundwater qualify or quaotlty, noise levels, existing teaRt¢ patterns, solid waste production or disposal, E IS THERE, OR IS THE~E UKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? [] Yes ~o If Yes, explain briefly PART Ill--DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agenoy) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Eaeh effect ~should'be assessed in connection with Its (a) setting (i~e. unban or rural); {b) probability.of.occurring; (e)*duration; (d) trreverslbllit~ (e) geographic scope; end (f) magnitude. If nececsa~, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that ail relevant adverse impa~ts have ~een identified and ededuetely sddressed. If cluestlon D of Part II was checked yes, the determination and significance must evalUate the potential impact of the proposed action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA. [] Check this box if you have identified one or'more potentially large or significant adverse impacts'which MAY ._.~cur. Then proceed directly to the FULL FAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ~]~"Check this box if you have-determined, based on the information and analysis above .and any supporting documentation, that the Proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Name of Lead Agency 2 P U R C H A S E R E S 0 L U T I 0 N ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown:northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 349 OF 2002 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 21, 2002: WltEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of fee title acquisition of propegry from the Peconic Land Trust on the 21st day of May 2002, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 (Community Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the approximately 15.53 acre property includes: / SCTM# 1000-31~5-1.2 which is approximately 14.99 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road, and SCTM# 23-1-3.4 and SCTM# 1000-23-1-20, which have been combined due to change in ownership to form SCTM# 1000-23-1-20.1, which is a beach parcel totaling approximately 0.54 _+ acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound; and WHEREAS, SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 includes a 50' right-of-way which provides access to the adjacent 21 acre Dam Pond property purchased under joint partnership by the Town and County in 1999; and WHEREAS, in addition to being adjacent to the preserved Dam Pond property, the subject property is adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west on which there is a conservation easement to the Peconic Land Trust; and WHEREAS, on the 8m day of November 2001, the Town Board founit that the project posed no significant impact to the environment and declared a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations; and WHEREAS, on the 8th day of November 2001, the Town Board held a public heating and elected to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 & 20 (now known as SCTM# 1000-23-1-20.1) and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2, comprising approximately 15.55 acres of property at the price of $950,000, in partnership with Suffolk County as tenants in common; and WHEREAS, due to new considerations, the Town proposes to purchase the 14.99 acre parcel in partnership with Suffolk County as tenants in common and the beach parcel (which formerly was two parcels) without Suffolk County partnership; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the subject property, for open space preservation purposes in conjunction with the existing Town/County owned land, which may include the establishment of a nature preserve or passive recreational area, including limited parking for access purposes; now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold, hereby elects to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2, comprising approximately 14.99 acres of property at the price of $946,000 (nine hundred forty-six thousand dollars), in partnership with Suffolk County as tenants in common. The purchase price and all costs associated with the partnership acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold, hereby elects to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-20.1 {formerly known as SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 20) at the price of $4~000 (four thousand dollars). Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 786 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 8, 2001: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of fee title acquisition of property from the Peconic Land Trust as contract vendee with owners Andrew and Bernice Lettieri on the 8th day of November 2001, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 (Community Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the approximately 15.55 acre property includes three (3) separate tax parcels: SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 is approximately 14.995 acres in area and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1900' east of the intersection of Stars Road and Main Road, and SCTM# 1000-23-1-3.4 and 23-1-20, are beach parcels, each approximately 0.26 acres in area, located between Dam Pond and Long Island Sound; and WHEREAS, SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2 includes an approved su..bdivision of two lots, one approximately 2.66 acres in area and the other approximately 12.32 acres in area including the area of a 50' right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the 50' right-of-way provides access to the adjacent 21 acre Dam Pond property purchased under joint partnership by the Town and County in 1999; and WHEREAS, in addition to being adjacent to the preserved Dam Pond property, the stibject property is adjacent to nearly 100 acres of property to the west on which there is a conservation easement to the Peconic Land Trust; and W/fIEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the subject property together with the County of Suffolk, for open space preservation purposes in conjunction with the existing Town/County owned land, which may include the establishment of a nature preserve or passive recreational area, including limited parking for access purposes; and WHEREAS, the Peconic Land Trust is in contract to purchase the subject property from Andrew and Bernice Lettieri and the Town and County will then purchase the property from the Peconic Land Trust; now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board ofth~ Town of Southold hereby elects to purchase the property identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1,3.4 and 20 and SCTM# 1000-31-5-1.2~ comprisin~ approximately 15.55 acres of property, at the price of $950~000, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. The properties are to be purchased in parmership with Suffolk County as tenants in common. The purchase price and all costs associated with the acquisition to be shared 50%/50% between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk. The exact area of the property to be purchased is subject to survey. Elizabeth A. Neville. Southold Town Clerk C L O S I N G S T A T E M E N T DAM POND (Lettieri) ACQUISITION PECONIC LAND TRUST, INC. TO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Project Costs for SCTM #1000-031.00-05.00-001.002 (14.99 acres) Costs to Date: Description of Services Costs Town County Baseline Documentation Intra-Office Consultation Meetings Staff Time Telephone/Correspondence 236.25 No Charge 4,521.25 18,741.25 No Charqe For professional service rendered: Additional Char.qes $ 23,498.75 50/50 split $ 11,749.38 $ 11,749.37 Acquisition Cost (Purchase Price Appraisal Work Consultants a) environmental audit b) remaining balance Express Mail First half of property taxes Second half of property taxes Recording Fees Survey Costs & Copies Title Work/insurance a) reimbursed to PLT Travel Reimbursement Carrying Costs for 192 days Consultant Costs Staff Time Total Expenses 946,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 2,910.00 92.75 1,043.47 1,033.15 166.71 7,226.62 4,836.00 104.58 20,183.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 473,000.00 3,000.00 1,250.00 2,910.00 46.37 1,037.81 1,033.15' 166.71 3,613.31 4,836.00 52.29 20,183.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 473,000.00 3,000.00 1,250.00 46.38 5.66 3,613.31 52.29 $1,018,595.03 *Town willpayin fullatclosing-to be reimbursed 50%by County atlaterdate $525,878.02 Check #067045 $492,717.01 Those present at Closinq: Joshua Y. Horton Gregory F. Yakaboski, Esq. Melissa Spiro Robert H. Bhatt David Fishbein, Esq. Timothy Caufield Peri Youmans Susan Q. Tuths, Esq. Richard Ryan Jacqueline Donohue Southold Town Supervisor Attorney for Town of Southold Land Preservation Coordinator Suffolk Co Division of Real Estate Suffolk Co Dept of Law Vice-President, Peconic Land Trust Project Manager, Peconic Land Trust Attorney for Peconic Land Trust Chairman, Land Preservation Title Company Closer 53095 MAiN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK11971-0959 1000-23-1-2.1 DAM POND .o. 067045 DATE CHECK NO AMOUNT 05/30/2002 67045 $525,878.02 HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT AND 02/100 DOLLARS PAYTO PECONIC LAND TRUST, INC. ]-HE 296 HAMPTON ROAD ORDER OF PO BOX t776 SOUTHAMPTON NY 11969 E3, O0000N O,l' VENDOR 016140 PECONIC LAND TRUST, INC. 05/30/2002 CHECK 67045 FT~ID r: ACCOT~[T H3 .8660.2.600.100 1000-23-1-2.1 DRRCPTPTTON AMOI~T 14 ACRES-DAN POND 525,878.02 TOTAL 