HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-06/13/2011PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLL~VI J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENStCI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Present were: PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 13, 2011 6:00 p.m. Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson William J. Cremers, Member Kenneth L. Edwards, Member James H. Rich Ill, Member Donald J. Wilcenski, Member Heather Lanza, Planning Director Brian Cummings, Planner Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner Carol Kalin, Secretary RECEIVED *' ~ JtlL 1 8 2011 z'"/n - ., -.-fl? ." Sot~holcl Town Clerk SETTING OF THE NEXT PLANNING BOARD MEETING Martin Sidor: Good evening, and welcome to the Southold Town Planning Board's regularly-scheduled monthly Public Meeting. Our first order of business is to set Monday, July 11,2011 at 6 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, as the time and place for the next regular Planning Board Public Meeting. Kenneth Edwards: So moved. Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Southold Town Planninq Board Page Two June 13, 2011 PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 p.m. - Perillo~ Thomas & Edith - SCTM#1000-145-2-17.1 & 17.2 - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer the r.o.w. (the flagpole) for SCTM1000-45-2-17.1 from the west side to the east side of SCTM 1000-145-2-17.2. Lot 17.2 will decrease in size from 22,457 s.f. to 22,344 s.f. Lot 17.1 will increase from 30,235 s.f. to 30,546 s.f. An area variance from the ZBA was granted in 2006 for lot area and a zero ft. side yard setback. The property is located on the south side of Peconic Bay Boulevard at the intersection of Laurelwood Drive, Mattituck. Martin Sidor: Anyone in the audience who wishes to address the Planning Board regarding this application, please step forward, state your name and address, and write your name and address for the record. Patricia Moore: Good evening, I'm the attorney for the applicant, Mr. & Mrs. Perillo. The description sets forth pretty accurately and concisely what the proposal here is. The subdivision was approved by both the Zoning Board and the Planning Board back in 1979 and these efforts are to relocated a flag that had originally been located on the west side. Mr. Perillo has been working on building a garage and the only logical place for the garage is the west side, which required the relocation of the right-of-way. We are here to answer any questions and hopefully this can move forward. Thank you. Martin Sidor: Thank you. Is there anyone else in the audience who wishes to address the Planning Board regarding this application? Hearing none ..... Donald Wilcenski: I make a motion to close the hearing. William Cremers: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Southold Town Planning Board Page Three June 13, 2011 SET PUBLIC HEARINGS North Fork Community Theater - SCTM#1000-141-4-26 & 32.1 - This proposed Lot Line Change will increase SCTM#1000-141-04-26 from 0.15 acres to 0.41 acres. SCTM#1000-141-04-32.1 will decrease from 2.613 acres to 2.35 acres. The property is located at 12700 Sound Avenue on the south side of Sound Avenue, 197.02 ft. east of Pacific Street, Mattituck. Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed lot line change will increase SCTM#1000-141-04~26 from 0.15 acres to 0.41 acres. SCTM#1000-141~04-32.1 will decrease from 2.613 acres to 2.35 acres; and WHEREAS, the Mattituck Presbyterian Church is the owner of the properties located at 12700 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-141-4-26 & 32.1; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2011, the agent, Reza Ebrahimi, Esq., submitted a Lot Line Modification application for consideration; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July t 1, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the map dated February 2, 2010, and last revised on January 14, 2011. Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Lieb Vines, LLC - SCTM#1000-83-3-2.1 - This Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 5,569 s.f. agricultural storage building to a wine-tasting room and dry storage building, and includes a 10,427 s.f. bluestone parking lot and a 1,440 s.f. brick patio. The property is located at 13050 Oregon Road, Cutchogue. James Rich Ill: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 5,569 s.f. agricultural storage building to a wine-tasting room and dry storage building, and includes a 10,427 s.f. bluestone parking lot and a 1,440 s.f. brick patio; and Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Four June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, Lieb Vines, LLC is the owner of the property located at 13050 Oregon Road, SCTM#1000-83-3-2.1; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2011, the agent, William Kelly, submitted a site plan application for consideration; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July 11, 2011 at 6:02 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the site plan dated May 20, 2010. William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Sherwood