525,878.02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD · SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0959 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ PAY-AS-YOU-GO OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION PROGRAM CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS AND MEMORANDA PRESENT: FOR THE PURCHASER: FOR THE SELLER: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK by: DAVID P. FISHBEIN, Bureau Chief, Real Estate/Condemnation R.J. BHATT, Div. of Real Estate TOWN OF SOUTHOLD by: JOSHUA Y. HOB~N, Supervisor SELLER: Timothy J. Caufield, Peri Youman ATTORNEY: Susan Quinn Tuths, Esq. TITLE COMPANY: Fidelity National Title Ins. Co~ TITLE # 02-3704-42197-SUFF GREGORY YAKABOSKI, Esq. CLOSER: Jacki Donahue MELISA SPIRO CLOSING DATE: May 30~, 2002 at 10:30am PREMISES: TAX MAP #: N/S/O Main Road (NYS Rte. 25) East Marion, Southold 1000-031-05-001.2 Purchase Price ACREAGE: Total 14.99 Acres Land Acquisition Costs Pro-rata real estate tax adjustment 2001/02 Real Estate Taxes $ 2066.29 2 days ~$5.66 Total Credit to Seller Total Credit to Purchaser Balance Due Seller DISBURSEMENTS BY PURCHASER Recording Deed Title Company Fee *Purchase Price: County's Share 50%: Town Share 50%: $946,000.00 $473,000.00 $473,000.00 **50% County Share - $5.66 will be paid at a later date (2038) CC: C. Cost/gan T. Allar K. Slater C. Wrede Credit to Purchaser Credit to Seller $946,000.00' $11.32'* $946,000.00 BALANCE DUE SELLER PAID AS FOLLOWS Check No.: Amount: Payable To: 682695 $473,000.00 Peconic Land Trust, Inc. NO. 000682695 564322 05-23-02 1000-031-05-01.2 473,000.00 TOTAL $***473,000.00 ~TO?FHE 296 HAMpToN ROAD ORDER ~ P~0. ~,BoX 1776 OF So~HAMPTON NY 11969 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE & TAXATION JOHN C. COCHRANE, COUNTYTREASURER 330CEHTER DRWE PECONIC LAND TRUST, INC. 296 HAMPTON ROAD P.O. BOX 1776 SOUTHAMPTON NY 11969 000682695 ,'Or~?OL, 8,' ~:081.1~051, r~1,~.' r~~, OD( )Ol, Ol~, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD · SOUTHOLD, NY 11971~0959 _GIVEN PATRICK A. GIVEN, SRPA box 5305 · 550 route 111 · hauppauge, n.y. 11788-0306 July 13, 2001 (631) 360-3474 FAX 360-3622 Melissa Spiro Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11791 RE: Appraisal of Real Property Located at N/S Main Road, East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York File Cf 2000219.1 Total $1,700.00 real estate appraisers and consultants C 0 U N T Y R E S 0 L U T I 0 N Intro. Res. No. 1808-99 Introduced by Legislator Caracciolo Laid on the Table 8/10/99 RESOLUTION NO. ¢-¢¢~'-t999, APPROVING SOUTHOLD TOWN ACQUISITION UNDER SUFFOLK COUNTY LAND PRESERVATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM WHEREAS, Resolution No. 751-1997 established the Land Preservation Partner- ship Program with Suffolk County towns, subject to receipt by the County Executive of a Town Board resolution which represents that the property is eligible for acquisition under the County Drinking Water protection Program, the Open Space Program, the Farmland Development Rights Program, watershed and/or estuary protection, orparklands; authorizes acquisition of fee title, or a lesser interest therein, to be held by the County of Suffolk; appropriates funds for the acquisition in the amount of fifty-percent (50%) of the total cost of acquisition, including, but not limited to survey, appraisal, environmental audit, title insurance, tax adjustment and taxes pdor to exemption and recommends management and use of the property in accordance with existing or new County land preservation and management categories, as listed in that Resolu- tion; and WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has approved such a plan on August 3, 1999; and WHEREAS, Resolution 1092-1997 appropriated the proceeds of $5 Million in County Serial Bonds subject to County Legislature approval of specific acquisitions; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the County of Suffolk hereby approves the list of parcels set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for acquisition in the Town of Southold under the Land Preservation Partnership Program pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 751-1'997 and 1092-1997. County Executive of the'County~of Suffolk Date of Approval: '~,'~t\ Die{ SUFFOLK COUNTY Couuty I.~gialature RIVERHEAD, NY This is to certify that I, HENRY L. BARTON,/IL, Clerk of the County Legishturo of the Canary of Suffolk, have compared thc foregoing copy of resolution with thc original resolution now on file in' thia office, aad which wa~ duly adopted by the County Legislature of raid County on September 14. 