House Vineyards - SCTM#1000-100-4-5.3 - This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of two brick patios, one at 160 s.f. and the other 706 s.f. for an outdoor wine tasting area that will include a 3,888 s.f. gravel parking lot with connecting paved footpaths. The property is located at 2600 Oregon Road, +/- 460 ft. west of Elijah's Lane, Mattituck. Martin Sidor: I will be recusing myself for this one, on advice from Town Counsel. William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed construction of two brick patios, one at 160 s.f. and the other at 706 s.f. for an outdoor wine tasting area that will include a 3,888 s.f. gravel parking lot with connecting paved footpaths; and WHEREAS, Charles & Barbara Smithen are the owners of the property located at 2600 Oregon Road, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-100-4-5.3; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2011, the agent, Patricia C. Moore, Esq., submitted a site plan application for consideration; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July 11,2011 at 6:04 p.m. for a public hearing on the site plan dated April 6,2011, and last revised on June 1, 2011. Southold Town Planning Board Page Five June 13, 2011 Kenneth Edwards: Second the motion. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? William Cremers, Kenneth Edwards, James Rich, III, Donald Wilcenski: Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. Pindar Vineyard - SCTM#1000-86-1-15 - This Site Plan is for the proposed re-location of a 3,259 s.f. steel agricultural storage building from an adjacent parcel. The building is 82' x 39', with a height of 15', and will be located 600 ft. north of NYS Rt. 25. The property is located at 4195 Route 25, 1,132' +/- west of Peconic Lane & NYS Route 25, Peconic. Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed re-location of a 3,259 s.f. steel agricultural storage building from an adjacent parcel. The building is 82' x 39', with a height of 15', and will be located 600 ft. North of NYS Rt. 25; and WHEREAS, Herodotus Damianos is the owner of the property located at 4195 Route 25, Peconic, SCTM#1000-86-1-15; and WHEREAS, on May 5, 2011, the agent, Pindar Damianos, submitted a site plan application for consideration; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the $outhold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July 11,2011 at 6:06 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the site plan dated March 10, 2011. William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Motion carries. Southold Town Planninq Board Page Six June 13, 2011 Manor Grove Corp. - This proposal is for an 80/60 Conservation Subdivision of a 29.8- acre parcel into 2 lots where Lot 1 = 0.72 acres (31,450 s.f.) is clustered in the LB Zoning District, and Lot 2 = 28.74 acres to be preserved as open space in the R-80 & LB Zoning Districts. The property is located on the northeastern corner of Albertson Lane & Main Road (S.R. 25) in Greenport. SCTM#1000-53-1-1.2 & 1.3 James Rich III: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposal is for an 80/60 Conservation Subdivision of a 29.8 acre parcel into 2 lots where Lot I = 0.72 acres (31,450 s.f.) is clustered in the LB Zoning District and Lot 2 -- 28.74 acres to be preserved as open space in the R-80 & LB Zoning Districts; and WHEREAS, a Sketch Plan Application was submitted on January 28, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the plans at their May 18, 2009 and January 19, 2010 Work Sessions and accepted the application in January for review; and WHEREAS, on March 22,2011 and April 6, 2011, revised plans were submitted to the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the revised plans at their April 11,2011 Work Session and found that this application was ready for Sketch Plan determination; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Sketch Plan Approval for the map entitled "Manor Grove Corporation Conservation Subdivision", dated February 2, 2009 and last revised April 4, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III, Land Surveyor; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July 11,2011 at 6:08 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the map dated February 2, 2010, and last revised on January 14, 2011. William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Southold Town Planninq Board Page Seven June 13, 2011 Droskoski & Sepenoski - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 13,872 sq. ft. from SCTM#1000-18-4-7.8 to SCTM#1000-18-4-7.4. SCTM#1000-18-4-7.4 will increase in size from 38,880 sq. ft. to 52,752 sq. ft. after the proposed lot line change is complete in the R-80 Zoning District. The properties are located at 27835 NYS Route 25 on the southwest corner of the intersection of Brown's Hill Road & NYS Route 25, Orient. Donald Wilcenski: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 13,872 sq. ft. from SCTM#1000- 18-4-7.8 to SCTM#1000-18-4-7.4. SCTM#1000-18-4-7.4 will increase in size from 38,880 sq. ft. to 52,752 sq. ft. after the proposed lot line change is complete in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, Patricia Sepenoski and Stanley Droskoski are the owners of the properties located at 27835 S.R. 25, Orient, SCTM#1000-18-4-7.4 & 7.8; and WHEREAS, on January 26, 2011, the agent, Harvey A. Arnoff, Esq., submitted a Lot Line Modification application for consideration; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July 11,2011 at 6:10 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the map dated February 2, 2010, and last revised on January 14, 2011. William Cremers: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. SUBDIVISIONS - FINAL DETERMINATIONS FIDCO/Fer.quson Museum/Harris - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 15,145 s.f. from SCTM#1000-7-1-6.1 to SCTM#1000-7-1-7. Lot 6.1 will decrease from 2.08 acres to 1.71 acres, and Lot 7 will increase from 1.62 acres to 1.97 acres. Further, SCTM#1000-7-2-10 will transfer 11,640 s.f. to Lot 7, where Lot 7 will increase from 1.62 acres to 2.24 acres, and Lot 10 will decrease from 7.51 acres to 7.24 acres in the R-120 Zoning District. The property is located on a (no #) private road off of East End Road, Fishers Island. Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Eight June 13, 12011 Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, the members of the Board and I wish to recuse myself because I am on the Fishers Island Museum Board for this action. Martin Sidor: So noted. William Cremers: I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 15,145 s.f. from SCTM1000-7-1- 6.1 to SCTM1000-7-1-7. Lot 6.1 will decrease from 2.06 acres to 1.71 acres, and Lot 7 will increase from 1.62 acres to 1.97 acres. Further, SCTM1000-7-2-10 will transfer 11,640 s.f. to Lot 7, where Lot 7 will increase from 1.62 acres to 2.24 acres, and Lot 10 will decrease from 7.51 acres to 7.24 acres in the R-120 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, an application for a Lot Line Modification was submitted on October 8, 2010 by Jane M. Harris and The Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. & Fishers Island Development Corporation for the property located at (no #) private road off East End Road, Fishers Island, SCTM#1000-7-1-6.1 & 7~1-7 & 7-2-10, R-120 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Town Code §240-56 Waivers of Certain Provisions, may waive certain elements of the subdivision review if in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare. After reviewing the information submitted for this application, the Planning Board has determined that it is eligible for a waiver of the ERSAP, the Primary and Secondary Conservation Area Plan, and the Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat steps of the subdivision process for the following reasons: 1. No new lots are being created. 2. The lots involved are either already developed or are being preserved as open space. 3. No changes will occur as a result of this Lot Line Change that would affect the character of the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, on May 17,2011 the applicant submitted draft deeds that contain the following: a. a reference to this Planning Board approval of the Lot Line Modification; and b. a schedule (or schedules) with legible illustrations of the lot line changes made and that will be filed as a page (or pages) in the deed,and those deeds were found to be acceptable for filing; and WHEREAS, on June 2,2011, the applicant submitted a Quit-Claim Deed from the owner of the Tax Map Parcel #1000-7-4-10 relinquishing any claims of access over the portion of the paper road to be extinguished by this Lot Line Modification; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Nine June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that Tax Map Parcel #1000~7-4-10 does not meet the Lot Recognition Code, and is part of the same parcel as Tax Map Number 1000-7-4-9, also known as the Corbiere parcel on the current FIDCO subdivision map; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposed action meets the necessary requirements of Town Code §240 for a Lot Line Modification; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby waives the requirements of §240 to submit the ERSAP, Primary and Secondary Conservation Plans, Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat steps; Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? William Cremers, James Rich III, Martin Sidor, Donald Wilcenski: Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. William Cremers: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, hereby makes a determination of non-significance for the proposed Lot Line Modification and grants a Negative Declaration; James Rich II1: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? William Cremers, James Rich III, Martin Sidor, Donald Wilcenski: Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. William Cremers: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Final Approval on the maps entitled "Jane M. Harris, Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. & Fishers Island Development Corp." dated March 25, 2010 last revised October 2, 2010 and prepared by CME Associates Engineering, Land Surveying & Architecture, PLLC. Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? William Cremers, James Rich III, Martin Sidor, Donald Wilcenski: Ayes. Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Ten June 13, 2011 Martin Sidor: Motion carries. SUBDIVISIONS - CONDITIONAL FINAL DETERMINATIONS Batta.qlia, Joseph & Heidi - SCTM#1000-64-3-3 - This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 101,022 sq. ft. parcel into two lots where Lot 1 is equal to 43,213 sq. ft. and Lot 2 is equal to 57,809 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located at 1720 Hobart Road, on the w/s/o Hobart Road, approximately 1,059 feet n/o Terry Lane, Southold. Donald Wilcenski: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 101,022 sq. ft. parcel into two lots where Lot 1 is equal to 43,213 sq. ft. and Lot 2 is equal to 57,809 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, an application for Sketch Approval was submitted on November 3, 2008; and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, established itself as lead agency for the Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, on March 11, 2009, the Southold Fire District found "adequate fire protection" for the parcel; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board resolved to waive the prohibition on disturbance of existing conditions to allow for the demolition of an existing barn, and again on June 9, 2009, to allow for the demolition of an existing house and construction of a new house; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval on July 14, 2009 upon the map entitled "Standard Subdivision of Joseph & Heidi Battaglia", dated May 28, 2008 and last revised April 18, 2009, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, L.S.; and WHEREAS, on October 19, 2009, the applicant submitted an application for Preliminary Approval; and Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Eleven June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, on January 11,2010, a Preliminary Public Hearing was held and closed on the Preliminary Subdivision Plat entitled "Standard Subdivision of Joseph & Heidi Battaglia", dated May 28, 2008 and last revised April 18, 2009, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III, L.S.; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2010, the Suffolk County Water Authority issued a Letter of Water Availability for the action; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, based upon an uncoordinated review of this Unlisted Action made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Preliminary Approval upon the Preliminary Subdivision Plat entitled "Standard Subdivision of Joseph & Heidi Battaglia", dated May 28, 2008 and last revised April 18, 2009, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin,.lll, L.S., subject to six (6) conditions; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2010, the Suffolk County Planning Commission issued one comment on the subdivision relating to the 100' minimum setback required to tidal water bodies; and WHEREAS, on August 8, 2010, the Conditional Preliminary Approval granted on February 8, 2010 expired; and WHEREAS on September 3, 2010, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services issued approval for the action; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2010, the applicant requested that Conditional Preliminary Approval be extended; and WHEREAS, on October 20, 2010, the applicant submitted a Final Application; and WHEREAS, on February 14, 2011, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension of Conditional Preliminary Approval to August 8, 2011; and WHEREAS, on April 11,2011, the Southold Town Planning Board held and closed a public hearing on the plat titled "Final Plat of Joseph & Heidi Battaglia", dated May 28, 2008 dated and last revised October 17, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board heard numerous concerns from the community regarding: Southold Town Planning Board Page Twelve June 13,2011 1. The clearing of vegetation within the clearing limits established by Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval; and 2. The clearing of areas other than that necessary to achieve the actions outlined in the waivers granted by the Southold Town Planning Board on April 27, 2009 and June 9, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board required the re-vegetation of the cleared clearing limits/buffer areas established by Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval; and WHEREAS, the applicant has re-vegetated the area, however, the Planning Board deemed the planted vegetation in a certain location on Lot 2 as inadequate in height and density; and WHEREAS, in a June 3, 2011 letter, the Southold Town Planning Board required that the applicant install additional evergreen trees 10' in height in the location deemed as inadequate; and WHEREAS, to further the intent of §240-49. Clearing: the Southold Town Planning Board is requiring a perpetual 20' wide natural/landscaped buffer along Hobart Avenue; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Final Approval on the plat entitled "Final Plat of Joseph & Heidi Battaglia" dated