1999. aad that the Ii'me is a ~rue and correct transcript of said resolution .nd of the whole IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ! have hcmumo set my band and thc official seat of thc County Lel~istature of the Cou..n. ty of Suff. ptl~ EXHIBIT TO RESOLUTION APPROVING SOUTHOLD ACQUISITION UNDER SUFFOLK COUNTY LAND PRESERVATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM PARCEL: ACREAGE: OWNER: 1000-22-3-19 1000-22-3-20 1000-22-3-21 1000-31-5-1.2 1000-22-3-22 5.0 Joseph F. Gazza 4.0 Bernice Lettieri 5.0 Joseph F. Gazza 15.0 Andrew Lettieri 6.0 Joseph F. Gazza EXHIBIT "A" R E C O R D E D D E E D SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Ntumber of Pages: 6 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 01-43376 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section: Block: 031.00 05.00 EXAMINED AIqD CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $946,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Inetrument Exempt Page/Filing $0.00 YES Handling COE $0.00 YES EA-CTY EA-STATE $0.00 YES TP-584 Cert. Copies $0.00 YES RPT SCTM $0.00 YES Transfer tax Comm. Pres $0.00 YES Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 01-43376 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Lot: 001.002 04:i2:38 PM D00012191 108 $0.00 Exempt $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.00 YES Number of pages Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R P T,S.A Corem of Ed Reg, Copy Olher 500 Sub Total Stamp ~ 02013171 ~-ooo 03][00 o5oo ooJ*oo2 i Real Properiy Tax Service Agency Verification I 6 SUFFOLK COUNTY DMSION OF RF. AL ESTATE H. LEE DENNISON BUILD1N~. 2ND FLOOR 100 VETERANS MEMOR/AL HIGI~XrAy BO. BOX 6100 HAUPPAUGE, NExYZYORK 11788-0099 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt I Basic Tax 2 Additional Tax Sub Total Spec/Asslt Or Spec/Add· TOT MTG TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held For Apportionment -- Community Preservation Fm~d Consideration Alnoun! $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved -- Vacant Land TD TD ATTENTION: R. BHAgT [] Title Company hlformation , Co N a m e~ .,)~c//7.. I Tia~ ' 02- ~7o+ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page · lhis ~ge forum pm of the attached ~) ~ErONI~, L~ T~,r~/ --~]e preIhs~ herein is sit~teS in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK_ In the Township of In tba VILLAGE BOXES 5 Ti IR.U 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING ' · (OVER) DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 031.00 BLOCK 05.00 LOTS 001,002 SUFFOLK COUNTY AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BARGAIN ~ SALE DEED THIS INDENTUP~E, made the ,'~ day of~/ 2002 / for-Profit Corporation, having an office at 296 Hampton Road, State of New York, having its principal office at the Suffolk County Center, Center Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, as tenants-in-cor~non with each holding a fifty percent (50%) undivided interest, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of NINE H%?NDRED FORTY SIX THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($946,000.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL, that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in the To,~n of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: (see description annexed hereto and made a part hereof): THIS DEED is given in accordance with Article XII of the Suffolk County Charter, as amended and effective December 2000 and Resolution No. 777-2001 and Resolution No. 87-2002, all on file with the Clerk of the Suffolk County Legislature. BEING ~ INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed to Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated, by Andrew Lettierl by deed dated November 17, 2001, recorded December 4, 2001 in Liber 12156 cp 479, and part of the same premises conveyed to Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated, by deed made by Andrew L. Lettieri and Bernice Lettieri, his wife, dated November 17, 2001, recorded December 4~ 2001, in Liber 12156 cp 480. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TO~ETHEH with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TOGETHER with the right of use and access to the beach over the beach lots to the east and north currently known on the Suffolk County Tax Map as 1000-023.00-01.00-020,001; TO HA!rE A/Tn TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. THIS CONlrEyANCE does not constitute all or substantially all of the assets of the party of the first part and is made upon the consent of its Hoard of Directors. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY O me, the undersigned, per~onaA~ appeared personally known to me or proved to ~e on ~e basis of sa%isfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is suhscribed to the within instr~ent and ac~owledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instr~nent, the i[]dividual, or the person upon behalf which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Not~ ~blic:~State of New York ~O~y~°f >e~ 1 in the e~r 20~ b fo e - -- 'g , P ~ y appea~ed personally ~o~ to me or proved to m~ on t~e ~asis PECONIC LAND TRUST. INCORPORATED TO COUiqTY OF SUFFOLK AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECORD & RETU.~N TO: R.J. BHATT Division of Real Estate Department of Planning H. Lee Dennison Bldg., 2"5 Floor P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, New York 11788 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company of New York SCHEDULE A-I (Description) AM ENDED 5/21/02 ALL that certain plot~ piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described os follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main R.oad (SR. /~25) where saree is intersected by the southe~terly comer of land now or formerly of R.aol J. Wit~eveen formerly Cove Beach Estates and the southwesterly comer of the hereinafter described premises; RUNNING THENCE along Iand now or formerly of Raol J. Wiiteveen the following eight courses and distances: 1. North 25 degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds West 242.90 feet; 2. South 62 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds West 23. I 0 feet; 3. North 26 degrees 4g minutes 17 seconds West 387.42 feet; 4. North 25 degrees 14 minutes 47 seconds West 598.78 feet; 5. North 27 degrees 48 minutes 57 seconds West 111.96 feet; 6. North 27 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds West 71.14 feet; 7. North 32 degrees I I minutes 17 seconds West 144.10 feet; 8. South 81 degrees 11 minutes 27 seconds East 3 ] 2.90 feet 1o land now or formerly of the Town of Southold and County of Suffolk; THENCE along land now or formerly of the Town of Southo[d and Counly of Suffolk, South 73 degrees 18 minutes 47 seconds East 403.85 feet to land now or formerly of SJ. Stein; THENCE along land now or formerly orS. J. Stein, South 26 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds East 84.94 feet; THENCE South 27 degrees 45 minutes 37 seconds East still along the last mentioned land 937.58 feet to land now or formerly of Helen Hartofelis East Marion Qualified Person; THENCE South 76 degrees 43 minutes 23 seconds West along the last mentioned land and along [and now or formerly of Gabel, Walsh, Kennedy 364.18 feet to land now or formerly of Stanley J. Malinauskas; THENCE along the last mentioned land the following three courses and distances: L North 22 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds West 77.61 feet; 2. South 76 degrees 43 minutes 23 seconds West 145.14 feet; THE POLICY TO I~E ISSUED under this commitment 'wilt insure the title to such buildings and improvements on the premi~e~ which by law constitute real prop~,rt~ FOR CONVEYA NCING ONLY' Together with all the right, title and interemt of the party of the first part, of tn and to the land lying Fidelity National Title Insurance Company of New York TITLE NO, 02-3704-4219%SUFF SCHEDULE A-I (Descrlptlon) (Continued) 3. South 25 degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds East 290.00 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; THENCE South 85 degrees 47 minutes 43 seconds West along the northerly side of Main Koad 53.68 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING, THE POLICY TO B E IS3'UED under this commitmen! will insure the title Io such buildmgs and improvements on the premises which by law cor~titute real property. FOR CONVEYANCIWG ONLY Together with all the right, nde and interest of the part oJ the first ?art, of in and to the land lying in the street in front o/and adjoining $oid prcmises P R O P E R T Y R E C O R D S TO: Supervisor Horton Town Board Town Clerk Planning Board Tax Assessors Building Department Data Processing Town Attomey Land Preservation Committee John Cushman FROM: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Open Space Acquisition Dam Pond DATE: June 10, 2002 Please be advised that the Town has purchased the properties listed below. If you would like any additional information regarding the purchase, please feel free to contact me. SCTM#: OWNER: PURCHASE DATE: PURCHASE PRICE: EASEMENT AREA: MISC: 1000-31-5-1.2 Peconic Land Trust (formerly known as Lettieri) $425,000 (Purchase was not based on a per acre value) 29.5312 acres The development rights were purchased on 29.5312 acres of the 34.5527 acre parcel. The development rights remain intact on the 5.0215 acre reserved area. The 5 acre reserved area has not been subdivided from the area on which the development rights have been purchased. Therefore, the 5 acre Reserved Area remains as part of the larger parcel on which the developmmlt rights have been purchased. The attached part of the survey shows the location of the reserved area. q.'