May 28, 2008 and last revised October 17, 2010, subject to the following conditions: 1. The following amendments are required to the Covenants and Restrictions submitted on October 10, 2010: a. Clause 1. a. Add an exclusion to permit a 4' access path to Town Creek through the non-disturbance, non-fertilization buffer on Lot 2. Remove the terms "weeds and invasive vines" from Line 4 replace with "known exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines". The buffer is a non-disturbance buffer unless otherwise indicated. b. Clause 1. b., Line 2: Insert "Approved Final Plat ". The reference to "shade trees" is too vague; please clarify the intent of the statement. c. Add survivability language to clause 1. c.: All planted vegetation installed within the clearing limits as established by the Planning Board on the approved Preliminary Plat shall be guaranteed to survive for a period of three years from final acceptance of the planted vegetation by the Planning Board. In the event that any of the planted vegetation dies, the landowner shall replace such vegetation at their expense. Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirteen June 13, 2011 d. Add a clause: A 20' wide natural/landscaped buffer running along the property boundary described as S 26 degrees 25 minutes 00 E seconds for a distance of 282.61' then S 43 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds E for a distance of 156.80 feet shall be established. The 20' natural/landscaped buffer is established in perpetuity. The current and all subsequent landowners of Lots 1 and 2 shall be responsible for maintenance of the perpetual 20' natural/landscaped buffer area. All planted vegetation within this area shall be guaranteed to survive for a period of three years. In the event that any of the planted vegetation dies, the landowner shall replace such vegetation at their expense. Any changes to trees and shrubs require Planning Board approval. Add language indicating that the construction of the driveway to Lot 1 be excluded from the buffer conditions. e. Add a clause indicating the establishment of a 50' wide x 145.18' long drainage easement running along the property boundary described as S 35 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds W. f. A total of 10 wire friendly street trees shall be installed along the eastern property boundary. Street trees shall be guaranteed to survive for a three year period. In the event that the street tree dies, the applicant shall replace such tree(s) at their expense. All trees shall be installed using acceptable tree planting standards. g. Clause 1. d. does not apply to Lot 2. Please amend the clause to apply only to Lot 1. h. Add clause: The use of synthetic herbicides, pesticides and/or fertilizers capable of entering surface or ground waters is prohibited on Lots 1 and 2. i. Add clause: All utility connections shall be constructed underground. j. Add clause: Prior to construction activity on any of the lots within the subdivision, the project will require a General Permit for storm water run-off from construction activity administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Under Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. k. Add clause: Concrete property boundary monuments shall be required. Monuments shall be set on the inside corners of outside boundaries of the land subdivided at each point where there is a change of alignment. Except where the boundary is a watercourse, the monuments shall be offset in the line of the adjacent traverse. Once the changes have been made, submitted and approved by the Planning Board and the Town Attorney's Office, file the Covenants and Restrictions with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk. The Liber and page number recorded shall also be recorded on each Final Plat. Southold Town Planning Board Page Fourteen June 131 2011 2. Install additional evergreen trees 10' in height in the buffer area pursuant to the letter dated June 3, 2011. Upon acceptance by the Planning Board, provide a letter detailing the location and specification of planted vegetation within the clearing limits established by the Planning Board on the approved Preliminary Plat. Note this area would include the perpetual 20' natural/landscaped buffer the Planning Board is requiring. Provide the listed Final Plat Amendments on the Final Plat, dated May 28, 2008 & last revised October 17, 2010: a. Show a perpetual 20' wide natural/landscaped buffer along Hobart Avenue running S 26 degrees 25 minutes 00 E seconds for a distance of 282.61' then S 43 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds E for a distance of 156.80 feet. Have the surveyor provide the exact metes and bounds of the buffer on the Final Plat. The buffer is included within the required clearing limits and maintenance activities are limited to removal of dead/diseased trees hazardous to life or property and planting of additional vegetation indigenous to the area. b. Show the proposed location of the driveway on Lot 1. This area will be located through the perpetual 20' natural/landscaped buffer conditions and excluded from the conditions. c. Clearly show the limit of clearing areas on Lots I and 2 (as shown on the approved Preliminary Plat). Include the buffer along Hobart Avenue and area adjacent to the North property boundary. Label the areas "Limit of Clearing". d. Show an accurate depiction of the new residential structure and driveway on Lot 2. e. Show the pine tree rile of the new residential structure on Lot 2. f. Show a 4' wide access path through the 30' Wide Non-Disturbance\Non- Fertilization Buffer to access the proposed dock. This area will be excluded from the 30' Wide Non-Disturbance\Non-Fertilization Buffer conditions. g. Show a 50' x 145.18' wide drainage easement area along the southerly property line of lot #2. This area would be dedicated to the Town of Southold and utilized by the Highway Department for the future installation of drainage that would reduce the quantity of storm water run-off entering the Town Creek. h. Show a street tree planting diagram. Provide a schematic showing the location of the species and specifications of vegetation planted within the clearing limits and 20' buffer adjacent to Hobart Road. The plan will be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk. Once the changes are made and approved by the Planning Board, please submit 12 paper copies and 4 mylar copies of the final plat with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval stamp. Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Fifteen June 13, 2011 5. Provide a draft drainage easement for the 50' wide x 145.18' long area the Town is requesting for storm water control purposes including a metes and bounds description. 6. Submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to indicate compliance with the requirements of Town Code Section 236 for Storm Water Management. 7. Submit a $7,000.00 Park and Playground Fee ($7,000.00 per created lot) pursuant to § 240-53. Reservation of parkland on subdivision plats containing residential units. 8. Submit a $2000.00 Administration Fee pursuant to §240-37(C) of the Southold Town Code. William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. SITE PLAN DETERMINATIONS Indian Neck Farm - SCTM#1000-98-'1-2.1 & 27.1 and 97-9-10.4 & 12 - This Site Plan is for a change of use for existing buildings from residential accessory structures to primary agricultural structures. The buildings include three home barns, two at 5,087 s.f. and one at 6,885 s.f., and two 12' diameter silos. Buildings proposed to be added include six 12' X 24' pasture shelters. Also proposed is a 1,243 s.f. apartment on the second floor of the largest barn for the purpose of living quarters for on-site supervision of the horses (granted a ZBA special exception approval as a "Farm Labor Camp" in February, 2011) on a 133+ acre parcel in the A-C Zoning District. The property is located at 4170 Indian Neck Lane on the s/s/o Indian Neck Lane, 646 feet west of Arrowhead Lane, Peconic. Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Sixteen June 131 2011 Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this site plan is for a change of use for existing buildings from residential accessory structures to primary agricultural structures. The buildings include three horse barns, two at 5,087 s.f. and one at 6,885 s.f., and two 12' diameter silos. Buildings proposed to be added include six 12' X 24' pasture shelters. Also proposed is a 1,243 s.f. apartment on the second floor of the largest barn for the purpose of living quarters for on-site supervision of the horses (granted a ZBA special exception approval as a "Farm Labor Camp" in February, 2011) on a 133+ acre parcel in the A-C Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted an application for site plan review on February 10, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) (6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c) (3) has determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for (6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c) (3) "agricultural farm management practices, including construction...of farm buildings and structures..." and not subject to review under SEQRA; and WHEREAS, on March 3, 2011, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2011, the Southold Town Architectural Review Committee reviewed and determined that the proposed building was acceptable; and WHEREAS, on April 20, 2011, the Southold Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 2011, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and has recommended the proposed project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies. The Coordinator noted that the area is included and identified as an "archeo-sensitive area" by the New York State Preservation Office, however due to the minimal area of soil disturbance proposed in the construction of the pasture shelters, the recommendation was to waive the requirement of a archeological site survey; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2011, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the above- referenced application and has determined the proposed drainage meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Seventeen