~ Filu ',hvw Toolbar Hel~) 31.-5-1.2" -- 473889 Southold Active R/S:8 School: O~,ster Ponds Suffolk County RotlYea 2011 Curt Yr Wild lands ,."~trft Land AV 3.800 11855 Route 25 Land Size: 14.95 atlas Total AV: 3.800 Owne~ Total; 2 * Site Total: 1 Name: Sullolk Countp Pfpc[s: Nbhd Cd: Sewer: AddlAddr: ~iid land~ 0 Street: 53095 Route 25 Ciy Southold. NY Zip: 11971- v ~k : page: S~ ~ Dat~ ~S~I~P~i~ ~ 0~= ; : 13500 ~:U~N:O~NEI~ ?': ~::~:~.:'8 800 ::; .:~ _ :<~::: :' , :::' ::: PKO~ Onenl E Marc O0 _O0 .00 5~011 So d~a~le O0'~ OO : O0 ~ : L : Double click Lo Open a window T I T L E P 0 L I C Y T R A I L G U I D E Welcome to Dam Pond Maritime Rese The reserxc is a ~.~)-ac~c parcel theft ,~as t SouthoJd and ~he County of Suffolk during 1999-200i assistance of thc Pcconic Land 'f?ust. The Dam Pond ~{aritime Reserve has been included in the New ~ork State O the !,ong ls!and Pine Barrens Maritime Rese~;e, Peconic Bay A~adtime Resczve~ and the fcderal!v~dcsignatcd Nafiona! Estuary Program, undcrscorin~ its cnxdronmcnta!' significance. Restoration Projects: ~ou will ired that several areas ha~e been recendv cleared and restored as part of a grassland restoration project. These areas had been 0ve!gr0wn with successional wood) shrubs; nonmadx~e roses and autumn Open grasslands are highly attractive ~o wild'lc, particularly that can also use the ~ oody margin and wetlands surrounding Dam Pond. Help protect and maintain the natural beauts~ and xxildlifc habitat C)f th~ area. · PO Box tt79 Southotd N~Y. 11971 CornelI Unive~s~ty i Cooperative Extenskm of Suffolk County with a newly established nest in additional nesting pairs. = Trail Head Restoration You will find that several areas are being cleared and restored as part ora grassland restoration project. These areas had become overgrown with successional woody shrubs, non-native roses and Russian olive. Open grasslands are highly attractive to wildlife, particularly those that can also use the woody margin and wetlands surrounding Dam Pond. The Dam Pond Maritime Reserve is open to the public year-round fi'om dawn to dusk. Help to protect and maintain the natural beauty and wildlife habitat of the area. Please... Stay on designated trails Take nothing but pictures Leave nothing but footprints Leash your dog Check carefully for ticks after your walk ~ . Eo~moreTffffO"-~:t~ol'r abm t this and other recreational opportunities in the Town of Southold, please contact: Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 (631) 765-1800 Dam Pond Maritime Reserve Trail Guide East Marion, NY Welcome to Dam Pond Maritime Reserve. This brochure includes information on the wide variety of wildlife and plant life that thrive in this significant habitat. Enjoy your visit! Preservation This environmentally sensitive site has been protected forever by the Town of Soutbold and Suffolk County with the assistance of Peconic Land Trust. In total, more than 135 acres have been conserved, ensuring the protection of important habitat and beautiful views that many residents and visitors enjoy each day. The Dam Pond Maritime Reserve, a 35.9-acm parcel, was purchased during 1999-2001 by the Town of Southold and Suffolk County. The Reserve encompasses a small, protected bay, maritime shrub land, beach frontage on Long Island Sound, grasslands, tidal flats, saltwater marshes, successional growth, and mature woodlands. Its inclusion in the New YorkState Open Space Plan, the Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve, Peconic Bay Maritime Reserve, and the federally-designated National Estuary Program underscores its significance. Wildlife~ Habitat and a Maritime Red Cedar Forest Nine distinct ecological communities have been identified, including the rare maritime red cedar forest, an oak- hickory forest, successional old field, successional shrubland, freshwater wetlands, coastal salt marsh, salt shrub community, maritime shrubland, and maritime beach community. Four species of extremely rare plants, one population of a carnivorous plant~ and two species of native orchids have also been identified. The New York State Coastal Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat Inventory' reported more than 15 pairs of osprey in the Long Beach Bay, Orient Harbor, and Dam Pond areas. This is one of the largest concentrations of osprey in New York and, with a newly established nest in 2003~ there is promising potential fc~r additional nesting pairs. Dam Pond is an important waterfowl wintering area and concentrations of broadbill, black duck, merganser, buffiehead, goldeneye and mallard are observed on a regular basis. A wide variety of woodpeckers, wrens, warblers, sparrow, hawks, seabirds, shorebirds, and wading birds