June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, on June 6,2011, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed Site Plan as a permitted use in the A-C Zoning District; and WHEREAS, this action is exempt from Suffolk County Planning Commission referral pursuant to the inter-municipal agreement between the SCPC and the Town of Southold which states: site plan applications proposing less than 5,000 square feet of new or renovated floor are or less than 10,000 square feet of land disturbance should not be subject to referral. This Site Plan is proposing approximately 3,000 square feet of floor area; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280- 131 B (5), has the discretion to vary or waive the parking requirements for Site Plan Applications where doing so would not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety or general welfare, and will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and provision of the Site Plan Requirements chapter of the Town Code. The Planning Board has found that this application is eligible for a waiver of parking requirements because the application is for an agricultural use and part of an active farm operation, is not open to the public, and the parcel is large in size relative to the proposed and existing structures (the structures will cover 1.07% of the farm area), leaving a large amount of area to accommodate any vehicles accessing the site; and WHEREAS, all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations Article XXIV, §280 - Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby waives the parking requirements; William Cremers: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Kenneth Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Southold Town Planning Board Page Eighteen June 13, 2011 Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Kenneth Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval to the Site Plan entitled "Indian Neck Farm" prepared by Barrett, Bonacci and Van Weele on March 15, 2008 and last revised on March 28, 2011, and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the Site Plan. James Rich, II1: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. APPROVAL EXTENSIONS GriRonis, Estate of Antone - SCTM#1000-55-'I-5.1 & 55-2-8.5 - This proposal is for an 80/60 clustered Conservation Subdivision on 21.5978 acres of land (SCTM#1000-55-1- 5.1 and 1000-55-2-8.5) into seven (7) lots where Lot 1 = 43,904 sq. ft.; Lot 2 = 40,001 sq. ft.; Lot 3 = 40,604 sq. ft.; Lot 4 = 55,211 sq. ft. inclusive of a 13,364 sq. ff. right-of- way; Lot 5 = 7.33 acres and is proposed to be preserved through a Sale of Development Rights to Suffolk County; Lot 6 = 9.45 acres and is proposed to be preserved through a Sale of Development Rights to Suffolk County; and Lot 7 = 30,000 sq. ft. and will be dedicated to the Town of Southold for drainage purposes. The property is located at 5410 You ngs Avenue on the west and east sides of Young's Avenue, s/o Old North Road, Southold. James Rich, II1: Mr. Chairman, I offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposal is for an 80/60 clustered Conservation Subdivision on 21.5978 acres of land (SCTM1000-55-1-5.1 and 1000-55-2-8.5) into seven (7) lots, where Lot I = 43,904 sq. ft., Lot 2 = 40,001 sq. ft., Lot 3 = 40,604 sq. ft., Lot 4 = 55,211 sq. ft. inclusive of a 13,364 sq. ft. row, Lot 5 = 7.33 acres and is proposed to be preserved through a Sale of Development Rights to Suffolk County, Lot 6 = 9.45 acres and is proposed to be preserved through a Sale of Development Rights to Suffolk County and Lot 7 = 30,000 sq. ft. and will be dedicated to the Town of Southold for drainage purposes; and Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Nineteen June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, on March 12, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S., dated July 12, 2006 and last revised on January 11, 2007; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2008, the applicant requested an Extension of Conditional Sketch Approval; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an Extension of Conditional Sketch Approval from September 12, 2007 to September 12, 2008 on the map, prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S., dated July 12, 2006 and last revised on January 11, 2007; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2008, the Extension of Conditional Sketch Approval expired; and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2008, the applicant submitted a request for a second six (6) month Extension of Conditional Sketch Approval; and WHEREAS, on December 19, 2008, drinking water test results were made available to the applicant and the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS, on May 19, 2009, the Town of Southold adopted Resolution 2009-418 approving the amendment to the water map and allowing for an extension of the water main from Old North Road to provide public water to the proposed three residential lots on Youngs Avenue; and WHEREAS, the applicant has received all necessary approvals from all involved private parties (devisees referenced above); and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board agreed to re-issue Conditional Sketch Approval for the following reasons: 1) The applicant was awaiting drinking water test results from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. 2) The applicant was awaiting a response from the Town of Southold regarding a request to extend the public water main to the proposed 3 lots being created as part of this Conservation Subdivision. 3) The applicant was working with seven other devisees named in the Last Will and Testament for Antone Grigonis on approvals from those devisees for moving forward with the proposed Conservation Subdivision; and Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Twenty June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, on July 13, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board re-issued Conditional Sketch Approval on the map entitled "Cluster Conservation Subdivision For The Property Of The Estate Of Antone Grigonis" prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S., dated July 12, 2006 and last revised on January 11,2007; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2011, the applicant submitted a request to the Southold Town Planning Board to extend Conditional Sketch Approval for six (6) months; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby extends Conditional Sketch Approval for a period of six (6) months from the date of this resolution to December 13, 2011. Donald Wilcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Matt-A-Mar Marina Expansion LLC - SCTM#1000-114-3-1 - This amended Site Plan is for a new boat storage building of 28,480 sq. ft. and a new 2-story office of 6,778 sq. ft. on an 8.5-acre parcel in the M-II Zone located on the w/s/o Wickham Avenue approximately 210' n/o Freeman Avenue, known as 2255 Wickham Avenue in Mattituck. Donald Wilcenski: Mr. Chairman, I will the following resolution: WHEREAS, this site plan is for a new boat storage building of 28,480 sq. ft. and a new 2-story office with storage of 5,738 sq. ft. on an 8.5-acre parcel in the M-II Zone located approximately 210' n/o Freeman Avenue, on the w/s/o Wickham Avenue, known as 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-114-3-1; and WHEREAS, Matt-A-Mar Marina, LLC, is the applicant and owner of the 8.5-acre parcel in the M-II Zone located approximately 210' n/o Freeman Avenue, on the w/s/o Wickham Avenue, known as 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck; and WHEREAS, on February 14, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board granted approval on the site plan prepared by East End Design Associates, LLC and certified by James J. Deerkoski, Professional Engineer, dated January 18, 2004 and last revised January 9, 2006; and Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-One June 13, 2011 WHEREAS, in a letter, dated September 10, 2008, the agent, Patricia Moore, Esq., requested an extension of site plan approval; and WHEREAS, on September 23, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension to the Final Approval from February 9, 2009 to August 9, 2009; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated June 6, 2009, the agent, Patricia Moore, Esq., requested an additional extension of site plan approval; and WHEREAS, on July 14, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension to the Final Approval from August 9, 2009 to February 9, 2010; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated January 7, 2010, the agent, Patricia Moore, Esq., requested an additional extension of Site Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an Extension of Approval from February 9, 2010 to February 9, 2011 on the Site Plan prepared by East End Design Associates, LLC and certified by James J. Deerkoski, Professional Engineer, dated January 18, 2004 and last revised January 9, 2006; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated April 20, 2011, the agent, Patricia Moore, Esq., requested an additional one year extension of Site Plan Approval; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants an Extension of Site Plan Approval from February 9, 2011 to February 9, 2012 on the site plan prepared by East End Design Associates, LLC and certified by James J. Deerkoski, Professional Engineer, dated January 18, 2004 and last revised January 9, 2006. William Cremers: Second the motion. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. APPROVAL OF PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Martin Sidor: We need a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes of May 9, 2011. Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Two June 13, 2011 William Cremers: So moved. Donald WiIcenski: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Martin Sidor: Does anyone on the Planning Board or staff wish to put anything on the Minutes? Hearing none, do I have a motion to adjourn? William Cremers: So moved. James Rich, II1: Second. Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Meeting is ended. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ADJOURNED at 6:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Martin H. Sidor, Chair RSCEIVED JUL 1 8 2011 Id Town Clerk