use the area for feeding and stopovers during migration. In addition, the area is especially significant as a feeding ama for heron, egret, and ibis. Diamondback terrapin turtles are frequently seen in the marsh and pond during the summer months. Over twenty were recently spotted sunning themselves on the rocks at the trail overlooking the barrier beach and osprey Dam Pond serves as a significant ecological nursery and feeding area for many estuarine fish species and is an important spawning area for ~veakfish, scup and winter flounder. Whitetail deer, red fox, raccoons, muskrats, cottontail rabbits, opossmn, and squirrels are fi'equent visitors to the reserve. Dam Pond contains the remnants of a rare ecological community, the maritime red cedar forest. Years ago, this conifer R3rest was much more extensive on the site, but numerous trees were cut and probably used as dock posts. Usually, eastern red cedar is a pioneer species that invades old fields that have been abandoned. Cedars usually thrive for approximately 30 years, at which time they are replaced by climate tree species. Red cedar, however, is the climax plant species of this maritime forest. These trees often live 150+ years in a matm'e forest and provide Iow-banging horizontal branches that provide excellent habitat for wildlife species. N E W S A R T I C L E In honor and in memory of Ruth Oliva Please join Su?ervisor Scott A. Russell Legislator Edward P. Romaine Ruth's friends, family, co-workers and admirers Re-Naming of Dam Pond Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Time: 3:00 p.m. I,ocation: Ruth Oliva Preserve at Dam Pond Route 25 East Marion, NY Route 25 through East Marion. One-half mile east of the East Marion Firehouse, turn left onto dirt road. RESOLUTION 2010-192 ADOPTED DOC ID: 5744 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-192 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 23, 2010: WHEREAS: Legislature Edward Romaine has introduced a resolution to the Suffolk County Legislature to rename Dam Pond Maritime Reserve in East Marion after Ruth D. Oliva; and WHEREAS: the Town Board of the Town of Southold unanimously supports this efl'ort, recognizing the outstanding scrvicc Ms. Oliva provided to her community, her town and her county; and WHEREAS: Ms. Oliva worked tirelessly to promote the environment through her public service and through pcrsonal example as she lived her life, always with concern for the V`,orld and the people around her. Iler government and community scrvicc showed her heart lbr preservation of farmland and open space and she consistently supported every initiative available to further that cause: and WHEREAS: Thc Town Board of the Town of Southold can think of no one more deserving of this honor than former Councilwo~nan Ruth D. Oliva; nov,', therefore be it RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby registers its wholehearted support for thc renalning of the Dam Pond Maritime Reserve alter Ruth D. Oliva with deep appreciation to her for the positive differencc she has made in the lives of the residents of Southold Town and Suffolk County: and be it further RESOLVED: the Southold Town Clerk is hercby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to thc Legislator Edward Romaine, to the Comnfissioner of thc Suffolk County Department of Parks. Recreation and Conservation and to the Suffolk County Legislature. Elizabeth A. Neville Sonthold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: l,ouisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman AYES: Ruland. Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell Program on Invasive Plants at As part of OUl- outreach and education program for support ers and friends, Pcconic Land Trust sponsored a hike through the Dam Pood Maritime Reserve in earl}, October. Ashlee Reiniger, the Trust's North Fork Land Steward, identified the invasive plants tha~ can be found there and discussed how tbese aggressive species move into a habitat and out-compete native plants for valuable resources such as light, nutrients, water, and space. Participants learned how to identity these invaders and the importance of controlling thegn so that native plants are not endangered. Working with the Town of Southold at Darn Pond since 2002, Peconic Land Trust stewardship staff has removed invasive plants such as Autumn (Russian) Olive, Multiflora Rose, Bittersweet, and Norway Maple. According to James C. McMahon, Director of Public Works and Cmnmunity Dam Pond Maritime Reserve Development ~br the 'Ibwn of Snuthold, "XNe want to encourage grasslands in the Reserve and, without iutervention, much of the site would be easily taken over by invasives. Since the Amumu Olive has berries that are tbrage tbr migrating birds, we have not eliminated all of it, but our goal is to control and confine it." Ashlee Reiniger adds, "The native plants we are encouraging are Blue Stem Grass, Eastern Red Cedar, Winged Sumac, Bayberry, and the Oaks (Black, White and Red)." (Ed. Note: The trail s),stenl at Dam Pond Maritime Reserve is approximately i ~/, miles with many opportunities Jbr scenic views. Under the direction oj Peconic Land Trnst staf], Americtvps has recently widened arid cleaned up the trails. Dam Pond is open from dawn to dusk, 365 days a yem: Hikers are encouraged to stop hy the kiosk to pick up a brochure and map.) Special thanks to our Americorps volunteers jor all the help they provided to oar stewardship staff Among many projects, they placed 1,500 feet of snow fencing at PLT's Reel Point Preserve on Shelter Island. The fencing was funded through the genelvsity of Riverhead Building Supply to encourage sand dune formation and prevent erosion, b~ addition to projects for PLT, members o] this Americorps group served as teachers' aides in inner city Baltimore, worked for Heahhy Acadia Coalition in Maine, and served as counselors at a summer camp for ter- minally and chlvnically ill children in upstate New York. Congratulations Americorps for all your good work.t SEPTEMBER 16, 2010 I SUFFOLKTIMES.COM DAM POND A JOINT ACQUISITION BY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK TIMES PHOTO The Dam Pond property in East Marion will be officially renamed in honor of Ruth Oliva in a ceremony next Wednesday, Sept. 22. Dam Pond Preserve to be named for Oliva The preserve at Dam Pond in East Marion will be renamed to honor for- mer Southold Town Councilwoman m,d environmentalist Ruth Oliva, who died in June 2009. Supervisor Scott Russell and County Legislator Ed Romaine will preside at the ceremony on Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 3 p.m. at Danr Pond. It was Mn Romaine who introduced the resolution to rename the preserve in Ms. Oliva's honor and who shepherded it through to unanimous approval by the Suffolk County Legislature. Ms. Oliva was president of North Fork Environmental Council, a post she gave up in 1987 when she was elected to the Southold Town Board. She had become involved in environmental issues when she first moved to Orient from Flushing in 1970 and remained active in efforts to improve the quality of life on the North Fork throughout her life. After being elected to the Town Board as a Democrat and serving from 1987 to 1991, Ms. Oliva won election under the United Southold Party banner in 1993 and served as deputy supervisor to then supervisor Tom Wickhmn. Although she left the Town Board in 1997, she remained active in the Demo- cratic Party and continued to monitor town issues. Ms. Oliva was appointed to the town's Anti-Bias Task Force in 2001, and in 2002 she was named to the Zoning Board of Appeals, a post she held until her death. She was also a member of the Southold Town Trans- portation Commission. The members of the committee to establish Ruth Oliva Preserve at Dam Pond (East Marion) ·3 · · w to n · e wmgzn vz ah an o mzatzons r making wish a rea Supporters The Oliva Family; Suffolk County Legislator Ed Romaine and his staff; Suffolk County Comptroller Joseph Sawicki Jr.; Southold Town Supervisor Scott Russell and his staff; Southold Town Highway Superintendent Pete Harris and staff members Lloyd Kalin, Michael Orientale, Paul Kapustka; John Sepenosld; Jim McM~om Mary Mitchell; International Bronze; Staples Monuments; Times/Review Newspapers Donors Lucille and Donato Cappabianca, Gerry Goehringer, Joan and Troy Gustavson, Sally and John Hearty, Joyce and John Holzapfel, Linda Kowalski, Carolyn and James McLaughlin, Peconic Land 'Eust (Tim Caufield), John Sepenoski, Suffolk County Legislator Ed Romaine, ADby TannenDanm, Teresa Taylor and Bob Feger, Joe %wnsend, Freddie Wachsberger and Sylvia Newman, Leslie Wdsman, Tom Wic~am, Jeri Woodhouse. This slaace donated as a [aubli¢ servi~e by Th~ Suffolk Times S U R V E Y SuFfolk Oounkcj Depmc~menL oF Public Hocks 555 ¥ophank Avenue Y'mphc~nk, New 'Fork I Iq80 C, ommissionec: C, hocies d. B~ac~hca, F~.E. Pond Table oF SOT* Andre~ Le~ieri Area = ~,1~2 s.L or 14.qc~ Acres · i,4onum~nf. o Plp~ He~londs (F c:ln~j) ore not Iocot;ed or shown hereon COVe '27"~ ®I~A?HIO SCALE O IOO .53.68' GEODETIC MARKER l[U N - 55q ,8qq .q ¥ E= 1,447,812.q6 JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 REIm,~I-IP SERVERXD~PR OS\01-271D.pro CI~TI[F~D TO: J~JlDIRI[.rI['Y BIATIOlqAL Tl'Jrllt TOWI~I OF gOUTEOLD COUNTY OF gU~OLK SUFFOLK COUNTY OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION PROGRAM SOUTHOLD TOHN OPEN SPACE PROGRAM SITUATE.. EAST MARION TOIdN..SOUTHOLP SUFFOLK-. COUNTY, NY $UFEVEYED [I-[5-~001 SUFPOLK COUNT7' TAX l~ IOOO - DI - 5 - 1.2